Netherlands Military Studies Academy

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The Netherlands Defence Academy presents the

Faculty of Military
Sciences in perspective
Education and Research report 2014

2 > Education and Research Report 2014

Table of contents
Preface 5
About the Netherlands Defence Academy and Faculty of Military Sciences

Innovative service logistics in the maritime sector



Column commandant of the Netherlands Defence Academy


Knowledge domain clusters


First Professor of Cyber Operations


Brief news


Column chairman of the Foundation for Scientific Education and Research NLDA


Positive assessment of European Joint Masters in Strategic Border Management


Opening Academic Year in the spirit of a troubled world


Highlights of dissertations


Civil-military working relationships


List of abbreviations


Officer-cadets look at the
possibilities of cyber operations.
Article First Professor of
Cyber Operations, page 21.

Education and Research Report 2014< 3

4 > Education and Research Report 2014

The art of changing the world without disturbing it
This title might sound like a contradiction in terms,
but I would prefer to call it an oxymoron: an apparent
contradiction. The word art in the title refers to
science in general, not to the specific research
discipline the basic principle is always the same. We
try to observe a phenomenon, but at the same time
avoid influencing the object(s) we are studying. The
observations are subsequently recorded, analyzed
and dissected. Based on the analysis it is common
practice to theorize on the origin of the observed
phenomenon and the parameters influencing it. Using
the experience gained and the relevant theory we
observe similar yet different phenomena and test our
theory against the new observations, hoping the results
will stand the test. Then it is time to publish our results
in scientific journals, thus informing our peers about
our findings and the theory behind them. This enables
us to change the world or help others change it, since
it is possible to adjust the boundaries of the various
processes and thereby influence the outcome of a given
similar, but new, situation. Hence, by observing the
world without disturbing the situation, we can help
change the world. Consequently, the title is only an
apparent contradiction.
Scientists of the Faculty of Military Sciences of the
Netherlands Defence Academy, as well as their
colleagues at similar research institutes throughout
the world, are very much aware of this difficult balance
between observing without influencing the observed
system too much, on the one hand, and trying to
obtain enough scientific material to theorize about the
process in a scientifically sound manner, on the other.
Our researchers often partake in exercises or real-live
conflict settings that give them the unique opportunity
to study situations that rarely occur. These are often
operations with many complicating factors carried
out under high-risk conditions, which are not easily
reproducible, yet very easily perturbed by external

All the featured scientists have in common the close

relation with the military world and the somewhat
ambitious goal of changing the (military) world for
the better. We hope you will appreciate their scientific
efforts and be impressed with their dedication. If you
have any questions relating to their work, please do not
hesitate to contact them and ask for more details.
Prof Dr Henrik Rudolph
Dean of the Faculty of Military Sciences

This annual report of the Faculty of Military Sciences

contains reviews of a variety of scientific work,
representing almost the whole scientific spectrum,
with the obvious exception of medical sciences.

Education and Research Report 2014< 5

About the Netherlands Defence Academy and Faculty

of Military Sciences
The Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) provides
initial officer training and education and career
courses for officers at intermediate and senior level.
By offering an integrated programme consisting of
military training, personal development and academic
education, the NLDA makes an important contribution
to professional leadership.


The FMS offers the following accredited Bachelor

programmes at two locations:
- War Studies (WS), at Breda
- Military Management Studies (MMS), at Breda
- Military Systems & Technology (MS&T), at Den
As of February 2013, the FMS also offers the academic
Masters degree programme in Military Strategic
Studies in Breda.


Academic education is underpinned by independent

academic research. Research at the FMS is relevant
for the education it provides and for the Defence
organisation as a whole, and contributes to improving
military operations.
Within the scope of the academic education for
military personnel, the Faculty of Military Sciences
(FMS) is primarily responsible for the academic degree
programmes at Bachelor and Master level for aspirantofficers and officers of the Netherlands Armed Forces.
In close cooperation with the Royal Naval Institute and
the Royal Military Academy, the FMS aims to prepare
midshipmen and officer-cadets, respectively, for their
future jobs in the armed services.

Research at the NLDA is mainly focused on military

disciplines, such as strategy, command and control
in military operations, leadership and ethics,
defence economics, military law and history, military
logistics as well as on technological domains, such
as optimizing operational processes, navigation,
maintenance, combat systems, C4I and military
platforms. Much of this research is conducted in close
collaboration with civil universities.

Organisation structure

The organisation chart of the FMS:

Faculty Board
Staff FMS

Research section

War Studies:
- Military Law
- International Security Studies

Education section

Military Management Studies:

- Military Behavioral Sciences & Philosophy

- Military History & Strategy

- Management, Organisation & Defence


- Military Operational Sciences

- Logistics and Information

6 > Education and Research Report 2014

Foundation for Scientific

Education and Research

Military Technical Sciences:

- Combat systems
- Military Platform Systems
- Navigation Technology

Research at the Faculty is confined to military-relevant, multi-disciplinary areas,

called Strategic Research Orientations (SROs):
1. Dynamics of War and Peacemaking;
2. Managing Military Coalitions;
3. Clustering Unmanned Military Systems;
4. Deployment and Deployability of Military Systems;
5. The Human(e) Factor in Present-day Military Practices;
6. Cyber Operations & Cyber Security.

Some facts and figures of 2015

Reference date is January 2015 (from the SWOON Annual Report 2014)
Scientific staff FMS
War Studies
Scientific staff
31,9 FTEs
(lecturers and researchers)*

Military Management Military Technical Studies



31,8 FTEs

99 FTEs

35,3 FTEs

* the scientific staff of the FMS provides education (both regarding degree programs as well as in the field of Officer Training or
Specialist Training Programs), contributes to advanced instruction and training and performs research and managerial tasks.
Number of Bachelor students

Bachelor students

War Studies

Military Management

Military Systems &

Technology and Military






Number of Master students: 88

Number of Bachelor graduates

Bachelor graduates

War Studies

Military Management Military Systems &

Technology and Military






Number of publications by research staff:

Dissertations: 5
Books: 3
National and international articles
Conference papers
Book chapters
Reports 6
Number of research staff:
Total research capacity in FTEs (including doctoral researchers)
Doctoral researchers (TNO and FMW)
Doctoral researchers from operational commands


Education and Research Report 2014< 7

8 > Education and Research Report 2014

Innovative service logistics in the maritime sector

The maintenance of capital-intensive installations
like naval vessels offers a complex challenge. Within
the maritime and offshore sector a number of typical
characteristics, e.g. geographical locations, various
asset usage patterns and weather conditions, make the
maintenance even more difficult. At the Faculty of Military
Sciences Ph.D. student Sub-Lieutenant (N) Bianca Keers
MSc works on a project that focuses on improving the
maintenance and service logistics of maritime assets.
Together with her mentor, Paul van Fenema, Professor
of Military Logistics at the FMS, she explains what the
research implies and how the Royal Dutch Navy can
benefit from the research outcome.
Keers research is part
of an extensive project
called Integrated
Maintenance and
Service Logistics
Concepts for
Maritime Assets
(MaSeLMa). In order
to understand the role
of her research in this
project it is necessary
to know more about
the motives and
background of the
project as a whole.

The MaSeLMa

In the maritime
sector service
logistics support
and maintenance of
systems constitute a
significant portion
of the exploitation
costs. On the one
hand, this is due
to the complexity
and high capital
value of the assets
used in this sector
and, on the other,
due to the highly
variable and mostly

harsh conditions in which ships and their subsystems

are operated. Moreover, since these assets are often
operated at remote locations around the world,
unplanned maintenance requires significant logistic
efforts and is hence very costly. This reveals that an
important cause of the high costs of service logistics in
the maritime sector is the uncertainty of maintenance
The MaSeLMa project focuses on developing innovative
concepts to improve the predictability of maintenance
and the requirement for service logistics, on the
one hand, and developing smart concepts of service
logistics optimization, supply chain coordination
and cooperation, on the other. The projects general
objective is to reduce total costs of asset ownership
and increase opportunities for new business by service
The Royal Dutch Navy and the Netherlands Defence
Academy participate in the project together with
19 other parties; ship-owners like Fugro, Original
Equipment Manufacturers like Pon Cat and system
integrators like Thales.

