International School of Asia and The Pacific

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International School of Asia and the Pacific 1

Subject: Criminal Procedure


prescribed by law for the apprehension and
prosecution of persons accused of any criminal
offense and for their punishment, in case of
conviction. It is concerned with the procedural steps
through which the criminal case passes,
commencing with the initial investigation of a crime
and concluding with the unconditional release of the
offender. It is a generic term used to describe the
network of laws and rules which govern the
procedural administration of criminal justice.
Sources of Criminal Procedure:
1. Spanish Law of Criminal Procedure
2. General Order No. 58, dated April 23 1900
3. Amendatory acts passed by the Philippine
4. The various quasi acts, the Philippine Bill of
1902, the Jones Law of 1916, the TydingsMcDuffie Law, and the Constitution of the
5. The Rule of Court of 1940, and the 1964,
1985, and 1988 Rules on Criminal Procedure
6. Various Republic Acts (RA 240, Judiciary Act,
RA 8249 creating the Sandiganbayan, Speedy
Trial Act)
7. Presidential Decrees
8. 1987 Constitution, particularly Art. III Bill of
9. Civil Code (Art. 32, 33, 34)
10. Certain judicial decisions
11. RA 8393 The Speedy Trial Act
12. Circulars
13. The Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure
(Dec 1, 2000)
Three (3) Systems of Criminal Procedure:
1. Inquisitorial the detection and prosecution
of offenders are not left to the initiative of
private parties but to the officials and agents of
the law.
2. Accusatorial The accusation is exercised by
every citizen or by a member of the group to
which the injured party belongs. As the action
is a combat between the parties, the supposed
offender has the right to be confronted by his
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3. Mixed This is a combination of the

inquisitorial and accusatorial systems. The
examination of defendants and other persons
before the filing of the complaint or
information is inquisitorial.
The judicial set-up in the Philippines is
accusatorial or adversary in nature.
contemplates two contending parties before the
court, which hears them impartially and renders
judgment only after trial.
How are the rules of criminal procedure
The rules of criminal procedure shall be
liberally construed in favor of the accused and
strictly against the state to even the odds in favor of
the accused against whom the entire machinery of
the state is mobilized.
Jurisdiction (in general) is the power or authority
given by the law to a court or tribunal to hear and
determine certain controversies. It is the power of
courts to hear and determine a controversy involving
rights which are demandable and enforceable.
Distinguish jurisdiction from venue.
Venue is defined as the particular country or
geographical area in which a court with jurisdiction
may hear and determine a case. It means the place
of trial. On the other hand
Jurisdiction is the power of the court to decide the
case on the merits. Venue is thus procedural, while
jurisdiction is substantive. In civil cases, venue may
be waived or stipulated by the parties. On the other
hand, jurisdiction is granted by law or the
Constitution and cannot be waived or stipulated.
Criminal jurisdiction is the authority to hear and
try a particular offense and impose the punishment
for it.


International School of Asia and the Pacific 2

Subject: Criminal Procedure

What are the requisites for a valid exercise of

criminal jurisdiction?
1. Jurisdiction over the person
2. Jurisdiction over the territory
3. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
What is adherence of jurisdiction?
The principle of Adherence of Jurisdiction
means that once jurisdiction is vested in the court, it
is retained up to the end of the litigation. It remains
with the court until the case is finally terminated.
The exception to this is where a subsequent statute
changing the jurisdiction of a court is given
retroactive effect, it can divest a court of jurisdiction
over cases already pending before it before the
effectivity of the statute.
What is the jurisdiction of Municipal Trial
Courts in criminal cases?
1. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all
violations of city or municipal ordinances
committed within their respective territorial
2. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all
offenses punishable with imprisonment
not exceeding 6 years regardless of the fine
and other accessory penalties and civil
3. Offenses involving damage to property
through criminal negligence
4. Where the only penalty provided by law is a
fine: exclusive original jurisdiction over
offenses punishable with a fine not
exceeding P4,000
5. Election offenses: Failure to register or
failure to vote
6. Special Jurisdiction to hear and decide
petitions for a writ of habeas corpus or
application for bail in the province or city
where the RTC judge is absent
7. BP 22 (?)
What is the jurisdiction of Regional Trial Courts
in criminal cases?
1. Exclusive original jurisdiction in all criminal
cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of
any court, tribunal or body, except those
falling under the exclusive and concurrent
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan. All
criminal cases where the penalty is higher
than 6 years, including government-related
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cases wherein the accused is not one of

those falling under the jurisdiction of the
2. Other laws which specifically lodge
jurisdiction in the RTC:
a. Law on written defamation or libel
b. Decree on Intellectual Property
c. Dangerous Drugs Cases except
where the offenders are under 16
and there are Juvenile and Domestic
Relations Courts in the province
3. Appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided
by MTCs in their respective territorial
4. In areas where there are no family courts,
the cases falling under the jurisdiction of
family courts shall be adjudicated by the
What is the meaning of the term regular
Regular courts refer to civil courts as
opposed to military courts or courts martial.
Military courts have no jurisdiction over civilians.
Which court has jurisdiction over a complex
Jurisdiction over the whole complex crime is
lodged with the trial court having jurisdiction to
impose the maximum and more serious penalty on
an offense forming part of the complex crime.
What is territorial jurisdiction?
The requirement of territorial jurisdiction
means that a criminal action should be filed in the
place where the crime was committed, except in
those cases provided by Article 2 of the Revised
Penal Code.
How is jurisdiction over the person of the accused
Jurisdiction over the person of the accused is
acquired upon his arrest or upon his voluntary
appearance or submission to the court.
How are criminal actions instituted? Criminal
actions shall be instituted as follows:

