The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research: Remembering Yesterday, Understanding Today, Anticipating Tomorrow - Report in Brief

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August 2016


The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research

The field of atmospheric chemistry came into its own
during the 20th century as researchers responded to those
problems. Scientists had to determine what was happening
in the atmosphere, identify what was driving it, and develop
a sufficient understanding to inform policy choices. Many
of those research efforts have been great success stories,
leading to both significant improvements in environmental
conditions (see Box 1, next page) and to a rapid maturation
of the science of atmospheric chemistry.
Nonetheless, significant challenges related to the evolving
atmospheric composition persist.
Climate change is one of the
greatest environmental challenges facing society today. Air
pollution remains a major threat
to human health, causing one
out of eight deaths globally. In
turn, global change and air pollution pose a threat to future food
production and global food
security, among many other
A major goal for atmospheric chemistry research is
to anticipate and prepare for
current and emerging challenges rather than just reacting
to them after they occur. With
an enhanced predictive capability that foresees environmental
changes and societal impacts,
Figure 1. Schematic showing the connections among major emission sources to the atmosociety can make better decisphere, atmospheric chemistry research, scientific issues of societal relevance, and subsequent
sions in a number of realms (see
societal choices and impact areas. Research in atmospheric chemistry helps to build a predicFigure 1). This report, which was
tive capability for future environmental conditions that can indicate likely impacts to society
carried out at the request of the
of various policy choices.
National Science Foundation

The composition of Earths atmosphere has changed

dramatically as a growing global population continues to
increase energy use, expand industrial activities, and intensify agricultural activities. Emissions from these and other
activities have led to many serious problems, including
poor air quality in urban areas (smog), acid deposition
(acid rain), stratospheric ozone depletion (including the
Antarctic ozone hole), and climate changes resulting from
increasing greenhouse gases.

(NSF), identifies priorities and strategic steps forward for

atmospheric chemistry research for the next decade.


The Committee sought advice from the U.S. atmospheric
chemistry community through a series of Town Hall
meetings and online. The Committee identified five Priority
Science Areas for atmospheric chemistry research over the
next decade; the first two are necessary for building the
foundation of atmospheric chemistry, and the other three,
which are closely intertwined with the first two, directly
address major challenges facing society.

Priority Science Areas

On the basis of input from the scientific community, the
Committee identified the five following Priority Science
Areas in atmospheric chemistry research.
1. Advance the fundamental atmospheric chemistry
knowledge that enables predictive capability for
the distribution, reactions, and lifetimes of gases
and particles. While some predictions can be made with
confidence using current understanding, important gaps
and inconsistencies remain.
2. Quantify emissions and removal of gases and particles in a changing Earth system. Research is needed to
reduce uncertainties in emissions for known sources and

constrain emissions of poorly understood constituents, as

well as to understand deposition processes that remove
reactive species.
3. Advance the integration of atmospheric chemistry
within weather and climate models to improve forecasting in a changing Earth system. Aerosol particles
play a critical role through their influence on the growth,
formation, and development of clouds and precipitation. In
global climate models, the effects of atmospheric aerosol
concentrations on radiation and the distribution and radiative properties of clouds are the most uncertain components
of overall global radiative forcing.
4. Understand the sources and atmospheric processes
controlling the species most deleterious to human
health. Advanced atmospheric chemistry research
techniques (e.g., models, analytical methods, and instrumentation) are necessary to understand the identities,
sources, and fates of the air pollutants that negatively affect
human health.
5. Understand the feedbacks between atmospheric
chemistry and the biogeochemistry of natural and
managed ecosystems. Biogeochemical cycles control
the elements that are necessary to support the functioning
and biodiversity of life on Earth (including humans). Goals
include understanding the cycling of elements through the
various components of the Earth system and the impacts
of deposition of atmospheric nutrients and contaminants to
natural and managed ecosystems.

