Study Habits

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This chapter contains a review of related literature and studies
which provide useful informations to the researchers in the process of
assessing this study.

Study Habits
According to the (2011), students who have
good study habits become very successful in their desired career. This
website states that students practice proper habits to all of their task
or activities in school. The website also advices some tips that will
help study habits of students. The website added that student should
not overload himself or herself in studying all the subjects and doing
school works at one period because it may cause problems such as
studying will not be very effective and incorrect works, and when the
students try to correct, it consumes time.
According to Frank (2011), did a research project to determine
why students fail. At more than 30 years ago, the researcher found
out in a study habits survey was seem like true today. Students fail
because he or she doesnt know how to develop different ways in
effective studying such as time allocation. The students get a good
overview of the assignment before starting the work in order to

estimate the time it will consume. Know what things are expected to
be done and to cover. Start with most difficult first, while the mind is
the freshest and most receptive.
According to Abderisak (2012), without considering the time as
main factor of study habit, students cannot study and do his or her
work properly and efficiently. Time is best study technique and most
important component of studying. It should be properly practice and
observed in studying. Making a schedule, students will be guided in
how they allocate their available time among the academe works,
social life and extracurricular activities.
According to Richards (2014), dividing up large tasks into
smaller ones and doing that earlier in the excess time are a big help in
studying. The tasks and works of the students will be lessened and it
will avoid rushing. It also organizes the material for studying.

Relationship of Time Management on College Students

Academic Performance
Precedent of this study, many researchers have already been
indulging in finding out several conclusions that might be derived








In 1990, as cited by Scott (2011), Macan, Dipboye and Phillips

have already assessed the relationship that exists between time
perception and individual performance in college students. The findings
of these researchers demonstrated that performance and stress levels
are associated with the students' perceptions of their personal control
of time. Students who felt they had greater control of their time
reported greater satisfaction at work and in their lives as a whole.
These students also reported higher GPAs and higher performance
ratings compared to other students. Results indicated that a variety of
factors such as goal-setting, planning, perception of control of time,
and preference for disorganization, affected time management skills
and perception. Of these factors, perceived control of time was the
greatest contributor to higher performance and lower stress. While this
study used self-reports to collect data, and is, thus, limited in some
ways, these finding do indicate that students who believe they have
greater control of their time tend to feeling better about their
academic performance.
Another study by Kennedy and Tuckman (2013) explored the
influence of academic and social values, procrastination, and perceived
school belongingness on academic performances of the collegiate
students. The results showed that a tendency to procrastinate was
related to a students social values but not to academic task values

and grade goal-setting. The study suggests that procrastination may

be an intermediary of the influence of academic and social values on






associated as well to the perceived stress near the end of the term.
However, the








procrastination to the academic performance, mastery and grade point

average (GPA) of the college students.
Moreover, Scott (2011) examined the use of, and attitudes
towards, time management among undergraduates at Brigham Young
University. The pilot survey results showed freshmen who were
concerned with time management and organization had lower GPAs
than those who asserted they were spontaneous and successful
without time management. On the contrary, evidence produced by the
main survey showed positive correlations between GPA and students
who agreed with self-descriptors that showed strong resolve for
planning and structure.

Accountants and their Time

According to Bryce Sanders (2015), Social prospecting makes
all the sense in the world for people with undemanding jobs and plenty
of time on their hands. But, you are a busy accountant. You have no
free time. What now? Common problem of accountants is that they do

not have time to have a social life. The accountants are too busy in
their work that it may be possible that they even forget their own
names. In this article, the author stated different strategies that can
help accountants to do their work and at the same time have a social
life by means of meeting people and participating in different activities.




management for accountants is of paramount importance. As the

author of the article suggests, time is money, thus by efficiently
managing the time of accountants, more work can be done in lesser
time and more money can be earned. Therefore, Your productivity as
an accountant relies on your ability to manage your time, added by
the said author.
According to Craig Jarrow (2013), Certified Public Accountants
more than most other professionals, dont get a second chance when it
comes to time management and getting organized. Miss one deadline
and youre shown the door. In this article, the author stated different
tips to help the accountants formulate a better time management that
can help the accountant himself, the company, as well as the clients of
the company. as a CPA firm that depends on managing time and
organizing work to meet hard and fast deadlines, there is no room for
error in our business. Do you have room for error in yours? A better

accounting of your workflow may be the time management ticket for

you, added by Jarrow.

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