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Blacks Medical Dictionary first appeared in 1906.

That new century was to

see health care in the
United Kingdom evolve from a largely personal, paternalistic consultation betwee
n doctor and patient, based
more on medical tradition than medical science, to a complex, science-based, tea
m-oriented and managed
service. Even so, the core of medical practice has survived: the face-to-face co
nsultation between doctor
and patient. But the nature of this core activity has been irreversibly altered
by a shift in the balance
of power between the participants as patients became better informed about their
health, illnesses and
possible treatments. A significant catalyst in the emergence of the informed pat
ient has been the media,
including publications like this dictionary, the contents of which have during i
ts 41 editions reflected
these changes in medicine. One modest constant in this sea of change, however, h
as been the objective of
Blacks Medical Dictionary. When launching the first edition, the editor, Edinburg
h physician John D.
Comrie, declared his aim as being to produce a work which would occupy a position
somewhere between that
of a Technical Dictionary of Medicine and one intended merely for the domestic t
reatment of common ailments
. . . [giving] information in simple language upon medical subjects of importanc
e and general interest.
That initial mission-statement underpins this first edition of the 21st century.
Entries in the 41st
edition have undergone major revision where medical knowledge or research has re
sulted in greater
understanding or changed practice. These include anaesthesia, breast screening a
nd mammography, chronic
fatigue syndrome, clinical guidelines, clinical trials, evidence-based medicine,
Gulf War syndrome, hormone
replacement therapy and post-traumatic stress disorder. Ironically the greatest
changes in British medicine
seem to be taking place in how doctors are required to work, rather than what th
ey actually do. Many of the
bodies which constitute the National Health Service have been replaced or merged
, new ones have come into

and functions changed. I predict that such reorganisation will continue
throughout the life of this
edition, so readers wishing to check on how the NHS works may need to refer to o
ther sources to be
absolutely sure of remaining up-to-date. Blacks Medical Dictionary is neither a t
extbook of medicine nor a
formulary of therapeutic drugs. The many drugs that are included are given their
generic title as used in
the British Pharmacopoeia. Patients are individuals who react in varying ways to
injuries, diseases and
their treatments. Appendix 1 explains some basic first-aid procedures, but patie
nts own doctors are
normally the appropriate source for personal medical advice. The dictionary shou
ld, however, help readers
to decide when it would be wise to seek medical advice and subsequently help the
m to set such advice in
context. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, neither the pub
lishers nor the author can
be held responsible for any consequences if readers use the book for the treatme
nt of themselves or others.
Acknowledgements I am grateful to colleagues who have updated or rewritt
en entries. They include: Dr
Phil Alderson, Professor Michael Baum, Dr Karin Fuchs, Dr Pamela Laurie, Dr Rich
ard Lehman, Mr John
McGarry, Dr Klim McPherson, Mr Michael Paynton, Dr Rob Miller and Professor Simo
n Wessely. Harvey
Note: The use of small capitals for instance stomach, refers the reader
to the entry of that name
for additional information.


Abdomen The lower part of the trunk. Above, and separated from it by the
diaphragm, lies the thorax or
chest, and below lies the PELVIS, generally described as a separate cavity thoug
h continuous with that of
the abdomen. Behind are the SPINAL COLUMN and lower ribs, which come within a fe
w inches of the iliac
bones. At the sides the contained organs are protected by the iliac bones and do
wn-sloping ribs, but in
front the whole extent is protected only by soft tissues. The latter consist of
the skin, a varying amount
of fat, three layers of broad, flat muscle, another layer of fat, and finally th
e smooth, thin PERITONEUM
which lines the whole cavity. These soft tissues allow the necessary distension
when food is taken into the STOMACH, and the various important movements
of the organs associated with
digestion. The shape of the abdomen varies; in children it may protrude consider
ably, though if this is too
marked it may indicate disease. In healthy young adults it should be either slig
htly prominent or slightly
indrawn, and should show the outline of the muscular layer, especially of the pa
ir of muscles running
vertically (recti), which are divided into four or five sections by transverse l
ines. In older people fat
is usually deposited on and inside the abdomen. In pregnancy the abdomen enlarge
s from the 12th week after
conception as the FETUS in the UTERUS grows (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR; ANTENATAL
Contents The principal contents of the abdominal cavity are the digestiv
e organs, i.e. the stomach and
INTESTINE, and the associated glands, the LIVER and PANCREAS. The position
Contents of the abdomen in position.
Regions of the abdomen.
of the stomach is above and to the left when the individual is lying dow
n, but may be much lower when
standing. The liver lies above and to the right, largely under cover of the ribs
, and occupying the hollow
of the diaphragm. The two KIDNEYS lie against the back wall on either side, prot
ected by the last two ribs.
From the kidneys run the URETERS, or urinary ducts, down along the back wall to
pelvis. The pancreas lies across the spine between the kidneys, and on the upper
end of each kidney is a
suprarenal gland

Various processes that can occur include inflammation, ulceration, infec
tion or tumour. Abdominal
disease may be of rapid onset, described as acute, or more long-term when it is
termed chronic. An acute
abdomen is most commonly caused by peritonitis inflammation of the membrane that
lines the abdomen. If
any structure in the abdomen gets inflamed, peritonitis may result. Causes inclu
de injury, inflammation of
the Fallopian tubes (SALPINGITIS), and intestinal disorders such as APPENDICITIS
DIVERTICULITIS or a perforated PEPTIC ULCER. Disorders of the GALLBLADDER or URI
NARY TRACT may also result
in acute abdominal pain. General symptoms of abdominal disease include:
Pain This is usually ill-defined but can be very
(see ADRENAL GLANDS). The SPLEEN is positioned high up on the left and p
artly behind the stomach. The
great blood vessels and nerves lie on the back wall, and the remainder of the sp
ace is taken up by the
intestines or bowels (see INTESTINE). The large intestine lies in the flanks on
either side in front of the
kidneys, crossing below the stomach from right to left, while the small intestin
e hangs from the back wall
in coils which fill up the spaces between the other organs. Hanging down from th
e stomach in front of the
bowels is the OMENTUM, or apron, containing much fat and helping to protect the
bowels. In pregnancy the
UTERUS, or womb, rises up from the pelvis into the abdomen as it increases in si
ze, lifting the coils of
the small intestine above it. The PELVIS is the part of the abdomen within the b
ony pelvis (see BONE), and
contains the rectum or end part of the intestine, the bladder, and in the male t
female the uterus, OVARIES, and FALLOPIAN TUBES.
unpleasant, and is termed visceral pain. Pain is initially felt near the
mid line of the abdomen.
Generally, abdominal pain felt high up in the mid line originates from the stoma
ch and duodenum. Pain that
is felt around the umbilicus arises from the small intestine, appendix and first
part of the large bowel,
and low mid-line pain comes from the rest of the large bowel. If the diseased or
gan secondarily inflames or
infects the lining of the abdominal wall the PERITONEUM peritonitis occurs and t
he pain becomes more
defined and quite severe, with local tenderness over the site of the diseased or
gan itself. Hence the pain
of appendicitis begins as a vague mid-line pain, and only later moves over to th
e right iliac fossa, when
the inflamed appendix has caused localised peritonitis. PERFORATION of one of th
e hollow organs in the

abdomen for example, a ruptured appendix or a gastric or duodenal ulcer (see STO
eroding the wall of the gut usually causes peritonitis with resulting severe pai
n. The character of the
pain is also important. It may be constant, as occurs in inflammatory diseases a
nd infections, or colicky
(intermittent) as in intestinal obstruction.
Abdomen, Acute
Swelling The commonest cause of abdomSee ABDOMEN, DISEASES OF.
inal swelling in women is pregnancy. In disease, swelling may be due to
the accumulation of trapped
intestinal contents within the bowel, the presence of free fluid (ascites) withi
n the abdomen, or
enlargement of one or more of the
Position of renal system on rear wall of abdomen.

Abortion 3
abdominal organs due to benign causes or tumour.
Constipation is
the infrequent or incomplete passage of FAECES; sometimes only flatus ca
n be passed and, rarely, no
bowel movements occur (see main entry for CONSTIPATION). It is often associated
with abdominal swelling. In
intestinal obstruction, the onset of symptoms is usually rapid with complete con
stipation and severe,
colicky pain. In chronic constipation, the symptoms occur more gradually.
Nausea and vomiting may be due to irriAbnormal A structure or process that is not normal (typical, usual or co
nforming to the standard);
differing from the usual condition of the body.
ABO Blood Groups See BLOOD GROUPS.
Abortifacient An abortifacient is a drug which causes artificial ABORTIO
tation of the stomach, or to intestinal obstruction when it may be parti
cularly foul and persistent.
There are also important nonabdominal causes, such as in response to severe pain
or motion sickness.
Abortion is defined as the expulsion of a FETUS before it is normally vi
able, usually before 24 weeks
of pregnancy. (There are exceptional cases nowadays in which fetuses as young as
22 weeks gestation have
survived.) (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Diarrhoea is most commonly due to simple
Spontaneous abortion Often called misand self-limiting infection, such as food poisoning, but may also indica
te serious disease, especially
if it is persistent or contains blood (see main entry for DIARRHOEA).
carriage, this may occur at any time before 28 weeks; 85 per cent occur
in the first 12 weeks of
pregnancy. Of all diagnosed pregnancies, 25 per cent end in spontaneous abortion
. Spontaneous abortions
occurring in early pregnancy are almost always associated with chromosomal abnor
malities of the fetus.
Other causes are uterine shape, maternal disorders such as DIABETES MELLITUS, di
seases of the thyroid gland
(see under ENDOCRINE GLANDS), and problems with the immune system (see IMMUNITY)
. Recurrent spontaneous
abortion (that is, three or more) seems to be a particular problem in women who
have an abnormal response
of their immune system to pregnancy. Other factors include being older, having h
ad a lot of babies

previously, cigarette smoking and spontaneous (but not therapeutic) abortions in

the past. Early ULTRASOUND
scans have altered the management of spontaneous abortions. These make it possib
le to distinguish between
threatened abortion, where a woman has had some vaginal bleeding but the fetus i
s alive; inevitable
abortion, where the neck of the uterus has started to open up; incomplete aborti
on, where part of the fetus
or placenta is lost but some remains inside the uterus; and complete abortion. T
here is no evidence that
bed rest is effective in stopping a threatened abortion becoming inevitable. Ine
vitable or incomplete
abortion will usually require a gynaecologist to empty (evacuate) the uterus. (C
omplete miscarriage
requires no treatment.) Evacuation of the uterus is carried out using local or g
eneral anaesthetic, usually
Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes, and may be due
to disease in the liver or bile
ducts (see main entry for JAUNDICE).
Diagnosis and treatment Abdominal diseases are often difficult to diagno
se because of the multiplicity
of the organs contained within the abdomen, their inconstant position and the va
gueness of some of the
symptoms. Correct diagnosis usually requires experience, often supplemented by s
pecialised investigations
such as ULTRASOUND. For this reason sufferers should obtain medical advice at an
early stage, particularly
if the symptoms are severe, persistent, recurrent, or resistant to simple remedi
Abducent Nerve This is the sixth nerve rising from the brain and control
s the external rectus muscle of
the EYE, which turns the eye outwards. It is particularly liable to be paralysed
in diseases of the nervous
system, thus leading to an inward squint.
Abduct To abduct means to move a part of the body for example, a limb aw
ay from the mid line.
(Opposite: ADDUCT.)
Ablation Ablation means the removal of any part of the body by a surgica
l operation.

gentle dilatation of the neck of the uterus (cerA vix), and curetting-out the remaining products
of the pregnancy. A few late abortions are associated with the cervix op
ening too early, abnormal
structural abnormalities of the uterus, and possibly infection in the mother. Dr
ugs are often used to
suppress uterine contractions, but evidence-based studies show that these do not
generally improve fetal
salvage. In proven cases of cervical incompetence, the cervix can be closed with
a suture which is removed
at 37 weeks gestation. The evidence for the value of this procedure is uncertain.
Therapeutic abortion In the UK, before an abortion procedure is legally
permitted, two doctors must
agree and sign a form defined under the 1967 Abortion Act that the continuation
of the pregnancy would
involve risk greater than if the pregnancy were terminated of injury to the phys
ical and/or mental
health of the mother or any existing child(ren). Legislation in 1990 modified th
e Act, which had previously
stated that, at the time of the abortion, the pregnancy should not have exceeded
the 24th week. Now, an
abortion may legally be performed if continuing the pregnancy would risk the wom
ans life, or the mental
health of the woman or her existing child(ren) is at risk, or if there is a subs
tantial risk of serious
handicap to the baby. In 95 per cent of therapeutic terminations in the UK the r
eason is risk of injury to
the physical or mental health of the woman. There is no time limit on therapeutic
abortion where the
termination is done to save the mothers life, there is substantial risk of seriou
s fetal handicap, or of
grave permanent injury to the health of the mother. About 190,000 terminations a
re carried out in the UK
each year and only 11.5 per cent are over 20 weeks gestation, with the vast majori
ty of these late
abortions being for severe, latediagnosed, fetal abnormality. The maternal morta
lity from therapeutic
abortion is less than 1 per 100,000 women and, provided that the procedure is pe
rformed skilfully by
experienced doctors before 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is very safe. There is no e
vidence that therapeutic
abortion is associated with any reduction in future fertility, increased rates o
f spontaneous abortion or
preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies.
Methods of abortion All abortions must be carried out in premises licens
ed for doing so or in NHS
hospitals. The method used is either
surgical or medical, with the latter being used more and the former less
as time goes on. Proper
consent must be obtained, signed for and witnessed. Women under 16 years of age
can consent to termination

provided that the doctors obtaining the consent are sure she clearly understands
the procedure and its
implications. Parental consent in the under-16s is not legally required, but cou
nselling doctors have a
duty to record that they have advised young people to inform their parents. Howe
ver, many youngsters do not
do so. The womans partner has no legal say in the decision to terminate her pregn
ancy. A combination of
two drugs, mifepristone and a prostaglandin (or a prostaglandin-like drug, misop
rostol see
PROSTAGLANDINS), may be used to terminate a pregnancy up to 63 days gestation. A
similar regime can be
used between nine and 12 weeks but at this gestation there is a 5 per cent risk
of post-treatment
HAEMORRHAGE. An ultrasound scan is first done to confirm pregnancy and gestation
. The sac containing the
developing placenta and fetus must be in the uterus; the woman must be under 35
years of age if she is a
moderate smoker, but can be over 35 if she is a non-smoker. Reasons for not usin
g this method include women
with diseases of the ADRENAL GLANDS, on long-term CORTICOSTEROIDS, and those who
have a haemorrhagic
disorder or who are on ANTICOAGULANTS. The drugs cannot be used in women with se
vere liver or kidney
disease, and caution is required in those with CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DIS
EASE (COPD), disease of the
cardiovascular system, or prosthetic heart valves (see PROSTHESIS), as well as w
ith those who have had a
CAESAREAN SECTION or an ECTOPIC PREGNANCY in the past or who are being treated f
clinics use this drug combination for pregnancies older than 12 weeks. In pregna
ncies approaching viability
(20 weeks), pretreatment fetocide (killing of the fetus) with intrauterine drug
therapy may be required.
Vacuum curettage is a method used up to 1415 weeks. Some very experienced
gynaecologists will perform
abortions surgically by dilating the cervix and evacuating the uterine contents
up to 22 weeks gestation.
The greater the size of the pregnancy, the higher the risk of haemorrhage and pe
rforation of the uterus. In
the UK, illegal abortion is rare but in other countries this is not the case. Wh
ere illegal abortions are
done, the risks of

Absorption 5
infection and perforation are high and death a definite risk. Legal abor
tions are generally safe. In
the USA, partial-birth abortions are spoken of but, in fact, there is no such pr
ocedure recorded in the UK
medical journals.
Abrasion Abrasion means the rubbing-off of the surface of the skin or of
a mucous membrane due to some
mechanical injury. Such injuries, though slight in themselves, are apt to allow
the entrance of
dirt-containing organisms, and so to lead to an ABSCESS or some more severe form
of inflammation.
Treatment The most effective form of treatment consists in the thorough
and immediate cleansing of the
wound with soap and water. An antiseptic such as 1 per cent cetrimide can then b
e applied, and a sterile
dry dressing. Abreaction An emotional release caused by the recall of past unple
asant experiences. This is
normally the result of psychoanalytical treatment in which psychotherapy, certai
n drugs, or hypnosis (see
HYPNOTISM) are used to effect the abreaction. The technique is used in the treat
ment of anxiety, hysteria,
or other neurotic states.
Abruptio Placenta Placental bleeding after the 24th week of pregnancy, w
hich may result in complete or
partial detachment of the placenta from the wall of the womb. The woman may go i
nto shock. The condition is
sometimes associated with raised blood pressure and PRE-ECLAMPSIA. (See also PRE
Abscess A localised collection of pus. A minute abscess is known as a PU
STULE; a diffused production of
pus is known as CELLULITIS or ERYSIPELAS. An abscess may be acute or chronic. An
acute abscess is one which
develops rapidly within the course of a few days or hours. It is characterised b
y a definite set of
Causes The direct cause is various BACTERIA. Sometimes the presence of f
oreign bodies, such as bullets
or splinters, may produce an abscess, but these foreign bodies may remain buried
in the tissues without
causing any trouble provided that they are not contaminated by bacteria or other
micro-organisms. The
micro-organisms most frequently found are staphylococci (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS), an
d, next to these,
streptococci (see STREPTOCOCCUS)
though the latter cause more virulent abscesses. Other abscess-forming o
rganisms are Pseudomonas
pyocyanea and Escherichia coli, which live always in the bowels and under certai
n conditions wander into
the surrounding tissues, producing abscesses. The presence of micro-organisms is
not sufficient in itself

to produce suppuration (see IMMUNITY; INFECTION); streptococci can often be foun

d on the skin and in the
skin glands of perfectly healthy individuals. Whether they will produce abscesse
s or not depends upon the
virulence of the organism and the individuals natural resistance. When bacteria h
ave gained access for
example, to a wound they rapidly multiply, produce toxins, and cause local dilat
ation of the blood
vessels, slowing of the bloodstream, and exudation of blood corpuscles and fluid
. The LEUCOCYTES, or white
corpuscles of the blood, collect around the invaded area and destroy the bacteri
a either by consuming them
(see PHAGOCYTOSIS) or by forming a toxin that kills them. If the bodys local defe
nce mechanisms fail to do
this, the abscess will spread and may in severe cases cause generalised infectio
Symptoms The classic symptoms of inflammation are redness, warmth, swell
ing, pain and fever. The
neighbouring lymph nodes may be swollen and tender in an attempt to stop the bac
teria spreading to other
parts of the body. Infection also causes an increase in the number of leucocytes
in the blood (see
LEUCOCYTOSIS). Immediately the abscess is opened, or bursts, the pain disappears
, the temperature falls
rapidly to normal, and healing proceeds. If, however, the abscess discharges int
o an internal cavity such
as the bowel or bladder, it may heal slowly or become chronic, resulting in the
patients ill-health.
Treatment Most local infections of the skin respond to ANTIBIOTICS. If p
us forms, the abscess should be
surgically opened and drained. Abscesses can occur in any tissue in the body, bu
t the principles of
treatment are broadly the same: use of an antibiotic and, where appropriate, sur
Absorption Uptake by the body tissues of fluids or other substances. For
example, food is absorbed from
the digestive tract into the blood and lymph systems. Food is absorbed mainly in
the small INTESTINE (
jejunum and ileum), which is lined

by multiple villi that increase its surface area.
Accident and Emergency Medicine
The group of animal parasites which includes Sarcoptes scabiei, the caus
e of the skin disease known as
itch, or SCABIES. This parasite used to be known as Acarus scabiei.
Accident and Emergency Medicine is the specialty responsible for assessi
ng the immediate needs of
acutely ill and injured people. Urgent treatment is provided where necessary; if
required, the patients
admission to an appropriate hospital bed is organised. Every part of the UK has
nominated key hospitals
with the appropriately trained staff and necessary facilities to deal with acute
ly ill or injured patients.
It is well-recognised that prompt treatment in the first hour or so after an acc
ident or after the onset of
an acute illness the so-called golden hour can make the difference between the pat
ients recovery and
serious disability or death. A&E Medicine is a relatively new specialty in the U
K and there are still
inadequate numbers of consultants and trainees, despite an inexorable rise in th
e number of patients
attending A&E departments. With a similar rise in hospital admissions there is o
ften no bed available
immediately for casualties, resulting in backlogs of patients waiting for treatm
ent. A major debate in the
specialty is about the likely need to centralise services by downgrading or clos
ing smaller units, in order
to make the most efficient use of staff. See
Accidental Death
Abstract (1) A dry powder produced by extracting the active principles f
rom a crude drug. Abstracts are
standardised so as to be twice the strength of the crude drug. (2) Summary of sc
ientific paper.
Acanthosis Nigricans Acanthosis nigricans is a darkly pigmented verrucou
s skin change, usually
occurring around the neck and axilla. It may be inherited but is most commonly a
cquired, and is associated
with adenocarcinoma usually of the stomach (see CANCER) and certain hormonal dis
orders such as
Acarina The group of arthropod insects that include the parasitic MITES
and TICKS.

In 2000, more than 12,000 people died in or as a result of accidents in

the UK, nearly half occurring
at home and around a third in motor vehicle incidents. Many of these deaths woul
d have been preventable,
had appropriate safety measures been taken. A high proportion of deaths from acc
idents occur in males
between five and 34 years of age; alcohol is a significant factor. Since the int
roduction of compulsory use
of car seatbelts in the UK in the 1980s, the incidence of deaths from driving ha
s fallen. With employers
more aware of the risks of injury and death in the work place with legislation r
einforcing education
the number of such incidents has fallen over the past 50 years or more: this gro
up now accounts for less
than 2 per cent of all accidental deaths. Accidental deaths in the elderly are m
ainly caused by falls,
mostly at home. In infants, choking is a significant cause of accidental death,
with food and small objects
presenting the main hazards. Poisoning (often from drug overdose) and drowning a
re notable causes between
the mid-20s and mid-40s. See
The process by which the refractive power of the lens of the EYE is incr
eased by constriction of the
ciliary muscle, producing an increased thickness and curvature of the lens. Rays
of light from an object
further than 6 metres away are parallel on reaching the eye. These rays are brou
ght to a focus on the
retina, mainly by the cornea. If the eye is now directed at an object
Diagram of eye in relaxed state (1), viewing a distant object; and in an
accommodated state (2) with
increased convexity of the lens for viewing a near object.

Achalasia of the Cardia 7

closer than 6 metres away, the
be diverging by the time they
reach the eye. In order to focus these
power of the lens must
increase. In other words the lens must
y with age, and thus
becomes less spherical when tension in
creased longsightedness
(presbyopia) requiring reading glasses

rays of light from this near object will

diverging beams of light, the refracting
accommodate. The lens loses its elasticit
the zonule relaxes. This results in an in
for correction. (See AGEING.)

Accouchement Archaic term for delivery of a baby (see NANCY AND LABOUR).
PREGAccretion Addition to an object of the substance of which it is comprise
d. An example is the growth of
crystals in a fluid, or overgrowth of bone after injury. The term also describes
foreign material
collecting on the surface of a body structure: for example, PLAQUE on teeth.
Acetoacetic Acid An organic acid produced by the LIVER when it is rapidl
y oxidising fatty acids a
metabolic process which occurs, for example, during starvation. The acid produce
d is then converted to
ACETONE, which is excreted.
Acetone Acetone is a volatile, colourless organic compound of the KETONE
group produced by the partial
oxidation of fatty acids. In some abnormal conditions, such as starvation, uncon
trolled diabetes (see
DIABETES MELLITUS) or prolonged vomiting, acetone and other ketones can accumula
te in the blood. Acetone
may then appear in the urine, along with betahydroxybutyric and aceotacic acids,
presaging developing COMA.
An acetic-acid ester of the organic base choline, acetylcholine is one o
f the substances which mediates
the transmission of nerve impulses from one nerve to another, or from a nerve to
the organ it acts on, such
as muscles. It acts on both muscarinic receptors (blocked by ATROPINE and respon
sible for ganglionic and
parasympathetic transmission and also for sympathetic innervation of sweat gland
s see under AUTONOMIC
NERVOUS SYSTEM) and nicotinic receptors (responsible for the transmission of ner
ve impulses to muscles and
blocked by curare, thus causing paralysis). Acetylcholine is rapidly destroyed b
y cholinesterase, an ENZYME
present in the blood. ANTICHOLINERGIC drugs such as PHYSOSTIGMINE prolong the ac
tion of acetylcholine.

Acebutolol One of the BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS (beta blockers) u

sed to treat HYPERTENSION and
ANGINA. Like other beta blockers, it slows the heart rate and may precipitate he
art failure, so should not
be given to patients with incipient heart failure. Acebutolol can be used with c
aution in patients whose
heart failure is satisfactorily controlled.
ACE Inhibitors
The cup-shaped socket on the pelvis in which rests the head of the femur
or thigh-bone, the two forming
Acetazolamide Acetazolamide is a sulphonamide drug which acts by inhibit
ing the ENZYME, carbonic
anhydrase. This enzyme is of great importance in the production of acid and alka
line secretions in the
body. Acetazolamide is sometimes used as a second-line drug for partial seizures
in EPILEPSY. It also has a
diuretic action (see DIURETICS) and is used to treat GLAUCOMA. The drug has a ra
nge of side-effects.
Related agents include dorzolamide and brinzolamide, used as eye-drops in patien
ts resistant to beta
blockers or who have contraindications to them.
Acetylcysteine is a MUCOLYTIC drug that is used in the treatment of CYST
Acetylsalicyclic Acid See ASPIRIN.
Achalasia Achalasia is another term for SPASM, but indicates not so much
an active spasm of muscle as a
failure to relax.
Achalasia of the Cardia A condition in which there is a failure to relax
of the muscle fibres around
the opening of the gullet, or oesophagus, into the stomach. (See OESOPHAGUS, DIS

Achilles Tendon
Tendon A Achilles A thick tendon that joins the calf muscles to the heel
bone (calcaneus) and pulls up
that bone. The tendon is prone to rupture in middle-aged people playing vigorous
sports such as squash or
tennis. Named after the classical Greek hero Achilles, who was reputedly vulnera
ble to his enemies only in
his heel.
Achlorhydria Achlorhydria means an absence of HYDROfrom the STOMACHs secr
etions. If the condition
persists after the administration of HISTAMINE, the person probably has atrophy
of the stomach lining.
Achlorhydria occurs in about 4 per cent of healthy people and in several conditi
ons, including PERNICIOUS
ANAEMIA, carcinoma of the stomach and
Achondroplasia The commonest form of inherited retarded growth. It is a
dominant hereditary disorder of
endochondral ossification, caused by mutations of fibroblast growth factor recep
tor 3 genes.The long bones
of the arms and legs fail to grow properly, while the trunk and head develop nor
mally. Achondroplasia
affects both sexes and, while many infants are stillborn or die soon after birth
, those who survive have
normal intelligence, a normal expectation of life and good health.
Achromia Loss of colour for example, DEPIGMENTATION of the SKIN or of th
e iris of the EYE.
Aciclovir Aciclovir is an antiviral drug that inhibits DNA synthesis in
cells infected by HERPES
VIRUSES, although it does not eradicate them. It is only effective if started at
the onset of infection;
uses include the systemic treatment of herpes simplex infections of the skin and
mucous membranes
(including genital herpes), as well as of varicella-zoster (chickenpox) pneumoni
a and encephalitis. It is
also used topically in the eye. It is especially valuable for the treatment of h
erpes infections in those
with IMMUNODEFICIENCY and may be required for the prevention of recurrence and f
or prophylaxis indeed, it
may be life-saving. Similar medications include famciclovir and valaciclovir.
Acid Base Balance The balance between the acid and alkaline elements pre
sent in the blood and body
The normal hydrogen ion concentration of the is a constant pH 74, and the
lungs and kidneys have a
crucial function in maintaining this figure. Changes in pH value will cause ACID

Acidosis Acidosis is a condition in which there is either a production i

n the body of two abnormal
acids beta-hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids; or a diminution in the alkali r
eserve of the blood.
Causes The condition is usually due to faulty metabolism of fat, resulti
ng in the production of
beta-hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids. It occurs in DIABETES MELLITUS when t
his is either untreated or
inadequately treated, as well as in starvation, persistent vomiting, and delayed
anaesthetic vomiting. It
also occurs in the terminal stages of glomerulonephritis (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES
OF), when it is due to
failure of the kidneys. A milder form of it may occur in severe fevers, particul
arly in children. (See also
Symptoms General
lassitude, vomiting, thirst, restlessness, and the presence of acetone i
n the urine form the earliest
manifestations of the condition. In diabetes a state of COMA may ensue and the d
isease end fatally.
Treatment The underlying condition must always be treated: for example,
if the acidosis is due to
diabetes mellitus then insulin must be given. Sodium bicarbonate (see SODIUM) is
rarely necessary for
diabetic ketoacidosis; if it is used, it is invariably now given intravenously.
Acidosis might be treated
with oral sodium bicarbonate in cases of chronic renal failure. Anaesthetists di
slike the administration of
bicarbonate to acidotic patients, since there is some evidence that it can make
intracellular acidosis
worse. They almost always use HYPERVENTILATION of the artificially ventilated pa
tient to correct acidosis.
Aciduria Excretion of an acid URINE.
Acinus Acinus is the name applied to each of the minute sacs of which se
creting glands are composed,
and which usually cluster around the branches of the gland-duct like grapes on t
heir stem. (See GLAND.)
Acne A common skin condition starting after

puberty, and which may persist for many years. It involves plugged pores
(blackheads and whiteheads),
pimples and deeper nodules on the face, neck, trunk and even the upper arms. It
arises from pilosebaceous
glands (relating to hair follicles and associated SEBACEOUS GLANDS). SEBUM produ
ction is increased and
bacterial proliferation causes inflammation with PAPULE and PUSTULE formation. P
lugs of sebum and epidermal
cells form blackheads (comedones); the colour is not due to dirt but to dried oi
l and shed skin cells in
the hairfollicle openings.
Treatment Twice-daily washing with a salicylic-acid cleanser can help re
move the poreblocking debris,
as can daily shampooing. Use only oil-free cosmetics and hide blackheads with a
flesh-tinted acne lotion
containing benzoyl peroxide, acid or sulphur. Never squeeze blackheads, however
tempting; ask a skin
specialist how to do this properly. Other treatments include microdermabrasion,
and the antibiotic lotions
erythromycin and clindamycin may be effective. Tretinoin and adapilene can be us
ed on the skin but are not
permitted in pregnancy and may cause problems such as hypersensitivity to sunlig
ht, so medical advice is
essential. In resistant cases, long-term suppressive oral therapy with one of th
ERYTHROMYCIN may be necessary. In females a combined oestrogenantiandrogen pill is
an alternative. Severe
resistant acne can be cleared by a 16- to 24week course of oral isotretinoin, bu
t this drug is teratogenic
(see TERATOGENESIS) and can cause many side-effects including depression, so its
use requires specialist
supervision. See
Acriflavine An aniline derivative, this is an orange-red crystalline pow
der, readily soluble in water,
with strong antiseptic powers.
AcroPrefix meaning extremity or tip.
Acrocyanosis A condition, occurring especially in young women, in which
there is persistent blueness of
hands, feet, nose and ears as a result of slow circulation of blood through the
small vessels of the skin.
A disorder caused by the increased secretion of growth hormone by an ADE
NOMA of the anterior PITUITARY
GLAND. It results in excessive growth of both the skeletal and the soft tissues.
If it occurs in
adolescence before the bony epiphyses have fused, the result is gigantism; if it
occurs in adult life the
skeletal overgrowth is confined to the hands, feet, cranial sinuses and jaw. Mos

t of the features are due

to overgrowth of the cartilage of the nose and ear and of the soft tissues which
increase the thickness of
the skin and lips. Viscera such as the thyroid and liver are also affected. The
overgrowth of the soft
tissues is gradual. The local effects of the tumour commonly cause headache and,
less frequently,
impairment of vision, particularly of the temporal field of vision, as a result
of pressure on the nerves
to the eye. The tumour may damage the other pituitary cells giving rise to gonad
al, thyroid or
adrenocortical insufficiency. The disease often becomes obvious in persons over
about 45 years of age; they
may also complain of excessive sweating, joint pains and lethargy. The diagnosis
is confirmed by measuring
the level of growth hormone in the serum and by an X-ray of the skull which usua
lly shows enlargement of
the pituitary fossa.
Relating to hearing and the response to sound. For acoustic nerve, see V
Treatment The most effective treatment is
Acne Rosacea See ROSACEA.
Acoustic Neuroma A slow-growing, benign tumour in the auditory canal ari
sing from the Schwann cells of
the acoustic cranial nerve. The neuroma, which accounts for about 7 per cent of
all tumours inside the
CRANIUM, may cause facial numbness, hearing loss, unsteady balance, headache, an
d TINNITUS. It can usually
be removed surgically, sometimes with microsurgical techniques that preserve the
facial nerve.
surgically to remove the pituitary adenoma. This can usually be done thr
ough the nose and the sphenoid
sinus, but large adenomas may need a full CRANIOTOMY. Surgery cures about 80 per
cent of patients with a
microadenoma and 40 per cent of those with a large lesion; the rate of recurrenc
e is 510 per cent. For
recurrences, or for patients unfit for surgery or who refuse it, a combination o
f irradiation and drugs may
be helpful. Deep X-ray therapy to the pituitary fossa is less effective than sur
gery but may also be
helpful, and recently more sophisticated

10 Acromion
X-ray techniques, such as gamma knife irradiA ation, have shown promise. Drugs such as BROMOCRIPTINE, capergoline an
d quiangoline, which are
dopamine agonists lower growthhormone levels in acromegaly and are particularly
useful as an adjunct to
radiotherapy. Drugs which inhibit growth-hormone release by competing for its re
ceptors, octeotride and
lanreotride, also have a place in treatment. See
ubs/ acro/acro.htm
Acromion That part of the scapula, or shoulder blade, forming the tip of
the shoulder and giving its
squareness to the latter. It projects forwards from the scapula, and, with the C
LAVICLE or collar-bone in
front, forms a protective arch of bone over the shoulder-joint.
Acroparaesthesia A disorder occurring predominantly in middleaged women
in which there is numbness and
tingling of the fingers.
ACTH (Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone) ACTH is the commonly used abbreviati
Actinomycin D See DACTINOMYCIN.
Actinomycosis A chronic infectious condition caused by an anaerobic micr
o-organism, Actinomyces
israelii, that often occurs as a COMMENSAL on the gums, teeth and tonsils. Commo
nest in adult men, the
sites most affected are the jaw, lungs and intestine, though the disease can occ
ur anywhere. Suppurating
granulomatous tumours develop which discharge an oily, thick pus containing yell
owish (sulphur) granules.
A slowly progressive condition, actinomycosis usually responds to antibiotic dru
gs but improvement may be
slow and surgery is sometimes needed to drain infected sites. Early diagnosis is
important. Treatment is
with antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracyclines. The disease occurs in cat
tle, where it is known as
woody tongue.
Action on Smoking and Health See ASH.
Acupuncture A traditional Chinese method of healing by inserting thin ne
edles into certain areas
the skin and rotating them. Its rationale is that disease is a manifesta
tion of a disturbance of Yin
and Yang energy in the body, and that acupuncture brings this energy back into b
alance by what is described
as the judicious stimulation or depression of the flow of energy in the various m
eridians. What is still
unclear to western doctors is why needling, which is the essence of acupuncture,
should have the effect it
is claimed to have. One theory is that the technique stimulates deep sensory ner

ves, promoting the

production of pain-relieving ENDORPHINS. Of its efficacy in skilled hands, howev
er, there can be no
question, and in China the technique is an alternative to anaesthesia for some o
perations. Acupuncture is
increasingly used in the west, by medically qualified doctors as well as other p
ractitioners of
complementary medicine. As long as proper sterilisation procedures are followed,
the treatment is safe: two
recent and extensive UK studies detected no serious adverse effects.
Acute A condition of short duration that starts quickly and has severe s
ymptoms. It may also refer to a
symptom, for example, severe pain. An acute abdomen is a serious disorder of the a
bdomen requiring urgent
treatment, usually surgery. Acute heart failure is the sudden stopping of or def
ect in the action of the
heart. Acute LEUKAEMIA is a rapid growth in the number of white blood cells, whi
ch is fatal if untreated.
(Opposite: chronic see CHRONIC DISORDER.)
Acute Life-Threatening Event (ALTE) See ALTE.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Formerly known as adult respi
ratory distress syndrome. A
form of acute respiratory failure in which a variety of different disorders give
rise to lung injury by
what is thought to be a common pathway. The condition has a high mortality rate
(about 70 per cent); it is
a complex clinical problem in which a disproportionate immunological response pl
ays a major role. (See
IMMUNITY.) The exact trigger is unknown, but it is thought that, whatever the st
imulus, chemical mediators
produced by cells of the immune system or elsewhere in the body spread and susta
in an inflammatory
reaction. Cascade mechanisms with multiple interactions are provoked. CYTOTOXIC
substances (which damage or
kill cells)

Addisons Disease 11
such as oxygen-free radicals and PROTEASE damage the alveolar capillary
membranes (see ALVEOLUS). Once
this happens, protein-rich fluid leaks into the alveoli and interstitial spaces.
SURFACTANT is also lost.
This impairs the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and gives ri
se to the clinical and
pathological picture of acute respiratory failure. The typical patient with ARDS
has rapidly worsening
hypoxaemia (lack of oxygen in the blood), often requiring mechanical ventilation
. There are all the signs
of respiratory failure (see TACHYPNOEA; TACHYCARDIA; CYANOSIS), although the che
st may be clear apart from
a few crackles. Radiographs show bilateral, patchy, peripheral shadowing. Blood
gases will show a low PaO2
(concentration of oxygen in arterial blood) and usually a high PaCO2 (concentrat
ion of carbon dioxide in
arterial blood). The lungs are stiff they are less effective because of the loss o
f surfactant and the
Causes The causes of ARDS may be broadly divided into the following: DIR
Viral, bacterial and fungal PNEUMONIA Lung trauma or contusion Inhalatio
n of toxic gases or smoke
ASPIRATION of gastric contents Near-drowning
surfactant through a nebuliser or aerosol may help to improve lung effec
tiveness and reduce oedema.
Some experimental evidence supports the use of free-radical scavengers and ANTIO
XIDANTS, but these are not
commonly used. Other techniques include the inhalation of NITRIC OXIDE (NO) to m
oderate vascular tone, and
prone positioning to improve breathing. In severe cases, extracorporeal gas exch
ange has been advocated as
a supportive measure until the lungs have healed enough for adequate gas exchang
e. (See also RESPIRATORY
Acyclovir See ACICLOVIR.
Adactyly Absence of the digits.
Adaptation A slowly diminishing reaction of a sense organ to persistent
or repetitive stimulation. For
example, a persistent smell may after a while result in the nose failing to sign
al its presence; the
pressure-sensitive nerve endings in the skin may become accustomed to the presen
ce of clothes on the body;
regular background noise may be screened out by the cochlear nerve that links ea
r and brain.
Addiction See DEPENDENCE.
Septic, haemorrhagic and cardiogenic SHOCK METABOLIC DISORDERS such as U
RAEMIA and pancreatitis (see

PANCREAS, DISORDERS OF) Bowel infarction Drug ingestion Massive blood transfusio
n, transfusion reaction
(see TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD), CARDIOPULMONARY BYPASS, disseminated intravascular c
Treatment The principles of management are supportive, with treatment of
the underlying condition if
that is possible. Oxygenation is improved by increasing the concentration of oxy
gen breathed in by the
patient, usually with mechanical ventilation of the lungs, often using continuou
s positive airways pressure
(CPAP). Attempts are made to reduce the formation of pulmonary oedema by careful
management of how much
fluid is given to the patient (fluid balance). Infection is treated if it arises
, as are the possible
complications of prolonged ventilation with low lung compliance (e.g. PNEUMOTHOR
AX). There is some evidence
that giving
Addisons Disease The cause of Addisons disease (also called chronic adrena
l insufficiency and
hypocortisolism) is a deficiency of the adrenocortical hormones CORTISOL, ALDOST
ERONE and androgens (see
ANDROGEN) due to destruction of the adrenal cortex (see ADRENAL GLANDS). It occu
rs in about 1 in 25,000 of
the population. In the past, destruction of the adrenal cortex was due to TUBERC
ULOSIS (TB), but nowadays
fewer than 20 per cent of patients have TB while 70 per cent suffer from autoimm
une damage. Rare causes of
Addisons disease include metastases (see METASTASIS) from CARCINOMA, usually of t
he bronchus; granulomata
(see GRANULOMA); and HAEMOCHROMATOSIS. It can also occur as a result of surgery
for cancer of the PITUITARY
GLAND destroying the cells which produce ACTH (ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE) the
hormone which provokes
the adrenal cortex into action.
Symptoms The clinical symptoms appear slowly and depend upon the severit
y of the

12 Adduct
underlying disease process. The patient usually
A complains of appetite and weight loss, nausea,
weakness and fatigue. The skin becomes pigmented due to the increased pr
oduction of ACTH. Faintness,
especially on standing, is due to postural HYPOTENSION secondary to aldosterone
deficiency. Women lose
their axillary hair and both sexes are liable to develop mental symptoms such as
DEPRESSION. Acute episodes
Addisonian crises may occur, brought on by infection, injury or other stressful
events; they are caused
by a fall in aldosterone levels, leading to abnormal loss of sodium and water vi
a the kidneys, dehydration,
low blood pressure and confusion. Patients may develop increased tanning of the
skin from extra
pigmentation, with black or blue discoloration of the skin, lips, mouth, rectum
and vagina occurring.
ANOREXIA, nausea and vomiting are common and the sufferer may feel cold.
Diagnosis This depends on demonstrating impaired serum levels of cortiso
l and inability of these levels
to rise after an injection of ACTH.
Treatment consists in replacement of the deficient hormones. HYDROCORTIS
ONE tablets are commonly used;
some patients also require the salt-retaining hormone, fludrocortisone. Treatmen
t enables them to lead a
completely normal life and to enjoy a normal life expectancy. Before surgery, or
if the patient is pregnant
and unable to take tablets, injectable hydrocortisone may be needed. Rarely, tre
ated patients may have a
crisis, perhaps because they have not been taking their medication or have been
vomiting it. Emergency
resuscitation is needed with fluids, salt and sugar. Because of this, all patien
ts should carry a card
detailing their condition and necessary management. Treatment of any complicatin
g infections such as
tuberculosis is essential. Sometimes DIABETES MELLITUS coexists with Addisons dis
ease and must be treated.
Secondary adrenal insufficiency may occur in panhypopituitarism (see PITUITARY G
LAND), in patients treated
with CORTICOSTEROIDS or after such patients have stopped treatment. Adduct To mo
ve a limb or any other part
towards the midline of the body. (Opposite: ABDUCT.)
Adenitis Adenitis means inflammation of a GLAND.
AdenoA prefix denoting relation to a glands.
Adenocarcinoma A malignant growth of glandular tissue. This tissue is wi
despread throughout the bodys
organs and the tumours may occur, for example, in the STOMACH, OVARIES and UTERU
S. Adenocarcinomas may be

subdivided into those that arise from mucous or serous secreting glandular tissu
Adenolipoma A non-malignant tumour arising from the EPITHELIUM and made
glandular tissues (see GLAND).
Adenoma A growth or cyst arising from the EPITHELIUM, a lining layer of
cells on the inside of organs.
Although usually benign, adenomas can, as they enlarge, press on adjacent tissue
such as nerves or, in the
case of an adenoma of the PITUITARY GLAND, on brain tissue, causing symptoms. Wh
ere adenomas arise in
ENDOCRINE GLANDS, such as the adrenals, pancreas, pituitary and thyroid, they ca
n provoke excessive
production of the hormone normally produced by the gland. If an adenoma is causi
ng or is likely to cause
symptoms it is usually surgically removed (see also TUMOUR).
Adenomatosis A condition in which multiple glandular overgrowths occur.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) A compound comprising the chemical substanc
es adenine, ribose and
phosphates. The chemical bonds of the phosphates contain energy needed for cell
METABOLISM that occurs when
muscle cells contract. This energy is made available when ATP breaks up to form
other chemical groupings
adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP). The energy needed
for recombining AMP and
ADP to form ATP is produced by the breakdown of carbohydrates or other constitue
ncies of food.
Adenoviruses Viruses (see VIRUS) containing double-stranded DNA; these c
ause around 5 per cent of
clinically recognised respiratory illnesses. Of the 40

Adrenal Glands 13
or so known types, only a few have been properly studied to establish ho
w they produce disease.
Adenoviruses cause fever and inflammation of the respiratory tract and mucous me
mbranes of the eyes
symptoms resembling those of the common cold. They also cause ENTERITIS, haemorr
hagic CYSTITIS and
lifethreatening infections in newborn babies. Infections are generally benign an
d selflimiting, and
treatment is symptomatic and supportive, although the elderly and people with ch
ronic chest conditions may
develop secondary infections which require antibiotic treatment.
The term is also used to describe an ingredient added to a VACCINE to bo
ost the immune systems
production of antibodies, thus enhancing the vaccines effectiveness in promoting
The abnormal union of two normally separate tissues. Adhesion may occur
after inflammation or surgery;
the result is often a fibrous band between the adjacent tissues. Examples are ad
hesions between joint
surfaces which reduce mobility of a joint or, after operation, between loops of
intestine, where the
fibrous band may cause obstruction. Movement of the heart may be restricted by a
dhesions between the organ
and its membranous cover, the pericardial sac.
Adipose Tissue Adipose tissue, or fat, is a loose variety of fibrous tis
sue in the meshes of which lie
cells, each of which is distended by several small drops, or one large drop, of
fat. This tissue replaces
fibrous tissue when the amount of food taken is in excess of the bodily requirem
ents. Adipose tissue occurs
as a layer beneath the skin and also around several internal organs. (See DIET;
Adiposis Dolorosa Also known as Dercums disease. A condition in which pai
nful masses of fat develop
under the skin more common in women than in men.
Adiposity See OBESITY.
Adjuvant Any substance given in concert with another to boost its activi
ty. For instance, a CYTOTOXIC
drug used to reinforce radiotherapy or surgery in the treatment of cancer is des
cribed as adjuvant therapy.

Adler Alfred Adler (18701937) was an Austrian psychiatrist who proposed p

sychoanalytical concepts
based on individual psychology, his central thesis being that everyone is born w
ith intrinsic feelings of
inferiority. Thus life is a continuing struggle to overcome these feelings: fail
ure results in neuroses.
Adoption Adrenal Glands Also known as suprarenal glands, these are two s
mall triangular ENDOCRINE
GLANDS situated one upon the upper end of each kidney. (See diagram of ABDOMEN.)
Structure Each suprarenal gland has an enveloping layer of fibrous tissu
e. Within this, the gland shows
two distinct parts: an outer, firm, deep-yellow cortical (see CORTEX) layer, and
a central, soft,
dark-brown medullary (see MEDULLA) portion. The cortical part consists of column
s of cells running from the
surface inwards, whilst in the medullary portion the cells are arranged irregula
rly and separated from one
another by large capillary blood vessels.
Functions Removal of the suprarenal glands in animals is speedily follow
ed by great muscular
prostration and death within a few days. In human beings, disease of the suprare
nal glands usually causes
ADDISONS DISEASE, in which the chief symptoms are increasing weakness and bronzin
g of the skin. The
medulla of the glands produces a substance ADRENALINE the effects of which close
ly resemble those
brought about by activity of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: dilated pupils, hai
r standing on end,
quickening and strengthening of the heartbeat, immobilisation of the gut, increa
sed output of sugar from
the liver into the bloodstream. Several hormones (called CORTICOSTEROIDS) are pr
oduced in the cortex of the
gland and play a vital role in the metabolism of the body. Some (such as aldoste
rone) control the
electrolyte balance of the body and help to maintain the blood

14 Adrenaline
pressure and blood volume. Others are conA cerned in carbohydrate metabolism, whilst
others again are concerned with sex physiology. HYDROCORTISONE is the mo
st important hormone of the
adrenal cortex, controlling as it does the bodys use of carbohydrates, fats and p
roteins. It also helps to
suppress inflammatory reactions and has an influence on the immune system.
Adrenaline Adrenaline is the secretion of the adrenal medulla (see ADREN
AL GLANDS). Its effect is
similar to stimulation of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM as occurs when a person
is excited, shocked or
frightened. In the United States Pharmacopoeia it is known as epinephrine. It is
also prepared
synthetically. Among its important effects are raising of the blood pressure, in
creasing the amount of
glucose in the blood, and constricting the smaller blood vessels. Adrenaline has
an important use when
injected intramuscularly or intravenously in the treatment of ANAPHYLAXIS. Many
patients prone to this
condition are prescribed a preassembled adrenaline-containing syringe and needle
(Min-i-Jet, Epipen) and
are taught how to self-administer in an emergency. Adrenaline may be applied dir
ectly to wounds, on gauze
or lint, to check haemorrhage; injected along with some local anaesthetic it per
mits painless, bloodless
operations to be performed on the eye, nose, etc. Nowadays it is rarely, if ever
, used hypodermically and
is no longer given to treat ASTHMA. In severe cardiac arrest, adrenaline (1 in 1
0,000) by central
intravenous injection is recommended. It can be given through an endotracheal tu
be as part of neonatal
Adrenergic Receptors The sites in the body on which ADRENALINE and compa
rable stimulants of the
SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM act. Drugs which have an adrenaline-like action are d
escribed as being
adrenergic. There are five different types of adrenergic receptors, known as alp
ha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2
and beta3 respectively. Stimulation of alpha receptors leads to constriction of
the bronchi, constriction
of the blood vessels with consequent rise in blood pressure, and dilatation of t
he pupils of the eyes.
Stimulation of beta1 receptors quickens the rate and output of the heart, while
stimulation of beta2
receptors dilates the bronchi. Beta3 receptors are now known to mediate so-calle
d non-shivering
thermogenesis, a way of producing heat from
specialised fat cells that is particularly relevant to the human infant.
For long it had been realised
that in certain cases of ASTHMA, adrenaline had not the usual beneficial effect
of dilating the bronchi
during an attack; rather it made the asthma worse. This was due to its acting on
both the alpha and beta

adrenergic receptors. A derivative, isoprenaline, was therefore produced which a

cted only on the beta
receptors. This had an excellent effect in dilating the bronchi, but unfortunate
ly also affected the heart,
speeding it up and increasing its output an undesirable effect which meant that
isoprenaline had to be
used with great care. In due course drugs were produced, such as salbutamol, whi
ch act predominantly on the
beta2 adrenergic receptors in the bronchi and have relatively little effect on t
he heart. The converse of
this story was the search for what became known as BETA-ADRENOCEPTORBLOCKING DRU
GS, or
beta-adrenergic-blocking drugs. The theoretical argument was that if such drugs
could be synthesised, they
could be of value in taking the strain off the heart for example: stress stimula
tion of the output of
adrenaline stimulation of the heart increased work for the heart. A drug that co
uld prevent this train
of events would be of value, for example in the treatment of ANGINA PECTORIS. No
w there is a series of
betaadrenoceptor-blocking drugs of use not only in angina pectoris, but also in
various other heart
conditions such as disorders of rhythm, as well as high blood pressure. They are
also proving valuable in
the treatment of anxiety states by preventing disturbing features such as palpit
ations. Some are useful in
the treatment of migraine.
Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) See also CORTICOTROPIN.
A hormone which is released into the body during stress. Made and stored
in the anterior PITUITARY
GLAND, ACTH regulates the production of corticosteroid hormones from the ADRENAL
GLANDS, and is vital for
the growth and maintenance of the adrenal cortical cells. Its production is in p
art controlled by the
amount of HYDROCORTISONE in the blood and also by the HYPOTHALAMUS. ACTH partici
pates in the FEEDBACK
MECHANISM of hormone production and actions involving particularly the hypothala
mus and pituitary gland.
The hormone is used to test adrenal function and treat conditions such as ASTHMA
. (See also CUSHINGS

Aerotitis 15
Adrenogenital Syndrome An inherited condition, the adrenogenital syndrom
e also known as congenital
adrenal hyperplasia is an uncommon disorder affecting about 1 baby in 7,500. The
condition is present
from birth and causes various ENZYME defects as well as blocking the production
ALDOSTERONE by the ADRENAL GLANDS. In girls the syndrome often produces VIRILISA
TION of the genital tract,
often with gross enlargement of the clitoris and fusion of the labia so that the
genitalia may be mistaken
for a malformed penis. The metabolism of salt and water may be disturbed, causin
g dehydration, low blood
pressure and weight loss; this can produce collapse at a few days or weeks of ag
e. Enlargement of the
adrenal glands occurs and the affected individual may also develop excessive pig
mentation in the skin. When
virilisation is noted at birth, great care must be taken to determine genetic se
x by karyotyping: parents
should be reassured as to the babys sex (never in between). Blood levels of adrenal
hormones are
measured to obtain a precise diagnosis. Traditionally, doctors have advised pare
nts to choose their
childs gender on the basis of discussing the likely condition of the genitalia af
ter puberty. Thus, where
the phallus is likely to be inadequate as a male organ, it may be preferred to r
ear the child as female.
Surgery is usually advised in the first two years to deal with clitoromegaly but
parent/ patient pressure
groups, especially in the US, have declared it wrong to consider surgery until t
he children are competent
to make their own decision. Other treatment requires replacement of the missing
hormones which, if started
early, may lead to normal sexual development. There is still controversy surroun
ding the ethics of gender
reassignment. See
Advance Statements about Medical Treatment See LIVING WILL.
Adverse Reactions to Drugs When a new drug is introduced, it has usually
been studied only in
relatively few patients typically 1,500. If n patients have been studied, and no
serious effects
observed, there is still a chance of a serious adverse effect occurring in the g
eneral population as
frequently as 3/n (1:500). Adverse effects can be divided into types. First, tho
se which are closely
related to the concentration of the drug and accord with what is known of its PHARMACOLOGY
. These so-called type A
(augmented pharmacological) effects are distinguished from type B (bizarre) effe
cts which are
unpredictable, usually rare, and often severe. ANAPHYLAXIS is the most obvious o
f these; other examples
include bone-marrow suppression with CO-TRIMOXAZOLE; hepatic failure (see HEPATI
and PULMONARY FIBROSIS with AMIODARONE. A more comprehensive classification incl
udes reactions type C

(chronic effects), D (delayed effects such as teratogenesis or carcinogenesis) a

nd E (end-of-dose effects
withdrawal effects). Examples of adverse reactions include nausea, skin eruption
s, jaundice, sleepiness
and headaches. While most reported adverse reactions are minor and require no tr
eatment, patients should
remind their doctors of any drug allergy or adverse effect they have suffered in
the past. Medical warning
bracelets are easily obtained. Doctors should report adverse effects to the auth
orities in the case of
Britain, to the Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM), using the yellow-card re
porting machinery.
Ades Aegypti The scientific name for the mosquito which conveys to humans
(by biting) the viruses of
YELLOW FEVER and of DENGUE or break-bone fever.
Aegophony The bleating or punchinello tone given to the voice as heard b
stethoscope, when there is a small amount of fluid in the pleural cavity in the
Aerobic Bacterium A bacterium (see BACTERIA) that needs the presence of
free oxygen for its life and
Aerophagy Swallowing abnormal quantities of air which can occur during r
apid eating or drinking.
Indigestion-sufferers sometimes do this to relieve their symptoms, and it is a c
ommon sign of anxiety.
Aerosol See INHALANTS.

16 Aetiology
A Aetiology That part of medical science dealing with the causes of dise
Afferent An adjective to describe nerves, blood vessels or lymphatic ves
sels that conduct their
electrical charge or contents inwards to the brain, spinal cord or relevant orga
n. (Opposite: EFFERENT.)
Afibrinogenaemia A condition in which the blood will not clot because FI
BRIN is absent. It is
characterised by haemorrhage. There are two forms: (a) a congenital form, and (b
) an acquired form. The
latter may be associated with advanced liver disease, or may occur as a complica
tion of labour. Treatment
consists of the intravenous injection of fibrinogen, and blood transfusion. (See
Afterbirth See PLACENTA.
Afterpains Pains similar to but feebler than those of labour, occurring
in the two or three days
following childbirth. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Causes are generally the presence of a blood clot or retained piece of P
LACENTA which the womb (see
UTERUS) is attempting to expel. Agammaglobulinaemia An inherited condition found
in male infants, in which
there is no GAMMA-GLOBULIN in the blood. These children are particularly suscept
ible to infections, as they
are unable to form ANTIBODIES to any infecting micro-organism. Acquired agammagl
obulinaemia is a rare
disorder occurring in both sexes in their 20s and 40s, characterised by recurren
t bacterial infections. The
cause is a disturbance in the working of the immune system. (See IMMUNITY.)
homeostatic mechanisms; environment and lifestyle also affect the ageing
process. The effects of ageing
include: cessation of MENSTRUATION in females; wrinkling of the skin due to a lo
ss of elastic tissue;
failing memory (especially short term) and a reduced ability to learn new skills
, along with slowed
responses changes caused by the loss of or less efficient working of nerve cells
; the senses become less
acute; the lungs become less efficient, as does heart muscle, both causing a fal
l in exercise tolerance;
arteries harden, resulting in a rise in blood pressure and poor blood circulatio
n; joints are less mobile,
bones beome more brittle (OSTEOPOROSIS) and muscle bulk and strength are reduced
; the lens of the EYE
becomes less elastic, resulting in poorer sight, and it may also become opaque (
CATARACT). In developed
countries people are living longer, in part because infant and child mortality r
ates have dropped
dramatically over the past 100 years or so. Improved standards of living and mor
e effective health care
have also contributed to greater longevity: the proportion of people over 65 yea
rs of age has greatly
increased, and that of the over-75s is still rising. The 2001 census found 336,0

00 people in the UK aged

over 90 and there are 36,000 centenarians in the US. This extreme longevity is a
ttributed to a particular
gene (see GENES) slowing the ageing process. Interestingly, those living to 100
often retain the mental
faculties of people in their 60s, and examination of centenarians brains show tha
t these are similar to
those of 60-year-olds. (See MEDICINE OF AGEING; CLIMACTERIC.) Help and advice ca
n be obtained from Age
Concern and Help the Aged. See
Agenesis Agenesis means incomplete development, or the failure of any pa
rt or organ of the body to
develop normally.
Also known as agar-agar. A gelatinous substance made from seaweed, agar
is used in preparing
culture-media for use in bacteriological laboratories; it is also sometimes used
to treat constipation.
The adherence together of small bodies in a fluid. Thus, blood corpuscle
s agglutinate into heaps
(rouleaux) when added to the serum of a person belonging to an incompatible bloo
d group. Bacteria
agglutinate into clumps and die when exposed to the presence of antibodies in th
e blood. This is important
in regard to diagnosis of certain diseases due to bacteria. In typhoid fever (se
example, the blood of an animal is immunised against typhoid bacilli by repeated
injections of these.
Ageing The result of a combination of natural, largely genetically progr
ammed changes occurring in all
body systems. Diseases or injuries may influence these changes, which impair the

AI 17
The blood serum of the animal, known now as anti-typhoid serum, is issue
d to laboratories for use when
bacilli are found in the excretions of a patient who is possibly suffering from
typhoid fever. The bacilli
are exposed to the action of a drop of the serum; if the serum shows the power o
f agglutinating these
bacteria, this forms evidence that the bacteria in question are typhoid bacilli.
The reaction may also be
carried out in the contrary manner: that is to say, the serum from the blood of
a patient who may be
suffering from typhoid fever, but in whom the diagnosis is still doubtful, is ad
ded to a drop of fluid
containing typhoid bacilli; if these are agglutinated into clumps by the patients
serum, the patient is
then known to be suffering from typhoid fever. If they do not agglutinate, the s
ymptoms are due to some
other condition. This reaction for typhoid fever is known as the Widal reaction.
Comparable agglutination
reactions, using an appropriate serum, are used in the diagnosis of a number of
diseases, including
glandular fever (when it is known as the PaulBunnell reaction), typhus fever (wh
en it is known as the
Weil-Felix reaction), undulant fever, and Weils disease. (For more information ab
out these diseases, see
under separate entries.)
Agglutinogen An ANTIGEN that stimulates production of an agglutinin an a
ntibody that causes
AGGLUTINATION or clumping of bacteria, blood cells or other antigenic particles.
In the case of blood
cells, this should not be confused with the clumping that happens in blood COAGU
LATION, which is a
different process.
Aggression A general term that covers a range of hostile behaviour, some
of which may extend beyond
normal social behaviour. Some physical diseases cause aggressive outbursts: temp
oral lobe EPILEPSY and
hypoglycaemia (see DIABETES MELLITUS) are examples. Certain mental disorders suc
h as antisocial
personality disorders, alcohol or drug abuse, and SCHIZOPHRENIA may be associate
d with aggression. Male
sex hormones (see under ANDROGEN) appear to be linked to aggressive behaviour, a
nd aggression is more
common among adolescents and young adults than other sections of the population.
Agnosia The condition in which, in certain diseases of the brain, the pa
tient loses the ability to
recognise the character of objects through the senses touch, taste, sight, heari
Agonist (1) A muscle which contracts and causes a movement. Contraction
of an agonist is complemented
by relaxation of its antagonist (see below). (2) A drug that acts through recept
ors on the surface of the
cell or within the cell and provokes a biological response. As the body contains
natural agonists that
combine with cell receptors, any occupation of these cell receptors by drug molecu

les will have a

pharmacological effect on the individual. The intensity of that pharmacological
effect is believed to be
directly proportional to the number of receptors on the cell that combine with t
he drug molecule. For
example, the natural agonist noradrenaline contracts the smooth muscle of blood
vessels; the drug agonist
phenylnephrine has a similar effect.
Antagonists are drugs which will combine with the receptor site
nt another agent from producing
its greatest effect. If the drug has no efficacy of its own, but simply
the agonist from acting at
the receptor site, it is called a full antagonist. A partial antagonist
g that provokes some
activity at the receptor site. An example of an antagonist is prazosin,
ts against the natural
agonist noradrenaline at the receptor site of the cells of blood-vessel
nd prevents the vascular
muscle from contracting.

to preve
is a dru
which ac
muscle a

Agoraphobia A sense of fear experienced in large open spaces and public

places, agoraphobia is a
symptom of psychological disorder (see MENTAL ILLNESS). There are said to be 300
,000 sufferers in the
United Kingdom. Those who suffer from what can be a most distressing condition c
an obtain help and advice
from the National Phobics Society.
Agranulocytosis A condition in which the white cells or LEUCOCYTES in th
e blood of the polynuclear or
granular variety become greatly lessened in numbers or disappear altogether. It
is usually caused by taking
such drugs as amidopyrine, thiourea, sulphonamides, chloramphenicol and the immu
nosuppressant drugs.
Agraphia Loss of power to express ideas by writing. (See APHASIA.)

A AIDS/HIV Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the clinical ma
nifestation of infection with
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV belongs to the retroviruses, which in tu
rn belong to the
lentiviruses (characterised by slow onset of disease). There are two main HIV st
rains: HIV-1, by far the
commonest; and HIV-2, which is prevalent in Western Africa (including Ivory Coas
t, Gambia, Mali, Nigeria
and Sierra Leone). HIV attacks the human immune system (see IMMUNITY) so that th
e infected person becomes
susceptible to opportunistic infections, such as TUBERCULOSIS, PNEUMONIA, DIARRH
OEA, MENINGITIS and tumours
such as KAPOSIS SARCOMA. AIDS is thus the disease syndrome associated with advanc
ed HIV infection. Both
HIV-1 and HIV-2 are predominantly sexually transmitted and both are associated w
ith secondary opportunistic
infections. However, HIV-2 seems to result in slower damage to the immune system
. HIV-1 is known to mutate
rapidly and has given rise to other subtypes. HIV is thought to have occurred in
humans in the 1950s, but
whether or not it infected humans from another primate species is uncertain. It
became widespread in the
1970s but its latency in causing symptoms meant that the epidemic was not notice
d until the following
decade. Although it is a sexually transmitted disease, it can also be transmitte
d by intravenous drug use
(through sharing an infected needle), blood transfusions with infected blood (he
nce the importance of
effective national blood-screening programmes), organ donation, and occupational
ly (see health-care
workers, below). Babies born of HIV-positive mothers can be infected before or d
uring birth, or through
breast feeding. Although HIV is most likely to occur in blood, semen or vaginal
fluid, it has been found in
saliva and tears (but not sweat); however, there is no evidence that the virus c
an be transmitted from
these two body fluids. There is also no evidence that HIV can be transmitted by
biting insects (such as
mosquitoes). HIV does not survive well in the environment and is rapidly destroy
ed through drying.
were newly infected with HIV, and that 3 million adults and children die
d. In Africa in 2003, 3.4
million people were newly infected and 2.3 million died, with more than 28 milli
on carrying the virus.
HIV/AIDS was the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa where over half of
the infections were in
women and 90 per cent of cases resulted from heterosexual sex. In some southern
African countries, one in
three pregnant women had HIV. In Asia and the Pacific there were 1.2 million new
infections and 435,000
deaths. The area with the fastest-growing epidemic is Eastern Europe, especially
the Russian Federation
where in 2002 around a million people had HIV and there were an estimated 250,00
0 new infections, with
intravenous drug use a key contributor to this figure. Seventy-five per cent of
cases occurred in men, with
male-to-male sexual transmission an important cause of infection, though heteros

exual activity is a rising

cause of infection. At the end of 2002 the UK had an estimated 55,900 HIV-infect
ed adults aged between 15
and 59. More than 3,600 individuals were newly diagnosed with the infection in 2
000, the highest annual
figure since the epidemic started in 1998 the figure was 2,817 and in 1999 just
over 3,000 (Department of
Health and Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre). The incidence of AIDS in t
he UK has declined sharply
since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and HIVre
lated deaths have also
fallen: in 2002 there were 777 reported new AIDS cases and 395 deaths, compared
with 1,769 and 1,719
respectively in 1995. (Sources: UNAIDS and WHO, AIDS Epidemic Update, December 2
001; Public Health
Laboratory Services AIDS and STD Centre Communicable Disease Surveillance and Sc
ottish Centre for Infection
and Environmental Health, Quarterly Surveillance Tables.) Poverty is strongly li
nked to the spread of AIDS,
for various reasons including lack of health education; lack of effective public
-health awareness; women
having little control over sexual behaviour and contraception; and, by compariso
n with the developed world,
little or no access to antiretroviral drugs.
Prevalence At the end of 2003 an estimated
Pathogenesis The cellular target of HIV
42 million people globally were infected with HIV up from 40 million two
years earlier. About
one-third of those with HIV/AIDS are aged 1524 and most are unaware that they are
carrying the virus.
During 2003 it is estimated that 5 million adults and children worldwide
infection is a subset of white blood cells called T-lymphocytes (see LYM
PHOCYTE) which carry the CD4
surface receptor. These so-called helper T-cells are vital to the function of cell
mediated immunity.
Infection of these cells leads to their destruction (HIV replicates at an

enormous rate 109) and over the course of several years the body is unab
le to generate sufficient new
cells to keep pace. This leads to progressive destruction of the bodys immune cap
abilities, evidenced
clinically by the development of opportunistic infection and unusual tumours.
Monitoring of clinical progression It is possible to measure the number
of viral particles present in
the plasma. This gives an accurate guide to the likely progression rate, which w
ill be slow in those
individuals with fewer than 10,000 particles per ml of plasma but progressively
more rapid above this
figure. The main clinical monitoring of the immune system is through the numbers
of CD4 lymphocytes in the
blood. The normal count is around 850 cells per ml and, without treatment, event
ual progression to AIDS is
likely in those individuals whose CD4 count falls below 500 per ml. Opportunisti
c infections occur most
frequently when the count falls below 200 per ml: most such infections are treat
able, and death is only
likely when the CD4 count falls below 50 cells per ml when infection is develope
d with organisms that are
difficult to treat because of their low intrinsic virulence. Simple, cheap and h
ighly accurate tests are
available to detect HIV antibodies in the serum. These normally occur within thr
ee months of infection and
remain the cornerstone of the diagnosis.
Clinical features Most infected individuals have a viral illness some th
ree weeks after contact with
HIV. The clinical features are often non-specific and remain undiagnosed but inc
lude a fine red rash, large
lymph nodes, an influenza-like illness, cerebral involvement and sometimes the d
evelopment of opportunistic
infections. The antibody test may be negative at this stage but there are usuall
y high levels of virus
particles in the blood. The antibody test is virtually always positive within th
ree months of infection.
HIV infection is often subsequently asymptomatic for a period of ten years or mo
re, although in most
patients progressive immune destruction is occurring during this time and a vari
ety of minor opportunistic
infections such as HERPES ZOSTER or oral thrush (see CANDIDA) do occur. In addit
ion, generalised
LYMPHADENOPATHY is present in a third of patients and some suffer from severe ma
laise, weight loss, night
sweats, mild fever, ANAEMIA or easy bruising due to THROMBOCYTOPENIA. The presen
tation of opportunistic
infection is highly variable but usually involves either the
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, the gastrointestinal tract or the LUNGS. Patient
s may present with a sudden
onset of a neurological deficit or EPILEPSY due to a sudden onset of a STROKE-li
syndrome, or epilepsy due to a space-occupying lesion in the brain most

late disease, HIV infection of the central nervous system itself may produce pro
gressive memory loss,
impaired concentration and mental slowness called AIDS DEMENTIA. A wide variety
of opportunistic PROTOZOA
or viruses produces DYSPHAGIA, DIARRHOEA and wasting. In the respiratory system
the commonest opportunistic
infection associated with AIDS, pneumonia, produces severe shortness of breath a
nd sometimes CYANOSIS,
usually with a striking lack of clinical signs in the chest. In very late HIV in
fection, when the CD4 count
has fallen below 50 cells per ml, infection with CYTOMEGALOVIRUS may produce pro
gressive retinal necrosis
(see EYE, DISORDERS OF) which will lead to blindness if untreated, as well as a
variety of gastrointestinal
symptoms. At this stage, infection with atypical mycobacteria is also common, pr
oducing severe anaemia,
wasting and fevers. The commonest tumour associated with HIV is Kaposis sarcoma w
hich produces purplish
skin lesions. This and nonHodgkins lymphoma (see LYMPHOMA), which is a hundred ti
mes more frequent among
HIVpositive individuals than in the general population, are likely to be associa
ted with or caused by
opportunistic viral infections.
Prevention There is, as yet, no vaccine to prevent HIV infection. Vaccin
e development has been hampered
by the large number of new HIV strains generated through frequent mutation and r
ecombination. because HIV
can be transmitted as free virus and in infected cells. because HIV infects help
er T-cells the very cells
involved in the immune response. There are, however, numerous research programme
s underway to develop
vaccines that are either prophylactic or therapeutic. Vaccinedevelopment strateg
ies have included:
recombinant-vector vaccines, in which a live bacterium or virus is genetically m
odified to carry one or
more of the HIV genes; subunit vaccines, consisting of small regions of the HIV
genome designed to induce
an immune response without infection; modified live HIV, which has had its disea
se-promoting genes removed;
and DNA vaccines small loops of DNA (plasmids) containing viral genes that make
the host cells produce
non-infectious viral


proteins which, in turn, trigger an immune
A response and prime the immune system against
future infection with real virus. In the absence of an effective vaccine
, preventing exposure remains
the chief strategy in reducing the spread of HIV. Used properly, condoms are an
extremely effective method
of preventing exposure to HIV during sexual intercourse and remain the most impo
rtant public-health
approach to countering the further acceleration of the AIDS epidemic. The spermi
cide nonoxynol-9, which is
often included with condoms, is known to kill HIV in vitro; however, its effecti
veness in preventing HIV
infection during intercourse is not known. Public-health strategies must be focu
sed on avoiding high-risk
behaviour and, particularly in developing countries, empowering women to have mo
re control over their
lives, both economically and socially. In many of the poorer regions of the worl
d, women are economically
dependent on men and refusing sex, or insisting on condom use, even when they kn
ow their partners are HIV
positive, is not a straightforward option. Poverty also forces many women into t
he sex industry where they
are at greater risk of infection. Cultural problems in gaining acceptance for un
iversal condom-use by men
in some developing countries suggests that other preventive strategies should al
so be considered.
Microbicides used as vaginal sprays or chemical condoms have the potential to give
women more direct
control over their exposure risk, and research is underway to develop suitable p
roducts. Epidemiological
studies suggest that male circumcision may offer some protection against HIV inf
ection, although more
research is needed before this can be an established publichealth strategy. Glob
ally, about 70 per cent of
infected men have acquired the virus through unprotected vaginal sex; in these m
en, infection is likely to
have occurred through the penis with the mucosal epithelia of the inner surface
of the foreskin and the
frenulum considered the most likely sites for infection. It is suggested that in
circumcised men, the glans
may become keratinised and thus less likely to facilitate infection. Circumcisio
n may also reduce the risk
of lesions caused by other sexually transmitted disease.
Treatment AIDS/HIV treatment can be categorised as specific therapies fo
r the individual opportunistic
infections which ultimately cause death and highly active antiretroviral therapy
(HAART) designed to
reduce viral load
and replication. HAART is also the most effective way of preventing oppo
rtunistic infections, and has
had a significant impact in delaying the onset of AIDS in HIV-positive individua
ls in developed countries.
Four classes of drugs are currently in use. Nucleoside analogues, including ZIDO

interfere with the activity of the unique enzyme of the retrovirus reverse trans
criptase which is essential
for replication. Nucleotide analogues, such as tenofovir, act in the same way bu
t require no intracellular
activation. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, such as nevirapine
and EFAVIRENZ, act by a
different mechanism on the same enzyme. The most potent single agents against HI
V are the protease
inhibitors, such as lopinavir, which render a unique viral enzyme ineffective. T
hese drugs are used in a
variety of combinations in an attempt to reduce the plasma HIV viral load to bel
ow detectable limits, which
is achieved in approximately 90 per cent of patients who have not previously rec
eived therapy. This usually
also produces a profound rise in CD4 count. It is likely, however, that such tre
atments need to be lifelong
and since they are associated with toxicities, long-term adherence is difficult.
Thus the optimum time
for treatment intervention remains controversial, with some clinicians believing
that this should be
governed by the viral load rising above 10,000 copies, and others that it should
primarily be designed to
prevent the development of opportunistic infections thus, that initiation of the
rapy should be guided
more by the CD4 count. It should be noted that the drug regimens have been devis
ed for infection with
HIV-1; it is not known how effective they are at treating infection with HIV-2.
HIV and pregnancy An HIV-positive woman can transmit the virus to her fe
tus, with the risk of infection
being particularly high during parturition; however, the risk of perinatal HIV t
ransmission can be reduced
by antiviral drug therapy. In the UK, HIV testing is available to all women as p
art of antenatal care. The
benefits of antenatal HIV testing in countries where antiviral drugs are not ava
ilable are questionable. An
HIV-positive woman might be advised not to breast feed because of the risks of t
ransmitting HIV via
breastmilk, but there may be a greater risk associated with not breast feeding a
t all. Babies in many poor
communities are thought to be at high risk of infectious diseases and malnutriti
on if they are not breast
fed and

Air Passages
may thus be at greater overall risk of death during infancy.
Counselling Confidential counselling is an essential part of AIDS manage
ment, both in terms of
supporting the psychological wellbeing of the individual and in dealing with iss
ues such as family
relations, sexual partners and implications for employment (e.g. for health-care
workers). Counsellors must
be particularly sensitive to culture and lifestyle issues. Counselling is essent
ial both before an HIV test
is taken and when the results are revealed.
the number of blood samples taken from a patient, safer-needle devices (
such as needles that self-blunt
after use) and needleless drug administration are all thought to reduce the risk
of exposure to HIV and
other blood-borne viruses. Although there have been numerous cases of health-car
e workers developing HIV
through occupational exposure, there is little evidence of health-care workers p
assing HIV to their
patients through normal medical procedures.
Air The general constituents of air are:
Health-care workers Health-care workers may be at risk of occupational e
xposure to HIV, either through
undertaking invasive procedures or through accidental exposure to infected blood
from a contaminated needle
(needlestick injury). Needlestick injuries are frequent in health care as many a
s 600,000 to 800,000 are
thought to occur annually in the United States. Transmission is much more likely
where the worker has been
exposed to HIV through a needlestick injury or deep cut with a contaminated inst
rument than through
exposure of mucous membranes to contaminated blood or body fluids. However, even
where exposure occurs
through a needlestick injury, the risk of seroconversion is much lower than with
a similar exposure to
hepatitis C or hepatitis B. A percutaneous exposure to HIV-infected blood in a h
ealth-care setting is
thought to carry a risk of about one infection per 300 injuries (one in 1,000 fo
r mucous-membrane
exposure), compared with one in 30 for hepatitis C, and one in three for hepatit
is B (when the source
patient is e-antigen positive). In the event of an injury, health-care workers a
re advised to report the
incident immediately where, depending on a risk assessment, they may be offered
post-exposure prophylaxis
(PEP). They should also wash the contaminated area with soap and water (but with
out scrubbing) and, if
appropriate, encourage bleeding at the site of injury. PEP, using a combination
of antiretroviral drugs (in
a similar regimen to HAART see above), is thought to greatly reduce the chances
of seroconversion; it
should be commenced as soon as possible, preferably within one or two hours of t
he injury. Although PEP is
available, safe systems of work are considered to offer the greatest protection.
Double-gloving (latex

gloves remove much of the blood from the surface of the needle during a needlest
ick), correct use of sharps
containers (for used needles and instruments), avoiding the resheathing of used
needles, reduction in
Oxygen Nitrogen Argon Carbon dioxide
per cent 2094 7809 094 003
Besides these, there are always ozone, minerals and organic matter prese
nt in small and variable
amounts, and more or less water vapour according to the weather. In the air of t
owns, sulphurous acid and
sulphuretted hydrogen are important impurities derived from combustion. After ai
r has been respired once,
the oxygen falls by about 4 per cent and the carbonic acid rises to about 4 per
cent, while organic matter
and water vapour are greatly increased and the air rises in temperature. The cau
se of the discomfort felt
in badly ventilated rooms and crowded halls is associated with the increase in t
he temperature and moisture
of the air, but a high percentage of carbon dioxide may be present without causi
ng any noticeable
discomfort or appreciable quickening of the respiration. A combination of hot we
ather and emissions from
vehicles and fossil-fuel combustion produces pollutants linked to a rise in the
incidence of ASTHMA and
other cardiorespiratory conditions. Falling levels of ozone in the upper atmosph
ere are also believed to
contribute to global warming because ozone screens the earth from most of the su
ns harmful ultraviolet
Air Embolism A bubble of air in a blood vessel that affects the flow of
blood from the heart. Air may
enter the circulation after injury, infusions into the venous circulation, or su
rgery. The victim suffers
breathlessness, chest discomfort, and acute heart failure.
Air Passages These are the nose, pharynx or throat (the large cavity beh
ind the nose and mouth),

22 Air-Sickness
trachea or windpipe, and bronchi or bronchial
A tubes. On entering the nose, the air passes through a high narrow pass
age on each side, the outer
wall of which has three projections (the nasal conchae). It then passes down int
o the pharynx where the
food and air passages meet and cross. The larynx lies in front of the lower part
of the pharynx and is the
organ where the voice is produced (see VOICE AND SPEECH) by aid of the vocal cor
ds. The opening between the
cords is called the glottis, and shortly after passing this the air reaches the
trachea or windpipe. The
windpipe leads into the chest and divides above the heart into two bronchi, one
of which goes to each lung,
in which it splits into finer and finer tubes (see LUNGS). The larynx is enclose
d in two strong cartilages:
the thyroid (of which the most projecting part, the Adams apple, is a prominent p
oint on the front of the
neck), and the cricoid (which can be felt as a hard ring about an inch below the
thyroid). Beneath this,
the trachea which is stiffened by rings of cartilage so that it is never closed,
no matter what position
the body is in can be traced down until it disappears behind the breastbone.
Air-Sickness This condition is very similar to sea-sickness. (See MOTION
Akinesia Loss or impairment of voluntary movement, or immobility. It is
characteristically seen in
Alastrim Alastrim, or variola minor, is a form of SMALLwhich differs fro
m ordinary smallpox in being
milder and having a low mortality. POX
Albendazole A drug adjunct to surgery in the treatment of hydatid cysts
(see under CYSTS) caused by
Taenia echinococcus, a small tapeworm (see TAENIASIS). If surgery is not possibl
e, albendazole can be used
on its own. The drug is also used to treat STRONGYLOIDIASIS.
Albinism A group of inherited disorders characterised by absence of or d
ecrease in MELANIN in the skin,
hair and eyes. The skin is pink, the hair white or pale yellow, and the iris of
the eye translucent.
Nystagmus (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF), PHOTOPHOBIA, SQUINT and poor eyesight a
re common. Photoprotection
of both skin and
eyes is essential. In the tropics, light-induced skin cancer may develop
Albumins Albumins are water-soluble proteins which enter into the compos
ition of all the tissues of the
body. Albumins are generally divided according to their source of origin, as mus
clealbumin, milk-albumin,
blood- or serumalbumin, egg-albumin, vegetable-albumin, etc. These differ both i
n chemical reactions and

also physiologically. Serum-albumin occurs in blood PLASMA where it is important

in maintaining plasma
volume. When taken into the stomach, all albumins are converted into a soluble f
orm by the process of
DIGESTION and then absorbed into the blood, whence they go to build up the tissu
es. Albumin is synthesised
in the liver, and in chronic liver disease this process is seriously affected. (
DISEASES OF Glomerulonephritis.)
Albuminuria See PROTEINURIA.
Alcohol A colourless liquid, also called ethanol or ethylalcohol, produc
ed by the fermentation of
carbohydrates by yeast. Medically, alcohol is used as a solvent and an antisepti
c; recreationally it is a
widely used drug, taken in alcoholic drinks to give a pleasant taste as well as
to relax, reduce
inhibitions, and increase sociability. Taken to excess, alcohol causes much ment
al and physical harm not
just to the individual imbibing it, but often to their family, friends, communit
y and work colleagues.
Alcohol depresses the central nervous system and disturbs both mental and physic
al functioning. Even small
doses of alcohol will slow a persons reflexes and concentration; potentially dang
erous effects when, for
example, driving or operating machinery. Drunkenness causes slurred speech, mudd
led thinking, amnesia
(memory loss), drowsiness, erectile IMPOTENCE, poor coordination and dulled reac
tions thereby making
driving or operating machinery especially dangerous. Disinhibition may lead to e
xtreme euphoria,
irritability, misery or aggression, depending on the underlying mood at the star
t of drinking. Severe
intoxication may lead to COMA and respiratory failure. Persistent alcohol misuse
leads to physical, mental,
social and occupational problems, as well as to a risk of DEPENDENCE (see also A
may follow several patterns: regular but controlled heavy

Alcohol Dependence 23
intake, binge drinking, and dependence (alcoholism). The first pattern usu
ally leads to mainly
physical problems such as gastritis, peptic ulcer, liver disease, heart disease
and impotence. The second
is most common among young men and usually leads to mainly social and occupation
al problems getting into
fights, jeopardising personal relationships, overspending on alcohol at weekends
, and missing days off work
because of hangovers. The third pattern alcohol dependence is the most serious,
and can severely
disrupt health and social stability. Many researchers consider alcohol dependenc
e to be an illness that
runs in families, with a genetic component which is probably passed on as a vuln
erable personality. But it
is hard to disentangle genetic, environmental and social factors in such familie
s. In the UK there are
estimated to be around a million people suffering from alcohol dependence and a
similar number who have
difficulty controlling their consumption (together about 1:30 of the population)
. Alcohol causes tolerance
and both physical and psychological dependence (see DEPENDENCE for definitions).
Dependent drinkers
classically drink early in the morning to relieve overnight withdrawal symptoms.
These symptoms include
anxiety, restlessness, nausea and vomiting, and tremor. Sudden withdrawal from r
egular heavy drinking can
lead to lifethreatening delirium tremens (DTs), with severe tremor, hallucinatio
ns (often visual seeing
spiders and monsters, rather than the pink elephants of romantic myth), and CONV
ULSIONS. This must be
treated urgently with sedative drugs, preferably by intravenous drip. Similar sy
mptoms, plus severe
INCOORDINATION and double-vision, can occur in WERNICKES ENCEPHALOPATHY, a seriou
s neurological condition
due to lack of the B vitamin thiamine (whose absorption from the stomach is mark
edly reduced by alcohol).
If not treated urgently with injections of thiamine and other vitamins, this can
lead to an irreversible
form of brain damage called Korsakoffs psychosis, with severe amnesia. Finally, p
rolonged alcohol misuse
can cause a form of dementia. In addition to these severe neurological disorders
, the wide range of
life-threatening problems caused by heavy drinking includes HEPATITIS, liver CIR
RHOSIS, pancreatitis (see
PANCREAS, DISEASES OF), gastrointestinal haemorrhage, suicide and FETAL ALCOHOL
SYNDROME; pregnant women
should not drink alcohol as this syndrome may occur with more than a glass
of wine or half-pint of beer a day. The social effects of alcohol misuse
such as marital breakdown,
family violence and severe debt can be equally devastating. Treatment of alcohol
-related problems is only
moderately successful. First, many of the physical problems are treated in the s
hort term by doctors who
fail to spot, or never ask about, heavy drinking. Second, attempts at treating a
lcohol dependence by
detoxification or drying out (substituting a tranquillising drug for alcohol and w
ithdrawing it gradually

over about a week) are not always followed-up by adequate support at home, so th
at drinking starts again.
Home support by community alcohol teams comprising doctors, nurses, social worke
rs and, when appropriate,
probation officers is a recent development that may have better results. Many dr
inkers find the voluntary
organisation Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and its related groups for relatives (AlAnon) and teenagers
(Alateen) helpful because total abstinence from alcohol is encouraged by intensi
ve psychological and social
support from fellow ex-drinkers. Useful contacts are: Alcoholics Anonymous; Al-A
non Family Groups UK and
Eire (including Alateen); Alcohol Concern; Alcohol Focus Scotland; and Alcohol a
nd Substance Misuse. 1
standard drink = 1 unit = pint of beer = 1 measure of spirits = 1 glass of sherr
y or vermouth = 1 glass
of wine
Limits within which alcohol is believed not to cause long-term health ri
Women up to 2 units a day, 14 a week (Pregnant women should avoid alcoho
l completely. If this is too
difficult, 1 unit a day seems to be safe for the baby.) Women absorb alcohol mor
e quickly than men.
Men up to 3 units a day, 21 a week Alcohol Dependence Alcohol dependence
, or alcoholism, is described
under ALCOHOL but a summary of the symptoms may be helpful in spotting the disor
der. Behavioural symptoms
vary but include furtiveness; aggression; inappropriately generous gestures; per
sonality changes
(selfishness, jealousy, irritability and outbursts of anger); empty promises to
stop drinking; poor
appetite; scruffy appearance; and long periods of drunkenness.

24 Alcuronium
A Alcuronium Alcuronium is a drug which relaxes voluntary muscles. Given
by injection during ANAESto
relax a patient undergoing surgery, the drug may delay the restart of spontaneou
s breathing. THESIA
Aldosterone Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex (see
ADRENAL GLANDS). It plays an
important part in maintaining the electrolyte balance of the body by promoting t
he reabsorption of sodium
and the secretion of potassium by the renal tubules. It is thus of primary impor
tance in controlling the
volume of the body fluids.
Alexia Alexia is another name for WORD (See also APHASIA; DYSLEXIA.)
Alfacalcidol Alfacalcidol is a synthetic form (or analogue) of vitamin D
Alglucerase A drug used under specialist supervision for the rare heredi
tary disorder, GAUCHERS
Algorithm A set of instructions performed in a logical sequence to solve
a problem. Algorithms are used
increasingly in emergency situations, for example by ambulance controllers or by
organisations such as NHS
Direct. Each answer to a question leads on down a decision tree to the next ques
tion, eventually resulting
in a recommended action or response.
Alkali A substance which neutralises an acid to form a salt, and turns l
itmus and other vegetable dyes
blue. Alkalis are generally oxides or carbonates of metals.
Alkaloids Substances found commonly in various plants. They are natural
nitrogenous organic bases and
combine with acids to form crystalline salts. Among alkaloids, morphine was disc
overed in 1805, strychnine
in 1818, quinine and caffeine in 1820, nicotine in 1829, and atropine in 1833. O
nly a few alkaloids occur
in the animal kingdom, the outstanding example being ADRENALINE, which is formed
in the medulla of
the suprarenal, or adrenal, gland. Alkaloids are often used for medicina
l purposes. The name of an
alkaloid ends in ine (in Latin, ina).
Neutral principals are crystalline substances with actions similar to th
ose of alkaloids but having a
neutral reaction. The name of a neutral principal ends in in, e.g. digitalin, aloi
n. The following are
the more important alkaloids, with their source plants: Aconite, from Monkshood.
Atropine, from Belladonna
(juice of Deadly Nightshade). Cocaine, from Coca leaves. Hyoscine, from Henbane.

Morphine, Codeine, from

Opium (juice of Poppy). Thebaine, Nicotine, from Tobacco. Physostigmine, from Ca
labar beans. Pilocarpine,
from Jaborandi leaves. Quinidine, from Cinchona or Peruvian bark. Strychnine, fr
om Nux Vomica seeds.
Alkalosis Alkalosis means an increase in the alkalinity (see ALKALI) of
the blood, or, more accurately,
a decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood. It occurs, for ex
ample, in patients who have
had large doses of alkalis for the treatment of gastric ulcer. (See ACID BASE BA
Alkaptonuria See OCHRONOSIS.
Alkylating Agents Alkylating agents are so named because they alkylate o
r chemically react with certain
biochemical entities, particularly those concerned with the synthesis of NUCLEIC
ACID. Alkylation is the
substitution of an organic grouping in place of another grouping in a molecule.
Alkylating agents are
important because they interfere with the growth and reproduction of cells, disr
upting their replication.
This CYTOTOXIC property is used to retard the division and growth of cancer cell
s, and alkylating drugs are
widely used in the chemotherapy of malignant tumours often in conjunction with s
urgery and sometimes with
radiotherapy. Unfortunately, troublesome side-effects occur, such as: damage to
veins when the drug is
given intravenously, with resultant leakage into adjacent tissues; impaired kidn
ey function due to the
formation of URIC ACID crystals; nausea and vomiting; ALOPECIA (hair loss); supp
ression of BONE MARROW
activity (production of

blood cells); and adverse effects on reproductive function, including TE
RATOGENESIS. Indeed, cytotoxic
drugs must not be given in pregnancy, especially during the first three months.
Prolonged use of alkylating
drugs, especially when accompanying radiotherapy, is also associated with a sign
ficant rise in the
incidence of acute non-lymphocytic LEUKAEMIA. Among the dozen or so alkylating d
rugs in use are
Allantoin Prepared synthetically, this powder, which occurs naturally in
comfrey root, has been used as
an ADJUVANT in the treatment of skin ulcers. It has been thought to stimulate th
e formation of the surface
epithelial layer of skin, but its therapeutic value is now more dubious.
Allantois A vascular structure which, very early in the life of an EMBRY
O, grows out from its hind-gut.
The end becomes attached to the wall of the womb (see UTERUS); it spreads out, b
ecomes stalked, and later
develops into the PLACENTA and umbilical cord, which forms the only connection b
etween mother and embryo.
Allele An allele, or allelomorph, is a gene (see GENES) which may exist
in one or more forms, only one
of which can occur in a given chromosome (see CHROMOSOMES). Two alleles of a giv
en gene are at the same
relative positions on a pair of homologous (similarly structured) chromosomes. I
f the two alleles are
identical, the subject is homozygous for the gene namely, the genes will exert a
unanimous influence on a
particular characteristic. If the alleles are different, with one having a domin
ant and the other a
recessive influence, the subject is heterozygous.
Allergen Any substance usually a protein which, taken into the body, mak
es the body hypersensitive
or allergic to it. Thus, in hay fever, the allergen is pollen. (See ALLERGY.)
Allergic Rhinitis See HAY FEVER.
Allergy A term generally used to describe an adverse reaction by the bod
y to any substance ingested by
the affected individual. Strictly, allergy refers to any reactions incited by an
immunological response to an ALLERGEN, and susceptibility has a strong g
enetic component. Most allergic
disorders are linked to ATOPY, the predisposition to generate the allergic antib
ody immunoglobulin E (IgE)
to common environmental agents (see ANTIBODIES; IMMUNOGLOBULINS). Because IgE is
able to sensitise MAST
CELLS (which play a part in inflammatory and allergic reactions) anywhere in the
body, atopic individuals
often have disease in more than one organ. Since the allergic disorder HAY FEVER

was first described in

1819, allergy has moved from being a rare condition to one afflicting almost one
in two people in the
developed world, with substances such as grass and tree pollen, house-dust mite,
bee and wasp venom, egg
and milk proteins, peanuts, antibiotics, and other airborne environmental pollut
ants among the triggering
factors. Increasing prevalence of allergic reactions has been noticeable during
the past two decades,
especially in young people with western lifestyles. A severe or life-threatening
reaction is often termed
ANAPHYLAXIS. Many immune mechanisms also contribute to allergic disorders; howev
er, adverse reactions to
drugs, diagnostic materials and other substances often do not involve recognised
immunological mechanisms
and the term hypersensitivity is preferable. (See also IMMUNITY.) Adverse reaction
s may manifest
themselves as URTICARIA, wheezing or difficulty in breathing owing to spasm of t
he BRONCHIOLES, swollen
joints, nausea, vomiting and headaches. Severe allergic reactions may cause a pe
rson to go into SHOCK.
Although symptoms of an allergic reaction can usually be controlled, treatment o
f the underlying conditon
is more problematic: hence, the best current approach is for susceptible individ
uals to find out what it is
they are allergic to and avoid those agents. For some people, such as those sens
itive to insect venom,
IMMUNOTHERAPY or desensitisation is often effective. If avoidance measures are u
nsuccessful and
desensitisation ineffective, the inflammatory reactions can be controlled with C
troublesome symptoms can be treated with ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS and SYMPATHOMIMETIC
S. All three types of drugs
may be needed to treat severe allergic reactions. One interesting hypothesis is
that reduced exposure to
infective agents, such as bacteria, in infancy may provoke the development of al
lergy in later life.
Predicted developments in tackling allergic disorders, according to Professor St
ephen Holgate writing in
the British Medical Journal (22 January 2000) include:

26 Allocheiria
of the principal environmental Identification factors underlying the inc
rease in incidence, to enable
preventive measures to be planned.
Safe and effective immunotherapy to prevent and reverse allergic disease
. that target the protein
reactions Treatments activated by antigens. Identification of how IgE is produce
d in the

body, and thus of possible ways to inhibit this process. Identification

of genes affecting peoples
susceptibility to allergic disease.
Allocheiria The name for a disorder of sensation in which sensations are
referred to the wrong part of
the body.
Allograft A piece of tissue or an organ, such as the kidney, transplante
d from one to another of the
same species from person to person, for example. Also known as a homograft.
Allopathy A term applied sometimes by homeopaths (see HOMEOPATHY) to the
methods used by regular
practitioners of medicine and surgery. The term literally means curing by induci
ng a different kind of
action in the body, and is an erroneous designation.
Allopurinol A drug used to treat GOUT. It acts by suppressing the format
ion of uric acid. It is also
being used in treatment of uric acid stone in the kidney.
Alopecia Alopecia means hair loss. It may be localised or total in the s
calp. The commonest type, which
is hereditary, is male baldness (androgenic alopecia). Female balding spares the
anterior hair line,
develops later, and is less severe than the male variety. Diffuse hair loss is c
ommon after childbirth,
severe illness or infection (telogen alopecia); it begins 812 weeks after the cau
sative event and recovery
is complete. Persistent diffuse hair loss may be caused by severe iron deficienc
be drug-induced. Patchy localised hair loss is commonly caused by fungal infecti
ons (tinea capitis see
RINGWORM), especially in the tropics. It may also be due to trauma, such as hair
-pulling by children or
disturbed adults, or hair-straightening by African or Afro-Caribbean women (trac
tion alopecia). Rarely,
diseases of the scalp-skin such
as discoid lupus erythematosus (see under LUPUS) or lichen planus (see u
nder LICHEN) may cause patchy
alopecia with scarring which is irreversible. The long-term effects of radiother
apy may be similar.

Treatment depends on the cause. Specific antifungal drugs cure tinea cap
itis. Correction of thyroid or
iron deficiency may be dramatic. Male baldness may be modified slightly by longterm use of minoxidil
lotion, or improved permanently by various types of hair-follicle grafting of tr
ansplants from the
occipital scalp. Female balding may be amenable to antiandrogen/oestrogen regime
ns, but severe forms
require a wig.
Alopecia Areata Alopecia areata is a common form of reversible hair loss
which may be patchy, total on
the scalp, eyebrows or eyelashes, or universal on the body. The onset is sudden
at any age and the affected
scalp-skin looks normal. The hair follicles remain intact but switched off and usu
ally hair growth
recovers spontaneously. No consistently effective treatment is available but inj
given with a spray gun into the scalp, may be useful. The regrown hair may be wh
ite at first but
pigmentation recovers later.
Alpha Adrenergic Blockers Also called adrenoceptor-blocking agents or al
pha blockers, these drugs stop
the stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors at the nerve endings of the SYMPAT
HORMONES with ADRENALINE-like characteristics. The drugs dilate the arteries, ca
using a fall in blood
pressure, so they are used to treat HYPERTENSION and also benign enlargement of
Examples of this group of drugs are doxazosin, indoramin, phentolamine and prazo
sin. The drugs should be
used with caution as some may cause a severe drop in blood pressure when first t
Alpha-Feto Protein A protein produced in the gut and liver of the FETUS.
Abnormality in the fetus, such
as neural tube defect, may result in raised levels of alphafeto protein in the m
aternal blood. In DOWNS
(DOWN) SYNDROME, levels may be abnormally low. In either case, screening of the
pregnancy should be carried
out, including AMNIOCENTESIS to check the amount of alpha-feto protein in the am
niotic fluid. The protein
may also be produced in some abnormal tissues in

Alveolitis 27
the adult in patients with liver cancer, for example.
ALTE This is an abbreviation for acute life-threatening event. It applies
to infants, usually under
one year of age, who suddenly and unexpectedly become pale or blue and appear to
stop breathing. They
generally recover spontaneously, although a parent or bystander often administer
s mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation. By the time the baby reaches hospital he or she is usually well.
Investigations show that
the most common cause of ALTE is GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL REFLUX, causing stomach acid
to be regurgitated into
the throat and provoking reflex closure of the GLOTTIS. Other causes may be brie
f epileptic seizures,
identified by ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY (EEG); a heart ARRHYTHMIA; or a respiratory
infection. In many cases
the cause remains unknown, even though the events may be repeated, and the large
majority of babies grow
out of the condition. Much controversy surrounds the suggestion confirmed by hidd
en video-recording in
hospitals that a small minority of these babies have been subjected to repeated
brief deliberate
suffocation (see under MUNCHAUSENS SYNDROME). Treatment is that of the underlying
cause, if discovered.
Parents may also be offered an APNOEA monitor, a device attached to the child es
pecially when asleep
which sounds an alarm if breathing stops for more than 20 seconds.
Altitude Sickness This condition, also known as mountain sickness, occur
s in mountain climbers or
hikers who have climbed too quickly to heights above 3,000 metres, thus failing
to allow their bodies to
acclimatise to altitude. The lower atmospheric pressure and shortage of oxygen r
esult in hyperventilation
deep, quick breathing and this reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
. Nausea, anxiety and
exhaustion are presenting symptoms, and seriously affected individuals may be ac
utely breathless because of
pulmonary oedema (excess fluid in the lungs). Gradual climbing over two or three
days should prevent
mountain sickness. In serious cases the individual must be brought down to hospi
tal urgently. Most attacks,
however, are mild.
Aluminium A light metallic element. It occurs in bauxite and other miner
als and its compounds are found
in low concentration in the body. Their function, if any, is unknown but they ar
e believed to be harmful.
Aluminium hydroxide is, however, a safe, slow-acting substance that is widely us
ed in the treatment of
indigestion, gastric ulcers (see STOMACH, DISEASES OF) and oesophagitis (see OES
acting as an antacid (see ANTACIDS). Other ingested sources of aluminium include
cooking utensils, kitchen
foil and some cooking and food additives. Most aluminium is excreted; the rest i
s deposited in the brain,

liver, lungs and thyroid gland. Prolonged use of aluminium-based antacids can ca
use loss of appetite,
tiredness and weakness. It has been suggested that ALZHEIMERS DISEASE is more com
mon in areas with water
which contains a high concentration of the element, but this issue is controvers
Alveolitis Inflammation of the alveoli (see ALVEOLUS) of the lungs cause
d by an allergic reaction. When
the inflammation is caused by infection it is called PNEUMONIA, and when by a ch
emical or physical agent it
is called pneumonitis. It may be associated with systemic sclerosis or RHEUMATOI
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis is the condition induced by the lungs beco
ming allergic (see ALLERGY) to
various factors or substances. It includes BAGASSOSIS, FARMERS LUNG and BUDGERIGA
characterised by the onset of shortness of breath, tightness of the chest, cough
and fever. The onset may
be sudden or gradual. Treatment consists of removal of the affected individual f
rom the offending material
to which he or she has become allergic. CORTICOSTEROIDS give temporary relief.
Fibrosing alveolitis In this disease there is diffuse FIBROSIS of the wa
lls of the alveoli of the
lungs. This causes loss of lung volume with both forced expiratory volume and vi
tal capacity affected, but
the ratio between them remaining normal. The patient complains of cough and prog
ressive DYSPNOEA. Typically
the patient will be cyanosed (blue see CYANOSIS), clubbed (see CLUBBING), and ha
ve crackles in the midand lower-lung fields. Blood gases will reveal HYPOXIA and, in early disease, hy
pocapnia (deficiency of
carbon dioxide in the blood due to hyperventilation). There is an associA

28 Alveolus
ation with
A one-eighth of cases), systemic lupus erythematosus (see under LUPUS), and systemic SCLEROSIS. Certain drugs for examp
le, bleomycin, busulphan and
hexamethonium may also cause this condition, as may high concentrations of oxyge
n, and inhalation of
CADMIUM fumes.
Alveolus (1) The minute divisions of glands and the air sacs of the lung
s. (2) The sockets of the teeth
in the jawbone.
Alzheimers Disease Alzheimers disease is a progressive degenerating proces
s of neural tissue
affecting mainly the frontal and temporal lobes of the BRAIN in middle and late
life. There is probably a
genetic component to Alzheimers disease, but earlyonset Alzheimers is linked to ce
rtain mutations, or
changes, in three particular GENES. Examination of affected brains shows senile p
laques containing an
amyloid-like material distributed throughout an atrophied cortex (see AMYLOID PL
AQUES). Many remaining
neurons, or nerve cells, show changes in their NEUROFIBRILS which thicken and tw
ist into neurofibrillary
tangles. First symptoms are psychological with insidious impairment of recent mem
ory and disorientation in
time and space. This becomes increasingly associated with difficulties in judgem
ent, comprehension and
abstract reasoning. After very few years, progressive neurological deterioration
produces poor gait,
immobility and death. When assessment has found no other organic cause for an af
fected individuals
symptoms, treatment is primarily palliative. The essential part of treatment is
the provision of
appropriate nursing and social care, with strong support being given to the rela
tives or other carers for
whom looking after sufferers is a prolonged and onerous burden. Proper diet and
exercise are helpful, as is
keeping the individual occupied. If possible, sufferers should stay in familiar
surroundings with day-care
and short-stay institutional facilities a useful way of maintaining them at home
for as long as possible.
TRANQUILLISERS can help control difficult behaviour and sleeplessness but should
be used with care.
Recently drugs such as DONEPEZIL and RIVASTIGMINE, which retard the breakdown of
but not cure this distressing condition. About 40 per cent of those with DEMENTI
A improve. Research is in
progress to transplant healthy
nerve cells (developed from stem cells) into the brain tissue of patient
s with Alzheimers disease with

the aim of improving brain function. The rising proportion of elderly people in
the population is resulting
in a rising incidence of Alzheimers, which is rare before the age of 60 but incre
ases steadily thereafter
so that 30 per cent of people over the age of 84 are affected.
Amantadine A drug used to treat certain virus infections which is also o
f value in the prevention of
some forms of influenza. It is also used to treat PARKINSONISM.
Amaurosis Fugax Sudden transitory impairment, or loss, of vision. It usu
ally affects only one eye, and
is commonly due to circulatory failure. In its simplest form it occurs in normal
people on rising suddenly
from the sitting or recumbent position, when it is due to the effects of gravity
. It also occurs in
migraine. A not uncommon cause, particularly in elderly people, is transient ocu
lar ISCHAEMIA, resulting
from blockage of the circulation to the retina (see EYE) by emboli (see EMBOLISM
) from the common carotid
artery or the heart. Treatment in this last group of cases consists of control o
f the blood pressure if
this is raised, as it often is in such cases; and the administration of drugs th
at reduce the stickiness of
blood platelets, such as aspirin. In some instances, removal of the part of the
carotid artery from which
the emboli are coming may be indicated.
Ambivalence The psychological state in which a person concurrently hates
and loves the same object or
Amblyopia Defective vision for which no recognisable cause exists in any
part of the eye. It may be due
to such causes as defective development or excessive use of tobacco or alcohol.
The most important form is
that associated with SQUINT, or gross difference in refraction between the two e
yes. It has been estimated
that in Britain around 5 per cent of young adults have amblyopia due to this cau
Amelia This is absence of the limbs, usually a congenital defect.

Aminocaproic Acid
Absence of MENSTRUATION at the time of life at which it should normally
occur. If menstruation has
never occurred, the amenorrhoea is termed primary; secondary amenorrhoea is defi
ned as menstruation ceasing
after a normal cycle has been experienced for a number of years. A few patients
with primary amenorrhoea
have an abnormality of their CHROMOSOMES or malformation of the genital tract su
ch as absecence of the
UTERUS (see TURNERS SYNDROME). A gynaecological examination will rarely disclose
young girl who may also complain of regular cycles of pain like period pains. Th
ere are many causes of
secondary amenorrhoea and management requires dealing with the primary cause. Th
e commonest cause is
pregnancy. Disorders of the HYPOTHALAMUS and related psychological factors such
as anorexia nervosa (see
EATING DISORDERS) also cause amenorrhoea, as can poor nutrition and loss of weig
ht by extreme dieting. It
is common in ballet dancers and athletes who exercise a great deal, but can also
be triggered by serious
illnesses such as tuberculosis or malaria. Excess secretion of prolactin, either
due to a micro-adenoma
(see ADENOMA) of the PITUITARY GLAND or to various prescription drugs will produ
ce amenorrhoea, and
sometimes GALACTORRHOEA as well. Malfunction of other parts of the pituitary gla
nd will cause failure to
produce GONADOTROPHINS, thus causing ovarian failure with consequent amenorrhea.
amenorrhoea is caused by excessive production of cortisol. Similarly, androgenpr
oduction abnormalities are
found in the common POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME. These conditions also have abnorm
alities of the
insulin/glucose control mechanisms. Taking the contraceptive pill is not now con
sidered to provoke
secondary amenorrhoea but OBESITY and HYPOTHYROIDISM are potential causes. When
the cause is weight loss,
restoring body weight may alone restore menstruation. Otherwise, measuring gonad
otrophic hormone levels
will help show whether amenorrhoea is due to primary ovarian failure or secondar
y to pituitary disease.
Women with raised concentrations of serum gonadotrophic hormones have primary ov
arian failure. When
amenorrhoea is due to limited pituitary failure, treatment with CLOMIPHENE may s
olve the problem.
Amentia is the failure of the intellectual faculties to develop normally
Amethocaine An effective local anaesthetic for topical application. Rapi
dly absorbed from mucous
membranes, it should never be applied to inflamed, traumatised or highly vascula
r surfaces nor used when

providing anaesthesia for bronchoscopy or cystoscopy. Amethocaine is used in oph

thalmology and in skin
preparations. It may sensitise the skin. (See ANAESTHESIA.)
Ametropia See REFRACTION.
Amikacin One of the AMINOGLYCOSIDES, amikacin is a semi-synthetic deriva
tive of KANAMYCIN, which is
used to treat infections caused by microorganisms resistant to GENTAMICIN and TO
Amiloride A diuretic that acts without causing excessive loss of potassi
um (see DIURETICS).
Amines Substances derived from ammonia or AMINO which play an important
part in the working of the
body, including the brain and the circulatory system. They include ADRENALINE, N
Amino Acids Chemical compounds that are the basic building-blocks of all
proteins. Each molecule
consists of nitrogenous amino and acidic carboxyl groups of atoms joined to a gr
oup of carbon atoms.
Polypeptides are formed by aminoacid molecules linking via peptide bonds. Many p
olypeptides link up in
various configurations to form protein molecules. In humans, proteins are made u
p from 20 different amino
acids: nine of these are labelled essential (or, as is now preferred, indispensable)
amino acids
because the body cannot manufacture them and is dependent on the diet for their
provision. (See also
Aminocaproic Acid A drug used to treat hereditary angio-oedema (see unde
r URTICARIA) a serious
anaphylactic (see ANAPHYLAXIS) reaction of the skin and

30 Aminoglutethimide
respiratory tract resulting from a deficiency in
A the bodys immunological defence mechanisms (see IMMUNITY).
Aminoglutethimide A drug that inhibits the synthesis of adrenal CORTICOS
TEROIDS. It is proving to be of
value in the treatment of cancer of the breast in post-menopausal women.
Aminoglycosides A group of antibiotics usually reserved for use in patie
nts with severe infections.
They are effective against a wide range of BACTERIA including some gram-positive
and many gram-negative
organisms (see GRAMS STAIN). Aminoglycosides must be used cautiously because they
can damage the inner ear
thus affecting hearing and the kidneys. Examples of this group are AMIKACIN and
GENTAMICIN (effective
against Pseudomonas aeuriginosa), NEOMYCIN (used only for topical administration
for skin infections), and
STREPTOMYCIN (effective in combination with other drugs against Mycobacterium tu
Aminophylline A combination of theophylline and ethylenediamine. It is u
sed intravenously in the
treatment of acute severe ASTHMA, or as an oral preparation in the treatment of
chronic asthma.
Amiodarone (in the form of amiodarone hydrochloride) is a drug used to t
and initiated only under supervision in hospital or by an appropriate specialist
. Given by mouth or
intravenous infusion, amiodarone can help to control paroxysmal supraventricular
, nodal and ventricular
TACHYCARDIA as well as FIBRILLATION of the auricles and ventricles of the heart.
It may take some time to
achieve control, and several weeks to be eliminated from the body when treatment
is stopped. The drug has a
range of potentially serious sideeffects.
in the
form it

Ammonia A compound of hydrogen and nitrogen that occurs naturally. The s

is colourless with a
smell; it is used in urine testing. In humans, certain inherited defects
metabolism of
can cause neurological symptoms including mental retardation. In vapour
is a noxious gas.
Amnesia Amnesia means loss of memory.

Amniocentesis A diagnostic procedure for detecting abnormalities of the

FETUS. Usually carried out
between the 16th and 18th week of pregnancy, amniocentesis is performed by pierc
ing the amniotic sac in the
pregnant UTERUS with a hollow needle and withdrawing a sample of AMNIOTIC FLUID
for laboratory analysis. As
well as checking for the presence of abnormal fetal cells, the procedure can sho
w the sex of the fetus. The
risk of early rupture of the fetal membranes or of miscarriage is low (around 0.

5 per cent).
Amnion Amnion is the tough fibrous membrane which lines the cavity of th
e womb (UTERUS) during
pregnancy, and contains between 05 and 1 litre (12 pints) of fluid in which the EM
BRYO floats. It is
formed from the ovum (egg) along with the embryo, and in labour the part of it a
t the mouth of the womb
forms the bag of waters. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.) When a child is born with a CA
UL, the caul is a
piece of amnion.
Amnioscopy The insertion of a viewing instrument (amnioscope) through th
e abdominal wall into the
pregnant UTERUS to examine the inside of the amniotic sac (see AMNION). The grow
ing FETUS can be viewed
directly and its condition and sex assessed without disturbing the pregnancy. Th
e amniotic sac may also be
viewed late in pregnancy through the cervix or neck of the womb using an instrum
ent called the fetoscope.
Amniotic Fluid The clear fluid contained within the AMNION that
s the FETUS in the womb and
protects it from external pressure. The fluid, comprising mainly water,
ced by the amnion and is
regularly circulated, being swallowed by the fetus and excreted through
eys back into the amniotic
sac. By the 35th week of pregnancy there is about 1 litre of fluid, but
ls to 0.5 litres at term.
The amniotic sac normally ruptures in early labour, releasing the fluid

is produ
the kidn
this fal
or waters.

Amniotic Sac See AMNION.

Amoeba A minute protozoan organism consisting of a single cell, in which
a nucleus is surrounded by

Amputation 31
protoplasm that changes its shape as the protozoon progresses or absorbs
nourishment. Several varieties
are found under different conditions within the human body. One variety, Entamoe
ba coli, is found in the
large intestine of humans without any associated disease; another, Entamoeba gin
givalis, is found in the
sockets of the teeth and associated with PYORRHOEA. Entamoeba histolytica is the
causative organism of
amoebic dysentery (see DYSENTERY); Acanthamoeba and Naegleria fowleri cause the
infection of the brain
known as MENINGOENCEPHALITIS. Entamoeba histolytica may also cause meningoenceph
alitis. Other forms are
found in the genital organs.
Amoebiasis See DYSENTERY.
Ampoule A small glass container having one end drawn out into a point ca
pable of being sealed so as to
preserve its contents sterile. It is used for containing solutions for hypodermi
c injection.
Ampulla of Vater The dilated section of the common BILE DUCT when it is
joined by the duct from the
Amputation Severance of a limb, or part of a limb, from the rest of the
body. The leg is the most
common site of amputation. It is usually performed as a controlled operation and
may be required for a
variety of reasons. In the young, severe injury is the most common cause, when d
amage to the limb is so
extensive as to make it non-viable or functionally useless. In the elderly, ampu
tation is more often the
result of vascular insufficiency, resulting in gangrene or intractable pain.
A group of drugs closely related to ADRENALINE which act by stimulating
When taken by mouth they have a profound stimulating effect on the brain, produc
ing a sense of well-being
and confidence and seemingly increasing the capacity for mental work. They are,
however, drugs of
DEPENDENCE and their medical use is now strictly limited for example, to the tre
atment of NARCOLEPSY.
Because amphetamines inhibit appetite, they rapidly achieved a reputatio
n for slimming purposes.
However, they should not be used for this purpose; their dangers far outweigh th
eir advantages.
Amphoric An adjective denoting the kind of breathing heard over a cavity
in the lung. The sound is like
that made by blowing over the mouth of a narrow-necked vase.
Amphotericin A highly toxic, polygenic antifungal drug that must be give

n only under close medical

supervision and for severe systemic fungal infections (see FUNGAL AND YEAST INFE
CTIONS). It is not absorbed
from the gut so is normally given parenterally (see PARENTERAL). Oral and intest
inal candidiasis (see
CANDIDA) can, however, be treated with amphotericin tablets.
Amputation sites of lower limb.

32 Amsacrine
Sarcoma (see
of bone, muscle or conA nective tissues in a limb is another reason for amputation. The aim is
to restore the patient to full
mobility with a prosthetic (artificial) limb, which requires both a well-fitting
well-healed surgical wound. If this is not possible, the aim is to leave the pat
ient with a limb stump that
is still useful for balancing, sitting and transferring. Common types of lower-l
imb amputation are shown in
the illustration. The Symes amputation can be walked upon without requiring a pr
osthesis. The below-knee
amputation preserves normal flexion of the knee, and virtually normal walking ca
n be achieved with a
well-fitting artificial limb. Learning to walk is more difficult following an ab
ove-knee amputation, but
some highly motivated patients can manage well. After any amputation it is not u
nusual for the patient to
experience the sensation that the limb is still present: this is called a PHANTOM
LIMB and the sensation
may persist for a long time.
Amsacrine See under CYTOTOXIC.
Amylase An ENZYME in pancreatic juice which facilitates the conversion o
f starch to maltose. (See
Amyl Nitrite A volatile, oily liquid prepared by the action of nitric an
d nitrous acids on amyl
alcohol. It was used for many years to treat angina but has been superseded by o
ther nitrate drugs such as
glyceril trinitrate. The substance is misused by drug abusers to produce a high an
d is referred to as
Amyloidosis A rare condition in which deposits of complex protein, known
as amyloid, are found in
various parts of the body. It is a degenerative condition resulting from various
causes such as chronic
infection, including tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Amyloid Plaques Characteristic waxy deposits of amyloid found in primary
AMYLOIDOSIS, the cause of
which is unknown.
Amylose The name applied to any carbohydrate of the starch group.
Amyotrophy Loss of muscle bulk and strength caused by a disorder of the
nerve that supplies the muscle.
The loss is progressive and characterises chronic NEUROPATHY. Patients with DIAB
NEURONE DISEASE (MND) often suffer from amyotrophy as well as spasticity (see SP
ASTIC) of muscles.

Anabolic Steroids The nitrogen-retaining effect of ANDROGEN, a steroid h

ormone, is responsible for the
larger muscle mass of the male. This is called an anabolic effect. Attempts have
been made to separate the
anabolic effects of hormones from their virilising effects (see VIRILISATION), b
ut these have been only
partially successful. Thus, anabolic steroids have the property of proteinbuildi
ng so that when taken, they
lead to an increase in muscle bulk and strength. All the anabolic steroids have
some androgenic activity
but they cause less virilisation than androgens in women. Androgenic side-effect
s may result from any of
these anabolic compounds, especially if they are given for prolonged periods: fo
r this reason they should
all be used with caution in women, and are contraindicated in men with prostatic
carcinoma. Jaundice due to
stasis of bile in the intrahepatic canaliculi is a hazard, and the depression of
pituitary gonadotrophin
production is a possible complication. Anabolic steroids have been used to stimu
late protein anabolism in
debilitating illness, and to promote growth in children with pituitary dwarfism
and other disorders
associated with interference of growth. Stimulation of protein anabolism may als
o be of value in acute
renal failure, and the retention of nitrogen and calcium is of probable benefit
to patients with
OSTEOPOROSIS and to patients receiving corticosteroid therapy. Anabolic steroids
may stimulate bone-marrow
function in hypoplastic ANAEMIA. They have been widely abused by athletes and bo
dy-builders aiming to
improve their strength, stamina, speed or body size. However, there are consider
able doubts over their
efficacy, with little experimental evidence that they work. Dangerous adverse ef
fects include precocious
myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF Coronary thrombosis), DIABETES MEL
LITUS, liver disease,
precocious carcinoma of the prostate, acne, and severe psychiatric disorders. An
abolic steroids should not
be used by athletes, who face bans from official competitions if they take them.

The anabolic steroids in therapeutic use include nandrolone and stanozol
from the gastrointestinal tract. The Bleeding best example here is anaem
ia due to bleeding
Anabolism Production by the body of complex molecules like fat and prote
ins from simpler substances
taken in the diet.
Anaemia The condition characterised by inadequate red blood cells and/or
is considered to exist if haemoglobin levels are below 13 grams per 100 ml in ma
les and below 12 grams per
100 ml in adult nonpregnant women. No simple classification of anaemia can be wh
olly accurate, but the most
useful method is to divide anaemias into: (a) microcytic hypochromic or iron def
iciency anaemia; (b)
megaloblastic hyperchromic anaemia; (c) aplastic anaemia; (d) haemolytic anaemia
; (e) inherited anaemias
(see below). In Britain, anaemia is much more common among women than men. Thus,
around 10 per cent of
girls have anaemia at the age of 15, whilst in adult life the incidence is over
30 per cent between the
ages of 30 and 40, around 20 per cent at 50, and around 30 per cent at 70. Among
men the incidence is under
5 per cent until the age of 50; it then rises to 20 per cent at the age of 70. N
inety per cent of all cases
of anaemia in Britain are microcytic, 7 per cent are macrocytic, and 3 per cent
are haemolytic or aplastic.
Inherited anaemias include sickle-cell anaemia and THALASSAEMIA.
corresponds to a large extent with what used to be known as secondary ana
emia. It takes its name from
the characteristic changes in the blood.
a result of trauma. This is perhaps the As simplest example of all, when
, as a result of

an accident involving a large artery, there is severe haemorrhage. Menst

ruation. The regular monthly
loss of blood which women sustain as a result of menstruation always puts a stra
in on the blood-forming
organs. If this loss is excessive, then over a period of time it may lead to qui

te severe anaemia.
Childbirth. A considerable amount of blood is always lost at childbirth; if this
is severe, or if the woman
was anaemic during pregnancy, a severe degree of anaemia may develop.

piles (see HAEMORRHOIDS). Such bleeding, even though slight, is a common

cause of anaemia in both men
and women if maintained over a long period of time. The haemorrhage may be more
acute and occur from a
DUODENAL ULCER or gastric ulcer (see STOMACH, DISEASES OF), when it is known as
haematemesis. Certain blood
diseases, such as PURPURA and HAEMOPHILIA, which are characterised by bleeding.
is the main cause of anaemia in infec This tions. The micro-organism resp
onsible for

the infection has a deleterious effect upon the blood-forming organs, ju
st as it does upon other parts
of the body. Toxins. In conditions such as chronic glomerulonephritis (see KIDNE
URAEMIA there is a severe anaemia due to the effect of the disease upon blood fo
rmation. Drugs. Certain
drugs, such as aspirin and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, may cause
occult gastrointestinal
This may occur in diseases of intestinal malabsorption. A severe form of
this anaemia in women, known
as chlorosis, used to be common but is seldom seen nowadays. INADEQUATE INTAKE O
The daily requirement of iron for an adult is 12 mg, and 1520 mg for an a
dult woman during pregnancy.
This is well covered by an ordinary diet, so that by itself it is not a common c
ause. But if there is a
steady loss of blood, as a result of heavy menstrual loss or bleeding piles, the i
ntake of iron in the
diet may not be sufficient to maintain adequate formation of haemoglobin.
Symptoms These depend upon whether the anaemia is sudden in onset, as in
severe haemorrhage, or
gradual. In all cases, however, the striking sign is pallor, the depth of which
depends upon the severity
of the anaemia. The colour of the skin may be misleading, except in cases due to
severe haemorrhage, as the
skin of many Caucasian people is normally pale. The best guide is the colour of
the internal lining of the
eyelid. When the onset of the anaemia is sudden, the patient complains of weakne
ss and

34 Anaemia
giddiness, and loses consciousness if he or she
A tries to stand or sit up. The breathing is rapid and distressed, the p
ulse is rapid and the blood
pressure is low. In chronic cases the tongue is often sore (GLOSSITIS), and the
nails of the fingers may be
brittle and concave instead of convex (koilonychia). In some cases, particularly
in women, the
Plummer-Vinson syndrome is present: this consists of difficulty in swallowing an
d may be accompanied by
huskiness; in these cases glossitis is also present. There may be slight enlarge
ment of the SPLEEN, and
there is usually some diminution in gastric acidity. The characteristic change i
s a diminution in both the
haemoglobin and the red cell content of the blood. There is a relatively greater
fall in the haemoglobin
than in the red cell count. If the blood is examined under a microscope, the red
cells are seen to be paler
and smaller than normal. These small red cells are known as microcytes.
Treatment consists primarily of giving sufficient iron by mouth to resto
re, and then maintain, a normal
blood picture. The main iron preparation now used is ferrous sulphate, 200 mg, t
hrice daily after meals.
When the blood picture has become normal, the dosage is gradually reduced. A pre
paration of iron is
available which can be given intravenously, but this is only used in cases which
do not respond to iron
given by mouth, or in cases in which it is essential to obtain a quick response.
If, of course, there is
haemorrhage, this must be arrested, and if the loss of blood has been severe it
may be necessary to give a
blood transfusion (see TRANSFUSION Transfusion of blood). Care must be taken to
ensure that the patient
is having an adequate diet. If there is any underlying metabolic, oncological, t
oxic or infective
condition, this, of course, must be adequately treated after appropriate investi
gations. Megaloblastic
hyperchromic anaemia There are various forms of anaemia of this type, such as th
ose due to nutritional
deficiencies, but the most important is that known as pernicious anaemia. PERNIC
IOUS ANAEMIA An autoimmune
disease in which sensitised lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) destroy the PARIETAL ce
lls of the stomach. These
cells normally produce INTRINSIC FACTOR, the carrier protein for vitamin B12 (se
that permits its absorption in the terminal part of the ILEUM. Lack of the factor prevents vita
min B12 absorption and this
causes macrocytic (or megaloblastic) anaemia. The disorder can affect men and wo
men, usually those over the
age of 40; onset is insidious so it may be well advanced before medical advice i
s sought. The skin and
MUCOSA become pale, the tongue is smooth and atrophic and is accompanied by CHEI
LOSIS. Peripheral

NEUROPATHY is often present, resulting in PARAESTHESIA and numbness and sometime

s ATAXIA. A rare
complication is subacute combined degeneration of the SPINAL CORD. In 1926 two A
mericans, G R Minot and W P
Murphy, discovered that pernicious anaemia, a previously fatal condition, respon
ded to treatment with liver
which provides the absent intrinsic factor. Normal development requires a substa
nce known as extrinsic
factor, and this depends on the presence of intrinsic factor for its absorption
from the gut. The disease
is characterised in the blood by abnormally large red cells (macrocytes) which v
ary in shape and size,
while the number of white cells (LEUCOCYTES) diminishes. A key diagnostic find i
s the presence of cells in
Treatment consists of injections of vitamin B12 in the form of hydroxoco
balamin which must be continued
for life.
Aplastic anaemia is a disease in which the red blood corpuscles are very
greatly reduced, and in which
no attempt appears to be made in the bone marrow towards their regeneration. It
is more accurately called
hypoplastic anaemia as the degree of impairment of bone-marrow function is rarel
y complete. The cause in
many cases is not known, but in rather less than half the cases the condition is
due to some toxic
substance, such as benzol or certain drugs, or ionising radiations. The patient
becomes very pale, with a
tendency to haemorrhages under the skin and mucous membranes, and the temperatur
e may at times be raised.
The red blood corpuscles diminish steadily in numbers. Treatment consists primar
ily of regular blood
transfusions. Although the disease is often fatal, the outlook has improved in r
ecent years: around 25 per
cent of patients recover when adequately treated, and others survive for several
years. In severe cases
promising results are being reported from the use of bone-marrow transplantation
Haemolytic anaemia results from the excessive destruction, or HAEMOLYSIS
, of the red

Anaesthesia 35
blood cells. This may be the result of undue fragility of the red blood
cells, when the condition is
known as congenital haemolytic anaemia, or of acholuric JAUNDICE.
Sickle-cell anaemia A form of anaemia characteristically found in people
of African descent, so-called
because of the sickle shape of the red blood cells. It is caused by the presence
of the abnormal
HAEMOGLOBIN, haemoglobin S, due to AMINO ACID substitutions in their polypeptide
chains, reflecting a
genetic mutation. Deoxygenation of haemoglobin S leads to sickling, which increa
ses the blood viscosity and
tends to obstruct flow, thereby increasing the sickling of other cells. THROMBOS
IS and areas of tissue
INFARCTION may follow, causing severe pain, swelling and tenderness. The resulti
ng sickle cells are more
fragile than normal red blood cells, and have a shorter life span, hence the ana
emia. Advice is obtainable
from the Sickle Cell Society.
Anaerobe The term applied to bacteria having the power to live without a
ir. Such organisms are found
growing freely, deep in the soil as, for example, the tetanus bacillus.
Anaesthesia The loss or absence of sensation or feeling. Commonly used t
o describe a reversible process
which allows operations and painful or unpleasant procedures to be performed wit
hout distress to the
patient. The speciality of anaesthesia broadly covers its provision for SURGERY,
intensive therapy
(intensive care), chronic pain management, acute pain management and obstetric a
nalgesia. Anaesthetists in
Britain are trained specialists with a medical degree, but in many countries som
e anaesthetists may be
nurse practitioners working under the supervision of a medical anaesthetist. The
anaesthetist will assess
the patients fitness for anaesthesia, choose and perform the appropriate type of
anaesthetic while
monitoring and caring for the patients well-being, and, after the anaesthetic, su
pervise recovery and the
provision of post-operative pain relief. Anaesthesia may be broadly divided into
general and local
anaesthesia. Quite commonly the two are combined to allow continued relief of pa
in at the operation site
after the patient awakens.
General anaesthesia is most often produced by using a combination of dru
gs to induce
a state of reversible UNCONSCIOUSNESS. Balanced anaesthesia uses a combina
tion of drugs to provide
unconsciousness, analgesia, and a greater or lesser degree of muscle relaxation.
A general anaesthetic
comprises induction, maintenance and recovery. Historically, anaesthesia has bee
n divided into four stages
(see below), but these are only clearly seen during induction and maintenance of
anaesthesia using
inhalational agents alone. (1) Onset of induction to unconsciousness (2) Stage o

f excitement (3) Surgical

anaesthesia (4) Overdosage Induction involves the initial production of unconsci
ousness. Most often this is
by INTRAVENOUS injection of a short-acting anaesthetic agent such as PROPOFOL, T
often accompanied by additional drugs such as ANALGESICS to smooth the process.
Alternatively an
inhalational technique may be used. Maintenance of anaesthesia may be provided b
y continuous or
intermittent use of intravenous drugs, but is commonly provided by administratio
OXIDE or air containing a volatile anaesthetic agent. Anaesthetic machines are c
apable of providing a
constant concentration of these, and have failsafe mechanisms and monitors which
guard against the
patients receiving a gas mixture with inadequate oxygen (see HYPOXIC). The gases
are adminstered to the
patient via a breathing circuit either through a mask, a laryngeal mask or via E
recent years, concerns about sideeffects and pollution caused by volatile agents
have led to increased
popularity of total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA). For some types of surgery th
e patient is paralysed
using muscle relaxants and then artificially ventilated by machine (see VENTILAT
OR). Patients are closely
monitored during anaesthesia by the anaesthetist using a variety of devices. Min
imal monitoring includes
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG), blood pressure, PULSE OXIMETRY, inspired oxygen and end
-tidal carbon-dioxide
concentration the amount of carbon dioxide breathed out when the lungs are at th
e empty stage of the
breathing cycle. Analgesic drugs (pain relievers) and local or regional anaesthe
tic blocks are often given
to supplement general anaesthesia. Volatile anaesthetics are either halogenated
hydrocarbons (see
HALOTHANE) or halogenated ethers (isoflurane, enflurane, desflurane and sevoflur
ane). The latter two are
the most recently introduced agents, and produce the

36 Anaesthesia
Patient under general anaesthesia (top). Use of a mask to deliver anaest
hetic gases (bottom left).
Delivering anaesthetic gases direct to the lungs (bottom right).
most rapid induction and recovery though on a worldwide basis halothane,
ether and chloroform are
still widely used. Despite several theories, the mode of action of these agents
is not fully understood.
Their efficacy is related to how well they dissolve into the LIPID substances in
nerve cells, and it is
thought that they act at more than one site within brain cells probably at the c
ell membrane. By whatever
method, they reversibly depress the conduction of impulses within the CENTRAL NE
RVOUS SYSTEM and thereby
produce unconsciousness. At the end of surgery any muscle relaxant still in the
patients body is reversed,
the volatile agent is turned off and the patient breathes oxygen or oxygen-enric
hed air. This is the
reversal or recovery phase of anaesthesia. Once the anaesthetist is sati
sfied with the degree of
recovery, patients are transferred to a recovery area within the operating-theat
re complex where they are
cared for by specialist staff, under the supervision of an anaesthetist, until t
hey are ready to return to
Local anaesthetics are drugs which reversibly block the conduction of im
pulses in nerves. They
therefore produce anaesthesia (and muscle relaxation) only in those areas of the
body served by the
nerve(s) affected by these drugs. Many drugs have some local anaesthetic action
but the drugs used
specifically for this purpose are all amide or ester derivatives of aromatic

Analgesics 37
acids. Variations in the basic structure produce drugs with different sp
eeds of onset, duration of
action and preferential SENSORY rather than MOTOR blockade (stopping the activit
y in the sensory or motor
nerves respectively). The use of local rather than general anaesthesia will depe
nd on the type of surgery
and in some cases the unsuitability of the patient for general anaesthesia. It i
s also used to supplement
general anaesthesia, relieve pain in labour (see under PREGNANCY AND LABOUR) and
in the treatment of pain
in persons not undergoing surgery. Several commonly used techniques are listed b
elow: An area of
anaesthetised skin or tissue is produced by injecting local anaesthetic around i
t. This technique is used
for removing small superficial lesions or anaesthetising surgical incisions. LOC
Local anaesthetic is injected close to a nerve or nerve plexus, often us
ing a peripheral nerve
stimulator to identify the correct point. The anaesthetic diffuses into the nerv
e, blocking it and
producing anaesthesia in the area supplied by it.
Small volumes of local anaesthetic are injected into the cerebrospinal f
luid through a small-bore
needle which has been inserted through the tissues of the back and the dura mate
r (the outer membrane
surrounding the spinal cord). A dense motor and sensory blockade is produced in
the lower half of the body.
How high up in the body it reaches is dependent on the volume and dose of anaest
hetic, the patients
position and individual variation. If the block is too high, then respiratory-mu
scle paralysis and
therefore respiratory arrest may occur. HYPOTENSION (low blood pressure) may occ
ur because of peripheral
vasodilation caused by sympatheticnerve blockade. Occasionally spinal anaesthesi
a is complicated by a
headache, perhaps caused by continuing leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the d
ural puncture point. SPINAL
EPIDURAL ANAESTHESIA Spinal nerves are blocked in the epidural space wit
h local anaesthetic injected
through a fine plastic tube (catheter) which is introduced into the space using
a special needle (Tuohy
needle). It can be used as a continuous technique either by intermittent injecti
ons, an infusion or by
patient-controlled pump. This makes it ideal for surgery in the lower part of th
e body, the relief of pain
in labour and for post-operative analgesia. Complications include hypotension, spinal headache (less than 1:100), poor
efficacy, nerve damage
(1:12,000) and spinal-cord compression from CLOT or ABSCESS (extremely rare).
Analeptic A restorative medicine, or one which acts as a stimulant of th

e central nervous system: for

example, caffeine.
Analgesics Drugs which relieve or abolish PAIN. Unlike local anaesthetic
s, they are usually given
systemically affecting the whole body and produce no SENSORY or MOTOR blockade s
topping the activity in
the sensory or motor nerves respectively that supply a part of the body. The man
y different types of
analgesics have varying modes of action. The choice of drug and method of admini
stration will depend upon
the type and severity of pain being treated. Non-opioid analgesics include ASPIR
NON-STEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS), which are used to treat mild or m
oderate pain such as
headache (see also MIGRAINE), DYSMENORRHOEA, and transient musculoskeletal pain.
Some analgesics for
example, aspirin and paracetamol also reduce PYREXIA. A strong non-opioid analge
sic is NEFOPAM
HYDROCHLORIDE, which can be used for persistent pain or pain that fails to respo
nd to other nonopioid
analgesics, but does have troublesome side-effects. These non-opioid analgesics
can be obtained without a
doctors prescription over the counter (OTC) but the sale of some has to be superv
ised by a qualified
pharmacist. A wide range of compound analgesic preparations is available, combin
ing, say, aspirin or
paracetamol and CODEINE, while the weak stimulant CAFFEINE is sometimes included
in the preparations. Most
of these are OTC drugs. NSAIDs are especially effective in treating patients wit
h chronic diseases
accompanied by pain and inflammation. They, too, are sometimes combined with oth
er analgesics. Paracetamol
acts within the central nervous system by inhibition of PROSTAGLANDINS. It is of
ten combined with other
analgesics for example, aspirin or codeine; in proprietary compounds and in ther
apeutic doses it has few
side-effects. Overdosage, however, can cause damage to the liver or kidneys (2030
tablets are sufficient
to do this). Paracetamol is

38 Analysis
often used by individuals attempting suicide.
A Even if there are no immediate symptoms, individuals suspected of havi
ng taken an overdose should be
sent to hospital urgently for treatment. The NSAIDs (including aspirin) inhibit
prostaglandin synthesis.
Prostaglandins are released by tissues that are inflamed, and may cause pain at
peripheral pain sensors or
sensitise nerve endings to painful stimuli: by inhibiting their production, pain
and inflammation are
reduced. NSAIDs are particularly effective for pain produced by inflammation for
example, ARTHRITIS.
Side-effects include gastrointestinal bleeding (caused by mucosal erosions parti
cularly in the stomach),
inhibition of platelet aggregation (see PLATELETS), and potential for renal (kid
ney) damage. Severe pain is
often treated with opioid drugs. The original drugs were naturally occurring pla
nt ALKALOIDS (e.g.
MORPHINE), whilst newer drugs are man-made. They mimic the action of naturally o
ccurring compounds
(ENDORPHINS and ENCEPHALIN) which are found within the brain and spinal cord, an
d act on receptors to
reduce the transmission of painful stimuli within the central nervous system (an
d possibly peripherally).
They tend to produce side-effects of euphoria, respiratory depression, vomiting,
constipation and itching.
Chronic use or abuse of these drugs may give rise to addiction.
Analysis Analysis means a separation into component parts by determinati
on of the chemical constituents
of a substance. The process of analysis is carried out by various means, for exa
mple: chromatographic
analysis by means of the adsorption column; colorimetric analysis by means of va
rious colour tests;
densimetric analysis by estimation of the specific gravity; gasometric analysis
by estimation of the
different gases given off in some process; polariscope analysis by means of the
polariscope; and volumetric
analysis by measuring volumes of liquids. Analysis is also sometimes used as an
abbreviation for
Anaphylactoid Purpura See HENOCH-SCHNLEIN PURPURA.
Anaphylaxis An immediate (and potentially health- or lifethreatening) hy
persensitivity reaction
produced by the bodys immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to a foreign substance (a
ntigen); the affected
tissues release histamine which causes
local or systemic attack. An example is the pain, swelling, eruption, fe
ver and sometimes collapse that
may occur after a wasp sting or ingestion of peanut in a particularly sensitive
person. Some people may
suffer from anaphylaxis as a result of allergy to other foods or substances such
as animal hair or plant
leaves. On rare occasions a person may be so sensitive that anaphylaxis may lead
to profound SHOCK and

collapse which, unless the affected person receives urgent medical attention, in
cluding injection of
ADRENALINE, may cause death. (See also ALLERGY; IMMUNITY.)
Anaplasia The state in which a body cell loses its distinctive character
s and takes on a more primitive
form; it occurs, for example, in cancer, when cells proliferate rapidly.
Anastomosis Direct intercommunication of the branches of two or more vei
ns or arteries without any
intervening network of capillary vessels. The term also describes the surgical j
oining of two hollow blood
vessels, nerves or organs such as intestines to form an intercommunication.
Anatomy The science which deals with the structure of the bodies of men
and animals. Brief descriptions
of the anatomy of each important organ are given under the headings of the vario
us organs. It is studied by
dissection of bodies bequeathed for the purpose, or of the bodies of those who d
ie in hospitals and similar
institutions, unclaimed by relatives.
Ancrod An ENZYME present in the venom of the Malayan pit viper, which de
stroys the FIBRINOGEN in blood
and thereby prevents the blood from clotting. In other words it is an anticoagul
Ancylostomiasis A parasitic infection caused by the nematodes Ancylostom
a duodenale and Necator
americanus, resulting in hookworm disease. These infections are exceedingly comm
on in tropical and
developing countries, millions of people being affected. Classically, A. duodena
le occurred in the Far
East, Mediterranean littoral, and Middle East, and N. americanus in tropical Afr
ica, Central and South
America, and the Far East; however, in recent years, geographical separation of
the two human species is
less distinct. In areas where standards of hygiene and sanita-

Aneurysm 39
tion are unsatisfactory, larvae (embryos) enter via intact skin, usually
the feet. Ground itch
occasionally occurs as larvae enter the body. They then undergo a complex life-c
ycle, migrating through the
lungs, trachea, and pharynx. Adult worms are 513 (mean 12) mm in length; their no
rmal habitat is the small
INTESTINE especially the jejunum where they adhere to the mucosa by hooks, thus
causing seepage of
blood into the lumen. A wormpair produces large numbers of eggs, which are excre
ted in faeces; when
deposited on moist soil they remain viable for many weeks or months. Clinical ma
nifestations include
microcytic hypochromic ANAEMIA, hypoalbuminaemia (low serum protein) and, in a s
evere case, OEDEMA. A
chronic infection in childhood can give rise to physical, mental and sexual reta
rdation. Treatment is with
one of the benzimidazole compounds, usually mebendazole or albendazole; however,
in developing countries,
cheaper preparations are used, including tetrachloroethylene, bephenium hydroxyn
aphthoate, and pyrantel
embonate. Anaemia usually responds to iron supplements; blood transfusion is rar
ely indicated.
Ancylostoma braziliensis A nematode infection of dogs, which in humans c
auses local disease (larva
migrans) only, generally on the soles of the feet. It is usually acquired by wal
king on beaches
contaminated with dog faeces in places such as the Caribbean.
Androgen The general term for any one of a group of HORMONES which gover
n the development of the sexual
organs and the secondary sexual characteristics of the male. TESTOSTERONE, the a
ndrogenic hormone formed in
the interstitial cells of the testis (see TESTICLE), controls the development an
d maintenance of the male
sex organs and secondary sex characteristics. In small doses it increases the nu
mber of spermatozoa (see
SPERMATOZOON) produced, but in large doses it inhibits the gonadotrophic activit
y of the anterior PITUITARY
GLAND and suppresses the formation of the spermatozoa. It is both androgenic and
anabolic in action. The
anabolic effect includes the ability to stimulate protein synthesis and to dimin
ish the catabolism of amino
acids, and this is associated with retention of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus
and calcium. Doses in
excess of 10 mg daily to the female may produce VIRILISM. Unconjugated testoster
one is rarely used
clinically because its derivatives have a more powerful and prolonged effect, an
d because testosterone itself requires implantation into the subcutaneous fat using a
trocar and cannula for maximum
therapeutic benefit. Testosterone propionate is prepared in an oily solution, as
it is insoluble in water;
it is effective for three days and is therefore administered intramuscularly twi
ce weekly. Testosterone
phenyl-propionate is a long-acting microcrystalline preparation which, when give
n by intramuscular or

subcutaneous injection, is effective for four weeks. Testosterone enantate is an

other long-acting
intramuscular preparation. Mesterolone is an effective oral androgen and is less
hepatoxic: it does not
inhibit pituitary gonadotrophic production and hence spermatogenesis is unimpair
ed. Testosterone
undecanoate is also an effective oral form.
Anencephaly The term given to the condition in which a child is born wit
h a defect of the skull and
absence of the brain. Anencephaly is the most common major malformation of the c
entral nervous system. It
has an incidence of 065 per 1,000 live births. There is complete absence of the c
erebral hemispheres and
overlying skull, and the brain stem and cerebellum are atrophic. If the pregnanc
y goes to term the infants
rapidly die, but in 50 per cent of pregnancies associated with anencephaly, spon
taneous abortion occurs. It
is possible to detect the presence of anencephaly in the fetus by measuring the
in the mothers serum or in the amniotic fluid. (See also SPINA BIFIDA.)
Aneuploidy The state in which there is an abnormal number of CHROMOSOMES
: for example, DOWNS (DOWN)
Aneurine Aneurine is an alternative name for vitamin B1. (See THIAMINE.)
Aneurysm A localised swelling or dilatation of an artery (see ARTERIES)
due to weakening of its wall.
The most common sites are the AORTA, the arteries of the legs, the carotids and
the subclavian arteries.
The aorta is the largest artery in the body and an aneurysm may develop anywhere
in it. A dissecting
aneurysm usually occurs in the first part of the aorta: it is the result of dege
neration in the vessels
muscular coat leading to a tear in the lining; blood then enters the wall and tr
acks along (dissects) the
muscular coat. The aneurysm may rupture or compress

40 Angina
the blood vessels originating from the aorta: the
A outcome is an INFARCTION in the organs supplied by the affected vessel
(s). Aneurysms may also form in
the arteries at the base of the brain, usually due to an inherited defect of the
arterial wall. Aneurysms
generally arise in the elderly, with men affected more commonly than women. The
most common cause is
degenerative atheromatous disease, but other rarer causes include trauma, inheri
ted conditions such as
. Once formed, the
pressure of the circulating blood within the aneurysm causes it to increase in s
ize. At first, there may be
no symptoms or signs, but as the aneurysm enlarges it becomes detectable as a sw
elling which pulsates with
each heartbeat. It may also cause pain due to pressure on local nerves or bones.
Rupture of the aneurysm
may occur at any time, but is much more likely when the aneurysm is large. Ruptu
re is usually a surgical
emergency, because the bleeding is arterial and therefore considerable amounts o
f blood may be lost very
rapidly, leading to collapse, shock and even death. Rupture of an aneurysm in th
e circle of Willis causes
subarachnoid haemorrhage, a lifethreatening event. Rupture of an aneurysm in the
abdominal aorta is also
Treatment Treatment is usually surgical. Once an aneurysm has formed, th
e tendency is for it to enlarge
progressively regardless of any
medical therapy. The surgery is often demanding and is therefore usually
undertaken only when the
aneurysm is large and the risk of rupture is therefore increased. The patients ge
neral fitness for surgery
is also an important consideration. The surgery usually involves either bypassin
g or replacing the affected
part of the artery using a conduit made either of vein or of a man-made fibre wh
ich has been woven or
knitted into a tube. Routine X-ray scanning of the abdominal aorta is a valuable
preventive procedure,
enabling cold surgery to be performed on identified aneurysms.
Angina A feeling of constriction or suffocation often accompanied by pai
Angina Pectoris Pain in the centre of the chest. Usually, exercise somet
imes acute anxiety brings
it on and pain may be severe and felt also in the arms and the jaw. The conditio
n, which is aggravated by
cold weather, is the result of the hearts demand for blood being greater than tha
t which the coronary
arteries can provide. This failure is most often due to narrowing of the coronar
y arteries by ATHEROMA;
rarely, it may be caused by congenital defects in the arteries rendering them in
capable of carrying
sufficient blood to meet increased demands from the body. Angina may be relieved

or prevented by such drugs

as glyceryl trinitrate and propranolol. If
Aneurysm in wall of artery (top left). A dissecting aneurysm with the fl
ow of blood splitting the
arterial wall longitudinally (top right). A berry aneurysm in fork of the juncti
on of two arteries

Ankle 41
drug treatment does not work, surgery on the coronary arteries such as a
ngioplasty or bypass grafts may
be necessary. People who suffer from angina pectoris need advice on their lifest
yle, and in particular on
diet, exercise and avoidance of smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. They m
ay have high blood
pressure, which will also require medical treatment (see HEART, DISEASES OF; HYP
Angiocardiography Radiography of the heart after injection into it of a
radio-opaque substance.
Angiography Radiography of blood vessels made visible by injecting into
them a radio-opaque substance.
In the case of arteries this is known as arteriography; the corresponding term f
or veins being venography
or phlebography. This procedure demonstrates whether there is any narrowing or b
allooning of the lumen of
the vessel, changes usually caused by disease or injury.
composed of blood vessels. (See
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors The ENZYME that converts
angiotensin I to angiotensin II
(see ANGIOTENSIN) is called angiotensin-converting enzyme. Angiotensin II contro
ls the blood pressure and
is the most potent endogenous pressor substance produced in the body; angiotensi
n I has no such pressor
activity. Inhibition of the enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II
will thus have marked
effects on lowering the blood pressure, and ACE inhibitors have a valuable role
in treating heart failure
when thiazides and beta blockers cannot be used or fail to work, especially afte
r myocardial infarction
(see HEART, DISEASES OF). Captopril was the first ACE inhibitor to be synthesise
d: it reduces peripheral
resistance by causing arteriolar dilatation and thus lowers blood pressure. Othe
r drugs such as enalapril,
lisinopril, cilazapril, quinapril and ramipril have since been developed. Some k
idney disorders increase
the production of angiotensin II and so cause HYPERTENSION.
Angio-Oedema URTICARIA.
Angitis (or angiitis) means inflammation of a vessel such as a blood ves
sel, lymph vessel, or bile

ngstrm Unit
A method of treating blockage or narrowing of a blood vessel by recanali
sing the vessel that is,
inserting a balloon into the constriction to reopen it. The technique is used to
treat a narrowed artery in
the heart or a limb. About 65 per cent of patients treated benefit, but when sym
ptoms persist or recur the
procedure may be repeated. There is a small risk of damage to the vessel or valv
e. New procedures under
development include the use of lasers, cutting drills and suction to remove the
deposits of ATHEROMA
blocking the arteries.
Called after the Swedish physicist, this is a measurement of length and
equals 1/10,000 of a
micrometre, or one-hundred-millionth of a centimetre. It is represented by the s
ymbol and is used to give
the length of electromagnetic waves.
Also called angioneurotic oedema;
see under
Angiotensin is a peptide that occurs in two forms: I and II. The former
results from the action of the
ENZYME, RENIN on alpha globulin (a protein) produced by the liver and passed int
o the blood. During passage
of the blood through the lungs, angiotensin I is converted into an active form,
angiotensin II, by an
enzyme. This active form constricts the blood vessels and stimulates the release
of two hormones
VASOPRESSIN and ALDOSTERONE which raise the blood pressure. (See also
Anhidrosis Anhidrosis is an abnormal diminution in the secretion of swea
t. This may be caused by
disease or by a congenital defect.
Animal Starch Anisocytosis This means inequality in the size of erythroc
ytes (red blood cells); it
occurs in many forms but is prominent in megaloblastic ANAEMIA.
Ankle The joint between the leg bones (TIBIA and FIBULA) above, and the
TALUS (the Roman dicebone)
below. It is a very strong joint with powerful ligaments binding the bones toget

42 Ankylosing Spondylitis
at either side, and bony projections from the leg
A bones, which form large bosses on either side,
called the outer and inner malleoli, extending about 12 mm (half an inch
) below the actual joint. Two
common injuries near the ankle are a sprain, on the inner side, consisting of te
aring of the internal
ligament; and fracture of the fibula (Potts fracture) on the outer side. (See als
Anoxia That state in which the body tissues have an inadequate supply of
OXYGEN. This may be because
the blood in the lungs does not receive enough oxygen, or because there is not e
nough blood to receive the
oxygen, or because the blood stagnates in the body.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosis The condition of a joint in which the movements are restricted
by fibrous bands, or by
malformation, or by actual union of the bones. (See JOINTS, DISEASES OF.)
Anodynes Any drug or treatment that eases pain. These may range from opi
um the oldest and most
powerful anodyne but a highly addictive substance through ANALGESICS, to warmth
and massage.
Anopheles The generic name of a widely distributed group of mosquitoes,
certain species of which
transmit to humans the parasitic protozoa Plasmodium, the agent that causes MALA
RIA. Anopheles maculipennis
and A. bifurcatus are both found in England and can both transmit the malaria pa
Anorexia Loss of APPETITE.
Anorexia Nervosa
Drugs traditionally used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, including
peptic ulcer. They neutralise
the hydrochloric acid secreted in the stomachs digestive juices and relieve pain
and the discomfort of
DYSPEPSIA (indigestion). A large number of proprietary preparations are on sale
to the public and most
contain compounds of aluminium or magnesium or a mixture of the two. Other agent
s include activated
dimethicone an antifoaming agent aimed at relieving flatulence; alginates, which

protect against reflux

oesophagitis; and surface anaesthetics. Antacids commonly prescribed by doctors
include aluminium
hydroxide, magnesium carbonate and magnesium trisilicate. Sodium bicarbonate and
calcium and bismuth
compounds are also used, although the latter is best avoided as it may cause neu
rological sideeffects. (See
Antagonist (1) A muscle the contraction of which opposes that of another
muscle called the AGONIST.
When the agonist contracts, the antagonist relaxes. (2) The action of one drug i
n opposing the action of
Prefix meaning before or forwards.
Anorgasmia An individuals inability to achieve ORGASM.
The abnormal forward curvature of an organ in which the upper part is sh
arply bent forwards. The term
is especially applied to forward displacement of the UTERUS.
Loss of sense of smell. (See OF.)
Anovular Absence of OVULATION. Anovular menstruation occurs when a woman
takes the contraceptive pill
(see under CONTRACEPTION Nonbarrier methods).
Anoxaemia Reduction of the oxygen content of the blood below normal limi
Antenatal Care The protocol which doctors and midwives follow to ensure
that the pregnant mother and
her FETUS are kept in good health, and that the pregnancy and birth have a satis
factory outcome. The
pregnant mother is seen regularly at a clinic where, for example, her blood pres
sure is checked, the growth
and development of her

Anthrax 43
child-to-be are carefully assessed, and any problem or potential problem
s dealt with. Most antenatal
care deals with normal pregnancies and is supervised by general practitioners an
d midwives in primary-care
clinics. If any serious problems are identified, the mother can be referred to s
pecialists clinics in
hospitals. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Antepartum An adjective describing an event before labour starts in preg
nancy (see PREGNANCY AND
Anterior An adjective that describes or relates to the front part of the
body, limbs, or organs.
Anterior Tibial Syndrome See under MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF
Compression syndrome.
Anteversion The term applied to the forward tilting of an organ, especia
lly of the UTERUS.
Anthelmintics Substances which cause the death or expulsion of parasitic
worms such as hook, tape and
threadworms (see TAENIA; ENTEROBIASIS).
Anthracosis The change which takes place in the lungs and bronchial glan
ds of coal-miners, and others,
who inhale coal-dust constantly. The lungs are amazingly efficient in coping wit
h this problem; during a
working lifetime a coal-miner may inhale around 5,000 grams of dust, but at POST
rare to find more than about 40 grams in the lungs. The affected tissues change
in colour from greyish pink
to jet black, owing to loading with minute carbon particles. (See PNEUMOCONIOSIS
Anthracyclines that destroy tumour cells: examples include aclarubicin,
daunorubicin, doxorubicin,
epirubicin and idarubicin.
Anthrax A serious disease occurring in sheep and cattle, and in those wh
o tend them or handle the
bones, skins and fleeces even long after removal of the latter from the animals.
It is sometimes referred
to as malignant pustule, wool-sorters disease, splenic fever of animals, or murra
in. It is now a rare
condition in the United
Kingdom. The cause is a bacillus (B. anthracis) which grows in long chai
ns and produces spores of great
vitality. These spores retain their life for years, in dried skins and fleeces;
they are not destroyed by
boiling, freezing, 5 per cent carbolic lotion, or, like many bacilli, by the gas

tric juice. The disease is

communicated from a diseased animal to a crack in the skin (e.g. of a farmer or
butcher), or from contact
with contaminated skins or fleeces. Nowadays skins are handled wet, but if they
are allowed to dry so that
dust laden with spores is inhaled by the workers, serious pneumonia may result.
Instances have occurred of
the disease being conveyed on shaving brushes made from bristles of diseased ani
mals. A few countries are
believed to have developed anthrax as a weapon of war to be delivered by shells
or rockets, despite
international agreements to ban such weapons. In the wake of the devastating ter
rorist attacks on buildings
in New York and Washington on 11 September 2001, modified anthrax spores were se
nt by mail from an
unidentified source to some prominent Americans. Several people were infected an
d a few died. This was the
first known use of anthrax as a terror weapon. Prevention is most important by d
isinfecting all hides, wool
and hair coming from areas of the world. An efficient vaccine is now available.
Treatment consists of the
administration of large doses of the broad-spectrum antibiotic, CIPROFLOXACIN. I
f bioterrorism is thought
to be the likely source of anthrax infection, appropriate decontamination proced
ures must be organised
Symptoms This is the malignant pustule. After inoculation of some small wo
und, a few hours or days
elapse, and then a red, inflamed swelling appears, which grows larger till it co
vers half the face or the
breadth of the arm, as the case may be. Upon its summit appears a bleb of pus, w
hich bursts and leaves a
black scab, perhaps 12 mm (half an inch) wide. The patient is feverish and serio
usly ill. The inflammation
may last ten days or so, when it slowly subsides and the patient recovers, if su
rviving the fever and
INTERNAL FORM This takes the form of pneumonia with haemorrhages, when t
he spores have been drawn into
the lungs, or of ulcers of the stomach and intestines, with gangrene of the SPLE
EN, when they have been

44 AntiIt is usually fatal in two or three days. Victims GASTROENTERITIS or MEN

A may also develop AntiPrefix meaning against.
Antiarrhythmic Drugs ARRHYTHMIA is a variation in the normal rhythm of t
he heartbeat. Management of the
condition requires accurate diagnosis of the type, and ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY is vi
tal in this process (see
HEART, DISEASES OF). Drug treatment is usually part of the management, and antia
rrhythmic drugs can be
divided clinically into those that act on supraventricular arrhythmias, those th
at act on both
supraventricular and ventricular arrythmias, and those that act on ventricular a
rrythmias. Respective
examples are VERAPAMIL, DISOPYRAMIDE and LIDOCAINE. This large group of drugs ca
n also be classified
according to their effects on the electrical reactions of active myocardial cell
s. The many drugs available
are described in the British National Formulary.
Antibacterial Drugs A group of drugs, which include ANTIBIOTICS, used to
treat infections caused by
antituberculous compounds.
Antibiotics Antibiotic is the term used to describe any antibacterial ag
ent derived from
micro-organisms, although most of them are now prepared synthetically. Such agen
ts destroy or inhibit the
growth of other micro-organisms: examples are penicillin, cephalosporin, amino-g
lycosides, streptomycin,
and tetracycline. Penicillin was the first antibiotic to be discovered and used
in the 1940s. The discovery
and isolation in 1958 of the penicillin nucleus, 6-amino penicillanic acid (6-PN
A), allowed many new
penicillins to be synthesised. These are now the largest single group of antibio
tics used in clinical
medicine. Most staphylococci (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS) have now developed resistance
to benzylpenicillin, the
early form of the drug, because they produce penicillinases enzymes which break
down the drug. Other
types of penicillin such as cloxacillin and flucoxacillin are not affected and a
re used against
penicillin-resistant staphylococci. The cephalosporins are derived from the comp
ound cephalosporin C, which
is obtained by fermentation of the mould cephalosporium.
The cephalosporin nucleus 7 amino cephalosporanic (7-ICA) acid has been
the basis for the production of
the semi-synthetic compounds of the cephalosporin nucleus. The first semi-synthe
tic cephalosporin,
cephalothin, appeared in 1962; it was followed by cephaloridine in 1964. The ori
ginal cephalosporins had to
be given by injection, but more recent preparations can be given by mouth. The n

ewer preparations are less

readily destroyed by betalactamases and so they have a much broader spectrum of
antibacterial activity. The
newer cephalosporins include cephalexin, cefazolin, cephacetrile, cephapirin, ce
famandole, cefuroxine,
cephrodine, cefodroxil and cefotaxine. Inactivation of beta-lactamase is the bas
is of bacterial resistance
both to the penicillins and to the cephalosporins, so that attempts to prepare t
hese antibiotics with
resistance to betalactamase is of great importance. A synthetic inhibitor of bet
a-lactamase called
clavulanic acid has been synthesised; this is used in combination with the penic
illins and cephalosporins
to prevent resistance. The cephamycins are a new addition to the beta-lactam ant
ibiotics. They are similar
in structure to the cephalosporins but are produced, not by fungi, but by actino
mycetes. Overuse and misuse
of antibiotics have resulted in many bacteria becoming resistant to them. Hospit
als, in particular, have
f antibiotics are needed to
combat resistant strains of bacteria, another example being Mycobacterium tuberc
Antibodies Antibodies are substances in the blood which destroy or neutr
alise various toxins or
bodies (e.g. bacteria), known generally as antigens (see ANTIGEN). The antibodies
are formed, usually, as
a result of the introduction into the body of the antigens to which they are ant
agonistic, as in all
infectious diseases (see ALLERGY; IMMUNITY).
Anticholinergic An action or drug that inhibits the activity of ACETYLCH
Anticholinesterase Any compound that inhibits the activity of CHOLINESTE
RASE, thus permitting
ACETYLCHOLINE to continue its function of transmitting nerve impulses. Drugs wit
h anticholinesterase
properties include distigmine, NEOSTIGMINE and PHYSOSTIGMINE.

Antidepressant Drugs 45
Anticoagulants are drugs which inhibit COAGULATION of the blood. They ar
e used to prevent and treat
abnormal clotting of the blood, to treat THROMBOSIS, and sometimes to prevent or
ISCHAEMIC ATTACKS OR EPISODES (TIA, TIE). Anticoagulant drugs are also prescribe
d preventively in major
surgery to stop abnormal clotting from occurring; HAEMODIALYSIS is another proce
dure during which these
drugs are used. Anticoagulants are also prescribed to prevent thrombi (clots) fo
rming on prosthetic heart
valves after heart surgery. The drugs are much more effective in the treatment a
nd prevention of venous
clotting for example, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), see under VEINS, DISEASES OF t
han in preventing
thrombosis formation in arteries with their fastflowing blood in which thrombi c
ontain little fibrin
(against which the anticoagulants work) and many PLATELETS. The main anticoagula
nts now in use are the
natural agent HEPARIN (a quick-acting variety and a low-molecular-weight long-ac
ting type); synthetic oral
anticoagulants such as WARFARIN and the less-often-used acenocoumarol and PHENIN
DIONE; and antiplatelet
compounds such as ASPIRIN, clopidogrel dipyridamole and ticlopidines. Fondaparin
ux is an extract of heparin
which can be given once daily by injection; ximelagatran, an inhibitor of thromb
in, is being trialled as
the first new oral anticoagulant since heparin. Patients taking anticoagulants n
eed careful medical
monitoring and they should carry an Anticoagulant Card with instructions about t
he use of whatever drug
they may be receiving essential information should the individual require treatm
ent for other medical
conditions as well as for thrombosis.
Drugs that reduce or prevent the severity of an epileptic convulsion or
seizure (see EPILEPSY). The
nature of the fit, and the patients reaction to it, influences the type of antico
nvulsant used.
Anticonvulsants inhibit the high level of electrical activity in the brain that
causes the fit. Among
regularly used anticonvulsants are carbamazepine, sodium valproate, clonazopam,
lamotrigine, gabapentin,
vigabatrin, and topiramate. Older drugs such as phenytoin and primidone remain u
seful in some patients.
Intravenous anticonvulsants, such as diazepam, are used for rapid control of epi
leptic status.
Antidepressant Drugs
These widely used drugs include a range of different preparations which
relieve DEPRESSION. All the
antidepressants available at the time of writing are more or less equally effect
ive. In studies where
patients agree to take either antidepressants or identical dummy PLACEBO pills (

without knowing which), at

least two-thirds of those who receive antidepressants feel much better within th
ree months, while fewer
than one-third of those on placebos recover naturally in the same period. In gen
eral these drugs are useful
for severe and moderate depression including postnatal illness; they are not eff
ective in milder forms of
depression although they may be tried for a short time if other therapies have f
ailed. The most widely
prescribed type of antidepressants are the tricyclics, so-called because their m
olecular structure includes
three rings. The other commonly used types are named after the actions they have
on chemicals in the brain:
below. All types of antidepressant work in similar ways. Tricyclic antidepressan
ts have cured depression in
millions of people, but they can cause unpleasant side-effects, particularly in
the first couple of weeks.
These include SEDATION, dry mouth, excessive sweating, CONSTIPATION, urinary pro
blems, and impotence
(inability to get an erection). Up to half of all people prescribed tricyclic dr
ugs cannot tolerate the
sideeffects and stop treatment before their depression is properly treated. More
seriously, tricyclics can
upset the rhythm of the heart in susceptible people and should never be given in
the presence of heart
disease. The SSRIs are newer, coming into wide use in the late 1980s. They incre
ase the levels in the brain
of the chemical messenger SEROTONIN, which is thought to be depleted in depressi
on. Indeed, the SSRIs are
as effective as tricyclics and, although they can cause nausea and excessive swe
ating at first, they
generally have fewer side-effects. Their main disadvantage, however, is that the
y cost much more than the
most commonly used tricyclic, amitriptyline. On the other hand, they are more ac
ceptable to many patients
and they cause fewer drop-outs from treatment up to a quarter rather than a half
. The money saved by
completed, successful treatment may outweigh the prescribing costs. SSRIs have b
een reported as associated
with an increased risk of suicide. Another group of antidepressants, the MAOIs,
have been in use since the
late 1950s.

46 Antidiarrhoeal Treatments
They are stimulants, rather than sedatives, and
A are particularly helpful for people who are physically and mentally slowed by depression. They work well but have one bi
g disadvantage a dangerous
interaction with certain foods and other drugs, causing a sudden and very danger
ous increase in blood
pressure. People taking them must carry an information card explaining the risk
and listing the things that
they should avoid. Because of this risk, MAOIs are not used much now, except whe
n other treatments have
failed. A new MAOI, moclobemide, which is less likely to interact and so cause h
igh blood pressure, is now
available. LITHIUM CARBONATE is a powerful antidepressant used for intractable d
epression. It should be
used under specialist supervision as the gap between an effective dose and a tox
ic one is narrow. St Johns
Wort is a popular herbal remedy which may be effective, but which is handicapped
by differences of strength
between different preparations or batches. It can interact with a number of conv
entional drugs and so needs
to be used cautiously and with advice. In general, antidepressants work by resto
ring the balance of
chemicals in the brain. Improved sleep and reduced anxiety are usually the first
signs of improvement,
particularly among people taking the more sedative tricyclic drugs. Improvement
in other symptoms follow,
with the mood starting to lift after about two weeks of treatment. Most people f
eel well by three months,
although a few residual symptoms, such as slowness in the mornings, may take lon
ger to clear up. People
taking antidepressants usually want to stop them as soon as they feel better; ho
wever, the risk of relapse
is high for up to a year and most doctors recommend continuing the drugs for aro
und 46 months after
recovery, with gradual reduction of the dose after that. Withdrawal reactions ma
y occur including nausea,
vomiting, headache, giddiness, panic or anxiety and restlessness. The drugs shou
ld be withdrawn gradually
over about a month or longer (up to six months in those who have been on mainten
ance treatment). A wide
range of antidepressant drugs is described in the British National Formulary. Ex
amples include: Tricyclics:
amitryptyline, imipramine, doxepin. MAOIs: phenelzine, isocarboxazid. SSRIs: cit
alopram, fluoxetine,
paraxtene. (Antidepressant drugs not in these three

groups include flupenthixol, mertazapine and venlafaxine.)
Antidiarrhoeal Treatments Initial treatment of acute DIARRHOEA is to pre
vent or correct the loss of
fluid and ELECTROLYTES from the body. This is a priority especially in infants a
nd elderly people.
Rehydration can be achieved orally or, in severe cases, by urgent admission to h
ospital for the replacement

of fluid and electrolytes. For adults with acute diarrhoea, short-term symptomat
ic treatment can be
achieved with antimotility drugs such as codeine phosphate, co-phenotrope or lop
eramide hydrochloride.
Adsorbent drugs, for example, KAOLIN, should not be used in acute diarrhoea, but
bulkforming drugs
ispaghula or methylcellulose can help to control the consistency of faeces in pa
tients with ileostomies
and colostomies (see ILEOSTOMY; COLOSTOMY), or those with diarrhoea caused by DI
Irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption syndrom, ulcerative colitis, Crohns disea
se and diverticular
disease are often accompanied by diarrhoea; for more information on these condit
ions, see under separate
entries. ANTIBIOTICS may sometimes cause diarrhoea and this side-effect should b
e borne in mind when the
cause of the condition is being investigated.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) See VASOPRESSIN.
Antidotes An antidote is a therapeutic substance used to counteract the
toxic action(s) of a specific
substance. Very few substances have an antidote.
Antiemetic A drug that counteracts nausea and sickness. Some antihistami
nes and anticholinergics have
an antiemetic effect. They are used to combat motion sickness or nausea and vomi
ting brought on by other
drugs in particular, drugs used in ANAESTHESIA and anticancer agents and by RADI
Antigen Whenever the body identifies a substance entering it as foreign
or potentially dangerous, the
immune system (see IMMUNITY) produces an an antibody (see ANTIBODIES) to combat
it. Antigens are normally
proteins, but simple substances for instance, metals may become antigenic by com
bining with and
changing the

Antiperistalsis 47
bodys own proteins. Such a product is called a hapten.
Antihelminthic See ANTHELMINTICS.
Antihistamine Drugs Antihistamine drugs antagonise the action of HISTAMI
NE and are therefore of value
in the treatment of certain allergic conditions (see ALLERGY). They may be divid
ed into those with a
central action (e.g. flupheniramine and cyclizine) and those such as loratidine
and terfenadine with almost
no central action. Antihistamines are also of some value in the treatment of vas
omotor RHINITIS (see also
under NOSE, DISORDERS OF); they reduce rhinorrhoea and sneezing but are usually
less effective in relieving
nasal congestion. All antihistamines are useful in the treatment of URTICARIA an
d certain allergic skin
rashes, insect bites and stings, as well as in the treatment of drug allergies.
Chlorpheniramine or
promethazine injections are useful in the emergency treatment of angio-oedema (s
ee under URTICARIA) and
There is little evidence that any one antihistamine is superior to anoth
er, and patients vary
considerably in their response to them. The antihistamines differ in their durat
ion of action and in the
incidence of side-effects such as drowsiness. Most are short-acting, but some (s
uch as promethazine) work
for up to 12 hours. They all cause sedation but promethazine, trimeprazine and d
imenhydrinate tend to be
more sedating while chlorpheniramine and cyclizine are less so, as are astemizol
e, oxatomide and
terfenadine. Patients should be warned that their ability to drive or operate ma
chinery may be impaired
when taking these drugs, and that the effects of ALCOHOL may be increased.
Antihypertensive Drugs A group of drugs used to treat high blood pressur
e (HYPERTENSION). Untreated
hypertension leads to STROKE, heart attacks and heart failure. The high incidenc
e of hypertension in
western countries has led to intensive research to discover antihypertensive dru
gs, and many have been
marketed. The drugs may work by reducing the power of the heartbeat, by dilating
the blood vessels or by
increasing the excretion of salts and water in the urine (diuresis). Antihyperte
nsive treatment has greatly
improved the prognosis of patients with high blood pressure by cutting the frequ
ency of heart and renal
failure (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF), stroke, and
coronary thrombosis (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Drugs used for treatment c
an be classified as follows:
diuretics; vasodilator antihypertensives; centrally acting antihypertensives; ad
renergic neurone-blocking
drugs; alpha-adrenoreceptorblocking drugs; drugs affecting the reninangiotensin
system; ganglion-blocking
drugs; and tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitors. The drugs prescribed depend on many
factors, including the type

of hypertension being treated. Treatment can be difficult because of the need to

balance the effectiveness
of a drug in reducing blood pressure against its side-effects.
ANTIAntimetabolites A group of drugs used in the treatment of certain forms
of malignant disease.
Chemically, they closely resemble substances (or METABOLITES) which are essentia
l for the life and growth
of CELLS. Antimetabolites are incorporated into new nuclear material in the cell
or combine irreversibly
with essential cellular enzymes, thus disrupting normal cellular division (see M
causing death of the cell. There is now a range of antimetabolites including CYT
Antimuscarine A pharmacological effect where the action of ACETYLCHOLINE
, a chemical neurotransmitter
released at the junctions (synapses) of parasympathetic and ganglionic nerves, i
s inhibited. The junctions
between nerves and skeletal muscles have nicotinic receptors. A wide range of dr
ugs with antimuscarinic
effects are in use for various disorders including PSYCHOSIS, BRONCHOSPASM, diso
rders of the eye (see EYE,
ARY TRACT. (See also
Antioxidant A compound that can neutralise oxygen-free radicals in the b
ody; these are atoms and
chemical groups that can damage cells. Free radicals are the product of various
disease processes as well
as of such agents as poisons, radiation and smoking. Natural antioxidants also o
ccur in the body.
Antiperistalsis A movement in the bowels and stomach by which the food a
nd other contents are passed

48 Antipsychotic Drugs
upwards, instead of in the proper direction. (See PERISTALSIS.)
Antipsychotic Drugs See NEUROLEPTICS.
Antipyretics Measures used to reduce temperature in FEVER. Varieties inc
lude cold-sponging, wet-packs,
baths and diaphoretic (sweat-reducing) drugs such as QUININE, salicylates and AS
Antiseptics Antiseptics prevent the growth of diseasecausing micro-organ
isms without damaging living
tissues. Among chemicals used are boric acid, carbolic acid, hydrogen peroxide a
nd products based on coal
tar, such as cresol. Chlorhexidines, iodine, formaldehyde, flavines, alcohol and
hexachlorophane are also
used. Antiseptics are applied to prevent infection for example, in preparing the
skin before operation.
They are also used externally to treat infected wounds.
Antispasmodics These are antimuscarinic drugs (see ANTIMUSwhich have the
property of relaxing smooth
muscle. Along with other antimuscarinic drugs, antispasmodics may be helpful sup
portive treatment for
R DISEASE. Examples of
antispasmodic drugs are ATROPINE sulphate, dicyclomine bromide and propantheline
(a synthetic
antimuscarinic drug used as a treatment adjunct in gastrointestinal disorders an
d also for controlling
urinary frequency), bromide, alverine, mebervine and peppermint oil. With the ar
rival of more powerful and
specific antisecretory drugs, such as the histamine H2-receptor antagonists exam
ples are CIMETIDINE and
RANITIDINE the use of antispasmodics has declined. CARINE)
Antitoxin Any one of various preparations that contain ANTIBODIES which
combine and neutralise the
effects of a particular toxin (see TOXINS) released into the bloodstream by BACT
ERIA. Examples are the
toxins produced by DIPHTHERIA and TETANUS. Antitoxins are produced from the bloo
d of humans or animals that
have been exposed to a particular toxin whether by INFECTION or by INOCULATION a
nd thus have produced
antibodies against it. They are usually given by intramuscular injection.
Antivenom A therapeutic substance used to counteract the toxic action(s)
of a specific animal toxin
(see TOXINS) or venom. They are normally sterilised, proteinaceous globulins (se
e GLOBULIN) extracted from
the SERUM of animals, usually horses, immunised against the specific toxin/ veno
m. Most are given by
intravenous or intramuscular injection and are most effective when given shortly
after the bite or sting
has occurred. Some antivenoms may be effective against the venoms of several clo
sely related animal

Antrostomy Antrostomy is the operation in which an opening is made throu

gh the nose into the maxillary
Antrum Antrum means a natural hollow or cavity. The maxillary antrum is
now known as the maxillary
SINUS. The mastoid antrum is situated in the mastoid process, the mass of bone f
elt behind the ear. It may
become the seat of an ABSCESS in cases of suppuration of the middle ear (see EAR
, DISEASES OF). The pyloric
antrum is the part of the stomach immediately preceding the PYLORUS.
Anuria Anuria is a condition in which no URINE is voided. (See also KIDN
Anus The anus is the opening at the lower end of the bowel. It is kept c
losed by two muscles, the
external and internal sphincters. The latter is a muscular ring which extends ab
out 25 mm (1 inch) up the
bowel, is nearly 6 mm ( inch) thick, and is kept constantly contracted by the act
ion of a nerve centre in
the spinal cord. In disease of the spinal cord the muscle may be paralysed, resu
lting in inability to
retain the motions or stools.
Anus, Diseases of See under RECTUM, DISEASES OF.
Anxiety State See NEUROSIS.
Anxiolytics Drugs for the relief of anxiety. They will induce sleep when
given in large doses at night,
and so are HYPNOTICS as well. Conversely, most hypnotics will sedate when given
in divided doses

Apex 49
during the day. Prescription of these drugs is widespread but physical a
nd psychological DEPENDENCE
occurs as well as TOLERANCE to their effects, especially among those with person
ality disorders or who
abuse drugs and alcohol. This is particularly true of the BARBITURATES which are
now limited in their use,
but also applies to the BENZODIAZEPINES, the most commonly used anxiolytics and
hypnotics. Withdrawal
syndromes may occur if drug treatment is stopped too abruptly; hypnotic sedative
s and anxiolytics should
therefore not be prescribed indiscriminately, but reserved for short courses. Am
ong the anxiolytics are the
widely used benzodiazepines, the rarely used barbiturates, and the occasionally
prescribed drugs such as
Aorta The large vessel which opens out of the left ventricle of the HEAR
T and carries blood to all of
the body. It is about 45 cm (1 feet) long and 25 cm (1 inch) wide. Like other arte
ries it possesses three
coats, of which the middle one is much the thickest. This consists partly of mus
cle fibre, but is mainly
composed of an elastic substance called elastin. The aorta passes first to the r
ight, and lies nearest the
surface behind the end of the second right rib-cartilage; then it curves backwar
ds and to the left, passes
down behind the left lung close to the backbone, and through an opening in the d
iaphragm into the abdomen.
There it divides, at the level of the navel, into the two common iliac arteries,
which carry blood to the
lower limbs. Its branches, in order, are: two coronary arteries to the heart wal
l; the brachiocephalic,
left common carotid, and left subclavian arteries to the head, neck and upper li
mbs; several small branches
to the oesophagus, bronchi, and other organs of the chest; nine pairs of interco
stal arteries which run
around the body between the ribs; one pair of subcostal arteries which is in ser
ies with the intercostal
arteries; four (or five) lumbar arteries to the muscles of the loins; coeliac tr
unk to the stomach, liver
and pancreas; two mesenteric arteries to the bowels; and suprarenal, renal and t
esticular arteries to the
suprarenal body, kidney, and testicle on each side. From the termination of the
aorta rises a small branch,
the median sacral artery, which runs down into the pelvis. In the female the ova
rian arteries replace the
testicular. The chief diseases of the aorta are ATHEROMA
Aortic Incompetence See also REGURGITATION. This is the back flow of blo
od through the AORTIC VALVE of
the HEART into the left ventricle, caused by an incompetent valve. The failure t
o close may be caused by a
congenital defect or by damage from disease. The defect may be cured by surgical

replacement of the damaged

valve with an artificial valve. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)
Aortic Stenosis Narrowing of the AORTIC VALVE in the HEART which obstruc
ts the flow of blood through
it, with serious effects on the heart and the circulation. The muscle in the lef
t ventricle works harder to
compensate for the obstruction and thickens as a result. Stenosis is usually cau
sed by the deposition of
calcium on the valve and is commonly associated with ATHEROMA. Untreated, the co
ndition leads to heart
failure, but nowadays the stenosis can be treated surgically.
Aortic Valve The valve that controls the flow of blood from the AORTA to
the left ventricle of the
Aortitis A rare degenerative condition of the lining of the AORTA. It ma
y be the result of arteritis
(inflammation of the arteries) or a consequence of untreated SYPHILIS. Aortitis
may lead to thinning of the
aortas wall and development of an ANEURYSM.
Aortography Aortography is the technique of rendering the AORTA visible
in an X-ray film by injecting a
radio-opaque substance into it. The procedure is used to detect the presence of
an ANEURYSM. (See also
Aperients Medicines which produce a natural movement CONSTIPATION; of th
e bowels. (See PURGATIVES.)
Apex The pointed portion of any organ which has a conical shape. The ape
x of each lung reaches about
355 cm (1 or 2 inches) above the collar-bone into the neck. In health, the apex of
the heart can be felt
below the fifth rib immediately inside the nipple.

50 Apex Beat
Beat A Apex This is the beat of the
of the HEART, which can be felt through the skin to the left of the brea
stbone between the fifth and
sixth ribs. APEX
Apgar Score A method of assessing at birth whether or not a baby require
s resuscitation. The newborn is
routinely assessed at 1 minute of age and again at 5 minutes, and a value of 0,
1 or 2 given to each of
five signs: colour, heart rate, muscle tone, respiratory (or breathing) effort,
and the response to
stimulation. A total score of 7 or more indicates that the newborn child is in e
xcellent condition. An
Apgar score of 5 or less at 15 or 20 minutes predicates an increased risk of sub
Aphakia Absence of the lens of the EYE.
Aphasia Inability to speak caused by disease in or injury to the cerebra
l cortex in the left half of
the BRAIN (in a right-handed person), affecting the generation and content of sp
eech as well as the
understanding of language; often accompanied by problems with reading and writin
g (see DYSPHASIA).
Comprehension and expression of language occur in two zones of the cerebral cort
ex (the outer layer of the
main part of the brain). They are known as Wernickes area (comprehension) and Bro
cas area (speech
The complete or partial failure of tissue or an organ to develop.
Apnoea A general term meaning the cessation of breathing. Apnoea is a me
dical emergency: death soon
follows if breathing is not quickly restored (see APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID).
Apnoea may be caused by an
obstruction to the airway, for example by the tongue during general ANAESTHESIA,
or by a disturbance of the
mechanisms that control breathing. Rapid heavy breathing reduces the blood level
s of carbon dioxide and can
lead to a brief period of apnoea. Neonatal apnoeic attacks may represent a serio
us emergency, being caused
by prematurity, milk aspiration, heart failure, infection, HYPOXIA, HYPOGLYCAEMI
stimulation of the baby does not immediately restore breathing, then bag-and-mas
k ventilation should be
ApoApo- is a prefix implying separation or derivation from.
Apodia Absence of the foot.
Aponeurosis Aponeurosis is the term applied to the white fibrous membran
e which serves as an investment
for the muscles and which covers the skull beneath the scalp.

Loss of voice, usually sudden. Commonly caused by emotional stress with
no detectable physical
abnormality in the LARYNX. Damage or disease of the larynx usually results in dy
sphonia (partial voice
loss). Where no physical cause can be identified, reassurance and, if the voice
does not quickly return,
PSYCHOTHERAPY are the treatment.
Aphthous Ulcer Single or multiple (and often recurrent) transiently pain
ful ulcers in the oral mucous
membrane that are usually self-limiting. The cause is unknown and treatment is s
Apicectomy Apicectomy is the minor operation carried out to try to save
a tooth which has an ABSCESS on
it or which does not respond to root treatment. In this, the abscess and the APE
X of the tooth are removed.
Apoptosis This is a genetically controlled type of cell death. There is
an orchestrated collapse of a
cell (see CELLS), typified by destruction of the cells membrane; shrinkage of the
cell with condensation
of CHROMATIN; and fragmentation of DNA. The dead cell is then engulfed by adjace
nt cells. This process
occurs without evidence of the inflammation normally associated with a cells dest
ruction by infection or
disease. Apoptosis, first identified in 1972, is involved in biological activiti
es including embryonic
development, ageing and many diseases. Its importance to the bodys many physiolog
ical and pathological
processes has only fairly recently been understood, and research into apoptosis
is proceeding apace. In
adults, around 10 billion cells die each day a figure which balances the number
of cells

Appetite 51
arising from the bodys stem-cell populations (see STEM CELL). Thus, the b
odys normal HOMEOSTASIS is
regulated by apoptosis. As a person ages, apoptopic responses to cell DNA damage
may be less effectively
controlled and so result in more widespread cell destruction, which could be a f
actor in the onset of
degenerative diseases. If, however, apoptopic responses become less sensitive, t
his might contribute to the
uncontrolled multiplication of cells that is typical of cancers. Many diseases a
re now associated with
changed cell survival: AIDS (see AIDS/HIV); ALZHEIMERS DISEASE and PARKINSONISM;
ischaemic damage after
coronary thrombosis (see HEART, DISEASES OF) and STROKE; thyroid diseases (see T
and AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS. Some cancers, autoimmune disorders and viral infection
s are associated with
reduced or inhibited apoptosis. Anticancer drugs, GAMMA RAYS and ULTRAVIOLET RAY
S (UVR) initiate apoptosis.
Other drugs for example, NONSTEROIDAL (NSAIDS)
alter the process of apoptosis. Research is in train to harness new know
ledge about apoptosis for the
development of new treatments and modifications of existing ones for serious dis
orders such as cancer and
degenerative nervous diseases.
Appendicectomy Appendicectomy, or appendectomy, is the operation for the
removal of the vermiform
appendix in the ABDOMEN (see APPENDICITIS).
Appendicitis This is an inflammatory condition of the APPENDIX, and is a
common surgical emergency,
affecting mainly adolescents and young adults. It is usually due to a combinatio
n of obstruction and
infection of the appendix, and has a variable clinical course ranging from episo
des of mild self-limiting
abdominal pain to life-threatening illness. Abdominal pain beginning in the cent
re of the abdomen but which
later shifts position to the right iliac fossa is the classic symptom. The patie
nt usually has accompanying
fever and sometimes nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, or even const
ipation. The precise
symptoms vary with the exact location of the appendix within the abdomen. In som
e individuals the appendix
may grumble with repeated mild attacks which resolve spontaneously. In an acute at
tack, the inflammatory
process begins first in the wall of the appendix but, if the disease progresses,
the appendix can become
secondarily infected and pus may form within it. The blood supply
may become compromised and the wall become gangrenous. Eventually the ap
pendix may rupture, giving rise
to a localised abscess in the abdomen or, more rarely, free pus within the abdom
en which causes generalised

PERITONITIS. Rupture of the appendix is a serious complication and the patient m

ay be severely unwell.
Surgeons recognise that in order to make sure patients with appendicitis do not
progress to peritonitis, a
certain percentage of normal appendixes are removed when clinical signs are susp
icious but not diagnostic
of disease.
Treatment The best treatment is prompt surgical removal of the diseased
appendix, usually with
antibiotic cover. If performed early, before rupture occurs, APPENDICECTOMY is n
ormally straightforward and
recovery swift. If the appendix has already ruptured and there is abscess format
ion or free intra-abdominal
pus, surgery is still the best treatment but postoperative complications are mor
e likely, and full recovery
may be slower.
Appendix A term applied to the appendages of several hollow organs: for
example, the larynx has two
pouches called appendices, and the epiploic appendices are the tags of fat that
hang from the exterior part
of the large intestine. The commonest application, however, is to the vermiform
appendix of the large
intestine. This is a short, slim, blind-ended tube up to 10 cm long attached to
the caecum (a pouch at the
start of the large intestine). Its function is unknown, though it may once have
had one in ancestral
humans. It is, however, prone to inflammation and infection (see APPENDICITIS).
Appetite Appetite is the craving for the food necessary to maintain the
body and to supply it with
sufficient energy to carry on its functions. The ultimate cause of appetite is a
question of supply and
demand in the muscles and various organs, but the proximate cause is doubtful. U
nlike hunger, it is
probably an acquired, rather than an inborn, sensation. Whatever other factors m
ay be concerned, the tone
of the STOMACH is of importance. Significant factors in stimulating appetite are
anticipation and the sight
and smell of well-cooked food. Individuals who eat unsuitable substances such as
faeces are described as
suffering from pica, which occurs sometimes during pregnancy, in children, and o
ften in mental disorders.
The two chief disorders, however, are excessive increase of

52 Approved Names for Medicines

appetite, and diminution or loss of appetite (see also EATING DISORDERS)
Excessive appetite may simply be a bad habit, due to habitual over-indul
gence in good food and
resulting in GOUT, OBESITY, etc. according to the other habits and constitution
of the person. It may
also be a sign of DIABETES MELLITUS or thyrotoxicosis (see under THYROID GLAND,
Diminished appetite is a sign common to almost all diseases causing gene
ral weakness, because the
activity of the stomach and the secretion of gastric juice fail early when vital
power is low. It is the
most common sign of DYSPEPSIA due to gastritis, and of cancer of the stomach. In
some cases it is a
manifestation of stress or strain such as domestic worry or difficulties at work
. Indeed, appetite seems to
be particularly susceptible to emotional disturbances, as is evidenced by the li
nked conditions of BULIMIA
(pathological overeating) and anorexia nervosa (pathological dieting) see also E
Approved Names for Medicines The term used for names devised or selected
by the British Pharmacopoeia
Commission for new drugs. European Union law (1992) requires the use of a Recomm
ended International
Non-proprietary Name (rINN) for medicinal substances. In most cases the British
Approved Name (BAN) and
rINN were the same when the legislation was introduced; where there were differe
nces, the BAN was modified
to meet the new requirements. Pharmaceutical manufacturers usually give propriet
ary (brand) names to the
drugs they develop, though doctors in the NHS are expected to prescribe using ap
proved nonproprietary or
generic titles. Most nonproprietary titles are those in the European Pharmacopoe
ia, British Pharmacopoeia
Commission or the British Pharmaceutical Codex. The USA has its own legislation
and arrangements covering
the naming and prescribing of medicines. (See PROPRIETARY NAME; GENERIC DRUG; PA
Apraxia Apraxia, or dyspraxia, is the loss of ability to make accurate s
killed movements. The cause is
a disorder of the cerebral cortex of the BRAIN: the patient is unable to coordin
ate his or her movements.
Apraxia differs from clumsiness resulting from muscular weakness, loss of sensat
ion or disease in the
cerebellum (see BRAIN).
The condition is usually a consequence of disease in the brains parietal
lobes, though frontal-lobe
disease may cause it. A person with gait apraxia has normal power in the legs an
d no abnormal signs
suggesting cerebellar disease, but cannot perform the normal act of walking beca
use of malfunction in the

Apyrexia Absence of FEVER.
Arachnodactyly Arachnodactyly, or MARFANS SYNDROME, is a congenital condi
tion characterised by extreme
length and slenderness of the fingers and toes and, to a lesser extent, of the l
imbs and trunk; laxity of
the ligaments; and dislocation of the lens of the eye. The antero-posterior diam
eter of the skull is
abnormally long, and the jaw is prominent. There may also be abnormalities of th
e heart.
Arachnoid Membrane One of the membranes covering the brain and spinal co
rd (see BRAIN). Arachnoiditis
is the name applied to inflammation of this membrane.
Arboviruses A heterogenous group of around 500 viruses, which are transm
itted to humans by ARTHROPODS.
Grouped in four families, they include the viruses of DENGUE and YELLOW FEVER wh
ich are transmitted by
Arc Eye Damage to the corneal surface of the EYE caused by ultraviolet l
ight from arc welding. A
painful condition, it usually heals if the eyes are covered with pads for a day
or two. It can be prevented
by the proper use of protective goggles. A similar condition occurs in snow-blin
dness or when someone fails
to protect the eyes when using suntan lamps.
Arcus Senilis See under EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Arenaviruses A group of viruses, so-called because under the electron mi
croscope they have a
sand-sprinkled (Latin, arenosus) appearance. Among the diseases in humans for wh
ich they are responsible
are LASSA FEVER in West Africa, Argentinian haemorrhagic fever (mortality rate 31
5 per cent), a similar
disease in Bolivia (mortality rate 18 per cent), and lymphocytic choriomeningiti
s, in which deaths are

Arteries 53
Areola Areola literally means a small space, and is the term applied to
the red or dusky ring around
the nipple, or around an inflamed part. Increase in the duskiness of the areola
on the breast is an
important early sign of pregnancy.
Argyll Robertson Pupil A condition (described originally by Dr Argyll Ro
bertson) in which the pupils
contract when the eyes converge on a near object, but fail to contract when a br
ight light falls on the
eye. It is found in several diseases, especially in locomotor ataxia and neurosy
philis, an advanced
manifestation of SYPHILIS.
Argyria Argyria, or argyriosis, means the effect produced by taking silv
er salts over a long period,
and consists of a deep duskiness of the skin, especially of the exposed parts.
Aromatase Inhibitors A group of drugs that stop the action of the ENZYME
, aromatase. This enzyme
converts androgens (see ANDROGEN) to OESTROGENS. If this conversion is inhibited
, the concentrations of
oestrogens in the body are reduced so these drugs operate against tumours, such
as breast cancer, that
depend on oestrogen for their growth. Aromatase inhibitors include anastrazole a
nd formestane, and they are
usually prescribed as second-line treatment after TAMOXIFEN, the prime drug trea
tment for breast cancer.
inhibiting the action of many enzymes (see and also disrupts oxidative p
hosphorylation by substituting
for PHOSPHORUS. Clinical effects of acute poisoning range from severe gastrointe
stinal effects to renal
impairment or failure characterised by OLIGURIA, HAEMATURIA, PROTEINURIA and ren
al tubular necrosis. SHOCK,
COMA and CONVULSIONS are reported, as are JAUNDICE and peripheral NEUROPATHY. Ch
ronic exposures are harder
to diagnose as effects are non-specific: they include gastrointestinal disturban
ces, hyperpigmentation and
PATOMEGALY and jaundice.
Management is largely supportive, particularly ensuring adequate renal function.
Concentrations of arsenic
in urine and blood can be measured and therapy instituted if needed. Several CHE
effective: these include DMPS (2, 3-dimercapto-1-propanesulphonate), penicillami
ne and dimercaprol; DMPS is
now agent of choice. ENZYME)
Artefact See ARTIFACT.
Arrhythmia means any variation from the normal regular rhythm of the hea
rtbeat. The condition is
produced by some affection interfering with the mechanism which controls the bea
ting of the heart, and
includes the following disorders: sinus arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, atrial

flutter, heart block,

extrasystoles, pulsus alternans, and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, ventricular
tachycardia and ventricular
Arteries are vessels which convey oxygenated blood away from the heart t
o the tissues of the body,
limbs and internal organs. In the case of most arteries the blood has been purif
ied by passing through the
lungs, and is consequently bright red in colour; but in the pulmonary arteries,
which convey the blood to
the lungs, it is deoxygenated, dark, and like the blood in veins. The arterial s
ystem begins at the left
ventricle of the heart with the AORTA, which gives off branches that subdivide i
nto smaller and smaller
vessels. The final divisions, called arterioles, are microscopic and end in a ne
twork of capillaries which
perforate the tissues like the pores of a sponge and bathe them in blood that is
collected and brought back
to the heart by veins. (See CIRCULATORY SYSTEM OF THE BLOOD.)
The chief arteries after the aorta and its
A metalloid with industrial use in glass, wood preservative, herbicide,
semiconductor manufacture, and
as an alloy additive. It may be a component in alternative or traditional remedi
es both intentionally and
as a contaminant. Common in the environment and in food, especially seafood, ars
enic is odourless and
tasteless and highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin contact. It binds t
o sulphydryl groups
branches are: (1) the common carotid, running up each side of the neck a
nd dividing into the internal
carotid to the brain, and external carotid to the neck and face; (2) the subclav
ian to each arm, continued
by the axillary in the armpit, and the brachial along the inner side of the arm,
dividing at the elbow into
the radial and the ulnar,

54 Arteries, Diseases of
which unite across the palm of the hand in arches that give branches to
the fingers; (3) the two common
iliacs, in which the aorta ends, each of which divides into the internal iliac t
o the organs in the pelvis,
and the external iliac to the lower limb, continued by the femoral in the thigh,
and the popliteal behind
the knee, dividing into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries to the front
and back of the leg. The
latter passes behind the inner ankle to the sole of the foot, where it forms arc
hes similar to those in the
hand, and supplies the foot and toes by plantar branches.
Structure The arteries are highly elastic, dilating at each heartbeat as
blood is driven into them, and
forcing it on by their resiliency (see PULSE). Every artery has three coats: (a)
the outer or adventitia,
consisting of ordinary strong fibrous tissue; (b) the middle or media, consistin
g of muscular fibres
supported by elastic fibres, which in some of the larger arteries form distinct
membranes; and (c) the
inner or intima, consisting of a layer of yellow elastic tissue on whose inner s
urface rests a layer of
smooth plate-like endothelial cells, over which flows the blood. In the larger a
rteries the muscle of the
middle coat is largely replaced by elastic fibres, which render the artery still
more expansile and
elastic. When an artery is cut across, the muscular coat instantly shrinks, draw
ing the cut end within the
fibrous sheath that surrounds the artery, and bunching it up, so that a very sma
ll hole is left to be
closed by blood-clot. (See HAEMORRHAGE.)
Arteries, Diseases of ARTERIES are the blood vessels that convey blood a
way from the heart to the
tissues. The commonest cause of arterial disease is a degenerative condition kno
wn as atherosclerosis. Less
commonly, inflammation of the arteries occurs; this inflammation is known as art
eritis and occurs in a
variety of conditions.
arteries cause limb ischaemia (localised bloodlessness). Risk factors pr
edisposing individuals to
atherosclerosis include age, male gender, raised plasma cholesterol concentratio
n, high blood pressure,
smoking, a family history of atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity.
Arteritis occurs in a variety of conditions that produce inflammation in
the arteries. Examples include
syphilis now rare in Britain which produces inflammation of the aorta with subse
quent dilatation
(aneurysm formation) and risk of rupture; giant cell arteritis (temporal arterit
is), a condition usually
affecting the elderly, which involves the cranial arteries and leads to headache
, tenderness over the
temporal arteries and the risk of sudden blindness; Takayasus syndrome, predomina
ntly affecting young

females, which involves the aortic arch and its major branches, leading to the a
bsence of pulse in affected
vessels; and polyarteritis nodosa, a condition causing multiple small nodules to
form on the smaller
arteries. General symptoms such as fever, malaise, weakness, anorexia and weight
loss are accompanied by
local manifestations of ischaemia (bloodlessness) in different parts of the body
Arteriography See ANGIOGRAPHY.
Arteriole A small artery (see ARTERIES).
Arterio-Venous Aneurysm An abnormal communication between an artery and
a vein. It is usually the
result of an injury, such as a stab or a gunshot wound, which involves both a ne
ighbouring artery and vein.
Arteritis Arteritis means inflammation of an artery (see ARTERIES, DISEA
Atherosclerosis is due to the deposition of
into the walls of arteries. The process starts in childhood with the dev
elopment of fatty streaks
lining the arteries. In adulthood these progress, scarring and calcifying to for
m irregular narrowings
within the arteries and eventually leading to blockage of the vessel. The conseq
uence of the narrowing or
blockage depends on which vessels are involved diseased cerebral vessels cause s
trokes; coronary vessels
cause angina and heart attacks; renal vessels cause renal failure; and periphera
Pain in a joint in which there is no swelling or other indication of ART
Arthritis Arthritis refers to any condition of joints of the limbs or sp
ine associated with
inflammatory or structural change. It is distinguished from ARTHRALGIA which sim
ply implies joint pain with
or without any inflammatory or structural change. The two main categories of art
hritis are osteoarthritis,
in which the primary change is

Artifact (Artefact) 55
thought of as mechanical failure of articular cartilage; and rheumatoid
arthritis, in which the primary
problem is a chronic inflammation of the synovial lining of joints, tendon sheat
hs and bursae. Other, less
common forms of inflammatory arthritis include psoriatic arthritis, Reiters syndr
ome, colitic arthritis
and Behets syndrome. Spondarthritis refers to an inflammatory arthritis with invol
vement of the spine and
is often associated with the HLA B27 tissue type. (See OSTEOARTHRITIS; RHEUMATOI
Arthrodesis An operation for fixating the bones in a diseased joint in a
given position so that the
joint cannot be moved. It is usually done if pain and deformity in a diseased jo
int caused, for instance,
by RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS are so bad that they cannot be relieved by drugs, PHYSIO
THERAPY, splinting or
organisms, such as scorpions, mites, ticks, spiders and centipedes (see
Arthroscope An endoscopic instrument (see ENDOSCOPE) that enables the op
erator to see inside a joint
cavity and, if necessary, take a biopsy or carry out an operation.
Arthroscopy Inspection of the interior of a joint (usually the knee) to
diagnose any disorder there.
The instrument used is a type of ENDOSCOPE called an ARTHROSCOPE. The knee is of
ten affected by conditions
that are not easy to diagnose and are not revealed by X-ray examination. Surgery
can be performed using
arthroscopy and this reduces the time a patient has to be in hospital.
Arthrotomy Surgical exploration of a joint to examine the contents or to
A term applied to any form of joint disease.
Articular means anything connected with a joint: for example, articular
The use of metal or plastic components to replace a joint or part of a j
oint. Arthroplasty was first
used in the 1930s to replace diseased hip-joints and has been routinely used sin
ce the 1960s, enabling
thousands of people, especially the older generation, to resume normal life free
from pain and disability.
Replacement of other joints for instance, knees, fingers, shoulders and elbows h
as now become routine.
(See JOINTS, DISEASES OF and diagram.)

Arthropods Arthropods are segmented invertebrates with jointed legs. The

y include a wide range of
Articulation Articulation is a term employed in two senses in medicine,
meaning either the enunciation
of words and sentences, or the type of contact between the surfaces of joints th
ese surfaces are called
articular surfaces.
Artifact (Artefact) A foreign body found in living tissue viewed under a
microscope. It is usually
caused by faulty preparation of a specimen, with the result that disease or abno
rmality seems to be
Arthroplasty of right hip (front view) showing how the artificial metal
head fits into the metal socket
set into the ischial part of the pelvis.

56 Artificial Insemination
Insemination A Artificial In this method of fertilisation, SEMEN is coll
ected either by the husband
(AIH) or by a donor (AID) through masturbation and introduced into the cervix (n
eck of the womb) by means
of an instrument around the time of OVULATION.
AIH is thought to be particularly useful for men with retrograde ejacula
tion or erectile IMPOTENCE. AID
may be considered when the partners sperm count is either very low or zero. Insem
ination can be made with
fresh or frozen semen. Donors should be tested for sexually transmitted diseases
and their identity remain
unknown to the infertile couple. The pregnancy rate over six months is 5060 per c
ent. Artificial
insemination is usually done at specially staffed centres with facilities to sto
re semen and provide the
individuals involved with appropriate counselling. Success rates are up to 70 pe
r cent with fresh semen
(used over a six-month period) and over 50 per cent with frozen semen.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) The design and study of computer systems th
at have properties resembling
human intelligence, such as natural language, problem-solving, and analysis of n
ovel situations.
Artificial Joints See ARTHROPLASTY.
Artificial Kidney See DIALYSIS.
Artificial Limbs and Other Parts See PROSTHESIS.
Artificial Respiration See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID.
Artificial Ventilation of the Lungs When we breathe in, the outward move
ment of the chest increases the
volume of the lungs and the pressure in them falls below that of the outside wor
ld. Therefore, air is drawn
in automatically. When we breathe out, some air exits because of the normal elas
tic recoil of the lungs,
but we also force air out by using the muscles of the chest and the DIAPHRAGM. R
eplicating this
artificially involves using a device to produce intermittent positive or negativ
e pressure ventilation as
described below.
Intermittent positive pressure (IPP) The simplest form of intermittent p
ositivepressure ventilation is mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (see APPENDIX 1: BA
SIC FIRST AID) where an
individual blows his or her own expired gases into the lungs of a non-breathing
person via the mouth or
nose. Similarly gas may be blown into the lungs via a face mask (or down an endo
tracheal tube) and a
self-inflating bag or an anaesthetic circuit containing a bag which is inflated
by the flow of fresh gas
from an anaesthetic machine, gas cylinder, or piped supply. In all these example
s expiration is passive.

For more prolonged artificial ventilation it is usual to use a specially designe

d machine or ventilator to
perform the task. The ventilators used in operating theatres when patients are a
naesthetised and paralysed
are relatively simple devices.They often consist of bellows which fill with fres
h gas and which are then
mechanically emptied (by means of a weight, piston, or compressed gas) via a cir
cuit or tubes attached to
an endotracheal tube into the patients lungs. Adjustments can be made to the volu
me of fresh gas given
with each breath and to the length of inspiration and expiration. Expiration is
usually passive back to the
atmosphere of the room via a scavenging system to avoid pollution. In intensivecare units, where patients
are not usually paralysed, the ventilators are more complex. They have electroni
c controls which allow the
user to programme a variety of pressure waveforms for inspiration and expiration
. There are also programmes
that allow the patient to breathe between ventilated breaths or to trigger venti
lated breaths, or inhibit
ventilation when the patient is breathing. Indications for artificial ventilatio
n are when patients are
unable to achieve adequate respiratory function even if they can still breathe o
n their own. This may be
due to injury or disease of the central nervous, cardiovascular, or respiratory
systems, or to drug
overdose. Artificial ventilation is performed to allow time for healing and reco
very. Sometimes the patient
is able to breathe but it is considered advisable to control ventilation for exa
mple, in severe head
injury. Some operations require the patient to be paralysed for better or safer
surgical access and this
may require ventilation. With lung operations or very unwell patients, ventilati
on is also indicated.
Artificial ventilation usually bypasses the physiological mechanisms for humidif
ication of inspired air, so
care must be taken to humidify inspired gases. It is important to monitor the ef
ficacy of ventilation for
example, by using blood gas measurement, pulse oximetry, and tidal carbon dioxid
e, and airways pressures.

Ascites 57
Artificial ventilation is not without its hazards. The use of positive p
ressure raises the mean
intrathoracic pressure. This can decrease venous return to the heart and cause a
fall in CARDIAC OUTPUT and
blood pressure. Positivepressure ventilation may also cause PNEUMOTHORAX, but th
is is rare. While patients
are ventilated, they are unable to breathe and so accidental disconnection from
the ventilator may cause
HYPOXIA and death.
Negative-pressure ventilation is seldom used nowadays. The chest or whol
e body, apart from the head, is
placed inside an airtight box. A vacuum lowers the pressure within the box, caus
ing the chest to expand.
Air is drawn into the lungs through the mouth and nose. At the end of inspiratio
n the vacuum is stopped,
the pressure in the box returns to atmospheric, and the patient exhales passivel
y. This is the principle of
the iron lung which saved many lives during the polio epidemics of the 1950s. Thes
e machines are
cumbersome and make access to the patient difficult. In addition, complex manipu
lation of ventilation is
Jet ventilation is a relatively modern form of ventilation which utilise
s very small tidal volumes (see
LUNGS) from a high-pressure source at high frequencies (20200/min). First develop
ed by physiologists to
produce low stable intrathoracic pressures whilst studying CAROTID BODY reflexes
, it is sometimes now used
in intensive-therapy units for patients who do not achieve adequate gas exchange
with conventional
ventilation. Its advantages are lower intrathoracic pressures (and therefore les
s risk of pneumothorax and
impaired venous return) and better gas mixing within the lungs.
scribed. About 900 people a year in the UK claim compensation, and 600 o
f these for mesothelioma; most
patients with asbestosis now being diagnosed have it as a consequence of industr
ial practices used before
1970. The use of asbestos is now strictly controlled and, when blue asbestos is
found in old buildings,
skilled workmen are employed to dispose of it.
Ascariasis Ascariasis is the disease produced by infestation with the ro
undworm Ascaris lumbricoides,
also known as the maw-worm. Superficially it resembles a large earthworm: the ma
le measures about 17 cm (7
inches) and the female 23 cm (9 inches) in length. Ascariasis is a dirt disease,
most prevalent where
sanitation and cleanliness are lacking, particularly in the tropics and subtropi
cs. Consumption of food
contaminated by the ova (eggs), especially salad vegetables, is the commonest ca
use of infection. In
children, infection is commonly acquired by crawling or playing on contaminated
earth, and then sucking
their fingers. After a complicated life-cycle in the body the adult worms end up
in the intestines, whence

they may be passed in the stools. A light infection may cause no symptoms. A hea
vy infection may lead to
colic, or even obstruction of the gut. Occasionally a worm may wander into the s
tomach and be vomited up.
Treatment Mebendazole is the drug of choice in the UK, being given as a
single dose. It should be
combined with hygienic measures to break the cycle of autoinfection. All members
of the family require
treatment. Other ANTHELMINTICS include piperazine and pyrantel.
The name applied to two cartilages in the
Drugs used to treat ASCARIASIS, a disease caused by an infestation with
the parasitic worm Ascaris
lumbricoides. LEVAMISOLE, MEBENDAZOLE and PIPERAZINE are all effective against t
his parasite.
Asbestosis A form of PNEUMOCONIOSIS, in which widespread fine scarring o
ccurs in the LUNGS, leading to
severe breathing disability. The main hazard, however, is the risk of cancer (ME
SOTHELIOMA) of the lung or
PLEURA, or sometimes of the ovary (see OVARIES). It is caused by the inhalation
of mainly blue or brown
asbestos dust, either during mining or quarrying, or in one of the many industri
es in which it is used
for example, as an insulating material, in the making of paper, cardboard and br
ake linings. A person
suffering from asbestosis is entitled to compensation, as the disease is legally
proAscaris A worldwide genus of parasitic nematode worms (see ASCARIASIS).
Ascites An accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. The causes include hear
t failure, CANCER, cirrhosis of
the liver (see under LIVER, DISEASES OF), and infections. Treatment is directed
at the underlying cause(s);
if the amount of fluid is causing discomfort, it should be drained off.

