Files Extension Detail

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Download as docx, pdf, or txt
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Text Files
.DOC ................... Microsoft Word Document
.DOCX ................... Microsoft Word Open XML Document
.LOG ................... Log File
.MSG ................... Outlook Mail Message
.ODT ................... OpenDocument Text Document
.PAGES ................... Pages Document
.RTF ................... Rich Text Format File
.TEX ................... LaTeX Source Document
.TXT ................... Plain Text File
.WPD ................... WordPerfect Document
Data Files
.CSV ................... Comma Separated Values File
.DAT ................... Data File
.GBR ................... Gerber File
.GED ................... GEDCOM Genealogy Data File
.IBOOKS ................... Multi-Touch iBook
.KEY ................... Keynote Presentation
.KEYCHAIN ................... Mac OS X Keychain File
.PPS ................... PowerPoint Slide Show
.PPT ................... PowerPoint Presentation
.PPTX ................... PowerPoint Open XML Presentation
Audio Files
.AIF ................... Audio Interchange File Format
.IFF ................... Interchange File Format
.M3U ................... Media Playlist File
.M4A ................... MPEG-4 Audio File
.MID ................... MIDI File
.MP3 ................... MP3 Audio File
.MPA ................... MPEG-2 Audio File
.RA ................... Real Audio File
.WAV ................... WAVE Audio File
.WMA ................... Windows Media Audio File
Video Files
.3G2 ................... 3GPP2 Multimedia File
.3GP ................... 3GPP Multimedia File
.ASF ................... Advanced Systems Format File
.ASX ................... Microsoft ASF Redirector File
.AVI ................... Audio Video Interleave File
.FLV ................... Flash Video File
.MOV ................... Apple QuickTime Movie
.MP4 ................... MPEG-4 Video File
.MPG ................... MPEG Video File
.RM ................... Real Media File
3D Image Files
.3DM ................... Rhino 3D Model

.3DS ................... 3D Studio Scene

.MAX--3D... ................... 3ds Max Scene File
.OBJ ................... Wavefront 3D Object File
Raster Image Files
.BMP ................... Bitmap Image File
.DDS ................... DirectDraw Surface
.GIF ................... Graphical Interchange Format File
.JPG ................... JPEG Image
.PNG ................... Portable Network Graphic
.PSD ................... Adobe Photoshop Document
.PSPIMAGE ................... PaintShop Pro Image
.TGA ................... Targa Graphic
.THM ................... Thumbnail Image File
.TIF ................... Tagged Image File
Vector Image Files
.AI ................... Adobe Illustrator File
.EPS ................... Encapsulated PostScript File
.PS ................... PostScript File
.SVG ................... Scalable Vector Graphics File
Page Layout Files
.INDD ................... Adobe InDesign Document
.PCT ................... Picture File
.PDF ................... Portable Document Format File
Spreadsheet Files
.XLR ................... Works Spreadsheet
.XLS ................... Excel Spreadsheet
.XLSX ................... Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet
Database Files
.ACCDB ................... Access 2007 Database File
.DB ................... Database File
.DBF ................... Database File
.MDB ................... Microsoft Access Database
.PDB ................... Program Database
.SQL ................... Structured Query Language Data File
Executable Files
.APK ................... Android Package File
.APP ................... Mac OS X Application
.BAT ................... DOS Batch File
.CGI ................... Common Gateway Interface Script
.COM ................... DOS Command File
.EXE ................... Windows Executable File
.GADGET ................... Windows Gadget
.JAR ................... Java Archive File
.PIF ................... Program Information File
.VB ................... VBScript File
Game Files
.DEM ................... Video Game Demo File

.GAM ................... Saved Game File

.NES ................... Nintendo (NES) ROM File
.ROM ................... N64 Game ROM File
.SAV ................... Saved Game
CAD Files
.DWG ................... AutoCAD Drawing Database File
.DXF ................... Drawing Exchange Format File
GIS Files
.GPX ................... GPS Exchange File
.KML ................... Keyhole Markup Language File
Web Files
.ASP ................... Active Server Page
.ASPX ................... Active Server Page Extended File
.CER ................... Internet Security Certificate
.CFM ................... ColdFusion Markup File
.CSR ................... Certificate Signing Request File
.CSS ................... Cascading Style Sheet
.HTM ................... Hypertext Markup Language File
.HTML ................... Hypertext Markup Language File
.JS ................... JavaScript File
.JSP ................... Java Server Page
Plugin Files
.CRX ................... Chrome Extension
.PLUGIN ................... Mac OS X Plug-in
Font Files
.FNT ................... Windows Font File
.FON ................... Generic Font File
.OTF ................... OpenType Font
.TTF ................... TrueType Font
System Files
.CAB ................... Windows Cabinet File
.CPL ................... Windows Control Panel Item
.CUR ................... Windows Cursor
.DESKTHE... ................... Windows 8 Desktop Theme Pack File
.DLL ................... Dynamic Link Library
.DMP ................... Windows Memory Dump
.DRV ................... Device Driver
.ICNS ................... Mac OS X Icon Resource File
.ICO ................... Icon File
.LNK ................... Windows File Shortcut
Settings Files
.CFG ................... Configuration File
.INI ................... Windows Initialization File
.PRF ................... Outlook Profile File
Encoded Files
.HQX ................... BinHex 4.0 Encoded File
.MIM ................... Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message File

