Instruction Design With Studio Shape

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October 2002
MT10060 - Unigraphics NX


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Industrial Design With Shape Studio Workbook Publication History:

Unigraphics V18.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2001
Unigraphics NX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 2002

Project Description

Project Description
Section 1

Design a computer mouse.

This computer mouse project is designed as an instructor-led

walk through activity to introduce the student to the new Shape
Studio functionality. During this activity, the student will create
and edit splines and sheet solids, analyze the mouse for
smoothness using reflections, apply materials and textures to the
completed model, add light sources and shadows and render the
final image.
This activity is intended to familiarize the student with the
Unigraphics user interface, while keeping many of the
functionality details to a minimum. The details will be explored

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Industrial Design With

Shape Studio


Project Description

During this activity, the student will be introduced to the

following functions:


Spline creation and edit

WCS manipulation and Dynamic WCS function

Surface creation using Studio Surface

Transition surface creation using Styled Blend

Surface edit using X-form and Surface Trim


Use of Lighting techniques

Application of Materials and Textures

Image Rendering

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Project Description

Activity 1-1: Design a Computer Mouse

Step 1 Begin by double clicking on the desktop Unigraphics icon.
This will start Unigraphics. Retrieve the part file called
Mouse_Template.prt and choose
Application"Shape Studio or choose the Shape Studio
icon on the Application toolbar.

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Shape Studio


Project Description

Step 2 In a Top view, create a closed spline that will represent

the base of the mouse. Create the spline using
Spline By Poles
, set the spline degree to 3 and define
five poles. Make sure to toggle ON Associative and Closed
Curve. Set the Display Mode to Studio.
Don't worry if the spline is outside the rectangular envelope.
You will edit the spline in the next step.
Don't exit the Spline By Poles dialog!

five poles


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Project Description

Step 3 While still in the Spline By Poles dialog, edit the spline
using the Edit Poles option
rectangular envelope.

so that it fits within the

If you've already exited the dialog, either choose the Edit

Curve Parameters icon from the Edit Curve toolbar,
select EditFeatureParameters or simply choose the
Spline By Poles dialog again, select the spline and choose
Edit Poles in the upper dialog.

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Project Description

Step 4 First, use Preferences"Modeling to change the Body

Type from Solid (the default) to Sheet.
Create the base sheet using Extrude
Distance), located on the Form Feature toolbar. Use
Start=0, End=3 and extrude in the +Z direction.


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Project Description

Step 5 Use the Dynamic WCS feature to match the WCS to the
figure below.
In a Right side view, create a spline which will represent
the side view curvature of the mouse upper surface.
Create the spline using Spline By Poles
define four poles and edit the spline while still inside the
dialog. Hint: Don't forget to toggle Closed Curve OFF.

Dynamic WCS


The spline should be created larger than the envelope.



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Project Description

Step 6 Reorient the WCS at the endpoint and normal to the

In a Front view, create a spline which will represent the
end view curvature of the mouse upper surface (the
upper surface will have compound curvature). Create the
spline using Spline By Poles
(Degree=3), define four
poles and edit the spline while still inside the dialog.
Again, the spline should be created larger than the
envelope. Make sure Closed Curve is toggled OFF.



The new spline is not required to touch the side view

spline, but the closer they are, the more predictable the
result will be.

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Project Description

Step 7 Create the mouse upper surface using a 1x1 Studio

, located on the Free Form Shape toolbar
(the guide and section strings are shown below).
Choose OK to create the surface and dismiss the dialog.

Guide string

Section string

Upper surface

Base surface

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Project Description

Step 8 Shape the upper sheet to a shape you like using

(located on the Free Form Shape toolbar).
Drag On the View Plane.
Step 9 Trim the base and upper sheets to each other using either
Trimmed Sheet


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or Trim Body.

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Project Description

Step 10 Move all entities other than the mouse base and upper
surface to an unused layer.

Step 11 Create a Styled Blend

between the two surfaces.

Use Shape Control to set the Continuity to G1 (tangent

A radius between .15 and .35 works well. Use Trim &
Attach All; then OK twice to apply the blend.

Use Wall Controls to reverse the direction of the unit

normals (if necessary) so they point toward the center of
the blend.


If you receive a message in the status line that the system

is unable to create the blend or an error message in the
graphics window that the system is unable to create a
shape cylinder for one of the walls, there may be too
much curvature in the upper surface. In this case, you can
try using X-form to flatten out" the upper surface.

Wall 1

Wall 2

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Project Description

Step 12 Edit the radius of the Styled Blend.


Select (highlight) the blend in the graphics window, then

click the right mouse button and choose Edit Parameters.

Change the radius in the data entry field; choose OK.

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Project Description


If you are not satisfied with your part, you may retrieve a
part file that is complete up to this point. Choose
File"Open and select the part file called
Mouse_intermediate.prt. Then choose
Application"Shape Studio.

Step 13 Analyze the mouse surfaces using reflections.

Face Analysis-Reflections
Shape toolbar.

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is located on the Analyze

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Shape Studio


Project Description

Step 14 Edit the Continuity of the Styled Blend.


Highlight the Styled Blend, use the right mouse button to

choose Edit Parameters and use Shape Control to change
the Continuity option from G1 to G2 (from tangent
continuous to curvature continuous).
Notice the improvements to the reflection analysis. The
transitions between surfaces are smoother when curvature
continuous constraints are applied.


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Project Description

Step 15 Make Layer 5 selectable to reveal a tabletop. Assign

materials and textures to the mouse and tabletop using
the Materials/Textures feature, located on the Visualize
Shape toolbar.

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Project Description

Step 16 Make sure your model is in the Studio display mode.

In the Materials/Textures dialog toggle Face Selection
ON. Select a material from the Metals or Plastic list
(Finish=None) and apply to the mouse.
Apply the following material to the tabletop:
Pattern=Solid Grid.
Using More Options, edit the Pattern of the tabletop to a
Wrapped Image and select Wood from the TIFF Palette.
Select any wood image you like.
Select Texture Space from the Materials/Textures dialog
and vary the scale to observe changes in the pattern. By
setting Type to Arbitrary Plane, the orientation of the
tabletop wood pattern may also be varied.


