Concise Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology
Concise Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology
Concise Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology
of Plant Pathology
Crop Science
Amarjit S. Basra, PhD
Senior Editor
Heterosis and Hybrid Seed Production in Agronomic Crops edited by Amarjit S. Basra
Intensive Cropping: Efficient Use of Water, Nutrients, and Tillage by S. S. Prihar,
P. R. Gajri, D. K. Benbi, and V. K. Arora
Physiological Bases for Maize Improvement edited by Mara E. Otegui and Gustavo
A. Slafer
Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture and Horticulture: Their Role and Commercial Uses
edited by Amarjit S. Basra
Crop Responses and Adaptations to Temperature Stress edited by Amarjit S. Basra
Plant Viruses As Molecular Pathogens by Jawaid A. Khan and Jeanne Dijkstra
In Vitro Plant Breeding by Acram Taji, Prakash P. Kumar, and Prakash Lakshmanan
Crop Improvement: Challenges in the Twenty-First Century edited by Manjit S. Kang
Barley Science: Recent Advances from Molecular Biology to Agronomy of Yield and Quality
edited by Gustavo A. Slafer, Jos Luis Molina-Cano, Roxana Savin, Jos Luis Araus,
and Ignacio Romagosa
Tillage for Sustainable Cropping by P. R. Gajri, V. K. Arora, and S. S. Prihar
Bacterial Disease Resistance in Plants: Molecular Biology and Biotechnological Applications
by P. Vidhyasekaran
Handbook of Formulas and Software for Plant Geneticists and Breeders edited by Manjit
S. Kang
Postharvest Oxidative Stress in Horticultural Crops edited by D. M. Hodges
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Plant Breeding and Related Subjects by Rolf H. G. Schlegel
Handbook of Processes and Modeling in the Soil-Plant System edited by D. K. Benbi
and R. Nieder
The Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface edited
by A. Gmez-Pompa, M. F. Allen, S. Fedick, and J. J. Jimnez-Osornio
Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems, Second Edition by Miguel A. Altieri
and Clara I. Nicholls
Plant-Derived Antimycotics: Current Trends and Future Prospects edited by Mahendra Rai
and Donatella Mares
Concise Encyclopedia of Temperate Tree Fruit edited by Tara Auxt Baugher
and Suman Singha
Landscape Agroecology by Paul A Wojkowski
Molecular Genetics and Breeding of Forest Trees edited by Sandeep Kumar and Matthias
Concise Encylcopedia of Plant Pathology by P. Vidhyasekaran
Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods edited by Farid E. Ahmed
Concise Encyclopedia of Bioresource Technology edited by Ashok Pandey
Agrometeorology: Principles and Applications of Climate Studies in Agriculture by Aarpal
S. Mavi and Graeme J. Tupper
Concise Encyclopedia
of Plant Pathology
Published by
Food Products Press and The Haworth Reference Press, imprints of The Haworth Press, Inc.,
10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580.
2004 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm,
and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.
Cover design by Marylouise E. Doyle.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Vidhyasekaran, P.
Concise encyclopedia of plant pathology / P. Vidhyasekaran.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-56022-942-X (hard cover : alk. paper)ISBN 1-56022-943-8 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Plant diseasesEncylopedias. I. Title.
SB728.V525 2003
Sally A. Miller
Chapter 1. Birth and Development of Plant Pathology
Modern Plant Pathology
Chapter 2. Bacteria
Structure of Bacterial Cells
Reproduction of Bacteria
Nomenclature of Bacterial Pathogens
Classification of Plant Bacterial Pathogens
Systematic Position of Crop Bacterial Pathogens
Chapter 9. Viroids
Structure of Viroids
Viroid Infection Process and Management
Virusoids (Encapsidated, Viroidlike, Satellite RNAs)
List of Important Seedborne Pathogens
Seed Health Testing and Certification
Seed Health Testing Methods
Indexing Plant Propagation Materials
Chapter 30. Diseases of Major Cultivated Crops
Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.)
Banana (Musa species)
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. emend. Bowden)
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Citrus (Citrus species)
Corn (Zea mays L.)
Cotton (Gossypium species)
Grape (Vitis species)
Oats (Avena sativa L.)
Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Pear (Pyrus communis L.)
Plum (Prunus domestica L.)
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Wheat (Triticum spp.)
Chapter 37. Physiology of Pathogenesis
Plant Barriers Against Pathogens
Role of Toxins in Pathogenesis
Plant diseases cause billions of dollars in crop losses each year throughout the world. Historically, uncontrolled plant disease epidemics have resulted in great human suffering through famine and resultant social upheaval. Perhaps the best-known example is the Irish famine of 1846, in
which two million people died and many more emigrated from their homeland. The famine was caused by the destruction of the potato crop, the staple
food in Ireland at that time, by Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of
late blight disease. The efforts of early scientists such as De Bary, Speerschneider, and Khn to find the causes of late blight and other plant diseases
established plant pathology as a critical discipline in the struggle to prevent
catastrophic crop failure.
The science of plant pathology seeks to understand and work to manage
such devastating outbreaks of plant diseases. It describes (1) what causes
disease, (2) how pathogens interact with plants to cause disease, (3) how
diseases spread and develop into epidemics, (4) the scope of losses caused
by disease, and (5) disease management. It is a very broad field, incorporating plant anatomy, physiology, breeding and genetics, virology, bacteriology, mycology, nematology, molecular biology, biochemistry, mathematics, computer modeling, and statistics. It is a daunting task indeed to pull all
of this together in one book.
Professor Vidhyasekaran has written an encyclopedia that describes the
breadth of subjects in the field of plant pathology. It will serve as a beginning
reference for students and professionals in plant pathology as well as allied
fields. Each section provides an overview of a given area, which will serve as
both an introduction and a starting point for further studies. It also comprehensively describes modern plant pathology. It includes classification of pathogens based on DNA analyses and protein patterns, molecular diagnostic techniques, computer-aided decision support systems, remote sensing, digital image
analysis, microbial pesticides, plant activators, molecular marker-assisted
breeding, gene pyramiding, genetic engineering, in vitro breeding, and molecular plant pathology. Professor Vidhyasekaran and The Haworth Press are
to be commended for providing this excellent resource.
Sally A. Miller
Professor, Department of Plant Pathology
The Ohio State University
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
and gene pyramiding. This book also describes molecular biology of plantpathogen interactions and host defense mechanisms and in vitro selection
and genetic engineering technologies. It also provides a list of plant pathology terminology. It is unique in providing a complete list of diseases of all
major crops cultivated in tropics, semitropics, and temperate regions of the
world and the accepted names, synonyms, and anamorphic and teleomorphic names of pathogens (over 910 fungal, 315 viral, and 200 bacterial
pathogens) with authority. It is intended for a broad international audience
of graduate and undergraduate students, university faculty, public and private sector research scientists, extension specialists, and development
workers engaged in plant protection. This book will be an indispensable resource for plant pathologists, mycologists, bacteriologists, virologists, botanists, and graduate-level students in these disciplines.
Birth and
and Development ofof
Plant pathology is the science or study of plant diseases. The word disease means any impairment of normal physiological function of plants,
producing characteristic symptoms. A symptom is a phenomenon accompanying something and is regarded as evidence of its existence. Disease is
caused by pathogen. A pathogen is any agent that can cause disease. Plant
pathology describes: (1) what causes disease, (2) how the disease is caused,
(3) how the disease spreads, causing epidemic, (4) how much loss the disease can cause, and (5) how to manage the disease.
Ancient History
Occurrence of diseases in plants has been recognized from ancient times.
Around 2000 B.C., from the Babylonian kingdoms, a disease called samana
in barley was mentioned in a farm almanac. Books of the Old Testament that
date to the eighth and fifth centuries B.C. contain references to the blasting
and mildew of crops as great scourges of humankind. In the third century
B.C., several Greek writings began to contain references to plant diseases. A
Greek named Cleidemus is often identified as the first plant pathologist and
grandfather of plant pathology according to McNew (1963). He made observations on diseases of grapes, figs, and olives. The Greek philosopher
Theophrastus (c. 372-c. 287 B.C.) was the first to study and write about diseases of trees, cereals, and legumes. He is known as the father of botany.
A Roman author, Marcus Terentius Varro (116-27 B.C.) in his Rerum
Rusticarum mentions the god Robigus among the deities to be propitiated.
According to Varro, Robigus is the rust god, who had to be depended upon
to protect cereal crops from rust attack. Propitiatory ceremonies, the Robigalia, were performed in April or May each year when rust often first became noticeable. Other gods such as Flora, Ceres (who protected grain
crops), Bacchus (grapes), and Minerva (olives) also had to be propitiated. In
his writing Historia Naturalis, Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.) described many
Fabricius (1745-1808) published a system of classification of fungal pathogens in which he arranged pathogens by classes, genera, and species.
Nineteenth Century
In 1801, Christian Hendrik Persoon (1761-1836) from France published
his book Synopsis Methodica Fungorum; this was the first reliable systematic account of fungi. Benedict Prevost (1755-1819) in 1807 gave the first
experimental proof that a fungus could cause disease in a plant. He recommended copper sulfate as seed treatment to control bunt disease in wheat. In
1817, Thomas Andrew Knight (1759-1838) reported that sulfur controlled
scab (Venturia pirina) in pear trees. In 1821 Elias Magnus Fries (17941878) published Systema Mycologicum providing classification of fungi.
John Robertson (1824) from Ireland showed that mildew (Sphaerotheca
pannosa var. persicae) is controlled by a mixture of sulfur in soapsuds. Control of peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) with lime and sulfur was demonstrated by Knight in 1842. Miles Joseph Berkeley (1803-1889) in 1845
published papers on diseases of cereals and vegetables. In 1853, Heinrich
Anton De Bary (1831-1888) worked on smut and rust fungi, downy mildews, and late blight of potato. He discovered two alternate hosts for the
rusts. Speerschneider (1857) proved that Phytopthora infestans was the cause
of potato late blight. Julius Gotthelf Khn (1825-1910) published the first
textbook of plant pathology in 1858.
Thomas Jonathan Burrill (1839-1916) was the first person to show that
bacteria can cause plant diseases, and in 1878 he described fire blight of
pear and other fruits. In 1884, Robert Koch (1843-1910) developed his postulates, which stipulate conditions for describing an organism as the cause
of a disease. In 1885, Alexis Millardet (1838-1902) developed Bordeaux
mixture as a fungicide. In 1886, Adolph Mayer (1843-1942) worked on mosaic of tobacco and called it mosaic disease of tobacco. He showed that the
causal agent was transmissible to healthy plants in juice extract. Smith
(1891) was working on peach yellows disease and reported that the causal
agent was contagious and was bud transmitted. In 1891, Joseph Charles Arthur (1850-1942) identified wheat varieties resistant to scab disease. In
1892, Russian scientist Dmitrii Iosifovich Ivanowski (1864-1924) showed
that tobacco mosaic causal agent is filterable through bacteriological filters.
In 1898, Dutch scientist Martinus Willem Beijerinck (1851-1931) called the
causal agent contagium vivum fluidum. He used the word virus to describe the contagium. He demonstrated that it was graft transmissible. Jakob
Eriksson (1848-1931) discovered the physiologic races in rust pathogens in
1998). Rapid advances have been made in the field of virology. The presence of satellite viruses was first reported by Kassanis in 1962. In 1968,
Shepherd and his associates discovered that cauliflower mosaic virus is a
DNA virus (Shepherd et al., 1968). Satellite virus is dependent on its virus
for its replication. Satellite RNAs were first reported by Schneider in 1969.
In 1971, Diener described viroids. Several molecular diagnostic techniques
have been developed to detect plant diseases. Plant viral genomes have been
cloned (Boyer and Haenni, 1994). Transgenic plants expressing capsid protein of a virus were first developed in 1986 by Beachey and his co-workers
(Abel et al., 1986). Transgenic plants expressing satellite RNAs, viral replicase genes, and defective movement protein genes have all been developed
(Zaitlin and Palukaitis, 2000).
Molecular plant pathology has emerged as an attractive field in the latter
part of the century. In 1940, Muller and Borger proposed the phytoalexin
theory. Several signal molecules have been identified from pathogens and
host. Albersheim and his associates identified a highly active elicitor from a
fungal cell wall in 1984 (Sharp et al., 1984). Elicitor molecules, which are
the products of avirulence genes, have been characterized. The first avirulence gene was cloned from Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea by Staskawicz et al. in 1984. Several kinds of pathogenesis-related proteins have
been identified. Genes encoding them have been cloned, and transgenic
plants expressing them have been developed. In 1991, Broglie and colleagues developed transgenic plants expressing the PR-3 gene. More than
100 fungicides have been developed during the twentieth century. The development of systemic fungicides with activity against broad spectrum of
fungal pathogens was a major breakthrough in the history of plant pathology. Plant (defense) activators with simultaneous action against fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases have been identified. Biocontrol agents, which are
capable of inducing systemic resistance, have been developed as commercial products and their efficacy in control of a wide range of diseases in
commercial farms has been demonstrated (Vidhyasekaran, 2001). All these
facets of modern plant pathology are described in detail in this book.
Plant pathology is now developing very rapidly. Plant pathologists are
using many modern tools such as gene cloning, genetic engineering, molecular diagnostics, molecular-assisted breeding, remote sensing, digital imaging, and molecular manipulation of signaling systems to develop both plants
with built-in resistance to pathogens and sustainable integrated disease
management systems in various cropping systems. This book describes all
of these novel approaches in the field of modern plant pathology.
Abel, P. P., Nelson, R. S., De, B., Hoffman, N., Rogers, S. G., Fraley, R. T., and
Beachy, R. N. (1986). Delay of disease development in transgenic plants that express the tobacco mosaic virus coat protein gene. Science, 232:738-743.
Allard, H. A. (1914). The mosaic disease of tobacco. US Dep Agric Bull, 40:1-33.
Biffin, R. H. (1905). Mendels laws of inheritance and wheat breeding. J Agric Sci,
Boyer, J. C. and Haenni, A. L. (1994). Infectious transcripts and cDNA clones of
RNA viruses. Virology, 198:415-426.
Broglie, K., Chet, I., Holliday, M., Cressman, R., Biddle, P., Knowlton, S., Mauvais, C. J., and Broglie, R. (1991). Transgenic plants with enhanced resistance to
the fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Science, 254:1194-1197.
Corbett, M. K. (1964). Introduction. In M. K. Corbett and H. D. Sisler (Eds.), Plant
Virology. University of Florida Press, Gainsville.
Diener, T. O. (1971). Potato spindle tuber virus. IV. A replicating, low molecular
weight RNA. Virology, 45:411-428.
Flor, H. H. (1942). Inheritance of pathogenicity in Melampsora lini. Phytopathology, 32:557-564.
Holmes, F. O. (1929). Local lesions in tobacco mosaic. Bot Gaz, 87:39-55.
Johal, G. S. and Briggs, S. P. (1992). Reductase activity encoded by the HM1 disease resistance gene in maize. Science, 258:985-987.
Jones, D. G. (1998). The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 460.
Kassanis, B. (1962). Properties and behaviour of virus depending for its multiplication on another. J Gen Virol, 27:477-488.
Keen, N. T. (2000). A century of plant pathology: A retrospective view on understanding host-parasite interactions. Annu Rev Phytopathol, 38:31-48.
McNew, G. L. (1963). The ever-expanding concepts behind 75 years of plant pathology. In S. Rich (Ed.), Perspectives of Biochemical Plant Pathology. Conn.
Agric Expt Bulletin, 633:163-183.
Meehan, F. and Murphy, H. C. (1947). Differential phytotoxicity of metabolic byproducts of Helminthosporium victoriae. Science, 106:270-271.
Muller, K. O. and Borger, H. (1940). Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die Phytophthora-Resistenz der Kartoffel. Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Problem der erworbenen Resistenz in Pflanzenreich. Arb Biol Reichsanst Land Forstwirtsch,
Robertson, J. (1824). On the mildew and some other diseases incident to fruit trees.
Trans Hort Soc London, 5:175-185.
Rossi, M., Goggin, F. L., Milligan, S. B., Kolashian, I., Ullman, D. E., and Williamson, V. M. (1998). The nematode resistance gene Mi of tomato confers resistance against the potato aphid. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 95:9750-9754.
Schneider, I. R. (1969). Satellite-like particle of tobacco ringspot virus that resembles tobacco ringspot virus. Science, 166:1627-1629.
Sequeira, L. (2000). Legacy for the millennium: A century of progress in plant pathology. Annu Rev Phytopathol, 38:1-7.
Sharp, J. K., McNeil, M., and Albersheim, P. (1984). The primary structure of one
elicitor-active and seven elicitor-inactive hexa ( -D-glucopyranosyl)D-glucitols
isolated from the mycelial walls of Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea.
J Biol Chem, 259:11321-11336.
Shepherd, R. J., Wakeman, R. J., and Romanko, R. R. (1968). DNA in cauliflower
mosaic virus. Virology, 36:150-152.
Smith, E. F. (1891). Additional evidence on the communicability of peach yellows
and peach rosette. US Dep Agric Div Veg Pathol Bull, 1:1-65.
Speerschneider, J. (1857). Die Ursache der Erkrankung der Kartoffelknolle durch
ein Reihe Experimente beweisen. Bot Zeit, 14:121-125.
Staskawicz, B. J., Dahlbeck, D., and Keen, N. T. (1984). Cloned avirulence gene of
Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea determines race-specific incompatibility on
Glycine max (L.). Merr. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 81:6024-6028.
Van der Plank, P. E. (1963). Plant Diseases: Epidemics and Control. Academic
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Zaitlin, M. and Palukaitis, P. (2000). Advances in understanding plant viruses and
virus diseases. Annu Rev Phytopathol, 38:117-143.
Bacteria are primitive organisms classified as prokaryotes, with a primitive type of nucleus lacking a clearly defined membrane. Most of the genetic
information in a bacterial cell is carried on a single chromosome with double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in a closed circular form. A
chromosome is the carrier of genes (the factors that control inherited traits).
Genes are deoxyribonucleic acids that are linked and aligned on the chromosome. Chromosomes are located in the chromatin body of the bacteria.
In addition, some bacterial cells contain extrachromosomal DNA as plasmids. Plasmids are circular DNA molecules that are generally dispensable
and not essential for cell growth and division. However, they confer traits
such as antibiotic resistance or pathogenicity on the host organism. Plasmids replicate independently of the chromosomes and can pass from one
bacterial cell to another with ease. Some bacteria contain episomes, which
are also autonomous and dispensable genetic elements similar to plasmids.
Unlike plasmids, however, episomes can exist even as integrated with the
chromosome. Generally, the bacteria containing plasmids do not have
episomes and vice versa. Transposons, mobile DNA segments that can insert into a few or several sites in a genome, are found in some bacteria.
Transposons are transposable genetic elements (the word transpose means
alter the positions of or interchange) that are capable of moving between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Bacterial cells have either no organelles or poorly developed organelles.
All bacteria except Streptomyces are unicellular. Bacteria are rod shaped,
round (spherical, ovoid, or ellipsoidal), or spiral (helices). All plant-pathogenic bacteria are rod shaped. They measure 0.5-3.5 m in length and 0.31.0 m in diameter. Each bacterial cell consists of a cell wall and a compound membrane called the cytoplasmic membrane, which encloses the
cells protoplasm. Outside the cell wall is a slime layer. The slimy material
may remain firmly adhered as a discrete covering layer of each cell, or it
may part freely from the cell as it is formed. The former, a thick, well-devel-
oped slime layer, is called a capsule, while the latter is called free slime.
Most plant-pathogenic bacteria have one or more flagella. Flagella may occur at one or both ends (polar flagella) or all over the surface of the bacterium (peritrichous flagella). Flagella may allow some movement of the bacteria.
The bacterial cell wall is composed of a peptidoglycan. The peptidoglycan is also called a mucopeptide or murein. Murein is composed of six
different components such as N-acetylglycosamine, N-acetylmuramic acid,
L-alanine, D-alanine, D-glutamic acid, and either L-lysine or meso-diaminopimelic acid. The rigid peptidoglycan layer is located between the cytoplasmic membrane and a multiple-tract layer. The multiple-tract layer is
composed of lipoprotein and lipopolysaccharide complexes. The external
multiple-tract layer, the rigid peptidoglycan layer, and the cytoplasmic
membrane constitute the bacterial envelope.
Immediately below the cell wall is the cytoplasmic membrane. The
membrane contains about 75 percent protein, 20 to 30 percent lipid, and
about 2 percent carbohydrate. The membrane is semipermeable and controls the passage of nutrients and metabolites into and out of the cell. Besides the cytoplasmic membrane, many bacteria possess other intracellular
membrane systems such as mesosomes or chondrioids. The mesosome
structure is formed by an invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane. Mesosomes serve for compartmentalization and integration of biochemical systems.
Cytoplasm is the cell material within the cytoplasmic membrane. The cytoplasm can be divided into the area rich in ribonucleic acid (RNA), the
chromatinic area (nuclear area) rich in DNA, and the fluid portion with dissolved nutrients. Bacteria do not have a characteristic nucleus. They contain
bodies within the cytoplasm that are regarded as a nuclear structure and
DNA is confined to this area. Because it is not a discrete nucleus, it is called
a chromatin body.
Ribosomes are globular structures found in the cytoplasm. They are composed of about one-third protein and two-thirds RNA. Ribosomes are designated 30S, 50S, 70S, etc., depending upon their size. The size is determined
by the rate, measured in Svedberg units, at which a particle sediments when
it is centrifuged at high speed in an ultracentrifuge. Ribosomes that act in
clusters are called polyribosomes or polysomes. Polysomes may contain
three to 70 ribosomes depending upon the bacteria. Ribosomes are the sites
of protein synthesis.
Vacuoles are cavities in the cytoplasm that contain a fluid called cell sap.
As the cell approaches maturity, some of the water-soluble reserve food materials manufactured by the cell are dissolved in the sap. Insoluble constituents precipitate out as cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. Volutin, glycogen, and
fat globules are common cytoplasmic inclusions. Volutins are metachromatic granules. They are found to localize in the vacuoles of mature forms.
They contain inorganic polyphosphate, lipoprotein, RNA, and magnesium.
They may serve as phosphate storage structures. Glycogen accumulates in
the cytoplasm at the ends of the cell in the form of granules. Lipids are found
in the cytoplasm of bacteria in the form of fat globules.
Fimbriae and pili are hairlike structures that are attached to the bacterial
cells as appendages. Fimbriae are common in plant-pathogenic bacteria.
Pili are considered to be sex organs. They mediate conjugation (mating) of
bacteria. They may also serve as adsorption organs for bacteriophages.
Actinomycetes are now classified as a group of bacteria. They produce
individual, small, bacteria-like spores and funguslike vegetative mycelium.
The predominant mode of reproduction in bacteria is binary fission. The
bacterial cell divides into two daughter cells. This is an asexual process. A
transverse wall develops across the middle of the bacterial cell. When new
cell wall material has developed, the cells separate. During this process, the
DNA condenses into an amorphous mass, which elongates and becomes
dumbbell shaped before it divides into two equal pieces. These pieces serve
as the nuclei of the daughter cells. This process is repeated every 20 minutes
and the bacteria multiply in logarithmic proportion. However, the multiplication of the bacteria is limited by the exhaustion of available nutrients
and/or the accumulation of toxic metabolic products.
Sometimes, bacteria may reproduce sexually by conjugation. Genetic
material of one cell is transferred to another cell during conjugation. The
two cells are genetically different. The donor cell transfers part of its genome (set of genes) to the recipient cell. Donor strains are designated F+ or
Hfr (males, high frequency cells). The recipient strains are designated F(females). The F factor is called the sex factor. It is a type of episome.
Episomes are genetic elements that can exist in two alternative states: autonomous in the cytoplasm or incorporated in the chromosome. In the former
condition, the episome is free to multiply independently of cell division. In
the latter, it is replicated only when the chromosome is replicated. F factor
controls the ability of the cells to act as gene donors. In the process of conjugation, the donor cell injects a chromosomal thread into the recipient cells,
and the genes along this thread enter in a definite order, one after another, as
they occur in a particular donor strain. Conjugation is one type of genetic recombination. Genetic recombination refers to any process leading to the
formation of a new individual that derives some of its genes from one parent
and some from another, genetically different, parent. The recipient cell,
which receives genes from a donor, is called a recombinant.
The nomenclature of plant bacterial pathogens has been revised in recent
years according to the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria
(ICSB, 1992). A list of all valid names of plant-pathogenic bacteria from
1864 to 1995 was published by Young et al. (1996). More than 330 bacterial
pathogens were listed. According to Schaad et al. (2000), the names of some
of these bacterial pathogens still need to be modified. Accepted names
(Young et al., 1996) of some important bacterial pathogens are provided
here. Names suggested by Schaad et al. (2000) are given within parentheses
and marked with an asterisk (*).
Apple fire blight: Erwinia amylovora (Burrill 1882) Winslow et al. 1920
Banana moko wilt: Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith 1896) Yabauuchi,
Kosako, Yano, Hotta, and Nishiuchi 1995
Bean bacterial brown spot: Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae van Hall
Bean common blight: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Smith
1897) Vauterin, Hoste, Kersters, and Swings 1995 (X. campestris pv.
phaseoli [Smith 1897] Dye 1978)*
Bean halo blight: Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder
1926) Gardan, Bollet, Abu Ghorrah, Grimont, and Grimont 1992 (P.
syringae pv. phaseolicola [Burkholder 1926] Young, Dye, and Wilkie
Cabbage and cauliflower black rot: Xanthomonas campestris pv.
campestris (Pammel 1985) Dowson 1939
Citrus canker: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Hasse 1915) Vauterin,
Hoste, Kersters, and Swings 1995 (X. campestris pv. citri [Hasse 1915]
Dye 1978)*
Citrus greening: Citrus greening organism (Nonculturable, phloemrestricted, Gram-negative bacteria) Candidatus Liberobacter africanum
Jagoueix et al. 1994 and Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticum Jagoueix
et al. 1994
Citrus stubborn: Spiroplasma citri Saglio, Lhospital, Lafleche, Dupont,
Bove, Mouches, Rose, Coan, and Clark 1986
Citrus variegated chlorosis: Xylella fastidiosa Wells, Raju, Weisburg,
Mandelo-Paul, and Brenner 1987
Tomato bacterial stem rot and fruit rot: Erwinia carotovora ssp.
carotovora (Jones 1902) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer, and
Huntoon 1923
Tomato bacterial wilt: Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith 1896) Yabauuchi,
Kosako, Yano, Hotta, and Nishiuchi 1995
Bacteria have been classified into various genera, families, suborders, orders, subclasses, classes, divisions, and domains. These classifications are
based on numerical analyses, serology, membrane protein profiles, and
DNA analyses. In contrast to bacterial nomenclature, no official classification of bacteria exists. Taxonomy remains a matter of scientific judgment
and general agreement. The classification given here is the one widely accepted by microbiologists (Euzeby, 2001). Bacteria are classified into domain or empire (suffix not covered by rules), division (suffix not covered by
the rules), class (suffix of the names of class is ia), subclass (suffix
is idae), order (suffix is ales), suborder (-ineae), family (-aceae), and tribe
(-eae). The taxonomic categories of domain and division are not covered by
the rules of bacteriological code. The following 17 families include 28 genera of plant-pathogenic bacteria:
Acetobacteraceae: Acetobacter, Gluconobacter
Bacillaceae: Bacillus
Burkholderiaceae: Burkholderia
Clostridiaceae: Clostridium
Comamonadaceae: Acidovorax
Corynebacteriaceae: Corynebacterium
Enterobacteriaceae: Erwinia, Pantoea, Pectobacterium,
Enterobacter, Serratia
Microbacteriaceae: Curtobacterium, Clavibacter, Rathayibacter
Micrococcaceae: Arthrobacter
Nocardiaceae: Nocardia, Rhodococcus
Pseudomonadaceae: Pseudomonas, Xylophilus, Rhizobacter
Ralstoniaceae: Ralstonia
Rhizobiaceae: Agrobacterium
Sphingomonadaceae: Rhizomonas
Spiroplasmataceae: Spiroplasma
Streptomycetaceae: Streptomyces
Xanthomonadaceae: Xanthomonas, Xylella
P. syringae pv. delphinii (Smith 1904) Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. helianthi (Kawamura 1934) Young, Dye, and Wilkie
P. syringae pv. lachrymans (Smith and Bryan 1915) Young, Dye,
and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. maculicola (McCulloch 1911) Young, Dye, and
Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. mellea (Johnson 1923) Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. mori (Boyer and Lambert 1893) Young, Dye, and
Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. morsprunorum (Wormald 1931) Young, Dye, and
Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. oryzae (Kuwata 1985) Young et al. 1991
P. syringae pv. populans (Rose 1917) Dhanvantari 1977
P. syringae pv. passiflorae (Reid 1938) Young, Dye, and Wilkie
P. syringae pv. persicae (Prunier et al. 1970) Young, Dye, and
Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. pisi (Sackett 1916) Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. sesami (Malkoff 1906) Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. striafaciens (Elliott 1927) Young, Dye, and Wilkie
P. syringae pv. syringae van Hall 1902
P. syringae pv. tabaci (Wolf and Foster 1917) Young, Dye, and
Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. tagetis (Hellmers 1955) Young, Dye, and Wilkie
P. syringae pv. theae (Hori 1915) Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. tomato (Okabe 1933) Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. ulmi (Sutic and Tesic 1958) Young, Dye, and Wilkie
P. syringae pv. viburni (Thornberry and Anderson 1931) Young,
Dye, and Wilkie 1978
P. syringae pv. zizaniae (ex Bowden and Pereich 1983) Young et al.
P. viridiflava (Burkholder 1930) Dowson 1939
RalstoniaFamily: Ralstoniaceae; Order: Burkholderiales; Class:
Proteobacteria Beta subdivision; Domain: Bacteria
Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith 1896) Yabauuchi et al. 1995 =
Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith 1896) Smith 1914 =
Burkholderia solanacearum (Smith 1896) Yabauuchi et al. 1993
Chromista andand
Fungi are the largest group of crop pathogens. Fungi belong to three
kingdoms: Fungi, Chromista, and Protozoa. The Kingdom Chromista includes the phylum Oomycota, which contains many plant-pathogenic fungi.
The Kingdom Protozoa consists of one phylum, Plasmodiophoromycota,
which contains crop pathogens. The Kingdom Fungi consists of four phyla:
Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Zygomycota, and Chytridiomycota. Another
group, Mitosporic fungi, includes fungi that have not been correlated with
any meiotic states. This section describes the structure and reproduction of
all these fungal phyla. It also provides a complete list of crop fungal pathogens and their systematic positions.
Fungi are the most important group of plant pathogens. Out of about
56,360 species of fungi, more than 8,000 species are known to cause diseases in plants. Originally all fungi were classified as belonging to the Kingdom Fungi (= Eukaryota). Recently some fungi have been considered not to
belong to this kingdom and have been placed under the Kingdoms Chromista and Protozoa. With advances in ultrastructural, biochemical, and especially molecular biology, the treatment of fungi as a single kingdom has
become untenable. The organisms so far called fungi are now established as
polyphyletic (i.e., with different phylogenies) and have to be referred to
three different kingdoms (Hawksworth et al., 1995): Fungi, Chromista, and
Protozoa. The Kingdom Fungi contains true fungi while the Kingdoms
Chromista and Protozoa contain pseudofungi. The Kingdom Fungi consists exclusively of fungi; the Chromista and Protozoa mainly comprise
nonfungal phyla. Chromista consists of three fungal phyla and Protozoa
consists of only four fungal phyla.
Fungi are organisms that are eukaryotic and heterotrophic. They develop
branching filaments (or more rarely are single-celled), reproduce by spores,
and their cell walls contain chitin and -glucans. They are mostly nonflag-
ellate. When present, the flagella always lack mastigonemes (i.e., surfaces
of flagella are not covered by hairlike processes). Chromista are organisms
that bear flagella with mastigonemes. Their cell walls contain cellulose and
glucan rather than chitin. Mycolaminarin is the energy storage molecule
found in Chromista. Protozoa are organisms that are predominantly unicellular, plasmodial, or colonial. They are phagotrophic, i.e., they feed by ingestion, engulfing food. They are wall-less in the trophic state. They have
ciliary hairs that are never rigid or tubular.
Classification of Oomycota
Three fungal (pseudofungal) phyla that belong to Chromista are Hypochytriomycota, Labyrinthulomycota, and Oomycota. Among them, only
Oomycota consists of plant pathogens. There are more than 500 species in
Oomycota. These include so-called water molds and downy mildews. Oomycota means egg fungi and refers to the large round oogonia (the structures containing the female gametes). Oomycota are oogamous, producing
large nonmotile gametes called eggs, and smaller gametes called sperm.
Oomycota were classified previously as fungi because of their filamentous
growth. However, Oomycota cell walls are not composed of chitin, as in the
fungi, but are made up of a mix of cellulosic compounds and glycan. The
nuclei within the filaments are diploid, with two sets of genetic information,
not haploid as in the fungi. The ultrastructure, biochemistry, and molecular
sequences of Oomycota suggest that they belong with Chromista. The freeswimming spores that are produced bear two dissimilar flagella, one with
mastigonemes. This feature is common in chromists. Presence of the chemical
mycolaminarin in Oomycota is similar to that found in kelps and diatoms.
Hence, Oomycota have been placed in the Kingdom Chromista.
The phylum (division) Oomycota consists of nine orders: Olpidiopsidales, Peronosporales, Pythiales, Sclerosporales, Saprolegniales, Leptomidales, Myzocytiopsidales, Rhipidiales, and Salilagenidales. Only the orders Peronosporales, Pythiales, Sclerosporales, and Saprolegniales contain
crop pathogens. Oomycota contains many important pathogens that have affected the economies of many countries. In the order Pythiales, the family
Pythiaceae contains various Phytophthora and Pythium species that cause
several diseases in various crops. Phytophthora infestans causes late blight
in potato and tomato. Phytophthora citrophthora is the causal organism of
gummosis and foot rot diseases in Citrus. Phytophthora capsici causes
blight in pepper, P. cactorum incites crown and root rot in apple and peach,
Structure of Ascomycota
Ascomycota are either single-celled (yeasts), filamentous (hyphal), or
both (dimorphic). Yeasts (order: Saccharomycetales) grow by budding or
fission. Hyphae of other Ascomycota (Euascomycetes) grow apically and
branch laterally. Yeasts are not important plant pathogens. Only Galactomyces, Geotrichum, Saccharomyces, and Zygosaccharomyces are known to
cause some minor disorders in crop plants. The Euascomycetes are characterized by septate mycelium. The cross-walls that divide the hypha into cells
are called septa. During certain stages of fungal development, the mycelium
becomes organized into loosely or compactly woven tissues, as distinguished from the loose hyphae ordinarily composing a thallus. The loosely
woven tissue in which component hyphae lie more or less parallel to one another is called prosenchyma. The compact woven fungal tissue consists of
closely packed, more or less isodiametric or oval cells resembling the parenchyma cells of higher plants, and this type of fungal tissue is called
pseudoparenchyma. Both prosenchyma and pseudoparenchyma compose
various types of vegetative (somatic) and reproductive structures of Ascomycota.
Stroma is usually made up of prosenchyma, whereas sclerotium is made
up of pseudoparenchymatous tissue. Both stromata and sclerotia are somatic structures of fungi. Stroma is a compact somatic structure that looks
like a mattress. On or in the stroma, fructifications (the structures containing
spores) are formed. Sclerotium is a hard and compact vegetative resting
structure that is resistant to unfavorable conditions. Fungi may overwinter
in the form of sclerotia. The mycelium of some fungi forms thick strands. In
such strands, the hyphae lose their individuality and form complex tissues.
The strands are called rhizomorph. The strands have a thick, hard cortex and
a growing tip that looks like a root tip.
Asexual Reproduction in Ascomycota
Ascomycota reproduce both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction is repeated several times in the life cycle of Ascomycota, whereas sexual reproduction occurs only once per life cycle. Different types of asexual
reproduction have been reported in Ascomycota. The fungi may multiply by
fragmentation of hyphae. By this method, the hyphae break up into their
component cells, which behave like spores. These spores are called oidia or
arthrospores. When the cells become enveloped in a thick wall before they
separate from one another or from other hyphal cells adjoining them, they
are called chlamydospores.
Yeasts reproduce by fission or budding. During fission, the cell is split
into daughter cells by constriction and formation of a cell wall. In the budding process, a small outgrowth (bud) is produced from a parent cell. The
nucleus of the parent cell divides and one daughter nucleus migrates into the
bud. The bud increases in size and ultimately breaks off, forming a new individual.
Most Ascomycota reproduce by producing conidia. Conidia are produced at the tips or sides of hyphae. The specialized hypha, which bears
conidia, is called a conidiophore. Conidia are generally borne on conidiophores, which may be produced loosely and indiscriminately by the somatic
hyphae or grouped in various types of asexual fruiting bodies. Conidiophores may be simple or branched. They may look like somatic hyphae or
they may be provided with sterigmata (small hyphal branches that support
the conidia) or specialized branches on which they bear conidia.
Conidiophores may be organized into definite fruiting bodies in the case
of some fungi. The various fruiting bodies reported in Ascomycota include:
1. PycnidiumA hollow, globose, or flask-shaped structure whose pseudoparenchymatous walls are lined with conidiophores.
2. AcervulusAn aggregation (mat) of hyphae (pseudoparenchyma) that
is subcuticular, epidermal, or deeper in origin and never entirely superficial. From the mat, short, closely-packed conidiophores arise,
forming a bedlike mass.
3. SporodochiumA cushion-shaped stroma covered with short conidiophores that are cemented together. The spore mass is supported by
these conidiophores.
4. Pionnote sporodochiumA minute sporodochium near the surface of
the substratum having no stroma. The spores form a continuous slimy
5. SynnemaA more or less compacted group of erect and sometimes
fused conidiophores bearing conidia at the apex only or on both the
apex and sides. In synnema, conidiophores may be cemented together
to form the elongated, spore-bearing structure. This structure may be
split in different ways near the apex, sometimes resembling a feather
Sexual Reproduction in Ascomycota
In most species in Ascomycota, the sex organs are ascogonium (the female gametangium) and antheridium (the male gametangium). The male
nucleus passes from the antheridium into the ascogonium through a pore developed at the point of contact between the two gametangia. The ascogonium contains a slender structure called the trichogyne, which receives
the male nucleus. Male nuclei enter the ascogonium and, in many cases, pair
with ascogonial nucleus (plasmogamy). Fusion of nuclei (karyokamy) does
not take place immediately. The ascogonium produces a number of papillae.
The nuclei from the ascogonium begin to pass into these papillae one by
one. The papillae elongate into ascogenous hyphae. In this ascogenous
hyphae, a leading pair of nuclei appear, followed by a second pair.
The nuclei in the ascogenous hyphae and those still in the ascogonium
undergo simultaneous mitosis. Septa are formed and the tip cell of the
ascogenous hypha becomes uninucleate. Several other cells become binucleate. One nucleus in each binucleate cell of the ascogenous hyphae is
antheridial in origin while the other is ascogonial. One of the binucleate
cells of the ascogenous hypha elongates and bends over to form a crozier
(hook). The two nuclei in this hooked cell divide in such a way that their
spindles are oriented more or less vertically and parallel to each other, so
that two of the daughter nucleione from each spindle and, therefore, of
different originare close to each other at the end of the hook, while one of
the other two nuclei is located at the tip and one near the basal septum of the
hook. Two septa form, separating the hook into three cells. The tip and basal
cells are uninucleate, one containing an antheridial nucleus and one an ascogonial nucleus. The crook (hooked) cell is binucleate. The crook cell becomes the ascus and is called the ascus mother cell.
Karyokamy takes place in the ascus mother cell soon after the septa are
formed in the hook. The young ascus with its diploid zygote nucleus begins
to elongate. The zygote nucleus soon undergoes meiosis, resulting in four
haploid nuclei. The nuclei divide mitotically to form eight nuclei. Each nucleus is enveloped by a wall and eight ascospores are formed. Each ascogenous hypha branches and rebranches in various ways and produces a cluster of asci. The saclike structure, which contains the ascospores, is called the
In most of Ascomycota, the asci are elongated and either club shaped or
cylindrical. The ascus has a single cavity in which the ascospores are
formed. Asci may be stalked or sessile. A definite layer of asci, whether naked or enclosed in a fruiting body, is called the hymenium. Sterile, elongated
hairs called paraphyses are found between the asci in the hymenium. Asci
are categorized based on the structure of their wallsunitunicate or bitunicate. The wall of a unitunicate ascus consists of two thin layers. In the
bitunicate ascus, two distinct wall layers exist: a rigid outer and an extensible inner wall.
The secondary mycelium originates from the primary mycelium. Its cells
are binucleate. Protoplasts of two uninucleate cells fuse without actual
karyogamy and binucleate cells develop (plasmogamy). The binucleate cell
thus formed produces a branch into which the nuclear pair migrates. The
two nuclei divide conjugately and the sister nuclei separate into two daughter cells, thus initiating the binucleate mycelium. In some fungi, the daughter cell formation occurs through clamp connection. Clamp connection is a
bridgelike connection in the secondary mycelium. The binucleate mycelium gives rise to the basidium in which karyogamy and meiosis occur. It is
similar to the ascogenous hyphae from which asci arise.
The tertiary mycelium is an organized tissue that composes the sporophores. The cells of the tertiary mycelium are binucleate, with the sporophores actually originating when the secondary mycelium forms complex
The basidium, dikaryotic mycelium, and the formation of clamp connections are characteristics of Basidiomycota. In addition, septa of secondary
mycelium of some Basidiomycota are dolipore septa. This septum flares up
in the middle portion of the hypha, forming a barrel-shaped structure with
open ends.
The sexual structure of Basidiomycota is the basidium. The basidium
originates as a terminal cell of a binucleate hypha and is separated from the
rest of the hypha by a septum over which a clamp connection is generally
found. The basidium soon enlarges and becomes broader. The two nuclei
within the young basidium fuse (karyogamy). The zygote nucleus soon undergoes meiosis, giving rise to four haploid nuclei. Four sterigmata arise at
the top of the basidium and their tips enlarge, forming the basidiospore initials. The four nuclei move through the sterigmata into the young basidiospores. Uninucleate basidiospores develop subsequently. Some Basidiomycota produce their basidia in highly organized fruiting bodies that are
called basidiocarps. However, the fungi causing rust and smut diseases do
not form any basidiocarps.
Asexual reproduction in the Basidiomycota takes place by means of budding, by fragmentation of the mycelium, and by the production of conidia,
arthrospores, or oidia. The rusts produce urediniospores, which are conidial
in origin and function. Smuts produce chlamydospores.
Classification of Basidiomycota
Hawksworth et al. (1995) recognized three classes in the phylum Basidiomycota: Basidiomycetes, Teliomycetes, and Ustomycetes. The class Basidiomycetes consists of 32 orders. The important orders, which consist of crop
pathogens, are Agaricales, Atractiellales, Boletales, Cantharellales, Ceratobasidiales, Ganodermatales, Hymenochaetales, Lachnocladiales, Poriales,
Schizophyllales, and Stereales. The important plant-pathogenic genera included in these orders are given here:
Order Agaricales, Family CoprinaceaeCoprinus
Order Agaricales, Family StrophariaceaePsilocybe
Order Agaricales, Family TricholomataceaeArmillaria,
Armillariella, Baeospora, Clitocybe, Collybia, Crinipellis,
Flammulina, Marasmiellus, Marasmius, Mycena
Order Atractiellales, Family ChionosphaeraceaeStilbum
Order Boletales, Family ConiophoraceaeSerpula
Order Cantharellales, Family TyphulaceaeTyphula
Order Ceratobasidiales, Family Ceratobasidiaceae
Ceratobasidium, Oncobasidium, Thanatephorus
Order Ganodermatales, Family GanodermateaceaeGanoderma
Order Hymenochaetales, Family HymenochaetaceaeFomitiporia,
Hymenochaete, Phellinus
Order Lachnocladiales, Family LachnocladiaceaeScytinostroma
Order Poriales, Family CoriolaceaeCoriolus, Fomes, Fomitella,
Fomitopsis, Gloeophyllum, Heterobasidion, Hexagonia,
Hirschioporus, Laetiporus, Leptoporus, Oxyporus, Pycnoporus,
Perenniporia, Phaeolus, Pseudophaeolus, Pycnoporus,
Rigidoporus, Trichaptum, Trametes
Order Schizophyllales, Family SchizophyllaceaeSchizophyllum,
Order Stereales, Family AleurodiscaceaeAleurodiscus
Order Stereales, Family AtheliaceaeAthelia, Butlerelfia
Order Stereales, Family BotryobasidiaceaeWaitea
Order Stereales, Family CorticiaceaeCorticium, Hypochnus,
Order Stereales, Family PeniophoraceaePeniophora
Order Stereales, Family SistrotremataceaeTrechispora
Order Stereales, Family SteccherinaceaeSteccherinum, Irpex
Order Stereales, Family StereaceaeStereum
In the class Teliomycetes, many rust fungi are included. The important
pathogens in this class include:
Order Septobasidiales, Family SeptobasidiaceaeSeptobasidium,
gens and consists of seven orders: Dimargaritales, Endogonales, Entomophthorales, Glomales, Kickxellales, Mucorales, and Zoopagales. Mucorales contains crop pathogens, which include:
Order: Mucorales, Family MucoraceaeRhizopus, Mucor
Order: Mucorales, Family CunninghamellaceaeCunninghamella
According to the FungalWeb (n.d.), the order Mucorales does not contain
Mitosporic fungi is an artificial assemblage of fungi in which sexually
produced spores such as ascospores or basidiospores are absent or presumably absent. Mitosporic fungi produce conidia that are formed by mitosis.
Mitosporic fungi appears to lack a teleomorph (sexual stage [form]) and has
only an anamorph (asexual stage [form]). Mitosporic fungi also include
fungi in which both meiotic (sexual) and mitotic (asexual) reproductive
structures are absent. Mitosporic fungi cannot be assigned to families in the
accepted phyla. However, some of these fungi have been found correlated
with teleomorphs in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. Such fungi have
been placed in families of the corresponding Ascomycota and Basidiomycota phyla as Anamorphic families. For example, the asexual spores
(conidia) produced by Botrytis cinerea (a Mitosporic fungi which lacks a
sexual stage) are similar to the asexual spores produced by Botryotinia
fuckeliana (a fungus with both sexual and asexual stages, belonging to the
family Sclerotiniaceae, class Ascomycota). As such, Botrytis cinerea is
classified as Anamorphic Sclerotiniaceae. Numerous crop pathogens belong to Mitosporic fungi. Some important pathogens in this group are listed
Anamorphic AmphisphaeriaceaePestalotiopsis
Anamorphic BotryosphaeriaceaeDiplodia, Fusicoccum
Anamorphic CapnodiaceaeTripospermum
Anamorphic ClavicipitaceaeEphelis
Anamorphic CorticiaceaeRhizoctonia
Anamorphic DermateaceaeCylindrosporium
Anamorphic DothideaceaeSeptoria
Anamorphic DothidealesAscochyta
Anamorphic ElsinoaceaeSphaceloma
Anamorphic ErysiphaceaeOvulariopsis
Anamorphic HypocreaceaeFusarium
Anamorphic MagnaporthaceaePyricularia
Anamorphic MelanconidaceaeMelanconium
Anamorphic MycosphaerellaceaeCercospora, Phyllosticta
Anamorphic PhyllachoraceaeColletotrichum
Anamorphic PleosporaceaeAlternaria, Drechslera, Phoma,
Stemphylium, Exserohilum
Anamorphic SclerotiniaceaeBotrytis
Anamorphic SistrotremataceaePhymatotrichopsis
Anamorphic TrichocomaceaeAspergillus, Penicillium
Anamorphic UredinalesAecidium, Uredo
Anamorphic ValsaceaePhoma, Phomopsis
Anamorphic VenturiaceaeFusicladium
Anamorphic XylariaceaeDematophora
Mitosporic FungiBotryodiplodia, Cephalotrichum,
Cercosporidium, Chalara, Cordana, Corynespora, Fulvia,
Gloeosporium, Helminthosporium, Lasiodiplodia,
Macrophomina, Myrothecium, Pestalotia, Phaeoisariopsis,
Phyllostictella, Phymatotrichum, Rhynchosporium, Sarocladium,
Sclerotium, Thielaviopsis, Trichoconis, Verticillium
The systematic positions of all crop fungal pathogens are given here following the classification of Hawksworth et al. (1995) and Wrobel and
Creber (1998). The positions of these fungi according to FungalWeb are
given within parentheses. The names of genera of fungi are also provided.
The names of species of crop pathogens with authority and the names of diseases caused by them are provided in Chapter 30.
AcanthorhynchusHyponectriaceae, Familia Incertae Sedis, Ascomycota
(Hyponectriaceae, Sordariomycetes Families Uncertain, Ascomycota)
AchlyaSaprolegniaceae, Saprolegniales, Oomycota, Chromista
(Saprolegniaceae, Saprolegniales, Oomycetes, Chromista)
AcremoniumMitosporic fungi
AcrocalymmaAnamorphic Lophiostomataceae
AcrocylindriumMitosporic fungi
AcrodontiumMitosporic fungi
AcrophialophoraMitosporic fungi
ActinonemaMitosporic fungi
HetrosporiumMitosporic fungi
HexagoniaCoriolaceae, Poriales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Coriolaceae, Polyporales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
HirschioporusCoriolaceae, Poriales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Coriolaceae, Polyporales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
HormodendrumMitosporic fungi
HyalothyridiumMitosporic fungi
HymenellaMitosporic fungi
HymenochaeteHymenochaetaceae, Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota
(Hymenochaetaceae, Hymenochaetales s.str., Hymenomycetes,
HymenulaMitosporic fungi
HypochnusArthoniaceae, Arthoniomycetes, Ascomycota
(Arthoniaceae, Arthoniomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota)
HypocreaHypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota (Hypocreaceae,
Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
HypomycesHypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota (Hypocreaceae,
Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
HyponectriaHyponectriaceae, Familia Incertae Sedis, Ascomycota
(Hyponectriaceae, Sordariomycetes Families Uncertain, Ascomycota)
HypoxylonXylariaceae, Xylariales, Ascomycota (Xylariaceae,
Xylariales, Xylariomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
Idriella Mitosporic fungi
IrpexSteccherinaceae, Stereales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Steccherinaceae, Hymenochaetales s.l., Hymenomycetes,
IsariopsisMitosporic fungi
ItersoniliaMitosporic fungi
JohncouchiaAnamorphic Septobasidiaceae
JunghuhniaSteccherinaceae, Stereales, Basidiomycota
(Steccherinaceae, Hymenochaetales s.l. Hymenomycetes,
KabatiellaMitosporic fungi
KalmusiaDothideales, Ascomycota (Dothideomycetes Uncertain,
Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota)
KhuskiaAscomycota Incertae Sedis (Sordariomycetes Genera Uncertain, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota)
KuehneolaPhragmidiaceae, Uredinales, Teliomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Phragmidiaceae, Pucciniales, Teliomycetes, Basidiomycota)
KunkeliaUredinales, Incertae Sedis
KutilakesaMitosporic fungi
MycoleptodiscusAnamorphic Magnaporthaceae
MycosphaerellaMycosphaerellaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota
(Mycosphaerellaceae, Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes Uncertain, Ascomycota)
Mycovellosiella Mitosporic fungi
MyriogenosporaClavicipitaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota
(Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes,
MyriosclerotiniaSclerotiniaceae, Leotiales, Ascomycota
MyrotheciumMitosporic fungi
MystrosporiumMitosporic fungi
NaeviaDermateaceae, Leotiales, Ascomycota (Dermateaceae,
Leotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
NakataeaMitosporic fungi
NattrassiaMitosporic fungi
NecatorAnamorphic Corticiaceae
NectriaHypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota (Nectriaceae,
Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
NectriellaHypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota (Bionectriaceae,
Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
NematosporaMetschnikowiaceae, Saccharomycetales, Ascomycota
(Eremotheciaceae, Saccharomycetales, Saccharomycetes, Saccharomycotina, Ascomycota)
NeocosmosporaHypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota (Nectriaceae,
Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
NeofabraeDermateaceae, Leotiales, Ascomycota (Dermateaceae,
Leotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
NeovossiaTilletiaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Tilletiaceae, Tilletiales, Ustilaginomycetes, Basidiomycota)
NigrosporaAnamorphic Trichosphaeriales
NummulariaXylariaceae, Xylariales, Ascomycota (Xylariaceae,
Xylariales, Xylariomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
OidiopsisAnamorphic Erysiphaceae
OidiumAnamorphic Erysiphaceae
OlpidiumOlpidiaceae, Spizellomycetales, Chytridiomycetes,
Chytridiomycota (Olpidiacae, Spizellomycetales, Chytridiomycota)
OmnidemptusMagnaporthaceae, Incertae Sedis, Ascomycota
(Magnaporthaceae, Sordariomycetes Families Uncertain, Ascomycota)
OmphalinaTricholomataceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Tricholomataceae, Agaricales, Hymenomycetes,
PhymatotrichumMitosporic fungi
PhysalosporaHyponectriaceae, Familia Incertae Sedis, Ascomycota
(Hyponectriaceae, Sordariomycetes Families Uncertain, Ascomycota)
PhysarumPhysaraceae, Physarales, Myxomycota (Physaraceae,
Physarales, Myxomycetes, Myxomycota)
PhysodermaPhysodermataceae, Blastocladiales, Chytridiomycota
(Physodermataceae, Blastocladiales, Chytridiomycota)
PhysopellaUredinales Incertae Sedis, Basidiomycota (Basidiomycota
Genera Uncertain, Basidiomycota Families Uncertain, Basidiomycota)
PhytophthoraPythiaceae, Pythiales, Oomycota, Chromista (Pythiaceae,
Pythiales, Oomycetes, Chromista)
PichiaSaccharomycetaceae, Saccharomycetales, Ascomycota
(Saccharomycetaceae, Saccharomycetales, Saccharomycetes,
PilidiellaMitosporic fungi
PithomycesAnamorphic Pleosporaceae
PlasmodiophoraPlasmodiophoraceae, Plasmodiophorales,
Plasmodiophoromycota, Protozoa (Plasmodiophoraceae,
Plasmodiophorales, Plasmodiophoromycota, Protozoa)
PlasmoparaPeronosporaceae, Peronosporales, Oomycota, Chromista
(Peronosporaceae, Peronosporales, Oomycetes, Chromista)
PlatysporaHysteriaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota (Diademaceae,
Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes Uncertain, Ascomycota)
PlenodomasMitosporic fungi
PleocytaMitosporic fungi
PleosphaerulinaDothioraceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota
(Dothioraceae, Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes Uncertain,
PleosporaPleosporaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota (Pleosporaceae,
Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota)
PodosphaeraErysiphaceae, Erysiphales, Ascomycota (Erysiphaceae,
Erysiphales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
PolyporusPolyporaceae, Poriales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Polyporaceae, Polyporales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
PolyscytalumMitosporic fungi
PolystigmaPhyllachoraceae, Phyllachorales, Ascomycota
(Phyllachoraceae, Phyllachorales, Sordariomyctes Orders Uncertain,
PotebniamycesCryptomycetaceae, Rhytismatales, Ascomycota
(Cryptomycetaceae, Rhytismatales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
ProventuriaVenturiaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota (Venturiaceae,
Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes Uncertain, Ascomycota)
PseudocercosporaMitosporic fungi
PseudocercosporellaAnamorphic Mycospherellaceae
PseudocochliobolusPleosporaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota
(Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota)
PseudoepicoccumMitosporic fungi
PseudoperonosporaPeronosporaceae, Peronosporales, Oomycota,
Chromista (Peronosporaceae, Peronosporales, Oomycetes, Chromista)
PseudopeziculaLeotiaceae, Leotiales, Ascomycota (Leotiaceae,
Leotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
PseudopezizaDermateaceae, Leotiales, Ascomycota (Dermateaceae,
Leotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
PseudophaeolusCoriolaceae, Poriales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Phaeolaceae, Polyporales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
PseudoseptoriaMitosporic fungi
PsilocybeStrophariaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Strophariaceae, Agaricales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
PucciniaPucciniaceae, Uredinales, Teliomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Pucciniaceae, Pucciniales, Teliomycetes, Basidiomycota)
Pucciniastrum- Pucciniastraceae, Uredinales, Teliomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Pucciniastraceae, Pucciniales, Teliomycetes,
PycnoporusCoriolaceae, Poriales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Coriolaceae, Polyporales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
PyrenobotrysVenturiaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota (Venturiaceae,
Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes Uncertain, Ascomycota)
PyrenochaetaAnamorphic Lophiostomataceae
PyrenopezizaDermateaceae, Leotiales, Ascomycota (Dermateaceae,
Leotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
PyrenophoraPleosporaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota (Pleosporaceae,
Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota)
PyriculariaAnamorphic Magnaporthaceae
PythiumPythiaceae, Pythiales, Oomycota, Chromista (Pythiaceae,
Pythiales, Oomycetes, Chromista)
RamichloridiumMitosporic fungi
RamulariaAnamorphic Dothideaceae
RamulisporaMitosporic fungi
RhinocladiumMitosporic fungi
RhizoctoniaAnamorphic Corticiaceae, Ceratobasidiaceae, Otideaceae
RhizomorphaFungi, Incertae Sedis
RhizopusMucoraceae, Mucorales, Zygomycetes, Zygomycota
(Mucorales, Zygomycota)
RhizosphaeraAnamorphic Venturiaceae
SeimatosporiumAnamorphic Amphisphaeriaceae
SelenophomaMitosporic fungi
SeptobasidiumSeptobasidiaceae, Septobasidiales, Teliomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Septobasidiaceae, Septobasidiales s.str., Teliomycetes,
SeptocylindriumMitosporic fungi
SeptogloeumMitosporic fungi
SeptoriaAnamorphic Dothideaceae
SerpulaConiophoraceae, Boletales, Basidiomycota (Boletaceae,
Boletales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
SetosphaeriaPleosporaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota (Pleosporaceae,
Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota)
SitosporiumMitosporic fungi
SoleniaSchizophyllaceae, Schizopyllales, Basidiomycota
(Schizophyllaceae, Agaricales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
SphaceliaAnamorphic Clavicipitaceae
SphacelomaAnamorphic Elsinoaceae
SphacelothecaUstilaginaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Ustilaginaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustilaginomycetes.
SphaerodothisPhyllachoraceae, Phyllachorales, Ascomycota
(Phyllachoraceae, Phyllachorales, Sordariomycetes Orders Uncertain,
SphaeropsisMitosporic fungi
SphaerostilbeHypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota (Nectriaceae,
Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
SphaerothecaErysiphaceae, Erysiphales, Ascomycota (Erysiphaceae,
Erysiphales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
SphaerulinaMycospherellaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota
(Mycosphaerellaceae, Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes Uncertain, Ascomycota)
SpilocaeaAnamorphic Venturiaceae
SpondylocladiumMitosporic fungi
SpongosporaPlasmodiophoraceae, Plasmodiophorales,
Plasmodiophoromycota, Protozoa (Plasmodiophoraceae,
Plasmodiophorales, Plasmodiophoromycota, Protozoa)
SporendonemaMitosporic fungi
SporisoriumUstilaginaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Ustilaginaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustilaginomycetes, Basidiomycota)
SporobolomycesMitosporic fungi
SporonemaMitosporic fungi
SporotrichumMitosporic fungi
StagonosporaMitosporic fungi
StagonosporopsisMitosporic fungi
SteccherinumSteccherinaceae, Stereales, Basidiomycota
(Steccherinaceae, Hymenochaetales s.l., Hymenomycetes,
StemphyliumAnamorphic Pleosporaceae
StenocarpellaMitosporic fungi
StereumStereaceae, Stereales, Basidiomycota (Stereaceae, Hericiales,
Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
StigmateaAscomycota, Incertae Sedis (Ascomycota Genera Uncertain)
StigminaAnamorphic Dothideales
StilbumChionosphaeraceae, Atractiellales, Basidiomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Chionosphaeraceae, Basidiomycota Families Uncertain, Basidiomycota)
SynchronoblastiaMitosporic fungi
SynchytriumSynchytriaceae, Chytridiales, Chytridiomycota
(Synchytriaceae, Synchytridiales, Chytridiomycota)
TapesiaDermateaceae, Leotiales, Ascomycota (Dermateaceae,
Leotiales, Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota)
TaphrinaTaphrinaceae, Taphrinales, Ascomycota (Taphrinaceae,
Taphrinales, Taphrinomycetes, Taphrinomycotina, Ascomycota)
ThanatephorusCeratobasidiaceae, Ceratobasidiales, Basidiomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Ceratobasidiaceae, Tulasnellales, Hymenomycetes,
ThielaviopsisMitosporic fungi
ThryosporaMitosporic fungi
ThyrostromaMitosporic fungi
TilletiaTilletiaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Tilletiaceae, Tilletiales, Ustilaginomycetes, Basidiomycota)
TolyposporiumUstilaginaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Ustilaginaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustilaginomycetes.
TrachysphaeraPythiaceae, Pythiales, Oomycota, Chromista
(Pythiaceae, Pythiales, Oomycetes, Chromista)
TrametesCoriolaceae, Poriales, Basidiomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Coriolaceae, Polyporales, Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota)
TranzscheliaUropyxidaceae, Uredinales, Teliomycetes, Basidiomycota
(Uropyxidaceae, Pucciniales, Teliomycetes, Basidiomycota)
TrechisporaSistrotremataceae, Stereales, Basidiomycetes,
Basidiomycota (Sistrotremataceae, Basidiomycota Families Uncertain,
WilsonomycesMitosporic fungi
XylariaXylariaceae, Xylariales, Ascomycota (Xylariaceae, Xylariales,
Xylariomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota)
ZimmermaniellaPhyllachoraceae, Phyllachorales, Ascomycota
(Phyllachoraceae, Phyllachorales, Sordariomycetes Orders Uncertain,
ZopfiaZopfiaceae, Dothideales, Ascomycota (Zopfiaceae,
Dothideomycetes et Chaetothyriomycetes Uncertain, Ascomycota)
ZygophialaMitosporic fungi
ZygosaccharomycesSaccharomycetaceae, Saccharomycetales,
Ascomycota (Saccharomycetaceae, Saccharomycetales,
Saccharomycetes, Saccharomycotina, Ascomycota)
ZythiaMitosporic fungi
Barr, D. J. S. (1992). Evolution and kingdoms of organisms from the perspective of
a mycologist. Mycologia, 84:1-11.
FungalWeb (n.d.). <>.
Hawksworth, D. L., Kirk, P. M., Sutton, B. C., and Pegler, D. N. (1995). Ainsworth
and Bisbys Dictionary of the Fungi. CAB International, U.K.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993). Principles of Plant Pathology. CBS Publishers, Delhi,
Wrobel, W. and Creber, G. (1998). Elseviers Dictionary of Fungi and Fungal Plant
Diseases. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Holland.
Flagellate Protozoa
In addition to pathogens, plant diseases are also caused by parasites.
Pathogens cause harmful deviation from normal functioning of physiological processes, whereas parasites get their food from the plant. A parasite is
defined as an organism that lives in or on the cells of another organism and
obtains its food from the latter without necessarily causing disease symptoms (Strobel and Barash, 1990). However, they can cause disease symptoms,
probably by depleting host nutrients. The flagellated protozoa of the genus
Phytomonas and some Herpetomonas spp. are parasites of plants. The parasitism of protozoa occurs without any apparent pathogenicity (Dutra et al.,
2000). The parasites live mostly in the phloem and laticifers of infected
plants. Such parasites can also cause diseases of economic significance in
plantations of coconut, oil palm, cassava, and coffee (Dollet, 1984; Camargo,
1990). Parasites have been detected in edible fruits such as pomegranates,
peaches, guavas, and tangerines (Dutra et al., 2000). Phytomonas is the important genus causing diseases. The important diseases caused by Phytomonas are described here.
Phytomonas parasitizes coffee plants and causes phloem necrosis. The
parasitized coffee plants show a reduction in their starch reserves. The oldest leaves turn yellow and prematurely fall. The new leaves are fewer and
smaller than on a healthy tree. They get paler until they yellow and then fall,
leaving bare branches. The diseased tree dies in three to 12 months. In the
acute form of the disease, only a few old leaves fall; the others lose
turgescence and hang limp without falling (Dollet, 1984). After two to three
weeks, the leaves turn brownish and necrotic. The roots also turn brown and
perish. Cytological examinations show hyperplasia of the phloem, producing sieve tubes three times smaller than normal. Browning of cells and deposition of callose are seen. The vector of the disease is not known. Scale insects may be involved in the transmission of the disease.
Hartrot of coconut is otherwise called lethal yellowing, bronze wilt, or
Coronie wilt. The earliest symptom is yellowing of the oldest leaves, followed by yellowing of the younger leaves. The unripe coconuts may fall.
These nuts show internal browning of the husk and blackening of the
endocarp. The petioles of the oldest leaves break and necrosis starts in the
spear. The apical region of the crown rots, producing a foul odor. Two Pentatomidae insects, Lincus croupius and L. styliger, are believed to transmit
the disease (Desmier de Chenon et al., 1983).
Early symptoms of Marchitez disease include browning of the leaflet
tips. The root system deteriorates, growth slows down, and fruit bunches become dull and rot or fall. A Pentatomidae insect of genus Lincus may be the
vector of the disease. Insecticides reduce the spread of the disease.
Not much work has been done on Phytomonas, most likely because it
does not affect major crops and does not cause any significant economic
Camargo, E. P. (1990). Phytomonas and other trypanosomatid parasites of plants
and fruit. Adv Parasitol, 42:29-112.
Desmier de Chenon, R., Merlan, E., Genty, P., Morin, J. P., and Doller, M. (1983).
Research on the genus Lincus, Pentatomidae Discocephalidae and its possible
role in the transmission of the Marchitez of oil palm and Hart rot of coconut.
Presented in 4a Reun Com Tecn Reg San Veg SARAHIICA, Cancun, Mexico.
Dollet, M. (1984). Plant diseases caused by Flagellate protozoa (Phytomonas).
Annu Rev Phytopathol, 22:115-132.
Dutra, P. M. L., Rodrigues, C. O., Romeiro, A., Grillo, L. A. M., Dias, F. A., Attias,
M., De Souza, W., Lopes, A. H. C. S., and Meyer-Fernandes, J. R. (2000). Characterization of ectophosphatase activities in trypanosomatid parasites of plants.
Phytopathology, 90:1032-1038.
Strobel, G. A. and Barash, I. (1990). Microbial phytotoxins and plant diseases. In
P. Vidhyasekaran (Ed.), Basic Research for Crop Disease Management, Daya
Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 65-73.
Green Algae
Algae that are parasitic on plants are known only among the phylum
Chlorophyta. Of those, only the genus Cephaleuros (family Trentepohliaceae order Trentepohliales) is known to cause diseases in economically
important crops. The diseases caused by Cephaleuros spp. are commonly
called red rusts or algal spots.
Cephaleuros virescens (= C. mycoidea) is known to cause diseases in
Citrus spp. (e.g., limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit), mango, papaya, pecan, avocado, cacao, tea, coffee, pepper, oil palms, vanilla, litchi, sapota,
and guava. Cephaleuros virescens is prevalent in India, Indonesia, China,
Japan, Malaysia, Australia, the United States, Brazil, West Indies, and Africa. In general, the alga affects perennial trees, not annual crops. It does not
cause economical losses in many crops. However, considerable losses in
tea, pepper, and Citrus spp. due to the alga have been reported.
Cephaleuros virescens infects the leaves, stems, and fruit of the trees.