.UUE ................... Uuencoded File

Compressed Files
.7Z ................... 7-Zip Compressed File
.CBR ................... Comic Book RAR Archive
.DEB ................... Debian Software Package
.GZ ................... Gnu Zipped Archive
.PKG ................... Mac OS X Installer Package
.RAR ................... WinRAR Compressed Archive
.RPM ................... Red Hat Package Manager File
.SITX ................... StuffIt X Archive
.TAR-GZ ................... tar.gz
.ZIP ................... Zipped File
Disk Image Files
.BIN ................... Binary Disc Image
.CUE ................... Cue Sheet File
.DMG ................... Mac OS X Disk Image
.ISO ................... Disc Image File
.MDF ................... Media Disc Image File
.TOAST ................... Toast Disc Image
.VCD ................... Virtual CD
Developer Files
.C ................... C/C++ Source Code File
.CLASS ................... Java Class File
.CPP ................... C++ Source Code File
.CS ................... Visual C# Source Code File
.DTD ................... Document Type Definition File
.FLA ................... Adobe Flash Animation
.H ................... C/C++ Header File
.JAVA ................... Java Source Code File
.LUA ................... Lua Source File
.M ................... Objective-C Implementation File
Backup Files
.BAK ................... Backup File
.TMP ................... Temporary File
Misc Files
.CRDOWNLOAD ................... Chrome Partially Downloaded File
.ICS ................... iCalendar File
.MSI ................... Windows Installer Package
.PART ................... Partially Downloaded File
.191009-... ................... torrent

Text Files
.doc Microsoft Word Document
.docx Microsoft Word Open XML Document
.log Log File
.msg Outlook Mail Message
.odt OpenDocument Text Document
.pages Pages Document
.rtf Rich Text Format File
.tex LaTeX Source Document
.txt Plain Text File

.wpd WordPerfect Document

.wps Microsoft Works Word Processor Document
Data Files
.csv Comma Separated Values File
.dat Data File
.gbr Gerber File
.ged GEDCOM Genealogy Data File
.ibooks Multi-Touch iBook
.key Keynote Presentation
.keychain Mac OS X Keychain File
.pps PowerPoint Slide Show
.ppt PowerPoint Presentation
.pptx PowerPoint Open XML Presentation
.sdf Standard Data File
.tar Consolidated Unix File Archive
.tax2012 TurboTax 2012 Tax Return
.vcf vCard File
.xml XML File
Audio Files
.aif Audio Interchange File Format
.iff Interchange File Format
.m3u Media Playlist File
.m4a MPEG-4 Audio File
.mid MIDI File
.mp3 MP3 Audio File
.mpa MPEG-2 Audio File
.ra Real Audio File
.wav WAVE Audio File
.wma Windows Media Audio File
Video Files
.3g2 3GPP2 Multimedia File
.3gp 3GPP Multimedia File
.asf Advanced Systems Format File
.asx Microsoft ASF Redirector File
.avi Audio Video Interleave File
.flv Flash Video File
.mov Apple QuickTime Movie
.mp4 MPEG-4 Video File
.mpg MPEG Video File
.rm Real Media File
.srt SubRip Subtitle File
.swf Shockwave Flash Movie
.vob DVD Video Object File
.wmv Windows Media Video File
3D Image Files
.3dm Rhino 3D Model
.3ds 3D Studio Scene

.max 3ds Max Scene File

.obj Wavefront 3D Object File
Raster Image Files
.bmp Bitmap Image File
.dds DirectDraw Surface
.gif Graphical Interchange Format File
.jpg JPEG Image
.png Portable Network Graphic
.psd Adobe Photoshop Document
.pspimage PaintShop Pro Image
.tga Targa Graphic
.thm Thumbnail Image File
.tif Tagged Image File
.tiff Tagged Image File Format
.yuv YUV Encoded Image File
Vector Image Files
.ai Adobe Illustrator File
.eps Encapsulated PostScript File
.ps PostScript File
.svg Scalable Vector Graphics File
Page Layout Files
.indd Adobe InDesign Document
.pct Picture File
.pdf Portable Document Format File
Spreadsheet Files
.xlr Works Spreadsheet
.xls Excel Spreadsheet
.xlsx Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet
Database Files
.accdb Access 2007 Database File
.db Database File
.dbf Database File
.mdb Microsoft Access Database
.pdb Program Database
.sql Structured Query Language Data File
Executable Files
.apk Android Package File
.app Mac OS X Application
.bat DOS Batch File
.cgi Common Gateway Interface Script
.com DOS Command File
.exe Windows Executable File
.gadget Windows Gadget
.jar Java Archive File
.pif Program Information File
.vb VBScript File
.wsf Windows Script File