NLDA participation

The research project is organized in three work

packages. The first work package aims to increase the
predictability of maintenance, decrease unexpected
breakdowns and reduce unnecessary maintenance.
The second work package focuses on optimal service
logistics planning and support and the third on
developing inter-organizational relationships.
The Netherlands Defence Academy takes part in the
first and third package. The second work package
is conducted by the universities of Eindhoven and
Twente. Prof Dr Ir Tiedo Tinga, Associate Professor
of Maintenance lecturing at the FMS and part-time
Professor of Maintenance at the University of Twente,
leads the package, which is aimed at increasing the
predictability of maintenance. Together with two
Ph.D. students, who started their research in 2015,
he develops predictive models for systems on board
vessels, for example propulsion and radar systems. The
main aim of this project is to determine when parts or
complete systems fail, so that spare parts, personnel
and facilities can be arranged in time.

Sub-Lieutenant (N) Bianca Keers MSc

Education and Research Report 2014< 9

Professor van
Fenema is
responsible for
the package on
supply chain
He supervises
Keers research,
which is aimed
at developing
methods for
Prof Dr Paul van Fenema
between asset
owners, Original Equipment Manufacturers and service
In his inaugural speech held in April 2014 on
multistakeholder innovation (available upon request),
Professor Paul van Fenema elaborated on ways to make
the supply of material and service more cost-efficient
during military operations such as the current one in
Mali. His chair revolves around two important issues:
what determines the value of military logistics and how
can innovation influence that value in a positive way?
That is why this work package fits perfectly into my
research focus, explains Van Fenema.

Achievements in the third work package

project. As there are 21 parties involved in this project

her first challenge was to get a clear picture of their
individual objectives for cooperation, the interrelation
between potential partners and to understand the
consequences for individual organizations in terms of
changing their praxis.
The diversity of organizations, the low relational
but high transactional form of partnerships and
the traditional culture define the infrastructural
characteristics within the maritime industry. This
made it a challenging setting for me to study interorganizational relationships along with the emerging
new focus on management innovation , reflects Keers.
Nevertheless, being motivated to develop business
cooperation, organizations were able to lift the veil
momentarily to enable the creation of new scientific
insights into this matter.
She presented the preliminary findings in three articles
and discussed the results during a number of scientific
conferences. In addition, with the help of these
conferences and during a series of business sessions
organized by Gordian (an organization in service
logistics and spare parts management), Keers and Van
Fenema discussed further research requirements with
international researchers within the same discipline
and with business managers participating in the

source: World Class Maintenance

Keers started her research in August 2013. She used

the first six months to conduct baseline research and
interviews within the organizations involved in the

10 > Education and Research Report 2014

source: Thales

Keers: Based on scientific and business requirements

we formulated further research objectives to be studied
successively with the help of MSc-students from Tilburg
University and the Free University of Amsterdam.

Innovation model

In order to improve the success of collective

innovation, the aim of Keers study is to design
and validate a new, comprehensive and relevant
innovation model by which service praxis between
organizations participating in the MaSeLMa project
can be improved. By means of contextual action
research she is systematically studying case problems
and (aided by theoretical considerations) applied
intervention techniques in order to develop the ability
of organizations to form intensive and long-lasting
Keers: One of the latest aspects I identified to be of utter
importance to the development of any collaborative
initiative, is the intensity and dexterity with which actors
fulfil their roles within the relationship. I consider
it a privilege to be able to work on developing new
knowledge and gaining new insights.

Added value for the Royal Dutch Navy

The MaSeLMa project offers the Royal Dutch Navy

access to a broad range of newly developed methods
to increase service logistics efficiency. With these
methods, on the one hand, money can be saved
(due to reduced supply and less unused spare parts)
and, on the other, the availability and operational
capability of naval vessels can be improved. Besides,
the defence organization can learn a lot from other
professional operators by collaboration in a number
of experimental gardens in the field of, for example,
servicing propulsion and radar systems.
The added value for the NLDA is that the research
results (like models, methods and insights) can be
used as relevant case studies in both the Bachelor and
Master programmes of the Faculty of Military Sciences.
With these case studies lecturers can demonstrate how
new maintenance and logistic insights can directly be
applied in practice. Van Fenema adds: We also give
our students the opportunity to graduate at MaSeLMa
organisations. Besides this the project offers more
options; a midshipman studying at the Free University
of Amsterdam currently graduates at the Defence
Material Organisation on a MaSeLMa topic.

Education and Research Report 2014< 11

Last year saw a number of FMS publications on various scientific subjects, three of which feature below.

Nederland neutraal [The Neutral Netherlands]

Authors: Prof Dr Wim Klinkert, Dr Samul Kruizinga and Dr Paul Moeyes

In his new book entitled Nederland neutraal. De Eerste
Wereldoorlog 1914-1918 [The Neutral Netherlands. The
First World War 1914-1918] Professor Wim Klinkert
describes three leading episodes of the turbulent
years 1914-1918. The book presents a picture of how
the Netherlands remained neutral during the First
World War and how politicians, senior military,
commercial entrepreneurs and journalists coped
with the problems, opportunities and dangers of
Klinkert portrays three officers, namely General
C.J. Snijders, Commander-in-Chief naval and land
forces, Prof L.A. van Royen, a gunner who played a
central role in the organization and modernization
of Dutch weapons production, and cavalry Captain
Fabius, who laid the foundation of the military
intelligence service.
Besides these military figures, much is written in
great detail about Queen Wilhelmina, who liked to
refer to herself as the Soldiers Queen. The other
protagonists, discussed by Kruizinga and Moeyes,
were active in the world of diplomacy and trade &

12 > Education and Research Report 2014

Network Topology in Command and Control: Organization, Operation, and Evolution

Authors: Dr Ir Ren Janssen, Dr Herman Monsuur and Prof Dr (retd) Tim Grant

The book gives a current overview of new insights into

the field of Command and Control (C2) networks, like the
systems that are used by the operational commands. That
is what Network Topology in Command and Control: Organization,
Operation and Evolution, written by two FMS lecturers, working
in operational research and a former FMS professor in
operational information and communication technology,
Over the past decade, the C2 field has undergone a top-down
transformation, directive command to Network Centric
Operations (NCO); It takes a network to defeat a network.
Peer-to-peer networks (exchange of information between
equals), self-synchronisation (adaptive acting) and flexibility
play a key role here. This also includes the furtherance of the
cooperation in different settings; either joint or combined
and civil-military. The secondary C2 processes and C2 systems
cannot be studied without using Network Science, that is
the mathematics of networks. The book offers new insights
into the field of C2 organisation structures, modeling of C2
structures, networks with their dependencies and evolution
and C2 technologies.
Scientists from the Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, the UK
and the USA contributed to the book. This publication is
ideal for reference use by students, academics, and security
professionals in the fields of C2 and network science.

Optimal Deployment of Military Systems

Editors: Prof Dr Ir P.J. Oonincx & Dr A.J. van der Wal

At the opening of each academic year, the Faculty of Military

Sciences publishes the Annual Review of Military Studies (NL
ARMS). In 2014 the 18th edition was issued.
In this volume entitled Optimal Deployment of Military Systems.
Technologies for military missions in the next decade FMS
scientists describe the result of the Facultys research into
technical means for future missions. State-of- the- art
technologies, system integration and planning & life cycle
management are the key themes of this book.
Technical means that develop rapidly are planning and
conflict detection tools for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, a
simulation tool for anti-submarine warfare, and the use of
chat in command & control for anti-piracy missions.
These means will play a pivotal role in modern warfare.
From different angles FMS scientists describe the importance
of fundamental research into the military application of
these means. A short explanation of their Bachelor thesis
on future energy supply for naval vessels by two naval
officers concludes this volume. In order to receive a copy
of the 18th edition of NL ARMS, please send an e-mail to
[email protected]

Education and Research Report 2014< 13

14 > Education and Research Report 2014

Column commandant of the

Netherlands Defence Academy
Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, live today

2014 was a busy year for the Faculty of Military Sciences.

The impact of the reorganization (and reduction) had
to be processed, which had consequences for each
individual member of the faculty. Fewer people meant
redesigning almost every process internally, which was
a huge challenge.
In 2014 we started developing a Technical Masters
Course, in close cooperation with the branches of
the armed forces, which was hampered by limited
personnel resources. This important development
has not yet resulted in the actual mission to start such
an education. The need for such a Master is widely
acknowledged, but the struggle to attain the necessary
resources is an indication of the huge challenges
currently facing our defence organization.
In 2014 the NLDA received the results of a risk
analysis on integrity. This important document
suggested improvements in the work atmosphere and
environment at the Royal Military Academy, the Royal
Naval Institute and the Faculty of Military Sciences.
Throughout 2014 we put great energy in developing
the internal procedures, but more importantly,
in harmonizing the implicit curricula of the three
institutions. We will continue to do so for at least
another two to four years.
This effort will result in strengthening the main
selling point of the Netherlands Defence Academy:
providing an excellent combination of scientific
education, military training and character-building.
All contributors have the same focus and provide
opportunities for lifelong learning, just in time, just
enough, and just for you.