58 Ascorbic Acid
Acid A Ascorbic Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C (see
is a simple sugar found in living tissues its highest concentrations bei
ng in the adrenal cortex (see
ADRENAL GLANDS) and the eye. Stress and CORTICOTROPIN lead to a loss of ascorbic
acid from the adrenal
cortex. Fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly blackcurrants, citrus fruits, b
erries and green
vegetables, are the richest dietary sources; it may also be synthetically prepar
ed. Ascorbic acid is easily
eliminated from the diet by traditional methods of cooking, being very soluble i
n water and easily
destroyed by heat, alkalis, traces of copper or by an oxidase released by damage
to plant tissues.
Deficiency may lead to SCURVY, traditionally associated with sailors, among elde
rly people living alone or
in poor communities living at subsistence level. It has been claimed that large
doses (12 g daily) will
prevent the common cold, but few large controlled trials have been carried out a
nd it is inadvisable for
people to dose themselves with large quantities of ascorbic acid, which may resu
lt in the formation of
oxalate stones in the urinary tract. (See also VITAMIN.)
Asepsis A technique to produce a germ-free environment to protect patien
ts from infection. It is used
for any procedure that might introduce infection into the body and is essential
for all surgery even
minor procedures. Asepsis is achieved by ensuring that all people who come into
contact with the patient
scrub their hands and wear sterilised gowns with disposable masks and gloves. Op
erating-theatre air and
equipment must also be clean. An aseptic technique is also necessary when caring
for patients whose immune
system (see IMMUNITY) is suppressed: one example is LEUKAEMIA, the treatment of
which affects the immune
system. Asepsis is aimed at preventing infection; antisepsis is the use of chemi
cals to destroy germs
already on the body or in a wound (see ANTISEPTICS).
ASH ASH, or Action on Smoking and Health, is a charity founded by the Ro
yal College of Physicians in
1971 and supported by the Department of Health. It gathers information about the
dangers of smoking, which
it disseminates to the public. It also commissions surveys on public attitudes t
o smoking and helps people
to give up the habit. ASH has contributed substantially to the cut in the number
of smokers: six out of ten
adults are now non-smokers, and
an increasing number of public places are becoming smoke-free. The chari
ty has a small headquarters in
London from which further information may be obtained, with other national and r
egional branches in

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Asparaginase Asparaginase is an ENZYME that breaks down the amino acid (
see AMINO ACIDS), asparagine.
This is of no significance to most cells in the body as they can make asparagine
from simpler constituents.
Certain tumours, however, are unable to do this; therefore, if they cannot recei
ve ready-made supplies of
the amino acid, they die. This property is utilised to treat acute lymphoblastic
Aspartame Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, 200 times as sweet as su
gar but without the bitter
aftertaste of saccharine.
Aspergers Syndrome A lifelong personality disorder, evident from childhoo
d and regarded as a mild form
of AUTISM. Persons with the syndrome tend to have great difficulty with personal
relationships. They tend
to take what is said to them as literal fact and have great difficulty in unders
tanding irony, metaphors or
even jokes. They appear shy with a distant and aloof character, emotional rigidi
ty and inability to adapt
to new situations. They are often mocked and illtreated at school by their fello
ws because they appear
unusual. Many people with Aspergers seem to take refuge in intense interests or h
obbies, often conducted
to an obsessional degree. Many become skilled in mathematics and particularly in
formation technology.
Frustration with the outside world which is so hard to comprehend may provoke ag
gressive outbursts when
Aspergillosis A disease caused by invasion of the lung by the fungus, As
pergillus fumigatus. The
infection is acquired by inhalation of air-borne spores of the fungus, which set
tle and grow in damaged
parts of the lung such as healed tuberculous cavities, abscesses, or the dilated
Aspergillus A group of fungi including the common moulds. Several of the
se are capable of infecting the
lungs and producing a disease resembling pulmonary TUBERCULOSIS.

Aspirin Poisoning
Asphyxia Asphyxia means literally absence of pulse, but is the name give
n to the whole series of
symptoms which follow stoppage of breathing and of the hearts action. Drowning is
one cause, but
obstruction of the AIR PASSAGES may occur as the result of a foreign body or in
some diseases, such as
CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, swelling of the throat due to wounds or inflammation, ASTHMA
(to a partial extent),
tumours in the chest (causing slow asphyxia), and the external conditions of suf
focation and strangling.
Placing the head in a plastic bag results in asphyxia, and poisonous gases also
cause asphyxia: for
example, CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) gas, which may be given off by a stove or charcoal
brazier in a badly
ventilated room, can kill people during sleep. Several gases, such as sulphurous
acid (from burning
sulphur), ammonia, and chlorine (from bleachingpowder), cause involuntary closur
e of the entrance to the
larynx, and thus prevent breathing. Other gases, such as nitrous oxide (or laugh
ing-gas), chloroform, and
ether, in poisonous quantity, stop the breathing by paralysing the respiration c
entre in the brain.
Symptoms In most cases, death from asphyxia is due to insufficiency of o
xygen supplied to the blood.
The first signs are rapid pulse and gasping for breath. Next comes a rise in the
blood pressure, causing
throbbing in the head, with lividity or blueness of the skin, due to failure of
aeration of the blood,
followed by still greater struggles for breath and by general CONVULSIONS. The h
eart becomes overdistended
and gradually weaker, a paralytic stage sets in, and all struggling and breathin
g slowly cease. When
asphyxia is due to charcoal fumes, coal-gas, and other narcotic influences, ther
e is no convulsive stage,
and death ensues gently and may occur in the course of sleep.
Treatment So long as the heart continues to beat, recovery may be looked
for with prompt treatment. The
one essential of treatment is to get the impure blood aerated by artificial resp
iration. Besides this, the
feeble circulation can be helped by various methods. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRS
T AID Choking;
Cardiac/respiratory arrest.) Aspiration Aspiration means the withdrawal of fluid
or gases from the natural
cavities of the body or from cavities produced by disease. It may be performed f
or curative purposes;
alternatively, a
small amount of fluid may be drawn off for diagnosis of its nature or or
igin. An instrument called an
aspirator is used to remove blood and fluid from a surgical-operation site for e
xample, the abdomen or
the mouth (in dentistry). PLEURISY with effusion is a condition requiring aspira
tion, and a litre or more
of fluid may be drawn off by an aspirator or a large syringe and needle. Chronic

abscesses and tuberculous

joints may call for its use, the operation being done with a small syringe and h
ollow needle. PERICARDITIS
with effusion is another condition in which aspiration is sometimes performed. T
he spinal canal is
aspirated by the operation of LUMBAR PUNCTURE. In children the ventricles of the
brain are sometimes
similarly relieved from excess of fluid by piercing the fontanelle (soft spot) o
n the infants head. (See
Aspirin Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is a white crystalline powder wh
ich is used like sodium
salicylate as a remedy for reducing inflammation and fever. Taken orally, it has
some action in relieving
pain and producing sleep and is therefore often used for headache and slighter d
egrees of insomnia
(sleeplessness). Daily doses are now used in the prevention of coronary thrombos
OF); the dose is 75300 mg. Aspirin should be used with caution in people with DYS
(See also ANALGESICS.)
Aspirin Poisoning ASPIRIN is a commonly available analgesic (see ANALGES
ICS) which is frequently taken
in overdose. Clinical features of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, TINNITUS,
flushing, sweating,
HYPERVENTILATION, DEHYDRATION, deafness and acid-base and electrolyte disturbanc
more severe cases individuals may be confused, drowsy and comatose. Rarely, rena
l failure (see KIDNEYS,
DISEASES OF), PULMONARY OEDEMA or cardiovascular collapse occur. Severe toxicity
may be delayed, as
absorption of the drug may be prolonged due to the formation of drug concretions
in the stomach. Treatment
involves the repeated administration of activated CHARCOAL, monitoring of concen
tration of aspirin in the
blood, and correction of acid-base and electrolyte imbalances. In more severely
poisoned patients, enhanced
excretion of the drug may be necessary by alkalinising the urine (by intravenous
administration of sodium
bicarbonate see under SODIUM) or HAEMODIALYSIS.

60 Assisted Conception
Conception A Assisted (Further information about the subject and the ter
ms used can be found at http:// This technique is used when normal methods of attempte
INSEMINATION with healthy SEMEN have failed. In the UK, assisted-conception proc
edures are governed by the
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 1990, which set up the Human Fertilisation
& Embryology Authority
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 1990 UK legislation was prompted by
the report on in vitro
fertilisation produced by a government-appointed committee chaired by Baroness W
arnock. This followed the
birth, in 1978, of the first test-tube baby. This Act allows regulation monitoring
of all treatment
centres to ensure that they carry out treatment and research responsibly. It cov
ers any fertilisation that
uses donated eggs or sperm (called gametes) for example, donor insemination or e
mbryos (see EMBRYO) grown
outside the human body (known as licensed treatment). The Act also covers resear
ch on human embryos with
especial emphasis on foolproof labelling and immaculate data collection.
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) Set up by the UK gover
nment following the Warnock
report, the Authoritys 221 members inspect and license centres carrying out ferti
lisation treatments using
donated eggs and sperm. It publishes a code of practice advising centres on how
to conduct their activities
and maintains a register of information on donors, patients and all treatments.
It also reviews routinely
progress and research in fertility treatment and the attempted development of hu
man CLONING. Cloning to
produce viable embryos (reproductive cloning) is forbidden, but limited licensin
g of the technique is
allowed in specialist centres to enable them to produce cells for medical treatm
ent (therapeutic cloning).
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) In this technique, the female partner recei
ves drugs to enhance OVULATION.
Just before the eggs are released from the ovary (see OVARIES), several ripe egg
s are collected under
ULTRASOUND guidance or through a LAPAROSCOPE. The eggs are incubated with the pr
epared sperm. About 40
hours later, once the eggs are fertilised, two eggs (three in special circumstan
ces) are transferred into
the mothers UTERUS via the cervix
(neck of the womb). Pregnancy should then proceed normally. About one in
five IVF pregnancies results
in the birth of a child. The success rate is lower in women over 40.
Indications In women with severely damaged FALLOPIAN TUBES, IVF offers t
he only chance of pregnancy.
The method is also used in couples with unexplained infertility or with male-fac
tor infertility (where
sperms are abnormal or their count low). Women who have had an early or surgical

ly induced MENOPAUSE can

become pregnant using donor eggs. A quarter of these pregnancies are multiple th
at is, produce twins or
more. Twins and triplets are more likely to be premature. The main danger of ova
rian stimulation for IVF is
hyperstimulation which can cause ovarian cysts. (See OVARIES, DISEASES OF.)
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) Another method of helping infertil
e couples. In over half of
women diagnosed as infertile, the Fallopian tubes are normal, and in many it is
unknown why they cannot
conceive although some have ENDOMETRIOSIS. Eggs are obtained and mixed with the
partners semen, then
introduced into the womans Fallopian tubes for fertilisation to take place. The f
ertilised egg travels to
the uterus where IMPLANTATION occurs and pregnancy proceeds. A variation of GIFT
is zygote intrafallopian
transfer (ZIFT) in which early development of the fertilised eggs happens in the
laboratory before the
young embryo is transferred to the Fallopian tubes. GIFT is best used in couples
with unexplained
infertility or with minor degrees of male or female cervical factor infertility.
The success rate is about
17 per cent. (See also ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION.)
Association In statistical terms, this represents two separate events ap
parently occurring together.
Association does not necessarily mean cause and effect. For example, if a resear
cher finds that children
wearing bicycle helmets have fewer injuries, this could imply that helmets prote
ct them (cause and effect)
or just that more careful children tend to be those who wear helmets (associatio
Astereognosis Astereognosis means the loss of the capacity to recognise
the nature of an object by
feeling it, and indicates a lesion (e.g. tumour) of the brain.

Asthma 61
Asthenia A traditional term meaning lack of strength.
Asthenopia Asthenopia means a sense of weakness in the eyes, coming on w
hen they are used. As a rule it
is due to long-sightedness, slight inflammation, or weakness of the muscles that
move the eyes. (See
Asthma Asthma is a common disorder of breathing characterised by widespr
ead narrowing of smaller
airways within the lung. In the UK the prevalence among children in the 512 age g
roup is around 10 per
cent, with up to twice the number of boys affected as girls. Among adults, howev
er, the sex incidence
becomes about equal. The main symptom is shortness of breath. A major feature of
asthma is the
reversibility of the airway-narrowing and, consequently, of the breathlessness.
This variability in the
obstruction may occur spontaneously or in response to treatment.
Cause Asthma runs in families, so that parents with asthma have a strong
risk of having children with
asthma, or with other atopic (see ATOPY) illnesses such as HAY FEVER or eczema (
see DERMATITIS). There is
therefore a great deal of interest in the genetic basis of the condition. Severa
l GENES seem to be
associated with the condition of atopy, in which subjects have a predisposition
to form ANTIBODIES of the
IgE class against allergens (see ALLERGEN) they encounter especially inhaled all
ergens. The allergic
response in the lining of the airway leads to an inflammatory reaction. Many cel
ls are involved in this
inflammatory process, including lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils and mast c
ells. The cells are
attracted and controlled by a complex system of inflammatory mediators. The infl
amed airway-wall produced
in this process is then sensitive to further allergic stimuli or to non-specific
challenges such as dust,
smoke or drying from the increased respiration during exercise. Recognition of t
his inflammation has
concentrated attention on anti-inflammatory aspects of treatment. Continued infl
ammation with poor control
of asthma can result in permanent damage to the airway-wall such that reversibil
ity is reduced and
airway-narrowing becomes permanent. Appropriate anti-inflammatory therapy may he
lp to prevent this damage.
Many allergens can be important triggers of asthma. House-dust mite, grass polle
n and
animal dander are the commonest problems. Occupational factors such as g
rain dusts, hardmetals fumes
and chemicals in the plastic and paint industry are important in some adults. Vi
ral infections are another
common trigger, especially in young children. The prevalence of asthma appears t
o be on the increase in
most countries. Several factors have been linked to this increase; most importan
t may be the vulnerability
of the immature immune system (see IMMUNITY) in infants. High exposure to allerg

ens such as house-dust mite

early in life may prime the immune system, while reduced exposure to common vira
l infections may delay the
maturation of the immune system. In addition, maternal smoking in pregnancy and
infancy increases the risk.
Clinical course The major symptoms of asthma are breathlessness and coug
h. Occasionally cough may be
the only symptom, especially in children, where night-time cough may be mistaken
for recurrent infection
and treated inappropriately with antibiotics. The onset of asthma is usually in
childhood, but it may begin
at any age. In childhood, boys are affected more often than girls but by adultho
od the sex incidence is
equal. Children who have mild asthma are more likely to grow out of the conditio
n as they go through their
teenaged years, although symptoms may recur later. The degree of airway-narrowin
g, and its change with time
and treatment, can be monitored by measuring the peak expiratory flow with a sim
ple monitor at home a
peak-flow meter. The typical pattern shows the peak flow to be lowest in the ear
ly morning and this
morning dipping is often associated with disturbance of sleep. Acute exacerbations
of asthma may be
provoked by infections or allergic stimuli. If they do not respond quickly and f
ully to medication, expert
help should be sought urgently since oxygen and higher doses of drugs will be ne
cessary to control the
attack. In a severe attack the breathing rate and the pulse rate rise and the ch
est sounds wheezy. The
peak-flow rate of air into the lungs falls. Patients may be unable to talk in fu
ll sentences without
catching their breath, and the reduced oxygen in the blood in very severe attack
s may produce the blue
colour of CYANOSIS in the lips and tongue. Such acute attacks can be very fright
ening for the patient and
family. Some cases of chronic asthma are included in the internationally agreed
description CHRONIC
OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) a chronic, slowly progressive disorder

62 Astigmatism
characterised by obstruction of the airflow
A persisting over several months.
Treatment The first important consideration in the treatment of asthma i
s avoidance of precipitating
factors. When this is a specific animal or occupational exposure, this may be po
ssible; it is however more
difficult for house-dust mite or pollens. Exercise-induced asthma should be trea
ted adequately rather than
avoiding exercise. Desensitisation injections using small quantities of specific
allergens are used widely
in some countries, but rarely in the UK as they are considered to have limited v
alue since most asthma is
precipitated by many stimuli and controlled adequately with simple treatment. Th
ere are two groups of main
drugs for the treatment of asthma. The first are the bronchodilators which relax
the smooth muscle in the
wall of the airways, increase their diameter and relieve breathlessness. The mos
t useful agents are the
beta adrenergic agonists (see ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS) such as salbutamol and terbu
taline. They are best given
by inhalation into the airways since this reduces the general sideeffects from o
ral use. These drugs are
usually given to reverse airway-narrowing or to prevent its onset on exercise. H
owever, longer-acting
inhaled beta agonists such as salmeterol and formoterol or the theophyllines giv
en in tablet form can be
used regularly as prevention. The beta agonists can cause TREMOR and PALPITATION
in some patients. The
second group of drugs are the antiinflammatory agents that act to reduce inflamm
ation of the airway. The
main agents in this group are the CORTICOSTEROIDS. They must be taken regularly,
even when symptoms are
absent. Given by inhalation they have few sideeffects. In acute attacks, short c
ourses of oral steroids are
used; in very severe disease regular oral steroids may be needed. Other drugs ha
ve a role in suppressing
inflammation: sodium cromoglycate has been available for some years and is gener
ally less effective than
inhaled steroids. Newer agents directed at specific steps in the inflammatory pa
thway, such as leukotriene
receptor-antagonists, are alternative agents. Treatment guidelines have been pro
duced by various national
and international bodies, such as the British Thoracic Society. Most have set ou
t treatment in steps
according to severity, with objectives for asthma control based on symptoms and
peak flow. Patients should
have a management plan that sets out their regular treatment and their appropria
te response to changes in
their condition.
Advice and support for research into asthma is provided by the National
Asthma Campaign. See
Prognosis Asthma is diagnosed in 1520 per cent of all pre-school children
in the developed world. Yet

by the age of 15 it is estimated that fewer than 5 per cent still have symptoms.
A study in 2003 reported
on a follow-up of persons born in 19723 who developed asthma and still had proble
ms at the age of nine. By
the time these persons were aged 26, 27 per cent were still having problems; aro
und half of that number had
never been free from the illness and the other half had apparently lost it for a
few years but it had
Astigmatism An error of refraction in the EYE due to the cornea (the cle
ar membrane in front of the
eye) being unequally curved in different directions, so that rays of light in di
fferent meridians cannot be
brought to a focus together on the retina. The curvature, instead of being globu
lar, is eggshaped, longer
in one axis than the other. The condition causes objects to seem distorted and o
ut of place, a ball for
instance looking like an egg, a circle like an ellipse. The condition is remedie
d by suitable spectacles of
which one surface forms part of a cylinder. A hard contact lens may be fitted to
achieve an evenly curved
surface. Astigmatism may be caused by any disease that affects the shape of the
cornea for example, a
meibomian cyst (a swollen sebaceous gland in the eyelid) may press on the cornea
and distort it.
Astroviruses Small round viruses (see VIRUS) with no distinctive feature
s, which have been isolated
from the stools of infants with gastroenteritis (see DIARRHOEA). Most adults hav
e antibodies against these
viruses; this suggests that infection is common. There is no treatment.
Asymptomatic The lack of any symptoms of disease, whether or not a disea
se is present.
Asynergia The absence of harmonious and coordinated movements between mu
scles having opposite actions
for example, the flexors and extensors of a joint. Asynergia is a sign of diseas
e of the nervous system.
Asystole Arrest of the action of the heart.

At-Risk Register 63
The principle of inheritance of disease or bodily characters from grandp
arents or remoter ancestors,
the parents not having been affected by these.
An inherited disorder in which there is a defect of blood-clotting cause
d by a deficiency in the
formation of thrombin (see COAGULATION).
Loss of coordination, though the power necessary to make the movements i
s still present. Thus an ataxic
person may have a good grip in each hand but be unable to do any fine movements
with the fingers; or, if
the ataxia be in the legs, the person throws these about a great deal in walking
while still being able to
lift the legs and take steps quite well. This is due to a sensory defect or to d
isease of the cerebellum.
Atelectasis Collapse of a part of the lung, or failure of the lung to ex
pand at birth.
Atenolol One
of several BETA-ADRENOCEPTORBLOCKING DRUGS used in the treatment of high
blood pressure, ANGINA and
of its practical advantages is that only one dose a day need be taken. A
tenolol, being a betablocking
drug, may precipitate ASTHMA an effect that may be dangerous. Among the side-eff
ects are fatigue and
disturbed sleep.
Atheroma Degenerative changes in the inner and middle coats of arteries.
Atherosclerosis A form of arteriosclerosis, in which there is fatty dege
neration of the middle coat of
the arterial wall. (See ARTERIES, DISEASES OF.)
Athetosis Athetosis is the name for slow, involuntary writhing and repea
ted movements of the face,
tongue, hands and feet, caused by disease of the brain. It is usually a manifest
Drugs used to treat PARKINSONISM can also cause athetosis.
Athletes Foot A somewhat loose term applied to a skin eruption on the foo
t, usually between the toes.
It is commonly due to RINGWORM, but may be due to other infections or merely exc
essive sweating of the

feet. It usually responds to careful foot hygiene and the use of antifungal powd
Atlas first
Atony Absence of tone or vigour in muscles and other organs.
Atopy Atopy, meaning out of
erised amongst other features
by a familial tendency. It is due
o produce large amounts
of reagin ANTIBODIES which stick to
NTIGEN is inhaled,
HISTAMINE is released from the mast
also ALLERGY). It is estimated that
atopy. (See also

place, is a form of hypersensitivity charact

to the propensity of the affected individual t
MAST CELLS in the mucosa, so that when the A
cell. Atopy is the condition responsible for
10 per cent of the human race is subject to

Atresia The absence of a natural opening, or closure of it by a membrane

. Thus atresia may be found in
newborn infants, preventing the bowels from moving. In young girls after puberty
, absence of the menstrual
flow may be due to such a malformation at the entrance to the VAGINA.
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide The atria (see ATRIUM) of the heart contain p
eptides with potent diuretic
and vasodilating properties. It has been known since 1980 that extracts of human
atria have potent diuretic
and natriuretic effects in animals (see DIURETICS). In 1984 three polypeptide sp
ecies were isolated from
human atria and were called alpha, beta and gamma human atrial natriuretic pepti
des. Plasma concentration
of immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide can now be measured: the levels are
low in healthy subjects
and are increased in patients with congestive heart failure. Infusion of the pep
tides reduces blood
pressure and causes a natriuresis and diuresis.
Atrial Septal Defect See HEART, DISEASES OF
At-Risk Register See RISK REGISTER.
Congenital heart

64 Atrium
A Atrium (Plural: atria.) Atrium is the name now given to the two upper
cavities of the HEART. These
used to be known as the auricles of the heart. The term is also applied to the p
art of the ear immediately
internal to the drum of the ear.
Atrophy Atrophy occurs when normal tissue, an organ or even the whole bo
dy wastes because the
constituent cells die. Undernourishment, disease, injury, lack of use or AGEING
may cause atrophy. Muscular
atrophy occurs in certain neurological diseases such as POLIOMYELITIS or MUSCULA
R DYSTROPHY. The ovary (see
OVARIES) atrophies at the MENOPAUSE. (See also MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF.)
Atropine Atropine is the active principle of belladonna, the juice of th
e deadly nightshade. Because of
its action in dilating the pupils, it was at one time used as a cosmetic to give
the eyes a full, lustrous
appearance. Atropine acts by antagonising the action of the PARASYMPATHETIC NERV
OUS SYSTEM. It temporarily
impairs vision by paralysing accommodative power (see ACCOMMODATION). It inhibit
s the action of some of the
nerves in the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. The drug relaxes smooth muscle. It has t
he effect of checking the
activity of almost all the glands of the body, including the sweat glands of the
GLANDS in the mouth. It relieves spasm by paralysing nerves in the muscle of the
intestine, bile ducts,
bladder, stomach, etc. It has the power, in moderate doses, of markedly increasi
ng the rate of the
heartbeat, though by very large doses the heart, along with all other muscles, i
s paralysed and stopped.
Uses In eye troubles, atropine drops are used to dilate the pupil for mo
re thorough examination of the
interior of the eye, or to draw the iris away from wounds and ulcers on the cent
re of the eye. They also
soothe the pain caused by light falling on an inflamed eye, and are further used
to paralyse the ciliary
muscle and so prevent accommodative changes in the eye while the eye is being ex
amined with the
OPHTHALMOSCOPE. Given by injection, atropine is used before general ANAESTHESIA
to reduce secretions in the
bronchial tree. The drug can also be used to accelerate the heart rate in BRADYC
ARDIA as a result of
coronary thrombosis.
Attention Deficit Disorder (Hyperactivity Syndrome) A lifelong disorder
characterised by overactive
behaviour, short attention span and poor concentration. It is thought to be caus
ed by a minor abnormality
that affects the part of the brain that allows us to concentrate and focus on ta
sks. Some scientists have
suggested that it may be caused by particular foods, particularly processed food
s containing artificial
additives, and recommend special diets. In some countries, attention deficit dis

order is diagnosed in up to
a tenth of all children; this may reflect differences in paediatric practice and
diagnosis rather than a
real variation in prevalence of the disorder. Behaviour therapy is the main trea
tment. Those children with
very severe symptoms of restlessness, short attention span and disturbed behavio
ur may respond to
additional treatment with methylphenidate (Ritalin ). This is an amphetamine-like
drug that is thought to
stimulate the part of the brain that is not working properly. Use of this drug h
as, however, been
Audiogram A graph produced during hearing tests (with an audiometer) tha
t shows the hearing threshold
the minimal audible loudness level for a range of sound frequencies.
Audiometry The testing of hearing.
Aura The peculiar feeling which persons who are subject to epileptic sei
zures (see EPILEPSY) experience
just before the onset of an attack. It may be a sensation of a cold breeze, a pe
culiar smell, a vision of
some animal or person, or an undefinable sense of disgust. An aura gives warning
that a fit is coming and
may enable a place of safety or seclusion to be reached. It may also occur as a
precursor to a MIGRAINE
Aural Relating to the ear.
Auricle A term applied both to the pinna or flap of the ear, and also to
the ear-shaped tip of the
atrium of the heart.
Auriscope An instrument for examining the ear. The

Autoimmunity 65
source of illumination may be incorporated into the instrument, as in th
e electric auriscope, or it may
be an independent light which is reflected into the ear by means of a forehead m
irror. (See EAR, DISEASES
Auscultation The method used by physicians to determine, by listening, t
he condition of certain
internal organs. The ancient physicians appear to have practised a kind of auscu
ltation, by which they were
able to detect the presence of air or fluids in the cavities of the chest and ab
domen. In 1819 the French
physician, Laennec, introduced the method of auscultation by means of the STETHO
SCOPE. Initially a wooden
cylinder, the stethoscope has evolved into a binaural instrument consisting of a
small expanded chest-piece
and two flexible tubes, the ends of which fit into the ears of the observer. Var
ious modifications of the
binaural stethoscope have been introduced. Conditions affecting the lungs can of
ten be recognised by means
of auscultation and the stethoscope. The same is true for the heart, in which di
sease can, by auscultation,
often be identified with striking accuracy. But auscultation is also helpful in
the investigation of
aneurysms (see ANEURYSM) and certain diseases of the OESOPHAGUS and STOMACH. The
stethoscope is also a
valuable aid in the detection of some forms of uterine tumours, especially in th
e diagnosis of pregnancy.
Autism A disorder, thought to be caused by a brain abnormality, that lea
ds to a lifelong inability to
relate in an ordinary way to people and situations. Autism is usually diagnosed
before the age of three. It
is rare, affecting around 20 people in every 10,000, and is three times more com
mon in boys than in girls.
The main features are a profound inability to form social relationships, delayed
speech development, and a
tendency to perform repeated compulsive actions or rituals. There is no cure at
present, but behaviour
therapy can help children to lead more normal lives.
AutoPrefix meaning self.
Autoantibody An antibody (see ANTIBODIES) produced by a persons immune sy
stem (see IMMUNITY) that acts
against the bodys own tissues, resulting in AUTOIMMUNITY.
Autoclave This is a very effective way of ensuring that material (e.g. s
urgical dressings) is
completely sterilised, and that even the most resistant bacteria with which it m
ay be contaminated are
destroyed. Its use is based upon the fact that water boils when its vapour press
ure is equal to the
pressure of the surrounding atmosphere. This means that if the pressure inside a
closed vessel is
increased, the temperature at which water inside the vessel boils will rise abov
e 100 degrees centigrade.
By adjusting the pressure, almost any temperature for the boiling of the water w

ill be obtained.
Autogenous Autogenous means self-generated and is the term applied to pr
oducts which arise within the
body. It is applied to bacterial vaccines manufactured from the organisms found
in discharges from the body
and used for the treatment of the person from whom the bacteria were derived.
Autoimmune Disorders A collection of conditions in which the bodys immune
system (see IMMUNITY)
attacks its own tissues, identifying them as foreign substances. Genetic factors
may play a part in this
abnormal function, but the causes are not clear. The disorder may affect one org
an (organspecific) or type
of cell, or several (non-organspecific). Among the autoimmune disorders are ADDI
SONS DISEASE; autoimmune
haemolytic anaemia and pernicious anaemia (see under ANAEMIA); autoimmune chroni
c active HEPATITIS;
Treatment Any major deficiencies, such as thyroxin or insulin lack, shou
ld be corrected. The activity
of the immune system should then be reduced. CORTICOSTEROIDS and, in more severe
cases, strong
immunosuppressant drugs AZATHIOPRINE, CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE or METHOTREXATE should be
Treatment is difficult because of the need to control the autoimmune condition w
ithout damaging the bodys
ability to combat other diseases.
Autoimmunity Autoimmunity is a reaction to an individuals own tissues (se
lf-antigens see ANTIGEN) to
which tolerance has been lost (see IMMUNITY). Autoantibodies are not necessarily
harmful and are commonly
encountered in healthy persons.

66 Autointoxication
Autoimmune disease ensues when the immune
A system attacks the target cells of the autoimmune reaction.
Autointoxication Literally means self-poisoning. Any condition of poisonin
g brought about by
substances formed in or by the body.
ation of the internal organs of a dead body. (See NECROPSY.)
Autosomal Dominant Gene See under GENETIC DISORDERS.
The disintegration and softening of dead cells brought about by enzymes
(see ENZYME) in the cells
A self-induced receptive, hypnotic state which is believed to improve th
e bodys ability to help
itself. Doctors have long realised that if they suggested to a patient that a pa
rticular treatment would
work, it often did a type of placebo effect. Some techniques now make use of thi
s idea. For instance,
people can be taught muscular relaxation to control their anxiety states the BIO
FEEDBACK principle.
The performance of acts without conscious will, as, for example, after a
n attack of epilepsy or
concussion of the brain. In such conditions the person may perform acts of which
he or she is neither
conscious at the time nor has any memory afterwards. It is especially liable to
occur when persons
suffering from epilepsy, mental subnormality, or concussion consume alcoholic li
quors. It may also occur
following the taking of barbiturates or PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS. There are, however, o
ther cases in which there
are no such precipitatory factors. Thus it may occur following hypnosis, mental
stress or strain, or
conditions such as FUGUE or somnambulism (see SLEEP). The condition is of consid
erable importance from a
legal point of view, because acts done in this state, and for which the person c
ommitting them is not
responsible, may be of a criminal nature. According to English law, however, it
entails complete loss of
consciousness, and only then is it a defence to an action for negligence. A less
er impairment of
consciousness is no defence.
Without a blood supply. Avascular necrosis is the death of a tissue beca
use the blood supply has been
cut off.
Autologous Blood Transfusion See TRANSFUSION

Transfusion of blood.
Autonomic Nervous System Part of the nervous system which regulates the
bodily functions that are not
under conscious control: these include the heartbeat, intestinal movements, sali
vation, sweating, etc. The
autonomic nervous system consists of two main divisions the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS
SYSTEM and the
PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. The smooth muscles, heart and most glands are co
nnected to nerve fibres
from both systems and their proper functioning depends on the balance between th
ese two. (See also NERVES;
Autopsy A POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION, or the examinAversion Therapy A form of psychological treatment in which such an unpl
easant response is induced to
his or her psychological aberration that the patient decides to give it up. Thus
the victim of alcoholism
is given a drug that makes the subsequent drinking of alcoholic liquors so unple
asant, by inducing nausea
and vomiting, that he or she decides to give up drinking. (See ALCOHOL; DISULFIR
AM.) Aversion therapy may
help in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual deviations such as t
ransvestism, and compulsive
Avitaminosis The condition of a human being or an animal deprived of one
or more vitamins (see
Avulsion Forcible tearing away of one tissue from another. For example,
a tendon may be avulsed from
the bone to which it is attached, or a nerve may be injured and torn away avulse
d from the tissue in
which it runs.
Axilla Anatomical name for the armpit.
Axis The name applied to the second cervical vertebra. (See SPINAL COLUM
Axon Nerve fibre: an elongated projection of a nerve cell or NEURON(E) t
hat carries an electrical
impulse to the tissue at the end of the axon.

Azotaemia 67
Schematic diagram of autonomic nervous system. (Left) Sympathetic nerves
leaving middle section of
spinal cord to connect via the vertebral ganglion (sympathetic trunk) to organs.
(Right) Parasympathetic
nerves leaving the brain and lower spinal cord to connect to organs.
Large axons are covered by a sheath of insulating myelin which is interr
upted at intervals by nodes of
Lanvier, where other axons branch out. An axon may be more than a metre long. It
ends by branching into
several filaments called telodendria, and these are in contact with muscle or gl
and membranes and other
nerves (see NERVE).
Azathioprine A CYTOTOXIC and an immunosuppressive drug (see IMMUNOSUPPRE
SSION). In the first of these
capacities it is proving to be of value in the treatment of acute leukaemia. As
an immunosuppressive agent
it reduces the antibody response of the body (see ANTIBODIES), and is thereby he
lping to facilitate the
of transplant operations (see TRANSPLANTAby reducing the chances of the
transplanted organ (e.g. the
kidney) being rejected by the body. Azathioprine is also proving to be of value
in the treatment of
Azoospermia The condition characterised by lack of spermatozoa (see SPER
Azotaemia Azotaemia means the presence of UREA and other nitrogenous bod
ies in greater concentration
than normal in the blood. The condition is generally associated with advanced ty
pes of kidney disease (see

B Babinski Reflex
When a sharp body is drawn along the sole of the foot, instead of the to
es bending down towards the
sole as usual, the great toe is turned upwards and the other toes tend to spread
apart. After the age of
about two years, the presence of this reflex indicates some severe disturbance i
n the upper part of the
central nervous system. The Babinski reflex may occur transiently during COMA or
after an epileptic fit and
need not indicate permanent damage.
Bacillus This is a big group (genus) of gram-positive (see GRAMS STAIN) r
od-like BACTERIA. Found
widely in the air and soil commonly as spores they feed on dead organic matter.
As well as infecting
and spoiling food, some are pathogenic to humans, causing, for example, ANTHRAX,
conjunctivitis (see EYE,
DISORDERS OF) and DYSENTERY. They are also the source of some antibiotics (See u
Bacitracin A polypeptide antibiotic, with a spectrum similar to penicill
in. It is not absorbed if taken
orally but is valuable topically as an ointment in conjunction with neomycin or
Backache Most people suffer from backache at times during their lives, m
uch of which has no
identifiable cause non-specific back pain. This diagnosis is one of the biggest
single causes of sickness
absence in the UKs working population. Certain occupations, such as those involvi
ng long periods of
sedentary work, lifting, bending and awkward physical work, are especially likel
y to cause backache. Back
pain is commonly the result of sporting activities. Non-specific back pain is pr
obably the result of
mechanical disorders in the muscles, ligaments and joints of the back: torn musc
les, sprained LIGAMENTS,
and FIBROSITIS. These disorders are not always easy to diagnose, but mild muscul
ar and ligamentous injuries
are usually relieved with symptomatic treatment warmth, gentle massage, analgesi
cs, etc. Sometimes back
pain is caused or worsened by muscle spasms, which may call for the use of antis
pasmodic drugs. STRESS and
(see MENTAL ILLNESS) can sometimes result in chronic backache and should
be considered if no clear
physical diagnosis can be made. If back pain is severe and/or recurrent, possibl
y radiating around to the
abdomen or down the back of a leg (sciatica see below), or is accompanied by wea
kness or loss of feeling
in the leg(s), it may be caused by a prolapsed intervertebral disc (slipped disc
) pressing on a nerve. The
patient needs prompt investigation, including MRI. Resting on a firm bed or boar
d can relieve the symptoms,
but the patient may need a surgical operation to remove the disc and relieve pre
ssure on the affected
nerve. The nucleus pulposus the soft centre of the intervertebral disc is at ris
k of prolapse under the

age of 40 through an acquired defect in the fibrous cartilage ring surrounding i

t. Over 40 this nucleus is
firmer and slipped disc is less likely to occur. Once prolapse has taken place, ho
wever, that segment of
the back is never quite the same again, as OSTEOARTHRITIS develops in the adjace
nt facet joints. Stiffness
and pain may develop, sometimes many years later. There may be accompanying pain
in the legs: SCIATICA is
pain in the line of the sciatic nerve, while its rarer analogue at the front of
the leg is cruralgia,
following the femoral nerve. Leg pain of this sort may not be true nerve pain bu
t referred from arthritis
in the spinal facet joints. Only about 5 per cent of patients with back pain hav
e true sciatica, and spinal
surgery is most successful (about 85 per cent) in this group. When the complaint
is of pain alone, surgery
is much less successful. Manipulation by physiotherapists, doctors, osteopaths o
r chiropractors can relieve
symptoms; it is important first to make sure that there is not a serious disorde
r such as a fracture or
cancer. Other local causes of back pain are osteoarthritis of the vertebral join
ts, ankylosing spondylitis
(an inflammatory condition which can severely deform the spine), cancer (usually
secondary cancer deposits
spreading from a primary tumour elsewhere), osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, and PAG
Fractures of the spine compressed fracture of a vertebra or a break in one of it
s spinous processes are
painful and potentially dangerous. (See BONE, DISORDERS OF.) Backache can also b
e caused by disease
elsewhere, such as infection of the kidney or gall-bladder (see LIVER), inflamma
tion of the PANCREAS,
disorders in the UTERUS and PELVIS or osteoarthritis of the HIP. Treatment is ef
fected by tackling the
underlying cause. Among the many known causes of back pain are:

Mechanical and traumatic causes Congenital anomalies. Fractures of the s
pine. Muscular tenderness and
ligament strain. Osteoarthritis. Prolapsed intervertebral disc. Spondylosis.
Inflammatory causes Ankylosing spondylitis. Brucellosis. Osteomyelitis.
Paravertebral abscess.
Psoriatic arthropathy. Reiters syndrome. Spondyloarthropathy. Tuberculosis.
Neoplastic causes Metastatic disease. Primary benign tumours. Primary ma
lignant tumours.
Metabolic bone disease Osteomalacia. Osteoporosis. Pagets disease.
Referred pain Carcinoma of the pancreas. Ovarian inflammation and tumour
s. Pelvic disease. Posterior
duodenal ulcer. Prolapse of the womb.
Psychogenic causes Anxiety. Depression. People with backache can obtain
advice from
Baclofen A powerful muscle-relaxant used for patients with chronic sever
e spasticity increased muscle
rigidity resulting from disorders such as CEREBRAL PALSY, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS
) or traumatic partial
section of the SPINAL CORD. Important adverse effects include SEDATION, HYPOTONI
Bacteraemia Bacteraemia is the condition in which
BACTERIA are present in the bloodstream.
Bacteria (Singular: bacterium.) Simple, single-celled, primitive organis
ms which are widely distributed
throughout the world in air, water, soil,
plants and animals including humans. Many are beneficial to the environm
ent and other living organisms,
but some cause harm to their hosts and can be lethal. Bacteria are classified ac
cording to their shape:
BACILLUS (rod-like), coccus (spherical see COCCI), SPIROCHAETE (corkscrew and sp
iralshaped), VIBRIO
(comma-shaped), and pleomorphic (variable shapes). Some are mobile, possessing s
lender hairs (flagellae) on
the surfaces. As well as having characteristic shapes, the arrangement of the or
ganisms is significant:
some occur in chains (streptococci) and some in pairs (see DIPLOCOCCUS), while a
few have a filamentous
grouping. The size of bacteria ranges from around 0.2 to 5 m and the smallest (MY
COPLASMA) are roughly the
same size as the largest viruses (poxviruses see VIRUS). They are the smallest o
rganisms capable of
existing outside their hosts. The longest, rod-shaped bacilli are slightly small
er than the human
erythrocyte blood cell (7 m). Bacterial cells are surrounded by an outer capsule

within which lie the cell

wall and plasma membrane; cytoplasm fills much of the interior and this contains
genetic nucleoid
structures containing DNA, mesosomes (invaginations of the cell wall) and riboso
mes, containing RNA and
proteins. (See illustration.) Reproduction is usually asexual, each cell dividin
g into two, these two into
four, and so on. In favourable conditions reproduction can be very rapid, with o
ne bacterium multiplying to
250,000 within six hours. This means that bacteria can change their characterist
ics by evolution relatively
quickly, and many bacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Staphylococ
cus aureus, have developed
resistance to successive generations of antibiotics produced by man. (METHICILLI
AUREUS (MRSA)) is a serious hazard in some hospitals. Bacteria may live as singl
e organisms or congregate
in colonies. In arduous conditions some bacteria can convert to an inert, cystic
state, remaining in their
resting form until the environment becomes more favourable. Bacteria have recent
ly been discovered in an
inert state in ice estimated to have been formed 250 million years ago. Bacteria
were first discovered by
Antonj van Leewenhoek in the 17th century, but it was not until the middle of th
e 19th century that Louis
Pasteur, the famous French scientist, identified bacteria as the cause of many d
iseases. Some act as
harmful PATHOGENS as soon as they enter a host; others may have a neutral or ben
ign effect on the host
unless the hosts natural immune

70 Bacteria
defence system is damaged (see IMMUNOLOGY) so that it becomes vulnerable
to any previously well-behaved
parasites. Various benign bacteria that permanently reside in the human body are
called normal flora and
are found at certain sites, especially the SKIN, OROPHARYNX, COLON and VAGINA. T
he bodys internal organs
are usually sterile, as are the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Bacteria are resp
onsible for many human
diseases ranging from the relatively minor for example, a boil or infected finge
r to the potentially
lethal such as CHOLERA, PLAGUE or TUBERCULOSIS. Infectious bacteria enter the bo
dy through broken skin or
by its orifices: by nose and mouth into the lungs or intestinal tract; by the UR
and KIDNEYS; by the vagina into the UTERUS and FALLOPIAN TUBES. Harmful
bacteria then cause disease by
producing poisonous endotoxins or exotoxins, and by provoking INFLAMMATION in th
e tissues for example,
abscess or cellulitis. Many, but not all, bacterial infections are communicable
namely, spread from host
to host. For example, tuberculosis is spread by airborne droplets, produced by c
oughing. In scientific
research and in hospital laboratories, bacteria are cultured in special nutrient
s. They are then killed,
stained with appropriate chemicals and suitably prepared for examination under a
staining procedures is one first developed in the late 19th century by Christian
Gram, a Danish
(Top) bacterial cell structure (enlarged to about 30,000 times its real
size). (Centre and bottom) the
varying shapes of different bacteria.

Bagassosis 71
physician. His GRAMS STAIN enabled bacteria to be divided into those that
turned blue gram positive
and those that turned red gram negative. This straightforward test, still used t
oday, helps to identify
many bacteria and is a guide to which ANTIBIOTICS might be effective: for exampl
e, gram-positive bacteria
are usually more susceptible to penicillin G than gram-negative organisms. Infec
tions caused by bacteria
are commonly treated with antibiotics, which were widely introduced in the 1950s
. However, the conflict
between science and harmful bacteria remains unresolved, with the overuse and mi
suse of antibiotics in
medicine, veterinary medicine and the animal food industry contributing to the e
volution of bacteria that
are resistant to antibiotics. (See also MICROBIOLOGY.)
Bacterial Meningitis See MENINGITIS.
Bactericide Anything which kills BACTERIA; the term is, however, usually
applied to drugs and
antiseptics which do this. Hence bactericidal.
Bacteriology See MICROBIOLOGY.
Bacteriophage A
VIRUS which invades a bacterium (see BACTERIA). Containing either single
-stranded or double-stranded
DNA or RNA, a particular
phage generally may infect one or a limited number of bacterial strains
or species. After infection,
once phage nucleic acid has entered the host cell, a cycle may result whereby th
e bacteria are programmed
to produce viral components, which are assembled into virus particles and releas
ed on bacterial lysis
(disintegration). Other (temperate) phages induce a nonlytic, or lysogenic, stat
e, in which phage nucleic
acid integrates stably into and replicates with the bacterial chromosome. The re
lationship can revert to a
lytic cycle and production of new phages. In the process the phage may carry sma
ll amounts of donor
bacterial DNA to a new host: the production of diphtheria toxin by Corynebacteri
um diphtheriae and of
erythrogenic toxin by Streptococcus pyogenes are wellknown examples of this effe
Bacteriostatic A term applied to substances that stop bacterial growth a
nd cell division.
Bacterium See BACTERIA.
Bacteriuria The presence of unusual bacteria in the urine, usually a sig
n of infection in the kidneys,
bladder or urethra. Normal urine usually contains some harmless bacteria; howeve
r, if bacterial numbers in
a cleanly caught mid-stream specimen exceed 10,000 in each millilitre, that is a
bnormal. Investigation is

necessary to find a cause and start treatment. Patients found to have bacteriuri
a on SCREENING may never
have consulted a doctor but nearly all have a few symptoms, such as frequency or
urgency so-called
covert bacteriuria. Men have longer urethras and fewer urinary tract infections (U
TIs) than women. Risk
factors include diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, impaired voiding and genito-urinar
y malformations. Over 70
per cent of UTIs are due to E. coli, but of UTIs in hospital patients, only 40 p
er cent are caused by E.
Treatment Patients should be encouraged to drink plenty of water, with f
requent urination. Specific
antibiotic therapy with trimethoprim or amoxicillin may be needed.
Bacteroides A type of gram-negative (see GRAMS STAIN), anaerobic, rod-lik
e bacteria. They are
generally non-motile and usually found in the alimentary and urogenital tracts o
f mammals. Often present in
the mouth in association with periodontal disease (see TEETH, DISEASES OF).
Bacup Bacup stands for the British Association of Cancer United Patients
and their families and
friends. It was founded by Dr Vicky ClementJones after she was treated for ovari
an cancer, and it became
fully operational on 31 October 1985. The aim of the Association is to provide a
n information service to
cancer patients who want to know more about their illness or who need practical
advice on how to cope with
it. It does not seek to replace the traditional relationship between the doctor
and patient, nor does it
recommend specific treatment for particular patients; rather, its aim is to help
patients to understand
more about their illness so that they can communicate more effectively and freel
y with their medical
advisers and their families and friends. See
Bagassosis An industrial lung disease occurring in those who work with b
agasse, which is the name

72 BAL
given to the broken sugar cane after sugar has been extracted from it. B
agasse, which contains 6 per
cent silica, is used in board-making. The inhalation of dust causes an acute lun
g affection, and
subsequently in some cases a chronic lung disease. (See ALVEOLITIS.)
BAL BAL is the abbreviation for British AntiLewisite. (See DIMERCAPROL.)
Balance The ability to balance is essential for a person to stand, walk
and run. Maintaining this
ability is a complex exercise of coordination dependent on the brain, sensory an
d motor nerves, and joints.
There is a regular supply of information to the brain about the positions of var
ious parts of the body and
it responds with relevant instructions to the motor parts of the body. Eyes, the
inner ear, skin and
muscles all provide information. The cerebellum (part of the brain) collates all
the information and
initiates action. Balance may be affected by disorders in the balancing mechanis
m of the inner ear
(semicircular canals) such as MENIERES DISEASE, and inflammation of the labyrinth
Infection of the middle ear, such as otitis media (see under EAR, DISEASES OF),
can also disturb the
ability to balance, sometimes accompanied by dizziness or VERTIGO. If the cerebe
llum is affected by disease
a tumour or a stroke, for example the result will be faulty muscular coordinatio
n leading to clumsiness
and the inability to walk properly.
floats away from the examining finger and then bounces back on to it.
Balsams Substances which contain resins and benzoic acid. Balsam of Peru
, balsam of tolu, and Friars
balsam (compound tincture of benzoin) are the chief. They are traditional remedi
es given internally for
colds, and aid expectoration, while locally they are used to cover abrasions and
stimulate ulcers.
Bandages Pieces of material used to support injured parts or to retain d
ressings in position. They come
in various forms including elastic materials and plaster of Paris. For more deta
iled information about
bandaging, the reader is referred to First Aid Manual, the authorised manual of
the St Johns Ambulance
Association, St Andrews Ambulance Association and British Red Cross Society.
Baranys Test A test for gauging the efficiency of the balancing mechanism
(the vestibular apparatus)
by applying hot or cold air or water to the external ear.
Barbers Itch See SYCOSIS.

A group of drugs which depress the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM by inhibiting
the transmission of impulses
between certain neurons. Thus they cause drowsiness or unconsciousness (dependin
g on dose), reduce the
cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen, and depress respiration. Their use as sedati
ves and hypnotics has
largely been superseded by more modern drugs which are safer and more effective.
Some members of this group
of drugs for instance, phenobarbitone have selective anticonvulsant properties a
nd are used in the
treatment of GRAND MAL convulsions and status epilepticus (see EPILEPSY). The sh
ort-acting drugs
thiopentone and methohexitone are widely used to induce general ANAESTHESIA. (Se
Barium Sulphate
The technique of examining a fluid-filled part of the body for the prese
nce of a floating object. For
example, a fetus can be pushed away by a finger inside the mothers vagina. The fe
A radio-opaque white powder used in X-ray examinations of the stomach an
d gastrointestinal tract. The
barium sulphate may be swallowed to enable the oesophagus, stomach and
Inflammation of the GLANS PENIS. Acute balanitis is associated with alle
GENITALIS. Diabetics are at increased risk of non-specific secondary infections;
if recurrent balanitis
occurs, circumcision is sometimes advised.
Balantidiasis A form of dysentery caused by a protozoon known as Balanti
dium coli a common parasite
in pigs, which are usually the source of infection. It responds to metronidazole

BCG Vaccine
small and large intestines to be assessed for disorders such as ulcerati
on, tumours, DIVERTICULAR
DISEASE and polyps. It may also be inserted into the RECTUM or descending COLON
to investigate for possible
disease. These procedures are usually done after endoscopy examinations have bee
n carried out.
Baroreceptor Specialised nerve ending which lines certain blood vessels
and acts as a stretch receptor
in the carotid sinus, aortic arch, atria, pulmonary veins and left ventricle. In
creased pressure in these
structures increases the rate of discharge of the baroreceptors. This informatio
n is relayed to the medulla
and is important in the control of blood pressure.
Barrier Creams Substances, usually silicone-based, applied to the skin b
efore work to prevent damage by
irritants. They are also used in medicine for the prevention of bedsores and nap
py rash, for example.
Barrier Nursing The nursing of a patient suffering from an infectious di
sease in such a way that the
risk of their passing on the disease to others is reduced. Thus, precautions are
taken to ensure that all
infective matter such as stools, urine, sputum, discharge from wounds, and anyth
ing that may be
contaminated by such infective matter (e.g. nurses uniforms, bedding and towels)
is so treated that it
will not convey the infection. (See NURSING.)
Bartholins Glands Two small glands opening either side of the external va
ginal orifice. Their
secretions help to lubricate the vulva, when a woman is sexually aroused. The gl
ands may become infected
and very painful; sometimes an abscess develops and local surgery is required. O
therwise antibiotics,
analgesics and warm baths are usually effective.
Basal Cell Carcinoma The most common form of skin cancer. Its main cause
is cumulative exposure to
ultraviolet light; most tumours develop on exposed sites, chiefly the face and n
eck. It grows very slowly,
often enlarging with a raised, pearly edge, and the centre may ulcerate (rodent
ulcer). It does not
metastasise (see METASTASIS) and can be cured by surgical excision or RADIOTHERA
PY. Small lesions can also
be successfuly treated by curettage and cauterisation (see ELECTRO73
treatment or CRYOSURGERY. If the diagnosis is uncertain, a biopsy and hi
stological examination should
be done.
Basal Ganglion Grey matter near the base of the cerebral hemispheres, co
nsisting of the corpus striatum

(caudate nucleus and lenticular nucleus [globus pallidus and putamen]), claustru
m, and amygdaloid nucleus
(see BRAIN). The basal ganglia are involved in the subconscious regulation of vo
luntary movement, and
disorders in this region cause DYSKINESIA.
Basal Metabolism See METABOLISM.
Basilic Vein The prominent vein which runs from near the bend of the elb
ow upwards along the inner side
of the upper arm.
Basophilia The blueish appearance under the microscope of immature red b
lood corpuscles when stained by
certain dyes. This appearance, with the blue areas collected in points, is seen
in lead poisoning and the
condition is called punctate basophilia. The term basophilia may also mean an in
crease in the numbers of
basophil cells in the blood.
Bat Ears The term commonly applied to prominent ears. The condition may
be familial, but this is by no
means the rule. Strapping the ears firmly back has no effect and is merely an em
barrassment to the child.
Where the patient wishes it, the condition can be rectified by plastic surgery.
Bathers Itch Bathers itch, also called schistosome DERMATITIS, is the term
given to a blotchy rash on
the skin occurring in those bathing in water which is infested with the larvae o
f certain trematode worms
known as schistosomes (see SCHISTOSOMIASIS). The worm is parasitic in snails. Th
e skin rash is caused by
penetration of the skin by the free-swimming larval cercaria. Bathers itch is com
mon in many parts of the
BCG Vaccine BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Gurin) vaccine, which was first introd
uced in France in 1908, is
the only vaccine that has produced significant immunity against the tubercle bac
illus (see TUBERCULOSIS)
and at the same time has proved safe enough for use in human subjects. BCG

74 BDA
vaccination is usually considered for the following groups of people. (1
) Schoolchildren: the routine
programme in schools usually covers children aged between ten and 14. (2) Studen
ts, including those in
teacher training colleges. (3) Immigrants from countries with a high prevalence
of tuberculosis (TB). (4)
Children and newborn infants born in the UK to parents from Group 3, or other ne
wborns at parents request.
(5) Health workers, such as nurses, and others likely to be exposed to infection
in their work. (6)
Veterinary workers who handle animals susceptible to TB. (7) Staff of prisons, r
esidential homes and
hostels for refugees and the homeless. (8) Household contacts of people known to
have active TB and newborn
infants in households where there is a history of the disease. (9) Those staying
for more than one month in
high-risk countries. A pre-vaccination tuberculin test is necessary in all age-g
roups except newborn
infants, and only those with negative tuberculin reactions are vaccinated. Compl
ications are few and far
between. A local reaction at the site of vaccination usually occurs between two
and six weeks after
vaccination, beginning as a small papule that slowly increases in size. It may p
roduce a small ulcer. This
heals after around two months, leaving a small scar. (See IMMUNITY; TUBERCULIN.)
l inhalant. It must be
regularly for its best
e much less likely to
suppress adrenal-gland

Dipropionate One of the CORTICOSTEROIDS used as an aeroso

effect. Unlike systemic corticosteroids, inhaled forms ar
activity and have fewer sideeffects.

Bed Bath A procedure for thoroughly washing a patient who is confined to

bed. It helps to maintain a
healthy skin, especially over pressure-points such as elbows, buttocks and heels
. An invaluable preventive
measure against the development of bed sores (see ULCER).
Bed-Blocking The continued occupation of a hospital bed by a patient who
is fit to be discharged but
requires further care in a nursing home or in a community setting that cannot be
arranged because of lack
of suitable facilities and/or funding. Bed-blocking has become a common phenomen
on in the NHS, particularly
in the winter.
The result is that patients who need inpatient care cannot always be adm
itted. The term bedblockers
is derogatory and should not be used.
Bed Bug Bed bug, or Cimex lectularius, is a wingless, blood-sucking inse
ct, parasitic on humans. It is
a flat, rusty-brown insect, 5 mm long and 3 mm wide, which has an offensive, nev
er-forgotten smell and

cannot fly. The average life is 36 months, but it can live for a year without foo
d. The bed bug remains
hidden during the day in cracks in walls and floors, and in beds. It does not tr
ansmit any known disease.
Eggs hatch out into larvae in 610 days, which become adult within about 12 weeks.
A temperature of 44 C
kills the adult in an hour. Various agents have been used to disinfect premises,
such as sulphur dioxide,
ethylene oxide mixed with carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide and heavy naphtha, bu
t insecticide is the most
effective disinfecting agent.
Bedpan A container made of metal, fibre or plastic into which a person c
onfined to bed can defaecate
and, in the case of a female, urinate. Men use a urinal a flask-shaped container
to urinate. Hospitals
have special cleaning and sterilising equipment for bedpans. They are much less
used than in the past
because patients are encouraged to be mobile as soon as possible, and also becau
se bedside commodes are
preferred where this is practical.
Bed Sores See ULCER.
Behaviour Therapy A form of psychiatric treatment based on learning theo
ry. Symptoms are considered to
be conditioned responses, and treatment is aimed at removing them, regardless of
the underlying diagnosis.
Desensitisation, operant conditioning, and aversion therapy are examples of beha
viour therapy. (See MENTAL
Behets Syndrome This is a syndrome characterised by oral and genital ulcer
ation, UVEITIS and
ARTHROPATHY. THROMBOPHLEBITIS is a common complication, and involvement of the c
entral nervous system may

Benzodiazepines 75
Not harmful. Used especially to describe tumours that are not malignant.
Belladonna Poisoning Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade) is a relative
ly rare plant and severe
poisoning is not common. The berries, which are black, ripen from August to Octo
ber and are the most
commonly ingested part of the plant. However, all parts of the plant are toxic.
The berries contain
ATROPINE and other unidentified ALKALOIDS, the leaves HYOSCINE and atropine, and
the roots hyoscine. All
these alkaloids have an ANTICHOLINERGIC effect which may cause a dry mouth, dila
ted pupils with blurred
vision, TACHYCARDIA, HALLUCINATIONS and PYREXIA. There may also be ATAXIA, agita
tion, disorientation and
confusion. In severe cases there may be CONVULSIONS, COMA, respiratory depressio
n and ARRHYTHMIA. Clinical
effects may be delayed in onset for up to 12 hours, and prolonged for several da
ys. Treatment is
Bells Palsy Bells palsy, or idiopathic facial nerve palsy, refers to the i
solated paralysis of the
facial muscles on one or both sides. It is of unclear cause, though damage to th
e seventh cranial, or
FACIAL NERVE, possibly of viral origin, is thought likely. Occurring in both sex
es at any age, it presents
with a facial pain on the affected side, followed by an inability to close the e
ye or smile. The mouth
appears to be drawn over to the opposite side, and fluids may escape from the an
gle of the mouth. Lines of
expression are flattened and the patient is unable to wrinkle the brow. Rare cau
ses include mastoiditis,
LYME DISEASE, and hypertension.
Treatment Oral steroids, if started early, increase the rate of recovery
, which occurs in over 90 per
cent of patients, usually starting after two or three weeks and complete within
three months. Permanent
loss of function with facial contractures occurs in about 5 per cent of patients
. Recurrence of Bells
palsy is unusual.
B Endorphin A naturally occurring painkiller which is produced by the PI
TUITARY GLAND as part of a
prohormone (pre-pro-opianomelanocortin). It is an agonist at opioid receptors, a
nd its release is
stimulated by pain and stress. (See ENDORPHINS.)
Bennetts Fracture Bennetts fracture so-called after an Irish surgeon, Edwa
rd Hallaran Bennett

(18371907) is a longitudinal fracture of the first metacarpal bone in the wrist,

which also involves the
carpo-metacarpal joint.
Benzedrine Proprietary name for amphetamine sulphate (see AMPHETAMINES).
Benzhexol One of the antimuscarinic (see ANTIMUSCARINE) group of drugs u
sed to treat PARKINSONISM.
Acting by correcting the relative central cholinergic excess resulting from DOPA
MINE deficiency, the drug
has a moderate effect, reducing tremor and rigidity but with little action on BR
synergistic (see SYNERGIST) effect when used with LEVODOPA and is useful in redu
cing SIALORRHOEA. Valuable
in treating cases of Parkinsonian sideeffects occurring with neuroleptic drugs.
Tardive DYSKINESIA is not
improved and may be made worse. There are few significant differences between th
e various antimuscarinic
drugs available, but some patients may tolerate one drug better than another or
find that they need to
adjust their drug regimen in relation to food.
Benzocaine Weak local anaesthetic found in some throat lozenges, creams
and gels. It may cause allergic
Benzodiazepines A large family of drugs used as HYPNOTICS, ANXIOLYTICS,
ANTICONVULSANTS, premedicants, and for intravenous sedation. Short-acting variet
ies are used as hypnotics;
longer-acting ones as hypnotics and tranquillisers. Those with high lipid solubi
lity act rapidly if given
intravenously. Benzodiazepines act at a specific centralnervous-system receptor
or by potentiating the
action of inhibitory neuro-transmitters. They have advantages over other sedativ
es by having some
selectivity for anxiety rather than general sedation. They are safer in overdose
. Unfortunately they may
cause aggression, amnesia, excessive sedation, or confusion in the elderly. Thos
e with long half-lives or
with metabolites having long half-lives may produce

76 Benzothiadiazines
a hangover effect, and DEPENDENCE on these is now well recognised, so th
ey should not be prescribed for
more than a few weeks. Commonly used benzodiazepines include nitrazepam, flunitr
azepam (a controlled drug),
loprazolam, temazepam (a controlled drug) and chlormethiazole, normally confined
to the elderly. All
benzodiazepines should be used sparingly because of the risk of dependence.
Treatment consists of large doses of vitamin B1 orally or intramuscularl
y; a diet containing other
vitamins of the B group; and rest.
Infantile beriberi This is the result of maternal thiamine deficiency; a
lthough the mother is not
necessarily affected, the breast-fed baby may develop typical signs (see above).
Optic and third cranial,
and recurrent laryngeal nerves may be affected; encephalopathy can result in con
vulsions, coma and death.
Benzyl Benzoate An emulson that was widely used as a treatment for SCABI
ES but is less effective and
more irritant than newer scabicides. It is not advised for use in children.
Benzylpenicillin See PENICILLIN.
Bereavement The normal mental state associated with the death of a loved
one, and the slow coming to
terms with that death. The well-recognised stages of the bereavement reaction ar
e: denial, bargaining,
anger and acceptance. If bereavement symptoms are severe or prolonged, expert co
unselling may help.
Bereavement-like symptoms may occur after divorce, retirement or other life-chan
ging experiences.
Beriberi (Singhalese: beri = extreme weakness.) Formerly a major health
problem in many Asian
countries, beriberi is a nutritional deficiency disease resulting from prolonged
deficiency of the
water-soluble vitamin, THIAMINE (vitamin B1). It is often associated with defici
encies of other members of
the the vitamin B complex (see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS). A major public-health prob
lem in countries where
highly polished rice constitutes the staple diet, beriberi also occurs sporadica
lly in alcoholics (see
WERNICKES ENCEPHALOPATHY) and in people suffering from chronic malabsorptive stat
es. Clinical symptoms
include weakness, paralysis involving especially the hands and feet (associated
with sensory loss,
particularly in the legs) and burning sensations in the feet (dry beriberi). Alter
natively, it is
accompanied by oedema, palpitations and a dilated heart (wet beriberi). Death us
ually results from cardiac

failure. Thiamine deficiency can be confirmed by estimating erythrocyte transket

olase concentration; blood
and urine thiamine levels can be measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography
Berylliosis A disease of the lungs caused by the inhalation of particles
of beryllium oxide.
Beta-Adrenoceptor-Blocking Drugs Also called beta blockers, these drugs
interrupt the transmission of
neuronal messages via the bodys adrenergic receptor sites. In the HEART these are
called beta1
(cardioselective) receptors. Another type beta2 (non-cardioselective) receptors
is sited in the
airways, blood vessels, and organs such as the eye, liver and pancreas. Cardiose
lective beta blockers act
primarily on beta1 receptors, whereas non-cardioselective drugs act on both vari
eties, beta1 and beta2.
(The neurotransmissions interrupted at the beta-receptor sites through the body
by the beta blockers are
initiated in the ADRENAL GLANDS: this is why these drugs are sometimes described
beta-adrenergic-blocking agents.) They work by blocking the stimulation of beta
adrenergic receptors by the
neurotransmitters adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are produced at the nerve
endings of that part of the
SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM the autonomous (involuntary) network which facilitate
s the bodys reaction
to anxiety, stress and exercise the fear and flight response. Beta1 blockers reduc
e the frequency and
force of the heartbeat; beta2 blockers prevent vasodilation (increase in the dia
meter of blood vessels),
thus influencing the patients blood pressure. Beta1 blockers also affect blood pr
essure, but the mechanism
of their action is unclear. They can reduce to normal an abnormally fast heart r
ate so the power of the
heart can be concomitantly controlled: this reduces the oxygen requirements of t
he heart with an
advantageous knock-on effect on the respiratory system. These are valuable thera
peutic effects in patients
with ANGINA or who

have had a myocardial infarction (heart attack see HEART, DISEASES OF),
or who suffer from
HYPERTENSION. Beta2 blockers reduce tremors in muscles elsewhere in the body whi
ch are a feature of anxiety
or the result of thyrotoxicosis (an overactive thyroid gland see under NonTHYROI
cardioselective blockers also reduce the abnormal pressure caused by the increas
e in the fluid in the
eyeball that characterises GLAUCOMA. Many beta-blocking drugs are now available;
minor therapeutic
differences between them may influence the choice of a drug for a particular pat
ient. Among the common
drugs are: Primarily cardioselective Acebutolol Atenolol Betaxolol Celiprolol Me
Non-cardioselective Labetalol Nadolol Oxprenolol Propanolol Timolol
estimation of the true value. For example, if a researcher is studying t
he effects of two different
drugs on the same disease and personally favours one, unless they have been blin
ded to which patient is
receiving which treatment, they may unwittingly cause bias in the results by reg
arding those treated with
their preferred drug as being healthier.
Bicarbonate of Soda Also known as baking soda. Bicarbonate of soda is an
alkali, sometimes used as a
home remedy for indigestion or for soothing insect bites.
Biceps A term used for a muscle that has two heads. The biceps femoris f
lexes the knee and extends the
hip, and the biceps brachii supinates the forearm and flexes the elbow and shoul
These powerful drugs have various sideeffects and should be prescribed a
nd monitored with care. In
particular, people who suffer from asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory probl
ems may develop breathing
difficulties. Longterm treatment with beta blockers should not be suddenly stopp
ed, as this may precipitate
a severe recurrence of the patients symptoms including, possibly, a sharp rise in
blood pressure.
Gradual withdrawal of medication should mitigate untoward effects.
Having two cusps. The premolars are bicuspid teeth, and the mitral valve
of the HEART is a bicuspid
Beta Blockers

The point at which a structure (for example, a blood vessel) divides int
o two branches.
Betamethasone One of the CORTICOSTEROIDS which has an action comparable
to that of PREDNISOLONE, but in
much lower dosage. In the form of betamethasone valerate it is used as an applic
ation to the skin as an
ointment or cream.
Bezoar A mass of ingested foreign material found in the stomach, usually
in children or people with
psychiatric illnesses. It may cause gastric obstruction and require surgical rem
oval. The commonest type
consists of hair and is known as a trichobezoar.
Bias A statistical term describing a systematic influence which leads to
consistent over- or underBifid Split into two parts.
Bifocal Lens A spectacle lens in which the upper part is shaped to assis
t distant vision and the lower
part is for close work such as reading.
Biguanides Biguanides are a group of oral drugs, of which METFORMIN is t
he only one available for
treatment, used to treat non-insulin-dependent diabetics when strict dieting and
treatment with
SULPHONYLUREAS have failed. Metformin acts mainly by reducing GLUCONEOGENESIS an
d by increasing the rate at
which the body uses up glucose. Hypoglycaemia is unusual, unless taken in overdo
se. Gastrointestinal
side-effects such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting and transient diarrhoea are comm
on initially and may
persist, particularly if large doses are taken. Metformin should not be given to
patients with renal
failure, in whom there is a danger of inducing lactic acidosis. (See also DIABET
Bilateral Occurring on both sides of the body.

78 Bile
A thick, bitter, greenish-brown fluid, secreted by the liver and stored
in the gall-bladder (see
LIVER). Consisting of water, mucus, bile pigments including BILIRUBIN, and vario
us salts, it is discharged
through the bile ducts into the intestine a few centimetres below the stomach. T
his discharge is increased
shortly after eating, and again a few hours later. It helps in the digestion and
absorption of food,
particularly fats, and is itself reabsorbed, passing back through the blood of t
he liver. In JAUNDICE,
obstruction of the bile ducts prevents discharge, leading to a build-up of bile
in the blood and deposition
in the tissues. The skin becomes greenish-yellow, while the stools become grey o
r white and the urine dark.
Vomiting of bile is a sign of intestinal obstruction, but may occur in any case
of persistent retching or
vomiting, and should be fully investigated.
Relating to both ears.
Bile Duct The channel running from the gall-bladder (see LIVER) to the D
UODENUM; carries BILE.
Bilharziasis Bilharziasis
Biliary Colic Severe pain caused by the attempted (and sometimes success
ful) expulsion of a gall-stone
from the gall-bladder via the BILE DUCT. The pain, which is felt in the upper ri
ght corner of the abdomen,
may last for an hour or more. Strong ANALGESICS are required to subdue the pain
and the patient may need
hospital admission for examination and eventual surgery. Attacks may recur, and
the pain is sometimes
mistakenly diagnosed as signalling a heart attack.
Bilirubin The chief pigment in human BILE. It is derived from HAEMOGLOBI
N which is the red pigment of
the red blood corpuscles. The site of manufacture of bilirubin is the RETICULOEN
is passed into the intestine from the gall-bladder (see LIVER), part of the bili
rubin is converted into
stercobilin and excreted in the FAECES. The remainder is reabsorbed into the blo

odstream, and of this

portion the bulk goes back to the liver to be re-excreted into the bile, whilst
a small proportion is
excreted in the urine as urobilinogen.
Binocular Relating to both eyes. Binocular vision involves focusing on a
n object with both eyes
simultaneously and is important in judging distance.
Binovular Twins Twins who result from the fertilisation of two separate
Bio-Availability Bio-availability refers to the proportion of a drug rea
ching the systemic circulation
after a particular route of administration. The most important factor is first-p
ass metabolism that is,
pre-systemic metabolism in either the intestine or the liver. Many lipid-soluble
drugs such as beta
UGS, and various opiate
ANALGESICS are severely affected. Food may affect bio-availability by modifying
gastric emptying, thus
slowing drug absorption. Ingested calcium may combine with drugs such as tetracy
clines, further reducing
their absorption.
Biofeedback A technique whereby an auditory or visual stimulus follows o
n from a physiological
response. Thus, a subjects ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) may be monitored, and a signal
passed back to the
subject indicating his or her heart rate: for example, a red light if the rate i
s between 50 and 60 beats a
minute; a green light if it is between 60 and 70 a minute. Once the subject has
learned to discriminate
between these two rates, he or she can then learn to control the heart rate. How
this is learned is not
clear, but by utilising biofeedback some subjects can control heart rate and blo
od pressure, relax spastic
muscles, bring migraine under control and even help constipation.
Biological Warfare The use of living organisms or infectious agents deri
ved from them to disable or
kill men, animals or plants in the pursuit of war. Such warfare, along with chem
ical warfare, was condemned
in 1925 by the Geneva Convention, and the United Nations has endorsed this polic
y. Even so, some countries
have experimented with possible biological agents, including those causing ANTHR
AX and BOTULISM, with the
intention of delivering them by land, sea or water-based missiles. These develop
ments have prompted other
countries to search

Birth Canal 79
for ways of annulling the lethal consequences of biological warfare.
Biomechanical Engineering The joint utilisation of engineering and biolo
gical knowledge to illuminate
normal and abnormal functions of the human body. Blood flow, the reaction of bon
es and joints to stress,
the design of kidney dialysis machines, and the development of artificial body p
arts are among the
practical results of this collaboration.
Biopsy Biopsy means the removal and examination of tissue from the livin
g body for diagnostic purposes.
For example, a piece of a tumour may be cut out and examined to determine whethe
r it is cancerous.
Bioremediation The use of the natural properties of living things to rem
ove hazards that threaten human
and animal health. When a pollutant first appears in a local environment, existi
ng microorganisms such as
bacteria attempt to make use of the potential source of energy and as a sideeffe
ct detoxify the polluting
substance. This is an evolutionary process that normally would take years. Scien
tists have engineered
appropriate genes from other organisms into BACTERIA, or sometimes plants, to ac
celerate this natural
evolutionary process. For effective digestion of waste, a micro-organism must quic
kly and completely
digest organic waste without producing unpleasant smells or noxious gases, be no
n-pathogenic and be able to
reproduce in hostile conditions. For example, American researchers have discover
ed an anaerobic bacterium
that neutralises dangerous chlorinated chemical compounds such as trichlorethane
, which can pollute soil,
into a harmless molecule called ethens. But the bacteria do not thrive in soil.
So the dechlorinating genes
in this bacterium are transferred to bacteria that are acclimatised to living in
toxic areas and can more
efficiently carry out the required detoxification. Other research has been aimed
at detoxifying the
byproducts of DDT, a troublesome and resistant pollutant. Bioremediation should
prove to be an
environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to waste incineration or
chemically based processes
for washing contaminated soils.
Bioterrorism Terror attacks on civilian communities using biological age
nts such as ANTHRAX and SMALLPOX. Particular problems in detecting and handling attacks are the time lags between exposure of a population to dange
rous agents and the onset of
victims symptoms, and the fact that early symptoms might initially be taken as th
e result of a naturally
occurring disease. Management of any biological attack must depend on systems al
ready in place for managing
new diseases, new epidemics or traditional diseases. The effectiveness of public
-health surveillance varies

widely from country to country, and even advanced economies may not have the sta
ff and facilities to
investigate anything other than a recognised epidemic. As attacks might well occ
ur without warning,
tackling them could be a daunting task. Intelligence warnings about proposed att
acks might, however, allow
for some preventive and curative measures to be set up. Medical experts in the U
S believe that deployment
of existing community disaster teams working to pre-prepared plans, and the deve
lopment of specially
trained strike teams, should cut the numbers of casualties and deaths from a bio
terrorist attack.
Nevertheless, bioterrorism is an alarming prospect.
Biotin One of the dozen or so vitamins included in the vitamin B complex
. It is found in liver, eggs
and meat, and also synthesised by bacteria in the gut. Absorption from the gut i
s prevented by avidin, a
constituent of egg-white. The daily requirement is small: a fraction of a millig
ram daily. Gross deficiency
results in disturbances of the skin, a smooth tongue and lassitude. (See APPENDI
Bipolar Disorder A type of mental illness typified by mood swings betwee
n elation (mania) and
depression (see MENTAL ILLNESS).
Bird Fanciers Lung Also known as pigeon breeders lung, this is a form of e
xtrinsic allergic
ALVEOLITIS resulting from sensitisation to birds. In bird fanciers, skin tests s
ometimes show sensitisation
to birds droppings, eggs, protein and serum, even through there has been no evide
nce of any illness.
Birth Canal The passage that extends from the neck of the womb (UTERUS),
known as the CERVIX UTERI, to
the opening of the VAGINA. The baby passes along this passage during childbirth.

80 Birth Control
Birth Control See CONTRACEPTION.
Birth Defects See CONGENITAL.
Birth Marks Birth marks are of various kinds; the most common are port-w
ine marks (see NAEVUS). Pigment
spots are found, very often raised above the skin surface and more or less hairy
, being then called moles
(see MOLE).
Birth Pool A pool of warm water in which a woman can give birth to her b
aby. The infant is delivered
into the water. The method was introduced during the 1980s and is claimed to mak
e delivery less painful and
Birth Rate In 2003, 695,500 live births were registered in the United Ki
ngdom; 38 per cent occurred
outside marriage. Overall, total fertility is falling slowly. The number of birt
hs per 1,000 women aged
over 40 years has been rising, and in 1999 was 8.9 per cent. In Great Britain in
2003, 193,817 legal
abortions were performed under the Abortion Act 1967.
Bisacodyl Bisacodyl is a laxative which acts by stimulation of the nerve
endings in the colon by direct
contact with the mucous lining.
Bisexual Having the qualities of both sexes. The term is used to describ
e people who are sexually
attracted to both men and women.
Bismuth Various bismuth chelates and complexes, such as sucralfate, effe
ctive in healing gastric and
duodenal ulcers are available. They may act by a direct toxic effect on gastric
stimulating mucosal prostaglandin (see PROSTAGLANDINS) or bicarbonate secretion.
Healing tends to be longer
than with H2-RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS and relapse still occurs. New regimens are bei
ng developed involving
co-administration with antibiotics. ENCEPHALOPATHY, described with older highdos
e bismuth preparations, has
not been reported.
Bisphosphonates Bisphosphonates, of which disodium etidronate is one, ar
e a group of drugs used mainly
in the treatment of PAGETS DISEASE OF BONE and in
established vertebral osteoporosis (see BONE, DISORDERS OF). Their advan
tage over CALCITONIN (which has
to be given by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection) is that they can be take
n orally. They act by
reducing the increased rate of bone turnover associated with the disease. Disodi
um etidronate is used with
calcium carbonate in a 90-day cycle (duration of therapy up to three years) in t
he treatment of

Bites and Stings Animal bites are best treated as puncture wounds and si
mply washed and dressed. In
some cases ANTIBIOTICS may be given to minimise the risk of infection, together
with TETANUS toxoid if
appropriate. Should RABIES be a possibility, then further treatment must be cons
idered. Bites and stings of
venomous reptiles, amphibians, scorpions, snakes, spiders, insects and fish may
result in clinical effects
characteristic of that particular poisoning. In some cases specific ANTIVENOM ma
y be administered to reduce
morbidity and mortality. Many snakes are non-venomous (e.g. pythons, garter snak
es, king snakes, boa
constrictors) but may still inflict painful bites and cause local swelling. Most
venomous snakes belong to
the viper and cobra families and are common in Asia, Africa, Australia and South
America. Victims of bites
may experience various effects including swelling, PARALYSIS of the bitten area,
blood-clotting defects,
PALPITATION, respiratory difficulty, CONVULSIONS and other neurotoxic and cardia
c effects. Victims should
be treated as for SHOCK that is, kept at rest, kept warm, and given oxygen if re
quired but nothing by
mouth. The bite site should be immobilised but a TOURNIQUET must not be used. Al
l victims require prompt
transfer to a medical facility. When appropriate and available, antivenoms shoul
d be administered as soon
as possible. Similar management is appropriate for bites and stings by spiders,
scorpions, sea-snakes,
venomous fish and other marine animals and insects.
Bites and stings in the UK The adder (Vipera berus) is the only venomous
snake native to Britain; it is
a timid animal that bites only when provoked. Fatal cases are rare, with only 14
deaths recorded in the UK
since 1876, the last of these in 1975. Adder bites may result in marked swelling
, weakness, collapse,
shock, and in severe cases HYPOTENSION, non-specific changes in the electrocardi
ogram and peripheral
leucocytosis. Victims of adder bites

Blenorrhoea 81
should be transferred to hospital even if asymptomatic, with the affecte
d limb being immobilised and
the bite site left alone. Local incisions, suction, tourniquets, ice packs or pe
rmanganate must not be
used. Hospital management may include use of a specific antivenom, Zagreb . The we
ever fish is found in the
coastal waters of the British Isles, Europe, the eastern Atlantic, and the Medit
erranean Sea. It possesses
venomous spines in its dorsal fin. Stings and envenomation commonly occur when a
n individual treads on the
fish. The victim may experience a localised but increasing pain over two hours.
As the venom is
heat-labile, immersion of the affected area in water at approximately 40 C or as
hot as can be tolerated
for 30 minutes should ease the pain. Cold applications will worsen the discomfor
t. Simple ANALGESICS and
ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS may be given. Bees, wasps and hornets are insects of the ord
er Hymenoptera and the
females possess stinging apparatus at the end of the abdomen. Stings may cause l
ocal pain and swelling but
rarely cause severe toxicity. Anaphylactic (see ANAPHYLAXIS) reactions can occur
in sensitive individuals;
these may be fatal. Deaths caused by upper-airway blockage as a result of stings
in the mouth or neck
regions are reported. In victims of stings, the stinger should be removed as qui
ckly as possible by
flicking, scraping or pulling. The site should be cleaned. Antihistamines and co
ld applications may bring
relief. For anaphylactic reactions ADRENALINE, by intramuscular injection, may b
e required.
Black Death An old name for PLAGUE.
Blackheads See ACNE.
Blackwater Fever This is caused by rapid breakdown of red blood cells (a
cute intravascular haemolysis),
with resulting kidney failure as the breakdown products block the vessels servin
g the kidney filtration
units (see KIDNEYS). It is associated with severe Plasmodium falciparum infectio
n. The complication is
frequently fatal, being associated with HAEMOGLOBINURIA, JAUNDICE, fever, vomiti
ng and severe ANAEMIA. In
an extreme case the patients urine appears black. Tender enlarged liver and splee
n are usually present.
The disease is triggered by quinine usage at subtherapeutic dosage in the presen
ce of P. falciparum
infection, especially in the nonimmune individual. Now that quinine is rarely
used for prevention of this infection (it is reserved for treatment), bl
ackwater fever has become very
unusual. Treatment is as for severe complicated P. falciparum infection with ren
al impairment; dialysis and
blood transfusion are usually indicated. When inadequately treated, the mortalit
y rate may be over 40 per
cent but, with satisfactory intensive therapy, this should be reduced substantia


OF; see also URINE.
GALLBladders Sacs formed
s membrane, which is united
loosely to the muscular coat
contained cavity. Bladders
are designed to contain some
terior by a narrow opening
through which their contents
l-bladder and the urinary

of muscular and fibrous tissue and lined by a mucou

so as freely to allow increase and decrease in the
secretion or excretion, and communicate with the ex
can be discharged. In humans there are two: the gal

Gall-bladder This is situated under the liver in the upper part of the a
bdomen, and its function is to
store the BILE, which it discharges into the intestine by the BILE DUCT. For fur
ther details, see LIVER.
Urinary bladder This is situated in the pelvis, in front of the last par
t of the bowel. In the full
state, the bladder rises up into the abdomen and holds about 570 ml (a pint) of
urine. Two fine tubes,
called the ureters, lead into the bladder, one from each kidney; and the urethra
, a tube as wide as a lead
pencil when distended, leads from it to the exterior a distance of 4 cm (1 inches
) in the female and 20
cm (8 inches) in the male. The exit from the bladder to the urethra is kept clos
ed by a muscular ring which
is relaxed every time urine is passed.
Blenorrhoea An excessive discharge of mucus or slimy material from a sur
face, such as that of the eye,
nose, bowel, etc. The word catarrh is used with the same meaning, but also include
s the idea of
inflammation as the cause of such discharge.

82 Bleomycin
Bleomycin B
A CYTOTOXIC antibiotic, obtained from Streptomyces verticillus, used to
treat solid cancerous tumours
of the upper part of the gut and genital tract, and lymphomas. Like other cytoto
xic drugs it can have
serious side-effects, and bleomycin may cause pulmonary fibrosis and skin pigmen
Blepharitis Inflammation of the eyelids. (See ORDERS OF.)
EYE, DISBlepharospasm See EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Blind Loop Syndrome A disorder in which abnormal FAECES occur as a resul
t of a redundant loop in the
small INTESTINE. The loop obstructs the normal flow of the contents of the bowel
, causing stagnation. The
syndrome is characterised by light-yellow, smelly, fatty, bulky faeces. The pati
ent suffers from tiredness,
malaise and loss of weight. Previous abdominal surgery is sometimes the cause, b
ut the condition can be
inherited. Blockage of intestinal contents upsets the bowels normal bacterial bal
ance and hinders the
normal absorption of nutrients. Treatment is either with antibiotics or, if that
fails, surgery.
Blindness The statutory definition for the purposes of registration as a
blind person under the
National Assistance Act 1948 is that the person is so blind as to be unable to pe
rform any work for
which eyesight is essential. Generally this is vision worse than 6/60 in the bett
er eye, or with better
acuity than this but where the field of vision is markedly contracted in the grea
ter part of its extent.
Partial sight has no statutory definition, but there are official guidelines for
registering a person as
partially sighted: generally these are a corrected visual acuity of 3/ 60 or les
s in the better eye with
some contraction of the peripheral field, or better with gross field defects. In
the UK more than 100,000
people are registered as legally blind and some 50,000 as partially sighted. The
World Health Organisation
has estimated that there are over 40 million binocularly blind people in the wor
ld. The causes of blindness
vary with age and degree of development of the country. In western society the c
ommonest causes are
glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, other retinal diseases and senile cataract. (See
also VISION.) Any blind
person, or his or her relatives, can
obtain help and advice from the Royal National Institute for the Blind (
Night blindness An inability to see in the dark. It can be associated wi
th retinitis pigmentosa or
vitamin A deficiency (see EYE, DISORDERS OF).

Blood Blood consists of cellular components suspended in plasma. It circ

ulates through the blood
vessels, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the organs and removing carbon dioxide
and other waste products
for excretion. In addition, it is the vehicle by which hormones and other humora
l transmitters reach their
sites of action.
Composition The cellular components are red cells or corpuscles (ERYTHRO
CYTES), white cells (LEUCOCYTES
and lymphocytes see LYMPHOCYTE), and platelets. The red cells are biconcave disc
s with a diameter of
7.5m. They contain haemoglobin an iron-containing porphyrin compound, which takes
up oxygen in the lungs
and releases it to the tissue. The white cells are of various types, named accor
ding to their appearance.
They can leave the circulation to wander through the tissues. They are involved
in combating infection,
wound healing, and rejection of foreign bodies. Pus consists of the bodies of de
ad white cells. Platelets
are the smallest cellular components and play an important role in blood clottin
Erythrocytes are produced by the bone marrow in adults and have a life span of a
bout 120 days. White cells
are produced by the bone
Red and white blood cells and platelets.

Blood Groups 83
marrow and lymphoid tissue. Plasma consists of water, ELECTROLYTES and p
lasma proteins; it comprises
4858 per cent of blood volume. Plasma proteins are produced mainly by the liver a
nd by certain types of
white cells. Blood volume and electrolyte composition are closely regulated by c
omplex mechanisms involving
Blood Bank A department in which blood products are prepared, stored, an
d tested prior to transfusion
into patients.
Blood Brain Barrier A functional, semi-permeable membrane separating the
brain and cerebrospinal fluid
from the blood. It allows small and lipid-soluble molecules to pass freely but i
s impermeable to large or
ionised molecules and cells.
Blood Clot A blood clot arises when blood comes into contact with a fore
ign surface for example,
damaged blood vessels or when tissue factors are released from damaged tissue. A
n initial plug of
PLATELETS is converted to a definitive clot by the deposition of FIBRIN, which i
s formed by the clotting
cascade and erythrocytes. (See COAGULATION.)
Blood Count The number of each of the cellular components per litre of b
lood. It may be calculated
using a microscope or by an automated process.
Blood Donor An individual who donates his or her own blood for use in pa
tients of compatible blood
group who require transfusion.
Blood Gases Specifically, this describes the measurement of the tensions
of oxygen and carbon dioxide
in blood. However, it is commonly used to describe the analysis of a sample of h
eparinised arterial blood
for measurement of oxygen, carbon dioxide, oxygen saturation, pH, bicarbonate, a
nd base excess (the amount
of acid
required to return a unit volume of the blood to normal pH). These value
s are vital in monitoring the
severity of illness in patients receiving intensive care or who have severe resp
iratory illness, as they
provide a guide to the effectiveness of oxygen transport between the outside air
and the body tissues. Thus
they are both a guide to whether the patient is being optimally ventilated, and
also a general guide to the
severity of their illness.
Blood Groups People are divided into four main groups in respect of a ce

rtain reaction of the blood.

This depends upon the capacity of the serum of one persons blood to cause the red
cells of anothers to
stick together (agglutinate). The reaction depends on antigens (see ANTIGEN), kn
own as agglutinogens, in
the erythrocytes and on ANTIBODIES, known as agglutinins, in the serum. There ar
e two of each, the
agglutinogens being known as A and B. A persons erythrocytes may have (1) no aggl
utinogens, (2)
agglutinogen A, (3) agglutinogen B, (4) agglutinogens A and B: these are the fou
r groups. Since the
identification of the ABO and Rhesus factors (see below), around 400 other antig
ens have been discovered,
but they cause few problems over transfusions. In blood transfusion, the person
giving and the person
receiving the blood must belong to the same blood group, or a dangerous reaction
will take place from the
agglutination that occurs when blood of a different group is present. One except
ion is that group O
Rhesusnegative blood can be used in an emergency for anybody.
Group AB A B O
Agglutinogens in the erythrocytes A and B A B Neither A nor B
Agglutinins in the plasma None Anti-B Anti-A Anti-A and Anti-B
Frequency in Great Britain 2 per cent 46 per cent 8 per cent 44 per cent
Rhesus factor In addition to the A and B agglutinogens (or antigens), th
ere is another one known as the
Rhesus (or Rh) factor so named because there is a similar antigen in the red blo
od corpuscles of the
Rhesus monkey. About 84 per cent of the population have this Rh factor in their
blood and are therefore
known as Rh-positive. The remaining 16 per cent who do not possess the factor are
known as Rh-negative.
The practical importance of the Rh factor is that, unlike the A and B agglutinog
ens, there

84 Blood-Letting
are no naturally occurring Rh antibodies. However, such antibodies may d
evelop in a Rhnegative person
if the Rh antigen is introduced into his or her circulation. This can occur (a)
if a Rh-negative person is
given a transfusion of Rh-positive blood, and (b) if a Rh-negative mother marrie
d to a Rh-positive husband
becomes pregnant and the fetus is Rh-positive. If the latter happens, the mother
develops Rh antibodies
which can pass into the fetal circulation, where they react with the babys Rh ant
igen and cause HAEMOLYTIC
DISEASE of the fetus and newborn. This means that, untreated, the child may be s
tillborn or become
jaundiced shortly after birth. As about one in six expectant mothers is Rhnegati
ve, a blood-group
examination is now considered an essential part of the antenatal examination of
a pregnant woman. All such
Rh-negative expectant mothers are now given a Rhesus card showing that they belong
to the rhesus-negative
blood group. This card should always be carried with them. Rh-positive blood sho
uld never be transfused to
a Rh-negative girl or woman.
Blood-Letting See VENESECTION.
Blood-Poisoning See SEPTICAEMIA.
Blood Pressure Blood pressure is that pressure which must be applied to
an artery in order to stop the
pulse beyond the point of pressure. It may be roughly estimated by feeling the p
ulse at the wrist, or
accurately measured using a SPHYGMOMANOMETER. It is dependent on the pumping for
ce of the heart, together
with the volume of blood, and on the elasticity of the blood vessels. The blood
pressure is biphasic, being
greatest (systolic pressure) at each heartbeat and falling (diastolic pressure)
between beats. The average
systolic pressure is around 100 mm Hg in children and 120 mm Hg in young adults,
generally rising with age
as the arteries get thicker and harder. Diastolic pressure in a healthy young ad
ult is about 80 mm Hg, and
a rise in diastolic pressure is often a surer indicator of HYPERTENSION than is
a rise in systolic
pressure; the latter is more sensitive to changes of body position and emotional
mood. Hypertension has
various causes, the most important of which are kidney disease (see KIDNEYS, DIS
EASES OF), genetic
predisposition and, to some extent, mental stress. Systolic pressure may well be
over 200 mm Hg. Abnormal
hypertension is often
accompanied by arterial disease (see ARTERIES, with an increased risk of
STROKE, heart attack and heart
failure (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Various ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS are available;
these should be carefully
evaluated, considering the patients full clinical history, before use. HYPOTENSIO
N may result from

superficial vasodilation (for example, after a bath, in fevers or as a side-effe

ct of medication,
particularly that prescribed for high blood pressure) and occur in weakening dis
eases or heart failure. The
blood pressure generally falls on standing, leading to temporary postural hypote
nsion a particular danger
in elderly people. DISEASES OF)
Blood Test Removal of venous, capillary or arterial blood for haematolog
ical, microbiological or
biochemical laboratory investigations.
Blood Transfusion See TRANSFUSION
Transfusion of blood.
Blood Vessel Tube through which blood is conducted from or to the heart.
Blood from the heart is
conducted via arteries and arterioles through capillaries and back to the heart
via venules and then veins.
Body Mass Index Body Mass Index (BMI) provides objective criteria of siz
e to enable an estimation to be
made of an individuals level or risk of morbidity and mortality. The BMI, which i
s derived from the
extensive data held by life-insurance companies, is calculated by dividing a per
sons weight by the square
of his or her height (kilograms/ metres2). Acceptable BMIs range from 20 to 25 a
nd any figure above 30
characterises obesity. The Index may be used (with some modification) to assess
children and adolescents.
Boils (Furunculosis) A skin infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus, b
eginning in adjacent hair
follicles (see FOLLICLE). As the folliculitis becomes confluent, a tender red lu
mp develops which becomes
necrotic (see NECROSIS) centrally with pus formation. A cluster of boils becomin
g confluent is

called a carbuncle. Release of the pus and an oral antibiotic lead to ra
pid healing. Recurrent boils
are usually due to a reservoir of staphylococcal bacteria (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS) i
n a nostril or elsewhere,
so an intranasal antibiotic cream may be prescribed. Underlying DIABETES MELLITU
S should always be
Bolam Test A medico-legal defence for a clinician accused of failing to
provide an acceptable standard
of care for one of his or her qualification and experience. The defence is that
a responsible body of
medical practitioners would have taken the same action, even though others would
have acted differently.
The precise size of a responsible body has not been defined. The test has been mod
ified following a case
referred to as Bolitho, in which it was held that the Bolam defence failed if it
could be shown that the
actions relied upon, although shown to be carried out by some responsible doctor
s, were nonetheless
Bolus A lump of food prepared for swallowing by chewing and mixing with
saliva. The term is also used
to describe the rapid intravenous injection of fluid or a drug, as opposed to a
slower infusion.
Bonding The formation of a close, selective attachment between two indiv
iduals, as in the relationship
between a mother and her baby.
Bone The framework upon which the rest of the body is built up. The bone
s are generally called the
skeleton, though this term also includes the cartilages which join the ribs to t
he breastbone, protect the
larynx, etc.
Structure of bone Bone is composed partly of fibrous tissue, partly of b
one matrix comprising phosphate
and carbonate of lime, intimately mixed together. The bones of a child are about
two-thirds fibrous tissue,
whilst those of the aged contain one-third; the toughness of the former and the
brittleness of the latter
are therefore evident. The shafts of the limb bones are composed of dense bone,
the bone being a hard tube
surrounded by a membrane (the periosteum) and enclosing a fatty substance (the B
ONE MARROW); and of
cancellous bone, which forms the short bones and the ends of long bones, in whic
h a fine lace-work of bone
fills up the
whole interior, enclosing marrow in its meshes. The marrow of the smalle
r bones is of great importance.
It is red in colour, and in it red blood corpuscles are formed. Even the densest
bone is tunnelled by fine
canals (Haversian canals) in which run small blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic

s, for the maintenance and

repair of the bone. Around these Haversian canals the bone is arranged in circul
ar plates called lamellae,
the lamellae being separated from one another by clefts, known as lacunae, in wh
ich single bone-cells are
contained. Even the lamellae are pierced by fine tubes known as canaliculi lodgi
ng processes of these
cells. Each lamella is composed of very fine interlacing fibres. Bones grow in t
hickness from the fibrous
tissue and lime salts laid down by cells in their substance. The long bones grow
in length from a plate of
cartilage (epiphyseal cartilage) which runs across the bone about 15 cm or more f
rom its ends, and which
on one surface is also constantly forming bone until the bone ceases to lengthen
at about the age of 16 or
18. Epiphyseal injury in children may lead to diminished growth of the limb.
is effected by cells of microscopic size, some called osteoblasts, elabo
rating the materials brought by
the blood and laying down strands of fibrous tissue, between which bone earth is
later deposited; while
other cells, known as osteoclasts, dissolve and break up dead or damaged bone. W
hen a fracture has
occurred, and the broken ends have been brought into contact, these are surround
ed by a mass of blood at
first; this is partly absorbed and partly organised by these cells, first into f
ibrous tissue and later
into bone. The mass surrounding the fractured ends is called the callus, and for
some months it forms a
distinct thickening which is gradually smoothed away, leaving the bone as before
the fracture. If the ends
have not been brought accurately into contact, a permanent thickening results.
Apart from the structural varieties, bones fall into four classes: (a) l
ong bones like those of the
limbs; (b) short bones composed of cancellous tissue, like those of the wrist an
d the ankle; (c) flat bones
like those of the skull; (d) irregular bones like those of the face or the verte
brae of the spinal column
The skeleton consists of more than 200 bones. It is divided into an axia
l part, comprising the skull,
the vertebral column, the ribs

86 Bone, Disorders of
with their cartilages, and the breastbone; and an appendicular portion c
omprising the four limbs. The
hyoid bone in the neck, together with the cartilages protecting the larynx and w
indpipe, may be described
as the visceral skeleton. The skull consists of the cranium, which has eight bon
es, viz. occipital, two
parietal, two temporal, one frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid; and of the face, whi
ch has 14 bones, viz. two
maxillae or upper jaw-bones, one mandible or lower jaw-bone, two malar or cheek
bones, two nasal, two
lacrimal, two turbinal, two palate bones, and one vomer bone. (For further detai
ls, see SKULL.) The
vertebral column consists of seven vertebrae in the cervical or neck region, 12
dorsal vertebrae, five
vertebrae in the lumbar or loin region, the sacrum or sacral bone (a mass formed
of five vertebrae fused
together and forming the back part of the pelvis, which is closed at the sides b
y the haunch-bones), and
finally the coccyx (four small vertebrae representing the tail of lower animals)
. The vertebral column has
four curves: the first forwards in the neck, the second backwards in the dorsal
region, the third forwards
in the loins, and the lowest, involving the sacrum and coccyx, backwards. These
are associated with the
erect attitude, develop after a child learns to walk, and have the effect of dim
inishing jars and shocks
before these reach internal organs. This is aided still further by discs of cart
ilage placed between each
pair of vertebrae. Each vertebra has a solid part, the body in front, and behind
this a ring of bone, the
series of rings one above another forming a bony canal up which runs the spinal
cord to pass through an
opening in the skull at the upper end of the canal and there join the brain. (Fo
r further details, see
SPINAL COLUMN.) The ribs 12 in number, on each side are attached behind to the 1
2 dorsal vertebrae,
while in front they end a few inches away from the breastbone, but are continued
forwards by cartilages. Of
these the upper seven reach the breastbone, these ribs being called true ribs; t
he next three are joined
each to the cartilage above it, while the last two have their ends free and are
called floating ribs. The
breastbone, or sternum, is shaped something like a short sword, about 15 cm (6 i
nches) long, and rather
over 25 cm (1 inch) wide. AXIAL SKELETON
by joints. In the shoulder lie the clavicle or collar-bone (which is imm
ediately beneath the skin, and
forms a prominent object on the front of the neck), and the scapula or shoulderblade behind the chest. In
the upper arm is a single bone, the humerus. In the forearm are two bones, the r
adius and ulna; the radius,
in the movements of alternately turning the hand palm up and back up (called sup
ination and pronation
respectively), rotating around the ulna, which remains fixed. In the carpus or w
rist are eight small bones:

the scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and h

amate. In the hand proper
are five bones called metacarpals, upon which are set the four fingers, each con
taining the three bones
known as phalanges, and the thumb with two phalanges. The lower limb consists si
milarly of the region of
the hip-bone and three segments the thigh, the leg and the foot. The hip-bone is
a large flat bone made
up of three the ilium, the ischium and the pubis fused together, and forms the s
ide of the pelvis or
basin which encloses some of the abdominal organs. The thigh contains the femur,
and the leg contains two
bones the tibia and fibula. In the tarsus are seven bones: the talus (which form
s part of the ankle
joint); the calcaneus or heel-bone; the navicular; the lateral, intermediate and
medial cuneiforms; and the
cuboid. These bones are so shaped as to form a distinct arch in the foot both fr
om before back and from
side to side. Finally, as in the hand, there are five metatarsals and 14 phalang
es, of which the great toe
has two, the other toes three each. Besides these named bones there are others s
ometimes found in sinews,
called sesamoid bones, while the numbers of the regular bones may be increased b
y extra ribs or diminished
by the fusion together of two or more bones.
Bone, Disorders of Bone is not an inert scaffolding for the human body.
It is a living, dynamic organ,
being continuously remodelled in response to external mechanical and chemical in
fluences and acting as a
large reservoir for calcium and phosphate. It is as susceptible to disease as an
y other organ, but responds
in a way rather different from the rest of the body.
Bone fractures These occur when there is a The upper limb consists of th
e shoulder region and three
segments the upper arm, the forearm, and the wrist with the hand, separated from
break in the continuity of the bone. This happens either as a result of
violence or because the bone is
unhealthy and unable to withstand normal stresses.

Bone, Disorders of
Examples of fractures: the fibula (thin bone) has a simple fracture of i
ts shaft and a comminuted
fracture at its lower end; the tibia has a compound fracture of its shaft.
Fractures where the skin remains intact or merely grazed. COMPOUND FRACT
URES have at least one wound
which is in communication with the fracture, meaning that bacteria can enter the
fracture site and cause
infection. A compound fracture is also more serious than a simple fracture becau
se there is greater
potential for blood loss. Compound fractures usually need hospital admission, an
tibiotics and careful
reduction of the fracture. Debridement (cleaning and excising dead tissue) in a
sterile theatre may also be
necessary. The type of fracture depends on the force which has caused it. Direct
violence occurs when an
object hits the bone, often causing a transverse break which means the break run
s horizontally across the
bone. Indirect violence occurs when a twisting injury to the ankle, for example,
breaks the calf-bone (the
tibia) higher up. The break may be more oblique. A fall on the outstretched hand
may cause a break at the
wrist, in the humerus or at the collar-bone depending on the force of impact and
age of the person. FATIGUE
FRACTURES These occur after the bone has been under recurrent stress. A typical
example is the march
fracture of the second toe, from which army recruits suffer after long marches.
These occur in bone which is already diseased for example, SIMPLE FRACTURES
by osteoporosis (see below) in post-menopausal women. Such fractures are
typically crush fractures of
the vertebrae, fractures of the neck of the femur, and COLLES FRACTURE (of the wr
ist). Pathological
fractures also occur in bone which has secondary-tumour deposits. GREENSTICK FRA
CTURES These occur in young
children whose bones are soft and bend, rather than break, in response to stress
. The bone tends to buckle
on the side opposite to the force. Greenstick fractures heal quickly but still n
eed any deformity corrected
and plaster of Paris to maintain the correction. COMPLICATED FRACTURES These inv
olve damage to important
soft tissue such as nerves, blood vessels or internal organs. In these cases the
soft-tissue damage needs
as much attention as the fracture site. COMMINUTED FRACTURES A fracture with mor
e than two fragments. It
usually means that the injury was more violent and that there is more risk of da
mage to vessels and nerves.
These fractures are unstable and take longer to unite. Rehabilitation tends to b
e protracted. DEPRESSED
FRACTURES Most commonly found in skull fractures. A fragment of bone is forced i
nwards so that it lies
lower than the level of the bone surrounding it. It may damage the brain beneath
Depressed fracture of the skull (sagittal view).

These occur when the bone is broken but the force has not been severe en
ough to cause visible
displacement. These fractures may be easily missed.
Symptoms and signs The fracture site is usually painful, swollen and def
ormed. There is asymmetry of
contour between limbs. The limb is held uselessly. If the fracture is in the upp

88 Bone, Disorders of
limb, the arm is usually supported by the patient; if it is in the lower
limb then the patient is not
able to bear weight on it. The limb may appear short because of muscle spasm. Ex
amination may reveal
crepitus a bony grating at the fracture site. The diagnosis is confirmed by radi
Treatment Healing of fractures (union) begins with the bruise around the
fracture being resorbed and
new bone-producing cells and blood vessels migrating into the area. Within a cou
ple of days they form a
bridge of primitive bone across the fracture. This is called callus. The callus
is replaced by woven bone
which gradually matures as the new bone remodels itself. Treatment of fractures
is designed to ensure that
this process occurs with minimal residual deformity to the bone involved. Treatm
ent is initially to relieve
pain and may involve temporary splinting of the fracture site. Reducing the frac
ture means restoring the
bones to their normal position; this is particularly important at the site of jo
ints where any small
displacement may limit movement considerably.
Injury to the spine: compression fracture of 1st lumbar vertebra with no
damage to spinal cord.
Injury to the spine: fracture/dislocation of 12th thoracic vertebra with
damage to spinal cord.
Impacted fracture of neck of left femur.
Reduction may be done under a general anaesthetic which relaxes muscles
and makes manipulation easier.
Traction, which means sustained but controlled pulling on the bone, then restore
s the fragments of the
fracture into their normal position: these are kept in position with plaster of
Paris. If closed traction
does not work, then open reduction of the fracture may

Bone, Disorders of
be needed. This may involve fixing the fracture with internal-fixation m
ethods, using metal plates,
wires or screws to hold the fracture site in a rigid position with the two ends
closely opposed. This
allows early mobilisation after fractures and speeds return to normal use. Exter
nal fixators are usually
metal devices applied to the outside of the limb to support the fracture site. T
hey are useful in compound
fractures where internal fixators are at risk of becoming infected. Consolidatio
n of a fracture means that
repair is complete. The time taken for this depends on the age of the patient, t
he bone and the type of
fracture. A wrist fracture may take six weeks, a femoral fracture three to six m
onths in an adult.
Complications of fractures are fairly common. In non-union, the fracture does no
t unite usually because
there has been too much mobility around the fracture site. Treatment may involve
internal fixation (see
above). Malunion means that the bone has healed with a persistent deformity and
the adjacent joint may then
develop early osteoarthritis. Myositis ossificans may occur at the elbow after a
fracture. A big mass of
calcified material develops around the fracture site which restricts elbow movem
ents. Late surgical removal
(after 612 months) is recommended. Fractured neck of FEMUR typically affects elde
rly women after a trivial
injury. The bone is usually osteoporotic. The leg appears short and is rotated o
utwards. Usually the
patient is unable to put any weight on the affected leg and is in extreme pain.
The fractures are
classified according to where they occur: subcapital where the neck joins the he
ad of the femur.
intertrochanteric through the trochanter. subtrochanteric transversely through t
he upper end of the femur
(rare). Most of these fractures of the neck of femur need fixing by metal plates
or hip replacements, as
immobility in this age group has a mortality of nearly 100 per cent. Fractures o
f the femur shaft are
usually the result of severe trauma such as a road accident. Treatment may be co
nservative or operative. In
fractures of the SPINAL COLUMN, mere damage to the bone as in the case of the so
called compression
fracture, in which there is no damage to the spinal cord is not necessarily seri
ous. If, however, the
spinal cord is damaged, as in the so-called fracture dislocation, the accident m
ay be a very serious one,
the usual result being paralysis of the parts of the body below the level of the
injury. Therefore the
higher up

the spine is fractured, the more serious the consequences. The injured p
erson should not be moved until
skilled assistance is at hand; or, if he or she must be removed, this should be
done on a rigid shutter or

door, not on a canvas stretcher or rug, and there should be no lifting which nec
essitates bending of the
back. In such an injury an operation designed to remove a displaced piece of bon
e and free the spinal cord
from pressure is often necessary and successful in relieving the paralysis. DISL
the spine are not uncommon in certain sports, particularly rugby. Anyone who has
had such an injury in the
cervical spine (i.e. in the neck) should be strongly advised not to return to an
y form of body-contact or
vehicular sport. Simple fissured fractures and depressed fractures of the skull
often follow blows or falls
on the head, and may not be serious, though there is always a risk of damage whi
ch is potentially serious
to the brain at the same time. Compound fractures may result in infection within
the skull, and if the
skull is extensively broken and depressed, surgery is usually required to check
any intercranial bleeding
or to relieve pressure on the brain. The lower jaw is often fractured by a blow
on the face. There is
generally bleeding from the mouth, the gum being torn. Also there are pain and g
rating sensations on
chewing, and unevenness in the line of the teeth. The treatment is simple, the l
ine of teeth in the upper
jaw forming a splint against which the lower jaw is bound, with the mouth closed
Congenital diseases These are rare but may produce certain types of dwar
fism or a susceptibility to
fractures (osteogenesis imperfecta).
Infection of bone (osteomyelitis) may occur after an open fracture, or i
n newborn babies with
SEPTICAEMIA. Once established it is very difficult to eradicate. The bacteria ap
pear capable of lying
dormant in the bone and are not easily destroyed with antibiotics so that prolon
ged treatment is required,
as might be surgical drainage, exploration or removal of dead bone. The infectio
n may become chronic or
Osteomalacia (rickets) is the loss of mineralisation of the bone rather
than simple loss of bone mass.
It is caused by vitamin D deficiency and is probably the most important bone dis
ease in the developing
world. In sunlight the skin can synthesise vitamin D (see APPENDIX 5:

90 Bone, Disorders of
VITAMINS), but normally rickets is caused by a poor diet, or by a failur
e to absorb food normally
(malabsorbtion). In rare cases vitamin D cannot be converted to its active state
due to the congenital lack
of the specific enzymes and the rickets will fail to respond to treatment with v
itamin D. Malfunction of
the parathyroid gland or of the kidneys can disturb the dynamic equilibrium of c
alcium and phosphate in the
body and severely deplete the bone of its stores of both calcium and phosphate.
Osteoporosis A metabolic bone disease resulting from low bone mass (oste
openia) due to excessive bone
resorption. Sufferers are prone to bone fractures from relatively minor trauma.
With bone densitometry it
is now possible to determine individuals risk of osteoporosis and monitor their r
esponse to treatment. By
the age of 90 one in two women and one in six men are likely to sustain an osteo
porosisrelated fracture.
The incidence of fractures is increasing more than would be expected from the ag
eing of the population,
which may reflect changing patterns of exercise or diet. Osteoporosis may be cla
ssified as primary or
secondary. Primary consists of type 1 osteoporosis, due to accelerated trabecula
r bone loss, probably as a
result of OESTROGENS deficiency. This typically leads to crush fractures of vert
ebral bodies and fractures
of the distal forearm in women in their 60s and 70s. Type 2 osteoporosis, by con
trast, results from the
slower age-related cortical and travecular bone loss that occurs in both sexes.
It typically leads to
fractures of the proximal femur in elderly people. Secondary osteoporosis accoun
ts for about 20 per cent of
cases in women and 40 per cent of cases in men. Subgroups include endocrine (thy
rotoxicosis see under
gastrointestinal (malabsorption syndrome, e.g. COELIAC DISEASE, or liver disease
, e.g. primary biliary
lignancy (multiple MYELOMA
or metastatic CARCINOMA); and drugs (CORTICOSTEROIDS, HEPARIN). Additional risk
factors for osteoporosis
include smoking, high alcohol intake, physical inactivity, thin body-type and he
redity. Individuals at risk
of osteopenia, or with an osteoporosis-related fracture, need investigation with
spinal radiography and
bone densitometry. A small fall in bone density results in a large increase in t
he risk of fracture, which
important implications for preventing and treating osteoporosis.
Treatment Antiresorptive drugs: hormone replacement therapy also valuabl
e in treating menopausal
symptoms; treatment for at least five years is necessary, and prolonged use may
increase risk of breast

cancer. Cyclical oral administration of disodium etidronate one of the bisphosph

onate group of drugs
with calcium carbonate is also used (poor absorption means the etidronate must b
e taken on an empty
stomach). Calcitonin currently available as a subcutaneous injection; a nasal pr
eparation with better
tolerance is being developed. Calcium (1,000 mg daily) seems useful in older pat
ients, although probably
ineffective in perimenopausal women, and it is a safe preparation. Vitamin D and
calcium recent evidence
suggests value for elderly patients. Anabolic steroids, though androgenic side-e
ffects (masculinisation)
make these unacceptable for most women. With established osteoporosis, the aim o
f treatment is to relieve
pain (with analgesics and physical measures, e.g. lumbar support) and reduce the
risk of further fractures:
improvement of bone mass, the prevention of falls, and general physiotherapy, en
couraging a healthier
lifestyle with more daily exercise. Further information is available from the Na
tional Osteoporosis
Pagets disease (see
also separate entry) is a common disease of bone in the elderly, caused
by overactivity of the
osteoclasts (cells concerned with removal of old bone, before new bone is laid d
own by osteoblasts). The
bone affected thickens and bows and may become painful. Treatment with calcitoni
n and bisphosphonates may
slow down the osteoclasts, and so hinder the course of the disease, but there is
no cure. If bone loses its
blood supply (avascular necrosis) it eventually fractures or collapses. If the b
lood supply does not
return, bones normal capacity for healing is severely impaired. For the following
diseases see separate
Tumours of bone These can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancer
ous). Primary bone tumours are
rare, but secondaries from carcinoma of the breast, prostate and kidneys are rel
atively common. They may
form cavities in a bone, weakening it until it breaks

under normal load (a pathological fracture). The bone eroded away by the
tumour may also cause problems
by causing high levels of calcium in the plasma. is a malignant growth affecting
long bones, particularly
the tibia (calfbone). The presenting symptoms are a throbbing pain in the limb a
nd a high temperature.
Treatment is combined surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
MYELOMA is a generalised malignant disease of blood cells which produces
tumours in bones which have
red bone marrow, such as the skull and trunk bones. These tumours can cause path
ological fractures.
is a harmless small growth which can occur in any bone. Its pain is typi
cally removed by aspirin.
is a malignant tumour of bone with a peak incidence between the ages of
ten and 20. It typically
involves the knees, causing a warm tender swelling. Removal of the growth with b
one conservation techniques
can often replace amputation as the definitive treatment. Chemotherapy can impro
ve long-term survival.
Bone Transplant The insertion of a piece of bone from another site or fr
om another person to fill a
defect, provide supporting tissue, or encourage the growth of new bone.
Borborygmus Flatulence in the bowels (tummy rumbling).
Bornholm Disease Bornholm disease, also known as devils grip, and epidemi
c myalgia, is an acute
infective disease due to COXSACKIE VIRUSES. It is characterised by the abrupt on
set of pain around the
lower margin of the ribs, headache, and fever; it occurs in epidemics, usually d
uring warm weather, and is
more common in young people than in old. The illness usually lasts seven to ten
days. It is practically
never fatal. The disease is named after the island of Bornholm in the Baltic, wh
ere several epidemics have
been described.
Botulinum Toxin The

CLOSTRIDIUM botulinum is now routinely used to treat focal DYSTONIA in a
dults. This includes
blepharospasm (see EYE, DISORDERS OF), SPASMODIC TORTICOLLIS, muscular spasms of
face, squint and some types of tremor. Injected close to where the nerve
enters the affected muscles,
the toxin blocks nerve transmissions for up to four months, so relieving symptom
s. The toxin is also used
in cerebral palsy. Although very effective, there are many possible unwanted eff
ects, especially if too
high a dose is used or the injection is misplaced.
Bone Marrow Transplant
The procedure by which malignant or defective bone marrow in a patient i
s replaced with normal bone
marrow. Sometimes the patients own marrow is used (when the disease is in remissi
on); after storage using
tissue-freezing technique (cryopreservation) it is reinfused into the patient on
ce the diseased marrow has
been treated (autologous transplant). More commonly, a transplant uses marrow fr
om a donor whose tissue has
been matched for compatibility. The recipients marrow is destroyed with CYTOTOXIC
drugs before
transfusion. The recipient is initially nursed in an isolated environment to red
uce the risk of infection.
Disorders that can be helped or even cured include certain types of LEUKAEMIA an
d many inherited disorders
of the immune system (see IMMUNITY).
A rare type of food poisoning with a mortality greater than 50 per cent,
caused by the presence of the
exotoxin of the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum, usually in contaminat
ed tinned or bottled food.
Symptoms develop a few hours after ingestion. The toxin has two components, one
having haemagglutinin
activity and the other neurotoxic activity which produces most of the symptoms.
It has a lethal dose of as
little as 1 mg/kg and is highly selective for cholinergic nerves. Thus the sympt
oms are those of autonomic
parasympathetic blockade (dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, mydriasis,
blurred vision) and
progress to blockade of somatic cholinergic transmission (muscle weakness). Deat
h results from respiratory
muscle paralysis. Treatment consists of supportive measures and
Bone Marrow Bone marrow is the soft substance occupying the interior of
bones. It is the site of
formation of ERYTHROCYTES, granular LEUCOCYTES and

92 Bougies
4 aminopyridine and 3, 4 di-aminopyridine, which may antagonise the effe
ct of the toxin.
Bougies Solid instruments
body in order either to apply
medicaments which they contain or
to dilate a narrow part or
stricture of the passage. Thus we
al bougies and rectal
bougies, made usually of flexible

for introduction into natural passages in the

with which they are coated, or, more usually,
have, for example, urethral bougies, oesophage
rubber or, in the case of the urethra, of stee

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Known colloquially as mad cow dise

ase, this is a fatal and
untreatable disease. Along with scrapie in sheep and CREUTZFELDT-JACOB DISEASE (
CJD) in humans, BSE belongs
to a class of unusual degenerative diseases of the brain known as transmissible
encephalopathies. The disease is caused by abnormal PRION proteins, which are re
sistant to cellular
degradation. These abnormal prion proteins accumulate in and eventually cause th
e death of nerve cells,
both in the spinal cord and the brain. The rare human disease CJD occurs through
out the world and is of
three types: sporadic, iatrogenic (see IATROGENIC DISEASE) and inherited. Since
the BSE epidemic in cattle
developed in the UK in the 1980s, however, a new variant of CJD has been identif
ied and is believed to be
the result of consumption of the meat of BSEinfected cattle. Studies in transgen
ic mice have confirmed that
BSE caused variant CJD. The new variant has affected younger people and may have
a shorter incubation
period. If this incubation period turns out to be the same as for the other type
s of CJD, however, it could
be 2005 2010 before the peak of this outbreak is reached. Over 148 people had die
d, or were dying, from
variant CJD in the UK by the year 2005. The appearance of BSE in cattle is belie
ved to have been caused by
a gene mutation (see GENETIC DISORDERS), although whether this mutation first oc
curred in cattle or in some
other animal remains uncertain. Although the first case of BSE was officially re
ported in 1985, the first
cattle are thought to have been infected in the 1970s. BSE spread to epidemic pr
oportions because cattle
were fed meat and bone meal, made from the offal of cattle suffering from or inc
ubating the disease.
Mother-to-calf transfer is another likely route of transmission, although meat a
nd bone meal in cattle feed
were the main cause of the epidemic. The epidemic reached its peak in 1992 when the incidence of newly diagnosed cas
es in cattle was 37,545. A
two-year UK government inquiry into the BSE epidemic concluded that BSE had caus
ed a harrowing fatal
disease in humans, and criticised officials for misleading the public over the ri
sk to humans from BSE.

Consequently, a compensation package for patients and relatives was made availab
le. Meanwhile, a ban on the
export of UK beef and restrictions on the type of meat and products made from be
ef that can be sold to the
public were put in place. Although initially thought to be a problem primarily c
onfined to the UK, several
other countries notably France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the United State
s have also discovered
BSE in their cattle.
Bowens Disease An uncommon chronic localised skin disease, presenting as
a solitary chronic fixed
irregular plaque mimicking eczema or psoriasis. It is a fairly benign form of CA
RCINOMA in situ in the
EPIDERMIS but can occasionally become invasive. It is curable by CRYOTHERAPY or
surgical excision.
Bow Leg Also known as genu varum: a deformity of the legs which comprise
s outward curvature between
knee and ankle. It may be normal in infancy, and occurs in osteoarthritis, RICKE
TS and other metabolic bone
diseases. In early childhood it may correct with growth, but in other cases surg
ical correction by
osteotomy or ephiphyseal stapling is possible.
Boxing Injuries Boxing injuries rank eighth in frequency among sports in
juries. According to the Report
on the Medical Aspects of Boxing issued by the Committee on Boxing of the Royal
College of Physicians of
London in 1969, of 224 exprofessional boxers examined, 37 showed evidence of bra
in damage and this was
disabling in 13. The first type of damage occurs as an acute episode in which on
e or more severe blows
leads to loss of consciousness and occasionally to death. Death in the acute pha
se is usually due to
intracranial haemorrhage and this carries a mortality of 45 per cent even with t
he sophisticated surgical
techniques currently available. The second type of damage develops over a

Brain 93
much longer period and is cumulative, leading to the atrophy of the cere
bral cortex and brain stem. The
repair processes of the brain are very limited and even after mild concussion it
may suffer a small amount
of permanent structural damage. Brain-scanning techniques now enable brain damag
e to be detected during
life, and brain damage of the type previously associated with the punch-drunk sy
ndrome is now being
detected before obvious clinical signs have developed. Evidence of cerebral atro
phy has been found in
relatively young boxers including amateurs and those whose careers have been con
sidered successful. The
tragedy is that brain damage can only be detected after it has occurred. Many do
ctors are opposed to
boxing, even with the present, more stringent medical precautions taken by those
responsible for running
the sport. Since the Royal Colleges survey in 1969, the British Medical Associati
on and other UK medical
organisations have declared their opposition to boxing on medical grounds, as ha
ve medical organisations in
several other countries. In 1998, the Dutch Health Council recommended that prof
essional boxing should be
banned unless the rules are tightened. It claimed that chronic brain damage is s
een in 4080 per cent of
boxers and that one in eight amateur bouts end with a concussed participant. The
re is currently no legal
basis on which to ban boxing in the UK, although it has been suggested that an i
njured boxer might one day
sue a promoter. One correspondent to the British Medical Journal in 1998 suggest
ed that since medical cover
is a legal requirement at boxing promotions, the profession should consider if i
ts members should withdraw
Brachial Brachial means belonging to the upper arm. There are, for example
, a brachial artery, and a
brachial plexus of nerves through which run all the nerves to the arm. The brach
ial plexus lies along the
outer side of the armpit, and is liable to be damaged in dislocation at the shou
Brachycephalic Brachycephalic means short-headed and is a term applied t
o skulls the breadth of which
is at least four-fifths of the length.
Brachydactyly The conditions in which the fingers or toes are abnormally
Bradycardia Slowness of the beating of the heart with corresponding slow
ness of the pulse (below 60 per
minute). (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)
Bradykinesia Bradykinesia refers to the slow, writhing movements of the
body and limbs that may occur
in various brain disorders (see ATHETOSIS).
Bradykinin Bradykinin is a substance derived from plasma proteins; it pl
ays an important role in many

of the reactions of the body, including INFLAMMATION. Its prime action is in pro
ducing dilatation of
arteries and veins. It has also been described as the most powerful pain-producin
g agent known.
Braille A system of printing or writing devised for blind people. Develo
ped by the Frenchman Louis
Braille, the system is based on six raised dots which can be organised in differ
ent combinations within two
grades. Each system in Grade I represents an individual letter or punctuation ma
rk. Grade IIs symbols
represent common combinations of letters or individual words. Braille is accepte
d for all written
languages, mathematics, science and music, with Grade II the more popular type.
Brain The brain and spinal cord together form the central nervous sytem
(CNS). Twelve cranial nerves
leave each side of the brain (see NERVES, below) and 31 spinal nerves from each
side of the cord: together
these nerves form the peripheral nervous system. Complex chains of nerves lying
within the chest and
abdomen, and acting largely independently of the peripheral system, though linke
d with it, comprise the
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM and govern the activities of the VISCERA. The control c
entre of the whole nervous
system is the brain, which is located in the skull or cranium. As well as contro
lling the nervous system it
is the organ of thought, speech and emotion. The central nervous system controls
the bodys essential
functions such as breathing, body temperature (see HOMEOSTASIS) and the heartbea
t. The bodys various
sensations, including sight, hearing, touch, pain, positioning and taste, are co
mmunicated to the CNS by
nerves distributed throughout the relevant tissues. The information is then sort
ed and interpreted by
specialised areas in the brain. In

94 Brain
response these initiate and coordinate the motor output, triggering such
voluntary activities as
movement, speech, eating and swallowing. Other activities for example, breathing
, digestion, heart
contractions, maintenance of BLOOD PRESSURE, and filtration of waste products fr
om blood passing through
the kidneys are subject to involuntary control via the autonomic system. There i
s, however, some overlap
between voluntary and involuntary controls.
Divisions This forms nearly 70 per cent of the brain and consists of two
cerebral hemispheres which
occupy the entire vault of the cranium and are incompletely separated from one a
nother by a deep mid-line
cleft, the longitudinal cerebral fissure. At the bottom of this cleft the two he
mispheres are united by a
thick band of some 200 million crossing nerve fibres the corpus callosum. Other
clefts or fissures
(sulci) make deep impressions, dividing the cerebrum into lobes. The lobes of th
e cerebrum are the frontal
lobe in the forehead region, the parietal lobe on the side and upper part of the
brain, the occipital lobe
to the back, and the temporal lobe lying just above the region of the ear. The o
uter 3 mm of the cerebrum
is called the cortex, which consists of grey matter with the nerve cells arrange
d in six layers. This
region is concerned with conscious thought, sensation and movement, operating in
a similar manner to the
more primitive areas of the brain except that incoming information is subject to
much greater analysis.
Numbers of shallower infoldings of the surface, called furrows or sulci, separat
e raised areas called
convolutions or gyri. In the deeper part, the white matter consists of nerve fib
res connecting different
parts of the surface and passing down to the lower parts of the brain. Among the
white matter lie several
rounded masses of grey matter, the lentiform and caudate nuclei. In the centre o
f each cerebral hemisphere
is an irregular cavity, the lateral ventricle, each of which communicates with t
hat on the other side and
behind with the third ventricle through a small opening, the inter-ventricular f
oramen, or foramen of
Two large masses of grey matter embedded in the base of the cerebral hem
ispheres in humans, but forming
the chief part of the brain in many animals. Between these masses lies the third
ventricle, from which the
infundibulum, a funnel-shaped process, projects downwards into the pituitary bod
y, and
above lies the PINEAL GLAND. This region includes the important HYPOTHAL

AMUS. or mesencephalon: a stalk

about 20 mm long connecting the cerebrum with the hind-brain. Down its centre li
es a tube, the cerebral
aqueduct, or aqueduct of Sylvius, connecting the third and fourth ventricles. Ab
ove this aqueduct lie the
corpora quadrigemina, and beneath it are the crura cerebri, strong bands of whit
e matter in which important
nerve fibres pass downwards from the cerebrum. The pineal gland is sited on the
upper part of the midbrain.
PONS A mass of nerve fibres, some of which run
crosswise and others are the continuation of the crura cerebri downwards
. This lies towards the back,
underneath the occipital lobes of the cerebrum.
The lowest part of the brain, in structure resembling the spinal cord, w
ith white matter on the surface
and grey matter in its interior. This is continuous through the large opening in
the skull, the foramen
magnum, with the spinal cord. Between the medulla, pons, and cerebellum lies the
fourth ventricle of the
Structure The grey matter consists mainly of billions of neurones (see N
EURON(E)) in which all the
activities of the brain begin. These cells vary considerably in size and shape i
n different parts of the
brain, though all give off a number of processes, some of which form nerve fibre
s. The cells in the cortex
of the cerebral hemispheres, for example, are very numerous, being set in layers
five or six deep. In shape
these cells are pyramidal, giving off processes from the apex, from the centre o
f the base, and from
various projections elsewhere on the cell. The grey matter is everywhere penetra
ted by a rich supply of
blood vessels, and the nerve cells and blood vessels are supported in a fine net
work of fibres known as
neuroglia. The white matter consists of nerve fibres, each of which is attached,
at one end, to a cell in
the grey matter, while at the other end it splits up into a tree-like structure
around another cell in
another part of the grey matter in the brain or spinal cord. The fibres have ins
ulating sheaths of a fatty
material which, in the mass, gives the white matter its colour; they convey mess
ages from one part of the
brain to the other (association fibres), or, grouped into bundles, leave the bra
in as nerves, or pass down
into the

Brain, Diseases of
spinal cord where they end near, and exert a control upon, cells from wh
ich in turn spring the nerves
to the body. Both grey and white matter are bound together by a network of cells
called GLIA which make up
60 per cent of the brains weight. These have traditionally been seen as simple st
ructures whose main
function was to glue the constituents of the brain together. Recent research, ho
wever, suggests that glia
are vital for growing synapses between the neurons as they trigger these cells t
o communicate with each
other. So they probably participate in the task of laying down memories, for whi
ch synapses are an
essential key. The research points to the likelihood that glial cells are as com
plex as neurons,
functioning biochemically in a similar way. Glial cells also absorb potassium pu
mped out by active neurons
and prevent levels of GLUTAMATE the most common chemical messenger in the brain
from becoming too high.
The general arrangement of fibres can be best understood by describing the cours
e of a motor nerve-fibre.
Arising in a cell on the surface in front of the central sulcus, such a fibre pa
sses inwards towards the
centre of the cerebral hemisphere, the collected mass of fibres as they lie betw
een the lentiform nucleus
and optic thalamus being known as the internal capsule. Hence the fibre passes d
own through the crus
cerebri, giving off various small connecting fibres as it passes downwards. Afte
r passing through the pons
it reaches the medulla, and at this point crosses to the opposite side (decussat
ion of the pyramids).
Entering the spinal cord, it passes downwards to end finally in a series of bran
ches (arborisation) which
meet and touch (synapse) similar branches from one or more of the cells in the g
rey matter of the cord (see
SPINAL CORD). Four vessels carry blood to the brain: two internal carotid arteri
es in front, and two
vertebral arteries behind. These communicate to form a circle (circle of Willis)
inside the skull, so that
if one is blocked, the others, by dilating, take its place. The chief branch of
the internal carotid artery
on each side is the middle cerebral, and this gives off a small but very importa
nt branch which pierces the
base of the brain and supplies the region of the internal capsule with blood. Th
e chief importance of this
vessel lies in the fact that the blood in it is under especially high pressure,
owing to its close
connection with the carotid artery, so that haemorrhage from it is liable to occ
ur and thus give rise to
stroke. Two veins, the internal cereBLOOD VESSELS
bral veins, bring the blood away from the interior of the brain, but mos
t of the small veins come to
the surface and open into large venous sinuses, which run in grooves in the skul
l, and finally pass their

blood into the internal jugular vein that accompanies the carotid artery on each
side of the neck. The
brain is separated from the skull by three membranes: the dura mater, a thick fi
brous membrane; the
arachnoid mater, a more delicate structure; and the pia mater, adhering to the s
urface of the brain and
containing the blood vessels which nourish it. Between each pair is a space cont
aining fluid on which the
brain floats as on a water-bed. The fluid beneath the arachnoid membrane mixes w
ith that inside the
ventricles through a small opening in the fourth ventricle, called the median ap
erture, or foramen of
Magendie. These fluid arrangements have a great influence in preserving the brai
n from injury. MEMBRANES
Twelve nerves come off the brain: Olfactory, to the nose (smell). Optic,
to the eye (sight). Oculomotor
Trochlear, to eye-muscles. Abducent Trigeminal, to skin of face. Facial, to musc
les of face.
Vestibulocochlear, to ear (hearing and balancing). Glossopharyngeal, to tongue (
taste). Vagus, to heart,
larynx, lungs, and stomach. Spinal accessory, to muscles in neck. Hypoglossal, t
o muscles of tongue.
Brain, Diseases of These consist either of expanding masses (lumps or tu
mours), or of areas of
shrinkage (atrophy) due to degeneration, or to loss of blood supply, usually fro
m blockage of an artery.
Tumours All masses cause varying combinations of headache and vomiting s
ymptoms of raised pressure
within the inexpansible bony box formed by the skull; general or localised epile
ptic fits; weakness of
limbs or disordered speech; and varied mental changes. Tumours may be primary, a
rising in the brain, or
secondary deposits from tumours arising in the lung, breast or other organs. Som
e brain tumours are benign
and curable by surgery: examples include meningiomas and pituitary tumours. The
symptoms depend on the size
and situation

96 Brain, Diseases of
of the mass. Abscesses or blood clots (see HAEMATOMA) on the surface or
within the brain may resemble
tumours; some are removable. Gliomas ( see GLIOMA) are primary malignant tumours
arising in the glial
tissue (see GLIA) which despite surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy usually h
ave a bad prognosis, though
some astrocytomas and oligodendronogliomas are of low-grade malignancy. A promis
ing line of research in the
US (in the animal-testing stage in 2000) suggests that the ability of stem cells
from normal brain tissue
to home in on gliomal cells can be turned to advantage. The stem cells were chemic
ally manipulated to
carry a poisonous compound (5-fluorouracil) to the gliomal cells and kill them,
without damaging normal
cells. Around 80 per cent of the cancerous cells in the experiments were destroy
ed in this way. Clinical
examination and brain scanning (CT, or COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY; magnetic resonance i
maging (MRI) and functional
MRI) are safe, accurate methods of demonstrating the tumour, its size, position
and treatability.
Parkinsons disease, hereditary Huntingtons chorea, or, in children with bi
rth defects of the brain,
athetosis and dystonias. Modern drugs, such as DOPAMINE drugs in PARKINSONISM, a
nd other treatments can
improve the symptoms and reduce the disabilities of some of these diseases.
Drugs and injury Alcohol in excess, the abuse of many sedative drugs and
artificial brain stimulants
such as cocaine, LSD and heroin (see DEPENDENCE) can damage the brain; the effec
ts can be reversible in
early cases. Severe head injury can cause localised or diffuse brain damage (see
Cerebral palsy Damage to the brain in children can occur in the uterus d
uring pregnancy, or can result
from rare hereditary and genetic diseases, or can occur during labour and delive
ry. Severe neurological
illness in the early months of life can also cause this condition in which stiff
spastic limbs, movement
disorders and speech defects are common. Some of these children are learning-dis
Strokes When a blood vessel, usually an artery, is blocked by a clot, th
rombus or embolism, the local
area of the brain fed by that artery is damaged (see STROKE). The resulting infa
rct (softening) causes a
stroke. The cells die and a patch of brain tissue shrinks. The obstruction in th
e blood vessel may be in a
small artery in the brain, or in a larger artery in the neck. Aspirin and other
anti-clotting drugs reduce
recurrent attacks, and a small number of people benefit if a narrowed neck arter
y is cleaned out by an
operation endarterectomy. Similar symptoms develop abruptly if a blood vessel bu
rsts, causing a cerebral
haemorrhage. The symptoms of a stroke are sudden weakness or paralysis of the ar

m and leg of the opposite

side to the damaged area of brain (HEMIPARESIS), and sometimes loss of half of t
he field of vision to one
side (HEMIANOPIA). The speech area is in the left side of the brain controlling
language in right-handed
people. In 60 per cent of lefthanders the speech area is on the left side, and i
n 40 per cent on the right
side. If the speech area is damaged, difficulties both in understanding words, a
nd in saying them, develops
Degenerations (atrophy) For reasons often unknown, various groups of ner
ve cells degenerate
prematurely. The illness resulting is determined by which groups of nerve cells
are affected. If those in
the deep basal ganglia are affected, a movement disorder occurs, such as
Dementias In older people a diffuse loss of cells, mainly at the front o
f the brain, causes the main
feature being loss of memory, attention and reasoned judgement (dementia). This
affects about 5 per cent of
the over-80s, but is not simply due to ageing processes. Most patients require r
outine tests and brain
scanning to indicate other, treatable causes of dementia. Response to current tr
eatments is poor, but
promising lines of treatment are under development. Like Parkinsonism, Alzheimers
disease progresses
slowly over many years. It is uncommon for these diseases to run in families. Mu
ltiple strokes can cause
dementia, as can some organic disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver.
Infections in the brain are uncommon. Viruses such as measles, mumps, he
rpes, human immunodeficiency
virus and enteroviruses may cause ENCEPHALITIS a diffuse inflammation (see also
AIDS/HIV). Bacteria or
viruses may infect the membrane covering the brain, causing MENINGITIS. Viral me
ningitis is normally a
mild, self-limiting infection lasting only a few days; however, bacterial mening
itis caused by
meningococcal groups B and C, pneumococcus, and (now rarely) haemophilus is a li
fe-threatening condition.
Antibiotics have allowed a cure or good control of symptoms in most cases of men

Brain-Stem Death
gitis, but early diagnosis is essential. Severe headaches, fever, vomiti
ng and increasing sleepiness
are the principal symptoms which demand urgent advice from the doctor, and usual
ly admission to hospital.
Group B meningococcus is the commonest of the bacterial infections, but Group C
causes more deaths. A
vaccine against the latter has been developed and has reduced the incidence of c
ases by 75 per cent. If
infection spreads from an unusually serious sinusitis or from a chronically infe
cted middle ear, or from a
penetrating injury of the skull, an abscess may slowly develop. Brain abscesses
cause insidious drowsiness,
headaches, and at a late stage, weakness of the limbs or loss of speech; a high
temperature is seldom
present. Early diagnosis, confirmed by brain scanning, is followed by antibiotic
s and surgery in hospital,
but the outcome is good in only half of affected patients.
Cerebral oedema Swelling of the brain can occur after injury, due to eng
orgement of blood vessels or an
increase in the volume of the extravascular brain tissue due to abnormal uptake
of water by the damaged
grey (neurons) matter and white (nerve fibres) matter. This latter phenomenon is
called cerebral oedema and
can seriously affect the functioning of the brain. It is a particularly dangerou
s complication following
injury because sometimes an unconscious person whose brain is damaged may seem t
o be recovering after a few
hours, only to have a major relapse. This may be the result of a slow haemorrhag
e from damaged blood
vessels raising intracranial pressure, or because of oedema of the brain tissue
in the area surrounding the
injury. Such a development is potentially lethal and requires urgent specialist
treatment to alleviate the
rising intracranial pressure: osmotic agents (see OSMOSIS) such as mannitol or f
rusemide are given
intravenously to remove the excess water from the brain and to lower intracrania
l pressure, buying time for
definitive investigation of the cranial damage.
Brain Injuries Most blows to the head cause no loss of consciousness and
no brain injury. If someone is
knocked out for a minute or two, there has been a brief disturbance of the brain
cells (concussion);
usually there are no after-effects. Most patients so affected leave hospital wit
hin 13 days, have no
organic signs, and recover and return quickly to work without further complaints
Severe head injuries cause unconsciousness for hours or many days, follo
wed by loss of memory before
and after that period of unconsciousness. The skull may be fractured; there may
be fits in the first week;
and there may develop a blood clot in the brain (intracerebral haematoma) or wit
hin the membranes covering
the brain (extradural and subdural haematomata). These clots compress the brain,

and the pressure inside

the skull intracranial pressure rises with urgent, life-threatening consequences
. They are identified
by neurologists and neurosurgeons, confirmed by brain scans (see COMPUTED TOMOGR
APHY; MRI), and require
urgent surgical removal. Recovery may be complete, or in very severe cases can b
e marred by physical
disabilities, EPILEPSY, and by changes in intelligence, rational judgement and b
ehaviour. Symptoms
generally improve in the first two years. A minority of those with minor head in
juries have complaints and
disabilities which seem disproportionate to the injury sustained. Referred to as
the post-traumatic
syndrome, this is not a diagnostic entity. The complaints are headaches, forgetf
ulness, irritability,
slowness, poor concentration, fatigue, dizziness (usually not vertigo), intolera
nce of alcohol, light and
noise, loss of interests and initiative, DEPRESSION, anxiety, and impaired LIBID
O. Reassurance and return
to light work help these symptoms to disappear, in most cases within three month
s. Psychological illness
and unresolved compensation-claims feature in many with implacable complaints. P
eople who have had brain
injuries, and their relatives, can obtain help and advice from Headwat and from and
Brain-Stem Death Brain damage, resulting in the irreversible loss of bra
in function, renders the
individual incapable of life without the aid of a VENTILATOR. Criteria have been
developed to recognise
that death has occurred and to allow ventilation to be stopped: in the UK, these c
riteria require the
patient to be irreversibly unconscious and unable to regain the capacity to brea
the spontaneously. (See
harmacological, metabolic,
endocrine and physiological causes must be excluded, and there should be no doub
t that irreversible brain
damage has occurred. Two senior doctors carry out diagnostic tests to confirm th
at brain-stem reflexes are
absent. These

98 Bran
tests must be repeated after a suitable interval before
lared. Imaging techniques are
not required for death to be diagnosed. The test for brain-stem
dilated pupils of the eyes
o somatic (physical)
stimulation Absent gag and cough reflexes No respiratory effort
PNOEA despite adequate
concentrations of CARBON DIOXIDE in the arterial blood.

death can be dec

death are: Fixed
motor response t
in response to A

Bran The meal derived from the outer covering of a cereal grain. It cont
ains little or no carbohydrate,
and is mainly used to provide ROUGHAGE in the control of bowel function and the
prevention of constipation.
Branchial Cyst A cyst arising in the neck from remnants of the embryolog
ical branchial clefts. They are
usually fluid-filled and will therefore transilluminate.
Breasts Breasts, or mammary glands, occur only in mammals and provide mi
lk for feeding the young. These
paired organs are usually fully developed only in adult females, but are present
in rudimentary form in
juveniles and males. In women, the two breasts over-lie the second to sixth ribs
on the front of the chest.
On the surface of each breast is a central pink disc called the areola, which su
rrounds the nipple. Inside,
the breast consists of fat, supporting tissue and glandular tissue, which is the
part that produces
milk following childbirth. Each breast consists of 1220 compartments arra
nged radially around the
nipple: each compartment opens on to the tip of the nipple via its own duct thro
ugh which the milk flows.
The breast enlargement that occurs in pregnancy is due to development of the gla
ndular part in preparation
for lactation. In women beyond childbearing age, the glandular part of the breas
ts reduces (called
involution) and the breasts become less firm and contain relatively more fat.
Breasts, Diseases of The female breasts may be expected to undergo hormo
ne-controlled enlargement at
puberty, and later in pregnancy, and the glandular part of the breast undergoes
evolution (shrinkage) after
the menopause. The breast can also be affected by many different diseases, with
common symptoms being pain,
nipple discharge or retraction, and the formation of a lump within the breast.
Benign disease is much more common than cancer, particularly in young wo
men, and includes acute
inflammation of the breast (mastitis); abscess formation; and benign breast lump
s, which may be
fibroadenosis diffuse lumpiness also called chronic mastitis or fibrocystic dise
ase in which one or

more fluidfilled sacs (cysts) develop. Women who are breast feeding are particul
arly prone to mastitis, as
infection may enter the breast via the nipple. The process may be arrested befor
e a breast abscess forms by
prompt treatment with antibiotics. Non-bacterial inflammation may result from ma
mmary duct ectasia
(dilatation), in which abnormal or
Lateral view of female breast showing internal structure and chest wall.

Breasts, Diseases of 99
blocked ducts may overflow. Initial treatments should be with antibiotic
s, but if an abscess does form
it should be surgically drained. Duct ectasia, with or without local mastitis, i
s the usual benign cause of
various nipple complaints, with common symptoms being nipple retraction, dischar
ge and skin change. Breast
lumps form the chief potential danger and may be either solid or cystic. Simple
examination may fail to
distinguish the two types, but aspiration of a benign cyst usually results in it
s disappearance. If the
fluid is bloodstained, or if a lump still remains, malignancy is possible, and a
ll solid lumps need
histological (tissue examination) or cytological (cell examination) assessment.
As well as having their
medical and family history taken, any women with a breast lump should undergo tr
iple assessment: a
combination of clinical examination, imaging mammography for the over-35s and ul
trasonagraphy for the
under-35s and fine-needle aspiration. The medical history should include details
of any previous lumps,
family history (up to 10 per cent of breast cancer in western countries is due t
o genetic disposition),
pain, nipple discharge, change in size related to menstrual cycle and parous sta
te, and any drugs being
taken by the patient. Breasts should be inspected with the arms up and down, not
ing position, size,
consistency, mobility, fixity, and local lymphadenopathy (glandular swelling). N
ipples should be examined
for the presence of inversion or discharge. Skin involvement (peau dorange) shoul
d be noted, and, in
particular, how long changes have been present. Fineneedle aspiration and cytolo
gical examination of the
fluid are essential with ULTRASOUND, MAMMOGRAPHY and possible BIOPSY being consi
dered, depending on the
patients age and the extent of clinical suspicion that cancer may be present. The
commonest solid benign
lump is a fibroadenoma, particularly in women of childbearing age, and is a pain
less, mobile lump. If
small, it is usually safe to leave it alone, provided that the patient is warned
to seek medical advice if
its size or character changes or if the lump becomes painful. Fibroadenosis (dif
fuse lumpiness often in the
upper, outer quadrant) is a common (benign) lump. Others include periductal mast
itis, fat NECROSIS,
GALACTOCELE, ABSCESS, and non-breast-tissue lumps for example, a LIPOMA (fatty t
A woman with breast discharge should have a mammograph, ductograph, or total duc
t excision until the cause
of any underlying duct ectasia is known. Appropriate treatment should then be gi
Malignant disease most commonly but not exclusively occurs in post-menop
ausal women, classically
presenting as a slowly growing, painless, firm lump. A bloodstained nipple disch
arge or eczematous skin
change may also be suggestive of cancer. The most commonly used classification o
f invasive cancers has
split them into two types, ductal and lobular, but this is no longer suitable. T

here are also weaknesses in

the tumour node metastases (TNM) system and the International Union Against Canc
er (UICC) classification.
The TNM system which classifies the lump by size, fixity and presence of affecte
d axillary glands and
wider metastatic spread is best combined with a pathological classification, whe
n assessing the
seriousness of a possibly cancerous lump. Risk factors for cancer include nullip
arity (see NULLIPARA),
first pregnancy over the age of 30 years, early MENARCHE, late MENOPAUSE and pos
itive family history. The
danger should be considered in women who are not breast feeding or with previous
breast cancer, and must be
carefully excluded if the woman is taking any contraceptive steroids or is on ho
rmone-replacement therapy
(see under MENOPAUSE). Screening programmes involving mammography are well estab
lished, the aim being to
detect more tumours at an early and curable stage. Pick-up rate is five per 1,00
0 healthy women over 50
years. Yearly two-view mammograms could reduce mortality by 40 per cent but may
cause alarm because there
are ten false positive mammograms for each true positive result. In premenopausa
l women, breasts are
denser, making mammograms harder to interpret, and screening appears not to save
lives. About a quarter of
women with a palpable breast lump turn out to have cancer.
Treatment This remains controversial, and all options should be carefull
y discussed with the patient
and, where appropriate, with her partner. Locally contained disease may be treat
ed by local excision of the
lump, but sampling of the glands of the armpit of the same side should be perfor
med to check for additional
spread of the disease, and hence the need for CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY. Depe
nding on the extent of
spread, simple mastectomy or modified radical mastectomy (which removes the lymp
h nodes draining the
breast) may be required. Follow-up chemotherapy, for example, with TAMOXIFEN (an
oestrogen antagonist),
much improves survival (it saves 12 lives over 100 women treated), though

100 Breastbone
it may occasionally cause endometrial carcinoma. Analysis in the mid-199
0s of large-scale international
studies of breast-cancer treatments showed wide variations in their effectivenes
s. As a result the NHS has
encouraged hospitals to set up breast-treatment teams containing all the relevan
t health professional
experts and to use those treatments shown to be most effective. As well as the p
hysical treatments
provided, women with suspected or proven breast cancer should be offered psychol
ogical support because up
to 30 per cent of affected women develop an anxiety state or depressive illness
within a year of diagnosis.
Problems over body image and sexual difficulties occur in and around one-quarter
of patients. Breast
conservation and reconstructive surgery can improve the physical effects of mast
ectomy, and women should be
advised on the prostheses and specially designed brassieres that are available.
Specialist nurses and
self-help groups are invaluable in supporting affected women and their partners
with the problems caused by
breast cancer and its treatment. Breast Cancer Care, British Association of Canc
er United Patients (BACUP),
Cancerlink, and Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund are among voluntary organisations p
roviding support.
Breast Screening A set of investigations aimed at the early detection of
breast cancer. It includes
self-screening by monthly examination of the breasts, and formal programmes of s
creening by palpation and
mammography in special clinics. In the UK the NHS offers regular mammography exa
minations to all women
between 50 and 64 years of age; in 19956, 1.1 million women were screened 76 per
cent of those invited.
More than 5,500 cancers were detected 5.3 per 1,000 women screened.
Breath-holding attacks are not uncommon in infants and toddlers. They ar
e characterised by the child
suddenly stopping breathing in the midst of a bout of crying evoked by pain, som
e emotional upset, or loss
of temper. The breath may be held so long that the child goes blue in the face.
The attack is never fatal
and the condition disappears spontaneously after the age of 35 years, but once a
child has acquired the
habit it may recur quite often. It is important for a paediatrician to determine
that such events are not
epileptic (see EPILEPSY). Generally they require no treatment other than reassur
ance, as recovery is
spontaneous and rapid although a small number of severely affected children have
been helped by a
PACEMAKER. Parents should avoid dramatising the attacks.
Breast Feeding

This is the natural way to feed a baby from birth to WEANING. Human milk
is an ideal food, containing a
proper balance of nutrients as well as an essential supply of antibodies to prot
ect the infant against
infections. Breast feeding also strengthens the physical bond between mother and
child. For the first few
weeks, feeding should be on demand. Difficulties over breast feeding, discourage
ment from health-care
providers and the pressures of modern life, especially for working mothers, can
make it hard to continue
breast feeding for more than a few weeks, or even to breast feed at all. Sometim
es infections occur,
producing soreness and even an abscess. Mothers should seek advice from their he
alth visitor about breast
feeding, especially if problems arise.
Breast Reconstruction See MAMMOPLASTY.
Breast Reduction See MAMMOPLASTY.
Breathlessness Breathlessness, or dyspnoea, may be due to any condition
which renders the blood
deficient in oxygen, and which therefore produces excessive involuntary efforts
to gain more air. Exercise
is a natural cause, and acute anxiety may provoke breathlessness in otherwise he
althy people. Deprivation
of oxygen for example, in a building fire will also cause the victim to raise hi
s or her breathing
rate. Disorders of the lung may diminish the area available for breathing for ex
TUBERCULOSIS, EMPHYSEMA, BRONCHITIS, collections of fluid in the pleural cavitie
s, and pressure caused by a
TUMOUR or ANEURYSM. Pleurisy causes short, rapid breathing to avoid the pain of
deep inspiration. Narrowing
of the air passages may produce sudden and alarming attacks of difficult breathi
ng, especially among
children for CROUP, asthma and example, in DIPHTHERIA.

Bronchiectasis 101
Most cardiac disorders (see HEART, DISEASES OF ) cause breathlessness, e
specially when the person
undergoes any special exertion.
is a frequent cause. Anaemia Obesity is often associated with shortness
breath. Mountain climbing may cause breathlessness because, as altitude
increases, the amount of oxygen
in the air falls (see ALTITUDE SICKNESS). (See also LUNGS and RESPIRATION.)
Breath Sounds The transmitted sounds of breathing, heard when a stethosc
ope is applied to the chest.
Normal breath sounds are described as vesicular. Abnormal sounds may be heard wh
en there is increased fluid
in the lungs or fibrosis (crepitation or crackles), when there is bronchospasm (
rhonchi or wheezes), or
when the lung is airless (consolidated bronchial breathing). Breath sounds are a
bsent in people with
pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or after pneumonectomy.
Breech Presentation By the 32nd week of pregnancy most babies are in a h
ead-down position in the womb.
Up to 4 per cent of them, however, have their buttocks (breech) presenting at th
e neck of the womb. If the
baby is still a breech presentation at the 34th to 35th week the obstetrician ma
y, by external
manipulation, try to turn it to the head-down position. If this is not successfu
l, the fetus is left in the
breech position. Breech deliveries are more difficult for mother and baby becaus
e the buttocks are less
efficient than the head at dilating the cervix and vagina. An EPISIOTOMY is usua
lly necessary to assist
delivery, and obstetric FORCEPS may also have to be applied to the babys head. If
the infant and/or the
mother become unduly distressed, the obstetrician may decide to deliver the baby
obstetricians prefer to deliver most breech-presentation babies using this metho
Brights Disease See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF Glomerulonephritis.
British Approved Names (BAN) The officially approved name for a medicina
l substance used in the UK. A
1992 European Union directive required the use of a Recommended International No
n-proprietary Name (rINN)
for these substances. Usually the BAN
and rINN were identical; where there was a difference, the rINN nomencla
ture is now used. An exception
is adrenaline, which remains the official name in Europe with the rINN epinephri
ne being a synonym.

British Medical Association (BMA) See APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL ORGANISAT

British National Formulary (BNF)
A pocket-book for those concerned with the prescribing, dispensing and a
dministration of medicines in
Britain. It is produced jointly by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the Brit
ish Medical Association, is
revised twice yearly and is distributed to NHS doctors by the Health Departments
. The BNF is also available
in electronic form.
British Pharmacopoeia See PHARMACOPOEIA.
British Thermal Unit (BTU) An officially recognised measurement of heat:
a unit is equal to the
quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by 1Fahren
heit. One BTU is
equivalent to 1,055 joules (see JOULE).
Brittle Bone Disease Brittle Bone Disease is another name for OSTEOGENES
Bromocriptine A drug that stimulates DOPAMINE receptors in the brain. It
inhibits production of the
hormone PROLACTIN and is used to treat GALACTORRHOEA (excessive milk secretion)
and also to suppress normal
LACTATION. The drug is helpful in treating premenstrual breast engorgement and a
Bronchiectasis A condition characterised by dilatation of the bronchi (s
ee BRONCHUS). As a rule, this
is the result of infection of the bronchial tree leading to obstruction of the b
ronchi. Due to the
obstruction, the affected individual cannot get rid of the secretions in the bro
nchi beyond the
obstruction; these accumulate and become

102 Bronchioles
infected. The initial infection may be due to bacterial or viral pneumon
ia or to the infection of the
lungs complicating measles or whoopingcough. Once a common disease, immunisation
of infants against
infectious diseases and the use of antibiotics have greatly reduced the incidenc
e of bronchiectasis. (See
Treatment consists of postural drainage of excessive lung secretions, an
d antibiotics.
Bronchioles The term applied to the finest divisions of the bronchial tu
bes of the LUNGS.
Bronchiolitis The name sometimes applied to bronchitis affecting the fin
est bronchial tubes, also known
as capillary bronchitis. Major epidemics occur every winter in Northern Europe i
n babies under 18 months
due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Many are admitted to hospital; some ne
ed artificial ventilation
for a time and a very small number die.
Bronchiolitis Obliterans A rare disorder involving gradually increasing
FIBROSIS and destruction of
lung tissue following an attack of BRONCHIOLITIS.
Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchial tubes (see AIR PASSAGES; BRONCH
US; LUNGS). This may occur as
an acute transient illness or as a chronic condition.
Acute bronchitis is due to an acute infection viral or bacterial of the
bronchi. This is
distinguished from PNEUMONIA by the anatomical site involved: bronchitis affects
the bronchi whilst
pneumonia affects the lung tissue. The infection causes a productive cough, and
fever. Secretions within
airways sometimes lead to wheezing. Sometimes the specific causative organism ma
y be identified from the
sputum. The illness is normally self-limiting but, if treatments are required, b
acterial infections respond
to a course of antibiotics.
Chronic bronchitis is a clinical diagnosis applied to patients with chro
nic cough and sputum
production. For epidemiological studies it is defined as cough productive of sput
um on most days during at
least three consecutive months for not less than two consecutive years. Chronic b
ronchitis is classified
chronic ASTHMA and EMPHYSEMA are the others. In the past, industrial wor
kers regularly exposed to
heavily polluted air commonly developed bronchitis. The main aetiological factor
is smoking; this leads to
an increase in size and number of bronchial mucous glands. These are responsible
for the excessive mucus

production within the bronchial tree, causing a persistent productive cough. The
increased number of mucous
glands along with the influx of inflammatory cells may lead to airwaynarrowing:
when airway-narrowing
occurs, it slows the passage of air, producing breathlessness. Other less import
ant causative factors
include exposure to pollutants and dusts. Infections do not cause the disease bu
t frequently produce
exacerbations with worsening of symptoms.
Treatments involve the use of antibiotics to treat the infections that p
roduce exacerbations of
symptoms. Bronchodilators (drugs that open up the airways) help to reverse the a
irwaynarrowing that causes
the breathlessness. PHYSIOTHERAPY is of value in keeping the airways clear of MU
CUS. Cessation of smoking
reduces the speed of progression.
Bronchodilator This type of drug reduces the tone of smooth muscle in th
e lungs BRONCHIOLES and
therefore increases their diameter. Such drugs are used in the treatment of dise
ases that cause
bronchoconstriction, such as ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. As bronchiolar tone is a bal
ance between sympathetic
and parasympathetic activity, most bronchodilators are either B2 receptor agonis
ts or cholinergic receptor
antagonists although theophyllines are also useful.
Bronchography A radiographic procedure using a radio-opaque substance in
jected into the bronchial tree
to show its outline. This is a simple procedure carried out under general anaest
hesia and allows the
accurate location of, for example, a lung ABSCESS, BRONCHIECTASIS, or a TUMOUR i
n the lung.
Bronchopleural Fistula An abnormal communication between the tracheo-bro
nchial tree and the pleural
cavity (see LUNGS). Most commonly occurring from breakdown of the bronchial stum
p following pneumonectomy,
it may also be caused by trauma, neoplasia or inflammation.

Broncho-Pneumonia See PNEUMONIA.
Bronchoscope An instrument constructed on the principle of the telescope
, which on introduction into
the mouth is passed down through the LARYNX and TRACHEA and enables the observer
to see the interior of the
larger bronchial tubes. The bronchoscope has largely been superseded by fibreopt
ic bronchoscopy. (See
Bronchoscopy The use of a bronchoscope to visualise the interior of the
bronchial tubes.
Bronchospasm Muscular contraction of the bronchi (air passages) in the L
UNGS, causing narrowing. The
cause is usually a stimulus, as in BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. The result is that the
patient can inhale air
into the lungs but breathing out becomes difficult and requires muscular effort
of the chest. Exhalation is
accompanied by audible noises in the airways which can be detected with a STETHO
SCOPE. Reversible
obstructive airways disease can be relieved with a BRONCHODILATOR drug; if the b
ronchospasm cannot be
relieved by drugs it is called irreversible. (See CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY
Bronchus Bronchus, or bronchial tube, is the name applied to tubes into
which the TRACHEA divides, one
going to either lung. The name is also applied to the divisions of these tubes d
istributed throughout the
lungs, the smallest being called bronchioles.
Brucellosis Also known as undulant fever, or Malta fever.
Causes In Malta and the Mediterranean littoral, the causative organism i
s the bacterium Brucella
melitensis which is conveyed in goats milk. In Great Britain, the US and South Af
rica, the causative
organism is the Brucella abortus, which is conveyed in cows milk: this is the org
anism which is
responsible for contagious abortion in cattle. In Great Britain brucellosis is l
argely an occupational
disease and is now prescribed as an industrial disease (see OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE
S), and insured persons who
contract the disease at work can claim industrial injuries benefit. The incidenc
e of brucellosis in the UK
has fallen from more than 300 cases a year in 1970 to single figures.
Symptoms The characteristic features of the disease are undulating fever
, drenching sweats, pains in
the joints and back, and headache. The liver and spleen may be enlarged. The dia
gnosis is confirmed by the
finding of Br. abortus, or antibodies to it, in the blood. Recovery and convales
cence tend to be slow.

Treatment The condition responds well to one of the tetracycline antibio

tics, and also to gentamicin
and co-trimoxazole, but relapse is common. In chronic cases a combination of str
eptomycin and one of the
tetracyclines is often more effective.
Prevention It can be prevented by boiling or pasteurising all milk used
for human consumption. In
Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Canada the disease has disappeared
following its eradication
in animals. Brucellosis has been eradicated from farm animals in the United King
Bruises Bruises, or contusions, result from injuries to the deeper layer
s of the skin or underlying
tissues, with variable bleeding but without open wounds. Bruises range from a sl
ight bluish discoloration,
due to minimal trauma and haemorrhage, to a large black swelling in more severe
cases. Diseases such as
HAEMOPHILIA and SCURVY, which reduce COAGULATION, should be suspected when exten
sive bruises are produced
by minor injuries. Bruises change colour from blue-black to brown to yellow, gra
dually fading as the blood
pigment is broken down and absorbed. Bruising in the abdomen or in the back in t
he area of the kidneys
should prompt the examining doctor to assess whether there has been any damage t
o internal tissues or
organs. Bruising in children, especially repeated bruising, may be caused by phy
sical abuse (see CHILD
ABUSE and NON-ACCIDENTAL INJURY (NAI)). Adults, too, may be subjected to regular
physical abuse.
Bruit and Murmur Abnormal sounds heard in connection with the heart, art
eries and veins on
Bruxism Bruxism, or teeth-grinding, refers to a habit of grinding the te
eth, usually while asleep and
without being aware of it. The teeth may feel uncomfortable on wakening. It is c
ommon in children and is
usually of no significance. In adults it may be associated with stress or a malp
ositioned or overfilled
tooth. The underlying

104 Bubo
cause should be treated but, if unsuccessful, a plastic splint can be fi
tted over the teeth.
Bubo (Plural: buboes.) A swelling of a lymphatic gland in the groin in v
enereal disease (see SEXUALLY
Bulla An air- or fluid-filled bubble occurring in the skin or lungs. The
latter may be congenital or
the result (in adults) of EMPHYSEMA. Skin bullae are really blisters.
Relating to the mouth or inside of the cheek.
Bumetanide is a strong loop diuretic which is active when taken by mouth
. It acts quickly within a
half-hour and its action is over in a few hours. (See THIAZIDES; DIURETICS.)
Budgerigar-Fanciers Lung
Bundle Branch Block
Budgerigar-fanciers lung is a form of extrinsic allergic ALVEOLITIS, resu
lting from sensitisation to
budgerigars, or parakeets as they are known in North America. Skin tests have re
vealed sensitisation to the
birds droppings and/or serum. As it is estimated that budgerigars are kept in 5 6
million homes in
Britain, current figures suggest that anything up to 900 per 100,000 of the popu
lation are exposed to the
risk of developing this condition.
An abnormality of the conduction of electrical impulses through the vent
ricles of the HEART, resulting
in delayed depolarisation of the ventricular muscle. The electrocardiograph (see
shows characteristic widening of the QRS complexes. Abnormalities of the right a
nd left bundle branches
cause delayed contraction of the right and left ventricles respectively.
Bulimia Bulimia means insatiable appetite of psychological origin. This
eating-disorder symptom may be
of psychological origin or the result of neurological disease for example, a les
ion of the HYPOTHALAMUS.
Bulimia nervosa is linked to anorexia nervosa and is sometimes called the binge
and purge syndrome. Bulimia
nervosa is characterised by overpowering urges to eat large amounts of food, fol

lowed by induced vomiting

or abuse of laxatives to avoid any gain in weight. Most of the victims are prone
to being overweight and
all have a morbid fear of obesity. They indulge in bouts of gross overeating, or
binge rounds as they
describe them, to fill the empty space inside. By their bizarre behaviour, most of
them manage to
maintain a normal weight. The condition is most common in women in their 20s; it
is accompanied by
irregular menstruation, often amounting to amenorrhoea (see MENSTRUATION). Altho
ugh there are many
similarities to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa differs in that there is no at
tempt at deceit; sufferers
freely admit to an eating disorder and feel distress about the symptoms that it
produces. In spite of this,
the response to treatment is, as in anorexia nervosa, far from satisfactory. (Se
Bundle of His Bundle of His, or atrioventricular bundle, is a bundle of
special muscle fibres which
pass from the atria to the ventricles of the HEART and which form the pathway fo
r the impulse which makes
the ventricles contract, the impulse originating in the part of the atria known
as the sinuatrial node.
Bupivacaine A local anaesthetic, about four times as potent as LIDOCAINE
. It has a slow onset of action
(up to 30 minutes for full effect), but its effect lasts up to eight hours, maki
ng it particularly suitable
for continuous epidural analgesia in labour (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). It is co
mmonly used for spinal
anaesthesia, particularly lumbar epidural blockade (see ANAESTHESIA). It is cont
raindicated in intravenous
regional anaesthesia.
Burkitts Lymphoma Malignant LYMPHOMA in children previously infected with
occurs mainly in the jaw and abdominal organs. It is common in parts of Africa w
here MALARIA is endemic.
Burning Feet A SYNDROME characterised by a burning sensation in the sole
s of the feet. It is rare in
temperate climes but widespread in India and the Far

Burns and Scalds

East. The precise cause is not known, but it is associated with malnutri
tion; lack of one or more
components of the vitamin B complex is the likeliest cause (see APPENDIX 5: VITA
regrowth of skin over the burned site; and deep (or full-thickness) burn
s, when the skin is totally
destroyed and grafting will be necessary.
Symptoms Whilst many domestic burns are
Burns are injuries caused by dry heat, scalds by moist heat, but the two
are similar in symptoms and
treatment. Severe burns are also caused by contact with electric wires, and by t
he action of acids and
other chemicals. The burn caused by chemicals differs from a burn by fire only i
n the fact that the outcome
is more favourable, because the chemical destroys the bacteria on the affected p
art(s) so that less
suppuration follows. Severe and extensive burns are most frequently produced by
the clothes for example,
of a child catching fire. This applies especially to cotton garments, which blaz
e up quickly. It should
be remembered that such a flame can immediately be extinguished by making the in
dividual lie on the floor
so that the flames are uppermost, and wrapping him or her in a rug, mat or blank
et. As prevention is always
better than cure, particular care should always be exercised with electric fires
and kettles or pots of
boiling water in houses where there are young children or old people. Childrens c
lothes, and especially
night-clothes, should be made of non-inflammable material: pyjamas are also much
safer than nightdresses.
Severe scalds are usually produced by escape of steam in boiler explosions. Ciga
rettes are a common cause
of fires and therefore of burns; people who have fallen asleep in bed or in a ch
air while smoking may set
fire to the bed or chair. Discarded, unextinguished cigarettes are another cause
minor and insignificant, more severe burns and scalds can prove to be ve
ry dangerous to life. The main
danger is due to SHOCK, which arises as a result of loss of fluid from the circu
lating blood at the site of
a serious burn. This loss of fluid leads to a fall in the volume of the circulat
ing blood. As the
maintenance of an adequate blood volume is essential to life, the body attempts
to compensate for this loss
by withdrawing fluid from the uninjured areas of the body into the circulation.
If carried too far,
however, this in turn begins to affect the viability of the body cells. As a seq
uel, essential body cells,
such as those of the liver and kidneys, begin to suffer, and the liver and kidne
ys cease to function

properly. This will show itself by the development of JAUNDICE and the appearanc
e of albumin in the urine
(see PROTEINURIA). In addition, the circulation begins to fail with a resultant
lack of oxygen (see ANOXIA)
in the tissues, and the victim becomes cyanosed (see CYANOSIS), restless and col
lapsed: in some cases,
death ensues. In addition, there is a strong risk of infection occurring. This i
s the case with severe
burns in particular, which leave a large raw surface exposed and very vulnerable
to any micro-organisms.
The combination of shock and infection can all too often be lifethreatening unle
ss expert treatment is
immediately available. The immediate outcome of a burn is largely determined by
its extent. This is of more
significance than the depth of the burn. To assess the extent of a burn in relat
ion to the surface of the
body, what is known as the Rule of Nine has been evolved. The head and each arm
cover 9 per cent of the
body surface, whilst the front of the body, the back of the body, and each leg e
ach cover 18 per cent, with
the perineum (or crutch) accounting for the remaining 1 per cent. The greater th
e extent of the burn, the
more seriously ill will the victim become from loss of fluid from his or her cir
culation, and therefore the
more prompt should be his or her removal to hospital for expert treatment. The d
epth of the burn, unless
this is very great, is mainly of import when the question arises as to how much
surgical treatment,
including skin grafting, will be required.
Degrees of burns Burns are referred to as
Treatment This depends upon the severity of
either superficial (or partial-thickness) burns, when there is sufficien
t skin tissue left to ensure
the burn. In the case of quite minor burns or scalds, all that may be ne
cessary if they are seen
A mental state of physical and emotional exhaustion; an anxiety disorder
that is a stress reaction to a
persons reduced capability to cope with the demands of his or her occupations. Sy
mptoms of burnout include
tiredness, poor sleeping pattern, irritability and reduced performance at work;
increased susceptibility to
physical illness and abuse of alcohol and addictive drugs can also occur. Treatm
ent can be difficult and
may require a change to a less stressful lifestyle, counselling and, in severe c
ases, psychotherapy and
carefully supervised use of ANXIOLYTICS or ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS.
Burns and Scalds

106 Burr (Bur) Hole

immediately is to hold the part under cold running water until the pain
is relieved. Cooling is one of
the most effective ways of relieving the pain of a burn. If the burn involves th
e distal part of a limb
for example, the hand and forearm one of the most effective ways of relieving pa
in is to immerse the
burned part in lukewarm water and add cold water until the pain disappears. As t
he water warms and pain
returns, more cold water is added. After some three to four hours, pain will not
reappear on warming, and
the burn may be dressed in the usual way. Thereafter a simple dressing (e.g. a p
iece of sterile gauze
covered by cotton-wool, and on top of this a bandage or adhesive dressing) shoul
d be applied. The part
should be kept at rest and the dressing kept quite dry until healing takes place
. Blisters should be
pierced with a sterile needle, but the skin should not be cut away. No ointment
or oil should be applied,
and an antiseptic is not usually necessary. In slightly more severe burns or sca
lds, it is probably
advisable to use some antiseptic dressing. These are the cases which should be t
aken to a doctor whether
a general practitioner, a factory doctor, or to a hospital Accident & Emergency
department. There is still
no general consensus of expert opinion as to the best antiseptic to use. Among tho
se recommended are
CHLORHEXIDINE, and antibiotics such as BACITRACIN, NEOMYCIN and polymixin. An al
ternative is to use a Tulle
Gras dressing which has been impregnated with a suitable antibiotic. In the case
of severe burns and
scalds, the only sound rule is immediate removal to hospital. Unless there is an
y need for immediate
resuscitation, such as artificial respiration, or attention to other injuries th
ere may be, such as
fractures or haemorrhage, nothing should be done on the spot to the patient exce
pt to make sure that s/he
is as comfortable as possible and to keep them warm, and to cover the burn with
a sterile (or clean) cloth
such as a sheet, pillowcases, or towels wrung out in cold water. If pain is seve
re, morphine should be
given usually intravenously. Once the victim is in hospital, the primary decisio
n is as to the extent of
the burn, and whether or not a transfusion is necessary. If the burn is more tha
n 9 per cent of the body
surface in extent, a transfusion is called for. The precise treatment of the bur
n varies, but the essential
is to prevent infection if this has not already occurred, or, if it has, to brin
g it under control as
quickly as possible. The treatment of severe burns has made great advances, with
quick transport to
specialised burns units, modern resuscitative measures, the use of skin grafting
and other artificial
covering techniques
and active rehabilitation programmes, offering victims a good chance of
returning to normal life.

CHEMICAL BURNS Phenol or lysol can be washed

off promptly before they do much damage. Acid or alkali burns should be
neutralised by washing them
repeatedly with sodium bicarbonate or 1 per cent acetic acid, respectively. Alte
rnatively, the following
buffer solution may be used for either acid or alkali burns: monobasic potassium
phosphate (70 grams),
dibasic sodium phosphate (70 grams) in 850 millilitres of water. (See also PHOSP
Burr (Bur) Hole A circular hole made in the SKULL using a special surgic
al drill with a rounded tip,
called the burr. The operation is done to relieve pressure on the BRAIN. This pr
essure raised
intracranial tension is commonly the result of blood collecting between the skul
l and the brain after a
head injury. The presence of PUS or an increase in the amount of CEREBROSPINAL F
LUID as a result of
infection or tumours in the brain can also cause a potentially fatal rise in int
racranial pressure which
can be relieved by drilling a burr hole. A neurosurgeon may make several burr ho
les when doing a
CRANIOTOMY, a procedure in which a section of the skull is removed to provide ac
cess to the brain and
surrounding tissues. Archaeological evidence suggests that modern mans ancestors
used burr holes probably
to treat physical ailments and mental illness.
Bursae Natural hollows in the fibrous tissues, lined by smooth cells and
containing a little fluid.
They are situated at points where there is much pressure or friction, and their
purpose is to allow free
movement without stretching or straining the tissues: for example, on the knee-c
ap or the point of the
elbow, and, generally speaking, where one muscle rubs against another or against
a bone. They develop also
beneath corns and bunions, or where a bone presses on the skin.
Bursitis Inflammation within a bursa (see BURSAE). Acute bursitis is usu
ally the result of injury,
especially on the knee or elbow, when the prominent part of the joint becomes sw
ollen, hot, painful and
red. Chronic bursitis is due to too much movement of, or pressure on, a bursa, w
ith fluid building up
therein. Fluid may need to be drained and the affected area rested. Excision of
a chronically inflamed
bursa is sometimes

necessary. For example, the condition of housemaids knee is a chronic inf
lammation of the patellar
bursa in front of the knee, due to too much kneeling. Chronic bursitis affecting
ligaments round the wrist
and ankle is generally called a GANGLION.
Buspirone A non-benzodiazepine drug used to treat anxiety. It is believe
d to act at specific serotonin
receptors of NEURON(E) cells. The patient may take as long as two weeks to respo
nd to treatment.
Busulfan A drug used almost exclusively to treat chronic myeloid LEUKAEM
IA; it is given by mouth.
Excessive suppression of myelocytes may lead to irreversible damage to BONE MARR
OW and therefore to the
manufacture of blood cells, so frequent blood counts are necessary to check on t
he numbers of red and white
Butyrophenones Butyrophenones are a group of drugs, including haloperido
l, used to treat psychotic
illness (see MENTAL ILLNESS).
Bypass Operation A technique by which narrowing or blockage of
an artery (see ARTERIES), vein (see VEINS) or a section of the gastroint
estinal tract is bypassed using
surgery. Arterial blockages usually caused by ATHEROSCLEROSIS in the carotid, co
ronary or iliofemoral
arteries are bypassed utilising sections of artery or vein taken from elsewhere
in the patient. Tumour
growths in the intestines are sometimes too large to remove and can be bypassed
by linking up those parts
of the intestines on each side of the growth.
Byssinosis Chronic inflammatory thickening of the lung tissue, due to th
e inhalation of dust in textile
factories. It is found chiefly among cotton and flax workers and, to a lesser ex
tent, among workers in soft
hemp. It is rare or absent in workers in jute and the hard fibres of hemp and si
sal. With much-improved
working conditions in the UK, where byssinosis is one of the PRESCRIBED DISEASES
, the disease is rare, but
it is still common in some Asian countries where textiles are manufactured.
Byte Computer terminology describing a group of neighbouring bits, usual
ly four, six or eight, working
as a unit for the storage and manipulation of data in a computer.

C Cachet
An oval capsule that encloses a dose of unpleasant medicine.
Cachexia Severe weight loss and listlessness produced by serious disease
such as cancer or
tuberculosis, or by prolonged starvation.
Cadaver A dead body.
Cadmium A metallic element which, when molten, gives off fumes that can
cause serious irritation of the
lungs if inhaled.
Cadmium Poisoning Cadmium poisoning is a recognised hazard in certain in
dustrial processes, such as the
manufacture of alloys, cadmium plating and glass blowing. Sewage sludge, which i
s used as fertiliser, may
be contaminated by cadmium from industrial sources; such cadmium could be taken
up into vegetable crops and
cadmium levels in sewage are carefully monitored. A tin-like metal, cadmium accu
mulates in the body.
Long-term exposure can lead to EMPHYSEMA, renal failure (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES O
F) and urinary-tract
CALCULI. Acute exposure causes GASTROENTERITIS and PNEUMONITIS. Cadmium contamin
ation of food is the most
likely source of poisoning. The EU Directive on the Quality of Water for Human C
onsumption lays down 5
milligrams per litre as the upper safe level.
Caecum The dilated first part of the large intestine lying in the right
lower corner of the abdomen.The
small intestine and the appendix open into it, and it is continued upwards throu
gh the right flank as the
ascending colon.
Caesarean Section The operation used to deliver a baby through its mothe
rs abdominal wall. It is
performed when the risks to mother or child of vaginal delivery are thought to o
utweigh the problems
associated with operative delivery. One of the most common reasons for Caesarean
section is disproportion between the size of the fetal head and the maternal pelvis. Th
e need for a Caesarean should
be assessed anew in each pregnancy; a woman who has had a Caesarean section in t
he past will not
automatically need to have one for subsequent deliveries. Caesarean-section rate
s vary dramatically from
hospital to hospital, and especially between countries, emphasising that the cri
teria for operative
delivery are not universally agreed. The current rate in the UK is about 23 per
cent, and in the USA, about
28 per cent. The rate has shown a steady rise in all countries over the last dec
ade. Fear of litigation by
patients is one reason for this rise, as is the uncertainty that can arise from
abnormalities seen on fetal
monitoring during labour. Recent research suggesting that vaginal delivery is be
coming more hazardous as
the age of motherhood rises may increase the pressure from women to have a Caesa

rean section as well as

pressure from obstetricians. The operation is usually performed through a low, h
orizontal bikini line
incision. A general anaesthetic in a heavily pregnant woman carries increased ri
sks, so the operation is
often performed under regional epidural or spinal ANAESTHESIA. This also allows
the mother to see her
baby as soon as it is born, and the baby is not exposed to agents used for gener
al anaesthesia. If a
general anaesthetic is needed (usually in an emergency), exposure to these agent
s may make the baby drowsy
for some time afterwards. Another problem with delivery by Caesarean section is,
of course, that the mother
must recover from the operation whilst coping with the demands of a small baby.
Caesium-137 An artificially produced radioactive element that is used in
Caffeine A white crystalline substance obtained from coffee, of which it
is the active principle. Its
main actions are as a cerebral stimulant, a cardiac stimulant, and a diuretic. I
t is a constituent of many
tablets for the relief of headache, usually combined with aspirin and paracetamo
l, but its pain-killing
properties are controversial. One unusual use is in treating apnoeic attacks in
premature babies (see
Calamine A mild astringent used, as calamine lotion, to

Calcium Gluconate
soothe and protect the skin in many conditions such as eczema and urtica
The heel-bone or os calcis, and the largest bone in the foot.
CALCULI (stones) in the KIDNEYS or gallbladder (see LIVER). The recommen
ded daily intakes of calcium
are: 500 mg for children, 700 mg for adolescents, 500900 mg for adults and 1,200
mg for pregnant or
nursing mothers.
Calcium-Channel Blockers
Calcicosis is a traditional term applied to disease of the lung caused b
y the inhalation of marble dust
by marble-cutters.
Calciferol This is an outdated term for ergocaliciferol or vitamin D2 (s
Calcification The deposition of CALCIUM salts in body tissues, normally
BONE and TEETH, though abnormal
deposits can occur in damaged muscles or the walls of arteries.
Calcinosis Abnormal deposition of tissue.
in the body
Calcitonin A hormone, produced by the THYROID GLAND, which is involved i
n the metabolism of bone.
Acting to lower concentrations of CALCIUM and PHOSPHATES in the blood, calcitoni
n is given by injection in
the treatment of some patients with HYPERCALCAEMIA (especially when associated w
ith malignant disease). In
severe cases of PAGETS DISEASE OF BONE it is used mainly for pain relief, but als
o relieves some of the
neurological complications such as deafness.
Calcium The metallic element present in chalk and other forms of lime. T
he chief preparations used in
medicine are calcium carbonate (chalk), calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, cal
cium hydroxide (slaked
lime), liquor of calcium hydroxide (lime-water), calcium lactate, and calcium ph
osphate. Calcium gluconate
is freely soluble in water and is used in conditions in which calcium should be
given by injection. Calcium
is a most important element in diet; the chief sources of it are milk and cheese
. Calcium is especially
needed by the growing child and the pregnant and nursing mother. The uptake of c
alcium by the baby is

helped by vitamin D (see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS). A deficiency of calcium may caus

e TETANY, and an excess may
result in the development of
Calcium-channel blockers inhibit the inward flow of calcium through the
specialised slow channels of
cardiac and arterial smooth-muscle cells. By thus relaxing the smooth muscle, th
ey have important
applications in the treatment of HYPERTENSION and ANGINA PECTORIS. Various types
of calcium-channel
blockers are available in the United Kingdom; these differ in their sites of act
ion, leading to notable
differences in their therapeutic effects. All the drugs are rapidly and complete
ly absorbed, but extensive
first-pass metabolism in the liver reduces bioavailability to around one-fifth.
Their hypotensive effect is
additive with that of beta blockers (see BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS); the
two should, therefore, be
used together with great caution if at all. Calciumchannel blockers are particul
arly useful when beta
blockers are contraindicated, for example in asthmatics. However, they should be
prescribed for
hypertension only when THIAZIDES and beta blockers have failed, are contraindica
ted or not tolerated.
Verapamil, the longest-available, is used to treat angina and hypertension. It i
s the only calcium-channel
blocker effective against cardiac ARRHYTHMIA and it is the drug of choice in ter
minating supraventricular
tachycardia. It may precipitate heart failure, and cause HYPOTENSION at high dos
es. Nifedipine and
diltiazem act more on the vessels and less on the myocardium than verapamil; the
y have no antiarrhythmic
activity. They are used in the prophylaxis and treatment of angina, and in hyper
tension. Nicardipine and
similar drugs act mainly on the vessels, but are valuable in the treatment of hy
pertension and angina.
Important differences exist between different calciumchannel blockers so their u
se must be carefully
assessed. They should not be stopped suddenty, as this may precipitate angina. (
Calcium Gluconate A salt of the element CALCIUM used to treat deficiency
of the mineral or to prevent
osteoporosis (see BONE, DISORDERS OF). Tablets can be obtained without a doctors
prescription. It is used
intravenously to treat low calcium levels causing symptoms in newborn babies.

110 Calculi
Calculi The general name given to concretions in, for example, the URINA
gall-bladder (see LIVER).
C Caldicott Guardian A senior health professional in all NHS trusts, who
se responsibility it is to
preserve the confidentiality of patient information.
Calibre A talking-book service which is available to all blind and handi
capped people who can supply a
doctors certificate confirming that they are unable to read printed books in the
normal way. Its catalogue
contains more than 370 books for adults and more than 250 for children, and addi
tions are being made at the
rate of around three a week. Full details can be obtained from Calibre. www.cali
Calliper A two-pronged instrument with pointed ends, for the measurement
of diameters, such as that of
the pelvis in obstetrics.
Calliper Splint This is applied to a broken leg in such a way that in wa
lking, the weight of the body
is taken by the hip-bone and not by the foot.
Callosities Areas of gross thickening of the epidermis in response to tr
auma. They usually occur on a
foot due to bony deformity or ill-fitting footwear. (See CORNS AND BUNIONS.)
Callus The new tissue formed around the ends of a broken bone. (See BONE
Caloric Test A test for vestibular function (see EAR). It is performed b
y irrigating the external
auditory meatus of the ear with alternate cold and hot water. This usually stimu
lates the vestibular
apparatus, causing nystagmus (see DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetic eye disease). If th
e vestibular apparatus is
affected by disease, the response may be absent or reduced.
Calorie A unit of energy. Two units are called by this name. The small c
alorie, or gram calorie, is the
amount of heat required to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade in temp
The large Calorie or kilocalorie, which is used in the study of dietetic
s and physiological processes,
is the amount of heat required to raise one kilogram of water one degree centigr
ade in temperature. The
number of Calories required to carry on the processes necessary for life and bod
y warmth such as the
beating of the heart, the movements of the chest in breathing, and the chemical
activities of the secreting
glands is, for an adult person of ordinary weight, somewhere in the neighbourhoo
d of 1,600. For ordinary
sedentary occupations an individual requires about 2,500 Calories; for light mus
cular work slightly over
3,000 Calories; and for hard continuous labour around 4,000 Calories daily. Unde

r the International System

of Units (SI UNITS see APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS IN MEDICINE) the kilocalorie has
been replaced by the
joule, the abbreviation for which is J (1 kilocalorie=4,1868 J). The term Calorie
, however, is so well
established that it has been retained in this edition. Conversion from Calories
(or kilocalories) to joules
is made by multiplying by 42 .
Calyx Calyx means a cup-shaped cavity, the term being especially applied
to the recesses of the pelvis
of the kidney.
Campylobacter A species of bacterium found in farm and pet animals, from
which it can be transmitted to
humans, in whom it is a major cause of bacterial FOOD POISONING: outbreaks of in
fection have followed
drinking unpasteurised milk from infected cows and eating undercooked meat and p
oultry. It causes
diarrhoea. In the United Kingdom, the number of cases of food poisoning (by all
types of infection) has
risen from 102.9 to 162.9 per 100,000 population over the last 15 years. In 2003
, more then 70,000 cases of
food poisoning were notified. The use of preventive methods throughout the food
production process,
marketing and consumption of food is most important in controlling infection, as
is taking hygienic
precautions, such as handwashing, after handling animals including domestic pets
. Mild cases can be
treated at home with no solid food but plenty of liquids and some salt. Serious
cases require hospital

Canaliculus Canaliculus means a small channel, and is applied to (a) the
minute passage leading from
the lacrimal pore on each eyelid to the lacrimal sac on the side of the nose; (b
) any one of the minute
canals in bone.
Cancellous A term applied to loose bony tissues as found in the ends of
the long bones.
Cancer The general term used to refer to a malignant TUMOUR, irrespectiv
e of the tissue of origin.
Malignancy indicates that (i) the tumour is capable of progressive growth, unrestr
ained by the capsule of
the parent organ, and/or (ii) that it is capable of distant spread via lymphatic
s or the bloodstream,
resulting in development of secondary deposits of tumour known as metastases. Micr
oscopically, cancer
cells appear different from the equivalent normal cells in the affected tissue.
In particular they may show
a lesser degree of differentiation (i.e. they are more primitive), features indica
tive of a faster
proliferative rate and disorganised alignment in relationship to other cells or
blood vessels. The
diagnosis of cancer usually depends upon the observation of these microscopic fe
atures in biopsies, i.e.
tissue removed surgically for such examination. Cancers are classified according
to the type of cell from
which they are derived as well as the organ of origin. Hence cancers arising wit
hin the bronchi, often
collectively referred to as lung cancer, include both adenocarcinomas, derived fro
m epithelium (surface
tissue), and carcinomas from glandular tissue. Sarcomas are cancers of connectiv
e tissue, including bone
and cartilage. The behaviour of cancers and their response to therapy vary widel
y depending on this
classification as well as on numerous other factors such as how large the cancer
is, how fast the cells
grow and how well defined they are. It is entirely wrong to see cancer as a sing
le disease entity with a
universally poor prognosis. For example, fewer than one-half of women in whom br
east cancer (see BREASTS,
DISEASES OF) is discovered will die from the disease, and 75 per cent of childre
n with lymphoblastic
LEUKAEMIA can be cured.
Incidence In most western countries, cancer is the second most important
cause of death after heart
disease and accounts for 2025 per cent of all deaths. In the United Kingdom in 20
03, more than 154,000
people died of
malignant disease. There is wide international variation in the most fre
quently encountered types of
cancer, reflecting the importance of environmental factors in the development of
cancer. In the UK as well
as the US, carcinoma of the BRONCHUS is the most common. Since it is usually ino

perable at the time of

diagnosis, it is even more strikingly the leading cause of cancer deaths. In wom
en, breast cancer was for a
long time the most common malignant disease, accounting for a quarter of all can
cers, but figures for the
late 1990s show that lung cancer now heads the incidence list presumably the con
sequence of a rising
incidence of smoking among young women. Other common sites are as follows: males
colon and rectum,
prostate and bladder; females colon and rectum, uterus, ovary and pancreas. In 2
003, of the more than
154,000 people in the UK who died of cancer, over 33,000 had the disease in thei
r respiratory system,
nearly 13,000 in the breast, over 5,800 in the stomach and more than 2,000 in th
e uterus or cervix, while
over 4,000 people had leukaemia. The incidence of cancer varies with age; the ol
der a person is, the more
likely it is that he or she will develop the disease. The over-85s have an incid
ence about nine times
greater than those in the 2544 age group. There are also differences in incidence
between sexes: for
example, more men than women develop lung cancer, though the incidence in women
is rising as the effects of
smoking work through. The death rate from cancer is falling in people under 75 i
n the UK, a trend largely
determined by the cancers which cause the most deaths: lung, breast, colorectal,
stomach and prostate.
Causes In most cases the causes of cancer remain unknown, though a famil
y history of cancer may be
relevant. Rapid advances have, however, been made in the past two decades in und
erstanding the differences
between cancer cells and normal cells at the genetic level. It is now widely acc
epted that cancer results
from acquired changes in the genetic make-up of a particular cell or group of ce
lls which ultimately lead
to a failure of the normal mechanisms regulating their growth. It appears that i
n most cases a cascade of
changes is required for cells to behave in a truly malignant fashion; the critic
al changes affect specific
key GENES, known as oncogenes, which are involved in growth regulation. (See APO
PTOSIS.) Since small
genetic errors occur within cells at all times most but not all of which are rep
aired it follows that
some cancers may develop as a result of an accumulation of

112 Cancrum Oris

random changes which cannot be attributed to environmental or other caus
es. The environmental factors
known to cause cancer, such as radiation and chemicals (including tar from tobac
co, asbestos, etc.), do so
by increasing the overall rate of acquired genetic damage. Certain viral infecti
ons can induce specific
robably by inducing
alterations in specific genes. HORMONES may also be a factor in the development
of certain cancers such as
those of the prostate and breast. Where there is a particular family tendency to
certain types of cancer,
it now appears that one or more of the critical genetic abnormalities required f
or development of that
cancer may have been inherited. Where environmental factors such as tobacco smok
ing or asbestos are known
to cause cancer, then health education and preventive measures can reduce the in
cidence of the relevant
cancer. Cancer can also affect the white cells in the blood and is called LEUKAE
Treatment Many cancers can be cured by surgical removal if they are dete
cted early, before there has
been spread of significant numbers of tumour cells to distant sites. Important w
ithin this group are
breast, colon and skin cancer (melanoma). The probability of early detection of
certain cancers can be
increased by screening programmes in which (ideally) all people at particular ri
sk of development of such
cancers are examined at regular intervals. Routine screening for CERVICAL CANCER
and breast cancer (see
BREASTS, DISEASES OF) is currently practised in the UK. The effectiveness of scr
eening people for cancer
is, however, controversial. Apart from questions surrounding the reliability of
screening tests, they
undoubtedly create anxieties among the subjects being screened. If complete surg
ical removal of the tumour
is not possible because of its location or because spread from the primary site
has occurred, an operation
may nevertheless be helpful to relieve symptoms (e.g. pain) and to reduce the bu
lk of the tumour remaining
to be dealt with by alternative means such as RADIOTHERAPY or CHEMOTHERAPY. In s
ome cases radiotherapy is
preferable to surgery and may be curative, for example, in the management of tum
ours of the larynx or of
the uterine cervix. Certain tumours are highly sensitive to chemotherapy and may
be cured by the use of
chemotherapeutic drugs alone. These include testicular tumours, LEUKAEMIA, LYMPH
OMA and a variety of
tumours occurring in childhood. These tend to be rapidly growing tumours composed of primitive cells which are much more vul
nerable to the toxic effects of
the chemotherapeutic agents than the normal cells within the body. Unfortunately
neither radiotherapy nor
currently available chemotherapy provides a curative option for the majority of

common cancers if surgical

excision is not feasible. New effective treatments in these conditions are urgen
tly needed. Nevertheless
the rapidly increasing knowledge of cancer biology will almost certainly lead to
novel therapeutic
approaches including probably genetic techniques utilising the recent discoverie
s of oncogenes (genes
that can cause cancer). Where cure is not possible, there often remains much tha
t can be done for the
cancer-sufferer in terms of control of unpleasant symptoms such as pain. Many of
the most important recent
advances in cancer care relate to such palliative treatment, and include the estab
lishment in the UK of
palliative care hospices. Families and patients can obtain valuable help and adv
ice from Marie Curie Cancer
Care, Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund, or the British Association of Cancer United
Cancrum Oris Cancrum oris, also called noma, is a gangrenous ulcer about
the mouth which affects sickly
children, especially after some severe disease such as measles. It is due to the
growth of bacteria in the
Candida Candidosis (moniliasis) is an infection with the yeast, Candida
albicans. It is encouraged by
pregnancy, DIABETES MELLITUS, prolonged wide-spectrum ANTIBIOTICS or CORTICOSTER
OIDS therapy, and is also
seen in debilitated infants, the elderly and immunocompromised patients, e.g. th
ose with AIDS/HIV. It may
cause white patches in the mouth or vulvovaginal area (thrush) and a red vesicul
ar and scaly rash in the
finger clefts, beneath the breasts or in the groin or anogenital folds. Fingerna
il-fold infection causes
chronic PARONYCHIA with secondary nail DYSTROPHY and may complicate RAYNAUDS DISE
similar azoles as creams, oral gels or vaginal pessaries are rapidly effective, bu
t severe systemic
infections require oral itraconazole or even intravenous AMPHOTERICIN B.
Canine Teeth Or eye-teeth see TEETH.

Cannabis Psychoactive substances obtained from Cannabis sativa or Indian
hemp, they are the oldest
euphoriants. Also called marijuana, these substances do not usually result in ph
ysical DEPENDENCE but
chronic abuse leads to passivity, apathy and inertia. Acute adverse effects incl
ude transient panic
reactions and toxic psychoses. The panic reactions are characterised by anxiety,
helplessness and loss of
control and may be accompanied by florid paranoid thoughts and hallucinations. T
he toxic psychoses are
characterised by the sudden onset of confusion and visual hallucinations. Even a
t lower doses, cannabis
products can precipitate functional psychoses in vulnerable individuals. The acu
te physical manifestations
of short-term cannabis abuse are conjunctival suffusion and tachycardia. The cho
pped leaves are usually
smoked but can be eaten in food or taken as tea. The active ingredient is tetrah
ydrocannibol. There is much
public debate in western countries over the social use of cannabis: it is illega
l to possess or supply the
substance in the United Kingdom, but nevertheless cannabis is quite widely used.
Cannabis is classified as
a Schedule 1 drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and has not officially been
used medicinally despite
some claims that it is helpful in ameliorating painful symptoms in certain serio
us chronic diseases such as
multiple sclerosis. A related agent, NABILONE, is a synthetic cannabinoid licenc
ed for use in treating
nausea and vomiting caused by CYTOTOXIC drugs.
Cannula A tube for insertion into the body, designed to fit tightly roun
d a trocar a sharp, pointed
instrument which is withdrawn from the cannula after insertion, so that fluid ma
y run out through the
Canthus The name applied to the angle at either end of the aperture betw
een the eyelids.
CAPD Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis an outpatient technique for
treating failure of the
Capillaries The minute vessels which join the ends of the arteries to ve
nules, the tiny commencement of
veins. Their walls consist of a single layer of fine, flat, transparent cells, b
ound together at the edges,
and the vessels form a meshwork all
through the tissues of the body, bathing the latter in blood with only t
he thin capillary wall
interposed, through which gases and fluids readily pass. These vessels are less
than 0025 mm in width.
Capillary Return A test for the adequacy of blood circulation by pressin
g on the skin and seeing how

long it takes for the colour to return. (See PERFUSION.)

Capsule A term used in several senses in medicine. It is applied to a so
luble case, usually of
gelatine, for enclosing small doses of unpleasant medicine. Enteric-coated capsu
les, which have been
largely superseded by enteric-coated tablets, are capsules treated in such a man
ner that the ingredients do
not come in contact with the acid stomach contents but are only released when th
e capsule disintegrates in
the alkaline contents of the intestine. The term is also applied to the fibrous
or membranous envelope of
various organs, as of the spleen, liver or kidney. Additionally, it is applied t
o the ligamentous bag
surrounding various joints and attached by its edge to the bones on either side.
Captopril An ACE-inhibitor drug introduced for the treatment of patients
with severe HYPERTENSION. It
acts by lowering the concentration in the blood of angiotensin II which is one o
f the factors responsible
for high blood pressure. (See ANGIOTENSIN; RENIN.)
Caput Medusae (Medusas Head) The term describing the abnormally dilated v
eins that form around the
umbilicus in CIRRHOSIS of the liver.
Caput Succedaneum Usually shortened by obstetricians to caput, this is the
temporary swelling which
is sometimes found on the head of the newborn infant. It is due to OEDEMA in and
around the scalp, caused
by pressure on the head as the child is born. It is of no significance and quick
ly disappears
Carbachol A drug which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, fo
r example, for relieving
GLAUCOMA and retention of urine due to ATONY.

114 Carbamazepine
An anticonvulsant drug used to treat most types of EPILEPSY, including s
imple and complex partial
seizures and tonic-clonic seizures secondary to a focal discharge. Monitoring of
concentrations in the
blood may be of help in finding the most effective dose. Carbamazepine has gener
ally fewer side-effects
than other antiepileptic drugs; even so, it should be started at a low dose and
increased incrementally.
The drug is also used to treat TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA and other types of nerve pai
n, as well as pain from a
PHANTOM LIMB. DEPRESSION resistant to LITHIUM CARBONATE may also benefit from ca
A non-metallic element, the compounds of which are found in all living t
issues and which is a
constituent (as carbon dioxide) of air exhaled from the LUNGS. Two isotopes of c
arbon, 11C and 14C, are
used in medicine. Carbon-11 is used in positron-emission tomography (see PET SCA
NNING); carbon-14 is used
as a tracer element in studying various aspects of METABOLISM.
Carbaryl A pesticide used to kill head and crab lice (see PEDICULOSIS).
Available as a lotion, some of
which contains alcohol (not recommended for use on crab lice), the substance may
irritate skin and should
not be used near damaged skin, eyes or ears.
Carbimazole One of the most widely used drugs in the treatment of HYPERT
HYROIDISM. It acts by
interferring with the synthesis of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland.
Carbohydrate The term applied to an organic substance in which the hydro
gen and oxygen are usually in
the proportion to form water. Carbohydrates are all, chemically considered, deri
vatives of simple forms of
sugar and are classified as monosaccharides (e.g. glucose), disaccharides (e.g.
cane sugar),
polysaccharides (e.g. starch). Many of the cheaper and most important foods are
included in this group,
which comprises sugars, starches, celluloses and gums. When one of these foods i
s digested, it is converted
into a simple kind of sugar and absorbed in this form. Excess carbohydrates, not
immediately needed by the
body, are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. In DIABETES MELLITUS, the
most marked feature
consists of an inability on the part of the tissues to assimilate and utilise th
e carbohydrate material.
Each gram of carbohydrate is capable of furnishing slightly over 4 Calories of e
nergy. (See CALORIE; DIET.)
Carbolic Acid Carbolic acid, or phenol, was the precursor of all ANTISEP
TICS. It paralyses and then

destroys most forms of life, particularly organisms such as bacteria. It has bee
n superseded by less
penetrative and harmful antiseptics.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Formed by the body during metabolism and exhaled by the lungs. Seen in s
parkling waters and wines, it
is also used in baths as a stimulant to the skin. Combined with oxygen in cylind
ers, it is used to control
breathing in ANAESTHESIA and in the treatment of victims of CARBON MONOXIDE (CO)
poisoning. Measuring the
partial pressure of the gas by taking blood for blood gas estimation provides in
formation on the adequacy
of breathing. A high partial pressure may indicate impending or actual respirato
ry failure.
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor A drug that curbs the action of an ENZYME i
n the blood controlling the
production of carbonic acid or bicarbonate from CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2). Called car
bonic anhydrase, the enzyme
is present in ERYTHROCYTES and it has a key part in maintaining the acid-base ba
lance in the blood.
Inhibiting drugs include ACETAZOLAMIDE and DORZOLAMIDE, and these are used as we
ak DIURETICS to reduce the
increased intraocular pressure in ocular hypertension or open-angle GLAUCOMA (se
Carbon Monoxide (CO) This is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, nonirri
tating gas formed on incomplete
combustion of organic fuels. Exposure to CO is frequently due to defective gas,
oil or solid-fuel heating
appliances. CO is a component of car exhaust fumes and deliberate exposure to th
ese is a common method of
suicide. Victims of fires often suffer from CO poisoning. CO combines reversibly
with oxygen-carrying sites
of HAEMOGLOBIN (Hb) molecules with an affinity 200 to 300 times greater than oxy
gen itself. The
carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) formed becomes unavailable for oxygen transportation.
In addition the partial
saturation of the Hb molecule results in tighter oxygen binding, impairing deliv
ery to the tissues. CO also
binds to MYOGLOBIN and respiratory cytochrome enzymes. Exposure to CO at levels
of 500 parts per mil-

Carcinomatosis 115
lion (ppm) would be expected to cause mild symptoms only and exposure to
levels of 4,000 ppm would be
rapidly fatal. Each year around 50 people in the United Kingdom are reported as
dying from carbon monoxide
poisoning, and experts have suggested that as many as 25,000 people a year are e
xposed to its effects
within the home, but most cases are unrecognised, unreported and untreated, even
though victims may suffer
from long-term effects. This is regrettable, given that Napoleons surgeon, Larrey
, recognised in the 18th
century that soldiers were being poisoned by carbon monoxide when billeted in hu
ts heated by woodburning
stoves. In the USA it is estimated that 40,000 people a year attend emergency de
partments suffering from
carbon monoxide poisoning. So prevention is clearly an important element in deal
ing with what is sometimes
termed the silent killer. Safer designs of houses and heating systems, as well as
wider public education
on the dangers of carbon monoxide and its sources, are important. Clinical effec
ts of acute exposure
resemble those of atmospheric HYPOXIA. Tissues and organs with high oxygen consu
mption are affected to a
great extent. Common effects include headaches, weakness, fatigue, flushing, nau
sea, vomiting,
irritability, dizziness, drowsiness, disorientation, incoordination, visual dist
urbances, TACHYCARDIA and
HYPERVENTILATION. In severe cases drowsiness may progress rapidly to COMA. There
may also be metabolic
anges and cardiovascular
collapse. Cerebral OEDEMA is common and will lead to severe brain damage and foc
al neurological signs.
Significant abnormalities on physical examination include impaired short-term me
mory, abnormal Rhombergs
test (standing unsupported with eyes closed) and unsteadiness of gait including
heel-toe walking. Any one
of these signs would classify the episode as severe. Victims skin may be coloured
pink, though this is
very rarely seen even in severe incidents. The venous blood may look arterial. Pat
ients recovering from
acute CO poisoning may suffer neurological sequelae including TREMOR, personalit
y changes, memory
impairment, visual loss, inability to concentrate and PARKINSONISM. Chronic lowlevel exposures may result
in nausea, fatigue, headache, confusion, VOMITING, DIARRHOEA, abdominal pain and
general malaise. They are
often misdiagnosed as influenza or food poisoning. First-aid treatment is to rem
ove the victim from the
source of exposure, ensure an effective
airway and give 100-per-cent oxygen by tightfitting mask. In hospital, m
anagement is largely
suppportive, with oxygen administration. A blood sample for COHb level determina
tion should be taken as
soon as practicable and, if possible, before oxygen is given. Ideally, oxygen th
erapy should continue until
the COHb level falls below 5 per cent. Patients with any history of unconsciousn
ess, a COHb level greater

than 20 per cent on arrival, any neurological signs, any cardiac arrhythmias or
anyone who is pregnant
should be referred for an expert opinion about possible treatment with hyperbari
c oxygen, though this
remains a controversial therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy shortens the half-lif
e of COHb, increases plasma
oxygen transport and reverses the clinical effects resulting from acute exposure
s. Carbon monoxide is also
an environmental poison and a component of cigarette smoke. Normal body COHb lev
els due to ENDOGENOUS CO
production are 0.4 to 0.7 per cent. Non-smokers in urban areas may have level of
12 per cent as a result
of environmental exposure. Smokers may have a COHb level of 5 to 6 per cent.
Carboxyhaemoglobinaemia The term applied to the state of the blood in ca
rbon monoxide poisoning, in
which this gas combines with the haemoglobin, displacing oxygen from it. (See CA
Carcinogenesis Carcinogenesis is the means or method whereby the changes
responsible for the induction
of CANCER are brought about.
Carcinogens Agents, such as tobacco smoke, certain chemicals, asbestos f
ibres and high-dose radiation,
that have the property of causing CANCER.
Carcinoma A type of CANCER developing from cells found in the surface la
yer of an organ in the body.
Carcinoma in Situ The first stage of CARCINOMA in which the malignant tu
mour is present only in the
EPITHELIUM, and when surgical excision of the local growth, with its pathologica
l status confirmed in the
laboratory, should ensure a cure.
Carcinomatosis The spread of cancer cells from their original

116 Cardia
site of growth to other tissues in the body. Such a spread of cancer, wh
ich takes place mainly via
blood and lymph vessels, is usually fatal. CHEMOTHERAPY and RADIOTHERAPY may, ho
wever, check the spread or
sometimes destroy the cancerous growth.
Cardia Cardia is a term applied to the upper opening of the stomach into
which the oesophagus empties.
The cardia lies immediately behind the heart.
Cardiac Arrest Cardiac arrest occurs when the pumping action of the hear
t stops. This may be because
the heart stops beating (see ASYSTOLE) or because the heart muscle starts contra
cting too fast to pump
effectively (ventricular systole, the period when the heart contracts). Coronary
thrombosis is the most
frequent cause of arrest. Irreversible brain damage and death result without pro
mpt treatment. Heart
massage, defibrillation and artificial respiration are customary treatment. Othe
r causes of cardiac arrest
are respiratory arrest, anaphylactic shock and electrocution. Up to one-third of
patients treated in
hospital whose heart rhythm is restored recover to an extent that enables them t
o return home. (See
APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID Cardiac/respiratory arrest.)
Cardiac Arrhythmia Abnormal rhythm of the heartbeat. Most commonly seen
after someone has had a myocardial infarction, but also present in some normal individuals especial
ly if they have taken a lot
of coffee or other stimulant and in those with a congenital abnormality of the h
eart-muscle conducting
system. The cause is interference in the generation or transmission of electrica
l impulses through the
hearts conducting system. Occasional isolated irregular beats (ectopic beats) do
not necessarily mean that
conduction is faulty. Arrhythmias can be classified as tachycardias (more than 1
00 beats a minute) or
bradycardias (slower than 60 beats a minute). Heartbeats may be regular or irreg
Cardiac Catheterisation A diagnostic procedure in which a tube is insert
ed into a blood vessel under
local anaesthetic and threaded through to the chambers of the heart to monitor b
lood flow, blood pressure,
blood chemistry and the output of the heart, and to take a sample of heart tissu
e. The technique is used to
diagnose congenital heart disease and coronary artery disease. Another applicati
on is in the diagnosis and
treatment of valvular disease in the heart.
Cardiac Cycle The various sequential movements of the heart that compris
e the rhythmic relaxation and
expansion of the heart muscles as first the atria contract and force the blood i

nto the ventricles

(diastole), which then contract (systole) to pump the blood round the body. (See
Catheterisation of coronary artery, a diagnostic procedure to determine
patency of the artery.

