The Challenges of Integrating New Technology Into An Organization

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Mathematics and Computer Science Capstones

Mathematics and Computer Science, Department


Summer 8-31-2015

The Challenges of Integrating New Technology

into an Organization
Rob Delaney
La Salle University, [email protected]

Robert D'Agostino
La Salle University, [email protected]

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Delaney, Rob and D'Agostino, Robert, "The Challenges of Integrating New Technology into an Organization" (2015). Mathematics
and Computer Science Capstones. Paper 25.

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The Challenges of Integrating New Technology into an


Robert DAgostino
Richard Delaney

La Salle University

Benefits of Change ............................................................................................................................3
Case Study New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (NJDGE) ..............................................5
Case Study ALMAC CT ................................................................................................................6
Process Improvement Benefits ..........................................................................................................7
Resistance to Change ........................................................................................................................8
Technology Change Management Implementation ......................................................................... 13
Staff Impact Communication ....................................................................................................... 14
Handling Conflict ........................................................................................................................... 20
Generational Concerns ................................................................................................................... 25
Management Challenges New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (NJDGE) ....................... 27
Management Challenges ALMAC CT ......................................................................................... 31
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 34
References ...................................................................................................................................... 36

To remain competitive in a global economy, businesses need to adapt to an ever changing
environment to meet their customers needs. Staying competitive means continuing to evolve as
an organization and making changes to both process and technology to gain a competitive edge
over their competition. Organizations must become adept in bringing in new technology and
managing the challenges that go along with implementing the change. Changes of this nature can
provide significant benefits to an organization but can also present many challenges that need to
be managed to yield a positive outcome. Problems arise when organizations attempt to bring in a
new technology without proper management and training for their employees. Using case
studies from the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (NJDGE) and ALMAC Clinical
Technologies (CT) along with peer reviewed research, this paper will assist in describing the
benefits and challenges of managing technological change, training considerations and the
impact that it can have to an organizations staff.
Benefits of Change
Technology change has been beneficial to both organizations and its employees. The
adoption of technology innovations by organizations has exploded over the last few decades with
global spending on technology across all industries reaching an estimated $2.6 trillion
(Schraeder, 2008). This growth had been in large part to the use of the internet which has
increased by over 200% between the years of 2000 and 2007 based on statistics from Internet
World Stats (Schraeder, 2008). In general, technology change can bring increased efficiency,
improved quality, assist in bringing products to market quicker and expand the skill set of
employees. Technology can also bring benefits such as improved communication, reduced costs
and help foster new innovations. Additional benefits may be seen depending on the specific type

of technology that is being implemented. Organizations such as the NJDGE and ALMAC CT
can and will benefit from adopting new technology. In the case of the NJDGE the adoption of a
tool that will help them analyze large data sets quickly and efficiently is the change that is
needed to benefit their organization. For ALMAC CT, a technology solution that will allow them
to test their systems in an automated fashion is what is needed to increase their productivity and
improve the quality of their systems.
With organizations moving to things such as telecommuting, technology can increase
participation and involvement with remote employees. Technology can expand the potential pool
of participants that are working and collaborating together on projects through shared databases,
on internal intranets and the internet (Schraeder, 2008). Technology solutions now allow the
ability to overcome the limitations of remote employees providing the ability for individual
participation and input from all over the world regardless of location. This benefit allows for
employees to work at times that are more convenient for them but still provides for collaboration
and communication across a team.
New technology can also help organizations stay more in touch with their market. Rapid
changes in the economic landscape of todays business environment require action to meet
customer expectations. Failure to stay current on customer needs and market changes could
result in the loss of any competitive advantage an organization may possess. Additionally,
keeping current on the latest technology could allow an organization to seize any possible
opportunities that are not being filled by a competitor. As stated by Venkatraman and Henderson
in 2004, Information Technology should help organizations understand their position in relation
to their competitors, learn about customers, monitor relationships with suppliers, and control

strategic objectives (Affeldt, 2013). The use of new technology can help make a business more
agile and adaptable to the changes going on in their particular market.
The addition of new technology can also benefit an organization by helping to shape its
strategic vision as well as helping it to gain a competitive edge on their competition (Norton,
1995). Having a strategic vision will help to focus an entire organization on what they are trying
to achieve and what their goal is. Doing so will create a competitive advantage that will lead to
increased sales, profits and an increased market share. This benefit (strategic vision) also extends
to the staff of an organization by communicating where it is going and how that technology is
going to help them achieve the vision.
This paper will utilize two case studies to demonstrate the benefits and challenges of
introducing new technology into an organization. Each of these case studies had aspects of them
that matched the research as well as aspects that did not. For the NJDGE the technology that was
introduced into the organization was a business intelligence tool to replace the analysis that was
being done in Excel. At ALMAC CT an automated testing tool (HP Quality Center) was brought
in to improve their quality and the speed at which they can build new systems.
Case Study New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (NJDGE)
In the New Jersey casino industry a vouchering system is used in place of real coins. A
voucher resembles a coupon, with the following information: the dollar value of the persons
winnings, a barcode, date, casino name, slot machine number and time stamp. An unverified
voucher is defined as a voucher that the barcode on it, is not recognized by the data system used
in a casino. When an unverified voucher is in excess of $1,000.00, it must be researched by the
NJDGE and casino accounting department. An unverified voucher investigation is completed by
the NJDGE to check the data integrity of the casinos vouchering system. In most cases the

