Saint Pedro Poveda College High School Department S.Y. 2015-2016

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High School Department

S.Y. 2015-2016


#1 Sofia Athena M. Abalos

#2 Raniella S. Aznar
#5 Dominique Anne B. Bongala
#11 Alyssa Joy K. Cruz
#12 Bianca Yasmine N. Cuevas
#13 Justine Gabriella A. Daquioag
#17 Maria Carmela E. Espaol
#24 Maria Teresa Gabriela J. Oppen
#31 Sophia Maria C. Sobrevias
#33 Jamie Alexis A. Suarez


This study aims to help the households of Barangay Mauway earn higher income by providing a
home-based job opportunity to the working age women of the community. The study's intent is to improve
the average income of families in Barangay Mauway by increasing the number of employed women in the
community. The women will be employed to produce bags and pouches made from recycled materials in
their own homes and sell such products to gain a profit. The bags will be created in their own homes by
simple sewing and weaving procedures, which they will be taught, and with simple materials, which they
will be provided with.
CHAPTER I: Introduction

Background of the Study

Poverty is one of the leading issues in the world today. According to the World Bank
(2012), the poverty rate of the Philippines was at 25.2% as recorded in 2012. Additionally,
unemployment and underemployment also present major issues in society. As reported by the
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the country's unemployed rate was found to comprise 6.6%
of the total labor force, as of January 2015. This translates to 2.6 million jobless Filipinos. The
high poverty rate and unemployment rate account for a low average income of an average Filipino
household. This study is directed at targeting poverty by providing job opportunities to the part of
society that comprise a large of fraction of the unemployed, specifically, the women. This study
therefore aims to improve the average income of households in Barangay Mauway by training the
unemployed adult women of the community, aged 18-60 years old, to establish home-based
industries focused on the production of handmade recycled bags, known as doy pack bags.

So many needy brothers and sisters are waiting for help, oppressed are waiting for
justice, unemployed are waiting for a job, and are waiting for respect." (Catholic Church, The
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 5). This states that since we are part of the
Church, each individual is called on a mission to liberate their less fortunate brothers from their
hardships. As a response to the mission brought upon by the Gaudium et Spes, the group aims to
alleviate poverty in the community, one of their leading concerns, by providing unemployed

citizens the opportunity to work. This not only gives the citizens the means to rise from
oppression, but gives them a path to produce a fundamental human good, which according to the
Laborem Exercens, is work. The Laborem Exercens also mentions work as the primary key to the
economic activity and the true answer to the social question of labor. This is one reason why the
group chose to address poverty by addressing unemployment, especially among the women, where
unemployment rates are rampant.
The preface of the Gaudium et Spes also contributes to the means of which the group
aims to answer their mission. The Gaudium et Spes, says that the joys, hopes, griefs and afflictions
of the men of this age are also the joys, hopes, griefs and afflictions of the followers of Christ.
Because it mentions this, it calls for a solidarity between the group and the people of the
community.The group, in their interactions with the community, tried to understand which
particular part of the community was most afflicted. Upon gathering their investigations, the group
found a commonly affected group in each household- the women.
In the see stage of the Povedan Pastoral Cycle, the group found that in the community,
each household had an insufficient income to sustain their respective families basic necessities. It
was also discovered, that among the working class of the community, the highest unemployment
rate was found among the women of the community, while most men were already employed. For
the judge stage, the group decided that it would be best for the community to improve their
livelihood by providing job opportunities to those that unemployed women, so they may also
contribute to their households income . Lastly, for the act stage, the group decided that they will
guide the community in creating home-based businesses for women so that they may contribute to
their households income, and raise the average income of each household in the community. The
group decided that they will guide the community in creating home-based businesses for women
so that they may contribute to their households income, and raise the average income of each
household in the community. The group will also pray for the community and for the success of
the project throughout the time the project is to be mandated.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to seek answers to the following questions:

1. Will providing the women of Barangay Mauway a home based job opportunity, specifically in the
production of doypack bags, improve the average income of each household in the

Will the products that these women will sell be profitable?

Significance of the Study

The group discovered, upon interviewing the women of the community, that the main
reason most of the women do not work is because they are bound by their household
responsibilities, such as taking care of their children. In response to this, the group then proposed
to provide the women an opportunity to allow them to work in their own homes, without
compromising their availability on working on household chores. The study aims to improve the
average income of each household in Barangay Mauway by providing the unemployed women,
aged 18-60 years old, the opportunity to work on a home-based job, that will allow them to
contribute to their households income without neglecting their household responsibilities. In order
for this to be achieved, the researchers thought of introducing them to a home-based job centered
on the production of hand sewn recyclable bags or pouches called doypack bags.
The people who will primarily benefit from this project are the housewives of Barangay
Mauway; since they will be the ones producing and selling the products and they will be the ones
directly earning the money. This will serve as an opportunity for them to work and be able to
contribute to the income of their families, who will be also benefit from the project. Aso, because
they will be able to work within their households, the women also have the opportunity to tend to
their own household while working. This will address both their concerns on the lack of income,
as well as their concerns in their household responsibilities.

Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to improve the average income of families in Barangay Mauway by
utilizing the unemployed women in the community within the working age. When initially
creating the experiment, the group discovered the population of the community was too large for

the group to entirely take into consideration and it would have been impossible for the group to
address all individual concerns. To remedy this problem, the group selected 20% of the population
of the community to take into consideration for the study, rather than the whole community.
Because of this, the study was limited by scope of which it took its initial information from and
the scope of which the project will extend to. Prior to this, the study will entail a large amount of
time, since the time given for the project initially had to be divided into the time necessary to
pinpoint the communitys enigma and its solution, and will further have to be divided into the time
necessary to mandate such a project and the time it will take for its effects to be observed. Because
of this, the project will be limited by the total 7 months given, since 7 months will not allow
enough time to entirely observe the project's effects. The group was also not provided much funds
for the project and therefore, will limit the number of people the project can be extended to, since
the group will need more funds to provide necessary materials and training to mandate the project
to a further scope.
CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature
CHAPTER III: Methodology
In order to create the recycled bags, the people participating in the project will be
provided with the doypacks, ready to be cleaned, cut and sewed together. The use of a sewing
machine is optional, and can be used if they already own one, but the recycled bags can easily be
sewed or weaved by hand, and therefore a sewing machine will not be mandatory. The women
working on the doypack bags will require needles and threads to be used in sewing the doypack
containers together to make the bags and pouches. A pair of scissors or a utility knife will be
needed as well, which will be used for cutting the materials to be used to create the bag, such as
the thread and doypacks. Other optional materials may include, but are not limited to adhesive
backed fasteners, buttons, zippers, ribbons or other fastenings, all of which will depend on the
type of product they intend to make and what type of fastening that particular product will entail.

The group will partner with Kilus foundation for this project. The Kilus foundation will
then provide the housewives of the community with the materials needed to produce the products
they are intended to sell.
The group will then talk to the officials of Barangay Mauway and ask for their
permission to the implement this project, and to explain the advantages this can bring to the
community, and to negotiate discuss further details of the project.
The group intends to spread awareness concerning the project through announcements
and meetings facilitated by the church and by handing out flyers, and by any other means the
officials of Barangay Mauway will suggest and allow.
Seminars and training sessions for producing the doy packs will be held under the
guidance of the members of the Kilus foundation. The seminars will be expected to help induce
the members of Barangay Mauway to join the project, to educate them on how to produce
doypacks product and how to gain profit from selling them, and to encourage them to commit to
the project so that it will endure even in the long run.
The group will then collect the products created by the volunteers by assembling the
volunteers to a designated area where a representative of the organization will be waiting.
After communicating with the partnered organization, the group will then collect the
equivalent of the products the volunteers created. The volunteers will then meet up again in a
designated area where there will be a distribution of salaries.. Together with the distribution of
salaries the volunteers will be oriented on how to further improve in creating the product and how
the project will be further implemented.A test run will then be conducted where the women who
are willing to join will try and create the products. Once the test products have been created, they
are expected to be given to the Kilus foundation, who will check the quality of the products. Once
Kilus screens each product for quality control and whether these products will be fit to be sold.

After all of the previous steps have been completed, an evaluation of the program through
a survey will be conducted by the group in order for them to evaluate the women's reactions on
the project and whether they will be willing to continue the project in the long run.
Expected Result
As a result of the study, the researchers expect there to be a higher amount of employed
housewives in the community. Consequently, the researchers expect the total income of each household per
month, to improve since the women will be contributing to their respective households incomes. Since the
researchers expect the households to have more funds, they expect the households to progress
economically, since they will be able to earn more money and possibly purchase higher quality products
and services with the extra money they garner, as well as have enough funds to pay for other basic

About Kilus foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved on September 20, 2015 from

Catholic Church., & Catholic Church. (2005). Compendium of the social doctrine of the Church. Ottawa:Canadian

Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Catholic Church & John, P. (1981). Encyclical Laborem exercens: Addressed by the Supreme

Pontiff John Paul II to his venerable brothers in the episcopate, to the priests, to the religious families, to

the sons and daughters of the Church, and to all men and women of good will on human work on the

ninetieth anniversary of Rerum novarum. Ottawa: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

John, P. (1981). Laborem exercens. Retrieved on September 20, 2015 from

Gaudium et spes. (n.d.) Retrieved on September 20, 2015 from

Philippines. (2012). Retrieved on September 20, 2015 from

Rivet, S. (September 3, 2014). How to make a juice bag. Retrieved on September 20, 2015 from

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