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Subject: Criminal Procedure

a) For offenses where a preliminary

investigation is required, by filing the
complaint with the proper officer for the
purpose of conducting the requisite
preliminary investigation.
b) For all other offenses, by filing the
complaint or information directly with the
MTC or the complaint with the office of the
What is the effect of the institution of the
criminal action on the period of prescription of
the offense?
The institution of the criminal action shall
interrupt the running of the period of prescription of
the offense unless otherwise provided in special
laws. The rule does not apply to violations of
municipal ordinances and special laws.
prescriptive periods for violations of special laws are
interrupted only by the institution of judicial
proceedings for their investigation and punishment,
while violations of municipal ordinances prescribe
after two months.
Distinguish institution from commencement
of an action.
For offenses which require a preliminary
investigation, the criminal action is instituted by
filing the complaint for preliminary investigation.
The criminal action is commenced when the
complaint or information is filed in court.
Can the offended party go directly to court to file
a criminal action?
No. Before a complaint is filed in court,
there should have been a confrontation between the
parties before the Lupon chairman. The Lupon
secretary must certify that no conciliation or
settlement was reached, attested to by the Lupon
chairman. The complaint may also be filed if the
settlement is repudiated by the parties.
Are there exceptions when the parties may go
directly to court?
1. Where the accused is under detention
2. Where a person has otherwise been deprived
of personal liberty calling for habeas corpus
3. Where actions are coupled with provisional
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4. Where the action may be barred by the

statute of limitations
When are amicable settlements not allowed?
1. Where one party is the government
2. Where one party is a public officer or
employee and the dispute relates to the
performance of his official functions
3. Offenses punishable by imprisonment
exceeding 1 year or a fine exceeding P5,000
4. Where there is no private offended party
5. Where the dispute involves real properties
located in different cities or municipalities
6. Disputes involving parties who reside in
different barangays, cities, or municipalities
7. Other cases which the President may
determine in the interest of justice or upon
the recommendation of the Secretary of
What is the form required for the complaint or
The complaint or information shall be in
writing, in the name of the People of the Philippines
and against all persons who appear to be responsible
for the offense involved.
Why should a complaint or information be in the
name of the People of the Philippines?
Criminal actions must be commenced in the
name of the People because just as a crime is an
outrage against the peace and security of the people
at large, so must its vindication be in the name of the
People. However, it the action is instituted in the
name of the offended party or of a particular city, the
defect is merely of form and may be cured at any
state of the trial.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is a sworn written statement
charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the
offended party, any peace officer, or other public
officer charged with the enforcement of the law
Who may file a complaint?
The complaint may be filed by the offended
party, any peace officer, or other public officer
charged with the enforcement of the law violated.

International School of Asia and the Pacific 4

Subject: Criminal Procedure

Who is the offended party?

The offended party is the person actually
injured or whose feeling is offended. He is the one
to whom the offender is also civilly liable under
Article 100 of the RPC.
If the offended party dies before he is able to file
a complaint, can his heirs file it in his behalf?
No. The right to file a criminal action is
personal and abates upon the death of the offended
party. It is not transmissible to the heirs.
Can you file a criminal complaint against a
juridical person?
No, a criminal action cannot lie against a
juridical person. It the corporation violates the law,
the officer, through whom the corporation acts,
answers criminally for his acts.
If the complaint is not sworn to by the offended
party, is it void?
No. A complaint presented by a private
person when not sworn to by him is not necessarily
void. The want of an oath is a mere defect of form
which does not affect the substantial rights of the
defendant on the merits.
What is an information?
An information is an accusation in writing
charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the
prosecutor and filed with the court.

information shall be prosecuted under the direction

and control of the prosecutor. However, in the
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial
Courts, if the prosecutor is not available, the
offended party, any peace officer, or other officer
charged with the enforcement of the law violated
may prosecute. This authority ceases upon actual
intervention by a prosecutor or upon elevation of the
case to the RTC.
To whom should you appeal the decision of the
The decision of the prosecutor may be
modified by the Secretary of Justice or in special
cases by the President of the Philippines.
What are the crimes that must be prosecuted
upon complaint of the offended party?
1. Adultery and concubinage
2. Seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness
3. Defamation which consists in the imputation
of an offense mentioned above
What is a private crime?
Private offenses are those which cannot be
prosecuted except upon complaint filed by the
aggrieved party. Strictly speaking, there is no such
thing as a private offense since all offenses are an
outrage against the State. They are denominated as
private offenses only to give deference to the
offended party who may prefer not to file the case
instead of going through the scandal of a public trial.

After a complaint for a private crime has been

filed in court, what is the effect of pardon by the
offended party?
The pardon by the offended party will not
INFORMATION effect on the prosecution of the offense.
Once abycomplaint
been filed in court, jurisdiction
May be signed by the offended party, any peace Always signed
over the offense will be acquired and will continue
officer, or other public officer charged with the
to be exercised by the court until termination of the
enforcement of the law violated
Sworn to by the person signing it
Need not case.
be under oath since the prosecuting officer
filing it is already acting under his oath of office
the the
May be filed either with the office of the Always filed
courtfile a complaint on behalf of his
daughter for concubinage?
prosecutor or with the court
The rule allowing the parents,
guardians to file a complaint on
Who must prosecute criminal actions?
applies only to the offenses of
The general rule is that all criminal actions
and acts of lasciviousness. A
commenced by the filing of a complaint or
What is the difference between a complaint and
an information?