patron that submitted the voucher is not at fault, unless it is determined that the procedures in
place are being abused by one patron.
The focus of the new technology is to addresses three problems that occur when
conducting the above investigation, which are the analysis, collection and preparation of the data.
In order for an investigator to collect the data for analysis, a slot data system housed within the
casino is accessed. A slot data system is simply defined as a legacy database that records all of
the wagers, wins, and losses electronically in one repository. The details are captured in a text
file that is pasted into an excel file for analysis. The formatting of this data is completed by
placing a date column in the excel spreadsheet, and then using the text to columns option offered
in Excel. When all formatting is completed the investigators manually extract the following
information: currency in, vouchers redeemed and promotional credits used that are offered by the
casino to the players to calculate the players win/loss amount. The final analysis of the data
within the excel spreadsheets happens when the investigator compares the manually calculated
voucher to the amount of the voucher recorded by the slot data system.
Case Study ALMAC CT
ALMAC Clinical Technologies is based in Souderton, PA and develops interactive
clinical trial management solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. It was founded in 1995
under the name ICTI (Interactive Clinical Trials Incorporated) and then purchased by the
ALMAC Group in 2005. Almac provides software solutions for both voice and web response
systems that have been trademarked as IXRS. These response systems assist in running clinical
drug trials, allowing for patient randomization while assigning drug and inventory
management. Pharma, Biotechnology and contract research organizations are ALMAC Clinical
Technologies primary customers. Currently, ALMAC Clinical Technologies runs over 250

clinical trials that operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On an average, ALMAC is adding 15
new trials per month to its roster. This volume of work demanded greater efficiency in building
and maintaining these new systems. The build methodology followed at ALMAC is the classic
waterfall system development lifecycle. After analyzing their methodology, it was
determined that the manual style of testing they were following was inefficient and needed
improvement. This process involved using a word document to create test steps that were then
run in a manual fashion. This methodology had been used at ALMAC since its inception and was
part of the culture. In order to increase capacity and efficiency a new testing tool was brought
into the organization. The tool that was selected was HP Quality Center, which is seen as an
industry standard in software testing. This tool will provide ALMAC with the efficiency and the
flexibility that ALMAC needed in a testing application. With the continued growth of their
business the need to update their testing process and increase capacity was required if they
wanted to maintain their competitive edge over the competition. This new tool will provide them
with the advantage they require to maintain their market share and seize new opportunities that
were previously not able to take advantage of prior to the addition of the new technology.
Process Improvement Benefits
As organizations look to improve their market position, more creative and effective
methods are required to assist them in improving their processes. Improving processes often
means changing them or creating a new one altogether and technology can assist in making these
improvements. In the case of NJDGE an example of a technology that can assist in improving
their process would be a Business Intelligence tool. BI tools assist with the analysis of data and
help to identify areas of an organization that need improvement. These tools also assist in
monitoring changes once they have been completed. Once a change has been made the BI tools

can then track the differences in the data after the change to determine if the improvement had
the anticipated effect or was a failure. Organizations can then continue to make improvements in
this manner of doing analysis, making improvements and then monitoring the changes.
Following this continuous feedback loop leads to a competitive advantage. For an organization
such as ALMAC CT, a new testing tool was required to improve their ability to test their systems
in an automated fashion instead of doing things manually as was the custom there. This tool will
allow them to bring systems to market faster, take on additional work and improve their quality.
These are just two examples of how new technology can benefit an organization. Once an
organization has created a culture where managers and staff solve problems using technology
they will turn to more information technology solutions when faced with challenges (Reimers
2014). Both the NJDGE and ALMAC CT continue to invest in new technology to assist them in
improving their processes as well as allowing them to become more efficient and deliver better
quality products and services.
Resistance to Change
Change is an unavoidable phenomenon within the business world. It arises from the
dynamics of the environment organizations operate in and is required for an organization that
wants to flourish. To remain competitive, it is essential for organizations to be able to upgrade
their tool set on a regular basis and have these changes accepted by staff. There are many items
to consider when bringing new technology into an organization. It is important to note that
altering staff behavior is a long term objective and change cannot be forced on employees
overnight, it is key to provide them with the context for the change so they are able to understand
the need for it (Croft and Cochrane, 2005). Gaining acceptance at the staff level can be a
challenge as getting buy-in by the employees who are going to use the new technology can be

difficult to manage. Introducing changes within an organization can cause disruptions in

patterns or behaviors that can cause loss of continuity, replace customary social structures and
familiar relationships (Agboola, 2011). Bringing on new technology can be intimidating for
employees who are content in doing things as they have always done them. Adopting new
technology can mean changes to job responsibilities, added work load, additional training and
personnel. Technology changes of this nature can also impact the politics of an organization.
Those who possess certain skills and abilities may see change as a threat to their positions and
undermining their job competence. Changes of this nature also have the potential to impact
relationships and change behavior patterns of employees. Resistance to change can also come
from an unexpected source, management. In some situations managers who should be champions
of change, may see it as a threat to their position within an organization. When changes are
directed by senior level management, middle managers can find themselves in a similar position
as their employees and begin to resist the changes that are being pushed down to them. Managers
in this position are uniquely positioned to either have a negative or positive effect on the change
being made by encouraging employees to either resist or accept the change being implemented.
Technology changes can also impact the nature and culture of an organization. Changes
have the possibility of impacting an employees job responsibilities, which can create feelings of
uncertainty. The uncertainty of what new technology means for employees can trigger more
resistance to their acceptance of it. Resistance can also come in the form of attachment to old
processes and legacy tools that employees are comfortable with. Employees can become
accustomed to a situations that are not the most beneficial and will strongly resist any
suggestions to change it (Caruth, Middlebrook and Rachel, 1985). Technology change is more
than just brining in a new tool or piece of software, it is also changing the behavior of