Box 1. Success Stories in Atmospheric Chemistry Research

Urban Smog
Air pollution had been recognized as a problem in cities for
hundreds of years, but by the mid-19th century it became
much more visible and pervasive. In the 1950s, chemists
determined the pollutantsmany of them from vehicle
emissionsand photochemical processes that were major
contributors to a new kind of air pollution comprised of
particulate matter and ozone (O3) in the lower atmosphere.
This urban smog has been demonstrated to have adverse
health effects and cause damage to agricultural crops.
Understanding the emissions and chemical transformations
of precursor gases to urban smog has been instrumental
in driving regulations to improve air quality, including the
Air Pollution Control Act and the Clean Air Act, which, with
subsequent amendments have significantly improved air
quality and reduced adverse effects over the past 50 years.

Acid Rain
The combustion of fossil fuels emits nitrogen oxides (NOx)
and sulfur dioxide (SO2), which are converted in the atmosphere into nitric and sulfuric acids that lead to higher acidity
rainfall (known as acid rain). In the 1960s, biologists and
limnologists conducted large-scale experiments linking acid
rain to crop damage, dead lakes, damaged forests, and

other effects, bringing the problem of acid rain to public

attention in the United States. This work resulted in the
1980 Acid Deposition Act. Research on potential pollution
control measures resulted in amendments to the Clean Air
Act and supporting legislation. These actions led to significant decreases in the acidity of precipitation over the eastern
United States. Lessons learned in the United States can be
applied to areas in the world where emissions have increased
dramatically in recent years, particularly in the developing
world where poor air quality remains an issue.

The Ozone Hole

Laboratory studies in the mid-1970s were central in identifying chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and oxides of nitrogen as
a major cause of depletion of stratospheric O3, which helps
shield Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays. The research
predicted the environmental consequences of continuing
business as usual, and formed the basis for the 1978 U.S.
ban on the use of CFCs in spray cans. In the mid-1980s, a
combination of laboratory studies, theory, models, and field
observations determined that CFCs had led unequivocally
to the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole, which led to
the 1987 international agreement known as the Montreal
Protocol. The ozone hole is now healing.


The Committee made programmatic and logistical recommendations, which are primarily directed to the NSF
Atmospheric Chemistry Program, to help support research
for the next decade to enable the Priority Science Areas above.

Development of Tools for Atmospheric

Chemistry Research
New analytical techniques, instruments, and instrument
platforms are needed to support the Priority Science Areas
above. Existing NSF programs have produced valuable
breakthrough technologies, but there are generally few
opportunities for high-risk, high-reward proposals for
instrument development in atmospheric chemistry at NSF. A
diversity of modeling approaches is also needed to develop
a broad toolbox to understand the complex problems in
atmospheric chemistry.
Recommendation 1: NSF should ensure adequate support
for the development of the tools necessary to accomplish the
scientific goals for the atmospheric chemistry community,
including the development of new laboratory and analytical
instrumentation, measurement platforms, and modeling

Information Collection, Analysis, and

Archiving in the Era of Big Data
The collection of measurement data over long periods of
time allows the discernment of trends that are not apparent
in one-time field projects, but research at long-term field
sites representing different environments is not adequately
supported in the United States.
Recommendation 2: NSF should take the lead in coordinating with other agencies to identify the scientific need for
long-term measurements and to establish synergies with
existing sites that could provide core support for long-term
atmospheric chemistry measurements, including biosphereatmosphere exchange of trace gases and aerosol particle
Answers to research questions are often apparent only after
intensive data analysis, however funding is often insufficient to mine field data deeply for thorough analysis or to
re-analyze existing datasets. Longer grant periods or supplemental installments to afford principal investigators the time
and effort to continue analyses may be needed to accomplish these efforts.
Recommendation 3: NSF should encourage mining and integration of measurements and model results that can merge
and exploit past datasets to provide insight into atmospheric
processes, as well as guide planning for future studies.

Management of large volumes of big data is becoming

ubiquitous in atmospheric chemistry research as vast and
multidimensional datasets are continuously generated,
requiring increasingly large resources to manage. Mechanisms
are needed for effectively and efficiently archiving, sharing,
and mining data, including making them easily available to
the broad scientific community and to the public.
Recommendation 4: NSF should establish a data archiving
system for NSF-supported atmospheric chemistry research
and take the lead in coordinating with other federal and
possibly state agencies to create a comprehensive, compatible, and accessible data archivesystem.