Cardiac Disease See HEART, DISEASES OF.
Cardiac Glycosides Drugs whose main actions are to increase the force of
myocardial contraction and
reduce the conductivity of the nerve fibres in the atrioventricular node of the
heart. They are useful in
treating supraventricular tachycardias (rapid heart rhythm) and some forms of he
art failure. Glycosides are
a traditional group of cardiac drugs, originally derived from the leaves of foxg
love plants and used as
digitalis. The active principle has long been synthesised and used as DIGOXIN. T
hey are potentaially toxic
and their use, especially during initial treatment, should be monitored. Side-ef
fects include ANOREXIA,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain; drowsiness, confusion and DEPRES
SION may occur. An
abnormally slow heart rate may develop. The glycosides should be used with speci
al care in the elderly who
are sometimes particularly susceptible to their toxic effects.
Cardiac Massage The procedure used to restart the action of the heart if
it is suddenly arrested. In
many cases the arrested heart can be made to start beating again by rhythmic com
pression of the chest wall.
This is done by placing the patient on a hard surface a table or the floor and t
hen placing the heel of
the hand over the lower part of the sternum and compressing the chest wall firml
y, but not too forcibly, at
the rate of 6080 times a minute. At the same time artificial respiration must be
started by the
mouth-tomouth method. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID.) Open heart massage is s
ometimes undertaken if an
arrest occurs during a chest operation the heart being directly handled by the r
Cardiac Muscle
by the ventricles of the heart. It is one measure of the hearts efficienc
y. At rest, the heart of a
healthy adult will pump between 2.5 and 4.5 litres of blood every minute. Exerci
se will raise this to as
much as 30 litres a minute but, if this figure is low, it suggests that the hear
t muscle may be diseased or
that the person has suffered severe blood loss.
Cardiac Pacemaker The natural pacemaker is the sinuatrial node, found at
the base of the heart. The
heart normally controls its rate and rhythm; heart block occurs when impulses ca
nnot reach all parts of the
heart. This may lead to ARRHYTHMIA, or even cause the heart to stop (see HEART,
DISEASES OF). Artificial
pacemakers may then be used; in the United Kingdom these are required for around
one person in every 2,000
of the population. Usually powered by mercury or lithium batteries, and lasting
up to 15 years, they are
either fixed to the outside of the chest or implanted in the armpit, and connect

ed by a wire passing
through a vein in the neck to the heart. Normally adjusted to deliver 6575 impuls
es a minute, they also
ensure a regular cardiac rhythm. Patients with pacemakers may be given a driving
licence provided that
their vehicle is not likely to be a source of danger to the public, and that the
y are receiving adequate
and regular medical supervision from a cardiologist. Although there are numerous
possible sources of
electrical interference with pacemakers, the overall risks are slight. Potential
sources include anti-theft
devices, airport weapon detectors, surgical diathermy, ultrasound, and short-wav
e heat treatment.
Nevertheless, many pacemaker patients lead active and fulfilling lives.
Cardiac Tamponade
The muscle, unique to the heart, which comprises the walls of the atria
and ventricles. It consists of
long broadening cells (fibres) with special physiological characteristics which
enable them to keep
contracting and expanding indefinitely.
Compression of the heart due to abnormal accumulation of fluid within th
e fibrous covering of the heart
(PERICARDIUM). The result is irregular rhythm and death if the fluid is not remo
Cardiac Neurosis
Obsessional fear about the state of the heart. It tends to occur after a
heart attack and may result in
the patients experiencing the symptoms of another attack.
Rendering the outline of the heart visible on an X-ray film by injecting
a radio-opaque substance into
Cardiac Output
That branch of medical science devoted to the study of the diseases of t
he heart.
The volume of blood pumped out per minute

118 Cardiomegaly
Cardiomegaly Enlargement of the heart (see OF).
Cardiomyopathy C A general term covering primary disease of the heart mu
Cardioplegia A procedure whereby the heart is stopped by reducing its te
mperature (hypothermia), by
injecting the muscle with a solution of salts or by electrostimulation. This ena
bles surgeons to operate
safely on the heart.
Cardiopulmonary Bypass A procedure in which the bodys circulation of bloo
d is kept going when the
heart is intentionally stopped to enable heart surgery to be carried out. A HEAR
T-LUNG MACHINE substitutes
for the hearts pumping action and the blood is oxygenated at the same time.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) The use of life-saving measures of m
outh-tomouth resuscitation and
external cardiac compression massage in a person who has collapsed with CARDIAC
ARREST. Speedy restoration
of the circulation of oxygenated blood to the brain is essential to prevent dama
ge to brain tissues from
oxygen starvation. The brain is irreversibly damaged if it is starved of oxygen
for more than 45 minutes.
Someone whose heart has stopped will be very pale or blue-grey (in particular, r
ound the lips) and
unresponsive; he or she will not be breathing and will have no pulse. It is impo
rtant to determine that the
collapsed person has not simply fainted before starting CPR. The procedure is de
scribed under
cardiac/respiratory arrest in APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID. In hospital, or when
paramedical staff are
attending an emergency, CPR may include the use of a DEFIBRILLATOR to apply a co
ntrolled electric shock to
the heart via the chest wall.
Cardiospasm The spasmodic contraction of the muscle surrounding the open
ing of the oesophagus into the
stomach: also termed achalasia of the cardia. (See OESOPHAGUS, DISEASES OF.)
Cardiovascular System This refers to the whole circulatory system: the h
eart, the systemic circulation
(the arteries and veins of the body) and the pulmonary circulation (the arteries
and veins of the lungs).
circulates throughout the cardiovascular system bringing oxygen and nutr
ients to the tissues and
removing carbon dioxide and other waste products.
Cardioversion Cardioversion, or DEFIBRILLATION, is indicated in patients
with ventricular fibrillation
or tachycardia, fast or irregular heartbeat, if other treatments have failed. A
general anaesthetic is
given if the patient is conscious, following which a carefully timed direct-curr

ent shock is applied to the

patients chest wall using a DEFIBRILLATOR. The patients ECG rhythm should then be
monitored and
anticoagulants considered, as the risk of EMBOLISM is increased.
Care in Community See COMMUNITY CARE.
Care Standards Act Legislation (approved by the UK parliament in 2001) t
hat sets up a new, independent
regulatory body for social care and private and voluntary health-care services.
The new body is called the
National Care Standards Commission and covers England and Wales, but in the latt
er the National Assembly is
the regulatory body. Independent councils register social-care workers, set soci
al-care work standards and
regulate the education and training of social workers in England and Wales. The
Act also gives the
Secretary of State for Health the authority to keep a list of individuals consid
ered unsuitable to work
with vulnerable adults. In addition, the legislation reforms the regulation of c
hildminders and day-care
provision for young children, responsibility for overseeing these services havin
g been transferred from
local authorities to the Chief Inspector of Schools. Services covered by the Act
range from residential
care homes and nursing homes, childrens homes, domiciliary-care agencies, fosteri
ng agencies and voluntary
adoption agencies through to private and voluntary health-care services. This in
cludes private hospitals
and clinics and private primary-care premises. For the first time, local authori
ties will have to meet the
same standards as independent-sector providers.
Carminatives Preparations to relieve FLATULENCE, and any resulting gripi
ng, by the bringing up of wind,
or ERUCTATION. Their essential constituent is

Castration 119
an aromatic volatile oil, usually of vegetable extraction.
A colouring matter of carrots, other plants, butter and yolk of egg, car
otene is the precursor of
vitamin A, which is formed from carotene in the liver. (See VITAMIN and APPENDIX
forms a joint with other bones (articular cartilage), and in young perso
ns up to about the age of 16
there is a plate of cartilage (epiphyseal cartilage) running right across the bo
ne about 12 mm (half an
inch) from each end. The latter, by constantly thickening and changing into bone
, causes the increase in
length of the bone. (See also BONE.) In some situations there is found a combina
tion of cartilage and
fibrous tissue, as in the discs between the vertebrae of the spine. This fibro-c
artilage, as it is known,
combines the pliability of fibrous tissue with the elasticity of cartilage. (For
cartilages of the knee,
see KNEE.)
Carotid Body
A small reddish-brown structure measuring 57 254 millimetres, situated one
on each side of the
neck, where the carotid artery divides into the internal and external carotid ar
teries. Its main function
is in controlling breathing so that an adequate supply of oxygen is maintained t
o the tissues of the body.
Oxygen levels are controlled by a reflex operating between the carotid body and
the respiratory centre in
the brain.
Any small fleshy eminence, whether normal or abnormal.
Carneous Mole An ovum which has died in the early months of pregnancy. I
t usually requires no treatment
and evacuates itself.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A condition characterised by attacks of pain and
tingling in the first three or
four fingers of one or both hands. The attacks usually occur at night. Carpal tu
nnel syndrome is caused by
pressure on the median nerve as it passes under the strong ligament that lies ac
ross the front of the
wrist. The condition may respond to use of a night splint on the hand; otherwise
a corticosteroid injection
under the ligament may help. If not, pressure is relieved by surgical division o
f the compressing ligament.
Carpus The Latin term for the WRIST, composed of eight small bones firml
y joined together with
ligaments, but capable of a certain amount of sliding movement over one another.

Carriers of Disease See INFECTION.

Cartilage A hard but pliant substance forming parts of the skeleton for
example, the cartilages of
the ribs, of the larynx and of the ears. Microscopically, cartilage is found to
consist of cells arranged
in twos or in rows, and embedded in a ground-glass-like material devoid of blood
vessels and nerves. The
end of every long bone has a smooth layer of hyaline cartilage on it where it
Caseation A process which takes place in the tissues in TUBERCULOSIS and
some other chronic diseases.
The central part of a diseased area, instead of changing into pus and so forming
an ABSCESS, changes to a
firm cheese-like mass which may next be absorbed or may be converted into a calc
areous deposit and fibrous
tissue, and so healing results in the formation of a scar.
Case-Control Study Research in which cases that is, persons with a particu
lar condition or
receiving a particular medication are compared with a group similar in age, sex
distribution and social
class, etc. who do not have the condition or who are not receiving the drug.
Casein That part of milk which forms cheese or curds. It is produced by
the union of a substance,
caseinogen, dissolved in the milk, with lime salts also dissolved in the milk th
e union being produced by
the action of rennin, a ferment from the stomach of the calf. The same change oc
curs in the human stomach
as the first step in the digestion of milk, and therefore when milk is vomited c
urdled it merely shows that
digestion has begun.
Castration This is literally defined as deprivation of the power of gener
ation. In practical terms
this involves surgical removal of both OVARIES, or both testicles (see TESTICLE)
. Such an operation is most
commonly associated with the treatment of malignant lesions. In women who have r
eached the menopause,
bilateral oophorectomy

120 Casts
is routinely performed during HYSTERECTOMY, especially in cases of uteri
ne carcinoma, and is usually
performed when removing an ovarian tumour or malignant cyst. It is essential tha
t the surgeon discusses
with a woman before an operation when it might prove beneficial to remove her ov
aries in addition to
carrying out the main procedure. In men, orchidectomy is routine for testicular
tumours, and is sometimes
carried out when treating prostatic cancer.
Casts Casts of hollow organs are found in various diseases. Membraneous
casts of the air passages are
found in diphtheria and in one form of bronchitis, and are sometimes coughed up
entire. Casts of the
interior of the bowels are passed in cases of mucous colitis associated with con
stipation, and casts of the
microscopic tubules in the kidneys passed in the urine form one of the surest si
gns of glomerulonephritis.
Catabolism The breakdown by the body of complex substances to form simpl
er ones, a process that is
accompanied by the release of energy. Among the substances catabolised are nutri
ents, such as CARBOHYDRATE
and PROTEIN in food, and in storage in the body for example, GLYCOGEN.
Catalepsy A physical condition in which part or all of the body becomes
rigid. It is characterised by
the adoption of strange often statue-like poses (CATATONIA), which may pass off
within a few minutes or
may last for several hours (rarely, days). Typically brought on by a sudden ment
al trauma, catalepsy may
occur with prolonged depression or some other serious MENTAL ILLNESS, and occasi
onally with EPILEPSY.
Successful treatment must depend upon due recognition of all precipitating facto
rs and circumstances.
Cataplexy Cataplexy is a condition in which the patient has a sudden att
ack of muscular weakness
affecting the whole body. (See also NARCOLEPSY.)
Cataract An opacity of the lens sufficient to cause visual impairment (s
Catarrh Inflammation of the mucous membranes, particularly those of the
air passages, associated with a
copious secretion of mucus. Commonly
the result of infection or local allergy, catarrh can affect the nose, m
iddle ear and sinuses.
Catatonia A condition in which an individual takes up odd postures, ofte
n accompanied by muteness or
semi-coma. The arms and legs may be moved passively by someone else into positio
ns that the sufferer then
holds for many hours. Catatonia occurs in SCHIZOPHRENIA. It may also be associat

ed with organic brain

disease such as encephalitis lethargica (see ENCEPHALITIS), tumours and carbon m
onoxide intoxication.
Catecholamines Substances produced in the body from the dietary AMINO AC
TYROSINE. They include ADRENALINE, NORADRENALINE and DOPAMINE which have varying
functions, usually as
NEUROTRANSMITTERS, in the sympathetic and central nervous systems (see under NER
chemical structure is based on a benzene ring with hydroxyl and amine side-chain
Catgut A traditional absorbable SUTURE used in surgery for tying cut art
eries and stitching wounds.
Consisting of twisted COLLAGEN (from sheep or cattle intestines), catgut is abso
rbed by phagocytes (see
under PHAGOCYTE) over a variable period. There are two types: plain, and chromat
ised or chromic. Synthetic
absorbable sutures cause less reaction, have a predictable absorption period and
are more effective.
Cathartics Substances which produce an evacuation of the bowels (see LAX
ATIVES). The term cathartic
also means possessing the power to cleanse.
Catherisation Use of a catheter (see CATHETERS).
Catheters Hollow tubes, usually made of rubber or plastic, used for pass
ing into various organs of the
body, either for investigational purposes or to give some form of treatment. The
y are used under strict
sterile conditions.
Cardiac catheters are introduced through a vein in the arm and passed in
to the heart in order to
diagnose some of the more obscure forms of congenital heart disease, and often a
s a preliminary to
operating on the heart.
Endotracheal catheters are used to pass

CD4/CD8 Count
down the TRACHEA into the lungs, usually in the course of administering
anaesthetics (see under
Eustachian catheters are small catheters
coccygeal spinal nerves. The resulting bundle, fancifully resembling a h
orses tail, runs down inside
the spinal column until the individual fibres leave through their respective ope
that are passed along the floor of the nose into the Eustachian tube in
order to inflate the ear.
The piece of AMNION which sometimes covers a child when he or she is bor
Nasal catheters are tubes passed through
Cauliflower Ear
the nose into the stomach to feed a patient who cannot swallow so-called
nasal feeding.
The term applied to the distortion of the external ear produced by repea
ted injury in sport. Initially
it is due to a HAEMATOMA in the auricle (see EAR). To prevent deformity the bloo
d should be drawn off from
this haematoma as soon as possible, and a firm pressure bandage then applied. Su
bsequent protection can be
given to the ear by covering it with a few layers of two-way-stretch strapping w
ound around the head.
Rectal catheters are passed into the RECTUM in order to introduce fluid
into the rectum. Suprapubic
catheters are passed into the bladder through an incision in the lower abdominal
wall just above the pubis,
either to allow urine to drain away from the bladder, or to wash out an infected
bladder. Ureteric
catheters are small catheters that are passed up the ureter into the pelvis of t
he kidney, usually to
determine the state of the kidney, either by obtaining a sample of urine direct
from the kidney or to
inject a radioopaque substance preliminary to X-raying the kidney. (See PYELOGRA
Causalgia A severe burning pain in a limb in which the sympathetic and s
omatic nerves have been
Caustics and Cauteries
Urethral catheters are catheters that are

Caustics and cauteries are used to destroy tissues the former by chemica
l action, the latter by their
high temperature. (See ELECTROCAUTERY.)
passed along the urethra into the bladder, either to draw off urine or t
o wash out the bladder.
Cavernous Breathing
It is these last three types of catheters that are most extensively used
A peculiar quality of the respiratory sounds heard on AUSCULTATION over
a cavity in the lung.
Cat Scanner
Cavernous Sinus
A channel for venous blood placed either side of the sphenoid bone at th
e base of the SKULL behind the
eye sockets. Blood drains into it from the eye, the nose, the brain and part of
the cheek, and leaves via
the internal jugular and facial veins. Sometimes the sinus becomes blocked by a
blood clot (thrombus),
usually a complication of a nearby bacterial infection. A potentially serious co
ndition, it should be
treated with thrombolysis and antibiotics.
Cat-Scratch Fever An infection in humans caused by a small gram-negative
BACILLUS (Bartonella
henselae). The domestic cat is a reservoir for the bacteria, and up to 50 per ce
nt of the cat population
may be affected. The disorder manifests itself as a skin lesion 310 days after a
minor scratch; within two
weeks the victims lymph glands enlarge and may produce pus. Fever, headache and m
alaise occur in some
patients. Antibiotics do not seem to be effective. The skin lesion and lymph-gla
nd enlargement subside
spontaneously within 25 months.
Cauda A tail or a tail-like structure. For example, the cauda equina (hor
ses tail) is a collection
of nerve roots arising from the lumbar, sacral and
CD4/CD8 Count An immunological assessment used to monitor for signs of o
rgan rejection after
transplantation; it is also used to check the progress of treatment in patients
with HIV (see AIDS/ HIV).
The count measures the ratio of helper-induced T-lymphocytes to cytotoxicsuppres
sor lymphocytes. (See

122 Cefoxitin
Cefoxitin is a semi-synthetic antibiotic, given by injection, which is u
sed in the treatment of
infections due to gram-negative microorganisms such as Proteus which are resista
nt to many other
Cell Salvage Transfusion See TRANSFUSION.
Cells The basic structural unit of body tissues. There are around 10 bil
lion cells in the human body
and they are structurally and functionally linked to carry out the bodys many com
plex activities. Every
cell consists essentially of a cell-body of soft albuminous material called cyto
plasm, in which lies a
kernel or nucleus which seems to direct all the activities of the cell. Within t
he nucleus may be seen a
minute body, the nucleolus; and there may or may not be a cellenvelope around al
l. (See also MITOCHONDRIA.)
Each cell nucleus carries a set of identical CHROMOSOMES, the bodys genetic instr
uctions. Cells vary much
in size, ranging in the human body from 00025 mm to about 0025 mm. All animals and
plants consist at
first of a single cell (the egg-cell, or ovum), which begins to develop when fer
tilised by the sperm-cell
derived from the opposite sex. Development begins by a division into two new cel
ls, then into four, and so
on till a large mass is formed. These cells among them stem cells (see STEM CELL
) which have the
potential to develop into a variety of specialised cells then arrange themselves
into layers, and form
various tubes, rods, and masses which represent in the embryo the organs of the
fully developed animal.
(See FETUS.) When the individual organs have been laid down on a scaffolding of
cells, these gradually
change in shape and in chemical composition. The cells in the nervous system sen
d out long processes to
form the nerves; those in the muscles become long and striped in appearance; and
those which form fat
become filled with fat droplets which distend the cells. Further, they begin to
produce, between one
another, the substances which give the various tissues their special character.
Thus, in the future bones,
some cells deposit lime salts and others form cartilage, while in tendons they p
roduce long white fibres of
a gelatinous substance. In some organs the cells change little: thus the liver c
onsists of columns of large
packed together, while many cells, like the white blood corpuscles, reta
in their primitive characters
almost entire. Thus cells are the active agents in forming the body, and they ha
ve a similar function in
repairing its wear and tear. Tumours, and especially malignant tumours, have a h
ighly cellular structure,

the cells being of an embryonic type, or, at best, forming poor imitations of th
e tissues in which they
grow (see TUMOUR).
Cellulitis Inflammation taking place in cellular tissue, and usually ref
erring to infection in the
subcutaneous tissue. A related word, cellulite, which has no medical meaning, is
used in the slimming
business to refer to excess fatty tissue in the arms, buttocks and thighs. (See
Cellulose A carbohydrate substance forming the skeleton of most plant st
ructures. It is colourless,
transparent, insoluble in water and is practically unaffected by digestion. In v
egetable foods it therefore
adds to the bulk, but it is of no value as a food-stuff. It is found in practica
lly a pure state in
Cement See TEETH.
Central Nervous System This comprises the nervous tissue of the brain an
d spinal cord, but does not
include the cranial and spinal nerves and the autonomic nervous system. This lat
ter group makes up the
peripheral nervous system. (See BRAIN and SPINAL CORD; NERVOUS SYSTEM.)
Central Venous Pressure The pressure of blood within the right atrium of
the HEART as measured by a
catheter and manometer.
Cephalosporins These are broad-spectrum antibiotics. Most are semi-synth
etic derivatives of
cephalosporin C, an antibiotic originally derived from a sewage outfall in Sardi
nia. First-generation
examples still in use include cephalexin and cefadroxil. They are orally active
and, along with
second-generation cefaclor, have a similar antimicrobial spectrum. They are used
for resistant urinary
infections and urinary infections in pregnancy. Cephalosporins have a similar ph
armacology to that of
penicillin, and about 10 per cent of patients allergic to

Cerebral Palsy
penicillin will also be hypersensitive to cephalosporins. They are effec
tive in treating SEPTICAEMIA,
PNEUMONIA, MENINGITIS, biliary-tract infections and PERITONITIS. Second-generati
on cefuroxime and
cefamandole are less vulnerable to penicillinases and are useful for treating res
istant bacteria and
Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria gonorrhoea. Third-generation cephalosporins
include cefotaxime,
ceftazidime and others; these are more effective than the second-generation in t
reating some gram-negative
infections, especially those causing septicaemia.
Cereal Any grass-like plant bearing an edible seed. The important cereal
s are wheat, oats, barley,
maize, rice and millet. Along with these are usually included tapioca (derived f
rom the cassava plant),
sago (derived from the pith of the sago palm) and arrowroot (derived from the ro
ot of a West Indian plant),
all of which consist almost entirely of starch. Semolina, farola and macaroni ar
e preparations of wheat.
per cent 1012 1012 6575 058 2
Water Protein Carbohydrate Fat Mineral matter
Composition of cereals Cereals consist predominantly of carbohydrate. Th
ey are therefore an excellent
source of energy. On the other hand, their deficiency in protein and fat means t
hat to provide a balanced
diet, they should be supplemented by other foods rich in protein and fat. per ce
nt Water 120 72 123 110
125 124
Wheat Oatmeal Barley Rye Maize Rice (polished) Millet 123 Buck wheat 130
Carbohydrate 712 659 695 723 689 794
Protein 110 142 101 102 97 69
Fat 17 73 19 23 54 04
104 102
39 683 22 613
Cellulose Ash 22 19 35 19 38 24 21 21 20 15 04 05 29 22 111 22
Composition of certain cereals
Cerebellar Ataxia Uncoordinated movements, including an unsteady gait, c
aused by damage to or disease
of the cerebellum (see BRAIN). Brain tumours, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) and stroke
can result
in ataxia as can excessive consumption of alcohol, and degeneration of t
he cerebellum as a result of
an inherited disease. Affected victims may have slurred speech, hand tremors and

nystagmus (see under EYE,

Cerebellum and Cerebrum See BRAIN.
Cerebral Palsy The term used to describe a group of conditions character
ised by varying degrees of
paralysis and originating in infancy or early childhood. In some 80 per cent of
cases this takes the form
of spastic paralysis (muscle stiffness), hence the now obsolete lay description
of sufferers as spastics.
The incidence is believed to be around 2 or 25 per 1,000 of the childhood communi
ty. In the majority of
cases the abnormality dates from well before birth: among the factors are some g
enetic malformation of the
brain, a congenital defect of the brain, or some adverse effect on the fetal bra
in as by infection during
pregnancy. Among the factors during birth that may be responsible is prolonged l
ack of oxygen such as can
occur during a difficult labour; this may be the cause in up to 15 per cent of c
ases. In some 1015 per
cent of cases the condition is acquired after birth, when it may be due to KERNI
CTERUS, infection of the
brain, cerebral thrombosis or embolism, or trauma. Acute illness in infancy, suc
h as meningitis, may result
in cerebral palsy. The disease manifests itself in many ways. It may not be fina
lly diagnosed and
characterised until the infant is two years old, but may be apparent much earlie
r even soon after birth.
The child may be spastic or flaccid, or the slow, writhing involuntary movements
known as athetosis may be
the predominant feature. These involuntary movements often disappear during slee
p and may be controlled, or
even abolished, in some cases by training the child to relax. The paralysis vari
es tremendously. It may
involve the limbs on one side of the body (hemiplegia), both lower limbs (parapl
egia), or all four limbs
(DIPLEGIA and QUADRIPLEGIA). Learning disability (with an IQ under 70) is presen
t in around 75 per cent of
all children but children with diplegia or athetoid symptoms may have normal or
even high intelligence.
Associated problems may include hearing or visual disability, behavioural proble
ms and epilepsy. The
outlook for life is good, only the more severely affected cases dying in infancy
. Although there is no
cure, much can be done to help these disabled children, particularly if the

124 Cerebrospinal Fluid

condition is detected at an early stage. Assistance is available from NH
S developmental and assessment
clinics, supervised by community paediatricians and involving a team approach fr
om experts in education,
physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech training. In this way many of the
se handicapped children
reach adulthood able to lead near-normal lives. Much help in dealing with these
children can be obtained
from SCOPE (formerly the Spastics Society), and Advice Service Capability Scotla
nd (ASCS).
Cerebrospinal Fluid The fluid within the ventricles of the brain and bat
hing its surface and that of
the spinal cord. Normally a clear, colourless fluid, its pressure when an indivi
dual is lying on one side
is 50 to 150 mm water. A LUMBAR PUNCTURE should not be done if the intracranial
pressure is raised (see
HYDROCEPHALUS). The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) provides useful information in var
ious conditions and is
invaluable in the diagnosis of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the ne
rvous system. Bacterial
MENINGITIS results in a large increase in the number of polymorphonuclear LEUCOC
YTES, while a marked
lymphocytosis is seen in viral meningitis and ENCEPHALITIS, tuberculous meningit
is and neurosyphilis. The
total protein content is raised in many neurological diseases, being particularl
y high with
neurofibromatosis (see VON RECKLINGHAUSENS DISEASE) and Guillan-Barr syndrome, whi
le the immunoglobulin G
fraction is raised in MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS), neurosyphilis, and connectivetiss
ue disorders. The glucose
content is raised in diabetes (see DIABETES MELLITUS), but may be very low in ba
cterial meningitis, when
appropriately stained smears or cultures often define the infecting organism. Th
e CSF can also be used to
measure immune proteins produced in response to infection, helping diagnosis in
cases where the organism is
not grown in the laboratory culture.
is one of the most common cancers affecting women throughout the world.
In some areas its incidence is
increasing. This cancer has clearly identifiable precancerous stages with abnorm
al changes occurring in the
cells on the surface of the cervix: these changes can be detected by a CERVICAL
SMEAR test. Early cancer
can be cured by diathermy, laser treatment, electrocoagulation or cryosurgery. I
f the disease has spread
into the body of the cervix or beyond, more extensive surgery and possibly radio
therapy may be needed. The
cure rate is 95 per cent if treated in the early stages but may fall as low as 1
0 per cent in some severe
cases. Around 3,000 patients are diagnosed as having cervical cancer every year
in the United Kingdom, and
around 1,500 die from it. Latest figures in England show that the incidence rate
s have fallen to under 11
per 100,000 women, while death rates fell by more than 40 per cent during the 19

90s. The sexual behaviour

of a woman and her male partners influences the chances of getting this cancer;
the earlier a woman has
sexual intercourse, and the more partners she has, the greater is the risk of de
veloping the disease.
Cervical Smear This screening test detects abnormal changes in the cells
of the cervix (see CERVIX
UTERI), enabling an affected woman to have early treatment. The National Health
Service has arrangements to
check women regularly. A womans first test should be within six months of her fir
st experience of
intercourse and thereafter at three-yearly intervals for the rest of her life. T
he test is simple, with
some cells being scraped off the cervix with a spatula and the tissue then being
examined microscopically.
Cervical Vertebrae
The seven bones of the top end of the backbone that form the neck. The f
irst cervical vertebra is the
atlas and this articulates with the base of the skull. The axis is the second ve
rtebra, which contains a
shaft of bone that allows the atlas to rotate on it, thus permitting the head to
turn. (See SPINAL COLUMN.)
The name for the wax-like secretion found in the external ear.
Cerebrovascular Accident See STROKE.
Inflammation of the cervix uteri or neck of the womb.
Cervical means anything pertaining to the neck, or to the neck of the wo
Cervix Uteri
Cervical Cancer Cancer of the cervix the neck of the womb
The neck of the womb or uterus, placed partly above and partly within th
e vagina. (See UTERUS.)

Chelating Agents
Cetavlon See CETRIMIDE.
Cetrimide Also known as cetavlon, cetrimide is the official name for a m
ixture of alkyl ammonium
bromides. It is a potent antiseptic, and as a 1 per cent solution is used for cl
eaning and disinfecting
wounds, and in the first-aid treatment of burns. As it is also a detergent, it i
s particularly useful for
cleaning the skin, and also for cleansing and disinfecting greasy and infected b
owls and baths.
Chagas Disease Chagas disease, or American trypanosomiasis, is a disease w
idespread in Central and
South America, and caused by the Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease is transmitted b
y the biting bugs,
Panstrongylus megistus and Triatoma infestans. It occurs in an acute and a chron
ic form. The former, which
is most common in children, practically always affects the heart, and the progno
sis is poor. The chronic
form is commonest in adolescents and young adults and the outcome depends upon t
he extent to which the
heart is involved. There is no effective drug treatment. (See also SLEEPING SICK
Chalazion See EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Chalicosis A disorder of the lungs found among stonecutters, and due to
the inhalation of fine
particles of stone.
Chalk-Stones See GOUT.
Chancre The primary lesion of SYPHILIS.
Chancroid A soft or non-syphilitic venereal sore, caused by a micro-orga
nism known as Haemophilus
ducreyi. It is usually acquired by sexual contact, and responds well to treatmen
t with antibiotics. The
disease is rare in the UK.
Chapped Hands Chapped hands occur in cold weather, when reduced sweat an
d sebaceous activity leads to
decreased natural protection of the skin. Prolonged immersion in soapy w
ater, followed by exposure to
cold air, results in cracking of the skin. Prevention consists of minimising exp
osure to detergents and
soapy water, and wearing rubber gloves for all routine household duties.
Chapped Lips See LIPS.
Charcoal Activated charcoal is a finely powdered material with a huge su
rface area (1,000 m2/g)
prepared from vegetable matter by carbonisation. It is capable of binding a vari

ety of drugs and chemicals

and is used in the treatment of poisoning as a method of gastric decontamination
. It is not systemically
absorbed. It is also used occasionally for flatulence and as a deodorant for ski
n ulcers.
Charcots Joint Named after a 19th-century French physician, this conditio
n presents as a painless
swelling and disorganisation of the joints resulting from damage to the pain fib
res that occurs in diabetic
neuropathy (see DIABETES MELLITUS Complications), LEPROSY, SYRINGOMYELIA and syp
hylitic infection of the
spinal cord (see SYPHILIS).
Cheilosis Inflammation of the lips. It is common at the angles of the li
ps (angular stomatitis),
usually as a consequence of sagging facial muscles or illfitting dentures produc
ing folds at the corners of
the mouth which retain food debris and allow proliferation of bacteria and candi
da. Atopic eczema (see
SKIN, DISEASES OF) is a common cause of cheilosis of the whole of the lips.
Cheiropompholyx Pompholyx is an old name for vesicular eczema (see DERMA
TITIS) on the palms and fingers
(cheiropompholyx) or soles of the feet (podopompholyx).
Chelating Agents Chelating agents are compounds that will render an ion
(usually a metal) biologically
inactive by incorporating it into an inner ring structure in the molecule. (Henc
e the name, from the Greek
chele = claw.) When the complex formed in this way is harmless to the body and i
s excreted in the urine,
such an agent is an effective way of ridding the body of toxic metals such

126 Chemosis
as mercury. The main chelating agents are DIMERCAPROL, PENICILLAMINE, de
sferrioxamine and sodium
calciumedetate, used for example, in iron poisoning.
C Chemosis Swelling of the conjunctiva of the EYE, usually caused by inf
lammation from injury or
Chemotaxis The ability of certain cells to attract or repel others.
Chemotherapy The prevention or treatment of disease by chemical substanc
es. The term is generally used
in two senses: the use of antibacterial and other drugs to treat infections; and
the administration of
ANTIMETABOLITES and other drugs to treat cancer. The discovery by Paul Ehrlich i
n 1910 of the action of
Salvarsan in treating syphilis led to the introduction of sulphonamides in 1935,
followed by PENICILLIN
during World War II, which revolutionised the treatment of common infections. Ma
been developed since then: these include CEPHALOSPORINS, cephamycins, TETRACYCLI
MACROLIDES and CLINDAMYCIN as well as antituberculous drugs such as STREPTOMYCIN
Unfortunately, overuse of chemotherapeutic drugs in medicine and in animal husba
ndry has stimulated
widespread resistance among previously susceptible pathogenic microorganisms. Ch
emotherapy also plays an
important role in treating tropical diseases, especially MALARIA, SLEEPING SICKN
Recently chemotherapy has become increasingly effective in the treatment
of cancer. Numerous drugs,
generally CYTOTOXIC, are available; great care is required in their selection an
d to minimise side-effects.
Certain tumours are highly sensitive to chemotherapy especially testicular tumou
and various tumours occurring in childhood (e.g. Wilms tumour see NEPHROBLASTOMA)
and may even be
Chenodeoxycholic Acid One of the bile acids (see BILE), used in the trea
tment of cholesterol
gall-stones for patients with mild symptoms when other modern techniques are uns
uitable. (See GALL-BLADDER,
Chest The chest, or THORAX, is the upper part of the trunk. It is enclos
ed by the breastbone (sternum)
and the 12 ribs which join the sternum by way of cartilages and are attached to
the spine behind. At the
top of the thorax, the opening in between the first ribs admits the windpipe (TR
ACHEA), the gullet
(OESOPHAGUS) and the large blood vessels. The bottom of the thorax is separated
from the abdomen below by
the muscular DIAPHRAGM which is the main muscle of breathing. Other muscles of r
espiration, the intercostal
muscles, lie in between the ribs. Overlying the ribs are layers of muscle and so

ft tissue including the

breast tissue.
Contents The trachea divides into right and left main bronchi which go t
o the two The left lung is
slightly smaller than the right. The right has three lobes (upper, middle and lo
wer) and the left lung has
two lobes (upper and lower). Each lung is covered by two thin membranes lubricat
ed by a thin layer of
fluid. These are the pleura; similar structures cover the heart (pericardium). T
he heart lies in the
middle, displaced slightly to the left. The oesophagus passes right through the
chest to enter the stomach
just below the diaphragm. Various nerves, blood vessels and lymph channels run t
hrough the thorax. The
thoracic duct is the main lymphatic drainage channel emptying into a vein on the
left side of the root of
the neck. (For diseases affecting the chest and its contents, see HEART, DISEASE
Chest, Deformities of The healthy chest is gently rounded all over, its
contour being more rounded in
women by the breast tissue. In cross-section it is oval-shaped with a longer dim
ension from side to side
than from back to front.
Barrel chest is found in long-standing ASTHMA or chronic BRONCHITIS SEMA
, when the lungs are
and EMPHYchronically enlarged. The anterio-posterior dimension of the ch
est is increased and the ribs
are near horizontal. In this position they can produce little further expansion
of the chest, and breathing
often relies on accessory muscles in the neck lifting up the whole thoracic cage
on inspiration.
Pigeon chest is one in which the crosssection of the chest becomes trian
gular with

the sternum forming a sort of keel in front. It may be related to breath
ing problems in early life.
chickenpox, is said to be derived from the resemblance of the eruption t
o boiled chickpeas.
Rickety chest is uncommon now and is
Causes The disease occurs in epidemics affecting especially children und
er the age of ten years. It is
due to the varicella zoster virus, and the condition is an extremely infectious
one from child to child.
Although an attack confers life-long immunity, the virus may lie dormant and man
ifest itself in adult life
as HERPES ZOSTER or shingles.
caused by RICKETS in early life. There is a hollow down each side caused
by the pull of muscles on the
softer ribs in childhood. The line of knobs produced on each side where the ribs
join their costal
cartilages is known as the rickety rosary.
Pectus excavatum , or funnel chest, is quite a common abnormality where
the central tendon of the
diaphragm seems to be too short so that the lower part of the sternum is displac
ed inwards and the lower
ribs are prominent. When severe, it may displace the heart further to the left s
Local abnormalities in the shape of the chest occur when there is a defo
rmity in the spine such as
scoliosis which alters the angles of the ribs. The chest wall may be locally fla
ttened when the underlying
lung is reduced in size locally over a prolonged period. (See SPINE AND SPINAL C
OF.) This may be seen over a scarred area of
lung such as that observed in pulmonary TUBERCULOSIS.
Cheyne-Stokes Breathing A type of breathing which gets very faint for a
short time, then gradually
deepens until full inspirations are taken for a few seconds, and then gradually
dies away to another quiet
period, again increasing in depth after a few seconds and so on in cycles. It is
seen in some serious
neurological disorders, such as brain tumours and stroke, and also in the case o
f persons with advanced
disease of the heart or kidneys. When well marked it is a sign that death is imp
ending, though milder
degrees of it do not carry such a serious implication in elderly patients.
Chiasma This is an X-shaped crossing. The optic chiasma is where the ner
ve fibres from the nasal half
of each retina cross over the mid line to join the optic tract from the other si

Chickenpox Also known as varicella. An acute, contagious disease predomi

nantly of children although
it may occur at any age characterised by fever and an eruption on the skin. The
Symptoms There is an incubation period of 1421 days after infection, and
then the child becomes
feverish or has a slight shivering, or may feel more severely ill with vomiting
and pains in the back and
legs. Almost at the same time, an eruption consisting of red pimples which quick
ly change into vesicles
filled with clear fluid appears on the back and chest, sometimes about the foreh
ead, and less frequently on
the limbs. These vesicles appear over several days and during the second day may
show a change of their
contents to turbid, purulent fluid. Within a day or two they burst, or, at all e
vents, shrivel up and
become covered with brownish crusts. The small crusts have all dried up and fall
en off in little more than
a week and recovery is almost always complete.
Treatment The fever can be reduced with paracetamol and the itching soot
hed with lotion. If the child
has an immune disorder, is suffering from a major complication such as pneumonia
, or is very unwell, an
antiviral drug (aciclovir) can be used. It is likely to be effective only at an
early stage. A vaccine is
available in many parts of the world but is not used in the UK; the argument aga
inst its use is that it may
delay chickenpox until adult life when the disease tends to be much more severe.
Chigger Another name for Trombicula autumnalis, popularly known as the h
arvest mite (see BITES AND
Chilblain Chilblain, or erythema pernio (see under ERYTHEMA), is an infl
amed condition of the hands or
feet, or occasionally of the ears, and should not be confused with cracked or CH
APPED HANDS. Most commonly
found in childhood and old age, it may be associated with generally poor health,
though there may also be a
genetic predisposition. Prevention with good food, warm clothing, a warm environ
ment, and

128 Child Abuse

regular exercise to maintain the circulation, is the best treatment.
Child Abuse This traditional term covers the neglect, physC ical injury, emotional trauma and sexual abuse
of a child. Professional staff responsible for the care and well-being o
f children now refer to
physical injury as non-accidental injury. Child abuse may be caused by parents, re
latives or carers. In
England around 35,000 children are on local-authority social-service department
child-protection registers
that is, are regarded as having been abused or at risk of abuse. Physical abuse
or non-accidental injury
is the most easily recognised form; victims of sexual abuse may not reveal their
experiences until
adulthood, and often not at all. Where child abuse is suspected, health, socialcare and educational
professionals have a duty to report the case to the local authority under the te
rms of the Children Act.
The authority has a duty to investigate and this may mean admitting a child to h
ospital or to
local-authority care. Abuse may be the result of impulsive action by adults or i
t may be premeditated: for
example, the continued sexual exploitation of a child over several years. Premed
itated physical assault is
rare but is liable to cause serious injury to a child and requires urgent action
when identified. Adults
will go to some lengths to cover up persistent abuse. The childs interests are pa
ramount but the parents
may well be under severe stress and also require sympathetic handling. In recent
years persistent child
abuse in some childrens homes has come to light, with widespread publicity follow
ing offenders
appearances in court. Local communities have also protested about convicted paed
ophiles, released from
prison, coming to live in their communities. In England and Wales, local-governm
ent social-services
departments are central in the prevention, investigation and management of cases
of child abuse. They have
four important protection duties laid down in the Children Act 1989. They are ch
arged (1) to prevent
children from suffering ill treatment and neglect; (2) to safeguard and promote
the welfare of children in
need; (3) when requested by a court, to investigate a childs circumstances; (4) t
o investigate information
in concert with the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chi
ldren) that a child is
suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm, and to decide whether action
is necessary to safeguard
and promote the childs welfare. Similar provisions exist in the other parts of the United Kingdom. When anyone suspec
ts that child abuse is
occurring, contact should be made with the relevant social-services department o
r, in Scotland, with the

Child Adoption Adoption was relatively uncommon until World War II, with
only 6,000 adoption orders
annually in the UK. This peaked at nearly 25,000 in 1968 as adoption became more
socially acceptable and
the numbers of babies born to lone mothers rose in a climate hostile to single p
arenthood. Adoption
declined as the availability of babies fell with the introduction of the Abortio
n Act 1968, improving
contraceptive services and increasing acceptability of single parenthood. Howeve
r, with 10 per cent of
couples suffering infertility, the demand continued, leading to the adoption of
those previously perceived
as difficult to place i.e. physically, intellectually and/or emotionally disable
d children and
adolescents, those with terminal illness, and children of ethnic-minority groups
. Recent controversies
regarding homosexual couples as adoptive parents, adoption of children with or a
t high risk of HIV/AIDS,
transcultural adoption, and the increasing use of intercountry adoption to fulfi
l the needs of childless
couples have provoked urgent consideration of the ethical dilemmas of adoption a
nd its consequences for the
children, their adoptive and birth families and society generally. Detailed stat
istics have been
unavailable since 1984 but in general there has been a downward trend with relat
ively more older children
being placed. Detailed reasons for adoption (i.e. interfamily, step-parent, inte
rcountry, etc.) are not
available but approximately one-third are adopted from local-authority care. In
the UK all adoptions
(including interfamily and step-parent adoption) must take place through a regis
tered adoption agency which
may be local-authority-based or provided by a registered voluntary agency. All l
ocal authorities must act
as agencies, the voluntary agencies often providing specialist services to promo
te and support the adoption
of more difficult-to-place children. Occasionally an adoption allowance will be
awarded. Adoption orders
cannot be granted until a child has resided with its proposed adopters for 13 we
eks. In the case of newborn
infants the

Child Health
mother cannot give formal consent to placement until the baby is six wee
ks old, although informal
arrangements can be made before this time. In the UK the concept of responsibili
ty of birth parents to
their children and their rights to continued involvement after adoption are ackn
owledged by the Children
Act 1989. However, in all discussions the childs interests remain paramount. The
Act also recognises
adopted childrens need to have information regarding their origins. BAAF British
Agencies for Adoption
and Fostering is the national organisation of adoptive agencies, both local auth
ority and voluntary
sector. The organisation promotes and provides training service, development and
research; has several
specialist professional subgroups (i.e. medical, legal, etc.); and produces a qu
arterly journal. Adoption
UK is an effective national support network of adoptive parents who offer free i
nformation, a listening
ear and, to members, a quarterly newsletter. National Organisation for Counsellin
g Adoptees and their
Parents (NORCAP) is concerned with adopted children and birth parents who wish t
o make contact. The
Registrar General operates an Adoption Contact Register for adopted persons and
anyone related to that
person by blood, half-blood or marriage. Information can be obtained from the Of
fice of Population Censuses
and Surveys. For the addresses of these organisations, see Appendix 2.
Child Health Paediatrics is the branch of medicine which deals with dise
ases of children, but many
paediatricians have a wider role, being employed largely outside acute hospitals
and dealing with child
health in general.
History Child health services were originally designed, before the NHS c
ame into being, to find or
prevent physical illness by regular inspections. In the UK these were carried ou
t by clinical medical
officers (CMOs) working in infant welfare clinics (later, child health clinics)
set up to fill the gap
between general practice and hospital care. The services expanded greatly from t
he mid 1970s; inspections
have evolved into a regular screening and surveillance system by general practit
ioners and health visitors,
while CMOs have mostly been replaced by consultant paediatricians in com
munity child health (CPCCH).
Screening Screening begins at birth, when every baby is examined for con
genital conditions such as
dislocated hips, heart malformations, cataract and undescended testicles. Blood
is taken to find those
babies with potentially brain-damaging conditions such as HYPOTHYROIDISM and PHE

trusts screen for the life-threatening disease CYSTIC FIBROSIS, although in futu
re it is more likely that
finding this disease will be part of prenatal screening, along with DOWNS (DOWN)
BIFIDA. A programme to detect hearing impairment in newborn babies has been pilo
ted from 2001 in selected
districts to find out whether it would be a useful addition to the national scre
ening programme. Children
from ethnic groups at risk of inherited abnormalities of HAEMOGLOBIN (sickle cel
l disease; thalassaemia
see under ANAEMIA) have blood tested at some time between birth and six months o
f age.
Illness prevention At two months, GPs screen babies again for these abno
rmalities and start the process
of primary IMMUNISATION. The routine immunisation programme has been dramaticall
y successful in preventing
illness, handicap and deaths: as such it is the cornerstone of the public health
aspect of child health,
with more potential vaccines being made available every year. Currently, infants
are immunised against
(a cause of MENINGITIS,
SEPTICAEMIA, ARTHRITIS and epiglottitis) and meningococcus C (SEPTICAEMIA and me
ningitis see
NEISSERIACEAE) at two, three and four months. Selected children from high-risk g
roups are offered BCG
VACCINE against tuberculosis and hepatitis vaccine. At about 13 months all are o
(measles, mumps and rubella) and there are pre-school entry boosters of diphtheria
, tetanus, polio,
meningococcus C and MMR. Pneumococcal vaccine is available for particular cases
but is not yet part of the
routine schedule.
Health promotion and education Throughout the UK, parents are given thei
r childs personal health
record to keep with them. It contains advice on health promotion, including immu
nisation, developmental
milestones (when did he or she first smile, sit up, walk and so on), and graphs
called centile

130 Child Health

charts on which to record height, weight and head circumference. There i
s space for midwives,
doctors, practice nurses, health visitors and parents to make notes about the ch
ild. Throughout at least
the first year of life, both parents and health-care providers set great store b
y regular weighing,
designed to pick up children who are failing to thrive. Measuring length is not qu
ite so easy, but height
measurements are recommended from about two or three years of age in order to de
tect children with
disorders such as growth-hormone deficiency, malabsorption (e.g. COELIAC DISEASE
) and psychosocial dwarfism
(see below). All babies have their head circumference measured at birth, and aga
in at the eight-week check.
A too rapidly growing head implies that the infant might have HYDROCEPHALUS exce
ss fluid in the hollow
spaces within the brain. A too slowly growing head may mean failure of brain gro
wth, which may go hand in
hand with physically or intellectually delayed development. At about eight month
s, babies receive a
surveillance examination, usually by a health visitor. Parents are asked if they
have any concerns about
their childs hearing, vision or physical ability. The examiner conducts a screeni
ng test for hearing
impairment the so-called distraction test; he or she stands behind the infant, w
ho is on the mothers
lap, and activates a standardised sound at a set distance from each ear, noting
whether or not the child
turns his or her head or eyes towards the sound. If the child shows no reaction,
the test is repeated a few
weeks later; if still negative then referral is made to an audiologist for more
formal testing. The doctor
or health visitor will also go through the childs developmental progress (see abo
ve) noting any
significant deviation from normal which merits more detailed examination. Doctor
s are also recommended to
examine infants developmentally at some time between 18 and 24 months. At this t
ime they will be looking
particularly for late walking or failure to develop appropriate language skills.
centres, pre-school teachers or educational advisers and social workers.
Their aims are to diagnose the
childs problems, identify his or her therapy needs and make recommendations to th
e local health and
educational authorities on how these should be met. A member of the team will us
ually be appointed as the
familys key worker, who liaises with other members of the team and coordinates the
childs management.
Regular review meetings are held, generally with parents sharing in the decision
s made. Mostly children
seen by CDTs are under five years old, the school health service and educational
authorities assuming
responsibility thereafter.
Special needs The Children Act 1989, Education Acts 1981, 1986 and 1993,
and the Chronically Sick and

Disabled Persons Legislation 1979 impose various statutory duties to identify an

d provide assistance for
children with special needs. They include the chronically ill as well as those w
ith impaired development or
disabilities such as CEREBRAL PALSY, or hearing, vision or intellectual impairme
nt. Many CDTs keep a
register of such children so that services can be efficiently planned and evalua
ted. Parents of disabled
children often feel isolated and neglected by society in general; they are frequ
ently frustrated by the
lack of resources available to help them cope with the sheer hard work involved.
The CDT, through its key
workers, does its best to absorb anger and divert frustration into constructive
actions. There are other
groups of children who come to the attention of child health services. Community
paediatricians act as
advisers to adoption and fostering agencies, vital since many children needing a
lternative homes have
special medical or educational needs or have behavioural or psychiatric problems
. Many see a role in acting
as advocates, not just for those with impairments but also for socially disadvan
taged children, including
those looked after in childrens homes and those of travellers, asylum seekers, refu
gees and the
Child development teams (CDTs)
Child protection Regrettably, some chilScreening and surveillance uncover problems which then need careful atte
ntion. Most NHS districts have
a CDT to carry out this task working from child development centres usually sepa
rate from hospitals.
Various therapists, as well as consultant paediatricians in community child heal
th, contribute to the work
of the team. They include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech ther
apists, psychologists,
health visitors and, in some
dren come to the attention of child health specialists because they have
been beaten, neglected,
emotionally or nutritionally starved or sexually assaulted by their parents or c
arers. Responsibility for
the investigation of these children is that of local-authority social-services d
epartments. However, child
health professionals have a vital role in diagnosis, obtaining forensic evidence
, advising courts,
supervising the medical aspects of follow-up and teaching

Children Act
doctors, therapists and other professionals in training. (See CHILD ABUS
School health services Once children have reached school age, the emphas
is changes. The prime need
becomes identifying those with problems that may interfere with learning includi
ng those with special
needs as defined above, but also those with behavioural problems. Teachers and p
arents are advised on how
to manage these problems, while health promotion and health education are direct
ed at children. Special
problems, especially as children reach secondary school (aged 1118) include accid
ents, substance abuse,
psychosexual adjustment, antisocial behaviour, eating disorders and physical con
ditions which loom large in
the minds of adolescents in particular, such as ACNE, short stature and delayed
puberty. There is no
longer, in the UK, a universal school health service as many of its functions ha
ve been taken over by
general practitioners and hospital and community paediatricians. However, most a
reas still have school
nurses, some have school doctors, while others do not employ specific individual
s for these tasks but share
out aspects of the work between GPs, health visitors, community nurses and consu
ltant paediatricians in
child health. Complementing their work is the community dental service whose rol
e is to monitor the whole
child populations dental health, provide preventive programmes for all, and denta
l treatment for those who
have difficulty using general dental services for example, children with complex
disability. All children
in statefunded schools are dentally screened at ages five and 15.
Successes and failures Since the inception of the NHS, hospital services
for children have had enormous
success: neonatal and infant mortality rates have fallen by twothirds; deaths fr
om PNEUMONIA have fallen
from 600 per million children to a handful; and deaths from MENINGITIS have fall
en to one-fifth of the
previous level. Much of this has been due to the revolution in the management of
pregnancy and labour, the
invention of neonatal resuscitation and neonatal intensive care, and the provisi
on of powerful antibiotics.
At the same time, some children acquire HIV infection and AIDS from their affect
ed mothers (see AIDS/HIV);
the prevalence of atopic (see ATOPY) diseases (ASTHMA, eczema see DERMATITIS, HA
Y FEVER) is rising; more
children attend hos131
pital clinics with chronic CONSTIPATION; and little can be done for most
viral diseases. Community
child health services can also boast of successes. The routine immunisation prog
ramme has wiped out
SMALLPOX, DIPHTHERIA and POLIOMYELITIS and almost wiped out haemophilus and meni
ngococcal C meningitis,
measles and congenital RUBELLA syndrome. WHOOPING COUGH outbreaks continue but t

he death and chronic

disability rates have been greatly reduced. Despite these huge health gains, con
tinuing public scepticism
about the safety of immunisation means that there can be no relaxation in the ed
ucational and
healthpromotion programme. Services for severely and multiply disabled children
have improved beyond all
recognition with the closure of long-stay institutions, many of which were disti
nctly child-unfriendly.
Nonetheless, scarce resources mean that families still carry heavy burdens. The
incidence of SUDDEN INFANT
DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS) has more than halved as a result of an educational program
me based on firm scientific
evidence that the risk can be reduced by putting babies to sleep on their backs,
avoidance of parental
smoking, not overheating, breast feeding and seeking medical attention early for
illness. Children have
fewer accidents and better teeth but new problems have arisen: in the 1990s chil
dren throughout the
developed world became fatter. A UK survey in 2004 found that one in five childr
en are overweight and one
in 20 obese. Lack of exercise, the easy availability of food at all times and in
all places, together with
the rise of snacking, are likely to provoke significant health problems as these c
hildren grow into adult
life. Adolescents are at greater risk than ever of ill-health through substance
abuse and unplanned
pregnancy. Child health services are facing new challenges in the 21st century.
Children Act The Children Act 1989 (Children Act) introduced major refor
ms of child-care law. It
encourages negotiation and cooperation between parents, children and professiona
ls to resolve problems
affecting children. The aim is to enable children to stay within their own famil
ies with appropriate
back-up from localauthority and professional resources. The emphasis is on empow
ering families rather than
paternalistic control. The Act set up a court made up of three tiers the High Co
urt, county court and
magistrates court each with concurrent jurisdiction. The Act has been broadened,
clarified and
interpreted by

132 Chills
subsidiary legislation, rules, case law and official guidance. An equiva
lent act is in force in
Chills C
Chimera Chimera is an organism, whether plant, animal or human being, in
which there are at least two
kinds of tissue differing in their genetic constitution.
Chinese Avian Influenza A variety of influenza in chickens occurring in
southern China that in 1997
appeared to jump the species barrier and infect humans. Some cases of the human
version of the infection
occurred in Hong Kong. There were fears of a serious epidemic which, because of
a lack of natural
resistance among humans, might have led to its worldwide spread. This has not so
far occurred.
Chiropody Chiropody (also termed podiatry) is that part of medical scien
ce which is concerned with the
health of the feet. Its practitioners are specialists capable of providing a ful
ly comprehensive
foot-health service. This includes the palliation of established deformities and
dysfunction, both as
short-term treatment for immediate relief of painful symptoms and as long-term m
anagement to secure optimum
results. This requires the backing of effective appliances and footwear services
. It also involves curative
footcare, including the use of various therapeutic techniques, including minor s
urgery and the prescription
and provision of specialised and individual appliances. Among conditions routine
ly treated are walking
disorders in children, injuries to the feet of joggers and athletes, corns, buni
ons and hammer toes, ulcers
and foot infections. Chiropody also has a preventative role which includes inspe
ction of childrens feet
and the detection of foot conditions requiring treatment and advice and also foo
t-health education. The
chiropodist is trained to recognise medical conditions which manifest themselves
in the feet, such as
circulatory disorders, DIAand diseases causing BETES MELLITUS ulceration. The on
ly course of training in
the United Kingdom recognised for the purpose of state registration by the Healt
h Professionals Council is
the Society of Chiropodists three-year fulltime course. The course includes instr
and examination in the relevant aspects of anatomy and physiology, local
analgesia, medicine and
surgery, as well as in podology and therapeutics. The Council holds the register
of podiatrists. (See
Chiropractor A person who practises chiropractic mainly a system of phys
ical manipulations of minor

displacements of the spinal column. These minor displacements (see SUBLUXATION)

of the spine are believed
to affect the associated or neighbouring nerves and so cause malfunctions of the
muscles throughout the
body. By manipulating the affected part of the spinal column the patients complai
nt, whatever it may be
for example, backache is relieved.
Chlamydia A genus of micro-organisms which include those responsible for
ORNITHOSIS, PSITTACOSIS and TRACHOMA. Chlamydia trachomitis can be sexually tran
smitted by both men and
women and in developed countries is the most significant cause of NSU. Chlamydia
and Neisseria gonorrhoea
(see GONORRHOEA) are the major cause of PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID) which
affects around 100,000
women a year in the UK, most of whom are under 25 years of age. Chlamydia does n
ot usually cause symptoms
unless it spreads to the upper genital tract; such spread, however, may cause mi
scarriage (see PREGNANCY
AND LABOUR) or ECTOPIC PREGNANCY. The number of diagnoses of chlamydia has doubl
ed in the past five years
and the incidence of ectopic pregnancies has also been rising. The infection may
well be the main
preventable cause of ectopic pregnancy, one estimate being that no fewer than ha
lf of such pregnancies are
linked to chlamydia infection a figure that is probably much higher in young wom
en. A preventive campaign
in Sweden found that over 15 years, the incidence of ectopic pregnancies fell at
the same rate as that of
chlamydia diagnoses. Chlamydia infection responds well to antibiotic treatment,
but education of the public
about this often silent infection, coupled with screening programmes, would go a l
ong way to reducing the
Chloasma This is an increase in the melanin pigment of the skin as a res
ult of hormonal stimulation. It
is commonly seen in pregnancy and sometimes

in women on the contraceptive pill. It mainly affects the face.
Chloral Hydrate This drug is now rarely used but chloral betaine (Welldo
rm) is occasionally used in the
elderly and in newborns with fits or cerebral irritation after a difficult deliv
Chlorambucil One of several ALKYLATING AGENTS widely used in cancer chem
otherapy, chlorambucil is an
oral drug commonly used to treat chronic lymphocytic LEUKEMIA, non-Hodgkins lymph
omas, Hodgkins disease
(see LYMPHOMA) and ovarian cancer (see OVARIES, DISEASES OF). Apart from suppres
sion of bone-marrow
activity, sideeffects are few.
Chloramphenicol An antibiotic derived from a soil organism, Streptomyces
venezuelae. It is also
prepared synthetically. A potent broad-spectrum antibiotic, chloramphenicol may,
however, cause serious
side-effects such as aplastic ANAEMIA, peripheral NEURITIS, optic neuritis and,
in neonates, abdominal
distension and circulatory collapse. The drug should therefore be reserved for t
he treatment of
life-threatening infections such as Haemophilus influenzae, SEPTICAEMIA or MENIN
GITIS, typhoid fever (see
ENTERIC FEVER) and TYPHUS FEVER, when the causative organism proves resistant to
other drugs. However,
because it is inexpensive, it is used widely in developing countries. This antib
iotic is available as drops
for use in eye and ear infection, where safety is not a problem.
disease in which greenish growths appear under the skin, and in which a
change takes place in the blood
resembling that in leukaemia.
Chlorophyll The green colouring matter of plants. Its main use is as a c
olouring agent, principally for
soaps, oils and fats. It is also being found of value as a deodorant dressing to
remove, or diminish, the
unpleasant odour of heavily infected sores and wounds.
Chloroquine Chloroquine, which is a 4-aminoquinoline, was introduced dur
ing World War II for the
treatment of MALARIA. The drug is also used for PROPHYLAXIS against malaria wher
e the risk of
chloroquine-resistant falciparum is still low. It has also been found of value i
n the treatment of the skin
condition known as chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, and of rheumatoid arthri
Chlorpromazine Chlorpromazine is chemically related to the antihistamine
HYDROCHLORIDE. One of the first antipsychotic drugs to be marketed, it is used e
xtensively in psychiatry on
account of its action in calming psychotic activity without producing undue gene
ral depression or clouding
of consciousness. The drug is used particularly in SCHIZOPHRENIA and mania. It c
arries a risk of contact

sensitisation, so should be handled with care, and the drug has a wide range of
Chlordane An insecticide which has been used sucessfully against flies a
nd mosquitoes resistant to DDT
(see DICHLORODIPHENYL TRICHLOROETHANE), and for the control of ticks and mites.
It requires special
handling as it is toxic to humans when applied to the skin.
An oral hypoglycaemic agent, chlorpropamide was for many years used to t
reat diabetes (see DIABETES
MELLITUS). It has been largely superseded by more effective oral agents with few
er side-effects, such as
Chlortetracycline See TETRACYCLINES.
Chlordiazepoxide A widely used anti-anxiety drug. (See QUILLISERS; BENZO
TRANChlorhexidine An antiseptic which has a bacteriostatic action against ma
ny bacteria.
Chloroma Chloroma, or green cancer, is the name of a
Choking Choking is the process which results from an obstruction to brea
thing situated in the larynx
(see AIR PASSAGES). It may occur as the result of disease causing swelling round
the glottis (the entrance
to the larynx), or of some nervous disorders that interfere with the regulation
of the muscles which open
and shut the larynx. Generally, however, it is due to the irritation of a piece
of food or other substance
introduced by the mouth, which provokes coughing but only

134 Cholagogues
partly interferes with breathing. As the mucous membrane lining the uppe
r part of the latter is
especially sensitive, coughing results in order to expel the cause of irritation
. At the same time, if the
foreign body is of any size, lividity of the face appears, due to partial suffoc
ation (see ASPHYXIA).
Treatment The choking person should take
slow, deep inspirations, which do not force the particle further in (as
sudden catchings of the breath
between the coughs do), and which produce more powerful coughs. If the coughing
is weak, one or two strong
blows with the palm of the hand over either shoulder blade, timed to coincide wi
th coughs, aid the effect
of the coughing. If this is ineffective, the Heimlich manoeuvre may be used. Thi
s involves hugging the
person from behind with ones hands just under the diaphragm. A sudden upward comp
ressive movement is made
which serves to dislodge any foreign body. In the case of a baby, sit down with
left forearm resting on
thigh. Place the baby chest-down along the forearm, holding its head and jaw wit
h the fingers and thumb.
The infants head should be lower than its trunk. Gently deliver three or four blo
ws between the shoulder
blades with the free hand. The resuscitator should not attempt blind finger-swee
ps at the back of the
mouth; these can impact a foreign body in the larynx. If normal breathing (in ad
ult or child) cannot be
quickly restored, seek urgent medical help. Sometimes an emergency TRACHEOSTOMY
is necessary to restore the
air supply to the lungs. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID.)
Cholagogues Substances which increase the flow of BILE by stimulating ev
acuation of the gall-bladder
(see LIVER). The great majority of these act only by increasing the activity of
the digestive organs, and
so producing a flow of bile already stored up in the gall-bladder. Substances wh
ich stimulate the liver to
secrete more bile are known as CHOLERETIC.
Cholangiography The process whereby the bile ducts (see BILE and the gal
l-bladder (see LIVER) are
rendered radio-opaque and therefore visible on an X-ray film. DUCT)
Cholangitis Inflammation of the bile ducts (see GALL-BLADDER, DISEASES O
Removal of the gall-bladder (see operation.

Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gall-bladder (see BLADDER, DISEASES OF
GALLThe process whereby the gall-bladder (see LIVER) is rendered radio-opaqu
e and therefore visisble on an
X-ray film.
Cholecystokinin The hormone (see HORMONES) released from the lining memb
rane of the DUODENUM when food
is taken, and which initiates emptying of the gall-bladder (see LIVER).
Cholelithiasis The presence of gall-stones in the bile ducts and/or in t
he gall-bladder. (See
Cholelithotomy The removal of gall-stones from the gallbladder or bile d
ucts (see GALL-BLADDER,
DISEASES OF), when CHOLECYSTECTOMY or LITHOTRIPSY are inappropriate or not possi
ble. It involves a
cholecystomy, an operation to open the gall-bladder.
Cholera Bacterial infection caused by Vibrio cholerae. The patient suffe
rs profuse watery DIARRHOEA,
and resultant dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Formerly known as the Asiat
ic cholera, the disease has
occurred in epidemics and pandemics for many centuries. When it entered Europe i
n 1853, Dr John Snow, a
London anaesthetist, carried out seminal epidemiological work in Soho, London, w
hich established that the
source of infection was contaminated drinking water derived from the Broad Stree
t pump. Several smaller
epidemics involved Europe in the latter years of the 19th century, but none has
arisen in Britain or the
United States for many years. In 1971, the El Tor biotype of V. cholerae emerged
, replacing much of the
classical infection in Asia and, to a much lesser extent, Europe; parts of Afric
a were seriously affected.
Recently a non-01 strain has arisen and is causing much disease in Asia. Cholera
remains a major health
problem (this is technically the seventh pandemic) in many countries of Asia, Af
rica and South America. It
is one of three quarantinable infections. Incubation period varies from a few ho
urs to

five days. Watery diarrhoea may be torrential and the resultant dehydrat
ion and electrolyte imbalance,
complicated by cardiac failure, commonly causes death. The victims skin elasticit
y is lost, the eyes are
sunken, and the radial pulse may be barely perceptible. Urine production may be
completely suppressed.
Diagnosis is by detection of V. cholerae in a faecal sample. Treatment consists
of rapid rehydration.
Whereas the intravenous route may be required in a severe case, in the vast majo
rity of patients oral
rehydration (using an appropriate solution containing sodium chloride, glucose,
sodium bicarbonate, and
potassium) gives satisfactory results. Proprietary rehydration fluids do not alw
ays contain adequate sodium
for rehydration in a severe case. ANTIBIOTICS, for example, tetracycline and dox
ycycline, reduce the period
during which V. cholerae is excreted (in children and pregnant women, furazolido
ne is safer); in an
epidemic, rapid resistance to these, and other antibiotics, has been clearly dem
onstrated. Prevention
consists of improving public health infrastructure in particular, the quality of
drinking water. When
supplies of the latter are satisfactory, the infection fails to thrive. Though t
here have recently been
large epidemics of cholera in much of South America and parts of central Africa
and the Indian
subcontinent, the risk of tourists and travellers contracting the disease is low
if they take simple
precautions. These include eating safe food (avoid raw or undercooked seafood, a
nd wash vegetables in clean
water) and drinking clean water. There is no cholera vaccine at present availabl
e in the UK as it provides
little protection and cannot control spread of the disease. Those travelling to
countries where it exists
should pay scrupulous attention to food and water cleanliness and to personal hy
Choleretic The term applied to a drug that stimulates the flow of BILE.
Cholestasis A reduction or stoppage in the flow of BILE into the intesti
ne caused either by a blockage
such as a stone in the BILE DUCT or by liver disease disturbing the production o
f bile. The first type is
called extrahepatic biliary obstruction and the second, intrahepatic cholestasis
. The patient develops
jaundice and itching and passes dark urine and pale faeces. Cholestasis may occa
sionally occur during
Cholesterol A
that is an important constituent of
body cells and so widely distributed throughout the body. It is especial

ly abundant in the brain,

nervous tissue, adrenal glands and skin. It is also found in egg yolk and gall-s
tones (see GALLBLADDER,
DISEASES OF). Cholesterol plays an important role in the body, being essential f
or the production of the
sex hormones as well as for the repair of membranes. It is also the source from
which BILE acids are
manufactured. The total amount in the body of a man weighing 70 kilograms (10 st
ones) is around 140 grams,
and the amount present in the blood is 3678 mmol per litre or 150250 milligrams per
100 millilitres. A
high blood-cholesterol level that is, one over 6 mmol per litre or 238 mg per 10
0 ml is undesirable as
there appears to be a correlation between a high blood cholesterol and ATHEROMA,
the form of arterial
degenerative disease associated with coronary thrombosis and high blood pressure
. This is well exemplified
in DIABETES MELLITUS and HYPOTHYROIDISM, two diseases in which there is a high b
lood cholesterol, sometimes
going as high as 20 mmol per litre; patients with these diseases are known to be
particularly prone to
arterial disease. There is also a familial disease known as hypercholesterolaemi
a, in which members of
affected families have a blood cholesterol of around 18 mmol per litre or more,
and are particularly liable
to premature degenerative disease of the arteries. Many experts believe that the
re is no safe level and
that everybody should attempt to keep their cholesterol level as low as possible
. Cholesterol exists in
three forms in the blood: high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) which are believed to
protect against arterial
disease, and a low-density version (LDLs) and very lowdensity type (VLDLs), thes
e latter two being risk
factors. The rising incidence of arterial disease in western countries in recent
years has drawn attention
to this relationship between high levels of cholesterol in the blood and arteria
l disease. The available
evidence indicates that there is a relationship between bloodcholesterol levels
and the amount of fat
consumed; however, the blood-cholesterol level bears little relationship to the
amount of cholesterol
consumed, most of the cholesterol in the body being produced by the body itself.
On the other hand, diets
high in saturated fatty acids chiefly animal fats such as red meat, butter and d
ripping tend to raise
the blood-cholesterol level; while foods high in unsaturated fatty acids chiefly
vegetable products such
as olive and sunflower oils, and

136 Choline
oily fish such as mackerel and herring tend to lower it. There is a tend
ency in western society to
eat too much animal fat, and current health recommendations are for everyone to
decrease saturated-fat
intake, increase unsaturated-fat intake, increase daily exercise, and avoid obes
ity. This advice is
particulary important for people with high blood-cholesterol levels, with diabet
es mellitus, or with a
history of coronary thrombosis (see HEART, DISEASES OF). As well as a low-choles
terol diet, people with
high cholesterol values or arterial disease may be given cholesterol-reducing dr
ugs such as STATINS, but
this treatment requires full clinical assessment and ongoing medical monitoring.
Recent research involving
the worlds largest trial into the effects of treatment to lower concentrations of
cholesterol in the blood
showed that routine use of drugs such as statins reduced the incidence of heart
attacks and strokes by
one-third, even in people with normal levels of cholesterol. The research also s
howed that statins
benefited women and the over-70s.
Choline One of the many constituents of the vitamin B complex. Lack of i
t in the experimental animal
produces a fatty liver. It is found in egg-yolk, liver, and meat. The probable d
aily human requirement is
500 mg, an amount amply covered by the ordinary diet. Choline can be synthesised
by the body (see APPENDIX
the symptoms, as can the drugs used to treat PARKINSONISM. Types of chor
an inherited disease, and SYDENHAMS CHOREA, which is autoimmune.
There is also a degenerative form senile chorea.
Choriocarcinoma A form of cancer affecting the CHORION, in the treatment
of which particularly
impressive results are being obtained from the use of methotrexate.
Chorion This is the more external of the two fetal membranes. (See PLACE
Chorionic Gonadotrophic Hormone A hormone produced by the PLACENTA durin
g pregnancy. It is similar to
the pituitary GONADOTROPHINS, which are blocked during pregnancy. Large amounts
appear in a womans urine
when she is pregnant and are used as the basis for pregnancy tests. Human gonado
trophins are used to treat
delayed puberty and premenstrual tension.
Choroid See EYE.
Choroiditis See UVEITIS.

A description of nerve fibres that release ACETYLCHOLINE as a NEUROTRANS

Choroid Plexus
An ENZYME that helps to break down the neurotransmitter compound ACETYLC
Chondroma A TUMOUR composed in part of cartilage.
Chorda A nerve-fibre, tendon or cord.
Chorea Chorea, or St Vituss dance, is the occurrence of short, purposeles
s involuntary movements of
the face, head, hands and feet. Movements are sudden, but the affected person ma
y hold the new posture for
several seconds. Chorea is often accompanied by ATHETOSIS, when it is termed cho
reoathetosis. Choreic
symptoms are often due to disease of the basal ganglion in the brain. The withdr
awal of phenothiazines may
An extensive web of blood vessels occurring in the ventricles of the BRA
IN and producing the
Christmas Disease A hereditary disorder of blood coagulation which can o
nly be distinguished from
HAEMOPHILIA by laboratory tests. It is so-called after the surname of the first
case reported in this
country. About one in every ten patients clinically diagnosed as haemophiliac ha
s in fact Christmas
disease. It is due to lack in the blood of Factor IX (see COAGULATION).
Chromaffin A term applied to certain cells and organs in the body, such
as part of the adrenal glands,
which have a peculiar affinity for chrome salts. These cells and tissues general
ly are supposed to secrete
substances which have an important action in maintaining the tone and elasticity
of the blood vessels and

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chromatin The genetic material found in the nucleus of a cell. It consis
ts of PROTEIN and
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). During mitotic division of the cell, chromatin cond
enses into CHROMOSOMES.
Chromic Acid Chromic acid is used in several industries, particularly in
chromium plating. Unless
precautions are taken it may lead to dermatitis of the hands, arms, chest and fa
ce. It may also cause deep
ulcers, especially of the nasal septum and knuckles.
Chromosomes The rod-shaped bodies to be found in the nucleus of every ce
ll in the body. They contain
the GENES, or hereditary elements, which establish the characteristics of an ind
ividual. Composed of a long
double-coiled filament of DNA, they occur in pairs one from the maternal, the ot
her from the paternal
and human beings possess 46, made up of 23 pairs. The number of chromosomes is s
pecific for each species of
animal. Each chromosone can duplicate an exact copy of itself between each cell
division. (See GENETIC
Chronic Disorder A persistent or recurring condition or group of symptom
s. Chronic disorders are
customarily contrasted with acute diseases which start suddenly and last a short
time. The symptoms of
acute disease often include breathlessness, fever, severe pain and malaise, with
the patients condition
changing from day to day or even hour to hour. Those suffering from chronic cond
itions for example,
severe arthritis, protracted lung disease, ASTHMA or SILICOSIS should be disting
uished from those with a
static disability following a stroke or injury. Chronic disorders steadily deterio
rate, often despite
treatment and the patient is increasingly unable to carry out his or her daily a
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) See also MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (ME).
A condition characterised by severe, disabling mental and physical fatig
ue brought on by mental or
physical activity and associated with a range of symptoms including muscle pain,
headaches, poor sleep,
disturbed moods and impaired concentration. The prevalence of the condition is b
etween 0.2 and 2.6 per cent
of the population (depending on how investigators
define CFS/ME). Despite the stereotype of yuppie flu, epidemiological rese
arch has shown that the
condition occurs in all socioeconomic and ethnic groups. It is commoner in women
and can also occur in
children. In the 19th century CFS was called neurasthenia. In the UK, myalgic en
cephalomyelitis (ME) is
often used, a term originally introduced to describe a specific outbreak such as
the one at the Royal Free

Hospital, London in 1955. The term is inaccurate as there is no evidence of infl

ammation of the brain and
spinal cord (the meaning of encephalomyelitis). Doctors prefer the term CFS, but
many patients see this as
derogatory, perceiving it to imply that they are merely tired all the time rather
than having a disabling
illness. The cause (or causes) are unknown, so the condition is classified along
side other medically
unexplained syndromes such as IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS) and multiple chemica
l sensitivity all of
which overlap with CFS. In many patients the illness seems to start immediately
after a documented
infection, such as that caused by EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS, or after viral MENINGITIS,
These infections seem to be a trigger rather than a cause: mild immune activatio
n is found in patients, but
it is not known if this is cause or effect. The bodys endocrine system is disturb
ed, particularly the
hypothalamopituitary-adrenal axis, and levels of cortisol are often a little low
er than normal the
opposite of what is found in severe depression. Psychiatric disorder, usually de
pression and/or anxiety, is
associated with CFS, with rates too high to be explained solely as a reaction to
the disability
experienced. Because we do not know the cause, the underlying problem cannot be
dealt with effectively and
treatments are directed at the factors leading to symptoms persisting. For examp
le, a slow increase in
physical activity can help many, as can COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY. Too much re
st can be harmful, as
muscles are rapidly weakened, but aggressive attempts at coercing patients into
exercising can be
counter-productive as their symptoms may worsen. Outcome is influenced by the pr
esence of any pre-existing
psychiatric disorder and the sufferers beliefs about its causes and treatment. Re
search continues.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) This is a term encompassing
and chronic ASTHMA where the airflow into the lungs is obstructed.

138 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic bronchitis is typified by chronic productive cough for at least
three months in two successive
years (provided other causes such as TUBERCULOSIS, lung cancer and chronic heart
failure have been
excluded). The characteristics of emphysema are abnormal and permanent enlargeme
nt of the airspaces
(alveoli) at the furthermost parts of the lung tissue. Rupture of alveoli occurs
, resulting in the creation
of air spaces with a gradual breakdown in the lungs ability to oxygenate the bloo
d and remove carbon
dioxide from it (see LUNGS). Asthma results in inflammation of the airways with
the lining of the
BRONCHIOLES becoming hypersensitive, causing them to constrict. The obstruction
may spontaneously improve
or do so in response to bronchodilator drugs. If an asthmatic patients airway-obs
truction is characterised
by incomplete reversibility, he or she is deemed to have a form of COPD called a
sthmatic bronchitis;
sufferers from this disorder cannot always be readily distinguished from those p
eople who have chronic
bronchitis and/ or emphysema. Symptoms and signs of emphysema, chronic bronchiti
s and asthmatic bronchitis
overlap, making it difficult sometimes to make a precise diagnosis. Patients wit
h completely reversible
airflow obstruction without the features of chronic bronchitis or emphysema, how
ever, are considered to be
suffering from asthma but not from COPD. The incidence of COPD has been increasi
ng, as has the death rate.
In the UK around 30,000 people with COPD die annually and the disorder makes up
10 per cent of all
admissions to hospital medical wards, making it a serious cause of illness and d
isability. The prevalence,
incidence and mortality rates increase with age, and more men than women have th
e disorder, which is also
more common in those who are socially disadvantaged.
Causes The most important cause of COPD is cigarette smoking, though onl
y 15 per cent of smokers are
likely to develop clinically significant symptoms of the disorder. Smoking is be
lieved to cause persistent
airway inflammation and upset the normal metabolic activity in the lung. Exposur
e to chemical impurities
and dust in the atmosphere may also cause COPD. Signs and symptoms Most patients
develop inflammation of
the airways, excessive growth of mucus-secreting glands in the airways, and chan
ges to other cells in the
airways. The result is that mucus is transported less effectively along the airw
ays to eventual evacuation
as sputum. Small airways become obstructed and the alveoli lose their elastici
ty. COPD usually starts with
repeated attacks of productive cough, commonly following winter colds; these att
acks progressively worsen
and eventually the patient develops a permanent cough. Recurrent respiratory inf
ections, breathlessness on

exertion, wheezing and tightness of the chest follow. Bloodstained and/or infect
ed sputum are also
indicative of established disease. Among the symptoms and signs of patients with
advanced obstruction of
airflow in the lungs are: RHONCHI (abnormal musical sounds heard through a STETH
OSCOPE when the patient
breathes out). marked indrawing of the muscles between the ribs and development
of a barrel-shaped chest.
loss of weight. CYANOSIS in which the skin develops a blue tinge because of redu
ced oxygenation of blood in
the blood vessels in the skin. bounding pulse with changes in heart rhythm. OEDE
MA of the legs and arms.
decreasing mobility. Some patients with COPD have increased ventilation of the a
lveoli in their lungs, but
the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide are normal so their skin colour is norma
l. They are, however,
breathless so are dubbed pink puffers. Other patients have reduced alveolar ventil
ation which lowers
their oxygen levels causing cyanosis; they also develop COR PULMONALE, a form of
heart failure, and become
oedematous, so are called blue bloaters.

Investigations include various tests of lung function, including the pat
ients response to
bronchodilator drugs. Exercise tests may help, but radiological assessment is no
t usually of great
diagnostic value in the early stages of the disorder.
Treatment depends on how far COPD has progressed. Smoking must be stoppe
d also an essential
preventive step in healthy individuals. Early stages are treated with bronchodil
ator drugs to relieve
breathing symptoms. The next stage is to introduce steroids (given by inhalation
). If symptoms worsen,
physiotherapy breathing exercises and postural drainage is valuable and annual v
accination against
INFLUENZA is strongly advised. If the patient develops breathlessness on mild ex
ertion, has cyanosis,
wheezing and permanent cough and tends to HYPERVENTILATION, then oxygen therapy

Cimex Lectularius
should be considered. Antibiotic treatment is necessary if overt infecti
on of the lungs develops.
Complications Sometimes rupture of the pulmonary bullae (thin-walled air
spaces produced by the
breakdown of the walls of the alveoli) may cause PNEUMOTHORAX and also exert pre
ssure on functioning lung
tissue. Respiratory failure and failure of the right side of the heart (which co
ntrols blood supply to the
lungs), known as cor pulmonale, are late complications in patients whose primary
problem is emphysema.
Prognosis This is related to age and to the extent of the patients respon
se to bronchodilator drugs.
Patients with COPD who develop raised pressure in the heart/lung circulation and
subsequent heart failure
(cor pulmonale) have a bad prognosis.
Chronic Sick and Disabled Act 1970 UK legislation that provides for the
identification and care of
individuals who have an incurable chronic or degenerative disorder. The patients
are usually distinguished
from elderly people with chronic disorders. Local authorities identify relevant
individuals and arrange for
appropriate services. The legislation does not, however, compel doctors and nurs
es in the community to
inform local authorities of potential beneficiaries. This may be because the ind
ividuals concerned dislike
being on a register of disabled, or because questions of confidentiality prevent
health staff from
reporting the persons condition.
Chyle The milky fluid which is absorbed by the lymphatic vessels of the
intestine. The absorbed portion
consists of fats in very fine emulsion, like milk, so that these vessels receive
the name of lacteals (L.
lac, milk). This absorbed chyle mixes with the lymph and is discharged into the
thoracic duct, a vessel,
which passes up through the chest to open into the jugular vein on the left side
of the neck, where the
chyle mixes with the blood.
Chyluria The passage of CHYLE in the urine. This results in the passing
of a milky-looking urine. It is
one of the manifestations of FILARIASIS, where it is due to obstruction of the L
YMPHATICS by the causative
Chyme Partly digested food as it issues from the stomach into the intest
ine. It is very acid and grey
in colour, containing salts and sugars in solution, and the animal food softened
into a semi-liquid mass.
It is next converted into CHYLE.
Chymopapain An ENZYME obtained from the paw-paw, which is being used in
the treatment of prolapsed

INTERVERTEBRAL DISC. When injected into the disc it dissolves the cartilage tiss
Chymotrypsin An ENZYME produced by the PANCREAS which digests protein. I
t is used as an aid in
operations for removal of a cataract (see ZONULOLYSIS), and also by inhalation t
o loosen and liquefy
secretions in the windpipe and bronchi.
Cicatrix Another word for scar.
Ciclosporin A A drug used to prevent the rejection of transplanted organ
s such as the heart and
Cilia A term applied to minute, lash-like processes which are seen with
the aid of the microscope upon
the cells covering certain mucous membranes for example, the TRACHEA (or windpip
e) and nose and which
maintain movement in the fluid passing over these membranes. They are also found
on certain bacteria which
have the power of rapid movement.
Ciliary Body That part of the EYE that connects the iris and the choroid
. The ciliary ring is next to
the choroid; the ciliary processes comprise many ridges behind the iris, to whic
h the lenss suspensory
ligament is attached; and the ciliary muscle contracts to change the curvature o
f the lens and so adjust
the accommodation of the eye.
Cimetidine Cimetidine is a drug (known as an H2 receptor antagonist) tha
t is widely used in the
treatment of PEPTIC ULCER. It acts by reducing the hyperacidity of the gastric j
uice by antagonising
histamine receptors in the stomach.
Cimex Lectularius See BED BUG.

140 Cinchona
The general name for several trees in the bark of which QUININE is found
. This bark is also known as
Jesuits bark, having been first brought to notice by Spanish priests in South Ame
rica, and first brought
to Europe by the Countess of Cinchon, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1640. The
red cinchona bark contains
the most quinine; quinine is usually prepared from this. Various extracts and ti
nctures are made direct
from cinchona bark, and used in place of quinine.
Ciprofloxacin A quinolone antibiotic (see QUINOLONES) used to treat typh
oid and paratyphoid infections
Circle of Willis A circle of arteries at the base of the brain, formed b
y the junction of the basilar,
posterior cerebral, internal carotid and anterior cerebral arteries. Congenital
defects may occur in these
arteries and lead to the formation of aneurysm (see ANEURYSM).
Circulatory System of the Blood The course of the circulation is as foll
ows: the veins pour their
blood, coming from the head, trunk, limbs and abdominal organs, into the right a
trium of the HEART. This
contracts and drives the blood into the right ventricle, which then forces the b
lood into the LUNGS by way
of the pulmonary artery. Here it is contained in thin-walled capillaries, over w
hich the air plays freely,
and through which gases pass readily out and in. The blood gives off carbon diox
ide (CO2) and takes up
oxygen (see RESPIRATION), and passes on by the pulmonary veins to the left atriu
m of the heart. The left
atrium expels it into the left ventricle, which forces it on into the aorta, by
which it is distributed all
over the body. Passing through capillaries in the various tissues, it enters ven
ules, then veins, which
ultimately unite into two great veins, the superior and the inferior vena cava,
these emptying into the
right atrium. This complete circle is accomplished by any particular drop of blo
od in about half a minute.
In one part of the body there is a further complication. The veins coming from t
he bowels, charged with
food material and other products, split up, and their blood undergoes a second c
apillary circulation
through the liver. Here it is relieved of some food material and purified, and t
hen passes into the
inferior vena cava, and so to the right atrium. This is known as the portal circ
The circle is maintained always in one direction by four valves, situate
d one at the outlet from each
cavity of the heart. The blood in the arteries going to the body generally is br
ight red, that in the veins
dull red in colour, owing to the former being charged with oxygen and the latter

with carbon dioxide (see

RESPIRATION). For the same reason the blood in the pulmonary artery is dark, tha
t in the pulmonary veins is
bright. There is no direct communication between the right and left sides of the
heart, the blood passing
from the right ventricle to the left atrium through the lungs. In the embryo, be
fore birth, the course of
circulation is somewhat different, owing to the fact that no nourishment comes f
rom the bowels nor air into
the lungs. Accordingly, two large arteries pass out of the navel, and convey blo
od to be changed by contact
with maternal blood (see PLACENTA), while a large vein brings this blood back ag
ain. There are also
communications between the right and left atria, and between pulmonary artery an
d aorta. The latter is
known as the ductus arteriosus. At birth all these extra vessels and connections
close and rapidly shrivel
Circumcision A surgical procedure to remove the prepuce of the PENIS in
males and a part or all of the
external genitalia in females (see below). Circumcision is mainly done for relig
ious or ethnic reasons;
there is virtually no medical or surgical reason for the procedure. (The PREPUCE
is not normally
retractable in infancy, so this is not an indication for the operation by the ag
e of four the prepuce is
retractable in most boys.) Americans are more enthusiastic about circumcision, a
nd the reason offered is
that cancer of the penis occurs only when a foreskin is present. This is however
a rare disease. In the
uncircumcised adult there is an increased transmission of herpes and cytomegalov
iruses during the
reproductive years, but this can be reduced by adequate cleansing. PHIMOSIS (res
tricted opening of the
foreskin) is sometimes an indication for circumcision but can also be dealt with
by division of adhesions
between the foreskin and glans under local anesthetic. Haemorrhage, infection an
d meatal stenosis are rare
complications of circumcision. Circumcision in women is a damaging procedure, in
volving the removal of all
or parts of the CLITORIS, LABIA majora and labia minora, sometimes combined with
narowing of the entrance
to the VAGINA. Total removal of the external female genitalia, including the cli
toris, is called
INFIBULATION. The result may be psy-

Cleft Foot 141

chological and sexual problems and complications in childbirth, with no
known benefit to the womans
health, though cultural pressures have resulted in its continuation in some Musl
im and African countries,
despite widespread condemnation of the practice and campaigns to stop it. It has
been estimated that more
than 80 million women in 30 countries have been circumcised.
Cirrhosis Cirrhosis, or FIBROSIS, is a diseased condition, in which the
proper tissue is replaced by
fibrous tissue similar to scar tissue. The name cirrhosis was originally given b
y Laennec to the disease as
occurring in the liver, because of its yellow colour. (See LIVER, DISEASES OF.)
Cirsoid Aneurysm The condition in which a group of arteries become abnor
mally dilated and tortuous.
Cisplatin A toxic drug with an alkylating action that gives it useful an
ti-tumour properties,
especially against solid tumours such as ovarian and testicular cancers (see CYT
Citric Acid This is responsible for the sharp taste associated with citr
us fruits, such as lemons and
limes, and other fruits such as currants and raspberries. Although chemically di
fferent from, it is similar
in action and appearance to tartaric acid, obtained from grapes and other fruits
, and similar to malic
acid, found in apples and pears.
Claudication A cramp-like pain that occurs in the legs on walking. It ma
y cause the sufferer to limp
or, if severe, stop him or her from walking. The usual cause is narrowing or blo
ckage of the arteries in
the legs due to ATHEROSCLEROSIS: smoking is a contributary factor. Intermittent
claudication occurs when a
person has to stop every so often to let the pain caused by the build-up of wast
e products in the muscles
to subside. The condition may be improved by exercise, for example, for an hour
a day (resting when the
pain starts). Pentoxifylline, a vasodilator, may help, as may CALCIUM-CHANNEL BL
OCKERS. Patients must avoid
all tobacco products.
Claustrophobia Morbid fear of being in a confined space, or the fear exp
erienced while in it.
Claustrophobia may develop because of a previous unpleasant experience in a conf
ined space. COGNITIVE
BEHAVIOUR THERAPY may help patients whose daily lives are seriously affected by
this disorder.
Clavicle The bone which runs from the upper end of the breastbone toward
s the tip of the shoulder
across the root of the neck. It supports the upper limb, keeps it out from the s
ide, and gives breadth to
the shoulders. The bone is shaped like an f with two curves, which give it increas

ed strength. It is,
however, liable to be broken by falls on the hand or on the shoulder, and is the
most frequently fractured
bone in the body. (See BONE, DISORDERS OF.)
Claw-Foot Claw-foot, or PES CAVUS, is a familial deformity of the foot c
haracterised by an abnormally
high arch of the foot accompanied by shortening of the foot, clawing of the toes
, and inversion, or turning
inwards, of the foot and heel. Its main effect is to impair the resilience of th
e foot resulting in a stiff
gait and aching pain. Milder cases are treated with special shoes fitted with a
sponge rubber insole. More
severe cases may require surgical treatment.
Claw-Hand A (contraction) deformity of the hand and fingers, especially
of the ring and little fingers.
The condition is generally due to paralysis of the ULNAR NERVE. A somewhat simil
ar condition is produced by
contraction of the fibrous tissues in the palm of the hand, partly due to rheuma
tic changes and partly to
injury caused by the constant pressure of a tool against the palm of the hand. (
Claw-Toes See CLAW-FOOT.
Cleft Foot A rare congenital abnormality characterised by the absence of
one or more toes and a deep
central cleft that divides the foot into two. It is sometimes known as lobster f
oot, or lobster claw. It
may be accompanied by other congenital defects, such as CLEFT HAND, absent perma
nent teeth, CLEFT PALATE
(and/or lip), absence of the nails, and defects of the eye.

142 Cleft Hand

Cleft Hand
A rare congenital abnormality characterised by the absence of one or mor
e fingers and a deep central
cleft that divides the hand into two. It is sometimes known as lobster hand. It
may be accompanied by other
congenital defects, such as CLEFT FOOT, absent permanent teeth, CLEFT PALATE (an
d/or lip), absence of the
nails and defects of the eye.
Cleft Palate A fissure in the roof of the mouth (palate) and/ or the lip
which is present at birth. It
is found in varying degrees of severity in about one in 700 children. Modern pla
stic surgery can greatly
improve the functioning of lips and palate and the appearance of the baby. Furth
er cosmetic surgery later
may not be necessary. The parent of the child who has cleft lip and/ or palate w
ill be given detailed
advice specific to his or her case. In general the team of specialists involved
are the paediatrician,
plastic surgeon, dentist or orthodontic specialist, and speech therapist. (See P
Clicking Finger A condition usually occurring in middle-aged people in w
hich the victim finds on
wakening in the morning that he or she cannot straighten the ring or middle fing
er spontaneously, but only
by a special effort, when it suddenly straightens with a painful click. Hence th
e name. In due course the
finger remains bent at all times unless a special effort is made to straighten i
t with the other hand. The
condition is due to a swelling developing in one of the tendons of the affected
finger. If the tendon
sheath is slit open surgically, the condition is relieved. Many cases recover sp
ontaneously if the patient
is prepared to wait.
Climacteric This was a word originally applied to the end of certain epo
chs or stages in the life of an
individual, at which some great change was supposed to take place. (See also MEN
Clindamycin An antibiotic used in the treatment of serious infections. I
t is active against
gram-positive cocci, including penicillin-resistant staphylococci (see STAPHYLOC
OCCUS) and also many
anaerobes (see ANAEROBE), especially Bacteroides fragilis. It is recommended for
staphylococcal bone and
joint infections such as OSTEOMYELITIS and intra-abdominal sepsis, as well as EN
DOCARDITIS prophylaxis.
Clindamycin has
only limited use because of its adverse effects; patients should discont
inue immediately if diarrhoea
or colitis develops.

Clinical Clinical means literally belonging to a bed, but the word is used
to denote anything
associated with the practical study or observation of sick people as in clinical
medicine, clinical
Clinical Audit A MEDICAL professionals.
carried out by health
Clinical Governance A concept, introduced in a UK government White Paper
in 1997, aimed at ensuring
that all NHS organisations have in place proper processes for continuously monit
oring and improving
clinical audit. All clinicians and managers are now expected to understand their
individual and collective
responsibilities for assuring accountability for the quality of patient care. Cl
inical governance is now
included in the NHS legislation based on the 1997 White Paper. (See also MEDICAL
Clinical Guidelines Systematically developed statements which assist cli
nicians and patients to decide
on appropriate treatments for specific conditions. The guidelines are attractive
to health managers and
patients because they are potentially able to reduce variation in clinical pract
ice. This helps to ensure
that patients receive the right treatment of an acceptable standard. In England
and Wales, the NATIONAL
INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE (NICE) is developing national guidelines with
advice from health-care
professionals and patients to improve clinical effectiveness of NHS care. Some d
octors have reservations
about guidelines because (1) health-care managers might use them primarily to co
ntain costs; (2)
inflexibility would discourage clinical innovations; (3) they could encourage li
tigation by patients. (See
Clinical Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour. It
may be applied in various
settings including education, industry and health care. Clinical psychology is c
oncerned with the practical
application of research findings in the fields of physical and mental health. Tr
aining in clinical

Clinical Trials
psychology involves a degree in psychology followed by postgraduate trai
ning. Clinical psychologists
are specifically skilled in applying theoretical models and objective methods of
observation and
measurement, and in therapeutic interventions aimed at changing patients dysfunct
ional behaviour,
including thoughts and feelings as well as actions. Dysfunctional behaviour is e
xplained in terms of normal
processes and modified by applying principles of normal learning, adaption and s
ocial interaction. Clinical
psychologists are involved in health care in the following ways: (1) Assessment
of thoughts, emotions and
behaviour using standardised methods. (2) Treatment based on theoretical models
and scientific evidence
about behaviour change. Behaviour change is considered when it contributes to ph
ysical, psychological or
social functioning. (3) Consultation with other health-care professionals about
problems concerning
emotions, thinking and behaviour. (4) Research on a wide variety of topics inclu
ding the relationship
between stress, psychological functioning and disease; the aetiology of problem
behaviours; methods and
theories of behaviour change. (5) Teaching other professionals about normal and
dysfunctional behaviour,
emotions and functioning. Clinical psychologists may specialise in work in parti
cular branches of patient
care, including surgery, psychiatry, geriatrics, paediatrics, mental handicap, o
bstetrics and gynaecology,
cardiology, neurology, general practice and physical rehabilitation. Whilst the
focus of their work is
frequently the patient, at times it may encompass the behaviour of the health-ca
re professionals.
Clinical Risk Management Initially driven by anxiety about the possibili
ty of medical negligence cases,
clinical risk management has evolved into the study of IATROGENIC DISEASE. The f
irst priority of risk
managers is to ensure that all therapies in medicine are as safe as possible. Al
lied to this is a
recognition that errors may occur even when error-prevention strategies are in p
lace. Lastly, any accidents
that occur are analysed, allowing a broader understanding of their cause. Risk m
anagement is generally
centred on single adverse events. The threat of litigation is taken as an opport
unity to expose unsafe
conditions of practice and to put pressure on those with the authority to implem
ent change. These might
include senior clinicians, hospital management, the purchasing authorities, and
even the Secretary of State
for Health. Attention is
focused on organisational factors rather than on the individuals involve
d in a specific case.
Clinical Signs The physical manifestations of an illness elicited by a d
octor when examining a patient

for example, a rash, lump, swelling, fever or altered physical function such as
Clinical Symptoms The experiences of a patient as communicated to a doct
or, for example, pain,
weakness, cough. They may or may not be accompanied by confirmatory CLINICAL SIG
Clinical Trials (See EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE.) Clinical trials aim to ev
aluate the relative effects of
different health-care interventions. They are based on the idea that there must
a fair comparison of the
alternatives in order to know which is better. Threats to a fair comparison incl
ude the play of chance and
bias, both of which can cause people to draw the wrong conclusions about how eff
ective a treatment or
procedure is. An appreciation of the need to account for chance and bias has led
to development of methods
where new treatments are compared to either a PLACEBO or to the standard treatme
nt (or both) in a
controlled, randomised clinical trial. Controlled means that there is a comparison
group of patients not
receiving the test intervention, and randomised implies that patients have been as
signed to one or other
treatment group entirely by chance and not because of their doctors preference. I
f possible, trials are
double-blind that is, neither the patient nor the investigator knows who is receiv
ing which
intervention until after the trial is over. All such trials must follow proper e
thical standards with the
procedure fully explained to patients and their consent obtained. The conduct, e
ffectiveness and
duplication of clinical trials have long been subjects of debate. Apart from occ
asional discoveries of
deliberately fraudulent research (see RESEARCH FRAUD AND MISCONDUCT), the struct
ure of some trials are
unsatisfactory, statistical analyses are sometimes disputed and major problems h
ave been the usually
unwitting duplication of trials and non-publication of some trials, restricting
access to their findings.
Duplication occurs because no formal international mechanism exists to enable re
search workers to discover
whether a clinical trial they are planning is already underway elsewhere or has
been completed but never
published, perhaps because the

144 Clitoris
results were negative, or no journal was willing to publish it, or the a
uthors or funding authorities
decided not to submit it for publication. In the mid 1980s a proposal was made f
or an international
register of clinical trials. In 1991 the NHS launched a research and development
initiative and, liaising
with the COCHRANE COLLABORATION, set out to collect systematically data from pub
lished randomised clinical
trials. In 1994 the NHS set up a Centre for Reviews and Dissemination which, amo
ng other responsibilities,
maintains a database of research reviews to provide NHS staff with relevant info
rmation. These efforts are
hampered by availability of information about trials in progress and unpublished
completed trials. With a
view to improving accessibility of relevant information, the publishers of Curre
nt Science, in 1998,
launched an online metaregister of ongoing randomised controlled trials. Subsequ
ently, in October 1999, the
editors of the British Medical Journal and the Lancet argued that the case for a
n international register of
all clinical trials prior to their launch was unanswerable. The public, they said,
has the right to know
what research is being funded. Researchers and research funders dont want to wast
e resources repeating
trials already underway. Given the widening recognition of the importance to pati
ents and doctors of the
practice of EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE, the easy availability of information on pla
nned, ongoing and completed
clinical trials is vital. The register was finally set up in 2005.
Clitoris A small, sensitive organ comprising erectile tissue at the top
of the female genitalia where
the labial folds meet below the pubic bone. Clitoral tissue extends into the ant
erior roof of the vagina.
During sexual excitement the clitoris enlarges and hardens and may be the focus
of orgasm. (See
Clofazimine A drug used in the treatment of LEPROSY.
Clomiphene An anti-oestrogen drug that stimulates ovulation, or the prod
uction of ova, through the
medium of the PITUITARY GLAND. When used in the treatment of female infertility,
one of its hazards is
that, if given in too-big doses, it may produce multiple births.
Clomipramine One of the tricyclic
Clonazepam A drug to treat EPILEPSY, including STATUS EPILEPTICUS, and M
YOCLONUS. (See also

Clone A group of cells genetically identical to each other that have ari
sen from one cell by asexual
reproduction (see CLONING).
Clonic A word applied to short spasmodic movements.
Clonidine A drug used for
menopausal flushing. It can cause drowsiness so caution is needed when d
riving or using machinery.
Cloning Cloning from the Greek klon, meaning a cutting such as is used t
o propagate plants is
essentially a form of asexual reproduction. The initial stages were first succes
sfully achieved in rabbits.
In essence the technique consists of destroying the nucleus of the egg and repla
cing it with the nucleus
from a body cell of the same species either a male or a female. This provides th
e egg with a full
complement of CHROMOSOMES and it starts to divide and grow just as it would if i
t had retained its nucleus
and been fertilised with a spermatozoon. The vital difference is that the embryo
resulting from this
cloning process owes nothing genetically to the female egg. It is identical in e
very respect with the
animal from which the introduced nucleus was obtained. In 1997 the first mammal
to be cloned from the
tissue of an adult animal was born. A technique that scientists have been trying
to perfect for decades,
the success of the Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh, in producing Dolly, a cloned
sheep, has profound
implications. Already some scientists are talking of cloning humans, although th
is has great medical, legal
and ethical consequences. The key to the scientists success in producing Dolly wa
s the ability to
coordinate the fusion of a donor cell (from an adult) containing all its DNA wit
h a recipient egg from
which DNA had been removed. The difficulty of the technique is shown by the fact
that, out of 277 fused
pairs of cells where the donor cell was from adult tissue, Dolly was the only su
rvivor and she has
developed premature

Cluster Headaches
arthritis. Research suggests that cloning may be accompanied by a higher
than normal incidence of
congenital defects. Since Dolly was born, other animal clones have been produced
and American researchers
have cloned the first human embryo which grew to six cells with the aim of provi
ding stem cells for
therapeutic use. As a result the UK government passed emergency legislation to o
utlaw human cloning for
reproductive purposes.
Clonus A succession of intermittent muscular relaxations and contraction
s usually resulting from a
sustained stretching stimulus. An example is the clonus stimulated in the calf m
uscle by maintaining
sustained upward pressure on the sole of the foot. The condition is often a sign
of disease in the brain or
spinal cord.
Clormethiazole A useful hypnotic, particularly for elderly patients, bec
ause of its freedom from
hangover effect. It is especially beneficial in the acute withdrawal symptoms of
alcoholism and is used to
treat STATUS EPILEPTICUS. The drugs sedative effects are an adjunct to regional a
naesthesia and may also
be of help in ECLAMPSIA. Dependence may occur occasionally and therefore the len
gth of period for which the
drug is used should be limited. Side-effects include sneezing, conjunctival irri
tation and occasional
Clostridium The genus, or variety, of micro-organisms that produce spore
s which enable them to survive
under adverse conditions. They normally grow in soil, water and decomposing plan
t and animal matter, where
they play an important part in the process of PUTREFACTION. Among the important
members of the group, or
genus, are Clostridium welchii, Cl. septicum and Cl. oedematiens, the causes of
gas gangrene (see
GANGRENE); Cl. tetani, the cause of TETANUS; and Cl. botulinum, the cause of BOT
Clot The term applied to any semi-solid mass of blood, lymph or other bo
dy fluid. Clotting in the blood
is due to the formation of strings of FIBRIN produced by the action of a ferment
. Milk clots in a similar
manner in the stomach when exposed to the action of the enzyme rennin. Clotting
occurs naturally when blood
is shed and comes into contact with tissues outside the blood vessels. It occurs
also at times in
diseased vessels (THROMBOSIS), producing serious effects upon the tissue
s supplied or drained by these
vessels. Clots sometimes form in the heart when the circulation is failing. (See
Clotrimazole A drug of the IMIDAZOLES group used to treat fungal infecti

ons of the skin and vagina.

Clotting Time See COAGULATION.
Clozapine An antipsychotic drug used to treat schizophrenic patients (se
e SCHIZOPHRENIA) who have not
responded to other treatments or who have suffered serious side-effects from the
m. Improvement is gradual
and it may be several weeks before severe symptoms are relieved. The drug can ca
it is given under close hospital supervision.
Clubbing The term applied to the thickening and broadening of the finger
tips and, less commonly, the
tips of the toes that occurs in certain chronic diseases of the lungs and heart.
It is due to
interstitial OEDEMA especially at the nail bed, leading to a loss of the acute a
ngle between the nail and
the skin of the finger. Clubbing is associated with lung cancer, EMPYEMA, BRONCH
IECTASIS and congenital
cyanotic heart disease.
Club-Foot See TALIPES.
Cluster In statistical terms a group of subjects, closely linked in time
and/or place of occurrence.
For example, geographical clusters of LEUKAEMIA have been found that is, an unex
pectedly large number of
persons with the disease who live in close proximity. Much research goes into tr
ying to discover the cause
of clusters but sometimes they appear to have occurred randomly.
Cluster Headaches A type of MIGRAINE occurring in clusters that is, a pa
tient may have an attack
daily for several days and then none for weeks or months. The pain is on one sid
e of the head, often
centred over the eye. The pain is excruciatingly severe and often associated wit
h tearing, nasal discharge
and production of thick saliva from the same side of the mouth. It is treated ei
ther with

146 CMV
drugs such as SUMATRIPTAN or by breathing 100 per cent oxygen.
Coagulation Coagulation of the blood is the process whereby bleeding (or
haemorrhage) is normally
arrested in the body. Blood starts to clot as soon as the skin (or other tissue)
has been cut. Coagulation
is part of the process of HAEMOSTASIS which is the arrest of bleeding from an in
jured or diseased blood
vessel. Haemostasis depends on the combined activities of vascular, platelet (se
elements which are offset by processes to restrict the accumulation of platelets
and FIBRIN to the damaged
area. The three-stage process of coagulation is complex, involving many differen
t substances. There are two
cascading pathways of biochemical reactions for activating coagulation of blood.
The extrinsic pathway is
the main physiological mechanism, which is triggered when blood vessels are dama
ged, usually by trauma or
surgery. The intrinsic pathway is activated by internal disruption of the wall o
f a blood vessel. The basic
pattern is broadly the same for both and is summarised simply as follows: prothr
ombin + calcium +
thromboplastin thrombin + fibrinogen fibrin Prothrombin and calcium are normally
present in the blood.
Thromboplastin is an enzyme which is normally found in the blood platelets and i
n tissue cells. When
bleeding occurs from a blood vessel, there is always some damage to tissue cells
and to the blood
platelets. As a result of this damage, thromboplastin is released and comes into
contact with the
prothrombin and calcium in the blood. In the presence of thromboplastin and calc
ium, prothrombin is
converted into thrombin, which in turn interacts with fibrinogen a protein alway
s present in the blood
to form fibrin. Fibrin consists of needle-shaped crystals which, with the assist
ance of the blood
platelets, form a fine network in which the blood corpuscles become enmeshed. Th
is meshwork, or CLOT as it
is known, gradually retracts until it forms a tight mass which, unless the tissu
e injury is very severe or
a major artery has been damaged, prevents any further bleeding. It will thus be
seen that clotting, or
coagulation, does not occur in the healthy blood vessel because there is no thro
mboplastin present. There
is now evidence suggesting that there is an anti-thrombin substance present in the blood in small amounts, and that this substance an
tagonises any small amounts of
thrombin that may be formed as a result of small amounts of thromboplastin being
released. The clotting or
coagulation time is the time taken for blood to clot and can be measured under c
ontrolled conditions to
ensure that it is normal (38 minutes). In certain diseases HAEMOPHILIA, for examp
le clotting time is

greatly extended and the danger of serious haemorrhage enhanced.

Coagulopathy Any disorder affecting the coagulability of blood (see COAG
ULATION). Among acute
conditions precipitating the disorder are ABRUPTIO PLACENTA, HAEMOLYSIS followin
g blood transfusions,
infection with gram-negative bacteria (see GRAMS STAIN), HEAT STROKE, SHOCK and s
nakebite. Chronic
disorders linked with coagulopathy are septic ABORTION, TOXAEMIA of pregnancy, c
ertain cancers and
Coarctation of the Aorta A narrowing of the AORTA in the vicinity of the
insertion of the ductus
arteriosus. It is a congenital abnormality but may not be discovered until well
into childhood or
adolescence. The diagnosis is easily made by discovering a major difference betw
een the blood pressure in
the arms and that of the legs. If untreated it leads to hypertension and heart f
ailure, but satisfactory
results are now obtained from surgical treatment, preferably in infancy. Paediat
ricians screen for
coarctation by feeling for femoral pulses, which are absent or weak in this cond
Cobalamins A group of substances which have an enzyme action (see ENZYME
) and are essential for normal
growth and nutrition. (See also CYANOCOBALAMIN; HYDROXOCOBALAMIN.)
Cobalt-60 Cobalt-60 is a radioactive isotope of the metallic element cob
alt (Co). It is used in the
treatment of malignant disease. (See RADIOTHERAPY.)
Cocaine Coca leaves are obtained from two South American plants, Erythro
xylum coca and Erythroxylum
truxillense, and contain an alkaloid, cocaine. Cocaine has marked effects as a s
timulant, and, locally
applied, as an anaesthetic by paralysing nerves of sensation. The dried leaves h
ave been

Cod-Liver Oil
used from time immemorial by the South American Indians, who chew them m
ixed with a little lime. Their
effect is to dull the mucous surfaces of mouth and stomach, with which the saliv
a, produced by chewing
them, comes into contact thus blunting, for long periods, all feeling of hunger.
The cocaine, being
absorbed, stimulates the central nervous system so that all sense of fatigue and
breathlessness vanishes
for a time. It was by the use of coca that the Indian post-runners of South Amer
ica were able to achieve
their extraordinary feats of endurance. The continued use of the drug, however,
results in emaciation, loss
of memory, sleeplessness and general breakdown. DEPENDENCE on cocaine or a deriv
ative, crack, is now a
serious social problem in many countries.
Uses Before the serious effects that result from its habitual use were r
ealised, the drug was sometimes
used by hunters, travellers and others to relieve exhaustion and breathlessness
in climbing mountains and
to dull hunger. Derivatives of cocaine are used as locally applied analgesics vi
a sprays or injections in
dentistry and for procedures in the ear, nose and throat. Because of its serious
side-effects and the risk
of addiction, cocaine is a strictly controlled Class A drug which can be prescri
bed only by a medical
practitioner with a Home Office licence to do so.
Cocci Spherical BACTERIA that cause a variety of infections. Staphylococ
ci, streptococci and
meningococci (see NEISSERIACEAE) are examples.
Coccydynia The sensation of severe pain in the COCCYX.
Coccyx The lower end of the SPINAL COLUMN, resembling a birds beak and co
nsisting of four fused
nodules of bone; these represent vertebrae and correspond to the tail in lower a
nimals. Above the coccyx
lies a much larger bone, the SACRUM, and together they form the back wall of the
PELVIS, which protects the
organs in the lower ABDOMEN.
Cochlea That part of the inner ear concerned with hearing. (See EAR.)
Cochlear Implants A cochlear implant is an electronic device, inserted u
nder a general anaesthetic,
which stimulates the auditory system, restoring partial
hearing in profound sensory deafness. Although there are many types of c
ochlear implant, they all
consist of a microphone, a signal processor, a signal coupler (transmitter and r
eceiver), and an array of
electrodes. Most are multi-channel implants. The microphone and signal processor
are worn outside the body,
like a conventional hearing aid: they receive sound and convert it into an elect
ronic signal which is

transmitted through the skin to the receiver. Here the signal is transmitted to
the array of electrodes
which stimulates the cochlear nerve. Although cochlear implants do not provide n
ormal hearing, most
profoundly deaf patients who receive a cochlear implant are able to detect a var
iety of sounds, including
environmental sounds and speech. The duration of hearing-loss and age at implant
ation are among the many
factors which influence the results (see DEAFNESS).
Cochrane Collaboration A non-profit-making international organisation wh
ich systematically finds,
appraises and reviews available evidence, mainly from randomised CLINICAL TRIALS
, about the consequences of
health care. The aim is to help people make well-informed decisions about health
care. The main work is
done by around 50 review groups, the members of which share an interest in gener
ating reliable, up-to-date
evidence on the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of particular health pr
oblems or groups of
problems. The UK Cochrane Centre opened in Oxford in 1992 and the International
Collaboration launched a
year later. Its origins lay in the work of a UK epidemiologist, Dr Archie Cochra
ne, who in 1979 published a
monograph calling for a systematic collection of randomised controlled trials on
the effect of health care.
The main output of the Cochrane Collaboration is published electronically as the
Cochrane Library, updated
quarterly, with free access in many countries. (See CLINICAL TRIALS, EVIDENCE-BA
SED MEDICINE and Appendix
Codeine One of the active principles of OPIUM, codeine is an analgesic (
see ANALGESICS) which in the
form of codeine phosphate is used to suppress persistent coughs and to relieve p
ain such as headaches and
musculoskeletal discomfort. Side-effects include constipation, nausea and sleepi
ness. Dependence is rare.
Cod-Liver Oil Cod-liver oil is derived from the fresh liver of the cod (
Gadus callarius). It is a rich
source of

148 Coeliac Disease

vitamin D, used in the prevention and treatment of RICKETS, and of vitam
in A. Human milk contains more
than enough vitamin D for the breast-fed baby, provided the mother has a balance
d diet with adequate
exposure to sunlight, or is taking vitamin supplements during pregnancy and lact
ation if considered
necessary. All baby foods in the UK contain added vitamins, and therefore supple
mentation is unnecessary
until weaning begins, and the baby starts taking cows milk, which contains less v
itamin D than human milk.
Coeliac Disease Around one in 100 people suffers from coeliac disease, a
condition in which the small
INTESTINE fails to digest and absorb food, but many have no or few symptoms and
remain undiagnosed. The
intestinal lining is permanently sensitive to the protein gliadin (an insoluble
and potentially toxic
PEPTIDE protein) which is contained in GLUTEN, a constituent of the germ of whea
t, barley and rye. As bread
or other grain-based foods are a regular part of most peoples diet, the constant
presence of gluten in the
intestine of sufferers of coeliac disease causes atrophy of the digestive and ab
sorptive cells of the
intestine. Children are usually diagnosed when they develop symptoms such as vom
iting, diarrhoea, lethargy,
ANAEMIA, swollen abdomen and pale, frothy, foul-smelling faeces with failure to
thrive. The diagnosis is
usually made by a positive blood antibody test such as antiendomysial antibodies
. However, because there
may be an occasional false positive result, the gold standard is to obtain a biops
y of the JEJUNUM
through a tiny metal capsule that can be swallowed, a specimen taken, and the ca
psule retrieved. Though
coeliac disease was long thought to occur in childhood, a second peak of the dis
order has recently been
identified among people in their 50s. Not all sufferers from coeliac disease pre
sent with gastrointestinal
symptoms: doctors, using screening techniques, have increasingly identified larg
e numbers of such people.
This is important because researchers have recently discovered that untreated ov
ert and silent coeliac
disease increases the risk of sufferers developing osteoporosis (brittle bone di
OF) and cancer. The osteoporosis develops because the bowel fails to absorb the
CALCIUM essential for
normal bone growth. Because those with coeliac disease lack the enzyme LACTASE,
which is essential for
digesting milk, they avoid milk a rich source of calcium.
The key treatment is a strict, lifelong diet free of gluten. As well as
returning the bowel lining to
normal, this diet results in a return to normal bone density. People with coelia
c disease, or parents or
guardians of affected children, can obtain help and guidance from the Coeliac So
ciety of the United


Coelioscopy A method of viewing the interior of the abdomen in patients
in whom a tumour or some other
condition requiring operation may be present but cannot with certainty be diagno
sed. The examination is
carried out by making a minute opening under local anaesthesia, and inserting an
flexible instrument bearing an electric lamp and telescopic lenses like that for
examining the bladder
(CYSTOSCOPE) into the abdominal cavity. Certain of the abdominal organs can then
be directly inspected in
Cognition The mental processes by which a person acquires knowledge. Amo
ng these are reasoning,
creative actions and solving problems.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy A talking therapy that re-trains the mind to
question and banish negative
thoughts, change emotional responses and change behaviour. It is based on the th
eory that some people
develop unduly negative and pessimistic thoughts (cognitions) about themselves,
their future and the world
around them, putting them at risk of depression and other mental-health problems
. Put simply, the treatment
involves several sessions with a trained therapist who helps to identify the neg
ative patterns of thinking
and show that they are not usually realistic. Research has shown that cognitive
therapy is very effective
in depression and that it can also help in anxiety, OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDE
such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa. This therapy is also proving useful in hel
ping people cope with
Cohort Study A systemised follow-up study of people for a specific perio
d of time, or until the
occurrence of a defined event such as a particular illness or death. The aim is
to follow the disease
course and/or the reasons for the participants deaths. Different cohorts may be c
ompared and con-

clusions drawn about a particular disease or drug treatment.
Coitus is sexual intercourse.
such as asthma, bronchitis or ear infections. Most colds are self-limiti
ng, resolving in a week or ten
days, but some patients develop secondary bacterial infections of the sinuses, m
iddle ear (see EAR),
trachea, or LUNGS.
Coitus interruptus (see CONTRACEPTION).
Treatment Symptomatic treatment with
Colchicine A drug used to treat GOUT in the acute stage. Its use is limi
ted by the development of
toxicity at higher doses, but in patients with heart failure it may be preferabl
ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS), which tend to cause fluid retention. Colchicine
can be given to patients
receiving ANTICOAGULANTS. The drug does have side-effects on the gastrointestina
l system.
Colchicum The bulb of Colchicum autumnale, or meadowsaffron, has long be
en used as a remedy for GOUT.
How it acts is not quite certain.
Uses Its main use is in gout, for which colchicine, the active principle
of colchicum, in doses of 05
mg every one or two hours until the pain is relieved, followed by 05 mg thrice da
ily for about a week, is
the form generally employed.
Cold, Common An infection by any one of around 200 viruses, with about h
alf the common-cold infections
IRUSES are also culprits.
The common cold traditionally also called a chill is one of several viral infect
ions that cause
respiratory symptoms and systemic illness. Others include PNEUMONIA and GASTROEN
TERITIS. Colds are commoner
in winter, perhaps because people are more likely to be indoors in close contact
with others. Also called
acute coryza or upper respiratory infection, the common cold is characterised by
inflammation of any or all
of the airways NOSE, sinuses (see SINUS), THROAT, LARYNX, TRACHEA and bronchi (s
ee BRONCHUS). Most
common, however, is the head cold, which is confined to the nose and throat, with
initial symptoms
presenting as a sore throat, runny nose and sneezing. The nasal discharge may be
come thick and yellow a
sign of secondary bacterial infection while the patient often develops watery ey
es, aching muscles, a
cough, headache, listlessness and the shivers. PYREXIA (raised temperature) is u

sual. Colds can also result

in a flare-up of pre-existing conditions,
ANTIPYRETICS and ANALGESICS is usually sufficient; ANTIBIOTICS should no
t be taken unless there is
definite secondary infection or unless the patient has an existing chest conditi
on which could be worsened
by a cold. Cold victims should consult a doctor only if symptoms persist or if t
hey have a pre-existing
condition, such as asthma which could be exacerbated by a cold. Most colds resul
t from breathing-in
viruscontaining droplets that have been coughed or sneezed into the atmosphere,
though the virus can also
be picked up from hand-to-hand contact or from articles such as hand towels. Pre
vention is, therefore,
difficult, given the high infectivity of the viruses. No scientifically proven,
generally applicable
preventive measures have yet been devised, but the incidence of the infection fa
lls from about seven to
eight years schoolchildren may catch as many as eight colds annually to old age,
the elderly having few
colds. So far, despite much research, no effective vaccines have been produced.
Cold-Weather Itch Cold-weather itch is a common form of itchiness that o
ccurs in cold weather. It is
characterised by slight dryness of the skin, and is particularly troublesome in
the legs of old people. The
dryness may be accompanied by some mild inflammation of the skin. Treatment is b
y the application of
emollients such as aqueous cream or zinc ointment.
Colectomy The operation for removing the COLON.
Cholestyramine A drug of value in the treatment of the PRURITUS, or itch
ing, which occurs in
association with JAUNDICE. It does this by binding the bile salts in the gut and s
o preventing their
being reabsorbed into the bloodstream, where their excess in jaundice is respons
ible for the itching. It
reduces the level of cholesterol and

150 Colic
triglycerides in the blood and thereby, like clofibrate and STATINS, hel
ping to reduce the incidence of
coronary artery heart disease. (See HEART, DISEASES OF; HYPERLIPIDAEMIA.)
C Colic
This term is generally used for an attack of spasmodic pain in the abdom
Simple colic often results from the build-up of indigestible material in
the alimentary tract, leading
to spasmodic contractions in the muscular lining. Other causes include habitual
constipation, with
accumulation of faecal material; simple colic also occurs as an accompaniment of
neurological disorders.
Major risks include sudden obstruction of the bowel from twisting, INTUSSUSCEPTI
ON, or as a result of a
tumour or similar condition. (See also INTESTINE, DISEASES OF.)
Lead colic (traditional names include painters colic, colica pictonum, De
vonshire colic, dry
belly-ache) is due to the absorption of lead into the system. (See LEAD POISONIN
G.) Biliary colic and renal
colic are the terms applied to that violent pain which is produced, in the one c
ase where a biliary
calculus or gall-stone passes down from the gallbladder into the intestine, and
in the other where a renal
calculus descends from the kidney along the ureter into the bladder. (See GALL-B
Treatment This consists of means to relieve the spasmodic pain with warm
th and analgesics, and removal,
where possible, of the underlying cause.
Infantile colic is a common condition in babies under three months, some
times continuing for a little
longer. The babies cry persistently and appear to their parents to have abdomina
l pain, although this
remains unproven. Swaddling and massage can help, as can simply stimulating the
child with movement and
noise (rocking and singing). Medication is usually unhelpful, although the most
severely affected deserve
help because of the deleterious effect of infantile colic on family life.
Coliform Description of a gram-negative bacterium found in the faeces. I
t covers the bacterial groups
Enterobacter, Escherichia, and Klebsiella.
Colistin A POLYMYXIN antibiotic active against many gram-negative organi
sms, including Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. It is not absorbed by mouth and therefore needs to be given by injec
tion to obtain a systemic
effect; this is rarely indicated, however, as it has serious adverse effects. Co
listin is used by mouth in
bowelsterilisation regimens before surgery in patients. It is given by inhalatio
n of a nebulised solution
as an adjunct to some standard antibiotic therapy, and is included in some topic

al preparations, chiefly
for skin, eye and ear infections.
Colitis Inflammation of the colon, the first part of the large intestine
. The subject suffers from
diarrhoea, usually passing blood and mucus, abdominal pain or discomfort, and fe
ver. Colitis can be caused
by various micro-organisms: for example, CAMPYLOBACTER, CLOSTRIDIUM and SHIGELLA
bacteria, viruses or
amoeba. Anxiety and antibiotic drugs may also cause colitis, the latter by direc
tly irritating the lining
of the gut. Colitis is classified as an INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE (IBD) and ULC
particularly troublesome form, the cause of which is not known. CROHNS DISEASE ma
y also cause colitis and
is included in the umbrella designation IBD (see also IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (
Collagen The most abundant protein in the body. It is the major structur
al component of many parts of
the body and occurs in many different forms. Thus it exists as thick fibres in s
kin and tendons. It is also
an important constituent of the heart and blood vessels. With calcium salts it p
rovides the rigid structure
of bone. It also occurs as a delicate structure in the cornea of the eye, and in
what is known as the
basement membrane of many tissues including the glomeruli of the kidneys and the
capsule of the lens of the
eye. It plays a part in many diseases, hereditary and otherwise. Among the inher
ited abnormalities of
collagen are those responsible for aneurysms of the CIRCLE OF WILLIS and for OST
boiling it is converted into gelatin.
Collagen Diseases A group of diseases affecting CONNECTIVE TISSUE. The t
erm is really outdated since
there is no evidence that collagen is primarily involved. Fibrinoid NECROSIS and

characteristics, and autoimmunity reaction may occur in the connective tis
sue. The latter affects
blood vessels and causes secondary damage in the connective tissue. Such conditi
ons are sometimes described
as collagen vascular diseases, examples being RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, SYSTEMIC LUP
Collapse See SHOCK.
Collar-Bone See CLAVICLE.
Colles Fracture Colles fracture is a fracture of the lower end of the radi
us close to the wrist,
caused usually by a fall forwards on the palm of the hand, in which the lower fr
agment is displaced
backwards. (See BONE, DISORDERS OF.)
Collodions Collodions consist basically of a thick, colourless, syrupy l
iquid, made by dissolving
guncotton (pyroxylin) in a mixture of ether and alcohol or with acetone. When pa
inted on the skin the
solvent evaporates, leaving behind a tough protective film that is useful for co
vering wounds. Flexible
collodion or collodion as it is often known contains 16 per cent of pyroxylin, wi
th colophony, castor
oil and alcohol (90 per cent) in solvent ether. It should be kept in a well-seal
ed container. Being
relatively elastic, it does not crack through the movements of the skin.
Colloid A type of suspension, for instance milk, in which insoluble part
icles are suspended in a fluid.
In medical parlance a colloid preparation is one containing PLASMA proteins and
is used to treat patients
in SHOCK. The follicles of the thyroid gland also contain a colloid substance.
Coloboma Coloboma simply means a defect, but its use is usually restrict
ed to congenital defects of the
eye. These may involve the lens, the iris, the retina or the eyelid.
Colon The first part of the large INTESTINE.
Colonic Irrigation Washing out the large bowel with an ENEMA of water or
other medication.
Colonoscope An
ENDOSCOPE for viewing the COLON. It is made of fibreglass
interior of the which ensures flexibility, and incorporates a system of
lenses for magnification and a
lighting system.
Colonoscopy, Virtual A procedure that links COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY of the C
OLON (see also INTESTINE) with
techniques that produce three-dimensional views of the mucosa of the large bowel

similar to those obtained

during traditional colonoscopy. Early experience suggests that the new technique
produces better results
than barium enemas (see ENEMA) and is almost as effective as conventional colono
scopy. Virtual colonoscopy
offers faster results, and image analysis will probably soon be automated. The p
rocedure is easy,
non-invasive, safe and complete; once the need for bowel cleansing is eliminated
(as seems likely) it will
provide a prominent tool in screening for cancer of the colon and RECTUM.
Colostomy The operation for the establishment of an artificial opening i
nto the COLON. This acts as an
artificial ANUS. The operation is carried out when there is an obstruction in th
e colon or rectum that
cannot be overcome, or in cases such as cancer of the rectum in which the rectum
and part of the colon have
to be removed. A colostomy opening can be trained to function in such a way that
the patient can carry on a
normal life, eating a more or less normal diet. Anyone desiring help or advice i
n the practical management
of a colostomy should get in touch with the British Colostomy Association. (See
also STOMA.)
Colostrum The first fluid secreted by the mammary glands for two or thre
e days after childbirth. It
contains less CASEIN and more albumin (see ALBUMINS) than ordinary milk.
Colour Blindness See VISION
Defective colour vision.
Colporrhaphy An operation designed to strengthen the pelvic floor in cas
es of prolapse of the UTERUS.
The surgeon excises redundant tissue from the front vaginal wall (anterior colpo
rrhaphy) or from the rear
wall (posterior colporrhaphy), thus narrowing the vagina and tightening the musc
Colposcopy The method of examining the

152 Coma
by means of the binocular instrument known as the colposcope. It is used
to screen for cancer of the
cervix and in investigation of child sexual abuse.
C Coma
A state of profound unconsciousness in which the patient cannot be rouse
d and reflex movements are
absent. Signs include long, deep, sighing respirations, a rapid, weak pulse, and
low blood pressure.
Usually the result of a STROKE, coma may also be due to high fever, DIABETES MEL
LITUS, glomerulonephritis
ry to the head, overdose of
INSULIN, CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) poisoning, or poisoning from OPIUM and other NARCO
TICS. Though usually of
relatively short duration (and terminating in death, unless yielding to treatmen
t) it may occasionally last
for months or even years. (See UNCONSCIOUSNESS; GLASGOW COMA SCALE.)
Comedones See ACNE.
Commensal Micro-organisms which live in or on the body (e.g. in the gut
or respiratory tract, or on the
skin) without doing any harm to the individual.
Comminuted Fracture See BONE, DISORDERS OF.
Commission for Health Improvement See HEALTHCARE COMMISSION.
Commissure Commissure means a joining, and is a term applied to strands
of nerve fibres which join one
side of the brain to the other; to the band joining one optic nerve to the other
; to the junctions of the
lips at the corners of the mouth, etc.
Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) An independent advisory committee
launched in 1971 in the
United Kingdom composed of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists. It advise
AGENCY in the UK on the safety, efficacy and pharmaceutical quality of M
EDICINES for which licences are
sought and also reviews reports of ADVERSE REACTIONS TO DRUGS, including spontan
eous Yellow Card reports
from doctors or pharmacists who suspect that a patient has suffered an adverse r
eaction from a medicine.
Its predecessor, the Committee for Safety of Drugs, was set up in 1963 in respon

Common Cold See COLD, COMMON.

Communicable Disease This is an infectious or contagious disease which c
an be passed from one person to
another. Direct physical contact, the handling of an infected object, or the tra
nsfer by droplets coughed
or breathed out are all ways in which micro-organisms can be transmitted. The go
vernment produces a list of
NOTIFIABLE DISEASES, which includes all the dangerous communicable diseases from
anthrax, cholera and
diphtheria through meningitis, rabies and smallpox to typhoid fever and whooping
-cough (see respective
entries). The UKs Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984 and subsequent reg
ulations in 1988 oblige a
doctor who suspects that a patient has a notifiable disease to report this to th
e local consultant in
communicable disease. Expert support is provided by the Public Health Laboratory
Service via surveillance
centres and specialist laboratories.
Communicable Diseases Control The control of disease caused by infectiou
s agents or their toxic
products. Successes in the 19th and 20th centuries in the treatment and control
of communicable diseases
such as SMALLPOX, CHOLERA, TUBERCULOSIS, gastrointestinal infections, POLIOMYELI
TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS) resulted in an erroneous conception that they no lon
ger posed a serious threat
to public health, and certainly not in developed countries. As a consequence, th
e maintenance of effective
public health strategies steadily lost out in the competition for resources to t
he more glamorous
developments in medicine, such as improved CANCER treatments, HEART surgery, kid
ney DIALYSIS and organ
TRANSPLANTATION. However, in recent decades the dangers of this approach have be
come increasingly apparent.
Rapidly expanding urban populations, more complex lifestyles, new and resurgent
infections (some linked to
a spread of antibiotic resistance) such as AIDS/HIV and variant CREUTZFELDT-JAKO

Community Mental Health Teams

and the ease with which infection can be spread by the enormous growth o
f long-distance travel and
population migrations are severely straining existing public health measures. Th
e supply of clean water,
effective waste- and sewage-disposal measures, the hygienic production and deliv
ery of food and early
detection and subsequent prevention of infectious diseases can no longer be take
n for granted. Governments
will need to strengthen the provision of workable, properly resourced public hea
lth facilities, and
developing countries will need financial support and expert help from developed
nations to achieve this
objective. Timely recognition of new and resurgent infectious diseases requires
national and international
early-warning mechanisms to ensure rapid investigation and implementation of eff
ective control measures.
Otherwise, serious breakdowns in public health will occur, and international cooperation is vital to
provide and support control measures. (See also COMMUNICABLE DISEASE; NOTIFIABLE
Community Care Community care is intended to enable people to lead indep
endent lives at home or in
local residential units for as long as they are able to do so. For many years th
ere has been a trend in
Britain for care of elderly people and those with mental or physical problems to
be shifted from hospitals
and into community settings. In 1988 Sir Roy Griffithss report to the Secretaries
of State for Social
Services, Community Care: Agenda for Action, advised on the best use of public f
unds to provide effective
community care. The White Paper Caring for People, published in 1989, outlined t
he governments ideas for
developing these proposals further. The plans were then enshrined in law with th
e National Health Service
and Community Care Act of 1990. Since April 1993, local social-services departme
nts have been responsible
for assessing what help people need from community-care services: these can incl
ude home helps, meals on
wheels, sheltered housing, etc. Recipients of such services are means-tested and
make variable
contributions towards the costs. Policies on charging vary from one area to anot
her and there are wide
geographical variations in the range of services provided free and the charges l
evied for others. People
with complex needs may be assigned a case manager to coordinate the care package
and ensure that
appropriate responses are made to changing circumstances. The success of communi
ty care hinges on effective
ation of the services of an often large number of providers from the hea
lth and social-services
sectors. Poor communication between sectors and inadequate coordination of servi
ces have been among the
most common complaints about the community-care reforms. Health care for people

being cared for in the

community remains largely free under the NHS arrangements, although there are re
gular debates about where
the boundaries should be drawn between free health services and meanstested soci
al care. A distinction has
been made between necessary nursing care (funded by the state) and normal person
al care (the responsibility
of the patient), but the dividing line often proves hard to define. As care has
shifted increasingly into
the community, previous hospital facilities have become redundant. Vast numbers
of beds in long-stay
geriatric hospitals and in-patient psychiatric wards have been closed. There is
now concern that too few
beds remain to provide essential emergency and respite services. In some areas,
patients fit for discharge
are kept in hospital because of delay in setting up community services for the e
lderly, or because of the
inability of the local authority to fund appropriate care in a nursing home or a
t home with community-care
support for other patients; the resulting BED-BLOCKING has an adverse effect on
acutely ill patients
needing hospital admission. Community care, if correctly funded and coordinated,
is an excellent way of
caring for people with long-term needs, but considerable work is still needed in
Britain to ensure that all
patients have access to high-quality community care when they need it. Problems
in providing such are are
not confined to the UK.
Community Health Services Usually managed by NHS trusts, these are a com
plex variety of services
provided to people outside hospital settings. The key parts are the services del
ivered by district nurses,
health visitors and therapists for example, physiotherapists and speech therapis
Community Mental Health Teams Intended as a key part of the NHSs local co
mprehensive mental health
services serving populations of around 50,000, these multidisciplinary, multi-ag
ency teams have been less
effective than expected, in part due to varying modes of operation in different
districts. Some experts
argue that the services they provide for

154 Community Nurses

example, crisis intervention, liaison with primary care services and con
tinuing care for long-term
clients could be delivered more effectively by several specialist teams rather t
han a single, large
generic one comprising psychiatrists, psychologists, community mental health nur
ses, occupational
therapists, support and (sometimes) social workers.
Community Nurses A term that includes district nurses, health visitors,
practice nurses and school
nurses. While customarily based in a general practice or a health centre, they a
re independent health
professionals contracted to the NHS (see NURSING).
Community Paediatrician Formerly entitled consultant paediatrician (comm
unity child health), these are
specialists dealing with children with chronic problems not involving acute or h
ospital care. For example,
they have a primary role in dealing with disabled children, children with specia
l educational needs and
abused children.
when this power becomes temporarily insufficient. Compensation also refe
rs to the financial
compensation awarded to an individual who has been injured or made ill as a resu
lt of wrongful action or
inaction by another individual or organisation. NHS trusts are increasingly bein
g sued for compensation
because patients believe that they have had unsatisfactory or damaging treatment
. This is costing the NHS
over 1 billion a year. (See RISK MANAGEMENT.)
Compensation neurosis Compensation neurosis or traumatic neurosis is a psy
chological reaction to the
prospects of compensation. It is a condition about which specialists disagree. S
ufferers complain of a
range of symptoms that may be a genuine consequence of their condition or an exa
ggerated response.
Community Physician
Complement is a normal constituent of blood serum which plays an importa
nt part in the antibody-antigen
reaction which is the basis of many immunity processes. (See IMMUNITY.)
A doctor who works in the specialty that encompasses PREVENTIVE MEDICINE
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Compatibility The extent to which a persons defence systems will accept i
nvading foreign substances
for example, an injection of a drug, a blood transfusion or an organ transplant.

When incompatibility
occurs there is usually a rapid antibody attack on the invading antigen with a s
evere local or system
reaction in the individual receiving the antigenic substance. (See IMMUNITY.)
Compensation In medical parlance, a term applied to the counterbalancing
of some defect of structure or
function by some other special bodily development. The body possesses a remarkab
le power of adapting itself
even to serious defects, so that disability due to these passes off after a time
. The term is most often
applied to the ability possessed by the heart to increase in size, and therefore
in power, when the need
for greater pumping action arises in consequence of a defective valve or some ot
her abnormality in the
art in this condition is,
however, more liable to be prejudicially affected by strains and diseaseprocesse
s, and the term failure of
compensation is applied to the symptoms that result
This is the title used for a diverse group of health-related therapies a
nd disciplines which are not
considered to be a part of mainstream medical care. Other terms sometimes used t
o describe them include
natural medicine, nonconventional medicine and holistic medicine. CAM embraces those
herapies which
may either be provided alongside conventional medicine (complementary) or which
may, in the view of their
practitioners, act as a substitute for it. Alternative disciplines purport to pr
ovide diagnostic
information as well as offering therapy. However, there is a move now to integra
te CAM with orthodox
medicine and this view is supported by the Foundation for Integrated Medicine in
the UK in its report, A
way forward for the next five years? A discussion paper (1997). The University o
f Exeter Centre for
Complementary Health Studies report, published in 2000, estimated that there are
probably more than 60,000
practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine in the UK. In addition t
here are about 9,300
therapist members of organisations representing practitioners who have statutory
qualifications, including
doctors, nurses (see NURSING), midwives, osteopaths and physiotherapists; chirop
ractors became fully
regulated by statute in

Compression Syndrome
June 2001. There are likely to be many thousands more health staff with
an active interest or
involvement in the practice of complementary medicine for example, the 10,000 me
mbers of the Royal
College of Nursings Complementary Therapy Forum. It is possible that up to 20,000
statutory health
professionals regularly practise some form of complementary medicine including h
alf of all general
practices providing access to CAMs most commonly manipulation therapies. The rep
ort from the Centre at
Exeter University estimates that up to 5 million patients consulted a practition
er specialising in
complementary and alternative medicine in 1999. Surveys of users of complementar
y and alternative
practitioners show a relatively high satisfaction rating and it is likely that m
any patients will go on to
use such therapists over an extended period. The Exeter Centre estimates that, w
ith the increments of the
last two years, up to 1520 million people, possibly 33 per cent of the population
of the country, have now
sought such treatment. The 1998 meeting of the British Medical Association (BMA)
agreed to investigate the
scientific basis and efficacy of acupuncture and the quality of training and sta
ndards of confidence in its
practitioners. In the resulting report (July 2000) the BMA recommended that guide
lines on CAM use for
general practitioners, complementary medicine practitioners and patients were ur
gently needed, and that the
Department of Health should select key CAM therapies, including acupuncture, for
appraisal by the National
Institute for Clinical Medicine (NICE). The BMA also reiterated its earlier reco
mmendation that the main
CAM therapies, including acupuncture, should be included in familiarisation cour
ses on CAM provided within
medical schools, and that accredited postgraduate education should be provided t
o inform GPs and other
clinicians about the possible benefits of CAM for patients.
Complement System This is part of the bodys defence mechanism that compri
ses a series of 20 serum
peptides (see PEPTIDE). These are sequentially activated to produce three signif
icant effects: firstly, the
release of small peptides which provoke inflammation and attract phagocytes (see
PHAGOCYTE); secondly, the
deposition of a substance (component C3b) on the membranes of invading bacteria
or viruses, attracting
phagocytes to destroy the microbes; thirdly, the activation of substances that d
amage cell
membranes called lytic components which hasten the destruction of foreign
cells. (See
Complex The term applied to a combination of various actions or symptoms
. It is particularly applied to
a set of symptoms occurring together in mental disease with such regularity as t

o receive a special name.

Compliance The extent to which a patient follows the advice of a doctor
or other health professional,
especially in respect of drug or other treatments. This is generally increased i
f the patient understands
both the condition and the basis for the proposed treatment. Assessment of a pat
ients compliance should be
a routine part of treatment review.
Compress Compress is the name given to a pad of linen or flannel wrung o
ut of water and bound to the
body. It is generally wrung out of cold water, and may be covered with a piece o
f waterproof material. It
is used to subdue pain or inflammation. A hot compress is generally called a FOM
Compressed Air Illness Also known as caisson disease, this affects worke
rs operating in compressed-air
environments, such as underwater divers and workers in caissons (such as an ammu
nition wagon, a chest of
explosive materials, or a strong case for keeping out the water while the founda
tions of a bridge are being
built; derived from the French caisse, meaning case or chest). Its chief symptom
s are pains in the joints
and limbs (bends); pain in the stomach; headache and dizziness; and paralysis. S
udden death may occur. The
condition is caused by the accumulation of bubbles of nitrogen in different part
s of the body, usually
because of too-rapid decompression when the worker returns to normal atmospheric
presure a change that
must be made gradually.
Compression Syndrome See MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF.

156 Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography
Computerised Tomography
Tomography is an X-ray examination technique in which only structures in
a particular plane produce
clearly focused images. Whole-body computed tomography was introduced in 1977 an
d has already made a major
impact in the investigation and management of medical and surgical disease. The
technique is particularly
valuable where a mass distorts the contour of an organ (e.g. a pancreatic tumour
OF) or where a lesion has a density different from that of surrounding tissue (e
.g. a metastasis in the
LIVER). Computed tomography can distinguish soft tissues from cysts or fat, but
in general softtissue
masses have similar appearances, so that distinguishing an inflammatory mass fro
m a malignant process may
be impossible. The technique is particularly useful in patients with suspected m
alignancy; it can also
define the extent of the cancer by detecting enlarged lymph nodes, indicating ly
mphatic spread. The main
indications for computed tomography of the body are: mediastinal masses, suspect
ed pulmonary metastases,
adrenal disease, pancreatic masses, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, intra-abdominal
abscesses, orbital tumours
and the staging of cancer as a guide to effective treatment.
Computerised Decision-Support Systems Also known as expert systems, these
are computer software
systems intended to help doctors make clinical decisions. Primary care medicine
is especially noted for its
uncertainty by virtue of being most patients first point of contact with health c
are, confronting the
clinician with many undifferentiated health problems. So far, these systems have n
ot been as effective as
expected because of a failure to analyse the needs of primary care. Simple proce
dures to prompt the
delivery of treatment to patients with chronic conditions have improved care qua
lity, but work needs to be
done on their cost-effectiveness. The aim of more complex computerised support s
ystems will be to forecast
likely future events and the possible effectiveness of proposed interventions, b
ased on available
information about the patient and an understanding of the risks and efficacy of
interventions by doctors
and other experts. One example, called ISABEL, can be accessed by paediatricians
to check on their
diagnosis and management of many childhood disorders.
Conception Conception signifies the complex set of changes which occur i
n the OVUM and in the body of
the mother at the beginning of pregnancy. The precise moment of conception is th
at at which the male

element, or spermatozoon, and the female element, or ovum, fuse together. Only o
ne-third of these
conceptions survive to birth, whilst 15 per cent are cut short by spontaneous ab
ortion or stillbirth. The
remainder over one-half are lost very early during pregnancy without trace. (See
also FETUS.)
Concussion of the Brain See BRAIN INJURIES.
Conditioned Reflex The development of a specific response by an individu
al to a specific stimulus. The
bestknown conditioned reflex is the one described by Ivan Pavlov, in which dogs
that became accustomed to
being fed when a bell was sounded salivated on hearing the bell, even if no food
was given. The conditioned
reflex is an important part of behavioural theory.
Condom A thin rubber or plastic sheath placed over the erect PENIS befor
e sexual intercourse. It is the
most effective type of barrier contraception and is also valuable in preventing
the transfer between sexual
partners of pathogenic organisms such as gonococci, which cause GONORRHOEA, and
human immuno-deficiency
virus, which may lead to AIDS (see AIDS/HIV). Sheaths are most effective when pr
operly used and with
spermicides. The female condom might be suitable for contraception when a woman
misses a day or two of her
contraceptive pill; if there is DYSPAREUNIA; when the perineum needs protection,
for example, after
childbirth; or in cases of latex allergy to traditional condoms. Used properly w
ith spermicide, it provides
an effective barrier both to infections and to spermatozoa. Failure may result i
f the penis goes alongside
the condom, if it gets pushed up into the vagina, or if it falls out. (See CONTR
Condyle A rounded prominence at the end of a bone: for example, the prom
inences at the outer and inner
sides of the knee on the thigh-bone (or FEMUR). The projecting part of a condyle
is sometimes known as an
epicondyle, as in the

Connective Tissue
case of the condyle at the lower end of the HUMERUS where the epicondyle
s form the prominences on the
outer and inner side of the elbow.
Condyloma A localised, rounded swelling of mucous membrane around the op
ening of the bowel, and the
genital organs, sometimes known as genital warts or ano-genital warts. There are two
main forms:
condyloma latum, which is syphilitic in origin; and condyloma accuminatum, which
often occurs in
association with sexually transmitted disease, but is only indirectly due to it,
being primarily a virus
Cone (1) A light-sensitive cell in the retina of the EYE that can also d
istinguish colours. The other
type of light-sensitive cell is called a rod. There are around six million cones
in the human retina and
these are thought to comprise three types that are sensitive to the three primar
y colours of red, blue, and
green. (2) A cone biopsy is a surgical technique in which a conical or cylindric
al section of the lower
part of the neck of the womb is excised.
Confidentiality The ethical principle that doctors do not reveal informa
tion to other people (or to
organisations) that their patients have given to them in confidence. Normally th
e doctor must get
permission to release confidential information to an employer (or other authorit
ative body), insurance
company or lawyer. The doctor does have to provide such information if required
by a court of law. (See
Congenital Congenital deformities, diseases, etc. are those which are ei
ther present at birth, or
which, being transmitted direct from the parents, show themselves some time afte
r birth.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia See ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME DISORDERS.
Congestion The accumulation of blood or other body fluid in a particular
part of the body. The
condition may be due to some failure in the circulation, but as a rule is one of
the early signs of
Conjoined Twins Identical twins who are united bodily but are
possessed of separate personalities. Their frequency is not known, but i
t has been estimated that
throughout the world, six or more conjoined twins are born every year who are ca

pable of separation. The

earliest case on record is that of the Biddendon Maids who were born in England in
1100. The Scottish
Brothers lived for 28 years at the court of James III of Scotland. Perhaps the mo
st famous conjoined
twins, however, were Chang and Eng, who were born of Chinese parents in Siam in
1811. It was they who were
responsible for the introduction of the term, Siamese twins, which still remains t
he popular name for
conjoined twins. They were joined together at the lower end of the chest bone, and
achieved fame by being
shown in Barnums circus in the United States. They subsequently married English s
isters and settled as
farmers in North Carolina. They died in 1874. The earliest attempt at surgical s
eparation is said to have
been made by Dr Farius of Basle in 1689. The first successful separation in Grea
t Britain was in 1912: both
twins survived the operation and one survived well into adult life. This is said
to be the first occasion
on which both twins survived the operation. The success of the operation is larg
ely dependent upon the
degree of union between the twins. Thus, if this is only skin, subcutaneous tiss
ue and cartilage, the
prospects of survival for both twins are good; but if some vital organ such as t
he liver is shared, the
operation is much more hazardous. (See MULTIPLE BIRTHS.)
Conjugate Deviation The term for describing the persistent and involunta
ry turning of both eyes in any
one direction, and is a sign of a lesion in the brain.
Conjunctiva See EYE.
Conjunctivitis See EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Connective Tissue Sometimes called fibrous tissue, this is one of the mo
st abundant tissues in the
body, holding together the bodys many different structures. Connective tissue com
prises a matrix of
substances called mucopolysaccharides in which are embedded various specialist t
issues and cells. These
include elastic (yellow), collagenous (white) and reticular fibres as well as ma
crophages (see MACROPHAGE)
and MAST CELLS. Assembled in differing proportions, this provides structures wit
h varying functions: bone,

158 Connective Tissue Disorders

cartilage, tendons, ligaments and fatty and elastic tissues. Collagenous
connective tissue binds the
muscles together and provides the substance of skin. It is also laid down in wou
nd repair, forming the scar
tissue. Contracting with time, connective tissue becomes denser, causing the puc
kering that is typical in
serious wounds or burns. (See ADHESION; SCAR; WOUNDS.)
Connective Tissue Disorders A group of generalised inflammatory diseases
in almost any system in the body. The term does not include those disorders of g
enetic origin. RHEUMATIC
FEVER and RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS were traditionally classified in this group, as w
ere those diseases classed
under the outdated heading COLLAGEN DISEASES.
Consanguinous A relationship by blood: siblings are closely consanguinou
s; cousins, and grandparents
and grandchildren, less so. (See INBREEDING.)
Conscientious Objection See ETHICS.
Consciousness The state of being aware of physical events or mental conc
epts. A conscious person is
awake and responsive to his or her surroundings. (See also COMA; UNCONSCIOUS; AN
Conservative Treatment Medical treatment which involves the minimum of a
ctive interference by the
practitioner. For example, a disc lesion in the back might be treated by bed res
t in contrast to surgical
intervention to remove the damaged disc.
Consolidation A term applied to solidification of an organ, especially o
f a lung. The consolidation may
be of a permanent nature due to formation of fibrous tissue, or may be temporary
, as in acute pneumonia.
Constipation A condition in which a person infrequently passes hard FAEC
ES (stools). Patients sometimes
complain of straining, a feeling of incomplete evacuation of faeces, and abdomin
al or perianal discomfort.
A healthy individual usually opens his or her bowels once daily but the frequenc
y may vary, perhaps twice
daily or once only every two or three days. Constipation is generally
defined as fewer than three bowel openings a week. Healthy people may ha
ve occasional bouts of
constipation, usually reflecting a temporary change in diet or the result of tak
ing drugs for example,
CODEINE or any serious condition resulting in immobility, especially in elderly
people. Constipation is a
chronic condition and must be distinguished from the potentially serious disorde
r, acute obstruction, which
may have several causes (see under INTESTINE, DISEASES OF). There are several po
ssible causes of

constipation; those due to gastrointestinal disorders include: Dietary: lack of

fibre; low fluid
consumption. Structural: benign strictures (narrowing of gut); carcinoma of the
DISEASE. Motility: poor bowel training when young; slow transit due to reduced m
uscle activity in the
colon, occurring usually in women; IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS); HIRSCHSPRUNGS
DISEASE. Defaecation:
anorectal disease such as fissures, HAEMORRHOIDS and CROHNS DISEASE; impaction of
Non-gastrointestinal disorders causing constipation include: Drugs: opiates (pre
parations of OPIUM), iron
supplements, ANTACIDS containing aluminium, ANTICHOLINERGIC drugs. Metabolic and
endocrine: DIABETES
MELLITUS, pregnancy (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR), hypothyroidism (see under THYROI
Neurological: cerebrovascular accidents (STROKE), MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS), PARKI
NSONISM, lesions in the
SPINAL CORD. Persistent constipation for which there is no obvious cause merits
thorough investigation, and
people who experience a change in bowel habits for example, alternating constipa
tion and diarrhoea
should also seek expert advice.

Treatment Most people with constipation will respond to a dietary supple
ment of fibre, coupled, when
appropriate, with an increase in fluid intake. If this fails to work, judicious
use of LAXATIVES for, say,
a month is justified. Should constipation persist, investigations on the advice
of a general practitioner
will probably be needed; any further treatment will depend on the outcome of the
investigations in which a
specialist will usually be involved. Successful treatment of the cause should th
en return the patients
bowel habits to normal.

Continuity of Care
Constitution Constitution, or DIATHESIS, means the general condition of
the body, especially with
reference to its liability to certain diseases.
Consultant In Britains health service a consultant is the senior career p
ost for a fully accredited
specialist. He or she normally sees patients referred by general practitioners h
ence the historical term
consultant or emergency cases admitted direct to hospital. NHS consultants are als
o allowed to do a
certain amount of private practice if they wish. After qualification and a twoye
ar period of general
supervised training, doctors enter onto a specialist training scheme, working in
hospitals for 58 years
before being accredited; many also do research or spend some time working abroad
. All must pass difficult
higher examinations. In 2004, the number of consultant hospital medical and dent
al staff in Great Britain
was 30,650 (some of these worked part-time, so the whole-time equivalent [w.t.e.
] figure was 25,640). The
total number of hospital medical and dental staff was 86,996 (w.t.e. 78,462).
Consumption See TUBERCULOSIS.
Contact a Family A charity which helps families with disabled children t
o obtain good-quality
information, support and most of all contact with other families with children w
ho have the same
disorder. This includes children with specific and rare conditions and those wit
h special educational
needs. The charity has many local parent groups throughout the UK and publishes
a comprehensive directory
with brief descriptions of each condition followed by contact addresses, phone n
umbers and web addresses.
It also has a central helpline and a team of parent advisers. See www.cafamily.o
tact lenses instead of glasses. Therapeutic lenses are those used in the
treatment of eye disease:
bandage lenses are used in certain corneal diseases; contact lenses can be soaked
in a particular drug
and then put on the eye so that the drug slowly leaks out on to the eye. Contact
lenses may be hard, soft
or gas permeable. Hard lenses are more optically accurate (because they are rigi
d), cheaper and more
durable than soft. The main advantage of soft lenses is that they are more comfo
rtable to wear.
Gas-permeable lenses are so-called because they are more permeable to oxygen tha
n other lenses, thus
allowing more oxygen to reach the cornea. Disposable lenses are soft lenses desi
gned to be thrown away
after a short period of continuous use; their popularity rests on the fact that
they need not be cleaned.
The instructions on use should be followed carefully because the risk of complic
ations, such as corneal
infection, are higher than with other types of contact lenses. Contraindications

to the use of contact

lenses include a history of ATOPY, dry eyes, previous GLAUCOMA surgery and a perso
ns inability to cope
with the management of lenses. The best way to determine whether contact lenses
are suitable, however, may
be to try them out. Good hygiene is essential for wearers so as to minimise the
risk of infection, which
may lead to a corneal abscess a serious complication. Corneal abrasions are fair
ly common and, if a
contact-lens wearer develops a red eye, the lens should be removed and the eye t
ested with fluorescein dye
to identify any abrasions. Appropriate treatment should be given and the lens no
t worn again until the
abrasion or infection has cleared up.
Contagion Contagion means the principle of spread of disease by direct c
ontact with the body of an
affected person.
Contact Lenses
Continued Fevers
Contact lenses are lenses worn in contact with the EYE, behind the eyeli
ds and in front of the cornea.
They may be worn for cosmetic, optical or therapeutic reasons. The commonest rea
son for wear is cosmetic,
many short-sighted people preferring to wear contact lenses instead of glasses.
Optical reasons for
contact-lens wear include cataract surgery (usually unilateral extraction) and t
he considerable improvement
in overall standard of vision experienced by very short-sighted people when wear
ing conContinued fevers-are typhus, typhoid and relapsing fevers, so-called bec
ause of their continuing over a
more or less definite space of time.
Continuity of Care A term describing a system of medical care in which i
ndividuals requiring advice on
their health consult a named primary care physician (GENERAL PRACTITIONER (GP))
or partnership of
practitioners. The availability of an individuals

160 Continuous Autologous Transfusion

medical records, and the doctors knowledge of his or her medical, family
and social history, should
facilitate prompt, appropriate decisions about investigations, treatment or refe
rral to specialists. What
the doctor(s) know(s) about the patient can, for example, save time, alert hospi
tals to allergies, avoid
the duplication of investigations and provide hospitals with practical domestic
information when a patient
is ready for discharge. The traditional 24-hours-aday, 365-days-a-year care by a
personal physician is now
a rarity: continuity of care has evolved and is now commonly based on a multi-di
sciplinary health team
working from common premises. Changing social structures, population mobility an
d the complexity and cost
of health care have driven this evolution. Some experts have argued that the cha
nges are so great as to
make continuity of care an unrealistic concept in the 21st century. Nevertheless
, support inside and
outside conventional medical practice for HOLISTIC medicine a related concept fo
r treating the whole
person, body and mind and the fact that many people still appreciate the facilit
y to see their own
doctors suggest that continuity of care is still a valid objective of value to t
he community.
Continuous Autologous Transfusion See TRANSFUSION.
Continuous Positive Airways Pressure A method for treating babies who su
ffer from alveolar collapse in
Contraception A means of avoiding pregnancy despite sexual activity. The
re is no ideal contraceptive,
and the choice of method depends on balancing considerations of safety, effectiv
eness and acceptability.
The best choice for any couple will depend on their ages and personal circumstan
ces and may well vary with
time. Contraceptive techniques can be classified in various ways, but one of the
most useful is into
barrier and non-barrier methods.
Barrier methods These involve a physical barrier which prevents sperm (s
ee SPERMATOfrom reaching the
cervix (see CERVIX Barrier methods reduce the risk of spreading sexually transmi
tted diseases, and the
sheath is the best protection against HIV infection (see AIDS/HIV) for s
exually active people. The
efficiency of barrier methods is improved if they are used in conjunction with a
spermicidal foam or jelly,
but care is needed to ensure that the preparation chosen does not damage the rub
ber barrier or cause an
allergic reaction in the users. CONDOM OR SHEATH This is the most commonly used
barrier contraceptive. It

consists of a rubber sheath which is placed over the erect penis before intromis
sion and removed after
ejaculation. The failure rate, if properly used, is about 4 per cent. DIAPHRAGM
OR CAP A rubber dome that
is inserted into the vagina before intercourse and fits snugly over the cervix.
It should be used with an
appropriate spermicide and is removed six hours after intercourse. A woman must
be measured to ensure that
she is supplied with the correct size of diaphragm, and the fit should be checke
d annually or after more
than about 7 lbs. change in weight. The failure rate, if properly used, is about
2 per cent.
Non-barrier methods These do not provide a physical barrier between sper
m and cervix and so do not
protect against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. COITUS INTERRUPTUS
This involves the mans
withdrawing his penis from the vagina before ejaculation. Because some sperm may
leak before full
ejaculation, the method is not very reliable. SAFE PERIOD This involves avoiding
intercourse around the
time when the woman ovulates and is at risk of pregnancy. The safe times can be
predicted using temperature
charts to identify the rise in temperature before ovulation, or by careful asses
sment of the quality of the
cervical mucus. This method works best if the woman has regular menstrual cycles
. If used carefully it can
be very effective but requires a highly disciplined couple to succeed. It is app
roved by the Catholic
These are supposed to prevent pregnancy by killing sperm before they rea
ch the cervix, but they are
unreliable and should be used only in conjunction with a barrier method. INTRAUT
ERINE (COIL) This is
a small metal or plastic shape, placed inside the uterus, which prevents
pregnancy by disrupting
implantation. Some people regard it as a form of abortion, so it is not acceptab
le to all religious groups.
There is a risk of pelvic infection and eventual infertil-

ity in women who have used coils, and in many countries their use has de
clined substantially. Coils
must be inserted by a specially trained health worker, but once in place they pe
rmit intercourse at any
time with no prior planning. Increased pain and bleeding may be caused during me
nstruation. If severe, such
symptoms may indicate that the coil is incorrectly sited, and that its position
should be checked. HORMONAL
METHODS Steroid hormones have dominated contraceptive developments during the pa
st 40 years, with more than
200 million women worldwide taking or having taken the pill. In the past 20 years,
new developments have
included modifying existing methods and devising more effective ways of deliveri
ng the drugs, such as
implants and hormonereleasing devices in the uterus. Established hormonal contra
ception includes the
combined oestrogen and progesterone and progesterone-only contraceptive pills, a
s well as longer-acting
depot preparations. They modify the womans hormonal environment and prevent pregn
ancy by disrupting
various stages of the menstrual cycle, especially ovulation. The combined oestro
gen and progesterone pills
are very effective and are the most popular form of contraception. Biphasic and
triphasic pills contain
different quantities of oestrogen and progesterone taken in two or three phases
of the menstrual cycle. A
wide range of preparations is available and the British National Formulary conta
ins details of the commonly
used varieties. The main side-effect is an increased risk of cardiovascular dise
ase. The lowest possible
dose of oestrogen should be used, and many preparations are phasic, with the dos
e of oestrogen varying with
the time of the cycle. The progesterone-only, or mini, pill does not contain any o
estrogen and must be
taken at the same time every day. It is not as effective as the combined pill, b
ut failure rates of less
than 1-per-100 woman years can be achieved. It has few serious side-effects, but
may cause menstrual
irregularities. It is suitable for use by mothers who are breast feeding. Depot
preparations include
intramuscular injections, subcutaneous implants, and intravaginal rings. They ar
e useful in cases where the
woman cannot be relied on to take a pill regularly but needs effective contracep
tion. Their main
side-effect is their prolonged action, which means that users cannot suddenly de
cide that they would like
to become pregnant. Skin patches containing a contraceptive that is absorbed thr
ough the skin have recently
been launched.
There is a growing demand by men worldwide for hormonal contraception. D
evelopment of a male pill,
however, has been slow because of the potentially dangerous side-effects of usin
g high doses of
TESTOSTERONE (the male hormone) to suppress spermatogenesis. Progress in researc
h to develop a suitable

ANDROGEN-based combination product is promising, including the possibility of lo

ng-term STEROID implants.
STERILISATION See also STERILISATION Reproductive sterilisation. The operation i
s easier and safer to
perform on men than on women. Although sterilisation can sometimes be reversed,
this cannot be guaranteed
and couples should be counselled in advance that the method is irreversible. The
re is a small but definite
failure rate with sterilisation, and this should also be made clear before the o
peration is performed.
POSTCOITAL CONTRACEPTION Also known as emergency contraception or the morning aft
er pill, postcoital
contraception can be effected by two different hormonal methods. Levonorgesterol
(a synthetic hormone
similar to the natural female sex hormone PROGESTERONE) can be used alone, with
one pill being taken within
72 hours of unprotected intercourse, but preferably as soon as possible, and a s
econd one 12 hours after
the first. Alternatively, a combined preparation comprising ETHINYLESTRADIOL and
levonorgesterol can be
taken, also within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. The single constituent p
ill has fewer side-effects
than the combined version. Neither version should be taken by women with severe
liver disease or acute
PORPHYRIAS, but the ethinylestradiol/levonorgesterol combination is unsuitable f
or women with a history of
THROMBOSIS. In the UK the law allows women over the age of 16 to buy the morning
-after pill over the
counter from a registered pharmacist. HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION FOR MEN
Contracture The permanent shortening of a muscle or of fibrous tissue. C
ontraction is the name given to
the temporary shortening of a muscle.
Contrast Medium A material that is used to increase the visibility of th
e bodys tissues and organs
during RADIOGRAPHY. A common example is the use of barium which is given by mout
h or as an enema to show up
the alimentary tract.
Contre-Coup An injury in which a bone, generally the skull,

162 Controlled Drugs

is fractured not at the spot where the violence is applied, but at the e
xactly opposite point.
Controlled Drugs In the United Kingdom, controlled drugs are
C those preparations referred to under the Misuse
of Drugs Act 1971. The Act prohibits activities related to the manufactu
re, supply and possession of
these drugs, and they are classified into three groups which determine the penal
ties for offences involving
their misuse. For example, class A includes COCAINE, DIAMORPHINE, MORPHINE, LSD
includes drugs related to amphetamines such as diethylpropion and chlorphentermi
ne, meprobamate and most
BENZODIAZEPINES and CANNABIS. The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 define the cl
asses of person authorised
to supply and possess controlled drugs, and lay down the conditions under which
these activities may be
carried out. In the Regulations, drugs are divided into five schedules specifyin
g the requirements for
supply, possession, prescribing and record-keeping. Schedule I contains drugs wh
ich are not used as
medicines. Schedules II and III contain drugs which are subject to the prescript
ion requirements of the Act
(see below). They are distinguished in the British National Formulary (BNF) by t
he symbol CD and they
include morphine, diamorphine (heroin), other opioid analgesics, barbiturates, a
mphetamines, cocaine and
diethylpropion. Schedules IV and V contain drugs such as the benzodiazepines whi
ch are subject to minimal
control. A full list of the drugs in each schedule can be found in the BNF. Pres
criptions for drugs in
schedules II and III must be signed and dated by the prescriber, who must give h
is or her address. The
prescription must be in the prescribers own handwriting and provide the name and
address of the patient
and the total quantity of the preparation in both words and figures. The pharmac
ist is not allowed to
dispense a controlled drug unless all the information required by law is given o
n the prescription. Until
1997 the Misuse of Drugs (Notification and Supply of Addicts) Regulations 1973 g
overned the notification of
addicts. This was required in respect of the following commonly used drugs: coca
ine, dextromoramide,
diamorphine, dipipanone, hydrocodeine, hydromorphone, levorphanol, methadone, mo
rphine, opium, oxycodone,
pethidine, phenazocine and piritranide.
In 1997 the Misuse of Drugs (Supply to Addicts) Regulations 1997 revoked
the 1973 requirement for
notification. Doctors are now expected to report (on a standard form) cases of d
rug misuse to their local
Drug Misuse Database (DMD). Notification by the doctor should be made when a pat
ient first presents with a
drug problem or when he or she visits again after a gap of six months or more. A

ll types of misuse should

be reported: this includes opioids, benzodiazepines and central nervous system s
timulants. The data in the
DMD are anonymised, which means that doctors cannot check on possible multiple p
rescribing for drug
addicts. The 1997 Regulations restrict the prescribing of diamorphine (heroin),
Diconal (a morphine-based
drug) or cocaine to medical practitioners holding a special licence issued by th
e Home Secretary. Fuller
details about the prescription of controlled drugs are in the British National F
ormulary, updated twice a
year, and available on the Internet (see
Contusion See BRUISES.
Convalescence The condition through which a person passes after having s
uffered from some acute
disease, and before complete health and strength are regained.
Convergence (1) Inward turning of the eyes to focus on a near point, wit
h the result that a single
image is registered by both retinas. (2) The coming together of various nerve fi
bres to form a nerve tract
that provides a single pathway from different parts of the brain.
Conversion Disorder A psychological disorder, also called hysterical con
version, in which the affected
individual presents with striking neurological symptoms such as weakness, paraly
sis, sensory disturbances
or memory loss for which no organic cause can be identified. Up to 4 per cent of
patients attending
neurological outpatient clinics have been estimated as having conversion disorde
rs. The disorder remains
controversial, with theories about its cause unsupported by controlled research
results. In clinical
practice the physicians experience and intuition are major factors in diagnosis.
It has been suggested
that the physical symptoms represent guilt about a physical or emotional

assault on someone else. Treatment using a COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR approach
may help those with conversion
Convolutions See BRAIN.
Convulsions Rapidly alternating contractions and relaxations of the musc
les, causing irregular
movements of the limbs or body generally, usually accompanied by unconsciousness
Causes The most common reason for convulsions is EPILEPSY, and the under
lying cause of the latter often
remains uncertain. In newborns, convulsions may be due to HYPOXIA following a di
fficult labour, or to low
levels of sugar or calcium in the blood (HYPOGLYCAEMIA; HYPOCALCAEMIA). A sudden
rise of body temperature
during infective illness may induce convulsions in an infant or young child. Dis
eases of the brain, such as
meningitis, encephalitis and tumours, or any disturbance of the brain due to ble
eding, blockage of a blood
vessel, or irritation of the brain by a fracture of the skull, may also be respo
nsible for convulsions (see
BRAIN, DISEASES OF). Asphyxia, for example from choking, may also bring on convu
lsions. Treatment Newborns
with hypoglycaemia or hypocalcaemia are treated by replacing the missing compoun
d. Infants with febrile
convulsions may be sponged with tepid water and fever reduced with paracetamol.
In epilepsy, unless it is
particularly severe, the movements seldom need to be restrained. If convulsions
persist beyond a few
minutes it may be necessary to give BENZODIAZEPINES, either intravenously or rec
tally. In the UK,
paramedics are trained to do this; likewise many parents of epileptic children a
re capable of administering
the necessary treatment. If however this fails to stop the convulsions immediate
ly, hospital admission is
needed for further treatment. Once fits are under control, the cause of the conv
ulsions must be sought and
the necessary long-term treatment given.
Cooleys Anaemia See THALASSAEMIA.
Coombs Test A sensitive test that detects ANTIBODIES to the bodys red cell
s (see ERYTHROCYTE). There
are two methods: one the direct method identifies those antibodies that are boun
d to the
cells; the other, indirect, method identifies those circulating unattach
ed in the serum.
Coordination The governing power exercised by the brain as a whole, or b
y certain centres in the
nervous system, to make various muscles contract in harmony and so produce defin
ite actions (instead of
meaningless movements). Coordination is intimately bound up with the complex sen

se of localisation, which
enables a person with their eyes shut to tell, by sensations received from the b
ones, joints and muscles,
the position of the various parts of their body. The power is impaired in variou
s diseases, such as
LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. It is tested by making the patient shut their eyes, moving the
ir hand in various
directions, and then telling them to bring the point of the forefinger steadily
to the tip of the nose or
by other simple movements.
Copper Copper is an essential nutrient for humans, and all tissues in th
e human body contain traces of
it. The total amount in the adult body is 100 150 mg. Many essential enzyme syste
ms are dependent on
traces of copper; on the other hand, there is no evidence that dietary deficienc
y of copper ever occurs in
humans. Infants are born with an ample store, and the normal diet for an adult c
ontains around 2 mg of
copper a day. It is used in medicine as the two salts, sulphate of copper (blue
stone) and nitrate of
copper. The former is, in small doses, a powerful astringent, and in larger dose
s an irritant. Both are
caustics when applied externally. Externally, either is used to rub on unhealthy
ulcers and growths to
stimulate the granulation tissue to more rapid healing.
Coprolalia An inherited condition, usually beginning in childhood. It pr
esents with motor tics and with
irrepressible, explosive, occasionally obscene, verbal ejaculations. (See GILLES
Copulation The act of coitus or sexual intercourse, when the man inserts
his erect penis into the
womans vagina and after a succession of thrusting movements ejaculates his semen.
Cordotomy The surgical operation of cutting the anterolateral tracts of
the SPINAL CORD to relieve

164 Cornea
otherwise intractable pain. It is also sometimes known as tractotomy.
Cornea See EYE.
Corneal Graft Also known as keratoplasty. If the cornea (see EYE) become
s damaged or diseased and
vision is impaired, it can be removed and replaced by a corneal graft. The graft
is taken from the cornea
of a human donor. Some of the indications for corneal grafting include keratocon
us (conicalshaped cornea),
corneal dystrophies, severe corneal scarring following HERPES SIMPLEX, and alkal
i burns or other injury.
Because the graft is a foreign protein, there is a danger that the recipients imm
une system may set up a
reaction causing rejection of the graft. Rejection results in OEDEMA of the graf
t with subsequent poor
vision. Once a corneal graft has been taken from a donor, it should be used as q
uickly as possible. Corneas
can be stored for days in tissue-culture medium at low temperature. A small numb
er of grafts are autografts
in which a patients cornea is repositioned. The Department of Health has drawn up
a list of suitable
eye-banks to which people can apply to bequeath their eyes, and an official form
is now available for the
bequest of eyes. (See also DONORS; TRANSPLANTATION.)
Corneal Reflex Instinctive closing of the eyelids when the surface of th
e cornea (see EYE) is lightly
touched with a fine hair.
Corns and Bunions A corn is a localised thickening of the cuticle or epi
dermis (see SKIN) affecting the
foot. The thickening is of a conical shape; the point of the cone is directed in
wards and is known as the
eye of the corn. A general thickening over a wider area is called a callosity. Bun
ion is a condition
found over the joint at the base of the big toe, in which not only is there thic
kening of the skin, but the
head of the metatarsal bone also becomes prominent. Hammer-toe is a condition of
the second toe, often
caused by short boots, in which the toe becomes bent at its two joints in such a
way as to resemble a
hammer. Corns and bunions are caused by badly fitting shoes, hence the importanc
e of children and adults
wearing properly fitted footwear. Corns can be pared after softening in warm wat
er, or painted with
salicylic acid collodion or other proprietary preparations. Bad corns may need t
reatment by a chiropodist
Bunions may require surgical treatment. Regular foot care is important i
n patients with DIABETES

Coronary A term applied to several structures in the body encircling an

organ in the manner of a crown.
The coronary arteries are the arteries of supply to the HEART which arise from t
he aorta, just beyond the
aortic valve, and through which the blood is delivered to the muscle of the hear
t. Disease of the coronary
arteries is a very serious condition producing various abnormal forms of heart a
ction and the disorder,
Coronary Angioplasty A technique of dilating atheromatous obstructions (
ARTERIES by inserting a catheter with a balloon on the end into the affected art
ery (see also CATHETERS).
It is passed through the blockage (guided by Xray FLUOROSCOPY) and inflated. The
procedure can be carried
out through a percutaneous route.
Coronary Arteries (See also HEART.) The right coronary artery arises fro
m the right aortic sinus and
passes into the right atrio-ventricular groove to supply the right ventricle, pa
rt of the intraventricular
septum and the inferior part of the left ventricle. The left coronary artery ari
ses from the left sinus and
divides into an anterior descending branch which supplies the septum and the ant
erior and apical parts of
the heart, and the circumflex branch which passes into the left atrio-ventricula
r groove and supplies the
lateral posterior surfaces of the heart. Small anastomoses exist between the cor
onary arteries and they
have the potential of enlarging if the blood-flow through a neighbouring coronar
y artery is compromised.
Coronary artery disease is damage to the heart caused by the narrowing or blocka
ge of these arteries. It
commonly presents as ANGINA PECTORIS or acute myocardial infarction (see HEART,
Coronary Artery Vein Bypass Grafting (CAVBG) When coronary arteries, nar
rowed by disease, cannot supply
the heart muscle with sufficient blood, the cardiac circulation may be improved
by grafting a section of
vein from the leg to bypass the obstruction. Around 10,000 people in the United
Kingdom have this operation
annually and the results are usually good. It is a major procedure that lasts se
veral hours and

requires the heart to be stopped temporarily, with blood circulation and
oxygenation taken over by a
Coronary Care Unit (CCU) A specialised hospital unit equipped and staffe
d to provide intensive care
(see INTENSIVE THERAPY UNIT (ITU)) for patients who have had severe heart attack
s or undergone surgery on
the heart.
Coronary Thrombosis See HEART, DISEASES OF.
material. The follicle and its luteal cells constitute the corpus luteum
. The corpus luteum begins to
disappear after ten days, unless the discharged ovum is fertilised and pregnancy
ensues. In pregnancy the
corpus luteum persists and grows and secretes the hormone, PROGESTERONE.
Corrigans Pulse The name applied to the collapsing pulse found with incom
petence of the hearts aortic
valve. It is so-called after Sir Dominic John Corrigan (180280), the famous Dubli
n physician, who first
described it.
Coronaviruses so-called because in electron micrographs the spikes proje
cting from the virus resemble
a crown are a group of viruses which have been isolated from people with common
colds (see COLD, COMMON)
and have also been shown to produce common colds under experimental conditions.
Their precise significance
in the causation of the common cold is still undetermined.
A support device worn around the trunk to help in the treatment of backa
che and spinal injuries or
An independent legal officer of the Crown who is responsible for decidin
g whether to hold a POST-MORTEM
EXAMINATION and an inquest in cases of sudden or unexpected or unnatural death.
He or she presides over an
inquest, if held sometimes with the help of a jury. Coroners are usually lawyers
or doctors (some are
double-qualified) who have been qualified for at least five years. In Scotland t
he coroner is known as the
procurator fiscal.
Corpulence See OBESITY.
Cor Pulmonale Another name for pulmonary heart disease, which is charact
erised by hypertrophy and

failure of the right VENTRICLE of the heart as a result of disease of the LUNGS
or disorder of the
pulmonary circulation.
Corpuscle Corpuscle means a small body. (See BLOOD.)
Corpus Luteum The mass of cells formed in the ruptured Graafian follicle
in the ovary (see OVARIES)
from which the ovum is discharged about 15 days before the onset of the next men
strual period (see
MENSTRUATION). When the ovum escapes, the follicle fills up with blood; this is
soon replaced by cells
which contain a yellow fatty
Corrosives are poisonous substances which corrode or eat away the skin o
r the mucous surfaces of mouth,
gullet and stomach with which they come into contact. Examples are strong minera
l acids like sulphuric,
nitric and hydrochloric acids, caustic alkalis, and some salts like chlorides of
mercury and zinc. (See
Cortex The tissues that form the outer part of an organ and which are po
sitioned just below the capsule
or outer membrane. Examples are the cerebal cortex of the BRAIN and the renal co
rtex of the KIDNEYS.
Corticosteroids The generic term for the group of hormones produced by t
profound effect on mineral and glucose metabolism. Many modifications have been
devised of the basic
steroid molecule in an attempt to keep useful therapeutic effects and minimise u
nwanted side-effects. The
main corticosteroid hormones currently available are CORTISONE, HYDROCORTISONE,
methyl prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone, paramethasone
and deflazacort. They are
used clinically in three quite distinct circumstances. First they constitute rep
lacement therapy where a
patient is unable to produce their own steroids for example, in adrenocortical i
nsufficiency or
hypopituitarism. In this situation the dose is physiological namely, the equival
ent of the normal adrenal
output under similar circumstances and is not

166 Corticotropin
associated with any side-effects. Secondly, steroids are used to depress
activity of the adrenal cortex
in conditions where this is abnormally high or where the adrenal cortex is produ
cing abnormal hormones, as
occurs in some hirsute women. The third application for corticosteroids is in su
ppressing the
manifestations of disease in a wide variety of inflammatory and allergic conditi
ons, and in reducing
antibody production in a number of AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS. The inflammatory reacti
on is normally part of the
bodys defence mechanism and is to be encouraged rather than inhibited. However, i
n the case of those
diseases in which the bodys reaction is disproportionate to the offending agent,
such that it causes
unpleasant symptoms or frank illness, the steroid hormones can inhibit this unde
sirable response. Although
the underlying condition is not cured as a result, it may resolve spontaneously.
When corticosteroids are
used for their anti-inflammatory properties, the dose is pharmacological; that i
s, higher often much
higher than the normal physiological requirement. Indeed, the necessary dose may
exceed the normal
maximum output of the healthy adrenal gland, which is about 250300 mg cortisol pe
r day. When doses of this
order are used there are inevitable risks and sideeffects: a drug-induced CUSHIN
GS SYNDROME will result.
Corticosteroid treatment of short duration, as in angioneurotic OEDEMA of the la
rynx or other allergic
crises, may at the same time be life-saving and without significant risk (see UR
TICARIA). Prolonged therapy
of such connective-tissue disorders, such as POLYARTERITIS NODOSA with its atten
dant hazards, is generally
accepted because there are no other agents of therapeutic value. Similarly the a
bsence of alternative
medical treatment for such conditions as autoimmune haemolytic ANAEMIA establish
es steroid therapy as the
treatment of choice which few would dispute. The use of steroids in such chronic
conditions as RHEUMATOID
ARTHRITIS, ASTHMA and DERMATITIS needs careful assessment and monitoring. Althou
gh there is a risk of
ill-effects, these should be set against the misery and danger of unrelieved chr
onic asthma or the
incapacity, frustration and psychological trauma of rheumatoid arthritis. Patien
ts should carry cards
giving details of their dosage and possible complications. The incidence and sev
erity of side-effects are
related to the dose and duration of treatment. Prolonged daily treatment with 15
mg of
prednisolone, or more, will cause hypercortisonism; less than 10 mg pred
nisolone a day may be tolerated
by most patients indefinitely. Inhaled steroids rarely produce any illeffect apa
rt from a propensity to
oral thrush (CANDIDA infection) unless given in excessive doses. General side-ef
fects may include weight
gain, fat distribution of the cushingoid type, ACNE and HIRSUTISM, AMENORRHOEA,

striae and increased

bruising tendency. The more serious complications which can occur during longter
m treatment include
HYPERTENSION, oedema, DIABETES MELLITUS, psychosis, infection, DYSPEPSIA and pep
tic ulceration,
gastrointestinal haemorrhage, adrenal suppression, osteoporosis (see BONE, DISOR
DERS OF), myopathy (see
MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF), sodium retention and potassium depletion.
Corticotropin Corticotropin is the British Pharmacopoeia name for the ad
renocorticotrophic hormone of
the PITUITARY GLAND, also known as ACTH. It is so-called because it stimulates t
he functions of the cortex
of the suprarenal glands. This results, among other things, in an increased outp
ut of cortisone.
Cortisol Another name for HYDROCORTISONE.
Cortisone An early corticosteroid drug (see CORTICOSTEROIDS), now obsole
te and replaced by PREDNISOLONE
Corynebacteria A genus of aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive (see GRAMS
STAIN) bacteria, widely
distributed and best known as parasites and pathogens in humans. C. diphtheria,
a prime example, causes
Coryza Coryza is the technical name for a cold in the head (see COLD, COMM
Costal Anything pertaining to the ribs.
Costalgia Pain in the ribs.
Cost of Illness Traditionally, doctors have been trained to treat a pati
ent on the basis of his or her
personal clinical needs. Increasingly, however, the prac-

Cough 167
tice of medicine has been influenced by patients social circumstances and
more recently by communityand government-driven national priorities. One critical aspect of these widening
influences has been the
cost of medical care which, as medicine becomes more complex, has been rising sh
arply. Thus health
economics has become an integral part of the provision of health care. Cost-of-i
llness studies now appear
commonly in medical publications. Such studies aim to identify and measure all t
he costs of a particular
disease, including, where feasible, the direct, indirect and intangible dimensio
ns. The information
obtained is intended to help the development of health policies, nationally and
internationally. The
application of information from such studies is, however, proving controversial.
Firstly, doctors still see
their clinical responsibilities to patients as a priority. Secondly, cost-of-car
e studies are often
criticised for excluding broader economic aspects of health care for example, an
alyses of the
cost-effectiveness of prevention as well as the treatment of illness. This requi
res assessment of potential
and actual outcomes as well as the costs of illnesses. Even so, the increasing c
omplexity of medicine, with
its commensurately rising costs affecting both state- and privately funded medic
al care, makes it
inevitable that the cost of maintaining a populations good health will be a growi
ng factor in the
provision of health care that seems bound to impinge on how doctors are enabled
to treat their individual
Co-Trimoxazole This drug a mixture of trimethoprim and the sulphonamide,
sulphamethoxazole should
be used only in the prophylaxis or treatment of pneumocystis PNEUMONIA, and in a
cute exacerbations of
chronic BRONCHITIS, urinary tract infections and otitis media (see EAR, DISEASES
OF), where indicated.
Cotton Wool
med by the British
Pharmacopoeia, is a
ssypium herbaceum).
used in medicine in

Cotton wool, or absorbent cotton as it is now technically na

downy material made from the hairs on cotton plant seeds (Go
It is
wound-dressing packs, skin-cleaning procedures, etc.

Cough A natural reflex reaction to irritation of the AIR

and LUNGS. Air is drawn into the air passages with the GLOTTIS wide open
. The inhaled air is blown out
against the closed glottis, which, as the pressure builds up, suddenly opens, ex
pelling the air at an
estimated speed of 960 kilometres (600 miles) an hour. This explosive exhalation
expels harmful substances
from the respiratory tract. Causes of coughing include infection for example, BR
inflammation of the respiratory tract associated with ASTHMA; and exposure to ir

ritant agents such as

chemical fumes or smoke (see also CROUP). The explosive nature of coughing resul
ts in a spray of droplets
into the surrounding air and, if these are infective, hastens the spread of cold
s (see COLD, COMMON) and
INFLUENZA. Coughing is, however, a useful reaction, helping the body to rid itse
lf of excess phlegm (mucus)
and other irritants. The physical effort of persistent coughing, however, can it
self increase irritation of
the air passages and cause distress to the patient. Severe and protracted coughi
ng may, rarely, fracture a
rib or cause PNEUMOTHORAX. Coughs can be classified as productive when phlegm is
present and dry, when
little or no mucus is produced. Most coughs are the result of common-cold infect
ions but a persistent cough
with yellow or green sputum is indicative of infection, usually bronchitis, and
sufferers should seek
medical advice as medication and postural drainage (see PHYSIOTHERAPY) may be ne
eded. PLEURISY, pneumonia
and lung CANCER are all likely to cause persistent coughing, sometimes associate
d with chest pain, so it is
clearly important for people with a persistent cough, usually accompanied by mal
aise or PYREXIA, to seek
medical advice. PASSAGES
Treatment Treatment of coughs requires treatment of the underlying cause
. In the case of colds,
symptomatic treatment with simple remedies such as inhalation of steam is usuall
y as effective as any
medicines, though ANALGESICS or ANTIPYRETICS may be helpful if pain or a raised
temperature are among the
symptoms. Many over-the-counter preparations are available and can help people c
ope with the symptoms.
Preparations may contain an analgesic, antipyretic, decongestant or antihistamin
e in varying combinations.
Cough medicines are generally regarded by doctors as ineffective unless used in
doses so large they are
likely to cause sedation as they act on the part of the brain that controls the
cough reflex. Cough
suppressants may contain CODEINE,

168 Cough Syncope

nt preparations usually contain
subemetic doses of substances such as ammonium chloride, IPECACUANHA, and SQUILL
(none of which have proven
worth), while demulcent preparations contain soothing, harmless agents such as s
yrup or glycerol. A list of
systemic cough and decongestant preparations on sale to the public, together wit
h their key ingredients,
appears in the British National Formulary.
Cough Syncope Temporary loss of consciousness that may be induced by a s
evere spasm of coughing. This
is the result of the high pressure that may be induced in the chest over 200 mil
limetres of mercury by
such a spasm, which prevents the return of blood to the heart. The veins in the
neck begin to bulge and the
blood pressure falls; this may so reduce the blood flow to the brain that the in
dividual feels giddy and
may then lose consciousness. (See FAINTING.)
Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence In 2002 the UK government s
et up this new statutory
council with the aim of improving consistency of action across the eight existin
g regulatory bodies for
professional staff involved in the provision of various aspects of health care.
These bodies are: General
Medical Council; General Dental Council; General Optical Council; Royal Pharmace
utical Society of Great
Britain; General Chiropractic Council; General Osteopathic Council; Health Profe
ssions Council; and Nursing
and Midwifery Council. The new Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence will
help to promote the
interests of patients and to improve co-operation between the existing regulator
y bodies providing, in
effect, a quality-control mechanism for their activities. The government and rel
evant professions will
nominate individuals for this overarching council. The new council will not have
the authority to intervene
in the determination by the eight regulatory bodies of individual fitness-to-pra
ctise cases unless these
concern complaints about maladministration.
Council for Nursing and Midwifery See APPENDIX 7: STATUTORY ORGANISATION
Counselling Psychological support and advice provided by a trained thera
pist or health professional.
The aim is to help an individual manage a particular personal or family problem:
this may be a diagnosis of
cancer, mental and physical trauma following an accident or assault, or a bereav
ement. Counselling can help
people cope with a wide range of demanding circumstances. It is usually done on
a one-to-one basis
sometimes in small groups and needs to be provided with skill and sensitivity or
there is a risk of
worsening the individuals difficulties. There has been rapid growth in counsellin

g services and it is
vital that those providing them have been properly trained.
Cowpers Glands Also known as the bulbourethral glands, these are a pair o
f glands whose ducts open
into the urethra at the base of the PENIS. They secrete a fluid that is one of t
he constituents of the
SEMEN which carries the spermatozoa and is ejaculated into the VAGINA during coi
tus (sexual intercourse).
Cowpox Cowpox is a disease affecting the udders of cows, on which it pro
duces vesicles (see VESICLE;
PAPULE). It is communicable to humans, and there has for centuries been a tradit
ion that persons who have
caught this disease from cows do not suffer afterwards from SMALLPOX. This forme
d the basis for Jenners
experiments on VACCINATION.
COX-2 Inhibitors This stands for cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors a class of
drugs used in treating
ARTHRITIS of which the most well-used is celecoxib. Their main claim is that the
y are less likely to
cause gastrointestinal disturbance than NONSTEROIDAL (NSAIDS). In
2001, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended
that they should not be used
routinely in rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis but only in patients with a
history of peptic ulcer or
gastrointestinal bleeding. They should also be considered in persons over the ag
e of 65 taking other drugs
which could cause gastrointestinal bleeding, those who are very debilitated, and
those who are taking
maximum doses of NSAIDs. In 2005, rofecoxib was withdrawn because of concerns ab
out cardiac side-effects.

Creatinine Clearance
Coxalgia Pain in the hip-joint; also referred to as coxodynia.
Coxa Vara
usually responds to a daily shampoo with cetrimide solution. Warm olive
oil gently massaged into the
scalp and left overnight, after which the scales can be washed off, also helps w
ith the condition.
A condition in which the neck of the thighbone is bent so that the lower
limbs are turned outwards and
lameness results.
Coxsackie Viruses
Cranial Nerves
A group of viruses so-called because they were first isolated from two p
atients with a disease
resembling paralytic POLIOMYELITIS, in the village of Coxsackie in New York Stat
e. Thirty distinct types
have now been identified. They constitute one of the three groups of viruses inc
luded in the family of
ENTEROVIRUSES, and are divided into two groups: A and B. Despite the large numbe
r of types of group A virus
(24) in existence, evidence of their role in causing human disease is limited. S
ome, however, cause aseptic
MENINGITIS, non-specicifc upper respiratory infection and MYOCARDITIS, and other
s cause a condition known
as HERPANGINA. HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE is another disease caused by the A g
roup. All six types of
group B virus have been associated with outbreaks of aseptic meningitis, and the
y are also the cause of
BORNHOLM DISEASE. Epidemics of type B2 infections tend to occur in alternate yea
rs. (See VIRUS.)
Crab-Louse Another name for Pediculus pubis, a louse that infests the pu
bic region. (See PEDICULOSIS.)
Cracked-Pot Sound
Cranial nerves are those arising from the BRAIN.
Craniotomy The removal of part of the SKULL to provide surgical access f
or an operation on the BRAIN.
This may be to obtain a BIOPSY, to remove a tumour or to drain an infection or a
blood clot. Following the
operation the bone is replaced, along with the membranes, muscle and skin.
Cranium The part of the skull enclosing the brain as distinguished from

the face.
Cream The oily or fatty part of milk from which butter is prepared. Vari
ous medicinal preparations are
known also as cream for example, cold cream, which is a simple ointment containi
ng rosewater, beeswax,
borax, and almond oil scented with oil of rose.
Creatine A nitrogenous substance, methyl-guanidineacetic acid. The adult
human body contains about 120
grams 98 per cent of which is in the muscles. Much of the creatine in muscles is
combined with phosphoric
acid as phosphocreatine, which plays an important part in the chemistry of muscu
lar contraction.
A peculiar resonance heard sometimes on percussion of the chest over a c
avity in the lung, resembling
the jarring sound heard on striking a cracked pot or bell. It is also heard on p
ercussion over the skull in
patients with diseases of the brain such as haemorrhages and tumours, and in cer
tain cases of fracture of
the skull.
An ENZYME which is proving to be of value in the investigation and diagn
osis of muscular dystrophy (see
MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF Myopathy), in which it is found in the blood in greatly in
creased amounts.
Creatinine is the anhydride of CREATINE and is derived from it. It is a
metabolic waste product.
A cage which is placed over the legs of a patient in bed, in order to ta
ke the weight of the bedclothes
off the legs.
Creatinine Clearance
Cradle Cap Crusta lactea, or cradle cap as it is technically known, is a
form of SEBORRHOEA of the
scalp which is not uncommon in nursing infants. It
Creatine Kinase
A method of assessing the function of the kidney (see KIDNEYS) by compar
ing the amount of creatinine
a product of body metabolism which is normally excreted by the kidneys in the bl
ood with the amount
appearing in the urine.

170 Creeping Eruption

Creeping Eruption
Creeping eruption is a skin condition caused by the invasion of the skin
by the larvae of various
species of nematode worms. It owes its name to the fact that as the larva moves
through and along the skin
it leaves behind it a long creeping thin red line. (See STRONGYLOIDIASIS.)
Crenation Abnormal microscopic appearance of blood cells in which their
usually smooth margins appear
irregular. It usually occurs after a blood specimen has been stored for a long t
ime, but may occasionally
indicate a blood disorder.
Creosote A clear, yellow liquid, of aromatic smell and burning taste, pr
epared by distillation from
pine-wood or beech-wood. It mixes readily with alcohol, ether, chloroform, glyce
rin, and oils. Creosote is
a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant; it is also an ingredient of some disinfe
ctant fluids.
Crepitations Certain sounds which occur along with the breath sounds, as
heard by AUSCULTATION, in
various diseases of the LUNGS. They are signs of the presence of moist exudation
s in the lungs or in the
bronchial tubes, are classified as fine, medium, and coarse crepitations, and re
semble the sound made by
bursting bubbles of various sizes.
Crepitus Crepitus means a grating sound. It is found in cases of fractur
ed bones when the ends rub
together; also, in cases of severe chronic arthritis, by the rubbing together of
the dried internal
surfaces of the joints.
Cresol An oily liquid obtained from coal tar. It is a powerful antisepti
c and disinfectant.
Uses Cresol is used combined with soap to form a clear saponaceous fluid
known as lysol, which can be
mixed with water in any proportions. For the disinfection of drains it is used a
t a dilution of one in 20;
for heavily infected linen, one in 40; and for floors and walls, one in 100.
Cretinism An out-of-date name for congenital
HYPOa disease caused by defective thyroid function in fetal life or early in
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) A rapidly progressive, fatal, degenerati

ve disease in humans caused by

an abnormal PRION protein. There are three aetiological forms of CJD: sporadic,
IATROGENIC, and inherited.
Sporadic CJD occurs randomly in all countries and has an annual incidence of one
per million. Iatrogenic
CJD is caused by accidental exposure to human prions through medical and surgica
l procedures (and
cannibalism in the case of the human prion disease known as kuru that occurs in
a tribe in New Guinea,
where it is called the trembling disease). Inherited or familial CJD accounts fo
r 15 per cent of human
prion disease and is caused by a MUTATION in the prion protein gene. In recent y
ears a new variant of CJD
has been identified that is caused by BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE), ca
lled variant CJD. The
incubation period for the acquired varieties ranges from four years to 40 years,
with an average of 1015
years. The symptoms of CJD are dementia, seizures, focal signs in the central ne
rvous system, MYOCLONUS,
and visual disturbances. Abnormal prion proteins accumulate in the brain and the
spinal cord, damaging
neurones (see NEURON(E)) and producing small cavities. Diagnosis can be made by
tonsil (see TONSILS)
biopsy, although work is under way to develop a diagnostic blood test. Abnormal
prion proteins are
unusually resistant to inactivation by chemicals, heat, X-RAYS or ULTRAVIOLET RA
YS (UVR). They are
resistant to cellular degradation and can convert normal prion proteins into abn
ormal forms. Human prion
diseases, along with scrapie in sheep and BSE in cattle, belong to a group of di
sorders known as
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Abnormal prion proteins can transfer
from one animal species to
another, and variant CJD has occurred as a result of consumption of meat from ca
ttle infected with BSE.
From 1995 to 1999, a scientific study of tonsils and appendixes removed at opera
tion suggested that the
prevalence of prion carriage may be as high as 120 per million. It is not known
what percentage of these
might go on to develop disease. One precaution is that, since 2003, all surgical
instruments used in brain
biopsies have had to be quarantined and disposable instruments are now used in t
onsillectomy. Measures have
also been introduced to reduce the risk of transmission of CJD from transfusion
of blood products.

Crohns Disease 171

In the past, CJD has also been acquired from intramuscular injections of
human cadaveric
pituitary-derived growth hormone and corneal transplantation. The most common fo
rm of CJD remains the
sporadic variety, although the eventual incidence of variant CJD may not be know
n for many years.
Crisis Crisis is a word used with several distinct meanings. (1) The tra
ditional meaning is that of a
rapid loss of fever and return to comparative health in certain acute diseases.
For example, PNEUMONIA, if
allowed to run its natural course, ends by a crisis usually on the eighth day, t
he temperature falling in
24 hours to normal, the pulse and breathing becoming slow and regular and the pa
tient passing from a partly
delirious state into natural sleep. In this sense of the word, the opposite of c
risis is lysis: for
example, in typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), where the patient slowly improves
during a period of a week
or more, without any sudden change. (2) A current use of the word crisis, and st
ill more frequently of
critical, is to signify a dangerous state of illness in which it is uncertain wh
ether the sufferer will
recover or not.
Crohns Disease A chronic inflammatory bowel disease which has a protracte
d, relapsing and remitting
course. An autoimmune condition, it may last for several years. There are many s
imilarities with ULCERATIVE
COLITIS; sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between the two conditions. A
crucial difference is that
ulcerative colitis is confined to the colon (see INTESTINE), whereas Crohns disea
se can affect any part of
the gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth and anus. The sites most commonl
y affected in Crohns
disease (in order of frequency) are terminal ILEUM and right side of colon, just
the colon, just the ileum
and finally the ileum and JEJUNUM. The whole wall of the affected bowel is oedam
atous (see OEDEMA) and
thickened, with deep ulcers a characteristic feature. Ulcers may even penetrate
the bowel wall, with
abscesses and fistulas developing. Another unusual feature is the presence in th
e affected bowel lining of
islands of normal tissue. Crohns disease is rare in the developing world, but in
the western world the
incidence is increasing and is now 67 per 100,000 population. Around 80,000 peopl
e in the UK have the
disorder with more than 4,000 new cases occurring annually. Commonly Crohns disea
se starts in young
adults, but a second incidence surge
occurs in people over 70 years of age. Both genetic and environmental fa
ctors are implicated in the
disease for example, if one identical twin develops the disease, the second twin
stands a high chance of
being affected; and 10 per cent of sufferers have a close relative with inflamma
tory bowel disease. Among
environmental factors are low-residue, high-refined-sugar diets, and smoking. Sy

mptoms and signs of Crohns

disease depend on the site affected but include abdominal pain, diarrhoea (somet
imes bloody), ANOREXIA,
weight loss, lethargy, malaise, ANAEMIA, and sore tongue and lips. An abdominal
mass may be present.
Complications can be severe, including life-threatening inflammation of the colo
n (which may cause
TOXAEMIA), perforation of the colon and the development of fistulae between the
bowel and other organs in
the abdomen or pelvis. If Crohns disease persists for a decade or more there is a
n increased risk of the
victim developing colon cancer. Extensive investigations are usually necessary t
o diagnose the disease;
these include blood tests, bacteriological studies, ENDOSCOPY and biopsy, and ba
rium X-ray examinations.
Treatment As with ulcerative colitis, treatment is aimed primarily at co
ntrolling symptoms. Physicians,
surgeons, radiologists and dietitians usually adopt a team approach, while couns
ellors and patient support
groups are valuable adjuncts in a disease that is typically lifelong. Drug treat
ment is aimed at settling
the acute phase and preventing relapses. CORTICOSTEROIDS, given locally to the a
ffected gut or orally, are
used initially and the effects must be carefully monitored. If steroids do not w
ork, the immunosuppressant
agent AZATHIOPRINE should be considered. Antidiarrhoeal drugs may occasionally b
e helpful but should not be
taken during an acute phase. The anti-inflammatory drug SULFASALAZINE can be ben
eficial in mild colitis. A
new generation of genetically engineered anti-inflammatory drugs is now availabl
e, and these selective
immunosuppressants may prove of value in the treatment of Crohns disease. Diet is
important and
professional guidance is advisable. Some patients respond to milk- or wheat-free
diets, but the best course
for most patients is to eat a well-balanced diet, avoiding items that the suffer
er knows from experience
are poorly tolerated. Of those patients with extensive disease, as many as 80 pe
r cent may require surgery
to alleviate symptoms: a section of affected gut may be removed or, as a lifesav
ing measure, a bowel
perforation dealt with.

172 Crotamiton
ELP Colitis; Crohns
Crotamiton C A topical cream used to treat pruritus (itch). Crotch See P
Croup Also known as laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis, croup is a household ter
m for a group of diseases
characterised by swelling and partial blockage of the entrance to the LARYNX, oc
curring in children and
characterised by crowing inspiration. There are various causes but by far the co
mmonest is acute
laryngo-tracheobronchitis (see under LARYNX, DISORDERS OF). Croup tends to occur
in epidemics, particularly
in autumn and early spring, and is almost exclusively viral in origin commonly d
ue to parainfluenza or
other respiratory viruses. It is nearly always mild and sufferers recover sponta
neously; however, it can be
dangerous, particularly in young children and infants, in whom the relatively sm
all laryngeal airway may
easily be blocked, leading to suffocation.
Symptoms Attacks generally come on at night, following a cold caught dur
ing the previous couple of
days. The breathing is hoarse and croaking (croup), with a barking cough and har
sh respiratory noise. The
natural tendency for the laryngeal airway to collapse is increased by the childs
desperate attempts to
overcome the obstruction. Parental anxiety, added to that of the child, only exa
cerbates the situation.
After struggling for up to several hours, the child finally falls asleep. The co
ndition may recur.
CRP Stands for C-Reactive Protein, and refers to a blood measurement whi
ch is a marker of inflammation
so offering a clue as to whether infection might be present or, in inflammatory
illnesses, being used to
track the progress of the condition.
Cruciate Ligaments Two strong ligaments in the interior of the knee-join
t, which cross one another like
the limbs of the letter X. They are so attached as to become taut when the lower
limb is straightened, and
they prevent over-extension or bending forwards at the knee. The cruciate ligame
nts are sometimes strained
or torn as a result of sporting injuries or vehicular accidents; surgery may be
needed to repair the
damage, but the knee will be permanently weakened.
Crural Crural means connected with the leg.
Crush Syndrome A condition in which kidney failure occurs in patients wh
o have been the victims of
severe crushing accidents (see also KIDNEYS). The fundamental injury is damage t
o muscle. The limb swells.

The blood volume falls. Blood UREA rises; there is also a rise in the POTASSIUM
content of the blood.
Urgent treatment in an intensive therapy unit is required and renal dialysis may
well be necessary. The
patient may survive; or die with renal failure. Post-mortem examination shows de
generation of the tubules
of the kidney, and the presence in them of pigment casts.
Crusta Lactea See CRADLE CAP.
Treatment Most children with croup should be looked after at home if the
environment is suitable.
Severe episodes may require hospital observation, with treatment by oxygen if ne
eded and usually with a
single dose of inhaled steroid or oral PREDNISONE. For the very few children who
se illness progresses to
respiratory obstruction, intubation and ventilation may be needed for a few days
. There is little evidence
that putting the child in a mist tent or giving antibiotics is of any value. Of
greater importance is the
reassurance of the child, and careful observation for signs of deterioration, to
gether with the exclusion
of other causes such as foreign-body inhalation and bacterial tracheitis.
Crutch (1) An aid to support the weight of the body for a person unable
to bear weight on one of his or
her legs. Made of wood or metal, usually long enough to reach from the persons ar
mpit to the ground, it
has a concave surface that fits under the arm and a cross-bar for the hand. An e
lbow crutch provides
weight-bearing support using the forearm and elbow and is usually recommended wh
en the leg can take some
weight. (2) See PERINEUM.
Crutch Palsy Crutch palsy is weakness or paralysis of muscles

CS Gas
in the wrist and hand, due to pressure exerted by the CRUTCH head on the
nerves that control the
affected muscles. It usually occurs because the crutch is too long for the indiv
idual, and/or if he or she
attempts too much walking. The nerve damage is temporary and symptoms disappear
if the crutch is properly
used or left aside for a time.
Cryoanalgesia The induction of analgesia (see ANALGESICS) by the use of
cold that is produced by means
of a special probe. The use of cold for the relief of pain dates back to the ear
ly days of mankind: two
millennia ago, Hippocrates was recommending snow and ice packs as a preoperative
analgesic. The modern
probe allows a precise temperature to be induced in a prescribed area. Among its
uses is in the relief of
chronic pain which will not respond to any other form of treatment. This applies
particularly to chronic
facial pain.
two main forms in which it is now used are and refrigeration ANAESTHESIA
Cryptococcosis Cryptococcosis is a rare disease due to infection with a
yeast known as Cryptococcus
neoformans. Around 510 cases are diagnosed annually in the United Kingdom. It usu
ally involves the lungs
in the first instance, but may spread to the MENINGES and other parts of the bod
y, including the skin. As a
rule, the disease responds well to treatment with AMPHOTERICIN B, clotrimazole,
and flucytosine.
Cryptococcus A genus of yeasts. Cryptococcus neoformans is widespread in
nature, and is present in
particularly large numbers in the faeces of pigeons. It occasionally infects hum
ans, as a result of the
inhalation of dust contaminated by the faeces of pigeons causing the disease kno
When frozen plasma is allowed to thaw slowly at 4 C, a proportion of the
plasma protein remains
undissolved in the cold thawed plasma and stays in this state until the plasma i
s warmed. It is this cold,
insoluble precipitate that is known as cryoprecipitate. It can be recovered quit
e easily by centrifuging.
Its value is that it is a rich source of factor VIII, which is used in the treat
An undescended testis (see TESTICLE). The testes normally descend into t
he scrotum during the seventh

month of gestation; until then, the testis is an abdominal organ. If the testes
do not descend before the
first year of life, they usually remain undescended until puberty and even then,
descent is not achieved
in some instances. Fertility is impaired when one testis is affected and is usua
lly absent in the bilateral
cases. The incidence of undescended testis in full-term children at birth is 35 p
er cent, falling to less
than 2 per cent at one month and 07 per cent at one year. Because of the high ris
k of infertility,
undescended testes should be brought down as early as possible and at the latest
by the age of two.
Sometimes medical treatment with HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPHIN is helpful but fr
equently surgical
interference is necessary. This is the operation of orchidopexy.
Cryopreservation Maintenance at very low temperatures of the viability o
f tissues or organs that have
been excised from the body.
Cryoscopy The method of finding the concentration of blood, urine, etc.,
by observing their
Cryosurgery The use of cold in surgery. Its advantages include little as
sociated pain, little or no
bleeding, and excellent healing with little or no scar formation. Hence its rela
tively wide use in eye
surgery, some abdominal surgery, skin cancers and treatment of HAEMORRHOIDS. The
coolants used include
liquid nitrogen with which temperatures as low as 196 C can be obtained, carbon di
oxide (78 C) and
nitrous oxide (88 C).
Cryotherapy The treatment of disease by refrigeration. The
CS Gas A noxious gas used for riot control which causes irritation of th
e eyes and respiratory tract.
Symptoms usually subside within 20 minutes but, if they persist, the victim shou
ld be removed to a
wellventilated area, contaminated clothing removed, the affected skin washed wi
th soap and water and the
eyes irrigated with water or physiological saline. (CONTACT LENSES should be rem
oved and washed, if hard;

174 CSM
carded, if soft.) If respiratory complications develop, the victim shoul
d be admitted to hospital.
CT Scanner The machine which combines the use of a computer and Xrays t
o produce crosssectional
images of the body (see COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY).
Culdoscopy Culdoscopy is a method of examining the pelvic organs in wome
n by means of an instrument
comparable to a CYSTOSCOPE, inserted into the pelvic cavity through the VAGINA.
The instrument used for
this purpose is known as a culdoscope.
Curette A spoonshaped instrument with a cutting edge, used for scooping
out the contents of any body
cavity for example, the uterus or for removing certain skin lesions, such as ver
Cushings Syndrome Described in 1932 by Harvey Cushing, the American neuro
surgeon, Cushings syndrome
is due to an excess production of CORTISOL. It can thus result from a tumour of
secreting cortisol, or from a PITUITARY GLAND tumour secreting ACTH and stimulat
ing both adrenal cortexes
to hypertrophy and secrete excess cortisol. It is sometimes the result of ectopi
c production of ACTH from
nonendocrine tumours in the LUNGS and PANCREAS. The patient gains weight and the
obesity tends to have a
characteristic distribution over the face, neck, and shoulder and pelvic girdles
. Purple striae develop
over the abdomen and there is often increased hairiness or hirsutism. The blood
pressure is commonly raised
and the bone softens as a result of osteoporosis. The best test to establish the
diagnosis is to measure
the amount of cortisol in a 24hourly specimen of urine. Once the diagnosis has
been established, it is
then necessary to undertake further tests to determine the cause.
Cutaneous Cutaneous means belonging to the SKIN.
Cuticle See SKIN.
Cuts See WOUNDS.
Cyanide Poisoning Cyanide inhibits cellular RESPIRATION by binding rapid
ly and reversibly with the
ENZYME, cytochrome oxidase. Effects of poisoning are due to tissue HYPOXIA. Cyan
ide is toxic by inhalation,
ingestion and prolonged skin contact, and acts extremely quickly once absorbed.
Following inhalation of
hydrogen cyanide gas, death can occur within minutes. Ingestion of inorganic cya
nide salts may produce

symptoms within 10 minutes, again proceeding rapidly to death. On a full stomach

, effects may be delayed
for an hour or more. Signs of cyanide poisoning are headache, dizziness, vomitin
g, weakness, ATAXIA,
HYPERVENTILATION, DYSPNOEA, HYPOTENSION and collapse. Loss of vision and hearing
may occur, then COMA and
CONVULSIONS. Other features include cardiac ARRHYTHMIA and PULMONARY OEDEMA. Pat
ients may have a lactic
ACIDOSIS. Their arterial oxygen tension is likely to be normal, but their venous
oxygen tension high and
similar to that of arterial blood.
Treatment Administration of oxygen when available is the most important
firstaid management. Rescuers
should be trained, must not put themselves at risk, and should use protective cl
othing and breathing
apparatus. In unconscious victims, establish a clear airway and give 100 per cen
t oxygen. If breathing
stops and oxygen is unavailable, initiate expiredair resuscitation. If cyanide
salts were ingested,
mouthtomouth contact must be avoided and a mask with a oneway valve employed
instead. Some commercially
available firstaid kits contain AMYL NITRATE as an antidote which may be employ
ed if oxygen is
unavailable. Once in hospital, or if a trained physician is on the scene, then a
ntidotes may be
administered. There are several different intravenous antidotes that may be used
either alone or in
combination. In mild to moderate cases, sodium thiosulphate is usually given. In
more severe cases either
dicobalt edetate or sodium nitrite may be used, followed by sodium thiosulphate.
Some of these (e.g.
dicobalt edetate) should be given only where diagnosis is certain, otherwise ser
ious adverse reations or
toxicity due to the antidotes may occur.