Leaf infection can be seen on the lamina, veins, and petiole. Yellow-green
pinpoint specks appear on the upper leaf surface. Occasionally the specks
occur on the lower leaf surface. The algal thallus grows mostly subcuticular
and the cuticle imparts a glistening appearance to the early developmental
stage. As growth of the disc progresses, sporophores and sterile hairs develop, both of which contain the orange pigment hematochrome. The algal
colony becomes velvety in texture and its color changes from green to orange brown. The thallus often becomes slightly raised. Green islands
around the infection foci are common. The cell layers nearest to the alga die
and assume a corklike appearance. They may serve as a barrier to further al-
either from the same gametangium or from different gamentangia. The resulting zygote produces a dwarf sporophyte that bears a small, dehiscent
microsporangium. After meiotic division, four quardiflagellate microzoospores are produced (Joubert and Rijkenberg, 1971). These microzoospores
rarely infect the host. The older algal discs produce hairlike initials at the
end of some of the radiating rows of cells. After rupturing the cuticle or epidermis of the host, the hairlike initials differentiate into either setae or
sporangiophores, both of which are produced abundantly on the same thallus.
The sporangiophores terminate in a swollen apical cell from which many
lateral protrusions are subtended. Each protrusion develops into a zoosporangium attached to the apex by a pedicel. Under favorable conditions,
sporangia release zoospores through an ostiole. Zoospores are biflagellate,
and about 30 are produced from each sporangium. When the zoospore
reaches the host cell, it comes to rest. A supracuticular primary disc develops as a result of repeated cross-wall formation in the zoospore after it
has come to rest. Buds develop from the undersurface of the primary disc
cells, penetrate the host leaf, and form a secondary disc in the plant tissue.
There are also reports that nearly all superficial thalli perish and that only
those zoospores that lodge in a crevice or abrasion succeed in infecting the
host (Wolf, 1930). The infection may be initiated by zoospores washed into
the stomata by rain. Zoosporangia are disseminated by the wind. Rain water
running over the surfaces of lesions and splashing onto new leaves may rapidly spread the zoospores. Hence, at the end of rainy season the disease becomes severe (Mann and Hutchinson, 1907).
Host debility is usually accompanied by an increased incidence and severity of the disease, which can be significantly reduced by the application
of nitrogen and potassium. Disease incidence also can be reduced by providing proper soil drainage. All badly diseased or dead wood should be removed. Pruning is recommended for citrus, tea, and cacao trees. Shade trees
and shelterbelts may serve as the primary sources of inoculum. Hence,
shade trees selected should not be alternate hosts for the algal pathogen. Irrigation may reduce the disease incidence by improving the vigor of the trees.
Fungicide sprays may reduce the algal infection. Bordeaux mixture is used
extensively in the control of algae. Copper oxychloride and cuprous oxide
can be sprayed to control the disease.
Joubert, J. J. and Rijkenberg, F. H. J. (1971). Parasitic green algae. Annu Rev
Phytopathol, 9:45-64.
Mann, H. H. and Hutchinson, C. M. (1907). Cephaleuros virescens Kunze the red
rust of tea. Mem Dep Agr India Bot Ser, 1(6):1-33.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993). Principles of Plant Pathology. CBS Publishers, Delhi.
Wolf, F. A. (1930). A parasitic alga, Cephaleuros virescens Kunze, on Citrus and
certain other plants. J Elisha Mitchell Sci Soc, 45:187-205.
Higher Plants
Some plants are parasitic to other plants, depending upon them for food
and/or water. Such plants cause disease by taking away the nutrients of the
host. The important parasitic higher plants are Striga, Orobanche, Loranthus,
Cassytha, and Cuscuta.
Several Striga species parasitize crop plants. More than 30 species of
Striga have been reported in Africa (Berner et al., 1995). Three of these species are endemic to Australia. Two species, Striga asiatica and S. gesnerioides, have been detected in the United States. Striga spp., which are also
called witchweed, affect many crops, including corn, sorghum, sugarcane,
rice, cowpea, and tobacco. Striga are characterized by opposite leaves and
irregular flowers with a pronounced bend in the corolla tube. They are obligate parasites and will not develop without hosts. They are also root parasites that produce haustoria, food-absorbing outgrowths that graft with the
roots of the host. Striga spp. lack typical root hairs and root caps (Vidhyasekaran, 1993).
The seeds of Striga spp. are extremely small and require afterripening or
postharvest ripening before germination. Germination of seeds requires exposure to an exogenous germination stimulant after an environmental conditioning period in which the seeds imbibe water. Usually this stimulant is a
host-root exudate, but some nonhost-root exudates and synthetic compounds can also stimulate germination of Striga seeds. The stimulant in the
root exudate has been identified as strigol. Strigol promotes the germination
of S. asiatica seeds at concentrations as low as 1016 M. Ethylene, gibberellins, cytokinins, and coumarins also stimulate the germination of Striga
seeds. After germination, endosperm nutrients can sustain the seedlings for
three to seven days in the absence of a host. If the seedlings do not attach to a
host and successfully establish a parasitic link within this period, they will
die. If a host root is in close proximity (2 to 3 mm) to a germinated Striga
seedling, chemical signals are exchanged that direct the seedlings radicle to
the host root, initiate haustorium induction, and result in the successful attachment and establishment of xylem-to-xylem connections between the
parasite and host (Berner et al., 1995). One of these signals has been identified as 2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone, which may be the product of enzymatic degradation of the host root responsible for stimulating formation of
the parasite haustorium. Haustoria of parasitic plants are specialized organs
developed from parasite radicles prior to penetration. After successful attachment, developing Striga plants grow underground for four to seven
weeks prior to emergence. Numerous parasitic attachments occur on the
same plant.
Striga absorb water and foodstuffs through their haustoria. Carbohydrate
and nitrogen of the host are utilized by the parasites. This process results in
sugar sink and nitrogen starvation in the host. Differential absorption of
phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, and iron by the infected host has also been
reported. Infected sorghum plants show 90 to 95 percent less cytokinins and
30 to 80 percent less gibberellins. A strong transpirational pull from host to
parasite is observed. High humidity inhibits the growth of Striga due to a reduced flow of materials from host to parasite. For the same reason, Striga
survive more often in dry soils. Striga strengthen the roots that are parasitized
and stimulate root production of the host (Vidhyasekaran, 1993).
Symptoms of parasitism resemble drought stress, nutrient deficiency,
and vascular disease. Infected plants become stunted with heavy yield production. Parasites blossom and form fruits within three or four weeks of
emergence, producing several hundred thousand minute seeds per plant.
The seeds are dispersed by the wind, finally settling on the soil. Such seeds
may be viable for up to 14 years in soil.
Biological strains of Striga have been reported. S. gesnerioides isolates
from tobacco do not infect cowpea and the isolates from cowpea do not infect tobacco. The Sorghum strain of S. hermonthica does not infect corn and
the corn strain of S. hermonthica does not infect sorghum. Cowpea cultivarspecific races of S. gesnerioides have been reported also. Striga seeds are
often found mixed with crop seeds, and the contaminated crop seeds may
transmit the disease into a new area of the field. Hence, seeds should be obtained only from Striga-free fields. Seed treatment by soaking seeds in an
aqueous solution with low amounts of imazaquin (an acetolactate synthase
[ALS] inhibitor that selectively interferes with inhibition of amino acid
biosynthesis by the parasite) effectively contols Striga infection in cowpea
(Berner et al., 1994). Crop varieties resistant to the parasites have been identified. Four cowpea cultivars, Gorom Local (SUVITA-2) from Burkina
Faso, 58-57 from Senegal, B301 from Botswana, and IT82D-849 from Nigeria, have been identified as resistant to S. gesnerioides. However, several
races of Striga are known in different countries and some of these resistant
that are yellow, orange, or greenish in color. Minute leaves, which are functionless, are also seen in some species. Dodder vines usually appear as a tangled mass of yellowish threads. Dodder seeds can germinate without external root stimulation. The dodder first produces a rudimentary root system of
its own. However, if the aerial parts are unsuccessful in finding a host plant
within a few weeks, the vine dies. Dodder obtains water and nutrients from
the host plant through haustoria that are embedded in the stems of the host
plant. A close orientation of the vascular elements of the host and the parasite is seen. Some dodders have traces of chlorophyll, and stomata can be
seen on the stem.
Dodder plants produce small white flowers and abundant seeds. The
seeds fall on the soil and germinate, producing tiny colorless seedlings that
evidence a spiral growth at the uppermost portions. These seedlings will
survive only for a short time if a host is not available. When a host is present,
the seedlings will attach to the host. After contact between the host and the
parasite is established, the portion of the seedling embedded in the soil gradually shrivels and disappears. Parasitic plants can be manually removed. Fumigation of the tobacco seedbed with methyl bromide is recommended to
kill dodder seeds in tobacco cultivation.
Berner, D. K., Awad, A. E., and Algbokhan, E. I. (1994). Potential of imazaquin
seed treatment for control of Striga gesnerioides and Alectra vogelii in cowpea
(Vigna unguiculata). Plant Dis, 78:18-23.
Berner, D. K., Kling, J. G., and B. B. Singh (1995). Striga research and control
A perspective from Africa. Plant Dis, 79:652-660.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993). Principles of Plant Pathology. CBS Publishers, Delhi.
Parasitic Nematodes
Nematodes are a large group of invertebrates living in soil and water.
Some feed on higher plants and can cause diseases. Some plant parasitic
nematodes cause heavy crop losses. Cereal cyst nematode Heterodera
avenae, potato cyst nematode Globodora rostochiensis, and the root-knot
nematodes Meloidogyne javanica, M. incognita, and M. arenaria severely
affect several cereals and vegetables. Some nematodes cause damage in association, with fungi such as Fusarium, Verticillium, Rhizoctonia, and Phytophthora spp. causing wilt and root rots in several crops. In association
with bacterial pathogens such as Clavibacter tritici, the nematode Anguina
tritici causes diseases such as spike blight of wheat. Some nematodes such
as Xiphinema, Trichodorus, and Paratrichodorus serve as vectors of viruses
causing serious diseases in tomato, peach, strawberry, raspberry, grapevine,
pea, cowpea, and tobacco. Several nematicides have been developed, and
these broad-spectrum nematicides were highly effective in management of
nematode-related diseases. However, several effective nematicides have
been removed from the marketplace as the result of federal deregulation.
Research work has been intensified in developing nematode-resistant plants
exploiting single-gene resistance. Cultivars with vertical or horizontal resistance have been developed, with more success with vertical resistance. Several biocontrol agents have been identified, but their practical uses in the
field are yet to be demonstrated. All these aspects are described in this chapter.
Most plant-parasitic nematodes are minute, vermiform animals. Their
bodies are elongated and threadlike (nema in Greek means thread) without any segments. They are cylindrical, tapering at each end especially toward the tail. Nematode females may swell to become spherical. The size of
plant-parasitic nematodes ranges from 0.2 to 10 mm and is commonly 0.5 to
1.5 mm. The basic body structure of nematodes consists of a flexible body
wall that is composed of cuticle, hypodermis, and somatic muscles. The
Parasitic Nematodes
Burrowing Nematode
Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne (Crop: corn)
Citrus Nematode
Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb (Crops: citrus, grape)
Crimp Nematode
Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie (Crop: rice)
Cyst Nematodes
Globdera pallida (Stone) Mulvey and Stone (Crop: potato)
G. rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Mulvey and Stone (Crop: potato)
G. solanacearum (Miller and Gray) Behrens = G. virginiae (Miller
and Gray) Behrens (Crop: tobacco)
G. tabacum (Lownsbery and Lownsbery) Behrens (Crop: tobacco)
Heterodera spp. (Crops: celery, wheat)
H. avenae Wollenweber (Crops: barley, corn, oats, rye, wheat)
H. carotae Jones (Crop: carrot)
H. cruciferae Franklin (Crop: crucifers)
H. filipjevi (Madzhidov) Stelter (Crop: barley)
H. glycines Ichinohe (Crops: bean, soybean)
H. hordecalis Andersson (Crop: oat, wheat)
H. latipons Franklin (Crops: barley, oats, wheat)
H. schachtii Schmidt (Crops: beet, cotton, crucifers)
H. trifolii Goffart (Crops: alfalfa, beet)
H. zeae Koshy et al. (Crop: corn)
Punctodera chalcoensis Stone et al. (Crop: corn, oat, wheat)
Dagger Nematodes
Xiphinema spp. (Crops: citrus, grape, strawberry)
X. americanum Cobb (Crops: alfalfa, almond, apple, apricot, bean,
corn, cotton, cucurbit, grape, oat, peach, pear, sorghum, strawberry, tobacco, wheat)
X. brevicolle Lordello and daCosta (Crop: mango)
X. diversicaudatum (Micoletzky) Thorne (Crop: rose)
and antagonistic bacteria, and hence reduce the nematode infestation (Oka
and Yermiyahu, 2002). Application of chitin can also reduce nematode population. A commercial product (Clandosan) containing chitin and urea has
been registered in the United States. Chitin amendments may release ammonia upon degradation at rates that can be nematicidal. Chitin application
may result in a buildup of chitinolytic organisms that may contribute to the
mortality of nematode eggs that contain chitin (Duncan, 1991).
Plants Inhibitory to Nematodes
Root exudates of some plants are inhibitory to nematodes. Tagetes erecta
reduces Pratylenchus infection through nematicidal action. Asparagus reduces Paratrichodorus christiei population. Crotolaria reduces Meloidogyne population. White mustard reduces the potato cyst nematode. These
plants can be grown as an alternate crop or as an intercrop. Intercropping
will be more beneficial.
Trap Cropping
Trap cropping is one of the important components in the integrated nematode management system. It is useful to control Globodera and Heterodera
spp. In this system, a crop that causes the nematodes to hatch is planted; if
the crop is a host plant it must be destroyed before the nematodes mature,
but if the larvae do not develop, the crop can be allowed to mature normally.
Oat is an efficient trap crop for Heterodera avenae, a nematode that attacks
wheat and barley. Oat should be ploughed in before the nematodes mature.
Biological Control
Several antagonistic organisms have been reported to be present in soil.
Several Pseudomonas spp. are antagonistic to the nematodes. Predacious
nematodes are common in soil. A large amount of organic matter is essential
to activate these biological agents for control of nematode infection. The
bacterium Pasteuria penetrans, nematophagus fungi Dactylella, Dactylaria,
and Arthrobotrys, and egg parasites such as Paecilomyces lilacinus are used
for the control of nematodes (Sayre and Walter, 1991). Mixtures of biocontrol agents enhance biological control of Meloidogyne javanica in tomato (Siddiqui and Shukat, 2002).
Physical Methods
Infested soil can be sterilized with steam. Potato cyst nematodes are
killed by passing the steam into the soil through perforated pipes. Hot-water
treatment can be beneficial to control cyst nematodes in potato tubers.
Solarization using plastic mulches may help to reduce the nemetode population (Salch et al., 1988).
Host Plant Resistance
Several resistant crop varieties have been developed against Ditylenchus,
Meloidogyne, Heterodera, and Globodera spp. using both dominant major
gene (qualitative) resistance and polygenic (quantitative) resistance. Resistance in most of the developed resistant varieties is conferred by dominant
major genes. Major gene resistance may be more durable against nematodes
than against fungal and bacterial pathogens because nematodes disperse slowly
and reproduce at relatively low numbers. Hence, several nematode-resistant
varieties have been developed incorporating a single resistance gene (Duncan, 1991). Some genes confer resistance to more than one species of nematode. A gene in tomato, Mi, confers resistance to Meloidogyne incognita, M.
javanica, and M. arenaria. This gene has been incorporated into a large
number of tomato varieties with good agronomic characteristics. Growers
in California choose to use these resistant varieties rather than other means
to manage the nematodes (Duncan, 1991). The resistance gene Mi in tomato
has been cloned (Rossi et al., 1998), and another gene, Mi-9, has been characterized (Ammiraju et al., 2003).
Chemical Control
Many fumigants are available to eradicate nematodes. Methyl bromide,
dichloropropene, dibromochloropropane, and metham-sodium can be injected into the soil to eradicate nematodes. Some of the granules are known
to reduce the nematode population. Aldicarb, oxamyl, and carbofuran can
also be useful to reduce the nematode infestation. The following are the
nematicides available for management of nematodes.
Aldicarb (2-methyl-2-(methylthio) propionaldehyde Omethylcarbamoyloxime); Temik (trade name); granules; used to control
free-living nematodes
Chloropicrin (trichloronitromethane); Pic-Clor, Chlor-O-Pic (trade
names); preplant soil fumigant
Carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethylbenzofuran-7-yl-methylcarbamate);
Furadan (trade name); granules and flowable formulations; soil application
D-D (1,2-dichloropropane with 1,3-dichloropropene); Vidden D (trade
name); soil-injected nematicide; mixed formulations: D-D + methyl
isothiocyanate, D-D + chloropicrin
Dazomet (tetrahydro-3.5-dimethyl-1,3,5-thiadiazine-2 thione); Basamid,
Mylone (trade names); soil sterilant; used as preplant treatment in tobacco, turf seedbeds
Diazinon (O,O-diethyl O-2-isopropyl-6-methylpyrimidin-4-yl
phosphorothioate); Diazol, Basudin, Neocidol, Exodin, Diazitol,
Spectracide, Sarolex, Diagran (trade names); granules; effective against
many nematodes
Dibromochloropropane (1,2-dibromochloropropane); Nemagon,
Fumazone (trade names); emulsifiable concentrate and nonemulsifiable
concentrate; nematicidal soil sterilant used on citrus, grapes, peanuts,
deciduous fruit, cotton, and vegetables
Dichlofenthion (O-(2,4-dichlorophenyl) O,O-diethyl phosphorothioate);
Mobilawn, VC 13 Nemacide (trade names); nonsystemic nematicide;
controls noncyst-forming nematodes on turf and ornamentals; mixed
formulation: dichlofenthion + thiram
Dichloropropene (1,3-dichloropropene); Telone (trade name); liquid formulation; nematicidal control in fruit, flower, and vegetable crops,
cotton, soybean, and peanut; effective against potato cyst nematode,
root-knot nematode in cucumbers and tomato, and stem nematode in
Ethoprophos (O-ethyl S, S-dipropyl phosphorodithioate); Mocap, Prophos
(trade names); granules and emulsifiable concentrate formulations;
nonsystemic nematicide; controls nematodes in potato
Ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane); Dowfume, Bromofume,
Soilbrom, Soilfume (trade names); liquid formulation; mixed formulations: Ethylene dibromide + chloropicrin, ethylene + methyl bromide
Fenamiphos (ethyl-4-methylthio-m-tolyl isopropylphosphoramidate);
Nemacur (trade name); granules and emulsifiable concentrate; systemic nematicidal action; absorbed through leaves and roots and controls ecto- and endo-parasitic nematodes; applied broadcast, in band,
in-the-row, by drench before or at planting time or to established plants
Fensulfothion (O,O-diethyl O-4-methylsulphinylphenyl
phosphorothioate); Dasanit, Terracur P (trade names); systemic and
contact action; soil application for nematicidal control of parasitic, sedentary, and free-living nematodes
Siddiqui, I. A. and Shukat, S. S. (2002). Mixtures of plant disease suppressive bacteria enhance biological control of multiple tomato pathogens. Biol Fertil Soils,
Southey, J. F. (1982). Plant Nematology. Her Majestys Stationery Office, London.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993). Principles of Plant Pathology. CBS Publishers.
Williams, T. D. (1984). Plant parasitic nematodes. In The Commonwealth Mycological Institute (compilation), Plant Pathologists Pocketbook. Common Mycological Institute, Kew, England, pp. 119-136.
and Spiroplasmas
Phytoplasmas and spiroplasmas are bacteria that lack rigid cell walls.
They belong to the class Mollicutes. Phytoplasmas cannot be cultured,
whereas some spiroplasmas can be cultured. Both mollicutes are phloem
limited in plants and can be transmitted by leafhoppers. Spiroplasmas are
helical in shape. The structure of phytoplasmas and spiroplasmas, classification of phytoplasmas based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences, and diseases caused by them are described.
What Are Phytoplasmas?
Phytoplasmas are minute bacteria without cell walls. They inhabit phloem
sieve elements in infected plants. They cannot be cultured in artificial media
to date. They can pass through a bacteria-proof filter. They have been associated with diseases in cereals, vegetables, fruit crops, ornamental plants,
and timber and shade trees.
Yellows are an important group of diseases and were once considered to
be caused by viruses. One disease, aster yellows, was first reported in 1902,
and it was considered a virus disease until 1967. Doi et al. (1967) reported
that particles in ultrathin sections of the phloem of plants affected by yellows diseases, including aster yellows, resembled animal and human mycoplasmas. The particles lacked rigid cell walls, were surrounded by a single
unit membrane, and were sensitive to the antibiotic, tetracycline. The term
mycoplasmalike organisms (MLOs) was used to refer to such causal organisms of yellows diseases from 1967 to 1994. The name phytoplasma was
introduced by the Phytoplasma Working Team at the Tenth Congress of the
International Organization for Mycoplasmology (Lee et al., 2000).
Classification of Phytoplasmas
Despite several attempts during the past three decades, phytoplasmas
have not been cultured. Hence, phytoplasmas could not be classified based
on the traditional tests applied to cultured prokaryotes. Woese et al. (1980)
distinguished phytoplasmas (mycoplasmas) by analyzing highly conserved
rRNA gene sequences in prokaryotes. It has been suggested that the phytopathogenic, mycoplasmalike organisms belong to the class Mollicutes. Four
major phylogenetic groups (clades) have been identified in the class Mollicutes: Mycoplasma hominis, M. pneumoniae, Spiroplasma, and Anaeroplasma. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA and rp (ribosomal proteins)
gene operon sequences showed that phytoplasmas formed a large, discrete,
monophyletic clade within the expanded Anaeroplasma clade (Gundersen
et al., 1994). Within the phytoplasma clade, several distinct subclades
(monophyletic groups or taxa) have been identified based on the restriction
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of 16S rRNA and ribosomal protein
sequences (Lee et al., 2000). It has been suggested that the phytoplasma
clade should be distinguished at the taxonomic level of a genus, and each
subclade (corresponding 16S rRNA sequence) should represent a species.
However, the naming of new species in the class Mollicutes requires descriptions of the species in pure culture. Phytoplasmas cannot be isolated in
pure culture, and the phenotypic characteristics used to describe mollicute
species are unattainable for uncultured phytoplasmas. Therefore, a provisional classification system using the Candidatus category has been developed (Lee et al., 2000). Five Candidatus Phytoplasma species have been
recognized. The following is the classification of phytoplasmas based on
RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA and ribosomal protein sequences (Seemuller et
al., 1998; Lee et al., 2000):
Aster Yellows Group (16 SrI)
Subgroup 16SrI-A, 16SrI-A (rp-A): aster yellows (in China aster),
lettuce yellows, periwinkle little leaf, tomato big bud (Arkansas),
gladiolus virescence (Italy)
Subgroup 16SrI-B, 16SrI-B (rp-B): aster yellows (in potato, carrot,
celery, clover), broccoli phyllody, chrysanthemum yellows, cabbage witches-broom, onion virescence (yellows), mulberry
dwarf, eggplant dwarf, turnip virescence
Subgroup 16SrI-B, 16Sr-B (rp-K): hydrangea phyllody
Subgroup 16SrI-B, 16Sr-B (rp-L): maize bushy stunt
Subgroup 16SrI-C: strawberry green petal, clover phyllody, olive
sucking insects such as leafhoppers and planthoppers can transmit phytoplasmas. These insects feed on phloem tissues, where they acquire phytoplasmas
and transmit them from plant to plant. Phytoplasmas may overwinter in
infected vectors. They may survive in perennial plants. No seed-borne phytoplasmas have been reported. However, phytoplasmas are spread by vegetative propagation through cuttings, storage tubers, rhizomes, or bulbs.
They can be transmitted also through grafts.
Disease Diagnosis
Because phytoplasmas cannot be cultured, their detection is difficult. The
presence of characteristic symptoms in diseased plants and subsequent observation of phytoplasma bodies in ultrathin sections were used to diagnose
phytoplasma diseases. Recently, several molecular probes have been developed to diagnose these diseases. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays,
immunofluorescence microscopy, DNA probes, Southern hybridization and
RFLP analysis of phytoplasma genomic DNA, and PCR assays using PCR
primers based on sequences of cloned phytoplasma DNA fragments have
been used to detect phytoplasma diseases (see Chapter 13 for details about
these techniques). The most useful method is the PCR method, which employs phytoplasma universal (generic) or phytoplasma group-specific oligonucleotide primers that are based on highly conserved 16S rRNA gene sequences.
Phytoplasma Disease Management
Disease-free planting material should be used for planting. Diseaseresistant varieties are available for protection against some diseases. Insect
vectors should also be controlled. Genetic engineering technology has been
exploited to develop transgenic plants that are resistant to phytoplasma. The
expression of antibodies in transgenic plants confers resistance to phytoplasma diseases (Chen and Chen, 1998).
Spiroplasmas are wall-less prokaryotes that belong to the class Mollicutes (Kirkpatrick and Smart, 1995). They are helical prokaryotes that lack
a rigid cell wall. Unlike phytoplasmas, some spiroplasmas can be cultured
(Daniels, 1983). Three plant-pathogenic spiroplasmas have been identified:
Spiroplasma citri, the causal agent of citrus stubborn and horseradish
brittleroot; S. kunkelii, the causal agent of corn stunt disease; and S. phoen-
Viroids are covalently closed, circular RNA molecules (Hammond and
Zhao, 2000). Viroids were the first circular RNAs to be discovered in nature.
These are the smallest known infectious agents (Elena et al., 2001). Potato
spindle tuber viroid was the first viroid reported, and it is widely prevalent
in different potato growing areas. Citrus exocortis viroid is widespread in
citrus production areas where trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliate) is used
as root stock (Guo et al., 2002). Hop stunt viroid has a wide range of hosts.
Mechanism of viroid pathogenesis in plants has been elucidated recently.
This chapter describes the viroids and viroid-like satellite RNAs (virusoids).
Viroids are nucleic acids that exist naturally with no protein coat. They
consist of ribonucleic acid (RNA). These miniviruses are the smallest
known causal organisms of infectious diseases. They are subviral, and their
size ranges from 246 to 388 nucleotides in length (Symons, 1991). The RNA
structure of viroids is different from transfer RNA (tRNA), ribosomal RNA
(rRNA), and messenger RNA (mRNA). Viroids were the first circular
RNAs to be discovered in nature; this feature differentiates them from other
RNAs (Reisner, 1991).
Important Viroids Causing Diseases
The following are viroids that cause diseases in important crops:
Apple scar skin viroid
Australian grapevine viroid
Avocado sunblotch viroid
Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid
Chrysanthemum stunt viroid
Citrus exocortis viroid
Coconut cadang-cadang viroid
Coconut tinangaja viroid
Only four virusoids have been discovered (Symons, 1991). They are
found with the helper viruses, Lucerne transient streak virus (virusoid name
abbreviation: vLTSV, 324 nucleotides in length), Solanum nodiflorum mottle virus (vSNMV, 377 nucleotides in length), Subterranean clover mottle
virus (vSCMoV, 332 and 388 nucleotides in length), and Velvet tobacco
mottle virus (vVTMoV, 365 and 366 nucleotides in length).
Diener, T. (1979). Viroids and Viroid Diseases. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Elena, S. F., Dopazo, J., Pena, M. de la., Flores, R., Diener, T. O., and Moya, A.
(2001). Phylogenetic analysis of viroid-like satellite RNAs from plants: A reassessment. J Mol Evol, 53:155-159.
Fels, A., Hu, K. H., and Riesner, D. (2001). Transcription of potato spindle tuber
viroid by RNA polymerase II starts predominantly at two specific sites. Nucleic
Acids Res, 29:4589-4597.
Gomez, G. and Pallas, V. (2001). Identification of an in vitro ribonucleoprotein
complex between viroid RNA and a phloem protein from cucumber plants. Mol
Plant-Microbe Interact, 14:910-913.
Guo, W. W., Cheng, Y. J., and Deng, X. X. (2002). Regeneration and molecular
characterization of intergeneric somatic hybrids between Citrus reticulata and
Poncirus trifoliata. Plant Cell Rep, 20:829-834.
Hammond, R. W. and Zhao, Y. (2000). Characterization of tomato protein kinase
gene induced by infection by potato spindle tuber viroid. Mol Plant-Microbe Interact, 13:903-910.
Owens, R. A., Blackburn, M., and Ding, B. (2001). Possible involvement of the
phloem lectin in long-distance viroid movement. Mol Plant-Microbe Interact,
Reisner, D. (1991). Viroids: From thermodynamics to cellular structure and function. Mol Plant-Microbe Interact, 4:122-131.
Symons, R. H. (1991). The intriguing viroids and virusoids: What is their information content and how did they evolve? Mol Plant-Microbe Interact, 4:111-121.
Woo, Y. M., Itaya, A., Owens, R. A., Tang, L., Hammond, R. W., Chou, H. C., Lai,
M. M. C., and Ding, B. (1999). Characterization of nuclear import of potato spindle tuber viroid RNA in permeabilized protoplasts. Plant J, 17:627-635.
Zaitlin, M. and Palukaitis, P. (2000). Advances in understanding plant viruses and
virus diseases. Annu Rev Phytopathol, 38:117-143.
Viruses are important groups of plant pathogens. Several viruses are
known to cause crop diseases, and 977 plant virus species have been officially or provisionally recognized (Fauquet and Mayo, 1999). Rice tungro
virus disease causes heavy losses in rice grown in different countries in Asia
(Azzam and Chancellor, 2002). Citrus tristeza virus disease has caused the
decline and death of close to 40 million trees grafted on sour orange
rootstocks in Spain and several million trees in other growing areas in the
Americas, Australia, and South Africa (Terrada et al., 2000). Tomato spotted wilt virus causes significant yield losses in many food and ornamental
crops (Garcia et al., 2000). It was difficult to classify plant viruses into class,
order, family, genus, and species due to lack of knowledge of genetic relationships between viruses. Recently viruses have been grouped into genera,
based on molecular biological studies. A few families and an order have
been created. The virus infection process is now studied at the molecular
level, and the viral genes involved in the pathogenicity have been characterized. Insects, mites, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes serve as vectors of
viruses, and studies of their interaction help to develop integrated virus disease management technology. All these aspects are described in this chapter.
Viruses are infectious agents that are not visible under the microscope
(i.e., they are submicroscopic) and are small enough to pass through a bacterial filter. Viruses do not have a metabolism of their own and depend upon
living host cells for multiplication. They have only one type of nucleic acid,
either ribonucleic acid or deoxyribonucleic acid. Nucleic acids may be single stranded (ss) or double stranded (ds), and may be single segmented or
with a few segments. The nucleic acids are enclosed in a coat of protein.
Some viruses may have an extra coat (envelope). The number of coat protein polypeptides may range from one to seven. The virus particles are of
different shapes and sizes. They may be elongated (rod shaped), as in the
case of Tobacco mosaic virus; isometric (Cowpea mosaic virus); bacilliform (Alfalfa mosaic virus, Rice tungro bacilliform virus); spherical (Rice
tungro spherical virus); or geminate (i.e., arranged in pairs). Some viruses
have different particle types that differ in size or nucleic acids. Multipartite
(multicomponent, multigenome segments) viruses consist of two to four
single-stranded (ss) RNAs. Two RNA pieces occur in Tobacco rattle virus,
Bean pod mottle virus, and Pea enation mosaic virus; three RNA pieces occur in Cucumber mosaic virus and Prune dwarf virus; and four RNA pieces
occur in Alfalfa mosaic virus and Tomato spotted wilt virus. All RNA pieces
are needed for multicomponent virus infection.
The particle shape and size of important characterized viruses, number of
genome segments, nature of RNA or DNA, and number of coat protein
polypeptides of these viruses are provided here:
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV)Bacilliform, 28-58 nm 18 nm, 4 genome
segments, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Andean potato latent virus (APLV)Isometric, about 29 nm, 1 genome
segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Andean potato mottle virus (APMV)Isometric, about 30 nm, 2 genome
segments, linear ssRNA, 2 coat protein polypeptides
Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV)Isometric, about 30 nm, 2 genome
segments, linear ssRNA, 2 coat protein polypeptides
Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV)Rigid rod, 100-150 nm 20 nm,
3 genome segments, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)Polyhedral, about 30 nm, 1 genome
segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV)Flexuous rod, 680-900 nm 11
nm, 1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Barley yellow striate mosaic virus (BYSMV)Bacilliform, 330 45 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 5 coat protein polypeptides
Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV)Flexuous rod, 680-900 nm 11 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV)Geminate (arranged in pairs),
18 30 nm
Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV)Isometric, about 30 nm, 2 genome segments, linear ssRNA, 2 coat protein polypeptides
Bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV)Isometric, about 30 nm, 2 genome
segments, linear ssRNA, 2 coat protein polypeptides
Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV)Flexuous rod, 680-900 nm 11 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Beet leaf curl virus (BLCV)Bacilliform, 225-350 nm 45 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 5 coat protein polypeptides
Tomato golden mosaic virus (ToGMV)Geminate, 18 30 nm, 2 circular genome segments, ssDNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)Rigid rod, about 300 nm 18 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV)Isometric, about 30 nm, 2 genome
segments, linear ssRNA, 2 coat protein polypeptides
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)Spherical, about 85 nm, 4 genome
segments, linear ssRNA, 4 coat protein polypeptides
Tulip breaking virus (TBV)Flexuous rod, 680-900 nm 11 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV)Flexuous rod, 680-900 nm 11 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Turnip rosette virus (TRoV)Polyhedral, about 30 nm, 1 genome
segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV)Isometric, about 29 nm, 1 genome
segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV)Flexuous rod, 680-900 nm 11 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Wheat chlorotic streak virus (WCSV)Bacilliform, 355 55 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 5 coat protein polypeptides
Wheat yellow leaf virus (WYLV)Flexuous rod, 600-2000 nm 12 nm,
1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
White clover mosaic virus (WClMV)Flexuous rod, 480-580 nm
13 nm, 1 genome segment, linear ssRNA, 1 coat protein polypeptide
Viruses depend completely upon host cells for the supply of precursors,
energy, enzymes, and the structural machineryin fact for all the infrastructure except the coded message (virus nucleic acid)for their replication. Thus, viruses are parasites at the genetic level. The infection process
consists of viral attachment and ingress of the viral genome into the host cell.
Plant viruses possess no capacity of their own to push through the plant cell
wall barrier in order to enter the cell. They can come in contact with the cytoplasm or reach the interior of the plant cell only through wounds caused
mechanically or by vectors (Zaitlin and Hull, 1987). Wounding damages the
cuticle and cell wall and/or breaks the trichomes to expose specific attachment sites that differ from nonspecific attachment sites found on unabraded
cell walls (De Zoeten, 1995). The former exposes the cell membrane,
whereas the latter exposes the plasmodesmata. Plasmodesmata are abundant in the cell walls of hairs and also between hair cells and underlying epi-
dermal cells. In this way, virus particles become attached to the cell membrane. The virus may enter the protoplasts by pinocytosis or endocytosis,
the process by which substances enter the cell from the exterior and pass
into the cytoplasm. Attachment of virus particles to plasmalemma induces
the plasmalemmas invagination at the point of attachment. The neck of the
invagination closes, and the virus particle is imprisoned within an intracytoplasmic vesicle.
The virus may enter the cell by any one of the possible preexisting cell
mechanisms of nutrient uptake. Many invaginations of various sizes are normally present on the surface of plasmalemma of protoplasts, and the adsorption processes are most effective in these invaginations. The adsorbed virus
particles may enter the protoplast by closing the walls of invagination. The
resultant vesicle later may disintegrate to release virus particles into the cytoplasm. The adsorbed virus particles may also penetrate the protoplast by
the same type of electroosmotic forces responsible for transmembrane
transport of ions into the protoplast through plasmalemma.
Within a few seconds to minutes after entry of the virions (the complete
and infectious nucleoprotein particle of the virus) into the plant cell, uncoating of virus particles (i.e., removal of the envelope and coat protein and
release of the viral genome) occurs. TMV particles often uncoat within 15
to 30 min after inoculation. Uncoating of Tobacco necrosis virus particles
commences immediately after end-on attachment to the cell walls of plants.
It has been shown by several researchers that uncoating of virus particles occurs on the plant cell wall. Uncoating appears to be a nonspecific event.
Uncoating of the virus particles occurs not only on host plants but also with
equal efficiency on nonhosts. It has also been suggested that the uncoating
process may take place on the plasma membrane of pinocytic vesicles. The
virus particles uncoat and disappear from view from pinocytic vesicles
within a few minutes after their entry so that the viral genome, rather than
complete virus particles, enters the cytosol. According to some reports, the
uncoating process occurs intracellularly (i.e., in the cytoplasm). However,
this process has not been confirmed. It is most likely that this process occurs
outside of the cell (i.e., at an extracellular site).
The mechanism of uncoating is not yet fully understood (De Zoeten,
1995). It is suggested that more or less complete virus particles pass through
the plasmalemma. During their passage, these particles may encounter low
ionic (Ca2+) strength and Ca2+ ion gradients, the hydrophobic environment
of the plasmalemma, intracellular phospholipid membrane, or subcellular
low pH compartments. These conditions cause the virions to swell or lose
some protein subunits from the 5' end leader sequence so that partially
encapsidated virions enter the cytosol. There the ribosomes take over and
result in cotranslational disassembly. During translation, the ribosomes may
extract or release RNA from the spherical capsid without disrupting the
capsid completely. The RNA may escape through a hole formed in the
capsid by removal of some capsid protein units.
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase has been detected in many plants, and
it may be involved in viral replication in infected host cells. This enzyme is
activated by virus infection. However, host polymerase may not be the complete replicase needed for replication of a specific virus RNA (De Zoeten,
1995). A virus-coded polypeptide may associate with the host-specific enzyme to form a fully competent replicase (holoenzyme), which also possesses the needed specificity for viral RNA. Thus, a virus-encoded protein is
an integral component of the viral replicase. It is suggested that the complete virus-specific replicase is constituted by two units, a host-coded part
and a virus-coded part. The virus-coded part is a virally coded polypeptide
that functions in template selection. For example, Turnip yellow mosaic virus RNA replicase is made up of two major subunits: A 115-kilodalton
(kDa) molecular weight subunit encoded by the viral genome and a hostencoded 45 kDa unit that is different from the hosts RNA-dependent RNA
Immediately after partial or complete uncoating, viral RNA directs the
synthesis of some early virus-specific proteins. One of these proteins is the
specific virus-encoded subunit of the polymerase complex, which is synthesized within 1 to 10 minutes after inoculation. Replication of viral RNA involves transcription of the virus (+) RNA into the complementary () chain
by the enzymes of the replicase system. The replication process starts from
the 3' end. Viral RNA acts as a template for the synthesis of complementary
strand. Thus viral RNA now exists as a double-stranded structure, the
replicative form (RF) of RNA. RF RNA is a full-length double-stranded
structure composed entirely of base pairs that is never infectious. The minus
strands of the initially dsRNA (RF RNA) are then released and act as templates for the synthesis of complementary plus strands of viral RNA (progeny RNA) by again generating dsRNA structures, the replicative intermediate (RI). Progeny plus strands generated may further enter into any one of
the three routes of the virus replication cycle: act as mRNA and code for
coat protein synthesis (the translation step), be converted to double-stranded
RF RNA to provide more templates for synthesis of viral plus RNA, or be
encapsidated to produce virions. The assembly of nucleic acid and coat protein into virions is almost a spontaneous process when viral nucleic acid and
specific proteins meet.
The replication process may vary slightly from virus to virus. For viruses
with () strand RNA (such as Rhabdovirus), special mRNA has first to be
transcribed. In the case of double-stranded RNA viruses such as Reovirus,
each of the ten to 12 segments may produce its own mRNA. DNA viruses
such as Caulimovirus use host polymerases for replication. All viruses have
to code for their specific replicase. Viral (+) RNA and complementary RNA
strands formed after transcription of the viral genome of some plant viruses
(Reovirus and Rhabdovirus) act as mRNA. This leads to the synthesis of virus-specific capsids and other proteins by translation of this mRNA. Two
types of ribosomes are present in plant cells: 80S cytoplasmic ribosomes
and 70S chloroplast and mitochondrial ribosomes. Plant viral mRNAs are
translated only on the 80S cytoplasmic ribosomes in several cases. Viral
proteins are formed on 80S ribosomes. Viral RNA may encode its specific
proteins in the midst of continuing synthesis of host proteins. Viruses have
only a few genes. Tobacco mosaic virus RNA carries information for at least
four proteins. The coat protein is encoded by the coat protein subgenomic
RNA. A second subgenomic RNA, I2 RNA, encodes the 30 kDa protein.
Another subgenomic RNA, I1 RNA, encodes a 50 kDa protein. These three
subgenomic RNAs occur on ribosomes and act as mRNAs (Mandahar,
Rice tungro bacilliform virus, a double-stranded DNA genome, has been
shown to have four open reading frames (ORFs). ORF I includes the gene
P24, which codes for a 24 kDa protein that may be associated with particle
assembly. The gene P12 in ORF II codes for a 12 kDa protein. The amino
acid sequence of the Rice tungro bacilliform virus ORF III product (P194)
has motifs suggestive of viral coat protein, aspartate protease, reverse transcriptase, and ribonuclease H. P194 is processed to give several products,
such as two coat proteins (37 kDa, 33 kDa), aspartate protease (21 kDa), reverse transcriptase (62 kDa), and ribonuclease H (55 kDa). ORF IV consists
of the gene P46 and may be involved in controlling expression of the RTBV
genome (Hull, 1996).
The plant virus genome encodes a wide range of proteins. All viruses
produce replicases and coat protein(s), and most probably encode one or
more proteins that potentiate virus movement from cell to cell and long distances in the plant. Some viruses, which are transmitted by insects, fungi, or
nematodes, often produce helper proteins that aid in the acquisition of the
virus by the vector. Some produce proteases that cleave the polyprotein.
Cauliflower mosaic virus encodes a multifunctional protein from gene VI, a
major component of the inclusion bodies that accumulates in infected cells.
Gene VI may play a role in virus assembly in the determination of the host
range of the virus and the severity of the symptoms (Zaitlin and Palukaitis,
Self-assembly of viral particles involves recognition of the specific
genomic RNA by specific capsid protein subunits and the assembly of viral
RNA with its specific proteins to form complete virus particles. Empty
capsids are also formed in some cases. Extensive virus synthesis occurs, and
complete virus particles gradually diffuse throughout the cytoplasm and ultimately lead to the formation of large virus aggregates or virus crystals.
Virus particles are synthesized in infected host cells and they spread from
cell to cell as well as long distances in host tissues. The molecular basis of
viral systemic movement has been studied in detail. Specific viral movement proteins are involved in the transfer of viral infectious transcripts
through plasmodesmata (Lucas, 1993). While competency for viruses to
replicate is produced by wounding, competency to transport is induced by
virus replication itself. Movement proteins are produced during virus replication. These proteins open the gates, i.e., the plasmodesmata, for transport
of the virus (Deom et al., 1992).
Plasmodesma is a membrane-lined pore (approximately 60 nm in diameter) through which passes a modified form of the endoplasmic reticulum,
termed the desmotubule or axial component. The axial component is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum of the neighboring cells, but does not
have an associated lumen. It exists as a lipidic cylinder. In such a situation,
cytoplasmic continuity would occur through the cytoplasmic annulus, or
sleeve, that is located between the plasma membrane and the axial component. Void spaces within the cytoplasmic sleeve may have an effective diameter of 1.5-2.0 nm. Because the particles of most plant viruses are either
icosahedral with a diameter of 18-80 nm, helical or filamentous rods (rigid
or flexuous with diameters ranging from 10-25 nm and lengths of up to
2.5 m), their physical dimensions preclude their movement through unmodified plasmodesmata (Lucas, 1993). Numerous researchers have provided electron microscopic evidence that plant viruses have the capability to
cause dramatic changes in plasmodesmatal structure within systemically infected tissues (Esau, 1967; Roberts and Lucas, 1990; Lucas, 1993). Virions
have often been identified within the enlarged cytoplasmic sleeve of these
modified plasmodesmata. Their presence suggests that a viral encoded
product is involved in effecting these structural changes in the plasmodesmata. This product has been identified as a protein called movement
protein. A 30-kDa protein has been identified as the movement protein in
Tobacco mosaic virus. There are also reports that the virus coat protein is involved in long-distance transport (De Zoeten, 1995).
Inclusion bodies are commonly found in virus-infected plants. They are
either amorphous, crystalline, or granular structures found in the cytoplasm
or in the nucleus. They differ in structure and composition, according to virus. Some contain high concentrations of virus particles embedded in amor-
lowing virus, Bean leaf roll virus, Pepper vein yellows virus, Soybean
Indonesian dwarf virus, Strawberry mild yellow edge virus
Genus Machlomovirus: Maize chlorotic mottle virus
Genus Macluravirus: Narcissus latent virus, Maclura mosaic virus
Genus Marafivirus: Maize rayado fino virus, Oat blue dwarf virus
Genus Monogeminivirus: Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus, Maize streak virus, Wheat dwarf virus, Tobacco yellow dwarf virus, Sugarcane streak
Genus Nanavirus: Banana bunchy top virus, Coconut foliar decay virus,
Faba bean necrotic yellows virus, Subterranean clover stunt virus
Genus Necrovirus: Tobacco necrosis virus
Genus Nepovirus: Arabis mosaic virus, Artichoke Italian latent virus,
Cherry leafroll virus, Cherry rosette virus, Grapevine chrome mosaic
virus, Grapevine fanleaf virus, Hibiscus latent ringspot virus, Raspberry ringspot virus, Satsuma dwarf virus, Strawberry latent ringspot
virus, Tobacco black ring virus, Tomato ringspot virus, Tomato black
ring virus, Cherry rasp leaf virus, Blueberry leaf mottle virus, Peach
rosette mosaic virus
Genus Nucleorhabdovirus: Maize mosaic virus, Raspberry vein chlorosis
virus, Sorghum stunt mosaic virus, Eggplant mottled dwarf virus
Genus Oleavirus: Olive latent 2 virus, Epirus cherry virus, Melon ourmia
Genus Oryzavirus: Rice ragged stunt virus
Genus Phytoreovirus: Rice dwarf virus, Clover wound tumor virus
Genus Potexvirus: Bamboo mosaic virus, Cactus X virus, Cassava common mosaic virus, Clover yellow mosaic virus, Cymbidium mosaic virus, Foxtail mosaic virus, Hosta X virus, Lily X virus, Narcissus mosaic
virus, Papaya mosaic virus, Patchouli X virus, Potato aucuba mosaic
virus, Potato X virus, Strawberry mild yellow edge-associated virus,
Tulip X virus, Viola mottle virus, White clover mosaic virus
Genus Potyvirus: Abaca mosaic virus, Amazon lily mosaic virus, Artichoke latent virus, Asian prunus latent virus, Azuki bean mosaic virus,
Banana bract mosaic virus, Bean common mosaic virus, Bean yellow
mosaic virus, Beet mosaic virus, Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus, Cardamom mosaic virus, Carnation vein mottle virus, Cassava brown
streak virus, Celery mosaic virus, Chilli veinal mottle virus, Clover yellow vein virus, Cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus, Dasheen mosaic virus, Datura Colombian virus, Garlic yellow streak virus, Johnsongrass
mosaic virus, Kalanchoe mosaic virus, Leek yellow stripe virus, Lettuce mosaic virus, Maize dwarf mosaic virus, Narcissus yellow stripe
virus, Onion yellow dwarf virus, Palm mosaic virus, Papaya leaf-distortion mosaic virus, Papaya ringspot virus, Passion fruit woodiness
virus, Pea seedborne mosaic virus, Peanut chlorotic blotch virus, Peanut mottle virus, Peanut stripe virus, Pepper severe mosaic virus, Pepper mottle virus, Pepper veinal mottle virus, Plum pox virus, Potato A
virus, Potato V virus, Potato Y virus, Radish vein clearing virus, Sorghum mosaic virus, Soybean mosaic virus, Sugarcane mosaic virus,
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus, Sweet potato latent virus, Sweet potato mild speckling virus, Tamarillo mosaic virus, Taro feathery mottle
virus, Tobacco etch virus, Tobacco vein mottling virus, Tulip breaking
virus, Turnip mosaic virus, Vanilla necrosis virus, Watermelon Moroccan mosaic virus, Watermelon mosaic 1 virus, Watermelon mosaic 2 virus, Welsh onion yellow stripe virus, Yam mosaic virus, Zucchini yellow fleck virus, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
Genus Rhabdovirus: Beet leaf curl virus, Citrus leprosis virus, Orchid
fleck virus
Genus Rymovirus: Agropyron mosaic virus, Brome streak mosaic virus,
Garlic miteborne mosaic virus, Hordeum mosaic virus, Ryegrass mosaic virus, Wheat leaf streak virus, Wheat streak mosaic virus
Genus Satellivirus: Panicum mosaic satellivirus, Tobacco mosaic
satellivirus, Tobacco necrosis satellivirus
Genus Sequivirus: Dandelion yellow mosaic virus, Parsnip yellow fleck
Genus Sobemovirus: Bean southern mosaic virus, Blueberry shoestring
virus, Clover mottle virus, Lucerne transient streak virus, Olive latent
1 virus, Panicum mosaic virus, Rice yellow mottle virus, Sowbane mosaic virus, Subterranean clover mottle virus
Genus Tenuivirus: Maize stripe virus, Rice hoja blanca virus, Rice grassy
stunt virus, Rice stripe virus, Wheat Iranian stripe virus, Echinochloa
hoja blanca virus, Maize yellow stripe virus
Genus Tobamovirus: Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, Paprika mild
mottle virus, Pepper mild mottle virus, Sunnhemp mosaic virus, Tomato
mosaic virus, Tobacco mosaic virus, Tobacco mild green mosaic virus,
Turnip vein-clearing virus
Genus Tobravirus: Pea early browning virus, Tobacco rattle virus, Tobacco ringspot virus
Genus Tombusvirus: Tomato bushy stunt virus, Carnation Italian ringspot
virus, Oat chlorotic stunt virus, Artichoke mottled crinkle virus, Cymbidium ringspot virus, Petunia asteroid mosaic virus, Cucumber necrosis
Genus Tospovirus: Groundnut ringspot virus, Peanut bud necrosis virus,
Peanut yellow spot virus, Tomato spotted wilt virus, Tomato chlorotic
spot virus, Impatiens necrotic spot virus, Iris yellow spot virus
Genus Trichovirus: Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, Cherry mottle leaf virus, Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus
Genus Tymovirus: Turnip yellow mosaic virus, Melon rugose mosaic virus, Physalis mottle virus, Eggplant mosaic virus, Belladonna mottle
virus, Calopogonium yellow vein virus, Okra mosaic virus, Poinsettia
mosaic virus, Potato Andean latent virus, Sesbania mosaic virus
Genus Umbravirus: Carrot mottle virus, Groundnut rosette virus, Sunflower yellow blotch virus
Genus Varicosavirus: Lettuce big-vein virus
Genus Vitivirus: Grapevine A virus, Grapevine B virus
Genus Waikavirus: Rice tungro spherical virus, Maize chlorotic dwarf
Unclassified viruses: Banana dieback virus, Banana mosaic virus, Bean
line pattern mosaic virus, Beet soilborne mosaic virus, Beet virus Q,
Black currant reversion associated virus, Black raspberry necrosis virus, Broad bean bushy dwarf virus, Citrus infectious variegation virus,
Citrus mosaic virus, Citrus ringspot virus, Citrus psorosis virus, Citrus
vein enation virus, East African cassava mosaic virus, Garlic A virus,
Garlic latent virus, Garlic X virus, Garlic yellow stripe virus, Grapevine fleck virus, Groundnut bud necrosis virus, Havana tomato virus,
Ipomoea crinkle leaf curl virus, Lettuce chlorosis virus, Papaya leaf
curl virus, Papaya lethal yellowing virus, Peach mosaic virus, Peanut
chlorotic fan-spot virus, Pepper vein banding virus, Pigeonpea sterility
mosaic virus, Raspberry leaf spot virus, Raspberry leaf mottle virus,
Rice yellow stunt virus, Sour cherry green ring mottle virus, Squash
yellow leaf curl virus, Sugarcane mild mosaic virus, Sugarcane yellow
leaf virus, Sunflower mosaic virus, Tomato chlorosis virus, Urd bean
leaf crinkle virus, Yam mild mosaic virus
Families of Plant Viruses
A few genera have been grouped into families. The recognized families
containing plant viruses are as follows:
1. Family: Bromoviridae
Genera: Alfamovirus, Bromovirus, Cucumovirus, Ilarvirus, Oleavirus
2. Family: Bunyaviridae
Genera: Tospovirus (Other genera such as Bunyavirus, Nairovirus,
Hantavirus, and Phlebovirus are not plant viruses)
3. Family: Caulimoviridae
Genera: Badnavirus, Caulimovirus
4. Family: Comoviridae
Genera: Comovirus, Fabavirus, Nepovirus
5. Family: Geminiviridae
Genera: Mastrevirus (Subgroup I Geminivirus)
Curtovirus (Subgroup II Geminivirus)
Begomovirus (Subgroup III Geminivirus)
6. Family: Partitiviridae
Genera: Alphacryptovirus, Betacryptovirus
7. Family: Potyviride
Genera: Bymovirus, Potyvirus, Rymovirus
8. Family: Reoviridae
Genera: Fijivirus, Oryzavirus, Phytoreovirus
9. Family: Rhabdoviridae
Genera: Cytorhabdovirus, Nucleorhabdovirus
10. Family: Sequiviridae
Genera: Sequivirus, Waikavirus
11. Family: Tombusviridae
Genera: Carmovirus, Tombusvirus
An Order That Contains Plant Viruses
Order: Mononegavirales
Family: Rhabdoviridae
Genera: Cytorhabdovirus, Nucleorhabdovirus
band, fleck, line pattern, vein chlorosis, vein clearing, necrosis, reddening,
browning, blackening, wilt, etch, leaf rolling, leaf curling, curly top, leaf
crinkling, leaf distortion, fern-leaf, malformations, rugose, enation, big
vein, rosette, tumors, bud blight, flower color-breaking, dwarf, stunt, and
sterility. These symptoms are described in Chapter 11.
Mechanical Transmission
Some viruses pass directly from plant to plant when their leaves rub together. Mechanical transmission will occur if virus concentrations in plant
sap and virus stability are high. Tobacco mosaic virus, Tomato mosaic virus,
Cucumber green mottle virus, Tobacco necrosis virus, and Potato virus X
are easily transmitted by mechanical contact. Viruses also may spread by
sticking on the clothes and hands of workers and equipment. For example,
mowing machines spread White clover mosaic virus and Red clover mottle
Transmission by Grafting
Grafting is a common practice in horticultural crops. Viruses may pass
through grafting. Citrus tristeza virus is transmitted by this method.
Transmission Through Vegetative Propagation Material
Viruses normally invade the host systemically and hence all plant parts
contain the virus. Rhizomes, tubers, corms, bud woods, and stem cuttings
are the common vegetative propagation materials and they may serve as
sources for virus infection. Banana bunchy top virus is transmitted mostly
through suckers. Potato virus Y, Potato virus X, and Potato virus T are transmitted through potato seed tubers.
Transmission Through Seed
Several viruses are found in immature seed coats, which consist of the integuments and nucellar remnants, and in the periplasm. Because the seed
coat and periplasm are part of the mother plant, they may become infected
due to systemic invasion by the viruses. Viruses do not survive desiccation,
and during maturation of the seed coat, they perish. Because there is no vascular contact between the embryo and mother plant, viruses cannot move to
the embryo from the seed coat. However, some viruses, such as Tobacco
mosaic virus, are highly stable, and the seed coat contamination with these
viruses may lead to seed transmission. However, this is rare.
Most seed transmission of viruses occurs through the embryo only. Both the
embryo and endosperm are formed within the embryo sac after fertilization
and lack direct connection and cellular contact with the mother plant through
plasmodesmata. Hence, a virus from the mother plant cannot move to the
embryo after fertilization. Embryo infection can occur only when the
mother plant is infected before the production of gametes or before cytoplasmic separation of embryonic tissue. Infection after flowering does not
lead to transmission through seed or pollen. Viruses that cannot pass beyond
the phloem (e.g., viruses that are transmitted by phloem-feeding insects)
will not be seedborne. The important viruses that are transmitted by seed
(Jackson et al., 1989; Mink, 1993; Johansen et al., 1994) include the following:
BarleyBarley stripe mosaic virus
BeanBean common mosaic virus, Bean pod mottle virus, Bean
southern mosaic virus, Bean yellow mosaic virus
Broad beanBroad bean mottle virus, Broad bean stain virus,
Broad bean wilt virus
CornMaize chlorotic dwarf virus, Maize dwarf mosaic virus,
Maize mosaic virus
CowpeaBlackeye cowpea mosaic virus, Cowpea aphidborne
mosaic virus, Cowpea mild mottle virus, Cowpea mosaic virus,
Cowpea severe mosaic virus
LettuceLettuce mosaic virus
LucerneLucerne latent virus, Lucerne transient streak virus
MelonMelon necrotic spot virus
MungbeanMungbean mosaic virus
MuskmelonMuskmelon necrotic ringspot virus
OatOat mosaic virus
PeaPea early-browning virus, Pea enation mosaic virus, Pea
seedborne mosaic virus
PeanutPeanut clump virus, Peanut mottle virus, Peanut stripe
virus, Peanut stunt virus
SoybeanSoybean mosaic virus
SunflowerSunflower mosaic virus
TobaccoTobacco etch virus, Tobacco mosaic virus, Tobacco rattle
virus, Tobacco ringspot virus, Tobacco streak virus
cells rather than through cells to finally reach the phloem. The mouthparts
of leafhoppers are most robust compared to aphids. They penetrate the plant
cells and reach the phloem within a few minutes. In the phloem, sap flows
under pressure and will pass up into the insects food canal. Hence, leafhoppers transmit viruses found in the phloem of infected plants. Thrips have
rasping and sucking mouthparts. They feed by grasping open the epidermal
cells or by rasping them and sucking up their contents. Thus, thrips can
transmit viruses found in epidermal cells also.
The virus-vector relationship varies widely depending upon the duration
of the virus in the vector (persistence). In the case of persistent viruses, the
virus may simply circulate through the body of the vector or it may propagate. Hence, this relationship can be classified as (1) noncirculative nonpersistent, (2) noncirculative semipersistent, (3) circulative nonpropagative,
and (4) circulative propagative transmission.
Noncirculative Nonpersistent Transmission
Aphids transmit viruses mostly from and into the hosts parenchyma.
The virus is acquired and inoculated during a brief feeding period of a few
seconds to some minutes, mostly during probes. Aphids become infective
immediately after virus uptake. Persistence in the vector is very brief. In exceptional cases, infectivity persists up to 40 hours when the vector has no
access to plants after acquiring the virus. These viruses are styletborne.
Hence, the transmission is noncirculative nonpersistent. The transmission is
of low specificity. Aphids, which are not pests and do not colonize on the
crop, but merely probe the surface for a palatable host, can also transmit the
viruses efficiently (Vidhyasekaran, 1993).
Circulative Nonpropagative (Persistent) Transmission
Viruses taken up by the vector enter the alimentary canal, pass through
the gut wall, circulate in body fluid (haemolymph), and contaminate the saliva. After a latent period, the insect becomes infective at the next feeding.
Infectivity is lost at moulting. Such uptake and inoculation happens only after long feeding times, usually after 15 minutes. Viruses are acquired from
the phloem of vascular bundles. Persistent transmission is associated with
highly specific virus-vector relationships. Certain viruses are spread by a
single vector species or a biotype, and even individuals may differ in efficiency as vectors. Leafhoppers generally transmit viruses in a persistent
Barley yellow striate mosaic virusLaodelphax striatellus
Colocasia bobone disease virusTarophagus proserpina
European wheat striate mosaic virusJavesella dubia, J. pellucida
Maize mosaic virusPeregrinus maidis
Maize rough dwarf virusPeregrinus maidis
Maize sterile stunt virusSogatella kolophon, Peregrinus maidis
Northern cereal mosaic virusTerthron albovittatus, Ukanodes
sapporona, U. albifascia, Muellerianella fairmairei, Laodelphax
Oat sterile dwarf virusDicranotropis hamata, Javesella discolor,
J. dubia, J. obscurella, J. pellucida
Rice black-streaked dwarf virusUkanodes sapporona,
U. albifascia, Laodelphax striatellus
Rice grassy stunt virusNilaparvata lugens
Rice hoja blanca virusSogatodes cubanus, S. oryzicola
Rice stripe virusUkanodes sapporona, U. albifascia, Laodelphax
Sugarcane Fiji disease virusPerkinsiella saccharicida, P. vastatrix
Impatiens necrotic spot virusThrips tabaci
Peanut bud necrosis virusThrips tabaci
Peanut yellow spot virusThrips tabaci
Tomato spotted wilt virusThrips tabaci, Frankliniella spp.
Watermelon silvery mottle virusThrips tabaci
Bean golden mosaic virusBemisia tabaci
Cucumber yellows virusTrialeurodes vaporariorum
Mungbean yellow mosaic virusBemisia tabaci
Tomato golden mosaic virusBemisia tabaci
Tobacco leaf curl virusBemisia tabaci
Tomato yellow dwarf virusBemisia tabaci
Tomato yellow leaf curl virusBemisia tabaci
Tomato yellow mosaic virusBemisia tabaci
Cacao swollen shoot virusDelococcus tafoensis, Dysmicoccus
brevipes, Ferrisia virgata, Maconellicoccus ugandae, Paracoccus
sp., Paraputo anomalus, Planococcoides njalensis, Planococcus
sp., Planococcus citri, Planococcus keyae, Pseudococcus
concavocerarii, Pseudococcus hargreavesi, Pseudococcus
longispinus, Tylococcus westwoodi
Grapevine virus APseudococcus longispinus
Andean potato latent virusEpitrix sp.
Bean mild mosaic virusDiabrotica undecimpunctata, Epilachna
Bean pod mottle virusCeratoma trifurcata, Diabrotica balteata,
D. undecimpunctata, Colaspis lata, Epicanta vittata
Bean rugose mosaic virusCerotoma ruficornis, Diabrotica
balteata, D. adelpha
Broad bean mottle virusAcalymma trivittata, Diabrotica
undecimpunctata, Colaspis flavida
Broad bean stain virusApion vorax, A. aestivum, A. aethiops,
Sitona lineatus
Cowpea mosaic virusEpilachna varivestis, Ceratoma arcuata,
C. atrofasciata, C. variegata, Diabrotica adelpha, Diabrotica
virgifera, Acalymma vittatum. Systena sp., Diphaulaca meridae
Maize chlorotic mottle virusOulema melanopa, Chaetocnema
pulicaria, Systena frontalis, Diabrotica undecimpunctata,
D. longicornis, D. virgifera
Radish mosaic virusEpitrix hirtipennis, Diabrotica
undecimpunctata, Phyllotreta striolata
Rice yellow mottle virusOulema dunbrodiensis, Cryptocephalus
chalybeipennis, Cryptocephalus nigrum, Monolepta flaveola,
Monolepta hamatura, Sesselia pusilla, Chaetocnema abyssinica,
Chaetocnema kenyensis, Chaetocnema pulla, Dactylispa bayoni,
Dicladispa paucispina, Dicladispa virdicyanae, Trichispa sericea
Southern bean mosaic virusCerotoma trifurcata, Epilachna
varivestis, Atrachya menetris, Acalymma vittata
Squash mosaic virusDiabrotica balteata, D. undecimpunctata,
D. longicornis, D. virgifera, Acalymma vittata, A. thiemei,
A. trivittata, Epilachna chrysomelina
Turnip yellow mosaic virusPhyllotreta spp., Psylliodes spp.,
Phaedon cochleariae
Lace Bugs
Beet leaf curl virusPiesma quadratum
Plant Bugs
Spinach blight virusLygus protensis
Turnip yellow mosaic virusFoficula auricularia
Lygacid Bugs
Centrosema mosaic virusNysius sp.
Flies (Leafminer)
Sowbane mosaic virusLiriomyza langei (mechanical transmission)
Tobacco mosaic virusLiriomyza langei (mechanical transmission)
Potato virus X virusMelanoplus differentialis
Tomato pseudo-curly top virusMicrutalis malleifera
Transmission by Mites
Mites belong to the class Arachnida and order Acarina. Mites have puncturing and sucking mouthparts. Eryophid mites commonly transmit viruses.
Eryophid mites are elongate and tiny, about 0.2 mm long. They are invisible
to the naked eye and often hide between hairs of leaves and in buds. They do
not have much movement and are carried by the wind. They have slender
styles with which they puncture epidermal cells. The two pads at the tip of
the rostrum help in bringing saliva to the stylets and in sucking up plant sap.
Spider mites (Brevipalpus spp.) also transmit viruses. The important virus
diseases transmitted by mites include:
Agopyron mosaic virusAbacarus hystrix
Cherry mottle leaf virusPhytoptus inaequalis
Citrus leprosies virusBrevipalpus obovatus
Coffee ringspot virusBrevipalpus phoenicis
Fig mosaic virusEriophyes ficus
Onion mosaic virusEriophyes tulipae
Peach mosaic virusPhytoptus insidiosus
Ryegrass mosaic virusAbacarus hystrix
Wheat spot mosaic virusEriophyes tulipae
Wheat streak mosaic virusEriophyes tulipae
Transmission by Nematodes
Some nematodes belonging to the genera Longidorus, Xiphinema, Trichodorus, and Paratrichodorus are known to transmit viruses. Nematodeborne viruses are retained in the vector, including the guide-sheath lining of
the odontostyle in Longidorus, the lumen of the odontophore, the esophagus
in Xiphinema, and the entire pharynx and esophagus in Trichodorus. Nematodes, which have life spans of about two years, retain virus for long
periods. The following are viruses transmitted by nematodes:
Arabis mosaic virusXiphinema diversicaudatum, X. coxi,
X. bakeri
Brome mosaic virusXiphinema diversicaudatum
Carnation ringspot virusXiphinema diversicaudatum
Cowpea mosaic virusXiphinema basiri
Grapevine fanleaf virusXiphinema index, X. italae
Pea early-browning virusParatrichodorus pachydermus, P. teres,
P. anemones, Trichodorous viruliferus
Peach rosette mosaic virusXiphinema americanum,
Criconemoides xenoplax
Prunus necrotic ringspot virusLongidorus macrosoma
Raspberry ringspot virusLongidorus elongatus, L. macrosoma,
L. elongates
Strawberry latent ringspot virusXiphinema diversicaudatum,
X. coxi
Tobacco rattle virusParatrichodorus anemones, P. nanus,
P. pachydermus, P. teres, P. cylindricus, Trichodorus sparsus,
T. viruliferus
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Van Regenmortel, M. H. V., Fauquet, C. M., Bishop, D. H. L., Carstens, E., Estes,
M., Lemon, S., McGeoch, D., Wickner, R. B., Mayo, M. A., Pringle, C. R., and
Maniloff, J. (1999). Virus Taxonomy, Seventh Report of the International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses. Academic Press, New York.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993). Principles of Plant Pathology. CBS Publishers, Delhi.
Zaitlin, M. and Hull, R. (1987). Plant virus-host interactions. Annu Rev Plant
Physiol, 38:291-315.
Zaitlin, M. and Palukaitis, P. (2000). Advances in understanding plant viruses and
virus diseases. Annu Rev Phytopathol, 38:117-143.
Disease Symptoms
Common names of diseases are always based on their key symptoms.