Game Files
.dem Video Game Demo File
.gam Saved Game File
.nes Nintendo (NES) ROM File
.rom N64 Game ROM File
.sav Saved Game
CAD Files
.dwg AutoCAD Drawing Database File
.dxf Drawing Exchange Format File
GIS Files
.gpx GPS Exchange File
.kml Keyhole Markup Language File
Web Files
.asp Active Server Page
.aspx Active Server Page Extended File
.cer Internet Security Certificate
.cfm ColdFusion Markup File
.csr Certificate Signing Request File
.css Cascading Style Sheet
.htm Hypertext Markup Language File
.html Hypertext Markup Language File
.js JavaScript File
.jsp Java Server Page
.php PHP Source Code File
.rss Rich Site Summary
.xhtml Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File
Plugin Files
.crx Chrome Extension
.plugin Mac OS X Plug-in
Font Files
.fnt Windows Font File
.fon Generic Font File
.otf OpenType Font
.ttf TrueType Font
System Files
.cab Windows Cabinet File
.cpl Windows Control Panel Item
.cur Windows Cursor
.deskthemepack Windows 8 Desktop Theme Pack File
.dll Dynamic Link Library
.dmp Windows Memory Dump
.drv Device Driver
.icns Mac OS X Icon Resource File
.ico Icon File
.lnk Windows File Shortcut
.sys Windows System File
Settings Files

.cfg Configuration File

.ini Windows Initialization File
.prf Outlook Profile File
Encoded Files
.hqx BinHex 4.0 Encoded File
.mim Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message File
.uue Uuencoded File
Compressed Files
.7z 7-Zip Compressed File
.cbr Comic Book RAR Archive
.deb Debian Software Package
.gz Gnu Zipped Archive
.pkg Mac OS X Installer Package
.rar WinRAR Compressed Archive
.rpm Red Hat Package Manager File
.sitx StuffIt X Archive
.tar.gz Compressed Tarball File
.zip Zipped File
.zipx Extended Zip File
Disk Image Files
.bin Binary Disc Image
.cue Cue Sheet File
.dmg Mac OS X Disk Image
.iso Disc Image File
.mdf Media Disc Image File
.toast Toast Disc Image
.vcd Virtual CD
Developer Files
.c C/C++ Source Code File
.class Java Class File
.cpp C++ Source Code File
.cs Visual C# Source Code File
.dtd Document Type Definition File
.fla Adobe Flash Animation
.h C/C++ Header File
.java Java Source Code File
.lua Lua Source File
.m Objective-C Implementation File
.pl Perl Script
.py Python Script
.sh Bash Shell Script
.sln Visual Studio Solution File
.vcxproj Visual C++ Project
.xcodeproj Xcode Project
Backup Files
.bak Backup File
.tmp Temporary File

Misc Files
.crdownload Chrome Partially Downloaded File
.ics iCalendar File
.msi Windows Installer Package
.part Partially Downloaded File
.torrent BitTorrent File

Position Extension Example File Type

1 zip Zip archive
2 pdf PDF Document
3 mp3 MP3 Audio File
4 jpg JPEG Image
5 rar RAR Archive
6 exe Executable file
7 wmv Windows Media Video
8 doc Microsoft Word Document
9 avi Audio Video Interleave
10 ppt Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
11 mpg MPEG-1 Video
12 tif Tagged Image File Format
13 wav Waveform Audio Format
14 mov QuickTime
15 psd Photoshop Document
16 wma Windows Media Audio
17 sitx StuffIt X
18 sit StuffIt
19 eps Encapsulated PostScript


cdr Corel Draw Vector or Raw Audio CD

ai Adobe Illustrator document
xls Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
mp4 MPEG-4 Part 14
txt Plain text file
m4a MPEG-4 Part 14
rmvb RealMedia Variable Bitrate
bmp Windows bitmap
pps PowerPoint Show
aif Audio Interchange File
pub Microsoft Publisher
dwg AutoCAD DWG
gif GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) Image
qbb QuickBooks backup file
mpeg MPEG 1 System Stream
indd InDesign document
swf SWF vector graphics
asf Advanced Systems Format
png Portable Network Graphics0.14
dat Data
rm RealMedia
mdb Microsoft Access
chm Microsoft Compressed HTML Help
jar Java ARchive
htm Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
dvf Sony Compressed Voice File
dss DCC Active Designer File
dmg Disk image
iso Optical disk image
flv Flash video
wpd WordPerfect Document
cda CD Audio Track Shortcut
m4b MPEG-4
7z 7z archive
fla Adobe Flash
gz Gzip archive
qxd QuarkXpress Document
rtf Rich Text Format
aiff Audio Interchange File Format
jpeg JPEG image
msi Windows Installer
3gp Third Generation Partnership Project
cdl CADKEY Advanced Design Language (CADL)
vob DVD-Video Object
ace ACE archive
divx DivX video
m4p Protected AAC File