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Project Description

Step 17 Assign Lighting to the product. The Lighting feature is

located on the Visualize Shape toolbar. Experiment with
the lighting options available in the dialog box.
Step 18 The final step of this activity is to render the image. High
Quality Image is located on the Visualize Shape toolbar.
For this application, first choose Improved as the method
of image rendering. When you are satisfied with the
rendered image change the rendering method to a more
detailed method like Photo-Realistic and shade the
image. You may also experiment with the other rendering
options available. Don't forget to toggle Generate
Shadows ON (located in the High Quality Image Setup
menu under Shade). Choosing Start Shade will render
the image.

Step 19 If you are not satisfied with the lighting, you may choose
the Lights icon again and refine the light sources, colors,
intensities, etc.

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Project Description

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Project Description

Project Description
Section 2

Design a snowmobile hood and windscreen using the

stylist's conceptual sketches.

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Shape Studio


Project Description


Industrial Design With

Shape Studio

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Unigraphics NX

Project Description

This project is designed to lead the student through the aesthetic design of a
snowmobile hood and windscreen using many functionalities of Unigraphics.
During this activity, the student will use the artist's conceptual sketches to
create, edit and analyze splines and sheet solids, apply materials and textures to
the completed model, add light sources and a background image and render the
final product image.
This project is intended to give the student a strong foundation in the
Unigraphics skills required to design studio-quality free form surfaces and
visually showcase the completed models.
The remainder of the workbook closely follows the lessons presented in the
student manual and uses the activities presented in the manual as building
blocks for its project sections. At intervals throughout the student manual, the
student will be asked to work through the corresponding section of the
snowmobile project.
It is important that the workbook be used in the sequence presented because
later sections assume knowledge learned in earlier sections. If necessary, the
student may always refer to a previous activity or lesson taught in the student
manual to complete a section of the workbook project.
Each section of the workbook discusses what is to be completed in that section.
Images are shown and appropriate steps and hints are presented.

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Project Description

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Capture the Stylist's Intent

Capture the Stylist's Intent

Section 3

In this section, the student will import raster images of the stylist's
conceptual sketches and begin to sketch" over the images to create a
three-dimensional model of the snowmobile hood. The student will
then edit the created splines so that they match the stylist's sketch.

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Raster image

Spline creation by poles

Spline edit by poles

WCS manipulation and Dynamic WCS

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Shape Studio


Capture the Stylist's Intent

Activity 3-1: Retrieve and Position a Raster Image

In this activity, you will retrieve a raster image of the
snowmobile top view and position it in the model in accordance
with a raster image of the side view.
Step 1 Begin by retrieving the part file called Snowmobile_1.prt.
Immediately perform a Save As on the part file and name
the part XXX_snowmobile_1.prt (where XXX are the
student's initials).
The part file opens with a raster image of a stylist's side view
conceptual sketch. You will retrieve the raster image of the
stylist's sketched snowmobile top view and position it in
accordance with the side view raster image.

Use the View-Visualization-Raster Image feature to import

the snowmobile top view raster image. The raster image file is
located in the folder called images and is called
snowmobile_top_view.tif. Toggle Lock Aspect Ratio ON.


Industrial Design With

Shape Studio

Make sure the WCS is set as shown above.

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Capture the Stylist's Intent

Step 2 Resize the raster image using the dashed lines as guides.

Step 3 Move the top view raster image to Layer 2.

Layer 2 should be Visible Only.
Step 4 Save and close the part.

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Shape Studio


Capture the Stylist's Intent

Activity 3-2: Create Splines From Raster Images

In this activity, you will begin to capture the stylist's intent by
creating splines which trace over" the curves represented in the
raster images.
Step 1 Use the Dynamic WCS to change the XC-YC
construction plane to the plane of the side view raster
image. Also move the WCS origin to that plane. To begin
the 2D to 3D construction process, first trace" a fender
highlight spline to the side view raster image. Use Spline
By Poles (spline degree=5) and specify 7 poles using
cursor location. Don't worry about creating the spline
perfectly the first time. Edit the spline to achieve the
shape you like. Use the Curvature Comb analysis display
to help shape the spline so it is smooth.
TIP Remember, by choosing View"Orient and then
choosing OK, the view will be oriented so that the
XC-YC construction plane is in the plane of the screen.


Make Layer 50 Selectable and check your spline to the

reference spline. Make sure it is a similar shape and
matches the general position of the reference spline.
You may use either your spline or the reference spline to

Create this spline

using 7 approximate
screen positions
along the fender

Make sure to extend spline

as far back as the dotted line


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Capture the Stylist's Intent

TIP The view may be refreshed at any time by choosing

View"Refresh or by clicking MB3 in the graphics window
and choosing Refresh.

Step 2 Use the Dynamic WCS to change the XC-YC

construction plane to the plane of the raster image top
view. Place the WCS in Corner A, shown below.

Corner A"

Rotate the WCS to the orientation shown below. Use the

handles to drag and rotate the axes or select the handle and
type the rotation angle in the dialog box.

Rotate the WCS

using this handle.

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Capture the Stylist's Intent

Orient the view to the XC-YC plane.

Step 3 Trace the outer curve of the snowmobile hood using

Spline By Poles (spline degree=5) with approximately six
cursor locations and edit the spline to match the shape of
the raster image curve. Make sure to turn Associative
OFF as you create this spline (since you will trim it and
modify its slope in the next lesson).


Create the spline on the forward left side of the

snowmobile only. Again, make Layer 50 Selectable and
check your spline to the reference spline. Make sure it is a
similar shape and matches the general position of the
reference spline.

Create this
spline by
indicating 6
cursor locations.

Step 4 Save and close the part.