These symptoms are described here.
anthracnose: A characteristic lesion, which is a circular to angular, sometimes irregular sunken spot with grayish-black center and yellow margin in
leaves, stems, and fruit (e.g., grapevine anthracnose).
areolate mildew: Mildew growth in the area between veins on a leaf (e.g.,
cotton areolate mildew).
big vein: A condition in which veins become enlarged (e.g., Lettuce big
vein virus disease).
black scurf: Black flaky or scaly matter adhering to the surface of a plant
part (e.g., black scurf of potato).
blackening: Intensive necrosis that leads to blackening of tissues (e.g., Potato black ringspot virus disease).
blast: A disease that kills plants suddenly (e.g., rice blast).
blight: A plant disease characterized by withering and shriveling without
rotting (e.g., late blight of potato).
blister blight: A bubblelike elevation on the surface of a diseased leaf that
results in withering and shriveling of the leaf (e.g., tea blister blight).
boll rot: Decay of boll, a fruit of plants such as cotton. Boll consists of a
rounded capsule containing the seeds (e.g., cotton boll rot).
brown rot: A condition in which decaying tissues turn brownish (e.g., potato brown rot).
browning: Cell death leads to necrosis, which leads to the browning of tissues (e.g., Pea early browning virus disease).
bud blight: Necrosis of buds (Groundnut bud blight virus disease).
dwarf: Plant growth is stunted due to disease (e.g., rice yellow dwarf disease).
ear rot: Decay of the ear of a cereal plant that contains the seeds, grains, or
kernels (e.g., corn diplodia ear rot).
enation: Small outgrowths on leaves, especially on veins and stems (e.g.,
Pea enation mosaic virus disease).
etch: Desiccation of superficial tissue (epidermal cells) (e.g., Tobacco etch
virus disease).
false smut: Individual grains of the panicle are transformed into greenish
spore balls. At first, the spore balls are smooth and yellow and are covered
by a membrane. When the membrane bursts, the color of the ball becomes
orange, yellowish green, or greenish black. The surface of the ball cracks
subsequently. When the balls are cut open, the innermost layer is yellowish,
the next layer is orange, and the outermost layer is greenish (e.g., false smut
of rice).
fern-leaf: Reduced development of the leaf blade in proportion to the
midrib leads to fern-leaf development (e.g., Asparagus fern-leaf virus disease).
fire blight: Diseased blossoms turn brown or black and exhibit a burnt appearance (e.g., fire blight of apple).
fleck: Small discolored parts are sharply bordered but circular (e.g., Parsnip
yellow fleck virus disease).
flower color-breaking: Mosaic or variegation of petals of flowers (e.g., Tulip color-breaking virus disease).
foot rot: Decay of the basal portion of a plant (e.g., rice foot rot).
freckle: A small brownish spot or small area of discoloration; a freckle is
smaller than a spot (e.g., banana freckle).
fruit rot: Decay of fruit (e.g., strawberry alternaria fruit rot).
gray mold: A condition in which infected blossoms and fruit become
coated with the fine gray fruiting stalks and spores of the fungal pathogen
(e.g., gray mold [Botrytis cinerea] of strawberry).
green ear: The floral parts of the ear of a cereal plant are transformed into a
green leafy structure; in the spikelet, the glumes, lemmae, paleae, stamens,
and pistil are all transformed into green leafy structures (e.g., green ear of
pearl millet).
the veins of the leaf, the rust is called stripe rust (stripe rust of wheat). In
the case of leaf rust, rust pustules are seen mostly on leaves (leaf rust of
wheat). In the case of stem rust, rust pustules are seen mostly on stems
(stem rust of wheat).
scab: The surface of affected tissues becomes rough and the affected surface is raised due to an abnormal proliferation of cells in the epidermis. The
surface has a rusty appearance that is deeply pitted with corky wounds (e.g.,
apple scab).
scald: Affected plants show lesions, which appear to be similar to the scalding caused by hot water. Such lesions are mainly bleached and may be partly
translucent (e.g., barley scald).
shot hole: Leaf spots in which the necrotic (spot) regions drop out, leaving
holes in the affected leaves (e.g., peach Stigmina shot hole).
silver leaf: A condition in which infected leaves show a metallic luster (e.g.,
plum silver leaf).
smut: Black sooty masses of fungal spores that cover the affected plant
parts. Several types of smuts are seen, including covered kernel smut: smut
sori replacing grains of plants (e.g., covered kernel smut of sorghum); long
smut: smut sori are covered by a fairly thick membrane and are much longer than the other smuts; they are cylindrical in shape (e.g., long smut of
pearl millet); loose smut: smut sori are covered with a fragile membrane,
which breaks easily at the time of spike emergence from the host, exposing a
powdery mass of spores (e.g., loose smut of wheat); covered smut: smut
sori are covered with a thick membrane, which resists easy rupturing (covered smut of oats); flag smut: smut sori occur on the leaf blade, leaf sheath,
and culm (flag smut of wheat); head smut: the entire earhead is converted
into smut sori (head smut of corn); kernel smut: symptoms appear only on
mature grains; minute black pustules or streaks bursting through the glumes
are seen; sometimes the entire grain is replaced by a powdery, black mass of
smut spores (e.g., kernel smut of rice); and leaf smut: smut sori are formed
in infected leaves (leaf smut of rice).
soft rot: Soft, water-soaked, irregular lesions appear on tubers, rhizomes,
fruits, vegetables, and other storage organs. These lesions are more or less
superficial, but soon spread and cover the inner tissues. Lesions lead to rotting of storage organs (e.g., soft rot of potato).
sooty mold: Masses of fungal black spores that stick to the leaf surface,
making the foliage appear black and ugly (e.g., sooty mold of citrus, mango,
sapota, and guava).
spindle tuber: A condition in which the tubers of affected plants are elongated (spindle shaped) (e.g., Potato spindle tuber viroid disease).
spotted wilt: Bronze markings appear on the upper surface of young leaves,
and the markings extend from the leaf blade down to the petiole and stem,
resulting in wilting of the stem (e.g., tomato spotted wilt).
stalk rot: Decay of plant stalks (e.g., corn bacterial stalk rot).
stem bleeding: Exudation of sap or resin from an infected stem (e.g., coconut stem bleeding).
stem gall: Abnormal outgrowth in the stem (coriander Protomyces stem
stem rot: Decay of stem tissues (e.g., rice stem rot, crucifers sclerotinia
stem rot).
stenosis: In diseased plants, the leaves are highly reduced in size and clustered along the stem (e.g., cotton stenosis).
sterility: Suppression of development of reproductive structures. Diseased
plants do not produce seeds, fruit, stamens, or pistils (e.g., pigeonpea sterility mosaic disease).
storage rot: Decay of storage organs (e.g., corn aspergillus ear and storage
streak: Mosaic in leaves along veins, which looks like a streak (e.g., Tobacco streak virus disease).
stripe: A long band of mosaic pattern along the parallel veins of a leaf (e.g.,
Peanut stripe virus disease).
stunt: Retardation of plant growth due to disease (e.g., Peanut stunt virus
tumors: Swellings on stems or roots (e.g., Sweet clover root tumor virus
vein band: A broad dark-green band along the veins. The rest of the lamina
surface shows chlorosis (e.g., Strawberry vein banding virus disease).
vein chlorosis: Chlorosis is restricted to tissues adjoining the veins in
leaves (e.g., Raspberry vein chlorosis virus disease).
vein clearing: A clearing or chlorosis of the tissue in or immediately adjacent to the vein (e.g., Petunia vein-clearing virus disease).
Disease Assessment
Crop disease assessment is otherwise called phytopathometry. It involves
the measurement and quantification of crop diseases. Accurate disease assessment will help in predicting the development of epidemics and in developing a decision support system for timing the application of fungicides to
control diseases. Diseases are assessed by different methods, based on the
type of disease symptoms and their relationship with yield loss. Remote
sensing and image analysis are important tools in disease assessment.
A disease is assessed either as a percentage of disease incidence or as disease severity. Disease incidence is calculated as follows:
Percentage disease incidence =
(number of infected plants/total number of plants assessed)
Assessment of disease incidence will be useful for measuring systemic infections, which may result in total plant loss. Virus diseases such as rice
tungro, barley yellow dwarf, and banana bunchy top, and fungal diseases
such as loose smut of wheat and barley and sugarcane smut are assessed by
estimating disease incidence. Some fungal pathogens may not cause systemic infection, but may cause total crop loss. Wilt diseases such as
Fusarium wilt of tomato, Panama wilt of banana, and Fusarium wilt of
chickpea cause total losses and these diseases are assessed as percentage of
disease incidence. Monosporascus wilt of melons is assessed as percentage
of wilt incidence (Cohen et al., 2000).
Percentage of disease incidence is calculated also for some leaf spot and
fruit spot/rot diseases. Brown spot of pear, which is caused by Stemphylium
vesicatarium, is assessed by recording the number of leaves that show leaf
spots out of ten leaves of four shoots per tree (Llorente et al., 2000). The
brown spot disease incidence was also recorded as a percentage pear fruit
infection (Llorente et al., 2000). Diseases such as damping-off and some
root rots in which total losses occur are assessed by percentage of disease incidence.
Disease severity is generally calculated as follows (Cooke, 1998):
Disease severity = (area of diseased tissue/total tissue area)
scale (Timmer et al., 2000). Greasy symptoms on the top ten leaves of each
plant were rated on a scale of
0 = none
1 = 1 to 5 percent
2 = 6 to 10 percent
3 = 11 to 15 percent
4 = 16 to 20 percent
5 = more than 20 percent
of the leaf surface area affected by the disease (Timmer et al., 2000).
Monosporascus disease in cucumber was assessed using a 1-to-5 scale
(Bruton et al., 2000) as follows: 1 = healthy with no lesions or discoloration
on hypocotyls, 2 = slight discoloration, 3 = moderate discoloration and/or
with lesions, 4 = moderate maceration, and 5 = severe maceration. Bacterial
spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria) of bell pepper was assessed
using a 0-to-9 rating scale in which
0 = no diseased leaves
1 = <1 percent leaf area diseased
2 = 2 to 10 percent leaf area diseased or defoliated
3 = 11 to 20 percent leaf area diseased or defoliated
4 = 21 to 35 percent leaf area diseased or defoliated
5 = 36 to 50 percent leaf area diseased or defoliated
6 = 51 to 65 percent leaf area diseased or defoliated
7 = 66 to 80 percent leaf area diseased or defoliated
8 = 81 to 99 percent leaf area diseased and very few leaves (one to
three) remaining on plant
9 = complete defoliation (plant dying or dead) (Romero et al.,
Foliar symptoms of sudden death syndrome of soybean caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines are assessed on a 0-to-9 scale based on (different
types of symptoms) the percentage of leaf area that is chlorotic, necrotic, or
defoliated as follows (Luo et al., 2000):
0 = no detectable leaf symptoms
1 = 1 to 10 percent chlorotic or 1 to 5 percent necrotic
2 = 10 to 20 percent chlorotic or less than 10 percent necrotic
3 = 20 to 40 percent chlorotic or 10 to 20 percent necrotic
Data from both percentage of disease incidence and disease severity with
different scale values are often used to assess the disease index (Llorente
et al., 2000; Luo et al., 2000). Disease index is calculated as follows: Disease incidence percentage Disease severity scale the maximum severity
scale (Luo et al., 2000). Disease index is also calculated as the mean grade
value (totaling grade values of all the examined plants and dividing them by
number of the examined plants) 100 maximum grade value (Cooke,
1998). A brown spot of pear disease index was calculated by adding the
scale index of each leaf in a tree and dividing the sum obtained by 3 (the
maximum level of severity) and the number of leaves assessed per shoot
(Llorente et al., 2000). The disease scale can be recalculated to a percentage
severity value called the disease index (Nilsson, 1995).
Another disease assessment method involves aerial photography and
photogrammetry using infrared film or color filter combinations. Remote
sensing and digital image analysis are methods of acquisition and interpretation of measurements of an object without physical contact between the
measuring device and the object. The term remote sensing is restricted to instruments that measure electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted from
an object (Nilsson, 1995). The instruments record radiation in various parts
of the electromagnetic spectrum: Ultraviolet (UV, 10-390 nm), visible (390700 nm), near infrared (NIR, 770-1300 nm), infrared (IR, 1300-2500 nm),
etc. The human eye records three visual spectral ranges: Red, green, and
blue. However, sensitivity to red over 650-700 nm is only slight. The human
eye cannot detect the infrared spectrum. The amount of reflected light (radiance) as a percentage of incoming light (irradiance) is called the reflectance
factor. If the radiance from a healthy leaf is measured by a radiometer, substantially high reflectance can be seen in NIR at 750-1100 nm. NIR reflectance decreases greatly when a diseased leaf is viewed due to the reduction
in chlorophyll and xanthophylls caused by infection (Nilsson, 1995). A relative decrease in NIR reflectance may indicate the disease severity. Aerial
photography using infrared film helps to detect disease incidence.
Remote sensing for detecting and estimating the severity of plant diseases is used at three levels above the crop canopy (Cooke, 1998). Handheld
multispectral radiometers or multiple waveband video cameras are used at
the lowest altitude (within 1.5 to 2.0 meters above crop height). At 75 to
1500 m, aerial photography is used. At the highest altitude, satellite imagery
is employed utilizing satellites orbiting 650 to 850 km above the Earths surface. Handheld multispectral radiometers or multiple waveband video cameras are useful to assess diseases in the greenhouse and in the field. Aerial
infrared photography is useful at field level. Satellite imagery is used for
disease surveillance in large areas or regions of the Earth. Aerial IR photography was successfully used in the 1970s for surveillance of southern corn
blight (Helminthosporium maydis) epidemic in the United States.
Digital image analysis is being used to assess various plant diseases. Digital image analysis includes analysis of satellite images, aerial photographs
and videographs, nucleic magnetic resonance images, and images in electron microscopy. Image processing reduces the total information to a manageable amount. Aerial IR color photographs can be enhanced and colorcoded to facilitate visual interpretation of the distribution and severity of
diseases in fields (Nilsson, 1995). Blazquez and Hedley (1986) made computer-aided spectrophotometric measurements of 35 mm color IR film of
late blight infection in tomato fields. This technology has vast potential for
making rapid assessments of plant diseases.
Blazquez, C. H. and Hedley, L. E. (1986). Late blight detection in tomato fields with
35 mm color infrared aerial photography. Phytopathology, 76:1093.
Bruton, B. D., Garcia-Jimenez, J., Armengol, J., and Popham, T. W. (2000). Assessment of virulence of Acremonium cucurbitacearum and Monosporascus cannonballus on Cucumis melo. Plant Dis, 84:907-913.
Cohen, R., Edelstein, M., Pivonia, S., Gamliel, A., Burger, Y., and Katan, J. (2000).
Toward management of Monosporascus wilt of melons in Israel. Plant Dis,
Cooke, B. M. (1998). Disease assessment and yield loss. In D. G. Jones (Ed.), The
Epidemiology of Plant Diseases. Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 42-71.
Horsfall, J. G. and Barratt, R. W. (1945). An improved grading system for measuring plant disease. Phytopathology, 35:655.
Llorente, I., Vilardell, P., Bugiani, R., Gherardi, I., and Montesinos, E. (2000).
Evaluation of BSPcast disease warning system in reduced fungicide use programs for management of brown spot of pear. Plant Dis, 84:631-637.
Luo, Y., Hildebrand, K., Chong, S. K., Myers, O., and Russin, J. S. (2000). Soybean
yield loss to sudden death syndrome in relation to symptom expression and root
colonization by Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines. Plant Dis, 84:914-920.
Nilsson, H.-E. (1995). Remote sensing and image analysis in plant pathology. Annu
Rev Phytopathol, 15:489-527.
Romero, A. M., Kousik, C. S., and Ritchie, D. F. (2001). Resistance to bacterial spot
in bell pepper induced by acibenzolar-S-methyl. Plant Dis, 85:189-194.
Shaner, G. and Buechley, G. (1995). Epidemiology of leaf blotch of soft red winter
wheat caused by Septoria tritici and Stagonospora nodorum. Plant Dis, 79:928938.
Timmer, L. W., Roberts, P. D., Darhower, H. M., Bushong, P. M., Stover, E. W.,
Peever, T. L., and Ibanez, A. M. (2000). Epidemiology and control of citrus
greasy spot in different citrus growing areas in Florida. Plant Dis, 84:1294-1298.
Vidhyasekaran, P., Ruby Ponmalar, T., Samiyappan, R., Velazhahan, R., Vimala,
R., Ramanathan, A., Paranidharan, V., and Muthukrishnan, S. (1997). Hostspecific toxin production by Rhizoctonia solani, the rice sheath blight pathogen.
Phytopathology, 87:1258-1263.
Waliyar, F., Adamou, M., and Traore, A. (2000). Rational use of fungicide applications to maximize peanut yield under foliar disease pressure in West Africa.
Plant Dis, 84:1203-1211.
Disease Diagnosis
Disease diagnosis is very important for developing effective strategies
for disease management. Without diagnosis, there can be no disease management. Crop disease diagnosis is an art as well as a science (Holmes et al.,
2000). The diagnostic process involves the recognition of symptoms (which
are associated with disease) and signs (which are not outwardly observable)
and requires intuitive judgment as well as the use of scientific methods. Several conventional techniques are followed to diagnose disease incidence.
These techniques include visual inspection and recognition of symptoms
and isolation and examination of crop pathogens using microscopy. Such
techniques are time-consuming and may not be able to detect latent infections. Several diagnostic assays have been developed for early and rapid diagnosis. These include immunoassays, nucleic acid probe-based methods,
and PCR-based techniques. The use of these techniques in the diagnosis of
fungal, bacterial, viral, viroid, and phytoplasma diseases is described here.
Some pathogens produce characteristic symptoms that can be easily recognized in the field. Fungal diseases such as powdery mildews, rusts,
downy mildews, and smuts show characteristic symptoms. Some bacterial
diseases such as canker and crown gall can be recognized based on symptoms. A few virus diseases produce characteristic symptoms such as bunchy
top, rosette, witches-broom, phyllody, and flower color-breaking. Diseases
should be diagnosed at early stages of their development, so that epidemics
can be effectively prevented. The early stages of many diseases are inconspicuous and it may not be feasible to make a rapid visual assessment until
the level of disease is sufficiently high. Further, even at advanced stages of
symptom development, some diseases cannot be recognized with certainty.
For example, symptoms such as chlorosis, mosaic, leaf drooping, yellowing, dwarfing, stunting, necrosis, root rots, wilts, fruit rot, dieback, leaf
blight, and bud rot can be caused by several types of fungal, bacterial, viral
and phytoplasma pathogens. In these cases, the appearance of fruiting bod-
ies of the pathogens on leaf, stem, and fruit surfaces must be checked. However, sporulation of the pathogen occurs only at a very late stage of infection.
Sometimes saprophytes may develop on these lesions, making diagnosis a
difficult task. Hence, the pathogen has to be isolated in pure culture and
identified using a microscope. Sometimes selective media may be required
to isolate pathogens and induce sporulation for identification. Many fungal
pathogens grow slowly in media and may be lost too readily for identification. If the pathogen is a bacterium, virus, or phytoplasma, more complicated tests have to be conducted to identify them. Several biochemical tests
must be conducted to identify bacterium. Routines for extraction and purification of viruses require professional proficiency and skill. In fact, conventional plant-pathological techniques need high expertise for routine identification. In the case of latent infections in vegetative planting materials,
seeds, and fruit, conventional methods may not be useful to diagnose infection.
Immunodiagnostic assays provide a fast method of confirming visible
symptoms as well as detecting pathogens that cannot be easily identified by
other methods. They permit early detection of plant pathogens and accurate
identification of pathogens. Because many fungicides are specific only to
certain pathogens or groups of pathogens, immunodiagnosis will be useful
in the selection of the most appropriate treatment. Viruses, bacteria, and
fungi (especially those spreading as a sterile mycelium) can be readily detected by these methods.
Immunoassays depend on the development of antibodies specific to the
particular pathogen. Cells of living animals, particularly mammals, have the
ability to recognize binding sites on proteins, glycoproteins, lipopolysaccharides, and carbohydrate molecules that are not present in their bodies
(i.e., foreign to that animal). Such molecules, known as antigens, stimulate
the immune system of the animal and this leads to the production of specific
antibodies, each of which specifically recognizes and binds to its complementary antigen. The role of an immunoassay is to reveal the presence of
specific complexes between the antibody and an antigen that are unique to
the pathogen (Fox, 1998). The antibodies produced in an animal body can
recognize the microbial antigen, which is present on cell walls or found attached with them. In other words, the antibodies can recognize the plant
pathogen by recognizing the antigen specific to the pathogen. In principle,
immunoassays are based on the fact that antibodies react specifically with
the homologous antigen. However, the reaction is not easy to detect. Several
techniques have been developed to exploit this reaction in immunoassays.
Production of Polyclonal Antibodies
Rabbits, rats, mice, sheep, or goats are used to produce antibodies. For
the production of antibodies to fungal pathogens, mycelia (obtained from
sterile cultures grown in the laboratory) are freeze dried. They are then finely
ground with a pestle and mortar and used as antigens. Surface washings
from fungal mycelia are also used as antigens. These antigens are emulsified
with an equal volume of an adjuvant, such as Freunds complete adjuvant
for the first injection and Freunds incomplete adjuvant for the second or
subsequent injections. Other types of adjuvants such as Quil A are also
used. Bacterial antigens can be prepared by first killing the bacteria with
heat or formalin and then suspending them in phosphate-buffered saline.
The bacterial cells are disrupted by grinding, sonication, or enzyme action
to produce soluble cytoplasmic antigens. Virus antigens can be prepared
from infected host tissues by differential centrifugation or precipitation with
ammonium sulfate.
These antigens (otherwise called immunogens) are then injected into
rabbits (or other animals) to induce complementary antibodies. The antigen
emulsion is injected under the skin at the back of the neck of the animals.
One or more booster injections with the emulsion are given several weeks
after first injection. Antiserum is obtained by taking blood from the ears of
rabbits or from the tail veins of mice.
Antibodies have a basic common structure, which consists of two heavy
and two light chains held together by disulfide bonds. However, they differ
in the ability of their tips to bind to sites on different foreign protein,
glycoprotein, lipoprotein, lipopolysaccharide, and carbohydrate molecules
(antigenic substances). Such antigenic substances stimulate the animals
immune systems to produce an assortment of specific antibodies, each of
which specifically recognizes and binds almost exclusively to its complementary epitope (antibody reaction site) on the antigen. This interaction between an antibody and an antigen depends on pairing of an individual
epitope of the antigen in three dimensions between the contours of the tips
of the side chains of a particular antibody. Several antigens have been detected in viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogen preparations. The antisera
raised against these antigens may contain a mixture of antibodies directed
toward various epitopes of the pathogens. These antisera, which contain
polyclonal antibodies, are called polyclonal antisera.
By this method, mixtures of antigens are separated before immunodiffusion. A narrow trough is cut in a layer of thin gel parallel to an electric
current that passes close to the antigens along the length of the gel. Each antigen moves in a separate wave at a characteristic rate according to its distinct charge. As a result, proteins separate into bands. Once the proteins have
separated sufficiently, the current is switched off and antiserum is added to
the trough cut in the gel. Precipitin arcs composed of complexes of antibodies and antigens form where the individual electrophoresced antigens have
Antigen-Capture Indirect ELISA
Infected plant sap is used as an antigen. Many variations of ELISA exist,
such as antigen-capture indirect ELISA, direct sandwich ELISA, double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA), triple antibody sandwich ELISA,
and F(ab')2-based ELISA.
In the antigen-capture indirect ELISA method, the wells are coated with
the antigen. The remaining sites are blocked by a blocking agent, and a specific primary antibody is added. A secondary antibody-enzyme conjugate
binds to the primary antibody. This is followed by the addition of an enzyme
substrate leading to a colored product in proportion to the concentration of
pathogen. This methodology involves coating immunoplates with the antigen and then centrifuging them at 600 g for 5 min at 4C. The plates are postfixed by incubation of 100 L per well of 0.25 percent glutraldehyde solution for 5 to 7 min at room temperature. The fluid is flicked off by inverting
the plate, and the plates are washed three times with either tris-buffered saline (TBS) Tween (TBST) or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) Tween (PBST)
followed by a short period of drying by laying the plates on a paper tissue.
About 200 g blocking solution (2 percent casein in either TBST or PBST)
is absorbed to the remaining sites in the well for 1 h at room temperature.
After one washing, the antibody in TBST or PBST is added at 50-100 L
per well. After 1 to 2 h incubation at 37C and three further washings,
antimouse immunoglobulin IgG alkaline phosphatase conjugate diluted in
TBST or PBST containing casein (2 percent) is incubated for 1 to 2 h at
37C (50-100 L per well). The excess fluid is removed by flicking the
plate, followed by washing with TBST or PBST for three to five times.
Phosphatase tablets are freshly dissolved in diethanolamine (DEA) buffer,
pH 9.6, and this substrate solution is pipetted into the wells. Substrate conversion is quantified by measuring absorbance at 405 nm with a plate reader
(after at least 30 min incubation in the dark at 37C).
Dipstick ELISA
ELISAs can be carried out on membranes made of nitrocellulose, nylon,
or other materials. In the dipstick assay, nitrocellulose dipsticks surfacecoated with a capture antibody are used. Dipsticks on which specific MCAs
have been bound are dipped into the test specimen, allowing ELISA reactions to occur in situ. Flexible plastic dipsticks are quick and easy to use in
the field to test sap squeezed onto the coated surface. Any pathogen (particularly viruses) present is entangled and detected following incubation with
the antibody-enzyme conjugate, washing, and then the substrate, further
washing, and finally the stopping solution. If the specified pathogen is present, the dipstick becomes colored, whereas if free of pathogen it remains
Dot-Blot ELISA
In this assay system, ELISA reactions are carried out on nitrocellulose
membranes. A drop containing the specific monoclonal antibody is absorbed as a dot, onto which a drop of the test sample is later added and
blotted (Fox, 1998).
Direct Tissue Blot Immunoassay
This assay is also called tissue print ELISA, immunoprinting, or direct
tissue print immunoassay. In this assay, stems and leaf petioles are cut with a
razor blade, and the cut surface is pressed gently and evenly to the nitrocellulose membrane. These blots are allowed to dry for 10 to 30 min, incubated with the monoclonal antibodies for 2 h, and rinsed with PBST buffer
for 10 min. The blots are labeled with an enzyme conjugate, goat antimouse
Ig (H + L), for 1 to 2 h at 37C, rinsed with PBST-polyvinylpyrrolidone
(PVP) buffer, and rinsed again with TTBS (20mM tris (hydroxymethyl)
aminomethane, 500 mM sodium chloride, and 0.05 percent Tween 20), each
for 10 min. The blots are incubated with freshly prepared NBT-BCIP (nitroblue tetrazolium, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate in sodium carbonate buffer) substrate for 5 to 20 min. After stopping the reaction by putting
the blots in water in a petri dish, the blots are observed under a light microscope. Development of an area with an intense purple color located at
phloem tissue cells is considered a positive reaction (Lin et al., 2000).
within PhAbs, the genotype and phenotype are linked. To select for antigen
specificity, PhAbs rescued from the combinatorial antibody library are allowed to bind to immobilized target antigens (panning). Washing removes
PhAbs that lack affinity for the target antigens. Bound PhAbs are eluted, and
selected PhAbs are applied to three sequential rounds of panning to further
enhance the percentage of target-reactive PhAbs (Griep et al., 2000). PhAbs
are selected to major structural proteins of the test virus. The scFv-encoding
genes are retrieved and expressed in E. coli as ready to use antibody-enzyme
fusion proteins. After subcloning, the encoding DNA sequences in the expression vector pSKAP/S, which allowed the scFvs to be expressed as alkaline phosphatase fusion proteins. The antibodies are used as coating and detecting reagents in a DAS-ELISA (Griep et al., 2000).
Latex-Protein A Agglutination Assay
In this assay, inert particles such as latex beads are used to detect antigen/antibody complexes. Protein A, a cell surface protein from Staphylococcus aureus that binds nonspecifically to the heavy chains of mouse and
rabbit IgG antibodies, is used to link the particles coated with the specific
antibodies by shaking the two together. Samples of plant extracts are tested
by incubation with coated particles. If the test pathogen is present in the
sample, the antigens form bridges linking the particles together, resulting in
Two methods of immunofluorescence are used to diagnose plant diseases. In the direct immunofluorescence method, specific antibodies bound
to their target antigens are detected by using second antibodies conjugated
with fluorescent dyes such as fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) or rhodamine isothiocyanate. Fluorescence, indicating the presence of the target antigen, is visualized microscopically. The microscope should have a special
device for fluorescence using ultraviolet light (fluorescence microscopy). In
direct immunofluorescence, the fluorescent dye is conjugated directly to the
specific antibody (Salinas and Schots, 1994). Usual protocols involve extraction of the pathogen fraction from the tissue of individual or composite
plants that is fixed to a well of a multiwell glass microscope slide by flaming
or acetone treatment. Fixed preparations are stained directly by conjugated
antibody or by the indirect procedure in which the primary antibody is not
conjugated but a secondary conjugated antibody is bound to the primary one
(De Boer et al., 1996).
In the radioimmunoassay method, the protein is transferred to a nitrocellulose filter after electrophoresis, and a monoclonal antibody is added to
it. MCA binds to a specific protein, and a radioactive detector antibody is
added. The band is visualized indirectly by preparing an autoradiograph.
Both DNA and RNA probes are used for crop disease diagnosis. DNA is
double-stranded and the two strands are held together via specific hydrogen
bondings between the base pairs. Pairing occurs with great specificity: Adenine (A) pairs only with thymine (T), and guanine (G) only with cytosine
(C). The interaction of the two single-stranded molecules is known as hybridization. Several physical conditions can denature the DNA into single
strands. High temperature and strongly alkaline pH denature double-stranded
DNA. By manipulating the physical conditions, a strand can anneal with another strand of the target DNA. Nucleic acid hybridization, or reassociation,
is a process by which complementary single-stranded nucleic acid anneals
to double-stranded nucleic acid. This process occurs because of the hydrogen bonds between the two strands of the DNA. The pairing can also take
place between DNA and RNA or RNA and RNA, and the pairing can occur
between adenine (A) and uracil (U) in RNA instead of thymine (T) in DNA
and guanine (G) and cytosine (C). Single-stranded DNA and RNA can act as
probes. A diagnostic nucleic acid probe may be defined as a nucleotide sequence, labeled with a reporter molecule, that is able to identify a target
pathogen within a test sample by selectively hybridizing to the complementary sequence present within a microorganisms DNA (De Boer et al., 1996).
Nucleic acid probes are sequences of nucleic acids that are labeled with a
marker and used to detect complementary nucleic acid sequences in a sample. Probes, which can be either DNA or RNA, range in size from 15 to several thousand base pairs (bp). Hybridization protocols usually require the
probe or target sequence to be immobilized on a solid surface, but the reaction can also occur in solution or in situ. The probe-target hybrids are visualized using autoradiography, colorimetric assays, or chemiluminescence.
Hybridization Formats
Nucleic acid hybridizations may be performed in solution or on a solid
support. In a solid-support format, the target nucleic acid from the pathogen
to be detected is immobilized on a nitrocellulose or nylon membrane. DNA
dried and hybridized with the probe in a sealed plastic bag using a buffer extract (Maule et al., 1983). The nucleic acid is loaded into a multisample vacuum manifold, which is used to spot it onto the membrane.
Colony Blot
Colony blot can be useful to detect bacteria in infected tissues. Dilutions
of the bacteria from an infected tissue are grown on nitrocellulose filters
placed on suitable agar media. After incubation, the nucleic acids are simultaneously released and denatured with alkali or by incubation in a microwave oven. The filter is then washed and baked prior to hybridization as a
In Situ Hybridization Assay
In this assay, host tissue sections are fixed to a microscope slide and exposed to probe DNA. In another type of assay, sections of cut plant tissue are
pressed against the nitrocellulose filter, which is then treated with alkali to
denature the DNA and the tissue print is fixed on the filter. Hybridization reveals the presence of the pathogen.
PCR-Based Methodology
The polymerase chain reaction provides a powerful and rapid technique
to exponentially amplify specific DNA sequences by in vitro DNA synthesis (Henson and French, 1993). Three essential steps to a PCR include
(1) melting the target DNA, (2) annealing two oligonucleotide primers to
the denatured DNA strands, and (3) extending the primer via a thermostable
DNA polymerase. Newly synthesized DNA strands serve as targets for subsequent DNA synthesis since the three steps are repeated up to 50 times. The
specificity of the method derives from the synthetic oligonucleotide primers, which base-pair to and define each end of the target sequence to be amplified (Henson and French, 1993).
PCR uses a thermostable Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase to
synthesize DNA from oligonucleotide primers and template DNA. The template DNA may be genomic, first-strand cDNA, or cloned sequences.
Primers are designed to anneal to complementary strands of the template
such that DNA synthesis initiated at each primer results in replication of the
template region between the primers.
The PCR involves three distinct steps governed by temperature. DNA,
primers, deoxynucleotides, buffer, and Taq polymerase are combined in a
ter appropriate thermal cycling. RAPD PCR with DNA of infected plant tissues is performed as follows: In a microcentrifuge tube, genomic DNA (25
to 50 ng), deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) (200 m), primer (200
pmol), PCR buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8.3], 500 mM KCl, 15 mM
MgCl2, 1 mg/mL gelatin, 0.1 percent Tween-20, 0.1 percent NP), and 1 unit
Taq polymerase are mixed, spun briefly, and overlaid with 50 L mineral
oil. Forty-five PCR cycles are performed at 94C for 1 min, 35C for 1 min,
and 72C for 2 min. The reaction mixture (10 L) is run through a 1 percent
agarose gel in tris borate ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (TBE) buffer
(89mM Tris, 89 mM boric acid (pH 8.3), 2.5 mM EDTA [ethylene diamine
tetra-acetic acid]).
Any DNA or RNA sequence that is specific for a particular organism can
be used for detection of that organism. Potential targets specific to pathogens include specific sequences from mitochondrial DNA fragment, pathogen-specific plasmid sequences, and short, interspersed repetitive elements
present in bacteria. Ribosomal genes and the spacers between them possess
conserved as well as variable sequences, and can be amplified and sequenced with universal primers based on their conserved sequences. Genes
for 5.8S, 18S, and 26S (28S) fungal nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA)
are used as primers (Henson and French, 1993).
Considerably greater sequence variation is found in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions between the rRNA genes within an rRNA repeat unit (rDNA). Even more sequence differences are in the nontranscribed
spacer (NTS) regions between the rDNA repeat units, and still more are in
the intergenic spacer regions or noncoding sequences that occur within the
rDNA repeat unit of some fungi (Henson and French, 1993). Any organism
that has rDNA repeats may be specifically detected by selecting primer sequences based on variable spacer regions.
Immuno-PCR and Immunocapture PCR
Disease diagnosis methods that combine antibody binding and PCR are
highly sensitive and can detect microbial antigens in addition to their nucleic acids. In the immuno-PCR method, a DNA fragment is molecularly
linked to antigen-antibody complexes. Protein A and streptavidin portions
of the linker molecule bind the antibody and DNA, respectively. Antigen
present in a sample binds the specific antibody, which, in turn, binds the
linker molecule. The latter is bound to a nonspecific, biotin-labeled DNA
sequence that is subsequently amplified by PCR. Immuno-PCR is 105 times
as sensitive as the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of
antigen (Sano et al., 1992).
Immunocapture PCR is another sensitive diagnostic assay. Whereas immunoPCR requires the antigen-specific antibody only, immunocapture PCR requires the antigen-specific antibody and nucleic acid sequence information
from the microbe being detected.
Immunocapture-Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction
In a typical IC-RT-PCR assay, PCR tubes are rinsed in PBST, soaked in
ethanol for 15 min, and air dried. The tubes are coated with the specific virus
antiserum in a coating buffer (15 mM Na2CO3; 35 mM NaHCO3; 3 mM
NaN3; pH 9.6) for 3 h at 37C. The tubes are washed three times with PBST
and blotted dry on a tissue. They are placed at 70C for at least 10 min and
the contents thawed at 94oC for 2 min to disassemble the antibody-bound virus and free the viral RNA from the protein coat. A total of 50 L of RTPCR mix (4 L of 5 first-strand reverse transcription buffer; 2 L of DTT;
2.6 L of dNTP; 0.1 L of RNasin RNase inhibitor; 0.25 L of SuperScript
RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase; 3 L of 10 PCR buffer; 4.2 L of 25 mM
MgCl2; 1 L of reverse primer; 0.5 L of forward primer; 0.2 L of Taq
polymerase; and 32.75 L of nuclease-free water) as added to each tube.
The tubes are then treated as follows: 37C for 1 h, 94C for 2 min (35 cycles
of 94C for 30 s, 50C for 30 s, and 72C for 60 s), and 72C for 10 min. Following RT-PCR, the products are assessed by electrophoresis in 1.5 percent
agarose gels and stained with ethidium bromide (Gillaspie et al., 2000).
Repetitive-Sequence-Based Polymerase Chain Reaction (Rep-PCR)
Rep-PCR is based on PCR-mediated amplification of DNA sequences
located between specific interspersed repeated sequences in microbial genomes. These repeated elements are termed BOX, REP, and ERIC elements.
Amplification of the DNA sequences between primers based on these repeated elements generates an array of different-sized DNA fragments from
the genomes of individual strains. The separation of these fragments on
agarose gels yields highly specific DNA fingerprints that can be either visually compared or subjected to computer-assisted pattern analysis (McDonald et al., 2000). The rep-PCR is useful in the identification of bacterial
pathogens and disease diagnosis (Louws et al., 1999). Some fungal pathogens can also be identified by this technique (Jedryczka et al., 1999).
probe, labeled with 32P will be useful to detect Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides in cereals (Nicholson and Rezanoor, 1994). Pythium ultimum can
be detected by PCR and dot-blot using rDNA ITS as a probe, labeled with
digoxigenin (Levesque et al., 1994).
Botrytis cinerea infection in pear stems can be detected by plating stem
halves on a selective medium and by ELISA, which is a more sensitive
method (Meyer et al., 2000). The PCR assay is highly sensitive and reproducible as a tool for the detection and identification of fungi when speciesspecific primers are carefully selected. Several fungal pathogens have been
detected using this method, including Verticillium spp., Fusarium spp.,
Rhizoctonia oryzae, Gaeumannomyces graminis, Magnaporthe poae, Leptosphaeria korrae, and Phiolophora gregata (Fouly and Wilkinson, 2000).
Nuclear rDNA of fungi consists of small and large subunits, a 5.8S region, and an internal transcribed spacer region(s). Each subunit and region
base sequence is variable among the genera and species of fungi. This variability can be used to detect fungal pathogens. For example, the ITS region
of Gaeumannomyces is highly variable among its species and less variable
among its varieties. However, the small subunit of nuclear rDNA is distinctly variable among the varieties of G. graminis. This small subunit of
nuclear rDNA (18S rDNA) is used for the detection of G. graminis varieties
using PCR amplification (Fouly and Wilkinson, 2000). A PCR-based diagnostic assay has been developed to detect Rhynchosporium secalis in barley
(Lee et al., 2001). RAPD analysis is useful to characterize P. infestans isolates from potato and tomato (Mahuku et al., 2000). Species-specific primers were designed based on sequence data of a region consisting of the 5.8S
RNA gene and internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 of R. secalis (Lee et al.,
2001). An oligonucleotide primer set, RS8 and RS9, was used in detecting
R. secalis. This primer amplified a 264 bp fragment from the DNA of all R.
secalis isolates. This is used to detect R. secalis in infected barley tissues
(Lee et al., 2001). A species-specific PCR has been developed to detect
black sigatoka and yellow sigatoka leaf-spot pathogens in banana (Johanson
et al., 2000). The Rep-PCR technique is used to detect species of Fusarium,
Stagonospora, Septoria, Tilletia, and Leptosphaeria (Jedryczka et al., 1999;
McDonald et al., 2000).
Several diagnostic techniques have been developed to diagnose fire
blight of apple and pear. The available methods include isolation of the
pathogen on the semiselective media of Miller and Schroth, Crosse and
Goodman agar, or crystal violet-cycloheximide-thallium nitrate (CCT) agar
(Merighi et al., 2000). A minimal medium 2-copper sulfate agar was developed to specifically identify Erwinia amylovora (Bereswill et al., 1998).
Isolation followed by pathogenicity tests will also be useful to detect the
pathogen. Miller (1983) described an immunofluorescent microscopic method
for the detection of E. amylovora. The double-antibody sandwich indirect
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DASI-ELISA) was developed to detect the pathogen (Gorris et al., 1996). An analysis of fatty acid methyl esters by gas chromatography (GC-FAME) is also used to detect E. amylovora
(van der Zwet and Wells, 1993). E. amylovora can be detected by nested
PCR, PCR dot-blot, and reverse-blot hybridization methods (McManus and
Jones, 1995). PCR techniques are extensively used to detect the bacterium
(Bereswill et al., 1995; Guilford et al. 1996). A PCR-ELISA was developed
by Merighi et al. (2000) to detect the pathogen. A PCR-based method detected E. amylovora effectively in pear (Sobiczewski et al., 1999). A RepPCR technique is used to identify several bacterial pathogens (Louws et al.,
An immunofluorescence test is used to detect Clavibacter michiganensis
subsp. michiganensis in tomato, C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus in potato, and Erwinia chrysanthemi in carnation (De Boer et al., 1996). ELISA
is useful in detecting C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato, C.
michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus in potato, E. chrysanthemi in carnation,
Pantoea stewartii in carnation, Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in
cabbage, and Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola in bean (De Boer et
al., 1996). X. translucens pv. undulosa in wheat and X. vesicatoria in pepper
and tomato are detected by dot immunoassay (De Boer et al., 1996).
Nucleic acid probes have been employed to detect some bacterial pathogens. A dot-blot assay has been employed to detect Erwinia carotovora,
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, X. axonopodis pv. phaseoli, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. Colony blot assay is used to detect Agrobacterium tumefaciens, E.
amylovora, Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola, and P. syringae pv.
morsprunorum (De Boer et al., 1996). PCR is used to detect A. tumefaciens
(Dong et al., 1992), Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Schneider et al., 1993), Ralstonia solanacearum (Seal et al., 1992), and X. axonopodis pv. citri (Hartung et al., 1993). PCR and RFLP-based techniques are
useful in detection of A. vitis in grape (Burr and Otten, 1999).
A number of different serological techniques have been developed for
detecting Citrus tristeza virus (CTV). These include ELISA (Rocha-Pena
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of Disease
Disease Progress
= rg y (In( k ) ) In( y )
where rg is the rate of increase specific to the Gompertz model, k is the maximum level of disease, y is the disease at time of observation, and t is the time
interval being considered, and the symbol In indicates natural logarithm.
These three models are often used in a linearized form. The disease progress curves are transformed to a linear form with the assumption that the
maximum amount of disease, (ymax = k), is 100 percent or proportionally
1.0. Linear regression analysis is then used to provide estimates of the initial
amount of disease (yo) and the apparent rate of increase (r). The appropriateness of a model for describing disease progress data is then judged by goodness-of-fit criteria, including the magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R2) and mean square error (MSE) (Campbell, 1998).
Linear models are more useful than nonlinearized models (e.g., the
monomolecular, logistic, and Gompertz models) because the software is
able to perform linear regression analysis quite easily. However, software
for nonlinear regression is now available. The fitting of linear and nonlinear
regression models is based on the same idea, i.e., choosing parameter estimates that minimize the sums of squared errors. Since fewer assumptions
are made with nonlinear regression analysis, this analysis is preferred for
disease progress data (Campbell, 1998).
Other models employed less frequently to assess the disease progress
data include the Weibull, Richards, and Gaussian models. These models are
used to calculate the rate of disease increase, and in some cases meaningful
and more or less constant r values can be obtained. However, in many cases
frequent changes in r values occur due to large fluctuations in environmental factors. Data on environmental factors have not been incorporated in
these models for analysis.
Many limitations exist in using the Weibull, Richards, and Gaussian
models. For example, they may not be sufficient to describe all disease pro-
AUDPC = [( x i + 1 + x i ) / 2]( t i + 1 t i )
i =1
where xi = proportion tissue affected (disease intensity) at the ith observation, t = time (days) after inoculation at the ith observation, and n = total
number of observations. is the sum of areas of all of the individual trapezoids or areas from i to n 1. i and i + 1 represent observations from 1 to n
(Shaner and Finney, 1977).
If the epidemic duration differs, AUDPC values are normalized by dividing the AUDPC by the total area of the graph (= the number of days from inoculation to the end of the observation period 1.0). The normalized
AUDPC is referred to as relative AUDPC. Units for AUDPC are days
proportion or days percent, depending upon the measure of disease intensity. Relative AUDPC has no units. Greater frequency of disease assessments over time result in a more accurate estimate of AUDPC than when
only a few assessments are made.
Involved in
in Disease
Several environmental factors are involved in the temporary widespread
increase in fungal and bacterial diseases (i.e., epidemic). The life of a fungal
pathogen may be divided into sporulation, dispersal (removal, transport,
and deposition), germination, infection, and incubation phases. Environmental factors involved in all phases of the fungal life cycle are discussed.
Environmental factors affecting bacterial spread and infection are also described.
Sporulation of fungal pathogens in the host appears to be influenced by
weather factors. The production of ascospores of Mycosphaerella citri on
citrus leaves is greatest from March to July, and few ascospores are produced
thereafter in Florida (Timmer, Roberts, et al., 2000). Moisture, temperature,
humidity, and light influence sporulation. Asexual spores (pycnidiospores)
of Septoria tritici are important in the epidemiological development cycle
of the pathogen in wheat. The production of pycnidiospores is strongly dependent on moisture and temperature (Verreet et al., 2000). Sigatoka (yellow
Sigatoka) and black leaf streak (black Sigatoka) pathogens (M. musicola
and M. fijiensis, respectively) produce conidia abundantly in wet weather or
in dew on the surface of leaf lesions (Burt et al., 1999). Sporulation of the
apple sooty blotch pathogens Peltaster fructicola and Leptodontium elatius
was greatest at relative humidities of 97 to 99 percent (Johnson and Sutton,
2000). The optimum temperature for sporangial production of Phytophthora palmivora on a citrus fruit surface was 24C, with sporangial production decreasing rapidly at higher or lower temperatures (Timmer, Zitko, et
al., 2000). A few sporangia were produced with 18 h of fruit wetness, and
numbers increased as the duration of wetness increased to 72 h (Timmer,
Zitko, et al., 2000). Sporulation on soybean root surfaces infected with
Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines is more frequent during or immediately following high moisture in soil (Roy, 1997). Temperature and moisture influence the apothecium production of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the stem rot
pathogen of soybean. High light intensity favors the development of apothecia (Sun et al., 2000). Moderate temperatures (14 to 28C) combined with
high relative humidity ( 90 percent) are conducive to conidial production of
Claviceps sorghi (Bandyopadhyay et al., 1998). Sporulation of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides, the wheat eyespot pathogen, may occur
within the temperature range 1 to 20C, with an optimum temperature of
5C (Fitt et al., 1988). Sporulations of the peanut leaf spot pathogens Cercospora arachidicola and Phaeoisariopsis personata occur on lesions, and
sporulation is favored by high relative humidity (about 100 percent RH) and
temperatures ranging from 24 to 28C. Sporulation increases with increased
wet period duration (Jacobi et al., 1995). Temperature and wetness duration
have the greatest effect on inoculum production of Botrytis cinerea, the
strawberry gray mold pathogen. The optimum temperature for sporulation
in dead leaf tissue is 18C, and sporulation increases with longer wetness duration (Sosa-Alvarez et al., 1995).
The spore dispersal phase of the pathogen life cycle has three stages: removal, transport, and deposition. Rain, wind, humidity, and temperature
may play important roles in spores release from the host surface. Conidia of
the wheat powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe graminis may be removed
from infected leaves by wind gusts or by acceleration forces as leaves flap in
the wind. They may also be removed by raindrops, through puff or tap
mechanisms. As a raindrop spreads out on a dry leaf, it generates a puff of
air that may remove dry conidia. The impact (tap) of the raindrop on the leaf
may also release dry spores as kinetic energy is transferred to the leaf. Dry,
airborne conidia of E. graminis are a common component of air spora during dry summer weather in the United Kingdom (Fitt and McCartney,
Pycnidiospores of Septoria nodorum are generally produced in mucilage, which prevents their removal from infected wheat plants by wind.
However, during rainy weather, the first raindrops dissolve the mucilage to
leave a spore suspension that is prone to splash dispersal by subsequent
raindrops (Fitt and McCartney, 1986). Lighter or shorter rainfalls enhance
the removal of urediniospores of the wheat leaf (brown) rust pathogen
Puccinia triticina from wheat leaf surfaces (Sache et al., 2000). Ascospores
of the sigatoka pathogen Mycosphaerella fijiensis are produced on older banana leaves in perithecia sunken into leaf tissues. Under wet conditions,
spores are released and are dispersed by air. Rainfall, combined with a high
temperature, may lead to peaks of ascospore release (Burt et al., 1999).
The release of large numbers of conidia of the citrus brownspot pathogen
Alternaria alternata from citrus leaves was triggered by sudden drops in relative humidity or by simulated rainfall events. Vibration induced the release
of low numbers of conidia (Timmer et al., 1998). The release of ascospores
of Anisogramma anomala was monitored over a six-year period in European hazelnut orchards in the United States. The ascospores that were released were correlated with the amount of precipitation (Pinkerton et al.,
1998). A suction-impaction mini-spore trap was developed to study the
effect of light initiation and decreasing relative humidity (RH) on spore release of the lettuce pathogen Bremia lactucae in a controlled environment.
Three light periods (from 0400 to 1600, 0600 to 1800, and 0800 to 2000 h,
circadian time) at a constant RH of 99 to 100 percent were used for studying
the effect of light initiation on spore release (Su et al., 2000). Only a few
spores were released during the dark periods. Spore release increased
sharply after the initiation of light periods and reached a maximum 1 to 2 h
after light initiation. When relative humidity (RH) decreased from 100 to 94
percent two hours before light initiation, spore release increased within 1 h.
These results suggest that both light initiation and reduction in RH can trigger spore release of B. lactucae (Su et al., 2000).
The release of ascospores of the grapevine powdery mildew pathogen
Uncinula necator was monitored under natural conditions in France during
a five-year period (Jailloux et al., 1999). Ascospore release always began after bud burst and generally ended before blossoming. Ascospore release
was always associated with a rainfall higher than 2 mm, a wetting duration
greater than 2.5 h, an average temperature generally above 11C, and a daily
mean temperature sum from November 1 to the first ascospore release
above 1100C (Jailloux et al., 1999). The release of ascospores of the sour
cherry black knot pathogen Apiosporina morbosa was dependent on rainfall
and temperature, but not on the duration of wetness (McFadden-Smith et al.,
2000). Byrne et al. (2000) showed that fluctuations in relative humidity (either positive or negative) increase the release of conidia of Oidium sp. in
poinsettia under greenhouse conditions in the United States. Watering resulted in an immediate increase (25 percent) followed by a rapid decrease in
RH (32 percent) beginning 1 to 2 h later. Conidial release increased by about
89 percent within 3 h following greenhouse watering (Byrne et al., 2000).
Cool, wet weather in the fall and spring provides conditions conducive to
ascospore release of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the cabbage stem rot pathogen (Hudyncia et al., 2000).
Wind and rain are the important factors involved in spore dispersal.
Urediniospores of Puccinia triticina are responsible for epidemics of leaf
rust. The spores are wind-borne. Local dispersal of urediniospores within a
wheat canopy from an infection focus occurs most efficiently (dispersal to
greater distances before becoming deposited) when the wind direction is
perpendicular to the wheat rows, rather than when it is parallel to them. The
resistance of wheat plants creates a turbulence that tends to lift spores into
the airspace just above the canopy and keeps them suspended for a longer
period of time. This may allow the spores to travel further before settling
back into the canopy and being deposited on the tissues of wheat plants or
the soil beneath them (Kramer and Eversmeyer, 2000). Light rain is able to
wash airborne Puccinia triticina spores from the atmosphere and deposit
them on wheat leaves. However, violent or extended rain events inhibit further spore production and removal for more than six hours. Rain can clear
out the spore load in the atmosphere within 50 minutes. Susceptible trap
plants exposed during violent rain events are much less infected by rain than
those sheltered from rain, indicating that rain is able to wash off spores already deposited on leaves by incidental raindrops (Sache et al., 2000). Thus,
rainfall patterns may decide the spread of the spores.
The urediniospores of the wheat stem rust pathogen Puccinia graminis f.
sp. tritici are carried long distances by the wind. In the United States, it has
been reported that the spores can travel more than 1,000 miles in about two
days. Spores from Texas spread throughout the Midwest and into Canada
annually (Roelfs, 1985). Rust spores are carried by wind from Australia to
New Zealand. In India, urediniospores from South India are carried through
cyclonic wind to North India, crossing thousands of miles; the path is called
Puccinia path. Seasonal rain in India washes the spores from the atmosphere
and deposits them on wheat leaves.
Venturia inaequalis, the apple scab pathogen, survives the winter in diseased apple leaves on the ground. Pseudothecia and ascospores develop in
these fallen leaves. Ascospores produced on diseased leaves in the leaf litter
are released into the air at ground level from ascus. The great majority of ascospores are propelled less than 1 cm into the air. Once airborne, they are simultaneously transported downwind by the horizontal motion of the wind
and diffused vertically by turbulent fluctuations. A portion is also deposited
on the vegetation and ground. Spore concentration decreases rapidly with
height above the ground and with increasing downwind distance from a
source. The rapid decrease of ascospores in the air with increasing distance
and height is due to wind shear, turbulent diffusion, and losses due to washout by rain. The ascospores are deposited onto plant surfaces either by raindrops containing ascospores or by impaction and sedimentation of ascospores that are contained in the air (Aylor, 1998). Rain plays a major role in the
long-distance (several km) transport of ascospores. Rain tends to reduce the
effect of spore dilution in the vertical direction because raindrops sweep
through the entire column of air containing spores and bring the spores to the
ground (Aylor, 1998). The effect of rain on ascospore dispersal was further
studied in Italy in detail (Rossi et al., 2000). Rain events were the only occurrences that allowed ascospores to become airborne. A rain event is a
period with measurable rainfall of 0.2 mm/h lasting one to several hours,
uninterrupted or interrupted by a maximum of two dry hours (Rossi et al.,
2001). In the absence of rain, dew is insufficient to allow ascospores to disperse
into the air. In some cases, rain events did not cause ascospore dispersal, including when rain fell at night and was followed by heavy dew deposition
that persisted some hours after sunrise (Rossi et al., 2001). The intensity of
rain may determine the amount of spores dispersed. A rain density of 30 mm/h
results in significantly greater rain-splash dispersal of Colletotrichum acutatum spores infecting strawberry (Ntahimpera et al., 1999).
The pycnidiospores of the glume blotch pathogen Stagonospora nodorum (Septoria nodorum) are dispersed by rain splash from lower infected
leaves to successively higher (younger) leaves (De Wolf and Francl, 2000).
Vertical and horizontal spread of conidia of Septoria tritici, a wheat pathogen, takes place through the kinetic energy of striking raindrops. Dispersal
and infection takes place when total precipitation exceeds 10 mm within
three days, or total precipitation exceeds 5 mm over two days, and there exists a continuous three-day-long leaf wetness period (Verreet et al., 2000).
The conidia of the banana sigatoka pathogen Mycosphaerella fijiensis are
dispersed by water droplets to other leaves (Burt et al., 1999).
The accuracy of a spore dispersal model depends, to a large extent, on the
quality of the experimental data on which it is based or with which it is
tested. Spore samplers (spore traps) are used for estimating the number of
airborne or splash-borne spores. Different types of spore samplers are available. Spore samplers may collect spores on dry, sticky surfaces or in liquids.
They may be passive, collecting the spores that reach them, or volumetric,
sampling a known volume of air. The following are important spore traps.
Dry samplers:
Passive spore trapsHorizontal slide, vertical cylinder, volumetric
Volumetric spore trapsBurkard, Cascade impactor, Rotorod, Hirst
Liquid samplers:
Passive spore trapsFunnel
Volumetric spore trapsCyclone, Impinger
In the horizontal slides and volumetric cylinders, spores are collected on
a surface coated with an adhesive such as Vaseline, on which spores do not
germinate. In Hirst and Burkard spore traps, air is sucked into the traps at a
controlled rate and impinged onto a sticky surface moved by a clockwise
mechanism past the orifice. Thus, the number of spores per unit volume of
air at any given time can be calculated.
The Cascade impactor is similar to the Burkard trap in its function. The
Rotorod sampler consists of a U-shaped rod attached at its midpoint to the
shaft of a small, battery-operated electric motor. The surface of the rod is
covered with a Vaselined strip of transparent cellophane, which can be
stripped off and mounted. From the area of the strip and the speed of rotation, the volume of air sampled can be calculated. In Cyclone and Impinger
spore traps, spores are impacted by air suction into the samplers.
Living plants are also used as spore traps. The number of pustules developed on plants exposed for a given time (usually 24 h) and then returned to a
clean air chamber for incubation are counted to assess the spore load in the
air. A mobile nursery containing seedlings of the differential hosts for the
pathogen is exposed in the field for a suitable time, and the plants are removed to optimum concentrations for incubation in a spore-proof glasshouse. The physiologic races to which any pustules belong are then recorded.
The choice of spore sampler depends on biological factors such as the
mode of spore spread, spore size, and spore concentration in the air. When
sampling above crops, it is necessary to use an inertial sampler to collect dry
airborne spores. Vertical cylinders, Burkard traps, and Hirst traps collect
many more spores per square centimeter than horizontal slides. Because
impaction efficiencies of small spores are small, a volumetric sampler
(Burkard, Hirst, Cascade impactor, Rotorod) will sample spores better than
a passive vertical cylinder, particularly at low concentrations and low wind
the number of seeds infected. Moisture at the time of flowering is the most
critical factor in establishment of the disease (Bonde et al., 1997).
Wetness duration, temperature, and light conditions determine the epidemic of wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) disease. Rain events also
determine disease incidence. Light and short rainfall enhances disease incidence, whereas heavy violent and extended rain events decrease disease
incidence (Vallavieille-Pope et al., 2000). Under high temperature and prolonged leaf wetness periods, infection by Mycosphaerella fragariae becomes severe in strawberry. The number of lesions on young leaves increases gradually from 5 to 25C and decreases sharply from 25 to 30C.
The optimal temperature for infection is 25C. But for most temperatures, a
minimum of 12 h of leaf wetness is necessary for infection (Carisse et al.,
Relative humidity and rainfall appear to contribute to the development of
wheat leaf and glume blotch disease epidemics (De Wolf and Francl, 2000).
Leaf wetness periods of more than 48 h and relative humidity greater than
98 percent result in epidemics of the disease caused by Septoria tritici in
wheat (Verreet et al., 2000). The optimal temperature of pycnidiospore germination is in the range of 22 to 24C. Infection is high at a temperature between 16 and 21C. Around 7C, infection is inhibited (Verreet et al., 2000).
The optimal temperature for development of potato common scab disease
(Streptomyces scabies) is about 20C. Low soil moisture increases disease
incidence. Soil characteristics can greatly affect the severity of potato scab.
Scab is most severe in soils with a pH of 5.2 to 7.0 (Loria et al., 1997).
Ascospores of Monosporascus cannonballus germinate in cucurbit rhizosphere. Optimum germination occurs at temperatures ranging from 25 to
35C. The ascospore population within 500 m of a root is capable of germination and subsequent penetration of cantaloupe roots. The fungus multiplies in the root tissues and brownish lesions appear (Stanghellini et al.,
2000). Rainfall greater than 10 mm and a maximum temperature greater
than 5C during this favorable period can result in peach leaf curl (Taphrina
deformans) disease incidence (Giosue et al., 2000). Daytime vapor pressure
deficit and nighttime temperature have the greatest effect in strawberry
flower infection by Botrytis cinerea. Infection is favored by low day vapor
pressure deficit and high night temperature (Xu et al., 2000).
The optimum temperature for germination of conidia of Cercospora
arachidicola, the peanut early leaf spot pathogen, is 19 to 25C, and the
conidia require free water for germination. Periods of leaf wetness exceeding 10 h and minimum temperatures during the wetness period above 21C
are the most crucial conditions for early leaf spot disease development
(Jacobi et al., 1995). High relative humidity favors development of pear leaf
scab caused by Venturia pirina. The length of the dry period reduces disease
severity. No scab lesions occur if leaves are dry for more than 12 h (Villata
et al., 2000b). Disease severity increases with increasing leaf wetness duration. The optimum temperature for infection is 20C (Villata et al., 2000a).
When the winter is cold and rainy, the onset of V. pirina epidemics occurs
earlier in the season, and disease intensity reaches the highest levels. In
warm and less rainy winters, the onset of epidemics is delayed and the epidemic is less extensive (Sobreiro and Mexia, 2000).
Aylor, D. E. (1998). The aerobiology of apple scab. Plant Dis, 82:832-849.
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Forecasting Models
Several disease-forecasting models were created to help develop decision support systems for timing chemical applications to control fungal and
bacterial diseases. The important forecasting models developed are described here.
A model is any representation of an object, system, or idea in some form
other than that of the entity itself. Models are by necessity limited sections
of reality, having some but not all of the properties of real-life situations.
Models are seldom complete, and modeling is an iterative (repetitive) process in which the model provides a closer and closer approximation of reality with each successive iteration. Thus, a model is never an end point in itself (Teng, 1985).
Analytic Models
Different types of epidemic models exist, including analytic, simulation,
empirical, and hybrid models. Analytic models are used to analyze epidemics on a theoretical basis without taking into consideration the effects of external variables. They are mathematical models that attempt to describe epidemics as a whole by single mathematical equations. They are also called
statistical models or biological models. Statistical models are mathematical
formulas with parameter values that have been chosen to adequately describe disease progress for specific data sets, but lack a precise biological interpretation. Weibull, Richards, Gompertz, and Gaussian models are also
mathematical models. Biological models are also mathematical models but
are based on prior assumptions about the mechanism of disease increase.
Monomolecular and logistic models are biological models. These models
are mostly theoretical or simple regression models. They are also called
synthetic models by Van der Plank (1984).
Simulation Models
Simulation is the process of designing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with this model for purposes of either understanding
the behavior of the system or evaluating various strategies for the operation
of the system (Teng, 1985). Simulation models try to mimic observed epidemics or certain aspects, such as spore dispersal, that are influenced by
measured meteorological conditions (Hau, 1990). Simulation models are
generated by creating conditions for the development of epidemics and carrying out experiments on different aspects of disease increase. In the simulation approach, differential equations are composed by considering the life
cycle of fungal pathogens, by compartmentalizing the various components
of the life cycle (e.g., sporophores, spores, dispersed spores, lesions), and by
specifying the rates of change of each variable (Leonard and Fry, 1986). For
example, a simulation model to analyze the epidemiology of potato late
blight was developed (Bruhn and Fry, 1981). Both the number of lesions and
the mean surface area of lesions in each age class were simulated in response to the environment, host factors including cultivar resistance, and
fungicide application. The simulation model included the deposition and
weathering rate of the fungicide chlorothalonil, the fungicide application
method and dosage, interactions with plant growth and architecture, and environmental effects such as rainfall. Simulation models are concerned only
with particular, or a set of particular, behaviors and hence may not be suited
for the development of theories concerning the real system.
Empirical and Hybrid Models
These models are based on actual experiments and observations and not
on theory or simulation. Empirical models are complex models that attempt
to mimic many environmental factors and other influences.
Hybrid models that combine analytic and simulation approaches are also
being developed.
Potato Late Blight Forecasting Models
Several models were developed to forecast late blight of potato (Phytophthora infestans). The earliest forecasting model was developed by van
Everdingen (1926). The model is based on four criteria known as Dutch
rules. The Dutch rules prescribe the following conditions to indicate the
time to apply control measures against the disease: the occurrence of dew
for at least four hours at night, a minimum temperature of 10C, a mean
cloudiness on the next day of 0.8 or more, and at least 0.1 mm of rain in the
following 24 h. The Dutch rules were initially used in the United Kingdom.
Beaumont (1947) modified these rules to state that when there are two days
with a minimum temperature not less than 10C and relative humidity not
below 75 percent, the growers in the vicinity should begin routine spray programs. These two days were recognized as the Beaumont period, and it became the standard blight warning system in the United Kingdom until the
mid 1970s.
Irish rules, formulated by Bourke (1953), prescribe the following criteria to be satisfied for an outbreak of late blight: a humid period of at least
12 h with the temperature at least 10C and relative humidity (RH) 90 percent or above (conditions favorable for sporangia formation), and free moisture on the leaves for a subsequent period of at least 4 h (conditions favorable for germination and reinfection). If there is no rainfall, the alternative
requirement is for a further 4 h beyond the initial 12 h with an RH of at least
90 percent.
Smith (1956) came out with another model describing the critical two
days to forecast the late blight epidemic. Temperature and humidity requirements of disease development have been deduced after several years of
studies, and have been incorporated into Smith periods. A Smith period is
defined as two consecutive days (ending at 0900 hours) when the temperature has not been less than 10C and the relative humidity has been above
90 percent for at least 11 hours of each day. In the United Kingdom, Smith
periods are used to forecast disease incidence. Notifications of Smith periods are issued by the Agriculture Development Advisory Service (ADAS)
of the British government and communicated through television, bulletins,
and farming press.
In the United States, a computerized forecast called BLITECAST was
developed (Krause et al., 1975). It is based on temperature and relative humidity thresholds. Data required for BLITECAST include daily maximum
and minimum temperatures, the number of hours when relative humidity is
equal to or above 90 percent, the maximum and minimum temperature during the period when RH is 90 percent and above, and the daily rainfall figure
to the nearest 1 mm. The program is available on microcomputer, which is
coupled to a weather data logger. The system is available in the potato field
itself. BLITECAST advises not only the date to begin spraying, but also the
timing of subsequent applications.
In Denmark, Hansen et al. (1995) developed a forecasting model called
NEGFRY. The model takes into account cultivar susceptibility, emergence
date, and irrigation to advise on the date of first fungicide application and
timing of subsequent sprays. The BLITECAST system was modified by incorporating host resistance and fungicide weathering, and this system was
called SIM-CAST (Fry et al., 1983). SIM-CAST uses a decision rule similar
to that of BLITECAST, i.e., accumulating disease severity values, but does
not forecast the occurrence of the first spray (Grunwald et al., 2000). The
SIM-CAST system was equally effective when compared to BLITECAST
(Hijmans et al., 2000). Similar systems have been reported in several European countries. The BLITECAST system can also be used in tomato to forecast late blight in this crop.
Tomato Early Blight Forecasting Models
A forecaster of Alternaria solani on tomato (FAST) was developed to
identify periods when environmental conditions are favorable for early
blight development and provide an efficient fungicide application schedule
(Madden et al., 1978). Daily weather data (maximum and minimum air temperature, hours of leaf wetness, maximum and minimum temperature during wet periods, hours of relative humidity more than 90 percent, and daily
rainfall) are used for forecasting. FAST consists of two submodels: the dew
model and the rain model. Each submodel calculates a daily rating of the severity of risk of an early blight outbreak. The dew model is based on the duration of wet periods and average air temperature during the wet periods.