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International School of Asia and the Pacific 5

Subject: Criminal Procedure

complaint for adultery or concubinage may be filed

only by the offended spouse.
If the offended party in abduction, seduction, and
acts of lasciviousness is of age, can her parents
file the complaint for her?
No. If the offended party is already of age,
she has the exclusive right to file the complaint
unless she becomes incapacitated. The parents,
grandparents, and guardian only have exclusive,
successive authority to file the case if the offended
party is still a minor.
What are the offenses in which the particular
place where the offense was committed is
1. Violation of domicile
2. Penalty on the keeper, watchman, visitor of
opium den
3. Trespass to dwelling
4. Violation of election law (prohibiting the
carrying of a deadly weapon within a 30meter radius of polling places)
What are the offenses in which the time of the
commission of the offense is essential?
1. Infanticide
2. Violation of Sunday Statutes (Election Law)
3. Abortion
If homicide or murder is committed with the use
of an unlicensed firearm, how many offenses are
There is only one offense murder or
homicide aggravated by the use of unlicensed
firearm. This is by special provision of RA 8294.
(Dissenting opinion of J. Sabio How can you
complex when one is an RPC offense/malum in se
and the other is a violation of a special law/malum
What is a continuing or transitory offense?
Transitory offenses are crimes where some
acts material and essential to the crimes and
requisite to their commission occur in one
municipality or territory and some in another.
Continuing offenses are consummated in one place,
yet by the nature of the offense, the violation of the
law is deemed continuing. Examples are estafa,
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abduction, malversation, libel, kidnapping, violation

of BP22.


What is the general rule?
The general rule is when a criminal action is
instituted, the civil action for the recovery of the
civil liability arising from the offense charged under
Article 100 of the RPC shall be deemed instituted
with the criminal action.
What are the exceptions?
The civil action is not deemed instituted in
following cases:
1. When the offended party has waived
civil action
2. When the offended party has reserved
right to institute it separately
3. When the offended party has instituted
civil action prior to the institution of
criminal action


What is the civil action that is deemed instituted

with the criminal action?
Only the civil action for the recovery of civil
liability arising from the offense under Article 100 of
the RPC, not the independent civil actions under
Article 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil Code.
What is the effect of an acquittal on the civil
The general rule is the civil action is not
necessarily extinguished by the acquittal of the
accused. Even if the accused is acquitted, the court
can still award civil liability in the following cases:
1. When the acquittal is based on reasonable
2. When there is a declaration in the decision
that the liability of the accused is only civil
3. When the civil liability is not derived from
or based on the criminal act of which the
accused is acquitted.
However, if the decision contains a finding that
the act from which the civil liability may arise does
not exist, the civil liability is extinguished.
What is the effect of the death of the accused on
the criminal and civil actions?

International School of Asia and the Pacific 6

Subject: Criminal Procedure

If the accused dies after arraignment and

during the pendency of the criminal action, both the
criminal and civil liability arising from the crime
shall be extinguished. However, the independent
civil actions may be filed against the estate of the
accused after proper substitution, and the heirs of the
accused may also be substituted for the deceased.
If the accused dies before arraignment, the
case shall be dismissed, without prejudice to any
civil action that the offended party may file against
the estate of the deceased.
When the defendant is absolved of civil
liability in a civil action, can a criminal action
still be filed against him?
Yes. While every person criminally liable is
also civilly liable, the converse is not true.
Therefore, even if the defendant is absolved of civil
liability in a civil action, a criminal action can still
be filed against him. Besides, the state is a party in a
criminal action, while only the private offended
party is a party in the civil action. Moreover, the
quantum of evidence in the civil action is only
preponderance of evidence, while that required in
the criminal action is proof beyond reasonable
What is a prejudicial question?
A prejudicial question is one based on a fact
separate and distinct from the crime but is so
intimately related to it that it determines the guilt or
innocence of the accused.
What are the elements of a prejudicial question?
1. The previously filed civil action involves an
issue which is similar or is intimately related
with an issue raised in the subsequent
criminal action
2. The resolution of the issue will determine
whether or not the criminal action may
What is preliminary investigation?
Preliminary investigation is an inquiry or
proceeding to determine whether there is sufficient
ground to engender a well-founded belief that a
crime has been committed and the respondent is
probably guilty thereof, and should be held for trial.
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When is it required?
Before a complaint or information is filed,
preliminary investigation is required for all offenses
punishable by imprisonment of at least 4 years, 2
months, and 1 day, regardless of the fine, except if
the accused was arrested by virtue of a lawful arrest
without warrant. In such a case, the complaint or
information may be filed without a preliminary
investigation unless the accused asks for a
preliminary investigation and waives his rights
under Article 125 of the RPC.

Who may conduct a preliminary investigation?