67 html Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) document

68 pst Microsoft Personal STorage
69 cab Microsoft Windows compressed archive
70 xtm CmapTools Exported Topic Map
71 hqx BinHex
72 ttf TrueType font
73 qbw Spreadsheet; QuickBooks for Windows
74 sea Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive
75 bin Binary file
76 ptb Script; PubTech BatchWorks
77 ifo DVD Info File
78 mswmm Windows Movie Maker Project File
79 tgz Archive; WinZipNT - TAR - GNUzip
80 log Log file
81 dll Dynamic-link library
82 mcd MathCad file; MathCad
83 ss Bitmap graphics; Splash
84 eml E-mail message
85 m4v MPEG-4
86 mid Musical Instrument Digital Interface
87 ogg Ogg
88 ram RealAudio
89 lnk Computer shortcut
90 torrent BitTorrent
91 ses Session info; Clarion Modula-2
92 vcd Virtual CD-ROM CD Image File
93 mp2 MPEG-1 Audio Layer II
94 ps PostScript
95 amr Adaptive Multi-Rate audio
96 asx Advanced Stream Redirector
97 bat Batch file
98 bup Backup file;
99 cbr ComicBook Reader File
100 csv Comma-separated values
101 sql Structured Query Language

IMP Extensions to be known for your G.K(Very Useful)

.$$$ Temporary file
.acm Windows system directory file
.ani Animation
.asp active server page script file
.au au is most comman binary type sound format found on the web
.avi windows video clip multimedia file
.bak backup file
.bin driver
.bmp windows bitmap image file
.c C Source file
.c ++ C ++ source file
.ca Cache data on root domain server
.cab windows cabinet compressed file
.cal calender
.cfg Configuration file
.cgi comman gateway interface script file
.chk Check disk recovered file
.css cascading style sheet markup file
.dat "Data file, Video file"
.dbf Database file
.dhtml dynamic hypertext markup language
.dll windows dynamic link library program file
.dmp Dump file

.doc microsoft word document file

.dos Network driver
.drv Device Driver printer
.dwg Drawing file Autocad
.err Error message or log
.exe executable program file
.gif graphics interchange format image file
.gzip gnu zip compressed file
.hlp Help file Windows
.html hyper text markup language file
.ico Icon file (windows)
.ide IDE configuration
.inf Information file
.ini Initialization file
.ins Installation script
.iso ISO 9660 table
.jar java archive compressed file
.java java source code file
.jpeg joint photographic experts group file
.jpg joint photographic experts group file
.js java script
.lib Library
.lic License file usually shareware
.m3u MP3 playlist
.midi musical instrument digital interface music file
.mov movie file apple quick time
.mp2 moving picture experts group multimedia file
.mp3 moving picture experts group multimedia file
.mpg moving picture experts group multimedia file
.mpp Microsoft project file
.msi Microsoft installer file
.obj Object (Dos/Windows)
.ocx object linking and embedding
.ole ole object
.otf open type font
.out output file
.pdf adobe acrobat portable document file
.pdx adobe acrobat portable document file
.pif program information file
.pl pearl script file
.pm Adboe pagemaker page layout file
.png portable network graphics image file
.ppm portable pixel map image file
.ppt powerpoint presentation
.prg procedure or program file
.prn printer output file (temporary)
.qry Microsoft query

.qt quicktime movie

.ram real audio multimedia file
.readme text readme
.reg windows registry entries file
.rm real audio multimedia file
.rtf rich text format document file
.scr screensaver windows
.shtml HTML file with embedded server-side includes (SSI)
.sig Signature file
.snd sound file
.src used with .ini files for configuration settings
.swf shockwave flash file
.sys system file
.tar tape archive
.text ascii text
.tif tagged image file format image file
.tmp Temporary file
.txt plain text file
.url URL Bookmark
.usb Universal Serial Bus
.vbp Visual Basic Project
.vbs Visual Basic Script
.vbx Visual Basic Extension
.voc sound file
.wav wave sound file
.wmf Windows metafile
.xlc Excel Chart
.xml extensible markup language file
.zip pkzip compressed file

Computer File Extensions And Their Meaning

June 1, 2011 at 7:32pm
.$$$ Temporary file
.2GR A file that allows Windows to display text and graphics in standard mode on a 286 or
386 computer
.386 Swap file; enables computer running in enhanced mode to use Windows with virtual
.3GR A file that allows Windows to display text and graphics in enhanced mode on a 386,
486, or Pentium computer
.906 Calcomp plotter
.A3W MacroMedia Authorware Windows 3.5
.ABK AutoBackup, Corel Draw
.ABR Brush - Adobe Photoshop
.ACL Keyboard accelerator, Corel Draw 6
.ACM Windows system directory file
.ACV Drivers for compressing or decompressing audio files, OS/2
.AD After Dark
.ADB 1. Appointment DataBase, HP 100LX. 2. Body file type, Ada language

