Coolpack Manual

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Notes on compression refrigeration

Coopack ...............................................................................................................................................2
Notes on compression refrigeration .....................................................................................................3
Suction Gas Heat Exchangers SGHX ..............................................................................................4
Compressor ......................................................................................................................................5
Heat exchangers (condenser and evaporator) ..................................................................................7
Expansion valve ...............................................................................................................................9
Cycle efficiency .............................................................................................................................11
Appendix, and useful stuffs ...............................................................................................................12
Energy and power ..........................................................................................................................12
Did you know that? ....................................................................................................................12
Tips and figures..............................................................................................................................13

Coolpack is a software for refrigeration design developed by the Technical University of Denmark
DTU. It is available as a free download at:
The software is quite complex and includes a number of sub-routines. The most important tools are
those dealing with:

Refrigerant properties:

Cycle analysis:
Refrigerant properties contains some tools useful for diagrams and cycle drawing, marked as 1,2,3
in the following Figure. Saturation table 4 returns the saturation properties, i.e. the values along
the saturation curve. Note that inside the saturation curve each pressure corresponds to only one
temperature (and vice versa!). So given the evaporating and condensing temperatures it is possible
to obtain their relative pressures. Then Table 5 can be used to display the properties (e.g. the
enthalpy or the specific heat) of superheated gas or subcooled liquid at given temperature and
pressure (note that in this case you need both!).

So, use 4 to get the saturation properties and 5 to get the enthalpies of give points.
Cycle analysis is very useful for refrigeration design and evaluation, but will not return accurate
values for the lab analysis. In fact several unknown parameters (e.g. in such a small rig, the
isentropic efficiency would be varying considerably with the working conditions) are needed to set
up the calculation.
Therefore a step by step calculation with the refrigerant properties is suggested for the lab analysis.

Notes on compression refrigeration

Compression refrigeration is achieved using a working fluid called refrigerant.
A refrigerant is typically a fluid that evaporates at very low pressure (and therefore temperature).
As an example:
Heat transfer fluid

Pressure (bar)

Approx evaporation temp (C)




Which shows that at ambient pressure (1 bar) refrigerants are already in the gas region.
This allows the extraction of the latent heat of vapourisation at low temperatures (and pressures).
Once it has absorbed some heat, the refrigerant is compressed (to a higher pressure) this way it can
condense releasing the latent heat of vapourisation at a higher temperature.
In other words, the higher the pressure the higher the phase change (evaporation/condensation)
Being expanded and compressed the refrigerant can absorb heat at conveniently low temperatures
and reject it at higher temperatures (it has to be hotter than ambient to reject it into air).
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of a typical compression refrigeration plant and a typical set
of temperatures of the refrigerant.
Compressor 1 compresses cold and low pressure vapour to higher pressure and temperature (like a
bicycle pump). Condenser 2 cools hot (high pressure) refrigerant discharging heat into air or
process water and producing liquid refrigerant. Expansion valve 3 expands the warm liquid
refrigerant and turns it into a cold low pressure liquid (part of the refrigerant evaporates during the
expansion). In the Evaporator 4 the cold low pressure liquid evaporates absorbing heat from the
cooling load. Cold low pressure vapour is then returned to the compressor.

Figure 1

The processes and components of Figure 1 are reproduced in Figure 2 which shows pressures and
enthalpies of the working refrigerant related to its quality (see Figure 13 in the Appendix).

Figure 2

Please note that the refrigerant swings between the two pressures P1 and P2. At lower pressure P1
the heat is absorbed whereas at higher pressure P2 heat is rejected.

Suction Gas Heat Exchangers SGHX

Volumetric reciprocating compressors are designed in order to have the least possible clearance
volume i.e. the space between the top of the cylinder and the cylinder head at Top Dead Centre
TDC (because it badly affects the compression efficiency). Therefore very little quantities of liquid
entering the suction port could have drastic effects damaging permanently the compressor. Suction
traps or liquid accumulators are usually fitted between the evaporator (which returns a wet
vapour) and the inlet of the compressor (which requires dry vapour). Generally suction traps
mechanically separate and accumulate any incoming droplets of refrigerant.
Figure 3 shows the position in the circuit and the schematic principle of the trap.

Figure 3

The liquid sitting in the trap is very cold and can be evaporated to subcool the liquid refrigerant
coming from 2 and going into 3. In other words the trap works as a heat exchanger between line 2-3
and line 4-1 and is called Suction Gas Heat exchanger SGHX. The effect of the SGHX can be seen
in Figure 4.

Figure 4

Note that suction gas heat exchange should not be pushed too far as it would make the duty of the
compressor more and more difficult.