Cyesis 175
Cyanides Salts of hydrocyanic or prussic acid. They are highly poisonous
, and are also powerful
Cyanocobalamin The name given by the British Pharmacopoeia Commission to
vitamin B12, found to be an
effective substitute for liver in the treatment of pernicious ANAEMIA. It has no
w been replaced by
HYDROXOCOBALAMIN as the standard treatment for this condition (see also COBALAMI
Cyanosis A condition in which the skin usually of the face and extremiti
es takes on a bluish tinge.
It accompanies states in which the blood is not properly oxygenated in the lungs
, and appears earliest
through the nails, on the lips, on the tips of the ears, and over the cheeks. It
may be due to blockage of
the air passages, or to disease in the lungs, or to a feeble circulation, as in
heart disease. (See CHRONIC
Cybernetics The science of communication and control in the animal and i
n the machine.
Cyclamates Artificial sweetening agents which are about 30 times as swee
t as cane sugar. After being in
use since 1965, they were banned by government decree in 1969 because of adverse
reports received from the
Cyclical Oedema This is a syndrome in women, characterised by irregular
intermittent bouts of
generalised swelling. Sometimes the fluid retention is more pronounced before th
e menstrual period (see
MENSTRUATION). The eyelids are puffy and the face and fingers feel stiff and blo
ated. The breasts may feel
swollen and the abdomen distended, and ankles may swell. The diurnal weight gain
may exceed 4 kg. The
underlying disturbance is due to increased loss of fluid from the vascular compa
rtment, probably from
leakage of protein from the capillaries increasing the tissue osmotic pressure.
Recent evidence suggests
that a decrease in the urinary excretion of DOPAMINE may contribute, as this has
a natriuretic action (see
NATRIURESIS). This may explain why drugs that are dopamine antagonists, such as
chlorpromazine, may
precipitate or aggravate cyclical oedema. Conversely, bro
mocriptine, a dopamine agonist, may improve the oedema.
Cyclizine Hydrochloride One of the ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS which is mainly u
sed for the prevention of
sickness, including seasickness.
CycloOxygenase2 Selective Inhibitors See COX2 INHIBITORS.
Cyclophosphamide A derivative of NITROGEN MUSTARDS used to treat various
forms of malignant disease,

including HODGKINS DISEASE and chronic lymphocytic LEUKAEMIA. (See also ALKYLATIN
Cycloplegia Paralysis of the ciliary muscle of the EYE, which results in
the loss of the power of
Cyclopropane One of the most potent of the anaesthetics given by inhalat
ion (see ANAESTHESIA). Its
advantages are that it acts quickly, causes little irritation to the lungs, and
its effects pass off
Cycloserine An antibiotic derived from an actinomycete, used to treat ce
rtain infections of the
genitourinary tract, and and in combination with other drugs to treat TUBERCULOS
IS resistant to firstline
Cyclothymia The state characterised by extreme swings of mood from elati
on to depression, and vice
Cyclotron A machine in which positively charged atomic particles are so
accelerated that they acquire
energies equivalent to those produced by millions of volts. From the medical poi
nt of view, its interest is
that it is a source of neutrons. (See RADIOTHERAPY.)
Cyesis Another term for pregnancy (see AND LABOUR).

176 Cyproterone Acetate

Cyproterone Acetate
An antiandrogen. It inhibits the effects of androgens (see ANDROGEN) at
receptor level and is therefore
useful in the treatment of prostate cancer (see PROSTATE, DISEASES OF), ACNE, HI
RSUTISM in women and in the
treatment of severe hypersexuality and sexual deviation in men. The drug can hav
e serious sideeffects.
Cystectomy The surgical excision of the bladder (see URINWhen this is do
ne usually to treat cancer of
the bladder an alternative means of collecting urine from the KIDNEYS must be ar
ranged. The URETERS of
the kidney can be transplanted into a loop of bowel which is brought to the surf
ace of the abdomen to form
a STOMA that exits into an externally worn pouch. The latest surgical technique
is to fashion a substitute
bladder from a section of intestine and to implant the ureters into it, thus all
owing the patient to void
urine through the urethra as normal. ARY BLADDER).
Cysteine An amino acid containing SULPHUR that is an essential constitue
nt of many of the bodys
enzymes. (See AMINO ACIDS; ENZYME.)
Cystic Duct The tube that runs from the gallbladder (see LIVER) and joi
ns up with the hepatic duct
(formed from the bile ducts) to form the common BILE DUCT. The BILE produced by
the liver cells is drained
through this system and enters the small intestine to help in the digestion of f
Cysticercosis This disease rarely occurs except in Central Europe, Ethio
pia, South Africa, and part of
Asia. It results from ova (eggs) being swallowed or regurgitated into the stomac
h from an adult pork
tapeworm in the intestine. In the stomach the larvae escape from the eggs and ar
e absorbed. They are
carried in the blood to various parts of the body, most commonly the subcutaneou
s tissue and skeletal
muscle, where they develop and form cysticerci. When superficial, they may be fe
lt under the skin as small
pealike bodies. Although they cause no symptoms here, cysts may also develop in
the brain. Five years
later the larvae die, and the braintissue reaction may result in epileptic fits,
obscure neurological
disorders, and personality changes. The cysts calcify at this stage, though
to a greater degree in the muscles than the brain, allowing them to be s
een radiologically. Epilepsy
starting in adult life, in anyone who has previously lived in an endemic area, s
hould suggest the
possibility of cysticercosis. (See also TAENIASIS.)
Treatment Most important is prevention of the initial tapeworm infection

, by ensuring that pork is well

cooked before it is eaten. Nurses and others attending to a patient harbouring a
n adult tapeworm must be
careful to avoid ingesting ova from contaminated hands. The tapeworm itself can
be destroyed with
NICLOSAMIDE. Brain infections are treated with sedatives and anticonvulsants, s
urgery rarely being
necessary. Most patients make a good recovery.
Cystic Fibrosis This is the most common serious genetic disease in Cauca
sian children, with an
incidence of about one per 2,500 births, and more than 6,000 patients in the UK
(30,000 in the USA). It is
an autosomal recessive disorder of the mucussecreting glands of the lungs, the
pancreas, the mouth, and
the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the sweat glands of the skin. The defecti
ve gene is sited on
chromosome 7 which encodes for a protein, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conducta
nce regulator (CFTR).
Individuals who inherit the gene only on one set of chromosomes can, however, ca
rry the defect into
successive generations. Where parents have a child with cystic fibrosis, they ha
ve a oneinfour chance of
subsequent children having the disease. They should seek GENETIC COUNSELLING.
The disorder is characterised by failure to gain weight in spite of a go
od appetite, by repeated
attacks of bronchitis (with BRONCHIECTASIS developing at a young age), and by th
e passage of loose,
foulsmelling and slimy stools (faeces). AMNIOCENTESIS, which yields amniotic fl
uid along with cells shed
from the fetuss skin, can be used to diagnose cystic fibrosis prenatally. The lev
els of various enzymes
can be measured in the fluid and are abnormal when the fetus is affected by cyst
ic fibrosis. Neonatal
screening is possible using a test on blood spots immunoreactive trypsin (IRT).
In children with symptoms
or a positive family history, the disease can be tested for by measuring sweat c
hloride and sodium. This
detects the abnormal amount of salt that is excreted via the sweat glands when c
ystic fibrosis is present.
Confirmation is by genetic testing.

Treatment This consists basically of regular physiotherapy and postural
drainage, antibiotics and the
taking of pancreatic enzyme tablets and vitamins. Some children need STEROID tre
atment and all require
nutritional support. The earlier treatment is started, the better the results. W
hereas two decades ago,
only 12 per cent of affected children survived beyond adolescence, today 75 per
cent survive into adult
life, and an increasing number are surviving into their 40s. Patients with ends
tage disease can be treated
by heartlung transplantation (with their own heart going to another recipient).
Research is underway on
the possible use of GENE THERAPY to control the disorder. Parents of children wi
th cystic fibrosis, seeking
help and advice, can obtain this from the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
Cystitis Inflammation of the URINARY BLADDER. The presenting symptom is
usually dysuria that is, a
feeling of discomfort when urine is passed and frequently a stinging or burning
pain in the URETHRA. There
is also a feeling of wanting to pass water much more often than usual, even thou
gh there is very little
urine present when the act is performed. The condition may be associated with a
dragging ache in the lower
abdomen, and the urine usually looks dark or stronger than normal. It is frequen
tly associated with
haematuria, which means blood in the urine and is the result of the inflammation
. Cystitis is a common
problem; more than half the women in Britain suffer from it at some time in thei
r lives. The cause of the
disease is a bacterial infection of the bladder, the germs having entered the ur
ethra and ascended into the
bladder. The most common organism responsible is called Escherichia coli. This o
rganism normally lives in
the bowel where it causes no harm. It is therefore likely to be present on the s
kin around the anus so that
there is always a potential for infection. The disease is much more common in wo
men because the urethra,
vagina and anus are very close together and the urethra is much shorter in the f
emale than it is in the
male. It also explains why women commonly suffer cystitis after sexual intercour
se and honeymoon cystitis
is a very common presentation of bladder inflammation. In most cases the inflamm
ation is more of a nuisance
than a danger but the infection can spread up to the kidneys and cause PYELITIS
which is a much more
serious disorder. In cases of cystitis the urine should be cultured to grow the
responsible organism. The
relevant antibiotic can then be prescribed. Fluids should be taken freel
y not only for an acute attack
of cystitis but also to prevent further attacks, because if the urine is dilute
the organism is less likely
to grow. Bicarbonate of soda is also helpful as this reduces the acidity of the
urine and helps to relieve
the burning pain, and inhibits the growth of the bacteria. Careful hygiene, in o

rder to keep the PERINEUM

clean, is also important. (See URINARY BLADDER, DISEASES OF.)
Cystocoele A
PROLAPSE of the base of the URINARY BLADDER in a woman. The pelvic floor
muscles may
be weakened after childbirth and, when the woman strains, the front wall
of the vagina bulges. Stress
incontinence often accompanies a cystocoele and surgical repair is then advisabl
Cystogram An Xray picture of the URINARY BLADDER.
Cystometer An instrument for measuring the pressure in the URINARY BLADD
Cystometry A technique for measuring the pressure in the URINARY BLADDER
as part of a URODYNAMIC
investigation to assess the functioning of the bladder.
Cystoscope An instrument for viewing the interior of the URINARY BLADDER
. It consists of a narrow tube
carrying a small electric lamp at its end; a small mirror set obliquely opposite
an opening near the end of
the tube; and a telescope which is passed down the tube and by which the reflect
ion of the brightly
illuminated bladder wall in the mirror is examined. It is of great value in the
diagnosis of conditions
like ulcers and small tumours of the bladder. Fine CATHETERS can be passed along
the cystoscope, and by the
aid of vision can be inserted into each ureter and pushed up to the kidney, so t
hat the urine from each
kidney may be obtained and examined separately in order to diagnose which of the
se organs is diseased.
Cysts Hollow tumours (see TUMOUR), containing fluid or soft material. Th
ey are almost always simple in
Retention cysts In these, in consequence of

178 Cytarabine
irritation or another cause, some cavity which ought naturally to contai
n a little fluid becomes
distended, or the natural outlet from the cavity becomes blocked. Wens are cause
d by the blockage of the
outlet from sebaceous glands in the skin, so that an accumulation of fatty matte
r takes place. RANULA is a
clear swelling under the tongue, due to a collection of saliva in consequence of
an obstruction to a
salivary duct. Cysts in the breasts are, in many cases, the result of blockage i
n milk ducts, due to
inflammation; they should be assessed to exclude cancer (see BREASTS, DISEASES O
F). Cysts also form in the
kidney as a result of obstruction to the free outflow of the urine.
Developmental cysts Of these, the most important are the huge cysts that
originate in the OVARIES. The
cause is doubtful, but the cyst probably begins at a very early period of life,
gradually enlarges, and
buds off smaller cysts from its wall. The contents are usually a clear gelatinou
s fluid. Very often both
ovaries are affected, and the cysts may slowly reach a great size often, however
, taking a lifetime to do
so. A similar condition sometimes occurs in the KIDNEYS, and the tumour may have
reached a great size in an
infant even before birth (congenital cystic kidney). Dermoid cysts are small cav
ities, which also originate
probably early in life, but do not reach any great size until fairly late in lif
e. They appear about parts
of the body where clefts occur in the embryo and close up before birth, such as
the corner of the eyes, the
side of the neck, and the middle line of the body. They contain hair, fatty matt
er, fragments of bone,
scraps of skin, even numerous teeth.
cells of the body, with particular reference to the CHROMOSOMES.
Cytokines A family of PROTEIN molecules that carry signals locally betwe
en cells. Cytokines are
released by cells when activated by antigens (see ANTIGEN), behaving as enhancin
g mediators for immune
response. These proteins include INTERLEUKINS (produced by LEUCOCYTES), lymphoki
nes (produced by
lymphocytes see LYMPHOCYTE), INTERFERON, and tumour necrosis factor, one of whos
e many functions is
killing tumour cells.
Cytology The study of CELLS.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
An drug used mainly to induce remission of acute myeloblastic LEUKAEMIA.
A potent suppressant of
myeloblasts, its use requires monitoring by a HAEMATOLOGIST. (See CYTOTOXIC.)
A commonly occurring virus of the herpes virus group the name derived fr
om the swollen appearance of

infected cells (cytomegalo = large cell). The infection is usually asymptomatic (o

r like mild influenza),
but it can cause an illness similar to infectious MONONUCLEOSIS. Most people (80
per cent) will have had
CMV infection by the time they are adults, but the virus can remain latent in th
e body and cause recurrent
infections. During an acute infection the virus is excreted in saliva, breast mi
lk and urine as well as
from the vagina, and this may continue for years. CMV is transmitted naturally b
y saliva or during sexual
contact, but blood transfusions and organ transplantations are also infection ro
utes. Although CMV rarely
causes its host any problems, when it is passed from an infected mother to her f
etus in utero or to an
infant during birth (from vaginal secretions) or via breast milk postnatally, th
e virus causes a
generalised severe infection in the infant. This can involve the central nervous
system and liver, causing
death of the fetus or neonate. If the infant survives it may be mentally retarde
d, with motor disabilities,
deafness and chronic liver disease. In England and Wales about 400 babies a year
are born with CMVinduced
disabilities. If an adult is immunodeficient (see IMMUNODEFICIENCY) because of H
IV infection/AIDS or as a
result of immunosuppressive treatment after an organ transplant, he or she may b
ecome seriously ill.
A prefix meaning something connected with a cell or CELLS.
An instrument for counting and measuring CELLS.
Hydatid cysts are produced in many organs, particularly in the liver, by
a parasite which is the larval
stage of a tapeworm found in dogs. They occur in people who keep dogs and allow
them to contaminate their
food. (See TAENIASIS.)
The study of the structure and functions of the
The PROTOPLASM of the cell body. (See CELLS.)

Cytotoxic 179
Cytotoxic Cytotoxic means destructive to living cells. Cytotoxic drugs p
ossess anticancer properties
but also have the potential to damage normal tissue. Their use is twofold: to el
iminate a cancer and so
prolong life; or to alleviate distressing symptoms, especially in patients whose
prospects of a cure are
poor. In many cases CHEMOTHERAPY with cytotoxic drugs is combined with surgery,
Chemotherapy may be used initially to reduce the size of the primary TUMOUR (a p
rocess called neoadjuvant
therapy) before using radiotherapy or surgery to eliminate it. Cytotoxic drugs m
ay also be used as adjuvant
treatment to prevent or destroy secondary spread of the primary tumour that has
either been removed by
surgery or treated with radiotherapy. All chemotherapy causes sideeffects: the
ONCOLOGIST a specialist
in cancer treatment has to strike a balance between hopedfor benefits and accept
able (for the patient)
toxic effects, which include nausea and vomiting, BONE MARROW suppression, ALOPE
CIA (hair loss) and
teratogenic effects (see TERATOGENESIS). Cytotoxic drugs are used either singly
or in combination, when an
enhanced response is the aim. Chemotherapy of cancer is a complex process and sh
ould be supervised by an
oncologist in cooperation with physicians, surgeons, radiotherapists and radiol
ogists as appropriate. The
cytotoxic drugs include: (1) The alkylating agents which act by damaging DNA, th
us interfering with cell
reproduction. Cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, chlorambucil, kelphalan, busulphan,
thiotepa and mustine are
examples of alkylating agents.
(2) There are a number of cytotoxic antibiotics used in the treatment of
cancer doxorubicin,
bleomycin, dactinomycin, mithramycin and amsacrine are examples. They are used p
rimarily in the treatment
of acute leukaemia and lymphomas. (3) Antimetabolites these drugs combine irreve
rsibly with vital enzyme
systems of the cell and hence prevent normal cell division. Methotrexate, cytara
bine, fluorouracil,
mercaptopurine and azathioprine are examples. (4) Another group of cytotoxic dru
gs are the vinca alkaloids
such as vincristine, vinblastine and vindesima. (5) Platinum compounds such as c
arboplatin, cisplatin and
oxaliplatin are effective. All of them are given intravenously, but the latter t
wo tend to have more
unpleasant sideeffects. Carboplatin and cisplatin are useful in the treatment o
f solid tumours.
Carboplatin, a derivative of cisplatin, is given intravenously in ovarian cancer
and in smallcell lung
cancer. Better tolerated than cisplatin, the drug causes less nausea and vomitin
g, nephrotoxicity,
neurotoxicity and ototoxicity. Where platinumcontaining therapy has failed, intr
avenous treatment with
paclitaxel may be tried. With only a limited success rate, it is relatively toxi
c and should be carefully
supervised; responses, however, are sometimes prolonged. Also of increasing impo
rtance in treating cancer

are interferons. These are naturally occurring proteins with complex effects on
immunity and cell function.
Although toxic, with numerous adverse effects, they have shown some antitumour
effect against certain
lymphomas and solid tumours.


Da Costas Syndrome See EFFORT SYNDROME.
Dacryocystitis See EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Dactinomycin A CYTOTOXIC antibiotic drug principally used for treating c
ancers such as acute LEUKAEMIA
and LYMPHOMA in children. It is given intravenously and treatment normally takes
place in hospital. The
drug was previously known as actinomycin D. Sideeffects are potentially serious
Dactylitis Inflammation of a finger or toe.
Danazol This drug inhibits pituitary gonadotrophin secretion (see PITUIT
is used in the treatment of ENDOMETRIOSIS, MENORRHAGIA and GYNAECOMASTIA. The do
se is usually of the order
of 100 mg twice daily and sideeffects may include nausea, dizziness, flushing a
nd skeletal muscle pain. It
is mildly androgenic (see ANDROGEN).
Dandruff Also known as scurf. The white scales shed from the scalp, due
to increased production of
epidermal surface cells. Treatment is regular washing with an antidandruff shamp
oo. (See also SEBORRHOEA.)
Dangerous Drugs See CONTROLLED DRUGS.
Dantrolene A musclerelaxing drug, indicated for chronic severe spastici
ty (see SPASTIC) of voluntary
muscle such as may occur after a STROKE or in CEREBRAL PALSY and MULTIPLE SCLERO
SIS (MS). Unlike most other
relaxants, it acts directly on the muscle, thus producing fewer centralnervouss
ystem sideeffects. It is
contraindicated if liver function is impaired, and is not recommended for childr
en or for acute muscle
spasm. It may cause drowsiness, resulting in impaired performance at ski
lled tasks and driving.
Dapsone One of the most effective drugs in the treatment of LEPROSY. An
antibacterial drug, its use may
cause nausea and vomiting; occasionally, it may harm nerves, the liver, and red
blood cells. During
treatment, blood tests are done to check on liver function and the number of red
cells in the blood. The
drug is also used to treat dermatitis herpetiformis, a rare skin disorder.
Dartos The thin muscle just under the skin of the SCROTUM which enables
the scrotum to alter its shape.
Data Protection Act 1998 This legislation puts into effect the UK Europe
an Directive 95/46/EC on the
processing of personal data, whether paper or computer records. The Act is based
on eight principles, the
first of which stipulates that personal data shall be processed fairly and lawful

ly. Unfortunately this

phrase is open to different interpretations. Clarification is required to determ
ine how the commonlaw duty
of confidentiality affects the health services in the context of using data obta
ined from patients for
research work, especially epidemiological studies (see EPIDEMIOLOGY). Health aut
horities, trusts and
primary care groups in the NHS have appointed Caldicott guardians named after a re
view of information
that identifies patients. A prime responsibility of the guardians is to agree an
d review internal protocols
for the protection and use of identifiable information obtained from patients. T
he uncertainties over the
interpretation of the legislation require clarification, but some experts have s
uggested a workable
solution: to protect patients rights, researchers should ensure that data are ful
ly anonymised whenever
possible; they should also agree their project design with those responsible for
data protection well in
advance of its planned starting date. (See ETHICS.)
Day Blindness A condition in which the patient sees better in a

Dead, Disposal of the

dim light or by night than in daylight. It is only found in conditions i
n which the light is very
glaring, as in the desert and on snow, and is relieved by resting the retina (se
e EYE) for example, by
wearing coloured glasses for a time.
Daydreams Daydreams occur when an individual during waking hours imagine
s enjoyable or exciting events
or images. Most people daydream at some stage during their lives, but it tends t
o occur when someone is
stressed or unhappy. Children and teenagers in particular may sometimes daydream
a lot. This should not
usually worry their parents or teachers unless their work suffers or it affects
the individuals personal
relationships. In those circumstances professional advice should be sought from
a doctor or counsellor.
Day Surgery Surgery done in a clinic or a hospital without an overnight
stay either before or after the
operation. Improvements in surgery especially the introduction of MINIMALLY INVA
well as more effective methods of ANAESTHESIA have simplified many procedures an
d reduced the physical and
mental stress on patients. Patients undergoing day surgery should be accompanied
home by a friend or
relative. Occasionally a patient may develop complications that require a posto
perative stay in hospital.
DDI Also known as ddI see DIDANOSINE.
Dead, Disposal of the Practically, only three methods have been used fro
m the earliest times: burial,
embalming and cremation. Burial is perhaps the earliest and most primitive metho
d. It was customary to bury
the bodies of the dead in consecrated ground around churches up until the earlie
r half of the 19th century,
when the utterly insanitary state of churchyards led to legislation for their be
tter control. Burials in
Britain take place usually upon production of a certificate from a registrar of
deaths, to whom notice of
the death, accompanied by a medical certificate, must be given without delay by
the nearest relatives. When
a death occurs at sea, the captain of the ship has authority to permit burial at
sea. If, however, there
are any doubts about cause of
death, the captain may decide to preserve the body and refer the case to
the relevant authorities at
the next port of call.
Embalming is still used occasionally. The process consists in removing t
he internal organs through
small openings, and filling the body cavities with various aromatics of antisept
ic power the skin being

swathed in bandages or otherwise protected from the action of the air. Bodies ar
e also preserved by
injecting the blood vessels with strong antiseptics such as perchloride of mercu
Cremation or incineration of the body is now the commonest method of dis
posal of the dead in the UK,
where land for burials is increasingly scarce; today it accounts for around 75 p
er cent of disposals. The
process of incineration takes 12 hours. Something in the range of 23 to 32 kg (57 lb
s) of ash result
from the combustion of the body, and there is no admixture with that from the fu
el. Cremation of a body
means that it is almost impossible to conduct any meaningful forensic tests shou
ld any subsequent doubts be
raised about the cause of death. So, before cremation can take place, two doctor
s have to sign the
cremation forms. The first is usually the doctor who was caring for the patient
at the time of death an
important exception being cases of sudden death, when the coroner holds an inque
st into the cause and
authorises the necessary approval for cremation. In 1999, fewer than 3,500 death
s were certified following
a post-mortem, out of a total number of deaths in England and Wales of more than
556,000. When the coroner
is not involved, the second doctor must have been qualified for five years; he o
r she must be unconnected
with the patients care and not linked professionally with the first doctor. (For
example, if the first
doctor is a general practitioner as in the majority of cases they are the second
doctor should be from
another practice.) Before signing the cremation certificate the second doctor mu
st conduct an external
examination of the dead person and discuss the circumstances of death with the f
irst doctor. The two
cremation forms are then inspected by crematorium medical referees who must be s
atisfied that the cause of
death has definitely been ascertained. The present death and cremation certifica
tion system has been in
place in the UK for many years the legislative framework for cremation was set u
p in 1902 and death
certification procedures were last reviewed by the government-appointed Brodrick

182 Dead Fingers

chronic otitis media where there is inflammation of the middle ear, ofte
n with a perforation of the ear
drum. It is thought that in the majority of cases this is a sequela of childhood
middle-ear disease. Many
preschool children suffer temporary hearing loss because of otitis media with ef
fusion (glue ear). Wax does
not interfere with hearing unless it totally obstructs the ear canal or is impac
ted against the tympanic
membrane. (See also EAR; EAR, DISEASES OF.)
Deadly Nightshade
Treatment Conductive hearing impairment
The popular name of Atropa belladonna, from which ATROPINE is procured.
Its poisonous black berries are
sometimes eaten by children.
can, in many cases, be treated by an operation on the middle ear or by t
he use of a hearing aid.
Sensorineural hearing impairments can be treated only with a hearing aid. In the
UK, hearing aids are
available free on the NHS. Most NHS hearing aids are ear-level hearing aids that
is, they fit behind the
ear with the sound transmitted to the ear via a mould in the external ear. Small
er hearing aids are
available which fit within the ear itself, and people can wear such aids in both
ears. The use of certain
types of hearing aid may be augmented by fittings incorporated into the aid whic
h pick up sound directly
from television sets or from telephones, and from wire loop systems in halls, le
cture theatres and
classrooms. More recently, bone-anchored hearing aids have been developed where
the hearing aid is attached
directly to the bones of the skull using a titanium screw. This type of hearing
aid is particularly useful
in children with abnormal or absent ear canals who cannot therefore wear convent
ional hearing aids. People
with hearing impairment should seek audiological or medical advice before purcha
sing any of the many types
of hearing aid available commercially. Those people with a hearing impairment wh
ich is so profound (stone
deaf) that they cannot be helped by a hearing aid can sometimes now be fitted wit
h an electrical implant
in their inner ear (a cochlear implant). Congenital hearing loss accounts for a
very small proportion of
the hearing-impaired population. It is important to detect at an early stage as,
if undetected and unaided,
it may lead to delayed or absent development of speech. Otitis media with effusi
on (glue ear) usually
resolves spontaneously, although if it persists, surgical intervention has been
the traditional treatment
involving insertion of a ventilation tube (see GROMMET) into the ear drum, often
combined with removal of

the adenoids (see NOSE, DISORDERS OF). Recent studies, however, suggest that in
many children these
operations may provide only transiin 1971, with no fundamental changes proposed. The case of Harold Shipma
n, a general practitioner
convicted of murdering more than 15 patients, and suspected of murdering many mo
re, has revealed serious
weaknesses in the certification system. A comprehensive review of the present pr
ocedures was in place at
the time of writing (2004).
Dead Fingers
Dead Space Gas exchange only occurs in the terminal parts of the pulmona
ry airways (see LUNGS). That
portion of each breath that is taken into the lungs but does not take part in ga
s exchange is known as dead
space. Anatomical dead space describes air in the airways up to the terminal BRO
NCHIOLES. Physiological
dead space also includes gas in alveoli (air sacs) which are unable to take part
in gas exchange because of
structural abnormalities or disease.
Deafness Impairment of hearing, which affects about 2 million adults in
the UK. In infants, permanent
deafness is much less common: about 12 per 1,000. It is essential, however, that
deafness is picked up
early so that appropriate treatment and support can be given to improve hearing
and/or ensure that the
child can learn to speak. In most people, deafness is a result of sensorineural
hearing impairment,
commonly known as nerve deafness. This means that the abnormality is located in
the inner ear (the
cochlea), in the auditory nerve, or in the brain itself. The prevalence of this
type of hearing impairment
rises greatly in elderly people, to the extent that more than 50 per cent of the
over-70s have a moderate
hearing impairment. In most cases no definite cause can be found, but contributo
ry factors include
excessive exposure to noise, either at work (e.g. shipyards and steelworks) or a
t leisure (loud music).
Anyone who is exposed to gunfire or explosions is also likely to develop some he
aring impairment: service
personnel, for example. Conductive hearing impairment is the other main classifi
cation. Here there is an
abnormality of the external or middle ear, preventing the normal transmission of
sound waves to the inner
ear. This is most commonly due to

Death, Signs of
ent relief and make no difference to long-term outcome. Advice and infor
mation on deafness and hearing
aids may be obtained from the Royal National Institute for Deaf People and other
Deamination The process of removal of the amino group, NH2, from amino a
cids not required for building
up body PROTEIN. This is carried out mainly in the liver by means of an enzyme,
deaminase. The fatty acid
residue is either burnt up to yield energy, or is converted into glucose.
Death, Causes of The final cause of death is usually the failure of the
vital centres in the brain that
control the beating of the heart and the act of breathing. The important practic
al question, however, is
what disease, injury or other agent has led to this failure. Sometimes the cause
may be obvious for
example, pneumonia, coronary thrombosis, or brain damage in a road accident. Oft
en, however, the cause can
be uncertain, in which case a POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION is necessary. The two most
common causes of death in
the UK are diseases of the circulatory system (including strokes and heart disea
se) and cancer. Overall
annual death rates among women in the UK at the start of the 21st century were 7
.98 per 1,000 population,
and among men, 5.58 per 1,000. Comparable figures at the start of the 20th centu
ry were 16.3 for women and
18.4 for men. The death rates in 1900 among infants up to the age of four were 4
7.9 per 1,000 females and
57 per 1,000 males. By 2003 these numbers had fallen to 5.0 and 5.8 respectively
. All these figures give a
crude indication of how the health of Britains population has improved in the pas
t century. Death rates
and figures on the causes of deaths are essential statistics in the study of EPI
DEMIOLOGY which, along with
information on the incidence of illnesses and injuries, provides a temporal and
geographical map of
changing health patterns in communities. Such information is valuable in plannin
g preventive health
measures (see PUBLIC HEALTH) and in identifying the natural history of diseases
knowledge that often
contributes to the development of preventive measures and treatments for those d
Death, Signs of There are some minor signs, such as: relaxation
of the facial muscles (which produces the staring eye and gaping mouth o
f the Hippocratic
countenance), as well as a loss of the curves of the back, which becomes flat by
contact with the bed or
table; discoloration of the skin, which takes on a wax-yellow hue and loses its
pink transparency at the
finger-webs; absence of blistering and redness if the skin is burned (Christisons
sign); and failure of a
ligature tied round the finger to produce, after its removal, the usual change o
f a white ring, which,

after a few seconds, becomes redder than the surrounding skin in a living person
. The only certain sign of
death, however, is that the heart has stopped beating. To ensure that this is pe
rmanent, it is necessary to
listen over the heart with a stethoscope, or directly with the ear, for at least
five minutes. Permanent
stoppage of breathing should also be confirmed by observing that a mirror held b
efore the mouth shows no
haze, or that a feather placed on the upper lip does not flutter. In the vast ma
jority of cases there is no
difficulty in ensuring that death has occurred. The introduction of organ transp
lantation, however, and of
more effective mechanical means of resuscitation, such as ventilators, whereby a
n individuals heart can be
kept beating almost indefinitely, has raised difficulties in a minority of cases
. To solve the problem in
these cases the concept of brain death has been introduced. In this context it has
to be borne in mind
that there is no legal definition of death. Death has traditionally been diagnos
ed by the irreversible
cessation of respiration and heartbeat. In the Code of Practice drawn up in 1983
by a Working Party of the
Health Departments of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, however, it is stated
that death can also be
diagnosed by the irreversible cessation of brain-stem function. This is described
as brain death. The
brain stem consists of the mid-brain, pons and medulla oblongata which contain t
he centres controlling the
vital processes of the body such as consciousness, breathing and the beating of
the heart (see BRAIN). This
new concept of death, which has been widely accepted in medical and legal circle
s throughout the world,
means that it is now legitimate to equate brain death with death; that the essen
tial component of brain
death is death of the brain stem; and that a dead brain stem can be reliably dia
gnosed at the bedside. (See
GLASGOW COMA SCALE.) Four points are important in determining the time that has
elapsed since death.
HYPOSTASIS, or congestion, begins to appear as livid spots on the back, often mi
staken for bruises, three
hours or more after death. This is due to the

184 Death, Sudden

blood running into the vessels in the lowest parts. Loss of heat begins
at once after death, and the
body has become as cold as the surrounding air after 12 hours although this is d
elayed by hot weather,
death from ASPHYXIA, and some other causes. Rigidity, or rigor mortis, begins in
six hours, takes another
six to become fully established, remains for 12 hours and passes off during the
succeeding 12 hours. It
comes on quickly when extreme exertion has been indulged in immediately before d
eath; conversely it is slow
in onset and slight in death from wasting diseases, and slight or absent in chil
dren. It begins in the
small muscles of the eyelid and jaw and then spreads over the body. PUTREFACTION
is variable in time of
onset, but usually begins in 23 days, as a greenish tint over the abdomen.
whom 9 million were over 65 and 4.2 million over 75. Females comprised 3
0.33 million and males 29.47.
In 2003 the latest year for which figures are available the death rate was 7.2 p
er 1,000 population; in
1980 the figure was 11.8. The total mortality comprises individual deaths from d
ifferent causes: for
example, accidents, cancer, coronary artery disease, strokes and suicides. Morta
lity is often calculated
for specific groups in epidemiological (see EPIDEMIOLOGY) studies of particular
diseases. Infant mortality
measures the deaths of babies born alive who die during the first year of life:
infant deaths per 1,000
live births were steady at around 5 from 20032005.
Death, Sudden
If deaths from accidents are excluded, this term means the unexpected de
ath of an apparently healthy
person. CARDIAC ARREST is the most common cause of sudden death. Older people (3
5 years or above) who
suffer cardiac arrest commonly have coronary artery disease (see HEART, DISEASES
OF) with restriction or
stoppage of blood supply to part of the heart which causes INFARCTION (heart att
ack). Irregularity of the
heartbeat (cardiac ARRHYTHMIA) is another cause. MYOCARDITIS, PNEUMONIA and STRO
KE can also result in
sudden death, as can ASTHMA, anaphylactic shock (see ANAPHYLAXIS), ruptured aort
the incidence of which is rising, especially among young people, and is over 4,0
00 a year in the UK. Sudden
death sometimes occurs in infants, usually in the first year of life: this is ca
SYNDROME (SIDS) or, colloquially, cot death, the possible causes of which are an
ongoing subject for
research and debate. When a person dies unexpectedly the event must be reported
to a CORONER, who has the
power to decide whether an AUTOPSY is necessary.

The surgical removal of foreign material and damaged tissue from a wound
Death Certificate A certificate required by law to be signed by a medica
l practitioner stating the main
and any contributary causes of a persons death.
Death Rate The death (mortality rate) is the number of deaths per 100,00
0 or sometimes 10,000 or
1,000 of the population per year. In 2001 the population of the UK was 59.8 mill
ion, of
Debility A state of weakness.
Caries of the teeth.
Decibel The unit of hearing. One decibel is the least intensity of sound
at which a given note can be
heard. The usual abbreviation for decibel is dB.
Decidua The soft coat which lines the interior of the womb during pregna
ncy and which is cast off at
Decoction A preparation made by boiling various plants in water and stra
ining the fluid.
Decompensation A failing condition of the heart in a case of valvular di
sease (see HEART, DISEASES OF).
Decongestants Drugs which relieve nasal congestion and stuffiness. They
may be given orally or by nasal
spray, and most are SYMPATHOMIMETIC DRUGS which cause vasoconstriction in the na
sal mucosa. Too frequent
use reduces their effectiveness, and there is a danger of rebound worsening if the
y are used for more
than 1014 days. A safer option for babies is simple sodium chloride drops. Warm m
oist air is also a
traditional effective decongestant.
Decubitus Decubitus refers to the positions taken up in

bed by patients suffering from various conditions such as pneumonia, PER
ITONITIS, or severe exhaustion.
Such patients are liable to develop bed sores, or decubitus ulcer (see ULCER).
Any point in the nervous system at which nerve fibres cross from one sid
e to the other: for example,
the decussation of the pyramidal tracts in the medulla (see BRAIN), where the mo
tor fibres from one side of
the brain cross to the other side of the spinal cord.
A change in structure or in chemical composition of a tissue or organ, b
y which its vitality is lowered
or its function interfered with. Degeneration is of various kinds, the chief bei
ng fatty, where cells
become invaded by fat globules; calcareous, where calcium is deposited in tissue
so that it becomes chalky
in consistency; and mucoid, where it becomes semi-liquefied. Causes of degenerat
ion are, in many cases,
very obscure. In some cases heredity plays a part, with particular organs for ex
ample, the kidneys
tending to show fibroid changes in successive generations. Fatty, fibroid, and c
alcareous degenerations are
part of the natural change in old age; defective nutrition may bring them on pre
maturely, as may excessive
and long-continued strain upon an organ like the heart. Various poisons, such as
alcohol, play a special
part in producing the changes, and so do the poisons produced by various disease
s, particularly SYPHILIS
Defaecation Opening the bowels. (See DIARRHOEA.)
Defibrillation If a heart is fibrillating (see VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION)
, the application of a large
electric shock via paddles applied to the chest wall causes simultaneous electri
cal depolarisation of all
the cardiac cells, and may allow the hearts natural pacemaker to re-establish sin
us rhythm. One paddle is
placed below the right clavicle and the other over the cardiac apex. Care must b
e taken that no one is in
contact with the patient or the bed when the shock is given, to avoid electrocut

Defibrillator Apparatus that delivers a controlled electric shock to res

tore normal heart rhythm in
patients whose hearts have developed VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION or have stopped be
ating. The shock is
delivered by electrodes placed on the chest wall or directly to the heart after
the chest has been
surgically opened. Defibrillators are a standard item of equipment for paramedic
al staff in ambulances, and
aeroplanes of some airlines now routinely carry the apparatus. (See also HEART,
Deficiency Disease
Degenerative Disorders An umbrella description for a wide variety of con
ditions in which there is
increased deterioration of the structure or function (or both) of the body. Agei
ng causes a steady
degeneration of many tissues and organs for example, wrinkling of the skin, CATA
RACT and poor
neuromuscular coordination. In degenerative disorders the changes occur earlier
in life. The nervous
system, muscles, arteries, joints and eyes are all susceptible. Specialised tiss
ues are replaced by
CONNECTIVE TISSUE. The commonest example in the nervous system is ALZHEIMERS DISE
ASE, which causes
dementia; while in HUNTINGTONS CHOREA, a genetic disorder, dementia is accompanie
d by incoordination of
Any disease resulting from the absence from the diet of any substance es
sential to good health: for
example, one of the vitamins.
Malformations or distortions of part of the body. They may be present at
birth, or they may be the
result of injuries, or disease, or simply produced by bad posture, like the curv
ed spine occasionally found
in children. (See BURNS AND
The breaking open of a wound that is partly healed, usually after surger
Deglutition means the act of swallowing. (See CHOKING.)
Dehydration A fall in the water content of the body. Sixty per

186 Dj Vu
cent of a mans body weight is water, and 50 per cent of a womans; those pr
oportions need to be
maintained within quite narrow limits to ensure proper functioning of body tissu
es. Body fluids contain a
variety of mineral salts (see ELECTROLYTES) and these, too, must remain within n
arrow concentration bands.
Dehydration is often accompanied by loss of salt, one of the most important mine
rals in the body. The start
of dehydration is signalled by a person becoming thirsty. In normal circumstances,
the drinking of water
will relieve thirst and serious dehydration does not develop. In a temperate cli
mate an adult will lose 1.5
litres or more a day from sweating, urine excretion and loss of fluid through th
e lungs. In a hot climate
the loss is much higher up to 10 litres if a person is doing hard physical work.
Even in a temperate
climate, severe dehydration will occur if a person does not drink for two or thr
ee days. Large losses of
fluid occur with certain illnesses for example, profuse diarrhoea; POLYURIA in d
iabetes or kidney failure
(see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF); and serious blood loss from, say, injury or a badly
bleeding ULCER in the
gastrointestinal tract. Severe thirst, dry lips and tongue, TACHYCARDIA, fast br
eathing, lightheadedness
and confusion are indicative of serious dehydration; the individual can lapse in
to COMA and eventually die
if untreated. Dehydration also results in a reduction in output of urine, which
becomes dark and
concentrated. Prevention is important, especially in hot climates, where it is e
ssential to drink water
even if one is not thirsty. Replacement of salts is also vital, and a diet conta
ining half a teaspoon of
table salt to every litre of water drunk is advisable. If someone, particularly
a child, suffers from
persistent vomiting and diarrhoea, rehydration therapy is required and a salt-an
dglucose rehydration
mixture (obtainable from pharmacists) should be taken. For those with severe deh
ydration, oral fluids will
be insufficient and the affected person needs intravenous fluids and, sometimes,
admission to hospital,
where fluid intake and output can be monitored and rehydration measures safely c
Dj Vu A feeling of having already experienced an event which the person is
doing or seeing at the
moment. French for already seen, dj vu is quite common but no satisfactory explanati
on for the
phenomenon has yet been discovered.
Delhi Boil Delhi boil is a form of chronic body sore occurring in Easter
n countries, caused by a
protozoan parasite, Leishmania tropica. (See LEISHMANIASIS.)
Delinquency Behaviour by a young person that would be judged a crime if
carried out by an adult.
Delinquency may also include non-criminal activities for example, running away f

rom home, missing school

lessons, drug or alcohol abuse, and unruly behaviour in public places. Delinquen
cy is now a serious social
problem in the UK, especially in deprived areas, and it is increasingly accompan
ied by alcohol and drug
Delirium A condition of altered consciousness in which there is disorien
tation (as in a confusional
state), incoherent talk and restlessness but with hallucination, illusions or de
lusions also present.
Delirium (confusion) In some old people, acute confusion is a common eff
ect of physical illness.
Elderly people are often referred to as being confused; unfortunately this term is
often inappropriately
applied to a wide range of eccentricities of speech and behaviour as if it were
a diagnosis. It can be
applied to a patient with the early memory loss of DEMENTIA forgetful, disorient
ated and wandering; to
the dejected old person with depression, often termed pseudo-dementia; to the pa
tient whose consciousness
is clouded in the delirium of acute illness; to the paranoid deluded sufferer of
or even to the patient presenting with the acute DYSPHASIA and incoherence of a
stroke. Drug therapy may be
a cause, especially in the elderly.
Delirium tremens is the form of delirium most commonly due to withdrawal
from alcohol, if a person is
dependent on it (see DEPENDENCE). There is restlessness, fear or even terror acc
ompanied by vivid, usually
visual, hallucinations or illusions. The level of consciousness is impaired and
the patient may be
disorientated as regards time, place and person. Treatment is, as a rule, the tr
eatment of causes. (See
also ALCOHOL.) As the delirium in fevers is due partly to high temperature, this
should be lowered by tepid
sponging. Careful nursing is one of the keystones of successful treatment, which
includes ensuring that
ample fluids are taken and nutrition is maintained.

Dengue 187
Delivery The final expulsion of the child in the act of birth. (See PREG
Delta Waves Abnormal electrical waves observed in the electroencephalogr
(EEG)). The frequency of the normal alpha waves is 10 per second; that of the de
lta waves is 7 or fewer per
second. They occur in the region of tumours of the brain, and in the brains of p
atients with EPILEPSY.
Deltoid The powerful triangular muscle attached above to the collar-bone
and shoulder-blade, and below,
by its point, to the humerus, nearly halfway down the outer side of the upper ar
m. Its action is to raise
the arm from the side, and it covers and gives roundness to the shoulder. (See a
lso MUSCLE.)
Delusions An irrational and usually unshakeable belief (ide fixe) peculia
r to some individuals. They
fail to respond to reasonable argument and the delusion is often paranoid in cha
racter with a belief that a
person or persons is/are persecuting them. The existence of a delusion, of such
a nature as to influence
conduct seriously, is one of the most important signs in reaching a decision to
arrange for the compulsory
admission of the patient to hospital for observation. (See MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Dementia An acquired and irreversible deterioration in intellectual func
tion. Around 10 per cent of
people aged over 65 and 20 per cent of those aged 75 or over are affected to som
e extent. The disorder is
due to progressive brain disease. It appears gradually as a disturbance in probl
emsolving and agility of
thought which may be considered to be due to tiredness, boredom or DEPRESSION. A
s memory failure develops,
the affected person becomes bewildered, anxious and emotional when dealing with
new surroundings and
complex conversations. In professional skilled workers this is frequently first
recognised by family and
friends. Catastrophic reactions are usually brief but are commonly associated wi
th an underlying depression
which can be mistaken for progressive apathy. The condition progresses relentles
sly with loss of recent
memory extending to affect distant memory and failure to recognise even friends
and family. Physical
aggression, unsocial behaviour, deteriorating personal cleanliness
and incoherent speech commonly develop. Similar symptoms to those in dem
entia can occur in curable
conditions including depression, INTRACRANIAL tumours, SUBDURAL haematoma, SYPHI
LIS, vitamin B1 deficiency
(see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS) and repeated episodes of cerebral ISCHAEMIA. This las
t may lead to multi-infarct
Treatment If organic disease is identified, it should, where possible, b
e treated; otherwise the
treatment of dementia is alleviation of its symptoms. The affected person must b

e kept clean and properly

fed. Good nursing care in comfortable surroundings is important and sedation wit
h appropriate drugs may be
required. Patients may eventually need institutional care. (See ALZHEIMERS DISEAS
Demography The study of populations and factors affecting their health.
De Morgans Spots De Morgans spots are a type of small HAEMANGIOMA occuring
in the skin of middle-aged
people. No more than 3 mm in diameter, they are rarely widespread and are not ma
Demyelination Destruction of the fatty MYELIN sheath around nerve fibres
(see NERVE: NEURON(E)) which
interferes with the nerve function. It can occur after injury to the nerve, but
is particularly associated
Dendritic Ulcer A branching ULCER on the surface of the cornea of the ey
e, caused by HERPES SIMPLEX
Denervation Interruption of the nerve supply to an organ or other struct
Dengue Also known as dengue fever, breakbone fever, and dandy fever, den
gue is endemic and epidemic in
tropical and subtropical regions. It is an acute infection caused by a flaviviru
s (family togaviridae)
transmitted by mosquitoes especially Aedes aegypti. Incubation period is 58 days,
and is followed by
abrupt onset of symptoms: fever, facial ERYTHEMA with intense itching (which spr
eads throughout the body),
sore throat, running eyes, and painful muscles and joints are common accompanime
nts. The symptoms subside
within a few days and are frequently succeeded by a relapse similar to the

188 Dental Emergencies

first. Further relapses may occur, and joint pains continue for some mon
ths. In uncomplicated dengue
the mortality rate is virtually zero. Diagnosis is by virus isolation or demonst
ration of a rising
antibody-concentration in the acute phase of infection. There is no specific tre
atment, but mild analgesics
can be used to relieve the pains, and calamine lotion the itching. Prevention ca
n be achieved by reduction
of the mosquito-vector population.
Dengue haemorrhagic fever This is a more severe form of the disease whic
h usually occurs in young
children; it is largely confined to the indigenous population(s) of south-east A
sia. It is accompanied by
significant complications and mortality. Immunological status of the host is con
sidered important in
Dental Emergencies See TEETH, DISORDERS OF.
Dental Hygienist A person qualified to carry out the scaling (removal of
calculus [deposits]) from the
teeth and to advise patients on how to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Hygien
ists usually work in a
qualified dentists surgery.
Dental Surgeon A dental surgeon, or dentist, is an individual trained to
diagnose and treat disorders
of the teeth and gums, as well as to advise on preventive measures to ensure tha
t these areas remain
healthy. Dentists qualify after a four-year course at dental school and then reg
ister with the GENERAL
DENTAL COUNCIL, which is responsible for maintaining educational and professiona
l standards. Around 25,000
dentists practise in the NHS and private sector. Over the past four decades the
financial outlay on NHS
dental services has been around 5 per cent of total NHS funding. This contrasts
with 10 per cent during the
services early years, when the NHS was coping with decades of dental neglect. The p
opulations dental
health has, however, been steadily improving: in 1968 more than one-third of peo
ple had no natural teeth;
by the late 1990s the proportion had fallen to 13 per cent. Dentistry is divided
into several groupings.
dental practitioners Concerned with primary dental care, the prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of
diseases of the gums and teeth for example, caries (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF). Th
ey also deal with
difficulties in biting and the effects of trauma, and are
aware that oral disorders may reflect disease elsewhere in the body. The
y will refer to the hospital
dental services, patients who require treatment that cannot be satisfactorily ca

rried out in a primary-care

setting. Most routine dental prevention and treatment is carried out in general
dental practitioners
surgeries, where the dentists also supervise the work of hygienists and dental a
uxiliaries. Appliances,
such as dentures, crowns, bridges and orthodontic appliances are constructed by
dental technicians working
in dental laboratories. There are around 18,800 dentists providing general denta
l services in the UK. These
practitioners are free to accept or reject any potential patient and to practise
where they wish. Those
dentists treating patients under an NHS contract (a mixture of capitation fees a
nd items of service
payments) can also treat patients privately (for an appropriate fee). Some denti
sts opt for full-time
private practice, and their numbers are increasing in the wake of changes in 199
0 in the contracts of NHS
general dental practitioners.
Community dental practitioner Part of the public-health team and largely
concerned with monitoring
dental health and treating the young and the handicapped. In the hospitals and d
ental schools are those who
are involved in only one of the specialities. Around 2,800 dentists work in NHS
hospitals and 1,900 in the
NHSs community services. In some parts of the UK, people wanting NHS treatment ar
e having difficulties
finding dentists willing to provide such care.
Restorative dentist Concerned with the repair of teeth damaged by trauma
and caries, and the
replacement of missing teeth.
Orthodontist Correction of jaws and teeth which are misaligned or irregu
lar. This is done with
appliances which may be removable or fixed to the teeth which are then moved wit
h springs or elastics.
Oral and maxillo-facial surgeons Perform surgery to the mouth and face.
This not only includes removal
of buried teeth but also treatment for fractured facial bones, removal of cancer
s and the repair of missing
tissue, and the cosmetic restoration of facial anomalies such as CLEFT PALATE or
large or small jaws.
Dentine See TEETH.

See DNA.
drug to avoid distressing withdrawal or abstinence symptoms. Thus, deter
minants and the problematic
consequences of drug dependence may be biological, psychological or social and u
sually interact. Different
drugs cause different rates of dependence: TOBACCO is the most common substance
of addiction; HEROIN and
COCAINE cause high rates of addiction; whereas ALCOHOL is much lower, and CANNAB
IS lower again. Smoking in
the western world reached a peak after World War II with almost 80 per cent of t
he male population smoking.
The reports on the link between smoking and cancer in the early 1960s resulted i
n a decline that has
continued so that only around a quarter of the adult populations of the UK and U
SA smokes. Globally,
tobacco consumption continues to grow, particularly in the developing world with
multinational tobacco
companies marketing their products aggressively. Accurate figures for illegal dr
ug-taking are hard to
obtain, but probably approximately 4 per cent of the population is dependent on
alcohol and 2 per cent on
other drugs, both legal and illegal, at any one time in western countries.
How does dependence occur? More
Physical or psychological reliance on a substance or an individual. A ba
by is naturally dependent on
its parents, but as the child develops, this dependence lessens. Some adults, ho
wever, remain partly
dependent, making abnormal demands for admiration, love and help from parents, r
elatives and others. The
dependence that most concerns modern society is one in which individuals become
dependent on or addicted to
certain substances such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco (nicotine), caffeine and solv
ents. This is often called
substance abuse. Some people become addicted to certain foods or activities: exa
mples of the latter include
gambling, computer games and use of the Internet. The 28th report of the World H
ealth Organisation Expert
Committee on Drug Dependence in 1993 defined drug dependence as: A cluster of phy
siological, behavioural
and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity, in which the use of a psychoactiv
e drug (or drugs) takes on
a high priority. The necessary descriptive characteristics are preoccupation wit
h a desire to obtain and
take the drug and persistent drugseeking behaviour. Psychological dependence occ
urs when the substance
abuser craves the drugs desirable effects. Physical dependence occurs when the us
er has to continue taking

than 40 distinct theories or models of drug misuse have been put forward
. One is that the individual
consumes drugs to cope with personal problems or difficulties in relations with
others. The other main
model emphasises environmental influences such as drug availability, environment
al pressures to consume
drugs, and sociocultural influences such as peer pressure. By contrast to these
models of why people misuse
drugs, models of compulsive drug use where individuals have a compulsive addicti
on have been amenable
to testing in the laboratory. Studies at cellular and nerve-receptor levels are
attempting to identify
mechanisms of tolerance and dependence for several substances. Classical behavio
ur theory is a key model
for understanding drug dependence. This and current laboratory studies are being
used to explain the
reinforcing nature of dependent substances and are helping to provide an explana
tory framework for
dependence. Drug consumption is a learned form of behaviour. Numerous investigat
ors have used conditioning
theories to study why people misuse drugs. Laboratory studies are now locating t
he reward pathways in the
brain for opiates and stimulants where positive reinforcing mechanisms involve p
articular sectors of the
Dentition See TEETH.
Denture A plate or frame bearing false teeth. It may be complete (replac
ing all the teeth in one jaw)
or partial.
Deodorants Substances which remove or lessen objectionable odours. Some,
which have a powerful odour,
simply cover other smells, but the most effective act by giving off oxygen, so a
s to convert the
objectionable substances into simple and harmless ones.
Varieties Volatile oils of plants, such as eucalyptus and turpentine, ch
lorine water and chlorinated
lime, peroxide of hydrogen and charcoal have been used as deodorants. There are
now many commercial
products available.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid

190 Depigmentation
brain. There is a consensus among experts in addiction that addictive be
haviour is amenable to
effective treatment, and that the extent to which an addict complies with treatm
ent makes it possible to
predict a positive outcome. But there is a long way to go before the mechanisms
of drug addiction are
properly understood or ways of treating it generally agreed.
Effects of drugs Cannabis, derived from the plant Cannabis sativa, is a
widely used recreational drug.
Its two main forms are marijuana, which comes from the dried leaves, and hashish
which comes from the
resin. Cannabis may be used in food and drink but is usually smoked in cigarette
s to induce relaxation and
a feeling of well-being. Heavy use can cause apathy and vagueness and may even c
ause psychosis. Whether or
not cannabis leads people to using harder drugs is arguable, and a national deba
te is underway on whether
its use should be legalised for medicinal use. Cannabis may alleviate the sympto
ms of some disorders for
example, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) and there are calls to allow the substance to b
e classified as a
prescribable drug. About one in ten of Britains teenagers misuses volatile substa
nces such as toluene at
some time, but only about one in 40 does so regularly. These substances are give
n off by certain glues,
solvents, varnishes, and liquid fuels, all of which can be bought cheaply in sho
ps, although their sale to
children under 16 is illegal. They are often inhaled from plastic bags held over
the nose and mouth.
Central-nervous-system excitation, with euphoria and disinhibition, is followed
by depression and lethargy.
Unpleasant effects include facial rash, nausea and vomiting, tremor, dizziness,
and clumsiness. Death from
COMA and acute cardiac toxicity is a serious risk. Chronic heavy use can cause p
eripheral neuropathy and
irreversible cerebellar damage. (See SOLVENT ABUSE (MISUSE).) The hallucinogenic
or psychedelic drugs
include LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE (LSD) or acid, magic mushrooms, ecstasy (MDMA
), and phencyclidine (PCP
or angel dust, mainly used in the USA). These drugs have no medicinal uses. Taken
by mouth, they produce
vivid trips, with heightened emotions and perceptions and sometimes with hallucina
tions. They are not
physically addictive but can cause nightmarish bad trips during use and flashbac
ks (vivid reruns of trips)
after use, and can probably trigger psychosis and even death, especially if drug
s are mixed or taken with
alcohol. Stimulant drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine act like adrenaline and
speed up the
central nervous system, making the user feel confident, energetic, and p
owerful for several hours. They
can also cause severe insomnia, anxiety, paranoia, psychosis, and even sudden de
ath due to convulsions or
tachycardia. Depression may occur on withdrawal of these drugs, and in some user

s this is sufficiently
deterrent to cause psychological dependence. Amphetamine (speed) is mainly synthes
ised illegally and may
be eaten, sniffed, or injected. Related drugs, such as dexamphetamine sulphate (
Dexedrine), are prescribed
pills that enter the black market. ECSTASY is another amphetamine derivative tha
t has become a popular
recreational drug; it may have fatal allergic effects. Cocaine and related drugs
are used in medicine as
local anaesthetics. Illegal supplies of cocaine (snow or ice) and its derivative, cra
ck, come mainly
from South America, where they are made from the plant Erythroxylon coca. Cocain
e is usually sniffed
(snorted) or rubbed into the gums; crack is burnt and inhaled. Opiate drugs are de
rived from the opium
poppy, Papaver somniferum. They are described as narcotic because they induce sl
eep. Their main medical use
is as potent oral or injectable analgesics such as MORPHINE, DIAMORPHINE, PETHID
CODEINE. The commonest illegal opiate is heroin, a powdered form of diamorphine
that may be smoked,
sniffed, or injected to induce euphoria and drowsiness. Regular opiate misuse le
ads to tolerance (the need
to take ever larger doses to achieve the same effect) and marked dependence. A l
ess addictive oral opiate,
METHADONE HYDROCHLORIDE, can be prescribed as a substitute that is easier to wit
hdraw. Some 75,000150,000
Britons now misuse opiates and other drugs intravenously, and pose a huge public
-health problem because
injections with shared dirty needles can carry the blood-borne viruses that caus
Many clinics now operate schemes to exchange old needles for clean ones, free of
charge. Many addicts are
often socially disruptive. For help and advice see APPENDIX 2: ADDRESSES: SOURCE
Dugs Helpline. (See ALCOHOL and TOBACCO for detailed entries on those su
Depigmentation Also called hypo-pigmentation, this congenital or acquire
d disorder is one in which the
skin loses its pigmentation because of reduced

production. It can be classified into three groups: VITILIGO, ALBINISM a
nd postinflammatory
Depilation The process of destroying hair substances and processes used
for this purpose being known
as depilatories. The purpose may be effected in three ways: by removing the hair
s at the level of the skin
surface; by pulling the hairs out (epilation); and by destroying the roots and s
o preventing the growth of
new hairs. Shaving is the most effective way of removing superfluous hairs. Rubb
ing morning and night with
a smooth pumice-stone is said to be helpful. Electrolysis and diathermy are also
Depression Depression is a word that is regularly misused. Most people e
xperience days or weeks when
they feel low and fed up (feelings that may recur), but generally they get over
it without needing to seek
medical help. This is not clinical depression, best defined as a collection of p
sychological symptoms
including sadness; unhappy thoughts characterised by worry, poor self-image, sel
f-blame, guilt and low
selfconfidence; downbeat views on the future; and a feeling of hopelessness. Suf
ferers may consider
suicide, and in severe depression may soon develop HALLUCINATIONS and DELUSIONS.
Doctors make the diagnosis
of depression when they believe a patient to be ill with the latter condition, w
hich may affect physical
health and in some instances be lifethreatening. This form of depression is comm
on, with up to 15 per cent
of the population suffering from it at any one time, while about 20 per cent of
adults have medical
depression at some time during their lives such that it is one of the most commo
nly presenting disorders
in general practice. Women seem more liable to develop depression than men, with
one in six of the former
and one in nine of the latter seeking medical help. Manic depression is a seriou
s form of the disorder that
recurs throughout life and is manifested by bouts of abnormal elation the manic
stage. Both the manic and
depressive phases are commonly accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as delusio
ns, hallucinations and a
loss of sense of reality. This combination is sometimes termed a manic-depressiv
e psychosis or bipolar
affective disorder because of the illnesss division into two parts. Another psych
iatric description is the
catch-all term affective disorder.
Symptoms These vary with the illnesss severity. Anxiety and variable mood
s are the main symptoms in
mild depression. The sufferer may cry without any reason or be unresponsive to r
elatives and friends. In
its more severe form, depression presents with a loss of appetite, sleeping prob

lems, lack of interest in

and enjoyment of social activities, tiredness for no obvious reason, an indiffer
ence to sexual activity and
a lack of concentration. The individuals physical and mental activities slow down
and he or she may
contemplate suicide. Symptoms may vary during the 24 hours, being less troubleso
me during the latter part
of the day and worse at night. Some people get depressed during the winter month
s, probably a consequence
of the long hours of darkness: this disorder SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER SYNDROM
E, or SADS is thought
to be more common in populations living in areas with long winters and limited d
aylight. Untreated, a
person with depressive symptoms may steadily worsen, even withdrawing to bed for
much of the time, and
allowing his or her personal appearance, hygiene and environment to deteriorate.
Children and adolescents
may also suffer from depression and the disorder is not always recognised.
Causes A real depressive illness rarely has a single obvious cause, alth
ough sometimes the death of a
close relative, loss of employment or a broken personal relationship may trigger
a bout. Depression
probably has a genetic background; for instance, manic depression seems to run i
n some families. Viral
infections sometimes cause depression, and hormonal disorders for example, HYPOT
HYROIDISM or postnatal
hormonal disturbances (postnatal depression) will cause it. Difficult family or
social relations can
contribute to the development of the disorder. Depression is believed to occur b
ecause of chemical changes
in the transmission of signals in the nervous system, with a reduction in the ne
urochemicals that
facilitate the passage of messages throughout the system. Treatment This depends
on the type and severity
of the depression. These are three main forms. PSYCHOTHERAPY either on a one-toone basis or as part of a
group: this is valuable for those whose depression is the result of lifestyle or
personality problems.
Various types of psychotherapy are available. DRUG TREATMENT is the most common
method and is particularly
helpful for those

192 Depressor
with physical symptoms. ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS are divided into three main
ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS (amitriptyline, imipramine and dothiepin are examples); MON
(MAOIS) (phenelzine, isocarboxazid and tranylcypromine are examples); and SELECT
INHIBITORS (SSRIS) (fluoxetine well known as Prozac , fluvoxamine and paroxetine a
re examples). For manic
depression, lithium carbonate is the main preventive drug and it is also used fo
r persistent depression
that fails to respond to other treatments. Long-term lithium treatment reduces t
he likelihood of relapse in
about 80 per cent of manic depressives, but the margin between control and toxic
side-effects is narrow, so
the drug must be carefully supervised. Indeed, all drug treatment for depression
needs regular monitoring
as the substances have powerful chemical properties with consequential side-effe
cts in some people.
Furthermore, the nature of the illness means that some sufferers forget or do no
t want to take the
medication. ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY (ECT) If drug treatments fail, severely de
pressed patients may be
considered for ECT. This treatment has been used for many years but is now only
rarely recommended. Given
under general anaesthetic, in appropriate circumstances, ECT is safe and effecti
ve and may even be
life-saving, though temporary impairment of memory may occur. Because the treatm
ent was often misused in
the past, it still carries a reputation that worries patients and relatives; hen
ce careful assessment and
counselling are essential before use is recommended. Some patients with depressi
on particularly those
with manic depression or who are a danger to themselves or to the public, or who
are suicidal may need
admission to hospital, or in severe cases to a secure unit, in order to initiate
treatment. But as far as
possible patients are treated in the community (see MENTAL ILLNESS).
Depressor (1) A muscle that lowers or flattens a part of the body. (2) T
he name given to a nerve by
whose stimulation motion, secretion, or some other function is restrained or pre
vented: for example, the
depressor nerve of the heart slows the beating of this organ.
Deprivation Score A measure of an individuals or groups lack of normal soc
ial amenities such as
proper housing,
diet and warmth. It was devised in the 1980s to help assess the medical
services needed by a socially
deprived population.
Dermabrasion Dermabrasion, or skin planing, is a method of removing the su
perficial layers of the
skin, useful in the treatment of tattoos and acne scars.

Dermatitis Synonymous with eczema in all respects. Although the lay term
eczema usually refers to
atopic (see ATOPY) or endogenous eczema, there are many other causes. Susceptibi
lity to dermatitis is
genetically determined in some cases; in others, environmental irritants and all
ergens are implicated.
Symptoms typically include itching, dryness or cracking and, occasionally, soren
ess of the skin. Physical
signs include redness (erythema), scaling, and vesiculation (tiny blisters just
beneath the surface of the
skin). (See also SKIN, DISEASES OF.)
Dermatofibroma Also known as histiocytoma. A firm, painless nodule in th
e skin, typically on a leg, due
to excessive formation of COLLAGEN. A common disorder, it is often a slow respon
se to an insect bite and
persists indefinitely.
Dermatoglyphics Dermatoglyphics is the study of the patterns made by the
ridges and crevices of the
hands and the soles of the feet.
Dermatologist A medically qualified specialist who diagnoses and treats
disorders of the skin (see
Dermatology In essence, this is the study of the skin. As well as being
an organ in its own right, the
skin is a stage on which other organs as well as the emotions most visibly play
out their roles. Changes in
its blood vessels and hence blood flow through the skin may indicate a major imm
unological response to
a range of potential factors (see SKIN, DISEASES OF).
Dermatome (1) Embryological tissue which has developed from the somites
to become the dermis and
subcutaneous tissue. The cutaneous area that is derived from each dermatome is s
upplied by a single dorsal
spinal nerve root.

(2) A surgical instrument for removing very thin slices of skin for graf
Dermatomyositis A rare disease, possibly caused by an autoimmune reactio
n, in which muscle inflammation
and weakness is associated with a characteristic heliotrope ERYTHEMA of the face
and backs of the hands. In
adults it may be associated with underlying malignancy. Tissue changes are simil
ar to those in
Dermatophytes Fungi which can infect skin, hair and nails. About 30 spec
ies in three genera are
PATHOGENIC to humans (see RINGWORM).
Dermographism Dermographism, or factitious URTICARIA, refers to transien
t ERYTHEMA and wealing caused
by trauma to the skin.
Dermoid Cyst See CYSTS.
Desensitisation In psychiatry, a method for treating phobias used in BEH
AVIOUR THERAPY. The affected
individual is slowly acclimatised to the cause of his or her fear. (See also ALL
Desferrioxamine An agent which binds to heavy metals, used in the treatm
ent of iron poisoning and
Designer Drugs A group of chemical substances produced illegally whose p
roperties and effects are
similar to those of drugs of abuse. They may be derived from narcotic ANALGESICS
HALLUCINOGENS. Ecstasy is a widely used designer drug and has caused deaths amon
g teenagers. Designer drugs
are potentially dangerous, especially if taken with alcohol.
Desquamation The scaling-off of the superficial layer of the epidermis (
see SKIN).
Detached Retina Separation of the retina from the choroid in the EYE. It
may be due to trauma or be
secondary to tumour or inflammation of the choroid, and causes blindness in the
affected part of the
retina. It can be treated surgically using PHOTOCOAGULATION.
Detergents Substances which clean the skin surface. This means that, str
ictly speaking, any soap, or
soaplike substance used in washing, is a detergent. At the present day, however,
the term is largely used
for the synthetic detergents which are now used on such a large scale. These are
prepared by the cracking
and oxidation of high-petroleum waxes with sulphuric acid. The commoner ones in
commercial preparations are
aryl alkyl sulphate or sulphonate and secondary alkyl sulphate. In view of their

widespread use, such

detergents appear to cause relatively little trouble with the skin, but more tro
uble has been reported with
the so-called biological detergents named because they contain an ENZYME which des
troys protein. As a
result they are claimed to remove proteins (stains such as blood, chocolate, mil
k or gravy) which are
relatively difficult for ordinary detergents to remove. Unfortunately these biolo
gical detergents may
cause dermatitis. In addition, they have been reported to cause asthma in those
using them, and even more
so in workers manufacturing them.
Detoxication Also called detoxification, this is a process whereby toxic
agents are removed from the
body and toxic effects neutralised. (See POISONS and TOXINS.)
Deviance Variation from normal. Often used to describe unusual sexual be
Dexamethasone A CORTICOSTEROIDS derivative. As an antiinflammatory agent
it is approximately 30 times
as effective as cortisone and eight times as effective as prednisolone. On the o
ther hand, it has
practically none of the salt-retaining properties of cortisone.
Dexamphetamine A drug that stimulates the central nervous system. It can
be used to treat NARCOLEPSY
and hyperactive children but should not be used to combat obesity or treat depre
ssion. It is also a drug of
Dextran The name given to a group of polysaccharides first discovered in
sugar-beet preparations which
had become infected with certain bacteria. A homogenous preparation of dextran,
with a consistent molecular
weight and free

194 Dextrocardia
from PROTEIN, is in appropriate clinical circumstances used as a substit
ute for plasma for TRANSFUSION
purposes. Dextran is often used as an immediate transfusion measure to treat sev
ere bleeding or certain
types of shock until properly cross-matched blood is available. A blood sample f
or cross-matching must be
taken before intravenous dextran is given.
Dextrocardia A condition in which a persons heart is situated on the righ
t of the chest in a mirror
image of its usual position. This may be associated with similar inversion of th
e abdominal organs situs
Dextromethophan An over-the-counter drug used to relieve dry, irritating
, persistent coughs, this
opioid acts as a cough suppressant. It is available either alone or in combinati
on with other drugs in
linctus, lozenges and syrups prepared to provide symptomatic relief for coughs a
nd colds.
Dextrose Another name for purified grape sugar or glucose. A common cons
tituent of intravenous fluids.
DiaDia- is a prefix meaning through or thoroughly.
Diabetes Insipidus Diabetes insipidus is a relatively rare condition and
must be differentiated from
DIABETES MELLITUS which is an entirely different disease. It is characterised by
excessive thirst and the
passing of large volumes of urine which have a low specific gravity and contain
no abnormal constituents.
It is either due to a lack of the antidiuretic hormone normally produced by the
HYPOTHALAMUS and stored in
the posterior PITUITARY GLAND, or to a defect in the renal tubules which prevent
s them from responding to
the antidiuretic hormone VASOPRESSIN. When the disorder is due to vasopressin in
sufficiency, a primary or
secondary tumour in the area of the pituitary stalk is responsible for onethird
of cases. In another
one-third of cases there is no apparent cause, and such IDIOPATHIC cases are som
etimes familial. A further
one-third of cases result from a variety of lesions including trauma, basal MENI
NGITIS and granulomatous
lesions in the pituitary-stalk area. When the renal tubules fail to respond to v
asopressin this is usually
because of a genetic defect transmitted as a sex-linked recessive characteristic
, and the disease is called
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Metabolic abnormalities such as HYPERCALCAEMIA and pota
ssium depletion render the
renal tubule less sensitive to vasopressin, and certain drugs such as lithium an
d tetracycline may have a
similar effect. If the disease is due to a deficiency of vasopressin, treatment
should be with the analogue

of vasopressin called desmopressin which is more potent than the natural hormone
and has less pressor
activity. It also has the advantage in that it is absorbed from the nasal mucosa
and so does not need to be
injected. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus cannot be treated with desmopressin. Th
e urine volume can,
however, usually be reduced by half by a thiazide diuretic (see THIAZIDES).
Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterised by a ra
ised concentration of glucose
in the blood due to a deficiency in the production and/or action of INSULIN, a p
ancreatic hormone made in
special cells called the islet cells of Langerhans. Insulin-dependent and non-in
sulindependent diabetes
have a varied pathological pattern and are caused by the interaction of several
genetic and environmental
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) (juvenile-onset diabetes, typ
e 1 diabetes) describes
subjects with a severe deficiency or absence of insulin production. Insulin ther
apy is essential to prevent
KETOSIS a disturbance of the bodys acid/base balance and an accumulation of keton
es in the tissues. The
onset is most commonly during childhood, but can occur at any age. Symptoms are
acute and weight loss is
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) (maturity-onset diabetes
, type 2 diabetes) may be
further sub-divided into obese and non-obese groups. This type usually occurs af
ter the age of 40 years
with an insidious onset. Subjects are often overweight and weight loss is uncomm
on. Ketosis rarely
develops. Insulin production is reduced but not absent. A new hormone has been i
dentified linking obesity
to type 2 diabetes. Called resistin because of its resistance to insulin it was
first found in mice but
has since been identified in humans. Researchers in the United States believe th
at the hormone may, in
part, explain how obesity predisposes people to diabetes. Their hypothesis is th
at a protein in the bodys
fat cells triggers insulin resistance around the

Diabetes Mellitus
body. Other research suggests that type 2 diabetes may now be occurring
in obese children; this could
indicate that children should be eating a more-balanced diet and taking more exe
Diabetes associated with other conditions (a) Due to pancreatic disease
for example, chronic
pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DISORDERS OF); (b) secondary to drugs for example, G
PANCREAS, DISORDERS OF); (c) excess hormone production for example, growth hormo
ne (ACROMEGALY); (d)
insulin receptor abnormalities; (e) genetic syndromes (see GENETIC DISORDERS).
Gestational diabetes Diabetes occurring in pregnancy and resolving after
Aetiology Insulin-dependent diabetes occurs as a result of autoimmune de
struction of beta cells within
the PANCREAS. Genetic influences are important and individuals with certain HLA
tissue types (HLA DR3 and
HLA DR4) are more at risk; however, the risks associated with the HLA genes are
small. If one parent has
IDDM, the risk of a child developing IDDM by the age of 25 years is 1525 per cent,
and the risk of a
sibling of an IDDM subject developing diabetes is about 3 per cent. Non-insulindependent diabetes has no
HLA association, but the genetic influences are much stronger. The risks of deve
loping diabetes vary with
different races. Obesity, decreased exercise and ageing increase the risks of di
sease development. The risk
of a sibling of a NIDDM subject developing NIDDM up to the age of 80 years is 304
0 per cent.
Diet Many NIDDM diabetics may be treated with diet alone. For those subj
ects who are overweight, weight
loss is important, although often unsuccessful. A diet high in complex carbohydr
ate, high in fibre, low in
fat and aiming towards ideal body weight is prescribed. Subjects taking insulin
need to eat at regular
intervals in relation to their insulin regime and missing meals may result in hy
poglycaemia, a lowering of
the amount of glucose in the blood, which if untreated can be fatal (see below).
Oral hypoglycaemics
are used in the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes in addition
to diet, when diet alone fails
to control blood-sugar levels. (a) SULPHONYLUREAS act mainly by increasing the p
roduction of insulin; (b)
BIGUANIDES, of which only metformin is available, may be used alone or in additi
on to
sulphonylureas. Metformins main actions are to lower the production of gl
ucose by the liver and
improve its uptake in the peripheral tissues.
Complications The risks of complications increase with duration of disea

se. Diabetic hypoglycaemia

occurs when amounts of glucose in the blood become low. This may occur in subjec
ts taking sulphonylureas or
insulin. Symptoms usually develop when the glucose concentration falls below 25 m
mol/l. They may, however,
occur at higher concentrations in subjects with persistent hyperglycaemia an exc
ess of glucose and at
lower levels in subjects with persistent hypoglycaemia. Symptoms include confusi
on, hunger and sweating,
with coma developing if blood-sugar concentrations remain low. Refined sugar fol
lowed by complex
carbohydrate will return the glucose concentration to normal. If the subject is
unable to swallow, glucagon
may be given intramuscularly or glucose intravenously, followed by oral carbohyd
rate, once the subject is
able to swallow. Although it has been shown that careful control of the patients
metabolism prevents late
complications in the small blood vessels, the risk of hypoglycaemia is increased
and patients need to be
well motivated to keep to their dietary and treatment regime. This regime is als
o very expensive. All risk
factors for the patients cardiovascular system not simply controlling hyperglycae
mia may need to be
reduced if late complications to the cardiovascular system are to be avoided. Di
abetes is one of the
worlds most serious health problems. Recent projections suggest that the disorder
will affect nearly 240
million individuals worldwide by 2010 double its prevalence in 1994. The inciden
ce of insulindependent
diabetes is rising in young children; they will be liable to develop late compli
cations. Although there are
complications associated with diabetes, many subjects live normal lives and surv
ive to an old age. People
with diabetes or their relatives can obtain advice from Diabetes UK (www.diabete
Increased risks are present of (a) heart disease, (b) peripheral vascula
r disease, and (c)
cerebrovascular disease. Diabetic eye disease (a) retinopathy, (b) cataract. Reg
ular examination of the
fundus enables any abnormalities developing to be detected and treatment given w
hen appropriate to preserve

196 Diagnosis
Nephropathy Subjects with diabetes may
Insulin All insulin is injected mainly by syrdevelop kidney damage which can result in renal failure.
inge but sometimes by insulin pump because it is inactivated by gastroin
testinal enzymes. There are
three main types of insulin preparation: (a) short action (approximately six hou
rs), with rapid onset; (b)
intermediate action (approximately 12 hours); (c) long action, with slow onset a
nd lasting for up to 36
hours. Human, porcine and bovine preparations are available. Much of the insulin
now used is prepared by
genetic engineering techniques from micro-organisms. There are many regimens of
insulin treatment involving
different combinations of insulin; regimens vary depending on the requirements o
f the patients, most of
whom administer the insulin themselves. Carbohydrate intake, energy expenditure
and the presence of
infection are important determinants of insulin requirements on a day-to-day bas
is. A new treatment for
diabetes, pioneered in Canada and entering its preliminary clinical trials in th
e UK, is the
transplantation of islet cells of Langerhans from a healthy person into a patien
t with the disorder. If the
transplantation is successful, the transplanted cells start producing insulin, t
hus reducing or eliminating
the requirement for regular insulin injections. If successful the trials would b
e a significant advance in
the treatment of diabetes. Scientists in Israel have developed a drug, Dia Pep 2
77, which stops the bodys
immune system from destroying pancratic cells as happens in insulin-dependent di
aetes. The drug, given
y injection, offers the possiility of preventing type 1 diaetes in healthy pe
ople at genetic risk of
developing the disorder, and of checking its progression in affected individuals
whose cells are already
perishing. Trials of the drug are in progress.
Neuropathy (a) Symmetrical sensory polyneuropathy; damage to the sensory
nerves that commonly presents
with tingling, numness of pain in the feet or hands. () Asymmetrical motor dia
etic neuropathy,
presenting as progressive weakness and wasting of the proximal muscles of legs.
(c) Mononeuropathy;
individual motor or sensory nerves may e affected. (d) Autonomic neuropathy, wh
ich affects the autonomic
nervous system, has many presentations including IMPOTENCE, diarrhoea or constip
ation and postural
HYPOTENSION. Skin lesions There are several skin disorders associated with diae
tes, including: (a)
necroiosis lipoidica diaeticorum, characterised y one or more yellow atrophic
lesions on the legs; ()
ulcers, which most commonly occur on the feet due to peripheral vascular disease
, neuropathy and infection.

Foot care is very important.

Diaetic ketoacidosis occurs when there is insufficient insulin present
to prevent production. This may
occur efore the diagnosis of IDDM or when insufficient insulin is eing given.
The presence of large
amounts of ketones in the urine indicates excess ketone production and treatment
should e sought
immediately. Coma and death may result if the condition is left untreated.
Symptoms Thirst,
POLYURIA, GLYCOSURIA, weight loss despite eating, and recurrent infectio
ns (e.g. BALANITIS and
infections of the VULVA) are the main symptoms. However, sujects with non-insul
independent diaetes may
have the disease for several years without symptoms, and diagnosis is often made
incidentally or when
presenting with a complication of the disease.
Treatment of diaetes aims to prevent symptoms, restore carohydrate met
aolism to as near normal as
possile, and to minimise complications. Concentration of glucose, fructosamine
and glycated haemogloin in
the lood are used to give an indication of loodglucose control. Insulin-depend
ent diaetes requires
insulin for treatment. Non-insulin-dependent diaetes may e treated with diet,
or insulin.
Diagnosis The skill of distinguishing one disease from another; it is es
sential to scientific and
successful treatment. The name is also given to the opinion arrived at as to the
nature of a disease. It is
in diagnosis more than in treatment that the highest medical skill is required,
and, for a diagnosis, the
past and hereditary history of a case, the symptoms complained of, and the signs
of disease found upon
examination are all weighed. Many methods of laoratory examination are also use
d at the present day in
aiding diagnosis. Computers are also eing used to help clinical and laoratory
diagnostic procedures.

Diarrhoea 197
Dialysis A procedure used to filter off waste products from the lood an
d remove surplus fluid from the
ody in someone who has kidney failure (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF). The scientifi
c process involves
separating crystalloid and COLLOID sustances from a solution y interposing a s
emi-permeale memrane
etween the solution and pure water. The crystalloid sustances pass through the
memrane into the water
until a state of equilirium, so far as the crystalloid sustances are concerned
, is estalished etween
the two sides of the memrane. The colloid sustances do not pass through the me
mrane. Dialysis is
availale as either haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
Haemodialysis Blood is removed from the circulation either through an ar
tificial arteriovenous fistula
(junction) or a temporary or permanent internal catheter in the jugular vein (se
e CATHETERS). It then
passes through an artificial kidney (dialyser) to remove toxins (e.g. potassium an
d urea) y diffusion
and excess salt and water y ultrafiltration from the lood into dialysis fluid
prepared in a
proportionator (often referred to as a kidney machine). Dialysers vary in design and
performance ut
all work on the principle of a semi-permeale memrane separating lood from dia
lysis fluid. Haemodialysis
is undertaken two to three times a week for 46 hours a session.
Peritoneal dialysis uses the peritoneal lining (see PERITONEUM) as a sem
i-permeale memrane.
Approximately 2 litres of sterile fluid is run into the peritoneum through the p
ermanent indwelling
catheter; the fluid is left for 34 hours; and the cycle is repeated 34 times per d
ay. Most patients
undertake continuous amulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), although a few use a
machine overnight
(continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis, CCPD) which allows greater clearance of
toxins. Disadvantages of
haemodialysis include cardiovascular instaility, HYPERTENSION, one disease, AN
AEMIA and development of
periarticular AMYLOIDOSIS. Disadvantages of peritoneal dialysis include peritoni
tis, poor drainage of
fluid, and gradual loss of overall efficiency as endogenous renal function decli
nes. Haemodialysis is
usually done in outpatient dialysis clinics y skilled nurses, ut some patients
can carry out the
procedure at home. Both haemodialysis and peritoneal
dialysis carry a relatively high moridity and the ideal treatment for p
atients with end-stage renal
failure is successful renal TRANSPLANTATION.
Diamorphine Diamorphine is another name for HEROIN.
Diaphoresis Another name for sweating (see PERSPIRATION).
Diaphragm The diaphragm is the thin, dome-shaped muscular partition whic
h separates the cavity of the

adomen from that of the chest. It is of great importance in respiration, playin

g the chief part in filling
the lungs. During deep respiration its movements are responsile for 60 per cent
of the total amount of air
reathed, and in the horizontal posture, or in sleep, an even greater percentage
. The description
diaphragm is also used for the hemispherical ruer (dutch) cap used in conjunction
with a chemical
spermicide as a contraceptive. It fits over the neck of the uterus (cervix) insi
de the vagina. (See
Diaphysectomy The operation wherey a part of the shaft of a long one (
e.g. humerus, femur) is
Diaphysis The shaft of a long one.
Diarrhoea Diarrhoea or looseness of the owels is increased frequency, f
luidity or volume of owel
movements compared to usual. Most people have occasional attacks of acute diarrh
oea, usually caused y
contaminated food or water or excessive alcohol consumption. Such attacks normal
ly clear up within a day or
two, whether or not they are treated. Chronic diarrhoea, on the other hand, may
e the result of a serious
intestinal disorder or of more general disease. The commonest cause of acute dia
rrhoea is food poisoning,
the organisms involved usually eing STAPHYLOCOCCUS, CLOSTRIDIUM acteria, salmo
nella, E. coli O157 (see
CAMPYLOBACTER, cryptoESCHERICHIA), sporidium, and Norwalk virus. A person may al
so acquire infective
diarrhoea as a result of droplet infections from adenoviruses or echoviruses. In
terference with the
acterial flora of the intestine may cause acute diarrhoea: this often happens t
o someone who travels to
another country and acquires unfamiliar intestinal

198 Diastase

acteria. Other infections include acillary dysentery, typhoid fever an

d paratyphoid fevers (see
ENTERIC FEVER). Drug toxicity, food allergy, food intolerance and anxiety may al
so cause acute diarrhoea,
and haitual constipation may result in attacks of diarrhoea.
D Treatment of diarrhoea in adults depends on
the cause. The water and salts (see ELECTROlost during a severe attack m
ust e replaced to prevent
dehydration. Readyprepared mixtures of salts can e ought from a pharmacist. An
tidiarrhoeal drugs such as
codeine phosphate or loperamide should e used in infectious diarrhoea only if t
he symptoms are disaling.
Antiacterial drugs may e used under medical direction. Persistent diarrhoea lo
nger than a week or
lood-stained diarrhoea must e investigated under medical supervision.
Diarrhoea in infants can e such a serious condition that it requires se
parate consideration. One of
its features is that it is usually accompanied y vomiting; the result can e ra
pid dehydration as infants
have relatively high fluid requirements. Mostly it is causd y acute gastroenter
itis caused y various
viruses, most commonly ROTAVIRUSES, ut also y many acteria. In the developed
world most children recover
rapidly, ut diarrhoea is the single greatest cause of infant mortality worldwid
e. The younger the infant,
the higher the mortality rate. Diarrhoea is much more rare in reast-fed aies,
and when it does occur it
is usually less severe. The environment of the infant is also important: the con
dition is highly infectious
and, if a case occurs in a maternity home or a childrens hospital, it tends to sp
read quickly. This is why
doctors prefer to treat such children at home ut if hospital admission is essen
tial, isolation and
infection-control procedures are necessary.
Treatment An infant with diarrhoea should not e fed milk (unless reast
-fed, when this should
continue) ut should e given an electrolyte mixture, availale from pharmacists
or on prescription, to
replace lost water and salts. If the diarrhoea improves within 24 hours, milk ca
n gradually e
reintroduced. If diarrhoea continues eyond 3648 hours, a doctor should e consul
ted. Any signs of
dehydration require urgent medical attention; such signs include drowsiness, lac
k of response, loose skin,
persistent crying, glazed eyes and a dry mouth and tongue.
Diastase A mixture of enzymes otained from malt. These enzymes have the
property of converting starch
into sugar. Diastase is used in the preparation of predigested starchy foods, an
d in the treatment of
DYSPEPSIA, particularly that due to inaility to digest starch adequately. It is
also used for the

conversion of starch to fermentale sugars in the rewing and fermentation indus

Diastasis A term applied to separation of the end of a growing one from
the shaft. The condition
resemles a fracture, ut is more serious ecause of the damage done to the grow
ing cartilage through which
the separation takes place, so that the future growth of the one is consideral
y diminished.
Diastole The relaxation of a hollow organ. The term is applied in partic
ular to the HEART, to indicate
the resting period etween the eats (systole), while lood is flowing into the
Diastolic Pressure The pressure exerted y the lood against the arteria
l wall during DIASTOLE. This is
the lowest lood pressure in the cardiac cycle. A normal reading of diastolic pr
essure in a healthy adult
at rest is 70 mm Hg. (See HEART.)
Diathermy A process y which electric currents can e passed into the de
eper parts of the ody so as to
produce internal warmth and relieve pain; or, y using powerful currents, to des
troy tumours and diseased
parts loodlessly. The form of electricity used consists of high-frequency oscil
lations, the frequency of
oscillation ranging from 10 million to 25,000 million oscillations per second. T
he current passes etween
two electrodes placed on the skin. The so-called ultra-short-wave diathermy (or
short-wave diathermy, as it
is usually referred to) has replaced the original long-wave diathermy, as it is
produced consistently at a
stale wave-length (11 metres) and is easier to apply. In recent years microwave
diathermy has een
developed, which has a still higher oscillating current (25,000 million cycles p
er second, compared with
500 million for short-wave diathermy). When the current passes, a distinct sensa
tion of increasing warmth
is experienced and the temperature of the ody gradually rises; the hearts action
ecomes quicker; there
is sweat-

ing with increased excretion of waste products. The general lood pressu
re is also distinctly lowered.
The method is used in painful rheumatic conditions, oth of muscles and joints.
By concentrating the
current in a small electrode, the heating effects immediately elow this are ver
y much increased. The
diathermy knife utilises this technique to coagulate leeding vessels and cauter
ise anormal tissue during
logical food chain with the result that animals at the end of the food c
hain such as irds or predators
may uild up lethal concentrations of the sustance in their tissues. In any cas
e, an increasing numer of
species of insects were ecoming resistant to DDT. Fortunately, newer insecticid
es have een introduced
which are toxic to DDT-resistant insects, ut there are douts whether this supp
ly of new insecticides can
e maintained as insects develop resistance to them.
An archaic term meaning constitutional or inherited state giving an indi
vidual a predisposition towards
a disease, a group of diseases or a structural or metaolic anormality. An exam
A condition in which the PULSE occurs as a eat each time the heart cont
racts. A dicrotic wave is
naturally present in a tracing of any pulse as recorded y an instrument for the
purpose, ut in health it
is imperceptile to the finger. In fevers, a dicrotic pulse is a serious sign in
which the heart continues
to eat violently while the small lood vessels have lost their tone.
The term applied to symmetrical TWINS with two separate heads.
Dichlorodiphenyl Trichloroethane DDT is the generally used areviation
for the compound which has een
given the official name of dicophane. It was first synthesised in 1874, ut it w
as not until 1940 that, as
a result of research work in Switzerland, its remarkale toxic action on insects
was discovered. This work
was taken up and rapidly expanded in Great Britain and the USA, and one of its f
irst practical applications

was in controlling the spread of TYPHUS FEVER. This disease is transmitted y th

e louse, one of the insects
for which DDT is most toxic. Its toxic action against the mosquito has also een
amply proved, and it thus
rapidly ecame one of the most effective measures in controlling MALARIA. DDT is
toxic to a large range of
insects in addition to the louse and the mosquito; these include houseflies, ed
-ugs, clothes-moths,
fleas, cockroaches, and ants. It is also active against many agricultural and ho
rticultural pests,
including weevils, flour eetles, pine sawfly, and most varieties of scale insec
t. DDT has thus had a wide
use in medicine, pulic health, veterinary medicine, horticulture, and agricultu
re. Unfortunately, the
indiscriminate use of DDT is potentially hazardous, and its use is now restricte
d or anned in several
countries, including the United Kingdom. The danger of DDT is that it enters the
ioDidanosine (ddI, DDI) is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhiitor us
ed to treat progressive or
advanced HIV infection (see AIDS/HIV). Preferaly it should e given in cominat
ion with other
antiretroviral drugs. This drug has a range of potentially serious side-effects
such as pancreatitis (see
re. Its use requires
monitoring and patients taking it should receive counselling.
Dieldrin An effective insecticide toxic to a wide range of insects. It a
ttacks the insects nervous
system and is more toxic to humans than DDT (see DICHLORODIPHENYL TRICHLOROETHAN
E), so must therefore e
handled with care. Its use in the UK is restricted.
Diencephalon Part of the forerain (see BRAIN).
Dienoestrol A synthetic oestrogen closely related to STILBOESTROL. It is
not as potent as stiloestrol,
ut is less toxic and is used as a cream to treat vaginal dryness.
Diet The mixture of food and drink consumed y an individual. Variations
in moridity and mortality
etween population groups are elieved to e due, in part, to differences in die
t. A alanced diet was
traditionally viewed as one

200 Dietetics
which provided at least the minimum requirement of energy, protein, vita
mins and minerals needed y the
ody. However, since nutritional deficiencies are no longer a major prolem in d
eveloped countries, it
seems more appropriate to consider a healthy diet as eing one which provides all
essential nutrients in
sufficient quantities to prevent deficiencies ut which also avoids health prol
ems associated with
nutrient excesses. Major diet-related health prolems in prosperous communities
tend to e the result of
dietary excesses, whereas in underdeveloped, poor communities, prolems associat
ed with dietary
deficiencies predominate. Excessive intakes of dietary energy, saturated fats, s
ugar, salt and alcohol,
together with an inadequate intake of dietary fire, have een linked to the hig
h prevalence of OBESITY,
cardiovascular disease, dental caries, HYPERTENSION, gall-stones (see GALL-BLADD
non-insulindependent DIABETES MELLITUS and certain cancers (e.g. of the reast,
endometrium, intestine and
stomach) seen in developed nations. Health-promotion strategies in these countri
es generally advocate a
reduction in the intake of fat, particularly saturated fat, and salt, the avoida
nce of excessive intakes of
alcohol and simple sugars, an increased consumption of starch and fire and the
avoidance of oesity y
taking appropriate physical exercise. A maximum level of dietary cholesterol is
sometimes specified.
Undernutrition, including protein-energy malnutrition and specific vitamin and m
ineral deficiencies, is an
important cause of poor health in underdeveloped countries. Priorities here cent
re on ensuring that the
diet provides enough nutrients to maintain health. In healthy people, dietary re
quirements depend on age,
sex and level of physical activity. Pregnancy and lactation further alter requir
ements. The presence of
infections, fever, urns, fractures and surgery all increase dietary energy and
protein requirements and
can precipitate undernutrition in previously well-nourished people. In addition
to disease prevention, diet
has a role in the treatment of certain clinical disorders, for example, oesity,
diaetes mellitus,
HYPERLIPIDAEMIA, inorn errors of metaolism, food intolerances and hepatic and
renal diseases. Therapeutic
diets increase or restrict the amount and/or change the type of fat, carohydrat
e, protein, fire,
vitamins, minerals and/or water in the diet according to clinical indications. A
dditionally, the
consistency of the food eaten may need to e
altered. A commercially availale or homemade liquid diet can e used to p
rovide all or some of a
patients nutritional needs if necessary. Although the enteral (y mouth) route is
the preferred route for
feeding and can e used for most patients, parenteral or intravenous feeding is
occasionally required in a

minority of patients whose gastrointestinal tract is unavailale or unreliale o

ver a period of time. A
wide variety of weight-reducing diets are well pulicised. People should adopt t
hem with caution and, if in
dout, seek expert advice.
Dietetics Dietitians apply dietetics, the science of nutrition, to the f
eeding of groups and
individuals in health and disease. Their training requires a degree course in th
e nutritional and
iological sciences. The role of the dietitian can e divided as follows.
Preventive By liaising with health education departments, schools and va
rious groups in the community.
They plan and provide nutrition education programmes including in-service traini
ng and the production of
educational material in nutrition. They are encouraged to plan and participate i
n food surveys and research
projects which involve the assessment of nutritional status.
Therapeutic Their role is to advise patients who require specific dietar
y therapy as all or part of
their treatment. They teach patients in hospitals to manage their own dietary tr
eatment, and ensure a
supportive follow-up so that patients and their families can e seen to e copin
g with the diet.
Therapeutic dietitians further advise catering departments on the adaptation of
menus for individual diets
and on the nutritional value of the food supplied to patients and staff. They ad
vise social-services
departments so that meals-on-wheels provision has adequate nutritional value.
Industry The advice of dietitians is sought y industry in the productio
n of product information
literature, data sheets and professional leaflets for manufacturers of ordinary
foods and specialist
dietetic food. They give advice to the manufacturers on nutritional and dietetic
requirements of their
Diethylcaramazine Citrate A
derived from
used to

treat FILARIASIS a group of diseases caused y parasitic worms called ne
matode filariae.
terminate a pregnancy or to clean out the uterus after a partial miscarr
iage. D and C is increasingly
eing replaced with a LASER technique using a hysteroscope a type of
Differential Diagnosis
A list of the possile diagnoses that might explain a patients symptoms a
nd signs, and from which the
correct DIAGNOSIS will e extracted after further investigations.
(1) A muscle which has the action of increasing the diameter of an organ
or vessel. (2) A drug which
usually acts y relaxing smooth muscle to increase the diameter of lood vessels
, the ronchial tree, or
other organs. (3) An instrument used to increase the diameter of an orifice or o
rgan, either to treat a
stricture or to allow surgical access.
Differentiation The gradual diversification of the STEM CELLS of the ear
ly EMBRYO into the specialised
cells, tissues and organs that go to make up the fully developed organism.
Digestion The three processes y which the ody incorporates food are di
gestion, ABSORPTION, and
ASSIMILATION. In digestion, food is softened and converted into a form solule i
n the watery fluids of the
ody; or, in the case of fat, into minute gloules. The sustances formed are th
en asored from the owels
and carried throughout the ody y the lood. In assimilation, these sustances,
deposited from the lood,
are used y the various tissues for their growth and repair.
Digoxin One of a numer of drugs known as CARDIAC They increase the cont
ractility of heart muscle,
depress the conducting tissue while increasing myocardial excitaility, and incr
ease activity of the VAGUS
nerve. Digoxin is usually given orally for the treatment of atrial FIBRILLATION
and heart failure. The
adverse effects of overdosage (which occur more commonly in people with HYPOKALA
EMIA, the elderly, and
those with renal failure see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF) are vomiting, DYSRHYTHMIA, mu
scle weakness, and visual
disturances. The ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) has a characteristic appearance. GLYCO

Diltiazem One of the CALCIUM-CHANNEL BLOCKERS, effective in most types o
f ANGINA; however, it should
not e given to patients with heart failure. A longer-acting version of the drug
can e used in
Diluents Diluents are watery fluids of a non-irritating nature, which ar
e given to increase the amount
of perspiration or of urine, and carry solids with them from the system. Example
s are water, milk,
arley-water, and solutions of alkaline salts.
Dimenhydrinate Dimenhydrinate, or dramamine, is an antihistamine drug, o
tainale without prescription,
to prevent and treat travel sickness.
Dimercaprol Also called British Anti-Lewisite (BAL), this is a chelating
agent used in the treatment of
metal poisoning (e.g. arsenic, lead, mercury). It has a high incidence of side-e
ffects and is now only
rarely used as it has een superseded y less toxic chelating agents.
Dioctyl Sodium Sulphosuccinate See DOCUSATE SODIUM.
An analgesic drug with similar efficacy to
A complex, radio-opaque, organic, iodinecontaining preparation, used for
contrast radiography of parts
of the ody in particular, the urinary tract (see PYELOGRAPHY).
Dilatation and Curettage Commonly referred to as D and C, a gynaecologic
al operation to scrape away the
lining of the UTERUS (ENDOMETRIUM). The procedure may e used to diagnose and tr
eat heavy leeding from the
wom (ENDOMETRIOSIS) as well as other uterine disorders. It can e used to
Dioptre A term used in the measurement of the refractive or focusing pow
er of lenses; one dioptre is
the power of a lens with a focal distance of one

202 Diphenhydramine
metre and is the unit of refractive power. As a stronger lens has a grea
ter refractive power, this
means that the focal distance will e shorter. The strength in dioptres therefor
e is the reciprocal of the
focal length expressed in metres.
D Diphenhydramine
A widely used antihistamine (see HISTAMINE DRUGS) with sedative effects.
ANTIDiphenoxylate Also known as cophentrope or Lomotil. When mixed with ATROP
INE sulphate, it is used as
tretament for adult patients with DIARRHOEA, particularly if chronic. It has no
antiacterial properties
ut is sometimes used to treat travellers diarrhoea.
Diphtheria Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory
tract. Rarely seen in the UK
since the introduction of inoculation in 1940, it is still an important cause of
disease in many parts of
the world. The infection is caused y the Coryneacterium diphtheriae and is spr
ead y water droplets. It
usually presents with a sore throat, and there is a slightly raised memrane on
the tonsils surrounded y
an inflammatory zone. There may e some swelling of the neck and lymph nodes, th
ough the patients
temperature is seldom much raised. Occasionally the disease occurs in the eye or
genital tract, or it may
complicate lesions of the skin. More serious consequences follow the asorption
of TOXINS which damage the
heart muscle and the nervous system.
Treatment Provided that the patient is not allergic to horse serum, an i
njection of the antitoxin is
given immediately. A one-week course of penicillin is started (or erythromycin i
f the patient is allergic
to penicillin). Diphtheria may cause temporary muscle weakness or paralysis, whi
ch should resolve without
special treatment; if the respiratory muscles are involved, however, artificial
respiration may e
necessary. All infants should e immunised against diphtheria; for details see t
Diplegia Extensive PARALYSIS on oth sides of the ody ut affecting the
legs more than the arms.
DiploA prefix meaning twofold.
Diplococcus A group of spherical acterial organisms which usually occur
in pairs: for example,
pneumococci. (See BACTERIA.)
Diplo The layer of spongy one which intervenes etween the compact outer
and inner tales of the

Diploid An adjective descriing cells, nuclei or organisms in which ever

y chromosome apart from the Y
sex one is represented twice.
Diplopia Doule vision. It is due to some irregularity in action of the
muscles which move the
eyealls, in consequence of which the eyes are placed so that rays of light from
one oject do not fall
upon corresponding parts of the two retinae, and two images are produced. It is
a symptom of several
nervous diseases, and often a temporary attack follows an injury to the eye, int
oxication, or some ferile
disease like DIPHTHERIA.
Diprosopus The term applied to a faces instead of one.
which has two
Dipsomania A morid and insatiale craving for ALCOHOL.
Dipygus A FETUS with a doule PELVIS.
Disaility An oservale mental or physical loss or impairment which is
measurale and which may e
permanent or temporary. If the disaility is serious enough to affect a persons n
ormal function adversely,
it is descried as a handicap.
Disaled Persons Disaled
services and financial support
availale to help them to lead as
ly, the disaled include
those with significant impairment
hearing, learning
difficulties, and chronic illness
e like.

persons in the United Kingdom have a range of

normal and active a life as possile. Official
of any kind, including impairment of sight and
as well as disalement due to accidents and th

Social services
are provided y localauthority social-services departments. They include
: practical help in the home

Dislocations 203
through home helps or aids to daily living); assistance in taking advant
age of availale educational
facilities; help with adaptations to the disaled persons house; provision of mea
ls (Meals on Wheels or
luncheon centres); and help in otaining a telephone. Many of these facilities w
ill involve the disaled
person in some expense, ut full details can e otained from the local social-s
ervices department which
will, if necessary, send a social worker to discuss the matter in the disaled p
ersons home. Owing to lack
of funds and staff, many localauthority social-services departments are unale t
o provide the full range of
Aids to daily living There is now a wide range of aids for the disaled.
Full details and addresses of
local offices can e otained from: Disaled Living Foundation and British Red C
Aids to moility and transport Some car manufacturers make specially equ
ipped or adapted cars, and some
have official systems for discounts. Details can e otained from local dealers.
Help can also e otained
from Motaility, which provides advice.
Disarticulation The amputation of a one y cutting through the joint of
which the one forms a part.
Disc An anatomical term descriing a rounded flattened structure. Exampl
es are the cartilagenous disc
positioned etween two verterae (see SPINAL COLUMN) and the optic disc (see EYE
tion, other than those arising directly from physical injury.
Disinfectants Sustances that destroy micro-organisms, thus preventing t
hem from causing infections.
The name is usually applied to powerful chemicals that are also capale of destr
oying tissue and so are
used only to sterilise inanimate surfaces. ANTISEPTICS are used to cleanse livin
g tissues.
Disinfection Processes y which vegetative organisms, excluding spores,
are killed in order to prevent
the items disinfected from passing on infection. Equipment, edlinen and hard su
rfaces may all e
disinfected the method chosen will depend on the material and size of the oject
. One of the most
important procedures in preventing the spread of infection is the careful washin
g of hands efore handling
equipment and etween treating different patients. STERILISATION is different fr
om disinfection in that the
methods used kill all living organisms and spores.

of disinfection (1) Skin, wounds, etc. chlorhexidine (with detergent or

spirit); iodine (with
detergent or spirit); cetrimide; ethyl alcohol; all must stay in contact with th
e skin for long enough for
acteria to e killed. (2) Hard surfaces (floors, walls, etc.) hypochlorites (i.
e. leaches) with or
without detergent; cetrimide; iodine-containing solutions; ethyl alcohol. (3) Eq
uipment wet or dry heat
(e.g. oiling for more than 5 minutes); sumersion in liquid disinfectants for t
he appropriate time (e.g.
glutaraldehyde 25 per cent), chlorhexidine in spirit 70 per cent, formaldehyde (i
rritant), chlorhexidine
(01 per cent aqueous), hypochlorites.
Abnormal emission or emissions from any part of the body. It usually app
lies to purulent material for
example, the septic material which comes away from an infected ear, or nose but
can be the result of
excess secretions from the mucous linings of the vagina or rectum.
The term applied to an operation for destroying a structure by tearing i
t without removal: for example,
the operation of needling the lens of the eye for cataract (see EYE, DISORDERS O
Injuries to joints of such a nature that the ends of the opposed bones a
re forced more or less out of
connection with one another. Besides displacement of the bones, there is bruisin
g of the tissues around
them, and tearing of the ligaments which bind the bones together. Dislocations,
like fractures (see BONE,
DISORDERS OF), are divided into simple and compound, the bone in the latter case
being forced through the
skin. This seldom occurs, since
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) See under LUPUS.
Disease Any abnormality of bodily structure or funcThe destruction of insect pests, especially lice, whether on the person
or in dwelling-places.

204 Disodium Cromoglycate

the round head of the bone has not the same power to wound as the sharp
end of a broken bone.
Dislocations are also divided according to whether they are (1) congenital, i.e.
present at birth in
consequence of some malformation, or (2) acquired at a later period in consequen
ce of injury, the great
majority falling into the latter class. The reduction of a dislocated joint is a
skilled procedure and
should be done by an appropriately trained professional.
Disodium Cromoglycate A drug used in the prophylactic (preventive) treat
ment of allergic disorders (see
ALLERGY), particularly ASTHMA, conjunctivitis (see EYE, DISORDERS OF), nasal all
ergies, and food allergies
especially in children. Although inappropriate for the treatment of acute attack
s of asthma, regular
inhalations of the drug can reduce its incidence, and allow the dose of BRONCHOD
ILATORS and oral
Disopyramide One of the ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS given by intravenous inject
ion after myocardial infarction
to restore supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias to normal, particularly
when patients have not
responded to lidocaine (lignocaine). It can impair the contractility of heart mu
scle and it does have an
antimuscarinic effect (see ANTIMUSCARINE); consequently its administration has t
o be undertaken with care,
especially in patients with GLAUCOMA or enlargement.
Disorientation Orientation in a clinical sense includes a persons awarene
ss of time and place in
relation to him- or herself and others, the recognition of personal friends and
familiar places, and the
ability to remember at least some past experience and to register new data. It i
s therefore dependent on
the ability to recall all learned memories and make effective use of memory. Dis
orientation can be the
presenting feature of both DELIRIUM (confusion) and DEMENTIA; delirium is revers
ible, developing
dramatically and accompanied by evidence of systemic disease, while dementia is
a gradually evolving,
irreversible condition.
Displacement A term used in psychological medicine to describe the menta
l process of attaching to one
object, painful emotions associated with another object.
Dyspraxia See APRAXIA.
Dissection (1) The cutting of tissue to separate the structural componen
ts for identification or
removal during an operation or the study of anatomy. (2) Dissection of an artery
involves tearing of the
inner part of the wall, allowing blood to track through the media occluding the
origins of smaller arteries

and often leading to vessel rupture (see also ARTERIES).

Disseminated Spread of disease from its original site throughout an orga
n or the body. Often used to
describe the spread of CANCER.
Disseminated Sclerosis See MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS).
Dissociation A psychiatric term describing the process whereby an indivi
dual separates his or her ideas
and thoughts from consciousness, thus allowing them to function independently. T
he result may be that the
individual holds contrary views on the same subject.
Dissociative Disorder A collection of psychological disorders in which a
particular mental function
becomes cut off from a persons mind. Hysterical AMNESIA is one example, when the
person forgets his or her
personal history but can still absorb and talk about new events. Other examples
are FUGUE,
depersonalisation (detachment from self and environment), and MULTIPLE PERSONALI
Distal An adjective applied to a body part that is further away from ano
ther part, with reference, for
example, to the trunk.
Distichiasis Distichiasis is the term applied to the condition in which
there are two complete rows of
eyelashes in one eyelid (or in both).
Distoma Distoma is a general term including various forms of trematodes,
or fluke-worms, parasitic in
the intestine, lung and other organs.
Disulfiram Disulfiram is used as an adjunct in the treatment of alcoholi
sm. It is relatively non-toxic

Dizygotic Twins
itself, but when taken in conjunction with alcohol it produces most unpl
easant effects: for example,
flushing of the face, palpitations, a sense of oppression and distress, and ulti
mately sickness and
vomiting. The rationale of treatment therefore is to give the alcoholic subject
a course of disulfiram and
then demonstrate, by letting him or her take some alcoholic liquor, how unpleasa
nt are the effects. If the
patient is co-operative, the treatment may be effective, but there is some risk
so it must be given under
skilled medical supervision.
Disuse Atrophy The wasting of muscles after prolonged immobility. This c
an be seen after lengthy
immobilisation in a plaster cast, and is particularly severe following paralysis
of a limb through nerve
injury. (See ATROPHY.)
Dithranol A drug used to treat PSORIASIS. It is usually very effective,
being applied normally for
short contact periods of up to 1 hour. Dithranol can cause severe skin irritatio
n so must be used with care
and at appropriate concentrations. Hands should be thoroughly washed after use.
Diuresis An increase in the production of urine. This may result from in
creased fluid intake, decreased
levels of antidiuretic hormone, renal disease, or the use of drugs (see DIURETIC
Diuretics Substances which increase urine and solute production by the K
IDNEYS. They are used in the
treatment of heart failure, HYPERTENSION, and sometimes for ASCITES secondary to
liver failure. They may
work by extra-renal or renal mechanisms. The potential side-effects of diuretics
DEHYDRATION, and GOUT (in susceptible individuals).
Extra-renal mechanisms (a) Inhibiting release of antidiuretic hormone (e
.g. water, alcohol); (b)
increased renal blood flow (e.g. dopamine in renal doses). Renal mechanisms (a)
Osmotic diuretics act by
holding water in the renal tubules and preventing its reabsorption (e.g. mannitol)
; (b) loop diuretics
prevent sodium, and therefore water, reabsorption (e.g. FRUSEMIDE); (c) drugs ac
ting on the cortical
segment of the Loop of Henle prevent sodium reabsorption, but are weaker than loop
diuretics (e.g.
(d) drugs acting on the distal tubule prevent sodium reabsorption by ret
aining potassium (e.g.
Diverticular Disease The presence of numerous diverticula (sacs or pouch
es) in the lining of the COLON
accompanied by spasmodic lower abdominal pain and erratic bowel movements. The s

acs may become inflamed

causing pain (see DIVERTICULITIS).
Diverticulitis Inflammation of diverticula (see DIVERTICULUM) in the lar
ge intestine. It is
characterised by pain in the left lower side of the abdomen, which has been aptl
y described as left-sided
appendicitis as it resembles the pain of appendicitis but occurs in the opposite
side of the abdomen. The
onset is often sudden, with fever and constipation. It may, or may not, be prece
Treatment consists of rest, no solid food but ample fluid, and the administratio
n of tetracycline.
Complications are unusual but include ABSCESS formation, perforation of the colo
n, and severe bleeding.
Diverticulosis The presence of diverticula (see DIVERTICULUM) or sacs in
the large intestine. Such
diverticula are not uncommon over the age of 40, increasing with age until over
the age of 70 they may be
present in one-third to one-half of the population. They mostly occur in the low
er part of the COLON, and
are predominantly due to muscular hyperactivity of the bowel forcing the lining
of the bowel through weak
points in the bowel wall, just as the inner tube of a pneumatic tyre bulges thro
ugh a defective tyre. There
is increasing evidence that the low-residue diet of western civilisation is a co
ntributory cause. The
condition may or may not produce symptoms. If it does, these consist of disturba
nce of the normal bowel
function and pain in the left side in the lower abdomen. If diverticulosis is ca
using symptoms, treatment
consists of a high-residue diet (see CONSTIPATION) and an AGAR or METHYLCELLULOS
E preparation.
Diverticulum A pouch or pocket leading off a main cavity or tube. The te
rm is especially applied to
protrusions from the intestine, which may be present either at the time of birth
as a developmental
peculiarity, or which develop in numbers upon the large intestine during the cou
rse of life.
Dizygotic Twins Two people born at the same time to the same parents aft
er fertilisation of two

206 Dizziness
ocytes (see OCYTE). They may be of different sexes and are no more likely
to resemble each other than
any other sibling pairs.
Dizziness D
This means different things to different people, so it is important to e
stablish what the individual
means by dizziness. It may encompass a feeling of disequilibrium; it may be ligh
theadedness, faintness, a
sensation of swimming or floating, an inbalance or unsteadiness, or episodes of
mental confusion. It may be
true VERTIGO, which is an hallucination of movement. These symptoms may be due t
o diseases of the ear, eye,
central nervous system, cardiovascular system, or endocrine system, or they may
be a manifestation of
psychiatric disease. Dizziness is a common symptom in the elderly and by the age
of 80, two-thirds of women
and one-third of men have suffered from the condition.
Discoid lupus erythematosus
accurate copy of the genetic information of the parent cells (see GENETI
DNR An acronym for do not resuscitate advice sometimes written on a patien
ts hospital notes to
indicate that if he or she suffers, say, a lifethreatening complication (such as
existing serious illness, the patient should not be given emergency lifesaving t
reatment. The use of DNR is
an emotive and controversial issue, even if the patient (or the relatives), when
a serious illness such as
spreading cancer is concerned, may have indicated a wish not to be resuscitated
in the event of organ
failures. (See ETHICS.)
Dobutamine A cardiac stimulant drug of the inotropic sympathomimetic gro
dobutamine acts on sympathetic receptors in cardiac muscle, increasing the contr
actility and hence
improving the cardiac output but with little effect on the cardiac rate. It is p
articularly useful in
cardiogenic shock. It must be given by intravenous infusion. (See also HEART.)
DNA is the abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, one of the two types

of NUCLEIC ACID that occur in

nature. It is the fundamental genetic material of all CELLS, and is present in t
he nucleus of the cell
where it forms part of the CHROMOSOMES and acts as the carrier of genetic inform
ation. The molecule is very
large, with a molecular weight of several millions, and consists of two single c
hains of nucleotides (see
NUCLEIC ACID) which are twisted round each other to form a double helix (or spir
al). The genetic
information carried by DNA is encoded along one of these strands. A gene, which
represents the genetic
information needed to form protein, is a stretch of DNA containing, on average,
around 1,000 nucleotides
paired in these two strands (see GENES). To allow it to fulfil its vitally impor
tant function as the
carrier of genetic information in living cells, DNA has the following properties
. It is stable, so that
successive generations of species maintain their individual characteristics, but
not so stable that
evolutionary changes cannot take place. It must be able to store a vast amount o
f information: for example,
an animal cell contains genetic information for the synthesis of over a million
proteins. It must be
duplicated exactly before each cell division to ensure that both daughter cells
contain an
A member of the group of antitumour drugs known as TAXANES, docetaxel is
used to treat advanced or
metastatic cancer arising in the breast (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF). It is also u
sed to treat non-small
ecommended that both
docetaxel and PACLITAXEL should be available
for the treatment of advanced breast cancer where initial anticancer CHE
MOTHERAPY (including one of the
ANTHRACYCLINES) has failed or is inappropriate.
Doctor The academic title granted to someone who has a university degree
higher than a masters degree.
Some UK universities grant a medical doctorate (MD) for a research thesis of app
roved standard. In Britain,
doctor is also the title given to a qualified medical practitioner registered by t
he General Medical
Council, usually after he or she has obtained a bachelors degree or a diploma in
medicine and surgery. In
the UK a doctor has to spend a year of supervised practice in a recognised hospi
tal post before he or she
is registered as fully qualified, but specialists have to obtain further trainin
g and higher qualifications
before they can be accredited and therefore practise as specialists in

Dopamine 207
the NHS. General practitioners must complete a three-year vocational tra
ining course before practising
as an independent GP. In Britain, surgical specialists are customarily addressed
as Mr. Other countries
have different regulations.
Docusate Sodium A faecal-softening agent used to treat constipation in o
ld people. It can be given
orally or as a rectal suppository.
Dolichocephalic Dolichocephalic means long-headed, and is a term applied
to skulls the breadth of which
is less than four-fifths of the length.
Donepezil A drug used for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate
DISEASE. Around four in ten patients may benefit by a reduction in the rate of c
ognitive and non-cognitive
Donor Insemination Use of the SEMEN of an anonymous donor to produce fer
tilisation in cases of
INFERTILITY where the male partner has OLIGOSPERMIA or IMPOTENCE. The donor is c
hosen for ethnic and
physiognomic similarity to the male partner and is screened for transmissible di
seases (e.g. HIV, syphilis,
hepatitis, gonorrhoea, and genetic disorders). Insemination is performed at the
time of ovulation by
introducing the semen into the upper vagina. Semen may be fresh or have been sto
red frozen in liquid
Donors People who donate parts of their bodies for use in other people.
Many organs and tissues can be
donated most commonly blood, but skin, corneas, kidneys, livers and hearts can a
ll be used. Combined
heart and lung transplants are being increasingly used for patients with severe
lung diseases, and, if the
recipients have a condition such as CYSTIC FIBROSIS in which the heart is normal
, it is sometimes possible
for them to receive a heart and lungs from one donor and to donate their own hea
rt to someone else. Recent
work has explored the possibility of using pancreatic transplants. Apart from bl
ood, it is unusual for
tissue to be taken from
living donors. Skin, small pieces of liver, and a kidney can, in theory,
be obtained from living
donors, but the ETHICS of this are hotly debated and the situations under which
it may be done are tightly
controlled. Because transplanted organs are seen by the receiving body as foreign
bodies, careful
matching before transplantation is necessary to avoid rejection, and immunosuppr
essive drugs may be

required for some time after the operation to prevent this from occurring. There
are strict regulations
about how death should be diagnosed before organs can be removed for transplanta
tion, and potential donors
must satisfy the BRAIN-STEM DEATH criteria, performed twice by two doctors who a
re independent of the
transplant team. There is a great shortage of suitable organs for donation partl
y because they must be in
excellent condition if the operation is to be a success. Some medical conditions
or modes of death make
people unsuitable as organ donors; this makes it all the more important that peo
ple should be encouraged to
donate their organs. People who wish to do so can carry a special card indicatin
g their willingness to
become donors in the event of their death. These cards can be obtained from vari
ous sources, including
hospitals, GPs surgeries and many public buildings such as libraries. In the UK,
informed positive
approval from the patient, or relatives, is required. Information about becoming
a blood donor can be
obtained by telephoning 08457 711 711. Those who wish to bequeath their bodies fo
r dissection purposes
should get in touch with HM Inspector of Anatomy. Other would-be organ donors ma
y contact the British Organ
Donor Society.
Dopa A precursor of DOPAMINE and NORADRENALINE. Levodopa is a drug used
in the treatment of
PARKINSONISM. It can cross the bloodbrain barrier and increase the concentration
of dopamine in the basal
ganglia. It also inhibits prolactin secretion and may be used to treat GALACTORR
Dopamine Dopamine is one of the CATECHOLAMINES and a precursor of NORADR
ENALINE. Its highest
concentration is in that portion of the brain known as the basal nuclei (see BRA
IN) where its function is
to convey inhibitory influences to the extrapyramidal system. There is good evid
ence that dopamine
deficiency is one of the causative factors in PARKINSONISM. Dopamine is given by
intravenous infusion

208 Dorsal Root Ganglia

as treatment for cardiogenic shock in cardiac infarction or cardiac surg
Dorsal Root Ganglia
These are swellings on the dorsal roots of spinal nerves just proximal t
o the union of the dorsal and
ventral nerve roots. They are situated in the inter-vertebral foramina and conta
in the cell bodies of
sensory neurones. (See SPINAL COLUMN; SPINAL CORD.)
Dorsum (Adjective: dorsal.) The back or posterior part of an organ or st
ructure. The dorsum of the hand
is the opposite surface to the palm.
Dorzolamide A carbonic anhydrase-inhibitor drug restricted to use in pat
ients with raised intraocular
pressure in ocular hypertension or open-angle GLAUCOMA. It can be used alone or
as an adjunct to a topical
Dosage Many factors influence the activity with which drugs operate. Amo
ng the factors which affect the
necessary quantity are age, weight, sex, idiosyncrasy, genetic disorders, habitu
al use, disease, fasting,
combination with other drugs, the form in which the drug is given, and the route
by which it is given.
Normally, a young child requires a smaller dose than an adult. There are, howeve
r, other factors than age
to be taken into consideration. Thus, children are more susceptible than adults
to some drugs such as
MORPHINE, whilst they are less sensitive to others such as ATROPINE. The only co
rrect way to calculate a
childs dose is by reference to texts supplying a recommended dose in milligrams p
er kilogram. However,
many reference texts simply quote doses for certain age-ranges. Old people, too,
often show an increased
susceptibility to drugs. This is probably due to a variety of factors, such as d
ecreased weight; diminished
activity of the tissues and therefore diminished rate at which a drug is utilise
d; and diminished activity
of the KIDNEYS resulting in decreased rate of excretion of the drug.
Weight and sex have both to be taken into consideration. Women require s
lightly smaller doses than men,
probably because they tend to be lighter in weight. The effect of weight on dosa
ge is partly dependent on
the fact that much of the extra weight of a heavy individual is made up of fatty
tissue which is not as
as other tissues of the body. In practice, the question of weight seldom
makes much difference unless
the individual is grossly over- or underweight.

occasionally causes drugs administered in the ordinary dose to produce u

nexpected effects. Thus, some
people are but little affected by some drugs, whilst in others, certain drugs fo
r example, psychoactive
preparations such as sedatives produce excessive symptoms in normal or even smal
l doses. In some cases
this may be due to hypersensitivity, or an allergic reaction, to the drug, which
is a possibility that must
always be borne in mind (e.g. with PENICILLIN). An individual who is known to be
allergic to a certain
medication is strongly advised to carry a card to this effect, and always to inf
orm medical and dental
practitioners and/or a pharmacist before accepting a new prescription or buying
an over-the-counter
Habitual use of a drug is perhaps the influence that causes the greatest
increase in the dose necessary
to produce the requisite effect. The classical example of this is with OPIUM and
its derivatives. Disease
may modify the dose of medicines. This can occur in several ways. Thus, in serio
us illnesses the patient
may be more susceptible to drugs, such as narcotics, that depress tissue activit
y, and therefore smaller
doses must be given. Again, absorption of the drug from the gut may be slowed up
by disease of the gut, or
its effect may be enhanced if there is disease of the kidneys, interfering with
the excretion of the drug.
Fasting aids the rapidity of absorption of drugs, and also makes the bod
y more susceptible to their
action. Partly for this reason, as well as to avoid irritation of the stomach, i
t is usual to prescribe
drugs to be taken after meals, and diluted with water.
Combination of drugs is to be avoided if possible as it is often difficu
lt to assess what their
combined effect may be. In some cases they may have a mutually antagonistic effe
ct, which means that the
patient will not obtain full benefit. Sometimes a combination may have a deleter
ious effect.
Form, route and frequency of administration Drugs are now produced in ma
ny forms, though tablets are
the most common and, usually, convenient. In Britain, medicines

Downs (Down) Syndrome

are given by mouth whenever possible, unless there is some degree of urg
ency, or because the drug is
either destroyed in, or is not absorbed from, the gut. In these circumstances, i
t is given intravenously,
intra-muscularly or subcutaneously. In some cases, as in cases of ASTHMA or BRON
CHITIS, the drug may be
given in the form of an inhalant (see INHALANTS), in order to get the maximum co
ncentration at the point
where it is wanted: that is, in the lungs. If a local effect is wanted, as in ca
ses of diseases of the
skin, the drug is applied topically to the skin. In some countries there is a te
ndency to give medicines in
the form of a suppository which is inserted in the rectum. Recent years have see
n developments whereby the
assimilation of drugs into the body can be more carefully controlled. These incl
ude, for example, what are
known as transdermals, in which drugs are built into a plaster that is stuck on
the skin, and the drug is
then absorbed into the body at a controlled rate. This method is now being used
for the administration of
GLYCERYL TRINITRATE in the treatment of ANGINA PECTORIS, and of hyoscine hydrobr
omide in the treatment of
MOTION (TRAVEL) SICKNESS. Another is a new class of implantable devices. These a
re tiny polymers infused
with a drug and implanted just under the skin by injection. They can be tailored
so as to deliver drugs at
virtually any rate from minutes to years. A modification of these polymers now b
eing investigated is the
incorporation of magnetic particles which allow an extra burst of the incorporat
ed drug to be released in
response to an oscillating magnetic field which is induced by a magnetic watch wor
n by the patient. In
this way the patient can switch on an extra dose of drug when this is needed: in
sulin, for instance, in the
case of diabetics. In yet another new development, a core of drug is enclosed in
a semi-permeable membrane
and is released in the stomach at a given rate. (See also LIPOSOMES.)
Dothiepin A drug used in the treatment of depression, particularly when
the patient needs sedation.
Double Blind Trial A scientific study in which different patients receiv
e a different drug, the same
drug at a different dose, or a placebo with neither the investigators assessing
the outcome nor the
subjects being treated knowing which of these the latter are receiving. The aim
is to remove any hint of
bias due to the investigators or patients preferences or preconceptions. The resul
ts are
analysed after all the data have been collected and the code has been br
oken. Trials should have a
separate supervising committee, the members of which know the code but do not ta
ke part in the study. Their
job is to check the results at intervals so they can stop the trial if one arm o

f treatment is clearly
better than another. Otherwise, it would be unethical to continue. (See INTERVEN
Double Vision See SQUINT.
Douche An application to the body of a jet of fluid via a pipe or tube.
It may be used to clean any
part of the body but is used most commonly with reference to the vagina (althoug
h used as a method of
contraception it is ineffective).
Downs (Down) Syndrome A genetic disorder in which the affected person usu
ally carries an extra
chromosome 47 instead of the usual 46. The extra chromosome occurs in the no. 21
group, hence the
disorder is described as trisomy 21. The condition was named after Dr J L H Down
, the London doctor who
first described it in 1866. The incidence is around one in 600 births. The disor
der is characterised by a
particular physical appearance and learning difficulties, with the affected indi
viduals having an
INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT (IQ) ranging from 30 to 80 (normal is 100). Most people wi
th the syndrome have eyes
that slope up at the outer corners with skin folds that cover the inner ones. Th
e face and features are
smaller than normal, while the tongue is larger; the back of the head is flatten
ed and the hands are
usually short and broad. The facial features led to the syndrome being described
as mongolism, a term
that is no longer used. Children with Downs syndrome are usually friendly and fit
in well with the family.
Despite their learning disabilities, some learn to read and, if they have approp
riate educational and
environmental stimulation, can make the most of their abilities. A heart defect
is present in around 25 per
cent of the children at birth, and deafness and acute LEUKAEMIA occur more frequ
ently than in unaffected
youngsters. Those with the syndrome are particularly prone to developing ear inf
often develops early in adults and ALZHEIMERS DISEASE tends to occur as early as
40 years of age. A
friendly home environment helps them to enjoy life, but a few individuals with t
he syndrome may eventually
require institutional care. Improved social

210 Doxorubicin
and medical care means that many now live until their 60s. Routine scree
ning tests early in pregnancy,
starting with blood analysis but going on if necessary to AMNIOCENTESIS and chor
ionic villus sampling (see
PRENATAL SCREENING OR DIAGNOSIS), can identify fetuses likely to develop the dis
order. If a sample of fetal
cells confirms the chromosome defect (triple marker test see PREGNANCY AND LABOU
R), the parents may
consider termination of the pregnancy. In the UK, screening is normally offered
to women over 35 because of
their increased risk. When younger parents have a child with Downs syndrome, the
chances of a subsequent
child with the disorder are relatively high as it is probable that both parents
carry a chromosome
abnormality insufficient to cause ill-health until combined. So they may wish to
discuss with their medical
advisers the question of further pregnancies. Parents who have a child with Downs
syndrome will
understandably feel a combination of strong emotions, including anger and guilt,
and constructive
counselling can be valuable. Among societies offering advice and support is the
Downs Syndrome
(guinea-worm). The major clinical problem is secondary infection of the
worm track, causing CELLULITIS,
a potentially lethal
complication. CHEMOTHERAPY is unsatisfactory and the timehonoured method of extr
acting the female adult by
winding it around a matchstick remains in use. Surgical treatment may be necessa
ry. Ultimate prevention
consists of removing Cyclops spp. from drinking water.
Doxorubicin A successful and widely used antitumour drug. It is used in
the treatment of acute
LEUKAEMIA, LYMPHOMA, and various forms of sarcoma and CANCER, including cancer o
f the bladder. (See
Another term for sickle-cell anaemia (see ANAEMIA), which is characteris
ed by the presence in the blood
of red blood corpuscles that are sickle-like in shape. The anaemia is a severe o
ne and afflicts black
people and to a lesser extent people of Mediterranean background.
A wide-spectrum, long-acting antibiotic which is active against a range
of micro-organisms, including
the causative organisms of scrub typhus (see under TYPHUS FEVER), TRACHOMA, PSIT
some influenzas.

DPT Vaccine Often called the TRIPLE VACCINE, the injections produce immu
nity against DIPHTHERIA,
whooping cough (PERTUSSIS) and TETANUS. The vaccine is given as a course of thre
e injections to infants
around the ages of two, three and four months, together with haemophilus influen
za B and meningococcal C
vaccine as well as oral polio vaccine. A booster injection is given at school en
try (see schedule in
Dracontiasis Dracontiasis, or dracunculiasis, is a nematode infection ca
used by Dracunculus medinensis
Dracunculiasis See DRACONTIASIS.
Draught A draught is a small mixture intended to be taken at one dose. I
t consists generally of two or
four tablespoonfuls of fluid.
Dreams See SLEEP.
Drop Attack A brief episode affecting the nervous system that causes the
person to fall suddenly. There
is no loss of consciousness. The loss of tone in the muscles, responsible for th
e fall, may persist for
several hours; in such cases moving the patient or applying pressure to the sole
s of the feet may restore
muscle tone. In most cases, however, recovery is immediate. The cause is probabl
y a temporary interference
with the blood supply to the brain. In others there may be some disturbance of t
he vestibular apparatus
which controls the balance of the body. (See EAR, DISEASES OF; TRANSIENT ISCHAEM
(TIA, TIE).)
Drop Foot This is the inability to dorsiflex the foot at the ankle. The
foot hangs down and has to be
swung clear of the ground while walking. It is

commonly caused by damage to the lateral popliteal nerve or the peroneal
Drop Wrist This is the inability to extend the hand at the wrist. It is
usually due to damage to the
radial nerve which supplies the extensor muscles.
Drug Absorption Drugs are usually administered distant to their site of
action in the body; they must
then pass across cell membranes to reach their site of action. For example, drug
s given by mouth must pass
across the gut membrane to enter the bloodstream and then pass through the endot
helium of vessel walls to
reach the site of action in the tissues. This process is called absorption and m
ay depend on lipid
diffusion, aqueous diffusion, active transport, or pinocytosis a process in whic
h a cell takes in small
droplets of fluid by cytoplasmic engulfment.
Drug Addiction See DEPENDENCE.
Drug Assisted Rape Also known as date rape, this is an unwelcome phenomeno
n in which an intending
rapist undermines a potential victims resistance by giving her a hypnotic drug su
ch as benzodiazepine. The
British National Formulary warns that flunitrazepam (Rohypnol ) tablets may be par
ticularly subject to
abuse perhaps given to the unsuspecting victim in an alcoholic drink so the seda
tive effect is greatly
Drug Binding The process of attachment of a drug to a receptor or plasma
protein, fat,
mucopolysaccharide or other tissue component. This process may be reversible or
Drug Clearance The volume of blood from which a drug is completely remov
ed in one minute is known as
clearance. Renal clearance of a drug is the amount of blood completely cleared o
f the drug by the kidney in
one minute.
Drug Interactions Many patients are on several prescribed drugs, and num
erous medicines are available
over the counter, so the potential for drug interaction is large. A drug may int
eract with another by
inhibiting its action, potentiating its action, or by simple summation o
f effects. The interaction may
take place: (1) Prior to absorption or administration for example, antacids bind
tetracycline in the gut
and prevent absorption. (2) By interfering with protein binding one drug may dis
place another from
binding sites on plasma proteins. The action of the displaced drug will be incre

ased because more drug is

now available; for example, anticoagulants are displaced by analgesics. (3) Duri
ng metabolism or excretion
of the drug some drugs increase or decrease the activity of liver enzymes which
metabolise drugs, thus
affecting their rate of destruction; for example, barbiturates, nicotine, and al
cohol all activate hepatic
enzymes. Altering the pH of urine will affect the excretion of drugs via the kid
ney. (4) At the drug
receptor one drug may displace another at the receptor, affecting its efficacy o
r duration of action.
Drug Metabolism A process by which the body destroys and excretes drugs,
so limiting their duration of
action. Phase 1 metabolism consists of transformation by oxidation, reduction, o
r hydrolysis. In phase 2
this transformed product is conjugated (joined up) with another molecule to prod
uce a water-soluble product
which is easier to excrete.
Drugs These are natural products or synthetic chemicals that can alter t
he way in which the body works,
or be used to prevent or treat disease. One or more drugs, combined with stabili
sers, colourings, and other
ingredients, make(s) up a medicine for practical use in treating patients. (See
Britain, the supply of drugs is controlled by the Medicines Act. Some drugs are
available only on
prescription; some both on prescription and over the counter; and some are not a
vailable on NHS
prescription. When enquiring about drugs that a patient is taking, it is essenti
al to ask about all items
bought over the counter and any herbal or traditional remedies that might be use
d, as these can interact
with other prescribed drugs (see DRUG INTERACTIONS) or affect the patients presen
ting complaints. Each
drug has a single generic name, but many will also have several proprietary (bra
nd) names. It is often much
cheaper to prescribe the generic form of a drug, and many doctors do so. Many ho
spitals and general
practices in the United Kingdom now

212 Drugs in Pregnancy

provide a list of suggested drugs for doctors to prescribe. If a doctor
wishes to use a drug not on the
list, he or she must give a valid reason. Prescriptions for drugs should be prin
ted or written clearly in
ink and signed and dated by the prescriber (computer-generated facsimile signatu
res do not meet legal
requirements). They should include the patients name, address and age (obligatory
for children under 12),
the name of the drug to be supplied, the dose and dose frequency, and the total
quantity to be supplied.
Any special instructions (e.g. after food) should be stated. There are special reg
ulations about the
prescription of drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 (see
pharmacist can advise about which drugs are available without prescription, and
is able to recommend
treatment for many minor complaints. Information about exemption from prescripti
on charges in the NHS can
be obtained from health visitors, general practitioners, or social security offi
Drugs in Pregnancy Unnecessary drugs during pregnancy should be avoided
because of the adverse effect
of some drugs on the fetus which have no harmful effect on the mother. Drugs may
pass through the PLACENTA
and damage the fetus because their pharmacological effects are enhanced as the e
nzyme systems responsible
for their degradation are undeveloped in the fetus. Thus, if the drug can pass t
hrough the placenta, the
pharmacological effect on the fetus may be great whilst that on the mother is mi
nimal. WARFARIN may thus
induce fetal and placental haemorrhage and the administration of THIAZIDES may p
the newborn. Many progestogens have androgenic side-effects and their administra
tion to a mother for the
purpose of preventing recurrent abortion may produce VIRILISATION of the female
fetus. Tetracycline
administered during the last trimester commonly stains the deciduous teeth of th
e child yellow. The other
dangers of administering drugs in pregnancy are the teratogenic effects (see TER
understandable that a drug may interfere with a mechanism essential for growth a
nd result in arrested or
distorted development of the fetus and yet cause no disturbance in the adult, in
whom these differentiation
and organisation processes have ceased to be relevant. Thus the effect of a drug
upon a fetus may differ
qualitatively as well as quantitatively from its effect on the mother. The susce
ptibility of the embryo
will depend on the stage of
development it has reached when the drug is given. The stage of early di
fferentiation that is, from
the beginning of the third week to the end of the tenth week of pregnancy is the
time of greatest
susceptibility. After this time the risk of congenital malformation from drug tr

eatment is less, although

the death of the fetus can occur at any time.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy An X-linked recessive disorder (that is, the
abnormal gene is carried on
the X chromosome). This means that the disease occurs almost exclusively in male
s, as its presence in a
female is counteracted by the normal gene likely to be in her other X chromosome
. The disorder is
characterised by progressive muscular weakness and wasting. It is the most commo
n form of muscular
dystrophy, ocurring in 30 per 100,000 live male births, often but not always in
families with other
members having the disorder. The disease usually appears within the first three
years of life, beginning in
the pelvic girdle and lower limbs and later spreading to the shoulder girdle. Th
e calf muscles become bulky
(pseudohypertrophy). The weakness gives rise to a characteristic waddling gait a
nd, when rising from the
supine position, the child rolls on to his face and then uses his arms to push h
imself up. Death usually
occurs by the middle of the second decade from respiratory infections. Prenatal
screening of female
carriers using gene probes is increasingly available. (See DYSTROPHY; MUSCLES, D
ISORDERS OF Myopathy.)
Duct The name applied to a passage leading from a gland into some hollow
organ, or on to the surface of
the body, by which the secretion of the gland is discharged: for example, the pa
ncreatic duct and the bile
duct opening into the duodenum, and the sweat ducts opening on the skin surface.
Ductless Gland Any one of certain glands in the body the secretion of wh
ich goes directly into the
bloodstream and so is carried to different parts of the body. These glands the p
ituitary, thyroid,
parathyroid, adrenal and reproductive are also known as the ENDOCRINE GLANDS. So
me glands may be both
duct glands and ductless glands. For example, the PANCREAS manu-

Duodenal Ulcer
factures a digestive juice which passes by a duct into the small intesti
ne. It also manufactures, by
means of special cells, a substance called INSULIN which passes straight into th
e blood.
common among the upper social classes, and those of blood group O.
The blood vessel in the fetus through which blood passes from the pulmon
ary artery to the aorta,
thereby bypassing the lungs, which do not function during intra-uterine life. (S
THE BLOOD.) The ductus normally ceases to function soon after birth and within a
few weeks is converted
into a fibrous cord. Occasionally this obliteration does not occur: a condition
known as patent ductus
arteriosus. This is one of the more common congenital defects of the heart, and
one which responds
particularly well to surgical treatment. Closure of the duct can also be achieve
d in some cases by the
administration of indomethacin. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)
Causes It is likely that there is some abrasion, or break, in the lining
membrane (or mucosa) of the
stomach and/or duodenum, and that it is gradually eroded and deepened by the aci
dic gastric juice. The
bacterium helicobacter pylori is present in the antrum of the stomach of people
with peptic ulcers; 15 per
cent of people infected with the bacterium develop an ulcer, and the ulcers heal
if H. pylori is
eradicated. Thus, this organism has an important role in creating ulcers. Mental
stress may possibly be a
provocative factor. Smoking seems to accentuate, if not cause, duodenal ulcer, a
nd the drinking of alcohol
is probably harmful. The apparent association with a given blood group, and the
fact that relatives of a
patient with a peptic ulcer are unduly likely to develop such an ulcer, suggest
that there is some
constitutional factor.
Ductus Deferens
Symptoms and signs Peptic ulcers may
Ductus deferens, or VAS DEFERENS, is the tube which carries spermatozoa
from the epidydimis to the
seminal vesicles. (See TESTICLE.)
present in different ways, but chronic, episodic pain lasting several mo
nths or years is most common.
Occasionally, however, there may be an acute episode of bleeding or perforation,
or obstruction of the
gastric outlet, with little previous history. Most commonly there is pain of var
ying intensity in the
middle or upper right part of the abdomen. It tends to occur 23 hours after a mea
l, most commonly at
night, and is relieved by some food such as a glass of milk; untreated it may la

st up to an hour. Vomiting
is unusual, but there is often tenderness and stiffness (guarding) of the abdomina
l muscles. Confirmation
of the diagnosis is made by radiological examination (barium meal), the ulcer appe
aring as a niche on the
film, or by looking at the ulcer directly with an endoscope (see FIBREOPTIC ENDO
SCOPY). Chief complications
are perforation of the ulcer, leading to the vomiting of blood, or HAEMATEMESIS;
or less severe bleeding
from the ulcer, the blood passing down the gut, resulting in dark, tarry stools
(see MELAENA).
Ductus Arteriosus
Dumping Syndrome A sensation of weakness and sweating after a meal in pa
tients who have undergone
GASTRECTOMY. Rapid emptying of the stomach and the drawing of fluid from the blo
od into the intestine has
been blamed, but the exact cause is unclear.
Duodenal Ileus Dilatation of the DUODENUM due to its chronic obstruction
, caused by an abnormal
position of arteries in the region of the duodenum pressing on it.
Duodenal Ulcer This disorder is related to gastric ulcer (see STOMACH, D
ISEASES OF), both being a form
of chronic peptic ulcer. Although becoming less frequent in western communities,
peptic ulcers still affect
around 10 per cent of the UK population at some time. Duodenal ulcers are 1015 ti
mes more common than
gastric ulcers, and occur in people aged from 20 years onwards. The male to fema
le ratio for duodenal ulcer
varies between 4:1 and 2:1 in different communities. Social class and blood grou
ps are also influential,
with duodenal ulcer being more
Treatment of a perforation involves initial management of any complicati
ons, such as shock,
haemorrhage, perforation, or gastric outlet obstruction, usually involving surge
ry and blood replacement.
Medical treatment of a chronic ulcer should include regular meals, and the avoid
ance of fatty foods, strong
tea or coffee and alcohol. Patients should also stop smoking and try to reduce t
he stress in their lives.
ANTACIDS may provide symptomatic

214 Duodenum
relief. However, the mainstay of treatment involves four- to six-week co
urses with drugs such as
lcers by reducing
gastric-acid output. Of those relapsing after stopping this treatment, 6095 per c
ent have infection with
H. pylori. A combination of BISMUTH chelate, amoxycillin (see PENICILLIN; ANTIBI
triple regime should eliminate the infection: most physicians advise the triple re
gime as first-choice
treatment because it is more likely to eradicate Helicobacter and this, in turn,
enhances healing of the
ulcer or prevents recurrence. Surgery may be necessary if medical measures fail,
but its use is much rarer
than before effective medical treatments were developed.
Duodenum The first part of the INTESTINE immediately beyond the stomach,
so-named because its length is
about 12 fingerbreadths.
Dupuytrens Contracture A condition of unknown aetiology in which there is
progressive thickening and
contracture of the FASCIA in the palm of the hand with adherence of the overlyin
g skin. A clawing deformity
of the fingers, particularly the little and ring fingers, develops. It is associ
ated with liver disease,
diabetes, epilepsy, and gout. Treatment is surgical to excise the affected fasci
a. Recurrence is not
Dura Mater The outermost and strongest of the three membranes or meninge
s which envelop the brain and
spinal cord. In it run vessels which nourish the inner surface of the skull. (Se
Dwarfism Dwarfism, or short stature, refers to underdevelopment of the b
ody. The condition, which has
various causes, is not common. All children who by the age of five years are at
least what is technically
known as three standard deviations below the mean well below average size for chil
dren of that age
should be referred for specialist advice. Among the causes are: genetic: familia
l; abnormalities of
chromosomes, for example, TURNERS SYNDROME; abnormal skeletal development; and fa
ilure of primary growth.

growth retardation: maternal intrauterine disorders; placental abnormali

ties; multiple fetuses.
delay in normal growth. constitutional systemic conditions: nutritional

gastrointestinal absorption disorders; certain chronic diseases; psychos

ocial deprivation; endocrine
malfunctions, including HYPOTHYROIDISM, CUSHINGS SYNDROME, RICKETS, dysfunction o
which produces growth hormone, the endocrine growth controller. Treatment of sho
rt stature is, where
possible, to remedy the cause: for example, children with hypothyroidism can be
given THYROXINE. Children
who are not growing properly should be referred for expert advice to determine t
he diagnosis and obtain
appropriate curative or supportive treatments.
Dynamometer An elliptical ring of steel to which is attached a dial and
moving index. It is used to
test the strength of the muscles of the forearm, being squeezed in the hand, and
registering the pressure
in pounds or kilograms.
DysA prefix meaning difficult or painful.
Dysarthria A general term applied when weakness or incoordination of the
speech musculature prevents
clear pronunciation of words. The individuals speech may sound as if it is slurre
d or weak. It may be due
to damage affecting the centres in the brain which control movements of the spee
ch muscles, or damage to
the muscles themselves. Examples of dysarthria may be found in strokes, CEREBRAL
PALSY and the latter
Whatever the cause, a
speech therapist can assess the extent of the dysarthria and suggest exercises o
r an alternative means of
Dyscalculia A condition commonly seen when the brains PARIETAL LOBE is di
seased or injured, in which
an individual finds it hard to carry out simple mathematical calculations.
Dyschezia Constipation due to retention of FAECES in the rectum. This re
tention is the outcome of
irregular habits, which damp down the normal reflex causing defaecation.

Dysdiadochokinesia Loss of the ability to perform rapid alternate moveme
nts, such as winding up a
watch. It is a sign of a lesion in the cerebellum. (See BRAIN.)
Dysentery A clinical state arising from invasive colo-rectal disease; it
is accompanied by abdominal
colic, diarrhoea, and passage of blood/mucus in the stool. Although the two majo
r forms are caused by
Shigella spp. (bacillary dysentery) and Entamoeba histolytica (amoebic dysentery
), other organisms
including entero-haemorrhagic Escherichia coli (serotypes 0157:H7 and 026:H11) a
nd Campylobacter spp. are
also relevant. Other causes of dysentery include Balantidium coli and that cause
d by schistosomiasis
(bilharzia) Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum infection.
Shigellosis This form is usually caused by Shigella dysenteriae-1 (Shigas
bacillus), Shigella
flexneri, Shigella boydii, and Shigella sonnei; the latter is the most benign an
d occurs in temperate
climates also. It is transmitted by food and water contamination, by direct cont
act, and by flies; the
organisms thrive in the presence of overcrowding and insanitary conditions. The
incubation is between one
and seven days, and the severity of the illness depends on the strain responsibl
e. Duration of illness
varies from a few days to two weeks and can be particularly severe in young, old
, and malnourished
individuals. Complications include perforation and haemorrhage from the colo-rec
tum, the haemolytic uraemic
syndrome (which includes renal failure), and REITERS SYNDROME. Diagnosis is depen
dent on demonstration of
Shigella in (a) faecal sample(s) before or usually after culture. If dehydration
is present, this should
be treated accordingly, usually with an oral rehydration technique. Shigella is
eradicated by antibiotics
such as trimethoprimsulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, ampicillin, and amoxycillin
. Recently, a widespread
resistance to many antibiotics has developed, especially in Asia and southern Am
erica, where the agent of
choice is now a quinolone compound, for example, ciprofloxacin; nalidixic acid i
s also effective.
Prevention depends on improved hygiene and sanitation, careful protection of foo
d from flies, fly
destruction, and garbage disposal. A Shigella carrier must not be allowed to han
dle food.
entery may be accompanied by weight loss, anaemia, and occasionally DYSP
NOEA. E. histolytica
contaminates food (e.g. uncooked vegetables) or drinking water. After ingestion
of the cyst-stage, and
following the action of digestive enzymes, the motile trophozoite emerges in the
colon causing local
invasive disease (amoebic colitis). On entering the portal system, these organis
ms may gain access to the
liver, causing invasive hepatic disease (amoebic liver abscess). Other sites of abs

cess formation
include the lungs (usually right) and brain. In the colo-rectum an amoeboma may
be difficult to
differentiate from a carcinoma. Clinical symptoms usually occur within a week, b
ut can be delayed for
months, or even years; onset may be acute as for Shigella spp. infection. Perfor
ation, colo-rectal
haemorrhage, and appendicitis are unusual complications. Diagnosis is by demonst
ration of E. histolytica
trophozoites in a fresh faecal sample; other amoebae affecting humans do not inv
ade tissues. Research
techniques can be used to differentiate between pathogenic (E. dysenteriae) and
non-pathogenic strains (E.
dispar). Alternatively, several serological tests are of value in diagnosis, but
only in the presence of
invasive disease. Treatment consists of one of the 5nitroimidazole compounds met
ronidazole, tinidazole,
and ornidazole; alcohol avoidance is important during their administration. A fi
ve- to ten-day course
should be followed by diloxanide furoate for ten days. Other compounds emetine,
chloroquine, iodoquinol,
and paromomycin are now rarely used. Invasive disease involving the liver or oth
er organ(s) usually
responds favourably to a similar regimen; aspiration of a liver abscess is now rar
ely indicated, as
controlled trials have indicated a similar resolution rate whether this techniqu
e is used or not, provided
a 5-nitroimidazole compound is administered.
Dysidrosis Disturbance of sweat secretion.
Dyskinesia Abnormal movements of the muscles resulting from disorder of
the brain. Movements are
uncoordinated and involuntary and occur in facial as well as limb muscles. They
include athetosis (writhing
movements), CHOREA (jerking movements predominate), choreoathetosis (a combined
type), myoclonus (spasms),
tics and tremors.
Entamoeba histolytica infection Most
cases occur in the tropics and subtropics. DysDyslexia is difficulty in reading or learning to

216 Dysmenorrhoea
read. It is always accompanied by difficulty in writing, and particularl
y by difficulties in spelling.
Reading difficulties might be due to various factors for example, a general lear
ning problem, bad
teaching or understimulation, or a perceptive problem such as poor eyesight. Spe
cific dyslexia (word
blindness), however, affects 48 per cent of otherwise normal children to some exte
nt. It is three times
more common in boys than in girls, and there is often a family history. The cond
ition is sometimes missed
and, when a child has difficulty with reading, dyslexia should be considered as
a possible cause. Support
and advice may be obtained from the British Dyslexia Association.
Dysmenorrhoea Painful MENSTRUATION.
Dyspareunia Dyspareunia means painful or difficult COITUS. In women the
cause may be physical for
example, due to local inflammation or infection in the vagina or psychological;
say, a fear of
intercourse. In men the cause is usually physical, such as prostatitis (see PROS
tight foreskin (see PREPUCE).
Dyspepsia This is another name for indigestion. It describes a sensation
of pain or discomfort in the
upper abdomen or lower chest following eating. There may be additional symptoms
of heartburn, flatulence,
or nausea. There are many causes of dyspepsia including oesophagitis (see OESOPH
ULCER, gallstones (see under GALL-BLADDER, DISEASES OF), HIATUS HERNIA, malignan
cy of the stomach or
oesophagus, and hepatic or pancreatic disease. Occasionally it may be psychologi
cal in origin. Treatment
depends on the underlying cause but, if there is no specific pathology, avoidanc
e of precipitating foods
may be helpful. ANTACIDS may relieve discomfort and pain if taken when symptoms
occur or are expected.
ficulties in understanding language and in selfexpression, most frequent
ly after STROKE or other brain
damage. When there is a total loss in the ability to communicate through speech
or writing, it is known as
global aphasia. Many more individuals have a partial understanding of what is sa
id to them; they are also
able to put their own thoughts into words to some extent. The general term for t
his less severe condition
is dysphasia. Individuals vary widely, but in general there are two main types o
f dysphasia. Some people
may have a good understanding of spoken language but have difficulty in self-exp
ression; this is called
expressive or motor dysphasia. Others may have a very poor ability to understand
speech, but will have a
considerable spoken output consisting of jargon words; this is known as receptiv
e or sensory dysphasia.
Similar difficulties may occur with reading, and this is called DYSLEXIA (a term

more commonly encountered

in the different context of childrens reading disability). Adults who have suffer
ed a stroke or another
form of brain damage may also have difficulty in writing, or dysgraphia. The spe
ech therapist can assess
the finer diagnostic pointsand help them adjust to the effects of the stroke on
communication. (See SPEECH
THERAPY.) Dysphasia may come on suddenly and last only for a few hours or days,
being due to a temporary
block in the circulation of blood to the brain. The effects may be permanent, bu
t although the individual
may have difficulty in understanding language and expressing themselves, they wi
ll be quite aware of their
surroundings and may be very frustrated by their inability to communicate with o
thers. Further information
may be obtained from Speakability.
Dysphonia Abnormal vocal sounds when speaking. It is caused by injury or
disease of the LARYNX or of
the nerves suplying the laryngeal muscles.
Difficulty in swallowing. This may be caused by narrowing of the oesopha
gus because of physical disease
such as cancer or injury. Disturbance to the nervous control of the swallowing m
echanism for example, in
STROKE or MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE (MND) can also cause dysphagia.
Abnormal development of cells, tissues or structures in the body.
Dysphasia is the term used to describe the difSee APRAXIA.
Dyspnoea Difficulty in breathing (see ORTHOPNOEA).

Disturbance in the rhythmical contractions of the heart. It is also call
with LEVODOPA. Particularly in paediatric practice this drug will often
be tried on a child with
Dystrophia Myotonica
Slow or painful birth of a child. This may occur because the baby is lar
ge and/or the mothers pelvis
is small or wrongly shaped for the baby to pass through easily. Abnormal present
ation of the baby is
Dystonia Dystonia refers to a type of involuntary movement characterised
by a sustained muscle
contraction, frequently causing twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal po
stures, and caused by
inappropriate instructions from the brain. It is sometimes called torsion spasm,
and may be synonymous with
ATHETOSIS when the extremities are involved. Often the condition is of unknown c
ause (idiopathic), but an
inherited predisposition is increasingly recognised among some cases. Others may
be associated with known
pathology of the brain such as CEREBRAL PALSY or WILSONS DISEASE.
The presentation of dystonia may be focal (usually in adults) causing bl
epharospasm (forceful eye
closure), oromandibular dystonia (spasms of the tongue and jaw), cranial dystoni
a/Meige syndrome/Brueghels
syndrome (eyes and jaw both involved), spastic or spasmodic dysphonia/laryngeal
dystonia (strained or
whispering speech), spasmodic dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), spasmodic torti
/latero/ ante/retrocollis
(rotation, sideways, forward or backward tilting of the neck), dystonic writers c
ramp or axial dystonia
(spasms deviating the torso). Foot dystonia occurs almost exclusively in childre
n and adolescents. In
adults, the condition usually remains focal or involves at most an adjacent body
part. In children, it may
spread to become generalised. The condition has always been considered rare, but
commonly is either not
diagnosed or mistakenly thought to be of psychological origin. It may, in fact,
be half as common as
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS). Similar features can occur in some subjects treated wit
h major tranquillising
drugs, in whom a predisposition to develop dystonia may be present. One rare for
m, called dopa-responsive
dystonia, can be largely abolished by treatment
A type of muscular dystrophy (see MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF) in which the af

fected person has weakness and

wasting of the muscles, particularly those in the face and neck. Other effects a
re CATARACT, ptosis (see
EYE, DISORDERS OF), baldness and malfunctioning of the endocrine system (see END
OCRINE GLANDS). Both sexes
may be affected by this inherited disorder.
Dystrophy Dystrophy means defective or faulty nutrition, and is a term a
pplied to a group of
developmental changes occurring in the muscles, independently of the nervous sys
OF). The best-known form is progressive muscular dystrophy, a group of hereditar
y disorders characterised
by symmetrical wasting and weakness, with no sensory loss. There are three types
: Duchenne (usually
occurring in boys within the first three years of life); limb girdle (occurring
in either sex in the second
or third decade); and facio-scapulohumeral (either sex, any age). The three type
s have different prognoses,
but may lead to severe disability and premature death, often from respiratory fa
ilure. The third type
progresses very slowly, however, and is compatible with a long life. Diagnosis m
ay be confirmed by
ELECTROMYOGRAPHY (EMG) or muscle biopsy. Although genetic research is pointing t
o possible treatment or
prevention, at present no effective treatment is known, and deterioration may oc
cur with excessive
confinement to bed. Physio-therapeutic and orthopaedic measures may be necessary
to counteract deformities
and contractures, and may help in coping with some disabilities.
Dysuria Difficulty or pain in urination. The condition is commonly assoc
iated with frequency and
urgency of MICTURITION if caused by infection of the bladder (CYSTITIS) or ureth
OF). A burning feeling is common and relief is achieved by treating the underlyi
ng cause. Drinking large
amounts of water may help to alleviate symptoms. If these persist, medical advic
e should be sought.

E Ear
The ear is concerned with two functions. The more evident is that of the
sense of hearing; the other is
the sense of equilibration and of motion. The organ is divided into three parts:
(1) the external ear,
consisting of the auricle on the surface of the head, and the tube which leads i
nwards to the drum; (2) the
middle ear, separated from the former by the tympanic membrane or drum, and from
the internal ear by two
other membranes, but communicating with the throat by the Eustachian tube; and (
3) the internal ear,
comprising the complicated labyrinth from which runs the vestibulocochlear nerve
into the brain.
External ear The auricle or pinna consists of a framework of elastic car
tilage covered by skin, the
lobule at the lower end being a small mass of fat. From the bottom of the concha
the external auditory (or
acoustic) meatus runs inwards for 25 mm (1 inch), to end blindly at the drum. Th
e outer half of the passage
is surrounded by cartilage, lined by skin, on which are placed fine hairs pointi
ng outwards, and glands
secreting a small amount of wax. In the inner half, the skin is smooth and lies
directly upon the temporal
bone, in the substance of which the whole hearing apparatus is enclosed.
Middle ear The tympanic membrane, forming the drum, is stretched complet
ely across the end of the
passage. It is about 8 mm (one-third of an inch) across, very thin, and white or
pale pink in colour, so
that it is partly transparent and some of the contents of the middle ear shine t
hrough it. The cavity of
the middle ear is about 8 mm (one-third of an inch) wide and 4 mm (one-sixth of
an inch) in depth from the
tympanic membrane to the inner wall of bone. Its important contents are three sm
all bones the malleus
(hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup) collectively known as the auditory
ossicles, with two minute
muscles which regulate their movements, and the chorda tympani nerve which runs
across the cavity. These
three bones form a chain across the middle ear, connecting the drum with the int
ernal ear. Their function
is to convert the air-waves, which strike upon the drum, into mechanical movements which can affect the fluid in the inner ear. The middle ear has tw
o connections which are of
great importance as regards disease (see EAR, DISEASES OF). In front, it communi
cates by a passage 37 mm
(1.5 inches) long the Eustachian (or auditory) tube with the upper part of the t
hroat, behind the nose;
behind and above, it opens into a cavity known as the mastoid antrum. The Eustac
hian tube admits air from
the throat, and so keeps the pressure on both sides of the drum fairly equal.
Internal ear This consists of a complex system of hollows in the substan
ce of the temporal bone
enclosing a membranous duplicate. Between the membrane and the bone is a fluid k
nown as perilymph, while
the membrane is distended by another collection of fluid known as endolymph. Thi

s membranous labyrinth, as
it is called, consists of two parts. The hinder part, comprising a sac (the utri
cle) and three short
semicircular canals opening at each end into it, is the part concerned with the
balancing sense; the
forward part consists of another small bag (the saccule), and of a still more im
portant part, the cochlear
duct, and is the part concerned with hearing. In the cochlear duct is placed the
spiral organ of Corti, on
which sound-waves are finally received and by which the sounds are communicated
to the cochlear nerve, a
branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve, which ends in filaments to this organ of
Corti. The essential parts
in the organ of Corti are a double row of rods and several rows of cells furnish
ed with fine hairs of
varying length which respond to differing sound frequencies.
The act of hearing When sound-waves in the air reach the ear, the
s alternately pressed in and
pulled out, in consequence of which a to-and-fro movement is communicated
chain of ossicles. The
foot of the stapes communicates these movements to the perilymph. Finally
motions reach the delicate
filaments placed in the organ of Corti, and so affect the auditory nerve,
conveys impressions to the
centre in the brain.

drum i
to the

Ear, Diseases of Diseases may affect the EAR alone or as part of a more
generalised condition. The
disease may affect the outer, middle or inner ear or a combination of these.
Examination of the ear includes inspection of the external ear. An auris
cope is used to

Ear, Diseases of 219

Auriscope positioned in external auditory meatus of left ear for viewing
ear drum.
examine the external ear canal and the ear drum. If a more detailed insp
ection is required, a
microscope may be used to improve illumination and magnification.
Tuning-fork or Rinne tests are performed to identify the presence of DEA
FNESS. The examiner tests
whether the vibrating fork is audible at the meatus, and then the foot of the fo
rk is placed on the mastoid
bone of the ear to discover at which of the two sites the patient can hear the v
ibrations for the longest
time. This can help to differentiate between conductive and nerve deafness.
Hearing tests are carried out to determine the level of hearing. An audi
ometer is used to deliver a
series of short tones of varying frequency to the ear, either through a pair of
headphones or via a sound
transducer applied directly to the skull. The intensity of the sound is graduall
y reduced until it is no
longer heard and this represents the threshold of hearing, at that frequency, th
rough air and bone
respectively. It may be necessary to play a masking noise into the opposite ear
to prevent that ear from
hearing the tones, enabling each ear to be tested independently.
General symptoms The following are some of the chief symptoms of ear dis
EARACHE is most commonly
due to acute inflammation of the middle ear. Perceived pain in this regi
on may be referred from other
areas, such as the earache commonly experienced after tonsillectomy (removal of
the TONSILS) or that caused
by carious teeth (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF). The treatment will depend on the und
erlying cause. TINNITUS or
ringing in the ear often accompanies deafness, but is sometimes the only symptom
of ear disease. Even
normal people sometimes experience tinnitus, particularly if put in soundproofed
surroundings. It may be
described as hissing, buzzing, the sound of the sea, or of bells. The intensity
of the tinnitis usually
fluctuates, sometimes disappearing altogether. It may occur in almost any form o
f ear disease, but is
particularly troublesome in nerve deafness due to ageing and in noiseinduced dea
fness. The symptom seems to
originate in the brains subcortical regions, high in the central nervous system.
It may be a symptom of
general diseases such as ANAEMIA, high blood pressure and arterial disease, in w
hich cases it is often

220 Ear, Diseases of

synchronous with the pulse, and may also be caused by drugs such as QUIN
INE, salicylates (SALICYLIC
ACID and its salts, for example, ASPIRIN) and certain ANTIBIOTICS. Treatment of
any underlying ear disorder
or systemic disease, including DEPRESSION, may reduce or even cure the tinnitis,
but unfortunately in many
cases the noises persist. Management involves psychological techniques and initi
ally an explanation of the
mechanism and reassurance that tinnitus does not signify brain disease, or an im
pending STROKE, may help
the person. Tinnitus maskers which look like hearing aids have long been used wi
th a suitably pitched
sound helping to mask the condition.
Diseases of the external ear (cerumen) is produced by specialised glands
in the outer part of the ear
canal only. Impacted wax within the ear canal can cause deafness, tinnitis and s
ometimes disturbance of
balance. Wax can sometimes be softened with olive oil, 5-per-cent bicarbonate of
soda or commercially
prepared drops, and it will gradually liquefy and remove itself. If this is ineffe
ctive, syringing by a
doctor or nurse will usually remove the wax but sometimes it is necessary for a
specialist (otologist) to
remove it manually with instruments. Syringing should not be done if perforation
of the tympanic membrane
(eardrum) is suspected. FOREIGN BODIES such as peas, beads or buttons may be fou
nd in the external ear
canal, especially in children who have usually introduced them themselves. Live
insects may also be trapped
in the external canal causing intense irritation and noise, and in such cases sp
irit drops are first
instilled into the ear to kill the insect. Except in foreign bodies of vegetable
origin, where swelling and
pain may occur, syringing may be used to remove some foreign bodies, but often r
emoval by a specialist
using suitable instrumentation and an operating microscope is required. In child
ren, a general anaesthetic
may be needed. ACUTE OTITIS EXTERNA may be a diffuse inflammation or a boil (fur
uncle) occurring in the
outer ear canal. The pinna is usually tender on movement (unlike acute otitis me
dia see below) and a
discharge may be present. Initially treatment should be local, using magnesium s
ulphate paste or glycerine
and 10-per-cent ichthaminol. Topical antibiotic drops can be used and sometimes
antibiotics by mouth are
necessary, especially if infection is acute. Clotrimazole drops are a useful ant
ifungal treatment.
Analgesics and locally applied warmth should relieve the pain. WAX
producing pain and discharge, can be caused by eczema, seborrhoeic DERMA
lotions and cosmetic preparations may trigger local allergic reactions in the ex
ternal ear, and the chronic
disorder may be the result of swimming or use of dirty towels. Careful cleaning
of the ear by an ENT (Ear,

Nose & Throat) surgeon and topical antibiotic or antifungal agents along with re
moval of any
precipitating cause are the usual treatments. TUMOURS of the ear can arise in th
e skin of the auricle,
often as a result of exposure to sunlight, and can be benign or malignant. Withi
n the ear canal itself, the
commonest tumours are benign outgrowths from the surrounding bone, said to occur
in swimmers as a result of
repeated exposure to cold water. Polyps may result from chronic infection of the
ear canal and drum,
particularly in the presence of a perforation. These polyps are soft and may be
large enough to fill the
ear canal, but may shrink considerably after treatment of the associated infecti
Diseases of the middle ear or infection of the middle ear, usually occur
s as a result of infection
spreading up the Eustachian tubes from the nose, throat or sinuses. It may follo
w a cold, tonsillitis or
sinusitis, and may also be caused by swimming and diving where water and infecte
d secretions are forced up
the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. Primarily it is a disease of children,
with as many as 1.5 million
cases occurring in Britain every year. Pain may be intense and throbbing or shar
p in character. The
condition is accompanied by deafness, fever and often TINNITUS. In infants, cryi
ng may be the only sign
that something is wrong though this is usually accompanied by some localising ma
nifestation such as
rubbing or pulling at the ear. Examination of the ear usually reveals redness, a
nd sometimes bulging, of
the ear drum. In the early stages there is no discharge, but in the later stages
there may be a discharge
from perforation of the ear drum as a result of the pressure created in the midd
le ear by the accumulated
pus. This is usually accompanied by an immediate reduction in pain. Treatment co
nsists of the immediate
administration of an antibiotic, usually one of the penicillins (e.g. amoxicilli
n). In the majority of
cases no further treatment is required, but if this does not quickly bring relie
f then it may be necessary
to perform a myringotomy, or incision of the ear drum, to drain pus from the mid
dle ear. When otitis media
is treated OTITIS MEDIA

Eating Disorders 221

immediately with sufficient dosage of the appropriate antibiotic, the ch
ances of any permanent damage
to the ear or to hearing are reduced to a negligible degree, as is the risk of a
ny complications such as
mastoiditis (discussed later in this section). CHRONIC OTITIS MEDIA WITH EFFUSIO
N or glue ear, is the most
common inflammatory condition of the middle ear in children, to the extent that
one in four children in the
UK entering school has had an episode of glue ear. It is characterised by a persis
tent sticky fluid in
the middle ear (hence the name); this causes a conductive-type deafness. It may
be associated with enlarged
adenoids (see NOSE, DISORDERS OF) which impair the function of the Eustachian tu
be. If the hearing
impairment is persistent and causes problems, drainage of the fluid, along with
antibiotic treatment, may
be needed possibly in conjunction with removal of the adenoids. The insertion of
grommets (ventilation
tubes) was for a time standard treatment, but while hearing is often restored, t
here may be no long-term
gain and even a risk of damage to the tympanic membrane, so the operation is les
s popular than it was a
decade or so ago. MASTOIDITIS is a serious complication of inflammation of the m
iddle ear, the incidence of
which has been dramatically reduced by the introduction of antibiotics. Inflamma
tion in this cavity usually
arises by direct spread of acute or chronic inflammation from the middle ear. Th
e signs of this condition
include swelling and tenderness of the skin behind the ear, redness and swelling
inside the ear, pain in
the side of the head, high fever, and a discharge from the ear. The management o
f this condition in the
first instance is with antibiotics, usually given intravenously; however, if the
condition fails to
improve, surgical treatment is necessary. This involves draining any pus from th
e middle ear and mastoid,
and removing diseased lining and bone from the mastoid.
Diseases of the inner ear MENIRES DISEASE is a common idiopathic disorder
of ENDOLYMPH control in the
semicircular canals (see EAR), characterised by the triad of episodic VERTIGO wi
th deafness and
tinnitus. The cause is unknown and usually one ear only is affected at f
irst, but eventually the
opposite ear is affected in approximately 50 per cent of cases. The onset of diz
ziness is often sudden and
lasts for up to 24 hours. The hearing loss is temporary in the early stages, but
with each attack there may
be a progressive nerve deafness. Nausea and vomiting often occur. Treatment duri
ng the attacks includes
rest and drugs to control sickness. Vasodilator drugs such as betahistin
e hydrochloride may be helpful.
Surgical treatment is sometimes required if crippling attacks of dizziness persi
st despite these measures.
OTOSCLEROSIS A disorder of the middle ear that results in progressive deafness.
Often running in families,

otosclerosis affects about one person in 200; it customarily occurs early in adu
lt life. An overgrowth of
bone fixes the stapes (the innermost bone of the middle ear) and stops sound vib
rations from being
transmitted to the inner ear. The result is conductive deafness. The disorder us
ually affects both ears.
Those affected tend to talk quietly and deafness increases over a 1015 year perio
d. Tinnitus often occurs,
and occasionally vertigo. Abnormal hearing tests point to the diagnosis; the dea
fness may be partially
overcome with a hearing aid but surgery is eventually needed. This involves repl
acing the stapes bone with
a synthetic substitute (stapedectomy). (See also OTIC BAROTRAUMA.)
Eating Disorders The term eating disorders covers OBESITY, feeding problem
s in childhood, anorexia
nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. The latter two are described here.
nervosa Often called the slimmers disease, this is a syndrome characteris
ed by the loss of at least a
quarter of a persons normal body weight; by fear of normal weight; and, in women,
individuals body image may be distorted so that the sufferer cannot judge real we
ight and wants to diet
even when already very thin. Anorexia nervosa usually begins in adolescence, aff
ecting about 12 per cent
of teenagers and college students at any time. It is 20 times more common among
women than men. Up to 10
per cent of sufferers sisters also have the syndrome. Anorexia may be linked with
episodes of bulimia (see
below). The symptoms result from secretive selfstarvation, usually with excessiv
e exercise, selfinduced
vomiting, and misuse of laxatives. An anorexic (or anorectic) person may wear la
yers of baggy clothes to
keep warm and to hide the figure. Starvation can cause serious problems such as
ANAEMIA, low blood
pressure, slow heart rate, swollen ankles, and osteoporosis. Sudden death from h
eart ARRHYTHMIA may occur,
particularly if the sufferer misuses DIURETICS to lose weight and also depletes
the bodys level of

222 Ebola Virus Disease

There is probably no single cause of anorexia nervosa. Social pressure t
o be thin seems to be an
important factor and has increased over the past 2030 years, along with the incid
ence of the syndrome.
Psychological theories include fear of adulthood and fear of losing parents atten
tion. Treatment should
start with the general practitioner who should first rule out other illnesses ca
using similar signs and
symptoms. These include DEPRESSION and disorders of the bowel, PITUITARY GLAND,
If the diagnosis is clearly anorexia nervosa, the general practitioner may refer
the sufferer to a
psychiatrist or psychologist. Moderately ill sufferers can be treated by COGNITI
simple form of this is to agree targets for daily calorie intake and for accepta
ble body weight. The
sufferer and the therapist (the general practitioner or a member of the psychiat
ric team) then monitor
progress towards both targets by keeping a diary of food intake and measuring we
ight regularly. Counselling
or more intensely personal PSYCHOTHERAPY may help too. Severe life-threatening c
omplications will need
urgent medical treatment in hospital, including rehydration and feeding using a
nasogastric tube or an
intravenous drip. About half of anorectic sufferers recover fully within four ye
ars, a quarter improve, and
a quarter remain severely underweight with (in the case of women) menstrual abno
rmalities. Recovery after
ten years is rare and about 3 per cent die within that period, half of them by s
Bulimia nervosa is a syndrome characterised by binge eating, self-induce
d vomiting and laxative misuse,
and fear of fatness. There is some overlap between anorexia nervosa and bulimia
but, unlike the former,
bulimia may start at any age from adolescence to 40 and is probably more directl
y linked with ordinary
dieting. Bulimic sufferers say that, although they feel depressed and guilty aft
er binges, the buzz and
relief after vomiting and purging are addictive. They often respond well to cogn
itive behaviour therapy.
Bulimia nervosa does not necessarily cause weight loss because the binges for ex
ample of a loaf of bread,
a packet of cereal, and several cans of cold baked beans at one sitting are canc
elled out by purging, by
self-induced vomiting and by brief episodes of starvation. The full syndrome has
been found in about 1 per
cent of women but mild forms may be
much more common. In one survey of female college students, 13 per cent
admitted to having had bulimic
symptoms. Bulimia nervosa rarely leads to serious physical illness or death. How
ever, repeated vomiting can
cause oesophageal burns, salivary gland infections, small tears in the stomach,
and occasionally
dehydration and chemical imbalances in the blood. Inducing vomiting using finger

s may produce two tell-tale

signs bite marks on the knuckles and rotten, pitted teeth. Those suffering from
this condition may obtain
advice from the Eating Disorders Association.
Ebola Virus Disease Ebola virus disease is another name for VIRAL HAEMOR
RHAGIC FEVER. The ebola virus
is one of the most virulent micro-organisms known. Like the marburg virus (see M
ARBURG DISEASE), it belongs
to the filovirus group which originates in Africa. Increased population mobility
and wars have meant that
the infection occasionally occurs elsewhere, with air travellers developing symp
toms on returning home.
Treatment As the disease can be neither prevented nor cured, treatment i
s supportive, with strict
anti-infection procedures essential as human-to-human transmission can occur via
skin and mucous-membrane
contacts. Incubation period is 510 days. Fever with MYALGIA and headache occur in
itially, often
accompanied by abdominal and chest symptoms. Haemorrhagic symptoms soon develop
and the victim either
starts to improve in the second week or develops multi-organ failure and lapses
into a coma. Mortality
ranges from 25 to 90 per cent.
Eburnation Eburnation is a process of hardening and polishing which take
s place at the ends of bones,
giving them an ivory-like appearance. It is caused by the wearing away, in conse
of the smooth plates of cartilage which in health cover the ends of the bones.
Ecchymosis The development of a discoloured skin patch resulting from es
cape of blood into the tissues
just under the skin, often from bruising.

Echinococcus The immature form of a small tapeworm, Taenia echinococcus,
found in dogs, wolves and
jackals and from which human beings become infected, so that they harbour the im
mature parasite in the form
known as hydatid cyst. (See TAENIASIS.)
Echocardiography The use of ultrasonics (see ULTRASOUND) for the purpose
of examining the HEART. By
thus recording the echo (hence the name) from the heart of ultrasound waves, it
is possible to study, for
example, the movements of the heart valves as well as the state of the interior
of the heart. Safe,
reliable and painless, the procedure cuts the need for the physically interventi
onist procedure of CARDIAC
Echolalia Echolalia is the meaningless repetition, by a person suffering
from mental deterioration, of
words and phrases addressed to him/her.
Echoviruses Echoviruses, of which there are more than 30 known types, oc
cur in all parts of the world.
Their full name is Enteric Cytopathogenic Human Orphan (ECHO hence the acronym).
They are more common in
children than in adults, and have been responsible for outbreaks of MENINGITIS,
common-cold-like illnesses,
gastrointestinal infections, and infections of the respiratory tract. They are p
articularly dangerous when
they infect premature infants, and there have been several outbreaks of such inf
ection in neonatal units,
in which premature infants and other seriously ill small babies are nursed. The
virus is introduced to such
units by mothers, staff and visitors who are unaware that they are carriers of t
he virus.
Eclampsia A rare disorder in which convulsions occur during late pregnan
cy (see also PREGNANCY AND
LABOUR Increased blood pressure). This condition occurs in around 50 out of ever
y 100,000 pregnant women,
especially in the later months and at the time of delivery, but in a few cases o
nly after delivery has
taken place. The cause is not known, although cerebral OEDEMA is thought to occu
r. In practically all cases
the KIDNEYS are profoundly affected. Effective antenatal care should identify mo
st women at risk of
developing eclampsia.
Symptoms Warning symptoms include dizziness, headache, oedema, vomiting,
and the secretion of albumin
(protein) in the urine. These are normally accompanied by a rise in blood pressu
re, which can be severe.
Preeclamptic symptoms may be present for some days or weeks before the seizure t
akes place, and, if a woman
is found to have these during antenatal care, preventive measures must be taken.
Untreated, CONVULSIONS and
unconsciousness are very likely, with serious migraine-like frontal headache and

epigastric pain the

Treatment Prevention of eclampsia by dealing with pre-eclamptic symptoms
is the best management, but
even this may not prevent convulsions. Hospital treatment is essential if eclamp
sia develops, preferably in
a specialist unit. The treatment of the seizures is that generally applicable to
convulsions of any kind,
with appropriate sedatives given such as intravenous DIAZEPAM. HYDRALLAZINE intr
avenously should also be
administered to reduce the blood pressure. Magnesium sulphate given intramuscula
rly sometimes helps to
control the fits. The babys condition should be monitored throughout. Urgent deli
very of the baby, if
necessary by CAESAREAN SECTION, is the most effective treatment for a mother with
acute eclampsia. (See
PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.) Women who have suffered from eclampsia are liable to suff
er a recurrence in a
further preganancy. Careful monitoring is required. There is a self-help organis
ation, Action on
Pre-eclampsia (APEC), to advise on the condition.
Ecstasy Ecstasy refers to a morbid mental condition, associated with an
extreme sense of wellbeing,
with a feeling of rapture, and temporary loss of self-control. It often presents
as a form of religious
obsession, with a feeling of direct communication with God, saintly voices and i
mages being perceived. In
milder cases the patient may preach as though with a divine mission to help othe
rs. Ecstasy may occur in
happiness PSYCHOSIS, SCHIZOPHRENIA, certain forms of EPILEPSY, and abnormal pers
onalities. The term is also
a street drug name for an amphetamine derivative, 3, 4-methylenedioxymethampheta
mine or MDMA, increasingly
used as a recreational drug. It is classified as a class A drug under the Misuse o
f Drugs Act 1971. MDMA
is structurally similar to

224 ECT
endogenous CATECHOLAMINES and produces central and peripheral sympatheti
c stimulation of alpha and beta
ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS. It is taken into nerve terminals by the serotonin transpor
ter and causes release of
the NEUROTRANSMITTER substances serotonin and dopamine. Following this, SEROTONI
N depletion is prolonged.
As serotonin plays a major part in mood control, this leads to the characteristi
c midweek depression
experienced by MDMA users. Several fatalities in young people have been attribut
ed to adverse reactions
resulting from MDMA use/abuse and possibly accompanying alcohol consumption. The
principal effects are
increase in pulse, blood pressure, temperature and respiratory rate. Additional
complications such as
cardiac ARRHYTHMIA, heatstroke-type syndrome, HYPONATRAEMIA and brain haemorrhag
e may occur. There is also
concern over possible effects on the mental concentration and memory of those us
ing ecstasy. Management of
patients who get to hospital is largely symptomatic and supportive but may inclu
de gastric decontamination,
and use of DIAZEPAM as the first line of treatment as it reduces central stimula
tion which may also reduce
Ectasia A term that means widening, usually referring to a disorder of a
duct bearing secretions from a
gland or organ (e.g. mammary duct ectasia).
Ecthyma In debilitated or immunodepressed subjects, staphylococcal IMPET
IGO or folliculitis
(inflammation of hair follicles [see SKIN]) may become ulcerated. This is called
ecthyma and is seen in
vagrants, drug addicts, and individuals with AIDS/HIV or uncontrolled DIABETES M
EctoEcto- is a prefix meaning on the outside.
Ectoderm The outer of the three germ layers of the EMBRYO during its ear
ly development. The ectoderm
develops into the nervous systems, organs of sensation, teeth and lining of mout
h, and the SKIN and its
associated structures such as hair and nails.
Ectopic Ectopic means out of the usual place. For example, the congenita
l displacement of the heart
outside the thoracic cavity is said to be ectopic. An ectopic gestation means a pr
egnancy outside of the
Ectopic Beat A heart muscle contraction that is outside the normal seque
nce of the cardiac cycle (see
HEART). The impulse is generated outside the usual focus of the SINOATRIAL NODE.
Also known as
extrasystoles, ectopic beats are called ventricular if they arise from a focus i

n the ventricles and

supraventricular if they arise in the atria. They may cause no symptoms and the
affected subject may be
unaware of them. The beat may, however, be the result of heart disease or may be
caused by NICOTINE or
CAFFEINE. If persistent, the individual may suffer from irregular rhythm or vent
ricular fibrillation and
need treatment with anti-arrhythmic drugs.
Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy most commonly develops in one of
Occasionally it may occur in one of the OVARIES, and rarely in the uterine cervi
x or the abdominal cavity.
Around one in 200 pregnant women have an ectopic gestation. As pregnancy proceed
s, surrounding tissues may
be damaged and, if serious bleeding happens, the woman may present as an abdomina
l emergency. A
life-threatening condition, this needs urgent surgery. Most women recover satisf
actorily and can have
further pregnancies despite the removal of one Fallopian tube as a result of the
ectopic gestation. Death
is unusual. This disorder of pregnancy may occur because infection or a previous
abdominal injury or
operation may have damaged the normal descent of an ovum from the ovary to the w
omb. The first symptoms
usually appear during the first two months of pregnancy, perhaps before the woma
n realises she is pregnant.
Severe lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding are common presenting symptoms.
Ultrasound can be used to
diagnose the condition and laparoscopy can be used to remove the products of con
ception. (See PREGNANCY AND
Ectromelia Ectromelia means the absence of a limb or limbs, from congeni
tal causes.
Ectropion See EYE, DISORDERS OF.

Electrical Injuries
Lacking teeth: this may be because teeth have not developed or because t
hey have been removed or fallen
A psychoanalytical term to describe that part of the mind which develops
as a result of the
individuals interactions with the outside world. Freud (see FREUDIAN THEORY) desc
ribes the Ego as
reconciling the demands of the Id (a persons unconscious, instinctive mind), the
Superego (moral
conscience) and the reality of the outside world.
EDTA Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid is used to treat poisoning with m
etals such as lead and
strontium. One of the CHELATING AGENTS, EDTA is used in the form of sodium or ca
lcium salts. The stable
chelate compounds resulting from the treatment are excreted in the urine.
Eisenmenger Syndrome
A drug known as a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, used i
n the treatment of HIV
infection in combination with other antiretroviral drugs (see VIRUSES; AIDS/HIV)
. It should not be used in
patients with severe kidney impairment or liver damage. Pregnant women and older
people should not take
efavirenz. The drug has a wide range of side-effects.
A condition in which the subject suffers from a defect in one of the div
iding walls (septum) of the
HEART and this is accompanied by PULMONARY HYPERTENSION. The defect allows blood
low in oxygen to flow from
the right to the left side of the heart and be pumped into the aorta, which norm
ally carries oxygenated
blood to the body. The patient has a dusky blue appearance, becomes breathless a
nd has a severely
restricted exercise tolerance. There is an increase in red blood cells as the bo
dy attempts to compensate
for the lowered oxygen delivery. The condition may be avoided by early surgical
repair of the septal
defect, but once it is evident, surgery may not be possible.

The term applied to vessels which convey away blood or a secretion from
a body part, or to nerves which
carry nerve impulses outwards from the nerve-centres. (Opposite: AFFERENT.)
The expulsion of SEMEN from the PENIS during ORGASM. The stimulation of
sexual intercourse (coitus) or
masturbation produces a spinal reflex action that causes ejaculation. As well as
containing spermatozoa
(male germ cells), the semen comprises several constituents arising from COWPERS
GLAND, the testicles and seminal vesicles (see TESTICLES) and these are discharg
ed in sequence. (See also
Effort Syndrome Also known as Da Costas syndrome, this is a condition in
which symptoms occur, such as
palpitations and shortness of breath, which are attributed by the patient to dis
order of the heart. There
is no evidence, however, of heart disease, and psychological factors are thought
to be of importance. (See
Effusion The passage of fluid through the walls of a blood vessel into a
tissue or body cavity. It
commonly occurs as a result of inflammation or damage to the blood vessel. A ple
ural effusion may occur in
heart failure (as a result of increased blood pressure in the veins forcing out
fluid) or as a result of
inflammation in the lung tissue (PNEUMONIA). Effusions may also develop in damag
ed joints.
Elastic Tissue CONNECTIVE TISSUE which contains a profusion of yellow el
astic fibres. Long, slender and
branching, these fibres (made up of elastin, an albumin-like PROTEIN) ensure tha
t the elastic tissue is
flexible and stretchable. The dermis layer of the skin, arterial walls and the a
lveolar walls in the LUNGS
all contain elastic tissue.
Electrical Injuries These are usually caused by the passage through the
body of an electric current of
high voltage owing to accidental contact with a live wire or to a discharge of l
ightning. The general
effects produced are included under the term electric

226 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

shock, but vary greatly in degree. The local effects include spasmodic c
ontraction of muscles, fracture
of bones, and in severe cases more or less widespread destruction of tissues whi
ch may amount simply to
burns of the skin or may include necrosis of masses of muscle and internal organ
s. Fright due to the
unexpectedness of the shock, and pain due to the sudden cramp of muscles, are th
e most common symptoms and
in most cases pass off within a few minutes. In more severe cases especially whe
n the person has remained
in contact with a live wire for some time, or has been unable to let go of the e
lectrical contact owing to
spasmodic contraction of the muscles the effects are more pronounced and may inc
lude concussion or
compression of the brain (see BRAIN, DISEASES OF). In still more severe cases, d
eath may ensue either from
paralysis of the respiration or stoppage of the hearts action. If prompt measures
are taken for treatment,
the victim can often be resuscitated. In Britain there are an average of 110 dea
ths a year from
electrocution, half of these occurring in the home.
cardiograph. The patient is connected to the electrocardiograph by leads
from either the arms and legs
or different points on the chest. The normal electrocardiogram of each heartbeat
shows one wave
corresponding to the activity of the atria and four waves corresponding to the p
hases of each ventricular
beat. Various readily recognisable changes are seen in cases in which the heart
is acting in an abnormal
manner, or in which one or other side of the heart is enlarged. This record ther
efore forms a useful aid in
many cases of heart disease (see HEART, DISEASES OF). The main applications of t
he electrocardiogram are in
the diagnosis of myocardial infarction and of cardiac ARRHYTHMIA.
Treatment No electrical apparatus or switch should be touched by anyone
who is in metallic contact with
the ground, such as through a metal pipe, especially, for example, from a bath.
The first action is to
break the current. This can sometimes be done by turning off a switch. If the vi
ctim is grasping or in
contact with a live wire, the contact may be severed with safety only by someone
wearing rubber gloves or
rubber boots; but as these are not likely to be immediately available, the rescu
ers hands may be protected
by a thick wrapping of dry cloth, or the live wire may be hooked or pushed out o
f the way with a long
wooden stick such as a broom-handle. If the injured person is unconscious, and e
specially if breathing has
stopped, artificial respiration should be applied as described in APPENDIX 1: BA
Electrocution. When the patient begins to breathe again, he or she must be treat
ed for shock and
professional help obtained urgently.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) A record of the variations in

which occur in the HEART as it
contracts and relaxes. Any muscle in use produces an electric
an individual is at rest,
the main muscular current in the body is that produced by the
recorded by connecting the
outside of the body by electrodes with an instrument known as

electric potential
current, but when
heart. This can be
an electro-

Tracing of normal electrical impulse that initiates heartbeat (after The

Cardiac Arrhythmias Pocket
Book, Boehrringer, Ingelheim).

Electrocardiography A method of recording the electrical activity of the
heart muscles. Electrodes from
a recording machine (electrocardiograph) are placed on the skin of the chest wal
l, arms and legs. The
record of the electrical changes is called an ECG (electrocardiogram). The numbe
r of electrodes used
depends on the complexity of the heart disorder being monitored. The procedure c
an be done in hospital,
doctors surgeries and the patients home, and should not cause any discomfort. In c
ertain circumstances
for example, where a person has had bouts of chest pain an exercise ECG may be p
erformed under medical
supervision. The patient walks on a treadmill while the ECG is recorded continuo
Electrocautery The use of an electrically heated needle or loop to destr
oy diseased or unwanted tissue.
Benign growths, warts and polyps can be removed with this technique.
Electrocoagulation A method of sealing blood vessels using heat generate
d by high-frequency electric
current through fine needles or a surgical knife. The procedure is used during s
urgery to close newly cut
vessels. It can also be used to stop nosebleeds and to remove vascular deformiti
es such as naevi (see
Electrocochleography Electrocochleography is a method of recording the a
ctivity of the cochlea, the
part of the inner ear concerned with hearing. (See EAR.)
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) A controversial but sometimes rapidly ef
fective treatment for cases of
severe DEPRESSION, particularly where psychotic features are present (see PSYCHO
SIS), or in high-risk
patients such as suicidal or post-partum patients. ECT is only indicated after a
ntidepressants have been
tried and shown to be ineffective; the full procedure of treatment should be exp
lained to the patient,
whose consent must be obtained. Before treatment, the patient will have been fas
ted for at least eight
hours. After checking for any potential drug ALLERGY or interactions, the patien
t is given a general
anaesthetic and muscle relaxants. Depending on the side of the patients dominance
, either unilateral (on
the side of the non-dominant hemisphere of the BRAIN) or bilateral (if dominance
is uncertain, e.g. in
left-handed people) positioning of elec227
trodes is used. Unilateral ECT has the advantage of being associated wit
h less anterograde AMNESIA.
When the current passes, the muscles will contract for approximately 10 seconds,
with further tonic spasms
lasting up to a minute. The patient should then be put in the COMA or recovery p
osition and observed until
fully conscious. Up to 12 treatments may be given over a month, improvement usua

lly showing after the third

session. Widely used at one time, the treatment is now given only rarely. It can
be extremely frightening
for patients and relatives and is not recommended for children.
Electroencephalography (EEG) In the BRAIN there is a regular, rhythmical
change of electric potential,
due to the rhythmic discharge of energy by nerve cells. These changes can be rec
orded graphically and the
brain waves examined a procedure introduced to medicine in the 1920s. These record
electroencephalograms are useful in DIAGNOSIS: for example, the abnormal electro
encephalogram occurring
in EPILEPSY is characteristic of this disease. The normal waves, known as alpha
waves, occur with a
frequency of 10 per second. Abnormal waves, with a frequency of 7 or fewer per s
econd, are known as delta
waves and occur in the region of cerebral tumours and in the brains of epileptic
s. An electroencephalogram
can assess whether an individual is awake, alert or asleep. It may also be used
during surgery to monitor
the depth of unconsciousness in anaesthetised patients.
Electrolysis The use of short-wave electric currents to destroy the root
s of hairs (see SKIN) and so
remove unwanted hair from the skin surface. If used by a trained operator, the p
rocedure is safe, but care
must be taken in the vicinity of the eyes and, as electrolysis of hair on the le
gs is such a lengthy
process, it is best avoided there.
Electrolytes Substances, for example, potassium chloride, whose molecule
s split into their constituent
electrically charged particles, known as ions, when dissolved in fluid. In medic
ine the term is customarily
used to describe the ion itself. The description serum electrolyte concentration m
eans the amounts of
separate ions for example, sodium and chloride in the case of salt present in th
e serum of the
circulating blood. Various diseases alter the amounts of electrolytes in the blo
od, either because more
than normal are lost through vomiting or diarE

228 Electromyography (EMG)

rhoea, or because electrolytes may be retained as the kidney fails to ex
crete them properly.
Measurements of electrolytes are valuable clues to the type of disease, and prov
ide a means of monitoring a
course of treatment. Electrolyte imbalances can be corrected by administering ap
propriate substances orally
of proteins in the blood are possible using this method.
Electromyography (EMG)
Chronically oedematous (see OEDEMA) and thickened tissue, especially inv
olving the lower extremities
and genitalia, which arises from repeated attacks of inflammation of the skin an
d subcutaneous tissue, with
concurrent obstruction of lymphatic vessels. In a tropical country, the usual ca
use is lymphatic
The recording of electrical activity in a muscle using electrodes placed
in the fibres. The procedure
is used to diagnose muscle and nerve disorders and to assess recovery in certain
types of paralysis.
Electron One of the negatively charged subatomic particles distributed a
round a positive nucleus
(positron) to form an atom. (See RADIOTHERAPY.)
Electronic Monitoring Devices Electronically driven equipment that will
constantly monitor the
physiological status of patients and the effects of medical intervention on that
status. Such devices
should relieve hospital staff of time-consuming human monitoring procedures and in
some instances will
enable patients to carry monitoring devices during their daily living activities
. An example would be the
regular assessment of blood-sugar concentration in subjects with DIABETES MELLIT
US or the routine checking
on the blood or tissue concentrations of administered drugs.
Electron Microscope See MICROSCOPE.
Electro-Oculography A method of recording movements of the eyes, which i
s of value in assessing the
function of the retina (see EYE.)
Electrophoresis The migration of charged particles between electrodes. A
simple method of
electrophoresis, known as paper electrophoresis, has been introduced to analyse
PROTEIN in body fluids.
This method consists in applying the proteincontaining solution as a spot or a s
treak to a strip of filter
paper which has been soaked in buffer solution and across the ends of which a po
tential difference is then
applied for some hours. Comparison is made between filter strips of normal fluid

s and that of the patient

under investigation. Identification and quantification
Electroretinogram An electroretinogram is the record of an electrical re
sponse of visual receptors in
the retina (see EYE), which can be measured with corneal electrodes.
Filarial elephantiasis Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi are convey
ed to humans by a mosquito
bite. Resultant lymphatic obstruction gives rise to enlargement and disfiguratio
n, with thickening of the
skin (resembling that of an elephant) in one or both lower limbs and occasionall
y genitalia (involving
particularly the SCROTUM). By the time the condition is recognised, lymphatic da
mage is irreversible.
However, if evidence of continuing activity exists, a course of diethylcarbamazi
ne should be administered
(see FILARIASIS). Relief can be obtained by using elastic bandaging, massage, re
st, and elevation of the
affected limb. Surgery is sometimes indicated. For prevention, destruction of mo
squitoes is important.
Elixir A liquid preparation of a potent or nauseous drug made pleasant t
o the taste by the addition of
aromatic substances and sugar.
Emaciation Pronounced wasting; a common symptom of many diseases, partic
ularly those which are
associated with a prolonged or repeated rise of temperature, such as TUBERCULOSI
S. It is also associated
with diseases of the alimentary system in which digestion is inefficient, or in
which the food is not fully
absorbed: for example, in long-standing diarrhoea, whatever its cause. It is als
o a marked feature of
severe malnutrition and malignant disease.

Embryo Transfer 229

Surgical removal of a clot or EMBOLUS to clear an obstruction in an arte
The obstruction may be cleared by inserting a balloon (Fogarty) catheter (see CA
THETERS) into the blood
vessel or by surgical incision through the arterial wall. Embolectomy may be a l
ife-saving operation when a
The FETUS in the womb prior to the end of the second month.
Embolism The plugging of a small blood vessel by an EMBOLUS which has be
en carried through the larger
vessels by the bloodstream. It is due usually to fragments of a clot which has f
ormed in some vessel, or to
small portions carried off from the edge of a heart-valve when this organ is dis
eased. However, the plug
may also be a small mass of bacteria, or a fragment of a tumour, or even a mass
of air bubbles sucked into
the veins during operations on the neck. The result is usually more or less dest
ruction of the organ or
part of an organ supplied by the obstructed vessel. This is particularly the cas
e in the BRAIN, where
softening of the brain, with APHASIA or a STROKE, may be the result. If the plug
is a fragment of malignant
tumour, a new growth develops at the spot; if it is a mass of bacteria, an ABSCE
SS forms there.
Air-embolism occasionally causes sudden death in the case of wounds in the neck,
the air bubbles completely
stopping the flow of blood. Fat-embolism is a condition which has been known to
cause death masses of
fat, in consequence of such an injury as a fractured bone, finding their way int
o the circulation and
stopping the blood in its passage through the lungs. (See also PULMONARY EMBOLIS
Embolus Substances for example, air, AMNIOTIC FLUID, blood clot, fat or
foreign body that are
carried by the blood from a vessel (or vessels) in one part of the body to anoth
er part where the matter
lodges in a blood vessel causing a blockage (see EMBOLISM).
Embrocations Embrocations are mixtures, usually of an oily nature, inten
ded for external application in
cases of rheumatism, sprains, and other painful conditions. Their action is due
mainly to the massage
employed in rubbing in the embrocations, in part to the counter-irritant action
of the drugs which they
contain. (See LINIMENTS.)
Embryology The study of the growth and development of an EMBRYO and subs
equently the FETUS from the
fertilisation of the OVUM by the SPERMATOZOON through the gestational period unt
il birth. Embryology is
valuable in the understanding of adult anatomy, how the body works and the occur

Embryo Research When a woman is treated for infertility it is necessary
to nurture human embryos for a
few days (until the first cell divisions of the fertilised egg have occurred) in
a specialised laboratory.
More eggs are fertilised than are usually needed because not all fertilisations
are successful. Surplus
embryos may be frozen for use in later attempts to implant an embryo in the womb
. Research has been done on
very early embryos but the practice is controversial and some countries have eit
her forbidden it or imposed
tight restrictions. In the UK such research is controlled by the government Huma
n Fertilisation &
Embryology Authority (see ASSISTED CONCEPTION).
Embryo Transfer Embryo transfer is the process whereby the initial stage
s of procreation are produced
outside the human body and completed in the uterus or womb. The procedure is als
o known as embryo
transplantation and in vitro fertilisation (IVF). It consists of extracting an ovum
(or egg) from the
prospective mothers body and placing this in a dish where it is mixed with the ma
le partners SEMEN and
special nutrient fluids. After the ovum is fertilised by the sperm it is transfe
rred to another dish
containing a special nutrient solution. Here it is left for several days while t
he normal early stages of
development (see FETUS) take place. The early EMBRYO, as it has then become, is
then implanted in the
mothers uterus, where it takes root and develops as a normal fetus. The first test-t
ube baby to use
the popular, and widely used, term for such a child was born by CAESAREAN SECTIO
N in England on 25 July
1978. Many other children conceived in this manner have since been born, and, th
ough only 10 per cent of
women conceive at the first attempt, the overall success rate is improving. Embr
yo transplantation and
research are controversial procedures and in many countries,

230 Emergency
including the UK, are controlled by legislation. Embryo transfer and res
earch using embryos are
regulated by the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (see ASSISTED CONCEP
Emergency E
A condition that needs urgent medical care. Examples include life-threat
ening injuries involving blood
loss or damage to major organs, cardiac arrest or sudden loss of consciousness f
rom, say, a blow or an
epileptic fit. Emergency is a term also applied to any resuscitative procedure t
hat must be undertaken
immediately for instance, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (see APPENDIX 1: BASIC F
Cardiac/respiratory arrest) or TRACHEOSTOMY. Patients with an emergency conditio
n may initially be treated
on the spot by suitably qualified paramedical staff before being transported by
road or air ambulance to a
hospital Accident and Emergency department, also known as an A&E or Casualty dep
artment. These departments
are staffed by doctors and nurses experienced in dealing with emergencies; their
first job when an
emergency arrives is to conduct a TRIAGE assessment to decide the seriousness of
the emergency and what
priority the patient should be given in the context of other patients needing em
ergency care. As their
title shows, A&E departments (and the 999 and 112 telephone lines) are for patie
nts who are genuine
emergencies: namely, critical or life-threatening circumstances such as: unconsc
iousness. serious loss of
blood. suspected broken bones. deep wound(s) such as a knife wound. suspected he
art attack. difficulty in
breathing. suspected injury to brain, chest or abdominal organs. fits. To help p
eople decide which medical
service is most appropriate for them (or someone they are caring for or helping)
, the following questions
should be answered: Could the symptoms be treated with an overthe-counter (OTC)
medicine? If so, visit a
pharmacist. Does the situation seem urgent? If so, call NHS Direct or the GP for
telephone advice, and a
surgery appointment may be the best action. Is the injured or ill person an obvi
ous emergency (see above)?
If so, go to the local A&E department or call 999 for an ambu
lance, and be ready to give the name of the person involved, a brief des
cription of the emergency and
the place where it has occurred.
Emesis Emesis means VOMITING.
Emetics An emetic is a substance which induces VOMITING (emesis). Emetic
s were previously used for gut
decontamination in the treatment of poisoning but are now considered obsolete. T
his is because the efficacy

of emesis as a means of gut decontamination is unproved; there is a delay betwee

n administration and actual
emesis, during which time continued absorption of the poison may occur; and some
emetics have effects other
than vomiting which may mask the clinical features of the ingested poison. The m
ost commonly used emetic
was syrup of ipecacuanha (ipecac). Salt (sodium chloride) water emetics were als
o used but there are many
cases of fatal HYPERNATRAEMIA resulting from such use and salt water emetics sho
uld never be given. The
most common method of gut decontamination currently used is the administration o
f activated CHARCOAL.
Emetine The active principles of IPECACUANHA.
Emission A discharge. The term is commonly used to describe the orgasmic
flow of SEMEN from the erect
PENIS that occurs during sleep. Described as a nocturnal emission or, colloquial
ly, as a wet dream, it is
a common event in late PUBERTY.
EMLA This is a proprietary brand of topical cream (the abbreviation stan
ds for Eutectic Mixture of
Local Anaesthetics). EMLA has revolutionised the care of children in hospital in
the last decade by
allowing blood-taking, lumbar puncture and other invasive procedures to be condu
cted relatively painlessly.
It is applied to the skin and covered. After one hour the skin is anaesthetised.
Emmetropia The normal condition of the EYE as regards refraction of ligh
t rays. When the muscles in the
eyeball are completely relaxed, the focusing

power is accurately adjusted for parallel rays, so that vision is perfec
t for distant objects.
Emollients Emollients are substances which have a softening and soothing
effect upon the skin. They
include dusting powders such as French chalk, oils such as olive oil and almond
oil, and fats such as the
various pharmacopoeial preparations of paraffin, suet, and lard. Glycerin is als
o an excellent emollient.
Uses They are used in various inflammatory conditions such as eczema (se
e DERMATITIS), when the skin
becomes hard, cracked, and painful. They may be used in the form of a dusting po
wder, an oil or an
Emotion Mental arousal that the individual may find enjoyable or unpleas
ant. The three components are
subjective, physiological and behavioural. The instinctive fear and flee respons
e in animals comprises
physiological reaction raised heart rate, pallor and sweating to an unpleasant e
vent or stimulus. The
loving relationship between mother and child is another wellrecognised emotional
event. If this emotional
bond is absent or inadequate, the child may suffer emotional deprivation, which
can be the trigger for
behavioural problems ranging from attention-craving to aggression. Emotional pro
blems are common in human
society, covering a wide spectrum of psychological disturbances. Upbringing, rel
ationships or psychiatric
illnesses such as anxiety and DEPRESSION may all contribute to the development o
f emotional problems (see
Empathy The facility to understand and be sympathetic to the feelings an
d thoughts of another
individual. Empathy in the therapist is an essential component of successful psy
chotherapy and is a
valuable characteristic in anyone who is a member of a caring profession.
Emphysema The presence of air in the bodys tissues. Divided into two type
s, surgical and pulmonary
emphysema, the former occurs when air escapes from leaks in the LUNGS and OESOPH
AGUS perhaps as the
result of injury or infection and collects in the tissues of the chest and neck.
Air occasionally escapes
into other tissues as a result of surgery or injury, and bacterial infection can
also produce gas in soft
tissues (see gas gangrene under GANGRENE). Air or gas gives the affected
tissue an unmistakable crackling feel when touched. X-rays of an affecte
d area will usually show the
presence of air. Such air is generally absorbed by the body when the leak has be
en sealed. The second type
of emphysema affects the lung tissue and is called pulmonary emphysema. It is no
w grouped with other lung

disorders such as chronic BRONCHITIS and some types of ASTHMA under the umbrella
heading CHRONIC
OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD). See under this entry for further
Empirical Method of treatment founded simply on experience rather than o
n scientific evidence from, for
example, clinical trials. Because a given remedy has been successful in the trea
tment of a certain group of
symptoms, it is assumed, by those who uphold this principle, that it will be suc
cessful in the treatment of
other cases presenting similar groups of symptoms, without any inquiry as to the
cause of the symptoms or
reason underlying the action of the remedy. It is the contrary of rational or scien
tific treatment.
Sometimes empirical treatment is a reasonable course of action where there is no
known proven effective
treatment for a condition.
Empyema An accumulation of PUS within a cavity, the term being generally
reserved for collections of
pus within one of the pleural cavities (see LUNGS). Since the advent of antibiot
ics, the condition is
relatively uncommon in developed countries. The condition is virtually an ABSCES
S, and therefore gives rise
to the general symptoms accompanying that condition. However, on account of the
thick, unyielding wall of
the chest, it is unlikely to burst through the surface, and therefore it is of p
articular importance that
the condition should be recognised early and treated adequately. The condition m
ost commonly follows an
attack of PNEUMONIA; it may also occur in the advanced stage of pulmonary TUBERC
ULOSIS. Empyema also occurs
at times through infection from some serious disease in neighbouring organs, suc
h as cancer of the GULLET,
or follows upon wounds penetrating the chest wall. Treatment may be by surgery o
r by drainage through a
tube inserted into the pleural cavity, combined with instillation of agents whic
h break down the

232 Emulsions
Emulsions Emulsions are oil-in-water or water-in-oil dispersions. Therap
eutic emulsions (creams)
require an added stabilising substance.
Enamel See TEETH.
Encephalin E
A naturally occurring brain PEPTIDE, the effects of which resemble those
of MORPHINE or other opiates
Encephalitis Encephalitis means inflammation or infection of the brain,
usually caused by a virus; it
may also be the result of bacterial infection. It occurs throughout the world an
d affects all racial groups
and ages. Rarely it occurs as a complication of common viral disease such as mea
sles, mumps, glandular
fever, or chickenpox. It may occur with no evidence of infection elsewhere, such
encephalitis, the most common form seen in Europe and America. RABIES is another
form of viral
encephalitis, and the HIV virus which causes AIDS invades the brain to cause ano
ther form of encephalitis
(see AIDS/HIV). In some countries North and South America, Japan and east Asia a
nd Russia there may be
epidemics spread by the bite of mosquitoes or ticks. The clinical features begin
with influenzalike
symptoms aches, temperature and wretchedness; then the patient develops a headac
he with drowsiness,
confusion and neck stiffness. Severely ill patients develop changes in behaviour
, abnormalities of speech,
and deterioration, sometimes with epileptic seizures. Some develop paralysis and
memory loss. CT (see
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY) and MRI brain scans show brain swelling, and damage to the
temporal lobes if the
herpes virus is involved. ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY (EEG), which records the brainw
aves, is abnormal.
Diagnosis is possible by an examination of the blood or other body fluids for an
tibody reaction to the
virus, and modern laboratory techniques are very specific. In general, drugs are
not effective against
viruses antibiotics are of no use. Herpes encephalitis does respond to treatment
with the antiviral
agent, aciclovir. Treatment is supportive: patients should be given painkillers,
and fluid replacement
drugs to reduce brain swelling and counter epilepsy if it occurs. Fortunately, m
ost sufferers from
encephalitis make a complete recovery, but some are left severely disabled with
physical defects,
personality and memory
disturbance, and epileptic fits. Rabies is always fatal and the changes
found in patients with AIDS are
almost always progressive. Except in very specific circumstances, it is not poss
ible to be immunised
against encephalitis. Encephalitis lethargica is one, now rare, variety that rea
ched epidemic levels after

World War I. It was characterised by drowsiness and headache leading on to COMA.