.ADD Adapter Driver - OS/2

.ADM AfterDark MultiModule
.ADR AfterDark Randomizer. AfterDark is a screensaver program that can be set to
randomly display a variety of screensaver patterns one after another
.ADS Specification file type, Ada language
.AFM Adobe Font Metrics - Type 1 font metrics
.AG4 Access G4
.AI Adobe Illustrator
.AIF Audio Interchange File Format or AIFF. A format developed by Apple Computer for
storing high-quality sampled audio and musical instrument information. It can be played on
PC and Mac
.AIFF Audio Interchange File Format. An uncompressed sound format developed by Apple
Computer for storing high-quality sampled audio and musical instrument information. It can
be played on PC and Mac, using QuickTime or Sound Player
.ALL Arts and Letters Library
.ANI Animated cursor
.ANS ANSI text
.API Application Program Interface. An interface between the operating system and
application programs
.APP MacroMedia Authorware package
.ARC ARC Compressed
.ARJ A PC compressed format found on European sites, which can be decoded with
unArjMac, DeArj, and SITEX10.EXE (win).
.ART An art file, in some draw or paint applications
.ASC ASCII text file
.ASF Active Streaming File - HoTMetaL Pro
.ASM Assembly Source Code
.ASP Active Server Page - Microsoft

.AST Assistant file - Claris Works. Assistants guide the user through a task by asking a series
of questions and then use the answers to perform a task. Assistants in Claris Works can be
used to create such useful items as calendars, newsletters, stationery, labels, and address lists,
to make footnotes within a file etc.
.AU A sound file format used on Sun Microsystems or other UNIX computers
.AVI AVI movie format
.AVS Intel video capture format
.B64 Base 64, the encoding format used by the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
.BAK Backup copy in DOS or OS/2
.BAS BASIC program file
.BAT Batch
.BFC Briefcase document - Windows 95
.BG Backgammon game
.BI Binary file
.BIN Driver or A MacBinary II encoded file. This file type, downloaded as MacBinary or
Binary, can be decompressed with Stuffit Expander
.BK Backup copy
.BK$ Backup file
.BLT Wordperfect for DOS
.BMP Bitmap
.BNK Sim City game file
.BRX Browse Index. Found on multimedia CD-ROMs
.BTM Batch file - Norton Utilities
.CC program file
.CAB Microsoft compressed format
.CAL Calendar or CALS

.CAP Caption
.CBT Computer-Based Training; a tutorial file
.CCH Corel chart
.CCM Lotus cc:Mail
.CDA CD Audio track
.CDR CorelDraw
.CDT Corel Draw template
.CDX Corel Draw compressed file (file extension)
.CDX Visual FoxPro database index
.CFB Comptons multimedia encyclopedia
.CFG Configuration
.CFL Corel Flow
.CGI Common Gateway Interface. A file that makes it possible for HTTP servers to interface
with computer programs to provide interactive functions like fill-out forms
.CGM CGM graphics
.CHK Checkdisk - DOS Command
.CHP Chapter - Ventura
.CIF Chapter Information - Venture
.CIM Sim City file
.CIT Intergraph scanned image
.CLP Clipboard File
.CMD Command file - OS/2
.CMF Corel MetaFile
.CMF SoundBlaster file
.CMP LEAD Technologies graphics
.CMV Corel Move animation

.CNF Configuration file

.CNQ Compuworks Design Shop
.COB COBOL source code
.COM Command file - small version of .EXE
.CPE Fax Cover document
.CPI Code Page - DOS
.CPL Control Panel - Windows
.CPP C++ program file
.CPR Knowledge Access graphics
.CPT Compact Pro
.CPX Corel Presentation Exchange compressed file
.CRD Windows Cardfile
.CSC Corel Script
.CSS Cascading Style Sheet
.CSV Comma delimited
.CTL Control file
.CTY City file - SimCity
.CUR Windows cursor image
.CUT Dr. Halo graphics
.CV Microsoft CodeView
.CWK Claris Works
.CWS Claris Works template
.DAT Data
.DB Table - Paradox
.DBC Visual FoxPro database

.DBF Database File - dBASE

.DBT Database text - dBASE
.DBX DATABEAM graphics
.DCA IBM text
.DCS Color Separation - EPS
.DCT Dictionary
.DD Disk Doubler
.DDI Disk Doubler Image
.DEF Definition - C++
.DER Certificate
.DEV Device driver file
.DG Autotrol graphics
.DGN Intergraph graphics
.DIB DIB graphics - Windows
.DIC Dictionary
.DIF Data Interchange Format spreadsheet
.DLL Dynamic link library
.DOC Document file
.DOT Document Template - Microsoft Word
.DOX MultiMate document
.DPI Dots Per Inch - graphics
.DPR Delphi project file
.DRV Driver
.DRW Designer graphics
.DS4 Designer graphics, version 4

.DSF Designer graphics, version 6

.DWG AutoCAD vector format
.DWG Drawing - AutoCAD
.DX Document Imaging
.DXF AutoCAD vector format
.ED5 EDMICS graphics
.EMF Enhanced Windows Metafile
.EML electronic mail
.ENC encoded
.EPS Encapsulated PostScript format
.ESI Esri plot file
.EXE Executable file - machine code
.FAX Fax
.FDX Force Index
.FH3 Aldus Freehand 3
.FLC AutoDesk animation
.FLD Thumbnail folder - Hijaak
.FLI AutoDesk animation
.FLR Live3D
.FLT Filter - graphics conversion
.FM Framemaker
.FM3 Format for 1-2-3 Version 3
.FMT Format - dBASE
.FNT Font
.FOG Fontographer font