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Edit the Splines and Begin 3D Construction

Edit the Splines and Begin 3D Construction

Section 4

In this section, the student will edit and trim the hood outer spline
created in Section 3 and use the Combined Curve Projection feature to
create a three dimensional associative curve by combining the fender
highlight spline with the top view hood outer spline.

Fender highlight

Combined projected
Hood outer spline

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Spline trim and spline edit

Spline analysis tools

Combined Curve Projection

Dynamic update

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Edit the Splines and Begin 3D Construction

Activity 4-1: Trim and Edit the Top View Spline

Step 1 First, you will trim the spline, which was created in
Section 3, to the centerline. Retrieve your part and
manipulate the view so that the top view of the
snowmobile is in the plane of the screen.

Hood outer spline

Zoom in so you can see the hood outer spline which you created
in Section 3. Turn the Curvature Comb Analysis tool ON so you
can visually shape the smoothness of the spline.

Hood outer spline


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Edit the Splines and Begin 3D Construction

Step 2 Trim the forward end of the spline to the centerline using
the Trim Curve feature (found on the Edit Curve
TIP For clarity, either Blank the raster images or make Layer
2 invisible during the trim operation.

Trim this
end to the


Hood outer

Step 3 The end slope of the hood outer spline is not correct. If
the curve was mirrored across the centerline, the forward
nose of the snowmobile would come to a point and would
not be aesthetically pleasing. In order to change the end
slope so that there is C2 continuity across the centerline,
you will use the Edit Curve Parameters feature to change
the end slope (by poles) to a vertical slope (90 degrees).

Select this
vertical edge of
the image to
match the end
slope of the

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Shape Studio


Edit the Splines and Begin 3D Construction

Check the angle between the edited curve and the vertical line
using Analysis"Angle. If the edit was accomplished on a copy of
the curve, delete the original.
Step 4 Create a 3D intersection curve by combining the 2D
fender highlight spline and the 2D hood outer spline.
Ensure that Associative Output is toggled ON.

First curve string

Projected curve
Second curve string

Step 5 If necessary edit the defining curves in Real Time.

Choose Preferences-Modeling to set the Dynamic
Update to Continuous and remember to select
Immediate Children-All.

Now use Edit Curve Parameters to edit the poles of the

defining curves and observe the dynamic update to the
associative curve.
Step 6 Save and close the part.


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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Section 5

In this section, the student will create side body surfaces for the
snowmobile hood using curves which were defined in a previous
section. The student will also offset the fender highlight spline and use
the new curve to generate a fender surface. The side body surfaces will
be trimmed to the fender surface in a subsequent lesson.
Next, the student will extrude curves to define the bottom of the
snowmobile and ski well cutout surfaces. The side body surfaces and
lower surface will then be trimmed to the ski well cutout surface.

Rear side body surface

Forward side
body surface

Bottom surface

Ski well cutout


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Shape Studio


Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Layer Manipulation

Edit Object Display

Surface creation using the Studio Surface feature

Offset Curve

Surface creation using Extrude

Surface trim

Edit translucency of sheet solids

Edit curves in Real Time


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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Activity 5-1: Create Side Surfaces Using Studio Surfaces

Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase2.prt instead.
Step 2 Make Layer 2 Invisible and Layer 3 Selectable. A few
curves have been provided for you.
Step 3 Change the global color preference for sheet bodies to a
color you like. Hint: Preferences-Object
Step 4 You will create the rear side surface first. Using the nxn
Studio Surface feature, select the curves shown below.

Section string 2

Guide string
(Curve created
in top view)
Section string 1

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Shape Studio


Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

nxn Studio

Step 5 Next, you will create the forward side surface. Using the
nxn Studio Surface feature, select the section strings
shown on the next page.
Make sure the direction arrows are pointing in the same
Set the First Section String constraint to Curvature (G2)
and select the rear nxn surface (which was created in
Step 3) as the constraint face.
Set the Second Section String constraint to Tangency
(G1) and select the small purple surface as the constraint


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Shape Studio

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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Purple surface
(constraint face 2)

nxn Surface
(constraint face 1)
Section string 2

Section string 1

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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Activity 5-2: Create a Fender Surface Using Extrude

In this activity, you will create a curve offset from the upper
spline by 0.4 in the downward direction.
Step 1 First, move all unused curves and sheet solids not shown
below to an unused layer.

Upper spline


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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Step 2 Using the Offset Curve feature, offset the upper spline
downward by 0.4. Ensure that the direction arrow is
pointing downward.
Original spline

Offset spline


Step 3 Extrude the offset spline to create a surface. Use the

Direction, Distance option and set Start Distance to zero
and End Distance to 20. Make sure that the default
direction is appropriate.

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Shape Studio


Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Check to make sure the extruded fender surface is completely

below the side surfaces. If it is not, orient the view to a Left view
and use Edit Curve Parameters to edit the upper curve to a
lower position.
Remember, since the offset curve is associated with the upper
curve, a small edit to the upper curve will cause the lower curve
to update accordingly.

You may need to make the side surfaces more translucent

in order to edit the upper fender highlight curve.


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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Activity 5-3: Construct the Ski Well Using Extrude

In this activity, you will extrude two curves to create a surface
for the ski well and a surface for the bottom of the snowmobile.
You will then trim the side surfaces and bottom surface to the
ski well sheet. Next, you will edit the object display translucency
of the surfaces and use a left side view to edit the ski well
defining curve with Real Time updates to the surfaces.

Side surface

Side surface

Lower extruded
Ski well cutout

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Shape Studio


Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Step 1 First, move the offset spline and parent spline to an

unused layer and Blank the upper extruded surface. Then
extrude the ski well cutout curve using a Start Distance of
zero and an End Distance of 20.