The disease occasionally
occurs as a complication after mumps and sometimes affected individuals subseque
ntly develop
postencephalitic PARKINSONISM.
Encephaloid A form of cancer which, to the naked eye, resembles the tiss
ue of the brain.
Encephalomyelitis Inflammation of the substance of both brain and spinal
Encephalopathy The term covering certain conditions in which there are s
igns of cerebral irritation
without any localised lesion to account for them. Examples are HYPERTENSIVE ENCE
ENCEPHALOPATHY, WERNICKES ENCEPHALOPATHY and lead encephalopathy. In the first, w
hich occurs in the later
stages of chronic glomerulonephritis (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF), or URAEMIA, the
headache, convulsions and
delirium which constitute the main symptoms are supposed to be due to a deficien
t blood supply to the
Enchondroma A TUMOUR formed of cartilage.
Encysted Enclosed within a bladder-like wall. The term is applied to par
asites, collections of pus,
etc., which are shut off from surrounding tissues by a membrane or by adhesions.
Endarterectomy Surgical reopening of an artery obstructed by ATHEROMA. I
f a blood clot is present, the
reboring process is called thromboendarterectomy. Restored patency allows arteri
al blood supply to restart.
The carotid arteries and arteries to the legs are those most commonly operated o
Endarteritis Inflammation of the inner coat of an artery. (See ARTERIES,

Endocrine Glands 233

Endemic A term applied to diseases which exist in particular localities
or among certain races. Some
diseases, which are at times EPIDEMIC over wide districts, have a restricted are
a where they are always
endemic, and from which they spread. For example, both CHOLERA and PLAGUE are en
demic in certain parts of
EndoPrefix meaning situated inside.
Endocarditis Inflammation of the lining, valves and muscle of the HEART.
The main causes are bacterial
and virus infections and rheumatic fever, and the condition occurs most often in
patients whose ENDOCARDIUM
is already damaged by congenital deformities or whose immune system has been sup
pressed by drugs. Infection
may be introduced into the bloodstream during dental treatment or surgical proce
dures, especially on the
heart or on the gastrointestinal system. The condition is potentially very serio
us and treatment is with
large doses of antibiotic drugs. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)
muscles and the coronary arteries are dilated; systolic blood pressure r
ises; blood sugar increases;
the metabolic rate rises; muscle fatigue is diminished. The superficial or corti
cal part of the glands
produces steroid-based substances such as aldosterone, cortisone, hydrocortisone
, and deoxycortone acetate,
for the maintenance of life. It is the absence of these substances, due to atrop
hy or destruction of the
suprarenal cortex, that is responsible for the condition known as ADDISONS DISEAS
Ovaries and testicles The ovary (see
OVARIES) secretes at least two hormones known, respectively, as oestradi
ol (follicular hormone) and
progesterone (corpus luteum hormone). Oestradiol develops (under the stimulus of
the anterior pituitary
lobe see PITUITARY GLAND below, and under separate entry) each time an ovum in t
he ovary becomes mature,
and causes extensive proliferation of the ENDOMETRIUM lining the UTERUS, a stage
ending with shedding of
the ovum about 14 days before the onset of MENSTRUATION. The corpus luteum, whic
h then forms, secretes both
progesterone and oestradiol. Progesterone brings about great activity of the gla
nds in the endometrium. The
uterus is now ready to receive the ovum if it is fertilised. If fertilisation do
es not occur, the corpus
luteum degenerates, the hormones cease acting, and menstruation takes place. The
hormone secreted by the
testicles (see TESTICLE) is known as TESTOSTERONE. It is responsible for the gro
wth of the male secondary
sex characteristics.
Endocrine Glands

Pancreas This gland is situated in the upper

Organs whose function it is to secrete into the blood or lymph, substanc
es known as HORMONES. These
play an important part in general changes to or the activities of other organs a
t a distance. Various
diseases arise as the result of defects or excess in the internal secretions of
the different glands. The
chief endocrine glands are:
part of the abdomen and, in addition to the digestive enzymes, it produc
es INSULIN within specialised
cells (islets of Langerhans). This controls carbohydrate metabolism; faulty or a
bsent insulin production
Endocardium A thin membrane consisting of flat endothelial cells; it lin
es the four chambers of the
HEART and is continuous with the lining of arteries and veins. The endocardium h
as a smooth surface which
helps the blood to flow easily. The valves at the openings of the hearts chambers
are made from folded-up
membranes. Inflammation of the endocardium is called
Adrenal glands These two glands, also known as suprarenal glands, lie im
mediately above the kidneys.
The central or medullary portion of the glands forms the secretions known as ADR
ENALINE (or epinephrine)
and NORADRENALINE. Adrenaline acts upon structures innervated by sympathetic ner
ves. Briefly, the blood
vessels of the skin and of the abdominal viscera (except the intestines) are con
stricted, and at the same
time the arteries of the
Parathyroid glands These are four minute glands lying at the side of, or
behind, the thyroid (see
below). They have a certain effect in controlling the absorption of calcium salt
s by the bones and other
tissues. When their secretion is defective, TETANY occurs.
Pituitary gland This gland is attached to the base of the brain and rest
s in a hollow on the base of
the skull. It is the most important of all endocrine glands and consists of two
embryologically and
functionally distinct lobes.

234 Endocrine Glands

The function of the anterior lobe depends on the secretion by the HYPOTH
ALAMUS of certain
neuro-hormones which control the secretion of the pituitary trophic hormones. The
hypothalamic centres
involved in the control of specific pituitary hormones appear to be anatomically
separate. Through the
pituitary trophic hormones the activity of the thyroid, adrenal cortex and the s
ex glands is controlled.
The anterior pituitary and the target glands are linked through a feedback contr
ol cycle. The liberation of
trophic hormones is inhibited by a rising concentration of the circulating hormo
ne of the target gland, and
stimulated by a fall in its concentration. Six trophic (polypeptide) hormones ar
e formed by the anterior
pituitary. Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin are simple proteins formed in the a
cidophil cells.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH) and thyroid-stimula
ting hormone (TSH) are
glycoproteins formed in the basophil cells. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH),
although a polypeptide, is
derived from basophil cells. The posterior pituitary lobe, or neurohypophysis, i
s closely connected with
the hypothalamus by the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tracts. It is concerned with th
e production or storage of
OXYTOCIN and vasopressin (the antidiuretic hormone). HORMONES Growth hormone, go
nadotrophic hormone,
adrenocorticotrophic hormone and thyrotrophic hormones can be assayed in blood o
r urine by
radio-immunoassay techniques. Growth hormone extracted from human pituitary glan
ds obtained at autopsy was
available for clinical use until 1985, when it was withdrawn as it is believed t
o carry the virus
responsible for CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (COD). However, growth hormone produce
d by DNA recombinant
techniques is now available as somatropin. Synthetic growth hormone is used to t
reat deficiency of the
natural hormone in children and adults, TURNERS SYNDROME and chronic renal insuff
iciency in children.
Human pituitary gonadotrophins are readily obtained from post-menopausal urine.
Commercial extracts from
this source are available and are effective for treatment of infertility due to
insufficiency. The adrenocorticotrophic hormone is extracted from animal pituita
ry glands and has been
available therapeutically for many years. It is used as a test of adrenal functi
on, and, under certain
circumstances, in conditions for which corticosteroid therapy is indicated (see
The pharmacologically active polypeptide of ACTH has been synthesised an
d is called tetracosactrin.
Thyrotrophic hormone is also available but it has no therapeutic application.
which affect the release of each of the six anterior pituitary hormones

have been identified. Their

blood levels are only one-thousandth of those of the pituitary trophic hormones.
The release of
thyrotrophin, adrenocorticotrophin, growth hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone
and luteinising hormone is
stimulated, while release of prolactin is inhibited. The structure of the releas
ing hormones for TSH,
FSH-LH, GH and, most recently, ACTH is known and they have all been synthesised.
hormone (TRH) is used as a diagnostic test of thyroid function but it has no the
rapeutic application.
FSH-LH-releasing hormone provides a useful diagnostic test of gonadotrophin rese
rve in patients with
pituitary disease, and is now used in the treatment of infertility and AMENORRHO
EA in patients with
functional hypothalamic disturbance. As this is the most common variety of secon
dary amenorrhoea, the
potential use is great. Most cases of congenital deficiency of GH, FSH, LH and A
CTH are due to defects in
the hypothalamic production of releasing hormone and are not a primary pituitary
defect, so that the
therapeutic implication of this synthesised group of releasing hormones is consi
frequently due to a microadenoma (see ADENOMA) of the pituitary. DOPAMINE is the
inhibiting hormone. Its duration of action is short so its therapeutic value is
limited. However,
BROMOCRIPTINE is a dopamine agonist with a more prolonged action and is effectiv
e treatment for
Thyroid gland The functions of the thyroid gland are controlled by the p
ituitary gland (see and the
hypothalamus, situated in the brain. The thyroid, situated in the front of the n
eck below the LARYNX, helps
to regulate the bodys METABOLISM. It comprises two lobes each side of the TRACHEA
joined by an isthmus.
Two types of secretory cells in the gland follicular cells (the majority) and pa
rafollicular cells
secrete, respectively, the iodine-containing hormones THYROXINE (T4) and TRI-IOD
OTHYRONINE (T3), and the
hormone CALCITONIN. T3 and T4 help control metabolism and calcitonin, in conjunc
tion with above)

parathyroid hormone (see above), regulates the bodys calcium balance. Def
iciencies in thyroid function
produce HYPOTHYROIDISM and, in children, retarded development. Excess thyroid ac
tivity causes
thyrotoxicosis. (See THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF.)
End Organ
Peptides (see PEPTIDE) produced in the brain which have a pain-relieving
action; hence their
alternative name of opiate peptides. Their name is derived from endogenous MORPH
INE. They have been defined
as endogenous opiates or any naturally occurring substances in the brain with ph
armacological actions
resembling opiate alkaloids such as morphine. There is some evidence that the pa
in-relieving action of
ACUPUNCTURE may be due to the release of these opiate peptides. It has also been
suggested that they may
have an antipsychotic action and therefore be of value in the treatment of major
psychotic illnesses such
The study of the endocrine system, the substances (hormones) it secretes
and its disorders (see
Endoderm The inner layer of the three germ layers of the EMBRYO during i
ts early development. The
endoderm develops into the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and associated g
lands (LIVER; gall-bladder
see LIVER; PANCREAS), the lining of the bronchi and alveoli of the LUNGS and muc
Endogenous Coming from within the body. Endogenous depression, for insta
nce, occurs as a result of
causes inside a person.
Endolymph The fluid that fills the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
(see EAR).
Endometriosis The condition in which the endometrium (the cells lining t
he interior of the UTERUS) is
found in other parts of the body. The most common site of such misplaced endomet
rium is the muscle of the
uterus. The next most common site is the ovary (see OVARIES), followed by the PE
but it also occurs anywhere in the bowel. The cause is not known. Endometriosis
never occurs before puberty
and seldom after the menopause. The main symptoms it produces are MENORRHAGIA, D
MENSTRUATION and pelvic pain. Treatment is usually by removal of the affected ar
ea, but in some cases
satisfactory results are obtained from the administration of a PROGESTOGEN such

norethynodrel and DANAZOL.

Endometritis Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the womb. (See U
Endometrium The mucous membrane which lines the interior of the UTERUS.
A structure at the end of a peripheral nerve that acts as receptor for a
sensation. For example, the
olfactory nerves have end organs that identify smells.
Endoscope A tube-shaped instrument inserted into a cavity in the body to
investigate and treat
disorders. It is flexible and equipped with lenses and a light source. Examples
of endoscopes are the
CYSTOSCOPE for use in the bladder, the GASTROSCOPE for examining the stomach and
looking into joints (see also FIBREOPTIC ENDOSCOPY).
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) This is a procedur
e in which a catheter (see
CATHETERS) is passed via an ENDOSCOPE into the AMPULLA OF VATER of the common BI
LE DUCT. The duct is then
injected with a radioopaque material to show up the ducts radiologically. The te
chnique is used to diagnose
pancreatic disease as well as obstructive jaundice.
Endoscopy Examination of a body cavity for example, PLEURAL CAVITY, GAST
and URINARY BLADDER using an ENDOSCOPE in order to diagnose or treat a disorder
in the cavity. The
development of endoscopy has reduced the need for major surgery, as many diagnos
tic procedures can be
performed with an endoscope (as can MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY (MIS)). The devel
opment of fibre optics (the
transmission of light along bundles of glass or plastic fibres) has greatly adva
nced the practice of
endoscopy and hospitals now routinely run endoscopy clinics on

236 Endothelium
an out-patient basis, often without the necessity for a general anaesthe
The membrane lining various
e pleura (lining the lung), the
pericardium (lining the heart), the
organs), the lymphatic
vessels, blood vessels, and joints.
thin flat cells, which
render the surface perfectly smooth

vessels and cavities of the body, such as th

peritoneum (lining the abdomen and abdominal
It consists of a fibrous layer covered with
and secrete the fluid for its lubrication.

Endotoxin A poison produced by certain gram-negative bacteria that is re

leased after the microorganisms
die. Endotoxins can cause fever and shock, the latter by rendering the walls of
blood vessels permeable so
that fluid leaks into the tissues, with a consequent sharp fall in blood pressur
e. (See EXOTOXIN.)
Endotracheal Intubation Insertion of a rubber or plastic tube through th
e nose or mouth into the
TRACHEA. The tube often has a cuff at its lower end which, when inflated, provid
es an airtight seal. This
allows an anaesthetist to supply oxygen or anaesthetic gases to the lungs with t
he knowledge of exactly how
much the patient is receiving. Endotracheal intubation is necessary to undertake
artificial ventilation of
a patient (see ANAESTHESIA).
Enema Introduction of fluid into the
via the
A fibreoptic bronchoscope used to examine the larger bronchial tubes of
the lungs to determine, for
example, whether a tumour is present.

ENT Disorders 237

Percutaneous nephroscope used for examining the interior of the kidney.
It is passed into the pelvis of
the kidney through a track from the surface of the skin. (The track is made with
a needle and guide wire.)
Instruments can be passed through the nephroscope under direct vision to remove
Enemas may be given to clear the intestine of faeces prior to intestinal
surgery or to relieve severe
constipation. They may also be used to give barium for diagnostic X-rays as well
as drugs such as
CORTICOSTEROIDS, used to treat ULCERATIVE COLITIS. The patient is placed on his
or her side with a support
under the hips. A catheter (see CATHETERS) with a lubricated end is inserted int
o the rectum and warmed
enema fluid gently injected. Disposable enemas and miniature enemas, which can b
e self-administered, are
widely used; they contain preprepared solution.
ing part of the baby, usually the head, moves down into the mothers pelvi
Enkephalins Peptides (see PEPTIDE) that have a pain-killing effect simil
ar to that of ENDORPHINS.
Produced by certain nerve endings and in the brain, enkephalins (also spelt ence
phalins) are also believed
to act as a sedative and mood-changer.
Enophthalmos Abnormal retraction of the eye into its socket: for example
, when the sympathetic nerve in
the neck is paralysed.
A volatile inhalational anaesthetic similar to HALOTHANE but less potent
and less likely to have toxic
effects on the LIVER.
ENT Disorders
The event during pregnancy when the presentSee OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY.

238 Enteral Feeding

Enteral Feeding
In severely ill patients, the metabolic responses to tissue damage may b
e sufficient to cause a
reduction of muscle mass and of plasma proteins. This state of CATABOLISM may al
so impair the immune
response to infection and delay the healing of wounds. It is probable that as ma
ny as one-half of patients
who have had a major operation a week previously show evidence of protein malnut
rition. This can be
detected clinically by a loss of weight and a reduction in the skinfold thicknes
s and arm circumference.
Biochemically the serum-albumin (see ALBUMINS) concentration falls, as does the
protein reserves of the body fall even more dramatically when there are SEPSIS,
burns, acute pancreatitis
or renal failure. The purpose of enteral feeding is to give a liquid, low-residu
e food through a
naso-gastric feeding tube. It has the advantage over parenteral nutrition that t
he septic complications of
insertion of CATHETERS into veins are avoided. Enteral feeding may either take t
he form of intermittent
feeding through a largebore naso-gastric tube, or of continuous gravity-feeding
through a fine-bore tube. A
number of proprietary enteral foods are available. Some contain whole protein as
the nitrogen source;
others and these are called elemental diets contain free amino acids. DIARRHOEA
is the most common
problem with enteral feeding and it tends to occur when enteral feeding is intro
duced too rapidly or with
too strong a preparation.
Enteralgia Another name for COLIC.
Enteric-Coated A description of tablets covered in material that allows
them to pass through the
stomach and enter the intestine unaltered. Drugs coated in this way are those wh
ose action is reduced or
stopped by acid in the stomach.
Enteric Fever Enteric fever is caused by bacterial infection with either
Salmonella typhi or Salmonella
paratyphi A, B or C. These infections are called typhoid fever, or paratyphoid f
ever respectively.
Transmission usually occurs by ingestion of water or food that has been contamin
ated with human faeces
for example, by drinking water contaminated with sewage, or eating foods prepare
d by a cook infected with
or carrying the organisms. Enteric fever is ENDEMIC in many areas of the world,
including Africa, Central
and South America, the Indian subcontinent
and south-east Asia. Infection occasionally occurs in southern and easte
rn Europe, particularly with S.
paratyphi B. However, in northern and western Europe and North America, most cas
es are imported.

Clinical course The incubation period of enteric fever is 721 days. Early
symptoms include headache,
malaise, dry cough, constipation and a slowly rising fever. Despite the fever, t
he patients pulse rate is
often slow and he or she may have an enlarged SPLEEN. In the second week of illn
ess, organisms invade the
bloodstream again and symptoms progress. In general, symptoms of typhoid fever a
re more severe than those
of paratyphoid fever: increasing mental slowness and confusion are common, and a
more sustained high fever
is present. In some individuals, discrete red spots appear on the upper trunk (r
ose spots). By the third
week of illness the patient may become severely toxic, with marked confusion and
delirium, abdominal
distension, MYOCARDITIS, and occasionally intestinal haemorrage and/or perforati
on. Such complications may
be fatal, although they are unusual if prompt treatment is given. Symptoms impro
ve slowly into the fourth
and fifth weeks, although relapse may occur. Diagnosis Enteric fever should be c
onsidered in any traveller
or resident in an ENDEMIC area presenting with a febrile illness. The most commo
n differential diagnosis is
MALARIA. Diagnosis is usually made by isolation of the organism from cultures of
blood in the first two
weeks of illness. Later the organisms are found in the stools and urine. Serolog
ical tests for ANTIBODIES
against Salmonella typhi antigens (see ANTIGEN) (the Widal test) are less useful
due to cross-reactions
with antigens on other bacteria, and difficulties with interpretation in individ
uals immunised with typhoid
Treatment Where facilities are available, hospital admission is required
. Antibiotic therapy with
chloramphenicol or amoxyacillin is effective. However, the potential toxicity of
the former and the
widespread resistance that has developed to both these antibiotics has led to th
e use of QUINOLONES such as
CIPROFLOXACIN as the initial therapy for enteric fever in the UK and in areas wh
ere resistant organisms are
common. A few individuals become chronic carriers of the organisms after they ha
ve recovered from the
symptoms. These people are a potential source of spread to others and should be
excluded from occupations
that involve handling food or drinking-water.

Prolonged courses of antibiotic therapy may be required to eradicate car
part of the intestine or brought to the exterior via the abdominal wall.
Prevention Worldwide, the most important
preventive measure is improvement of sanitation and maintenance of clean
water supplies. Vaccination is
available for travellers to endemic areas.
A type of toxin (see TOXINS) that causes inflammation of the intestinal
lining and results in vomiting
and diarrhoea (see FOOD POISONING).
A family of VIRUSES which include the POLIOMYELITIS, COXSACKIE and ECHO
(see ECHOVIRUSES) groups of
viruses. Their importance lies in their tendency to invade the central nervous s
ystem. They receive their
name from the fact that their mode of entry into the body is through the gut.
Enteritis means inflammation of the intestines. (See DIARRHOEA; INTESTIN
Enterobiasis Infection with Enterobius vermicularis, the threadworm (or
pinworm as it is known in the
USA). It is the most common of all the intestinal parasites in Britain, and the
least harmful. The male is
about 6 mm ( inch) in length and the female about 12 mm ( inch) in length. Each re
sembles a little piece
of thread. These worms live in considerable numbers in the lower bowel, affectin
g children particularly.
They usually cause no symptoms but can result in great irritation round the anus
or within the female
genitalia, especially at night when the female worm emerges from the anus to lay
its eggs and then die. The
most effective form of treatment is either viprynium embonate or piperazine citr
ate, which needs to be
taken by the whole family. Bedclothes must then be laundered.
Enterocele A HERNIA of the bowel.
Enterogastrone A hormone derived from the mucosal lining of the small in
testine which inhibits the
movements and secretion of the stomach.
Enterokinase The ENZYME secreted in the DUODENUM and jejunum (see INTEST
INE) which converts the enzyme,
trypsinogen, secreted by the PANCREAS, into TRYPSIN. (See also DIGESTION.)
Enteroptosis A condition in which, owing to a lax condition of the mesen
teries (see MESENTERY) and

ligaments which support the intestines, the latter descend into the lower part o
f the abdominal cavity.
Enterostomy An operation by which an artificial opening is formed into t
he intestine and joined to
Entonox A proprietary analgesic drug taken by inhalation and comprising
half nitrous oxide and half
oxygen. It is valuable in providing relief to casualties who are in pain, as it
provides analgesia without
making them unconscious. Entonox is also used in obstetric practice to ease the
pains of childbirth.
Entropion See EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Enuresis Bed-wetting, or the involuntary passage of urine at night. It c
an occur at all ages but is a
particular problem with children and the elderly. In general, paediatricians pre
fer not to treat enuresis
much before the age of six, as it may be a normal phenomenon and usually stops a
s the child grows older.
However, when the condition persists, the child (and parents) need advice. Treat
ment is by positive
reinforcement of bladder control, alarm systems such as the pad and bell, or ocasi
onally by drugs such as
Desmopressin, which reduces night-time urinary output. Some children have an irri
table bladder and can be
helped by drugs which relieve this. Enuresis is often a result of psychological
disturbance, particularly
where family relationships are disrupted. In this circumstance medication is unl
ikely to be effective.
Constipation is a common cause of urinary incontinence and hence bed-wetting in
the elderly and should
be treated. Enuresis in the elderly may also be due to organic disease or to men
tal deterioration and
confusion. Appropriate investigation, treatment and nursing should be arranged.
Advice is available from the Enuresis Resource and Information Centre (ERIC)

240 Environmental Health Officer

whose weekday helpline is 0117 960 3060. Also
Environmental Health Officer
A local-authority health official specially qualified in aspects of envi
ronmental health such as clean
air, food hygiene, housing, pollution, sanitation and water supplies. He or she
is responsible for running
the authoritys environmental health department and, when epidemiological advice i
s needed, the relevant
public-health physician acts in a consultative capacity (see EPIDEMIOLOGY; PUBLI
Environmental Medicine The study of the consequences for peoples health o
f the natural environment.
This includes the effects of climate, geography, sunlight and natural vegetation
Environment and Health Environment and Health concerns those aspects of
human health, including quality
of life, that are determined by physical, biological, social and psychosocial fa
ctors in the environment.
The promotion of good health requires not only public policies which support hea
lth, but also the creation
of supportive environments in which living and working conditions are safe, stim
ulating and enjoyable.
Health has driven much of environmental policy since the work of Edwin Chadwick
in the early 1840s. The
first British public-health act was introduced in 1848 to improve housing and sa
nitation with subsequent
provision of purified water, clean milk, food hygiene regulations, vaccinations
and antibiotics. In the
21st century there are now many additional environmental factors that must be mo
nitored, researched and
controlled if risks to human health are to be well managed and the impact on hum
an morbidity and mortality
reduced. Environmental impacts on health include: noise air pollution water poll
ution dust odours
contaminated ground loss of amenities vermin vibration animal diseases

Environmental risk factors Many of the major determinants of health, dis
ease and death are
environmental risk factors. Some are natural hazards; others are generated by hu
man activities. They may be directly harmful, as in the examples of exposure to t
oxic chemicals at work,
pesticides, or air pollution from road transport, or to radon gas penetrating do
mestic properties.
Environmental factors may also alter peoples susceptibility to disease: for examp
le, the availability of
sufficient food. In addition, they may operate by making unhealthy choices more
likely, such as the
availability and affordability of junk foods, alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco.

Populations at risk Children are among the populations most sensitive to

environmental health hazards.
Their routine exposure to toxic chemicals in homes and communities can put their
health at risk. Central to
the ability to protect communities and families is the right of people to know a
bout toxic substances. For
many, the only source of environmental information is media reporting, which oft
en leaves the public
confused and frustrated. To benefit from public access to information, increasin
gly via the Internet,
people need basic environmental and health information, resources for interpreti
ng, understanding and
evaluating health risks, and familiarity with strategies for prevention or reduc
tion of risk.
Risk assessment Environmental health experts rely on the principles of e
nvironmental toxicology and
risk assessment to evaluate the environment and the potential effects on individ
ual and community health.
Key actions include: identifying sources and routes of environmental exposure an
d recommending methods of
reducing environmental health risks, such as exposure to heavy metals, solvents,
pesticides, dioxins, etc.
assessing the risks of exposure-related health hazards. alerting health professi
onals, the public, and the
media to the levels of risk for particular potential hazards and the reasons for
interventions. ensuring
that doctors and scientists explain the results of environmental monitoring stud
ies for example, the
results of water fluoridation in the UK to improve dental health.

National policies In the United Kingdom in 1996, an important step in li
nking environment and health
was taken by a governmentinitiated joint consultation by the Departments of Heal
th and Environment about
adding environment as a key area within the Health of

Epicanthic Fold 241

the Nation strategy. The first UK Minister of State for Public Health wa
s appointed in 1997 with
responsibilities for health promotion and public-health issues, both generally a
nd within the NHS. These
responsibilities include the implementation of the Health of the Nation strategy
and its successor, Our
Healthy Nation. The aim is to raise the priority given to human health throughou
t government departments,
and to make health and environmental impact assessment a routine part of the mak
ing, implementing and
assessing the impact of policies.
Global environmental risks The scope of many environmental threats to hu
man health are international
and cannot be regulated effectively on a local, regional or even national basis.
One example is the
Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident, which led to a major release of radiation, t
he effects of which were
felt in many countries. Some international action has already been taken to tack
le global environmental
problems, but governments should routinely measure the overall impacts of develo
pment on people and their
environments and link with industry to reduce damage to the environment. For ins
tance, the effects of
global warming and pollution on health should be assessed within an ecological f
ramework if communities are
to respond effectively to potential new global threats to the environment.
Enzyme A protein that acts as a catalyst for the bodys metabolic processe
s. The body contains
thousands of enzymes, with each cell producing several varieties. The first enzy
me was obtained in a
reasonably pure state in 1926. Since then, several hundred enzymes have been obt
ained in pure crystalline
form. They are present in the digestive fluids and in many of the tissues, and a
re capable of producing in
small amounts the transformation on a large scale of various compounds. Examples
of enzymes are found in
the PTYALIN of saliva and DIASTASE of pancreatic juice which split up starch int
o sugar; the PEPSIN of the
gastric juice and the trypsin of pancreatic juice which break proteins into simp
ler molecules and
eventually into the constituent amino acids; and the thrombin of the blood which
causes coagulation. The
diagnosis of certain disorders can be helped by measuring the concentrations of
various enzymes in the
blood. After a heart attack (myocardial infarction see HEART, DISEASES OF), rais
ed levels of heart
enzymes occur
as a result of damage to the cells of the heart muscle. Some inherited d
iseases such as GALACTOSAEMIA
and PHENYLKETONURIA are the result of deficiencies of certain enzymes. Enzymes c
an be a useful part of
treatment for some disorders. STREPTOKINASE, for example, is used to treat THROM
BOSIS; wound-dressings
containing papain from the pawpaw fruit this contains protein-digesting enzymes
assist in the healing

process; and pancreatic enzymes can be of value to patients with malabsorption c

aused by disorders of the
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) This is a sensitive method for
measuring the quantity of a
substance. An antibody to the substance is prepared along with an ENZYME which b
inds to the antibody and
which can be accurately measured using colour changes that occur as a result of
the chemical reaction.
Eosinophil Any cell in the body with granules in its substance that stai
n easily with the dye, eosin.
Granulocytes which form about 2 per cent of the white cells of the blood are eos
Eosinophilia Eosinophilia means an abnormal increase in the number of eo
sinophils (see EOSINOPHIL) in
the blood. It occurs in Hodgkins disease (see LYMPHOMA), in ASTHMA and hay fever,
in some skin diseases,
and in parasitic infestation.
Ephedrine An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) derived from a species of Ephedra
or prepared synthetically. A
BRONCHODILATOR, it was once widely used to treat asthma, but has now been supers
eded by the much safer (and
more effective) selective beta-2-adrenoceptor stimulants (see ADRENERGIC RECEPTO
RS). Ephedrine is a
constituent of several decongestant cold and cough remedies available to the gen
eral public.
Ephelides The technical term for FRECKLES.
Ephelis See EPHELIDES.
EpiA prefix meaning situated on or outside of.
Epicanthic Fold A vertical skinfold that runs from the upper eyelid to t
he side of the nose. These
folds are

242 Epicondyle
normal in oriental races but uncommon in others, although babies may hav
e a temporary fold that
disappears. Folds are present in people with DOWNS (DOWN) SYNDROME.
contributes to the control not only of infectious diseases but also of c
onditions such as heart disease
and cancer. Their distributions in populations can provide important pointers to
possible causes. The
relation between the environment and disease is an essential part of epidemiolog
The protuberance above a CONDYLE at the end of a bone with an articulati
ng joint for example, at the
bottom of the humerus, the bone of the upper arm.
The outer layer of the SKIN, which forms the protective covering of the
Epidemic is a term applied to a disease which affects a large number of
people in a particular locality
at one time. The term is, in a sense, opposed to ENDEMIC, which means a disease
always found in the
locality in question. A disease may, however, be endemic as a rule for example,
MALARIA in swampy
districts and may become at times epidemic, when an unusually large number of pe
ople are affected. The
rapid expansion of air travel has extended the scope for the spread of epidemic
and endemic disease. An
epidemic disease is usually infectious from person to person, but not necessaril
y so since many persons in
a locality may simply be exposed to the same cause at one time; for example, out
breaks of lead-poisoning
are epidemic in this sense. The conditions which govern the outbreak of epidemic
s are poorly understood,
but include infected food supplies, such as drinking water contaminated by waste
from people with CHOLERA
or typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER); milk infected with TUBERCLE bacillus; or fa
st food products
contaminated with salmonella. The migrations of certain animals, such as rats, a
re in some cases
responsible for the spread of PLAGUE, from which these animals die in great numb
ers. Certain epidemics
occur at certain seasons: for example, whooping-cough occurs in spring, whereas
measles produces two
epidemics as a rule, one in winter and one in March. Influenza, the common cold,
and other infections of
the upper respiratory tract, such as sore throat, occur predominantly in the win
ter. There is another
variation, both as regards the number of persons affected and the number who die

in successive epidemics:
the severity of successive epidemics rises and falls over periods of five or ten
Epidemiology The study of disease as it affects groups of people. Origin
ating in the study of epidemics
of diseases like CHOLERA, PLAGUE and SMALLPOX, epidemiology is an important disc
ipline which
Epidermophyton A fungus infection of the skin causing WORM or tinea.
RINGEpididymis An oblong body attached to the upper part of each TESTICLE, c
omposed of convoluted vessels
and ducts, that connects the VASA EFFERENTIA to the VAS DEFERENS. Sperm cells pr
oduced in the testis pass
along the epididymis, maturing as they go, to be stored in the seminal vesicles
until EJACULATION occurs.
The epididymis may be damaged by trauma or infection resulting sometimes in ster
ility. Cysts may also
Epidural Anaesthesia See ANAESTHESIA.
Epigastrium The region lying in the middle of the ABDOMEN over the stoma
Epigenetics The science of how the activity of DNA (deoxyribonucleic aci
d, which is the fundamental
genetic material of cells) can be altered semipermanently by chemical processes
rather than by natural
MUTATION. Genes contain instructions for making proteins. The natural process of
implementing these
instructions gene expression can be altered by chemical groups attaching themsel
ves to the chemical
bases that make up a strand of DNA. This, in turn, affects the generation of pro
teins from the genes so
tagged. Some chemical groups can even stop a gene from being expressed. Recently
, research in Australia
showed that such a chemically induced alteration could be inherited, at least in
mice. This points to the
possibility that inherited epigenetic characteristics could cause inherited disea
ses in the same way that
natural genetic mutations do. These developments suggest that epigenetics will b
e an important part of
genetic studies and research. Not all geneticists, however, believe that this de

aspect of genetics is so important and this debate will continue.
people who have a single seizure, a significant minority (20 per cent) h
ave no further attacks.
Major (generalised) seizures have a
A leaf-like piece of elastic CARTILAGE covered with mucous membrane, whi
ch stands upright between the
back of the tongue and the glottis, or entrance to the LARYNX. In the act of swa
llowing, it prevents fluids
and solids from passing off the back of the tongue into the larynx.
sudden, often unprovoked onset; the patient emits a cry, then falls to t
he ground, rigid, blue, and
then twitching or jerking both sides of the body: the tonic-clonic convulsion. D
rowsiness and confusion may
last for some hours after recovering consciousness. Some experience a momentary
warning (AURA): a smell, or
sensation in the head or abdomen, vision, or dj vu.
Epiglottitis Acute epiglottitis is a septicaemic illness which includes
an acute inflammatory OEDEMA of
the EPIGLOTTIS, due to Haemophilus influenzae. It progresses very rapidly and a
child can be dangerously
ill or even die within hours of onset. Once recognised, however, it is easily an
d successfully treated by
immediate transfer to hospital for emergency intubation and ventilation and use
of antibiotics and
steroids. Fortunately it is now very rare as a result of the introduction of hae
mophilus vaccine into the
primary vaccination course of infants. (See LARYNGOTRACHEO-BRONCHITIS.)
Epignathus Maldevelopment of the FETUS in which the deformed remains of
one twin are united to the
upper jaw of the other.
Epilation Removal of hair by the roots. (See DEPILATION.)
Epilepsy (See also FIT; SEIZURE.) Epilepsy is the name given to any cond
ition in which a person suffers
repeated fits or seizures. It is present in one in 200 (05 per cent) of the popul
ation and up to 5 per
cent of all children will have had a fit by the age of 12, although most of thes
e are harmless
accompaniments of an acute feverish illness. It is a recurrent and paroxysmal di
sorder starting suddenly
and ceasing spontaneously due to occasional sudden excessive rapid and local dis
charge of the nerve cells
in the grey matter (cortex) of the BRAIN. Epilepsy always arises in this way fro
m the brain, but its origin
is often of microscopic size. It is diagnosed by the clinical symptoms based on
the observations of
witnesses. Its cause can sometimes be established by laboratory tests, and brain

scanning. Fits can be the

first sign of a tumour, or follow a stroke, brain injury or infection, but in th
e large majority no
underlying cause is found socalled idiopathic epilepsy. A single epileptic fit i
s not epilepsy. Of those
Partial seizures: focal motor (Jacksonian) begin with twitching of the a
ngle of the mouth, the thumb,
or the big toe. If the seizure discharge then spreads, the twitching or jerking
spreads gradually through
the limbs. Consciousness is preserved unless the seizure spreads to produce a se
condary generalised fit. In
some attacks the eyes and head may turn, the arm may rise, and the body may turn
, while some patients feel
tingling in the limbs.
Complex partial seizures (temporal lobe epilepsy) The patient usually ap
pears blank, vacant and may be
unable to talk, or may mumble or chatter though later they often have no memory
of this period. They may
be able to carry out complex tasks, taking off gloves or clothes, and may smack
their lips or rub
repeatedly on one limb (automatisms). A sense of strangeness supervenes: unreali
ty, or a feeling of having
experienced it all before (dja vu). There may be a sense of panic. Strange unplea
sant smells and tastes
are olfactory and gustatory hallucinations. The visual hallucinations evoke comp
lex scenes. An initial
rising sense of warmth or discomfort in the stomach, or speeding-up of thoughts ar
e common psychomotor
symptoms. All these strange symptoms are brief, disappearing within a few second
s or up to 34 minutes.
Minor seizures (petit mal) Attacks start in childhood. They last a few s
econds. The child ceases what
he or she is doing, stares, looks a little pale, and may flutter the eyelids. Th
e head may drop forwards.
Attacks are commonly provoked by overbreathing. The child and parents may be una
ware of the attacks just
daydreaming. Major fits develop in onethird of subjects. By contrast with other t
ypes of epilepsy, the
Precautions Children with epilepsy should take normal school exercises a
nd games, and

244 Epiloia
can swim under supervision. Adults must avoid working at heights, with e
xposed dangerous machinery, and
driving vehicles on public roads. Current legislation allows driving after two y
ears of complete freedom
from attacks during waking hours; those who for more than three years have had a
history of attacks only
while asleep may also drive.
Treatment identifies, and avoids where possible, any factors (such as sh
ortage of sleep or excessive
fluids) which aggravate or trigger attacks. If fits are very infrequent, treatme
nt may not be recommended.
However, frequent fits may be embarassing, may cause injury or may cause long-te
rm brain damage so
treatment is advisable. Anti-epileptic drugs are usually necessary for several y
ears under medical
supervision. Carbamazepine and sodium valproate are the most frequently prescrib
ed. The dose is governed by
the degree of control of fits and sometimes drug levels can be monitored by bloo
d tests to check on dosage.
Strict adherence to the drug schedule gives a reasonable chance of total suppres
sion of fits, especially in
younger patients whose fits have started recently. The table summarises anticonv
ulsant drugs in use.
Interactions can occur between anti-epileptics and, if drug treatment is changed
, the patient needs careful
monitoring. In particular, abrupt withdrawal of a drug should be avoided as this
may precipitate severe
rebound seizures. Indications First-choice drugs: Ethosuximide Phenobarbitone Ph
enytoin Carbamazepine
Valproate Second-line drugs: Primidone Clobazam Vigabatrin Lamotrigine Gabapenti
n Topirimate
PM, JME M, P M, P, CP M, P, CP M, PM, JME M, P, CP M, CP M, P, CP M, P,
M = major generalised tonic-clonic; P = partial or focal; CP = complex p
artial (temporal lobe); PM =
petit mal; JME = juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Anticonvulsant drugs
As all anticonvulsant drugs have an effect on the brain, it is not surpr
ising that there may be
side-effects, especially inolving alertness or behaviour. In each case careful a
ssessment is necessary for
doctor and patient to agree on the best compromise between stopping fits and avo
iding ill-effects of
Patients who have an epileptic seizure should not be restrained or have
a gag or anything else placed
in their mouths; nor should they be moved unless in danger of further injury. An
y tight clothing around the
neck should be loosened and, when the seizure has passed, the person should be p
laced in the recovery
position to facilitate a return to consciousness (see APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AI
D). Patients with epilepsy

and their relatives can obtain further advice and information from the British E
pilepsy Association or
Epilepsy Action Scotland.
Epiphora Inadequate drainage of tears in the eyes with the result that t
hey overflow down the cheeks.
The condition is caused by an abnormality of the tear ducts which drain away the
normal secretions that
keep the eyeball moist (see EYE).
Epiphysis See BONE
Growth of bones.
Epiphysitis Inflammation of an epiphysis (see Growth of bones).

Epirubicin A cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic drug used in the treatme

nt of solid tumours, acute
LEUKAEMIA and LYMPHOMA. It is related structurally to DOXORUBICIN and is given i
ntravenously, and by
instillation into the URINARY BLADDER to treat bladder cancer under specialist s
Episclera The most superficial layer of the sclera of the EYE. It someti
mes becomes inflamed
(episcleritis) but the condition usually clears without treatment.
Episiotomy A cut made in the PERINEUM to enlarge the vaginal opening and
facilitate childbirth during a
difficult birth when the babys head (or in a breech delivery, the buttocks) is ma
king slow progress down
the birth canal, or when forceps have to be applied. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Epispadias An inherited abnormality of the PENIS in which the opening of
the URETHRA is on the upper

surface instead of at the end of the organ. Surgical correction carried
out in infancy has a high
success rate.
Epistasis (1) Stopping a flow or discharge of, for example, blood from a
wound. (2) In genetics the
term describes a type of gene action (see GENES) where a gene is able to block t
he action of another one.
Epistaxis Bleeding from the nose. (See HAEMORRHAGE.)
Epithelioma Epithelioma is a tumour of malignant nature arising in the E
PITHELIUM covering the surface
of the body. (See CANCER.)
Epithelium Epithelium is the cellular layer which forms the epidermis on
the skin, covers the inner
surface of the bowels, and forms the lining of ducts and hollow organs, like the
bladder. It consists of
one or more layers of cells which adhere to one another, and is one of the simpl
est tissues of the body. It
is of several forms: for example, the epidermis is formed of scaly epithelium, t
he cells being in several
layers and more or less flattened. (See SKIN.) The bowels are lined by a single
layer of columnar
epithelium, the cells being long and narrow in shape. The air passages are lined
by ciliated epithelium:
that is to say, each cell is provided with flagellae (lashes) which drive the fl
uid upon the surface of the
passages gradually upwards.
Epizotic Any disease in animals which diffuses itself widely. The term co
rresponds to the word
EPIDEMIC as applied to human beings. In plague, for example, an epizotic in rats
usually precedes the
epidemic in human beings.
infectious MONONUCLEOSIS. It is similar to the viruses that cause herpes
and is associated with
BURKITTS LYMPHOMA. It has been suggested as precipitating some attacks of MYALGIC
Eptifibitide An antiplatelet drug, best given under the supervision of a
specialist. It inhibits the
aggregation of PLATELETS in the blood that occurs in THROMBUS formation, and is
used with HEPARIN and
ASPIRIN to prevent early myocardial infarction (heart attack see HEART, DISEASES
OF) in patients with
Epulis Epulis is a term applied to any tumour connected with the jaws. (
Equine Oestrogens See OESTROGENS.

Erbs Paralysis Erbs paralysis is a form of paralysis of the arm due to str
etching or tearing of the
fibres of the brachial nerve plexus. Such damage to the brachial plexus may occu
r during birth, especially
when the baby is unusually large, and it is found that the arm lies by the side
of the body with elbow
extended, forearm pronated, and the fingers flexed. The infant is unable to rais
e the arm.
A species, structure or disorder named after a particular individual, cu
stomarily the one who first
described or discovered it. The use of eponyms has been widespread in medicine,
but more descriptive and
so more practical terms are replacing them.
The rigid state of the PENIS when it responds to sexual stimulus. An ere
ction is necessary for
effective penetration of the VAGINA. As a result of sexual arousal, the three cy
linders of erectile tissue
in the penis become engorged with blood, lengthening, raising and hardening the
penis. Muscles surrounding
the blood vessels contract and retain the blood in the penis. Erections also occ
ur during sleep and in
young boys. Inability to have or maintain an erection is one cause of IMPOTENCE
(see also SILDENAFIL
Epsom Salts
The popular name for magnesium sulphate, which was used as a saline purg
Epstein Barr Virus The virus that causes glandular fever or
A prefix indicating activity or work.
Ergocalciferol A combination of CALCIFEROL and vitamin D2 (see APPENDIX
5: VITAMINS) given to prevent

246 Ergometrine
cure RICKETS, a deficiency disorder caused by the lack of calcium and vi
tamin D in the diet.
Ergometrine An active constituent of ergot, it has a powerful action in
controlling the excessive
bleeding from the UTERUS which may occur after childbirth. The official British
Pharmacopoeia preparation
is ergometrine maleate.
Ergonomics A broad science involving the application of psychological an
d physiological principles to
the study of human beings in relation to their work and working surroundings. It
includes the design of
buildings, machinery, vehicles, and anything else with which people have contact
in the course of their
Ergosterol A sterol found in yeasts and fungi and in plant and animal fa
t. Under the action of sunlight
or ultraviolet rays it produces vitamin D2. The substance produced in this way i
s known as calciferol, and
is used for the prevention and cure of RICKETS and OSTEOMALACIA. A similar chang
e in the ergosterol of the
skin is produced when the body is freely exposed to sunlight. Calciferol is prob
ably not so active as, and
differs chemically from, the vitamin D occurring in fish-liver oils. (See APPEND
Ergot Poisoning Ergot poisoning, or ergotism, occasionally results from
eating bread made from rye
infected with the fungus, Claviceps purpurea. Several terrible epidemics (St Ant
honys Fire), characterised
by intense pain and hallucinations, occurred in France and Germany during the Mi
ddle Ages (see ERYSIPELAS).
Its symptoms are the occurrence of spasmodic muscular contractions, and the grad
ual production of gangrene
in parts like the fingers, toes and tips of the ears because of constriction of
blood vessels and therefore
the blood supply.
Ergotamine One of the alkaloids in ergot. In the form of ergotamine tart
rate it is usually given orally
to treat MIGRAINE, but treatment carries a risk and should be medically supervis
Erogenous A term to describe those parts of the body for
example, the mouth, breasts and genitals which, when stimulated, result
in the individuals sexual
Erosion Erosion means a process of gradual wearing down of structures in
the body. The term is applied
to the effect of tumours, when they cause destruction of tissue in their neighbo

urhood without actually

growing into the latter: for example, an ANEURYSM may erode bones in its neighbo
urhood. The term is also
applied to minute ulcers for example, erosions of the stomach, caused by extreme
acidity of the gastric
Dental erosion is the loss of tooth substance due to a cause other than
decay or trauma. This is
usually as a result of the presence of acid; for example, frequent vomiting or t
he excessive intake of
citrus fruits. The teeth appear very smooth and later develop saucer-shaped depr
Eroticism The emotional nature and characteristics of sexual arousal. Th
is may occur as a result of
visual, auditory or physical stimuli and also as a result of sexually oriented m
emories or imaginings.
Eructation Eructation, or belching, is the sudden escape of gas or of po
rtions of half-digested food
from the stomach up into the mouth.
Eruption Eruption, or rash, means an outbreak, in a scattered form, upon
the surface of the skin. The
skin is usually raised and red, or it may be covered with scales, or crusts, or
vesicles containing fluid.
Eruptions differ in appearance: for example, the eruption of MEASLES is always d
istinguishable from that of
CHICKENPOX. But the same disease may also produce different eruptions in differe
nt people; or in the same
person in different states of health; or even on different parts of the body at
one time. Eruptions may be
acute or chronic. Most of the acute eruptions belong to the exanthemata (see EXA
NTHEM): that is, they are
bright in colour and burst out suddenly like a flower. These are the eruptions o
f SCARLET FEVER, measles,
German measles (see RUBELLA), SMALLPOX and chickenpox. In general, the severity
of these diseases can be
measured by the amount of eruption. Some eruptions are very transitory, like net
tle-rash, appearing and
vanishing again in

the course of a few hours. (See EASES OF.)
also SKIN, DISErysipelas A streptococcal infection (see STREPTOCOCCUS) of the skin cha
racterised by an acute onset
with fever, malaise and a striking, usually unilateral, rash (see ERUPTION) almo
st always on a lower leg or
the face. Shivering, local pain and tenderness are associated with a sharply def
ined, spreading, bright red
swollen zone of skin inflammation. On the leg, blistering and PURPURA may follow
. The bacteria enter the
skin through a fissure in a toe cleft (often associated with tinea pedis [RINGWO
RM]) or via a crack in the
skin behind an ear or in a nostril.
Treatment PENICILLIN in full dosage should be given orally for ten days.
In those allergic to
penicillin, ERYTHROMYCIN can be substituted. Recurrent attacks are common and ma
y cause progressive
lymphatic damage leading to chronic OEDEMA. Such recurrences can be prevented by
long-term prophylactic
oral penicillin. Erythema Redness of the skin due to dilatation of dermal blood
vessels. It may be
transient or chronic, localised or widespread, and it can be blanched by pressur
e. Erythema may be caused
by excessive exposure to heat or ultraviolet light, or by inflammation of the sk
in due to infection,
DERMATITIS, and various allergic reactions for example, to drugs. It may be emot
ional (e.g. as in
flushing), mediated by the autonomic nervous system.
Erythema ab igne is a fixed redness of the skin caused by chronic exposu
re to heat from a domestic fire
or radiator. Erythema pernio (See CHILBLAIN.) Redness induced by spasm of the sk
in arterioles due to cold.
It affects the hands, feet or calves in winter. The red swollen areas are cooler
than normal. Erythema
nodosum A singular pattern of red, tender nodules occurring on the shins, often
lasting several weeks. It
may be caused by a streptococcal throat infection, primary tuberculosis, SARCOID
OSIS, or may be
Erythema multiforme is an acute allergic eruption of the extremities cha
racterised by circular areas of
erythema, purpura and blistering, which resolve over two or three weeks, caused
by infections or drugs. In
severe forms the
mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and genitalia may be involved.
Erythema infectiosum is an acute contagious disease of children caused b
y a parvovirus (see
PARVOVIRUSES). In young children a bright erythema of the face gives a slapped ch
eek appearance.

Erythrasma A superficial mild infection of the skin caused by CORYNEBACT

ERIA. It produces pink or
slightly brown flaky areas of skin usually on the upper inner thighs or axillae.
Toe clefts may be affected
with thickened, white, macerated skin. The affected areas fluoresce coral pink u
nder ultraviolet light.
CLOTRIMAZOLE or KETOCONAZOLE cream clears the rash rapidly. Very extensive eryth
rasma responds to oral
ERYTHROMYCIN given for seven days.
Erythroblasts A series of nucleated cells in the bone marrow that go thr
ough various stages of
development until they form ERYTHROCYTES. They may appear in the blood in certai
n diseases.
Erythrocytes The biconcave red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lu
ngs to the tissues, and return
carbon dioxide (see also RESPIRATION). They have an excess of membrane, some of
which may be lost in
various disorders, as a result of which they become progressively more spherical
and rigid. Erythrocytes,
which have no nuclei, are formed during ERYTHROPOEISIS from ERYTHROBLASTS in the
BONE MARROW, and each mm3
of blood contains 5 million of them. They are by far the largest constituent amo
ng the blood cells and they
contain large amounts of the oxygencarrier HAEMOGLOBIN. They have a life of abou
t 120 days after which they
are absorbed by macrophages (see MACROPHAGE), the bloods scavenging cells. Most c
omponents of the
erythrocytes, including the red pigment haemoglobin, are re-used, though some of
the pigment is broken down
to the waste product BILIRUBIN.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate See ESR.
Erythroderma A rare inflammation of the skin which causes universal itch
ing. The skin is red, thickened

248 Erythromelalgia
and scaly. It is also called generalised exfoliative dermatitis (see SKI
complicate chronic eczema (see DERMATITIS) or PSORIASIS, particularly in men, in
the second half of life.
It may also result from HYPERSENSITIVITY to a drug, such as gold injections used
Rarely, it may be a manifestation of T-cell LYMPHOMA.
Erythropoeisis The process by which ERYTHROCYTES or red blood cells are
produced. The initiating cell
is the haemopoietic stem cell from which an identifiable proerythroblast develop
s. This goes through
several stages as a normoblast before losing its nucleus to become an erythrocyt
e. This process takes place
in the blood-forming bone-marrow tissue.
Universal inflammation of the skin may cause heart failure, particularly
in elderly people with
pre-existing heart disease. It may lead to HYPOTHERMIA due to excessive heat los
s from the skin and protein
deficiency caused by the shedding of large quantities of skin scales containing
keratin. Rarely, these
complications can be fatal.
The protein, produced mainly in the kidney, that is the major stimulus f
or the production of
ERYTHROCYTES, or red blood corpuscles. It is used when treating ANAEMIA dure to
end-stage kidney failure
and in premature newborns with anaemia. (See also BLOOD.)
Treatment depends on the cause, but in
eczematous erythroderma, oral CORTICOSTEROIDS (PREDNISOLONE) in full dos
age may be needed.
Hard adherent crust caused by tissue killed by heat, chemicals or diseas
Erythromelalgia A condition in which the fingers or toes, or even larger
portions of the limbs, become
purple and bloated in appearance, and very painful. In people suffering from the
condition which is not a
common one the attacks come and go, being worse in summer (unlike chilblains), a
nd worse on exertion or
when the affected parts are warmed or allowed to hang down. The condition may ap
pear without apparent
cause, but is often associated with vascular diseases, such as HYPERTENSION and
occurs in association with certain diseases of the central nervous system, and i
n cases of metallic
poisoning (e.g. arsenic, mercury and thallium). Treatment is unsatisfactory but
aspirin provides sympomatic

Erythromycin One of the MACROLIDES, it has an antibacterial spectrum sim

ilar, but not identical, to
that of penicillin. The drug is a valuable alternative for patients who are alle
rgic to penicillin.
Erythromycin is used for respiratory infections, including spread within a famil
TER. It is also used with
neomycin when preparing for bowel surgery. Though often active against penicilli
n-resistant staphylococci,
these bacteria are now sometimes resistant to erythromycin. The drug may be give
n orally, intravenously or
topically (for acne).
Escherichia The generic name for the group of gramnegative, usually moti
le, rod-shaped BACTERIA that
can ferment CARBOHYDRATE. They occur naturally in the intestines of humans and s
ome animals. E. coli, which
ferments lactose, is not normally harmful but some varieties, particularly E. co
li O157, cause
gastrointestinal infections which may be severe in old people. E. coli is also u
sed in laboratory
experiments for genetic and bacteriological research.
Eserine Another name for PHYSOSTIGMINE.
Esmarchs Bandage A rubber bandage which is applied to a limb before surge
ry from below upwards, in
order to drive blood from the limb. The bandage is removed after an inflated pne
umatic TOURNIQUET has been
placed round the limb; the operation can then proceed.
ESR The ESR or erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a test that measures th
e rate at which red blood cells
settle out of suspension in blood PLASMA. In certain diseases, such as infection
and malignancy, the amount
of proteins in the plasma increases; the result is that red cells settle out mor
e quickly and this test is
used to show whether inflammation is present and, to some extent, its severity.

Essential (Benign) Hypertension See HYPERTENSION.
Essential Fatty Acids Three acids arachidonic, linolenic and tinoleic wh
ich are essential for life,
but which the body cannot produce. They are found in natural vegetable and fish
oils and their functions
are varied. EFAs have a vital function in fat metabolism and transfer and they a
re also precursors of
Ester An organic compound formed from an alcohol and an acid by the remo
val of water.
Ethacrynic Acid A potent diuretic, with a rapid onset, and a short durat
ion (46 hours), of action.
Ethambutol Ethambutol is a synthetic drug, often included in the treatme
nt regimen of TUBERCULOSIS when
the infection is thought to be resistant to other drugs. The main side-effects a
re visual disturbances,
chiefly loss of acuity and colour blindness. Such toxic effects are more common
when excessive dosages are
used, or the patient has some renal impairment, in which case the drug should be
avoided as it should be
in young children.
Ethanol Ethanol is another name for ethyl alcohol. (See ALCOHOL.)
Ether A colourless, volatile, highly inflammable liquid, formed by the a
ction of sulphuric acid on
alcohol. Ether boils below body temperature and therefore rapidly evaporates whe
n sprayed over the skin.
Dissolving many substances such as fats, oils and resins better than alcohol or
water, it is used in the
preparation of many drugs. Formerly used as an anaesthetic, it has been replaced
by safer and more
efficient drugs.
Etherified Starch Along with DEXTRAN and GELATIN, this is a substance wi
th a large molecular structure
used to treat shocked patients with burns (see BURNS AND SCALDS) or SEPTICAEMIA
in order to expand and
maintain their blood volume. Like other plasma substitutes, this form of starch
can be
used as an emergency, short-term treatment for severe bleeding until blo
od for transfusion is
available. Plasma substitutes must be used with caution in patients who have hea
rt disease or impairment of
their kidney function. Patients should be monitored for hypersensitivity reactio
ns and for changes in their

Ethics Within most cultures, care of the sick is seen as entailing speci
al duties, codified as a set of
moral standards governing professional practice. Although these duties have been
stated and interpreted in
differing ways, a common factor is the awareness of an imbalance of power betwee
n doctor and patient and an
acknowledgement of the vulnerability of the sick person. A function of medical e
thics is to counteract this
inevitable power imbalance by encouraging doctors to act in the best interests o
f their patients, refrain
from taking advantage of those in their care, and use their skills in a manner w
hich preserves the honour
of their profession. It has always been accepted, however, that doctors cannot u
se their knowledge
indiscriminately to fulfil patients wishes. The deliberate ending of life, for ex
ample, even at a
patients request, has usually been seen as alien to the shared values inherent in
medical ethics. It is,
however, symptomatic of changing concepts of ethics and of the growing power of
patient choice that legal
challenges have been mounted in several countries to the prohibition of EUTHANAS
IA. Thus ethics can be seen
as regulating individual doctor-patient relationships, integrating doctors withi
n a moral community of
their professional peers and reflecting societal demands for change. Medical eth
ics are embedded in
cultural values which evolve. Acceptance of abortion within well-defined legal p
arameters in some
jurisdictions is an example of how society influences the way in which perceptio
ns about ethical
obligations change. Because they are often linked to the moral views predominati
ng in society, medical
ethics cannot be seen as embodying uniform standards independent of cultural con
text. Some countries which
permit capital punishment or female genital mutilation (FGM see CIRCUMCISION), f
or example, expect
doctors to carry out such procedures. Some doctors would argue that their ethica
l obligation to minimise
pain and suffering obliges them to comply, whereas others would deem their ethic
al obligations to be the
complete opposite. The medical community attempts to address such variations by

250 Ethics
ing globally applicable ethical principles through debate within bodies
such as the World Medical
Association (WMA) or World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Norm-setting bodies in
creasingly reflect accepted
concepts of human rights and patient rights within professional ethical codes. P
ractical changes within
society may affect the perceived balance of power within the doctor-patient rela
tionship, and therefore
have an impact on ethics. In developed societies, for example, patients are incr
easingly well informed
about treatment options: media such as the Internet provide them with access to
specialised knowledge.
Social measures such as a well-established complaints system, procedures for leg
al redress, and guarantees
of rights such as those set out in the NHSs Patients Charter appear to reduce the
perceived imbalance in
the relationship. Law as well as ethics emphasises the importance of informed pa
tient consent and the often
legally binding nature of informed patient refusal of treatment. Ethics reflect
the changing relationship
by emphasising skills such as effective communication and generation of mutual t
rust within a doctorpatient
partnership. A widely known modern code is the WMAs International Code of Medical
Ethics which seeks to
provide a modern restatement of the Hippocratic principles. Traditionally, ethic
al codes have sought to
establish absolutist positions. The WMA code, for example, imposes an apparently
absolute duty of
confidentiality which extends beyond the patients death. Increasingly, however, e
thics are perceived as a
tool for making morally appropriate decisions in a sphere where there is rarely
one right answer. Many
factors such as current emphasis on autonomy and the individual values of patien
ts; awareness of social
and cultural diversity; and the phenomenal advance of new technology which has b
lurred some moral
distinctions about what constitutes a person have contributed to the perception th
at ethical dilemmas
have to be resolved on a case-by-case basis. An approach adopted by American eth
icists has been moral
analysis of cases using four fundamental principles: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice.
The four principles provide a useful framework within which ethical dilemmas can b
e teased out, but they
are criticised for their apparent simplicity in the face of complex problems and
for the fact that the
moral imperatives implicit in each principle often conflict with some or all of
the other three. As with
any other approach to problemsolving, the four principles require interpretation. Enduring ethical prec
epts such as the obligation
to benefit patients and avoid harm (beneficence and non-maleficence) may be diff
erently interpreted in
cases where prolongation of life is contrary to a patients wishes or where sentie
nce has been irrevocably

lost. In such cases, treatment may be seen as constituting a harm rather than a ben
efit. The importance
accorded to ethics in daily practice has undergone considerable development in t
he latter half of the 20th
century. From being seen mainly as a set of values passed on from experienced pr
actitioners to their
students at the bedside, medical ethics have increasingly become the domain of l
awyers, academic
philosophers and professional ethicists, although the role of experienced practi
tioners is still considered
central. In the UK, law and medical ethics increasingly interact. Judges resolve
cases on the basis of
established medical ethical guidance, and new ethical guidance draws in turn on
common-law judgements in
individual cases. The rapid increase in specialised journals, conferences and po
stgraduate courses focused
on ethics is testimony to the ever-increasing emphasis accorded to this area of
study. Multidisciplinary
practice has stimulated the growth of the new discipline of health-care ethics whi
ch seeks to provide
uniformity across long-established professional boundaries. The trend is to set
common standards for a
range of health professionals and others who may have a duty of care, such as ho
spital chaplains and
ancillary workers. Since a primary function of ethics is to find reasonable answ
ers in situations where
different interests or priorities conflict, managers and health-care purchasers
are increasingly seen as
potential partners in the effort to establish a common approach. Widely accepted
ethical values are
increasingly applied to the previously unacknowledged dilemmas of rationing scar
ce resources. In modern
debate about ethics, two important trends can be identified. As a result of the
increasingly high profile
accorded to applied ethics, there is a trend for professions not previously subj
ect to widely agreed
standards of behaviour to adopt codes of ethical practice. Business ethics or th
e ethics of management are
comparatively new. At the same time, there is some debate about whether professi
onals, such as doctors,
traditionally subject to special ethical duties, should be seen as simply doing
a job for payment like any
other worker. As some doctors perceive their power and prestige eroded by health
-care managers deciding on

how and when to ration care and pressure for patients to exercise autono
my about treatment decisions,
it is sometimes argued that realistic limits must be set on medical obligations.
A logical implication of
patient choice and rejection of medical paternalism would appear to be a concomi
tant reduction in the
freedom of doctors to carry out their own ethical obligations. The concept of co
nscientious objection,
incorporated to some extent in law (e.g. in relation to abortion) ensures that d
octors are not obliged to
act contrary to their own personal or professional values.
Ethics Committees (In the USA, Institutional Review Boards.) Various typ
es of ethics committee operate
in the UK, fulfilling four main functions: the monitoring of research; debate of
difficult patient cases;
establishing norms of practice; and publishing ethical guidance. The most common
Local Research Ethics
Committees (LRECs) have provided a monitoring system of research on humans since
the late 1960s.
Established by NHS health authorities, LRECs were primarily perceived as exercis
ing authority over research
carried out on NHS patients or on NHS premises or using NHS records. Their power
and significance, however,
developed considerably in the 1980s and 90s when national and international guid
ance made approval by an
appropriately constituted ethics committee obligatory for any research project inv
olving humans or human
tissue. The work of LRECs is supplemented by so-called independent ethics committe
es usually set up by
pharmaceutical companies, and since 1997 by multicentre research ethics committe
es (MRECs). An MREC is
responsible for considering all health-related research which will be conducted
within five or more
locations. LRECs have become indispensable to the conduct of research, and are d
oubtless partly responsible
for the lack of demand in the UK for legislation governing research. A plethora
of guidelines is available,
and LRECs which fail to comply with recognised standards could incur legal liabi
lity. They are increasingly
governed by international standards of practice. In 1997, guidelines produced by
the International
Committee on Harmonisation of Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) were introduced i
nto the UK. These provide a
unified standard for research conducted in the European Union, Japan and United
States to ensure the mutual
acceptance of clinical data by the regulatory authorities in these countries. Ot
her categories of ethics
committee include
Ethics Advisory Committees, which debate difficult patient cases. Most a
re attached to specialised
health facilities such as fertility clinics or childrens care facilities. The 199
0s have seen a greatly
increased interest in professional ethics and the establishment of many new ethi
cs committees, including

some like that of the National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Car
e Services which cross
professional boundaries. Guidance on professional and ethical standards is produ
ced by these new bodies and
by the well-established ethics committees of regulatory or representative bodies
, such as the medical and
nursing Royal Colleges, the General Medical Council, United Kingdom Central Coun
cil for Nursing, Midwifery
and Health Visiting, British Medical Association (see APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL O
RGANISATIONS) and bodies
representing paramedics and professions supplementary to medicine. Their guidanc
e ranges from general codes
of practice to detailed analysis of single topics such as EUTHANASIA or surrogac
y. LRECs are now supervised
by a central body COREC (
Ethinylestradiol A highly active oestrogen about 20 times more active th
an STILBOESTROL; it is active
when given by mouth. (See OESTROGENS.)
Ethmoid A bone in
e nose from the membranes
the brain. It is a spongy
the ethmoidal sinuses is
sometimes responsible for

the base of the SKULL which separates the cavity of th

bone with numerous cavities or sinuses. Suppuration in
inflammation in neighbouring parts such as the eye.

Ethosuximide A drug used in the treatment of the form of EPILEPSY known

as petit mal.
Ethyl Chloride A flammable, colourless liquid that is extremely volatile
, and rapidly produces freezing
of a surface when sprayed upon it. Now occasionally used to deaden pain for smal
l and short operations,
ethyl chloride was once used as an inhalant general anaesthetic for brief operat
ions, and to induce
ANAESTHESIA in patients in whom the anaesthesia is subsequently to be maintained
by some other anaesthetic
such as nitrous oxide or ether.
Ethylene A colourless, flammable gas occasionally used as an inhalant an

252 Ethyloestrenol
Ethyloestrenol See ANABOLIC STEROIDS.
Also known as disodium etidronate, this is one of a group of substances
called biphosphates used mainly
to treat PAGETS DISEASE OF BONE. The drug is given orally and, when combined with
calcium carbonate
(Didrone ), it is used to treat osteoporosis (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF) and to
prevent bone loss in
postmenopausal women, especially if hormone replacement therapy (HRT see under M
ENOPAUSE) is not
sterile. A male castrated before puberty will have a feminine appearance
and underdeveloped secondary
sexual characteristics. The term was historically used to describe boys, castrat
ed to make them suitable
for working in harems, or boy singers, castrated to retain their higher-register
voices (castrati singers).
Etiology, or AETIOLOGY, means the group of conditions which form the cau
se of any disease.
A feeling of well-being. This may occur normally; for instance, when som
eone has passed an examination.
In some neurological or psychiatric conditions, however, patients may have an ex
aggerated and quite
unjustified feeling of euphoria. This is then a symptom of the underlying condit
ion. Euphoria may also be
druginduced by drugs of addiction or by therapeutic drugs such as CORTICOSTEROID
An intravenous agent for inducing general ANAESTHESIA prior to surgery o
r other procedures that require
patients to be unconscious. When the drug is injected intravenously, pain someti
mes occurs, but this can be
minimised by premedication with an opioid analgesic (see ANALGESICS).
Drugs which induce a state of well-being.
EuA prefix meaning satisfactory or beneficial.
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) is a tree, originally a nati
ve of Australia and now grown
all over the world. Its important constituent, oil of eucalyptus, is an oil of p
leasant smell and spicy
taste, which is obtained by distillation from the leaves of the tree. The oil ma

y be used as a disinfectant
and deodorant.
Eugenics The study and cultivation of conditions that may improve the hu
man race, in particular the
detection and elimination of genetic disease.
Eukaryote A cell that has a NUCLEUS bounded by a membrane and with chrom
osomes containing DNA, RNA and
proteins. The cell divides by MITOSIS and also contains MITOCHONDRIA. Animals, p
lants and cellular
organisms made up of this type of cell are included in the biological superkingd
om of Eukaryote.
Eunuch A man whose testes (see TESTICLE) have been removed or seriously
damaged so that he is unable to
produce male hormones and thus is
Eustachian Tubes The passages, one on each side, leading from the throat
to the middle ear. Each is
about 38 mm (1 inches) long and is large at either end, though at its narrowest p
art it only admits a fine
probe. The tubes open widely in the act of swallowing or yawning. The opening in
to the throat is situated
just behind the lower part of the nose, so that a catheter can be passed through
the corresponding nostril
into the tube for inflation of the middle ear. (See also EAR; NOSE.)

Euthanasia Literally meaning the procuring of an easy and painless death

, euthanasia (or mercy
killing) has come to be understood as a deliberate act or omission whose primary
intention is to end
another persons life. The qualifiers voluntary, involuntary and non-voluntary are us
to indicate
the degree of patient involvement in the decision. Much debate has centred on wh
ether individuals should be
entitled to manage their own death or appoint others to do so for them (voluntar
y euthanasia). UK
publicopinion surveys appear to indicate substantial support for such a proposal
but this partly reflects
the way in which the issue is broached. Predictably, if the choice is portrayed
as one between euthanasia
and an inevitably drawnout, painful or distressing death, many agree that compet
ent, terminally ill
patients who ask for euthanasia should be helped to die. Difficult issues arise,
however, when attempts are
made to set limits and safeguards. This has generally been seen as a major stumb
ling block to any

proposal to change the law prohibiting euthanasia in the UK. Such pragma
tic rather than ethical or
legal arguments were a key feature of the conclusions of the House of Lords Sele
ct Committee on Medical
Ethics in 1994. There has also been much debate about whether euthanasia should
attract a lesser penalty
than other forms of murder which carry a mandatory life sentence. Nevertheless,
in the UK, killing a person
intentionally is still classified as murder, even if that person consents to the
killing. Most of the
detailed information available about the practice of euthanasia comes from the N
etherlands, where court
rulings in the 1970s and 1980s began to permit voluntary euthanasia under certai
n circumstances (although
both euthanasia and assisted suicide remain technically illegal). The difficulty
of maintaining limits was
highlighted in 19945 when it became clear that a small percentage of Dutch patien
ts undergoing euthanasia
had previously expressed an interest but not specifically requested it (involunt
ary euthanasia) or had no
known desire for it and may have been opposed to it (non-voluntary euthanasia).
The relevance of terminal
illness and physical suffering was tested in Holland in 1994 when a patient rece
ived euthanasia who was not
physically ill and subject to mental rather than physical suffering. Nevertheles
s, Dutch doctors risk
prosecution if they fail to follow rules of careful conduct when carrying out eu
thanasia or assisted
suicide. (See also ETHICS; SUICIDE.)
Euthyroid The descriptive term for a person with a normally functioning
THYROID GLAND, or someone who
has had successful treatment for an underactive (hypothyroid) or overactive (hyp
erthyroid) gland.
Evacuant Evacuant is a name for a purgative medicine (see LAXATIVES).
Evacuator A device for extracting fluid from a cavity. In its basic form
it comprises a hollow flexible
bulb attached (using a valve system) to a tube inserted into the cavity. Another
valve leads to the
discharge tube. One use of an evacuator is to empty the urinary bladder of extra
neous material during
surgery for removal of CALCULI or for PROSTATECTOMY.
Evaluation See PUBLIC HEALTH.
Evidence-Based Medicine The process of systematically identifying, appra
ising and using the best
available research findings, integrated with clinical expertise, as the basis fo
r clinical decisions about
individual patients. The aim is to encourage clinicians, health-service managers
and consumers of health
care to make decisions, taking account of the best available evidence, on the li

kely consequences of
alternative decisions and actions. Evidence-based medicine has been developing i
nternationally for the past
25 years, but since around 1990 its development has accelerated. The Internation
finds and reviews relevant research. Several other centres have been set up to l
ook at the clinical
application of research results, including the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicin
e in Oxford.
Evisceration Extrusion of the abdominal VISCERA or internal organs, usua
lly as the result of serious
injury. (Usually described as disembowelment when deliberately carried out by on
e person on another.) In
surgery the term refers to partremoval of the viscera, and in OPHTHALMOLOGY it i
s an operation to remove
the contents of the eyeball (see also EYE).
Evolution An uninterrupted process of change from one condition, form or
state to another. In
biological evolution, all varieties of living things are seen as having develope
d by inheritable,
incremental changes from unicellular structures to complex organisms such as hum
ankind. Although the
likelihood of some form of evolution had been postulated by scientists in the la
te 18th and early 19th
centuries, the prime contribution to the development of biological evolutionary
doctrine came from the
British scientist, Charles Darwin, who argued in his book The Origin of Species
by Means of Natural
Selection (1859) that natural selection resulted in the survival of the fittest
organisms. The precise
biological mechanism of evolution was not unravelled until the 20th century, wit
h the discovery of
CHROMOSOMES and GENES and the development of the science of genetics. Charles Da
rwins theory was based on
his studies of the varied and unique animal life in the Galapagos Islands in the
19th century. He believed
that the diversity of life on the planet could be ascribed to the combined effec
ts of random

254 Ewings Sarcoma

variation in living things, inherited by succeeding generations.
Ewings Sarcoma
An uncommon but very malignant cancer of the bone in children and young
adults, the condition was first
identified as being different from OSTEOSARCOMA by Dr J Ewing in 1921. It usuall
y occurs in the limbs or
pelvis and soon spreads to other parts of the body. Treatment is by RADIOTHERAPY
and CYTOTOXIC drugs. Since
the use of the latter, the number of patients who survive for five years or more
has much improved.
Excitation When used in neurophysiology, the term means the triggering o
f a conducted electrical
impulse in the membrane of a muscle cell or the nerve fibre controlling it.
Excoriation Excoriation means the destruction of small pieces of the sur
face of skin or mucous
Ex- (Exo-)
Prefix meaning outer or outside.
Waste material, especially FAECES.
Rash caused by a systemic infection. Several childhood infections for ex
have characteristic exanthemata.
The process by which the residue of undigested food in the gastrointesti
nal tract (faeces) and the
waste products of the bodys metabolism mainly as urine via the kidneys, but also
as sweat from the skin,
and water and carbon dioxide from the lungs are eliminated.
Exchange Transfusion A method of treating newborn infants with HAEMOLYTI
C DISEASE. Blood is taken out
of the baby through the umbilical vein and is replaced with the same quantity of
blood from a donor that is
compatible with the mothers blood. The procedure is repeated several times to get
rid of damaged cells
while maintaining the infants blood volume and keeping its red cell count constan
t. (See also
Excimer Laser A type of laser that is used to remove thin sheets of tiss

ue from the surface of the

cornea (see EYE), thus changing the curvature of the eyes corneal surface. The pr
ocedure is used to excise
diseased tissue or to correct myopia (see REFRACTION), when it is known as photo
refractive keratectomy or
Excipient An inert substance added to a prescription in order to make th
e remedy as prescribed more
suitable in bulk, consistence, or form for administration.
Excision A term applied to the removal of any structure from the body, w
hen such removal necessitates a
certain amount of separation from surrounding parts: for example, the excision o
f a tumour, of a gland or
of a joint. When an opening is simply made into the body, the term incision is u
sed; when a limb, or part
of one, is removed, the term AMPUTATION is employed.
Exercise An activity requiring physical exertion. Everyone should take r
egular exercise: this keeps
muscles in tone, maintains the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM in good shape, helps to kee
p weight at an optimum
level and promotes relaxation and sleep. When an individual is at rest, the hear
ts output is 5 litres of
blood per minute. When running at 12 km (7 miles) per hour, this rises to around
25 litres, obliging the
heart and lungs to operate more efficiently and speeding up the metabolism of fo
od to provide the necessary
energy. Lack of exercise by children may lead to faulty posture and flabby muscl
es; in adults it results in
an increase in weight and poorly functioning respiratory and cardiovascular syst
em, with an increased
chance of heart disease later in life. Adolescents and adults, participating reg
ularly in sporting
activities, should train regularly, preferably under expert supervision, to ensu
re that they do not place
potentially damaging demands on their cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoske
letal systems. Those
wanting to participate in demanding sports would be wise to have a medical exami
nation before embarking on
training programmes (see SPORTS MEDICINE).
Exfoliation The separation, in layers, of pieces of dead bone or skin.

Exhalation Also called expiration, this is the act of breathing air from
the lungs out through the
bronchi, trachea, mouth and nose. (See also RESPIRATION.)
Exhibitionism Public flaunting of a persons characteristics. Also a term
describing the public
exposure of genitals to another person, regarded as a form of sexual deviation,
colloquially called
Exocrine Gland A gland that secretes its products through a duct to the
surface of the body or of an
organ. The sweat glands in the skin and the salivary glands in the mouth are exa
mples. The secretion is set
off by a hormone (see HORMONES) or a NEUROTRANSMITTER.
Exogenous Arising outside the body. For example, exogenous DEPRESSION is
an illness caused by an
outside factor such as the death of a close relative; an exogenous illness may o
ccur because of something
eaten in the diet.
Exomphalos The term applied to a congenital HERNIA formed by the project
ion of abdominal organs through
Exophthalmometer Also known as a proptometer. An instrument used to meas
ure the extent of protrusion of
the eyeball a development that occurs in certain disorders such as GOITRE, TUMOU
R, OEDEMA, injuries,
orbital inflammation or cavernous venous thrombosis (a blood clot in the caverno
us sinus in the base of the
skull behind each eye). (See EXOPHTHALMOS.)
Exophthalmos Exophthalmos, or PROPTOSIS, refers to forward displacement
of the eyeball and must be
distinguished from retraction of the eyelids, which causes an illusion of exopht
halmos. Lid retraction
usually results from activation of the autonomic nervous sytem. Exophthalmos is
a more serious disorder
caused by inflammatory and infiltrative changes in the retro-orbital tissues and
is essentially a feature
of Graves disease, though it has been described in chronic thyroiditis (see THYRO
Exophthalmos commonly starts shortly after the development of thyrotoxicosis but
may occur months or even
years after hyperthyroidism has been successfully treated. The degree of exophth
almos is not correlated
with the severity
of hyperthyroidism even when their onset is simultaneous. Some of the wo
rst examples of endocrine
exophthalmos occur in the euthyroid state and may appear in patients who have ne
ver had thyrotoxicosis;
this disorder is named ophthalmic Graves disease. The exophthalmos of Graves disea
se is due to

autoimmunity (see IMMUNITY). Antibodies to surface antigens on the eye muscles a

re produced and this causes
an inflammatory reaction in the muscle and retroorbital tissues. Exophthalmos ma
y also occur as a result of
OEDEMA, injury, cavernous venous THROMBOSIS or a tumour at the back of the eye,
pushing the eyeball
forwards. In this situation it is always unilateral.
Exopththalmic Goitre Sometimes called Graves disease, this is a disorder
in which there is
overactivity of the thyroid gland, protrusion of the eyes, and other symptoms. (
Exostosis An outgrowth from a bone: it may be due to chronic inflammatio
n, constant pressure or tension
on the bone, or tumour-formation. (See BONE, DISORDERS OF.)
Exotoxin A powerful poison produced by a bacterial cell and secreted int
o its surrounding environment.
Exotoxins are often damaging to only few tissues and they are usually inactivate
d by chemicals, heat and
light. Bacteria causing BOTULISM, DIPHTHERIA and TETANUS all produce exotoxins.
Expectant A form of treatment in which the cure of the patient is left m
ainly to nature, while the
physician simply watches for any unsatisfactory developments or symptoms, and re
lieves them if they occur.
Expectorants Drugs which are claimed to help the removal of secretions f
rom the AIR PASSAGES although
there is no convincing evidence that they do this. A simple expectorant may, how
ever, be a useful placebo.
Most preparations are available without a doctors prescription and pharmacists wi
ll advise on which might
be helpful for particular patients with dry or congestive coughs.
Expectoration Expectoration means either material brought

256 Expiration
up from the chest by the AIR act by which it is brought up.
or the
Expiration (1) Breathing out air from the lungs. (2) The act of dying.
Exploration E
A surgical operation to investigate the cause of a patients illness.
Extinction (1) In behavioural psychology, the lessening of a conditioned
reflex that occurs when it is
not regularly reinforced. An example is in the treatment of unsatisfactory behav
iour such as violence, when
by preventing the individual from enjoying the rewards of violent acts namely, t
he attention he or she
attracts the conditioned reflex that is part of the cycle of violence is reduced
in strength. (2)
Elimination of life or of a biological species.
(1) A term used in BEHAVIOUR THERAPY to describe a method of treating fe
ars and phobias (see PHOBIA).
The subject is confronted by the circumstances that he or she fears, either grad
ually or suddenly, with the
aim of defusing the fear or phobia. (2) The term is also a colloquialism for pub
lic exposure by a man of
his genitals to achieve sexual gratification.
Extra- is the Latin prefix meaning outside of, or in addition such as ex
tracapsular, meaning outside
the capsule of a joint, and extrasystole, meaning an additional contraction of t
he heart.
The removal of blood from the body. This may occur as the result of a se
rious accident in which the
victim bleeds extensively. Rarely, it may happen that bleeding becomes uncontrol
lable during an operation.
An adjective that describes an object or event outside a cell. An exampl
e is extracellular fluid, the
medium surrounding a cell.
Extension Extension is the process of straightening or stretching a limb
. When used in the natural
sense, it involves the contraction of the muscles opposing those used in FLEXION
. In cases of fractured
limbs (see BONE, DISORDERS OF Bone fractures), extension is employed during the
application of splints,

in order to reduce the displacement caused by the fracture, and prevent movement
of the broken ends of
bone. It is effected by gently and steadily pulling upon the part of the limb be
yond the fracture.
Extension of a more permanent type is used in the aftertreatment of some fractur
es, as well as in diseases
of the spine, by placing the patient upon an inclined bed and affixing weights t
o his or her lower limbs,
or to his or her head by means of adhesive plaster or of straps.
Exteriorisation In surgery, the procedure to transfer an organ from its
normal place in the body to the
skin surface. It may be temporary or permanent. A common example is when the int
estine is brought to the
abdominal surface as a COLOSTOMY: this may be permanent because of serious disea
se in the lower part of the
COLON, or temporary to allow a disorder in the colon to be treated.
The total removal of a growth, organ or tissue by surgery.
ExtraExtracts Extracts are preparations, usually of a semi-solid consistency,
containing the active parts of
various plants extracted in one of several ways. In the case of some extracts, t
he juice of the fresh plant
is simply pressed out and purified; in the case of others the active principles
are dissolved out in water,
which is then to a great extent driven off by evaporation. Other extracts are si
milarly made by the help of
alcohol, and in some cases ether is the solvent.
Extradural Outside the DURA MATER, the outermost of the three membranes
that cover the BRAIN and SPINAL
CORD. The extradural or epidural space is the space between the vertebral canal
and the dura mater of the
spinal cord. (See ANAESTHESIA Local anaesthetics: epidural.)
Extrapyramidal System This is a complex part of the nervous system, exte
nding from the cortex to the
medulla in the BRAIN, from which emerge descending spinal pathways which influen
ce voluntary motor activity
throughout the body. Although the normal functions of the system are poorly unde
rstood, there are
characteristic signs of an extrapyramidal LESION. These include disturbance of v
oluntary movements, notably
slowness and poverty of movement; disturbance of

Eye 257
muscular tone, which may be increased or decreased; and involuntary move
ments, such as a tremor,
irregular jerking movements, or slow writhing movements.
Diseases There are several diseases that result from lesions to the extr
apyramidal system, of which the
Extrasensory Perception (ESP) An alleged way of perceiving current event
s (clairvoyance), future events
(precognition) or the thoughts of other people (telepathy). ESP has never been s
cientifically proven and
does not involve the use of any known senses.
Extrasystole Extrasystole is a term applied to premature contraction of
one or more of the chambers of
the heart. A beat of the heart occurs sooner than it should do in the ordinary r
hythm and is followed by a
longer rest than usual before the next beat. In an extrasystole, the stimulus to
contraction arises in a
part of the heart other than the usual. Extrasystoles often give rise to an unpl
easant sensation as of the
heart stumbling over a beat, but their occurrence is not usually serious.
Extrauterine Pregnancy See ECTOPIC PREGNANCY.
Extravasation An escape of fluid from the vessels or passages which ough
t to contain it. Extravasation
of blood due to tearing of vessel walls is found in STROKE, and in the commoner
condition known as a
bruise. Extravasation of urine takes place when the bladder or the URETHRA is ru
ptured by a blow on the
abdomen or on the crutch (PERINEUM), or torn in a fracture of the pelvis. Intrav
enous infusions frequently
Extrinsic (1) Originating outside the body. (2) An extrinsic muscle is o
ne whose origin is some way
from the part of the body it acts upon for example, the muscles controlling the
movement of the eyeball
which are attached to the bony orbit in which the eye sits.
Extrovert A person who is outgoing, enjoys mixing with others and looks
for fresh activities to take
in. Tends to act emotionally rather than intellectually.
Exudation The process in which some of the constituents of the blood pas
s slowly through the walls of
the small vessels in the course of inflammation, and also means the accumulation
resulting from this
process. For example, in PLEURISY the solid, rough material deposited on the sur
face of the lung is an
Eye The eye is the sensory organ of sight. It is an elaborate photorecep

tor detecting information, in

the form of light, from the environment and transmitting this information by a s
eries of electrochemical
changes to the BRAIN. The visual cortex is the part of the brain that processes
this information (i.e. the
visual cortex is what sees the environment). There are two eyes, each a roughly sp
herical hollow organ
held within a bony cavity (the orbit). Each orbit is situated on the front of th
e skull, one on each side
of the nose. The eye consists of an outer wall of three main layers and a centra
l cavity divided into
The outer coat consists of the sclera and the cornea; their junction is
called the limbus. SCLERA This
is white, opaque, and constitutes the posterior five-sixths of the outer coat. I
t is made of dense fibrous
tissue. The sclera is visible anteriorly, between the eyelids, as the white of th
e eye. Posteriorly and
anteriorly it is covered by Tenons capsule, which in turn is covered by transpar
ent conjunctiva. There is a
hole in the sclera through which nerve fibres from the retina leave the eye in t
he optic nerve. Other
smaller nerve fibres and blood vessels also pass through the sclera at different
points. CORNEA This
constitutes the transparent, colourless anterior one-sixth of the eye. It is tra
nsparent in order to allow
light into the eye and is more steeply curved than the sclera. Viewed from in fr
ont, the cornea is roughly
circular. Most of the focusing power of the eye is provided by the cornea (the l
ens acts as the fine
adjustment). It has an outer epithelium, a central stroma and an inner endotheliu
m. The cornea is supplied
with very fine nerve fibres which make it exquisitely sensitive to pain. The cen
tral cornea has no blood
supply it relies mainly on aqueous humour for nutrition. Blood vessels and large
nerve fibres in the
cornea would prevent light from entering the eye. LIMBUS is the junction between
cornea and sclera. It
contains the trabecular meshwork, a

258 Eye
sieve-like structure through which aqueous humour leaves the eye.
The middle coat (uveal tract) consists
of the choroid, ciliary body and iris. CHOROID A highly vascular sheet o
f tissue lining the posterior
two-thirds of the sclera. The network of vessels provides the blood supply for t
he outer half of the
retina. The blood supply of the choroid is derived from numerous ciliary vessels
which pierce the sclera in
front and behind. CILIARY BODY A ring of tissue extending 6 mm back from the ant
erior limitation of the
sclera. The various muscles of the ciliary body by their contractions and relaxa
tions are responsible for
changing the shape of the lens during ACCOMMODATION. The ciliary body is lined b
y cells that secrete
aqueous humour. Posteriorly, the ciliary body is continuous with the choroid; an
teriorly it is continuous
with the iris. IRIS A flattened muscular diaphragm that is attached at its perip
hery to the ciliary body,
and has a round central opening the pupil. By contraction and relaxation of the
muscles of the iris, the
pupil can be dilated or constricted (dilated in the dark or when aroused; constr
icted in bright light and
for close work). The iris forms a partial division between the anterior chamber
and the posterior chamber
of the eye. It lies in front of the lens and forms the back wall of the anterior
chamber. The iris is
visible from in front, through the transparent cornea, as the coloured part of th
e eye. The amount and
distribution of iris pigment determine the colour of the iris. The pupil is mere
ly a hole in the centre of
the iris and appears black.
The inner layer The retina is a multilayered tissue (ten layers in all)
which extends from the edges of
the optic nerve to line the inner surface of the choroid up to the junction of c
iliary body and choroid.
Here the true retina ends at the ora serrata. The retina contains light-sensitiv
e cells of two types: (i)
cones cells that operate at high and medium levels of illumination; they subserv
e fine discrimination of
vision and colour vision; (ii) rods cells that function best at low light intens
ity and subserve
black-and-white vision. The retina contains about 6 million cones and about 100
million rods. Information
from them is conveyed by the nerve fibres which are in the inner part of the ret
ina, and leave the eye in
the optic nerve. There are no photoreceptors at the optic disc (the point where
the optic nerve leaves the
eye) and therefore there is no light perception from this small area. The optic
disc thus produces a physiological blind spot in the visual field. The r
etina can be subdivided into
several areas: PERIPHERAL RETINA contains mainly rods and a few scattered cones.
Visual acuity from this

area is fairly coarse. MACULA LUTEA So-called because histologically it looks li

ke a yellow spot. It
occupies an area 45 mm in diameter lateral to the optic disc. This area of specia
lised retina can produce
a high level of visual acuity. Cones are abundant here but there are few rods. F
central depression at the centre of the macula. Here the cones are tightly packe
d; rods are absent. It is
responsible for the highest levels of visual acuity.
The chambers of the eye There are three: the anterior and posterior cham
bers, and the vitreous cavity.
ANTERIOR CHAMBER Limited in front by the inner surface of the cornea, behind by
the iris and pupil. It
contains a transparent clear watery fluid, the aqueous humour. This is constantl
y being produced by cells
of the ciliary body and constantly drained away through the trabecular meshwork.
The trabecular meshwork
lies in the angle between the iris and inner surface of the cornea. POSTERIOR CH
AMBER A narrow space
between the iris and pupil in front and the lens behind. It too contains aqueous
humour in transit from the
ciliary epithelium to the anterior chamber, via the pupil. VITREOUS CAVITY The l
argest cavity of the eye.
In front it is bounded by the lens and behind by the retina. It contains vitreou
s humour.
Lens Transparent, elastic and biconvex in cross-section, it lies behind
the iris and in front of the
vitreous cavity. Viewed from the front it is roughly circular and about 10 mm in
diameter. The diameter and
thickness of the lens vary with its accommodative state. The lens consists of: C
APSULE A thin transparent
membrane surrounding the cortex and nucleus. CORTEX This comprises newly made le
ns fibres that are
relatively soft. It separates the capsule on the outside from the nucleus at the
centre of the lens.
NUCLEUS The dense central area of old lens fibres that have become compacted by
new lens fibres laid down
over them. ZONULE Numerous radially arranged fibres attached between the ciliary
body and the lens around
its circumference. Tension in these

Eye 259
zonular fibres can be adjusted by the muscles of the ciliary body, thus
changing the shape of the lens
and altering its power of accommodation. VITREOUS HUMOUR A transparent jelly-lik
e structure made up of a
network of collagen fibres suspended in a viscid fluid. Its shape conforms to th
at of the vitreous cavity
within which it is contained: that is, it is spherical except for a shallow conc
ave depression on its
anterior surface. The lens lies in this depression.
Eyelids These are multilayered curtains of tissue whose functions includ
e spreading of the tear film
over the front of the eye to prevent desiccation; protection from injury or exte
rnal irritation; and to
some extent the control of light entering the eye. Each eye has an upper and low
er lid which form an
elliptical opening (the palpebral fissure) when the eyes are open. The lids meet
at the medial canthus and
lateral canthus respectively. The inner medial canthus is fixed; the lateral can
thus more mobile. An
epicanthus is a fold of skin which covers the medial canthus in oriental races.
Each lid consists of
several layers. From front to back they are: very thin skin; a sheet of muscle (
orbicularis oculi, whose
fibres are concentric around the palpebral fissure and which produce closure of
the eyelids); the orbital
septum (modified near the lid margin to form the tarsal plates); and finally, li
ning the back surface of
the lid, the conjunctiva (known here as tarsal conjunctiva). At the free margin
of each lid are the
eyelashes, the openings of tear glands which lie within the lid, and the lacrima
l punctum. Toward the
medial edge of each lid is an elevation known as the papilla: the lacrimal punct
um opens into this papilla.
The punctum forms the open end of the cannaliculus, part of the tear-drainage me
Orbit The bony cavity within which the eye is held. The orbits lie one o
n either side of the nose, on
the front of the skull. They afford considerable protection for the eye. Each is
roughly pyramidal in
shape, with the apex pointing backwards and the base forming the open anterior p
art of the orbit. The bone
of the anterior orbital margin is thickened to protect the eye from injury. Ther
e are various openings into
the posterior part of the orbit namely the optic canal, which allows the optic n
erve to leave the orbit
en route for the brain, and the superior orbital and inferior orbital fissures,
which allow passage of
nerves and blood vessels to and from the orbit. The most important structures ho
lding the eye within the
orbit are the extra-ocular muscles, a suspensory ligament
of connective tissue that forms a hammock on which the eye rests and whi
ch is slung between the medial
and lateral walls of the orbit. Finally, the orbital septum, a sheet of connecti
ve tissue extending from
the anterior margin of the orbit into the lids, helps keep the eye in place. A p

ad of fat fills in the

orbit behind the eye and acts as a cushion for the eye.
Conjunctiva A transparent mucous membrane that extends from the limbus o
ver the anterior sclera or
white of the eye. This is the bulbar conjunctiva. The conjunctiva does not cover t
he cornea. Conjunctiva
passes from the eye on to the inner surface of the eyelid at the fornices and is
continuous with the tarsal
conjunctiva. The semilunar fold is the vertical crescent of conjunctiva at the m
edial aspect of the
palpebral fissure. The caruncle is a piece of modified skin just within the inne
r canthus.
Eye muscles The extra-ocular muscles. There are six in all, the four rec
tus muscles (superior,
inferior, medial and lateral rectus muscles) and two oblique muscles (superior a
nd inferior oblique
muscles). The muscles are attached at various points between the bony orbit and
the eyeball. By their
combined action they move the eye in horizontal and vertical gaze. They also pro
duce torsional movement of
the eye (i.e. clockwise or anticlockwise movements when viewed from the front).
Lacrimal apparatus There are two components: a tear-production system, n
amely the lacrimal gland and
accessory lacrimal glands; and a drainage system. Tears keep the front of the ey
e moist; they also contain
nutrients and various components to protect the eye from infection. Crying resul
ts from excess tear
production. The drainage system cannot cope with the excess and therefore tears
overflow on to the face.
Newborn babies do not produce tears for the first three months of life. LACRIMAL
GLAND Located below a
small depression in the bony roof of the orbit. Numerous tear ducts open from it
into predominantly the
upper lid. Accessory lacrimal glands are found in the conjunctiva and within the
eyelids: the former open
directly on to the surface of the conjunctiva; the latter on to the eyelid margi
This consists of: PUNCTUM An elevated opening toward the medial aspect of each l
id. Each punctum opens into
a canaliculus. CANALICULUS A fine tube-like structure runE

260 Eyeball
ning within the lid, parallel to the lid margin. The canaliculi from upp
er and lower lid join to form a
common canaliculus which opens into the lacrimal sac. LACRIMAL SAC A small sac o
n the side of the nose
which opens into the nasolacrimal duct. During blinking, the sac sucks tears int
o itself from the
canaliculus. Tears then drain by gravity down the nasolacrimal duct. NASOLACRIMA
L DUCT A tubular structure
which runs down through the wall of the nose and opens into the nasal cavity.
Visual pathway Light stimulates the rods and cones of the retina. Electr
ochemical messages are then
passed to nerve fibres in the retina and then via the optic nerve to the optic c
hiasm. Here information
from the temporal (outer) half of each retina continues to the same side of the
brain. Information from the
nasal (inner) half of each retina crosses to the other side within the optic chi
asm. The rearranged nerve
fibres then pass through the optic tract to the lateral geniculate body, then th
e optic radiation to reach
the visual cortex in the occipital lobe of the brain.
Eyeball See EYE.
Eye, Disorders of Arcus senilis The white ring or crescent which tends t
o form at the edge of the
cornea with age. It is uncommon in the young, when it may be associated with hig
h levels of blood lipids
(see LIPID).
Astigmatism (See ASTIGMATISM.) Blepharitis A chronic inflammation of the
lid margins. SEBORRHOEA and
staphylococcal infection are likely contributors. The eyes are typically intermi
ttently red, sore and
gritty over months or years. Treatment is difficult and may fail. Measures to re
duce debris on the lid
margins, intermittent courses of topical antibiotics, steroids or systemic antib
iotics may help the
sufferer. Blepharospasm Involuntary closure of the eye. This may accompany irrit
ation but may also occur
without an apparent cause. It may be severe enough to interfere with vision. Tre
atment involves removing
the source of irritation, if present. Severe and persistent cases may respond to
injection of Botulinum
toxin into the orbicularis muscle.
Cataract A term used to describe any opacity in the lens of the eye, fro
m the smallest spot to total
opaqueness. The prevalence of cataracts is age-related: 65 per cent of individua
ls in their sixth decade
have some degree of lens opacity, while all those over 80 are affected. Cataract
s are the most important
cause of blindness worldwide. Symptoms will depend on whether one or both eyes a
re affected, as well as the
position and density of the cataract(s). If only one eye is developing a catarac
t, it may be some time

before the person notices it, though reading may be affected. Some people with c
ataracts become
shortsighted, which in older people may paradoxically improve their ability to rea
d. Bright light may
worsen vision in those with cataracts. The extent of visual impairment depends o
n the nature of the
cataracts, and the first symptoms noticed by patients include difficulty in reco
gnising faces and in
reading, while problems watching television or driving, especially at night, are
pointers to the condition.
Cataracts are common but are not the only cause of deteriorating vision. Patient
s with cataracts should be
able to point to the position of a light and their pupillary reactions should be
normal. If a bright light
is shone on the eye, the lens may appear brown or, in advanced cataracts, white
(see diagram). While
increasing age is the commonest cause of cataract in the UK, patients with DIABE
history of injury to the eye can also develop the disorder. Prolonged STEROID tr
eatment can result in
cataracts. Children may develop cataracts, and in them the condition is much mor
e serious as vision may be
irreversibly impaired because development of the brains ability to interpret visu
al signals is hindered.
This may happen even if the cataracts are removed, so early referral for treatme
nt is essential. One of the
physical signs which doctors look for when they suspect cataract in adults as we
ll as in children is the
red reflex. This is observable when an ophthalmoscopic examination of the eye is m
ade (see
OPHTHALMOSCOPE). Identification of this red reflex (a reflection of light from t
he red surface of the
retina see EYE) is a key diagnostic sign in children, especially young ones. Ther
e is no effective medical
treatment for established cataracts. Surgery is necessary and the decision when
to operate depends mainly
on how the cataract(s) affect(s) the patients vision. Nowadays, surgery can be do
ne at any time with
limited risk. Most patients with a vision of 6/18 6/10 is the minimum standard f
or driving or worse in
both eyes should

Eye, Disorders of
Cataract: the opaque lens of any eye with cataract (left) is replaced wi
th an implanted artificial lens
benefit from surgery, though elderly people may tolerate visual acuity o
f 6/18 or worse, so surgery
must be tailored to the individuals needs. Younger people with a cataract will ha
ve more demanding visual
requirements and so may opt for an earlier operation. Most cataract surgery in Bri
tain is now done under
local anaesthetic and uses the phaco-emulsification method. A small hole is made i
n the anterior capsule
of the lens after which the hard lens nucleus is liquified ultrasonically. A rep
lacement lens is inserted
into the empty lens bag (see diagram). Patients usually return to their normal a
ctivities within a few days
of the operation. A recent development under test in the USA for children requir
ing cataract operations is
an intra-ocular flexible implant whose magnifying power can be altered as a chil
d develops, thus precluding
the need for a series of corrective operations as happens now.
Chalazion A firm lump in the eyelid relating to a blocked meibomian glan
d, felt deep within the lid.
Treatment is not always necessary; a proportion spontaneously resolve. There can
be associated infection
when the lid becomes red and painful requiring antibiotic treatment. If troubles
ome, the chalazion can be
incised under local anaesthetic. Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the conjunctiva
(see EYE) which may affect
one or both eyes. Typically the eye is red, itchy, sticky and gritty but is not
usually painful. Redness is
not always present. Conjunctivitis can occasionally be painful, particularly if
there is an associated
keratitis (see below) for example, adenovirus infection, herpetic infect
ion. The cause can be
infective (bacteria, viruses or CHLAMYDIA), chemical (e.g. acids, alkalis) or al
lergic (e.g. in hay fever).
Conjunctivitis may also be caused by contact lenses, and preservatives or even t
he drugs in eye drops may
cause conjunctival inflammation. Conjunctivitis may addtionally occur in associa
tion with other illnesses
for example, upper-respiratory-tract infection, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (see ER
YTHEMA erythema
multiforme) or REITERS SYNDROME. The treatment depends on the cause. In many pati
ents acute conjunctivitis
is self-limiting.
Dacryocystitis Inflammation of the lacrimal sac. This may present acutel
y as a red, painful swelling
between the nose and the lower lid. An abscess may form which points through the
skin and which may need to
be drained by incision. Systemic antibiotics may be necessary. Chronic dacryocys

titis may occur with

recurrent discharge from the openings of the tear ducts and recurrent swelling o
f the lacrimal sac.
Obstruction of the tear duct is accompanied by watering of the eye. If the sympt
oms are troublesome, the
patients tear passageways need to be surgically reconstructed.
Ectropion The lid margin is everted usually the lower lid. Ectropion is
most commonly associated with
ageing, when the tissues of the lid become lax. It can also be caused by shorten
ing of the skin of the lids
such as happens with scarring or mechanical factors for example,

262 Eye, Disorders of

a tumour pulling the skin of the lower lid downwards. Ectropion tends to
cause watering and an
unsightly appearance. The treatment is surgical.
Entropion The lid margin is inverted usuE
ally the lower lid. Entropion is most commonly associated with ageing, w
hen the tissues of the lid
become lax. It can also be caused by shortening of the inner surfaces of the lid
s due to scarring for
example, TRACHOMA or chemical burns. The inwardly directed lashes cause irritati
on and can abrade the
cornea. The treatment is surgical.
Episcleritis Inflammation of the
EPISCLERA. There is usually no apparent cause. The inflammation may be d
iffuse or localised and may
affect one or both eyes. It sometimes recurs. The affected area is usually red a
nd moderately painful.
Episcleritis is generally not thought to be as painful as scleritis and does not
lead to the same
complications. Treatment is generally directed at improving the patients symptoms
. The inflammation may
Errors of refraction (Ametropia.) These will occur when the focusing pow
er of the lens and cornea does
not match the length of the eye, so that rays of light parallel to the visual ax
is are not focused at the
fovea centralis (see EYE). There are three types of refractive error: HYPERMETRO
PIA or long-sightedness.
The refractive power of the eye is too weak, or the eye is too short so that ray
s of light are brought to a
focus at a point behind the retina. Longsighted people can see well in the dista
nce but generally require
glasses with convex lenses for reading. Uncorrected long sight can lead to heada
ches and intermittent
blurring of vision following prolonged close work (i.e. eye strain). As a result
of ageing, the eye becomes
gradually long-sighted, resulting in many people needing reading glasses in late
r life: this normal process
is known as presbyopia. A particular form of long-sightedness occurs after catar
act extraction (see above).
MYOPIA(Short sight or near sight.) Rays of light are brought to a focus in front
of the retina because the
refractive power of the eye is too great or the eye is too short. Short-sighted
people can see close to but
need spectacles with concave lenses in order to see in the distance. ASTIGMATISM
The refractive power of the
eye is not the same in each meridian. Some rays of light may be focused in front
of the retina while
others are focused on or behind the retina. Astigmatism can accompany hy
permetropia or myopia. It may

be corrected by cylindrical lenses: these consist of a slice from the side of a

cylinder (i.e. curved in
one meridian and flat in the meridian at right-angles to it).
Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea in response to a variety of insults
viral, bacterial, chemical,
radiation, or mechanical trauma. Keratitis may be superficial or involve the dee
per layers, the latter
being generally more serious. The eye is usually red, painful and photophobic. T
reatment is directed at the
cause. Nystagmus Involuntary rhythmic oscillation of one or both eyes. There are
several causes including
nervous disorders, vestibular disorders, eye disorders and certain drugs includi
ng alcohol.
Ophthalmia Inflammation of the eye, especially the conjunctiva (see conj
unctivitis, above). Ophthalmia
neonatorum is a type of conjunctivitis that occurs in newborn babies. They catch
the disease when passing
through an infected birth canal during their mothers labour (see PREGNANCY AND LA
GONORRHOEA are the two most common infections. Treatment is effective with antib
iotics: untreated, the
infection may cause permanent eye damage.
Pinguecula A benign degenerative change in the connective tissue at the
nasal or temporal limbus (see
EYE). This is visible as a small, flattened, yellow-white lump adjacent to the c
Pterygium Overgrowth of the conjunctival tissues at the limbus on to the
cornea (see EYE). This usually
occurs on the nasal side and is associated with exposure to sunlight. The pteryg
ium is surgically removed
for cosmetic reasons or if it is thought to be advancing towards the visual axis
Ptosis Drooping of the upper lid. May occur because of a defect in the m
uscles which raise the lid
(levator complex), sometimes the result of ageing or trauma. Other causes includ
s to be determined and
treated if possible. The treatment for a severely drooping lid is surgical, but
other measures can be used
to prop up the lid with varying success.

Eye, Disorders of
Retina, disorders of The retina can be damaged by disease that affects t
he retina alone, or by diseases
affecting the whole body. Retinopathy is a term used to denote an abnormality of
the retina without
specifying a cause. Some retinal disorders are discussed below. DIABETIC RETINOP
ATHY Retinal disease
occurring in patients with DIABETES MELLITUS. It is the commonest cause of blind
registration in Great
Britain of people between the ages of 20 and 65. Diabetic retinopathy can be div
ided into several types.
The two main causes of blindness are those that follow: first, development of ne
w blood vessels from the
retina, with resultant complications and, second, those following water logging (o
edema) of the macula.
Treatment is by maintaining rigid control of blood-sugar levels combined with la
ser treatment for certain
forms of the disease in particular to get rid of new blood vessels. HYPERTENSIVE
disease secondary to the development of high blood pressure. Treatment involves
control of the blood
pressure (see HYPERTENSION). SICKLE CELL RETINOPATHY People with sickle cell dis
ease (see under ANAEYIA)
can develop a number of retinal problems including new blood vessels from the re
PREMATURITY (ROP) Previously called retrolental fibroplasia (RLF), this is a dis
order affecting
low-birth-weight premature babies exposed to oxygen. Essentially, new blood vess
els develop which cause
extensive traction on the retina with resultant retinal detachment and poor visi
OCCLUSION; RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION These result in damage to those
areas of retina supplied by the affected blood vessel: the blood vessels
become blocked. If the
peripheral retina is damaged the patient may be completely symptom-free, althoug
h areas of blindness may be
detected on examination of field of vision. If the macula is involved, visual lo
ss may be sudden, profound
and permanent. There is no effective treatment once visual loss has occurred. SE
(Senile indicates age of onset and has no bearing on mental state.) This is the le
ading cause of
blindness in the elderly in the western world. The average age of onset is 65 ye
ars. Patients initially
notice a disturbance of their vision which gradually progresses over months or y
ears. They lose the ability
to recognise fine detail; for example, they cannot read fine print, sew, or reco
gnise peoples faces. They
always retain the ability to recognise large objects such
as doors and chairs, and are therefore able to get around and about reas
onably well. There is no
effective treatment in the majority of cases. RETINITIS PIGMENTOSAA group of rar
e, inherited diseases
characterised by the development of night blindness and tunnel vision. Symptoms
start in childhood and are

progressive. Many patients retain good visual acuity, although their peripheral
vision is limited. One of
the characteristic findings on examination is collections of pigment in the reti
na which have a
characteristic shape and are therefore known as bone spicules. There is no effecti
ve treatment. RETINAL
DETACHMENTusually occurs due to the development of a hole in the retina. Holes c
an occur as a result of
degeneration of the retina, traction on the retina by the vitreous, or injury. F
luid from the vitreous
passes through the hole causing a split within the retina; the inner part of the
retina becomes detached
from the outer part, the latter remaining in contact with the choroid. Detached
retina loses its ability to
detect light, with consequent impairment of vision. Retinal detachments are more
common in the
short-sighted, in the elderly or following cataract extraction. Symptoms include
spots before the eyes
(floaters), flashing lights and a shadow over the eye with progressive loss of v
ision. Treatment by laser
is very effective if caught early, at the stage when a hole has developed in the
retina but before the
retina has become detached. The edges of the hole can be spot welded to the underl
ying choroid. Once a
detachment has occurred, laser therapy cannot be used; the retina has to be repo
sitioned. This is usually
done by indenting the wall of the eye from the outside to meet the retina, then
making the retina stick to
the wall of the eye by inducing inflammation in the wall (by freezing it). The o
utcome of surgery depends
largely on the extent of the detachment and its duration. Complicated forms of d
etachment can occur due to
diabetic eye disease, injury or tumour. Each requires a specialised form of trea
Scleritis Inflammation of the sclera (see EYE). This can be localised or
diffuse, can affect the
anterior or the posterior sclera, and can affect one or both eyes. The affected
eye is usually red and
painful. Scleritis can lead to thinning and even perforation of the sclera, some
times with little sign of
inflammation. Posterior scleritis in particular may cause impaired vision and re
quire emergency treatment.
There is often no apparent cause, but there are some associated conditions for e
ARTHRITIS, GOUT, and an autoimmune disease

264 Eye Drops

affecting the nasal passages and lungs called Wegeners granulomatosis. Tr
eatment depends on severity
TEROIDS or systemic
immunosuppressive drugs.
Stye Infection of a lash follicle. This presents as a painful small red
lump at the lid margin. It
often resolves spontaneously but may require antibiotic treatment if it persists
or recurs.
Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage Haemorrhage between the conjunctiva and the
underlying episclera. It is
painless. There is usually no apparent cause and it resolves spontaneously.
Trichiasis Inward misdirection of the lashes. Trichiasis occurs due to i
nflammation of or trauma to the
lid margin. Treatment involves removal of the patients lashes. Regrowth may be pr
evented by electrolysis,
by CRYOTHERAPY to the lid margin, or by surgery. For the subject of artificial e
yes, see under PROSTHESIS;
Eye Drops Eye drops and ointment are used extensively in the treatment o
f eye disease. They should be
used as instructed by the prescribing physician. Most can be used for one month
after the bottle has been
opened but should then be discarded and a repeat prescription obtained if necess
ary. Any eye drops or
ointment can have sideeffects, and any difficulty with them should be referred t
o the prescribing
Eye Injuries Victims of eye injuries are advised to seek prompt medical
advice if the injury is at all
serious or does not resolve with simple first-aid measures for example, by washi
ng out a foreign body
using an eye bath.
Blunt injuries These may cause haemorrhage inside the eye, cataract, ret
inal detachment or even rupture
of the eye (see also EYE, DISORDERS OF). Injuries from large blunt objects for e
xample, a squash ball
may also cause a blow-out fracture of the orbital floor resulting in double vision
. Surgical treatment
may be required depending on the patients specific problems. Chemical burns Most
chemical splashes cause
conjunctivitis and superficial keratitis in the victim (see EYE, DISORDERS OF);
both conditions are
self-limiting. Alkalis are, however, more likely to penetrate deeper into the ey
e and cause permanent
damage, particularly to the cornea. Prompt irrigation is important. Further trea
tment may involve testing
the pH of the tears, topical antibiotics and CORTICOSTEROIDS, and vitamin C (dro
ps or tablets see
APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS), depending on the nature of the injury.
Corneal abrasion Loss of corneal epithelium (outermost layer). Almost an

y sort of injury to the eye may

cause this. The affected eye is usually very painful. In the absence of other pr
oblems, the epithelium
heals rapidly: small defects may close within 24 hours. Treatment conventionally
consists of antibiotic
ointment and sometimes a pad over the injured eye.
bodies Most foreign bodies which hit the eye are small and are found in
the conjunctival sac or on the
cornea; most are superficial and can be easily removed. A few foreign bodies pen
etrate deeper and may cause
infection, cataract, retinal detachment or haemorrhage within the eye. The forei
gn body is usually removed
and the damage repaired; nevertheless the victims sight may have been permanently
damaged. Particularly
dangerous activities include hammering or chiselling on metal or stone; people c
arrying out these
activities (and others, such as hedgecutting and grass-strimming) should wear pr
otective goggles.

F Fabricated and Induced Illness See MUNCHAUSENS SYNDROME.

Face Lift An operation to reduce wrinkles and lift loose skin on the face
of mature persons with the
aim of making them look younger. It can be performed under local anaesthetic as
an outpatient or with
general anaesthesia as an inpatient. The operation is regarded as cosmetic and i
s usually done in the
private health-care sector in the UK.
Facial Nerve The seventh cranial nerve (arising from the BRAIN), supplyi
ng the muscles of expression in
the face, being purely a motor nerve. It enters the face immediately below the e
ar after splitting up into
several branches. (See BELLS PALSY.)
Facies Facies is a term applied to the expression or appearance of the f
Factitious Urticaria See DERMOGRAPHISM.
Factor VIII A coagulative blood protein that is a constituent of the COA
GULATION cascade an essential
component in the clotting of blood. Those people with the inherited disorder, HA
EMOPHILIA, have abnormally
low amounts of factor VIII and so bleed more when cut. They are treated with a c
oncentrated version to
reduce the tendency to bleed.
Faeces Faeces, or stools, consist of the remainder of the food after it
has passed through the
alimentary canal and been subjected to the action of the digestive juices, and a
fter the nutritious parts
have been absorbed by the intestinal mucous membrane. The stools also contain va
rious other matters, such
as pigment derived from the BILE, and large quantities of bacteria which are the
main component of human
stools. The stools are passed once daily by most people, but infants have severa
l evacuations of the bowels
in 24 hours and some adults may defaecate only two or three times weekly. Sudden
changes in
bowel habit, persistent diarrhoea or a change from the normal dark brown
(caused by the bile pigment,
stercobilin) to very pale or very dark stools are reasons for seeking medical ad
vice. Blood in the stools
may be due to HAEMORRHOIDS or something more serious, and anyone with such sympt
oms should see a doctor.
Incontinence of the bowels, or inability to retain the stools, is found
in certain diseases in which
the sphincter muscles those muscles that naturally keep the bowel closed relax.
It is also a symptom of
disease in, or injury to, the SPINAL CORD.
Pain on defaecation is a characteristic symptom of a FISSURE at the ANUS
or of inflamed haemorrhoids,
and is usually sharp. Pain of a duller character associated with the movements o
f the bowels may be caused
by inflammation in the other pelvic organs. CONSTIPATION and DIARRHOEA are consi

dered under separate

Fainting Fainting, or SYNCOPE, is a temporary loss of consciousness caus
ed by inadequate supply of
blood to the brain. It may be preceded by nausea, sweating, loss of vision, and
ringing in the ears (see
TINNITUS). It is most often caused by pooling of blood in the extremities, which
reduces venous return (see
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM OF THE BLOOD) and thus cardiac output: this may be due to hot
weather or prolonged
standing. Occasionally, fainting on standing occurs in people with low blood pre
ssure (see HYPOTENSION),
autonomic neuropathy (in which normal vasomotor reflexes are absent), or those t
aking antihypertensive
drugs. A prolonged rise in intrathoracic pressure caused by coughing, MICTURITIO
also impedes venous return and may cause fainting. HYPOVOLAEMIA produced by blee
ding, prolonged diarrhoea,
or vomiting may also cause fainting, and the condition can be produced by severe
pain or emotional upset.
Cardiac causes, such as severe stenotic valve disease or rhythm disturbances (pa
rticularly complete heart
block or very rapid tachycardias), may result in fainting (see HEART, DISEASES O
F). Treatment must be
directed towards the underlying cause, but immediate first aid consists of layin
g the patient down and
elevating the legs.
Faith Healing The facility, claimed by some people, to cure disease by a
healing force present in their

266 Fallen Arches

make-up. The healer transmits the force by direct contact with the person
seeking treatment. Strong
religious beliefs are usually the characteristics of the healer and his or her s
ubject. The force is
inexplicable to science but some medically qualified doctors have been convinced
of its beneficial effect
in certain individuals.
Fallen Arches F
Weakness in the muscles that support the bony arches of the foot. The re
sult is flat feet, a condition
that can adversely affect a persons ability to walk and run normally.
Farmers Lung A form of external allergic ALVEOLITIS caused by the inhalat
ion of dust from mouldy hay
or straw.
Fascia Sheets or bands of fibrous tissue which enclose the body tissues
beneath the skin and connect
the muscles.
An old name for EPILEPSY.
Inflammation of FASCIA. The most common site is the sole of the foot, wh
ere it is known as plantar
fasciitis. It is characterised by gnawing pain. There is no specific treatment,
but the condition usually
clears up spontaneously though over a considerable time.
Fallopian Tubes
Falling Sickness
Tubes, one on each side, lying in the pelvic area of the abdomen, which
are attached at one end to the
UTERUS, and have the other unattached but lying close to the ovary (see OVARIES)
. Each is 10125 cm (45
inches) long, large at the end next to the ovary, but communicating with the wom
b by an opening which
admits only a bristle. These tubes conduct the ova (see OVUM) from the ovaries t
o the interior of the womb.
Blockage of the Fallopian tubes by a chronic inflammatory process resulting from
infection is a not
uncommon cause of infertility in women. (See ECTOPIC PREGNANCY; REPRODUCTIVE SYS
Fallots Tetralogy See TETRALOGY OF FALLOT.
Familial A description of a disorder, illness or characteristic that run
s in families.

Famotidine One of the H2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS used to heal gastric ulcer

and DUODENAL ULCER. The drug works by blocking H2 receptors and so cutting the o
utput of gastric acid. It
is taken orally; side-effects may include dizziness, changed bowel habit, fatigu
e, rashes, confusion,
reversible liver damage and headache.
Fansidar A combination of PYRIMETHAMINE and sulfadoxine used in conjunct
ion with other antimalarial
drugs to treat falciparum malaria (see MALARIA).
Disease caused by the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica. This is found in s
heep, cattle and other
herbivorous animals, in which it is the cause of the condition known as liver ro
t. It measures about 35
13 mm, and is transmitted to humans from the infected animals by snails. In Brit
ain it is the most common
disease found in animal slaughterhouses. The danger to humans is in eating veget
ables particularly wild
watercress that have been infected by snails; there have been several outbreaks
of fascioliasis in
Britain due to eating contaminated wild watercress, and much larger outbreaks fr
om the same cause have been
reported in France. The disease is characterised by fever, dyspepsia (indigestio
n), heavy sweating, loss of
appetite, abdominal pain, URTICARIA, and a troublesome cough. In the more seriou
s cases there may be severe
damage to the LIVER, with or without JAUNDICE. The diagnosis is clinched by the
finding of the eggs of the
fluke in the stools. The two drugs used in treatment are bithionol and chloroqui
ne. Even though many cases
are quite mild and recover spontaneously, prevention is particularly important.
This consists primarily of
never eating wild watercress, as this is the main cause of infestation. Lettuces
have also been found to be
Fasciotomy An operation to relieve pressure on muscles caused by tight s
urrounding FASCIA or fibrous
CONNECTIVE TISSUE. The fascia is slit with an incision.
Fasting Fasting is the abstention from, or deprivation of, food and drin
k. It may result from a genuine
desire to lose weight in an attempt to improve

Fat Necrosis
ones health and/or appearance or from a MENTAL ILLNESS such as DEPRESSION
, or from one of the EATING
DISORDERS. Certain religious customs and practices may demand periods of fasting
. Forced fasting, often
extended, has been used for many years as an effective means of torture. Without
food and drink the body
rapidly becomes thinner and lighter as it draws upon its stored energy reserves,
initially mainly fat. Body
temperature gradually falls, and muscle is progressively broken down as the body
struggles to maintain its
vital functions. Dehydration, leading to cardiovascular collapse, inevitably fol
lows unless a basic amount
of water is taken particularly if the bodys fluid output is high, such as may occ
ur with excessive
sweating. After prolonged fasting the return to food should be gradual, with car
eful monitoring of
blood-pressure levels and concentrations of serum ELECTROLYTES. Feeding should c
onsist mainly of liquids
and light foods at first, with no heavy meals being taken for several days.
Fat A food that has more energy-producing power, weight for weight, than
any other. Animal fat is a
mixture in varying proportions of stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids combined wi
th glycerin. Butter
contains about 80 per cent of fat; ordinary cream, 20 per cent; and rich cream 4
0 per cent whilst olive
oil is practically a pure form of fat. When taken to a large extent in the diet,
fat requires to be
combined with a certain proportion of either CARBOHYDRATE or PROTEIN in order th
at it may be completely
consumed, otherwise harmful products, known as ketones, may form in the blood. E
ach gram of fat has an
energy-producing equivalent of 93 Calories (see CALORIE). Fats are divided into s
aturated fats that is,
animal fats and dairy produce; and unsaturated fats, which include vegetable oil
s from soya bean, maize and
sunflower, and marine oils from fish (e.g. cod-liver oil). (See also ADIPOSE TIS
Body fat Most of the bodys fat is stored in which
the skin and around various
internal organs. Some, however, is stored in liver, muscle
ructures such as bone
marrow (see BONE). Various methods can be used to estimate
but all are indirect and
not very accurate, depending as they do on hard-to-measure
ition between fat and lean
tissues. The average body fat of healthy young men and

is mainly sited beneath

and other cellular st
the bodys fat content
differences in compos

women is below 20 per cent and 25 per cent respectively of their body we
ight. In economically developed
countries, middle-aged men and women usually undergo a steady increase in body f
at. This is probably not a
feature of ageing, however, since in developing nations, which have different di

ets and greater levels of

physical activity, increased age does not bring with it an increase in body fat.
One widely used means to
estimate whether a person has excess fat is to measure his or her skinfold thick
ness on the arms and torso.
The distribution of fat can be a pointer to certain disorders: those adults, for
example, who deposit their
fat abdominally rather than on their hips an android rather than a gynaecoid dis
tribution are
particularly susceptible to disease of the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM and to DIABETES
MELLITUS. Adipose tissue
comprises fat deposited as a result of eating more food than is metabolised by e
xercise and the bodys
basic energy needs. Surplus fat can in some circumstances be a useful energy sto
re. For example,
hibernating animals burn off the fat stored during the summer months and are much
leaner when they wake
up in the spring. Excessive quantities of adipose tissue result in OBESITY, an i
ncreasingly serious problem
among all age groups, including children, in countries with developed economies.
Fatigue Tiredness: a physiological state in which muscles become fatigue
d by the LACTIC ACID
accumulating in them as the result of their activity. For the removal of lactic
acid in the recovery phase
of muscular contraction, oxygen is needed. If the supply of oxygen is not plenti
ful enough, or cannot keep
pace with the work the muscle is doing, then lactic acid accumulates and fatigue
results. There is also a
nervous element in muscular fatigue: it is diminished by stimulation of the symp
athetic nervous system.
(See also MUSCLE.) Chronic fatigue is a symptom of some illnesses such as ANAEMI
ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (ME) and others. Some drugs may also produce a feeling of fati
Fat Necrosis In injury to, or inflammation of, the PANCREAS, the fat-spl
itting enzyme in it may escape
into the abdominal cavity, causing death of fatcontaining cells.

268 Fatty Degeneration

Fatty Degeneration As a result of ANAEMIA, interference with blood or ne
rve supply, or because of the
action of various poisons, body cells may undergo abnormal changes accompanied b
y the appearance in their
substance of fat droplets.
The somewhat narrowed opening between the mouth and throat. It is bounde
d above by the soft palate,
below by the tongue, and on either side by the tonsil. In front of, and behind,
the tonsil are two ridges
of mucous membrane, the anterior and posterior pillars of the fauces.
Favism A type of haemolytic ANAEMIA, attacks of which occur within an ho
ur or two of eating broad beans
(Vicia fava). It is a hereditary disease due to lack of an essential ENZYME call
ed glucose-6phosphate
dehydrogenase, which is necessary for the continued integrity of the red cell. T
his defect is inherited as
a sex-linked dominant trait, and the red cells of patients with this abnormality
have a normal life-span
until challenged by certain drugs or fava beans when the older cells are rapidly
destroyed, resulting in
haemolytic anaemia. Fourteen per cent of African-Americans are affected and 60 p
er cent of Yemenite Jews in
Israel. The perpetuation of the gene is due to the greater resistance against MA
LARIA that it carries.
Severe and even fatal HAEMOLYSIS has followed the administration of the antimala
rial compounds pamaquine
and primaquine in sensitive individuals. These red cells are sensitive not only
to fava beans and
primaquine but also to sulphonamides, acetanilide, phenacetin, para-aminosalicyc
lic acid, nitrofurantoin,
probenecid and vitamin K analogues.
Favus Another name for honeycomb ringworm. (See RINGWORM.)
Febrile Convulsion Convulsion occurring in a child aged six months to si
x years with a high temperature
in which the limbs twitch; he or she may lose consciousness. The condition is co
mmon, with one child in 20
suffering from it. It is a result of immature homeostatic control (see HOMEOSTAS
IS) and is not usually
serious, occurring generally during an infection such as measles or tonsillitis.
The brain and nervous
system are normal in most cases. Treatment is tepid sponging and attention to th
e underlying cause, with
the child placed in the recovery position. It is important to rule out more seri
ous illness, such as
MENINGITIS, if the child seems particularly ill.
Feedback Mechanism Many glands which produce HORMONES are influenced by
other hormones, particularly
those secreted by the HYPOTHALAMUS (a controlling centre in the brain) and the P

amount of hormone produced by a gland rises, negative feedback mechanisms operat

e by instructing the
pituitary gland, via the hypothalamus, to produce less of the stimulating hormon
es. This cuts activity in
the target gland. Should the amount of hormone produced fall, the feedback mecha
nism weakens with the
result that the output of stimulating hormones increases.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) See CIRCUMCISION.
Feminisation The development of a feminine appearance in a man, often th
e result of an imbalance in the
sex hormones. Castration, especially before puberty, causes feminisation, as may
the use of hormones to
treat an enlarged PROSTATE GLAND.
Fear An emotional condition provoked by danger and usually characterised
by unpleasant subjective
feelings accompanied by physiological and behavioural changes. The heart rate in
creases, sweating occurs
and the blood pressure rises. Sometimes fear of certain events or places may dev
elop into a phobia: for
example, agoraphobia, a fear of open spaces.
Febrile Having a
body temperature is greater than normal (369 378 C).
Describes a patient whose
Femoral Adjective relating to the FEMUR or the region of the thigh. For
example, the femoral nerve,
artery, vein and canal.

Femur The thigh bone, which is the longest and strongest bone in the bod
As the upper end is set at
angle of about 120 degrees to the rest of the bone, and since the weight of t
body is entirely borne
the two femora, fracture of

one of these bones close to its upper end is a common accident in old pe
ople, whose bones are often
weakened by osteoporosis (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF). The femur fits, at its
upper end, into the
acetabulum of the pelvis, forming the hip-joint, and, at its lower end, meets th
e tibia and patella in the
Fenestration A largely obsolete surgical operation to form a new opening
in the bony LABYRINTH of the
inner ear in the treatment of deafness caused by otosclerosis (see under EAR, DI
SEASES OF). Nowadays the
disorder is usually surgically treated by STAPEDECTOMY.
Fertilisation The process by which male and female gametes (spermatozoa
and ocytes respectively) fuse
to form a zygote which develops, by a complex process of cell division and diffe
rentiation, into a new
individual of the species. In humans, fertilisation occurs in the FALLOPIAN TUBE
S. Sperm deposited in the
upper vagina traverse the cervix and uterus to enter the Fallopian tube. Many sp
erm attempt to penetrate
the zona pellucida surrounding the ocyte, but only one is able to penetrate the oc
yte proper and this
prevents any other sperm from entering. Once the sperm has entered the ocyte, the
two nuclei fuse before
the zygote begins to divide.
have hand and facial deformities and are sometimes mentally retarded.
Fetal Blood Sampling A procedure performed during a mothers labour in whi
ch a blood sample is taken
from a vein in the scalp of the FETUS. This enables tests to be performed that i
ndicate whether the fetus
is, for example, suffering from a shortage of oxygen (HYPOXIA). If so, the obste
trician will usually
accelerate the babys birth.
Fetal Transplant A procedure in which cells for example, from the pancre
as are taken from an
aborted FETUS and then transplanted into the malfunctioning organ (pancreas) of
an individual with a
disorder of that organ (in this case, diabetes). The cells from the fetus are in
tended to take over the
function of the hosts diseased or damaged cells. Fetal brain cells have also been
transplanted into brains
of people suffering from PARKINSONISM. These treatments are at an experimental s
Fetishism This is a form of sexual deviation in which the person becomes
sexually stimulated by parts
of the body, such as the feet, which are not usually regarded as erotogenic. Som
e people are sexually
aroused by items of clothing or shoes.
Fertility Rate

The number of live births that occur in a year for every 1,000 women of
childbearing age (this is
usually taken as 1544 years of age). The fertility rate in the UK (all ages) was
54.9 in 2002 (UK Health
Statistics, 2001 edition, The Stationery Office).
Inspection of a FETUS by passing a fibreoptic instrument called a fetosc
ope through the abdominal wall
of a pregnant woman into her UTERUS. The procedure is usually conducted in the 1
8th to 20th week of
pregnancy to assess the fetus for abnormalities and to take blood samples to pre
clude diseases such as
should be used only if
there is a serious possibility of abnormality, the presence of which will usuall
y have been indicated by
other screening tests such as ULTRASOUND and tests of blood obtained by (intraut
erine) cordocentesis
(withdrawal of blood by syringe inserted into the umbilical cord).
Fester A popular, not a medical, term used to mean any collection or for
mation of pus. It is applied to
both abscesses and ulcers. (See ABSCESS; ULCER; WHITLOW.)
Festination The involuntary quickening of gait seen in some nervous dise
ases, especially in
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome A disorder of newborn infants that is caused by t
he toxic effects on the growing
FETUS of excessive amounts of alcohol taken by the mother. Low birth-weight and
retarded growth are the
main consequences, but affected babies may
Fetus The name given to the unborn child after the eighth week of develo
pment. Humans, like all
animals, begin as a single cell, the OVUM, in the ovary (see OVARIES). After FER
SPERMATOZOON, the ovum becomes embedded in the mucous membrane of the UTERUS, it

270 Fever
covering being known as the decidua. Increase in size is rapid, and deve
lopment of complexity is still
more marked. The original cell divides repeatedly to form new cells, and these b
ecome arranged in three
layers known as the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The first produces the skin
, brain and spinal cord,
and the nerves; the second the bones, muscles, blood vessels and connective tiss
ues; while the third
develops into the lining of the digestive system and the various glands attached
to it. The embryo develops
upon one side of the ovum, its first appearance consisting of a groove, the edge
s of which grow up and join
to form a tube, which in turn develops into the brain and spinal cord. At the sa
me time, a part of the ovum
beneath this is becoming pinched off to form the body, and within this the endod
erm forms a second tube,
which in time is changed in shape and lengthened to form the digestive canal. Fr
om the gut there grows out
very early a process called the allantois, which attaches itself to the wall of
the uterus, developing into
the PLACENTA (afterbirth), a structure well supplied with blood vessels which dr
aws nourishment from the
mothers circulation via the wall of the womb. The remainder of the ovum which wit
hin two weeks of
conception has increased to about 2 mm (1/12 inch) in size splits into an outer
and inner shell, from the
outer of which are developed two covering membranes, the chorion and amnion; whi
le the inner constitutes
the yolk sac, attached by a pedicle to the developing gut of the embryo. From tw
o weeks after conception
onwards, the various organs and limbs appear and grow. The human embryo at this
stage is almost
indistinguishable in appearance from the embryo of other animals. After around t
he middle of the second
month, it begins to show a distinctly human form and then is called the fetus. T
he property of life is
present from the very beginning, although the movements of the fetus are not usu
ally felt by the mother
until the fifth month. During the first few days after conception the eye begins
to be formed, beginning as
a cupshaped outgrowth from the mid-brain, its lens being formed as a thickening
in the skin. It is very
soon followed by the beginnings of the nose and ear, both of which arise as pits
on the surface, which
increase in complexity and are joined by nerves that grow outward from the brain
. These three organs of
sense have practically their final appearance as early as the beginning of the s
econd month. The body
closes in from behind forwards,
the sides growing forwards from the spinal region. In the neck, the grow
th takes the form of five
arches, similar to those which bear gills in fishes. From the first of these the
lower jaw is formed; from
the second the hyoid bone, all the arches uniting, and the gaps between them clo
sing up by the end of the

second month. At this time the head and neck have assumed quite a human appearan
ce. The digestive canal
begins as a simple tube running from end to end of the embryo, but it grows in l
ength and becomes twisted
in various directions to form the stomach and bowels. The lungs and the liver ar
ise from this tube as two
little buds, which quickly increase in size and complexity. The kidneys also app
ear very early, but go
through several changes before their final form is reached. The genital organs a
ppear late. The swellings,
which form the ovary in the female and the testicle (or testis) in the male, are
produced in the region of
the loins, and gradually descend to their final positions. The external genitals
are similar in the two
sexes till the end of the third month, and the sex is not clearly distinguishabl
e till late in the fourth
month. The blood vessels appear in the ovum even before the embryo. The heart, o
riginally double, forms as
a dilatation upon the arteries which later produce the aorta. These two hearts l
ater fuse into one. The
limbs appear at about the end of the third week, as buds which increase quickly
in length and split at
their ends into five parts, for fingers or toes. The bones at first are formed o
f cartilage, in which true
bone begins to appear during the third month. The average period of human gestat
ion is 266 days or 280
days from the first day of the last menstrual period. The average birth weight o
f an infant born of a
healthy mother (in the UK) is 3,200 g (see table). The following table gives the
average size and weight of
the fetus at different periods: Age Length Weight 4 weeks 5 mm 13 grams 3 months
8 to 9 cm 30 to 60 grams
5 months 15 to 25 cm 170 to 340 grams 7 months 32 to 35 cm 1,360 to 1,820 grams
Birth 45 to 60 cm 3,200
grams (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Fever Fever, or PYREXIA, is the abnormal rise in body TEMPERATURE that f
requently accompanies disease
in general.

Fibreoptic Endoscopy

Causes The cause of fever is the release of fever-producing proteins (py

rogens) by phagocytic cells
called monocytes and macrophages, in response to a variety of infectious, immuno
logical and neoplastic
stimuli. The lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) play a part in fever production becaus
e they recognise the
antigen and release substances called lymphokines which promote the production o
f endogenous pyrogen. The
pyrogen then acts on the thermoregulatory centre in the HYPOTHALAMUS and this re
sults in an increase in
heat generation and a reduction in heat loss, resulting in a rise in body temper
ature. The average
temperature of the body in health ranges from 369 to 375 C (984 to 995 F). It is liab
e to slight
variations from such causes as the ingestion of food, the amount of exercise, th
e menstrual cycle, and the
temperature of the surrounding atmosphere. There are, moreover, certain apprecia
ble daily variations, the
lowest temperature being between the hours of 01.00 and 07.00 hours, and the hig
hest between 16.00 and
21.00 hours, with trifling fluctuations during these periods. The development an
d maintenance of heat
within the body depends upon the metabolic oxidation consequent on the changes c
ontinually taking place in
the processes of nutrition. In health, this constant tissue disintegration is ex
actly counterbalanced by
the consumption of food, whilst the uniform normal temperature is maintained by
the adjustment of the heat
developed, and of the processes of exhalation and cooling which take place, espe
cially from the lungs and
skin. During a fever this balance breaks down, the tissue waste being greatly in
excess of the food supply.
The body wastes rapidly, the loss to the system being chiefly in the form of nit
rogen compounds (e.g.
urea). In the early stage of fever a patient excretes about three times the amou
nt of urea that he or she
would excrete on the same diet when in health. Fever is measured by how high the
temperature rises above
normal. At 41.1 C (106 F) the patient is in a dangerous state of hyperpyrexia (abn
ormally high
temperature). If this persists for very long, the patient usually dies. The bodys
temperature will also
rise if exposed for too long to a high ambient temperature. (See HEAT STROKE.) S
ymptoms The onset of a
fever is usually marked by a RIGOR, or shivering. The skin feels hot and dry, an
d the raised temperature
will often be found to show daily variations namely, an evening rise and a morni
ng fall.
There is a relative increase in the pulse and breathing rates. The tongu
e is dry and furred; the thirst
is intense, while the appetite is gone; the urine is scanty, of high specific gr
avity and containing a
large quantity of solid matter, particularly urea. The patient will have a heada
che and sometimes nausea,
and children may develop convulsions (see FEBRILE CONVULSION). The fever falls b

y the occurrence of a
CRISIS that is, a sudden termination of the symptoms or by a more gradual subsid
ence of the
temperature, technically termed a lysis. If death ensues, this is due to failure
of the vital centres in
the brain or of the heart, as a result of either the infection or hyperpyrexia.
Treatment Fever is a symptom, and the correct treatment is therefore tha
t of the underlying condition.
Occasionally, however, it is also necessary to reduce the temperature by more di
rect methods: physical
cooling by, for example, tepid sponging, and the use of antipyretic drugs such a
s aspirin or paracetamol.
Fibre, Dietary See ROUGHAGE.
Fibreoptic Endoscopy A visualising technique enabling the operator to ex
amine the internal organs with
the minimum of disturbance or damage to the tissues. The procedure has transform
ed the management of, for
example, gastrointestinal disease. In chest disease, fibreoptic bronchoscopy has
now replaced the rigid
wide-bore metal tube which was previously used for examination of the tracheo-br
onchial tree. The principle
of fibreoptics in medicine is that a light from a cold light source passes down
a bundle of quartz fibres
in the endoscope to illuminate the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract or the br
onchi. The reflected light
is returned to the observers eye via the image bundle which may contain up to 20,
000 fibres. The tip of
the instrument can be angulated in both directions, and fingertip controls are p
rovided for suction, air
insufflation and for water injection to clear the lens or the mucosa. The oesoph
agus, stomach and duodenum
can be visualised; furthermore, visualisation of the pancreatic duct and direct
endoscopic cannulation is
now possible, as is visualisation of the bile duct. Fibreoptic colonoscopy can v
isualise the entire length
of the colon and it is now possible to biopsy polyps or suspected carcinomas and
to perform polypectomy.
The flexible smaller fibreoptic bronchoscope

272 Fibrillation
has many advantages over the rigid tube, extending the range of view to
all segmental bronchi and
enabling biopsy of pulmonary parenchyma. Biopsy forceps can be directed well bey
ond the tip of the
bronchoscope itself, and the more flexible fibreoptic instrument causes less dis
comfort to the patient.
Fibreoptic laparoscopy is a valuable technique that allows the direct vizualisat
ion of the abdominal
contents: for example, the female pelvic organs, in order to detect the presence
of suspected lesions (and,
in certain cases, effect their subsequent removal); check on the development and
position of the fetus; and
test the patency of the Fallopian tubes. (See also ENDOSCOPE; BRONCHOSCOPE; LARY
Fibrillation A term applied to rapid contraction or TREMOR of muscles, a
nd especially to a form of
abnormal action of the heart muscle in which individual bundles of fibres take u
p independent action. It is
believed to be due to a state of excessive excitability in the muscle associated
with the stretching which
occurs in dilatation of the heart. The main causes are ATHEROSCLEROSIS, chronic
rheumatic heart disease and
hypertensive heart disease (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Fibrillation is distinguish
ed as atrial or
ventricular, depending on whether the muscle of the atria or of the ventricles i
s affected. In atrial
fibrillation, the heartbeats and the pulse become extremely irregular, both as r
egards time and force; when
the atrium is fibrillating there is no significant contraction of the atrial mus
cle but the cardiac output
is maintained by ventricular contraction. In ventricular fibrillation there is n
o significant contractile
force, so that there is no cardiac output. The commonest cause is myocardial inf
arction. Administration of
DIGOXIN, timolol or verapamil may restore normal rhythm, and in some patients, C
ARDIOVERSION a controlled
direct-current electric shock given via a modified defibrillator placed on the c
hest wall is effective.
Fibrin A substance formed in the BLOOD as it clots: indeed, its formatio
n causes clotting. The
substance is produced in threads; after the threads have formed a close meshwork
through the blood, they
contract, and produce a dense, felted mass. The substance is formed not only fro
m shed blood but also from
LYMPH which exudes from the lymph vessels. Thus fibrin is found in all inflammat
ory conditions within
serous cavities like the PLEURA, PERITONEUM, and PERICARDIUM, and forms
a thick coat upon the surface
of the inflamed membranes. It is also found in inflamed joints, and in the lung
as a result of pneumonia.

Fibrinogen The soluble protein in the blood which is the precursor of FI

BRIN, the substance in blood
Fibrinolysis The way in which blood clots are removed from the circulati
on. The insoluble protein
FIBRIN is broken down by the enzyme plasmin (see PLASMINOGEN) which is activated
at the same time as the
COAGULATION process of blood. There is normally a balance between coagulation an
d fibrinolysis; an abnormal
increase in the latter causes excessive bleeding.
Fibrinolytic Drugs A group of drugs, also known as thrombolytics, with t
he ability to break down the
protein FIBRIN, the prime constituent of blood clots (see THROMBUS; THROMBOSIS).
They are used to disperse
blood clots that have formed in the vessels of the circulatory system. The group
alteplase and reteplase. The drugs work by activating PLASMINOGEN to form PLASMI
N which degrades fibrin and
breaks up the blood clot (see COAGULATION).
Fibroadenoma A benign tumour of glandular EPITHELIUM containing fibrous
elements. The commonest benign
tumour is of the breast, often occurring in young women.
Fibroblasts Cells distributed widely throughout CONNECTIVE TISSUE that p
roduce the precursor substances
of COLLAGEN, elastic fibres and reticular fibres.
Fibrocystic Disease of the Pancreas See CYSTIC FIBROSIS.
Fibroid Fibroid, or fibromyoma, is the commonest form of tumour of the u
OF), and one of the most common tumours of the human body. It is composed of a m
ixture of muscular and
fibrous tissue. The tumour may be small or as large as a grapefruit. Fibroids ma
y cause pain and heavy

bleeding and usually occur in women over 30 years of age. In some women
the fibroid may be small enough
to remove surgically but, if it is large, a HYSTERECTOMY is often necessary. Sma
ll, symptomless fibroids
are no danger and can be left untreated.
Cause There is no investigational evidence of inflammatory, metabolic or
structural abnormality, and
the problem seems functional rather than pathological. SEROTONIN deficiency has
a significant role in
fibromyalgia syndrome.
firmed the usefulness of low-dose AMITRIPTYLor DOTHIEPIN together with a
graded exercise programme to
increase aerobic fitness. How this works is still unclear; its efficacy may be d
ue to its normalising
effects on the sleep centre or pain gating (reduction of pain sensation) at the sp
inal-cord level.
Prognosis is often poor. Nevertheless, suitable advice and training can help mos
t patients to learn to cope
better with their condition and avoid unnecessary investigations and drug treatm
A benign tumour comprising mainly CONNECTIVE TISSUE the substance that s
urrounds body structures,
binding them together. Examples are neurofibroma, affecting connective tissue ar
ound nerves, and ovarian
fibroma which develops around the follicles from which eggs (ova) develop in the
OVARIES. Unless the
fibroma is causing symptoms (as a result of pressure on surrounding tissues) it
does not require treatment.
If symptoms occur, the tumour is removed surgically.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome Symptoms These vary, with pain and fatigue general
ly prominent, sometimes causing
considerable disability. Patients can usually dress and wash independently but c
annot cope with a job or
household activities. Pain is mainly axial, but may affect any region. ANALGESIC
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) and local physical treatments are
generally ineffective. Patients often have a poor sleep pattern, waking
exhausted. Unexplained
headache, urinary frequency and abdominal symptoms are common, but no cause has
been found. Patients
generally score highly on measures of anxiety and DEPRESSION. Fibromyalgia is no
t an ideal description;
idiopathic diffuse-pain syndrome and non-restorative sleep disorder are increasi
ngly preferred terms.
Clinical findings are generally unremarkable; most important is the presence of
multiple hyperalgesic
tender sites (e.g. low cervical spine, low lumbar spine, suboccipital muscle, mi
d upper trapezius,
tennis-elbow sites, upper outer quadrants of buttocks, medial fat pad of knees).

In fibromyalgia,
hyperalgesia (excessive discomfort) is widespread and symmetrical, but absent at
sites normally non-tender.
Claims by patients to be tender all over are more likely to be due to fabricatio
n or psychiatric
disturbance. OSTEOARTHRITIS and periarticular syndrome are much more common and
should be excluded,
together with other conditions, such as hypothyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEA
ERYTHEMATOSUS (SLE) and inflammatory myopathy (see MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF), which
may present with similar
Management Controlled trials have conINE
Fibrosarcoma A cancer of the CONNECTIVE TISSUE arising in the fibroblast
s, stem cells that produce
connective tissue cells. The tumours can develop in bone or in soft tissue and o
ccur most commonly in the
limbs. Treatment is by surgery or RADIOTHERAPY.
Fibrosing Alveolitis See ALVEOLITIS.
Fibrosis The formation of fibrous or scar tissue, which is usually due t
o infection, injury or surgical
Fibrositis Pain, muscular stiffness and inflammation affecting the soft
tissues of the arm, legs and
trunk. The cause is unknown but may include immunological factors, muscular stra
in and psychological
stress. Treatment is usually palliative.
Fibrous Dysplasia A rare disease in which areas of bone are replaced by
fibrous tissue (see CONNECTIVE
TISSUE). This renders the bone fragile and liable to fracture. It may involve on
ly one bone usually the
thigh bone or FEMUR or several bones. This latter form of the disease may be acc
ompanied by pigmentation
of the skin and the early onset of PUBERTY.
Fibula The slender outer bone of the leg. The head of

274 Filariasis
this bone articualtes with the TIBIA just below the knee, and at the ANK
LE it articulates with the
TALUS bone.
The term used to describe several clinical entities caused by one or oth
er of the nematode filariae;
these include Wuchereria bancrofti/Brugia malayi, Onchocerca volvulus, Loa loa,
Dracunculus medinensis
(DRACONTIASIS or guineaworm disease), Mansonella perstans, etc. These organisms
have widely differing
geographical distributions. Whereas lymphatic filariasis is present throughout m
uch of the tropics and
subtropics, ONCHOCERCIASIS (river-blindness) is largely confined to west and cen
tral Africa and southern
America. Loaiasis is an infection of west and central Africa, and dracontiasis i
nvolves west and central
Africa and western India only. Clinically, the lymphatic filariases characterist
ically cause ELEPHANTIASIS
(lymphoedema); onchocerciasis gives rise to ophthalmic complications (river-blin
dness), rashes and
subcutaneous nodules; loaiasis causes subcutaneous Calabar swellings and subconjun
ctival involvement; and
dracontiasis predisposes to secondary bacterial infections (usually involving th
e lower limbs). Diagnosis
is by finding the relevant filarial nematode, either in blood (day and night fil
ms should be examined), or
in one or other of the body fluids. An EOSINOPHILIA is often present in peripher
al blood. Serological
diagnosis is also of value. In onchocerciasis, skin-snips and the Mazotti reacti
on are valuable adjuncts to
diagnosis. The mainstay of chemotherapy consists of diethylcarbamazine (aimed pr
edominantly at the larval
stage of the parasite). However, ivermectin (not available in the UK) is effecti
ve in onchocerciasis, and
metronidazole or one of the benzimidazole compounds have limited value in dracon
tiasis. Suramin has been
used to kill adult filarial worms. Prevention consists of eradication of the rel
evant insect vector.
Filaricide A generic term for drugs used to treat filarial infections (s
Filling The insertion, in denistry, of a specially prepared material int
o a cavity drilled into a
tooth, usually for the treatment of dental caries (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF).
Finasteride Finasteride is a drug which inhibits the ENZYME
that metabolises TESTOSTERONE into the more potent ANDROGEN, dihydrotest
osterone. This action results
in a reduction of prostate tissue. The drug is used to treat an enlarged PROSTAT
E GLAND, thus improving
urinary flow. Its sideeffects include reduced LIBIDO, and IMPOTENCE. Finasteride
offers an alternative to

PROSTATECTOMY for some men but a significant minority do not improve. Women of c
hildbearing age should not
handle broken or crushed tablets.
Fingerprint The unique pattern of fine ridges in the outer horny layer o
f the skin at the front of the
tip of each finger and thumb. The ridges are of three types: loops (70 per cent)
, whorls (25 per cent) and
arches (5 per cent). Fingerprint patterns are used as a routine forensic test by
police forces to identify
individuals. Some patterns can indicate that the subject has an inherited disord
First Aid Emergency procedures to help an ill or injured person before h
e or she receives expert
medical attention or is admitted to hospital. Courses of instruction in first ai
d comprise 612 sessions,
each of about 2 hours duration. Syllabuses of instruction are published by variou
s organisations, the
principal ones being the British Red Cross, the St John Ambulance Association, a
nd the St Andrews
Fissure A term applied both to clefts of normal anatomical structure and
also to small narrow ulcers
occurring in skin and mucous membrane. The latter type of fissure occurs especia
lly at the corners of the
mouth and at the anus. (See LIPS; RECTUM, DISEASES OF.)
Fistula An unnatural, narrow channel leading from some natural cavity su
ch as the duct of a gland, or
the interior of the bowels to the surface. Alternatively a fistula may be a comm
unication between two
such cavities where none should exist as, for example, a direct communication be
tween the bladder and
Cause Fistulas may be congenital or develop as a result of injury or inf
ection. A SALIVARY fistula may
develop between the salivary gland

and the outside of the cheek because of a blockage in the duct from the
gland to the mouth. A urinary
fistula may be one consequence of a fracture of the PELVIS which has damaged the
URETHRA. Fistulas of the
anus are one of the most common forms, usually the result of infection and ABSCE
SS formation.
Treatment As a rule, a fistula is extremely difficult to close, especial
ly after it has persisted for
some time. The treatment consists in an operation to restore the natural channel
, be it salivary duct, or
urethra, or bowel. This is effected by appropriate means in each locality, and w
hen it is attained the
fistula heals quickly under simple dressings. Fit A popular name for a sudden co
nvulsive SEIZalthough the
term is also extended to include sudden seizures of every sort. During the occur
rence of a fit of any sort,
the chief object should be to prevent the patient from doing any harm to him or
herself as a result of the
convulsive movements. The person should therefore be laid flat, and the head sup
ported on a pillow or other
Fitness An ability to perform daily activities without becoming overtire
d. Fitness is dependent on
strength, flexibility and endurance, and the level of an individuals fitness will
often depend on their
type of employment and the extent to which they indulge in physical exercise, wh
ether training in the local
health club or at home or regularly participating in sports. Regular fitness imp
roves ones health and
well-being. Fitness exercises should be matched to a persons age and abilities an
d there is a health
danger if someone regularly exercises beyond their capabilities.
5-Hydroxytryptamine See SEROTONIN.
Flaccid Relaxed or lacking in stiffness. Used to describe muscles that a
re not contracting (or
following DENERVATION), and organs for example, the penis that are lying loose,
empty, or with
wrinkles. (Opposite: firm or erect.)
Flap A section of tissue (usually skin) separated from
underlying structures but still attached at its distal end by a PEDICLE
through which it receives its
blood supply. The free end may then be sutured into a new position to cover a de
fect caused by trauma or
excision of diseased tissue. A free flap involves detachment of a section of tis
sue, often including bone
and muscle, to a distant site where the artery and vein supplying it are anastom
osed to adjacent vessels
and the tissue is sutured into place. (See RECONSTRUCTIVE (PLASTIC) SURGERY.)

Flat-Foot Flat-foot, or pes planus, is a deformity of the foot in which

its arch sinks down so that the
inner edge of the foot comes to rest upon the ground.
Causes The disorder may develop in infancy or occur in adult life, usual
ly resulting from a combination
of obesity and/or an occupation involving long periods of standing. Symptoms Oft
en none, but there may be
pain along the instep and beneath the outer ankle. The foot is stiff and broad,
walking is tiresome, and
the toes turn far out.
Treatment A change of occupation may be necessary, to one which allows s
itting. In early cases the leg
muscles may be strengthened by tiptoe exercises performed for ten minutes night
and morning. A pad to
support the arch may have to be worn inside the shoe. Rarely, children may requi
re surgery.
Flatulence A collection of gas in the stomach or bowels. In the former c
ase the gas is expelled from
time to time in noisy eructations (see ERUCTATION) by the mouth; in the latter i
t may produce rumblings in
the bowels, or be expelled from the ANUS.
Causes When gas is found in large amount in the bowels, its production i
s usually due to fermentation
set up by bacteria. Treatment Flatulence in the stomach is treated by relieving
the DYSPEPSIA which causes
it. It may also be relieved, or eased, by the administration of CARMINATIVES. Fl
atulence may be aggravated
by anxiety. If the flatulence is due to, or aggravated by, the habit of swallowi
ng air, the patient must
try and break the habit. To reduce intestinal flatulence, a sufferer may require
a change of diet to easily
digestible foods.

276 Flatus
Flatus Gas from the intestines (see INTESTINE) that is passed out via th
e ANUS and formed in the large
intestine as a result of bacteria breaking down carbohydrate and amino acids in
digested food.
STRUATION; MENORRHAGIA.) In the majority of cases, flooding is the sign
of a miscarriage (see
Flucloxacillin A PENICILLINASE-resistant PENICILLIN used to treat penici
llin-resistant staphylococci
Flexible Training
A term applied to the system of postgraduate medical training that allow
s young doctors to integrate
their domestic commitments with the training requirements necessary to become a
fully qualified specialist,
usually by working part-time.
Flexion The bending of a joint in the SAGITTAL plane. Usually an anterio
r movement, it is occasionally
posterior, as in the case of the knee-joint. Lateral flexion refers to the bendi
ng of the spine in the
coronal plane that is, from side to side.
Flexor A MUSCLE that causes bending of a limb or other body part.
Flexure A bend in an organ or body part. The term is used, for example,
to describe the skin on the
inner aspect of the elbow or knee, as in the hepatic flexure of the COLON.
An oral triazole antifungal drug used to treat local and systemic infect
A sign obtained from collections of fluid by laying the fingers of one h
and upon one side of the
swelling, and, with those of the other, tapping or pressing suddenly on a distan
t point of the swelling.
The thrill communicated from one hand to the other through the fluid is one of the
most important signs
of the presence of an ABSCESS, or of effusion of fluid into joints or into the p
eritoneal cavity (see
Flucytosine A synthetic drug used as an intravenous adjunct to amphoteri
cin to treat severe systemic
fungal infections such as candidiasis (see CANDIDA) and cryptococcosis.

Fluid Balance
Particles that appear to be floating in a persons field of vision. They m
ove quickly as the eye moves,
but when the eye is still they seem to drift. Vision is not usually affected. Mo
st floaters are shadows on
the retina from minute particles in the vitreous humour (see EYE) which lies in
the main part of the
eyeball behind the lens. As a person ages, the jelly-like vitreous humour usuall
y shrinks a little and
becomes detached from the retina; this produces floaters which vanish over time.
If a person notices a
sudden cloud of floaters, sometimes accompanied by flashes of light, it is likel
y that a tear in or
detachment of the retina has occurred. This requires prompt medical attention (s
Retinal detachment).
The appropriate balance of fluid input and output (along with dissolved
salts essential for life) over
24 hours. During this period, about 2,500 millilitres (ml) of fluid should be ta
ken in by a 70-kg man and
the same amount excreted; of this, 1,500 ml will be drunk, 800 ml will be in the
food eaten, and 200 ml
produced by food metabolism. Excreted water is made up of 1,500 ml of urine, 800
ml insensible loss and 200
ml in the faeces. A 70-kg mans total body fluid is 42 litres 60 per cent of body
weight. Intracellular
fluid comprises 28 litres, extracellular, 14 litres and blood, 5 litres. Water i
s controlled mainly by the
sodium concentration in the body fluids via the release of antidiuretic hormone
from the posterior part of the PITUITARY GLAND. In seriously ill people, close m
onitoring of fluid intake
and output, along with measurements of PLASMA sodium and calcium concentrations,
is an essential factor in
A popular name for an excessive blood-stained discharge from the womb (U
TERUS). (See MENFlukes are a variety of parasitic worms. (See FASCIOLIASIS.)

Flutter 277
A drug with the trade name Rohypnol , flunitrazepam is one of the BENZODIA
ZEPINES with a prolonged
action prescribed as a hypnotic (see HYPNOTICS). The British National Formulary
warns that the drug may be
particularly subject to abuse (see DRUG-ASSISTED RAPE).
An drug of the antimetabolite group a group that disrupts normal cell di
vision. Fluorouracil is used
intravenously to treat recurrent and inoperable carcinoma of the colon and rectu
m, as well as secondaries
from cancer of the breast. It can be used topically for some malignant and prema
lignant skin lesions. (See
Fluocinolone Fluocinolone is one of the CORTICOSTEROIDS and is applied t
o the skin as a cream, lotion
or ointment. It is more potent than hydrocortisone. It must not be given by mout
Fluorescein A dye which has the special property of absorbing blue-light
energy and emitting this
energy as green light. This property is made use of in examining the cornea for
scratches or ulceration; it
is also used to detect abnormally permeable (or leaking) blood vessels in the re
tina and iris especially
in diabetic retinopathy and diseases of the macula (see EYE; EYE, DISORDERS OF).
Fluoridation See FLUORINE.
Fluorine One of the halogen series of elements. In the form of fluoride
it is one of the constituents
of bone and teeth. Supplementing the daily intake of fluorine diminishes the inc
idence of dental caries
(see TEETH, DISORDERS OF). In America and in Britain, evidence indicates that pe
ople who, throughout their
lives, have drunk water with a natural fluorine content of 1 part per million ha
ve less dental caries than
those whose drinking water is fluorine-free. All the available evidence indicate
s that this is the most
satisfactory way of giving fluorine, and that if the concentration of fluorine i
n drinking water does not
exceed 1 part per million, there are no toxic effects. Several water companies i
n the UK have added
fluoride to the public water supply, but opponents of this policy, who claim tha
t fluoride has serious
sideeffects, have prevented fluoridation being introduced nationwide.
Fluoroscope An apparatus for rendering X-rays visible after they have pa
ssed through the body, by
projecting them on a screen of calcium tungstate. The technique is known as fluo
roscopy. It provides a
method of being able to watch, for instance, the beating of the heart, or the mo
vements of the intestine
after the administration of a barium meal. (See also X-RAYS.)

Fluoxetine Better known by its trade name Prozac , this drug one of the SE
INHIBITORS (SSRIS) has been widely used, especially in North America, for the tr
eatment of depression and
anxiety (see MENTAL ILLNESS). Though causing fewer side-effects than TRICYCLIC A
first such drugs widely used), SSRI drugs should be prescribed with care and sho
uld not be stopped
abruptly. Unlike benzodiazepine tranquillisers such as Valium , fluoxetine is not
addictive, but there have
been rare reports of it allegedly provoking people to acts of violence. The drug
acts by modifying the
activities of neurotransmitters, notably DOPAMINE and SEROTONIN in the brain, th
us prolonging the effects
of these chemical messengers.
Flupenthixol A tranquilliser used in the treatment of schizophrenia (see
Fluphenazine One of the phenothiazine derivatives, of value as an antips
ychotic drug. (See also
Flutamide An antiandrogen (see ANDROGEN) drug used in the treatment of c
ancer of the PROSTATE GLAND,
sometimes in conjunction with GONADORELIN.
Fluticasone An aerosol corticosteroid drug used in the prevention and tr
eatment of attacks of ASTHMA.
Inhaled corticosteroids have few or no systemic side-effects unless given in exc
essive dosage.
Flutter The term applied to a form of abnormal cardiac rhythm, in which
the atria contract at a rate of
200400 beats a minute, and the ventricles more slowly. The abnormal rhythm is the

278 Fluvastatin
of a diseased heart. (See FIBRILLATION.)
Fluvastatin One of the STATINS group of drugs used to reduce the levels
of LDL-CHOLESTEROL in the blood
and thus help to prevent coronary heart disease, which is more prevalent in peop
le with raised blood
cholesterol levels (see HEART, DISEASES OF).
Foetus See FETUS.
Folic Acid One of the constituents of the vitamin B complex, folic acid
derives its name from the fact
that it is found in many green leaves, including spinach and grass. It has also
been obtained from liver,
kidney and yeasts. It has proved to be of value in the treatment of macrocytic a
naemias (see ANAEMIA),
particularly those associated with SPRUE and nutritional deficiencies. In order
to prevent NEURAL TUBE
defects and cleft lip or palate (see CLEFT PALATE), all women planning to become
pregnant should be advised
to have a diet rich in folic acid in the months before conception until 13 weeks
gestation, or to take
folic acid tablets. Recent research has suggested that adequate levels of folic
acid can prevent the
build-up of homocysteine, a compound in the blood closely associated with heart
attacks and strokes. It has
been suggested that the official recommendation of 200 micrograms a day in the d
iet should be doubled. (See
Follicular Hormone See OESTRADIOL.
Fomentation (See also POULTICES.) Any warm application to the surface of
the body in the form of a
cloth. Usually, the fomentation cloth is heated by being wrung out of hot water.
Fomites A traditional term used to include all articles which have been
brought into sufficiently close
contact with a person sick of some infectious disease to retain the infective ma
terial and spread the
disease. For example, clothes, bedding, carpets, toys and books may all be fomit
es until they are
Fontanelle Areas on the head on which bone has not yet formed. The chief
of these is the anterior
fontanelle, situated on the top of the head between the frontal and two parietal
bones. In shape it is
four-sided, about 25 mm (1 inch) square at the time of birth, gradually diminish
ing until it is completely
covered by bone, which should happen by the age of 18 months. The pulsations of
the brain can be readily
felt through it. Delay in its closure is particularly found in cases of RICKETS,
as well as in other states

of defective development. The fontanelle bulges in raised intracranial pressure

(Plural: folia.) Latin term for leaf: for example, digitalis folium is d
igitalis leaf.
Mixture of substances containing CARBOHYDRATE, FAT, PROTEIN, VITAMINS, T
consumed by animals, including humans, to provide the necessary nutrients to mai
ntain the bodys
Food Intolerance
Follicle is the term applied to a very small sac or gland: for example,
small collections of adenoid
tissue in the throat, and the small digestive glands on the mucous membrane of t
he intestine.
This is divided into food aversion, where a person simply avoids a food
they dislike; food intolerance,
where taking the food causes symptoms; and food allergy, where the symptoms are
due to an immunological
reaction. Some cases of food intolerance are due to idiosyncrasy that is, a gene
tic defect in the
patient, such as alactasia, where the intestine lacks the enzyme that digests mi
lk sugar, with the result
that individuals so affected develop diarrhoea when they drink milk. Intolerance
to specific foods, as
distinct from allergy, is probably quite common and may be an important factor i
n the aetiology of the
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS). For the diagnosis of true food allergy, it is
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone A hormone produced by the anterior PITUITAR
Y which stimulates the
formation of follicles in the ovary each menstrual cycle (see OVARIES; MENSTRUAT
ION) and of spermatocytes
in the testis (see TESTICLE). It is under hypothalamic control (see HYPOTHALAMUS
) and in the female there
is feedback inhibition by oestrogens from the developing follicle. GLAND

Food Poisoning 279

necessary to demonstrate that there is a reproducible intolerance to a s
pecific food; also, that there
is evidence of an abnormal immunological reaction to it. Occasionally the allerg
ic response may not be to
the food itself but to food contaminants such as penicillin, or to food additive
s such as tartrazine. There
may also be reactions to foods which have pharmacological effects, such as caffe
ine in strong coffee or
histamine in fermented cheese, or such reactions may be due to the irritant effe
ct on the intestinal mucosa
(especially if it is already diseased) by, say, highly spiced curries. Testing b
lood and skin for food
allergy is beloved of some alternative practitioners but, in practice, the resul
ts of tests do not
necessarily agree with what happens when the food is taken. Therefore, a careful
history is as useful as
any test in making a diagnosis.
Food Poisoning This illness is characterised by vomiting, diarrhoea and
abdominal pain, and results
from eating food contaminated with metallic or chemical poisons, certain micro-o
rganisms or microbial
products. Alternatively, the foods such as undercooked red kidney beans or fish
of the scombroid family
(mackerel and tuna) may contain natural posions. Food poisoning caused by chemic
al or metallic substances
usually occurs rapidly, within minutes or a few hours of eating. Among micro-org
anisms, bacteria are the
leading cause of food poisoning, particularly Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium
perfringens (formerly Cl.
welchii), Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, and Escherichia coli O157. Stap
hylococcal food poisoning
occurs after food such as meat products, cold meats, milk, custard and egg produ
cts becomes contaminated
before or after cooking, usually through incorrect handling by humans who carry
S. aureus. The bacteria
produce an ENTEROTOXIN which causes the symptoms of food poisoning 18 hours after
ingestion. The toxin can
withstand heat; thus, subsequent cooking of contaminated food will not prevent i
llness. Heat-resistant
strains of Cl. perfringens cause food poisoning associated with meat dishes, sou
ps or gravy when dishes
cooked in bulk are left unrefrigerated for long periods before consumption. The
bacteria are anaerobes (see
ANAEROBE) and form spores; the anaerobic conditions in these cooked foods allow
the germinated spores to
multiply rapidly during cooling, resulting in heavy contamination. Once ingested
the bacteria produce
enterotoxin in the intestine, causing symptoms within 824 hours.
Many different types of Salmonella (about 2,000) cause food poisoning or
ENTERITIS, from eight hours to
three days after ingestion of food in which they have multiplied. S. brendeny, S
. enteritidis, S.
heidelberg, S. newport and S. thompson are among those commonly causing enteriti
s. Salmonella infections
are common in domesticated animals such as cows, pigs and poultry whose meat and
milk may be infected,

although the animals may show no symptoms. Duck eggs may harbour Salmonella (usu
ally S. typhimurium),
arising from surface contamination with the birds faeces, and foods containing un
cooked or lightly cooked
hens eggs, such as mayonnaise, have been associated with enteritis. The incidence
of human S. enteritidis
infection has been increasing, by more than 15-fold in England and Wales annuall
y, from around 1,100 a year
in the early 1980s to more than 32,000 at the end of the 1990s, but has since fa
llen to about 10,000. A
serious source of infection seems to be poultry meat and hens eggs. Although Salm
onella are mostly killed
by heating at 60 C for 15 minutes, contaminated food requires considerably longer
cooking and, if frozen,
must be completely thawed beforehand, to allow even cooking at a sufficient temp
erature. Enteritis caused
by Campylobacter jejuni is usually self-limiting, lasting 13 days. Since reportin
g of the disease began in
1977, in England and Wales its incidence has increased from around 1,400 cases i
nitially to nearly 13,000
in 1982 and to over 42,000 in 2004. Outbreaks have been associated with unpasteu
rised milk: the main source
seems to be infected poultry. ESCHERICHIA COLI O157 was first identified as a
cause of food poisoning in the early 1980s, but its incidence has increa
sed sharply since, with more
than 1,000 cases annually in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s. The illness c
an be severe, with bloody
diarrhoea and lifethreatening renal complications. The reservoir for this pathog
en is thought to be cattle,
and transmission results from consumption of raw or undercooked meat products an
d raw dairy products.
Cross-infection of cooked meat by raw meat is a common cause of outbreaks of Esc
herichia coli O157 food
poisoning. Water and other foods can be contaminated by manure from cattle, and
person-to-person spread can
occur, especially in children. Food poisoning associated with fried or boiled ri
ce is caused by Bacillus
cereus, whose heat-resistant spores survive cooking. An

280 Food Standards Agency

enterotoxin is responsible for the symptoms, which occur 28 hours after i
ngestion and resolve after
824 hours. Viruses are emerging as an increasing cause of some outbreaks of food
poisoning from shellfish
(cockles, mussels and oysters). The incidence of food poisoning in the UK rose f
rom under 60,000 cases in
1991 to nearly 79,000 in 2004. Public health measures to control this rise inclu
de agricultural aspects of
food production, implementing standards of hygiene in abattoirs, and regulating
the environment and process
of industrial food production, handling, transportation and storage.
applied to aid its delivery or to protect the soft skull of a very prema
ture baby. (See PREGNANCY AND
Food Standards Agency
An independent agency recently set up by the UK government. The aim is f
or the agency to protect
consumers interests in every aspect of food safety and nutrition. The agency advi
ses ministers and the
food industry, conducts research and surveillance, and monitors enforcement of f
ood safety and hygiene
Foramen The Latin term for a hole. It is especially applied to natural o
penings in bones, such as the
foramen magnum, the large opening in the base of the skull through which the bra
in and spinal cord are
Forced Diuresis A means of encouraging EXCRETION via the KIDNEYS of a co
mpound by altering the pH and
increasing the volume of the urine. Forced diuresis is occasionally used after d
rug overdoses, but is
potentially dangerous and so only suitable where proper intensive monitoring of
the patient is possible.
Excretion of acid compounds, such as salicylates, can be encouraged by raising t
he pH of the urine to
7585 by the administration of an alkali such as bicarbonate (forced alkali diuresis
) and that of bases,
such as AMPHETAMINES, by lowering the pH of the urine to 5565 by giving an acid suc
h as ammonium
chloride (forced acid diuresis).
Forced Feeding See ENTERAL FEEDING.
Forceps Surgical instruments with a pincer-like action which are used, f
or example, during operations,
for grasping tissues and other materials. There are many different designs for d
ifferent uses. Obstetric

forceps are designed to fit around the infants head and allow traction to be
Forensic Medicine That branch of medicine concerned with matters of law
and the solving of crimes, for
example, by determining the cause of a death in suspicious circumstances or iden
tifying a criminal by
examining tissue found at the scene of a crime. The use of DNA identification to
establish who was present
at the scene of the crime is now a widely used procedure in forensic medicine.
Formaldehyde The British Pharmacopoeia preparation, formaldehyde solutio
n, contains 3438 per cent
formaldehyde in water. It is a powerful antiseptic, and also has the power to ha
rden the tissues. The
vapour is very irritating to the eyes and nose.
Uses For disinfection it is largely used in the form of a spray; it can
also be vaporised by heat. One
of its advantages is that it does not damage metals or fabrics. In 3 per cent so
lution in water it is used
for the treatment of warts on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
Formestane One of the steroidal AROMATASE INHIBITORS recently introduced
for the treatment of patients
with advanced postmenopausal breast cancer. It is better tolerated than non-ster
oidal aromatase inhibitors
and acts by blocking the conversion of androgens (see ANDROGEN) to OESTROGEN in
peripheral tissue.
Formulary A list of formulae used as drugs and other medical preparation
s. The British National
Formulary is an authoritative six-monthly publication containing information and
advice on medicines and
drugs. Published jointly by the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharma
ceutical Society of Great
Britain, with input from the Department of Health, it is distributed to all NHS
doctors by the government.
In 2005 a BNF for children was published and many hospitals and general practice
s produce formularies for
use by doctors working in those facilities.

Freudian Theory 281

Fossa A term applied to various depressions or holes, both on the surfac
e of the body and in internal
parts, such as the iliac fossa in each lower corner of the abdomen, and the foss
ae within the skull which
lodge the different parts of the brain.
Fovea A small depression. In the EYE this is an area near the fundus whi
ch contains predominantly cones
and is the area with greatest visual acuity (see also VISION).
Bone fractures.
Fraenum See FRENUM.
Framycetin A broad-spectrum antibiotic derived from Streptomyces decaris
. It is active against a wide
range of organisms, and is used in drops to treat infections of the eyes and ear
Freckles Also known as ephelides, these are small, brown, flat spots on
the skin. They occur mostly in
blonde or red-haired subjects in exposed areas, and darken on exposure to the su
n. Melanocytes (see
MELANOCYTE) are not increased in the basal layer of the EPIDERMIS.
Free Association A psychoanalytic technique in which the therapist encou
rages the patient to follow up
a specific line of thought and ideas as they enter his or her consciousness.
Freeze Drying A technique for fixating specimens of tissue, involving a
minimum of chemical and
physical alteration. The histological specimen is immersed in a chemical, isopen
tane, which has been cooled
in liquid air to a temperature just below 200 C. This preserves the tissue instan
tly without large ice
crystals forming these would result in structural damage. The specimen is then d
ehydrated in a vacuum for
three days, after which it can be examined using a MICROSCOPE.
Fremitus Tremors or vibrations in an area of the body, detected by palpa
ting (feeling) with the fingers
or the hand or by auscultation (listening). The procedure is most commonly used
when examining the chest
and assessing what happens
when the patient breathes, coughs or speaks. This helps the doctor to di
agnose whether disorders such
as fluid in the pleural cavity or solidification of a section of the lung have o
ccurred. Friction fremitus
is a grating feeling communicated to the hand by the movements of lungs or heart
when the membrane covering
them is roughened, as in PLEURISY or PERICARDITIS. Vocal fremitus means the sens
ation felt by the hand when
a person speaks; it is increased when the lung is more solid than usual. The thri
lls felt over a heart
affected by valvular disease are also varieties of fremitus.

Frenum Also known as the fraenum or frenulum, this comprises the folds o
f mucous membrane that anchor
the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
Frequency (1) The number of regular recurrences of an event during a giv
en period of time. Examples in
medicine are the heartbeat, and sound vibrations in the EAR or vocal cords. (2)
The word is also used to
describe frequent passage of urine, a symptom that is usually caused by disorder
s in the urinary tract
for example, an infection; or any systemic disease which increases the daily out
put of urine for example,
DIABETES MELLITUS and DIABETES INSIPIDUS or disorders of the kidney.
Freudian Theory A theory that emotional and allied diseases are due to a
psychic injury or trauma,
generally of a sexual nature, which did not produce an adequate reaction when it
was received and therefore
remains as a subconscious or affect memory to trouble the patients mind. As an exte
nsion of this theory,
Freudian treatment consists of encouraging the patient to tell everything that h
appens to be associated
with trains of thought which lead up to this memory, thus securing a purging of th
e mind from the
original affect memory which is the cause of the symptoms. This form of treatment
is also called
psychocatharsis or abreaction. The general term, psychoanalysis, is applied, in
the first place, to the
method of helping the patient to recover buried memories by free association of
thoughts. In the second
place, the term is applied to the body of psychological knowledge and theory acc
umulated and devised by
Sigmund Freud (18561939) and his followers. The term psychoanalyst has traditionall
y been applied to
those who have undergone

282 Friction
Freudian training, but Freuds ideas are being increasingly questioned by
some modern psychiatrists.
the head, and sometimes infection develops known as SINUSITIS (see NOSE,
The anterior part of the cerebral hemisphere as far back as the central
sulcus. It contains the motor
cortex and the parts of the brain concerned with personality, behaviour and lear
ning. (See BRAIN.)
The name given either to the FREMITUS felt, or to the grating noise hear
d, when two rough surfaces of
the body move over one another. It is characteristically obtained over the chest
in cases of dry PLEURISY.
Friedreichs Ataxia A hereditary disease resembling LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA, and
due to degenerative changes
in nerve tracts and nerve cells of the spinal cord and the brain. It occurs usua
lly in children, or at any
rate before the 20th year of life, and affects often several brothers and sister
s. Its chief symptoms are
unsteadiness of gait, with loss of the knee jerks, followed later by difficultie
s of speech, tremors of the
hands, head and eyes, deformity of the feet, and curvature of the spine. There i
s often associated heart
disease. The sufferer gets gradually worse, but may live, with increasing disabi
lity, for 2030 years.
Frigidity A term used to describe a lack of interest in sexual intercour
se (COITUS) or the inability to
achieve intercourse or ORGASM. Though applicable to both sexes, frigidity is usu
ally applied to women with
these sexual problems.
Frhlichs Syndrome A condition in children characterised by obesity, physic
al sluggishness, and
retarded sexual development. It is the result of disturbed PITUITARY GLAND funct
Frontal Describing the anterior part of a body or organ.
Frontal Bone The bone which forms the forehead and protects the frontal
lobes of the brain. Before
birth, the frontal bone consists of two halves, and this division may persist th
roughout life a deep
groove remaining down the centre of the forehead. Above each eye is a heavy ridg
e in the bone, most marked
in men; behind this, in the substance of the bone, is a cavity on each side (the
frontal sinus) which
communicates with the nose. CATARRH in these cavities produces the frontal heada
che characteristic of a

cold in
Frontal Lobe
Frontal Sinus One of the airspaces that form the paranasal sinuses (see
SINUS) within some of the
frontal bones of the skull. These sinuses are lined with mucous membrane and ope
n into the nasal cavity.
Frostbite This results from the action of extreme cold (below 0 C) on the
results in a reduced blood and hence, oxygen supply, leading to NECROSIS of the
skin and, in severe
cases, of the underlying tissues. Chiefly affecting exposed parts of the body, s
uch as the face and the
limbs, frostbite occurs especially in people exercising at high altitudes, or in
those at risk of
peripheral vascular disease, such as diabetics (see DIABETES MELLITUS), who shou
ld take particular care of
their fingers and toes when in cold environments. In mild cases the condition so
metimes known as frostnip
the skin on exposed parts of the body, such as the cheeks or nose, becomes white
and numb with a sudden
and complete cessation of cold and discomfort. In more severe cases, blisters de
velop on the frozen part,
and the skin then gradually hardens and turns black until the frozen part, such
as a finger, is covered
with a black shell of dead tissue. Swelling of the underlying tissue occurs and
this is accompanied by
throbbing and aching. If, as is often the case, only the skin and the tissues im
mediately under it are
frozen, then in a matter of months the dead tissue peels off. In the most severe
cases of all, muscles,
bone and tendon are also frozen, and the affected part becomes cold, swollen, mo
ttled and blue or grey.
There may be no blistering in these severe cases. At first there is no pain, but
in time shooting and
throbbing pains usually develop.
Prevention This consists of wearing the right clothing and never venturi
ng on even quite short
expeditions in cold weather, particularly on mountains, without taking expert ad
vice as to what should be
Treatment Frostnip is the only form of frost-

Fungal and Yeast Infections

bite that should be treated on the spot. As it usually occurs on exposed
parts, such as the face, each
member of the party should be on the lookout for it in another. The moment that
whitening of the skin is
seen, the individual should seek shelter and warm the affected part by covering
it with his or her warm
hand or a glove until the normal colour and consistency of the affected part are
restored. In more severe
cases, treatment should only be given in hospital or in a well-equipped camp. In
essence this consists of
warming the affected part, preferably in warm water, against a warm part of the
body or warm air. Rewarming
should be done for spells of 20 minutes at a time. The affected part should neve
r be placed near an open
fire. Generalised warming of the whole body may also be necessary, using hot dri
nks, and putting the victim
in a sleeping bag.
Three types of fugue have been identified: (a) acute anxiety; (b) a mani
festation of DEPRESSION; (c) a
manifestation of organic mental state such as occurs after an epileptic seizure
Frozen Shoulder
Fungal and Yeast Infections
A painful condition of the shoulder accompanied by stiffness and conside
rable limitation of movement.
The usual age-incidence is between 50 and 70. The cause is inflammation and cont
racture of the ligaments
and muscles of the shoulder joint, probably due to overuse. Treatment is physiot
herapy and local steroid
infections. There is practically always complete recovery, even though this may
take 1218 months.
These infections, also called mycoses (see MYCOSIS), are common and part
icularly affect the skin or
mucosal membranes in, for example, the mouth, anus or vagina. Fungi consist of t
hreadlike hyphae which form
tangled masses or mycelia common mould. In what is called dermatophyte (multicel
lular fungi) fungal
infection of the hair, nails and SKIN, these hyphae invade the KERATIN. This is
usually described as
RINGWORM, although no worm is present and the infection does not necessarily occur
in rings. PITYRIASIS
versicolor and candidosis (monoliasis see CANDIDA), called thrush when it occurs
in the vulva, vagina and
mouth, are caused by unicellular fungi which reproduce by budding and are called
yeasts. Other fungi, such
as ACTINOMYCOSIS, may cause deep systemic infection but this is uncommon, occurr
ing mainly in patients with
immunosuppressive disorders or those receiving prolonged treatment with ANTIBIOT
Fructose Fructose is another name for laevulose, or fruit sugar, which i

s found along with glucose in

most sweet fruits. It is sweeter than sucrose (cane or beet sugar) and this has
led to its use as a
Frusemide A potent loop diuretic with a rapid onset (30 minutes), and sh
ort duration, of action. (See
Fugue The term literally means flight, and it is used to describe the me
ntal condition in which an
individual is suddenly seized with a subconscious motivation to flee from some i
ntolerable reality of
everyday existence: this usually involves some agonising interpersonal relations
hip. As a rule, fugue lasts
for a matter of hours or days, but may go on for weeks or even months. During th
e fugue the individual
seldom behaves in a particularly odd manner though he or she may be considered s
omewhat eccentric. When
it is over there is no remembrance of events during the fugue.
Fumigation A means of DISINFECTION by the vapour of powerful antiseptics
Fundus (1) The base of an organ, or that part remote from its opening. (
2) Point on the retina opposite
the pupil through which nerve fibres and blood vessels traverse the retina (see
Diagnosis and treatment Any person with isolated, itching, dry and scali
ng lesions of the skin with no
obvious cause for example, no history of eczema (see DERMATITIS) should be suspe
cted of having a fungal
infection. Such lesions are usually asymmetrical. Skin scrapings or nail clippin
gs should be sent for
laboratory analysis. If the lesions have been treated with topical steroids they
may appear untypical.
Ultraviolet light filtered through glass (Woods light) will show up microsporum i
nfections, which produce
a green-blue fluorescence. Fungal infections used to be treated quite effectivel
y with benzoic-acid
compound ointment; it has now been superseded by new IMIF

284 Fungus DAZOLES preparations, such as CLOTRIMAZOLE, MICONAZOLE and terbinafin

e creams. The


effective against yeast infections. If the skin is macerated it can be t
reated with magenta
(Castellanis) paint or dusting powder to dry it out. Refractory fungal infection
can be treated
systematically provided that the diagnosis of the infection has been confirmed.
Terbinafine, imidazoles and
GRISEOFULVIN can all be taken by mouth and are effective for yeast infections. (
Griseofulvin should not be
taken in pregnancy or by people with liver failure or porphyria.) (See also FUNG
Fungus A simple plant that is parasitic on other plants and animals. Inc
luded in this group are
mildews, moulds, mushrooms, toadstools and yeasts. Unlike other plants, they do
not contain the green
pigment chlorophyll. Most of the worlds 100,000 different species of fungus are h
armless or even
beneficial to humans. Yeasts are used in the preparation of food and drinks, and
antibiotics are obtained
from some fungi. A few, however, can cause fatal disease and illness in humans (
Fungus Poisoning Around 2,000 mushrooms (toadstools) grow in England, of
which 200 are edible and a
dozen are classified as poisonous. Not all the poisonous ones are dangerous. It
is obviously better to
prevent mushroom poisoning by ensuring correct identification of those that are
edible; books and charts
are available. If in doubt, do not eat a fungus. Severe poisoning from ingestion
of fungi is very rare,
since relatively few species are highly toxic and most species do not contain to
xic compounds. The most
toxic species are those containing amatoxins such as death cap (Amanita phalloid
es); this species alone is
responsible for about 90 per cent of all mushroom-related deaths. There is a lat
ent period of six hours or
more between ingestion and the onset of clinical effects with these more toxic s
pecies. The small
intestine, LIVER and KIDNEYS may be damaged therefore, any patient with gastroin
testinal effects thought
to be due to ingestion of a mushroom should be referred immediately to hospital
treatment with activated charcoal can be carried out, along with parenteral flui
ds and haemodialysis if the
victim is severely ill. In most cases where effects occur, these are early-onset
gastrointestinal effects
due to ingestion of mushrooms containing gastrointestinal irritants.
Muscarine is the poisonous constituent of some species. Within two hours
of ingestion, the victim
starts salivating and sweating, has visual disturbances, vomiting, stomach cramp
s, diarrhoea, vertigo,
confusion, hallucinations and coma, the severity of symptoms depending on the am
ount eaten and type of
mushroom. Most people recover in 24 hours, with treatment. Magic mushrooms are a v
ariety that contains

psilocybin, a hallucinogenic substance. Children who take such mushrooms may dev
elop a high fever and need
medical care. In adults the symptoms usually disappear within six hours.
Treatment If possible, early gastric lavage should be carried out in all
cases of suspected poisoning.
Identification of the mushroom species is a valuable guide to treatment. For mus
carine poisoning, ATROPINE
is a specific antidote. As stated above, hospital referral is advisable for peop
le who have ingested
poisonous fungi.
Funiculitis Inflammation of the SPERMATIC CORD, usually arising in men w
ith epididymitis (inflammation
of the EPIDIDYMIS in the TESTICLE). The condition can be painful. ANTIBIOTICS an
d ANALGESICS are effective
Funnybone Colloquial name for the small area at the back of the elbow wh
ere the ULNAR NERVE goes over a
prominence at the lower end of the HUMERUS bone. If the nerve is hit, acute pain
results, accompanied by
tingling in the forearm and hand.
Furuncle Another term for a boil.
Fusidic Acid A valuable antistaphylococcal antibiotic used both orally a
nd topically. It is
particularly useful in osteomyelitis (see BONE, DISORDERS OF).
Fusobacterium A species of gram-negative, rod-shaped BACTERIA. It occurs
among the normal flora of the
human mouth, COLON and reproductive tract. Occasionally, fusobacterium is isolat
ed from abscesses occurring
in the lungs, abdomen and pelvis. One variety occurs in patients with VINCENTS AN
GINA (trench mouth).

GABA, or gamma aminobutyric acid, is an amino acid (see AMINO ACIDS) tha
t occurs in the central nervous
system, mainly in the brain tissue. It is a chemical substance that transmits in
hibitory impulses from
nerve endings across synapses to other nerves or tissues.
Gag A device that, when placed between a persons teeth, keeps the mouth o
Gag Reflex Assessment of victims of major trauma must include maintenanc
e of their airways and
breathing. Any false teeth, vomitus and foreign bodies should be removed, and th
e response to digital
stimulation of the posterior pharyngeal wall the gag reflex assessed. Even with a
normal gag reflex,
the airway may be seriously threatened if vomiting occurs. During the initial st
ages of resuscitation,
careful and constant supervision of the airway is essential, with a high-volume
sucker immediately
available. If the gag reflex is absent or impaired, an endotracheal tube should
be inserted (see
In LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA or tabes dorsalis, the sensations derived from the l
ower limbs are blunted, and
consequently the movements of the legs are uncertain and the heels planted upon
the ground with unnecessary
force. When the person tries to turn or stands with the eyes shut, he or she may
fall over. When they walk,
they feel for the ground with a stick or keep their eyes constantly fixed upon i
t. In spastic paralysis the
limbs are moved with jerks. The foot first of all clings to the ground and then
leaves it with a spasmodic
movement, being raised much higher than is necessary. In PARKINSONISM the moveme
nts are tremulous, and as
the person takes very short steps, he or she has the peculiarity of appearing co
nstantly to fall forwards,
or to be chasing themselves. In CHOREA the walk is bizarre and jerky, the affect
ed child often seeming to
leave one leg a step behind, and then, with a screwing movement on the other hee
l, go on again.
Psychologically based idiosyncracies of gait are usually of a striking nature, q
uite different from those
occuring in any neurological conditions. They tend to draw attention to the pati
ent, and are worse when he
or she is observed.
Galactocele A cyst-like swelling in the breast which forms as a result o
f obstruction in the milk-duct
draining the swollen area.
The way in which an individual walks. Gait may be affected by inherited
disorders; by illness
especially neurological disorders; by injury; or by drug and alcohol abuse. Chil

dren, as a rule, begin to

walk between the ages of 12 and 18 months, having learned to stand before the en
d of the first year. If a
normal-sized child shows no ability to make movements by this time, the possibil
ity of mental retardation
must be borne in mind, and if the power of walking is not gained by the time the
child is a year and a half
old, RICKETS, CEREBRAL PALSY, or a malformation of the hip-joint must be exclude
d. In hemiplegia, or
PARALYSIS down one side of the body following a STROKE, the person drags the par
alysed leg. Steppage gait
occurs in certain cases of alcoholic NEURITIS, tertiary SYPHILIS (tabes) and oth
er conditions where the
muscles that raise the foot are weak so that the toes droop. The person bends th
e knee and lifts the foot
high, so that the toes may clear obstacles on the ground. (See DROP-FOOT.)
This term may refer to unusually copious secretion of milk from the mamm
ary glands when a mother is
feeding her baby. It is also used to describe secretion of milk after the mother
has stopped breast
Galactosaemia A very rare, recessively inherited disease, with an incide
nce of around one in 75,000
births. Its importance lies in the disastrous consequences of it being overlooke
d, and results from the
deficiency of an ENZYME essential for the metabolism of GALACTOSE. Normal at bir
th, affected infants soon
develop jaundice, vomiting, diarrhoea, and fail to thrive on starting milk feeds
. If the disorder remains
unrecognised, liver disease, cataracts (see EYE, DISORDERS OF) and mental retard
ation result. Treatment
consists of a lactose-free diet, and special lactose-free milks are now availabl
Galactose A constituent of lactose, galactose is a simple

286 Gall
sugar that is changed in the liver to glucose. A rare genetic metabolic
disease, GALACTOSAEMIA, results
in infants being unable to achieve this conversion because the enzyme necessary
for the reaction is absent.
Gall Another name for BILE.
Gall-Bladder See LIVER.
Gall-Bladder, Diseases of G
The gall-bladder rests on the underside of the LIVER and joins the commo
n hepatic duct via the cystic
duct to form the common BILE DUCT. The gall-bladder acts as a reservoir and conc
entrator of BILE,
alterations in the composition of which may result in the formation of gallstone
s, the most common disease
of the gallbladder.
Gall-stones affect 22 per cent of women and 11 per cent of men. The inci
dence increases with age, but
only about 30 per cent of those with gall-stones undergo treatment as the majori
ty of cases are
asymptomatic. There are three types of stone: cholesterol, pigment and mixed, de
pending upon their
composition; stones are usually mixed and may contain calcium deposits. The caus
e of most cases is not
clear but sometimes gall-stones will form around a foreign body within the bile du
cts or gall-bladder,
such as suture material. BILIARY COLIC Muscle fibres in the biliary system contr
act around a stone in the
cystic duct or common bile duct in an attempt to expel it. This causes pain in t
he right upper quarter of
the abdomen, with nausea and occasionally vomiting. JAUNDICE Gall-stones small e
nough to enter the common
bile duct may block the flow of bile and cause jaundice. ACUTE CHOLECYSTITIS Blo
ckage of the cystic duct
may lead to this. The gall-bladder wall becomes inflamed, resulting in pain in t
he right upper quarter of
the abdomen, fever, and an increase in the white-blood-cell count. There is char
acteristically tenderness
over the tip of the right ninth rib on deep inhalation (Murphys sign). Infection
of the gall-bladder may
accompany the acute inflammation and occasionally an EMPYEMA of the gall-bladder
may result. CHRONIC
CHOLECYSTITIS A more insidious form of gall-bladder inflammation, producing nonspecific symptoms of
abdominal pain, nausea and flatulence which may be worse after a fatty meal.
Diagnosis Stones are usually diagnosed on the basis of the patients repor
ted symptoms, although
asymptomatic gall-stones are often an incidental finding when investigating anot
her complaint. Confirmatory
investigations include abdominal RADIOGRAPHY although many gall-stones are not c
alcified and thus do not
show up on these images; ULTRASOUND scanning; oral CHOLECYSTOGRAPHY which entail
s a patients swallowing
a substance opaque to Xrays which is concentrated in the gall-bladder; and endos

copic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) a technique in which an ENDOSCOPE is passed into
the duodenum and a
contrast medium injected into the biliary duct.
Treatment Biliary colic is treated with bed rest and injection of morphi
ne-like analgesics. Once the
pain has subsided, the patient may then be referred for further treatment as out
lined below. Acute
cholecystitis is treated by surgical removal of the gall-bladder. There are two
techniques available for
this procedure: firstly, conventional cholecystectomy, in which the abdomen is o
pened and the gall-bladder
cut out; and, secondly, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in which fibreoptic instru
ments called endoscopes
(see FIBREOPTIC ENDOSCOPY) are introduced into the abdominal cavity via several
small incisions (see
MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY (MIS)). Laparoscopic surgery has the advantage of red
ucing the patients
recovery time. Gall-stones may be removed during ERCP; they can sometimes be dis
solved using ultrasound
waves (lithotripsy) or tablet therapy (dissolution chemotherapy). Pigment stones
, calcified stones or
stones larger than 15 mm in diameter are not suitable for this treatment, which
is also less likely to
succeed in the overweight patient. Drug treatment is prolonged but stones can di
sappear completely after
two years. Stones may re-form on stopping therapy. The drugs used are derivative
s of bile salts,
particularly chenodeoxycholic acid; side-effects include diarrhoea and liver dam
Other disorders of the gall-bladder These are rare. may form and, if sym
ptomatic, should be removed.
Malignant change is rare. CARCINOMA of the gall-bladder is a disease of the elde
rly and is almost
exclusively associated with gall-stones. By the time such a cancer has produced
symptoms, the prognosis is
bleak: 80 per cent of these patients die within one year of diagnosis. If the tu
mour is discovered early,
60 per cent of patients will survive five years. POLYPS

Gall-Stones See under GALL-BLADDER, DISEASES OF.
Gamete A sexual or germ cell: for example, an OVUM or SPERMATOZOON.
Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) See ASSISTED CONCEPTION.
Gamgee Tissue A surgical dressing composed of a thick layer of cotton-wo
ol between two layers of
absorbent gauze, introduced by the Birmingham surgeon, Sampson Gamgee (18281886).
Gamgee tissue has been a
registered trademark since 1911.
should be prescribed only when the potential benefits outweigh the risks
. It is also used for the
prevention of cytomegalovirus infection in patients who have had a liver transpl
Ganglion This term is used in two senses. In anatomy, it means an aggreg
ation of nerve cells found in
the course of certain nerves. In surgery, it means an enlargement of the sheath
of a tendon, containing
fluid. The latter occurs particularly in connection with the tendons in front of
, and behind, the wrist.
A drug that is used in the treatment of PEDICULOSIS and SCABIES.
Causes The cause of these dilatations on the tendon-sheaths is either so
me irregular growth of the
SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE which lines them and secretes the fluid that lubricates their
movements, or the
forcing-out of a small pouch of this membrane through the sheath in consequence
of a strain. In either case
a bag-like swelling forms, whose connection with the synovial sheath becomes cut
off, so that synovial
fluid collects in it and distends it more and more.
Symptoms A soft, elastic, movable swelling
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid See GABA.
Gamma Benzene Hexachloride
Gamma-globulin describes a group of proteins present in the blood PLASMA
. They are characterised by
their rate of movement in an electrical field, and can be separated by the proce
gamma-globulins are IMMUNOGLOBULINS. Gamma-globulin injection provides passive o
r active immunity against
Gamma Rays Short-wavelength penetrating electromagnetic rays produced by
some radioactive compounds.
More powerful than X-rays, they are used in certain RADIOTHERAPY treatments and
to sterilise some

Gammexane The proprietary name for a synthetic insecticide which is a fo
rmulation of benzene
hexachloride. It is active against a large range of insects and pests, including
mosquitoes, fleas, lice,
cockroaches, house-flies, clothes moths, bed-bugs, ants, and grain pests.
Ganciclovir A drug used in the treatment of life- or sightthreatening in
(CMV) in patients whose immune systems (see IMMUNITY) are compromised. Administe
red by intravenous
transfusion, the drug is toxic and
forms, most often on the back of the wrist. It is usually small and give
s no problems. Sometimes
weakness and discomfort may develop. A ganglion which forms in connection with t
he flexor tendons in front
of the wrist sometimes attains a large size, and extends down to form another sw
elling in the palm of the
Treatment Sudden pressure with the thumbs may often burst a ganglion and
disperse its contents beneath
the skin. If this fails, surgical excision is necessary but, as the ganglion may
disappear spontaneously,
there should be no rush to remove it unless it is causing inconvenience or pain.
Gangrene The death and decay of body tissues caused by a deficiency or c
essation of the blood supply.
There are two types: dry and moist. The former is a process of mummification, wi
th the blood supply of the
affected area of tissue stopping and the tissue withering up. Moist gangrene is
characterised by
putrefactive tissue decay caused by bacterial infection. The dead part, when for
med of soft tissues, is
called a slough and, when part of a bone, is called a sequestrum.
Causes These include injury especially that sustained in war disease,

288 Gargles
burns, ATHEROMA in large blood vessels, and diseases such as DIABETES ME
Gas gangrene is a form that occurs when injuries are infected with soil contamin
ated with gas-producing
bacilli such as Clostridium welchii, which are found in wellcultivated ground.
Treatment Dry gangrene must be kept dry, and AMPUTATION of the dead tiss
ue performed when a clear
demarcation line with healthy tissue has formed. Wet gangrene requires urgent su
rgery and prompt use of
appropriate antibiotics. G
Gargles Gargling is a process by which various substances in solution ar
e brought into contact with the
throat without being swallowed. The watery solutions used for the purpose are ca
lled gargles. Gargles are
used in the symptomatic treatment of infections of the throat: for example, sore
throat, pharyngitis and
The operation is sometimes still done if the patient has failed to respo
nd to dietary treatment and
treatment with H2-blocking drugs (see CIMETIDINE; RANITIDINE) along with antibio
tics to combat Helicobacter
pylori, an important contributary factor to ulcer development. Partial gastrecto
my is usually accompanied
by VAGOTOMY, which involves cutting the VAGUS nerve controlling acid secretion i
n the stomach. Among the
side-effects of gastrectomy are fullness and discomfort after meals; formation o
f ulcers at the new
junction between the stomach and duodenum which may lead to GASTRITIS and oesoph
agitis (see OESOPHAGUS,
DISEASES OF); dumping syndrome (nausea, sweating and dizziness because the food
leaves the stomach too
quickly after eating); vomiting and diarrhoea. The sideeffects usually subside b
ut may need dietary and
drug treatment.
Gastric Relating to or affecting the example, gastric ulcer.
Gastric Lavage
Also known as Hurlers syndrome, gargoylism is a rare condition due to lac
k of a specific ENZYME. It is
a progressive disorder usually leading to death before the age of 10 years. The
affected child is usually
normal during the first few months of life; mental and physical deterioration th
en set in. The
characteristic features include coarse facial features (hence the name of the co
ndition), retarded growth,
chest deformity, stiff joints, clouding of the cornea (see EYE), enlargement of
the liver and spleen,

deafness, and heart murmurs, with mental deterioration. It occurs in about one i
n 100,000 births.
A method of gastric decontamination used in the treatment of poisoning.
It is not used routinely.
Lavage involves the passage of a lubricated tube via the mouth and OESOPHAGUS in
to the stomach. Patients
are positioned on their side with the head lower than the feet. A small quantity
of fluid (300 ml) is
passed into the stomach and the contents then drained out (by gravity) by loweri
ng the end of the tube.
This is repeated until the solution is clear of particulate matter. The procedur
e should be done only by an
experienced health professional.
Gas Gangrene See GANGRENE.
Gastrectomy A major operation to remove the whole or part of the STOMACH
. Total gastrectomy is a rare
operation, usually performed when a person has cancer of the stomach; the OESPHA
GUS is then connected to
the DUODENUM. Sometimes cancer of the stomach can be treated by doing a partial
gastrectomy: the use of
partial gastrectomy to treat PEPTIC ULCER used to be common before the advent of
effective drug therapy.
Gastrin A hormone produced by the MUCOUS MEMBRANE in the pyloric part of
the STOMACH. The arrival of
food stimulates production of the hormone which in turn stimulates the productio
n of gastric juice.
Gastritis Inflammation of the STOMACH lining. This may take an acute for
m when excess alcohol or other
irritating substances have been taken, resulting in vomiting. Chronic gastritis
may be the result of
regular smoking and chronic alcoholism, or the condition may be caused by the ba
ck flow of BILE from the
DUODENUM. The common cause, however, is chronic infection

Gauchers Disease
with HELICOBACTER PYLORI. Symptoms are vague but victims are likely to d
evelop gastric ulcers or
sometimes cancer. Atrophic gastritis, when the mucosal lining of the stomach wit
hers away, may follow
chronic gastritis but sometimes occurs as an autoimmune disorder.
Gastrocnemius The large double muscle which forms the chief bulk of the
calf, and ends below in the
tendo calcaneus.
Gastroduodenostomy A surgical operation to join the DUODENUM to a hole m
ade in the STOMACH wall to
circumvent an obstruction in the gut for example, PYLORIC STENOSIS or to improve
the passage of food
from the stomach into the duodenum.
Gastroenteritis Inflammation of the STOMACH and intestines (see INTESTIN
E), usually resulting from an
acute bacterial or viral infection. The main symptoms are diarrhoea and vomiting
, often accompanied by
fever and especially in infants DEHYDRATION. Although generally a mild disease i
n western countries, it
is the number-one killer of infants in the developing world, with more than 15 mi
llion children dying
annually from the disease in India a situation exacerbated by early weaning and
Complications may include CONVULSIONS, kidney failure, and, in severe cases, bra
in damage.
Treatment This involves the urgent correction of dehydration, using intr
avenous saline and dextrose
feeds initially, with continuing replacement as required. Antibiotics are not in
dicated unless systemic
spread of bacterial infection is likely. (See also FOOD POISONING.)
Gastroenterostomy An operation performed usually in order to relieve som
e obstruction to the outlet
from the STOMACH. One opening is made in the lower part of the stomach; another
in a neighbouring loop of
the small intestine. The two are then stitched together.
Gastrointestinal Tract The passage along which the food passes, in which
it is digested (see
DIGESTION), and from which it is absorbed by lymphatics and blood vessels into t
he circulation. The tract
consists of the mouth, pharynx or throat, oesophagus or gullet, stomach, small i
ntestine, and large
intestine, in this order. For details, see articles under
these headings. The total length in humans is about 9 metres.
Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux A disorder in which the contents of the STOMba
ck up into the OESOPHAGUS
because the usual neuromuscular mechanisms for preventing this are intermittentl
y or permanently failing to
work properly. If persistent, the failure may cause oesophagitis (see OESOPHAGUS

, DISEASES OF). If a person

develops HEARTBURN, regurgitation, discomfort and oesophagitis, the condition is
called gastro-oesophageal
reflux disease (GORD) and sometimes symptoms are so serious as to warrant surger
y. Gastrooesophageal reflux
is sometimes associated with ACH
Gastro-oesophageal disease should be diagnosed in those patients who are
at risk of physical
complications from the reflux. Diagnosis is usually based on the symptoms presen
t or by monitoring the
production of acid using a pH probe inserted into the oesophagus through the mou
th, since lesions are not
usually visible on ENDOSCOPY. Severe heartburn, caused by the lining of the oeso
phagus being damaged by
acid and PEPSIN from the stomach, is commonly confused with DYSPEPSIA. Treatment
should start with graded
doses of one of the PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS; if this is not effective after sever
al months, surgery to
remedy the reflux may be required, but the effects are not easily predictable.
Gastroscope An endoscopic instrument (see ENDOSCOPE) for viewing the int
erior of the STOMACH.
Introduced into the stomach via the mouth and OESOPHAGUS, the long flexible inst
rument (also called an
oesophagogastroduodenoscope) transmits an image through a fibreoptic bundle or b
y a small video camera. The
operator can see and photograph all areas of the stomach and also take biopsy sp
ecimens when required. (See
Gastrostomy An operation on the STOMACH by which, when the gullet is blo
cked by a tumour or other
cause, an opening is made from the front of the abdomen into the stomach, so tha
t fluid food can be passed
into the organ.
Gauchers Disease A disease characterised by abnormal storage of LIPID, pa
rticularly in the SPLEEN,
central nervous system, BONE MARROW, and LIVER. This results in enlargement of t
he spleen and the

290 Gel
liver particularly of the former and ANAEMIA. It runs a chronic course.
Diagnosis is usually by
skin fibroblast glucocerebrosidase assay. Death often results from PNEUMONIA or
bleeding. Infantile
Gauchers often presents with marked neurological signs of rigid neck DYSPHAGIA, C
ATATONIA, hyper-reflexia
and low IQ. The disease can now be treated with enzyme replacement using algluce
rase. The annual cost per
patient is substantial several thousand pounds.
Gel G
The term applied to a COLLOID substance which is firm in consistency alt
hough it contains much water:
for example, ordinary GELATIN.
Gelatin This is derived from COLLAGEN, the chief constituent of CONNECTI
VE TISSUE. It is a colourless,
transparent substance which dissolves in boiling water, and on cooling sets into
a jelly. Such a jelly is a
pleasant addition to the invalid diet, especially when suitably flavoured, but i
t is of relatively little
nutritive value as not more than one ounce can be taken in the day (i.e. the amo
unt required to make one
pint of jelly). Although it is a protein, it is lacking in several of the vital
amino acids. The ordinary
household stock made from boiling bones contains gelatin. Mixed with about two and
a half times its
weight of glycerin, gelatin forms a soft substance used as the basis for many pa
stilles and suppositories.
Partially degraded gelatin is sometimes given as a PLASMA-substitute transfusion
for short-term emergency
treatment for patients in SHOCK as a result of a severe blood or fluid loss from
Gemeprost One of the PROSTAGLANDINS administered vaginally as pessaries
for the medical induction of
late therapeutic ABORTION. Gemeprost also softens the cervix before surgical abo
rtion, being particularly
useful for women in their first pregnancy. Prostaglandins induce contractions of
the UTERUS while keeping
blood loss to a minimum.
Gender Identity Disorders Gender identity is the
ity or femininity, and gender
role is an individuals public expression of being male,
us). Most people have
no difficulty because their gender identity and role are
h a gender identity
disorder, however, has a conflict between anatomical sex

inner sense of masculin

female, or a mix (androgyno
congruous. A person wit
and gender identity.

Gender is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental facto

rs, in which the influence of
family upbringing is an important factor. When physical sexual characteristics a
re ambiguous, the childs
gender identity can usually be established if the child is reared as being clear
ly male or female. Should,
however, the child be confused about its sexual identity, the uncertainty may co

ntinue into adult life.

Transsexuals generally experience conflicts of identity in childhood, and such p
roblems usually occur by
the age of two years. In this type of identity disorder, which occurs in one in
30,000 male births and one
in 100,000 female births, the person believes that he or she is the victim of a
biological accident,
trapped in a body different from what is felt to be his or her true sex. Treatme
nt is difficult:
psychotherapy and hormone treatment may help, but some affected individuals want
surgery to change their
bodys sexual organs to match their innately felt sexual gender. The decision to s
eek a physical sex change
raises major social problems for individuals, and ethical problems for their doc
tors. Surgery, which is not
always successful in the long term, requires careful assessment, discussion and
planning. It is important
to preclude mental illness; results in homosexual men who have undergone surgery
are not usually
satisfactory. Advice and information may be obtained from Gender Identity Consul
tancy Services.
General Dental Council A statutory body set up by the Dentists Act which
maintains a register of
dentists (see DENTAL SURGEON), promotes high standards of dental education, and
oversees the professional
conduct of dentists. Membership comprises elected and appointed dentists and app
ointed lay members. Like
other councils responsible for registering health professionals, the General Den
tal Council now comes under
the umbrella of the new Council for Regulatory Excellence, a statutory body. (Se
General Dental Services See DENTAL SURGEON.
General Medical Council (GMC) A statutory body of elected and appointed
medical practitioners and
appointed lay members with the responsibility of protecting patients and guiding
doctors in their
professional practice. Set up by parliament in 1858 at the request of the medica
l profession, which was
concerned by the large numbers of untrained

General Practitioner (GP)

people practising as doctors the GMC is responsible for setting educatio
nal and professional
standards; maintaining a register of qualified practitioners; and disciplining d
octors who fail to maintain
appropriate professional standards, cautioning them or temporarily or permanentl
y removing them from the
Medical Register if they are judged unfit to practise. The Council is funded by
doctors annual fees and is
responsible to the Privy Council. Substantial reforms of the GMCs structure and f
unctions have been and
are still being undertaken to ensure that it operates effectively in todays rapid
ly evolving medical and
social environment. In particular, the Council has strengthened its supervisory
and disciplinary functions,
and among many changes has proposed the regular revalidation of doctors professio
nal abilities on a
periodic basis. The Medical Register, maintained by the GMC, is intended to enab
le the public to identify
whom it is safe to approach to obtain medical services. Entry on the Register sh
ows that the doctor holds a
recognised primary medical qualification and is committed to upholding the profe
ssions values. Under
revalidation requirements being finalised, in addition to holding an initial qua
lification, doctors wishing
to stay on the Register will have to show their continuing fitness to practise a
ccording to the
professional attributes laid down by the GMC. Once revalidation is fully establi
shed, there will be four
categories of doctor: Those on the Register who successfully show their fitness
to practise on a regular
basis. Those whose registration is limited, suspended or removed as a result of
the Councils disciplinary
procedures. Those who do not wish to stay on the Register or retain any links wi
th the GMC. Those, placed
on a supplementary list, who do not wish to stay on the main Register but who wa
nt to retain a formal link
with the medical profession through the Council. Such doctors will not be able t
o practise or prescribe.