The hours of leaf wetness and mean air temperature during the wet period
are combined to derive disease severity (S) values. The S values are rated
daily from zero (conditions unfavorable for A. solani spore formation) to
four (conditions highly favorable for spore formation). The rain model uses
average air temperature for the last five days, total hours during the past five
days with RH 90 percent, and total rainfall for the past seven days to calculate disease severity rating values from zero (conditions unfavorable for A.
solani spore formation and infection) to three (conditions highly favorable
for spore formation and infection) (Gleason et al., 1995). The forecasting
program analyzes daily environmental data and maintains a record of the
(1) total of all S values (TS) since the beginning of the growing season,
(2) seven-day cumulative severity value (CS) calculated by totaling S values
for the past seven days, and (3) five-day cumulative rating value (CR) calculated by totaling R values for the past five days. The first early blight spray
application is recommended when TS reaches a critical level of 35 and the
plants are in the field for at least five weeks. Subsequent fungicide applications are scheduled when CS or CR equal or exceed prespecified critical
limits (Madden et al., 1978). The program was computerized for rapid and
accurate analyses. The FAST system has resulted in lower fungicide appli-
forecast for specific farm locations. In addition, the growers receive daily
fire blight alerts, which include a record of the fire blight infection risk for
the previous days in the month and a seven-day forecast of the fire blight
risk. The growers receive simulated weather reports and daily disease risk
alerts for fire blight via e-mail or fax. It was reported that the growers found
the simulated weather and fire blight alerts useful (Travis et al., 1999).
Billing (1980) developed a system in Europe to predict when outbreaks
of fire blight would likely be found in the field. The method is based on experimental studies of the growth rate of E. amylovora in vitro and historical
fire blight outbreaks in southeast England. This model determines the potential doubling of bacteria (PD) from daily maximum and minimum temperatures. The PD values are used to determine the duration of an incubation
period. The incubation period is completed and infection should be apparent in the field when the PD value accumulated from an infection day exceeds a certain threshold determined by temperatures and rainfall (Billing,
1980). This system was further modified and Billings Revised System
(BRS) and Billings Integrated System (BIS95) were developed (Billing,
1999). BIS95 aims to assess risks during the growing season, including low
and high incidence risks. For simplicity, degree day sums are used in this
BIS95 system. Following a warm period, wetting of flowers by dew is sufficient for infection. When temperatures are high ( 27C), blossom infection
may occur without wetting. Degree day sums above a temperature of 13.0
have provided good guidance on times when, following infection, early
signs of disease may be seen. The critical degree day sum for apple blossom
blight is suggested to be 47 (Billing, 1999). BIS95 provides rules based on
both weather data and field infection data. The efficacy of both MARYBLYT
and BIS95 systems were compared for their relative efficacy in prediction of
fire blight in Hungary and Turkey. Both the MARYBLYT and BIS95 systems were equally useful in providing guidance for obtaining daily results
about the progress of different infection events, including symptom development, and for making decisions on control. The Cougarblight Fire Blight
Risk Assessment Model was developed in the Northwest United States to
address the daily fire blight infection risk in orchards (Smith, 1999). Host
susceptibility, relative pathogen presence, and potential growth rate of bacterial colonies on stigma were all addressed prior to potential flower wetting. This model is successfully used by growers in the Pacific Northwest.
Citrus Postbloom Fruit Drop and Anthracnose Forecasting Model
The citrus postbloom fruit drop and anthracnose (Glomerella cingulata)
forecasting system was developed in Florida (Timmer and Zitko, 1993). The
most important parameters in disease prediction were the number of af-
fected blossoms already on the tree (inoculum availability) and rainfall during the previous five days. Timmer and Zitko (1993) developed the following equation to predict the disease 3 to 4 days in advance:
y = 7.5 + 1.28 (TD) + 0.44 (R
curate predictions than models using inoculum only. Models using both
weather variables and inoculum gave the best predictions, but the improvement over the models based on weather variables only was small. Hence,
models based on weather variables (low day vapor pressure deficit and high
night temperature) will be highly useful in prediction of the disease (Xu
et al., 2000).
Pear Brown Spot Forecasting Model
A forecasting model (BSPcast) was developed for the prediction of pear
brown spot (Stemphylium vesicarium) (Llorente et al., 2000). This forecasting system is based on an empirical model. In this model, daily wetness duration (W) and mean air temperature during wetness periods (T) are used to
compute a daily disease severity (S) according to the following equation:
Log10(S)= 1.70962 + 0.0289T + 0.04943W +
0.00868TW 0.002362W2 0.000238T2W
Since the maximum daily disease severity predicted by the equation is
3.7942, relative daily infection risk (R) is calculated as:
R = S/3.7942
Therefore, R ranged from 0 to 1. The three-day cumulative daily infection
risk (CR) was computed by totaling R values for the past three days and was
used as an action threshold for spraying fungicides.
Mango Anthracnose Forecasting Models
Two predictive models were developed to predict mango anthracnose
(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). Fitzell et al. (1984) studied the requirements of temperature and wetness duration for the production of dark
appressoria from conidia applied to detached young mango leaves under
laboratory conditions. They obtained the following equation:
Y = In P/q = 16.114 + 1.120T 0.0225T2 + 1.0862 In t
Where P = percentage of conidia forming dark appressoria, T = temperature
(C), t = wet period (h), and q = 100 P. The symbol In indicates natural logarithm. This system was built into a microprocessor-based forecasting system (Fitzell et al., 1984). Infection levels were estimated from temperature
and wetness duration following at least 0.2 mm of rain. If the model predicted that 10, 20, or 40 percent of conidia would form dark appressoria, it
would indicate that low, medium, or high levels of anthracnose infection, respectively, would occur (Fitzell et al., 1984). A similar system was developed by Dodd et al. (1991). This system differs from the previous model, in
that it was developed using combined data from fruit and leaf inoculations
and includes relative humidity in addition to wetness and temperature
(Arauz, 2000).
Corn Stewarts Wilt Forecasting Model
A predictive system to forecast corn Stewarts disease (bacterial wilt)
was developed in the United States. Epidemic development of the disease is
correlated with winter temperatures. Epidemics develop following relatively mild temperatures. A winter temperature index is calculated by adding the mean temperatures (expressed as F) for December, January, and
February. When the winter temperature index is less than 90, it is predicted
that there will not be any disease incidence and there is no need for application of insecticides. If the temperature index is 90 to 100, the disease severity may be intermediate, and if the temperature index is more than 100, the
disease severity will be severe. This predictive system works well in various
areas of the United States (Pataky et al., 2000).
Arauz, L. F. (2000). Mango anthracnose: Economic impact and current options for
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ControlMicrobial Pesticides
Biological control using microbial pesticides has become important in
recent years. Introduced microbial biocontrol agents (as opposed to a natural population of microbes) are called microbial pesticides according to
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Harman, 2000). Several microbial pesticides are now commercially available. Fungal, bacterial, and
viral biocontrol agents are available. They effectively control fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases. Modes of action of these biocontrol agents are described. Conditions favorable for effective action of them in controlling diseases are also discussed.
Trichoderma species are the most important biocontrol agents. Many
have been developed as commercial products. In 1999, retail sales of a product (Topshield and Rootshield) based on a single strain of T. harzianum,
strain T-22, totaled around 3 million dollars in the United States (Harman,
2000). Commercial production of Trichoderma has been reported from
France, New Zealand, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Russia, Israel, Bulgaria,
China, and India. There are many constraints in developing Trichoderma as
biocontrol agents. Trichoderma colonizes in the spermosphere effectively,
but they normally do not survive well in the rhizosphere. Trichoderma spp.
achieve only transitory localized dominance of the rhizosphere, and these
are active in only some soils and seasons (Deacon, 1994). Hence, Trichoderma species are likely to be effective for seed and seedling diseases, but
not against diseases of a mature crop. However, crop losses will be greater
when mature crops are affected, and seed and seedling diseases can be effectively controlled by seed treatment with chemicals at a very low cost.
Under such conditions, the use of Trichoderma spp. will be limited. Another
important constraint is that Trichoderma spores are quiescent and inactive
in soil. Hence, Trichoderma strains cannot be added as spores. It may be
easier to mass multiply fungi in the form of spores.
Several technologies were recently developed to make use of Trichoderma in the control of soil-borne diseases of crops at different maturity
stages. Trichoderma harzianum strain T-22 with rhizosphere competence
was developed by protoplast fusion technology (Harman, 2000). Rhizosphere competence is defined as the ability of a microorganism to grow and
function in the developing rhizosphere. Strains that were fused were T-95 of
T. harzianum, a rhizosphere competent mutant produced from strain T-12.
T-12 was more capable of competing with spermosphere bacteria than T-95
under iron-limiting conditions; both were strong biocontrol agents. Some
strains of Trichoderma, such as the strain T39, can induce systemic resistance, and such strains can induce resistance against diseases at any stage of
the crop (De Meyer et al., 1998). Technology to apply Trichoderma in the
form of actively growing germlings instead of spores was developed to obtain an active population of Trichoderma in soil to control soil-borne pathogens.
Formulations of Trichoderma
Liquid media based on molasses and molasses yeast have been used
widely for the production of Trichoderma. The addition of complex organic
materials, such as V8 juice, yeast extract, or protease peptone, increased
conidial production in T. harzianum. The addition of osmotica such as polyethylene glycol improved conidial production of T. harzianum and resistance of conidia to desiccation (Whipps, 1996). Trichoderma harzianum
has been produced in diatomaceous earth granules impregnated with 10 percent molasses. Spores, cells, or biomass are concentrated directly from liquid media by centrifugation and filtration. Biomass may be dried, milled,
and incorporated into a range of dusts, alginate granules, pellets or prills,
wettable powders, emulsifiable liquids or gels. Talc formulations, kaolinbased microgranules, and alginate pellet, prill, or granule formulations are
Conidia of Trichoderma are added to a bran-sand mixture, and after one
to three days of incubation, this germling preparation is added to soil where
colony-forming units of the antagonists continue to increase. This method
provides a means of achieving an active population of antagonists in the
soil. A medium supplemented with ground corn cobs was developed for
applying T. koningi in the field (Latunde-Dada, 1993). Alternatively, a fermenter biomass of Gliocladium and Trichoderma spp. was added to a vermiculite-bran mixture moistened with 0.05 M HCl. After drying, the preparation can be remoistened with 0.05 M HCl and germlings produced as
before (Lewis et al., 1991).
high, because it cannot extensively grow on and colonize newly formed leaf
tissues. The fungus colonizes grape or strawberry flowers and immature
fruits (Harman, 2000). Diseases controlled by foliar spray include powdery
mildews of Catharanthus and pumpkins, Botrytis cinerea on strawberry,
downy mildew of snapdragons, and turf-grass pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp. (Harman, 2000).
Bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) and honey bees (Apis mellifera) have
been used to deliver Trichoderma to the flowers of crop plants. Bees exiting
the hive pass through a device that requires them to come into contact with
Trichoderma products containing these spores. They subsequently deliver
substantial amounts of Trichoderma harzianum T-22 or similar fungi to the
strawberry or other flowers. This method of delivery was more effective
than spray applications for control of B. cinerea and has proven effective
over several years and trials as standard chemical applications (Kovach
et al., 2000; Harman, 2000).
Time of application of Trichoderma is also important. Trichoderma can
be overwhelmed by heavy disease pressure. Therefore, T. harzianum may
be used strictly as a preventative measure; it cannot cure infections. Trichoderma is less effective against systemic diseases than against more superficial ones. It cannot control existing diseases, and so a good systemic fungicide must be used if diseases already exist. In conditions of high or very
high disease pressure, T-22 should be used as part of an integrated chemicalbiological system. A combination of chemical treatment with Trichoderma
will be highly effective in the control of diseases. A tank mix with chemical
fungicides or an alternating spray with chemical fungicides is the ideal
method of application of Trichoderma (Harman, 2000). A combination of
ozone fumigation and T. harzianum treatment was on par with the standard
methyl bromide treatment, and the combination was significantly better
than either T. harzianum alone or ozone fumigation alone in control of
strawberry root diseases (Harman, 2000).
A single strain of Trichoderma may not be sufficient to be effective under
all conditions and against all diseases. Mathre et al. (1999) suggested that
almost invariably, a different agent might be needed for each disease. Cook
(1993) stated that biological control is widely recognized as being highly
disease-specific. He advocated an approach to biological control that uses
mixtures of numerous agents for each disease. A mixture of Trichoderma
spp. has been developed as commercial formulations. T. harzianum + T.
polysporum (BinabT) and T. harzianum + T. viride (Trichodowels) are
the important complex products (Whipps, 1996). Trichoderma has been
combined also with other biocontrol agents. The combination of T. harzianum T-22 and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intradices was more effective than either organism alone (Datnoff et al., 1995). There are also reports
(Lorito et al., 1998). Contradicting reports state that chitinase may not be involved in an antagonistic action of Trichoderma. The activity of endochitinase was disrupted or overproduced in T. harzianum, but these changes
had no effect on its biocontrol ability against Rhizoctonia solani or Sclerotium rolfsii (Carsolio et al., 1999). A strain of T. harzianum deficient in the
ability to produce endochitinase had increased ability to control R. solani
(Woo et al., 1999). These results suggest that other gene products may also
be involved in the action of Trichoderma.
Antibiotic Production by Trichoderma
Forty-three antibiotic substances were reported to be produced by Trichoderma spp. (Sivasithamparam and Ghisalberti, 1998). Of these, alkyl
pyrones, isonitriles, polyketides, peptaibols, diketopiperazines, sesquiterpenes, and steroids are important and found to be associated with biocontrol
activity of Trichoderma spp. Mutation to eliminate production of specific
antibiotics is associated, in some strains, with a loss of activity against particular pathogens (Howell, 1998).
Induced Resistance by Trichoderma
Some Trichoderma spp. induce systemic resistance against pathogens.
Trichoderma harzianum induces systemic resistance against powdery mildews (Elad et al., 1999), B. cinerea infections (De Meyer et al., 1998), and
root rot of cotton (Howell et al., 1999). Trichoderma products (BINABTFWP and BINABT vector) induced systemic acquired resistance in strawberry against Botrytis cinerea (Ricard and Jorgensen, 2000). Different
elicitors, including xylanase, have been isolated from Trichoderma and they
trigger the synthesis of various defense compounds, including phytoalexins
(Calderon et al., 1993). Trichoderma induces the synthesis of phytoalexins
involved in disease resistance in cotton (Howell et al., 1999), modifies and
strengthens plant cell walls in cucumber (Yedidia et al., 1999), and increases activities of chitinase and peroxidase in cucumber tissues (Yedidia
et al., 1999). Cucumber roots treated with T. harzianum exhibited higher activities of chitinase, -1,3-glucanase, and peroxidase (Yedidia et al., 2000).
For more information on the role of peroxidases, -1,3-glucanases and
chitinases in conferring disease resistance, see Chapter 34.
The O-antigenic side chain of the outer membrane LPS of the strain
WCS417r appears to be the main determinant for induction of ISR in radish
and carnation (Van Peer and Schippers, 1992; Leeman et al., 1995a; Duijff
et al., 1997).
Leeman et al. (1996) demonstrated that the siderophore of WCS374r can
act as an elicitor of ISR in radish. Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 induced systemic resistance in tobacco. A siderophore (pyoverdine)-deficient
derivative of this strain no longer induced ISR (Maurhofer, Hase, et al., 1994).
Leeman et al. (1996) reported that the purified siderophore, pseudobactin,
from P. fluorescens strain WCS374 induced ISR in radish. However, a
pseudobactin-deficient, P. fluorescens 374PSB, retained ISR-inducing activity. These results suggest that siderophore production by this strain was
only partially responsible for the induction of systemic resistance in radish.
Pyochelin, a siderophore, is produced by several rhizobacteria. Salicylic
acid is a precursor of pyochelin synthesis (Leeman et al., 1996). Several
genera of bacteria, including fluorescent pseudomonads, are known to synthesize salicylic acid (Dowling and OGarra, 1994). Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 produces salicylic acid (Meyer et al., 1992). Leeman
et al. (1996) reported that P. fluorescens strain WCS374 produced salicylic
acid in quantities that were iron dose-dependent. Pseudomonas fluorescens
strain WCS417r has the capacity to produce salicylic acid (Leeman et al.,
1996). Salicylic acid was responsible for the induction of resistance in radish (Leeman et al., 1996). Meyer et al. (1992) reported that salicylic acid
itself might function as an endogenous siderophore. Leeman et al. (1996)
reported that rhizobacteria-mediated ISR is affected by iron concentration.
Salicylic acid production is iron (Fe3+) regulated (Leeman et al., 1996). Salicylic acid production is promoted by low iron concentrations. Increasing
ferric iron concentrations in vitro reduced salicylic acid production below
detectable limits by bacteria (Meyer et al., 1992). When ferric iron was applied as a soil drench, ferric iron concentration increased in planta; but it
significantly reduced the level of ISR observed in cucumber. This suggests
that salicylic acid may not be involved in ISR; but some other siderophores
mediated by iron may be involved in induction of ISR in cucumber.
Massive accumulation of phytoalexins could be detected in roots of carnation plants treated with P. fluorescens only after challenge inoculation
with pathogen (Van Peer et al., 1991). The induction of phenolics and
callose in tomato by P. fluorescens strain 63-28 was substantially amplified
upon infection with the pathogen (MPiga et al., 1997). These results suggest that the rhizobacterial strains may be capable of evoking transcriptional
activation of plant defense genes, the expression of which may be subsequently latent until the plant perceives signals originating from contact with
the pathogen. It is also possible that besides the rhizobacterial signal mole-
ulator gene, gacA, was identified in P. fluorescens CHA0. Strains with a mutation of this gene lost the ability to produce pyoluteorin and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Laville et al., 1992). A lemA-like apd gene was found in P.
fluorescens Pf-5. Strains with a mutation in this region failed to produce
pyoluteorin and pyrrolnitrin, and lost the ability to inhibit Rhizoctonia
solani in culture (Corbell and Loper, 1995). Antibiotic production in Pseudomonas spp. may be further controlled by the action of housekeeping
sigma factors encoded by the rpoS or rpoD genes (Schnider, Keel, Blumer,
et al., 1995).
Role of HCN, Siderophore, and -1,3-Glucanase Produced
by Pseudomonas
Pseudomonas spp. produce hydrocyanic acid (HCN), which was shown
to be important in biocontrol activity (Laville et al., 1992; Voisard et al.,
1994; Loper et al., 1994; Corbell and Loper, 1995). The importance of a
Pseudomonas-produced pyoverdine siderophore in biocontrol activity was
demonstrated (Hamdan et al., 1991; Maurhofer, Hase, et al., 1994; Voisard
et al., 1994; Loper et al., 1994; Kraus and Loper, 1995). -1,3-Glucanase
may be involved in biocontrol activity of Pseudomonas (Burkholderia)
cepacia (Fridlender et al., 1993).
Factors Involved in Biocontrol Efficacy of Pseudomonas
Several factors determine the efficacy of Pseudomonas in controlling
crop diseases in the field. Effective strain selection is important (Vidhyasekaran, 1998). The antagonist inoculum dose determines the efficacy of the
antagonist in controlling diseases. A threshold population density of the fluorescent pseudomonad strains of approximately 105 cfu per g of root is required for significant suppression of fusarium wilt of radish. When rhizosphere population densities of the strains dropped below this threshold
level, the efficacy of these strains to suppress the fusarium wilt was almost
lost (Raaijmakers et al., 1995). Similar results were obtained in the control
of rice sheath blight by P. fluorescens strain Pf1 (Vidhyasekaran and Muthamilan, 1999) and P. fluorescens PFALR2 (Rabindran and Vidhyasekaran,
1996). The efficacy of fluorescent pseudomonads is affected drastically by
increasing disease pressure. Significant wilt disease suppression in radish
by fluorescent pseudomonads was observed when the disease incidence in
the control (untreated) field was less than 80 percent and the antagonists did
not suppress fusarium wilt when disease incidence exceeded 80 percent in
the control field (Raaijmakers et al., 1995). The antagonists may be highly
useful in moderately resistant varieties rather than highly susceptible varieties (Leeman et al., 1995b). It was suggested that the antagonists should be
integrated with chemical fungicides, with the two being applied alternatively (Vidhyasekaran, 1998).
The method of application also determines the efficacy of pseudomonads. Seed treatment with these antagonists appears to be very effective.
These bacteria establish well in the rhizosphere when introduced through
seed treatment (Vidhyasekaran, Sethuraman, et al., 1997; Vidhyasekaran
and Muthamilan, 1999). Seed treatment of peas with Pseudomonas aureofaciens (P. chlororaphis) protects pea plants against R. solani (Koch et al.,
1998). Biopriming of treated seeds increases the population of the antagonists in seed and effectively controls diseases (Callan et al., 1990; Vidhyasekaran and Muthamilan, 1995). Soil application was shown to be effective in
control of soilborne diseases (Hagedorn et al., 1993). Root dip treatment for
transplanted crops can be highly useful. A root dip into suspensions of P.
aureofaciens protects strawberry against Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae (Koch et al., 1998). Several workers have successfully used foliar
spray of these antagonists to control foliar diseases (Mew and Rosales,
1986; Vidhyasekaran, Rabindran, et al., 1997).
Pseudomonads should be used as powder formulations only. Ten-day-old
bacterial cultures in a liquid nutrient medium are ineffective in controlling
diseases. Several formulations with different carrier materials were developed for application in the field. Peat- and talc-based formulations are commonly used (Hagedorn et al., 1993; Hofte et al., 1991; Vidhyasekaran,
Sethuraman, et al., 1997). Granular preparations of P. aureofaciens UKM
B-111 based on clay minerals show high survival, preservation of antagonistic activity, and stability of composition during long-term storage (Kurdish
et al., 1999). Vermiculite-based formulation of P. putida is effective in controlling Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucurbitacearum infection in cucumber
(Amer and Utkhede, 2000).
The fungus Gliocladium catenulatum (Primastop) was developed as a
biofungicide. It was registered in the United States by Kemira Agro OY. The
same product will be registered as PreStop in Europe (Niemi and Lahdenpera, 2000). This product has proven effective in the control of damping-off
of vegetables, herb, and ornamental seedlings, root and stem rot diseases in
vegetables and ornamentals, Didymella in cucumber and tomato, and gray
The yeast Torulopsis candida (= Candida famata) effectively controls
Penicillium digitatum infection on citrus fruits (Arras et al., 1999). Another
yeast, Debaryomyces hansenii, reduces Penicillium digitatum decay on orange fruits. The yeast elicited production of phytoalexins, scopoletin, and
scoparone, and did not produce toxic substances against the pathogens,
Penicillium digitatum and Botrytis cinerea. This suggests that the yeast may
reduce the fungal infection by activating hosts defense mechanisms (Arras
and Arru, 1999). The yeasts Candida saitoana and C. oleophila control
postharvest diseases of apple and citrus fruits (El-Ghaouth et al., 2000). The
yeast (Candida guilliermondii) suspension, when sprayed two to five times
at 7 to 10 day intervals, reduces decay caused by B. cinerea in both table
grapes (cultivars Thomson Seedless and Superior Seedless) and wine grapes
(cultivar Sauvignon blane), and rots caused by Aspergillus niger in wine
grapes (Zhavi et al., 2000). Another yeast, Pichia membranefaciens, controls storage rot of nectarine fruits caused by Rhizopus stolonifer (Fan and
Tian, 2000).
A cosmopolitan yeastlike fungus, Aureobasidium pullulans, colonizes
leaf surfaces and is a potential biocontrol agent for plant pathogens. It controls Botrytis cinerea on apples, Penicillium digitatum on grapefruits, B.
cinerea, Rhizopus stolonifer, and Aspergillus niger on table grapes and
B. cinerea and R. stolonifer on cherry tomatoes (Schena et al., 1999). Preharvest application of Aureobasidium pullulans isolate L47 on table grapes
results in a significant reduction of postharvest rot caused by B. cinerea
(Schena et al., 1999). Aureobasidium pullulans controlled apple decay
caused by B. cinerea and Penicillium expansum. The yeastlike fungus induced a transient increase in -1,3-glucanase, chitinase, and peroxidase activities in apple tissues, and all three enzymes are involved in host defense
mechanisms (Ippolito et al., 2000; Castoria et al., 2001). The biocontrol
agent also has capacity to out-compete pathogens for nutrients and space
(Ippolito et al., 2000; Castoria et al., 2001).
Talaromyces flavus (anamorph Penicillium dangeardii) is known to control Verticillium wilt of potato, artichoke, and olive. Talaromyces flavus isolate Tf-1 suppressed Verticillium wilt incidence in eggplant (Fravel and
Roberts, 1991). Purified glucose oxidase from T. flavus significantly reduced the growth rate of V. dahliae in the presence, but not in the absence, of
eggplant roots. This suggests that glucose from the roots is metabolized by
glucose oxidase to form hydrogen peroxide, which is toxic to V. dahliae
(Fravel and Roberts, 1991).
The fungal mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans applied as a spray reduces Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (white mold) infection in bean, potato, carrot, and chicory (Gerlagh et al., 1999). C. minitans-based formulations have
been developed as Coniothyrin and Contans in Russia and Germany, respectively.
Nonpathogenic Isolates of Pathogens
Nonpathogenic isolates may induce resistance against pathogenic isolates of the same pathogen and other pathogens. Nonpathogenic isolates of
Rhizoctonia (np-R) protect seedlings against damping-off caused by virulent isolates of Rhizoctonia species of different anastomosis groups (Sneh,
1999). Some np-R isolates induced plant resistance against R. solani,
Pythium aphanidermatum, and Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans in
cucumber (Sneh, 1999). Binucleate Rhizoctonia fungi are another group of
biocontrol agents that effectively control diseases of potato, bean, sugar
beet, cucumber, pepper, Catharanthus, and turf grass caused by Rhizoctonia
and Pythium spp. Colonization of host tissues by nonpathogenic isolates
triggers production of host defense compounds such as peroxidases, glucanases, and chitinases (Burns and Benson, 2000).
Reduced-pathogenicity isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Glomerella cingulata) delayed anthracnose symptom development in avocado
fruits induced by virulent isolates (Yakoby et al., 2001). Preinoculation of
avocado fruit with reduced-pathogenicity isolates induced resistance that
was accompanied by an increase in the levels of preformed antifungal dienes
(Yakoby et al., 2001). Less aggressive strains of Ralstonia solanacearum induced resistance against aggressive strains of R. solanacearum (Trigalet
et al., 1998). Similarly, nonpathogenic isolates of Fusarium oxysporum induced resistance against pathogenic F. oxysporum strains in tomato, carnation, and sweet potato (Whipps, 1996). Commercial formulations of nonpathogenic strains of F. oxysporum and R. solanacearum are available in
The fungus Ulocladium atrum competes saprophytically with Botrytis
spp. during the colonization of necrotic plant tissues. The inoculum potential of B. cinerea is reduced by antagonistic interaction with U. atrum, leading to slower disease epidemic (Kohl et al., 1998). In cyclamen (Cyclamen
persicum), naturally senesced leaves within the dense canopy play a crucial
role in Botrytis epidemics. Since healthy leaves are normally resistant to
conidial infections, B. cinerea depends on dead tissues for initial entry into
the plant. Stimulated by this food base, the inoculum potential of the pathogen increases within the canopy of the single plant to such a level that
healthy petioles and leaf blades can then be infected (Kohl et al., 2000).
Biocontrol of B. cinerea by U. atrum could be achieved by competitively
excluding the pathogen from colonizing necrotic leaves present within the
cyclamen canopy. Repeated applications of conidial suspensions of U.
atrum controlled the disease as effectively as the growers standard fungicide program (Kohl et al., 1998, 2000).
Phialophora spp. are known to control wheat take-all caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. A Phialophora sp. (isolate I-52) was isolated from soil in a wheat field exhibiting suppression of take-all disease
(Mathre et al., 1998). I-52 was grown on a variety of autoclaved organic
substrates, including oat, millet, and canola seed. Each of these provided
significant disease control when added to the seed furrow. Seed treatment
was ineffective (Mathre et al., 1998). A Phialophora strain was commercialized in Australia (Wong et al., 1996).
Cryphonectria Hypoviruses
Some viruses may affect the virulence of crop pathogens. The hypovirulence caused by Cryphonectria hypoviruses (CHVs) on Cryphonectria
parasitica, the causal agent of chestnut blight, is a typical example for this
group (Robin et al., 2000). Infections by hypovirulent isolates result in superficial cankers on both European (Castanea sativa) and American (C.
dentata) chestnut trees, whereas virus-free isolates cause deep, lethal cankers. CHVs are cytoplasmic double-stranded RNA viruses that move into
conidia, but not into ascospores, and can be transmitted from an infected
isolate to a virus-free isolate through hyphal anastomosis (Robin et al.,
2000). In France, the Ministry of Agriculture has promoted an intensive re-
fective against the crown gall pathogen. Increased doses of the antagonist
may reduce the disease severity only to certain extent. The amount of disease suppression per unit of antagonist dose decreased with increasing antagonist dose (Johnson and DiLeone, 1999).
Serratia marcescens controls several diseases. It controls Sclerotinia minor infection in lettuce (El-Tarabily et al., 2000). Serratia plymuthica strain
RIGG4 stimulates defense reactions in cucumber seedlings inoculated with
Pythium ultimum (Benhamou et al., 2000). The antagonist induced cell wall
apposition in cucumber, and callose, pectin, and cellulose appeared in the
wall appositions (Benhamou et al., 2000). Streptomyces griseoviridis is another important biocontrol agent. Commercial formulations of the bacterium are available and it controls Alternaria brassicicola in cauliflower and
damping off of pepper (Whipps, 1996). Some Rhizobium strains also acted
as biocontrol agents (Simpfendorfer et al., 1999).
Commercialization of biocontrol agents as microbial pesticides requires
several steps, beginning with initial discovery and then proceeding through
testing of efficacy, prototyping, and then commercial production, extensive
large-scale field testing, toxicology and environmental tests, registration,
and marketing (Harman, 2000). Toxicological tests, such as oral, dermal,
ocular, respiratory, and health hazards using test animals and fish, should
show no adverse effects and the microorganism should not be a pathogen.
Success in selling biocontrol products requires that potential users and distributors be educated and convinced about the value of a biological product
that is probably more conceptually difficult to use than standard pesticides.
It requires several years and millions of dollars to bring a single biocontrol
agent to market and to become profitable. Hence, only a few biocontrol
agents have been developed as commercial products. They are mainly produced by small companies in different countries. Actizyme is a commercial
granulated formulation of Bacillus subtilis (Walker and Morey, 1999). TriD25 is a dry formulation containing Trichoderma koningii and T. harzianum
(Walker and Morey, 1999). FZB24 is a product of Bayer AG, Germany, and
it consists of B. subtilis (Kilian et al., 2000). The yeast Candida oleophila is
commercially available under the trade name Aspire (El-Ghaouth et al.,
2000). Two strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae are available
under the trade names Biosave-100 and Biosave-110 (El-Ghaouth et al.,
2000). The following are the other commercially available microbial pesticides:
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Mycorrhizal fungi are symbiotic organisms that live on the roots of several plants. Among them, endomycorrhizae are important because they confer resistance against pathogens. Several mycorrhizal fungi have been developed as commercial products and they can be used to reduce losses
caused by diseases.
Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of a fungus with the roots of a
plant. Three distinct classes of mycorrhiza are recognized: ectomycorrhiza,
endomycorrhiza, and ectendomycorrhiza. In the case of ectomycorrhiza,
the fungal symbionts penetrate intercellularly and partially replace the middle lamella between the cortical cells of the roots. This hyphal arrangement
around such cortical cells is called the Hartig net. The ectomycorrhizal
fungal symbionts also form a dense, usually continuous, hyphal network or
fungal mantle over the feeder root surface. Ectomycorrhizal association is
normally seen on tree species. The majority of ectomycorrhizal fungi belong
to the division Basidiomycota and the families of Amanitaceae, Tricholomataceae, Rhizopogonaceae, and Boletaceae. In contrast, the endomycorrhizal fungus penetrates the cortical cells of the feeder roots intracellularly.
Such fungal symbionts form large vesicles and arbuscules in cortical tissues, and hence, they are called vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) or
arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM). Such fungi, however, do not form a dense
fungal mantle. Instead they develop a loose, intermittent arrangement of
mycelium with large spores on the root surface. Endomycorrhizal colonization takes place in many annual crops that do not form ectomycorrhiza, and
the fungal symbionts belong to the division Oomycota and the family
Ectendomycorrhiza is the third class of mycorrhiza. This type of mycorrhiza is present on the roots of certain tree species under specific ecological
situations. This type of mycorrhiza resembles ectomycorrhiza, in that it
forms a Hartig net and a fungal mantle, and also resembles endomycorrhiza,
Mycorrhizae may enhance nutrient uptake by plants and may strengthen the
plants against pathogens. These fungi enhance root growth, and robust root
development may compensate damage caused by pathogens. Exudates of
roots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may affect the pathogen
population in the mycorrhizosphere. Experiments in vitro showed that after
48 h in the presence of exudates from strawberry roots colonized by Glomus
etunicatum and G. monosporum, sporulation of Phytophthora fragariae
was reduced by about 64 and 67 percent, respectively (Norman and Hooker,
2000). A similar trend was observed in an in vivo system, with a 68 percent
reduction in sporulation of P. fragariae in the mycorrhizosphere of colonized plants relative to sporulation in the mycorrhizosphere of uncolonized
plants (Norman and Hooker, 2000).
An altered host metabolism may contribute to disease resistance induced
by mycorrhizae (Benhamou et al., 1994; Cordier, 1998). Accumulation of
phenolics in roots of plants due to mycorrhizal infection has been widely reported (Krishna and Bagyaraj, 1983; Cordier, 1998), and the role of phenolics
in disease resistance is known. Increased accumulation of phytoalexins due
to mycorrhizal infection has also been reported (Morandi et al., 1984; Harrison and Dixon, 1993). Chitinase transcripts accumulate in bean colonized
by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (Blee and Anderson, 1996). -1,3-Glucanase transcripts accumulate in and around arbuscule
containing cells (Lambias and Mehdy, 1995). Chitinases and -1,3-glucanases are important pathogenesis-related proteins that are involved in disease resistance (Vidhyasekaran, 1997, 2002). Dehne and Schoenbeck (1978)
showed increased lignification of cells in the endodermis of mycorrhizal tomato and cucumber plants. Lignification is involved in cell wall thickening.
Thus, mycorrhizal fungi may induce resistance against plant pathogens by
several methods.
Endomycorrhizal fungi are obligate symbionts and hence they cannot be
produced in a nutrient medium. They should be produced on living roots.
This method is tedious and the risk of contamination with pathogens exists.
AM fungi are mass multiplied on plants growing in disinfested soil. A
highly susceptible trap plant is used for the multiplication of AM fungi.
Stock cultures of these fungi are maintained in the form of colonized roots.
These roots (with spores) are used to produce large amounts of inoculum in
soil-based media. Soil in nursery beds are sterilized with methyl bromide.
The AM fungal propagules are added to the soil and seeds of the trap plant
(particularly monocots) are sown. The beds are watered regularly and kept
free from weeds. After about three months, the spore production in infected
roots is assessed and used for application in the field.
Soilless substrates are also used for multiplication of AM fungi. Shredded
bark, calcined montmorillonite clay, expanded clay aggregates, pertile, soilrite, and vermiculite have been used as inert substrates. The plants are
grown in these substrates in the presence of AM fungal propagules, with frequent addition of nutrient solutions. Colonized roots and spores can be produced in hydroponics. Precolonized plants on sterile substrate are needed
for this system. AM fungi can be propagated by growing precolonized
plants in a defined nutrient solution that flows over the host roots. In an
aeroponic system, the roots of the host are bathed in a fine mist of defined
nutrient solutions suspended in air. Root-organ culture (axenic culture) is
also used for multiplication of the mycorrhizal fungi (Sharma and Adholeya, 2000).
A few companies have taken up commercial production of arbuscular
mycorrhizas. AGC Microbio of Cambridge, United Kingdom, produces
mycorrhizal fungi in the trade name of Vaminoc. The other companies producing mycorrhizal fungi include: Bio-Enhancement Technologies, Camarillo, California; Horticultural Alliance, Sarasota, Florida; Plants Health
Care, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Tree Pro, West Lafyette, Illinois; Biological
Crop Protection, Wye, United Kingdom; Mikko-Tek Labs, Timmons, Ontario, Canada; Premier Tech, Quebec, Canada; Biorize, Dijon, France; Central Glass Co., Tokyo, Japan; and Global Horticare, Lelystad, The Netherlands.
Azcon-Aguilar, C. and Barea, J. M. (1996). Arbuscular mycorrhizas and biological
control of soil-borne plant pathogensan overview of the mechanism involved.
Mycorrhiza, 6:457-464.
Barea, J. M. and Jeffries, P. (1995). Arbuscular mycorrhizas in sustainable soil plant
systems. In A. Varma and B. Hock (Eds.), Mycorrhiza: Structure, Function, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany,
pp. 521-560.
Benhamou, N., Fortin, J. A., Hamel, C., St. Arnaud, M., and Shatilla, A. (1994). Resistance responses of mycorrhizal Ri T-DNA-transformed carrot roots to infection by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. chrysanthemi. Phytopathology, 84:958-968.
for Disease
Disease Resistance
Conventional Breeding
The most effective method of disease management is the use of diseaseresistant plant varieties. This can be highly cost-effective, and growers need
not spend anything to manage the diseases. Several genes are involved in
conferring disease resistance in plants. Several types of genetic resistance
have been reported. These resistances are described here. Epistasis, additive
effect, and interactive effect of clusters of resistance genes have been reported. Molecular markers linked to resistance genes were developed and
they are now used for selection of resistant plants from segregating populations of crosses. Various methods of breeding for disease resistance are described.
Disease resistance can be classified into two major types: the host either
resists the establishment of a successful parasitic relationship by restricting
the infection site and the infection process, or it resists the subsequent colonization and reproduction of the parasite following successful infection.
The first type of resistance affects disease onset by reducing the amount
of effective initial inoculum. The other type of resistance affects the apparent infection rate and the amount of disease that finally develops in the
plants (Nelson, 1978). The first type of resistance can be called vertical resistance, qualitative resistance, race-specific resistance, specific resistance, major-gene resistance, monogenic resistance, complete resistance, or true resistance. The resistance is vertical because the
resistance is specific to races of the pathogen and is susceptible to other
races (a race is a taxon of pathogens, particularly characterized by specialization to different cultivars of one host species). The resistance is qualitative because the disease symptom is almost completely suppressed, mostly
by development of a hypersensitive pinpoint fleck reaction. It is called
race-specific/specific resistance because the resistance is specific against
races of the pathogen. It is called major-gene resistance because the resistance is governed by a major gene. Major genes are genes that have large,
distinct phenotypic expressions showing clear Mendelian segregation. The
resistance is also called monogenic resistance because it is governed by a
single gene. It is called complete/true resistance because the resistance is
expressed by complete suppression of disease symptom development.
The second type of resistance is called quantitative resistance, horizontal resistance, race-nonspecific resistance, nonspecific resistance,
minor gene resistance, polygenic resistance, general resistance, partial
resistance, or field resistance. It is called quantitative resistance because
the resistance is based on the amount of disease symptom development,
quantified by different infection types such as necrotic flecks, necrotic and
chlorotic areas with restricted sporulation, sporulation with chlorosis, abundant sporulation without chlorosis, lesion size, lesion area, etc. It is called
horizontal resistance because this resistance is against several races of the
pathogen. It is called race-nonspecific/nonspecific resistance because the
resistance is not specific to a particular race only. It is called minor gene resistance because the resistance is governed by minor genes. Minor genes
have small effects on the expression of the phenotype for resistance and
show quantitative segregation. This resistance is also called polygenic resistance because it is governed by several genes. It is called general/partial/
field resistance because this resistance is only partial and field tolerant.
Although these definitions are attractive, there are many exceptions to
this broad classification. Preinfection factors may play a role in some quantitative/horizontal resistance, and sporulation is not affected in some qualitative/vertical resistance (Nelson, 1978). Separate major and minor genes
may not exist. Whether major or minor, either kind of gene is inherited the
same way and is capable of showing similar effects. The degree of expression is modified by environmental contribution to a large extent. Further,
what works as a major gene in one genetic background could work as a minor gene in another background. Expression of resistance (major or minor)
genes may be influenced or modified by other resistance genes in a different
genetic background. When many major genes express together, they function exactly like minor genes.
Genetic resistance may vary depending on host age and environmental
factors. Seedling resistance works when plants are young, and adult plant
resistance works when the plants are mature. The wheat stem rust resistance
gene Sr25 from Thinopyrum elongatum is highly effective in the seedling
stage of the wheat plant, but loses its effectiveness to some extent in adult
wheat plants that are near maturity. The stem rust resistance gene Sr2 is best
expressed in adult wheat plants (McIntosh et al., 1995). The changes in host
physiology during maturity would have contributed to this type of resis-
tance gene Lr34 were more resistant to stem rust than Thatcher. In Thatcher
and backcross derivatives, Lr34 inactivates the 7DL suppressor (Kerber and
Aung, 1999). Fast rusting to stem rust was reported in lines carrying leaf
rust resistance genes Lr28 and Lr32, suggesting that these genes might have
suppressed the action of stem rust resistance genes.
The utility of molecular markers in resistance breeding is based on finding tight linkages between these markers and disease resistance genes. Such
linkage permits one to infer the presence of the disease resistance gene by
assaying for the marker. Incorporation of disease resistance genes into the
susceptible varieties requires crosses with stocks that carry the resistance
genes, followed by selection among the progeny for individuals possessing
the disease resistance gene combination. Traditionally, progeny are screened
for the presence of disease resistance genes by inoculation with the pathogen. However, simultaneous or even sequential screening of plants with several different pathogens can be difficult or impractical. Screening for resistance to new pathogens is also difficult because of quarantine restrictions on
their shipment and use. In contrast, detecting disease resistance genes by
their linkage to genetic markers makes it practical to screen for many different disease resistance genes simultaneously without the need to inoculate
the population (Tanksley et al., 1989). Only the advanced generation would
be required to be tested in disease nurseries. Based on host-pathogen interaction alone, it is often not possible to discriminate the presence of additional resistance (R)-genes (masking effect). With molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS), new R-gene segregation can be followed even in the
presence of existing R-gene. Hence, R-genes from diverse sources can be
incorporated into a single genotype for durable resistance. Pyramiding of
resistance genes to fight against several races of the pathogen can be done
using molecular markers.
Several types of molecular markers have been used to select resistance
genes. These include restriction fragment length polymorphism, randomly
amplified polymorphic DNA, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) or microsatellites, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA markers, such
as sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR), sequence-tagged sites
(STS), and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). RFLP is a
technique in which plants may be differentiated by analysis of patterns derived from cleavage of their DNA. Genomic DNA from susceptible and resistant plants is isolated and cut with restriction endonuclease and size frac-
screened at the seedling stagebefore the trait is expressedfor the presence of the resistance genes. Because the molecular markers can be used to
mark quantitative trait loci (QTLs) as well as major genes, there are no limitations to the types of resistance that can be manipulated by the backcross
Breeding for Disease Resistance Using Major Genes
Breeding strategies for major gene disease resistance involve identification of resistance genes and incorporating them into high-yielding, but susceptible varieties through pedigree/backcross breeding. Identification of
disease resistance genes is carried out with the help of conventional genetic
analysis employing simple inheritance studies and tests of allelism. The
matching avirulence/virulence test and the gene linkages are also useful
means to identify resistance genes. Several disease-resistant varieties have
been developed to exploit major gene resistance. More than 40 loci for resistance to wheat stem rust have been identified and designated as Sr genes.
Most of the designated Sr genes were derived from Triticum aestivum. However, a number of genes were derived from other Triticum spp., Secale
cereale, and Thinopyrum elongatum. Several cultivars were developed using these genes.
Gene-for-gene hypothesis works among the major gene resistances. According to Flor (1946, 1961), a gene for resistance in the host corresponds to
a gene for avirulence in the pathogen. No resistance occurs unless a resistance allele is present in the host along with a corresponding avirulence
gene in the pathogen (Johnson and Knott, 1992). Several races exist in each
pathogen, particularly in the case of biotrophic pathogens, and these races
contain different avirulence genes. Hence, major gene resistance, which is
specific against particular races, breaks down quickly whenever new races
occur (Welz and Geiger, 2000). For example, 239 races of the wheat leaf
rust pathogen, Puccinia triticina, were detected from eight wheat-growing
regions of the United States from 1984 to 1999 (Long and Leonard, 2000).
Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici race 104-1,2,3,6,7,9,11, with virulence. Virulence for the wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr26 became widespread in
Australia in 1997. This resulted in the withdrawal from cultivation of the
wheat cultivar Mawson, which possesses Lr26. Barley varieties resistant to
the powdery mildew pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei have been
developed by incorporating various resistance genes, including Va6, Va7,
Va8, Va9, Va12, Vh, Va3, Va13, and V(Me). Virulences to all these genes
were detected in the population of the pathogen in Lativia (Rashal et al.,
2000). Breeding for resistance that exploits major genes often results in the
genetic markers and locating them on a linkage group is a great task for conventional genetic analysis, because such genetic markers are not available.
This limitation is remedied by the construction of complex molecular
marker maps that permit systematic searches of an entire genome for QTLs
influencing a trait. Molecular markers can be used to select QTLs influencing quantitative disease resistance. A cross is made between susceptible and
quantitative resistant plants. The segregating progeny are obtained from the
hybrid (commonly F2, backcross, or recombinant inbred lines). A number
of progeny are evaluated for the QTLs and for their genotypes at the molecular marker loci at regular intervals (10 to 20 cM) throughout the genome. A
search is then made for associations between the segregating molecular
markers and the QTLs. If such associations are found, they should be due to
linkage of the molecular marker to a gene(s) affecting the QTL (Tanksley et
al., 1989). In this way, several QTLs can be identified and used for selecting
quantitative resistant plants. To select for quantitative resistance, backcross
breeding with a recurrent selection method using molecular markers is preferred (Bai and Shaner, 1994; Veillet et al., 1996).
Several QTLs have been detected and used in resistance breeding. The
inheritance of powdery mildew and black rot resistance in grape (Vitis
vinifera) was studied by using the cross Horizon (complex interspecific
hybrid) + Illinois 547-1 (Vitis rupestris + V. cinerea) (Dalbo et al., 2000).
A major QTL was found in Illinois 547-1, the resistant parent. A single
RAPD marker, CS25b, associated with this QTL accounted for approximately 41 percent of the phenotypic variation. Specific markers, such as
Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) developed for the CS25b
locus, were also useful to separate resistant and susceptible individuals in
the progenies of the crosses (Dalbo et al., 2000).
Breeding for Qualitative (Complete) Resistance with Additive Effects
of Quantitative (Partial) Resistance Genes
A few genes in combination contribute to slow-rusting resistance in
wheat to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) and stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis).
Inheritance studies showed that individually these genes have small to intermediate effects only; combinations of three to five such genes result in a
high level of resistance. Near-immunity to leaf and stripe rusts in wheat
could be obtained by combining slow-rusting resistance (partial resistance)
genes (Singh et al., 2000). Simple crosses were made between parents that
had moderate to good levels of resistance to both rusts. The F1s were then
top-crossed (three-way) with a third parent that had high yield potential and
at least some resistance. From segregating generations, lines that contain
(Bs3). Defeated major resistance genes deployed in specific gene combinations were associated with less area under the disease progress curve than
when genes were deployed individually in isolines of ECW (Kousik and
Ritchie, 1999). These results suggest that by pyramiding even defeated
genes, improved resistance can be obtained.
Mutation Breeding
Some disease-resistant varieties have been developed by mutation breeding using physical or chemical mutagens. The wheat variety Sinvalocho
gama against Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, the oats variety Alamo-x
against Puccinia coronata, the rice varieties Fulgenate and RD 6 against
Pyricularia oryzae, and the bean varieties Universal and Unima against
Colletotrichum lindemuthianum were developed by mutation breeding (Vidhyasekaran, 1993a). Two mutants, I3-48 and I3-54, obtained by irradiation
with fast neutrons from wheat cv. Hobbit sib were found to be significantly
more resistant than Hobbit sib to Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici. Constitutive expression of a thaumatin-like protein gene was detected in both I3-48
and I3-54, but not in Hobbit sib (Duggal et al., 2000).
Durable Resistance
Durable resistance is resistance that remains effective in a cultivar that is
widely grown for a long period of time in an environment favorable to the
disease. Durable resistance cannot be identified immediately after or at the
time of release of a variety, as it should be grown for a long time. Durable resistance cannot be identified under greenhouse conditions or in experimental station farms because the crop should be grown in large areas. Durable
resistance can probably be identified based on relative performance of other
cultivars during this period. Durable resistance may be a race-nonspecific or
horizontal resistance, partial resistance, field resistance, or quantitative resistance. Even a single major gene can contribute to durable disease resistance. A number of Australian wheat varieties carrying the stem rust resistance
gene Sr26 derived from Thinopyrum elongatum have remained resistant to
stem rust since 1967, despite being grown over a large area (McIntosh et al.,
1995). Sometimes, even partial resistance may break down quickly. A
wheat cultivar Joss Cambier possessing partial resistance to stripe rust
(Puccinia striiformis) released in the United Kingdom in 1969 became
highly susceptible in 1971 due to a new race of P. striiformis (Johnson,
Rashal, I., Araja, I., and Kokina, I. (2000). Barley powdery mildew virulence frequencies in Lativia in 1996-1999. Acta Phytopathol Entomol Hungarica, 35:
Singh, R. P., Huerta-Espino, J., and Rajaram, S. (2000). Achieving near-immunity
to leaf and stripe rusts in wheat by combining slow rusting resistance genes. Acta
Phytopathol Entomol Hungarica, 35:133-139.
Sorri, V. A., Watanabe, K. N., and Valkonen, J. P. T. (1999). Predicted kinase-3a
motif of a resistance gene analogue as a unique marker for virus resistance.
Theor Appl Genet, 99:164-170.
Tanksley, S. D., Young, N. D., Paterson, A. H., and Bonierbale, M. W. (1989).
RFLP mapping in plant breeding: New tools for an old science. Biotechnology,
Veillet, S., Filippi, M. C., and Gallais, A. (1996). Combined genetic analysis of partial blast resistance in an upland rice population and recurrent selection for line
and hybrid lines. Theor Appl Genet, 92:644-653.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993a). Molecular sieve to select cells in tissue culture to develop disease resistant plants. In P. Vidhyasekaran (Ed.), Genetic Engineering,
Molecular Biology, and Tissue Culture for Crop Pest and Disease Management.
Daya Publishing House, Delhi, India, pp. 295-309.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993b). Principles of Plant Pathology. CBS Publishers, Delhi,
Wang, Y. H., Thomas, C. E., and Dean, R. A. (2000). Genetic mapping of a fusarium
wilt resistance gene (Fom-2) in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Mol Breeding, 6:379389.
Welz, H. G. and Geiger, H. H. (2000). Genes for resistance to northern corn leaf
blight in diverse maize populations. Plant Breeding, 119:1-14.
Williams, C. E., Wang, B., Holsten, T. E., Scambray, J., Silva, F. de A. G. da, and
Ronald, P. C. (1996). Markers for selection of the rice Xa21 disease resistance
gene. Theor Appl Genet, 93:1119-1122.
Wolfe, M. S. (1985). The current status and prospects of multiline cultivars and variety mixtures for disease resistance. Annu Rev Phytopathol, 23:251-273.
Xi, K., Xue, A. G., Burnett, P. A., Helm, J. H., and Turkington, T. K. (2000). Quantitative resistance of barley cultivars to Rhynchosporium secalis. Can J Plant
Pathol, 22:217-223.
Xu, M., Huaracha, E., and Korban, S. S. (2001). Development of sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCARS) from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers tightly linked to the Vf gene in apple. Genome, 44:63-70.
Yu, Y. G., Saghai Maroof, M. A., Buss, G. R., Maughan, P. J., and Tolin, S. A.
(1994). RFLP and microsatellite mapping of a gene for soybean mosaic virus resistance. Phytopathology, 84:60-64.
Zhang, G., Angeles, E. R., Abenes, M. L. P., Khush, G. S., and Huang, N. (1996).
RAPD and RFLP mapping of the bacterial blight resistance gene xa-13 in rice.
Theor Appl Genet, 93:65-70.
Zheng, X. Y., Wolff, D. W., Baudracco-Arnas, S., and Pitrat, M. (1999). Development and utility of cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) linked to the Fom-2 Fusarium wilt
resistance gene in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Theor Appl Genet, 99:453-463.
for Disease
for ResistanceGenetic
Disease Resistance
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering technology has been exploited to develop diseaseresistant varieties. Plant disease resistance genes and defense genes have
been cloned. Transgenic plants expressing these genes have been developed, and they show resistance against fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases.
Genes from fungi, bacteria, viruses, insects, and human beings have been
transferred to plants, and transgenic plants expressing these genes show resistance against various diseases. The use of genetic engineering technology in the development of disease-resistant plants is discussed in this chapter.
Several fungal disease resistance genes have been cloned. Cf9, Cf2, Cf4,
and Cf5 genes in tomato against Cladosporium fulvum, I2 in tomato against
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, Pi-b and Pi-ta in rice against rice
blast pathogen, LR10 against leaf rust in wheat, HM1 against Helminthosporium maydis, L6 and M genes in flax against rust, and RPP5 against
Peronospora parasitica in Arabidopsis thaliana have all been cloned. Disease resistance genes found in one plant species have also been detected in
other plants. Analogs of cloned resistance genes have been detected in rice,
wheat, barley, cotton, soybean, pepper, chickpea, flax, tomato, tobacco, and
Brassica napus. Hundreds of homologues of disease resistance genes have
been identified from various crops.
Resistance genes can be cloned from resistant varieties and transferred to
susceptible but high-yielding varieties, making these plants resistant as
well. The resistance genes can even be transferred to heterologous plants.
The gene Cf9 from tomato, which confers resistance against Cladosporium
fulvum, has been transferred to oilseed rape. The transgenic oilseed rape
shows resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans (Hennin et al., 2000).
Several bacterial disease resistance genes have also been cloned. These
include Pto, Pti, and Prf genes in tomato against Pseudomonas syringae pv.
tomato, Xa21 and Xa1 genes in rice against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae,
and RPS2 and RPM1 in Arabidopsis thaliana against Pseudomonas syringae.
Functional homologues of the resistance genes RPM1 and RPS2 detected in
Arabidopsis thaliana could be detected in pea (Pisum sativum), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and soybean (Glycine max). Two disease resistance genes
cloned from soybean are similar to RPS2 in Arabidopsis.
The bacterial disease resistance genes cloned from resistant varieties
could be transferred to susceptible but high-yielding varieties, making these
plants resistant as well. The resistance gene Xa21 has been cloned from a
wild rice, Oryza longistaminata. The cloned gene could be transferred to
different rice cultivars varying widely in their phenotypic characters, such
as O. sativa ssp. japonica and O. sativa ssp. indica types (Wang et al., 1996;
Tu et al., 1998). The japonica rice cultivar TP309 was transformed with the
Xa21 gene by particle-bombardment technique. The transgenic plants expressing the Xa21 gene showed resistance to several races of the pathogen
(Wang et al., 1996). The indica rice cultivar IR72 was transformed with the
Xa21 gene, and the transgenic plants showed resistance to both of the tested
races (race 4 and race 6) of X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Tu et al., 1998). The transgenic Xa21 plants showed greater resistance to various isolates of the pathogen as compared to that of the donor cultivar IRBB21. In addition, about a
five to ten times stronger Xa21-specific hybridization was observed in the
transgenic Xa21 plants as compared to that of the donor line, indicating
multiple insertions in a single locus in the transformed lines (Wang et al.,
1996). Multiple copies of transgenes are often inherited as a single locus in
transgenic lines generated by particle bombardment. Transgenic tomato
plants expressing the cloned Pto gene showed high resistance to P. syringae
pv. tomato (Martin et al., 1993).
A bacterial disease resistance gene from one plant species could be successfully transferred to another plant species. The cloned Pti gene from tomato was transferred to tobacco, and the transgenic plants showed resistance to P. syringae pv. tabaci (Zhou et al., 1995). The transgenic tobacco
plants expressing the cloned tomato Pto gene showed resistance to P.
syringae pv. syringae strains. Similar resistance was observed in Nicotiana
benthamiana against P. syringae strains (Rommens et al., 1995; Thilmony
et al., 1995).
So far, only three virus-disease resistance genes have been cloned. These
include the N gene in tobacco against the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
(Whitham et al., 1996), Sw-5 in tomato against tospoviruses (Brommonschenkel et al., 2000), and the Rx gene in potato against Potato virus Y
tively and make the susceptible plants resistant even in the absence of functional resistance genes.
Pathogenesis-related genes are the most important defense genes, which
encode for pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. Numerous PR proteins have
been detected in various plants, and most of them are highly inhibitory to
fungal (Vidhyasekaran, 1997) and bacterial (Vidhyasekaran, 2002) pathogens. Several PR genes have been cloned, and transgenic plants have been
developed. These transgenic plants show enhanced disease resistance. Transgenic tomato plants constitutively expressing a PR-5 gene showed resistance to Botrytis cinerea, Oidium lycopersicum, Leveillula taurica, and
Phytophthora infestans, and the resistance was confirmed up to the T3 generation (Veronese et al., 1999). Rice plants overexpressing rice chitinase
(PR-3) gene show increased resistance against Rhizoctonia solani (Lin
et al., 1995). Datta and colleagues (1999, 2000) have exploited rice class I
chitinase (PR-3) and PR-5 genes to develop disease-resistant rice cultivars.
A rice chitinase gene (RC7) isolated from Rhizoctonia solani-infected rice
plants was introduced into indica rice cultivars IR72, IR64, IR68899B,
MH63, and Chinsurah Boro II, and the transformants showed increased tolerance to R. solani (Datta et al., 2001). Transgenic tomato plants expressing
chitinase (Logemann et al., 1994), and -1,3-glucanase (PR-2) genes (Jongedijk et al., 1995), potato plants expressing PR-10a (Matton et al., 1993)
and PR-5 (Zhu et al., 1996) genes, alfalfa plants expressing -1,3-glucanase
(Masoud et al., 1996), rose plants expressing chitinase (Marchant et al.,
1998), and tobacco plants expressing PR-1 (Alexander et al., 1993), PR-2
(Yoshikawa et al., 1993), PR-3 (Linthorst et al., 1990; Broglie et al., 1991),
PR-5 (Melchers et al., 1993), and PR-14 (lipid transfer protein LTP2)
(Molina and Garcia-Olmedo, 1997) have been developed to manage various
fungal diseases.
A PR gene from one plant could be transferred to an unrelated plant,
making the transgenic plant resistant. Transgenic wheat plants expressing
rice PR-5 gene show resistance to scab disease caused by Fusarium graminearum (Chen et al., 1999). Transgenic oilseed rape and tomato plants expressing the defensin (PR-12) gene rs-afp2 from radish showed enhanced
resistance against fungal pathogens (Parashina et al., 1999, 2000). Transgenic chrysanthemum plants expressing rice chitinase showed resistance to
Botrytis cinerea (Takatsu et al., 1999). Transgenic tomato plants expressing
an acidic endochitinase (pcht28) isolated from Lycopersicon chilense showed
resistance to Verticillium dahliae race 2 (Tabaeizadeh et al., 1999). Tomato
plants expressing the tobacco PR-9 (peroxidase) gene (Lagrimini et al.,
1993), potato plants expressing the tobacco PR-5 gene (Liu et al., 1994), cucumber plants expressing the rice chitinase gene (Tabei et al., 1998), soybean plants expressing the tobacco PR-2 gene (Yoshikawa et al., 1993), and
tobacco plants expressing rice chitinase (Zhu et al., 1993), barley chitinase
(Jach et al., 1995), sugarbeet chitinase (Nielsen et al., 1993), bean chitinase (Roby et al., 1990), peanut chitinase (Kellmann et al., 1996), barley PR-2
(Jach et al., 1995), radish PR-12 (Terras et al., 1995), barley PR-13 (thionin)
(Florack et al., 1994), barley ribosome-inactivating protein (Logemann
et al., 1992), and maize ribosome-inactivating protein (Maddaloni et al.,
1997) genes have been developed, and most of them show enhanced resistance to pathogens.
Some pathogenesis-related proteins have been shown to have antibacterial activity. These PR genes do not express constitutively. The PR genes
have been cloned, and transgenic plants constitutively expressing the PR
genes have been developed. Some transgenic plants constitutively expressing PR proteins show enhanced resistance to bacterial pathogens. Tobacco
plants expressing barley thionin genes show resistance to P. syringae pv.
tabaci (Carmona et al., 1993). Transgenic tobacco plants expressing barley
lipid-transfer proteins 2 (LTP2) show high resistance to P. syringae pv.
tabaci (Molina and Garcia-Olmedo, 1997). Similarly, transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing barley LTP2 showed enhanced resistance to P. syringae pv. tomato (Molina and Garcia-Olmedo, 1997).
Pathogenesis-related proteins also contribute to virus-disease resistance.
Transgenic plants expressing genes responsible for activation of synthesis
of PR proteins show increased disease resistance. Transgenic tobacco plants
expressing the hrmA gene from P. syringae pv. syringae showed elevated
synthesis of PR proteins. These transgenic plants showed resistance to the
Tobacco mottling virus and the Tobacco etch virus (TEV) (Shen et al.,
2000). An antiviral protein has been isolated from pokeweed, Phytolacca
americana. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) or a variant (PAP-v) showed resistance to a broad spectrum of
plant viruses including Tobacco mosaic virus and Potato virus X. Expression of PAP-v in transgenic plants induces synthesis of pathogenesis-related
proteins. The enzymatic activity of PAP may be responsible for generating a
signal that may activate defense mechanisms against viruses (Smironv et al.,
1997). A mutant of pokeweed antiviral protein, PAPn, was nontoxic to viruses when expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. However, the tobacco
transgenic plants expressing PAPn induced basic PR proteins, proteinase inhibitor II (PR-6 protein), and protein kinase and showed resistance to viruses (Zoubenko et al., 2000).
Although several transgenic plants expressing PR genes have been developed, field performance of them has not yet been demonstrated. The increased resistance observed in the transgenic plants was also not high. Probably, a single PR protein may not be sufficient to confer resistance. Synergism
between PR proteins has been reported. Coordinated induction of the differ-
ent families of PR proteins in the same genome may indeed confer a level of
resistance considerably broader than any protein itself. Most of the phytopathogenic fungi that have been tested in vitro are resistant to -1,3glucanases and chitinases, but their growth is highly inhibited by a combination of these PR proteins. Synergism of LTPs with thionins has been
reported. Hence, transgenic plants expressing more than one PR protein
should be developed. Transfer of more genes with suitable promoters may
be difficult to achieve; scientists prefer to transfer one or two genes rather
than multiple genes. Veronese and colleagues (1999) constructed cassettes
containing three target genes, PR-1, PR-3, and PR-5 genes, used for transformation of tomato plants. One good method to transfer multiple genes has
been suggested by Zhu and colleagues (1994). They developed transgenic
tobacco plants expressing a gene encoding rice basic chitinase and transgenic tobacco plants expressing alfalfa acidic glucanase. Hybrid plants
were generated by crossing transgenic parental lines. Homozygous selfed
progeny that expressed the two transgenes could be selected from the hybrids. Logemann and colleagues (1994) could develop transgenic tomato
plants simultaneously expressing class I chitinase and -1,3-glucanase.
This type of approach will be useful in developing disease-resistant plants.
Phytoalexins are the second group of defense chemicals in plants. Overproduction and early production of phytoalexins may confer resistance in
susceptible varieties. Genes encoding phytoalexin-biosynthetic enzymes have
been cloned. Isoflavone-O-methyl transferase is an essential enzyme in
biosynthesis of the phytoalexin medicarpin in legumes. Transgenic alfalfa
plants overexpressing the enzyme show increased induction of phytoalexin
pathway transcripts after infection with Phoma medicaginis. These transgenic plants showed resistance to P. medicaginis (He and Dixon, 2000).
Resveratrol synthase is the key enzyme in biosynthesis of the phytoalexin
resveratrol in grapevine. The gene encoding this enzyme has been cloned
and transferred to tobacco. The transgenic tobacco plants showed resistance
to Botrytis cinerea (Hain et al., 1993). Transgenic rice plants expressing
grapevine stilbene synthase show resistance to Magnaporthe grisea (StarkLorenzen et al., 1997). However, the transgenic tomato plants expressing
grapevine resveratrol synthase did not show much enhanced resistance to
Phytophthora infestans. This type of specificity of phytoalexins to pathogens is well known (Vidhyasekaran, 1997). Alfalfa was transformed with
resveratrol synthase gene from grapevine. Transgenic plants accumulated a
new phytoalexin, reveratrol-3-O- -D-glucopyranoside and showed resistance to Phoma medicaginis (Hipskind and Paiva, 2000). Transgenic wheat
plants expressing a grapevine stilbene synthase gene have also been developed (Fettig and Hess, 1999).
and much less intense in tubers. However, when patatin B33 was used as a
promoter, the gene expression was limited to tubers only. Different types of
promoters should probably be tested to achieve maximum expression of the
desired gene.
Transgenic tobacco plants expressing a gene encoding the A1 subunit of
cholera toxin showed increased resistance to P. syringae pv. tabaci (Beffa
et al., 1995). The cholera toxin is known to activate the signal transduction
system dependent on G proteins in animals. The transgenic plants showed
enhanced accumulation of salicylic acid (Beffa et al., 1995). H2O2 is an important component in the signal transduction system. A glucose oxidase
gene from the fungus Aspergillus niger was transferred to potato. The transgenic potato plants expressing the glucose oxidase gene showed an increased
level of resistance to E. carotovora (Wu et al., 1995). Although glucose
oxidase was produced constitutively and extracellularly in the transgenic
plants, a significant increase in H2O2 was detected only following bacterial
infection. Intracellular glucose is probably released only after bacterial infection, and the released glucose in the apoplast may serve as a substrate for
the extracellular glucose oxidase. The induced H2O2 may induce salicylic
acid and induce resistance.
H2O2 is degraded by catalase, and catalase may suppress the signal
transduction. When potato roots were infected with E. carotovora or Corynebacterium sepedonicum, a catalase gene (Cat2St) was induced. Cat2St was
found to be systemically induced after compatible interaction. Hence, suppression of a catalase gene may result in H2O2 signal transduction and induce resistance. Transgenic tobacco plants with severely depressed levels of
catalase have been developed with antisense suppression (Takahashi et al.,
1997). These plants showed both enhanced accumulation of salicylic acid
and enhanced disease resistance (Takahashi et al., 1997).
The cuticle forms an important barrier on plant surfaces against the ingress of pathogens into the hosts (Vidhyasekaran, 1997). The cuticle consists of cutin. Cutin monomers could serve as a signal to the plant during a
pathogen attack, triggering defense responses. Cutin monomers elicit H2O2
and enhance the activity of other H2O2 elicitors (Fauth et al., 1998). Cutin
monomers are derived from fatty-acid precursors. Hence, it is possible that
by releasing cutin monomers, diseases can be managed. Tomato plants were
transformed with the yeast -9 desaturase gene. In transgenic plants, large
increases in 9-hexadecenoic acid (cutin monomer) were observed, and these
plants showed increased resistance to Erysiphe polygoni. Cutin monomers
from the transgenic plants inhibited spore germination of the pathogen
(Wang, Chin, and Gianfagna, 2000).
et al., 2000). Transgenic tobacco plants expressing Andean potato mottle virus (APMoV) coat protein genes (CP22 and CP42) show resistance to
APMoV (Neves-Borges et al., 2001). Nicotiana benthamiana plants were
transformed with the coat protein coding sequence and the 3' nontranslated
region of the severe strain of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV-S),
and these transgenic plants showed resistance to SPFMV-S (Sonoda et al.,
1999). Tamarillos (Cyphomandra betacea) expressing a Tamarillo mosaic
potyvirus (TaMV) coat protein showed resistance to TaMV (Cohen et al.,
2000). Transgenic N. benthamiana plants expressing Grapevine virus A
(GVA) coat protein sequences showed resistance to the virus (Radian-Sade
et al., 2000). Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the Tobacco vein mottling virus (TVMV) coat protein gene expressed resistance against various
potyviruses and transgenic tobacco plants expressing the Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) coat protein gene expressed resistance against AMV (Xu et al.,
1999). Transgenic cucumber plants expressing the Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV-2) coat protein gene showed enhanced resistance to WMV-2
(Wang, Zhao, and Zhou, 2000). Nicotiana benthamiana and potato plants
expressing the coat protein gene from the Potato mop-top virus (PMTV)
showed resistance to PMTV (McGeachy and Barker, 2000). Transgenic tobacco plants expressing a Potato virus Y coat protein gene showed resistance to PVY (Han et al., 1999). Three tobacco cultivars expressing the
nucleocapsid (N) gene of a dahlia isolate of the Tomato spotted wilt virus
(TSWV) showed resistance to TSWV in the field (Herrero et al., 2000). Peanut lines transgenic for the antisense nucleocapsid (N) gene of a TSWV
strain isolated from peanut showed resistance to TSWV under field conditions (Magbanua et al., 2000). Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum and N. benthamiana plants expressing the N gene of TSWV showed resistance against
TSWV (Accotto et al., 2000). Both an RNA-mediated and a protein-mediated resistance may be acting in the transformed plants expressing nucleocapsid proteins (Accotto et al., 2000).