Ski well cutout



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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Step 2 Extrude the lower centerline spline (shown below) using a

Start Distance of zero and an End Distance of 20.
Lower centerline

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Shape Studio


Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Step 3 Trim the two side surfaces and the lower extruded sheet
to the ski well cutout surface (as shown below).
What's the difference between using Trimmed Sheet and
Trim Body?
Side surface

Side surface

Lower extruded
Ski well cutout

Step 4 Make Layer 2 Selectable and place the view in an

orientation so that the left side view is in the plane of the
screen. Next, edit the Object Display-Translucency of
the two side surfaces. Make them translucent enough so
that you can barely see the conceptual sketch showing
through (as shown below).

Notice translucency
of side surfaces


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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

Step 5 Zoom in on the ski well curve. Edit the ski well defining
curve in Real Time and observe the updates to all of the
surfaces. To edit the defining curve, use the Edit Curve
Parameters feature and edit the poles. Why does the
extruded ski well surface update? Why do the two side
surfaces and lower extruded surface update?

Ski well cutout



When you are finished editing the ski well cutout spline, use the
Edit Object Display feature to set the translucency of the two
side surfaces back to fully opaque. Which value on the slider
represents fully opaque?
Step 6 Move the ski well cutout surface and its defining curve,
along with the centerline curve, to an unused layer.
Step 7 Make Layer 2 Invisible.
Step 8 Save and close the part.

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Create and Edit the Side Body Surfaces

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Create a Transition Surface

Create a Transition Surface

Section 6

In this section, the student will compare the smoothness of a Face

Blend to that of a Styled Blend between the rear side surface and the
snowmobile bottom surface. First, you will create a Face Blend. You
will then use the Face Analysis-Reflection feature to analyze the Face
Blend surface. Then you will use the Undo feature to delete the Face
Blend and apply a Styled Blend. For a comparison, you will use the
Face Analysis-Reflection feature to analyze the Styled Blend surface
for smoothness.
Rear side surface

Bottom surface

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Face Blend

Face Analysis-Reflection

Styled Blend

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Create a Transition Surface

Activity 6-1: Trim the Side Sheets to the Hood Surface

In this activity, you will use one of the sheet trim features to
trim the two side body surfaces to the upper fender surface.
Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase3.prt instead.
Step 2 Unblank the upper surface. Trim the two side body
surfaces to the upper fender surface. Which trim feature
is appropriate to use when multiple surfaces are being
trimmed to one trim sheet (Trim Body or Trimmed

Trim body

Target sheet


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Create a Transition Surface

Activity 6-2: Create and Analyze a Face Blend

In this activity, you will create a Face Blend between the rear
side surface and the bottom surface. You will then analyze the
surfaces for smoothness using the Face Analysis-Reflection
tool. Finally, you will delete the Face Blend using the
Edit-Undo feature.
Step 1 First move the upper fender surface to an unused layer.
Create a Face Blend between the rear side surface and
the bottom surface. Use a radius value of 5.0 for
construction of the Face Blend.
TIP Make sure that both unit normal vectors point toward
the Face Blend radius center.

Select rear side

surface as first

Select bottom
surface as
second face

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Create a Transition Surface

Step 2 Analyze the smoothness of the sheet solids using

Face Analysis-Reflection.
Notice the smooth reflection lines in the wheel cutout area. This
is a desirable result. Notice the sharp break in the reflection
lines between the bottom and side surfaces and the face blend.
This indicates imperfections in the surface smoothness, and is
an undesirable result.


Face blend



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Create a Transition Surface

Step 3 Next, you will use the Edit-Undo feature to delete the
Face Blend created in Step 1. The side and bottom
surfaces should appear as they were before the face blend
was created.

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Create a Transition Surface

Activity 6-3: Create and Analyze a Styled Blend

In this activity, you will create a Styled Blend between the rear
side surface and the bottom surface. You will then analyze the
surfaces for smoothness.
Step 1 Use the Styled Blend feature to create a smoother
transition surface blend between the side and bottom
surfaces. Experiment with the type of transition (linear,
non-inflecting, etc.) and the start and end values until
you achieve a result you like.
Use the Face Analysis-Reflection tool to evaluate the
smoothness of the surfaces with the styled blend.

Smoother transition

Styled blend

Smoother transition

Step 2 Save and close the part.


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Create the Snowmobile Hood

Create the Snowmobile Hood

Section 7

In this section, you will create a hood surface for the snowmobile using
a 1x1 Studio Surface. Then you will trim the new hood sheet to a
spline. Finally, you will use the Instance-Mirror Body feature to
mirror the hood surface, side surfaces, bottom surface and blend
through a centerline datum plane.

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Studio Surface feature

Surface trim

Instance-Mirror Body feature

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Create the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 7-1: Create a Hood Surface

Step 1 Set the Display Mode to Studio and make Layer 4
First, create the hood surface using the 1x1 Studio Surface
feature. Select the guide and section strings shown below. Use
the purple reference surface as the Tangency constraint on the
section string.

Section string

Guide string

Purple reference


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Create the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 7-2: Trim the Hood to a Spline

In this activity, you will trim the hood to a spline.
Step 1 Trim the hood surface to the spline shown below.

Change the WCS to Absolute Coordinates.

TIP Use the Trimmed Sheet feature and set Projection Along
to ZC axis. Don't forget to toggle Output Exact Geometry

Hood surface target sheet body

Select region to
retain here

Trim hood surface

to this spline

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Create the Snowmobile Hood


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Create the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 7-3: Mirror the Surfaces Across a Datum Plane

In this activity, you will mirror all surfaces across a centerline
datum plane.
Step 1 First, move the narrow purple reference surface and all
curves to an unused layer and make Layer 13 Selectable.

Datum plane

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Create the Snowmobile Hood

Step 2 Use the Instance Feature-Mirror Body feature to mirror

all surfaces through the centerline datum plane. Make
Layer 13 Invisible.

Step 3 Save and close the part.


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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

Section 8

In this section, you will complete the surfacing of the snowmobile hood
using either the Section Body-Fillet Bridge or Styled Blend feature.
You will then use the Face Analysis-Reflection tool to evaluate the
smoothness of the surfaces.