.FON 1. Bitmapped Font - Windows 2. Phone

.FOT Windows TrueType font
.FOX FoxBase
.FP Claris FileMaker Pro
.FP1 Flying Pigs
.FP3 Filemaker Pro 3
.FPX FlashPix bitmap
.FRM Form design - Visual Basic

.FRS WordPerfect Graphics Driver

.G4 GTX RasterCAD
.GCA GOCA graphics
.GED Arts & Letters graphics
.GEM GEM graphics
.GEO VideoScope
.GIF Graphics Interchange Format
.GLY Glossary
.GP3 CCITT compressed Group 3 TIFF file
.GP4 Group 4 - CALS, ITU. CCITT compressed Group 4 TIFF file
.GRA Microsoft Graph
.GRF Graph
.GRP Group
.GX1 Show Partner graphics
.GX2 Show Partner graphics

.GZ GNU gzip compressed file - Unix

.H Header (file name extension - C).
.HDF Hierarchical Data File
.HED HighEdit document
.HEL Microsoft Hellbender game file
.HGL HP Graphics Language
.HLP Help
.HPJ Help Project - Visual Basic
.HPL HP Graphics
.HQX BinHex (file name extension - Macintosh)
.HST Host
.HT HyperTerminal
.HTM DOS file name extension for a document with HTML coding, which can be read by
WWW browsers
.HTML File name extension for a document with HTML coding, which can be read by
WWW browsers
.HWP Hangul Word Processor
.HYC Hyphenation - WordPerfect
.HYP Hyphenation
.ICA IOCA graphics
.ICB Targa bitmap
.ICM Image Colour Matching
.ICO Icon - Windows or OS/2
.ICON Sun icon and cursor
.IDD Instrument Definition - MIDI
.IDE Integrated Development Environment configuration

.IDX Index
.IFF Amiga
.IGF Inset Systems graphics - Hijaak
.IIF Interchange File - QuickBooks for Windows
.IL Icon Library
.IMA Winimage compressed format These files can be decoded or mounted by ShrinkWrap
.IMAGE Mac disk image; a compressed format which can be decoded or mounted by
DiskCopy, Disk Image Mounter, Disk Charmer, and ShrinkWrap (ImageMaster)
.IMG Image This file is a Macintosh Disk Image. Disk Copy can be used to mount the disk
image on the Macintosh Desktop. The mounted disk image will behave like a read-only disk
.IND Index
.INF Information
.INI Initialization - configuration settings
.IOB Imagine file
.ISU Netscape file
.IT MOD music file format
.IW Idlewild screensaver
.IX Index File - Framemaker
.JFF or .JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format; a 24-bit graphic format. It can be opened with
QuickTime, a WWW browser, or a graphics viewer such as JPEGView
.JIF JPEG Image Format
.JPEG JPEG bitmap
.JPG File extension for JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). A file stored in JPEG
format. JPEG,an ISO/ITU standard for storing images with high compression capability, uses
a discreet cosine transform that can achieve compression rates of 100:1 (significant loss of
data from original) and 20:1 (minimal loss). C-Cube Microsystems introduced the first JPEG
.JT JT Fax
.JTF JPEG bitmap

.KDC Kodak Photo-Enhancer

.KFX Kofax
.LBL Label - dBASE
.LBM Deluxe Paint graphics file
.LDB Lock file - Microsoft Access
.LEG Legacy document
.LHA File name extension for a PC/Amiga compression format decodable by LHA
Expander or MacLHA
.LHS Literate Haskell source file
.LHZ LHA compression file
.LIB Library
.LIC License file - shareware
.LOG Log
.LST List
.LWP Lotus Word Pro document
.LZH LHARC compression
.lZS PC/Amiga compression format
.M3D Motion 3D - Corel
.MAC MacPaint
.MAF Microsoft Access Form
.MAK Makefile
.MAM Microsoft Access Macro
.MAP Map - linkage editor
.MAQ Microsoft Access Query
.MAR Microsoft Access Report
.MAT Microsoft Access Table

.MCS MathCAD format

.MCW Microsoft Word for Macintosh
.MDB Access database
.MDX Multi-index
.MET Metafile - OS/2
.MEU Menu
.MFF MIDI File Format
.MGF Micrografx Draw Font
.MI Miscellaneous
.MIC Microsoft Image Composer
.MIFF An ImageMagick file format
.MIL Group 4 file
.MIME MIME; The encoding format used by the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
.MME Mime encoded file; The encoding format used by the Multipurpose Internet Mail
.MMF Microsoft Mail File
.MMM Macromind animation
.MOD (For module) - A music file format that contains digitized sound samples A .MOD file
takes more memory than a MIDI file because a MIDI file contains instructions for making
sounds but not the actual sound samples. There are .MOD players for Amiga, PC, and
Macintosh computers
.MOOV QuickTime movie - This file can be viewed with QuickTime Player
.MOV Movie - QuickTime
.MOVIE QuickTime Movie - This file can be viewed with QuickTime Player
.MOZ Mozilla - Netscape cache file
.MP2 MPEG Layer II compressed audio. This file can be played using QuickTime Player
and some other sound players

