Inhibitions and Difficulties Melanie Klein

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The passage discusses some of the psychological difficulties that can arise during puberty in boys, including issues with self-esteem, ambition and relationships with parents and teachers.

The text mentions that puberty involves overwhelming sexuality, feeling at the mercy of desires and impulses that can't be met, and bearing a heavy psychological burden from the sexual and physical changes occurring.

Melanie Klein describes that the boundary between 'healthy' and 'sick', and 'normal' and 'abnormal' is fluid and that the difference is quantitative rather than a clear distinction. Repression of instincts from a young age can lead to mental health issues emerging later.

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Inhibitions and Difficulties Puberty Melanie Klein

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Melanie Klein " "Inhibitions and difficulties in puberty" 1 Melanie Klein Library
Inhibitions and difficulties at puberty (1922) It is well known that upon entering
puberty children have very psychological and often remarkable changes in their
personality difficulties. My reflections, this paper will focus on the problems of
the men leaving for another occasion the problems of development in the girls.
The difficulties of men can properly be attributed to the lack of
necessary equipment to handle psychological maturity sexual and
physical changes involved. Overwhelmed by their sexuality, is feel at the
mercy of their desires and impulses that can not meet. Should bear a heavy
psychological burden. But this explanation is insufficient for a complete
understanding of the concerns and problems deep and varied that we are in this
age. Some men who have a reliable character and become glad of
Suddenly, or gradually, challenging, mysterious rebel in home or at
school and remain immune to both the tenderness and the severity.
Some lose the ambition and the pleasure of learning and school failures
are of concern, as well as other concerned for their unhealthy
application access. Experienced teachers They know that after both
behaviors, there is a shaky self-esteem or damaged. Puberty highlights a
number of conflicts of varied intensity, many of which already exist and therefore
dimly They remained hidden; They can now appear in even extreme form
reaching manifestations such as suicide or criminal acts. if also parents and
teachers are not able to respond to increased demands of this period, the
damage suffered by the pubescent be even higher. Many parents are permissive
with their children when they They are that they need to set limits or fail by not
encouraging when they are seeking their support. Very often certain teachers,
who only take on the success in exams, they neglect to investigate the causes of
the failures and lack of understanding over the effort they mean.
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Melanie Klein " "Inhibitions and difficulties in puberty" 2 There is no doubt that
caring adults facilitate the child's progress, but it is also a mistake to
overestimate the effects of environment on resolution of difficulties. All efforts
of parents more love and understanding can fail due to ignorance of
what is what torments the child; Similarly, teachers more experienced
and business will be confused if they do not know what underlies the
problems of adolescents. Therefore, it is urgent to investigate beyond events
physical and mental obvious in areas that are unknown for both adult and child
itself; in other words, they must discover the unconscious causes through the
invaluable help of psychoanalysis, which both have been taught about it. . That
is how children appeared healthy or at most little nervous may suffer after

serious losses in terms of certain requirements. In such cases it gets revealed

that the boundary between "healthy" and "sick", "normal" and "Abnormal" has
never been clearly defined. This fluidity of boundaries is a General constitutes
one of the most important discoveries Freud, who stated that the difference
between "normal" and "abnormal" is and not only quantitative structure
empirical finding constantly confirmed in our work. As a result of our long
cultural development, we are gifted from birth of the ability to suppress
instincts, desires and imagery, ie radiarlos of consciousness and sink in
our unconscious. There remain alive and active, with all its potential cause, if
repression fails, a wide variety of diseases. The forces of repression act mainly on
the more prohibited instincts, especially sexual. "Sexuality" should be
understood in its broadest sense, as defined the psychoanalysis. Freud's theory
teaches us that sexuality is active from the beginning of life, seeking pleasure in
its infancy
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Melanie Klein " "Inhibitions and difficulties in puberty" 3 by the "component
instincts", without being at the service of procreation and in adults. Child sexual
desires and fantasies are associated with objects closest and
significant, ie, parents, especially the opposite sex. Every normal child
will experience a passionate love for her mother and declare his desire
to marry her, at least once between three and five years old. If you have
a sister, she will soon replace mother and desired object (1). These
statements, which nobody takes seriously, show desires and passions
that although unconscious, are of great importance for its
development. his incestuous nature evokes a severe social constraint,
since their realization cause regression and cultural dissolution.
Therefore, They are intended to be repressed in the unconscious and
form the complex Oedipus, Freud called the nuclear complex of
neuroses. The mythology and poetry (2) demonstrate the universality of the
desires led Oedipus killing his father and committing incest with his mother,
psychoanalysis, both sick and healthy, reveals that there in the fantasy life of all.
The instinctive stormy current that arises at puberty increases adolescent
difficulties with its complex and then this can falter. The battle between the
desires and fantasies that try to be admitted to the conscience and I repressive
forces exhaust their forces. Failure I can cause problems and inhibitions of all
kinds and even diseases. Under favorable circumstances, fighting forces achieve
a some balance. The final outcome will determine for ever the characteristics of
his sexual life, being therefore crucial for future development, especially if we
consider that the task to be accomplished during puberty it is inconsistent
organize partial instincts child toward procreative functions. Pari passu the child
should be separated internally incestuous ties that bind him to his
mother, although they They form the basis of the model of your future
love. It is also necessary degree of external separation of attachment to the
parents, become an active, vigorous and independent man. No wonder then that
the individual at puberty must perform onerous task given by his psychosexual