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Section Body-Fillet Bridge

Styled Blend

Face Analysis-Reflection

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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 8-1: Create an Upper Blend

In this activity, you will continue the surfacing of the
snowmobile hood using either the Fillet Bridge option of the
Section Body feature or a Styled Blend.
Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase4.prt instead.
Step 2 Create a Section Body-Fillet Bridge surface or a Styled
Blend between the hood surfaces and the middle
surfaces. Choose Match Curvatures (G2) and select the
faces (walls) and edges (strings) shown below. If you are
using a Styled Blend, choose Curves at the top of the

Edge 1/String 1

Hood surfaces

Face 2/Wall 2
Face 1/Wall 1
Face 1/Wall 1

Edge 1/
String 1
Edge 2/
String 2

Face 2/Wall 2

Middle surface

Edge 2/String 2

If you created a Fillet Bridge, you may move the Bridge Depth
and Bridge Skew sliders back and forth until you achieve a
shape you like.


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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

TIP Remember that once a slider bar has been selected,

micro adjustments may be made using the left and right
arrow keys.

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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 8-2: Complete Surfacing & Analyze Smoothness

In this activity, you will complete the surfacing of the
snowmobile hood using either another Fillet Bridge surface or a
Styled Blend.
Step 1 Complete surfacing of the snowmobile hood using either
a Section Body-Fillet Bridge or a Styled Blend. First,
move the middle surfaces (shown below) to an unused
layer. You will create the new surface between the small
surface just created and the lower side surfaces.




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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

Step 2 Create a transition surface using either a Section

Body-Fillet Bridge or a Styled Blend. Choose Match
Curvatures (G2) and select the faces (walls) and edges
(strings) shown below. If you are using a Styled Blend,
choose Curves at the top of the dialog.

Edge 1/String 1

Edge 2/String 2

Face 2/
Wall 2

Face 1/
Wall 1

Face 2/
Wall 2
Edge 2/
String 2

Face 2/
Wall 2

Edge 2/
String 2

Face 2/
Wall 2
Edge 2/String 2

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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

Step 3 Analyze the smoothness of the snowmobile hood surfaces

using the Face Analysis tool. Evaluate the surface
smoothness using various analysis options, including Line
Images and Scene Images.
Face Analysis-Reflection
using Line Images
(Black Lines)


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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

Face Analysis-Reflection
using Scene Images
(Spherical Tubes)

Face Analysis-Reflection
using Scene Images
(Spherical Room)

Using the spaceball, rotate the image to observe the transition

of the reflection between faces of the snowmobile hood.
Step 4 Save and close the part.

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Complete Surfacing of the Snowmobile Hood

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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Section 9

In this section, you will add a headlight using the Swept feature. You
will then shape the headlight by performing trim and blend operations.
You will unite the two hood surfaces using the Sew feature; then you
will complete the headlight solid using the Extract Geometry feature
and unite with the hood using Patch Body.

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Create solids using the Swept feature for closed


Use Model Navigator to Hide Parent Curves

Manipulate solids using Extruded Body

Feature Trim

Create blends using Styled Blend feature

Unite sheets using the Sew feature

Extract Geometry

Patch feature

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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 9-1: Create Forward Headlight Solid Using Swept

In this activity, you will create the forward portion of the
headlight using the Swept feature.
Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase5.prt instead.
Step 2 First, you will use Edit-Object Display to change the
translucency setting of the two hood surfaces. Set the
translucency so that you can barely see through the
surfaces. Then make Layer 5 Selectable.
TIP If Translucency is not working, check
Preferences"Visualization"Visual to make sure the
Translucency option is toggled ON.

Section string 1

Guide string

Step 3 Using the Swept feature, choose the section and guide
strings shown above to create the forward portion of the
headlight solid.


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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

TIP Set the Tolerance to zero and the Orientation to Fixed.

Choose Blending Function and set to Linear. Use a Start
Scale of 1.0 and an End Scale of 0.8.

Step 4 Use the Model Navigator to select the headlight solid just
created and hide the parent curves.

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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 9-2: Create Rear Headlight Solid using Swept

In this activity, you will construct the rear portion of the
headlight using the Swept feature and unite it with the forward
portion. You will then subtract an extruded shape from the
forward portion to create a cutout for the light.
Step 1 Make Layer 6 Selectable.
Section string

Guide string

Step 2 Using the Swept feature, choose the section and guide
strings shown above to create the rear portion of the
headlight solid.
TIP Set the Tolerance to zero and the Orientation to Fixed.
Choose Blending Function and set to Linear. Use a Start
Scale of 1.0 and an End Scale of 1.1. Unite the rear
portion with the forward portion, which was created in
Activity 9-1.


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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Step 3 Make Layer 7 Selectable. Use Extruded Body to extrude

the two splines shown below and create a cutout in the
forward portion of the headlight solid. Use a Start
Distance of zero and an End Distance of 20. Choose
Subtract and select the headlight solid.

If necessary, make the headlight solid more translucent in

order to see the splines to be extruded.

Extrude these

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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Step 4 Make Layers 5, 6 and 7 Invisible.


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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 9-3: Trim and Blend the Headlight Solid

In this activity, you will trim the headlight and add blends.
Step 1 Make Layer 8 Selectable. Trim the headlight solid to the
curved sheet.
Curved sheet
Headlight solid

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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Step 2 Make Layer 8 Invisible. Use a blend (Edge Blend or

Styled Blend) to smooth the upper rear edge of the
headlight solid. Use a radius value of 1.0.