General Optical Council The statutory body that regulates the profession
s of ophthalmic OPTICIAN
(optometrist) and dispensing optician. It promotes high standards of education a
nd professional conduct and
was set up by the Opticians Act 1958.
General Paralysis of the Insane An outdated term for the tertiary stage
General Practitioner (GP) A general practitioner (family doctor; family pra
ctitioner) is a doctor
working in primary care, acting as the first port of professional contact for mo
st patients in the NHS.
There are approximately 35,000 GPs in the UK and their services are accessed by
registering with a GP

practice usually called a surgery or health centre. Patients should be able to s

ee a GP within 48 hours,
and practices have systems to try to ensure that urgent problems are dealt with
immediately. GPs generally
have few diagnostic or treatment facilities themselves, but can use local hospit
al diagnostic services
(X-rays, blood analysis, etc.) and can refer or admit their patients to hospital
, where they come under the
supervision of a CONSULTANT. GPs can prescribe nearly all available medicines di
rectly to their patients,
so that they treat 90 per cent of illnesses without involving specialist or hosp
ital services. Most GPs
work in groups of self-employed individuals, who contract their services to the
local Primary Care Trust
(PCT) see below. Those in full partnership are called principals, but an increas
ing number now work as
nonprincipals that is, they are employees rather than partners in a practice. Al
ternatively, they might
be salaried employees of a PCT. The average number of patients looked after by a
full-time GP is 1,800 and
the average duration of consultation about 10 minutes. GPs need to be able to de
al with all common medical
conditions and be able to recognise conditions that require specialist help, esp
ecially those requiring
urgent action. Until the new General Medical Services Contract was introduced in
2004, GPs had to take
individual responsibility for providing all necessary medical services at all time
s to their patient
list. Now, practices rather than individuals share this responsibility. Moreover
, the contract now applies
only to the hours between 8.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays; out-of-ho
urs primary care has become
the responsibility of PCTs. GPs still have an obligation to visit patients at ho
me on weekdays in case of
medical need, but home-visiting as a proportion of GP work has declined steadily
since the NHS began. By
contrast, the amount of time spent attending to preventive care and organisation
al issues has steadily
increased. The 2004 contract for the first time introduced payment for specific
indicators of good clinical
care in a limited range of conditions. A telephone advice service, NHS Direct, w
as launched in 2000 to give
an opportunity for patients to consult a trained nurse who guides

292 Generic Drug

the caller on whether the symptoms indicate that self-care, a visit to a
GP or a hospital Accident &
Emergency department, or an ambulance callout is required. The aim of this servi
ce is to give the patient
prompt advice and to reduce misuse of the skills of GPs, ambulance staff and hos
pital facilities.
Training of GPs Training for NHS general
practice after qualification and registration as a doctor requires a min
imum of two years
postregistration work in hospital jobs covering a variety of areas, including PA
of the elderly and PSYCHIATRY. This is followed by a year or more working as a re
gistrar in general
practice. This final year exposes registrars to life as a GP, where they start t
o look after their own
patients, while still closely supervised by a GP who has him- or herself been tr
ained in educational
techniques. Successful completion of summative assessment regular assessments duri
ng training
qualifies registrars to become GPs in their own right, and many newly qualified
GPs also sit the membership
exam set by the Royal College of General Practitioners (see APPENDIX 8: PROFESSI
growing number of GP practices offer educational attachments to medical students
. These attachments provide
experience of the range of medical and social problems commonly found in the com
munity, while also offering
them allocated time to learn clinical skills away from the more specialist envir
onment of the hospital. In
addition to teaching commitments, many GPs are also choosing to spend one or two
sessions away from their
practices each week, doing other kinds of work. Most will work in, for example,
at least one of the
following: a hospital specialist clinic; a hospice; occupational medicine (see u
MEDICINE AND DISEASES); familyplanning clinics; the police or prison services. S
ome also become involved in
medical administration, representative medicopolitics or journalism. To help the
m keep up to date with
advances and changes in medicine, GPs are required to produce personal-developme
nt plans that outline any
educational activities they have completed or intend to pursue during the forthc
oming year. NHS GPs are
allowed to see private patients, though this activity is not widespread (see PRI
Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) Groups of GPs (whether working alone, or in p
with others) are now obliged by the NHS to link communally with a number
of other GPs in the locality,
to form Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). Most have a membership of about 30 GPs, work
ing within a defined
geographical area, in addition to the community nurses and practice counsellors

working in the same area;

links are also made to local council social services so that health and social n
eeds are addressed
together. Some PCTs also run ambulance services. One of the roles of PCTs is to
develop primary-care
services that are appropriate to the needs of the local population, while also o
ccupying a powerful
position to influence the scope and quality of secondary-care services. They are
also designed to ensure
equity of resources between different GP surgeries, so that all patients living
in the locality have access
to a high quality and uniform standard of service. One way in which this is begi
nning to happen is through
the introduction of more overt CLINICAL GOVERNANCE. PCTs devise and help their m
ember practices to conduct
CLINICAL AUDIT programmes and also encourage them to participate in prescribing
incentive schemes. In
return, practices receive payment for this work, and the funds are used to impro
ve the services they offer
their patients.
Generic Drug A medicinal drug that is sold under its official (generic)
name instead of its proprietary
(patented brand) name. NHS doctors are advised to prescribe generic drugs where
possible as this enables
any suitable drug to be dispensed, saving delay to the patient and sometimes exp
ense to the NHS. (See
Genes Humans possess around 30,000 genes which are the biological units
of heredity. They are arranged
along the length of the 23 pairs of CHROMOSOMES and, like the chromosomes, there
fore come in pairs (see
GENETIC CODE). Human beings have 46 chromosomes, comprising two sex chromosomes
and 44 autosomes, but there
is also a mitochondrial chromosome outside the cell nucleus (see CELLS) which is
inherited from the mother.
Half of a persons genes come from the father and half from the mother, and this m
ix determines the
offsprings characteristics. (A quarter of a persons genes come from each of the fo
ur grandparents.) Genes
fulfil their functions by controlling the manufacture of particular proteins in
the body. The power that
genes have to

Genetic Code 293

influence the bodys characteristics varies: broadly, some are dominant (m
ore powerful); others are
recessive (less powerful) whose functions are overridden by the former. Genes ar
e also liable to change or
mutate, giving the potential for the characteristics of individuals or their off
spring to be altered. (See
Gene Therapy Gene therapy is the transfer of normal GENES into a patient
to combat the effects of
abnormal genes which are causing disease(s). The GENETIC ENGINEERING technique u
sed is SOMATIC cell gene
therapy in which the healthy gene is put into somatic cells that produce other c
ells for example, stem
cells that develop into BONE MARROW. Descendants of these altered cells will be
normal and, when sufficient
numbers have developed, the patients genetic disorder should be remedied. The abn
ormal gene, however, will
still be present in the treated individuals germ cells (eggs or sperm) so he or s
he can still pass the
inherited defect on to succeeding generations. Gene therapy is currently used to
treat disorders caused by
a fault in a single recessive gene, when the defect can remedied by introducing
a normal ALLELE. Treating
disorders caused by dominant genes is more complicated. CYSTIC FIBROSIS is an ex
ample of a disease caused
by a recessive gene, and clinical trials are taking place on the effectiveness o
f using LIPOSOMES to
introduce the normal gene into the lungs of someone with the disorder. Trials ar
e also underway to test the
effectiveness of introducing tumour-suppressing genes into cancer cells to check
their spread. Gene therapy
was first used in 1990 to treat an American patient. Eleven European medical res
earch councils (including
the UKs) recommended in 1988 that gene therapy should be restricted to correcting
disease or defects, and
that it should be limited to somatic cells. Interventions in germ-line cells (th
e sperm and egg) to effect
changes that would be inherited, though technically feasible, is not allowed (se
Genetic Code The message set out sequentially along the human CHROMOSOME
S. The human gene map is being
constructed through the work of the international, collaborative HUMAN GENOME
project; so far, only part of the code has been translated and this is t
he part that occurs in the
GENES. Genes are responsible for the PROTEIN synthesis of the cell (see CELLS):
they instruct the cell how
to make a particular polypeptide chain for a particular protein. Genes carry, in
coded form, the detailed
specifications for the thousands of kinds of protein molecules required by the c
ell for its existence, for
its enzymes, for its repair work and for its reproduction. These proteins are sy
nthesised from the 20
natural AMINO ACIDS, which are uniform throughout nature and which exist in the

cell cytoplasm as part of

the metabolic pool. The protein molecule consists of amino acids joined end to e
nd to form long polypeptide
chains. An average chain contains 100300 amino acids. The sequence of bases in th
e nucleic acid chain of
the gene corresponds in some fundamental way to the sequence of amino acids in t
he protein molecule, and
hence it determines the structure of the particular protein. This is the genetic
code. Deoxyribonucleic
acid (see DNA) is the bearer of this genetic information. DNA has a long backbon
e made up of repeating
groups of phosphate and sugar deoxyribose. To this backbone, four bases are atta
ched as side groups at
regular intervals. These four bases are the four letters used to spell out the g
enetic message: they are
adenine, thymine, guanine and cystosine. The molecule of the DNA is made up of t
wo chains coiled round a
common axis to form what is called a double helix. The two chains are held toget
her by hydrogen bonds
between pairs of bases. Since adenine only pairs with thymine, and guanine only
with cystosine, the
sequences of bases in one chain fixes the sequence in the other. Several hundred
bases would be contained
in the length of DNA of a typical gene. If the message of the DNA-based sequence
s is a continuous
succession of thymine, the RIBOSOME will link together a series of the amino aci
d, phenylalanine. If the
base sequence is a succession of cytosine, the ribosome will link up a series of
prolines. Thus, each amino
acid has its own particular code of bases. In fact, each amino acid is coded by
a word consisting of three
adjacent bases. In addition to carrying genetic information, DNA is able to synt
hesise or replicate itself
and so pass its information on to daughter cells. All DNA is part of the chromos
ome and so remains confined
to the nucleus of the cell (except in the mitochondrial DNA). Proteins are synth
esised by the ribosomes
which are in the cytoplasm. DNA achieves control over proG

294 Genetic Counselling

tein production in the cytoplasm by directing the synthesis of ribonucle
ic acid (see RNA). Most of the
DNA in a cell is inactive, otherwise the cell would synthesise simultaneously ev
ery protein that the
individual was capable of forming. When part of the DNA structure becomes active,
it acts as a template
for the ribonucleic acid, which itself acts as a template for protein synthesis
when it becomes attached to
the ribosome. Ribonucleic acid exists in three forms. First messenger RNA carries
the necessary message
for the synthesis of a specific protein, from the nucleus to the ribosome. Secon
d, transfer RNA collects
the individual amino acids which exist in the cytoplasm as part of the metabolic
pool and carries them to
the ribosome. Third, there is RNA in the ribosome itself. RNA has a similar stru
cture to DNA but the sugar
is ribose instead of deoxyribose and uracil replaces the base thymine. Before th
e ribosome can produce the
proteins, the amino acids must be lined up in the correct order on the messenger
RNA template. This
alignment is carried out by transfer RNA, of which there is a specific form for
each individual amino acid.
Transfer RNA can not only recognise its specific amino acid, but also identify t
he position it is required
to occupy on the messenger RNA template. This is because each transfer RNA has i
ts own sequence of bases
and recognises its site on the messenger RNA by pairing bases with it. The ribos
ome then travels along the
chain of messenger RNA and links the amino acids, which have thus been arranged
in the requisite order, by
peptide bonds and protein is released. Proteins are important for two main reaso
ns. First, all the enzymes
of living cells are made of protein. One gene is responsible for one enzyme. Gen
es thus control all the
biochemical processes of the body and are responsible for the inborn difference
between human beings.
Second, proteins also fulfil a structural role in the cell, so that genes contro
lling the synthesis of
structural proteins are responsible for morphological differences between human
Genetic Counselling The procedure whereby advice is given about the risk
s of a genetic disorder and the
various options that are open to the individual at risk. This may often involve
establishing the diagnosis
in the family, as this would be a prerequisite before giving any detailed advice
. Risks can be calculated
from simple Mendelian inheritance (see MENDELISM) in many genetic disorders. How
ever, in many disorders
with a genetic element, such as cleft lip or palate (see
CLEFT PALATE), the risk of recurrence is obtained from population studie
s. Risks include not only the
likelihood of having a child who is congenitally affected by a disorder, but als
o, for adults, that of
being vulnerable to an adult-onset disease. The options for individuals would in

clude taking no action;

modifying their behaviour; or taking some form of direct action. For those at ri
sk of having an affected
child, where prenatal diagnosis is available, this would involve either carrying
on with reproduction
regardless of risk; deciding not to have children; or deciding to go ahead to ha
ve children but opting for
prenatal diagnosis. For an adult-onset disorder such as a predisposition to ovar
ian cancer, an individual
may choose to take no action; to take preventive measures such as use of the ora
l contraceptive pill; to
have screening of the ovaries with measures such as ultrasound; or to take direc
t action such as removing
the ovaries to prevent ovarian cancer from occurring. There are now regional gen
etics centres throughout
the United Kingdom, and patients can be referred through their family doctor or
Genetic Disorders These are caused when there are mutations or other abn
ormalities which disrupt the
code of a gene or set of GENES. These are divided into autosomal (one of the 44
CHROMOSOMES which are not
sex-linked), dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-linked and polygenic disorders.
Dominant genes A dominant characteristic is an effect which is produced
whenever a gene or gene defect
is present. If a disease is due to a dominant gene, those affected are heterozyg
ous that is, they only
carry a fault in the gene on one of the pair of chromosomes concerned. Affected
people married to normal
individuals transmit the gene directly to onehalf of the children, although this
is a random event just
like tossing a coin. HUNTINGTONS CHOREA is due to the inheritance of a dominant g
ene, as is
neurofibromatosis (see VON RECKLINGHAUSENS DISEASE) and familial adenomatous POLY
ACHONDROPLASIA is an example of a disorder in which there is a high frequency of
a new dominant mutation,
for the majority of affected people have normal parents and siblings. However, t
he chances of the children
of a parent with the condition being affected are one in two, as with any other
dominant characteristic.
Other diseases inherited as dominant

Genetic Disorders 295

characteristics include spherocytosis, haemorrhagic telangiectasia and a
dult polycystic kidney disease.
Recessive genes If a disease is due to a recessive gene, those affected
must have the faulty gene on
both copies of the chromosome pair (i.e. be homozygous). The possession of a sin
gle recessive gene does not
result in overt disease, and the bearer usually carries this potentially unfavou
rable gene without knowing
it. If that person marries another carrier of the same recessive gene, there is
a one-in-four chance that
their children will receive the gene in a double dose, and so have the disease.
If an individual sufferer
from a recessive disease marries an apparently normal person who is a heterozygo
us carrier of the same
gene, one-half of the children will be affected and the other half will be carri
ers of the disease. The
commonest of such recessive conditions in Britain is CYSTIC FIBROSIS, which affe
cts about one child in
2,000. Approximately 5 per cent of the population carry a faulty copy of the gen
e. Most of the inborn
errors of metabolism, such as PHENYLKETONURIA, GALACTOSAEMIA and congenital adre
nal hyperplasia (see
ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME), are due to recessive genes. There are characteristics w
hich may be incompletely
recessive that is, neither completely dominant nor completely recessive and the
heterozygotus person,
who bears the gene in a single dose, may have a slight defect whilst the homozyg
otus, with a double dose of
the gene, has a severe illness. The sickle-cell trait is a result of the sicklecell gene in single dose,
and sickle-cell ANAEMIA is the consequence of a double dose.
Sex-linked genes If a condition is sexlinked, affected males are homozyg
ous for the mutated gene as
they carry it on their single X chromosome. The X chromosome carries many genes,
while the Y chromosome
bears few genes, if any, other than those determining masculinity. The genes on
the X chromosome of the
male are thus not matched by corresponding genes on the Y chromosome, so that th
ere is no chance of the Y
chromosome neutralising any recessive trait on the X chromosome. A recessive gen
e can therefore produce
disease, since it will not be suppressed by the normal gene of the homologous ch
romosome. The same
recessive gene on the X chromosome of the female will be suppressed by the norma
l gene on the other X
chromosome. Such sexlinked conditions include HAEMOPHILIA, CHRISTMAS DISEASE, DU
DYSTROPHY (see also MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF Myopathy) and nephrogenic DIAB
ETES INSIPIDUS. If the mother
of an affected child has another male relative affected, she is a heterozygote c
arrier; half her sons will
have the disease and half her daughters will be carriers. The sister of a haemop
hiliac thus has a 50 per
cent chance of being a carrier. An affected male cannot transmit the gene to his
son because the X

chromosome of the son must come from the mother; all his daughters, however, wil
l be carriers as the X
chromosome for the father must be transmitted to all his daughters. Hence sex-li
nked recessive
characteristics cannot be passed from father to son. Sporadic cases may be the r
esult of a new mutation, in
which case the mother is not the carrier and is not likely to have further affec
ted children. It is
probable that one-third of haemophiliacs arise as a result of fresh mutations, a
nd these patients will be
the first in the families to be affected. Sometimes the carrier of a sex-linked
recessive gene can be
identified. The sex-linked variety of retinitis pigmentosa (see EYE, DISORDERS O
F) can often be detected by
ophthalmoscopic examination. A few rare disorders are due to dominant genes carr
ied on the X chromosome. An
example of such a condition is familial hypophosphataemia with vitamin-D-resista
Polygenic inheritance In many inherited conditions, the disease is due t
o the combined action of
several genes; the genetic element is then called multi-factorial or polygenic.
In this situation there
would be an increased incidence of the disease in the families concerned, but it
will not follow the
Mendelian (see MENDELISM; GENETIC CODE) ratio. The greater the number of indepen
dent genes involved in
determining a certain disease, the more complicated will be the pattern of inher
itance. Furthermore, many
inherited disorders are the result of a combination of genetic and environmental
influences. DIABETES
MELLITUS is the most familiar of such multi-factorial inheritance. The predispos
ition to develop diabetes
is an inherited characteristic, although the gene is not always able to express
itself: this is called
incomplete penetrance. Whether or not the individual with a genetic predispositi
on towards the disease
actually develops diabetes will also depend on environmental factors. Diabetes i
s more common in the
relatives of diabetic patients, and even more so amongst identical twins. Nongen
etic factors which are
important in precipitating overt disease are obesity, excessive intake of carboh
ydrate foods, and

296 Genetic Engineering SCHIZOPHRENIA is another example of the combined effects

of genetic and

environmental influences in precipitating disease. The risk of schizophrenia in

a child, one of whose

parents has the disease, is one in ten, but this figure is modified by the early
environment of the child.
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering, or recombinant DNA technology, has only developed i
n the past decade or so; it is
the process of changing the genetic material of a cell (see CELLS). GENES from o
ne cell for example, a
human cell can be inserted into another cell, usually a bacterium, and made to f
unction. It is now
possible to insert the gene responsible for the production of human INSULIN, hum
INTERFERON from a human cell into a bacterium. Segments of DNA for insertion can
be prepared by breaking
long chains into smaller pieces by the use of restriction enzymes. The segments
are then inserted into the
affecting organism by using PLASMIDS and bacteriophages (see BACTERIOPHAGE). Pla
smids are small packets of
DNA that are found within bacteria and can be passed from one bacterium to anoth
er. Already genetic
engineering is contributing to easing the problems of diagnosis. DNA analysis an
d production of MONOCLONAL
ANTIBODIES are other applications of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering ha
s significantly contributed
to horticulture and agriculture with certain characteristics of one organism or
variant of a species being
transfected (a method of gene transfer) into another. This has given rise to hig
her-yield crops and to
alteration in colouring and size in produce. Genetic engineering is also contrib
uting to our knowledge of
how human genes function, as these can be transfected into mice and other animal
s which can then act as
models for genetic therapy. Studying the effects of inherited mutations derived
from human DNA in these
animal models is thus a very important and much faster way of learning about hum
an disease. Genetic
engineering is a scientific procedure that could have profound implications for
the human race.
Manipulating heredity would be an unwelcome activity under the control of maveri
ck scientists, politicians
or others in positions of power.
Genetic Fingerprinting This technique shows the relationships between in
dividuals: for example, it can
be used to prove maternity or paternity of a child. The procedure is also used in FORENSIC MEDICINE whereby any tissue left behind
by a criminal at the scene of a
crime can be compared genetically with the tissue of a suspect. DNA, the genetic
material in living cells,
can be extracted from blood, semen and other body tissues. The technique, pionee
red in Britain in 1984, is
now widely used.
Genetics The science which deals with the origin of the characteristics
of an individual or the study

Genetic Screening A screening procedure that tests whether a person has

a genetic make-up that is
linked with a particular disease. If so, the person may either develop the disea
se or pass it on to his or
her offspring. When an individual has been found to carry a genetically linked d
isease, he or she should
receive genetic counselling from an expert in inherited diseases. Genetic screen
ing is proving to be a
controversial subject. Arguments are developing over whether the results of such
screenings should be made
available to employers and insurance companies a move that could have adverse co
nsequences for some
individuals with potentially harmful genetic make-ups. (See GENES; GENETIC DISOR
Genital Herpes See HERPES GENITALIS.
Genitalia The external organs of reproduction. The term is usually appli
ed to the external parts of the
reproductive system: the VULVA in females and PENIS and SCROTUM in males. Rarely
the sex of an individual
may not be apparent from the genitalia. Genitals develop from a common embryonic
structure, and
disturbances in the hormone controls of the developing genitalia may produce an
individual whose external
genitalia are ambiguous. The condition is known as intersex. The individual may
Genito-Urinary Medicine The branch of medicine that deals with the effec
he body. The specialty
overlaps with GYNAECOLOGY (womens urinary and reproductive systems) and UROLOGY (
mens urinary and
reproductive system).

Genito-Urinary Tract This consists of the KIDNEYS, ureters (see URETER),
and, in the male, also the genital organs.
age, and particularly their social consequences (see also AGEING).
German Measles See RUBELLA.
Genome A complete set of CHROMOSOMES derived from one parent, or the tot
al gene complement of a set of
chromosomes. An international study is well underway to produce a complete map o
Genotype All of an individuals genetic information that is encoded in his
or her CHROMOSOMES. It also
means the genetic information carried by a pair of alleles which controls a part
icular characteristic. (See
Gentamicin An antibiotic derived from a species of microorganisms, Micro
monospora purpurea. Its main
value is that it is active against certain microorganisms such as Pseudomonas py
ocyanea, E. coli and
Aerobacter aerogenes which are not affected by other antibiotics, as well as sta
phylococci which have
become resistant to PENICILLIN.
Gentian Violet A dye belonging to the rosaniline group. It is a useful s
uperficial antiseptic for use
on unbroken skin.
Genu Valgum The medical term for knock-knee a deformity of the lower lim
bs in such a direction that
when the limbs are straightened, the legs diverge from one another. As a result,
in walking, the knees
knock against each other. The amount of knock-knee is measured by the distance b
etween the medial malleoli
of the ankles, with the inner surfaces of the knee touching and the knee-caps fa
cing forwards. The
condition is so common in children between the ages of 26 years that it may almos
t be regarded as a normal
phase in childhood. When marked, or persisting into later childhood, it can be c
orrected by surgery
Genu Varum Genu varum is the medical term for BOW LEG.
Geriatrics Now increasingly termed medicine of the elderly, this is a bran
ch of medicine that deals
with disorders and diseases associated with old
Germ Cell Those embryonic cells with the potential to develop into ova (
see OVUM) or spermatozoa (see
Germ Layer Any one of the three discrete varieties of body tissue that d

evelop in the early stages of

growth of the EMBRYO. Development of the layers can be followed throughout the e
mbryos stages of growth
and specialisation into the bodys full range of tissues and organs (see ECTODERM;
Gerontology The study of alterations in the body and mind that occur as
a person ages, and the problems
that result (see AGEING).
Gestaltism A school of psychology based on the concept that an individua
ls sense of wholeness is more
valuable than a piecemeal approach to perception and behaviour. Founded in Germa
ny early in the 20th
century, the schools practitioners regarded the whole as more than a sum of its p
arts. Aimed at resolving
personal problems, the therapy increased subjects self-awareness of all aspects o
f themselves in their
Gestation Gestation is another name for pregnancy (see PREGNANCY AND LAB
Giardiasis A condition caused by a parasitic organism known as Giardia l
amblia, which is found in the
duodenum (see INTESTINE) and the upper part of the small intestine. This organis
m is usually harmless, but
is sometimes responsible for causing diarrhoea. The illness develops one or two
weeks after exposure to
infection, and usually starts as an explosive diarrhoea, with the passage of pal
e fatty stools, abdominal
pain and nausea. It responds well to METRONIDAZOLE or MEPACRINE.

298 Giddiness
lymphatic system) are sometimes called that. While they do not produce s
ecretions, lymph glands do
release white blood cells, an essential part of the bodys defence system.
Glandular Fever
Excessive growth (mainly in height) caused by overproduction, during chi
ldhood or adolescence, of
GROWTH HORMONE by a tumour of the PITUITARY GLAND. Untreated, the affected indiv
idual may die in early
adulthood. Sometimes the tumour appears after the individual has stopped growing
and the result then is
ACROMEGALY rather than gigantism.
Gilles De La Tourettes Syndrome
Glans The term applied to the ends of the PENIS and the CLITORIS. In the
penis the glans is the distal,
helmet-shaped part that is formed by the bulbous corpus spongiosum (erectile tis
sue). In an uncircumcised
man the glans is covered by the foreskin or PREPUCE when the penis is flaccid.
Glasgow Coma Scale
Also known as Tourettes syndrome, this is a hereditary condition of sever
e and multiple tics (see TIC)
of motor or vocal origin. It usually starts in childhood and becomes chronic (wi
th remissions). With a
prevalance of one in 2,000, a dominant gene (see GENES) with variable expression
may be responsible. The
disorder is associated with explosive vocal tics and grunts, occasionally obscen
e (see COPROLALIA). The
patient may also involuntarily repeat the words or imitate the actions of others
HALOPERIDOL, pimozide (an oral antipsychotic drug similar to CHLORPROMAZINE hydr
ochloride) and clonidine
are among drugs that may help to control this distressing, but fortunately rare,
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gums (see
Gland A collection of CELLS or an ORGAN with a specialised ability to ma

ke and secrete chemical

substances such as enzymes and hormones essential for the normal functioning of
the body. Glands are
classified into two groups: ENDOCRINE and EXOCRINE. The former secrete their pro
ducts, hormones, straight
into the bloodstream; the latters secretions are discharged through ducts. (These
functional differences
are the reason why glands have been defined as ductless and ducted.) Examples of
endocrine glands are the
adrenals, PITUITARY GLAND and THYROID GLAND. Exocrine glands include SEBACEOUS G
LANDS (in the skin) and the
SALIVARY GLANDS in the mouth whose enzymes start the digestion of food. The BREA
STS or mammary glands are
exocrine glands that secrete milk. Though strictly speaking not a gland, LYMPH n
odes (part of the
A method developed by two doctors in Glasgow that is used to assess the
depth of COMA or
unconsciousness suffered by an individual. The scale is split into three groups
eye opening, motor
response, and verbal response with the level of activity within each group given
a score. A persons
total score is the sum of the numbers scored in each group, and this provides a
reasonably objective
assessment of the patients coma state particularly useful when monitoring people
who have suffered a
head injury. (See also PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE (PVS).)
Glaucoma A group of disorders of the eye characterised by the intraocula
r pressure being so high as to
damage the nerve fibres in the retina and the optic nerve (see EYE) as it leaves
the eye en route to the
brain. The affected person suffers limitation of the field of vision and on exam
ination the optic disc can
be seen to be cupped. The clinical signs depend on the rate and extent of rise i
n pressure. Individuals
most at risk have a family history of GLAUCOMA (especially among siblings), are
myopic (short-sighted), or
have diabetic or thyroid eye disease. People with a strong family history of the
disease should have
regular eye checks, including tonometry, from the age of 35 years. Glaucoma is u
sually classified as being
either open-angle glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma.
Open-angle glaucoma is a chronic, slowly progressive, usually bilateral
disorder. It occurs in one in
200 of people over 40 and accounts for 20 per cent of those registered blind in
Great Britain. Symptoms are
virtually non-existent until well into the disease, when the patient may experie
nce visual problems. It is

not painful. The characteristic findings are that the intraocular pressu
re is raised (normal pressure
is up to 21 mm Hg) causing cupping of the optic disc and a glaucomatous visual-f
ield loss. The angle
between the iris and the cornea remains open. Treatment is aimed at decreasing t
he intraocular pressure
initially by drops, tablets and intravenous drug administration. Surgery may be
required later. A
trabeculectomy is an operation to create a channel through which fluid can drain
from the eye in a
controlled fashion in order to bring the pressure down.
Narrow-angle glaucoma affects one in 1,000 people over 40 years of age a
nd is more common in women.
Symptoms may start with coloured haloes around street lights at night. These may
then be followed by rapid
onset of severe pain in and around the eye accompanied by a rapid fall in vision
. One eye is usually
affected first; this alerts the surgeon so that action can be taken to prevent a
similar attack in the
other eye. Treatment must be started as an emergency with a topical beta blocker
BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS) in eye drops with other drugs such as ADRENALI
NE or pilocarpine added as
necessary. Dorzolamide, a topical anhydrase inhibitor, can also be used. ACETAZO
LAMIDE, also an anhydrase
inhibitor, can be given by mouth. In an emergency before surgery, MANNITOL can b
e given through an
intravenous infusion; this is followed by surgery to prevent recurrence. Acute n
arrow-angle glaucoma occurs
because the peripheral iris is pushed against the back of the cornea. This close
s off the angle between
iris and cornea through which aqueous humour drains out of the eye. Since the aq
ueous humour cannot drain
away, it builds up inside the eye causing a rapid increase in pressure. Various
types of LASER treatment
trabeculoplasty (burning the trabecular network); iridotomy (cutting holes to reli
eve pressure); and
ciliary-body ablation by burning are sometimes used in preference to surgery.
Providing support and nutrition to neurones (see NEURON(E)), glia compri
ses various cells including
oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and ependymal cells. There are around ten times as
many glial cells as neurons
and they form about 40 per cent of the total volume of the brain and spinal cord
, playing an essential role
in the neurochemical transmission function of neurons (see BRAIN).
Glibenclamide A drug which stimulates the beta cells of the PANCREAS to
liberate INSULIN, and is used
to treat some patients with DIABETES MELLITUS. (See also SULPHONYLUREAS.)
Gliobastoma A type of brain tumour arising from tissue. It grows rapidly
, destroying brain cells and

causing a progressive loss of brain function. The patient suffers from headache
as a result of raised
cranial pressure, eventually vomiting regularly and becoming increasingly drowsy
. The prognosis is poor and
palliative treatment is required as surgical removal, radiotherapy and chemother
apy are not effective.
Glioma A tumour in the brain or spinal cord, composed of neuroglia, whic
h is the special connective
tissue that supports the nerve cells and nerve fibres (see GLIA). Low-grade mali
gnant gliomas cause
symptoms by putting pressure on surrounding tissues and organs. Highly malignant
gliomas are usually
invasive. Gliomas, like other spaceoccupying tumours in the brain, may present w
ith headaches, seizures,
neurological symptoms or symptoms of mental disturbance. Treatment may include s
urgery, radiotherapy and
chemotherapy and should be done in a specialist neurological centre. Gliomas ten
d to spread within the
brain and can be difficult to remove surgically.
Gleet means a chronic form of GONORRHOEA.
The term applied to the shallow socket on the shoulder-blade into which
the HUMERUS fits, forming the
Glia Also called neuroglia, this is the specialised connective tissue of
Globin A protein which, when it combines with haem, forms HAEMOGLOBIN th
e molecule found in the red
blood cell that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide.

300 Globulin
Globulin A class of proteins which are insoluble in water and alcohol an
d soluble in weak salt
solution. (See also GAMMA-GLOBULIN.)
Globus A term applied generally to any structures of ball shape, but esp
ecially to the sensation of a
ball in the throat causing choking, which forms a common symptom of acute anxiet
y (globus hystericus).
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Each of the two
filters a large volume
G of blood 25 per cent of cardiac output, or around 1,300 ml through its
two million glomeruli (see
GLOMERULUS) every minute. The glomeruli filter out cell, protein, and fat-free f
luid which, after
reabsorption of certain chemicals, is excreted as urine. The rate of this ultraf
iltration process, which in
health is remarkably constant, is called the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). E
ach day nearly 180 litres
of water plus some small molecular-weight constituents of blood are filtrated. T
he GFR is thus an indicator
of kidney function. The most widely used measurement is CREATININE clearance and
this is assessed by
measuring the amount of creatinine in a 24-hour sample of urine and the amount o
f creatinine in the plasma;
a formula is applied that gives the GFR.
middle ear. It also supplies the PAROTID GLAND and one of the muscles on
the side of the throat.
Glottis The narrow opening at the upper end of the LARYNX. The glottis i
s made up of the true vocal
Glucagon A hormone secreted by the alpha cells of the islets of Langerha
ns in the PANCREAS, which
increases the amount of glucose in the blood. This it does by promoting the brea
kdown of liver GLYCOGEN
(glycogenolysis). It is secreted in response to a lowered blood sugar and is use
d therapeutically to treat
Glucocorticoids One of the two main groups of CORTICOSTEROIDS. CORTISOL,
CORTISONE and corticosterone
are part of this group and are essential for the body to utilise CARBOHYDRATE, F
particular, when the body is reacting to stress. Glucocorticoids occur naturally
but can be synthesised,
and they have strong anti-inflammatory properties, being used to treat condition
s in which inflammation is
a part.
Gluconeogenesis The formation of sugar from amino acids in the

Glomerulitis See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF.

Glomerulonephritis See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF.
Glomerulus A small knot of blood vessels about the size of a grain of sa
nd, of which around 1,000,000
are found in each of the two KIDNEYS, and from which the excretion of fluid out
of the blood into the
tubules of the kidney takes place.
Glossitis Inflammation of the tongue. Causes include ANAEMIA, CANDIDA in
fection and dietary
(particularly vitamin) deficiencies. The condition may also occur as a result of
friction of the tongue
against the sharp edge of a tooth.
Glossopharyngeal The glossopharyngeal nerve is the ninth cranial nerve,
which in the main is a SENSORY
nerve, being the nerve of taste in the posterior third of the tongue and the ner
ve of general sensation for
the whole upper part of the throat and
Glucose Glucose, also known as dextrose or grape sugar, is the form of s
ugar found in honey and in
grapes and some other fruits. It is also the form of sugar circulating in the bl
oodstream, and the form
into which all sugars and starches are converted in the small INTESTINE before b
eing absorbed. Glucose is a
yellowish-white crystalline substance soluble in water and having the property o
f turning a ray of
polarised light to the right. It is often given to patients orally or, sometimes
, intravenously as an
easily assimilated form of CARBOHYDRATE. It has the further practical advantage
in this context of not
being nearly as sweet-tasting as cane sugar and therefore relatively large amoun
ts can be consumed without
sickening the patient.
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase An ENZYME that performs an essential f
unction in the metabolism of
CARBOHYDRATE. A deficiency in this enzyme acronym G6PD results in the breakdown

Glyco(HAEMOLYSIS), usually in the presence of oxidants (see OXIDANT) such as

infections or drugs. The
deficiency disorder is a hereditary condition in which the enzyme is absent. The
condition, characterised
by pallor, rigors and pain in the loin, is divided into African, European (inclu
ding FAVISM) and Oriental
types. Sufferers should avoid substances that trigger haemolysis. Acute episodes
are best treated
Glucose-Tolerance Test A way of assessing the bodys efficiency at metabol
ising GLUCOSE. The test is
used in the diagnosis of DIABETES MELLITUS. The patient is starved for up to 16
hours, after which he or
she is fed glucose by mouth. The concentrations of glucose in the blood and urin
e are then measured at
half-hour intervals over a period of two hours.
Glucoside A GLYCOSIDE formed from GLUCOSE.
Glue Ear Another name for secretory otitis media (see EAR, DISEASES OF).
Glue Sniffing See SOLVENT ABUSE.
Glutamate An amino acid (see AMINO ACIDS) which, along with aspartate, i
s a major excitatory chemical
neurotransmitter method of communication between neurones (see NEURON(E)) in the
central nervous
system. The two amino acids are found in the cortex and cerebellum of the BRAIN
and in the SPINAL CORD.
Glutaminase An ENZYME occurring in the KIDNEYS which catalyses the break
down of glutamine (see AMINO
ACIDS) to ammonia a phase in the production of the metabolic waste product, UREA
Gluteal The region of the buttock and the structures situated in it, suc
h as the gluteal muscles (see
GLUTEUS), arteries, and nerves.
Gluten The constituent of wheat-flour which forms an adhesive substance
on addition of water, and
allows the raising of bread. It can be separated from the starch of flour, and bei
ng of a protein nature
is used to make bread for those diabetics
who are debarred from starchy and sugary foods. It is also responsible f
or certain forms of what is now
known as the MALABSORPTION SYNDROME. In patients with this condition, an essenti
al part of treatment is a
gluten-free diet. (See also COELIAC DISEASE.)
Gluteus Three gluteal muscles form each buttock. The gluteus maximus is
the large, powerful muscle that
gives the buttocks their rounded shape. The remaining two muscles are the gluteu
s medius and gluteus

minimus; together the three muscles are responsible for moving the thigh.
Glycerin Glycerin, or glycerol, is an alcohol, C3H8O3, which occurs natu
rally in combination with
organic acids in the form of fats or triglycerides. It is a clear, colourless, t
hick liquid of sweet taste.
It dissolves many substances, and absorbs water effectively.
Uses Glycerin has many and varied uses. Numerous substances, such as car
bolic acid, tannic acid, alum,
borax, boric acid and starch, are dissolved in it for application to the body. I
t is frequently applied
along with other remedies to inflamed areas for its action in extracting fluid a
nd thus diminishing
Glycerol Another name for GLYCERIN.
Glyceryl Trinitrate Also known as trinitrin and nitroglycerin, this is a
drug used in the treatment of
ANGINA PECTORIS and left ventricular failure of the heart. It is normally given
as a sublingual tablet or
spray, though percutaneous preparations may be useful in the prophylaxis of angi
na particularly for
patients who suffer attacks at rest, and especially at night. Sublingually it pr
ovides rapid symptomatic
relief of angina, but is only effective for 2030 minutes. It is a potent vasodila
tor, and this may lead to
unwanted sideeffects such as flushing, headache, and postural HYPOTENSION. Its a
ntispasmodic effects are
also valuable in the treatment of ASTHMA, biliary and renal colic, and certain c
ases of VOMITING. (See also
GlycoA prefix meaning of the nature of, or containing, sugar.

302 Glycogen
The cells produce the main constituents of
Glycogen, or animal starch, is a CARBOsubstance found specially in the l
iver, as well as in other
tissues. It is the form in which carbohydrates taken in the food are stored in t
he liver and muscles before
they are converted into GLUCOSE as the needs of the body require.
Glycoproteins Compounds comprising a PROTEIN and a CARBOHYDRATE, such as
mucins, mucoid and amyloid.
G Glycoside A compound of a sugar and a non-sugar unit. Glycosides are w
idespread throughout nature and
include many important drugs such as DIGOXIN.
Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) This forms a small proportion of the to
tal HAEMOGLOBIN in the blood.
It differs from the major component, HbA, in that it has a glucose group attache
d. The rate of synthesis of
HbA1c is a function of the blood-glucose concentration, and since it accumulates
throughout the life span
of the red blood cell normally 120 days the concentration of HbA1c is related to
the mean blood-glucose
concentration over the past 34 months. It is thus a useful indicator of medium-te
rm diabetic control (see
DIABETES MELLITUS) a good target range would be a concentration of 58 per cent. W
hen interpreting the
HbA1c level, however, it is important to remember that wide fluctuations in bloo
dglucose concentration,
together with ANAEMIA or a reduced ERYTHROCYTES life span, may give misleading r
Goitre Goitre is a term applied to a swelling in the front of the neck c
aused by an enlargement of the
THYROID GLAND. The thyroid lies between the skin and the front of the windpipe a
nd in health is not large
enough to be seen. The four main varieties of goitre are the simple goitre, the
nodular, the lymphadenoid
goitre and the toxic goitre. (See THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF.)
Gold Salts These are used in the treatment of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Gold
may be administered in various
forms for example, sodium aurothiomalate. It is injected in very small doses int
ramuscularly and produces
a reaction in the affected tissues which leads to their scarring and healing. Au
ranofin is a gold
preparation that can be given orally; if no response has been achieved within si
x months the drug should be
stopped. It is less effective than gold given by intramuscular injection. If gol
d is administered in too
large quantities, skin eruptions, albuminuria (see PROTEINURIA), metallic taste
in the mouth, JAUNDICE, and

feverishness may be produced, so that it is necessary to prolong a course of thi

s remedy over many months
in minute doses. Routine blood and urine tests are also necessary in order to de
tect any adverse or toxic
effect at an early stage.
Golfers Elbow A term applied to a condition comparable to tennis elbow. I
t is not uncommon in the left
elbow of right-handed golfers who catch the head of their club in the ground whe
n making a duff shot.
The presence of sugar in the urine. By far the most common cause of glyc
but it may also occur as a result of a lowered renal threshold for sugar when it
is called renal
glycosuria, and is not indicative of disease. Measurements of the amounts of sug
ar in the urine is a
standard method used by patients (and health professionals) to assess the stabil
ity of treatment for
diabetes mellitus, indicating whether adjustment is required in the hypoglycaemi
c (sugar-lowering) agents
they are taking.
A gland which produces a gamete that is, an ovary (see OVARIES) or a tes
tis (see TESTICLE).
Goblet Cell A columnar secretory cell occurring in the EPITHELIUM of the
respiratory and intestinal
Gonadorelin A hormone that stimulates the PITUITARY GLAND to secrete thr
ee hormones: gonadotrophic,
luteinising and follicle-stimulating. Gonadorelin can be made artificially and g
iven by intravenous
injection. It is used to stimulate the OVARIES when treating infertile women, an
d to investigate suspected
disease of the HYPOTHALAMUS. Analogues of the hormone (buserelin and goserelin)
are chemically similar and
can be used to suppress release of gonadorelin, so cutting the production of pit
uitary hormones. The two
analogues are given to treat

Gonorrhoea ENDOMETRIOSIS, breast cancer (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF) and prostate
cancer (see PROSTATE


Gonadotrophins Gonadotrophins, or gonadotrophic hormones, are hormones t
hat control the activity of the
gonads (i.e. the testes and ovaries). In the male they stimulate the secretion o
production of spermatozoa (see SPERMATOZOON); in the female they stimulate the p
roduction of ova (see OVUM)
and the secretion of OESTROGENS and PROGESTERONE. There are two gonadotrophins p
roduced by the PITUITARY
in the urine.
Gonococci A bacterium of the species responsible for the sexually transm
itted disease GONORRHOEA.
Gonorrhoea Gonorrhoea is an inflammatory disease caused by Neisseria gon
ococcous, affecting especially
the mucous membrane of the URETHRA in the male and that of the VAGINA in the fem
ale, but spreading also to
other parts. It is the most common of the SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS).
According to the WHO, 200
million new cases are notified annually in the world. In the UK the incidence ha
s been declining since
1991; in 1999 the rate per million of population was 385 for males (599.4 in 199
1) and 171.3 for females
(216.5 in 1991).
Causes The disease is directly contagious from another person already su
ffering from it usually by
sexual intercourse, but occasionally conveyed by the discharge on sponges, towel
s or clothing as well as by
actual contact. The gonococcus is found in the discharge expressed from the uret
hra, which may be spread as
a film on a glass slide, suitably stained, and examined under the microscope; or
a culture from the
discharge may be made on certain bacteriological media and films from this, simi
larly examined under the
microscope. Since discharges resembling that of gonorrhoea accompany other forms
of inflammation, the
identification of the organism is of great importance. A gram-stained smear of u
rethral discharge enables
rapid identification of the gonococcus in around 90 per cent of men. Symptoms Th
ese differ considerably,
according to whether the disease is in an acute or a chronic stage.
After an incubation period of 210 days, irritation in the urethra, scaldi
ng pain on passing water, and
a viscid yellowish-white discharge appear; the glands in the groin often enlarge
and may suppurate. The
urine when passed is hazy and is often found to contain yellowish threads of pus
visible to the eye. After
some weeks, if the condition has become chronic, the discharge is clear and visc
id, there may be irritation
in passing urine, and various forms of inflammation in neighbouring organs may a
ppear the TESTICLE,
PROSTATE GLAND and URINARY BLADDER becoming affected. At a still later stage the
inflammation of the

urethra is apt to lead to gradual formation of fibrous tissue around this channe
l. This contracts and
produces narrowing, so that urination becomes difficult or may be stopped for a
time altogether (the
condition known as stricture). Inflammation of some of the joints is a common co
mplication in the early
stage the knee, ankle, wrist, and elbow being the joints most frequently affecte
d and this form of
rheumatism is very intractable and liable to lead to permanent stiffness. The fibr
ous tissues elsewhere
may also develop inflammatory changes, causing pain in the back, foot, etc. In o
ccasional cases, during the
acute stage, SEPTICAEMIA may develop, with inflammation of the heart-valves (END
OCARDITIS) and abscesses in
various parts of the body. The infective matter occasionally is inoculated accid
entally into the eye,
producing a very severe form of conjunctivitis: in the newly born child this is
known as ophthalmia
neonatorum and, although now rare in the UK. has in the past been a major cause
of blindness (see EYE,
DISORDERS OF). WOMEN The course and complications of the disease are somewhat di
fferent in women. It begins
with a yellow vaginal discharge, pain on urination, and very often inflammation
or abscess of the
Bartholins glands, situated close to the vulva or opening of the vagina. The chie
f seriousness, however,
of the disease is due to the spread of inflammation to neighbouring organs, the
and OVARIES, causing permanent destructive changes in these, and leading occasio
through the Fallopian tube with a fatal result. Many cases of prolonged ill-heal
th and sterility or
recurring miscarriages are due to these changes. MEN
Treatment The chances of cure are better the earlier treatment is instit
uted. PENICILLIN is the
antibiotic of choice but unfortunately the gonococcus is liable to become resist
ant to this. In patients
who are infected with

304 Good Medical Practice

penicillin-resistant organisms, one of the other antibiotics (e.g. cefot
axime, ciprofloxacin or
spectinomycin) is used. In all cases it is essential that bacteriological invest
igation should be carried
out at weekly intervals for three or four weeks, to make sure that the patient i
s cured. Patients attending
with gonorrhoea are asked if they will agree to tests for other sexually transmi
tted infections, such as
HIV (see AIDS/HIV) and for assistance in contact tracing.
Good Medical Practice Guidelines for doctors on the provision of good me
dical care laid down by the
Gout A term used to describe several disorders associated with a raised
concentration of URIC ACID in
the blood, of which various forms of inflammatory disease and kidney disease are
the most important. The
condition has an overall prevalence in the UK of around 06 per cent.
Causes The cardinal feature of gout is the presence of an excessive amou
nt of uric acid in PLASMA and
various body tissues, and its deposition in the joints in the form of sodium mon
ourate. The cause of this
excess is not known, but there is an hereditary element and there is a family hi
story of the disease in
5080 per cent of cases. Inadequate exercise, habitual over-indulgence in animal f
ood and rich dishes, and
excess of alcohol have been indicated as precipitating factors, but the disease
can occur in vegetarians
and teetotallers. Gout is infrequent before the age of 40, but it may occasional
ly affect very young people
in whom there is a strong family history. About 95 per cent of patients are male
s. In women it most often
appears during the menopause. Symptoms An attack of gout may appear without warn
ing, or there may be
premonitory symptoms. The affected joint is swollen and the symptoms come and go
, usually being worse at
night. Tophi (see TOPHUS) may develop around an affected joint. Urinary CALCULI
(uratebased) often occur in
patients with gout.
ROXEN should be started as soon
as possible for an acute attack. After the attack subsides, a lower dose should
be continued for at least a
week. Salicylates (such as aspirin) and diuretics should be avoided.
In patients prone to recurrent or particularly severe attacks, long-term
prophylaxis with ALLOPURINOL
is indicated, especially when associated with kidney disease. This drug, which h
as few side-effects, lowers

the serum urate concentration by preventing the formation of uric acid. A sensib
le weight-reducing diet is
usually helpful.
Graft The term applied to a piece of tissue removed from one person or a
nimal and implanted in another,
or the same, individual in order to remedy some defect. Skin grafts are commonly
used, and artificial skin
for grafting has recently been developed. Bone grafts are also used to replace b
one which has been lost by
disease: for example, a portion of rib is sometimes removed in order to furnish
support for a spine
weakened by disease, after removal of the damaged bone. Also, the bone of young
animals is used to afford
additional growth and strength to a limb-bone which it has been necessary to rem
ove in part on account of
disease or injury. Research is also underway on artifical bone. Vein grafts are
used to replace stretches
of arteries which have become blocked, particularly in the heart and lower limbs
. The veins most commonly
used for this purpose are the saphenous veins of the individual in question, pro
vided they are healthy. An
alternative is specially treated umbilical vein. (See SKINGRAFTING.) When a repl
acement organ, such as
kidney, heart or liver, is grafted into someones body, it called a transplant (see TR
Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) A condition that is a common complicati
on of BONE MARROW transplant
(see TRANSPLANTATION). It results from certain LYMPHOCYTES in the transplanted m
arrow attacking the
transplant recipients tissues, which they identify as foreign. GVHD may appear soon
after a transplant
or develop several months later. The condition, which is fatal in about a third
of victims, may be
prevented by immunosuppressant drugs such as ciclosporin.
Gram The unit of weight in the metric system, equal to a little over 154
grains. For the purposes of
weighing food, 30 grams are usually taken as being approximately equal to an

forms of chronic inflammation, such as
Grams Stain Bacteria can be stained with an iodine-based chemical dye cal
led Grams stain (after the
scientist who discovered the technique). Different bacteria react differently to
exposure to the stain.
Broadly, the bacterial specimens are stained first with gentian violet, then wit
h Grams stain, and finally
counterstained with a red dye after a decolorising process. Bacteria that retain
the gentian stain are
called gram-positive; those that lose it but absorb the red stain are called gra
m-negative. Some species of
staphylococcus, streptococcus and clostridium are gram-positive, whereas salmone
lla and Vibrio cholerae are
Grand Mal An out-of-date and now colloquial name for a tonic-clonic seiz
ure (in contrast to petit mal)
Granisetron One of several serotonin antagonists used to treat nausea an
d vomiting induced by CYTOTOXIC
Granulations Small masses of formative cells containing loops of newly f
ormed blood vessels which
spring up over any raw surface, as the first step in the process of healing of w
ounds. (See ULCER; WOUNDS.)
Granulocytes A variety of white blood cells, also called polymorphonucle
ar LEUCOCYTES, which, when
stained with Romanowsky stains containing thiazine dyes and eosin, are found to
contain granules in their
cytoplasm. The colour of the granules enables the cells to be further classified
as basophils, eosinophils,
and neutrophils. Neutrophils isolate and destroy invading bacteria pus comprises
mostly neutrophils.
Eosinophils are also involved in the bodys allergic response to foreign proteins,
and basophils are
involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions.
Granuloma A non-malignant or new growth made up of granulation tissue. T
his is caused by various

The name applied to any sediment which precipitates in the urine, but pa
rticularly to small crystal
masses of uric acid. It produces DYSURIA and other urinary symptoms. (See URINAR
Gravid Pregnant (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR).
Greenstick Fracture An incomplete fracture, in which the bone is not com
pletely broken across. It
occurs in the long bones of children and is usually due to indirect force. (See
Grey Matter Those parts of the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD that comprise mainl
y the interconnected and
tightly packed nuclei of neurons (nerve cells). The tissue is darker than that o
f the white matter, which
is made of axons from the nerve cells. In the brain, grey matter is mainly found
in the outer layers of the
cerebrum, which is the zone responsible for advanced mental functions. The inner
core of the spinal cord is
made up of grey matter.
Griseofulvin An antibiotic obtained from Penicillium griseofulvum Dierck
se, used to treat various forms
Groin The region which includes the upper part of the front of the thigh
and lower part of the abdomen.
A deep groove runs obliquely across it, which corresponds to the inguinal ligame
nt, and divides the thigh
from the abdomen. The principal diseased conditions in this region are enlarged
glands (see GLAND), and
Grommet A small bobbin-shaped tube used to keep open the incision made i
n the ear drum in the treatment
of secretory otitis media. It acts as a ventilation tube by allowing the Eustach
ian tube to recover its
normal function. The operation is now less commonly performed than 20 years ago.

306 Group Therapy

Group Therapy Psychotherapy in which at least two, but more commonly up
to ten, patients, as well as
the therapist, take part. The therapist encourages the patients to analyse their
own and the others
emotional and psychological difficulties. Group therapy is also used to help pat
ients sharing the same
condition for instance, alcoholism or compulsive gambling. They discuss their pr
oblems for perhaps an
hour twice a week and explore ways of resolving them.
Growing Pains Ill-defined discomfort and pains that occur in
G the limbs of some children. They occur mainly at night between the age
s of 612 years. The cause is
unknown, but the condition is not significant and does not require treatment onc
e other more important
conditions have been ruled out.
Growth A popular term applied to any new formation in any part of the bo
GANGLION; TUMOUR.) For growth of children, see WEIGHT AND HEIGHT.
Growth Hormone A product of the anterior part of the PITUITARY GLAND tha
t promotes normal growth and
development in the body by changing the chemical activity in the cells. The horm
one activates protein
production in the muscle cells as well as the release of energy from the metabol
ism of fats. Its release is
controlled by the contrasting actions of growth-hormone releasing factor and som
atostatin. If the body
produces too much growth hormone before puberty GIGANTISM results; in adulthood
the result is ACROMEGALY.
Lack of growth hormone in children retards growth. For many years growth hormone
was extracted from human
corpses and very rarely this caused CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (CJD) in the recip
ients. The hormone is now
genetically engineered, so safe.
ficially ventilated. Despite this, recovery is the rule.
Gulf War Syndrome A collection of varying symptoms, such as persistent t
iredness, headaches, muscle
pain and poor concentration, reported by members of the Coalition Armed Forces w
ho served in the 1991 Gulf
War. Whilst there is strong evidence for a health effect related to service, the
re is no evidence of a
particular set of signs and symptoms (the definition of a syndrome) unique to thos
e who served in the
Gulf War. Symptoms have been blamed on multiple possible hazards, such as exposu
re to depleted uranium
munitions, smoke from oil-well fires and use of pesticides. However, the only cl
early demonstrated
association is with the particular pattern of vaccinations used to protect again
st biological weapons. Many
conflicts in the past have generated their own syndromes, given names such as effo
rt syndrome and

shell-shock, suggesting a link to the psychological stress of being in the midst

of warfare.
Gullet Gullet, or OESOPHAGUS, is the tube down which food passes from th
e throat to the stomach.
Gum (a) The soft tissue surrounding the TEETH. Also called the gingiva,
this tissue protects underlying
structures and helps to keep the teeth tightly in the jawbones. Inflammation of
the gum is called
gingivitis and may be due to dental PLAQUE or to systemic disorders such as LEUK
complex viscid substance which exudes from the stems and branches of various tre
es, and consists
principally of arabin or bassorin. The two best-known gums are gum acacia and gu
m tragacanth. Gum-resins
such as asafoetida, galbanum and myrrh also contain resin.
Guillain-Barr Syndrome
A disease of the peripheral nerves causing weakness and numbness
limbs. It customarily occurs up
to three weeks after an infection for example, CAMPYLOBACTER infection
strointestinal tract
provoking an allergic response in the nerves. It may begin with weakness
legs and gradually spread
up the body. In the worst cases the patient may become totally paralysed
uire to be arti-

in the
of the ga
of the
and req

A painful condition of inflammation, ending sometimes as an ABSCESS, sit

uated in the gum about the root
of a carious tooth (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF Caries of the teeth).
Gumma A hard swelling, or GRANULOMA, characteristic of tertiary SYPHILIS
. It normally develops in the
skin or subcutaneous tissue, mucous mem-

branes or submucosa, and the long bones. Although often painless, it may
produce marked symptoms by
interfering with the brain or other internal organs in which it may be located.
Treatment with penicillin
(or tetracycline if the patient is allergic) usually ensures a rapid disappearan
ce of the gumma.
fertilisation or IVF (see under ASSISTED CONCEPTION). Covering the full
age range, it is closely
related to OBSTETRICS, while involving aspects of both surgery and psychiatry.
Gums, Diseases of
Plaster of Paris used to stabilise and externally splint fractured bones
. It is applied wet and moulded
to the appropriate shape to immobilise the broken bone (see BONE, DISORDERS OF B
one fractures.)
Gynaecology The branch of medicine dealing with the female pelvic and ur
ogenital organs, in both the
normal and diseased states. It encompasses aspects of CONTRACEPTION, ABORTION, a
nd in vitro
Gynaecomastia An abnormal increase in size of the male breast.
Gyrus Gyrus is the term applied to a convolution of the BRAIN.

H H2 Receptor Antagonists
These are drugs that block the action of HISTAMINE at the H2 receptor (w
hich mediates the gastric and
some of the cardiovascular effects of histamine). By reducing the production of
acid by the stomach, these
drugs chiefly cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine and nizatidine are valuable in
the treatment of peptic
ulcers (healing when used in high dose; preventing relapse when used as maintena
nce therapy in reduced
dose), reflux oesophagitis (see OESOPHAGUS, DISEASES OF), and the ZOLLINGERELLIS
ON SYNDROME. These drugs
are now being supplanted by PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS and HELICOBACTER PYLORI eradi
cation therapy. (See also
Habit A behavioural response or practice
vidual frequently repeating the
same act. The process is called habituation, and
a particular stimulus, the
less is he or she aroused by it. People may also
ugs, requiring more and
more of a substance to produce the same effect

that is established by the indi

the more a person is exposed to
become habituated to certain dr
a process known as

Haemarthrosis Haemarthrosis is the process of bleeding into, or the pres

ence of blood in, a joint. It
may occur as a result of major trauma (for example, fracture of the patella may
lead to bleeding into the
knee-joint), or, more commonly, following minor trauma. It may even occur sponta
neously, in cases of
HAEMOPHILIA or other disorders of blood clotting. If repeated several times, hae
marthrosis may lead to
FIBROSIS of the joint-lining and inflammation of the cartilage, causing marked s
tiffness and deformity.
Haematemesis Haematemesis means the vomiting of blood. Blood brought up
from the stomach is generally
dark in colour and may have been so far digested as to form small brown granules
resembling coffee grounds.
Vomiting of blood is one of the main symptoms of PEPTIC ULCER, but it may occur
in GASTRITIS, from
VARICOCOELES in the OESOPHAGUS, or, rarely, in cancer of the stomach. Gastritis
caused by an irritant
poison, sustained intake of ALCOHOL, or the regular use of certain drugs such as
ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) may cause bleeding. Blood may also originate fro
m the nose and throat, be
swallowed and then vomited. Persistent haematemesis or a sudden severe bleed is
a potentially serious
medical emergency and the patient should be referred urgently to hospital (see H
Habituation See HABIT.
Haem An iron-containing porphyrin (see PORPHYRINS) compound that combine
s with the protein GLOBULIN to
make HAEMOGLOBIN, a constituent of erythrocytes (red blood cells).

Haemangioma These can be acquired or congenital. The acquired type prese

nts as a red PAPULE which
bleeds easily; treatment is normally by cautery. A strawberry NAEVUS is a capillary
haemangioma appearing at or soon after birth, which may grow to a large size. Tr
eatment is not usually
required, as most of them fade although this may take a few years. Where a haema
ngioma is disfiguring or
interfering with vision or breathing, treatment is necessary: this may be by las
er, by using
CORTICOSTEROIDS or INTERFERON treatment, or by surgery.
Haematinic A drug that raises the quantity of HAEMOGLOBIN in the blood.
Ferrous sulphate is a common
example of iron-containing compounds given to anaemic (see ANAEMIA) patients who
se condition is due to iron
deficiency. Traditionally, haematinics have been used to prevent anaemia in preg
nant women, but nowadays a
maternal diet containing iron-rich foods and regular antenatal checks of haemogl
obin concentrations in the
blood should make the routine use of haematinics unnecessary.
Haematocoele A cavity containing blood. Generally as the result of an in
jury which ruptures blood
vessels, blood is effused into one of the natural cavities of the body, or among
loose cellular tissue,
producing a haematocoele.
Haematocolpos The condition in which menstrual blood cannot drain from t
he VAGINA because of an
imperforate HYMEN.

Also known as packed cell volume, this is an expression of the fraction
of blood volume occupied by the
ERYTHROCYTES. It is determined by centrifuging a sample of blood in a capillary
tube and measuring the
height of the resulting packed cells as a percentage of the total sample height.
Normal values: males 4253
per cent or 0.420.53 mL/dL females 3248 per cent or 0.360.48 mL/dL
A disease in which cirrhosis of the liver (see LIVER, DISEASES OF), enla
rgement of the SPLEEN,
pigmentation of the skin, and DIABETES MELLITUS are associated with the abnormal
and excessive deposit in
the organs of the body of the iron-containing pigment, haemosiderin. It is cause
d by an increase in the
amount of iron absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
A method of removing waste products or poisons from the circulating bloo
d using the principle of
DIALYSIS. The procedure is used on patients with malfunctioning or nonfunctionin
g KIDNEYS. It is done using
an artificial kidney or dialyser which restores blood to its normal state. The p
rocess has to be repeated,
sometimes for many months, until a donor kidney is available for transplantation
to replace the patients
failing one.
An adjective applied to a biological process which produces blood, or to
an agent produced in or coming
from blood. For example, a haematogenous infection is one resulting from contact
with blood that contains a
virus or bacterium responsible for the infection.
Haematologist A doctor or scientist who specialises in the study and tre
atment of blood and blood
Haematology The study of diseases of the blood.
Haematoma Haematoma means a collection of blood forming a definite swell
ing. It is found often upon the
head of newborn children after a protracted and difficult labour (cephalhaematom
a). It may occur as the
result of any injury or operation.
Haematuria Blood in the URINE. The blood may come from any part of the u
rinary tract. When the blood
comes from the kidney or upper part of the urinary tract, it is usually mixed th
roughout the urine, giving
the latter a brownish or smoky tinge. This condition is usually the result of gl
omerulonephritis, or it may

be present in persons suffering from high blood pressure or PYELITIS. Blood may
also appear in the urine
when a stone or gravel is present in the pelvis of the kidney setting up irritat
ion, especially after
exercise. The blood may also originate from a bladder that is inflamed or infect
ed or which contains benign
growths (papilloma) or malignant growths. Inflammation or injury to the URETHRA
can also cause haematuria.
Someone with haematuria should seek medical advice. (See also KIDNEYS, DISEASES
Haemic Murmur Unusual sounds heard over the heart and large blood vessel
s in severe cases of ANAEMIA.
They disappear as the condition improves.
Haemofiltration A technique similar to HAEMODIALYSIS. Blood is dialysed
using ultrafiltration through a
membrane permeable to water and small molecules (molecular weight <12,000). Phys
iological saline solution
is simultaneously reinfused.
Haemoglobin The colouring compound which produces the red colour of bloo
d. Haemoglobin is a
chromoprotein, made up of a protein called globin and the iron-containing pigmen
t, haemin. When separated
from the red blood corpuscles each of which contains about 600 million haemoglob
in molecules it is
crystalline in form. Haemoglobin exists in two forms: simple haemoglobin, found
in venous blood; and
oxyhaemoglobin, which is a loose compound with oxygen, found in arterial blood a
fter the blood has come
into contact with the air in the lungs. This oxyhaemoglobin is again broken down
as the blood passes
through the tissues, which take up the oxygen for their own use. This is the mai
n function of haemoglobin:
to act as a carrier of oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues of the body. Whe
n the haemoglobin leaves
the lungs, it is 97 per cent saturated with oxygen; when it comes back to the lu
ngs in the venous blood, it
is 70 per cent saturated. The oxygen content of 100 millilitres of blood leaving
the lungs is 195
millilitres, and that of venous blood returning to the lungs, 145 millilitres. Th
us, each 100 millilitres
of blood delivers 5 millilitres of oxygen to the tissues of the body. Human male
blood contains 1318 grams

310 Haemoglobinopathies
haemoglobin per 100 millilitres; in women, there are 1216 grams per 100 m
illilitres. A man weighing 70
kilograms (154 pounds) has around 770 grams of haemoglobin circulating in his re
d blood corpuscles.
Abnormal HAEMOGLOBIN formation occurs in the haemoglobinopathies, which
are hereditary haemolytic
anaemias, genetically determined and related to race. The haemoglobin may be abn
ormal because: (1) there is
a defect in the synthesis of normal adult haemoglobin as in THALASSAEMIA, when t
here may be an absence of
one or both of the polypeptide chains characteristic of normal adult haemoglobin
; or (2) there is an
abnormal form of haemoglobin such as haemoglobin S which results in sickle-cell
disease (see ANAEMIA). This
abnormality may involve as little as one amino acid of the 300 in the haemoglobi
n molecule. In sickle-cell
haemoglobin, one single amino-acid molecule that of glutamic acid is replaced by
another that of
valine; this results in such a deficient end product that the ensuing disease is
frequently severe.
Haemoglobinuria The presence of blood pigment in the URINE caused by the
destruction of blood
corpuscles in the blood vessels or in the urinary passages. It turns urine a dar
k red or brown colour. In
some people this condition, known as intermittent haemoglobinuria, occurs from t
ime to time, especially on
exposure to cold. It is also produced by various poisonous substances taken in t
he food. It occurs in
malarious districts in the form of one of the most fatal forms of MALARIA: BLACK
WATER FEVER. (See also
Haemolysis The destruction of red blood corpuscles by the action of pois
onous substances, usually of a
protein nature, circulating in the blood, or by certain chemicals. It occurs, fo
r example, gradually in
some forms of ANAEMIA and rapidly in poisoning by snake venom.
Haemolytic Disease of
ewborn, characterised by
haemolytic ANAEMIA (excessive
evere, it may be obvious
before birth because the baby
heart failure so-called
hydrops fetalis. It may first
naemia. The disease

the Newborn A potentially serious disease of the n

destruction of red blood cells) and JAUNDICE. If s
becomes very oedematous (see OEDEMA) and develops
present on the first day of life as jaundice and a

is due to blood-group incompatibility between the mother and baby, the c

ommoneset being rhesus
incompatibility (see BLOOD GROUPS). In this condition a rhesus-negative mother h
as been previously
sensitised to produce rhesus antibodies, either by the delivery of a rhesusposit

ive baby, a miscarriage or

a mismatched blood transfusion. These antibodies cross over into the fetal circu
lation and attack red blood
cells which cause HAEMOLYSIS.
Treatment In severely affected fetuses, a fetal blood transfusion may be
required and/or the baby may
be delivered early for further treatment. Mild cases may need observation only,
or the reduction of
jaundice by phototherapy alone (treatment with light, involving the use of sunli
ght, non-visible
ULTRAVIOLET light, visible blue light, or LASER). Whatever the case, the infants
serum BILIRUBIN the
bilirubin present in the blood and its HAEMOGLOBIN concentration are plotted reg
ularly so that treatment
can be given before levels likely to cause brain damage occur. Safe bilirubin co
ncentrations depend on the
maturity and age of the baby, so reference charts are used. High bilirubin conce
ntrations may be treated
with phototherapy; extra fluid is given to prevent dehydration and to improve bi
lirubin excretion by
shortening the gut transit time. Severe jaundice and anaemia may require exchang
e TRANSFUSION by removing
the babys blood (usually 10 millilitres at a time) and replacing it with rhesus-n
egative fresh bank blood.
Haemolytic disease of the newborn secondary to rhesus incompatibility has become
less common since the
introduction of anti-D (Rho) immunoglobulin. This antibody should be given to al
l rhesus-negative women at
any risk of a fetomaternal transfusion, to prevent them from mounting an antibod
y response. Anti-D is given
routinely to rhesus-negative mothers after the birth of a rhesus-positive baby,
but doctors should also
give it after threatened abortions, antepartum haemorrhages, miscarriages, and t
erminations of pregnancy.
Occasionally haemolytic disease is caused by ABO incompatibility or that of rare
r blood groups.
Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome A disease of children resulting in acute REN
AL failure. A febrile illness
of the gastrointestinal or respiratory tracts is followed by intravascular COAGU
LATION of blood which

and renal failure (resulting from fibrin deposition in renal arterioles
and glomerular capillaries).
The death rate is 210 per cent and the majority of patients survive without renal
failure. The longer the
period of OLIGURIA, the greater the risk of chronic renal failure. Treatment is
supportive, with
replacement of blood and clotting factors, control of HYPERTENSION, and careful
observation of fluid
Haemopericardium The presence of blood in the PERICARDIUM, the membranou
s sac which surrounds the
heart. The condition may result from a myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASE
S OF), leaking ANEURYSM,
injury, or tumour. Because the pericardial blood compresses the heart, the latte
rs pumping action is
impeded, reducing the blood pressure and causing cardiac failure. Urgent surgica
l drainage of the blood may
be required.
Haemophilia An inherited disorder of blood COAGULATION which results in
prolonged bleeding even after
minor injury. There is a deficiency of factor VIII, an essential clotting factor
in the coagulation cascade
the complex series of biochemical events that leads from injury of the wall of a
blood vessel to the
formation of a blood clot that checks bleeding. Haemophilia is a sex-linked rece
ssive disorder (though a
small number of cases arise by spontaneous mutation), so that, if females carry
the disease, onehalf of
their sons will be affected and one-half of their daughters will be carriers. Th
e sons of haemophiliacs are
unaffected but one-half of their daughters will be carriers. Haemophilia affects
approximately 1:4,000 of
the UK population but only 1:20,000 is severely affected. Severity of the diseas
e depends upon the
percentage, compared with normal, of factor VIII activity present. Less than 1 p
er cent and there will be
spontaneous bleeding into joints and muscles; 15 per cent and there will be occas
ional spontaneous
bleeding and severe bleeding after minor injury; 525 per cent and there will only
be severe bleeding after
major injury. Before treatment was available, severe haemophiliacs suffered from
acute pain and deformity
from bleeds into joints and muscles. Bleeding also occurred into the gut, kidney
s and brain, and few
survived past adolescence. Freeze-dried factor VIII may be kept in domestic refr
igerators. Haemophiliacs
can use it to abort minor bleeds by reconstituting it and injecting it intraveno
usly. More major bleeding
or preparation for surgery involves raising factor
VIII levels to 30100 per cent by giving cryoprecipitate. With treatment,
most haemophiliacs lead
normal lives, although obviously dangerous or contact sports should be avoided.
Before donors of blood were

screened for HEPATITIS B and C or for HIV infection (see AIDS/HIV), some individ
uals with haemophilia
receiving factor VIII were unwittingly infected with those diseases. Todays scree
ning procedures make such
infections very unlikely. There is a National Haemophilia Register and each regi
stered sufferer carries a
card with details about his or her condition. Information may also be obtained f
rom NHS haemophilia centres
and the Haemophilia Society.
Haemophilus Gram-negative (see GRAMS STAIN), rod-like, aerobic, non-spori
ng and non-motile parasitic
bacteria. Mostly found in the respiratory tract, they may be part of the normal
flora, but may also be
responsible for several diseases. The main pathogenic species of haemophilus is
H. influenzae, which may
cause severe exacerbations of chronic BRONCHITIS, as well as MENINGITIS, EPIGLOT
otitis media (see EAR, DISEASES OF). Other species may cause conjunctivitis (see
CHANCROID. Haemophilus species are sensitive to a wide range of antibiotics, tho
ugh generally resistant to
penicillin. Infants are routinely immunised with Haemophilus B vaccine to preven
t meningitis, septicaemia
and epiglottitis all potentially fatal disesases.
Haemopoietic Stem Cell This is the basic cell from which all types of bl
ood cells originate. Its
appearance is believed to be similar to that of a LYMPHOCYTE.
Haemopoiesis The formation of blood cells and PLATELETS a continuous pro
cess throughout life. As
ageing cells are removed from the circulation, new ones, generated in the BONE M
ARROW, replace them.
Haemoptysis The coughing-up of blood from the lungs. The blood is usuall
y bright red and frothy, thus
distinguishing it from blood brought up from the stomach. It is a potentially se
rious sign of lung disease,
although in elderly people haemoptysis may be due to a varicose condition of the
small veins in the throat.
In young people this condition is often due to bleeding from the nose, in which,
owing to the position of
the head, the

312 Haemorrhage
blood happens to run backwards instead of forwards through the nostrils.
The escape of blood from any of the blood vessels, normally in response
to some trauma, or as a result
of a clotting disorder such as HAEMOPHILIA. The bleeding may be external for exa
mple, following a skin
laceration; or it may be internal for example, haematemesis (bleeding into the s
tomach), haemoptysis
(bleeding from the lungs), or haematuria (bleeding from the kidneys or urinary t
ract). For more information
about these conditions, see separate entries. Bleeding into or around the brain
is a major concern
following serious head injuries, or in newborn infants following a difficult lab
our. Haemorrhage is
classified as arterial the most serious type, in which the blood is bright red a
nd appears in spurts (in
severe cases the patient may bleed to death within a few minutes); venous less s
erious (unless from torn
varicose veins) and easily checked, in which the blood is dark and wells up grad
ually into the wound; and
capillary, in which the blood slowly oozes out of the surface of the wound and s
oon stops spontaneously.
Haemorrhage is also classified as primary, reactionary, and secondary (see WOUND
S). Severe haemorrhage
causes SHOCK and ANAEMIA, and blood TRANSFUSION is often required. When a small
artery is cut across, the
bleeding stops in consequence of changes in the wall of the artery on the one ha
nd, and in the constitution
of the blood on the other. Every artery is surrounded by a fibrous sheath, and w
hen cut, the vessel
retracts some little distance within this sheath and a blood clot forms, blockin
g the open end (see
COAGULATION). When a major blood vessel is torn, such spontaneous closure may be
impossible and surgery is
required to stop the bleeding. Three main principles are applicable in the contr
ol of a severe external
haemorrhage: (a) direct pressure on the bleeding point or points; (b) elevation
of the wounded part; (c)
pressure on the main artery of supply to the part. Control of internal haemorrha
ge is more difficult than
that of external bleeding. First-aid measures should be taken while professional
help is sought. The
patient should be laid down with legs raised, and he or she should be reassured
and kept warm. The mouth
may be kept moist but no fluids should be given. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AI
Haemorrhoids Haemorrhoids, or piles, are varicose (swollen)
veins in the lining of the ANUS. They are very common, affecting nearly
half of the UK population at
some time in their lives, with men having them more often and for a longer time.

Varieties Haemorrhoids are classified into first-, second- and third-deg

ree, depending on how far they
prolapse through the anal canal. First-degree ones do not protrude; seconddegree
piles protrude during
defaecation; third-degree ones are trapped outside the anal margin, although the
y can be pushed back. Most
haemorrhoids can be described as internal, since they are covered with glandular
mucosa, but some large,
long-term ones develop a covering of skin. Piles are usually found at the three,
seven and eleven oclock
sites when viewed with the patient on his or her back.
Causes The veins in the anus tend to become distended because they have
no valves; because they form
the lowest part of the PORTAL SYSTEM and are apt to become overfilled when there
is the least interference
with the circulation through the portal vein; and partly because the muscular ar
rangements for keeping the
rectum closed interfere with the circulation through the haemorrhoidal veins. An
absence of fibre from
western diets is probably the most important cause. The result is that people of
ten strain to defaecate
hard stools, thus raising intraabdominal pressure which slows the rate of venous
return and engorges the
network of veins in the anal mucosa. Pregnancy is an important contributory fact
or in women developing
haemorrhoids. In some people, haemorrhoids are a symptom of disease higher up in
the portal system, causing
interference with the circulation. They are common in heart disease, liver compl
aints such as cirrhosis or
congestion, and any disease affecting the bowels.
Symptoms Piles cause itching, pain and often bleeding, which may occur w
henever the patient defaecates
or only sometimes. The piles may prolapse permanently or intermittently. The pat
ient may complain of aching
discomfort which, with the pain, may be worsened.
Treatment Prevention is important; a highfibre diet will help in this, a
nd is also necessary after
piles have developed. Patients should not spend a long time straining on the lav
atory. Itching can be
lessened if the PERINEUM is properly washed, dried and powdered. Prolapsed piles
can be replaced with the
finger. Local anaesthetic and steroid ointments can help to relieve symptoms whe
n they are rela-

Hallux Rigidus
tively mild, but do not remedy the underlying disorder. If conservative
measures fail, then surgery may
be required. Piles may be injected, stretched or excised according to the patien
ts particular
circumstances. Where haemorrhoids are secondary to another disorder, such as can
cer of the rectum or colon,
the underlying condition must be treated hence the importance of medical advice
if piles persist.
Haemosiderosis An increase in the amount of iron stored in the body. Rar
ely, it may be due to ingestion
of too much iron, but a more likely cause is repeated blood transfusions. The ex
tra iron may affect the
function of the heart and liver.
Haemostasis The process by which bleeding stops. It involves constrictio
n of blood vessels, the
formation of a platelet plug, and blood clotting. The term is also used for surg
ical interventions to stop
bleeding for example, the use of diathermy. (See COAGULATION; HAEMORRHAGE.)
Haemostatics A group of drugs used to treat bleeding disorders such as H
AEMOPHILIA. Factor VIII is one
of the clotting factors available for treatment: preparations of it are injected
after abnormal bleeding or
before surgery. Vitamin K preparations are another haemostatic group used to tre
at an overdose of
ANTICOAGULANTS. Haemostatic preparations of gelatine and cellulose are used to s
tem bleeding from the skin
and gums, or as a result of tooth extractions.
Haemothorax An effusion of blood into the PLEURAL CAVITY.
Hair, Removal of See DEPILATION.
Half Life The time taken for the PLASMA concentration of an administered
drug to decline by half as a
result of redistribution, METABOLISM and EXCRETION.
Halfway House A residential home for mentally ill individuals where they
can live under supervision
after discharge from hospital. They may be fit to work but cannot manage an inde
pendent life.
Halibut-Liver Oil The oil expressed from fresh, or suitably preserved, h
alibut liver. It is a
particularly rich source of vitamin A (30,000 international units per gram), and
also contains vitamin D
(2,300 2,500 units per gram). It is available in capsules as a means of providing
the two vitamins. (See
Halitosis Bad breath. This may be a sign of illness for example, lung di
sease or SINUSITIS; and a

person with DIABETES MELLITUS may have breath tainted with acetone if his or her
sugar metabolism is poorly
controlled. Usually, however, halitosis is caused by smoking, drinking alcohol,
eating certain foods
(garlic or onions), or inadequate oral and dental hygiene.
Hallucinations False perceptions arising without an adequate external st
imulus, as opposed to
illusions, which are misinterpretations of stimuli arising from an external obje
ct. Hallucinations come
from within, although the affected individual may see them as coming from without. N
evertheless, they
may occur at the same time as real perceptions, and may affect any sense (vision
, hearing, smell, taste,
touch, etc.).
Causes They may be the result of intense emotion or suggestion, sensory
deprivation (for example,
overwork or lack of sleep), disorders of sense organs, or disorders of the centr
al nervous system. Although
hallucinations may occur in perfectly sane people, they are more commonly an ind
ication of a MENTAL
ILLNESS. They may be deliberately induced by the use of HALLUCINOGENS. Hallucino
gens Compounds
characterised by their ability to produce distortions of perception, emotional c
hanges, depersonalisation,
and a variety of effects on memory and learned behaviour. They include CANNABIS,
Hallux The anatomical name of the great toe.
Hallux Rigidus Stiffness of the joint between the great toe and the foot
, which induces pain on
walking. It is usually due to a crush injury or stubbing of the toe. Such stubbi
ng is liable to occur in
adolescents with a congenitally long toe. If troubleH

314 Hallux Valgus

some, the condition is treated by an operation to create a false joint.
tissue such as smooth muscle and connective tissue.
Hallux Valgus
Outward displacement of the great toe always associated with a bunion (s
due to the pressure of footwear on an unduly broad foot. In adolescents, this br
oad foot is inherited; in
adults it is due to splaying of the foot as a result of loss of muscle tone. The
bunion is produced by
pressure of the footwear on the protruding base of the toe. In mild cases the we
aring of comfortable shoes
may be all that is needed. In more severe cases the bunion may need to be remove
d, while in the most severe
the operation of ARTHROPLASTY may be needed.
One of the carpal bones of the HAND that articulate between the METATARS
AL BONES and the RADIUS and
ulnar bones of the forearm.
Halo A coloured circle seen around a bright light in some eye conditions
. When accompanied by headache,
it is especially likely to be caused by GLAUCOMA.
Haloperidol One of the butyrophenone group of drugs used to treat patien
ts with psychoses (see
PSYCHOSIS). Its action is similar to that of the PHENOTHIAZINES. It is also used
in depot form, being
administered by deep intramuscular injection for maintenance control of SCHIZOPH
RENIA and other psychoses.
The drug may help to control tics and intractable hiccups.
Halothane A volatile liquid anaesthetic, used for many years as a potent
inhalant anaesthetic. It
provides smooth induction of ANAESTHESIA and is non-irritant and pleasant to inh
ale. A few patients have an
idiosyncracy to halothane, putting them at risk if it is used frequently, so a c
areful history is essential
before it is administered to a patient (see HALOTHANE HEPATITIS).
Halothane Hepatitis A very rare form of HEPATITIS following exposure to
HALOTHANE during anaesthesia
(1:35,000 halothane anaesthetics). Jaundice develops three to four days after ex
posure and will
occasionally develop into a fatal massive hepatic necrosis. It is of unknown aet
iology but probably has an
immunological basis. It is more common following multiple exposures in a short t
ime (less than 28 days),
and in obesity, middle age and females. It is rare in children.
Hamartoma These are benign tumours, usually in the lung, containing norm
al components of pulmonary

Hammer-Toe The deformity in which there is permanent flexion, or bending

, of the middle joint of the
toe. The condition may affect all the toes, as in CLAW-FOOT; more commonly it af
fects one toe, usually the
second. It is due to a relatively long toe and the pressure on it of the footwea
r. A painful bunion usually
develops on it (see CORNS AND BUNIONS). In mild cases, relief is obtained by pro
tecting the toe with
adhesive pads. If this does not suffice then an operation is necessary.
Hamstrings The name given to the tendons at the back of the knee two on
the inner side and one on the
outer side which bend this joint. They are attached to the tibia below. Strains,
or pulls, and tears of
the hamstring are common in people taking part in strenuous sports such as athle
tics, football, rugby and
tennis (see SPORTS MEDICINE).
Hand In structure, the hand has a bony basis of eight small carpal bones
in the wrist, five metacarpal
bones in the fleshy part of the hand, and three phalanges in each finger two onl
y in the thumb. From the
muscles of the forearm, 12 strong tendons run in front of the wrist. Of these, n
ine go to the fingers and
thumb and are bound down by a strong band, the flexor retinaculum, in front of t
he wrist. They are enclosed
in a complicated synovial sheath, and pass through the palm and down the fingers
. Behind the wrist, 12
tendons likewise cross from forearm to hand. Forming the ball of the thumb and t
hat of the little finger,
and filling up the gaps between the metacarpal bones, are other muscles, which a
ct to separate and bring
together the fingers, and to bend them at their first joints (knuckles).
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease A contagious disease due to infection with
coxsackie A16 virus (see
COXSACKIE VIRUSES). Most common in children, the incubation period is 35 days. It
is characterised by an
eruption of blisters on the palms and the feet (often the toes), and in the mout
h. The disease

ensure that these are user-friendly to such individuals. The health and
social-work professions also
contribute to reducing the impact of handicaps on the affected individuals.
Hanging Hanging is a form of death due to suspension of the body from th
e neck either suddenly, as in
judicial hanging (although not in the United Kingdom, as the death penalty is no
t used in the UK justice
system), so as to damage the spinal column and cord, or in such a way as to cons
trict the AIR PASSAGES and
the blood vessels to the brain. Death is, in any case, speedy, resulting in 23 mi
nutes if not
instantaneously. Apart from judicial hanging, and in the absence of any signs of
a struggle, hanging is
usually due to SUICIDE. The resuscitation of people found hanging is similar to
that for drowning. (See
APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID Cardiac/respiratory arrest.)
Hang-Nail A splitting of the skin (cuticle) at the side of a fingernail.
In manual workers it is
usually caused by trauma, but ISCHAEMIA of the fingers (see also RAYNAUDS DISEASE
) may predispose to the
condition. Secondary infection and inflammation may make hang-nail a very tender
condition; treatment
consists of reducing trauma, and the use of EMOLLIENTS and ANTIBIOTICS if necess
Hansens Disease The bones of the right hand and wrist (anterior view). Bo
nes marked (c) form the
carpal group of bones.
has no connection with foot and mouth disease in cattle, deer, pigs and
Handicap The inability to carry out a social, occupational or other acti
vity that could normally be
done by a person without such a handicap. The handicap may be partial or complet
e, physical or mental, and
may result from disease, injury or inherited disorder. The extent of the handica
p is measured against the
normal function of those in a peer group. The impairment may be functionally rat
her than physically based,
in which case the affected person may not always be aware of it until revealed b
y a clinical examination.
Considerable government and voluntary community efforts have been made to lessen
the day-to-day
difficulties of living faced by disabled people. Increasingly, public buildings,
houses and vehicles are
being modified to
Hantavirus A group of viruses that infect mice, rats and voles and can a
lso infect humans who come into
contact with the excreta or secretions of these animals. Widely distributed in A
sia, the USA and Europe, in

Britain hantavirus usually affects rural and sewage workers, as well as people e
ngaged in watersports. Many
victims have a mild feverish illness; severe cases are characterised by headache
, high temperature, nausea,
vomiting and even shock, accompanied by skin PETECHIAE. The kidneys and sometime
s the lungs are affected,
and in severely affected patients mortality is high.
Haploid An adjective describing organisms, cells or nuclei that have a s
ingle set of unpaired
CHROMOSOMES. Human beings have haploid gametes (see GAMETE) following MEIOSIS.
Hapten See ANTIGEN.

316 Hard Water

Hard Water
The term applied to water that contains a large amount of calcium and ma
gnesium salts (lime salts).
These form an insoluble curd with soap and thus interfere with the use of the wa
ter for washing. Hard water
is especially found in districts where the soil is chalky. Temporary hardness, w
hich is due mainly to the
presence of bicarbonates of lime, can be remedied by boiling, when the lime is p
recipitated as carbonate of
lime. Permanent hardness is not remedied by boiling, and is due to the presence
of a large amount of
sulphate of lime. It may be removed by the addition of sodium carbonate (washing
soda) or by the Permutit
process which involves the use of various combinations of silicate of alumina an
d soda. In the past, hard
water was often blamed for many ills without any convincing evidence. Epidemiolo
gists suggest that
drinking soft water may lead to a greater risk of heart disease.
Hartmanns Solution A solution commonly used as a means of fluid replaceme
nt in dehydrated patients
(see also DEHYDRATION). Each litre contains 31 grams of sodium lactate, 6 grams o
f sodium chloride, 04
grams of potassium chloride, and 07 grams of calcium chloride.
Hashimotos Disease A condition in which the whole of the THYROID is diffu
sely enlarged and firm. It is
one of the diseases produced by AUTOIMMUNITY. The enlargement is due to diffuse
infiltration of lymphocytes
and increase of fibrous tissue. This form of GOITRE appears in middle-aged women
, does not give rise to
symptoms of thyrotoxicosis (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF Thyrotoxicosis), and
tends to produce
myxoedema (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF Hypothyroidism). GLAND
Haversian Canals The fine canals in BONE which carry the blood vessels,
lymphatics and nerves necessary
for the maintenance and repair of bone.
Hay Fever Also known as allergic rhinitis, this is caused by an ALLERGY
to the pollen of grasses, trees
and other plants. Contact with the particular pollen to which the sufferer is al
lergic causes HISTAMINE
release, resulting in a blocked, runny nose and itchy, watering eyes. It affects
approximately 3 million
people each year in the UK.
The mainstays of treatment are ANTIHISTAtaken by mouth, and the use of s
teroid and cromoglycate nasal
sprays and eye drops. Occasionally desensitisation by injection may work if the
particular allergen is

Headache A very common condition which may vary considerably in severity
, type, significance and cause.
At one extreme, headache may indicate the presence of a tumour or MENINGITIS, wh
ile at the other it may
merely indicate a common cold or tiredness. Even so, persistent or recurrent hea
daches should always be
taken seriously. Although the brain itself is insensitive to pain, the surroundi
ng membranes meninges
are very sensitive, and changes in intracranial arteries, or spasm of the neck o
r scalp muscles, which may
occur for various reasons, may cause considerable pain. In most cases a clinical
diagnosis should be
possible; further investigations should only be necessary following head injury,
if headaches recur, or if
neurological signs such as drowsiness, vomiting, confusion, seizures or focal si
gns develop. Stress and
anxiety are probably the most common causes of headache and, where possible, the
reasons overwork, family
problems, unemployment, financial difficulties, etc. should be tackled. An unple
asant environment such as
traffic pollution or badly ventilated or overcrowded working conditions may prov
oke headaches in some
people, as may excessive smoking or caffeine intake. MIGRAINE is a characteristi
c and often disabling type
of headache; high blood pressure may cause the condition (see HYPERTENSION); and
, occasionally, refractive
errors of the eyes (see EYE, DISORDERS OF) are associated with headaches. SINUS
infections are often
characterised by frontal headaches. Rheumatism in the muscles of the neck and sc
alp produce headaches;
fever is commonly accompanied by a headache; and sunstroke and HEAT STROKE custo
marily result in headaches.
Finally, diseases in the brain such as meningitis, tumours and HAEMORRHAGE may f
irst manifest themselves as
persistent or recurrent headaches.
Treatment Obtaining a reliable diagnosis with the help of further invest
igations, including CT (see
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY) or MRI scanning when indicated should always be the

Health-Care Priorities
initial aim; treatment in most cases should then be aimed at the underly
ing condition. Particular
concerns include headache that worsens at night or in the early morning; ever-in
creasing headaches; those
associated with abnormal neurological signs on examination; or those associated
with fits (see FIT).
Whether the cause is physical or stressinduced, used sensibly and for a limited
period a low dose of
aspirin or paracetamol may be helpful. In many cases of stress-induced headache,
however, the most
effective treatment is relaxation. There are many specific treatments for migrai
ne and hypertension.
Sinusitis is treated with antibiotics and sometimes by surgery.
Head Injury Any injury to the head, whether associated with a skull frac
Bone fractures) or not. Patients with head injuries should be assessed for signs
of neurological damage,
which may not develop at once. Patients who after a head injury are or have been
UNCONSCIOUS or who are
drowsy, vomiting, confused or have any focal neurological signs for example, blu
rred vision or a motor or
sensory malfunction should be seen by a doctor. Particular care should be taken
with individuals who have
consumed alcohol and sustained a head injury in a fight, fall or vehicle acciden
t. Symptoms indicative of a
severe head injury may be attributed (wrongly) to the effects of alcohol, and cr
ucial time thus lost in
treating the injury. In hospital the possible need for urgent action is monitore
d by use of the GLASGOW
COMA SCALE. People suffering the results of such injuries and their relatives ca
n obtain help and advice
from Headway the brain injury association.
Heaf Test A skin test to find out if a person is immune to TUBERCULOSIS.
TUBERCULIN (a preparation
derived from the TUBERCLE bacillus) is injected via punctures in the skin of the
forearm, using a
spring-loaded gunlike instrument with six very short needles set in circular for
m. A positive test is
indicated by a red raised reaction of the skin: this means that the subject is i
mmune. If the result is
negative, the subject can be given BCG VACCINE.
Healing See WOUNDS.
Health The state of health implies much more than
freedom from disease, and good health may be defined as the attainment a
nd maintenance of the highest
state of mental and bodily vigour of which any given individual is capable. Envi
ronment, including living
and working conditions, plays an important part in determining a persons health.
The UK government is now
placing much greater emphasis on health promotion and the prevention of disease,
and has published national

targets for reducing the incidence of some major diseases. The 1978 World Health
Organisation statement
declares that primary care should be made universally accessible to individuals a
nd families in the
community, by means acceptable to them, through their full participation, and at
the cost that the
community and country can afford to maintain in the spirit of self-reliance . .
. [and] addresses the main
health problems in the community, providing promotive, preventative, curative an
d rehabilitative services
accordingly. Factors affecting access to health include finance, ideology, and ed
ucation. (See PUBLIC
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) The statutory body in Britain responsi
ble for the health and safety
of workers. The address of the HSE can be found in APPENDIX 7: STATUTORY ORGANIS
Health-Care Priorities As the needs and demands of patients, and the cos
ts of health care of
populations, have risen sharply in recent years, governments and health-care pro
viders whether
tax-funded, insurance-based, employer-provided or a mix of these have had increa
singly to face the
dilemma of what services a country or a community can afford to provide. As a re
sult, various techniques
for deciding priorities of care and treatment are evolving. In the United Kingdo
m, priorities were for many
years based on the decisions of individual clinicians who had wide freedom to pr
escribe the most
appropriate care. Increasingly, this clinical freedom is being circumscribed by
managerial, community and
political decisions driven in part by the availability of resources and by what
people want. Rationing
services, however, is not popular and as yet no broadly agreed consensus has eme
rged, either in western
Europe or in North America, as to how priorities can be decided that have broad
community support and which

318 Health Centre

Health Centre An imprecise term that may refer to a group of doctors and
supporting staff operating
from one building owned or leased by the doctors, or to a building owned or leas
ed by a health authority
that contains staff or services from one or more sections of the National Health
Health Databases
The centralised collection and storage of information about the health o
f individuals. Recent advances
in GENETICS have raised concerns about the potential for abuse of all health dat
abases, whether maintained
for scientific research which has long used them or for government or community
health planning, or by
groups of professionals (or individuals) to help in the treatment of patients. T
he public is concerned
about whether their rights to privacy and confidentiality are threatened by data
bases and whether
information about them could be disclosed and misused.
Health Development Agency (HDA) Appointed by the UK government to help i
mprove the NHS in England
(Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have similar bodies), HDA replaced the lon
g-established Health
Education Authority in April 2000. The agency supports government priorities to
improve public health and
to tackle health inequalities. Among its key functions are: Maintaining an up-to
-date evidence base of
what works in public health and health improvements. Providing useful information
to health
practitioners. Commissioning research to remedy the gaps in the evidence base fo
r medical practice.
Improving health promotion and advising on the standards for (and implementation
of ) public-health

Health Education The process of educating the public to adopt a healthy
lifestyle and abandon dangerous
or unhealthy behaviour. With the rising cost of health care and the increasing a
mount of illness and injury
resulting from preventable causes, health professionals, governments and the Wor
ld Health Organisation are
strongly supporting more and better health education for everyone from schoolchi
ldren to the elderly.
Information on all aspects of health education in the United Kingdom can be obta
ined from
Health Impact Assessment This is a structured, multi-disciplinary proces
s for assessing and improving
the health consequences of projects and policies in the nonhealth sector. It com

bines a range of
qualitative and quantitative evidence in preparing conclusions. Applications of
the assessments include
appraisal of national policies, local urban planning, and the progress of transp
ort, water and agricultural
Health Promotion A surveillance plan based on a community, and aimed at
maintaining an optimum state of
health and quality of life for those who make up the community both as individua
ls and as a group.
Programmes would include immunisation targets, health education and screening te
sts, as well as
environmental procedures such as monitoring atmosphere, improving housing, water
and food supplies, and
encouraging safe and healthy working practices. (See ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH; PUB
Health Service Commissioner An official, responsible to the United Kingd
oms parliament, appointed to
protect the interests of National Health Service patients in matters concerning
the administration of the
health service and the delivery of health care (excluding clinical judgements).
Known colloquially as the
health ombudsman, the Commissioner presents regular reports on the complaints de
alt with.
Health-Service Management The administrative machinery for planning, del
ivering and monitoring health
care provided by health professionals and their supporting staff. This may range
from running a small
primary-care centre to organising a large hospital or being responsible for meet
ing the health needs of a
region or a nation. Whether the overall structure for proving care is statefunde
d, insurance-based,
private-practice or a mixture of these, health-service management is essential i
n an era of rapidly
evolving and expensive scientific medicine. Health-service managers are administ
rators with special
training and skills in managing health care; sometimes they are doctors, nurses
or other health
professionals, but many have been trained in management in commercial, civil ser
vice or industrial

Heart 319
Health Visitors Health visitors are community nurses with a special trai
ning who form an important part
of the primary health-care team. Working in close conjunction with general pract
itioners, they are
primarily responsible for illness prevention and health screening and education
of children and elderly
people in the community.
Healthcare Commission (Commission for Health Improvement) Launched in 19
99 in England and Wales as CHI,
this is an inspectorate charged with protecting patients from unacceptable failin
gs in the National Health
Service. A statutory body under the 1999 Health Act, it evaluates and refines loc
al systems designed to
safeguard standards of clinical quality. Working separately from the NHS and the
health departments, it
offers an independent safeguard that provides systems to monitor and improve cli
nical quality in primary
care, community services and hospitals. As of 2004 it became responsible for dea
ling with patients
complaints if they could not be settled by the trust concerned. The board member
s include health
professionals, academics and eight lay members. Scotland has set up a similar st
atutory body. (See APPENDIX
Hearing See DEAFNESS; EAR.
Hearing Aids Nearly two-thirds of people aged over 70 have some degree o
f hearing impairment (see
DEAFNESS). Hearing aids are no substitute for definitive treatment of the underl
ying cause of poor hearing,
so examination by an ear, nose and throat surgeon and an audiologist is sensible
before a hearing aid is
issued (and is essential before one can be given through the NHS). The choice of
aid depends on the age,
manipulative skills, and degree of hearing impairment of the patient and the und
erlying cause of the
deafness. The choice of hearing aid for a deaf child is particularly important,
as impaired hearing can
hinder speech development. Electronic aids consist, essentially, of a microphone
, an amplifier, and an
earphone. In postaural aids the microphone and amplifier are contained in a smal
l box worn behind the ear
or attached to spectacles. The earphone is on a specially moulded earpiece. Some
patients find it difficult
to manipulate the controls of an aid worn behind the ear, and they may be better
off with a device worn on
the body. Some hearing
aids are worn entirely within the ear and are very discreet. They are pa
rticularly useful for people
who have to wear protective headgear such as helmets. The most sophisticated aid
s sit entirely within the
ear canal so are virtually invisible. They may be tuned so that only the frequen
cies the wearer cannot hear
are amplified. Many have a volume control and a special setting for use with tel
ephone and in rooms fitted

with an inductive coupler that screens out background noise. In making a choice
therefore from the large
range of effective hearing aids now available, the expert advice of an ear speci
alist must be obtained. The
RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People) provides a list of clinics where
such a specialist can be
consulted. It also gives reliable advice concerning the purchase and use of hear
ing aids a worthwhile
function, as some aids are very expensive.
Heart A hollow muscular pump with four cavities, each provided at its ou
tlet with a valve, whose
function is to maintain the circulation of the blood. The two upper cavities are
known as atria; the two
lower ones as ventricles. The term auricle is applied to the ear-shaped tip of t
he atrium on each side.
Shape and size In adults the heart is about the size and shape of a clen
ched fist. One end of the heart
is pointed (apex); the other is broad (base) and is deeply cleft at the division
between the two atria. One
groove running down the front and up the back shows the division between the two
ventricles; a circular,
deeper groove marks off the atria above from the ventricles below. The capacity
of each cavity is somewhere
between 90 and 180 millilitres.
Structure The heart lies within a strong fibrous bag, known as the peric
ardium. Since the inner surface
of this bag and the outer surface of the heart are both covered with a smooth, g
listening membrane faced
with flat cells and lubricated by a little serous fluid (around 20 ml), the move
ments of the heart are
accomplished almost without friction. The main thickness of the heart wall consi
sts of bundles of muscle
fibres, some of which run in circles right around the heart, and others in loops
, first round one cavity,
then round the corresponding cavity of the other side. Within all the cavities i
s a smooth lining membrane,
continuous with that lining the vessels which open into the heart. The investing

320 Heart, Artificial

membrane is known as epicardium; the muscular substance as myocardium; a
nd the smooth lining membrane
as endocardium. Important nerves regulate the hearts action, especially via the v
agus nerve and with the
sympathetic system (see NERVOUS SYSTEM). In the near part of the atria lies a co
llection of nerve cells and
connecting fibres, known as the sinuatrial node or pacemaker, which forms the st
arting-point for the
impulses that initiate the beats of the heart. In the groove between the ventric
les and the atria lies
another collection of similar nerve tissue, known as the atrioventricular node.
Running down from there
into the septum between the two ventricles is a band of special muscle fibres, k
nown as the
atrioventricular bundle, or the bundle of His. This splits up into a right and a
left branch for the two
ventricles, and the fibres of these distribute themselves throughout the muscula
r wall of the ventricles
and control their contraction.
Openings There is no direct communication between the cavities on the ri
ght side and those on the left;
but the right atrium opens into the right ventricle by a large circular opening,
and similarly the left
atrium into the left ventricle. Into the right atrium open two large veins, the
superior and inferior venae
cavae, with some smaller veins from the wall of the heart itself, and into the l
eft atrium open two
pulmonary veins from each lung. One opening leads out of each ventricle to the a
orta in the case of the
left ventricle, to the pulmonary artery from the right. Before birth, the FETUSs
heart has an opening
(foramen ovale) from the right into the left atrium through which the blood pass
es; but when the child
first draws air into his or her lungs this opening closes and is represented in
the adult only by a
depression (fossa ovalis).
Valves The heart contains four valves. The mitral valve consists of two
triangular cusps; the tricuspid
valve of three smaller cusps. The aortic and pulmonary valves each consist of th
ree semilunar-shaped
segments. Two valves are placed at the openings leading from atrium into ventric
le, the tricuspid valve on
the right side, the mitral valve on the left, so as completely to prevent blood
from running back into the
atrium when the ventricle contracts. Two more, the pulmonary valve and the aorti
c valve, are at the
entrance to these arteries, and prevent regurgitation into the ventricles of blo
od which has been driven
from them into the arteries. The noises made by these valves in closing constitu
te the greater part of what
are known as the
heart sounds, and can be heard by anyone who applies his or her ear to t
he front of a persons chest.

Murmurs heard accompanying these sounds indicate defects in the valves, and may
be a sign of heart disease
(although many murmurs, especially in children, are innocent).
Action At each heartbeat the two atria contract and expel their contents
into the ventricles, which at
the same time they stimulate to contract together, so that the blood is driven i
nto the arteries, to be
returned again to the atria after having completed a circuit in about 15 seconds
through the body or lungs
as the case may be. The heart beats from 60 to 90 times a minute, the rate in an
y given healthy person
being about four times that of the respirations. The heart is to some extent reg
ulated by a nerve centre in
the MEDULLA, closely connected with those centres which govern the lungs and sto
mach, and nerve fibres pass
to it in the vagus nerve. The heart rate and force can be diminished by some of
these fibres, by others
increased, according to the needs of the various organs of the body. If this ner
ve centre is injured or
poisoned for example, by lack of oxygen the heart stops beating in human beings;
although in some of
the lower animals (e.g. frogs, fishes and reptiles) the heart may under favourab
le conditions go on beating
for hours even after its entire removal from the body.
Heart, Artificial A mechanical device in the chest that enhances or take
s over the pumping action of
the HEART, thus maintaining the necessary level of circulation of blood through
the lungs and other body
structures. An artificial heart was first used in humans in 1985 and the three t
ypes in use are: an
intra-aortic balloon pump, driven by compressed air, which inflates a balloon in
the AORTA with every
heartbeat, increasing the volume of circulating blood; an electrical device that
assists the left VENTRICLE
by pumping blood into the abdominal aorta; and a mechanical artificial heart tha
t replaces a diseased heart
that has been removed. As yet there is no artificial heart suitable for long-ter
m use. Existing devices are
intended to tide over a patient who is extremely ill until a live heart can be t
ransplanted from a donor.
The results from artificial hearts have been disappointing because of complicati
ons and also because the
patients have usually been already dangerously ill.
Heart, Diseases of Heart disease can affect any of the structures of the
HEART and may affect more than
one at a

Heart, Diseases of
time. Heart attack is an imprecise term and may refer to ANGINA PECTORIS
(a symptom of pain originating
in the heart) or to coronary artery thrombosis, also called myocardial infarctio
Arrhythmias An abnormal rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. The reason is a
disturbance in the electrical
impulses within the heart. Sometimes a person may have an occasional irregular h
eartbeat: this is called an
ECTOPIC beat (or an extrasystole) and does not necessarily mean that an abnormal
ity exists. There are two
main types of arrhythmia: bradycardias, where the rate is slow fewer than 60 bea
ts a minute and sometimes
so slow and unpredictable (heartblock) as to cause blackouts or heart failure; a
nd tachycardia, where the
rate is fast more than 100 beats a minute. A common cause of arrhythmia is coron
ary artery disease, when
vessels carrying blood to the heart are narrowed by fatty deposits (ATHEROMA), t
hus reducing the blood
supply and damaging the heart tissue. This condition often causes myocardial inf
arction after which
arrhythmias are quite common and may need correcting by DEFIBRILLATION (applicat
ion of a short electric
shock to the heart). Some tachycardias result from a defect in the electrical co
nduction system of the
heart that is commonly congenital. Various drugs can be used to treat arrhythmia
DRUGS). If attacks constantly recur, the arrhythmia may be corrected by electric
al removal of dead or
diseased tissue that is the cause of the disorder. Heartblock is most effectivel
y treated with an
artificial CARDIAC PACEMAKER, a battery-activated control unit implanted in the
the muscle of the heart ventricles. This reduces the muscles efficiency,
the ventricles fail to relax
properly and do not fill sufficiently during DIASTOLE. In the dilated type of ca
rdiomyopathy, both
ventricles overdilate, impairing the efficiency of contraction and causing conge
stion of the lungs. In the
restrictive variety, proper filling of the ventricles does not occur because the
muscle walls are less
elastic than normal. The result is raised pressure in the two atria (upper cavit
ies) of the heart: these
dilate and develop FIBRILLATION. Diagnosis can be difficult and treatment is sym
ptomatic, with a poor
prognosis. In suitable patients, heart TRANSPLANTATION may be considered. Disord
ers of the heart muscle may
also be caused by poisoning for example, heavy consumption of alcohol. Symptoms
include tiredness,
palpitations (quicker and sometimes irregular heartbeat), chest pain, difficulty
in breathing, and swelling
of the legs and hands due to accumulation of fluid (OEDEMA). The heart is enlarg
ed (as shown on chest
X-ray) and ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY shows thickening of the heart muscle. A BIOPSY of he
art muscle will show

abnormalities in the cells of the heart muscle. Where the cause of cardiomyopath
y is unknown, as is the
case with most patients, treatment is symptomatic using DIURETICS to control hea
rt failure and drugs such
as DIGOXIN to return the heart rhythm to normal. Patients should stop drinking a
lcohol. If, as often
happens, the patients condition slowly deteriorates, heart transplantation should
be considered.

Cardiomyopathy Any disease of the heart muscle that results in weakening
of its contractions. The
consequence is a fall in the efficiency of the circulation of blood through the
lungs and remainder of the
body structures. The myopathy may be due to infection, disordered metabolism, nu
tritional excess or
deficiency, toxic agents, autoimmune processes, degeneration, or inheritance. Of
ten, however, the cause is
not identified. Cardiomyopathies are less common than other types of heart disea
ses, and the incidence of
different types of myopathy (see below) is not known because patients or doctors
are sometimes unaware of
the presence of the condition. The three recognised groups of cardiomyopathies a
re hypertrophic, dilated
and restrictive. Hypertrophic myopathy, a familial condition, is characterised b
y great enlargement of

Congenital heart disease accounts for 12 per cent of all cases of organic
heart disease. It may be
genetically determined and so inherited; present at birth for no obvious reason;
or, in rare cases, related
to RUBELLA in the mother. The most common forms are holes in the heart (atrial s
eptal defect, ventricular
THE AORTA. Many complex
forms also exist and can be diagnosed in the womb by fetal echocardiography whic
h can lead to elective
termination of pregnancy. Surgery to correct many of these abnormalities is feas
ible, even for the most
severe abnormalities, but may only be palliative giving rise to major difficulti
es of management as the
children become older. Heart transplantation is now increasingly employed for th
e uncorrectable lesions.

322 Heart, Diseases of

Coronary artery disease Also known as ischaemic heart disease, this is a
common cause of symptoms and
death in the adult population. It may present for the first time as sudden death
, but more usually causes
ANGINA PECTORIS, myocardial infarction (heart attack) or heart failure. It can a
lso lead to a disturbance
of heart rhythm. Factors associated with an increased risk of developing coronar
y artery disease include
diabetes, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, and a raised concentr
ation of cholesterol in the
blood. Older males are most affected.
Coronary thrombosis or acute myoH
cardial infarction is the acute, dramatic manifestation of coronary-arte
ry ischaemic heart disease
one of the major killing diseases of western civilisation. In 1999, ischaemic he
art disease was responsible
for about 115,000 deaths in England and Wales, compared with 153,000 deaths in 1
988. In 1999 more than
55,600 people died of coronary thrombosis. The underlying cause is disease of th
e coronary arteries which
carry the blood supply to the heart muscle (or myocardium). This results in narr
owing of the arteries until
finally they are unable to transport sufficient blood for the myocardium to func
tion efficiently. One of
three things may happen. If the narrowing of the coronary arteries occurs gradua
lly, then the individual
concerned will develop either angina pectoris or signs of a failing heart: irreg
ular rhythm,
breathlessness, CYANOSIS and oedema. If the narrowing occurs suddenly or leads t
o complete blockage
(occlusion) of a major branch of one of the coronary arteries, then the victim c
ollapses with acute pain
and distress. This is the condition commonly referred to as a coronary thrombosi
s because it is usually due
to the affected artery suddenly becoming completely blocked by THROMBOSIS. More
correctly, it should be
described as coronary occlusion, because the final occluding factor need not nec
essarily be thrombosis.
Causes The precise cause is not known, but a wide range of factors play
a part in inducing coronary
artery disease. Heredity is an important factor. The condition is more common in
men than in women; it is
also more common in those in sedentary occupations than in those who lead a more
physically active life,
and more likely to occur in those with high blood pressure than in those with no
rmal blood pressure (see
HYPERTENSION). Obesity is a contributory factor. The disease is more common amon
g smokers than non-smokers;
it is also often
associated with a high level of CHOLESTEROL in the blood, which in turn
has been linked with an
excessive consumption of animal, as opposed to vegetable, fats. In this connecti

on the important factors

seem to be the saturated fatty acids (low-density and very low-density lipoprote
ins [LDLs and VLDLs] see
CHOLESTEROL) of animal fats which would appear to be more likely to lead to a hi
gh level of cholesterol in
the blood than the unsaturated fatty acids of vegetable fats. As more research o
n the subject is carried
out, the arguments continue about the relative influence of the different factor
s. (For advice on
prevention of the disease, see APPENDIX 2: ADDRESSES: SOURCES OF INFORMATION, AD
Symptoms The presenting symptom is the sudden onset, often at rest, of a
cute, agonising pain in the
front of the chest. This rapidly radiates all over the front of the chest and of
ten down over the abdomen.
The pain is frequently accompanied by nausea and vomiting, so that suspicion may
be aroused of some acute
abdominal condition such as biliary colic (see GALLBLADDER, DISEASES OF) or a pe
rforated PEPTIC ULCER. The
victim soon goes into SHOCK, with a pale, cold, sweating skin, rapid pulse and d
ifficulty in breathing.
There is usually some rise in temperature.
Treatment is immediate relief of the pain by injections of diamorphine.
Thrombolytic drugs should be
given as soon as possible (rapid door to needle time) and ARRHYTHMIA corrected. OX
YGEN is essential and
oral ASPIRIN is valuable. Treatment within the first hour makes a great differen
ce to recovery. Subsequent
treatment includes the continued administration of drugs to relieve the pain; th
e administration of
ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS that may be necessary to deal with the heart failure that c
ommonly develops, and the
irregular action of the heart that quite often develops; and the continued admin
istration of oxygen.
Patients are usually admitted to coronary care units, where they receive constan
t supervision. Such units
maintain an emergency, skilled, round-the-clock staff of doctors and nurses, as
well as all the necessary
resuscitation facilities that may be required. The outcome varies considerably.
The first (golden) hour is
when the patient is at greatest risk of death: if he or she is treated, then the
re is a 50 per cent
reduction in mortality compared with waiting until hospital admission. As each d
ay passes the prognosis
improves with a first

Heart-Lung Machine
coronary thrombosis, provided that the patient does not have a high bloo
d pressure and is not
overweight. Following recovery, there should be a gradual return to work, care b
eing taken to avoid any
increase in weight, unnecessary stress and strain, and to observe moderation in
all things. Smoking must
stop. In uncomplicated cases patients get up and about as soon as possible, most
being in hospital for a
week to ten days and back at work in three months or sooner.
Valvular heart disease primarily affects the mitral and aortic valves wh
ich can become narrowed
(stenosis) or leaking (incompetence). Pulmonary valve problems are usually conge
nital (stenosis) and the
tricuspid valve is sometimes involved when rheumatic heart disease primarily aff
ects the mitral or aortic
valves. RHEUMATIC FEVER, usually in childhood, remains a common cause of chronic
valvular heart disease
causing stenosis, incompetence or both of the aortic and mitral valves, but each
valve has other separate
causes for malfunction. Aortic valve disease is more common with increasing age.
When the valve is
narrowed, the heart hypertrophies and may later fail. Symptoms of angina or brea
thlessness are common and
dizziness or blackouts (syncope) also occur. Replacing the valve is a very effec
tive treatment, even with
advancing age. Aortic stenosis may be caused by degeneration (senile calcific),
by the inheritance of two
valvular leaflets instead of the usual three (bicuspid valve), or by rheumatic f
ever. Aortic incompetence
again leads to hypertrophy, but dilatation is more common as blood leaks back in
to the ventricle.
Breathlessness is the more common complaint. The causes are the same as stenosis
but also include
inflammatory conditions such as SYPHILIS or ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS and other dis
orders of connective
tissue. The valve may also leak if the aorta dilates, stretching the valve ring
aortic ANEURYSM and MARFANS SYNDROME an inherited disorder of connective tissue t
hat causes heart
defects. Infection (endocarditis) can worsen acutely or chronically destroy the
valve and sometimes lead to
abnormal outgrowths on the valve (vegetations) which may break free and cause de
vastating damage such as a
stroke or blocked circulation to the bowel or leg.
Mitral valve disease leading to stenosis is rheumatic in origin. Mitral
incompetence may be rheumatic
but in the absence of stenosis can be due to ISCHAEMIA, INFARCTION, inflamma323
tion, infection and a congenital weakness (prolapse). The valve may also
leak if stretched by a
dilating ventricle (functional incompetence). Infection (endocarditis) may affec
t the valve in a similar
way to aortic disease. Mitral symptoms are predominantly breathlessness which ma
y lead to wheezing or

waking at night breathless and needing to sit up or stand for relief. They are m
ade worse when the heart
rhythm changes (atrial fibrillation) which is frequent as the disease becomes mo
re severe. This leads to a
loss of efficiency of up to 25 per cent and a predisposition to clot formation a
s blood stagnates rather
than leaves the heart efficiently. Mitral incompetence may remain mild and be of
no trouble for many years,
but infection must be guarded against (endocarditis prophylaxis).
Endocarditis is an infection of the heart which may acutely destroy a va
lve or may lead to chronic
destruction. Bacteria settle usually on a mild lesion. Antibiotics taken at vuln
erable times can prevent
this (antibiotic prophylaxis) for example, before tooth extraction. If establish
ed, lengthy intravenous
antibiotic therapy is needed and surgery is often necessary. The mortality is 30
per cent but may be higher
if the infection settles on a replaced valve (prosthetic endocarditis). Complica
tions include heart
failure, shock, embolisation (generation of small clots in the blood), and cereb
ral (mental) confusion.
PERICARDITIS is an inflammation of the sac covering the outside of the heart. Th
e sac becomes roughened and
pain occurs as the heart and sac rub together. This is heard by stethoscope as a
scratching noise
(pericardial rub). Fever is often present and a virus the main cause. It may als
o occur with rheumatic
fever, kidney failure, TUBERCULOSIS or from an adjacent lung problem such as PNE
UMONIA or cancer. The
inflammation may cause fluid to accumulate between the sac and the heart (effusi
on) which may compress the
heart causing a fall in blood pressure, a weak pulse and circulatory failure (ta
mponade). This can be
relieved by aspirating the fluid. The treatment is then directed at the underlyi
ng cause.
Heart-Lung Machine A device that temporarily takes over the function of
the heart and lungs. It is used
in certain operations in the chest, giving the surgeon more time for operations
such as open-heart surgery,
heart transplants and heart-lung transplants. The machine also ensures an operat
ing area largely free of
blood, which helps the surgeon to work more quickly. A pump replaces the heart

324 Heart-Lung Transplant

and an oxygenator replaces the lungs. When connected up, the machine in
effect bypasses normal
cardiopulmonary activity. It also contains a heat exchanger to warm or cool the
patients blood according
to the requirements of the operation. The patient is given an anticoagulant (HEP
ARIN) to counteract
clotting which may occur when blood cells get damaged during the machines use. Pa
tients are on the machine
for a few hours only, because blood supply to vital organs begins to be reduced.
Heart-Lung Transplant
An operation in which a patients diseased lungs and heart are removed and
replaced with donor organs
from someone who has been certified as brain dead (see BRAIN-STEM DEATH). As well
as the technical
difficulties of such an operation, rejection by the recipients tissues of donated
heart and lungs has
proved hard to overcome. Since the early 1990s, however, immunosuppressant drug
therapy (see CICLOSPORIN;
TRANSPLANTATION) has facilitated the regular use of this type of surgery. Even s
o, patients receiving
transplanted hearts and lungs face substantial risks such as lung infection and
airway obstruction as well
as the long-term problems of transplant rejection.
Heart Surgery Open-heart surgery permits the treatment of many previousl
y inoperable conditions that
were potentially fatal, or which made the patient chronically disabled. CORONARY
GRAFTING (CAVBG), used to remedy obstruction of the arteries supplying the heart
muscle, was first carried
out in the mid1960s and is now widely practised. Constricted heart valves today
are routinely dilated by
techniques of MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY (MIS), such as ANGIOPLASTY and laser tr
eatment, and faulty valves
can be replaced with mechanical alternatives (see VALVULOPLASTY).
Heart transplant Replacement of a persons unhealthy heart with a normal h
eart from a healthy donor.
The donors heart needs to be removed immediately after death and kept chilled in
saline before rapid
transport to the recipient. Heart transplants are technically demanding operatio
ns used to treat patients
with progressive untreatable heart disease but whose other body systems are in g
ood shape. They usually
have advanced coronary artery disease and damaged heart muscle (CARDIOMYOPATHY).
Apart from the technical
difficulties of the operation, preventing rejection of the transplanted heart by
the recipients immune
system requires complex drug treatment. But once the patient has passed
the immediate postoperative
phase, the chances of five-year survival is as high as 80 per cent in some cardi
ac centres. A key
difficulty in doing heart transplants is a serious shortage of donor organs.

Heartburn A burning sensation experienced in the region of the heart and

up the back to the throat. It
is caused by an excessive acidity of the gastric juice often aggravated by dieta
ry indiscretions and is
relieved temporarily by taking alkaline substances, such as 12 grams of bicarbona
te of soda, or commercial
preparations such as aluminium-containing antacid tablets (e.g. Aluminium Hydrox
ide Tablets) or prescribed
drugs such as lansoprazole. The frequency of heartburn attacks can be lessened b
y eating a sensible diet,
avoiding fatty or indigestible foods and restricting alcohol consumption. Persis
tent heartburn may be a
sign of more serious oesophageal disease and medical advice should be sought.
Heat Cramps Painful cramps in the muscles occurring in workers, such as
stokers, who labour in hot
conditions. The cramps are the result of loss of salt in the sweat, and can be c
ured by giving the sufferer
salty water to drink. (See also HEAT STROKE.)
Heat Spots A vague term applied to small inflamed and congested areas wh
ich appear especially upon the
skin of the face, neck and chest or other parts of the body in warm weather.
Heat Stroke A condition resulting from environmental temperatures which
are too high for compensation
by the bodys thermo-regulatory mechanism(s). It is characterised by hyperpyrexia,
nausea, headache,
thirst, confusion, and dry skin. If untreated, COMA and death ensue. The occurre
nce of heat stroke is
sporadic: whereas a single individual may be affected (occasionally with fatal c
onsequences), his or her
colleagues may remain unaffected. Predisposing factors include unsatisfactory li
ving or working conditions,
inadequate acclimatisation to tropical conditions, unsuitable clothing, underlyi
ng poor health, and
possibly dietetic or alcoholic indiscretions. The condition can be a major probl
em during pilgrimages for
example, the Muslim Hadj. Four clinical syndromes are recognised:

HELLP Syndrome
Heat collapse is characterised by fatigue, giddiness, and temporary loss
of consciousness. It is
accompanied by HYPOTENSION and BRADYCARDIA; there may also be vomiting and muscu
lar cramps. Urinary volume
is diminished. Recovery is usual.
exhaustion is
characterised by increasing weakness, dizziness and insomnia. In the maj
ority of sufferers, sweating is
defective; there are few, if any, signs of dehydration. Pulse rate is normal, an
d urinary output good. Body
temperature is usually 378383 C.
Heat cramps (usually in the legs, arms or back, and occasionally involvi
ng the abdominal muscles) are
associated with hard physical work at a high temperature. Sweating, pallor, head
ache, giddiness and intense
anxiety are present. Body temperature is only mildly raised. Heat hyperpyrexia i
s heralded by energy loss
and irritability; this is followed by mental confusion and diminution of sweatin
g. The individual rapidly
becomes restless, then comatose; body temperature rises to 4142 C or even higher.
The condition is fatal
unless expertly treated as a matter of urgency.
Treatment With the first two syndromes, the affected individual must be
removed immediately to a cool
place, and isotonic saline administered intravenously in a severe case. The four
th syndrome is a medical
emergency. The patient should be placed in the shade, stripped, and drenched wit
h water; fanning should be
instigated. He or she should be wrapped in a sheet soaked in cool water and fann
ing continued. When rectal
temperature has fallen to 39 C, the patient is wrapped in a dry blanket. Immediat
ely after consciousness
returns, normal saline should be given orally; this usually provokes sweating. T
he risk of circulatory
collapse exists. Convalescence may be protracted and the patient should be repat
riated to a cool climate.
Prophylactically, personnel intended for work in a tropical climate must be very
carefully selected.
Adequate acclimatisation is also essential; severe physical exertion must be avo
ided for several weeks, and
light clothes should be worn. The diet should be light but nourishing, and fluid
intake adequate. Those
performing hard physical work at a very high ambient temperature should receive
sodium chloride
supplements. Attention to ventilation and air-conditioning is essential; fans ar
e also of value.
Hebephrenia A form of SCHIZOPHRENIA that comes on in youth and is marked
by depression and gradual
failure of mental faculties with egotistic and self-centred delusions.

Heberdens Nodes Small hard knobs which appear at the sides of the last ph
alanges of the fingers in
people who have OSTEOARTHRITIS.
Heel The heel is the hind part of the foot, formed by the CALCANEUS and
the especially thick skin
covering it. It is not subject to many diseases. Severe pain in the heel is some
times a sign of gout or
Helicobacter Pylori A bacterium which colonises the stomach. While it ma
y cause no disease, it has a
tendency to produce inflammation gastritis. This may progress in some people to
peptic ulceration (see
PEPTIC ULCER), and even to gastric cancer. The bacterium can be identified on bl
ood testing or, more
accurately, by obtaining a biopsy of the stomach wall by ENDOSCOPY. It can be er
adicated by treatment with
Heliotherapy Sunbathing; the exposure of the body to sunlight to promote
Helium This is the lightest gas known, with the exception of hydrogen. T
his property renders it of
value in ANAESTHESIA, as its addition to the anaesthetic means that it can be in
haled with less effort by
the patient. Thus it can be used in the presence of any obstruction to the entry
of air to the lungs.
HELLP Syndrome A type of severe PRE-ECLAMPSIA (a disorder affecting some
pregnant women) that affects
various systems in the body. HAEMOLYSIS, raised concentration of the enzymes in
the LIVER, and a low blood
platelet count are among the characteristics (and explain the name HELLP); patie
nts are acutely ill and
immediate termination of pregnancy is necessary. (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.

326 Helminths
Another name for parasitic worms such as FLUKES, tapeworms (see TAENIASI
S) and nematodes (see
body. This most commonly follows a STROKE and occurs when parts of the b
rain serving motor function on
the opposite side of the body are damaged.
Loss of the sense of touch down one side of the body.
PARALYSIS that is limited to one side of the body.
A term meaning loss of half the usual area of vision. The affected perso
n may see everything clearly to
the left or to the right, the field of vision stopping abruptly at the middle li
ne; they may see things
only when straight ahead of them; or, thirdly, they may see objects far out on b
oth sides, although there
is a wide area straight in front for which they are quite blind. The position of
the blind area is
important in localising the position in the brain of the disease responsible for
the condition.
Hemp Henle, Loop of That part of the nephron (see KIDNEYS) between the p
roximal and distal convoluted
tubules. It extends into the renal medulla as a hairpinshaped loop. The ascendin
g link of the loop actively
transports sodium from the lumen of the tube to the interstitium, and this, comb
ined with the
counter-current flow of fluid through the two limbs of the loop, plays a part in c
oncentrating the urine.
Henoch-Schnlein Purpura
Involuntary movements similar to choreiform (see CHOREA) movements, but
of much greater amplitude and
force. The violent, throwing movements of the limbs are usually unilateral, and
tend to occur acutely as a
result of vascular damage to the mid-brain.
This is an inflammatory condition of the small blood vessels, the cause
of which is not known but may
be an allergic response to food or drugs. Most common among young children, the
inflammation causes blood

to leak into joints, kidneys, intestine and skin. The child presents with a purp
uric rash and stomach pains
which may come and go for weeks. Paracetamol alone is often sufficient to allevi
ate the condition, but
severely ill patients may need corticosteroid drugs. All sufferers need followup
for 12 months to ensure
that they have not developed kidney disease.
Atrophy of one side of the body, or of part of the body on one side: for
example, facial hemiatrophy,
in which one-half of the face is smaller than the other, either in the course of
development or as a result
of some nervous disorder.
An operation to remove the right or left half of the COLON, usually with
end-to-end ANASTOMOSIS of the
remaining portion of the intestine. This is often used for the treatment of mali
gnant or inflammatory
diseases of the colon.
Hemicrania A headache limited to one side of the head. (See also MIGRAIN
Hemimelia This consists of defects in the distal part of the extremities
: for example, the absence of a
forearm or hand. Hemimelia is a congenital defect; large numbers of cases result
ed from the administration
of THALIDOMIDE during pregnancy (see also PHOCOMELIA; TERATOGENESIS).
Hemiparesis Paralysis affecting the muscles of one side of the
Heparin is one of the naturally produced ANTICOAGULANTS with a rapid eff
ect, which is thought to act by
neutralising thrombin (see COAGULATION). Inactive when taken orally, it is norma
lly given intravenously
it may be given for a few days, combined with an oral anticoagulant such as warf
arin, to initiate
anticoagulation. Low-dose heparin may be given by subcutaneous injection for lon
ger periods, for the
prophylaxis of DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT) or PULMONARY EMBOLISM in high-risk patie
nts, such as those with
obesity or a history of thrombosis, or post-operatively. If haemorrhage occurs,
withdrawal of heparin is
usually sufficient, but protamine sulphate is a rapidly active and specific anti
dote. Prolonged treatment
with heparin may cause osteoporosis (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF).

Hepatectomy The operation for removal of the LIVER, or part of it.
Hepatic Encephalopathy A neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by disease of
the LIVER, and occurring most
often in patients with CIRRHOSIS see also LIVER, DISEASES OF; it also occurs in
acute form in acute
failure of liver function. The disorder is believed to be the result of biochemi
cal disturbance of brain
function, because the condition is reversible and pathological changes in brain
tissue are rarely found.
The patients intellect, personality, emotions and consciousness are altered but n
eurological signs may or
may not be identified. Apathy, confusion, drowsiness, sometimes CONVULSIONS, spe
ech disturbance and
eventually COMA mark the progress of the condition. The principles of treatment
are to remove the
precipitating causes. These include: URAEMIA; sedative, antidepressant and hypno
tic drugs; gastrointestinal
bleeding; too much protein in the diet; infection; and trauma (including surgica
l operations).
Hepatitis Inflammation of the LIVER which damages liver cells and may ul
timately kill them. Acute
injury of the liver is usually followed by complete recovery, but prolonged infl
ammation after injury may
result in FIBROSIS and CIRRHOSIS. Excluding trauma, hepatitis has several causes
: Viral infections by any
of hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E viruses and also CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV), EPSTEIN BA
SIMPLEX. Autoimmune disorders such as autoimmune chronic hepatitis, toxins, alco
hol and certain drugs
hepatitis causes damage
throughout the liver and in severe infections may destroy whole lobules (see bel
ow). Chronic hepatitis is
typified by an invasion of the portal tract by white blood cells (mild hepatitis
). If these mononuclear
inflammatory cells invade the body (parenchyma) of the liver tissue, fibrosis an
d then chronic disease or
cirrhosis can develop. Cirrhosis may develop at any age and commonly results in
prolonged ill health. It is
an important cause of premature death, with excessive alcohol consumption common
ly the triggering factor.
Sometimes, cirrhosis may be asymptomatic, but common symptoms are weakness, tire
dness, poor appetite,
weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal

discomfort and production of abnormal amounts of wind. Initially, the li
ver may enlarge, but later it
becomes hard and shrunken, though rarely causing pain. Skin pigmentation may occ
ur along with jaundice, the
result of failure to excrete the liver product BILIRUBIN. Routine liver-function
tests on blood are used to
help diagnose the disease and to monitor its progress. Spider telangiectasia (ca

used by damage to blood

vessels see TELANGIECTASIS) usually develop, and these are a significant pointer
to liver disease.
ENDOCRINE changes occur, especially in men, who lose their typical hair distribu
tion and suffer from
atrophy of their testicles. Bruising and nosebleeds occur increasingly as the ci
rrhosis worsens, and portal
hypertension (high pressure of venous blood circulation through the liver) devel
ops due to abnormal
vascular resistance. ASCITES and HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY are indications of advan
ced cirrhosis. Treatment of
cirrhosis is to tackle the underlying cause, to maintain the patients nutrition (
advising him or her to
avoid alcohol), and to treat any complications. The disorder can also be treated
by liver transplantation;
indeed, 75 per cent of liver transplants are done for cirrhosis. The overall pro
gnosis of cirrhosis,
however, is not good, especially as many patients attend for medical care late i
n the course of the
disease. Overall, only 25 per cent of patients live for five years after diagnos
is, though patients who
have a liver transplant and survive for a year (80 per cent do) have a good prog
Autoimmune hepatitis is a type that most commonly occurs in women betwee
n 20 and 40 years of age. The
cause is unknown and it has been suggested that the disease has several immunolo
gical subtypes. Symptoms
are similar to other viral hepatitis infections, with painful joints and AMENORR
HOEA as additional
symptoms. Jaundice and signs of chronic liver disease usually occur. Treatment w
life-saving in autoimmune hepatitis, and maintenance treatment may be needed for
two years or more.
Remissions and exacerbations are typical, and most patients eventually develop c
irrhosis, with 50 per cent
of victims dying of liver failure if not treated. This figure falls to 10 per ce
nt in treated patients.
Viral hepatitis The five hepatic viruses (A to E) all cause acute primar
y liver disease, though each
belongs to a separate group of viruses. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is an ENTEROVIRU

328 Hepatocyte
which is very infectious, spreading by faecal contamination from patient
s suffering from (or
incubating) the infection; victims excrete viruses into the faeces for around fi
ve weeks during incubation
and development of the disease. Overcrowding and poor sanitation help to spread
hepatitis A, which
fortunately usually causes only mild disease. Hepatitis B (HBV) is caused by a h
epadna virus, and humans
are the only reservoir of infection, with blood the main agent for transferring
it. Transfusions of
infected blood or blood products, and injections using contaminated needles (com
mon among habitual drug
abusers), are common modes of transfer. Tattooing and ACUPUNCTURE may spread hep
atitis B unless high
standards of sterilisation are maintained. Sexual intercourse, particularly betw
een male homosexuals, is a
significant infection route. Hepatitis C (HCV) is a flavivirus whose source of i
nfection is usually via
blood contacts. Effective screening of blood donors and heat treatment of blood
factors should prevent the
spread of this infection, which becomes chronic in about 75 per cent of those in
fected, lasting for life.
Although most carriers do not suffer an acute illness, they must practise life-l
ong preventive measures.
Hepatitis D (HDV) cannot survive independently, needing HBV to replicate, so its
sources and methods of
spread are similar to the B virus. HDV can infect people at the same time as HBV
, but it is capable of
superinfecting those who are already chronic carriers of the B virus. Acute and
chronic infection of HDV
can occur, depending on individual circumstances, and parenteral drug abuse spre
ads the infection. The
disease occurs worldwide, being endemic in Africa, South America and the Mediter
ranean littoral. Hepatitis
E virus (HEV) is excreted in the stools, spreading via the faeco-oral route. It
causes large epidemics of
water-borne hepatitis and flourishes wherever there is poor sanitation. It resem
bles acute HAV infection
and the patient usually recovers. HEV does not cause chronic infection. The clin
ical characteristics of the
five hepatic viruses are broadly similar. The initial symptoms last for up to tw
o weeks (comprising
temperature, headache and malaise), and JAUNDICE then develops, with anorexia, n
ausea, vomiting and
diarrhoea common manifestations. Upper abdominal pain and a tender enlarged live
r margin, accompanied by
enlarged cervical lymph glands, are usual.

As well as blood tests to assess liver function, there are specific viro
logical tests to identify the
five infective agents, and these are important contributions to diagnosis. Howev
er, there is no specific
treatment of any of these infections. The more seriously ill patients may requir
e hospital care, mainly to
enable doctors to spot at an early stage those developing acute liver failure. I
f vomiting is a problem,
intravenous fluid and glucose can be given. Therapeutic drugs especially sedativ
es and hypnotics should
be avoided, and alcohol must not be taken during the acute phase. Interferon is
the only licensed drug for
the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, but this is used with care. Otherwise-fit
patients under 40 with
acute viral hepatitis have a mortality rate of around 0.5 per cent; for those ov
er 60, this figure is
around 3 per cent. Up to 95 per cent of adults with acute HBV infection recover
fully but the rest may
develop life-long chronic hepatitis, particularly those who are immunodeficient
Infection is best prevented by good living conditions. HVA and HVB can be preven
ted by active immunisation
with vaccines. There is no vaccine available for viruses C, D and E, although HD
V is effectively prevented
by immunisation against HBV. At-risk groups who should be vaccinated against HBV
include: Parenteral drug
abusers. Close contacts of infected individuals such as regular sexual partners
and infants of infected
mothers. Men who have sex with men. Patients undergoing regular haemodialysis. S
elected health
professionals, including laboratory staff dealing with blood samples and product

Hepatocyte The main cell type present in the LIVER. A large cell, it has
several important metabolic
functions: these include synthesis and storage of biochemical products; detoxifi
cation of poisons and
unwanted substances; and the manufacture of BILE, the liver secretion that passe
s through the bile ducts to
the small intestine and helps in the digestion of fat.
Hepatolenticular Degeneration See WILSONS DISEASE.
Hepatoma A primary malignant tumour of LIVER cells. It has marked geogra
phical variation, being most
common in parts of Africa and the Far East. It is

Hernia 329
more common in men and with those who have pre-existing CIRRHOSIS.
Hepatomegaly Enlargement of the LIVER. This may be caused by congestion
(e.g. in heart failure),
infection (e.g. HEPATITIS), malignancy, inflammation, or early CIRRHOSIS.
Hepolenticular Degeneration See WILSONS DISEASE.
Herbal Medicine The use of herbs as medicines is probably as old as mank
ind; every culture has its own
traditions. Herbalism was formally established in England by an Act of Parliamen
t during Henry VIIIs
reign. Different parts of a variety of plants are used to treat symptoms and to
restore functions.
involve the organs of the abdomen which can herniate externally through
the abdominal wall, or
internally usually through a defect in the diaphragm. External hernias appear as
a swelling, covered with
skin, which bulges out on coughing or straining but which can normally be made t
o disappear with gentle
Types Inguinal hernia appears in the groin; less common is femoral herni
a, which appears just below the
groin. Incisional hernia may occur through a defect in any abdominal surgical sc
ar, a paraumbilical hernia
arising just to the side of the umbilicus and an epigastric hernia in the mid li
ne above the umbilicus. In
children, herniation may occur through the umbilicus itself, which is a natural
weak spot. The commonest
internal hernia is a hiatus hernia, when part of the stomach slips upwards into
the chest through the
DIAPHRAGM (see diagram).
The principle on which various peculiarities of bodily form or structure
, or of physical or mental
activity, are transmitted from parents to offspring. (See also GENES.)
Hermaphrodite An individual in whom both ovarian (see OVARand testicular
(see TESTICLE) tissue is
present. Hermaphrodites may have a testis on one side and an ovary on the other;
or an ovotestis on one
side and an ovary or testis on the other; or there may be an ovotestis on both s
ides. Both gonads are
usually intra-abdominal. The true hermaphrodite usually has a UTERUS and at leas
t one Fallopian tube (see
FALLOPIAN TUBES) on the side of the ovary, and on the side of the testis there i
s usually a VAS DEFERENS.
Most true hermaphrodites are raised as males, but external virilisation is not u
sually complete. Even when
significant phallic development is present, HYPOSPADIAS and CRYPTORCHIDISM are c
ommon. At puberty,
GYNAECOMASTIA develops and MENSTRUATION is common, as ovarian function is usuall
y more nearly normal than
testicular function. The condition is rare. A more common condition is pseudoher

maphroditism: these are

individuals who possess the gonads of only one sex but whose external genitalia
may be ambiguous. The cause
is a hormonal imbalance and can usually be corrected by hormone treatment. IES)
Hernia The protrusion of an organ, or part of an organ, through the wall
of the cavity that normally
contains it. The most common types of hernia
Anatomy of indirect inguinal hernia: area 11 is where the displaced loop
of intestine intrudes into

330 Hernioplasty
Diaphragmatic or hiatus hernia showing the stomach pushing through the d
iaphragm into the chest cavity.
Complications Small hernias may cause no problems at all. However, some
may be large and cumbersome, or
may give rise to a dragging sensation or even pain. Although most reduce spontan
eously under the effects of
gravity or gentle pressure, any organs that may have been displaced inside some
hernias may become stuck,
when they are said to be irreducible. If the contents become so trapped that the
ir blood supply is cut off,
then strangulation occurs. This is a surgical emergency because the strangulated
organs will soon die or
rupture. When strangulation usually of a loop of intestine does occur, the herni
a becomes irreducible,
red, and very painful. If the hernia contains bowel, then the bowel may also bec
ome obstructed. Treatment
Conservative treatment with a Site of inguinal hernia (shaded).
Causes Hernias may be due to a defect present at birth (congenital), or
may develop later in life
(acquired). Acquired hernias arise due to the development of a defect or injury
of the abdominal wall or
due to increased pressure within the abdominal cavity, which forces the organ th
rough a potential weakness.
Such causes include chronic coughing or excessive straining due to constipation.
compression belt, or truss, is now used only for those unfit for surgery
or while awaiting surgery.
Surgical repair can be at an open operation or by laparoscope, and consists of r
eturning the herniated
organs to their proper place and then repairing the defect through which the her
nia occurred. This may be
done safely under local or general anaesthetic, often as a day-case procedure, a
nd most operative repairs
result in a permanent cure.
Hernioplasty A surgical technique for repair of a

Herpes Simplex
The abnormal opening is sewn up or the weakness strengthened with suture
s or the insertion of a
polypropylene mesh.
Herniorraphy Surgical repair of a HERNIA. This may be done as an open op
eration or as MINIMALLY
Herniotomy The surgical removal of the sac of connective tissue surround
ing a HERNIA. In children or
healthy young adults with an inguinal hernia, a herniotomy is usually sufficient
to cure the condition.
Heroin Also known as diacetyl morphine or diamorphine, this Class A cont
rolled drug is an opiate a
group which includes morphine, codeine, pethidine and methadone. It is a powerfu
l analgesic and cough
suppressant, but its capacity to produce euphoria rapidly induces DEPENDENCE. Po
pular with addicts, its
mostly pleasant effects soon produce TOLERANCE; the need to inject the drug, wit
h associated risks of HIV
infection, has affected its use by addicts. Withdrawal symptoms include restless
ness, insomnia, muscle
cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea; signs include dilated pupils, raised pulse rate,
and disturbed temperature
control. Although rarely life-threatening, the effects of withdrawal may cause g
reat distress, and for this
reason methadone, which has a slower and less severe withdrawal syndrome, is com
monly used when weaning
addicts off heroin. Legally still available to doctors in the UK, heroin is norm
ally only used in patients
with severe pain, or to comfort the dying.
Herpangina Herpangina is a short febrile illness in which minute vesicle
s or punched-out ulcers develop
in the posterior parts of the mouth. It is due to infection with the group A COX
Herpes Genitalis An infection of the genitals (see GENITALIA) of either
sex, caused by HERPES SIMPLEX
virus type 2. It is mostly acquired as a result of sexual activity; some cases a
re caused by simplex type
1. After initial infection the virus lies latent in the dorsal nerve root gangli
on (of the spinal cord)
which enervates the affected area of the skin. Latent virus is never cured and r
eactivation results in
either a recurrence of symptoms or in asymptomatic shedding of the virus which t
hen infects a sexual
partner. Around 30,000
cases of genital herpes are reported annually from clinics dealing with
(STDS) in England, but there are also many unrecognised (by either patient or do
ctor) infections. Patients
may have a history of painful attacks of ulceration of the genitals for many yea
rs before seeking medical

advice. All patients with a first episode of the infection should be given oral
antiviral treatment, and
those who suffer more than six attacks a year should be considered for suppressi
ve antiviral treatment.
ACICLOVIR, valaciclovir and famciclovir are all effective antiviral drugs. If a
woman in the final three
months of her pregnancy contracts herpes genitalis, this can have serious conseq
uences for the baby as he
or she will be at risk of herpes encephalitis after delivery.
Herpes Simplex An acute infectious disease, characterised by the develop
ment of groups of superficial
vesicles, or blebs, in the skin and mucous membrane. It is due to either simplex
type 1 or 2 virus, and
infection can occur at any time from birth onwards; however the usual time for p
rimary infection with type
1 is between the second and 15th year. Once an individual is infected, the virus
persists in the body for
the rest of their life. It is one of the causes of scrum-pox. Type 2 causes HERP
Symptoms Symptoms vary with the age of infection. In young infants, herp
es simplex may cause a
generalised infection which is sometimes fatal. In young children the infection
is usually in the mouth,
and this may be associated with enlargement of the glands in the neck, general i
rritability and fever. The
condition usually settles in 710 days. In adults the vesicles may occur anywhere
in the skin or mucous
membranes: the more common sites are the lips, mouth and face, where they are kn
own as cold sores. The
vesicles may also appear on the genitalia (herpes genitalis) or in the conjuncti
va or cornea of the EYE,
and the brain may be infected, causing ENCEPHALITIS or MENINGITIS. The first sig
n is the appearance of
small painful swellings; these quickly develop into vesicles which contain clear
fluid and are surrounded
by a reddened area of skin. Some people are particularly liable to recurrent att
acks, and these often tend
to be associated with some debilitating condition or infection, such as pneumoni
a. Except in the case of
herpes of the cornea, the eruption clears completely unless it becomes contamina
ted with some other
organism. In the

332 Herpes Viruses

case of the cornea, there may be residual scarring, which may impair vis
Treatment Aciclovir is effective both topically as cream or eye drops or
orally. In severe systemic
infections it can be given intravenously.
Herpes Viruses One member of a group of viruses containing DNA which cau
se latent infections in animals
and humans. Viruses from this group cause HERPES SIMPLEX, HERPES ZOSTER (shingle
s) and CHICKENPOX, and
H Herpes Zoster
Herpes zoster, or shingles, is a skin eruption of acute nature, closely
related to CHICKENPOX and
consisting in the appearance of small yellow vesicles, which spread over an area
, dry up, and heal by
scabbing. It receives its name from the Greek word for a circingle or girdle, beca
use it spreads in a
zone-like manner along the intercostal nerves around half the chest. Herpes of t
he face also occurs,
particularly on the brow and around the eye.
Causes Shingles is due to the same virus that causes chickenpox. This in
vades the ganglia of the
nerves, particularly the spinal nerves of the chest and the fifth cranial nerve
which supplies the face.
Despite being due to the same virus as chickenpox, it is rare for herpes zoster
to occur as a result of
contact with a case of chickenpox. On the other hand, it is not unusual for a pa
tient with herpes zoster to
infect a child with chickenpox. It is a disease of adults rather than children,
and the older the person,
the more likely he or she is to develop the disease. Thus in adults under 50, th
e incidence is around 25
per 1,000 people a year; between 50 and 60 it is around 5 per 1,000; whilst in o
ctogenarians it is 10 per
1,000. Occasionally it may be associated with some serious underlying disease su
LYMPHADENOMA, or multiple myeloma (see MYELOMATOSIS).
Symptoms The first symptoms are much like those of any feverish attack.
The person feels unwell for
some days, has a slight rise of temperature, and feels vague pain in the side or
in various other parts.
Often the area of skin to be affected feels hypersensitive (hyperaesthesia) as t
hough something were
rubbing on it. The pain finally settles at a point in the side, and, two or thre
e days after the first
symptoms, the rash appears. Minute yellow
blebs or vesicles, as they are known are seen on the skin of the back, o
f the side, or of the front
of the chest, or simultaneously on all three, the points corresponding to the sp
ace between one pair of
ribs right around. These blebs increase in number for some days, and spread unti

l there is often a complete

halfgirdle around one side of the chest. The pain in this stage is severe, but i
t appears to vary a good
deal with age, being slight in children and very severe in old people, in whom i
ndeed herpes sometimes
forms a serious illness. After one or two weeks, most of the vesicles have dried
up and formed scabs. The
pain may not pass off when the eruption disappears, but may remain for weeks or
even months a condition
known as post-herpetic NEURALGIA. Old people are prone to develop this condition
ACICLOVIR or famciclovir can be given orally, and are effective if start
ed in large doses early in the
attack. Later, topical antibiotics may be required. Analgesics may be necessary
if neuralgia is severe.
Hertz The SI (International System of Units) unit of frequency. It indic
ates the number of cycles per
second (c/s). The abbreviation for hertz is Hz.
Heterograft A transplant from one animal to another of a different speci
es. It is also known as a
Heterosexual Sexual attraction to individuals of the opposite sex. (See
Heterozygous An individual having dissimilar members of the pair of gene
s coding for a given
characteristic (see GENES).
Hexachlorophene A widely used antiseptic (see ANTISEPTICS) which is acti
ve against a range of
microorganisms, including gram-positive and gramnegative organisms (see GRAMS STA
IN), Shigella
dysenteriae, and Salmonella typhi. One of its advantages is that it retains its
activity in the presence of
soap, and is therefore often used in soaps and creams in a concentration of 12 pe
r cent. It must be used
with caution in babies as it can be absorbed through the skin and prove harmful.
Hexachlorophene must not
be used on burned or excoriated skin.

Hippocratic Oath
A substance which, when excreted by the kidneys, releases formaldehyde w
hich has an antiseptic action.
It is given to patients with recurrent CYSTITIS. It acts only in urine with an a
cid reaction, and, if the
urine is alkaline, ascorbic acid may acidify it. Hexamine is used prophylactical
ly and for long-term
treatment of recurrent urinary-tract infections.
That part of the BRAIN comprising the cerebellum, pons and medulla oblon
The joint formed by the head of the thigh bone and the deep, cup-shaped
hollow on the side of the
pelvis which receives it (acetabulum). The joint is of the ball-and-socket varie
ty, is dislocated only by
very great violence, and is correspondingly difficult to reduce to its natural s
tate after dislocation. It
is enclosed by a capsule of fibrous tissue, strengthened by several bands, of wh
ich the principal is the
ilio-femoral or Y-shaped ligament placed in front of the joint. A round ligament
also unites the head of
the thigh bone to the margin of the acetabulum. For hip-joint disease, see under
The chemical symbol for mercury. BLOOD PRESSURE was traditionally measur
ed in millimetres (mm) of
mercury using a SPHYGMOMANOMETER consisting of an inflatable cuff (usually wrapp
ed round the upper arm)
connected by a rubber tube to a column of mercury calibrated in mm of mercury.
Hiatus Hernia A displacement of a portion of the stomach through the ope
ning in the diaphragm through
which the oesophagus passes from the chest to the abdominal cavity (see HERNIA).
Hiccup An involuntary spasmodic contraction of the DIAPHRAGM which produ
ces an indrawing of breath
during which there is a sudden closure of the vocal cords. This results in the w
ell-known sound and
sensation. It is usually of benign cause (e.g. indigestion) but may be a symptom
of medullary brain damage,
URAEMIA, typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER) or ENCEPHALITIS lethargica. There are
many folk remedies for
hiccups, but most cases subside spontaneously. Prolonged hiccups due to disease
may respond to treatment
High Dependency Unit A hospital unit equipped and staffed to nurse patie
nts who require a high level of
technically supported care. Patients are usually moved to such units when they h
ave made satisfactory

progress in an INTENSIVE THERAPY UNIT (ITU) and do not require the one-to-one nu
rsing necessary in ITUs.
Patients who have undergone major surgery are often transferred from the recover
y ward to a high dependency
unit until they are well enough to be cared for in a standard ward.
Hilum A term applied to the depression on organs such as the lung, kidne
y, and spleen, at which the
vessels and nerves enter it and around which the lymphatic glands cluster. The h
ilum of the lung is also
known as its root.
Hip That part of the body on each side of the pelvis where it articulate
s with the head of the femur
(thigh bone).
Hippocrates A famous Greek physician who lived from c.460 to 377 BC and
who taught students at the
medical school in Cos. Often called the father of medicine, he is renowned for dra
wing up the HIPPOCRATIC
OATH, some of which may have been derived from the ancient oath of the Aesclepia
ds. Apart from his oath,
Hippocrates has about 60 other medical works attributed to him, forming a corpus
which was collected around
250 BC in the famous library of Alexandria in Egypt. Hippocratic medicine appeal
ed to reason rather than
to rules or to supernatural forces is how the late Roy Porter, the English social
historian, summed up its
ethos in his medical history, The Greatest Benefit to Mankind (Harper Collins, 1
997). Porter also commended
Hippocrates as being patientcentred rather than disease-orientated in his practi
ce of medicine.
Hippocratic Oath An oath once (but no longer) taken by doctors on qualif
ication, setting out the moral
precepts of their profession and binding them to a code of behaviour and practic
e aimed at protecting the
interests of their patients. The oath is named after HIPPOCRATES (460377 BC), the
Greek father of
medicine. Almost half of British medical students and 98 per cent of American one
s make a ceremonial
commitment to assume the responsibilities and obligations of

334 Hippus
the medical profession, but not by reciting this oath.
Hippus Hippus is a tremor of the iris which produces alternating contrac
tion and dilatation of the
pupil (see EYE).
Hirschsprungs Disease
Hirschsprungs disease, or MEGACOLON, is a rare congenital disorder charac
terised by great hypertrophy
and dilatation of the colon (see INTESTINE). The RECTUM and lower colon have fai
led to develop a normal
nerve network, thus disturbing normal contraction and expansion of these structu
res. Treatment is surgical
removal of the affected sections, with the remaining colon being joined to the a
Hirsutism The growth of hair of the male type and distribution in women.
It is due either to the excess
production of androgens (see ANDROGEN), or to undue sensitivity of the hair foll
icle to normal female
levels of circulating androgens. The latter is called idiopathic hirsutism, beca
use the cause is unknown.
The increased production of androgens in the female may come from the ovary (see
OVARIES) and be due to
POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME or an ovarian tumour, or the excess androgen may come
from the adrenal cortex
(see ADRENAL GLANDS) and be the result of congenital adrenal HYPERPLASIA, an adr
enal tumour or CUSHINGS
SYNDROME. However, there is a wide range of normality in the distribution of fem
ale body hair. It varies
with different racial groups: the Mediterranean races have more body hair than N
ordic women, and the
Chinese and Japanese have little body hair. It is not abnormal for many women, e
specially those with dark
hair, to have hair apparent on the upper lip, and a few coarse hairs on the chin
and around the nipples are
not uncommon. Extension of the pubic hair towards the umbilicus is also frequent
ly found. Dark hair is much
more apparent than fair hair, and this is why bleaching is of considerable benef
it in the management of
hirsutism. The treatment of hirsutism is that of the primary cause. Idiopathic h
irsutism must be managed by
simple measures such as bleaching the hair and the use of depilatory waxes and c
reams. Coarse facial hairs
can be removed by electrolysis, although this is time-consuming. Shaving is ofte
n the most effective remedy
and neither increases the rate of hair growth nor causes the hairs to become coa
Histamine An amine (see AMINES) derived from HISTIDINE. It is widely dis
tributed in the tissues of
plants and animals, including humans. It is a powerful stimulant of gastric juic
e, a constrictor of smooth
muscle including that of the bronchi, and a dilator of arterioles and capillarie
s. It is this last action

which is responsible for the eruption of URTICARIA.

Histidine An amino acid from which derived.
Histiocytoma See DERMATOFIBROMA.
Histology The study of the minute structure of the tissues using special
staining processes which are
combined with electron and light microscopy. The specialty is staffed by medical
ly qualified pathologists
(histologists) and scientifically qualified technicians.
Histoplasmosis A disease due to a yeast-like fungus known as Histoplasma
capsulatum. Most cases have
been reported from the USA. In infants it is characterised by fever, ANAEMIA, en
largement of the liver and
spleen, and involvement of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. In older childr
en it may resemble
pulmonary tuberculosis, whilst in adults it may be confined to involvement of th
e skin.
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus: the virus that is responsible for AIDS
(see AIDS/HIV). It is one of
the family of human T-cell lymphocytotrophic viruses, others of which may cause
lymphomas (see LYMPHOMA) in
Hives A popular term applied to eruptions of URTICARIA.
HLA System The major histocompatibility complex, or human leucocyte anti
gen (HLA) region, consists of
genetically determined antigens, situated on chromosome 6. Found in most tissues
, though to a differing
extent, the four gene loci are known as A, B, C, D, while the individual alleles
at each locus are numbered
1, 2, 3, etc. The number of possible combinations is thus enormous, and the chan
ce of two unrelated people
being identical for HLA is very low.

HLA incompatibility causes the immune response, or rejection reaction, t
hat occurs with unmatched
tissue grafts. Strong associations between HLA and susceptibility to certain dis
eases notably the
AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS such as rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes, a
nd thyrotoxicosis have
been described. Certain HLA antigens occur together more frequently than would b
e expected by chance
(linkage disequilibrium), and may have a protective effect, conferring resistanc
e to a disease. (See
Hodgkins Disease See LYMPHOMA.
Holistic A term used for a method of medical care in which patients are
treated as a whole, and which
takes into account their physical and mental state as well as social background
rather than just treating
the disease alone.
Homatropine Homatropine is an alkaloid derived from ATROPINE, which is u
sed to produce dilatation of
the pupil (see EYE) and to paralyse ACCOMMODATION temporarily for the purpose of
examining the interior of
the eye. It is used in 1 per cent solution, and its effects last a few hours.
Homeopathy A system of medicine founded by Hahnemann at the end of the 1
8th century. It is based upon
the theory that diseases are curable by those drugs which produce effects on the
body similar to symptoms
caused by the disease (similia similibus curantur). In administering drugs, the
theory is also held that
their effect is increased by giving them in minute doses obtained by substantial
ly diluting them.
Homeostasis The normal physiological process which ensures that the bodys
internal systems, such as
its metabolism, blood pressure and body temperature, maintain an equilibrium wha
tever the conditions of the
outside environment. For example, the body temperature remains at around 37 C (98
.4 F) in a cold or a hot
Homocysteine An intermediate product in the bodys synthesis of the amino
Homocystinuria Homocystinuria is a congenital disease due to
the inability of the affected individual to metabolise, or to utilise pr
operly, one of the essential
AMINO ACIDS known as methionine. The main features of the condition are abnormal
ity of the lens of the EYE,
learning disability, and a tendency to thromboses (blood clots).
Homograft A piece of tissue or an organ, such as a kidney, transplanted
from one animal to another of

the same species: for example, from person to person. It is also known as an all
Homosexuality Sexual activity with a member of the same sex. There has b
een considerable debate among
psychiatrists as to whether homosexuality should be regarded as a normal sexual
variant or as a
psycho-pathological development or deviation. Although homosexuality is found in
virtually every society
and culture, there is no society in which it is the predominant or preferred mod
e of sexual activity.
Various attempts have been made to link homosexuality to hormonal factors, parti
cularly lowered
TESTOSTERONE levels, or to find a genetic explanation, but there is no evidence
for either. Psychoanalytic
theories link homosexuality to early child-rearing influences, in particular the
close-binding and intimate
mother. The number of homosexual men and women in the UK is unknown. Re-analysis
of the Kinsey report
suggests that only 3 per cent of adult men have exclusively homosexual leanings
and a further 3 per cent
have extensive homosexual and heterosexual experience. Homosexuality among women
(lesbianism) seems to be
less common. Some homosexual men have high rates of sexual activity and multiple
partners and, as with
heterosexual men and women, this increases the risk of acquiring sexually transm
itted diseases, unless
appropriate precautionary measures are taken for example, the use of condoms for
penetrative sex, whether
vaginal or anal. It was in homosexual males that the virus responsible for AIDS
(see AIDS/HIV) was first
identified, but the infection now occurs in both sexes.
Homozygous An individual having identical members of the pair of genes c
oding for a given
characteristic (see GENES).

336 Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) See under MENOPAUSE.
These are chemical messengers that are dispersed by the blood and act on t
arget organs to produce
effects distant from their point of release. The main organs involved in hormone
production are the
The release of many hormones is, ultimately, under the control of the central ne
rvous system via a series
of inhibiting and releasing factors from the HYPOTHALAMUS. Hormones are involved
in maintaining
homeostasis: for example, insulin regulates the concentration of glucose in the
blood. They also
participate in growth and maturation: for example, growth hormone promotes growt
h and helps to regulate
fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism; and the sex hormones promote sexual m
aturation and reproduction.
Horners Syndrome This is the description given to a combination of change
s resulting from paralysis of
the sympathetic nerve in the neck. They are: a small pupil; a drooping upper lid
; and an apparently (though
not actually) sunken eye.
Horseshoe Kidney See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF.
Hospice A hospital that cares only for the terminally ill and dying. The
emphasis is on providing
quality of life, and special care is taken in providing pain relief by whichever
methods are deemed best
suited to the persons needs. Hospice care in the United Kingdom has been greatly
developed, in particular
with the leadership of Dr (Dame) Cicely Saunders. Many hospices are funded by ch
aritable funds and their
activities supported by voluntary workers.
Hospital An institution providing treatment for sick and injured persons
. This may be done on an
inpatient or outpatient basis. A hospital provides investigative and therapeutic
services which are not
available on a domiciliary basis. Hospitals are broadly divided into general hos
pitals (available in each
district in the United Kingdom) and hospitals specialising in particular ailment
s (e.g. ophthalmology; ear,
nose and throat; neurology, etc.). In addition there are teaching hospit
als which have the dual
function of patient care and the education of medical staff. (See NATIONAL HEALT
all patients are entitled to hospital care provided by their NHS trust when refe
rred by their GENERAL
PRACTITIONER (GP) or admitted via the Accident & Emergency department. (In excep

tional cases, patients with

severe mental illness can be compulsorily admitted by the authorities.) Admissio
n will depend on clinical
priority, as demand commonly exceeds supply of beds in some localities. Private
hospital care is available
under the care of a consultant of choice, provided that the patient is covered b
y appropriate private
medical insurance or can pay direct the substantial hospital and medical fees. T
he future development of
hospital medicine is controversial, but the long-term future may well see many f
ewer, much better equipped,
highly specialised hospitals for patients requiring high-technology-based treatm
ents. These might be backed
up with a range of smaller general (or halfway) hospitals caring for patients wi
th less demanding clinical
needs who nevertheless require some bed-based care. Many more patients requiring
routine specialist
treatment will be treated as day patients than is the case now, and there will (
or should) be much greater
emphasis (with appropriate resources) on PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Britain is experim
enting with a prototype
virtual hospital. The project will target hospital patients who need to remain und
er the care of
specialists but whose condition can be managed at home. Suitable NHS patients wi
ll be provided with
monitoring equipment that enables them, for example, to read their own blood pre
ssure, lung and heart
functions, with the results transferred electronically to the office of relevant
specialists who will
prescribe and monitor treatment.
Hospital-Acquired Infection An infection acquired by a patient while in
hospital. Because of the high
level of antibiotic use in hospitals, some bacteria become resistant for example
STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS (MRSA). This makes hospital-acquired infections potentiall
y dangerous and sometimes
life-threatening, and is one of the developments that is prompting calls for gre
ater care in the
prescribing of antibiotics as well as higher standards of cleanliness.

Human Genome
Hospital Chaplaincy
Housemaids Knee
A service provided by a religious denomination, primarily aimed at meeti
ng the spiritual and religious
needs of patients in hospitals. In the UK, NHS hospital trusts employ both fulltime and part-time
chaplains, usually representing the mainline Christian churches (Anglican, Free
and Roman Catholic). Their
duties vary but always at the least involve meeting the specifically religious n
eeds of patients as well as
of relatives and staff who may ask for help. Public services in chapels, the bed
side administration of the
Word and Sacraments, and prayers and radio services are among chaplains duties. W
hen requested by
patients, chaplains also liaise with representatives of other world faiths. Chap
lains have a broad
responsibility for the spiritual health care of all in hospital. They share this
with other staff members,
particularly the nursing staff, for whom the chaplains can be a resource. Chapla
ins also train and use
volunteers from local churches to help with ward visiting and other chaplaincy d
uties. Much of the time
spent with patients takes the form of a listening ministry, helping patients to
find their own answers to
what is happening to them in hospital and in life generally. Spiritual health ca
n be seen as a quest for
the right relationships in four areas with other people; with oneself; with the
world around; and with
Life itself. The religious person subsumes all that in his/ her relationship to Go
d. The link between
spiritual disease and physical ill-health is well established; the chaplain ther
efore helps a hospital to
provide a HOLISTIC approach to health care. Chaplains also give time to the care
of staff who face
increasing levels of stress at work, making use of support groups, counselling,
meditation, etc. Chaplains
support patients relatives facing a crisis, for example, by being with them over
the period of a death,
and by providing regular bereavement services for those who have lost babies. So
me chaplains have a
particular expertise in ETHICS and are members of the various hospital ethics co
mmittees. A chaplain may
have a nonmanagement view of the health of the hospital itself, which can be of us
e to hospital
management. (See also SPIRITUAL PAIN.)
An inflammation of the bursa in front of the knee-cap, often mistaken fo
r some disease in the joint
itself (see BURSITIS).
Host An organism on which a parasite lives.
Hour-Glass Stomach The term given to the X-ray appearance of a stomach w
hich is constricted in its

middle part due either to spasm of the stomach muscle or to contraction of scar
tissue from a gastric
HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy
see under
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin A glycoprotein hormone secreted by the PLA
CENTA in early pregnancy, and
stimulating the CORPUS LUTEUM within the ovary (see OVARIES) to secrete OESTROGE
relaxin. The hormone is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy up to about 68
weeks of gestation. A
RADIOIMMUNOASSAY can be used to detect its presence, and pregnancy can be diagno
sed as early as six days
after conception by testing for it in the urine. Some tumours also secrete human
chorionic gonadotrophin,
particularly HYDATIDIFORM MOLE, which produces large amounts.
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 1990 See ASSISTED CONCEPTION.
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) See ASSISTED CONCEPTIO
Human Genome In simple terms, this is the genetic recipe for making a hu
man being. GENOME is a
combination of the words gene and chromosome, and a genome is defined as all the
genetic material known
as deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA in a cell. Most genes encode sequences of AMINO
ACIDS, the constituents
of proteins, thus initiating and controlling the replication of an organism. The
identification and
characterisation of the human genetic puzzle have been a key bioscience research
target. The Human Genome
Project was launched in 1990 (and completed in 2003) to produce a full sequence
of the three million base
pairs that make up the human genome. Carried out as two separate exercises one b
y a privately funded
American team; another by an international joint venture between taxfunded Ameri
can laboratories, a
charitably funded British one and several other smaller research teams from arou
nd the world the

338 Human Immunodeficiency Virus

first results were announced on 26 June 2000. In February 2001 the priva
tely funded American group,
known as Celera Genomics, announced that it had identified 26,558 genes. At the
same time the Human Genome
Project consortium reported that it had identified 31,000. Allowing for margins
of error, this gives a
figure much lower than the 100,000 or more human genes previously forecast by sc
ientists. Interestingly,
genes were found to make up only 3 per cent of the human genome. The remaining 9
7 per cent of the genome
comprises non-coding DNA which, though not involved in producing the protein-ini
tiating genetic activity,
does have significant roles in the structure, function and evolution of the geno
me. One surprise from the
Project so far is that the genetic differences between humans and other species
seem much smaller than
previously expected. For example, the Celera team found that people have only 30
0 genes that mice do not
have; yet, the common ancestor of mice and men probably lived 100 million years
or more in the past. Mice
and humans, however, have around twice as many genes as the humble fruit fly. Ce
lls die out when they
become redundant during embryonic development: genes also die out during evoluti
on, according to evidence
from the Genome Project a finding that supports the constant evolutionary change
s apparent in living
things; the Darwinian concept of survival of the fittest. Apart from expanding o
ur scientific knowledge,
the new information and promise of much more as the Genome Project continues sho
uld enhance and expand
the use of genetic engineering in the prevention and cure of disease. Studies ar
e in progress on the gene
for a receptor protein in the brain which will shed light on how the important n
eurotransmitter SEROTONIN
in the brain works, and this, for example, should help the development of better
drugs for the treatment of
DEPRESSION. Another gene has been found that is relevant to the development of A
STHMA and yet another that
is involved in the production of amyloid, a complex protein which is deposited i
n excessive amounts in both
Human Immunodeficiency Virus See AIDS/HIV.
Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) See HLA SYSTEM.
Human Organs Transplants Act UK legislation that lays down the framework
and rules governing organ
transplantation. The UK Transplant Support Service Authority (UKTSSA), a special
health authority set up in
1991, is responsible for administering the NHS Organ Donor Registry and the Act
Humerus The bone of the upper arm. It has a rounded head, which helps to
form the shoulder-joint, and

at its lower end presents a wide pulley-like surface for union with the radius a
nd ulna. Its epicondyles
form the prominences at the sides of the elbow.
Humidification The air we breathe must be moist for the efficient workin
g of the lungs (see
RESPIRATION). Humidification, or moistening of the air, is achieved largely by t
he NOSE, which acts as an
air-conditioner, warming, moistening and filtering the 10,000 litres of air whic
h we inhale daily in the
process of which, incidentally, it produces around 15 litres of secretion daily.
Humidity is expressed as
relative humidity (RH). This is the amount of moisture in the air expressed as a
percentage of the maximum
possible at that temperature. If the temperature of a room is raised without inc
reasing the moisture
content, the RH falls. The average outdoor RH in Britain is around 7080 per cent;
with central heating it
may drop to 25 per cent or lower. This is why humidification, as it is known, of
the air is essential in
buildings heated by modern heating systems. The aim should be to keep the RH at
around 3050 per cent. In
houses this may be achieved quite satisfactorily by having a jug or basin of wat
er in the room, or some
receptacle that can be attached to the heater. In offices, some more elaborate f
orm of humidifier is
necessary. Those suffering from chronic BRONCHITIS are particularly susceptible
to dry air, as are those
individuals with disorders of the EYE because the secretions that bathe the eyes
and keep them moist are
unnaturally dried out. (See also VENTILATION.)
Humidifier Fever A form of ALVEOLITIS caused by contamination of the wat
er used to humidify, or
moisten, the air in air-conditioning plants. The breathing of the contaminated a
ir results in infection of
the lung, which is characterised by fever, cough, shortness of breath and malais
e worse on Monday and
tending to improve during the

Hydradenitis Suppurativa
course of the week. (See
Humour An archaic term once used for a theory regarding the causation of
disease as due to an improper
mixture in the body of blood, bile, phlegm and black bile. The term remains in d
escribing some body fluids,
such as the aqueous and vitreous humours of the EYE.
when stained and viewed under the microscope. It occurs in a variety of
tissues and diseases,
particularly ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (ARDS), hyaline degeneration of
arterioles, and alcoholic
liver disease.
Hyaline Membrane Disease A form of ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (
ARDS) found in premature
infants and some of those born by CAESAREAN SECTION,
A craving for food or other substance necessary to bodily activity. Hung
er for food is supposed to be
directly produced by strong contractions of the stomach which occur when it is e
mpty, or nearly so. (See
also THIRST.) Air hunger is an instinctive craving for oxygen resulting in breat
hlessness, either when a
person ascends to great heights where the pressure of air is low, or in some dis
eases such as pneumonia and
DIABETES MELLITUS which affect the bodys METABOLISM and therefore its need for ox
ygen an essential
constituent in this process.
characterised by the onset of difficulty in breathing a few hours after
birth. Most require extra
oxygen and many need mechanical ventilation for a few days or even weeks. Recove
ry is the rule, although
the most severely affected may die or suffer damage from oxygen lack. In this co
ndition the ALVEOLITIS and
the finer BRONCHIOLES of the lungs are lined with a dense membrane. The cause of
the condition is a
deficiency of SURFACTANT in the lung passages which adversely affects gas exchan
ges in the alveoli.
Treatment includes the full gamut of neonatal intensive care, as well as specifi
c therapy with PULMONARY
Huntingtons Chorea
A hereditary disease characterised by involuntary movements and DEMENTIA
. Each child of a parent with
the disease has a 50:50 chance of developing it. Onset is most common between th
e ages of 35 and 45, but 10

per cent of cases occur under the age of 20. Some patients show more severe ment
al disturbance; others more
severe disturbances of movement; but in all it pursues an inexorable downward co
urse over a period of 1020
years to a terminal state of physical and mental helplessness. It is estimated t
hat there are around 6,000
cases in Britain. The defective gene (located on chromosome no. 4) has now been
identified and GENETIC
SCREENING is possible for those at risk. People with Huntingtons chorea and their
relatives can obtain
help and guidance from Huntingtons Disease Association.
Hyaluronidase is an ENZYME which hydrolyses hyaluronic acid. The latter
is a gel-like substance which
is widely distributed throughout the body and which helps to bind together the t
issue cells and also acts
as a lubricant in joints. By virtue of its action in hydrolysing hyaluronic acid
, hyaluronidase is now used
in subcutaneous injections of fluid as it facilitates the spread of the injected
fluid and therefore its
Hurlers Syndrome See GARGOYLISM.
Hutchinsons Teeth The term applied to the narrowed and notched permanent
incisor teeth which occur in
congenital SYPHILIS. They are so-named after Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (18281913),
the London physician who
first described them.
Hyaline Tissue material that has a glass-like appearance
Hydatid A cyst produced by the growth of immature forms of a tapeworm. (
Hydatidiform Mole A rare complication of pregnancy, in which there is tr
emendous proliferation of the
epithelium of the chorion (the outer of the two fetal membranes). It seldom occu
rs during a first
pregnancy. Treatment consists of immediate evacuation of the womb.
Hydradenitis Suppurativa A chronic inflammatory disease of the apocrine
sweat glands (see
PERSPIRATION). It is more common in women in whom it usually occurs in the armpi
t than in men, in whom
it is most common in the perineum of the drivers of lorries and taxis. It occurs
in the form of painful,
tender lumps underneath the skin, which burst

340 Hydrallazine
often in a week or so. Treatment consists of removal by operation. A vas
odilator hypotensive drug,
useful as an adjunct to other treatment for HYPERTENSION.
cephalus. The most satisfactory of these utilise unidirectional valves a
nd shunts (tubes), whereby the
cerebrospinal fluid is bypassed from the brain into the right atrium of the hear
t or the peritoneal cavity.
The shunt may have to be left in position indefinitely.
Hydrochloric Acid
A condition characterised by excess of fluid in the amniotic cavity (see
A colourless, pungent, fuming liquid. Secreted by the parietal cells in
the lining of the stomach, it
aids in the digestion of the food.
A drug used to treat chronic myeloid leukaemia (see MYELOID; LEUKAEMIA).
An abnormal accumulation of CEREBROSPINAL FLUID, or CSF, within the skul
l, as a result of one or more
of three main causes: (i) excessive CSF production; (ii) defective CSF absorptio
n; (iii) blockage of the
circulation of CSF. Such disturbances in the circulation of the fluid may be due
to congenital reasons
(most commonly associated with SPINA BIFIDA), to MENINGITIS, or to a tumour.
A collection of fluid connected with the testis (see TESTICLE) or sperma
tic cord. When there is no
obvious cause, it is classified as primary: such hydrocoeles are usually large a
nd tense, and are commonly
found in middle-aged and younger men, presenting as a large, painless scrotal sw
elling. Congenital
hydrocoeles may occur in infants, when they are often associated with a hernial
sac (see HERNIA).
Hydrocoele of the cord is rare. Secondary hydrocoele is generally smaller and la
x; it is usually secondary
to a tumour or inflammation of the underlying testis or epididymis.
Symptoms In children, the chief symptoms observed are the gradual increa
se in size of the upper part of
the head, out of all proportion to the face or the rest of the body. The head is

globular, with a wide

anterior FONTANELLE and separation of the bones at the sutures. The veins in the
scalp are prominent, and
there is a crackpot note on percussion. The normal infants head should not grow mor
e than 25 cm (1
inch) in each of the first two months of life, and much more slowly subsequently
; growth beyond this rate
should arouse suspicions of hydrocephalus, so medical professionals caring for i
nfants use centile charts
for this purpose. The cerebral ventricles are widely distended, and the convolut
ions of the brain
flattened, while occasionally the fluid escapes into the cavity of the cranium,
which it fills, pressing
down the brain to the base of the skull. As a consequence of such changes, the f
unctions of the brain are
interfered with, and in general the mental condition of the patient is impaired.
Untreated, the child is
dull and listless, irritable and sometimes suffers from severe mental subnormali
ty. The special senses
become affected as the disease advances, especially vision, and sight is often l
ost, as is also hearing.
Towards the end, paralysis is apt to occur.
Treatment Numerous ingenious operations have been devised for the treatm
ent of hydroSee THIAZIDES.
Treatment Congenital hydrocoeles usually disappear spontaneously and may
be safely watched; surgery is
only indicated when there is a hernia, or if the condition persists after the fi
rst year. Hydrocoeles in
adults should be tapped and the testis palpated to exclude primary lesions. Prim
ary hydrocoeles may be
managed by intermittent tapping, or, preferably, by surgical removal. Secondary
hydrocoeles require
treatment of the underlying condition.
Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone has the chemical formula, 17hydroxycortico
sterone. It is closely allied
to CORTISONE both in its structure (cortisone is an oxidation product of hydroco
rtisone) and in its action.
Available in tablet, topical or injection form, hydrocortisone is used in adreno
cortical insufficiency, for
the suppression of local and systemic inflammatory and allergic disorders, and i
n the treatment of shock.
Its mineralocorticoid effects control of salt and water balance mean that the dr
ug should not be used
long term except as replacement therapy in the treatment of ADDISONS DISEASE or f
ollowing adrenalectomy
when hydrocortisone should be given with the mineral corticoid

Hydrogen Peroxide A thick colourless liquid with the formula H2O2 (water
is H2O, possessing only one
oxygen atom in its molecule). Available in solution with water and as a cream, i
t is readily reduced to
water giving up oxygen in the process, which causes the characteristic frothing
seen when used. H2O2 has
antiseptic and deodorising properties; thus it is used as a mouthwash, to clean
wounds and ulcers, and
occasionally to disinfect body cavities at operation. It is also a bleach.
Hymen The thin membranous fold partially closing the lower end of the vi
rginal VAGINA. If the opening
is small, the hymen will tear at the time of first intercourse, usually with a l
ittle bleeding.
Hyoid A U-shaped bone at the root of the tongue. The hyoid can be felt f
rom the front of the neck,
lying about 25 cm above the prominence of the thyroid cartilage.
A recently introduced opioid analgesic drug used to relieve severe pain
in cancer. A controlled drug,
it is taken in capsule form or the powder may be sprinkled over soft food.
Also called scopalamine, this is an alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) obtained fr
om the plant henbane
(hyoscyamus). It is an ANTICHOLINERGIC drug sometimes used as a premedicant in p
atients undergoing
ANAESTHESIA for its sedative and antiemetic effects and for its ability to reduc
e saliva production. It may
cause confusion in the elderly.
Prefix denoting abnormally increased or excessive.
Hydromorphone Hydrochloride
Hydrophobia Another name for RABIES.

A pattern of behaviour, usually in children, characterised by inability

to concentrate, accompanied by
overactivity. (See also ATTENHydrotherapy
Treatment using water in the form of baths, douches, etc.
Hyperacusis means an abnormally acute sense of hearing.
A collection of fluid in the pleural cavities of the lungs.
Congestion or presence of an excessive amount of blood in a body part.
Hydroxocobalamin, or vitamin B12, has now replaced CYANOCOBALAMIN in the
treatment of pernicious
ANAEMIA. It has the practical advantage that fewer injections are required than
in the case of
cyanocobalamin. Like cyanocobalamin, it belongs to the group of substances known
as cobalamins which have
an ENZYME action in practically every metabolic system in the body and are essen
tial for normal growth and
nutrition. (See APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS.)
Hygiene The science of health and the study of ways of its preservation,
particularly by widespread
education and promotion of cleanliness. Especially valuable in developing countr
ies, where it plays a vital
role in helping to limit the spread of infectious diseases.
Hyperaesthesia Oversensitivity of a part of the body as found, for examp
le, in certain neurological
diseases such as HERPES ZOSTER or shingles. (See also TOUCH.)
Hyperalgesia Excessive sensitivity to PAIN; see also TOUCH.
Hyperbaric A pressure that is greater than that of the standard atmosphe
re at sea level (1,013
millibars). Hyperbaric oxygenation is a procedure in which the patient is expose
d to high-pressure oxygen.
The technique is used for the treatment of people suffering from CARBON MONOXIDE
(CO) poisoning,
compressed-air illness,

342 Hypercalcaemia
gas GANGRENE and serious breathing disorders. Occasionally it is used fo
r patients undergoing cardiac
A rare condition (less than 02 per cent) of pregnancy, in which there is
severe vomiting. If untreated
it can result in severe dehydration, ketoacidosis (an excess of KETONE acids) an
d liver damage. More common
in multiple pregnancy, it may recur in subsequent pregnancies.
A state in which the PLASMA calcium concentration is significantly raise
d. The most important causes
are HYPERPARATHYROIDISM, malignant bone disease and other (non-metastatic) cance
rs, and chronic renal
failure. Less common causes include SARCOIDOSIS, MYELOMATOSIS, vitamin D overdos
age (see APPENDIX 5:
VITAMINS), hyperthyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF), and immobilisation.
Signs and symptoms A general malaise and H depression are common, with g
eneralised muscular weakness,
anorexia and vomiting. Disturbed renal function causes increased urine output an
d thirst, with calcium
deposits eventually leading to renal stones. Primary bone disease may cause pain
and weakness, with an
increased incidence of fractures, and there may be gritty deposits of calcium in
the eyes. Severe
hypercalcaemia produces ANURIA, with confusion and COMA leading to death.
Treatment The patient should be rehydrated and a diuretic (see DIURETICS
) given. Attention should then
be focused on the underlying cause usually a parathyroid adenoma or bone tumour
and surgical removal
should produce complete clinical cure, provided that advanced renal disease is n
ot already present.
Hypercalciuria An abnormally large amount of calcium in the urine. It is
the most common single cause
of stones in the KIDNEYS in Britain. (See HYPERCALCAEMIA.)
Hypercapnia An abnormal increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the
blood or in the lungs (see
BLOOD GASES). It may be caused by a reduced respiratory rate or effort, diseases
of the chest wall and lung
(affecting breathing), and cyanotic heart disease.
Hyperchlorhydria Excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomac
h. It is a characteristic
finding in certain forms of DYSPEPSIA, particularly that associated with a duode
nal ulcer, and causes
Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperglycaemia An excess of sugar in the blood that may occur in various

diseases, typically in
DIABETES MELLITUS. The normal blood glucose level in the fasting state is betwee
n 3.5 and 5.5 mmol/1 blood
(see APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS IN MEDICINE); four or five times that amount is fo
und in diabetes, owing to
insufficient insulin in the blood, possibly accompanied by an excessive carbohyd
rate intake. Untreated, it
may lead to diabetic coma.
Hyperidrosis Excessive sweating (see PERSPIRATION).
Hyperkalaemia A concentration of POTASSIUM in the PLASMA that is above t
he normal range. It is often
caused by renal failure or by excessive intake of potassium perhaps in a drug an
d may cause cardiac
dysrhythmia (abnormal rhythm of the heart).
Hyperkeratosis Thickening of the horny (outer) layer of skin, affecting
the palms of the hands and
soles of the feet. The disorder may be inherited.
Hyperkinetic Syndrome See HYPERACTIVITY.
Hyperlipidaemia An excess of fat in the blood, characterising a group of
metabolic disorders. The two
most important fats circulating in the blood are CHOLESTEROL and TRIGLYCERIDE. R
aised blood levels of
cholesterol predispose to ATHEROMA and coronary artery disease (see HEART, DISEA
SES OF); raised
triglycerides predispose to pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DISORDERS OF). Six types
of hyperlipidaemia have
been identified, and diagnosis of the different types depends upon blood tests t
o discover lipid levels.
Some of the hyperlipidaemias are familial, and some are secondary to other disea
ses such as hypothyroidism
(see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF), DIABETES MELLITUS, nephrotic syndrome and alco

Treatment There is evidence that therapy which lowers the lipid concentr
ation reduces the progression
of premature atheroma, particularly in those who suffer from the familial disord
er. Treatment should
include appropriate diets, usually food that is low in cholesterol and saturated
fats. There are a number
of drugs available for lowering the lipid content of the plasma, but these shoul
d be reserved for patients
in whom severe hyperlipidaemia is inadequately controlled by weight reduction. A
nion-exchange resins
clofibrate, bezafibrate and gemfibrozil, for example and statins such as atorvas
tatin and simvastatin, as
well as nicotinic acid, all lower plasma cholesterol and plasma triglyceride con
centration through their
effect on reducing the hepatic production of lipoproteins. Cholestyramine and co
lestipol, both of which are
anion-exchange resins, bind bile salts in the gut and so decrease the absorption
of the cholesterol that
these bile salts contain hence lowering plasma cholesterol concentrations. Probu
col lowers plasma
cholesterol concentrations by increasing the metabolism of low-density lipoprote
ins. The statins
(atorvastatin, cerivastatin, fluvastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin) inhibit a
n enzyme involved in
synthesising cholesterol, especially in the liver. They are more effective than
anion-exchange resins in
lowering LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol a form of low-density cholest
erol carried in the
bloodstream, high levels of which are believed to be the main cause of atheroma.
Statins are, however, less
effective than the clofibrate group in reducing triglycerides and raising HDL (h
ighdensity lipoprotein)
cholesterol (high-density cholesterol).
Hypermetropia Hypermetropia, or hyperopia, is a term applied to long-sig
htedness, in which the eye is
too flat from front to back and rays of light are brought to a focus behind the
retina. (See EYE; VISION.)
Hypernatraemia A SERUM sodium concentration that is above normal. The co
ndition is usually caused by
dehydration (either from inadequate intake or excessive loss of water); occasion
ally it may be caused by
excessive sodium intake, and rarely by a raised level of ALDOSTERONE hormone.
Hypernephroma Now named renal cell carcinoma, this is a malignant tumour
resembling the tissue of the
suprarenal gland and occurring in the KIDNEYS. Fever, loin pain, HAEMATURIA and
swelling are
among the presenting symptoms, but the tumour may be symptomless for man
y years. Surgical removal is
the initial treatment; hypernephromas are fairly insensitive to CYTOTOXIC drugs
and RADIOTHERAPY although
hormone treatment may help and are prone to spread via the bloodstream, for exam
ple, to the lungs.

Hyperparathyroidism Increased activity of the PARATHYROID gland. Parathy

roid hormone increases SERUM
calcium. Hyperparathyroidism may be primary (due to an ADENOMA or HYPERPLASIA of
the gland), secondary (in
response to HYPOCALCAEMIA) or tertiary (when secondary hyperparathyroidism cause
s the development of an
autonomous adenoma).
Hyperpituitarism Overactivity of the anterior lobe of the PITUITcausing
Hyperplasia Hyperplasia means an abnormal increase in the number of cell
s in a tissue.
Hyperprolactinaemia Overproduction of the hormone PROLACTIN, usually as
a result of a tumour of the
PITUITARY GLAND (prolactinoma).
Hyperpyrexia High FEVER. (See also TEMPERATURE.)
Hypersensitivity An abnormal immunological reaction produced by some peo
ple when re-exposed to antigens
that are innocuous to normal individuals. An antigen or allergen is a protein th
at stimulates an allergic
response. This may mean that the next time the person is exposed to that antigen
, there may be a dramatic
health- or lifethreatening reaction, such as ANAPHYLAXIS. (See also ALLERGY; IMM
Hypertension Means high BLOOD PRESSURE (raised pressure of the circulati
ng blood), but since there is a
wide range of normal blood pressure in the population, a precise level of pressure
above which an
individual is deemed hypertensive is arbitrary. (A healthy young adult would be
expected to have a systolic
pressure of around 120 mm Hg and a diastolic of 80 mm Hg, recorded as 120/80.) H
ypertension is not a
disease as such but a quantitative deviation from the norm. A person with a pres
sure higher than

344 Hypertension
the average for his or her age group is usually symptomless although som
etimes such people may
develop headaches. The identification of people with hypertension is important b
ecause it is a signal that
they will be more likely to have a STROKE or myocardial infarct (coronary thromb
osis or heart attack) than
someone whose pressure is in the normal range. Preventive steps can then be taken
to lessen the
likelihood of their developing these potentially life-threatening conditions. Bl
ood pressure is measured
using two values. The systolic pressure the greater of the two represents the pr
essure when blood is
pumped from the left VENTRICLE of the heart into the AORTA. The diastolic pressu
re is the measurement when
both ventricles relax between beats. The pressures are measured in millimetres (
mm) of mercury (Hg).
Despite the grey area between normal and raised blood pressure, the World Health
Organisation (WHO) has
defined hypertension as a blood pressure consistently greater than 160 mm Hg (sy
stolic) and 95 mm Hg
(diastolic). Young children have readings well below these, but blood pressure r
ises with age and a healthy
person may well live symptom free with a systolic pressure above the WHO figure.
A useful working
definition of hypertension is the figure at which the benefits of treating the c
ondition outweigh the risks
and costs of the treatment. Between 10 and 20 per cent of the adult population i
n the UK has hypertension,
with more men than women affected. Incidence is highest in the middle-aged and e
lderly. Because most people
with hypertension are symptomless, the condition is often first identified durin
g a routine medical
examination, otherwise a diagnosis is usually made when complications occur. Man
y peoples blood pressure
rises when they are anxious or after exercise, so if someones pressure is above n
ormal at the first
testing, it should be taken again after, say, 10 minutes rest, by which time the
reading should have
settled to the persons regular level. BP measurements should then be taken on two
subsequent occasions. If
the pressure is still high, the cause needs to be determined: this is done using
a combination of personal
and family histories (hypertension can run in families), a physical examination
and investigations,
including an ECG and blood tests for renal disease. Over 90 per cent of hyperten
sive people have no
immediately identifiable cause for their condition. They are described as having
essential hypertension. In
those patients with an identifiable cause, the hypertension is described as secondary. Among the causes of secondary hypertension are: Lifestyle factor
s such as smoking, alcohol,
stress, excessive dietary salt and obesity. Diseases of the KIDNEYS. Pregnancy (
thyrotoxicosis (see

oestrogen-containing oral

Treatment People with severe hypertension may need prompt admission to h
ospital for urgent
investigation and treatment. Those with a mild to moderate rise in blood pressur
e for which no cause is
identifiable should be advised to change their lifestyle: smokers should stop th
e habit, and those with
high alcohol consumption should greatly reduce or stop their drinking. Obese peo
ple should reduce their
food consumption, especially of animal fats, and take more exercise. Everyone wi
th hypertension should
follow a low-salt diet and take regular exercise. Patients should also be taught
how to relax, which helps
to reduce blood pressure and, if they have a stressful life, working patterns sh
ould be modified if
possible. If these lifestyle changes do not reduce a persons blood pressure suffi
ciently, drugs to achieve
this will be needed. A wide range of anti-hypertensive drugs are available on pr
escription. A first-line
treatment is one of the THIAZIDES, effective at a low dosage and especially usef
ul in the elderly. Beta
blockers (see BETAADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS), such as oxprenolol, acebutol or
atenolol, are also
first-line treatments. ACE inhibitors (see ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME (ACE) a
INHIBITORS) BLOCKERS can be used if the first-line choices
are not effective. The drug treatment of hypertension is complex, and so
metimes various drugs or
combinations of drugs have to be tried to find what regimen is effective and sui
ts the patient. Mild to
moderate hypertension can usually be treated in general practice, but patients w
ho do not respond or have
complications will normally require specialist advice. Patients on anti-hyperten
sive treatments require
regular monitoring, and, as treatment may be necessary for several years, partic
ular attention should be
paid to identifying side-

effects. Nevertheless, effective treatment of hypertension does enable a
ffected individuals to live
longer and more comfortable lives than would otherwise be the case. Older people
with moderately raised
blood pressure are often able to live with the condition, and treatment with ant
i-hypertensive drugs may
produce symptoms of HYPOTENSION. In summary, hypertension is a complex disorder,
with different patients
responding differently to treatment. So the condition sometimes requires careful
assessment before the most
effective therapy for a particular individual is identified, and continued monit
oring of patients with the
disorder is advisable.
Complications Untreated hypertension may eventually result in serious co
mplications. People with high
blood pressure have blood vessels with thickened, less flexible walls, a narrowe
d LUMEN and convoluted
shape. Sometimes arteries become rigid. ANEURYSM may develop and widespread ATHE
ROMA (fat deposits) is
apparent in the arterial linings. Such changes adversely affect the blood supply
to body tissues and organs
and so damage their functioning. Patients suffer STROKE (haemorrhage from or thr
ombosis in the arteries of
the BRAIN) and heart attacks (coronary thrombosis see HEART, DISEASES OF). Those
with hypertension may
suffer damage to the retina of the EYE and to the OPTIC DISC. Indeed, the diagno
sis of hypertension is
sometimes made during a routine eye test, when the doctor or optician notices ch
anges in the retinal
arteries or optic disc. Kidney function is often affected, with patients excreti
ng protein and excessive
salt in their urine. Occasionally someone with persistent hypertension may suffe
r an acceleration of damage
to the blood vessels a condition described as malignant hypertension, and one requ
iring urgent hospital
treatment. Hypertension is a potentially dangerous disease because it develops i
nto a cycle of
selfperpetuating damage. Faulty blood vessels lead to high blood pressure which
in turn aggravates the
damage in the vessels and thus in the tissues and organs they supply with blood;
this further raises the
affected individuals blood pressure and the pathological cycle continues.
Hypertensive Encephalopathy A complication of severe HYPERTENSION, this
serious but uncommon condition
is characterised by neurological symptoms which include transient verbal and vis
ual disturbances,
PARAESTHESIA, disorientation, fits and sometimes loss of consciousness. It also
affects the eyes,
causing PAPILLOEDEMA. Haemorrhages may occur in the brain, usually in th
e area of the BASAL GANGLIA.
Neurological symptoms can usually be treated effectively by controlling the pati
ents hypertension.

Hyperthermia Hyperthermia means abnormally high body temperature. A rapi

d rise of temperature to
dangerous levels called malignant hyperthermia may be precipitated by general AN
condition is rare (1:50,000 operations) and is usually inherited. The anaestheti
c is stopped and icepacks
are used to cool the patient. Pure oxygen and intravenous sodium choride are als
o administered. It is also
the name given to the treatment of disease by the artificial production of FEVER
. This can be achieved by
various methods, such as radiation heat cabinets boosted with radio frequency (R
F); immersion in a hot wax
bath; heated suits or blankets; techniques using electromagnetic waves (e.g. RF,
ULTRASOUND of appropriate frequencies. Hyperthermia is sometimes of help as an a
djunct to surgery,
CHEMOTHERAPY, or RADIOTHERAPY in the treatment of cancer.
Hyperthyroidism Excessive activity of the thyroid gland. (See THYROID GL
Hypertonic (1) Referring to one solution which has a greater osmotic pre
ssure (see OSMOSIS) than
another. Physiologically it is used to describe solutions which have a greater o
smotic pressure than body
fluids. (2) Muscles with abnormally increased tone (e.g. following a STROKE).
Hypertrophy The increase in size which takes place in an organ as the re
sult of an increased amount of
work demanded of it by the bodily economy. For example, when valvular disease of
the heart is present,
compensation occurs by an increase in thickness of the heart muscle, and the org
an, by beating more
powerfully, is able to overtake the strain thrown upon it. Similarly, if one kid
ney is removed, the other
hypertrophies or grows larger to take over the double workload.
Hyperventilation An abnormally rapid resting respiratory rate (see RESPI
RATION). If voluntarily
induced, it causes lightheadedness and then unconsciousness by lowering the bloo
d tension of carbon

346 Hypervolaemia
Hyperventilation is a manifestation of chest and heart diseases which ra
ise carbon dioxide tension or
NARY OEDEMA). Mechanically
ventilated patients may be hyperventilated to lower carbon dioxide tension in or
der to reduce INTRACRANIAL
Hypervolaemia An increase in the volume of circulating blood above the n
ormal range.
Hypnotics H
These are drugs that induce SLEEP. Before a hypnotic is prescribed, it i
s vital to establish and,
where possible, treat the cause of the insomnia (see under SLEEP, DISORDERS OF).
Hypnotics are most often
needed to help an acutely distressed patient (for example, following bereavement
), or in cases of jet lag,
or in shift workers. If required in states of chronic distress, whether induced
by disease or environment,
it is especially important to limit the drugs to a short time to prevent undue r
eliance on them, and to
prevent the use of hypnotics and sedatives from becoming a means of avoiding the
patients real problem. In
many cases, such as chronic depression, overwork, and alcohol abuse, hypnotics a
re quite inappropriate;
some form of counselling and relaxation therapy is preferable. Hypnotics should
always be chosen and
prescribed with care, bearing in mind the patients full circumstances. They are g
enerally best avoided in
the elderly (confusion is a common problem), and in children apart from special
cases. Barbiturates
should not now be used as they tend to be addictive. The most commonly used hypn
otics are the
BENZODIAZEPINES such as nitrazepam and temazepam; chloral derivatives, while saf
er for the few children who
merit them, are generally second choice and should be used in the lowest possibl
e dose for the minimum
period. Side-effects include daytime drowsiness which may interfere with driving
and other skilled tasks
and insomnia following withdrawal, especially after prolonged use, is a hazard.
benzodiazepines will trigger hostility and aggression. Zolpidem and zopiclone ar
e two drugs similar to the
benzodiazepines, indicated for short-term treatment of insomnia in the elderly.
Adverse effects include
confusion, incoordination and unsteadiness, and falls have been reported.
is a tranquilliser/hypnotic that has been misused as a recreational drug
Hypnotism The process of producing a state of mind known as hypnosis. Al
though recognised for hundreds
of years, the precise nature of this process is still poorly understood. One mod
ern writer has defined

hypnosis as a temporary condition of altered attention, the most striking feature

of which is greatly
increased suggestibility. There is no evidence, as has been claimed, that women c
an be more easily
hypnotised than men; in fact, children and young adults are the more easily hypn
otised, with middle-aged
people being more resistant. Hypnosis is induced by various methods, but the bas
is of all is some rhythmic
stimulus accompanied by the repetition of carefully worded suggestions. The most
commonly used method is to
ask the patient to fix his or her eye on a given spot, or light, and then to kee
p on repeating, in a quiet
and soothing voice, that the patients eyes will gradually become tired and that h
e or she will want to
close them. There are various levels of hypnosis, usually classified as light, m
edium, and deep, and it has
been estimated that 10 per cent of people cannot be hypnotised; 35 per cent can
be taken into light
hypnosis; 35 per cent into medium hypnosis; and 20 per cent into deep hypnosis.
Hypnosis can be used as a
treatment for some psychiatric patients and in some people with psychosomatic co
nditions in which emotional
or psychological disturbances precipitate physical disorders such as skin lesion
s or headaches. Hypnosis
may help to relieve pain in childbirth; asthma may also respond to it. Some peop
le may find hypnosis to be
of help in overcoming addictions to smoking, alcohol or gambling. The process ha
s associated risks, and its
use in treatment should be by doctors trained in the technique.
HypoA prefix meaning below, under, or less than normal: for example, hyp
otension (low blood pressure)
and hypodermic (under the skin).
Hypocalcaemia A SERUM concentration of calcium below the normal range (b
etween 2.33 and 3.05 mmol of
calcium per 100 ml of serum). This may cause TETANY, acutely; chronically it may
give rise to RICKETS,
OSTEOMALACIA or osteoporosis (see BONE, DISORDERS OF). It may be caused by hypop
arathyroidism (see THYROID
GLAND, DISEASES OF), vitamin D deficiency (see APPENDIX

Hypoglycaemic Agents
malabsorption, renal failure or acute pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DISORD
largely comprises antibodies (IMMUNOGLOBULINS) so deficiency of the prot
ein reduces
an individuals natural resistance to infection (see IMMUNOLOGY).
A blood tension of carbon dioxide below normal. It is produced by HYPERV
ENTILATION which may be
voluntary, mechanical (if the patient is on a ventilator) or in response to a ph
ysiological insult such as
metabolic acidosis or brain injury.
Hypogastric A term means pertaining to the lower middle part of the abdo
men, just above the pubis.
Hypoglossal Nerve
An insufficient secretion of HYDROCHLORIC from the digestive cells of th
e stomach lining.
The 12th cranial nerve, which supplies the muscles of the tongue, togeth
er with some others lying near
it. This nerve is responsible for movements required for swallowing and talking.
Obsession with the bodys functions and a DELUSION of ill health, often se
vere, such that patients may
believe they have a brain tumour or incurable insanity. Furthermore, patients ma
y believe that they have
infected others, or that their children have inherited the condition. It is a ch
aracteristic feature of
DEPRESSION, but may also occur in SCHIZOPHRENIA, when the delusions may be secon
dary to bodily
HALLUCINATIONS, and a sense of subjective change. Chronic hypochondriasis may be
the result of an abnormal
personality development: for example, the insecure, bodily-conscious person. Del
usional preoccupations with
the body usually the face may occur, such that the patient is convinced that his
or her face is
twisted, or disfigured with acne.
A deficiency of glucose in the blood the normal range being 3575 mmol/l (se
It most commonly occurs in diabetic patients for example, after an excessive dos
e of INSULIN and heavy
exercise, particularly with inadequate or delayed meals. It may also occur in no

n-diabetic people, however:

for example, in very cold situations or after periods of starvation. Hypoglycaem
ia is normally indicated by
characteristic warning signs and symptoms, particularly if the blood glucose con
centration is falling
rapidly. These include anxiety, tremor, sweating, breathlessness, raised pulse r
ate, blurred vision and
reduced concentration, leading in severe cases to unconsciousness. Symptoms may
be relieved by taking
some sugar, some sweet biscuits or a sweetened drink. In emergencies, such as wh
en the patient is comatose
(see COMA), an intramuscular injection of GLUCAGON or intravenous glucose should
be given. Early treatment
is vital, since prolonged hypoglycaemia, by starving the brain cells of glucose,
may lead to irreversible
brain damage.
Hypochlorhydria ACID
Treatment Hypochondriacal patients may also develop physical illness, an
d any new symptoms must always
be carefully evaluated. In most patients the condition is secondary, and treatme
nt should be directed to
the underlying depression or schizophrenia. In the rare cases of primary hypocho
ndriasis, supportive
measures are the mainstay of treatment.
Hypodermic A term pertaining to the region immediately under the skin. T
hus, a hypodermic injection
means an injection given underneath the skin. A hypodermic syringe is a small sy
ringe which, fitted with a
fine needle, is used to give such injections.
Hypogammaglobulinaemia A lower-than-normal amount of the protein GAMMA-G
LOBULIN in the blood. The
origin may be genetic several types are inherited or an acquired defect (for ins
tance, some lymphomas
cause the condition). Gamma-globulin
Hypoglycaemic Agents These oral agents reduce the excessive amounts of G
LUCOSE in the blood
(HYPERGLYCAEMIA) in people with type 2 (INSULIN-resistant) diabetes (see DIABETE
S MELLITUS). Although the
various drugs act differently, most depend on a supply of endogenous (secreted b
y the PANCREAS) insulin.
Thus they are of no value in treating patients with type 1 diabetes (insulin-dep
endent diabetes mellitus
(IDDM), in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin and the patients cond
ition is stabilised using
insulin injections). The traditional oral hypoglycaemic drugs have been the sulp
honylureas and biguanides;
new agents are now available for example, thiazolidine-diones (insulin-enhancing

348 Hypoglycaemic Coma

and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, which delay the digestion of CARBOHYDR
ATE and the absorption of
glucose. Hypoglycaemic agents should not be prescribed until diabetic patients h
ave been shown not to
respond adequately to at least three months restriction of energy and carbohydrat
e intake.
Sulphonylureas The main group of hypoH
glycaemic agents, these act on the beta cells to stimulate insulin relea
se; consequently they are
effective only when there is some residual pancreatic beta-cell activity (see IN
SULIN). They also act on
peripheral tissues to increase sensitivity, although this is less important. All
sulphonylureas may lead to
HYPOGLYCAEMIA four hours or more after food, but this is relatively uncommon, an
d usually an indication of
overdose. There are several different sulphonylureas; apart from some difference
s in their duration or
action (and hence in their suitability for individual patients) there is little
difference in their
effectiveness. Only chlorpropamide has appreciably more side-effects mainly beca
use of its prolonged
duration of action and consequent risk of hypoglycaemia. There is also the commo
n and unpleasant
chlorpropamide/ alcohol-flush phenomenon when the patient takes alcohol. Selecti
on of an individual
sulphonylurea depends on the patients age and renal function, and often just on p
ersonal preference.
Elderly patients are particularly prone to the risks of hypoglycaemia when longacting drugs are used. In
these patients chlorpropamide, and preferably glibenclamide, should be avoided a
nd replaced by others such
as gliclazide or tolbutamide. These drugs may cause weight gain and are indicate
d only if poor control
persists despite adequate attempts at dieting. They should not be used during br
east feeding, and caution
is necessary in the elderly and in those with renal or hepatic insufficiency. Th
ey should also be avoided
in porphyria (see PORPHYRIAS). During surgery and intercurrent illness (such as
myocardial infarction,
COMA, infection and trauma), insulin therapy should be temporarily substituted.
Insulin is generally used
during pregnancy and should be used in the presence of ketoacidosis.
Side-effects Chiefly gastrointestinal disturbances and headache; these a
re generally mild and
infrequent. After drinking alcohol, chlorpropamide may cause facial flushing. It
also may enhance the
action of antidiuretic hormone (see VASOPRESSIN), very rarely causing HYPONATRAE
Sensitivity reactions are very rare, usually occurring in the first six
to eight weeks of therapy. They
include transient rashes which rarely progress to erythema multiforme (see under
ERYTHEMA) and exfoliate

DERMATITIS, fever and jaundice; chlorpropamide may also occasionally result in p

hotosensitivity. Rare blood
Biguanides Metformin, the only available member of this group, acts by r
educing GLUCONEOGENESIS and by
increasing peripheral utilisation of glucose. It can act only if there is some r
esidual insulin activity,
hence it is only of value in the treatment of non-insulin dependent (type 2) dia
betics. It may be used
alone or with a sulphonylurea, and is indicated when strict dieting and sulphony
lurea treatment have failed
to control the diabetes. It is particularly valuable in overweight patients, in
whom it may be used first.
Metformin has several advantages: hypoglycaemia is not usually a problem; weight
gain is uncommon; and
plasma insulin levels are lowered. Gastrointestinal side-effects are initially c
ommon and persistent in
some patients, especially when high doses are being taken. Lactic acidosis is a
rarely seen hazard
occurring in patients with renal impairment, in whom metformin should not be use
Other antidiabetics Acarbose is an inhibitor of intestinal alpha glucosi
dases (enzymes that process
GLUCOSIDES), delaying the digestion of starch and sucrose, and hence the increas
e in blood glucose
concentrations after a meal containing carbohydrate. It has been introduced for
the treatment of type 2
patients inadequately controlled by diet or diet with oral hypoglycaemics. Guar
gum, if taken in adequate
doses, acts by delaying carbohydrate absorption, and therefore reducing the post
prandial blood glucose
levels. It is also used to relieve symptoms of the DUMPING SYNDROME.
Hypoglycaemic Coma Hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar occurs when a patien
suffers an imbalance between carbohydrate/glucose intake and INSULIN dosage. If
there is more insulin than
is needed to help metabolise the available carbohydrate, it causes a range of sy
mptoms such as sweating,
trembling, pounding heartbeat, anxiety, hunger, nausea, tiredness and headache.
If the situation is not
quickly remedied by taking oral sugar or, if severe, giving glucose by injection
the patient may become

confused, drowsy and uncoordinated, finally lapsing into a COMA. Hypogly
caemia is infrequent in people
whose diabetes is controlled with diet and oral HYPOGLYCAEMIC AGENTS.
Treatment of acute hypoglycaemia depends upon the severity of the condit
ion. Oral carbohydrate, such as
a sugary drink or chocolate, may be effective if the patient is conscious enough
to swallow; if not,
glucose or GLUCAGON by injection will be required. Comatose patients who recover
after an injection should
then be given oral carbohydrates. An occasional but dangerous complication of co
ma is cerebral oedema (see
BRAIN, DISEASES OF Cerebral oedema), and this should be considered if coma persi
sts. Emergency treatment
in hospital is then needed. When the patient has recovered, management of his or
her diabetes should be
assessed in order to prevent further hypoglycaemic attacks.
tions intravenously), excessive water retention (inappropriate secretion
of antidiuretic hormone),
excessive sodium loss, and, rarely, by inadequate salt intake.
Hypoparathyroidism Underactivity of the parathyroid glands (see under EN
DOCRINE GLANDS). Thus there is
a lack of parathyroid hormone resulting in HYPOCALCAEMIA. It may be caused by in
advertent removal of the
glands when the thyroid gland is surgically removed, or by failure of the glands
because of autoimmune
Hypophysectomy Surgical excision of the PITUITARY GLAND. This can be don
e by opening the skull, by
inserting very low-temperature needles (CRYOSURGERY) into the gland, or by inser
ting needles of radioactive
Another name for the PITUITARY GLAND.
A condition characterised by underactivity of the testes (see TESTICLE)
or OVARIES the gonads. The
condition may be caused by a genetically based disorder resulting in an abnormal
ly functioning gonad
(primary hypogonadism) or by a malfunctioning PITUITARY GLAND that fails to prod
uce an adequate amount of
gonadotrophin hormone (see GONADOTROPHINS) secondary hypogonadism. Those affecte
d may fail to develop
adequately the secondary characteristics of their sex: males will have delayed p
uberty, erectile impotence
and infertility and also develop GYNAECOMASTIA; females also have delayed pubert
y, infertility, and
sometimes HIRSUTISM.

Hypokalaemia An abnormally low concentration of potassium in the blood.