.MP3 MPEG Layer III compressed audio. This file can be played with QuickTime Player,
Real Player, and some other sound players
.MPEG MPEG movie or animation file. This file can be played with QuickTime Player
.MPG MPEG encoded file. This file is an MPEG movie, and can be played with QuickTime
.MPNT Macintosh MacPaint
.MPP Microsoft Project project file
.MPT Microsoft Project template file
.MPX Microsoft Project export file
.MRK Markup - Informative Graphics
.MSG Message file
.MSN Microsoft Network document
.MSP Microsoft Paint
.MUS Music
.MVB Microsoft Multimedia Viewer
.MYS Myst saved game file
.NDX Index - dBASE
.NET Network file
.NG Norton Guides
.NLM NLM program - NetWare
.NTF Notes Template File - Lotus Notes database
.OAB Outlook Address Book - Microsoft
.OBD Microsoft Office Binder
.OBJ Object module

.OCX Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Custom Control

.OLB OLE Object Library
.OLE OLE object
.ONX Onyx Graphics Postershop
.ORI Original
.OVL Overlay module
.OVR Overlay module
.OZM Sharp Organizer memo bank
.OZP Sharp Organizer telephone bank
.P10 Tektronix Plot10
.PAB Personal Address Book - Microsoft
.PAK Quake game data
.PAL Paintbrush palette
.PAS Pascal program file
.PAT Pattern - Corel Draw
.PBK Microsoft Phonebook
.PBM Portable Bit Map
.PCD Photo CD format
.PCL HP LaserJet
.PCM LaserJet cartridge information
.PCS PICS animation
.PCT PC Paint
.PCW PC Write
.PCX 1. PC Paintbrush 2. Graphics file - Zsoft format
.PDG PrintShop Deluxe

.PDV PC Paintbrush printer driver

.PFA Type 1 font - ASCII
.PFB Type 1 font - encrypted
.PFM Postscript Font Metrics; Windows Type 1 font metrics
.PGL HPGL 7475A plotter - vector graphics
.PGM Portable Gray Map bitmap
.PHTML HTML document with preprocessing instructions (PPIs)
.PIC PICT graphics format, or PIXAR picture file
.PICT Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT This kind of file stores images in QuickDraw vector
format. PICT2 can have grayscale bitmapped images also
.PIF Program Information File - Windows
.PIT PackIt - Macintosh compression
.PIX Inset Systems graphics
.PJX Project file - Visual FoxPro
.PKG AppleLink package compression format These files are decodable by StuffIt Expander
.PL Perl script
.PLT Plotter drawing
.PM PageMaker
.PM3 PageMaker 3 document
.PM4 PageMaker 4 document
.PM5 PageMaker 5 document
.PNG 1. Portable Network Graphics bitmap 2. Paint Shop Pro Browser
.POV Persistence Of Vision raytracer
.PPA PowerPoint Add-in - Microsoft
.PPD PostScript Printer Description
.PPM Portable PixelMap

.PPS PowerPoint Slideshow

.PPT PowerPoint presentation
.PRD Printer driver - Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Microsoft Works
.PRG A dBASE source code file
.PRJ Project file
.PRN 1. Print file - temporary 2. XyWrite printer driver 3. PostScript file
.PRS WordPerfect printer driver
.PRT Formatted text
.PS PostScript. This is a plain text file
.PSD Photoshop Document
.PUB Publication - Ventura Publisher, Microsoft Publisher
.PWD Pocket Word document - Microsoft
.PWZ Microsoft PowerPoint Wizard
.PXL Microsoft Pocket Excel
.QBW QuickBooks for Windows
.QDK Quarterdeck Qemm
.QLB Quick Library
.QLC ATM font information
.QRY Microsoft Query
.QT QuickTime movie, binary file type
.QTM QuickTime Movie
.R8L LaserJet landscape font
.R8P LaserJet portrait font
.RA RealAudio
.RAM Real Audio

.RAS Raster graphics - Sun

.RAW Raw file format - bitmap
.RC A file name extension found in many UNIX files (.newsrc, etc.) which means "run
.REC Windows Recorder macro file
.REG Registration file
.REP Report file
.RGB An SGI RGB image file
.RIA Alpharel Group IV raster graphics
.RIB Renderman graphics
.RIC Roch FaxNet
.RIF Fractal Painter bitmap
.RIFF Resource Interchange File Format A multimedia file format; the Microsoft equivalent
to Amiga IFF format
.RIX RIX virtual screen
.RLA Wavefront raster image
.RLC CAD Overlay ESP - Image Systems
.RLE Run Length Encoded
.RM Real Media
.RND AutoShade format
.RNL GTX Runlength raster graphics
.RPT Report file
.RTF Microsoft text and graphics
.S Assembly language file - Unix

