Files Extension Detail
Files Extension Detail
Files Extension Detail
Text Files
.DOC ................... Microsoft Word Document
.DOCX ................... Microsoft Word Open XML Document
.LOG ................... Log File
.MSG ................... Outlook Mail Message
.ODT ................... OpenDocument Text Document
.PAGES ................... Pages Document
.RTF ................... Rich Text Format File
.TEX ................... LaTeX Source Document
.TXT ................... Plain Text File
.WPD ................... WordPerfect Document
Data Files
.CSV ................... Comma Separated Values File
.DAT ................... Data File
.GBR ................... Gerber File
.GED ................... GEDCOM Genealogy Data File
.IBOOKS ................... Multi-Touch iBook
.KEY ................... Keynote Presentation
.KEYCHAIN ................... Mac OS X Keychain File
.PPS ................... PowerPoint Slide Show
.PPT ................... PowerPoint Presentation
.PPTX ................... PowerPoint Open XML Presentation
Audio Files
.AIF ................... Audio Interchange File Format
.IFF ................... Interchange File Format
.M3U ................... Media Playlist File
.M4A ................... MPEG-4 Audio File
.MID ................... MIDI File
.MP3 ................... MP3 Audio File
.MPA ................... MPEG-2 Audio File
.RA ................... Real Audio File
.WAV ................... WAVE Audio File
.WMA ................... Windows Media Audio File
Video Files
.3G2 ................... 3GPP2 Multimedia File
.3GP ................... 3GPP Multimedia File
.ASF ................... Advanced Systems Format File
.ASX ................... Microsoft ASF Redirector File
.AVI ................... Audio Video Interleave File
.FLV ................... Flash Video File
.MOV ................... Apple QuickTime Movie
.MP4 ................... MPEG-4 Video File
.MPG ................... MPEG Video File
.RM ................... Real Media File
3D Image Files
.3DM ................... Rhino 3D Model
Text Files
.doc Microsoft Word Document
.docx Microsoft Word Open XML Document
.log Log File
.msg Outlook Mail Message
.odt OpenDocument Text Document
.pages Pages Document
.rtf Rich Text Format File
.tex LaTeX Source Document
.txt Plain Text File
Game Files
.dem Video Game Demo File
.gam Saved Game File
.nes Nintendo (NES) ROM File
.rom N64 Game ROM File
.sav Saved Game
CAD Files
.dwg AutoCAD Drawing Database File
.dxf Drawing Exchange Format File
GIS Files
.gpx GPS Exchange File
.kml Keyhole Markup Language File
Web Files
.asp Active Server Page
.aspx Active Server Page Extended File
.cer Internet Security Certificate
.cfm ColdFusion Markup File
.csr Certificate Signing Request File
.css Cascading Style Sheet
.htm Hypertext Markup Language File
.html Hypertext Markup Language File
.js JavaScript File
.jsp Java Server Page
.php PHP Source Code File
.rss Rich Site Summary
.xhtml Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File
Plugin Files
.crx Chrome Extension
.plugin Mac OS X Plug-in
Font Files
.fnt Windows Font File
.fon Generic Font File
.otf OpenType Font
.ttf TrueType Font
System Files
.cab Windows Cabinet File
.cpl Windows Control Panel Item
.cur Windows Cursor
.deskthemepack Windows 8 Desktop Theme Pack File
.dll Dynamic Link Library
.dmp Windows Memory Dump
.drv Device Driver
.icns Mac OS X Icon Resource File
.ico Icon File
.lnk Windows File Shortcut
.sys Windows System File
Settings Files
Misc Files
.crdownload Chrome Partially Downloaded File
.ics iCalendar File
.msi Windows Installer Package
.part Partially Downloaded File
.torrent BitTorrent File
.AST Assistant file - Claris Works. Assistants guide the user through a task by asking a series
of questions and then use the answers to perform a task. Assistants in Claris Works can be
used to create such useful items as calendars, newsletters, stationery, labels, and address lists,
to make footnotes within a file etc.