1. Provincial or city prosecutors and their
2. National and Regional State Presecutors
3. Comelec with respect to election offenses
4. Ombudsman with respect to Sandiganbayan
offenses and other offenses committed by
public officers
5. PCGG with respect to ill-gotten wealth cases
Can RTC judges conduct a preliminary
No. Although this should not be confused
with the authority of the RTC to conduct an
examination for the purpose of determining probable
cause when issuing a warrant of arrest.
What is probable cause?
Probable cause is the existence of such facts
and circumstances as would excite the belief in a
reasonable mind, acting on the facts within the
knowledge of the prosecutor, that the person charged
was guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted.
Is the presence of counsel in the preliminary
investigation mandatory?
No. Preliminary investigation is a summary
proceeding and is merely inquisitorial in nature. The
accused cannot yet invoke the full exercise of his
If there was no preliminary investigation
conducted, what is the remedy of the accused?
1. Refuse to enter plea
2. Insist on a preliminary investigation
3. File certiorari if refused
4. Raise it as an error on appeal

International School of Asia and the Pacific 7

Subject: Criminal Procedure

5. File a petition for prohibition

What are the remedies of a party against whom a
warrant of arrest has been issued?
1. post bail
2. ask for reinvestigation
3. petition for review
4. motion to quash the information
5. if denied, appeal the judgment after trial
What is the difference between preliminary
investigation conducted by the prosecutor and
one conducted by the judge?
The prosecutor is not bound by the
designation of the offense in the complaint. After
preliminary investigation, he may file any case as
warranted by the facts. The judge cannot change the
charge in the complaint but must make a finding on
whether or not the crime charged has been
What is a warrant of arrest?
A warrant of arrest is a legal process issued
by competent authority, directing the arrest of a
person or persons upon grounds stated therein.
When may a warrant of arrest be issued?
By the RTC
1. Within 10 days from the filing of the
complaint or information, the judge shall
personally evaluate the resolution of the
prosecutor and its supporting evidence.
2. He may immediately dismiss the case if the
evidence fails to establish probable cause.
3. If he finds probable cause, he shall issue a
warrant of arrest or a commitment order if the
accused has already been arrested by virtue of
a warrant issued by the MTC judge who
conducted the preliminary investigation or if
he was arrested by virtue of a lawful arrest
without warrant.
4. In case of doubt on the existence of probable
cause, the judge may order the prosecutor to
present additional evidence within 5 days from
notice and the issue must be resolved within
30 days from the filing of the complaint or
By the MTC
1. If the preliminary investigation was
conducted by a prosecutor, same procedure
as above
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2. If the preliminary investigation was

conducted by the MTC judge and his
findings are affirmed by the prosecutor, and
the corresponding information is filed, he
shall issue a warrant of arrest.
3. However, without waiting for the conclusion
of the investigation, he may issue a warrant
of arrest if he finds after:
a. an examination in writing and under
oath of the complainant and his
b. in the form of searching questions and
answers that probable cause exists AND
that there is a necessity of placing the
accused under immediate custody in
order not to frustrate the ends of justice.
When is a warrant of arrest not necessary?
1. When the accused is already under detention
issued by the MTC
2. When the accused was arrested by virtue of
a lawful arrest without warrant
3. When the penalty is a fine only
Are John Doe warrants valid?
Generally, John Doe warrants are void
because they violate the constitutional provision that
requires that warrants of arrest should particularly
describe the person or persons to be arrested. But if
there is sufficient description to identify the person
to be arrested, then the warrant is valid.
What is an inquest?
An inquest is an informal and summary
investigation conducted by a public prosecutor in a
criminal case involving persons arrested and
detained without the benefit of a warrant of arrest
issued by the court for the purpose of determining
whether said persons should remain under custody
and correspondingly charged in court.
Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in
order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
How is an arrest made?
Arrest is made by an actual restraint of the
person to be arrested or by his submission to the
custody of the person making the arrest.

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Subject: Criminal Procedure

What is the duty of the arresting officer who

arrests a person?
He must deliver the person immediately to
the nearest jail or police station.
Within what period must a warrant of arrest
be served?
There is no time period. A warrant of arrest
is valid until the arrest is effected or until it is lifted.
The head of the office to whom the warrant was
delivered must cause it to be executed within 10
days from its receipt, and the officer to whom it is
assigned for execution must make a report to the
judge who issued it within 10 days from the
expiration of the period. If he fails to execute it, he
should state the reasons therefor.
When is an arrest without warrant lawful?
A peace officer or private person may arrest without
1. When in his presence, the person to be
arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is about to commit an
2. When an offense has just been committed,
and he has probable cause based on personal
knowledge of facts and circumstances that
the person to be arrested has committed it;
3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner
who has escaped from a penal establishment
or place where he is serving final judgment
or is temporarily confined while his case is
pending or has escaped while being
transferred from one confinement to another.
What if the officer merely peeks through the
window of the house and sees the drugs can he
confiscate them? Can he use them as evidence?
He can confiscate them, without prejudice to
his liability for violation of domicile. He cannot use
them as evidence because the seizure cannot be
justified under the plain view doctrine, there being
no previous valid intrusion.
When should an arrest be made? It can be made
on any day and at any time of the day and night.
Can an officer arrest a person against whom a
warrant has been issued even if he does not have
the warrant with him?
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Yes, but after the arrest, if the person