Step 3 Use a blend (Edge Blend or Styled Blend) to smooth the

inside edges of the headlight cutout. Use a radius value of
0.5 and toggle Tangent Edges to ON (if using Edge


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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 9-4: Unite the Hood Surfaces

In this activity, you will use the Sew feature to unite the two
hood surfaces.
Step 1 Use the Sew feature to unite the two hood surfaces. Select
the original hood surface as the target sheet and the
mirrored hood surface as the tool sheet.
Step 2 Trim the headlight solid to the sewn hood surface.
Mirrored hood
(tool sheet)

Original hood
(target sheet)

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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 9-5: Unite the Headlight Solid with the Hood

In this activity, you will unite the headlight with the sewn hood
surface using the Feature Operation-Patch feature. The reason
for using the Patch Body method is to hollow the headlight solid
before uniting it with the hood surface.
Step 1 First, you must extract the footprint of the headlight solid
geometry from the hood surface. You will do this using
Extract Geometry.
Choose Region and select the
Seed Face and Boundary Faces shown below.
TIP Remember to toggle At Timestamp ON and
Blank Original ON.

Seed Face

Select the two bottom

surfaces of the headlight
solid as the boundary

Step 2 Now you will unite the headlight solid with the sewn hood
surface using the Insert"Feature Operation"Patch
feature. Select the sewn hood sheet as the target body,
then select the extracted headlight solid region as the tool
sheet to patch. If the direction arrow is directed
downward, reverse the removal direction.


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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

Tool sheet

Sewn hood

Step 3 Change the translucency of the hood surface to fully

Step 4 Save and close the part.

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Add a Headlight to the Snowmobile Hood

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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Section 10

In this section, you will begin the process of adding a scoop surface to
the snowmobile hood. You will use a provided offset curve to create a
Studio Surface and project planar hood scoop definition curves to the
hood surfaces. Then you will use the projected curves to create angled
Extension Sheets.

Studio Surface

Projected hood scoop

definition curves

offset curve

Angled Extension

While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Model Navigator to go back in time" and insert

new features

1x1 Studio Surface

Projection of planar curves to surfaces

Angled Extension Sheets

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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 10-1: Use Offset Curve to Create Studio Surface

In this activity, you will create a 1x1 Studio Surface using a
provided offset curve. This surface will later be used to control
the shape of the snowmobile hood scoop.
Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_Snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase6.prt instead.
Step 2 Make Layer 9 Selectable.
Step 3 Set the Display Mode to Studio. Then use the Model
Navigator to highlight the feature called
TRIMMED_SHEET, which appears above the first
MIRROR feature. Make this feature the current feature
and dismiss the Model Navigator.
If you wish, you can Blank the side snowmobile surfaces
for clarity. Do not blank the small purple surface. You
will use it later.
Step 4 Create a 1x1 Studio Surface using the section and guide
strings shown below.
Guide string

Curve for
section string



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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

1x1 Studio surface

Original hood


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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 10-2: Project Outer Curves to Hood Surface

In this activity, you will project two of the planar splines to the
original hood surface. These projected curves will later be used
to construct angled extension surfaces for shaping the hood
Step 1 Select the outer (largest) and inner (smallest) planar
splines to project to the original hood surface (shown
TIP After choosing the Project icon, set the Direction Method
to Along Vector and choose +ZC axis.

Studio surface

Original hood

Planar outer spline

Planar inner spline



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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Studio surface

Curves projected
to original hood
Original hood


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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 10-3: Project Inner Curves to Offset Surface

In this activity, you will project the two middle curves to the
offset Studio Surface created previously in this section. These
curves will later be used to control the shape of the snowmobile
hood scoop.
Step 1 Project the two middle curves (shown below) to the
Offset Studio Surface, which was created previously in
this section.
TIP After choosing the Project icon, set the Direction Method
to Along Vector and choose +ZC axis.

Offset Studio

Project the two

middle curves



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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Projected curves

TIP For clarity you may want to change the color of the
projected curves so they are easier to differentiate.


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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 10-4: Construct Two Angled Extension Surfaces

In this activity, you will construct two angled extension surfaces
at a seventy degree angle to the original hood sheet. These
surfaces will be used to create the hood scoop in the next

Step 1 Using Free Form Feature-Extension
Angled surface. Select the original hood sheet and the
outer projected curve. Set the Length to 2.0 and the Angle
to 70 degrees (in the downward direction).
TIP If the coordinate system shows the 90 degree axis
directed upward and horizontal axis directed rearward,
enter the Angle value as -70 degrees. If the coordinate
system shows the 90 degree axis directed upward and the
horizontal axis directed forward, enter the Angle value as
-110 degrees.

Outer extension



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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

Step 2 Again using the Extension surface feature, choose Angled

surface. Select the original hood sheet and the inner
projected curve. Set the Length to 2.0 and the Angle to 70
degrees (in the downward direction). As before, if the
coordinate system shows the 90 degree axis directed
upward, enter the Angle value as either -110 degrees or
-70 degrees, depending upon the direction of the
horizontal axis.

The two extension surfaces should be angled in

OPPOSITE directions (see illustration below).

Outer extension

Step 3 Move the offset upper 1x1 Studio Surface and provided
offset curve to an unused layer.
Step 4 Save and close the part.


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Begin Construction of the Hood Scoop

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop


Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop

Section 11

This section is a general review of many of the modeling techniques

learned in earlier sections. First, the hood surface will be refined by
extracting a face, extruding a trim surface and trimming the extracted
and original sheets to the extruded trim surface.
Next, the hood scoop surface construction is continued using an nxn
Studio Surface. The edges of the angled extension surfaces are used to
define the hood scoop surface.
The Section Body-Fillet Bridge and Trim features will then be used to
continue construction of the hood scoop, followed by the Sew and
Blend features, which will complete the construction.

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop


While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:


Extract Geometry to extract a hood surface face

Extruded Body to create a trim surface

Trim features

nxn Studio Surface to create the hood scoop


Section Body-Fillet Bridge to define the hood

scoop center surface

Sew to unite the hood and scoop surfaces

Edge Blend

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 11-1: Extract and Trim Hood Upper Surface

In this activity, you will break the hood surface into two
identical surfaces, front and rear. You will begin by using the
Extract Geometry feature to extract the original hood surface.
Then you will extrude the forward green spline to create a trim
surface. Next, you will trim the extracted hood surface to the
extruded trim surface and finally; you will trim the original hood
surface to the same extruded trim surface. This will break the
hood surface into a forward section and rear section.
Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_Snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase7.prt instead.
Step 2 Use the Extract Geometry feature to extract the original
hood sheet surface (not the upper 1x1 Studio Surface
which should have been moved to an unused layer).
Choose Face and make sure to toggle At Timestamp ON
and Blank Original ON.
TIP You may want to temporarily blank the snowmobile side
and bottom surfaces, if they are still visible.

