Using Oracle Social Network

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Oracle Cloud

Using Oracle Social Network


November 2015

Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network, Release

Copyright 2012, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Sarah Bernau, Emily Goodin
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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................. xxv
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................
Conventions .............................................................................................................................................


1 Getting Started with Oracle Social Network

The Basics .................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
How do I get to Oracle Social Network? ..........................................................................................1-1
Can I open Oracle Social Network in my mobile browser? ...........................................................1-2
How do I know what version I'm using? .........................................................................................1-2
Who can see my information? ............................................................................................................1-2
Is Oracle Social Network accessible? .................................................................................................1-2
How do I get started? ..........................................................................................................................1-3
What do the icons mean? ....................................................................................................................1-4
How can I see usage information about my session? .....................................................................1-5
I'm a developer. How do I get to the developer's website? ...........................................................1-5
How would someone typically use Oracle Social Network? ........................................................1-5
Setting Up .................................................................................................................................................... 1-6
How do I change my preferences? ....................................................................................................1-6
How do I set up or change my profile? ............................................................................................1-6
How do I set up or change my notifications? ..................................................................................1-7
How can I connect to my documents in the cloud? ........................................................................1-7
Where do I get the Outlook, Desktop, and mobile applications? ................................................1-8
Everyday Tasks............................................................................................................................................ 1-8
How do I search? ..................................................................................................................................1-8
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? ...............................................................................1-9
How do I use flags to get people's attention? ............................................................................... 1-10
How do I use favorites? .................................................................................................................... 1-11
What's the most versatile view of my information? ................................................................... 1-12
How do I filter what I'm looking at? ............................................................................................. 1-12
How can I tell if someone is online? ............................................................................................... 1-12
Why can't I see the Social Bar? ........................................................................................................ 1-13
How do I access the administration features? .............................................................................. 1-13
How can I work offline? .................................................................................................................. 1-13


Getting Help ............................................................................................................................................ 1-13

What does this Help Center contain? ............................................................................................ 1-13
Where can I find tips and troubleshooting information or report a problem? ........................ 1-14
How do I get support? ...................................................................................................................... 1-14
How do I find out more about the Oracle Social Network product? ........................................ 1-14

2 Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and Apps

Using Conversations.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
How do I start a Conversation? .........................................................................................................2-1
What types of Conversations are available? ...................................................................................2-2
How do I join a Conversation? ...........................................................................................................2-2
How do I add or remove people and groups from a Conversation? ...........................................2-2
How do I use a One-on-One Conversation? ...................................................................................2-4
How do I add a document to a Conversation? ................................................................................2-4
How can I limit Conversation membership to certain people only? ............................................2-4
How do I mute or unmute a Conversation? ...................................................................................2-4
How do I create a new Conversation from an old one? .................................................................2-5
How can I see Conversations when I'm offline? ..............................................................................2-5
How do I view several Conversations at once? ...............................................................................2-5
How do I manage Conversations? ....................................................................................................2-6
How do I close, re-open, or discard a Conversation? ....................................................................2-6
How do I rename a Conversation? ....................................................................................................2-6
How do I sort the list of Conversations? ..........................................................................................2-6
How do I switch a public Conversation to members-only and back again? ..............................2-7
How do I start a Conversation with a group? .................................................................................2-7
How do I change a Conversation's language? .................................................................................2-7
What's the difference between Conversations and walls? .............................................................2-7
How do I show or hide membership messages in a Conversation? .............................................2-8
How can I link to an Oracle Social Network item in a Conversation or wall? ...........................2-8
How do I add a collection or Social Object to a Conversation or wall's Referring list? .............2-8
Managing Messages................................................................................................................................... 2-9
How do I add a message? ...................................................................................................................2-9
How do I show all unread messages in all Conversations? ...........................................................2-9
How do I mark messages as read? ...................................................................................................2-9
How do I edit my messages and replies? ...................................................................................... 2-10
How do I delete a message or reply? ............................................................................................. 2-10
How do I remove formatting from pasted content? .................................................................... 2-10
Using Conferences .................................................................................................................................. 2-10
Which conference applications are supported? ............................................................................ 2-10
How do I configure conference account settings? ........................................................................ 2-10
How do I start or end a conference? ............................................................................................... 2-11
How do I join a conference? ............................................................................................................ 2-11
Using Apps in Conversations ............................................................................................................... 2-11
What are apps? .................................................................................................................................. 2-12
How do I manage apps? ................................................................................................................... 2-12


3 Working with Collections

About Collections....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
What are collections? ...........................................................................................................................3-1
What is the Collections page? .............................................................................................................3-2
What does the Yours filter do on the Collections page? .................................................................3-3
What does the Available filter do on the Collections page? ..........................................................3-3
What does the Favorites filter do on the Collections page? ...........................................................3-3
What does the Muted filter do on the Collections page? ...............................................................3-4
What do the Open and Closed filters do on the Collections page? ..............................................3-4
How do I open a collection from the Collections page? .................................................................3-4
Building Collections .................................................................................................................................. 3-6
How do I create a collection? ..............................................................................................................3-6
How do I add an existing item to a collection? ................................................................................3-7
How do I add new items to a collection? ..........................................................................................3-7
Why can't I see some items in a collection? ......................................................................................3-8
How do I remove an item from a collection? ...................................................................................3-8
Managing Collection Membership......................................................................................................... 3-8
How do I add or remove members from a collection? ...................................................................3-8
How do I view collection members? .................................................................................................3-9
Using Public Collections........................................................................................................................... 3-9
How do I make a collection publicly available? ..............................................................................3-9
How do I join a public collection? .....................................................................................................3-9
Muting Collections .................................................................................................................................... 3-9
What do Muting and Unmuting a Collection do? ...........................................................................3-9
How do I mute a collection from the Collections page? .................................................................3-9
How do I mute a collection from its detailed view? .................................................................... 3-10
How do I unmute a collection? ....................................................................................................... 3-10
Downloading an Archive of a Collection ........................................................................................... 3-10
Closing and Discarding Collections.................................................................................................... 3-10
How do I close a collection? ............................................................................................................ 3-10
How do I open a closed collection? ................................................................................................ 3-10
How do I discard a collection? ........................................................................................................ 3-10

4 Working with Social Objects

About Social Objects ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
What are Social Objects? .....................................................................................................................4-1
What can I do on a Social Object page? ............................................................................................4-2
What is the Yours Filter on a Social Objects Page? ..........................................................................4-2
What is the Available Filter on a Social Objects Page? ...................................................................4-3
What is the Favorites Filter on a Social Objects Page? ....................................................................4-3
What is the Muted Filter on a Social Objects Page? ........................................................................4-3
What are the Open and Closed Filters on a Social Objects Page? .................................................4-4
Using Social Objects .................................................................................................................................. 4-4
Viewing a Social Object .......................................................................................................................4-4
Creating a New Social Object .............................................................................................................4-5
How do I add or remove members from a Social Object? .............................................................4-6

Viewing Social Object Members ........................................................................................................4-7

What is a Social Object's list of related items? .................................................................................4-7
How do I relate an existing item to a Social Object? .......................................................................4-7
How do I relate a new Conversation to a Social Object? ................................................................4-7
How do I remove an item from a Social Object's Related list? ......................................................4-8

5 Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud ............................................................ 5-1
Why should I care about social networking in my application? ...................................................5-1
What does social networking have to do with my job? ..................................................................5-1
How can I share a business object in the social network? ..............................................................5-2
How do I open the Social panel to view social activity? ................................................................5-2
How do I collaborate and socialize in the social network? ............................................................5-3
How do I edit my profile? ...................................................................................................................5-5
What does sharing or joining a Social Object do for me? ...............................................................5-6
What are related and referring items? ..............................................................................................5-6
What's the difference between Conversations and walls? .............................................................5-6
How do I start a Conversation? .........................................................................................................5-7
How do I work with messages? .........................................................................................................5-7
How do I show or hide membership messages in a wall or a Conversation? ............................5-8
How do I mark a wall, Conversation, or message as a favorite? ..................................................5-9
How do I share a document with others? .........................................................................................5-9
How do I view a document? ............................................................................................................ 5-10
How do I delete a document? .......................................................................................................... 5-10
How do I view document annotations? ......................................................................................... 5-10
How do I annotate a document? ..................................................................................................... 5-11
How do I copy a file from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store? ................... 5-12
How do I create a folder? ................................................................................................................. 5-12
How do I download a folder? ......................................................................................................... 5-12
How do I rename a folder? .............................................................................................................. 5-12
How can I alert people to an important message? ....................................................................... 5-12
How can I see all flags assigned to me or by me? ........................................................................ 5-13
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? ............................................................................ 5-13
How do I search? ............................................................................................................................... 5-14
How do I start a chat with someone? ............................................................................................. 5-15
How do I view groups? .................................................................................................................... 5-15
How do I create a group? ................................................................................................................. 5-15
How do I manage members in a group? ....................................................................................... 5-16
How do I start a Conversation with a group? .............................................................................. 5-16
How do I edit a group's name, description, or picture? .............................................................. 5-16
How do I see which Conversations and walls a group is a member of? .................................. 5-17
How do I deactivate or reactivate a group? .................................................................................. 5-17
How do I start a web conference? ................................................................................................... 5-17
How do I join a web conference? .................................................................................................... 5-17
How do I group all Conversations that concern the same issue? .............................................. 5-18
How do I view or add related items to a Social Object or collection? ....................................... 5-19
How do I view or add referring items to a Conversation or wall? ............................................ 5-19


How do I make a Conversation or collection available to everyone? ....................................... 5-19

How do I limit a Conversation or collection membership to just a few people? ..................... 5-20
How do I add or remove people from a Social Object wall, Conversation, or Collection? .... 5-20
How do I change a Conversation or wall's language? ................................................................ 5-22
How do I mute or unmute a Social Object, Conversation, collection, or group? .................... 5-22
How do I close a completed Social Object, Conversation, or collection? .................................. 5-23
How do I delete a Conversation? .................................................................................................... 5-23
How do I download an archive of a wall or Conversation? ....................................................... 5-23
How do I rename an item? ............................................................................................................... 5-24
How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network? ............... 5-24
How is the social network accessible? ........................................................................................... 5-24
What keyboard shortcuts are available to the social network? .................................................. 5-25
How do I keep up with my Conversations on the road? ............................................................ 5-26
How can I get more help on how to use Oracle Social Network? ............................................. 5-26

6 Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents................................................................................ 6-1
Why should I care about social networking in my Service Incidents? .........................................6-1
What does social networking have to do with my job? ..................................................................6-1
How can I see the social activity surrounding a Service Incident? ...............................................6-2
How do I socialize in the social network? ........................................................................................6-2
How do I edit my profile? ...................................................................................................................6-3
How can I collaborate with people who don't have access to a Service Incident? .....................6-3
What does sharing or joining a Service Incident do for me? .........................................................6-4
What are related and referring items? ..............................................................................................6-4
What's the difference between Conversations and walls? .............................................................6-5
How do I start a Conversation? .........................................................................................................6-5
How do I work with messages? .........................................................................................................6-6
How do I show or hide membership messages in a wall or a Conversation? ............................6-7
How do I mark an item as a favorite? ...............................................................................................6-7
How do I share a document with others? .........................................................................................6-7
How do I view a file? ...........................................................................................................................6-8
How do I delete a document? .............................................................................................................6-8
How do I view document annotations? ............................................................................................6-9
How do I annotate a document? ........................................................................................................6-9
How do I rename a folder? .............................................................................................................. 6-10
How can I alert people to an important message? ....................................................................... 6-10
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? ............................................................................ 6-11
How do I start a chat with someone? ............................................................................................. 6-12
How do I start a web conference? ................................................................................................... 6-12
How do I join a web conference? .................................................................................................... 6-12
How do I view or add related items to a Service Incident? ........................................................ 6-12
How do I view or add referring items to a Service Incident or Conversation? ....................... 6-13
How do I make a Conversation available to everyone? .............................................................. 6-13
How do I limit a Conversation or collection membership to just a few people? ..................... 6-13
How do I add or remove people from a Service Incident's wall or a Conversation? ............. 6-14
How do I change the language for a Service Incident's wall or a related Conversation? ...... 6-15


How do I mute or unmute a Service Incident's wall or a related Conversation? .................... 6-16
How do I end a completed Conversation? .................................................................................... 6-16
How do I delete a Conversation? .................................................................................................... 6-17
How do I download an archive of a wall or Conversation? ....................................................... 6-17
How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network? ................ 6-17
How is the social network accessible? ........................................................................................... 6-17
What keyboard shortcuts are available to the social network? .................................................. 6-18
How do I keep up with my Conversations on the road? ............................................................ 6-19
How can I get more help on how to use Oracle Social Network? ............................................. 6-19

7 Working with Documents and Folders

About Documents and Folders ................................................................................................................ 7-1
What is the Documents tab? ...............................................................................................................7-1
Where can I add files? ..........................................................................................................................7-1
What kinds of files can I add? ............................................................................................................7-2
What is file copying? ............................................................................................................................7-2
What are folders? .................................................................................................................................7-2
What is document presence? ..............................................................................................................7-2
What is document co-browsing? .......................................................................................................7-2
What are annotations? .........................................................................................................................7-3
Working with Documents......................................................................................................................... 7-4
How do I view a file? ...........................................................................................................................7-4
How do I show or hide all versions of a file? ...................................................................................7-4
What is a document's access history? ................................................................................................7-4
How do I show or hide a document's access history? ....................................................................7-5
How do I co-browse a file with others? ............................................................................................7-5
How do I annotate a document? ........................................................................................................7-5
How do I group my annotations? ......................................................................................................7-6
How do I associate one remark with many annotations? ..............................................................7-6
How do I view annotations in a file preview? .................................................................................7-6
How do I view annotations in a Conversation? ..............................................................................7-6
How can I tell who entered a particular annotation in a file preview? ........................................7-7
How do I filter my view of annotations? ..........................................................................................7-7
How do I navigate between annotations? ........................................................................................7-7
What's the difference between adding a file locally or from a cloud document store? .............7-7
How do I upload a document from my local file system? .............................................................7-8
How do I add a document from a cloud document store? ............................................................7-8
How do I download a file to my computer? ....................................................................................7-9
How do I copy a file? ........................................................................................................................ 7-10
How do I move a file to a folder? .................................................................................................... 7-10
How do I print a file? ........................................................................................................................ 7-10
How do I delete a file? ...................................................................................................................... 7-10
Working with Folders ............................................................................................................................. 7-11
How do I create a folder? ................................................................................................................. 7-11
How do I rename a folder? .............................................................................................................. 7-11
How do I copy a folder? ................................................................................................................... 7-11
How do I move a folder? .................................................................................................................. 7-12


How do I drag files out of a folder? ................................................................................................ 7-12

How do I download a folder? ......................................................................................................... 7-12
How do I delete a folder? ................................................................................................................. 7-12

8 Working with People and Groups

Working with People ................................................................................................................................. 8-1
How do I view a person's profile or interact with someone in Oracle Social Network? ...........8-1
How do I see who's online? ................................................................................................................8-1
How do I start a one-on-one Conversation with someone? ..........................................................8-2
How do I view or post a message to someone's wall? ....................................................................8-2
How do I find people I might want to follow? ................................................................................8-2
How do I start or stop following someone? .....................................................................................8-3
How do I see who's following me? ....................................................................................................8-3
How do I add or remove contacts? ....................................................................................................8-3
How do I invite people to join Oracle Social Network? .................................................................8-4
What are "unregistered users"? ..........................................................................................................8-4
Working with Groups................................................................................................................................ 8-5
How do I view groups? .......................................................................................................................8-5
How do I create group? .......................................................................................................................8-5
How do I edit a group? .......................................................................................................................8-6
How do I view or post a message to a group's wall? ......................................................................8-6
How do I start a Conversation with a group? .................................................................................8-7
How do I mute or unmute a group? .................................................................................................8-7
How do I remove myself from a group? ..........................................................................................8-7
How do I deactivate or reactivate a group? .....................................................................................8-8

9 Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook

Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook ............................................ 9-1
What is the Oracle Social Network add-in for Outlook? ................................................................9-1
How do I download and install the add-in for Outlook? ..............................................................9-2
How do I log-in to the add-in for Outlook? .....................................................................................9-2
Understanding add-in panel and action icons .................................................................................9-2
What do the icons next to items mean? ............................................................................................9-4
How do I increase the add-in's accessibility? ...................................................................................9-5
How do I enable screen reader mode? ..............................................................................................9-5
What keyboard shortcuts are available for navigating the add-in for Outlook? ........................9-6
What keyboard shortcuts are available in Conversations and walls? ..........................................9-6
Disabling and Re-Enabling the Add-In for Outlook .......................................................................... 9-7
How do I disable the add-in for Outlook in Outlook 2007? ..........................................................9-7
How do I disable the add-in for Outlook in Outlook 2010 or 2013? .............................................9-7
How do I re-enable the add-in for Outlook in Outlook 2007? .......................................................9-7
How do I re-enable the add-in for Outlook 2010 or 2013? .............................................................9-8
Managing Your Oracle Social Network Account in the Add-In for Outlook................................. 9-8
What are Oracle Social Network accounts? .....................................................................................9-8
How do I set up a new account? ........................................................................................................9-9
How can I see my account status? .....................................................................................................9-9


How do I switch between add-in accounts? ....................................................................................9-9

How do I disconnect from an account? ......................................................................................... 9-10
How do I delete an account? ........................................................................................................... 9-10
How can I troubleshoot my accounts? ........................................................................................... 9-10
Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook................................................................... 9-10
How do I set my add-in preferences? ............................................................................................ 9-10
Where do I specify whether to enable screen reader mode? ...................................................... 9-11
How do I hide message tooltips? .................................................................................................... 9-11
How do I set the options for marking messages as read? ........................................................... 9-11
How do I get notified about new messages in my One-on-One Conversations? .................... 9-12
How do I hide membership messages by default? ...................................................................... 9-12
How do I set up how to post messages? ........................................................................................ 9-12
How do I control who can post to my wall? ................................................................................. 9-12
How do I set a web conference user name and password? ........................................................ 9-13
How do I connect to my documents in the cloud? ....................................................................... 9-13
How do I set my add-in for Outlook notification options? ........................................................ 9-14
How do I tell Outlook to prompt me to use Oracle Social Network? ....................................... 9-14
How do I set offline preferences? ................................................................................................... 9-15
Setting Up Your Profile in the Add-In for Outlook.......................................................................... 9-16
How do I view my profile? .............................................................................................................. 9-16
How do I edit my profile? ................................................................................................................ 9-16
How can I see other people's profiles? ........................................................................................... 9-17
How do I post a message to someone's wall? ............................................................................... 9-17
Using Flags in the Add-In for Outlook ............................................................................................... 9-17
What are flags? .................................................................................................................................. 9-17
How can I see all flags assigned to me or by me? ........................................................................ 9-18
How do I assign or clear flags? ....................................................................................................... 9-18
Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook .............................................................................. 9-18
What Conversation tabs are available? .......................................................................................... 9-19
How do I view Conversation messages? ....................................................................................... 9-19
How do I view a list of Conversation documents? ...................................................................... 9-19
How do I view a list of Conversation members? ......................................................................... 9-19
How can I view a list of all Conversations I'm a member of? .................................................... 9-19
How can I view a list of Conversations I can join? ....................................................................... 9-19
How can I view my list of favorite Conversations? ..................................................................... 9-20
How can I view my list of muted Conversations? ....................................................................... 9-20
How can I view a list of closed Conversations? ........................................................................... 9-20
How can I view a list of open Conversations? .............................................................................. 9-20
How do I start a Conversation? ...................................................................................................... 9-20
How do I start a Conversation with a group? .............................................................................. 9-20
How do I join a public Conversation? ............................................................................................ 9-21
How do I start a One-on-One Conversation? ............................................................................... 9-21
How do I add members to a Conversation? .................................................................................. 9-21
How do I remove members from a Conversation? ...................................................................... 9-22
How do I make a private Conversation public? ........................................................................... 9-23
How do I change a public Conversation to members-only? ...................................................... 9-23
How do I close a Conversation? ...................................................................................................... 9-23

How do I reopen a closed Conversation? ...................................................................................... 9-23

How do I delete a Conversation? .................................................................................................... 9-23
How do I change a Conversation name? ....................................................................................... 9-24
What are referring items? ................................................................................................................. 9-24
How do I add an existing item to a list of referring items? ......................................................... 9-24
How do I add a new item to a list of referring items? ................................................................. 9-24
How do I change a Conversation's language? .............................................................................. 9-24
How do I mute a Conversation? ..................................................................................................... 9-25
How do I copy a Conversation URL to my clipboard? ............................................................... 9-25
How do I download an archive a Conversation? ......................................................................... 9-25
How do I view recent messages? .................................................................................................... 9-26
How do I post messages to a Conversation? ................................................................................. 9-26
How do I hide membership messages? ......................................................................................... 9-26
How do I navigate from a message to its Conversation? ............................................................ 9-26
How do I post a message through the note editor? ..................................................................... 9-27
How do I edit my messages and replies? ...................................................................................... 9-27
How can I view earlier versions of an edited message? .............................................................. 9-27
How do I reply to a message? ......................................................................................................... 9-27
How do I find items in a Conversation or wall? .......................................................................... 9-28
How do I mark a message as read or unread? .............................................................................. 9-28
How do I mark all messages in a Conversation as read? ............................................................ 9-28
How do I copy a message URL to my clipboard? ........................................................................ 9-29
How do I delete a message? ............................................................................................................ 9-29
Using Conferences in the Add-In for Outlook.................................................................................. 9-29
How do I start a web conference? ................................................................................................... 9-29
How do I join a web conference? .................................................................................................... 9-30
How can I see a list of current web conferences? ......................................................................... 9-30
Using Collections in the Add-In for Outlook.................................................................................... 9-30
What are collections? ........................................................................................................................ 9-30
How do I create a collection? ........................................................................................................... 9-30
How do I add members to a collection? ........................................................................................ 9-30
How do I remove members from a collection? ............................................................................. 9-31
How do I add an existing item to a collection? ............................................................................. 9-31
How do I add a new item to a collection? ..................................................................................... 9-32
How do I remove an item from a collection? ................................................................................ 9-32
How can I rearrange a list of collections? ...................................................................................... 9-32
How do I hide membership messages in a collection? ................................................................ 9-33
How do I rename a collection? ........................................................................................................ 9-33
Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook ............................................................. 9-33
How do I add files to a Conversation or wall? ............................................................................. 9-33
How do I view files from the add-in for Outlook? ....................................................................... 9-34
How do I download a file from the add-in for Outlook? ............................................................ 9-34
How do I copy a file from one Conversation to another? ........................................................... 9-34
How do I copy a file from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store? ................... 9-35
How do I navigate from a document to its location in the Conversation or wall? ................. 9-35
How do I edit a document? ............................................................................................................. 9-35
How do I view document annotations? ......................................................................................... 9-35


How can I find a file on a Conversation or wall's Documents tab? ........................................... 9-35
How can I view a document's access history? .............................................................................. 9-36
How do I show or hide a document's versions? ........................................................................... 9-36
How do I copy a file URL to the clipboard? .................................................................................. 9-36
How do I send a document as an email? ....................................................................................... 9-36
How do I delete a document? .......................................................................................................... 9-37
How do I create a folder? ................................................................................................................. 9-37
How do I rename a folder? .............................................................................................................. 9-37
How do I copy a folder? ................................................................................................................... 9-38
How do I move a folder? .................................................................................................................. 9-38
How do I add new documents to a folder? ................................................................................... 9-38
How do I move documents into a folder? ..................................................................................... 9-38
How do I move documents out of a folder? .................................................................................. 9-38
How do I download a folder from the add-in for Outlook? ....................................................... 9-39
How do I copy a folder URL to the clipboard? ............................................................................. 9-39
How do I open a folder in the add-in, in the web version of Oracle Social Network? ........... 9-39
How do I delete a folder? ................................................................................................................. 9-39
Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook....................................................... 9-40
What is the People and Groups panel? .......................................................................................... 9-40
What are "outside users"? ................................................................................................................ 9-40
What are "unregistered users"? ....................................................................................................... 9-40
How do I navigate to a person's profile? ....................................................................................... 9-41
How can I view my list of contacts? ............................................................................................... 9-41
How do I add new contacts? ........................................................................................................... 9-41
How do I invite my contacts from my Outlook address book to join Oracle Social Network? ....
How do I remove a contact? ............................................................................................................ 9-42
How do I follow people and add them as contacts? .................................................................... 9-42
How can I view a list of the people I follow? ................................................................................ 9-43
How can I view a list of the people who follow me? ................................................................... 9-43
How can I view a list of the people recommended to me? ......................................................... 9-43
What are groups? .............................................................................................................................. 9-43
How do I view a group's details? ................................................................................................... 9-43
How do I navigate to a group's wall? ............................................................................................ 9-44
How can I view a group's membership? ....................................................................................... 9-44
How do I create a group? ................................................................................................................. 9-44
How do I add people to a group? ................................................................................................... 9-45
How do I revise a group's membership? ....................................................................................... 9-45
How do I hide membership messages on a group wall? ............................................................ 9-45
How do I rename a group or revise its description? .................................................................... 9-45
How do I add or change a group's profile picture? ..................................................................... 9-45
How do I deactivate a group? ......................................................................................................... 9-46
Is there a way to reactivate a deactivated group? ........................................................................ 9-46
Using Social Objects in the Add-In for Outlook .............................................................................. 9-46
Understanding Social Objects ......................................................................................................... 9-46
How can I arrange a list of Social Objects? .................................................................................... 9-47
How do I view the details of a Social Object? ............................................................................... 9-47
What are referring items? ................................................................................................................. 9-47

How do I add an existing item to a list of related items? ............................................................ 9-47

How do I add a new Conversation to a Social Object's list of related items? .......................... 9-48
How do I view the members of a Social Object? .......................................................................... 9-48
How can I view the messages posted to a Social Object's wall? ................................................ 9-48
How do I hide membership messages on a Social Object's wall? .............................................. 9-48
Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In .......................................................................... 9-48
What kinds of shared activities are there between Outlook and the add-in for Outlook? .... 9-48
How do I add email, meeting details, or tasks to a Conversation or wall? .............................. 9-49
How do I tell Oracle Social Network to ignore particular email addresses or domains when
posting email messages to a Conversation or wall? .................................................................... 9-51
How do I add an Oracle Social Network contact to my Microsoft Outlook Contacts list? .... 9-51
How do I schedule a Microsoft Outlook Calendar meeting through the add-in for Outlook? .....
How do I create a Microsoft Outlook Task from the add-in for Outlook? ............................... 9-52
How do I send an email from the add-in for Outlook? ............................................................... 9-53
Liking and Adding Favorites in the Add-In for Outlook................................................................ 9-53
What are Likes and Favorites? ........................................................................................................ 9-54
How do I find out who likes an item? ............................................................................................ 9-54
How do I like an item? ..................................................................................................................... 9-54
How do I unlike an item? ................................................................................................................. 9-54
How do I mark an item as a favorite? ............................................................................................ 9-54
How do I unmark a favorite? .......................................................................................................... 9-54
How can I see all my favorites? ....................................................................................................... 9-54
Using Search in the Add-In for Outlook ............................................................................................ 9-54
What do hashtags (#) have to do with search? ............................................................................. 9-55
How do I run a search? .................................................................................................................... 9-55
How do I rerun a recent search? ..................................................................................................... 9-55
Working Offline ...................................................................................................................................... 9-55
How do I work offline? .................................................................................................................... 9-56
How do I download an Offline Copy of an item? ........................................................................ 9-56
What's the difference between online and offline items? ............................................................ 9-56
How can I view a list of my offline Conversations while I'm online? ....................................... 9-56
How can I view an offline copy of an item? .................................................................................. 9-56
How do I clear changes I made offline? ......................................................................................... 9-57
How do I refresh an offline copy of an item? ................................................................................ 9-57
How do I post the changes I made offline to an online item? .................................................... 9-57
How do I remove an offline copy of an item? ............................................................................... 9-57

10 Working from Your Desktop

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop .................................................................... 10-1
What is Oracle Social Network Desktop? ...................................................................................... 10-1
How do I install Oracle Social Network Desktop? ....................................................................... 10-2
How do I Open Oracle Social Network Desktop? ........................................................................ 10-2
How do I log in to Oracle Social Network Desktop? ................................................................... 10-2
What is the sidebar? .......................................................................................................................... 10-3
What is the Detail window? ............................................................................................................ 10-6
How do I set up or change my profile? ......................................................................................... 10-8


How do I close and exit Oracle Social Network Desktop? ......................................................... 10-8
What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop..................................................................... 10-9
How do I open an item? ................................................................................................................... 10-9
How do I add an item as a favorite? ............................................................................................... 10-9
How do I create an item? ................................................................................................................. 10-9
How do I view and manage an item's members? ...................................................................... 10-10
How do I hide an item's membership messages? ...................................................................... 10-11
How do I share a link to an item? ................................................................................................. 10-11
How do I rename an item? ............................................................................................................. 10-12
How do I split a Conversation off from an existing Conversation or wall? ........................... 10-12
How do I mute or unmute an item? ............................................................................................. 10-12
How do I close or reopen an item? ............................................................................................... 10-13
How do I discard an item? ............................................................................................................. 10-13
How do I download an archive of an item? ................................................................................ 10-13
How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase? ......................................................................... 10-14
How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social Network? .................................. 10-14
Other Common Tasks ..................................................................................................................... 10-14
Working with Messages ....................................................................................................................... 10-15
How do I post a message? .............................................................................................................. 10-15
How do I check for unread messages? ......................................................................................... 10-16
How do I quickly navigate through the messages in a Conversation or wall? ..................... 10-17
How do I mark messages as read or unread? ............................................................................. 10-17
How do I like or unlike a message? .............................................................................................. 10-17
How do I mark or remove a message as a favorite? .................................................................. 10-17
How do I flag a message for someone? ........................................................................................ 10-18
How do I reply to a message? ....................................................................................................... 10-18
How do I edit a message I posted? ............................................................................................... 10-18
How do I delete a message? .......................................................................................................... 10-18
How do I post a link to a Conversation, wall, or document? ................................................... 10-18
How do I post a snapshot of my screen? ..................................................................................... 10-19
How do I add documents from the Messages or Wall tab? ...................................................... 10-19
How do I split a Conversation off from an existing Conversation or wall? ........................... 10-19
How do I select the language for system messages for a Conversation or wall? .................. 10-19
Working with Documents.................................................................................................................... 10-20
How do I view a document? .......................................................................................................... 10-20
How do I create or delete a folder? ............................................................................................... 10-20
How do I add documents? ............................................................................................................. 10-21
How do I delete a document? ........................................................................................................ 10-22
How do I copy documents or folders to another item? ............................................................. 10-22
How do I move documents or folders to another folder? ......................................................... 10-23
How do I download documents or folders? ............................................................................... 10-23
How do I copy files from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store? .................. 10-23
How do I view other versions of a document? ........................................................................... 10-24
How do I see who has accessed a document? ............................................................................. 10-24
How do I navigate from a document to its location in the Conversation or wall? ............... 10-24
How do I view an annotation on a document? ........................................................................... 10-24
Working with Related and Referring Items..................................................................................... 10-24


What are related and referring items? ......................................................................................... 10-25

How do I view an item's related items? ....................................................................................... 10-25
How I do view an item's referring items? ................................................................................... 10-25
How do I add an existing item as a related or referring item? ................................................. 10-25
How do I add a new item as a related or referring item? ......................................................... 10-25
Using Hashtags and Search in Oracle Social Network Desktop ................................................. 10-25
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? .......................................................................... 10-26
How do I search? ............................................................................................................................. 10-26
Using the Overview Panel in Oracle Social Network Desktop ................................................... 10-27
Using Flags in Oracle Social Network Desktop.............................................................................. 10-28
What are flags? ................................................................................................................................ 10-28
Where can I see all my flags? ......................................................................................................... 10-28
How do I assign or clear flags? ..................................................................................................... 10-29
Using Favorites in Oracle Social Network Desktop....................................................................... 10-29
How do I mark an item as a favorite? .......................................................................................... 10-29
How do I view my favorites? ........................................................................................................ 10-30
Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop ............................................................. 10-30
How can I browse Conversations? ............................................................................................... 10-30
How do I open a Conversation? ................................................................................................... 10-31
How do I join a public Conversation? .......................................................................................... 10-31
How do I mark a Conversation as a favorite? ............................................................................. 10-31
How do I start a One-on-One Conversation? ............................................................................. 10-31
How do I start a Conversation? .................................................................................................... 10-31
How do I view and manage Conversation members? .............................................................. 10-32
How do I work with messages in the Conversation? ................................................................ 10-32
How do I work with documents and folders in the Conversation? ........................................ 10-32
How do I work with related and referring items in the Conversation? ................................. 10-32
How do I share a link to a Conversation? ................................................................................... 10-32
How do I start a web conference? ................................................................................................. 10-32
How do I join a web conference? .................................................................................................. 10-32
How do I end a web conference? .................................................................................................. 10-33
How do I rename a Conversation? ............................................................................................... 10-33
How do I split a Conversation off from an existing Conversation or wall? ........................... 10-33
How do I mute or unmute a Conversation? ............................................................................... 10-33
How do I close or reopen a Conversation? ................................................................................. 10-33
How do I discard a Conversation? ............................................................................................... 10-34
How do I download an archive of a Conversation? .................................................................. 10-34
How do I add a Conversation to my Offline Briefcase? ............................................................ 10-34
How do I view a Conversation in the web version of Oracle Social Network? ..................... 10-34
Using Collections in Oracle Social Network Desktop................................................................... 10-35
How do I view my list of collections? .......................................................................................... 10-35
How do I open a collection? .......................................................................................................... 10-35
How do I mark a collection as a favorite? ................................................................................... 10-35
How do I create a collection? ......................................................................................................... 10-36
How do I view and manage collection members? ..................................................................... 10-36
How do I work with messages in the collection's wall? ............................................................ 10-36
How do I work with documents and folders in the collection? ............................................... 10-36


How do I work with related and referring items in the collection? ........................................ 10-36
How do I share a link to a collection? .......................................................................................... 10-36
How do I rename a collection? ...................................................................................................... 10-36
How do I split a Conversation off from a collection's wall? ..................................................... 10-36
How do I mute or unmute a collection? ...................................................................................... 10-37
How do I close or reopen a collection? ........................................................................................ 10-37
How do I discard a collection? ...................................................................................................... 10-37
How do I download an archive of a collection? ......................................................................... 10-37
How do I add a collection to my Offline Briefcase? ................................................................... 10-38
How do I view a collection in the web version of Oracle Social Network? ........................... 10-38
Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop ............................................................ 10-38
What is the People panel? .............................................................................................................. 10-38
What are "unregistered users"? ..................................................................................................... 10-39
What are "outside users"? .............................................................................................................. 10-39
How do I view someone's profile and wall? ............................................................................... 10-40
How do I add a contact? ................................................................................................................. 10-40
How do I remove a contact? .......................................................................................................... 10-41
How do I work with messages on a person's wall? ................................................................... 10-41
How do I work with a person's documents and folders? ......................................................... 10-41
How do I find people I might want to follow? ........................................................................... 10-41
How do I see who I'm following? ................................................................................................. 10-41
How do I see who's following me? ............................................................................................... 10-41
How do I share a link to a person's wall? .................................................................................... 10-41
How do I split a Conversation off from a person's wall? .......................................................... 10-41
How do I download an archive of a person's wall? ................................................................... 10-42
How do I add a person's wall to my Offline Briefcase? ............................................................ 10-42
How do I view a person in the web version of Oracle Social Network? ................................ 10-42
Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop ........................................................... 10-42
What are groups? ............................................................................................................................ 10-42
What is the Groups panel? ............................................................................................................. 10-42
How do I view the groups I'm a member of? ............................................................................. 10-43
How do I open a group's wall? ..................................................................................................... 10-43
How do I mark a group as a favorite? .......................................................................................... 10-44
How do I create a group? ............................................................................................................... 10-44
How do I view and manage group members? ........................................................................... 10-44
How do I edit a group's name, description, or picture? ............................................................ 10-44
How do I work with messages on a group's wall? .................................................................... 10-44
How do I work with a group's documents and folders? ........................................................... 10-44
How do I discover the Conversations and walls a group belongs to? .................................... 10-44
How do I work with a group's referring items? ......................................................................... 10-45
How do I share a link to a group? ................................................................................................ 10-45
How do I split a Conversation off from a group's wall? ........................................................... 10-45
How do I mute or unmute a group? ............................................................................................ 10-45
How do I deactivate or reactivate a group? ................................................................................ 10-45
How do I download an archive of a group? ............................................................................... 10-46
How do I add a group to my Offline Briefcase? ......................................................................... 10-46
How do I view a group in the web version of Oracle Social Network? .................................. 10-46


Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop ............................................................. 10-46

Where can I see a list of Social Objects? ....................................................................................... 10-46
How do I show or hide message previews and summary information in my list of Social
Objects? ............................................................................................................................................. 10-47
How do I open a Social Object? ..................................................................................................... 10-48
How do I mark a Social Object as a favorite? .............................................................................. 10-48
How do I create a Social Object? ................................................................................................... 10-48
How do I view and manage Social Object members? ................................................................ 10-48
How do I work with messages on a Social Object's wall? ......................................................... 10-48
How do I work with a Social Object's documents and folders? ............................................... 10-49
How do I work with a Social Object's related and referring items? ........................................ 10-49
How do I share a link to a Social Object? ..................................................................................... 10-49
How do I rename a Social Object? ................................................................................................ 10-49
How do I split a Conversation off from a Social Object's wall? ............................................... 10-49
How do I mute or unmute a Social Object? ................................................................................. 10-49
How do I close or reopen a Social Object? ................................................................................... 10-50
How do I discard a Social Object? ................................................................................................ 10-50
How do I download an archive of a Social Object? ................................................................... 10-50
How do I add a Social Object to my Offline Briefcase? ............................................................. 10-50
How do I view a Social Object in the web version of Oracle Social Network? ...................... 10-50
Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop..................................................................... 10-51
How can I see items when I'm offline? ........................................................................................ 10-51
Understanding the Offline Briefcase ............................................................................................ 10-51
What's the difference between online and offline items? .......................................................... 10-52
How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase? ......................................................................... 10-52
How do I view an item offline from my Offline Briefcase? ...................................................... 10-52
How do I refresh items in my Offline Briefcase? ........................................................................ 10-53
How do I post the changes I made offline? ................................................................................. 10-53
How do I remove an item from my Offline Briefcase? .............................................................. 10-53
Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop ............................................................... 10-53
What are notifications? ................................................................................................................... 10-53
What are pop-up alerts? ................................................................................................................. 10-54
How do I configure my notification settings? ............................................................................. 10-54
How do I turn notifications on or off? ......................................................................................... 10-54
How do I turn pop-up alerts on or off? ........................................................................................ 10-54
How do I select the events that trigger notifications? ............................................................... 10-54
Where can I see my notifications? ................................................................................................ 10-55
How do I filter my view of notifications in the sidebar? ........................................................... 10-55
How do I delete notifications? ...................................................................................................... 10-56
Managing Your Account in Oracle Social Network Desktop....................................................... 10-56
What are Oracle Social Network accounts? ................................................................................ 10-56
How do I enable account switching when I start Oracle Social Network Desktop? ............. 10-57
Where can I see my account details? ............................................................................................ 10-57
How do I add an account in Oracle Social Network Desktop? ................................................ 10-57
How can I see my account status in Oracle Social Network Desktop? ................................... 10-57
How do I switch between accounts in Oracle Social Network Desktop? ............................... 10-57
How do I save my password in Oracle Social Network Desktop? .......................................... 10-58


How do I disconnect from an account in Oracle Social Network Desktop? .......................... 10-58
How do I delete an account in Oracle Social Network Desktop? ............................................ 10-58
How do I work offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop? ..................................................... 10-58
Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop.................................................. 10-58
How do I get to my desktop settings? .......................................................................................... 10-58
How do I configure my general settings? .................................................................................... 10-59
How do I get Oracle Social Network Desktop to start when I log in to my computer? ....... 10-59
How do I prevent my previously opened tabs from showing up when I reconnect? .......... 10-60
How do I set the time interval for changing my status to away? ............................................ 10-60
Where can I choose a docking position for the sidebar? ........................................................... 10-60
How do I configure Conversations settings? .............................................................................. 10-60
How do I set up when to mark messages as read? .................................................................... 10-61
How do I set the time to delay before a snapshot is taken? ...................................................... 10-61
How do I set up how to post messages? ...................................................................................... 10-61
How do I get One-on-Ones to open automatically when new messages are posted? .......... 10-61
How do I control whether other people can post or reply to messages and documents on my
wall? .................................................................................................................................................. 10-62
How do I automatically log in to conferences? ........................................................................... 10-62
How do I allow Oracle Social Network to access my cloud documents? ............................... 10-62
How do I configure my notification settings? ............................................................................. 10-63
How do I restore default settings in Oracle Social Network Desktop? ................................... 10-63
Getting Help, Support, and Updates for Oracle Social Network Desktop................................ 10-63
How can I get help with Oracle Social Network Desktop? ....................................................... 10-63
How do I save my Oracle Social Network activity logs? .......................................................... 10-64
How do I check for updates to Oracle Social Network Desktop? ............................................ 10-64

11 Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone................................................................................... 11-1
How do I start a Conversation? ...................................................................................................... 11-1
How do I edit Conversation settings? ............................................................................................ 11-1
How do I add or remove members from a Conversation? ......................................................... 11-1
How do I open a One-on-One Conversation? ............................................................................... 11-3
How do I mute or unmute a Conversation? ................................................................................. 11-3
How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message? ................................................................... 11-3
How do I post a link to an Oracle Social Network item? ............................................................ 11-4
How do I add a referring item to a Conversation? ...................................................................... 11-4
How do I mark messages as read or unread? ............................................................................... 11-5
Are there any features that are not supported on an iPhone? .................................................... 11-5
How do I join or leave a web conference? ..................................................................................... 11-5
How do I view collections? .............................................................................................................. 11-5
How do I add a Conversation to a collection? .............................................................................. 11-5
How do I add a related item to a Social Object? ........................................................................... 11-6
How do I add documents? ............................................................................................................... 11-6
How do I view documents? ............................................................................................................. 11-7
How do I copy a document? ............................................................................................................ 11-7
How do I delete a document? .......................................................................................................... 11-8
How do I view an earlier version of a document? ....................................................................... 11-8


How do I see who has viewed a document? ................................................................................. 11-8

How do I annotate a document? ..................................................................................................... 11-8
How do I join or leave a file co-browsing session? ...................................................................... 11-9
How do I create or remove a folder? .............................................................................................. 11-9
How do I move files? ........................................................................................................................ 11-9
How do I view and edit my profile and picture? ....................................................................... 11-10
How do I view or post to another person's wall? ....................................................................... 11-10
How do I post a status update to my wall? ................................................................................. 11-10
How can I tell if a person is online? ............................................................................................. 11-10
How do I view my contacts? ......................................................................................................... 11-11
How do I follow or stop following someone? ............................................................................. 11-11
How do I add Oracle Social Network contacts? ......................................................................... 11-11
How do I save an Oracle Social Network contact to my iPhone contacts list? ...................... 11-11
How do I create a group? ............................................................................................................... 11-11
How do I add or remove members from a group? .................................................................... 11-12
How do I assign or clear flags? ..................................................................................................... 11-12
How do I "like" a message? ............................................................................................................ 11-13
How do I mark an object as a favorite? ........................................................................................ 11-13
How do I view my favorites? ........................................................................................................ 11-13
How do I search Oracle Social Network? .................................................................................... 11-13
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? .......................................................................... 11-13
How do I change an Oracle Social Network password? ........................................................... 11-14
How do I set up notifications? ...................................................................................................... 11-14
How do I change notification settings for a selected Conversation or wall? ......................... 11-15
How do I add, edit, or remove an account? ................................................................................ 11-16
How do I switch from one account to another? .......................................................................... 11-16
How do I bring up help? ................................................................................................................ 11-16
How do I access support for Oracle Social Network? ............................................................... 11-16
How do I show the user tips if I previously dismissed them? ................................................. 11-17

12 Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad ....................................................................................... 12-1
How do I start a Conversation? ...................................................................................................... 12-1
How do I edit Conversation settings? ............................................................................................ 12-1
How do I add or remove members from a Conversation? ......................................................... 12-1
How do I open a One-on-One Conversation? ............................................................................... 12-3
How do I mute or unmute a Conversation? ................................................................................. 12-3
How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message? ................................................................... 12-3
How do I post a link to an Oracle Social Network item? ............................................................ 12-4
How do I add a referring item to a Conversation? ...................................................................... 12-4
How do I mark messages as read or unread? ............................................................................... 12-5
Are there any features that are not supported on an iPad? ........................................................ 12-5
How do I join or leave a web conference? ..................................................................................... 12-5
How do I view my collections? ....................................................................................................... 12-5
How do I add a Conversation to a collection? .............................................................................. 12-5
How do I add a related Conversation from a Social Object? ...................................................... 12-6
How do I add documents? ............................................................................................................... 12-6


How do I view documents? ............................................................................................................. 12-7

How do I copy a document? ............................................................................................................ 12-7
How do I delete a document? .......................................................................................................... 12-7
How do I view an earlier version of a document? ....................................................................... 12-8
How do I see who has viewed a document? ................................................................................. 12-8
How do I annotate a document? ..................................................................................................... 12-8
How do I join or leave a file co-browsing session? ...................................................................... 12-9
How do I create or remove a folder? .............................................................................................. 12-9
How do I add or remove files from a folder? ................................................................................ 12-9
How do I view and edit my profile and picture? ......................................................................... 12-9
How do I view or post to another person's wall? ....................................................................... 12-10
How do I post a status update to my wall? ................................................................................. 12-10
How can I tell if a person is online? .............................................................................................. 12-10
How do I view my contacts? ......................................................................................................... 12-10
How do I follow or stop following someone? ............................................................................. 12-11
How do I add Oracle Social Network contacts? ......................................................................... 12-11
How do I save an Oracle Social Network contact to my iPad contacts list? .......................... 12-11
How do I create a group? ............................................................................................................... 12-11
How do I add or remove members from a group? .................................................................... 12-12
How do I assign or clear flags? ..................................................................................................... 12-12
How do I "like" a message? ............................................................................................................ 12-13
How do I mark an object as a favorite? ........................................................................................ 12-13
How do I view my favorites? ........................................................................................................ 12-13
How do I search Oracle Social Network? .................................................................................... 12-13
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? .......................................................................... 12-13
How do I change an Oracle Social Network password? ........................................................... 12-14
How do I set up notifications? ...................................................................................................... 12-14
How do I change notification settings for a selected a Conversation or wall? ...................... 12-15
How do I add, edit, or remove an account? ................................................................................ 12-15
How do I switch from one account to another? .......................................................................... 12-16
How do I bring up help? ................................................................................................................ 12-16
How do I access support for Oracle Social Network? ............................................................... 12-16
How do I show the user tips if I previously dismissed them? ................................................. 12-17

13 Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device .................................................................. 13-1
How do I start a Conversation? ...................................................................................................... 13-1
How do I edit Conversation settings? ............................................................................................ 13-1
How do I add or remove members from a Conversation? ......................................................... 13-1
How do I open a One-on-One Conversation? ............................................................................... 13-3
How do I mute or unmute a Conversation? ................................................................................. 13-3
How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message? ................................................................... 13-3
How do I post a link to an Oracle Social Network item? ............................................................ 13-4
How do I add a referring item to a Conversation? ...................................................................... 13-4
How do I mark messages as read? ................................................................................................. 13-5
Are there any features that are not supported on my Android device? ................................... 13-5
How do I join or leave a web conference? ..................................................................................... 13-5


How do I view collections? .............................................................................................................. 13-5

How do I add a Conversation to a collection? .............................................................................. 13-6
How do I add a related item to a Social Object? ........................................................................... 13-6
How do I upload or download documents? ................................................................................. 13-6
How do I view a document? ........................................................................................................... 13-7
How do I view an earlier version of a document? ....................................................................... 13-7
How do I share a document with an application? ....................................................................... 13-7
How do I annotate a document? ..................................................................................................... 13-8
How do I delete a document? .......................................................................................................... 13-8
How do I see who has viewed a document? ................................................................................. 13-9
How do I join or leave a file co-browsing session? ...................................................................... 13-9
How do I create or remove a folder? .............................................................................................. 13-9
How do I add or remove files from a folder? .............................................................................. 13-10
How do I view and edit my profile and picture? ....................................................................... 13-10
How do I view or post to another person's wall? ....................................................................... 13-10
How do I post a status update to my wall? ................................................................................. 13-11
How can I tell if a person is online? ............................................................................................. 13-11
How do I view my contacts? ......................................................................................................... 13-11
How do I follow or stop following someone? ............................................................................. 13-11
How do I add or remove Oracle Social Network contacts? ...................................................... 13-12
How do I save an Oracle Social Network contact to my Android device contacts list? ....... 13-12
How do I create a group? ............................................................................................................... 13-12
How do I add or remove members from a group? .................................................................... 13-13
How do I edit a group profile? ...................................................................................................... 13-13
How do I assign or clear flags? ..................................................................................................... 13-14
How do I "like" a message? ............................................................................................................ 13-14
How do I mark an object as a favorite? ........................................................................................ 13-14
How do I view my favorites? ........................................................................................................ 13-15
How do I search Oracle Social Network? .................................................................................... 13-15
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? .......................................................................... 13-16
How do I change an Oracle Social Network password? ........................................................... 13-17
How do I set up notifications? ...................................................................................................... 13-17
How do I change notification settings for a selected Conversation or wall? ......................... 13-18
How do I configure the appearance of Oracle Social Network? .............................................. 13-18
How do I control who can post to my wall? ............................................................................... 13-19
How do I set Oracle Social Network to automatically log me out? ......................................... 13-19
How do I get my log files? ............................................................................................................. 13-19
How do I add or edit an account connection? ............................................................................ 13-19
How do I switch from one account to another? .......................................................................... 13-20
How do I remove an account? ....................................................................................................... 13-20
How do I bring up help? ................................................................................................................ 13-20
How do I access support for Oracle Social Network? ............................................................... 13-20

14 Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks......................................................................................................................................... 14-1
One of my colleagues has left the company, yet his name and avatar still appear in
Conversations. Is there a way to remove him? ............................................................................ 14-1


How can I search for a term within a single Conversation? ...................................................... 14-1
How can I flag a group? .................................................................................................................. 14-2
How can I link to a particular post in a Conversation? .............................................................. 14-2
I created a group and would like others to be able to request membership to it. Is this possible?
.............................................................................................................................................................. 14-2
I'm a member of a group that frequently gets added to a lot of Conversations I have no interest
in. I'm also a member of a collection that spawns a lot of Conversations I don't care about.
What can I do to stop this? ............................................................................................................... 14-2

15 Administering Oracle Social Network

Getting Started with Administration .................................................................................................. 15-1
Accessing the Administration Features in Oracle Social Network ............................................ 15-1
Terms and Concepts ......................................................................................................................... 15-2
Managing General Properties............................................................................................................... 15-4
Editing General Properties ............................................................................................................. 15-4
General Properties Page ............................................................................................................ 15-4
Managing Users ....................................................................................................................................... 15-6
User Types .......................................................................................................................................... 15-6
About User Management in Oracle Identity Manager ................................................................ 15-7
Finding a User ................................................................................................................................... 15-8
Inviting/Creating a User from the Administration Page ........................................................... 15-8
About New User Invitation Emails ................................................................................................ 15-9
Enabling or Disabling a User ........................................................................................................... 15-9
Editing User Properties .................................................................................................................. 15-10
User Properties Page ............................................................................................................... 15-10
Synchronizing User Profile Information with OIM ................................................................... 15-11
Adding Several Employee or Outside Users at Once ................................................................ 15-12
Step 1. Download and Edit the New User Template File .................................................. 15-12
Step 2. Run the Bulk User Upload Wizard ........................................................................... 15-12
Unlocking User Accounts .............................................................................................................. 15-13
Managing User Collaboration ............................................................................................................ 15-13
Enabling Extended User Collaboration ....................................................................................... 15-13
User Collaboration Settings ........................................................................................................... 15-14
Managing Apps ..................................................................................................................................... 15-14
App Types ........................................................................................................................................ 15-14
Apps Included with Oracle Social Network ............................................................................... 15-15
Adding an App ................................................................................................................................ 15-15
Deleting an App .............................................................................................................................. 15-15
Editing App Properties ................................................................................................................... 15-16
App Properties Page ................................................................................................................ 15-16
Restoring Apps to their Default Settings ..................................................................................... 15-17
Managing Features ................................................................................................................................ 15-17
About Features ................................................................................................................................ 15-18
Adding a Feature ............................................................................................................................. 15-18
Deleting a Feature ........................................................................................................................... 15-18
Editing Feature Properties ............................................................................................................. 15-18
Features Properties Page ......................................................................................................... 15-19


Managing Social Definitions .............................................................................................................. 15-19

Social Definition Properties in the Administration UI .............................................................. 15-19
Where to Customize Social Definitions ....................................................................................... 15-20
Adding a Social Definition ............................................................................................................. 15-21
Editing Social Definition Properties ............................................................................................. 15-22
Social Definition Properties Page .......................................................................................... 15-22
Managing Conferencing Services ...................................................................................................... 15-24
Adding a Conferencing Service .................................................................................................... 15-24
Editing Conferencing Service Properties ..................................................................................... 15-25
Conferencing Services Properties Page ................................................................................ 15-25
Deleting a Conferencing Service ................................................................................................... 15-26
WebEx Conferencing Service Default Properties ....................................................................... 15-27
Managing Cloud Document Services................................................................................................ 15-27
About Cloud Document Services ................................................................................................. 15-27
Configuring the Google Drive Cloud Document Service ......................................................... 15-28
Creating the Client ID and Client Secret in the Google API console ............................... 15-28
Adding Client Information to the Google Drive Service in the Administration UI ...... 15-29
Adding an OAuth Cloud Document Service .............................................................................. 15-29
Adding a Credential-Based Cloud Document Service .............................................................. 15-29
Editing Cloud Document Service Properties .............................................................................. 15-30
Cloud Document Services Properties Page .......................................................................... 15-30
Deleting a Cloud Document Service ............................................................................................ 15-32
Managing Federated Authentication................................................................................................. 15-32
When to Configure Federated Authentication ........................................................................... 15-32
Editing Federated Authentication Properties ............................................................................. 15-32
Federated Authentication Properties Page .......................................................................... 15-32

16 Collaborating Through Social Networking for Outside Users

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User ........................................................ 16-1
What does social networking have to do with my job? ............................................................... 16-1
How do I view the social activity? .................................................................................................. 16-1
How do I collaborate with the people I'm working with? .......................................................... 16-2
How do I edit my profile? ................................................................................................................ 16-2
How do I work with messages? ...................................................................................................... 16-2
How do I show or hide membership messages in a Conversation? .......................................... 16-3
How do I mark a Conversation as a favorite? ............................................................................... 16-3
How do I share a document with others? ...................................................................................... 16-4
How do I view a file? ........................................................................................................................ 16-4
How do I delete a document? .......................................................................................................... 16-4
How do I view document annotations? ......................................................................................... 16-5
How can I alert people to an important message? ....................................................................... 16-5
How can I see all flags assigned to me or by me? ........................................................................ 16-5
What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them? ............................................................................ 16-6
How do I search? ............................................................................................................................... 16-6
How do I start a chat with someone? ............................................................................................. 16-7
How do I mute or unmute a Conversation? ................................................................................. 16-7
How can I view a list of closed Conversations? ........................................................................... 16-8


How do I start a web conference? ................................................................................................... 16-8

How do I join a web conference? .................................................................................................... 16-8
How is the social network accessible? ........................................................................................... 16-8
What keyboard shortcuts are available to the social network? .................................................. 16-9
How do I change my notifications settings, preferences, and conference settings? ............... 16-9
How can I get more help on how to use Oracle Social Network? ........................................... 16-10


This preface describes the document accessibility features and conventions used in this

This guide is written for people who use Oracle Social Network in their day-to-day

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are
hearing impaired.

Related Documents

Oracle Cloud Site Administrator's Guide for Oracle Social Network

Oracle Cloud Tenant Administrator's Guide for Oracle Social Network

Oracle Cloud Developer's Guide for Oracle Social Network

Oracle Cloud Developer's Guide for Oracle Social Network Core API

The following text conventions are used in this document:



Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated

with an action.






Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for

which you supply particular values. It also highlights new terms that
are explained in context.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code

in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network

These topics introduce basic features in Oracle Social Network and describe how to
use them:

"The Basics"

"Setting Up"

"Everyday Tasks"

"Getting Help"

The Basics
How do I get to Oracle Social Network?
You can access Oracle Social Network from whatever device or application is most
convenient for you, including:

Your web browser. Your Oracle application (Oracle Cloud Application or Oracle
Service Cloud) provides a way to launch the full version of Oracle Social Network
in a browser, usually through a button or icon named Social.
Microsoft Outlook. Just download the add-in, and Oracle Social Network appears
in a panel on the right.
Your Android or iOS device.
A standalone application that provides an alternative to a full web browser, called
the Desktop app.

Note: Depending on the Oracle application you use, you may nor may not have access
to all of these options.
You can get to the Outlook, mobile, or Desktop applications by clicking the arrow next
to your name at the top of the application, then clicking Downloads. Follow the
directions from there.
If you're working in an Oracle application and you see a link, button, or icon named
Social, or a tab called Conversations or Collaboration, chances are good that this is
your gateway into Oracle Social Network. What happens after you click one of these
links or tabs depends on which Oracle application you're using, but online help is
always available if you have any questions.

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network


The Basics

Can I open Oracle Social Network in my mobile browser?

No, but you won't need to: native apps are available for your iPhone, iPad, and
Android device.
Here's how it works: imagine you're reading your Oracle Social Network email digest
on your smart phone. You click a document link in the digest, and your mobile
browser opens, with an option to log in, if you aren't already. If you don't already have
the mobile app, another dialog opens with options for installing it.
Once the mobile app is installed, all you have to do is return to the dialog in your
mobile browser and tap Open App. Doing this enables the browser to pass your
account informationsuch as your server URLto the mobile app.
You'll be asked to create an account when you open the app the first time. Many
mobile browsers automatically open the Oracle Social Network mobile app. If yours
doesn't, you can always use the Open App button.

How do I know what version I'm using?

Version information is available on the About page, which appears in different places
depending on if you're using the web, Outlook, Desktop, or a mobile client:
Table 11

Getting to the About Page in Oracle Social Network Clients



Web Browser

Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application,
then click About.

Outlook Add-In

Open the Help menu (

) at the bottom of the add-in, then click
About Oracle Social Network.


Click the Help menu ( ) at the bottom left of the sidebar, then
click About Oracle Social Network.

Mobile: Android


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap

Settings, and look under About.

Mobile: iPhone and iPad

In the navigation bar, tap About.

Who can see my information?

Oracle Social Network is completely secure. Only people with log-in credentials can
see and interact with Oracle Social Network content. Additionally, you can control
who sees your posts depending on what type of Conversation you choose. See What
types of Conversations are available? to learn more about Conversation options.

Is Oracle Social Network accessible?

The add-in for Microsoft Outlook is the accessible option for Oracle Social
Networkthough other clients have some accessibility features. You can get the
add-in for Outlook from the Downloads page while using Oracle Social Network in
your browser.
For information about accessibility in the add-in for Outlook and Oracle Social
Network integrations, see:

How do I increase the add-in's accessibility? (Add-In for Microsoft Outlook)

How is the social network accessible? (Oracle Applications Cloud)

1-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

The Basics

How is the social network accessible? (Oracle Service Cloud)

For information about Oracle and accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program

How do I get started?

The first time you log in to Oracle Social Network, you see tips for new users. They
suggest actions you might want to perform to get started using Oracle Social Network.
Click one of the actions, or minimize them by clicking Got It!.
Figure 11 New user tips

When you minimize the tips, you can still see them. Keep them there as reminders for
as long as you want, or just click
in the tip to dismiss it permanently.
Figure 12 Minimized new user tips shown on Overview page

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network


The Basics

What do the icons mean?

You'll see lots of different icons throughout the Conversations, Collections, and Social
Object pages. Here's what they all mean:
Table 12

Item Type Icons in Oracle Social Network


Private or members-only Conversation

Public Conversation

One-on-One Conversation

Conversations (in search results)

Outside user (a person outside your company)
Social Object
Note that the icon used for a Social Object or for different Social Objects in your
environment may differ from the one depicted.
Documents (in search results)

Folders (in search results)

Favorites (in search results)

Faded color indicates a deactivated person or group or a closed Conversation or


You'll also see one or more of these icons appear on Conversations, walls, collections,
and when certain Overview filters are applied:

Mouse over the people icon to see a list of names of people who are active in the
The plain number (61) is the total number of messages in the Conversation.

1-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

The Basics

The number in the blue box (37) is the number of messages you haven't read yet.
Click the blue box to mark them all as read. (You can also click the blue dot next to
a single message to mark it as read.)
Click an empty star to make this item a favorite. If the star is filled in, click it to
remove favorite status.

How can I see usage information about my session?

If you click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, you may or may
not see an option called Analytics. This option is not available to all instances of
Oracle Social Network, but if you see it, you can click it to see your personal usage
statistics. If you're an administrator, you'll see more global information about the
Oracle Social Network instance, as well as individual user information.

I'm a developer. How do I get to the developer's website?

If you're a developer and the developer site is enabled for your company, you can
access that site by clicking the arrow next to your name at the top of the application,
then clicking Developers.

How would someone typically use Oracle Social Network?

Here's how someone might use Oracle Social Network in a typical day, just to give you
an idea. This is only an exampleyou may find that you don't do all these tasks, or
you don't do them in this order.
Table 13

Example Workflow in Oracle Social Network



For More Information


Log in.

Open Oracle Social Network and enter your user

name and password.


Check for assigned flags.

How do I use flags to get people's attention?


Reply to or clear assigned flags.

How do I use flags to get people's attention?


Check recent activity.

Navigate to the Overview page. If necessary, click

the Recent Activity filter on the left.


Reply to recent posts, as necessary.


In one Conversation, mark all messages as read.

How do I mark messages as read?


Check the status of an opportunity (Social Object).

About Social Objects


Add a message to the Social Object's wall.

How do I add a message?


Add a document to the Social Object's wall.

How do I add a document to a Conversation?


Comment on the added document.

How do I annotate a document?


Review and reply to others' annotations.

How do I navigate between annotations?


Monitor recent activity via the Social Bar.

How do I add or remove contacts?


Share an application object as a Social Object.

What does sharing or joining a Social Object do for



Create a collection of Conversations related to the

new Social Object.

How do I create a collection?


Flag people who have an interest to call their

attention to the new Social Object.

How do I use flags to get people's attention?

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network


Setting Up

Table 13 (Cont.) Example Workflow in Oracle Social Network



For More Information


Start a One-on-One Conversation with a colleague.

How do I use a One-on-One Conversation?


Post a reference to the Social Object in the


How can I link to an Oracle Social Network item in

a Conversation or wall?


With a colleague, co-browse a request for

information (RFI) posted to the One-on-One.

How do I co-browse a file with others?


Close a completed Conversation.

How do I close, re-open, or discard a Conversation?


Mute a Conversation of little interest.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

Setting Up
How do I change my preferences?
You can customize your Oracle Social Network experience by using the Settings option
in your browser.

Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, then click Settings.


Click Preferences.
Use the options on the Preferences page to:

Change your interface language or date format.

If you change the primary language, all the buttons, labels, and so on are
changed to the language you choose. The things you supply, like messages
and documents, are in the language used when you posted the message or
when the file was created.
Note: You can also specify a language for just a single Conversation. See How
do I change a Conversation's language?


Specify whether to use the Enter key or the Post key to post messages.
Control whether you see a message every time someone joins or leaves a
Conversation or wall.
Control whether your followers or only you can post to your wall
Control whether your followers or only you can reply to messages and
annotate documents on your wall
Mark all messages in every Conversations as read, so you don't have to do it
on a Conversation-by-Conversation basis.

To change your password, click Password. If you get a message saying you can't
change your password, that means your company has a policy that prohibits you
from changing it.

How do I set up or change my profile?


Click your picture in the upper right corner to display your profile. (You can get to
anyone else's profile by clicking their name or picture, too, almost anywhere you
see them in Oracle Social Network.)


Click More, then click Edit Profile.

1-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Setting Up


Enter your title, group name, or a bit about what you do in the Description field.
Don't forget to add your contact information under Basic Information on the


To change your profile picture, mouse over your current picture and click Change.
Select a .gif, .png, or .jpg file. After you select a picture, you can use the crop tools
to re-size it. Your picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels square.
Note: If you use Mozilla Firefox and JAWS, you must disable pop-ups before you
upload a profile picture. If you don't disable pop-ups, the upload dialog won't

Note: Your profile also has its own wall, where you can post messages and other types
of content for everyone to see. You can post content to someone else's wall, but only if
you're following the person and only if the person allows other people to post to his or
her wall. Also, be sensitive to corporate cultureit's sometimes frowned upon for
anyone but the profile owner to post to his or her wall.

How do I set up or change my notifications?

Notifications let you know when certain events occur in Oracle Social Network, like
when someone flags you, or when someone clears a flag that you have set. When
you're using Oracle Social Network in your browser, notifications are sent via email.
You can set up your notifications to send emails just for the events you're interested in.

Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, then click Settings.


Make sure Notifications is selected on the left.


In the Email field, type the address where you want your notifications to be sent.


Use the check boxes to indicate the events you want to be notified about. Set the
time and date stamp format, if desired.
Note: Regardless of the options you set, when a Please Reply - Urgent flag is
assigned to you, you'll always receive an email notifying you of the assignment.


If needed, you can turn off notifications to your mobile devices. This is useful if
your device is misplaced, lost, or stolen. Note that this disconnects all of the
mobile devices you connect to Oracle Social Network, so you'll need to reconnect
each one if you want to use it again.
To turn off some or all of your notifications to a specific mobile device, log in to
your mobile application and change your notifications in your account settings.
(See How do I change notification settings for a selected Conversation or wall?
and How do I change notification settings for a selected a Conversation or wall?)

How can I connect to my documents in the cloud?

Assuming your administrator has enabled the use of a cloud document service, like
Google Drive, all you have to do is associate your account information with Oracle
Social Network to be able to add those documents to your Conversations and walls.
Note: Documents formatted in Google's proprietary format are automatically
converted to PDF when downloaded to Oracle Social Network. You can't copy Google
proprietary format documents back to Google Drive, but you can copy the PDF version
of these documents. Unlike other file types, Google proprietary documents converted
to PDF are not automatically returned to their original location in Google Drive.
Annotation marks and comments are not included when you copy from Oracle Social
Network back to a cloud document service.

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network


Everyday Tasks


Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, then click Settings.


Click Cloud Documents.


In the section for your cloud document service, supply your account information.
For Dropbox or Google Drive, click Authorize, log in to your account, then click
For other cloud document services, enter your username and password, then click

The next time you add a document in Oracle Social Network, you'll be able to access
your documents in the cloud in the file picker.

Where do I get the Outlook, Desktop, and mobile applications?

To get the most out of Oracle Social Network, you'll probably want to use one or more
of the following options in addition to (or instead of) your web browser:

Outlook Add-InNo need to leave Outlook to see your Conversations, as key

elements of Oracle Social Network are displayed in a built-in panel within the
Outlook display. Hide or display this panel by toggling the Show Panel tab.
DesktopAn alternative to using Oracle Social Network in your browser.
Available for both Windows and Mac.OS.
MobileTake Oracle Social Network with you wherever you go by installing the
native mobile app on your iOS or Android device.

You can get to all these apps by clicking your name at the top of the application, then
clicking Downloads. Follow the directions from there.

Everyday Tasks
How do I search?
Search is full-text: It looks in titles as well as in content. Once you press Enter or click
on a category header in the drop-down results, the results page also includes hits from
document content.
Search looks for terms, phrases, and excluded terms. For example:

brown cow (no quotes) finds all results that contain both "brown" and "cow." A
result is treated as more relevant if the search terms appear together in order
("brown cow"). A result is also more relevant if it's in the object's title. The result
set also includes stemmed variants, like "browned cows."
"brown cow" (quotes) finds all results that contain the exact phrase "brown cow." It
doesn't find "brown cows" or "the cow is brown."
brown cow -dairy (no quotes) finds all results that contain the words "brown" and
"cow" but do not contain the word "dairy."

Use the global search field at the top of the browser page to search all types of items.
Results returned are categorized by item type. Global search provides two types of
search results: substring and keyword.

1-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Everyday Tasks

Substring search results appear in the search results pop-up and include items with
names that match your search terms. In substring search results, you can click a result
type, like Conversations, to view just the results for that type.
Keyword search results:

Include items with names or content that match some or all of your search terms, or
variations on some or all of your search terms (like run, runs, ran, running).
Are listed by default according to how relevant they are to your search terms. You
can change the sorting to date order. After changing your sort to date order, you
can click the Sort by menu again, to change the sort from Descending to
Ascending (to see the oldest results first).
On the search results page, you can use filters to narrow your results to just the
type of items you want to see. For example, click Documents to see only the
documents that were returned by your search.
You can also filter by the user who posted the item. In the Posted By box, enter the
user whose posts you want to see in the results. Select the user from the
drop-down list. You can combine the Posted By filter with item type filters to
narrow your results further.