employees that can be content with a given way of doing things and resistant to changing what
they are used to. Human discomfort with change is really based on the fear of loss. The fear of
the unknown sometimes is worse than the actual change itself and employees can let these fears
cloud their judgment about the benefits that a change may bring for them and an organization.
Causes of these fears can come from feelings of uncertainty, lack of tolerance, differences in
opinion and threatened self-importance. According to Carr resistance to change is mainly an
effort to maintain the status quo and resistance is a behavior put up to protect an individual from
the perceived effects of a real or imagined threat (Agboola, 2011). To help manage change
effectively and reduce the resistance of employees to change, organizations should have a
mechanism in place to introduce and control the changes so they are able to avoid production or
morale issues. Research done by Benamati, Leader and Singh in 1998 showed that the fear of
new technology kept employees from using it to the fullest extent. Instead of embracing the new
technology only the minimum functionality required to use it was learned to apply it to their
work. Additional research also suggests that promotion-focused employees would maximize
their ability to master the new technology on their own, because it would provide them with a
sense of achievement and accomplishment where as a prevention-focused employee would be
reluctant to separate from their normal routine to learn new technology own and procrastinate in
adopting it for fear of not having enough time to get their assigned work completed (Halvorson,
Gaetz described resistance to change as barriers arising from organizational politics,
inappropriate use of power, challenges to cultural norms and institutional practices, lack of
understanding, inappropriate timing, inadequate resources, incorrect information or employee
suspicion of honorable management intentions (Agboola, 2011). In most cases resistance to


change is a negative force and does not always surface in standard ways and can appear in
various forms such as being overt, implicit, and immediate or deferred in nature. Resistance to
change is part of human culture which can be rather inflexible at times. This inflexibility
influences peoples behavior and efforts to make changes creates natural resistance in people.
Resistance can often times reveal itself in what can be thought of as deviant behaviors in
employees. These behaviors may at times be aggressive or hostile in nature and are directed at an
organization. Individuals can be seen as acting defiantly if they defy the social norm in a given
culture. Forms of this behavior within an organization can be things such as absenteeism,
sabotage and gossip. Research done by Werner and DeSimone in 2008 described 4 specific types
of defiant workplace behaviors that include production defiance (leaving early or intentionally
working slowly); property defiance (sabotaging equipment, lying about hours worked); political
defiance (showing favoritism, seeming or gossiping about a co-worker); and personal
aggressions (sexual harassment, verbal abuse, endangering or stealing from co-workers)
(Agboola, 2011). Behaviors of this nature are the manifestation of employee frustration with the
the changes that they feel are being imposed on them and can threaten the success of the change
being made as well as the organization overall. These behaviors must be identified and managed
to prevent employees from becoming disengaged with the changes or technology being
introduced causing them to fail.
There are cases when resistance is actually a positive force when changes are occurring.
Resistance is a form of conflict and conflict has been found to strengthen and improve decision
quality as well as the follow through and implementation of decisions (Ford, Ford and DAmelio,
2008). Resistance of this form can cause management to rethink changes that may have not been
thoroughly considered. It can also engage employees in assisting management in determining the


best path forward to effectively implement a change. When it is authentic, positive impact can
come from what is considered a negative behavior. Organizations that dismiss this form of
resistance can miss the opportunity to provide strong justifications for the changes that will help
employees support the change that is being made and risk problems when implementing future
changes (Ford, Ford and DAmelio, 2008) This form also has the ability to alert an organization
to the warning signs of a change that has not been fully vetted with all possible impact
considered. Resistance can also create a common interest within staff and serve to assist in
building a more cohesive team within a workforce.
Because all behavior is self-centered most people will accept changes that they
understand and believe to be beneficial to themselves (Caruth, Middlebrook and Rachel, 1985).
Management needs to be aware of employees thoughts and feelings on the technology change
and address them appropriately. Behavior and emotions around changes can be heightened and
drive employee behavior. This behavior should be monitored by management and addressed to
prevent any decline in morale. When management takes the time to address these concerns and
show they are listening, staff is more likely to get behind the change and be supportive. This
helps to gain buy in and not can prevent staff from feeling like changes are simply being
imposed on them. Having this type of communication allows for concerns and fears to be
addressed early instead of being pushed off to a later point where small problems can become
large ones.
At ALMAC CT the resistance that was encountered mirrored the research. Employees
did not want to change how they had always done their work and did not want to utilize the new
technology that was being brought in. The typical statement heard was Why do we have to
change, the way we do things now is fine. Staff was fearful of trying to learn a new tool and


complete their daily work at the same time. Staff at ALMAC was vocal about their concerns and
were not shy about how they felt about the changes. Resistance in this case was not hidden as
some research has shown. Other than being vocal, employees used the new tool as they were
instructed by management, not because they felt it would help them complete their daily work or
advance their careers.
For the NJDGE case study, the resistance to change supported the research. Employees
did not want to use the new system. They felt it took too much time to learn, and yielded
minimal efficiency. They were more apt to maintain to their normal routine to conduct
investigations, than optimizing the tools in the new system. Employees were vocal but not to
management. Most employees shared their reluctance towards the new system amongst coworkers within their unit. The other statement heard around the organization was if it isnt
broke why fix it. After being pushed back to the new technology employees used it because
they were told to, not because of the advantages it would provide to decrease the time spent on a
routine investigation. Eventually, employees discovered the effectiveness of the new system in
their day to day operation and began to praise the new system instead of complaining about it.