Imperative for Collaborations

Understanding and addressing challenges faced by society
will rely on close integration of knowledge from multiple
disciplines, including the physical, biological, and social
sciences and engineering. While there are examples within
NSF of programs that encourage interdisciplinary work,
the Committee is concerned that mechanisms to support
interdisciplinary work may encounter barriers due to NSF
institutional and review structures.
Recommendation 5: NSF should improve opportunities that
encourage interdisciplinary work in atmospheric chemistry
and facilitate integration of expertise across disciplines
and across academia, institutes, government, and industry.
This improvement may include support of focused teams
and virtual or physical centers of sizes appropriate to the
problem at hand.
Although emissions have been reduced and air quality
improved in the United States, many individuals are still
living with dangerously high pollutant levels that impact
their society and health. Working with underrepresented
groups within the United States, building capacity (expert
human capacity and observational and modeling capability) within the developing world, and collaborating with
the international community are important for developing
a global understanding of atmospheric chemistry and its
impacts on human activities.
Recommendation 6: NSF, in coordination with other
agencies, should continue to encourage and support U.S.
scientists involved in atmospheric chemistry research to
engage with underserved groups, in capacity building activities, and in international collaborations.

Role of a National Center

A national center can be an optimal approach for providing
needed observational and computational capabilities for
atmospheric chemistry. The National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR) was established as a federally funded
national center dedicated to achieving excellence in atmospheric science research, and atmospheric chemistry research
occurs within many divisions of NCAR. However, many on

the Committee have observed that NCARs atmospheric

chemistry capabilities have diminished in the past decade
or so. At the same time, NCAR has been pushed to provide
instruments, measurements, and models for numerous
atmospheric chemistry projects. The Committee believes
that it is essential for NCAR to find its unique role in atmospheric chemistry research, complementing and enhancing
research by the broader community, and engaging scientists
from universities, federal labs, and the private sector.
Recommendation 7: NCAR, in conjunction with NSF, should
develop and implement a strategy to make NCAR a vibrant
and complementary partner with the atmospheric chemistry
community. This strategy should ensure that scientific leadership at NCAR has the latitude to set an energizing vision
with appropriate personnel, infrastructure, and allocation

of resources; and that the research capabilities and facilities

at NCAR serve a unique and essential role to the NSF atmospheric chemistry community.
The Committee sees a deliberate shift in the field of atmospheric chemistry to fully embrace its dual roleobserving,
learning, and discovering for the sake of fundamentally
understanding the Earth system, while also making major
contributions to addressing challenges that directly affect
society. Although atmospheric chemistry research alone
will not solve the challenges of global climate change and
air pollution, those challenges cannot be solved without it.
After conversations with many members of our community
during the course of this study, the Committee is convinced
that the community is ready for these challenges.


Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts (Co-chair), University of California, Irvine; Robert A. Duce (Co-chair), Texas A&M UniversityCollege Station; Tami Bond, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; William H. Brune, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park; Annmarie Carlton, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick; Allen H. Goldstein,
University of California, Berkeley; ColetteL. Heald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Scott C. Herndon,
Aerodyne Research, Inc., Billerica, MA; Dylan Jones, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Athanasios Nenes, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Kimberly A. Prather, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla; Michael J. Prather,
University of California, Irvine; Allison Steiner, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Christine Wiedinmyer, National Center
for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO; Lei Zhu, New York State Department of Health, Albany; Edward Dunlea (Senior
Program Officer), Katherine Thomas (Senior Program Officer), Heather Coleman (Postdoctoral Fellow), Kristina Pistone
(Postdoctoral Fellow), Shelly Freeland (Administrative and Financial Assistant), Michael Hudson (Senior Program Assistant),
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

For More Information . . . Contact the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate at (202) 334-3512 or visit http://www.nas.
edu/basc/. The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research can be purchased or downloaded free from the National Academies
Press, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001; (800) 624-6242; or as free PDFs at

Division on Earth & Life Studies

Copyright 2016 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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