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to search for all content associated with that term or topic. For example,
imagine discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the
form of dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of
forms. How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a
hashtag. Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of
discount, you include the hashtag #discounts. You can then search for #discounts and
get a list of all messages in otherwise unrelated Conversations and walls that contain
the hashtagged term.
Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations,
and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been
used before) appear for you to select from.

You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Searching for and Viewing Hashtags

When you perform a search, available hashtags are included in the results. If your
search term starts with a hashtag (#), one of two things will happen. If the hashtag
exists, the hashtag page opens. If the hashtag doesn't exist, you see search results that
contain any tags similar to the hashtag you searched for.
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are clickable and will open a hashtag page
where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So clicking #discounts in any
Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message (in a Conversation,
document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the
discounts hashtag.

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network


Everyday Tasks

On the hashtag page, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the
hashtag (All Results) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By
People You Follow). You can also see a list of trending hashtags.
Following Hashtags
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview page, even
if you are not a member of those Conversations or walls.
To follow a hashtag, click the hashtag to open the hashtag page, then click Follow at
the top of the page. To stop following the hashtag, place your cursor over Following,
then click Stop Following.

How do I use flags to get people's attention?

Flags provide a way to bring an item, like a message or a file, to someone's attention.
Depending on the priority you assign, you can capture people's attention pretty
quickly. A few facts about flags:

To assign a flag, click the empty flag icon to the right of the item, then select the
person and the priority level. You can assign a different flag priority to each
A flag's priority level reflects its urgency. Here's what the priorities mean and how
their associated flags look:

Table 14

Flag Priority Levels

Priority Indicator

Type and Description

For Your InformationLook at this when you have the time.

Please ReplyLook at this, and let me know what you think.

Please Reply - UrgentLook at this now, and let me know what you
think immediately. (An email notification is always sent for Please Reply Urgent flags.)

The person you flag may get an email, depending on what they've set up through
their notifications. (Everyone gets an email when a Please Reply - Urgent flag is
assigned; that can't be controlled through the Notifications page.)

When an item has a flag assigned to it, a little flag icon appears to the right of the
item. Flags assigned to you are red, flags assigned to others are blue.
When someone assigns a flag to you, your flag count goes up by one. You can see
your total flag count in the header, next to the search field.
Click the count to see the flags assigned to you. Click the Flags You Assigned
radio button to see the (uncleared) flags you assigned to others. Use the Flagged
By boxes to filter by the person who set the flags.

Within a Conversation, messages with flags assigned to you are flagged by a red
bar next to the scroll bar. Click the red bars to jump between messages.
To clear a flag, go to the flagged message, click
to open the Flags dialog, and
click Clear next to your name. You must clear flags assigned to you one at a time;
there's no way to do it all at once. The person who set the flag may get an email,
depending on what they've set up through their notifications.

1-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Everyday Tasks

You can also click

to open the Flags dialog and reply to a flag. Note that this
does not clear the flag; you must do that explicitly using the Clear button.
When you change a flag priority level, the flag shows that it was assigned by you,
even if someone else assigned the original flag.
If you use the Flag Everyone Else option, you may see a confirmation dialog
asking you to verify that you really want to flag that many people. Your
administrator determines when this dialog is triggered, depending on how many
people Everyone Else adds up to. If the number is very large, your administrator
may choose to suppress notifications for the group; flags will be set, but no one
will receive a notification.

To ensure flags say look at this now!, use them thoughtfully. A flood of flag notifications
all at once or all the time can reduce their impact.
Table 15 explains what each flag icon means.
Table 15

Flag Icons and Their Meanings

Flag Icon

Priority Level

Assigned To

No flag assigned

No one

Please Reply - Urgent


Please Reply


For Your Information


Please Reply - Urgent

You and others

Please Reply

You and others

For Your Information

You and others

Please Reply - Urgent

Someone other than you

Please Reply

Someone other than you

For Your Information

Someone other than you

Please Reply - Urgent

Others but not you

Please Reply
For Your Information

How do I use favorites?

Marking an item as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the items you use most
frequently. To mark an item as a favorite, click
next to the item; click the star again
to unmark it.

at the top of the page to see all the items you've marked as a favorite.

When you run a search, click the Favorites filter on the search results page to see just
those results you marked as a favorite.
If you mark a message within a Conversation as a favorite, a gray bar appears next to
the Conversation's scroll bar to help you find the message easily.

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network 1-11

Everyday Tasks

What's the most versatile view of my information?

The Overview page gives you a snapshot view of your current data, plus a set of
handy filters to help you scope what you're looking at. Here are the filters you can use:

Recent Activities: The latest actions of the people you follow, the latest posts in
the Conversations and walls you're a member of, and messages that include
hashtags you follow (from public Conversations and walls, even those you are not
a member of).
Unread: A list of the Conversations you belong to and walls of the people you're
following, sorted by unread message count. You can also see who last updated the
Conversation or wall and when.
Flags: Use the radio buttons on the left to see the flags assigned to you or the flags
you've assigned to others that haven't been cleared yet. You can also use the Flag
Type and Flagged By check boxes to further refine the list of flags displayed. See
How do I use flags to get people's attention? for more information.
Favorites: All the items you have marked as a favorite. Use the second set of
filtersAll, Messages, Documents, Folders, and so onto zero in on a particular
type of item. For information about using favorites, see How do I use favorites?

How do I filter what I'm looking at?

Filters limit the information you see on a page. For example, on Conversations, you
can apply a filter to show all the Conversations you're a member of (Yours), public
Conversations you might want to join (Available), Conversations you've marked as a
favorite (Favorites), and Conversations you've muted (Muted). Within each of these
views, you can apply a second filter to show only active Conversations that are open
to new messages (Open) or closed Conversations (Closed).
Other pages have different filters that make sense in those contexts. (See What's the
most versatile view of my information? to learn more about the Overview filters.)
In some cases, filter controls appear along the left side of your display (Conversations,
Overview), but they may appear in other places as well. For example, when you're in a
Conversation, the Messages and Documents filters in the upper right allow you to
zoom in on just those item types, while radio buttons along the left help you filter your
flags on the Overview->Flags display. Once you start experimenting with filters,
they'll become second nature.

How can I tell if someone is online?

The colored circle around a person's picture signifies the person's presence status:

- A full green circle around the person's picture shows that the person is
available (logged in to and currently interacting with Oracle Social Network).
- A three-quarter yellow circle around the person's picture shows that the
person is idle (logged in to but not currently interacting with Oracle Social
- A half gray circle around the person's picture shows that the person is offline
(not logged in to Oracle Social Network).

An animated pencil icon in the lower right corner indicates that the person is entering
content in the current Conversation or on the current wall.

1-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Help

Why can't I see the Social Bar?

The Social Bar is a web browser-only feature that appears on the right side of your
browser window. The Social Bar includes three sections:

Recent ActivityThe most recent actions of the people you follow

TrendingThe Conversations, collections, hashtags, Social Objects, and walls
with the most people in them at the moment
ContactsYour list of contacts

If your browser window is not wide enough to display the full Social Bar, you'll see it
in collapsed form at the bottom right of your browser, under the heading Contacts &
Activities. Click the Contacts & Activities banner to expand and collapse the Social

How do I access the administration features?

If you're an administrator, you can manage the Oracle Social Network instance by
clicking the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, and selecting
Note: The Administration option is displayed only if you are logged in as a user with
administrator privileges.

How can I work offline?

You have several options:

If you've downloaded the Desktop application, you can take advantage of its
Offline Briefcase feature. Before you go offline, scan through your Conversations
and choose the ones you want to download into your virtual briefcase. When
offline, bring up the Desktop application and open your briefcase. Open a
Conversation, then make new posts, respond to posts, add documentsin other
words, interact just as you would if you were online. When you get back online,
just click a button to upload all Conversations with the changes you've made.
While in a Conversation, you can click More, then click Download to download
the Conversation to your hard drive. The resulting zip file contains a directory for
documents belonging to the Conversation, as well as an index.html file with all the
Conversation's posts. (The Offline Briefcase, by contrast, has everything integrated
for you.) When you open the index file, you can use the Reply link to respond to a
post via email. As soon as you're back online and open your email client, your
messages are posted to the Conversation(s).
If you've set your notifications to send an email digest at the end of each day, you
can also view that while offline, provided that your email application provides
such a mode.

Getting Help
What does this Help Center contain?
The Oracle Social Network Help Center tells you everything you need to know to use
Oracle Social Network effectively. Unless otherwise specified, most of the help
describes how to use Oracle Social Network in your web browser; that is, after you've

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network 1-13

Getting Help

left your application (Oracle Application Cloud or Oracle Service Cloud) and launched
a new browser session. For information on how to use Oracle Social Network from
within your application, check out your application's help system, or see the sections in
the Oracle Social Network Help Center devoted to each application.

Where can I find tips and troubleshooting information or report a problem?

The Oracle Social Network Community Forum is the place to go to get more
information about real-world use cases, tips, and troubleshooting. Share info with
your peers, or get advice from the people who helped to design and build Oracle
Social Network.
Note: You can also find common tips and tricks in Tips and Tricks.
If you're in a browser, click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application,
then select Community, or go there directly with this URL:

If you're using Outlook, Desktop, or mobile, look for a Community option on the
Help, Settings, or About menus.

How do I get support?

Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, then click Support.
Then follow the numbered steps on the Support page.
You can also visit the Oracle Social Network Community Forum (see Where can I find
tips and troubleshooting information or report a problem?).

How do I find out more about the Oracle Social Network product?
The Oracle Social Network has a Facebook presence that includes product news. You
can view the Facebook feed by clicking the arrow next to your name at the top of the
application, and selecting Product News

1-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and

These topics describe the kinds of Conversations you can create and participate in and
how to work with them:

"Using Conversations"

"Managing Messages"

"Using Conferences"

"Using Apps in Conversations"

Using Conversations
How do I start a Conversation?

You can start a Conversation by clicking the New Conversation button, which
appears in lots of places throughout Oracle Social Networklike the
Conversations page.


Enter a title for the Conversation, then specify whether you want it available to
members only (Only visible to members) or as a public Conversation (Visible to
any user).


Move people and groups from the left column to the right to add them as
members; or move them from the right column to the left to remove their
membership. Use the search field to find specific people quickly.

Everyone in your company's LDAP directory appears in the Create New

Conversation dialog. If you add someone who has never logged in to Oracle
Social Network before, he or she will receive an email inviting them to join.
You can add people to a public Conversation, and/or people can add
themselves. Other people see your public Conversations when they apply the
Available filter on their Conversations display. They can then click the Join
button to add themselves.
People outside your company have a special avatar ( ) and their names are
in purple text. If you add an outside user to a Conversation, a banner stating
"Visible to outside users." appears at the top of the Conversation and any

Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and Apps 2-1

Using Conversations

associated message dialogs. Be careful not to post any sensitive information to

Conversations that include outside users.

Click OK to save and open the new Conversation.

See What types of Conversations are available? to learn more about the different types
of Conversations available.

What types of Conversations are available?

There are lots of options available for sharing information, depending what you want
to achieve through the interaction:

A private Conversation is one that only you can see. You might use a private
Conversation to store your private notes and comments, or as a staging ground
where you gather content until you're ready to share it with others.
A members-only Conversation can be seen only by the people who are explicitly
added to the Conversation by other members.
A public Conversation is open enrollment; anyone who is logged in can join. While
you can see posts in a public Conversation, you can't actually post anything until
you've clicked the Join button to become a member.
A scoped Conversation is the most tightly controlled type of Conversation. Scoped
Conversations are created under a scoping Social Object in an application that has
been integrated with Oracle Social Network (like Oracle Applications Cloud).
When the scoping Social Object is created, a list of people is defined. Only those
people are eligible to be added to Conversations about that scoping Social Object.
Note: For information about Social Objects, see About Social Objects

While a Social Object's wall isn't really a Conversation, it is another place where
people can exchange information. If you've joined a Social Object, you can see
posts, make posts, and invite others to the wall, provided that they have a login to
the same instance of Oracle Social Network that you use.
Think of a wall as a common area for the Social Object, where people who may not
have access to your application can still collaborate with you on a particular Social
Object. For example, suppose you use Oracle Cloud Application to do your daily
job, and want to consult with someone in Legal, who doesn't have access to Oracle
Cloud Application. All you have to do is add the Legal employee to the Social
Object in question, and start your online discussioneither on the wall itself, or in
a new Conversation.

How do I join a Conversation?

If the Conversation you want to join is members-only, ask someone who is already a
member to add you. To see all the public Conversations you can join:

Click Conversations along the top of your screen.


Click Available on the left to see all the public Conversations.


Click the Conversation you want to join.


Click the Join button.

How do I add or remove people and groups from a Conversation?


From within a Conversation, click Add People.

2-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations


In the Update Members dialog, move groups and people to the right column to
add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than
one person or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Alternatively, a quick way to remove a person from a Conversation (including

yourself) is to click the person's picture in the Conversation membership bar, then
select Remove from Conversation.

Once you remove yourself from a members-only Conversation, you can't add
yourself back. Ask someone who's a member of the Conversation to re-add you.
If you were added to a Conversation as part of a group, you can't remove yourself
directly from the Conversation. You may be able to remove yourself from the
group, but that removes you from all Conversations the group belongs to. For
more information, see How do I remove myself from a group?

In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Conversation by accepting the recommendations that
are sometimes shown in the list of messages (under Add to this Conversation). Oracle
Social Network recommends people to add to a Conversation based on people you
frequently add to Conversations and actions you have in common with others (such as
being members of the same Conversations).
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Click the person's name to view their profile.

Click Add to accept the recommendation and add the person to the Conversation.

Click Ignore to decline the recommendation.

Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Click the arrows on either side of the current recommendation to see the previous
or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the Conversation. If you
scroll up or down, the Add to this Conversation section might move out of view. Just
scroll up or down to find it.

Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and Apps 2-3

Using Conversations

How do I use a One-on-One Conversation?

A One-on-One Conversation is a private Conversation limited to two people; you can't
add anyone else.
There are three ways to start a One-on-One Conversation, depending on where you

From your list of Contacts in the Social Bar, click a name, then click Open
One-on-One. (If you don't see the person you want in this list, see How do I add
or remove contacts?)
In a Conversation membership bar, click a profile picture, then click Open
Go to the person's profile, click the More button, and select Open One-on-One.

In your web browser, One-on-One Conversations automatically open in a minimized

view at the bottom of your screen.

To switch to full-screen mode, click

See Full Conversation.

in the minimized view's banner, then click

It's sometimes helpful to clear what's displayed in minimized view so you can
start a new topic without being distracted by the old content. To do this, click
in the banner, then click Clear Window. This doesn't permanently remove
anything; you can still see the content by going to the full view of the
To hide minimized view, click the banner. The view collapses and the banner turns
gray. If your partner posts to you, the banner turns blue again. Click the banner to
re-display minimized view.

How do I add a document to a Conversation?

See the following topics:

How do I upload a document from my local file system?

How do I add a document from a cloud document store?

How can I limit Conversation membership to certain people only?

Membership can be tightly controlled through scoping Social Objects. When a scoping
Social Object is created, a list of approved members is defined. When someone then
creates a Conversation from that Social Object, only people defined in the membership
list can be addedno one else. This ensures that sensitive or private information is not
inadvertently shared with others who may not have a need to know.
Not all deployments of Oracle Social Network have scoping Social Objects. Your
application administrator can tell you if yours does.

Open a scoping Social Object.


Next to Scoped Conversation, click

and select Create and add a new
Conversation to open a new Conversation.


Continue as you would with any other Conversation.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

If you're annoyed by chatter from a Conversation you really don't care about it, you
can mute it. Muting a Conversation hides it from your list of Conversations and stops
2-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations

messages about it from appearing in your email digest and within Oracle Social
Network. It's still there; you just won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if
you're flagged on a message in a muted Conversation, which will still appear in your
email digest.)
To mute a Conversation, go to your Conversations list, hover over the Conversation
name, then click Mute.
If you change your mind and want to unmute the Conversation, go to your
Conversations list and click Muted in the left navigation bar. Hover over the
Conversation name, then click Unmute.

How do I create a new Conversation from an old one?

You might want to create a new Conversation from an old one when the topic changes,
or when the discussion logically moves to a next step. For example, suppose you're in
a Conversation about Milestone I and the group is ready to start talking about the next
phase. You create a new Conversation, Milestone II, from the Milestone I
Conversation. A link to the Milestone II Conversation is automatically posted to
Milestone I, and vice versa. In this way, you maintain a chain of linked Conversations
that enable people to move easily back and forth among them.
While in the original Conversation, click
below the message field and add the
required information. Membership from the original Conversation is automatically
copied over to the new, but you can change that if you want.
Note: Any Conversation you create from a collection or Social Object's wall is added
by default to the collection or Social Object's list of Referring Conversations.

How can I see Conversations when I'm offline?

Suppose you're heading for the airport and want to catch up on your Conversations
while on the plane. You can save a Conversation to a .zip file, then unzip the file on
your local drive. The .zip file contains all Conversation content, including messages,
replies, and files, with all Conversation members listed first.
While in a Conversation, click More, then click Download.
When viewing a Conversation or wall offline, you can click a name to open the
person's profile in a new browser window. You can also click any document to open it
from the documents folder that was included in the .zip file.
Note: For information about viewing and interacting with offline Conversations and
walls, see How do I view an item offline from my Offline Briefcase?

How do I view several Conversations at once?

You can view multiple Conversations at once by minimizing them. Each Conversation
appears in a little box at the bottom of your display.
While in a Conversation, click More, then click Open in Minimized View.
Not all Conversation features are available in minimized view. You can click a link to
see document previews, post messages and reply to them, but you can't do things like
post documents.
One-on-One Conversations automatically open in minimized view in the web browser.
See How do I use a One-on-One Conversation? for more information on how
minimized Conversations behave.

Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and Apps 2-5

Using Conversations

How do I manage Conversations?

If a very long Conversation becomes slow to load, or if the topic naturally diverges to a
new concern, consider branching off into a new Conversation. Both the old and new
Conversations will have links to each other, so you can move between them easily. See
How do I create a new Conversation from an old one? for more information.
If you have a long list of Conversations, here are some tips for managing them:

Use collections to gather related Conversations together, like those that focus on a
common topic. Rather than scrolling through your Conversations list, you can go
directly to your Collections list instead. See Working with Collections
Mark the Conversations you really need to pay attention to as favorites (click the
star next to the Conversation name), then use the Favorites filter on your
Conversations list to focus on them (or click the star icon in the banner).
Use the Sort By menu at the top right of the Conversations list to arrange the
Conversations alphabetically, by the date of the last update, and so on.

How do I close, re-open, or discard a Conversation?

You can close any Conversation you belong to, even if you didn't create it. Closing a
Conversation prevents people from adding new messages to it and removes it from
people's list of Conversations.
While in the Conversation, click More, then click Close Conversation.
To re-open a Conversation, display your list of Conversations, then click Closed in the
left navigation to apply the Closed filter. Click the Conversation name, then click
More, then Reopen Conversation.
You can discard a Conversation only if you're the sole member. A discarded
Conversation is removed from all collections and Social Objects it's related to.

Open the Conversation.


Remove all other members except yourself.


Click Discard.

How do I rename a Conversation?

You can change the name of any Conversation you belong to, even if you didn't create

Open the Conversation and click the title.


Type in the new name, then click

How do I sort the list of Conversations?

On the Conversations page, use the Sort by menu to arrange the Conversations by
name, number of active users, and so on. Most sorting options also allow you to
further sort the results in ascending or descending order.
Choose a filter to arrange the data the way you want:

NameArranged alphabetically by the name of the Conversation

Last UpdatedArranged by date a Conversation was last updated

Active UsersArranged by number of currently active users in the Conversation

2-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations

Total PostsArranged by number of messages in the Conversation

Unread PostsArranged by number of unread messages in the Conversation

How do I switch a public Conversation to members-only and back again?

Anyone who's a member of a Conversation can change its membership model.
To change a Conversation from public to members-only:

In the Conversation, click More.


Click Make Conversation Members-Only.

Everyone who has already joined the Conversation is kept as a member.

To change a Conversation from members-only to public:

In the Conversation, click More.


Click Make Conversation Publicly Available.

How do I start a Conversation with a group?


Open the People & Groups page.


Select a filter under Groups:

YoursTo show all the groups you're a member of

FavoritesTo show all the groups you have marked as a favorite

MutedTo show all the groups you have muted


Mouse over the group, and click More.


Select Start a Conversation.

A new Conversation opens, populated with all members of the selected group.

How do I change a Conversation's language?

While in a Conversation, click More, click Language, then select the language you
Selecting a Conversation language affects all members' views of the Conversation.
When you change the language of a Conversation, new system messages appear in the
new language. System messages that were there before the language change, however,
remain in the language that was in place when they were posted. Messages and files
posted to the Conversation are unaffected; that is, they appear in the language they
were written in.
The language used for field labels, button labels, banner headings, and so on, is
determined by your Preference settings. For more information, see How do I change
my preferences?

What's the difference between Conversations and walls?

While each provides a place to post messages and other types of content, there are
some differences between them:

A Conversation is an online discussion typically about something that a lot of

people are interested in. A Conversation may be members-only or public, which
means anyone with a login to Oracle Social Network can join.
Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and Apps 2-7

Using Conversations

A wall is associated with a person (which you can see on the person's profile page)
a collection, or a Social Object. Everyone who is following a person can see and
post to the person's wall; everyone who is a member of a collection or a Social
Object can see and post to its wall. (To have a less public discussion about a Social
Object, start a Conversation instead.)

Tip: Because walls are more like a clearing house for announcements, posts are
ordered from the most recent at the top to the oldest at the bottom. Conversations, on
the other hand, are more like discussions, so posts are placed at the bottom; you scroll
up to see the posts made over time.

How do I show or hide membership messages in a Conversation?


While in the Conversation, click More.



Hide Membership Messages to hide messages like, The Conversation is now

accessible to: John Doe.
Show Membership Messages to show these messages in the stream of the

Note: You can hide or show all messages in all Conversations through your
preferences. For more information, see How do I change my preferences?.

How can I link to an Oracle Social Network item in a Conversation or wall?

While writing a message, you may find it handy to link to a Conversation, Social
Object, document, or other item. Here's how:

Open the Conversation or wall.




Select a source:

to open the Insert Reference dialog.

Recent ItemsTo select from Oracle Social Network items you've visited

Viewed DocumentsTo select from files you've opened recently

FavoritesTo select from items you've marked as a favorite

SearchTo search for an item


Select the item you want to refer to.


Click Insert to add a link to your selection to the message field.


Optionally, enter text before or after the reference link.


Click Post to post the reference to the Conversation.

How do I add a collection or Social Object to a Conversation or wall's Referring list?

A Conversation or wall's Referring list offers links to the Social Objects and collections
that include the Conversation or wall on their Related lists. This provides a convenient
way to navigate between a Conversation and a collection of Conversations with
related content or between a Conversation and a Social Object that it discusses.You can
set up these relationships from a Social Object or collection, or from the Conversation
or wall itself.

Go to the Conversation or wall.

2-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Messages



, then select:

Add an existing itemSelect an existing collection or other Social Object, add

it to the Conversation's Referring list, then add the Conversation to the
collection or to the Social Object's Related list.
Create and add a new CollectionCreate a new collection, add it to the
Conversation's Referring list, then add the Conversation to the collection's
Related list. For information about what to do once you create a collection, see
How do I create a collection?
<Social Object name>Add the Conversation or wall to the Social Object's
Related list, and add a link to the Social Object to the Conversation's
Referring list.

Managing Messages
How do I add a message?

Open the Conversation.


In the text box at the bottom of the display, type your message.
Formatting options are available beneath the text box to help you; hover over the
icons to see what they do. If you plan to write a long message (or find that the
message becomes long while typing), open the Note Editor, which provides even
more formatting controls, plus a roomy text area.
Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?


Click Post or press Enter, depending on how you set up your Preferences (see
How do I change my preferences?).

How do I show all unread messages in all Conversations?

You can either:

Go to the Overview page, then click the Unread filter in the left navigation area, or
Go to the Conversations page, click Sort by in the upper right corner, then select
Unread Posts.

Both pages have Ascending and Descending filters to help further refine your display.
Each Conversation shows a count of total unread message in a blue icon, like this:
. If desired, click the blue icon to mark all messages in the Conversation as read.

How do I mark messages as read?

Within a Conversation, unread messages are marked
to the left of the message and
to the right of the scroll bar. You can scroll through the Conversation to find
unread messages, or click the blue bar to jump to their location. Click the blue dot to
mark a single message as read.
To mark all the messages in a Conversation as read, click the blue icon that contains a
number, like this:
. You'll find this unread message count in many places
throughout Oracle Social Network.

Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and Apps 2-9

Using Conferences

How do I edit my messages and replies?

You can edit any message or reply that you posted.

Go to the reply, and click

An editable field opens that contains a copy of the reply.

Optionally, click

to open the message, note, or reply in the Note Editor.

Click Save or Post.

All edited messages show

next to the message's time stamp. You can click this to
see the earlier versions of that message and to open the message for editing.

How do I delete a message or reply?

You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.
When you delete a message,
appears where the message used to be. You can
mouse over this icon to find out who deleted the message, who posted it originally,
and the date and time the message was deleted.

On the Conversations page, click the Conversation to open it.


Go to the message and click

To restore a deleted message, locate the deleted message icon (

) where the message
used to be, click
, then confirm that you want to restore the message.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the message, or the person
who deleted the message can restore the deleted message.

How do I remove formatting from pasted content?

When you paste formatted content into the message field or the Note Editor, you can
remove the pasted content's formatting if you like. Select the formatted content in the
message field (or in the Note Editor), and click

Using Conferences
Which conference applications are supported?
Conversations include a conference feature that you can use to start and join web
conferences. Both WebEx and Avaya conference applications are supported in Oracle
Social Network.
You need an account with your conference provider, like WebEx, to start a conference.
But you do not need an account to join one.
Whenever a Conversation is hosting a conference,
Conversation name.

appears to the left of the

How do I configure conference account settings?

Conference account settings let you pre-populate your conference application with
your name and password in Oracle Social Network. Then, when you start conferences

2-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Apps in Conversations

from Oracle Social Network, the conference login dialog opens with all fields filled

Go to the Conferencing page under Settings.

Note: The fields that you see on the Conferencing page are read dynamically from
the server and may not be the same as the fields described in the next steps. The
fields are described here for example only.


In the Site Name field, enter the name of your conference instance.
For example, enter acmeweb. You can get this name from your administrator.


In the User Name field, enter your conference account user name.


In the Password field, enter your conference account password.


Click Save Changes.

How do I start or end a conference?

You can start and join conferences from Conversations, but not from the walls of
collections, groups, or profiles.

On the Conversations page, click the Conversation to open it.


Click the Start Conference button to open the Starting Conference dialog.


If you pre-configured your conference account settings, click Start.

For more information, see How do I configure conference account settings?
If you didn't pre-configure your conference account settings:

Enter your conference account name, your user name, and your password.


To save your account settings to your Oracle Social Network Settings, select
Remember Conference Settings.


Click Start.

Note: If you record your conference, a link to the recording is posted to the
Conversation where the conference was started.
Ending a conference disconnects the Conversation from the conference for everyone in
the Conversation, but it doesn't actually end the conference. To end the conference,
click End Conference in the Conversations where the conference was started.

How do I join a conference?


Go to the Conversations page, and open the Conversation where the conference
was started.


Click Join Conference.

Note: If the conference is recorded, once the conference has ended a link to the
recording is posted to the Conversation where you joined the conference.

Using Apps in Conversations

Conversations, Messages, Conferences, and Apps 2-11

Using Apps in Conversations

What are apps?

You can add functionality to Conversations by adding apps to them (apps were
formerly called gadgets). For example, add an app that provides a slide show of all
images that were added to a Conversation or wall.
Application developers create apps to meet the needs of your department, division, or
organization. Apps provide one way to integrate useful applications with Oracle
Social Network.
The browser version of Oracle Social Network comes with an Oracle Social Network
Photo App you can use to view all images posted to a Conversation or wall in a
convenient slide show and an Oracle Social Network Site App you can use to share a
live web page in a Conversation. Your browser instance may include a variety of other

How do I manage apps?

The Manage Apps dialog helps you manage all instances of an app in a Conversation
or on a wall. You can use the Manage Apps dialog to create new instances of an app
and to remove those you don't need anymore.
To open the Manage Apps dialog, click

In the dialog, click the Add button next to an App type to expand it. A field opens for
naming this new app instance. Once you enter a name, click the Add button next to
the field to add the App to the Conversation or wall.
Tip: In the Conversation, click the instance's Open button to configure the app or
show its contentonce you click Open, your next steps depend on the app type.
When you add an app instance, the button next to the app type in the Manage Apps
dialog changes to Manage. Click the Manage button next to an App type to expand it
to show all instances of that type in the current Conversation or wall.
In the dialog, you can remove an instance from the Conversation or wall by expanding
the App type and clicking Remove on the instance's icon.
Tip: You can also remove an instance by mousing over its name in the Apps column
and clicking .

Administrators can configure an app type so only one instance of it can be added
to a Conversation. This is useful for limiting types of apps that should appear only
once, like the photo app.
Administrators can also enable or disable an app type and show or hide an app
type. For example, if you can see an app, but you can't do anything with it, it
might be that the administrator has made the app type available (shown it) but
hasn't enabled it.

2-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Collections

These topics describe collections and provide information about how to use them.

"About Collections"

"Building Collections"

"Managing Collection Membership"

"Using Public Collections"

"Muting Collections"

"Downloading an Archive of a Collection"

"Closing and Discarding Collections"

About Collections
What are collections?
As your lists of Conversations, Social Objects, people, and groups grow, you can
organize the ones that focus on a common topic, project, or issue into an easy-access
list, called a collection. A collection is a list of links that you create for navigating to
Conversations and walls that relate to a common idea, goal, project, or other common
Imagine that you're working toward solving a supply-chain issue. One of your
vendors was acquired by a significantly larger company, and it's causing unexpected
delays in component deliveries. You begin a series of Conversations covering possible
ways to work around it: Expediting Deliveries, Alternate Sources, Designing Around
Dependencies. As your list grows, you find you need a way to keep these related
Conversations from getting swallowed up in the exponential increase of Conversations
created by your co-workers.
Here's where collections come in. You create a collection (Resourcing) and add to it the
relevant Conversations you've created. You add members from your product team and
key people from procurement. You post a message on its wallLet's get what we need
on time! and flag your new membership to bring it to their attention. Other
colleagues create their own related Conversations and add them to the collection:
Going Overseas; Local Sources; Redesign Roundtable.
Now when you want to review all relevant discussions, you can go to your collection
and access every single Conversation relating to your project in one convenient

Working with Collections


About Collections

When you create your collections, you can give them meaningful names so it's easy to
identify their purposes. You can add Conversations and walls (including people's
walls and group walls) to a collection. You can also add Social Objects and other
collections to a collection to create a hierarchy.
As you, your team, and other interested parties work towards solving resource issues,
it becomes apparent that there are three main working areas:

Helping your original source succeed

Finding another source

Redesigning around the dependency

The heads of each of these efforts create their own collections under
ResourcingOutreach, Re-Sourcing, and Exploring Redesign. They add the Conversations
and walls that relate to their particular effort, and remove them from Resourcing. So
now, when you open the Resourcing collection, you see three sub-collections, each
containing links to all the Conversations and walls that are relevant to their area.
There is no limit to the levels of hierarchy you can create.
For more information, see What is the Collections page? and How do I create a

What is the Collections page?

The Collections page provides a list of all the collections you are able to see and
interact with. You can use filters to see all of the collections you're a member of (Yours)
or all public collections that are available to you to join (Available). You can also filter
your view to see all collections you've marked as a favorite (Favorites) or all
collections you've muted (Muted). Additionally, Open and Closed filters are available
for viewing all open or closed collections included in the other filtered views.
Table 31

Short List of Things You Can Do on the Collections Page


For more information, see

Create a new collection

How do I create a collection?

Mute and unmute a collection

How do I mute a collection from the

Collections page?
How do I unmute a collection?

Mark all messages on a collection's wall as read

How do I mark messages as read?

View counts of all messages and unread messages for each


Open the Collections page and look at the two

numbers to the right of a listed collection. The first
number tells how many messages are on the
collection's wall. The second number, in the blue
box, tells how many of those messages you haven't

Mark a collection as a favorite

How do I use favorites?

3-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

About Collections

Table 31 (Cont.) Short List of Things You Can Do on the Collections Page

For more information, see

See who last updated a collection's wall

Open the Collections page and look at the

information below the message/unread message
count. It tells you who last updated the collection's
wall and the date and time they updated it.

Apply filters to view:

YoursAll collections you belong to

AvailableAll public collections you can join

FavoritesAll collections you have marked as a

MutedAll collections you have muted
Open and ClosedAll collections with walls that are
open to new messages or all collections that are closed
to new messages

What does the Yours filter do on the

Collections page?
What does the Available filter do on the
Collections page?
What does the Favorites filter do on the
Collections page?
What does the Muted filter do on the
Collections page?
What do the Open and Closed filters do on the
Collections page?

The Open and Closed filters are secondary filters that

you can apply when any of the other filters are also
Navigate to a detailed view of a collection

How do I open a collection from the Collections


What does the Yours filter do on the Collections page?

On the Collections page, click the Yours filter to see a list of all the collections you are
a member of. In Yours view, you can create a new collection, mark all messages on a
collection's wall as read, mute a collection, mark or unmark a collection as a favorite,
view the number of messages on a collection's wall and the number of messages that
are unread, and discover who revised the collection last and when they revised it.
In Yours view, you can also click a collection's name to navigate to its list of related

What does the Available filter do on the Collections page?

On the Collections page, click the Available filter to see a list of all the public
collections that are available to you to join. Any logged-in person can join a public
In Available view, you can create a new collection, view the number of messages on a
collection's wall and the number of those that are unread, and discover who last
revised the collection and when.
In Available view, you can also click a collection's name to navigate to its list of related

What does the Favorites filter do on the Collections page?

On the Collections page, click the Favorites filter to see a list of all of the collections
you have marked as a favorite. In Favorites view, you can create a new collection,
mark all messages on a collection's wall as read, mute the collection, remove the
collection from your list of favorites, view the number of messages on a collection's
wall and the number of those that are unread, and discover who last revised the
collection and when.
In Favorites view, you can also click a collection's name to navigate to its list of related
Working with Collections


About Collections

What does the Muted filter do on the Collections page?

On the Collections page, use the Muted filter to see all of the collections you have
muted. In this view, you can create a new collection, mark all messages on a
collection's wall as read, unmute the collection, mark or unmark a muted collection as
a favorite., view the number of messages on a collection's wall and the number of
those that are unread, and discover who last revised the collection and when.
In Muted view, you can also click a collection's name to navigate to its list of related
Muting a collection affects only your view. It hides it in your list of collections and
prevents recent messages from appearing in your daily email digest and on the
Overview page under Recent Activities. Here are some more facts about muting:

Muting hides a collection from your view of the Collections page when the filter
Yours or Favorites is selected.
Muted collections don't appear on a collection's or Social Object's list of collections
nor on the list of collections a group belongs to. These relationships continue,
however. Once unmuted, a collection reappears on these lists without any more
action on your part.
Flags assigned on a message in a muted collection do appear in your daily email
digest (for information about the daily email digest, see How do I set up or change
my notifications?).
You can continue to post messages to a muted collection's wall.

For more information, see Muting Collections

What do the Open and Closed filters do on the Collections page?

On the Collections page, use the Open filter to see all collections that are open for
additional messages on their walls and for adding items to and removing items from
the collection. Use the Closed filter to see all collections that are closed for further
You can open any closed collection and close any open collection that you are a
member of. For more information, see How do I close a collection? and How do I open
a closed collection?
When the Open or Closed filter is applied, you can create a new collection, mute a
collection, mark all messages on a collection's wall as read, mark or unmark a
collection as a favorite, view the number of messages on a collection's wall and the
number of those that are unread, and discover who last revised the collection and
In Open and Closed views, you can also click a collection's name to navigate to its list
of related items.
For more information, see:

How do I close a collection?

How do I open a closed collection?

How do I open a collection from the Collections page?

On the Collections page, click a listed collection to open a detailed view of it.

3-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

About Collections

In a detailed view of a collection, buttons, tabs, and a menu are available for
interacting with the collection. Table 32 breaks down the actions and tab views
available in a detailed view of a collection.
Note: Collections and Conversations share many common actions. To reduce
redundancy in these topics, where there are actions in common, the table provides a
reference to performing the action in a Conversation. Actions involving documents
and apps point to the chapters that discuss these types of items.
Table 32

Actions and Views Available in a Collection

Action or View


For more information

New button

Add new Conversations and collections to

the collection.

How do I add new items to a collection?

Add Existing button

Add existing Conversations, collections,

Social Objects, and profile and group walls
to the collection.

How do I add an existing item to a


Add People button

Add members to the collection (both people How can I limit Conversation membership
to certain people only?
and groups).

More menu

You can't add outside users (people

outside your company) to a collection.
Outside users' names appear in purple
text, and they have icons (
) after
their names.
If you don't see the Add People button,
the membership for the collection is
locked and can't be changed.

Mute Collection hides updates about the

collection from your Recent Activities list on
the Overview page and from other places.

Show Membership Messages shows new

member, removed member, and other
membership messages on the collection's

What does the Muted filter do on the

Collections page?
How do I mute a collection from its
detailed view?
How do I unmute a collection?

How do I show or hide membership

messages in a Conversation?

This becomes Hide Membership Messages

when membership messages are shown.
These options appear on the More menu
when you view the collection's wall.
Mark All Messages as Read marks all
messages on the collection's wall as read.

How do I mark messages as read?

This option appears on the menu when you

view the collection's wall.
Make Collection Publicly Available lets
anyone who is logged in join the collection
Close Collection closes a collection to
additions, such as new items on the list and
new message on the collection's wall

How do I make a collection publicly


How do I close a collection?

How do I open a closed collection?

Once a collection is closed, this action

changes to Reopen Collection.

Working with Collections


Building Collections

Table 32 (Cont.) Actions and Views Available in a Collection

Action or View


For more information

Set Language translates all subsequent

system messages on the collection's wall
into the selected language (previously
posted system messages stay in their
original language).

How do I change a Conversation's

For information about setting the
application-level language, see How do I
change my preferences?

This option is available when you view the

collection's wall. It affects only this

Wall page

Download creates and downloads an

archive file of a collection for offline

How can I see Conversations when I'm


Discard Collection deletes the collection

from everyone's view.

How do I close, re-open, or discard a


View messages posted to this collection, and

post messages of your own.

How do I add a message?

How do I add a document to a
How can I link to an Oracle Social
Network item in a Conversation or

Related page

View the list of items included in the

collection. This is the default tab that opens
when you view a collection's details

How do I open a collection from the

Collections page?

Documents page

View all documents added to this collection. Working with Documents and Folders

Apps section

View and manage the apps that are

available to this collection.

Using Apps in Conversations

Referring section

Provides links to items that refer to this


What are referring items?

Building Collections
How do I create a collection?

Go to the Collections page, and click New Collection (on the left) to create a new


Replace the default name, New Collection, with a meaningful name that describes
the purpose, common interest, or organizing principle of the collection.


Optionally, adjust the visibility of the Conversation:


Only visible to membersSelect to limit this Conversation to members-only.

Visible to any userSelect to make this Conversation a public Conversation.

Under Membership, move groups and people to the right column to add them or
to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person
or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

3-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Building Collections

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a collection.
Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their

Click OK.


Add items to the collection. See How do I add an existing item to a collection? and
How do I add new items to a collection?

How do I add an existing item to a collection?


Go to the Collections page, and click a collection to open it.


Click the Add Existing button to open the Select Item dialog.
Tip: When you add existing items to a collection, an icon appears to the left of
each item to help with identifying the item type. For more information, see What
do the icons mean?



In the dialog, select a source for the existing item:

Enter a search term to search for an item.

Click Recent to select from items you have recently visited.

Click Favorites to select from items you have marked as a favorite.

Select an item, and click Select.

How do I add new items to a collection?


Go to the Collections page, and click a collection to open it.


Click the New button, and select an item type.


In the Create dialog:


Provide a name for the item.


Set its visibility, either Only visible to members (members-only item) or

Visible to any user (public item).


Add members.


Click OK.

Any Conversation you create from a collection's wall is added to the collection by

Go to the Collections page, and click a collection to open it.


Click Wall to open the collection's wall.




Provide a name for the Conversation.

Working with Collections


Managing Collection Membership


Set its visibility, either Only visible to members (members-only) or Visible to any
user (public).


Add members.

Why can't I see some items in a collection?

Collection members see only the Conversations, profile and group walls, Social
Objects, and other collections they can access. For example, Jane has access to the
Conversations Incident Reports, Incident Statistics, and Incident Cost Analysis. Jane's
coworker John has access only to the Incident Reports Conversation.
All of the incidents Conversations are part of the collection Incidents. Jane and John are
both members of this collection.
In the Incidents collection, John can see only the Conversation Incident Reports, while
Jane can see Incident Reports, Incident Statistics, and Incident Cost Analysis.

How do I remove an item from a collection?

Removing an item from a collection removes the item from the collection's list of items,
but it doesn't affect the item itself. The removed item still exists, and it remains on the
lists of any other collections it belongs to.

Go to the Related tab in the collection.


Select the item to remove, and click its Remove link.

Managing Collection Membership

You can keep the collection to yourself, or develop its membership so that your team
or all people who hold a stake in the outcome can access it.

How do I add or remove members from a collection?


Open the collection.


Click Add People.


In the Update Members dialog, move groups and people to the right column to
add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than
one person or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a collection.
Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their

3-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Muting Collections

Note: If you don't see the Add People button, the membership for the collection is
locked and can't be changed.

How do I view collection members?


Open the collection.


Click the View all members link on the right side of the page.
Click Collapse List to collapse your view to a partial list.

Using Public Collections

How do I make a collection publicly available?
A public collection is available for anyone to join. You can see a list of public
collections by applying the Available filter to the Collections page.

Go to the Collections page, and click a collection to open it.


From the More menu, select Make Collection Publicly Available.


In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

How do I join a public collection?

On the Collections page, you can apply the Available filter to see a list of all the
collections that are available for you to join.

Go to the Collections page, and apply the Available filter.


Click the collection you want to join to open it.


Click the Join button at the top of the collection.

Muting Collections
What do Muting and Unmuting a Collection do?
Muting a collection hides it from your view of the Collections page when the filter
Yours or Favorites is selected.

Muting affects only your view of the collection.

None of the messages or content posted to a muted collection's wall appears in
your view of the Overview page or is reported in your daily email digest.
Muting affects only the messages on a collection's wall and doesn't affect any of a
collection's listed Conversations.

How do I mute a collection from the Collections page?


Go to the Collections page, and apply either the Your or Favorites filter.


Mouse over the collection, and click Mute.

Working with Collections


Downloading an Archive of a Collection

The collection is removed from your view, and placed on the list of muted
collections. Notifications concerning the muted collection's activity stop.

How do I mute a collection from its detailed view?


Go to a detailed view of the collection.


Select the Wall tab.


From the More menu, select Mute Collection.

How do I unmute a collection?


Go to the Collections page, and apply the Muted filter.


Mouse over the collection you want to unmute, and click the Unmute link that

Downloading an Archive of a Collection

You can save a collection's wall to a .zip archive file, and then unzip the file to your
local drive. The .zip file (named after the collection) contains all wall content,
including messages, replies, and files, with all collection members listed first.
For more information, see How can I see Conversations when I'm offline?

Closing and Discarding Collections

How do I close a collection?
Closing a collection prevents people from adding items to the collection and adding
messages to the collection's wall. Closed collections are removed from the list of
collections on the Collections page, except when the Closed filter is applied.

On the Collections page, open the collection you want to close.


From the More menu, select Close Collection.


Optionally, in the Close Collection dialog enter closing remarks.

This can include anything, for example, a collection summary, a reason for closing
the collection, a link pointing to a new collection you now want people to use, or
anything else.


Click the Close button.

How do I open a closed collection?


On the Collections page, apply the Closed filter.


Click the collection to view its details.


From the collection's More menu, select Reopen Collection.

How do I discard a collection?

You can delete any private collection because you're the only member. You can make
any collection private by limiting its visibility and removing all other members.

3-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Closing and Discarding Collections

When a collection has multiple members or is public, you can't delete it, but you can
close it. For more information, see How do I close a collection?
Deleted collections are removed from all collections and Social Objects they're related
It's possible to restore a deleted collection, but an application administrator must do
this for you.
Note: All content is retained on the system for legal or forensic purposes, but there's
no direct way in the Oracle Social Network application to recover a deleted collection.

On the Collections page, click a collection to open it.


Remove all other collection members except yourself.

See How do I add or remove people and groups from a Conversation?


From the More menu, select Discard Collection.


In the confirmation dialog, click OK.


Refresh your browser.

Working with Collections 3-11

Closing and Discarding Collections

3-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Social Objects

These topics offer information about records from your business applications or
business processessuch as Oracle's Fusion Applications CRM and HCM
systemsthat are integrated with Oracle Social Network. Such records in Oracle Social
Network are called Social Objects.

"About Social Objects"

"Using Social Objects"

About Social Objects

What are Social Objects?
Social Objects are records within a business application or business process that are
mapped into Oracle Social Network. When records like these appear in Oracle Social
Network, they are called Social Objects.
Your application administrator may set things up so that all business objects of a given
type are automatically made Social Objects, while other types require that you click a
Share button to explicitly turn them into Social Objects.
Now, why should you care? Imagine an opportunity named BigSale in your Oracle
Applications Cloud CRM system. You expose the BigSale opportunity record as a Social
Object in Oracle Social Network. Here you can add discussions, decisions, and plans
directly to BigSale's list of related items, making them easy to find.
You can post to the Conversation associated with the Social Objectits wallto report
your progress, let everyone know your status, or anything else relevant to the object.
You can also advance the BigSale account from one state to the next, for example from
open to pending to closed, through a collaborative process that includes all involved
In addition to people who have access to the record through the Oracle Applications
Cloud, you can add people who don't have that access to the Social Object's
membership. This way, you extend the pool of talent contributing to the discussions,
decisions, and plans associated with the Social Object.
The business applications and processes that provide the records that become Social
Objects are referred to generically as systems-of-record and can include:



Working with Social Objects


About Social Objects



Incentive Compensation


Supply Chain Management

Your implementation of Oracle Social Network may use Social Objects from
systems-of-record other than the ones listed here.

What can I do on a Social Object page?

All types of Social Object pages share common characteristics. For example, they all
have filters named Yours, Favorites, Muted, Open, and Closed.
This table lists things you can do on a Social Object page.
Table 41

Short List of Things You Can Do on a Social Objects Page


For more information, see

View all Social Objects of the selected type that you are a What is the Yours Filter on a Social Objects Page?
member of
View all Social Objects of the selected type that are
available to you to join

What is the Available Filter on a Social Objects Page?

View all Social Objects of the selected type that you have What is the Favorites Filter on a Social Objects Page?
marked as a favorite
View all Social Objects of the selected type that you have What is the Muted Filter on a Social Objects Page?
View all Social Objects of the selected type that are open What are the Open and Closed Filters on a Social
Objects Page?
View all Social Objects of the selected type that are

What are the Open and Closed Filters on a Social

Objects Page?

Mark all messages on a Social Object's wall as read

How do I mark messages as read?

Mute a Social Object's wall

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

Discover who last updated a Social Object and when

Open a list of Social Objects, and look to the right. The

information below the messages and unread messages
numbers and the Favorites icon tells who last updated
the Social Object's wall and the date and time they
updated it.

Mark or unmark a Social Object as a favorite

What is the Favorites Filter on a Social Objects Page?

Discover how many messages are on a Social Object's

wall, and how many of those are marked unread

Open a list of Social Objects, and look to the right. The

information on the top line lists the total number of
messages on the Social Object's wall and the number of
those that are unread.

Navigate to a Social Object's wall

Click a Social Object on the list to navigate to its wall.

Create a new Social Object

Creating a New Social Object

What is the Yours Filter on a Social Objects Page?

On the Social Object page, click the Yours filter to see a list of all of that type of Social
Object that you are a member of. In Yours view, you can create a new Social Object of
the same type, mark all messages on a Social Object's wall as read, mute a Social
Object's wall, and mark or unmark a Social Object as a favorite.
4-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

About Social Objects

In Yours view, you can also click a Social Object name to navigate to a detailed view of
that Social Object.
For more information, see, Creating a New Social Object

What is the Available Filter on a Social Objects Page?

On the Social Object page, click the Available filter to see a list of all of the public
Social Objects that are available to you to join. In Available view, you can create a new
Social Object of the type shown, see who last updated an available Social Object, mark
all messages on a Social Object's wall as read, mute a Social Object's wall, and remove
a Social Object from your list of favorites.
In Available view, you can also click a Social Object name to navigate to a detailed
view of that Social Object.

What is the Favorites Filter on a Social Objects Page?

On the Social Object page, click the Favorites filter to see a list of all of the Social
Objects of that type that you have marked as a favorite. In Favorites view, you can
create a new Social Object of that type, mark all messages on a Social Object's wall as
read, mute a Social Object's wall, and remove a Social Object from your list of
In Favorites view, you can also click a Social Object name to navigate to a detailed
view of that Social Object.

What is the Muted Filter on a Social Objects Page?

On the Social Object page, use the Muted filter to see all of the Social Objects of that
type that you have muted. In Muted view, you can create a new Social Object of that
type, mark all messages on a Social Object's wall as read, unmute a Social Object's
wall, and mark or unmark a muted Social Object as a favorite.
Muting a Social Object's wall affects only your view. Muting hides the Social Object
from your list of Social Objects of that type and prevents recent messages that were
posted to that Social Object's wall from appearing in your daily email digest and on
the Overview page under Recent Activities. Here are some more facts about muting:

When the filter Yours or Favorites is selected, muting hides a Social Object from
your view of the page where that type of Social Object is listed.
Muted Social Objects don't appear on a collection's list of related items nor on the
list of Social Objects a group belongs to. These relationships continue, however.
Once unmuted, a Social Object reappears on these lists without any more action on
your part.
Flags assigned on a message in a muted Social Object do appear in your daily
email digest (for information about the daily email digest, see How do I set up or
change my notifications?).
You can continue to post messages to a muted Social Object's wall.

In Muted view, you can also click a Social Object name to navigate to a detailed view
of that Social Object.
Note: You mute a Social Object the same way you mute a Conversation: from the More
menu. For more information, see How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

Working with Social Objects


Using Social Objects

What are the Open and Closed Filters on a Social Objects Page?
On the Social Object page, use the Open filter to see all Social Objects that are open for
additional messages. Use the Closed filter to see all Social Objects that are closed to
further changes.
You can open any closed Social Object and close any open Social Object that you are a
member of. These actions affect everyone's view. For more information, see How do I
close, re-open, or discard a Conversation?
When the Open or Closed filter is applied, you can create a new Social Object, mute a
Social Object, mark all messages on a Social Object's wall as read, and mark or unmark
a Social Object as a favorite.
In Open and Closed views, you can also click a Social Object name to navigate to a
detailed view of that Social Object.
For more information, see:

Creating a New Social Object

How do I close, re-open, or discard a Conversation?

How do I mark messages as read?

What is the Favorites Filter on a Social Objects Page?

Using Social Objects

Viewing a Social Object

From the Social Object menu, select the type of Social Object you want to see.


On the list of Social Objects, click the one you want to see.
The Social Object's wall opens with options for performing additional actions on
the Social Object (see Table 42).
Note: Social Objects and Conversations share many common actions. To reduce
redundancy in these topics, where there are actions in common, the table provides
a reference to performing the action in a Conversation. Actions involving
documents and apps point to the chapters that discuss these types of items.

4-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Objects

Table 42

Views and Actions Available on a Social Object's Wall

Action or View


For more information

Add People button

Add members to the Social Object.

How do I add or remove members from a

Social Object?

Note: If you don't see the Add People

button, the membership for the Social
Object is locked and can't be changed.
More menu

Mute Social Object affects only your view

of the Social Object. It hides it from the list
of Social Objects on the Social Objects
menu. It prevents any updates from
showing on the Overview page in Recent
Activities view. Click the link in the next
column for more information.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

Show Membership Messages shows new

member, removed member, and other
membership messages on the Social
Object's wall.

How do I show or hide membership

messages in a Conversation?

This becomes Hide Membership Messages

when membership messages are shown.
Mark all messages as read marks all
messages on the Social Object's wall as

How do I mark messages as read?

Make Publicly Available makes the Social

Object public so people can join it rather
than having to be added to it.
Set Language lets you set the language for
subsequent system messages on the Social
Object's wall (previously posted system
messages remain in their original

How do I change a Conversation's


For information about setting the

application-level language, see How do I
change my preferences?
Download lets you download an archive
of the Social Object's wall for reading

How can I see Conversations when I'm


Related page

View a list of items related to the Social


What is a Social Object's list of related


Documents page

View a list of documents added to the

Social Object's wall.

Working with Documents and Folders

Apps section

View a list of apps available for adding to

the Social Object's wall

Using Apps in Conversations

Members section

View all members of the Social Object

Viewing Social Object Members

Referring section

View and add to a list of all items that refer How do I add a collection or Social Object
to the Social Object
to a Conversation or wall's Referring list?

Creating a New Social Object

Some Social Objects have been configured to prevent new ones from being created
through Oracle Social Network. The way to find out which ones can be created is to try
to create them following these steps.

Go to the Social Object's page, and click the New <Social_Object_Type> button on
the left to open the new Social Object's wall.

Working with Social Objects


Using Social Objects


Fill in the required data for the Social Object, if any.


Under Membership, move groups and people to the right column to add them or
to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person
or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a Social
Object. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after
their names.

Click OK.

You can perform the same types of actions on a Social Object's wall as you can on other
types of walls and Conversations. For information about how to perform these actions,

How do I show or hide membership messages in a Conversation?

How do I show or hide membership messages in a Conversation?

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

How do I close, re-open, or discard a Conversation?

How do I change a Conversation's language?

How can I see Conversations when I'm offline?

How do I add or remove members from a Social Object?


Open the Social Object.


Click Add People.


Under Search and Add New Members, select a view:

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social
Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might affect
who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts, similar
Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Move groups and people to the right column to add them or to the left column to
remove them.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.

4-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Objects

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a Social
Object. Object. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons
( ) after their names.
Note: If you don't see the Add People button, the membership for the Social Object is
locked and can't be changed.

Viewing Social Object Members


Open the Social Object.


Click the View all members link on the right side of the page.
Click Collapse List to collapse your view to a partial list.

What is a Social Object's list of related items?

A Social Object's list of related items contains items of all types that have direct
relevance to the Social Object. For example, the Related list may contain Conversations
about planning, financing, ownership, and other types of topics concerning the Social
Object. The list may include one or more collections of relevant items, a group
comprised of the people involved in fulfilling the Social Object's goal, or other Social
Objects that are relevant to this Social Object.

How do I relate an existing item to a Social Object?


Go to the Social Object, and click the Related tab on the right side of the page.


Click the Add Existing button.


Select the item you want to add:


Click Recent Items to select from Conversations, walls, Social Objects, and
other items you visited recently.

Click Favorites to select from items you marked as a favorite.

In the search field, enter the name of an item and press Enter.

From the resulting list, select an item and click Select to add it to the Social
Object's list of related Conversations.

How do I relate a new Conversation to a Social Object?

When you create a new Conversation related to a Social Object, the Conversation
membership is taken from the Social Object's membership. During the creation
process, you can add to and remove from that membership.

Go to the Social Object, and click the Related tab on the right side of the page.


Click the New Conversation button to open the Create New Conversation dialog.


Enter a name for the Conversation.


Select additional members (move from left column to right) or remove members
(move from right column to left).


Click OK to create and open the new Conversation.

You can also add a related Conversation to a Social Object by creating it from the
Social Object's wall.

Open a Social Object, and click Wall to open its wall.

Working with Social Objects


Using Social Objects




Provide a name for the Conversation.


Set its visibility, either Only visible to members (members-only) or Visible to any
user (public).


Add members.

How do I remove an item from a Social Object's Related list?


Go to the Social Object, and click its Related tab.


Select the item you want to remove from the list.


Click the Remove link on the item.

4-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Collaborating Through Social Networking in
the Oracle Applications Cloud

This section talks about using the social networking features that are integrated into
the Oracle Applications Cloud.

"Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud"

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Why should I care about social networking in my application?
Wouldn't it be great if you could instantly share an aspect of your application with
everyone who plays a part in getting the job done? Without having to start an untold
number of email threads that then get forwarded to other people, until it's impossible
to know who's in charge of what?
When you share a business object with the social networklike a Sales Opportunity or
a Purchase Orderyou create a Social Object. With the Social Object, you can bring all
your stakeholders together in a single place to get the collaborative ball rollingand
keep a record of everything that's transpired so new folks can easily jump in and come
up to speed.

What does social networking have to do with my job?

Social networking isn't just for social situations anymore. Here are some key reasons
for using social networking in your business applications:

In a business object, open Conversations on the spot and discuss details while
looking at them.
No worries about keeping two sets of data in sync. The details you see in your
social network are the same you see in your business application.

All communications are organized automatically by business object, so no wasted

time with filing and searching through emails.
Quickly engage resources as needed to address issues and solve problems.
Invite new members to the Conversation so they can easily see the complete

Share presentations and other documents and get input from other team members.
Web conference not required. Juggling email responses not required.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud 5-1

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Get real-time notifications about updates to key Conversations.

Develop and expand your professional network.

Connect and engage with others covering the same industry, product
specialization, or geography.

How can I share a business object in the social network?

Before you can collaborate about your business object you share your business object
with your social network. Sharing makes some of the data in the business object
available to your social network. Business objects that are shared with your social
network are called Social Objects. And Social Objects have access to all kinds of social
networking features, like Conversations and easy document collaboration.
You can share a business object by clicking the Social icon or link while viewing the
business object and then clicking Share in the Social panel.
One of your co-workers may have already shared the business object. If that's the case,
you'll see a Join button instead of a Share button. Click it to become a member of the
Social Object.
Sharing or joining a Social Object lets you participate in social activities having to do
with the object. For instance, you can have online Conversations with others about the
object while looking at the object's details.

How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?

There are several ways to open the Social panel:

While viewing the landing page, click the Social icon.

In the Navigator, click Social.

The Social panel opens, showing all Social Objects, Conversations, and walls that are
available to you.
Tip: By default all the items in the list are expanded to show each item's most recent
messages. You can collapse an item (to show only the names of the items) by clicking
next to the item. To collapse all the items, click
You can also see the most recent messages in the Recent Activity section on the right
side of the Social panel. It includes the following sections:

Recent ActivityDisplays the most recent actions of the people you follow and
objects you're a member of.
TrendingDisplays the Conversations, collections, hashtags, Social Objects, and
walls with the most people in them at the moment. It also shows any conferences
running in Conversations you're a member of. Click
to join the conference.
ContactsDisplays your list of contacts and their presence. Click a contact to
quickly open a one-on-one Conversation or view the person's profile.

Note: If you don't see the sections on the right, your browser window is not wide
enough. Expand your browser window to see it.
Alternatively, you can see the social activity surrounding a particular business object
by opening the object's details, then clicking the Social link or icon.

5-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

How do I collaborate and socialize in the social network?

You can invite anyone who has a login to your social network to collaborate in any
Conversation you're a member of. If your company has enabled extended collaboration,
the person doesn't even have to have access to your business applications. For
example, if you typically use Oracle Sales Cloud, you can invite people to a
Conversation about an Opportunity Social Object, even it they don't have access to
Oracle Sales Cloud.
While social networking features are there to assist you in effectively conducting
business, lots of business involves socializing. Your social network also has features
that support social activities. For example, people can add their own avatars to
represent themselves, you can write on someone's wall, you can follow someone's
activity in the social network, and you can like things that people post.
Everyone has an avatar (picture). The picture lets you know what people look like or
how they want to represent themselves. A colored border appears around the picture
to indicate people's presencethat is, whether they are online (a green full circle),
online but inactive (a yellow three-quarter circle), or offline (a gray half-circle). You
always see presence for your contacts. You also see presence for others who are active
in the Conversation or wall where you are.
People outside your company with limited access to Oracle Social Network (outside
users) have a special avatar ( ) and their names are in purple text, so it's clear when
someone from the outside is present. For more information on outside users, see
Outside Users.
Profiles and Walls
Everyone who is a member of your social network has their own profile, and (other
than outside users) has a wall that you can post to. You can go to a person's profile by
clicking the linked name or picture on anything they posted throughout the social
A person's profile includes the following information:

At the top of the person's profile is the person's picture and some general
information such as their name, title, and whether the person is active.
Click One-on-One to start a private conversation with the person. For more
information, see How do I start a chat with someone?
Click Follow to add the person to your contacts and follow the person's activity.

Wall tabView or post messages, replies, and documents for the person. For
information on posting to a person's wall, see How do I work with messages?
Note: You must follow the person before you can post to the person's wall. Some
people might not allow other people to post to his or her wall.

Profile tabView additional details about the person, such as contact information.
If you're viewing your own profile, click Edit Profile to edit your personal details
or your picture.

Following tabView the people the person follows. The number in the tab shows
the number of people the person follows.
Followers tabView the people following the person. The number in the tab
shows the number of people following the person.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud 5-3

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Following People
Following someone lets you track their activity in the social network, adds them to
your list of contacts, and allows you to post to the person's wall.

To follow someone, click Follow on the person's profile.

Alternatively, you can follow someone while Viewing Your Recommendations or
Viewing Your Followers.

To stop following someone, click Unfollow on the person's profile.

Inviting People to Join the Social Network

In the full view of your social network, you can also invite fellow workers to join the
entire social network, rather than just a single Conversation. Use the Invite People
button on the People & Groups page to kick off an invitation email. (See How do I
navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network?)
If your company has enabled extended collaboration, you can also invite new people
to join your social network. Depending on the person's email domain and how your
administrator has configured user access, the user might get access to all of Oracle
Social Network or might be granted limited access.
Outside Users
Users with limited access are called outside users. There are indicators throughout your
social network that show you outside users and their presence. For example, outside
users' names appear in purple text and have icons ( ) after their names so you know
who they are and can keep confidential information out of the Conversations they
belong to. In a Conversation with outside users, you see a banner stating "Visible to
outside users." at the top of the Conversation and any associated message dialogs. Be
careful not to post any sensitive information to Conversations that include outside

Outside users have profiles like other users, but they don't have walls.
You can't follow outside users, but you can add them as contacts. (Outside users
can't make contacts of their own.)
You can invite outside users to Conversations but not to groups, collections, or
Social Objects.

Viewing Your Contacts

You can add users to your list of contacts to make them easier to find, and more
importantly, easier to start a one-on-one Conversation with.
To view your contacts:

In the Social panel (see How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?),
from the navigation menu on the left, select People.


If necessary, click the Contacts tab.

Note: To add a contact, click the person's name or picture, then click Follow. Following
a person also adds them to your contacts.
Viewing Your Recommendations
You can view a list of members recommended for you to follow. Oracle Social Network
generates the recommendations list based on actions that might affect who you add to

5-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

a Conversationsimilar Conversations the person is a member of and other common

To view a list of all the people who have access to your social network:

In the Social panel (see How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?),
from the navigation menu on the left, select People.


Click the Recommendations tab.

Oracle Social Network generates the Recommendations list based on actions you
have in common with othersdocuments you've both read, Conversations you're
both members of, and other commonly taken actions.
Each recommendation includes the person's name, the reason they were
recommended, a Follow button, and an Ignore button.
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Viewing the People You Follow

To view the people you follow:

In the Social panel (see How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?),
from the navigation menu on the left, select People.


If necessary, click the Following tab.

To stop following someone, click Unfollow to the right of the person's name.
You'll be asked if you also want to remove the person from your contacts.
Note: The number on the Following tab shows how many people you follow.

Viewing Your Followers

To view the people who follow you:

In the Social panel (see How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?),
from the navigation menu on the left, select People.


If necessary, click the Followers tab.

You can easily see which of your followers you follow, because the button on the
right of someone you follow says Unfollow, whereas the button next to someone
you don't follow, says Follow. Click the button to change whether you follow the
person or not.
Note: The number on the Followers tab shows how many people follow you.

How do I edit my profile?

To edit your personal information or picture on your social network profile:

In the Social panel (see How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?),
from the navigation menu on the left, select My Wall.


On your profile, click Edit Profile.


Edit your personal information. Don't forget to add a bit about what you do in the
Description box under Basic Information and your contact information in the
boxes under Contact Information.
Note: Some information is read only. If you need to change the read-only
information, contact your administrator.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud 5-5

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


To change your profile picture, click it, then select Upload Photo. Select a .gif,
.png, or .jpg file. After you select a picture, you can use the crop tools to re-size it.
Your picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels square.
Note: If you use Mozilla Firefox and JAWS, you must disable pop-ups before you
upload a profile picture. If you don't disable pop-ups, the upload dialog won't

What does sharing or joining a Social Object do for me?

Once you share or join a Social Object, you can:

View updates to the business object instantly from any view of your social
network, including your browser, mobile device, desktop, and Microsoft Outlook
See and navigate to items related to the Social Object.
Tip: You see just those Conversations you're a member of or those that are public,
which anyone can join.

Post messages and files that all members of the Social Object will see.

Join web conferences from the Conversations list or from a Conversation.

See everyone else who's a member of the Social Object, and collaborate with them
in Conversations.

Manage Conversation and wall memberships.

Keep object details in view while you participate in related Conversations

What are related and referring items?

Related items are the items that have been added to the Social Object or collection
you're viewing. They can include Conversations, people's walls, group walls, and
other Social Objects or collections. For information on viewing and adding related
items, see How do I view or add related items to a Social Object or collection?
Referring items are the Social Objects and collections that the item you're viewing has
been added to. For information on viewing and adding referring items, see How do I
view or add referring items to a Conversation or wall?
Note: A collection is a group of related items. For more information, see How do I
group all Conversations that concern the same issue?

What's the difference between Conversations and walls?

It might be useful to know what they have in common first: All of them are pages
where you can post messages and other types of content that other members can read
and reply to. All of them preserve this information so that it can be revisited anytime,
A Conversation is an online discussion typically about a specific topic. A Conversation
can have a restricted membership or be open to any person with a login to the social
A wall is a page associated with a business object, group, or user. All members of the
object can post to a wall and read what other members have posted, so the information
posted there is usually more general, such as announcements.

5-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

While walls are meant for announcements, Conversations are more like discussions.
That means that new wall posts are presented at the top, to make the latest
information easy to see, while new Conversation posts are at the bottom, to continue
the discussion.

How do I start a Conversation?


Open the Create New Conversation dialog:

To create a Conversation that is not associated with a business object, open the
Social panel (see How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?), then
click New Conversation to create a new Conversation.
To create a Conversation that is associated with a particular business object,
start by opening the business object. Click the Social link or icon to open the
Social panel. Click the Related tab. Click Add, then select New Conversation.
A link to this related Conversation appears on the Related tab of the Social
Object's wall.


Enter a name for the Conversation.


Set its visibility, either Only visible to members (members-only Conversation) or

Visible to any user (public Conversation).


Select groups and people, and move them to the Members list to add them to the
Conversation. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Note: If this Conversation is related to a Social Object or collection, the

membership is inherited from that Social Object or collection. To remove members,
select them from the Members list, and click the left arrow.

How do I work with messages?

To add a message:
1. Open the Messages tab of the wall or Conversation.
For walls, there is a text box at the top of the wall. For Conversations, there is a
text box at the bottom of the Conversation.
Note: If you don't see the text box at the top of a person's wall, you aren't
following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her

In the text box, type your message.

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Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Formatting options are available beneath the text box after you click it. Hover over
the icons to see what they do.

Click Post.

To reply to a message:
Reply under the message.
Note: If you don't see
Reply under a personal wall post in recent activities (from
the navigation menu on the left, select Overview) or on someone's wall, the person
doesn't allow other people to reply to his or her wall posts.
To like a message:
Like under the message.
Tip: To see who has liked a message, click the link that shows the number of people
who have liked it.
To mark a message as read or unread:
More under the message, then click Mark as Read or Mark as Unread.
To edit a message:
More under the message, then click Edit.

You can edit only your own messages.

Any special markup on a message is lost when you edit the message.

To delete a message:
You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.

More under the message, then click Delete.

To restore a deleted message, locate the deleted message icon (

) where the message
used to be, click
, then confirm that you want to restore the message.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the message, or the person
who deleted the message can restore the deleted message.

How do I show or hide membership messages in a wall or a Conversation?


Navigate to the wall or Conversation.



, then select:

Hide Membership Messages to hide messages like, The Conversation is now

accessible to: John Doe.
Show Membership Messages to show these messages in the stream of the

Note: You can hide or show all messages in all Conversations through your
preferences in the full view of Oracle Social Network. For more information, see How
do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network?

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Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

How do I mark a wall, Conversation, or message as a favorite?

Next to the wall name, Conversation name, or message, click

While viewing a list of objects (Conversations, collections, groups, or Social Objects),

you can limit the list to your favorites by clicking Show, then clicking Favorites.
To view all your favorites, including messages, from the navigation menu on the left,
select Favorites.
You can filter or sort your favorites to change your view.

To filter your favorites by object type (for example, messages, documents, or

groups), select an option from the Show menu.
To sort your favorites, select options in the Sort by menu: sort by options (Date
Added or Name), and the order you want them sorted in (Ascending or

How do I share a document with others?

You can add files from your local file systems and, if you have an account with a cloud
document store (for example, Google Drive), you can add a file from the cloud.