arrested requires, it must be shown to him as soon as
Bail is the security given for the release of a
person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a
bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any
court as required.
Forms of bail:
1. corporate surety
2. property bond
3. cash deposit
4. recognizance
Recognizance is an obligation of record, entered
into before a court or magistrate duly authorized to
take it, with the condition to do some particular act,
the most usual condition in criminal cases being the
appearance of the accused for trial.
When can the prosecution move for the
cancellation or denial of bail of the accused?
If the penalty imposed by the trial court is
imprisonment greater than 6 years, the prosecution
may move for denial or cancellation of the bail of
the accused, with notice to the accused, upon
showing of the following circumstances:
1. That he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist,
habitual delinquent, or committed the
offense with the aggravating circumstance
of reiteracion.
2. The he has previously escaped from legal
confinement, evaded sentence, or violated
the conditions of his bail without valid
3. That he committed the offense while on
probation, parole or conditional pardon
4. That the circumstances of his case indicate
the probability of flight if released on bail;
5. That there is undue risk that he may commit
another crime during the pendency of the
Capital Offense is an offense which, under the law
existing at the time of its commission and of the
application for admission to bail, may be punished
with death.

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Subject: Criminal Procedure


What are the rights of the accused in criminal
1. To be presumed innocent until the contrary
is proved beyond reasonable doubt;
2. To be informed of the nature and cause of
the accusation against him;
3. To be present and defend in person and by
counsel at every stage of the proceedings,
from arraignment to promulgation of
4. To testify as a witness in his own behalf but
subject to cross-examination on matters
covered by direct examination;
5. To be exempt from being compelled to be a
witness against himself;
6. To confront and cross-examine the witnesses
against him at the trial;
7. To have compulsory process issued to secure
the attendance of witnesses and production
of other evidence in his behalf;
8. To have a speedy, impartial, and public trial;
9. To appeal in all cases allowed and in the
manner prescribed by law.
What are the two aspects of the right to due
1. Substantive due process this refers to the
intrinsic validity of the law
2. Procedural due process one that hears
before it condemns, proceeds upon inquiry,
and renders judgment only after trial and
based on the evidence presented therein.
What is the meaning of the right of presumption
of innocence?
The right means that the presumption must
be overcome by evidence of guilt beyond reasonable
doubt. Guilt beyond reasonable doubt means that
there is moral certainty as to the guilt of the accused.
Conviction should be based on the strength of the
prosecution and not on the weakness of the defense.
The significance of this is that accusation is not
synonymous with guilt.
Reverse Trial Usually, the prosecution presents
its evidence to establish the guilt of the accused first.
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But a reverse trial happens if the accused admits the

killing but claims self-defense. He must first
establish the elements of self-defense in order to
overturn the presumption that he was guilty of the
What are the requisites of a valid trial in
1. The accused has already been arraigned;
2. He has been duly notified of the trial
3. His failure to appear at the trial is
Is there a difference between the right to counsel
during custodial investigation and the right to
counsel during the trial?
Yes. In custodial investigation, the right to
counsel can only be waived in writing AND with the
assistance of counsel. The counsel required in
custodial investigation is competent and independent
counsel, preferably of his own (the suspects) choice.
During the trial, the right to counsel means the right
to effective counsel. The requirement is stricter
during custodial investigation because a trial is done
in public, while custodial investigation is not. The
danger that confessions will be extracted against the
will of the defendant during custodial investigation
does not really exist during trial.
When can the accused defend himself in person?
The accused can defend himself in person
only if the court is convinced that he can properly
protect his rights even without the assistance of
What is the scope of the right against selfincrimination?
The right against self-incrimination covers
testimonial compulsion only and the compulsion to
produce incriminating documents, papers, and
chattels. It does not cover the compulsion to
produce real or physical evidence using the body of
the accused.

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Subject: Criminal Procedure

Is DNA testing covered by the right against selfincrimination? No (recent SC ruling).

Is there an exception to the right against selfincrimination?
The right cannot be invoked when the State
has the right to inspect documents under its police
power, such as documents of corporations.
What is the rationale for protecting the right
against self-incrimination?
There are two reasons:
1. For humanitarian reasons: To prevent the
State, with all its coercive powers, from
extracting testimony that may convict the
2. For practical reasons: The accused is likely
to commit perjury if he were compelled to
testify against himself.
Who may invoke the right against selfincrimination, and when can they invoke the
1. An ordinary witness may invoke the right,
but he may only do so as each incriminating
question is asked.
2. The accused himself may invoke the right,
and unlike the ordinary witness, he may
altogether refuse to take the witness stand
and refuse to answer any and all questions.
But, once the accused waives his right and
chooses to testify in his own behalf, he may be
cross-examined on matters covered in his direct
examination. He cannot refuse to answer questions
during cross-examination by claiming that the
answer that he will give could incriminate him for
the crime with which he was charged.
However, if the question during crossexamination relates to a crime different from that
with which he was charged, he can still invoke the
right and refuse to answer.

aries gallandez_12

What is the meaning of the right of

It means that the accused can only be tried
using those witnesses that meet him face to face at
the trial who give testimony in his presence, with the
opportunity to cross-examine them.
What is the right to compulsory process?
It is the right of the accused to have a
subpoena and/or a subpoena duces tecum issued in
his behalf in order to compel the attendance of
witnesses and the production of other evidence.
How should the trial be conducted? The trial
should be speedy, public, and impartial.
What is the meaning of the right to speedy trial?
The right means that the trial should be
conducted according to the law of criminal
procedure and the rules and regulations, free from
vexations, capricious, and oppressive delays.
What is the meaning of the right to a public trial?
It means that anyone interested in observing the
manner that a judge conducts the proceedings in his
courtroom may do so.
Is there an exception to the requirement of
Yes. The court may bar the public in certain
cases, such as when the evidence to be presented
may be offensive to decency or public morals, or in
rape cases, where the purpose of some persons in
attending is merely to ogle at the parties.
Is the right to appeal a fundamental right?
No. The right to appeal is a statutory right,
except in the case of the minimum appellate
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court granted by the
Constitution. Anyone who seeks to exercise the
right to appeal must comply with the requirements
of the rules.