The compressor is processing vapour (not liquid!) and compressing from lower pressure (e.g. 3 bar)
and temperature (e.g. 15C) to higher pressure (e.g. 14 bar) and temperature (e.g. 50C).
A typical compression ratio ranges between 3 and 9.

= 39

The higher the ratio the lower the compression efficiency (due among other things to clearance
volume and discharge temperature, think about it!).

The ideal compression is adiabatic (i.e. Q=0) or isentropic (i.e. dS=0) because the process should be
fast enough not to exchange heat with the surroundings.
NB: adiabatic does not mean isothermal, in fact the temperature changes drastically during the
compression (together with p and V).

Figure 5

Figure 5 shows the ideal compression in T-S and P-H diagrams.

The following formula expresses the ideal work of compression:

W = m& (h2 h1 ) = m& (C p 2T2 C p1T1 ) = = W


Note that both enthalpies and specific heats in the previous formula are referred to gaseous
refrigerant (see Figure 13) because compressors are normally working in the superheated area.
Real compression is not adiabatic/isentropic and some heat is picked up both from heat exchange
with the compressor walls and from fluid friction
As a result the real work of compression is higher than the ideal work.

Figure 6

Figure 6 shows the real work compared with the ideal work and the isentropic efficiency is defined
as their ratio:

is =

Wideal h2 h1
h2' h1

Heat exchangers (condenser and evaporator)

In a heat exchager refrigerant exchanges heat with and external mean which typically is ambient air
or process water.
Heat is exchanged due to a finite temperature difference between the two working fluids. Typical
values of temperature difference are:
- 10C for refrigerant air
- 5C for refrigerant water
In the refrigerant - air case, for example in the condenser this means that the refrigerant can be
condensed or cooled down to the temperature of air plus 10C:

Tref = Tair + 10C

In facts heat exchangers are built in copper and are quite expensive, therefore reaching smaller
temperature differences is possible but usually not cost effective.

Figure 7

Figure 7 shows a typical layout of the temperatures inside a heat exchanger in the case of counter
flow and parallel flow (both fluids being single phase!).
The heat exchanged is dependent on a heat transfer coefficient U (itself depending on working
fluids and their conditions), on the area A and on the temperature difference T:
Q = U A T
Figure 8 shows the case of a condensing/evaporating fluid and the temperature trend due to phase
change (according to Gibbs law, while the two phases are coexisting the temperature keeps

Figure 8

As shown in Figure 9 the heat exchange process is ideally considered to be isobaric.

Figure 9

The heat exchanged can still be expressed as an enthalpy difference, but enthalpies are differently
calculated for each phase! Further, the heat is conventionally positive when absorbed by the system
and negative when rejected accordingly to the following formulae (see also the AppendixEnthalpies):
Qrejected = Q2 = m& (h3 h2 ) < 0
Q picked = Q1 = m& (h1 h4 ) > 0
In real processes heat exchange is not isobaric as fluid friction in the pipes produces a pressure
drop. On the other hand a certain pressure drop is necessary to drag the refrigerant throughout the
heat exchanger. Pressure drops are almost nil in shell and tube heat exchangers (used for liquid to
refrigerant exchange) whereas they are highly dependent on the geometry of finned tubes type
heat exchangers. A typical value of pressure drop for a supermarket finned type heat exchanger is
0,3 bar which has a corresponding temperature difference (dependent on the type of refrigerant and
on the working temperature!!).

Figure 10 shows both a shell-and-tube and a finned tube heat exchangers.

Figure 10

Expansion valve
In the expansion valve the pressure of the refrigerant is reduced from the condensing to the
evaporating level. This is usually achieved with an obstruction in the refrigerant flow that causes the
required pressure drop (while the velocity increases!).
The expansion valve also has the role of regulating the mass flow rate to match the required
refrigeration duty.
Most common types of expansion valves are the capillary tube (used in small domestic
applications), the thermostatic expansion valve and the electronic pulsing valve.
An example of thermostatic expansion valve is drawn in Figure 11. In it the flow and the pressure
drop are regulated via a jet-needle similar to that of a car carburettor. A balancing temperature
sensor inserted in the evaporator (or in the suction line) leads the opening of the orifice to match the
cooling load. Note that the evaporating pressure varies with the evaporating temperature (Gibbs
phase rule: two phases pressure and temperature are interlinked).

Figure 11

The energy available in the refrigerant as pressure is simply wasted in the expansion valve. No
work (which would be theoretically available!) is recovered during the expansion process.
As shown in Figure 12 the expansion process is ideally isenthalpic:
Qexp ansion = Lexp ansion = h3 h4 = 0

h3 = h4

Figure 12

In real application the expansion is not isenthalpic and some extra energy is wasted during the
expansion and h4>h3. This reduces significantly the refrigerating effect Q1.
h4' < h3 Q1' = h1 h4' < Q1
In other words part of the refrigerant evaporates during the expansion (flash gas) increasing the
quality of the resulting liquid and with it the refrigerating effect.