Before you can add files from your cloud document store, your administrator must
enable this action.
If you add a document with the same name as one that was previously added
from a local file system, a new version is created. However, if the document of the
same name was added from a cloud document store, you receive an error. You
must rename your local document or add the new version to the cloud document
When you bring Google documents (Google proprietary format) into Oracle Social
Network, they are automatically converted to PDF format. When you copy them
back to Google Drive, they are copied as PDF documents.

To share a document with others:


Open the business object you want to associate the document with.


Open the business object's wall in the Social panel (see How do I open the Social
panel to view social activity?).
Note: If the Conversation you select is visible to outside users, you see a banner
stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the dialog. Be careful not to post any
sensitive information to Conversations that include outside users. For more
information on outside users, see Outside Users.



next to the text box, select an option, then select a file:

Select Upload from Desktop to add a file from your local file systems, then
browse to and select a file.
Select Add from Cloud Document Store to add a file from the cloud, select
your cloud document store provider, then browse to and select a file.
Note: If you haven't already authorized Oracle Social Network to access your
cloud document store account, you'll be asked to do so before you can upload
a document.


Optionally, in the text box add a message to post with the document.

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Click Post.
Your document, with any message you added, is posted to the wall or

How do I view a document?

There are several ways to view a document:

To open a preview of the file in Oracle Social Network, click the file's thumbnail.
To see a full-screen preview of the file, click Expanded View under the document.

Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.

The list of file types you can preview is long, but there are some file types you
can't preview, like an archive or executable file. Oracle Social Network
supports adding these types of files but not previewing them. For these file
types, you can download the file and open it on your computer.

If the file was added from a cloud document store, you can open the file in the
cloud document store's viewer. Under the document, click Open Document in
Cloud Document Store, where Cloud Document Store is the name of the cloud
document store.
Note: To open the file, you must have permission to the file in the cloud document
store. If you don't have permission, you get an error when you try to open it.

To download a file and open it on your computer, click Download under the
Note: If the document is from a cloud document store, a browser window opens,
where you can download the file or view the online preview of the file. To
download the file, you must have permission to the file in the cloud document
store. If you don't have permission, you get an error when you try to download it.

To view a list of all documents and folders in a Conversation or wall, click the
Documents tab.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall. Under the
document you want to delete, click More, then select Delete.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

If a document has multiple versions, and you delete the document from the
messages list (rather than in the Documents tab), you delete only the selected
Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the
Conversation or wall.

How do I view document annotations?

Annotations provide a way to comment on a document. You can view annotations
when previewing the document.

Open a preview of the file. For more information, see How do I view a document?

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Optionally, filter your view of annotations by user. Click the annotations

drop-down list to select All Annotations, No Annotations, or a particular person.

How do I annotate a document?

Annotations are graphic markers and review remarks you can add to a document
preview. You can place annotations in a document preview wherever you want them.
For example, using annotations you can add a pushpin marker to a document preview,
and enter a comment about the document right where the pushpin is placed. Each
person's annotations appear in a unique color, making it easy to follow who said what.

Open the document preview (see How do I view a document?).

Note: Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.


Select a tool from the Tools menu.

Table 51

Annotation Tools




Select None when you want to move through the document without annotating text.
Use the Pushpin tool to post an annotation to a pinpointed location.
Use the Pen tool to create a free-form mark on the material you're annotating.
Use the Highlighter tool to highlight one line of the material you're annotating.
Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle over the material you're annotating.
Use the Ellipse tool to draw a circle over the material you're annotating.



The icon to the left of the Tools menu shows the tool that is currently selected.
If you don't see the Tools menu at the top of a document on a person's wall,
the person does not allow other people to post annotations to his or her
personal documents.

Click or highlight the text you want to annotate.

For the pushpin, click the location you want to annotate.

For the drawing tools, drag them to surround or highlight the text you want to
annotate. Drawing tools include the pen, the highlighter, the rectangle, and the

All of these actions open a dialog where you can enter your remarks.

In the dialog, enter a remark.


Click Continue to continue annotating the document.

All of the annotations you add from this point are included in one annotation
group in the Conversation. You start a new group by clicking Publish and then
adding a new annotation.


Click Publish to publish your annotations.

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Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Grouping Annotations
You can make several annotations, publish them, and then make more and publish
those. Each publish action places all the messages added since you started (or since
you last clicked Publish) into a group of messages in the Conversation where the
document appears.
Associating Multiple Annotations
You can mark several disconnected sections of text and combine them into a single
annotation. After adding the first mark, with the annotation box still open, you can
continue to use the selected tool to make additional marks. Once you add an
annotation message and click Continue, the application draws a larger box around all
the marks, and ties the single annotation message to all of them.

How do I copy a file from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store?

Navigate to the file you want to copy.


Click Copy, select Copy to Cloud Document Store, then select a cloud document
store from the list.


Click Copy.
A status message appears briefly at the top of the add-in.

How do I create a folder?


On the Documents tab, click Add.


Enter a name for the folder name, then click OK.

How do I download a folder?

On the Documents tab, under the folder you want to download, click Download
under the folder.
Note: Downloading a folder downloads the folder and all its contents.

How do I rename a folder?


On the Documents tab, under the folder you want to rename, click More, then
select Rename Folder.


Edit the folder name, then click OK.

How can I alert people to an important message?

You can assign a flag on the message.
Use the flag icon to the right of a message to assign a flag to yourself and others. Click
the icon to open the Manage Flags dialog. Open the menu to the left of each name you
want to flag and select a flag type:

Not Flagged

For Your Information (flag with "i")Look at this when you have time.

Please Reply (flag with black arrow)Look at this, and let me know what
you think.

5-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Please Reply - Urgent (flag with red arrow)Look at this now, and let me
know what you think immediately. (An email notification is always sent for Please
Reply - Urgent flags.)

To search for someone, start typing the name in the search box. Results appear as you
type. Use the menu next to a person in the results to assign, change, or clear a flag.
If a message becomes more urgent, or less, you can return to it and change the flag
type any time.
You can tell when you've been flagged by the flag icon next to flagged messages. If the
flag is hollow, no one has been flagged. If the flag is red, the flag is assigned to you. If
the flag is blue, the flag is assigned to someone else. Two flags show that more than
one person is flagged. Mouse over the flag to see who assigned it and who it is
assigned to.
To remove an assigned flag, click the flag icon next to a message to open the Manage
Flags dialog and then click
next to one or more people. To remove all assigned
flags on a message, click Clear All at the top of the dialog.

How can I see all flags assigned to me or by me?

To view your flags:

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Flags.

You can filter or sort the flags to change your view.

To view flags you assigned to yourself or others, click Flags You Assigned. To
return to the flags assigned to you, click Flags for You.
To filter the flags by type, select an option from the Show menu: All, For Your
Information, Please Reply, or Please Reply - Urgent.
To sort the flags, select options in the Sort by menu: sort by options (Flag Date or
Message Date), and the order you want them sorted in (Ascending or

For more information on flags, see How can I alert people to an important message?

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to find all content associated with that term or topic. For example, imagine
discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the form of
dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of forms.
How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a hashtag.
Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of discount, you
include the hashtag #discounts.
You can then click a #discounts hashtag link to view a list of all messages in otherwise
unrelated Conversations and walls that contain the hashtagged term.
Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations,
and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been
used before) appear for you to select from.
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Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Viewing Hashtags
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are clickable and will open a hashtag page
where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So clicking #discounts in any
Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message (in a Conversation,
document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the
discounts hashtag.
On the hashtag page, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the
hashtag (All) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By People
You Follow).
Following Hashtags
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear in recent activities (from the
navigation menu on the left, select Overview), even if you are not a member of those
Conversations or walls.
Note: For information about navigating to full view, see How do I navigate from my
application to a fuller version of the social network?
To follow a hashtag, click the hashtag to open the hashtag page, then click Follow at
the top of the page. To stop following the hashtag, click Unfollow.

How do I search?
You can do a global search from the search box at the top of the Social panel, or you
can search within a Conversation.
Performing a global search:
1. Enter at least two characters in the search box at the top of the Social panel, then
press Enter or click .

Optionally, select a filter from the Show menu to show a particular result type (for
example, Conversations or documents).

Click a result to open it.

Searching within a Conversation or a wall:
To find unread messages, click the unread messages count (
) in the toolbar,
and use the up and down arrows (
) to navigate through the unread

To find flags assigned to you, click the flag count (

) in the toolbar, and use the
up and down arrows (
) to navigate through your flags.
To find text in the messages or documents, click the search icon in the toolbar,
enter the text you want to search for, then press Enter. The matching text is
highlighted in the messages. Use the up and down arrows (
) to navigate
through the results.

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Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

How do I start a chat with someone?

To chat with a contact, open your list of contacts (from the navigation menu on the left,
select People), then click One-on-One next to the person's name. Enter a message. If
that person is not available now, they'll see your message the next time they're active
in the social network.
Alternatively, go to the person's profile by clicking their picture or name associated
with a message. On the profile page, click One-on-One.

How do I view groups?

To view your groups:

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Groups.


In the Show menu, select a filter to adjust your view:

YoursThe groups you're a member of

FavoritesThe groups you have marked as favorites

MutedThe groups you've muted


Optionally, select options in the Sort by menu to change how the groups are
sorted and whether they are sorted in ascending or descending order.


Click a listed group to open its wall. For information on posting to a group wall,
see How do I work with messages?

Tip: A group can be deactivated to prevent it from being added to more Conversations
and to disable new posts to its wall. A deactivated group is not removed from the
Conversations it already belongs to. To view Deactivated Groups, select Deactivated
in the filter list.

How do I create a group?

To create a group:

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Groups.


Click New Group.


In the Group Name box, enter a name for the group.


Under Search for and Add New Members, move groups and people to the right
column to add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select
more than one person or group.
Note: You can't add outside users to a group. Outside users' names appear in
purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their names. For more information on
outside users, see Outside Users.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you
can add someone who isn't an Oracle Social Network user. Enter the person's
email address in the search box, then click Invite email_address. When asked if
you want to send an invitation, click OK. When you save your changes an email
will be sent to the person inviting the person to join Oracle Social Network.
By default, you see a list of your contacts. Click a tab to change your view:

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

How do I manage members in a group?

To add or remove members from a group:

From the Group wall, click

, then click Manage.

Note: If you don't see the Manage button, the group is managed externally (for
example, through LDAP), so you can't change the membership through Oracle
Social Network.

In the Manage Members dialog, move groups and people to the right column to
add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than
one person or group.
Note: You can't add outside users to a group. Outside users' names appear in
purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their names. For more information on
outside users, see Outside Users.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you
can add someone who isn't an Oracle Social Network user. Enter the person's
email address in the search box, then click Invite email_address. When asked if
you want to send an invitation, click OK. When you save your changes an email
will be sent to the person inviting the person to join Oracle Social Network.
By default, you see a list of your contacts. Click a tab to change your view:

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

How do I start a Conversation with a group?


Open the group. For more information, see How do I view groups?




Enter a title for the Conversation, and, optionally, change the visibility or
membership of the Conversation. For more information, see How do I start a

, then click Start Conversation.

How do I edit a group's name, description, or picture?


Open the group. For more information, see How do I view groups?



, then click Edit Profile.

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Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Edit the group's name or description as desired.


To change the group's picture, click the picture, then select Upload Photo. Select a
.gif, .png, or .jpg file. The picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels.
If you want to remove the group's picture and just use the default avatar, click
then picture, then select Remove Photo.

How do I see which Conversations and walls a group is a member of?


Open the group. For more information, see How do I view groups?


Click Member Of.

How do I deactivate or reactivate a group?

You can deactivate a group you belong to, even if you didn't create it. Deactivating a
group prevents it from being added to more Conversations, disables new posts to its
wall, and moves the group to the Deactivated list in the Groups panel. A deactivated
group is not removed from the Conversations it already belongs to.
To deactivate a group, open the group, click

, then select Deactivate Group.

To view Deactivated Groups, select Deactivated in the filter list.

To reactivate a group, open the deactivated group, click

, then select Activate

How do I start a web conference?

Before you can start a web conference:

The server you are connected to must support web conferences.

You must have an account with a supported web conference service.


Open the Conversation, Social Object wall, collection wall, or group wall where
you're going to start a web conference.
Note: You can't start a web conference from a user wall.



, then select Start Conference.


In the Start Conference dialog, select your conference service, set the values as
necessary, then click Start.
Note: If you want to save your conference settings, select Remember Conference
Your web conference application opens.

To end the conference, click

, then select End Conference.

How do I join a web conference?

While viewing a list of Conversations, Social Objects, collections, or groups, click
next to the item name. The item opens and takes you right into the conference.
Alternatively, while viewing a Conversation or wall, click Join in the banner; or click
, then select Join Conference.
Note: If the conference is held in a public Conversation that you haven't joined,
in the Conversations list takes you to the Conversation where you must
join the Conversation before you can join the conference.
Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

To leave the conference, close the conference window.

To rejoin the conference, return to the Conversation or wall and click Rejoin in the
banner; or click
, then select Rejoin Conference.
Note: Your administrator may hide web conferencing in your application instance.

How do I group all Conversations that concern the same issue?

You can use collections to group related Conversations and walls into an easy-access
list. You might want to group Conversations and walls that discuss the same issue, are
concerned with the same business object, are the ones you visit most frequently.
Collections help you get organized, especially if you have a lot of Conversations you're
keeping track of.
Each collection has its own wall where you and any other member of the collection can
post messages and documents that have something to do with the collection. You can
add members to the collection, or keep it to yourself.
To create a new collection:

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Collections.


Click New Collection.


Enter a name for your collection.


Set its visibility, either Only visible to members (members-only collection) or

Visible to any user (public collection).


Move groups and people to the right column to add them or to the left column to
remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person or group.
Note: You can add outside users to Conversations, but not to Social Object walls or
collections. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( )
after their names. For more information on outside users, see Outside Users.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you
can add someone who isn't an Oracle Social Network user. Enter the person's
email address in the search box, then click Invite email_address. When asked if
you want to send an invitation, click OK. When you save your changes an email
will be sent to the person inviting the person to join Oracle Social Network.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your
RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social
Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might affect
who you add to a collectionthe person is one of your contacts, similar collections
the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Continue by adding related items to your collection as described in How do I view or

add related items to a Social Object or collection?

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Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

How do I view or add related items to a Social Object or collection?

Related items are the items that have been added to the Social Object or collection
you're viewing. They can include Conversations, people's walls, group walls, and
other Social Objects or collections.

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Collections or <Social Objects>
(where <Social Objects> is the type of Social Object).


Open the collection or Social Object, then click the Related tab.


To add related items, click Add, then select one of the following options to add to
the current Social Object or collection:

New ConversationCreate a new Conversation by entering a name, setting

the visibility, and adding members as described in How do I start a
New CollectionCreate a new collection by entering a name, setting the
visibility, and adding members as described in How do I group all
Conversations that concern the same issue?
Related ItemSelect an existing item using the following options:
- Enter a search term to search for an item.
- Click Recent to select from items you have recently visited.
- Click Favorites to select from items you have marked as a favorite.

How do I view or add referring items to a Conversation or wall?

Referring items are the Social Objects and collections that the item you're viewing has
been added to.

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select the type of object you want to open.


Open the item you want, then click the Referring tab.


To add referring items, click Add, then select an item using one of the following

Enter a search term to search for an item.

Click Recent to select from items you have recently visited.

Click Favorites to select from items you have marked as a favorite.

How do I make a Conversation or collection available to everyone?

You can make the Conversation or collection public, so anyone with a login can join.

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations or Collections.


Click a listed Conversation or collection.



, then click Make Conversation/Collection Publicly Available.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Tip: You can make a collection public, too, but you can't make a Social Object wall
public. Social Object membership is restricted to people who are explicitly added to
the Social Object.

How do I limit a Conversation or collection membership to just a few people?

By default Conversations and collections are only visible to members. However, if the
Conversation or collection was made public and you need to change the setting back,
perform the following steps.

Social Object membership is restricted to people who are explicitly added to the
Social Object.
You can add outside users to Conversations, but not to walls, Social Objects, or
collections. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( )
after their names. For more information on outside users, see Outside Users.


From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations or Collections.


Click a Conversation or collection.


In the Conversation or on the collection's wall, click


At the top of the list of members, click Manage.

Note: While viewing the members for a collection, if you don't see the Manage
button, the membership for the collection is locked and can't be changed.

In the Manage Members dialog, select Only Visible to Members.

You can add or remove members if you want. For more information, see step 6 in
How do I add or remove people from a Social Object wall, Conversation, or

How do I add or remove people from a Social Object wall, Conversation, or Collection?
Note: You can't add people to the personal wall that is part of a profile.

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations, Collections, or

<Social Objects> (where <Social Objects> is the type of Social Object).
To open an item in a collection or related to a Social Object, after opening the
collection or Social Object, click the Related tab, then click the item.


Click an item to open it.

Tip: The membership bar shows the item's members and their presence status
(online, idle, offline). To quickly remove a member (including yourself), click the
person's picture in the membership bar, then select Remove from <item>. If you
want to add people or remove multiple people, continue with step 4.



in the membership bar to open the list of current members.


Click Manage to open the Manage Members dialog.

5-20 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Note: While viewing the members for a collection or Social Object, if you don't see
the Manage button, the membership for the collection or Social Object is locked
and can't be changed.

In the Manage Members dialog, move groups and people to the right column to
add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than
one person or group.
Note: You can add outside users to Conversations, but not to Social Object walls or
collections. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( )
after their names. For more information on outside users, see Outside Users.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you
can add someone who isn't an Oracle Social Network user. Enter the person's
email address in the search box, then click Invite email_address. When asked if
you want to send an invitation, click OK. When you save your changes an email
will be sent to the person inviting the person to join Oracle Social Network.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Tip: Groups make it easy to add several people in one action. For information about
creating groups, see How do I create a group?
In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Social Object wall, Conversation, or collection by
accepting the recommendations that are sometimes shown in the list of messages
(under Add to this <Object>). Oracle Social Network recommends people to add to a
wall, Conversation, or collection based on people you frequently add to items and
actions you have in common with others (such as being members of the same
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Click the person's name to view their profile.

Click Add to accept the recommendation and add the person as a member of the
Click Ignore to decline the recommendation.
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Click the left or right arrow keys or the arrows on either side of the current
recommendation to see the previous or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the wall, Conversation, or
collection. If you scroll up or down, the Add to this <Object> section might move out
of view. Just scroll up or down to find it.

How do I change a Conversation or wall's language?

If you want system messages in a Conversation or wall to appear in a language other
than the default language, you can change the language setting. The language setting
affects all members' views of the Conversation or wall.
Any system messages posted after you change the language will appear in the new
language. System messages that were there before the language change, however,
remain in the language that was in place when they were posted. Messages and files
posted to the Conversation or wall are unaffected; that is, they appear in the language
they were written in.
To change the language setting for a Conversation or wall:

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations, Collections, Groups,
or <Social Objects> (where <Social Objects> is the type of Social Object).


Click an item to open it.




Select the language you want.

, then select Set Language.

Note: The language used for field labels, button labels, banner headings, and so on, is
determined by your preferences in the full view of Oracle Social Network. For more
information, see How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the
social network?

How do I mute or unmute a Social Object, Conversation, collection, or group?

If you have items in your object lists that you never look at (for example a
Conversation that doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates in your recent
activities or in your email digests about items you don't care about, you can mute
those items. Muting an item hides it and its activity from your view. It's still there; you
just won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if you're flagged on a message
in a muted item, for which you will still be alerted by email based on your notification
To mute an item:
1. From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).

From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations, Collections, Groups
or <Social Objects> (where <Social Objects> is the type of Social Object).


Click an item to open it.



, then select Mute <Object>.

A banner appears at the top, showing that the item is muted.

To unmute an item:
1. From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).
5-22 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations, Collections, Groups
or <Social Objects> (where <Social Objects> is the type of Social Object).


In the Show menu, select Muted.


Click an item to open it.


In the banner showing that the item is muted, click Unmute.

If you dismissed the banner, click

, then select Unmute <Object>.

How do I close a completed Social Object, Conversation, or collection?

You can close Social Objects, Conversations, and collections so that no one can post
messages to them anymore.
Note: Once you close a Conversation, the text box is hidden.

From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations, Collections, or

<Social Objects> (where <Social Objects> is the type of Social Object).


Click an item to open it.



, then click the action suited to the current object type:

ConversationClose Conversation

CollectionClose Collection

Social ObjectClose Social Object Type


Optionally, enter a summary statement.


Click Close.

How do I delete a Conversation?

If you created a Conversation that you don't need or don't need to refer to anymore,
you can delete it, but you must be the only member.
To delete a Conversation:

Open the Conversation.



, then select Discard Conversation.

How do I download an archive of a wall or Conversation?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a wall or Conversation,
possibly to view when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the content at a
certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the wall or Conversation). It
contains the list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default
index.html) and all the documents added to the wall or Conversation.
To download an archive of a wall or Conversation:

Open the wall or Conversation.



, then select Download and save the file.

To work with an archive:

Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Unzip the files to your computer.


Open index.html.
Clicking a document link opens the copy of the document that is included in the
.zip file. All other links in index.html (user names, like, reply, and so on) open the
full version of Oracle Social Network in the browser.

Note: You can't make changes to an archive (though you can click a link to open the
item in a browser and make changes there).

How do I rename an item?


From the landing page or Navigator menu, open the Social panel (see How do I
open the Social panel to view social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations, Collections, or



Click an item to open it.



, then click the action suited to the current object type:

ConversationRename Conversation

CollectionRename Collection

GroupRename Group

Note: Social Objects can be renamed in the business application, not in Oracle
Social Network.

Enter a new name, then click OK.

How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network?

Open the Social panel (see How do I open the Social panel to view social activity?),
then click
to open the current page in an expanded view of the social network.
Alternatively, in a Conversation or on a wall, you can click

, then click Open Full

How is the social network accessible?

You can use your keyboard to navigate your social network. To see a list of keyboard
shortcuts, make sure focus is in the social network area of your application, and press
the question mark key (?). For more information, see What keyboard shortcuts are
available to the social network?

To navigate between list items and messages, use up and down arrow keys.

To navigate into the elements of a listed item, like a Conversation, press

To manage flags in the Manage Flags pop-up, press Enter to assign or change a
flag, or press Delete to clear a flag.
When you press Esc to close a dialog, focus moves to the button used to open the
dialog, even if you used a keyboard shortcut to open the dialog.

Note: The supported screen reader browser is Firefox 26 or later with the latest version
of your screen reader software.

5-24 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

There are a few known issues with screen readers:

When you search in the Manage Membership dialog, your screen reader may not
indicate that focus has moved from search results to the Groups and Contacts list.
You also may not be able to select the first listed result.
Your screen reader will read annotation messages in a Conversation or on a wall,
but it can't also describe where it is placed in a document preview. An annotated
document preview is essentially a picture of a document with marks on it, and
screen readers do not read pictures.

What keyboard shortcuts are available to the social network?

Your social network offers keyboard shortcuts and support for keyboard navigation.
To see a list of keyboard shortcuts, make sure focus is in the social network area of
your application, and press the question mark key (?).
Note: If you're using a screen reader, the social network keyboard shortcuts work only
if your focus is in application mode (for example, in a list of messages in a
Conversation or on a wall), so they won't otherwise interfere with your screen reader's
keyboard shortcuts. However, you can use your screen reader's pass-through or
bypass functionality if you want to use the social network keyboard shortcuts outside
of application mode.
Keyboard shortcuts are available for the following types of actions:

ApplicationUse these shortcuts anywhere they are relevant in the application.

For example, pressing ESC works when you're in a menu or dialog, and doesn't
work when you're not; pressing "j" or "k" works in a list, but doesn't work outside
a list.
JumpingUse these shortcuts anywhere in the application. They jump you to a
different view or to the current view's navigation actions.

Jumping shortcuts are available only when the navigation menu is in view.
When the navigation menu is not in view, the social network does not respond
when you use jumping shortcuts.

A Social Object's wall does not show the navigation menu when you open it
from its details page.

List ActionsUse these shortcuts with the list item that currently has focus.
Conversation/Wall ActionsUse these shortcuts within Conversations and on
Note: Some of these shortcuts work regardless of the current focus, for example,
"t," "b," "o," "u." Some of them operate differently depending on the current focus,
for example, in a Conversation "m" and "v" mark all messages as read and
mark/unmark the Conversation as a favorite; on a message, "m" and "v" mark the
message as read and mark/unmark it as a favorite.

Message ActionsUse these shortcuts with the message that currently has focus.
Post and Reply Entry ActionsUse these shortcuts within the post and reply
entry areas.
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies,
annotations, and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When
you start typing a hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags
(ones that have been used before) appear for you to select from. Use the up and
Collaborating Through Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud


Using Social Networking in the Oracle Applications Cloud

down arrows to select an existing hashtag, then press Enter or Tab to use the
selected hashtag. For more information, see What are hashtags (#) and how do I
use them?

In-Line Recommendation ActionsClick the left or right arrow keys within the
in-line recommendation area to see the previous or next recommendation.

How do I keep up with my Conversations on the road?

Oracle Social Network, the application that provides your social network, is available
to other environments, too. These include your browser, phone, desktop, and
Microsoft Outlook application.
Mobile versions are available for download from your app store (Apple for
iPhone/iPad and Google Play for Android). Desktop and Outlook downloads are
available from the Downloads page, which you can see when you open the full view
of your social network.

How can I get more help on how to use Oracle Social Network?
towards the top of a Conversation, wall, or list. This opens a Help Center
where you can find out how to do everything available in your social network.

5-26 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Collaborating Through Social Networking in
Oracle Service Cloud

This section talks about using collaboration features with your Oracle Service Cloud
Service Incidents.

"Using Social Networking with Service Incidents"

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

Why should I care about social networking in my Service Incidents?
As an agent, you frequently have to reach out to other people in your company to
resolve an incident. This can be an exercise in frustration. First you have to identify the
right person or people who have enough informationand the right informationto
help you. If you solicit support from a subject matter expert (SME) through email or
instant message, they often don't have enough context to truly be effective, and you're
left having to put all the pieces together to form a cohesive solution.
What to do?
Thanks to the integration of social networking features in Oracle Service Cloud, these
challenges are a thing of the past. Now when you work on an incident and need
assistance, you can create one or more Conversations right from your Agent Desktop,
where you can post your questions and share the details you've gathered so far.
Because pertinent details from the incident are surfaced as part of the Conversation,
your SMEs have all the knowledge they need to contribute informed, precise
information to help you fix problems quickly. If the SMEs have access to Oracle Service
Cloud, they can view and contribute to Conversations via their browser or mobile
device, whichever is more convenient.
With the help of social networking, your entire organization amasses a wealth of
valuable information that is preserved for later reference, and resolves Service
Incidents faster than ever.

What does social networking have to do with my job?

Social networking isn't just for social situations anymore. Here are some key reasons
for using a social network alongside Service Incident records:

In a Service Incident, open Conversations on the spot and discuss the incident
details while looking at them.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-1

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

No worries about keeping two sets of data in sync. The details you see in your
social network are the same you see in your Agent Desktop.

All communications are organized automatically by incident, so no wasted time

with filing and searching through emails.
Quickly engage resources as needed to address issues and solve problems.
Invite new members to the Conversation so they can easily see the complete

Share presentations and other documents and get input from other team members.
Web conference not required. Juggling email responses not required.

Get real-time notifications about updates to key Conversations.

Develop and expand your professional network.

Connect and engage with others covering the same industry, product
specialization, or geography.

How can I see the social activity surrounding a Service Incident?

Share the Service Incident with your social network to make some of its data available
there. Service Incidents that are shared with your social network become Social Objects.
And Social Objects have access to all kinds of social networking features, like
Conversations and easy document collaboration.
Sharing a Service Incident lets you participate in social activities having to do with the
object. For instance, you can have online Conversations with others about the Service
Incident while looking at the Service Incident's details.
You can share a Service Incident by navigating to it and clicking Share. Then you can
open the Service Incident's wall and start creating and participating in related
Note: Your administrator can decide how everyone will get to a Service Incident's
wall. It could be a button, a tab, directly on the Service Incident details page, or some
other control. If it's not clear to you how to navigate to a wall, ask your administrator.
For information about walls, see What's the difference between Conversations and

How do I socialize in the social network?

While the main purpose of your social network is to help you conduct business
effectively, lots of business involves socializing. Your social network has many features
that support social activities.
For example, everyone has an avatar (picture). The picture lets you know what people
look like or how they want to represent themselves. A colored border appears around
the picture to indicate a person's presencethat is, whether they are online (a green full
border), online but inactive (a yellow three-quarter border), or offline (a gray
People outside your company with limited access to Oracle Social Network (outside
users) have a special avatar ( ) and their names are in purple text, so it's clear when
someone from the outside is present. For more information on outside users, see
Outside Users.
You can click a user name or picture to navigate to that person's profile. You can see
the following information for a person:
6-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

At the top of the person's profile is the person's picture and some general
information such as their name, title, and whether the person is active.
Click One-on-One to start a private conversation with the person. For more
information, see How do I start a chat with someone?
Click Follow to add the person to your contacts and follow the person's activity.

Wall tabView or post messages, replies, and documents for the person.
Note: You must follow the person before you can post to the person's wall. Some
people might not allow other people to post to his or her wall.

Profile tabView additional details about the person, such as contact information.
If you're viewing your own profile, click Edit Profile to edit your personal details
or your picture.

Following tabView the people the person follows. The number in the tab shows
the number of people the person follows.
Followers tabView the people following the person. The number in the tab
shows the number of people following the person.

How do I edit my profile?

To edit your personal information or picture on your social network profile:

Find your name or picture in the social network, and click it (for example, on a
Service Incident's wall or in a Conversation related to a Service Incident).


On your profile, click Edit Profile.


Edit your personal information. Don't forget to add a bit about what you do in the
Description box under Basic Information and your contact information in the
boxes under Contact Information.
Note: Some information is read only. If you need to change the read-only
information, contact your administrator.


To change your profile picture, click it, then select Upload Photo. Select a .gif,
.png, or .jpg file. After you select a picture, you can use the crop tools to re-size it.
Your picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels square.
Note: If you use Mozilla Firefox and JAWS, you must disable pop-ups before you
upload a profile picture. If you don't disable pop-ups, the upload dialog won't

How can I collaborate with people who don't have access to a Service Incident?
You can invite anyone who has a login to your social network to any Conversation
you're a member of. If your company has enabled extended collaboration, the person
doesn't even have to have access to Oracle Service Cloud.
Everyone who is a member of your social network has their own profile. You can
navigate to a profile by clicking the linked name or picture on anything they posted.
In addition to a profile, everyone (other than outside users) has a wall that you can
post to. To post to someone's wall, click the Follow button (you click Follow only
once). Following someone lets you post to their wall and track their activity in the
social network. Following someone also adds them to your list of contacts.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-3

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

When you're not following someone, their wall is view-only. That is, you can't post
messages there, like something, interact with flags, and so on.
Click Unfollow to stop following someone.

If your company has enabled extended collaboration, you can also invite new people
to join your social network. Depending on the person's email domain and how your
administrator has configured user access, the user might get access to all of Oracle
Social Network or might be granted limited access.
Outside Users
Users with limited access are called outside users. There are indicators throughout your
social network that show you outside users and their presence. For example, outside
users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their names so you
know who they are and can keep confidential information out of the Conversations
they belong to. In a Conversation with outside users, you see a banner stating "Visible
to outside users." at the top of the Conversation and any associated message dialogs.
Be careful not to post any sensitive information to Conversations that include outside

Outside users have profiles like other users, but they don't have walls.
You can't follow outside users, but you can add them as contacts. (Outside users
can't make contacts of their own.)
You can invite outside users to Conversations but not to groups, collections, or
Service Incidents.

What does sharing or joining a Service Incident do for me?

Once you share or join a Service Incident, you can:

View updates to the Service Incident instantly from any view of your social
network, including your browser, mobile device, and Microsoft Outlook
See and navigate to Conversations related to the Service Incident.
Tip: You see just those Conversations you're a member of or that are available to
you to join (the ones you can join yourself are called public Conversations).

Post messages and files that all members of the Service Incident will see.

Join web conferences from a Conversation.

See everyone else who's a member of the Service Incident, and collaborate with
them in Conversations.
Manage Conversation and wall memberships.
Keep Service Incident details in view while you participate in related

What are related and referring items?

Related items are the items that have been added to the Service Incident or collection
you're viewing. They can include Conversations, people, groups, and other Service
Incidents or collections.

6-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

Referring items are the Service Incidents and collections that the item you're viewing
has been added to.
Note: A collection is a group of related items. Collections can be created in the full
version of Oracle Social Network (see How do I navigate from my application to a
fuller version of the social network?).

What's the difference between Conversations and walls?

It might be useful to know what they have in common first: both of them are pages
where you can post messages and other types of content that other members can read
and reply to. Both of them preserve this information so that it can be revisited anytime,
A Conversation is an online discussion typically about a specific topic. A Conversation
can have a restricted membership or be open to any person with a login to the social
A wall is a page where you can post content directly to the object the wall is associated
with, like a Service Incident or a collection. All members of the object can post to its
wall and read what other members have posted.
While walls are meant for announcements, Conversations are more like discussions. So
you post content at the top of walls to make the latest information easy to see and at
the bottom of Conversations to continue the discussion.

How do I start a Conversation?

Each shared Service Incident has a Related tab that shows all Conversations and other
items related to that Service Incident.
To create a related Conversation:

Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.


Click the Related tab.


Click Add, then select New Conversation.


Enter a name for the Conversation.


Select groups and people, and move them to the Members list to add them to the
Conversation. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-5

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

Note: The membership is inherited from the Service Incident. To remove members,
select them from the Members list, and click the left arrow.
The new Conversation opens, ready for you to add messages and members. For
information about adding messages, see How do I work with messages? For
information about adding members, see How do I add or remove people from a
Service Incident's wall or a Conversation?

How do I work with messages?

To add a message:
1. Open the wall or Conversation.
For walls, there is a text box at the top of the wall. For Conversations, there is a
text box at the bottom of the Conversation.
Note: If you don't see the text box at the top of a person's wall, you aren't
following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her

In the text box, type your message.

Formatting options are available beneath the text box after you click it. Hover over
the icons to see what they do.


Click Post.

To reply to a message:
Reply under the message.
Note: If you don't see
Reply under a personal wall post shown on the Overview
page or on a person's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to reply to his or her
wall posts.
To like a message:
Like under the message.
Tip: To see who has liked a message, click the link that shows the number of people
who have liked it.
To mark a message as read or unread:
More under the message, then click Mark as Read or Mark as Unread.
To edit a message:
More under the message, then click Edit.

You can edit only your own messages.

Any special markup on a message is lost when you edit the message.

To delete a message:
You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.

More under the message, then click Delete.

6-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

To restore a deleted message, locate the deleted message icon (

) where the message
used to be, click
, then confirm that you want to restore the message.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the message, or the person
who deleted the message can restore the deleted message.

How do I show or hide membership messages in a wall or a Conversation?


Navigate to the wall or Conversation.



, then select:

Hide Membership Messages to hide messages like, The Conversation is now

accessible to: John Doe.
Show Membership Messages to show these messages in the stream of the

Note: You can hide or show all messages in all Conversations through your
preferences in the full view of Oracle Social Network. For more information, see How
do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network?

How do I mark an item as a favorite?

Next to the wall name, Conversation name, or message, click

To view your favorites, open the full view of your social network, then click
. See
How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network?
While viewing the Related or Referring tab for an item, you can limit the list to your
favorites by clicking Show, then clicking Favorites.

How do I share a document with others?

You can add files from your local file systems and, if you have an account with a cloud
document store (for example, Google Drive), you can add a file from the cloud.

Before you can add files from your cloud document store, your administrator must
enable this action.
If you add a document with the same name as one that was previously added
from a local file system, a new version is created. However, if the document of the
same name was added from a cloud document store, you receive an error. You
must rename your local document or add the new version to the cloud document
When you bring Google documents (Google proprietary format) into Oracle Social
Network, they are automatically converted to PDF format. When you copy them
back to Google Drive, they are copied as PDF documents.

To share a document with others:


Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.



next to the text box, select an option, then select a file:

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-7

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

Select Upload from Desktop to add a file from your local file systems, then
browse to and select a file.
Select Add from Cloud Document Store to add a file from the cloud, select
your cloud document store provider, then browse to and select a file.
Note: If you haven't already authorized Oracle Social Network to access your
cloud document store account, you'll be asked to do so before you can upload
a document.


Optionally, in the text box add a message to post with the document.


Click Post.
Your document, with any message you added, is posted to the wall or

How do I view a file?

There are several ways to view a file:

To open a preview of the file in Oracle Social Network, click the file's thumbnail.
To see a full-screen preview of the file, click Expanded View under the document.

Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.

The list of file types you can preview is long, but there are some file types you
can't preview, like an archive or executable file. Oracle Social Network
supports adding these types of files but not previewing them. For these file
types, you can download the file and open it on your computer.

If the file was added from a cloud document store, you can open the file in the
cloud document store's viewer. Under the document, click Open Document in
Cloud Document Store, where Cloud Document Store is the name of the cloud
document store.
Note: To open the file, you must have permission to the file in the cloud document
store. If you don't have permission, you get an error when you try to open it.

To download a file and open it on your computer, click Download under the
Note: If the document is from a cloud document store, a browser window opens,
where you can download the file or view the online preview of the file. To
download the file, you must have permission to the file in the cloud document
store. If you don't have permission, you get an error when you try to download it.

To view a list of all documents and folders in a Conversation or wall, click the
Documents tab.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall. Under the
document you want to delete, click More, then select Delete.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

6-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

If a document has multiple versions, and you delete the document from the
messages list (rather than in the Documents tab), you delete only the selected
Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the
Conversation or wall.

How do I view document annotations?

Annotations provide a way to comment on a document. You can view annotations
when previewing the document.

Open a preview of the file. For more information, see How do I view a file?


Optionally, filter your view of annotations by user. Click the annotations

drop-down list to select All Annotations, No Annotations, or a particular person.

How do I annotate a document?

Annotations are graphic markers and review remarks you can add to a document
preview. You can place annotations in a document preview wherever you want them.
For example, using annotations you can add a pushpin marker to a document preview,
and enter a comment about the document right where the pushpin is placed. Each
person's annotations appear in a unique color, making it easy to follow who said what.

Open the document preview (see How do I view a file?).

Note: Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.


Select a tool from the Tools menu.

Table 61

Annotation Tools




Select None when you want to move through the document without annotating text.
Use the Pushpin tool to post an annotation to a pinpointed location.
Use the Pen tool to create a free-form mark on the material you're annotating.
Use the Highlighter tool to highlight one line of the material you're annotating.
Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle over the material you're annotating.
Use the Ellipse tool to draw a circle over the material you're annotating.



The icon to the left of the Tools menu shows the tool that is currently selected.
If you don't see the Tools menu at the top of a document on a person's wall,
the person does not allow other people to post annotations to his or her
personal documents.

Click or highlight the text you want to annotate.

For the pushpin, click the location you want to annotate.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-9

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

For the drawing tools, drag them to surround or highlight the text you want to
annotate. Drawing tools include the pen, the highlighter, the rectangle, and the

All of these actions open a dialog where you can enter your remarks.

In the dialog, enter a remark.


Click Continue to continue annotating the document.

All of the annotations you add from this point are included in one annotation
group in the Conversation. You start a new group by clicking Publish and then
adding a new annotation.


Click Publish to publish your annotations.

Grouping Annotations
You can make several annotations, publish them, and then make more and publish
those. Each publish action places all the messages added since you started (or since
you last clicked Publish) into a group of messages in the Conversation where the
document appears.
Associating Multiple Annotations
You can mark several disconnected sections of text and combine them into a single
annotation. After adding the first mark, with the annotation box still open, you can
continue to use the selected tool to make additional marks. Once you add an
annotation message and click Continue, the application draws a larger box around all
the marks, and ties the single annotation message to all of them.

How do I rename a folder?


On the Documents tab, under the folder you want to rename, click More, then
select Rename Folder.


Edit the folder name, then click OK.

How can I alert people to an important message?

You can assign a flag on the message.
Use the flag icon to the right of a message to assign a flag to yourself and others. Click
the icon to open the Manage Flags dialog. Open the menu to the left of each name you
want to flag and select a flag type:

Not Flagged

For Your Information (flag with "i")Look at this when you have time.

Please Reply (flag with black arrow)Look at this, and let me know what
you think.
Please Reply - Urgent (flag with red arrow)Look at this now, and let me
know what you think immediately. (An email notification is always sent for Please
Reply - Urgent flags.)

To search for someone, start typing the name in the search box. Results appear as you
type. Use the menu next to a person in the results to assign, change, or clear a flag.
If a message becomes more urgent, or less, you can return to it and change the flag
type any time.

6-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

You can tell when you've been flagged by the flag icon next to flagged messages. If the
flag is hollow, no one has been flagged. If the flag is red, the flag is assigned to you. If
the flag is blue, the flag is assigned to someone else. Two flags show that more than
one person is flagged. Mouse over the flag to see who assigned it and who it is
assigned to.
To remove an assigned flag, click the flag icon next to a message to open the Manage
Flags dialog and then click
next to one or more people. To remove all assigned
flags on a message, click Clear All at the top of the dialog.

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to find all content associated with that term or topic. For example, imagine
discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the form of
dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of forms.
How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a hashtag.
Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of discount, you
include the hashtag #discounts.
You can then click a #discounts hashtag link to view a list of all messages in otherwise
unrelated Conversations and walls that contain the hashtagged term.
Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations,
and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been
used before) appear for you to select from.

You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Viewing Hashtags
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are clickable and will open a hashtag page
where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So clicking #discounts in any
Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message (in a Conversation,
document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the
discounts hashtag.
On the hashtag page, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the
hashtag (All) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By People
You Follow).
Following Hashtags
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview page (in
the full view of the application), even if you are not a member of those Conversations
or walls.
Note: For information about navigating to full view, see How do I navigate from my
application to a fuller version of the social network?
To follow a hashtag, click the hashtag to open the hashtag page, then click Follow at
the top of the page. To stop following the hashtag, click Unfollow.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-11

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

How do I start a chat with someone?

To chat with someone, you must first go to the person's profile. To go to someone's
profile, click their picture or name associated with a message. On the profile, click
One-on-One. Enter a message. If that person is not available now, they'll see your
message the next time they're active in the social network.

How do I start a web conference?

Before you can start a web conference:

The server you are connected to must support online conferences.

You must have an account with a supported online conference service.


Open the Conversation, Service Incident, collection, or group where you're going
to start a web conference.
Note: You can't start a web conference from a user wall.



, then select Start Conference.


In the Start Conference dialog, select your conference service, set the values as
necessary, then click Start.
Note: If you want to save your conference settings, select Remember Conference
Your web conference application opens.

To end the conference, click

, then select End Conference.

How do I join a web conference?

Click Join in the banner at the top of the Conversation; or click
Conference to go right into the conference.

, then select Join

Note: If the conference is held in a public Conversation that you haven't joined, you
must join the Conversation before you can join the conference.
To leave the conference, close the conference window.
To rejoin the conference, return to the Conversation and click the Rejoin button in the
banner; or click
, then select Rejoin Conference.
Note: Your administrator may hide web conferencing in your application instance.

How do I view or add related items to a Service Incident?

Related items are the items that have been added to the Service Incident you're
viewing. They can include Conversations and other Service Incidents.

Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.


Click the Related tab.


To add related items, click Add, then select one of the following options to add to
the current Service Incident:

6-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

New ConversationCreate a new Conversation by entering a name, setting

the visibility, and adding members as described in How do I start a
Related ItemSelect an existing item using the following options:
- Enter a search term to search for an item.
- Click Recent to select from items you have recently visited.
- Click Favorites to select from items you have marked as a favorite.

How do I view or add referring items to a Service Incident or Conversation?

Referring items are the Service Incidents that the item you're viewing has been added

Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.
To view or add referring items to a related Conversation, click Related, then click
the Conversation to open it.


Click the Referring tab.


To add referring items, click Add, then select an item using one of the following

Enter a search term to search for an item.

Click Recent to select from items you have recently visited.

Click Favorites to select from items you have marked as a favorite.

How do I make a Conversation available to everyone?

You can make the Conversation public, so anyone with a login can join.
Tip: To post to a public Conversation, join it. Once you join the Conversation, the text
box is shown.

Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.


Click the Related tab, and then click a listed Conversation to open it.



, then click Make Conversation Publicly Available.

How do I limit a Conversation or collection membership to just a few people?

Note: You can add outside users (people outside your company) to Conversations, but
not to walls, Service Incidents, or collections. Outside users' names appear in purple
text, and they have icons ( ) after their names. For more information on outside
users, see Outside Users.

Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-13

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.

Optionally, click the Related tab, and then click a listed Conversation or collection
to open it.




At the top of the list, click Manage.


In the Manage Members dialog, select Only visible to members.

How do I add or remove people from a Service Incident's wall or a Conversation?


Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.
To add or remove people from a related Conversation, click Related, then click the
Conversation to open it.



to open the list of current members.


At the top of the list, click Manage to open the Manage Members dialog.


In the Manage Members dialog, move groups and people to the right column to
add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than
one person or group.
Note: You can't add outside users to a group. Outside users' names appear in
purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their names. For more information on
outside users, see Outside Users.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you
can add someone who isn't an Oracle Social Network user. Enter the person's
email address in the search box, then click Invite email_address. When asked if
you want to send an invitation, click OK. When you save your changes an email
will be sent to the person inviting the person to join Oracle Social Network.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Tip: Groups make it easy to add several people in one action. You can create groups by
opening your social network in full view. For information about navigating to full
view, see How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social

6-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Service Incident's wall or Conversation by accepting
the recommendations that are sometimes shown in the list of messages (under Add to
this <Object>). Oracle Social Network recommends people to add to a wall or
Conversation based on people you frequently add to walls or Conversations and
actions you have in common with others (such as being members of the same
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Click the person's name to view their profile.

Click Add to accept the recommendation and add the person as a member of the
Click Ignore to decline the recommendation.
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Click the left or right arrow keys or the arrows on either side of the current
recommendation to see the previous or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the wall or Conversation.
If you scroll up or down, the Add to this <Object> section might move out of view.
Just scroll up or down to find it.

How do I change the language for a Service Incident's wall or a related Conversation?
If you want system messages in a Service Incident's wall or a related Conversation to
appear in a language other than the default language, you can change the language
setting. The language setting affects all members' views of the wall or Conversation.
Any system messages posted after you change the language will appear in the new
language. System messages that were there before the language change, however,
remain in the language that was in place when they were posted. Messages and files
posted to the wall or Conversation are unaffected; that is, they appear in the language
they were written in.
To change the language setting for a Service Incident's wall or a related Conversation:

Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.
To set the language for a Conversation, click the Related tab, then click the
Conversation to open it.



, then select Set Language.


Select the language you want.

Note: The language used for field labels, button labels, banner headings, and so on, is
determined by your preferences in the full view of Oracle Social Network. For more
information, see How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the
social network?

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-15

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

How do I mute or unmute a Service Incident's wall or a related Conversation?

If you have items in your object lists (such as the Related tab) that you never look at
(for example a Conversation that doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates on
the Overview page in the full view of Oracle Social Network or in your email digests
about items you don't care about, you can mute those items. Muting an item hides it
and its activity from your view. It's still there; you just won't hear about it anymore.
(The only exception is if you're flagged on a message in a muted item, for which you
will still be alerted by email based on your notification settings.)
To mute an item:
1. Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.

Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.
To mute a Conversation, click the Related tab, then click the Conversation to open



, then select Mute <Object>.

A banner appears at the top, showing that the item is muted.

To unmute an item:
1. Open Agent Desktop, and then open a Service Incident.


to open the full view of your social network.


Click the type of object you want to unmute (for example, Conversations), then,
on the left, select Muted.


Click an item to open it.


In the banner showing that the item is muted, click Unmute.

If you dismissed the banner, click More, then select Unmute <Object>.

How do I end a completed Conversation?

You can close Conversations and walls so that no one can post messages to them
Note: Once you close a Conversation, the text box is hidden.

Open Agent Desktop, and then open the Service Incident.


Navigate to the Service Incident's wall.

Tip: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to
you, ask your administrator.
To close a Conversation, click the Related tab, then click the Conversation to open



, then click the action suited to the current object type:

ConversationClose Conversation

Service Incident WallClose Incident


Optionally, enter a summary statement.


Click Close.

6-16 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

How do I delete a Conversation?

If you created a Conversation that you don't need or don't need to refer to anymore,
you can delete it, but you must be the only member.
To delete a Conversation:

Open the Conversation.



, then select Discard Conversation.

How do I download an archive of a wall or Conversation?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a wall or Conversation,
possibly to view when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the content at a
certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the wall or Conversation). It
contains the list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default
index.html) and all the documents added to the wall or Conversation.
To download an archive wall or Conversation:

Open the wall or Conversation.



, then select Download and save the file.

To work with an archive:


Unzip the files to your computer.


Open index.html.
Clicking a document link opens the copy of the document that is included in the
.zip file. All other links in index.html (user names, like, reply, and so on) open the
full version of Oracle Social Network in the browser.

Note: You can't make changes to an archive (though you can click a link to open the
item in a browser and make changes there).

How do I navigate from my application to a fuller version of the social network?

Navigate to a Service Incident's wall, and click
your social network.

to open the wall in a full view of

Note: How you get to the wall is decided by your administrator. If it's not clear to you,
ask your administrator.
Tip: On the walls associated with profiles of people inside your company, you can
to open the wall in full view. For information about navigating to someone's
wall, see How can I collaborate with people who don't have access to a Service

How is the social network accessible?

You can use your keyboard to navigate your social network. To see a list of keyboard
shortcuts, make sure focus is in the social network area of your application, and press
the question mark key (?). For more information, see What keyboard shortcuts are
available to the social network?

To navigate between list items and messages, use up and down arrow keys.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-17

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

To navigate into the elements of a listed item, like a Conversation, press

To manage flags in the Manage Flags pop-up, press Enter to assign or change a
flag, or press Delete to clear a flag.
When you press Esc to close a dialog, focus moves to the button used to open the
dialog, even if you used a keyboard shortcut to open the dialog.

Note: The supported screen reader browser is Firefox 26 or later with the latest version
of your screen reader software.
There are a few known issues with screen readers:

When you search in the Manage Membership dialog, your screen reader may not
indicate that focus has moved from search results to the Groups and Contacts list.
You also may not be able to select the first listed result.
Your screen reader will read annotation messages in a Conversation or on a wall,
but it can't also describe where it is placed in a document preview. An annotated
document preview is essentially a picture of a document with marks on it, and
screen readers do not read pictures.

What keyboard shortcuts are available to the social network?

Your social network offers keyboard shortcuts and support for keyboard navigation.
To see a list of keyboard shortcuts, make sure focus is in the social network area of
your application, and press the question mark key (?).
Note: If you're using a screen reader, the social network keyboard shortcuts work only
if your focus is in application mode (for example, in a list of messages in a
Conversation or on a wall), so they won't otherwise interfere with your screen reader's
keyboard shortcuts. However, you can use your screen reader's pass-through or
bypass functionality if you want to use the social network keyboard shortcuts outside
of application mode.
Keyboard shortcuts are available for the following types of actions:

ApplicationUse these shortcuts anywhere they are relevant in the application.

For example, pressing ESC works when you're in a menu or dialog, and doesn't
work when you're not; pressing "j" or "k" works in a list, but doesn't work outside
a list.
JumpingUse these shortcuts anywhere in the application. They jump you to a
different view or to the current view's navigation actions.

Jumping shortcuts are available only when the navigation menu is in view.
When the navigation menu is not in view, the social network does not respond
when you use jumping shortcuts.

A Service Incident's wall does not show the navigation menu when you open
it from its details page.

List ActionsUse these shortcuts with the list item that currently has focus.
Conversation/Wall ActionsUse these shortcuts within Conversations and on
Note: Some of these shortcuts work regardless of the current focus, for example,
"t," "b," "o," "u." Some of them operate differently depending on the current focus,
for example, in a Conversation "m" and "v" mark all messages as read and

6-18 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

mark/unmark the Conversation as a favorite; on a message, "m" and "v" mark the
message as read and mark/unmark it as a favorite.

Message ActionsUse these shortcuts with the message that currently has focus.
Post and Reply Entry ActionsUse these shortcuts within the post and reply
entry areas.
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies,
annotations, and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When
you start typing a hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags
(ones that have been used before) appear for you to select from. Use the up and
down arrows to select an existing hashtag, then press Enter or Tab to use the
selected hashtag. For more information, see What are hashtags (#) and how do I
use them?

In-Line Recommendation ActionsClick the left or right arrow keys within the
in-line recommendation area to see the previous or next recommendation.

There is a known issue with keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+D does not work in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or Microsoft Internet

Explorer 9.

How do I keep up with my Conversations on the road?

Oracle Social Network, the application that provides your social network, is available
to other environments, too. These include your browser, your phone, your desktop,
and your Microsoft Outlook application.
Mobile versions are available for download from your app store (Apple for
iPhone/iPad and Google Play for Android).

How can I get more help on how to use Oracle Social Network?
towards the top of a Conversation, wall, or list. This opens a Help Center
where you can find out how to do everything available in your social network.

Collaborating Through Social Networking in Oracle Service Cloud 6-19

Using Social Networking with Service Incidents

6-20 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Documents and Folders

These topics step you through document-related features in Oracle Social Network.
They include the following information:

"About Documents and Folders"

"Working with Documents"

"Working with Folders"

About Documents and Folders

What is the Documents tab?
The Documents tab in a Conversation lists all of the files that you and others have
added to the Conversation.
Here is a short list of things you can do on the Documents tab with links to additional
Table 71

Short List of Things You Can Do on the Documents Tab


For more information, see

View a list of all files added to the Conversation

Open a document preview

How do I view a file?

Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of

a document.
Hide or show earlier versions of a document

How do I show or hide all versions of a file?

Download files

How do I download a file to my computer?

Upload files from your file system

How do I upload a document from my local file system?

Add files from a cloud document store, like Google


How do I add a document from a cloud document store?

Copy files to other Conversations

How do I copy a file?

Mark a file as a favorite

How do I use favorites?

Where can I add files?

You can add files from the following places in the web version of Oracle Social

Working with Documents and Folders


About Documents and Folders

In a Conversation (see How do I add a document to a Conversation? and How do

I add a document from a cloud document store?)
On the walls of collections, Social Objects, and profile and group walls (the steps
are the same as for Conversations.

What kinds of files can I add?

There are no restrictions on the types of file you can add. Note, however, that file
previews are limited to the first 100 pages. Note also, that not all file types show a

What is file copying?

File copying lets you copy a file from one Conversation or wall to another
Conversation or wall. Because the file is a copy, it's independent of the original file.
This means, for example, the copied file is not affected if you delete the original file or
update the original with a more recent version.
For more information, see How do I copy a file?

What are folders?

In Oracle Social Network, folders serve the same purpose as they do in file systems:
they give you a way to organize your documents for easy access.
You can create folders when the Documents tab is selected in a Conversation, a
collection, or a Social Object.
Sharing a folder means you copy a folder and all of its files from one Conversation or
wall to another Conversation or wall. Because the shared folder is a copy, it's
independent of the original folder. This means, for example, that the shared folder isn't
affected if you delete the original folder or add more files to it.
For more information, see Working with Folders

What is document presence?

Document presence lets you see who else is looking at a document that you're looking
at. You can see document presence information on your list of contacts, in the Social
Bar under Trending, on a profile page, and in someone's activity status in the item's
membership bar.
Document presence information also appears above a document preview, where the
profile picture of everyone who is looking at a document appears. You can click a
profile picture in this row to see options for co-browsing with this person, opening a
One-on-One Conversation with them, or navigating to their profile.

What is document co-browsing?

Document co-browsing lets you see another person's browsing activity in a document
preview. For example, you can use co-browsing to go through a slide presentation
with others who are previewing the same document.
In Oracle Social Network for browsers, a row of profile pictures appears above a
document preview. These are the people who are viewing the same document you are.
You can click one of these pictures and select Browse With to follow that person's
movement through the document.

7-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

About Documents and Folders

Others can click your picture to see what you are seeing. So, if you're browsing, they
see your movement, and if you're following someone else, they see that person's
Here's an example of document co-browsing among three people:
Meet John and Jane. Both of them work in different satellite offices. They are on a
phone conference, and each is looking at a preview of the fourth quarter projections
document in their web version of Oracle Social Network.
John is on page 1 of the preview, and Jane is on page 5. John clicks Jane's profile
picture above the preview, and selects Browse With. John's preview now shows page
5, the page Jane is on at the moment. As Jane scrolls through the document, John's
view mirrors her movement.
In John's view, Jane's profile picture gets bigger than his and moves to the front of the
row, before John's. This tells him that he is seeing Jane's view of the file preview.
John messages Otis, inviting him to join the teleconference and sending him a link to
the file he and Jane are previewing. Otis dials in, opens his browser, and navigates to
the file preview that John and Jane are viewing. He clicks John's profile picture above
the preview and selects Browse With. In Otis' view, John's profile picture gets bigger
than Otis' and Jane's and moves to the front of the row. Otis sees what John sees; so,
like John, Otis sees Jane's movement through the file.
Note: If Otis wanted to, he could have clicked Jane's picture. Multiple people can
co-browse with the same person.
The three of them discuss the document and come to an agreement about projection
changes. When the next steps are decided, they each leave the teleconference. Otis
clicks John's picture again and selects Stop Browsing With to leave the co-browsing
session. John clicks Jane's picture and does the same.
For more information, see How do I co-browse a file with others?

What are annotations?

Annotations are graphic markers and review remarks you can add to a document
preview. You can place annotations in a document preview wherever you want them.
For example, using annotations you can add a pushpin marker to a document preview,
and enter a comment about the document right where the pushpin is placed. Each
person's annotations appear in a unique color, making it easy to follow who said what.
In a document preview, an icon to the left of the Tools menu shows the tool that is
currently selected.
Table 72

Annotation Tools




Select None when you want to move through the document without annotating text.
Use the Pushpin tool to post an annotation to a pinpointed location.
Use the Pen tool to create a free-form mark on the material you're annotating.
Use the Highlighter tool to highlight one line of the material you're annotating.
Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle over the material you're annotating.

Working with Documents and Folders


Working with Documents

Table 72 (Cont.) Annotation Tools


Use the Ellipse tool to draw a circle over the material you're annotating.

For more information, see How do I annotate a document?

Working with Documents

How do I view a file?
There are several ways to view a file:

To open a preview of the file in Oracle Social Network, click the file's thumbnail.
To see a full-screen preview of the file, click Expanded View under the document.

When you preview the file in Oracle Social Network, you can add annotations
to the file. For more information, see How do I annotate a document?

Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.

The list of file types you can preview is long, but there are some file types you
can't preview, like an archive or executable file. Oracle Social Network
supports adding these types of files but not previewing them. For these file
types, you can download the file and open it on your computer.

If the file was added from a cloud document store, you can open the file in the
cloud document store's viewer. Under the document, click Open Document in
Cloud Document Store, where Cloud Document Store is the name of the cloud
document store.
To download a file and open it on your computer, click Download under the

How do I show or hide all versions of a file?

To show all versions of a file:

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, select the document.

Documents that have more than one version are indicated by the version number
shown in parentheses next to the file name.


Click History, then select Show n Versions (n stands for the number of versions
available for the selected document).

To hide previous versions, select History and then Hide Versions.

What is a document's access history?

The Documents tab in Conversations and on walls has a feature for viewing the
history of activity on a given document. The activities that appear in the history
include when a file is:


7-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Documents

Copied from a cloud document store

Copied to a cloud document store






The information that appears in an access history includes:

The document's name (linked to that version of the document)

The type of action performed

The name of the person who performed the action (linked to his or her profile)

The date the action occurred

How do I show or hide a document's access history?

To show a document's access history:

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, select the document.


Click History, then select Show Access History.

The access history of the selected document is shown as a list.

To hide a document's access history, click Hide Access History.

How do I co-browse a file with others?

To co-browse is to follow someone else's browsing session in a document preview.
Multiple people can co-browse the same file (see What is document co-browsing?).

Open the document preview (see How do I view a file?).


In the row of profile pictures above the document preview, click the profile picture
of the person you want to co-browse with.


Select Browse With.

The selected profile picture gets bigger and moves to the front of the row to show
it is selected, and your view of the document preview mirrors that person's view.

To return to your own view, click the enlarged profile picture, and from the resulting
menu, select Stop Browsing With.

How do I annotate a document?

Note: For information about annotations, see What are annotations?

Open the document preview (see How do I view a file?).

Note: Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.


Select a tool from the Tools menu.

Note: If you don't see the Tools menu at the top of a document on a person's wall,
the person does not allow other people to post annotations to his or her personal

Working with Documents and Folders


Working with Documents


Click or highlight the text you want to annotate.

For the pushpin, click the location you want to annotate.

For the drawing tools, drag them to surround or highlight the text you want to
annotate. Drawing tools include the pen, the highlighter, the rectangle, and the

All of these actions open a dialog where you can enter your remarks.

In the dialog, enter a remark.


Click Continue to continue annotating the document.

All of the annotations you add from this point are included in one annotation
group in the Conversation. You start a new group by clicking Publish and then
adding a new annotation.


Click Publish to publish your annotations.

How do I group my annotations?

You can make several annotations, publish them, and then make more and publish
those. Each publish action places all the messages added since you started (or since
you last clicked Publish) into a group of messages that can be expanded and collapsed
in the Conversation where the document appears.

How do I associate one remark with many annotations?

You can mark several disconnected sections of text and combine them into a single
annotation. After adding the first mark, with the annotation box still open, you can
continue to use the selected tool to make additional marks. Once you add an
annotation message and click Continue, the application draws a larger box around all
the marks, and ties the single annotation message to all of them.

How do I view annotations in a file preview?

You can see and add to your own and other people's annotations in a file preview.
Note: File previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.

Open the document preview (see How do I view a file?).


From the Filter menu, select the annotations you want to see.

All AnnotationsTo see everyone's annotations

<Name>To see just the selected person's annotations


Mouse over an annotation mark to see its content.


Optionally, add your own reply and click Reply.


Click Close to exit the annotation.

How do I view annotations in a Conversation?

Annotations added to a document preview are simultaneously published to the
Conversation or wall where the file is located. All file annotations are listed in the
Conversation or on the wall, and you can click one to navigate to it in the document

7-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Documents


Locate the file in the Conversation's or wall's messages, and scroll below it to see
its annotations.


If necessary, expand a group of annotations to see individual entries.


Click the View Annotation link to go to the annotation in the document preview.

How can I tell who entered a particular annotation in a file preview?

Anyone who adds annotations is automatically assigned a color. An Annotations Map
Legend towards the top right of the document previewmaps people to their
annotation color. Click the legend to open it and see who is assigned what color.

Colored lines to the right of the document preview show where people placed
annotation marks. Click one of these to jump to an annotation.
The Filter menu lets you select whose annotations to see. for more information, see
How do I filter my view of annotations?

How do I filter my view of annotations?


Open the document preview (see How do I view a file?).


Open the Filter menu, and select a view:

All Annotations, to view all annotations, including your published and

unpublished ones

No Annotations, to hide all annotations

<Name>, to view just the annotations of the selected person

How do I navigate between annotations?

You can use the left and right arrows to the right of the Tools and Filter menus to
navigate from one annotation to another.

Click the right arrow to move to the next annotation.

Click the left arrow to move to the previous annotation.

What's the difference between adding a file locally or from a cloud document store?
When you upload a file locally, you are selecting a file from your computer hard drive
or one of your company's servers. See How do I upload a document from my local file
When you add a file from a cloud document store, you are selecting a file from a
server in a cloud that you have subscribed to. See How do I add a document from a
cloud document store?

Working with Documents and Folders


Working with Documents

How do I upload a document from my local file system?

You can upload files from your local file systems and, if you have an account with a
cloud document store (for example, Google Drive), you can also add files from your
cloud document store account. This section describes how to upload a document from
your local file system. For information about adding a file from a cloud document
store, see How do I add a document from a cloud document store?

You can upload files of all kinds and sizes to Oracle Social Network, but file
previews show only the first 100 pages.
If you add a document with the same name as one that was previously added
from a local file system, a new version is created. However, if the document of the
same name was added from a cloud document store, you receive an error. You
must rename your local document or add the new version to the cloud document

To upload a document from your local file system:


Open the Conversation or wall you want to add the document to.


On the Messages tab, click

under the text box.

Alternatively, on the Documents tab, click Add Documents.


Click Upload.


Select one or more documents, then click OK.


For each file, you can leave the default at New Document or select to replace
another file with this newer version.
Note: Uploading a document with the same name as an earlier uploaded
document creates a new version.


Optionally, for each file, select whether to allow downloading and copying:


Allow document to be copied to allow people to copy the document to other

Conversations and walls (or to duplicate it in the same Conversation or wall).
Disable download and copy to prevent anyone from downloading or copying
this document to other Conversations and walls.

Optionally, for each file click Add Comment to add a comment to post with the
Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?


Click Start Upload.

Alternatively, you can drag a file from your file system to the Documents tab.
Note: Dragging a file from your file system and dropping it into Oracle Social
Network works with Chrome and Firefox browsers, but it is not supported in Internet
Explorer browsers.

How do I add a document from a cloud document store?

You can upload files from your local file systems and, if you have an account with a
cloud document store (for example, Google Drive), you can also add files from your
cloud document store account. This section describes how to add a document from a

7-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Documents

cloud document store. For information about uploading a file from your local file
system, see How do I upload a document from my local file system?

You can add files of all kinds and sizes to Oracle Social Network, but file previews
show only the first 100 pages.
Before you can get documents from your cloud document store, your
administrator must enable this action and you must authorize your instance by
providing your account login (for more information, see How can I connect to my
documents in the cloud?).
Documents formatted in Google's proprietary format are automatically converted
to PDF when added to Oracle Social Network. You can't copy Google proprietary
format documents back to Google Drive, but you can copy the PDF version of
these documents. Unlike other file types, Google proprietary documents converted
to PDF are not automatically returned to their original location in Google Drive.
Annotation marks and comments added to any file type in Oracle Social Network
are not included when you copy files back to your cloud document store (for more
information, see How do I copy a file?).

To add documents from a cloud document store:


Open the Conversation or wall you want to add the document to.


On the Messages tab, click

under the text box.

Alternatively, on the Documents tab, navigate to the folder where you want to add
documents, then click Add Documents.

Click Add from Cloud Document Store.


In the Add File(s) dialog, select a cloud document store.


Select the document to copy, then click Add.


Optionally, enter a comment in the field provided.

Alternatively, you can add a document from the Messages tab by clicking
the message field.


How do I download a file to my computer?

There are several ways to download a file to your computer:

To download a document from the Overview page or the Messages tab of a

Conversation, click Download under the file.
To download a document from the document preview, click Download above the
To download a document from the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab,
right-click a document and select Download, or select one or more documents and
click Download at the top of the list.


When anyone uploads a file, they have the option of preventing anyone from
copying or downloading it. This means you might come across files that don't
have a download option.
If the document is from a cloud document store, a browser window opens, where
you can download the file or view the online preview of the file.

Working with Documents and Folders


Working with Documents

How do I copy a file?


Bring up the copy menu using one of the following methods:


To copy a document from the Overview page or the Messages tab of a

Conversation, click Copy under the file.
To copy a document from the document preview, click Copy above the
To copy a document from the Documents tab of a Conversation, right-click a
document and select Copy, or select one or more documents and click Copy at
the top of the list.

Select one of the following options:

Copy to New ConversationTo create a new Conversation and add this file
to it. Enter a name for the Conversation, select the visibility, and select
members as described in How do I start a Conversation?
Copy to Existing ConversationTo select from a list of existing
Conversations and walls. Choose a tab to help narrow your selection:
- Recent to select from recently active Conversations and walls.
- Favorites to select from your favorite Conversations and walls.
- Search Results to enter a search term and select from the results. You can
search from any of these tabs; results appear on the Search Results tab.

Copy to Cloud Document StoreTo copy the file to your cloud document
store. Select a destination, click Copy, then click Done.

Note: When anyone uploads a file, they have the option of preventing anyone from
copying or downloading it. This means you might come across files that don't have a
copy option.

How do I move a file to a folder?

Move options become available when the Conversation or wall's Documents tab
includes at least one folder. You can use a Move button or menu option, or you can
drag files into and out of folders. This topic describes how to use the Move menu
Note: Dragging a file from your file system and dropping it into Oracle Social
Network works with Chrome and Firefox browsers, but it is not supported in Internet
Explorer browsers.

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, right-click the file you want to
move, and select Move.


In the Move dialog, select a destination folder, then click Move.

How do I print a file?

Download the file and print it like you would any other file (see How do I download a
file to my computer?).

How do I delete a file?

You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall.

7-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Folders

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

If a document has multiple versions, and you delete the document from the
messages list (rather than from the Documents tab), you delete only the selected
Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the
Conversation or wall.

To delete a file, on the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, right-click the file, and
select Delete. Both the document and the associated message are deleted.
Alternatively, delete the message that includes the file by clicking

To restore a deleted file, in the Messages list, locate the deleted message icon (
where the document message used to be, click
, then confirm that you want to
restore the message. The message and document are restored.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the file, or the person who
deleted the file can restore the deleted file.

Working with Folders

How do I create a folder?
Wherever you can filter a page view to show just documents, you can also create
folders. Use folders to organize your document lists into manageable groupings of
related documents and for a simple way to download multiple documents in one
Tip: Folder names should be no longer than 256 characters.

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, click New Folder.

