Astronomy 1 Unit Study Guide

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Astronomy 1 Unit Study Guide

1. Draw and label an illustration of the Geocentric Model and Heliocentric Model of the solar
system. (S6E1a)

2. ________________ proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system? (S6E1a)

3. Explain the Geocentric Model of the Solar System. (S6E1a)

4. Explain the Big Bang Theory. (S6E1a)

5. Read the statements below. Identify whether the statement is True or False. If the statement is
False, explain why it is False. (S6E1a)
a. The universe continues to expand.

b. The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe formed billions of years ago through a
big explosion.

c. The solar system formed at the same time as the Big Bang Theory.

d. The Big Bang is the only existing theory to explain the origin of the universe.

6. Identify the objects that are part of our solar system. (S6E1a)

7. Describe the evidence that the universe is expanding. (S6E1a)

8. Describe the location of our Sun in the universe. (S6E1a)

9. Describe the location of the Sun in our Milky Way Galaxy. (S6E1a)

10. Define a galaxy. (S6E1b)

11. Why cant the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy be seen from the Earth? (S6E1b)

Astronomy 1 Unit Study Guide

12. Define revolution. (S6E1c)

13. Identify the Inner Planets and describe how they are different from the outer planets in our
solar system. (S6E1c)

14. Identify the Outer Planets and describe what they all have in common. (S6E1c)

15. Although the planets in our solar system have distinctive characteristics, they also have
similarities. Identify a characteristic that is similar among the planets in our solar system?

16. Why do objects appear to move across the sky? (S6E1d)

17. Based on your knowledge of the planets Earth and Venus, how are the two planets most
different? (S6E1c)

18. Mercury is about 58 million km away from the Sun with an orbital speed of around 47.8
km/second. Uranus is about 2900 million km away from the Sun with an orbital speed of around
5.5 km/second. What conclusion can you draw about a planets distance from the Sun and its
orbital speed? (S6E1e)
19. Describe how distance affects the Suns gravity on planets and other objects in the solar
system. (S6E1e)

20. Identify which statement below describes a comet, asteroid, or a meteor.

a. Structure is considered to be like a large, dirty snowball _____________
b. Pieces of dust and rock that burn up in the Earths atmosphere ___________
c. Piece of rock similar to the material that formed the planets ____________
d. Composed of dust and rock mixed with frozen water, methane, and ammonia ______
e. Smaller pieces of rock broken from older _________ become meteoroids.
f. Considered harmless even though they can be observed at times from Earth _______
g. Most of these are located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter __________

Astronomy 1 Unit Study Guide

Write the characteristics into the correct planets box in the table on the next page. The number
beside each statement indicates how many times the statement can be used.
*Note: Students are not expected to know each characteristic individually. Rather, students are
expected to know characteristics of a planet collectively and/or characteristics that are common
to several planets.

Larger than Earth (4)

Has one moon
All water is now frozen
Largest planet
Earth-like characteristics (3)
Once had active volcanoes
1 year equals 29 Earth years
Smaller in size in relation to Earth (2)
Only known planet to sustain life
Thinner atmosphere than the Earth
Largest, most impressive ring system
Faint ring of dust
Gaseous planet (4)
Coldest planet
Tipped on its side
A day is longer than a year due to slow
Close to the Earths size (95% of
Atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and
Has large storm system like the Great
Dark Spot

Least dense planet

Spins clockwise
Has no moons
Spins the fastest
Day is 10 hours long
Hottest planet (can melt lead)
Appears red because of rusted soil
Has at least 63 moons
Has no atmosphere
Large red spot
Has severe dust storms at hurricane speeds
Has canyons, craters, mountains, volcanoes
Second largest planet in the solar system
Third largest planet
Atmosphere of methane
More than 70% of the surface is covered by
Brightest object in the sky after the Sun and
Innermost and smallest planet in solar system
Surface has many craters and high cliffs

Astronomy 1 Unit Study Guide











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