Technology Change Management Implementation

Once an organization has selected and approved a new technology tool it must be
implemented and introduced to employees. Organizations failing to introduce their planned
changes successfully can pay a high price that could lead to lost market position, credibility with
stakeholders, decreased staff morale, and loss of key employees (Edmonds 2011). When
embarking on a technology change that will impact an organization, a great deal of thought must
be put into the implementation of that change. Successful implementation of technology change


requires visionary leadership that has considered the benefit, consulted with influential leaders at
all levels to identify unintended consequences, identified sources of resistance, and developed a
detailed plan to foster the implementation over time (Luo 2006). Spending the time to carefully
create a well thought out plan for implementation is the key to success. Thought should be put
into demonstrating how the new technology will serve all staff and not just management. Failure
to communicate this to users may cause the implementation effort to fail despite considerable
time and effort spent on the roll out.
In the case of ALMAC the implementation plan was not well thought out and negatively
impacted staff and the quality of their product. Time was not allotted for items such as
communication and a robust training regimen. This impacted their ability to effectively roll out
the new technology as described in the ALMAC CT case study.
In the case of the NJDGE the implementation plan was not shared openly with the
employees that would be utilizing the new technology which added to staff negativity and their
resistance to the new technology. Research has shown when the routine of an employee gets
disrupted by a new technology tool with minimal warning, they experienced a sense of anxiety
before fully understanding how the new tool can help them. This is what was seen in the case at
NJDGE. Sharing the implementation plan would also have provided an alert to the employees
that they would have to use time in their day to day operation to learn the new system. Although,
staff members did not fully accept the new system at first, it did not impede the rolling out phase.
Staff Impact Communication
The implementation of any new technology should be communicated to staff. Items such
as status, benefits, training and expectations should be clearly provided. Along with the what
of the change, the why should be emphasized to provide staff with an understanding of the


changes that are going to occur and what will be expected of them. To do this effectively the
nature of change should be defined and why it is important to the users and is helpful if this
definition explains how the change will affect the individuals both personally and professionally
(Ryan 1992). This message can be provided in various ways depending on the organization and
methods they have for communication. Information about the change can be provided through
things such as email, newsletters, the company website, staff briefings or town hall meetings.
The communication about the changes should also be tailored to the different levels and roles
within an organization as each will react different to the changes that are being made (Croft and
Cochrane 2005). Open communication between managers and employees is an important part of
making a technology change and should be encouraged. Research has shown that employees
want to hear about changes directly from their manager so it is vital that open communication
take place between management and their employees (Croft and Cochrane, 2005). Having an
open dialog like this can help to get employee buy in and reduce the amount of resistance to
the change being made. Getting people talking about the reasons for the change and allowing
them to express their views will more than likely get the required backing from employees for
the change that is going to be made (Edmonds 2011). Additional benefits of this communication
will allow staff to see how the change and new technology can improve their jobs.
Demonstrating the whats in it for them aspect of the changes can help improve employees
outlook on the impending change and reduce some of the anxiety that can come along with the
unknown and a new way of doing things. Managers need to provide justifications for why the
changes are being made, why they are appropriate and the rationale behind them to create
readiness for the change to increase the likelihood of employee acceptance and participation in
the changes (Ford, Ford and DAmelio, 2008).


The communication for the changes that were introduced at ALMAC did not follow what
research has shown to be the most effective methods for communication change. The
announcement for the technology change that took place at ALMAC was done during a
department meeting with no time for employee questions or concerns. Research suggests that
communicating changes to employees by their direct manager is a more effective than in a larger
group meeting as well as providing time for questions. As the tool was rolled out for use it
became evident that staff needed to have more open communication with management and these
meetings eventually took place. The delay in having an open forum for discussion did slow down
the new technologies acceptance and effectiveness.
The NJDGE did not have a well thought out communication plan to present to the
employees. The communication consisted of informing employees a new system would be used
to acquire slot data from the casino systems. Specifics on training, how and what was being
implemented was not communicated by upper level management. Employees made inquiries to
both management and the Information Technology Department about training on the new system
but were met with vague and untimely responses. This lack of communication aided in the
resistance of the new technology at first but was eventually accepted by staff members after
continual use, and training.
Once the decision for change has been made and the change has been communicated to
staff, the actual training on the new technology needs to take place. Before this training can be
delivered it must be designed and created. The design of the new technology training should take
several items into account. These items include; staff experience and skill set, complexity of the
changes they are being asked to learn, time it will take to learn the changes, and the amount of


time that will be provided for the learning to take place. With all of these items to consider,
training designers must understand both the needs of the business and the needs of employees. It
is a best practice to complete a training needs assessment to determine what the training planed
needs to cover and what should be considered for future training as this is something that is often
neglected when creating a training plan (Llorens, Salvano and Grau, 2003). Trainers should work
closely with the technology managers to define the overall goals of the training, what the training
should include, how it should be delivered, and when it should be delivered. What this really
means is it should be clearly defined what individuals going through training should know once
completing it. Success should also be defined around employee training experience. Evaluations
should be done to determine if training has been a success from an employee standpoint. The
extent and quality of technology training can directly impact employees intentions to use the
technology, as well as their attitudes and beliefs about how useful it will be to them (Marler,
2006). Evaluations could be in the form of surveys, questionnaires or group discussions.
Acquiring this type of information can assist in improving training and the understanding of
employee needs and perceptions of the new technology. These evaluations are critical to
improving or redesigning the training and should be part of the training plan. After the training
goals have been set, the creation of the training and delivery methods can be decided upon. One
of the first items that should be thought of when designing the training is what skills and
knowledge do the trainees already have that can be leveraged to assist in the design? The training
should also consider how long it will take staff to master the new skills. In some cases, complex
components should be given in multiple training sessions to spread out the learning (Marler,
2006). After the what of the training has been defined, how the trainings will be delivered
needs to be determined. Training designers should consider the best way to deliver the training to


staff. Delivering training on new technology can be done in multiple ways. Depending on the
technology that is being changed, different methods of delivering the training may be used. In
some cases a simple Power Point presentation is appropriate, in others it may be best to have a
more formal hands-on training in a classroom setting. In other situations, self-study through eLearning might be the preferred method of training staff. The important point is to fit the training
methodology to the technology that is being rolled out and facilitate learning by employees.
A final component to the training plan is to determine when the best time is to deliver the
training to staff. Factors that can determine this are, the extent of the training materials, and the
method that is going to be used to deliver the training. These items will help to define when the
optimal time is to deliver the training to staff. There is no defined rule when the best time to
deliver technology training to an organization. Research has shown that after employees have
engaged in formal training, and have had the opportunity to utilize it prior to its full
implementation, training decay can be reduced (et al Arthur, Bennett, Stanush, &McNelly,
1998). In addition, learning retention is facilitated and better training transfer will take place
when this method is implemented (Marler, 2006). Learning retention can be increased if time is
spent practicing using the new technology. Trainers should encourage staff to use the newly
acquired skills during and after training has been completed in order to become proficient before
the new technology is implemented.
An additional aspect of training that cannot be overlooked is the trainability of an
employee. This part of training is often times overlooked and what it really means is the ability
an employee to carry out continuous training throughout their professional careers and their
motivation to do so. Trainers have limited ability to impact this as it resides within each