Todays world is dynamic, in which developments

constantly accelerate and become more and more
complex. The responsibilities put on the shoulders
of our young, and sometimes not so young, officers
increase by the day.

Major General (A) Theo Vleugels,

Commandant of the Netherlands Defence Academy

The biggest challenge of the Netherlands Defence

Academy is to respond adequately to the dynamics
of the military profession, and thereby preparing
our students for the future. Hence the importance
of retrospection, and the continuous search for
improvements in education, training and characterbuilding.

Education and Research Report 2014< 15

Knowledge domain clusters

From January 2014 on the reorganised FMS has three domain clusters which are
responsible for the academic education and research activities: War Studies, Military
Management Studies and Military Technical Sciences. Within these clusters the Faculty
focuses on a limited set of military relevant, multi-disciplinary research areas, called
Strategic Research Orientations (SROs). These SROs involve multiple groups and, in
some cases, stretch across knowledge clusters.
The chairmen of the domain clusters elucidate the important developments within
their group and their added value for the defence organisation.

16 > Education and Research Report 2014

Prof Dr Ir Patrick Oonincx, chairman of the Military

Technical Sciences (MTS) department
E-Mail: [email protected]
The development
and application of
modern technology
plays a pivotal
role in modern
warfare. Therefore
it is evident, that
projects on large
material renewal and
acquisition attract
a lot of attention in
both the military
and the political
scene. Introducing
new technologies
and novel military
platforms leads
to fundamentally
re-thinking on their usage and of course on the budget involved.
When it comes to the acquisition of novel technologies, we
therefore expect exciting years ahead. The new Joint Support Ship
Karel Doorman recently entered service, the F-16 fighter will be
replaced with the new Joint Strike Fighter F-35, the MQ-9 Reaper is
acquired as Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and in the next decade the renewal of the
Navys mine-hunters and multipurpose frigates, as well as the
possible update of the Dutch submarine fleet.
All of these projects will yield interesting research questions with
respect to both technological developments and operational use,
which are the two main topics of interest of the Department of
Military Technical Sciences. In view of these developments the
department presented in 2014 the Netherlands Annual Review
of Military Studies on its research themes, discussing views on
emerging new technologies and new operational challenges,
created by these technologies.
Bachelors programme
In her accredited Bachelors programme the MTS department
welcomed various Bachelor theses that were conducted in strong
cooperation with MoD departments like the Defence Material
Organisation (DMO). Some of them also won awards for best
thesis in a certain field, like the Van Hengel-Spengler award for
best thesis in the maritime field and the Rene Olthuis award in
the field of Computer Science. Also the Bachelor programme
introduced additional courses to host a new group of students
from the Dutch army, namely the technical logistics department.

Ph.D. theses
Some of the research topics have also been addressed in Ph.D.
theses, defended by the departments graduate students in
2014. In the field of maintenance research one thesis studied
predictive maintenance for abrasive wear of military platforms
operating in extreme conditions. Amongst others a case study
on a Combat Vehicle (CV90) was analysed. Another thesis
focused on monitoring corrosion processes based on identifying
electrochemical. The latter project has also been presented during
Innovation in Defence. In the field of navigation technology, a
thesis on terrain referenced navigation was defended successfully.
This technique can be used as a backup for GPS or by submarines
during covert operations.
Research projects
In view of the emerging technologies the department also
welcomed new projects in strong cooperation with the Ministry
of Defence, the DMO and civil universities. A majority of projects
were initiated with University of Twente on maintenance issues,
where Life Cycle Management (LCM) becomes more and more a
topic of interest. Two large projects in this area are Tools4LCM,
considering quantitative tools for life cycle management, and
MaSeLMA, which is a project funded by DinaLog on the integrated
optimization of maintenance and service logistics for maritime
assets. In the field of command and control (C2) and sensor
management, cooperation with DMO led to the initiation of
projects on platform and system integration, which will also be
implemented with the renewal of the multipurpose frigates. :
Together with TNO new projects on game theory, underwater
navigation and communication were started.
Highlights of publications:
1. Homborg, A.M., Electrochemical Noise: A Clear Corrosion Signature,
Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of Technology.
2. Oonincx, P.J. & Wal, A.J. van der: Optimal Deployment of Military
Systems. Technologies for military missions in the next decade, the
Annual Review of Military Studies (NL ARMS), Asser Press.
3. Grant, T.J., Janssen, R.H.P. & Monsuur, H. (eds.): Network
topology and military C2 systems: Design, operation and evolution, IGI
Global Publishers.
4. Theunissen, E., So you think you are safe in Coordinates, Vol. X,
Issue 9, 10-16.
5. Vermeulen, A.F. & Savelsberg, R.: Interception of an
aerodynamically stable weaving re-entry vehicle in International
Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 5 (2), 127-145.

Education and Research Report 2014< 17

Prof Dr Myriame Bollen, chairwoman of the Military

Management Studies (MMS) department
E-mail: [email protected]
The department of
MMS, on behalf of
the MoD and the
Dutch armed forces,
delivers an accredited
FMS scientific
degree programme
at Bachelors level.
Together with the
department of War
Studies, MMS takes
part in the FMS
Masters degree
programme in
Military Strategic
Studies (MSS).
In a European
consortium initiated
by the EU agency Frontex and in cooperation with the Royal
Marechaussee, MMS has developed a scientific Masters degree
programme in Strategic Border Management to be accredited
Besides the afore mentioned degree programmes, MMS staff
provide courses, workshops and lectures in both degree and
non-degree programmes regarding initial and advanced officers
education, within and outside NLDA. Moreover, as applies to all
FMS departments, MMS conducts research underpinning both
the FMS degree programmes as well as the knowledge base of the
MoD and the armed forces. In 2014, one Ph.D. research project,
supervised by MSS staff, has been finalized. Last, at the request
of the MoD and/or connected ministries MMS offers consultancy
and advice based on its fields of expertise.

Major themes
At its core, the department of MMS, both in education and
research is concerned with three major themes:
1. Psychosocial dynamics of expeditionary operations focus on
1) the triangle constituted by the individual, group and task in
2) the system (defence organization) in 3) changing contexts
(before, during and after operations as well as in differing
cultural settings). We ask ourselves: What happens to the people
in the triangle, during specific unfavorable situations- before,
during and after operations? We also study the effects of being
confronted with violence, both at an individual and at group
level. We ask ourselves in what way such confrontations impact
on the organization as a whole and how, in such dire situations,

18 > Education and Research Report 2014

leaders fulfill their roles. Basically, we are concerned with

studying how to best equip leaders to perform assignments as
effectively and accountably as possible to prevent irresponsible
behavior and its detrimental effects at all levels.
2. In Organising for Military Deployment (OMD), both from
a generic- and military management perspective, we study
structures, processes, systems and resources enabling military
deployment in peace as well as operational situations. We
presume both types of situations to interact and to be conditional
to one another. Besides, frequent deployments on operations by (a
part of ) the military increase the need for continuous interaction,
change and innovation. In OMD we focus on organizational
questions derived from the armed forces unique combination of
characteristics, i.e. a politically driven organization, tasked with
controlling- and exerting violence within structures, enabling high
levels of mobility, flexibility and project-based working.
3. Deployability, Sustainability and Performance (DSP) focuses
on the creation of added military value by applying insights
from specific logistical and economic processes, systems and
resources to military practice, albeit on operations out of area or
in the Netherlands. To this end, we base DSP in domains, such as
management, IT and (defence) economics that are being applied
to concepts relevant for the MoD and The Netherlands armed
forces. A Ph.D.-study on the MoDs Enterprise Resource Planning
implementation will be completed in the beginning of 2015. A
Ph.D.-study on networked cooperation for national operations
is being started. Other research projects deal with organizational
adaptation at the Defense Materiel Organization, maritime
service logistics supply chains and organizational innovations
such as logistical-operational analytics.