International School of Asia and the Pacific 11

Subject: Criminal Procedure

Can the right to appeal be waived? Yes, it can be

waived expressly or impliedly.
Where should the accused be arraigned? The
accused must be arraigned before the court where
the complaint was filed or assigned for trial.
How is arraignment made?
Arraignment is made:
1. in open court
2. by the judge or clerk
3. by furnishing the accused with a copy of the
complaint or information
4. reading it in the language or dialect known
to him, and
5. asking him whether he pleads guilty or not

Can there be an arraignment without the

presence of the accused?
No. The accused must be present at the
arraignment and must personally enter his plea.
What is the effect of the refusal of the accused to
enter a plea?
If the accused refuses to plead or makes a
conditional plea, a plea of not guilty shall be entered
for him.
Can the lawyer of the accused enter a plea for
him? No. The accused must personally enter his
What is the importance of arraignment?
Arraignment is the means for bringing the
accused into court and informing him of the nature
and cause of the accusation against him. During
arraignment, he is made fully aware of possible loss
of freedom or life. He is informed why the
prosecuting arm of the State is mobilized against
aries gallandez_12

him. It is necessary in order to fix the identity of the

accused, to inform him of the charge, and to give
him an opportunity to plead.
When can the plea of guilty be considered a
mitigating circumstance?
It is mitigating if made before the
prosecution starts to present evidence.
When a defendant appears without an attorney
during arraignment, what should the court do?
The court has a four-fold duty:
1. It must inform the defendant that he has a
right to an attorney before being arraigned;
2. After informing him, the court must ask the
defendant if he desires to have the aid of an
3. If he desires and is unable to employ an
attorney, the court must assign an attorney
de officio to defend him;
4. If the accused desires to procure an attorney
of his own, the court must grant him a
reasonable time therefor.
What is the effect of the failure of the court to
comply with these duties? It is a violation of due
Counsel de oficio is counsel appointed by the
court to represent and defend the accused in case he
cannot afford to employ one himself.
Bill of particulars It is a more specific allegation.
A defendant in a criminal case who believes or feels
that he is not sufficiently informed of the crime with
which he is charged and not in a position to defend
himself properly and adequately could move for a
bill or particulars or specifications.


International School of Asia and the Pacific 12

Subject: Criminal Procedure

When can the accused file a motion to quash? At

any time before entering his plea, the accused may
move to quash the complaint or information.
What are the grounds that the accused may
invoke to quash a complaint or information?
1. That the facts charged do not constitute an
2. That the court trying the case has no
jurisdiction over the offense charged;
3. That the court trying the case has no
jurisdiction over the person of the accused;
4. That the officer who filed the information
had no authority to do so;
5. That it does not conform substantially to the
prescribed form;
6. That more than one offense is charged
except when a single punishment for various
offenses is prescribed by law (duplicitous);
7. That the criminal action or liability has been
8. That it contains averments which, if true,
would constitute a legal excuse or
9. That the accused has been previously
convicted or acquitted of the offense
charged, or the case against him was
dismissed or otherwise terminated without
his express consent. (double jeopardy)
What is the effect of the death of the offended
party on the criminal liability of the accused?
Where the offense charged in a criminal
complaint or information is one against the state,
involving peace and order, the death of the offended
party before final conviction of the defendant will
not abate the prosecution. Neither does the death of
the offended party in private crimes abate the
What is the effect of marriage of the offender
with the offended party in private crimes?

aries gallandez_12

It shall extinguish the criminal action or

remit the penalty already imposed. This applies
even to co-principals, accomplices, and accessories.
However, where multiple rape is committed,
marriage of the offended party with one defendant
extinguishes the latters liability and that of his
accessories or accomplices for a single crime of rape
cannot extend to the other acts of rape.
If the offender in rape is the legal husband of the
offended party, how can the husbands criminal
liability be extinguished?
The subsequent forgiveness by the wife shall
extinguish the criminal action or the penalty. But the
penalty shall not be abated if the marriage is void ab
What are the prescriptive periods of crimes?
Punishable by death, reclusion perpetua, or
reclusion temporal
Punishable by other afflictive penalties
Punishable by arresto mayor
Libel or other similar offenses
Oral defamation and slander by deed
Light offenses

20 years
10 years
5 years
2 years
6 months
2 months

Can the accused still raise prescription as a

defense even after conviction? Can the defense of
prescription be waived?
The accused can still raise prescription as a
defense even after conviction. The defense cannot
be waived. This is because the criminal action is
totally extinguished by the expiration of the
prescriptive period. The State thereby loses or
waives its right to prosecute and punish it.
What are the two kinds of jeopardy?
1. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy for
the same offense.
2. When an act is punished by a law and an
ordinance, conviction or acquittal under

