Sebelius Medicare Brochure

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Hedicareandthc tcw Hcdth CarcLaw-

Whatit MeansforYou

The AffordableCareAct passedby Congressand signedby President

Obamathis yearwill provide you and your family greatersavingsand
increasedqualrtyhealthcare.It will alsoensureaccountability
throughout the health caresystemso that you, your family, and
your doctor-not insurancecompanies-havegreatercontrol
overyour care.
Theseare neededimprovementsthat will keepMedicare
strong and solvent.Your guaranteedMedicarebenefitswont
change-whether you get them through Original Medicareor
a MedicareAdvantageplan. Instead,you will seenew benefits
and cost savings,and an increasedfocus on quality to ensure
that you get the careyou need.
This brochureprovidesyou with accurateinformation about
the new servicesand benefitsto help you and your family now
and in the future.
The Centersfor Medicare& MedicaidServices(the federal
agencythat runs the Medicare,Medicaid, and Children'sHealth
InsuranceProgram)will continue to provide you with up-to-date
information about thesenew benefitsand will ensurethat your personal
information is safe.
Remember-rely on your trusted sourcesof information when it comes

to accurateinformation about Medicare,and dont hesitateto call
l-800-MEDICARE or go on-line at Medicare.govif you havequestions
or concerns.Don't give your personal Medicare information to anyone
who isnit a trusted source.
H f A L " I - i ti A f i f L A t i l ;

The guaranteedMedicarebenefitsyou curently receivewill remain the same.During open enrollment

this fall, you will continue to havea choicebetweenOriginal Medicareand a MedicareAdvantageplan.
Medicarewill continue to coveryour health coststhe way it alwayshas,and there are no changesin
eligibility. But, there are someimportant benefitsthat you and your family can take advantageof starting
this year.Look for more detailsin your Medicareand YouHandbookcoming this fall.

More Affordable PrescriptionDrugs

. Ifyou enterthePartD "donuthole"thisyear,youwill receive $250rebatecheckifyou
a one-time,
arenot alreadyreceivingMedicareExtraHelp.Thesecheckswill beginmailingin mid-fune,andwill
continue monthly throughout the year asbeneficiariesenter the

. Next year,if you reachthe coveragegap,you will receivea 50o/o

discountwhen bryrrg Part D-coveredbrand-nameprescriptiondrugs.

. Over the next ten years,you will receiveadditional savingsuntil the

coveragegap is closedin 2020.

lmportantNew Benefitsto Helpyou StayHealthy

. Next yearyou can get free preventivecare serviceslike colorectal
cancerscreeningand mammograms.You can also get a free annual
physical to developand updateyour personalprevention plan based
on current health needs.

lmprovementsto MedicareAdvantage
. Today, Medicare paysMedicareAdvantageinsurancecompaniesover
$1,000more per personon averagethan Original Medicare.These
additional paymentsare paid for in part by increasedpremiums by all
Medicare beneficiaries-including the 77o/oof seniorsnot enrolled in a
Medicare Advantageplan.

. The new law levelsthe plafng field by gradually eliminating Medicare

Advantageoverpaymentsto insurancecompanies.

. If you arein a MedicareAdvantageplan,you will still receiveguaranteed

. Beginningin 2014,the newlaw protectsMedicareAdvantagemembersby takingstrongstepsto ensure
that at least85%of wery dollartheseplansreceiveis spenton healthcare,ratherthan administrativecosts

BetterAccessto Care
. Yourchoiceofdoctorwill bepreserved.
. Thelaw increases to providebetter
the numberof primarycaredoctors,nurses,andphysicianassistants
to carethroughorpandedtrainingopportunities,studentloanforgiveness,
allowingthemto servesome20million newPatients.
. Supportfor communityhealthcenterswill increase,

Better Chronic Care

. Cornmunityhealthteamswill providepatient-centered caresoyou won't haveto seemultiple
doctorswho don't work together.
. If you're hospitalized,the newlaw alsohelpsyou return homesuccessfully-andavoidgoingback-by
helpingto coordinateyour careand connectingyou to servicesand supportsin your community.

o New tools and resourcesin the Elder fustice Act, which was included in
the new law, will help prevent and combat elder abuseand neglect,and
improve nursing home quality.
. The new law createsa new voluntary insuranceprogram called CLASS
to help pay for long-term care and support at home.
. Individuals on Medicaid will receiveimproved home- and community-
basedcareoptions,and spousesof peoplereceivinghome- and community-
through Medicaid will no longer be forced into poverty.

Helps Early Retirees

retireehealthplans,the newlaw createsa programto preserve
. To helpoffsetthe costof employer-based
thoseplansandhelppeoplewho retirebeforeage65getthe affordablecaretheyneed.

Helps People with Pre-existingConditions

. The new law providesaffordablehealth insurancethrough a transitionalhigh-risk pool program for
peoplewithout insurancedue to a pre-existingcondition.
. Insurancecompanieswill be prohibited from denyingcoveragedue to a pre-existingcondition for
children startingin September,and for adultsin 2014.
. Insurancecompanieswill be bannedfrom establishinglifetime limits on your coverage,and useof
annuallimits will be limited startingin September.

for YoungPeople
. Youngpeopleup to age26 canremainon their parents'healthinsurancepolicystartingin September.

New Tools to Fight Fraud and Protect Your KeepsMedicare Strong and Solvent
Medicare Benefits . Over the next 20 years,Medicare spending will
. The new law containsimportant new tools to help continue to grow, but at a slightly slower rate as
crack down on criminals seekingto scamseniors a result of reductionsin waste,fraud, and abuse.
and stealtaxpayer dollars. This will extendthe life of the Medicare Trust
Fund by L2 yearsand prcvide cost sal'ingsto
. It reducespayment errors, waste,fraud, and
those on Medicare.
abuseto make Medicare more efficient and return
savingsto the Trust Fund to strengthenMedicare . In 2018,seniorscan expectto saveon average
for yearsto come. almost $200per year in premiums and over $200
per year in co-insurancecomparedto what they
. You are an important resourcein the fight against
would have paid without the new law.
fraud. Be vigilant and rely only on your trusted
sourcesof information about your Medicare . Upper-income beneficiaries($8S,OOO of annual
benefits. income for individuals or $170,000for married
couples filing jointly) will pay higher premiums.
. Call l-800-MEDICARE if you have any questions
This will impact about 2o/oof Medicare
or want to report somethingthat seemslike fraud.

For more information about the new health carelaw now, visit you have any questions,call I-8OO-MEDICARE
(1-800-633-4227)or your StateHealth InsuranceAssistanceProgram(SHIP).
Visit www.medicare.govor call l-800-MEDICARE to get their telephone
number.TTY usersshould, call l-877-486-2048.Ifyou needhelp in a languageother than Englishor
Spanish,say"Agent" at any time to talk to a customerservicerepresentative.
Visit the EldercareIocator at to find out how to access
home-and community-
basedservicesandbenefitscounseling,transportation,meals,homecare,and caregiversupportservices.
You canalsocall l-800-677-Lll6. The EldercareLocator,a public serviceof the U.S.Administrationon
Aging is your first stepfor finding local agenciesin


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