A new folder with the default name New Folder is created.


Right-click the folder, and select Rename Folder.


Enter the new folder name in the field that opens to the right of the folder icon,
then press Enter.

How do I rename a folder?

Folder names should be no longer than 256 characters.

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, right-click the folder, and select
Rename Folder.


Enter the new folder name in the field that opens to the right of the folder icon,
then press Enter.

How do I copy a folder?

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, right-click the folder and select one of
the following options:

Copy to New ConversationTo create a new Conversation and add this folder to
it. Enter a name for the Conversation, select the visibility, and select members as
described in How do I start a Conversation?

Working with Documents and Folders 7-11

Working with Folders

Copy to Existing ConversationTo select from a list of existing Conversations

and walls. Choose a tab to help narrow your selection:
- Recent to select from recently active Conversations and walls.
- Favorites to select from your favorite Conversations and walls.
- Search Results to enter a search term and select from the results. You can search
from any of these tabs; results appear on the Search Results tab.

How do I move a folder?

You can move a folder to a new position in its current Conversation or wall by
dragging and dropping it or by using a Move button or menu option. This topic
describes how to move a folder using the menu option.
Note: Dragging a file from your file system and dropping it into Oracle Social
Network works with Chrome and Firefox browsers, but it is not supported in Internet
Explorer browsers.

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, right-click the folder and select


In the Move dialog, select a destination, then click Move.

How do I drag files out of a folder?


Open the folder.


Drag the document you want to remove to the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.
For example, drag your selection to Documents:
<Conversation_name>: Documents > <folder_name>


Drop your selection on the Documents breadcrumb.

This moves your selection out of the folder to the top level of the Conversation's or
wall's Documents tab.

How do I download a folder?

On the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, right-click the folder, then select

How do I delete a folder?

You can delete folders you created (as long as they don't contain anyone else's
documents or folders) or folders on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any folder.

Deleting a folder also deletes all the files and subfolders it contains.

Deleting a folder deletes it for all members of the Conversation or wall.

To delete a folder, on the Conversation's or wall's Documents tab, right-click the

folder, and select Delete. The folder, its contents, and the associated message are
Alternatively, delete the message that includes the folder by clicking

7-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Folders

To restore a deleted folder and its contents, in the Messages list, locate the deleted
message icon (
) where the folder message used to be, click
, then confirm that
you want to restore the folder. The message, folder, and folder contents are restored.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who created the folder, or the person
who deleted the folder can restore the deleted folder.

Working with Documents and Folders 7-13

Working with Folders

7-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with People and Groups

These topics provide information about people and groups in Oracle Social Network.
They describe how to invite people to join Oracle Social Network, how to add people
and groups to Conversations and walls, how to make someone your contact, follow
someone, create a group, and other types of people and group-related tasks. It includes
the following sections:

"Working with People"

"Working with Groups"

Note: For information about accessing and developing your personal profile, see How
do I set up or change my profile?

Working with People

How do I view a person's profile or interact with someone in Oracle Social Network?
Throughout Oracle Social Network you'll see people's pictures and/or names. To view
a person's profile or interact with someone you simply click the person's picture or
name. Depending on where you are in Oracle Social Network, add the person as a
contact, start a one-on-one conversation with the person, or, if the person works in
your company, you can follow the person.
On the People & Groups page you see recommendations (people you might want to
follow), people you follow, your followers, and your contacts.
For more information, see:

How do I start a one-on-one Conversation with someone?

How do I view or post a message to someone's wall?

How do I find people I might want to follow?

How do I start or stop following someone?

How do I see who's following me?

How do I add or remove contacts?

How do I invite people to join Oracle Social Network?

How do I see who's online?

The colored circle around a person's picture signifies the person's presence status:

Working with People and Groups


Working with People

- A full green circle around the person's picture shows that the person is
available (logged in to and currently interacting with Oracle Social Network).
- A three-quarter yellow circle around the person's picture shows that the
person is idle (logged in to but not currently interacting with Oracle Social
- A half gray circle around the person's picture shows that the person is offline
(not logged in to Oracle Social Network).

An animated pencil icon in the lower right corner indicates that the person is entering
content in the current Conversation or on the current wall.

How do I start a one-on-one Conversation with someone?

There are several ways to start a one-on-one Conversation with someone:

In the Recent Activity or Contacts sections of the Social Bar, click the person's
picture, then click Open One-on-One.
Note: In narrower browser windows, the Social Bar is collapsed to just its header
(Contacts & Activities). Click the header to expand the Social Bar. Click it again to
collapse it.

When viewing a Conversation, click the person's picture in the Conversation

membership bar, then click Open One-on-One.
Anywhere else you see a person's name or picture, click it to open their profile. At
the top of their profile, click More, then click Open One-on-One.

How do I view or post a message to someone's wall?

Note: Outside users (people outside your company) have profiles, but they don't have
walls. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their
names. If you want to post something to an outside user, you can do so through a
one-on-one conversation. For more information, see How do I start a one-on-one
Conversation with someone?
When you post to someone's wall, the post is visible to other users (unlike a
one-on-one Conversation).
To view or post to someone's wall:

Click the person's picture or name to get to their profile. Their profile opens to
their wall.


Working with posts on someone's wall is like any other Conversation. For
information about working with posts in a Conversation, see the topics under
Managing Messages

You must be following the person to post to their wall.

If you don't see the text box at the top of a person's wall, you aren't following
the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her wall.

How do I find people I might want to follow?

You can find people you might want to follow in Conversations you participate in, but
you can also see a list of recommended people on the People & Groups page. Oracle
Social Network generates the recommendations list based on actions you have in

8-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with People

common with othersdocuments you've both read, Conversations you're both

members of, and other commonly taken actions.
To view your recommendations, click People & Groups in the banner, then click
Recommendations on the left.
Each recommendation includes the person's name, title, email address, the reason they
were recommended, a Follow button, and an Ignore button.

How do I start or stop following someone?

Note: You can't follow outside users (people outside your company), but you can add
them to your contacts. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons
( ) after their names. For more information, see How do I add or remove contacts?
Following people adds them as contacts, which means you can post messages to their
walls and track their wall activity on the Overview page. You can also set up your
notifications to receive a summary about their activity in a daily digest.
There are several ways to follow a person:

Click People & Groups in the banner, then click Follow next to the person you
want to follow.
Click the person's picture or name to get to their profile, then click Follow at the
top of their profile.
When viewing the list of people who like something, click Follow next to the
person you want to follow.

There are several ways to see who you're currently following:

Click People & Groups in the banner, then click People You Follow on the left.
Open your profile page and look under the heading Following n People.
Optionally, click View all followed people to see everyone you follow in a list

There are several ways to stop following someone:

Click People & Groups in the banner, click People You Follow on the left, then
click Following next to the person you want to stop following (the text changes to
Stop Following when you place your mouse over the button).
You are asked if you also want to remove that person from your contacts.

When viewing the list of people who like something, click Following next to the
person you want to stop following (the text changes to Stop Following when you
place your mouse over the button).

How do I see who's following me?

There are several ways to view the people who follow you:

Click People & Groups in the banner, and then click Your Followers on the left.
Open your profile page and look under the heading n Followers. Optionally, click
View all followers to see everyone who follows you in a list format.

How do I add or remove contacts?

Making someone a contact adds them under Contacts in the Social Bar, making it easy
to start a one-on-one conversation with them and see their online status.

Working with People and Groups


Working with People

There are several ways to add a contact:

Click People & Groups in the banner, then click Follow next to the person you
want to add as a contact (following a person also adds them as a contact).
When viewing a Conversation, click the person's picture in the Conversation
membership bar, then click Add to Contacts.
Note: If you want to post messages to a person's wall, track the person's wall
activity, or receive notifications about the person, you also need to follow the

There are several ways to view your contacts:

Look at the Contacts section in the Social Bar (on the right side of any page in
Oracle Social Network).
Note: In narrower browser windows, the Social Bar is collapsed to just its header
(Contacts & Activities). Click the header to expand the Social Bar. Click it again to
collapse it.

Click People & Groups in the banner, then click Contacts on the left.

There are several ways to remove a contact:

In the Contacts section of the Social Bar, click the contact you want to remove, then
click Remove from Contacts.
Note: In narrower browser windows, the Social Bar is collapsed to just its header
(Contacts & Activities). Click the header to expand the Social Bar. Click it again to
collapse it.

Click People & Groups in the banner, click Contacts on the left, then click Remove
from Contacts next to the contact you want to remove.
You are asked if you also want to stop following the person. If you do, you will no
longer be able to post to the person's wall.

When viewing a Conversation, click the person's picture in the Conversation

membership bar, then click Remove from Contacts.

How do I invite people to join Oracle Social Network?

Note: Your Oracle Social Network service administrator can turn off invitations to
prevent adding people to the network.

Click People & Groups in the banner, then click Invite People on the left.


In the invitation dialog, enter email addresses separated by commas.

You can also search by entering part of a person's name, and select them from the
list that pops up.


Click Invite to send each person you invited an email that contains a link to Oracle
Social Network.

What are "unregistered users"?

Unregistered users are people who are in your company's directory but are not yet
members of Oracle Social Network. When you add people to a Conversation or wall,
the word unregistered appears next to the names of unregistered users and a warning
dialog alerts you to their unregistered status.

8-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Groups

When you add an unregistered person to a Conversation, they receive an email with a
link to set up their account.

Working with Groups

How do I view groups?
To view your groups, click People & Groups in the banner, then click a filter on the
left to adjust your view:

YoursThe groups you're a member of

FavoritesThe groups you have marked as favorites

MutedThe groups you've muted

For more information, see How do I mute or unmute a group?

DeactivatedThe groups that are no longer active

For more information, see How do I deactivate or reactivate a group?

Click a listed group to open its wall. To the right of the group wall, you can view the
following details about a group:

To see which Conversations the group is participating in, click Member Of.

To see the documents posted to the group's wall, click Documents.

To see who's in a group, click Show list of all group members.

To see which groups a group belongs to, see the list to the right of the wall under
Belongs To.
To return to the group wall, click Wall.
For more information, see How do I view or post a message to a group's wall?

How do I create group?

To create a group:

Click People & Groups in the banner, then click New Group on the left.


In the Group Name box, enter a name for the group.


Under Search and Add New Members, move groups and people to the right
column to add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select
more than one person or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of your contacts. Click a tab to change your view:

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a group.
Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their

Working with People and Groups


Working with Groups

To add a group description and profile picture, see steps 3 and 4 of How do I edit a

How do I edit a group?

To edit a group:

Click People & Groups in the banner, click one of the group filters, then click the
group to open it.


To change the name of the group, click the group name, then enter a new one.


To add or change the group description, click the description (under the group
name), then enter the description.


To add or change the profile picture for the group:


Mouse over the group's profile picture, and click Change.

To remove the group's profile picture, click Clear.


In the Picture Upload dialog, click Browse, then select a picture.


If you want, crop the picture.

Note: If you use Mozilla Firefox and JAWS, you must disable pop-ups before you
upload a profile picture. If you don't disable pop-ups, the upload dialog won't

To add or remove members:


Click Add People, or click

Members dialog.

next to n Members to open the Update


In the Update Members dialog, move groups and people to the right column
to add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select
more than one person or group.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select
them from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of your contacts. Click a tab to change your view:

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a group.
Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after
their names.

How do I view or post a message to a group's wall?

Like individual people, groups have their own identities, which include their own
walls. On a group wall, group members can post messages and content of interest to
the group.
To view or post to a group's wall:

Click People & Groups in the banner, click one of the group filters, then click the
group to open its wall.


Working with posts on a group wall is like any other Conversation. For
information about working with posts in a Conversation, see the topics under
Managing Messages

8-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Groups

Note: You must be a member of the group to post to the group's wall.

How do I start a Conversation with a group?


Click People & Groups in the banner, click one of the group filters, then click the
group to open it.


Mouse over the group, click More, then click Start a Conversation.
The Create a New Conversation dialog opens, with the group selected as a

How do I mute or unmute a group?

When you mute a group, it affects only your view. Muting hides the group from your
list of groups and prevents the group's recent activities from appearing in your daily
email digest and in the Recent Activities sections in the Social Bar and on the
Overview page. Here are some more facts about muting:

Muting hides the group from the Yours and Favorites lists on the People &
Groups page.
Flags assigned on a message in a muted group wall do appear in your daily email
digest (for information about the daily email digest, see How do I set up or change
my notifications?).
You can continue to post messages to a muted group's wall.

To mute a group:


Click People & Groups in the banner, then select one of the following group filters
on the left:

YoursTo show a list of all the groups you belong to

FavoritesTo show all the groups you have marked as a favorite

Mouse over a group, and click Mute.

The group disappears from the current list and appears when you apply the
Muted filter.

To unmute a group:

Click People & Groups in the banner, then click Muted on the left.


Mouse over a muted group, and click Unmute.

The group disappears from the list of muted groups and appears when you apply
the Yours filter.

How do I remove myself from a group?

When you remove yourself from a group, you also remove yourself from every
Conversation the group is a member of. Once you remove yourself from a group, you
can't add yourself back in. It's up to another member of the group to do that for you.
Note: Some system configurations prevent you from removing yourself from a group.
For example, you can't remove yourself from a group that is synced up with a group in
your LDAP directory.

Click People & Groups in the banner, click one of the group filters, then click the
group to open it.

Working with People and Groups


Working with Groups


Mouse over the group, click More, then click Remove Yourself.
Tip: There is also a Remove Yourself option on the More menu on the group's

How do I deactivate or reactivate a group?

Deactivating a group prevents it from being added to more Conversations, disables
new posts to its wall, and moves the group to the Deactivated list on the Groups page.
Deactivating does not remove the group from the Conversations it already belongs to.
You can reactivate a deactivated group any time.
To deactivate a group:

Click People & Groups in the banner, click one of the group filters, then click the
group to open it.


Click More, then click Deactivate.

To reactivate a group:

Click People & Groups in the banner, click Deactivated on the left, then click the
group to open it.


Click More, then click Activate.

8-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft

These sections introduce the Oracle Social Network add-in for Microsoft Outlook and
describe how to use it:

"Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook"

"Disabling and Re-Enabling the Add-In for Outlook"

"Managing Your Oracle Social Network Account in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook"

"Setting Up Your Profile in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Using Flags in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Using Conferences in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Using Collections in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Using Social Objects in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In"

"Liking and Adding Favorites in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Using Search in the Add-In for Outlook"

"Working Offline"

Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook
What is the Oracle Social Network add-in for Outlook?
The add-in is the Oracle Social Network client that is integrated with your Microsoft
Outlook application. Use the add-in to access your Oracle Social Network
Conversations, collections, documents, flags, Social Objects, and other features within
The add-in supports both 32 and 64 bit versions of Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2010, and

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-1

Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook

For more information, see:

How do I download and install the add-in for Outlook?

How do I increase the add-in's accessibility?

What keyboard shortcuts are available for navigating the add-in for Outlook?

How do I download and install the add-in for Outlook?


Close Microsoft Outlook.


Get the .exe installation file from the Downloads page in the full version of Oracle
Social Network (in your browser):

Log in to Oracle Social Network in your browser.


Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, then click


On the Downloads page, click the link under Add-in for Microsoft Outlook
to start the download.


Run the .exe installation file.


Follow the instructions in the install wizard.

How do I log-in to the add-in for Outlook?

Important: If you received an email invite to join Oracle Social Network, you must log
in through the web client and change your temporary password before you use the
add-in for Outlook. Click the link in the invite to open the web client.
After you install the add-in, the first time you open Outlook, you'll be prompted for
your Oracle Social Network login information:

If necessary, in the Server field, enter the URL to your Oracle Social Network
For example, if your Oracle Social Network URL is then you would enter


In the User Name field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.


In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.


To log in automatically in future sessions, select Remember password.


To give yourself the option of selecting a different account at login, select Ask for
an account at startup.


Click Sign In.

You can pre-configure one or more Oracle Social Network accounts and easily switch
between them. For more information, see:

How do I set up a new account?

How do I switch between add-in accounts?

Understanding add-in panel and action icons

In addition to labels, the add-in for Outlook uses many icons to make destinations,
object types, and actions easy to discover. For example, the navigation bar at the top of

9-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook

the add-in uses icons to represent the add-in's main destinations. Your add-in instance
may show all or a selection of these icons.

This table catalogs the main add-in icons and explains what they're for.
Table 91

Icons in the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook




Shows the latest actions of the people you follow,

the latest posts in the Conversations and walls
you're a member of, and messages that include
hashtags you follow (from public Conversations
and walls, even those you are not a member of).

New Conversation



On the Overview panel, these icons are available

for creating a new Conversation and accessing
Overview panel options. Options include creating
a new Conversation and filtering your list of
Shows a list of flags assigned to you or that you
assigned, depending on the filter you apply.
For more information, see Using Flags in the
Add-In for Outlook.


The Options menu on the Flags panel has filtering

and sorting options for your list of flag


Shows the items you marked as a favorite. The list

can include messages, documents, Conversations,
walls, Social Objects, and collections.
For more information, see Liking and Adding
Favorites in the Add-In for Outlook.


The Options menu on the Favorites panel has

filtering and sorting options for your list of


Shows the Conversations you're a member of or

that are available to you to join (public
Conversations), depending on how you filtered
and sorted the list.
For more information, see Using Conversations in
the Add-In for Outlook.

New Conversation



On the Conversations panel, these icons are

available for creating a new Conversation and
accessing Conversation panel options. Options
include creating a new Conversation, viewing
active conferences, and filtering, sorting, and
arranging your list of Conversations.
Shows the collections you created or are a member
For more information, see Using Collections in the
Add-In for Outlook.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-3

Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook

Table 91 (Cont.) Icons in the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook


Create a new Collection


Find documents

Add Documents


People and Groups

On the Collections panel, these icons are available
for creating a new collection and accessing
Collections panel options. Options include
creating a new collection and filtering, sorting,
and arranging your list of collections.
On the Documents panel, these icons are available
for searching exclusively for documents, adding
documents from your local file system or your
cloud document store, and accessing Documents
panel options. Options include finding, adding,
and filtering documents.
Depending on which tab you select, the People
and Groups panel shows your list of contacts; a
list of the groups you are a member of; and lists of
people who follow you, who you follow, and
people recommended to you as contacts.
For more information, see Working with People
and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook.



People You Follow

Your Followers


Social Objects

This row of tabs on the People and Groups panel

is for navigating to its various lists of people and

Shows all the Social Objects you are a member of.

Click this icon to open a selection list of all types
of Social Objects.
For more information, see Using Social Objects in
the Add-In for Outlook.

At the bottom of the panel, icons are available for opening three menus:

The Accounts menu has options for switching your view to
additional Oracle Social Network accounts, opening the Manage Accounts dialog
to create or delete accounts, and working offline or reconnecting to the server. (For
more information, see What are Oracle Social Network accounts? and Working
Help The Help menu has options for opening Oracle Social Network Help
Center, contacting Oracle Support, navigating to discussion forums about Oracle
Social Network (Community), and accessing the About dialog with its links to the
latest versions of the add-in and troubleshooting help (see How can I troubleshoot
my accounts?).
The Settings menu has options for navigating to your wall or your
preferences, editing your profile, displaying message fragments or full view,
monitoring file transfer progress, or opening the full view of Oracle Social
Network. (For more information, see Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for

What do the icons next to items mean?

When item names appear in selection lists, they are accompanied by small icons that
identify the item's type. Here's what they mean.

9-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook

Table 92

Item Type Icons in the Add-In for Outlook


Private, members-only, or One-on-One Conversation

Public Conversation

Profile or group wall


Social Object (Social Object icons will vary from business to

Social Object

Social Object

Outside user (a person outside your company)

How do I increase the add-in's accessibility?

When the default setting Enable Screen Reader is enabled in the add-in for Outlook,
messages are accessible (this view is called compact view). In compact view, you can
access the full text of any message by navigating to the message, which automatically
opens the full message in a tooltip. In compact view, you can also navigate to any
message that you posted and press Enter to open the full message in an editor.
Note: To ensure your screen reader delivers the entire message, be sure to set it to its
most verbose level.
For more information, see:

How do I enable screen reader mode?

What keyboard shortcuts are available for navigating the add-in for Outlook?

How do I enable screen reader mode?


at the bottom of the panel, then click Enable Screen Reader Mode.

Messages are now shown in compact view (where no more than two lines of any
message are shown), and the add-in for Outlook is switched to accessibility mode.
Alternatively, you can enable screen reader mode in Preferences:


at the bottom of the panel, then click Preferences to open the User Profile

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-5

Getting Started with the Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook


Under Conversation View, select Enable Screen Reader Mode.


Click OK.

What keyboard shortcuts are available for navigating the add-in for Outlook?

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+TToggle the add-in panel between open and closed

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+OSwitch keyboard focus from Outlook to the add-in panel

Up Arrow/Down ArrowMove around within a section

TabMove down from section to section

Shift+TabMove up from section to section

Ctrl+TabMove out of any message area to other controls

Select item+Spacebar or select item+Shift+F10Opens the Options menu on any

item, including messages, flags, bannerswherever there is an Options menu
Use your keyboard's Up and Down Arrow keys to navigate menu options.

Note: You can navigate tab bars using your keyboard's left and right arrow keys. For
example, you can use your keyboards arrow keys to navigate the tab bar in a

Note, however, if you navigate left from the first tab or right from the last, the tab bar
loses focus, and you must use your keyboard's Tab (forward) or Shift+Tab (backward)
keys to return focus to it.

What keyboard shortcuts are available in Conversations and walls?

Select Conversation+EnterOpens a detailed view of the selected Conversation

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VMoves from a Conversation or wall's detailed view to the list
For example, this shortcut moves from a Conversation's details to the list of
Conversations; from a group wall to the list of groups; from a collection's wall to
the list of collections; and so on.

Select message+EnterOpens a dialog for viewing and editing messages you post

Ctrl+TabMove from area to area in the Edit Entry dialog

Note: You can navigate tab bars using your keyboard's left and right arrow keys. For
example, you can use your keyboards arrow keys to navigate the tab bar in a

Note, however, if you navigate left from the first tab or right from the last, the tab bar
loses focus, and you must use your keyboard's Tab (forward) or Shift+Tab (backward)
keys to return focus to it.

9-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Disabling and Re-Enabling the Add-In for Outlook

Disabling and Re-Enabling the Add-In for Outlook

How do I disable the add-in for Outlook in Outlook 2007?
The Oracle Social Network add-in for Outlook is like any other Outlook add-in. The
steps you take to disable it are the same for all types of add-ins.

From the Tools menu, select Trust Center to open the Trust Center dialog.


Click Add-ins to show the list of Outlook add-ins.


Verify that Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook is included in the list.


At the bottom of the dialog, ensure that COM Add-Ins is selected next to Manage.


Clear the check box Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins


Click Go to open the COM add-ins dialog.


Clear the check box next to Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook.


Click OK.

How do I disable the add-in for Outlook in Outlook 2010 or 2013?

The Oracle Social Network add-in for Outlook is like any other Outlook add-in. The
steps you take to disable it are the same for all types of add-ins.

From the File menu, select Options then add-ins to open the Trust Center dialog
with add-ins selected.


Verify that Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook is on the list of add-ins.


At the bottom of the dialog, ensure that COM Add-ins is selected next to Manage.


Clear the check box, Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins.


Click Go to open the COM add-ins dialog.


Clear the check box next to Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook.


Click OK.

How do I re-enable the add-in for Outlook in Outlook 2007?

If you have disabled the add-in for Outlook, in Outlook 2007, you can re-enable it as
you would any other Outlook add-in.

First check whether Outlook has added the add-in to their Disabled Items list:

On the Help menu, select Disabled Items to open the Disabled Items dialog.


If the add-in is listed in the dialog, go to step c. Otherwise, go to step 2.


Select Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook, and click Enable.


From the Tools menu, select Trust Center to open the Trust Center dialog.


Click Add-ins to show your current list of Outlook add-ins.


Verify that Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook is included on the list.


Next to Manage, select COM Add-ins.


Clear the check box Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-7

Managing Your Oracle Social Network Account in the Add-In for Outlook


Click Go to open the COM add-ins dialog.


In the dialog, select the check box Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook.


Click OK.

How do I re-enable the add-in for Outlook 2010 or 2013?

Once you have disabled the add-in for Outlook, in Outlook 2010 or 2013, you can
re-enable it as you would any other Outlook add-in.

First check whether Outlook as added the add-in to their Disabled Items list:

On the Help menu, select Disabled Items to open the Disabled Items dialog.


If the add-in is listed, go to step c. Otherwise, go to step 2.


Select Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook, and click Enable.


From the File menu, select Options then Add-Ins to open the Trust Center dialog.


Verify that Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook is included on the list.


Next to Manage, select COM Add-ins.


Clear the Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins check box.


Click Go to open the COM add-ins dialog.


In the dialog, select the check box Oracle Social Network Add-In for Outlook.


Click OK.

Managing Your Oracle Social Network Account in the Add-In for Outlook
What are Oracle Social Network accounts?
An Oracle Social Network account is your connection to a server that is hosting an
instance of Oracle Social Network. Your organization may have multiple servers, each
offering its own instance of Oracle Social Network. If you can log on to two or more of
these, then you can say you have multiple accounts.
Note: In the add-in for Outlook, you can interact with only one Oracle Social Network
account at a time.
Your system administrator will likely set up your system to automatically connect to
the necessary accounts. However, you may be required to supply your name and
password at the start of every session.
The first time you start the add-in for Outlook, the Manage Accounts dialog opens
with options for configuring this and future sessions. There are options for:

Hiding the Manage Accounts dialog at future start-ups

Selecting the account you want to use in this session

Saving your password for future sessions

Working offline (for more information, see Working Offline)

If you have only one account, you may want to save your password and hide the
Manage Accounts dialog. Or, you may want to save your password, but continue to

9-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Your Oracle Social Network Account in the Add-In for Outlook

open this dialog so that you always have the option to select the account to use in this

How do I set up a new account?

When your company has multiple Oracle Social Network accounts, you can preset
connections to all of them in the add-in for Outlook.
Tip: Switching between accounts is as simple as selecting an account from the
Accounts menu (see How do I switch between add-in accounts?).

If necessary, click Show Panel in the Outlook ribbon to open the add-in panel.


At the bottom of the panel, open the Accounts menu, and select Manage


In the Manage Accounts dialog, click


In the Account field, enter a name for the account to appear on the Accounts


In the Server field, enter the URL to the server that hosts the new Oracle Social
Network account.

to the right of the Account field.

Enter server name, port number, and instance. For example:

If you don't provide a port number, a default value for the connection type is used.

In the User Name field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.


In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.


Select the Remember password check box to save your user name and password
and log in automatically the next time you open this account.


Click OK.

How can I see my account status?

Account status tells you which account you are using and whether you are active,
inactive, or offline. In the add-in for Outlook, account status is shown at the bottom of
the add-in.

A colored ball to the left of the Accounts menu and a line of text to the right show
whether you are active (green), inactive (yellow), or offline (gray).

How do I switch between add-in accounts?

In the add-in for Outlook, open the Accounts menu and select the account you want to
use. You may be prompted to log in.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-9

Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook

How do I disconnect from an account?

From the Accounts menu, either select another account or click Work Online to
deselect it (for more information about Work Online, see Working Offline).

How do I delete an account?


From the Accounts menu, select Manage Accounts.


From the Account list, select the account to delete.




In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

to the right of the Account list.

How can I troubleshoot my accounts?

The Support dialog provides access to reports and logs to help you troubleshoot (with
the help of My Oracle Support) issues you might encounter.



Click one of the buttons at the bottom of the dialog to view reports or logs:

, select Support.

Click Reports to generate a report about activities in your social network's

code over a selected period.
Click Logging to set a logging level, configure log output, and to save your log
to a file.

You can then send the reports or logs to My Oracle Support.

The Oracle Social Network Community Forum is a discussion forum where you can
talk with experts and fellow users. Click , and select Community.

Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook

How do I set my add-in preferences?



On the General tab, set preferences for messages.


Where do I specify whether to enable screen reader mode?

How do I hide message tooltips?

How do I set the options for marking messages as read?

How do I get notified about new messages in my One-on-One Conversations?

How do I hide membership messages by default?

How do I set up how to post messages?

On the Walls tab, select who can post to and reply on your wall.


, and select Preferences.

How do I control who can post to my wall?

On the Conferences tab, enter your account information for web conference

How do I set a web conference user name and password?

9-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook


On the Cloud Documents tab, enter your account information for cloud document


On the Notifications tab, select when to receive email notifications about activities
in Oracle Social Network.


How do I set my add-in for Outlook notification options?

On the Posting Email tab, select whether you want to be prompted to post email
messages to Oracle Social Network and what happen when you do post those


How do I connect to my documents in the cloud?

How do I tell Outlook to prompt me to use Oracle Social Network?

On the Offline tab, select what gets downloaded when you mark a Conversation
for offline use and the location the offline data is saved to.

How do I set offline preferences?

Where do I specify whether to enable screen reader mode?

If you want messages to be accessible to a screen reader, select Enable Screen Reader
Mode. For more information, see How do I increase the add-in's accessibility?



On the General tab, select or clear display options under Message View:

, and select Preferences.

Select Enable Screen Reader Mode to show messages in compact view. In

compact view, no more than two lines of text is shown with a given message.
Screen readers can read the entire message in the message's tooltip.
Clear Enable Screen Reader Mode to show the full text of all messages.

How do I hide message tooltips?




On the General tab, select or clear tooltip options under Conversation View:

, and select Preferences.

Select Hide Tooltips to prevent tooltips from appearing when you mouse over
a message and over icons and options in banners.
Clear Hide Tooltips to show tooltips when you mouse over a message and
over icons and options in banners.

Note: If you want messages to be accessiblefor example, to a screen readerdo not

select this option.

How do I set the options for marking messages as read?




On the General tab, select or clear options under Message View:

, and select Preferences.

Mark items as read when viewed in a tooltipSelect this option so that,

when you view a message in a tooltip for the specified amount of time, it's
marked as read. Specify the number of seconds in the field that follows the
label Mark item as read when viewed for (seconds).

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-11

Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook

In Outlook, when you mouse over a message, a tooltip opens showing the full
text of the message. If you specify that a view is 2 seconds, then after the
tooltip is open for 2 seconds, the item is marked as read.
Note: When Enable Screen Reader Mode is selected, Mark items as read
when viewed in a tooltip affects only Overview and flags views.

Mark items as read when selection changesA message is marked as read

when you move from it to another item.

How do I get notified about new messages in my One-on-One Conversations?



, and select Preferences.


On the General tab, under Message View, select Alert me to new messages in
One-on-One Conversations to trigger three flashes in Outlook when someone
posts a message to a One-on-One Conversation with you and the Outlook window
is not in focus.

How do I hide membership messages by default?

When a user is added to or removed from an item a membership message is posted to
the item (for example, This Conversation is now accessible to: Jane Doe). If you'd prefer not
to show those messages, you can hide them.



Select or clear hide membership options under Message View:

, and select Preferences.

Select Hide membership messages by default to prevent membership

messages from showing in all items.
Clear Hide membership messages by default to allow membership messages
to show in all items.

You can override this setting on individual items (see How do I hide membership

How do I set up how to post messages?




On the General tab, select or clear submit message options under Message
Posting Behavior:

, and select Preferences.

Select Use Post button to post messages by clicking Post. Enter line breaks in
your messages using the Enter key
Select Use Enter key to post messages by pressing the Enter key. Enter line
breaks in your messages using Shift+Enter.

How do I control who can post to my wall?

Use Walls preferences to control whether other people can post or reply to messages
and documents on your wall:


, then click Preferences.


Click Walls.


Under Post to Your Wall, specify whether other people (your followers) can post
messages on your wall.

9-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook


Under Reply on Your Wall, specify whether other people (your followers) can
reply to messages or annotate documents on your wall.

How do I set a web conference user name and password?

Entering your conference user name and password lets you start or join conferences
without having to enter this information each time. The Start or Join dialog opens
pre-populated with the information you enter here.
Note: To start a conference, you must have an account with your conference
application. You can join a conference whether or not you have an account.


, then click Preferences.


Click Conferences.
Note: The fields that you see on the Conferences panel come from the server and
may not be the same as the fields described in the next steps. The fields described
here are for example only.


From the Service Name drop-down list, select your conference application.


In the Site Name field, enter the name of your conference instance.
For example, enter acmeweb.


In the User Name field, enter your conference account user name.


In the Password field, enter your conference account password.


Click OK.

How do I connect to my documents in the cloud?

Assuming your administrator has enabled the use of a cloud document service, like
Google Drive, all you have to do is associate your account information with Oracle
Social Network to be able to add those documents to your Conversations and walls.
Note: Documents formatted in Google's proprietary format are automatically
converted to PDF when downloaded to Oracle Social Network. You can't copy Google
proprietary format documents back to Google Drive, but you can copy the PDF version
of these documents. Unlike other file types, Google proprietary documents converted
to PDF are not automatically returned to their original location in Google Drive.
Annotation marks and comments are not included when you copy from Oracle Social
Network back to a cloud document service.



Click Cloud Documents.


In the Service Name list, select the type of cloud document service you want to
connect to.


In the Settings section, supply your account information:

, then click Preferences.

For Google Drive, click Configure. The full version of Oracle Social Network
opens. Click Authorize, log in to your account, then click Accept.
For other cloud document services, enter your username and password, then
click OK.

The next time you add a document in Oracle Social Network, you'll be able to access
your documents in the cloud in the file picker.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-13

Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook

How do I set my add-in for Outlook notification options?




Click Notifications.


Set your notification options:

, then click Preferences.

Select Send me an email when someone: to get an email when one or more of
the following options is selected:

Assigns a Please Reply Urgent flag to me

Note: This option is grayed-out because you always receive a notification
email when someone assigns one to you.

Assigns a Please Reply flag to me

Assigns a For Your Information Flag to me

Clears a Please Reply Urgent flag assigned to or by me

Clears a Please Reply flag assigned to or by me

Clears a For Your Information flag assigned to or by me

Posts on my wallWhen someone posts a message to your wall

Posts to a One-on-One Conversation with me when I am offline

Adds me to a Conversation, collection, or other item

Select Send me a daily summary of the activity of all the people and content
I care about to get an email that summarizes your day's flags, messages, and
Select your time zone.

How do I tell Outlook to prompt me to use Oracle Social Network?

If you start to send an email to at least one user who is part of your social network, the
add-in for Outlook can prompt you to create a new Conversation or post to an existing
Conversation or wall in Oracle Social Network to improve collaboration. You can
control the prompt and the default action in your preferences.



Click Posting Email.


Under When sending email to Oracle Social Network members, select what you
want to happen when you start to send an email to users who are part of your
social network:

, then click Preferences.

Select Prompt to post outgoing email to Conversation if you want to be

prompted to post to your social network each time you start to send an email
to users who are part of your social network. If you select this option, when
you click Send, you'll be asked if you want to create a Conversation.
When prompted, click Post Message to post to Oracle Social Network or click
Send Email to just send an email.
Note: In the prompt, you can select Do not show me this again, which
changes your preference setting.

Select the default option for where the message should be posted/sent:

Post to a Conversation instead of sending email

9-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Configuring Your Settings for the Add-In for Outlook

Send email and also post to a Conversation

Note: This option is useful if your message includes some users who are
not part of your social network. You would generally want to use this for
simple posted information, not messages that will spark a discussion, otherwise the email thread and the Conversation will become out of sync. For
example, you might want to send meeting details such as location and
agenda to a user who is not part of your social network, and copy it to a
Conversation in your social network so that you have a record of the communication along with other related information for internal use, like documents for the meeting.

Do not post to a Conversation (always send email)

Note: If you select this option, the Prompt to Post option becomes grayed
out. You won't be prompted to post to a Conversation.

Tip: You can change this option for a particular message in the "ribbon" of the
email message. Changing the option in the email message applies only to that
message. For more information, see How do I add email, meeting details, or
tasks to a Conversation or wall?

In the Ignore Emails and Domains box, you see a list of any email addresses or
domain names you've asked to be ignored when adding email messages to Oracle
Social Network (for example, distribution lists or support email addresses). The
ignored email addresses and domain names don't show up in the Recipients list
when you're adding an email to a Conversation or wall. Also, if you're prompted
to post outgoing email messages to Oracle Social Network (see How do I tell
Outlook to prompt me to use Oracle Social Network?), the ignored email
addresses and domain names won't generate a prompt.
You can edit the list in the following ways:

To add an email address or domain name, click Add, then enter the email
address or domain name (in the form you want to be ignored.

To change an entry, select it in the list, then click Edit.

To get rid of an entry, select it in the list, then click Remove.

Note: You can also add entries to the ignore list when adding an email to Oracle
Social Network. For more information, see How do I tell Oracle Social Network to
ignore particular email addresses or domains when posting email messages to a
Conversation or wall?

How do I set offline preferences?

When you mark a Conversation for offline use, the data from that Conversation is
saved to your computer. You can set Offline preferences to select what data is saved,
whether changes are published automatically or manually, and where the data is
saved to:



Click Offline.


Under When marking a Conversation for offline, select what kind of data you
want to see while viewing a Conversation offline:

, then click Preferences.

Download the avatars of its membersSelect this option to see people's

pictures next to their posts and on the Members tab.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-15

Setting Up Your Profile in the Add-In for Outlook

Download the profile information of its membersSelect this option if you

want to be able to view a person's profile information.
Note: To view a person's profile information, click the person's avatar, then
click .

Download the walls of its membersSelect this option if you want to be able
to open a person's wall.
Note: To view a person's wall, click the person's avatar.


Download the related ConversationsSelect this option if you want to be

able to view Conversations related with the item you're viewing (on the
Related Items tab).

Under Publish and Refresh Settings, select whether to automatically publish

offline changes and whether to hide the Offline Transfer Progress window:


Download the thumbnails of its documentsSelect this option to see

thumbnail previews of the Conversation's documents.

Automatically publish offline changes when connectingSelect this option

if you want to automatically post any changes you made to offline content
when you connect to your account.
Minimize the Offline Transfer Progress window when refreshing or
publishingSelect this option if you don't want to see the Offline Transfer
Progress window (which shows the progress of when you refresh offline files
or publish changes to offline files).

Under Offline Path, select where to save offline contentyour local app data
folder, your roaming app data folder, or a custom location.

Setting Up Your Profile in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I view my profile?
On the Outlook ribbon, click Your Wall, and on your wall's banner, click
profile details appear in the User Profile dialog.

. Your

How do I edit my profile?

In the User Profile dialog, edit your profile information as desired:

To change your profile picture, on the General tab, click Change, then navigate to
and select the picture (a .gif, .jpg, or .png file.) to upload.
The Crop Picture dialog shows your image with a circle over the area that will
show in Oracle Social Network. You can drag the corners of the crop area to
change the size of your picture, or drag your picture to change the position of the
crop area. When you're happy with the size and position, click Crop.
Note: Oracle Social Network scales your profile picture up or down as needed to
display it within 60 by 60 pixels and places it in a circle showing your online

To change your name and other general information, on the General tab, enter the
information in the editable fields.

9-16 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Flags in the Add-In for Outlook

To set the language for your user interface, on the General tab, select an option
from the Language drop-down list.
To change your address, click the Contact tab, then enter the information in the
To add a phone number:

Click the Contact tab.


Next to the Phone numbers area, click Add.


Enter your phone number.


Press the Tab key to navigate to the Label field, and enter a label for the
number, like home or cell.

How can I see other people's profiles?

One way to navigate to a profile is to click the person's profile picture wherever you
see it in the add-in for Outlook. Another way is to double-click the person's name in
the People and Groups panel. Here is a third way to navigate to a profile:

On the navigation bar, click


Click a tab to select a view


Click the person's or group's picture to open the person's or group's wall.


On the wall's banner, click

to open the person's or group's profile.

How do I post a message to someone's wall?

Before you can post messages to another person's wall, you must first follow the
person who owns the wall. For information about how to follow someone, see How do
I follow people and add them as contacts?

On the navigation bar, click


Click a tab to select a view


Right-click a person or group, and select Go To <name>'s Wall.


Post a message in the text box at the top of the wall as you would to any other
Conversation (see How do I post messages to a Conversation?).

Note: If you don't see a text box at the top of someone's wall, you aren't following the
person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her wall.

Using Flags in the Add-In for Outlook

What are flags?
Flags (formerly follow-ups) provide a way to bring someone's attention to a message in
a Conversation or on a wall. When you assign flags, the people you assign them to are
flagged in the application, and, depending on their notifications settings, receive an
email (see How do I set my add-in for Outlook notification options?).
When you flag someone, you also select a priority level. Flag priority levels let the
people you assign flags to know whether or not the flag is urgent. There are three
levels of priority:

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-17

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

For Your InformationLeast urgent. Asks recipients to look at the item when they
have time.
Please ReplyModerately urgent. Asks recipients to post a reply to the item.
Please Reply - UrgentAsks recipients to look at the item now and reply
immediately. An email notification is sent automatically to anyone assigned a
Please Reply - Urgent flag.

For an explanation of all the flag icons, see Table 15, " Flag Icons and Their Meanings"
To make sure flags send the message look at this now! use them thoughtfully. A flood of
flag notifications all at once or all the time can reduce their impact.

How can I see all flags assigned to me or by me?


On the navigation bar, click



on the Flags banner, and select to show:

Flags for You

Flags You Assigned

Select the type of flags to show:

All flags
Flags of a selected type: Please Reply - Urgent, Please Reply, or For Your

Select Flagged By then a name.

Select Sort, then:

Ascending, to show flagged items from 0 to 9 then A to Z

Descending to show flagged items from Z to A then 9 to 0

How do I assign or clear flags?


Go to a message you want to flag, click


Assign or clear flags:

To remove a flag assigned to you, click

To quickly assign a For Your Information flag to someone, click the flag next to
the person.
To assign a particular flag to someone, select the type of flag in the drop-down
list next to the person.
To quickly flag everyone, click Flag All (in the Others Not Flagged section),
and select the type of flag you want to assign.
To quickly remove all flags (whether assigned by you or not), click Clear All
(in the Others Flagged section).

To remove a particular flag, click

next to the person.

To search for someone, enter part of the person's name in the search box.

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

9-18 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

What Conversation tabs are available?

In a Conversation, use tabs to navigate its views:
View everything added to the Conversation.




Referring Items

View just the documents.

View and manage the Conversation's membership.
Navigate to the items that link to this Conversation.

How do I view Conversation messages?

By default, the add-in for Outlook is configured to show messages in full view. If you
like, you can double-click a message or select it and press Enter to see it in a separate
dialog. If you posted the message, it opens in an editor.
Note: People outside your company can sometimes be given limited access to
Conversations in the Oracle Social Network. If there are outside users in the
Conversation, a banner appears near the top of the page to let you know. All outside
users have the same avatar (
) and their names are in purple text. For more
information, see What are "outside users"?

On the navigation bar, click




Double-click a Conversation to open it.

, and select a filter to show the types of Conversations you want to see.

How do I view a list of Conversation documents?


On the navigation bar, click




Double-click a Conversation to open it.



, and select a filter to show the types of Conversations you want to see.

to view the Conversation's list of documents.

How do I view a list of Conversation members?


On the navigation bar, click


Open the Conversation with members you want to show.



to view the Conversation's list of members.

Note: All outside users show the same avatar (

) and their names are in purple
text. For more information, see What are "outside users"?

How can I view a list of all Conversations I'm a member of?

On the navigation bar, click

. The on the Conversations banner, click

and select

How can I view a list of Conversations I can join?

On the navigation bar, click

. Then click

and select Available.

To join a Conversation, open it, then, at the top of the Conversation, click Join

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-19

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

How can I view my list of favorite Conversations?


On the navigation bar, click


On the banner above the list of Conversations, click

and select Favorites.

How can I view my list of muted Conversations?

When you view a list of muted Conversations, you see only those Conversations you
have muted. The Conversations others have muted show only in their views of this
On the navigation bar, click

, click

, and select Muted.

How can I view a list of closed Conversations?

When you view closed Conversations, you see all the Conversations that are closed, no
matter who closed them.
On the navigation bar, click
, click , and select either Yours, Available, Favorites,
or Muted. Click Closed to show all closed Conversations included in the selected

How can I view a list of open Conversations?

When you view open Conversations, you see all open Conversations that you are a
member of or that are available to you to join.
On the navigation bar, click
, click , and select either Yours, Available, Favorites,
or Muted. Click Open to show all open Conversations included in the selected view.

How do I start a Conversation?

Here's how to start a Conversation from the Conversations panel. You can also start a
Conversation the same way (starting with Step 2) from the Outlook ribbon and from
the Overview panel.

On the navigation bar, click


On the Conversations banner, click


Enter a name for the Conversation in the Name field.


Select the options to apply to the new Conversation:



Make publicly availableMake this Conversation available to all. Anyone

with a user name and password can join this Conversation.
Add to favoritesAdd this Conversation to your favorites list.

Click OK to create and open the new Conversation.

How do I start a Conversation with a group?

Starting a Conversation with a group automatically adds all members of the group to
the Conversation.

On the navigation bar, click




Select the group to start a Conversation with.

to show the list of groups you are a member of.

9-20 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook


Right-click the group, and select Start New Conversation.


In the Name field, enter a name for the Conversation.


Select the options you want to apply to the new Conversation:

Make publicly availableMake this Conversation available to all to join.

Note: All members of the group are automatically added to the Conversation,
but, when you select this option, anyone with a user name and password can
join it.


Add to favoritesAdd this Conversation to your favorites list.

Click OK.

How do I join a public Conversation?


On the navigation bar, click


Set the Conversations list to show available Conversations (see How can I view a
list of Conversations I can join?).


In the list of Conversations, right-click the Conversation you want to join, and
select Join Conversation.

Alternatively, open the Conversation, then, at the top of the Conversation, click Join

How do I start a One-on-One Conversation?


Navigate to the wall of the person you want to converse with.

For example, in a Conversation, right-click the person's profile picture and select
Go To <name>'s Wall.


On the wall, click the Start One-on-One Conversation icon.


Add messages as you would to any Conversation.

For more information, see How do I post messages to a Conversation?

How do I add members to a Conversation?


On the navigation bar, click


Open the Conversation to add members to.






In the Select Members dialog, select groups and people you want to add as
members. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person or group.

to view the Conversation's list of members.

to open the Select Members dialog.

Double-click a name to add it to the Select list at the bottom of the dialog, or select
names, then click Select to add all selections.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-21

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add as a memberthe person is one of your contacts, the
person is a member of similar items, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Current MembersView a list of current members.

Alternatively, you can enter part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.

Click OK to add your selections to the Conversation.

In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Conversation by accepting the recommendations that
are sometimes shown in the list of messages (under Add to this Conversation). Oracle
Social Network recommends people to add to a Conversation based on people you
frequently add to Conversations and actions you have in common with others (such as
being members of the same Conversations).
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Click the person's name to view their profile.

Click Add to accept the recommendation and add the person to the Conversation.

Click Ignore to decline the recommendation.

Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Click the arrows on either side of the current recommendation to see the previous
or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the Conversation. If you
scroll up or down, the Add to this Conversation section might move out of view. Just
scroll up or down to find it.

How do I remove members from a Conversation?


On the navigation bar, click


Open the Conversation to remove members from.




On the list, right-click the person you want to remove, and select Remove from


In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.


Repeat these steps until you remove everyone you want.

to view the Conversation's list of members.

9-22 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I make a private Conversation public?


On the navigation bar, click


Right-click the Conversation, then select Modify.


In the dialog, select the Make publicly available check box.


Click OK.

How do I change a public Conversation to members-only?

Public Conversations that are converted to members-only retain the members who had
already joined the public Conversation.

On the navigation bar, click


Right-click the Conversation, then select Modify to open the Modify dialog.


In the dialog, clear the Make publicly available check box.


Click OK.

How do I close a Conversation?


On the navigation bar, click


Right-click the Conversation, then select Modify.


Select Mark as closed to open the Close Conversation dialog.


Enter a reason for closing the Conversation, and click OK.


In the Modify dialog, click OK.

The Conversations panel is refreshed to show the list of closed Conversations.

How do I reopen a closed Conversation?


On the navigation bar, click


From the Options menu on the Conversations banner, select Closed to show a list
of closed Conversations.


Right-click the closed Conversation, and select Modify.


Clear the Mark as closed check box.


In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.


In the Modify dialog, click OK.

How do I delete a Conversation?

Before you can delete a Conversation, you must remove all members of the
Conversation, except you. Once you are the only member of a Conversation, you can
delete it. (For information about removing others from a Conversation, see How do I
remove members from a Conversation?)

On the navigation bar, click


Right-click the Conversation to delete, and select Discard.


In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-23

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I change a Conversation name?


On the navigation bar, click


Right-click the Conversation, and select Modify.


Rename the Conversation.


Click OK.

What are referring items?

A Conversation or wall's Referring list includes links to the Social Objects and
collections that link to that Conversation or wall. This provides a convenient way to
navigate between a Conversation and a collection of Conversations with related
content or a Conversation and a Social Object that it discusses.You can set up these
relationships from a Social Object or a collection, or from the Conversation or wall

How do I add an existing item to a list of referring items?


Go to the Conversation, and click


On the Referring Items banner, click


Select a source for the Social Object:

Recent Social ObjectsSelect from a list of Social Objects that you recently
FavoritesSelect from a list of Social Objects that you have marked as a
SearchEnter a search term, and select from results or click
When you click


, results appear on this tab.

Select a Social Object, and click OK.

Note: For information about creating a new item to add to a Conversation's list of
referring items, see How do I add a new item to a list of referring items?

How do I add a new item to a list of referring items?


Go to the Conversation, and click




In the Name field, enter a name for the Social Object.


Select or clear the Add to favorites check box.


Click OK.

, then select the type of Social Object you want to create.

Note: For information about adding an existing item, see How do I add an existing
item to a list of referring items?

How do I change a Conversation's language?

When you change a Conversation language, new system messages, like The
Conversation attributes changed, appear in the selected language. System messages that
were present before the language change continue to appear in the language in place
when they were posted. Messages and files posted to the Conversation are unaffected.
They appear in the language that was used to write them.
9-24 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

The language used for user interface elements in the add-in for Outlook, like field
labels, button labels, dialog box names, banner headings, and other user interface
elements, is determined by your Microsoft Office settings and your Operating System.
Changing a Conversation language affects everyone's view of the Conversation.

On the navigation bar, click


Right-click the Conversation to configure, and select Modify.


Select Modify to open the Modify dialog.


Expand the Language menu, and select a language


Click OK.

How do I mute a Conversation?

On the navigation bar, click
and select Mute.

, then right-click the Conversation you want to mute,

Muting affects only your view of a Conversation. You can mute a Conversation so it
does not appear to you in the Conversations panel when the filter Yours, Available, or
Favorites is applied.
Messages posted to a muted Conversation don't appear on the Overview panel or in
your daily email digest. Flags assigned on a message in a muted Conversation do
appear in your daily email digest (for information about the daily email digest, see
How do I set my add-in for Outlook notification options?).

How do I copy a Conversation URL to my clipboard?

On the navigation bar, click
, then right-click the Conversation, and select Copy
Link. The Conversation URL is added to your clipboard. You can paste it anywhere
you like. When clicked, it opens the Conversation in standalone mode in your browser.

How do I download an archive a Conversation?

In the add-in for Outlook, the Download Archive option saves a Conversation to a
.zip file. So, whether you are online or off, you can unzip the file to your local drive to
read its messages and replies and view the documents added to it. The .zip file (named
after the Conversation) contains the Conversation's list of members, messages, and
replies in an HTML file (named by default index.html).
To download and work with an archive of a Conversation:

Open the Conversation, click

, then click Download Archive.


Unzip the files to your computer.


Open index.html.
Clicking a document link opens the copy of the document that is included in the
.zip file. All other links in index.html (user names, like, reply, and so on) open
Oracle Social Network in the browser.

Note: You can't make changes to an archive of a Conversation (though you can click a
a link to open the Conversation in a browser and make changes there). If you want to
be able to make offline changes, instead download an offline copy of the Conversation
(see How do I download an Offline Copy of an item?

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-25

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I view recent messages?

The Overview panel (
) shows the latest messages posted to the Conversations and
walls you're a member of and public Conversations you've joined.
A red dot appears on the icon when you have unread messages in any of the listed
To view recent messages, click
. If tooltips are enabled (see How do I hide message
tooltips?), mouse over a message in the list to view its details in a tooltip.
Double-click a message to view it in the Conversation or wall.
Click the Conversation or wall name to go to the bottom of the Conversation or the top
of the wall.
Right-click a message to access a menu of useful actions.

How do I post messages to a Conversation?

This describes how to post messages to a Conversation when the default setting to
show messages in full view is selected.

On the navigation bar, click




Double-click the Conversation to open it.




Enter a message in the field at the bottom of the panel, and click Post or press
Enter, depending on your Preferences (see How do I set up how to post

, and select a filter to show the types of Conversations you want to see.

to open a view of all of the selected Conversation's messages.

How do I hide membership messages?

When a user is added to or removed from a Conversation, collection, group, or Social
Object a membership message is posted to the item (for example, This Conversation is
now accessible to: Jane Doe). If you'd prefer not to show those messages in an item, you
can hide them.

On the navigation bar, click the type of object you want to open (for example, click
for Conversations).


Double-click an item to open it.



in the group banner, and select Hide Membership Messages.

For information about hiding membership messages for all items, see How do I hide
membership messages by default?

How do I navigate from a message to its Conversation?

When you view messages somewhere other than in a Conversation, for example, when
you view messages in the Overview panel, you have a few ways to navigate to its
home Conversation:

Click the link to the Conversation included in the message.

Double-click the message.

Right-click the message and select Go To Item.

9-26 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I post a message through the note editor?

The Note Editor provides options for formatting your messages. Use the method
described here to post messages to a Conversation when the default setting to show
messages in full view is selected.

On the navigation bar, click




Double-click the Conversation to open it.




At the bottom of the panel, click


Enter and format your message in the editor.


Click OK.

, and select a filter to show the types of Conversations you want to see.

to show all messages posted to this Conversation.

to open the Note Editor.

How do I edit my messages and replies?

You can edit the messages you post. You can't edit other people's messages.

Navigate to the message or reply you want to edit.


Right-click the message, then select Edit Message (or Edit Reply); or click More,
then select Edit Message (or Edit Reply).


Make your revisions, and click OK.

How can I view earlier versions of an edited message?


Navigate to the message or reply you want to edit.


Right-click the message, then select Edit Message (or Edit Reply).


Select a version to show in the dialog's message area.


Click Cancel to close the dialog.

How do I reply to a message?

In the add-in panel, you can reply to flags and Social Object, wall, and Conversation
messages. When your add-in instance is configured to show messages in full view (the
default setting), the reply area appears below the currently selected item. When
messages are not configured to display in full view, the reply area appears at the
bottom of the add-in panel.
For more information, see How do I set my add-in preferences?

Navigate to the message you want to reply to.




Enter your reply.


Optionally, click


Click the Post button or OK, whichever applies.

Reply under the message to open a reply entry field.

to open the Note Editor to enter and format your reply.

Note: If you don't see

Reply under a personal wall post shown on the Overview
panel or on a person's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to reply to his or her
wall posts.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-27

Using Conversations in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I find items in a Conversation or wall?

Search and navigation tools enable you to find unread messages, flags assigned to you,
or text within the Conversation or wall.
While viewing a Conversation or a wall, you can use the search and navigation tools:

To find unread messages, click the unread messages count in the Posts header, and
use the up and down arrows to navigate through the unread messages.

To find flags assigned to you, click the flag count in the Posts header, and use the
up and down arrows to navigate through your flags.

To find messages or documents that include specific text or posted by a particular

person, click the search icon in the Posts header, enter the text or poster you want
to search for, press Enter, and use the up and down arrows to navigate through the

How do I mark a message as read or unread?

To the left of the message, click the blue bullet to remove it and to mark the message as
read; right-click the message, then select Mark as Read; or click More, then select
Mark as Read.
Note: See also, How do I mark all messages in a Conversation as read?
If you want a message status to be unread, but you've already marked it as read, you
can return the message to unread by right-clicking it and selecting Mark as Unread.
This works only with messages others have posted and not your own posts.

How do I mark all messages in a Conversation as read?

In the list of Conversations or in the Conversation title bar, click the unread message
count in the blue box.
Note: See also, How do I mark a message as read or unread?

9-28 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conferences in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I copy a message URL to my clipboard?


On the navigation bar, click




Double-click the Conversation to open it.


Right-click the message, and select Copy Message Link to add the message's URL
to your clipboard.

, and select a filter to show the types of Conversations you want to see.

You can paste the URL wherever you like. When clicked, it opens the Conversation in
your browser.

How do I delete a message?

You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.
Right-click the message, then click Delete Message; or click More, then select Delete
To restore a deleted message, locate the deleted message icon (
) where the message
used to be, click
, then confirm that you want to restore the message.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the message, or the person
who deleted the message can restore the deleted message.

Using Conferences in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I start a web conference?
Before you can start a conference, you must first have an account with a conference
provider, like WebEx or Avaya (for more information, see Which conference
applications are supported?). You must also set your web conference preferences (see
How do I set a web conference user name and password?).

Go to the Conversation or wall where you want to start a conference.


If necessary, click


Click , and select Start Conference to open the Conference Service Details
Alternatively, click


to show the messages panel.

in the message area.

Fill out the conference details:


From the Service Name menu, select your conference application.


In the Site Name field, enter the name of your conference instance.
For example, enter acmeweb.



In the User Name field, enter your conference account user name.


In the Password field, enter your conference account password.


Select Remember Details to save these values to your personal settings.

Click OK to log in to your conference provider and start a conference.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-29

Using Collections in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I join a web conference?

Go to the Conversation where the conference was started, then, at the top of the
Conversation, click Join Conference.
Alternatively, from the Overview panel, if the conference started notification is the
newest message in the Conversation, click Join Conference.

How can I see a list of current web conferences?

On the navigation bar, click
, then click
a list of all currently active conferences.

, and select Running Conferences to open

Using Collections in the Add-In for Outlook

What are collections?
As your lists of Conversations, Social Objects, people, and groups grow, it may be
useful to organize those that focus on a common topic, project, or issue into an
easy-access list, called a collection. Use collections to create your own lists of related
Conversations, collections, profile and group walls, and Social Objects.
You can give the collection a meaningful name so it's easy to identify its purpose. You
can add Conversations and walls (including people's walls and group walls) to a
collection. You can also add Social Objects and other collections to a collection to create
a hierarchy. There is no limit to the levels of hierarchy you can create.
In the add-in for Outlook navigation bar, click the Collections icon to open the list of

For more information, see How do I create a collection?

How do I create a collection?


On the navigation bar, click




In the Name field, enter a name for the collection.


Select check boxes to enable collection options:


to open the New Collection dialog.

Make publicly availableMake this a public collection that anyone with an

Oracle Social Network account can join.
Add to favoritesAdd this collection to your Favorites list.

Click OK.

How do I add members to a collection?


On the navigation bar, click


Double-click a listed collection to open it.

9-30 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Collections in the Add-In for Outlook



to open the collection's list of members.

Tip: To see how many members a collection has, mouse over the Members tab.


to open the Select Members dialog.


In the Select Members dialog, select groups and people you want to add as
members. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person or group.
Double-click a name to add it to the Select list at the bottom of the dialog, or select
names, then click Select to add all selections.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add as a memberthe person is one of your contacts, the
person is a member of similar items, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Current MembersView a list of current members.

Alternatively, you can enter part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.

Click OK to add your selection to the collection's membership.

How do I remove members from a collection?


On the navigation bar, click


Double-click a listed collection to open it.




Right-click the person or group, and select Remove from Membership.


In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

to open the collection's list of members.

How do I add an existing item to a collection?


On the navigation bar, click


Double-click a listed collection to open it.






In the Browse Items dialog, select one or more items to add to the collection, then
click OK. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one item.

to show the items in this collection.

By default, you see a list of recent items. Click a tab to change your view:

Recent ItemsSelect from items you have visited recently.

FavoritesSelect from items you have marked as a favorite.

Alternatively, you can enter part of a item's name, and select it from the list that
pops up. When you select from the search's pop-up results, the dialog closes and
your selection is added to the collection.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-31

Using Collections in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I add a new item to a collection?


On the navigation bar, click


Double-click a listed collection to open it.





to show the related items in this collection.

, and select:

Add New ConversationTo create a new Conversation and add it to the

New CollectionTo create a new collection and add it to the current


Enter a name for the item in the Name field.


Select the options you want to apply to the new item:


Make publicly availableMake this a publicly available item that anyone

with an Oracle Social Network account can join.
Add to favoritesAdd this item to your favorites list.

Click OK to add the new item to the collection.

How do I remove an item from a collection?

When you remove an item from a collection, there's no confirmation dialogthe item
is simply removed. If you decide removal was a mistake, you can always add it back
(see How do I add an existing item to a collection?).

On the navigation bar, click


Double-click a listed collection to open it.




Right-click the item, and select Remove Item from the Social Object.

to show the related items in this collection.

How can I rearrange a list of collections?

You can select the type of collections you want to appear on the collections list (Yours,
Available, Favorites, Muted), then arrange that view so that it appears in the order
you find the most useful.

On the navigation bar, click


On the Collections banner, click



Click Arrange By, then select your preferred sort order.

, then select the type of collection you want to

Tip: In a collection, you can choose to see different types of content in the panel. Use
the tabs at the top of a collection to navigate to each type:
View all messages and documents added to the collection's wall.




View just the documents added to the collection's wall.

View and manage the collection's membership.

Related Items
View a list of the Conversations, profile and group walls,
Social Objects, and other collections in this collection.

9-32 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook

Referring Items
View the Social Objects that include this collection in their
lists of related items.

How do I hide membership messages in a collection?

When a user is added to or removed from an item a membership message is posted to
the item (for example, This wall is now accessible to: Jane Doe). If you'd prefer not to
show those messages, you can hide them. See How do I hide membership messages?

How do I rename a collection?


On the navigation bar, click


Right-click a listed collection, and select Modify.


In the Modify dialog, rename the collection and click OK.

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I add files to a Conversation or wall?
You can upload files from your local file systems and, if you have an account with a
cloud document store (for example, Google Drive), you can also add files from your
cloud document store account.

Before you can copy files from your cloud document store, your administrator
must enable this action and you must provide your cloud document store login
(for more information, see How do I connect to my documents in the cloud?).
Documents formatted in Google's proprietary format are automatically converted
to PDF when added to Oracle Social Network. You can't copy Google proprietary
format documents back to Google Drive, but you can copy the PDF version of
these documents. Unlike other file types, Google proprietary documents converted
to PDF are not automatically returned to their original location in Google Drive.
If you add a document with the same name as one that was previously added
from a local file system, a new version is created. However, if the document of the
same name was added from a cloud document store, you receive an error. You
must rename your local document or add the new version to the cloud document

To add documents:

Open the Conversation or wall you want to add the file to.


On the Posts or Documents tab, click

Tip: On the Documents tab, the Add Documents icon ( ) appears on the banner.
On the Posts tab, the Add Documents icon appears on the banner in compact-view
mode and next to the Post button in full-view mode.

Select where to add the document from:

Upload from Desktop

Add from Cloud Document Store, then select the appropriate cloud
document store

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-33

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook


Browse to and select one or more files.

Once you make your selection, an upload area opens at the bottom of the panel.


Optionally, to prevent people from downloading or copying this file select Disable
download and copy.


Optionally, enter a description where it says [Optional] Enter a description about

the document(s).


Click Post or press Enter to start the upload.

Note: There are no restrictions on the file types you can upload.

How do I view files from the add-in for Outlook?

Wherever you see the file, click Open to open the file in the native viewer, or click the
file name or thumbnail to open the file in the web client.
Note: If the document is from a cloud document store, clicking Open will open the file
in the cloud document store's viewer.

How do I download a file from the add-in for Outlook?

Note: For information on copying a file to your cloud document store, see How do I
copy a file from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store?

Navigate to the file you want to download.


Under the file, click Download.

This option isn't available if downloading and copying were disabled when the
file was uploaded.


Select a destination, and click Save.

Note: If the document is from a cloud document store, a browser window opens,
where you can download the file or view the online preview of the file.

How do I copy a file from one Conversation to another?


Navigate to the file you want to copy.


Right-click the file, select Copy, then select Copy to Items.

Alternatively, on the Documents tab (
) of the Conversation or wall, click More
under the document, select Copy, then select Copy to Items.
This option isn't available if downloading and copying were disabled when the
file was uploaded.


Select a way to locate the target Conversation or wall:

Recent ItemsFor a list of Conversations and walls you have visited recently
FavoritesFor a list of Conversations and walls you have marked as a

SearchTo use search to locate the Conversation or wall

NewTo create a new Conversation


For all but New, select the destination Conversation or wall.


Click OK to copy the file to the selected Conversation or wall.

9-34 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I copy a file from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store?

Navigate to the file you want to copy.


Right-click the file, select Copy, select Copy to Cloud Document Store, then select
a cloud document store from the list.
Alternatively, on the Documents tab (
) of the Conversation or wall, click More
under the document, select Copy, then select Copy to Cloud Document Store,
then select a cloud document store from the list.


Click Copy.
A status message appears briefly at the top of the add-in.

How do I navigate from a document to its location in the Conversation or wall?

When viewing the list of documents in the Documents tab, right-click the document,
then select Go to Comment to get to the place in the Conversation or wall where the
document was posted.
Alternatively, click More under the document, then select Go to Comment.

How do I edit a document?


Navigate to the file you want to edit.


Under the document, click Edit, then select an option:

Edit Document opens the file in its native application. This is determined by
the file's extension.
Edit Document With lets you choose the editor you want to use. When you
select this option, you must also select an editor.


Edit the file, and save, keeping the same file name and same default directory.


In the add-in panel, right-click the file, select Document, then select Publish


Finish uploading the new version as you would any other file.
For more information, see, How do I add files to a Conversation or wall?

Note: If you use Edit Document With, you may need to select Stop Editing from the
file's Options menu. This is necessary when the file continues to appear highlighted.

How do I view document annotations?

The add-in for Outlook provides a pathway to document annotations in your browser.

Navigate to the file.


Right-click the file, then select View Annotations.


If prompted to, log in to your web version of Oracle Social Network.

A detailed view of the document opens, showing its annotations.

How can I find a file on a Conversation or wall's Documents tab?

The Documents tab in a Conversation or on a wall has a search feature for locating a
file by its name.

Go to the Conversation or wall and click

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-35

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook


On the Documents banner, click

This opens a search field with other controls, like an Options menu.

Optionally, to return only the files that match your search terms that you have
marked as a favorite, click , then select Favorite Only.


In the search field, enter all or part of the file's name.

Search results appear in a pop-up. Click a result to highlight it in the documents



to leave search mode.

How can I view a document's access history?

You can see the types of actions that have been taken on a given document in the
add-in for Outlook.

Navigate to the document in the Documents tab (


) of the Conversation or


Right-click the document, and select Access History; or click More, then select
Access History.
The Document Activity dialog shows when the document was:


Copied from a cloud document store

Copied to a cloud document store






How do I show or hide a document's versions?


Navigate to the document in the Documents tab (


) of the Conversation or


Right-click the document, and select View All Versions; or click More, then select
View All Versions.

How do I copy a file URL to the clipboard?

When you copy a file URL to your clipboard, you can paste it anywhere you like.
When clicked, it goes to a preview of the document in your browser.

Navigate to the file.


Right-click the file, and select Copy Document Link.

How do I send a document as an email?

When you send a file as an email, a new email opens. It includes an attachment to the
file and a link to the Conversation or wall the file is posted to. Everyone who receives

9-36 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook

the email can see the file link, but only those who are also members of the
Conversation or who have access to the wall can open the file.

Navigate to the file.


Right-click the file, and select Send As E-Mail.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the
Conversation or wall.

To delete a specific version of a file:


Navigate to the file in the Conversation or wall.


Right-click the file, and select Delete Version; or click More, then select Delete

To delete all versions of a file:


Navigate to the file in the Documents tab (

) of the Conversation or wall.


Right-click the file, and select Delete; or click More, then select Delete.

To restore a deleted file:


On the Posts tab, locate the deleted message icon (

used to be.



) where the file message

, then confirm that you want to restore the file.

The message and file are restored.

Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the file, or the person who
deleted the file can restore the deleted file.

How do I create a folder?

You can create a folder on the Documents tab of any Conversation or wall. Look for
on the Documents banner.

Go to the Conversation or wall, and click


On the Documents banner, click


In the Name field, enter a name for the folder.


Click OK.

to open the New Folder dialog.

Note: When you open a folder, a breadcrumb appears at the top of the Documents tab
to show you where you are in the folder structure. To return to a parent folder, click
the folder name in the breadcrumb.

How do I rename a folder?


Go to the Conversation or wall with the folder you want to rename, and click


Right-click the folder you want to rename, and select Rename to open the Edit
Folder dialog.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-37

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook


In the Name field, enter a new name for the folder.

How do I copy a folder?

Copying a folder copies the folder and all of its files from one Conversation or wall to
another or duplicates it within the same Conversation or wall. Because the folder is a
copy, it's independent of the original folder. This means, for example, the copied folder
is not affected if you delete the original folder or add more files to it.

Go to the Conversation or wall with the folder you want to copy, and click


Right-click the folder you want to copy, and select Share to open the Browse
Conversations dialog.


In the dialog, select a way to locate the destination folder, Conversation, or wall.


Click Recent Items to select from destinations that have recently been active.

Click Favorites to select from your favorite destinations.

Click Search to select from search results for the destination.