International School of Asia and the Pacific 13

Subject: Criminal Procedure

either shall constitute a bar to another

prosecution for the same act.
What are the requisites for a valid substitution of
a complaint or information?
1. No judgment has been rendered;
2. The accused cannot be convicted of the
offense charged or any other offense
necessarily included in the offense charged;
3. The accused will not be placed in double
Distinguish between dismissal and acquittal.
Acquittal is always based on the merits.
The accused is acquitted because the evidence does
not show his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Dismissal does not decide the case on the merits, nor
does it determine that the accused is not guilty.
Dismissals terminate the proceedings, either because
the court is not a court of competent jurisdiction or
the evidence does not show that the offense was
committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the
court, or the complaint or information is not valid or
sufficient in form and substance.
When is pre-trial required? Pre-trial is mandatory
in all criminal cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan, RTC, MTCs and Municipal Circuit
Trial Courts.
When should it be conducted? After arraignment
and within 30 days from the date the court acquires
jurisdiction over the person of the accused.
What happens during pre-trial?
The following things are considered:
1. plea bargaining
2. stipulation of facts
3. marking for identification of evidence of the

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4. waiver of objections to admissibility of

5. modification of the order of trial if the
accused admits the charge but interposes a
lawful defense
6. other matters that will promote a fair and
expeditious trial of the criminal and civil
aspects of the case
PRE-TRIAL ORDER It is an order issued by the
court after the pre-trial conference containing:
1. a recital of the actions taken,
2. the facts stipulated, and
3. the evidence marked.
Plea Bargaining It is the disposition of criminal
charges by agreement between the prosecution and
the accused. It is encouraged because it leads to
prompt and final disposition of most criminal cases.
It shortens the time between charge and disposition
and enhances whatever may be the rehabilitative
prospects of the guilty when they are ultimately
When is plea bargaining not allowed?
It is not allowed under the Dangerous Drugs
Act where the imposable penalty is reclusion
perpetua to death.


How much time does the accused have to prepare
for trial?
After he enters his plea of not guilty, the
accused shall have at least 15 days to prepare for
trial. The trial shall commence within 30 days from
receipt of the pre-trial order.


International School of Asia and the Pacific 14

Subject: Criminal Procedure

How long should the trial last? The entire trial

period should not exceed 180 days from the first day
of trial, except if authorized by the Supreme Court.
What is the order of trial?
The trial proceeds in the following order:
1. The prosecution shall present evidence to
prove the charge and civil liability, if proper.
2. the accused may present evidence to prove
his defense and damages, if any, arising
from the issuance of a provisional remedy in
the case.
3. The prosecution and the defense may, in that
order, present rebuttal and sur-rebuttal
evidence, unless the court, in furtherance of
justice, permits them to present additional
evidence bearing upon the main issue.
4. Upon admission of the evidence of the
parties, the case shall be deemed submitted
for decision unless the court directs them to
argue orally or to submit written
However, when the accused admits the act
or omission charged in the complaint or information,
but interposes a lawful defense, there will be a
reverse trial.
Distinguish between a negative defense and an
affirmative defense.
A negative defense requires the prosecution
to prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable
doubt. In a negative defense, the accused claims that
one of the elements of the offense charged is not
present. On the other hand, in an affirmative
defense, the accused admits the act or omission
charged, but interposes a defense, which if proven,
would exculpate him.
State Witness is one of two or more persons
jointly charged with the commission of a crime but
who is discharged with his consent as such accused
so that he may be a witness for the State.
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When should the application for discharge of the

state witness be made? It should be made upon
motion of the prosecution before resting its case.
What are the requisites in order for a person to
be discharged as a state witness?
1. There is absolute necessity for the testimony
of the accused whose discharge is requested;
2. There is no direct evidence available for the
proper prosecution of the offense
committed, except the testimony of the said
3. The testimony of said accused can be
substantially corroborated in its material
4. Said accused does not appear to be the most
5. Said accused has not at any time been
convicted of any offense involving moral
Demurrer to Evidence It is a motion to dismiss
the case filed by the defense after the prosecution
rests on the ground of insufficiency of the evidence
of the prosecution.
What is the effect of filing the demurrer to
evidence with leave of court?
If the court grants it, the case is dismissed. If
the court denies the demurrer to evidence filed with
leave of court, the accused may still adduce
evidence in his defense.
What is the effect of filing the demurrer to
evidence without leave of court?
If the court denies the demurrer to evidence
without leave of court, the accused is deemed to
have waived his right to present evidence and
submits the case for judgment on the basis of the
evidence of the prosecution. This is because
demurrer to evidence is not a matter of right but is
discretionary on the court. You have to ask for its

