Jonah Bey New Years Show

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DBA is used to register "strawman" with county

2. minnisota rule 220 "certificate of title" (age of majority status change)
3. Rule 17 of the rule of procedure (read)
4. Private:Surname Public:First Name
5. Domestic Trust is bad
6. NY DBS Law 130 Fictitious Name #6 #9
7. civil death lost rights through fictitious name "strawman"
8. IRM to get 98 EIN
9. 26 USC 7701 for defs on foreign trust
10. Foreign;Private Domestic;Public
11. Foreigners dont pay tax
12. register myself under true name (surname, given) for "court" court cannot "s
peak" "man" name
13. being foreign is outside of US Corp
14. SS4 Form (W8-Ben Purposes Only)
15. 18 USC 914 when saying "strawman" as creditor this law is broken
16. Bank is an intermediary (UCC)
17. Lawful (Cal Constitution 1849) Legal (28 USC 3002 (15)(A)); Lawful;Private;S
urname Legal;Public;FirstName
18. Study Article 9 of UCC to secure whats owed to me in "the name"
19. UCC 9-312, UCC 9-311(a) use a UCC-1 that will be a non-ucc for real public r
20. Rule 220 says "Certificate of Live Birth" is a "Certificate of Title" for "s
trawman" and when claimed at county as DBA this perfects claim on all caps name
and this takes priority over all lien creditors
21. any intermediary (bank, carlot, utility...etc) uses private side (man) to fu
nd public side (person) when register COLB
NOTE:must check for california; long form birth certificate to get right one
22. UCC 9-313; COLB is the certificated security
23. Once you authenticate "a copy" of COLB then this is the one that the affidav
it is placed on
NOTE: county is acting stupid so authenticate it up first then authenticate nota
ry on affidavit stating ownership this perfects the the security instrument (the
24. bank must register the (car, home) loan on UCC1 in order to have a proper li
en and then transfer (assign) it to a UCC3 but they never do this. Use UCC11 to
call them out on it. Do it for strawman and for real name
25. when you get certified certificate from sec of state then send to credit bur
eau to dispute "lien" if no debt is registered then they must discharge debt
26. if using this for the mortgage it may be harder because I must come in my pr
oper name in a dejure (federal) court case and envoke the cal constitution 1849
as "law" and no money is used to start case in order to keep "private" status (n
o man can de be denied his day in court - cal constitution 1849)
27. Authentication comes from the constitution also (georgias constitution) use
constitutions before 1933
28. notary is the judge on the private side, supreme court is the judge on publi
c side
29. the commissioned notary (sec of state) has judicial powers based on Article
6 Judiciary Sec. 1 Paragraph 1 of Georgia Costitution 1877. When using "regular
notary" this is a deputy notary deputized from the clerk of the court which get
power from sec of state. A real notary has to be voted in by the people which is
the sec of state of the dejure (private side) constitution the only "real" nota
30. using regular notary is corporation, using authentication all the way up to
sec of state is dejure
31. maxim of law "anything that can be proven must be proven" must get a good st

anding of notary to authenticate it up to sec of state california then sec of st

ate US. Use affidavit on birth certificate saying that the notary is in good sta
nding and have them authenticate that.
NOTE: Get name of employee and use claim form to enforce their compliance of ser
vice to do their job.
32. authentication (non-hague - man) is private side, appostille (hague - corp)
is public
NOTE: Take county fee schedule to show them in their face and get their name to
file a claim against them when they refuse
33. we need to get perfected security interest in "item (asset)"
34. Use SS5 to correct status from us citizen to national, leave ethnicity blank
and use other for national status. When done correctly the ss card will state n
ational which is a foreigner
legal def:
minimum contact
public charge
social contract
in court you say "my name is surname, givenname the registered owner of all caps
name who are you al to bring this meeting up?"
when arrested the cop makes a incident report that is sent to the real public re
cord which is the sec of state and this unrebutted affidavit stands true
original long form certificate of birth is the certificate of title to the COLB
(dead one)
keep all receipts for expenses all year then use foreign trust does OID for refu

step 1
Declaration of my Christian Nationality
I a man as defined in Genesis 1:26 formely known as strawman name am to be known
as my Christian National Spiritual Name of surname, given name in all my privat
e matters.
print 8 x 14 legal size paper
get notarized
authenticate notary by county
register with DBA
8832 entity selection form late classification
irs is treasury (accounting)

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