Select the destination, and click OK.

How do I move a folder?


Go to the Conversation or wall that has a folder you want to move, and click


Right-click the folder you want to move, then select Move.


In the Move Items dialog, select a destination for the moved folder, and click OK.

How do I add new documents to a folder?


Go to the Conversation or wall that has a folder you want to add new files to, and


Double-click the folder you want to add a new file to, to open it.




Add the file as you would to any Conversation or wall (see How do I add files to a
Conversation or wall?).

How do I move documents into a folder?


Go to the Conversation or wall with a folder you want to move files to, and click


Right-click the file you want to add to a folder, and select Move to open the Move
Items dialog. Select an existing folder for the file, or click New Folder to create a
folder for the file.
Alternatively, to move documents and folders to a subfolder, drag them to the new

How do I move documents out of a folder?


Go to the Conversation or wall with a folder you want to move files out of.




Double-click the folder to open it.

9-38 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Documents and Folders in the Add-In for Outlook


Right-click the file you want to move, and select Move.


Select a destination for the file, and click OK.

How do I download a folder from the add-in for Outlook?

Downloading a folder downloads a .zip file of the folder and its content. The .zip file is
named after the folder. For example, if you download an All Business folder, you get
a .zip file named All

Go to the Conversation or wall with a folder you want to download.




Right-click the folder you want to download, and select Download to open a save


Select a destination for the folder, and click Save.

The folder and its contents are saved as a .zip file to the destination you selected.

How do I copy a folder URL to the clipboard?


Go to the Conversation or wall with the folder.




Right-click the folder, and select Copy Folder Link to add the folder's URL to your
system's clipboard.


Paste the link wherever you like.

How do I open a folder in the add-in, in the web version of Oracle Social Network?

Go to the Conversation or wall with a folder you want to open in your browser.




Right-click the folder you want to open, and select Open in Web Browser to open
the folder in the browser version of Oracle Social Network.

How do I delete a folder?

You can delete folders you created (as long as they don't include anyone else's
documents or folders) or folders on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any folder.

Deleting a folder also deletes all the files and subfolders it contains.

Deleting a folder deletes it for all members of the Conversation or wall.

There's no undelete, so be sure about deleting the folder before you act.

To delete a folder:

Go to the Conversation or wall with a folder you want to delete.




Right-click the folder you want to delete, and select Remove.


In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-39

Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

To restore a deleted folder and its contents:


On the Posts tab, locate the deleted message icon (

used to be.



) where the folder message

, then confirm that you want to restore the folder.

The message, folder, and its contents are restored.

Note: Only a service administrator, the person who created the folder, or the person
who deleted the folder can restore the deleted folder.

Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

What is the People and Groups panel?
The People and Groups panel gives you quick access to your entire social network.
Your network includes your contacts, the people you follow, the people who follow
you, and the groups you are a member of. There's also a list of recommended people
you may care to add to your contacts.
To open the People and Groups panel, click

in the navigation bar.

The People and Groups panel has five tabs:

Contacts (

)People you selected as contacts

Groups (

People You Follow (

Your Followers (

Recommendations ( )People recommended to you as contacts

)The groups you belong to

)People you have selected to follow

)People who have selected to follow you

What are "outside users"?

Outside users are people who don't work for your company, but who collaborate with
you and your co-workers in Oracle Social Network. They are members of Oracle Social
Network with limited privileges. For example, outside users can be contacts but they
can't have contacts in Oracle Social Network. They can participate in Conversations
only when they are added by you or some other member of the Conversation.
Note: One outside user can't add another to a Conversation.
Wherever an outside user is a member of a Conversation, a banner appears at the top
of the page to alert you. All outside users have the same avatar (
) and their names
are in purple text so you can easily tell who they are.
When you open an outside user's wall, you'll notice that you can't post to it. However,
you can still view profile information (if the user has added any).
Since outside users do not have walls they can post to, you won't see Follow or
Following buttons on their profile page. Instead, you'll see Add as Contact or Remove
from Contacts options.

What are "unregistered users"?

Unregistered users are people who are in your company's directory but are not yet
members of Oracle Social Network. When you add people to a Conversation or wall,

9-40 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

the word unregistered appears next the names of the unregistered in the Manage
Members dialog. When you try to add an unregistered user, a warning alerts you to
their unregistered status.
When you add an unregistered person to a Conversation, they receive an email with a
link to set up their account.

How do I navigate to a person's profile?

Wherever you see a person's picture or name, you can click it to go to the person's
Alternatively, you can right-click a person and select Go To <name>'s Wall. You can
also open a contact in Outlook, and click Go to Wall in the ribbon.

How can I view my list of contacts?


On the navigation bar, click


Click the Contacts tab (


Optionally, arrange your list of contacts. Click

, then select your options:

Select or clear Show Offline Contacts to either show (select) or hide (clear)
your contacts who are currently offline.
Select Arrange By then either Name, to arrange your list of contacts by a
contact's first name, or Presence Status, to arrange the list by the person's
online status: active, away, and offline.
Select Sort and choose from either Ascending (from 0 to 9 and A to Z or active
to offline) or Descending (from Z to A and 9 to 0 or offline to active).

How do I add new contacts?

You can add a new contact on the Contacts tab of the People and Groups panel or by
following them (see How do I follow people and add them as contacts?).
Note: You can add an outside user as a contact, but outside users can't add you.
Outside users can't have contacts in Oracle Social Network.

On the navigation bar, click


Click the Contacts tab (


On the Contacts banner, click


Add users in any of the following ways:

to open the Select Members dialog.

To search for a particular person, enter a name in the Search field, then select
from the results.
To add a recommended contact, double-click a person on the
Recommendations tab.
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users,
you can invite people from your Outlook address book.
To add a contact from your Outlook address book, click Outlook Contacts,
then double-click the person you want to add.
Note: Only contacts that include email addresses appear on the Outlook
Contacts tab.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-41

Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

Confirm that you want to invite the person. When you click OK, an email is
sent to the contact inviting them to join Oracle Social Network.
Note: You can also invite someone from the Outlook ribbon while viewing the
contact's card. See How do I invite my contacts from my Outlook address
book to join Oracle Social Network?

Click OK to add the people you selected as your contacts.

How do I invite my contacts from my Outlook address book to join Oracle Social
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you can
invite people from your Outlook address book. Inviting users to join Oracle Social
Network makes it easier to collaborate with them.

From your Outlook address book, open the contact you want to add to Oracle
Social Network.
Note: The contact must include an email address.


In the Outlook ribbon, click Invite from the Oracle Social Network actions.
An email is sent to the contact inviting them to join Oracle Social Network.

Note: If the contact is already an Oracle Social Network user, you see Go to Wall in the
Outlook ribbon.
Alternatively, you can invite multiple Outlook contacts from the Contacts tab of the
People and Groups panel. See How do I add new contacts?

How do I remove a contact?


On the navigation bar, click


Click the Contacts tab (


Right-click the person, and select Remove from Contacts.


If you're also following the person, specify whether to also stop following them.


Click Yes to also stop following the person.

Click No to remove the person as a contact but continue to follow them.

How do I follow people and add them as contacts?

Following someone:

Adds them to your list of contacts

Lets you post messages to their wall

Includes information about their wall activity on the Overview panel.

Includes information about the activity on their walls in your daily email digest.


On the navigation bar, click


Select the Recommendations tab ( ) or Your Followers tab (

people you are not already following.


Then either:


next to the person; or

9-42 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

) to view a list of

Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

Right-click the person, and select Follow <name>.

Note: To temporarily remove a person from the list of recommendations, click

person might be recommended again based on future actions.

. The

How can I view a list of the people I follow?


On the navigation bar, click


Click the People You Follow tab (


How can I view a list of the people who follow me?


On the navigation bar, click


Click the Your Followers tab (


How can I view a list of the people recommended to me?


On the navigation bar, click


Click the Recommendations tab ( ).

Each recommendation includes the person's name, title, the reason they were
recommended, a follow button ( ), and an ignore button (
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended again
in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

What are groups?

Groups provide a way to organize a set of people into one entity: the group. All
members of a group can be added to a Conversation, collection, or Social Object in one
Every group has its own wall where group members can post content of interest to the
group (for more information, see How do I create a group? and How do I navigate to a
group's wall?).
Just as each person has a profile in Oracle Social Network, a group has a profile with
its own unique set of details: its name and description and a group image or avatar.
Any member of the group can revise a group's profile details and image.

How do I view a group's details?

On the navigation bar, click

, then click

Double-click a group to see its details, like its wall, its members, the Conversations and
walls it belongs to, and so on. The area at the top of a group has tabs you can use to
navigate to these views:

PostsView everything posted to the group's wall.

DocumentsView the documents posted to the group's wall.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-43

Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

MembersView all members of the group.

Member OfView a list of the Conversations and walls this group is a member of.

Belongs ToView a list of the other groups that this group is a member of.

Referring ItemsView a list of the items that link to this group.

How do I navigate to a group's wall?

Whenever a group is created, it is automatically given its own wall. Here group
members can post information of particular interest to the group.

On the navigation bar, click

, then click


Double-click a group, or right-click a group and select Go To <name>'s Wall.


Post content to the group's wall as you would to any Conversation or wall.

How can I view a group's membership?


On the navigation bar, click

, then click


Double-click a group to open its wall.


In the tab bar above the wall, click the Members tab to see who's in the group.

How do I create a group?


On the navigation bar, click

, then click


On the Groups banner, click


In the Name field, enter a name for the group, and click OK.

9-44 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

How do I add people to a group?


On the navigation bar, click


Double-click a group to open its wall.


Click the Members tab.


On the Members banner, click


Select a source of potential members.

, then click

Click Groups & Contacts to select from your contacts and other groups.
In this dialog, you can expand a group and pick individual members.

Click Search to enter search terms; click the Search icon to show all results.


Double-click a person or a group to add them to the Select list.


Click OK to add your selections to the group membership.

How do I revise a group's membership?


On the navigation bar, click


Double-click a group to open its wall.


Click the Members tab.


Revise the group:

, then click

To add members, start with step 5 in How do I add people to a group?

To remove members, right-click a person or group, and select Remove from

How do I hide membership messages on a group wall?

When a user is added to or removed from an item a membership message is posted to
the item (for example, This wall is now accessible to: Jane Doe). If you'd prefer not to
show those messages, you can hide them. See How do I hide membership messages?

How do I rename a group or revise its description?


On the navigation bar, click

, then click


Double-click a group, or right-click a group and select Go To <name>'s Wall.




In the Group Profile dialog, revise the group's name and description.

, and select Edit Profile.

How do I add or change a group's profile picture?


On the navigation bar, click

, then click

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-45

Using Social Objects in the Add-In for Outlook


Double-click a group, or right-click a group and select Go To <name>'s Wall.




In the Group Profile dialog, click Change.


Navigate to and select a group profile picture.

, and select Edit Profile.

How do I deactivate a group?

When you deactivate a group, the group keeps its memberships in Conversations and
walls, but it can't be added to additional Conversations and walls. Deactivating a
group also prevents further additions to the group's wall. When deactivated, a group's
icon and name are grayed out (the group name is grayed out on membership lists and
on the Groups tab).
Note: You can reactivate a deactivated group at any time. For more information, see Is
there a way to reactivate a deactivated group?

On the navigation bar, click

, then click


Double-click a group to open its wall.


In the groups banner, click


In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

, then select Deactivate.

Is there a way to reactivate a deactivated group?

Enabling a deactivated group makes the group available for adding to Conversation
and other types of membership lists.

On the navigation bar, click

, then click


In the groups banner, click



Double-click the deactivated group to open its wall.



, then select Deactivated to show all deactivated

, then select Activate.

Using Social Objects in the Add-In for Outlook

Understanding Social Objects
Social Objects are business objects in a business application or business process that
are shared with Oracle Social Network. A shared business object is called a Social
Object in Oracle Social Network.
A Social Object has its own wall for messages and documents and its own
membership. A Social Object's membership includes all of the people involved in
projects centering around that object. For example, the membership for a customer
Social Object that comes from your CRM system, could include someone from your
sales team, product management, fulfillment, and other lines of business.
Your implementation of Oracle Social Network may use Social Objects from your own

9-46 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Objects in the Add-In for Outlook

How can I arrange a list of Social Objects?


On the navigation bar, click

and select a type of Social Object to show.


Click on the Social Object banner, select Arrange By, then select the sorting
option to apply.

How do I view the details of a Social Object?


On the navigation bar, click

and select a type of Social Object to show.


In the panel, double-click the object you want to view to open its details.

In the details of a selected Social Object, you can switch between the following views
using the tabs that appear above the details:
View all messages and documents added to this object's wall.




Related Items

View just the documents added to this object's wall.

View and manage the object's membership.
View a list of the items related to this object.

Referring Items
View the other Social Objects that refer to this Social Object
(see What are referring items?).

Tip: A Social Object might include a link back to the associated record in the source
system (for example, customer relationship management, enterprise resource
planning, or human capital management). If available, you can open the source record
by clicking View Details in the options menu (click on the Social Object banner) or
at the bottom of the list of the Social Object's attributes.

What are referring items?

Referring items are items that link to the current item. For example, the Acme collection
includes the Conversation Wiley. The Wiley Conversation, in turn, lists the Acme
collection on its list of referring items.

How do I add an existing item to a list of related items?


On the navigation bar, click

and select a type of Social Object to show.


Double-click the object to open it.




Click the Add Existing Item icon in the Social Object banner.


Select a way to locate the item, for example, select:

Recent ItemsFor a list of items you have visited recently

FavoritesFor a list of items you have marked as a favorite

SearchTo use search to locate the item

When you select from the pop-up results, the dialog closes and your selection
is added to the list of related items. You can skip the next step.


Select one or more items.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-47

Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In


Click OK to add your selections to the Social Object's list of related items.

How do I add a new Conversation to a Social Object's list of related items?


On the navigation bar, click

and select a type of Social Object to show.


Double-click the object to open it.




Click the New Conversation icon to open the New dialog.


Enter details as you would for any other item.


To copy the Social Object's membership list to the new item, select Copy
membership of source Social Object.


Click OK to add the item to the object's list of related items.

How do I view the members of a Social Object?


On the navigation bar, click

and select a type of Social Object to show.


Double-click the object to open it.



How can I view the messages posted to a Social Object's wall?


On the navigation bar, click

and select a type of Social Object to show.


Double-click the object to open it.



How do I hide membership messages on a Social Object's wall?

When a user is added to or removed from an item a membership message is posted to
the item (for example, This <Social Object> is now accessible to: Jane Doe). If you'd prefer
not to show those messages, you can hide them. See How do I hide membership

Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In

What kinds of shared activities are there between Outlook and the add-in for Outlook?
You can add Microsoft Outlook emails, meeting details, and tasks to an Oracle Social
Network Conversation or wall; and, in the Oracle Social Network add-in for Microsoft
Outlook, you can initiate Outlook-related activities. For example, you can add an
Oracle Social Network contact to your Outlook Contacts list; create an Outlook task;
send an email with links and attachments from the add-in; schedule an Outlook
calendar meeting, and select participants from Oracle Social Network as well as your
Outlook address book and your other usual sources.

9-48 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In

How do I add email, meeting details, or tasks to a Conversation or wall?

You can add Outlook email, meeting details, and tasks to an Oracle Social Network
Conversation through the Oracle Social Network add-in for Microsoft Outlook.
Additionally, you can add the item's recipients and attachments. You can edit the item
to leave out some or all of the its content, recipients, and attachments. You can add
more content, people, and files along with the originals.
Be thoughtful about which items you add and how much of their content you include.
Depending on their length, added Outlook items can quickly clutter a Conversation.
Before finalizing an addition, you can edit it to sanitize and simplify it. Consider
removing header information, signatures, and any other unnecessary or unwanted

Perform one of the following actions to add an Outlook item (email, meeting, or
task) to a Conversation or wall:

Select an Outlook item, then click Add To Oracle Social Network in the
Outlook ribbon.
Right-click an Outlook item, then click Add To Oracle Social Network.
Select an Outlook item, then go to the Conversation or wall you want to add
the email to, and in its top-most banner, click , then select Add To Oracle
Social Network.
Open the target Conversation or wall, then drag and drop the Outlook item
into the open Conversation or wall.

In a meeting or task, click Add to in the item's ribbon at the top of the form.

In an email's ribbon, select one of the following options under When sending:

Move toPost the message to a Conversation or wall, rather than sending

the email.

Copy toPost the message to a Conversation or wall, but also send the
This option is useful if your message includes some users who are not part
of your social network. You would generally want to use this for simple
posted information, not messages that will spark a discussion, otherwise
the email thread and the Conversation will become out of sync. For example, you might want to send meeting details such as location and agenda
to a user who is not part of your social network, and copy it to a Conversation in your social network so that you have a record of the communication along with other related information for internal use, like documents
for the meeting.

The email is moved or copied to the Conversation or wall when you click
Note: If you don't want to post the email to a Conversation or wall, select No
Post to just send the email.

In the resulting dialog, the Conversation is populated with the Conversation or

wall you targeted or with the title of the email, meeting, or task (which will be the
title of the new Conversation). To select another Conversation, click Conversation,
then select a recent Conversation or a favorite Conversation, or, to create a new
Conversation with a different name, click New.
Note: For more information about creating a new Conversation, see How do I start
a Conversation?

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-49

Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In


Any people included in the email, meeting, or task who are Oracle Social Network
users are added to the Invitees. To select other people to invite, click Invitees,
then, in the Select Members dialog, select groups and people you want to add as
Double-click a name to add it to the Select list at the bottom of the dialog, or select
names, then click Select to add all selections. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than
one person or group.
By default, you see a list of email recipients. Click a tab to change your view:

RecipientsView the list of people who received the email.

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social
Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add as a memberthe person is one of your contacts, the
person is a member of similar items, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Current MembersIf you are adding the email to an existing Conversation,

you can see the people and groups that are members of the Conversation.

Alternatively, you can enter part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
Note: You can hide unwanted email recipients by telling Oracle Social Network to
ignore particular email addresses or domain names when adding an email to
Oracle Social Network. For more information, see How do I tell Oracle Social
Network to ignore particular email addresses or domains when posting email
messages to a Conversation or wall?

Any documents that were part of the email, meeting, or task are added to the
Attachments. To add more attachments, click Attachments, then, in the dialog,
click Add, select documents to attach, and add descriptions of the selected
Note: The documents you select are uploaded to the Conversation or wall, but
they are not also attached as additional documents to the email, meeting, or task.


Click Post As to select how the text should be posted:


Top-Level MessagesPost the email as one or more individual messages.

Message splits mark the end of each message. See Step 6 for more information
on message splits.
Single Message with RepliesPost the first email message in the dialog as a
top-level message in the Conversation or wall, and post all other messages as
replies to the top-level message. Message splits mark the end of each message.
See Step 6 for more information on message splits. This option is useful for
email threads.
Word DocumentPost the email as a Microsoft Word document. Formatting
and inline images will be preserved. Message splits aren't supported.
HTML DocumentPost email as an HTML document. Formatting and inline
images will be preserved. Message splits aren't supported.

Any text in the email, meeting, or task is included in the dialog's editor. You can
edit the text and formatting, add or remove links, insert references to Oracle Social
Network items, and change how the messages are split up.

9-50 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In

Oracle Social Network automatically adds message splits ("End of Message"

indicators) based on the messages in the email, but you can also manually add or
remove message splits to control how the email is posted to the Conversation or

To remove a message split, delete the whole "End of Message" line.

To add a message split, place your cursor where you want to split the
messages, then click Add Message Split.

If you're adding an email with multiple messages, the newest message appears in
the dialog first (at the top), the same as it does in the email. When the messages are
added to Oracle Social Network, the first message in the dialog is posted to the
Conversation or wall first, followed by the remaining messages.
If you want to reverse the order of the messages in the dialog (to show the oldest
message first), click Sort Messages, then select Last Message on Top.
Note: The sort order has no effect if there are no message splits.

Click Post.

How do I tell Oracle Social Network to ignore particular email addresses or domains
when posting email messages to a Conversation or wall?
You might send or receive email from addresses or domain names that are part of
Oracle Social Network but that you don't want to include when posting email
messages to Conversations or walls (for example, distribution lists or support email
addresses). You can tell Oracle Social Network to ignore these email addresses and
domain names so they don't show up in the Recipients list when you're adding an
email to a Conversation or wall. Also, if you're prompted to post outgoing email
messages to Oracle Social Network (see How do I tell Outlook to prompt me to use
Oracle Social Network?), the ignored email addresses and domain names won't
generate a prompt.
You can add email addresses or domain names to the ignore list in the following ways:

When adding an email to a Conversation or wall:


In the Add to Oracle Social Network dialog, click Invitees.


In the Select Members dialog, on the Recipients tab, right-click the recipient
whose email address/domain name you want to ignore.


Select Add Invitee to Ignore List or Add Invitee's Domain to Ignore List.
Recipients that match the ignored email addresses/domain names are
immediately removed from the list.

Add, edit, or remove entries in your Posting Email preferences. For more
information, see How do I tell Outlook to prompt me to use Oracle Social
Network?, step 4.

How do I add an Oracle Social Network contact to my Microsoft Outlook Contacts list?
You can accomplish this task wherever people or groups are listed, like on a
Conversation or wall's membership list or on one of the tabs on the View people and
groups panel. This describes how to add an Outlook Contact from the add-in's View
people and groups panel.

In the navigation bar, click

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-51

Interacting with Microsoft Outlook in the Add-In


Click a tab to open it.

Tip: On the Groups tab, double-click a group to open its wall, then click the
Members tab to see its members.


Right-click someone on the list, and select Add to Outlook Contacts.

How do I schedule a Microsoft Outlook Calendar meeting through the add-in for

Right-click a message, person, Conversation, wall, or other item, and select

Schedule Meeting to open an Outlook Calendar Meeting scheduler.
You can also invite multiple people or groups in one action:

On the People and Groups tab, use Ctrl+Click to select multiple people or


Right-click, and select Schedule Meeting from the context menu.

The people or groups you selected are added to the meeting's list of invitees.


Finish setting up the meeting as you would for any Outlook Calendar entry.

Note: You can add meeting details from your Outlook Calendar to a Conversation or
wall. For more information, see How do I add email, meeting details, or tasks to a
Conversation or wall?
Where you initiate a new meeting in the add-in affects who is automatically invited to
the meeting and what is included in the invitation. For example:

Right-click a message, and the person who posted the message is automatically
added to the To field in the meeting scheduler. Additionally, a link to the message
is included in the body of the invitation.
Right-click a document, and the person who uploaded the document is added to
the To field in the meeting scheduler. Additionally, a link to the document is
added to the body of the invitation.
Right-click a listed Conversation, wall, collection, or Social Object, and no one is
automatically added to the To field in the meeting scheduler. But a link to the item
that you right-clicked is included in the body of the message.

Tip: You can invite people who use Oracle Social Network using the scheduler's
Attendees list. Select Invite Attendees, then Attendees, and Address Book. In the
Select Attendees and Resources dialog in Outlook Calendar, open the Address Book
menu and select Oracle Social Network under Outlook Address Book (or Other
Address Books).

How do I create a Microsoft Outlook Task from the add-in for Outlook?
You can accomplish this wherever people or groups are listed, like on a Conversation
or wall's list of members or on one of the tabs on the View people and groups panel.
This describes how to create an Outlook Task from the add-in's View people and
groups panel.

9-52 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Liking and Adding Favorites in the Add-In for Outlook


In the navigation bar, click


Click a tab to open it.


Right-click someone on the list, and select Create Task.

Note: For groups, double-click a group, open its Members tab, then right-click a
group member.


Fill out and save the Task form like you would with any other Outlook task.

How do I send an email from the add-in for Outlook?

You can send an Outlook email from just about anywhere in the add-in for Outlook,
like the list of messages in a Conversation, on a person or a group on the View people
and groups panel, on a document on the Documents panel or on the Documents tab
of any Conversation or wall.
Note: You can also add an Outlook email to a Conversation or wall. For more
information, see How do I add email, meeting details, or tasks to a Conversation or

Right-click an item, person, or group, and select Send Email or Send As Email
(depending on your starting point).


Write and send the message like you would any other Outlook email.

The person, group, or type of item you initiate this action from determines what you
are sending. Table 93 lists people, groups, and item types and describes what occurs
when you select Send Email or Send As Email.
Table 93

What Gets Sent When You Send Email from the Add-In?

Send (As) Email From a

An Email Form Opens With


The name of the Conversation in the Subject field and a link to the Conversation in
the body of the email


The name of the collection in the Subject field and a link to the collection in the body
of the email


The email address of the person who posted the message in the To field; the name of
the Conversation where the message was posted in the Subject field; and the message
and a link to the message in the body of the email
When recipients click the link, it opens the Conversation where the message was
posted in the web version of Oracle Social Network


The person who uploaded the document in the To field; the name of the Conversation
where the documents was posted in the Subject field; and the document added as an


The person's name in the To field


All members of the group in the To field

Liking and Adding Favorites in the Add-In for Outlook

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-53

Using Search in the Add-In for Outlook

What are Likes and Favorites?

Liking something communicates to others that you approve or support a posted item.
Once you like something, a You like this link appears on the item. As likes
accumulate, the link text changes to, for example, You and 1 person like this, You and
2 people like this, or 2 people like this, as the case may be. Click the link to open a
dialog showing who has liked the item.
When you unlike something, the check mark that appears next to You like this is
removed and the message's like count is reduced, or, if you were the only person to
like the item, the like link is removed entirely.
Marking an item as a favorite makes it easy to locateyou can find it on the Favorites
panel or filter many panels to show only favorites. The Overview, Collections,
Conversations, Social Objects, and Documents panels all provide a Favorites filter,
which you can use to filter out all items except those you have marked as a favorite.
When you show groups on the People and Groups page, you can filter your list of
groups by favorites, too.

How do I find out who likes an item?

Click the like link text below the messagefor example, You and 1 person like
thisto open the View Like dialog. The View Like dialog lists the people who like the

How do I like an item?


Navigate to the item you want to like.


Click the Like link at the bottom of the message or reply.

A link appears on the item, for example, You and 1 person like this, which you
can click to see who has liked the item.

How do I unlike an item?

The quick way to unlike an item is to click its Unlike link. Here is another way to
unlike an item:

Navigate to the item you want to unlike.


Right-click the item, select Like <item_type>, then You like this.

How do I mark an item as a favorite?

Click the item's

, or right-click the item, then select Mark as Favorite.

How do I unmark a favorite?

Click the item's

, or right-click the item, then select Mark as Favorite.

How can I see all my favorites?

On the navigation bar, click

Using Search in the Add-In for Outlook

9-54 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working Offline

What do hashtags (#) have to do with search?

You can add hashtags to meaningful terms in messages so all messages containing
your hashtagged term can be collected together in a list of search results. For example,
imagine you're writing about discounts. This topic comes up in a few unrelated
Conversations and walls. Every time you or your colleagues say something about
discounts, you all write discounts as a hashtag (#discounts). You can search for
#discounts and return a list of all messages in otherwise unrelated Conversations and
walls that contain the hashtagged term.
Tip: You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0
through 9 and _.
With any search, available hashtags are suggested when you enter your search term.
Selecting one of these takes you to the Hashtags panel where all messages that include
that hashtag are shown.
Hashtagged terms are clickable wherever they appear. So clicking #discounts in any
Conversation takes you to the Hashtags panel, where all messages that include the
hashtagged term are returned.
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview page, even
if you are not a member of those Conversations or walls.
To follow a hashtag, click it wherever you see it to go to the Hashtags panel, then click
at the top of the page. To stop following the hashtag, click

How do I run a search?


Enter at least two characters in the search box at the top of the add-in.
Top rated results appear in a drop-down list. Click a result to open the item.


To see all results, press Enter or click

To see only a particular result type (for example, Conversations or documents),

click , then select a filter.
The search results open in the Search Results panel.
Note: You can also filter the results after running your search by selecting a filter
from the Options menu on the Search Results banner.

If you filtered by a result type, additional sort options are available. Click the
Options menu on the Search Results banner, select Sort, then select a sort option.

How do I rerun a recent search?

To rerun a recent search, open
want to reuse.

, select Recent Searches, then select the term you

Tip: To clear your Recent Searches list, open

, select Recent Searches, then Clear.

Working Offline

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-55

Working Offline

How do I work offline?

Suppose you're heading for the airport and want to catch up on your Conversations
while on the plane. Before you leave, you can download an offline copy of the
Conversation; or you can save a Conversation to a .zip file, then unzip the file on your
local drive. Both versions contain all Conversation content available at the time you
created the archive, including messages, replies, and files. However, when you
download an offline copy, you can make changes to the Conversation to be published
the next time you're online.

For information on downloading an offline copy of a Conversation, collection,

social object, or wall, see How do I download an Offline Copy of an item?
For information on downloading an archive of a Conversation, see How do I
download an archive a Conversation?

How do I download an Offline Copy of an item?

To download an offline copy of a Conversation, collection, social object, or wall, open
the item, click , then click Download for Offline. An icon ( ) appears next to the
item to indicate that it has been downloaded.
Alternatively, you can right-click the item, then click Download for Offline.
Note: You can set Offline preferences to select what data gets downloaded for offline
use. See How do I set offline preferences?

What's the difference between online and offline items?

An offline copy of an item has a few differences from an online item:

The Insert Reference button is disabled.

You can't see referring items.

How can I view a list of my offline Conversations while I'm online?

When you're online, you can view a list of the Conversations you've downloaded for
offline use by clicking
on the navigation bar.
Alternatively, on the navigation bar, click

, click

, and select Offline.

How can I view an offline copy of an item?

You can view an offline copy of an item while you're offline or online:
Double-click a listed item to open it.
A banner at the top of the window reminds you that you are viewing this item offline.
Note: To work offline, at the bottom of the panel, in the Accounts menu, clear the
check mark next to Work Online.
To preview the changes you made to an offline copy of an item, right-click the item,
click Offline Copy, then click Preview.
Alternatively, if you are viewing the item you changed offline, click
Copy, then click Preview.

9-56 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

, select Offline

Working Offline

How do I clear changes I made offline?

When you are online (connected to your account), you can remove the changes you
made to items offline.

To remove changes for a specific item, right-click the item, click Offline Copy,
then click Clear Changes.
To remove all your offline changes at the same time, at the bottom of the panel,
, click Offline Copy, then click Clear Changes.

How do I refresh an offline copy of an item?

When you connect to your account, your offline copies are automatically refreshed
periodically. However, you can also manually refresh offline copies while you're

To refresh the offline copy of a specific item, right-click the item, click Offline
Copy, then click Refresh.
To refresh all offline copies at the same time, at the bottom of the panel, click
click Offline Copy, then click Refresh.

How do I post the changes I made offline to an online item?

If you have made changes to an offline item, the next time you go online (connect to
your account) a banner appears saying that there are changes pending.
You can set Offline preferences to select whether your changes are published
automatically when you go online or if you'd rather publish them manually. See How
do I set offline preferences?
If you select to automatically publish your changes, the changes are posted when you
connect to your account, and the banner disappears.
If you choose to publish your changes manually, you can preview the change to an
item, by right-clicking the item, clicking Offline Copy, then clicking Preview.
Use one of the following methods to manually publish those changes for others to see.

To publish changes to all items at the same time, in the banner, click Publish.
To publish changes for a specific item, right-click the item, click Offline Copy,
then select Publish Changes.
Alternatively, while viewing the item, click
then click Publish Changes.

in the title bar, click Offline Copy,

Changes are posted to the live versions of the selected items, and the banner

How do I remove an offline copy of an item?

Right-click the item, click Offline Copy, then click Remove.
Alternatively, to remove all offline copies at the same time, when you are online, at the
bottom of the panel, click
, click Offline Copy, then click Remove.

Using Oracle Social Network with Microsoft Outlook 9-57

Working Offline

9-58 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working from Your Desktop


These topics introduce the features of Oracle Social Network Desktop and describe
how to use them:

"Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Working with Messages"

"Working with Documents"

"Working with Related and Referring Items"

"Using Hashtags and Search in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Using the Overview Panel in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Using Flags in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Using Favorites in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Using Collections in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Managing Your Account in Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop"

"Getting Help, Support, and Updates for Oracle Social Network Desktop"

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

What is Oracle Social Network Desktop?
Oracle Social Network Desktop provides easy access to Oracle Social Network from
your computer desktop. Use it for quick access to your contacts and groups; to
participate in and view Conversations; and to stay notified of important activity.

Working from Your Desktop 10-1

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

Oracle Social Network Desktop is available for both Windows and Mac OS.

How do I install Oracle Social Network Desktop?



Get the installation file from the Downloads page in the web version of Oracle
Social Network:

Log in to the web version of Oracle Social Network.


Click the arrow next to your name at the top of the application, then click


On the Downloads page, click Download Oracle Social Network Desktop.


On the resulting page, click the link to download the appropriate installer for
your operating system.

Install the application:

In Microsoft Windows, locate the installation file (social_network_desktop_
setup.exe), open it, and follow the instructions in the install wizard.
On a Mac, locate the installation file (oracle_social_network_desktop.dmg), and
open it. The disk image window should open with a representation of Oracle
Social Network Desktop on one side and a representation of your Applications
home on the other. Drag Oracle Social Network Desktop to Applications, and drop
it there.

How do I Open Oracle Social Network Desktop?

In Microsoft Windows, use one of the following options:

On your desktop, double-click

From the Start menu, select All Programs, Oracle Social Network, Oracle Social

On a Mac, use one of the following options:

In the Dock, click

Note: The icon appears in the Dock only if you put it there.

From the Go menu, select Applications, then double-click Oracle Social Network.

The Oracle Social Network Desktop icon (

Microsoft Windows) or in the Dock (Mac).

) appears in the system tray (for

Note: A green dot on the icon means you have unread notifications. See Using
Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop.

How do I log in to Oracle Social Network Desktop?

Important: If you received an email invite to join Oracle Social Network, you must log
in through the web client and change your temporary password before you use the
Oracle Social Network Desktop. Click the link in the invite to open the web client.
After you install Oracle Social Network Desktop, the first time you open it, you'll be
prompted for your Oracle Social Network login information:

Your system administrator likely set up your system to automatically connect to

the necessary accounts, but, if not, in the Server URL field, enter the URL to your
Oracle Social Network account, then click Next.

10-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

For example, enter:


If your company uses federated authentication, your newly created account is

selected in the Manage Accounts dialog. Click OK, then enter your login
information as requested.
If your company doesn't use federated authentication, skip to the next step.


If necessary, enter the Identity Domain.


In the User Name field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.


In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.


To log in automatically in future sessions, select Remember password.


Click Finish.

You can configure one or more Oracle Social Network accounts and easily switch
between them. For more information, see:

What are Oracle Social Network accounts?

How do I enable account switching when I start Oracle Social Network Desktop?

What is the sidebar?

The sidebar is a panel on your desktop with tabs for accessing the main features of
Oracle Social Network. In Microsoft Windows, you can dock the sidebar to the right or
left side of your screen, or leave the sidebar undocked.
Use the icons on the sidebar to navigate and take action in Oracle Social Network
Table 101

Icons in the Oracle Social Network Desktop Sidebar




Click this icon to show a list of the latest actions

of the people you follow, the latest posts in the
Conversations and walls you are a member of,
and messages that include hashtags you follow
(from public Conversations and walls, even
those you are not a member of).
Using the Overview Panel in Oracle Social
Network Desktop

New Object

Click to create a new object. For example, on the

Conversations panel, click to create a new

Open Existing Object

Click to open a dialog for selecting and opening

an existing object. For example, on the
Conversations panel, click to open an existing

Help (for this panel)

Click to navigate to help for the current panel.

Options menu

Select options from the Options menu to apply

to the current panel. For example, on the
Overview panel, click
to choose the types of
messages to show and whether to show
message previews.

These icons appear on each

panel and provide the same
service on each (though with
different options). One
exception is the Offline
Briefcase panel, which
doesn't have an Options

Working from Your Desktop 10-3

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

Table 101 (Cont.) Icons in the Oracle Social Network Desktop Sidebar




Click to view a list of flagseither the ones you

assigned or the ones assigned to you.
The number in the red circle shows how many
flags are assigned to you.
Using Flags in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Clear My Flags

Click to remove selected flags from your list of

flags. Ctrl+Click listed flags to select more than
one, then click the icon.
You can't undo this action.
Another way to clear a single flag is to click the
Flag icon to its right. This opens a menu with
Clear Flag and Manage Flags options.


Click to view a list of items you've marked as

your favorites.
How do I view my favorites?


Click to view a list of all Conversations

available to you.
Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network

Unread Messages, Add to

Favorites, and New item

These appear on each listed Conversation

("New!" shows only on Conversations that
you've just been added to). The number shows
how many messages in the Conversation are
unread. Click the unread number to mark all
messages in that Conversation as read.
The star is the Add to Favorites icon. Click it to
mark the Conversation as a favorite.


Click this icon to show a list of collections.

Using Collections in Oracle Social Network


Click this icon to show your list of contacts,

recommended people to follow, the people you
already follow, and the people who follow you.
Working with People in Oracle Social Network

Add Contact

Click to open a search field for locating people

and adding them to your list of contacts.

Open One-on-One

Select someone on your contacts list, and click

this icon to open a One-on-One Conversation
with them.

Open Wall

Select a contact or, on the Groups panel, a

group, and click this icon to open a view of the
selected person's or group's wall.


Click to show the groups you are a member of.

Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network

10-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

Table 101 (Cont.) Icons in the Oracle Social Network Desktop Sidebar



Social Objects

Click this icon to open a list of Social Objects.

Note: This icon appears when one or more
Social Objects are available and you have access
to them.
Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network

Social Object selection list

Click this icon to open a selection list of all

available types of Social Objects. Select to show
all types or a selected type.
Where can I see a list of Social Objects?

Offline Briefcase

Click to view a list of the Conversations and

walls you have added to your Offline Briefcase.

Working Offline in Oracle Social Network

How do I work offline in Oracle Social
Network Desktop?

Refresh All Offline


Click this icon to refresh all Conversations in

your Offline Briefcase with any messages added
since you last refreshed them.

Add Conversation to the

Offline Briefcase

Click to open a dialog where you can select a

Conversation to add to your Offline Briefcase.

Refresh Offline Conversation

Click this icon to refresh a selected

Conversation with any messages added since
you last refreshed the Conversation.

Publish Changes

When you post messages to an offline

Conversation, once you are online again, you
can click this icon to upload those changes to
the Conversation.

Remove from Offline


Select a Conversation and click this icon to

remove it from your Offline Briefcase.

Unread Messages

In the Offline Briefcase on a listed Conversation

or wall, the number in the blue box shows the
number of unread messages. If no number
appears, it means you have marked all
messages in that Conversation or wall as read.


Click this icon to show your notifications.

The number in the red circle shows how many
notifications you have
Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network

Working from Your Desktop 10-5

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

Table 101 (Cont.) Icons in the Oracle Social Network Desktop Sidebar




Select a notification, and click this icon to

remove it.


Opens the Settings window.

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social
Network Desktop

Begin Search

This icon appears at the top of the sidebar. Click

it to execute a search based on your search
terms and to show results in a new window.
When you search without clicking Begin Search,
results show in a pop-up list. You can still click
Begin Search to open a separate window with
the full set of results.

What is the Detail window?

The Detail window provides a tabbed view of all the items (Conversations, collections,
people, groups, Social Objects, and hashtag pages) you have open. Each tab includes
an icon representing the type of item, the item name, and, when appropriate, a number
showing how many unread messages you have in the Conversation or wall.
Note: The tab flashes when a new message is added to the Conversation or wall.
The plus sign to the right of the tabs enables you to open existing items or create a new

You can right-click a tab to perform the following actions:

Close This TabCloses the tab you right-clicked.

Close Other TabsCloses all tabs other than the one you right-clicked.

Close All TabsCloses the Detail window and all tabs.

Mark All as ReadMarks all the messages in the tab you right-clicked as read.

Mute/Unmute <Item>Mutes or unmutes the item displayed on the tab you

right-clicked. For more information, see How do I mute or unmute an item?
Add to/Remove from FavoritesAdds or removes the item displayed on the tab
you right-clicked as a favorite. For more information, see How do I add an item as
a favorite?
Rename <Item>Lets you rename the item displayed on the tab you
right-clicked. For more information, see How do I rename an item?
View in Web BrowserOpen the item displayed on the tab you right-clicked in
the web version of Oracle Social Network. For more information, see How do I
view an item in the web version of Oracle Social Network?

When many tabs are open in the Detail window, an overflow menu appears, which
you can click to see additional open items. To the right of the overflow menu, the
number in the blue box indicates the total number of all unread messages in all
overflow Conversations and walls.

10-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

The controls on a tab vary depending on the type of item displayed:

Membership barshows pictures of the item members and an icon for managing
the list of members ( ). For more information, see How do I view and manage an
item's members?
Appears on Conversations, collections, groups, and Social Objects tabs.

Find and navigate toolsenable you to find unread messages, flags assigned to
you, or text within the Conversation or Social Object.

To find unread messages, click the unread messages count in the tab bar, and
use the up and down arrows to navigate through the unread messages.

To find flags assigned to you, click the flag count in the tab bar, and use the up
and down arrows to navigate through your flags.

To find text in the messages or documents, click the search icon in the tab bar,
enter the text you want to search for, press Enter. The matching text is
highlighted in the messages. Use the up and down arrows to navigate through
the results.

Options menu ( )enables you to perform actions on the item, like adding the
item as a favorite or changing the item's settings.
Appears on all tabs except hashtag page tabs, but the options on each menu vary
according to the item type.

Tabsshows lists of associated items (such as messages and documents), but the
tabs vary according to the item type:

Messages (Conversations) or Wall (all other items)Shows the messages

relating to the item you're viewing.

DocumentsShows the documents added to the item you're viewing and any
folders that exist.

Followers (people)Shows who is following the person you're viewing.

Following (people)Shows who the person you're viewing is following.

Member Of (groups)Shows what items the group you're viewing is a

member of.

Related ItemsShows the items added to the item you're viewing.

Working from Your Desktop 10-7

Getting Started with Oracle Social Network Desktop

Referring ItemsShows the items that include the item you're viewing in
their list of related items.

How do I set up or change my profile?


Click your picture in the upper left corner to display your wall. Your profile
information is at the top of your wall. (You can get to anyone's wall and profile by
clicking their name or picture almost anywhere you see them in Oracle Social


Click Edit Profile.


Edit your profile information as desired. Some information is read-only and can't
be edited.


To change your profile picture, click Change Picture. Select a .gif, .png, or .jpg file.
Your picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels and placed in a circle showing your online
The Crop Picture dialog shows your image with a circle over the area that will
show in Oracle Social Network. You can drag the corners of the crop area to
change the size of your picture, or drag your picture to change the position of the
crop area. When you're happy with the size and position, click Crop.
If you want to remove your profile picture and just use the default avatar, click
Clear Picture.

Note: Your wall is a place where you can post messages and other types of content for
everyone to see. Other people can also post content to your wall, but only if they're
following you. You can turn off the ability for others to post to your wall through
Settings (see How do I control whether other people can post or reply to messages and
documents on my wall?).

How do I close and exit Oracle Social Network Desktop?

You have a couple of options:
You can close Oracle Social Network Desktop but leave it running in the background to
continue seeing pop-up alerts:

In Microsoft Windows: Click the Close icon in the top right of the sidebar.

On a Mac: Click the red close button in the top left of each window.

You can exit Oracle Social Network Desktop, closing all its windows and discontinuing
pop-up alerts in this session:

In Microsoft Windows: In the system tray, click the Oracle Social Network icon
and select Exit. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.
On a Mac: From the application menu, select Quit Oracle Social Network. Click
OK in the confirmation dialog. Alternatively, right-click the Dock icon, and select

10-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Most tasks you perform in Oracle Social Network Desktop are similar no matter what
type of object you're working with.

How do I open an item?

Click the item wherever you see it linked. The item opens in the Detail window. For
more information, see What is the Detail window?
To open an item from the object panel:
1. Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?

Click the item.

To open an item from the Detail window:

1. While viewing an item in the Detail window, click


, then select Open

Enter the name of the item in the Search Conversations field, or click a filter to
select from a list:

Click Recent to select from a list of items you've visited recently.

Click Favorites to select from a list of your favorite items.

Search Results opens automatically when search results are returned.

Click the item.

How do I add an item as a favorite?

To mark an item as a favorite, click
next to the item. Click the star again to unmark
it. For more information, see Using Favorites in Oracle Social Network Desktop.

How do I create an item?


Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?



For contacts, enter at least two characters to search for people, then click a person
to add them as a contact.
For Social Objects, select the type of object to create.

Enter a name for the item.


Select whether the item is private (only visible to members) or public (visible to
Note: This setting doesn't appear for groups.


Select members by moving groups and people to the right column to add them or
to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one person
or group.

Working from Your Desktop 10-9

What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add as a memberthe person is one of your contacts, the
person is a member of similar items, and other common actions.
Tip: You can view the reason for the recommendation by placing your cursor
over the recommendation.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Alternatively, you can create a new Conversation from the Detail window.

While viewing an item in the Detail window, click



Enter a name for the Conversation.

, then select New

How do I view and manage an item's members?


Open the item. For more information, see How do I open an item?
At the top of the item's tab is a membership bar with pictures of all the people who
are members of that item.


In the membership bar, click

to open the Update Members dialog.



If you don't see the manage members button ( ) when viewing a group, the
group is managed externally (for example, through LDAP), so you can't
change the membership through Oracle Social Network.
If you're viewing a public item that you haven't joined, you can view the
members by clicking the Options menu ( ), then selecting Show

In the Update Members dialog, move groups and people to the right column to
add them or to the left column to remove them. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than
one person or group.
If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you
can add someone who isn't an Oracle Social Network user. Enter the person's
email address in the search box, then click Invite email_address. When asked if
you want to send an invitation, click Yes. When you save your changes an email
will be sent to the person inviting them to join Oracle Social Network.
You can also search by entering part of a person's or group's name, and select them
from the list that pops up.
By default, you see a list of recommended members. Click a tab to change your

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add as a memberthe person is one of your contacts, the
person is a member of similar items, and other common actions.

10-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Tip: You can view the reason for the recommendation by placing your cursor
over the recommendation.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

Alternatively, you can remove a member (that was not added as part of a group) by
right-clicking the member in the membership bar, then clicking Remove from <item
Note: The Remove from <item type> option isn't available if you right-click a member
that was added as part of a group. To remove a member who was added as part of a
group, you must remove the whole group through the Update Members dialog (as
described above).
In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Conversation, collection wall, or Social Object wall by
accepting the recommendations that are sometimes shown in the list of messages
(under Add to this <item type>). Oracle Social Network recommends people to add to
an item based on people you frequently add to other items and actions you have in
common with others (such as being members of the same Conversations).
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Click the person's name to view their profile.

Click Add to accept the recommendation and add the person to the Conversation.

Click Ignore to decline the recommendation.

Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Click the arrows on either side of the current recommendation to see the previous
or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the Conversation. If you
scroll up or down, the Add to this Conversation section might move out of view. Just
scroll up or down to find it.

How do I hide an item's membership messages?

When a user is added to or removed from an item a membership message is posted to
the item (for example, This Conversation is now accessible to: Jane Doe). If you'd prefer not
to show those messages, you can hide them.

Open the item. For more information, see How do I open an item?



, select <Object Type> Settings, then select Hide Membership Messages.

Note: User walls have followers rather than members, so this setting doesn't apply to
user walls.

How do I share a link to an item?

Let's say you want to share a link to an item (for example, a Conversation) in an email
or while you're instant messaging. Open the item, click the Options menu ( ), then

Working from Your Desktop 10-11

What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

select Copy Link. The link to the item is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it
anywhere you like.
Note: When people click the link, they are taken to Oracle Social Network in their

How do I rename an item?


Open the item. For more information, see How do I open an item?


In the Detail window, click the Options menu ( ), click Conversation Settings,
then select Rename <Object>.


Enter the new name.

How do I split a Conversation off from an existing Conversation or wall?

If one your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you
might want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.

Open the Conversation or wall, see How do I open an item?


Under the text box, click


In the New Conversation dialog box, enter a name, select the visibility, and add
members. For more information, see How do I create an item?

When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted in both the new and the
original Conversations showing a link to the other Conversation.

How do I mute or unmute an item?

If you have items in your object lists that you never look at (for example a
Conversation that doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates on the Overview
panel or in your email digests about items you don't care about, you can mute those
items. Muting an item hides it and its activity from your view. It's still there; you just
won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if you're flagged on a message in a
muted item, for which you will still be alerted by email.)
To mute an item:
1. Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?

Right-click the item and select Mute <Object>.

Alternatively, open the item, click the Options menu ( ), then select Mute <Object>.
To unmute an item:
1. Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?

Click the Options menu ( ), and select Muted to show all muted items.


Right-click the item and select Mute <Object> to clear the check mark.

Alternatively, open the item, click the Options menu ( ), then select Mute <Object> to
clear the check mark.

10-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I close or reopen an item?

You can close any item you belong to, even if you didn't create it. Closing an item
prevents people from adding new content to it and moves the item to the list of closed
items in everyone's object panel.
To close an item:
1. Open the item. For more information, see How do I open an item?

In the Detail window, click the Options menu ( ), click <Object> Settings, then
select Close <Object>.


Optionally, add an explanation about why you closed the item.

To reopen an item:
Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.


For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?

Click the Options menu ( ), then select Closed to show a list of all the closed


Open the closed item.


In the Detail window, click the Options menu ( ), click <Object> Settings, then
select Reopen <Object>.

How do I discard an item?

You can discard an item if you are the only member and it's private. The item, its
messages, and its documents are deleted. Although the relationships between the
discarded item and any related and referring items are deleted, the related and
referring items aren't affected in any other way.
Note: All content is retained on the system for legal or forensic purposes, but only an
application administrator can recover discarded content.

Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?


Right-click the item, and select Discard <Object>.

Alternatively, open the item, click the Options menu ( ), click <Object> Settings, then
select Discard <Object>.

How do I download an archive of an item?

At some point you might want to download an archive of an item, possibly to view
when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the item's content at a certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the item). It contains the item's list
of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default index.html)
and all the documents added to the item.
To download an archive of an item:

Open the item. For more information, see How do I open an item?


In the Detail window, click the Options menu ( ), then click Download Archive.

Working from Your Desktop 10-13

What You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

A progress window opens showing the download progress. After the download is
done, you can double-click the archive to open it, or you can right-click it and select to
open the containing folder or remove it from the progress window list.
To work with an archive of an item:

Unzip the files to your computer.


Open index.html.
Clicking a document link opens the copy of the document that is included in the
.zip file. All other links in index.html (user names, like, reply, and so on) open
Oracle Social Network in the browser.


You can't make changes to an archive of an item (though you can click a link to
open the item in a browser and make changes there). If you want to be able to
make offline changes, instead add the item to your Offline Briefcase (see Working
Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop).
You can get back to the progress window after you've closed it by clicking
the system tray for Microsoft Windows, or by clicking the Action Menu for Mac,
then clicking File Transfer Progress.

How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

Tip: For information about offline briefcases, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase.

Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?


Right-click the item, and select Add to Offline Briefcase.

Alternatively, open the item, click the Options menu ( ), then click Add to Offline

How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social Network?


Open the item. For more information, see How do I open an item?


In the Detail window, click the Options menu ( ), then click View in Web

Your browser opens to the selected item.

Other Common Tasks

Here is a list of other things you can do in Oracle Social Network Desktop:
Table 102

List of Other Things You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop


For more information, see

Post, reply to, like edit, and delete messages; mark

messages as read

Working with Messages

Add, download, and manage documents; create and Working with Documents
manage folders
View, add, or remove items related to or referring to Working with Related and Referring Items
the item you're viewing

10-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Messages

Table 102 (Cont.) List of Other Things You Can Do in Oracle Social Network Desktop

For more information, see

Add hashtags to messages and use them to easily

find messages around a particular topic

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

Search for items

How do I search?

Use the Overview panel to quickly see recent

activity across Oracle Social Network

Using the Overview Panel in Oracle Social Network


View, assign, and respond to flags

Using Flags in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Mark items as favorites

Using Favorites in Oracle Social Network Desktop

View, start, and participate in Conversations

Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Have a one-on-one Conversation in real time with


How do I start a One-on-One Conversation?

Start or join a web conference?

How do I start a web conference?

How do I join a web conference?

View and manage collections of items surrounding a Using Collections in Oracle Social Network Desktop
View and manage your contacts; view a person's
profile and post to his or her wall; manage the
people you're following and see who's following

Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop

View and manage groups, group membership, and

the messages and documents posted to them

Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop

View and manage Social Objects and the messages

and documents posted to them

Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Save items to a briefcase and view and contribute to Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop
them offline
Receive and respond to notifications about Oracle
Social Network activity

Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop

View, manage, and switch between the accounts you Managing Your Account in Oracle Social Network Desktop
use to connect to Oracle Social Network Desktop
Configure settings for things like security,
notifications, and conferences

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network


Working with Messages

How do I post a message?

Open the Conversation or wall. For more information see How do I open an item?
A Conversation has the message text box at the bottom of the window. A wall has
the message text box at the top of the window.
Note: If you don't see a text box at the top of someone's wall, you aren't following
the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her wall.


In the text box, enter your message.

Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?
Working from Your Desktop 10-15

Working with Messages

Controls below the text box offer more options:

Select text and click

to format your selection as bold.

Select text and click

to format your selection as italic.

Select text and click

to underline your selection.

Select text and click

to remove formatting.

For example, when you cut-and-paste content, it can carry over undesirable
formatting from the source. You can easily remove that formatting by selecting
it and clicking


to enter your message in the Rich Text Editor.

The Rich Text Editor offers a richer set of text formatting toolsfor example,
bullets and numbering optionsto post a more formally formatted message.

to add a link to an Oracle Social Network Conversation, wall, or
For more information, see How do I post a link to a Conversation, wall, or


to start a web conference with your web conference client.

For more information, see How do I start a web conference?


to take a screen shot of your desktop and post it.

For more information, see How do I post a snapshot of my screen?


to add a document.

For more information, see How do I add documents from the Messages or
Wall tab?
Note: Under the text box there's also a control to create a new Conversation, split off
from the existing item ( ). For more information, see How do I split a Conversation
off from an existing Conversation or wall?

How do I check for unread messages?


Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?
The number of unread messages in each object appears in a blue box (
the object name.

) next to


Filter the view to show only items with unread messages. Click

, select Only


Optionally, sort the objects by the number of unread posts. Click

then select Unread Posts.

, select Sort By,

By default, the list is sorted in descending order (objects with the most unread
posts are listed first).
Note: Your sort settings are saved and applied whenever you view the
Conversations panel.

10-16 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Messages

How do I quickly navigate through the messages in a Conversation or wall?

While viewing a Conversation or wall, you can scroll up or down but you can also use
a couple features to quickly navigate a Conversation or wall.

To jump directly to the previous or next unread message, click the unread
messages count in the tab bar, and use the up and down arrows to navigate
through the unread messages.

To jump to the top or bottom of a Conversation or wall:

On Microsoft Windows, press Ctrl+Home (top) or Ctrl+End (bottom).

On Macintosh, press Cmd+Ctrl+Up (top) or Cmd+Ctrl+Down (bottom).

How do I mark messages as read or unread?

In an object panel you can mark all messages for a particular object as read by clicking
the number of unread messages in the blue box ( ) next to the object.
Open the Conversation or wall, use the following methods to mark messages as read
or unread:

To mark a message as read, click the to the left of it, right-click the message and
select Mark Message as Read, or click
More and select Mark Message as
To mark all messages as read, click

in the header.

This number shows how many unread messages there are in the current
Conversation. Once you click this number, it resets to zero and all messages in the
current Conversation are marked as read.
You can also click

, and select Mark All as Read.

If you want a message status to be unread, but you've already marked it as read,
you can right-click the message and select Mark Message as Unread, or click
More and select Mark Message as Unread. This works only with messages others
have posted and not your own posts.

Tip: For information on marking messages as read automatically when you view
them, see How do I set up when to mark messages as read?

How do I like or unlike a message?

Open the Conversation or wall, click
like icon again to unlike it.

Like under the message to like it. Click the

You can also like an item from the Overview panel (click

in the sidebar).

Tip: To see who has liked a message, click the link that shows the number of people
who have liked it.

How do I mark or remove a message as a favorite?

Open the Conversation or wall, click
Click the star icon again to unmark it.

next to the message to mark it as a favorite.

Working from Your Desktop 10-17

Working with Messages

For information on viewing your favorites, see How do I view my favorites?

How do I flag a message for someone?

Open the Conversation or wall, click the flag icon next to the message to manage flags.
For more information, see How do I assign or clear flags?
For information on viewing your flags, see Where can I see all my flags?

How do I reply to a message?


Open the Conversation or wall. For more information see How do I open an item?
You can also reply to an item from the Overview panel (click

in the sidebar).


Reply under the message (or right-click the message, then click Reply)
to open a reply entry field.


Add your reply.

Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

Note: If you don't see

Reply under a post on a person's wall, the person doesn't
allow other people to reply to his or her wall posts.

How do I edit a message I posted?

Right-click the message you posted (you can edit only your own messages) and click
Edit, or click
More and select Edit, to open a text editor and revise the message.
Note: For information about the message text editor, see How do I post a message?

How do I delete a message?

You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.
Right-click the message, then click Delete, or click

More and select Delete.

To restore a deleted message, locate the deleted message icon (

) where the message
used to be, click
, then confirm that you want to restore the message.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the message, or the person
who deleted the message can restore the deleted message.

How do I post a link to a Conversation, wall, or document?


Open the Conversation or wall. For more information see How do I open an item?


Under the text box, click


In the resulting dialog, select a source for the Conversation, wall, or document.

Recent ItemsSelect from a list of items you have recently interacted with.
Recent DocumentsSelect from a list of documents you have recently
FavoritesSelect from the items you have marked as a favorite.

10-18 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Messages

Search ResultsEnter a search term in the Search field at the top of the
dialog; results appear on the Search Results tab.


Select the item you want to link to, and click OK.


Optionally, add your own text to the message.

Tip: You can add text before you add the link and after.

How do I post a snapshot of my screen?

You can take a picture of your screen and post it to a Conversation or wall.

Open the Conversation or wall. For more information see How do I open an item?


Bring the windows that you want to capture forward.


Under the text box, click

Snapshot Editor.

to open an image of your entire desktop in the

This minimizes all Oracle Social Network Desktop windows, and provides you
with, by default, five seconds to arrange your desktop for the snapshot. You can
configure the waiting period in your settings. For more information, see How do I
set the time to delay before a snapshot is taken?

Optionally, crop the screen capture by clicking and dragging over the area you
want to use.
Note: You can drag the edges of the snapshot window to make it larger and
magnify the snapshot.


Optionally, in the text box at the bottom of the Snapshot Editor, enter a message to
include with the image.
Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

How do I add documents from the Messages or Wall tab?

You can add files from your local file systems and from your cloud document store
account (for example, Google Drive). For instructions, see How do I add documents?

How do I split a Conversation off from an existing Conversation or wall?

If your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you might
want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.
Open the Conversation or wall, click
(under the text box), then complete the
information in the dialog. For more information, see How do I split a Conversation off
from an existing Conversation or wall?
When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted in both the new and the
original Conversations showing a link to the other Conversation.

How do I select the language for system messages for a Conversation or wall?
Imagine that you and your colleagues post messages and documents in one language,
but system messages keep appearing in another. You can easily change the language
for these messages.

Open the Conversation or wall. For more information see How do I open an item?

Working from Your Desktop 10-19

Working with Documents


Click the Options menu ( ), click <Object> Settings, click Change <Object>
Language, then select a new language.

When you change the language for an item, new system messages appear in the new
language. System messages posted before the language change remain in the language
they were in when posted. Messages, files, button labels, and links are not affected by
an item language change.
Note: Selecting a language for system messages affects all members' views of the item.

Working with Documents

How do I view a document?
From wherever you see the document (for example, in the Overview panel, in a list of
messages, on the Documents tab for an item), you can open the document in one of
the following ways:

Click the document image to open the document in the web version of Oracle
Social Network.
Under the document, click Open; or right-click the document, then select Open
Document to open the document in it's native application.
If the document is from a cloud document store, the right-click option might be
Open Document in Cloud Document Store, where Cloud Document Store is the
name of the cloud document store, and the document opens in the cloud
document store's viewer.
Note: If Oracle Social Network can't find an application associated with the file
type, you are prompted to select an application (for Windows) or you are taken to
the file in Finder (for Mac).

How do I create or delete a folder?

To create a folder:
1. Open the item that you want to add the folder to or remove the folder from. For
more information see How do I open an item?

Click the Documents tab.




Enter a name and click Create.

Note: When you open a folder, a breadcrumb appears at the top of the Documents tab
to show you where you are in the folder structure. To return to a parent folder, click
the folder name in the breadcrumb.
To delete a folder:
You can delete folders you created (so long as it doesn't include anyone else's
documents or folders) or folders on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any folder.
To delete a folder, right-click the folder, then click Delete.

10-20 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Documents

To restore a deleted folder:

To restore a deleted folder and its contents, on the Messages tab, locate the deleted
message icon (
) where the folder message used to be, click
, then confirm that
you want to restore the folder.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who created the folder, or the person
who deleted the folder can restore the deleted folder.

How do I add documents?

You can upload files from your local file systems and, if you have an account with a
cloud document store (for example, Google Drive), you can also add files from your
cloud document store account.

Before you can copy files from your cloud document store, your administrator
must enable this action and you must provide your cloud document store login
(for more information, see How do I allow Oracle Social Network to access my
cloud documents?).
Documents formatted in Google's proprietary format are automatically converted
to PDF when added to Oracle Social Network. You can't copy Google proprietary
format documents back to Google Drive, but you can copy the PDF version of
these documents. Unlike other file types, Google proprietary documents converted
to PDF are not automatically returned to their original location in Google Drive.
If you add a document with the same name as one that was previously added
from a local file system, a new version is created. However, if the document of the
same name was added from a cloud document store, you receive an error. You
must rename your local document or add the new version to the cloud document

To add documents:

Open the item that you want to add the document to. For more information see
How do I open an item?


On the Messages tab, click

under the text box.

Alternatively, on the Documents tab, navigate to the folder where you want to add
documents, then click
at the top of the tab.

Select where to add the document from:

Upload from Desktop

Add from Cloud Document Store, then select the appropriate cloud
document store


Select one or more documents, then click OK.


If you're uploading a document from your desktop you can prevent people from
downloading or copying the file by selecting Disable download and copy.


Optionally, enter a message to accompany the file.


If you selected multiple files, click

entry area.

to the left of a file to open a message

When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see

Working from Your Desktop 10-21

Working with Documents

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

When you click Post, you see the progress of the upload.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the
Conversation or wall. There's no undelete, so be sure about deleting the file before
you act.

To delete a document and all its versions:

1. Open the item that includes the document you want to delete. For more
information see How do I open an item?

Click the Documents tab.


Click More under the document, or right-click the document, then click Delete.

To delete a specific version of a document:

1. Navigate to the message associated with the document version you want to delete.
You can browse for the message or you can get to the document version message
from the Documents tab. To get to the document version message from the
Documents tab:



Click the version number link next to the document name, or right-click the
document, then select Show All Versions.


Right-click the version you want to delete, then click Go to Comment.

Right-click the document version message, then click Delete.

To restore a document:
To restore a deleted document, on the Messages tab, locate the deleted message icon
) where the document message used to be, click
, then confirm that you want
to restore the document.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the document, or the
person who deleted the document can restore the deleted document.

How do I copy documents or folders to another item?


Open the item that includes the documents or folders you want to copy. For more
information see How do I open an item?


Click the Documents tab.


Select one or more documents and folders.


Right-click your selection, select Copy, then select whether to copy the selected
documents and folders to a new Conversation or an existing Conversation.


If you selected Copy to New Conversation, enter the information for the new
Conversation. If you selected Copy to Existing Conversation, select the
Conversation you want to copy the documents and folders to.

10-22 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Documents

How do I move documents or folders to another folder?


Open the item that includes the documents or folders you want to move. For more
information see How do I open an item?


Click the Documents tab.


Select one or more documents and folders.


Right-click your selection, then select Move. In the dialog, select the folder you
want to move the documents and folders to, or click New Folder to create a new
Alternatively, to move documents and folders to a subfolder, drag them to the new

How do I download documents or folders?

Note: For information on copying a file to your cloud document store, see How do I
copy files from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store?

Open the item that includes the documents or folders you want to download. For
more information see How do I open an item?


Click the Documents tab.


Select one or more documents and folders, right-click your selection, then select
Note: If you select a folder or more than one document, the selected items are
downloaded as a .zip file.
Alternatively, to download a single file, click Download under the file.

A progress window opens showing the download progress. After the download is
done, you can double-click the document to open it, or right-click it and select to open
the containing folder or remove it from the progress window list.
Note: If the document is from a cloud document store, a browser window opens,
where you can download the file or view the online preview of the file.
Alternatively, while viewing messages, right-click a document, then select Download
Document, or click
More and select Download Document.
Note: You can get back to the progress window after you've closed it by clicking
in the system tray for Microsoft Windows, or by clicking the Action Menu for Mac,
then clicking File Transfer Progress.

How do I copy files from Oracle Social Network to my cloud document store?

Open the item that includes the files you want to copy. For more information see
How do I open an item?


Click the Documents tab.


Right-click the files, select Copy, then select Copy to Cloud Document Store,
select a cloud document store from the list, then select a location, and click OK.
Alternatively, if you originally copied the document from a cloud storage provider,
you can select Copy Back to <Cloud Document Store> to copy the file back to the
location it came from.

A progress bar at the top of the Detail window shows the upload progress.

Working from Your Desktop 10-23

Working with Related and Referring Items

How do I view other versions of a document?

When a document has more than one version, it displays a link in brackets ([x
versions]) that indicates the number of versions.

Open the item that includes the document you want to view. For more information
see How do I open an item?


Click the Documents tab.


Click the version number link, or right-click the document, then select Show All


Click the version to open it, or right-click it for additional options.

To hide the versions, click the version number link again; or right-click the document,
then select Show Latest Version.

How do I see who has accessed a document?

You can look at a document's access history to see who has viewed or performed other
actions on the document.

Open the item that includes the document for which you want to see the access
history. For more information see How do I open an item?


Click the Documents tab.


Click More under the document, or right-click the document, then select Access
The Access History dialog you see who viewed, copied, or added new versions of
the document along with the date and time they did so.


To filter the list by a type of activity, click All Activity and select an activity type.

How do I navigate from a document to its location in the Conversation or wall?

You can get from a document in the Documents tab to the place in the Conversation or
wall where the document was posted.

Open the Conversation or wall. For more information see How do I open an item?


Click the Documents tab.


Click More under the document, or right-click the document, then select Go to

How do I view an annotation on a document?

When you see a message stating that someone has added an annotation to a
document, click the name of the document to navigate to the annotation. The
document opens in the web version of Oracle Social Network and displays the
Alternatively, right-click the document, then select View Annotation, or click
More and select View Annotation.

Working with Related and Referring Items

10-24 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Hashtags and Search in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What are related and referring items?

Related items are the items that have been added to the item you're viewing. They
may include Conversations, Social Objects, people's walls, group walls, and other
Referring items are the items that the item you're viewing has been added to. They
may include Social Objects and collections.

How do I view an item's related items?


Open the collection or Social Object. For more information see How do I open an


In the Detail window, if the tab isn't already open, click the Related Items tab to
show the list of items that has been added to the item you're viewing.

How I do view an item's referring items?


Open the item. For more information see How do I open an item?


In the Detail window, click the Referring Items tab to show the list of items that
the item you're viewing has been added to.

How do I add an existing item as a related or referring item?


Open the item to which you want to add the related or referring item. For more
information see How do I open an item?


Click the appropriate tab (Related Items or Referring Items) tab, then click

Note: Referring items are available only for collections and Social Objects.

In the dialog, select a source:

RecentSelect from a list of items you have recently interacted with.

FavoritesSelect from the items you have marked as a favorite.


Search ResultsEnter a search term in the Search field at the top of the
dialog; results appear on the Search Results tab.

Select the desired related or referring item.

How do I add a new item as a related or referring item?


Open the item to which you want to add the related or referring item. For more
information see How do I open an item?


Click the appropriate tab (Related Items or Referring Items) tab, click
select the type of item you want to create.

, then

Note: Referring items are available only for collections and Social Objects.

In the dialog, enter a name, set the visibility, and add members.

Using Hashtags and Search in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Working from Your Desktop 10-25

Using Hashtags and Search in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to search for all content associated with that term or topic. For example,
imagine discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the
form of dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of
forms. How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a
hashtag. Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of
discount, you include the hashtag #discounts. You can then search for #discounts and
get a list of all messages in otherwise unrelated Conversations and walls that contain
the hashtagged term.
Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations,
and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been
used before) appear for you to select from.

You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Searching for and Viewing Hashtags

When you perform a search, available hashtags are included in the results. If your
search term starts with a hashtag (#), one of two things will happen. If the hashtag
exists, the hashtag page opens. If the hashtag doesn't exist, you see search results that
contain any tags similar to the hashtag you searched for.
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are clickable and will open a hashtag tab
page where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So clicking #discounts in
any Conversation opens a #discounts tab which shows any message (in a Conversation,
document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the
discounts hashtag.
On the hashtag tab, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the
hashtag (All Results) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By
People You Follow).
Following Hashtags
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview panel,
even if you are not a member of those Conversations or walls.
To follow a hashtag, click the hashtag to open the hashtag tab, then click Follow at the
top of the tab. To stop following the hashtag, click Stop Following.