Highlights of publications:
1. Kleinreesink, L.H.E. : On Military Memoirs. Soldier-authors, publishers,
plots and motives, NLDA Breda, 412.
2. Soeters, J., Shields, P.M. & Rietjens, S. (eds.): The Routledge
Handbook of Research Methods in Military Studies, Abingdon/New York:
Routledge, 336.
3. Beeres, R., Fenema, van, P.C., Bollen, M.T.I.B, & Dado, E.: The
Strategic Value of Life-Cycle Costing in Optimal Deployment of
Military Systems. Technologies for military missions in the next decade, the
Annual Review of Military Studies (NL ARMS), NLDA Breda, 259-290.
4. Broesder, W.A., Op den Buijs, T.P., Vogelaar A.L.W. & Euwema,
M.C.: Can soldiers combine swords and ploughshares? The
construction of the Warrior - Peacekeeper Role Identity Survey
(WPRIS) in Armed Forces and Society, 40 (3).
5. Moorkamp, M., Kramer, E.H., Gulijk, C. van & Abe, B.: Safety
management theory and the expeditionary organization: A critical
theoretical reflection in Safety Science, 69 (November) 71-81.

Education and Research Report 2014< 19

Commodore (AF) Prof Dr Frans Osinga, chairman

of the War Studies department (WS)
E-mail: [email protected]
The War
continued its
research on
two broad
of War and
(DWPM), and
of War and
Peace Making
to provide
insight in the dynamics of interventions. The aim is
to increase our understanding of the contemporary
international security and military operational
environment. To that end it focuses on contemporary
problems encountered by western governments and
their armed forces in solving security issues. It focuses
on five topics: (1) Stabilization and Reconstruction;
(2) Engaging Violent Non-State Actors; (3) Leadership
Targeting and Robotization; (4) Virtual War and Strategic
Communication; (5) Adaptation and Transformation.
In addition to this SRO, the department also conducts
research on cyber warfare. That SRO has a particular
focus on the strategic, legal and policy aspects of cyber

Bachelor and Master programmes

Both research programmes directly support Bachelor
and Master level programmes run by the department.
Those programmes were enriched by two new Master
courses, one pertaining to the narratives various political
and religious schools of thought employ to justify
the use of force, and one on the dynamics of military
innovation. Both were informed by ongoing research
within the SRO. In the Bachelor program the courses on
contemporary military operations were strengthened in
coherence by re-clustering lectures into four thematic
courses, each dealing with a specific strategic context:
interstate warfare, irregular warfare, stabilization and
reconstruction, and finally, national operations.

20 > Education and Research Report 2014

Apart from a steady stream of national and international

publications, guest lectures and key note presentations
in the Netherlands and abroad, War Studies department
has been engaged in official policy development on
topics such as defence policy, drone warfare and cyber
operations. In addition several members have been
invited to share their perspective on such topics with
the Parliamentary Committee on Defence Policy.
Finally, faculty members have been active in doctrine
development supporting both national and NATO
doctrine fora and warfare centers. Another highlight
was the successful international congress War in the
History of Ideas, which took place on October 14, at the
Castle of Breda in cooperation with the British Society for
the History of Philosophy and the Erasmus Universiteit

Highlights of publications:
1. Graaff, B. de: Theres a good reason they are called
al-Qaeda in Iraq. They are al-Qaeda in Iraq. The
impossibility of a global counter-terrorism strategy,
or the end of the nation state in Jarvis, L. & Lister, M.
(eds), Critical Perspectives on Counter-Terrorism, London/
New York, 11-40.
2. Ducheine, P. & Haaster, J. van: Cyber Operations
& Military Power, in: Brangetti, P., Maybaum,
M.,Stinissen, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Cyber Conflict, Tallinn: CCDCOE, 303-328.
3. Lindelauf, R.H.A.: Power Grid Defense Against
Malicious Cascading Failure, (with Paulo Shakarian,
Hansheng Lei), 13th International Conference of Autonomous
Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-14).
4. Bartels, R.: From Jus In Bello to Jus Post Bellum:
When do Non-International Armed Conflicts End? in
Carsten Stahn et al., Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative
Foundations (Oxford University Press), 297-314.
5. Gill, T.D.: Some Thoughts on the Relationship between
International Humanitarian Law and International
Human Rights Law: A Plea for Mutual Respect and a
Common Sense Approach in Haek, Y, McGonigle Leyh,
B. et al. (eds.) The Realisation of Human Rights: When Theory
Meets Practice, Intersentia Publishers, Cambridge, 335350.

First Professor of Cyber Operations

In future warfare the armed forces will operate both in
the physical and non-physical, or digital, battle space.
Brigadier-General (A) Paul Ducheine PhD LL.M. MSc will
prepare the Armed Forces for this, as the Netherlands
first professor in cyber operations. In November 2014
Ducheine already held a named professorship of Military
Law of Cyber Warfare at the Faculty of Law in the University
of Amsterdam (UvA). Besides this civil academic chair he
will also hold its military counterpart of cyber operations
at the FMS from February 2015 on. Some people think
that we can execute cyber operations indiscriminately, but
legal verification of these operations is indispensable,
according to Ducheine.
Cyberspace, freely
translated as the virtual
world of information
and communication, is
a potential battlefield
and, after water, land,
air and space, the fifth
dimension of military
conduct. Ducheine:
All in all cyberspace
enables digital access to
information, which offers
huge opportunities to
manoeuvre. The weather,
terrain conditions and
the presence of enemy
forces can, for example,
negate the deployment
of ground troops,
artillery and air assets. But it is not necessary to attack
military forces; in order to reach ones goal sources of
information can also be disturbed and information can
be made inaccessible or distorted.

Cyber warfare

Warfare is complicated as it is; cyber warfare is worse,

more different, and therefore even more complex.
Sitting behind ones computer one also needs to have
accurate situational awareness in order to be able to
exactly assess what opponents and other actors are
up to, and be thoroughly documented before giving
the order to intervene with cyber power, because the
consequences can be huge.
Ducheine thinks it is a fascinating field of expertise,
which deals with facts, their legal implications,
political decision-making, and the subsequent actions
public services such as the Police and Armed Forces
may take. Ducheine: I want to get that correlation
across to the student-officers we train.

Interaction between the chairs

Ducheines multidisciplinary chair at the FMS

comprises the legal, technological and military
aspects of military cyber operations, as well as the
governance of cyber security at national level. Focusing
his education and research at UvA mainly on the legal
aspects, Professor Ducheine holds a chair that offers
other opportunities in the sense that it can bestow
doctorates. Researchers at the FMS, supervised by
Ducheine, can obtain their doctorate at the UvA and
may later on use their acquired knowledge while
working within the Armed Forces. You will have access
to research experience, knowledge and a large network.
After all you do not carry out research in isolation,
adds Ducheine. He also feels the advantages of the
mix of military and civil students himself. Ducheine:
Sometimes they ask questions I never thought of.

Cyber Command

Professor Ducheine, a former combat engineer, has

taught officer-cadets and midshipmen at the FMS on
the subject of cyber warfare since 2012 as an Associate
Professor of Cyber Operations and Cyber Security.
Furthermore, he has studied the military-legal aspects
of cyber operations and cyber security, acting in close
cooperation with the latest addition to the Ministry
of Defence; the Defensie Cyber Commando [Defence
Cyber Command (DCC)] consisting of a staff of about
50 people.

Education and Research Report 2014< 21

Background information

After completing officer-training at the Royal

Netherlands Military Academy Ducheine joined the
Engineer Corps as a junior officer. He went on to study
Public Administration at Amsterdam Free University
and read law at Utrecht University. He has worked
as a legal advisor in the Netherlands, Germany and


As a military legal advisor, Paul Ducheines research

involves military law aspects of cyber operations and
cyber security, his main focus being on cyber warfare
and, more specifically, on the legal basis for military
cyber operations (the ius ad bellum right to go to
war) and legal regimes during such operations (the
ius in bello conduct in war). Ducheine also studies
the theories that have developed around the concepts
of (ICT) protection, law enforcement and intelligence
in connection with cyber security, focusing on the
legitimacy of military and other governmental cyber

22 > Education and Research Report 2014

Positions at UvA

From 2003 to 2007 he held an associate chair in

Military Law as a researcher, taking his Ph.D. entitled
Armed Forces, Use of Force & Counter-Terrorism at
UvA in March 2008. Ducheine has been a lecturer in
Armed Forces and Constitutional Law at the UvA since
2004, and is also a guest lecturer on International
Humanitarian Law. Furthermore, he is a senior
researcher in the Research Forum on Law of Armed
Conflict and Peace Operations at the UvAs Amsterdam
Centre of International Law. He has published on
topics including military law, laws of war, ius ad
bellum, use of force, drones and targeting.