.AU A sound file format used on Sun Microsystems or other UNIX computers
.AVI AVI movie format
.AVS Intel video capture format
.B64 Base 64, the encoding format used by the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
.BAK Backup copy in DOS or OS/2
.BAS BASIC program file
.BAT Batch
.BFC Briefcase document - Windows 95
.BG Backgammon game
.BI Binary file
.BIN Driver or A MacBinary II encoded file. This file type, downloaded as MacBinary or
Binary, can be decompressed with Stuffit Expander
.BK Backup copy
.BK$ Backup file
.BLT Wordperfect for DOS
.BMP Bitmap
.BNK Sim City game file
.BRX Browse Index. Found on multimedia CD-ROMs
.BTM Batch file - Norton Utilities
.CC program file
.CAB Microsoft compressed format
.CAL Calendar or CALS
.CAP Caption
.CBT Computer-Based Training; a tutorial file
.CCH Corel chart
.CCM Lotus cc:Mail
.CDA CD Audio track
.CDR CorelDraw
.CDT Corel Draw template
.CDX Corel Draw compressed file (file extension)
.CDX Visual FoxPro database index
.CFB Comptons multimedia encyclopedia
.CFG Configuration
.CFL Corel Flow
.CGI Common Gateway Interface. A file that makes it possible for HTTP servers to interface
with computer programs to provide interactive functions like fill-out forms
.CGM CGM graphics
.CHK Checkdisk - DOS Command
.CHP Chapter - Ventura
.CIF Chapter Information - Venture
.CIM Sim City file
.CIT Intergraph scanned image
.CLP Clipboard File
.CMD Command file - OS/2
.CMF Corel MetaFile
.CMF SoundBlaster file
.CMP LEAD Technologies graphics
.CMV Corel Move animation
.IDX Index
.IFF Amiga
.IGF Inset Systems graphics - Hijaak
.IIF Interchange File - QuickBooks for Windows
.IL Icon Library
.IMA Winimage compressed format These files can be decoded or mounted by ShrinkWrap
.IMAGE Mac disk image; a compressed format which can be decoded or mounted by
DiskCopy, Disk Image Mounter, Disk Charmer, and ShrinkWrap (ImageMaster)
.IMG Image This file is a Macintosh Disk Image. Disk Copy can be used to mount the disk
image on the Macintosh Desktop. The mounted disk image will behave like a read-only disk
.IND Index
.INF Information
.INI Initialization - configuration settings
.IOB Imagine file
.ISU Netscape file
.IT MOD music file format
.IW Idlewild screensaver
.IX Index File - Framemaker
.JFF or .JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format; a 24-bit graphic format. It can be opened with
QuickTime, a WWW browser, or a graphics viewer such as JPEGView
.JIF JPEG Image Format
.JPEG JPEG bitmap
.JPG File extension for JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). A file stored in JPEG
format. JPEG,an ISO/ITU standard for storing images with high compression capability, uses
a discreet cosine transform that can achieve compression rates of 100:1 (significant loss of
data from original) and 20:1 (minimal loss). C-Cube Microsystems introduced the first JPEG
.JT JT Fax
.JTF JPEG bitmap
.MP3 MPEG Layer III compressed audio. This file can be played with QuickTime Player,
Real Player, and some other sound players
.MPEG MPEG movie or animation file. This file can be played with QuickTime Player
.MPG MPEG encoded file. This file is an MPEG movie, and can be played with QuickTime
.MPNT Macintosh MacPaint
.MPP Microsoft Project project file
.MPT Microsoft Project template file
.MPX Microsoft Project export file
.MRK Markup - Informative Graphics
.MSG Message file
.MSN Microsoft Network document
.MSP Microsoft Paint
.MUS Music
.MVB Microsoft Multimedia Viewer
.MYS Myst saved game file
.NDX Index - dBASE
.NET Network file
.NG Norton Guides
.NLM NLM program - NetWare
.NTF Notes Template File - Lotus Notes database
.OAB Outlook Address Book - Microsoft
.OBD Microsoft Office Binder
.OBJ Object module
.SMI Self-Mounting Image. This file is a Macintosh Disk Image, similar to an .img file, but
it does not require the use of Disk Copy. When the file is downloaded, a disk image appears
on the Desktop. The disk image will behave like a read-only disk
.SND Sound file
.SNM Netscape mail
.SPD Speedo scalable font
.spx Screen Peace Extension
.SQB SyQuest Backup
.SRC A file used in the creation of .INI files for configuration settings
.STY Style sheet - Ventura
.SVX Amiga 8SVX sound
.SWP Swap - temporary file
.SYD Sysedit backup file
.SYL SYLK spreadsheet format
.SYNU SDSC Synu image
.SYS System file
.TAL Adobe Type Align
.TAR Tar - Tape ARchive. Tar is a UNIX method of archiving files, which can also be used
by PCs. Tar archives files but does not compress them, so sometimes .tar files are compressed
with other utilities, which produces extensions like .tar.gz, .tar.Z, and .tgz. Archive files with
the .tar extension can be extracted in UNIX with tar or on a PC with WinZip or on the Mac
with the program Tar
.TAR.gz Combined file name extension for a file that has been archived using tar and then
.TAR.Z Combined file name extension for a file that has been archived using tar and then
.TAZ Another way of writing .tar.Z
.TBK Asymetrix Toolbook
.TDF Typeface definition - Speedo