Hypomania Hypomania is a modest manifestation of mania (see under MENTAL
ILLNESS). The individual is
elated to an extent that he or she may make unwise decisions, and social behavio
ur may become animated and
uninhibited. To the casual observer individuals may, however, seem normal. Treat
ment is advisable to
prevent them from harming their own or their familys interests. Treatment is as f
or mania.
Hyponatraemia A SERUM concentration of sodium below the normal range. It
may be produced by dilution of
blood (giving large volumes of salt-poor solu349
The condition, or state, characterised by HYPOTENSION, or abnormally low
blood pressure.
Hypopituitarism Underactivity of the PITUITARY GLAND. It can cause dwarf
ism, delayed puberty,
impotence, infertility, AMENORRHOEA, hypothyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES
OF), and hypoadrenalism.
Causes include tumours, irradiation of the gland, SARCOIDOSIS, and necrosis asso
ciated with post-partum
haemorrhage (Sheehans syndrome).
Hypoplasia Excessive smallness of an organ or part, arising from imperfe
ct development.
Hypoproteinaemia A fall in the amount of PROTEIN in the blood. This may
be caused by malnutrition, loss
of protein from kidney disorders, or faulty production of protein which occurs i
n some liver disorders.
Hypoproteinaemia causes OEDEMA because fluid accumulates in the tissues as a con
sequence of the metabolic
abnormalities. Patients resistance to infections is also impaired.
Hypoprothrombinaemia A deficiency of PROTHROMBIN (clotting factor) in th
e blood. As a result the
affected individual tends to bleed more easily. The defect may be inherited or b
e the consequence of liver
disease or a deficiency in vitamin K.

350 Hypospadias
Anticoagulant therapy will also cause a fall in prothrombin levels.
Hypospadias A developmental abnormality in the male, in which the URETHR
A opens on the undersurface of
the penis or in the PERINEUM. The condition is treatable with surgery, but sever
al operations over a period
of years may be required to ensure normal urinary and sexual functions.
The term applied to the condition in which blood accumulates in a depend
ent part of the body as a
result of poor circulation. Congestion of the base of the lungs in old people fr
om this cause, and
infection, is called hypostatic PNEUMONIA.
Hypotension Low blood pressure (see HYPERTENSION for raised blood pressu
re). Some healthy individuals
with a normal cardiovascular system have a permanently low arterial blood pressu
re for their age. What
blood-pressure reading constitutes hypotension is arguable, but a healthy young
person with figures below
100 mm Hg systolic and 65 mm Hg diastolic could be described as hypotensive. For
a healthy 60 year old,
comparative figures might be 120/80. The most common type of hypotension is call
ed postural, with symptoms
occurring when a person suddenly stands up, particularly after a period of rest
or a hot bath. It results
from the muscular tone of blood vessels becoming relaxed and being unable to res
pond quickly enough to the
changing posture, the consequence being a temporary shortage of arterial blood t
o the brain and organs in
the chest. Symptoms of dizziness, occasionally fainting, and nausea occur. Older
people are especially
vulnerable and may fall as a result of the sudden hypotension. Some drugs anti-h
ypertensives and
antidepressant ones cause hypotension. People with DIABETES MELLITUS occasionall
y develop hypotension
because of nerve damage that affects the reflex impulses controlling blood press
ure. Any severe injury or
burn that results in serious loss of blood or body fluid will cause hypotension
and SHOCK. Myocardial
infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF) or failure of the ADRENAL GLANDS can cause h
ypotension and shock. A
severe emotional event that causes shock may also result in hypotension and fain
ting. Hypotension in
healthy people does not require treatment, although affected individuals should
be advised not to stand up
suddenly or
get out of a bath quickly. Someone who faints as a result of a hypotensi
ve incident should be laid down
for a few minutes to allow the circulation to return to normal. Hypotension resu
lting from burns, blood
loss, heart attack or adrenal failure (shock) requires medical attention for the
causative condition.

Hypothalamus That part of the fore-brain situated beneath and linked wit
h the THALAMUS on each side and
forming the floor of the third ventricle (see BRAIN). Also linked to the PITUITA
RY GLAND beneath it, the
hypothalamus contains collections of nerve cells believed to form the controllin
g centres of (1) the
sympathetic and (2) the parasympathetic nervous systems (see under NERVOUS SYSTE
M). The hypothalamus is the
nervous centre for primitive physical and emotional behaviour. It contains nerve
centres for the regulation
of certain vital processes: the metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and water; sleep
; body temperature and
sexual functions.
Hypothermia A core body temperature of less than 35 C. As the temperature
of the body falls, there is
increasing dysfunction of all the organs, particularly the central nervous and c
ardiovascular systems. The
patient becomes listless and confused, with onset of unconsciousness between 3328
C. Cardiac output at
first rises with shivering but then falls progressively, as do the oxygen requir
ements of the tissues.
Below 17 26 C, cardiac output is insufficient even to supply this reduced demand f
or oxygen by the
tissues. The heart is susceptible to spontaneous ventricular FIBRILLATION below
28 C. Metabolism is
disturbed and the concentration of blood GLUCOSE and POTASSIUM rises as the temp
erature falls. Cooling of
the kidneys produces a DIURESIS and further fluid loss from the circulation to t
he tissues causes
HYPOVOLAEMIA. Severe hypothermia is sometimes complicated by gastric erosions an
d haemorrhage, as well as
pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DISORDERS OF). Infants and the elderly are less effi
cient at regulating
temperature and conserving heat than other age groups, and are therefore more at
risk from accidental
hypothermia during cold weather if their accommodation is not warm enough. Appro
ximately half a million
elderly people are at risk in Britain each winter from hypothermia. The other ma
jor cause of accidental
hypothermia is near-drowning in icy water. Deliberate hypothermia is sometimes u
sed to reduce metabolic
rate so that prolonged periods of cardiac arrest may occur without

tissue HYPOXIA developing. This technique is used for some cardiac and n
eurosurgical operations and is
produced by immersion of the anaesthetised patient in iced water or by cooling a
n extracorporeal
circulation. Treatment of hypothermia is by warming the patient and treating any
complications that arise.
Passive warming is usual, with conservation of the patients own body heat with in
sulating blankets. If the
core temperature is below 28 C, then active rewarming should be instituted by mea
ns of warm peritoneal,
gastric or bladder lavage or using an extracorporeal circulation. Care must be t
aken in moving hypothermic
patients, as a sudden rush of cold peripheral blood to the heart can precipitate
ventricular fibrillation.
Prevention of hypothermia in the elderly is important. Special attention must be
paid to diet, heating the
home and adequate clothing in several layers to limit heat loss.
Hypothyroidism Underactivity of the thyroid gland (see THYROID GLAND, DI
Hypotonic (1) Referring to a solution which has a lower osmotic pressure
(see OSMOSIS) than another.
Physiologically it describes a solution with a lower osmotic pressure than body
fluids. (2) Muscles with
abnormally reduced tone.
Hypoventilation Shallow and/or slow breathing, often caused by the effec
ts of injury or drugs on the
respiratory centre. It causes HYPERCAPNIA and HYPOXIA.
Hypovolaemia A reduced circulating blood volume. Acutely, it is caused b
y unreplaced losses from
bleeding, sweating, diarrhoea, vomiting or diuresis. Chronically it may be cause
d by inadequate fluid
Hypoxaemia A fall in the concentration of OXYGEN in the arterial blood.
Symptoms are those of CYANOSIS
and, if severe, the affected individual will show signs of respiratory failure.
Hypoxia A shortage of OXYGEN in the body tissues. It may be caused by lo
w inspired concentration of
oxygen, an abnormal breathing pattern, lung disease or heart disease. If severe
and prolonged
it will cause organ damage and death, as cellular function is dependent
on oxygen. (See also
Hysterectomy Surgical removal of the UTERUS. Hysterooophorectomy is the
term applied to removal of the
uterus and OVARIES. (See also UTERUS, DISEASES OF.)
Hysteria An out-of-date description for a symptom (or symptoms) with no
obvious organic cause, which is

an unconscious reaction and from which the person may benefit. It is now recogni
sed as a dissociative
disorder: such disorders AMNESIA, FUGUE, multiple personality states and trancel
ike conditions are
powerful defence mechanisms against severe stress when a patient is unable to co
pe with a particular
problem or problems. Symptoms can also mimic physical conditions: for example, a
pparent paralysis or
inability to speak (mutism). Mass hysteria is a phenomenon characterised by extr
eme suggestibility in a
group of often emotionally charged people. The name originates from the ancient
idea that hysteria a
Greek-based word for UTERUS was in some way associated with the womb. Hence the ol
association of hysteria with women, and with supposed sexual disturbances. Docto
rs should make sure there
is not a physical disease present to explain the symptoms before diagnosing a di
ssociative disorder. Most
subside spontaneously, but if not, the individual needs psychiatric advice. Trea
tment is difficult. Reasons
for stress should be explored and, if possible, resolved. Hypnosis (see HYPNOTIS
M) to help the person to
relive stressful episodes known as ABREACTION may be of value.
Hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy is the direct visualisation of the interior of
ENDOSCOPY. The technique, which allows minor surgical procedures to be carried o
ut at the same time, has
transformed the management of uterine disorders.
Hysterotomy An operation in which the UTERUS is opened to remove a FETUS
before 28 weeks gestation.
After 28 weeks it would be called a CAESAREAN SECTION. It is now seldom used as
a means of abortion.

appearance at birth is of the so-called collodion baby; in the dominant form the b
aby is born with

universally red, moist and eroded skin with an unpleasant smell. Gradually, over
several months, thick

scales replace the ERYTHEMA.

Treatment Minor forms are helped by conIatric
Anything pertaining to a physician (see DOCTOR).
Iatrogenic Disease Disease induced by a physician: most commonly a druginduced disease.
Icterus is another name for JAUNDICE.
Ictus is another term for a STROKE.
Ibuprofen One
stant use of EMOLLIENTS and moisturising applications. Cream containing
UREA can be valuable. The rare
erythrodermic patterns in the neonate require skilled intensive care as thermore
gulation is disturbed and
massive fluid loss occurs through the skin. Later in childhood, oral RETINOIDS a
re useful.
ANTIIdentical Twins
analgesic properties, Ibuprofen is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis an
d other forms of rheumatism as
well as headaches and muscular pains. It can cause gastric irritation and bleedi
ng in susceptible
individuals if used regularly.

Idiopathic Idiopathic is a term applied to diseases to indicate that the
ir cause is unknown.
Idiopathic Facial Nerve Palsy Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Common and inherited as a dominant trait. Beginning in early childhood,
it is often associated with
atopic eczema (see DERMATITIS). The limb flexures and face are spared.
Sometimes described as thrombocytopenia, this is an autoimmune disorder
in which blood PLATELETS are
destroyed. This disturbs the bloods coagulative properties (see COAGULATION) and
spontaneous bleeding
(PURPURA) occurs into the skin. The disease may be acute in children but most re
cover without treatment.
Adults may develop a more serious, chronic variety which requires treatment with
sometimes SPLENECTOMY. Should the disease persist despite these treatments, intr
avenous immunoglobulin or
immunosuppressive drugs (see IMMUNOSUPPRESSION) are worth trying. Should the ble
eding be or become
life-threatening, concentrates of platelets should be administered.
X-linked ichthyosis is much less common,
more severe and appears earlier than ichthyosis vulgaris. The fish-like
scales are larger and darker
and do not spare the flexures and face.
A generally unexpected, so unpredictable, abnormal reaction to a drug ca
used by a constitutional defect
in the patient. In some cases the underlying disorder is already known or discov
ered after the first event,
so that the drug in question can be avoided thereafter. The
Ichthammol is ammonium ichthosulphonate an almost black, thick liquid of
fishy smell, prepared from a
bituminous shale. It is used in chronic eczema (see DERMATITIS).
Ichthyosis A disorder in which the skin is permanently dry and scaly. It
is usually genetically
determined and several different forms are recognised:
Ichthyosis vulgaris
Ichthyosiform erythroderma Of two types and very rare: in the recessive
form, the

Immune System 353

abnormal sensitivity of patients with PORPHYRIAS to BARBITURATES is an e
xample. Hereditary biochemical
defects of red blood cells are responsible for many drug-induced haemolytic anae
mias (see under ANAEMIA)
and for FAVISM. Porphyria variegata, the South African variety of porphyria, is
an example of an inborn
error of metabolism which was without serious symptoms until the advent of barbi
turate drugs, prescription
of which is now strongly discouraged. If anyone with this metabolic disorder tak
es barbiturates, the
consequences may be fatal.
the rectum has usually to be removed. An ileostomy is then performed whi
ch acts as an artificial anus,
to which a bag is attached to collect the waste matter. Distressing though this
may at first be, the vast
majority of people with an ileostomy learn to lead a fully active and normal lif
e. Help and advice in
adjusting to what can be described as an ileostomy life can be obtained from the I
leostomy and Internal
Pouch Support Group.
An iodine-containing antiviral agent once used to treat HERPES SIMPLEX i
nvolvement of the cornea of the
EYE, its effectiveness is now doubtful.
Paralysis of the bowel muscle (see DISEASES OF).
Ifosfamide See CYTOTOXIC.
Iridology The study of the iris (see EYE). It is an old practice dating
back to the days of Aristotle,
and has been revived as a non-conventional treatment (see COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTE
Ileitis Inflammation of the ileum the lower part of the small INTESTINE.
It may be caused by CROHNS
DISEASE, typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), TUBERCULOSIS or the bacterium Yersin
ia enterocolitica. Ileitis
). Patients and their
relatives can obtain help and guidance from the National Association for Colitis
and Crohns Disease.
Ileo-Caecal The term applied to the region of the junction between the s
mall and large intestines in
the right lower corner of the abdomen. The ileocaecal valve is a structure which
allows the contents of the
INTESTINE to pass onwards from the small to the large intestine, but, in the gre
at majority of cases,
prevents their passage in the opposite direction.
Ileostomy The operation by which an artificial opening is made into the
ILEUM and brought through the

abdominal wall to create an artificial opening or STOMA. It is most often perfor

med as part of the
operation for cancer of the RECTUM, in which
Ileum The lower part of the small INTESTINE. INTESTINE,
Ilium The uppermost of the three bones forming each side of the PELVIS.
(See also BONE.)
Imidazoles A group of antifungal drugs active against a wide range of fu
ngi and yeasts (see FUNGAL AND
YEAST INFECTIONS). Some are also effective against bacteria and HELMINTHS. Econa
zole, clotrimazole,
ketoconazole, fluconazole and itraconazole are examples: the drugs are given by
mouth or externally as
Imipramine A well-established, relatively safe tricyclic antidepressant
to treat DEPRESSION; the drug does, however, have antimuscarinic and cardiac sid
e-effects. It is also used
to treat ENURESIS by an action distinct from its antidepressant effect.
Immersion Foot The term applied to a condition which develops as a resul
t of prolonged immersion of the
feet in cold or cool water. It was a condition commonly seen during World War II
in shipwrecked sailors and
airmen who had crashed into the sea, spending long periods there before being re
scued. Such prolonged
exposure results in VASOCONSTRICTION of the smaller arteries in the feet, leadin
g to coldness and blueness
and finally, in severe cases, to ulceration and GANGRENE. (See also TRENCH FOOT.
Immune System See IMMUNITY.

354 Immunisation
Age 3 days
Disease and mode of administration BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) by inje
ction if tuberculosis in family
in past 6 months. Poliomyelitis (oral); adsorbed diphtheria, whooping-cough (per
tussis)1 and tetanus2
(triple vaccine given by injection); HiB injection.3 Poliomyelitis (oral); dipht
heria, whooping-cough
(pertussis)1 and tetanus2 (triple vaccine given by injection); HiB injection.3 P
oliomyelitis (oral);
diphtheria, whooping-cough (pertussis)1 and tetanus2 (triple vaccine given by in
jection); HiB injection.3
Measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles)4 (given together live by injection)
2 months 3 months 4 months 1218 months (SCHOOL ENTRY) 45 years
Poliomyelitis (oral); adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus (given together by
injection); give MMR vaccine
if not already given at 1218 months. Rubella (by injection) if they have missed M
MR. BCG (Bacille
Calmette-Guerin) by injection to tuberculin-negative children to prevent tubercu
losis. Poliomyelitis single
booster dose (oral); tetanus (by injection).
1014 females 1014 1518
Pertussis may be excluded in certain susceptible individuals. Known as D
PT or triple vaccine. 3
Haemophilus influenzae immunisation (type B) is being introduced to be given at
same time, but different
limb. 4 Known as MMR vaccine. (Some parents are asking to have their infants imm
unised with
singleconstituent vaccines because of controversy over possible side-effects yet
to be confirmed
scientifically of the combined MMR vaccine.) 2
Recommended immunisation schedules in the United Kingdom
Immunisation The introduction of antigens (see ANTIGEN) into a body to p
roduce IMMUNITY. The table
above gives the immunisation programme recommended by the UK departments of heal
Immunity The bodys defence against foreign substances such as bacteria, v
iruses and parasites.
Immunity also protects against drugs, toxins and cancer cells. It is partly nonspecific that is, it does
not depend on previous exposure to the foreign substance. For example, micro-org
anisms are engulfed and
inactivated by polymorphonuclear LEUCOCYTES as a first line of defence before sp
ecific immunity has
developed. Acquired immunity depends upon the immune system recognising a substa
nce as foreign the first

time it is encountered, storing this information so that it can mount a reaction

the next time the
substance enters the body. This is the usual outcome of natural infection or pro
What happens is that memory of the initiating ANTIGEN persists in selected lymph
ocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE).
Further challenge with the same antigen stimulates an accelerated, more vigorous
secondary response by both
T- and B-lymphocytes (see
below). Priming the immune system in this manner forms the physiological
basis for immunisation
programmes. Foreign substances which can provoke an immune response are termed an
tigens. They are usually
proteins but smaller molecules such as drugs and chemicals can also induce an im
mune response. Proteins are
taken up and processed by specialised cells called antigenpresenting cells, strate
gically sited where
microbial infection may enter the body. The complex protein molecules are broken
down into short amino-acid
chains (peptides see PEPTIDE) and transported to the cell surface where they are
presented by structures
called HLA antigens (see HLA SYSTEM). Foreign peptides presented by human leucoc
yte antigen (HLA) molecules
are recognised by cells called T-lymphocytes. These originate in the bone marrow
and migrate to the THYMUS
GLAND where they are educated to distinguish between foreign peptides, which eli
cit a primary immune
response, and self-antigens (that is, constituents of the person themselves) whi
ch do not.
Non-responsiveness to self-antigens is termed tolerance (see AUTOIMMUNITY). Each p
opulation or clone of
T-cells is uniquely responsive to a single peptide sequence because it expresses
a surface molecule

which fits only that peptide. The responsive T-cell clone induces a spec
ific response in other T- and
B-lymphocyte populations. For example, CYTOTOXIC T-cells penetrate infected tiss
ues and kill cells which
express peptides derived from invading micro-organisms, thereby helping to elimi
nate the infection.
B-lymphocytes secrete ANTIBODIES which are collectively termed IMMUNOGLOBULINS (
Ig) see also
GAMMA-GLOBULIN. Each B-cell population (clone) secretes antibody uniquely specif
ic for antigens encountered
in the blood, extracellular space, and the LUMEN of organs such as the respirato
ry passages and
gastrointestinal tract. Antibodies belong to different Ig classes; IgM antibodie
s are synthesised
initially, followed by smaller and therefore more penetrative IgG molecules. IgA
antibodies are adapted to
cross the surfaces of mucosal tissues so that they can adhere to organisms in th
e gut, upper and lower
respiratory passages, thereby preventing their attachment to the mucosal surface
. IgE antibodies also
contribute to mucosal defence but are implicated in many allergic reactions (see
ALLERGY). Antibodies are
composed of constant portions, which distinguish antibodies of different class;
and variable portions,
which confer unique antigen-binding properties on the product of each B-cell clo
ne. In order to match the
vast range of antigens that the immune system has to combat, the variable portio
ns are synthesised under
the instructions of a large number of encoding GENES whose products are assemble
d to make the final
antibody. The antibody produced by a single B-cell clone is called a monoclonal
antibody; these are now
synthesised and used for diagnostic tests and in treating certain diseases. Popu
lations of lymphocytes with
different functions, and other cells engaged in immune responses, carry distinct
ive protein markers. By
convention these are classified and enumerated by their CD markers, using monoclon
al antibodies specific
for each marker. Immune responses are influenced by cytokines which function as
HORMONES acting over a
short range to accelerate the activation and proliferation of other cell populat
ions contributing to the
immune response. Specific immune responses collaborate with nonspecific defence
mechanisms. These include
the COMPLEMENT SYSTEM, a protein-cascade reaction designed to eliminate antigens
neutralised by antibodies
and to recruit cell populations which kill micro-organisms.
Immunoassay Procedures which measure the concentration of any antigenic
material (see ANTIGEN) to which
an antibody (see ANTIBODIES) can be created. The amount of antigen bound to this
antibody is proportional
to the parent substance. Enzymes (see ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY (ELISA))
or radioactive labels
(RADIOIMMUNOASSAY) are used to measure the concentration of antigenic material.

Immunodeficiency Impaired IMMUNITY resulting from inherited or acquired

abnormalities of the immune
system. This leads to increased vulnerability to infection. Important inherited
examples of
immunodeficiency are defects in function of GRANULOCYTES and the COMPLEMENT SYST
EM. Common acquired forms
of immunodeficiency are defective function of B-type lymphocytes and hence antib
ody deficiency in common
variable hypogammaglobulinaemia, and grossly deficient CD4 T-cell function malfun
ctioning T-type
lymphocytes in AIDS, secondary to HIV infection (see AIDS/HIV).
Immunogenicity The characteristic of a substance that can provoke an imm
une response (see IMMUNITY).
This includes how foreign a substance entering or contacting the body is; route of
entry; dose; number
and period of exposure to antigen; and the genetic make-up of the host. The char
acteristics of molecules
that determine immunogenicity are: Foreignness: molecules recognised as self are
generally not
immunogenic; the body tolerates these self-molecules. To be immunogenic, molecul
es must be recognised as
non-self or foreign. Molecular size: proteins with high molecular weights (over
100,000) are the most
effective immunogens; those below 10,000 are weakly immunogenic; and small ones,
for example, AMINO ACIDS,
are non-immunogenic. Chemical complexity: the greater the chemical complexity, t
he more immunogenic the
substance. Dosage, route and timing of antigen administration: all these are imp
ortant factors.

Immunoglobulins Immunoglobulins are a group of naturally occurring prote
ins that act as ANTIBODIES.
They are structurally related, their differences determining their biological be
haviour. Humans have five
types of immunoglobulin with different protective functions: IgA, IgD,

356 Immunologist
IgE, IgG and IgM. In the laboratory these are separated and identified b
y a chemical process called
electrophoresis. Most antibodies have a molecular weight of 160,000. Certain imm
unoglobulins can be used in
the active or passive immunity of people against infectious diseases such as RAB
(see also IMMUNITY and GAMMAGLOBULIN). They are also used in treating certain im
munological conditions such
Immunologist A specialist (medically or scientifically qualified) who pr
actises or researches
Immunology I
The study of immune responses to the environment. Its main clinical appl
ications include improving
resistance to microbial infections (see IMMUNITY), combating the effects of impa
ired immunity (see
IMMUNODEFICIENCY), controlling harmful immune reactions (see ALLERGY), and manip
ulating immune responses
(see IMMUNOTHERAPY) to prevent harmful immunological responses such as graft rej
ection and autoimmune
diseases (see AUTOIMMUNITY). The clinical study of disordered immunity now forms
the allied discipline of
clinical immunology, which is closely linked to the laboratorybased discipline o
f immunopathology.
Immunosuppressant A drug that reduces the bodys resistance to infection a
nd other foreign agents. It
does so by suppressing the activity of the immune system (see IMMUNITY). Example
s of such drugs are
help transplanted organs
and tissues to survive the potential immune reaction from the host. They are als
o used to treat AUTOIMMUNE
Immunosuppression The term given to suppression of harmful immune respon
ses (see IMMUNITY), the most
obvious application being the prevention of organ rejection by people who receiv
e kidney, heart or
bone-marrow transplants (see TRANSPLANTATION). Immunosuppression is also used in
certain diseases in a way
that is non-specific that is, it inhibits the entire immune system, not just har
mful reactions.
CORTICOSTEROIDS are the commonest dugs used in this way, as are METHOTREXATE and
a macrolide (see MACROLIDES) IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT, is used not only for
engrafted patients but also in treating eczema (see DERMATITIS). There h
as been a rapid introduction in
recent years of monoclonal antibodies which prevent T-cells from proliferating.
They can be recognised by
the suffix mab (standing for monoclonal antibody) and include rituximab and alemtu
zumab. Infliximab, used
in CROHNS DISEASE and RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, inhibits tumour necrosis factor alpha

Immunotherapy The manipulation of IMMUNITY by immunological (see IMMUNOL
OGY) means to reduce harmful
reactions or to boost beneficial responses. Severe ALLERGY to wasp or bee stings
is often treated by a
course of injections with allergen purified from insect venom. There are current
attempts to treat
autoimmune diseases (see AUTOIMMUNITY) with monoclonal antibodies to the T-cell
populations or cytokines
implicated in the immunopathogenesis of the disorder. Strategies are also being
evaluated for treating
cancer by boosting the patients own immunity to cancer cells. One approach is imm
unisation with cancer
cells manipulated in vivo to increase a T-lymphocyte attack on antigens expresse
d by tumour cells. Another
method is to manipulate the cytokine network into encouraging an immune attack o
n, or self-destruction
(apoptosis) of, malignant cells. Immunotherapy is however a developing science, an
d its place in the
routine treatment of immunological and malignant diseases is still evolving.
Impaction A term applied to a condition in which two things are firmly l
odged together. For example,
when one piece of bone is driven within another following a fracture, this is kn
own as an impacted
fracture; when a tooth is firmly lodged in its socket so that its eruption is pr
evented, this is known as
dental impaction. Intractable constipation is termed faecal impaction.
Imperforate An adjective meaning lack of an opening. For example, occasi
onally the ANUS fails to
develop properly, resulting in partial or complete obstruction of the opening. S
ometimes pubertal girls
have an imperforate HYMEN which obstructs the opening to the VAGINA and prevents
menstrual flow of blood
draining to the exterior.
Impetigo An infectious skin disease caused usually by

Staphylococcus aureus and less often by Streptococcus pyogenes. The itch
ing rash is seen especially on
the face but may spread widely. Vesicles and pustules erupt and dry to form yell
ow-brown scabs. Untreated,
the condition may last for weeks. In very young infants, large blisters may form
(bullous impetigo).
Treatment Crusts should be gently removed with SALINE. Mild cases respon
d to frequent application of
mupiricin or NEOMYCIN/BACITRACIN ointment; more severe cases should be treated o
rally or, sometimes,
intravenously with FLUCLOXACILLIN or one of the CEPHALOSPORINS. If the patient i
s allergic to penicillin,
ERYTHROMYCIN can be used. For severe, intractable cases, an oral retinoid drug c
alled isotretinoin
(commercially produced as Roaccutane ) can be used. It is given systemically but t
reatment must be
supervised by a consultant dermatologist as serious sideeffects, including possi
ble psychiatric
disturbance, can occur. The drug is also teratogenic (see TERATOGENESIS), so wom
en who are, or who may
become, pregnant must not take isotretinoin. It acts mainly by suppressing SEBUM
production in the
sebaceous glands and can be very effective. Recurrent bouts of impetigo should r
aise suspicion of
underlying SCABIES or head lice. Bactericidal soaps and instilling an antibiotic
into the nostrils may also
severe disturbance of health, such as
MELLITUS; and addiction to alcohol.
An oral drug for treating erectile function is sildenafil citrate (Viagr
a ), the first in a new class
of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, also including tadalafil (C
ialis ) and vardenafil
(Levitra ). They work by improving blood flow to the penis. They can be taken an h
our before intercourse
(up to 12 hours before, in the case of tadalafil). These drugs are not aphrodisi
acs, and side-effects
include headache, facial flushing and indigestion. There are some suggestions th
at they may affect retinal
function. Intracavernosal injection or urethral application of alprostadil, a dr
ug which increases local
blood supply to the penis, has been used for some years under medical supervisio
n, but success has been
variable and oral sildenafil seems to be a more convenient and effective treatme
nt for a man with this
Impression In dentistry, a mould (using a rubber or alginate compound) o
f the teeth and gums from which
a plaster-of-Paris model is prepared. This model provides a base on which to con

struct a denture, bridge or

dental inlay. A similar process is used in ORTHODONTICS to make dental appliance
s to correct abnormalities
in the positioning of teeth.
(1) The placing of a substance such as a drug, or an object such as a pa
cemaker, in a body tissue. (2)
The surgical replacement of injured or unhealthy tissue or organ with healthy ti
ssue or organ (also known
as TRANSPLANTATION). (3) Attachment of the early EMBRYO to the lining of the UTE
RUS, which occurs around
six days after conception; the site where this happens is where the placenta wil
l develop.
In the context of animal behaviour, this is a quick and irreversible typ
e of learning in which patterns
are imprinted on the animals mind during the first few hours of life. The smell a
nd feel of its mother are
one such imprint.
Exhaustion in an individual caused by lack of appropriate nutrients in t
he circulating blood.
Starvation, malnutrition or intestinal disorders are among the causes.
Inability of the male to perform the sexual act. It may be partial or co
mplete, temporary or permanent.
Psychological factors are the most common cause and these include anxiety, ignor
ance, fear, guilt, weakness
of sexual desire or abnormality of such desire. Counselling or sex therapy, pref
erably with the partner,
has a 50-per-cent chance of helping to cure longterm impotence of psychological
origin. Among organic
causes are lesions (see LESION) of the external genitalia; disturbances of the E
diminished activity of the gonads, thyroid gland or pituitary gland; diseases of
the central NERVOUS
Inbreeding The birth of offspring to parents who are closely related (se
traditional rural communities, marriage between cousins was common and this coul
d lead to a
higher-than-average number of children with congenital anomalies or learning dif
ficulties. This is now seen
in certain ethnic groups who have brought the custom of inbreeding with them to
their new homes in the
western world.

358 Incidence
Incidence One of the main ways to measure the frequency of a disease in
a particular population. The
incidence of a disease is the number of new cases that occur during a particular
time. PREVALENCE, the
other measure, is the total number of cases of disease present at any one time a
nd covers both old and new
Incision A cut or wound; a term especially applied to surgical openings.
Incisor The term for the four front TEETH of each jaw.
Inclusion Bodies I
Particles found in the CYTOPLASM and NUCLEUS of CELLS, usually a consequ
ence of a viral infection. This
phenomenon can be helpful in the diagnosis of such an infection.
Incompatibility (1) In the pharmacological context, the use of two or mo
re drugs in treatment which
together produce adverse consequences for the patient. The British National Form
ulary carries an appendix
devoted to drug interactions. (2) In the haematological context, an adverse reac
tion in a patient given a
blood TRANSFUSION in which the donor blood is incompatible with that of the reci
Incompetence Incompetence is a term applied to the valves of the heart w
hen, as a result of disease in
the valves or alterations in size of the chambers of the heart, the valves becom
e unable to close the
orifices which they should protect. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)
Incontinence Urinary incontinence The International Continence Society d
efines urinary incontinence as
an involuntary loss of URINE that is objectively shown and is a social and hygie
ne problem. The elderly
suffer most from this disorder because the effectiveness of the sphincter muscle
s surrounding the URETHRA
declines with age. Men are less often affected than women; 20 per cent of women
over 40 years of age have
problems with continence. It is estimated that around three million people are r
egularly incontinent in the
UK, a prevalence of about 40 per 1,000 adults. Incontinence can be divided broad
ly into two groups: stress
incontinence and incontinence due to an overactive URINARY BLADDER also called detrusor instabili
ty which affects one-third
of incontinent women, prevalence increasing with age. Bladder symptoms do not ne
cessarily correlate with
the underlying diagnosis, and accurate diagnosis may require urodynamic studies
examination of urine
within, and the passage of urine through and from, the urinary tract. However, s
uch studies are best
deferred until conservative treatment has failed or when surgery is planned. Inc
ontinence causes
embarassment, inconvenience and distress in women, and men are reluctant to seek

advice for what remains a

social taboo for most people. Sufferers should be encouraged to seek help early
and to discuss their
anxieties and problems frankly. Often it is a condition which can be managed eff
ectively at primary care
centres, and quite simple measures can greatly improve the lives of those affect
the most common cause of urinary incontinence in women. This is the involuntary
loss of urine during
activities that raise the intra-abdominal pressure, such as sneezing, coughing,
laughing, exercise or
lifting. The condition is caused by injury or weakness of the urethral sphincter
muscle; this weakness may
be either congenital or the result of childbirth, PROLAPSE of the VAGINA, MENOPA
USE or previous surgery. A
CYSTOCOELE may be present. Urinary infection may cause incontinence or aggravate
the symptoms of existing
incontinence. The first step is to diagnose and treat infection, if present. Pat
ients benefit from simple
advice on incontinence pads and garments, and on fluid intake. Those with a high
fluid intake should
restrict this to a litre a day, especially if frequency is a problem. Constipati
on should be treated and
smoking stopped. The use of DIURETICS should be reduced if possible, or stopped
entirely. Postmenopausal
women may benefit from oestrogen-replacement therapy; elderly people with chroni
c incontinence may need an
indwelling urethral catheter. Pelvic-floor exercises can be successful and the i
nsertion of vaginal cones
can be a useful subsidiary treatment, as can electrical stimulation of the pelvi
c muscles. If these
procedures are unsuccessful, then continence surgery may be necessary. The aim o
f this is to raise the neck
of the bladder, support the mid part of the urethra and increase urethral resist
ance. Several techniques
are available. URGE INCONTINENCE An overactive or unstable bladder results in ur
ge incontinence, also known
as detrusor incontinence the result of uninhibited contractions of the detru-

sor muscle of the bladder. The bladder contracts (spontaneously or on pr
ovocation) during the filling
phase while the patient attempts to stop passing any urine. Hyperexcitability of
the muscle or a disorder
of its nerve supply are likely causes. The symptoms include urgency (acute wish
to pass urine), frequency
and stress incontinence. Diagnosis can be confirmed with CYSTOMETRY. Bladder tra
ining is the first step in
treatment, with the aim of reducing the frequency of urination to once every thr
ee to four hours.
BIOFEEDBACK, using visual, auditory or tactile signals to stop bladder contracti
ons, will assist the
bladder training. Drug treatments such as CALCIUM-CHANNEL BLOCKERS, antimuscarin
ic agents (see
effective. Surgery is
rarely used and is best reserved for difficult cases. OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE Chro
nic urinary retention with
consequent overflow more common in men than in women. The causes include antispa
smodic drugs, continence
surgery, obstruction from enlargement and postprostatectomy problems (in men), P
SYCHOSIS, and disease or
damage to nerve roots arising from the spinal cord. Urethral dilatation or ureth
rotomy may be required when
obstruction is the cause. Management is intermittent selfcatheterisation or a su
prapubic catheter and
treatment of any underlying cause.
Faecal incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements and may
be due to severe CONSTIPATION,
especially in the elderly; to local disease; or to injury or disease of the spin
al cord or nervous supply
to rectum and anal muscles. Those with the symptom require further investigation
Incoordination A term applied to irregularity of movements produced eith
er by loss of the sensations by
which they are governed, or by defects in the muscles themselves or somewhere in
the nervous system.
Incubation The period elapsing between the time when a person becomes in
fected by some agent and the
first appearance of the symptoms of the disease. Most acute infectious diseases
have fairly definite
periods of incubation, and it is of great importance that people who have run th
e risk of infection should
know the length of time which must elapse before they can be sure whether or not
they are to contract the
in question. A person who has been exposed to infection is, during the i
ncubation period, technically
known as a contact. By isolating and watching contact cases, medical officers ca
n often successfully check
a threatened EPIDEMIC. It must be noted that diseases are not communicated to ot
hers by a person who is

incubating an illness. Some diseases, however, such as MEASLES, become infectiou

s as soon as the first
symptoms set in after the incubation period is over; others, like SCARLET FEVER
and SMALLPOX, are not so
infectious then as in their later stages. The incubation period for any given di
sease is remarkably
constant, although in the case of a severe attack the incubation is usually slig
htly shortened, and if the
oncoming attack is a mild one, the period may be lengthened. All, however, may t
ake a few days longer than
the time stated to show themselves (see INFECTION), and several especially WHOOP
difficult to recognise in their early stages. Incubation periods of the more com
mon infectious diseases:
Chickenpox Diphtheria German measles Measles Mumps Poliomyelitis Smallpox Typhoi
d fever Whooping-cough
days 1421 25 1421 1015 1821 321 1016 721 710
Index Finger The forefinger or second digit of the hand.
Index Medicus A monthly publication produced by the National Library of
Medicine in the USA. The
publication indexes leading biomedical literature from throughout the world. Ind
exing is by author and by
Indian Hemp See CANNABIS.
Indigestion See DYSPEPSIA.
Indinavir A protease-inhibitor antiviral drug used in combination with n
ucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitors (see REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBITOR) to treat HIV infection (see AID
S/ HIV). A drug with a
range of potentially serious

360 Indispensable Amino Acids

side-effects, its use should be coupled with counselling and monitoring
of the effects.
Indispensable Amino Acids This is the new, preferred term for essential
amino acids amino acids which
are essential for the bodys normal growth and development, but which the body is
unable to produce. Nine
TRYPTOPHAN, and VALINE and they are present in foods rich in protein: dairy prod
ucts, eggs, meat, and
Previously indomethacin, this is one of many drugs used in the treatment
ARTHRITIS. A proprionic-acid derivative, it may help to relieve night pain and m
orning stiffness. It is
also used to treat the congenital abnormality of the heart known as DUCTUS ARTER
Indoramin An alpha-adrenoreceptor-blocking drug used in the treatment of
high blood pressure. It has
several side-effects including sleepiness, dizziness, depression and failure to
ejaculate. (See ALPHA
Induction Bringing about a particular event for example, the induction o
r starting of labour (see
PREGNANCY AND LABOUR), or the induction of ANAESTHESIA. Newly arrived hospital d
octors are given an
induction period during their first day or two at work.
Induration The pathological hardening of a tissue or organ. This may occ
ur when a tissue is infected or
when it is invaded by cancer. (See also SCLEROSIS.)
Industrial Injuries Benefit The Industrial Injuries Scheme provides mone
y for people who have suffered
injury or illness because of their work. Benefits for employment-related disabil
ity (selfemployment is
excluded) have been altered many times since they were introduced in 1948. There
is now a mix of benefits,
eligibility for which depends on several factors: the date,
onset and type of disability are among the most important. Industrial incl
udes almost all forms of
employment. In addition to accidents, there is a long list of prescribed industr
ial diseases ranging from
BURSITIS, hearing loss, ASTHMA and viral HEPATITIS to unusual ones such as ORF.
Psychological as well as
physical disablement may attract benefit, which is calculated on a percentage ba
sis according to the extent

of disability. The onus is on the individual to claim, and trade unions and repr
esentative organisations
can advise on procedures. Injured employees should always report details of an a
ccident to their employer
and record it in the accident book promptly: even seemingly minor injuries may s
ubsequently lead to some
disability. Relevant information leaflets are available for example, from local
benefit agencies,
local-authority advice centres and public libraries.
Infant A baby who is under one year old.
Infant Feeding The newborn infant may be fed naturally from the breast,
or artificially from a bottle.
Breast feeding Unless there is a genuine contraindication, every baby sh
ould be breast fed. The
nutritional components of human milk are in the ideal proportions to promote the
healthy growth of the
human newborn. The mothers milk, especially colostrum (the fluid secreted before
full lactation is
established) contains immune cells and antibodies that increase the babys resista
nce to infection. From
the mothers point of view, breast feeding helps the womb to return to its normal
size and helps her to
lose excess body fat gained during pregnancy. Most importantly, breast feeding p
romotes intimate contact
between mother and baby. A final point to be borne in mind, however, is that dru
gs taken by a mother can be
excreted in her milk. These include antibiotics, sedatives, tranquillisers, alco
hol, nicotine and high-dose
steroids or vitamins. Fortunately this is rarely a cause of trouble. (See also m
ain entry on BREAST
Artificial feeding Unmodified cows milk is not a satisfactory food for th
e human newborn and may cause
dangerous metabolic imbalance. If breast feeding is not feasible, one of the man
y commerciallly available
formula milks should be used. Most of these are made from cows milk which has bee
n modified to reflect the
composition of human milk as

Infantile Spasms
closely as possible. For the rare infant who develops cows-milk-protein i
ntolerance, a milk based on
soya-bean protein is indicated.
Feeding and weight gain The main guide as to whether an infant is being
adequately fed is the weight.
During the first days of life a healthy infant loses weight, but should by the e
nd of the second week
return to birth weight. From then on, weight gain should be approximately 6oz. (
170g) each week. The timing
of feeds reflects social convention rather than natural feeding patterns. Among
the most primitive
hunter-gatherer tribes of South America, babies are carried next to the breast a
nd allowed to suckle at
will. Fortunately for developed society, however, babies can be conditioned to i
ntermittent feedings. As
the timing of breast feeding is flexible little or no preparation time being req
uired mothers can
choose to feed their babies on demand. Far from spoiling the baby, demand feedin
g is likely to lead to a
contented infant, the only necessary caution being that a crying baby is not alw
ays a hungry baby. In
general, a newborn will require feeding every two to four hours and, if well, is
unlikely to sleep for more
than six hours. After the first months, a few lucky parents will find their infa
nt sleeping through the
can arouse extreme maternal anxiety by refusing to eat. This can lead to
force-feeding and battles of
will which may culminate in a breakdown of the mother-child relationship. To avo
id this, parents must
resist the temptation to coax the child to eat. If the child refuses solid food,
the meal should be taken
away with a minimum of fuss. Childrens appetites reflect their individual genetic
structure and a well
child will eat enough to grow and maintain satisfactory weight gain. If a child
is not eating properly,
weight gain will be inadequate over a prolonged period and an underlying illness
is the most likely cause.
Indeed, failure to thrive is the paediatricians best clue to chronic illness.
Advice on feeding Many sources of conflicting advice are available to ne
w parents. It is impossible to
satisfy everyone, and ultimately it is the well-being of the mother and infant a
nd the closeness of their
relationship that matter. In general, mothers should be wary of rigid advice. An
experienced midwife,
health visitor or well-baby-clinic nursing sister are among the most reliable so
urces of information.
Protein per cent Human milk 11 Cows milk 35
Fat per cent 42 39
Sugar per cent 70 46

Calories per cent 70 66

Composition of human and cows milk
Weaning Weaning on to solid foods is again a matter of individuality. Mo
st babies will become
dissatisfied with a milk-only diet at around six months and develop enthusiasm f
or cereal-based weaning
foods. Also at about this time they enjoy holding objects and transferring them
to their mouths the mouth
being an important sense organ in infants. It is logical to include food items t
hat they can hold, as this
clearly brings the baby pleasure at this time. Introduction of solids before the
age of four months is
unusual and best avoided. The usual reason given for early weaning is that the b
aby appears hungry, but
this is unlikely to be the case; crying due to COLIC, for example, is more proba
ble. Some mothers take the
babys desire to suck say, on their finger as a sign of hunger when this is, in fa
ct, reflex activity.
Delaying the start of weaning beyond nine months is nutritionally undesirable. A
s weaning progresses, the
infants diet requires less milk. Once established on a varied solid diet, breast
and formula milks can be
safely replaced with cows milk. There is, however, no nutritional contraindicatio
n to continued breast
feeding until the mother wishes to stop. It is during weaning that infants reali
se they
Infantile Paralysis An old name for POLIOMYELITIS.
Infantile Spasms Also known as salaam attacks, these are a rare but seri
ous type of EPILEPSY, usually
starting in the first eight months of life. The spasms are short and occur as in
voluntary flexing of the
neck, arms, trunk and legs. They may occur several times a day. If the baby is s
itting, it may collapse
into a salaam position; more usually there is a simple body jerk, sometimes accomp
anied by a sudden cry.
An electroencephalogram (see ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY (EEG)) shows a picture of to
tally disorganised
electrical activity called hypsarrhythmia. The condition results from any one of
many brain injuries,
infections or metabolic insults that may have occurred before, during, or in the
first few months after
birth. Its importance is that in most cases, the babys development is seriously a
ffected such that they
are likely to be left with a profound learning disability. Consequently, prompt
diagnosis is important.
Treatment is with CORTICOSTEROIDS or with certain anticonvulsants the hope being
that prompt and

362 Infantilism
aggressive treatment might prevent further brain damage leading to learn
ing disability.
Infantilism The condition characterised by imperfect sexual development
at puberty. It may or may not
be associated with small stature, and may be due to lack of development of certa
for example, the gonads, pituitary gland or adrenal glands. In other cases it ma
y be associated with a
generalised disease such as diabetes mellitus, asthma, ulcerative colitis and rh
eumatoid arthritis (for
more information, see under separate entries).
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) I
The number of deaths of infants under one year of age. The IMR in any gi
ven year is calculated as the
number of deaths in the first year of life in proportion to every 1,000 register
ed live births in that
year. Along with PERINATAL MORTALITY, it is accepted as one of the most importan
t criteria for assessing
the health of the community and the standard of the social conditions of a count
ry. The improvement in the
infant mortality rate has occurred mainly in the period from the second month of
life. There has been much
less improvement in the neonatal mortality rate that is, the number of infants d
ying during the first
four weeks of life, expressed as a proportion of every 1,000 live births. During
the first week of life the
main causes of death are asphyxia, prematurity, birth injuries and congenital ab
normalities. After the
first week the main cause of death is infection. Social conditions also play an
important role in infant
mortality. In England and Wales the infant mortality rate in 193032 was: Social C
lass I (professional),
327; Social Class III (skilled workers), 576; Social Class V (unskilled workers),
771. Many factors come
into play in producing these social variations, but overcrowding is undoubtedly
one of the most important.
It is thus evident that for a reduction of the infant mortality rate to
the minimum figure, the
following conditions must be met. Mothers and potential mothers must be housed a
dequately in healthy
surroundings, particularly with regard to safe water supplies and sewage disposa
l. The pregnant and nursing
mother must be ensured an adequate diet. Effective antenatal supervision must be
available to every mother,
as well as skilled supervision during labour (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). The new
born infant must be
adequately nursed and fed and mothers encouraged to breast feed. Environmental a
nd public-health measures
must be taken to ensure adequate housing, a clean milk supply and full availabil
ity of medical care
including such protective measures as IMMUNISATION against diphtheria, measles,
poliomyelitis and
whooping-cough. (See also PERINATAL MORTALITY.)

Infarction The changes in an organ when an artery is suddenly blocked, l

eading to the formation of a
dense, wedge-shaped mass of dead tissue in the part of the organ supplied by the
artery. It occurs as the
result of EMBOLISM or of THROMBOSIS.
Infection The process by which a disease is transmitted via micro-organi
sms from one person to another.
The micro-organism may be a bacterium (see BACTERIA), a RICKETTSIA, a VIRUS, a p
rotozoon single-celled
animal organism or a metazoon multicellular animal organism. Invasion of the bod
y by a metazoon (e.g.
by an intestinal worm) is more often known as an infestation. The skin is an imp
ortant protection against
micro-organisms entering the body tissues. A large measure of protection is affo
rded by the factors which
ensure IMMUNITY against diseases.
Modes of infection The infective material 18389 185160 190002 191012 192022 1
93032 194042 2000
146 154 142 110 82 67 59 5.6
195052 196062 197072 198082 199092 1996 1999
30 22 18 12 7 62 5.8
Infant mortality rate in the United Kingdom 18382000. Deaths of infants u
nder 1 year age per thousand
live births
may be transmitted to the person by direct contact with a sick person, w
hen the disease is said to be
contagious, although such a distinction is purely artificial. Different diseases
are especially infectious
at different periods of their course. Protecting people can be difficult, since
some diseases are
infectious before the patient shows any symptoms (see INCUBATION). Infection may
be conveyed on dust, in
drinking-water, in food (particularly milk), in the bodys waste products and secr
etions, or even on
clothes and linen which have been in

Infertility 363
contact with the infected individual (called fomites). Some people who h
ave recovered from a disease,
or who have simply been in contact with an infectious case, harbour the infectio
us agent. This is
particularly the case in typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), the bacillus continu
ing to develop in the
gall-bladder of some people who have had the disease for years after the symptom
s have disappeared. In the
case of CHOLERA, which is ENDEMIC in some developing countries with hot climates
, 80 per cent or more of
the population may harbour the bacillus and spread infection when other circumst
ances favour this.
Similarly in the case of DYSENTERY, people who have completely recovered may sti
ll be capable of infecting
dust and drinking-water by their stools. DIPHTHERIA and meningococcal MENINGITIS
, which is particularly
liable to infect children, are other examples. Flies can infect milk and other f
ood with the organisms
causing typhoid fever and food poisoning. Mosquitoes carry the infective agents
YELLOW FEVER, these undergoing part of their development in the body of the mosq
uito. Fleas convey the germ
of plague from rats to humans, and lice are responsible for inoculating TYPHUS F
EVER and one form of
RELAPSING FEVER by their bite. A tick is responsible for spreading another form
of relapsing fever, and
kala-azar (LEISHMANIASIS) is spread by the bites of sandflies.
Notifiable diseases Certain of the common and most serious infectious di
seases are notifiable in the
United Kingdom. A doctor diagnosing someone infected by a notifiable disease mus
t inform the authorities.
For the current list of notifiable infectious diseases in the UK, see the main e
DISEASES. Prevention is an important aspect of the control of infectious disease
s, and various steps can be
taken to check the spread of such infections as dysentery, tuberculosis, malaria
and others. (See also
partners are affected. Couples should be investigated together as effici
ently and quickly as possible
to decrease the distress which is invariably associated with the diagnosis of in
fertility. In about 1015
per cent of women suffering from infertility, ovulation is disturbed. Mostly the
y will have either
irregular periods or no periods at all (see MENSTRUATION). Checking a hormone pr
ofile in the womans blood
will help in the diagnosis of ovulatory disorders like polycystic ovaries, an ea
rly menopause, anorexia or
other endocrine illnesses. Ovulation itself is best assessed by ultrasound scan
at mid-cycle or by a blood
hormone progesterone level in the second half of the cycle. The FALLOPIAN TUBES
may be damaged or blocked
in 2030 per cent of infertile women. This is usually caused by previous pelvic in
where menstrual blood is thought to flow backwards through the fallopian tubes i
nto the pelvis and seed

with cells from the lining of the uterus in the pelvis. This process often leads
to scarring of the pelvic
tissues; 510 per cent of infertility is associated with endometriosis. To assess
the Fallopian tubes
adequately a procedure called LAPAROSCOPY is performed. An ENDOSCOPE is inserted
through the umbilicus and
at the same time a dye is pushed through the tubes to assess their patency. The
procedure is performed
under a general anaesthetic. In a few cases the mucus around the cervix may be h
ostile to the partners
sperm and therefore prevent fertilisation. Defective production is responsible f
or up to a quarter of
infertility. It may result from the failure of the testes (see TESTICLE) to desc
end in early life, from
infections of the testes or previous surgery for testicular torsion. The semen i
s analysed to assess the
numbers of sperm and their motility and to check for abnormal forms. In a few ca
ses the genetic make-up of
one partner does not allow the couple ever to achieve a pregnancy naturally. In
about 25 per cent of
couples no obvious cause can be found for their infertility.
Infectious Mononucleosis
Treatment Ovulation may be induced with
drugs. In some cases damaged Fallopian tubes may be repaired by tubal su
rgery. If the tubes are
destroyed beyond repair a pregnancy may be achieved with in vitro fertilisation
(IVF) see under ASSISTED
CONCEPTION. Endometriosis may be treated either with drugs or laser therapy, and
pregnancy rates after both
forms of treatment are between 4050 per cent, depending on the severity of the di
Infertility This is diagnosed when a couple has not achieved a pregnancy
after one year of regular
unprotected sexual intercourse. Around 1520 per cent of couples have difficulties
in conceiving; in half
of these cases the male partner is infertile, while the woman is infertile also
in half; but in one-third
of infertile couples both

364 Infestation
Few options exist for treating male-factor infertility. These are artifi
cial insemination by husband or
donor and more recently in vitro fertilisation. Drug treatment and surgical repa
ir of VARICOCELE have
disappointing results. Following investigations, between 30 and 40 per cent of i
nfertile couples will
achieve a pregnancy usually within two years. Some infertile men cannot repair a
ny errors in the DNA in
their sperm, and it has been found that the same DNA repair problem occurs in ma
lignant cells of some
patients with cancer. It is possible that these mens infertility might be natures
way of stopping the
propagation of genetic defects. With the assisted reproduction technique called
intracytoplasmic sperm
injection, some men with defective sperm can fertilise an ovum. If a man with su
ch DNA defects fathers a
child via this technique, that child could be sterile and might be at increased
risk of developing cancer.
Infestation A term applied to the occurrence of animal parasites in the
intestine, hair or clothing.
Infibulation The most extensive form of female CIRCUMCISION, involving r
emoval of CLITORIS and both
Infiltration The invasion of tissues or organs by cells or fluid not nor
mally present for example,
local anaesthetic is infiltrated into an area of tissue to produce analgesia in
a defined area.
Inflammation The reaction of the tissues to any injury, which may be the
result of trauma, infection or
chemicals. Local blood vessels dilate, thus increasing blood flow to the injured
site. White blood cells
invade the affected tissue, engulfing bacteria or other foreign bodies; related
cells consume any dead
cells, thus producing PUS after which the site starts to heal. The patient feels
pain and the affected
tissue becomes hot, red and swollen, with its functioning affected. If the infec
tion is severe it may
persist locally chronic inflammation or spread elsewhere in the body systemic in
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and ULCERATIVE COLITIS are chronic infl
ammatory diseases characterised
by relapsing and remitting episodes over many CROHNS DISEASE
years. The diseases are similar and are both classified as IBD, but a si
gnificant distinction is that
Crohns disease can affect any part of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT from mouth to an
us, whereas ulcerative
colitis affects only the COLON. The incidence of IBD varies widely between count
ries, being rare in the
developing world but much more common in westernised nations, where the incidenc

e of Crohns disease is
around 57 per 100,000 (and rising) and that of ulcerative colitis at a broadly st
able 10 per 100,000. It
is common for both disorders to develop in young adults, but there is a second s
pike of incidence in people
in their 70s. Details about the two disorders are given under the individual ent
ries elsewhere in the
dictionary. Inflammatory bowel disease should not be confused with IRRITABLE BOW
EL SYNDROME (IBS) which has
some of the same symptoms of IBD but a different cause and outcome.
Infliximab An IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT monoclonal antibody (see ANTIBODIES) des
igned to inhibit the
pro-inflammatory cytokine (see CYTOKINES), tumour necrosis factor alpha. It is u
sed in treating CROHNS
Influenza Influenza is an acute infectious disease, characterised by a s
udden onset, fever and
generalised aches and pains. It usually occurs in epidemics and pandemics (see E
Cause The disease is caused by a VIRUS of the influenza group. There are
at least three types of
influenza virus, known respectively as A, B and C. One of their most characteris
tic features is that
infection with one type provides no protection against another. Equally importan
t is the ease with which
the influenza virus can change its character. It is these two characteristics wh
ich explain why one attack
of influenza provides little, if any, protection against a subsequent attack, an
d why it is so difficult to
prepare an effective vaccine against the disease. Epidemics of influenza due to
virus A occur in Britain at
two- to four-year intervals, and outbreaks of virus B influenza in less frequent
cycles. Virus A influenza,
for instance, was the prevalent infection in 1949, 1951, 1955 and 1956, whilst v
irus B influenza was
epidemic in 1946, 1950, 1954 and, along with virus A, in 195859. The pandemic of
1957, which swept most of
the world, although fortunately not in a severe form, was due to a new variant o
f virus A the so-called
Asian virus and it has been suggested that it was this variant that was

Information Technology in Medicine 365

responsible for the pandemics of 1889 and 1918. Since 1957, variants of
virus A have been the
predominating causes of influenza, accompanied on occasions by virus B. In 1997
and 2004, outbreaks of
Chinese avian influenza caused alarm. The influenza virus had apparently jumped
species from birds
probably chickens to infect some people. Because no vaccine is available, there
was a risk that this
might start an epidemic.
Symptoms The incubation period of influenza A and B is 23 three days, and
the disease is characterised
by a sudden onset. In most cases this is followed by a short, sharp febrile illn
ess of 24 days duration,
associated with headache, prostration, generalised aching, and respiratory sympt
oms. In many cases the
respiratory symptoms are restricted to the upper respiratory tract, and consist
of signs of irritation of
the nose, pharynx and larynx. There may be nosebleeds, and a dry, hacking cough
is often a prominent and
troublesome symptom. The fever is usually remittent and the temperature seldom e
xceeds 394 C (103 F),
tending to fluctuate between 383 and 394 C (101 and 103 F). The most serious complic
ation is infection
of the lungs. This infection is usually due to organisms other than the influenz
a virus, and is a
complication which can have serious results in elderly people. The very severe f
orm of flu which tends to
occur during pandemics and which was so common during the 191819 pandemic is char
acterised by the
rapid onset of bronchopneumonia and severe prostration. Because of the toxic eff
ect on the heart, there is
a particularly marked form of CYANOSIS, known as heliotrope cyanosis. Convalesce
nce following influenza
tends to be prolonged. Even after an attack of average severity there tends to b
e a period of weakness and
Treatment Expert opinion is still divided as to the real value of influe
nza vaccine in preventing the
disease. Part of the trouble is that there is little value in giving any vaccine
until it is known which
particular virus is causing the infection. As this varies from winter to winter,
and as the protection
given by vaccine does not exceed one year, it is obviously not worthwhile attemp
ting to vaccinate the whole
community. The general rule therefore is that, unless there is any evidence that
a particularly virulent
type of virus is responsible, only the most vulnerable should be immunised such
as children in
boarding schools, elderly people, and people who suffer from chronic bro
nchitis or asthma, chronic
heart disease, renal failure, diabetes mellitus or immunosuppression (see under
separate entries). In the
face of an epidemic, people in key positions, such as doctors, nurses and those
concerned with public
safety, transport and other public utilities, should be vaccinated. For an uncom

plicated attack of
influenza, treatment is symptomatic: that is, rest in bed, ANALGESICS to relieve
the pain, sedatives, and a
light diet. A linctus is useful to sooth a troublesome cough. The best analgesic
s are ASPIRIN or
PARACETAMOL. None of the sulphonamides or the known antibiotics has any effect o
n the influenza virus; on
the other hand, should the lungs become infected, antibiotics should be given im
mediately, because such an
infection is usually due to other organisms. If possible, a sample of sputum sho
uld be examined to
determine which organisms are responsible for the lung infection. The choice of
antibiotic then depends
upon which antibiotic the organism is most sensitive to.
Information Technology in Medicine The advent of computing has had wides
pread effects in all areas of
society, with medicine no exception. Computer systems are vital as they are in a
ny modern enterprise
for the administration of hospitals, general practices and health authorities, s
upporting payroll, finance,
stock ordering and billing, resource and bed management, word-processing corresp
ondence, laboratory-result
reporting, appointment and record systems, and management audit. The imaging sys
(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (see MRI) have powerful computer techniques
underlying them.
Computerised statistical analysis of study data, population databases and diseas
e registries is now
routine, leading to enhanced understanding of the interplay between diseases and
the population. And the
results of research, available on computerised indexes such as MEDLINE, can be o
btained in searches that
take only seconds, compared with the hours or days necessary to accomplish the s
ame task with its paper
incarnation, Index Medicus.
Medical informatics The direct computerisation of those activities which
are uniquely medical
history-taking, examination, diagnosis and treatment has proved an elusive goal,
although one hotly
pursued by doctors, engineers and scientists working in the

366 Information Technology in Medicine

discipline of medical informatics. Computer techniques have scored some
successes: patients are, for
example, more willing to be honest about taboo areas, such as their drug or alco
hol consumption, or their
sexual proclivities, with a computer than face to face with a clinician; however
, the practice of taking a
history remains the cornerstone of clinical practice. The examination of the pat
ient is unlikely to be
supplanted by technological means in the foreseeable future; visual and tactile
recognition systems are
still in their infancy. Skilled interpretation of the result by machine rather t
han the human mind seems
equally as remote. Working its way slowly outwards from its starting point in ma
thematical logic,
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that in any way mimics its natural counterpart seems a d
istant prospect. Although
there have been successes in computer-supported diagnosis in some specialised ar
eas, such as the diagnosis
of abdominal pain, workable systems that could supplant the mind of the generali
st are still the dream of
the many developers pursuing this goal, rather than a reality available to docto
rs in their consulting
rooms now. In therapeutics, computerised prescribing systems still require the d
octor to make the decision
about treatment, but facilitate the process of writing, issuing, and recording t
he prescription. In so
doing, the system can provide automated checks, warning if necessary about aller
gies, potential drug
interactions, or dosing errors. The built-in safety that this process offers is
enhanced by the superior
legibility of the script that ensues, reducing the potential for error when the
medicine is dispensed by
the nurse or the pharmacist. Success in these individual applications continues
to drive development,
although the process has its critics, who are not slow to point to the lengthier
consultations that arise
when a computer is present in the consulting room and its distracting effect on
communication with the
patient. Underlying these many software applications lies the ubiquitous persona
l computer more powerful
today than its mainframe predecessor of only 20 years ago combined with networki
ng technology that
enables interconnection and the sharing of data. As in essence the doctors role i
nvolves the acquisition,
manipulation and application of information from the individual patient, and fro
m the body of medical
knowledge great excitement surrounds the development of open systems that allow
different software and
hardware platforms to interact. Many problems remain to be solved, not
least the fact that for such systems to work, the whole organisation, an
d not just a few specialised
individuals, must become computer literate. Such systems must be easy to learn t
o use, which requires an
intuitive interface between user(s) and system(s) that is predictable and logica
l in its ordering and

presentation of information. Many other issues stand in the way of the developme
nt towards computerisation:
standard systems of nomenclature for medical concepts have proved surprisingly d
ifficult to develop, but
are crucial for successful information-sharing between users. Sharing informatio
n between existing legacy
systems is a major challenge, often requiring customised software and extensive
human intervention to
enable the previous investments that an organisation has made in individual syst
ems (e.g. laboratory-result
reporting) to be integrated with newer technology. The beginnings of a global so
lution to this substantial
obstacle to networking progress is in sight: the technology that enables the Int
ernet an international
network of telephonically linked personal computers also enables the establishme
nt of intranets, in which
individual servers (computers dedicated to serving information to other computer
s) act as repositories of
published data, which other users on the network may browse as necessary in a client
environment. Systems that support this process are still in early stages of deve
lopment, but the key
conceptualisations are in place. Developments over the next 510 years will centre
on the electronic
patient record available to the clinician on an integrated clinical workstation.
The clinical workstation
in essence a personal computer networked to the hospital or practice system will
enable the clinician to
record clinical data and diagnoses, automate the ordering of investigations and
the collection of the
results, and facilitate referral and communication between the many professional
s and departments involved
in any individual patients care. Once data is digitised and that includes text, s
tatistical tables,
graphs, illustrations and radiological images, etc. it may be as freely networke
d globally as locally.
Consultations in which live video and sound transmissions are the bonds of the d
octor-patient relationship
(the techniques of telemedicine) are already reality, and have proved particular
ly convenient and
cost-effective in linking the patient and the generalist to specialists in remot
e areas with low population
density. As with written personal medical records,

confidentiality of personal medical information on computers is essentia
l. Computerised data are
covered by the Data Protection Act 1984. This stipulates that data must: be obta
ined and processed fairly
and lawfully. be held only for specified lawful purposes. not be used in a manne
r incompatible with those
purposes. only be recorded where necessary for these purposes. be accurate and u
p to date. not be stored
longer than necessary. be made available to the patient on request. be protected
by appropriate security
and backup procedures. As these problems are solved, concerns about privacy and
confidentiality arise.
While paper records were often only confidential by default, the potential for b
reaches of security in
computerised networks is much graver. External breaches of the system by hackers
are one serious concern,
but internal breaches by authorised users making unauthorised use of the data ar
e a much greater risk in
practice. Governing network security so that clinical users have access on a nee
d-to-know basis is a
difficult business: the software tools to enable this encryption, and anonymisat
ion (ensuring that
clinical information about patients is anonymous to prevent confidential informa
tion about them leaking
out) of data collected for management and research processes exist in the techni
cal domain but remain a
complex conundrum for solution in the real world. The mushroom growth of website
s covering myriad subjects
has, of course, included health information. This ranges from clinical details o
n individual diseases to
facts about medical organisations and institutes, patient support groups, etc. S
ome of this information
contains comments and advice from orthodox and unorthodox practitioners. This op
en access to health
information has been of great benefit to patients and health professionals. But
web browsers should be
aware that not all the medical information, including suggested treatments, has
been subject to PEER
REVIEW, as is the case with most medical articles in recognised medical journals

Informed Consent Patients rights are a growing concern for doctors and pa
tients. A controversial
aspect of their clinical relationship is consent: doctors need signed agreement
from patients before
carrying out operations or procedures; before entering patients in clinical tria
ls; and before publishing
clinical details or photographs of patients for
medical education in print or electronic media. Consent is said to be in
formed when patients are fully
aware of the consequences and risks of the procedure in question. For example, d
octors and other health
professionals should tell patients of the complications of a treatment and the l

ikelihood of its success.

They should make sure that the patients understand the information given; patien
ts should be given the
opportunity to ask questions and, where appropriate, immediate relatives should
be involved in the process.
Doctors are often inclined to highlight the benefits of a treatment, while downp
laying the risks, but the
General Medical Council in the United Kingdom has shown its willingness to disci
pline doctors who go beyond
the consent that they were given by patients. Although the precise limits will r
emain difficult to define
in some settings, informed consent should be obtained from patients in accordanc
e with guidelines from
professional medical organisations. Patients or close relatives should consult t
he local NHS authorities or
help-groups if they are dissatisfied with their doctors explanations.
Infrared Radiation The band of electromagnetic radiation which has a lon
ger wavelength than that of the
red in the visible spectrum. Infrared radiation is used in the special photograp
hic process essential to
THERMOGRAPHY. Its property of transmitting radiant heat has made infrared radiat
ion invaluable in
PHYSIOTHERAPY, where it warms tissues, soothes pain and increases the local circ
Infundibulum A funnel-shaped passage. The word is used specifically to d
escribe the hollow conical
stalk that links the HYPOTHALAMUS to the posterior lobe of the PITUITARY GLAND.
Infusion The intravenous or subcutaneous injection of one of a variety o
f therapeutic solutions, such
as saline, glucose, or gum acacia, in the treatment of severe DEHYDRATION, HYPOG
LYCAEMIA, or other plasma
electrolyte imbalance. Blood infusions may be given in cases of severe ANAEMIA f
or example, after heavy
bleeding. Infusions may be given in intermittent amounts of around 570 ml (1 pin
t) at a time, or
alternatively by continuous drip-feed over several hours.
Ingestion (1) The act of taking fluid, food, or medicine

368 Ingrowing Toenail

An extrusion of the abdominal PERITONEUM, sometimes containing a loop of
bowel, through natural
openings in the region of either groin (see HERNIA).
tations, tremor and restlessness are uncommon with these, more specific
preparations. In patients who
get insufficient relief from the beta-adrenoreceptor agonist, the drug ipratropi
um bromide is worth adding.
Salmeterol is a longer-acting choice for twice-daily administration: it is not i
ntended for the relief of
acute attacks, for which shorter-acting beta2 stimulants such as salbutamol shou
ld be used. Salmeterol
should be added to existing corticosteroid therapy (see CORTICOSTEROIDS), rather
than replacing it.
Patients must be taught carefully and observed while using their inhalers. It is
important for them to
realise that if the aerosol no longer gives more than slight transient relief, t
hey should not increase the
dose but seek medical help.
Inguinal Region
The groin that area of the body where the lower part of the abdomen meet
s the upper thigh. The
inguinal ligaments extend on each side from the superior spines of the iliac bon
es to the pubic bone. It is
also called Pouparts ligament (see diagram of ABDOMEN).
A method of applying drugs in a finely divided or gaseous state, so that
, when breathed in, they may
come into contact with the nose, throat and lungs. There are two chief means by
which drugs are mingled
with the air and so taken in by breathing: these are traditional steam inhalatio
ns, and modern aerosol
devices which deliver a fine spray direct into the mouth. (See INHALANTS; INHALE
into the stomach. (2) The way in which a phagocytic cell surrounds and a
bsorbs foreign substances such
as bacteria in the blood.
Ingrowing Toenail The sides of the toenail curve downwards, resulting in
inflammation of the skin next
to the nail which spreads to the base of the nail. The skin and nail base may be
come painful and badly
infected. If antibiotics and local dressing do not cure the condition, surgery t
o remove part of the nail
will be required.
Inguinal Hernia
Inhalants Substances that can be inhaled into the body through the lungs
. They may be delivered in
traditional form dissolved in hot water and inhaled in the steam, or as an aeros

ol a suspension of very
small liquid or solid particles in the air. The latter are now usually delivered
by devices in which the
aerosol is kept under pressure in a small hand-held cylinder and delivered in re
quired doses by a release
Aerosols Asthmatic patients (see ASTHMA) find aerosol devices to be of v
alue in controlling their
attacks. They provide an effective and convenient way of applying drugs directly
to the bronchi, thus
reducing the risks of unwanted effects accompanying SYSTEMIC therapy. BRONCHODIL
ATOR aerosols contain
either a beta-sympathomimetic agent or ipratropium bromide, which is an ANTICHOL
was the first compound to be widely used as an aerosol. It did however stimulate
beta1 receptors in the
heart as well as beta2 receptors in the bronchi, and so produced palpitations an
d even dangerous cardiac
arrhythmias. Newer beta-adrenoceptor agonists are specific for the beta2 recepto
rs and thus have a greater
safety margin. They include SALBUTAMOL, TERBUTALINE, rimiterol, fenoterol and re
proterol. Unwanted effects
such as palpiInhaler A mechanism for administering a drug in the form of a powder or
aerosol. mainly used by
patients with ASTHMA. Inhalers are basically of two types: aerosol, and dry-powd
er inhaler. The former
delivers the drug as an aerosol spray when the patient presses the top of the ca
nister containing the drug;
the latter works by putting a drug capsule in the end of the chamber and, when t
he patient presses the top,
the capsule is pierced and the drug released. A variety of spacing devices are ava
ilable to use with
pressurised (aerosol) inhalers, providing metered doses. The space introduced be
tween the inhaler and the
mouth reduces the velocity of the aerosol and thus the impact it has on the orop
harynx. More time is
therefore allowed for evaporation of the propellant, with a greater concentratio
n of drug particles being
inhaled. Inhalers with larger spacing devices and a oneway valve are very effect
ive and particularly useful
for children and patients needing higher doses of the drug. (See INHALANTS; NEBU
Inheritance The transfer of characteristics, traits and disorders from p
arents to children by means of

Insecticides GENES carried in the germ cells. (See GERM GENETIC DISORDERS.)
Inhibition Inhibition means arrest or restraint of some process effected
by nervous influence. The term
is applied to the action of certain inhibitory nerves: for example, the vagus ne
rve which contains fibres
that inhibit or control the action of the heart. The term is also applied genera
lly to the mental processes
by which instinctive but undesirable actions are checked by a process of self-co
Injections An injection is the introduction of a substance into the body
using a syringe and an
attached needle. Injections may be given under the skin (subcutaneous), via a ve
in (intravenous), deep into
a muscle (intramuscular), or into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord (intrath
Inner Ear This comprises three fluid-filled chambers, or labyrinths, sit
uated in the bony temporal area
that are concerned with identifying a persons position in space. Each chamber lie
s in a different plane,
and movement of fluid within it is picked up by sensory cells that transmit the
information to the brain.
Disease or damage to the inner ear upsets the sense of balance and causes vertig
is caused by the inner ear being unable to accommodate the changes in position r
esulting from motion. (See
Innervation The nerve supply to a tissue, organ or part of the body. It
carries motor impulses to and
sensory impulses away from the part.
Inoculation The process by which infective material is brought into the
system through a small wound in
the skin or in a mucous membrane. Many infectious diseases are contracted by acc
idental inoculation of
microbes as is bloodpoisoning (see SEPTICAEMIA). Inoculation is now used as a pr
eventive measure against
many infectious diseases. (See also VACCINE.)
Inositol A sugar compound that is one constituent of some phospholipids
(see LIPID) found in cells. It
is found in many foods but, although sometimes classified as a VITAMIN, it is no
t a vital part of the human
Inotropic Adjective describing anything that affects the force of muscle
contraction. It is usually
applied to the heart muscle; an inotrope such as DIGOXIN is a drug that improves
its contraction.
Beta-blocker drugs such as PROPRANOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE have negative inotropic pro
Inpatient A person who requires a hospital bed for investigation or trea

Inquest An official inquiry conducted by a CORONER into the cause of an
individuals death. The coroner
is a judicial officer who, when a death is sudden, unexpected or occurs in suspi
cious circumstances,
considers the results of medical and legal investigation and, sitting with a jur
y or on his or her own,
makes the conclusions public. He/she has wide powers, and, in deaths of uncertai
n cause, no official death
certificate can be issued without his or her approval. A coroner may be legally
or medically qualified (or
both). In Scotland the comparable officer is the procurator fiscal.
Insecticides Substances which kill insects. Since the discovery of the i
nsecticidal properties of DDT
(see DICHLORODIPHENYL TRICHLOROETHANE) in 1940, a steady stream of new ones has
been introduced. Their
combined use has played an outstanding part in international public health campa
igns, such as that of the
World Health Organisation for the eradication of MALARIA. Unfortunately, insects
are liable to become
resistant to insecticides, just as bacteria are liable to become resistant to an
tibiotics, and it is for
this reason that so much research work is being devoted to the discovery of new
ones. Researchers are also
exploring new methods, such as releasing sexually sterile insects into the natur
al population. The useful
effects of insecticides must be set against increasing evidence that the indiscr
iminate use of some of
these potent preparations is having an adverse effect not only upon human beings
, but also upon the
ecosystems. Some, such as DDT the use of which is now banned in the UK are very
stable compounds that
enter the food chain and may ultimately be lethal to many animals, including bir
ds and fishes.

370 Insemination
Insemination The ejaculation of SEMEN in the VAGINA in the act of sexual
intercourse. In ARTIFICIAL
INSEMINATION the semen is placed there by the use of an instrument. (See also AS
Insight A persons knowledge of him or herself. The description is especia
lly relevant to a persons
realisation that he or she has psychological difficulties. Thus, someone with a
psychosis (see MENTAL
ILLNESS) lacks insight. Insight also refers to an individuals concept of his or h
er personality and
Inspissation The process of the drying or thickening of fluids or excret
ions by evaporation.
Institutionalisation A condition brought about by a prolonged stay in an
impersonal institution. The
individual becomes apathetic and listless as a result of inadequate stimulation
in an uninteresting
environment. The condition can occur in mental institutions or long-stay nursing
homes; the affected person
loses the ability to make any decisions and becomes pathetic and increasingly de
pendent on others.
Insufflation Insufflation means the blowing of powder or vapour into a c
avity, especially through the
air passages, for the treatment of disease.
Insulin A POLYPEPTIDE hormone (see HORMONES) produced in the PANCREAS by
the beta cells of the ISLETS
OF LANGERHANS. It plays a key role in the bodys regulation of CARBOHYDRATE, FAT,
and PROTEIN, and its
deficiency leads to DIABETES MELLITUS. Diabetic patients are described as type 1
(insulin dependent), or
type 2 (non-insulin dependent), although many of the latter may need insulin lat
er on, in order to maintain
good control. Insulin is extracted mainly from pork pancreas and purified by cry
stallisation; it may be
made biosynthetically by recombinant DNA technology using Escherichia coli, or s
emisynthetically by
enzymatic modification of porcine insulin to produce human insulin. The latter i
s the form now generally
used, although some patients find it unsuitable and have to return to porcine in
The hormone acts by enabling the muscles and other tissues requiring sug
ar for their activity to take
up this substance from the blood. All insulin preparations are to a greater or l
esser extent immunogenic in
humans, but immunological resistance to insulin action is uncommon. Previously a
vailable in three
strengths, of 20, 40, and 80 units per millilitre (U/ml), these have now largely
been replaced by a

standard strength of 100 U/ml (U100). Numerous different insulin preparations ar

e listed; these differ in
their speed of onset and duration of action, and hence vary in their suitability
for individual patients.
Insulin is inactivated by gastrointestinal enzymes and is therefore generally gi
ven by subcutaneous
injection, usually into the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, or abdomen. Some insul
ins are also available in
cartridge form, which may be administered by injection devices (pens). The absorpt
ion may vary from
different sites and with strenuous activity. About 25 per cent of diabetics requ
ire insulin treatment: most
children from the onset, and all patients presenting with ketoacidosis. Insulin
is also often needed by
those with a rapid onset of symptoms such as weight loss, weakness, and sometime
s vomiting, often
associated with ketonuria. The aim of treatment is to maintain good control of b
lood glucose concentration,
while avoiding severe HYPOGLYCAEMIA; this is usually achieved by a regimen of pr
eprandial injections of
short-acting insulin (often with a bedtime injection of long-acting insulin). In
sulin may also be given by
continuous subcutaneous infusion with an infusion pump. This technique has many
disadvantages: patients
must be well motivated and able to monitor their own blood glucose, with access
to expert advice both day
and night; it is therefore rarely used. Hypoglycaemia is a potential hazard for
many patients converting
from porcine to human insulin, because human insulin may result in them being un
aware of classical
hypoglycaemic warning symptoms. Drivers must be particularly careful, and indivi
duals may be forbidden to
drive if they have frequent or severe hypoglycaemic attacks. For this reason, in
surance companies should be
warned, and diabetics should after taking appropriate medical advice either retu
rn to porcine insulin
or consider stopping driving.
Insulinase An
occurring in body tissues, such as

Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU)

the kidney and liver, that breaks down INSULIN in the body.
Insulinoma A tumour in the beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans in the
PANCREAS that produces
insulin. Symptoms of HYPOGLYCAEMIA occur. Treatment is surgical removal or oral
administration of
Insulin Shock A disorder in which the body produces excess INSULIN, whic
h then reduces the amount of
glucose in the blood (HYPOGLYCAEMIA). Treatment is with glucose or GLUCAGON. Unt
reated, the patient goes
into a COMA and dies.
Integument Another name for skin. The term is also used for a layer or m
embrane surrounding any of the
bodys organs.
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) This is the ratio between the mental age and
chronological age multiplied by
100. Thus, if a boy of 10 years of age is found to have a mental age of 12 years
, his IQ will be 120. On
the other hand, if he is found to have a mental age of 8 years, his IQ will be 8
0. The mental age is
established by various tests, the most widely used of which are the Stanford-Bin
et Scale, the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale, and the Mill Hill Vocabulary Test. Average intelligenc
e is represented by an IQ
of 100, with a range of 85 to 115. For practical purposes it is taken that the i
ntellectual level reached
by the average 15-year-old is indistinguishable from that of an adult.
Intelligence Test A standardised procedure of mental assessment to deter
mine an individuals
intellectual ability. The result is produced as a score termed the INTELLIGENCE
QUOTIENT (IQ). The Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and one for children, the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children (WICS),
are commonly used, as is the Stanford-Binet Scale. Assessments are made for educ
ational purposes and to
help in the diagnoses of people with possible mental retardation or intellectual
Intensive Care Medicine The origin of this important branch of medicine
lies in the effective use of
positive-pressure VENTILATION of the lungs to treat respiratory breathing failur
e in patients affected by
MYELITIS in an outbreak of this potentially fatal disease in Denmark in
1952. Doctors reduced to 40 per
cent, the 90 per cent mortality in patients receiving respiratory support with t
he traditional cuirass
ventilator by using the new technique. They achieved this with a combination of
manual positive-pressure
ventilation provided through a TRACHEOSTOMY by medical students, and by looking

after the patients in a

specific area of the hospital, allowing the necessary staffing and equipment res
ources to be concentrated
in one place. The principle of one-to-one, 24-hours-a-day care for seriously ill
patients has been widely
adopted and developed for the initial treatment of many patients with life-threa
tening conditions. Thus,
severely injured patients those with serious medical conditions such as coronary
thrombosis or who have
undergone major surgery, and individuals suffering from potentially lethal toxic
affects of poisons are
treated in an INTENSIVE THERAPY UNIT (ITU). Patients whose respiratory or circul
atory systems have failed
benefit especially by being intensively treated. Most patients, especially postoperative ones, leave
intensive care when their condition has been stabilised, usually after 24 or 48
hours. Some, however, need
support for several weeks or even months. Since 1952, intensive medicine has bec
ome a valued specialty and
a demanding one because of the range of skills needed by the doctors and nurses
manning the ITUs.
Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) Sometimes called an intensive care unit, th
is is a hospital unit in which
seriously ill patients undergo resuscitation, monitoring and treatment. The unit
s are staffed by doctors
and nurses trained in INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, and patients receive 24-hour, one
-to-one care with
continuous monitoring of their condition with highly specialised electronic equi
pment that assesses vital
body functions such as heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, temperature and
blood chemistry. The
average ITU in Britain has four to six beds, although units in larger hospitals,
especially those dealing
with tertiarycare referrals for example, neurosurgical or organ transplant cases
are bigger, but 15
beds is usually the maximum. Annual throughput of patients ranges from fewer tha
n 200 to more than 1,500
patients a year. As well as general ITUs, specialty units are provided for neona
tal, paediatric,
cardiothoracic and neurological patients in regional centres. The UK has 12 per c
ent of its hospital beds
allocated to intensive care, a figure far below the average of 20 per cent provi
ded in the United States.

372 Intercostal
patients undergoing intensive care in the UK are usually more seriously
ill than those in the US. This
is reflected in the shortage of available ITU beds in Britain, especially in the
winter. (See CORONARY CARE
Intercostal The term applied to the nerves, vessels and muscles that lie
between the ribs, as well as
to diseases affecting these structures.
It has been known for many years that one VIRUS will interfere with the
growth of another. In 1957, UK
research workers isolated the factor that was responsible for the phenomenon, gi
ving it the name of
interferon. There are now known to be three human interferons. They are glycopro
teins and are released from
cells infected with virus or exposed to stimuli which mimic virus infection. The
y not only inhibit the
growth of viruses; they also inhibit the growth and reduplication of cells, and
this is the basis for their
investigation as a means of treating cancer. Hitherto the major difficulty has b
een obtaining sufficient
supplies of interferon, but methods have now been evolved which promise to provi
de adequate amounts of it.
The most promising of these is by means of what is known as genetic engineering,
or manipulation, whereby a
portion of DNA from interferon is inserted into the micro-organism known as Esch
erichia coli (see
ESCHERICHIA) which thus becomes a source of almost unlimited amounts of interfer
on as it can be grown so
easily. Interferon alfa previously termed leucocyte interferon or lymphoblastoid
interferon has some
antitumour effect in some solid tumours and lymphomas. It is also used to treat
HEPATITIS B and C (chronic
variety). Various sideeffects include suppression of MYELOBLAST production. Inte
rferon beta previously
termed fibroblast interferon is used (under restricted conditions in the UK) to
treat patients with
relapsing, remitting MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS), and interferon beta-16 is licensed
for use in patients with
the secondary progressive type of this disorder. The use of interferon, which ha
s a range of side-effects,
should be recommended by a neurologist.
Interleukins Interleukins are lymphokines that is, polypeptides produced
by activated lymphocytes.
They are involved in signalling between cells of the immune system (see IMMUNITY
) and are released by
several cell types, including lymphocytes. They interact to control the immune response of cells and also pa
rticipate in HAEMOPOIESIS.
There are seven varieties, interleukins 1 to 7. For example, interleukin 1 is pr
oduced as a result of

inflammation and stimulates the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes, enhancing

the immune response by
stimulating other lymphocytes and activating dormant T cells. Interleukin 2 has
anti-cancer effects as it
is able to activate T lymphocytes to become killer cells which destroy foreign a
ntigens (see ANTIGEN) such
as cancer cells, and this anti-cancer effect is being developed for clinical use
. The remaining
interleukins have a range of properties in cell growth and differentiation.
Intermediate Care Described by the UK government as a bridge between hosp
ital and home to speed
discharge from acute care and provide recovery and rehabilitation services, this
concept was a key element
in the NHS Plan: plan for investment; a plan for reform, published in 2000. The
government sees cottage
hospitals, private nursing homes, and domiciliary and community settings as prov
iding the heart of the
proposed intermediate-care sector. Also in the plan, however, is the warning tha
t the NHS would meet the
costs only of nursing care for nursing-home residents: personal care would in fu
ture be charged for. (In
Scotland the NHS funds personal-care costs.) The change in England would alter t
he principles on which the
NHS was founded in 1948 that all citizens would receive a universal, comprehensi
ve service funded by the
government. New care trusts will commission and deliver both primary and communi
ty health care as well as
social care. The trusts will hold unified, capped budgets and they will define w
hat is NHS care and what is
social care. The social-care elements will be subject to the charging policies o
f local authorities. Of the
160,000 or so nursing-home residents in England, under 10 per cent have their ca
re fully funded by the NHS.
The funding future of this 10 per cent is uncertain, as will be the personal-car
e funding of 270,000 NHS
patients expected to transfer from hospital into intermediate care each year. It
is too early to say what
effect these changes will have on a vulnerable section of the population. While
the principle of using
intermediate care to free expensive hospital beds is sensible, the uncertainties
over funding and the grey
area between the need for nursing and/or residential care will be a worry for el
derly people, especially
those of limited means. (Legislation to implement the governments planned changes
to the NHS was

Intersexuality 373
going through Parliament as this text was going to press, so modificatio
ns to them are possible.)
Intermittent A term applied to fevers which continue for a time, subside
completely and then return
again. The name is also used in connection with a pulse in which occasional hear
tbeats are not felt, in
consequence of irregular action of the heart.
Intermittent Claudication A condition occurring in middle-aged and elder
ly people, which is
characterised by pain in the legs after walking a certain distance. The pain is
relieved by resting for a
short time. It is due to arteriosclerosis (see ARTERIES, DISEASES OF) of the art
eries to the leg, which
results in inadequate blood supply to the muscles. Drugs usually have little eff
ect in easing the pain, but
useful preventive measures are to stop smoking, reduce weight (if overweight), a
nd to take as much exercise
as possible within the limits imposed by the pain.
Internet Access to medical information via the Internet is widespread in
some populations, often
serving more patients than doctors. In addition to the huge variety of informati
on available, patients can
share experiences via electronic discussion groups, or obtain e-mail advice on a
fee-for-service basis.
Some professional organisations and journals provide free access to information,
and the Internet can be a
useful resource for medical practitioners and researchers. Concerns have arisen
about the growth in
electronic medical information: some believe that patients who have unlimited ac
cess to information via the
Internet will be less likely to tolerate health-care rationing or will demand tr
eatments that may be
inappropriate in their individual circumstances. Other criticisms relate to the
quality and accuracy of the
information provided, potential breaches of patient CONFIDENTIALITY, and the ris
k of increased accusations
of medical negligence (see also ETHICS).
Intermittent SelfCatheterisation
A technique in which a patient (of either sex) inserts a disposable cath
eter (see CATHETERS) through
the URETHRA into the bladder to empty it of urine. It is increasingly used to ma
nage patients with chronic
retention of urine, or whose bladders do not empty properly usually the result o
f neurological disorder
affecting the bladder (neuropathic bladder). (See URINARY BLADDER, DISEASES OF.)
Intern An American term for a doctor-in-training who carries out his or
her duties and learns in
hospital, usually spending some of his/her time living there. The terms preferre

d in the UK are house

officer or senior house officer (SHO).
International Classification of Disease (ICD) A World Health Organisatio
n classification of all known
diseases and syndromes. The diseases are divided according to system (respirator
y, renal, cardiac, etc.) or
type (accidents, malignant growth, etc.). Each of them is given a three-digit nu
mber to facilitate
computerisation. This classification allows mortality and morbidity rates to be
compared nationally and
regionally. A revised ICD is published every ten years; a similar classification
is being developed for
impairments, disabilities and handicaps.
The length of the AXON (of a nerve cell) that is covered with a MYELIN s
heath. The nodes of Ranvier,
which have no myelin sheath, separate the internodes. (See also NERVE.) Intersex
uality is a state of
indeterminate sexuality of an individual, and may present in many different form
s. A characteristic is that
only one type of gonad testis or ovary is present; in a HERMAPHRODITE both types
are present.
Intersexuality may be due to a fault in the genetic mechanism of sex determinati
on as early as conception,
or to later errors in sexual differentiation of the embryo and fetus, or after b
irth. Some cases may result
from abnormal metabolism of the sex hormones, or may be druginduced (for example
, women given androgens
[see ANDROGEN] or PROGESTERONE for repeated miscarriages may give birth to girls
with some genital
VIRILISATION). Abnormalities of the sex chromosomes may be associated with delay
ed (or failure of ) sexual
development, so that the individual shows some of the characteristics (often und
erdeveloped) of both sexes.
Some of the more common presentations of the condition include HYPOGONADISM, CRY
PTORCHIDISM, and primary
AMENORRHOEA. Intersexuality inevitably leads to considerable psychological distu
rbance as the child grows
up. It is therefore important to reach an early decision as to the childs sex or
at least,

374 Interstitial
the sex that he or she is to be brought up as. Surgical or hormonal mean
s should then be employed, when
appropriate, to develop the attributes of that sex and diminish those of the oth
er, together with
psychological counselling.
Interstitial Interstitial is a term applied to indifferent tissue set am
ong the proper active tissue of
an organ. It is generally of a supporting character and formed of fibrous tissue
. The term is also applied
to the fluid always present in this in a small amount, and to diseases which spe
cially affect this tissue,
such as interstitial keratitis.
Lateral view of prolapsed intervertebral disc.
Interstitial Cells Also called Leydig cells, these cells are scattered b
of the testis (see TESTICLE). LUTEINISING HORMONE from the anterior PITUITARY GL
AND stimulates the
interstitial cells to produce androgens, or male hormones.
Intertrigo Inflammation between two skin surfaces in contact, typically
in the toe clefts, axillae,
under the breasts or in the anogenital folds. Heat, friction and obesity are agg
ravating factors. Secondary
fungal or bacterial infection with CANDIDA or bacteria is common.

Interventional Radiology The use of radiology (see X-RAYS) to enable doc
tors to carry out diagnostic or
treatment procedures under direct radiological vision. This X-ray procedure is u
SURGERY (MIS) for example, ANGIOPLASTY, the removal of stones from the kidney (s
and the observation of obstructions in the bile ducts (percutaneous CHOLANGIOGRA
PHY). (See also magnetic
resonance imaging MRI.)
Intervention Study Comparison of outcomes between two or more groups of
patients who have been
intentionally given different treatments or preventative measures, for example,
diets. The subjects in the
trial should be randomly allocated to the groups, with patients in one group cal
led controls receiving
no active treatment. If possible, neither patients nor doctors participating in
a study should know which
patients are receiving what treatment (double blind study/trial). Furthermore, g
roups should exchange
treatments after a prearranged time (crossover study/trial). (See CLINICAL TRIAL
Intervertebral Disc The fibrous disc that acts as
bony vertebrae (see SPINAL
COLUMN), enabling them to rotate and bend one on another.
nerate with age and may get
ruptured and displaced prolapsed or slipped disc as a
action. Prolapsed disc
occurs mainly in the lower back; it is more common in men
the 3040 age group.

a cushion between the

The disc tends to dege
result of sudden strenuous
than in women, and in

Intestine All the alimentary canal beyond below the stomach. In it, most
DIGESTION is carried on, and
through its walls all the food material is absorbed into the blood and lymph str
eams. The length of the
intestine in humans is about 859 metres (2830 feet), and it takes the form of one c
ontinuous tube
suspended in loops in the abdominal cavity.
Divisions The intestine is divided into small intestine and large intest
ine. The former extends from
the stomach onwards for 65 metres (22 feet) or thereabouts. The large intestine i
s the second part of the
tube, and though shorter (about 18 metres [6 feet] long) is much wider than the s
mall intestine. The
latter is divided rather arbitrarily into three parts: the duodenum, consisting
of the first 2530 cm
(1012 inches), into which the ducts of the liver and pancreas open; the j
ejunum, comprising the next
2427 metres (89 feet); and finally the ileum, which at its lower end opens into the
large intestine.
The large intestine begins in the lower part of the abdomen on the right side. T
he first part is known as

the caecum, and into this opens the appendix vermiformis. The appendix is a smal
l tube, closed at one end
and about the thickness of a pencil, anything from 2 to 20 cm (average 9 cm) in
length, which has much the
same structure as the rest of the intestine. (See APPENDICITIS.) The caecum cont
inues into the colon. This
is subdivided into: the ascending colon which ascends through the right flank to
beneath the liver; the
transverse colon which crosses the upper part of the abdomen to the left side; a
nd the descending colon
which bends downwards through the left flank into the pelvis where it becomes th
e sigmoid colon. The last
part of the large intestine is known as the rectum, which passes straight down t
hrough the back part of the
pelvis, to open to the exterior through the anus.
Structure The intestine, both small and large, consists of four coats, w
hich vary slightly in structure
and arrangement at different points but are broadly the same throughout the enti
re length of the bowel. On
the inner surface there is a mucous membrane; outside this is a loose submucous
coat, in which blood
vessels run; next comes a muscular coat in two layers; and finally a tough, thin
peritoneal membrane.
MUCOUS COAT The interior of the bowel is completely lined by a single layer of p
illar-like cells placed
side by side. The surface is increased by countless ridges with deep furrows thi
ckly studded with short
hair-like processes called villi. As blood and lymph vessels run up to the end o
f these villi, the digested
food passing slowly down the intestine is brought into close relation with the b
lood circulation. Between
the bases of the villi are little openings, each of which leads into a simple, t
ubular gland which produces
a digestive fluid. In the small and large intestines, many cells are devoted to
the production of mucus for
lubricating the passage of the food. A large number of minute masses, called lym
ph follicles, similar in
structure to the tonsils are scattered over the inner surface of the intestine.
The large intestine is bare
both of ridges and of villi. SUBMUCOUS COAT Loose connective tissue which allows
the mucous membrane to
play freely over the muscular coat. The blood vessels

376 Intestine, Diseases of

and lymphatic vessels which absorb the food in the villi pour their cont
ents into a network of large
vessels lying in this coat. MUSCULAR COAT The muscle in the small intestine is a
rranged in two layers, in
the outer of which all the fibres run lengthwise with the bowel, whilst in the i
nner they pass circularly
round it. PERITONEAL COAT This forms the outer covering for almost the whole int
estine except parts of the
duodenum and of the large intestine. It is a tough, fibrous membrane, covered up
on its outer surface with a
smooth layer of cells.
Intestine, Diseases of I
The principal signs of trouble which has its origin in the intestine con
sist of pain somewhere about
the abdomen, sometimes vomiting, and irregular bowel movements: constipation, di
arrhoea or alternating
bouts of these. Several diseases and conditions are treated under separate headi
Inflammation of the outer surface is called peritonitis, a serious disea
se. That of the inner surface
is known generally as enteritis, inflammation of special parts receiving the nam
es of colitis,
appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD
). Enteritis may form the
chief symptom of certain infective diseases: for example in typhoid fever (see E
NTERIC FEVER), cholera and
dysentery. It may be acute, although not connected with any definite organism, w
hen, if severe, it is a
very serious condition, particularly in young children. Or it may be chronic, es
pecially as the result of
dysentery, and then constitutes a less serious if very troublesome complaint. Pe
rforation of the bowel may
take place as the result either of injury or of disease. Stabs and other wounds
which penetrate the abdomen
may damage the bowel, and severe blows or crushes may tear it without any extern
al wound. Ulceration, as in
typhoid fever, or, more rarely, in TUBERCULOSIS, may cause an opening in the bow
el-wall also. Again, when
the bowel is greatly distended above an obstruction, faecal material may accumul
ate and produce
ulcers, which rupture with the ordinary movements of the bowels. Whateve
r the cause, the symptoms are
much the same.
Symptoms The contents of the bowel pass out through the perforation into
the peritoneal cavity, and set
up a general peritonitis. In consequence, the abdomen is painful, and after a fe
w hours becomes extremely
tender to the touch. The abdomen swells, particularly in its upper part, owing t

o gas having passed also

into the cavity. Fever and vomiting develop and the person passes into a state o
f circulatory collapse or
SHOCK. Such a condition may be fatal if not properly treated.
Treatment All food should be withheld and the patient given intravenous
fluids to resuscitate them and
then to maintain their hydration and electrolyte balance. An operation is urgent
ly necessary, the abdomen
being opened in the middle line, the perforated portion of bowel found, the perf
oration stitched up, and
appropriate antibiotics given.
Obstruction means a stoppage to the passage down the intestine of partia
lly digested food. Obstruction
may be acute, when it comes on suddenly with intense symptoms; or it may be chro
nic, when the obstructing
cause gradually increases and the bowel becomes slowly more narrow until it clos
es altogether; or subacute,
when obstruction comes and goes until it ends in an acute attack. In chronic cas
es the symptoms are milder
in degree and more prolonged.
Causes Obstruction may be due to causes outside the bowel altogether, fo
r example, the pressure of
tumours in neighbouring organs, the twisting around the bowel of bands produced
by former peritonitis, or
even the twisting of a coil of intestine around itself so as to cause a kink in
its wall. Chronic causes of
the obstruction may exist in the wall of the bowel itself: for example, a tumour
, or the contracting scar
of an old ulcer. The condition of INTUSSUSCEPTION, where part of the bowel passe
s inside of the part
beneath it, in the same way as one turns the finger of a glove outside in, cause
s obstruction and other
symptoms. Bowel within a hernia may become obstructed when the hernia strangulat
es. Finally some body, such
as a concretion, or the stone of some large fruit, or even a mass of hardened fa
eces, may become jammed
within the bowel and stop up its passage.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection 377

Symptoms There are four chief symptoms: pain, vomiting, constipation and
swelling of the abdomen.
Treatment As a rule the surgeon opens the abdomen, finds the obstruction
and relieves it or if possible
removes it altogether. It may be necessary to form a COLOSTOMY or ILEOSTOMY as a
temporary or permanent
measure in severe cases.
Tumours are rare in the small intestine and usually benign. They are rel
atively common in the large
intestine and are usually cancerous. The most common site is the rectum. Cancer
of the intestine is a
disease of older people; it is the second most common cancer (after breast cance
r) in women in the United
Kingdom, and the third most common (after lung and prostate) in men. Around 25,0
00 cases of cancer of the
large intestine occur in the UK annually, about 65 per cent of which are in the
colon. A history of altered
bowel habit, in the form of increasing constipation or diarrhoea, or an alternat
ion of these, or of
bleeding from the anus, in a middleaged person is an indication for taking medic
al advice. If the condition
is cancer, then the sooner it is investigated and treated, the better the result
Intima The innermost coat lining the arteries and the veins.
Intolerance An adverse reaction of a patient to a drug or treatment. (Se
Intoxication A term applied to states of poisoning. The poison may be so
me chemical substance
introduced from outside, for example, ALCOHOL; or it may be due to the products
of bacterial action, the
bacteria either being introduced from outside or developing within the body. The
term autointoxication is
applied in the latter case.
IntraPrefix indicating inside or within. For example, intracellular: wit
hin a cell; intra-articular:
within a joint.
Intracoronary Artery Stenting A narrowed or blocked coronary artery (see
ARTERIES) can compromise the
blood supply to the heart muscle (see HEART, DISEASES OF). A
supportive tube or stent passed into each affected artery can restore th
e blood supply. The stent has a
HEPARIN coating to stop blood clots from forming. Since it was first performed i
n 1987, intracoronary
stents have cut the reblockage rate from one in three patients who have had coro
nary ANGIOPLASTY to fewer
than one in ten in cases where a stent was used with angioplasty.
Intracranial Intracranial is the term applied to structures, diseases, e
tc. contained in or rising
within the head.

Intracranial Pressure This is the pressure that is maintained by the bra

in tissue, intracellular and
extracellular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid and blood. An increase in intracranial
pressure may occur as a
result of inflammation, injury, haemorrhage, or tumour in the brain tissue as we
ll as of some congenital
conditions. The pressure is measured by lumbar puncture in which a syringe attac
hed to a mamometer
(pressure-measuring device) is inserted into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding
the lower part of the
spinal cord. Where continuous pressure monitoring is necessary, an in-dwelling d
evice can be implanted into
a cerebral ventricle. Normal pressure is around 10 mm of mercury (Hg), with the
acceptable upper limit
being 25 mm Hg.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
is the most significant
therapeutic advance in male INFERTILITY treatment in the past 30 years. The tech
nique is used when in vitro
fertilisation (IVF see under ASSISTED CONCEPTION) is not possible because the ma
n has very few, motile,
normal sperm (see SPERMATOZOON), or when previous attempts at IVF have not produ
ced a fertilised EMBRYO.
ICSI requires a single sperm which is injected directly into the cytoplasm of an
egg previously retrieved
from the woman. Once fertilised, the embryo is transferred to her UTERUS. For me
n with no sperm in the
semen, it may be possible to retrieve sperm by needle aspiration of the EPIDIDYM
IS under local anaesthetic
(see ANAESTHESIA). Other techniques involve microsurgical retrieval from the epi
didymis or TESTICLE under a
general anaesthetic. Potential complications include scrotal pain, bruising, HAE
MATOMA formation and
infection. ICSI and surgical sperm-retrieval require extensive training and expe
rtise and is currently
available in only a few selected

378 Intrathecal
infertility units. Safety concerns relate to a higher-than-expected rate
of abnormalities in the SEX
CHROMOSOMES after ICSI, and also the potential risk of transmitting paternal gen
etic defects in the Y
chromosome to sons born after ICSI.
Intrathecal Intrathecal means within the membranes or meninges which env
elop the SPINAL CORD. The
intrathecal space, between the arachnoid and the pia mater, contains the CEREBRO
Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) I
A mechanical device, commonly a coil, inserted into the UTERUS to preven
t CONCEPTION, probably by
interfering with the implantation of the EMBRYO. For many women, IUCDs are an ef
fective and acceptable form
of contraception, although only about 10 per cent of women in the UK use them. T
he devices are of various
shapes and made of plastic or copper; most have a string that passes through the
cervix and rests in the
vagina. About one-third of women have adverse effects as the result of IUCD use:
common ones are backache
and heavy menstrual bleeding (see MENSTRUATION). The frequency of unwanted pregn
ancies is about 2 per 100
women-years of use. (See CONTRACEPTION.)
Position of intravenous needle inserted into vein on back of hand for ad
ministration of intravenous
fluid or blood transfusion.
Intrinsic Factor Secreted in the lining of the stomach, this factor is o
ne of the GLYCOPROTEINS, and is
essential for the absorption into the bloodstream of vitamin B12 (see APPENDIX 5
: VITAMINS). Absence of
intrinsic factor causes a deficiency of this essential vitamin, which in turn ca
Intrauterine Insemination
A method of helping CONCEPTION to occur when a man is infertile (see INF
ERTILITY) because his sperm
(see SPERMATOZOON) cannot penetrate either the cervical mucus at the entrance of
the UTERUS or the barriers
that surround the OVUM. The sperm, often treated chemically beforehand to increa
se motility, are injected
directly into the uterus via the VAGINA.
Intravenous A term which means inside a vein. An intravenous injection i
s one that is given into a
vein. Blood transfusions are given intravenously, as are other infusions of flui

Intravenous Pyelogram (Urogram) A procedure for getting X-ray pictures o

radio-opaque medium is injected into a vein and, when it is excreted by the kidn
eys, the substance can be
identified on X-rays. Any abnormalities in structure or foreign bodies such as c
alculi are outlined by the
The introduction of one organ or part into another. An example is the in
sertion of the erect penis into
the vagina during copulation.
The observation of ones own thoughts or feelings. The term is generally a
pplied to this process when
it occurs to an abnormal extent in association with MELANCHOLIA.
Introversion (1) In physical terms, to turn a hollow structure into itse
lf for example, a length of
the intestine may enter the succeeding portion, also known as INTUSSUSCEPTION. (2)
A psychological term
to describe what happens when an individual is more interested in his or her inne
r world than in what is
happening around in the real world. An INTROVERT tends to have few friends and p
refers to persist in
activities that they have started. Karl Jung (see JUNGIAN ANALYSIS) described in
troversion as a persons
tendency to distance him or herself from others; to have philosophical interests

and to have reactions that are reserved and defensive.
spread of cancer into normal, nearby tissues or organs.
In Vitro
Physically it means turning inside out. Psychologically, the term refers
to an individual whose
character looks inwards on him or herself and who may also be obsessive and have
few friends. (See
A term commonly used in medical research and experimental biology. Liter
ally in a glass, it refers to
observations made outside the body: for example, on the action of drugs on bacte
ria. The opposite term is
IN VIVO, which refers to observations of processes in the body.
Intubation A procedure consisting in the introduction, through the mouth
or nose into the larynx, of a
tube designed to keep the air passage open at this point.
Intuition The immediate understanding of a situation by someone without
the customary mental process of
Intussusception A form of obstruction of the bowels in which part of the
INTESTINE enters within that
part immediately beneath it. This can best be understood by observing what takes
place in the fingers of a
tightly fitting glove as they turn outside-in when the glove is pulled off the h
and. Mostly, the condition
affects infants. Often it occurs during the course of a viral infection or a mil
d attack of
gastroenteritis, or it may be that swelling of lymphoid tissue in the gut provok
es the event. The point at
which it most often occurs is the junction between the small and the large intes
tines, the former passing
within the latter. The symptoms are those of intestinal obstruction in general (
Obstruction), and in addition there is often a discharge of blood-stained mucus
from the bowel. Unless
the symptoms rapidly subside, when it may be assumed that the bowel has righted
itself, treatment consists
of either hydrostatic reduction by means of a barium or air ENEMA, or an operati
on. At operation the
intussusception is either reduced or, if this not possible, the obstructed part
is cut out and the ends of
the intestine then stitched together. If treated adequately and in time, the mor
tality is now reduced to
around 1 per cent. The condition may recur in about 5 per cent of patients.
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Fertilisation of the egg (ovum) outside the
body. The fertilised ovum is

then incubated until the blastocyst stage develops, when it is implanted into th
e UTERUS. The procedure was
developed in Britain and the first successful in vitro baby, a girl, was born in
1978. IVF is used when a
woman has blocked FALLOPIAN TUBES or when the sperm and ovum are unable to fuse
in the reproductive tract.
Hormone treatment results in the potential mothers producing several mature ova,
some of which are removed
from the ovary using a LAPAROSCOPE and fertilised with her partners semen. (See A
In Vivo A Latin term to describe biological events that take place insid
e the bodies of living
Involucrum The sheath of new bone which is formed round a piece of dead
bone in, for example,
Involuntary Muscle Muscle that does not operate under a persons conscious
control. Involuntary muscle
also called smooth muscle, because the cells do not contain the striations that
is found in blood vessels, the heart, stomach, and intestines. (See PARASYMPATHE
Involution The process of change whereby the UTERUS returns to its resti
ng size after parturition
(birth). The term is also applied to any retrograde biological change, as in sen
ility (see AGEING).
In Utero
Literally in the UTERUS and used to refer to events occurring to a baby be
fore birth.
Salts of iodine, those which are especially used in medicine being the i
odide of potassium and iodide
of sodium. Iodides are excreted in the mucus secretions, as well as in the urine
, saliva and sweat, and
have an action in liquefying the
Invasion The entry of bacteria into the body; the

380 Iodine
mucus secretion of the bronchial tree. They are therefore used in EXPECT
ORANTS. They are also used to
assist in providing a supply of iodine in patients with goitre, or in individual
s who live in an area where
goitre is liable to occur because of a deficiency of IODINE in the drinking wate
r. They may be given in the
form of iodised salt. (See THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF Goitre.)
A non-metallic element which is found largely in seaweed. The body conta
ins about 30 mg, largely
concentrated in the THYROID GLAND where it is used to synthesise thyroid hormone
s. Iodine has a highly
irritating action and, when applied to the skin, stains the latter dark brown an
d causes it to peel off in
flakes, while internally it is a violent irritant poison in large doses. Externa
lly iodine is used as an
antiseptic. Its drawback is that it is fixed by protein, which reduces its antis
eptic efficiency in open
wounds. Its main use in this sphere therefore is for sterilising the unbroken sk
in, as before an operation.
Radioactive iodine is used for diagnosing and treating disease of the thyroid gl
Ion Atom An atom (or a collection of atoms) that has an electrical charg
e. Positive atoms are cations,
negative ones are anions. Calcium, hydrogen, potassium and sodium are positive i
ons. Negative ones include
bicarbonate chloride and phosphate. All the substances are critical to the bodys
physiological activities.
Ion Exchange Resins Synthetic organic substances, capable of exchanging
ions cationic or anionic
from the contents of the intestine. Originally used in the prevention of OEDEMA,
they have been superseded
in this role by the modern DIURETICS, and are now used chiefly in the treatment
usually taken by mouth or as an ENEMA.
Ionisation Ionisation means the breaking up of a substance in solution i
nto its constituent.
Ipecacuanha The root of Cephalis ipecacuanha, a Brazilian shrub. It conta
ins an alkaloid, emetine,
which acts as an irritant when brought into contact with the interior of the sto
mach, producing vomiting.
Formerly used to induce vomiting among young children after poisoning and if sti
ll alert, but now of
uncertain value, it was used in many traditional expectorant mixtures
the treatment of

Ipratropium An ANTICHOLINERGIC, BRONCHODILATOR drug, given by aerosol in

halation to treat ASTHMA,
IQ Iridectomy The operation by which a hole is made in the iris of the E
YE as, for example, in the
treatment of GLAUCOMA or as part of CATARACT surgery.
Iris See EYE.
Iritis See UVEITIS.
Iron A metal which is an essential constituent of the red blood corpuscl
es, where it is present in the
form of HAEMOGLOBIN. It is also present in muscle as MYOGLOBIN, and in certain r
espiratory pigments which
are essential to the life of many tissues in the body. Iron is absorbed principa
lly in the upper part of
the small intestine. It is then stored: mainly in the liver; to a lesser extent
in the spleen and kidneys,
where it is available, when required, for use in the bone marrow to form the hae
moglobin in red blood
corpuscles. The daily iron requirement of an adult is 1520 milligrams. This requi
rement is increased
during pregnancy.
Uses The main use of iron is in the treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia
s (See ANAEMIA.) Iron
preparations sometimes cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, and shoul
d therefore always be taken
after meals. They sometimes produce a tendency towards constipation. Whenever po
ssible, iron preparations
should be given by mouth; if PARENTERAL administration is clinically necessary b
ecause of malabsorption, a
suitable preparation is iron sorbitol injection given intramuscularly. Most pati
ents respond successfully
to oral iron preparations. Irradiation The use of naturally occurring isotopes,
or artificially produced
X-rays, in the killing of tumour cells. The amount of radiation is the adsorbed
dose; the SI unit is the
gray (Gy).

Ischaemic Stroke 381

Different tumours seem to be particularly sensitive to radiation; radiot
herapy plays an important role
in the management of germ-cell tumours (SEMINOMA; TERATOMA) and lymphomas (see L
YMPHOMA). Many head and
neck tumours, gynaecological cancers, and localised prostate and bladder cancers
are curable with
radiotherapy. It may be used to reduce the pain for example, from bone metastase
Unwanted effects Generalised: lethargy, loss of appetite. Skin: ERYTHEMA
, dry desquamation with
itching, moist desquamation. Patients should keep the treated area(s) dry and cl
ean and avoid soap,
antiseptic mouthwashes, smoking and spicy food if possible. (See ISOTOPE; RADIAT
Irrigation Irrigation is the method of washing-out wounds, or cavities o
f the body, like the bladder
and bowels. (See DOUCHE; ENEMA.)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) A disorder of the intestinal tract that a
ffects its motility and causes
abdominal distension and irregular defaecation. Traditional, but now discarded,
names have been spastic or
irritable colon. The disease affects around 20 per cent of the general populatio
n but in most it is no more
than a minor nuisance. The causes are not fully understood, but it is generally
believed that symptoms
develop in response to psychological factors, changed gastrointestinal motility,
or altered visceral
sensation. About 50 per cent of patients meet criteria for a psychiatric diagnos
is. Anxiety, depression,
neurosis, panic attacks, acute disease are among possible triggering factors. So
me patients have diarrhoea,
others are constipated, and some alternate between the two. Many have increased
sensitivity to distension
of the intestine. Dietary factors such as intolerance to dairy products and whea
t are apparent in certain
patients. Common features of IBS include: abdominal distension. altered bowel ha
bit. colicky lower
abdominal pain, eased by defaecation. mucous discharge from rectum. feelings of
incomplete defaecation.
Investigations usually produce normal results. Positive diagnosis in people unde
r 40 is usually
straightforward. In older patients, however, barium ENEMA, X-rays and COLONOSCOP
Y should be done to exclude
colorectal cancer. Reassurance is the initial and often effective

treatment. If this fails, treatment should be directed at the major symp
toms. Several months of the
antidepressant amitriptyline (see ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS) may benefit patients wit
h intractable symptoms,
given at a dose lower than that used to treat depression. The majority of patien
ts follow a
relapsing/remitting course, with episodes provoked by stressful events in their

daily lives. (See also

Irritant Any substance that produces irritation in a tissue. Examples ar
e: stinging nettles, which
cause pain and swelling; certain insect bites or stings which do the same; and a
nti riot gases such as CS
gas, which cause the eyes to water and provoke coughing. Regular, unprotected ha
ndling of certain
substances for example, oil can irritate the skin and cause DERMATITIS. Some peo
ple are more sensitive
than others to the effect of irritants; sometimes an irritant will produce an al
lergic reaction (see
ALLERGY) and in serious cases ANAPHYLAXIS, which may require medical treatment.
Ischaemia Bloodlessness of a part of the body, due to contraction, spasm
, constriction or blocking (by
EMBOLUS or by THROMBUS) of the arteries: for example, of the heart.
Ischaemic Heart Disease See HEART, DISEASES OF.
Ischaemic Stroke A STROKE that occurs when the flow of blood to a part o
f the brain is interrupted by a
partial or complete THROMBOSIS of the supplying artery or ARTERIES, or by a clot
of blood that has detached
itself from elsewhere in the circulatory system for instance, a deep vein thromb
osis (DVT) and blocked
a cerebral artery. Stroke is the second most common cause of death worldwide. It
s treatment is difficult
and prevention is best targeted at those who are at the highest absolute risk of
stroke, because such
people are likely to derive the greatest benefit. They generally have a history
of occlusive vascular
diseases such as previous ischaemic stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
, coronary heart disease
t about 200 people per
100,000 population annually, with the incidence rising sharply after the age of
55. At the age of 70 the
incidence is around 15 people per 1,000 of population; at 80 the figure is doubl
e that.

382 Ischiorectal Abscess

About 80 per cent of patients survive an acute stroke and they are at ri
sk of a further episode within
a few weeks and months; about 10 per cent in the first year and 5 per cent a yea
r after that. HYPERTENSION,
smoking, HYPERLIPIDAEMIA and raised concentration of blood sugar, along with OBE
SITY, are significant
pointers to further strokes and preventive steps to reduce these factors are wor
thwhile, although the
reduction in risk is hard to assess. Even so, the affected person should stop sm
oking, greatly reduce
alcohol intake, check for and have treated diabetes, reduce weight and exercise
regularly. In any case, a
diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables and low in fat and salt, exercise and th
e avoidance of smoking may
reduce the risk of having a first stroke. The evidence is inconclusive that pati
ents with ischaemic stroke
should be treated with antihypertensives. Furthermore, neither the starting bloo
d pressure nor the best
drug regimen or its starting time are generally agreed. Studies on the most effe
ctive methods of preventing
and treating stroke are continuing; meanwhile available evidence suggests that a
n active approach to
prevention of primary and secondary hypertension will benefit patients and usual
ly be cost-effective.
Ischiorectal Abscess An
ABSCESS arising in the space between the RECTUM and ischial bone (see IS
CHIUM) and often resulting in a
FISTULA. It may occur spontaneously or be secondary to an anal fissure, thrombosed HAEMORRHOIDS or
other anal disease. The
disorder is painful and usually accompanied by fever. Treatment is by a combinat
ion of antibiotics and
Ischium Ischium is the bone which forms the lower and hinder part of the
pelvis. It bears the weight of
the body in sitting.
Ishiharas Test A test for colour vision, introduced by a Japanese doctor,
comprising several plates
with round dots of different colours and sizes. It is also the name of a type of
blood test for
Iso-Immunisation The IMMUNISATION of a person by an ANTIGEN they do not
have but which is present in
other people. For example, a rhesus-negative mother does not carry the rhesus an
tigen. If she carries a
rhesus-positive baby, passage of the rhesus antigen from the baby into the mothe
rs circulation may cause
her to be iso-immunised. Her immune system (see IMMUNITY) may then produce ANTIB
ODIES to the rhesus
antigen. When she next becomes pregnant, if the baby is again rhesus positive, t
he mother will produce

large amounts of anti-Rh antibodies which can enter the fetal circulation and ca
use its blood cells to
Isolation This is important when treating patients with serious infectio
n or whose immune systems (see
IMMUNITY) are severely compromised by illness or radio- or chemotherapy. The pro
cedure also protects staff
caring for infectious patients. (See INCUBATION; INFECTION; QUARANTINE.)
Isoleucine One of the essential AMINO ACIDS, which are fundamental compo
nents of all proteins. It
cannot be synthesised by the body and so must be obtained from the diet.
Isometric Of similar measurement. Isometric exercises are based on the i
sometric contraction of the
muscles. Fibres are provoked into working by pushing or pulling an immovable obj
ect, but this technique
prevents them from shortening in length. These exercises improve a persons fitnes
s and builds up his or
her muscle strength.
Isoniazid One of the anti-tuberculous drugs. It has the advantages of be
ing relatively non-toxic and of
being active when taken by mouth. Unfortunately, like streptomycin, it may rende
r the Mycobacterium
tuberculosis resistant to its action. This tendency to produce resistance is con
siderably reduced if it is
given in conjunction with RIFAMPICIN and PYRAZINAMIDE.
Islets of Langerhans Groups of specialised cells distributed throughout
the PANCREAS, that produce
Isoprenaline An INOTROPIC sympathomimetic drug which is used as a shortterm emergency treatment of
heart block or severe BRADYCARDIA. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)

Isotonic A term applied to solutions which have the same power of diffus
ion as one another. An isotonic
solution used in medicine is one which can be mixed with body fluids without cau
sing any disturbance. An
isotonic saline solution for injection into the blood, so that it may possess th
e same osmotic pressure
(see OSMOSIS) as the blood SERUM, is one of 09 per cent strength that is, contain
ing 9 grams of sodium
chloride to 1 litre of water. This is also known as normal or physiological salt
solution. An isotonic
solution of bicarbonate of soda for injection into the blood is one of 135 per ce
nt strength in water. An
isotonic solution of glucose for injection into the blood is one of 5 per cent s
trength in water. Solutions
which are weaker, or stronger, than the fluids of the body with which they are i
ntended to be mixed are
known as hypotonic and hypertonic, respectively.
Isotope This is a form of a chemical element with the same chemical prop
erties as other forms, but
which has a different atomic mass. It contains an identical number of positively
charged particles called
protons, in the nucleus, giving it the same atomic number, but the numbers of ne
utrons differ. A
radioactive isotope, or radionuclide, is one that decays into other isotopes, an
d in doing so emits alpha,
beta or gamma radiation.
Applications of radionuclides to diagnosis The use of radionuclides in d
iagnosis is based on the fact
that it is possible to tag many of the substances normally present in the body w
ith a radioactive label.
Certain synthetic radioactive elements, such as technetium, can also be used. Be
cause it is possible to
detect minute quantities of radioactive material, only very small doses are need
ed, making the procedure a
safe one. Furthermore the body pool of the material is therefore not appreciably
altered, and metabolism is
not disturbed. Thus in studies of iodine metabolism the ratio of radioactive ato
ms administered to stable
atoms in the body pool is of the order of 1:1,000 million. By measuring radioact
ivity in the body, in blood
samples, or in the excreta it is possible to gain information about the fate of
the labelled substance, and
hence of the chemically identical inactive material. Therefore it is theoretical
ly possible to trace the
absorption, distribution and excretion of any substance normally present in the
body, provided that it can
be tagged with a suitable radioactive label.
If the investigation necessitates tracing the path of the material throu
gh the body by means of
external counting over the body surface, it is obviously essential to use an iso
tope that emits gamma
radiation or positrons. If, however, only measurements on blood sample or excret
a are required, it is

possible to use pure beta emitters. Whole-body counters measure the total radioa
ctivity in the body, and
these are of great value in absorption studies. Moving images can provide inform
ation on body functions
such as the movements of the heart, blood flow, bile flow in the liver, and urin
e in the kidneys. The
development of COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY or CT scanning has replaced radionuclide scan
ning for some imaging
procedures. Five main groups of diagnostic uses may be defined: (1) METABOLIC ST
UDIES The use of
radioactive materials in metabolic studies is based on the fundamental property
that all isotopes of an
element are chemically identical. The radioactive isotope is used as a true isot
ope tracer that is, when
introduced into the body (in whatever form) it behaves in the same way as the in
active element. For
example, isotopes of iodine are used to measure thyroid function (see THYROID GL
AND), and isotopes of
calcium enable kinetic studies of bone formation and destruction to be performed
The fate of labelled substances given by mouth can be followed to assess
their absorption, utilisation
and excretion. In most of these studies the isotope is a true isotope tracer. Fo
r example, iron absorption
can be measured with radioactive iron; vitamin B12 absorption may be investigate
d with vitamin B12 tagged
with radioactive cobalt. (3) BODY COMPOSITION BY DILUTION STUDIES
By introducing an isotope into a compartment, such as the blood or extra
cellular space, it is possible
to measure the volume of that compartment by determining the dilution of radioac
tivity when equilibrium has
been reached. (4) PHYSICAL TRACING STUDIES In this type of study the isotope is
not necessarily used as a
true isotopic tracer. In other words, it does not trace the path of the correspo
nding inactive isotope. For
example, xenon-133 is used in measurements of blood flow in muscles, and in lung
function studies;
krypton-85 is used to detect intracardiac shunts (abnormal blood flows in the he
art). Neither of these
elements is normally present in the body. The survival of ERYTHROCYTES may be fo
llowed and the organ

384 Itch
of sequestration revealed by labelling them with radioactive chromium. (
TISSUES Scanning is a technique which is used to determine the distribution of r
adioactive isotopes within
the body or within one particular organ. In the conventional scanner, the radiat
ion detector which is a
scintillation counter sees only a small cross-sectional area of the body at a time
. The activity seen
at each point is registered, and a map of the activity seen over the scanned area
is recorded. Various
methods of presentation have been used, and the recently improved display system
s present the information
gathered by the scanner more effectively. More recent developments are stationar
y detectors such as the
gamma camera, auto-fluoroscope, and other devices which can view the whole of th
e area simultaneously. Thus
when selective concentration of an isotope in a tissue occurs, it is possible to
examine the distribution
of that isotope by means of scanning. A toxic nodule in the thyroid may be ident
ified by its selective
concentration of iodine-131. Areas of absent function on the radioactive scan (co
ld areas) suggest the
presence of tumours, abscesses, and similar lesions. Iodine-131 may be used to l
ocalise tumours of the
thyroid, and chlormerodrin labelled with mercury-197 to delineate tumours of the
kidneys. Of even greater
practical application is the localising of brain tumours with human serum albumi
n labelled with iodine-131
or with radioactive technetium.
Treatment Radioactive isotopes are also used in medical treatment. The o
veractivity of the thyroid
gland in thyrotoxicosis can be treated by the ingestion of radioactive iodine. T
he ingested iodine is taken
up by the thyroid gland where local irradiation of the gland takes place, reduci
ng its activity.
Radioactive phosphorus is used in the treatment of polycythemia rubra vera. It i
s largely taken up in bone
as this is the main source of body phosphate, and irradiation of the bone marrow
results, controlling the
overactivity that is characteristic of polycythaemia rubra vera (see under POLYC
YTHAEMIA). In cobalt
teletherapy the isotope cobalt 60 is used to deliver 1213 million volt radiation wh
ich is equivalent to
X-rays generated at a
peak voltage of 34 million volts. (See RADIOTHERAPY.)
Itch Itch is a popular name for SCABIES.
Itching See PRURITUS.
-Itis A suffix added to the name of an organ to signify any INFLAMMATION
of that organ.

Itraconazole A triazole antifungal drug taken orally for oropharyngeal a

nd vulvovaginal CANDIDA,
PITYRIASIS versicolor, and tinea corporis and pedis (see under RINGWORM). It is
also used for systemic
fungal infections such as ASPERGILLOSIS, candidiasis and cryptococcosis where ot
her fungicidal drugs have
not worked. Itraconazole is metabolised in the liver so should not be given to p
atients who have or have
had liver disease. The drug can be given as maintenance treatment of AIDS (see A
IDS/HIV) patients to
prevent resurgence of underlying fungal disease to which they are vulnerable. (S
IUCD (IUD) Abbreviation for an intrauterine contraceptive device (coil).
It acts mechanically to
prevent conception, but the coil is not suitable for all women and has a failure
rate of 23 per cent (see
IUS Intrauterine system a hormonal contraceptive device that is placed i
n the UTERUS. It is a
longterm reversible method of CONTRACEPTION.
Ivory Ivory, or dentine, is the hard material which forms the chief bulk
of the TEETH.

J Jacksonian Epilepsy See EPILEPSY.

Jaundice Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin due to the depos
ition of BILE pigment in its
deeper layers. It is the main sign of several disorders of the liver and biliary
system. Many babies
develop jaundice soon after birth because of the accumulation of BILIRUBIN (yell
ow bile pigment) in the
blood. In most, this is due to liver immaturity and soon disappears, but a serio
us disorder, HAEMOLYTIC
DISEASE OF THE NEWBORN, is a potentially dangerous type of neonatal jaundice tha
t requires treatment.
Types In adults, three types of jaundice occur. They are all the result
of disturbance in the mechanism
by which HAEMOGLOBIN from the breakdown of ageing red blood cells (erythrocytes)
is not properly processed
in the liver. Normally the breakdown product of this haemoglobin bilirubin is ma
de watersoluble in the
liver and excreted via the bile ducts into the small intestine, where it colours
the stools dark brown.
HAEMOLYTIC JAUNDICE In this type, the amount of bilirubin produced is too much f
or the liver to deal with,
the excess usually being the result of an abnormal level of haemoglobin from the
breakdown of blood cells.
This haemolytic anaemia, as it is known, has several causes (see ANAEMIA). HEPAT
disorder, bilirubin builds up in the blood because liver cells have been damaged
or have died usually as
a result of a viral infection (there are four types) causing HEPATITIS, or of li
ver failure. OBSTRUCTIVE
JAUNDICE Also called cholestatic jaundice, this type is characterised by the ina
bility of bile to be
discharged from the liver because the bile ducts are blocked as a result of gall
-stones (see under
GALL-BLADDER, DISEASES OF) or a growth. Sometimes the ducts are absent (atresia)
or have been destroyed in
the liver as a result of CIRRHOSIS.
is the symptom that attracts notice. Indigestion, nausea, poor appetite
and general malaise are other
symptoms. The skin may itch, and the faeces are pale because of the absence of b
Treatment The essential step is to treat the underlying cause if possibl
e: for instance, gallstones, if
these be the cause of the jaundice. Comprehensive laboratory investigations are
usually required, and
supportive measures are needed. (See also LIVER, DISEASES OF.).
Jaw The name applied to the bones that carry the teeth. The two upper ja
w-bones, the maxillae, are
firmly fixed to the other bones of the face. The lower jaw, the mandible, is sha
ped somewhat like a
horseshoe, and, after the first year of life, consists of a single bone. It form
s a hingejoint with the
squamous part of the temporal bone, immediately in front of the ear. Both upper
and lower jaw-bones possess
deep sockets, known as alveoli, which contain the roots of the teeth. (See DISLO


Jejunum Part of the small INTESTINE.
Jelly See GELATIN.
Jenner, Edward Edward Jenner was an English country practitioner (1749182
3). He had noticed that
cowpox, which milkmaids caught from cattle, gave these women immunity from the s
courge of SMALLPOX. In 1796
he transformed this observation into the medical technique of VACCINATION, innoc
ulating a country boy with
matter from the arm of a milkmaid infected with cowpox. Despite hostility from s
ome doctors, Parliament
voted him a grant of 10,000 for a society to promote vaccination and the techniqu
e spread worldwide,
giving benefit to an immense number of people.
Jerk A sudden involuntary movement. The term is often used to describe t
he tendon reflexes.
Joint-Mouse A popular term for a loose body in a joint. It is found espe
cially in the knee. (See
Symptoms Yellowness, appearing first in the
Joint Replacement
whites of the eyes and later over the whole skin,

386 Joints
Diagram of synovial joints. (Left) A right shoulder-joint (simple synovi
al) from the front. (Right)
Right kneejoint (synovial with articular disc) from the front.
Joints A joint is the articulation point between different parts of the
skeleton, whether bone or
cartilage. Joints are divided into those which are fixed or relatively fixed (fi
brous and cartilaginous
joints), and those which allow free movement (synovial joints). In the former, e
xemplified by the sutures
between the bones of the skull, a layer of cartilage or fibrous tissue lies betw
een the bones, binding them
firmly together. Amphiarthrodial joints, exemplified by the joints between the v
ertebral bodies (see SPINAL
COLUMN), have a thick disc of fibrocartilage between the bones. Although the ind
ividual joint is capable of
very little movement, a series of these gives to the spinal column, as a whole,
a flexible character. All
movable joints involve four structures: the bones whose junction forms the joint
; a layer of cartilage
covering the ends of these, making them smooth; a fibrous sheath, the capsule, t
hickened at various points
into bands or ligaments, which hold the bones together; and, finally, the synovi
al membrane, which lines
the capsule and produces a synovial fluid, lubricating the movements of the join
t. In addition, the bones
are kept in position at the joints by the various muscles passing over them and
atmospheric pressure. Where the ends of the bones do not quite correspon
d, a subsidiary disc of
fibro-cartilage may help to adapt the ends of the bones more perfectly to each o
ther. Larger cavities may
be filled by movable pads of fat under the synovial membrane, giving additional
protection to the joint.
Varieties After this main division of joints into those which are fixed
and those movable, the movable
joints may be further subdivided. In gliding joints, such as the wrist and ankle
, the bones have flat
surfaces capable of only a limited amount of movement. In hinge joints, such as
the elbow and knee,
movement takes place around one axis. Ball-and-socket joints, exemplified by the
shoulder and hip, allow
free movement in any direction. Subsidiary varieties are named according to the
shape of the bones which
enter the joint.
Joints, Diseases of Rheumatism is the colloquial term for nonspecific musc
uloskeletal symptoms
arising in the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Arthritis describes a patho
logical musculoskeletal
disorder. Most common are sprains of ligaments, strains of tendons and muscles,

Joints, Diseases of BURSITIS, TENDINITIS and non-specific back pain (see BACKACH
Systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (see AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS). see a
lso main entry. The most
common of these diseases. Acute inflammation causes lymphoid synovitis, leading
to erosion of the
cartilage, associated joints and soft tissues. Fibrosis follows, causing deformi
ty. Autoantibodies are
common, particularly Rheumatoid Factor. A common complication of RA is Sjgrens syn
drome, when
inflammation of the mucosal glands may result in a dry mouth and eyes. SYSTEMIC
and various overlap syndromes occur, such as systemic sclerosis and dermatomyosi
tis. Autoantibodies against
nuclear proteins such as DNA lead to deposits of immune complexes and VASCULITIS
in various tissues, such
as kidney, brain, skin and lungs. This may lead to various symptoms, and sometim
es even to organ failure.
Osteoarthritis (OA) rarely starts before 40, but by the age of 80 affect
s 80 per cent of the
population. There are structural and functional changes in the articular cartila
ge, as well as changes in
the collagenous matrix of tendons and ligaments. OA is not purely wear and tear; v
arious sub-groups have
a genetic component. Early OA may be precipitated by localised alteration in ana
tomy, such as a fracture or
infection of a joint. Reactive new bone growth typically occurs, causing scleros
is (hardening) beneath the
joint, and osteophytes outgrowths of bone are characteristic at the margins of t
he joint. The most
common sites are the first metatarsal (great toe), spinal facet joints, the knee
, the base of the thumb and
the terminal finger joints (Heberdens nodes). OA has a slow but variable course,
with periods of pain and
low-grade inflammation. Acute inflammation, common in the knee, may result from
release of pyrophosphate
crystals, causing pseudo-gout.
Urate gout results from crystallisation of in joints, against a backgrou
nd of hyperuricaemia. This high
concentration of uric acid in the blood may result from genetic and environmenta
l factors, such as excess
dietary purines, alcohol or diuretic drugs. URIC ACID
Inflammatory arthritis is less common than OA, but potentially much more
serious. Several types exist,
including: SPONDYLARTHRITIS This affects younger men, chiefly involving spinal a
nd leg joints. This may
lead to inflammation and eventual ossification of the enthesis that is, where th
e ligaments and tendons
are inserted into the bone around joints. This may be associated with disorders
in other parts of the body:
skin inflammation (PSORIASIS), bowel and genito-urinary inflammation, sometimes
resulting in infection of
the organs (such as dysentery). The syndromes most clearly delineated are ankylo

sing spondylitis (see SPINE

AND SPINAL CORD, DISEASES AND INJURIES OF), psoriatic or colitic spondylitis, an
diagnosis is made clinically and radiologically; no association has been found w
ith autoantibodies (see
AUTOANTIBODY). A particularly clear gene locus, HLA B27, has been identified in
ankylosing spondylitis.
Psoriasis can be associated with a characteristic peripheral arthritis.
Infective arthritis includes: An uncommon but potentially fatal disease
if not diagnosed and treated
early with approriate antibiotics. Common causes are TUBERCLE bacilli and staphy
lococci (see
STAPHYLOCOCCUS). Particularly at risk are the elderly and the immunologically vu
lnerable, such as those
under treatment for cancer, or on CORTICOSTEROIDS or IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT drugs. RH
western countries. Resulting from an immunological reaction to a streptococcal i
nfection, it is
characterised by migratory arthritis, rash and cardiac involvement. SEPTIC ARTHR
Other infections which may be associated with arthritis include rubella
(German measles), parvovirus
Treatment Septic arthritis is the only type that can be cured using anti
biotics, while the principles
of treatment for the others are similar: to reduce risk factors (such as hyperur
icaemia); to suppress
inflammation; to improve function with physiotherapy; and, in the event of joint
failure, to perform
surgical arthroplasty. NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) include as
pirin, paracetamol and many
recently developed ones, such as the proprionic acid derivatives IBUPROF
EN and naproxen, along with
other drugs that have similar properties such as PIROXICAM. They all carry a ris
k of toxicity, such as
renal dysfunction, or gastrointestinal irritation with haemorrhage. Stronger sup
pression of inflammation
requires corticosteroids and CYTOTOXIC drugs such as

388 Joule
azathioprine or cyclophosphamide. Recent research promises more specific
and less toxic
anti-inflammatory drugs, such as the monoclonal antibodies like infliximab. An i
mportant treatment for some
osteoarthritic joints is surgical replacement of the joints.
Joule The unit of energy in the International System of Units. The offic
ial abbreviation is J. 4,1868
J = 1 CALORIE (or kilocalorie). (See also BRITISH WEIGHTS AND THERMAL UNIT (BTU)
Jugular Jugular is a general name for any structure in the neck, but is
especially applied to three
large veins, the anterior, external and internal jugular veins, which convey blo
od from the head and neck
regions to the interior of the chest.
Jungian Analysis A school of analytical psychology, first described by Car
l Gustav Jung in 1913. It
introduced the concepts of introvert and extrovert personalities, and developed the
theory of the
collective unconscious with its archetypes of mans basic psychic nature. In contras
t with Freudian
analysis (see FREUDIAN THEORY), in Jungian analysis the relationship between the
rapist and patient is less
one-sided because the therapist is more willing to be active and to reveal infor
mation about him or
herself. (See also PSYCHOANALYSIS.)
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Previously called juvenile rheumatoi
d arthritis and juvenile
chronic arthritis, this is a set of related conditions of unknown cause affectin
children. Characteristically, the synovial membrane of a joint or joints
becomes inflamed and swollen
for at leat six weeks (and often very much longer even years). About 1 in 10,000
children develop it each
year, many of whom have certain HLA genetic markers, thought to be important in
determining who gets the
illness. Inflammatory CYTOKINES play a big part.
Clinical features There are various types. The oligoarthritic type invol
ves 14 joints (usually knee or
ankle) which become hot, swollen and painful. One complication is an inflammatio
n of the eyes UVEITIS.
The condition often burns out, but may reappear at any time, even years later. The
polyarthritic type is
more like RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS in adults, and the child may have persistent symp
toms leading to major joint
deformity and crippling. The systemic type, previously called Stills disease, pre
sents with a high fever
and rash, enlarged liver, spleen and lymph nodes, and arthritis although the lat
ter may be mild. In some

children the illness becomes recurrent; in others it dies down only to return as
Complications These include uveitis, which can lead to loss of vision; a
failure to thrive;
osteoporosis (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF); joint deformity; and psychosocial d
Treatment This includes
UGS (NSAIDS), intra-articular
steroid injections, anti-tumour necrosis factor drugs and steroids. Phys
iotherapy is vital, and
children may need to wear splints or other orthotic devices to alleviate deformi
ty and pain. Orthopaedic
operative procedures may be necessary.

and toes may peel. The disease may last for several weeks before spontan
eously resolving. It is
possible that it is caused by an unusual immune response to INFECTION (see IMMUN
Arteritis is a common complication and can
Another name for visceral LEISHMANIASIS.
Kanamycin An antibiotic derived from Streptomyces kanamyceticus. It is a
ctive against a wide range of
organisms, including Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Kaolin Kaolin, or china clay, is a smooth white powder consisting of nat
ural white aluminium silicate
resulting from the decomposition of minerals containing felspar. It is used as a
dusting powder for eczema
(see DERMATITIS) and other forms of irritation in the skin. It is also used inte
rnally in cases of
diarrhoea. Talc, French chalk and Fullers earth are similar silicates. Kaolin pou
ltice contains kaolin,
boric acid, glycerin and various aromatic substances.
Kaolinosis Kaolinosis is a form of PNEUMOCONIOSIS caused by the inhaling
of clay dust.
Kaposis Sarcoma Once a very rare disease in western countries, although m
ore common in Africa,
Kaposis sarcoma is now a feature of AIDS (see AIDS/HIV) indeed, its increasing oc
currence was one of the
first pointers to the development of AIDS. It is a condition in which malignant
skin tumours develop,
originating from the blood vessels. The tumours form purple lumps which customar
ily start on the feet and
ankles, then spread up the legs and develop on the arm and hands. In AIDS the sa
rcoma appears in the
respiratory tract and gut, causing serious bleeding. Radiotherapy normally cures
mild cases of Kaposis
sarcoma, but severely affected patients will need anti-cancer drugs to check the
tumours growth.
Kawasaki Disease Also called mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, this dis
order of unknown origin occurs
mainly in children under five and was first described in Japan. It is characteri
sed by high fever,
conjunctivitis (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF), skin rashes and swelling of the ne
ck glands. After about two
weeks the skin from fingertips
result in the development of coronary artery aneurysms (see ANEURYSM) in
up to 60 per cent of those
affected. These aneurysms and even myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF
Coronary thrombosis) are
often detected after the second week of illness. The disease can be hard to diag
nose as it mimics many
childhood viral illnesses, especially in its early stages. The incidence in the

UK is over 3 per 100,000

children under five years of age.
Treatment Because of the danger of coronary artery disease, prompt treat
ment is important. This is with
intravenous IMMUNOGLOBULINS and low-dose aspirin. To be effective, treatment mus
t start in the first week
or so of the illness a time when it is most difficult to diagnose.
Keloid Hard lumpy nodule of the skin due to overgrowth of fibrous tissue
in the dermis. It usually
follows surgical or accidental trauma or burns, but, rarely, may complicate acne
on the upper trunk. Most
commonly seen in the skin over the sternum, shoulders and upper back; coloured p
eople are particularly
prone. Injection of corticosteroid into the keloid may cause partial resolution.
Excision should be
Keratin The substance of which horn and the surface layer of the skin ar
e composed.
Keratinisation Deposition of KERATIN in cells, in particular those in th
e skin. The cells become horny
and flattened and lose their nuclei, forming hair and nails or hard areas of ski
Keratitis See under EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Keratomalacia Softening of the cornea due to a severe vitamin A deficien
Keratoplasty See CORNEAL GRAFT.
Keratosis Also known as actinic keratosis; a rough, scaly area on expose
d skin caused by chronic solar

390 Kerion
damage from exposure to sun. The face and backs of the hands are most co
mmonly affected. (See also
MELANOMA; PHOTODERMATOSES.) CRYOTHERAPY is effective, but prevention by appropri
ate clothing and
sun-blocking creams is a better strategy.
Another name for acetone or dimethyl ketone. The term, ketone bodies, is
applied to a group of
substances closely allied to acetone, especially beta-hydroxybutyric acid and ac
etoacetic acid. These are
produced in the body from imperfect oxidation of fats and protein foods, and are
found in especially large
amount in severe cases of DIABETES MELLITUS. Ketonuria is the term applied to th
e presence of these bodies
in the urine.
A suppurating form of RINGWORM.
Kernicterus The staining with BILE of the basal nuclei of the BRAIN, wit
h toxic degeneration of the
nerve cells, which sometimes occurs in severe HAEMOLYTIC DISEASE OF THE NEWBORN
especially if prompt
treatment by exchange TRANSFUSION has not been carried out. Rare nowadays, the r
esult is a form of CEREBRAL
and chronic infections of the urinary tract by Escherichia coli; butter,
cream, eggs and fat meat are
allowed, whilst sugar, bread and other carbohydrates are cut out as far as possi
Kernigs Sign
This is found in MENINGITIS. A healthy persons thigh can be bent to a rig
ht-angle with the body when
the knee is straight; in cases of meningitis the knee cannot be straightened whe
n the thigh is bent this
way not without causing the patient intense pain.
Ketamine An anaesthetic drug, administered by intravenous or intramuscul
ar injection and used mainly in
children. The drug has good analgesic properties when used in subanaesthetic dos
es. One disadvantage is
that when used as an anaesthetic, a high incidence of hallucinations occur. Keta
mine is contraindicated in

patients with HYPERTENSION.

Ketoconazole An imidazole (see IMIDAZOLES) antifungal drug available for
both oral and topical use.
Better absorbed orally than other imidazoles, it also has an anti-androgen effec
t which may give rise to
GYNAECOMASTIA and IMPOTENCE in men. In view of its potential hepatotoxicity it s
hould not be given orally
for trivial infections, but reserved instead for SYSTEMIC fungal infections (see
Ketogenesis The production of ketones (see KETONE) in the body; abnormal
ketogenesis may result in
Ketogenic Diet This contains such an excess of fats that acetone and oth
er KETONE bodies appear in the
urine. The diet is sometimes used in the treatment of
Ketorolac A non-opioid analgesic (see ANALGESICS) used in the short-term
management of moderate to
severe acute post-operative pain. It may be given orally or by intramuscular or
intravenous injection.
Gastrointestinal side-effects are common in elderly people, and there are a rang
e of side-effects from
ANAPHYLAXIS to HYPERTENSION, prolonged bleeding time and liver function changes.
Contraindications include
hypersensitivity to ASPIRIN, ASTHMA, renal impairment and pregnancy (including d
uring labour and delivery).
Ketosis A condition in which an excessive amount of ketones (see KETONE)
are produced by the body and
these accumulate in the bloodstream. The affected person becomes drowsy, suffers
a headache, breathes
deeply, and may lapse into a COMA. The condition results from an unbalanced meta
bolism of fat, which may
occur in DIABETES MELLITUS or starvation.
edelis. The
around betel
to tolerate

Tender leaves of a shrub that grows in the Middle East called Catha
leaves are wrapped
nuts and chewed: the result is a feeling of EUPHORIA and an ability
harsh living

Kidney, Artificial See DIALYSIS.

Kidneys, Diseases of
Kidneys These are a pair of glands located in the upper abdomen close to
the spine and embedded in fat
and loose connective tissue.
Structure Each kidney is about 10 cm long, 6.5 cm wide, 5 cm thick, and
weighs around 140 grams. Adult
kidneys have a smooth exterior, enveloped by a tough fibrous coat that is bound
to the kidney only by loose
fibrous tissue and by a few blood vessels that pass between it and the kidney. T
he outer margin of the
kidney is convex; the inner is concave with a deep depression, known as the hilu
m, where the vessels enter.
The URETER, which conveys URINE to the URINARY BLADDER, is also joined at this p
oint. The ureter is spread
out into an expanded, funnel-like end, known as the pelvis, which further divide
s up into little funnels
known as the calyces. A vertical section through a kidney (see diagram) shows tw
o distinct layers: an outer
one, about 4 mm thick, known as the cortex; and an inner one, the medulla, lying
closer to the hilum. The
medulla consists of around a dozen pyramids arranged side by side, with their ba
se on the cortex and their
apex projecting into the calyces of the ureter. The apex of each pyramid is stud
ded with tiny holes, which
are the openings of the microscopic uriniferous tubes. In effect, each pyramid,
taken together with the
portion of cortex lying along its base, is an independent mini-kidney. About 20
small tubes are on the
surface of each pyramid; these, if traced up into its substance, repeatedly subd
ivide so as to form bundles
of convoluted tubules, known as medullary rays, passing up towards the cortex. O
ne of these may be traced
further back, ending, after a tortuous course, in a small rounded body: the Malp
ighian corpuscle or
glomerulus (see diagram). Each glomerulus and its convoluted tubule is known as
a nephron, which
constitutes the functional unit of the kidney. Each kidney contains around a mil
lion nephrons. After
entering the kidney, the renal artery divides into branches, forming arches wher
e the cortex and medulla
join. Small vessels come off these arches and run up through the cortex, giving
off small branches in each
direction. These end in a tuft of capillaries, enclosed in Bowmans capsule, which
forms the end of the
uriniferous tubules just described; capillaries with capsule constitute a glomer
ulus. After circulating in
the glomerulus, the blood leaves by a small vein, which again divides into capil
laries on the walls of the
ous tubules. From these it is finally collected into the renal veins and
then leaves the kidney. This
double circulation (first through the glomerulus and then around the tubule) all
ows a large volume of fluid
to be removed from the blood in the glomerulus, the concentrated blood passing o
n to the uriniferous tubule

for removal of parts of its solid contents. Other arteries come straight from th
e arches and supply the
medulla direct; the blood from these passes through another set of capillaries a
nd finally into the renal
veins. This circulation is confined purely to the kidney, although small connect
ions by both arteries and
veins exist which pass through the capsule and, joining the lumbar vessels, comm
unicate directly with the
Function The kidneys work to separate fluid and certain solids from the
blood. The glomeruli filter
from the blood the non-protein portion of the plasma around 150200 litres in 24 h
ours, 99 per cent of
which is reabsorbed on passing through the convoluted tubules. Three main groups
of substances are
classified according to their extent of uptake by the tubules: (1) SUBSTANCES AC
include amino acids, glucose, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine
(for more information, see
when their concentration
in the filtrate exceeds that in the PLASMA, such as UREA, URIC ACID and phosphat
RETURNED TO THE BLOOD from the tubular fluid, such as CREATINE, accumulate in ki
dney failure, resulting in
general poisoning known as URAEMIA.
Kidneys, Diseases of Diseases affecting the kidneys can be broadly class
ified into congenital and
genetic disorders; autoimmune disorders; malfunctions caused by impaired blood s
upply; infections;
metabolic disorders; and tumours of the kidney. Outside factors may cause functi
onal disturbances for
example, obstruction in the urinary tract preventing normal urinary flow may res
ult in hydronephrosis (see
below), and the CRUSH SYNDROME, which releases proteins into the blood as a resu
lt of seriously damaged
muscles (rhabdomyolosis), can result in impaired kidney function. Another outsid
e factor, medicinal drugs,
can also be hazardous to the kidney. Large quantities of ANALGESICS taken over a
long time damage the
kidneys and acute tubular NECROSIS can result from certain antibiotics.

392 Kidneys, Diseases of

K Vertical section through the kidney.
Diagram of renal tubules and blood supply of the kidney positioned in th
e cortex and medulla (see
vertical-section diagram).
Diagram of glomerulus (Malpighian corpuscle).
Fortunately the body has two kidneys and, as most people can survive on
one, there is a good
functional reserve of kidney tissue.
Symptoms Many patients with kidney disorders do not have any symptoms, e
ven when the condition is quite
advanced. However,
others experience loin pain associated with obstruction (renal colic) or
due to infection; fevers;
swelling (oedema), usually of the legs but occasionally including the face and a
rms; blood in the urine
(haematuria); and excess quantities of urine (polyuria), including at night (noc
turia), due to failure of
normal mechanisms in the kidney for concentrating urine. Patients with chronic r
enal failure often have
very diffuse symptoms including nausea and vomiting, tiredness due to ANAEMIA, s
hortness of breath, skin
irritation, pins and needles (paraesthesia) due to damage of the peripheral nerv
es (peripheral neuropathy),
and eventually (rarely seen nowadays) clouding of consciousness and death.
Signs of kidney disease include loin tenderness, enlarged kidneys, signs
of fluid retention, high blood
pressure and, in patients with endstage renal failure, pallor, pigmentation and
a variety of neurological
signs including absent

Kidneys, Diseases of
reflexes, reduced sensation, and a coarse flapping tremor (asterixis) du
e to severe disturbance of the
bodys normal metabolism.
Renal failure Serious kidney disease may lead to impairment or failure o
f the kidneys ability to
filter waste products from the blood and excrete them in the urine a process tha
t controls the bodys
water and salt balance and helps to maintain a stable blood pressure. Failure of
this process causes
URAEMIA an increase in urea and other metabolic waste products as well as other
metabolic upsets in the
blood and tissues, all of which produce varying symptoms. Failure can be sudden
or develop more slowly
(chronic). In the former, function usually returns to normal once the underlying
cause has been treated.
Chronic failure, however, usually irreparably reduces or stops normal function.
Acute failure commonly
results from physiological shock following a bad injury or major illness. Seriou
s bleeding or burns can
reduce blood volume and pressure to the point where blood-supply to the kidney i
s greatly reduced. Acute
myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF) or pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DI
SORDERS OF) may produce a
similar result. A mismatched blood transfusion can produce acute failure. Obstru
ction to the urine-flow by
a stone (calculus) in the urinary tract, a bladder tumour or an enlarged prostat
e can also cause acute
renal failure, as can glomerulonephritis (see below) and the haemolytic-uraemia
DIABETES MELLITUS, polycystic kidney disease (see below) or AMYLOIDOSIS are amon
g conditions that cause
chronic renal failure. Others include stone, tumour, prostatic enlargement and o
veruse of analgesic drugs.
Chronic failure may eventually lead to end-stage renal failure, a life-threateni
ng situation that will need
DIALYSIS or a renal transplant (see TRANSPLANTATION).
Familial renal disorders include autosomal dominant inherited polycystic
kidney disease and sex-linked
familial nephropathy. Polycystic kidney disease is an important cause of renal f
ailure in the UK. Patients,
usually aged 3050, present with HAEMATURIA, loin or abdominal discomfort or, rare
ly, urinary-tract
infection, hypertension and enlarged kidneys. Diagnosis is based on ultrasound e
xamination of the abdomen.
Complications include renal failure, hepatic cysts and, rarely, SUBARACHNOID HAE
MORRHAGE. No specific
treatment is available. Familial nephropathy occurs more
often in boys than in girls and commonly presents as Alports syndrome (fa
milial nephritis with nerve
DEAFNESS) with PROTEINURIA, haematuria, progressing to renal failure and deafnes
s. The cause of the disease
lies in an absence of a specific ANTIGEN in a part of the glomerulus. The treatm
ent is conservative, with

most patients eventually requiring dialysis or transplantation.

Acute glomerulonephritis is an immunecomplex disorder due to entrapment
within glomerular capillaries
of ANTIGEN (usually derived from B haemolytic streptococci see STREPTOCOCCUS) an
tibody complexes
initiating an acute inflammatory response (see IMMUNITY). The disease affects ch
ildren and young adults,
and classically presents with a sore throat followed two weeks later by a fall i
n urine output (oliguria),
haematuria, hypertension and mildly abnormal renal function. The disease is self
-limiting with 90 per cent
of patients spontaneously recovering. Treatment consists of control of blood pre
ssure, reduced fluid and
salt intake, and occasional DIURETICS and ANTIBIOTICS.
Chronic glomerulonephritis is also due to immunological renal problems a
nd is also classified by taking
a renal biopsy. It may be subdivided into various histological varieties as dete
rmined by renal biospy.
Proteinuria of various degrees is present in all these conditions but the clinic
al presentations vary, as
do their treatments. Some resolve spontaneously; others are treated with steroid
s or even the cytotoxic
drug CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE or the immunosuppressant cyclosporin. Prognoses are genera
lly satisfactory but some
patients may require renal dialysis or kidney transplantation an operation with
a good success rate.
A chronic disease in which the kidney becomes greatly distended with flu
id. It is caused by obstruction
to the flow of urine at the pelvi-ureteric junction (see KIDNEYS Structure). If
the ureter is obstructed,
the ureter proximal to the obstruction will dilate and pressure will be transmit
ted back to the kidney to
cause hydronephrosis. Obstruction may occur at the bladder neck or in the urethr
a itself. Enlargement of
the prostate is a common cause of bladderneck obstruction; this would give rise
to hypertrophy of the
bladder muscle and both dilatation of the ureter and hydronephrosis. If the obst
ruction is not relieved,
progressive destruction of renal tissue will occur. As a

394 Kinaesthetic Sensations

result of the stagnation of the urine, infection is probable and CYSTITI
S and PYELONEPHRITIS may occur.
Impaired blood supply may be the outcome of diabetes mellitus and physio
logical shock, which lowers the
blood pressure, also affecting the blood supply. The result can be acute tubular
NODOSA and SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (SLE) may damage the large blood vessels
in the kidney. Treatment
is of the underlying condition.
Infection of the kidney is called pyelonephriK
tis, a key predisposing factor being obstruction of urine flow through t
he urinary tract. This causes
stagnation and provides a fertile ground for bacterial growth. Acute pyelonephri
tis is more common in
women, especially during pregnancy when bladder infection (CYSTITIS) spreads up
the ureters to the kidney.
Symptoms are fever, malaise and backache. Antibiotics and high fluid intake are
the most effective
treatment. Chronic pyelonephritis may start in childhood as a result of congenit
al deformities that permit
urine to flow up from the bladder to the kidney (reflux). Persistent reflux lead
s to recurrent infections
causing permanent damage to the kidney. Specialist investigations are usually re
quired as possible
complications include hypertension and kidney failure.
Tumours of the kidney are fortunately rare. Non-malignant ones commonly
do not cause symptoms, and even
malignant tumours (renal cell carcinoma) may be asymptomatic for many years. As
soon as symptoms appear
haematuria, back pain, nausea, malaise, sometimes secondary growths in the lungs
, bones or liver, and
weight loss urgent treatment including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy is
necessary. This cancer
occurs mostly in adults over 40 and has a hereditary element. The prognosis is n
ot good unless diagnosed
early. In young children a rare cancer called nephroblastoma (Wilms tumour) can o
ccur; treatment is with
surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It may grow to a substantial size before
being diagnosed.
Cystinuria is an inherited metabolic defect in the renal tubular reabsor
ption of cystine, ornithine,
lysine and arginine. Cystine precipitates in an alkaline urine to form cystine s
tones. Triple phosphate
stones are associated with infection and may develop into a very large branching
calculi (staghorn
calculi). Stones present as renal or ureteric pain, or as an infection. Treatment has undergone considerable change with the introduction
(MIS) and the destruction of stone by sound waves (LITHOTRIPSY).

Kinaesthetic Sensations A term used to describe those sensations which u

nderlie muscle tension and
position of joint and muscle. These sensations send impulses along nerves to the
brain, and thus inform it
of the position of the limb in space and of the relative position to each other
of individual muscles and
muscle-groups and of joints.
Kinins Substances present in the body which are powerful VASODILATORS. T
hey also induce pain and are
probably involved in the production of the headache of MIGRAINE. In addition, th
ey play a part in the
production of ALLERGY and ANAPHYLAXIS.
Kiss of Life Emergency mouth-to-mouth resuscitation of an unconscious pe
rson (see APPENDIX 1: BASIC
Klebsiella Gram-negative (see GRAMS STAIN) bacteria found in the intestin
al, respiratory, and
urogenital tracts of people and animals. Varieties of the bacteria, which are ro
d-shaped and nonmotile, can
cause PNEUMONIA and urinary infections (see URINARY BLADDER, DISEASES OF).
Kleptomania A psychological disorder in which the person afflicted has a
n irresistible compulsion to
steal things, without necessarily having any need for the object stolen.
Klinefelters Syndrome The original syndrome described by Klinefelter cons
testicular ATROPHY and INFERTILITY. Intelligence was unimpaired. Patients have b
een described who have
associated mental defects and striking tallness of stature, but the only constan
t feature of the syndrome
is testicular atrophy with resulting azoospermia and infertility. The atrophy of
the testis is the result
of fibrosis, which begins to appear in childhood and progresses until all the se
miniferous tubules are
replaced by fibrous tissue. Gynaecomastia, mental retardation and eunuchoidism (
see EUNUCH; loss of male
secondary sexual characteristics small penis, loss of body hair and a high-pitch
ed voice) may be present.

patients with Klinefelters syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of the no
rmal 46. The extra chromosome
is an X chromosome, so that the sex chromosome constitution is XXY instead of XY
. Klinefelters syndrome is
one of the most common chromosome abnormalities and occurs in 1 in 300 of the ma
le population. Patients
with this syndrome show that the Y chromosome is strongly sex-determining: thus,
a patient who has an XXY
chromosome constitution may have the appearance of a normal male, with infertili
ty the only incapacity,
while the loss of a Y chromosome leads to the development of a bodily form which
is essentially feminine
Klumpkes Paralysis Injury as a result of the stretching of a babys brachia
l plexus during its birth
may cause partial paralysis of the arm with atrophy of the muscles of the forear
m and hand.
slip beyond the edges of the bones, or it may become folded on itself. I
n either case, it tends to
cause locking of the joint when sudden movements are made. This causes temporary
inability to use the joint
until the cartilage is replaced by forcible straightening, and the accident is a
pt to be followed by an
attack of synovitis, which may last some weeks, causing lameness with pain and t
enderness especially felt
at a point on the inner side of the knee. This condition can be relieved by an o
peration sometimes by
keyhole surgery (see MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY (MIS)) to remove the loose porti
on of the cartilage.
Patients whose knees are severely affected by osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthr
itis which cause pain and
stiffness can now have the joint replaced with an artificial one. (See also ARTH
Knee The joint formed by the FEMUR, TIBIA and patella (knee-cap). It bel
ongs to the class of
hinge-joints, although movements are much more complex than the simple motion of
a hinge, the condyles of
the femur partly rolling, partly sliding over the flat surfaces on the upper end
of the tibia, and the acts
of straightening and of bending the limb being finished and begun, respectively,
by a certain amount of
rotation. The cavity of the joint is very intricate: it consists really of three
joints fused into one, but
separated in part by ligaments and folds of the synovial membrane. The ligaments
which bind the bones
together are extremely strong, and include the popliteal and the collateral liga
ments, a very strong
patellar ligament uniting the patella to the front of the tibia, two CRUCIATE LI
GAMENTS in the interior of
the joint, and two fibrocartilages which are interposed between the surfaces of

tibia and femur at their

edge. All these structures give to the knee-joint great strength, so that it is
seldom dislocated. The
cruciate ligaments, although strong, sometimes rupture or stretch under severe p
hysical stress such as
contact sports or athletics. Surgical repair may be required, followed by prolon
ged physiotherapy. A
troublesome condition often found in the knee and common among athletes, footbal
lers and other energetic
sportspeople consists of the loosening of one of the fibro-cartilages lying at t
he head of the tibia,
especially of that on the inner side of the joint. The cartilage may either be l
oosened from its attachment
and tend to
Knee-Joint Replacement A surgical operation to replace a diseased usuall
y osteoarthritic KNEE with
an artificial (metal or plastic) implant which covers the worn cartilage. As muc
h of the original joint as
possible is retained. The operations, like hip replacements, are usually done on
older people (there is
some restriction of movement) and about 90 per cent are successful.
Knock-Knee Knock-knee, or genu valgum, is a deformity of the lower limbs
in such a direction that when
the limbs are straightened the legs diverge from one another. As a result, in wa
lking the knees knock
against each other. The amount of knock-knee is measured by the distance between
the medial malleoli of the
ankles, with the inner surfaces of the knee touching and the knee-caps facing fo
rwards. The condition is so
common in children between the ages of 26 years that it may almost be regarded as
a normal phase in
childhood. When marked, or persisting into later childhood, it can be corrected
by surgery (osteotomy).
Kochs Bacillus The original name for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which ca
uses TUBERCULOSIS. It stems
from the name of the German doctor who first identified the bacillus.
Koilonychia The term applied to nails that are hollow and depressed like
a spoon, a condition sometimes
associated with chronic iron deficiency.

396 Kopliks Spots

Kopliks Spots Bluish-white spots appearing on the mucous membrane of the
mouth in cases of MEASLES
about the third day, and forming the first part of the rash in this disease.
Korsakoffs Syndrome A form of mental disturbance occurring in chronic alc
oholism and other toxic
states, such as URAEMIA, lead poisoning and cerebral SYPHILIS. Its special featu
res are talkativeness with
delusions in regard to time and place the patient, although clear in other matte
rs, imagining that he or
she has recently made journeys.
Krebs Cycle
A series of key cellular chemical reactions starting and ending with oxa
loacetic acid. Also called the
citric acid or tricarboxylic acid cycle, it produces energy in the form of ADENO
is the last stage in the biological oxidation of fats, proteins, and carbohydrat
es. Named after Sir Hans
Krebs, a German biochemist working in England in 1900, who won the Nobel Prize f
or his discovery.
Kuntscher Nail A surgical nail inserted into the medulla of a fractured
bone to fixate it. First
introduced by a 20th-century German surgeon.
Kupffer Cells Star-shaped cells present in the blood-sinuses of the LIVE
R. They form part of the
RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM and are to a large extent responsible for the breakdo
wn of HAEMOGLOBIN into the
BILE pigments.
Kuru A slowly progressive, fatal disease due to spongiform degeneration
in the central nervous system,
particularly the cerebellum (see BRAIN). It is confined to the Fore people in th
e Eastern Highlands of New
Guinea, and causes increasingly severe muscular trembling. Kuru is believed to b
e due to an infection with
a PRION, similar to that causing CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (CJD), acquired from
the cannibalistic rite of
eating the organs, particularly the brains, of deceased relatives (out of respec
t). This origin of the
disease was suggested by the fact that originally it was a disease of women and
children, and it was they who practised this rite. Since the rite was given
up, the disease has largely
Kveim Test The characteristic histological test used for the diagnosis o
involves an intradermal injection of sarcoid SPLEEN tissue. If positive, non-cas
eating granulomata (see
GRANULOMA) are seen at the injection site in 4 6 weeks. A positive test is highly
specific for sarcoid,

but if negative, this would not be excluded.

Kwashiorkor One of the most important causes of ill health and death amo
ng children in the tropics. It
is predominantly a deficiency disease due to a diet short of protein; there is a
lso some evidence of a lack
of the so-called essential fatty acids. It affects typically the small child wea
ned from the breast and not
yet able to cope with an adult diet, or for whom an adequate amount of first-cla
ss protein is not
available, and it is mainly found in the less well-developed countries. The onse
t of the disease is
characterised by loss of appetite, often with diarrhoea and loss of weight. The
child is flabby, the skin
is dry, and the hair is depigmented, dry, sparse and brittle. At a later stage O
EDEMA develops and the
liver is often enlarged. In the early stages the condition responds rapidly to a
diet containing adequate
first-class protein, but in the later stages this must be supplemented by carefu
l nursing, especially as
the child is very prone to infection.
Kyphoscoliosis A combination of SCOLIOSIS and KYPHOSIS in which the spin
e (see SPINAL COLUMN) is
abnormally curved sideways and forwards. The condition may be the result of seve
ral diseases affecting the
spinal muscles and vertebrae, or it may happen during development for no obvious
reason. Although braces
may reduce the deformity, an operation may be necessary to correct it.
Kyphosis The term applied to curvature of the spine in which the concavi
ty of the curve is directed

L Labetalol
Labetalol is an alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor blocker (see ADRENERGIC REC
EPTORS) used to treat
HYPERTENSION. Beta blockers block the beta-adrenoceptors in the heart, periphera
l blood vessels and
bronchi. Many drugs belonging to this group are now available, and all are equal
ly effective but with
differences that may make them suitable for a particular patient. Labetalol has
the added property of
dilating arterioles (small arteries), thus lowering resistance in the small peri
pheral blood vessels and
helping to reduce blood pressure.
Labia Lips. The labia majora and labia minora are the outer and inner li
p-like folds of skin
surrounding the entrance to the VAGINA.
Labium Labium is the Latin word for a lip or lip-shaped organ.
Labyrinth A convoluted system of structures forming the inner EAR and in
volved in hearing and balance.
Labyrinthitis Inflammation of the LABYRINTH of the EAR. Usually caused b
y bacterial or viral infection,
the former often the result of inadequately treated otitis media (see EAR, DISEA
SES OF Diseases of the
middle ear), or MEASLES. Symptoms are VERTIGO, nausea, vomiting, nystagmus (see
TINNITUS and loss of hearing. Bacterial infection needs treatment with ANTIBIOTI
CS; viral infection is
usually selflimiting. ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS will help reduce the vertigo. Rarely,
surgery may be required to
drain the infection in bacteria-based labyrinthitis.
Laceration A wound to the skin or surface of an organ which results in a
cut with irregular edges (cf.
an incision produced with a knife, which has smooth, regular edges).
Lacrimal See EYE
Lacrimal apparatus.
Lacrimal Bones The smallest bones of the face, one forming part of the b
ony structure of each orbit
containing an EYE.
Lacrimal Nerve A branch of the ophthalmic nerve supplying the lacrimal g
land and conjunctiva of the
Lacrimation Crying, or the secretion of an excess quantity of tears.
Lactase An
ENZYME produced by INTESTINE which changes
glands in the small lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and galactose duri

ng the process of digestion.

Lactation The period during which an infant is suckled on the mothers bre
ast. (See also BREAST
Lacteal A lymphatic vessel that transmits the INTESTINE. (See also LYMPH
Lactic Acid A colourless, syrupy, sour liquid, which is produced by the
action of a bacterium upon
lactose, the sugar found in milk. The growth of this organism and consequent for
mation of lactic acid cause
the souring of milk, and the same change takes place to a limited extent when fo
od is long retained in the
stomach. Lactic acid (CH3.CHOH.COOH) is produced in the body during muscular act
ivity, the lactic acid
being derived from the breakdown of GLYCOGEN. Muscle fatigue is associated with
an accumulation of lactic
acid in the muscle. Recovery follows when enough oxygen gets to the muscle, part
of the lactic acid being
oxidised and most of it then being built up once more into glycogen.
Lactobacillus A gram-positive (see GRAMS STAIN), rod-shaped, non-motile b
acterium (see BACTERIA). It
produces LACTIC ACID by fermenting CARBOHYDRATE. Lactobacilli are found in ferme
nting animal and plant
products, especially dairy products; they also occur in the GASTROINTESTINAL TRA
CT and the VAGINA. L.
acidophilus occurs in milk and is a contributory cause to the

398 Lactose
development of dental caries (see ORDERS OF).
TEETH, DISLactose The official name for sugar of milk.
Lactose Intolerance
is due to lack in the INTESTINE of the ENZYME known as LACTASE which is
responsible for the digestion
of lactose, the sugar in milk. The result is that drinking milk or eating milkco
ntaining products is
followed by nausea, a sensation of bloating, or distension, in the gut, abdomina
l pain and diarrhoea.
(Similar disturbances after taking milk may also occur in those who do not lack
lactase but have an allergy
to milk protein). Treatment is by means of a low-lactose diet avoiding fresh or
powdered milk and milk
puddings. Many can tolerate fermented milk products, as well as the small amount
s of milk used in baking
and added to margarine and sausages. However, infamts may have to be fed exclusi
vely on a lactose-free
formula as even breast milk may produce symptoms.
Lactulose An osmotic laxative (see OSMOSIS; LAXATIVES), lactulose is a s
emisynthetic disaccharide a
type of carbohydrate which is not absorbed from the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. It r
educes the acidity of
Lanolin Derived from wool fat, it is an ingredient of many ointments and
creams but may cause allergic
Lansoprazole One of the PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS, it blocks the proton pump
ENZYME system of the
STOMACHs acid-producing PARIETAL cells. It is used in short-term treatment of PEP
TIC ULCER and in
combination with antibacterial drugs to eliminate infection with the bacteria HE
Lanugo Soft fine hair covering the FETUS. It disappears by the ninth mon
th of gestation and is
therefore only seen on premature babies.
Laparoscope An instrument consisting, essentially, of a rigid or flexibl
e cylinder, an eyepiece and a
light source, which is inserted through a small incision into the abdominal cavi
ty (which has already been
distended with carbon dioxode gas). The laparoscope allows the contents of the a
bdominal cavity to be
examined without performing a LAPAROTOMY. Some operations may be performed using
the laparoscope to guide
the manipulation of instruments inserted through another small incision for exam

A small pit or depression.
Also called peritoneoscopy, this is a technique using an instrument call
ed an ENDOSCOPE for viewing the
contents of the ABDOMEN. The instrument is inserted via an incision just below t
he UMBILICUS and air is
then pumped into the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity. Visual inspection may help i
n the diagnosis of cancer,
A BIOPSY can be taken of tissue suspected of being abnormal, and operations such
as removal of the
gall-bladder or appendix may be carried out. (See also MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGER
Y (MIS).)
Lamella A small disc of glycerin jelly, 3 mm (1/8 inch) in diameter, con
taining an active drug for
application to the eye. It is applied by insertion behind the lower lid.
Laminectomy An operation in which the arches of one or more vertebrae in
the SPINAL COLUMN are removed
so as to expose a portion of the SPINAL CORD for removal of a tumour, relief of
pressure due to a fracture
(see under BONE, DISORDERS OF), or disc protrusion.
Lamotrigine An antiepileptic drug for the treatment of patients with EPI
LEPSY, whose condition is
characterised by partial seizures.
Laparotomy A general term applied to any operation in which the abdomina
l cavity is opened (see
ABDOMEN). A laparotomy may be exploratory to establish a diagnosis, or carried o
ut as a preliminary to
major surgery. Viewing of the peritoneal cavity (see PERITONEUM) through an

Larynx, Disorders of
is called a peritoneoscopy. ENDOSCOPE
Larynx, Disorders of Obstruction of the larynx is potentially
Larva The pre-adult stage in insects and nematodes occurring between the
egg and the sexually mature
Larva Migrans A self-limiting, intensely itching skin eruption caused by
nematode (roundworm) larvae,
usually of the dog and cat hookworm (see ANCYLOSTOMIASIS). The migrating larvae
leave red, raised,
irregular tracks in the skin, often on the foot and less frequently elsewhere. T
he disease is usually
acquired by people who take their holidays on tropical beaches. It can be cured
by a three-day course of
Laryngeal Reflex A protective cough occurring as a result of irritation of
the LARYNX for example,
a small particle of food may be accidentally inhaled into the larynx, which reacts
with an expulsive
cough to prevent the food from entering the lungs.
Laryngectomy Operation for removal of the LARYNX.
Laryngoscope Examination of the LARYNX may be performed indirectly with
use of a laryngeal mirror, or
directly by use of a laryngoscope a type of endoscope. The direct examination is
usually performed under
general anaesthetic.
Laryngo-Tracheo-Bronchitis see under LARYNX, DISORDERS OF.
Larynx The organ of voice which also forms one of the higher parts of th
e AIR PASSAGES. It is placed
high up in the front of the neck and there forms a considerable prominence on th
e surface (Adams apple).
The vocal cords vibrating in different notes, according to their tenseness and t
he like, produce the sounds
Laryngitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal c
hords may be acute or chronic.
The cause is usually an infection, most commonly viral, although it may be the r
esult of secondary

bacterial infection, voice abuse or irritation by gases or chemicals. ACUTE LARY

NGITIS may accompany any
form of upper-respiratory-tract infection. The main symptom is hoarseness and of
ten pain in the throat. The
voice becomes husky or it may be lost. Cough, breathing difficulties and sometim
es stridor may occur. Acute
airway obstruction is unusual following laryngitis but may occasionally occur in
infants (see
laryngotracheo-bronchitis, below).
Treatment Vapour inhalations may be soothLaryngitis
Also known as croup
dangerous in adults but can sometimes be lifethreatening in infants and
children. Stridor noisy,
difficult breathing is a symptom of obstruction. There are several causes, inclu
ding congenital
abnormalities of the larynx. Others are inflammatory conditions such as acute la
ryngitis (see below), acute
EPIGLOTTITIS and laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis (croup see below); neurological abno
rmalities; trauma; and
inhalation of foreign bodies.
ing and reduce swelling. Usually all that is needed is rest and analgesi
cs such as paracetamol. Rarely,
airway intervention either ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION or TRACHEOSTOMY may be necess
ary if severe airway
obstruction develops (see APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID). Affected patients should
rest their voice and avoid
Chronic laryngitis can result from repeated attacks of acute laryngitis;
excessive use of the voice
loud and prolonged, singing or shouting; tumours, which may be benign or maligna
nt; or secondary to
diseases such as TUBERCULOSIS and SYPHILIS. Benign tumours or small nodules, suc
h as singers nodules, may
be surgically removed by direct laryngoscopy under general anaesthetic; while ca
ncer of the larynx may be
treated either by RADIOTHERAPY or by SURGERY, depending on the extent of the dis
ease. Hoarseness may be the
only symptom of vocal-chord disturbance or of laryngeal cancer: any case which h
as lasted for six weeks
should be referred for a specialist opinion. Laryngectomy clubs are being establ

400 Larynx, Disorders of

Diagram of the opening of the larynx to show the action of the muscles.
A horizontal section has been
made at the level of the true vocal cords. The two cords are widely separated by
the action of 4.
Anatomy of the larynx.
Diagram of the opening of the larynx to show the action of the muscles.
The cords are now held together
by the action of 3, 4 and 7.

A laryngoscopic view of the interior of the larynx.
throughout the country to support patients following laryngectomy. Speec
h therapists provide speech
Laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis Also known as croup. An acute infection of th
e respiratory tract in infants
and young children, usually caused by parainfluenza virus. The onset is variable
but the croupy cough and
stridulous breathing usually occur a few days after the onset of a viral upper-r
espiratory-tract infection.
A harsh barking cough is typical of the condition. The majority of affected chil
dren can be treated with
HUMIDIFICATION and a single dose of inhaled corticosteroid (budesonide see CORTI
COSTEROIDS) or a single
days treatment with oral prednisolone. Severe croup can cause serious breathing p
roblems when the child
should be referred for urgent specialist assessment, and hospitalisation is pref
erable in all cases.
Rarely, some form of intervention is necessary and this will either be in the fo
rm of endotracheal
intubation or of a tracheostomy.
Laser Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Rad
iation. The light produced by a
laser is of a single wavelength and all the waves are in phase with each other,
allowing a very high level
of energy to be projected as a parallel beam or focused on to a small spot. Vari
ous gases, liquids and
solids will emit light when they are suitably stimulated. A gassed laser is pump
ed by the ionising effect
of a high-voltage current. This is the same process as that used in a fluorescen
t tube. Each type of laser
has a different effect on biological tissues and this is related to the waveleng
th of the light
produced. The wavelength determines the degree of energy absorption by d
ifferent tissues, and because
of this, different lasers are needed for different tasks. The argon laser produc
es light in the visible
green wavelength which is selectively absorbed by HAEMOGLOBIN. It heats and coag
ulates (see COAGULATION)
tissues so can be used to seal bleeding blood vessels and to selectively destroy
pigmented lesions. The
carbon-dioxide laser is the standard laser for cutting tissue: the infra-red bea
m it produces is strongly
absorbed by water and so vaporises cells. Thus, by moving a finely focused beam
across the tissue, it is
possible to make an incision. The two main uses of laser in surgery are the endo
scopic (see ENDOSCOPE)
photocoagulation of bleeding vessels, and the incision of tissue. Lasers have im
portant applications in
OPHTHALMOLOGY in the treatment of such disorders as detachment of the retina and
the diabetic complications
of proliferative retinopathy and of the cornea (see EYE, DISORDERS OF). The dest

ruction of abnormal cells

a sign of pre-malignancy in the CERVIX UTERI is done using lasers. The beams may
also be used to remove
scar tissue from the FALLOPIAN TUBES resulting from infection, thus unblocking t
he tubes and improving the
chances of CONCEPTION. Lasers also have several important applications in DERMAT
OLOGY. They are used in the
treatment of pigmented lesions such as LENTIGO, in the obliteration of portwine
stains, in the removal of
small, benign tumours such as verrucas, and finally in the removal of tattoos. L
ow-intensity laser beams
promote tissue healing and reduce inflammation, pain and swelling. Their effect
is achieved by stimulating
blood and lymph flow and by cutting the production of PROSTAGLANDINS, which prov
oke inflammation and pain.
The beams are used to treat ligament sprains, muscle tears and inflamed joints a
nd tendons. The three great
advantages of lasers are their potency, their speed of action, and the ability t
o focus on an extremely
small area. For these reasons they are widely used, and have allowed great advan
ces to be made in
microsurgery, and particularly in FIBREOPTIC ENDOSCOPY.
Lasik Acronym for laser in-situ keratomileusis, which is a variety of su
rgery of the EYE used to
correct severe myopia (short-sightedness see REFRACTION; EYE, DISORDERS OF). A t
hin flap of the cornea is
lifted, the area underneath reshaped using an EXCIMER LASER, and the flap is the

402 Lassa Fever

returned to its place, the altered contour of the cornea improving the p
atients sight.
Lassa Fever First reported in Lassa, in Nigeria, and caused by an arenav
irus transmitted by rodents or
direct from an infected person. The incubation period is 321 days. It is characte
rised by headache,
lethargy and severe muscular pains, and there is often a rash due to bleeding in
to the skin and mucous
membranes. Sore throat is often present. It may carry a high mortality rate, par
ticularly in pregnant
women. There is no specific treatment, and all that can be done is supportive nu
Lassars Paste Officially known as Zinc and Salicylic Acid Paste, BP, this
preparation is an old remedy
for eczema (see DERMATITIS).
Lassitude See LETHARGY.
Latanoprost L
An analogue of prostaglandin (see PROSTAGLANDINS), used to treat open-an
gled GLAUCOMA and raised
intra-ocular pressure in the EYE. Delivered as an eye drop, the drug is used in
patients who cannot
tolerate, or who fail to respond to, other treatments.
Lateral Referring to the sides of an organ or of the body, or that part
furthest from the mid line or
median plane.
Latissimus Dorsi A large, flat, triangular muscle in the back.
Laughing Gas A popular name for NITROUS OXIDE GAS.
Lavage The name applied to the washing-out of the stomach, for example t
o deal with potentially harmful
drug ingestion. (See GASTRIC LAVAGE.)
Laxatives Drugs or other substances used to treat CONAlso called aperien
ts or purgatives, laxatives are
classified according to their mode of action. The four main groups are bulk, sti
mulant, faecal softeners
and osmotics. In addition, bowel-cleansing solutions are used before surgery, EN
DOSCOPY, or radiological
examination of the COLON, to ensure that the bowel is clear of solid matter. How
ever, these are not
procedures for treating constipation. STIPATION.
People should be aware that normal bowel habits vary greatly, from twice
a day to once every two or
even three days. Any change from normal frequency to irregular or infrequent def
aecation may signal
constipation. Furthermore, before laxatives are prescribed, it is essential to e
nsure that the constipation
is not the result of an underlying condition producing secondary constipation. Ind
ividuals should not use

laxatives too often or indiscriminately; persistent constipation is a reason to

seek medical advice.
Bulk laxatives include bran and most highfibre foods, such as fruit, veg
etables and wholemeal foods.
These leave a large indigestible residue that holds water in the gut and produce
s a large soft stool.
Isphaghula husk, methyl cellulose and stercula are helpful when bran is ineffect
ive. Inorganic salts such
as magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts) have a similar effect.
Stimulant laxatives for example, bisacodyl, senna and docusate sodium st
imulate PERIalthough the
action may be accompanied by colicky pains.
Faecal softeners (emollients) There are two groups: surface active agent
s such as dioctyl sodium and
sulphosuccinate which retain water in the stools and are often combined with a s
timulant purgative; and
liquid paraffin which is chemically inert and is said to act by lubrication.
Osmotic laxatives These substances act by holding fluid in the bowel by
OSMOSIS, or by altering the
manner in which water is distributed in the FAECES. Magnesium salts are used to
produce rapid bowel
evacuation, although one of them, magnesium hydroxide, should be used only occas
ionally. Phosphate or
sodium citrate enemas (see ENEMA) can be used for constipation, while the former
is used to ensure bowel
evacuation before abdominal radiological procedures, endoscopy and surgery.
Lead Poisoning Lead and lead compounds are used in a variety of products
including petrol additives (in
the UK, lead-free petrol is now mandatory), piping (lead water pipes were once a
common source of
poisoning), weights, professional paints, dyes, ceramics, ammunition, homeopathi
c remedies, and ethnic
cosmetic preparations. Lead compounds are toxic by ingestion, by inhalation and,
rarely, by skin exposures.

Learning Disability
lic lead, if ingested, is absorbed if it remains in the gut. The absorpt
ion is greater in children, who
may ingest lead from the paint on old cots although lead-containing paints are n
o longer used for items
that children may be in contact with. Acute poisonings are rare. Clinical featur
es include metallic taste,
abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, ANOREXIA, fatigue, muscle weakness and SHOC
K. Neurological effects may
include headache, drowsiness, CONVULSIONS and COMA. Inhalation results in severe
irritation and systemic symptoms as above. Chronic poisonings cause gastrointest
inal disturbances and
constipation. Other effects are ANAEMIA, weakness, pallor, anorexia, insomnia, r
mental fatigue. There may be a bluish lead line on the gums, although this is rare
ly seen. Neuromuscular
dysfunction may result in motor weakness and paralysis of the extensor muscles o
f the wrist and ankles.
ENCEPHALOPATHY and nephropathy are severe effects. Chronic lowlevel exposures in
children are linked with
reduced intelligence and behavioural and learning disorders.
Treatment Management of patients who have been poisoned is supportive, w
ith removal from source,
gastric decontamination if required, and X-RAYS to monitor the passage of metall
ic lead through the gut if
ingested. It is essential to ensure adequate hydration and renal function. Conce
ntrations of lead in the
blood should be monitored; where these are found to be toxic, chelation therapy
should be started. Several
CHELATING AGENTS are now available, such as DMSA (Meso-2,3dimercaptosuccinic aci
d), sodium calcium edetate
need more intensive inpatient treatment, and a very small minority with
disturbed behaviour need secure
(i.e. locked) settings. In the United Kingdom, the 1993 Education Act refers to l
earning difficulties:
generalised (severe or moderate), or specific (e.g. DYSLEXIA, dyspraxia [or APRA
XIA], language disorder).
The 1991 Social Security (Disability Living Allowance) Regulations use the term s
everely mentally
impaired if a person suffers from a state of arrested development or incomplete p
hysical development of
the brain which results in severe impairment of intelligence and social function
ing. This is distinct from
the consequences of DEMENTIA. Though mental handicap is widely used, learning disab
ility is preferred
by the Department of Health. There is a distinction between impairment (a biolog
ical deficit), disability
(the functional consequence) and handicap (the social consequence). People with
profound learning
disability are usually unable to communicate adequately and may be seriously mov
ement-impaired. They are
totally dependent on others for care and mobility. Those with moderate disabilit
y may achieve basic

functional literacy (recognition of name, common signs) and numeracy (some under
standing of money) but most
have a life-long dependency for aspects of self-care (some fastenings for clothe
s, preparation of meals,
menstrual hygiene, shaving) and need supervision for outdoor mobility. Children
with moderate learning
disability develop at between half and three-quarters of the normal rate, and re
ach the standard of an
average child of 811 years. They become independent for self-care and public tran
sport unless they have
associated disabilities. Most are capable of supervised or sheltered employment.
Living independently and
raising a family may be possible.
Learning Disability
Occurrence Profound learning disability
Learning disability, previously called mental handicap, is a problem of
markedly low intellectual
functioning. In general, people with learning disability want to be seen as them
selves, to learn new
skills, to choose where to live, to have good health care, to have girlfriends o
r boyfriends, to make
decisions about their lives, and to have enough money to live on. They may live
at home with their
families, or in small residential units with access to work and leisure and to o
ther people in ordinary
communities. Some people with learning disabilities, however, also have a MENTAL
ILLNESS. Most can be
treated as outpatients, but a few
affects about 1 in 1,000; severe learning disability 3 in 1,000; and mod
erate learning disability
requiring special service, 1 per cent. With improved health care, survival of pe
ople with profound or
severe learning disability is increasing.
Causation Many children with profound or severe learning disability have
a diagnosable biological brain
disorder. Forty per cent have a chromosome disorder see CHROMOSOMES (three quart
ers of whom have DOWNS
(DOWN) SYNDROME); a further 15 per cent have other genetic causes, brain malform
ations or

404 Lebers Disease

recognisable syndromes. About 10 per cent suffered brain damage during p
regnancy (e.g. from
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) infection) or from lack of oxygen during labour or deliver
y. A similar proportion
suffer postnatal brain damage from head injury accidental or otherwise near-miss
cot death or drowning,
cardiac arrest, brain infection (ENCEPHALITIS or MENINGITIS), or in association
with severe seizure
disorders. Explanations for moderate learning disability include Fragile X or ot
her chromosome
abnormalities in a tenth, neurofibromatosis (see VON RECKLINGHAUSENS DISEASE), fe
tal alcohol syndrome and
other causes of intra-uterine growth retardation. Genetic counselling should be
considered for children
with learning disability. Prenatal diagnosis is sometimes possible. In many chil
dren, especially those with
mild or moderate disability, no known cause may be found.
Lebers Disease
Medical complications
A hereditary disease in which blindness comes on at about the age of 20.
affects 1 in 20 with moderate, 1 in 3 with severe and 2 in 3 with profou
nd learning disability,
although only 1 in 50 with Downs syndrome is affected. One in 5 with severe or pr
ofound learning
Psychological and psychiatric needs Over half of those with profound or
severe and many with moderate
learning disability show psychiatric or behavioural problems, especially in earl
y years or adolescence.
Symptoms may be atypical and hard to assess. Psychiatric disorders include autis
tic behaviour (see AUTISM)
and SCHIZOPHRENIA. Emotional problems include anxiety, dependence and depression
. Behavioural problems
include tantrums, hyperactivity, self-injury, passivity, masturbation in public,
and resistance to being
shaved or helped with menstrual hygiene. There is greater vulnerability to abuse
with its behavioural
Respite and care needs Respite care is arranged with link families for c
hildren or staffed family homes
for adults where possible. Responsibility for care lies with social services dep
artments which can advise
also about benefits.
Education Special educational needs should be met in the least restricti
ve environment available to
allow access to the national curriculum with appropriate modification and suppor
t. For older children with
learning disability, and for young children with severe or profound learning dis
ability, this may be in a

special day
or boarding school. Other children can be provided for in mainstream sch
ools with extra classroom
support. The 1993 Education Act lays down stages of assessment and support up to
a written statement of
special educational needs with annual reviews. Pupils with learning disability a
re entitled to remain at
school until the age of 19, and most with severe or profound learning disability
do so. Usually those with
moderate learning disability move to further education after the age of 16. Advi
ce is available from the
Mental Health Foundation, the British Institute of Learning Disabilities, MENCAP
(Royal Society for
Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults), and ENABLE (Scottish Society for the
Mentally Handicapped).
Lecithin A very complex fat found in various tissues of the body, but pa
rticularly in the brain and
nerves, of which it forms a large part. It is also found in large quantities in
the yolk of an egg.
Leeches Animals provided with suckers surrounding the mouth, and living
a semi-parasitic life, their
food being mainly derived from the blood of other animals. They abstract blood b
y means of the sucker,
which has several large, sharp teeth. Land leeches live in tropical forests and
can attach themselves to a
persons ankles and lower legs. Aquatic leeches are found in warm water and may at
tach themselves to
swimmers. Their bites are painless, their saliva reducing the clotting propertie
s of blood with hirudin;
the result is that the wound continues to bleed after the leech has detached its
elf or been gently removed
(lighted match, alcohol, salt and vinegar are effective removal agents). The med
icinal leech, Hirudo
medicinalis, was formerly employed for the abstraction of small quantities of bl
ood in inflammatory and
other conditions. Nowadays it is occasionally used to drain haematomas and to ma
nage healing in certain
types of plastic surgery.
Left to Right Shunt A term used when a hole in the septum (internal wall
) of the HEART allows blood to
flow from the systemic circulation properly confined to the left side of the hea
rt to the pulmonary
circulation, confined to the right. The

shunt is usually detected by hearing a murmur, and the diagnosis confirm
Legionnaires Disease A form of PNEUMONIA due to a bacterium known as Legi
onella pneumophila, so-called
because the first identified outbreak was in a group of US ex-servicemen (member
s of the American Legion).
Inhalation of water aerosols seems the most likely way that people acquire the d
isease, for example from
air-conditioning outlets. Some rubber outlets in showers and taps are able to su
pport the growth of
legionnellae so that high concentrations of the organism are released when the t
ap is first used in the
morning. In the presence of the disease, the treatment of infected water systems
is essential by cleaning,
chlorination, heating or a combination of all three. The pneumonia caused by leg
ionnellae has no
distinctive clinical or radiological features, so that the diagnosis is based on
an antibody test performed
on a blood sample. There is no evidence that the disease is transmitted directly
from person to person. The
incubation period is 210 days; the disease starts with aches and pains followed r
apidly by a rise in
temperature, shivering attacks, cough and shortness of breath. The X-ray tends t
o show patchy areas of
consolidation in the lungs. Erythromycin and rifampicin are the most useful anti
biotics, although
rifampicin should never be given alone because of the rapid development of drug
Untreated, the infection is fatal within two years, in approximately 70
per cent of patients. Treatment
traditionally involved sodium stibogluconate, but other chemotherapeutic agents
(including allupurinol,
ketoconazole, and immunotherapy) are now in use, the most recently used being li
posomal amphotericin B.
Although immunointact persons usually respond satisfactorily, they are likely to
relapse if they have HIV
infection (see AIDS/HIV).
Cutaneous leishmaniasis This form is caused by infection with L. tropica
, L. major, L. aethiopica, and
other species. The disease is widely distributed in the Mediterranean region, Mi
ddle East, Asia, Africa,
Central and South America, and the former Soviet Union. It is characterised by l
ocalised cutaneous ulcers
usually situated on exposed areas of the body. Diagnosis is by demonstration of
the causative organism in a
skin biopsy-specimen; the leishmanin skin test is of value. Most patients respon
d to sodium stibogluconate
(see above); local heat therapy is also used. Paromomycin cream has been success
fully applied locally.
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis

This form is caused by L. braziliensis and rarely L. mexicana. It is pre
sent in Central and South
America, particularly the Amazon basin, and characterised by highly destructive,
ulcerative, granulomatous
lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, especially involving the mucocutaneous
junctions of the mouth,
nasopharynx, genitalia, and rectum. Infection is usually via a superficial skin
lesion at the site of a
sandfly bite. However, spread is by haematogenous routes (usually after several
years) to a mucocutaneous
location. Diagnosis and treatment are the same as for cutaneous leishmaniasis.
A group of infections caused by parasites transmitted to humans by sandf
Lens of the Eye
Leiomyoma A benign tumour made up of unstriped or involuntary muscle fib
See EYE.
Visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar) A systemic infection caused by Leishm
ania donovani which occurs in
tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean littoral (and some isla
nds), and in tropical South
America. Onset is frequently insidious; incubation period is 26 months. Enlargeme
nt of spleen and liver
may be gross; fever, anaemia, and generalised lymphadenopathy are usually presen
t. Diagnosis is usually
made from a bone-marrow specimen, splenic-aspirate, or liver-biopsy specimen; am
astigotes (Leishman-Donovan
bodies) of L. donovani can be visualised. Several serological tests are of value
in diagnosis.
Lentigo Lentigines (freckles) are brown MACULES varying in diameter from
110 mm or more. Simple
lentigines arise in childhood, not necessarily on exposed areas. They may also o
ccur on the lips and are
harmless and usually very small. Solar or actinic lentigines are common on the f
ace, neck and backs of the
hands in older people and reflect the total cumulative lifetimes exposure to sunl
Leproma A nodule in the skin occurring in LEPROSY.

406 Leprosy
Also known as Hansens disease, this is a chronic bacterial infection caus
ed by Mycobacterium leprae
affecting the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves. Infection is now almost confin
ed to tropical and
subtropical countries mostly in Africa and India. There are two distinct (polari
sed) clinical forms:
tuberculoid and lepromatous. The former usually takes a benign course and freque
ntly burns out, whereas the
latter is relentlessly progressive; between these two polar forms lies an interm
ediate/dimorphous group.
Susceptibility may be increased by malnutrition. Nasal secretions (especially in
lepromatous disease) are
teeming with M. leprae and constitute the main source of infection; however, liv
ing in close proximity to
an infected individual seems necessary for someone to contract the disease. M. l
eprae can also be
transmitted in breast milk from an infected mother. Only a small minority of tho
se exposed to M. leprae
develop the disease. The incubation period is 35 years or longer. The major clini
cal manifestations
involve skin and nerves: the former range from depigmented, often anaesthetic ar
eas, to massive nodules;
nerve involvement ranges from localised nerve swelling(s) to extensive areas of
anaesthesia. Advanced nerve
destruction gives rise to severe deformities: foot-drop, wrist-drop, claw-foot,
extensive ulceration of the
extremities with loss of fingers and toes, and bone changes. Eye involvement can
produce blindness.
Laryngeal lesions produce hoarseness and more serious sequelae. The diagnosis is
essentially a clinical
one; however, skin-smears, histological features and the lepromin skin-test help
to confirm the diagnosis
and enable the form of disease to be graded. Although the World Health Organisat
ion had originally hoped to
eliminate leprosy worldwide by 2000, that has proved an unrealistic target. The
reason is an absence of
basic information. Doctors are unable to diagnose the disorder before a patient
starts to show symptoms;
meanwhile he or she may have already passed on the infection. Doctors do not kno
w exactly how transmission
occurs or how it infects humans nor do they know at what point a carrier of the
bacterium may infect
others. The incidence of new infections is still more than 650,000 cases a year
or about 4.5 cases per
10,000 people in those countries worst affected by the disease.
Treatment Introduction of the sulphone compound, dapsone, revolutionised
management of the disease. More recently, rifampicin and clofazimine have been
added as first-line drugs for
treatment. Second-line drugs include minocycline, ofloxacin and clarithromycin;
a number of regimens
incorporating several of these compounds (multi-drug regimens introduced in 1982

) are now widely used. A

three-drug regime is recommended for multibacillary leprosy and a two-drug one f
or parcibacillary leprosy.
Dapsone resistance is a major problem worldwide, but occurs less commonly when m
ulti-drug regimens are
used. Older compounds ethionamide and prothionamide are no longer used because t
hey are severely toxic
to the liver. Corticosteroids are sometimes required in patients with reversal re
action. Supportive
therapy includes physiotherapy; both plastic and orthopaedic surgery may be nece
ssary in advanced stages of
the disease. Improvement in socio-economic conditions, and widespread use of BCG
vaccination are of value
as preventive strategies. Early diagnosis and prompt institution of chemotherapy
should prevent long-term
Leptospira A group, or genus, of spiral micro-organisms, normally found
in rodents and other small
mammals in which they cause no harm. When transmitted to humans by these animals
, either directly or
indirectly as through cows, they give rise to various forms of illness (see LEPT
Leptospirosis The disease caused by infection with LEPTOSPIRA. The three
most common members of this
group in the United Kingdom are L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. cani-cola, and L. heb
domadis. It is an
occupational hazard of farmers, sewage and abattoir workers, fish cutters and ve
terinary surgeons, but the
infection can also be acquired from bathing in contaminated water. The disease v
aries in intensity from a
mild influenzalike illness to a fatal form of JAUNDICE due to severe liver disea
se. The kidneys are often
involved and there may be MENINGITIS. Penicillin or tetracycline are the usual t
reatment, but unless they
are given early in the disease their effect is limited. The tetracycline antibio
tic doxycycline (see
TETRACYCLINES) given once weekly during periods of exposure prevents infection.
Spirochaetosis icterohaemorrhagica Also known as Weils disease, this is t
he term applied to infection
with the Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae which is transmitted to humans

Leucocytes 407
by rats these animals excreting the organism in their urine, hence the l
iability of sewage workers to
the disease. The condition is characterised by fever, jaundice, enlarged liver,
nephritis, and bleeding
from mucous membranes.
hypothyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). Some of these patients
have a true depressive illness
and their presentation and response to treatment is little different from that o
f sufferers of any other
depressive illness, URAEMIA, alcoholism and DIABETES MELLITUS.
A female homosexual (see HOMOSEXUALITY); lesbians form about 2 per cent
of the female population in the
UK. Some engage in active sexual behaviour with another woman, with MASTURBATION
, mutual stimulation of the
CLITORIS and oral sex being the usual techniques for achieving ORGASM.
Lesion Lesion meant originally an injury, but is now applied generally t
o all disease changes in organs
and tissues.
Lethal Gene A gene that produces a GENOTYPE which causes the death of an
organism before that organism
has reproduced or which prevents it from reproducing. Lethal genes are usually R
ECESSIVE, so the organism
will die only if both its parents carry the gene. Should only one parent have the
lethal gene, its
consequences will be masked by the dominant ALLELE passed on by the normal paren
Lethargy Lethargy, or lassitude, means a loss of energy. It is a common
presenting complaint both to
general practitioners and to hospital consultants. It may have a physical cause
or a psychological cause;
it may be the result of inadequate rest, environmental noise, boredom, insomnia
or recent illness. Certain
medicinal drugs can cause lethargy, the most common being beta blockers (see BET
DRUGS) and DIURETICS, and drugs of abuse may also be a cause (see DEPENDENCE). T
he common psychosocial
problems producing lethargy are DEPRESSION and anxiety. If the patient with leth
argy runs a fever, the
differential diagnosis is that of a PUO (pyrexia of unknown origin). Many patien
ts with fatigue can
establish the onset of the symptom to a febrile illness even though they no long
er run a fever. The
lethargy that follows some viral infecions, such as HEPATITIS A and glandular fe
ver (see MONONUCLEOSIS) is
well recognised; MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome is a
nother disorder associated
with lethargy and tiredness. Organic causes of lethargy include ANAEMIA, malnutr
ition and

One of the essential, or indispensable, AMINO They are so-called because

they cannot be synthesised, or
manufactured, in the body, and are therefore essential constituents of the diet.
LeucoOr leuko- a prefix meaning white.
Leucocytes The scientific name for white blood cells. Leucocytes contain
colourless, and have a well-formed NUCLEUS. Healthy people have around 8,000 leu
cocytes per cubic
millimetre of blood. There are three main classes of white cells: granulocytes,
lymphocytes and monocytes.
Granulocytes Also known as polymorphonuclear leucocytes (polys), these nor
mally constitute 70 per
cent of the white blood cells. They are divided into three groups according to t
he staining reactions of
these granules: neutrophils, which stain with neutral dyes and constitute 6570 pe
r cent of all the white
blood cells; eosinophils, which stain with acid dyes (e.g. eosin) and constitute
34 per cent of the total
white blood cells; and basophils, which stain with basic dyes (e.g. methylene bl
ue) and constitute about
05 per cent of the total white blood cells.
Lymphocytes constitute 2530 per cent of the white blood cells. They have
a clear, nongranular
cytoplasm and a relatively large nucleus which is only slightly indented. They a
re divided into two groups:
small lymphocytes, which are slightly larger than erythrocytes (about 8 micromet
res in diameter); and large
lymphocytes, which are about 12 micrometres in diameter.
Monocytes Motile phagocytic cells that circulate in the blood and migrat
e into the tissues, where they
develop into various forms of MACROPHAGE such as tissue macrophages and KUPFFER
Site of origin The granulocytes are formed in the red BONE MARROW. The l
ymphocytes are

408 Leucocytosis
formed predominantly in LYMPHOID TISSUE. There is some controversy as to
the site of origin of
monocytes: some say they arise from lymphocytes, whilst others contend that they
are derived from
Function The leucocytes constitute one of the most important of the defe
nce mechanisms against
infection. This applies particularly to the neutrophil leucocytes (see LEUCOCYTO
SIS). (See also ABSCESS;
A condition in which the polymorphonuclear LEUCOCYTES in the blood are i
ncreased in number. It occurs
in many different circumstances, and forms a valuable means of diagnosis in cert
ain diseases; however, the
condition may occur as a normal reaction in certain conditions (e.g. pregnancy,
menstruation, and during
muscular exercise). It is usually due to the presence of inflammatory processes
increased number of leucocytes helping to destroy the invading bacteria. Thus, d
uring many acute infective
diseases, such as pneumonia, the number is greatly increased. In all suppurative
conditions (where PUS is
formed) there is also a leucocytosis, and if it seems that an ABSCESS is forming
deep in the abdomen, or in
some other site where it cannot be readily examined as, for example, an abscess
resulting from
APPENDICITIS the examination of a drop of blood gives a valuable aid in the diag
nosis, and may be
sufficient, in the absence of other signs, to point out the urgent need of an op
discharges with an offensive smell and yellow or green colouring: these
may be caused by
micro-organisms or by fungal infection such as Candida albicans. Another causati
ve agent is the protozoan
parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis (see TRICHOMONIASIS). A pessary or tampon that a
woman has forgotten to
remove will cause a substantial and offensive discharge. Children rarely have va
ginal discharge; if they
do, it is usually due to an infection or foreign body in the vagina. (See also U
Leucoderma, or leucodermia, is a condition of the skin in which areas of
it become white, as the result
of various skin diseases.
Leukaemia is an umbrella term for several malignant disorders of white b
lood cells in which they

proliferate in a disorganised manner. The disease is also characterised by enlar

gement of the SPLEEN,
changes in the BONE MARROW, and by enlargement of the LYMPH glands all over the
body. The condition may be
either acute or chronic. According to the type of cells that predominate, leukae
mia may be classified as
acute or chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia or myeloid leukaemia. Acute lymphoblast
ic leukaemia (ALL) is
mostly a disease of childhood and is rare after the age of 25. Acute myeloid leu
kaemia is most common in
children and young adults, but may occur at any age. Chronic lymphatic leukaemia
occurs at any age between
35 and 80, most commonly in the 60s, and is twice as common in men as in women.
Chronic myeloid leukaemia
is rare before the age of 25, and most common between the ages of 30 and 65; men
and women are equally
affected. Around 2,500 patients with acute leukaemia are diagnosed in the United
Kingdom, with a similar
number annually diagnosed with chronic leukaemia.
Cause Both types of acute leukaemia seem to
A condition in which the number of LEUCOCYTES in the blood is greatly re
duced by, say, ANAEMIA or
cancer. It is also a dangerous sign in severe SEPTICAEMIA.
arise from a MUTATION in a single white cell. The genetically changed ce
ll then goes through an
uncontrolled succession of divisions resulting in many millions of abnormal whit
e cells in the blood, bone
marrow and other tissues. Possible causes are virus infection, chemical exposure
, radiation and genetic
background. The cause of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is not known; the chronic
myeloid version may have a
genetic background.
Leucoplakia See LEUKOPLAKIA.
Leucorrhoea Discharge of mucus from the VAGINA. It may be whitish or yel
lowish and is normal in some
women, usually increasing before and after MENSTRUATION. It is distinct from abn
Symptoms In acute cases the patient is pale due to anaemia, may have a p
urpuric rash due

to lack of platelets, and may have enlarged lymphatic glands and spleen.
The temperature is raised, and
the condition may be mistaken for an acute infection (or may first become appare
nt because the patient
develops a severe infection due to a lack of normal white blood cells). In the c
hronic type of the disease
the onset is gradual, and the first symptoms which occasion discomfort are eithe
r swelling of the abdomen
and shortness of breath, due to painless enlargement of the spleen; or the enlar
gement of glands in the
neck, armpits and elsewhere; or the pallor, palpitation, and other symptoms of a
naemia which often
accompany leukaemia. Occasional bleeding from the nose, stomach, gums or bowels
may occur, and may be
severe. Generally, there is a slight fever. When the blood is examined microscop
ically, not only is there
an enormous increase in the number of white cells, which may be multiplied 30- o
r 60-fold, but various
immature forms are also found. In the lymphatic form of the disease, most white
cells resemble lymphocytes,
which, in healthy blood, are present only in small numbers. In the myeloid form,
myelocytes, or large
immature cells from the bone marrow, which are never present in healthy blood, a
ppear in large numbers, and
there may also be large numbers of immature, nucleated erythrocytes.
Treatment This varies according to the type of leukaemia and to the part
icular condition of the
patient. Excellent results are being obtained in the control of ALL using blood
transfusions, CHEMOTHERAPY,
RADIOTHERAPY and bone-marrow TRANSPLANTATION. In the case of acute leukaemia, th
e drugs now being used
important part in controlling the condition during the period before a response
to chemotherapy can be
expected. Chemotherapy has almost completely replaced radiotherapy in the treatm
ent of chronic leukaemia.
For the myeloid form, BUSULFAN is the most widely used drug, replaced by hydroxy
urea, mercaptopurine, or
one of the nitrogen mustard (see NITROGEN MUSTARDS) derivatives in the later sta
ges of the disease. For the
lymphatic form, the drugs used are CHLORAMBUCIL, CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE, and the nitro
gen mustard derivatives.
Prognosis Although there is still no guaranteed cure, the outlook in bot
h acute and chronic leukaemia
has greatly improved par409
ticularly for the acute form of the disease. Between 70 and 80 per cent
of children with acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia may be cured; between 20 and 50 per cent of those with a
cute myeloid leukaemia now
have much-improved survival rates. Prognosis of patients with chronic lymphocyti
c leukaemia is often good,
depending on early diagnosis.

LeukoSee LEUCO-.
Leukoplakia A white plaque on mucous membranes caused by overgrowth of t
he tissues. It is occasionally
a pre-cancerous condition.
Leukotrienes A group of naturally occurring, slow-reacting substances (S
RSS) which have powerful
smooth-muscle stimulating properties, particularly on bronchial smooth muscle. L
eukotrienes are a metabolic
derivative of PROSTAGLANDINS. Leukotriene receptor antagonists, such as monteluk
ast and zafirlukast, are
drugs useful in asthma.
Levallorphan Tartrate An antidote to intravenously.
It is usually given
Levamisole A drug used to treat ASCARIASIS. Its main advantage seems to
be in mass treatment, as one
dose may prove effective. It is also being used in the treatment of a group of d
iseases of obscure origin,
including CROHNS DISEASE and RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. The drug is available in the U
K with certain
Levator (1) Any muscle that raises the organ or structure into which it
is inserted. (2) A surgical
instrument for raising depressed fragments of bone in a fracture, particularly a
fracture of the skull.
Levodopa A drug used in the treatment of PARKINSONISM. It is converted t
o DOPAMINE in the brain,
correcting the deficiency which causes the disorder. Levodopa is often given wit
h carbidopa or benserazide,
both dopamine decarboxylase inhibitors, to prevent its conversion to dopamine in
the body before it reaches
the brain. It may cause nausea, HYPOTENSION or cardiac DYSRHYTHMIA.

410 Levorphanol
Levorphanol A synthetic derivative of MORPHINE. It is an effective analg
esic but, like morphine, is a
drug of addiction.
is released by the PITUITARY
LHRH Analogue A synthetically produced agent with the same properties as
The natural desire for sexual intercourse. Lack of desire or diminished
libido may occur in any general
medical illness as well as in endocrine diseases when there is a lack of product
ion of the sex hormones.
The strength or weakness of the sexual drive may be associated with psychiatric
diseases; it may also be
the result of certain drugs. It must be distinguished from IMPOTENCE, where the
desire for intercourse is
normal but the performance is defective due to the inability to achieve or maint
ain an erection.
may require oral the eruption.
Lidocaine A local anaesthetic given by injection, previously called lign
ocaine. It is also used in the
treatment of certain disorders of cardiac rhythm known as ventricular arrhythmia
s which may be particularly
dangerous following a coronary thrombosis (see HEART, DISEASES OF).
Life Expectancy The number of years an individual can expect to live. Li
fe expectancy at birth in most
western countries is over 75 years for women (nearly 80 in the UK in 1998) and o
ver 70 for men (over 74 in
the UK in 1998) a figure that has been steadily rising as living standards have
improved. The longer a
person lives, the greater is his or her life expectancy.
Lifestyle Medicines
Drugs used for non-health problems or for disorders that are in the grey
area between a genuine health
need and a desire to change a lifestyle failing by the use of medication. Examples
CITRATE, which is prescribed for men unable to achieve penile erection (erectile
dysfunction); and
ORLISTAT, a drug used to combat OBESITY.