Cycle efficiency
The refrigerators and heat pumps are classified depending on their efficiency or on their benefit/cost
ratio. This is achieved defining the Coefficient Of Performance (COP) which is the ratio of the
cooling/heating effect versus the work spent to obtain it.
In a refrigerator:

Q1 m& ( h1 h4 ' ) h1 h4 '

m& ( h2 ' h1 ) h2 ' h1

In a heat pump:

Q2 h2' h3 Q1 + W
h2 ' h1

Note that in refrigeration systems the primary product of the cycle is Q1 (i.e. the heat absorbed from
the low temperature source) whereas in heat pumps it is Q2 (i.e. the heat rejected to the high
temperature source)!
Q2 is the sum of the heat picked at low temperature and the work done to extract it. In other words
the work done by the compressor is usually entirely absorbed by the refrigerant and has to be
rejected in the condenser (see Figure 14).
Note that the COP is not depending on the mass flow rate (which being the same in numerator and
denominator can be simplified) but only on the working conditions of the system (i.e. evaporating
temperature, condensing temperature, efficiency of the components and type of refrigerant!). In
other words the COP does not depend directly on the system size.
Where a more precise system efficiency measurement is needed the Coefficient Of System
Performance COSP is defined. This includes in the work W also any eventual energy used by the
auxiliaries, such as the condenser motor fans and any pump.


Appendix, and useful stuff

Energy and power
Energy is also defined as work (or heat) and in the S.I has dimension of [N m]=[J] or Joules. As
expressed by the first law of the thermodynamics heat and mechanical energy are equivalent and
can be expressed in the same units. Think of a motor which friction and shear could all be
transformed into heat (unfortunately we have not yet found a way to transform all the heat into
work!).The equivalence between heat (traditionally expressed in calories [cal]) and mechanical
energy (expressed in joules [J]) is of great use:
1kcal = 4186 J

Power is the ratio at which work is done and is therefore expressed in Watts [W]=[J/s]. The
difference between energy (or work) and power is substantial! As and example think of a caravan
that needs to be trailed from Exeter to London. One could do the job either with a Ferrari or with a
Morris Minor ideally spending the same amount of work (the force needed to trail the caravan is the
same in both cases as it is the distance). Nevertheless the duty might take a few hours with the
Ferrari whereas weeks with the Morris Minor! In other words with a more powerful device the same
work duty can be achieved in a shorter time (or more work could be done in the same time).
Energy = work or heat = [Joules]
Power = [Watts]=[Joules/s]
In a refrigeration system enthalpies have dimensions of specific energy (because referred to unit of
mass) e.g. h=[J/kg] whereas heat and work are usually expressed with power units in Watts. Beware
that heat and work could also be expressed as specific energy:
Q = W = ha hb = [ J / kg ]


Q& = W& = m& (ha hb ) = [W ]


m& = [kg / s ]


To distinguish the two units, power measures are usually dotted (but not always!).

Did you know that?


The density of water is 1?! In fact one litre of water (which is also a cubic decimetre or
10-3 [m3]) weighs 1kg .
The specific heat of water at ambient temperature is roughly 1?!
C p , water = 1

kg K

C p , water = 4.186

kg K

Tips and figures

Figure 13 shows a typical state P-h diagram for a refrigerant. In it the saturation curve together with
the critical point (which is the highest value of the saturation curve) divides the tree phases: gas,
vapour and liquid.

Figure 13

Figure 14 shows a hermetically sealed compressor. In this wide spread case, the refrigerant absorbs
all the work done by the compressor. In other word the heat produced by the electric motor is
chilled by the worked refrigerant.

Figure 14

The work spent for the compression of a gas increases with the pressure ratio (P2/P1) as the
discharge temperature increases (and the clearance volume gives worse and worse effect).

At higher pressure ratios it becomes convenient to split the compression into to stages in order to
get advantage from an interstage cooling (usually achieved via liquid refrigerant injection between
the two stages).
The concept is graphically described by Figure 15.

Figure 15

Generally, given the temperature and/or the pressure of the refrigerant it is possible to obtain the
enthalpy directly from tables, diagrams or software such as Coolpack.
In some other cases the following formulas can be of help.
In the gas region:
hgas = C p , gas T
In the vapour region:
hvapour = (1 x)h f + xhg = h f xh fg
where hfg is the latent heat of evaporation/condensation (f=sat liquid; g=sat gas).
In the liquid region:
hliquid = C p ,liquid T
Note that Cps of gas and liquid are expressed in the same units (e.g. [kJ/kg K]) but have
substantially different values.


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