Viral replicase genes have been exploited in developing virus disease resistant plants. Russet Burbank potatoes have been genetically modified with
the full-length replicase gene of the Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), and these
plants showed resistance against PLRV. This transgenic plant has been patented and marketed under the name NewLeaf Plus (Lawson et al., 2001).
Wheat plants expressing the replicase gene NIb of the Wheat streak mosaic
virus (WSMV) showed resistance to WSMV (Sivamani et al., 2000). Some
transgenic clones of potato expressing Potato virus YN (PVYN) replicase
showed resistance to PVYN (Flis and Zimnoch-Guzowska, 2000). Transgenic rice plants expressing Rice yellow mottle sobemovirus (RYMV) RNA
polymerase were resistant to RYMV strains from different African locations. In these plants, virus multiplication was suppressed. The resistance
was stable over at least three generations. The viral replicase gene-mediated
resistance was also associated with posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS)
(Pinto et al., 1999). Nicotiana benthamiana plants transformed with a Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) 54 kDa fragment of viral replicase showed
complete resistance to PMMoV (Tenllado and Diaz-Ruiz, 1999).
Nicotiana bethamiana plants were transformed with the cytoplasmic inclusion protein (CI) gene of the Plum pox virus (PPV). The CI protein is an
RNA helicase that contains a conserved nucleotide binding motif (NTBM),
and it plays an important role in viral replication. Transgenic lines containing the gene mutated in the NTBM region remained completely symptomless after Plum pox virus infection (Wittner et al., 1998). Viruses move
from cell to cell in the plant through plasmodesmata, which connects the cytoplasm between neighboring cells. Viral movement protein (MP) helps viral movement in plants. The movement proteins of plant viruses are localized to plasmodesmata in infected plant cells. They induce a significant
increase in the plasmodesmatal exclusion limit and bind single-stranded
RNA. This allows the viral genome to migrate from cell to cell. The MPs expressed in transgenic plants can complement the cell-to-cell movement of
MP-defective viral mutants. Transgenic plants expressing a viral movement
protein gene show increased susceptibility to viruses (Yoshikawa et al.,
2000). The transgenic Nicotiana occidentalis plants expressing a movement
protein of the Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) showed increased
susceptibility to a homologous virus (ACLSV). However, the transgenic
plants showed strong resistance to the heterologous virus Grapevine berry
inner necrosis virus (GINV) (Yoshikawa et al., 2000). Although tobacco
plants expressing the Cucumber mosaic virus MP gene did not show resistance to CMV infection, transgenic plants expressing a deletion mutant of
the CMV MP gene showed high resistance to CMV infection (Zhang et al.,
1999). Transgenic potato lines carrying a mutant movement protein gene of
the Potato leafroll virus showed resistance to potato viruses (Rohde et al.,
2000). Transgenic tobacco plants expressing a defective MP of the Tobacco
mosaic virus, are resistant to TMV and also to viruses of other taxa, i.e., Alfalfa mosaic virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Tobacco rattle virus, and Peanut streak virus (Cooper et al., 1995). Thus, any altered nonfunctional MP
gene confers resistance against a wide range of viruses. This phenomenon is
called MP-derived resistance.
The viral gene-induced resistance may be mostly due to posttranscriptional gene silencing. The gene silencing may be due to host-induced, sequence-specific RNA degradation. An incoming virus containing the same
sequences would also be targeted for degradation. Several studies have
proven this hypothesis. Resistance in the transgenic tobacco plants expressing the APMoP coat protein gene is mediated by transcriptional gene silenc-
nuclease activity was detected that appeared to be specific for this transcript
in the PVY-resistant transgenic plants (Han et al., 1999).
Viral genes may also code for elicitors of defense mechanisms. The disease resistance gene N has been cloned in tobacco and induces resistance
against TMV. The TMV-encoded elicitor of this gene has been identified as
TMV replicase. The TMV replicase proteins interact with the N-gene product to activate defense genes of the host (Padgett et al., 1997). The elicitor of
the disease resistance gene Rx in potato has been identified as a capsid protein of PVX (Bendahmane et al., 1995). The resistance induced by the
capsid protein was shown to be due to the elicitation of a response that was
not specific to the viral target sequence (Bendahmane et al., 1999).
Several plant viruses in the family Tombusviridae are known to generate
defective interfering (DI) RNAs during their replication. In many cases, the
viral symptoms are ameliorated by the DIs. Rubio and colleagues (1999)
designed a DNA cassette to transcribe defective interfering RNAs of the Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), in which DI RNA sequences were flanked
by ribozymes (RzDI). When RzDI RNAs transcribed in vitro were mixed
with parental TBSV transcripts and inoculated into plants, they became amplified, reduced the accumulation of the parental RNA, and mediated attenuation of the lethal syndrome characteristic of TBSV infections. Transgenic
N. benthamiana plants expressing defective interfering RNAs from the
TBSV showed protection against a wide spectrum of tombusviruses but remained susceptible to a distantly related tombus-like virus and to unrelated
viruses (Rubio et al., 1999).
Transgenic Plants Expressing Fungal Genes
Chitinases are lytic enzymes which degrade chitin, a common fungal
cell-wall component. Degraded products of chitin are also elicitors of defense mechanisms in plants. Several fungi, particularly saprophytes, are
known to produce chitinases, and the genes encoding chitinases have been
cloned. Transgenic apple plants expressing genes encoding endochitinase
cloned from Trichoderma harzianum showed increased resistance to apple
scab (Bolar et al., 2000) and powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha)
(Hanke et al., 1999). The gene ech-42 encoding an endochitinase from
T. harzianum was introduced alone or in combination with the osmotin gene
from N. tabacum into Petunia hybrida. The transgenic plants showed resistance to Botrytis cinerea (Esposito et al., 2000). ThEn-42, an endochitinase
gene cloned from strain P1 of T. harzianum, was introduced into the japonica rice varieties Taibei 309 and Nonghu 6. These transgenic plants expressed high resistance to the sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani
(Qin et al., 2000). Phenolics appear to play an important role in inducing resistance against virus diseases. Plants overexpressing genes coding for phenolic synthesis have shown virus-disease resistance. Tobacco plants expressing a yeast-derived invertase ( -fructofuranosidase) gene showed increased
synthesis of phenolics, particularly a caffeic acid amide (N-caffeoylputrescine). These transgenic plants showed resistance to Potato virus Y (Baumert
et al., 2001).
Transgenic Plants Expressing Bacterial Genes
Non-haem chloroperoxidases of Pseudomonas pyrrocinia catalyzes the
oxidation of alkyl acids to peracids by hydrogen peroxide. Alkyl peracids
possess potent antifungal activity. Tobacco plants were transformed with a
gene for chloroperoxidase from P. pyrrocinia. Transgenic tobacco plants
expressing this gene showed enhanced resistance to pathogens. The leaf extracts from the transgenic plants inhibited growth of Aspergillus flavus by
up to 100 percent (Jacks et al., 2000). Rajasekaran and colleagues (2000) reported that transgenic tobacco plants producing chloroperoxidase encoded
by Pseudomonas pyrrocinia showed increased resistance against Colletotrichum destructivum, the causal agent of tobacco anthracnose.
Transgenic Plants Expressing Genes from Fungal Viruses
Some double-stranded RNA viruses infect fungi. They secrete killing
proteins (KP). The Ustilago maydis-infecting virus secretes an antifungal
protein called KP4. The cDNA encoding the antifungal protein KP4 was inserted behind the ubiquitin promoter of corn and genetically transferred to
wheat varieties susceptible to stinking smut (Tilletia tritici) disease. The
transgenic plants showed increased resistance to T. tritici (Clausen et al.,
2000). The transgenic lines showed an antifungal activity against U. maydis
and the antifungal activity correlated with the presence of the KP4 transgene (Clausen et al., 2000).
Transgenic Plants Expressing Genes from Bacteriophages
Lysozymes are known to lyse bacterial cells. Several genes coding for
lysozymes have been isolated from bacteriophages. Bacteriophages lyse the
bacterial cell walls producing lysozymes. A lysozyme has been purified
ing sequence and placed under control of the promoter and terminator from
the potato proteinase inhibitor (PiII) gene, was introduced into tobacco by
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. No disease symptom development was observed in leaf tissues infiltrated with P. syringae pv. tabaci in
MB39 transgenic plants, while in control plants disease developed rapidly.
The attacins are another class of lytic peptides isolated from the giant silk
moth. The attacin E (att E) gene has been introduced into apple plants. The
transgenic apple showed resistance to fire blight (E. amylovora) (Norelli et al.,
1994; Ko et al., 2000). Transgenic pear expressing att E (Reynoird, Mourgues,
Norelli, et al., 1999), SB-37, and Shiva-1 (Chevreau et al., 1999) showed resistance to E. amylovora.
Transgenic cauliflower plants expressing the Shiva protein showed resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Braun et al., 2000). A
synthetic gene encoding a N-terminus-modified cecropin-melittin cationic
peptide (isolated from bees) chimera was introduced into two potato cultivars.
The transgenic plants showed high resistance to Erwinia carotovora (Osusky
et al., 2000). Antimicrobial peptides, sarcotoxins, isolated from the insect
Sarcophaga peregrina show severalfold higher antibacterial activity and
broader spectra than cecropin B. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing sarcotoxin IA showed resistance to E. carotovora and Pseudomonas syringae
pv. tabaci (Ohshima et al., 1999; Mitsuhara et al., 2000).
Cecropins isolated from the giant silk moth, H. cecropia, are a family of
homologous peptides of 35 to 37 residues with amphipathic N termini and
hydrophobic C termini. Cecropins inhibited only bacterial pathogens and
not fungal pathogens. Another 26-amino acid antibacterial peptide, melittin,
is produced by bees. It has a predominantly hydrophobic N terminus with an
amphipathic C terminus. A chimeric peptide, Cecropin-melittin antibiotic
peptide (CEMA), was generated, and it contains eight amino acid residues
from cecropin A and a modified melittin sequence at the C terminus. CEMA
was toxic to plants. Toxicity was reduced by modifying the N-terminus
while retaining the original a-helical character. A synthetic gene (msrA1)
encoding a N-terminus-modified cecropin-melittin cationic peptide chimera was constructed and introduced into two potato cultivars. The transgenic plants showed high resistance to Phytophthora cactorum and Fusarium solani (Osusky et al., 2000). Antimicrobial peptides, sarcotoxins,
isolated from the insect Sarcophaga peregrina show severalfold higher
antimicrobial activity than cecropin B. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing sarcotoxin IA showed resistance to Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium
aphanidermatum (Ohshima et al., 1999; Mitsuhara et al., 2000).
Transgenic Plants Expressing Hen Genes
A hen-egg-lysozyme gene has been cloned, and transgenic tobacco
plants expressing this gene have been developed (Trudel et al., 1995). Extracts from transgenic tobacco plants producing hen-egg lysozyme inhibited
the growth of several species of bacteria (Trudel et al., 1995). The chly gene,
encoding lysozyme from chicken, was introduced into potato plants. The
transgenic plants showed increased resistance to the black leg disease
caused by E. carotovora ssp. atroseptica (Serrano et al., 2000). A gene encoding a lytic peptide (tachyplesin) has been isolated from the horseshoe
crab. Transgenic potato plants expressing this gene were developed, and
these plants showed reduction in tuber rot caused by E. carotovora (Allefs
et al., 1996).
Transgenic Plants Expressing Frog Genes
Antibacterial lytic peptides have also been isolated from frogs. The gene
encoding the magainin II peptide has been cloned from the African clawed
frog. The gene was modified for plant codon usage. The gene construct included a 35S promoter, the 5' leader sequence from alfalfa mosaic virus, the
signal peptide from the tobacco PR-S gene to target protein export to the
intracellular space, and a NOS terminator. In addition, the vector contained
a NPT II (NOS-NPT II-NOS) gene for selection of transgenic cells. Transgenic cauliflower plants were developed using Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation. The transgenic plants expressing frog genes showed increased resistance to X. campestris pv. campestris (Braun et al., 2000).
Transgenic Plants Expressing Human Genes
Human lysozyme is a powerful lytic enzyme degrading fungal and bacterial cell walls. A human lysozyme gene was placed under control of the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter, and the resulting expression plasmid was introduced into carrot. The transgenic plants showed strong resistance to two
fungal pathogens, Erysiphe heraclei and Alternaria dauci (Takaichi and
Oeda, 2000). Tobacco plants were transformed with a human lysozyme
gene (Nakajima et al., 1997). These transgenic plants showed reduced disease symptoms induced by P. syringae pv. tabaci in tobacco. Lactoferrin is
an iron-binding glycoprotein known to have antibacterial properties. The
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for Disease
for Disease
Vitro Selection
In Vitro Selection
Plant cells can be cultured in vitro and plants can be regenerated from the
cultured cells. These regenerants show variability, and some of the variable
characters are heritable. These heritable characters also include disease resistance. In vitro selections from calluses, somaclones, gametoclones, organ
cultures, and somatic hybrids have resulted in developing disease-resistant
plants. However, in vitro selection requires proper selective agents. Furthermore, gene silencing appears to be common among somaclones. Most
of the somaclonal variations are due to epigenetic changes, and DNA modifications in the somaclones are not very stable. However, some studies report stability of somaclonal characteristics for several generations. In vitro
selection can be one alternative technology for breeders to develop highyielding and disease-resistant varieties, particularly when useful genes are
not available in the germplasm for improvement of the cultivars.
Plant cells, tissues, and organs can be cultured in vitro, and these cultures
can be developed into whole plants. Cells and protoplasts (cells without
walls) can be obtained by developing calluses by plating excised plant tissues from root, shoot, leaf, meristem, seed, embryo, and pollen in a specific
nutrient medium. The cultured cells and protoplasts are totipotent, developing into whole plants under defined conditions. Some organs, such as cotyledons and young leaves, can be developed through organogenesis into
whole plants without callus formation.
Populations of cultured plant cells generally contain more genetic variability than do whole plants. Some of these variations may occur due to preexisting mutations in cells of the explant material. However, most of the
variations are due to mutations induced in the cell culture. Plant-growth regulators such as 2,4-D and kinetin used in tissue-culture media may act as
mutagens. Plants regenerated from cell, tissue, and organ cultures are called
somaclones. Vast variations are seen among somaclones as they are developed from the mutated cultured cells. Many of the variations have been
found to be stable and heritable. The stable and heritable variation displayed
among somaclones is called somaclonal variation. Somaclonal variation
occurs more frequently than the spontaneous mutations occurring in fieldgrown plants. Variation has been detected in the progeny of up to 15 percent
of regenerated plants in contrast to spontaneous mutation rates of one in one
million. Somaclonal variations have been exploited to develop diseaseresistant varieties.
In Vitro Selection Among the Regenerants
In this technique, thousands of calluses are developed from different
explants (whole seed, embryo, root, stem, and leaf) or cultured plant cells or
protoplasts. All the developed calluses are transferred to a regeneration medium. Some organ cultures are also regenerated, and all the regenerated
plants are tested for their reaction to pathogens. By this method, somaclones
showing resistance to various fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens could be
selected in various crops. The following somaclones have been selected: in
rice, somaclones resistant to the blast pathogen Pyricularia oryzae (Araujo
et al., 1999) and the brown spot pathogen Helminthosporium oryzae (Ling
et al., 1985); in wheat, somaclones resistant to Karnal bunt and powdery
mildew (Sharma et al., 1998); in apple, somaclones resistant to fire blight
(Chevreau et al., 1998); in potato, somaclones resistant to late and early
blights (Matern et al., 1976) and soft rot (Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora) (Polgar et al., 1999); in peppermint, somaclones resistant to verticillium wilt (Sink and Grey, 1999); and in tomato, somaclones showing resistance to wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Shahin and
Spivey, 1986), Cucumber mosaic virus (Hanus-Fajerska et al., 2000), and
bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Mandal, 1999).
Resistant plants have been selected by exploiting somaclonal variation in
many other crops. Rust (Puccinia arachidis) and late and early leaf spots
(Mycosphaerella spp.) are the most important diseases in groundnut, and
somaclones showing resistance to these diseases have been identified (Eapen
et al., 1997). The most serious disease worldwide in banana is Sigatoka leaf
spot caused by Mycosphaerella musicola. Two groups of researchers could
select resistant banana plants exploiting somaclonal variation (Trujillo
et al., 1999; Vidal et al., 2000). Somaclone resistant to Fusarium wilt of banana has also been obtained (ChingYan et al., 2000).
were tested for their susceptibility to the pathogens. Some of the regenerants
showed stable and heritable resistance to diseases. By this method, the following disease-resistant plants have been developed: wheat plants resistant
to Helminthosporium sativum; potato plants resistant to Fusarium oxysporum and Phytophthora infestans; tomato plants resistant to Alternaria
solani, Phytophthora infestans, and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici;
maize plants resistant to Helminthosporium maydis and Phyllosticta maydis; sugarcane plants resistant to Helminthosporium sacchari; alfalfa plants
resistant to F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis; oat plants resistant to Helminthosporium victoriae; barley plants resistant to H. sativum; tobacco plants resistant to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci and Alternaria alternata; and
peach plants resistant to Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni (Vidhyasekaran, 1990, 1993). The selection of disease-resistant plants using fungal
and bacterial toxins was not significantly different from the selection without any toxin. Both of these methods select only the mutants generated in
tissue-culture medium.
In Vitro Selection from Organ Cultures
Several somaclonal variations have been reported among somaclones
obtained from organ cultures without callus formation. Somaclonal variants
of groundnut having field tolerance to rust and leaf spot diseases were obtained from shoot-tip regenerants (Eapen et al., 1997). Four somaclonal
variants regenerated from adventitious buds of the apple variety Greensleeves (susceptible to fire blight) showed resistance to the fire blight caused
by Erwinia amylovora (Chevreau et al., 1998). Some of the tomato somaclones, obtained through adventitious organogenesis initiated on leaf explants
of cultivated tomato, showed increased tolerance to the cucumber mosaic
virus (Hanus-Fajerska et al., 2000).
In Vitro Selection from Somatic Hybrids
Protoplast fusion among otherwise sexually incompatible species facilitates transfer of genes from widely divergent species. This technique helps
to produce somatic hybrid plants. Somaclonal variations have also been observed among somatic hybrids. Sinapis alba is resistant to Alternaria
brassicae, which causes a serious disease in cabbage (Brassica oleracea).
Somatic hybrids between S. alba and B. oleracea were generated for transferring resistance against A. brassicae to B. oleracea (Hansen and Earle,
1997). Twenty-seven plants were regenerated from protoplast fusion. Some
of the plants obtained from cuttings from the somatic hybrids showed a re-
sistance to A. brassicae that was similar to that found in S. alba (Hansen and
Earle, 1997).
Three somatic hybrid lines between potato (Solanum tuberosum) and
Solanum brevidens were obtained (Polgar et al., 1999). The lines originated
from the same callus showed different reactions to the soft rot pathogen
Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora, and some of them showed less susceptibility to the pathogen (Polgar et al., 1999). The variations might have occurred in the early callus stage of development.
In Vitro Selection Exploiting Gametoclonal Variation
Anther culture-derived plants are called gametoclones and are haploid.
Gametoclonal variations have also been observed in many plants. Blast disease-resistant gametoclones have been identified in rice (Chawla and Wenzel,
1987). Some wheat gametoclones have shown resistance to powdery mildew (Vidhyasekaran, 1993).
Somaclonal variations have been shown to be unstable after two to three
generations with few exceptions. In sugarcane, 73 percent of the Helminthosporium sacchari-resistant regenerants showed resistance even up to five
generations, while others reverted to being susceptible (Larkin and Scowcroft, 1983). Helminthosporium oryzae-resistant rice regenerants showed
resistance up to the R3 generation (Vidhyasekaran et al., 1990). Somaclonal
variant CIEN BTA-03 resistant to yellow Sigatoka (Mycospherella musicola) was obtained from a susceptible banana clone. This somaclone exhibited the disease resistance in the field for five consecutive years of asexual
reproduction (Vidal et al., 2000).
The inheritance pattern of resistance obtained through somaculture has
been studied in tomato (Shahin and Spivey, 1986). Fusarium wilt-resistant
plants were regenerated from protoplast-derived calluses. Analysis of R1
progenies obtained from self-fertilization of selected R0 individuals showed
a typical 3:1 (resistance:susceptible) ratio of segregation. Analysis of R2
progenies showed that resistant plants were either homozygous or heterozygous dominant for the gene conferring resistance. Out of 23 R1 plants, six
were homozygous mutants, six were homozygous normal (susceptible), and
11 were heterozygous, suggesting a theoretical ratio of 1:2:1 and confirming that the original regenerated plant was heterozygous for a dominant resistance allele. Dominant-gene mutation has been shown in tissue-culture-
Hanus-Fajerska, E., Lech, M., Pindel, A., and Miczynski, K. (2000). Selection for
virus resistance in tomato exposed to tissue culture procedures. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 22:317-324.
Kaeppler, S. M., Kaeppler, H. F., and Young, R. (2000). Epigenetic aspects of
somaclonal variation in plants. Plant Mol Biol, 43:179-188.
Larkin, P. J. and Scowcroft, W. R. (1983). Somaclonal variation and eyespot toxin
tolerance in sugarcane. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 2:111-121.
Ling, D. H., Vidhyasekaran, P., Borromeo, E. S., Zapata, F. J., and Mew, T. (1985).
In vitro screening of rice germplasm for resistance to brown spot disease using
phytotoxin. Theor Appl Genet, 71:133-135.
Mandal, A. B. (1999). Efficient somaculture system and exploitation of somaclonal
variation for bacterial wilt resistance in tomato. Indian J Hort, 56:321-327.
Matern, U., Strobel, G., and Shepard, J. (1976). Reaction of phytotoxin in a potato
population derived from mesophyll protoplast. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 75:
McCoy, T. J. (1987). Tissue culture selection and evaluation of Fusarium resistance
in alfalfa. In Vitro, 23:60A.
Polgar, Z., Wielgus, S. M., Horvath, S., and Helgeson, J. P. (1999). DNA analysis of
potato Solanum brevidens somatic hybrid lines. Euphytica, 105:103-107.
Sacristan, M. D. (1982). Resistance response to Phoma lingam of plant regenerated
from selected cells and embryogenic cultures of haploid Brassica napus. Theor
Appl Genet, 61:193-212.
Shahin, E. A. and Spivey, R. (1986). A single dominant gene for Fusarium wilt resistance in protoplast-derived tomato plants. Theor Appl Genet, 61:193-206.
Sharma, K. D., Singh, B. M., and Chauhan, R. S. (1998). Variation in Karnal bunt
and powdery mildew resistance among somaclones and doubled haploids of
bread wheat cv. Sonalika. Indian Phytopathol, 51:324-328.
Sink, K. C. and Grey, W. E. (1999). A root-injection method to assess verticillium
wilt resistance of peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.) and its use in identifying resistant somaclones of cv. Black Mitcham. Euphytica, 106:223-230.
Sun, L. H., She, J. M., and Lu, X. F. (1986). In vitro selection of Xanthomonas
oryzae-resistant mutants in rice. I. Induction of resistant callus and screening regenerated plants. Acta Genet Sinica, 13:188-193.
Trujillo, I., Garcia, E., and Berroteran, J. L. (1999). Evaluation of in vitro-derived
banana plants. Anales de Botanica Agricola, 6:29-35.
Vidal, M., Del, C., and De Garcia, E. (2000). Analysis of a Musa spp. variant resistant to yellow Sigatoka. Plant Mol Biol Reptr, 18:23-31.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1990). In vitro screening for disease resistance. In P. Vidhyasekaran (Ed.), Basic Research for Crop Disease Management. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp. 27-36.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993). Molecular sieve to select cells in tissue culture to develop
disease resistant plants. In P. Vidhyasekaran (Ed.), Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology and Tissue Culture for Crop Pest and Disease Management. New
Delhi, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp. 295-309.
Vidhyasekaran, P., Borromeo, E. S., and Mew, T. W. (1986). Host specific toxin
production by Helminthosporium oryzae. Phytopathology, 76:261-266.
Vidhyasekaran, P., Ling, D. H., Borromeo, E. S., Zapata, F. J., and Mew, T. W.
(1990). Selection of brown spot-resistant rice plants from Helminthosporium
oryzae toxin resistant calluses. Ann Appl Biol, 117:515-523.
ControlBacterial Diseases
Many fungicides have been developed, and several chemical industries
have invested several millions of dollars in developing fungicides. More
than 100 active fungicide ingredients have been registered, and several hundred fungicide formulations are available in the market. In contrast, very
few bactericides are available to control bacterial diseases (Research Information, 1998). In this chapter, the bactericides available in the market are
listed and their uses are given.
The following is the list of common name, trade name, and uses of
Ammoniacal copper sulfateCopac E, controls bacterial diseases in
pears, stone fruit, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
Bordeaux mixtureComac, Bordeaux 13 percent, Bordeaux Mixture 13
percent, Bordeaux Mixture 20 percent, Bordeaux Mixture 27 percent,
Bouillie Bordelaise RSR, mixture of copper sulfate and lime (calcium
hydroxide). Copper sulfate (10 lb) is added to 50 gallons of water, and
then this solution is added to another 50 gallons of water containing 10
lb of calcium hydroxide. This mixture must be prepared freshly before
application in the field. Ready-formulated Bourdeaux mixture is also
available; however, these formulations are inferior to freshly prepared
Bordeaux mixture. Bordeaux mixture controls fire blight of pear. It is
recommended to apply as a spray at a concentration of 1-1-100 (copper
sulfate lb-calcium hydroxide lb-water gallon), and the spray should be
applied at five- to seven-day intervals. It is applied at 4-4-50 concentration to control angular leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans) of cucurbits. It controls citrus canker, bacterial wilt of pepper,
bacterial gummosis and canker (P. syringae), wild fire of tobacco, and
bacterial leaf spots of tomato.
Hypochloritecalcium chlorohypochlorite (Perchloran, HTH) and sodium hypochlorite (Chlorox, Purex) formulations are available, used as
surface disinfectants of plant propagative material such as grape and
rose cuttings; the cuttings for rootings and rose stems are treated 20
minutes in 0.5 percent hypochlorite solution to eliminate Agrobacterium
tumefaciens that may be carried on the surface (Schroth and McCain,
KasugamycinKasumin, controls bean halo blight (Pseudomonas
savastanoi pv. phaseolicola) and potato soft rot (Erwinia carotovora);
also controls Xanthomonas and Clavibacter diseases.
Kasugamycin + copper oxychlorideKasuran, controls citrus canker.
OcthilinonePancil-T, RH-893, controls bacterial diseases of top fruit
and citrus bacterial canker.
Oxine-copperQuinondo, controls various bacterial diseases.
OxytetracyclineTerramycin, controls fire blight of pear, bacterial spot
of peach, a tree injection formulation is available in the control of eastern X disease of peach, cherry, and nectarine. Trees are treated by gravity infusion or by pressure treatment with oxytetracycline (1,320 ppm)
using 950 ml per tree after harvest but before leaf fall (Schroth and
McCain, 1991).
ProbenazoleProbenazol, Oryzemate, controls rice bacterial blight.
Quaternary ammonium compoundsBionol, Conide, Consan, Culsan,
Dichloran, Germital, Hyamine, Onyxide, Physan, Risosan, Roccal,
Shield, Sterosept, cuttings and rootings are treated with this compound
to eliminate bacterial pathogens.
QuintozeneBrassicol, Tubergran, Terraclor, Folosan, Tritisan, Saniclor,
Avicol, Kobutol, Pentagen, Botrilex, Kobu, Earthcide, Turfcide,
RTUPCNB, PCNB, Quintozene, Tilcarex, TriPCNB, controls potato
scab caused by Streptomyces scabies.
Salicylic acidseveral formulations, induces systemic resistance and reduces disease incidence; effective against Xanthomonas oryzae pv.
StreptomycinAgrimycin 17, Agri-strep, Plantomycin, controls soft rot
and black leg of potato, fire blight of apple and pear, wild fire of tobacco, bacterial wilt of chrysanthemum, bacterial blight of celery, bacterial spot of tomato, black arm of cotton, rice bacterial blight, and citrus canker; controls Xanthomonas, Erwinia, Ralstonia, Pseudomonas,
and Agrobacterium diseases.
SulfurThat Big 8, Top Cop, reduces bacterial diseases.
Sulfur flowableThat Flowable Sulfur, has antibacterial action; reduces
bacterial diseases.
ControlFungal Diseases
Fungicides are the most important components in the management of
fungal diseases. More than 100 fungicides have been developed, and several
hundreds of fungicide formulations are available. They have been formulated as dustable powders, wettable powders, emulsifiable concentrates,
flowables, liquids, granules, and gases. Special formulations have also been
developed specifically for seed treatment and soil application. Formulations
consist of several adjuvants in addition to the active ingredients. Formulations of mixtures of fungicides are also available. The mode of action of different classes of fungicides varies widely, and each class of fungicides controls different groups of diseases. Specificity of fungicides appears to be
restricted to the fungal genera level, not the species level. Various types of
application equipment are available to apply fungicides to crops. Fungi develop resistance to certain fungicides, and several techniques have also been
developed to manage fungicide resistance in pathogens. All of these issues
are discussed in this chapter.
Among the various methods of disease management, chemical methods
appear to be the most important. Many farmers believe that control of crop
diseases is possible only by using fungicides, as they reduce diseases dramatically. Chemical control of diseases has been attempted since the occurrence of diseases became known. There is a mention of the use of a fungicide in the Indo-Aryan Vedas, which date from perhaps around 1500 B.C.
Around 1000 B.C., the Greeks were applying practical chemical control
against diseases. The Roman Caius Plinius Secundus (23 to 79 A.D.), in his
writings Historia Naturalis, described treatment of cereal seeds with wine
or a concoction of cypress leaf extract to control mildew. In his text
Pelzbuch, Gottfried von Franken, a German who lived around 1230 A.D.,
gave advice on treatment of cankers of cherry and some other fruit diseases.
William Forsyth (1737-1804), from Scotland, published a book in 1802
in which he recommended urine and lime-water treatment to control mildew
of fruit trees. He also stated that decoction of tobacco, sulfur, unslaked lime,
and elder buds (Sambuscus) in boiling water controls powdery mildew.
Benedict Prevost (1755-1819), in a monograph published in 1807, recommended the use of copper sulfate as a seed treatment to control bunt disease
of wheat. He demonstrated that at a concentration of 1:10,000 copper sulfate killed the fungus, without damaging the seeds. Thomas Andrew Knight
(1759-1838) in 1817 reported that sulfur controls scab (Venturia pirina) in
pear trees. John Robertson (1824) from Ireland showed that mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa var. persicae) is controlled by a mixture of sulfur in soapsuds, the soap acting as a spreader and sticker. In 1833, William Kenrick
(1789-1872) from the United States published The New American Orchardist, in which he advocated the use of sulfur and quick lime, mixed in boiling
water and diluted for use with cold water, to control diseases. Knight (1842)
also showed that application of lime and sulfur controlled peach leaf curl
(Taphrina deformans).
Several fungicides have been developed out of necessity. In 1848, the
vine industry in France was severely affected because of outbreak of powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) in grapevine. In 1855, a fine form of sulfur
was produced to control grape powdery mildew (McCallan, 1967). Later,
downy mildew became severe in grapevine. The most important discovery
in the field of chemical control is that of Bordeaux mixture in 1885. Vine
growers in Bordeaux, France, were having problems with people stealing
grapes from different parts of the vineyard, which bordered a road. They
sprayed a mixture of copper sulfate and hydrated lime over the vines to deter
people from stealing. This spray gave the grapes a blue color and reduced
the amount of theft. Pierre Millardet, a professor working at the University
of Bordeaux, observed that vines treated with this mixture of chemicals
were almost free from downy mildew. In 1885, Millardet demonstrated the
efficacy of this mixture, called Bordeaux mixture, in the control of grapevine downy mildew in a field experiment. Since then, Bordeaux mixture has
become the most used fungicide, and it is still in use today, even after more
than 100 years, for the control of fungal diseases on a wide range of crops.
Organomercurial compounds were developed for seed treatment in the
early 1900s. The first organomercurial seed treatment for control of bunt of
wheat was introduced by E. Riehm (1914). The Bayer company from Germany introduced the first commercial organomercurial fungicide, Uspulam.
Subsequently, Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) (U.K.) developed the
organomercurial fungicides Ceresan in 1929 and Agrosan G in 1933. Mercurial fungicides were popular for more than five decades, and now many
countries have banned their use because of environmental pollution problems. In 1934, the DuPont Company discovered the first organic fungicides,
the dithiocarbamates. Several dithiocarbamates such as zineb, maneb, man-
cozeb, and thiram were introduced within a span of another ten years. All of
these sulfur, copper, mercury, and dithiocarbamate fungicides are protectants or surface fungicides. They do not penetrate plants and cannot cure
disease. They are also subject to weathering.
In the 1960s, a new group of fungicides appeared which could enter
plants and be translocated to different parts of plants. Called systemic fungicides, they also had curative action. Their discovery revolutionized the
chemical control approach, and a new era had begun. Several chemical
companies in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland,
France, and Japan introduced numerous fungicides during the next 30 years.
Several ready-formulated fungicide mixtures have also been released.
Several commercial companies are involved in the development of fungicides. Numerous compounds are screened to select compounds with fungicidal action. The selected compounds are tested against a wide range of
pathogens in the laboratory, particularly against economically important
pathogens affecting crops of high commercial value and causing heavy
losses in those crops cultivated in vast areas. When thousands of chemicals
are screened, a large number of chemicals with some fungitoxicity can be
identified. These compounds undergo stringent secondary tests which identify the concentration at which the compound loses its efficacy, compared to
a suitable standard fungicide. The compound should be active at a low concentration (normally at 10 to 25 ppm) to merit elevation to the next stage.
Further tests include laboratory and greenhouse studies to assess the efficacy of the selected compounds against test diseases in the appropriate
hosts. Normally, these tests will be initially conducted with a single target
pathogen (most important pathogen), and then the selected compound will
be tested against other taxonomically related pathogens.
Many more tests are required to develop a compound as a commercial
fungicide. The selected compounds should have a broad disease-control
spectrum and an extended control period. Their mobility after application in
the plant should be assessed. The curative properties of the compounds
should also be explored. The absence of curative activity is a disadvantage
unless systemicity or the potential to redistribute in the crop is demonstrated. Immobile protectant activity alone may limit the use of the candidate chemical. The product should be compatible with other products, and
the formulations should be easy to use. The selected chemical should be
safe to the crops (without phytotoxicity). Several fungi are known to develop resistance to fungicides. Antiresistance activity of the selected chemi-
cals should be tested. The selected chemical should be cost effective, the
dosage required to control diseases should be low, and it should require
fewer treatments per season.
The candidate chemical should be safe to users and consumers of the
treated product and be environmentally acceptable (Waxman, 1998). The
following toxicological data are required for the registration of a fungicide:
acute oral toxicity, acute dermal toxicity, acute inhalation toxicity, primary
eye irritation, dermal sensitization, acute delayed neurotoxicity, subchronic
oral toxicity, subchronic dermal toxicity, subchronic inhalation toxicity,
subchronic neurotoxicity, chronic toxicity, oncogenicity, reproduction, teratogenecity, mutagenecity, metabolism, and pharmacology.
All of these tests are very expensive. It has been estimated that one out of
about 120,000 compounds may satisfy all these requirements and be developed as a commercial product. The average cost of developing one new synthetic compound is approximately 200 million dollars, and it takes about
eight years to launch a product. Two-thirds of the total cost is attributed to
biological efficacy trials, and toxicological and environmental safety tests
alone may account for 60 percent of this cost. An estimated 570 million dollars is spent annually on research and development by the leading 15 agrochemical companies (Knight et al., 1997).
Several chemical industries in different parts of the world are involved in
the development and marketing of fungicides. Novartis (Ciba-Geigy and
Sandoz), Bayer, Rhone-Poulenc, BASF, DuPont, AgrEvo, Rohm and Haas,
Ishihara, and Zeneca (ICI) are the major suppliers of fungicides in the
world. Their sales of fungicides exceed $4 billion annually. Mancozeb, copper,
chlorothalonil, sulfur, propiconazole, tebuconazole, metalaxyl, epoxiconazole, benomyl, iprodione, cyproconazole, maneb, carbendazim, tricyclazole,
prochloraz, oxadixyl, vinclozolin, flusilazole, fosetyl-Al, cyproconazole, thiophanate-methyl, edifenphos, thiabendazole, fenpropimorph, procymidone,
bayleton, penconazole, triflumizole, triphenyl tin, and fenbuconazole are
the major active ingredients sold in the market (Hewitt, 1998). Their sales
alone exceed $3.5 billion annually.
Common, Chemical, and Trade Names of Fungicides
The common names, chemical names, and trade names of fungicides
available in the world market are given in the following list. The common
names are followed by chemical names (in parentheses) and trade names of
each fungicide.
anilazine (2,4-dichloro-6-(2-chloroanilino)-1,3,5-triazine)B622,
Botrysan, Direz, Dyrene, Kemate, Triasyn, Direx, Zinochlor, Triazine
azoxystrobin ( -methoxyacrylate)Amistar, ICIA5504, Quadris,
Abound, Bankit, Heritage, Ortiva
benalaxyl (methyl N-phenylacetyl-N-2,6-xylyl-DL-alaninate)Galben,
M9834, Tairel, Trecatol
benodanil (2-iodobenzanilide)Calirus, BAS3170F
benomyl (methyl 1-(butylcarbamoyl) benzimidazol-2 yl carbamate)
Benlate, Benex, Fundazol, Fibenzol, Benosan, Hockley Benomyl
binapacryl (2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenyl 3-methylcrotonate)Acricid,
Endosan, Morocide, Ambox, Dapacryl, Morocid, Hoe2784
biphenyl (1,1'-biphenyl)Lemonene, PhenadorX, Phenylbenzene
bitertanol (1-(biphenyl-4 yloxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1 yl)
butan-2-ol)Baycor, Baymat, Sibutol, Biloxazol, Bay KWG 0599
blasticidin S (antibiotic)Bla-S
Bordeaux mixture (mixture of copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide)
Comac, Bordeaux 13 percent, Bordeaux Mixture 13 percent,
Bordeaux Mixture 20 percent, Bordeaux Mixture 27 percent,
Bouillie Bordelaise RSR
bronopol (2-bromo-2-nitro-1,3-propanediol)Bronocot, Bronotak
bupirimate (5-butyl-2-ethylamino-6-methylpyrimidin-4-yl
dimethylsulfamate)Nimrod, Nimrod T, PP588
buthiobate (butyl 4-tert-butylbenzyl N-(3-pyridyl) dithiocarbonimidate)
Denmert, S1358
captafol (cis N-[(1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethyl)thio] 4-cyclohexene-1,2dicarboximide)Difolatan, Haipen, Ortho5865, Merpafol, Pillartan,
captan (N-[(trichloromethyl)thio]-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboximide)
Orthocide, Pillarcap, Merpan, Vondcaptan, Captan 50, Captanex,
Captaf, Drexel
carbendazim (methyl benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate)Bavistin, BAS 346F,
Derosal, Battal, Focal, Hoe 17411, Delsene, Stempor, Derroprene,
Equitdazin, Kemdazin, Virolex, Lignasan, Pillarstin, Custos, Triticol
carboxin (5,6-dihydro-2-methyl-1,4-oxathiine-3-carboxanilide)Vitavax,
Kemikar, D 735, Kisvax, Vitavax 34, Enhance, ProGro, Vitavax 30C
carpropamid (1RS,3SR)-2,2-dichloro-N-[1-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-1ethyl-3-ethylcyclopropane carboxamide)Win, KTU 3616
chloranil (tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone)Spergon
chloroneb (1,4-dichloro-2,5-dimethoxybenzene)Terraneb, Demosan
chloropicrin (trichloronitromethane)Chlor-O-Pic, TriChlor,
Dojyopicrin, Dolochlor, Acquinite, PicClor
chlorothalonil (2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile)Bravo 500, Bombardier, Daconil 2787, Exotherm Termil, Clortocaffaro, Notar, Faber,
Repulse, Tuffcide, Clortosip, Kavach
chlozolinate (ethyl 3-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-5-methyl-2,4-dioxooxazolidine-5-carboxylate)Serinal, Manderol, M 8164
copper hydroxide (dicopper trihydroxide)Kocide 101
copper oxychloride (copper chloride oxide hydrate)Blitox, Coprantol,
Coptox, Cupravit, Cuprocaffaro, Cuprokylt, Cobox, Fytolan, Kauritil,
Recop, Vitigran, Cuprosan, Viricuivre, Cekuper
copper sulfate (copper sulfate)Comac Bordeaux Plus, Triangle, Blue
Viking, Vencedor, Sulfacop, Phyton27
cufraneb (dithiocarbamate complex containing copper, manganese, iron,
and zinc)Cufram Z
cuprous oxide (dicopper oxide)CopperSandoz, Cobre Sandoz, Kupfer
Sandoz, Copper Nordox, Perenox, Yellow Cuprocide, Caocobre,
cycloheximide (4(2 R)-2[(1S, 3S, 5S)-(3,5-dimethyl-2-oxocyclohexyl)]-2hydroxyethyl) piperidine-2,6-dione)Actidione, Actispray, Hizarocin
cymoxanil (1-(2-cyano-2-methoxyiminoacetyl)-3-ethylurea)Curzate,
DPX 3217
cyproconazole (1,2,4-triazole)Alto, Atemi, Sentinel, Baycor 25
cyprodanil (anilinopyrimidine)Unix
cyprofuram ( -[N-(3-chlorophenyl)cyclopropanecarboxamido]- butyrolactone)Vinicur, SN 78314, Stanza
diazoben (sodium p-(dimethylamino)-benzene diazosulfonate)Dexon
dichlobutrazol ((2RS,3RS)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1H1,2,4-triazol-1-yl) pentan-3-ol)Vigil
dichlofluanid (N-dichlorofluoromethylthio-N',N'-dimethyl-Nphenylsulphamide)Elvaron, Euparen, Euparene, Bay 47531
dichlone (2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone)Quintar, Phygon
dichlorophen (4,4'-dichloro-2,2'-methylenediphenol)Super Mosstox,
Mosstox, Bio Moss Killer, Panacide
diclomezine (6-(3,5-dichloro-4-methyl-phenyl)-3(2H)pyridazinone)
dicloran (2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline)Botran, Allisan, Resisan, Kiwi
Lustr, Marisan, Scleran, Sclerosan, DCNA, Ditranil
difulmetorim (RS-5-chloro-N[1-(4-difluoromethoxy phenyl)propyl]-6methyl-primidin-4-ylamine)Pyricut, UBF002EC
dimethirimol (5-butyl-2-dimethylamino-6-methylpyrimidin-4-ol)
dimethomorph ((E,Z)-4-[3-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(3,4dimethoxyphenyl)acrylolyl] morpholine)Acrobat, Forum
(,7)octacosa-8,14,16,18,20-pentaene-25-carboxylic acid)]
polyoxins [5-(2-amino-5-O-(aminocarbonyl)-2-deoxy-L-xylonyl)amino]1,5-dideoxy-1-[3,4-dihydro-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2,4-dioxo-1(2H)pyrimidinyl]- -D-allofuranuronic acid (polyoxin B); 1-5-[[2-amino-5O-(aminocarbonyl)-2-deoxy-L-xylonyl]amino]-5-deoxy- -Dallofuranuronosyl]-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2,4-dioxo-5-pyrimidinacid
(polyoxin D)Polyoxin AL-polyoxin B, Piomycin-polyoxin B,
Polyoxin Z-polyoxin D zinc salt, Piomy, Pio
probenazole (3-allyloxy-1,2- benzoisothiazole 1,1-dioxide)Oryzemate,
prochloraz (1-N-propyl-N-[2-(2,4,6trichlorophenoxy)ethyl]carbamoylimidazole)Sportak, Sporgon
procymidone (N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-1,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1,2dicarboximide)Sumilex, Sumisclex, S-7131
propamocarb hydrochloride (propyl 3-(dimethylamino)propylcarbamate
hydrochloride)Filex, Previcur N, SN 66752, Prevex, Banol
propiconazole (1-[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3-dioxolan-2ylmethyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole)Radar, Tilt, Desmel, Banner, CGA
64250, Bumper, Orbit, Alamo
propineb (polymeric zinc propylenebis(dithiocarbamate))Antracol, Bay
46131, LH 30/Z, Airone, Taifen
propionamide (N-(1-cyano-1,2-dimethyl propyl)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)
pyrazophos (O,O-diethyl-O- (5-methyl-6-ethoxy-carbonyl-pyrazolol
(1,5a)-pyrimid-2-yl)thionophosphate)Afugan, Curamil, Missile, Hoe
02873, Pokon Mildew Spray
pyrifenox (2',4'-dichloro-2-(3-pyridyl)acetophenone O-methyloxime)
Dorado, ACR3651 A, Ro 151297
pyroquilon (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyrrolo(3,2,1-ij)quinolin-4-one)
Fongoren, Fongorene, CGA 49104
quinoxyfen (4-phenoxyquinoline)DE795
quintozene (pentachloronitrobenzene)Brassicol, Tubergran, Terraclor,
Folosan, Tritisan, Saniclor, Avicol, Kobutol, Pentagen, Botrilex, Kobu,
Earthcide, Turfcide, RTU-PCNB, PCNB, Quintozene, Tilcarex,
spiroxamine (spiroketal)Impulse, KWG 4168
sulfur (sulfur)Kumulus, Solfa, Thiovit, Cosan, Thiolux, Thion, Sulfex,
Elosal, Suffa, Super Six, Sulfur Alfa, Microthiol Special
carbendazim+hexaconazole (Planete R)
carbendazim+iprodione (Vitesse)
carbendazim+mancozeb (Kombat WDG)
carbendazim+mancozeb+sulfur (Kombat S)
carbendazim+maneb (MultiW FL, Delsene M Flowable, Delsene
MX Septal, Bavistin M, Bavistin M72, Headland Dual, Legion)
carbendazim+maneb+sulfur (Bolda FL)
carbendazim+maneb+tridemorph (Cosmic FL)
carbendazim+prochloraz (Sportak Alpha)
carbendazim+propiconazole (Hispor 45 WP)
carbendazim+tecnazene (Hortag Tecnacarb Dust, Arena Plus)
carbendazim+thiram+gamma HCH (Gammalex Liquid)
carbendazim+vinclozolin (Konker)
carboxin+captan (Enhance)
carboxin+diazinon+lindane (Germate Plus)
carboxin+imazalil+thiabendazole (Cerevax Extra, Vitavax Extra)
carboxin+maneb+lindane (Enhance Plus)
carboxin+metalaxyl+quintozene (Prevail)
carboxin+PCNB (VitavaxPCNB)
carboxin+phenylmercury acetate (Murganic RPB)
carboxin+thiabendazole (Cerevax)
carboxin+thiram (Vitavax200, Vitavax 75W, RTUVitavax Thiram,
Vitavax Flo)
carboxin+thiram+gamma HCH (Vitavax RS Flowable)
carboxin+thiram+lindane (Gustafson Vitavax-Thiram-Lindane)
chlorothalonil+carbendazim (Bravocarb)
chlorothalonil+copper oxychloride (Clortocaffaro Ramato)
chlorothalonil+fenpropimorph (Corbel CL, Corbel-Star, CorbelFort)
chlorothalonil+flutriafol (Impact Excel, Halo)
chlorothalonil+metalaxyl (Folio 575 FW, Ridomil plus Bravo W,
Ridomil CT)
chlorothalonil+propamocarb (Tattoo C)
copper oxychloride+copper carbonate+copper sulfate+mancozeb
copper oxychloride+copper sulfate+copper carbonate+folpet
copper oxychloride+maneb+sulfur (Ashlade SMC)
copper oxychloride+sulfur (Wacker 83 and Wacker 83v)
copper oxychloride+zineb (Miltox)
copper sulfate+cufraneb (Comac Macuprax)
copper sulfate+sulfur (Stoller, TopCop)
mancozeb+pyrifenox (Furado)
maneb+zinc oxide (Mazin)
maneb+zineb (Luxan Zinnanaat, Triziman, Vondozeb)
metalaxyl+copper (Ridomil plus)
metalaxyl+copper+folpet (Acylon)
metalaxyl+folpet (Ridomil combi)
metalaxyl+metiram (Arcerid)
metalaxyl+PCNB (ApronTerraclor, Ridomil PC)
metalaxyl+thiabendazole+furathiocarb (Rapcol TZ)
metalaxyl+thiabendazole+thiram (Apron Combi 453 FS)
methyl bromide+chloropicrin (Methyl Bromide-Chloropicrin
methylisothiocyanate+dichloropropene (Vorlex)
metiram+cymoxanil (Aviso DF, Aviso G, Aviso C, Aviso S, Aviso)
metiram+cymoxanil+copper oxychloride (Aviso Cup)
metiram+metiram zinc (Polycarbacin)
metiram+nitrothal-isopropyl (Pallinal, Pallitop)
metiram+ofurace (Aviso Combi)
nuarimol+chlorothalonil (Guardaton)
nuarimol+imazalil (Elanco Seed Treatment)
nuarimol+mancozeb (Tridal M)
oxadixyl+cymoxanil+dithiocarbamate+phtalimide (Ripost, Pulsan)
oxadixyl+propineb (Vitiril, Fruvit)
oxine-copper+copper hydroxide (Kinset WP)
penconazole+captan (Topas C)
penconazole+mancozeb (Topas MZ)
phenylmercury acetate+gamma HCH (Mergamma 30)
prochloraz+carbendazim (Sportak Alpha, Sportak Alpha/PF)
prochloraz+carbendazim+tebuconazole (Troika)
prochloraz+carboxin (Abavit)
prochloraz+cyproconazole (Sportak Delta 460, Sportak
Delta/Tiptor, Tiptor)
prochloraz+fenpropidin (Sponsor)
prochloraz+fenpropimorph (Sprint, Sprint HF)
prochloraz+manganese chloride complex (Octave)
propamocarb+mancozeb (Tatoo)
propiconazole+carbendazim (Tilt CB)
propiconazole+chlorothalonil (Tilt CT)
propiconazole+fenpropidin (Zenit)
propiconazole+fenpropimorph (Archer,Tilt Top)
propiconazole+imazalil+thiabendazole (Benit Universal)
propiconazole+tridemorph (Tilt Turbo)
propineb+oxadixyl (Fruvit)
sulfur+nitrothal-isopropyl (Kumulan)
tebuconazole+imazalil (Premis Delta)
tecnazene+organo iodine (Bygran F)
tecnazene+thiabendazole (Hytec Super, Storite SS)
thiabendazole+imazalil (Extratect Flowable)
thiabendazole+thiram (HYTL, Ascot 480 FS, HyVic, RTU Flowable
Soybean Fungicide)
thiabendazole+thiram+gamma HCH (New Hysede FL)
thiram+gamma-HCH (Hydraquard, Hysede FL)
triadimenol+thiram (RTU-Baytan-Thiram)
triadimenol+tridemorph (Dorin)
triticonazole+anthraquinone (Real)
triticonazole+iprodione (Raxil Complex)
vinclozolin+chlorothalonil (Ronilan Spezial)
vinclozolin+maneb (Ronilan M)
vinclozolin+thiram (Ronilan T-Combi, Silbos DF)
Laboratory-tested active ingredients alone are not normally useful for
field application and are rarely applied in their pure form. These active ingredients are formulated to make them suitable for large-scale field use.
Formulations are vehicles that enable the active ingredient to be applied under a variety of conditions without loss in performance. These formulations
should be safe to the crop, easy to handle, and compatible with other major
products. The ideal formulation should deliver the fungicide (active ingredient) in a manner that maintains its intrinsic activity or enhances its performance through enhanced redistribution or mobility. The formulation should
reduce losses through volatile action and increase the persistence of the
product for a long time. Formulation strategies may need to be designed for
each type of active ingredient. If the selected active material acts by redistribution in the crop through the vapor phase, the formulation should not inhibit volatile action of the active ingredient. Similarly, if the active ingredient acts as a surface-acting protectant, the formulation, which prevents
wash-off in rain by increasing penetration of the fungicide into the plant,
will lose its activity.
Active ingredients are normally mixed with inert (inactive) ingredients
so that the mixture can be handled more conveniently and safely and can be
applied more easily and efficiently. The formulations also consist of several
Adjuvants are materials added to improve some chemical or physical property of a plant protectant. Adjuvants increase efficiency of the products and
reduce drift. The adjuvants used in the fungicide formulations are wetting
agents, dispersing agents, spreaders, stickers, UV filters, surfactants, emulsifiers, foam suppressors, penetrants, and drift control agents.
Emulsifiers are chemicals that assist the formation of suspension of small
droplets (often of colloidal dimensions) of one liquid in another in which the
former is insoluble. They help in the formation of an emulsion comprising
small spheres of organic solvent/fungicide in the sprayer.
Foam suppressors are surface-active substances that form a fast-draining
foam to provide maximum contact of the spray to the plant surface.
Penetrants are wetting agents, oils, or oil concentrates that enhance the absorption of a systemic fungicide by the plant. Agri-Dex, Induce, and
Penetrator are the commercially available penetrants.
Stickers facilitate persistence of the applied fungicide on foliage even during rain.
Surfactants are surface-active agents capable of dissolving in both water
and organic solvents, and therefore, they can help in mixing water-insoluble
fungicides in water. Surfactants reduce surface tension through adsorption
at air-water or water-solid interfaces. The active ingredients are generally
insoluble in water but soluble in lipophilic, organic solvents such as cyclohexane and xylene. The solvents are used in fungicide formulations. The
fungicide dissolved in organic solvents would not be miscible with water in
the spray tank and therefore would not be delivered during the application
process. Surfactants help in forming suspension of fungicides in water. Surfactants have several functions. These include retention of the spray, wetting
of the leaf surface, and enhancement of uptake of the active ingredient. Surfactants in fungicide formulations increase penetration of the fungicide into
the plant subsurface. Surfactant sorption by plant cuticles has been demonstrated. Water-soluble surfactants increase spray droplet size compared to
water alone (Ellis and Tuck, 2000). Polyethoxy derivatives (Triton X surfactants) and Tween 85, Tween 21, Tween 80, Tween 40, and Tween 20 are the
important surfactants.
UV filters increase photolytic stability of the fungicide on foliage.
Wetting agents and dispersing agents are added to assist in particle suspension during application.
metalaxyl, myclobutanil, oxine-copper, oxycarboxin, penconazole, pencycuron, pentachlorophenol, pimaricin, prochloraz, procymidone, pyrifenox,
pyroquilon, thiabendazole, thiophanate, thiophanate-methyl, thiram, tolclofosmethyl, tolyfluanid, triadimenol, triforine, zineb, and ziram are mostly formulated as wettable powders. Several wettable powder trade products are
available. Trade names and suppliers include Adagio (chlorothalonil+
mancozeb, PBI Agrochemicals), Carbendazim (carbendazim, High Kite),
Clortocaffaro Ramato (chlorothalonil+copper oxychloride, Caffaro), Cosan
(wettable sulfur, Hoechst), Dithane M-45 (mancozeb, Rohm and Haas),
Fungitex (thiram, Protex), Gilmore Benomyl (benomyl, Gilmore), Gilmore
Enidod (dodine, Gilmore), Hymush (thiabendazole, Agrichem), KOP-Hydroxide 50 (copper hydroxide, Drexel), Microcop 50 (copper oxychloride,
Probe), M.S.S. Patafol (mancozeb+ofurace, Mirfields), Neoram (copper
oxychloride, Caffaro), Quintozene wettable powder (quintozene, RhonePoulenc Environmental), Rovral (iprodione, Rhone-Poulenc), SF-101 50
SF (ditalimfos, Intermed), Suffa 90 (micronized wettable powder sulfur,
Drexel), Sulfex (wettable sulfur, Excel), Topsin M (thiophanate-methyl, Elf
Atochem), Triadimefon (triadimefon, High Kite), Trimanex (mancozeb,
Protex), Vinclozolin (vinclozolin, High Kite), Virolex (carbendazim, Protex),
and Vitigran (copper oxychloride, Hoechst).
Dustable Powder (Dust)
Dustable powder formulations are similar to wettable powders, as both
are manufactured by grinding the fungicide, together with a solid diluent, in
a ball mill. The particle size of the dust formulations is about 10 M. Particle size is very important. If the diameter is too small, the particles will coagulate, and if the particle size is too large, the activity of it will be significantly reduced. Mercurous chloride is available only as a dust formulation.
Dust formulations of copper oxychloride, dichlofluanid, dicloran, ditalimfos,
dodine, edifenphos, etridiazole, folpet, flutolanil, fthalide, hymexazol, iprobenfos, isoprothiolane, kasugamycin, mancozeb, mepronil, pencycuron,
procymidone, tecnazene, tolclofos-methyl, sulfur, and zineb are available.
Dust formulation is liable to drift, and it may drift long distances from the
treated area, even when wind velocities are low. Trade names of some
dustable dusts are Fluidosoufre (powdered sulfur, Elf Atochem Agri.), Arena 6
(tecnazene, Tripart Farm Chemicals), Arena Plus (tecnazene+ carbendazim,
Tripart Farm Chemicals), Atlas Tecnazene 6 percent dust (tecnazene, Atlas), and Maneb 80 (maneb, Pennwalt).
Soluble Concentrate
The active ingredient in a soluble concentrate formulation is soluble in
water and is formulated either with water or with a solvent such as alcohol,
which mixes readily with water. This formulation forms a true solution in
water in the spray tank. Soluble concentrate formulations of dichlorophen,
dimethirimol, guazatine, 8-hydroxyquinoline sulphate, nabam, propamocarb, and propiconazole are available.
Suspension Concentrate
A suspension concentrate formulation is similar to a soluble concentrate,
but the active ingredient is only partially soluble in water. The active ingredient is ground to a fine powder (about 5 M), suspended in either water or
in an organic liquid, and then blended with a solid inert material and suitable
adjuvants. The efficacy of suspension concentrates depends on the type
of adjuvants added to them. Suspension concentrate formulations form suspension in water in the spray tank. Flutriafol is available only in this form.
Carboxin, dithianon, drazolon, ethirimol, fenarimol, fentin acetate, folpet,
fthalide, hexaconazole, mepronil, oxine-copper, procymidone, thiophanate,
and tolclofos-methyl are available as suspension concentrates. Rovral Flo
(iprodione, Rhone-Poulenc) is the trade name of a suspension concentrate.
Water Miscible Concentrate
This type of concentrate formulation is miscible with water. Banol
(propamocarb, AgrEvo) is the commercially available water miscible concentrate.
Flowable Formulations
Flowable formulations are also called water-dispersible suspensions.
The active ingredients in these formulations may not be soluble in water or
in commonly available organic solvents. The active ingredient is impregnated on a diluent such as clay and milled to an extremely fine powder. The
powder is then suspended in a small amount of liquid so that the resulting
formulation is thick, like paste or cream. The flowables are mixed with water to form suspensions in the spray tank. Flowables are similar to wettable
powders but are in suspension. They combine the benefits of both wettable
powders and emulsifiable concentrates. Flowable formulations are available as flowable concentrate (carboxin, iprodione), flowable suspension
(mancozeb, maneb, copper sulfate), and flowable liquid (mancozeb, fenbuconazole). Dry flowables (maneb, carbendazim) are also available. Flowables in general are very finely divided powders.
Trade names of some flowable formulations of fungicides are Agrichem
Maneb Dry Flowable (maneb, Agrichem), Anchor FL (oxadixyl, Gustafson), Captan 4L Flowable (a flowable formulation containing four pounds
of captan per gallon, Drexel), Captan 4 Flowable Seed Protectant (a flowable fungicide used for seed treatment, Drexel), Captan Plus Molybdenum
Flowable Liquid Seed Treatment for Soybeans (captan+molybdenum, Drexel),
Carbate Flowable (carbendazim, Pan Britannica), Chloroneb 300 Fungicide
Flowable (chloroneb, Kincaid), Clortocaffaro Flow (chlorothalonil, Caffaro), Cuproxat Flowable (copper sulfate tribasic, Agrolinz), Delsene (a dry
flowable carbendazim, DuPont), Dithane Dry Flowable (mancozeb, Pan
Britannica), Enable (fenbuconazole, liquid flowable, Rohm and Haas),
Extratect Flowable (thiabendazole+imazalil, MSD Agvet), Gilmore Carbendazim 750g DF (dry flowable carbendazim, Gilmore), Gustafson Baytan 30 (a flowable systemic seed treatment triadimenol fungicide, Gustafson), Imber (flowable sulfur, Tripart Farm Chemicals), KOP-300 (copper
sulfate tribasic, Drexel), Legion (carbendazim+maneb, Tripart Farm Chemicals), Manzate 200 DF (mancozeb dry flowable formulation, DuPont),
Nustar (flusilazole dry flowable formulation, DuPont), Rizolex Flowable
(tolclofos-methyl, AgrEvo), Pasta Caffaro (copper oxychloride, 25 percent
copper metal in flowable formulation, Industrie Chimiche Caffaro), Rovral
(iprodione, oily and aqueous flowable concentrates, Rhone-Poulenc), RTUBaytan-Thiram (triadimenol+thiram, Gustafson), RTU Flowable Soybean
Fungicide (thiram+thiabendazole, Gustafson), RTU-PCNB (quintozene,
Gustafson), RTU-Vitavax-Thiram (carboxin+ thiram, Gustafson), Suffa
(flowable 6 pound elemental sulfur, Drexel), Suffa 8 (flowable 8 pound elemental sulfur, Drexel), Super-Tin 4L (flowable fentin hydroxide, Chiltren),
Tecto Flowable Turf Fungicide (thiabendazole, Vitax), That Flowable Sulfur (sulfur, Stoller), Thiovit (dry flowable micronised sulfur, Sandoz),
Topsin M (thiophanate-methyl, Flowable, Elf Atochem), Victor (carbendazim+chlorathalonil+maneb, Tripart Farm Chemicals), Vitavax-200
(carboxin+thiram, Gustafson), Vitavax-30 C (carboxin, Gustafson), Vitavax34 (carboxin, Gustafson), Vitavax-Extra (carboxin+imazalil+thiabendazole, Gustafson), Vitavax- PCNB (carboxin+quintozene, Gustafson), WackerKupferkalk (copper oxychloride, Wacker), Flowable Sulphur (sulfur, CMI),
Ziram Flowable (ziram, Elf Atochem), and Ziram Dry Flowable (ziram, Elf
Water-Soluble Bag
Some wettable and soluble powders are marketed in water-soluble bags.
When formulations in soluble bags are placed directly in the spray tank, the
bags dissolve. This type of packaging eliminates the need to measure the
fungicide for addition to the spray tank. The trade names of fungicidecontaining water-soluble bags are Contact 75 (chlorothalonil, ISK Biotech)
and Topsin M (thiophanate-methyl, water-soluble bag, Elf Atochem).
Water-Soluble Granule
Granules are very much like dusts except that the inert materials are
much larger. Size of granule formulations ranges from 300 to 1,700 M.
Liquid formulations of the active ingredient are added to particles of clay or
other porous materials such as walnut shells and corn cobs. Granular formulations are used exclusively for soil treatment. Granular formulations have
the merits of little scatter and small loss. They are soluble in water. When
applied to soil, the active ingredients are released gradually from the inert
material. Granular formulations of flusilazol, furalaxyl, hexaconazole, iprobenfos, isoprothiolane, kasugamycin, metalaxyl, pyroquilon, and tecnazene
are available in the market. Trade names of some granular formulations are
Arena Granules (tecnazene, Tripart Farm Chemicals), Atlas Tecgran 100
(tecnazene, Atlas), Bygran F (tecnazene+organo iodine, Wheatley), Bygran
S (tecnazene, Wheatley), Hystore 10 (tecnazene, Agrichem), Moncut (flutolanil, Nihon Nohyaku), and Thiovit (micronized wettable granular sulfur
fungicide, Pan Britannica).
Water-Dispersible Granule
Water-dispersible granule formulations are similar to water-soluble granules. However, the active ingredient is not easily soluble in water. Waterdispersible formulations of copper oxychloride, cuprous oxide, and pentachlorophenol have been developed. Trade names of some water-dispersible
granules are Dithane DF (mancozeb, Rohm and Haas), Kumulus DF (sulfur,
BASF), Microthiol Special (micronized granular sulfur, Elf Atochem North
America), Penncozeb WDG (mancozeb, Cyanamid), Polyram DF (metiram
complex, BASF), Recop (copper oxychloride, Sandoz), and Topsin M (thiophanate-methyl, water dispersible granule, Elf Atochem).
Microgranular formulations of sulfur, fthalide, and iprobenfos have been
developed. The particle size of microgranules is 180 to 710 M. This formulation prevents drift of the active ingredient and gives uniform distribution. Trade names of some microgranule fungicides are Solfa (a free flowing
microgranule of sulfur, Atlas, U.K.), and Copper Sandoz (a water dispersible microgranular cuprous oxide fungicide, Sandoz Agro). Fthalide
and iprobenfos are also available as microgranule formulations.
Liquid Fungicide
Some fungicides have been developed as liquid fungicides. Liquid formulations of dodine, kasugamycin, lime sulfur, and ziram are available.
Trade names of some liquid fungicides are Bencarb (carbendazim, Productos
OSA), Impact (flutriafol+carbendazim+chlorothalonil+pyrazophos, Zeneca),
Hy-TL (thiram+thiabendazole, Agrichem), Jupiter (hexaconazole+fenpropidin, Zeneca), Mascot Contact Turf Fungicide (vinclozolin, Rigby Taylor),
Mascot Systemic Turf Fungicide (carbendazim, Rigby Taylor), MilcurbSuper (ethirimol, Zeneca), Mildothane Liquid (thiophanate-methyl, Hortichem), Mildothane Turf liquid (thiophanate-methyl, Rhone-Poulenc
Environmental), Milgo E (ethirimol, Zeneca), and Pennsuc S (fentin hydroxide+sulfur, Elf Atochem Agri).
Aqueous Suspension
In this formulation, the active ingredient is formulated as aqueous suspension.Trade names of some aqueous formulations are Cuperhidro (copper oxychloride, Grupo Bioquimico Mexicano), Cupertron (copper oxychloride, Grupo Bioquimico Mexicano), and Metacid 400 TS (thiram,
Grupo Bioquimico Mexicano).
Aqueous Solution
Dimethirimol and propamocarb have been developed as aqueous solution formulations.