How do I search?

Enter at least two characters in the search box at the top of the sidebar.
Top rated results appear in a drop-down list. Click a result to open the item in the
Detail window.


To see all results, press Enter or click

The search results open in the Detail window.

10-26 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using the Overview Panel in Oracle Social Network Desktop


Optionally, select a filter from the Show menu to show a particular result type (for
example, Conversations or documents).


After filtering by a result type, you see some additional sort and filter options:

Sort By: Select how to sort your results.

Posted By: Limit your search to messages or documents posted by a particular
Posted When: Limit your search to messages or documents posted within a
particular period.
Document Type: If you filter your results to show documents, you can select
which types of documents to show.
Updated By: Limit your search to Conversations, collections, or Social Objects
updated by a particular user.
Updated When: Limit your search to Conversations updated within a
particular period.
Created By: Limit your search to Conversations or groups created by a
particular user.
Created When: Limit your search to Conversations or groups created within a
particular period.

Favorites Only: Limit your search to only your favorite Conversations.

Include Public: Control whether to show public Conversations in your results.

Include Closed: Control whether to show closed Conversations in your

Include Deactivated: Control whether to show deactivated groups in your
With Member: Limit your search to Conversations or groups with a particular

If you don't see an option that applies to your selected item type, click
more options.

to show

Click a result to open it, or right-click a result to see additional actions.

To edit your search term, click

, then press Enter or click

Using the Overview Panel in Oracle Social Network Desktop

The Overview panel provides a view of recent activity across Oracle Social Network.
On the Overview panel, you see only the information you're interested in (that you
have access to). For example, you see messages only from Conversations that you're a
member of and walls of people you're following.



Use the Options menu ( ) to adjust your view:

in the sidebar to open the Overview panel.

Only UnreadWhen selected, view only the Conversations and walls you're
a member of that have unread messages.
Message PreviewWhen selected, shows a preview of the latest message
posted to each Conversation and wall you're a member of.

Note: These options are saved and applied whenever you view the Overview.
Working from Your Desktop 10-27

Using Flags in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Double-click a message to view it in the Conversation or wall.

Click the Conversation or wall name to go to the bottom of the Conversation or the top
of the wall.
Right-click a message to access a menu of useful actions.

Using Flags in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What are flags?
Note: For detailed information about flags, including explanations of what the
different flag icons mean, see How do I use flags to get people's attention?
Every message posted to a Conversation or wall shows a flag icon that tells you
instantly whether a flag is assigned on the message. For example:

If the flag icon is hollow (

), then no flag is assigned on the message.

If the flag icon is not hollow ( )that is, it's a solid color, possibly with
secondary marker on itthen one or more flags are assigned on the message.

There are several types of flags:

For Your InformationLook at this when you have the time.

Please ReplyLook at this, and let me know what you think.

Please Reply - UrgentLook at this now, and let me know what you think
immediately. (An email notification is always sent for Please Reply - Urgent flags.)

To get more information about a flag, you can either mouse over the flag to see a
tooltip (for example, "For Your Information flag for another from Name.") or click the
flag icon, then click Manage Flags to see all the flag assignments.

Where can I see all my flags?


in the sidebar to open the Flags panel, where you can see a list of all the
flags assigned to you, all the flags you assigned, or a subset of these.
Note: The number displayed on the flag icon in the sidebar shows how many flags
are assigned to you.


Use the Options menu ( ) to filter and sort the list:

Flags for YouFlags assigned to you.

Flags You AssignedFlags assigned by you.

Please Reply - Urgent, Please Reply, and For Your InformationFilter by

flag type. The number to the right of the flag type shows how many of that
type of flag is on the list.
Sort BySort the messages by message date in ascending or descending
order. For flags assigned to you, you can also sort by the date the flag was
Note: Your sort settings are saved and applied whenever you view the Flags

Flagged For/Flagged ByFilter by the person you assigned the flag to or

who assigned the flag to you.

10-28 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Favorites in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Click a message to view it in its associated Conversation or wall.

How do I assign or clear flags?

To manage flags on an individual message:
1. While viewing the message in the Overview panel (click
in the sidebar), the
Flags panel (click
in the sidebar), or the Detail window (see How do I open an
item?), click the flag icon next to the message.

Assign or clear flags:

To remove a flag assigned to you, click Clear.

To quickly assign a For Your Information flag to someone, click the flag next to
the person.
To assign a particular flag to someone, select the type of flag in the drop-down
list next to the person.
To quickly flag everyone, click Flag All (in the Not Flagged section), and select
the type of flag you want to assign.
To quickly remove all flags (whether assigned by you or not), click Clear All
(in the Others Flagged section).

To remove a particular flag, click

next to the person.

To search for someone, enter part of the person's name in the search box.

Note: Although you can remove existing Please Reply and Please Reply - Urgent flags
in closed Conversations, you can't assign new ones. You can assign only For Your
Information flags in closed Conversations. For information on closing or reopening a
Conversation, see How do I close or reopen an item?
To clear flags assigned to you on one or more messages from the Flags panel:
1. Click
in the sidebar to open the Flags panel.

If necessary, select a view from the Options menu ( ): Flags for You or Flags You


Select the flags you want to clear (using Ctrl+click or Shift+click), then click
the top of the Flags panel).


Any flags assigned to you in the selected messages are cleared.

Using Favorites in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I mark an item as a favorite?
Marking an item as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the items you use most
To mark an item as a favorite, click

next to the item. Click the star again to unmark

Working from Your Desktop 10-29

Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I view my favorites?


in the sidebar to open the Favorites panel, where you can see a list of
items you've marked as favorites.


Use the Options menu ( ) to filter the list by item type (for example, messages or
You can also sort the list by the date the favorite was added or by the item name,
in ascending or descending order.
Note: Your sort settings are saved and applied whenever you view the Favorites

Alternatively, you can view your favorites in an object panel:


Click the appropriate icon in the sidebar to open the object panel. For example,
to open the Conversations panel.
For a description of the icons in the sidebar, see What is the sidebar?


In the Options menu ( ), select Favorites.

Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How can I browse Conversations?

in the sidebar to open the Conversations panel, where you can see all
the Conversations you have access to.


Use the Options menu ( ) to change the view of the Conversations panel:

YoursView all Conversations you are a member of

AvailableView all Conversations that are available to you to join (also called
public Conversations)

FavoritesView all Conversations you have marked as a favorite

MutedView all Conversations you have muted

OpenView all Conversations that are open for additions and posts

ClosedView all Conversations that are closed to additions and posts

Sort By: NameArrange the Conversations on the list alphabetically by name

Sort By: Last UpdatedArrange the Conversations on the list by when a

Conversation was last updated
Sort By: Active MembersArrange the Conversations on the list by the
number of currently active members
Sort By: Unread PostsArrange the Conversations on the list by the number
of unread posts
Sort By: AscendingArrange the Conversations on the list from 0 to 9 and A
to Z
Sort By: DescendingArrange the Conversations on the list from Z to A and
9 to 0
Only UnreadWhen selected, shows only items with unread messages.

10-30 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Message PreviewWhen selected, shows a preview of the latest message

posted to each Conversation's wall

Note: Your sort and message preview settings are saved and applied whenever you
view the Conversations panel.

How do I open a Conversation?

Click the Conversation name. The Conversation opens in the Detail window. For more
information, see How do I open an item?
Note: People outside your company can sometimes be given limited access to
Conversations in Oracle Social Network. If there are outside users in the Conversation,
a banner appears near the top of the page to let you know. All outside users have the
same avatar (
) and their names are in purple text. For more information, see What
are "outside users"?

How do I join a public Conversation?

Open the public Conversation, and click Join Conversation in the yellow banner at the
top of the Conversation.
Note: If people outside your company are members of the Conversation, a purple
banner appears near the top of the page to let you know. All outside users have the
same avatar (
) and their names are in purple text.

How do I mark a Conversation as a favorite?

Marking a Conversation as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the Conversations
you use most frequently.
To mark a Conversation as a favorite, click
again to unmark it.

next to the Conversation. Click the star

How do I start a One-on-One Conversation?

A one-on-one Conversation is between you and one other person.
There are several ways to open a one-on-one Conversation with someone:

Anywhere you see a person's picture (except in the Overview panel), right-click it,
then select Open One-on-One Conversation.

On the People panel, select someone, then click

While viewing a person's profile, click Open One-on-One.

When someone starts a one-on-one Conversation with you, it opens a new tab in the
Detail window. If you're already looking at another Conversation, the tab with the
one-on-one opens in the background so you can keep working in the current
Conversation. For information, see How do I get One-on-Ones to open automatically
when new messages are posted?

How do I start a Conversation?

In the Conversations panel (click
information in the dialog.

in the sidebar), click

, and complete the

For more information, see How do I create an item?

Working from Your Desktop 10-31

Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I view and manage Conversation members?

Open the Conversation. At the top of the Conversation's tab is a membership bar with
pictures of all the people who are members of the Conversation.
Note: If you're viewing a public Conversation that you haven't joined, you can view
the members by clicking the Options menu ( ), then selecting Show Membership.
To manage members, in the membership bar, click
to open the Update Members
dialog. For more information, see How do I view and manage an item's members?

How do I work with messages in the Conversation?

See Working with Messages.

How do I work with documents and folders in the Conversation?

Open the Conversation, click the Documents tab. For more information, see Working
with Documents.

How do I work with related and referring items in the Conversation?

Open the Conversation, click the Related Items or Referring Items tab. For more
information, see Working with Related and Referring Items.

How do I share a link to a Conversation?

Let's say you want to share a link to a Conversation in an email or while you're instant
messaging. Open the Conversation, click the Options menu ( ), then select Copy
Link. The link to the Conversation is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it
anywhere you like.
Note: When people click the link, they are taken to Oracle Social Network in their

How do I start a web conference?

Before you can start a web conference:

The server you are connected to must support web conferences.

You must have an account with a supported web conference service.

You must enter and save your web conference account information in the web
version of Oracle Social Network. For more information, see How do I configure
conference account settings?


Open the Conversation or wall where you're going to start a web conference.


Click the Options menu ( ), then select Start Conference.

Or click


under the text box.

In the Start Conference dialog, correct the values as necessary, then click Start.
Your web conference application opens.

How do I join a web conference?

In the message that says a conference has started or in the banner at the top of the
Conversation or wall, click Join Conference.

10-32 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Note: The banner at the top of the Conversation or wall appears while the conference
is running. You can join (or rejoin) the conference from the banner, or you can dismiss
the banner.

How do I end a web conference?


Open the Conversation where the conference was started.



, and select End Conference.

Ending a conference from a Conversation disconnects everyone in the

Conversation from the conference, but it doesn't end the conference application.

End the meeting from your web conference application.

How do I rename a Conversation?

Open the Conversation, click the Options menu ( ), click Conversation Settings,
select Rename Conversation, then enter a new name.
For more information, see How do I rename an item?

How do I split a Conversation off from an existing Conversation or wall?

If your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you might
want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.
Open the Conversation, click
(under the text box), then complete the information
in the dialog. For more information, see How do I split a Conversation off from an
existing Conversation or wall?.
When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted in both the new and the
original Conversations showing a link to the other Conversation.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

If you have items in your Conversation lists that you never look at (for example a
Conversation that doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates on the Overview
panel or in your email digests about Conversations you don't care about, you can mute
those Conversations. Muting a Conversation hides it and its activity from your view.
It's still there; you just won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if you're
flagged on a message in a muted Conversation, for which you will still be alerted by
To mute a Conversation, in the Conversations panel (click
right-click the Conversation, then select Mute Conversation.

in the sidebar),

To unmute a Conversation, view the Muted Conversations in the Conversations

panel, right-click the Conversation you want to unmute, then select Mute
Conversation to clear the check mark.
For more information, see How do I mute or unmute an item?

How do I close or reopen a Conversation?

You can close any Conversation you belong to, even if you didn't create it. Closing a
Conversation prevents people from adding new content to it and moves the
Conversation to the list of closed Conversations in everyone's Conversations panel.

Working from Your Desktop 10-33

Using Conversations in Oracle Social Network Desktop

To close a Conversation, open the Conversation, click the Options menu ( ), click
Conversation Settings, then select Close Conversation.
To reopen a Conversation, open the closed Conversation, click the Options menu ( ),
click Conversation Settings, then select Reopen Conversation.
For more information, see How do I close or reopen an item?

How do I discard a Conversation?

You can discard a Conversation if you are the only member and it's private. The
Conversation, its messages, and its documents are deleted. Although the relationships
between the discarded Conversation and any related and referring items are deleted,
the related and referring items aren't affected in any other way.
Note: All content is retained on the system for legal or forensic purposes, but only an
application administrator can recover discarded content.
In the Conversations panel (click
then select Discard Conversation.

in the sidebar), right-click the Conversation,

For more information, see How do I discard an item?

How do I download an archive of a Conversation?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a Conversation, possibly to
view when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the Conversation's content at a
certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the Conversation). It contains the
Conversation's list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by
default index.html) and all the documents added to the Conversation.
Open the Conversation, click the Options menu ( ), then click Download Archive.
For more information, see How do I download an archive of an item?
Note: You can't make changes to an archive of a Conversation (though you can click a
link to open the Conversation in a browser and make changes there). If you want to be
able to make offline changes, instead add the item to your Offline Briefcase (see
Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop).

How do I add a Conversation to my Offline Briefcase?

Tip: For information about offline briefcases, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase.
In the Conversations panel (click
in the sidebar), right-click the Conversation,
then select Add to Offline Briefcase.
For more information, see How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

How do I view a Conversation in the web version of Oracle Social Network?

Open the Conversation, click the Options menu ( ), then click View in Web Browser.
Your browser opens to the selected Conversation.
For more information, see How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social

10-34 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Collections in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Using Collections in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I view my list of collections?
In Oracle Social Network Desktop, you can view collections, create new collections,
post messages to a collection's wall, view the items added to a collection (related), and
view the items the collection has been added to (referring).
Note: To learn about collections, see About Collections.
To see your list of collections, click

in the sidebar.

The Options menu under the Collections banner ( ) has filters for adjusting your
view of the collections list.
Table 103

Collections Filtering and Sorting Options

Filter or Sorting Option



View all collections you are a member of


View all collections that are available to you to join (also called public collections)


View all collections you have marked as a favorite


View all collections you have muted


View all collections that are open for additions and posts


View all collections that are closed to additions and posts

Sort By: Name

Arrange the collections on the list alphabetically by name

Sort By: Last Updated

Arrange the collections on the list by when a collection was last updated

Sort By: Active Members

Arrange the collections on the list by the number of currently active members

Sort By: Unread Posts

Arrange the collections on the list by the number of unread posts

Sort By: Ascending

Arrange the collections on the list from 0 to 9 and A to Z

Sort By: Descending

Arrange the collections on the list from Z to A and 9 to 0

Only Unread

When selected, shows only collections with unread messages

Message Preview

When selected, shows a preview of the latest message posted to each collection's

Note: Your sort and message preview settings are saved and applied whenever you
view the Collections panel.

How do I open a collection?

Click the collection name. The collection opens in the Detail window. For more
information, see How do I open an item?

How do I mark a collection as a favorite?

Marking a collection as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the collections you
use most frequently.
To mark a collection as a favorite, click
unmark it.

next to the collection. Click the star again to

Working from Your Desktop 10-35

Using Collections in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I create a collection?

In the Collections panel (click
information in the dialog.

in the sidebar), click

, and complete the

For more information, see How do I create an item?

How do I view and manage collection members?

Open the collection. At the top of the collection's tab is a membership bar with pictures
of all the people who are members of the collection.
Note: If you're viewing a public collection that you haven't joined, you can view the
members by clicking the Options menu ( ), then selecting Show Membership.
To manage members, in the membership bar, click
to open the Update Members
dialog. For more information, see How do I view and manage an item's members?

How do I work with messages in the collection's wall?

See Working with Messages.

How do I work with documents and folders in the collection?

Open the collection, click the Documents tab. For more information, see Working with

How do I work with related and referring items in the collection?

Open the collection, click the Related Items or Referring Items tab. For more
information, see Working with Related and Referring Items.

How do I share a link to a collection?

Let's say you want to share a link to a collection in an email or while you're instant
messaging. Open the collection, click the Options menu ( ), then select Copy Link.
The link to the collection is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it anywhere
you like.
Note: When people click the link, they are taken to Oracle Social Network in their

How do I rename a collection?

Open the collection, click the Options menu ( ), click Collection Settings, select
Rename Collection, then enter a new name.
For more information, see How do I rename an item?

How do I split a Conversation off from a collection's wall?

If your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you might
want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.
Open the collection's wall, click
(under the text box), then complete the
information in the dialog. For more information, see How do I split a Conversation off
from an existing Conversation or wall?.

10-36 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Collections in Oracle Social Network Desktop

When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted both in the new
Conversation and on the wall of the original collection showing a link to the other

How do I mute or unmute a collection?

If you have items in your collection lists that you never look at (for example a
collection that doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates on the Overview panel
or in your email digests about collections you don't care about, you can mute those
collections. Muting a collection hides it and its activity from your view. It's still there;
you just won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if you're flagged on a
message in a muted item, for which you will still be alerted by email.)
To mute a collection, in the Collections panel (click
collection, then select Mute Collection.

in the sidebar), right-click the

To unmute a collection, view the Muted collections in the Collections panel,

right-click the collection you want to unmute, then select Mute Collection to clear the
check mark.
For more information, see How do I mute or unmute an item?

How do I close or reopen a collection?

You can close any collection you belong to, even if you didn't create it. Closing a
collection prevents people from adding new content to it and moves the collection to
the list of closed collections in everyone's Collections panel.
To close a collection, open the collection, click the Options menu ( ), click Collection
Settings, then select Close Collection.
To reopen a collection, open the closed collection, click the Options menu ( ), click
Collection Settings, then select Reopen Collection.
For more information, see How do I close or reopen an item?

How do I discard a collection?

You can discard a collection if you are the only member and it's private. The collection,
its messages, and its documents are deleted. Although the relationships between the
discarded collection and any related and referring items are deleted, the related and
referring items aren't affected in any other way.
Note: All content is retained on the system for legal or forensic purposes, but only an
application administrator can recover discarded content.
In the Collections panel (click
Discard Collection.

in the sidebar), right-click the collection, then select

For more information, see How do I discard an item?

How do I download an archive of a collection?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a collection, possibly to
view when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the collection's content at a
certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the collection). It contains the
collection's list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default
index.html) and all the documents added to the collection.

Working from Your Desktop 10-37

Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Open the collection, click the Options menu ( ), then click Download Archive.
For more information, see How do I download an archive of an item?
Note: You can't make changes to an archive of a collection (though you can click a link
to open the collection in a browser and make changes there). If you want to be able to
make offline changes, instead add the item to your Offline Briefcase (see Working
Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop).

How do I add a collection to my Offline Briefcase?

Tip: For information about offline briefcases, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase.
In the Collections panel (click
Add to Offline Briefcase.

in the sidebar), right-click the collection, then select

For more information, see How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

How do I view a collection in the web version of Oracle Social Network?

Open the collection, click the Options menu ( ), then click View in Web Browser.
Your browser opens to the selected collection.
For more information, see How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social

Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What is the People panel?
You can access people-related features by clicking

in the sidebar.

The People panel has a menu of viewing options.

Table 104

People Panel Viewing Options

Viewing Option



View the people you've added as your contacts


View people recommended for you to follow

People You Follow

View the people you follow

Your Followers

View the people who follow you

The Options menu under the Contacts banner ( ) has additional filtering and sorting
options for adjusting your view of the list.
Table 105

Contacts Filtering and Sorting Options

Filter or Sorting Option


Online Only

When selected, view everyone, whether online or off. When not selected, show only
contacts who are online.

Sort By: Name

Sort the list alphabetically by first name

10-38 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Table 105 (Cont.) Contacts Filtering and Sorting Options

Filter or Sorting Option


Sort By: Status

Sort the list, putting all those online first, away second, and offline last

Sort By: Ascending

Arrange the list of contacts from 0 to 9 and A to Z

Sort By: Descending

Arrange the list of contacts from Z to A and 9 to 0

Note: Your online only preferences and sort settings are saved and applied whenever
you view the Contacts panel.
Here's a short list of what you can do on the People panel in Oracle Social Network
Table 106

Short List of Things You Can Do with People Features


For more information, see

Create and maintain a list of contacts

How do I add a contact?

How do I remove a contact?

Note: You can add an outside user as a contact, but

outside users can't add you. Outside users can't have
contacts in Oracle Social Network.
Hold One-on-One Conversations

How do I start a One-on-One Conversation?

View someone's profile

How do I view someone's profile and wall?

View and post on your wall and other people's walls

How do I view someone's profile and wall?

View a list of recommended people to follow

How do I find people I might want to follow?

View a list of people you follow

How do I see who I'm following?

View a list of people who follow you

How do I see who's following me?

Right-click a person in the list for a menu of useful actions.

What are "unregistered users"?

Unregistered users are people who are in your company's directory but are not yet
members of Oracle Social Network. When you add people to a Conversation or wall,
the word unregistered appears next to the names of unregistered users in the Manage
Members dialog. When you try to add an unregistered user, a warning alerts you to
their unregistered status.
When you add an unregistered person to a Conversation, they receive an email with a
link to set up their account.

What are "outside users"?

Outside users are people who don't work for your company, but who collaborate with
you and your co-workers in Oracle Social Network. They are members of Oracle Social
Network with limited privileges. For example, outside users can be contacts but they
can't have contacts in Oracle Social Network. They can participate in Conversations
only when they are added by you or some other member of the Conversation.
Note: One outside user can't add another to a Conversation.
Wherever an outside user is a member of a Conversation, a banner appears at the top
of the page to alert you. All outside users have the same avatar (
) and their name
is in purple text so you can easily tell who they are.

Working from Your Desktop 10-39

Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Wherever an option to view a person's wall is available, rather than seeing the option
View Wall, for outside users you'll see View Profile. That's because outside user's
don't have walls where you can post messages.
Since outside users do not have walls they can post to, you won't see Follow or
Following buttons on their profile page. Instead, you'll see Add to Contacts or
Remove from Contacts buttons.

How do I view someone's profile and wall?

A person's profile and wall both appear in the Detail window. The profile view can be
expanded and collapsed, and appears above the wall's message area.
When a person is an outside usersomeone who works for another company but is
using Oracle Social Network in collaboration with your companyyou, as an inside
user, can follow them, add them as a contact, and initiate a One-on-One with them. But
you can't post to their wall because outside users don't have a traditional wall.
Note: The stream of messages posted to walls differs from those posted to
Conversations. In Conversations, the latest message is listed last. On walls, the latest
message is listed first.
To view someone's wall:


to bring the panel forward.


Click the person's picture to open his or her wall in the Detail window. For more
information, see What is the Detail window?


To see someone's full profile, click the Profile link.

To see fewer details, click Profile again.


Post to the wall as you would to any other Conversation.

For more information, see How do I post a message?

Profiles show three tabs:

WallShows the messages posted to the person's wall

FollowersShows a list of those following the current person

Note: If you follow the person, you can also see the person's followers in the
membership bar on their wall. For more information on the membership bar, see
How do I view and manage an item's members?

FollowingShows a list of those the current person is following

How do I add a contact?

Note: You can add an outside user (
) as a contact, but outside users can't add you.
Outside users can't have contacts in Oracle Social Network.


to bring the panel forward.




Enter a name or part of a name to open a list of results.


Click a name in the results list to add that person to your contacts.

to open a search field.

10-40 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with People in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I remove a contact?

On the Contacts panel, right-click the person you want to remove and select Remove
from Contacts.

How do I work with messages on a person's wall?

See Working with Messages.

How do I work with a person's documents and folders?

Open the person's profile, click the Documents tab. For more information, see
Working with Documents.

How do I find people I might want to follow?

You can find people you might want to follow in Conversations you participate in, but
you can also see a list of recommended people on the Recommendations panel. Oracle
Social Network generates the recommendations list based on actions you have in
common with othersdocuments you've both read, Conversations you're both
members of, and other commonly taken actions.
To view your recommendations, click

, then, in the menu, click Recommendations.

Each recommendation includes the person's name, the reason they were
recommended, a Follow button, and an Ignore button.
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended again
in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

How do I see who I'm following?

There are several ways to see who you're currently following:


, then, in the menu, click People You Follow.

Open your profile page, then click Following.

How do I see who's following me?

There are several ways to view the people who follow you:


, then, in the menu, click Your Followers.

Open your profile page, then click Followers.

How do I share a link to a person's wall?

Let's say you want to share a link to a person's wall in an email or while you're instant
messaging. Open the person's wall, click the Options menu ( ), then select Copy
Link. The link to the person's wall is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it
anywhere you like.
Note: When people click the link, they are taken to the web version of Oracle Social

How do I split a Conversation off from a person's wall?

If your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you might
want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.
Working from Your Desktop 10-41

Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Open the person's wall, click

(under the text box), then complete the information in
the dialog. For more information, see How do I split a Conversation off from an
existing Conversation or wall?.
When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted both in the new
Conversation and on the wall of the original person showing a link to the other item.

How do I download an archive of a person's wall?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a person's wall, possibly to
view when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the person's wall content at a
certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the person). It contains the
person's messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default index.html) and all
the documents added to the person's wall.
Open the person's wall, click the Options menu ( ), then click Download Archive.
For more information, see How do I download an archive of an item?
Note: You can't make changes to an archive of a person's wall (though you can click a
link to open the person's wall in a browser and make changes there). If you want to be
able to make offline changes, instead add the item to your Offline Briefcase (see
Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop).

How do I add a person's wall to my Offline Briefcase?

Tip: For information about offline briefcases, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase.
In the People panel (click
Offline Briefcase.

in the sidebar), right-click the person, then select Add to

For more information, see How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

How do I view a person in the web version of Oracle Social Network?

Open the person's wall, click the Options menu ( ), then click View in Web Browser.
Your browser opens to the selected person's wall.
For more information, see How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social

Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What are groups?
Groups organize people into a single entity: the group. A group can be added to or
removed from a Conversation in a single step. Or you can start a Conversation that
instantly includes all members of a group. Like individual profiles, groups have their
own identities, which include their own walls and profile pictures. On a group wall,
group members can post messages and content of interest to the group.

What is the Groups panel?

You can see a list of the groups you belong to and access group features by clicking
the sidebar.

10-42 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop

The Options menu under the Groups banner ( ) has filtering and sorting options for
adjusting your view of the groups list.
Table 107

Groups Filtering and Sorting Options

Filter or Sorting Option



View all groups you are a member of


View all groups you have marked as a favorite


View all groups you have muted

Sort By: Name

Arrange the groups on the list alphabetically by name

Sort By: Last Updated

Arrange the groups on the list by when a group wall was last updated

Sort By: Total Members

Arrange the groups on the list by the number of total members

Sort By: Unread Posts

Arrange the groups on the list by the number of unread posts

Sort By: Ascending

Arrange the groups on the list from 0 to 9 and A to Z

Sort By: Descending

Arrange the groups on the list from Z to A and 9 to 0

Only Unread

When selected, shows only groups with unread messages on their walls

Message Preview

When selected, shows a preview of the latest message posted to each group's wall

Show Deactivated Groups

When selected, shows the groups no longer in use

Note: Your sort, message preview, and deactivated groups settings are saved and
applied whenever you view the Groups panel.
Here is a short list of things you can do on the Groups panel.
Table 108

Short List of Things You Can Do on the Groups Panel in Oracle Social Network Desktop


For more information, see

See the groups you're a member of

How do I view the groups I'm a member of?

Navigate to a group's profile and wall

How do I post a message?

Mute a group's wall

How do I mute or unmute a group?

Add a group wall to your Offline Briefcase

How do I add a group to my Offline Briefcase?

Mark a group as a favorite

Click the Add to Favorites icon to the right of the


Right-click a group on the list for a menu of useful actions.

How do I view the groups I'm a member of?

to open the Groups panel. The default view (Yours) shows all of the groups
you are a member of.

How do I open a group's wall?

Click the group's name. The group opens in the Detail window. For more information,
see How do I open an item?

Working from Your Desktop 10-43

Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I mark a group as a favorite?

Marking a group as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the groups you use most
To mark a group as a favorite, click
unmark it.

next to the group. Click the star again to

How do I create a group?

In the Groups panel (click
in the dialog.

in the sidebar), click

, and complete the information

For more information, see How do I create an item?

To add a description or picture, see How do I edit a group's name, description, or

How do I view and manage group members?

Open the group. At the top of the group's tab is a membership bar with pictures of all
the people who are members of the group.
To manage members, in the membership bar, click
to open the Update Members
dialog. For more information, see How do I view and manage an item's members?
Note: If you don't see the manage members button ( ), the group is managed
externally (for example, through LDAP), so you can't change the membership through
Oracle Social Network.

How do I edit a group's name, description, or picture?


Open the group. For more information, see How do I open an item?


Click Edit Profile.


Edit the group's name or description as desired.


To change the group's picture, click Change Picture. Select a .gif, .png, or .jpg file.
The picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels.
The Crop Picture dialog shows your image with a circle over the area that will
show in Oracle Social Network. You can drag the corners of the crop area to
change the size of your picture, or drag your picture to change the position of the
crop area. When you're happy with the size and position, click Crop.
If you want to remove the group's picture and just use the default avatar, click
Clear Picture.

How do I work with messages on a group's wall?

See Working with Messages.

How do I work with a group's documents and folders?

Open the collection, click the Documents tab. For more information, see Working with

How do I discover the Conversations and walls a group belongs to?


Open the group. For more information, see How do I open an item?

10-44 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working with Groups in Oracle Social Network Desktop


In the Detail window, click the Member Of tab to see a list of all the
Conversations, Social Objects, collections, and other groups this group is a
member of.

How do I work with a group's referring items?

Open the group, click the Referring Items tab. For more information, see Working
with Related and Referring Items.

How do I share a link to a group?

Let's say you want to share a link to a group in an email or while you're instant
messaging. Open the group, click the Options menu ( ), then select Copy Link. The
link to the group is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it anywhere you like.
Note: When people click the link, they are taken to the web version of Oracle Social

How do I split a Conversation off from a group's wall?

If your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you might
want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.
Open the group's wall, click
(under the text box), then complete the information in
the dialog. For more information, see How do I split a Conversation off from an
existing Conversation or wall?.
When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted both in the new
Conversation and on the wall of the original group showing a link to the other item.

How do I mute or unmute a group?

If you have items in your group lists that you never look at (for example a group that
doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates on the Overview panel or in your
email digests about groups you don't care about, you can mute those groups. Muting a
group hides it and its activity from your view. It's still there; you just won't hear about
it anymore. (The only exception is if you're flagged on a message on a muted group
wall, for which you will still be alerted by email.)
To mute a group, in the Groups panel (click
then select Mute Group.

in the sidebar), right-click the group,

To unmute a group, view the Muted groups in the Groups panel, right-click the group
you want to unmute, then select Mute Group to clear the check mark.
For more information, see How do I mute or unmute an item?

How do I deactivate or reactivate a group?

You can deactivate a group you belong to, even if you didn't create it (unless it's
managed externally through LDAP or another similar system). Deactivating a group
prevents it from being added to more Conversations, disables new posts to its wall,
and the group's icon and name are grayed out (the group name is grayed out on
membership lists and on the Groups tab).
To deactivate a group, open the group, click the Options menu ( ), click Group
Settings, then select Deactivate Group.

Working from Your Desktop 10-45

Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Note: If you don't see the Group Settings option, the group is managed externally (for
example, through LDAP), so you can't activate or reactivate the group through Oracle
Social Network.
To reactivate a group, open the deactivated group, click the Options menu ( ), click
Group Settings, then select Activate Group.
Tip: If you don't see deactivated groups on the Groups tab, click the Options menu
( ), then select Show Deactivated Groups.

How do I download an archive of a group?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a group, possibly to view
when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the group's content at a certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the group). It contains the group's
list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default index.html)
and all the documents added to the group.
Open the group, click the Options menu ( ), then click Download Archive.
For more information, see How do I download an archive of an item?
Note: You can't make changes to an archive of a group (though you can click a link to
open the group in a browser and make changes there). If you want to be able to make
offline changes, instead add the item to your Offline Briefcase (see Working Offline in
Oracle Social Network Desktop).

How do I add a group to my Offline Briefcase?

Tip: For information about offline briefcases, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase.
In the Groups panel (click
Offline Briefcase.

in the sidebar), right-click the group, then select Add to

For more information, see How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

How do I view a group in the web version of Oracle Social Network?

Open the group, click the Options menu ( ), then click View in Web Browser. Your
browser opens to the selected group.
For more information, see How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social

Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Where can I see a list of Social Objects?
Note: For information about Social Objects, see About Social Objects.
To see a list of Social Objects, click

on the sidebar.

To narrow the list to a selected type or group of related types of Social Object, open the
selection list in the Social Objects banner and select a Social Object type or group of

10-46 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Right-click a Social Object on the list for a menu of useful actions.

The Options menu under the Social Objects banner ( ) has filters and sorting options
for adjusting your view of Social Objects.
Table 109

Social Objects Filtering and Sorting Options

Filter or Sorting Option



View all Social Objects of the selected type that you are a member of


View all Social Objects of the selected type that are available to you to join (also
called public Social Objects)


View all Social Objects of the selected type you have marked as a favorite


View all Social Objects of the selected type you have muted


View all Social Objects of the selected type that are open for additions and posts


View all Social Objects of the selected type that are closed to additions and posts

Sort By: Name

Arrange the Social Objects on the list alphabetically by name

Sort By: Last Updated

Arrange the Social Objects on the list by when a collection was last updated

Sort By: Active Members

Arrange the Social Objects on the list by the number of currently active members

Sort By: Unread Posts

Arrange the Social Objects on the list by the number of unread posts

Sort By: Ascending

Arrange the Social Objects on the list from 0 to 9 and A to Z

Sort By: Descending

Arrange the Social Objects on the list from Z to A and 9 to 0

Only Unread

When selected, shows only Social Objects with unread messages

Message Preview

When selected, shows a preview of the latest message posted to each Social Object's
See How do I show or hide message previews and summary information in my list
of Social Objects?

Summary Information

When selected, shows the details associated with each Social Object in the list of
Social Objects
For example, a Job Candidate Social Object includes field labels and values, like
Open Position: System Administrator, Job Classification: MGR4, and so on. These
labels and values appear in the list of Social Objects when Summary Information is
set to show.
Note: The field labels and values that show depend on how the Social Object type
was defined. So sometimes you may see a lot of summary information on one type
of Social Object, while seeing no summary information on another.
(See on page 47)

Note: Your sort, message preview, and summary information settings are saved and
applied whenever you view the Flags panel.

How do I show or hide message previews and summary information in my list of Social
When you're looking at the list of Social Objects, you may see a preview of the latest
message posted to each object's wall (Message Preview) and all the field labels and

Working from Your Desktop 10-47

Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop

values associated with the object (Summary Information). You can control your view
of the Social Objects list to show or hide any of this information.
Note: For Summary Information, the field labels and values that show depend on how
the Social Object type was defined when it was created. So sometimes you may see a
lot of summary information on one type of Social Object, while seeing no summary
information on another type.



Optionally, select a type of Social Object to show from the selection list in the



on the sidebar.

, then:

Select or clear Message Preview to show (select) or hide (clear) the latest
message posted to each Social Object's wall.
Select or clear Summary Information to show (select) or hide (clear) the field
labels and values associated with each Social Object.
For example, a Job Candidate Social Object includes field labels and values,
like Open Position: System Administrator, Job Classification: MGR4, and so
on. These labels and values appear in the list of Social Objects when Summary
Information is set to show.

How do I open a Social Object?

Click the Social Object name. The Social Object opens in the Detail window. For more
information, see How do I open an item?

How do I mark a Social Object as a favorite?

Marking a Social Object as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the Social Objects
you use most frequently.
To mark a Social Object as a favorite, click
again to unmark it.

next to the Social Object. Click the star

How do I create a Social Object?

In the Social Objects panel (click
information in the dialog.

in the sidebar), click

, and complete the

For more information, see How do I create an item?

How do I view and manage Social Object members?

Open the Social Object. At the top of the Social Object's tab is a membership bar with
pictures of all the people who are members of the Social Object.
Note: If you're viewing a public Social Object that you haven't joined, you can view
the members by clicking the Options menu ( ), then selecting Show Membership.
To manage members, in the membership bar, click
to open the Update Members
dialog. For more information, see How do I view and manage an item's members?

How do I work with messages on a Social Object's wall?

See Working with Messages.

10-48 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I work with a Social Object's documents and folders?

Open the Social Object, click the Documents tab. For more information, see Working
with Documents.

How do I work with a Social Object's related and referring items?

Open the Social Object, click the Related Items or Referring Items tab. For more
information, see Working with Related and Referring Items.

How do I share a link to a Social Object?

Let's say you want to share a link to a Social Object in an email or while you're instant
messaging. Open the Social Object, click the Options menu ( ), then select Copy Link.
The link to the Social Object is copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it
anywhere you like.
Note: When people click the link, they are taken to the web version of Oracle Social

How do I rename a Social Object?

Open the Social Object, click the Options menu ( ), click Social Object Settings,
select Rename Social Object, then enter a new name.
For more information, see How do I rename an item?

How do I split a Conversation off from a Social Object's wall?

If your messages start going off-topic or a new question or idea is raised, you might
want to split that discussion into a new Conversation.
Open the Social Object's wall, click
(under the text box), then complete the
information in the dialog. For more information, see How do I split a Conversation off
from an existing Conversation or wall?.
When you create the new Conversation, messages are posted both in the new
Conversation and on the wall of the original Social Object showing a link to the other

How do I mute or unmute a Social Object?

If you have items in your Social Object lists that you never look at (for example a
Social Object that doesn't apply to you), or you're seeing updates on the Overview
panel or in your email digests about Social Objects you don't care about, you can mute
those Social Objects. Muting a Social Object hides it and its activity from your view. It's
still there; you just won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if you're flagged
on a message in a muted Social Object, for which you will still be alerted by email.)
To mute a Social Object, in the Social Objects panel (click
right-click the Social Object, then select Mute Social Object.

in the sidebar),

To unmute a Social Object, view the Muted Social Objects in the Social Objects panel,
right-click the Social Object you want to unmute, then select Mute Social Object to
clear the check mark.
For more information, see How do I mute or unmute an item?

Working from Your Desktop 10-49

Using Social Objects in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I close or reopen a Social Object?

You can close any Social Object you belong to, even if you didn't create it. Closing a
Social Object prevents people from adding new content to it and moves the Social
Object to the list of closed Social Objects in everyone's Social Objects panel.
To close a Social Object, open the Social Object, click the Options menu ( ), click
Social Object Settings, then select Close Social Object.
To reopen a Social Object, open the closed Social Object, click the Options menu ( ),
click Social Object Settings, then select Reopen Social Object.
For more information, see How do I close or reopen an item?

How do I discard a Social Object?

You can discard a Social Object if you are the only member and it's private. The Social
Object, its messages, and its documents are deleted. Although the relationships
between the discarded Social Object and any related and referring items are deleted,
the related and referring items aren't affected in any other way.
Note: All content is retained on the system for legal or forensic purposes, but only an
application administrator can recover discarded content.
In the Social Objects panel (click
select Discard Social Object.

in the sidebar), right-click the Social Object, then

For more information, see How do I discard an item?

How do I download an archive of a Social Object?

At some point you might want to download an archive of a Social Object, possibly to
view when you're offline or maybe to keep a record of the Social Object's content at a
certain point.
The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the Social Object). It contains the
Social Object's list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by
default index.html) and all the documents added to the Social Object.
Open the Social Object, click the Options menu ( ), then click Download Archive.
For more information, see How do I download an archive of an item?
Note: You can't make changes to an archive of a Social Object (though you can click a
link to open the Social Object in a browser and make changes there). If you want to be
able to make offline changes, instead add the item to your Offline Briefcase (see
Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop).

How do I add a Social Object to my Offline Briefcase?

Tip: For information about offline briefcases, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase.
In the Social Objects panel (click
select Add to Offline Briefcase.

in the sidebar), right-click the Social Object, then

For more information, see How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

How do I view a Social Object in the web version of Oracle Social Network?
Open the Social Object, click the Options menu ( ), then click View in Web Browser.
Your browser opens to the selected Social Object.

10-50 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop

For more information, see How do I view an item in the web version of Oracle Social

Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How can I see items when I'm offline?
Suppose you're heading for the airport and want to catch up on your Conversations
while on the plane. Before you leave, you can add the Conversations to your Offline
Briefcase; or you can save the Conversations to a .zip file (an archive), then unzip the
file on your local drive. Both versions contain all content available at the time you
created the archive, including messages, replies, and files. However, when you add the
Conversations to your Offline Briefcase, you can make changes to the Conversations to
be published the next time you're online.

For information about adding an item to your Offline Briefcase, see How do I add
an item to my Offline Briefcase?
For information on downloading an archive, see How do I download an archive of
an item?

Understanding the Offline Briefcase

Oracle Social Network Desktop offers an Offline Briefcase for viewing Conversations
and walls when you're offline. The Offline Briefcase panel has convenient controls for
adding items to your Offline Briefcase, updating one or all offline Conversations and
walls, and publishing any content you have added while offline.

Refresh All Offline Conversations(1) Click to update all Conversations and

walls in your Offline Briefcase with any messages added after you saved the
offline version (see How do I refresh items in my Offline Briefcase?).
Add Conversation to the Offline Briefcase(2) Click to open a dialog for
selecting a Conversation or wall to add to your Offline Briefcase (see also, How do
I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?).
Refresh Conversation(3) Select an offline Conversation or wall and click the
Refresh Conversation icon to refresh your selection with any messages posted to
the Conversation or wall since it was last refreshed (see How do I refresh items in
my Offline Briefcase?).
Publish Changes(4) Select an offline Conversation or wall and click the Publish
Changes icon to add messages you posted to your selection offline to the online
version of the Conversation or wall (see Part , "How do I post the changes I made
Remove from Offline Briefcase(5) Select an offline Conversation or wall and
click the Remove from Offline Briefcase icon to remove your selection from your
Offline Briefcase (see How do I remove an item from my Offline Briefcase?).

Working from Your Desktop 10-51

Working Offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What's the difference between online and offline items?

Items viewed from your Offline Briefcase have a few differences from online items:

Only the Messages/Wall, Documents, and Related Items tabs appear in the
Detail window.
The members bar isn't shown.
You can search for unread and flagged messages, but you can't search for text in
Conversation. For information on search, see How do I search?

You can't mark or remove a Conversation as a favorite.

There's no option for renaming the item on the Options menu ( ).

The Insert Reference button is disabled.

Documents open locally rather than in the web version of Oracle Social Network.

Once you make offline additions, a banner appears at the top of the Conversation
or wall. The banner shows forward and back buttons, which you can use to
navigate directly to your offline additions.

How do I add an item to my Offline Briefcase?

There are several ways to add an item to your Offline Briefcase:

While viewing the item in the Detail window, click the Options menu ( ), then
click Add to Offline Briefcase.
While viewing a list of items (for example, on the Conversations panel), right-click
the item, then click Add to Offline Briefcase.
Add items in the Offline Briefcase panel:

On the sidebar, click

to open the Offline Briefcase panel.




In the Add to Briefcase dialog, either search for an item or select a source:

RecentTo select from items you have recently visited

FavoritesTo select from items you have marked as favorites
Search ResultsWhen you search for an item, the results appear here

Select an item, and click Open to add it to your Offline Briefcase.

Note: If there are related Conversations associated with the item you add to your
offline briefcase, you'll be asked if you want to add the related Conversations to your
briefcase as well.

How do I view an item offline from my Offline Briefcase?


On the sidebar, click

to open the Offline Briefcase panel.


Click a listed item to view it in the Detail window.

A banner at the top of the window reminds you that you are viewing the item

10-52 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I refresh items in my Offline Briefcase?

Before you shut down your computer, you can refresh all items in your Offline
Briefcase so that when you have a chance to look at them offline you're looking at the
most current information possible.

On the sidebar, click



to open the Offline Briefcase panel.

Rather than refreshing all offline items at once, you can instead select one offline item
and refresh just that.

On the sidebar, click

to open the Offline Briefcase panel.


Right-click the item, then click Refresh <Object>.

How do I post the changes I made offline?

After you've added messages to an offline item, a banner appears at the top of the
Offline Briefcase panel. The next time you're online, you can publish those messages
for others to see.

On the sidebar, click

to open the Offline Briefcase panel.


Click Publish All at the top of the panel.

Changes are posted to the live versions of all items in your Offline Briefcase, and
the banner disappears.

Rather than publishing all offline changes at once, you can instead select one offline
item and publish just the changes to that item.

On the sidebar, click

to open the Offline Briefcase panel.


Right-click the item, then click Publish Changes.

How do I remove an item from my Offline Briefcase?


On the sidebar, click


Select an item, and click

to open the Offline Briefcase panel.


Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What are notifications?
Notifications appear on the Notifications panel in the sidebar. They alert you to
something that affects you, like you were added to a Conversation or someone flagged
you when you were offline.
Some notifications contain actions you can use to respond to a notification right away.
For example, a notification about a message that was added to one of your
One-on-One Conversations while you were offline is linked, so you can click it to open
the One-on-One and view the missed message.
Note: If you have missed many messages in multiple One-on-Ones, clicking a
missed-message notification will open up to 10 tabs in the Detail window.
You can configure your notifications to show pop-up alerts to more immediately bring
a notification to your attention. See What are pop-up alerts?
Working from Your Desktop 10-53

Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What are pop-up alerts?

Pop-up alerts are dialogs that pop up on your screen when an event that triggers a
notification occurs (see How do I select the events that trigger notifications?).
Pop-up alerts contain links that enable you to respond immediately to the event. For

When someone assigns a Please Reply - Urgent flag to you, you can click a link in
the pop-up alert to navigate to the message that was flagged.
When you're added to a Conversation or Social Object, this can trigger a pop-up
alert that provides a link to the Conversation on your desktop or to a Social Object
in your browser.
You may receive a pop-up alert saying you missed a One-on-One message while
you were offline. The alert provides a link to the Conversation, so you can easily
navigate to the missed message.

How do I configure my notification settings?

See the following sections for information on Notifications settings tab (

How do I turn notifications on or off?

How do I turn pop-up alerts on or off?

How do I select the events that trigger notifications?


How do I turn notifications on or off?




On the Notifications tab ( ), select Enable Notifications to turn notifications on;

clear Enable Notifications to turn notifications off.

How do I turn pop-up alerts on or off?




On the Notifications tab ( ), select Show pop-up alerts to turn pop-ups on; clear
Show pop-up alerts to turn pop-ups off.
Optionally, when you select to show pop-up alerts:

Select Play a sound to play a sound when an alert pops up.

The sound is a system default sound.

Set the number of seconds to show an alert next to Dismiss after (seconds).

How do I select the events that trigger notifications?

Notifications and pop-up alerts are triggered by the same selected events. So, if you
select a trigger for a notification, it also applies to your pop-ups (For more information,
see What are pop-up alerts?)



On the Notifications tab (


Under Notify me when someone, select the events that should trigger a

10-54 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

), click Notification Events.

Using Notifications in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Posts in a Conversation or Social ObjectSend a notification whenever

someone posts to a Conversation or Social Object. By default, you get
notifications only for Conversations or Social Objects you've marked as
favorites, but you can change the setting to All, to show notifications for any
Conversation or Social Object you are a member of.
Note: This option is off by default.

Posts to a One-on-One Conversation with meSend a notification whenever

someone posts to a One-on-One Conversation with you.


This option is off by default.

You are always notified of messages posted to one of your One-on-One

Conversations while you were offline.

Posts on my wallSend a notification whenever someone posts something on

your wall.
Adds me to a Conversation or Social ObjectSend a notification whenever
someone adds you as a member to an Oracle Social Network Conversation or
Social Object.
Starts a conference in a Conversation or Social ObjectSend a notification
whenever someone starts a conference in a Conversation or Social Object that
you are a member of.
Assigns a flag to you and clears a flag assigned to youSend a notification
when someone:

Assigns a "Please Reply - Urgent" flag to me

Assigns a "Please Reply" flag to me

Assigns a "For Your Information" flag to me

Clears a "Please Reply - Urgent" flag assigned to me

Clears a "Please Reply" flag assigned to me

Clears a "For Your Information" flag assigned to me

Optionally, click Restore Defaults to reset these triggers to their original values.

Where can I see my notifications?

You can see your notifications by clicking

on the sidebar.

A maximum of 100 notifications is shown; when this limit is reached, the oldest
message is removed as each new message arrives.
The notifications list is cleared when you disconnect from the account that supplied
them or when you exit Oracle Social Network Desktop.

How do I filter my view of notifications in the sidebar?

On the Notifications panel, you can show all types of notifications or just one type. To
set this up, click ( ) and select the type of notification to show.

AllTo see all of your notifications

ConferencesTo see only notifications about new conferences

FlagsTo see only notifications about the flags assigned to you

Working from Your Desktop 10-55

Managing Your Account in Oracle Social Network Desktop

Missed One-on-One MessagesTo see only notifications about messages sent to

you when you were offline
New MembershipsTo see only notifications letting you know you have been
added to a Conversation, Social Object, group, or any other type of new
Message PreviewWhen selected, shows a preview of any message associated
with the notification.
Note: Your message preview setting is saved and applied whenever you view the
Notifications panel.

How do I delete notifications?

Select the notification you want to delete, and click

at the top of the Notifications

Managing Your Account in Oracle Social Network Desktop

What are Oracle Social Network accounts?
An Oracle Social Network account is your connection to a server that is hosting an
instance of Oracle Social Network. Your organization may have multiple servers, each
offering its own instance of Oracle Social Network. If you have connection privileges
to two or more of these, then you can say you have multiple accounts.
Note: With the desktop client, you can interact with only one Oracle Social Network
account at a time.
Your system administrator likely set up your system to automatically connect to the
necessary accounts. However, you may be required to supply your name and
password at the start of every session.
The first time you start Oracle Social Network Desktop, the Manage Accounts dialog
opens with options for configuring this and future sessions. There are options for:

Showing or hiding the Manage Accounts dialog at future start-ups (for more
information, see How do I enable account switching when I start Oracle Social
Network Desktop?)
Selecting the account you want to use in this session (for more information, see
How do I enable account switching when I start Oracle Social Network Desktop?)
Saving your password for future sessions (for more information, see How do I
save my password in Oracle Social Network Desktop?)
Working offline (for more information, see How do I work offline in Oracle Social
Network Desktop?)

If you have just one account, you may want to save your password and disable
account switching. If you have multiple accounts, you may want the Manage Accounts
dialog to show at the start of each session so you can select the account to use (see
How do I enable account switching when I start Oracle Social Network Desktop?).

10-56 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Your Account in Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I enable account switching when I start Oracle Social Network Desktop?
You can select to always show the Manage Accounts dialog at start-up so that you can
select the account you want to use in the current session.

At the top of the sidebar, open the Accounts menu and select Manage Accounts.


Select Ask for an account at startup.

Every time you start up Oracle Social Network Desktop, the Manage Accounts
dialog opens, and you can select an account from the Account list.
Clear this option to disable account switching.

Where can I see my account details?


At the top of the sidebar, open the Accounts menu, then select Manage Accounts.


Select an account from the Account list.

You can see the account name, server URL, your user name, and the options
you've selected for the account.

How do I add an account in Oracle Social Network Desktop?


At the top of the sidebar, open the Accounts menu, then select Manage Accounts.


In the Manage Accounts dialog, click


In the Server URL field, enter the URL to your Oracle Social Network account,
then click Next.

to clear all current values.

For example, enter:


If your company uses federated authentication, your newly created account is

selected in the Manage Accounts dialog. Click OK, then enter your login
information as requested.
If your company doesn't use federated authentication, skip to the next step.


If necessary, enter the Identity Domain.


In the User Name field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.


In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.


To log in automatically in future sessions, select Remember password.


Click Finish.

If you have multiple accounts, you may want the Manage Accounts dialog to show at
the start of each session so you can select the account to use (see How do I enable
account switching when I start Oracle Social Network Desktop?).

How can I see my account status in Oracle Social Network Desktop?

The status of the current account appears at the top of the sidebar, to the right of your
profile picture and under your name.

How do I switch between accounts in Oracle Social Network Desktop?


At the top of the sidebar, open the Accounts menu and select the account you
want to switch to.

Working from Your Desktop 10-57

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop


If you haven't saved the selected account's name and password, a dialog will open
and you can enter them there.

How do I save my password in Oracle Social Network Desktop?


At the top of the sidebar, open the Accounts menu and select Manage Accounts.


Select Remember password.


Click OK.

How do I disconnect from an account in Oracle Social Network Desktop?

Your connection to an account is maintained until you try to connect to another
account or until you select to work offline (see How do I work offline in Oracle Social
Network Desktop?).
For information about closing or exiting Oracle Social Network Desktop, see How do I
close and exit Oracle Social Network Desktop?

How do I delete an account in Oracle Social Network Desktop?


At the top of the sidebar, open the Accounts menu and select Manage Accounts.


From the Account list, select the account you want to delete.



How do I work offline in Oracle Social Network Desktop?

When you work offline, the only feature available in Oracle Social Network Desktop is
the Offline Briefcase and any Conversation or wall you have added to it. For more
information, see Understanding the Offline Briefcase

Open the Accounts menu at the top of the sidebar.


Select Work Offline.

A check mark appears to the left to the Work Offline option.

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I get to my desktop settings?

On the sidebar, click

at the bottom on the left.

In Microsoft Windows: Click

On a Mac: Open the Oracle Social Network menu, and choose Preferences.

in the system tray, and select Settings.

The Settings dialog has the following tabs:

See the following sections for information on General settings:

How do I get Oracle Social Network Desktop to start when I log in to my

How do I prevent my previously opened tabs from showing up when I reconnect?

10-58 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I set the time interval for changing my status to away?

Where can I choose a docking position for the sidebar?

See the following sections for information on Conversations settings:

How do I set up when to mark messages as read?

How do I set the time to delay before a snapshot is taken?

How do I set up how to post messages?

How do I get One-on-Ones to open automatically when new messages are posted?

See How do I control whether other people can post or reply to messages and
documents on my wall?
See How do I automatically log in to conferences?
Cloud Documents
See How do I allow Oracle Social Network to access my cloud documents?
See the following sections for information on Notification settings:

How do I turn notifications on or off?

How do I turn pop-up alerts on or off?

How do I select the events that trigger notifications?

How do I configure my general settings?

See the following sections for information on General settings tab (


How do I get Oracle Social Network Desktop to start when I log in to my


How do I prevent my previously opened tabs from showing up when I reconnect?

How do I set the time interval for changing my status to away?

Where can I choose a docking position for the sidebar?

How do I get Oracle Social Network Desktop to start when I log in to my computer?
In Settings, you can set an option to start Oracle Social Network Desktop once you log
in to your computer.


to open the Settings window.


On the General tab (


Click OK.

), select Start Social Network Desktop on login.

Working from Your Desktop 10-59

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I prevent my previously opened tabs from showing up when I reconnect?

By default, your open tabs are saved when you exit Oracle Social Network Desktop.
The next time you log on, the Detail window opens, showing those saved tabs. If you
don't want your open tabs saved, you can change the option in your Settings.


to open the Settings window.


On the General tab (


Click OK.

), clear the Save open tabs on exit check box.

How do I set the time interval for changing my status to away?

Your online status (or presence) in Oracle Social Network Desktop is indicated by a
colored circle around your profile picture. For example, a green circle indicates that
you're online.

Your status changes to Awaya partial yellow circlewhen you haven't used your
keyboard or mouse within the time you specify here. Your status changes to Offlinea
gray half-circlewhen you log out of Oracle Social Network.


to open the Settings window to the General tab (



For Change status to Away after, select a number of minutes from 1 to 100 (the
default is 10).


Click OK.

Where can I choose a docking position for the sidebar?

In Microsoft Windows, you can choose an initial docking position through

Settings. Docking the sidebar keeps a constant space for the sidebar on one side of
your screen; other applications will open next to the sidebar.


to open the Settings window to the General tab (



Select whether you want the sidebar to be able to be docked automatically. If

you clear this option, the sidebar won't be docked even if you drag it to the
side of your screen.


If you chose to make the sidebar dockable, select a docking positioneither

Left, Right, or Undocked.


Click OK.

You can also grab the title area of the sidebar and move it to a new location.

How do I configure Conversations settings?

See the following sections for information on Conversations settings tab (


How do I set up when to mark messages as read?

How do I set the time to delay before a snapshot is taken?

How do I set up how to post messages?

How do I get One-on-Ones to open automatically when new messages are posted?

10-60 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I set up when to mark messages as read?




Select one or both Conversation options:


to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (


Mark message as read when selectedMessages will be marked as read

when you move your mouse and click to change focus away from the
Mark visible messages as read after (seconds)Messages that currently
appear on your screen will be marked as read when the time you specify
passes. Select the number of seconds for the interval. The default is five

Click OK.

See also How do I mark messages as read or unread?

How do I set the time to delay before a snapshot is taken?

Before you add an image to a Conversation using the snapshot feature, you can set an
interval between the time you click
and the time the snapshot is taken. You can use
this time to arrange your desktop for the snapshot.


to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (



Next to Delay before snapshot capture (seconds), select the number of seconds to
wait after you've clicked the Grab snapshot icon.


Click OK.

See also How do I post a snapshot of my screen?

How do I set up how to post messages?

Using Settings, you can specify whether to post messages using your Enter key or by
clicking a Post button. When you post messages using your Enter key, you can use
Shift+Enter to add line breaks to a message. When you post messages using the Post
button, you can use the Enter key to add line breaks.



Under Message posting behavior, select an option:

to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (


Use Post button (Enter creates a new line)Select this option to post
messages using the Post button.
Use Enter key (Shift+Enter creates a new line)Select this option to post
messages using your Enter key.


If you want to be able to press ESC to cancel a message before you post it, select
Clear post text when hitting ESC key. When this option is selected, pressing ESC
clears your text, and, for replies, closes the editor.


Click OK.

For information about posting messages, see How do I post a message?

How do I get One-on-Ones to open automatically when new messages are posted?
You can set Oracle Social Network Desktop to open the One-on-One Conversation in
the Detail window and bring it forward, or to play a sound when a new message

Working from Your Desktop 10-61

Configuring Your Settings for Oracle Social Network Desktop

arrives in one of your One-on-One Conversations. You can select one option, both
options, or neither option.


to open the Settings window, then click the Conversations tab (



Under One-on-One Conversations, select Play a sound to play a sound when a

new message is added to any of your One-on-One Conversations.


Select Bring window to top to open the One-on-One Conversation in the Detail
window and bring it forward when a new message is added to any of your
One-on-One Conversations.


Click OK.

How do I control whether other people can post or reply to messages and documents
on my wall?
Use Walls settings to control whether other people can post or reply to messages and
documents on your wall:


to open the Settings window, then click the Walls tab (


Alternatively, while viewing your wall, click the Wall Settings button or click the
Options menu ( ), then click Wall Settings.

Under Post on your wall, specify whether other people can post messages on your


Under Reply on your wall, specify whether other people can reply to messages or
annotate documents on your wall.


Click OK.

How do I automatically log in to conferences?

Use Conferences settings (
more conference services:

) to set up and preserve log-in information for one or



to open the Settings window, then click the Conferences tab (


From the Service Name list, select a conference service.


In the Site Name field, enter the name of your conference instance.


For example, enter acmeweb.


In the Username field, enter your conference account user name.


In the Password field, enter your conference account password.


Click OK.

For information about starting a conference, see How do I start a web conference?

How do I allow Oracle Social Network to access my cloud documents?

Assuming your administrator has enabled the use of a cloud document service, like
Google Drive, all you have to do is associate your account information with Oracle
Social Network to be able to add those documents to your Conversations and walls.

Documents formatted in Google's proprietary format are automatically converted

to PDF when added to Oracle Social Network. You can't copy Google proprietary
format documents back to Google Drive, but you can copy the PDF version of

10-62 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Help, Support, and Updates for Oracle Social Network Desktop

these documents. Unlike other file types, Google proprietary documents converted
to PDF are not automatically returned to their original location in Google Drive.

Annotation marks and comments are not included when you copy from Oracle
Social Network back to a cloud document service.

To allow Oracle Social Network to access your cloud documents:




In the Service Name list, select the type of cloud document service you want to
connect to.


In the Settings section, supply your account information:

to open the Settings window, then click the Cloud Documents tab (


For Dropbox or Google Drive, click Configure. The web version of Oracle
Social Network opens. Click Authorize, log in to your account, then click
For other cloud document services, enter your username and password, then
click OK.

The next time you add a document in Oracle Social Network, you'll be able to access
your documents in the cloud in the file picker.

How do I configure my notification settings?

See the following sections for information on Notifications settings tab (

How do I turn notifications on or off?

How do I turn pop-up alerts on or off?

How do I select the events that trigger notifications?


How do I restore default settings in Oracle Social Network Desktop?



to open the Settings window.


Click the tab with settings you want to restore.


Click Restore Defaults.


Click OK.

Getting Help, Support, and Updates for Oracle Social Network Desktop
How can I get help with Oracle Social Network Desktop?
The Help menu (

) has a few options for getting help with your social network:

Select Online Help to navigate to the Help Center, where many topics are
available that describe features and step you through their use.
Select Community to navigate to Oracle Social Network community forums,
where you can talk about your experience with fellow users and experts.
Select Support for information about how to get support and for access to
troubleshooting logs to help in diagnosing problems.
Select About Oracle Social Network to get version information and to download
the latest available version.

Working from Your Desktop 10-63

Getting Help, Support, and Updates for Oracle Social Network Desktop

How do I save my Oracle Social Network activity logs?

Saving your activity logs creates an archive file (.zip) that contains .log, .txt, .xsl, and
.xml files. When addressing an issue with Oracle Social Network, someone from
support may ask you to save your activity logs.


, then select Support.


In the Support dialog, click Save Logs.


Use the Save As dialog to select a destination and save.

The default name of the archive file is If you don't want to
overwrite a previous archive file, rename it before saving.

How do I check for updates to Oracle Social Network Desktop?



, then select About Oracle Social Network.


In the About dialog, click Check for Update and follow prompts.

10-64 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


These topics provide information about the features of Oracle Social Network on your
iPhone and describe how to use them.

"Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone"

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

How do I start a Conversation?

On the sidebar menu, tap


In the Conversations list, tap


Enter a title for the new Conversation, then tap Create.


How do I edit Conversation settings?


Open the Conversation.



, then tap Settings.

Tap the Conversation Name to change the name of the Conversation.
Tap the Visibility setting to change whether the Conversation is available only
to members (Shared) or is public (can be discovered and joined by anyone).
Tap the Status setting to close or open the Conversation.
Note: When you close a Conversation, it is closed for all members, not just
you. You are prompted to confirm your action.

Tap the Membership Messages setting to show or hide membership

Tap the Notifications setting to change whether you receive push notifications
for this Conversation. For more information see, How do I set up

How do I add or remove members from a Conversation?

To add members:
1. Open the Conversation.

Tap More, then tap Members.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


In the bottom bar, tap


In the Add Members dialog, select the people or groups you want to add.
By default, you see Recommendations, which shows a list of recommended
members. Oracle Social Network generates the recommendations list based on
actions that might affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of
your contacts, similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other
common actions.
To view a list of your contacts or groups, tap More, then select the list you want to
Alternatively, search for a person or group to add.
To view the list of people and groups you've selected, tap > next to <Number>
Note: People outside your company have a special avatar ( ) and their names
are in purple text. If you add an outside user to a Conversation, a banner stating
"Visible to outside users." appears at the top of the Conversation and any
associated message dialogs.


Tap Add.

In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Conversation by accepting the recommendations that
are sometimes shown in the list of messages (under Add to this Conversation). Oracle
Social Network recommends people to add to a Conversation based on people you
frequently add to Conversations and actions you have in common with others (such as
being members of the same Conversations).
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Tap the person's name to view their profile.

Tap Add to accept the recommendation and add the person to the Conversation.

Tap Ignore to decline the recommendation.

Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Swipe the current recommendation to see the previous or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the Conversation. If you
scroll up or down, the Add to this Conversation section might move out of view. Just
scroll up or down to find it.
To remove members:
1. Open the Conversation.

Tap More, then tap Members.


In the bottom bar, tap Edit.



next to the member you want to remove, then tap Delete.

11-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

How do I open a One-on-One Conversation?

To open a One-on-One Conversation with a member of a Conversation:
1. While viewing a Conversation, tap the picture of the person you want to start a
One-on-One Conversation with to open their profile.

Tap Open One-on-One.

To open a One-on-One Conversation with one of your contacts:

1. On the sidebar menu, tap

Tap the person you want to start a One-on-One Conversation with to open their


Tap Open One-on-One.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

To mute a Conversation:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap


Swipe left on the Conversation you want to mute, then tap Mute.

The muted Conversation appears under the Muted filter.

To unmute a Conversation:
On the sidebar menu, tap



Tap Muted.


Swipe left on the Conversation you want to unmute, then tap Unmute.

How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?

Note: If a Conversation is visible to people outside your company, you see a banner
stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the Conversation and any associated
message dialogs.
To create a new message:
1. Open a Conversation or wall.

In the bottom bar, tap

To post a message, enter your message text.

To post a link to another Oracle Social Network item, such as a Conversation
or wall, tap
, then tap the item.

Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?
Note: If you don't see
in the bottom bar of someone's wall, you aren't
following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her

Tap Post.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

To reply to a message:
1. Tap
under the message you want to reply to.

Enter your reply, then tap Post.

Note: If you don't see

under a personal wall post shown on the Overview panel or
on a person's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to reply to his or her wall
To edit a message:
under the message you want to edit.


Tap Edit Message.


Make your changes, then tap Post.


You can edit only your own messages.

Any special formatting on a message is lost when you edit the message.

To delete a message:
You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.


under the message you want to delete.


Tap Delete.

How do I post a link to an Oracle Social Network item?


Open the Conversation.


In the bottom bar, tap




Tap the Conversation, document, or Social Object you want to reference.


Tap Post.

How do I add a referring item to a Conversation?

To add an existing item:
1. Open the Conversation.

Tap More, then tap Referring.


In the bottom bar, tap


Tap the collection or Social Object you want to add.

To add a new collection:

1. Follow steps 1 through 3 above.


, then tap New Collection.


Enter a name for the new collection, then tap Create.

11-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

How do I mark messages as read or unread?


Open the Conversation.


Mark messages as read using one of the following methods:

To mark all messages as read, at the bottom of the Conversation, tap

<Number> Unread.
To mark a single message as read, tap the message.
Alternatively, tap

under the message, then tap Mark as Read.

If you want a message status to be unread, but you've already marked it as read, you
can return the message to unread by tapping
under the message, then tapping
Mark as Unread. This works only with messages others have posted and not your
own posts.

Are there any features that are not supported on an iPhone?

The following Oracle Social Network features are not available for iPhone devices.


How do I join or leave a web conference?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap the conference you want to join.


The conference details open.


Tap Join Conference.

To leave the conference, exit your conference application.

How do I view collections?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap one of the following views:


Yours to show the collections you created.

Available to show all the collections available to you.

Favorites to show the collections that you have marked as favorite.

Muted to show the collections that you have muted.

How do I add a Conversation to a collection?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap the collection you want to add a Conversation to.


In the bottom bar, tap


Tap a Conversation or wall to add it to the collection.


Alternatively, you can create a new Conversation or collection.


Follow steps 1 through 3 above.



Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


Tap New Collection to create a collection or New Conversation to create a



Enter a name, then tap Create.

How do I add a related item to a Social Object?


Open the Social Object.


Tap More, then tap Related.


In the bottom bar, tap


Tap the Conversation, wall, or Social Object you want to add.

Alternatively, you can create a new Conversation or collection.


Follow steps 1 through 3 above.




Tap New Collection to create a collection or New Conversation to create a



Enter a name, then tap Create.

How do I add documents?


Open the Conversation or wall you want to add to.


to create a new message, or tap More, then tap Documents to add items
from the Documents panel.


(at the top of the message or at the bottom of the Documents panel), then
select one of the following options:

To add a new photo or video, tap Take Photo or Video, take the photo or
video, then tap Use Photo.

To add an existing photo or video, tap Choose Photo or Video, select one or
more photos or videos, then tap Done.

To add a voice message, tap Record Voice Message. Tap Start Recording. If
necessary, allow Oracle Social Network to access your microphone. Record
your message. Tap Stop Recording. Tap Use.

If you want to crop or rotate your photo, tap the photo thumbnail, then tap Edit.
Edit mode opens.

Use the pinch gesture to make your photo bigger or smaller.

to crop your photo vertically. Tap again to crop your photo


, to rotate your photo 90 degrees. Tap again to continue the rotation.

When you are done editing, tap Save.


Optionally, add a message to be posted with the document.


Tap Post.

To upload a document from another application:

1. Open the document in the application you want to upload from.

11-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


Tap the action button, then tap Open In.


Tap Open in Social to open the document in Oracle Social Network.

Note: iOS lists up to 10 applications in the Open In menu. If you have more than
10 applications that support a file type, Oracle Social Network may not appear in
the menu. Unfortunately, there is no way to manage which applications appear in
the menu. If you uninstall other applications, Oracle Social Network eventually


In the Open In dialog, you can change the file name and add a description.


Choose a destination for your document:

To post the document to your wall, tap Upload to your Wall.

To post the document to another location, tap Choose Destination. Select a
destination, (optionally) select a folder, then tap Upload.