individual employee. These attitudes towards training can have an impact and employees ability
to successfully absorb new technology and adapt to change (Llorens, Salvano and Grau, 2003).
The new technology training at ALMAC did not follow the steps that research has shown
to make training most effective. A training assessment and plan were not created around what
staff needed to effectively use the new tool. Training sessions were too brief and not scheduled at
the appropriate time for employees to benefit from the learning they attended. The other critical
aspect of training that was overlooked was the absence of post training evaluations to improve
upon what was presented. Only after the difficulties that staff had with the new technology were
meetings held to discuss what was needed to successfully use the new tool.
The NJDGE experienced similar outcome to the research regarding the administration of
training. At first when employees were left to train themselves and experiment with the new
technology, time to complete investigations increased. Staff were busy trying to understand how
to utilize the system by using the users manual. This slowed productivity, because employees
were unfamiliar with the new technology. Once a formal training class was provided, staff
modified their routine to accept and utilize the new technology. This in turn increased
productivity and achieved more consistency on how information was presented and written in the
investigative reports.
Successful technology training should be developed in conjunction with technology
managers by first creating a training assessment, having set goals defined for what the training
should accomplish, defining how it will be delivered to staff, and allowing enough time for
training to be delivered and practiced before implementation occurs. Finally training evaluations
should be completed by employees to determine if the training needed to be improved or


Handling Conflict
Internal conflict occurs in an organization when a change such as managerial,
technological, sociological and economic, takes place. Typically, when bringing a new
technology into an organization, a proposal is created, reviewed, accepted and executively
approved before work can begin. Preparation includes original research for the new technology,
including documenting why the business needs the new technology and how it aligns with the
goals of the organization. Preparation should incorporate a comparison of the tools being
researched including the pros and cons of each new technology. A proposal provides details of
the support provided by each new platform. Preparation of a proposal should also include
estimated and contingency costs. If the team working on the proposal is not able to agree on the
best technology for an organization, a conflict will arise. A difference of opinion amongst team
members may cause delay and possibly break down the lines of communication. A corrective
action could be to gather the perspectives of each member of the research team and develop an
outline the team approves in order to complete the project at hand. The new outline should be
presented to upper management and stakeholders for final approval. Once this is completed, the
project would get funds allocated and the project team may begin working on the first phase of
the project.
To help curtail conflict, the new technology selected needs to satisfy the requirements of
all departments within an organization. According to research done by Gollapudi, Jangeti,
Kotapati in 2012, there are ten attributes which should be taken into consideration when new
technology is being chosen to assist with this. Any one of these attributes can be a source of


conflict that must be discussed and managed to reduce their impact on an organization and the
technology change they are implementing. The 10 attributes are; usability, interoperability,
common business views, agility, scalability, reliability, openness, manageability, infrastructure
and security (Gollapudi, Jangeti, Kotapati, 2012).
Any one of these 10 attributes can cause conflict within an organization due to employee
reaction when implementing new technology. To circumvent conflict, a variety of strategies
should be used by an organization to mitigate the impact. As mentioned earlier in this paper,
open communication should be utilized to reduce the possibility of misinterpretations about what
the new technology will do and how it will assist employees in their job responsibilities.
It is important to remember that not all of these 10 attributes will occur within an
organization as was the case for both the NJDGE and ALMAC CT. The following attributes
were found to be the sources of conflict when new technology was added to the organizations
described in the case studies. The first attribute that posed a challenge was the interoperability of
the new technology. At the NJDGE interoperability was a source of conflict. Interoperability is
defined as a single interface for all of the functions of the tool and must easily navigate from one
function to another without entering into a different platform (Gollapudi, Jangeti, Kotapati,
2012). For example, if an organization decided to bring in a reporting tool to gain consistency
with how data was analyzed and reported on, it would need to have interoperability. The tool
would have to be available to multiple users across an organization and would need to be used by
varied job functions that would all have different requirements for use. Ensuring that all users
were able to have the features they needed can be a source of conflict that must be managed
appropriately to gain user acceptance. The greater the interoperability the technology has the
more cost effective and useful it will be to an entire organization. For ALMAC CT the scalability


of the new technology of the technology was one of the causes of conflict. This is an important
concept as organizations continue to expand globally. This means that technology tools must be
capable of supporting employees in multiple locations. If the new technology fails in this regard,
the organization will not be able to achieve or maintain a competitive advantage in its industry.
One commonality that between NJDGE and ALMAC CT were the issues they both experienced
with their organizations infrastructure. This attribute is the ability an organization has to utilize
their existing infrastructure to incorporate the new technology. Using an existing framework can
reduce some cost however issues may arise with existing hardware or software incompatibility.
Any parts of the infrastructure that are compatible with the new tool should be reused to save on
the costs and reduce the addition of new components.
To expand further on the ALMAC CT case study only two of the 10 attributes cause
conflict when trying to implement the new technology. The first and most costly were the
infrastructure changes. Systems needed to be upgraded to match the requirements of the new tool
(HP Quality Center) so it could be utilized by staff. This caused many meetings and discussions
by ALMAC CT upper management with ALMAC Group as the board of directors did not want
to spend the money on the tool it and the needed infrastructure changes. Eventually it was
decided that the tool was worth the added cost and increased quality it would bring for ALMAC
CT but the licenses would be controlled by ALMAC Group and not ALMAC CT as well as the
upgrades to the system so cost could be monitored. The second of the attributes that caused an
issue for ALMAC CT was the scalability of the tool. The cost here was not in dollars but came in
the form of resistance and fear of using the new technology. Because 50 plus employees needed
daily access, ALMAC CT needed to have enough licenses for each employee to use the tool.
Each employee needed their own license as they could not share the licenses and this would limit