Oil Dispersible Powder
Some fungicides have been formulated as oil dispersible powders. Trade
names of oil dispersible powders are Benlate OD (benomyl, DuPont) and
Gilmore Benomyl (benomyl, Gilmore).
Oil-Miscible Liquid
Oil miscible formulations of hexaconazole and pentachlorophenol are
ULV Formulation
An ultralow-volume (ULV) formulation is sprayed without any dilution,
at the rate of one-half gallon per acre. The formulation may contain only the
active ingredient or the active ingredient in a small amount of solvent. Special application equipment is needed to spray ULV formulations. Several
acres of the crop can be sprayed with a small amount of liquid with this formulation. Turbair Rovral (iprodione, Turbair) and Kasugamycin ULV liquid are the commercially available ULV fungicide formulations.
Oily Formulation
The commercially available oily formulation is Vondozeb (maneb+zineb,
Elf Atochem). It is mainly used in horticultural crops.
Paste Formulation
Some fungicides are developed as paste formulations. They are mainly
used for treating cuttings and pruning injuries. Copper oxychloride, oxinecopper, and ziram pastes are available.
Dry or Slurry Seed Treatment
Several fungicides have been formulated specifically for seed treatment.
Seed treatment wettable powder formulations of carboxin, etaconazole,
etridiazole, fenfuram, fuberidazole, furmecyclox, guazatine, hexachlorobenzene, hymexazol, mepronil, metalaxyl, metiram, oxine-copper, pencycuron, phenylmercury acetate, tolclofos-methyl, and triadimenol are available. Trade names of some dry/slurry seed treatment formulations available
in the market are Abavit (prochloraz+carboxin, Hoechst), Aliette III WG
(fosetyl+captan+carbendazim, Rhone-Poulenc), Apron Dry (metalaxyl, Gustafson), Apron-FL (metalaxyl, Gustafson), Baytan (triadimenol, Bayer),
Benit Universal (propiconazole+imazalil+thiabendazole, Novartis), Benlate
T (benomyl+thiram, DuPont), Beret (fenpiclonil, Novartis), Captan 30-DD
(fungicidal seed protectant [captan] with colorant, Gustafson), Captan 300
(fungicidal seed protectant without colorant, Gustafson), Carboxin (carboxin,
Melchemie), Celest (fludioxonil, Novartis), Cupromox (cuprous oxide,
Universal Crop), Dividend (difenoconazole, Novartis), Elanco Seed Treat-
hibiting their enzyme reactions. They may chelate and remove other essential metals. They may also block or interact with sulfhydryl groups of the
fungal enzymes. Copper ions cause membrane damage resulting in leakage
of metabolites from fungal cells.
Mercury Compounds
Organic and inorganic mercurial fungicides are used exclusively for seed
and soil treatment. All mercurial fungicides have lost their registration in
the United States because of their potential environmental damage and high
toxicity. However, a few mercurial fungicides are still allowed in some
countries. Mercurial ion reacts with enzymes having a reactive sulfhydryl
Tin Compounds
Another group of inorganic fungicides consists of tin compounds. These
compounds inhibit fungal growth by inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation
(suppressing energy production). They may inhibit mitochondrial ATPase
of fungal cells and may bind to protein membrane components and cause
extensive and nonspecific alterations in membrane functions, including permeability. These fungicides bind to several proteins, including those containing sulfhydryl groups of cysteine residues. Thus, tin fungicides may act
at multiple sites in fungal cells.
Dithiocarbamates are still one of the most important groups of organic
surface-protectant fungicides. The dithiocarbamates are divided into two
groups based on their modes of action: monoalkyldithiocarbamates and
dialkyldithiocarbamates. Monoalkyldithiocarbamates include zineb, maneb,
mancozeb, nabam, metiram, and metham, while dialkyldithiocarbamates
include thiram, ziram, and ferbam. The monoalkyldithiocarbamates possess
a reactive hydrogen on the nitrogen atom which permits the formation of a
highly toxic isothiocyanate. The toxicity of these fungicides appears to be
based on isothiocyanate generation. These fungicides alter permeability of
fungal cells. They inactivate thiol groups of essential enzymes.
Dialkyldithiocarbamates are strong chelating agents. They deprive fungal cells of essential heavy metals. The metals in a chelate complex would
permeate cell membranes more readily than the free metal ions. This will
lead to transport of excess heavy metals into fungal cells. The internally re-
leased heavy metals would inhibit enzyme activity. These fungicides may
form a complex with Cu2+ and bind enzymes or other cellular components
of fungi. The role of Cu2+ in coupling dialkyldithiocarbamates to proteins
has been well demonstrated. This coupling will lead to inhibition of fungal
enzyme activity or of other cellular functions. These dithiocarbamates catalyze rapid incorporation of Cu2+ into the diethyl ester of mesoporphyrin.
The toxicity of dithiocarbamates may result from incorporation of Cu2+ into
a porphyrin precursor of an essential heme-type pigment. Dialkyldithiocarbamates may form mixed disulfides with protein thiol groups and inhibit
enzyme activity. These fungicides inhibit copper-containing enzymes. Thus,
dialkyldithiocarbamates may act at multiple sites in fungal cells and may be
multisite biochemical inhibitors.
Captan, captafol, and folpet are the important surface-protectant phthalimide fungicides. Captafol and folpet are not marketed in the United States.
These fungicides may oxidize cellular thiol groups and inactivate thiol enzymes. They may reduce the level of glutathione in fungal cells. Respiration
is strongly inhibited by these fungicides. Several enzymes such as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, carboxylase, hexokinase, and aldolase in fungal cells are inhibited by these fungicides. They also inactivate
coenzyme-A. They have multiple sites of action in fungal metabolic systems.
Chlorothalonil is a chlorophenyl fungicide and an important surface
protectant. It markedly depresses the level of soluble and cell-bound thiol
groups in fungal cells. The fungicide inactivates the thiol enzymes alcohol
dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and malate
dehydrogenase. It does not inactivate nonthiol enzymes. Its fungicidal
mechanism appears to be based on thiol inactivation.
Dichlone and dithianon are the important fungicides in the quinone
group. Dichlone, which is not marketed in the United States, interferes with
the electron transport system in fungal cells. It uncouples oxidation from
phosphorylation in the normal electron transport pathway or diverts electrons through other pathways to oxygen not associated with high-energy
Quintozene is the important fungicide in the organochloride group. It
probably binds to hydrophobic regions in the fungal cell and interferes with
various processes such as membrane function, meiosis, or cell division processes. It may also affect nuclear processes.
Nitro Compounds
Nitro compounds uncouple oxidative phosphorylation and prevent the
incorporation of inorganic phosphate into ATP without affecting electron
transport in fungal cells. Cell death occurs due to the lack of energy for cellular metabolism.
Chlorinated Nitroanilines
Dicloran belongs to the chlorinated nitroaniline group. Inhibition of protein synthesis has been suggested as the toxic mechanism of dicloran. It affects nuclear stability in fungi and disorganizes cell growth and division.
Inhibition of Sterol Biosynthesis
Triazoles, Imidazoles, Pyridines, Pyrimidines, Piperazines,
Morpholines, Piperidines, Spiroxamines
Several systemic fungicides act by inhibiting sterol synthesis in fungi.
Sterols are commonly found in fungi, and ergosterol is the major fungal
sterol. Ergosterol is involved in the maintenance of membrane integrity, and
reduction in ergosterol synthesis results in membrane disruption and electrolyte leakage in fungal cells. The biosynthetic pathway of sterols involves
several steps. Sterols are formed from acetyl-CoA. Sterol biosynthesis inhibitors can be divided into two major groups based on their primary site of
action in the sterol biosynthetic pathway: (1) sterol C-14 demethylation inhibitors (DMI) and (2) sterol 8,7 isomerase and/or sterol 14 reductase
inhibitors. DMIs contain the most commercially valuable group of fungicides. The chemical families include triazoles, imidazoles, pyridines, pyrimidines, and piperazines. Several triazole fungicides are available on the
market. Imazalil, prochloraz, and triflumizole are the important imidazole
DMIs. Nuarimol and fenarimol are the important pyrimidine DMIs. Buthiobate and pyrifenox are the important pyridines. DMIs inhibit all groups of
fungi except those belonging to chromista and oomycota, as the ergosterol
Ethirimol, dimethirimol, and bupirimate are the important pyrimidine
fungicides. They act through the inhibition of adenosine deaminase, an enzyme in the purine salvage pathway. Adenosine deaminase is not present in
plants but is found in a wide range of fungi. However, the fungicides affect
the enzyme of powdery mildew fungi only.
Hymexazol is the important isoxazole fungicide. It inhibits DNA synthesis in fungal cells. RNA and protein synthesis is less affected, and DNA synthesis is regarded as the primary site of action of this fungicide. The other
isoxazole fungicide, drazoxolon, inhibits oxidative phosphorylation in fungi.
Inhibition of Respiration
Carboxin and oxycarboxin are the important fungicides in the carboxamide group. These fungicides are inhibitory to fungi belonging to basidiomycota. They inhibit succinate dehydrogenase complex in the respiratory
chain in fungi. Carboxin blocks membrane-bound succinate-ubiquinone
oxidoreductase activity in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. The
iron-sulfur cluster S3 complexed with small ubiquinone binding polypeptide(s) in a phospholipid environment appears to be the carboxin receptor in the succinic dehydrogenase complex. It also inhibits glucose and acetate oxidative metabolism. RNA and DNA syntheses are also inhibited,
which may be due to a lack of cellular energy resulting from the inhibition
of respiration.
Benodanil, fenfuram, mepronil, fluotanil, and furmecyclox also inhibit
respiration in fungi, and their mode of action is similar to carboxin.
Kresoxim-methyl and azoxystrobin are the important fungicides in the
strobilurin group. They are active in the inhibition of electron transfer in
complex III of the mitochondrial electron transport chain.
Famoxadone inhibits the function of the ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase enzyme at complex III.
Inhibition of Chitin Biosynthesis
Chitin is a component of several fungi; however, it is absent in fungi belonging to oomycota. Chitin synthase (chitin-UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyl
transferase) transfers N-acetylglucosamine from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine
to the chitin polymer. Polyoxins inhibit chitin synthesis. Polyoxins are similar to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and are competitive inhibitors of chitin
synthase. Polyoxins induce swelling and bursting of spore germ tubes and
hyphal tips, reactions that kill the fungus.
Inhibition of Melanin Biosynthesis
Tricyclazole and Pyroquilon
The pigment melanin is important in fungal pathogenicity. Melanization
of fungal appressorial walls is essential for the development of infection
hyphae and penetration of the host epidermis. Tricyclazole and pyroquilon
inhibit melanin synthesis and suppress fungal infection.
Carpropamid inhibits scytalone dehydratase (an enzyme involved in fungal melanin biosynthesis), effectively preventing the pathogen from penetrating the host plant. The fungicide has a dual mode of action. In addition to
inhibiting melanization, it also acts as an inducer of disease resistance. It induces lignification in rice plants. It also induces increased accumulation of
the phytoalexins momilactone A and sakuranetin (Thieron et al., 1998).
Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
Kasugamycin and Blasticidin S
Both antibiotics are inhibitors of protein synthesis in fungal cells. Kasugamycin binds to the 30S ribosomal subunit and inhibits protein synthesis.
Blasticidin S interacts with the larger ribosomal subunit and blocks the
binding site for incoming aminoacyl-tRNA molecules.
Dimethomorph suppresses cell wall formation in fungi belonging to
oomycota. However, Pythium spp. are not affected by this fungicide.
Fosetyl-aluminum shows specific activity against fungi belonging to
oomycota. This seems to be the only fungicide that moves through phloem.
It inhibits sporangial formation and zoospore release. It alters fungal cell
wall morphology. It may modify host defense mechanisms.
Dicarboximide and related compounds include iprodione, procymidone,
vinclozolin, and chlozolinate. They inhibit conidial germination and mycelial
growth. They induce swelling and bursting of hyphal cells. They alter lipid
metabolism and DNA synthesis in fungal cells. They may cause mitotic instability. Dicarboximides are known to inhibit certain flavin enzymes such
as NADPH-cytochrome c reductase. This action may result in an abnormal
electron flow producing active oxygen species such as H2O2 and superoxide
anion. It may lead to membrane destruction and various nonspecific toxic
Aminoacid Amide Carbamates
Iprovalicarb belongs to the aminoacid amide carbamate group. It inhibits
the growth of germ tubes of zoospores and sporangia, mycelial growth, and
sporulation of oomycota fungi.
Numerous fungicides have been commercially developed to manage fungal diseases. The efficacy of each fungicide in controlling crop diseases is
given in the following list. The common name of the fungicide alone is given.
The specificity of action of fungicides is normally restricted to the level of
genera of the fungi and not to the species level. For example, a fungicide that
is effective against the powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe graminis will be
effective against all other species of Erysiphe, including E. polygoni, E.
cichoracearum, and E. pisi. Similarly, a fungicide that is effective against
the rust fungus Puccinia graminis will be effective against all other Puccinia species. Hence, the diseases are indicated only by the genera of the
causal fungal pathogens. Furthermore, the specificity of a fungicide appears
to be against the groups of fungal pathogens that cause similar symptoms.
For example, a fungicide that is effective against one powdery mildew fungus, E. graminis, will be effective not only against other species of Erysiphe, but also against other genera of fungi causing powdery mildews, such
as Sphaerotheca, Uncinula, Leveillula, Oidium, Microsphaera, Podosphaera, and Phyllactinia. Names of some specific diseases are also given
in some places; this is mainly to indicate that the particular fungicide is
highly useful in the control of the particular disease. The common names of
the fungicides are given not according to importance but in alphabetical sequence.
Anilazinecontrols early and late blight of potato and tomato; glume
blotch of wheat; anthracnose in cucurbits; Pyrenophora, Botrytis,
Septoria, Colletotrichum, Cercospora, Helminthosporium, and
Alternaria diseases of various crops
Azoxystrobina broad spectrum fungicide; controls powdery mildews,
rusts, and downy mildews; Mycosphaerella, Phytophthora, Phomopsis,
Pyrenophora, Septoria, Rhizoctonia, and Alternaria diseases; also controls Claviceps purpurea and Monographella nivalis diseases;
Aphanomyces root rot of peas; and radish and club root of cabbage
Benalaxylcontrols diseases caused by oomycete fungal pathogens such
as Phytophthora, Plasmopara, Sclerospora, Pseudoperonospora, and
Benodanileffectively controls rust diseases; Rhizoctonia diseases;
Typhula in cereals
Benomylcontrols Botrytis diseases; powdery mildews; Fusarium, Verticillium, Sclerotinia, Cercospora, Septoria, Gloeosporium,
Colletotrichum, Venturia, Rhizoctonia, Macrophomina, Ascochyta,
Cephalosporium, Claviceps, Diaporthe, Gibberella, Phomopsis, and
Pyricularia diseases; also controls Plasmodiophora brassicae
Benzothiadiazolecontrols downy mildews; Plasmopara halstedi
Binapacryleffective in control of powdery mildews
Bitertanolcontrols scab and Monilinia diseases of apple and pear; apricot leaf scorch (Gnomonia erythrostoma); black spot of roses; Sigatoka
of banana, powdery mildews and rusts of various crops; also controls
Fusarium, Myrothecium, Phaeoisariopsis, and Monographella diseases
Bordeaux mixturecontrols downy mildews; Phytophthora, Alternaria,
Cercospora, Colletotrichum, Pythium, and Venturia diseases
Drazoxoloncontrols powdery mildews on roses and blackcurrants; controls coffee rust, tea blister blight, and Ganodema disease on rubber;
used as seed treatment for control of Pythium and Fusarium diseases
Epoxiconazolecontrols rusts and powdery mildews, Claviceps purpurea
on rye; Pyrenophora, Colletotrichum, Glomerella, Fusarium,
Leptosphaeria, Septoria, Rhizoctonia solani, and Monographella
nivalis diseases
Ethoxyguincontrols apple scald
Etridiazolecontrols Pythium and Rhizoctonia diseases in cotton, vegetables, ornamentals, and turf
Fenamiphoscontrols Fusarium and Phytophthora diseases
Fenarimolvery effectively controls powdery mildews; also controls apple and pear scab and Pleospora betae
Fenbuconazolea protectant wettable powder fungicide for control of
brown rot of plums and peaches, cherry leaf spot, and rusts
Fenhexamidcontrols Botrytis cinerea and Monilinia fructigena; effective against brown rot and gray mold in sweet cherries
Fenpiclonilcontrols Fusarium, Phoma, Helminthosporium, and
Pyrenophora diseases; also controls Monographella nivalis and
Polyscytalum pustulans diseases; effective against a bacterial disease
caused by Streptomyces; as seed treatment controls seedborne diseases
including silver scurf and stem canker in potatoes
Fenpropidineffective against powdery mildews, rusts, and
Rhynchosporium secalis of cereals
Fenpropimorphcontrols powdery mildews and rusts; controls
Colletotrichum, Septoria, Rhynchosporium, Glomerella,
Mycosphaerella, Pleospora, Pseudocercosporella, and Leptosphaeria
Fentin acetatecontrols early and late blights of potatoes; Cercospora,
Septoria, Phytophthora, Monilia, Rhizoctonia, Cochliobolus,
Helminthosporium, Pyricularia, and Venturia diseases
Fentin hydroxidecontrols Cercospora, Alternaria, and Phaeoisariopsis
griseola diseases
Fluazinamcontrols late blight of potato, Rhizoctonia, Corticium,
Sclerotinia, Leptosphaeria, Phaeoisariopsis, Plasmodiophora
brassicae, and Rosellinia necatrix diseases; controls the bacterial disease caused by Streptomyces
Fludioxonilcontrols Botrytis, Phytophthora, Fusarium, Sclerotinia, and
Monographella nivalis diseases; controls dollar spot, brown patch, pink
and snow mold in turf; Rhizoctonia in ornamentals
Fluoromidecontrols apple and pear scab, scab of citrus, powdery mildews, Monilia diseases, pink disease of rubber, Alternaria leaf spots,
and anthracnose diseases
Fluotrimazolecontrols powdery mildews of barley, cucumbers, grapes,
and peaches
Fluquinconazolecontrols many cereal diseases; effective in control of
Gaeumannomyces graminis and Mycosphaerella graminicola in wheat
Flurprimidolcontrols Rhizoctonia solani
Flusilazolecontrols powdery mildews, rusts and scab of apples and
pears; Colletotrichum, Glomerella, Monilinia, Leptosphaeria,
Mycosphaerella, Phaeoisariopsis, and Taphrina deformans diseases
Flusulfamidehas bactericidal activity; controls the bacterial pathogens
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus and Streptomyces scabies;
also controls the fungal pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae
Flutolanilcontrols rice sheath blight, potato black scurf (Rhizoctonia
solani), cereal Typhula (snow blight) diseases, Corticium diseases, and
turf diseases
Flutriafolcontrols leaf and ear diseases in cereals; as a seed treatment,
controls seedborne diseases of cereals; controls powdery mildews,
rusts, bunts, and scab; Botrytis, Alternaria, Cercospora, Cochliobolus,
Colletotrichum, Glomerella, Leptosphaeria, Mycosphaerella, and
Pleospora betae diseases
Folpetprotectant fungicide; controls downy mildews, powdery mildews,
and scab diseases; Botrytis, Alternaria, Pythium, Rhizoctonia,
Mycosphaerella, and Pestalotiopsis diseases
Fosetyl-aluminiumcontrols diseases caused by fungi belonging to
Peronosporales such as Phytophthora, Pythium, Plasmopora, and
Bremia; Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani, Oidium mangiferae,
Peronosclerospora sorghi, and Pseudoperonospora cubensis diseases
Fthalideeffectively controls rice blast
Fuberidazolecontrols Fusarium culmorum and Monographella nivalis
diseases of cereals
Furalaxylcontrols soilborne diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora
Furmecycloxuseful seed treatment for control of Ustilago spp.,
Helminthosporium spp., Septoria spp., Fusarium spp., and Rhizoctonia
spp. in cereals, potato, and cotton
Gramicidin Scontrols Sphaerotheca fuliginea
Guazatine acetateuseful mainly as a seed treatment for the control of
Septoria nodorum, Tilletia caries, Fusarium spp., and
Helminthosporium spp. in cereals; controls Cercospora in groundnut
and pine apple disease in sugarcane; as a postharvest treatment controls
diseases; as a liquid seed treatment controls seedborne diseases of linseed and flax
Procymidonecontrols Botrytis, Sclerotinia, Fusarium, Alternaria,
Diaporthe, Glomerella, Phomopsis, Monilinia, Cladosporium
cucumerinum, and Stemphylium diseases
Propamocarbsystemic fungicide effective against oomycete fungi such
as Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew fungi
Propiconazolecontrols brown rot, blossom blight, and fruit rot in stone
fruits; powdery mildews, bunts, and rusts; also controls Armillaria,
Cercospora, Cochliobolus, Colletotrichum, Glomerella,
Gaeumannomyces, Helminthosporium, Monilinia, Mycosphaerella,
Phaeoisariopsis, Phomopsis, Pleospora, Pseudocercosporella,
Rhizoctonia, Rhynchosporium, Septoria, Setosphaeria, Stagonospora,
and Pyrenophora diseases
Propinebcontrols downy mildews, early and late blights of potato and
tomato, scab on apple and pear; Glomerella, Cercospora, and
Rhizoctonia diseases
Pyrazophoscontrols powdery mildews, black Sigatoka of bananas, and
leaf spot diseases in cereals
Pyrifenoxsystemic fungicide with protective and curative activity
against powdery mildews, scab of apple and pears, Monilia in top fruit,
Sigatoka in banana
Pyrimethanilcontrols Botrytis cinerea, Venturia inaequalis, and
Sclerotinia fuckeliana diseases
Pyroquiloncontrols rice blast
Quinomethionatecontrols powdery mildews of cucurbits, citrus, tobacco, and pome fruits
Quinosolcontrols Phytophthora diseases
Quinoxyfeneffective against powdery mildews
Quintozenea contact fungicide; controls dollar spot, red thread, and
snow mold in turf; controls Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium,
Sclerotinia, Botrytis, Diaporthe, Phomopsis, Corticium, and
Botryodiplodia diseases; controls club root of cabbage, bunts of wheat,
potato black scurf, smut and white rot of onions, and potato bacterial
disease caused by Streptomyces scabies
Salicylic acidinduces resistance and reduces disease incidence; effective against fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases; controls fungal pathogens Magnaporthe grisea, Fusarium oxysporum, and Diplodia pinea,
bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, and the virus cucumber mosaic virus (cucumovirus)
Fungicide Application Based on Computer-Based
Decision Support Systems
Several fungicides and ready-formulated mixtures of fungicides are
available. Even to control a single pathogen, several groups of fungicides
are available. Some fungicides should be applied through soil, others should
be applied through seed, and others should be applied on foliage to control
diseases. For example, metominostrobin has been developed as controlledrelease granules. The granules are applied to seedling boxes, and after two
days, the rice seedlings are transplanted in the field. The concentration of
metominostrobin in plants reaches its maximum within 24 hours. The activity of the fungicide persists even after 90 days and protects the plants against
the blast pathogen Magnaporthe grisea (almost throughout the crop period). There is almost no need to apply more fungicide after a one-time application of the granule (Tashima et al., 1999). Some fungicides, such as
Ferrax (flutriafol+ethirimol+thiabendazole) and Ridomil MZ (metalaxyl+
mancozeb), when applied as seed treatment protect the seedlings against
airborne infection by pathogens for at least a few weeks. Recently, some
long-term systemic protectants such as quinoxyfen and Bion have been developed. These long-lasting-protection fungicides are few in number and
they have premium prices. Very few fungicides offer protection for more
than two to three weeks. Hence, farmers must apply fungicides several
times to manage diseases. Application of several rounds of fungicides as
routine prophylactic sprays, even in the absence of disease, makes crop cultivation uneconomical. It is advisable to apply fungicides only when they are
needed. Unnecessary sprays should be avoided, and by this, the farmer can
save money.
A number of computer-based decision systems are available worldwide
for use by farmers to decide the precise application date and the fungicide to
be sprayed in the most effective way (Gleason et al., 1995). In Europe, the
computer-based decision system EPIPRE (EPIdemiology, PREdiction, and
PREvention) developed in the Netherlands is used to manage diseases of
wheat crops (Zadoks, 1981). In Germany, the decision support system
PRO PLANT is widely used. It predicts diseases in wheat, barley, rye,
triticale, sugarbeet, and potatoes and predicts application date and the fungicide to be sprayed (Frahm and Volk, 1994). In the United States, the system
MoreCrop (Managerial Option of Reasonable Economic Control of Rusts
and Other Pathogens) is used to manage wheat diseases (Cu and Line,
1994). Another system, WDCA (Wheat Disease Control Advisory), is used
number of diseases occur in a crop, ready-formulated mixtures of fungicides can be used. Fungicides with long-lasting protection will be ideal for
this method of application. However, these fungicides are normally more
expensive.The major disadvantage of this method is that fungicides may be
used even when there is little or no risk of a disease outbreak, so money may
be wasted. For example, weekly sprays of captan or thiram starting from
early in the season did not reduce the incidence of fruit rot caused by Botrytis cinerea in strawberry until at least the fourth week of harvest, nine to ten
weeks after application began. Bloom applications of iprodione applied
twice during the second peak flowering period controlled the disease effectively. However, bloom application of iprodione during the first flowering
period did not control the disease effectively. This suggests application of
fungicides at the correct stage of the crop is important in disease control
(Legard et al., 2001). Another drawback is that an unexpected disease epidemic may occur between sprays when the crop is effectively left unsprayed.
What Is Fungicide Resistance?
After introduction of systemic fungicides, fungicide resistance has been
observed in various plant pathogens. Fungi that are sensitive to a particular
fungicide becomes less sensitive to that fungicide, which is called fungicide
resistance. Fungicide resistance has been reported in Phytophthora infestans, Peronospora parasitica, and Bremia lactucae against phenylamides
(metalaxyl compounds); Ustilago nuda and Ustilago maydis against carboxamides (carboxin compounds); Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei against
hydroxypyrimidine; E. graminis f. sp. tritici, E. graminis f. sp. hordei, and
Pyrenophora teres against triazoles (propiconazole); and Botrytis cinerea,
Botrytis fabae, Septoria tritici, Pyrenopeziza brassicae, Cercospora beticola,
Fusarium nivale, Fusarium culmorum, and Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides against benzimidazoles (carbendazim, benomyl, thiophanate-methyl
compounds). There are only a few reports of resistance to surface-protectant
fungicides such as copper fungicides, organomercurials, organotin, and dithiocarbamates.
Fungi may become resistant to fungicides through several mechanisms.
The fungicide may act at a particular site in fungi. A change at the site of inhibitor action may result in a decreased affinity to the fungicide. Decreased
uptake or decreased accumulation of the fungicide in the fungus may result
in fungicide resistance. Sometimes increased production of an enzyme that
is normally inhibited by the fungicide may compensate for the inhibitory ef-
fect of the fungicide. The fungicide may also be detoxified before it reaches
the site of action, resulting in fungicide resistance in fungi. The fungicide
will be normally converted into a toxic principle to inhibit the fungi. However, at certain conditions, the fungicide would not have been converted into
the toxic principle, and this will result in fungicide resistance in fungi. Fungicides may block a site in an important metabolic pathway in fungi. When
circumvention of the blocked site by the operation of an alternative pathway
occurs, fungicide resistance can be observed in fungi.
How Fungicide-Resistant Pathogens
Develop in the Field
Fungicide-resistant isolates may arise by mutation of a single gene. Systemic fungicides usually act at a single site, so resistance to systemic fungicides occurs frequently. It is unlikely that two or more mutations will occur
simultaneously in fungi so that the fungi become resistant to multisite fungicides (mostly protectants). The fungicide-resistant cells may appear spontaneously in the field, normally at the rate of 1 in 104 to 109, even when no
fungicides are applied in the field. When the fungicide is applied to the crop,
all but resistant strains of the pathogen may be killed. This will allow the resistant strains to multiply. However, it has been demonstrated that the resistant strains do not survive for a long time. By the time the effects of the fungicide diminish, probably within a fortnight, the sensitive (wild) strains
reappear as the dominant partners in the pathogen population. However, resistant strains may continue to predominate if the same fungicide is repeatedly applied at short intervals. During the constant presence of the fungicide, the sensitive isolates may not have time to reestablish. Resistant strains
may multiply faster than the sensitive wild isolates which may result in a
condition in which control of the disease with the particular fungicide is no
longer effective in the field.
Development of Cross-Resistance in Fungal Pathogens
When a fungal pathogen develops resistance to a fungicide with a particular mode of action, it may show resistance to other fungicides with the
same mode of action. This phenomenon is called cross-resistance. The
phenylamide fungicides metalaxyl, benalaxyl, ofurace, and oxadixyl show
a similar mode of action against fungi. The isolates of Phytophthora
infestans resistant to metalaxyl show resistance to other phenlamides,
benalaxyl, ofurace, and oxadixyl. Sometimes resistance to one fungicide
may result in increased sensitivity to another fungicide. This is called nega-
Grayson, B. T., Webb, J. D., Batten, D. M., and Edwards, D. (1996). Effects of adjuvants on the therapeutic activity of dimethomorph controlling vine downy mildew. I. A survey of adjuvant types. Pesticide Science, 46:199-206.
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McCallan, S. E. A. (1967). History of fungicides. In D. C. Torgeson (Ed.), Fungicides. Academic Press, New York, pp. 1-37.
Ragsdale, N. N. and Sisler, H. D. (1991). The nature, modes of action, and toxicity
of fungicides. In D. Pimentel (Ed.), CRC Handbook of Pest Management in Agriculture, Volume II. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 461-496.
Research Information Ltd. (1998). International Pesticide Directory, Sixteenth
Edition. Research Information Ltd., Herts, U. K.
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additives on spray deposition, coverage, and deposit structure. Aspects of Applied Biology, 57:185-192.
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Conference 1996Pests and Diseases, Volume 3. British Crop Protection Council, Farnham, U.K., pp. 791-800.
Tashima, S., Kawaguchi, A., Kashino, H., Matsumoto, K., Ando, I., Takeda, R., and
Shiraishi, T. (1999). Long-term control of rice blast disease by seedling box application of controlled release granules containing metominostrobin. J Pesticide
Sci, 24:287-289.
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with two modes of action. Pflanzenschutz Nachrichten Bayer, 51:259-280.
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Zadoks, J. C. (1981). EPIPRE: A disease and pest management system for winter
wheat developed in the Netherlands. EPPO Bulletin, 11:365-369.
Chemical ControlFungicide
Chemical Control
Application Equipment
Push-Pull Hand Sprayer
Hand sprayers operate on compressed air, which is supplied by a manually operated pump. They are primarily used in home gardens. Push-pull
hand sprayers contain a hand-operated plunger which forces air out of a cylinder, creating a vacuum at the top of a siphon tube. The suction draws fungicide from the small tank and forces it out with the airflow. The capacity is
approximately one quart.
Hose-End Hand Sprayer
In this type of sprayer, a fixed rate of fungicide is mixed with water flowing through the hose to which the sprayer is attached. The mixture is expelled through a high-volume nozzle. The capacity of these sprayers is approximately one quart, but because the concentrate mixes with water, they
may deliver about 20 gallons of finished spray solution.
Trigger-Pump Sprayer
The fungicide is mixed with the required quantity of water in the sprayer
and forced through the nozzle when the pump is squeezed. Trigger-pump
sprayers are useful for applying only small quantities of fungicide and are
intended for small jobs.
Backpack Sprayer
This sprayer is similar to a push-pull sprayer. However, it contains a selfcontained tank and a pump. A mechanical agitator is attached to the pump
plunger. The sprayer is carried on the operators back.
Compressed Air Sprayer
This is a hand-carried sprayer that contains a self-contained manual
pump, which creates pressure and operates the sprayer. The capacity of the
sprayer is approximately one to three gallons.
Bucket (or Trombone) Sprayer
This sprayer contains a double-action hydraulic pump, which is operated
with a push-pull motion. The fungicide is sucked into the cylinder and pushed
out through the hose and nozzle with a stroke. The separate tank is a small
Estate Sprayer
This sprayer is mounted on a two-wheeled cart with handles for pushing.
The tank capacity ranges from 15 to 50 gallons. The pump delivers one to
four gallons per minute at pressures ranging from 250 to 400 psi. Power is
supplied by an air-cooled engine of up to five horsepower.
Power Wheelbarrow Sprayer
This is similar to estate sprayer, but it is driven by power wheel.
Low-Pressure Boom Sprayer
This type of sprayer is mounted on tractors or trucks. Tank size ranges
from 50 gallons to 1,000 gallons. The sprayer delivers ten to 60 gallons per
acre at pressures ranging from ten to 80 psi. The sprayer is equipped with
sprayer booms ranging from ten to 60 feet in length. The booms contain
many nozzles.
Low-Pressure Boomless Sprayer
This sprayer does not contain the boom. It contains a central nozzle cluster that produces a horizontal spray pattern. This sprayer can move through
narrow places and avoid trees and other obstacles, unlike the boom sprayer.
High-Pressure Hydraulic Sprayer
This sprayer is useful to spray through dense foliage, to the tops of tall
trees. The sprayer is mounted on a tractor or truck or is self-propelled. It delivers about 60 gallons per minute, and the application rate is about 100 gallons per acre. The sprayer contains a large tank with a capacity of 500 to
1,000 gallons to cover large areas. The sprayer is also fitted with a boom.
Air-Jet (Air-Blast) Sprayer
This sprayer uses a combination of air and liquid. It is similar to highpressure sprayers but also contains a high-speed fan. The air jet shatters the
drops of fungicide into fine droplets and transports them to the target. This
Some fungicides are available in granular form. Several types of granule
applicators have been developed. They have been designed to apply granules as broadcast with even distribution over the entire area, to apply them
by drilling (soil injection or soil incorporation), or to apply them in furrows,
in bands, or as side dress. They distribute the granules by forced air, by spinning or whirling discs, or by soil injectors.
Seed treaters are used to coat seeds with seed-treatment fungicide. Four
types of seed treaters are available.
Dust Treater
Seed is treated with a dust formulation of the fungicide in this treater. It
mixes fungicide with seeds in a mechanical mixing chamber. Seed flow is
controlled by adjusting the gate opening on the feed hopper. The amount of
fungicide added is controlled by a vibrating feeder, which can be adjusted to
achieve the desired dosage.
Slurry Treater
This treater is used to coat seeds with wettable powder formulations of
fungicides in the form of a slurry. A specific amount of fungicide is added to
a specific weight of seeds in a mechanical mixing chamber. A small amount
of water is added. Agitators keep the material mixed during the treating operation. The capacity of slurry tanks ranges from 15 to 35 gallons.
Panogen Liquid Treater
A small amount of liquid fungicide is added to a large quantity of seeds
and mixed well in this treater. Some treaters may have dual tanks so that
seeds can be treated with more than one fungicide at a time. The Panogen
treater meters one treatment cup of fungicide per dump of seed into a revolving mixing drum. The fungicide flows into the drum from a tube and is
distributed over the seeds as the seeds rub against the walls of the drum.
Drenching Equipment
The fungicide is added to water and applied as a drench. It may be applied using a sprinkling can, sprinkler system, or irrigation equipment. The
fumigant fungicide can also be sprayed on the soil surface, immediately followed by flooding. Here the water acts as a sealant, and the depth of the water seal ranges from one to four inches of wetted soil.
Pressure-Fed Applicator
This applicator is useful to apply liquid fumigant fungicide. The applicator has a pump and metering device and delivers pressured liquid fumigant
to the nozzle opening (orifice).
Gravity-Fed Applicator
In this applicator, the pressure is created by gravity to regulate the output
of the liquid fumigant. A constant gravity flow device keeps the pressure at
the orifice constant as the tank of fumigant empties. A constant speed is necessary to maintain a uniform delivery rate. Needle valves, orifice discs, and
capillary tubes are used to adjust the flow rate.
High-Pressure Fumigator
This applicator is used to apply highly volatile fumigants. The pressure
in the tank maintains the pressure at the nozzle orifices. The tank is precharged with sufficient pressure to empty its contents, or an inert pressurized gas is fed into the tank during application to displace the fumigant. A
gas-pressure regulator maintains uniform pressure in the system. After application of a highly volatile fumigant, the soil should be sealed with vaporproof tarps.
liver eight to 30 gallons per minute at low to moderate pressure (10 to 300
psi). They are often used on low-pressure sprayers. Gear pumps deliver 5 to
65 gpm at low to moderate pressures (20 to 100 psi). They are often used on
special-purpose sprayers. Diaphragm pumps deliver low volume (3 to 10
gpm) at low to moderate pressure (10 to 100 psi). Diaphragm pumps are
positive-displacement, self-priming pumps. Centrifugal pumps deliver high
volume (about 200 psi) at low pressures (5 to 70 psi) and are not positivedisplacement pumps. Piston pumps are used in high-pressure pumps. They
are positive-displacement, self-priming pumps, delivering two to 60 gallons
per minute at low to high pressures (20 to 800 psi).
Strainers filter the fungicide mixtures and remove dirt, rust flakes, and
other foreign materials from the tank mixture. Proper filtering helps to protect the working parts of the sprayer from undue wear and avoids uneven application caused by clogged nozzle tips. Hoses should have a burst strength
greater than the peak operating pressures. They should resist oil and solvents present in fungicides. Suction hoses should be larger than pressure
hoses. Suction hoses should be reinforced to resist collapse. Pressure gauges
monitor the function of the spraying system and must be accurate. The pressure regulator controls the pressure and the quantity of spray material delivered by the nozzles. Three types of pressure regulators are available. Throttling valves are used with centrifugal pumps. Spring-loaded bypass valves
are used with diaphragm, roller, gear, and small piston pumps. They open or
close in response to changes in pressure. Unloader valves are used on larger
piston and diaphragm pumps to avoid damage to the pump when the nozzles
are cut off.
Agitators help to keep the spray material uniformly mixed. Several types
of agitators are used in the sprayers. Bypass agitators use the returning liquid from the pressure relief valve to agitate the tank. Bypass agitation is
used to agitate soluble powders, emulsifiable concentrates, and liquids.
They are not useful for wettable powders. Hydraulic agitators are used for
wettable powder and flowable formulations and for liquid formulations in
100-gallon or larger tanks with gear, piston, roller, or diaphragm pumps.
Mechanical agitators are used on large, high-pressure hydraulic sprayers.
They help to mix wettable powder formulations. The mechanical agitator
consists of flat propellers mounted on a shaft, which is placed lengthwise
along the bottom of the tank. The propellers are rotated by the engine to
keep the material well mixed.
Control (cutoff) valves are located between the pressure regulator and the
nozzles to provide positive on-off action. Mechanical or electrically operated valves are used. Mechanical valves are within reach of the operators
hand. Electrical operators permit remote control of fungicide flow.
Nozzles are very important for effective spraying of fungicides. They are
made up of the nozzle body, cap, strainer, and tip or orifice plate. The nozzle
body holds the strainer and tip in proper position. The cap is used to secure
the strainer and the tip to the body. Several types of tips that produce a variety of spray patterns can be interchanged. Nozzle tips provide the desired
type of spray. Solid-stream nozzles are used to spray in a narrow band or inject fungicides into the soil. Fan-pattern nozzles are used for spraying uniformly to cover surfaces. The regular flat-fan nozzle tip makes a narrow oval
pattern. The even net-fan nozzle is used for band spraying. The flooding
nozzle delivers wide-angle net-spray droplets. Cluster nozzles are used to
extend the effective swath width. Cone-pattern nozzles are used to apply
fungicides to foliage. The side-entry hollow-cone (whirl-chamber) nozzle
produces a very wide-angle hollow-cone spray pattern at very low pressures. Core-insert cone nozzles produce a solid or hollow-cone spray pattern
and operate at moderate pressures. Disc-core nozzles produce a cone-shaped
spray pattern, which may be solid or hollow. Adjustable-cone nozzles
change their spray angle from a wide cone pattern to a solid stream when the
nozzle collar is turned. Nozzle parts may be made of brass, aluminium,
stainless steel, tungsten carbide and ceramic, or plastic. Relative wear of the
nozzle orifice for different materials varied considerably with usage duration. Nozzles made of hardened stainless steel were most resistant to wear,
followed by stainless steel, plastic, and brass. Nozzles with lower flow capacities had a higher percentage of wear than nozzles with higher flow capacities (Duvnjak et al., 1998).
A novel air-delivery nozzle, called Shear-Guard PLUS nozzle, with DialA-Drop spray technology allows the applicator to precisely and instantly
dial in droplet size while on the go (McCracken et al., 1998).
Balsari, P. and Tamagnone, M. (1997). An automatic spray control for airblast
sprayers: First results. In J. Stafford (Ed.), Precision Agriculture 97, Volume II.
Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxford, U.K., pp. 619-626.
Duvnjak, V., Banaj, D., Zimmer, R., and Guberac, V. (1998). Influence of nozzle
wear on flow rate and stream droplets size. Bodenkultur, 49:189-192.
Holownicki, R., Doruchowski, G., and Jaeken, P. (1998). Economical techniques of
orchard protection. Inzynieria Rolnicza, 5:269-278.
Holownicki, R., Doruchowski, G., and Swiechowski, W. (1997). Uniformity of
spray deposit within apple tree canopy as affected by direction of the air-jet in
tunnel sprayers. J Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 5:129-136.
Liu, D.L., Jian, X. C., Zhang, X. L., Zhang, L. X., and Zuo, B. Y. (1998). Application of a portable high pressure fruit tree injector. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 29(4):29-31.
McCracken, T., Bennett, A., and Jonasson, K. (1998). Improved spray efficacy and
drift management for spray application using air to simultaneously atomize and
propel spray droplets to the crop canopy. ASAE Annual International Meeting,
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MO, p. 12.
ControlVirus Diseases
Chemical control of virus diseases is almost not practical. However, the
vectors of viruses can be controlled to a certain extent to reduce the disease
spread. The conditions necessary for vector management are discussed in
this chapter. Use of plant activators to manage virus diseases is also described.
Chemical control of virus diseases is difficult to achieve. Only ribavirin
has been shown to reduce virus diseases. Ribavirin is effective against Potato S virus (Carlavirus) and Odontoglossum ringspot virus (Tobamovirus)
(Research Information Ltd., 1998). Virazole (ribavirin) at 25 mg/liter eliminated Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) from treated apple and pear
shoots. However, ribavirin at a concentration of 100 mg was phytotoxic
(Cieslinska and Zawadzka, 1999).
Semipersistently and persistently transmitted viruses are acquired and
inoculated only after long feeding probes (generally hours to days). Plants
susceptible to infection often are colonized by the vector (Perring et al.,
1999). In these cases, spread of virus diseases can be efficiently controlled
by insecticides. For a nonpersistently transmitted virus, in which acquisition and inoculation can occur in a matter of seconds, the source and inoculation plants generally are not considered to be hosts by the vector. Hence, it
is difficult to expose the vector to a lethal dose of the insecticide prior to virus acquisition (Perring et al., 1999). The efficacy of insecticides on virus
disease spread varies depending on whether the virus is brought into a field
by insects already infective (primary spread) or whether the spread of virus
is from infected to healthy plants within a field (secondary spread). In the
case of primary spread, insecticide application to the crop may not be effec-
tive, especially if many viruliferous insects enter the field. If the virus involved is a nonpersistently transmitted virus vectored by a noncolonizing,
transient vector, insecticide application will be of no use. Virus control may
be possible by applying insecticides outside the field to the plants hosting
the vector, but this method may be impractical.
When the virus spread is secondary and the vector multiplies in the plant
as its host, application of insecticides may be effective in preventing the
spread of the virus. Systemic insecticides may be effective in the control of
persistently transmitted viruses. Persistently transmitted viruses often are
acquired from the phloem, so systemic insecticides in the phloem can kill
the vector prior to virus acquisition or inoculation. However, nonpersistently
transmitted viruses are acquired from and inoculated to epidermal cells, so
the insect does not contact the systemic insecticide (which accumulates in
phloem cells). Hence, it may not be possible to control nonpersistent viruses
with systemic insecticides. However, some chemicals kill the vector rapidly,
repel the vector, or modify vector behavior to prevent probing. Synthetic
pyrethroids cause rapid knockdown or mortality of vectors prior to virus inoculation. Some pyrethroids also repel insects. This action can cause increased aphid activity and enhance virus spread (Lowery and Boiteau,
1988). Pyrethroids reduce the probing time of vectors. It may reduce the disease spread because fewer insects acquire the virus when the plants are
treated with pyrethroids and viruliferous insects are prevented from inoculating healthy plants.
Mineral oils are known to reduce the spread of nonpersistent viruses
through reduction of vector densities. Oils may reduce feeding of the vector
and increase time spent by the vector on foliage before initiating probing.
Oils may impede the virus infection process, even though the virus is transmitted. Mineral oil does not block transmission, but symptom expression is
delayed in sprayed plants (Crane and Calpouzos, 1969).
Several newer insecticides have been reported to reduce virus spread,
including spread of nonpersistent viruses. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
could be controlled by controlling its vector Bemisia tabaci by spraying an
imidacloprid insecticide, Confidor (Ahmed et al., 2001). The second generation neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam prevents transmission of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) by the whitefly B. tabaci (Mason et
al., 2000). The insecticide was applied as drench or foliar treatment. Drench
application to tomato plants provided a good level of protection from
TYLCV infections (from one to 22 days after treatment application); foliar
application resulted in a prompt but short-lasting protection ( eight days).
Foliar treatment of plants made infected tomatoes totally ineffective as a virus source for at least eight days. The percentage of viruliferous whiteflies
surviving the acquisition on the insecticide-treated plants appeared similar
to that of insects fed on untreated plants, suggesting that thiamethoxam activity in preventing TYLCV transmission by B. tabaci was simply due to its
killing activity, and not by antifeeding or repellent actions. Viruliferous
whiteflies exposed to thiamethoxam-treated plants stopped feeding before
acquiring enough virus to subsequently inoculate plants (Mason et al.,
2000). Deltamethrin + heptenophos (trade name Decisquick, marketed by
AgrEvo) effectively controls aphid vectors and prevents virus spread in potatoes, sugar beet, and peas. Aldicarb (Temik), aldicarb + gamma-HCH
(Sentry), carbosulfan (Marshal), demeton-S-methyl (Metasystox), Dimethoate (Dimethoate), disulfoton (Disulfoton), fenvalerate (Sumicidin), oxamyl
(Vydate), phorate (Phorate), pirimicarb (Aphox), deltamethrin (Decis),
cypermethrin (Ambush), and thimeton (Ekatin) have been reported to be effective against the virus diseases spread by the aphid vector Myzus persicae
(Parry, 1990).
Another method of controlling virus diseases by chemicals is by using
plant activators, which induce systemic resistance against virus infection.
Preplant application of the plant activator acibenzolar-S-methyl (Actigard)
effectively controls Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in tomato (Csinos
et al., 2001). Initial applications made posttransplant had no effect, suggesting that plants must be protected prior to introduction into the field. Therefore, the activator should be applied as preplant application to effectively
control the virus infection. For more information on plant activators, see
Chapter 28, Plant Activators.
Ahmed, N. E., Kanan, H. O., Sugimoto, Y., Ma, Y. Q., and Inanaga, S. (2001). Effect of imidacloprid on incidence of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Plant Dis,
Cieslinska, M. and Zawadzka, B. (1999). Preliminary results of investigation on
elimination of viruses from apple, pear, and raspberry using thermotherapy and
chemotherapy in vitro. Phytopathologia Polonica, 17:41-48.
Crane, G. L. and Calpouzos, L. (1969). Suppression of symptoms of sugarbeet virus
yellows by mineral oil. Phytopathology, 59:697-698.
Csinos, A. S., Pappu, H. R., McPherson, R. M., and Stephenson, M. G. (2001).
Management of Tomato spotted wilt virus in flue-cured tobacco with acibenzolar-S-methyl and imidacloprid. Plant Dis, 85:292-296.
Cultural Methods
Crop diseases can be managed by manipulating some cultural practices.
The important useful cultural practices that help to reduce disease incidence
are described in this chapter. Sanitation is important to prevent the introduction of pathogen inoculum into fields, farms, or communities, and to reduce
or eliminate inoculum from diseased fields. Soil solarization and mulching
are novel approaches, which are now widely practiced in different parts of
the United States, Australia, and many other countries. Organic and inorganic soil amendments are increasingly used to manage diseases. Tillage
practices may be useful in reducing disease incidence in some crops.
Methods of sowing/planting, irrigation practices, and pruning methods also
determine disease incidence. Adjustment of the crop sequence providing a
fallow period and growing intercrops, living crop covers, and trap crops are
other useful approaches in crop-disease management.
Pathogens may be introduced into a field, farm, or region by means of
seeds and vegetative propagating materials. Only seeds free from pathogens
should be used for planting. Methods of indexing seeds for the presence of
pathogens are described in Chapter 27, Exclusion and Eradication.
Debris from infected plants may carry the primary inoculum and may
serve as source for initial outbreak of diseases. Hence, removal of the debris
may be one of the most important cultural practices in management of crop
diseases. Venturia inaequalis survives the winter in diseased apple leaves on
the ground. Pseudothecia and ascospores develop in these fallen leaves.
Ascospores produced on diseased leaves in the leaf litter constitute the primary inoculum causing a scab. It has also been reported that viable conidia
of V. inaequalis can overwinter within apple buds (Becker et al., 1992). Because the primary inoculum for the disease arises from the fallen leaves,
crop-debris management may help in reducing disease outbreak. Infested
fallen leaves found on the orchard floor should be removed or destroyed to
reduce the overwintering inoculum. The degradation of fallen leaves can be
enhanced by spraying urea in the fall. The fallen leaves can be deeply incorporated into the orchard soil by tilling and by chopping leaves with flail
mowers (Sutton et al., 2000). Shredding the leaf litter in November or April
reduces the risk of scab by 80 to 90 percent in the northeastern United States
(Sutton et al., 2000). Urea applied to the leaf litter in April (before the bud
break) reduced the number of the fungal ascospores trapped by 66 percent
(Sutton et al., 2000). It appears that field sanitation, i.e., shredding the leaf
litter or treating the leaf litter with urea, is very important in managing apple
scab (MacHardy, 2000).
The citrus canker pathogen, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, survives
in infested leaf litters, and the bacterium can be recovered up to four months
after leaf fall. Soil treatments, including burial of leaves, reduce its survival
significantly. The bacterium can be recovered from soil beneath diseased
trees, but removal of the inoculum source leads to a demise of the bacterial
populations within days (Graham et al., 1989). The lettuce bacterial leaf
spot pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians was recovered from lettuce plant debris after the one-month summer fallow and the disease developed on all subsequent fall lettuce crops (Barak et al., 2001). It stresses the
need for removal of crop debris to manage the disease.
Pruning of infected parts may reduce the disease outbreak in many orchard trees, because the primary inoculum is from infected plant tissues. In
fire blight-affected pome fruit trees, blighted blossom clusters and shoots
should be pruned. Infected parts should be cut back up to shoot basis and
branch ring. Once the disease has spread into the stem, the tree must be
eliminated (Richter, 1999). Pruning alone reduced the bacterial infection by
62 percent in pear (Aysan et al., 1999). It may be possible to preserve
Erwinia amylovora-attacked pear trees by pruning blighted blossom clusters and shoots. Leaf sanitation (removal of senescent and necrotic leaves)
reduced Botrytis rot incidence in strawberry from 13 to 8 percent (Mertely
et al., 2000).
Burning the infected organs may reduce the inoculum in the field. Pear
trees in commercial orchards with shoots or blossoms naturally infected
with Erwinia amylovora were burned for a few seconds with a propane
flame torch on the tissue surrounding infected sites (Reuveni et al., 1999).
Burning was highly efficient in eliminating E. amylovora in infected organs.
Burning also prevented the spread of the bacteria from the infected organs to
the main limb. No damage to tree viability and vitality was observed as a result of this treatment. Burning the infected organs before internal spread of
E. amylovora to the main limb occurs can provide a safe and rapid measure
to control fire blight in pear (Reuveni et al., 1999).
Soil solarization, the process of heating soils under transparent plastic
tarps to temperatures detrimental to soilborne pathogens, has successfully
controlled a variety of plant diseases. Solarization targets mesophyllic organisms, which include most plant pathogens, without destroying the beneficial mycorrhizal fungi and growth-promoting Bacillus spp. Increased soil
temperatures result in decreased populations of a range of plant pathogens,
including fungi, bacteria, and nematodes. If not directly inactivated by heat,
soilborne plant pathogens may be weakened and become vulnerable to soil
fumigants, to other organisms, or to changes in the soil atmosphere in
solarized soil (Pinkerton et al., 2000). The solarized soils are often more
suppressive to certain soilborne pathogens than are nonsolarized soils. The
effectiveness of solarization against Verticillium wilt of safflower and cotton, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum wilt of cotton, and several species of Phytophthora has been reported (Pinkerton et al., 2000). When the
soil was solarized for three weeks after the amendment with farmyard manure, the root rot of melon by Phomopsis sclerotioides was controlled to
some extent (Itoh et al., 2000). Soil solarization by covering the soil with a
150 m-thick transparent plastic film for two weeks brought about a high
degree of Pythium spp. control in greenhouse-grown cucumber (Lopes et
al., 2000). Solarization for three weeks using transparent polyethylene
sheets for soil mulching provided effective control of wilts caused by
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and Verticillium dahliae, and corky
root rot caused by Pyrenochaeta lycopersici on tomato plants (Ioannou,
2000). Solarization reduced black dot of potato caused by Colletotrichum
coccodes by 45 percent when tarping was done for eight weeks and temperatures reached 56C in the top 5 cm of soil. With a six-week tarping period
and lower maximum temperature (50C), there was no significant reduction
in disease incidence (Denner et al., 2000). Soil solarization reduced severity
of diseases caused by Verticillium spp. on eggplant and Phytophthora spp.
on snapdragons (Pinkerton et al., 2000). Agrobacterium spp. population
densities declined within solarized plots, and incidence of crown gall on
cherry rootstock planted in solarized plots was reduced significantly (Pinkerton et al., 2000).
Root rots are known to be greater in number and more severe in soil with
low organic matter. Incorporation of organic matter reduced root rot in
many crops (Tu, 1987). Addition of liquid swine manure to field soils killed
ink et al., 1991). Growers in the eastern United States have consistently suppressed Fusarium wilt of cyclamen for over a decade by using composted
pine bark mixes (Hoitink et al., 1991).
Incorporation of plant residues into soil suppresses certain soilborne diseases. The efficacy of various organic amendments for controlling soilborne
pathogens has been attributed to the formation of toxic volatile compounds
or to an increase in antagonistic soil microflora (Pinkerton et al., 2000).
Brassicas, which contain glucosinolates that break down to toxic isothiocyanates, and Sudan grasses, which contain dhurrin that breaks down to
hydrogen cyanide, have been reported to control fungal pathogens. Soil
amendment with brassicas has a beneficial effect on the control of some
soilborne pathogens. Residues from brassica crops could be incorporated
directly into the soil or brassicas could be used as intercrops (Rosa and
Rodrigues, 1999). Cauliflower wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae was effectively controlled by incorporating broccoli (B. oleracea L. var. italica)
residues in soil in Salina Valley, California (Koike and Subbarao, 2000).
Broccoli residue showed a detrimental effect on the viability of microsclerotia in soil. It also had an inhibitory effect on the root-colonizing potential of surviving microsclerotia (Shetty et al., 2000). Air-dried and crushed
mustard (Brassica juncea) added to the soil effectively reduced the viability
of sclerotia of Sclerotium cepivorum, the onion white rot pathogen, and
chlamydospores of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, the tomato wilt
pathogen (Smolinska, 2000). Consequently, the reduction of white rot of
onion and tomato wilt was observed. The addition of rapeseed (Brassica
napus) residues to soil also resulted in a decrease of number of sclerotia of
S. cepivorum (Smolinska, 2000). Amendment of soil with dried leaves of
savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda), red cabbage (B. oleracea
var. capitata f. rubra), and fringed cabbage (B. oleracea var. acephala) significantly reduced the appearance of cucumber damping-off caused by
Pythium ultimum (Burgiel and Schwartz, 2000). The dried leaves possessed
fungistatic activity against P. ultimum (Burgiel and Schwartz, 2000).
The effect of cruciferous plant residues in reducing the disease incidence
may be due to the glucosinolate content of these plants. Aphanomyces
euteiches root rot of pea was significantly reduced (77 percent) in soil
amended with rapeseed meal from Brassica napus cv. Dwarf Essex (high
glucosinolate concentrations). Amendment with cv. Stonewall (low glucosinolate concentrations) did not control pea root rot (Dandurand et al.,
2000), suggesting that a low concentration of glucosinolate may not be sufficient to control the pathogen in soil. The toxicity of glucosinolates may
probably be due to isothiocyanates derived from the breakdown of glucosinolates (Rosa and Rodrigues, 1999).
Fresh broccoli or grass was incorporated into soil and covered with plastic sheeting. In this amended soil, anaerobic and strongly reducing soil conditions developed quickly, as indicated by rapid depletion of oxygen and a
decrease in redox potential values to as low as 200mV. After 15 weeks, survival of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. asparagi, Rhizoctonia solani, and Verticillium dahliae in inoculum samples buried 15 cm deep was strongly reduced in amended, covered fields. The pathogens were not or hardly
inactivated in amended, noncovered soil or nonamended, covered soil,
indicating that inhibitory action of fresh leaves or thermal inactivation due
to increased soil temperatures under the plastic cover was not involved in
pathogen inactivation (Blok et al., 2000).
Mulches are different from soil amendments in that amendments are incorporated into the soil, while mulches are spread on the soil surface.
Mulches may consist of straw or stubble applied to the soil surface, or of
plastic foil spread over the soil. Mulches are known to reduce various diseases. Silver-painted mulch suppressed yellow mosaic virus symptoms in
squash, while nonreflective (black) mulch did not have any effect on the disease incidence. The reflective mulch was effective only under slight virus
pressure (Boyhan et al., 2000). Reflective mulch significantly reduced the
vector thrips and Tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato (Riley and Pappu,
2000). Black plastic mulch reduced the Verticillium wilt symptoms in eggplant (Elmer, 2000).
Living covers, such as perennial peanuts (Arachis pintoi), cinquillo
(Drymaria cordata), and coriander (Coriandrum sativum), grown along
with tomato mask the tomato crop from immigrating viruliferous whiteflies
(Bemisia tabaci). These covers minimize contact between the vector and the
tomato plant. The living covers reduce whitefly adult numbers, delay Tomato yellow mottle virus dissemination, reduce disease severity, and provide higher yields in tomatoes (Hilje, 2000). The forage groundnut Arachis
pintoi was grown as a ground cover with bell pepper (Capsicum annum).
Approximately four times as many whiteflies were observed on bell pepper
plants grown without ground cover than on plants with cover. Onset of the
gemini virus disease in bell pepper was earlier and frequency was greater in
plants without cover than in plants with cover (Rafie et al., 1999).
Control of some soilborne pathogens may be achieved by use of decoy or
catch crops. These crops stimulate the germination of resting spores, resulting in limited expression of disease symptoms. Chinese cabbage plants
grown in pots inoculated with Plasmodiophora brassicae (the clubroot
pathogen) that had previously contained leafy daikon (radish, Raphanus
sativus var. longipinnatus) showed less disease incidence compared to control pots in which no plants had been grown before. Numbers of resting
spores of P. brassicae in soil in pots after cultivation with leafy daikon were
reduced by 71 percent compared to control pots (Murakami et al., 2000).
Some tillage operations may help to reduce disease incidence. Moldboard plowing to a depth of 30 cm reduced black dot of potato caused by
Colletotrichum coccodes by 34 percent and was twice as effective as plowing to a depth of 60 cm (Denner et al., 2000). Fall chisel plowing plus spring
raised seedbed preparation significantly reduced pea root rot (Fusarium
solani f. sp. pisi and F. oxysporum f. sp. pisi) severity, compared to conventional fall plowing plus spring flat seedbed preparation. Root rot was most
severe with fall plowing plus compaction, followed by fall plowing plus fall
seedbed preparation (Tu, 1987). Reduced tillage that leaves 30 percent or
more of the soil surface covered by crop residue after planting completely or
partially controls several wheat root rot and foot rot pathogens, such as
Bipolaris sorokiniana, Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum, F. avenaceum, and Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. Root rot is favored by
drought stress. The increased moisture available to the crop under reduced
tillage might have led to reduction in disease incidence (Bockus and Shroyer,
1998). The prevalence of Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) of
soybeans was less in no-till than in minimal-till fields in the north central
United States (Workneh and Yang, 2000).
Spacing between plants plays an important role in disease incidence.
Wider plant spacing reduces Botrytis fruit rot incidence in strawberry
(Legard et al., 2000). Good aeration around host tissues often minimizes the
incidence and severity of diseases caused by B. cinerea (Cooley et al.,
1996). Paired rows, as opposed to evenly spaced rows, reduce wheat root
rots by allowing the top layer to dry more rapidly because of openness between every other row of plants (Cook and Veseth, 1991). It has been suggested that opening the trees to sunshine and air should be the first measure
taken to control sooty blotch and flyspeck of apple caused by four different
fungi (Williamson and Sutton, 2000). Pruning creates an environment less
favorable to the diseases. The sooty blotch and flyspeck could be reduced by
an average of almost 30 percent by severe pruning (Williamson and Sutton,
Potato common scab (Streptomyces scabies) can be suppressed by lowering the soil pH. When ammonium sulfate was applied into the rows where
potato plants were to be planted, the soil pH was lowered and the concentration of water-soluble aluminium was increased. Potato common scab was
suppressed in the soil containing water-soluble aluminium in concentrations of 0.2 to 0.3 mg/liter or higher (Mizuno et al., 2000).
Several inorganic compounds alter the severity of disease incidence in
the field. Infection of avocado seedlings by Phytophthora cinnamomi in
infested soil was decreased by 71 percent by the addition of gypsum soil
amendments (Messenger et al., 2000b). Sporangial production of P. cinnamomi buried in gypsum-amended avocado soil for two days was reduced
by as much as 74 percent (Messenger et al., 2000a). Soil extracts from gypsum-amended soil (1, 5, or 10 percent gypsum) reduced in vitro sporangial
production. Zoospore production and colony-forming units of P. cinnamomi
were reduced in soil amended with calcium sulfate, calcium nitrate, or calcium carbonate. It suggests that calcium may be playing a key role in suppressing sporulation and multiplication of the pathogen in soil (Messenger
et al., 2000a).
Calcium application effectively controlled bacterial wilt of tomato caused
by Ralstonia solanacearum (Yamazaki et al., 2000). Adding CaCO3, Ca(OH)2,
and CaSO4 to the soil reduced wilt of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Smaller amounts had the greatest effect, and the
amounts of calcium compounds used were insufficient to change the pH.
Calcium treatment has been shown to inhibit germination of chlamydospores of the pathogen and suggests that calcium may act directly on the
pathogen (Peng et al., 1999).
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and Eradication
The most effective method to manage diseases is to exclude them from
the field. Quarantine is important in preventing the spread of pathogens
across countries, and legislative control is useful to prevent the entry of a
pathogen into a new region. If a pathogen has entered into a region, eradication of the established infection is practiced. Because most diseases are
spread internationally through seed, seed health testing and seed certification help to prevent the spread of diseases. Various seed health testing methods are described in this chapter.
Quarantine services exist in most countries. Plant quarantine is legislative or regulatory control that aims to exclude pathogens from areas where
they do not already exist. Legislative control may operate on a national or
international level. The legislation prohibits or restricts the introduction of
seeds, vegetative propagating materials, plants, or plant parts into a country
or a region in a country to exclude pathogens, which may be inadvertently
introduced along with those materials. Generally, scientists, the traveling
public, and some importers of agricultural products are responsible for the
introduction of new pathogens into a region.
Not all pathogens are of quarantine significance. A pathogen species that
does not occur in a given country or an exotic strain of a domestic species is
of quarantine significance to that country if the pathogen is known to cause
economic damage elsewhere or has a life cycle or host/pathogen interaction
that shows a potential to cause economic damage under favorable host,
inoculum, and environmental conditions (Kahn, 1991). Importation of a
pathogen that already occurs in a given country is also of quarantine significance if an ongoing regional or national containment, suppression, or eradication program is directed against that pathogen species.
Actions to be taken to exclude pathogens are authorized by government
regulations. In the United States, the Plant Quarantine Act was enacted in
1912. The act provides authority for domestic and foreign quarantines. The
free from the disease in 1933. The eradication program was also taken up in
Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, Texas, and Mississippi. In
1947, citrus canker was declared to be eradicated from these states. However, a new form of the disease appeared in 1984 in Florida. Another eradication program was implemented, and by 1991, over 20 million trees had
been destroyed at a cost of about $94 million dollars. The Asiatic citrus canker is still prevalent in different parts of the United States (Gottwald et al.,
2001). The pathogen of fire blight of apple (Erwinia amylovora) entered
Hungary in 1996. In 1997 and 1998, further spread of the disease was registered and an eradication program was launched. More than 60,000 trees
were uprooted and destroyed across the country. Eradication was performed
partly by special brigades and partly with participation of growers. Erwinia
amylovora was first detected in 1995 in Spain, and several measures were
taken to eradicate the bacteria there as well.
In the United Kingdom, national plant disease legislation has been introduced to eradicate specific pathogens. It makes farmers responsible to inform officials about outbreaks of indigenous but geographically localized
diseases, known as notifiable diseases. Fire blight of apples and pears
(Erwinia amylovora), wart disease of potatoes (Synchytrium endobioticum), brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum) and ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus) of potato, plum pox disease of plums (Plum pox
virus), red stele disease of strawberries, rhizomania disease of beet (Beet necrotic yellow vein virus), and progressive wilt of hops (Verticillium alboatrum) are the important notifiable diseases in the United Kingdom. Occurrence of such diseases must be reported. The diseased material should not
be transported or sold and must be destroyed.
Several fungal, bacterial, viral, and phytoplasmal diseases are transmitted through seeds, including vegetative propagules (Mink, 1993; Johansen
et al., 1994; Langerak et al., 1996). The important seedborne pathogens are
listed in this section.
AlfalfaAlfalfa mosaic virus
BarleyBarley stripe mosaic virus, Xanthomonas campestris pv.
translucens, Xanthomonas campestris pv. undulosa, Rhynchosporium
secalis, Ustilago segetum var. nuda, Pyrenophora teres
BeanBean common mosaic virus, Bean pod mottle virus, Bean southern
mosaic virus, Bean yellow mosaic virus, Pseudomonas savastanoi pv.
phaseolicola, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens,
lots that had passed field inspection was initiated in Canada to facilitate international trade, because it was a pathogen of quarantine significance (De
Boer and Hall, 2000). By 1985, the advantage of laboratory testing for detecting incipient ring rot infections had become clear, and testing of domestic seed lots was introduced on a voluntary basis in some provinces. By
1992, laboratory indexing of all seed lots for C. michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus in Canada became mandatory. With privatization of potato testing
in Canada, an accreditation program was implemented to ensure that reliable and uniform results were obtained from multiple laboratories. The
quality-assurance program of each private laboratory must follow the criteria set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in their guide. Analysts in private laboratories are required to complete correctly blind proficiency panel samples on a semiannual basis to maintain their certified
status, which allows them to conduct the tests in an accredited laboratory.
These proficiency tests are administered by the Centre of Expertise for Potato Diseases of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (De Boer and Hall,
2000). Similar seed health testing laboratories are available in the United
States, Europe, and many Asian countries. The major purpose of these laboratories is to ensure the supply of seeds (including propagating materials)
free from pathogens to the growers in order to exclude pathogens from
fields, farms, regions, and countries.