.S3M MOD music file

.SAM AmiPro
.SAV Saved game
.SBP IBM Storyboard graphics / Superbase text
.SC Source Code - Paradox
.SCM ScreenCam movie
.SCP Dial-up networking script
.SCR 1. Screensaver - Windows. 2. Screen Layout - dBASE. 3. Script for Apples Disk Copy
.SCT Screen Capture Text - Lotus
.SDL SmartDraw Library
.SEA Self-Extracting Archive (Stuffit or Compact Pro)
.SEG Segment (of a compressed file saved in segments with Stuffit or Compact Pro)
.SEP TIFF bitmap
.SET Setup parameters
.SFL LaserJet landscape font
.SFP LaserJet portrait font
.SFS PCL 5 scalable font
.SHAR UNIX shell archive, which can be decoded by Unshar
.SHTML HTML file with embedded server-side includes (SSIs)
.SI SoftImage image file
.SIG Signature A .sig file can be set up and automatically attached to outgoing email,
newsgroup postings, etc. It includes the name and contact information of the sender, and may
also have ASCII art, favorite quotes, etc
.SIT Stuffit compressed file
.SLD AutoCAD slide
.SLK Symbolic Link (SYLK) spreadsheet

.SMI Self-Mounting Image. This file is a Macintosh Disk Image, similar to an .img file, but
it does not require the use of Disk Copy. When the file is downloaded, a disk image appears
on the Desktop. The disk image will behave like a read-only disk
.SND Sound file
.SNM Netscape mail
.SPD Speedo scalable font
.spx Screen Peace Extension
.SQB SyQuest Backup
.SRC A file used in the creation of .INI files for configuration settings
.STY Style sheet - Ventura
.SVX Amiga 8SVX sound
.SWP Swap - temporary file
.SYD Sysedit backup file
.SYL SYLK spreadsheet format
.SYNU SDSC Synu image
.SYS System file
.TAL Adobe Type Align
.TAR Tar - Tape ARchive. Tar is a UNIX method of archiving files, which can also be used
by PCs. Tar archives files but does not compress them, so sometimes .tar files are compressed
with other utilities, which produces extensions like .tar.gz, .tar.Z, and .tgz. Archive files with
the .tar extension can be extracted in UNIX with tar or on a PC with WinZip or on the Mac
with the program Tar
.TAR.gz Combined file name extension for a file that has been archived using tar and then
.TAR.Z Combined file name extension for a file that has been archived using tar and then
.TAZ Another way of writing .tar.Z
.TBK Asymetrix Toolbook
.TDF Typeface definition - Speedo

.TEX Tex or LaTex document

.TFM Font metrics - Intellifont
.TGA TARGA graphics
.TGZ Another name for .tar.z and .tar.gz
.THEME Desktop theme - Windows 95
.THN Thumbnail
.TIF TIFF graphics file
.TIFF TIFF graphics file
.TLB OLE Type Library
.TMP Temporary file
.TOC Table Of Contents
.TRM Terminal settings - Windows
.TTC TrueType compressed font
.TTF TrueType font
.TWF TabWorks File (file extension)
.TX8 MS-DOS text
.TXT ASCII text file
.USL LaserJet landscape font
.USP LaserJet portrait font
.UU Uuencode compressed file
.UUE Uuencode file
.VBP Visual Basic Project
.VBX Visual Basic Extension
.VDA Targa bitmap
.VGR Ventura

.VIFF Khoros Visualization image file

.VLB Ventura Library
.VOC Sound Blaster
.VP Ventura Publisher
.VST Targa bitmap
.VUE Relational View - dBASE
.VXD Virtual Device Driver
.WAB Windows Address Book
.WAV Sound file
.WBK Microsoft Word Backup
.WDB Microsoft Works Database
.WID Ventura width table
.WIN Windows backup file
.WIZ Microsoft Word Wizard
.WK1 Lotus 1-2-3, up to 2.01
.WK3 Lotus version 3
.WK4 Lotus version 4
.WKQ Quattro spreadsheet
.WKS 1. Lotus Worksheet. 2. Microsoft Works document
.WLR VRML page
.WMF Windows Metafile
.WP WordPerfect
.WPD 1. Windows Printer Description. 2. WordPerfect Demo. 3. WordPerfect Document
.WPG WordPerfect Graphics
.WPM WordPerfect macro

.WPS Microsoft Works document

.WPT WordPerfect Template
.WRI Windows Write document
.WRK Symphony spreadsheet
.WS1 WordStar for Windows 1 document
.WS2 WordStar for Windows 2 document
.WS3 WordStar for Windows 3 document
.WS4 WordStar for Windows 4 document
.WS5 WordStar for Windows 5 document
.WS6 WordStar for Windows 6 document
.WS7 WordStar for Windows 7 document
.WVL Wavelet compressed bitmap
.X AVS X image file
.XAR Corel Xara drawing
.XBM X Bitmap
.XFX JetFax
.XIF Xerox Image Format
.XLC Excel chart
.XLK Microsoft Excel backup
.XLM Microsoft Excel macro
.XLS Excel worksheet
.XLT Microsoft Excel template
.XM MOD music format
.XPM X Pixelmap
.XWD X Window System window dump image

.XXE Xxencoded file

.YAL Arts & Letters click art
.Z Unix compress file
.ZIP File compressed using PKZIP
.ZOO Zoo

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