Extract original
hood surface
(not upper
Studio Surface)
Forward green

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop


Step 3 Use the Extrude feature to extrude the forward green

spline (shown above) in the +ZC axis direction. Set the
Start Distance to zero and the End Distance to 20.

Extruded trim

Extracted sheet

Step 4 Trim the extracted sheet to the extruded trim sheet just
created (shown above). Discard the rear portion of the
surface (shown below).


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Step 5 Next, unblank the original hood sheet that was blanked
during the Extract operation. Trim this sheet to the
extruded sheet just created. This time, discard the
forward portion of the surface. You should have a hood
surface that is broken into two portions, using an identical
surface for both.
Move the extruded sheet and its defining green spline to
an unused layer.

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 11-2: Create Hood Scoop Using nxn Surface

In this activity, you will use an nxn Studio Surface to construct
the hood scoop surface.
Step 1 Use an nxn Studio Surface to construct the hood scoop.
Select the edges and curves shown below. First, select the
lower edge of the outer extension surface. Second, toggle
the filter to Curve and select the larger middle spline.
Third, select the smaller middle spline. Finally, toggle the
filter to Any (or Edge) and select the lower edge of the
inner extension surface.

Larger middle spline

Smaller middle

Lower edge of
outer extension



Lower edge of
inner extension

If you receive an error indicating that the section strings

are not connected, start again and use the QuickPick
selection tool when selecting the two middle splines
(which were projected to the upper surface).

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop


Hood scoop surface

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 11-3: Create Hood Scoop Center Surface

In this activity, you will use a Fillet Bridge to construct the hood
scoop center surface.
Step 1 Use the Section Body-Fillet Bridge feature to construct
the hood scoop center surface. Choose Match Curvatures
and select the faces and edges as shown below. First,
select the small purple sheet. Next, select the forward
edge of the small purple sheet. Select the small, forward
extracted surface as the second face and select its rear
TIP The shape of this surface works best if the Bridge Depth
is set to approximately 33.5.

Rear edge of small

forward extracted

Small purple
Forward edge of
small purple sheet
Small forward
extracted surface


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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop


New fillet bridge


Step 2 Move the angled Extension surfaces, small purple surface

and all curves to an unused layer.

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop

Activity 11-4: Hood and Scoop Surface Trim

In this activity, you will trim the hood and hood scoop surfaces.
You will then sew the trimmed surfaces together to create one
sheet containing the hood and scoop surfaces.
Step 1 First, Trim the fillet bridge surface just created to the
hood scoop surface (shown below).
TIP To better view the trim operation, you may want to
temporarily increase the translucency of the hood

TIP Set Projection Along to ZC-axis and toggle Output

Exact Geometry OFF.

Hood surface
Hood scoop surface

Fillet bridge

Retain this region


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Step 2 Next, trim the hood surface to the hood scoop surface
(shown below). Again, set Projection Along to ZC-axis
and toggle Exact Geometry OFF.

Remember when using Trimmed Sheet, the

Regions will be section of the dialog must be set to the
appropriate setting, Kept or Discarded.
Retain this region

Hood scoop surface

Trim hood surface

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop


Step 3 Trim the small forward hood surface to the hood scoop
(shown below). You may use either Trim Body or
Trimmed Sheet for this operation.
TIP If you use the Trim Body feature, make sure that the
direction vector is directed downward (to discard the
portion of the surface which is located under the hood
scoop forward edges.

Hood scoop surface

Trim small forward

hood surface


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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop

Step 4 Finally, trim the hood scoop surface to its edges" shown
below. These edges are the intersections of the hood
scoop surface with the forward and rear hood surfaces.
TIP For this application, you may want to use the Trimmed
Sheet feature. Remember to set the Projection Along to
ZC-axis and toggle Output Exact Geometry OFF. In this
instance, it may be helpful to toggle the filter to Edges
when attempting to select the four edges of the hood

Hood scoop surface

Hood scoop

Step 5 Sew all the hood surfaces together (rear hood surface,
forward hood surface, hood scoop surface, and hood
scoop center surface).
Select the rear hood surface as the target sheet and the
remaining surfaces as the tool sheets.

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Complete Construction of the Hood Scoop


Step 6 Create a blend between the hood scoop surface and the
hood surface. Use either Styled Blend or Edge Blend and
use a radius value of approximately 0.25.
If using Edge Blend, toggle Add Tangent Edges ON.

Step 7 Save and close the part.


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Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Section 12

In this section, you will complete the snowmobile hood using the
Model Navigator. Then you will create a windscreen for the
snowmobile. Finally, you will trim the snowmobile hood to a trim
sheet, which will be shaped using Transform Sheet.


While working this section of the project, the student will use
the following functions:

Model Navigator

Edit During Update-Edit Parameters

Section Body-Fillet Bridge

Styled Blend

Transform Sheet

Enlarge Sheet

Trim Sheet

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Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 12-1: Complete the Hood Construction

In this activity, you will use the Model Navigator Edit During
Update to complete construction of the snowmobile hood.
Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_Snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase8.prt instead.


