Accounting Concepts
Accounting Concepts
Accounting Concepts
Accounting Concept defines the assumptions
on the basis of which Financial Statements of a
business entity are prepared. Certain concepts are
received assumed and accepted in accounting to
provide a unifying structure and internal logic to
accounting process. The word concept means idea or
nation, which has universal application. Financial
transactions are interpreted in the light of the
concepts, which govern accounting methods.
Concepts are those basis assumption and conditions,
which form the basis upon which the accountancy
has been laid. Unlike physical science, Accounting
concepts are only results of broad consensus. These
accounting concepts lay the foundation on the basis
of which the accounting principals are formulated.
Now we shall study in detail the various
concept on which accounting is based. The
following are the widely accepted accounting
Entity Concept:- Entity Concept says that
business enterprises is a separate identity apart from
its owner. Business transactions are recorded in the
business books of accounts and owners transactions
in this personal back of accounts. The concept of
accounting entity for every business or what is to be
excluded from the business books. Therefore,
whenever business received cash from the
proprietor, cash a/c is debited as business received
cash and capital/c is credited. So the concept of
separate entity is applicable to all forms of business
Money Measurement Concept:- As per this
concept, only those transactions, which can be
measured in terms of money are recorded. Since
money in the medium of exchange and the standard
of economic value, this concept requires that these
transactions alone that are capable of being
measured in terms of money be only to be recorded
in the books of accounts. For example, health
condition of the chairman of the company, working
conditions of the workers, sale policy ect. do not
Realization Concept: - It closely follows the
cost concept any change in value of assets is to be
recorded only when the business realize it. i.e. either
cash has been received or a legal obligation to pay
has been assumed by the customer. No Sale can be
said to have taken place and no profit can be said to
have arisen. It prevents business firm from inflating
their profit by recording sale and income that are
likely to accrue, i.e. expected income or gain are not
Accrual Concept:- Under accrual concept
the effect of transaction and other events are
recognized on mercantile basic. When they accrue
and not as cash or a cash equivalent is received or
paid and they are recorded in the accounting record
and reported in the financial statements of the
periods to which they relate financial statement
prepared on the accrual basic inform users not only
of past events involving the payment and receipt
of cash but also of obligation to pay cash in the
future and of resources that represent cash to be
received in the future. For Example:- Mr. Raj buy
The term Accounting Conventions refers
to the customs or traditions which are used as a
guide in the preparation of accounting reports and
Convention of Disclosure:- Apart from
statutory requirement, good accounting practice also
demands that significant information should be
disclosed in financial statements. Such disclosures
can also be made through footnotes. The purpose of
this convention is to communicate all material and
relevant facts concerning financial position and
Convention of Materiality:- According to this
conventions, the accountant should attach
importance to material detail and ignore insignificant
details in the financial statement. In materiality
principle, all the items having significant economics
effect on the business of the enterprises should be
disclosed in the financial statement.
The term materiality is the subjective term. It
is on the judgment, common sense and discretion of
the accountant that which item is material and which
is not. For example stationery purchased by the
organization though not used fully in the concept.
Similarly depreciation small items like books,
calculator is taken as 100% in the year if purchase
through used by company for more than one year.
This is because the amount of books or calculator is
very small to be shown in the balance sheet. It is the
assets of the company