development may suffer more or less durable inhibitions. Many experienced

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Melanie Klein " "Inhibitions and difficulties in puberty" 4 I am informed that
difficult children, they mature and become good, kind and workers seem to suffer
from a decline in its vitality, curiosity and previous responsiveness. What can
parents and teachers to help children in their fight? The fact understand the
reasons for their problems has itself same a favorable effect on the treatment.
The pain and irritation logically caused by their defiant attitudes, indifference
and bad behavior will be more tolerable. Teachers recognize the transfer to them
the child's oedipal rivalry with her father. In the analysis of pubescent boys can
observe how often teachers become objects of excessive love and admiration
and hatred and unconscious aggression. The remorse and guilt that cause them
these past feelings are also part of the relationship with the teacher. The
darkness and confusion of their emotions can cause the child a disgust that
sometimes reaches martyrdom for the school and all that is learning. The
kindness and understanding teacher can help, and unalterable confidence it can
strengthen self-esteem and moderate their guilt. A favorable situation in these
circumstances occurs when both Parents and teachers have been able to achieve
a climate of freedom talk about sexual problems as long as the child wants. The
ominous warnings about sexual issues, especially masturbation, universal
practice during puberty naturally be be avoided. It is much greater damage they
cause any conceivable benefit. Lily Braun, in his wonderful book Memoirs of a
socialist, describes how she tried during her pregnancy to create a friendly
relationship with teenage children to sexually clarification. His attempts were
mockingly rejected, and that you may be lucky enough to run the most gifted
attempts at sexual education. The rejection or reservation can be
insurmountable. Opportunities to educate children early they will never occur,
but if you try, you can alleviate and even do away with many difficulties. Having
exhausted these resources alone can parents and teachers, so you must then
look more effective assistance. This will be in psychoanalysis, the aid will seek
the cause problems and remove their unhealthy consequences. The technique
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Melanie Klein " "Inhibitions and difficulties in puberty" 5 psychoanalytic, honed
through the years, to discover the causes, make them aware and help strike a
balance between the demands conscious and unconscious. My work with children
has convinced me that psychoanalysis of children and teen, properly conducted,
is nothing more dangerous for a child to an adult. The widespread concern that
the psychoanalysis reduces the spontaneity of children is refuted by the practice.
On the contrary, many children have regained their joy, loss in the pit of their
conflicts through analysis. Even at an age too Early analysis does not cause
damage or turns children into beings asocial and uncivilized, but, conversely, to
free them from their inhibitions, allows full use of all resources and emotional
intellectuals in the service of their cultural and social development. Notes (1)

Meta Schoepp in his book My book and I (Berlin, Conkordia, Deutsch

Verlaganstalt, 1910; Mein Junge und Ich) has given us a beautiful example of the
romance of a child with his mother and his jealousy of the father. A similar theme
appears in The Book of my little brother to Geiretam (Berlin, Fischer Verlag, Das
Buch vom Buederchen). (2) suffices when some quotes from a wealth of
illustrative material: "If the little savage were left to their impulses and could
integrate the strength of his passion thirty unreason with childhood, her father
would kill her mother and dishonor "(Diderot's nephew Rameau). "I called the
doors of his heart swelled: decrees that chastity should reject the wishes of the
Nature, be the rival of his father, being the loving mother "(Lessing: Graugir)
Eckerman considered in Conversations with Goethe, 1827, only the love of a girl
by his brother You can be pure and asexual. "I think, Goethe said, that the love of
two sisters is even more pure and chaste. For we know they may have been
countless instances of sibling sensual inclinations and sisters who may have
been aware or unknown to both. " "Beloved ... how call you?'d Need a word that
includes the meaning of friend, sister, Adored, Bride and Wife "(Letter to the
Countess Auguste zu Stolberg, 26.01.1775). These quotations are taken from the
book of Otto Rank, Das Inzestmotiv in Dichtung und Sage, and Liepzig Vienna,
Deutike, 1912. It comprehensively addresses the influence of the Oedipus
complex in mythology and poetry.

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