Ancillary positions

Ducheine holds a number of ancillary positions,

including that of member of expertise groups of the
International Law Association and Cyber Conference
Programming Committee member at NATOs
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. He is
co-editor of the military quarterly Militaire Spectator,
board member of the Military Law Association of the
Netherlands, and a member of the advisory editorial
board of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian

Brief news
Civil Accreditation University Teaching Qualification programme
A commission of external experts, of the association of cooperative Dutch universities (VSNU), has authorized the
Netherlands Defence College and Faculty of Military Sciences of the Netherlands Defence Academy the right to
issue the Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO) [University Teaching Qualification] to its academic staff. Prior to the
accreditation the NLDA underwent a process of investigation of its professional programme and an assessment
The BKO is a hallmark of the didactic qualities of academic staff. The Dutch universities together acknowledge the
qualifications awarded to the members of their teaching personnel. This means that BKO-qualified lecturers are
recognized by all participating institutions for scientific education, such as the Netherlands Defence Academy.
The BKO course consists of a professionalization phase and an assessment phase. During the professionalization teachers
attend a basic course in didactics and several supplementary modules. In the assessment phase the developments of the
BKO participants are assessed on the basis of the contents of their portfolios.

Education and Research Report 2014< 23

International law in peace operations

In 2013 The International Society for Military Law
and the Law of War initiated a high profile project
aimed at producing a Manual of International Law
in Peace Operations. The Manual, the first of its
kind and due to be published in 2016, is intended
to provide an authoritative expos and critical
assessment of the law that applies to the planning
and conduct of peace operations. FMS Professor
Terry Gill is one of the senior academic advisors
that lead this project.

This Peace Operations Manual project is intended

for both academic reflection and practitioners. It
will consist of black letter rules (the well-established
technical legal rules that are no longer subject to
reasonable dispute) and accompanying commentary,
offering a detailed guide for relevant areas of
international law.
The project is inspired by the 1994 San Remo Manual
on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflict at
Sea, the 2006 San Remo Manual on the Law of NonInternational Armed Conflict, and the 2010 HPCR
Manual on International Law Applicable to Air and
Missile Warfare.
Academic leaders
Besides Gill, the overall academic leadership of the
project is entrusted to two other senior academic
advisors; Dr Dieter Fleck and Dr William H.
Boothby. At the outset they were closely involved in
determining the scope of the project, the intended
audience and level of abstraction and what the

24 > Education and Research Report 2014

purpose of the manual would be in relation to other

literature and policy documents on the topic. In
addition, they were also involved in selecting the
members of the expert group contributing to the
Manual. All three advisors are contributors of one or
more chapters to the manual and they will serve as
editors in the drafting and the final phase.
Additional expert group
In addition to the group of experts, the project is
enriched by the participation of observers from the
UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, The
European Union, the African
Union, the International
Committee of the Red Cross
and NATO. Their role is to
comment on the drafts from the
perspectives of their respective
organizations and provide advice.
They do not directly participate in
drafting material, but will offer
comments during the working
Relation with FMS research
The project fits well into the FMS
research programme Dynamics
of War and Peacemaking and
is also part of the Research
Programme The Role of Law in Armed Conflict
and Peace Operations of the Amsterdam Centre for
International Law (University of Amsterdam) with
which the NLDA and FMS have a close relationship
laid down in a cooperation agreement. It will serve as
a research tool for Master and post-graduate students
at both institutions, in particular in the International
Law of Military Operations course in the context of
the Master in Military Strategic Studies. It is hoped
it will also prove a useful guide for policy makers at
the Ministry of Defence in planning and conducting
peace operations, such as the current mission of the
Netherlands Armed Forces in Mali.

Study of the atmospheric influence on radar

The Royal Netherlands Navy is very interested in the
extent to which weather conditions influence the
propagation of radar waves, because these weather
conditions affect the ranges at which crews of naval
vessels can detect targets at sea, while simultaneously
avoiding detection by the enemy. To get a good
insight into the effects of weather conditions on the
propagation of radar waves, Royal Netherlands Navy
Captain (E) Dr Fok Bolderheij MSc, FMS associate
professor of Navigation, in cooperation with American
scientists and Dr Vincent van Leijen of DMO Joint IT
Command, performed radar experiments off the coast
of Den Helder. The radar was used to track vessels at
sea while, at the same time, weather balloons were
launched to measure atmospheric parameters. These
experiments showed that the path followed by the radar
waves was, to a larger extent than expected, influenced
by weather conditions.

This influence is brought about by changes in the air

pressure, humidity and/or temperature, that consequently
result in a changing refractive index (light breaking index),
which causes the electromagnetic (EM) waves to deviate
from a straight path and follow a curved path instead.
Software package
There are various software packages available to predict
this influence, one of the most advanced being the
Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System (AREPS) of
the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR),
a major department of navy acquisition commands. To
monitor changes in the refractive index weather balloons
are used, equipped with a probe that measures the
environmental variables including their GPS position and
the precise moment that these measurements were taken.

This allows the calculation of the course of the refractive

index as a function of altitude and, subsequently, the
derivation of the curve of the path made by the EM wave.
The change of the refractive index is, however, also
position dependant. If the geography (e.g. land or water)
or the meteorological conditions (a cold front) change, the
weather balloon will measure different refractive profiles at
different positions. A sound prediction of the propagation
of EM waves, therefore, requires the launch of weather
balloons at multiple locations. Also, the propagation
prediction model has to be able to cope with a position
dependant refractive profile. The AREPS software package
has this capability.
Weather prediction model
Launching weather balloons is expensive and
cumbersome. Good launch positions may be unavailable
and therefore the simultaneous launch of a number of
balloons is difficult. The Dutch and American research
group examined whether the data from the weather
prediction model HARMONIE of the Royal Netherlands
Meteorological Institute is suitable to feed AREPS with a
position-dependant refractive profile. The outcome was
positive and in collaboration with SPAWAR measurements
were then carried out at the Dutch coast to validate the
results of the model.
This research also involved close collaboration with the
Joint Information Technology Command, to which Dr
Vincent van Leijen is attached, and the Defence Joint Meteo
Group, supported by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological
Institute. Part of this research is carried out by SubLieutenant (E) Joris Derksen, an NLDA Master student at TU

Education and Research Report 2014< 25

26 > Education and Research Report 2014

Column chairman of the Foundation for Scientific

Education and Research NLDA
topics, such as scientific integrity, the Ph.D. policy and
bibliometrics (e.g. citation analysis).
Another achievement was the succesful audit of the
NLDAs University Teaching Qualification (BKO), a quality
mark of the didactic capability of academic staff, by a
commission of external experts. The commission has
granted the NLDA, under the auspices of SWOON, the
right to issue the BKO qualification to its educational
staff. Besides, important steps have been taken in the
NLDA Council to devise a specific Military Technical
Masters Degree programme in the near future, to be
modelled on typically military requirements. Such
a Master fits the recognition that our military forces
are more and more dependent on knowledge and
technology for military missions in the next decade.

The Board of the Foundation for Scientific Education and

Research NLDA (SWOON), responsible for maintaining
the quality of both scientific education and research at
the Faculty of Military Sciences, can look back on 2014
as being a busy and successful year. The Masters degree
programme, which started in 2013, has proven to be a
success amongst military as well as civilian students.
The evaluation of the programme showed that the
students are very content with the well- taught and wellstructured lectures, the high level of the guest lectures
and the interaction between students and academic
2014 was the year in which the reorganization of the
Faculty, following the defence budget cuts, took effect.
The Board expresses its satisfaction with the way the
Faculty staff has carried through this reorganization,
without disrupting the education and research
programmes. In order to prepare the evaluation of the
research programme, due in 2017, several actions were
taken and discussed at a widely-attended Research Day
in Amsterdam, during which FMS researchers discussed

Late 2014 a new five-year strategic road-map for

the development of the Faculty was concluded by
the SWOON Board and forwarded to the Chief of
Defence for endorsement by the NLDA Council. The
Board appreciates the valuable advice on many of
the issues supplied by the Scientific Advisory Council
[Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad, WAR] under the revered
chairmanship of Prof mr A.H.A. (Fred) Soons.
Looking ahead, the SWOON expects to enhance the
Facultys record on scientific research, as increasing
numbers of officers are engaged in Ph.D. studies,
providing them with a unique combination of military
operational experience and scientific knowledge. In
line with that ambition, the Faculty wishes to obtain
the right to bestow doctorates for the benefit of both
students and scientific staff. Measures have been taken
to expand the Facultys research capacity through (inter)
national co-operation in project-based external funding.
The Board of SWOON sees 2015 as a year of consolidation
after a period of budget-driven reorganization as well as a
year of working towards new ambitions. The international
security situation today more than ever in the postCold War years requires that the NLDA provides the
Netherlands Armed Forces with leaders who have had the
best mental preparation and scientific education.
Lieutenant-General RNLAF (retd.) Dr. Dirk Starink
Chairman of the Foundation for Scientific Education
and Research NLDA

Education and Research Report 2014< 27

Positive assessment of European Joint Masters in

Strategic Border Management

For more than two years academic staff of the Faculty of

Military Sciences, together with colleagues of the Royal
Netherlands Marechaussee (RNLM), have worked on an
EU-wide project on the development of a joint Masters
Course in Strategic Border Management. In December
2014 the programme of the Masters was assessed by an
independent commission consisting of international
experts, who concluded that the programme meets the
terms of education at university level. The first group
of students will start the accredited Masters in the
academic year 2015-2016.
The European Agency for the Management of
Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of
the Member States of the European Union (Frontex)
took the initiative for the development of the Masters
course. From 2010, due to increasing unrest and
instability in the Middle East and the expansion of the
European Union towards the East, various EU countries
have acknowledged the need for academic training in
the field of border management.