International School of Asia and the Pacific 15

Subject: Criminal Procedure

permission before filing it, or else you lose certain

Judgment is the adjudication by the court that the
accused is guilty or not guilty of the offense charged
and the imposition on him of the proper penalty and
civil liability, if any.
Form required for the judgment:
The judgment must:
1. be written in the official language,
2. personally and directly prepared by the
3. signed by him, and
should contain clearly and distinctly a
statement of the facts and law upon which it
is based.
Is an erroneous judgment valid? Yes. Error in
judgment will not invalidate a decision, so long as it
conforms with the requirements of the law.
Nominal damages are awarded in recognition of a
violation of a right of the plaintiff when no actual
damage was done to him.
What is the civil liability of one who is guilty of
illegal possession of firearms? None.
How is the judgment promulgated?
The judgment is promulgated by reading it
in its entirety in the presence of the accused by any
judge of the court in which it was rendered. When
the judge is absent or outside the province or city,
the judgment may be promulgated by the clerk of
Can there be promulgation of judgment in the
absence of the accused?
Judgment must be promulgated in the
presence of the accused. But if the conviction is for
a light offense, judgment may be promulgated in the
presence of his counsel or representative. Also, if
aries gallandez_12

the accused fails to attend the promulgation, even if

he was notified thereof, or if he jumped bail or
escaped from prison, judgment may be validly
promulgated in absentia.
What is the purpose of a new trial? It is to temper
the severity of a judgment or prevent the failure of
What are the grounds for a new trial?
1. That errors of law or irregularities
prejudicial to the substantial rights of the
accused have been committed during the
trial (errors of law or irregularities);
2. That new and material evidence has been
discovered which the accused could not with
reasonable diligence have discovered and
produced at the trial and which if introduced
and admitted would probably change the
judgment (newly discovered evidence).
3. If the case is being heard by the CA or SC, it
may determine other grounds in the exercise
of its discretion.
What are the grounds for reconsideration? Errors
of law or fact in the judgment.
What are the requisites for granting a new trial
on the ground of newly discovered evidence?
1. The evidence must have been discovered
after trial;
2. Such evidence could not have been
discovered and produced at the trial even
with the exercise of reasonable diligence;
3. The evidence is material, not merely
cumulative, corroborative, or impeaching;
4. The evidence must go to the merits, such
that it would produce a different result if


International School of Asia and the Pacific 16

Subject: Criminal Procedure

Distinguish between a recantation and an

affidavit or desistance.
In a recantation, a witness who previously
gave a testimony subsequently declares that his
statements were not true. In an affidavit of
desistance, the complainant states that he did not
really intend to institute the case and that he is no
longer interested in testifying or prosecuting. It is a
ground for dismissing the case only if the
prosecution can no longer prove the guilt of the
accused beyond reasonable doubt without the
testimony of the offended party.
Is appeal a part of due process?
Appeal is not a part of due process except
when provided by law. If the right to appeal is
granted by law, it is statutory and must be exercised
in accordance with the procedure laid down by law.
It is compellable by mandamus.




RTC in the exercise of

its original jurisdiction


RTC in the exercise of



penalty imposed is
reclusion perpetua or
life imprisonment, OR
where a lesser penalty
offenses committed on
the same occasion or
which arose out of the
same occurrence that
gave rise to the
offense punishable by
RTC imposing the Automatic
death penalty
review by the
All other appeals, Petition
except the two cases review
certiorari under
Rule 45
certiorari under
Rule 45

Where should the appeal be filed?

1. If the case was decided by the MTCs, the
appeal should be filed with the RTC.
2. If the case was decided by the RTC, the
appeal should be filed with the CA or the SC
in proper cases provided by law.
3. If the case was decided by the CA, the
appeal should be filed with the SC.
Can the prosecution appeal a judgment of
No. A judgment of acquittal becomes final
immediately after promulgation. It cannot even be
the subject of certiorari. The reason for this rule is
that an appeal would place the accused in double
jeopardy. However, the offended party may appeal
the civil aspect of the case.



How is appeal taken?

aries gallandez_12

File a notice of
appeal with the
MTC and serve
a copy of the
notice to the
adverse party
File a notice of
appeal with the
RTC and serve
a copy of the
notice to the
adverse party
File a petition
for review with
the CA under
Rule 42
File a notice of
appeal with the
RTC and serve
a copy of the
notice to the
adverse party


International School of Asia and the Pacific 17

Subject: Criminal Procedure

Personal property, which is:

1. subject of the offense,
2. stolen or embezzled and other proceeds or
fruits of the offense, or
3. used or intended to be used as the means of
committing an offense.

Within what period must appeal be perfected?

An appeal must be perfected within 15 days
from promulgation of the judgment or from notice of
the final order appealed from.
What is the effect of the perfection of an appeal?
When an appeal has been perfected, the court a quo
loses jurisdiction.
Is counsel de oficio still required to represent his
client on appeal? Yes. The duty of counsel de
oficio does not terminate upon judgment if the case.
It continues until appeal.


Search Warrant It is an order in writing issued in
the name of the People of the Philippines, signed by
a judge and directed to a peace officer, commanding
him to search for personal property described therein
and bring it before the court.
Distinguish between a search warrant and a
warrant of arrest.

Scatter Shot Warrant It is a warrant of arrest

that is issued for more than one offense. It is void,
since the law requires that a warrant of arrest should
only be issued in connection with one specific
Can the police officer seize anything that is not
included in the warrant?
No. Anything not included in the warrant
cannot be seized EXCEPT if it is mala prohibita, in
which case, the seizure can be justified under the
plain view doctrine. Even if the object was related to
the crime, but it is not mentioned in the warrant nor
is it mala prohibita, it still cannot be seized.
For how long is the search warrant valid? It is
valid for 10 days, after which the peace officer
should make a return to the judge who issued it. If
the peace officer does not make a return, the judge
should summon him and require him to explain why
no return was made. If the return was made, the
judge should determine if the peace officer issued a
receipt to the occupant of the premises from which
the things were taken. The judge shall also order the
delivery to the court of the things seized.

What may be the subject of a search warrant?

aries gallandez_12


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