Guidelines for the standardization of seed health testing methods were
drafted at the first Workshop on Seed Health Testing of the technical Plant
Disease Committee (PDC) of the International Seed Testing Association
(ISTA), held in Cambridge in 1958 (Langerak et al., 1996). Since then, numerous plant pathologists have worked on the development and standardization of seed health testing methods. These methods were evaluated in
comparative testing programs of the PDC. The evaluated methods were
compiled and published by ISTA as working sheets. These working sheets
describe seed health testing methods for individual pathogens separately for
each host and are included in the ISTA Handbook on Seed Health Testing.
Standardization of seed health testing methods is important to provide
assurances to the seed user that adequate seed health testing was provided.
The International Seed Health Initiative (ISHI) was founded in 1993 to address the immediate need for an efficient standardization process to accommodate the international seed trade as well as the level of testing proficiency
required in the private sector for the international movement of seed. ISHI is
an international consortium of seed industry and seed health testing plant
pathologists from the United States, the Netherlands, France, Japan, and Israel (Maddox, 1998). ISHI supports the accreditation of private laboratories
to assure the quality assurance of the testing and provide a means for regulatory testing that is both efficient and acceptable for phytosanitary regulation. The members of ISHI are working for worldwide standards in seed
health in conjunction with ISTA and other regulatory agencies to provide a
database of acceptable testing methods for world phytosanitary goals (Maddox, 1998).
Common Seed Health Testing Methods
Blotter Tests
Seeds are placed on two to three layers of water-soaked blotter papers in
petri dishes and incubated under alternating light, provided by fluorescent
white or near ultraviolet (NUV) tube lights, and dark periods. Fructifications
of fungal pathogens developing on seeds are identified using stereoscopic
and/or light microscopes. In a modified blotter test, seeds are placed between several layers of moist paper and incubated either in darkness or exposed to a 12-hour photoperiod. Specific symptoms may develop on germinating seedlings or characteristic fructifications may develop on the seed
coat, which can be identified by microscopic inspection. In the 2,4-D blotter
test, seed germination is prevented to create conditions for development of
mycelium or spores of the pathogen on the seed itself. The herbicide 2,4-D
solution is added to the blotter, and seeds are incubated under alternating
fluorescent white or near ultra violet light and dark periods. The developing
fructifications on the seed coat can be identified by microscopic inspection.
In a modified 2,4-D blotter method, instead of adding 2,4-D, the moist blotter with seeds is frozen at 20C after pre-imbibition at 20C to prevent seed
germination, allowing development of fungal fructifications on the seed
coat. The incubation conditions of various blotter tests can be modified depending on the requirements for development of fructifications of individual pathogens (Langerak et al., 1996).
Seed Washing Method
The seed washing method involves placing individual seeds or portions
of seeds in water or water plus detergent to promote release of spores or
conidia. Staining techniques are employed to distinguish between closely
related species of Tilletia in wheat. The repetitive-sequence-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) method is also useful (McDonald et al., 2000).
The commonly used seed health testing methods to detect various pathogens (Langerak et al., 1996; Maddox, 1998) follow:
Tilletia caries and T. controversawashing test, repetitivesequence-based polymerase chain reaction
Ustilago triticiembryo staining test
Tilletia indicaNaOH soak test, washing test
Stagonospora nodorumagar test, blotter test, growing-on test, fluorescence test, agar-fluorescence test
Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucensdilution plating, dot
immunobinding assay
Barley stripe mosaic viruslatex agglutination test,
immunodiffusion test, immunosorbent electron microscopy,
Ustilago segetum var. nudaembryo staining test
Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucensdilution plating, dotimmunobinding assay
Pyrenophora teresblotter test, agar test, growing-on test, deepfreezing test
Rhynchosporium secalisPCR (Lee et al., 2001)
Alernaria padwickiiagar test, blotter test
Cochliobolus miyabeanusblotter test
Pyricularia oryzaeblotter test
Fusarium moniliformeagar test and blotter test
Tilletia indicasodium hydroxide soak test
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzaegrowing-on test, direct immunofluorescence, dilution plating
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicolagrowing-on test, direct immunofluorescence, dilution plating
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis
immunofluorescence with seedling inoculation test, dilution plating, indicator host inoculation, seed wash/liquid plating, PCR
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomatogrowing-on test, plating enriched seed extract
Xanthomonas vesicatoriadilution plating, immunofluorescence
combined with dilution plating, plating enriched seed extract
Fusarium oxysporumagar test
Tobacco mosaic virusindicator plants
Cercospora kikuchiiagar test, blotter test
Diaporthe phaseolorumagar test
Peronospora manshuricawashing test
Phomopsis spp.blotter test, ELISA, immunoblot test
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycineagrowing-on test, direct plating, host inoculation, seed wash/liquid plating, immunoassays
Tobacco ringspot virusELISA, immunosorbent electron microscopy
Colletotrichum lindemuthianumblotter test
Curtobacterium flaccumfaciensimmunofluorescence, seedling
inoculation test, growing-on test
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicoladilution plating,
immunofluorescence test, immunofluorescence colony staining
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoliseed wash and host inoculation, seed wash and dilution plating, immunofluorescence test,
immunofluorescence colony staining, DNA hybridization, PCR
with seed extract
Bean common mosaic virusELISA, dot-immunobinding assay,
immunosorbent electron microscopy, microprecipitin test
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestrisdirect plating,
immunofluorescence test, seed wash/liquid plating plus pathogenicity test
Terrada, E., Kerschbaumer, R. J., Giunta, G., Galeffi, P., Himmler, G., and Cambra,
M. (2000). Fully recombinant enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using
genetically engineered single-chain antibody fusion proteins for detection of
Citrus tristeza virus. Phytopathology, 90:1337-1344.
Walcott, R. R. and Gitaitis, R. D. (2000). Detection of Acidovorax avenae subsp.
citrulli in watermelon seed using immunomagnetic separation and polymerase
chain reaction. Plant Dis, 84:470-474.
Warham, E. J. (1992). Karnal bunt of wheat. In U.S. Singh, A. N. Mukhopadhyay,
J. Kumar, and H. S. Chaube (Eds.), Plant Diseases of International Importance,
Volume I, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, pp. 1-24.
Several plant activators, which activate host defense mechanisms and
protect the plants against pathogens, have been reported. These activators
appear to activate defense genes in a manner different from the way host resistance genes activate defense genes, possibly using a different signal
transduction system. The practical utility of plant activators in crop disease
management is discussed in this chapter.
Plants are endowed with several defense genes. However, most of these
genes are quiescent in healthy plants. Specific signals are required to activate them. The chemicals that activate the defense genes by providing signals are called plant defense activators or plant activators. Plant activators
induce systemic resistance against diseases. Induced systemic resistance
(ISR) has been defined as active resistance dependent on the host plants
physical or chemical barriers, activated by biotic or abiotic agents (Kloepper et al., 1992). Induction of ISR has been shown to be due to induction of
various defense genes (Vidhyasekaran, 1998, 2001; Vidhyasekaran et al.,
2000). The other form of induced resistance in plants, systemic acquired resistance (SAR), refers to a distinct signal transduction pathway that is mediated by salicylic acid and activates defense genes (Dong and Beer, 2000).
Salicylic acid and several synthesized analogs of salicylic acid, such as 2,6dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA), are known to activate SAR. In contrast to
SAR, which is mediated by salicylic acid, ISR is mediated by jasmonic acid
and ethylene (Dong and Beer, 2000). ISR appears to be induced by biocontrol bacteria, while SAR is induced by infection by pathogens and chemical inducers. There are many exceptions to these definitions. For example,
riboflavin, a chemical, activates defense mechanisms and induces resistance; however, the activation is not through the salicylic acid pathway
(Dong and Beer, 2000). Several authors prefer to call this type of resistance
induced by chemicals ISR (Kuc, 2001; Oostendorp et al., 2001). It has
been demonstrated that ISR may act through a signaling pathway different
P. syringae pv. tabaci in tobacco (Press et al., 1997) and systemic resistance
against Alternaria macrospora leaf spot in cotton (Colson-Hanks and Deverall, 2000). Two synthetic compounds structurally related to INA, Nphenylsulfony-l2-chlorosonicotinamide and N-cyanomethyl-2-chlorosoisonicotinamide were also reported to induce resistance in rice (Yoshida et al.,
1990; Seguchi et al., 1992).
INA has been shown to act via activation of plant defense mechanisms
and has a dual mode of action: induction of defense responses prior to infection and potentiation of defense responses postinoculation. In sugar beet,
INA does not induce -1,3-glucanase or chitinase but conditions the plant to
induce these pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins faster upon attack by Cercospora beticola (Nielsen et al., 1994). Similar results were found in INAtreated cucumber hypocotyls upon challenge by Colletotrichum lagenarium
(Siegrist et al., 1994). INA may induce salicylic acid, which may signal the
induction of defense genes. SAR was characterized by activation of socalled SAR genes (Ward et al., 1991). Application of salicylic acid induces
SAR and the accumulation of defense genes (Uknes et al., 1992, 1993;
Summermatter et al., 1994). The type of SAR genes induced by salicylic
acid were also found to be induced by INA. In tobacco, coordinated induction of SAR genes by INA has been reported. These genes include those encoding PR-1 to PR-9 proteins plus a gene called SAR 8.2 (Ward et al., 1991).
In Arabidopsis, the same set of SAR genes and the spectrum of resistance
specificity were activated by salicylic acid and INA (Uknes et al., 1992,
Genetically engineered tobacco and Arabidopsis plants unable to accumulate salicylic acid failed to exhibit SAR after induction with pathogens
(Vernooij et al., 1994). However, application of INA still induced SAR and
SAR gene activity in such plants (Vernooij et al., 1994; Delaney et al.,
1995). INA did not induce salicylic acid glucoside accumulation in tobacco
(Malamy et al., 1996). However, INA was effective in inducing resistance
against P. syringae pv. tabaci in both wild-type Xanthi nc and transgenic
tobacco expressing salicylate hydroxylase (NahG) (Press et al., 1997), suggesting that INA action may not be mediated by salicylic acid.
INA may enter a common pathway downstream of salicylic acid synthesis (Malamy et al., 1996). This model is supported by the isolation and characterization of mutants in Arabidopsis that are insensitive to INA as well as
salicylic acid (Delaney et al., 1995). INA, as well as salicylic acid, inhibits
catalase and ascorbate peroxidase, two key enzymes for H2O2 degradation
(Durner and Klessig, 1995). INA induces at least some of the SAR genes induced by salicylic acid in different plants (Kogel et al., 1994) and also activates additional regulatory genes in addition to SAR genes (Siegrist et al.,
1994). INA was found to be a strong inducer of lipoxygenase (LOX) en-
monas oryzae pv. oryzae) in rice (Oostendorp et al., 2001). Its commercial
name is Oryzemate. It induces several defense genes (Watanabe et al., 1979).
A gene, RPR1, was identified as a probenazole-responsive gene (Sakamoto
et al., 1999). RPR1 contains a nucleotide binding site and leucine-rich repeats, thus sharing structural similarity with known disease resistance
genes. The expression of RPR1 in rice could be up-regulated by treatment
with chemical inducers of SAR and by inoculation with pathogens. RPR1
was induced during the systemic induced resistance (Sakamoto et al., 1999).
Probenazole and its derivative BIT (1,2-benzisothiazol-3-(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide) induced resistance against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and
Peronospora parasitica in A. thaliana (Yoshioka et al., 2001). They induced
expression of several pathogenesis-related genes and accumulation of salicylic acid in A. thaliana (Yoshioka et al., 2001). Probenazole or BIT treatment did not induce disease resistance or PR-1 expression in NahG transgenic plants (salicylic acid is degraded in these plants) or npr1 mutant A.
thaliana plants (npr1 is a key component in the salicylic acid signaling pathway). However, probenazole or BIT treatment induced disease resistance
and PR-1 expression in Arabidopsis etr1-1 mutant plants, which are insensitive to ethylene, and coi1-1 mutant plants, which are insensitive to methyl
jasmonate (Yoshioka et al., 2001). These results suggest that the salicylic
acid pathway is required for probenazole-mediated activation of defense responses, while signal transduction pathways involving ethylene or methyl
jasmonate are not required. Probenazole may stimulate the salicylic acid/
NPR1-mediated defense signaling pathway upstream of salicylic acid (Yoshioka et al., 2001).
The plant growth regulator prohexadione-Ca acts as a plant activator. It
has no direct effect on growth of E. amylovora, the apple fire blight pathogen. However, it reduced the incidence of fire blight and causes major
changes in the flavonoid metabolism of apple. Within four hours after treatment, a new flavonoid (identified as luteoliflavan) occurs in leaf and flower
tissue (Roemmelt, Truetter, et al., 1999). Apple trees treated with 250 mg/liter prohexadione-Ca late in the bloom period gave a significantly lower incidence of secondary shoot blight (caused by E. amylovora) than unsprayed
trees (Fernando and Jones, 1999). Prohexadione-Ca was more effective than
Actigard in controlling the apple shoot blight (Momol, Ugine, et al., 1999).
Becot, S., Pajot, E., Corre, D., Monot, C., and Silue, D. (2000). Phytogard (K2HPO3)
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Benhamou, N. and Belanger, R. R. (1998). Induction of systemic resistance to
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Besser, K., Jarosch, B., Langen, G., and Kogel, K. H. (2000). Expression analysis of
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Cohen, Y. (1994). 3-Aminobutyric acid induces systemic resistance against Peronospora tabacina. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 44:273-288.
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Delaney, T. P., Friedrich, L., and Ryals, J. (1995). Arabidopsis signal transduction
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Several plant extracts have been shown to control diseases. Some of them
have been developed as commercial formulations. Plant extracts may have
antimicrobial action, or they may induce disease resistance by activating a
signal transduction system in plants. The possible uses of plant extracts in
crop disease management are described in this chapter.
Several plant extracts have been reported to possess antimicrobial action.
Proteins from the seeds of 200 Australian native plant accessions were extracted, and most of them were found to show antimicrobial activity. The
peptides isolated from Hardenbergia violacea and Macadamia integrifolia
showed strong inhibitory activity in vitro toward plant pathogens (Harrison
et al., 1998). A novel antifungal compound, fistulosin (octadecyl 3-hydroxyindole), isolated from roots of Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum) showed high
activity against Fusarium oxysporum, primarily inhibiting protein synthesis
(Phay et al., 1999). Several articles have appeared in recent years describing
antimicrobial compounds isolated from various plants. However, only very
few of these compounds have been tested for crop-disease management under field conditions. Leaf extracts of Annona cherimola, Bromelia hemisphaerica, and Carica papaya inhibited sporulation of Rhizopus stolonifer,
the pathogen of circula fruit (Spondias purpurea) rot. They also reduced
fruit rot infection and development (Bautista-Banos et al., 2000). Garlic
juice and grapefruit juice (BioSept) effectively controlled rose powdery
mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae), and their efficacy was equal to
that of the standard fungicide triforine (Wojdyla, 2000). When root extracts
of Mirabilis jalapa, containing a ribosome inactivating protein called Mirabilis antiviral protein (MAP), were sprayed on potato plants, infection by
Potato virus X (PVX) and potato spindle tuber viroid was inhibited by almost 100 percent (Vivanco et al., 1999). Similar results were obtained in tomato plants against PVX infection. Antiviral activity of MAP extracts was
observed against mechanically transmitted viruses, but the extracts did not
2000). Several antiviral proteins have been isolated from pokeweed extract.
These proteins show ribosome inhibitory action against viruses. A pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP), a 29 kDa protein isolated from Phytolacca
americana, inhibits translation by catalytically removing a specific adenine
residue from the large rRNA of the 60S subunit of eukaryotic ribosomes
(Smirnov et al., 1997). The PAP depurinates the sarcin/ricin (S/R) loop of
the large rRNA of prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes (Zoubenko et al.,
2000). A mutant of pokeweed antiviral protein, PAPn, which has a single
amino acid substitution (Gly-75), did not bind ribosomes efficiently, indicating Gly-75 in the N-terminal domain is critical for the binding of PAP to
ribosomes. PAPn did not depurinate ribosomes and was nontoxic when expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic plants, which expressed
nontoxic protein, were also resistant to viral and fungal infection (Zoubenko
et al., 2000). These results suggest that PAP may act as inducer of systemic
resistance against viruses, rather than by directly inhibiting viruses. PAP induces synthesis of pathogenesis-related proteins and a small increase in salicylic acid levels in tobacco. An intact active site of PAP is necessary for induction of virus resistance in plants. Enzymatic activity of PAP appears to
be responsible for generating a signal that renders tobacco plants resistant to
virus infection (Smirnov et al., 1997).
Plant extracts have the potential to control various diseases. However,
they are less stable on sprayed plants, and frequent application of these
products is needed to manage diseases efficiently. Further research is necessary to obtain highly stable compounds.
Baranwal, V. K. and Verma, H. N. (2000). Antiviral phytoproteins as biocontrol
agents for efficient management of plant viruses. In R. K. Upadhyay, K. G.
Mukerji, and B. P. Chamola (Eds.), Biocontrol Potential and its Exploitation in
Sustainable Agriculture. Volume 1: Crop Diseases, Weeds, and Nematodes.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 71-79.
Bautista-Banos, S., Hernandez-Polez, M., Diaz-Perez, J. C., and Cano-Ochoa, C. F.
(2000). Evaluation of the fungicidal properties of plant extracts to reduce
Rhizopus stolonifer of circula fruit (Spondias purpurea L.) during storage.
Postharvest Biol Technol, 20:99-106.
Bowers, J. H. and Locke, J. C. (2000). Effect of botanical extracts on the population
density of Fusarium oxysporum in soil and control of Fusarium wilt in the greenhouse. Plant Dis, 84:300-305.
Daayf, F., Ongena, M., Boulanger, R., El-Hadrami, I., and Belanger, R. R. (2000).
Induction of phenolic compounds in two cultivars of cucumber by treatment of
healthy and powdery mildew-infected plants with extracts of Reynoutria sachalinensis. J Chem Ecol, 26:1579-1593.
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Phay, N., Higashiyama, T., Tsuji, M., Matsuura, H., Fukushi, Y., Yokota, A., and
Tomita, F. (1999). An antifungal compound from roots of Welsh onion. Phytochemistry, 52:271-274.
Smirnov, S., Shulaev, V., and Tumer, N. E. (1997). Expression of pokeweed antiviral protein in transgenic plants induced virus resistance in grafted wild-type
plants independently of salicylic acid accumulation and pathogenesis-related
protein synthesis. Plant Physiol, 114:1113-1121.
Vivanco, J. M., Querci, M., and Salazar, L. F. (1999). Antiviral and antiviroid activity of MAP-containing extracts from Mirabilis jalapa roots. Plant Dis, 83:11161121.
Wojdyla, A. T. (2000). Influence of some compounds on development of Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae. J Plant Protect Res, 40:106-121.
Wurms, K., Labbe, C., Benhamou, N., and Belanger, R. R. (1999). Effects of
Milsana and benzothiadiazole on the ultrastructure of powdery mildew haustoria
on cucumber. Phytopathology, 89:728-736.
Zoubenko, O., Hudak, K., and Tumer, N. E. (2000). A non-toxic pokeweed antiviral
protein mutant inhibits pathogen infection via a novel salicylic acid-independent
pathway. Plant Mol Biol, 44:219-229.
of of
Major Cultivated
In the following sections, a comprehensive list of diseases occurring in
major crops grown in different parts of the world is presented. The common
names of the diseases given in these sections are the American Phytopathological Society approved names (Hansen, 1985, 1988, 1991; APSnet,
1997). Names of fungal pathogens (their accepted names, synonyms, anamorphic and teleomorphic names) with authority are given (Hawksworth
et al., 1995; Wrobel and Creber, 1998). Synonyms are given as =. Names of
the bacterial pathogens are given based on papers published by Young and
colleagues (1996) and Schaad and colleagues (2000). The names include
accepted names and all valid synonyms, which are indicated as =. Names of
viruses have been given based on the guidelines provided by Van Regenmortel (1999).
Oat sterile dwarf: genus Fijivirus, Oat sterile dwarf virus (OSDV)
Pink snow mold: Microdochium nivalis (Fr.) Samuel and I. C. Hallett =
Fusarium nivale (Fr.) Sorauer, Teleomorph: Monographella nivalis
(Schaffnit) E. Mller
Powdery mildew: Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer f. sp. hordei Em.
Marchel, Anamorph: Oidium monilioides (Nees) Link = Erysiphe
graminis DC, ex Merat f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal
Pythium root rot: Pythium spp., Pythium arrhenomanes Drechs., Pythium
graminicola Subramanian, Pythium tardicrescens Vanderpool
Rhizoctonia root rot: Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, Teleomorph:
Thanatephorus cucumeris (A. B. Frank) Donk
Rice black-streaked dwarf: genus Fijivirus, Rice black-streaked dwarf
virus (RBSDV)
Rice stripe: genus Tenuivirus, Rice stripe virus (RSV)
Scab (= head blight): F. graminearum Schwabe
Scald: Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud.) J. J. Davis
Septoria speckled leaf blotch: Septoria passerinni Sacc., Stagonospora
avenae f. sp. triticea T. Johnson
Sharp eyespot: Rhizoctonia cerealis Van der Hoeven, Teleomorph:
Ceratobasidium cereale D. Murray and L. L. Burpee
Snow rot: Pythium iwayamai Ito, P. okanoganense Lipps, P. paddicum
Snow scald: Myriosclerotinia borealis (Bubak and Vleugel) L. M. Kohn =
Sclerotinia borealis Bubak and Vleugel
Southern blight: Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., Teleomorph: Athelia rolfsii
(Curzi) Tu and Kimbrough
Speckled snow mold: Typhula idahoensis Remsberg
Spot blotch: Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kuribayashi) Drechs. ex Dastur,
Anamorph: Drechslera teres (Sacc.) Shoemaker
Stagonospora blotch: Stagonospora avenae f. sp. triticea T. Johnson,
Teleomorph: Phaeosphaeria avenaria f. sp. triticea T. Johnson,
Stagonospora nodorum (Berk.) Castellani and E. G. Germano =
Septoria nodorum (Berk.) Berk. in Berk. and Broome, Teleomorph:
Phaeosphaeria nodorum (E. Muller) Hedjaroude
Stem rust (= black stem rust): Puccinia graminis Pers.:Pers. = Puccinia
graminis f.sp. tritici (Pers.) Erikss. et Henn
Take-all: Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) von Arx and Olivier var.
tritici Walker = Ophiobolus graminis Sacc.
Tan spot: Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechs. = P. trichostoma
(Fr.) Fuckel, Anamorph: Drechslera tritici-repentis (Died.) Shoemaker
= Helminthosporium tritici-repentis Died.
Verticillium wilt: Verticillium dahliae Kleb.
Clover yellow vein: genus Potexvirus, Clover yellow vein virus (CYVV)
Common blight, fuscous blight: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli
(Smith 1897) Vauterin, Hoste, Kersters, and Swings 1995 =
Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith 1897) Dye 1978 =
Xanthomonas phaseoli (ex Smith 1997) Gabriel, Kingsley, Hunter, and
Gottwald 1989
Cucumber mosaic: genus Cucumovirus, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
Curly top: genus Hybrigeminivirus, Beet curly top virus (BCTV)
Damping-off and stem rot: Rhizoctonia solani Khn, Teleomorph:
Thanatephorus cucumeris (A. B. Frank) Donk
Fusarium root rot: Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. f. sp. phaseoli
(Burkholder) W. C. Snyder and H. N. Hans.
Fusarium yellows: Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend.:Fr. f. sp. phaseoli
J. B. Kendrick and W. C. Snyder
Gray mold: Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr, Teleomorph: Botryotinia fuckeliana
(de Bary) Whetzel
Halo blight: Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder 1926)
Gardan, Bollet, Abu Ghorrah, Grimont, and Grimont 1992 = Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder 1926) Young, Dye, and
Wilkie 1978
Leaf spot: Phoma exigua Desmaz. var. exigua = Ascochyta phaseolorum
Machismo: Phytoplasma
Peanut mottle: genus Potyvirus, Peanut mottle virus (PMV)
Peanut stunt: genus Cucumovirus, Peanut stunt virus (PSV)
Phyllosticta leaf spot: Phyllosticta phaseolina Sacc.
Phymatotrichum root rot (cotton root rot): Phymatotrichopsis omnivora
(Duggar) Hennebert = Phymatotrichum omnivorum Duggar
Phytopthora blight: Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan var.
parasitica (Dastur) G. M. Waterhouse, Phytophthora phaseoli Thaxt.
Powdery mildew: Erysiphe polygoni DC.
Pythium blight: Pythium debaryanum Auct. non R. Hesse, P. ultimum
Red node: genus Ilarvirus, Tobacco streak virus (TSV)
Rust: Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.:Pers.) Unger
Southern blight: Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., Teleomorph: Athelia rolfsii
(Curzi) Tu and Kimbrough
Speckle disease: Stagonosporopsis hortensis (Sacc. and Malbr.) Petr. =
Ascochyta boltshauseri Sacc. in Boltshauser
Stipple streak: genus Necrovirus, Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV)
Tobacco ringspot: genus Tobravirus, Tobacco ringspot virus (TRS)
Web blight: Rhizoctonia solani Khn
White mold (Sclerotinia rot): Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary
Bacterial leaf blight and stalk rot: Acidovorax avenae ssp. avenae (Manns
1909) Willems, Goor, Thielemans, Gillis, Kersters, and De Ley 1990 =
Pseudomonas avenae ssp. avenae Manns 1909
Bacterial leaf spot: Xanthomonas vasicola pv. holcicola (Elliott 1930)
Vauterin, Hoste, Kersters, and Swings 1995
Bacterial stalk rot: Enterobacter dissolvens (Rosen 1922) Brenner,
McWhorter, Kai, Steigerwalt, and Farmer 1988 = Erwinia dissolvens
(Rosen 1922) Burkholder 1948
Bacterial stalk and top rot: Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora (Jones
1901) Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer, and Huntoon 1923, Erwinia
chrysanthemi pv. zeae (Sabet 1954) Victoria, Arboleda, and Munoz
Bacterial stripe: Burkholderia andropogonis (Smith 1911) Gillis, Van
Van, Bardin, Goor, Hebbar, Willems, Segers, Kersters, Heulin, and
Fernandez 1995 = Pseudomonas andropogonis (Smith 1911) Stapp
Barley stripe mosaic: genus Hordeivirus, Barley stripe mosaic virus
Barley yellow dwarf: genus Luteovirus, Barley yellow dwarf virus
Brome mosaic: Brome mosaic virus (BMV)
Brown spot: Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe
Brown stripe downy mildew: Sclerophthora rayssiae Kenneth et al. var.
zeae Payak and Renfro
Cereal chlorotic mottle: Cereal chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV)
Charcoal rot: Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goidanich
Chocolate spot: Pseudomonas syringae pv. coronafaciens (Elliott 1920)
Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
Common corn rust: Puccinia sorghi Schwein.
Common smut: Ustilago zeae (Beckm.) Unger = U. maydis (DC.) Corda
Corn chlorotic vein banding: Corn chlorotic vein banding virus (CCVBV)
Corn stunt: Spiroplasma kunkelii Whitcomb, Chen, Williamson, Liao,
Tully, Bove, Mouchers, Rose, Coan, and Clark 1986
Crazy top downy mildew: Sclerophthora macrospora (Sacc.)
Thirumalachar et al. = Sclerospora macrospora Sacc.
Cucumber mosaic: genus Cucumovirus, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
Cynodon chlorotic streak: Cynodon chlorotic streak virus (CCSV)
Didymella leaf spot: Didymella exitalis (Morini) E. Muller
Diplodia ear rot: Diplodia maydis (Berk.) Sacc.
Diplodia ear rot and stalk rot: Diplodia frumenti Ellis and Everh.,
Teleomorph: Botryosphaeria festucae (Lib.) Arx and E. Mller
White leaf spot and gray stem: Pseudocercosporella capsellae (Ellis and
Everh.) Deighton
White rust: Albugo candida (Pers.) Kunze
Xanthomonas leaf spot: Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae
(McCulloch 1929) Dye 1978
Yellows: genus Luteovirus, Beet western yellows virus (BWYV)
Crops: melon, muskmelon, and cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), squash, gourd, and pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.),
watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai], ash gourd and
wax gourd [Benincasa hispida (Thumb.) Cogn.], bottle gourd [Lagenaria
siceraria (Mol.) Standl.], snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.), and
ribbed gourd [Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.]
Alternaria leaf blight: Alternaria cucumerina (Ellis and Everh.) J. A.
Alternaria leaf spot: Alternaria alternata (Fr.:Fr.) Keissl. f. sp. cucurbitae
Angular leaf spot: Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans (Smith and
Bryan 1915) Young, Dye, and Wilkie 1978
Anthracnose: Colletotrichum orbiculare (Berk. and Mont.) Arx =
C. lagenarium (Pass.) Ellis and Halst, Teleomorph: Glomerella
lagenarium Stevens
Aster yellows: Phytoplasma
Bacterial fruit blotch: Acidovorax avenae ssp. citrulli (Schaad, Sowell,
Goth, Colwell, and Webb 1978) Willems, Goor, Thielemans, Gillis,
Kersters, and De Ley 1992 = Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes ssp.
citrulli Schaad, Sowell, Goth, Colwell, and Webb 1978
Bacterial leaf spot: Xanthomonas cucurbitae (ex Bryan 1926) Vauterin,
Hoste, Kersters, and Swings 1995 = Xanthomonas campestris pv.
cucurbitae (Bryan 1926) Dye 1978
Bacterial soft rot: Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora (Jones 1901)
Bergey, Harrison, Breed, Hammer, and Huntoon 1923
Bacterial wilt: Erwinia tracheiphila (Smith 1895) Bergey, Harrison,
Breed, Hammer, and Huntoon 1923
Belly rot: Rhizoctonia solani Khn, Teleomorph: Thanatephorus
cucumeris (A. B. Frank) Donk
Black root rot: Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk. and Broome) Ferraris
Brown spot: Pantoea ananas pv. ananas (Serrano 1928) Mergaert,
Verdonck, and Kersters = Erwinia ananas Serrano 1928
Wheat yellow leaf: genus Closterovirus, Wheat yellow leaf virus (WYLV)
Wheat yellow mosaic: genus Bymovirus, Wheat yellow mosaic virus
(WYMV) (family Potyviridae)
White blotch: Bacillus megaterium pv. cerealis Hosford 1982
Winter crown rot (Coprinus snow mold): Coprinus psychromorbidus
Redhead and Traquair
APSnet (1997). <>.
Hansen, J. D. (1985). Common names for plant diseases. Plant Dis, 69:649-676.
Hansen, J. D. (1988). Common names for plant diseases. Plant Dis, 72:567-574.
Hansen, J. D. (1991). Common names for plant diseases. Plant Dis, 75:225-230.
Hawksworth, D. L., Kirk, P. M., Sutton, B. C., and Pegler, D. N. (1995). Ainsworth
and Bisbys Dictionary of Fungi. CAB International, U.K.
Schaad, N. W., Vidaver, A. K., Lacy, G. H., Rudolph, K., and Jones, J. B. (2000).
Evaluation of proposed amended names of several pseudomonads and xanthomonads and recommendations. Phytopathology, 90:208-213.
Van Regenmortel, M. H. V. (1999). How to write the names of virus species. Arch
Virol, 144:1041-1042.
Wrobel, W. and Creber, G. (1998). Elseviers Dictionary of Fungi and Fungal Plant
Diseases. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Young, J. M., Saddler, G. S., Takikawa, Y., De Boer, S. H., Vauterin, L., Gardan,
L., Gvozdyak, R. I., and Stead, D. E. (1996). Names of plant pathogenic bacteria,
1864-1995. Rev Plant Pathol, 75:721-761.
Cell walls of host plants offer resistance to fungal and bacterial pathogens by rapidly modifying their structure when pathogens try to penetrate
and disintegrate them. Early induction of cell wall modifications is characteristic of resistant interactions. The possible role of cell walls in host defense mechanisms is described in this chapter.
A host cell wall offers resistance to pathogen penetration or multiplication due to the interlocking network of macromolecules. The cell wall is in a
dynamic state, and when a fungal or bacterial pathogen tries to penetrate or
disintegrate the cell wall to facilitate its spread, the cell wall reinforces itself
by rapidly modifying its structure. The most common response is formation
of cell wall appositions, which are otherwise called papillae. Papillae comprise a callose matrix, incorporated with pectic materials, cellulose, suberin,
gums, calcium, and silicon. Lignification of papillae occurs. Incorporation
of hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein (HRGP) strengthens the papillae. Several toxic substances, including phenolics, flavonoids, and H2O2, accumulate in the papillae.
Upon penetration by some fungal pathogens, such as powdery mildew
and rust fungi, another reactive material, the collar, is deposited along the
haustorial neck of fungi within the host cell. In some cases, this collar may
develop to such an extent that the entire haustorium is encased. The collar
develops from papillae and is mostly composed of cellulosic -1,4-glucans
and callose. Callose is a polysaccharide containing a high proportion of 1,3-linked glucose and is a polymer of -1,3-glucans. Uridine diphosphoglucose (UDP-glucose) is converted into a -1,3-glucan, callose, by -1,3glucan synthase (callose synthase). Callose is a minor component of healthy
plant tissues. Plants respond to infection by pathogens with the rapid deposition of callose. The presence of collars is usually associated with poor de-
velopment of the haustoria. The collar may act as a barrier to apoplastic flow
in rust fungi.
The extrahaustorial matrix is another component involved in cell wall reinforcement. In the case of powdery mildew and rust fungi, the haustorium
is surrounded by an extrahaustorial matrix. The matrix may contain lipids,
polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and proteins, but cellulose and pectin are
usually absent.
Papillae formation is also associated with bacterial disease resistance.
When lettuce leaves were inoculated with the incompatible bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseoli, an apparent convolution of the
plasma membrane occurred next to bacterial cells. Fibrillar material accumulates between the convoluted membrane, and progressive thickening and
increase in complexity of paramural deposits occur within eight hours after
inoculation. Swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum and an increase in numbers of smooth vesicles (papillae) are observed at sites of paramural deposition (Bestwick et al., 1995).
Papillae may function as an important resistance mechanism. The role of
papillae in host defense mechanisms has been demonstrated by the following evidence:
1. Papillae are formed abundantly in only resistant/incompatible hostpathogen interactions. In susceptible interactions, fewer and smaller
papillae are formed.
2. When the disease-resistant plants are treated with inhibitors of papilla
formation (such as 2-deoxy-D-glucose), papillae formation is inhibited, and the plants become susceptible to pathogens.
3. When papilla formation is induced by treatments with chemicals such
as chitosan or some plant extracts, more and larger papillae are
formed, and the susceptible plants become resistant.
Earlier papilla initiation is an important factor for papillae-mediated disease resistance. When papilla deposition starts earlier and increases more
rapidly, the plants become more resistant. Restriction of growth of Leptosphaeria maculans to the infected areas in cotyledons of Brassica napus-B.
nigra addition line (LA4+) plants was correlated to reinforcement of cell
wall barriers, including wall apposition, papillae, and vessel plugging, and
the disease resistance was associated with rapidity in plant responses (Roussel
Hydroxyproline-Rich Glycoproteins
Plant cell walls contain different types of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins. These proteins show extensive modifications when pathogens try
to penetrate the plant cell wall, and these modified HRGPs offer resistance
to pathogens. The role of HRGPs in disease resistance is described in this
A plant cell wall contains up to 10 percent protein. Cell wall protein is exceptionally rich in hydroxyproline (Hyp). There are four types of hydroxyproline-rich protein classes.
1. Extensins: Extensins are rich in hydroxyproline and serine (Ser) and
usually contain the repeating pentapeptide motif Ser-Hyp4. Other
commonly found amino acids are valine, tyrosine, lysine, and histidine.
2. Proline (PRO)-rich proteins (PRPs): All PRPs are characterized by the
repeating occurrence of PRO-PRO repeats. They contain approximately equimolar quantities of proline and hydroxyproline.
3. Lectins: Hydroxyproline and arabinose are major constituents of
lectins. The serine-hydroxyproline-rich glycopeptide domain of lectins
bears a striking biochemical resemblance to the extensins.
4. Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs): They are HRGPs that are highly
glycosylated. The protein moiety of AGPs is typically rich in hydroxyproline, serine, alanine (Ala), threonine, and glycine. They contain
Ala-Hyp repeats.
HRGPs accumulate in infected tissues, particularly in cell wall appositions (papillae). Accumulation of HRGPs in plant cell walls is one of the
earliest changes observed in the cell walls of leaves inoculated with incom-
Lignin is a complex polymer built from phenolic acids, which are reduced to the corresponding alcohols. Rapid lignification of plant cell walls
appears to be an important host defense mechanism. The role of lignin in
bacterial and fungal disease resistance is described in this chapter.
Lignin is a complex polymer deposited in secondary cell walls. Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein is known to be a matrix for deposition of lignin.
Lignin is a three-dimensional polymer built from three monomers called
monolignols. The three building units are p-coumaryl, coniferyl, and sinapyl
alcohols, which are polymerized in lignin via free radical production.
Lignin is formed by the random condensation of phenylpropanoid units.
Lignin monomers are produced from phenylalanine by a branch of phenylpropanoid metabolism. The first step of the phenylpropanoid pathway is the
deamination of phenylalanine by phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) to
yield trans-cinnamic acid. Hydroxylation of cinnamic acid by cinnamic
acid-4-hydroxylase (CA4H) produces p-coumaric acid. Further hydroxylation by p-coumaric hydroxylase (CH) results in the synthesis of caffeic
acid or 5-hydroxyferulic acid. Methylation of these acids by O-methyl
transferases (OMT) produces ferulic and sinapic acids, respectively. The
three acids (p-coumaric, ferulic, and sinapic acids) are coupled to CoA and
reduced to the corresponding alcohols. The end products of this pathway are
the three monolignols, namely p-coumaryl, coniferyl, and sinapyl alcohols
(Vidhyasekaran, 1988). Polymerization of these monolignols is catalyzed
by peroxidases. Plants possess a number of different peroxidase isozymes.
Many of them have been found to be localized to cell walls. Cell wall-bound
peroxidases fall into two subgroups, the anionic and cationic. Both the
acidic and basic peroxidases have been found to be located in plant cell
walls, and both anionic peroxidases and cationic peroxidases are involved in
lignification. Cell wall-bound peroxidases are involved not only in the oxidative polymerization of hydroxylated cinnamyl alcohols but also in the
generation of hydrogen peroxide necessary for lignification. The polymerization of the three cinnamyl alcohols is mediated by the peroxidase-H2O2
nified materials may prevent bacterial spread by blocking movement between the epithem and xylem vessels. Reactive compounds associated with
the process of lignification may also inhibit pathogen growth (Vidhyasekaran et al., 2001).
De Ascensao, A. R. D. C. F. and Dubery, L. A. (2000). Panama disease: Cell wall reinforcement in banana roots in response to elicitors from Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. cubense race four. Phytopathology, 90:1173-1180.
Guo, A., Reimers, P. J., and Leach, J. E. (1993). Effect of light on compatible interaction between Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and rice. Physiol Mol Plant
Pathol, 42:413-425.
Kpemoua, K., Boher, B., Nicole, M., Calatayud, P., and Geiger, J. P. (1996).
Cytochemistry of defense responses in cassava infected by Xanthomonas campestris pv. manihotis. Canad J Microbiol, 42:1131-1143.
Milosevic, N. and Slusarenko, A. J. (1996). Active oxygen metabolism and lignification in the hypersensitive response in bean. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 49:143158.
Reimers, P. J. and Leach, J. E. (1991). Race-specific resistance to Xanthomonas
oryzae pv. oryzae conferred by bacterial blight resistance gene Xa-10 in rice
Oryza sativa involves accumulation of a lignin-like substance in host tissues.
Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 38:39-55.
Southerton, S. G. and Deverall, B. J. (1990). Histochemical and chemical evidence
for lignin accumulation during the expression of resistance to leaf rust fungi in
wheat. Physiol Plant Pathol, 36:483-494.
Vidhyasekaran, P. (1988). Physiology of Disease Resistance in Plants, Volume I.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Vidhyasekaran, P., Kamala, N., Ramanathan, A., Rajappan, K., Paranidharan, V.,
and Velazhahan, R. (2001). Induction of systemic resistance by Pseudomonas
fluorescens Pf1 against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in rice leaves. Phytoparasitica, 29:155-166.
Pathogenesis-Related Proteins
Several new proteins appear in plants infected with pathogens, and these
are called pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. They are induced more in resistant interactions. The molecular mechanism of transcription of PR genes,
the signals involved in induction of these genes, and the possible role of PR
proteins in disease resistance are discussed in this chapter.
When plants are infected by pathogens, a number of genes encoding for
proteins are transcriptionally activated and new proteins are synthesized.
These proteins are called pathogenesis-related proteins. PR proteins have
been defined as proteins encoded by the host plants but induced only in
pathological situations. These PR proteins are induced by fungal, bacterial,
viral, and viroid pathogens. In addition to these pathogens, insect pests,
nematodes, and endophytic saprophytic bacteria, such as some strains of
Pseudomonas fluorescens, induce PR proteins.
Some products from these living organisms also induce PR proteins.
Elicitors isolated from fungi and bacteria induce PR proteins in plants.
Toxins isolated from fungi, and pectic enzymes, cellulases, and xylanases
isolated from fungi and bacteria induce PR proteins. Endogenous elicitors
isolated from plant cell walls (oligogalacturonates) have been shown to induce PR proteins in several plants. Several abiotic compounds are also
known to induce PR proteins. Heavy metals, polyacrylic acid, mannitol, salicylic acid, methyl salicylate, and methyl jasmonate/jasmonic acid induce
synthesis of PR proteins. Several plant activators, such as 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) and benzothiadiazole (BTH) (Latunde-Dada and
Lucas, 2001) are known to induce PR proteins. Several growth regulators,
such as ethylene, kinetin, indoleacetic acid, and abscisic acid, induce PR proteins in various plants. Several environmental factors also induce PR proteins.
Temperature, light, ozone, and ultraviolet rays have been shown to influence induction of PR proteins. Osmotic stress induces PR proteins in some
plants. Any injury or mechanical wounding induces several PR proteins.
Because PR proteins can be induced by several stresses besides pathogens, these proteins should be redefined as plant proteins that are induced
by various types of pathogens as well as stress conditions (Van Loon et al.,
1994). However, even this definition needs modifications, because several
PR proteins have been detected in healthy tissues without any stress in many
plants. In some plants, PR proteins, which appear in leaves only after a
stress, constitutively occur in other parts of plants, including seeds, flowers,
and roots. Many PR proteins appear constitutively in cultured plant cells.
Such proteins, which are induced in one organ of the plant but constitutively
present in other parts of the plant, are also considered to be PR proteins.
Some PR proteins that are induced proteins in some varieties occur constitutively in other varieties. Even in the same plant, PR proteins appear in lower
old leaves without any stress while these proteins could be detected in
young leaves only after inoculation with pathogens.
Hence, it was suggested that to be labeled a PR protein, the protein must
be expressed upon infection in any one organ of the plant, and at least in any
one variety of the plant. However, even PR proteins that could not be detected in unstressed healthy plants by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(PAGE) could be detected when Western blot analyses were made using antisera or when cDNA probes were used. This indicates PR proteins may be
present in uninfected tissues in amounts too small for detection on gels by
general protein stains. Hence, PR proteins are defined as proteins that are
readily detected in infected tissues but not in uninfected ones (Van Loon,
1999). Some proteins are induced exclusively during susceptible interaction, and such proteins are not induced in resistant interactions. These proteins are not considered to be PR proteins (Van Loon, 1999). PR proteins
should be induced in resistant/incompatible interactions, irrespective of
whether they are induced in susceptible/compatible interactions. PR proteins are normally detected in leaves, but in some plants, they are detected
in roots, tubers, stems, petioles, and germinating seeds (Vidhyasekaran,
Some proteins in healthy, unstressed plant tissues show an amino acid
(nucleotide) sequence similar to already characterized PR proteins. They
may also have enzyme activity similar to some PR proteins. However, they
are never induced by pathogens. Such proteins are called PR-like proteins
(Van Loon et al., 1994).
Several PR proteins occur in plants. PR proteins are classified on the basis of their nucleotide sequence or predicted sequence of amino acids,
serological relationship, and/or enzymatic or biological activity (Van Loon
et al., 1994). Serological relationship or enzymatic activity or biological activity alone is not taken as the criteria for classification of PR proteins; they
are considered to be additional characteristics for classification. The structure of PR proteins is the most important factor for classifying PR proteins
into families. PR proteins have been classified into fourteen families based
on shared sequence homology. The isoelectric points of PR proteins are
considered to classify some PR proteins into subclasses (Koiwa et al., 1994).
PR-1 Proteins
This group of PR proteins has been detected widely in the plant kingdom.
Both acidic and basic isoforms (differentiated on the basis of isoelectric
points of the PR proteins) of PR-1 proteins have been detected. In tobacco
alone, ten PR-1 proteins, PR-1a, PR-1b, PR-1c, PR-1d, PR-1e, PR-1f, PR1g, PR-1h, PRB-1a, and PRB-1b, have been detected.
PR-2 Proteins
This family of PR proteins shows -1,3-glucanase activity. -1,3-Glucanases (glucan endo-1,3- -glucosidases) catalyze endo-type hydrolytic
cleavage of the 1,3- -D-glucosidic linkages in -1,3-glucans. -1,3-Glucan,
the substrate for the enzyme -1,3-glucanase, is widespread in plant tissues
and is associated with the formation of callose, leaf and stem hairs, root
hairs, pollen grains, ovules, and wound parenchyma cells. As such, endo 1,3-glucanases are abundant proteins widely distributed in plant species.
Constitutive expression of several -1,3-glucanases in healthy plants has
been reported. These enzymes accumulate in normal healthy plants during
pollen germination, fertilization, seed maturation, and germination. However, some -1,3-glucanases have been shown to be induced by pathogens,
and such enzymes are considered to be PR proteins. Thus, all -1,3-glucanases are not PR proteins; only specific -1,3-glucanases are recognized as
PR-2 proteins. PR-2 -1,3-glucanase exists in multiple forms in a number of
plant species. In tobacco, PR-2 proteins are classified into three structural
classes based on amino acid sequence identity. The class I -1,3-glucanases
are basic proteins localized in the cell vacuole. These include PR-2e of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) PR proteins, and Gn1 and Gn2 of Nicotiana
PR-4 Proteins
Two classes of the PR-4 family have been reported. Class I includes
hevein of rubber tree and Win protein of potato. The class II PR-4 protein
constitutes tobacco PR-4 as the typical member of PR-4 proteins. One of the
tobacco PR-4 proteins, CBP20, has been found to have chitinase activity,
and the PR-4 family has been included in a chitinase nomenclature.
PR-5 Proteins
The PR-5 group of proteins occurs widely in the plant kingdom. PR-5
proteins have a close resemblance to a sweet-tasting protein, thaumatin,
which occurs in the fruit of the West African shrub Thaumatococcus
danielli. Hence, these proteins are also called thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs).
The basic PR-5 proteins are identical to osmotin, the salt stress protein detected in tobacco and hence, they are called osmotins. Three subclasses of
PR-5 proteins have been recognized in tobacco based on their isoelectric
points: the basic forms (osmotins), neutral forms (osmotin-like proteins,
OLPs), and acidic (PR-S) proteins (Koiwa et al., 1994).
Several PR-5 proteins have been detected in many parts of healthy plants.
They are induced in some plant tissues only after infection with pathogens
(Ruiz-Medrano et al., 1992), and that is why they are called PR proteins.
However, some of the PR-5-type proteins detected in floral parts in tobacco
could not be detected in any other part of the plants even after infection. A
flower-specific gene encoding an osmotin-like protein has been identified in
tomato. No expression of the gene was detected in vegetative organs. The
protein has 30 to 32 percent amino acid sequence identity to pathogenesisrelated osmotins (Chen et al., 1996). However, it cannot be called a PR protein.
The function of PR-5 proteins is not yet known. PR-5 proteins alter permeability of fungal membranes. The PR-5 protein of tobacco (PR-R = PR-S)
has identity to a maize-trypsin/ -amylase inhibitor. A PR-5 protein from
bean cultivar Pinto, PR-4d, shows -1,3-glucanase activity. Another PR
protein from bean cultivar Saxa, which shows resemblance to tobacco PR-5
protein, Saxa PR-4d, possesses chitinase activity (for more details, see
Vidhyasekaran, 2002).
PR-6 Proteins
Some proteinase (protease) inhibitor proteins are considered to be PR-6
proteins. Proteinase inhibitor proteins commonly occur in plants (Vidhyase-
karan, 1997), and some of them are induced by pathogens. Proteinase inhibitors are generally categorized according to the class of proteinases they inhibit (Koiwa et al., 1997). Four types of proteinases have been identified as
serine, cysteine, aspartic, or metallo proteinases based on the active amino
acid in the reaction center. Serine proteinase inhibitors which inhibit trypsin
and chymotrypsin contain several families: Kunitz family (Soybean trypsin
inhibitor family), Bowman-Birk family, Barley trypsin inhibitor family, Potato inhibitor I family, Potato inhibitor II family, Squash inhibitor family,
Ragi I-2/maize trypsin inhibitor family, and Serpin family. Cysteine proteinase inhibitors (phytocystatins) inhibit papain and cathepsin B, H, and L.
Aspartic proteinase inhibitors inhibit cathepsin D, and metallo-proteinase
inhibitors inhibit papain and cathepsin B, H, and L (Koiwa et al., 1997). Tomato inhibitor I (belonging to the Potato inhibitor I family) is the type member of the PR-6 protein family. Tomato inhibitor II is also commonly induced in tomato due to stresses.
PR-7 Proteins
PR-7 proteins show endoproteinase activity. A PR-7 protein, P69, has
been detected in tomato infected by the citrus exocortis viroid. Tornero and
colleagues (1997) identified P69B, a second member of the family of plant
proteinases induced during the response of tomato plants to pathogen attack. P69B represents a new plant subtilisin-like proteinase based on amino
acid sequence conservation and structural organization (Tornero et al.,
PR-8 Proteins
PR-8 proteins show class III chitinase activity possessing lysozyme activity. These chitinases differ from other chitinases in sequence and/or substrate preference (Van Loon et al., 1994). These PR proteins show structural
homology to a bifunctional lysozyme/chitinase from Parthenocissus quinquifolia. Both acidic and basic forms of PR-8 proteins have been reported.
PR-9 Proteins
PR-9 proteins show peroxidase activity. However all peroxidases are not
considered to be PR-9 proteins, since most of them are constitutively expressed and are not induced during pathogenesis. Over 60 peroxidase genes
from diverse plant species have been isolated and characterized, including
multiple genes from individual species. Only some of the peroxidase genes
are induced during pathogen stress. A lignin-forming peroxidase from tobacco is the type member of the PR-9 protein family.
PR-10 Proteins
PR-10 proteins include intracellular defense-related proteins that have a
ribonuclease-like structure. The PR-10 family includes parsley PR1,
STH-2 in potato, asparagus AoPR1, pea pI49, and bean pvPR1 and pvPR2.
In rice, a PR-10 protein, PBZ1, has been identified (Midoh and Iwata,
1996). This PR protein is induced by Pyricularia oryzae and probenazole.
All PR-10 proteins are acidic, and in all these proteins a signal peptide was
absent, suggesting that this family of proteins is intracellular. The PR-10
gene family may encode ribonucleases.
PR-11 Proteins
PR-11 proteins also show chitinase activity. However, they are distinctly
different from other previously described chitinases. The most related sequences of these proteins belong to bacterial chitinases.
PR-12 Proteins (Defensins)
Defensins are a family of small (about 5 kDa), usually basic, peptides,
which are rich in disulfide-linked cysteine residues (de Silva, Conceicao, and
Broekaert, 1999). Defensins are also considered to be a novel group of
thionins, which are called -thionins. However, thionins and defensins are
structurally unrelated. Terras and colleagues (1995) introduced the term
defensins for this group of peptides, based on the structural and functional
similarities with insect defensins. All defensins ( -thionins) are less than 50
amino acids in length and contain eight cysteine residues. The defensins
have been classified as PR-12 proteins (Van Loon and Van Strien, 1999).
Two radish proteins, Rs-AFP1 and Rs-AFP2, are type members of this family and are induced in radish after infection.
PR-13 Proteins (Thionins)
Thionins are small (5 kDa), basic, cysteine-rich proteins commonly
found in seeds, roots, and leaves of plants. Although thionins are constitutively expressed in seeds and roots, some leaf thionins are found to be induced during pathogenesis. Those induced thionins are considered to be
PR-13 proteins (Van Loon, 1999).
PR-1 Proteins
PR-1 proteins have not been shown to inhibit fungal or bacterial growth.
However, they are found to be associated with host cell wall outgrowths and
papillae. PR-1 proteins may restrict the development of pathogens by host
cell wall modifications (Benhamou et al., 1991).
PR-2 Proteins
PR-2 proteins show -1,3-glucanase activity. Fungal cell walls contain
-1,3-glucans. The PR-2 proteins have been shown to lyse the fungal cell
walls. Antiviral action of tobacco -1,3-glucanase (gp35) has also been reported (Edelbaum et al., 1991). -1,3-Glucan is an elicitor, and PR-2 proteins release this elicitor from fungal cell walls by its enzymatic action. The
elicitor induces synthesis of antimicrobial compounds such as phytoalexins,
phenolics, lignins, and other toxic PR proteins.
PR-3 Proteins
PR-3 proteins show chitinase activity. Cell walls of most fungal pathogens
contain chitin. PR-3 proteins act on fungal cell walls and lyse them.
Chitinase inhibits growth of fungi even at 1 to 2 g/ml concentrations. A
transgenic sorghum expressing high levels of chitinase exhibited less stalk
rot development when exposed to conidia of Fusarium thapsinum (Waniska
et al., 2001). Chitin is another important elicitor of defense mechanisms,
and PR-3 proteins release the chitin elicitor molecules from the fungal cell
wall. The elicitor, by inducing antimicrobial compounds, may induce resistance.
PR-4 Proteins
Members of the PR-4 group of proteins are also chitinases. A PR-4 class
I protein from tobacco has been shown to exhibit antifungal activity toward
Fusarium solani, causing lysis of germ tubes and inhibiting fungal growth
(Ponstein et al., 1994).
PR-5 Proteins
Many PR-5 proteins have been shown to have high antifungal activity
(Fagoaga et al., 2001). Some of them caused leakage of cytoplasmic material from the fungi and caused hyphal rupture. AP24 from tobacco and
PR-11 Proteins
PR-11 proteins show chitinase activity and display antifungal activity in
vitro (Melchers et al., 1994; Ohl et al., 1994).
PR-12 Proteins (Defensins)
PR-12 proteins show antibacterial activity. A potato tuber defensin inhibits Ralstonia solanacearum and Clavibacter michiganensis (Moreno et al.,
PR-13 Proteins
PR-13 proteins (thionins) are highly toxic to both fungal and bacterial
pathogens. Thionins act on cell membranes. The toxicity is exerted by a direct, detergent-like interaction with the lipid bilayers of biological membranes (Bohlmann, 1994). Thionins may inhibit certain enzymes (such as
cytochrome c) of bacteria and inhibit bacterial growth.
PR-14 Proteins
Lipid transfer proteins may be involved in deposition of extracellular
lipophilic materials such as cutin wax in the plant cell wall. The modified
cell walls may contribute to disease resistance. LTPs are distributed at high
concentrations in the epidermis of exposed surfaces and in the vascular tissues. In addition to their contribution in host defense mechanisms, LTPs
have been shown to inhibit growth of bacterial pathogens in vitro. Cell wall
extracts from transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing LTP inhibit growth
of the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Molina and
Garcia-Olmedo, 1997).
Synergistic Action of a Combination of PR Proteins
Toxic action of several individual PR proteins could not be demonstrated. However, when they are combined, they show high toxic action
against fungal pathogens. Either chitinases Ch1 or -1,3-glucanase G2 from
pea pods do not inhibit growth of Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli even at a
250 g/mL concentration. However, a combination of Ch1 and G2 effectively inhibits growth of the fungus even at 10 g/mL (Mauch et al., 1988).
Tobacco class I chitinase acts synergistically with tobacco class I PR-4 protein inhibiting Fusarium solani germlings. Tobacco class V chitinases act
synergistically with class I -1,3-glucanase inhibiting growth of Alternaria
radicina (Ohl et al., 1994). A combination of chitinase and ribosome-inactivating protein from barley inhibits fungal growth more efficiently than does
either enzyme alone (Leah et al., 1991). Not one, but several PR proteins are
induced in resistant interactions due to infection (Vidhyasekaran, 1997).
This suggests that a multitude of PR proteins may act synergistically and
contribute to disease resistance.
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Phenolics are the important phytoanticipins in plants. They are detected
as soluble forms in cytoplasm and are wall-bound in cell walls. They are inhibitory to pathogens at high concentrations. Their content increases rapidly
in resistant interactions, while such an increase is not usually observed in
susceptible interactions in the early stages of infection. The role of phenolics in disease resistance is described in this chapter.
Phenolics are commonly present in cell walls (wall-bound phenolics)
and in the cytoplasm (soluble phenolics). Several kinds of phenolics have
been reported in plants. Monophenols, dihydroxy phenols, trihydroxy phenols, phenolics acids, pterocarpans, isoflavans, isoflavones, isoflavanones,
glucosides of isoflavonoids, furanocoumarins, and anthocyanidins are the
common phenolics in plants. Phenolics are synthesized through the phenylpropanoid pathway. They are normal secondary metabolites in healthy
plants. However, they are also induced when pathogens invade a host, similar to phytoalexins and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. The concentrations of phenolics existing in healthy plants may not be inhibitory to pathogens (Vidhyasekaran, 1988, 1997, 2002). However, phenolic content increases
severalfold when plants are infected by pathogens. At increased concentrations, phenolics may be toxic.
Several phenolics are found in every plant, similar to phytoalexins and
PR proteins. For example, more than 20 different phenolic compounds have
been detected in French bean. Not all of them are equally toxic to pathogens; toxicity varies from compound to compound. For example, the bean
isoflavone isoferreirin is inhibitory to Cladosporium cucumerinum at a concentration of 10 g/mL, while another bean isoflavanone, dalbergioidin, is
inhibitory to the pathogen only at concentrations above 75 g/mL (Adesanya
et al., 1986). Coumarin, cinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid, vanillic acid,
ferulic acid, and caffeic acid are highly inhibitory to Phytophthora cinnamomi, while protocatechuic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid, phloroglu-
cinol, and gallic acid are almost noninhibitory to this pathogen (Cahill and
McComb, 1992).
Sensitivity of pathogens to different phenolics also varies from pathogen
to pathogen. Pyrogallol is inhibitory to Phytophthora cambivora and not to
P. cinnamomi (Casares et al., 1986). Similar differential toxic action has
been reported for phytoalexins and PR proteins. Thus, phenolics are similar
to PR proteins and phytoalexins in several aspects. However, phenolics are
different from the other two in that they are present in plants before infection by pathogens or they are produced after infection solely from preexisting constituents. Phenolics belong to another group of defense chemicals
called phytoanticipins. VanEtten and colleagues (1995) defined phytoanticipins as low-molecular-weight antimicrobial compounds that are present in plants before challenge by microorganisms or are produced after
infection solely from preexisting constituents. In addition to phenolics,
terpenoids, glucosinolates, alkaloids, dienes, saponins, and cyanogenic glucosides belong to the group of phytoanticipins.
The soluble phenolics are toxic to fungal and bacterial pathogens. Phenolics may alter the membrane porosity of fungal cells and inhibit certain enzymes of pathogens or DNA transcription (Vidhyasekaran, 1997). Phenolics
may also inhibit production of toxins and pectic enzymes by pathogens.
Rapid increase in phenolic synthesis due to infection has been correlated
with disease resistance in many host-pathogen interactions. In cotton, younger (five- to six-day-old) seedlings are highly susceptible to Rhizoctonia
solani, while older (12-day-old) seedlings are resistant. The concentration
of phenolic compounds, predominantly catechin, increases more in 12-dayold seedlings than in young seedlings due to infection (Hunter, 1978). Some
phenolics, such as salicylic acid, act as signal molecules and trigger host defense mechanisms.
Pathogens are capable of degrading phenolics to nontoxic compounds.
For example, Ascochyta rabiei, the chickpea pathogen, rapidly degrades the
chickpea phenolic biochanin A into nontoxic chemicals (Kraft and Barz,
1985). An early increase in concentration in phenolic content may be necessary to confer resistance against pathogens. Phenolic content increased
mostly in resistant interactions, and if phenolics accumulated in susceptible
interactions, accumulation was always in much later stages than observed in
resistant interactions. The delayed accumulation is characteristic of susceptible interactions.
The role of phenolics in inducing resistance against pathogens has been
demonstrated by altering the phenolic content of plants. When susceptible
plants are fed with phenolics or precursors of phenolics, the plants show enhanced disease resistance (Vidhyasekaran et al., 1986). Preharvest spray of
avocado fruits with thidiazuron (TDZ) or benzylaminopurine (benzylad-
The nature of induced cell wall-bound phenolics varies. In tomato, an array of phenolic compounds accumulate in cell walls after inoculation with
Verticillium albo-atrum. In the uninoculated cells, only traces of esterified
phenolics are detected. The major compound accumulated in the infected
cell wall is sinapic acid (Bernards and Ellis, 1991). In potato, the induced
cell wall-bound phenolics have been identified as 4-hydroxybenzoic acid,
4-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, 4-coumaroyltyramine and feruloyl-tyramine
(Clarke, 1982). In cotton, the cell wall-bound phenolics are anthocyanin
compounds (Holton and Cornish, 1995).
Adesanya, S. A., ONeill, M. J., and Roberts, M. F. (1986). Structure-related
fungitoxicity of isoflavonoids. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 29:95-103.
Beno-Moualem, D., Vinokur, Y., and Prusky, D. (2001). Cytokinins increase epicatechin content and fungal decay resistance in avocado fruits. J Plant Growth
Regulation, 20:95-100.
Bernards, M. A. and Ellis, B. E. (1991). Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase from tomato
cell cultures inoculated with Verticillium albo-atrum. Plant Physiol, 97:14941500.
Cahill, D. M. and McComb, J. A. (1992). A comparison of changes in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity, lignin and phenolic synthesis in the roots of
Eucalyptus calophylla (field resistant) and E. marginata (susceptible) when infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 40:315-332.
Carver, T. L. W., Robbins, M. P., Zeyen, R. J., and Dearne, G. A. (1992). Effects of
PAL-specific inhibition on suppression of activated defence and quantitative
susceptibility of oats to Erysiphe graminis. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 41:149163.
Carver, T. L. W., Zeyen, R. J., Robbins, M. P., and Dearne, G. A. (1992). Effects of
the PAL inhibitor, AOPP, on oat, barley and wheat cell responses to appropriate
and inappropriate formae speciales of Erysiphe graminis DC. Physiol Mol Plant
Pathol, 41:397-409.
Casares, A., Melo, E. M. P. F., Ferraz, J. F. P., and Ricardo, C. P. P. (1986). Differences in ability of Phytophthora cambivora and P. cinnamomi to dephenolize
lignin. Trans Brit Mycol Soc, 87:229-235.
Clarke, D. D. (1982). The accumulation of cinnamic acid amides in the cell walls of
potato tissue as an early response to fungal attack. In R. K. S.Wood (Ed.), Active
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production by Helminthosporium oryzae. Phytopathology, 76:261-265.
Phytoalexins are antimicrobial compounds synthesized in plants due to
infection. Several phytoalexins have been isolated from various plants and
characterized. Their role in disease resistance is described in this chapter.
Muller and Borger (1940) defined phytoalexins as plant antibiotics that
are synthesized de novo after the plant tissue is exposed to microbial infection. Paxton (1981) defined phytoalexins as low-molecular-weight antimicrobial compounds that are both synthesized by and accumulated in
plants after exposure to microorganisms. Two important criteria have been
suggested to label a secondary metabolite a phytoalexin: (1) the secondary
metabolite should be produced de novo in response to infection, and (2) the
compound should accumulate to antimicrobial concentrations in the area of
infection (VanEtten et al., 1995).
Phytoalexins differ from pathogenesis-related proteins in that PR proteins are produced by transcription of quiescent host genes, while phytoalexin production in plants requires a biosynthetic pathway involving coordinated action of several host enzymes (Ingham, 1973). Phytoalexins are
induced by fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens, biotic and abiotic elicitors,
various toxic chemicals, and environmental factors. Some compounds may
be phytoalexins in one organ and constitutive in another organ of the same
plant species. Momilactone A, which is induced in rice leaves as a phytoalexin, occurs constitutively in rice seeds. The same compound may be a
phytoalexin in one plant species and a constitutive compound in another
species. The flavanone sakuranetin is induced in rice leaves but is constitutive in blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) leaves. The same phytoalexin can be detected in more than one plant species. Medicarpin is the phytoalexin detected in chickpea (Cicer arietinum), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), peanut
(Arachis hypogaea), and broad bean (Vicia faba). Luteolinidin has been detected as a phytoalexin in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor). Spirobrassinin is the phytoalexin detected in Brassica
pv. maculicola. When P. syringae pv. maculicola cells were grown in intercellular fluid and then transferred to Kings medium B containing camalexin, death rate of cells was indistinguishable from that observed when
cells were grown in Kings medium B, suggesting that intercellular fluid
does not induce resistance to camalexin. Camalexin was not degraded in the
intracellular fluid, which suggests that a component of intracellular fluid sequesters camalexin in a nontoxic form (Rogers et al., 1996).
No conclusive evidence is available to prove the role of phytoalexins in
disease resistance. However, much indirect evidence suggests their role
in disease resistance. Plants respond to pathogens producing phytoalexins.
Phytoalexins are induced rapidly and more abundantly in resistant interactions. The differences between resistance and susceptibility may be quantitative rather than qualitative. Susceptible plants may possess the machinery
necessary for induction of phytoalexins, but it may not be activated in sufficient magnitude to restrict the infection. Rapid induction of phytoalexins in
resistant interactions may occur even at the stage of transcription of genes
encoding biosynthetic enzymes. For example, both phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and chalcone synthase (CHS) mRNAs accumulated in the
incompatible interaction by three hours postinoculation, while in the compatible interaction, PAL transcripts began to accumulate about 15 hours
postinoculation, and CHS transcripts accumulated very weakly around 18
hours postinoculation (Meier et al., 1993). Phytoalexins were detected in
the incompatible interaction by 24 hours postinoculation, while no phytoalexins accumulated in the compatible interactions during this period (Meier
et al., 1993). In susceptible interactions, suppression of induction of phytoalexins would have been suppressed. When bean plants were inoculated
with the incompatible pathogen P. syringae pv. tabaci, phytoalexins were
induced. Prior infiltration with the compatible pathogen P. savastanoi pv.
phaseolicola suppressed the accumulation of phytoalexins induced by the
incompatible pathogen (Jakobek et al., 1993). Accumulation of phytoalexins specifically in resistant interactions suggests a role for phytoalexins
in disease resistance.
The importance of the phytoalexins in disease resistance has been demonstrated by assessing growth of pathogens in host tissues in which phytoalexins start to accumulate during pathogenesis. When lettuce leaves were
inoculated with the incompatible bacterium P. savastanoi pv. phaseolicola,
the phytoalexin lettucenin A accumulated in the inoculated tissues. How-
ever, when these leaves were inoculated with an hrp mutant (hrpD ) of this
bacterium, only trace amounts of the phytoalexin were noticed (Bestwick
et al., 1995). The wild-type bacterium was quickly eliminated (within 48
hours) from the leaf tissues in which phytoalexin accumulated, while the
hrpD mutant of the bacterium survived in the leaf tissues in which no (or
trace amounts of ) phytoalexin accumulated (Bestwick et al., 1995). The
levels of phytoalexin (glyceollin) accumulation in various cultivars of soybean after infection with P. syringae pv. glycinea were inversely correlated
with bacterial multiplication (Long et al., 1985).