28 > Education and Research Report 2014

With the Joint European Masters degree programme

in strategic border management they aim to provide
border officials throughout the EU with academic
knowledge and skills to improve the management of
the EUs external borders.
All EU countries have organised border management in
accordance with their own principles and legislation.
Also, regardless of the Bologna Agreements on the
structure of academic degree programmes across
Europe, the Ministries of Education of the EU member
states are also bound by their own national legislation
on higher education. Therefore, the preparation of the
extensive detailed documentation for this assessment
was a challenge for the different European academic
partners and border guard organisations involved.

Positive judgement

During the assessment of the Masters the Commission

was impressed by the extensive documentation
provided by Frontex, but even more so by the intensive
European collaboration that made this Master possible.
Teaching and developing staff have met on a regular
basis over the past two years, in for instance Spain,
Estonia, the Netherlands and Romania. Although
this was time-consuming, it was important to create
widespread support in the participating countries.
The Commission is somewhat worried about the study
load for the students, but also about the work load for
the teaching staff at the various institutions. For most
teachers, the Frontex Master comes on top of their
regular activities.

Contribution to modules

Researching Integrated Practices

The emphasis in this module is on qualitative research
techniques (e.g. interviews, case studies, observations)
and scientific writing and presentation skills. This
module provides the students with a basic introduction
to qualitative methods and their qualities (validation,
reliability, generalization, etcetera) relevant to conduct
such a study of their own, leading to a case study
research report.
In addition, the students will integrate the knowledge
gained from previous topics covered in all the modules
of the programme. Besides, during a field visit, they
will learn from the specialists who are embedded in
a border surveillance organization. Both methods
modules provide the students with quantitative and
qualitative knowledge and skills and prepare them for
writing their final dissertations.

FMS will contribute to three modules of the Masters

programme: Fundamental Rights and Ethics,
Researching Management Practices and Researching
Integrated Practices. Besides, together with the
consortium partners, the Faculty of Military Sciences
will take a fair share in supervising Master theses.
Fundamental Rights and Ethics
Fundamental rights and ethics are integral to every
aspect of border guarding. Issues in this field will,
therefore, be part of all modules. The aim of this
particular module is to provide all students with
the basics of fundamental rights and ethics, which
is a prerequisite for being able to recognize such
issues in the other modules. Although the emphasis
is on fundamental rights and ethics in the working
environment, more theoretical notions in law and
ethics are not absent; they form the basis for every
informed discussion on these topics.
Researching Management Practices
The aim of the module Researching Management
Practices in Border Security is to prepare the students
for conducting quantitative investigations (e.g.
constructing a simple questionnaire and evaluating
and interpreting the data obtained) within their
own organisation culminating in the submission
of a research report. Thereby they will be able to
apply the research methods for analysing (complex)
management problems in daily work situations.

Education and Research Report 2014< 29

Opening Academic Year in the spirit of a troubled world

This year the opening of the academic year took place
in a rather special military setting, namely in the Port
of Den Helder on board the naval vessel Zr. Ms.(HMS)
Johan de Witt. The Dutch representative to the
European Union, His Excellency drs. Pieter de Gooijer,
was the keynote speaker at the ceremony on 28 August.
In his address he urged academic staff and students to
contribute to a growing European cooperation.

More than military

According to De Gooijer, recent events in, for example,

the Ukraine and Iraq beg the extension of Europes
military power, creating a broader scope for European
collaboration, also in the field of education and
At the same time he noted that the distinction between
soldier and diplomat, development assistant and
trade developer, private and public sector, is becoming
increasingly blurred. Therefore, the armed forces
increasingly employ personnel that are more than
military. The Dutch representative hopes that the NLDA
will be able to contribute to that development.

Armed Forces Top Executives Course

In his speech the Commandant of the Netherlands

Defence Academy, Major General Theo Vleugels,
acknowledged the importance of partnerships, both
national and international, for the Academy. He
revealed his plans for a part-time course for armed
forces top executives (Top Defensie Vorming), which
participants from other countries and departments also
have the possibility to join. This is an investment in the
future of armed forces top management and meets the
lifetime-learning philosophy of the NLDA.


In his speech Professor Dr Henrik Rudolph, Dean of

the FMS, challenged all the operational commands to
think about the future field of activity of the officers
and the academic competences that belong to that
field. He presented the first copy of the 18th edition
of the Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies,
entitled Optimal Deployment of Military Systems.
Technologies for military missions in the next decade,
to Admiral Mathieu Borsboom.

30 > Education and Research Report 2014

Thesis Award

Every year during the Opening Ceremony the FMS

presents an award to the author of the best Bachelor
thesis. The originator of the prize, Commander (rtd)
Ir Hein Sabelis, former Dean of the FMS, awarded the
prize himself. Midshipman Heleen Sikkes received the
Hein Sabelis Thesis Award for her thesis with the title
Dress with beard, a case-study into the cultural frames
with regard to Muslims cadets of the initial officer
training course of the Royal Netherlands Army. The
thesis received the highest grade.

Researcher of the year

Every year the Permanent Committee for

Scientific Research [Vaste Commissie voor
Wetenschapsbeoefening] of the FMS nominates
a Researcher of the Year. On account of his
extraordinary research achievements Dr Ir Bas Rietjens,
Senior Lecturer of Management Information Services,
received the title of Researcher of the Academic Year

Education and Research Report 2014< 31

Highlights of dissertations
At the Faculty of Military Sciences, both civil and
military Ph.D. students work on their dissertations.
Their research fits within one of the Strategic
Research Orientations, which form the basis for the
FMS research programme.
The FMS distinguishes four categories of Ph.D.
students; so-called TNO* - Ph.D. students, funded
by the armed forces funding budget; military Ph.D.
students earmarked by their operational commands
to do research; Ph.D. students that are financed by
external sources, and Ph.D. students funded from the
FMS research budget. The latter group, consisting of
three students, will phase out in 2015.

In 2014, five Ph.D. students obtained their doctorate.

These are being discussed below, as well as three
doctoral studies that are in progress.
* TNO is the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast
natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek [Dutch organisation for
applied physical science research]

Five completed dissertations

Electrochemical Noise:
A Clear Corrosion Signature
Author: Lieutenant (N) Dr Ir Axel Homborg
Corrosion, or
rust, poses
a recurring
on Dutch
naval vessels.
(N) Dr Ir Axel
lecturer and
at the NLDA,
rose to the
to find a
solution for
this problem.
Thanks to the
Homborgmethod the Dutch armed forces are better able
to predict the infraction of metal constructions
in vessels due to which maintenance costs will be
lower and the safety of the vessels will increase.

32 > Education and Research Report 2014

In his research Homborg aimed at a new way of

measuring corrosion, which is in fact a natural
process that excites its own electrical signals. By
recording these signals, he actually listens to
corrosion. That already has been a known fact
for some time; the same goes for the application
of noise measurement of corrosion. However,
until now it has been difficult to give a sound
interpretation of the information from the
With this method, that distinguishes varied noise
signals, it is not only possible to identify the
different forms of corrosion, but also to predict the
condition of the material. In that way the navy can
indeed better estimate when a vessel needs to be
decommissioned. Likewise, it becomes possible to
draw up a flexible and custom-made maintenance
plan per vessel, enabling the navy to prevent unsafe
situations from happening and save a lot of money
in the long run.
Besides the NLDA, the technical university of Delft,
Endures B.V. and the Materials Innovation Institute
worked on this Ph.D. project.