If you select a location that is visible to people outside your company, you
see a banner stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the Open In
dialog. When you tap Upload, you are warned that the document will be
visible to outside users. Tap Yes if you want to post the document.

If you can't upload a document to someone's wall, you either aren't

following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to
his or her wall.

How do I view documents?

To view a document, tap the document image.
After opening the document, you can switch to viewing it in its native viewer (the
application most suitable to the document type). Tap the action icon, then tap View in
Native Viewer.
If the document is from a cloud document store, the option is Open Document in
Cloud Document Store, where Cloud Document Store is the name of the cloud
document store.
Tip: To view documents added to a particular Conversation, wall, or collection open
the Conversation, wall, or collection, tap More, then tap Documents.

How do I copy a document?


From the Conversation or wall, tap



Select where you want to copy the document to.

under the document, then tap Copy

To create a new Conversation for the copied document, tap New

Conversation, then enter a name for the Conversation.
To select an existing Conversation, Social Object, or wall, tap Existing, then
select a location.

Alternatively, while viewing the document, tap the action icon, then tap Copy
Document, and select where you want to copy the document to.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you created or documents on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

Locate the document (see How do I view documents?).

If necessary, open the folder that contains the document.


Swipe left on the file you want to delete, then tap Delete.

You can also delete a document while viewing it, by tapping the action button, then
tapping Delete.
Note: If you don't see the Delete option when working with a document on someone's
wall, the person doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or her wall.

How do I view an earlier version of a document?


Locate the document (see How do I view documents?).

If necessary, open the folder that contains the document.


Tap <Number> Versions (<number> is the number of versions of the document).

How do I see who has viewed a document?


Locate the document (see How do I view documents?).

If necessary, open the folder that contains the document.


Swipe left on the file you want to delete, then tap Access History.

How do I annotate a document?

Note: If the document is visible to people outside your company, you see a banner
stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the document preview and any
associated annotation dialogs.

Open the document you want to annotate.




, then tap the type of annotation you want to use:


, and tap the place you want the annotation to appear.


, and draw a rectangle over an area of any size.


, and draw a circle around an area of any size.


, and write or draw over an area of any size.


, and highlight one line.


to open the comment box. Add comment text, then tap Save.

Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

Tap Publish <number> (<number> is the number of annotations that need to be

published) to add them to the document and the Conversation.

To view annotations:
Open the annotated document or tap

11-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

under the annotation message.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

To view a list of all annotations, tap the open annotation.

To show and hide annotations:
1. Open the annotated document.



Tap All annotations to show all the annotations on the document, No annotations
to hide all the annotations, a person's name to view annotations published by that
user, or Unpublished annotations to see the annotations that have not been
published yet.
Note: Tap

, to show the existing annotations in a list.

How do I join or leave a file co-browsing session?


Open the document.


Above the file, tap

A list of the people looking at the file appears.


Tap the person whose movement you want to follow.

To stop following the other person's movement through a file, open the co-browsing
menu, and tap the name of the person you're browsing with.

How do I create or remove a folder?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Open the Conversation, tap More, then tap Documents.


In the bottom bar, tap


Note: If you don't see the

button when working on someone's wall, the person
doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or her wall.

Enter a name for the new folder, then tap Create.

Note: When you open a folder, a breadcrumb appears at the top of the Documents tab
to show you where you are in the folder structure. To return to a parent folder, tap the
folder name in the breadcrumb or tap the document icon to return to the top-level
You can delete folders you created (so long as it doesn't include anyone else's
documents or folders) or folders on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any folder.

If you don't see the Delete option when working with a folder on someone's wall,
the person doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or her wall.

To remove a folder, tap

next to the folder, then tap Delete.

How do I move files?

You can't move existing Oracle Social Network documents from one location to
another. Instead, you can add the document to the new location (see How do I add
documents?), and delete the document from the original location (see How do I delete
a document?).

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

How do I view and edit my profile and picture?


On the sidebar menu, tap your picture.


Tap More, then tap Profile.


On the bottom bar, tap Edit.


Tap any field to edit it.


Tap Save.

Note: To add a new photo, tap your picture, then tap Take Photo or Choose Photo.
Move or scale your image, then tap Choose.

How do I view or post to another person's wall?

To view another person's profile:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap


next to the person to view their profile.

Note: Alternatively, tap a person's name or picture wherever you see it, to open that
person's profile.
To post to another person's wall:
1. Open the person's profile.

Tap More, then tap Wall.


In the bottom bar, tap


Enter your message.


Tap Post.

Note: Outside users (people outside your company) have profiles, but they don't have
walls. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their
names. If you want to post something to an outside user, you can do so through a
one-on-one conversation. For more information, see How do I open a One-on-One

How do I post a status update to my wall?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Enter your status update.


Tap Post.

next to your name.

How can I tell if a person is online?

You can view a person's presence status in the Conversation membership bar or on the
People page. The person's presence status is represented by the colored circle around
the person's picture:

- A full green circle around the person's picture shows that the person is
available (logged in to and currently interacting with Oracle Social Network).
- A three-quarter yellow circle around the person's picture shows that the
person is idle (logged in to but not currently interacting with Oracle Social

11-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

- A half gray circle around the person's picture shows that the person is offline
(not logged in to Oracle Social Network).

How do I view my contacts?

On the sidebar menu, tap


How do I follow or stop following someone?

To follow someone:
1. Open the person's profile by tapping their name or picture wherever you see it.

On the person's profile, tap Follow.

To view a list of recommendations, tap More, then tap Recommendations. Oracle

Social Network generates the Recommendations list based on actions you have in
common with othersdocuments you've both read, Conversations you're both
members of, and other commonly taken actions. Each recommendation includes the
person's name, the reason they were recommended, a Follow button, and an Ignore
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended again
in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.
Note: You can't follow outside users (people outside your company), but you can add
them to your contacts. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons
( ) after their names. For more information, see How do I add Oracle Social Network
To stop following someone:
To stop following someone, open the person's profile and tap Unfollow.
Alternatively, in the People list, you can long press the person you want to stop
following, then tap Stop Following.
To view the people you are following:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap

Tap More, then tap Following.

How do I add Oracle Social Network contacts?


On the sidebar menu, tap


In the People list, tap


Enter a name, part of a name, or an email address.


In the results list, select the people you want to add, then tap Add.


How do I save an Oracle Social Network contact to my iPhone contacts list?


Open the person's profile by tapping their name or picture wherever you see it.


At the bottom of the person's profile, tap Add to iPhone Contacts.

How do I create a group?


On the sidebar menu, tap

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone 11-11

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


In the Groups list, tap


Enter a Group name.


Optionally, enter a Group description.


Tap Add Photo, to add a photo to your group profile.


Tap Done.
The new group opens and you are added to the group.

How do I add or remove members from a group?

To add members:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap



Open the group.


Tap More, then tap Members.


In the bottom bar, tap


In the list of Contacts, select the people and groups you want to add.

Alternatively, search for users or groups to add.

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a group.
Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their

Tap Add.

To remove members:
1. Open the group.

Tap More, then tap Members.


In the bottom bar, tap Edit.




Tap Done.

next to the member you want to remove, then tap Delete.

How do I assign or clear flags?

To assign a flag:
1. Next to the message you want to flag, tap


next to the person you want to flag, then select the type of flag to assign:

- For your information

- Please reply

- Please reply - urgent

To clear a flag:
1. Navigate to the flag you want to clear:

On the sidebar menu, tap

11-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network


Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

By default, you see the flags assigned to you. To clear a flag you assigned to
someone else, tap Filter, then tap Flags You Assigned.

Find the flagged message in the Overview or Conversation.


Tap the flag you want to clear.



next to the flag you want to clear.

How do I "like" a message?


Open the Conversation.


Next to the message you want to like, tap

How do I mark an object as a favorite?


Navigate to the object you want to mark as a favorite.


For Messages, next to the message you want to mark as a favorite, tap

How do I view my favorites?

On the sidebar menu, tap


You can also view your favorites from the Collections or Conversations pages by
tapping Favorites on the segment bar.

How do I search Oracle Social Network?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Enter your search term, then tap Search.


Optionally, you can filter by object type by tapping More, then tapping an object


Optionally, you can sort the results by tapping Sort, then tapping a sort order
(Relevance or Date).


Tap a result to open the item.


Tap a Conversation to open the Conversation.

Tap a person's name to open the person's wall.

Note: Outside users (people outside your company) don't have walls. If you
tap an outside user, the outside user's profile opens. Outside users' names
appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their names.

Tap a group's name to open the group's wall.

Tap a hashtag to open a page with all messages that include that hashtag.

You can mark an object in the list of search results as a favorite by tapping
the result. For more information, see How do I view my favorites?

next to

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to search for all content associated with that term or topic. For example,
imagine discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the
form of dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone 11-13

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

forms. How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a
hashtag. Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of
discount, you include the hashtag #discounts. You can then search for #discounts and
get a list of all messages in otherwise unrelated Conversations and walls that contain
the hashtagged term.
Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations,
and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been
used before) appear for you to select from.

You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Searching for and Viewing Hashtags

When you perform a search, available hashtags are included in the results. If your
search term starts with a hashtag (#), one of two things will happen. If the hashtag
exists, the hashtag page opens. If the hashtag doesn't exist, you see search results that
contain any tags similar to the hashtag you searched for.
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are tappable and will open a hashtag page
where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So tapping #discounts in any
Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message (in a Conversation,
document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the
discounts hashtag.
On the hashtag page, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the
hashtag (Recent) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By
People You Follow).
To mark a message as a favorite, next to the message, tap
see How do I view my favorites?

. For more information,

Following Hashtags
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview page, even
if you are not a member of those Conversations or walls.
To follow a hashtag, tap the hashtag to open the hashtag page, then tap Follow at the
top of the page. To stop following the hashtag, tap Unfollow.

How do I change an Oracle Social Network password?

If your company's password policy lets you change your password, you can do this in
the web version of Oracle Social Network. You can't change your password on mobile

How do I set up notifications?

Push notifications enable you to receive notifications from your Conversations and
walls when you are not currently active in Oracle Social Network.
Note: You can set up notifications only when you're logged in to the account.

11-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone


On the sidebar menu, tap




Under Alerts, tap Push Notifications.


By default, all notifications are set to On. Change the settings as desired:


next to the account you're logged in to.

Push Notifications: Turn on or off all notifications on this device.

All Posts: Set to On to receive notifications for all new posts to all of your
Conversations and walls.
This can be overridden on a Conversation-by-Conversation basis in the
Conversation's settings. To learn more, see How do I change notification settings
for a selected Conversation or wall?
General Notifications

Posts to Your Wall: Notifies you when someone posts a message to your wall.
One-on-One Posts: Notifies you when someone starts a One-on-One with
Conferences: Notifies you when a conference you are invited to starts.
Added To: Notifies you when you are added as a member to a Conversation
or wall.

Flags Assigned To Me

FYI: Notifies you when someone assigns a For Your Information flag to you.

Please Reply: Notifies you when someone assigns a Please Reply flag to you.

Note: You are always notified when someone assigns a Please Reply - Urgent flag
to you.
Flags Cleared

FYI: Notifies you when a For Your Information flag you assigned is cleared.

Please Reply: Notifies you when a Please Reply flag you assigned is cleared.

Please Reply-Urgent: Notifies you when a Please Reply - Urgent flag you
assigned is cleared.

Note: If you use more than one account, you must set up notifications for each account

How do I change notification settings for a selected Conversation or wall?

To select your notification settings for a selected Conversation or wall:

Open the Conversation.




Tap the Notifications setting and change it as desired:

, then tap Settings.

Tap On to enable Oracle Social Network to send notifications for this

Tap Off to disable notifications for this Conversation.
Tap Use Global Setting to use your push notification settings. For more
information, see How do I set up notifications?

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone 11-15

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

How do I add, edit, or remove an account?

To add a new account:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap



Tap Add Account.


In the Username field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.


In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.


Turn on Save Password to make future connections automatically.


In the Account Name field, enter a name for the new account.


In the Server field, enter the path to the server that is hosting your Oracle Social
Network instance.
For example, enter:


Tap Connect.

To edit an account:
Note: To edit settings for an account, you must not be connected to it.

On the sidebar menu, tap




Change the information as desired.


Tap Connect.


next to the account you want to edit.

To remove an account:
Note: To remove an account, you must not be connected to it.

On the sidebar menu, tap




Tap Delete.


next to the account you want to remove.

How do I switch from one account to another?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap the account you want to switch to.


How do I bring up help?

On the sidebar menu, tap


Help appears only when you are logged in.

How do I access support for Oracle Social Network?

On the sidebar menu, tap


The Support dialog shows the following information:

Oracle Social Network Version - The version number of the Oracle Social
Network application running on the server to which you are connected.

11-16 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

iOS App Version - The version number of the Oracle Social Network application
you have installed on your iPhone.

Support appears only when you are logged in and connected to an Oracle
Social Network server that supports the Support menu.

How do I show the user tips if I previously dismissed them?


On the sidebar menu, tap


At the bottom of the About dialog, tap Show User Tips Again to show user tips
when you first visit a new area.


The About dialog also displays the Oracle Social Network copyright. Tap Legal Terms
or Oracle Privacy Policy to view the associated information.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone 11-17

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPhone

11-18 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


These topics provide information about the features of Oracle Social Network on your
iPad and describe how to use them:

"Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad"

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

How do I start a Conversation?

On the sidebar menu, tap


In the upper right corner of the Conversations page, tap


Enter a name for the new Conversation, then tap Create.

How do I edit Conversation settings?


Open the Conversation.



, then tap Settings.

Tap the Conversation Name to change the name of the Conversation.
Tap the Visibility setting to change whether the Conversation is available only
to members (Shared) or is public (can be discovered and joined by anyone).
Tap the Status setting to close or open the Conversation.
Note: When you close a Conversation, it is closed for all members, not just
you. You are prompted to confirm your action.

Tap the Membership Messages setting to show or hide membership

Tap the Notifications setting to change whether notifications are sent for the
Conversation. For more information see, How do I set up notifications?

How do I add or remove members from a Conversation?

To add members:
1. Open the Conversation.


Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-1

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad




In the Add Members dialog, select the people or groups you want to add.
By default, you see Recommendations, which shows a list of recommended
members. Oracle Social Network generates the recommendations list based on
actions that might affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of
your contacts, similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other
common actions.
To view a list of your contacts or groups, tap More, then select the list you want to
Alternatively, search for a person or group to add.
To view the list of people and groups you've selected, tap > next to <Number>
Note: People outside your company have a special avatar ( ) and their names
are in purple text. If you add an outside user to a Conversation, a banner stating
"This Conversation is visible to outside users." appears at the top of the
Conversation and any associated message dialogs.


Tap Add.


Tap outside the Members dialog box to close it.

In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Conversation by accepting the recommendations that
are sometimes shown in the list of messages (under Add to this Conversation). Oracle
Social Network recommends people to add to a Conversation based on people you
frequently add to Conversations and actions you have in common with others (such as
being members of the same Conversations).
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Tap the person's name to view their profile.

Tap Add to accept the recommendation and add the person to the Conversation.

Tap Ignore to decline the recommendation.

Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Tap the arrows on either side of the current recommendation or swipe the current
recommendation to see the previous or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the Conversation. If you
scroll up or down, the Add to this Conversation section might move out of view. Just
scroll up or down to find it.
To remove members:
1. Open the Conversation.



Tap Edit.




Tap Done.

next to the member you want to remove, then tap Delete.

12-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


Tap outside the Members dialog box to close it.

How do I open a One-on-One Conversation?

To open a One-on-One Conversation with a member of a Conversation:
1. While viewing a Conversation, tap the picture of the person you want to start a
One-on-One Conversation with to open their profile.

Tap One-on-One.

To open a One-on-One Conversation with one of your contacts:

On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap the person you want to start a One-on-One Conversation with to open their


Tap One-on-One.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

To mute a Conversation:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap

Swipe left on the Conversation you want to mute, then tap Mute.

The muted Conversation appears under the Muted filter.

Note: You can't mute one-on-one Conversations.
To unmute a Conversation:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap


On the segment bar, tap Muted.


Swipe left on the Conversation you want to unmute, then tap Unmute.

How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?

Note: If a Conversation is visible to people outside your company, you see a banner
stating "This Conversation is visible to outside users." at the top of the Conversation
and any associated message dialogs.
To create a new message:
1. Open a Conversation or wall.

In the bottom bar, tap

To post a message, enter your message text.

To post a link to another Oracle Social Network item, such as a Conversation
or wall, tap
, then tap the item.

Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?
Note: If you don't see
in the bottom bar of someone's wall, you aren't
following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her
Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-3

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


Tap Post.

To reply to a message:
1. Tap
under the message you want to reply to.

Enter your reply, then tap Post.

Note: If you don't see

under a personal wall post shown on the Overview panel or
on a person's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to reply to his or her wall
To edit a message:
1. Tap
under the message you want to edit.

Tap Edit Message.


Make your changes, then tap Save.


You can edit only your own messages.

Any special formatting on a message is lost when you edit the message.

To delete a message:
You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.


under the message you want to delete.


Tap Delete.

How do I post a link to an Oracle Social Network item?


Open the Conversation.


In the bottom bar, tap




Tap the Conversation, document, or Social Object you want to reference.


Tap Post.

How do I add a referring item to a Conversation?

To add an existing item:
1. Open the Conversation.

On the segment bar, tap Referring.


In the bottom bar, tap


Tap the collection or Social Object you want to add.

To add a new item:

Follow steps 1 through 3 above.



, then tap New Collection.


Enter a name for the new collection, then tap Create.

12-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

How do I mark messages as read or unread?


Open the Conversation.


Mark messages as read using one of the following methods:

To mark all messages as read, at the bottom of the Conversation, tap

<Number> Unread.
To mark a single message as read, tap the message.
Alternatively, tap

under the message, then tap Mark as Read.

If you want a message status to be unread, but you've already marked it as read, you
can return the message to unread by tapping
under the message, then tapping
Mark as Unread. This works only with messages others have posted and not your
own posts.

Are there any features that are not supported on an iPad?

The following Oracle Social Network features are not available for iPad devices.


How do I join or leave a web conference?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap Join next to the conference you want to join.

Note: To see the details of a conference, tap the conference.

To leave the conference, exit your conference application.

How do I view my collections?


On the sidebar menu, tap


On the segment bar, tap:

Yours to show the collections you created.

Available to show all the collections available to you.

Favorites to show the collections you have marked as favorite.

Muted to show the collections that you have muted.

How do I add a Conversation to a collection?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap the collection you want to add a Conversation to.


In the bottom bar, tap


Tap a Conversation or wall to add it to the collection.

Alternatively, you can create a new Conversation or collection.




Tap New Collection to create a collection or New Conversation to create a



Enter a name.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-5

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


Tap Create.

How do I add a related Conversation from a Social Object?


Open the Social Object.


On the segment bar, tap Related.


In the bottom bar, tap


Tap the Conversation, user wall, group wall, or Social Object you want to add.

Alternatively, you can create a new Conversation or collection.




Tap New Collection to create a collection or New Conversation to create a



Enter a name.


Tap Create.

How do I add documents?


Open the Conversation or wall you want to add to.


to create a new message, or tap More, then tap Documents to add items
from the Documents panel.


(at the top of the message or at the bottom of the Documents panel), then
select one of the following options:

To add a new photo or video, tap Take Photo or Video, take the photo or
video, then tap Use Photo.

To add an existing photo or video, tap Choose Photo or Video, select one or
more photos or videos, then tap Done.

To add a voice message, tap Record Voice Message. Tap Start Recording. If
necessary, allow Oracle Social Network to access your microphone. Record
your message. Tap Stop Recording. Tap Use.

If you want to crop or rotate your photo, tap the photo thumbnail, then tap Edit.
Edit mode opens.

Use the pinch gesture to make your photo bigger or smaller.

to crop your photo vertically. Tap again to crop your photo


, to rotate your photo 90 degrees. Tap again to continue the rotation.

When you are done editing, tap Save.


Optionally, add a message to be posted with the document.


Tap Post.

To upload a document from another application:

1. Open the document in the application you want to upload from.

Tap the action button, then tap Open In.


Tap Open in Social to open the document in Oracle Social Network.

12-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

Note: iOS lists up to 10 applications in the Open In menu. If you have more than
10 applications that support a file type, Oracle Social Network may not appear in
the menu. Unfortunately, there is no way to manage which applications appear in
the menu. If you uninstall other applications, Oracle Social Network eventually

In the Open In dialog, you can change the file name and add a description.


Choose a destination for your document:

To post the document to your wall, tap Upload to your Wall.

To post the document to another location, tap Choose Destination. Select a
destination, (optionally) select a folder, then tap Upload.


If you select a location that is visible to people outside your company, you
see a banner stating "This Conversation is visible to outside users." at the
top of the Open In dialog. When you tap Upload, you are warned that the
document will be visible to outside users. Tap Yes if you want to post the

If you can't upload a document to someone's wall, you either aren't

following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to
his or her wall.

Tap Upload.

How do I view documents?

To view a document, tap the document image.
After opening the document, you can switch to viewing it in its native viewer (the
application most suitable to the document type). Tap the action icon, then tap View in
Native Viewer.
If the document is from a cloud document store, the option is Open Document in
Cloud Document Store, where Cloud Document Store is the name of the cloud
document store.
Tip: To view documents added to a particular Conversation, wall, or collection open
the Conversation, wall, or collection, then tap the Documents segment.

How do I copy a document?


From the Conversation or wall, tap



Select where you want to copy the document to.

under the document, then tap Copy

To create a new Conversation for the copied document, tap New

Conversation, then enter a name for the Conversation.
To select an existing Conversation, Social Object, or wall, tap Existing, then
select a location.

Alternatively, while viewing the document, tap the action icon, then tap Copy
Document, and select where you want to copy the document to.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you created or documents on your profile wall.
Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-7

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

Locate the document (see How do I view documents?).

If necessary, open the folder that contains the document.


Swipe left on the file you want to delete, then tap Delete.

You can also delete a document while viewing it, by tapping the action button, then
tapping Delete.
Note: If you don't see the Delete option when working with a document on someone's
wall, the person doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or her wall.

How do I view an earlier version of a document?


Locate the document (see How do I view documents?).

If necessary, open the folder that contains the document.


Tap <Number> Versions (<number> is the number of versions of the document).

How do I see who has viewed a document?


Locate the document (see How do I view documents?).

If necessary, open the folder that contains the document.


Swipe left on the file you want to delete, then tap Access History.

How do I annotate a document?

Note: If the document is visible to people outside your company, you see a banner
stating "This Conversation is visible to outside users." at the top of any associated
annotation dialogs.

Open the document.




, then tap the type of annotation you want to use:


, and tap the place you want the annotation to appear.


, and write or draw over an area of any size.


, and highlight one line.


, and draw a rectangle over an area of any size.


, and draw a circle around an area of any size.

If necessary, tap Edit to open the comment dialog.

Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?


Add comment text, then tap Save.


Tap Publish <number> (<number> is the number of annotations that need to be

published) to add them to the document and the Conversation.

To view annotations:
Open the annotated document or tap

under the annotation message.

To view a list of all annotations, tap the open annotation.

12-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

To show and hide annotations:

1. Open the annotated document.



Tap All annotations to show all the annotations on the document, No annotations
to hide all the annotations, a person's name to view annotations published by that
user, or Unpublished annotations to see the annotations that have not been
published yet.

How do I join or leave a file co-browsing session?


Open the document.


Above the file, tap

A list of the people looking at the file appears.


Tap the person whose movement you want to follow.

To stop following the other person's movement through a file, open the co-browsing
menu, and tap the name of the person you're browsing with.

How do I create or remove a folder?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Open the Conversation, and tap the Documents segment.


In the bottom bar, tap

Note: If you don't see the

button when working on someone's wall, the person
doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or her wall.

Enter a name for the new folder, then tap Create.

Note: When you open a folder, a breadcrumb appears at the top of the Documents tab
to show you where you are in the folder structure. To return to a parent folder, tap the
folder name in the breadcrumb or tap the document icon to return to the top-level
You can delete folders you created (so long as it doesn't include anyone else's
documents or folders) or folders on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any folder.

If you don't see the Delete option when working with a folder on someone's wall,
the person doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or her wall.

To remove a folder, tap

next to the folder, then tap Delete.

How do I add or remove files from a folder?

You can't move existing Oracle Social Network documents from one location to
another. Instead, you can add the document to the new location (see How do I add
documents?), and delete the document from the original location (see How do I delete
a document?).

How do I view and edit my profile and picture?


On the sidebar menu, tap your picture.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-9

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


On the segment bar, tap Profile.


On the bottom bar, tap Edit.


Tap any field to edit it.


Tap Save.

Note: To add a new photo, tap your picture, then tap Take Photo or Choose Photo.
Move or scale your image and tap Use.

How do I view or post to another person's wall?

To view another person's profile:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap


next to the person to view their profile.

Note: Alternatively, tap a person's name or picture wherever you see it, to open that
person's profile.
To post to another person's wall:
1. Open the person's profile.

On the segment bar, tap Wall.


In the bottom bar, tap


Enter your message.


Tap Post.

How do I post a status update to my wall?


On the sidebar menu, tap your picture.


In the bottom bar of your wall, tap


Enter your status update.


Tap Post.

How can I tell if a person is online?

You can view a person's presence status in the Conversation membership bar or on the
People page. The person's presence status is represented by the colored circle around
the person's picture:

- A full green circle around the person's picture shows that the person is
available (logged in to and currently interacting with Oracle Social Network).
- A three-quarter yellow circle around the person's picture shows that the
person is idle (logged in to but not currently interacting with Oracle Social
- A half gray circle around the person's picture shows that the person is offline
(not logged in to Oracle Social Network).

How do I view my contacts?


On the sidebar menu, tap

12-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


On the segment bar, tap Contacts.

How do I follow or stop following someone?

To follow someone:
1. Open the person's profile by tapping their name or picture wherever you see it.

On the person's profile, tap Follow.

Alternatively, tap
want to follow.

, then, in the desired segment, tap Follow next to the person you

The Recommendations segment is shown by default. Oracle Social Network generates

the Recommendations list based on actions you have in common with
othersdocuments you've both read, Conversations you're both members of, and
other commonly taken actions. Each recommendation includes the person's name, the
person's title, the reason they were recommended, a Follow button, and an Ignore
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended again
in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.
To stop following someone:
To stop following someone, open the person's profile and tap Unfollow.
Alternatively, on the People page, you can long press the person you want to stop
following, then tap Stop Following.
To view the people you are following:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap

On the segment bar, tap People You Follow.

How do I add Oracle Social Network contacts?


On the sidebar menu, tap


On the segment bar, tap Contacts.




Enter a name, part of a name, or an email address.


In the results list, select the people you want to add, then tap Add.

How do I save an Oracle Social Network contact to my iPad contacts list?


Open the person's profile by tapping their name or picture wherever you see it.


At the bottom of the person's profile, tap Add to iPad Contacts.

How do I create a group?


On the sidebar menu, tap




Enter a Group name.


Optionally, enter a Group description.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-11

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


Tap Add Photo, to add a photo to your group profile.


Tap Done.
The new group opens and you are added to the group.

How do I add or remove members from a group?

To add members:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap


Open the group.


In the membership bar, click


In the Update Members pop-up, tap


In the Add Members pop-up, select the people or groups you want to add.


Alternatively, search for a person or group to add.

Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a group.
Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their
To remove members:
1. Open the group.

In the membership bar, click


In the Update Members pop-up, tap Edit.



next to the member you want to remove, then tap Delete.

How do I assign or clear flags?

To assign a flag:
1. Next to the message you want to flag, click


next to the person you want to flag, then select the type of flag to assign:

- For your information

- Please reply

- Please reply - urgent

To clear a flag:
1. Navigate to the flag you want to clear:

On the sidebar menu, tap


By default, you see the flags assigned to you. To clear a flag you assigned to
someone else, tap Filter, then tap Flags You Assigned.

Find the flagged message in the Overview, Conversation, or wall.


Tap the flag you want to clear.



next to the flag you want to clear.

12-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

How do I "like" a message?


Open the Conversation.


Next to the message you want to like, tap

How do I mark an object as a favorite?


Navigate to the object you want to mark as a favorite.


Long press the object, then tap Add to Favorites.

For Messages, next to the message you want to mark as a favorite, tap

How do I view my favorites?

On the sidebar menu, tap
. You can filter your favorites by item type by tapping
one of the segments at the top.
You can also view your favorites from the Collections or Conversations pages by
tapping Favorites on the segment bar.

How do I search Oracle Social Network?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Enter your search term, then tap Search.


Optionally, you can filter by object type by tapping All Results, then tapping an
object type.


Optionally, you can sort the results by tapping Relevance, then tapping a sort
order (Relevance, Date (Newest first), or Date (Oldest first)).


Tap a result to open the item.

Tap a Conversation to open the Conversation.

Tap a person's name to open the person's wall.

Note: Outside users (people outside your company) don't have walls. If you
tap an outside user, the outside user's profile opens. Outside users' names
appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their names.

Tap a group's name to open the group's wall.

Tap a hashtag to open a page with all messages that include that hashtag.

You can mark an object in the list of search results as a favorite by tapping
the result. For more information, see How do I view my favorites?

next to

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to search for all content associated with that term or topic. For example,
imagine discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the
form of dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of
forms. How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a
hashtag. Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of
discount, you include the hashtag #discounts. You can then search for #discounts and
get a list of all messages in otherwise unrelated Conversations and walls that contain
the hashtagged term.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-13

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations,
and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been
used before) appear for you to select from.

You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Searching for and Viewing Hashtags

When you perform a search, available hashtags are included in the results. If your
search term starts with a hashtag (#), one of two things will happen. If the hashtag
exists, the hashtag page opens. If the hashtag doesn't exist, you see search results that
contain any tags similar to the hashtag you searched for.
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are tappable and will open a hashtag page
where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So tapping #discounts in any
Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message (in a Conversation,
document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the
discounts hashtag.
On the hashtag page, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the
hashtag (Recent) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By
People You Follow).
To mark a message as a favorite, next to the message, tap
see How do I view my favorites?

. For more information,

Following Hashtags
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview page, even
if you are not a member of those Conversations or walls.
To follow a hashtag, tap the hashtag to open the hashtag page, then tap Follow at the
top of the page. To stop following the hashtag, tap Unfollow.

How do I change an Oracle Social Network password?

If your company's password policy lets you change your password, you can do this in
the web version of Oracle Social Network. You can't change your password on mobile

How do I set up notifications?

Push notifications enable you to receive notifications from your Conversations and
walls when you are not currently active in Oracle Social Network.
Note: You can set up notifications only when you're logged in to the account.

On the sidebar menu, tap




Under Alerts, tap Push Notifications.


By default, all notifications are set to On. Change the settings as desired:

next to the account you're logged in to.

12-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

Push Notifications: Turn on or off all notifications on this device.

All Posts: Set to On to receive notifications for all new posts to all of your
Conversations and walls.
This can be overridden on a Conversation-by-Conversation basis in the
Conversation's settings. To learn more see How do I change notification settings
for a selected a Conversation or wall?
General Notifications

Posts to Your Wall: Notifies you when someone posts a message to your wall.
One-on-One Posts: Notifies you when someone starts a One-on-One with
Conferences: Notifies you when a conference you are invited to starts.
Added To: Notifies you when you are added as a member to a Conversation
or wall.

Flags Assigned To Me

FYI: Notifies you when someone assigns a For Your Information flag to you.

Please Reply: Notifies you when someone assigns a Please Reply flag to you.

Note: You are always notified when someone assigns a Please Reply - Urgent flag
to you.
Flags Cleared

FYI: Notifies you when a For Your Information flag you assigned is cleared.

Please Reply: Notifies you when a Please Reply flag you assigned is cleared.

Please Reply-Urgent: Notifies you when a Please Reply - Urgent flag you
assigned is cleared.

Note: If you use more than one account, you must set up notifications for each account

How do I change notification settings for a selected a Conversation or wall?

To select your notification settings for a selected Conversation or wall:

Open the Conversation.




Tap the Notifications setting and change it as desired:

, then tap Settings.

Tap On to enable Oracle Social Network to send notifications for this

Tap Off to disable notifications for this Conversation.
Tap Use Global Setting to use your push notification settings. For more
information, see How do I set up notifications?

How do I add, edit, or remove an account?

To add a new account:
1. On the sidebar menu, tap

Tap Add Account.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-15

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad


In the Username field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.


In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.


Turn on Save Password to make future connections automatically.


In the Account Name field, enter a name for the new account.


In the Server field, enter the path to the server that is hosting your Oracle Social
Network instance.
For example, enter:


Tap Connect.

To edit an account:
Note: To edit settings for an account, you must not be connected to it.

On the sidebar menu, tap




Change the information as desired.


Tap Connect.

next to the account you want to edit.

To remove an account:
Note: To remove an account, you must not be connected to it.

On the sidebar menu, tap




Tap Delete.

next to the account you want to remove.

How do I switch from one account to another?


On the sidebar menu, tap


Tap the account you want to switch to.

How do I bring up help?

On the sidebar menu, tap

appears only when you are logged in.

How do I access support for Oracle Social Network?

On the sidebar menu, tap

The Support dialog shows the following information:

Oracle Social Network Version - The version number of the Oracle Social
Network application running on the server to which you are connected.
iOS App Version - The version number of the Oracle Social Network application
you have installed on your iPhone.

appears only when you are logged in and connected to an Oracle Social
Network server that supports the Support menu.

12-16 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

How do I show the user tips if I previously dismissed them?


On the sidebar menu, tap


At the bottom of the About dialog, tap Show User Tips Again to show user tips
when you first visit a new area.

The About dialog also displays the Oracle Social Network copyright. Tap Legal Terms
or Oracle Privacy Policy to view the associated information.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad 12-17

Using Oracle Social Network on Your iPad

12-18 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your
Android Device


These topics describe how to interact with Oracle Social Network on Android devices:

"Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device"

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

How do I start a Conversation?

in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap




Enter a name for the new Conversation, then tap OK.

in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap New Conversation.

The new Conversation appears in the list of Conversations. You can start posting
messages and adding documents.

How do I edit Conversation settings?


Open the Conversation you want to configure.


in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Conversation

To change the name of the Conversation, tap Name, edit the name, then tap
To make the Conversation public, select Publicly Available.
To hide membership messages for the Conversation, deselect Hide

How do I add or remove members from a Conversation?

To add members:
1. Open the Conversation.

Open the Add Members dialog using one of the following methods:

In the Conversation membership bar, tap

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device 13-1

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


to display the view menu, then tap Members. In the

Select a view from the Add Members menu:


In the action bar, tap

action bar, tap

RecommendationsView a list of recommended members. Oracle Social

Network generates the recommendations list based on actions that might
affect who you add to a Conversationthe person is one of your contacts,
similar Conversations the person is a member of, and other common actions.

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

SelectedView the people and groups you've selected to add as members.

From the list, select the people or groups you want to add to the Conversation.
Alternatively, search for a person or group to add.
Note: People outside your company have a special avatar ( ) and their names
are in purple text. If you add an outside user to a Conversation, a banner stating
"Visible to outside users." appears at the top of the Conversation and any
associated message dialogs. Be careful not to post any sensitive information to
Conversations that include outside users.

In-Line Recommendations
You can also add members to a Conversation by accepting the recommendations that
are sometimes shown in the list of messages (under Add to this Conversation). Oracle
Social Network recommends people to add to a Conversation based on people you
frequently add to Conversations and actions you have in common with others (such as
being members of the same Conversations).
Each recommendation includes the person's name and the reason they were
recommended. You can perform the following actions:

Tap the person's name to view their profile.

Tap Add to accept the recommendation and add the person to the Conversation.

Tap Ignore to decline the recommendation.

Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be recommended
again in the future based on additional activity by you or the other person.

Tap the arrows on either side of the current recommendation or swipe the current
recommendation to see the previous or next recommendation.

When you accept or ignore a recommendation, the next recommendation appears.

Note: The recommendations appear near where you entered the Conversation. If you
scroll up or down, the Add to this Conversation section might move out of view. Just
scroll up or down to find it.
To remove members:
1. Open the Conversation.

In the Conversation membership bar, tap the picture of the person you want to
remove, then tap Remove from Conversation.

Alternatively, you can remove one or more people from the Members view.

Open the Conversation.



in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Members.

13-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


Remove members using one of the following methods:

To remove a particular member, tap

Remove Member.

next to the member, then tap

To remove more than one member, long press a member to bring up the
selection dialog, select the people or groups you want to remove, then tap

How do I open a One-on-One Conversation?

Note: The colored circle around the person's picture shows whether the person is
available. For more information, see How can I tell if a person is online?
To open a one-on-one Conversation, use one of the following methods:

When viewing a Conversation, tap the person's picture in the Conversation

membership bar, then tap Open One-on-One.
When viewing lists of people on the People page, tap
Open One-on-One.

next to the person, then

Anywhere else you see a person's name or picture, tap it to open their profile. At
the top of their profile, tap Open One-on-One.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

To mute a Conversation:
1. Tap
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap

Long press the Conversation you want to mute, then tap

Alternatively, from within the Conversation, Tap

actions menu, then tap Mute.


in the action bar to display the

The muted Conversation now appears under the Muted filter.

To unmute a Conversation:
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap



in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Muted.


Long press the Conversation you want to unmute, then tap


How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?

Note: If the Conversation is visible to people outside your company, you see a banner
stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the Conversation and any associated
message dialogs. Be careful not to post any sensitive information to Conversations that
include outside users.
To create a message:
1. Open the Conversation.


in the action bar to open the New Message dialog.

To post a message, enter your message text.
To post a photo from your gallery, tap
photos you want to add.

in the action bar, then select the

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device 13-3

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

To post a video from your gallery, tap

videos you want to add.

in the action bar, then select the

To post a file, tap

in the action bar, tap a document source, then follow the
steps to select a file.

To post a link to another Oracle Social Network item, tap

to open the Insert Reference dialog, then select an item.

in the action bar


Alternatively, to quickly post a photo from your gallery, in the Conversation or

wall, tap
, and select the photos you want to add. After selecting your photos,
you can optionally add a message before you post them.
When you add photos, rotate and crop tools become available for adjusting the
file's size and orientation. Tap an image, then tap Edit.
When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

To reply to a message:
under the message.
Note: If you don't see
under a personal wall post shown on the Overview page or
on a person's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to reply to his or her wall
To edit a message:
under the message, then tap

Edit Message.


You can edit only your own messages.

Any special markup on a message is lost when you edit the message.

To delete a message:
You can delete messages you posted or messages on your profile wall.
Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any message.

under the message, then tap


How do I post a link to an Oracle Social Network item?


Open the Conversation.



in the action bar to open the New Message dialog.



in the action bar to open the Insert Reference dialog.


Tap the collection or object you want to reference, then tap OK.

How do I add a referring item to a Conversation?

This action creates a relationship between the Conversation and the item you select,
making it easy to navigate between the two. You can add an existing item or add a
new one.

Open the Conversation.

13-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device





in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Referring.
to open the Add Related dialog.

Tip: Tap
to choose between Recent, Favorites, or Search to find the collection
or Social Object.

Tap the collection or Social Object to add.

Alternatively, you can create a new collection. Tap
new name for the collection, then tap OK.

in the action bar, enter a

How do I mark messages as read?


Open the Conversation, wall, or Social Object.


Use one of the following methods to mark messages as read:

To mark a single message as read, tap the message, or tap

under the
message, then tap
Mark Read. The blue unread indicator disappears.
To mark all messages as read, tap the unread message count in the tile bar; tap
in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Mark All Read; or,
if you have the navigation for unread messages turned on, you can tap the
unread message count to mark all read.


Document annotation messages are marked as read when you view the annotation
in the document.
To mark a message as unread, tap
under the message, then tap Mark Unread.
The blue unread indicator reappears.

Are there any features that are not supported on my Android device?
Oracle Social Network Apps are not available on Android devices.

How do I join or leave a web conference?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap
Tip: The number next to Conferences shows the number of ongoing conferences
you can join.


Tap Join next to the conference you want to join.

Tip: To view conference details, tap the conference.

To leave the conference, close your conferencing application.

How do I view collections?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap



in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap:

Yours to show the collections you created.

Favorites to show the collections you have marked as favorite.

Available to show all the collections available to you.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device 13-5

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Muted to show the collections that you have muted.

Closed to show the collections that have been closed.

How do I add a Conversation to a collection?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


Open the collection to which you want to add a Conversation.





in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Related.
to open the Add Related dialog.

Tip: Tap
to choose between Recent, Favorites, or Search to find the collection
or Social Object.

Tap the Conversation or wall to add it to the collection.

How do I add a related item to a Social Object?

You can add an existing item or create a new one.

Open the Social Object.





in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Related.
to open the Add Related dialog.

Tip: Tap
to choose between Recent, Favorites, or Search to find the collection
or Social Object.

Select an existing item or create a new one:

To select an existing item, tap the item you want to relate to the open Social
To add a new Conversation, tap
Conversation, then tap OK.
To add a new collection, tap
collection, then tap OK.

in the action bar, enter a new name for the

in the action bar, enter a new name for the

How do I upload or download documents?

To add a picture, video, or document from Oracle Social Network:
You can upload a picture, video, or document from Oracle Social Network by creating
a new message in the Conversation or wall you want to add the item to. See How do I
create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?
To upload a document from another application:
1. Open the document in the application you want to upload from.

On the application's sharing menu, tap Oracle Social Network.


Optionally, rename the file and add a description.


Tap Conversation Select Destination to choose the Conversation, Social Object, or

wall to post the document to. The default location is your wall.

13-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


If the Conversation you select is visible to people outside your company, you
see a banner stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the dialog. Be
careful not to post any sensitive information to Conversations that include
outside users.
If you can't upload a document to someone's wall, you either aren't following
the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her wall.

Tap Upload.

To download a document use one of the following methods:

While viewing a list of documents, tap

under the document you want to

While viewing a message with a document, tap

While viewing the document, tap
menu, then tap Download.

under the message, then tap

in the action bar to display the actions

Tip: You can see the documents you've downloaded by tapping

open the slide-out navigation, then tapping

in the action bar to

How do I view a document?

To view a document use one of the following methods:

While viewing a list of documents or a message about a document, tap the

document image or name.
If the document is from a cloud document store, you can open the document in the
cloud document store's viewer. While viewing a list of documents, tap
the document, then tap Open.

How do I view an earlier version of a document?

While viewing a list of documents, tap

under the document, then tap


Alternately, you can view the versions while viewing the document:

Open the document for which you want to the versions.



in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Versions.

How do I share a document with an application?


Open the Share dialog in one of the following ways:

While viewing a list of documents, tap

under the document.

While viewing a message with a document, tap

While viewing the document, tap
menu, then tap Share.

under the message, then

in the action bar to display the actions

A list of applications appears.


Tap the application you want to copy the document to.


Tap Always if the application is the one you will always use; tap Just Once, to
choose an application each time you share a document.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device 13-7

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Alternately, you can share the document while viewing it:


Open the document.



in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Share.

How do I annotate a document?

Note: If the document is visible to people outside your company, you see a banner
stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the document preview and any
associated annotation dialogs. Be careful not to post any sensitive information to
Conversations that include outside users.

Open the document you want to annotate.




, then tap the type of annotation you want to use:

Tap None to exit an annotation tool without selecting another.


Pushpin, and tap the place you want the annotation to appear.


Pen, and write or draw over an area of any size.


Highlighter, and highlight one line.


Rectangle, and draw a rectangle over an area of any size.


Ellipse, and draw a circle around an area of any size.

Add a comment to the annotation, then tap OK.

Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of
hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What
are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?


Tap Publish <number> Annotation (the <number> is the number of annotations

that need to be published) so everyone can see them.

Note: If you don't see

at the top of a document on a person's wall, the person does
not allow other people to post annotations to his or her personal documents.
To show or hide annotations:
1. Open the annotated document.


to display the annotation filters.


Select the annotations you want to see:

All AnnotationsShow all annotations

No AnnotationsShow no annotations (hide annotations)

Unpublished AnnotationsShow annotations that have not been published

<Name>Show annotations from the specified person

Note: To view an annotation from a list view, click

under the annotation message.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

If a document has multiple versions, delete removes only the selected version.

13-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the

Conversation or wall.
There's no undelete, so be sure about deleting the file before you act.
If you don't see the
Delete option when working with a document on
someone's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or
her wall.

While viewing a list of documents, tap

under the document, then tap


Alternately, you can delete the document while viewing it:


Open the document.



in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Delete.

How do I see who has viewed a document?

While viewing a list of documents, tap

under the document, then tap


Alternately, you can view the access history while viewing the document:

Open the document.



in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Access History.

How do I join or leave a file co-browsing session?


Open the file you want to co-browse.


Above the file, tap


Tap the person whose movement you want to follow.

to display the people looking at the file.

To stop following the other person's movement through a file, tap

person you are browsing with.

, then tap the

How do I create or remove a folder?

To create a folder:
1. Tap
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap

Open the Conversation where you want to create a new folder.



in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Documents.



in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap New Folder.

Note: If you don't see the New Folder option when working on someone's wall,
the person doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or her wall.

Enter a name for the new folder, and tap OK.

To remove a folder:
You can delete folders you created (so long as it doesn't include anyone else's
documents or folders) or folders on your profile wall.

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any folder.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device 13-9

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

If you don't see the Remove Folder option when working with a folder on
someone's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to post to (or change) his or
her wall.

To remove a folder, long press it and tap Remove Folder.

How do I add or remove files from a folder?

To put files into a folder, open the folder and upload files (see How do I upload or
download documents?).
To remove a file from a folder, tap

under the document, then tap


You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall.
Note: If you don't see the
Delete option when working with a document on
someone's wall, the person doesn't allow other people to post (or change) to his or her

How do I view and edit my profile and picture?



in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap your name.



in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Profile.



in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Edit Profile.


Modify any field or enter new data.


To update your profile picture, tap Change, tap Take a Photo or Choose a Photo,
then follow the steps for updating your profile picture.


Tap Update.

How do I view or post to another person's wall?


Open the person's wall using one of the following methods:

While viewing a Conversation, in the Conversation membership bar, tap the

picture of the person whose wall you want to view, then tap View wall.
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap
Tap the person to open his or her profile. Tap
in the action bar to display
the view menu, then tap Wall.
To add someone new to your contacts list, see How do I add or remove Oracle
Social Network contacts?


in the action bar to open the New Message dialog. For more information,
see How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?
Note: If you don't see
in the action bar, you aren't following the person or the
person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her wall.

Note: Outside users (people outside your company) have profiles, but they don't have
walls. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their
names. If you want to post something to an outside user, you can do so through a
one-on-one conversation. For more information, see How do I open a One-on-One

13-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

How do I post a status update to my wall?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap
your name.

next to


Enter your status as you would any other message. For more information, see
How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?

How can I tell if a person is online?

The colored circle around a person's picture signifies the person's presence status:

- A full green circle around the person's picture shows that the person is
available (logged in to and currently interacting with Oracle Social Network).
- A three-quarter yellow circle around the person's picture shows that the
person is idle (logged in to but not currently interacting with Oracle Social
- A half gray circle around the person's picture shows that the person is offline
(not logged in to Oracle Social Network).

How do I view my contacts?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


To add someone new to your contacts list, see How do I add or remove Oracle Social
Network contacts?

How do I follow or stop following someone?

To follow someone:
Anywhere in Oracle Social Network you see a person's picture or name, tap it to get to
their profile. On their profile page tap +Follow.
You can also follow someone directly from the list of recommendations or followers on
the People page:



Select people to follow using one of the following methods:

in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap

To view a list of recommendations, tap

menu, then tap Recommendations.


in the action bar to display the view

Oracle Social Network generates the Recommendations list based on actions

you have in common with othersdocuments you've both read,
Conversations you're both members of, and other commonly taken actions.
Each recommendation includes the person's name, the reason they were
recommended, a Follow button, and an Ignore button.
Note: When you ignore a recommendation, the person might be
recommended again in the future based on additional activity by you or the
other person.

To view a list of people who follow you, tap

view menu, then tap Followers.

next to the person, then tap

in the action bar to display the

+ Follow.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Note: You can't follow outside users (people outside your company), but you can add
them to your contacts. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons
( ) after their names. For more information, see How do I add or remove Oracle
Social Network contacts?
To view the people you are following and stop following someone:
1. Tap
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, tap


in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Following.



next to the person, then tap

Stop Following.

How do I add or remove Oracle Social Network contacts?



in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap




In the Search box, enter the name, part of the name, or the email address of the
person you want to add.


In the results list, select the person you want to add.


Tap Add.


in the action bar to open the Add Contacts dialog.

You can also add contacts directly from the list of followers on the People page:


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap



in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Followers.



next to the person, then tap


Add to Contacts.

To remove a contact:
1. Tap
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap




in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Following.



next to the person, then tap

Remove Contact.

How do I save an Oracle Social Network contact to my Android device contacts list?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


Tap a name to open that person's profile.


Tap Add to Phone Contacts at the bottom of the screen.


The person's contact information and picture are added to the contacts on your

How do I create a group?



in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap




In the Name field, enter the name of the new group.


In the Description field, enter a description of the group.


Tap Change to add a photo.


Tap Create.

13-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

The new group opens. To add members to the group, see How do I add or remove
members from a group?

How do I add or remove members from a group?

To add members:
1. Tap
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap

Optionally, tap


Tap the group to which you want to add members.


Open the Add Members dialog using one of the following methods:




and change the sorting from Name to Total Members.

In the Group membership bar, tap

In the action bar, tap
action bar, tap

to display the view menu, then tap Members. In the

Select a view from the Add Members menu:

ContactsView a list of your contacts.

GroupsView a list of your groups.

SelectedView the people and groups you've selected to add as members.

From the list of contacts, select the people or groups you want to add to the group.
Alternatively, search for a person or group to add.
Note: You can't add outside users (people outside your company) to a group.
Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their


In the action bar, tap Add.

To remove members:
1. Open the group.



Remove members using one of the following methods:

in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Members.

To remove a particular member, tap

Remove Member.

next to the member, then tap

To remove more than one member, long press a member to bring up the
selection dialog, select the people or groups you want to remove, then tap

How do I edit a group profile?



in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


Tap the group you want to edit.




Modify the current data, then tap Update.


in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Group Settings.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

How do I assign or clear flags?

To assign a flag:
1. Open the Conversation.

Next to the message you want to flag, tap


In the Manage Flags dialog, perform one of the following actions:

To assign a flag to a particular person, tap

flag, then select the type of flag to assign.

next to the person you want to

To assign flags to everyone (other than yourself), tap

in the action bar to
display the actions menu, tap Flag Everyone Else, then select the type of flag
to assign.

You can select from the following types of flags:

Not Flagged

For Your Information

Please Reply

Please Reply - Urgent

To clear a flag assigned to you:

Tap the flag you want to clear.


In the Manage Flags dialog, tap Clear next to your flag.

Tip: To view all flags assigned to you, tap

navigation, then tap

in the action bar to open the slide-out

To clear a flag assigned by you:

in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


In the action bar, tap


Tap the flag you want to clear.


In the Manage Flags dialog, perform one of the following actions:


, then select Flags You Assigned.

To clear a particular flag, tap

To clear all flags, tap
tap Clear Flags.

to the far right of the flag.

in the action bar to display the actions menu, then

Alternatively, you can open the Manage Flags dialog by tapping a flag while viewing
messages in the Conversation.

How do I "like" a message?

Next to the message, tap

How do I mark an object as a favorite?


Navigate to the object you want to mark as a favorite.


Next to the object, tap

13-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

How do I view my favorites?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


You can also view your favorites from the Collections, Conversations, or Social Objects
pages by tapping
in the action bar to display the view menu, then tapping

How do I search Oracle Social Network?

To search all of Oracle Social Network:
1. Tap
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap



Enter your search term, then tap


Optionally, select an item type from the Search menu to show a particular result
type (for example, Conversations or documents).


Optionally, tap
to select how to sort your results. There are different sort
options depending on what type of results you've selected.


After filtering by a result type, there are additional filter options. To view filter
options, tap .


Posted By: Limit your search to messages or documents posted by a particular

Posted When: Limit your search to messages or documents posted within a
particular period.
Document Type: If you filter your results to show documents, you can select
which types of documents to show.
Created By: Limit your search to Conversations, collections, groups, or Social
Objects created by a particular user.
Creation Time: Limit your search to Conversations, collections, groups, or
Social Objects created within a particular period.
Favorites Only: Limit your search to only your favorite Conversations,
collections, or Social Objects.
Include Deactivated: Control whether to show deactivated groups in your
With Member: Limit your search to groups with a particular member.

Tap a result to open the item.

Tap a Conversation to open the Conversation.

Tap a person's name to open the person's wall.

Note: Outside users (people outside your company) don't have walls. If you
tap an outside user, the outside user's profile opens. Outside users' names
appear in purple text, and they have icons ( ) after their names.

Tap a group's name to open the group's wall.

Tap a hashtag to open a page with all messages that include that hashtag.

You can mark an object in the list of search results as a favorite by tapping
the result. For more information, see How do I view my favorites?

next to

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

To search in a Conversation:
Use the controls at the bottom of the screen to search and navigate through the results
in a Conversation. By default, you see the unread messages controls, but you can
switch to the other options to find flags assigned to you or text in messages and



to navigate through the unread messages in the Conversation.

to navigate through any flags assigned to you in the Conversation.

to search for text in the messages or documents. After tapping
your search term, then tap

, enter

Your search term is highlighted in the Conversation.

To clear your search, tap

The number of unread messages, flags, or messages that include your text is shown
next to the navigation arrows. To step through the items, use the up and down arrows.

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to search for all content associated with that term or topic. For example,
imagine discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the
form of dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of
forms. How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a
hashtag. Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of
discount, you include the hashtag #discounts. You can then search for #discounts and
get a list of all messages in otherwise unrelated Conversations and walls that contain
the hashtagged term.
Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations,
and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been
used before) appear for you to select from.

You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Searching for and Viewing Hashtags

When you perform a search, available hashtags are included in the results. If your
search term starts with a hashtag (#), one of two things will happen. If the hashtag
exists, the hashtag page opens. If the hashtag doesn't exist, you see search results that
contain any tags similar to the hashtag you searched for.
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are tappable and will open a hashtag page
where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So tapping #discounts in any
Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message (in a Conversation,
document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the
discounts hashtag.
On the hashtag page, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the
hashtag (All Results) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By
People You Follow).
13-16 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

To mark a message as a favorite, next to the message, tap

see How do I view my favorites?

. For more information,

Following Hashtags
You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public
Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview page, even
if you are not a member of those Conversations or walls.
To follow a hashtag, tap the hashtag to open the hashtag page, then tap
of the page. To stop following the hashtag, tap

at the top

How do I change an Oracle Social Network password?

If your company's password policy lets you change your password, you can do this in
the web version of Oracle Social Network. You can't change your password on a
mobile device.

How do I set up notifications?




Tap Notifications.

in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


To turn notifications on or off, tap the On/Off toggle in the action bar.
Under Alerts select Vibrate to make your device vibrate when there is a new
Select Device LED to make your device LED flash when there is a new


Under Quiet Hours select Enable, and set a Start Time and End Time to
prevent notifications from alerting you during that period.

Under Accounts tap an account to set up notifications for that account.

Note: Fewer options are available when you configure an account you're not
logged in to.
General Notifications

Select Posts to be notified when someone posts a message to the

Conversations and walls you're a member of.
Select Your Wall to be notified when someone posts a message to your wall.
Select One-on-One to be notified when someone starts a One-on-One with
Select Conferences to be notified when a conference you are invited to starts.
Select Conversation Membership to be notified when you are added as a
member to a Conversation or wall.

Flags Assigned To You

Select FYI to be notified when someone assigns a For Your Information flag to
Select Please Reply to be notified when someone assigns a Please Reply flag to
You are always notified when someone assigns an Urgent flag to you.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Flags Cleared

Select FYI to be notified when a For Your Information flag you assigned is
Select Please Reply to be notified when a Please Reply flag you assigned is
Select Urgent to be notified when a Please Reply - Urgent flag you assigned is

How do I change notification settings for a selected Conversation or wall?


Open the Conversation you want to configure.


in the action bar to display the actions menu, then tap Conversation

Tap Name to change the Conversation's name.

Select Publicly Available to make the Conversation available for anyone to
Deselect Publicly Available to make the Conversation available only to
members. Anyone who already joined the Conversation is automatically made
a member.

Select Hide Membership to hide all membership messages from the

Deselect Hide Membership to show all past and present membership
messages in the Conversation.

Tap the value under Notifications to open a selection list:

Tap Default to use the current account's notification settings.

Tap Enabled to always send notifications for this Conversation, regardless of
what is selected for the current account.
Tap Disabled to disable notifications for this Conversation, regardless of what
is selected for the current account.

How do I configure the appearance of Oracle Social Network?




Under Appearance:


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, and tap

Tap Text Size to adjust the size of the text.

Select Unread Messages to show next message and previous message
navigation for unread messages.
Select Conversation Members to show the Conversation membership bar
when viewing Conversations.

Under About:


Tap User Tips to show user tips when you first visit a new area.

13-18 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Tap Oracle Social Network to read about Oracle Social Network, and view its
legal notices and privacy policy.

How do I control who can post to my wall?

Use Security preferences to control whether other people can post or reply to messages
and documents on your wall:



Under Wall Posts:

in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


Tap Who can post top-level messages... to specify whether other people (your
followers) can post messages on your wall.
Tap Who can reply to messages... to specify whether other people (your
followers) can reply to messages or annotate documents on your wall.

How do I set Oracle Social Network to automatically log me out?



in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, and tap


Under Background Data:



Tap Automatic Logout to set a time after which you are automatically logged


Select the amount of time your session should be inactive before you are
automatically logged out.

How do I get my log files?

If you need to send your log files and device information to someone for support
purposes or other reasons, you can send the information from your device.



Under About, tap Oracle Social Network.


Tap Email Device Information.


Optionally, add a description or information about why you're sending the logs.


Tap Email.


Select the method you want to use to send the logs:

in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, and tap


EmailIf necessary, set up your email account. Enter the email address to
send the logs to.
MessagingEnter the number you want to send the logs to. Enter a message,
then send the text.
Oracle Social NetworkTap Select Destination. Select a Conversation to post
the logs to. Optionally, add a description. Tap Upload.

How do I add or edit an account connection?

To add an account:
Once you have installed Oracle Social Network on your mobile device:


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


To add a new account, tap


In the Add Account pop-up, enter the path to the server that is hosting your
Oracle Social Network instance, then tap Save.
For example, enter:


In the Account Name field, enter a name for the new account.
The default account name is the server URL.


If necessary, enter the Identity Domain.


In the User Name field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.


In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.


To save your password for future connections, select Save Password.


Tap Connect in the action bar.

To edit an account:
1. Tap
in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap

Select the account you want to edit, then tap


Change the account information.


To save your changes, tap Connect.


in the action bar.

How do I switch from one account to another?



in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


Tap the account you want to switch to.


How do I remove an account?



in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


Select the account you want to delete, then tap


Confirm that you want to delete the account.


How do I bring up help?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap



Help appears only when you are logged in.

How do I access support for Oracle Social Network?


in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap


The Support dialog shows the following information:

OSN Version - The version number of the Oracle Social Network application
running on the server to which you are connected.
Android Client Version - The version number of the Oracle Social Network
application you have installed on your Android device.

13-20 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

Support appears only when you are logged in and connected to an Oracle
Social Network server that supports the Support menu.

Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device


Using Oracle Social Network on Your Android Device

13-22 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Tips and Tricks


Here are some suggestions for using Oracle Social Network more effectively.

Tips and Tricks

One of my colleagues has left the company, yet his name and avatar still appear in
Conversations. Is there a way to remove him?
You can remove anyone from a Conversation's membership bar by clicking Add People
to display the Update Members dialog. However, you can't remove the name and
avatar from posts someone made before leaving the company, because that person may
have been assigned flags or assigned flags to others. Leaving the person's posts in
Conversations allows other Conversation participants to decide how to deal with
those flags; for example, reassigning or simply clearing them. (Note that the person's
account is disabled, so the avatar should be in permanent offline status.) In addition,
although someone may have left the company, his or her posts may still supply
valuable information, and they also provide an accurate historical record of what
transpired within the Conversation(s). Stripping the person's name and avatar from
those posts would essentially leave those posts unattributed, likely causing a great
deal of confusion for anyone reading the Conversation end to end.

How can I search for a term within a single Conversation?

The Outlook add-in provides controls for this:

Open the Conversation you want to search.


Click Find messages in Conversation, which is the icon that looks like a
magnifying glass.


In the Find drop-down, select Messages.


Enter the search term in the Text field.


Use the up and down arrows to step through the search results.

If you're using Oracle Social Network in your browser, it's still possible to search for
individual keywords across all Conversations:

Enter the search term in the search field at the top.


Press Enter or click the search icon to display the full-text search results.

Tips and Tricks 14-1

Tips and Tricks


In the search results, click Conversations on the left.


Find the Conversation you want, then click Show more messages to see all the
messages containing the keyword.

How can I flag a group?

Because you'll typically want to set a different priority level for each member of a
group individually, based on each person's level of responsibility relative to the post,
Oracle Social Network does not currently provide the ability to flag all members of a
group simultaneously.

How can I link to a particular post in a Conversation?

Although there's no formal support for this in Oracle Social Network, here's a handy

In your browser, find the message you want to link to.




Click the post you marked in step 2 to go to it.


In the browser address bar, copy the URL, then paste it where you want the link to

to mark it as a favorite.

I created a group and would like others to be able to request membership to it. Is this
Not formally, but consider starting a public Conversation called something like
"Group Access Requests", where you can announce the creation of groups and allow
interested parties to post a message requesting membership. Then you can go through
and add those folks to the requested groups explicitly.

I'm a member of a group that frequently gets added to a lot of Conversations I have no
interest in. I'm also a member of a collection that spawns a lot of Conversations I don't
care about. What can I do to stop this?
Although you can remove yourself from a group or collection at any time, do so only
after careful consideration. Once you're outside the group or collection, you can be
added back in only by someone on the inside, and you may miss out on valuable
information in the meantime. A better alternative is to simply mute the Conversations
you don't want to keep track of. By default those Conversations will no longer appear
in your Conversations list, although you can see them at any time by applying the
Muted filter. (And if you're flagged in a Conversation that you've muted, you'll still be

14-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Administering Oracle Social Network


The Oracle Social Network Administration page is the primary tool for administrators
of Oracle Social Network to manage the application.

"Getting Started with Administration"

"Managing General Properties"

"Managing Users"

"Managing User Collaboration"

"Managing Apps"

"Managing Features"

"Managing Social Definitions"

"Managing Conferencing Services"

"Managing Cloud Document Services"

"Managing Federated Authentication"

Getting Started with Administration

Accessing the Administration Features in Oracle Social Network
In the web client, administrators can manage the Oracle Social Network instance by
selecting Administration in the user menu drop-down list.

Administering Oracle Social Network 15-1

Getting Started with Administration


The Administration selection is displayed only if you are logged in as a user with
administrator privileges.
You access the Administration section in the same way on both the production
instance and the stage/test (staging) instance of Oracle Social Network. In nearly
all cases, the administration tasks that you perform are done on the production
instance. The primary task you do on the staging instance is to manage the Oracle
Social Network developer website. For more information about the staging
instance, see Terms and Concepts. For more information about managing the
developer website, see Editing General Properties and Editing User Properties.

Terms and Concepts

Important terms and concepts that you might need to understand when working with
the Administration page include:

App. Apps are web-based applications that can be deployed in Oracle Social
Network. Apps are currently not applicable on other clients such as iOS or the
Outlook plugin. There are two kinds of apps: Conversation apps and Social Object
apps. Conversation apps are standalone applications that you can add to a
Conversation. Examples include a poll, map, or a photo viewer. Social Object apps
are designed for creating a new Social Object type such as Customer, Opportunity,
and so on. Social Object apps incorporate information from a third-party system to
make the information viewable in a Conversation. For more information, see
Managing Apps.
Cloud document service. You can let users copy files to and from a cloud-based
document store in Oracle Social Network. Oracle Social Network integrates with
several cloud storage services by default. For more information, see Managing
Cloud Document Services.
Conferencing service. A conferencing service lets users run on-demand meetings
across many locations. Oracle Social Network includes Cisco Web Meetings
(WebEx) integration by default. Users can start conferences from within the client
user interface; for example, while viewing a Conversation you can click Start
Conference, and all users in that Conversation can see and join the meeting. For
more information, see Managing Conferencing Services.
Developer privilege. Users with the Developer privilege can use the Oracle Social
Network developer website to do specialized development tasks. Administrators

15-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Getting Started with Administration

can set this privilege from the staging instance user properties page. Use this
setting only on the staging instance of Oracle Social Network. For more
information, see Editing User Properties.

Feature. Features are JavaScript libraries that provide apps with specific
functionality, such as communicating with the Oracle Social Network server,
adding interactive behavior, or manipulating data. Oracle Social Network includes
several features. Under normal circumstances you do not need to change features
that are included with Oracle Social Network, but you might want to add features
when adding apps into the environment. For more information, see Managing
Recommendations. Oracle Social Network automatically provides social
recommendations to connect people to the resources they need, to help drive
projects and organizations to success. For Social Definitions, you configure settings
for the system to use in creating recommendations. For more information, see
Managing Social Definitions.
Service administrator. Oracle Social Network administrators are typically service
administrators; they do the normal day-to-day administrative tasks for the Oracle
Social Network application. Typically the word service is dropped when referring
to service administrators. For more information, see User Types.
Site administrator. Site administrators are Oracle personnel. Site administrators
can do comprehensive administrative tasks for the Oracle Social Network server.
For more information, see User Types.
Social Object. From a conceptual or user perspective, Social Objects are records
within a business application or business processgenerically referred to as
Systems of Recordthat are mapped into Oracle Social Network. For example,
accounts in a CRM system can be mapped into Oracle Social Network as
opportunities and customers.
From an implementation perspective, a Social Object is a special type of
Conversation that includes a Social Object app. A Social Object app incorporates
information from a third-party system to make the information viewable in a
Conversation. A Social Object Definition (also called a Social Definition) is a
"model" of a Social Object; after you create a Social Definition and publish it on
your system, users can create Social Object instances based on the definition.
For more information, see Managing Social Definitions.

Staging instance. A staging instance (sometimes called the Stage/Test instance) is

a non-production environment that lets developers test apps, Social Definitions,
Social Plugins, and other implementations in an isolated system; after testing is
complete, the changes can be deployed in the production instance. When Oracle
Social Network is initially configured, you receive a URL for a staging instance as
well as the production instance.
System of Record (SoR). A system of record is a business application or object that
is the source of a Social Object, such as a customer or an opportunity. For example,
a system of record might be your CRM system. For more information, see
Managing Social Definitions.
Whitelist. In the Extended Collaboration page, you create a whitelist of external
domains that users can be invited to join Oracle Social Network from. For more
information, see Inviting/Creating a User from the Administration Page.

Administering Oracle Social Network 15-3

Managing General Properties

Managing General Properties

Editing General Properties

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click General. The General page is displayed by
default when you enter the Administration section of the user interface.


Edit the general properties of Oracle Social Network. For more information about
the properties, see General Properties Page.


Click Save.

General Properties Page

The following table describes the general properties.

To give your Oracle Social Network web client interface a customized look, you can
customize your branding text and logo; they appear in the user interface and in new
user invitation emails.
We recommend that you always provide a branding logo, and optionally branding text;
if your logo already incorporates text, you don't need to add branding text separately.
Experiment with the sizes and content of your branding information to find the best
appearance for your needs. Test your new user invitation email to make sure the logo
and text appear as you expect them to.

Branding Text

Specify text that you want to appear to the right of the logo in the banner, and in new
user invitation emails. By default, the text SOCIAL NETWORK displays. Type your
branding text into the field to replace the default. If you put one or more space
characters in the field, no corporate branding text displays.

Corporate Logo

This logo appears in the top banner on the left side of the page. The current image is
To change it, click Change and follow the instructions to upload a different image. The
maximum dimensions of the image are 22 pixels in height and 160 pixels in width. The
image is scaled to fit, keeping the aspect ratio the same.

Primary Color

The primary color selection affects the color of the some areas in the user interface.
To change it, click the Custom option and type the hex code value for the color; for
example, #E12345.
Click Example Text to the right of the field to see how the color will appear in the user


These global settings let you control email and mobile notifications.

Email Notifications Globally enable or disable email notifications. When enabled, email notifications are
sent, based on user settings.
Apple Push
Service (APNS)

When a user installs the Oracle Social Network app on their iOS device and connects it
to the server, the device is registered to the server and can receive notifications if you
enable them here.
Globally enable or disable push notifications to registered iOS devices. When enabled,
notifications are sent to iOS devices if selected by the user.

Android Push

When a user installs the Oracle Social Network app on their Android device and
connects it to the server, the device is registered to the server and can receive
notifications if you enable them here.
Globally enable or disable push notifications to Android devices. When enabled,
notifications are sent to Android devices if selected by the user.

15-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing General Properties



Time Zone and


End users configure these settings either explicitly in their Oracle Social Network
settings or implicitly based on their browser settings. You can specify fallback values for
the time zone, language, and date format to be used if no setting is available.

Time Zone

Oracle Social Network uses the time zone in the user's settings if it is specified. If the
user did not select a time zone, the value in this field is used. If you do not select a time
zone, the time zone of the server where Oracle Social Network resides is used.
This time zone setting is used to determine when to send daily digest emails (midnight
in the user's time zone) and to specify the timestamps on email notifications.
This setting does not affect timestamps for actions such as posting messages or adding
users; the client machine's time zone setting is used.