the number of employees that could be working at any given time. When the tool was first rolled
out employees were met with not enough license messages by the tool and were not able to use
the tool for work which quickly became a point of frustration and increased their resistance to
utilize it. Individual reverted back to the older process so they could complete their assignments
on time. This caused tension between management and staff and who were pushing employees to
use the tool for their daily assignments. To help ease these tensions ALMAC CT management
needed to ask ALMAC Group to purchase more licenses for the tool. This process took several
months as the value of these added licenses was hotly debated in senior management meetings.
Meanwhile staff was struggling to learn and use the tool. Eventually additional licenses were
purchased but the damage had already been done and fear of the new technology had taken hold.
Staff members were vocal about not wanting to use a tool they could not access and didnt fully
know how to use and still meet their timelines. Middle managers continue to struggle with
gaining acceptance of the tool due to these delays and negative feelings staff created because of
these issues. If ALMAC CT had better managed the conflict that occurred in senior management
meetings due to these two attributes implementation would have been much smoother and cost
both monetarily and to staff would have been greatly reduced.
For the NJDGE the attribute that they were able to leverage was infrastructure. In their
case they were able to utilize the existing hardware can save on costs and time for
implementation which removed the possibility of conflict around cost. The ability to utilize its
already existing, routers, servers, and switches located in each casino, allowed them to easily
convert over to the new technology. Costs were saved because hardware did not need to be
upgraded and existing computers were able to handle the change. The additional cost that was
incurred was due to some of the NJDGEs field offices in the casinos needed to have additional


fiber optics run to handle the increased data traffic. Also some added costs were incurred
because the operating system in all of the NJDGE computers needed to be upgraded from
Windows XP to Windows 7. The other attribute that was encountered was interoperability. All
areas of the department were required to have a single interface for employees to use even
though they had different job functions. This caused conflict and disagreement between the
various groups within the department who wanted their own view or did not want other groups to
have access to theirs. Eventually it was agreed upon to share a common interface that contained
all the functionality that each group required.
At first, new technology may slow down production until employees become accustomed
to using it. When an employee becomes comfortable with the new tool and establishes a routine
in using it, efficiency should increase. Schraeder, Swamidass, and Morrsison state, It is easier
to implement change that can be viewed positively by employees than that which is viewed
negatively (Schraeder, Swamidass & Morrisson, 2006). Tool choice becomes more successful
when departmental requirements are shared across an organization, and business goals are
aligned with its selection. The tool or small selection of the tools must have the ability to be
customized for each department to meet their specific needs without having to use more than one
system. A method for avoiding conflict would be to release a subset of the tools functionality
which could be mastered before the full solution is launched. Ideally the tool selected should be
easy to use at all levels of the organization, and must provide useful reports to assist in the
decision making process of the organization. The proposal for new technology should be
accepted at all organizational levels and all departments in order to increase the chances that it
will be approved, accepted and implemented.


Generational Concerns
Diversification of staff is an important concept to address when managing the
implementation of new technology. There are four different generations in todays work force
which consist of the Baby Boomers (19461964), Generation X (19601980), Generation Y
(19752000) and Millennials (19952009) (Abrams, 2014). Each of these generations have
characteristics that defines them however people all have unique experiences that will influence
how they learn and behave in the work place. Managers and training designers need to take these
differences into account when making changes, creating a training plan, and communicating
information out to a multi-generational work force. Each of the groups have different needs
when it comes to training on new technology. Individuals that are part of the Baby Boomer
generation do best when in a classroom environment that is made up of exercises and open
discussion, and can do very well learning new technology but need to have the amount of
information they are given controlled so they are not overwhelmed. Generation Xers also prefer
to be in a classroom setting and do well with exercises and discussion but have a tendency to not
respond well when trainings are lectures only. They will ask many questions and need to have
very clear direction or will create their own process. Generation Yers do well in both an
individual and group learning environment and are very comfortable with technology change.
They tend to be more engaged in the most recent technology and when faced with problems will
seek out solutions on their own as opposed to the other generations. Millennials are the most
advanced technologically of the generations in in todays work force. This group is very versatile
and can learn in multiple formats and is the most comfortable with Training in an e-Learning
format, Skype and virtual trainings applications allow this group to interact with one another
while being taught in the electronic environment they are more comfortable with (Cekada, 2012).


It is important for organizations to understand the differences in the various generations to assist
them is managing how they roll out changes and communication to employees so they can
ensure the changes will be successful and the communication will be heard.
ALMAC CT has a multi-generational workforce and as research has shown the various
groups needed to be provided with training variations for the new tool that was being brought in.
The other aspect of the generations played out just as research has shown it to occur in other
organizations. Employees who are part of Gen X asked the question Why are we changing, the
old way of doing things is fine while the Gen Yers and Millennials, could not wait to get the
new tool and learn how it could help them improve and took on additional learning on their own.
The NJDGE was established in 1977 and is a fairly young division within the state of New
Jersey. Even though they are considered a newer division they still contain a multi-generational
work force. As suggested by the research the various generations had different reactions to the
new technology when it was introduced. The leaders who are mostly part of the baby boomer
era, welcomed the technology change. They asked questions about the new technology, such as
how it would affect productivity and what type of training will take place. The leaders, who are
part of the baby boomer generation, suggested a more structured classroom experience for
training. This mirrored the research as this has been shown to be what baby boomers find most
comfortable when learning new technology. This was in opposition to the younger managers,
who are part of Generation Y suggested a more hybrid approach for the technology training to
accommodate the broad work force that are employed by the NJDGE. These managers
recommended that training should be made up of round table discussions and hands-on use of the
tool as the best learning for the workforce. Employees who are part of the Millennials and not in


