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In David Icke's documentary "Revelations of a Mother Goddess," former Illuminati

mind-controlled slave Arizona Wilder said that Zecharia Sitchin was a shape-shi
fting reptile alien who had the job of disinforming humanity about the reptilian
s and the Illuminati. David Icke replied by saying that could explain why Sitchi
n warned him not to talk about reptile aliens in his work after he asked Sitchin
why he never said anything about ancient Sumer's many reptilian motifs in his E
arth Chronicles books. Further, former 33rd degree freemason Leo Zagami said on
Project Camelot that Sitchin was a disinfo agent who worked for the Illumianti a
nd got help writing his works from the Vatican, and 32nd degree freemason Donny
Gillson discussed how Sitchin was a CIA disinfo agent and his Nibiru story was a
However, in part 2 of a 20 part series on the Creating5D youtube channel, galact
ic historian and akashic records reader Andrew Bartzis said Sitchin's first thre
e books are very accurate except for the fact that the Anunnaki did not come to
Earth on a mission but were actually lured to Earth by other dimensional entitie
s, and the gold they forced their genetically engineered slave humans to mine wa
s to bring entities to Earth and NOT to shield the atmosphere of Nibiru (althoug
h Bartzis made it very clear that Nibiru DOES EXIST in its 3600 year orbit in ou
r solar system.) Bartiz also said the Anunnaki came to earth about 480,000 years
ago and not 450,000 years ago as Sitchin screwed up his timelines, and incorrec
t timelines is the reason Sitchin's 4th book onward were off. And Bartzis explai
ned that Sitchin was a very spiritual man who had a higher dimensional entity he
lping him write his first 3 books.
When I met Andrew Bartzis last October, I asked him "So how could Sitchin have b
een accurate if he was a reptilian disinformer?" Bartzis explained to me that en
tities known as timeline watchers "victimized" Sitchin by implanting phony timel
ines in our reality by making those sources give false stories about Sitchin bei
ng a fraud (sounds crazy, but like it or not that's how reality works.)
But there is one final mystery to be solved here. Why did Sitchin warn Icke not
to put stuff about reptile aliens in his work? My guess is that first off, Sitch
in might have felt that talking about reptile aliens would discredit him. And se
cond, Sitchin was good friends with Jordan Maxwell, and Maxwell for a short peri
od of time had bad thoughts about David Icke. When Maxwell brought Icke to Ameri
ca (and introduced Icke to the idea of the reptile alien, by the way) Icke's age
nts from Britain who helped bring Icke to America got hired to help Maxwell run
The Truthseeker Company. However, Maxwell ironically lost that job when those ag
ents of Icke fired Maxwell after Icke got more popular. But Icke wasn't interest
ed in running a company, and as a result the Truthseeker Company went defunct an
d Maxwell held a bit of a grudge against Icke for that. I'm sure Sitchin (who wa
s also part of the Truthseeker Company) felt a bit of a grudge against Icke as w
ell and so that was probably another reason why he warned Icke not to talk about
reptile aliens. That's my hunch, anyway.
And interestingly, in his most recent book "The Perception Deception," Icke talk
s about how the "X" or a cross-shape is a symbol for Saturn and he suggests that
Saturn (a major Illuminati symbol for Satanism) is the Planet X that Sitchin wa
s talking about and also the real planet of the Anunnaki. He also says Sitchin w
ould've known about the relationship between the cross and Saturn since he was a
Zionist and that means he was a Saturn worshipper (although it's strange that I
cke NEVER says anything in his books about Sitchin being a reptile alien despite
what Arizona Wilder told him). Icke also makes it clear that he doesn't buy Sit
chin's story of Nibiru, but he does support Sitchin's theory about humans being
genetically engineered by some alien force.
Well, it appears that Icke was duped because thanks to Andrew Bartzis, we know S
itchin wasn't a fraud after all and Nibiru does actually exist. And if Sitchin w
as a Zionist as Icke says, he certainly wasn't a malevolent Zionist and was almo

st certainly compartmentalized. And lastly, if any of you are wondering how the
Anunnaki could survive on Nibiru when it is so far from the sun, the answer is t
hat every planet has it's own consciousness filtering system which allows for li
fe to exist on the planet regardless of its size, location, or type of star it o
rbits (one of many things mainstream science and NASA conceal from us.)
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