Step 2 First Unblank All of Part. Then use the Model Navigator
to make the PATCH feature the Current Feature. You
went back in time" in Section 10 to make an earlier
created feature the current feature. Then you added
several new features (the hood scoop surfaces). Now,
when you highlight the PATCH feature as the current
feature, there is geometry which is not up to date.
Step 3 Use Edit During Update to update the outdated
geometry. Choose Edit, then Edit Parameter; then choose
Replace First Set of Faces. Select the four faces of the
hood (shown below).
Add hood faces

Add hood faces


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Step 4 Next, choose Curve on First Set of Faces and select the
four edges of the hood (shown below).
Add hood


Add hood

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Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 12-2: Create the Snowmobile Windscreen

In this activity, you will create a windscreen for the snowmobile.
Then you will retrieve the head and body data for the racer to
check the size and position of the windscreen, in relation to the
ergonomic data.
Step 1 First, you will construct the windscreen. Make Layer 10



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Step 2 Use either a Styled Blend or a Section Body-Fillet

Bridge to construct the windscreen. If using a Styled
Blend, use G1 Continuity. If using a Fillet Bridge surface,
use Match Tangents.
Select the faces and curves shown below.
First solid Edge
First face

Second set
of faces


Second set of
solid edges (three

TIP You may need to reverse direction of the surface. You

may also need to shape the surface using the Bridge
Depth and Bridge Skew sliders (for Fillet Bridge surface

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Step 3 Move the three small purple surfaces and defining curves
to an unused layer.


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Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Step 4 Make Layer 11 Selectable. You will see the head and body
of the racer and line of sight vision lines over the
windshield. This is an ergonomic check that the racer has
adequate line of sight vision over the as-designed


Step 5 Make Layer 202 Selectable. Be patient; it may take some

time for the complete model to display. You will see
additional detail of the snowmobile.

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Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 12-3: Edit Trim Sheet Using Transform & Enlarge

In this activity, you will identify a trim sheet for the snowmobile
hood. You will then move and shape the trim sheet using
Transform Sheet. Finally, you will enlarge the sheet using the
Enlarge feature so that you may use it to trim the snowmobile
hood surfaces.


Step 1 First, make Layer 12 Selectable. If desired, you may make

Layer 202 Invisible to speed up the display.

Trim sheet

Step 2 Using Transform Sheet, translate the trim sheet to

achieve a shape and position you find favorable for trim
of the snowmobile hood surfaces (A translated YC axis
position of approximately 55 works well, but you may
shape the trim sheet as desired).


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Translated position
Original position

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Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Step 3 Since you will trim the snowmobile hood surfaces to the
trim sheet, the trim sheet must be larger than the hood
surfaces. If the trim sheet is not larger than the hood
surfaces, you will enlarge the trim sheet using Enlarge. If
the trim sheet is larger than the hood surfaces, advance to
the next step.
TIP When using the Enlarge feature, set the Type to Linear
and toggle ALL ON. Enlarge the sheet in all directions so
that it is larger than the snowmobile hood surfaces.


Enlarged sheet


Industrial Design With

Shape Studio

Original trim sheet

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Complete the Snowmobile Hood

Step 4 Now you will trim the snowmobile hood surfaces to the
enlarged trim sheet. After trimming, make Layers 10, 11,
12 and 202 Invisible. Also, move the enlarged trim sheet
to an unused layer.


Enlarged sheet

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Trim rear portions of

hood surfaces to trim
sheet (surfaces should
be trimmed forward of
racer's foot)

Industrial Design With

Shape Studio


Complete the Snowmobile Hood


Step 5 Save and close the part.


Industrial Design With

Shape Studio

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Unigraphics NX

Add Visualization Techniques to the Snowmobile Hood

Add Visualization Techniques to the Snowmobile Hood

Section 13

In this section, you will add visualization techniques, including

materials, textures, decal images, a background image and lighting to
the snowmobile hood. You will then render a final image of the


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Industrial Design With

Shape Studio


Add Visualization Techniques to the Snowmobile Hood

While working this section of the project, the student will

perform the following functions:

Add Materials and Textures

Add decal images to the hood

Add a background image

Add lighting

Render the final image



Industrial Design With

Shape Studio

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Unigraphics NX

Add Visualization Techniques to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 13-1: Add Materials and Textures

In this activity, you will use Materials/Textures to add materials
and textures to the snowmobile hood.
Step 1 Retrieve the part file XXX_Snowmobile_1.prt and start
the Shape Studio application. If desired, you may retrieve
the part file Snowmobile_phase9.prt instead.
Step 2 Only the snowmobile hood and windscreen should be
visible. Use the Materials/Textures feature to experiment
with application of different materials and textures to the
snowmobile hood and windscreen. Remember to also
experiment with the General Edit features, available at
the bottom of the dialog.


TIP After experimenting for a while, you may want to set the
hood surface Material to Plastic-Green. For the
windscreen, you can try setting the Material to
Glass-Plexiglass and the Texture to Solid Grid or

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Industrial Design With

Shape Studio


Add Visualization Techniques to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 13-2: Add Decal Images

In this activity, you will use Materials/Textures to add decals to
the snowmobile hood.
Step 1 Use the Materials/Textures feature to add decal images to
the snowmobile hood surfaces.
Some useful decal images may be found in the Images
folder, among them:



Industrial Design With

Shape Studio

Remember to use Texture Space to alter the scale,

position and orientation of the decal images, once they
are applied.

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Unigraphics NX

Add Visualization Techniques to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 13-3: Add a Background Image

In this activity, you will use the Visual Effects feature to add a
background image.
Step 1 Use the Visual Effects feature to specify a background
image of your choice from the Images part folder.

The image called SNOWY2.tif works well as a

background for the snowmobile, but feel free to exercise
your creativity and select any of the Tiff images that
appeal to you.


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Industrial Design With

Shape Studio


Add Visualization Techniques to the Snowmobile Hood

Activity 13-4: Add Lighting

In this activity, you will use the Lighting feature to assign
lighting to the product image.
Step 1 Use the Lighting feature to experiment with adding
different types of lights and varying the color and
intensity of assigned lights. When you are satisfied with
the lighting, use the High Quality Image feature to render
the final image. Which render method should you use?
Why not try several different rendering methods and
observe the differences. Remember to toggle Generate
Shadows ON if shadows are desired.


Step 2 Save and close the part.


Industrial Design With

Shape Studio

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Unigraphics NX

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