The accumulation of stilbene phytoalexin decreased in grape berries during ripening, and these ripening berries became susceptible to Botrytis
cinerea infection (Bais et al., 2000). Application of a plant defense activator, acibenzolar-S-methyl induced systemic resistance against Colletotrichum
destructivum in cowpea, and this treatment resulted in induction of phytoalexins (Latunde-Dada and Lucas, 2001). Mohr and Cahill (2001) provided
evidence that phytoalexins may be more important than phenolic and lignin deposition in disease resistance. In compatible interactions of soybean with Phytophthora sojae, leaves and hypocotyls were characterized by hypersensitive
reaction (HR), phenolic and lignin deposition, and phytoalexin glyceollin
accumulation. Norflurazon treatment restricted the spread of P. sojae and
increased glyceollin accumulation in compatible tissues. Exogenous abscisic
acid addition caused spreading lesions in normally incompatible interactions and reduced glyceollin accumulation. Phenolic deposition and HR
were unchanged by either treatment in the incompatible and compatible interactions. This evidence suggests that glyceollin is a major factor in conferring resistance against the pathogen (Mohr and Cahill, 2001). All these
studies suggest phytoalexins may have a role in disease resistance.
Bais, A. J., Murphy, P. J., and Dry, I. B. (2000). The molecular regulation of stilbene
phytoalexins biosynthesis in Vitis vinifera during grape berry development. Australian J Plant Physiol, 27:425-433.
Bennett, M. H., Gallagher, M. D. S., Bestwick, C. S., Rossiter, J. T., and Mansfield,
J. W. (1994). The phytoalexin response to lettuce to challenge by Botrytis
cinerea, Bremia lactucae and Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Physiol
Mol Plant Pathol, 44:321-333.
Bestwick, C. S., Bennett, M. H., and Mansfield, J. W. (1995). Hrp mutant of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola induces cell wall alterations but not membrane damage leading to the hypersensitive reaction in lettuce. Plant Physiol,
of Pathogenesis
Adhesion of fungal and bacterial cells to the host surface triggers the
pathogenesis process. Several molecules of both the pathogen and the host
are involved in the early recognition process. Various enzymes and toxins are
involved in the disease development. This process is described in this chapter.
Pathogenesis appears to start when fungal spores or bacterial cells land
on the surface of the plant. Adhesion of fungi and bacteria to the leaf surface
seems to be important in pathogenesis. Mutants with adhesion-deficient
macroconidia of Nectria haematococca were found to be avirulent (Jones
and Epstein, 1990). The mutants of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola with greatly reduced adherence to the leaf surface of bean showed
lower incidence of halo blight disease (Romantschuk et al., 1991). Nonattaching mutants of Agrobacterium tumefaciens are known to be avirulent
(Matthysse et al., 1996). Preformed and induced adhesive materials have
been detected in fungal spores. The preformed adhesive material is a protein, and the induced material is a glycoprotein. The glycoprotein adhesive
material is released from ungerminated Colletotrichum graminicola conidia
at an extremely early time in the infection process (Mercure et al., 1994).
Cutinases and other esterases have been shown to be involved in adhesion of
some fungi (Pascholati et al., 1992). Hydrophobins are relatively small
cysteine-rich proteins, and these hydrophobins are involved in attachment
and development of appressoria of fungi (Vidhyasekaran, 1997; Wosten, 2001).
Fimbriae and pili are the filamentous nonflagellar appendages of many bacterial pathogens which may enable the bacteria to attach to plant cells. The
bulk of the filament of fimbriae is made up of helically arranged subunits of
a major protein ranging in size from 9 to 22 kDa in different fimbrial types.
These proteins may be responsible for adhesion of bacterial cells to plant
cells (Vidhyasekaran, 2002). Various strains of P. syringae and P. savastanoi adsorb to leaves of the host plants using their pili (Romantschuk
et al., 1991). Some extracellular polysaccharides of bacteria have been implicated in adhesion. Mutants of Agrobacterium tumefaciens that are defective in neutral glucan production or export are also defective in attachment
to plant cells, suggesting that extracellular neutral glucan is required for attachment and pathogenesis (Thomashow et al., 1987). Lipopolysaccharides
have been implicated in the initial attachment of A. tumefaciens to the plant
cell surface. Rhicadhesin produced by A. tumefaciens is also involved in
adhesion, and some plant molecules may also be involved in adhesion.
Vitronectin-like proteins have been reported in plants, and the binding of A.
tumefaciens by vitronectin has been reported (Wagner and Matthysse,
Fungal and bacterial pathogens obtain their nutrition from host cells.
They depend on the host for the synthesis of various constituents of their
cells. Fungal and bacterial cells consist of chitin, cellulose, glucose, mannans,
uronic acids, rhamnose, xylose, proteins, lignin, lipids, nucleic acids, and
pigments. The cell constituents are made up of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, calcium, scandium, vanadium, and gallium. In short, the fungal and
bacterial cells are made up of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids,
and minerals. Host plants supply carbon, nitrogen, and minerals from which
the fungi and bacteria themselves synthesize all the complex cell structures
for their growth.
Bacterial pathogens multiply in the apoplast and obtain nutrients from
the plant cell by causing leakage in cell membranes. A group of bacterial
genes are involved in inducing electrolyte leakage. These include hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity) and avr (avirulence) genes. hrp
genes are required for the elicitation of hypersensitive necrosis on nonhost
plants and on resistant cultivars of the susceptible host, and are also required
for pathogenicity on susceptible cultivars. In both compatible and incompatible interactions, electrolyte leakage is observed. In incompatible interactions, increase in electrolyte leakage may be more during the first few
hours (10 to 30 hours), but subsequent increase in electrolyte leakage is almost similar to compatible interaction (Brisset and Paulin, 1991). hrp genes
are present in all bacterial pathogens, irrespective of whether they are virulent or avirulent. hrp genes appear to be necessary for growth of bacteria in
planta. Bacterial pathogens are able to grow in both host and nonhost plants,
although multiplication may be less in nonhost plants (Vidhyasekaran,
2002). Saprophytic bacteria, which do not possess hrp genes, are unable to
multiply in planta. When saprophytic bacteria carry hrp genes, they are capable of multiplying in the host (Mulya et al., 1996). The major function of
hrp genes appears to be in inducing electrolyte leakage to provide nutrients
to pathogens.
Several hrp genes have been detected in a single bacterial pathogen. For
example, hrp genes encoding 25 Hrp proteins, such as HrpA, HrpB, HrpC,
HrpD, HrpE, HrpF, HrpG, HrpH, HrpI, HrpJ, HrpJ-3, HrpJ-4, HrpJ-5,
HrpK, HrpL, HrpO, HrpR, HrpS, HrpU, HrpU1, HrpU2, HrpW, HrpX,
HrpY, and HrpZ, have been detected in Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
strain 61 (Huang et al., 1995). hrp genes appear to be highly conserved in
several bacterial pathogens. The Ralstonia solanacearum strain GMI 1000
hrp gene cluster showed structural homology with all Xanthomonas isolates
tested, namely X. campestris pv. campestris, X. vesicatoria, X. arboricola
pv. juglandis, X. axonopodis pv. begoniae, and X. translucens pv. graminis
(Boucher et al., 1988). The existence of homology between the hrp clusters
of Erwinia amylovora and P. syringae has been reported (Beer et al., 1991).
Homologues to Hrp H and Hrp I of P. syringae pv. syringae have been identified in the hrp clusters of X. vesicatoria (Fenselau et al., 1992) and
R. solanacearum (Gough et al., 1992).
avr genes are pathogen genes critical in determining whether a bacterial
strain will be virulent or avirulent on a specific host (Wanner et al., 1993).
avr genes also appear to be conserved among several bacterial pathogens.
All avr genes of Xanthomonas spp. sequenced to date are 95 to 98 percent
identical to one another. Conservation of avr genes even among different
genera of bacterial pathogens has been reported. Some avr genes appear to
encode a function required for pathogenicity, and some avr genes have been
shown to be virulence factors involved in promoting parasitism (Gopalan
et al., 1996). hrp genes appear to be needed for transcription of avr genes in
bacterial pathogens.
Some hrp and avr genes encode elicitors. The electrolyte (nutrient) leakage may be induced by both hrp and avr gene-encoded elicitors. Both types
of elicitors are secreted into plant cells by the action of hrp genes. A moderate leakage in the host plant may provide the pathogens with various nutrients originating from the plant cell and permit growth of the invading pathogen.
In their life cycle, fungal pathogens enter into two distinct phases,
biotrophic and necrotrophic. In the biotrophic phase, they invade the host
cells inter- and intracellularly and establish themselves in the living cells. In
the second phase, they kill the cells and obtain nutrition from the dying
cells. This phase is called the necrotrophic phase. In the case of obligate
pathogens, the biotrophic phase may be much longer, while in the case of
facultative saprophytes (normally pathogenic but can also live as a sapro-
1991). Because the bacterial pathogens must breach the complex pectic barrier, they need to produce different types of pectic enzymes with varying
specificity to the different types of pectic substances. Production of various
pectic enzymes by bacterial pathogens belonging to various genera, including Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Erwinia, Ralstonia, Burkholderia, Agrobacterium, and Clavibacter, has been reported (Vidhyasekaran, 2002).
Cellulose is one of the major components of the plant cell wall. Although
pectin is the main constituent of the middle lamella, cellulose is the main
constituent of xylem tissue. Cellulose is composed of glucose units in the
chain configuration, connected by -1,4-glycosidic bonds. Cellulase is a
general term for a synergistic system of three major categories of enzymes
that hydrolyze the -1,4-glucosidic bonds: endoglucanase (endo -1,4glucanase), exoglucanase ( -1,4-cellobiohydrolase), and -glucosidase. These
are classified according to their mode of action and substrate specificity.
Endoglucanase cleaves -glucosidic bonds in an amorphous region of cellulose, creating sites for exoglucanase to cleave cellobiose from the nonreducing ends. Glucosidase would hydrolyze the resultant cellobiose to glucose, preventing cellobiose buildup and exoglucanase inhibition.
Several cellulolytic enzymes are known to be produced by fungal pathogens. Venturia inaequalis, the apple scab pathogen, produces in culture 12
cellulase isozymes with isoelectric points in the range of 3.7 to 5.6 (Kollar,
1994). These enzymes could also be isolated from apple leaves infected
with the pathogen (Kollar, 1994). Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici,
the causal agent of take-all disease of wheat, secretes two groups of enzymes which degrade cellulosic polymers (Dori et al., 1995). The first
group contains an endoglucanase and a -glucosidase with acidic pIs of 4.0
and 5.6, respectively. The second group contains an endoglucanase and a
-glucosidase with basic pIs of 9.3 and >10, respectively. Acidic and basic
groups of endoglucanase and -glucosidase were also obtained from inoculated wheat roots and appeared to be similar to those isolated from the culture fluid (Dori et al., 1995). Several studies have provided evidence to show
the involvement of cellulolytic enzymes in fungal pathogenesis. Histological studies using tobacco roots infected by Phytophthora parasitica var.
nicotianae demonstrated the involvement of cellulases in fungal pathogenesis (Benhamou and Cote, 1992). Incubation of the infected tissues with
the gold-complexed exoglucanase resulted in the deposition of gold particles over both fungal and plant cell walls. Labeling decreased in the inocu-
as a pathogenicity factor. In other words, toxin is important in the necrotrophic phase rather than in the biotrophic phase (Vidhyasekaran, 1993).
Several types of toxins have been detected in fungal and bacterial pathogens. Some pathogens produce host-specific toxins, while many others produce nonspecific toxins. Some important host-specific toxins characterized
from pathogens are HV-toxin (or victorin) produced by Helminthosporium
victoriae, the oat blight pathogen; HM-T toxin produced by H. maydis race
T, the maize leaf blight pathogen; HS-toxin produced by H. sacchari, the
sugarcane pathogen; HC-toxin produced by H. carbonum, the maize leaf
spot pathogen; HO-toxin produced by H. oryzae, the rice brown spot pathogen; AAL-toxins (AAL toxins TA and TB; Mesbah et al., 2000) produced
by Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici, the tomato pathogen; AF-toxins I,
II, and III produced by A. alternata strawberry pathotype; AK-toxins (three
related toxins) produced by A. kikuchiana, the Japanese pear black spot
pathogen; AL-toxins I and II produced by A. alternata tomato pathotype;
AM-toxins I, II, and III produced by A. alternata apple pathotype; ACRtoxin produced by A. alternata rough lemon pathotype; ACT-toxin produced
by A. alternata tangerine pathotype; AT-toxin produced by A. alternata tobacco pathotype; PC toxin produced by Periconia circinata, the sorghum
pathogen; and PM-toxin produced by Phyllosticta maydis, the maize pathogen. Stemphylium vesicarium, the cause of brown spot of European pear
plants, produces two host-specific SV-toxins (Singh et al., 2000). Rhizoctonia solani, the rice sheath blight pathogen produces a host-specific toxin,
RS-toxin (Vidhyasekaran et al., 1997).
Several other pathogens produce toxins that are involved in symptom development, and most pathogens produce several toxins. Pyricularia oryzae,
the rice blast pathogen, produces piricularin, picolinic acid, pyriculol, and
tenuazonic acid. Helminthosporium oryzae, the rice pathogen, produces
ophiobolin A, ophiobolin B, 6-epiophiobolin A, anhydroophiobolin A,
6-epianhydroophiobolin A, and ophiobolin 1. Alternaria helianthi, the sunflower pathogen, produces radicinin, radianthin, deoxyradicinol, and 3epideoxyradicinol. Alternaria carthami produces brefeldin A, zinniol, and
dehydrobrefeldin A. As a single pathogen produces several toxins, a single
toxin is produced by several pathogens. Ophiobolin A is produced by the
rice pathogen H. oryzae, the maize pathogen H. maydis, and the foxtail millet pathogen H. setariae. Tenuazonic acid is produced by several Alternaria
spp., Pyricularia oryzae, Phoma sorghina, and Aspergillus spp. Cercosporin is produced by Cercospora nicotianae, C. canescens, C. kikuchii,
C. zinniae, C. citrullina, C. ricinella, and C. apii. Polanrazines C and E, the
toxins produced by Phoma lingam (Leptosphaeria maculans), produce necrotic and chlorotic lesions on brown mustard leaves (Pedras and Biesenthal, 2001). Colletotrichin, the toxin produced by a mango leaf isolate of
oryzae (Cochliobolus miyabeanus), the rice brown spot pathogen, was inoculated on rice leaves, the spores germinated, formed appressoria, and penetrated the epidermal layers at 12 hours after inoculation (Vidhyasekaran
et al., 1986). Extensive inter- and intracellular mycelial growth was observed in mesophyll tissue of leaves at 48 hours after inoculation. When a
nonpathogenic isolate of H. oryzae was inoculated on rice leaves, the isolate
did not grow beyond the infection peg. The pathogenic isolate induced typical brown spot symptoms with yellow halo at 48 hours, while the nonpathogenic isolate did not produce any visible symptoms. When spore suspensions of the nonpathogenic isolate were prepared in H. oryzae toxin and
inoculated on rice leaves, extensive inter- and intracellular mycelial growth
was observed at 36 hours. The growth rate of the mycelium of the nonpathogenic isolate was similar to that of the virulent isolate. Typical brown spot
symptoms appeared on leaves exposed to the toxin (Vidhyasekaran et al.,
Alternaria alternata is a nonpathogen of rice. Helminthosporium oryzae,
the brown spot pathogen of rice, produces ophiobolin A. When spores of
A. alternata were suspended in ophiobolin A solution, the spores germinated well and formed appressoria and infection pegs on the rice leaf sheath
surface. Extensive inter- and intracellular hyphal growth was observed only
in the sheath tissues that had been inoculated in the presence of ophiobolin
A. The spores without ophiobolin A could not grow beyond the infection
peg and did not grow inside the cell (Xiao et al., 1991). Ophiobolin A at
3 g/mL induced susceptibility of rice leaf tissues to the nonpathogen A.
alternata (Xiao et al., 1991). The toxin inactivated calmodulin (Au et al.,
2000). The role of calmodulin in host defense mechanism is well known
(Vidhyasekaran, 1997, 2002). The toxin produced by Pyricularia oryzae induced susceptibility of rice leaves to the nonpathogen A. alternata (Fujita et
al., 1994).
Helminthosporium oryzae produces a host-specific toxin. When an avirulent isolate of H. oryzae was inoculated along with the toxin, the avirulent
isolate could penetrate the rice leaves and grow profusely. Typical brown
spot lesions also developed (Vidhyasekaran et al., 1986). HV-toxin, produced by Helminthosporium victoriae reduces the accumulation of avenalumins, the phytoalexins, in oats (Mayama et al., 1986). Papilla formation
at the penetration sites of A. kikuchiana functions as a resistance mechanism
in Japanese pear. When pear leaves were inoculated with avirulent spores
plus AK-toxin, the rate of papilla formation reduced and the avirulent
spores could invade susceptible leaves (Otani et al., 1995). Thus, the pathogens appear to suppress the defense mechanisms of the host by producing
toxins. It appears that detoxification alone may allow the resistance genes to
function in plants. The resistance gene cloned from maize has been shown
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This glossary was prepared after consulting several papers and the following books: The Commonwealth Mycological Institute (1974), Plant Pathologists Pocketbook, Kew, Surrey, Great Britain; Parry, D. W. (1990),
Plant Pathology in Agriculture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Great Britain; Vidhyasekaran, P. (1993), Principles of Plant Pathology,
CBS Publishers, Delhi, India; Hawksworth, D. L., Kirk, P. M., Sutton, B. C.,
and Pegler, D. N. (1995), Ainsworth and Bisbys Dictionary of the Fungi,
CAB International, Dew, Surrey, Great Britain; Nicholl, D. S. T. (1994), An
Introduction to Genetic Engineering, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Great Britain.
acervulus: Typically a flat, open bed of stromatic mass of hyphae giving
rise to generally short conidiophores. Conidia are borne at the tips of the conidiophores.
adjuvants: Materials added to improve some chemical or physical property
of a plant protectant.
agglutinin: An antibody that causes a particulate antigen to clump and settle out of suspension.
allele: Chromosomes are usually arranged as homologous pairs, and different forms of the same genes are called alleles.
alternate host: One of two hosts required by a pathogen to complete its life
alternative host: One of several plant species hosts of a given pathogen.
amphitrichous: Having one flagellum at each pole.
analytic models: Used to analyze epidemics on a theoretical basis without
taking into consideration the effects of external variables.
anamorph: Some fungi have two valid names: The perfect state (see PERFECT STATE), i.e., the teleomorph, and an imperfect state (see IMPERFECT
i.e., the anamorph. The former takes precedence for the name of a
whole fungus or holomorph.
antheridium: The male gametangium of fungi.
antibiotic: A chemical substance produced by a microorganism that is able
to inhibit growth of other microorganisms.
antibody: An immunoglobulin that specifically recognizes and binds to an
antigenic determinant of an antigen. Antigens (see ANTIGEN) stimulate the
immune system of the animal and this leads to the production of specific antibodies, each of which recognizes and binds to its complementary antigen.
Antibodies can recognize the plant pathogen by recognizing the antigen
specific to the pathogen.
anticodon: The three bases on a tRNA molecule that are complementary to
the codon on the mRNA.
antigen: A molecule that is bound by an antibody and can induce an immune response. Cells of living animals, particularly mammals, have the
ability to recognize binding sites on proteins, glycoproteins, lipopolysaccharides, and carbohydrate molecules that are not present in their bodies
(foreign to that animal). Such molecules are known as antigens.
antiserum: Serum that contains antibodies.
apoplast: The total nonliving cell wall continuum that surrounds the symplast (see SYMPLAST). Xylem system constitutes a specialized phase of the
apoplast. It also constitutes a continuous permeable system through which
water and solutes may move freely.
apothecium: An open ascocarp in which asci are produced (plural: apothecia).
apparent infection rate: The rate of infection, which is calculated by taking into account the amount of plant tissue left to be colonized.
appressorium: A swollen fungal hyphal tip usually associated with the
mechanism of adherence to the plant surface prior to penetration.
area under disease progress curve (AUDPC): The amount of disease integrated between two times of interest. Calculated without regard to curve
shape, AUDPC provides a valid statistical description of disease progress
ascocarp: A fruiting body in which asci are produced.
ascospore: A sexually produced spore borne in an ascus.
codon: The three bases in mRNA that specify a particular amino acid during translation.
coenocytic: A continuous mass of cytoplasm and nuclei without any septa.
complementary genes: Nonallelic genes that complement one another.
complementation: Appearance of a wild phenotype in an organism or cell
containing two different mutations combined in a hybrid diploid or a
complementation test: The introduction of two mutant chromosomes into
the same cell to determine whether the mutations in question occurred in the
same gene. The wild phenotype will be expressed, since each chromosome
makes up for or complements the defect in the other.
complete resistance: Very high resistance that suppresses disease development completely.
conidiophore: A specialized hyphal branch bearing conidia.
conidium: An asexually produced fungal spore (plural: conidia).
copy number: The number of copies of a gene in the genome of an organism.
cosmid: A hybrid plasmid/bacteriophage vector that is made up of plasmid
sequences joined to the cos sites of phage .
cytoplasmic inclusion bodies: Some of the water-soluble reserve food materials manufactured by a cell get dissolved in the cell sap. Insoluble constituents precipitate out as cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. Volutin, glycogen,
and fat globules are common cytoplasmic inclusions.
differential variety: A variety that gives reactions which distinguish between race-specific isolates of a pathogen.
disease: A harmful deviation from normal functioning of plant physiological processes. The plant is considered diseased when symptoms, by which
the disease may be recognized, are present.
disease progress curve: The progress of a disease may be assessed as disease incidence (proportion of diseased plants in a plant population) or as
disease severity (proportion of diseased tissue in a plant). When the results
are plotted against time, the curve obtained is commonly S-shaped.
disease-specific (dsp) genes: Genes involved only in pathogenicity.
This is in contrast to hrp genes that are involved both in pathogenicity and
hypersensitive response (see hrp GENES).
pectin methyl esterase (PME): The enzyme that catalyzes the conversion
of pectin by de-esterification of the methyl ester group with production of
methanol. PME removes the methoxyl group from rhamnogalacturonan
chains. PME is more active on methylated oligogalacturonates than on pectin.
pectinic acids: See PECTINS.
pectins: -1,4-Galacturonans with various degrees of methyl esterification.
The unesterified uronic acid molecules containing up to 75 percent of
methoxyl groups are known as pectinic acid, and those with more than 75
percent of methyl groups are known as pectins. Generally the pectinic acids
are called pectins.
penetrants: Wetting agents, oils, or oil concentrates that enhance the absorption of a systemic fungicide by the plant.
perfect state: Stage in the life cycle of a fungus characterized by sexual
perithecium: The ascocarp is more or less closed, but at maturity it is provided with a pore through which the ascospores escape.
peritrichous: Having flagella distributed over the whole surface.
persistent viruses: The virus-vector relationship varies widely depending
on the duration of the virus in the vector (persistence). In case of persistent
viruses, the virus may simply circulate through the body of the vector or
may propagate as well. Hence, this relationship can be classified as (1) noncirculative nonpersistent, (2) noncirculative semi-persistent, (3) circulative
nonpropagative, and (4) circulative propagative transmission.
physiologic race: A taxon of parasites, particularly characterized by specialization to different cultivars of one host species. Physiologic races and
formae speciales do not differ morphologically. Within formae speciales
races may exist. Bacteriologists use the term pathovar or pathotype, which
are both comparable in definition to formae speciales and race in fungi.
phytoalexin: Plant antibiotics that are synthesized de novo after the plant
tissue is exposed to microbial infection. Phytoalexins are also defined as
low-molecular-weight, antimicrobial compounds that are both synthesized
by and accumulated in plants after exposure to microorganisms. Two important criteria have been suggested to label a plant secondary metabolite a
phytoalexin: (1) the secondary metabolite should be produced de novo in response to infection, and (2) the compound should accumulate to antimicrobial concentrations in the area of infection.
phytoanticipins: Low-molecular-weight, antimicrobial compounds present in plants before challenge by microorganisms and/or produced after infection solely from preexisting constituents.
phytoncide: A chemical substance produced by plants that can inhibit the
growth of microorganisms.
phytosanitary certificate: A certificate of health that accompanies plants
or plant products to be exported.
phytotoxic: Toxic to plants.
phytotoxin: Toxin produced by pathogens that is toxic to plants but not considered to be of primary importance during pathogenesis. Nonspecific toxins are considered to be phytotoxins.
plant activators: The chemicals that activate the defense genes by providing signals.
plant pathology: Study of plant disease.
plasmid: A circular extrachromosomal element and a circular DNA molecule. A plasmid is not essential for cell growth. It is used as a vector of the
recombinant DNA in genetic engineering studies.
plasmodium: A naked (wall-less) motile mass of protoplasm with many
nuclei, bounded by a plasma membrane. It moves and feeds in an amoeboid
fashion (it engulfs food and feeds by ingestion).
plasmogamy: In this phase, the union of two protoplasts takes place, bringing nuclei close together within the same cell.
polycyclic: Disease having more than one cycle of infection during a growing season.
polygenic resistance: The resistance is governed by several genes.
polysomes: Ribosomes act in clusters and are called polyribosomes or
polysomes. Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis.
population: A group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time. A population is a pool of individuals from
which the next generation will be drawn. The spatial and temporal limits of
a population are defined by uniform allele frequencies.
promoter: DNA sequence lying upstream from a gene to which RNA polymerase binds.
propagule: That part of an organism by which the organism may be dispersed or reproduced.
prophylaxis: Preventative treatment against disease.
prosenchyma: During certain stages of fungal development, the mycelium
becomes organized into loosely or compact woven tissues, as against the
loose hyphae ordinarily found in the mycelium. The loosely woven tissue in
which the component hyphae with elongated cells lie more or less parallel to
one another is called prosenchyma.
protectant fungicide: A fungicide that protects against invasion by a
protozoa: A kingdom characterized by the presence of organisms that are
predominantly unicellular, plasmodial, or colonial. These organisms are
phagotrophic, i.e., they feed by ingestion, engulfing food.
pseudoparenchyma: In certain stages of fungal development, fungal tissues are closely packed, in the form of more or less isodiametric or oval cells
resembling the parenchyma cells of higher plants, and they are called
pycnidium: An asexual globose or flask-shaped hollow fruiting body lined
with conidiophores (plural: pycnidia).
pyramiding of genes: Combining different genes in a single plant.
qualitative resistance: The disease symptom is almost completely suppressed, mostly by development of hypersensitive pinpoint fleck reaction.
quantitative resistance: The resistance is based on the amount of disease
symptom development, quantified by different infection types such as necrotic flecks, necrotic and chlorotic areas with restricted sporulation, sporulation with chlorosis, abundant sporulation without chlorosis, lesion size,
lesion area, etc.
quantitative trait loci (QTL): The genetic loci associated with complex
quarantine: Legislative or regulatory control that aims to exclude pathogens from areas where they do not already exist. It includes the holding of
imported material in isolation for a period to ensure freedom from diseases
and pests.
race: A taxon of pathogens, particularly characterized by specialization to
different cultivars of one host species.
sense codon: Any of the 61 triplet codons in mRNA that specify an amino
sense strand: In duplex DNA, the strand that serves as a template for the
synthesis of RNA; it is also known as the anticoding strand.
sigma factor: A polypeptide subunit of RNA polymerase. Sigma factors
are composed of two functional domains: a core-binding domain and a
DNA-binding domain.
simple-interest disease: A disease that goes through only one cycle of infection during a growing season, analogous to a bank account giving simple
simulation models: Simulation is the process of designing a model of a real
system and conducting experiments with this model for purposes of either
understanding the behavior of the system or evaluating various strategies for
the operation of the system. Simulation models are generated by creating
conditions for development of epidemics and carrying out experiments on
different aspects of disease increase.
somaclonal variation: The stable and heritable variation displayed among
somaclones: Plants regenerated from cell, tissue, and organ cultures.
sorus: A mass of spores (plural: sori).
Southern blotting: A method to detect DNA fragments by electrophoresis.
species: A species includes strains of fungi or bacteria, with approximately
70 percent or greater DNA-DNA relatedness or less Tm (divergence [unpaired bases] within related nucleotide sequences is 5 percent or less).
sporangiophore: A specialized hyphal branch bearing sporangia.
sporangiospore: A nonmotile asexual spore produced in a sporangium.
sporangium: A sac-like structure in which its entire contents are converted
into one or more spores, which are called sporangiospores.
spore: A specialized propagative or reproductive body.
sporodochium: An asexual fruiting body in which the conidiophores are
cemented together and the conidiophores arise from the surface of a cushionshaped stroma.
spreader: A substance added to a spray to assist in its even distribution over
the target.
statistical models: Epidemiological models that are mathematical formulas with values of parameters chosen to adequately describe disease progress for specific data sets but lacking a precise biological interpretation.
sticker: A substance added to a spray to assist in its adhesion to the target.
straggling: Breakage of a few plant stems, especially cereals, resulting in a
few tillers falling down.
stroma: A fungal structure, usually made up of prosenchyma (see PROSENCHYMA). On or in the stroma, fructifications (see FRUCTIFICATIONS) are
formed (plural: stromata).
subspecies: Based on minor but consistent phenotypic variations within the
species or on genetically determined clusters of species. Subspecies designations are used for genetically close organisms that diverge in phenotype.
superrace: A pathogen race that contains virulence factors to match any resistance factors available in the host.
surfactant: A surface-active material, especially a wetter or spreader used
with a spray.
susceptible: Subject to infection; nonimmune.
symplast: The sum total of living protoplasm of a plant including the
phloem and protoplast. The total mass of living cells of a plant constitute a
continuum, the individual protoplasts being ultimately connected throughout the plant by plasmodesmata.
synnema: A group of conidiophores cemented together forming an elongated spore-bearing structure (plural: synnemata).
systemic fungicide: A fungicide that is absorbed and translocated in the
taxa: Taxonomic groups of any rank (singular: taxon).
taxonomy: Systematic classification.
teleomorph: See ANAMORPH.
thyriothecium: An inverted ascocarp having the wall more or less radial in
tolerant: Able to endure infection by a pathogen without showing severe
symptoms of disease.
trans-acting element: A genetic element that can exert its effect without
having to be on the same molecule as a target sequence; this element encodes an enzyme or regulatory protein that can diffuse to the site of action.
transposons: Mobile DNA segments that can insert into a few or several
sites in a genome. They are transposable genetic elements (the word transpose means alter the positions of or interchange). They are also called
jumping genes.
true resistance: The resistance is complete.
vacuoles: Cavities in the cytoplasm containing a fluid called cell sap.
vector: An organism that transmits a pathogen.
vertical resistance: Resistance that is specific to some races of the pathogen and that will be susceptible to other races.
virion: The complete and infectious nucleoprotein particle of the virus.
viroids: Naked nucleic acids without a coat protein. They consist of only ribonucleic acid (RNA). These miniviruses are the smallest known causal
organisms of infectious diseases.
viruses: Infectious agents not visible under the microscope (submicroscopic) and small enough to pass through a bacterial filter.
virusoids: Viruses that contain a viroid-like satellite RNA in addition to a
linear single-stranded molecule of genomic RNA.
vivotoxin: The toxin produced in vivo (in the infected tissues) that functions in disease development but not as a primary agent.
volunteer plant: A self-sown plant.
volutins: Metachromatic granules found in bacterial cells that localize in
the vacuoles of mature forms. They contain inorganic polyphosphate, lipoprotein, RNA, and magnesium and may serve as phosphate storage structures.
Western blotting: A method to detect protein molecules by electrophoresis.
Acervulus, 35, 569
Actinomycetes, 13
bacterial cells, 551
cutinases, 551
extracellular polysaccharides, 552
fimbriae, 551
fungal spores, 551
glycoprotein, 551
hydrophobins, 551
lipopolysaccharides, 552
pili, 551
rhicadhesin, 552
vitronectin-like proteins, 552
Adjuvants, 354, 355, 356, 569
Agglutinin, 569
Agrobacterium radiobacter
Agrocin, 84, 257
bacteriocin, 257
biocontrol, 257
crown gall control, 257
Die-gall, 259
NoGall, 259
Norbac 84-C, 259
cyst nematode (Heterodera trifolii),
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
leaf and stem nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci), 84
needle nematode (Longidorus spp.),
needle nematode (Rotylenchulus
spp.), 86
pin nematode (Paratylenchus
hamatus), 86
pin nematode (Paratylenchus spp.),
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
arenaria), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
chitwoodi), 88
Alfalfa (continued)
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
hapla), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
javanica), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
neglectus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seedborne pathogens, 434
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
spp.), 90
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
rivesi), 86
ring nematode (Criconemella
xenoplax), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
arenaria), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
javanica), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
vulnus), 88
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
spp.), 90
Alternaria alternata
citrus brownspot, 213
conditions favoring spore release,
Bacillus subtilis
Actizyme, 258
BACT-0, 256
Bactophyt, 259
biocontrol, 256
Epic, 259
FZB24, 256, 258
induced resistance, 256
Kodiak, 259
Kodiak (A-13), 259
System 3 (GBO3), 259
Bacteria, 571
Bactericides, 333-336
Bacteriophages, 13, 571
Banana bunchy top virus, 152
list of diseases, 470, 471, 472
moko wilt, 14
Panama wilt, 166
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
arenaria), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
brachyurus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
coffeae), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
goodeyi), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
reniformia), 88
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
dihystera), 89
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
multicinctus), 89
cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae),
cyst nematode (Heterodera
filipjevi), 85
cyst nematode (Heterodera
latipons), 85
list of diseases, 472, 473, 474, 475
root gall nematode (Subanguina
radicicola), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
artiellia), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
chitwoodi), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
naasi), 88
Barley (continued)
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seed health testing methods, 440
seedborne pathogens, 434
stunt nematode (Merlinius
brevidens), 90
stunt nematode (Merlinius spp.), 90
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
dubius), 90
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
maximus), 90
Barley yellow dwarf virus, 152
Barley yellow mosaic virus, 152
Basidiocarp, 41, 571
Basidiospore, 40, 571
Basidium, 41, 571
bacterial brown spot, 13
common blight, 14
cyst nematode (Heterodera
glycines), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
halo blight, 13
lance nematode (Hoplolaimus spp.),
leaf and stem nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci), 84
list of diseases, 475-476
pin nematode (Paratylenchus spp.),
reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus
reniformis), 87
ring nematode (Criconemoides
ovantus), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
arenaria), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
hapla), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
javanica), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
Bean (continued)
seed health testing methods, 441
seedborne pathogens, 434
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
dihystera), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
stubby-root nematode (Paratrichodorus christiei), 89
stunt nematode (Merlinius spp.), 90
stunt nematode (Quinisulcius
acutus), 90
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
spp.), 90
cyst nematode (Heterodera
schachtii), 85
cyst nematode (Heterodera trifolii),
false root-knot nematode (Nacobbus
aberrans), 86
leaf and stem nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci), 84
needle nematode (Longidorus spp.),
potato rot nematode (Ditylenchus
destructor), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seed health testing methods, 442
seedborne pathogens, 435
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stubby-root nematode (Trichodorus
spp.), 90
Beijerinck, Martinus Willem, 3
Binary fission, 13
Biological control of nematodes, 94
Bitunicate ascus, 36
Blumeria graminis
conditions favoring spore release, 212
wheat powdery mildew, 212
Bock, Jerome, 2
Boom-bust cycle, 285
Botrytis cinerea
conditions favoring infection, 220
conditions favoring sporulation, 212
strawberry gray mold, 212
systematic position, 47
Bremia lactucae
conditions favoring spore release,
downy mildew of lettuce, 31
Orobanche aegyptica, 79
Orobanche cernua, 79
seedborne pathogens, 435
Burrill, Thomas Jonathan, 3
black rot, 15
seed health testing methods, 441,
seedborne pathogens, 435
Cacao red rust/algal spot, 73, 75
Caius Plinius Secundus, 337
Calluses, 325, 327
Candidatus Liberobacter africanum
Citrus greening disease, 14, 18
systematic position, 19
Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticum, 14,
Citrus greening disease, 14, 18
systematic position, 19
Capsule, 11
Carolus Linnaeus, 2
cyst nematode (Heterodera
carotae), 85
lance nematode (Hoplolaimus
uniformis), 86
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
hapla), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
seedborne pathogens, 435
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
Cassytha filiformis, 80
Catch crops, 423
black rot, 15
seedborne pathogens, 435
cDNA, 571
awl nematode (Dolichodorus
heterocephalus), 84
awl nematode (Dolichodorus spp.),
cyst nematode (Heterodera spp.), 85
pin nematode (Paratylenchus
hamatus), 86
pin nematode (Paratylenchus spp.),
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seedborne pathogens, 435
sting nematode (Belonolaimus spp.),
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
Cellulase, 557, 558
Cell wall modifications
appositions, 511
callose, 511
cell wall reinforcement, 511
disease resistance, 512
lignification, 511
papilla, 511, 512, 513
papilla regulating extract, 513
vesicles, 512
Cell wall proteins
arabinogalactan proteins, 515
extensins, 515
hydroxyproline-rich proteins, 515
lectins, 515
proline-rich proteins, 515
Cephaleuros virescens
algal spot, 73
avocado, 73
cacao, 73
citrus, 73
coffee, 73
guava, 73
litchi, 73
mango, 73
oilpalm, 73
papaya, 73
pecan, 73
pepper, 73
red rust, 73
sapota, 73
tea, 73
vanilla, 73
Cercospora arachidicola
conditions favoring disease
development, 220
conditions favoring sporulation, 212
peanut early leaf spot, 212
Chickpea Fusarium wilt, 166
Chlamydospores, 571
Chondrioid, 12
Christian Hendrik Persoon, 3
Chromatin body, 12
Chromista, 29, 30, 48, 571
Chromosome, 11, 571
cis-acting element, 571
canker, 13
citrus greasy spot (Mycosphaerella
citri), 166, 167
citrus nematode (Tylenchulus
semipenetrans), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema spp.),
greening, 14,18
list of diseases, 477-478
Loranthus, 80
needle nematode (Longidorus spp.),
postbloom fruit drop and
anthracnose forecasting
model, 230
red rust/algal spot, 73, 75
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
sheath nematode (Hemicycliophora
arenaria), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
stubborn, 14
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
spp.), 90
tristeza, 152
variegated chlorosis, 14
Clamp connection, 41
Classification of Ascomycota
Dictionary of Fungis classification,
37, 38
FungalWebs classification, 39, 40
Classification of Basidiomycota
Dictionary of Fungis classification,
44, 45
FungalWebs classification, 41, 42,
Classification of Chytridiomycota, 46
Classification of Mitosporic fungi, 47,
Classification of Oomycota
Dictionary of Fungis classification,
30, 31
FungalWebs classification, 31
Classification of Phytoplasmas
Apple proliferation group (16SrX),
Ash yellows group (16SrVII), 102
Aster Yellows group (16SrI), 100
Bermuda grass white leaf group
(16SrXIV), 103
Clover proliferation group (16SrVI),
Coconut lethal yellows group
(16SrIV), 101
Elm yellows group (16SrV), 101
Loofah witches-broom group
(16SrVIII), 102
Mexican periwinkle virescence
group (16SrXIII), 103
Peanut witches-broom group
(16SrIII), 101
Pigeon pea witches- broom group
(16SrIX), 102
Rice yellow dwarf group (16SrXI),
Stolbur group (16SrXII), 102
X-disease group (16SrIII), 101
Classification of Zycomycota, 46, 47
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.
potato ring rot, 15
systematic position, 19
Claviceps sorghi
conditions favoring sporulation, 212
sorghum ergot, 212
Cleidemus, 1
Cleistothecium, 37, 571
Coconut Hartrot, 72
Codon, 572
Coenocytic, 46, 572
phloem necrosis, 71
red rust/algal spot, 73
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
Colletotrichum acutatum
conditions favoring spore dispersal,
strawberry anthracnose, 215
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Glomerella cingulata, 254
induced resistance, 254
reduced pathogenicity isolates, 25
Complementary genes, 572
Complementation test, 572
Complete resistance, 572
Compound interest diseases, 206
Computer-based decision support
CU-FAST, 396
FAST, 396
Firework, 396
MoreCrop, 395
WDCA, 395
Conidiophore, definition, 572
Conidium, definition, 572
Coniothyrium minitans
biocontrol, 254
Coniothyrin, 254
Contans, 254
Conjugation, 13
Copy number, 572
awl nematode (Dolichodorus
heterocephalus), 84
awl nematode (Dolichodorus spp.), 84
brown stripe downy mildew, 31
burrowing nematode (Radopholus
similes), 85
corn downy mildew, 31
crazy-top downy mildew, 31
cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae),
Corn (continued)
cyst nematode (Heterodera zeae), 85
cyst nematode (Punctodera
chalcoensis), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
mediterraneum), 86
false root-knot nematode (Nacobbus
dorsalis), 86
green ear and downy mildew, 31
lance nematode (Hoplolaimus
columbus), 86
lance nematode (Hoplolaimus
galeatus), 86
lance nematode (Hoplolaimus spp.),
leaf and stem nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci), 84
list of diseases, 478, 479, 480, 481,
needle nematode (Longidorus
breviannulatus), 86
needle nematode (Longidorus spp.),
Philippine downy mildew, 31
ring nematode (Criconemella
ornate), 87
ring nematode (Criconemella spp.),
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
chitwoodi), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
javanica), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
brachyurus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
crenatus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
hexincisus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
neglectus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
scribneri), 88
Corn (continued)
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
thornei), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
zeae), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seedborne pathogens, 435
southern corn blight
(Helminthosporium maydis),
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
Stewarts disease, 15
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus spp.),
Striga, 77
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus christiei),
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus minor), 90
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stubby-root nematode (Trichodorus
spp.), 90
stunt nematode (Quinisulcius
acutus), 90
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
dubius), 90
Corn Stewarts wilt forecasting model,
Cosmid, 572
bacterial blight (black arm), 15
cyst nematode (Heterodera
schachtii), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
lance nematode (Hoplolaimus
columbus), 86
list of diseases, 482, 483
needle nematode (Longidorus
africans), 86
pin nematode (Paratylenchus
hamatus), 86
reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus
reniformis), 87
Cotton (continued)
ring nematode (Criconemella spp.),
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seedborne pathogens, 435
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
spiral nematode (Scutellonema
spp.), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stunt nematode (Merlinius spp.), 90
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
spp.), 90
seedborne pathogens, 435
Striga, 77
Crop rotation, 93, 425
awl nematode (Dolichodorus spp.),
club root, 33
cyst nematode (Heterodera
cruciferae), 85
cyst nematode (Heterodera
schachtii), 85
list of diseases, 483, 484, 485
pin nematode (Paratylenchus spp.),
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
pratensis), 88
seed health testing methods, 441,
seedborne pathogens, 435
sting nematode (Belonolaimus spp.),
white rust, 31
cucumber Monosporascus wilt, 167
cucumber mosaic virus, 152
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
downy mildew, 31
Cucurbits (continued)
list of diseases, 485, 486, 487
Orobanche aegyptica, 79
Orobanche cernua, 79
pin nematode (Paratylenchus spp.),
reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus
reniformis), 87
ring nematode (Criconemella spp.),
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seed health testing methods, 442
seedborne pathogens, 435
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus minor), 90
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
claytoni), 90
Cuscuta, 80, 81
Cutinases, 554, 555
Cyst nematode
Globodera pallida, 85
Globodera rostochiensis, 85
Globodera solanacearum = G.
virginiae, 85
Globodera tabacum, 85
Heterodera avenae, 85
Heterodera carotae, 85
Heterodera cruciferae, 85
Heterodera filipjevi, 85
Heterodera glycines, 85
Heterodera hordecalis, 85
Heterodera latipons, 85
Heterodera schachtii, 85
Heterodera spp., 85
Heterodera trifolii, 85
Heterodera zeae, 85
Punctodera chalcoensis, 85
Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, 12, 572
Dagger nematode, 85
Xiphinema americanum, 85
Xiphinema brevicolle, 85
Dolipore septa, 41
Dominant gene, 573
Dot-blot, 573
Dot-blotting, 573
Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis, 2
Durable resistance
additive minor genes, 290
definition, 288, 573
factors contributing, 289
major gene resistance, 289
pyramiding of genes, 290
quantitative resistance, 289
race-specific resistance, 289
Exclusion, 431-433
Exopolygalacturonase, 574
F factor, 13
Fabricius, Johann Christian, 2
Facultative parasite, 574
Facultative saprophyte, 574
False root-knot nematodes
Nacobbus aberrans, 86
Nacobbus dorsalis, 86
Fimbriae, 13
Fission, 35
Flagellate protozoa
Herpetomonas, 71
Phytomonas, 71
Egg fungi, 30
Electrolyte leakage, 552
definition, 574
Elicitors, definition, 573
peritrichous, 12
Empirical models, 573
polar, 12
Emulsifiers, 354, 573
Foam suppressors, 354, 572
Endemic, 205, 573
Fontana, 2
Endopolygalacturonase, 573
Forma specialis (f. sp.), 574
Enhancer, 573
Forsyth, William, 337
Epidemic, 205, 208, 211, 220, 573
Fructification, 574
Epidemiology, 205, 573
Fumigation, 574
Episome, 11, 13, 574
Fungi, definition, 574
Epistasis, 574
Fungicidal, 574
Eradication, 433, 434
Fungicide, definition, 574
Erwinia amylovora
Fungicide application equipments
apple fire blight, 14
air blast sprayer, 405, 406
pear fire blight, 15
air jet sprayer, 405, 406
systematic position, 20
backpack sprayer, 404
Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica,
bucket sprayer, 404
compressed air sprayer, 404
potato blackleg and bacterial soft
drenching equipments, 409
rot, 15
dust seed treater, 407
systematic position, 20
electrostatic sprayer, 406
Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora
estate sprayer, 405
potato blackleg and bacterial soft
fruit tree injector, 408
rot, 15
granule applicators, 407
systematic position, 20
gravity-fed applicator, 409
tomato bacterial stem rot and fruit
hand dusters, 403
rot, 16
high-pressure fumigator, 409
Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. chrysanthemi
high-pressure hydraulic sprayer, 405
potato blackleg and bacterial soft
hose-end hand sprayer, 404
rot, 15
low-pressure boom sprayer, 405
systematic position, 20
low-pressure boomless sprayer, 405
Erysiphe graminis; see Blumeria
Mist-O-Matic seed treater, 408
Eukaryota, 29
Panogen liquid treater, 407
Fungicide resistance
cross-resistance, 399
definition, 398, 574
development causes, 399
management, 400
chemical names, 341-349
common names, 341-349
diseases controlled, 381-394
fungicide families, 368-370
ready formulated mixtures, 349-353
surface protectant fungicides, 370
systemic fungicides, 367, 370
trade names, 341-349
Fungicides, mode of action
acylalanines, 377
aminoacid amide carbamates, 381
anilinopyrimidines, 380
benzimidazoles, 377
blasticidin S, 379
butylamine, 374
carboxamides, 378
carpropamid, 379
chlorinated nitroanilines, 375
chloroneb, 380
chlorophenyls, 373
copper compounds, 371
cymoxanil, 380
dicarboximides, 381
dicloran, 380
dimethomorph, 381
dithiocarbamates, 372, 373
edifenphos, 376
famoxadone, 379
fosetyl-aluminium, 381
guanidines, 374
hexachlorobenzene, 380
imidazoles, 375
iprofenphos, 376
isoprothiolane, 376
isoxazoles, 378
kasugamycin, 379
mercury compounds, 372
morpholines, 375
nitro compounds, 375
organochlorines, 375
organophosphorous compounds, 380
pentachlorophenol, 380
phenylpyrroles, 380
phthalimides, 373
Grape (continued)
downy mildew, 31
list of diseases, 487, 488, 489, 490
needle nematode (Longidorus spp.),
ring nematode (Criconemella spp.),
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
vulnus), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
Grapevine downy mildew forecasting
empirical models, 231
EnviroCaster, 231
Green bridge, 575
Groundkeeper, 575
Loranthus, 79
red rust/algal spot, 73
Hales, Stephen, 2
Haustorium, 575
Helminthosporium maydis
remote sensing, 170
southern corn blight, 170
Helper virus, 123, 575
Hemibiotroph, 575
Hemicellulases, 558
Heteroecious rust, 575
Heterothallism, 32, 46, 575
Holomorph, 576
Homothallism, 32, 576
Hooke, Robert, 2
Horizontal resistance, 576
Host-selective toxin, 559, 576
Host-specific resistance, 559, 560, 576
Host-specific virulence genes, 576
hrp genes, 552, 553, 576
Hydrophobic particle films, 426
Hydroxyproline-rich proteins (HRGPs)
accumulation in cell wall, 515
agglutination, 517
cell wall strengthening, 516
cross-linking, 516
insolublization of HRGPs, 516
role in disease resistance, 515, 516,
Immune, 577
Imperfect state, definition, 577
In vitro selection
among regenerants, 326
at callus stage, 327, 328
from organ cultures, 328
from somatic hybrids, 328, 329
Incubation period, 577
Induced systemic resistance
definition, 445
induced resistance, 445
systemic acquired resistance, 445
Infection, definition, 577
Infection court, 577
Infection peg, 577
Inhibitins, 577
Inoculum, 577
Inoculum potential, 577
Inorganic amendmends, 424
Intercellular, 577
Intercropping, 425
Intracellular, 577
Irrigation on disease severity, 426
Lance nematodes
Hoplolaimus columbus, 86
Hoplolaimus galeatus, 86
Hoplolaimus spp., 86
Hoplolaimus uniformis, 86
Latent period, 577
Leptodontium elatius
apple sooty blotch, 211
conditions favoring sporulation, 211
downy mildew, 31
seed health testing methods, 442
seedborne pathogens, 435
biosynthesis, 519, 520
role in disease resistance, 520, 521
Linnaeus, Carolus, 2
List of crop diseases. See Diseases list
Living ground covers, 422
Lodging, 578
Logistic model, 206, 207
casuarina, 80
kapok, 80
mango, 80
mulberry, 80
pomegranate, 80
rosewood, 80
rubber, 80
sandalwood, 80
teak, 80
arbuscular mycorrhiza, 271
commercialization, 274
definition, 271, 578
ectendomycorrhiza, 271
ectomycorrhiza, 271
endomycorrhiza, 271
induced resistance, 273
vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza, 271
Mycorrhizal fungi
biocontrol, 272, 273
diseases controlled, 272
mass production, 273, 274
mycorrhizal symbiosis, 272
Mycosphaerella citri
ascospore production, 211
citrus greasy spot, 166, 167
disease severity assessment, 166, 167
Mycosphaerella fijiensis
banana black leaf streak (black
Sigatoka), 211
conditions favoring spore dispersal,
conditions favoring spore release,
212, 213
conditions favoring sporulation, 211
Mycosphaerella musicola
banana Sigatoka (yellow Sigatoka),
conditions favoring sporulation, 211
Mycotoxin, 578
Nematicides (continued)
ethoprophos, 96
ethylene dibromide, 96
fenamiphos, 96
fensulfothion, 96
metham-sodium, 97
methyl bromide, 97
methylisothiocyanate, 97
oxamyl, 97
terbufos, 97
thionazin, 97
Nematodes, disease symptoms
coarse root, 92
curly top, 91
devitalized root, 92
hairy root, 91
root knots, 91
root lesions, 91
root rot, 91
root surface necrosis, 92
stubby root, 91
Nematodes, structure, 83, 84
Nonpathogenic Fusarium
biocontrol, 254
Biofox-C, 259
Fusaclean, 259
Fusarium oxysporum, 254
induced resistance, 254
Nonpathogenic Ralstonia
biocontrol, 254
induced resistance, 254
PSSOL, 259
Ralstonia solanacearum, 254
Nonpathogenic Rhizoctonia
biocontrol, 254
induced resistance, 254
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, 254
Nonspecific toxin, 559, 579
Northern blotting, 579
Notifiable disease, 579
cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae),
cyst nematode (Heterodera
hordecalis), 85
cyst nematode (Heterodera
latipons), 85
Oats (continued)
cyst nematode (Punctodera
chalcoensis), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
leaf and stem nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci), 84
list of diseases, 490, 491
ring nematode (Criconemella spp.),
ring nematode (Nothocriconemella
mutabilis), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
chitwoodi), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
naasi), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
thornei), 88
seedborne pathogens, 435
sheath nematode (Hemicycliophora
spp.), 89
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus minor), 90
stunt nematode (Merlinius spp.), 90
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
spp.), 90
Obligate parasite, 579
Oidia, 34
Marchitez disease, 72
Phytomonas, 72
red rust/algal spot, 73
Oogonium, 32, 579
Operon, 579
Organ cultures, 328
Organic amendments, 419-422
broadbean, 79
melon, 79
Orobanche aegyptica, 79
Orobanche cernua, 79
sunflower, 79
Orobanche (continued)
tobacco, 79
tomato, 79
trap crop, 79
Palladius, 2
Pantoea agglomerans
apple fire blight, 257
biocontrol, 257
honey bees, 257
pear fire blight control, 257
Pantoea stewartii ssp. stewartii
corn Stewarts disease, 15
systematic position, 21
Papaya red rust/algal spot, 73
Papilla formation
calcium ion, 513
callose, 511
disease resistance, 512
factors responsible for, 513
papilla-regulating extract, 513
phosphate salts, 513
Paraphyses, 36
Parasexual cycle, 579
Parasite, 579
Pathogen, definition, 579
Pathogenesis-related proteins
chitonases, 530
classification, 525
definition, 523, 524, 579
glycine-rich protein, 530
PR-1 proteins, 525
PR-2 proteins, 525
PR-3 proteins, 526
PR-4 proteins, 527
PR-5 proteins, 527
PR-6 proteins, 527, 528
PR-7 proteins, 528
PR-8 proteins, 528
PR-9 proteins, 528, 529
PR-10 proteins, 529
PR-11 proteins, 529
PR-12 proteins, 529
PR-13 proteins, 529
PR-14 proteins, 530
ribosome-inactivating proteins, 530
role in disease resistance, 530, 531,
532, 533
synergistic action, 533, 534
Peanut (continued)
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
brachyurus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
coffeae), 88
seed and pod nematode (Ditylenchus
destructor), 88
seedborne pathogens, 435
spiral nematode (Scutellonema
cavenessi), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
gracilis), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
testa nematode (Aphelenchoides
arachidis), 90
Peanut early and late leaf spots
forecasting models
81-ADV, 232
89-ADV, 232
AU-Pnuts advisory, 232
Early Leaf Spot Advisory, 232
EnviroCaster, 232
brown spot (Stemphylium
vesicatarium), 165, 166, 168
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
rivesi), 86
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
vuittenezi), 86
fire blight, 15
list of diseases, 497, 498
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
Pear brown spot forecasting model
BSPcast, 233
empirical model, 233
Stemphylium vesicarium, 233
Pecan red rust/algal spot, 73
Pectate lyases, 579
Pectic acid, 579
Pectic enzymes, 555, 556, 557
Pectin, 580
Pectin lyases, 579
classification, 100
description, 99
disease diagnosis, 104
disease management, 104
big bud, 103
blackening, 103
bushy stunt, 103
die back, 103
leaf curling, 103
leaf roll, 103
little leaf, 103
phyllody, 103
reddening, 103
slender shoots, 103
sterility, 103
stunting, 103
witches-broom, 103
yellows, 103
transmission, 103, 104
Phytosanitary certificate, 581
Phytotoxic, 581
Pili, 13
Pin nematodes
Paratylenchus hamatus, 86
Paratylenchus spp., 86
Pittonde Tournefort, Joseph, 2
Plant activators
aluminium chloride (Synermix),
BABA, 450, 451
BTH, 448-450
Carpropamid, 454
definition, 445, 581
INA, 446-448
jasmonic acid, 454
KeyPlex, 453
methyl jasmonate, 454
Myco-Sin, 454
phosphate, 454
Phytogard (K2HPO3), 454
plant defense activators, 445
practical uses, 455
Probenazole, 451, 452
Prohexadione-Ca, 452
riboflavin, 453
salicylic acid, 451
Ulmasud, 454
Plant extracts
antimicrobial action, 461
antiviral proteins, 463
induction of resistance, 462, 463
Plant pathology, definition, 581
Plant propagation materials indexing,
442, 443
Plasmid, 11, 581
Plasmodium, 33, 581
Plasmogamy, 32, 33, 36, 581
Plint, 1
bacterial canker, 15
bacterial spot, 15
list of diseases, 498, 499
plum pox (Sharka) virus, 153
seedborne pathogens, 435
Polycyclic disease, 206, 581
Polygenic resistance, 581
Polyribosome, 12
Polysome, 12, 581
Population, 581
bacterial wilt (brown rot), 15
blackleg (bacterial soft rot), 15
common scab, 15
cyst nematode (Globodera pallida),
cyst nematode (Globodera
rostochiensis), 85
false root-knot nematode (Nacobbus
aberrans), 86
leaf and stem nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci), 84
leafrolling, 153
list of diseases, 499, 500, 501
mild mosaic, 153
Potato mop top virus, 153
potato rot nematode (Ditylenchus
destructor), 87
Potato virus A, 153
Potato virus M, 153
Potato virus X, 153
Potato virus Y, 153
powdery scab, 33
ring rot, 15
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
hapla), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
Potato (continued)
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
javanica), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
brachyurus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
rugose mosaic, 153
seedborne pathogens, 435
Potato late blight forecasting models
Beaumont period, 227
BLITECAST, 227, 228
Dutch rules, 226, 227
Irish rules, 227
Smith period, 227
Prevost, Benedict, 3, 338
Progametangium, 46
Prokaryotes, 11
Promoter, 581
Propagule, 582
Prophylaxis, 582
Prosenchyma, 34, 582
Proteases, 558, 559
Protectant fungicide, definition, 582
Protozoa, 29, 30, 32, 48, 582
Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides
conditions favoring sporulation, 212
wheat eyespot, 212
Pseudofungi, 29
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea
soybean bacterial blight, 15
systematic position, 21
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv.
bean halo blight, 14
systematic position, 21
Pseudomonas spp. as biocontrol agents
antibiotic production, 249
BioCoat, 259
biocontrol efficacy, 250
Biosave-100, 258
Biosave-110, 258
Blue Circle, 259
Conqueror, 259
Dagger, 259
Soybean (continued)
ring nematode (Criconemella
ornate), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
arenaria), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
hapla), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
javanica), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seed health testing methods, 441
seedborne pathogens, 436
sheath nematode (Hemicycliophora
spp.), 89
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
gracilis), 89
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
sudden death syndrome (Fusarium
solani f. sp. glycines), 167
Species, definition, 584
Spermatia, 37
Spermatiophore, 37
Spiral nematodes
Helicotylenchus dihystera, 89
Helicotylenchus multicinctus, 89
Helicotylenchus nannus, 89
Helicotylenchus spp., 89
Rotylenchus spp., 89
Scutellonema cavenessi, 89
Scutellonema spp., 89
Spiroplasma citri
citrus stubborn, 14, 104, 105
systematic position, 23
transmission, 105
Spiroplasma kunkelli
corn stunt, 105
symptoms, 105
transmission, 105
Spiroplasmas, 104, 105
Sporangiophore, 584
Sporangiospore, 584
Sporangium, 31, 46, 584
Spore, definition, 583
Spore dispersal gradient, 218
Spore samplers
Burkard, 216, 217
Cascade impactor, 216
Cyclone, 216, 217
Funnel, 216, 217
Hirst, 216
Impinger, 216
Rotorod, 216, 217
spore traps, 215
Spore traps. See Spore samplers
Sporodochium, 35, 584
Spreader, 584
Stagonospora nodorum
conditions favoring pycnidiospores
dispersal, 215
conditions favoring pycnidiospores
release, 212
Septoria nodorum, 212
wheat leaf and glume blotch, 212
Statistical models, 585
Stemphylium vesicatarium
disease incidence assessment, 165
pear brown spot, 165
Sterigmata, 35
Stickers, 354, 585
Sting nematodes
Belonolaimus gracilis, 89
Belonolaimus longicaudatus, 89
Belonolaimus spp., 89
Straggling, 585
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
dagger nematode (Xiphinema spp.),
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
hapla), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
coffeae), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
pratensis), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
scribneri), 88
seedborne pathogens, 436
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
gracilis), 89
Strawberry (continued)
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
Strawberry gray mold forecasting
models, 232
Straggling, 585
Streptomyces scabies, 15
conditions favoring disease
incidence, 220
potato common scab, 15
systematic position, 23
Streptomyces griseoviridis
biocontrol, 258
cauliflower alternaria control, 258
Mycostop, 259
pepper damping-off control, 258
corn, 77
cowpea, 77
rice, 77
sorghum, 77
Striga asiatica, 77
Striga gesnerioides, 77, 78
Striga hermonthica, 78
sugarcane, 77
tobacco, 77
trap crops, 79
Stroma, 34, 585
Structure of viruses
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), 112
Andean potato latent virus (APLV),
Andean potato mottle virus
(APMV), 112
Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), 112
Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV),
Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV),
Barley yellow mosaic virus
(BaYMV), 112
Barley yellow striate mosaic virus
(BYSMV), 112
Bean common mosaic virus
(BCMV), 112
Bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV),
Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV), 112
Bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV),
Sugarcane (continued)
seedborne pathogens, 436
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
spiral nematode (Rotylenchus spp.),
spiral nematode (Scutellonema
spp.), 89
Striga, 77
Orobanche aegyptica, 79
Orobanche cernua, 79
Super race, 585
Surfactants, 354, 585
Susceptible, definition, 585
Sweet potato white rust, 31
Symplast, 585
Synnema, 35, 585
Systematic position
bacterial pathogens, 18-27
fungal pathogens, 48-69
viruses, 130-140
Systemic fungicide, definition, 585
Tobacco (continued)
dagger nematode (Xiphinema
americanum), 85
foliar nematode (Aphelenchoides
ritzemabosi), 86
leaf and stem nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci), 84
Orobanche aegyptica, 79
Orobanche cernua, 79
reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus
reniformis), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
arenaria), 87
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
hapla), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita), 88
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
javanica), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
brachyurus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
penetrans), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seedborne pathogens, 436
Talaromyces flavus
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
biocontrol, 253, 254
spp.), 89
glucose oxidase, 254
Striga, 77
Penicillium dangeardii, 253
stubby-root nematode
Taphrina deformans
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
conditions favoring infection, 220
stubby-root nematode (Trichodorus
peach leaf curl, 220
spp.), 90
Taxa, 585
stunt nematode (Merlinius spp.), 90
Taxonomy, definition, 585
stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus
Tea red rust/algal spot, 73, 74, 75
spp.), 90
Teleomorph, 47
Tobacco mosaic virus, 153
definition, 585
Tolerant, 585
Theopharstus, 1
Thyriothecium, 585
bacterial canker, 15
Tillage, 423
bacterial speck, 15
Tillet, Mathieu, 2
bacterial spot, 15
Tilletia indica
bacterial stem rot and fruit rot, 16
conditions favoring infection, 219
bacterial wilt, 16
wheat Karnal bunt, 219
Fusarium wilt, 166
list of diseases, 502, 503, 504
cyst nematode (Globodera
Orobanche aegyptica, 79
solanacearum = G. virginiae),
Orobanche cernua, 79
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
cyst nematode (Globodera
spp.), 87
tabacum), 85
Tomato (continued)
seed health testing methods, 441
seedborne pathogens, 436
sting nematode (Belonolaimus
longicaudatus), 89
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stubby-root nematode (Trichodorus
spp.), 90
Tomato mottle virus, 153
Tomato spotted wilt virus, 153
Tomato early blight forecasting models
FAST, 228
role in pathogenesis, 562, 563, 564
types of toxins, 559, 560, 561
Tozzetti, 2
Trans-acting element, 586
Transgenic plants
alfalfa, 296, 298
bacterial disease resistance, 308
fungal disease resistance, 306
bacterial disease resistance, 297
fungal disease resistance, 299
bean, 311
carrot, 310
cauliflower, 309
commercial availability, 312, 313
corn, 311
cucumber, 303
Nicotiana accidentalis, 304
Nicotiana benthamiana
bacterial disease resistance, 294
viral disease resistance, 302, 303,
304, 305, 306
oilseed rape, 293, 296
peanut, 303
pear, 308, 311
Petunia hybrida, 306
bacterial disease resistance, 299,
300, 301, 308-310
fungal disease resistance, 296,
299, 300, 309
viral disease resistance, 295, 303,
304, 306
Trichoderma (continued)
honey bees, 242
Hors-solsain, 259
induced resistance, 244
KRLAG2, 259
mixures of Trichoderma, 242
mycoparasitism, 243
osmopriming, 241
Plantsain, 259
Promot, 259
Rootshield, 239, 241
SoilGard, 259
solid matrix priming, 241
Solsain, 259
Supraavit, 259
T-22B, 259
T-22G, 259
Topshield, 239
Trichoderma formulations, 240, 241
Trichoderma harzianum, 239, 240,
241, 242, 244
Trichoderma koningi, 240
Trichoderma polysporum, 242
Trichoderma spp., 239
Trichoderma viride, 242
Trichodermin, 259
Trichodex, 259
Trichodowels, 242
Trichoject, 259
Trichopel, 259
Trichoseal, 259
Tri-D25, 258
Ty, 259
Trichogyne, 36
True fungi, 29
True resistance, 586
Ulocladium atrum
biocontrol, 255
Botrytis cinerea control, 255
Uncinula necator
conditions favoring spore release,
grapevine powdery mildew, 213
Unitunicate ascus, 36
UV filters, 354
classification, 124-130
control by insecticides, 413-415
control by plant activators, 415
crop diseases, 152-153
definition, 586
desmotubule, 122
disease diagnosis, 152
inclusion bodies, 122, 123
mechanism of infection
attachment to plasmalemma, 119
ingress into host cell, 118, 119
mRNA, 120, 121
protease, 121
reverse transcriptase, 121
self assembly of viral particles,
121, 122
uncoating of virus particles, 119,
viral replication, 120, 121
movement protein, 122
multicomponent virus, 112
plasmodesmata, 122
coat proein, 111-118
dsDNA, 113, 116
dsRNA, 116
multipartite viruses, 112
shape, 111-118
size, 111-118
ssDNA, 114, 118
ssRNA, 112-118
symptoms, 140-141
systematic position, 130-140
aphids, 145, 146
beetles, 148
circulative nonpropagative, 145
circulative propagative, 144
dodder, 152
earwigs, 149
flies, 149
fungi, 151
grafting, 141
grasshoppers, 149
lace bugs, 149
leafhoppers, 146
leafminer, 149
lygacid bugs, 149
mealybugs, 148
mechanical, 141
Wheat (continued)
root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
spp.), 87
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
minyus), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
thornei), 88
root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus
spp.), 88
seed gall nematode (Anguina tritici),
seed health testing methods, 440
seedborne pathogens, 436
spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus
spp.), 89
stubby-root nematode
(Paratrichodorus spp.), 89
stunt nematode (Merlinius
brevidens), 90
take-all, 255
Wheat Septoria forecasting model
Septoria-Timer, 232
Septoria tritici, 232
Wheat tan spot forecasting model, 231
Yeasts, biocontrol
Aspire, 258
Candida famata, 253
Candida guilliermondii, 253
Candida oleophila, 253
Candida saitoana, 253
Debaryomyces hansenii, 253
Pichia membranefaciens, 253
Torulopsis candida, 253
Zoosporangium, 46, 75
Zoospores, 32
Zygospore, 46