A GPS inspired Terrain Referenced Navigation algorithm

Author: Dr Daniela Vaman

fault and compensate for it.

With the accuracy that can be accomplished with this TRN
technique, for certain applications it offers a good alternative
compared to the vulnerable GPS and Galileo systems and it
can prevent hostile disruptions from fire-delivering systems
and GPS controlled bombs.

Satellite navigation systems like GPS and Galileo, which

the armed forces use, are vulnerable because they can
deliberately be disturbed by an opponent. Therefore, it is
important that the armed forces have back-up systems at
their disposal that can also assess the position of an object.
Daniela Vaman, former researcher at the Netherlands
Defence Academy, examined which technique offers a good
alternative for vulnerable satellite navigation systems.

The doctoral student developed a range of algorithms based

on tailing GPS signals and suppressing disruptions from
these signals, but now optimized for a signal which consists
of a sequence of space measurements to the terrain.
Positioning takes place by finding the hereby corresponding
series in an existing database. She tested the algorithm
by means of computer simulations using various terrain
contour plots and altimetries with several types of sensors.

Vaman researched whether positioning on the basis of

terrain-contour plotting (the so-called Terrain Referenced
Navigation, or TRN) can gain from modern signal processing
techniques. The technique that she developed, known
as adaptive tracking loop, is based on small, deliberately
applied disturbances in the control loop of the TRN system
with which the system can estimate the actual measuring

Until now, research into military memoirs was often an Anglo-American and always a
qualitative affair. This study, however, takes a completely new approach to researching
soldier-authors in order to answer four main questions:

Who are these soldier-authors?

Who publishes them?
What do they write about?
Why do they say they write?

Memoirs of military personnel deployed to Afghanistan

often have a positive tone. That a mere 39 percent of the
autobiographies have a storyline characterized by disillusion
appears from Esmeralda Kleinreesinks Ph.D. research into
the Afghanistan-memoirs. Another conclusion from her
research is that these books are not written because it helps
the military writers cope with their experiences.
Every Afghanistan autobiography published between 2001 and 2010 by a soldier, whether
published by a traditional publisher or self-published, is statistically researched. Not only all
books from English speaking countries such as the US, the UK and Canada, but also every
memoir written in Germany and the Netherlands.
In an easy to follow writing style, even for people without a statistical background,
it provides factual data on these authors and their work that is often surprising.
But this book is not only about numbers, as it combines this quantitative research with
qualitative analyses.

On Military Memoirs

On Military Memoirs.
Soldier-authors, Publishers, Plots and Motives
Author: Lieutenant-Colonel (AF) Dr Esmeralda Kleinreesink

Daniela Vaman worked for the FMS until 2014. At the

moment she works as a technical consultant in the Mobile
and Payment Practice department of UL Transaction Security.

This mixed method, cross cultural approach not only answers the basic who, what and
why questions, but makes it also possible to answer all sorts of other questions military and
egodocument researchers, but also publishers have long wondered about: Are soldierauthors a special breed among soldiers, or not? Do soldiers from different countries
write about different things, or is there just one, shared military experience in all these
countries? And do self-published books differ from books published by traditional
This book will provide all these answers, and many more.

After any war military memoirs have been written.

Lieutenant-Colonel Kleinreesink examined all 54 Afghanistan
memoirs that were published between 2001 and 2010 in
the Netherlands, Germany, the USA, the UK and Canada.
She did not only examine the literary contents, but also the
publication of the books.
ISBN: 978-9088920004

Whether a military autobiography has a positive or negative

storyline appears to be well predictable on the basis of the
characteristics of the writer. Authors who still work for the
Ministry of Defence when their book is published have a
positive outlook, whereas combat soldiers usually write in
a less positive vein, even when they are still armed forces
Kleinreesink finds it remarkable that almost half of the
military authors were not part of a team when on mission.

L.H.E. (Esmeralda) Kleinreesink

L.H.E. (Esmeralda) Kleinreesink is a lieutenant-colonel

with the Royal Netherlands Air Force who currently works
as an assistant professor at the Netherlands Defence
Academy. She published several short stories and an
autobiography (Officier in Afghanistan, Meulenhoff,
2012) about her own deployment in Afghanistan.
She studied Business Administration at the Erasmus
University Rotterdam and English and is a certified
interpreter Dutch-English.

On Military Memoirs
Soldier-authors, publishers, plots and motives

They were deployed

alone, for instance as a
doctor or automation
expert. They chose to
publish their books
by themselves rather
than by an established

Finally, Kleinreesink
dismisses the idea that
the military authors
primarily write down
their experiences
because this helps them
in coping. This reason
is only rarely referred to
by the military writers and, when it is, only by individually
deployed military. Gaining acknowledgement for their work
in Afghanistan, helping others and bringing about positive
change, like a better understanding in civilian society or
within the armed forces, are uniformly mentioned as the
main reasons for writing.
L.H.E. (Esmeralda) Kleinreesink

Lieutenant-Colonel Esmeralda Kleinreesink works as an

academic lecturer at the Netherlands Defence Academy.
She herself also wrote a military autobiography about
Afghanistan: Officier in Afghanistan [Officer in Afghanistan]
(Meulenhoff, 2012).

Education and Research Report 2014< 33

Multimodal surveillance.
Behaviour analysis for recognizing stress and
Author: Dr Iulia Lefter

Security guards watch video images from camera

systems installed on military and large public
terrains looking for unwanted behavior and
incidents 24/7. The attention of the staff can waver
due to various causes. Some incidents, like gunrelated and riotous behaviour, are hard to discover
with only video images. Therefore, incidents can
sometimes not be properly assessed and the video
images are consulted afterwards.

An experimental and theoretical investigation into

three-body abrasive wear
Author: Dr Martijn Woldman
Dr Martijn Woldman has developed a maintenance
concept whereby it is possible to predict the
maintenance intervals and lifespan of engines that
operate in sandy conditions. He used the infantry
Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90) as subject of the case study
in his Ph.D. research.
Woldman has researched the influence of the size and
shape of the grains of sand on the wear of material.
By means of a numeric model he reproduced the
development of scratch as a result of the sliding
movement of a molded grain of sand by a steel
surface. By applying Woldmans research results to the
maintenance concept the maintenance intervals and
life span of, for example, the wheels of the CV90 can be

34 > Education and Research Report 2014

Lefters research prompts a solution in the shape of

using an automatic surveillance system that alerts
security staff at certain moments so as to keep an eye
on what is happening in certain places. This reduces
the number of missed incidents due to distraction and
looking at preferred screens. The system recognizes,
besides violence, also negative emotions and stress that
can precede violence. By recognizing emotions at an
early stage, it is possible to prevent violence.
With own scenarios and semi-professional
actors the researcher built a dataset consisting of
video images. To be able to recognize stress and
aggression she filtered all kinds of characteristics
from these video recordings. Lefter developed a
method that can be used for making predictions
about stress and aggression levels with new video
The developed system can be built into existing
video surveillance systems. According to Lefter
it is desirable to test the system in a military
The research for multimodal video surveillance
systems was a cooperation between the Netherlands
Defence Academy, TNO and the technical university
of Delft.

better predicted.
When sand gets into a machine and gets stuck between
components that are in sliding contact, for example,
in cog wheel constructions and ball bearings, abrasive
wear will occur on the contact areas.
Abrasion is the form of wear that is caused by a gliding
movement of hard grains or roughness on a softer
surface. A distinction is made by second-body abrasion
and third-body abrasion. The former means that one
of the contact areas causes wear and with the latter
there is an alien body between the contact areas,
which causes wear. In Woldmans research it is a matter
of third-body abrasive wear, since the grains of sand
activate the wear.
Dr Martijn Woldman carried out his research in
cooperation with TNO, the University of Twente and
the Netherlands Defence Academy.