the leadership roles, were anxious to dive right in to the technology and exploit its advantages to
aide in their productivity.
Management Challenges New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement (NJDGE)
To become more efficient at this analysis the NJDGE needs to research a system that can
easily take a text file, convert, format and import the information into a standardized readable
format, so that the only manual work is to extract the summary details of Currency in, Players
WIN/Loss, promotional credits, vouchers redeemed, and calculating the amount of the vouchers
and comparing it to the information captured by the slot data system. If a system can be found to
format the data and place it all in one table, half the time could spent on this analysis and could
be completed with a Business Intelligence tool. This also allows for added consistency within
the NJDGE that will result in cutting down on the direct labor billed to the casino industry.
The benefits of this technological change would allow investigators to spend less time on
unverified vouchers, which are considered routine and yield minimal results such as fines for
regulatory violations. This would allow for more time to spend on more meaningful work for
investigators such as preliminary investigations that may lead to white collar crime or fraud and
can result in fines and the prosecution of criminals. This can add to more positive demeanor
amongst employees because they feel that they are making a difference and creating results for
the NJDGE and a sense of worth for themselves every day in the workplace.
The overall process of investigating both Internet gambling and physical casinos will be
improved by the addition of this new technology. For instance the ability for the technology to
record, share and house all of the transaction will allow for better analysis of the profitability of
the gambling industry. It would also allow for continuous improvements to the regulation and
casinos internal policies. A new technology that allows for data formatting consistency and

analysis will increase the ability of employees and managers to solve problems effectively. In
addition when the new technology is continually being used, it will allow the NJDGE to rely on
the integrity of the data contained within the system and the analytical capabilities it provides to
make more informed decisions in a shorter amount of time.
When the new technology was identified by the NJDGE, its implementation was
inevitable. Government work is a top down management structure, meaning the decisions are
made by top level management with minimal input from employees, and delivered downward
through mangers to employees. Because of this, a planned introduction to the new technology is
not always discussed with mid and lower level employees which may cause the creditability of
upper management within the division to be lost. For instance, if a new technology is introduced
to the employees of the NJDGE without any formal plan and employees are instructed to train
themselves, the results of the new system will be negative and employees will resort back to their
old habits. A better approach would be to develop a well thought out implementation strategy
that involves employees, training, mangers, and communication. Having upper management
show support of the new technology by following this methodology would increase its success
rate, productivity and creditability of the implementation.
In the beginning of the implementation, communication with staff about the new system
was minimal. The communication that was done was informing employees and managers a new
system would be used to acquire certain data from the casino systems, but specifics on the
operating or training on the new technology were not shared. Some aspects of the nature of the
changes were coming were very clear when the communication was provided. Information such
as why it is important to make the change and the effect on employees professionally were not
discussed. Open communication within the lower level employees and management was

nonexistent. Another factor that impacted the communication was the location of the IT office,
which is in Trenton, NJ. Because the system was being implemented in field offices and not in
Trenton, face to face communication was hard to accomplish. In addition to the challenge with
location, the IT department was busy with implementing and troubleshooting the issues they
were having with the system and did not have time to answer employee inquiries about the
technology in a timely manner. Lack of communication by both NJDGE management and the IT
department about the new system resulted in the employees resistance to it when it was
implemented. In part this resistance was due to the fact that questions the employees had about
the technology never being answered. Some of the key components to aide in the transition and
acceptance of new technology such as open communication, the how, what and the why never
took place. If these items were communicated to employees via email, newsletter or open forum
meetings, the transition from the old technology to new may have been more widely accepted.
When this new technology was implemented at the NJDGE employees were resistant to it
as they did not believe that a new system was warranted because they felt old one worked just
fine. Staff was reluctant to use the new technology and felt that it slowed them down and would
interrupt their normal routines. An additional reason for employee resistance was that a proper
training class was not administered. Because of this, it was never communicated how the new
technology was going to be useful to staff and how it would help them to perform their jobs.
Employees were left on their own to use the system and since they were not adequately trained
production slowed. Eventually management recognized that work was not getting completed in a
timely manner and a formal training class was provided to employees. Once the formal training
was given, system usage increased and employees even began to experiment with some of the
applications functionality. The training also allowed them to modify their normal routine to


accommodate the use of the new tool and in their ability to increase their speed in closing out a
somewhat routine investigation. Staff communication about the usefulness of the new
technology increased. It was observed that some of the younger employees, who quickly
grasped the new technology, were sharing information amongst some of the older investigators
within the division which caused a better team environment. This resulted in greater acceptance
of the new technology because employees were now champions of the new system.
Management was on board because they were able to track the time spent on the unverified
voucher investigation and compare it to other historical metrics to see the increased efficiency
when using the new tool.
Usability of the technology is one of the most important factors when managing a new
technology change as was the case at the NJDGE. After all the formal training, questions and
testing periods, the technology must be easy to use to gain acceptance. When time is a factor in
completing investigation, the new technology must provide the ability to stream line all of the
functions needed to accomplish a task. If the system that is chosen can provided all of the data
collection, data formatting, and analysis, but is too complicated to use it would increase the time
spent on the task and decrease the support of the new technology. This would adversely impact
what the NJDGE is attempting to accomplish. Being simple to use while providing the ability to
collect, format, and perform meaningful analysis of the data would align with the departments
vision of the technology.
Interoperability is defined as a single interface for all the functions of the tool, and must
be easy to navigate through all the available functions without entering different platforms. In
this instance it is feasible for the NJDGE to house a server to collect the multiple formats used in
recording slot data. The overlying application is housed on the NJDGEs server would then