Oracle Social Network clients (such as the browser client, Outlook, Android, and so on)
use the language specified in the user's settings or browser. If a client setting does not
match an available language, or if no setting is found in the browser, the language
selected here is used instead.

Date Format

Oracle Social Network clients (such as the browser client, Outlook, Android, and so on)
try to format the date as specified in the user's settings or using the locale of the
browser. If a client setting does not match an available format, or if no setting is found
in the browser, the date format selected here is used instead.

Support Message

For clients that support it, users see the text shown in this field when they select the
Support option. By default, the text describes how to create a service request with
Oracle Support. In the web client a new browser page opens. (A target="_blank" is
included in the link.) You can customize the text if you want users to follow a different
process, such as contacting your company's internal support team.
Type any changes into the text entry field and click Save to save your changes, or click
Restore Default to return to the default message that was defined when Oracle Social
Network was initially configured.
Note: The support message is displayed in the language in which it is typed, and it is
not translated based on the locale.

Manage Hashtags

Allows you to censor words or strings that you do not want to be used as hashtags.
Type one or more strings that you do not want to be used as hashtags, without the hash
(#) prefix. Wildcards such as the asterisk (*) are not supported. Use a comma to separate
each string in the field; for example, censorthistag,censorthattag.
When a user types a censored hashtag or views a message containing a censored
hashtag, the hashtag appears as regular text. Censored hashtags don't display in the list
of hashtag suggestions. If you censor a hashtag that previously existed on the system,
the link is removed. If a user previously selected to follow that hashtag, related entries
are removed from the Overview page when they refresh the browser, and the hashtag
page is removed. If you remove the tag from the censored list later, the hashtag is
restored as a followed tag and the hashtag page is restored.

Developer Website

The developer website provides tools for building Social Definitions, apps, and Social
Plugins, and also helps developers learn and implement the REST API by providing an
API Explorer.

Developer Website If the developer website is enabled, users who have the Developer option enabled in
their staging instance user profile can access the site from the Actions menu.
To make a user a developer, select the Developer check box on their properties page in
the staging instance. For more information, see Editing User Properties.
Important Note: Enable the developer website option only on your staging instance of
Oracle Social Network. If you are currently logged in to your production instance of
Oracle Social Network, do not select the Enabled option.

Administering Oracle Social Network 15-5

Managing Users


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) allows a web page to make XMLHttpRequests
to another domain. If you have a browser application that integrates with Oracle Social
Network and makes HTTP calls to the server, you must add the machine that's hosting
the application to the CORS origins list.


Depending on the requirements for front channel or back channel interaction, you
would add the host machine information to either the list of Front Channel CORS
Origins, Back Channel CORS Origins, or both. Generally you need to enable and add
origins only for the Front Channel, which interacts with the REST API.
Back Channel

Enables or disables the use of Back Channel CORS. By default, this setting is enabled.

Back Channel
CORS Origins

Type one or more CORS Origin values in the entry field. Use a comma to separate each
value in the field.
Enter each CORS origin value in the format http[s]://<>.
Note: Do not use * as an origin value; it allows access from all hosts.

Front Channel

Enables or disables the use of Front Channel CORS. By default, this setting is enabled.

Front Channel
CORS Origins

Type one or more CORS Origin values in the entry field. Use a comma to separate each
value in the field.
Enter each CORS origin value in the format http[s]://<>.
Note: Do not use * as an origin value; it allows access from all hosts.

Managing Users
User Types
The following basic user types exist in Oracle Social Network:

Participant: Participants are users who are employees of your company; this
category includes most other user types. Participants can create conversations,
post messages, assign flags to other users, and so on. They are normally created
when your organization configures users in the Oracle Cloud, but they also can be
invited by other participants. A participant is typically a user whose email address
(user name) exists within your organization's email domain.
Within your environment, you might have two types of participant users; these
two participants are not distinguished from each other in Oracle Social Network.
For example, in an Oracle Cloud Application CRM integration you might have 50
licenses; these 50 users have access to both CRM and Oracle Social Network. These
users are added to Oracle Social Network and they are participant users. You can
invite additional users within the company to use Oracle Social Network, but they
do not have access to CRM; these non-CRM users are also participant users.
Employee users are also participants. An employee is typically a user whose email
address (user name) exists outside your organization's email domain but they are
still employees who are entitled to full Oracle Social Network access, possibly
including service administrator and developer permissions. You must explicitly
add or invite them to join Oracle Social Network. When these added/invited users
log in, they become Participant users. To allow employee users in your
environment, you use the Extended Collaboration page in the Administration UI.
For more information, see Managing User Collaboration.

15-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Users

Administrator: An administrator is a user who has been given additional

administrative privileges. Administrators can log in to the Oracle Social Network
web client to do administration tasks. There are two types of administrators: site
and service. Service administrators have access to features that allow them to do
all the typical management tasks for users, social definitions, conferencing and
cloud document services, and more. Site administrators are Oracle personnel who
have access to extended functionality for Oracle Social Network administration.
The site administrator privilege is not managed in the administration UI.

Developer: A developer is a participant user who has the developer privilege

enabled in their user profile. Developers can access the Oracle Social Network
developer website on the staging instance to use specialized tools for development
work; developer tools include the API Explorer, Social Definition Builder, and
Integration account: This account type is for a program, not a user; it authenticates
to Oracle Social Network to integrate custom applications. An integration account
is not visible in the user interface. Optionally, you can allow the integration
account to act on behalf of actual users. This privilege lets the integrating program
do tasks as a user who is not logged in to Oracle Social Network, such as posting a
message from an on-premise application as if it were posted by a user.
Caution: You can also optionally allow the integration account to access any data
in Oracle Social Network for any user. This privilege can be used for applications
that require access to this secured data, such as custom search indexing,
eDiscovery, and compliance. Make sure the credentials to this account are held

Outside user: An outside user is a user whose email address (user name) exists
outside your organization's email domain and who is not an employee of your
company. Outside users cannot be given administrator or developer permissions.
For users outside your email domain, you must explicitly add or invite them to
join Oracle Social Network. To allow outside users in your environment, the
Outside Users option must be enabled, and at least one value must exist in the
Outside Users Whitelist field on the Extended Collaboration page. For more
information, see Managing User Collaboration.

About User Management in Oracle Identity Manager

When configured with an external user management system such as Oracle Identity
Manager (OIM), general user properties are typically managed in that system. By
default, when a user's general properties are changed in OIM, they are automatically
propagated to Oracle Social Network when the user logs in. Your specific system
configuration determines whether this change occurs.
By default, these properties are managed from OIM and are not editable in Oracle
Social Network:

Display Name

E-mail address


Name (user ID/login)


Phone Number


Administering Oracle Social Network 15-7

Managing Users

Your environment might have more or fewer properties managed in OIM, depending
on your specific configuration.
Role (privilege) properties can be changed from either OIM or from Oracle Social
Network, and the changes are propagated to the other system. When role properties
are changed using Oracle Identity Manager, it could take up to 10 minutes for that
change to be visible in Oracle Social Network. The change is visible after that user logs
in again. Changes made in Oracle Social Network become effective immediately in
Oracle Identity Manager as well as Oracle Social Network.
Role properties include:


Service Administrator


Outside User

If your OIM settings become out of sync with Oracle Social Network, or if you want to
replace property values for one or all users without waiting for the automatic sync that
occurs during login, you can do this task either for an individual user or for all users at
once. For more information, see Synchronizing User Profile Information with OIM.

Finding a User
On the Users page, you must find the user that you are interested in before you can
edit their properties.
You can view a list of administrators, developers, or outside users by selecting the
associated tab in the users page, or you can search for an individual user.
To find an individual user, enter the beginning of the user name or the display name,
or the complete user name or display name, in the Search field and click Search. All
matching user accounts are listed in the Users list.
The results show users whose user name or display name begins with the string you
typed in the search box. For example, the results of a search for su include Susan but
not Mitsu.
The user list shows some basic information about the users, including the name, email
address, user type, and verification status.
Verified user accounts have been verified using one of these methods:

The user was located in an external account database such as an LDAP

(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory service directory.
An email was sent to the user, and the user clicked the link in that email to verify
their identity and logged in.

Inviting/Creating a User from the Administration Page

In an Oracle Cloud environment, you typically do not need to specifically invite users;
you can publicize the URL for the Oracle Social Network end user client login page,
and users inside your email domain can create their own accounts.
If you want to allow employee users (for example, non-Oracle Cloud users who are
within your company) or outside users to join Oracle Social Network, you must enable
the Employees option or the Outside Users option on the Extended Collaboration
page, and add the users' domain in the Employee Whitelist or Outside Users
Whitelist field.
15-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Users

To invite a user to join Oracle Social Network:


Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Users. The Users page opens and displays the
user list.


Click New User.


Type an email address and click Create. An email invitation is sent to the address
you specify; the email contains a URL that the user can click to access Oracle Social
When the user clicks the invitation link, the browser client's password setup page
displays. After the user logs in to Oracle Social Network for the first time, the
Verified status appears in green text for that user in the user list.

Note: You can add many employee or outside users to Oracle Social Network at once
using the Bulk User Upload Wizard. For more information, see Adding Several
Employee or Outside Users at Once.

About New User Invitation Emails

By default, when you create/invite one or more users to Oracle Social Network, a new
user invitation email is sent at these times:

A new user invitation email is sent immediately.

If the new user has not accessed Oracle Social Network, a second invitation email
is sent two days after the user is created.
If the new user still has not accessed Oracle Social Network, a third invitation
email is sent three days after the user is created.

In some cases (such as when creating users in bulk, or if your system is not being used
in production yet) you might not want to send invitation emails to new users. If you
disable all email notifications for more than three days, no invitation emails are sent.
For more information about the global email notification setting, see Editing General

Enabling or Disabling a User

When an administrator disables (deactivates) a user, the disabled user can't log in. In
addition, access for a disabled user is removed from all Conversations that they were a
member of, and other users can't follow that user or post to their wall.
Note: The Deleted check box is not editable; if you see that it's selected, it indicates
that the user account is managed in an external user directory, and the user account no
longer exists in that directory. You use the Enabled option rather than the Deleted
option to specify a user's status in Oracle Social Network.
To enable or disable a user:

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Users. The Users page opens. The page is empty
until you find the user you want to enable or disable.


Search for the user, using the instructions in Finding a User.


Click Edit for the user you want to enable or disable. The properties page opens.


Select or deselect the This User is Enabled check box.

Administering Oracle Social Network 15-9

Managing Users


Click Save.

Editing User Properties

You can manage Oracle Social Network privileges and other properties for participant,
employee, and outside user accounts from the Users page.
To view and edit a user's properties:

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Users. The Users page opens.


Search for the user, using the instructions in Finding a User.


Select the user whose properties you want to change. The properties page opens.


Edit the properties of the user. For more information about user properties, see
User Properties Page.


Click Save.

User Properties Page

The following table describes the user properties.
General Properties

In this section you can view general information about the user; you cannot edit
the values.

Display Name

The version of the user's name to be displayed in the client. If blank, the User
Name is used.


An identifier assigned by the system for this user's account.


The user type: Participant or Outside User.

User Name

The user's name.


The user's email address.


Users are verified by either finding them in the user directory, or after the user
clicked a link in an invitation email to verify their identity and joined Oracle
Social Network.


The date and time this user account was created in Social Network.

Last Modified

The date and time this user account was last modified.

Last Connected

The date and time this user last logged in to Oracle Social Network.

Last Disconnected

The date and time this user's last session with Oracle Social Network ended.

Account Settings

In this section you can enable or disable an account, and view the settings for
deleted or locked users.

This User Account is


Specifies whether this user is enabled on the system. A disabled user can't log in.
In addition, access for a disabled user is removed from all Conversations that
they were a member of, and other users can't select to follow that user or post to
their wall.

This User Account is


Not editable. Indicates that a user account is managed in an external user

directory, and the user account no longer exists in that directory. A user can't be
Enabled and Deleted at the same time.

This User Account is


Indicates that the user account is locked. You can't modify this property from the
properties page. For more information about locked accounts, see Unlocking
User Accounts.

15-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Users



Privileges and Special


In this section you can specify user types and configure integration accounts.
These properties do not display for Outside Users.

Service Administrator

Specifies whether the user is a service administrator. Service administrators have

access to the Administration section of the Oracle Social Network browser
interface, and can do all the typical management tasks for users, apps, social
definitions, and more.


Specifies whether the user is a developer. Developers can access the Oracle
Social Network developer website to use specialized tools for development
work; developer tools include the API Explorer, Social Definition Builder, and
Note: Set this property only on the staging instance; the developer user type is
intended for use only on that instance. Changes you make on the production
instance are not copied to the staging instance.

Integration Account

Specifies whether this is an integration account. This account type is for a

program, not a user; it authenticates to Oracle Social Network to integrate
custom applications. By default, an integration account has service administrator
privileges. An integration account is not visible in the user interface.
Optionally, you can also set two special privileges:

Allow the integration account to act on behalf of actual users. This privilege
lets the integrating program do tasks as a user who is not logged in to
Oracle Social Network, such as posting a message from an on-premise
application as if it were posted by a user. This privilege is enabled by
Allow the integration account to access any data in Oracle Social Network
for any user. This privilege can be used for applications that require access
to this secured data, such as custom search indexing, eDiscovery, and
compliance. Use this setting with caution. Make sure the credentials to this
account are held securely. This privilege is enabled by default.


Conversation Settings

You use integration accounts on both the staging instance (for testing) and
on the production instance.
We recommend that you not give integration account privileges to

In this section you can configure Conversation settings for the user.

When enabled, the user sees a message in Conversations whenever new

Show Conversation
Membership Messages by members are added to the Conversation; for example, The Conversation is now
accessible to <name>. When disabled, messages about new members do not
appear in Conversations. If you change the property, it takes effect when the
user logs out and then logs in again.

To define users or groups who can post to this user's wall on their behalf, click
Choose Delegates and then search for the users and groups that you want to
assign as delegates.
In the Update Delegates dialog, move people or groups to the right column to
add them, or to the left column to remove them.

Synchronizing User Profile Information with OIM

If your OIM settings become out of sync with Oracle Social Network, or if you want to
replace property values for one or all users without waiting for the automatic sync that
occurs during login, you can do this task either for an individual user or for all users at
To synchronize profile information for an individual user, open the user's properties
page and click Sync Profile Now.
Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Users

To synchronize profile information for all users at once, open the Users page and click
Sync Profile Data.

Adding Several Employee or Outside Users at Once

You can use the Bulk User Upload Wizard to add many employee or outside users to
Oracle Social Network in one action.
The process has two steps:

Step 1. Download and Edit the New User Template File

Step 2. Run the Bulk User Upload Wizard


The primary purpose of the wizard is to add users; however, if a user already
exists in the system, the wizard updates the user information based on the content
of the user properties CSV file.
By default, invitation emails are sent to all new users. For more information about
these emails and how to disable them if needed, see About New User Invitation

Step 1. Download and Edit the New User Template File

The wizard adds or updates users based on the information in a CSV file that you
upload. Before you can run the wizard you need to put user data into the file.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Users.


Click Bulk Create Users.


Click Download Template. The template file is downloaded.


Add information to the file. The wizard requires, at a minimum, each user's name
and email address. Optionally, you can add more information about each user to
the file. Use the instructions and examples in the template file as a guide.


Save the file using a unique name.

Step 2. Run the Bulk User Upload Wizard

Use the wizard to upload the CSV file containing user information.
Before you begin: Make sure your Extended Collaboration settings allow these
employee or outside users to be added. For more information, see Enabling Extended
User Collaboration.
Note: If you left the wizard open after downloading the template file, you can skip to
step 4 below.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Users.


Click Bulk Create Users.


Click Select File and follow the screen prompts to upload the CSV file that you
previously set up.


Click Next. The wizard displays the list of users to be added. If any errors exist in
the CSV file, the errors are shown next to each user's information. If the file is
error-free, the Finish button is enabled.

15-12 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing User Collaboration


If you need to fix any problems in the CSV file, click Back, fix the file, and then
click Select File again to upload the corrected file.


When the user information displays and no errors exist, click Finish to add or
update the users.

Unlocking User Accounts

If a user attempts to log in to Oracle Social Network but provides incorrect login
information five or more times, the user account is temporarily locked. Locked users
are identified in the Users page user list.
To manually unlock an account, click Unlock to the right of the user information in the
user list.
If you do not manually unlock a user account, it is unlocked automatically after 20
Note: If you manage user locking in your environment using an external process such
as Oracle Access Management, user locking and unlocking is controlled from there
and not using the Oracle Social Network Administration interface.

Managing User Collaboration

Enabling Extended User Collaboration
If enabled, any user other than an outside user can invite others who don't have Oracle
Cloud accounts to collaborate in Oracle Social Network. You can allow two types of
extended collaboration:

Employee collaboration: these users have full user abilities.

Outside user collaboration: these users have limited access to Oracle Social
Network content and a restricted set of abilities. Outside users cannot be given
administrator or developer permissions. Outside users may be partners, suppliers,
and so on.

For more information about the types of users, see User Types.
Note: Not all environments allow extended collaboration. If your system does not
have this capability, the option does not display in the user interface.
To enable extended user collaboration:

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Extended Collaboration.


Enable the Invitations option.


Edit the Employee Whitelist or Outside Users Whitelist as needed to specify

email domains where users can be invited from. For more information about
collaboration properties, see User Collaboration Settings.


Add your company's "base" domains into the Employee Whitelist field. For
example, if you log in to Oracle Social Network as [email protected], put in the Employee Whitelist field. If you skip this step, you will be
unable to log in to Oracle Social Network after saving your change and logging

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Apps


Click Save.

User Collaboration Settings

The following table describes the user settings for extended collaboration.

In this section you can define which external email addresses can be invited as
employee users to Oracle Social Network.


This field is editable only if Invitations are enabled.

If you want to allow employee users outside your enterprise domain to join Oracle
Social Network as Participant users, you must add at least one domain in the whitelist.
Invitations can be sent only to email addresses that match a domain name in the list. For
example, if you specify, then a person with the email address
[email protected] can be invited to join Oracle Social Network as a Participant (full
privileges) user. The domain name value is not case-sensitive. To enter more than one
domain, separate them with commas. If an invitee's e-mail address matches any of the
entries, it is allowed.
Creating a new employee account in Oracle Social Network triggers a corresponding
account creation process in an external database such as an LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) directory service.
Important Note: If you enable extended collaboration, you must add your company's
domains into the Employee Whitelist field. For example, if you log in to Oracle Social
Network as [email protected], put in the Employee Whitelist field.
If you skip this step, you will be unable to log in to Oracle Social Network after saving
your changes and logging out.
In this section you can define which external email addresses can be invited as outside
users to Oracle Social Network.

Outside Users
Outside Users

This field is editable only if Invitations are enabled.

If you want to allow users outside your enterprise domain to join Oracle Social
Network, you must add at least one domain in the whitelist.
Invitations can be sent only to email addresses that match a domain name in the list. For
example, if you specify, then a person with the email address
[email protected] can be invited to join Oracle Social Network as an outside (limited
privileges) user. The domain name value is not case-sensitive. To enter more than one
domain, separate them with commas. If an invitee's e-mail address matches any of the
entries, it is allowed.
Creating a new outside user account in Oracle Social Network triggers a corresponding
account creation process in an external database such as an LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) directory service.

Managing Apps
App Types
Apps (sometimes called applications or gadgets) are web-based applications that can
be deployed in Oracle Social Network. Apps are applicable only on the web client.
There are two types of apps:

Conversation apps are external standalone applications that you can add to a
Conversation. Examples include a poll, map, or a photo viewer. An app definition
file, also called an app specification, is an XML file that defines its content,
behavior, properties, and the data it will display.

15-14 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Apps

Social Object apps represent business objects coming from a System of Record or
defined directly in Oracle Social Network, to make the information viewable in the
context of a Conversation. Social Object apps are managed using the Social
Definition Builder in the developer website.

From the Apps page, you can add Conversation apps that were defined in an app
definition file or Social Object apps that were exported from the Social Definition
Builder; and you can enable, configure, disable, or remove existing apps.

Apps Included with Oracle Social Network

Oracle Social Network comes with two apps, which are enabled by default:

The Oracle Social Network Site App allows you to embed a live web page into a
Conversation. Note that many external sites, such as,
don't allow embedding; these sites do not appear when a user puts the URLs in
the Oracle Social Network Site app.
The Oracle Social Network Photo App automatically displays all the images in
the Conversation as a slide show.

The Oracle Social Network Collection App is included to provide Collection

functionality. Although it is included in the product, it is not intended for use as a
sample app.
Note: If a developer on your team changes an app definition file or Social Object
definition file outside the Administration user interface, using the Oracle Social
Network REST API or another tool, you must re-upload the updated definition file to
Oracle Social Network from the app's properties page.

Adding an App
When you add an app, Oracle Social Network uploads the definition file containing
the code for the app and installs (deploys) it.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Apps. The Apps page opens and lists the apps.


Click New App.


Enter a name and external ID for the app. For more information about these fields,
see App Properties Page.


Click Select File and follow the screen prompts to upload the file containing the
app definition. The definition file must be valid XML that conforms to the schema
of the app type.


Click Save.


Edit the properties of the app as needed, by following the steps in Editing App

Deleting an App
To delete an app, click Delete to the right of the app in the list. If instances of the app
exist in the web client, you can't delete the app.
Deleting an app removes it only from the Oracle Social Network application. The
actual file used to create the app is not deleted.

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Apps

Editing App Properties


Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Apps. The Apps page opens and lists the apps.


Select the app to open its properties page.


Edit the properties of the app. For more information about fields in the user
interface, see App Properties Page.


Click Save.

App Properties Page

The following table describes app properties.

The general properties of an app display at the top of the page.

App Name

The name of the app, which is displayed in the client user interface.

App External ID

Specifies an identifier that allows other apps or code to refer to the app.
The ID can be up to 256 characters in length and must contain at least one period
(.) character.
Make sure the identifier you specify is unique across your system. Do not change
the External ID of an app that is provided with Oracle Social Network.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system for the app type.


Not editable. Shows the date and time when the app was created. For apps that
are included as part of Oracle Social Network, the installation date and time are

Last Modified

Not editable. Shows the most recent date and time that configuration changes
were made to the app.

App Definition File

Click Select File and follow the screen prompts to upload the file containing the
app definition. The definition file must be valid XML.

General Properties
App Enabled

This section displays properties that apply to both app types.

Enables or disables the app. If an app is available but not enabled, it's visible but
not functional, and users can't add new instances of the app to Oracle Social
For certain system apps, such as the Collection App, this field is not editable.

App Available

Makes the app available or unavailable to users. This control determines

whether the app is visible to users in the list of available apps.
For certain system apps, such as the Collection App, this field is not editable.

App Local

Specifies whether the app communicates with the originating Oracle Social
Network server locally or over a proxy. The generated URL sent to the app on
the client differs depending on the selection. The default is deselected (not local).
Do not change this setting except at the direction of Oracle Support.

One App Instance Per Specifies whether more than one instance of the app can exist in a Conversation.
If you select this option, the client user can add only one instance of the app in
the Conversation. For example, it doesn't make sense to have two instances of
the Photo Viewer app in a Conversation, but you might want to allow more than
one instance of a polling app to be added.

15-16 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Features



App Type

Specifies the functional type of the app. The options are:

Social Object: The app is a Social Object app, and it displays in the Social
Objects drop-down list where applicable (if the app is Discoverable or if it was
shared with the user). If the Customizable option is enabled for the app, the app
can be customized using the Social Definitions page in the Administration UI.
For details, see Managing Social Definitions.
Conversation: The app is a standalone app for use in Conversations.
For Social Object apps (the App Type is Social Object), the following additional
properties display.

Social Object App

The properties are not editable from the Administration user interface. You can
change them using the REST API or (if you have the Developer privilege), using
the Social Definition Builder in the Oracle Social Network developer website.

Instances (Social Objects) based on the Social Definition can be created. If the
option is not selected, neither the REST API nor users on any client (such as web,
mobile, or Outlook) can create an instance of the Social Definition.


You can customize the Social Definition. If this option is not selected, the Social
Object app does not display in the Social Definitions page.


The Social Object fields can be updated in Oracle Social Network; an Edit button
displays for the object, allowing the user to change the Social Object description,
for example. If the option is not selected, neither the REST API nor users on any
client (such as web, mobile, or Outlook) can update fields of the Social Object.


Instances of the Social Object can be permanently deleted. If the option is not
selected, neither the REST API nor users on any client (such as web, mobile, or
Outlook) can delete instances of the Social Object.


The Social Object can be renamed. If the option is not selected, neither the REST
API nor users on any client (such as web, mobile, or Outlook) can rename the
Social Object.


The Social Object can be closed (made inactive). If the option is not selected,
neither the REST API nor users on any client (such as web, mobile, or Outlook)
can close the Social Object.
If applicable, a table displays features that the app requires in order to work
properly. You can click a feature name to go to its properties page.

Required Features

Restoring Apps to their Default Settings

When Oracle Social Network is installed, certain apps and features are included
(seeded). If changes occurred after installation that you want to revert, you can re-seed
the default apps and features.
Reseeding your apps and features will not affect any apps and features that you
added; only the ones included as part of Oracle Social Network are changed.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Apps.


Click Seed Apps and Features.

Note: Both features and apps are re-seeded. You can't re-seed one without the other.

Managing Features

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Features

About Features
Features are JavaScript libraries that provide apps with specific functionality, such as
communicating with the Oracle Social Network Server, adding interactive behavior, or
manipulating data. Oracle Social Network adds several features as part of the
installation process. Under normal circumstances you do not need to change features
that are included with Oracle Social Network, but you might want to add features that
are needed by new apps that you add into the environment.
Do not modify or disable any of the default features unless advised to do so by Oracle
Support. Doing so might disable critical functions of Oracle Social Network.
From the Features pages, you can add features, and enable, configure, disable, or
remove existing features. Features currently installed in Oracle Social Network are
listed, along with fields indicating a version number and a date/time stamp indicating
the most recent update to the feature files.

Adding a Feature
When you add a feature, Oracle Social Network uploads the file for the feature and
adds (deploys) it.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Features. The Features page opens and lists the


Click New Feature.


Enter a name for the feature in the Feature Name field.


Enter a version number for the feature in the Feature Version field. You can have
more than one version of a feature on the system; each version is shown separately
in the feature list.


Click Create.


Open the properties file for the new feature and add its feature file. For more
information, see Editing Feature Properties.

Deleting a Feature
To delete a feature, click Delete to the right of the feature in the list.
Note: Deleting a feature removes it only from the Oracle Social Network application.
The actual file used to create the feature is not deleted.

Editing Feature Properties

Do not make changes to the default features that come with Oracle Social Network
unless advised to do so by Oracle Support. Doing so may disable critical functions of
Oracle Social Network.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Features. The Features page opens and lists the


Select the feature that you want to change. Its properties page opens.


Edit the properties of the feature. For more information about fields in the user
interface, see Features Properties Page.

15-18 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Social Definitions


(Optional) To edit the properties of the feature files for the feature, select the file in
the Feature Files list, edit its properties, then click Save.


(Optional) The order of feature files is significant. To change the order of the
JavaScript files for a feature, click Move Up or Move Down next to the file that
you want to move.


Click Save.

Features Properties Page

Select a feature in the list to edit its properties.



These general properties are at the top of the page.

Feature Name

The name of the feature.


The version of the feature. The version must contain only numbers and one or more
period (.) characters. You can have more than one version of a feature on the system;
each version is listed separately in the feature list.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system for the feature type.


Not editable. Shows the date and time when the feature was created. For features
that are included as part of Oracle Social Network, the installation date and time are

Last Modified

Not editable. Shows the most recent date and time that configuration changes were
made to the feature.
Each feature file for the feature is listed. Click the file name to edit it.

Feature Files
File Name

The name of the feature file.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system for the feature type.

File MIME Type

Not editable. A MIME type assigned by the system for the feature type, based on
the content of the file.

File Length

Not editable. The length of the file in bytes.


Not editable. Shows the date and time when the file was created. If the file was
included in Oracle Social Network, the installation date and time are displayed.

Last Modified

Not editable. Shows the most recent date and time that configuration changes were
made to the file.

Upload Feature File

To upload a new file, click Choose File. Browse to the location of the file you want,
and click Open.

Managing Social Definitions

Social Definition Properties in the Administration UI
A Social Definition is a "model" of a Social Object; after you add a Social Definition on
your system, users can create Social Object instances based on the definition. A Social
Definition specifies the properties of its corresponding Social Object and how to
display it in different client interfaces.

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Social Definitions

You can create a Social Definition in different ways, including using the Social
Definition Builder tool in the Oracle Social Network developer website, or using the
Oracle Social Network REST API. For more information, see the Oracle Social Network
Developer's Guide (accessible from the developer website).
If the customizable property of a Social Definition is enabled, you can change some of
its properties using the Administration UI. After you save a change, it is visible to end
users when they start a new browser session or do a full page refresh. You can set the
customizable property from the Social Definition Builder in the developer website, or
using the Oracle Social Network REST API. For more information, see the Oracle Social
Network Developer's Guide (accessible from the developer website).
The following table shows the (non-editable) properties that display for Social
Definitions when you navigate to Social Definitions. Additional properties display
when you choose to edit an individual definition.


Social Definition

The name of the Social Definition as it appears in the Administration user interface.
This property is editable from the Social Definitions page when adding the definition,
and editable from the Apps page after creation.

External ID

The unique identifier for the Social Definition. This identifier uses namespacing to
specify the originating application; for example, a Social Definition named
Opportunities might have the External ID companyname.crm.opportunities. This
property is editable from the Social Definitions page when adding the definition, and
editable from the Apps page after creation.


Shows whether the Social Definition is enabled. Enabled Social Definitions display in
the client user interface's Social Objects drop-down list (if the app is Discoverable or if
it was shared with the user). This property is editable from the Social Definitions page
when adding the definition, and editable from the Apps page after creation.

Where to Customize Social Definitions

The following table lists the properties of a Social Definition and shows where the
property can be changed after it has been created. Note that only Social Definitions
that are defined as Customizable can be edited from the Social Definitions page. For
more information about Social Object properties and the Social Definition Builder,
refer to the Oracle Social Network Developer's Guide (accessible from the developer
The editable properties on your system might differ from those shown in this table.
Your specific configuration determines which properties are available in Oracle Social
Note: If a developer on your team changes a Social Object definition file outside the
Administration user interface using the Oracle Social Network REST API or another
tool, you must re-upload the updated definition file to Oracle Social Network from the
Apps properties page.

15-20 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Social Definitions

Property Type


Social Definition

Social Definition


Definitions Definition

Display Name
External ID

Social Definition







Definition File

Columns to Display

Label Position

Show in Summary

Show in Detail

Show in Digest



Read Only


Use for

Social Object Instance Customizable









Adding a Social Definition

When you add a Social Definition, Oracle Social Network uploads the definition file
containing the code for the Social Definition and installs (deploys) it.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Social Definitions. The Social Definitions page
opens and lists the existing definitions.


Click New Social Definition.

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Social Definitions


Enter a name and external ID for the Social Definition. For more information about
these fields, see Social Definition Properties Page.


Click Select File and follow the screen prompts to upload the Social Definition.
The definition file must be valid XML that conforms to the Social Definition


Click Save.


Edit the properties of the Social Definition as needed, by following the steps in
Editing Social Definition Properties.

Editing Social Definition Properties

To customize a Social Definition:

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Social Definitions.


Select the Social Definition that you want to change. Its properties page opens.


Edit the values that are displayed. For more information about a field, see Social
Definition Properties Page.


To reorder a field, select it and click Up or Down.


To preview your selections as they would be displayed in the web client, click
Preview. A popup window opens and displays the Social Object as it would look
with your changes.


Click Save. The change is visible to end users when they start a new browser
session or do a full page refresh.


Optionally, create success rules in the Recommendations section that define which
combinations of fields and values indicate a successful Social Object. For more
information about defining success rules, see the Recommendations section in the
Social Definition Properties Page. Click Save when finished.

Social Definition Properties Page

If the Social Definition specifies that it is Customizable, some of its properties can be
changed using the Social Definitions properties page.
General Properties

General properties appear at the top of the page. They are not editable.

Display Name

The name of the Social Definition as it appears in the client user interface.

Display Name

The plural name of the Social Definition as it appears in the More drop-down list in the
client user interface.

Social Definition

The name of the Social Definition as it appears in the administrator user interface.
Editable from the Apps page.


Oracle Social Network supports namespacing all the objects under their respective
originating applications. The use of namespacing ensures that External IDs remain
unique across all Social Object definitions and Social Object instances. In addition to
External ID namespacing, you should namespace Social Object field names. Social
Definition fields are restricted to the Social Definition namespace and must be unique
within the definition.

15-22 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Social Definitions



External ID

The unique identifier for the Social Definition. This identifier uses namespacing to
specify the originating application; for example, a Social Definition named
Opportunities might have the External ID companyname.crm.opportunities. Editable
from the Apps page.

Group Name

The name of the group, such as CRM. Typically the Group Name corresponds to the
name of the System of Record providing data for the Social Definition, but this is not
required. In the Oracle Social Network browser client, Social Definitions generally are
grouped and displayed in the Social Objects drop-down list.


Shows whether the Social Definition is enabled. Enabled Social Definitions display in
the client user interface (if the Social Definition is also Discoverable). Editable from the
Apps page.


Shows whether a Social Definition instance (Social Object) can be closed by the end user
in the web client interface.


Shows whether a Social Definition instance (Social Object) can be deleted by the end
user in the web client interface.


Shows whether a Social Definition instance (Social Object) can be updated by the end
user in the web client interface.


Shows whether a Social Definition instance (Social Object) can be renamed by the end
user in the web client interface.


These options affect whether users can make Social Definition instances (Social Objects)
public, and the default setting for new Social Objects.

Allow Public
Social Objects

If enabled, the Social Definition displays in the Social Objects drop-down list in the user
interface, and users can make Social Objects public in the same way they would make a
Conversation public. Public Social Objects appear in search results and in the Available
area on the Social Objects page. If disabled, the user does not see the Social Definition or
any of its Social Objects unless it is shared with them.

Default Visibility

Specifies whether newly-created Social Objects are publicly available or members-only

by default. After the Social Object is created, users can change this setting.

Layout Options

These options affect the position of the fields in the Social Object.

Columns to

Specifies the number of columns to use when displaying the Social Object in the user

Label Position

Specifies whether to display the field name above the field or to the left of the field in
the Social Object.

Ordered Fields

These options affect the fields in the client user interface.

Field Order

Use these arrows to change the order of the fields as displayed in the user interface.

Field Name

Not editable. The name of the field as it appears in the user interface.


Not editable. The data type of the property.

Read Only

Specifies whether the field is read-only in the Detail view of the Social Object.


Specifies whether the field must have a value.

Show in Summary

Specifies whether the field displays in the Summary (List) view of the Social Object.

Show in Detail

Specifies whether the field displays in the Detail view of the Social Object.

Show in Digest

Specifies whether the field displays in the email digest.


Specifies whether the user can sort the list view of the content using this field. If
enabled, the field displays as a Sort by selection.


Specifies whether the user can filter (search on) the list view of the content based on this

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Conferencing Services



Use for

This option is for the Oracle Social Network recommendation function;

recommendations are shown in the user interface so that users can connect to other
relevant people. When you select this option for a field, it is considered relevant for use
in determining recommendations.
Fields that enable the system to find similar objects are good choices for this option. A
field that represents Customer Name, for example, is an excellent choice because it is
likely that more than one customer with the same name will exist in the system.
However, a field containing a unique identifier such as Opportunity ID or Ticket Number
is not effective because only one Opportunity ID or Ticket Number can exist in the
system; there is no similarity among them.


(Optional) These values are used by the recommendation function of Oracle Social
Network; recommendations are shown in the user interface so that users can connect to
the right people. For example, after you define success criteria, people who worked on
successful Social Objects will be favored in the recommendations.
Use these fields to define which combinations of fields and values define a successful
Social Object.

Mark as successful Select whether all of the conditions must be true (the conditions are ANDed) or any of
the conditions can be true (the conditions are ORed), to define success for a field in the
Social Object.
Field drop-down

Select a field to use as part of your success rule.

drop-down list

Select one of the quantifiers (is equal to, is less than, and so on).

Field value

Type a value that completes the success rule. For example, you might have a Status
field that indicates success when its value is Won. Your success rule would be:

Note: The system does not check the field value that you type for correctness. Make
sure the value makes sense for the field you selected; for example, if you select a Date
field, make sure you type the date in the correct format.
Click the add icon

to add a rule. Click the remove icon

to remove a rule.

Managing Conferencing Services

Adding a Conferencing Service
A conferencing service lets users run on-demand meetings across many locations.
Oracle Social Network lets users start conferences from within the client user interface;
for example, while viewing a Conversation you can click Start Conference, and all
users in that Conversation can see and join the meeting.
Oracle Social Network automatically integrates with the Cisco Web Meetings (WebEx)
product. Your environment can integrate with additional conferencing applications.
Before you can integrate a new conference service into Oracle Social Network, you
need to know the Service URL and the values for any custom properties that apply to
the service. For more information about creating a conferencing service, see the Oracle
Social Network Developer's Guide (accessible from the developer website).
To add a conferencing service:

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.

15-24 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Conferencing Services


From the Administration UI, click Conferencing. The Conferencing page opens
and lists the services.


Click New Service.


Enter the service name and URL, and select options for the service. The fields
displayed on the page can vary depending on the type of service you are adding.
For more information about fields in the user interface, see Conferencing Services
Properties Page or (for custom-designed services) consult your application
development team.


Click Create. The detailed properties page displays the new service with the
values that you previously entered.


Edit any additional desired properties and then click Save.

Editing Conferencing Service Properties


Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Conferencing. The Conferencing page opens
and lists the services.


Select the service that you want to change. Its properties page opens.


Edit the properties of the service. The fields displayed on the page can vary
depending on the type of service you are editing. For more information about
fields in the user interface, see Conferencing Services Properties Page.


Click Save.

Conferencing Services Properties Page

The fields displayed in the properties page vary depending on the configured
properties of the conferencing service.


General Properties

General properties for the service are listed here.

Service Name

The name of the service.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system.


Not editable. A identifier assigned by the system for the service type.


Not editable. Shows the date and time when the service was created. If the
service was included in Oracle Social Network, the installation date and time are

Last Modified

Not editable. Shows the most recent date and time that configuration changes
were made to the service.

Adapter Settings
Service Enabled

Enable or disable the service. If a service is disabled, the service properties are
not displayed in the client user interface.

Save User Passwords

If selected, and if a password is relevant for the specific service, the client user
interface allows users to set and save their password in their settings. For
example, in the web client the user can set passwords in the Conferencing
section of Settings.
If this option is disabled, the Password field does not display in the client; in this
situation, when the user selects to start a conference, a popup window displays
for the user to enter their password.

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Conferencing Services



Service URL

The address of the service. Services provided by Oracle Social Network, such as
WebEx, are inside your network (intranet); the address always starts with
internal:. If your environment includes any additional conferencing services,
those URLs are external, beginning with https://.

Use the Oracle Social

Network Proxy

If selected, the service uses the proxy that is pre-configured by Oracle Support
for your environment to reach the adapter server. The property is applicable only
if the service is hosted on a server outside the firewall. By default, the proxy will
be the same as the one for the Oracle Social Network server.

Accept Self-Signed

Specifies whether or not to accept an identity certificate that is signed by the

same entity whose identity is being certified.

Adapter Server User


If applicable, the user name for Oracle Social Network to use when accessing the
A conferencing provider might require Oracle Social Network to send a user
name and password before it will accept any requests. This is an extra level of
server-to-server security that would prevent an unauthorized server from using
the vendor's API.

Adapter Server Password If applicable, the password for Oracle Social Network to use when accessing the
A conferencing provider might require Oracle Social Network to send a user
name and password before it will accept any requests. This is an extra level of
server-to-server security that would prevent an unauthorized server from using
the vendor's API.

After a service is added and Oracle Social Network connects to it successfully,

additional service-specific properties might be displayed. For example, the WebEx
service displays a property to define the default WebEx site name so that users do not
need to specify it themselves.


Service Specific Properties

More or fewer fields may be displayed. The properties that display in this section
vary depending on the type of service you are viewing.

Site Name

The (WebEx) site name. Note that the site name does not include http:// and .com
information; for example, if the full URL to the site is,
you enter acme as the Site Name.

Corporate ID

An official 512- hex-digit corporate partnership ID.

Dial-in Phone Number

The phone number of the service, as it would be dialed by a user. Do not include
dashes or slashes.

Plugin ID

The identifier for this service.

Plugin Password

The login password for the service.

Session Timeout

The timeout value in seconds.

Deleting a Conferencing Service

When you delete a service, that service is no longer available for conferencing. If a
conference is currently occurring on that service, it will end without warning for users.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Conferencing. The Conferencing page opens
and lists the services.


Select the service that you want to delete; its properties page opens.

15-26 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Cloud Document Services


Click Delete Service.

WebEx Conferencing Service Default Properties

The Cisco Web Meetings (WebEx) conferencing service is included in your Oracle
Social Network environment; you do not need to add it or configure it. Do not change
settings except at the direction of Oracle Support. If you need to change settings in the
future, follow the instructions in Editing Conferencing Service Properties.
If you accidentally delete the WebEx service or change any of its default properties,
you can use the following table to restore the original values.

Default WebEx Value

Service Name


Service Enabled


Save User Passwords Deselected

Service URL


Use the Oracle

Social Network


Site Name

The portion of the URL preceding Note that

the site name must not include http:// and .com
information; for example, if the full URL to the site is, you enter acme as the Site

The fields Accept Self-Signed Certificate, Adapter Server User Name, Adapter
Server Password, and Site Name are blank by default.

Managing Cloud Document Services

About Cloud Document Services
Cloud document stores, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, are powerful
and popular. Oracle Social Network provides a means for integrating with cloud
document stores (also called services) so that users can collaborate on cloud files as
easily as on files that originate from the desktop. Oracle Social Network integrates
with Google Drive, Dropbox, WebDAV, Oracle Documents, and OneDrive by default.
Your configuration may work with more or fewer cloud document stores.
Before you can integrate a new cloud document service into Oracle Social Network,
you need to know all the properties that apply to the service. Work with your
application development team to get this information.
Oracle Social Network provides a framework that lets developers create applications,
called adapters, for other cloud document services. Oracle Social Network supports
both OAuth- and credential-based adapters. Source code for the Google Drive adapter
and an FTP adapter is provided for developers to use as samples, and all the adapters
provided by default in Oracle Social Network were developed using this framework.
For information about creating new adapters for Oracle Social Network, see the Oracle
Social Network Developer's Guide (accessible from the developer website).

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Cloud Document Services

The following example scenario shows how users might interact with Oracle Social
Network to manipulate files stored in Google Drive. In this scenario, Tim is part of the
sales team responsible for the Acme account. Acme is a long-time customer and
frequently requests proposals for new products. In the past, Tim and his team have
shared presentations and proposals with Acme using Google Drive.
Acme has shared a new Request For a Proposal (RFP) with Tim in Google Drive. The
file is in Microsoft Word format. Tim and his team are using OSN for collaboration:

Tim creates a new Conversation named RFP for Acme and adds the sales team.


In RFP for Acme, Tim wants to create a new message containing the RFP. After he
clicks the Add Documents (paper clip) icon, he follows the screen prompts to
authorize Oracle Social Networks's access to his Google Drive account (if this is his
first access from Oracle Social Network), and to get the document. Oracle Social
Network keeps track of the originating location of the file.


In the Conversation, the sales team adds annotations to the RFP.


Tim downloads the document to his desktop, edits it to incorporate the

annotations, and uploads the new version from his desktop into the Conversation.
Steps 3 and 4 repeat until the final version of the RFP is approved by the team
internally. Note that having the document in the Conversation allows any member
to see the change history of the document by viewing each successive version.


After the final RFP version is uploaded to the Conversation, Tim uses the Copy
menu, selecting the Copy Back to Google Drive operation, to copy the final RFP
back to Google Drive. Oracle Social Network tracked the original location of the
file, and places the new document in that same location, replacing the original


Tim notifies the Acme team that the updated RFP is ready for their approval in
Google Drive.

Configuring the Google Drive Cloud Document Service

The task of configuring the Google Drive document service provided with Oracle
Social Network consists of these parts:

Creating the Client ID and Client Secret in the Google API console.


Editing the properties of the Google Drive cloud service in the Oracle Social
Network Administration UI to add the Client ID and Client Secret from the
Google API console.

The following sections describe this task.

Creating the Client ID and Client Secret in the Google API console

Navigate to the Google API console at


If you do not already have a Google API project, create a new one, following the
prompts in the console.


From the Overview page of the Project Dashboard, find the Boost your app with a
Google API section and click Enable an API.
On the page that opens, search for Drive API, then click Off to toggle it to the On

15-28 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Cloud Document Services


Navigate to APIs & auth, then Consent screen. Enter a product name, and
optionally enter a path to a hosted logo image. The logo image displays on the
authorization page when a user chooses to authorize Google Drive in Oracle Social
Note: Although providing a logo is optional, we recommend that you do so;
otherwise, a "missing image" indicator appears in the authorization page.


Navigate to APIs & auth, then Credentials, then OAuth, then Create New Client
ID and follow the instructions in the user interface to create a Client ID.

For the Application Type, select Web application.

For the Authorized JavaScript Origins field, clear the value (leave it empty).


For the Authorized Redirect URIs field, use the value that displays in the
Oracle Social Network properties page for the Google Drive service. This
property provides the URL that the Google Drive service should redirect to
after granting authorization.

Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret that display. You will use these values
in the Oracle Social Network properties page for Google Drive in the next part of
the process.

Adding Client Information to the Google Drive Service in the Administration UI


Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Cloud Documents. The Cloud Documents page
opens and lists the services.


Select the Google Drive service to open its properties page.


Enter the values for the Client ID and the Client Secret from the Google API
console into those service-specific fields.


Click Save.

Adding an OAuth Cloud Document Service

The steps to add an OAuth-based cloud document service are similar to those for
Google Drive. First you generate values for the key and secret (called an App Key and
App Secret in Dropbox) using the developer tools for that service; then you follow the
instructions for a credential-based service and enter all the required information,
including the key and secret.

Adding a Credential-Based Cloud Document Service

The information you need in order to add a credential-based cloud document service
varies according to the service, but you always need the address (URL) of the server.
Follow these steps and provide the information that applies to the service.

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Cloud Documents. The Cloud Documents page
opens and lists the services.


Click New Service.


Enter information about the cloud document store name and URL, and select
options for the service. The fields displayed on the page can vary depending on
the type of service you are adding. For more information about fields in the user
interface, see Cloud Document Services Properties Page or (for custom-designed
Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Cloud Document Services

services) consult your application development team.


Click Create.

Editing Cloud Document Service Properties


Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Cloud Documents. The Cloud Documents page
opens and lists the services.


Select the service that you want to change. Its properties page opens.


Edit the properties of the service. The fields displayed on the page can vary
depending on the type of service. For more information about fields in the user
interface, see Cloud Document Services Properties Page.


Click Save.

Cloud Document Services Properties Page

Note that the content displayed in the Service Specific Properties section of the page
varies depending on the cloud service you are modifying.


General Properties

These properties are at the top of the page.

Cloud Document Store


The name of the document store. This can be any name you prefer; it does not
have to match the Google project name.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system.


Not editable. An identifier assigned by the system for the service type.


Not editable. Shows the version or release number of the service, if the adapter
developer provided one.


Not editable. Shows the date and time when the service was created.

Last Modified

Not editable. Shows the most recent date and time that configuration changes
were made to the service.


Not editable. Shows general information about the service, if the adapter
developer provided it.

Authorization Redirect URL Not editable. The URL for returning to Oracle Social Network after granting
authorization, such as a specific page served by the Oracle Social Network
server. Use this URL when creating a Client ID using the Google API console.
Adapter Settings
Enabled for End Users

These are general properties for the cloud document adapter.

Enable or disable the service for end users. If a service is disabled, the service is
not displayed in the client user interface and users can't use the service to copy
files to or from it; however, communication between Oracle Social Network and
a disabled service can still occur, to get information such as its localized name
and configuration data.
Note: To enable an adapter, the Adapter Online option must also be selected.

Adapter Online

Enable or disable communication with the service. If the service is offline, Oracle
Social Network can't send any requests to it. Deselect this option if the service is
no longer accessible to Oracle Social Network.

15-30 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Cloud Document Services

Save User Passwords

If selected, and if a password is relevant for the specific service, the client user
interface allows users to set and save their password in their settings. For
example, in the web client the user can set passwords in the Cloud Documents
section of Settings.
If this option is disabled, the Password field does not display in the web client;
in this case, when the user selects to use the service, a popup window displays
for the user to enter their password.


Specifies whether the service instance is prominent in the client user interface.
Prominent services are easier for users to find; their actions are included in the
Add and Copy menus. For example, when the user clicks the Add Documents
button, prominent services are shown in the pop-up menu. Non-prominent
services are listed in the standard cloud document store list (after the user clicks
Add Document and then clicks Add from Cloud Document Store).
If an Oracle Documents service is enabled in your environment, it is prominent
by default.
If more than one service is prominent, they are sequenced alphabetically by
adapter name.

Copy or Link

Specifies whether the service is a Copy service or a Link service.

When users add files from a Copy cloud document store, a copy of the file is
created in Oracle Social Network. Users can download that copy. When users
add files from a Link cloud document store, a read-only rendition of that file is
created in Oracle Social Network with a link to the original. The file can't be
downloaded from Oracle Social Network.

Adapter Server URL

The address of the server. The format is similar to


Use the Oracle Social

Network Proxy

Specifies whether or not to use the Oracle Social Network proxy when
communicating with the adapter.

Accept Self-Signed

Specifies whether or not to accept an identity certificate that is signed by the

same entity whose identity is being certified.

Adapter Server User Name

The user name for the adapter. This property is applicable if the adapter server is
a "user" from the perspective of the cloud document service and needs to log in.

Adapter Server Password

The password for the Oracle Social Network instance. This property is applicable
if the adapter server is a "user" from the perspective of the cloud document
service and needs to log in.

Service Specific Properties

The properties vary depending on the type of service you are viewing. More or
fewer fields may be displayed in this section.
Note that the proxy settings in this section control whether or not the cloud
document adapter uses a proxy when communicating with the service provider
(for example,

HTTP Proxy Hostname

The proxy hostname for use when connecting from the adapter to the service. If
you leave the field blank, the proxy is disabled.
If a proxy is required, but has been disabled, an error occurs when a connection
is attempted.

HTTP Proxy Port

The HTTP proxy port number for use when connecting from the adapter to the
service. If you leave the field blank, the default value of 80 is used.

HTTP Proxy Scheme

The HTTP proxy scheme for use when connecting from the adapter to the
service. If you leave the field blank, the default value of http is used.


Applicable only to OAuth services. For a description of how this value is

obtained for Google Drive, see Creating the Client ID and Client Secret in the
Google API console.

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Federated Authentication




Applicable only to OAuth services. For a description of how this value is

obtained for Google Drive, see Creating the Client ID and Client Secret in the
Google API console.

Deleting a Cloud Document Service

You can't delete a service; services must be preserved in order to maintain historical
information about documents that have been copied to and from the document store.
However, you can disable the service so that end users can't access it, or assign a status
of Offline to stop all communication with the service. For more information about
these properties, see Cloud Document Services Properties Page.

Managing Federated Authentication

When to Configure Federated Authentication
Federated authentication support is required when you are using Oracle Social
Network in an Oracle Cloud environment (such as Oracle Sales Cloud or HCM) and
you require user authentication using your own identity management provider. For
example, you may be using an on-premise authentication solution in your
environment, or a Cloud-based provider. In this situation, you must define URLs to be
used at specific points during the automatic client authentication process.
In addition, you use the federated authentication settings to help mobile client users
define their account settings after installation, based on their existing browser client
account settings. With the standard authentication process, no special configuration is
required. However, if you use a custom login page (you may need to do this if your
users provide a PIN number, captcha, or other information to log in) you must define
properties for your Login URL, Login Success URL, and so on, so that Oracle Social
Network can send the client user to the correct destinations during the login process.

Editing Federated Authentication Properties

To edit the federated authentication properties:

Log in to Oracle Social Network as an administrator.


From the Administration UI, click Federated Authentication. The Federated

Authentication properties page opens.


Edit the properties. For more information about fields in the user interface, see
Federated Authentication Properties Page.
Note: The URL properties display after you select the Enabled option.


Click Save.

Federated Authentication Properties Page

These properties are applicable only if you require user authentication using your own
identity management provider.

15-32 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Managing Federated Authentication



Enable Federated
Authentication URLs

When enabled, the URL property fields are displayed.

Select this option only if you require user authentication using your own identity
management provider.
Note: The Federated Authentication page does not control whether or not
another authentication is enabled; you work with Oracle Support to configure
that process outside the Administration UI.

Login URL

Required. Specify the URL to which the user will be taken to log in, in the format
http[s]://<host>:<port>/<path>. For example:

Logout URL

Required. Specify the URL to which the user will be taken to log out, in the
format http[s]://<host>:<port>/<path>. For example:

Login Success URL

Required. Specify the URL to which the user will be taken at the completion of a
successful login, in the format http[s])://<host>:<port>/<path>. For example:

Login Failure URL

Required. Specify the URL to which the user will be taken after an unsuccessful
authentication, in the format http[s]://<host>:<port>/<path>.
The user is authenticated by your server, which you configure with a maximum
number of login attempts; after the user fails to authenticate in that number of
tries, the failure URL is used. For example:

Administering Oracle Social Network


Managing Federated Authentication

15-34 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Collaborating Through Social Networking for
Outside Users


This section talks about features available to you when you collaborate with a
company as an outside user using social networking.

"Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User"

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

What does social networking have to do with my job?
As an outside user (partner, supplier, or such), you can use the social network to
collaborate with internal users in the company.
Whether you've been invited to collaborate on a particular project or you collaborate
regularly as a partner, the social network provides the following features to make that
collaboration easier:

Have an ongoing Conversation about an issue. Anyone new that joins the
Conversation can quickly get up to speed on what's already been done or said.
Share presentations and other documents and get input from other team members.
Web conference and juggling email responses not required.

Know when you need to review or respond to something by viewing your flagged
Get real-time notifications about updates to key Conversations.

How do I view the social activity?

Depending on the company you're working with, you might access social activity
through a Social application or through a Social panel in the company's application:

If you were invited to join a Conversation via an email, click the link in the email.
If you have access to the company's application, while viewing the landing page,
click the Social icon, or in the Navigator, click Social.

The Social application or panel opens, showing the Overview page with the most
recent messages in all Conversations that are available to you.
You can also see the most recent messages in the Recent Activity section on the right
side of the Social application or panel. It includes the following sections:

Collaborating Through Social Networking for Outside Users 16-1

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

Recent ActivityDisplays the most recent messages in all Conversations that are
available to you.
TrendingDisplays the Conversations that are available to you with the most
people in them at the moment. It also shows any conferences running in
Conversations you're a member of. Click
to join the conference.

Note: If you don't see the sections on the right, your browser window is not wide
enough. Expand your browser window to see it.

How do I collaborate with the people I'm working with?

First someone in the company you're working with invites you to participate in a
Conversation in their social network. The Conversation includes messages centered
around the business situation you're collaborating on.
In the Conversation, you also see the members participating in the Conversation. Each
member has an picture to show you what they look like or how they want to represent
themselves. A colored border appears around the picture to indicate people's
presencethat is, whether they are online (a dark green whole circle), online but
inactive (a yellow three-quarter circle), or offline (a gray half-circle).
Note: You and other people outside the company you're working with (outside users)
have a special avatar ( ) and have names in purple text.
You can click a user name or picture to navigate to that person's profile, where you can
see information such as the person's title, organization, email, and possibly other
contact information.

How do I edit my profile?

To edit your personal information or picture on your social network profile:

Find your name or picture in the Social application or panel, and click it.


On your profile, click Edit Profile.


Edit your personal information. Don't forget to add a bit about what you do in the
Description box under Basic Information and your contact information in the
boxes under Contact Information.
Note: Some information is read only. If you need to change the read-only
information, contact your administrator.


To change your profile picture, click it, then select Upload Photo. Select a .gif,
.png, or .jpg file. After you select a picture, you can use the crop tools to re-size it.
Your picture is scaled to 150x150 pixels square.
Note: If you use Mozilla Firefox and JAWS, you must disable pop-ups before you
upload a profile picture. If you don't disable pop-ups, the upload dialog won't

How do I work with messages?

To add a message:
1. Open the Conversation.

In the text box at the bottom of the display, type your message.
Formatting options are available beneath the text box after you click it. Hover over
the icons to see what they do.

16-2 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User


Click Post.

To reply to a message:
Reply under the message.
To like a message:
Like under the message.
Tip: To see who has liked a message, click the link that shows the number of people
who have liked it.
To mark a message as read or unread:
Click the blue dot next to a message to mark it as read.
To mark a message as unread, click

More under the message, then click Mark as

To edit a message:
More under the message, then click Edit.

You can edit only your own messages.

Any special markup on a message is lost when you edit the message.

To delete a message:
You can delete only messages you posted.

More under the message, then click Delete.

To restore a deleted message, locate the deleted message icon (

) where the message
used to be, click
, then confirm that you want to restore the message.
Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the message, or the person
who deleted the message can restore the deleted message.

How do I show or hide membership messages in a Conversation?

To show or hide membership messages in your view of a Conversation:

Navigate to the Conversation.



, then select:

Hide Membership Messages to hide messages like, The Conversation is now

accessible to: John Doe.
Show Membership Messages to show these messages in the stream of the

Note: To set your default preference for showing or hiding membership messages,
click your user name at the top of Oracle Social Network, click Settings, then, under
Preferences, select the option you want.

How do I mark a Conversation as a favorite?

Next to the Conversation name or message, click

To view your favorite Conversations, navigate to the list of Conversations (from the
navigation menu on the left, select Conversations), click Show, then click Favorites.
Collaborating Through Social Networking for Outside Users 16-3

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

To view all your favorites, including messages, from the navigation menu on the left,
select Favorites.
You can filter or sort your favorites to change your view.

To filter your favorites by object type (for example, messages, documents, or

groups), select an option from the Show menu.
To sort your favorites, select options in the Sort by menu: sort by options (Date
Added or Name), and the order you want them sorted in (Ascending or

How do I share a document with others?


Open the Conversation where you want to share the document.


Click the text box to show additional options, then click



Optionally, in the text box add a message to post with the document.


Click Upload.

and select a

Your document, with any message you added, is posted to the Conversation.

How do I view a file?

There are several ways to view a file:

To open a preview of the file in Oracle Social Network, click the file's thumbnail.

Document previews are limited to the first 100 pages of a document.

The list of file types you can preview is long, but there are some file types you
can't preview, like an archive or executable file. Oracle Social Network
supports adding these types of files but not previewing them. For these file
types, you can download the file and open it on your computer.

If the file was added from a cloud document store, you can open the file in the
cloud document store's viewer. Under the document, click Open Document in
Cloud Document Store, where Cloud Document Store is the name of the cloud
document store.
Note: To open the file, you must have permission to the file in the cloud document
store. If you don't have permission, you get an error when you try to open it.

To download a file and open it on your computer, click Download under the
Note: If the document is from a cloud document store, a browser window opens,
where you can download the file or view the online preview of the file. To
download the file, you must have permission to the file in the cloud document
store. If you don't have permission, you get an error when you try to download it.

To view a list of all documents and folders in a Conversation, click the Documents tab.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you posted. Under the document you want to delete, click
More, then select Delete.
16-4 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

If a document has multiple versions, and you delete the document from the
messages list (rather than from the Documents tab), you delete only the selected
Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the

How do I view document annotations?

Annotations provide a way to comment on a document. You can view annotations
when previewing the document.

Open a preview of the file. For more information, see How do I view a file?


Optionally, filter your view of annotations by user. Click the annotations

drop-down list to select All Annotations, No Annotations, or a particular person.

Note: Outside users can't add annotations.

How can I alert people to an important message?

You can assign a flag on a message or document.
Use the flag icon to the right of a message to assign a flag to yourself and others. Click
the icon to open the Manage Flags dialog. Open the menu to the left of each name you
want to flag and select a flag type:

Not Flagged

For Your Information (flag with "i")Look at this when you have time.

Please Reply (flag with black arrow)Look at this, and let me know what
you think.
Please Reply - Urgent (flag with red arrow)Look at this now, and let me
know what you think immediately. (An email notification is always sent for Please
Reply - Urgent flags.)

To search for someone, start typing the name in the search box. Results appear as you
type. Use the menu next to a person in the results to assign, change, or clear a flag.
If a message becomes more urgent, or less, you can return to it and change the flag
type any time.
You can tell when you've been flagged by the flag icon next to flagged messages. If the
flag is hollow, no one has been flagged. If the flag is red, the flag is assigned to you. If
the flag is blue, the flag is assigned to someone else. Two flags show that more than
one person is flagged. Mouse over the flag to see who assigned it and who it is
assigned to.
To remove an assigned flag, click the flag icon next to a message to open the Manage
Flags dialog and then click
next to one or more people. To remove all assigned
flags on a message, click Clear All at the top of the dialog.

How can I see all flags assigned to me or by me?

To view your flags:

Open the social network (see How do I view the social activity?).


From the navigation menu on the left, select Flags.

Collaborating Through Social Networking for Outside Users 16-5

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

You can filter or sort the flags to change your view.

To view flags you assigned to yourself or others, click Flags You Assigned. To
return to the flags assigned to you, click Flags for You.
To filter the flags by type, click Show, then select an option: All, For Your
Information, Please Reply, or Please Reply - Urgent.
To sort the flags, click the current sort option (Flag Date or Message Date), then
select what you want to sort by and the order you want them sorted in
(Ascending or Descending).

For more information on flags, see How can I alert people to an important message?

What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making
it easy to find all content associated with that term or topic. For example, imagine
discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the form of
dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of forms.
How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a hashtag.
Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of discount, you
include the hashtag #discounts.
You can then click a #discounts hashtag link to view a list of all messages in otherwise
unrelated Conversations that contain the hashtagged term.
Adding Hashtags
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, and document
messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a hashtag by
typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been used before)
appear for you to select from.

You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0

through 9 and _.
A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Viewing Hashtags
Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are clickable and will open a hashtag page
where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So clicking #discounts in any
Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message that you have access
to that includes the discounts hashtag.

How do I search?
You can do a global search from the search box at the top of the Social panel, or you
can search within a Conversation.
Performing a global search:
1. Enter at least two characters in the search box at the top of the Social panel, then
press Enter or click .

Optionally, select a filter from the Show menu to show a particular result type (for
example, Conversations or documents).

Click a result to open it.

16-6 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

Searching within a Conversation:

To find unread messages, click the unread messages count (

) in the toolbar,
and use the up and down arrows (
) to navigate through the unread

To find flags assigned to you, click the flag count (

) in the toolbar, and use the
up and down arrows (
) to navigate through your flags.
To find text in the messages or documents, click the search icon in the toolbar,
enter the text you want to search for, then press Enter. The matching text is
highlighted in the messages. Use the up and down arrows (
) to navigate
through the results.

How do I start a chat with someone?

Other users can start a one-on-one chat with you. You can respond to these messages
the same way you would any other Conversation. If the other person is not available
now, they'll see your message the next time they're active in the social network.
Note: As an outside user, you can't initiate a chat with another user.

How do I mute or unmute a Conversation?

If you're annoyed by chatter from a Conversation you really don't care about it, you
can mute it. Muting a Conversation hides it from your Conversations list. It's still there;
you just won't hear about it anymore. (The only exception is if you're flagged on a
message in a muted item, for which you will still be alerted by email based on your
notification settings.)
To mute an item:
1. Open the social network (see How do I view the social activity?).

From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations.


Click a Conversation to open it.



, then select Mute Conversation.

A banner appears at the top, showing that the Conversation is muted.

To unmute an item:
1. Open the social network (see How do I view the social activity?).

From the navigation menu on the left, select Conversations.


Click Show, then select Muted.


Click a Conversation to open it.


In the banner showing that the item is muted, click Unmute.

If you dismissed the banner, click

, then select Unmute Conversation.

Collaborating Through Social Networking for Outside Users 16-7

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

How can I view a list of closed Conversations?

A closed Conversation is a Conversation that doesn't allow people to post new
messages or documents to it. By default, your list of Conversations shows only open
To view closed Conversations, navigate to the list of Conversations (from the
navigation menu on the left, select Conversations), click Show, then click Closed.

How do I start a web conference?

Before you can start a web conference:

The server you are connected to must support online conferences.

You must have an account with a supported online conference service.


Open the Conversation where you're going to start a web conference.




In the Start Conference dialog, select your conference service, set the values as
necessary, then click Start.

, then select Start Conference.

Note: If you want to save your conference settings, select Remember Conference
Your web conference application opens.
To end the conference, click

, then select End Conference.

How do I join a web conference?

On the Conversations list, click
next to the Conversation name. The Conversation
opens and takes you right into the conference.
Alternatively, while viewing a Conversation, click Join in the banner at the top of the
Conversation; or click
, then select Join Conference.
To leave the conference, close the conference window.
To rejoin the conference, return to the Conversation and click Rejoin in the banner; or
, then select Rejoin Conference.
Note: Your administrator may disable web conferencing in your application instance.

How is the social network accessible?

You can use your keyboard to navigate your social network. To see a list of keyboard
shortcuts, make sure focus is in the social network area of your application, and press
the question mark key (?). For more information, see What keyboard shortcuts are
available to the social network?

To navigate between list items and messages, use up and down arrow keys.

To navigate into the elements of a listed item, like a Conversation, press

To manage flags in the Manage Flags pop-up, press Enter to assign or change a
flag, or press Delete to clear a flag.

16-8 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

When you press Esc to close a dialog, focus moves to the button used to open the
dialog, even if you used a keyboard shortcut to open the dialog.

Note: The supported screen reader browser is Firefox 26 or later with the latest version
of your screen reader software.

What keyboard shortcuts are available to the social network?

Your social network offers keyboard shortcuts and support for keyboard navigation.
To see a list of keyboard shortcuts, make sure focus is in the social network area of
your application, and press the question mark key (?).
Note: If you're using a screen reader, the social network keyboard shortcuts work only
if your focus is in application mode (for example, in a list of messages in a
Conversation), so they won't otherwise interfere with your screen reader's keyboard
shortcuts. However, you can use your screen reader's pass-through or bypass
functionality if you want to use the social network keyboard shortcuts outside of
application mode.
Keyboard shortcuts are available for the following types of actions:

ApplicationUse these shortcuts anywhere they are relevant in the application.

For example, pressing ESC works when you're in a menu or dialog, and doesn't
work when you're not; pressing "j" or "k" works in a list, but doesn't work outside
a list.
JumpingUse these shortcuts anywhere in the application. They jump you to a
different view or to the current view's navigation actions.
Note: Jumping shortcuts are available only when the navigation menu is in view.
When the navigation menu is not in view, the social network does not respond
when you use jumping shortcuts.

List ActionsUse these shortcuts with the list item that currently has focus.

Conversation ActionsUse these shortcuts within Conversations.

Note: Some of these shortcuts work regardless of the current focus, for example,
"t," "b," "o," "u." Some of them operate differently depending on the current focus,
for example, in a Conversation "m" and "v" mark all messages as read and
mark/unmark the Conversation as a favorite; on a message, "m" and "v" mark the
message as read and mark/unmark it as a favorite.

Message ActionsUse these shortcuts with the message that currently has focus.
Post and Reply Entry ActionsUse these shortcuts within the post and reply
entry areas.
You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, and
document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a
hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have
been used before) appear for you to select from. Use the up and down arrows to
select an existing hashtag, then press Enter or Tab to use the selected hashtag. For
more information, see What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

How do I change my notifications settings, preferences, and conference settings?

You can configure settings in Oracle Social Network to personalize your experience:

Notifications let you know when certain events occur in Oracle Social Network,
like when someone flags you, or when someone clears a flag that you have set.

Collaborating Through Social Networking for Outside Users 16-9

Using Social Networking to Collaborate as an Outside User

You can set up your notifications to send emails just for the events you're
interested in.

Use preferences to customize your Oracle Social Network experience, like your
interface language and date format.
You can enter your conference account information so that when you join a
conference you don't have to enter the information each time.

To configure your settings:


Click your user name at the top of Oracle Social Network, then click Settings.


Use the settings under Notifications to:

Confirm your email address where notifications will be sent. If it's incorrect,
change it yourself if you can or, if the email address is not editable, inform
your administrator.
Select which events you want to be notified about.
Note: You are always notified when a Please Reply - Urgent flag is assigned
to you.


Select whether you want a daily email summary of all the activity in your
Set your desired time and date stamp format.

Use the settings under Preferences to:

Change your interface language or date format.

If you change the primary language, all the buttons, labels, and so on are
changed to the language you choose. The things you supply, like messages
and documents, are in the language used when you posted the message or
when the file was created.


Specify whether to use the Enter key or the Post key to post messages.
Control whether you see a message every time someone joins or leaves a
Mark all messages in every Conversations as read, so you don't have to do it
on a Conversation-by-Conversation basis.

Use the settings under Conferences to enter your account information (such as
user name and password) for the web conferencing application you use.

How can I get more help on how to use Oracle Social Network?
the top of Oracle Social Network. This opens a Help Center where you can
find out how to do everything available in your social network.

16-10 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Network

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