Three doctoral studies in progress

The effects of military education at the Royal
Netherlands Military Academy on the practices of
military leadership
Ph.D. researcher: Marenne Jansen MA
Contemporary military and peacekeeping missions become
more and more complex. Challenges include the ethical
and operational complexities with which servicemen are
confronted during operations. Military leaders need to
develop social, moral and psychological competencies to
handle the ambiguities and pressures of modern conflict.
Therefore military leadership development is considered
extremely important within the defence organization.
The aim of Ph.D. researcher Marenne Jansen, also related
to the Radboud University and TNO, is to understand how
the training mechanisms at the Royal Netherlands Military
Academy (RNMLA) influence leadership performance,
specifically with regard to their professional behaviour
during operations. To understand the effects of military
education on the practices of military leadership, Marenne will

Urban Security
Ph.D. researcher: Captain (A) Rick Krosenbrink MSc
Future wars
will be fought
in cities. To
the possible
outcomes of
these future
wars a thorough
of urban
is indispensable, especially in preventing the escalation of a
conflict. Currently the Dutch armed forces are conducting a
broad variety of activities in preparing for urban operations.
With his research Krosenbrink will contribute to the
understanding of the organised complexity of the city and
the role of security in this environment. Thereby he aims
to contribute to the armed forces preparations for urban
operations by creating a modern and solid theoretical basis for
understanding urban security issues. These will be based on
design analyses of communities in both Afghanistan and the
Netherlands (and possibly Mali).

provide insights into the relationship between the nature of

military education, and specifically socialization, on the one
hand, and the
of military
leadership, on
the other.
Ms. Jansen
started her
research at the
in August 2014. The first half year she spent on doing
preliminary interviews with officers, a literature research
and designing the research plan. The coming years she will
collect data, both at the Netherlands Defence Academy, as
well as in the field. The outcome of this dissertation will
contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of
military education, and its effects on the performance of
military leadership.

A city is a diverse mix of people and processes, with its own

self-organizing dynamic. In the most abstract way the research
of Rick Krosenbrink will contribute to the understanding of
the organized complexity of the city and the role of security in
this environment. Krosenbrink will challenge the concept and
construct of security by focusing on the relationship of security
and (public) space.
The research is shaped around a broad central question: What
is the influence of urban design on security? And in what way
can the urban landscape be adjusted so that it contributes
to human security, civil empowerment and community
resilience? Before talking about urban warfare, the issue of
understanding urban security should be addressed.
This research analyses security issues and carries out research
on future-proof security concepts, in which openness is
key instead of exclusion and fear. Rick is determined to find
positive dynamics in the ongoing process of securitization.
In 2014 he wrote his research proposal and was accepted as a
Ph.D. students at the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University
of Technology. He presented his starting concept in several
forums, including the International Society of Military Sciences
at the Austrian National Defence Academy. This year he will
publish two articles that will form the conceptual framework
for his research. Besides his research he will be attending the
Doctoral Education Programme of TU Delft.

Education and Research Report 2014< 35

Ph.D. researcher: Lieutenant (MC) Mark Roorda LLM

During the last fifteen years the use of armed

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for engaging
ground targets has increased significantly.
Unmanned weapon platforms have been used for
regular combat missions in Afghanistan, Libya,
Iraq and Syria, as well as for counter-terrorism
operations in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The
practice of using targeting assets that are not
inhibited by humans has provoked extensive debate
on the morality and legality thereof; a debate that
has gained importance since it appears that such
technology is rapidly proliferating.
The aim of Roordas Ph.D. research is to facilitate
further debate on the legitimacy of the military
use of remotely-operated weapon platforms by
contributing to a
of operational
procedure and
how relevant
legal norms are
incorporated into
such procedures.
Mark will analyse
how military
targeting has
evolved over
time, how states
have adopted
procedures aimed
at effective and
legitimate use

36 > Education and Research Report 2014

of force, and whether the use of remotely-operated

weapons is distinct from this development. In this
sense, Roordas research will investigate whether this
new technology revolutionizes warfare or whether
it is merely a logical step in acquiring and using
means that are necessary to face adapting opponents.
Issues such as risk-free war, risk-transfer, play station
mentality, signature strikes and leadership targeting
will be scrutinized. This research will be unique in
offering a balanced, multidisciplinary account of
both military operational requirements and relevant
regulating norms. One of Marks hypotheses is that
these two elements might not be so far apart as is
often suggested.
The research results can be used to determine
the extent to which remote weapon technologies
can be incorporated into the Netherlands (and
other) defence structures and whether there are
concerns that must be addressed in effectively and
legitimately using them for targeting purposes.
It could, therefore, lead to recommendations for
improving targeting procedures, particularly to
facilitate transparency and accountability. Over the
past year, Mark has formulated his research design
and started collecting and analyzing data on the
evolution of targeting, as well as on the procedures
that states have adopted to perform targeting in
armed conflict. These elements will serve as a basis
for assessing the uniqueness of remotely-operated
weapon platforms and identifying the main
concerns about their use.

Civil-military working relationships

Defence organizations comprise both military and civil personnel
working in partnership with each other. Although civil-military
working relationships and work culture have largely remained
unexplored so far, as evidenced by international requests for
information, it is an important human resources issue in defence
organizations. Together with eight other NATO countries, the
Netherlands actively participate in a NATO task group that
cultivates knowledge of the cooperation between military and
civilian defence personnel. On behalf of the Faculty of Military
Sciences of the Netherlands Defence Academy, Professor Dr Sjo
Soeters and Dr Manon Andres, both researchers at the FMS,
participate in this project.

Defence organizations are unique in that they

comprise integrated military and civilian workforces
that, although they often work closely together
(e.g. at headquarters, on bases, on operations, at
military educational institutions), are governed by
very different personnel management systems and
have very distinct cultures. These factors can affect the
nature of the collaboration between these integrated
workforces and influence both personnel outcomes
and organizational effectiveness. There are significant
gaps in the empirical research of this fundamental
issue affecting military organizations.

are representatives of the Netherlands in the NATO task

group, which is aimed at extending our understanding
of military and civilian work culture and relations.

Results so far

International comparisons still need to be made, but

based on the research results so far Andres and Soeters
can already conclude that there are differences in
relations between military and civil staff within defence
organisations which prompt research questions such
as: what underlies these differences and are there also
differences in work relations?
It is striking to note that
amongst interviewed senior
military commanders and
policymakers the notion
exists that there are no
urgent issues concerning
work relations between
military and civilian
personnel, but commanders
and policymakers described
clear differences that may
give rise to issues in the
future. Moreover, the
research shows that mainly
in the field of leadership
and supervision there are
important points of interest
e.g. aspects of fairness and
perceptions of fairness of
service personnel and civilian

Expected outcome

The results of the project, forthcoming in 2016, will be

relevant for both military as well as civilian supervisors.
The research groups objective is, amongst others,
to develop, operationalize, and test a conceptual
model for military and civilian work culture and
relations, identifying challenges and enablers of
effective civil-military interaction and collaboration in
defence organizations. Besides, best practices will be
formulated with regard to personnel management.

Manon Andres, university lecturer of Organisation

Science and Management, and Sjo Soeters, Professor
of Military Organisational Science and Management,

Education and Research Report 2014< 37

38 > Education and Research Report 2014

List of abbreviations
Army, for example in Colonel (A)
Air Force (AF), for example in Colonel (AF)
AREPS Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction

SWOON Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs en

Onderzoek NLDA
In translation: Foundation for Education
and Research NLDA

BKO Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs

In translation: University Teaching

TNO Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast

natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek
In translation: Dutch organisation for
applied physical science research
Terrain Referenced Navigation


Command and Control

Combat Vehicle 90


Defence Materiel Organisation

EM Electromagnetic
Faculty of Military Sciences
Frontex European Agency for the Management of
Operational Cooperation at the External
Borders of the Member States of the
European Union
IDL Instituut Defensie Leergangen
In translation: Netherlands Defence

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

VSNU Vereniging van Samenwerkende

Nederlandse Universiteiten
In translation: the association of
cooperative Dutch universities
VU Vrije Universiteit
In translation: Free University
WAR Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad
In translation: Scientific Advisory Board

War Studies

Koninklijke Militaire Academie
In translation: Royal Netherlands Military

Life Cycle Management

Marechaussee, for example in Colonel (M)
Medium Altitude Long Endurance
MaSeLMa Integrated Maintenance and Service
Logistics Concepts for Maritime Assets
Marine Corps
Military Management Studies
Ministry of Defence
Military Strategic Studies
Military Systems and Technology

Navy, for example in Colonel (N)

Network Centric Operations
Netherlands Defence Academy


Royal Netherlands Marechaussee

Royal Netherlands Military Academy


Strategic Research Orientation

Education and Research Report 2014< 39

Faculty of Military Sciences in perspective is the yearly education and
research report of the Faculty of Military Sciences in Breda and Den
Helder, which is part of the Netherlands Defence Academy.
Editorial department:
Faculty of Military Sciences,
P.O. 90004,
3509 AA Utrecht,
MPC 55A,
e-mail: [email protected]
Frederieke de Pee-Vencken MA
Mediacentrum Defensie
Merel de Hart, Multimedia Netherlands Defence Academy
Repro department Royal Military Academy in Breda
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without prior written permission of the Faculty of Military Sciences.

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