provide the ability to format the slot data, and format it into a useable document in Excel. Once
the Excel sheet is completed the investigator would pull the summary data and complete the
analysis, utilizing one system for multiple tasks. In the unverified voucher task the investigator
would pull out the patrons win/loss, currency in, vouchers redeemed, and promotional credits,
add and subtract properly, and the analysis is complete, and complete an investigative report.
On the other hand if a system does not have the interoperability then the investigator, and
NJDGE are right back at the beginning using the same lengthy process of collecting the multiple
formats in a text file, importing it into Excel, formatting the spreadsheet, reviewing the slot data,
and extracting the important factor to complete the analysis, then adding subtracting, to achieve
the result.
Management Challenges ALMAC CT
The adoption of a new tool (HP Quality Center) introduced multiple challenges with
managing the employees acceptance and trust of the new technology into their daily work.
Management now had to determine the best way to integrate this new technology into the daily
routine of staff. First staff had to be informed that the decision had been made to change the
testing process and that a new tool was now going to be utilized to perform testing. The
communication came at a monthly staff briefing with little time set aside for questions. Not
allowing time for questions or giving staff advanced notice that a change of this magnitude was
occurring was met with disapproval at best. Research has shown that having limited
communication about change and not setting aside time for open discussion helps to create
resistance to the change that is being made. Additionally, as mentioned earlier manual testing
had been the standard at ALMAC and introducing a change to their daily routine was not readily
accepted by staff due to the fear of the unknown and the fear of learning a new tool. To ease


fears, training was implemented in three-hour increments to help promote employees

confidence. At first, there were problems with the availability of the tool, preventing its use and
helping reinforce fears. Utilization remained low and employees remained resistant to using the
tool and continued to use the old methods they were comfortable with. To rectify the issue
management took a step back and evaluated the mistakes made in the roll out of the tool. The
first items that was identified was that the communication about the new tool was not handled
appropriately. As noted earlier, communication was done at department meeting with no time for
questions and little time for staff to absorb the change which put staff on the defensive. Research
has shown, when workers do not have time to discuss their concerns and fears about a change
they are more resistant to the change being made, and this was the case at ALMAC. To begin to
turn the fear into acceptance managers all had smaller meetings with their direct reports to get
them talking and find out what the issues really were. It quickly became clear that staff felt that
they had no voice in what was being pushed onto them and why could they not continue to do
things as they always had done them. It was a re-occurring theme of The way we do testing
works fine why do we have to change it? across all testing groups. Managers spent time
explaining to staff why the change was needed and what the business justification was for
making the change. This helped staff to understand that the decision that was made was
thoroughly researched before a new tool was selected. Great effort was put into listening to all
questions and allowing staff to vent how they felt as well as discussing all concerns. Once fears
and justifications for the change were discussed the topic of training was addressed. Staff felt
that the trainings were inadequate and did not set them up to be successful with the new
technology. They were very vocal about struggling to understand how to the used the new tool
and the pressure of having to use it to get their work done. Managers agreed that the training


lacked the depth that staff needed and that trying to train on the tool and put it to immediate use
was not working and causing delays and added stress to staff member. The decision was then
made to pull back on the use of the tool for daily work and to retrain the staff on its functionality.
Additional trainings were created to allow employees to ask questions and to communicate their
challenges with the technology to the training staff. These trainings were successful and allowed
people to share their issues and fears in an open fashion. Once training was completed, a
mandatory date was set for employees to use the tool in their daily work environment.
Employees began using the tool with better results the second time. Staff was encouraged by
managers and trainers to reach out for additional training when they needed it. Utilization went
to 100%, however some confusion and questions about how to use the tool effectively are still
Presently, the new technology is the standard for performing testing at ALMAC.
Although all employees are now using tool there are still some outliers that are very vocal about
not wanting to use the new technology and their desire to use the old methods. These individuals
are being encouraged to continue to learn the technology and how it is beneficial new skill for
them in their careers. A positive in this situation is employees are now assisting in making the
tool better for their use and feel more in control of their daily work. Management has continued
to support learning and training which has encouraged employees to ask questions and
understand the full capabilities of the solution.
Overall the implementation of this tool was not smooth. Gaps were identified in
infrastructure after the tool was implemented. Training was found to be too brief and not readily
available. Thought was not put into what the training needed to achieve and no goals were set to
gauge if the training was successful or not. Research has shown that effective training should


have goals along with a detailed training plan to ensure that the training meets what it was
intended to achieve. Management failed to communicate and prepare the staff for what was to
come. Open dialog was key to the success of implementing the new tool. If there had been more
communication some of the acceptance and resistance issues could have been avoided resulting
in a smoother roll out, a better trained staff and the ability to take on additional work that would
have added to the bottom line.
Managing employees acceptance of technology change can be a challenge for any
organization. To successfully implement a technology change, several areas need to be
affectively addressed. Challenges with internal conflict, or resistance by staff to the change must
be managed. Employee training, communication and a multi-generational work force should all
be considered and planned for when selecting a new technology. These items can be addressed
with a well-defined implementation plan, an effective training plan and open communication
between employees and management.
While researching this paper several areas stood out that warrant further exploration.
These areas were the appropriate time to deliver new technology training and the monitoring of
technology changes once they have been fully implemented. Limited information could be found
on industry best practices for the timing of when to deliver technology training. This is an
important area that organizations should think about when managing technology change. Studies
have shown that the effective delivery of training can impact employees acceptance and use of a
new technology. An additional area to research is monitoring of an organizations performance
after the technology is implemented. Research was not readily available that provided definitive
information on how and when monitoring should be done to determine success.


In conclusion technology change can be difficult to manage. Organizations can increase

their ability to successfully implement these changes if they plan, communicate, manage conflict
and monitor all aspects of the change they are making.


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