Strong bands of fibrous tissue which serve to bind together the bones en
tering into a joint. In some
cases they are cord-like; in others, flattened bands whilst most joints are surr
ounded by a fibrous
capsule or capsular ligament. (See JOINTS.)
Lichen Lichen, or lichenification, is a term used to describe a thickeni
ng of chronically inflamed skin
to give a tree-bark-like appearance.
Lichen simplex (neurodermatitis) is a form of eczema (see DERMATITIS) pe
rpetuated by constant rubbing
of the affected skin. Typically, well-defined plaques occur on one or both sides
of the nape of the neck,
on the ulnar forearm near the elbow, or on the sides of the calves. It is often
associated with emotional
stress. Lichen planus is a less common inflammation of the skin characterised by
small, shiny, flat-topped
violaceous papules which may coalesce to form large plaques. Itching can be inte
nse. Typically seen on the
flexor aspects of the wrists, the lower back and on the legs below the knees, it
may also affect the mucous
membranes of the mouth and lips. The cause is unknown. While in some patients th
e disorder appears to be
nervous or emotional in origin, it can be caused by certain drugs such as
Ligation Tying-off for example, of a blood vessel by completely encircli
ng it with a tight band,
usually of catgut or some other suture material.
Ligature A cord or thread used to tie around arteries in order to stop t
he circulation through them, or
to prevent escape of blood from their cut ends. Ligatures are generally made of
catgut or silk, and are
tied with a reef-knot.
Light Reflex Pupillary constriction in the EYE in response to light. The
direct light reflex involves
pupillary constriction in the eye into which a light is shone; the consensual li
ght reflex is the pupillary
constriction that occurs in the other eye. The afferent or inward pathway of the
reflex is

Liothyronine Acid
via the optic nerve, and the efferent or outward pathway is via the occu
lomotor nerve.
Limbic System A circular, complex system of NERVE pathways in the middle
of the BRAIN. This connected
cluster of neuronal nuclei is involved in the working of the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS S
YSTEM, helping to control
the expression of instinct and mood in activities of the motor systems and the E
body. The brain regions involved include the amygdala (an almond-shaped basal ga
nglion deep in each
cerebral hemisphere), and the HYPOTHALAMUS. If the limbic system is impaired by
injury or disease, the
person may suffer abnormal emotional responses such as unprovoked rage, unreason
able fear and anxiety,
depression, greater-than-normal sexual interest, and crying or laughing for no g
ood reason.
Limb Lengthening An orthopaedic procedure in which the length of a limb,
usually a leg, is increased.
The bone is surgically divided and slowly stretched in a special frame. The oper
ation is usually done on
people with unequal leg lengths as a result of injury or from PARALYSIS in child
hood. Exceptionally, it may
be done in both legs to help people of short stature.
Limbs, Artificial See PROSTHESIS.
Lime-Juice A yellow liquid obtained by squeezing limefruit, Citrus limet
ta. In common with lemonjuice,
it is a rich source of vitamin C (168625 mg per 100 ml) and contains a large quanti
ty of citric acid. It
is used as a refreshing drink and as a preventive of, and remedy for, SCURVY. Li
mejuice which has been
boiled, or preserved for a prolonged period, loses its anti-scorbutic properties
Linea Alba The line of fibrous tissue stretching down the mid line of th
e belly from the lower end of
the sternum to the pubic bone (see PUBIS). The linea alba gives attachment to th
e muscles of the wall of
the stomach.
Linea Nigra During pregnancy, the LINEA ALBA becomes pigmented and appea
rs as a dark line down the
middle of the belly, and is called the linea nigra.
Linear Accelerator See RADIOTHERAPY.
Lingual Referring or related to the TONGUE: for example, the lingual ner
ve supplies sensation to the
Liniments Liniments, or EMBROCATIONS, are oily mixtures intended for ext
ernal application by rubbing.
Their chief use is in the production of pain relief, particularly in rheumatic c

onditions. They may be

highly toxic if taken orally.
Linkage A description that in GENETICS means circumstances in which two
or more GENES lie near each
other on a chromosome (see CHROMOSOMES) and so may well be inherited together.
Linoleic Acid An unsaturated fatty acid occurring widely in the glycerid
es of plants. It is an
essential nutrient for mammals, including humans.
A term applied to any thick, syrupy medicine. Most of these are remedies
for excessive coughing.
This was originally made of teased-out linen; now it consists of a loose
cotton fabric, one side of
which is fluffy, the other being smooth and applied next to the skin when the su
rface is broken. Marine
lint consists of tow impregnated with tar, and is used where large quantities of
some absorbent and
deodorising dressing are required. Cotton lint is impregnated with various subst
ances, the most common
being boracic lint. Lint containing perchloride of iron (15 per cent) is valuabl
e as a styptic (see
Liothyronine Acid
An insecticide used in SCABIES and lice infestations (see PEDICULOSIS);
however, head lice are now
often resistant. Used excessively, lindane may be neurotoxic (damage the nervous
A preparation based on the thyroid (see THYGLAND) hormone triiodothyroni
ne, which is prescribed to
replace the lack of natural thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). The drug is also u
sed to treat goitre and
cancer of the

412 Lipaemia
thyroid gland. (See
Lipaemia The presence of an excessive amount of the blood.
Lipase An ENZYME widely distributed in plants, and present also in the l
iver and gastric and pancreatic
juices, which breaks down fats to the constituent fatty acids and glycerol.
A substance which is insoluble in water, but soluble in fat solvents suc
h as alcohol and ether. The
main lipid groups are the triglycerides, phospholipids, and glycolipids. They pl
ay an important role in
nutrition, health (particularly in the functioning of the cell membranes, and th
e immune response), and
disease (notably cardiovascular disease). There is a strong correlation between
the concentration of
CHOLESTEROL in the blood (transported as lipoproteins) and the risk of developin
g ATHEROMA and coronary
heart disease (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Lipoproteins are classified by their den
sity and mobility, the
chief groups being low-density (LDL) and high-density (HDL). High SERUM concentr
ations of LDL increase the
risk of cardiovascular disease, while HDL is thought to protect the vessel wall
by removing cholesterol,
and has an inverse relationship to risk. The various serum lipid abnormalities h
ave been classified into
five groups, according to the cause and particular lipoprotein raised. Most impo
rtant are type II
(increased LDL, genetically determined) and type IV (increased VLDL, associated
with obesity, diabetes, and
excess alcohol). Various lipidlowering drugs are available, but any drug treatme
nt must be combined with a
strict diet, reduction of blood pressure, and cessation of smoking.
Lipidosis Any disorder of LIPID metabolism in body cells. Some hereditar
y disorders cause deposition of
lipids within the brain.
Lipid-Regulating Drugs These drugs reduce the amount of low-density LIPO
PROTEINS, which transport
CHOLESTEROL and triglycerides (see TRIGLYCERIDE) in the blood, or raise the conc
entration of highdensity
lipoproteins. The aim is to reduce the progression of ATHEROSCLEROSIS and theref
ore help prevent coronary
heart disease (see HEART,

DISEASES OF). These drugs should be combined with reducing other risk fa
ctors for raised lipid
concentrations, such as a high-fat diet, smoking and obesity. Lipid-regulating d
rugs include STATINS,
fibrates, anion-exchange resins, and NICOTINIC ACID, which may be used singly or
in combination under
careful medical supervision (see HYPERLIPIDAEMIA).
Lipodystrophy A congenital maldistribution of FAT tissue. Subcutaneous f
at is totally absent from a
portion of the body and hypertrophied in the remainder. Another form of lipodyst
rophy occurs at the site of
INSULIN injections, but is much less frequently seen nowadays; the new, syntheti
c preparations of insulin
are pure and unlikely to cause this reaction, which was not uncommon with the ol
der preparations.
Occasionally the converse occurs at the site of insulin injections, where the li
pogenic action of insulin
stimulates the fat cells to hypertrophy. This can also be disfiguring and usuall
y results from using the
same site for injections too frequently.
Lipoid Factor An agent involved in the clotting mechanism of the blood.
It helps in the activation of
Lipolysis The enzymatic breaking-down of FAT.
Lipoma A TUMOUR mainly composed of FAT. Such tumours arise in almost any
part of the body, developing
in fibrous tissues particularly in that beneath the skin. They are benign in nat
ure, and seldom give any
trouble beyond that connected with their size and position. If large, they can b
e excised.
Lipoproteins Compounds containing lipids and proteins (see LIPID; PROTEI
N). Most lipids in blood PLASMA
are present in this form and are characterised according to their densities: ver
y low (VLDL), intermediate
(IDL), low (LD), high (HDL) and very high (VHDL). Concentrations of lipoproteins
are key factors in
assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease (see HEART, DISEASES OF).
Liposarcoma A rare malignant TUMOUR of adipose or fatty tissue. It occur
s most frequently in the
thighs, buttocks or retro-peritoneum. The four main

Lithium Carbonate
types are: well differentiated; myxoid; round cell; and pleomorphic (var
iety of forms).
Liposomes These are essentially tiny oil droplets consisting of layers o
f fatty material, known as
phospholipid, separated by aqueous compartments. Drugs can be incorporated into
the liposomes, which are
then injected into the bloodstream or into the muscles, or given by mouth. Using
this method of giving
drugs, it is possible to protect them from being broken down in the body before
they reach the part of the
body where their curative effect is required: for example, in the liver or in a
Liposuction A surgical procedure, also called suction lipectomy, for ext
racting unwanted accumulations
of subcutaneous FAT with the use of a powerful suction tube passed through the s
kin at different sites.
Widely used in cosmetic surgery to improve the contour of the body, particularly
that of women, the
technique can have unwanted side-effects.
Lips These form a pair of curtains before the mouth, each composed of a la
yer of skin and of mucous
membrane, between which lies a considerable amount of fat and of muscle fibres.
Fissures coming on in cold weather are often difficult to get rid of. Pe
eling and cracking of the
vermilion of the lips is common in those exposed for long periods to wind and su
nlight. Treatment consists
of the application of aqueous cream. If the main cause is excessive exposure to
sunlight in which case
the lower lip is mainly affected a protective cream should be applied.
Herpes in the form of cold sores often develops on the lip as a result of
a cold or other feverish
condition, but quickly passes off (see HERPES SIMPLEX). Ulcers may form on the i
nner surface of the lip,
usually in consequence of bad teeth or of DYSPEPSIA.
Small cysts sometimes form on the inner surface of the lip, and are seen
as little bluish swellings
filled with mucus; they are of no importance.
Hare-lip is a deformity sometimes present at birth (see PALATE, MALFORMA
Cancer of the lip sometimes occurs almost always in men, and usually on
the lower lip. (See also
Liquor See SOLUTION.
Liquorice The root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a plant of southern Europe and
Asia. It is a mild expectorant
(see EXPECTORANTS), but is mainly used to cover the taste of disagreeable and mo

re powerful drugs. Solid

and liquid extracts are made from it, but the most commonly used preparation is
compound liquorice powder,
which contains also senna and sulphur.
Listeriosis A rare disease, although the causal organism, Listeria monoc
ytogenes, is widely distributed
in soil, silage, water, and various animals, with consequent risk of food contam
ination for example, from
unpasteurised soft cheese. Neonates are mainly affected often as a result of a m
ild or inapparent
infection in the pregnant mother. The disease presents in two main forms: MENING
SEPTICAEMIA with enlarged LYMPH glands. Elderly adults occasionally develop the
first form, while younger
adults are more likely to develop a mild or even inapparent form. The disease is
treated with ANTIBIOTICS
such as ampicillin (see PENICILLIN) or CHLORAMPHENICOL.
Lithiasis A general name applied to the formation of CALCULI and concret
ions in tissues or organs: for
example, cholelithiasis means the formation of calculi in the GALL-BLADDER.
Lithium Carbonate A drug widely used in the PROPHYLAXIS treatment of cer
tain forms of MENTAL ILLNESS.
The drug should be given only on specialist advice. The major indication for its
use is acute MANIA; it
induces improvement or remission in over 70 per cent of such patients. In additi
on, it is effective in the
treatment of manicdepressive patients (see MANIC DEPRESSION), preventing both th
e manic and the depressive
episodes. There is also evidence that it lessens aggression in prisoners who beh
ave antisocially and in
patients with learning difficulties who mutilate themselves and have temper tant
rums. Because of its
possible toxic effects including kidney damage lithium must only be administered
under medical
supervision and

414 Litholapaxy
with monitoring of the blood levels, as the gap between therapeutic and
toxic concentrations is narrow.
Due to the risk of its damaging the unborn child, it should not be prescribed, u
nless absolutely necessary,
during pregnancy particularly not in the first three months. Mothers should not
take it while breast
feeding, as it is excreted in the milk in high concentrations. The drug should n
ot be taken with DIURETICS.
Litholapaxy Litholapaxy is the term applied to the operation in which a
stone in the URINARY BLADDER is
crushed by an instrument introduced along the URETHRA, and the fragments washed
out through a catheter (see
The operation of cutting for stone in the bladder. The operation is of g
reat historic interest, because
more has probably been written about it in early times than about any other type
of surgery and because,
for a long time, it formed almost the only operation in which the surgeon dared
to attack diseases of the
internal organs.
Lithotripsy Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) causes disinteg
ration of renal and biliary
stones (see CALCULI) without physical contact, and is therefore an attractive pr
ocedure for patients and
surgeons alike. Shock waves generated outside the body can be accurately focused
with a reflector whilst
the patient is suspended in water, to facilitate transmission of the waves. Thes
e are focused on the
calculus. The resultant fine fragments are passed spontaneously in the urine wit
h minimal, if any,
discomfort. The procedure has been shown to be safe, short and effective, and is
most acceptable to
Litmus Litmus, which is prepared from several lichens, is a vegetable dy
e-substance, which on contact
with alkaline fluids becomes blue, and on contact with acid fluids, red. Slips o
f paper, impregnated with
litmus, form a valuable test for the acidity of the secretions and discharges.
Litre A unit measurement of volume. One litre (l) is equivalent to the v
olume occupied by one kilogram of pure water at 4 C and 760 mm Hg pressure. For day-to-day measurem
ent, 1 litre is taken as
being equal to 1,000 cubic centimetres (cm3).
Littles Disease A form of CEREBRAL PALSY.

Liver The liver is the largest gland in the body, serving numerous funct
ions, chiefly involving various
aspects of METABOLISM.
Form The liver is divided into four lobes, the greatest part being the r
ight lobe, with a small left
lobe, while the quadrate and caudate lobes are two small divisions on the back a
nd undersurface. Around the
middle of the undersurface, towards the back, a transverse fissure (the porta he
patis) is placed, by which
the hepatic artery and portal vein carry blood into the liver, and the right and
left hepatic ducts emerge,
carrying off the BILE formed in the liver to the GALL-BLADDER attached under the
right lobe, where it is
Position Occupying the right-hand upper part of the abdominal cavity, th
e liver is separated from the
right lung by the DIAPHRAGM and the pleural membrane (see PLEURA). It rests on v
arious abdominal organs,
chiefly the right of the two KIDNEYS, the suprarenal gland (see ADRENAL GLANDS),
the large INTESTINE, the
Vessels The blood supply differs from that of the rest of the body, in t
hat the blood collected from
the stomach and bowels into the PORTAL VEIN does not pass directly to the heart,
but is first distributed
to the liver, where it breaks up into capillary vessels. As a result, some harmf
ul substances are filtered
from the bloodstream and destroyed, while various constituents of the food are s
tored in the liver for use
in the bodys metabolic processes. The liver also receives the large hepatic arter
y from the coeliac axis.
After circulating through capillaries, the blood from both sources is collected
into the hepatic veins,
which pass directly from the back surface of the liver into the inferior vena ca
va. Minute structure The
liver is enveloped in a capsule of fibrous tissue Glissons capsule from which str
ands run along the
vessels and penetrate deep into the organ, binding it together. Subdivisions of
the hepatic artery, portal
vein, and bile duct lie alongside each other, finally forming the interlobular v

Liver, Diseases of 415

serves several purposes: it excretes pigment, the breakdown products of
old red blood cells; the bile
salts increase fat absorption and activate pancreatic lipase, thus aiding the di
gestion of fat; and bile is
also necessary for the absorption of vitamins D and E. The other important funct
ions of the liver are as
follows: In the EMBRYO it forms red blood cells, while the adult liver stores vi
tamin B12, necessary for
the proper functioning of the bone marrow in the manufacture of red cells. It ma
nufactures FIBRINOGEN,
ALBUMINS and GLOBULIN from the blood. It stores IRON and copper, necessary for t
he manufacture of red
cells. It produces HEPARIN, and with the aid of vitamin K PROTHROMBIN. Its Kupff
er cells form an
important part of the RETICULO-ENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM, which breaks down red cells a
nd probably manufactures
ANTIBODIES. Noxious products made in the intestine and absorbed into the blood a
re detoxicated in the
liver. It stores carbohydrate in the form of glycogen, maintaining a two-way pro
cess: glucose glycogen.
CAROTENE, a plant pigment, is converted to vitamin A, and B vitamins are stored.
It splits up AMINO ACIDS
and manufactures UREA and uric acids. It plays an essential role in the storage
and metabolism of FAT.
Postions of liver, gall-bladder and connecting bile ducts.
which lie between the lobules of which the whole gland is built up. Each
is about the size of a pins
head and forms a complete secreting unit; the liver is built up of hundreds of t
housands of such lobules.
These contain small vessels, capillaries, or sinusoids, lined with stellate KUPF
FER CELLS, which run into
the centre of the lobule, where they empty into a small central vein. These lobu
lar veins ultimately empty
into the hepatic veins. Between these capillaries lie rows of large liver cells
in which metabolic activity
occurs. Fine bile capillaries collect the bile from the cells and discharge it i
nto the bile ducts lying
along the margins of the lobules. Liver cells are among the largest in the body,
each containing one or two
large round nuclei. The cells frequently contain droplets of fat or granules of
GLYCOGEN that is, animal
Functions The liver is, in effect, a large chemical factory and the heat
this produces contributes to
the general warming of the body. The liver secretes bile, the chief constituents
of which are the bile
salts (sodium glycocholate and taurocholate), the bile pigments (BILIRUBIN and b
iliverdin), CHOLESTEROL,
and LECITHIN. These bile salts are collected and formed in the liver and are eve
ntually converted into the
bile acids. The bile pigments are the iron-free and globin-free remnant of HAEMO
GLOBIN, formed in the
Kupffer cells of the liver. (They can also be formed in the spleen, lymph glands
, bone marrow and
connective tissues.) Bile therefore

Liver, Diseases of The LIVER may be extensively diseased without any obv
iously serious symptoms, unless
the circulation through it is impeded, the outflow of BILE checked, or neighbour
ing organs implicated.
JAUNDICE is a symptom of several liver disorders, and is discussed under its sep
arate heading. ASCITES,
which may be caused by interference with the circulation through the portal vein
of the liver, as well as
by other reasons, is also considered separately. The presence of gallstones is a
complication of some
diseases connected with the liver, and is treated under GALLBLADDER, DISEASES OF
. For hydatid cyst of the
liver, see TAENIASIS. Liver diseases in a tropical environment are dealt with la
ter in this section.
Inflammation of the liver, or HEPATITIS, may occur as part of a generali
sed infection or may be a
localised condition. Infectious hepatitis, which is the result of infection with
a virus, is one of the
most common forms. Many different viruses can cause hepatitis, including

416 Liver, Diseases of

that responsible for glandular fever (see MONOCertain spirochaetes may a
lso be the cause, particularly
that responsible for LEPTOSPIROSIS, as can many drugs. Hepatitis may also occur
if there is obstruction of
the BILE DUCT, as by a gall-stone.
amoebic DYSENTERY, appearing sometimes late in the disease even after th
e diarrhoea is cured (see
below). It may also follow upon inflammation of the liver due to other causes. I
n the case of an amoebic
abscess, treatment consists of oral metronidazole.
Cirrhosis of the liver A disorder caused by chronic damage to liver cell
s. The liver develops areas of
fibrosis or scarring; in response, the remaining normal liver cells increase and
form regeneration nodules.
Those islands of normality, however, suffer from inadequate blood supply, thus a
dversely affecting liver
function. Alcohol is the most common cause of cirrhosis in the United Kingdom an
d the USA, and the
incidence of the disorder among women in the UK has recently risen sharply as a
consequence of greater
consumption of alcohol by young women in the latter decades of the 20th century.
In Africa and many parts
of Asia, infection with hepatitis B virus is a common cause. Certain drugs for e
xample, PARACETAMOL may
damage the liver if taken in excess. Unusual causes of cirrhosis include defects
of the bile ducts,
HAEMOCHROMATOSIS (raised iron absorption from the gut), CYSTIC FIBROSIS, cardiac
cirrhosis (the result of
heart failure causing circulatory congestion in the liver), and WILSONS DISEASE (
raised copper
Acute hepatic necrosis is a destructive
Symptoms Some people with cirrhosis have no signs or symptoms and the di
sease may be diagnosed at a
routine medical examination. Others may develop jaundice, OEDEMA (including asci
tes fluid in the
abdomen), fever, confusion, HAEMATEMESIS (vomiting blood), loss of appetite and
lethargy. On examination,
cirrhotic patients often have an enlarged liver and/ or SPLEEN, and HYPERTENSION
. Liver function tests,
cholangiography (X-ray examination of the bile ducts) and biopsy of liver tissue
will help to reach a
diagnosis. Treatment Nothing can be done to repair a cirrhosed organ, but the ca
use, if known, must be
removed and further advance of the process thus prevented. In the case of the li
ver, a highprotein,
high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet is given, supplemented by liver extract and vita
mins B and K. The
consumption of alcohol should be banned. In patients with liver failure and a po
or prognosis, liver

TRANSPLANTATION is worthwhile but only after careful consideration. Abscess of t

he liver When an
develops in the liver, it is usually a result of
and often fatal disease of the liver which is very rare. It may be due t
o chemical poisons, such as
carbontetrachloride, chloroform, phosphorus and industrial solvents derived from
benzene. It may also be
the cause of death in cases of poisoning with fungi. Very occasionally, it may b
e a complication of acute
infectious hepatitis.
Cancer of the liver is not uncommon, although it is rare for the disease
to begin in the liver the
involvement of this organ being usually secondary to disease situated somewhere
in the stomach or bowels.
Cancer originating in the liver is more common in Asia and Africa. It usually ar
ises in a fibrotic (or
cirrhotic) liver and in carriers of the hepatitis B virus. There is great emacia
tion, which increases as
the disease progresses. The liver is much enlarged, and its margin and surface a
re rough, being studded
with hard cancer masses of varying size, which can often be felt through the abd
ominal wall. Pain may be
present. Jaundice and oedema often appear.
Liver disease in the tropics The hepatitis viruses (A F) are of paramount
importance. Hepatitis E
(HEV) often produces acute hepatic failure in pregnant women; extensive epidemic
s transmitted by
contaminated drinking-water supplies have been documented. HBV, especially in as
sociation with HDV, also
causes acute liver failure in infected patients in several tropical countries: h
owever, the major
importance of HBV is that the infection leads to chronic liver disease (see belo
w). Other hepatotoxic
viruses include the EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS, CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV), the flavivirus ca
Marburg/Ebola viruses, etc. Acute liver disease also occurs in the presence of s
everal acute bacterial
infections, including Salmonella typhi, brucellosis, leptospirosis, syphilis, et
c. The complex type of
jaundice associated with acute systemic bacterial infection especially pneumococ
pyomiositis assumes a major importance in many tropical countries, especially th
ose in Africa and in
Papua New Guinea. Of protozoan infections, plasmodium falciparum malaria, LEISHM

considered. Ascaris lumbricoides (the roundworm) can produce obstruction
to the biliary system. CHRONIC
LIVER DISEASE Long-term disease is dominated by sequelae of HBV and HCV infectio
ns (often acquired during
the neonatal period), both of which can cause chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosi
s, and hepatocellular
carcinoma (hepatoma) one of the worlds most common malignancies. Chronic liver dise
ase is also caused
by SCHISTOSOMIASIS (usually Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum), and acute and
chronic alcohol ingestion.
Furthermore, many local herbal remedies and also orthodox chemotherapeutic compo
unds (e.g. those used in
tuberculosis and leprosy) can result in chronic liver disease. HAEMOSIDEROSIS is
a major problem in
southern Africa. Hepatocytes contain excessive iron derived primarily from an ex
cessive intake, often
present in locally brewed beer; however, a genetic predisposition seems likely.
Indian childhood cirrhosis
associated with an excess of copper is a major problem in India and surrounding
Epidemiological evidence shows that much of the copper is derived from copper ve
ssels used to store milk
after weaning. Veno-occlusive disease was first described in Jamaica and is caus
ed by pyrrolyzidine
alkaloids (present in bush-tea). Several HIV-associated opportunistic infections c
an give rise to hepatic
disease (see AIDS/HIV). A localised (focal) form of liver disease in all tropica
l/subtropical countries
results from invasive Entamoeba histolytica infection (amoebic liver abscess); ser
ology and imaging
techniques assist in diagnosis. Hydatidosis also causes localised liver disease;
one or more cysts usually
involve the right lobe of the liver. Serological tests and imaging techniques ar
e of value in diagnosis.
Whilst surgery formerly constituted the sole method of management, prolonged cou
rses of albendazole and/or
praziquantel have now been shown to be effective; however, surgical intervention
is still required in some
cases. Hepato-biliary disease is also a problem in many tropical/subtropical cou
ntries. In southeast Asia,
Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverini infections cause chronic biliary-t
ract infection, complicated
by adenocarcinoma of the biliary system. Praziquantel is effective chemotherapy
before advanced disease
ensues. Fasciola hepatica (the liver fluke) is a further hepato-biliary helminth
ic infection; treatment is
with bithionol or triclabendazole, praziquantel being relatively ineffective.
Liver Fluke Fasciola hepatica is a parasite infesting sheep and occasion
ally invading the bile ducts
and liver of humans (see FASCIOLIASIS).
Liver Spots A misnomer applied to the brown MACULES often seen on the ba
cks of the hands of those
chronically exposed to sunlight (see LENTIGO). They have no connection with any
liver disorder.

Living Will Also known as an advance directive or advance statement abou

t medical treatment. This is a
means of exercising choice in advance for patients who suspect that they will su
ffer mental impairment and
become unable to speak for themselves. Advance statements can have legal force i
f made by an informed and
competent adult, clearly refusing some or all future medical treatment once that
individual has irrevocably
lost mental capacity. Some statements intend to give other instructions, such as
requesting certain
treatments: these can be helpful in clarifying the patientss wishes, but only a c
lear refusal of treatment
is legally binding in most of the UK. (In Scotland, patients have some legal pow
ers to use an advance
statement to nominate another person to act as a proxy decisionmaker.) As there
is no statute defining the
scope and limits of advance statements in the UK, their legal status depends pri
ncipally on case
precedents. As well as written documents, competent patients can make equally va
lid advance oral refusals
which should be recorded in the medical notes. Some health professionals or heal
th facilities may have a
conscientious objection (see ETHICS) to the concept of withdrawing lifeprolongin
g treatment from
incompetent patients, even at the patients advance request. Such objections need
to be made known to
patients well in advance of a living will becoming eligible for implementation,
so that the patient can
make other arrangements. The British Medical Association has issued a code of pr
actice on the subject; this
provides widely approved guidance on various facets of drafting, storing, witnes
sing and implementing
advance statements. It is also dealt with in the GMC document on withdrawing tre
Lobe The term applied to the larger divisions of

418 Lobectomy
various organs, such as to the four lobes of the LIVER, the three lobes
of the right and the two lobes
of the left lung, which are separated by fissures from one another (see LUNGS),
and to the lobes or
superficial areas into which the BRAIN is divided. The term lobar is applied to
structures which are
connected with lobes of organs, or to diseases which have a tendency to be limit
ed by the boundaries of
lobes, such as lobar PNEUMONIA.
Lobectomy The operation of cutting out a lobe of the lung in such diseas
es as abscess of the lung and
bronchiectasis and carcinoma (see LUNGS, DISEASES OF).
Lobotomy Lobotomy is the cutting of a lobe of the BRAIN. (See also PSYCH
The term applied to a division of an organ smaller than a lobe: for exam
ple, the lobules of the lung
are of the size of millet seeds (see LUNGS); those of the LIVER, slightly larger
. Lobules form the smallest
subdivisions or units of an organ, each lobule being similar to the others, of w
hich there may be perhaps
several hundred thousand in the organ.
Local Anaesthesia Loss of sensation produced in a part of the body to st
op pain while a person is
examined, investigated or treated (see also ANAESTHESIA). The anaesthesia is eff
ected by giving drugs in a
local area temporarily to stop the action of pain-carrying nerve fibres. To anae
sthetise a large area, a
nerve block is done. Various drugs are used, depending on the depth and length o
f local anaesthesia
Lochia Lochia is the discharge which takes place during the first week o
r two after childbirth. During
the first four days it consists chiefly of blood; after the fifth day the colour
should become paler, and
after the first week the quantity should diminish. If the discharge becomes smel
ly, it may indicate an
infection and immediate investigation and treament are necessary. (See also PUER
Locked-In Syndrome This describes a condition in which a patient is awak
e and retains the power of
sense perception, but is unable to communicate except by limited eye movements b
ecause the motor nervous system is paralysed. Several diseases can cause this syndrome, whic
h results from interruption of
some of the nerve tracts between the mid brain and the pons (see BRAIN). Sometim
es the syndrome is caused
by severe damage to muscles or the nerves enervating them. Lockedin syndrome may

sometimes be confused with

Lockjaw A painful spasm of the JAW muscles, making it hard to open the m
outh. It is a prominent symptom
of TETANUS and was once the popular name for this condition.
Locomotor Ataxia The uncoordinated movements and unsteady lurching gait
that occurs in the tertiary
stage of untreated SYPHILIS.
Locum Tenens A doctor who stands in for another.
Lofexidine An opioid antagonist drug used to modify the symptoms of addi
cted patients undergoing
opioid-withdrawal treatment.
Logorrhoea Logorrhoea is the technical term for garrulousness (chatterbox)
a feature which may be
exaggerated in certain states of mental instability.
Loiasis Loiasis is the disease caused by the filarial worm Loa loa, a th
read-like worm which differs
from W. bancrofti in that it is shorter and thicker, and is found in the bloodst
ream during the day, not at
night. It is transmitted by the mango fly, Chrysops dimidiata, but other flies o
f this genus can also
transmit it. It is confined to West and Central Africa. The characteristic featu
re of the disease is the
appearance of fugitive swellings which may arise anywhere in the body in the cou
rse of the worms migration
through it: these are known as Calabar swellings. The worm is often found in the
eye, hence the old name of
the worm in Africa the eye worm. Diethylcarbamazine is the treatment for this fo
Loin The name applied to the part of the back between the lower ribs and
the pelvis. (For pain in the
loins, see BACKACHE; LUMBAGO.)

Long-Sight Also known as hypermetropia: see DISORDERS OF Errors of refra
under EYE,
Loop Diuretics Drugs used in pulmonary oedema (excess fluid in the lungs
) caused by failure of the left
VENTRICLE of the HEART. DIURETICS cause an increase in excretion of URINE, thus
reducing the amount of
fluid in the body. Intravenous administration of loop diuretics relieves patient
s breathlessness. They
work by inhibiting resorption of fluid in the renal tubule loops of the KIDNEYS.
Frusemide and bumetanide
are commonly used loop diuretic drugs that act quickly and last for six hours so
that they can be given
twice in 24 hours without disturbing the patients sleep.
Loperamide A drug that reduces the motility of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRAC
T. It is of limited use as an
adjunct to fluid replacement in diarrhoea in adults, and is sometimes used in ch
ronic noninfective
diarrhoea in children.
with sugar, gum, glycerin-jelly or fruit-paste. They are used in various
affections of the mouth and
throat, being sucked and slowly dissolved by the saliva, which brings the drugs
they contain into contact
with the affected surface. Some of the substances used in lozenges are benzalkon
ium (disinfectant),
benzocaine (analgesic), betamethasone (corticosteroid), bismuth (disinfectant),
(disinfectant), hydrocortisone (corticosteroid), liquorice, and penicillin (anti
Lucid Interval A temporary restoration of consciousness after a person h
as been rendered unconscious
from a blow to the head. The victim subsequently relapses into COMA. This is a s
ign of raised INTRACRANIAL
PRESSURE from arterial bleeding and indicates that surgery may be required to co
ntrol the intracranial
haemorrhage. (See also GLASGOW COMA SCALE.)
Ludwigs Angina
A benzodiazepine tranquilliser (see BENZODIAZEPINES), shown to be of lim
ited use in the short-term
treatment of anxiety or insomnia, in STATUS EPILEPTICUS, or for perioperative us
e. Its use is not
recommended for children. As with other benzodiazepines, the smallest possible d
ose should be given for the
shortest possible time, as DEPENDENCE is a well-recognised danger.

An uncommon bacterial infection affecting the floor of the mouth. It can

spread to the throat and
become life-threatening. Usually caused by infected gums or teeth, it causes pai
n, fever and swelling,
resulting in difficulty in opening the mouth or swallowing. Urgent treatment wit
h ANTIBIOTICS is called
for, otherwise the patient may need a TRACHEOSTOMY to relieve breathing problems
Lugols Solution
An unnatural curvature of the spine forwards. It occurs chiefly in the l
umbar region, where the natural
curve is forwards, as the result of muscular weakness, spinal disease, etc. (See
A compound solution of iodine and potassium iodide used in the preoperat
ive preparation of patients
with thyrotoxicosis (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). The solution is taken oral
Fluid preparations intended for bringing into contact with, or for washi
ng, the external surface of the
body. Lotions are generally of a watery or alcoholic composition, and many of th
em are known as liquors.
Those external applications which are of an oily nature, and intended to be rubb
ed into the surface, are
known as liniments.
Pain in the lower (lumbar) region of the back. It may be muscular, skele
tal or neurological in origin.
A severe form associated with SCIATICA may be due to a prolapsed INTERVERTEBRAL
DISC. Less severe forms may
be caused by OSTEOARTHRITIS of the spine, a trapped nerve, inflammation of conne
ctive tissue, or may follow
an old injury. The treatment will depend upon the cause, but mild lumbago will u
sually respond to
Lozenges These are small tablets containing drugs mixed
rmth. Sufferers should remember to bend their knees rather than their backs when
lifting objects.

420 Lumbar
Moderate activity rather than bed rest is recommended for most patients.
Lumbar A term used to denote structures in, or diseases affecting, the r
egion of the loins (see LOIN)
as, for example, the lumbar vertebrae, lumbar abscess.
Lumbar Puncture A procedure for removing CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) from
the spinal canal in the LUMBAR
region in order: (1) to diagnose disease of the nervous system; (2) to introduce
medicaments spinal
anaesthetics or drugs. A hollow needle is inserted into the lower section of the
space around the SPINAL
CORD (see diagram) and the cerebrospinal fluid withdrawn. The
procedure should not be done too rapidly or the subject may develop a se
vere headache. Examination of
the cerebrospinal fluid helps in the diagnosis and investigation of disorders of
the brain and spinal cord
for example, MENINGITIS and SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGE. When using the procedure t
o inject drugs into the
CSF, the operator must take care to inject only those agents specifically produc
ed for CSF injection.
Deaths have occurred because the wrong drug has been injected, and there have be
en demands for specialised
equipment and strict procedures that will prevent such tragedies.
Lumbar Sympathectomy Destruction of the LUMBAR chain of sympathetic nerv
es (see NERVOUS SYSTEM) by
means of surgery, DIATHERMY or injection of chemicals (phenol or alcohol). The t
echnique is used to improve
the blood flow to the leg in patients with peripheral vascular disease, and to t
reat some types of chronic
leg pain. It has only limited success.
Lumbar Vertebra There are five lumbar vertebrae in the lower SPINAL COLU
MN between the thoracic
vertebrae and the sacrum.
Lumbricus Lumbricus is a name sometimes applied to the roundworm, or Asc
aris lumbricoides. (See
Lumen (1) The space enclosed by a tubular structure or hollow organ (e.g
. the gastrointestinal tract or
urinary bladder). (2) The SI unit of luminous flux (1 lumen [1m] = the amount of
light emitted per second
in a unit solid angle of 1 steradian by a 1-candela point source).
Lumpectomy An operation for suspected breast cancer (see BREASTS, DISEAS
ES OF), in which the tumour is
removed from the breast rather than with it (see MASTECTOMY).
Lunatic The patient lies on his/her left side with the back on the edge
of the bed and the hips and
knees flexed as shown in this diagram. The needle is inserted through the skin b
etween the processes of the

third and fourth lumbar vertebrae. The needle is then passed through the spinal
ligaments and the dura into
the subarachnoid space which contains the spinal fluid. A sample of fluid is slo
wly withdrawn.
An out-of-date and now derogatory term applied to people of disordered m
ind, because lunacy was
supposed at one time to be largely influenced by the moon. (See MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Lung Volumes The volume of air within the LUNGS changes with the respira
tory cycle (see RESPIRATION).
The volumes defined in the following table can

Lungs, Diseases of 421

be measured, and may be useful indicators of some pulmonary diseases. No
rmal values for a 60 kg man are
5,0006,000 400600 3,3003,750 9501,200 1,2001,700 3,4004,800 2,3002,600
Total lung capacity (TLC) The volume of air that can be held in the lung
s at maximum inspiration.
Tidal volume (TV) The volume of air taken into and expelled from the lun
gs with each breath.
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) The volume of air that can still be ins
pired at the end of a normal
quiet inspiration.
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) The volume of air that can still be expi
red at the end of a normal
quiet expiration.
Residual volume (RV) The volume of air remaining in the lungs after a ma
ximal expiration.
capacity (VC) The maximum amount of air that can be expired after a maxi
mal inspiration. Functional
residual capacity (FRC) The volume of air left in the lungs at the end of a norm
al quiet expiration.
Lungs Positioned in the chest, the lungs serve primarily as respiratory
organs (see RESPIRATION), also
acting as a filter for the blood.
Form and position Each lung is a spongelike cone, pink in children and g
rey in adults. Its apex
projects into the neck, with the base resting on the DIAPHRAGM. Each lung is env
eloped by a closed cavity,
the pleural cavity, consisting of two layers of pleural membrane separated by a
thin layer of fluid. In
healthy states this allows expansion and retraction as breathing occurs.
Heart/lung connections The
HEART lies in contact with the two lungs, so that changes in lung volume
inevitably affect the pumping
action of the heart. Furthermore, both lungs are connected by blood vess
els to the heart. The pulmonary
artery passes from the right ventricle and divides into two branches, one of whi
ch runs straight outwards
to each lung, entering its substance along with the bronchial tube at the hilum
or root of the lung. From
this point also emerge the pulmonary veins, which carry the blood oxygenated in
the lungs back to the left
Fine structure of lungs Each main bronchial tube, entering the lung at t

he root, divides into branches.

These subdivide again and again, to be distributed all through the substance of
the lung until the finest
tubes, known as respiratory bronchioles, have a width of only 025 mm (1/100 inch)
. All these tubes consist
of a mucous membrane surrounded by a fibrous sheath. The surface of the mucous m
embrane comprises columnar
cells provided with cilia (hair-like structures) which sweep mucus and unwanted
matter such as bacteria to
the exterior. The smallest divisions of the bronchial tubes, or bronchioles, div
ide into a number of
tortuous tubes known as alveolar ducts terminating eventually in minute sacs, kn
own as alveoli, of which
there are around 300 million. The branches of the pulmonary artery accompany the
bronchial tubes to the
furthest recesses of the lung, dividing like the latter into finer and finer bra
nches, and ending in a
dense network of capillaries. The air in the air-vesicles is separated therefore
from the blood only by two
delicate membranes: the wall of the air-vesicle, and the capillary wall, through
which exchange of gases
(oxygen and carbon dioxide) readily takes place. The essential oxygenated blood
from the capillaries is
collected by the pulmonary veins, which also accompany the bronchi to the root o
f the lung. The lungs also
contain an important system of lymph vessels, which start in spaces situated bet
ween the air-vesicles and
eventually leave the lung along with the blood vessels, and are connected with a
chain of bronchial glands
lying near the end of the TRACHEA.
Lungs, Diseases of Various conditions affecting the LUNGS are dealt with
under the following headings:


and supporting the patient by providing oxygen.
Inflammation of the lungs is generally known as PNEUMONIA, when it is du
e to infection; as ALVEOLITIS
when the inflammation is immunological; and as PNEUMONITIS when it is due to phy
sical or chemical agents.
Collapse of the lung may occur due to
Abscess of the lung consists of a collection of PUS within the lung tiss
ue. Causes include inadequate
treatment of pneumonia, inhalation of vomit, obstruction of the bronchial tubes
by tumours and foreign
bodies, pulmonary emboli (see EMBOLISM) and septic emboli. The patient becomes g
enerally unwell with cough
and fever. BRONCHOSCOPY is frequently performed to detect any obstruction to the
bronchi. Treatment is with
a prolonged course of antibiotics. Rarely, surgery is necessary. Pulmonary oedem
a is the accumulation
of fluid in the pulmonary tissues and air spaces. This may be caused by
cardiac disease (heart failure
or disease of heart valves see below, and HEART, DISEASES OF) or by an increase
in the permeability of
the pulmonary capillaries allowing leakage of fluid into the lung tissue (see AC
Heart failure (left ventricular failure) can be caused by a weakness in
the pumping action of the HEART
leading to an increase in back pressure which forces fluid out of the blood vess
els into the lung tissue.
Causes include heart attacks and HYPERTENSION (high blood pressure). Narrowed or
leaking heart valves
hinder the flow of blood through the heart; again, this produces an increase in
back pressure which raises
the capillary pressure in the pulmonary vessels and causes flooding of fluid int
o the interstitial spaces
and alveoli. Accumulation of fluid in lung tissue produces breathlessness. Treat
ments include DIURETICS and
other drugs to aid the pumping action of the heart. Surgical valve replacement m
ay help when heart failure
is due to valvular heart disease. Acute respiratory distress syndrome Formerly k
nown as adult respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS), this produces pulmonary congestion because of leakage
of fluid through pulmonary
capillaries. It complicates a variety of illnesses such as sepsis, trauma, aspir
ation of gastric contents
and diffuse pneumonia. Treatment involves treating the cause
blockage of a bronchial tube by tumour, foreign body or a plug of mucus
which may occur in bronchitis

or pneumonia. Air beyond the blockage is absorbed into the circulation, causing
the affected area of lung
to collapse. Collapse may also occur when air is allowed into the pleural space
the space between the
lining of the lung and the lining of the inside of the chest wall. This is calle
d a pneumothorax and may
occur following trauma, or spontaneously for example, when there is a rupture of
a subpleural air pocket
(such as a cyst) allowing a communication between the airways and the pleural sp
ace. Lung collapse by
compression may occur when fluid collects in the pleural space (pleural effusion
): when this fluid is
blood, it is known as a haemothorax; if it is due to pus it is known as an empye
ma. Collections of air,
blood, pus or other fluid can be removed from the pleural space by insertion of
a chest drain, thus
allowing the lung to re-expand.
Tumours of the lung are the most common cause of cancer in men and, alon
g with breast cancer, are a
major cause of cancer in women. Several types of lung cancer occur, the most com
mon being squamous cell
carcinoma, small- (or oat-) cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large-cell carci
noma. All but the
adenocarcinoma have a strong link with smoking. Each type has a different patter
n of growth and responds
differently to treatment. More than 30,000 men and women die of cancer of the tr
achea, bronchus and lung
annually in England and Wales. The most common presenting symptom is cough; othe
rs include haemoptisis
(coughing up blood), breathlessness, chest pain, wheezing and weight loss. As we
ll as spreading locally in
the lung the rate of spread varies lung cancer commonly spawns secondary growths
in the liver, bones or
brain. Diagnosis is confirmed by X-rays and bronchoscopy with biopsy.
Treatment Treatment for the two main categories of lung cancer small-cel
l and nonsmall-cell cancer
is different. Surgery is the only curative treatment for the latter and should b
e considered in all cases,
even though fewer than half undergoing surgery will survive five years. In those
patients unsuitable for
surgery, radical RADIOTHERAPY should be considered. For other patients the aim s
hould be the control of
symptoms and the maintenance

of quality of life, with palliative radiotherapy one of the options. Sma
ll-cell lung cancer progresses
rapidly, and untreated patients survive for only a few months. Because the disea
se is often widespread by
the time of diagnosis, surgery is rarely an option. All patients should be consi
which improves symptoms and prolongs survival.
Wounds of the lung may cause damage to the lung and, by admitting air in
to the pleural cavity, cause
the lung to collapse with air in the pleural space (pneumothorax). This may requ
ire the insertion of a
chest drain to remove the air from the pleural space and allow the lung to re-ex
pand. The lung may be
wounded by the end of a fractured rib or by some sharp object such as a knife pu
shed between the ribs.
which stimulates OVULATION, maturation of the CORPUS LUTEUM, and the syn
thesis of progesterone by the
ovary (see OVARIES) and testosterone by the testis (see TESTICLE).
Luteinising Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LHRH) A natural hormone released
by the HYPOTHALAMUS gland in
the BRAIN. It stimulates the release of GONADOTROPHINS from the PITUITARY GLAND;
these control the
production of the sex hormones (see ANDROGEN; OESTROGENS).
Lux The unit of illumination. The abbreviation is lx.
Luxation Another
This is the Latin word for wolf, and a term applied to certain chronic s
kin diseases which can destroy
skin, underlying cartilage and even bone to cause serious deformity if uncontrol
Lupus vulgaris is a form of TUBERCULOSIS
of the skin. It typically begins in childhood and may spread slowly for
decades if untreated. The face
and neck are the usual sites. In untreated disease, large, well-demarcated areas
may be affected with
redness, scaling and thickening. If the affected skin is blanched by pressure, y
ellow-brown foci may be
observed the socalled apple-jelly nodules. The disease causes extensive scarring
as it spreads and may
destroy cartilage in its path for example, on the nose or ear causing gross defo
rmity. The disease was

common in the UK up to 50 years ago, but is now rare. It is treated with a combi
nation of tuberculostatic
Lyme Disease
Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease which can affect skin or in
ternal organs.
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) In this disease, only the skin is affe
cted. Sharply defined red,
scaly and eventually atrophic patches appear on the face, especially on the nose
and cheeks. ALOPECIA with
scarring is seen if the scalp is affected. The condition is aggravated by sunlig
are helpful.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) separate dictionary entry.
Luteinising Hormone A hormone secreted by the anterior
Morbid delusion that one is a wolf.
This comprises ARTHRITIS associated with skin rashes, fever and sometime
s ENCEPHALITIS or carditis
(inflammation of the heart). It is caused by a SPIROCHAETE which is transmitted
by tick bite. Treatment is
with antibiotics.
Lymph Lymph is the fluid which circulates in the lymphatic vessels of th
e body. It is a colourless
fluid, like blood PLASMA in composition, only rather more watery. It contains sa
lts similar to those of
blood plasma, and the same proteins, although in smaller amount: FIBRINOGEN, ser
um albumin (see ALBUMINS),
and serum GLOBULIN. It also contains lymphocytes (white blood cells), derived fr
om the glands. In some
lymphatic vessels, the lymph contains, after meals, a great amount of FAT in the
form of a fine milky
emulsion. These are the vessels which absorb fat from the food passing down the
INTESTINE, and convey it to
the thoracic duct; they are called lacteals because their contents look milky (s
ee CHYLE). The lymph is
derived, initially, from the blood, the watery constituents of which exude throu

gh the walls of the

CAPILLARIES into the tissues, conveying material for the nourishment of the tiss
ues and absorbing waste
products. The spaces in the tissues communicate with lymph capillaries, which ha
ve a structure similar

424 Lymphadenectomy
to that of the capillaries of the blood-vessel system, being composed of
delicate flat cells joined
edge to edge. These unite to form fine vessels, resembling minute veins in struc
ture, called lymphatics,
which ramify throughout the body, passing through lymphatic glands and ultimatel
y discharging their
contents into the jugular veins in the root of the neck. Other lymph vessels com
mence in great numbers as
minute openings on the surface of the PLEURA and PERITONEUM, and act as drains f
or these otherwise closed
cavities. When fluid is effused into these cavities as in a pleural effusion, fo
r example its
absorption takes place through the lymphatic vessels. The course of these vessel
s is described under the
entry on GLAND. Lymph circulates partly by reason of the pressure at which it is
driven through the walls
of the blood capillaries, but mainly in consequence of incidental forces. The ly
mph capillaries and vessels
are copiously provided with valves, which prevent any back flow of lymph, and ev
ery time these vessels are
squeezed (as by the contraction of a muscle, or movement of a limb) the lymph is
pumped along. The term
lymph is also applied to the serous fluid contained in the vesicles which develo
p as the result of
vaccination, and used for the purpose of vaccinating other individuals.
Lymphadenectomy Surgical removal of the LYMPH NODES. The procedure is us
ually carried out when cancer
has infiltrated the nodes in the lymphatic drainage zone of an organ or tissue i
nvaded by a malignant
growth. RADIOTHERAPY or CHEMOTHERAPY may be given if laboratory tests show that
the type or extent of
spread of the cancer cells merits this.
Lymphadenitis Inflammation of lymphatic glands (see
Lymphadenoma Another name for Hodgkins disease. (See LYMPHOMA.)
Lymphadenopathy Medical description of swollen lymph glands (see GLAND).
One cause is HIV infection
(see AIDS/HIV); another is spread of malignant cells from a tumour in the catchm
ent area of lymphatic
Lymphangiectasis Lymphangiectasis means an abnormal dilatation of the ly
mph vessels, as in FILARIASIS.
Lymphangiography A procedure whereby the LYMPHATICS and lymphatic glands
can be rendered visible on
X-ray films by means of the injection of radio-opaque substances. It has now bee
n replaced largely by
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Lymphangioma An uncommon, non-malignant tumour occurring in the skin or

the tongue. It comprises an
abnormal collection of lymph vessels and tends to be present from birth. Sometim
es it disappears
spontaneously, but it may need surgical removal.
Lymphangitis Inflammation situated in the lymphatic vessels.
Lymphatics Vessels which convey the LYMPH. (For an account of their arra
ngement, see GLAND.)
Lymph Nodes Swellings which occur at various points in the lymphatic sys
tem through which LYMPH drains.
They consist of a cortex, medulla and lymph sinuses and have two main functions:
(1) the interception and
removal of abnormal or foreign material from the lymph; (2) the production of im
mune responses (see
IMMUNITY). The lymph nodes become enlarged when the area of the body which they
drain is the site of
infection or as a manifestation of some systemic diseases. Occasionally they are
the site of primary or
metastatic malignant disease.
Lymphocyte A variety of white blood cell produced in the LYMPHOID TISSUE
and lymphatic glands (see
LYMPHATICS; GLAND) of the body. It contains a simple, rounded nucleus surrounded
by protoplasm generally
described as non-granular. Two varieties of lymphocyte are described, small and
large, and together they
form over 20 per cent of the white cells of the blood. They play an important pa
rt in the production of
ANTIBODIES, and in the rejection of transplanted organs such as the heart (see T
do in two different ways: what are known as B-lymphocytes produce antibodies, wh
ile T-lymphocytes attack
and destroy antigens (see ANTIGEN) directly. The latter are known as T-lymphocyt
es because they are
produced by the THYMUS GLAND. Their numbers are increased in TUBERCULOSIS and ce
rtain other diseases. Such
an increase is known as LYMPHOCYTOSIS.

Lymphocytosis An increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood (see
LYMPHOCYTE) for example, in
response to viral infection or in chronic lymphocytic LEUKAEMIA.
Lymphoedema Swelling of a part or organ due to obstruction to the LYMPH
vessels draining it.
Lymphogranuloma Inguinale A venereal disease in which the chief characte
ristic is enlargement of glands
in the groin the infecting agent being a virus.
Lymphoid Tissue Tissue involved in the formation of LYMPH, lymphocytes (
see LYMPHOCYTE), and
Lymphokines Lymphokines are polypeptides that are produced by lymphocyte
s (see LYMPHOCYTE) as part of
their immune response to an ANTIGEN; their function is to communicate with other
cells of the immune system
(see IMMUNITY). Some lymphokines stimulate B-cells to differentiate into antibod
y-producing plasma cells;
others stimulate T-lymphocytes to proliferate; other lymphokines become interfer
ons (see INTERFERON).
Lymphoma A malignant tumour of the LYMPH NODES divided histologically an
d clinically into two types:
Hodgkins disease, and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Hodgkins disease or lymphadenoma was n
amed after Thomas
Hodgkin (17981866), a Guys Hospital pathologist, who first described the condition
disease The incidence is around four new cases per 100,000 population an
nually, with slightly more men
than women contracting it. The first incidence peak is in age group 2035 and the
second in age group 50
70. The cause of Hodgkins is not known, although it is more common in patients fr
om small families and
well-educated backgrounds. The disease is three times more likely to occur in pe
ople who have had glandular
fever (see MONONUCLEOSIS) but no link with the EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS has been estab
lished (see Burkitts
lymphoma, below) The disease is characterised histologically by the presence of
large malignant lymphoid
cells (Reed-Sternberg cells) in the lymph glands.
Clinically the lymph glands are enlarged, rubbery but painless; usually
those in the neck or just above
the CLAVICLE are affected. Spread is to adjacent lymph glands and in young peopl
e a mass of enlarged glands
may develop in the MEDIASTINUM. The SPLEEN is affected in about one-third of pat
ients with the disorder.
Treatment is either with RADIOTHERAPY, CHEMOTHERAPY or both, depending on when t
he disease is diagnosed and
the nature of the abnormal lymph cells. Cure rates are good, especially if the l

ymphoma is diagnosed early.

Non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) This varies in its malignancy depending on th
e nature and activity of the
abnormal lymph cells. The disease is hard to classify histologically, so various
classification systems
have been evolved. High- and low-grade categories are recognised according to th
e rate of proliferation of
abnormal lymph cells. No single causative factor has been identified, although v
iral and bacterial
infections have been linked to NHL, and genetic and immunological factors may be
implicated. The incidence
is higher than that of Hodgkins disease, at 12 new cases per 100,000 population a
year, and the median age
of diagnosis is 6570 years. Suppression of the immune system that ocurs in people
with HIV infection has
been linked with a marked rise in the incidence of non-Hodgkins lymphoma and Hodg
kins disease. Most
patients have painless swelling of one or more groups of lymph nodes in the neck
or groin, and the liver
and spleen may enlarge. As other organs can also be affected, patients may prese
nt with a wide range of
symptoms, including fever, itching and weight loss. If NHL occurs in a single gr
oup of lymph nodes,
radiotherapy is the treatment of choice; more extensive infiltration of glands w
ill require chemotherapy
and sometimes both types of treatment will be necessary. If these treatments fai
may be carried out. Prognosis is good for low-grade NHL (75 per cent of patients
survive five years or
more); in more severe types the survival rate is 4050 per cent for two years. Ano
ther variety of lymphoma
is found in children in Africa, sometimes called after Burkitt, the Irish surgeo
n who first identified it.
Burkitts lymphoma is a rapidly growing malignant tumour occurring in varying site
s, and the Epstein Barr
virus has a role in its origin and growth. A non-African variety of Burkitts lymp
homa is now also
recognised. CYTOTOXIC drug therapy is effective.

426 Lymphosarcoma
Lymphosarcoma A traditional term for non-Hodgkins lymphoma (see LYMPHOMA)
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
Lysergic acid diethylamide belongs to the ergot group of ALKALOIDS. It h
as various effects on the
brain, notably analgesic and hallucinogenic, thought to be due to its antagonism
of 5hydroxytryptamine
(5-HT). In small doses it induces psychic states, in which the individual may be
come aware of repressed
memories. For this reason it may help in the treatment of certain anxiety states
, if used under skilled
supervision. LSD rapidly induces TOLERANCE, however, and psychological DEPENDENC
E may occur, although not
physical dependence. Serious side-effects include psychotic reactions, with an i
ncreased risk of suicide.
dissolution of a blood clot, or the destruction of CELLS as a result of
damage to or rupture of the
PLASMA membrane, thus allowing the cell conAn essential amino acid (see AMINO ACIDS; INDISPENSABLE AMINO ACIDS), ly
sine was first isolated in 1889
from casein, the principal protein of milk. Like other essential amino acids, it
ensures optimum growth in
infants and balanced nitrogen metabolism in adults.
Lysis The gradual ending of a fever, and the opposite of CRISIS, which s
ignifies the sudden ending of a
fever. It is also used to describe the process of
tents to escape. A brown, clear, oily fluid with antiseptic properties,
made from coal-tar and
containing 50 per cent CRESOL. When mixed with water it forms a clear soapy flui
Lysol Poisoning When LYSOL is swallowed it burns the mouth and throat. B
rown discoloration of the
affected tissues, accompanied by the characteristic smell of lysol on the breath
, is typical.
Treatment This is urgent. If the skin has been contaminated with the lys
ol, it must be washed with
water, and any lysol-contaminated clothing must be taken off. Do not make the vi
ctim vomit if he or she has
swallowed a corrosive substance such as lysol or phenol. Call an ambulance and s
ay what the victim has
Lysozyme An ENZYME present in tears and egg white, lysozyme catalyses th
e destruction of some bacteria

by damaging their walls.

Lyssa Lyssa is another term for RABIES.

M Maceration
and central nervous system. Free macrophages move between cells and, usi
ng their scavenger properties,
collect at infection sites to remove foreign bodies, including bacteria. Fixed m
acrophages are found in
connective tissue.
Maceration is the softening of a solid by soaking in fluid.
Condition in which objects appear larger than normal. It can be due to d
isease of the MACULA see also
Prefix denoting large-sized cell for example, a MACROPHAGE is a large PH
Macrocyte Macrocyte is an unusually large red blood cell (see ERYTHROCYT
ES) especially characteristic
of the blood in PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA.
Macrocytosis This condition is particularly associated with PERNICIOUS A
NAEMIA but can also be caused
by a number of other things, such as alcohol, pregnancy, myxoedema (see THYROID
Hypothyroidism) and MYELOMATOSIS, and also by vitamin B12 deficiency: this occur
s sometimes in vegans (see
VEGANISM) as well as in patients with CROHNS DISEASE.
Macroglossia An abnormally large TONGUE.
Macrolides A group of ANTIBIOTICS. The original macrolide, ERYTHROMYCIN,
was discovered in the early
1950s and used successfully as an alternative to PENICILLIN. The name macrolide de
rives from the
molecular structure of this group, three others of which are clarithromycin, azi
thromycin and spiramycin.
Macrolides check PROTEIN synthesis in BACTERIA and the latest ones are, like ery
thromycin, active against
several bacterial species including gram-positive COCCI and rods. In addition, t
hey act against Haemophilus
influenzae. Clarithromycin is potent against Helicobacter pylori; azithromycin i
s effective against
infections caused by Legionella spp. (see LEGIONNAIRES DISEASE) and GONOCOCCI. Sp
iramycin is a
restricted-use macrolide prescribed for pregnant patients with TOXOPLASMOSIS.
Macrophage A large
PHAGOCYTE that forms part of the RETICULO-ENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM. It is foun
d in
many organs and tissues, including connective tissue, bone marrow, lymph
nodes, spleen, liver

A spot or area of tissue that is different from the surrounding tissue.

An example is the macula letea,
the yellow spot in the retina of the EYE.
Macules Areas of small, flat or slightly raised skin discoloration which
may occur in a wide range of
conditions such as many viral infections, eczema (DERMATITIS), PSORIASIS, SYPHIL
IS and after burns (see
BURNS AND SCALDS), as well as in pregnancy.
Maculopapular A skin rash that is made up of macules (discoloration of t
he skin) and papules (raised
abnormalities of the skin).
Madura Foot Tropical infection of the foot by deeply invasive fungi whic
h cause chronic swelling and
suppuration with multiple discharging sinuses. Antibiotics are of limited value
and advanced disease may
require amputation of the affected foot.
Magnesium Magnesium is a light metallic element; it is one of the essent
ial mineral elements of the
body, without which the body cannot function properly. The adult body contains a
round 25 grams of
magnesium, the greater part of which is in the bones. More than two-thirds of ou
r daily supply comes from
cereals and vegetables; as most other foods also contain useful amounts, there i
s seldom any difficulty in
maintaining an adequate amount in the body. Magnesium is also an essential const
ituent of several vital
enzymes (see ENZYME). Deficiency leads to muscular weakness and interferes with
the efficient working of
the heart. The salts of magnesium used as drugs are the hydroxide of magnesium,
the oxide of magnesium
generally known as magnesia and the carbonate of magnesium, all of which have an a
ntacid action; also
the sulphate of magnesium known as Epsom salts, which acts as a purgative.

428 Magnesium Trisilicate

Uses Compounds of magnesia are used to correct hyperacidity of the stoma
ch and as a laxative (see
LAXATIVES). Magnesium Trisilicate A white powder with mild antacid properties (s
ee ANTACIDS) and a
prolonged action, it is used for treating peptic ulceration commonly combined wi
th quickly acting
antacids. It has a mild laxative effect (see LAXATIVES).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) See MRI.
Malabsorption Syndrome This term includes a multiplicity of diseases, al
l of which are characterised by
faulty absorption from the INTESTINE of essential foodstuffs such as fat, vitami
ns and mineral salts. Among
the conditions in this syndrome are COELIAC DISEASE, SPRUE, CYSTIC FIBROSIS and
pancreatitis (see PANCREAS,
DISORDERS OF). Surgical removal of the small intestine also causes the syndrome.
Symptoms include ANAEMIA,
diarrhoea, OEDEMA, vitamin deficiencies, weight loss and, in severe cases, MALNU
M Malacia Malacia is a term applied to softening of a part or tissue in
disease: for example,
OSTEOMALACIA or softening of the bones.
Malaise A vague feeling of feverishness, listlessness and languor, malai
se sometimes precedes the onset
of serious acute diseases, but more commonly accompanies passing illnesses such
as DYSPEPSIA, chills and
Malar Anything relating to the cheek. For example, the malar (zygomatic)
bone is also known as the
cheek bone, and a malar flush is reddening of the cheeks.
Malaria A parasitic disease caused by four species of PLASMODIUM: P. fal
ciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale,
and P. malariae. Clinically, malaria is characterised by recurrent episodes of h
igh fever, sometimes
associated with RIGOR; enlargement of the SPLEEN is common. P. falciparum infect
ion can also be associated
with several serious often fatal complications (see below): although other speci
es cause chronic
disease, death is unusual. During a bite by the female mosquito, one or
more sporozoites a stage in the life-cycle of the parasite are injected
into the human circulation;
these are taken up by the hepatocytes (liver cells). Following division, merozoi
tes (minute particles
resulting from the division) are liberated into the bloodstream where they invad
e red blood cells. These in
turn divide, releasing further merozoites. As merozoites are periodically libera
ted into the bloodstream,
they cause the characteristic fevers, rigors, etc. Malaria occurs in many tropic
al and subtropical
countries; P. falciparum is, however, confined very largely to Africa, Asia and
South America. Malaria is
present in increasingly large areas; in addition, the parasites are developing r

esistance to various
preventative and treatment drugs. The disease constitutes a significant problem
for travellers, who must
obtain sound advice on chemoprophylaxis before embarking on tropical trips espec
ially to a rural area
where intense transmission can occur. Transmission has also been recorded at air
ports, and following blood
transfusion. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has listed malaria as one of Eu
ropes top ten infectious
diseases. In 1992, 20,000 cases were reported: this had risen to more than 200,0
00 by the late 1990s. The
resurgence of malaria has been worldwide, in part the result of the development
of resistant strains of the
disease, and in part because many countries have failed (or been unable) to impl
ement environmental
measures to eliminate mosquitoes. Nearly 40 years ago the WHO forecast that by 1
980 only four million
people would be affected worldwide; now, at the beginning of the 21st century, a
round 500 million people a
year are contracting malaria with about 3,000 people a day dying from the infect
ion as many as 70 per
cent of them children under the age of five, according to WHO figures. The appar
ently steady advance of
global warming means that countries with temperate climates may well warm up suf
ficiently to enable malaria
to become established as an ENDEMIC disease. In any case, the great increase in
international air travel
has exposed many more people to the risk of malaria, and infected individuals ma
y not exhibit symptoms
until they are back home. Doctors seeing a recent traveller with unexplained pyr
exia and illness should
consider the possibility of malarial infection. Diagnosis is by demonstration of
trophozoites a stage in
the parasites life-cycle that takes place in red blood cells in thick/thin bloodfilms of peripheral
blood. Serological tests are of value in deciding whether an

Maldescended Testis
individual has had a past infection, but are of no value in acute diseas
P. vivax and P. ovale infections cause less severe disease than P. falci
parum (see below), although
overall there are many clinical similarities; acute complications are unusual, b
ut chronic ANAEMIA is often
present. Primaquine is necessary to eliminate the exoerythrocytic cycle in the h
epatocyte (liver cell).
P. falciparum Complications of P. falciparum infection include cerebral
involvement (see BRAIN
Cerebrum), due to adhesion of immature trophozoites on to the cerebral vascular
endothelium; these lead to
a high death rate when inadequately treated. Renal involvement (frequently resul
PULMONARY OEDEMA, HYPOTENSION, HYPOGLYCAEMIA, and complications in pregnancy are
also important. In
complicated disease, HAEMODIALYSIS and exchange TRANSFUSION have been used. No a
dequate controlled trial
using the latter regimen has been carried out, however, and possible benefits mu
st be weighed against
numerous potential sideeffects for instance, the introduction of a wide range of
infections, overload of
the circulatory system with infused fluids, and other complications.
P. malariae usually produces a chronic infection, and chronic renal dise
ase (nephrotic syndrome) is an
occasional sequel, especially in tropical Africa. Gross SPLENOMEGALY (hyper-reac
tive malarious
splenomegaly, or tropical splenomegaly syndrome) can complicate all four human P
lasmodium spp. infections.
The syndrome responds to long-term malarial chemoprophylaxis. BURKITTS LYMPHOMA i
s found in geographical
areas where malaria infection is endemic; the EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS is aetiological
ly involved.
Prophylaxis Malaria specialists in the United Kingdom have produced guid
ance for residents travelling
to endemic areas for short stays. Drug choice takes account of: risk of exposure
to malaria; extent of drug
resistance; efficacy of recommended drugs and their side-effects; criteria relev
ant to the individual (e.g.
age, pregnancy, kidney or liver impairment). Personal protection against being b
itten by mosquitoes is
essential. Permethrinimpregnated nets are an effective barrier, while

skin barrier protection and vaporised insecticides are helpful. Lotions,
sprays or roll-on applicators
all containing diethyltoluamide (DEET) are safe and work when put on the skin. T
heir effect, however, lasts
only for a few hours. Long sleeves and trousers should be worn after dark. Drug
prophylaxis should be
started at least a week before travelling into countries where malaria is endemi

c (two or three weeks in

the case of mefloquine). Drug treatment should be continued for at least four we
eks after leaving endemic
areas. Even if all recommended antimalarial programmes are followed, it is possi
ble that malaria may occur
any time up to three months afterwards. Medical advice should be sought if any i
llness develops.
Chloroquine can be used as a prophylactic drug where the risk of resistant falci
parum malaria is low;
otherwise, mefloquine or proguanil hydrochloride should be used. Travellers to m
alaria-infested areas
should seek expert advice on appropriate prophylactic treatment well before depa
Various chemoprophylactic regimes are widely used. Those commmonly presc
ribed include: chloroquine +
paludrine, mefloquine, and Maloprim (trimethoprim + dapsone); Fansidar (trimetho
prim + sulphamethoxazole)
has been shown to have significant side-effects, especially when used in conjunc
tion with chloroquine, and
is now rarely used. No chemotherapeutic regimen is totally effective, so other p
reventive measures are
again being used. These include people avoiding mosquito bites, covering exposed
areas of the body between
dusk and dawn, and using mosquito repellents. Chemotherapy was for many years do
minated by the synthetic
agent chloroquine. However, with the widespread emergence of chloroquine-resista
nce, quinine is again being
widely used. It is given intravenously in severe infections; the oral route is u
sed subsequently and in
minor cases. Other agents currently in use include mefloquine, halofantrine, dox
ycycline, and the
artemesinin alkaloids (qinghaosu). Researchers are working on vaccines against mal
Malathion Organophosphorus insecticide which is a preferred scabicide an
d pediculocide; applied
externally; resistance is rare.
Maldescended Testis See under TESTICLE, DISEASES OF.

430 Malformation
Name of either of the two bony prominences at the ANKLE.
Deformation of a finger due to sudden forced flexion of the terminal joi
nt, leading to rupture of the
tendon. As a result the individual is unable to extend the terminal part of the
finger, which remains bent
forwards. The middle, ring and little fingers are most commonly involved. Treatm
ent is by splinting the
finger. The end result is satisfactory provided that the patient has sufficient
Malignant Hyperpyrexia
Mallet Toe
Malignant Hypertension Malignant hypertension has nothing to do with can
cer; it derives its name from
the fact that, if untreated, it runs a rapidly fatal course. (See HYPERTENSION.)
Malignant Hyperthermia M
Mallet Finger
A term applied in several ways to serious disorders. A TUMOUR is called
malignant when it grows
rapidly, tending to infiltrate surrounding healthy tissues and to spread to dist
ant parts of the body,
leading eventually to death (see CANCER). The term is also applied to types of d
isease which are much more
serious than the usual form for example, MALIGNANT HYPERTENSION. Malignant pustu
le is another name for
This disorder is a rare complication of general ANAESTHESIA caused, it i
s believed, by a combination of
an inhalation anaesthetic (usually HALOTHANE) and a muscle-relaxant drug (usuall
y succinycholine). A
life-endangering rise in temperature occurs, with muscular rigidity the first si
and SHOCK usually ensue. About 1:20,000 patients having general anaesthesia suff
er from this disorder,
which progresses rapidly and is often fatal. Surgery and anaesthesia must be sto
pped immediately and
appropriate corrective measures taken, including the intravenous administration
of DANTROLENE. It is a
dominantly inherited genetic condition; therefore, when a case is identified it
is most important that
relatives are screened.

Malignant Lymphoma See LYMPHOMA.

Malignant Melanoma
The condition in which it is not possible to extend the terminal part of
the toe. It is usually due to
muscular imbalance but may be caused by congenital absence of the extensor muscl
e. A callosity (see
CALLOSITIES) often forms on the toe, which may be painful. Should this be troubl
esome, treatment consists
of removal of the terminal phalanx.
Malleus The hammer-shaped lateral bone of the group of three that form t
he sound-transmitting ossicles
in the middle ear. (See EAR.)
Malnutrition The condition arising from an inadequate or unbalanced DIET
. The causes may be a lack of
one or more essential nutrients, or inadequate absorption from the intestinal tr
acts. A diet that is
deficient in CARBOHYDRATE usually contains inadequate PROTEIN, and this type of
malnutrition occurs widely
in Africa and Asia as a result of poverty, famine or war.
Maloprim A combination of PYRIMETHAMINE and DAPSONE which is used for th
e prevention of MALARIA in
limited circumstances. It has the advantage of only needing to be taken once wee
kly. It should not be taken
by anyone hypersensitive to sulphonamides, and should not be used for the treatm
ent of an acute attack.
Malingering Malingering is a term applied to the feigning of illness. In
the great majority of cases, a
person who feigns illness has a certain amount of disability, but exaggerates th
e illness or discomfort for
some ulterior motive for example, to take time off work or to obtain compensatio
Malpractice An American term implying improper or inadequate medical tre
atment that fails to match the
standards of skill and care reasonably expected from a qualified health-care pra
ctitioner usually a
doctor or dentist. Litigation against health professionals for malpractice has b
een running at substantial
levels in the USA for some years. During the past decade the

number of cases has been rising sharply in the United Kingdom, where the
more usual term is clinical
negligence. The increase is assumed to be partly because of failings in the NHS,
and partly because
patients have more understanding of health care, accompanied by higher expectati
ons of treatment outcomes.
Patients concerned that they or their relatives might have been subject to negli
gence which has caused harm
should consult a solicitor experienced in the field of clinical negligence. www.
to treat breast cancer; to enlarge small breasts; or to reduce the size
of overlarge breasts. The
routine method for breast enlargement used to be the insertion of silicone (see
SILICONES) implants under
the skin; controversy about the long-term safety of silicone, however, has restr
icted their use mainly to
women needing reconstruction of their breasts after cancer surgery. Side-effects
have included hardening of
breast tissue, leaking of implants and development of scar tissue. (See also MAS
This process aims to reduce the costs of health care while maintaining i
ts quality. The concept
originated in the United States but has attracted interest in the United Kingdom
and Europe, where the
spiralling costs of health care have been causing widespread concern. Managed ca
re works through changing
clinical practice, but it is not a discrete entity: the American I. J. Iglehart
has defined it as a
variety of methods of financing and organising the delivery of comprehensive hea
lth care in which an
attempt is made to control costs by controlling the provision of services. Manage
d care has three facets:
health policy; how that policy is managed; and how individuals needing health ca
re are dealt with. The
process and its applications are still evolving and it is likely that different
health-care systems will
adapt it to suit their own particular circumstances.
A situation during childbirth in which a baby is not in the customary he
ad-first position before
delivery. The result is usually a complicated labour in which a caesarean operat
ion may be necessary to
effect the birth. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Malta Fever See BRUCELLOSIS.
Mammary Gland See BREASTS.
Mammography The special technique whereby X-rays are used to show the st
ructure of the breast or any
abnormalities in it (see BREASTS; BREASTS, DISEASES OF). It is an effective way
of distinguishing benign

from malignant tumours, and can detect tumours that are not palpable. In a multi
-centre study in the USA,
called the Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project and involving nearly 30
0,000 women in the 4049
age group, 35 per cent of the tumours found were detected by mammography alone,
13 per cent by physical
examination, and 50 per cent by both methods combined. The optimum frequency of
screening is debatable: the
American College of Radiologists recommends a baseline mammogram at the age of 4
0 years, with subsequent
mammography at one- to two-year intervals up to the age of 50; thereafter, annua
l mammography is
recommended. In the United Kingdom a less intensive screening programme is in pl
ace, with women over 50
being screened every three years. As breast cancer is the commonest malignancy i
n western women and is
increasing in frequency, the importance of screening for this form of cancer is
Mammoplasty A surgical operation to reconstruct a breast (see BREASTS) a
fter part or all of it has been
Managed Health Care
Mandelic Acid Also known as mandelamine, a non-toxic ketoacid used in th
e treatment of infections of
the urinary tract, especially those due to the Escherichia coli and the Streptoc
occus faecalis or
Enterococcus. It is administered in doses of 3 grams several times daily. As it
is only effective in an
acid urine, ammonium chloride must be taken at the same time.
Mandible The bone of the lower JAW.
Manganese A metal, oxides of which are found abundantly in nature. Perma
nganate of potassium is a
wellknown disinfectant. The body requires small amounts of the metal for normal
growth and development.
Mania A form of mental disorder characterised by great excitement. (See

432 Manic Depression

Manic Depression
Manic depression, or CYCLOTHYMIA, is a form of MENTAL ILLNESS characteri
sed by alternate attacks of
mania and depression.
The passive movement (frequently forceful) of bones, joints, or soft tis
sues, carried out by
orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists (see PHYSIOTHERAPY), osteopaths (see OSTE
OPATHY) and chiropractors
(see CHIROPRACTOR) as an important part of treatment often highly effective. It
may be used for three
chief reasons: correction of deformity (mainly the reduction of fractures and di
slocations, or to overcome
deformities such as congenital club-foot see TALIPES); treatment of joint stiffn
ess (particularly after
an acute limb injury, or FROZEN SHOULDER); and relief of chronic pain (particula
rly when due to chronic
strain, notably of the spinal joints see PROLAPSED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC). Dependi
ng on the particular
injury or deformity being treated, and the estimated force required, manipulatio
n may be used with or
without ANAESTHESIA. Careful clinical and radiological examination, together wit
h other appropriate
investigations, should always be carried out before starting treatment, to reduc
e the risk of harm, or
disasters such as fractures or the massive displacement of an intervertebral dis
Mannitol An osmotic diuretic (see DIURETICS) given by a slow intravenous
infusion to reduce OEDEMA of
the BRAIN or raised intraocular pressure in GLAUCOMA.
Manometer An instrument for measuring the pressure or tension of liquids
or gases. (See BLOOD
Mantoux Test A test for TUBERCULOSIS. It consists in injecting into the
superficial layers of the skin
(i.e. intradermally) a very small quantity of old TUBERCULIN which contains a pr
otein ANTIGEN to TB. A
positive reaction of the skin swelling and redness shows that the person so reac
ting has been infected
at some time in the past with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, it does not m
ean that such a person is
suffering from active tuberculosis.
Manubrium The uppermost part of the breastbone.

Marasmus Progressive wasting, especially in young children, when there i
s no ascertainable cause. It is
generally associated with defective feeding. (See also ATROPHY; INFANT FEEDING.)
Marburg Disease This is also known as green monkey disease, or vervet mo
nkey disease, because the first
recorded human cases acquired their infection from monkeys of this genus. It is
a highly dangerous viral
infection with a high mortality rate. The incubation period is 49 days. The onset
is sudden with marked
nausea and severe headache; this is followed by rising temperature, diarrhoea, a
nd vomiting. Towards the
end of the first week a rash appears which persists for a week and is accompanie
d by internal bleeding. In
those who recover, convalescence is slow and prolonged. Apart from laboratory in
fections acquired through
working with vervet monkeys, all the cases so far reported have occurred in Afri
March Fracture A curious condition in which a fracture occurs of the sec
ond (rarely, the third)
metatarsal bone in the foot without any obvious cause. The usual story is that a
pain suddenly developed in
the foot while walking or marching (hence the name), and that it has persisted e
ver since. The only
treatment needed is immobilisation of the foot and rest, and the fracture heals
satisfactorily. (For more
information on fractures, see BONE, DISORDERS OF Bone fractures.)
March Haemoglobinuria A complication of walking and running over long di
stances. It is due to damage to
red blood cells in the blood vessels of the soles of the feet. This results in H
AEMOGLOBIN being released
into the bloodstream, which is then voided in the URINE the condition known as H
treatment is required.
Marfans Syndrome An inherited disorder affecting about one person in 50,0
00 in which the CONNECTIVE
TISSUE is abnormal. The result is defects of the heart valves, the arteries aris
ing from the heart, the
skeleton and the eyes. The victims are unusually tall and thin with a particular
facial appearance (the US
President Abraham Lincoln was said to have Marfans) and deformities of the chest
and spine. They have

fingers and toes and their joints and ligaments are weak. Orthopaedic in
tervention may help, as will
drugs to control the heart problems. As affected individuals have a 50 per cent
chance of passing on the
disease to their children, they should receive genetic counselling.
by trained practitioners. A complete list of members of the Chartered So
ciety of Physiotherapy can be
obtained on application to the Secretary of the Society.
Another term for CANNABIS, hemp, or hashish. (See also DEPENDENCE.)
An important muscle of MASTICATION that extends from the zygomatic arch
in the cheek to the mandible or
jawbone. It acts by closing the jaw.
Marriage Guidance
Mass Hysteria
Mass Miniature Radiography
A method of obtaining X-ray photographs of the chests of large numbers o
f people. It has been used on a
large scale as a means of screening the population for pulmonary TUBERCULOSIS. I
t is no longer used in the
United Kingdom.
Marsh Fever See MALARIA.
Mask A device that covers the nose and mouth
hetics (see ANAESTHESIA) or
other gases such as oxygen to be administered. It is
e and mouth to ensure that
antiseptic conditions are maintained during surgery,
rsing a patient in
conditions of isolation. The term is also applied to
ce that occurs in certain
disorders for example, in PARKINSONISM.

to enable inhalation anaest

also a covering for the nos
when dressing a wound or nu
the expressionless appearan

Masochism A condition in which a person gets pleasure from physical or e

motional pain inflicted by
others or themselves. The term is often used in the context of achieving sexual
excitement through

inflicted pain. Masochism may be a conscious or subconscious activity.

Massage A method of treatment in which the operator uses his or her hand
s, or occasionally other
appliances, to rub the skin and deeper tissues of the person under treatment. It
is often combined with (a)
passive movements, in which the masseur/masseuse moves the limbs in various ways
, the person treated making
no effort; or (b) active movements, which are performed with the combined assist
ance of masseur/masseuse
and patient. Massage is also often combined with baths and gymnastics in order t
o strengthen various
muscles. It helps to improve circulation, prevent adhesions in injured tissues,
relax muscular spasm,
improve muscle tone and reduce any oedema. (See also CARDIAC MASSAGE.) Massage f
or medical conditions is
best done
Mastalgia The term applied to pain in the breast (see BREASTS; BREASTS,
Mast Cells Round or oval cells found predominantly in the loose CONNECTI
VE TISSUE. They contain
HISTAMINE and HEPARIN, and carry immunoglobulin E, the antibody which plays a pr
edominant part in allergic
reactions (see ANTIBODIES; ALLERGY). Although known to play a part in inflammato
ry reactions, allergy, and
hypersensitivity, their precise function in health and disease is still not quit
e clear.
Mastectomy A surgical operation to remove part or all of the breast (see
BREASTS). It is usually done
to treat cancer, when it is commonly followed by CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY (s
There are four types of mastectomy: lumpectomy, quandrantectomy, subcutaneous ma
stectomy and total
mastectomy. The choice of operation depends upon several factors, including the
site and nature of the
tumour and the patients age and health. Traditionally, radical mastectomy was use
d to treat breast cancer;
in the past three decades, however, surgeons and oncologists have become more se
lective in their treatment
of the disease, bringing the patient into the decision-making on the best course
of action. Lumpectomy is
done where there is a discrete lump less than 2 cm in diameter with no evidence
of glandular spread. A
small lump (25 cm) with limited spread to the glands may be removed by

434 Mastication
quadrantectomy or subcutaneous mastectomy (which preserves the nipple an
d much of the skin, so
producing a better cosmetic effect). Lumps bigger than 5 cm and fixed to the und
erlying tissues require
total mastectomy in which the breast tissue, skin and some fat are dissected dow
n to the chest muscles and
removed. In addition, the tail of the breast tissue and regional lymph glands ar
e removed. In all types of
mastectomy, surgeons endeavour to produce as good a cosmetic result as possible,
subject to the adequate
removal of suspect tissue and glands. Breast reconstructive surgery (MAMMOPLASTY
) may be done at the same
time as the mastectomy the preferred option or, if that is not feasible, at a la
ter date. Where the
whole breast has been excised, some form of artificial breast (prosthesis) will
be provided. This may be an
external prosthesis fitted into a specially made brassiere, or an internal impla
nt perhaps a silicone
bag, though there has been controversy over the safety of this device. Reconstru
ctive techniques involving
the transfer of skin and muscle from nearby areas are also being developed. Post
-operatively, patients can
obtain advice from Breast Cancer Care.
M Mastication The act whereby, as a result of movements of the lower jaw
, lips, tongue, and cheek, food
is reduced to a condition in which it is ready to be acted on by the gastric jui
ces in the process of
DIGESTION. Adequate mastication before swallowing is an essential part of the di
gestive process.
Mastitis The term applied to inflammation of the breast (see BREASTS, DI
Mastocytosis A rare condition in which the primary abnormality is of MAS
T CELLS a type of cell
responsible for the storage and release of agents such as HISTAMINE, important i
n allergic states. Patients
may present with an urticarial rash (urticaria pigmentosa) but may have symptoms
referable to any part of
the body, related to collections of active mast cells in these areas.
Mastoid Process The large process of the temporal bone of the SKULL whic
h can be felt immediately
behind the ear. It contains numerous cavities, one of which the mastoid antrum c
ommunicates with the
middle ear, and is liable to suppurate
when the middle ear is diseased. (See
under EAR,
Masturbation The production of an ORGASM by selfmanipulation of the PENI
Mat Burn A combination of a burn and an abrasion which occurs in wrestle

rs when the skin over the bony

points is rubbed against the unyielding canvas mat.
Materia Medica The branch of medical study which deals with the sources,
preparations and uses of
drugs. (See MEDICINES.)
Maxilla The name applied to the upper jawbones, which bear the teeth.
Mean A statistical term meaning the value obtained when you add up the t
otal of a set of observations
and divide the result by the number of observations. It can give a false impress
ion if there are a few
outliers individual results well beyond the range of the remainder.
Measles Measles, formerly known as morbilli, is an acute infectious dise
ase occurring mostly in
children and caused by an RNA paramyxovirus.
Epidemiology There has been a dramatic fall in the number of sufferers f
rom 1986, when more than 80,000
cases were reported. This is due to the introduction in 1988 of the measles, mum
ps and rubella vaccine (MMR
VACCINE see also IMMUNISATION); 1990, when the proportion of children immunised
reached 90 per cent, was
the first year in which no deaths from measles were reported. Even so, fears of
sideeffects of the vaccine
against measles including scientifically unproven and discredited claims of a li
nk with AUTISM mean
that some children in the UK are not being immunised, and since 2002 local outbr
eaks of measles have been
reported in a few areas of the UK. Sideeffects are, however, rare and the govern
ment is campaigning to
raise the rate of immunisation, with GPs being set targets for their practices.
There are few diseases as
infectious as measles, and its rapid spread in epidemics is no

doubt due to the fact that this viral infection is most potent in the ea
rlier stages. Hence the
difficulty of timely isolation, and the readiness with which the disease is spre
ad, which is mostly by
infected droplets. In developing countries measles results in the death of more
than a million children
Symptoms The incubation period, during which the child is well, lasts 721
days. Initial symptoms are
CATARRH, conjunctivitis (see EYE, DISORDERS OF), fever and a feeling of wretched
ness. Then Koplik spots a
classic sign of measles appear on the roof of the mouth and lining of the cheeks
. The macular body rash,
typical of measles, appears 35 days later. Common complications include otitis me
dia (see under EAR,
DISEASES OF) and PNEUMONIA. Measles ENCEPHALITIS can cause permanent brain damag
e. A rare event is a
gradual dementing disease (see DEMENTIA) called subacute sclerosing panenecephal
itis (SSPE).
Treatment Isolation of the patient and treatment of any secondary bacter
ial infection, such as
pneumonia or otitis, with antibiotics. Children usually run a high temperature w
hich can be relieved with
cool sponging and antipyretic drugs. Calamine lotion may alleviate any itching.
Meckels Diverticulum A hollow pouch sometimes found attached to the small
INTESTINE. It is placed on
the small intestine about 90120 cm (34 feet) from its junction with the large inte
stine, is several
centimetres long, and ends blindly. It is lined with cells similar to those whic
h line the stomach, and so
may produce acid. This leads to occasional illness Meckels diverticulitis with ul
ceration, which causes
abdominal pain and fever (sometimes referred to as left-sided appendicitis). Perfo
ration may result in
PERITONITIS and, rarely, may be the lead point of an INTUSSUSCEPTION.
Meconium The brown, semi-fluid material which collects in the bowels of
a FETUS before birth, and which
should be discharged either at the time of birth or shortly afterwards. It consi
sts partly of BILE secreted
by the liver before birth; partly of debris from the mucous membrane of the inte
Media The middle layer of an organ or tissue, but more usually applied t
o the wall of an artery or
vein, where the media comprises layers of elastic and smooth muscle fibres.
Medial Near the middle of tissue, organ or body.

Meatus A term applied to any passage or opening: for example, external a

uditory meatus the passage
from the surface to the drum of the EAR.
Mebendazole An anthelmintic drug (see ANTHELMINTICS) used to treat threa
dworms (see ENTEROBIASIS). It
is the drug of choice, except for in children aged two years or younger. A singl
e dose is usually
effective, but reinfection is common and a second treatment may be given after t
hree weeks.
Mebeverine A direct relaxant of the smooth muscle in the INTESTINE, it m
ay relieve pain in patients
Medial Tibial Syndrome The term applied by athletes to a condition chara
cterised by pain over the inner
border of the shin, which occurs in most runners and sometimes in joggers. The s
yndrome, also known as shin
splints, is due to muscular swelling resulting in inadequate blood supply in the
muscle: hence the pain.
The disorder may be the result of compartment syndrome (build-up of pressure in
the muscles), TENDINITIS,
muscle or bone inflammation, or damage to the muscle. It usually disappears with
in a few weeks, responding
to rest and PHYSIOTHERAPY, with or without injections. In some cases, however, i
t becomes chronic and so
severe that it occurs even at rest. If the cause is the compartment syndrome, re
lief is usually obtained by
a simple operation to relieve the pressure in the affected muscles.
Median A statistical term which is the central value of a set of values
placed in order of size. The
median divides the set into two halves.

436 Mediastinum
Mediastinum Mediastinum is the space in the chest which lies between the
two lungs. It contains the
heart and great vessels, the gullet, the lower part of the windpipe, the thoraci
c duct and the phrenic
nerves, as well as numerous structures of less importance.
Medicaid A joint state and federal health insurance scheme in the United
States that provides cover for
poorer people in the population.
Medical Audit A systematic review of the procedures involved in the diag
nosis, care and treatment of
patients. Such a review includes the input of associated resources for example,
social-services care and
funding and an assessment of the outcome and quality of life for the patient(s).
If the review is
undertaken by health-care professionals, the process is called CLINICAL AUDIT.
Medical Defence Organisations
These are UK bodies that provide doctors with advice and, where appropri
ate, financial support in
defending claims for medical negligence in their clinical practice. They also ad
vise doctors on all legal
aspects of their work, including patients complaints, and provide representation
for members called to
account by the GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL (GMC) or other regulatory body. The sharp
rise in claims for medical
negligence in the NHS in the 1980s persuaded the UK Health Departments to introd
uce a risk-pooling system
called the Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts, and the defence societies liai
se with this scheme when
advising their doctor members on responding to claims of negligence (see MEDICAL
Medical Devices Agency An executive agency of the Department of Health i
n the UK. Set up in 1994, it is
responsible for regulating and advising on the sale or use of any product, other
than a medicine, used in
the health-care environment for the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring or treatme
nt of illness or disease.
Equipment ranges from pacemakers (see CARDIAC PACEMAKER) to prostheses (see PROS
THESIS), and from syringes
to magnetic resonance imaging (see (MRI).
Medical Education This term is used to define the process of learning an
d knowledge-acquisition in the
study of medicine. It also encompasses the expertise
required to develop education and training for students and learners in
all aspects of medical health
care. Studies for undergraduate students, postgraduate students and individual h
ealthcare practitioners,
from the initial stages to the ongoing development of a career in medicine or as
sociated health fields, are

also included in medical education. The word pedagogy is sometimes applied to this
process. A range of
research investigations has developed within medical education. These apply to c
ourse monitoring, audit,
development and validation, assessment methodologies and the application of educ
ationally appropriate
principles at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Research is undertaken by m
edical educationalists
whose backgrounds include teaching, social sciences and medicine and related hea
lth-care specialties, and
who will hold a medical or general educational diploma, degree or other appropri
ate postgraduate
qualification. Development and validation for all courses are an important part
of continuing accreditation
processes. The relatively conservative courses at both undergraduate and postgra
duate levels, including
diplomas and postgraduate qualifications awarded by the specialist medical royal
colleges (responsible for
standards of specialist education) and universities, have undergone a range of r
eassessment and
redefinition driven by the changing needs of the individual practitioner in the
last decade. The stimuli to
change aspects of medical training have come from the government through the for
mer Chief Medical Officer,
Sir Kenneth Calman, and the introduction of new approaches to specialist trainin
g (the Calman programme),
from the GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL (GMC) and its document Tomorrows Doctors, as wel
l as from the profession
itself through the activities of the British Medical Association and the medical
royal colleges. The
evolving expectations of the public in their perception of the requirements of a
doctor, and changes in
education of other groups of health professionals, have also led to pressures fo
r changes. Consequently,
many new departments and units devoted to medical education within university me
dical schools, royal
colleges and elsewhere within higher education have been established. These deve
lopments have built upon
practice developed elsewhere in the world, particularly in North America, Austra
lia and some European
countries. Undergraduate education has seen application of new educational metho
ds, including Problem-Based
Learning (PBL) in Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester; clinical and communications

Medical Litigation
teaching; early patient contact; and the extensive adoption of Internet
(World Wide Web) support and
Computer-Aided Learning (CAL). In postgraduate education driven by European dire
ctives and practices,
changes in specialist training and the needs of community medicine new courses h
ave developed around the
membership and fellowship examinations for the royal colleges. Examples of these
changes driven by medical
education expertise include the STEP course for the Royal College of Surgeons of
England, and
distance-learning courses for diplomas in primary care and rheumatology, as well
as examples of good
practice as adopted by the Royal College of General Practitioners. Continuing Pr
ofessional Development
(CPD) and Continuing Medical Education (CME) are also important aspects of medic
al education now being
developed in the United Kingdom, and are evolving to meet the needs of individua
ls at all stages of their
careers. Bodies closely involved in medical educational developments and their r
eview include the General
Medical Council, SCOPME (the Standing Committee on Postgraduate Medical Educatio
n), all the medical royal
colleges and medical schools, and the British Medical Association through its Bo
ard of Medical Education.
The National Health Service (NHS) is also involved in education and is a key to
facilitation of CPD/CME as
the major employer of doctors within the United Kingdom. Several learned societi
es embrace medical
education at all levels. These include ASME (the Association for the Study of Me
dical Education), MADEN
(the Medical and Dental Education Network) and AMEE (the Association for Medical
Education in Europe).
Specialist journals are devoted to research reports relating to medical educatio
nal developments (e.g.
Academic Medicine, Health Care Education, Medical Education). The more general m
edical journals (e.g.
British Medical Journal, New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Annals of
the Royal College of
Surgeons) also carry articles on educational matters. Finally, the World Wide We
b (WWW) is a valuable
source of information relating to courses and course development and other aspec
ts of modern medical
education. The UK government, which controls the number of students entering med
ical training, has recently
increased the quota to take account of increasing demands for trained staff from
the NHS. More than 5,700
students 3,300 women and 2,400 men are now entering UK medical schools annually
with nearly 28,600 at
medical school in any one year, and an attrition
rate of about 810 per cent. This loss may in part be due to the changes i
n universityfunding
arrangements. Students now pay all or part of their tuition fees, and this can r
esult in medical graduates
owing several thousand pounds when they qualify at the end of their five-year ba
sic qualification course.

Doctors wishing to specialise need to do up to five years (sometimes more) of sa

laried hands-on training
in house or registrar (intern) posts. Though it may be a commonly held belief th
at most students enter
medicine for humanitarian reasons rather than for the financial rewards of a suc
cessful medical career, in
developed nations the prospect of status and rewards is probably one incentive.
However, the cost to
students of medical education along with the widespread publicity in Britain abo
ut an under-resourced,
seriously overstretched health service, with staff working long hours and dealin
g with a rising number of
disgruntled patients, may be affecting recruitment, since the number of applican
ts for medical school has
dropped in the past year or so. Although there is still competition for places,
planners need to bear this
falling trend in mind. Another factor to be considered for the future is the nat
ure of the medical
curriculum. In Britain and western Europe, the age structure of a probably decli
ning population will become
top-heavy with senior citizens. In the financial interests of the countries affe
cted, and in the personal
interests of an ageing population, it would seem sensible to raise the profile o
f preventive medicine
traditionally rather a Cinderella subject in medical education, thus enabling pe
ople to live healthier as
well as longer lives. While learning about treatments is essential, the increasi
ng specialisation and
subspecialisation of medicine in order to provide expensive, high-technology car
e to a population, many of
whom are suffering from preventable illnesses originating in part from self-indu
lgent lifestyles, seems
insupportable economically, unsatisfactory for patients awaiting treatment, and
not necessarily
professionally fulfilling for health-care staff. To change the mix of medical ed
ucation would be a
difficult long-term task but should be worthwhile for providers and recipients o
f medical care.
Medical Litigation Legal action taken by an individual or group of indiv
iduals, usually patients,
against hospitals, health-service providers or health professionals

438 Medical Negligence

in respect of alleged inadequacies in the provision of health care. In t
he hospital service, claims for
clinical negligence have risen enormously since the 1970s. In 1975 the NHS spent
about 1m a year on legal
claims; by 2004 the NHS faced over 2 billion in outstanding claims. In 1995 a ris
kpooling Clinical
Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) was set up in England, and is administered b
y the NHS Litigation
Authority. NHS trusts are expected to follow a set of riskmanagement standards,
the first being that each
trust should have a written risk-management strategy with an explicit commitment
to managing clinical risk
Medical Negligence
Under the strict legal definition, negligence must involve proving a cle
arly established duty of care
which has been breached in a way that has resulted in injury or harm to the reci
pient of care. There does
not need to be any malicious intention. Whether or not a particular injury can b
e attributed to medical
negligence, or must simply be accepted as a reasonable risk of the particular tr
eatment, depends upon an
assessment of whether the doctor has fallen below the standard expected of pract
itioners in the particular
specialty. A defence to such a claim is that a respected body of practitioners w
ould have acted in the same
way (even though the majority might not) and in doing so would have acted logica
Medical Oncology
ities of hospitals and universities. There are several medical charities
and foundations for example,
the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, the British Heart Foundation, the Nuffield La
boratories and the Wellcome
Trust which fund and foster medical research.
Medicare A health insurance scheme in the United States, managed by the
federal government, that
provides cover for Americans over the age of 65 who have certain disabilities.
Medicated Description of a substance that contains a medicinal drug, com
monly applied to items such as
sweets and soaps.
Medicine (1) The skills and science used by trained practitioners to pre
vent, diagnose, treat and
research disease and its related factors. (2) A drug used to treat an individual
with an illness or injury
(see MEDICINES). (3) The diagnosis and treatment of those diseases not normally
requiring surgical
Defensive medicine Diagnostic or treatment procedures undertaken by prac

titioners in which they aim to

reduce the likelihood of legal action by patients. This may result in requests f
or investigations that,
arguably, are to provide legal cover for the doctor rather than more certain cli
nical diagnosis for the
Medical Record The information recorded and kept on paper or electronica
lly by health professionals
about an individuals illness(es). The information is normally confidential to tho
se responsible for caring
for the patient and to the patient, if he or she should wish to see it. (See CON
Medical Research Council A statutory body in the United Kingdom that pro
motes the balanced development
of medical and related biological research and aims to advance knowledge that wi
ll lead to improved health
care. It employs its own research staff in more than 40 research establishments.
These include the National
Institute for Medical Research, the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, and the Cli
nical Sciences Centre.
Grants are provided so that individual scientists can do research which compleme
nts the research activMedicine of Ageing Diseases developing during a persons lifetime may be t
he result of his or her
lifestyle, environment, genetic factors and natural AGEING factors.
Lifestyle While this may change as people grow older for instance, physi
cal activity is commonly
reduced some lifestyle factors are unchanged: for example, cigarette smoking, co
mmonly started in
adolescence, may be continued as an adult, resulting in smokers cough and eventua
lly chronic BRONCHITIS
and EMPHYSEMA; widespread ATHEROSCLEROSIS causing heart attacks and STROKE; oste
oporosis (see BONE,
DISORDERS OF) producing bony fractures; and cancer affecting the lungs and bladd
Genetic factors can cause sickle cell disease (see ANAEMIA), HUNTINGTONS
polycystic disease of the

Ageing process This is associated with the in women and, in both sexes,
with a reduction in the bodys
tissue elasticity and often a deterioration in mental and physical capabilities.
When compared with
illnesses described in much younger people, similar illnesses in old age present
in an atypical manner
for example, confusion and changed behaviour due to otherwise asymptomatic heart
failure, causing a reduced
supply of oxygen to the brain. Social adversity in old age may result from the c
ombined effects of reduced
body reserve, atypical presentation of illness, multiple disorders and POLYPHARM
Age-related change in the presentation of illnesses This was first recog
nised by the specialty of
geriatric medicine (also called the medicine of ageing) which is concerned with
the medical and social
management of advanced age. The aim is to assess, treat and rehabilitate such pa
tients. The number of
institutional beds has been steadily cut, while availability of day-treatment ce
ntres and respite
facilities has been boosted although still inadequate to cope with the growing n
umber of people over 65.
These developments, along with day social centres, provide relatives and carers
with a break from the often
demanding task of looking after the frail or ill elderly. As the proportion of e
lderly people in the
population rises, along with the cost of hospital inpatient care, close cooperat
ion between hospitals,
COMMUNITY CARE services and primary care trusts (see under GENERAL PRACTITIONER
(GP)) becomes increasingly
important if senior citizens are not to suffer from the consequences of the tigh
t operating budgets of the
various medical and social agencies with responsibilities for the care of the el
derly. Private or voluntary
nursing and residential homes have expanded in the past 15 years and now care fo
r many elderly people who
previously would have been occupying NHS facilities. This trend has been acceler
ated by a tightening of the
benefit rules for funding such care. Local authorities are now responsible for a
ssessing the needs of
elderly people in the community and deciding whether they are eligible for finan
cial support (in full or in
part) for nursing-home care. With a substantial proportion of hospital inpatient
s in the United Kingdom
being over 60, it is sometimes argued that all health professionals should be sk
illed in the care of the
elderly; thus the need for doctors and nurses trained in the specialty of geriat
rics is diminishing. Even
so, as more people are reaching their
80s, there seems to be a reasonable case for training staff in the type
of care these individuals need
and to facilitate research into illness at this stage of life.
Medicines Medicines are drugs made stable, palatable and acceptable for

administration. In Britain, the

Medicines Act 1968 controls the making, advertising and selling of substances us
ed for medicinal
purposes, which means diagnosing, preventing or treating disease, or altering a f
unction of the body.
Permission to market a medicine has to be obtained from the government through t
AGENCY, or from the European Commission through the European Medicines Evaluatio
n Agency. It takes the form
of a Marketing Authorisation (formerly called a Product Licence), and the uses t
o which the medicine can be
put are laid out in the Summary of Product Characteristics (which used to be cal
led the Product Data
Sheet). There are three main categories of licensed medicinal product. Drugs in
small quantities can, if
they are perceived to be safe, be licensed for general sale (GSL general sales l
ist), and may then be
sold in any retail shop. P (pharmacy-only) medicines can be sold from a register
ed pharmacy by or under the
supervision of a pharmacist (see PHARMACISTS); no prescription is needed. P and
GSL medicines are together
known as OTCs that is, over-thecounter medicines. POM (prescription-only medicines
) can only be
obtained from a registered pharmacy on the prescription of a doctor or dentist.
As more information is
gathered on the safety of drugs, and more emphasis put on individual responsibil
ity for health, there is a
trend towards allowing drugs that were once POM to be more widely available as P
medicines. Examples
include HYDROCORTISONE 1 per cent cream for skin rashes, CIMETIDINE for indigest
ion, and ACICLOVIR for cold
sores. Care is needed to avoid taking a P medicine that might alter the actions
of another medicine taken
with it, or that might be unsuitable for other reasons. Patients should read the
leaflet, and seek the pharmacists advice if they have any doubt about the informa
tion. They should tell
their pharmacist or doctor if the medicine results in any unexpected effects. Po
tentially dangerous drugs
are preparations referred to under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and subsequent r
egulations approved in
1985. Described as CONTROLLED DRUGS, these include such preparations as COCAINE,


URATES and most

Naming of drugs A European Community Directive (92/27/EEC) requires the
use of the Recommended
International Non-proprietary Name (rINN) for medicinal substances. For most of
these the British Approved
Name (BAN) and rINN were identical; where the two were different, the BAN has be
en modified in line with
the rINN. Doctors and other authorised subscribers are advised to write titles o
f drugs and preparations in
full because unofficial abbreviations may be misinterpreted. Where a drug or pre
paration has a
non-proprietary (generic) title, this should be used in prescribing unless there
is a genuine problem over
the bioavailability properties of a proprietary drug and its generic equivalent.
Where proprietary
commercially registered names exist, they may in general be used only for produc
ts supplied by the
trademark owners. Countries outside the European Union have their own regulation
s for the naming of
Methods of administration The ways in
M which drugs are given are increasingly ingenious. Most are still given
by mouth; some oral
preparations (slow release or controlled release preparations) are designed to relea
se their contents
slowly into the gut, to maintain the action of the drug. Buccal preparations are
allowed to dissolve in the
mouth, and sublingual ones are dissolved under the tongue. The other end of the
gastrointestinal tract can
also absorb drugs: suppositories inserted in the rectum can be used for their lo
cal actions for example,
as laxatives or to allow absorption when taking the drug by mouth is difficult o
r impossible for
example, during a convulsion, or when vomiting. Small amounts of drug can be abs
orbed through the intact
skin, and for very potent drugs like OESTROGENS (female sex hormones) or the ant
i-anginal drug GLYCERYL
TRINITRATE, a drug-releasing patch can be used. Drugs can be inhaled into the lung
s as a fine powder to
treat or prevent ASTHMA attacks. They can also be dispersed (nebulised) as a fine
mist which can be
administered with compressed air or oxygen. Spraying a drug into the nostril, so
that it can be absorbed
through the lining of the nose into the bloodstream, can avoid destruction of th
e drug in the stomach. This
route is used for a small number of drugs like antidiuretic hormone (see VASOPRE
Injection remains an important route of administering drugs both locally
(for example, into joints or
into the eyeball), and into the bloodstream. For this latter purpose, drugs can
be given under the skin
that is, subcutaneously (s.c. also called hypodermic injection); into muscle int
ramuscularly (i.m.); or
into a vein intravenously (i.v.). Oily or crystalline preparations of drugs inje
cted subcutaneously form
a depot from which they are absorbed only slowly into the blood. The action of dru

and INSULIN can be prolonged by using such preparations, which also allow contra
ceptive implants that
work for some months (see CONTRACEPTION).
Safe disposal of unwanted medicines Unwanted medicines are a form of cont
rolled waste under the
Environmental Protection Act 1990 and must be disposed of in an appropriate way.
The best thing is to take
any extra or unwanted medicines to a registered pharmacy. Syringes and needles (
used by diabetic patients,
for example) pose problems: devices exist to cut off and retain the needle, and
some local authorities in
the United Kingdom arrange for collection and safe disposal. There are also loca
l needle exchange schemes
for intravenous drug abusers.
Safe use of medicines All medicines can have unwanted effects (side-effec
ts or, more strictly,
adverse effects) that are unpleasant and sometimes harmful. It is best not to ta
ke any medicine, prescribed
or otherwise, unless there is a clear reason for doing so; the possible adverse
effects of treatment, and
the risk of their occurring, have to be set against any likely benefit. Remember
too that one treatment can
affect another already being taken. Many adverse events depend upon the recommen
ded dose being exceeded.
Some people for example, those with allergies (see ALLERGY) to a particular grou
p of drugs, or those with
kidney or liver disease are more likely to suffer adverse effects than otherwise
healthy people. When an
individual begins a course of treatment, he or she should take it as instructed.
treatments especially, it is important to take the whole course of tablets presc
ribed, because brief
exposure of bacteria to an antibiotic can make them resistant to treatment. Most
drugs can be stopped at
once, but some treatments can cause unpleasant, and occasionally dangerous, symp
toms if stopped abruptly.
Sleeping tablets, anti-EPILEPSY treatment, and medicines used to treat ANGINA PE
CTORIS are among the agents
which can cause

Medulla Oblongata
The hindmost part of the BRAIN, continuing into the SPINAL CORD. In it a
re situated several of the
nerve centres which are most essential to life, such as those governing breathin
g, the action of the heart
and swallowing.
withdrawal symptoms. CORTICOare a particularly important group of medicine
s in this respect, because
prolonged courses of treatment with high doses can suppress the ability of the b
ody to respond to severe
stresses (such as surgical operations) for many months or even years.
Medicines Commission A government-appointed expert advisory body on the
use of MEDICINES in the UK.
Medicines Control Agency An executive agency of the Department of Health
with the prime function of
safeguarding the public health. It ensures that branded and non-branded MEDICINE
S on the UK market meet
appropriate standards of safety, quality and efficacy. The agency applies the st
rict standards set by the
UK Medicines Act (1968) and relevant European Community legislation.
Medicolegal A term that relates to the practice of medicine and law (see
Medlars Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System a computerised
index system produced by the
US National Library of Medicine.
Medline A computer-based telephone line linkage to MEDLARS for rapid tra
nsmission of medical
information held by that library. Information can be accessed worldwide. Informa
tion is also available via
the web.
Mefenamic Acid One
c (see ANALGESICS) for mild to
moderate pain in RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS and other musculoskeletal
disorders. Also used for
DYSMENNORRHOEA and MENORRHAGIA. It must be used with care as it has several side
-effects, in particular
diarrhoea and occasional haemolytic ANAEMIA. It must not be used in patients wit
Megacolon A greatly enlarged colon that may be present at birth or devel

op later. It can occur in all

age groups and the condition is typified by severe chronic constipation. Megacol
on is caused by obstruction
of the colon which may be due to faulty innervation, or to psychological factors
. Other causes are
HIRSCHSPRUNGS DISEASE or ULCERATIVE COLITIS. In old people the persistent use of
powerful laxative drugs
may cause the condition.
Megalomania A delusion of grandeur or an insane belief in a persons own e
xtreme greatness, goodness,
or power.
Mega-/MegaloPrefixes denoting largeness.
Meibomian Glands
A PROGESTERONE (female sex hormone) preparation which is given intramusc
ularly in long-acting form as a
PROGESTOGEN-only contraception; however, it should be given only with counsellin
g and full details of its
action. The drug is also used as second- or third-line treatment for patients wi
th breast cancer and also
in carcinoma of the kidney. Progestogens have been proposed for lessening premen
strual symptoms, but proof
of their value in this role is not convincing.
Numerous glands within the tarsal plates of the eyelids. Their secretion
s form part of the tears. (See
Medulla The inside part of an organ or tissue that is distinct from the
outer part for example, the
marrow in the centre of a long bone, or the inner portion of the kidneys or adre
nal glands.
Meiosis Meiosis, or reduction division, is the form of cell division tha
t only occurs in the gonads
(see GONAD) that is, the testis (see TESTICLE) and the ovary (see OVARIES) givin
g rise to the germ
cells (gametes) of the sperms (see SPERMATOZOON) and the ova (see OVUM). Two typ
es of sperm cells are
produced: one contains 22 autosomes and a Y sex chromosome (see SEX CHROMOSOMES)
; the other, 22 autosomes
and an X sex chromosome. All the ova, however, produced by normal meiosis have 2
2 autosomes and an X sex

442 Meiosis
The formation of gametes. Top, normal meiosis. Centre, non-disjunction a
t first meiotic division.
Bottom, non-disjunction at second meiotic division.
Two divisions of the NUCLEUS occur (see also and only one division of th
e chromosomes, so that the
number of chromosomes in the ova and sperms is half that of the somatic cells. E
ach chromosome pair divides
so that the gametes receive only one member of each pair. The number of chromoso
mes is restored to full
complement at fertilisation so that the zygote has a complete set, each chromoso
me from the nucleus of the
sperm pairing up with its corresponding partner from the ovum. The first stage o
f meiosis involves the
pairing of homologous chromosomes which join together and synapse lengthwise. Th
e chromosomes then become
doubled by splitting along their length and the chromatids so formed are held to
gether by centromeres. As
the homologous chromosomes one of which has come from the mother, and the other
from the father are
lying together, genetic interCELLS)
change can take place between the chromatids and in this way new combina
tions of GENES arise. All four
chromatids are closely interwoven and recombination may take place between any m
aternal or any paternal
chromatids. This process is known as crossing over or recombination. After this
period of interchange,
homologous chromosomes move apart, one to each pole of the nucleus. The cell the
n divides and the nucleus
of each new cell now contains 23 and not 46 chromosomes. The second meiotic divi
sion then occurs, the
centromeres divide and the chromatids move apart to opposite poles of the nucleu
s so there are still 23
chromosomes in each of the daughter nuclei so formed. The cell divides again so
that there are four
gametes, each containing a half number (haploid) set of chromosomes. However, ow
ing to the recombination or
crossing over, the genetic

material is not identical with either parent or with other spermatozoa.
Melaena Blood in the FAECES in which dark, tarry masses are passed from
the bowel. It is due to
bleeding from the stomach or from the higher part of the bowel, the blood underg
oing chemical changes under
the action of the secretions, and being finally converted in large part into sul
phide of iron. It is a
serious symptom meriting medical investigation. It can indicate peptic ulcer or
carcinoma of the stomach.
Melancholia A term used in the past for illness characterised by great m
ental and physical DEPRESSION.
Melanin Pigment which confers colour on the SKIN, hair and EYE. It is pr
oduced by cells called
melanocytes interspersed along the basal layer of the EPIDERMIS. The maturation
of the epidermis into
stratum corneum cells packed with melanin granules confers an ultraviolet light
barrier which protects the
skin against the harmful effects resulting from continued solar exposure. The ra
ces do not differ in the
number of melanocytes in their skin, only in the rate and quantity of melanin pr
oduction. Exposure to
bright sunlight stimulates melanin production and distribution causing suntan. A h
ormone from the
PITUITARY GLAND may stimulate melanin production on the face in pregnancy (see C
Melanocyte Clear branching cell in the epidermis of the SKIN that produc
es tyrosinase (an ENZYME) and
Melanoma A malignant tumour arising from melanocytes (see MELANOCYTE). I
t may start in an existing MOLE
or arise de novo. Increasing exposure to sunlight of white populations in the 20
th century has resulted in
an alarming increase in the incidence of this cancer. It is mainly seen in those
over 40 years, especially
on the legs in women and on the back in men. An enlarging pigmented macule or no
dule with irregular
contour, profile or colour distribution is always suspect.
Treatment is excision with a margin of normal tissue. The specimen must
be examined histologically, and
prognosis depends on the
depth of invasion. Very superficial melanomas carry an excellent outlook
once removed, but deeper
tumours may spread to regional lymph glands and beyond with fatal results. Publi
cawareness campaigns have
led to the earlier presentation of melanomas in recent years, with corresponding
benefit. (See also

Melatonin A hormone that plays a key role in the bodys diurnal (night and
day) rhythms. Produced by
the PINEAL GLAND and derived from SEROTONIN, it acts on receptors in an area of
the brain above the OPTIC
CHIASMA, synchronising them to the diurnal rhythm. Melatonin is under investigat
ion as a possible agent to
treat insomnia in the elderly, in shift workers and in those with severe learnin
g disability (mental
handicap). It may also help people with SEASONAL
(SADS) and those who suffer from jet lag.
Melphalan One of the ALKYLATING AGENTS, melphalan is used to treat certa
in forms of malignant disease
including breast tumours (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF), MELANOMA and Hodgkins LYMPHO
MA. It can be given
orally or by injection. (See CYTOTOXIC.)
labour (under
Memory The capacity to remember. It is a complex process and probably oc
curs in many areas of the BRAIN
including the LIMBIC SYSTEM and the temporal lobes. There are three main steps:
registration, storage, and
recall. During registration, information from the sense organs and the cerebral
cortex is put into codes
for storage in the short-term memory system. The codes are usually acoustic (bas
ed on the sounds and words
that would be used to describe the information) but may use any of the five sens
es. This system can take
only a few chunks of information at a time: for example, only about seven longis
h numbers can be retained
and recalled at once the next new number displaces an earlier one that is then f
orgotten. And if a
subject is asked to describe a person just met, he or she will recall only seven
or so facts about that
person. This depends on attention span and can be improved by concentration and
rehearsal for example, by
reciting the list of things that must be remembered. Material needing storage fo
r several minutes

444 Menarche
stays in the short-term memory. More valuable information goes to the lo
ng-term memory where it can be
kept for any period from a few minutes to a lifetime. Storage is more reliable i
f the information is in
meaningful codes it is much easier to remember peoples names if their faces and p
ersonalities are
memorable too. Using techniques such as mnemonics takes this into account. The f
inal stage is retrieval.
Recognising and recalling the required information involves searching the memory
. In the short-term memory,
this takes about 40-thousandths of a second per item a rate that is surprisingly
consistent, even in
people with disorders such as SCHIZOPHRENIA. Most kinds of forgetting or AMNESIA
occur during retrieval.
Benign forgetfulness is usually caused by interference from similar items becaus
e the required information
was not clearly coded and well organised. Retrieval can be improved by recreatin
g the context in which the
information was registered. This is why the police reconstruct scenes of crimes,
and why revision for exams
is more effective if facts are learnt in the form of answers to mock questions.
Loss of memory or amnesia
mainly affects long-term memory (information which is stored indefinitely) rathe
r than short-term memory
which is measured in minutes. Shortterm memory may, however, be affected by unco
nsciousness caused by
trauma. Drivers involved in an accident may be unable to recall the event or the
period leading up to it.
The cause of amnesia is disease of or damage to the parts of the brain responsib
le for memory. Degenerative
disorders such as ALZHEIMERS DISEASE, brain tumours, infections (for example, ENC
SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGE and alcoholism all cause memory loss. Some psychiatric
illnesses feature loss of
memory and AGEING is usually accompanied by some memory loss, although the age o
f onset and severity vary
Menarche The start of MENSTRUATION. The average age at which it occurs i
n British females is 125 years
a year or two after the first physical indications of PUBERTY start. There is co
nsiderable racial and
geographical variation.
Mendelism The term applied to a law enunciated by G. J. Mendel that the
offspring is not intermediate
in type between its parents, but that the type of one or other parent is predomi
nant. Characteristics are classed as either dominant or recessive. The offspring of the
first generation tend to
inherit the dominant characteristics, whilst the recessive characteristics remai
n latent and appear in some
of the offspring of the second generation. If individuals possessing recessive c
haracters unite, recessive
characters then become dominant characters in succeeding generations. (See GENET

Mendelson Syndrome Inhalation of regurgitated stomach contents, usually
as a complication of general
ANAESTHESIA. It may cause death from ANOXIA or result in extensive lung damage.
Menires Disease Named after the Frenchman, Prosper Menire, who first descri
bed it in 1861, the
disease is characterised by TINNITUS, deafness and intermittent attacks of VERTI
GO. The first manifestation
is usually deafness on one side; then as a rule, many months later there is a su
dden attack, without
any warning, of intense vertigo. The acute giddiness usually lasts for two or th
ree hours with some
unsteadiness persisting for a few days. The time interval between attacks varies
from a week to a few
months. When they do recur, they tend to do so in clusters. The tinnitus, which
tends to be low-pitched,
comes on at about the same time as the deafness; it is often described as being
like rushing water or
escaping steam. The deafness becomes gradually worse until it is complete. The c
ondition is due to
excessive fluid in the labyrinth of the ears (see EAR). The cause of this accumu
lation is not known,
although it has been suggested that it might be a form of ALLERGY, or might be d
ue to spasm of small blood
vessels. The disorder is diagnosed from AUDIOMETRY, the CALORIC TEST and other i
Treatment Acute vertigo symptoms can sometimes be alleviated with drugs
and NICOTINIC ACID, but the disorder is notoriously difficult to
treat and no certain cure is available. Surgical decompression of the fl
uid in the ears balancing
mechanism may relieve vertigo and prevent the disease from worsening. The vestib
ular nerve to the ear can
also be cut to relieve vertigo while preserving hearing.
Meninges The membranes surrounding the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD. The membra
nes include the

Meningitis DURA MATER,

a tough, fibrous membrane closely applied to the inside of the skull; th
delicate membrane, enveloping the brain but separated from its irregular surface
by spaces containing
fluid; and the pia mater, a delicate network of fibres containing blood vessels
and uniting the arachnoid
to the brain. The latter two are sometimes referred to as the pia-arachnoid. The
se membranes bear the blood
vessels which nourish the surface of the brain and the interior of the skull. Me
ningeal haemorrhage from
these vessels forms one of the chief dangers arising from fracture of the skull.
Meningism A condition with symptoms and signs closely resembling those o
f MENINGITIS. Most commonly
occurring in children, it is usually a symptom of chest infection or of inflamma
tion in the upper
respiratory tract. Given the serious implications of meningitis, medical advice
should be sought.
Examination of the CEREBROSPINAL FLUID may be necessary: in meningism the fluid
is normal.
Meningitis Inflammation affecting the membranes of the BRAIN or SPINAL C
ORD, or usually both.
Meningitis may be caused by BACTERIA, viruses (see VIRUS), fungi, malignant cell
s or blood (after
SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGE). The term is, however, usually restricted to inflammat
ion due to a bacterium or
virus. Viral meningitis is normally a mild, self-limiting infection of a few day
s duration; it is the most
common cause of meningitis but usually results in complete recovery and requires
no specific treatment.
Usually a less serious infection than the bacterial variety, it does, however, r
arely cause associated
ENCEPHALITIS, which is a potentially dangerous illness. A range of viruses can c
ause meningitis, including:
rial meningitis is
life-threatening: in the United Kingdom, 510 per cent of children who contract th
e disease may die. Most
cases of acute bacterial meningitis in the UK are caused by two bacteria: Neisse
ria meningitidis
(meningococcus), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus); other bacteria inc
lude Haemophilus influenzae
(a common cause until virtually wiped out by immunisation), Escherichia coli, My
cobacterium tuberculosis
(see TUBERCULOSIS), Treponema pallidum (see SYPHILIS) and Staphylococci spp. Of
the bacterial infections,
meningococcal group B is the type that causes a
large number of cases in the UK, while group A is less common. Bacterial
meningitis may occur by spread
from nearby infected foci such as the nasopharynx, middle ear, mastoid and sinus
es (see EAR, DISEASES OF).
Direct infection may be the result of penetrating injuries of the skull from acc
idents or gunshot wounds.
Meningitis may also be a complication of neurosurgery despite careful aseptic pr

Immuno-compromised patients those with AIDS or on CYTOTOXIC drugs are vulnerable
to infections. Spread
to contacts may occur in schools and similar communities. Many people harbour th
e meningococcus without
developing meningitis. In recent years small clusters of cases, mainly in school
children and young people
at college, have occurred in Britain. Symptoms include malaise accompanied by fe
ver, severe headache,
PHOTOPHOBIA, vomiting, irritability, rigors, drowsiness and neurological disturb
ances. Neck stiffness and a
positive KERNIGS SIGN appearing within a few hours of infection are key diagnosti
c signs. Meningococcal
and pneumococcal meningitis may co-exist with SEPTICAEMIA, a much more serious c
ondition in terms of death
rate or organ damage and which constitutes a grave emergency demanding rapid tre
Diagnosis and treatment are urgent and, if bacterial meningitis is suspe
cted, antibiotic treatment
should be started even before laboratory confirmation of the infection. Analysis
(CSF) by means of a LUMBAR PUNCTURE is an essential step in diagnosis, except in
patients for whom the test
would be dangerous as they have signs of raised intracranial pressure. The CSF i
s clear or turbid in viral
meningitis, turbid or viscous in tuberculous infection and turbulent or purulent
when meningococci or
staphylococci are the infective agents. Cell counts and biochemical make-up of t
he CSF are other diagnostic
pointers. Serological tests are done to identify possible syphilitic infection,
which is now rare in
Britain. Patients with suspected meningitis should be admitted to hospital quick
ly. General pracitioners
are encouraged to give a dose of intramuscular penicillin before sending the chi
ld to hospital. Treatment
in hospital is usually with a cephalosporin, such as ceftazidime or ceftriaxone.
Once the sensitivity of
the organism is known as a result of laboratory studies on CSF and blood, this m
ay be changed to penicillin
or, in the case of H. influenzae, to amoxicillin. Local infections such as SINUS
ITIS or middle-ear
infection require treatment, and appropriate

446 Meningocele
surgery for skull fractures or meningeal tears should be carried out as
necessary. Tuberculous
meningitis is treated for at least nine months with anti-tuberculous drugs (see
TUBERCULOSIS). If bacterial
meningitis causes CONVULSIONS, these can be controlled with diazepam (see TRANQU
and ANALGESICS will be required for the severe headache. Coexisting septicaemia
may require full intensive
care with close attention to intravenous fluid and electrolyte balance, control
of blood clotting and blood
pressure. Treatment of close contacts such as family, school friends, medical an
d nursing staff is
recommended if the patient has H. influenzae or N. meningitidis: RIFAMPICIN prov
ides effective prophylaxis.
Contacts of patients with pneumococcal infection do not need preventive treatmen
t. Vaccines for
meningococcal meningitis may be given to family members in small epidemics and t
o any contacts who are
especially at risk such as infants, the elderly and immuno-compromised individua
ls. The outlook for a
patient with bacterial meningitis depends upon age the young and old are vulnera
ble; speed of onset
sudden onset worsens the prognosis; and how quickly treatment is started hence t
he urgency of diagnosis
and admission to hospital. Recent research has shown that children who suffer me
ningitis in their first
year of life are ten times more likely to develop moderate or severe disability
by the age of five than
contemporaries who have not been infected. (See British Medical Journal, 8 Septe
mber 2001, page 523.)
Prevention One type of bacterial meningitis, that caused by Haemophilus,
has been largely controlled by
IMMUNISATION; meningococcal C vaccine has largely prevented this type of the dis
ease in the UK. So far, no
vaccine against group B has been developed, but research continues. Information
on meningitis can be
obtained from the Meningitis Trust and the Meningitis Research Foundation. Menin
gocele Meningocele is a
protusion of the MENINGES of the brain through a defect in the skull. (See SPINA
Meningococcus See NEISSERIACEAE.
Meningoencephalitis Meningoencephalitis is the term applied to infection
of the membranes, or MENINGES,
the brain and the underlying brain matter. In practically all cases of M
ENINGITIS there is some
involvement of the underlying brain, and it is when this involvement is consider
able that the term,
meningoencephalitis, is used. One form that has attracted attention in recent ye
ars is that caused by
amoebae (see AMOEBA), particularly that known as Naegleria fowleri, in which the
infection is acquired

through bathing in contaminated water. Effective chlorination of swimming baths

kills this micro-organism.
Meningomyelocele A protrusion of the MENINGES of the spinal cord through
a defect in the spine. (See
Meniscus A crescentic fibro-cartilage in a joint, such as the cartilages
in the knee-joint.
Menopause This is the term applied to the cessation of MENSTRUATION at t
he end of reproductive life.
Usually it occurs between the ages of 45 and 50, although it may occur before th
e age of 30 or after the
age of 50. It can be a psychologically disturbing experience which is quite ofte
n accompanied by physical
manifestations. These include hot flushes, tiredness, irritability, lack of conc
entration, palpitations,
aching joints and vaginal irritation. There may also be loss of libido (sex driv
e). Most women can and do
live happy, active lives through the menopause, the length of which varies consi
derably. One of the major
problems of the menopause which does not give rise to symptoms until many years
later is osteoporosis (see
BONE, DISORDERS OF). After the menopause, 1 per cent of the bone is lost per ann
um to the end of life. This
is a factor in the frequency of fractures of the femur in elderly women as a res
ult of osetoporosis, but it
can be prevented by hormone replacement therapy (see below).
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) This term has become synonymous with t
he scientifically correct term
OESTROreplacement therapy to signify the treatment of menopausal symptoms and sign
s with oestrogens, now
usually combined with PROGESTOGEN. Oestrogen and combined treatment relieve the
short-term symptoms such as
hot flushes, sweats and vaginal dryness. Atrophic vaginitis and vulvitis (shrink
ing of the tissues of VULVA
and VAGINA due to fall in natural oestrogen levels) also usually respond to trea
tment with oestrogens. GENS

Cyclical therapy is necessary to avoid abnormal bleeding in women who ha
ve reached the menopause. If
oestrogens are given alone, there is an increased risk of endometrial hyperplasi
a (overgrowth of the
ENDOMETRIUM) which may lead to endometrial cancer, so these are restricted to wo
men who have had a
hysterectomy and are no longer at risk. Other women can be given oestrogen-proge
stogen combinations. There
is good evidence that oestrogen alone or in combination can prevent the bone-los
s associated with the
menopause by reducing the demineralisation of bone which normally occurs after t
he menopause; and, if it is
started early and continued for years, it may prevent the development of osteopo
rosis. Oestrogen is far
more effective than calcium supplements and has been shown greatly to reduce fra
ctures affecting the spine,
wrists and legs after the age of 50. However, HRT is no longer licensed for firs
tline treatment to prevent
osteoporosis, as increased risk of stroke, breast cancer and coronary heart dise
ase cannot justify
treatment for long periods unless the woman has severe menopausal symptoms. HRT
is recommended for
short-term use only in menopausal women whose lives are inconvenienced by vasomo
tor instability (severe
flushes, etc.) or vaginal atrophy, although the latter may respond to local oest
rogen treatment creams or
pessaries. In terms of oestrogenic activity, natural oestrogen such as oestradio
l, oestrone and oestriol
are more appropriate for HRT than synthetic oestrogens like ethinyloestradiol, m
estranol and
diethylstilboestrol. Many experts believe that controversy surrounding the risks
and benefits of HRT have
been settled by a large randomised trial (the Womens Health Initiative), publishe
d in 2003, which showed
that combined treatment increases the risk of breast tumours, stroke and coronar
y heart disease (in the
first year). Oestrogen alone (given to women who have had a hysterectomy) also i
ncreases the risk of
stroke. Five years of combined treatment may double the risk of breast cancer, a
nd the heart-disease risk
is nearly doubled during the first year of use. This is in spite of the benefici
al effects of HRT on blood
lipids. However, there are others who consider that different dose combinations
of different hormones may
one day prove beneficial, so research continues. HRT can also provoke minor adve
rse effects such as breast
tenderness, fluid retention, leg cramps and nausea. The risk of abnormal blood c
lotting means that HRT is
not normally
recommended for women who smoke heavily or have had THROMBOSIS, severe H
YPERTENSION, stroke or liver
disease. HRT has, however, brought symptomatic benefits to many menopausal women
, who can then justify
taking the other increased risks only fully understood since the large trial res
ults were published. As

the evidence stands at present, careful consideration of each womans medical hist
ory and the severity of
her menopausal symptoms is necessary in deciding what combination of drugs shoul
d be given and for how
long. In general, the indications should be severe menopausal symptoms that can
be controlled by the lowest
dose for the shortest time. Using HRT to alleviate mild symptoms, or to prevent
future bone loss, is
probably of insufficient benefit to counter the other risks described above.
Menorrhagia Menorrhagia means an over-abundance of the menstrual dischar
Menstruation A periodic change occurring in (female) human beings and th
e higher apes, consisting
chiefly in a flow of blood from the cavity of the womb (UTERUS) and associated w
ith various slight
constitutional disturbances. It begins between the ages of 12 and 15, as a rule
although its onset may be
delayed until as late as 20, or it may begin as early as ten or 11. Along with i
ts first appearance, the
body develops the secondary sex characteristics: for example, enlargement of the
characteristic hair distribution. The duration of each menstrual period varies i
n different persons from 2
8 days. It recurs in the great majority of cases with regularity, most commonly
at intervals of 28 or 30
days, less often with intervals of 21 or 27 days, and ceasing only during pregna
ncy and lactation, until
the age of 45 or 50 arrives, when it stops altogether as a rule ceasing early if
it has begun early, and
vice versa. The final stoppage is known as the MENOPAUSE or the CLIMACTERIC.
Menstruation depends upon a functioning ovary (see OVARIES) and this upo
n a healthy PITUITARY GLAND.
The regular rhythm may depend upon a centre in the HYPOTHALAMUS, which is in clo
se connection with the
pituitary. After menstruation, the denuded uterine ENDOMETRIUM is regenerated un
der the influence of the
follicular hormone, oestradiol. The epithelium of the endometrium proliferates,
and about a fortnight after
the beginning of

448 Menstruation
menstruation great development of the endometrial glands takes place und
er the influence of
progesterone, the hormone secreted by the CORPUS LUTEUM. These changes are made
for the reception of the
fertilised OVUM. In the absence of fertilisation the uterine endometrium breaks
down in the subsequent
menstrual discharge.
Disorders of menstruation In most healthy women, menstruation proceeds r
egularly for 30 years or more,
with the exceptions connected with childbirth. In many women, however, menstruat
ion may be absent,
excessive or painful. The term amenorrhoea is applied to the condition of absent
menstruation; the terms
menorrhagia and metrorrhagia describe excessive menstrual loss the former if the
excess occurs at the
regular periods, and the latter if it is irregular. Dysmenorrhoea is the name gi
ven to painful
menstruation. AMENORRHOEA If menstruation has never occurred, the amenorrhoea is
termed primary; if it
ceases after having once become established it is known as secondary amenorrhoea
. The only value of these
terms is that some patients with either chromosomal abnormalities (see CHROMOSOM
ES) or malformations of the
genital tract fall into the primary category. Otherwise, the age of onset of sym
ptoms is more important.
The causes of amenorrhoea are numerous and treatment requires dealing with the p
rimary cause. The commonest
cause is pregnancy; psychological stress or eating disorders can cause amenorrho
ea, as can poor nutrition
or loss of weight by dieting, and any serious underlying disease such as TUBERCU
excess secretion of PROLACTIN, whether this is the result of a micro-adenoma of
the pituitary gland or
whether it is drug induced, will cause amenorrhoea and possibly GALACTORRHOEA as
well. Malfunction of the
pituitary gland will result in a failure to produce the gonadotrophic hormones (
consequent amenorrhoea. Excessive production of cortisol, as in CUSHINGS SYNDROME
, or of androgens (see
ANDROGEN) as in the adreno-genital syndrome or the polycystic ovary syndrome wil
l result in
amenorrhoea. Amenorrhoea occasionally follows use of the oral contraceptive pill
and may be associated with
both hypothyroidism (see under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF) and OBESITY. Patients
should be reassured that
amenorrhoea can often be successfully treated and does not necessarily affect th
eir ability to have normal
sexual relations and to conceive. When
weight loss is the cause of amenorrhoea, restoration of body weight alon
e can result in spontaneous
menstruation (see also EATING DISORDERS Anorexia nervosa). Patients with raised
concentration of serum
gonadotrophin hormones have primary ovarian failure, and this is not amenable to
treatment. Cyclical

oestrogen/progestogen therapy will usually establish withdrawal bleeding. If the

amenorrhoea is due to mild
pituitary failure, menstruation may return after treatment with clomiphene, a no
nsteroidal agent which
competes for oestrogen receptors in the hypothalamus. The patients who are most
likely to respond to
clomiphene are those who have some evidence of endogenous oestrogen and gonadotr
ophin production. IRREGULAR
MENSTRUATION This is a change from the normal monthly cycle of menstruation, the
duration of bleeding or
the amount of blood lost (see menorrhagia, below). Such changes may be the resul
t of an upset in the
balance of oestrogen and progesterone hormones which between them control the cy
cle. Cycles may be
irregular after the MENARCHE and before the menopause. Unsuspected pregnancy may
manifest itself as an
irregularity, as can an early miscarriage (see ABORTION). Disorders of the uterus,
ovaries or organs in
the pelvic cavity can also cause irregular menstruation. Women with the conditio
n should seek medical
advice. MENORRHAGIA Abnormal bleeding from the uterus during menstruation. A wom
an loses on average about
60 ml of blood during her period; in menorrhagia this can rise to 100 ml. Some w
omen have this problem
occasionally, some quite frequently and others never. One cause is an imbalance
of progesterone and
oestrogen hormones which between them control menstruation: the result is an abn
ormal increase in the
lining (endometrium) of the uterus, which increases the amount of bleeding tissue.
Other causes include
fibroids, polyps, pelvic infection or an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD
Sometimes no physical reason for menorrhagia can be identified. Treatment of the
disorder will depend on
how severe the loss of blood is (some women will become anaemic see ANAEMIA and
iron-replacement therapy); the womans age; the cause of heavy bleeding; and wheth
er or not she wants
children. An increase in menstrual bleeding may occur in the months before the m
enopause, in which case
time may produce a cure. Medical or surgical treatments are available. Non-stero
idal anti-inflammatory
drugs may help, as may tranexamic acid, which

Mental Illness 449

prevents the breakdown of blood clots in the circulation (FIBRINOLYSIS):
this drug can be helpful if an
IUD is causing bleeding. Hormones such as dydrogesterone (by mouth) may cure the
condition, as may an IUD
that releases small quantities of a PROGESTOGEN into the lining of the womb. Tra
ditionally, surgical
intervention was either dilatation and curettage of the womb lining (D & C) or r
emoval of the whole uterus
(HYSTERECTOMY). Most surgery is now done using minimally invasive techniques. Th
ese do not require the
abdomen to be cut open, as an ENDOSCOPE is passed via the vagina into the uterus
. Using DIATHERMY or a
laser, the surgeon then removes the whole lining of the womb. DYSMENORRHOEA This
varies from discomfort to
serious pain, and sometimes includes vomiting and general malaise. Anaemia is so
metimes a cause of painful
menstruation as well as of stoppage of this function. Inflammation of the uterus
, ovaries or FALLOPIAN
TUBES is a common cause of dysmenorrhoea which comes on for the first time late
in life, especially when
the trouble follows the birth of a child. In this case the pain exists more or l
ess at all times, but is
aggravated at the periods. Treatment with analgesics and remedying the underlyin
g cause is called for. Many
cases of dysmenorrhoea appear with the beginning of menstrual life, and accompan
y every period. It has been
estimated that 510 per cent of girls in their late teens or early 20s are severel
y incapacitated by
dysmenorrhoea for several hours each month. Various causes have been suggested f
or the pain, one being an
excessive production of PROSTAGLANDINS. There may be a psychological factor in s
ome sufferers and, whether
this is the result of inadequate sex instruction, fear, family, school or work p
roblems, it is important to
offer advice and support, which in itself may resolve the dysmenorrhoea. Symptom
atic relief is of value.
Mental Illness Defined simply, this is a disorder of the brains processes
that makes the sufferer feel
or seem ill, and may prevent that person from coping with daily life. Psychiatri
sts doctors specialising
in diagnosing and treating mental illness have, however, come up with a range of
much more complicated
definitions over the years. Psychiatrists like to categorise mental illnesses be
cause mental signs and
symptoms do occur together in clusters or syndromes, each
tending to respond to certain treatments. The idea that illnesses can be
diagnosed simply by
recognising their symptom patterns may not seem very scientific in these days of
high technology. For most
common mental illnesses, however, this is the only method of diagnosis; whatever
is going wrong in the
brain is usually too poorly understood and too subtle to show up in laboratory t
ests or computed tomography
scans of the brain. And symptom-based definitions of mental illnesses are, gener

ally, a lot more meaningful

than the vague lay term nervous breakdown, which is used to cover an attack of any
thing from AGORAPHOBIA
to total inability to function. There is still a lot to learn about the workings
of the brain, but
psychiatry has developed plenty of practical knowledge about the probable causes
of mental illness, ways of
relieving symptoms, and ways of aiding recovery. Most experts now believe that m
ental illnesses generally
arise from different combinations of inherited risk and psychological STRESS, so
metimes with additional
environmental exposure for example, viruses, drugs or ALCOHOL. The range of comm
on mental illnesses
includes anxiety states, PHOBIA, DEPRESSION, alcohol and drug problems, the EATI
NG DISORDERS anorexia and
bulimia nervosa, MANIC DEPRESSION, SCHIZOPHRENIA, DEMENTIA, and a group of probl
ems related to coping with
life that psychiatrists call personality disorders. Of these mental illnesses, d
ementia is the best
understood. It is an irreversible and fatal form of mental deterioration (starti
ng with forgetfulness and
eventually leading to severe failure of all the brains functions), caused by rapi
d death of brain cells
and consequent brain shrinkage. Schizophrenia is another serious mental illness
which disrupts
thoughtprocesses, speech, emotions and perception (how the brain handles signals
from the five senses).
Manic depression, in which prolonged highs of extremely elevated mood and overexci
tement alternate with
abject misery, has similar effects on the mental processes. In both schizophreni
a and manic depression the
sufferer loses touch with reality, develops unshakeable but completely unrealist
ic ideas (delusions), and
hallucinates (vividly experiences sensations that are not real, e.g. hears voice
s when there is nobody
there). This triad of symptoms is called psychosis and it is what lay people, th
rough fear and lack of
understanding, sometimes call lunacy, madness or insanity. The other mental illn
esses mentioned above are
sometimes called neuroses. But the term has become derogatory in ordinary lay la

450 Mental Illness

indeed, many people assume that neuroses are mild disorders that only af
fect weak people who cannot
pull themselves together, while psychoses are always severe. In reality, psychoses
can be brief and
reversible and neuroses can cause lifelong disability. However defined and categ
orised, mental illness is a
big public-health problem. In the UK, up to one in five women and around one in
seven men have had mental
illness. About half a million people in Britain suffer from schizophrenia: it is
three times commoner than
cancer. And at any one time, up to a tenth of the adult population is ill with d
Treatment settings Most people with
mental-health problems get the help they need from their own family doct
or(s), without ever seeing a
psychiatrist. General practictitioners in Britain treat nine out of ten recognis
ed mentalhealth problems
and see around 12 million adults with mental illness each year. Even for the one
in ten of these patients
referred to psychiatrists, general practitioners usually handle those problems t
hat continue or recur.
Psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, psychologists, counsellors an
d therapists often see
patients at local doctors surgeries and will do home visits if necessary. Communi
ty mental-health centres
like general-practice health centres but catering solely for mentalhealth proble
ms offer another
short-cut to psychiatric help. The more traditional, and still more common, rout
e to a psychiatrist for
many people, however, is from the general practititioner to a hospital outpatien
t department.
Specialist psychiatric help In many ways, a visit to a psychiatrist is m
uch like any trip to a hospital
doctor and, indeed, psychiatric clinics are often based in the outpatient depart
ments of general
hospitals. First appointments with psychiatrists can last an hour or more becaus
e the psychiatrist and
sometimes other members of the team such as nurses, doctors in training, and soc
ial workers need to ask
lots of questions and record the whole consultation in a set of confidential cas
e notes. Psychiatric
assessment usually includes an interview and an examination, and is sometimes ba
cked up by a range of
tests. The interview begins with the patients history the personal story that exp
lains how and, to some
extent, why help is needed now. Mental-health problems almost invariably develop
from a mixture of causes
emotional, social, physical and familial and it helps psychiatrists to know
what the people they see are normally like and what kind of lives they h
ave led. These questions may
seem unnecessarily intrusive, but they allow psychiatrists to understand patient
s problems and decide on

the best way to help them. The next stage in assessment is the mentalstate exami
nation. This is how
psychiatrists examine minds, or at least their current state. Mental-state exami
nation entails asking more
questions and using careful observation to assess feelings, thoughts and mental
symptoms, as well as the
way the mind is working (for example, in terms of memory and concentration). Dur
ing first consultations
psychiatrists usually make diagnoses and explain them. The boundary between a li
fe problem that will clear
up spontaneously and a mental illness that needs treatment is sometimes quite bl
urred; one consultation may
be enough to put the problem in perspective and help to solve it. Further assess
ment in the clinic may be
needed, or some additional tests. Simple blood tests can be done in outpatient c
linics but other
investigations will mean referral to another department, usually on another day.
Further assessment and tests Psychologists work in or alongside the psyc
hiatric team, helping in both
assessment and treatment. The range of psychological tests studies memory, intel
ligence, personality,
perception and capability for abstract thinking. PHYSICAL TESTS Blood tests and
brain scans may be useful
to rule out a physical illness causing psychological symptoms. SOCIAL ASSESSMENT
Many patients have social
difficulties that can be teased out and helped by a psychiatric social worker. Ap
proved social workers
have special training in the use of the Mental Health Act, the law that authoris
es compulsory admissions to
psychiatric hospitals and compulsory psychiatric treatments. These social worker
s also know about all the
mentalhealth services offered by local councils and voluntary organisations, and
can refer clients to them.
The role of some social workers has been widened greatly in recent years by the
expansion of community
care. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSESSMENT Mentalhealth problems causing practical di
sabilities for instance,
inability to work, cook or look after oneself can be assessed and helped by occu
pational therapists.
Treatment The aims of psychiatric treatment are to help sufferers shake
off, or at least cope

Mental Illness 451

with, symptoms and to gain or regain an acceptable quality of life. A ra
nge of psychological and
physical treatments is available. COUNSELLING This is a widely used talking cure,
particularly in general
practice. Counsellors listen to their clients, help them to explore feelings, an
d help them to find
personal and practical solutions to their problems. Counsellors do not probe int
o clients pasts or analyse
them. PSYCHOTHERAPY This is the best known talking cure. The term psychotherapy is
a generalisation
covering many different concepts. They all started, however, with Sigmund Freud
father of modern psychotherapy. Freud was a doctor who discovered that, as well
as the conscious thoughts
that guide our feelings and actions, there are powerful psychological forces of
which we are not usually
aware. Applying his theories to his patients freely expressed thoughts, Freud was
able to cure many
illnesses, some of which had been presumed completely physical. This was the beg
inning of individual
analytical psychotherapy, or PSYCHOANALYSIS. Although Freuds principles underpin
all subsequent theories
about the psyche, many different schools of thought have emerged and influenced
psychotherapists (see
ories of human behaviour,
many of which are based on studies of animals. The therapists, mostly psychologi
sts, help people to look at
problematic patterns of behaviour and thought, and to change them. Cognitive the
rapy is very effective,
particularly in depression and eating disorders. PHYSICAL TREATMENTS The most wi
dely used physical
treatments in psychiatry are drugs. Tranquillising and anxiety-reducing BENZODIA
ZEPINES like diazepam, well
known by its trade name of Valium, were prescribed widely in the 1960s and 70s b
ecause they seemed an
effective and safe substitute for barbiturates. Benzodiazepines are, however, ad
dictive and are now
recommended only for short-term relief of anxiety that is severe, disabling, or
unacceptably distressing.
They are also used for short-term treatment of patients drying out from alcohol.
amitriptyline and fluoxetine are given to lift depressed mood and to relieve the
physical symptoms that
sometimes occur in depression, such as insomnia and poor appetite. The side-effe
cts of antidepressants are
mostly relatively mild, when recommended doses are not exceeded although one group, the monoamine oxidase
inhibitors, can lead to
sudden and dangerous high blood pressure if taken with certain foods. Manic depr
ession virtually always has
to be treated with mood-stabilising drugs. Lithium carbonate is used in acute ma
nia to lower mood and stop
psychotic symptoms; it can also be used in severe depression. However lithiums ma
in use is to prevent
relapse in manic depression. Long-term unwanted effects may include kidney and t
hyroid problems, and

short-term problems in the nervous system and kidney may occur if the blood conc
entration of lithium is too
high therefore it must be monitored by regular blood tests. Carbamazepine, a tre
atment for EPILEPSY, has
also been found to stabilise mood, and also necessitates blood tests. Antipsycho
tic drugs, also called
neuroleptics, and major tranquillisers are the only effective treatments for rel
ieving serious mental
illnesses with hallucinations and delusions. They are used mainly in schizophren
ia and include the
short-acting drugs chlorpromazine and clozapine as well as the long-lasting inje
ctions given once every few
weeks like fluphenazine decanoate. In the long term, however, some of the older
antipsychotic drugs can
cause a brain problem called TARDIVE DYSKINESIA that affects control of movement
and is not always
reversible. And the antipsychotic drugs short-term side-effects such as shaking a
nd stiffness sometimes
have to be counteracted by other drugs called anticholinergic drugs such as proc
yclidine and benzhexol.
Newer antipsychotic drugs such as clozapine do not cause tardive dyskinesia, but
clozapine cannot be given
as a longlasting injection and its concentration in the body has to be monitored
by regular blood tests to
avoid toxicity. OTHER PHYSICAL TREATMENTS The other two physical treatments used
in psychiatry are
particularly controversial: electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and psychosurgery. I
n ECT, which can be
life-saving for patients who have severe life-threatening depression, a small el
ectric current is passed
through the brain to induce a fit or seizure. Before the treatment the patient i
s anaesthetised and given a
muscle-relaxing injection that reduces the magnitude of the fit to a slight twit
ching or shaking.
Scientists do not really understand how ECT works, but it does, for carefully se
lected patients.
Psychosurgery operating on the brain to alleviate psychiatric illness or difficu
lt personality traits
is extremely uncommon these days. Stereo-tactic surgery, in which small cuts are
made in specific brain
fibres under X-ray guidance, has superM

452 Mental Illness

seded the more generalised lobotomies of old. The Mental Health Act 1983
ensures that psychosurgery is
performed only when the patient has given fully informed consent and a second me
dical opinion has agreed
that it is necessary. For all other psychiatric treatments (except another rare
treatment, hormone
implantation for reducing the sex drive of sex offenders), either consent or a s
econd opinion is needed
not both. TREATMENT IN HOSPITAL Psychiatric wards do not look like medical or su
rgical wards and staff may
not wear uniforms. Patients do not need to be in their beds during the day, so t
he beds are in separate
dormitories. The main part of most wards is a living space with a day room, an a
ctivity and television
room, quiet rooms, a dining room, and a kitchen. Ward life usually has a certain
routine. The day often
starts with a community meeting at which patients and nurses discuss issues that
affect the whole ward.
Patients may go to the occupational therapy department during the day, but there
may also be some therapy
groups on the ward, such as relaxation training. Patients symptoms and problems a
re assessed continuously
during a stay in hospital. When patients seem well enough they are allowed home
for trial periods; then
discharge can be arranged. Patients are usually followed up in the outpatient cl
inic at least once.
with acute psychiatric illness may develop from psychological, physical,
or practical crises. Any of
these crises may need quick professional intervention. Relatives and friends oft
en have to get this urgent
help because the sufferer is not fit enough to do it or, if psychotic, does not
recognise the need. First,
they should ring the persons general practitioner. If the general practitioner is
not available and help
is needed very urgently, relatives or friends should phone the local social-serv
ices department and ask for
the duty social worker (on 24-hour call). In a dire emergency, the police will k
now what to do. Any
disturbed adult who threatens his or her own or others health and safety and refu
ses psychiatric help may
be moved and detained by law. The Mental Health Act of 1983 authorises emergency
assessment and treatment
of any person with apparent psychiatric problems that fulfil these criteria. Alt
hough admission to hospital
may be the best solution, there are other ways that psychiatric services can res
pond to emergencies. In
some districts there are crisis intervention teams of psychiatrists, nurses, and s
ocial workers who can visit patients urgently at home (at a GPs request) and, somet
imes, avert unnecessary
admission. And research has shown that home treatment for a range of acute psych
iatric problems can be

effective. LONG-TERM TREATMENT AND COMMUNITY CARE Long-term treatment is often p

by GPs with support and guidance from psychiatric teams. That is fine fo
r people whose problems allow
them to look after themselves, and for those with plenty of support from family
and friends. But some
people need much more intensive long-term treatment and many need help with runn
ing their daily lives.
Since the 1950s, successive governments have closed the old psychiatric hospital
s and have tried to provide
as much care as possible outside hospital in the community. Community care is effe
ctive as long as
everyone who needs inpatient care, or residential care, can have it. But demand
exceeds supply. Research
has shown that some homeless people have long-term mental illnesses and have som
ehow lost touch with
psychiatric services. Many more have developed more general long-term health pro
blems, particularly related
to alcohol, without ever getting help. The NHS and Community Care Act 1990, in f
orce since 1993,
established a new breed of professionals called care managers to assess people w
hose long-term illnesses
and disabilities make them unable to cope completely independently with life. Ca
re managers are given
budgets by local councils to assess peoples needs and to arrange for them tailormade packages of care,
including services like home helps and day centres. But co-ordination between he
alth and social services
has sometimes failed and resources are limited and the government decided in 199
7 to tighten up
arrangements and pool community-care budgets. Since 1992 psychiatrists have had
to ensure that people with
severe mental illnesses have full programmes of care set up before discharge fro
m hospital, to be overseen
by named key workers. And since 1996 psychiatrists have used a new power called
Supervised Discharge to
ensure that the most vulnerable patients cannot lose touch with mental-health se
rvices. There is not,
however, any law that allows compulsory treatment in the community. There is amp
le evidence that community
care can work and that it need not cost more than hospital care. Critics argue,
however, that even one
tragedy resulting from inadequate care, perhaps a suicide or even a homicide, sh
ould reverse the march to
community care. And, according to the National Schizophrenia

Fellowship, many of the 1015 homicides a year carried out by people with
severe mental illnesses
result from inadequate community care. Further information can be obtained from
the Mental Health Act
Commission, and from MIND, the National Association for Mental Health. MIND also
acts as a campaigning and
advice organisation on all aspects of mental health.
Mental health problems in children Emotional and behavioural problems ar
e common in children and
adolescents, affecting up to one-fifth at any one time. But these problems are o
ften not clear-cut, and
they may come and go as the child develops and meets new challenges in life. If
a child or teenager has an
emotional problem that persists for weeks rather than days and is associated wit
h disturbed behaviour, he
or she may have a recognisable mental health disorder. Anxiety, phobias and depr
ession are fairly common.
For instance, surveys show that up to 2.5 per cent of children and 8 per cent of
adolescents are depressed
at any one time, and by the age of 18 a quarter will have been depressed at leas
t once. Problems such as
SYNDROME and SCHIZOPHRENIA are rare. Mental-health problems may not be obvious a
t first, because children
often express distress through irritability, poor concentration, difficult behav
iour, or physical symptoms.
Physical symptoms of distress, such as unexplained headache and stomach ache, ma
y persuade parents to keep
children at home on school days. This may be appropriate occasionally, but regul
arly avoiding school can
lead to a persistent phobia called school refusal. If a parent, teacher or other
person is worried that a
child or teenager may have a mental-health problem, the first thing to do is to
ask the child gently if he
or she is worried about anything. Listening, reassuring and helping the child to
solve any specific
problems may well be enough to help the child feel settled again. Serious proble
ms such as bullying and
child abuse need urgent professional involvement. Children with emotional proble
ms will usually feel most
comfortable talking to their parents, while adolescents may prefer to talk to fr
iends, counsellors, or
other mentors. If this doesnt work, and if the symptoms persist for weeks rather
than days, it may be
necessary to
seek additional help through school or the familys general practitioner.
This may lead to the child
and family being assessed and helped by a psychologist, or, less commonly, by a
child psychiatrist. Again,
listening and counselling will be the main forms of help offered. For outright d
epression, COGNITIVE
BEHAVIOUR THERAPY and, rarely, antidepressant drugs may be used.

Mepacrine Hydrochloride A synthetic acridine product used in the treatme

nt of MALARIA. It came to the
fore during World War II, when supplies of quinine were short, and proved of gre
at value both as a
prophylactic and in the treatment of malaria. It is now used only to treat infes
tation with tapeworms (see
Meralgia Paraesthetica A condition characterised by pain and PARAESTHESI
A on the front and outer aspect
of the thigh. It is more common in men than in women, and the victims are usuall
y middleaged, overweight
and out of condition. It is due to compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of
the thigh, and exacerbated
by an uncomfortable driving position when motoring long distances. Reduction in
weight, improvement in
general fitness and correction of faulty posture usually bring relief. If these
fail, surgical
decompression of the nerve may help.
Mercaptopurine One of the antimetabolite group of drugs (see ANTIMETABOL
ITES), which includes
methotrexate, fluorouracil and thioguanine. These drugs are incorporated into ne
w nuclear material in the
cell or combine irreversibly with vital cellular enzymes, preventing normal cell
ular metabolism and
division. Mercaptopurine is used mainly for the maintenance treatment of acute L
EUKAEMIA, though it is
increasingly proving valuable in the treatment of CROHNS DISEASE. As with all CYT
OTOXIC drugs, dosage must
be carefully controlled; in particular it must be reduced if used concurrently w
ith allopurinol.
Side-effects include gastrointestinal upsets (including ulceration), and bone-ma
rrow depression.
Mercury Mercury is a heavy fluid metal which, with its salts, has been u
sed in medicine for many
Uses In the past, mercuric salts were used as
anti-parasitic agents and

454 Mesalazine
fungicides. Mercury has been widely used in dental amalgams for filling
teeth. Because of their
toxicity, mercury compounds must not be taken internally. Mercury has traditiona
lly been used in
thermometers for recording body temperature, and in sphygmomanometers for measur
ing a persons BLOOD
PRESSURE. These instruments have been largely replaced in the UK by electronic d
evices that do not require
Mesalazine An aminosalicylate drug used for the treatment of mild to mod
the maintenance of remission. It should be used with caution by pregnant women.
Derived from the Mexican peyote cactus, Anhalonium lewinii, this is a ha
llucinogen used for many
centuries by Indian tribes in Mexico as an intoxicant to produce ecstatic states
for religious
celebrations. In recent times its ability to produce temporary psychotic symptom
s has been used to
investigate the mechanism of PSYCHOSIS. Mescaline has similar effects to those o
f LSD: changes in mood and
thought, illusions, self-absorption and an altered perception of time. Experienc
e of the drug may
subsequently provoke panic attacks, deliberate self-injury, real psychosis and s
ometimes addiction (see
Mesencephalon The small section of brain stem excluding the pons and med
ulla linking the hindbrain
to the forebrain. (See BRAIN.)
Mesentery Mesentery is the double layer of peritoneal membrane which sup
ports the small INTESTINE. It
is of a fan shape, and its shorter edge is attached to the back wall of the abdo
men for a distance of about
15 cm (6 inches), while the small intestine lies within its longer edge, for a l
ength of over 6 metres (20
feet). The terms mesocolon, mesorectum, etc., are applied to similar folds of PE
RITONEUM that support parts
of the colon, rectum, etc.
Mesmerism See HYPNOTISM.
Mesocolon The double fold of PERITONEUM by which the large INTESTINE is
suspended from the back wall of
the abdomen.
Mesoderm The middle layer of the three germ layers of the EMBRYO during
its early development. It
develops into cartilage, bone, blood, muscle, kidneys, testes and connective tis
Mesothelioma A malignant tumour of the PLEURA, the membrane lining the c

hest cavity. The condition is

more common in people exposed to asbestos dust. It may be asymptomatic or cause
pain, cough, and breathing
troubles. Surgery or radiotherapy may be effective but often the disease has spr
ead too far before it is
discovered. Mesothelioma incurred as a result of contact with asbestos at work m
ay attract industrial
Meta-Analysis A development of systematic reviews of randomised, control
led trials in particular fields
of health care. If this re-evaluation of the findings of primary research also i
ncludes the aggregation of
data from all the re-evaluated studies and a re-analysis of them, the procedure
is described as
meta-analysis. The technique has been used increasingly in medicine in recent ye
ars, and the COCHRANE
COLLABORATION has been in the forefront of systematically reviewing and storing
clinical and research data
to provide a reliable information base on which to take forward the practice of
Bias in medical research because, say, of an inadequately planned statistical ba
se or only small numbers
in a trial is not uncommon, and meta-analysis of a group of broadly similar tria
ls can provide more
reliable data and reduce the risk of erroneous conclusions.
Metabolic Disorders A collection of disorders in which some part of the
bodys internal chemistry (see
METABOLISM; CATABOLISM) is disrupted. Some of these disorders arise from inherit
ed deficiencies in which a
specific ENZYME is absent or abnormal, or does not function properly. Other meta
bolic disorders occur
because of malfunctions in the endocrine system (see ENDOCRINE GLANDS). There ma
y be over- or
underproduction of a hormone involved in the control of metabolic activities: a
prime example is DIABETES
MELLITUS a disorder of sugar metabolism; others include CUSHINGS SYNDROME; hypoth
yroidism and
hyperthyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF); and insulinoma (an insulinprod
ucing tumour of the
pancreas). The bones can be affected by metabolic disorders such as osteoporosis
, osteomalacia (rickets)

are other examples of disordered metabolism. There are also more than 200 identi
fied disorders described as
inborn errors of metabolism. Some cause few problems; others are serious threats
to an individuals life.
Individual disorders are, fortunately, rare probably one child in 10,000 or 100,
000; overall these inborn
errors affect around one child in 1,000. Examples include GALACTOSAEMIA, PHENYLK
ETONURIA, porphyrias, TAY
SACHS DISEASE and varieties of mucopolysaccharidosis, HOMOCYSTINURIA and heredit
ary fructose (a type of
sugar) intolerance.
Metabolism This means tissue change, and includes all the physical and c
hemical processes by which the
living body is maintained as well as those by which the energy is made available
for various forms of
work. The constructive, chemical and physical, processes by which food materials
are adapted for the use of
the body are collectively known as ANABOLISM. The destructive processes by which
energy is produced with
the breaking-down of tissues into waste products is known as CATABOLISM. Basal m
etabolism is the term
applied to the energy changes necessary for essential processes such as the beat
ing of the heart,
respiration, and maintenance of body warmth. This can be estimated, when a perso
n is placed in a state of
complete rest, by measuring the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged d
uring breathing under
certain standard conditions. (See also CALORIE.)
Metabolites A biochemical compound that is involved in the mechanism of
the bodys METABOLISM. The
compounds are either produced during metabolism or are in the food eaten by an i
Metacarpal Bones The five long bones which occupy the HAND between the c
arpal bones at the wrist and
the phalanges of the fingers. The large rounded knuckles at the root of the finger
s are formed by the
heads of these bones.
Metamyelocyte An immature granulocyte (white blood cell) usually found i
n the bone marrows bloodmaking
tissue. It can, however, appear in the blood in a range of diseases, including i
Metaphysis The extremity of a long bone where it joins the epiphysis (se
e BONE Growth of bones).
Metaplasia The term applied to a change of one kind of tissue into anoth
er. Although not usually
harmful, it may be pre-cancerous if occurring in the cervix (neck of the womb or
or lining of the airways (bronchi).

Metastasis Metastasis, and metastatic, are terms applied to the process

by which malignant disease
spreads to distant parts of the body, and also to the secondary tumours resultin
g from this process. For
example, a cancer of the breast may produce metastatic growths in the glands of
the armpit; cancer of the
stomach may be followed by metastases in the liver. Metastases are colloquially
known as secondaries and
their spread occurs through the bloodstream, lymphatic system and across the bod
y cavities. Highly
malignant tumours for example, melanomas are especially prone to spread far and
fast. (See CANCER.)
Metastatic See METASTASIS.
Metatarsal Bones The five bones in the foot which correspond to the META
CARPAL BONES in the hand, lying
between the tarsal bones, at the ankle, and the toes.
Metatarsalgia Pain affecting the metatarsal region of the foot. It is co
mmon in adolescents, and
associated with FLAT-FOOT; in adults it may be a manifestation of RHEUMATOID ART
HRITIS. Mortons
metatarsalgia is a form associated usually with the nerve to the second toe clef
t, often induced by the
compression of tight shoes.
Metatarsus Metatarsus is the group name of the five metatarsal bones in
the foot. Metatarsus varus is
the condition characterised by deviation of the forefoot towards the other foot.
It is a common condition
in newborn babes and almost always corrects itself spontaneously. Only in the ra
re cases in which it is due
to some deformity of the bones or muscles of the foot is any treatment required.
Meteorism Also known as tympanites, this is a distension

456 Metformin
of the
ABDOMEN from excess gas or air in the INTESTINE or peritoneal cavity. On
the abdomen sounds resonant, like a drum. Causes include obstruction of
the intestines, aerophagy (the
swallowing of air), and IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS). Treatment is of the unde
rlying condition. (See also
toxic form. The latter is caused by certain drugs, including acetanilide
, phenacetin, the sulphonamides
and benzocaine. The treatment of the toxic form is the withdrawal of the causati
ve drug. In the more severe
cases the administration of methylene blue or ascorbic acid may also be needed,
and these are the drugs
used in the hereditary form.
One of the BIGUANIDES, metformin lowers the blood sugar by increasing ce
llular uptake of glucose. It is
active when taken by mouth and is used to treat some patients with DIABETES MELL
ITUS, usually in addition
to another hypoglycaemic drug.
An odourless, colourless, highly flammable gas. It occurs naturally in g
as from coal mines and oil
wells, where it is a hazard because of its explosive properties. Natural gas suppl
ied to homes and
industries is almost 100 per cent methane. Unlike coal gas, it is not poisonous
unless present in large
amounts, when it may displace oxygen and thus asphyxiate (suffocate) anyone expo
sed to it. Decomposition of
organic matter produces methane.
Methadone Hydrochloride
Also known as Physeptone , this is a synthetic drug structurally similar t
o MORPHINE, one of many
opioid drugs used to treat severe pain. Methadone is, however, less sedating and
has a longer half-life.
Furthermore, it is more reliable when taken orally. Although vomiting is common,
this is generally less
severe than with morphine. Methadone is valuable as a suppressant for non-produc
tive cough, acting on the
medullary cough centre in the central nervous system. It is also helpful in weanin
g addicts off morphine
and heroin, having a slower onset of DEPENDENCE and a less severe withdrawal syn
drome. When used for
prolonged periods, methadone should not be given more often than twice daily, to
avoid the risks of
accumulation and opioid overdosage.

Methaemoglobin A derivative of HAEMOGLOBIN in which the iron has been ox

idised from ferrous to ferric
form. It does not combine with oxygen and therefore plays no part in oxygen tran
sport. Normal concentration
of methaemoglobin in red blood cells is less than 1 per cent of the total haemog
lobin. When a large
concentration of the haemoglobin is in the form of methaemoglobin, the patient w
ill suffer from HYPOXIA and
will be cyanosed (see CYANOSIS). Most cases of METHAEMOGLOBINAEMIA are due to ch
emical agents.
Methaemoglobinaemia Methaemoglobinaemia is a condition due to the presen
ce in the blood of
METHAEMOGLOBIN. It is characterised by CYANOSIS which turns the skin and lips a
blue colour, shortness of
breath, headache, fatigue and sickness. There are two main forms: a hereditary f
orm and a
Methanol A variety of ALCOHOL used as a solvent to remove paint or as a
constituent of some antifreeze
fluids. It is poisonous: sometimes people drink it as a substitute for ethyl (or
dinary) alcohol. Symptoms
appear up to 24 hours after imbibing methanol and include nausea, vomiting, dizz
iness, headache and
sometimes unconsciousness. Treatment is to induce vomiting (in conscious victims
) and to do a stomach
washout (see GASTRIC LAVAGE), but such steps must be taken within two hours of i
ngestion. Hospital
treatment is usually required, when intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate (
and sometimes ethanol,
which slows up breakdown of methanol by the liver) is administered.
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Most staphylococci (s
evolved resistance to benzylpenicillin (see PENICILLIN) because of their ability
Cloxacillin and flucloxacillin are antibiotics still effective against most stap
hylococci; at one time
methicillin was used to combat resistant strains, but in hospital environments b
acteria acquired immunity
to this powerful drug (now withdrawn from use) and to cloxacillin. RIFAMPICIN, V
temocillin are still active against most penicillinase-producing gramnegative ba
cteria (see GRAMS STAIN).
There is, however, a growing threat to health because of the rise in the number
of antibiotic-resistant
bacteria, particularly in hospitals. The bacteria themselves are not more virule
nt than others,

but the difficulty in treating them with a safe and effective antibiotic
mean that they are more
dangerous. It is likely that lapses in normal hygienic practice such as frequent
handwashing has
resulted in an increase in MRSA disease.
Methionine Methionine is an essential amino acid (see AMINO ACIDS; INDIS
contains sulphur; it is necessary for normal growth in infants and to maintain n
itrogen balance in adults.
Methotrexate One of the ANTIMETABOLITES used to treat certain forms of m
alignant disease. Acting to
inhibit the ENZYME dihydrofolate reductase, which is essential for purine and py
rimidine synthesis, it is
given orally, intravenously, intramuscularly or intrathecally. Methotrexate is u
sed as maintenance therapy
for childhood acute lymphoblastic LEUKAEMIA, while other uses include CHORIOCARC
INOMA, nonHodgkins
LYMPHOMA, and various solid tumours. Intrathecally, it is used in the prophylaxi
s of childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia, and as treatment for established meningeal cancer or ly
mphoma. Side-effects
include suppression of myelocytes in bone marrow, inflammation of mucous membran
es, and, rarely,
PNEUMONITIS. It should be avoided whenever significant renal impairment is prese
nt, while significant
pleural effusion or ascites is also a contraindication. Blood counts should be c
arefully monitored whenever
intrathecal methotrexate is given. Oral or parenteral folinic acid helps to prev
ent, or to speed recovery
from, myelosuppression or mucositis. Methotrexate is used in dermatology, where
it may be indicated for
cases of severe uncontrolled PSORIASIS unresponsive to conventional therapy; it
may also be indicated for
severe active RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Because of its potentially severe haematolog
ical, pulmonary,
gastrointestinal, and other toxicities it should be used only by specialists and
appropriate renal and
liver function tests carried out before and during treatment. It should be avoid
ed in pregnancy, and
conception should be avoided for at least six months after stopping, as should b
reast feeding. Concurrent
administration of aspirin or other NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY (NSAIDS) reduc
es methotrexate
excretion, increasing its toxicity, and should therefore be avoided when
ever possible.
Methyl Methyl is an organic radical whose chemical formula is CH3, and w
hich forms the centre of a wide
group of substances known as the methyl group. For example, methyl alcohol is ob
tained as a by-product in
the manufacture of beetsugar, or by distillation of wood; methyl salicylate is t

he active constituent in
oil of wintergreen; methyl hydride is better known as marsh gas. Methyl alcohol,
or wood spirit (see
METHANOL), is distilled from wood and is thus a cheap form of alcohol. It has ac
tions similar to, but much
more toxic than, those of ethyl alcohol. It has a specially pronounced action on
the nervous system, and in
large doses is apt to cause neuritis, especially of the optic nerves, leading to
blindness, partial or
Methylbenzene See TOLUENE.
Methylcellulose A COLLOID which absorbs water to swell to about 25 times
its original volume. It is
used in the treatment of CONSTIPATION and also in the management of OBESITY. The
rationale for its use in
obesity is that by swelling up in the stomach, it reduces the appetite.
Methyldopa A centrally acting anti-hypertensive (see HYPERTENSION) drug
often used in conjunction with
a diuretic (see DIURETICS). It can be effective in controlling high blood pressu
re in pregnancy. The drug
is also safe to use in patients with ASTHMA or heart failure.
Methylene Blue Methylene blue, or methylthionin chloride, is used in a d
ose of 75100 mg, as a
1-per-cent intravenous injection, in the treatment of METHAEMOGLOBINAEMIA, which
may occur following high
doses of local anaesthetics such as prilocaine.
Methylphenidate A drug that stimulates the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Its a
ction is similar to
DEXAMPHETAMINE. A controlled drug, one of its trade names is Ritalin and it is (c
ontroversially) used in
, in conjunction with
behavioural treatment and family support. Because of the potential for side-effe
cts, its administration
should be under specialist supervision.

458 Methylprednisolone
Methylprednisolone A mineralcorticoid drug (see CORTICOSTEROIDS) with an
action comparable to that of
PREDNISOLONE, but effective at a somewhat lower dose.
Methyl Salicylate Also called oil of Wintergreen, the liquid has analges
ic (see ANALGESICS) and
counter-irritant properties. Rubbed into the skin, the oil helps to relieve pain
rheumatic conditions.
Methysergide A drug used to prevent attacks of MIGRAINE. The drug requir
es hospital supervision, as it
has to be used with care because of the toxic effects it sometimes produces for
example, nausea,
drowsiness and retroperitoneal FIBROSIS.
This drug antagonises the actions of DOPAMINE. Given orally, intramuscul
arly, or intravenously, it is
used to treat nausea and vomiting, particularly in gastrointestinal disorders, o
r when associated with
cytotoxics or radiotherapy. It is useful in the early treatment of MIGRAINE. Cau
tion is indicated in
prescribing metoclopramide for elderly and young patients, and whenever hepatic
or renal impairment is
present, and it should be avoided in pregnancy or cases of PORPHYRIAS. Adverse e
ffects include
extrapyramidal effects (see under EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SYSTEM) and HYPERPROLACTINAEMIA
with occasional TARDIVE
DYSKINESIA on prolonged administration. There have also been occasional reports
of drowsiness,
restlessness, diarrhoea, depression and neuroleptic malignant syndrome, with rar
e cardiac conduction
abnormalities following intravenous administration.
national System of Units (SI). It is equivalent to 3937 inches.
Metritis Inflammation of the uterus (see EASES OF).
UTERUS, DISMetronidazole An antimicrobial drug particularly active against anaerobi
c (see ANAEROBE) bacteria and
PROTOZOA. Given by mouth, by rectum or intravenously, it is used to treat infect
ions of the urinary,
genital, and digestive systems for example, TRICHOMONIASIS, amoebiasis (see DYSE
acute ulcerative GINGIVITIS, and is a useful treatment for dental abscesses. Top
ically, it is used in the
management of ROSACEA and it reduces the odour produced by anaerobic bacteria in
fungating tumours. It may
cause a DISULFIRAM-like reaction with alcohol; caution is similarly indicated in
patients with impaired
liver function or hepatic encephalopathy, and who are pregnant or breast feeding
. Rare side-effects include

nausea, vomiting, unpleasant taste, furred tongue and gastrointestinal disturban

ces; rashes, URTICARIA, and
angio-oedema (see under URTICARIA); drowsiness, headache, dizziness, ATAXIA and
Metropathia Haemorrhagica A disorder characterised by irregular bouts of
uterine (see UTERUS) bleeding
without previous OVULATION due to excessive oestrogenic activity. It is associat
ed with endometrial
hyperplasia and cysts of the ovary.
Metrorrhagia Uterine (see UTERUS) bleeding otherwise than at the proper
period (see MENSTRUATION). It
is usually due to a uterine lesion and should be investigated.
Metyrapone is a drug that inhibits the production of CORTISOL in the adr
enal cortex, which results in
an increase in ACTH production and (completing the feedback control cycle) thus
greater synthesis of the
chemical precursors of cortisol. Metyrapone is used to treat patients with CUSHI
NGS SYNDROME (a condition
caused by excess amounts of corticosteroid hormones in the body) where surgery i
s not possible.
thiazide-type diuretic (see THIAZIDES; DIURETICS) which is particularly
effective when combined with a
loop diuretic (see LOOP DIURETICS), when it produces profound diuresis. The drug
is also useful for
treating kidney stones (see under KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF).
Metoprolol A beta-adrenergic-receptor blocking agent. (See ADRENERGIC RE
Metre The basic unit of length in the modern version of the metric syste
m, known as the InterMiconazole One of the IMIDAZOLES group of antifungals which includes clo
trimazole and ketoconazole.
Active against a wide range of fungi and yeasts,

their main indications are vaginal candidiasis and dermatophyte skin inf
ections. Miconazole is used as
a cream or ointment; it may also be given orally (for oral or gastrointestinal i
nfections), or parenterally
(for systemic infections such as aspergillosis or candidiasis). (See MYCOSIS.)
Microangiopathy Disease of the CAPILLARIES.
Microbicides Gels or creams,
reduce the risk of anal or
vaginal transmission of viruses such
kill or to inactivate the
virus, creating a barrier to mucosal
ng hold after it has
entered the body. Large-scale trials
rin sulphate and PRO-2000

currently under investigation, designed to

as HIV (see also AIDS/ HIV). The aim is to
cells or preventing the infection from taki
were launched in Africa in 2004, using dext

Microbiology The study of all aspects of micro-organisms (microbes) that

is, organisms which
individually are generally too small to be visible other than by microscopy. The
term is applicable to
viruses (see VIRUS), BACTERIA, and microscopic forms of fungi, algae, and PROTOZ
OA. Among the smallest and
simplest microorganisms are the viruses. First described as filterable agents, a
nd ranging in size from
2030 nm to 300 nm, they may be directly visualised only by electron microscopy. T
hey consist of a core of
deoxyribonucleic or ribonucleic acid (DNA or RNA) within a protective protein co
at, or capsid, whose
subunits confer a geometric symmetry. Thus viruses are usually cubical (icosahed
ral) or helical; the larger
viruses (pox-, herpes-, myxo-viruses) may also have an outer envelope. Their min
imal structure dictates
that viruses are all obligate parasites, relying on living cells to provide esse
ntial components for their
replication. Apart from animal and plant cells, viruses may infect and replicate
in bacteria
(bacteriophages) or fungi (mycophages), which are damaged in the process. Bacter
ia are larger (0015,000
m) and more complex. They have a subcellular organisation which generally include
s DNA and RNA, a cell
membrane, organelles such as ribosomes, and a complex and chemically variable ce
ll envelope but, unlike
EUKARYOTES, no nucleus. Rickettsiae, chlamydia, and mycoplasmas, once thought of
as viruses because of
their small size and absence of a cell wall (mycoplasma) or major wall c
omponent (chlamydia), are now
acknowledged as bacteria; rickettsiae and chlamydia are intracellular parasites
of medical importance.
Bacteria may also possess additional surface structures, such as capsules and or
gans of locomotion
(flagella) and attachment (fimbriae and stalks). Individual bacterial cells may

be spheres (cocci);
straight (bacilli), curved (vibrio), or flexuous (spirilla) rods; or oval cells
(coccobacilli). On
examination by light microscopy, bacteria may be visible in characteristic confi
gurations (as pairs of
cocci [diplococci], or chains [streptococci], or clusters); actinomycete bacteri
a grow as filaments with
externally produced spores. Bacteria grow essentially by increasing in cell size
and dividing by fission, a
process which in ideal laboratory conditions some bacteria may achieve about onc
e every 20 minutes. Under
natural conditions, growth is usually much slower. Eukaryotic micro-organisms co
mprise fungi, algae, and
protozoa. These organisms are larger, and they have in common a well-developed i
nternal compartmentation
into subcellular organelles; they also have a nucleus. Algae additionally have c
hloroplasts, which contain
photosynthetic pigments; fungi lack chloroplasts; and protozoa lack both a cell
wall and chloroplasts but
may have a contractile vacuole to regulate water uptake and, in some, structures
for capturing and
ingesting food. Fungi grow either as discrete cells (yeasts), multiplying by bud
ding, fission, or
conjugation, or as thin filaments (hyphae) which bear spores, although some may
show both morphological
forms during their life-cycle. Algae and protozoa generally grow as individual c
ells or colonies of
individuals and multiply by fission. Micro-organisms of medical importance inclu
de representatives of the
five major microbial groups that obtain their essential nutrients at the expense
of their hosts. Many
bacteria and most fungi, however, are saprophytes (see SAPROPHYTE), being major
contributors to the natural
cycling of carbon in the environment and to biodeterioration; others are of ecol
ogical and economic
importance because of the diseases they cause in agricultural or horticultural c
rops or because of their
beneficial relationships with higher organisms. Additionally, they may be of ind
ustrial or biotechnological
importance. Fungal diseases of humans tend to be most important in tropical envi
ronments and in
immuno-compromised subjects. Pathogenic (that is, disease-causing) microorganism
s have special
characteristics, or

460 Microcephaly
virulence factors, that enable them to colonise their hosts and overcome
or evade physical,
biochemical, and immunological host defences. For example, the presence of capsu
les, as in the bacteria
that cause anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), one form of pneumonia (Streptococcus pn
eumoniae), scarlet fever
(S. pyogenes), bacterial meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influen
zae) is directly related to
the ability to cause disease because of their antiphagocytic properties. Fimbria
e are related to virulence,
enabling tissue attachment for example, in gonorrhoea (N. gonorrhoeae) and chole
ra (Vibrio cholerae).
Many bacteria excrete extracellular virulence factors; these include enzymes and
other agents that impair
the hosts physiological and immunological functions. Some bacteria produce powerf
ul toxins (excreted
exotoxins or endogenous endotoxins), which may cause local tissue destruction an
d allow colonisation by the
pathogen or whose specific action may explain the disease mechanism. In Staphylo
coccus aureus, exfoliative
toxin produces the staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome, TSS toxin-1 toxic-shock
syndrome, and enterotoxin
food poisoning. The pertussis exotoxin of Bordetella pertussis, the cause of who
oping cough, blocks
immunological defences and mediates attachment to tracheal cells, and the exotox
in produced by
Corynebacterium diphtheriae causes local damage resulting in a pronounced exudat
e in the trachea. Viruses
cause disease by cellular destruction arising from their intracellular parasitic
existence. Attachment to
particular cells is often mediated by specific viral surface proteins; mechanism
s for evading immunological
defences include latency, change in viral antigenic structure, or incapacitation
of the immune system for
example, destruction of CD 4 lymphocytes by the human immunodeficiency virus.
A very small, single-celled living organism that cannot usually be seen
by the naked eye. The most
important micro-organisms in medicine are those that cause disease. This pathogen
ic group, however, forms
only a small proportion of the enormous number of known microorganisms. The main
pathogenic ones are
BACTERIA. Others are fungi and RICKETTSIA. Though not true cells, viruses (see V
IRUS) are usually
classified as micro-organisms. (See also MICROBIOLOGY.)
Abnormal smallness of the head, usually associated with LEARNING DISABIL
ITY. It may occur as a result
of infection of the fetus by, for example, RUBELLA (German measles) or from hypo
xic damage to the brain

before or during birth.

Condition in which objects appear smaller than normal. It can be due to
disease of the macula of the
Micrococcus A spherical gram-positive bacterium (see BACIt occurs in col
onies and is usually harmless
in humans. However, micrococcus can become pathogenic and cause abscesses (see A
A small red blood cell.
Microdissection The technique of dissecting very small structures under
a microscope. Miniature
surgical instruments are manipulated via geared connections that convert the coa
rse movements of the
surgeons fingers into miniscule movements, making it possible to dissect and sepa
rate even individual
Microfilaria The mobile embryo of certain parasitic nematode worms which
are found in the blood or
lymph of patients infected with filarial worms. The microfilariae develop into l
arvae in the body of a
blood-sucking insect, for example, a mosquito.
Microgram Microgram is the 1/1,000th part of a milligram. The abreviatio
n for it is g. (See APPENDIX
Micrometre The 1/1,000th part of a millimetre. The abbreviation for it i
s m. (See APPENDIX 6:
Microscope An optical instrument comprising adjustable magnifying lenses
that greatly enlarge a small
object under study for example, an insect, blood cells, or bacteria. Some micros
copes use electron beams
to magnify minute objects such as chromosomes, crystals, or even large molecules
. Optical microscopes are
also used for MICROSURGERY when the area being operated on is otherwise inaccess
ible: for example, in eye

and inner ear surgery; for the removal of tumours from the brain or spin
al cord; and for resuturing
damaged blood vessels and nerves.
Microsporum One of the three genera of dermatophytes (fungi) which cause
tinea (see RINGWORM).
Microsporum of human or animal origin is an important cause of tinea capitis, or
ringworm of the scalp.
Microsurgery The conduct of very intricate surgical operations using spe
cially refined operating
microscopes (see MICROSCOPE) and miniaturised precision instruments for example,
forceps, scalpels,
scissors, etc. Microsurgery is used in previously inaccessible areas of the brai
n, eye, inner ear and
spinal cord, as well as in the suturing of severed nerves and small blood vessel
s following traumatic
injuries to the limbs or fingers. The technique is also used to reverse
Mid-Life Crisis A colloquial description of the feelings of anxiety and
distress experienced by some
individuals in early middle age. They realise that by 45 years of age they are n
o longer young, and men in
particular try to turn the clock back by changing jobs, dressing trendily, takin
g up energetic or unusual
sports or engaging in extramarital liaisons. Sometimes those in midlife crises d
evelop mild or even serious
DEPRESSION. The feelings of anxiety and insecurity usually disappear with time b
ut some people may benefit
from counselling.
A laboratory instrument for cutting sections of biological tissues for s
tudy under a MICROSCOPE. It is
widely used in biological and PATHOLOGY laboratories.
A member of the profession which provides care and advice during pregnan
cy, supervises the mothers
labour and delivery, and looks after her and the baby after birth (see also PREG
pregnancy or labour develop complications, the midwife will seek medical advice.
Most midwives are
registered general nurses who have also done an 18month course in midwifery. Tra
ined midwives are
registered with the UK Central Council for Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting
and work in hospitals or a
domiciliary setting. Midwives practise in hospitals, health units or in a domici
liary (home) setting.
Non-ionising electro-magnetic radiations in the frequency range of 30300,
000 megahertz. They are

emitted from electronic devices, such as heaters, some domestic ovens, televisio
n receivers, radar units
and DIATHERMY units. There is no scientific evidence to justify the claims that
they are harmful to humans,
or that they produce any harmful effect in the GENES. The only known necessary p
recaution is the protection
of the eyes in those using them in industry, as there is some evidence that prol
onged exposure to them in
this may induce cataract (see EYE, DISORDERS OF).
Micturition The act of URINATION (see also URINARY BLADDER; URINE).
Middle Ear That portion of the
lying between the and the INNER EAR. It contains the ossicles, the three
small bones that transmit
Migraine The word migraine derives from HEMICRANIA, the Greek for half a
skull, and is a common
condition characterised by recurring intense headaches. It is much more usual in
women than in men and
affects around 10 per cent of the population. It has been defined as episodic hea
dache accompanied by
visual or gastrointestinal disturbances, or both, attacks lasting hours with tot
al freedom between
episodes. It usually begins at puberty although young children can be affected an
d tends to stop in
middle age: in women, for example, attacks often cease after MENOPAUSE. It frequ
ently disappears during
pregnancy. The disorder tends to run in families. In susceptible individuals, at
tacks may be provoked by a
wide variety of causes including: anxiety, emotion, depression, shock, and excit
ement; physical and mental
fatigue; prolonged focusing on computer, television or cinema screens; noise, es
pecially loud and
high-pitched sounds; certain foods such as chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, pas
try; alcohol; prolonged
lack of food; irregular meals; menstruation and the pre-menstrual period.

462 Milia
Anything that can provoke a headache in the ordinary individual can prob
ably precipitate an attack in a
migrainous subject. It seems as if there is an inherited predispostion that trig
gers a mechanism whereby in
the migrainous subject, the headache and the associated sickness persist for hou
rs, a whole day or even
longer. The precise cause is not known, but the generally accepted view is that
in susceptible individuals,
one or other of these causes produces spasm or constriction of the blood vessels
of the brain. This in turn
is followed by dilatation of these blood vessels which also become more permeabl
e and so allow fluid to
pass out into the surrounding tissues. This combination of dilatation and outpou
ring of fluid is held to be
responsible for the headache. Two types of migraine have been recognised: classi
cal and common. The former
is relatively rare and the headache is preceded by a slowly extending area of bl
indness in one or both
eyes, usually accompanied by intermittent lights. The phenomenon lasts for up to 3
0 minutes and is
followed by a bad, often unilateral headache with nausea, sometimes vomiting and
sensitivity to light.
Occasionally, passing neurological symptoms such as weakness in a limb may accom
pany the attack. The common
variety has similar but less severe symptoms. It consists of an intense headache
, usually situated over one
or other eye. The headache is usually preceded by a feeling of sickness and dist
urbance of sight. In 1520
per cent of cases this disturbance of sight takes the form of bright lights: the
so-called AURA of
migraine. The majority of attacks are accompanied by vomiting. The duration of t
he headache varies, but in
the more severe cases the victim is usually confined to bed for 24 hours.
sickness. The less food that is taken during an attack the better, provi
ded that the individual drinks
as much fluid as he or she wants. Group therapy, in which groups of around ten m
igrainous subjects learn
how to relax, is often of help in more severe cases, whilst in others the inject
ion of a local anaesthetic
into tender spots in the scalp reduces the number of attacks. Drug treatment can
be effective and those
afflicted by migraine may find a particular drug or combination of drugs more su
itable than others.
ANALGESICS such as PARACETAMOL, aspirin and CODEINE phosphate sometimes help. A
combination of buclizine
hydrochloride and analgesics, taken when the visual aura occurs, prevents or dim
inishes the severity of an
attack in some people. A commonly used remedy for the condition is ergotamine ta
rtrate, which causes the
dilated blood vessels to contract, but this must only be taken under medical sup
ervision. In many cases
METOCLOPRAMIDE (an antiemetic), followed ten minutes later by three tablets of e
ither aspirin or
paracetamol, is effective if taken early in an attack. In milder attacks, aspiri
n, with or without codeine

and paracetamol, may be of value. SUMATRIPTAN (5-hydroxytryptamine [5HT1] AGONIS

T also known as a
SEROTONIN agonist) is of value for acute attacks. It is used orally or by subcut
aneous injection, but
should not be used for patients with ischaemic heart disease. Naratriptan is ano
ther 5HT1 agonist that is
an effective treatment for acute attacks; others are almotriptan, rizariptan and
zolmitriptan. Some
patients find beta blockers such as propranolol a valuable prophylactic. People
with migraine and their
relatives can obtain help and guidance from the Migraine Action Association.
Treatment consists, in the first place, of tryMilia
ing to avoid any precipitating factor. Patients must find out which drug
, or drugs, give them most
relief, and they must always carry these about with them wherever they go. This
is because it is a not
uncommon experience to be aware of an attack coming on and to find that there is
a critical quarter of an
hour or so during which the tablets are effective. If not taken within this peri
od, they may be ineffective
and the unfortunate victim finds him or herself prostrate with headache and vomi
ting. In addition,
sufferers should immediately lie down; at this stage a few hours rest may prevent
the development of a
full attack. When an attack is fully developed, rest in bed in a quiet, darkened
room is essential; any
loud noise or bright light intensifies the headache or
These are small keratin cysts appearing as white papules on the cheek an
d eyelids.
Miliaria Also known as prickly heat. An intensely itchy vesicular and er
ythematous rash induced by
intense heat and humidity. It is caused by a disturbance of sweat-gland function
Miliary A term, expressing size, applied to various disease products whi
ch are about the size of millet
seeds: for example, miliary aneurysms, miliary tuberculosis.
Milium Milium is a pinhead white cyst of the skin of

Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

the face containing corneal cells. It can be removed on the point of a s
terile needle.
Milk The natural food of all mammalia for a considerable period followin
g their birth. It is
practically the only form of animal food in which protein, fat, carbohydrate and
salt are all represented
in sufficient amount, and it therefore contains all the constituents of a standa
rd diet. Milk is important
in human nutrition because it contains first-class animal protein of high biolog
ical value; because it is
exceptionally rich in calcium; and because it is a good source of vitamin A, thi
amine and riboflavine. It
also contains a variable amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and of vitamin D th
e amount of the latter
being higher during the summer months than during the winter months. Raw milk yi
elds 67 Calories (see
CALORIE) per 100 millilitres, in which are present (in grams) 876 of water, 33 of
protein, 36 of fat,
47 of carbohydrate, and 012 of calcium. Heat has no effect on the vitamin A or D c
ontent of milk, or on
the riboflavine content, but it causes a considerable reduction in the vitamin C
and thiamine content.
Preparation of milk Milk may be prepared for food in various ways. Boili
ng destroys the bacteria,
especially any Mycobacteria tuberculosis which the milk may contain. It also par
tly destroys vitamin C and
thiamine, as does pasteurisation. Curdling of milk is effected by adding rennet,
which carries out the
initial stage of digestion and thus renders milk more suitable for people who co
uld not otherwise tolerate
it. Souring of milk is practised in many countries before milk is considered sui
table for food; it is
carried out by adding certain organisms such as the LACTIC ACID bacillus, the Bu
lgarian bacillus, and
setting the milk in a warm place for several hours. Sterilisation, which prevent
s fermentation and
decomposition, is usually carried out by raising the milk to boiling temperature
(100 C) for 15 minutes
and then hermetically sealing it. Condensed, unsweetened milk usually known as e
vaporated milk is
concentrated in vacuo at low temperature; the milk is then placed in tins, which
are sealed, and is
sterilised by heat at a temperature of 105 C. This destroys 60 per cent of the vi
tamin C and 3050 per
cent of the thiamine. Sweetened condensed milk is not exposed to such a high tem
perature. The sugar, which
prevents the growth of micro-organisms, is added before the condensing, and fina
lly reaches a concentration
of about 40 per cent.
Dried milk is prepared by evaporating all the fluid so that the milk is
reduced to the form of powder.
Humanised milk is cows milk treated to render it closely similar to human milk.

Milk Teeth The temporary teeth of children. (For the time of their appea
rance, see under TEETH.)
Millilitre Millilitre is the 1,000th part of 1 litre. It is practically
the equivalent of a cubic
centimetre (1 cm3 = 0999973 ml); ml is the usual abbreviation.
Mind (1) The seat of consciousness of the human BRAIN. The mind understa
nds, reasons and initiates
action and is also the source of emotions. This is a simplistic definition for a
concept that has been and
continues to be the subject of vigorous debate among theologians, philosophers,
biologists, psychologists,
psychiatrists and other doctors, their arguments being too complex for inclusion
in a dictionarys
definition. (2) MIND: The National Association for Mental Health, a voluntary ch
aritable body that works in
the interests of those with MENTAL ILLNESS, advising, educating and campaigning
for and supporting them.
Mineralcorticoid See CORTICOSTEROIDS.
Minim A pre-metric unit of measurement of volume. It is about one-60th par
t of a fluid drachm and is
used in pharmacy.
Minimum Lethal Dose (MLD) See MLD.
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) More popularly called keyhole surgery, MI
S is surgical intervention,
whether diagnostic or curative, that causes patients the least possible physical
trauma. It has
revolutionised surgery, growing from a technique used by gynaecologists, urologi
sts and innovative general
surgeons to one regularly used in general surgery, GYNAECOLOGY, UROLOGY, thoraci
c surgery, orthopaedic
MIS is commonly carried out by means of an operating laparoscope (a type
of ENDOSCOPE) that is slipped
through a small incision in the skin. MIS now accounts for around 50 per cent

464 Minocycline
Removal of stones from gall-bladder using the technique of minimally inv
asive surgery.
of all operations carried out in the UK. A small
M attachment on the end of the laparoscope provides an image that can be magnified on a screen, leaving the surgeons ha
nds free to operate while his
assistant operates the laparoscope. Halogen bulbs, fibreoptic cables and rod len
ses have all contributed to
the technical advancement of laparoscopes. Operations done in this manner includ
e extracorporeal shock-wave
LITHOTRIPSY for stones in the gall-bladder, biliary ducts and urinary system; re
moval of the gall-bladder;
appendicectomy; removal of the spleen and adrenal glands; and thoracic sympathec
tomy. MIS is also used to
remove cartilage or loose pieces of bone in the kneejoint. This method of surger
y usually means that
patients can be treated on a day or overnight basis, allowing them to resume nor
mal activities more quickly
than with conventional surgery. It is safer and lessens the trauma and shock for
patients needing surgery.
MIS is also more cost effective, allowing hospitals to treat more patients in a
year. Surgeons undertake
special training in the use of MIS, a highly skilled technique, before they are
permitted to use the
procedures on patients. The use of MIS for hernia repair, colon surgery and repa
irs of duodenal
perforations is under evaluation and its advantages will be enhanced by the deve
lopment of robotic surgical
Minocycline One of the tetracycline broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs (see
has a broader spectrum than the others and is effective against Neisseria mening
itidis, which causes
bacterial MENINGITIS. It should not be prescribed for patients with kidney disea
Minoxidil A vasodilator drug taken orally to treat people with serious H
YPERTENSION. Minoxidil is also
used as a lotion to treat male-pattern baldness (in both sexes). The drug can ca
use fluid retention, weight
gain and excessive growth of the hair.
Miosis Condition of constriction (reduction in size) of the pupil (see E
YE). It may be the result of
disease affecting the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Bright light causes miosis and s
ome drugs for example,
PILOCARPINE or OPIUM have the same effect.
Miscarriage See ABORTION.
Misoprostol A PROSTAGLANDIN analogue used to treat duodenal and gastric
ulcers, and those induced by

Mitral Incompetence (NSAIDS).

It should not be taken by pregnant or breast-feeding women.
Misuse of Drugs See also MEDICINES.
Government legislation covers the manufacture, sale and prescription of
drugs in the UK. As well as
stating which drugs may be sold over the counter (OTC) without a doctors or denti
sts prescription, and
those which can be obtained only with such a prescription, government regulation
s determine the extent of
availability of many substances which are liable to be abused see Misuse of Drug
s Act 1971 (below). The
Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 define those individuals who in their professio
nal capacity are authorised
to supply and possess controlled drugs: see the schedules of drugs listed below
under the 1985 regulations.
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 This legislation forbids activities relating to
the manufacture, sale and
possession of particular (controlled) drugs. These are classified into three gra
des according to their
dangers if misused. Any offences concerning class A drugs, potentially the most
damaging when abused, carry
the toughest penalties, while classes B and C attract lesser penalties if abused
. Class A includes:
cocaine, dextromoramide, diamorphine (heroin), lysergic acid (LSD), methadone, m
orphine, opium, pethidine,
phencyclidine acid and injectable preparations of class B drugs. Class B include
s: oral amphetamines,
barbiturates, codeine, glutethimide, marijuana (cannabis), pentazocine and pholc
odine. Class C includes:
drugs related to the amphetamines, anabolic and androgenic steroids, many benzod
iazepines, buprenorphine,
diethyl propion, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), mazindol, meprobamate, pem
oline, phenbuterol, and

Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 These regulations define those people w
ho are authorised in their
professional capacity to supply and possess controlled drugs. They also describe
the requirements for
legally undertaking these activities, such as storage of the drugs and limits on
their prescription. Drugs
are divided into five schedules and some examples follow. I: Almost all are proh
ibited except in accordance
with Home Office authority: marijuana (cannabis), LSD. II: High potential for ab
use but have

accepted medical uses: amphetamines, cocaine. III: Lower potential for a
buse: barbiturates,
meprobamate, temazepam. IV: Lower potential for abuse than I to III. Minimal con
trol: benzodiazepines. V:

Low potential for abuse: generally compound preparations containing small amount
s of opioids: kaolin and
morphine (antidiarrhoeal medicine), codeine linctus (cough suppressant). (See al

Mites A mite is an arthropod belonging to a group of insects called ACAR
INA. It may be parasitic or
free-living. Most mites are less than 1 mm long and medically significant ones i
nclude those that cause
DERMATITIS (dermatophagoides) and the harvest mite, which transmits scrub typhus
(see under TYPHUS FEVER).
Mitochondria The rod-like bodies in the CELLS of the body which contain
the enzymes (see ENZYME)
necessary for the activity of the cell. They have been described as the power pla
nt of the cell
Mitosis The process of cell division for somatic cells and for the ovum
after fertilisation. Each
chromosome becomes doubled by splitting lengthwise and forming two chromatids wh
ich remain held together by
the centromere. These chromatids are exact copies of the original chromosomes an
d contain duplicates of all
the genes they bear. When cell division takes place, the pull of the spindle spl
its the centromere and each
double chromatid separates, one passing to one pole of the nucleus and the other
to the opposite pole. The
nucleus and the cell itself then also divide, forming two new daughter cells con
taining precisely the same
23 pairs of chromosomes and carrying exactly the same complement of genes as did
the mother cell. (See
Mitral Incompetence A defect in the MITRAL VALVE of the HEART which allo
ws blood to leak from the left
VENTRICLE into the left ATRIUM. It is also known as mitral regurgitation; incomp
etence may occur along with
MITRAL STENOSIS. The left ventricle has to work harder to compensate for the fau
lty valve, so it enlarges,
but eventually the ventricle cannot cope with the extra load and left-sided hear
t failure may develop. A
common cause of

466 Mitral Stenosis

mitral incompetence is RHEUMATIC FEVER or damage following a heart attac
k. The condition is treated
with drugs to help the heart, but in severe cases heart surgery may be required.
Mitral Stenosis Narrowing of the opening between the left ATRIUM and lef
t VENTRICLE of the HEART as a
result of rigidity of, and adhesion between, the cusps of the MITRAL VALVE. It i
s due, almost invariably,
to the infection RHEUMATIC FEVER. The atrium has to work harder to force blood t
hrough the narrowed
channel. The effects are similar to those of MITRAL INCOMPETENCE. Shortness of b
reath and palpitations and
irregular beating (fibrillation) of the atrium are common consequences in adults
. Drug treatment with
DIGOXIN and DIURETICS helps, but surgery to dilate or replace the faulty valve m
ay be necessary.
Mitral Valve The mitral valve, so-called because of its resemblance to a
bishops mitre, is the valve
which guards the opening between the ATRIUM and VENTRICLE on the left side of th
MLD M The minimal lethal dose or smallest amount of
several countries have failed to find any evidence to back the claim. No
netheless, the publicity war
has been largely lost by the UK health departments so that vaccine rates have dr
opped to a worryingly low
level. (See IMMUNISATION.)
Moclobemide A reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor (see MONOAMINE OXID
drug is used as second-line treatment for patients with severe DEPRESSION. As wi
th all MAOIs, those taking
moclobemide should avoid too much tyramine-rich food mature cheese, yeast extrac
ts, fermented soya-bean
products and they should not take the drug with another antidepressant (see ANTI
Mode A statistical term which is the most frequently occurring value of
a set of observations. If the
results are plotted as a graph, the mode is the peak of the curve which results.
Molar Teeth
a toxic compound needed to cause death.
The last three TEETH on each side of the JAW.
MMR Vaccine
A combined vaccine offering protection against MEASLES, MUMPS and RUBELL
A (German measles), it was
introduced in the UK in 1988 and has now replaced the measles vaccine. The combi

ned vaccine is offered to

all infants in their second year; health authorities have an obligation to ensur
e that all children have
received the vaccine by school entry it should be given with the pre-school boos
ter doses against
DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS and POLIOMYELITIS, if not earlier unless there is a valid co
ntra-indication (such as
partial immunosuppression), parental refusal, or evidence of previous infection.
MMR vaccine may also be
used in the control of measles outbreaks, if offered to susceptible children wit
hin three days of exposure
to infection. The vaccine is effective and generally safe, though minor symptoms
such as malaise, fever and
rash may occur 510 days after immunisation. The incidence of all three diseases h
as dropped substantially
since MMR was introduced in the UK and USA. A researcher has suggested a link be
tween the vaccine and
AUTISM, but massive studies of children with and without this condition in
(1) A term used to describe the common pigmented spots which occur on hu
man SKIN. It arises from a
collection of abnormal melanocytes (see MELANOCYTE) in the dermis adjacent to th
e epidermodermal junction.
Moles are usually not present at birth, and appear in childhood or adolescence.
Most moles are less than 5
mm in diameter and are macular at first, becoming raised later. Rarely, moles ar
e present at birth and may
occasionally be massive. There is a substantial risk of future malignancy (see M
ALIGNANT) in massive
congenital moles and prophylactic surgical removal is advised if feasible. All h
umans have moles, but their
number varies from ten or fewer to 100 or more. The members of some families are
genetically predisposed to
large numbers of moles, some of which may be large and irregular in shape and co
lour. This atypical mole
syndrome is associated with an increased risk of future malignant MELANOMA. (2) A
n internationally agreed
unit (see SI UNITS) for measuring the quantity of a substance at molecular level

Molecular Biology The study of molecules (see MOLECULE) that are part of
the structure of living
Molecule The smallest possible amount of a substance comprising two or m
ore linked atoms which retains
the chemical characteristics of that substance. Molecules vary greatly in their
size and complexity,
ranging from oxygen (two linked oxygen atoms) and water (two hydrogen atoms and
one oxygen) to large
complex molecules such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) comprising thousands of at
oms of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus that form the double-helix structure which helps
to form GENES, the basic
building blocks of the hereditary material of living things.
Molluscum Contagiosum Common papular eruption of the skin caused by a vi
rus. Most common in children,
it is highly contagious and often transmitted in swimming pools and sauna baths.
Mollusca are often
multiple and persistent in children with atopic eczema (see DERMATITIS), and epi
demics may occur in
boarding schools. The typical molluscum is 23 mm in diameter, skincoloured and tr
anslucent, with a dimpled
centre. The armpits and adjacent chest, upper inner thighs and genital areas are
common sites in young
children. In adults the infection is usually transmitted sexually and affects th
e pubic area and lower
belly. Mollusca eventually disappear spontaneously, but cure can be expedited by
curettage (removal with a
CURETTE) under surface anaesthesia.
Mongolian Blue Spots Irregularly shaped areas of bluish-black pigmentati
on found occasionally on the
buttocks, lower back or upper arms in newborn infants of African, Chinese and Ja
panese parentage, and
sometimes in the babies of black-haired Europeans. They measure from one to seve
ral centimetres in
diameter, and usually disappear in a few months. They are commonly mistaken for
Moniliasis The infection caused by monilia, the genus of fungi now known
as Candida albicans (see
CANDIDA). The infection may occur in the mouth where it is known as thrush lungs
, intestine, vagina,
skin, or nails.
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) These are drugs that destroy, or pr
event the action of, monoamine
oxidase (MAO). Monoamines, which include NORADRENALINE and tyramine, play an imp
ortant part in the
metabolism of the BRAIN, and there is some evidence that excitement is due to an
accumulation of monoamines
in the brain. MAO is a naturally occurring ENZYME which is concerned in the brea

kdown of monoamines. MAOIs

were among the earliest ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS used, but they are now used much le
ss than tricyclic and
and related antidepressants, because of the dangers of dietary or drug i
nteractions and because MAOIs
are less effective than these two groups. An excessive accumulation of monoamine
s can induce a dangerous
reaction characterised by high blood pressure, palpitations, sweating and a feel
ing of suffocation. Hence
the care with which MAOI drugs are administered. What is equally important, howe
ver, is that in no
circumstances should a patient receiving any MAOI drug eat cheese, yeast prepara
tions such as Marmite,
tinned fish, or high game. The reason for this ban is that all these foodstuffs
contain large amounts of
tyramine which increases the amount of certain monoamines such as noradrenaline
in the body. (See MENTAL
ILLNESS.) There are also certain drugs, such as AMPHETAMINES and PETHIDINE HYDRO
CHLORIDE, which must not be
taken by a patient who is receiving an MAOI drug. The MAOIs of choice are phenel
zine or isocarboxazid
because their stimulant effects are less than those of other MAOIs, making them
Monoclonal Antibodies An artificially prepared antibody (see ANTIobtaine
d from cell clones a
genetically identical group of cells and comprising a single type of immunoglobu
lin. It neutralises only
one specific ANTIGEN. The antibodies are prepared by linking antibody-forming ly
mphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE)
from the spleen of mice with myeloma cells from mice. Monoclonal antibodies are
used in the development of
new vaccines and in the study of human cells, hormones, and micro-organisms. Res
earch is under way for
their use in the treatment of some forms of cancer. (See IMMUNOLOGY.)
Monocyte A type of white blood cell which has a single

468 Monomania
kidney-shaped nucleus. Present in the tissues and lymphatic system as we
ll as in the circulation, it
ingests foreign particles such as tissue debris and bacteria. Monocytes are abou
t 20 m in diameter and 1
mm3 of blood contains around 7,500 of them, many times fewer than the five milli
on erythrocytes (red blood
Monozygotic Twins Twins who develop from a single OVUM fertilised by a s
ingle SPERMATOZOON. Also known
as identical or uniovular twins (see MULTIPLE BIRTHS).
Monomania is a form of MENTAL ILLNESS, in which the affected person has
delusion (see DELUSIONS) upon
one subject, although he or she can converse rationally and is a responsible ind
ividual upon other matters.
Morbid Anatomy
An acute viral infection in which the patient developes a sore throat, s
wollen lymph glands and fever.
Also known as glandular fever, infectious mononucleosis is caused by members of
the herpes group of viruses
the EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS and CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV). The disease is more common amo
ng adolescents aged
1517, an age when their immune defence mechanisms are not fully developed. In the
UK many thousands of
teenagers catch the disease every year, and kissing is believed to be the method
of transmission among many
of them. The blood contains many atypical lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) and the d
iagnosis is confirmed with
the heterophil antibodies test. Patients normally recover within six weeks witho
ut treatment, but they may
feel tired and depressed for several months afterwards. Some cases of MYALGIC EN
other chronic fatigue syndromes occur after infection with this virus.
The condition of being diseased. The morbidity rate is the number of cas
es of disease occurring within
a particular number of the population.
Monoplegia PARALYSIS

of a single limb or part.

Monorchism The absence of one testis, usually the result of the failure
of one TESTICLE to drop down
into the SCROTUM before birth. Monorchism is sometimes used to describe the cond
ition when one testicle has
been destroyed by disease or injury, or has been surgically removed when, for ex
ample, the man has
developed cancer of the testicle.
Monosaccharide A sugar having six carbon atoms in the molecule, such as
glucose, galactose, and
Monospot A screening test, performed on blood, which indicates the likel
ihood of infection with
The study of the structural changes that diseases cause in the body, in
particular those which can be
seen with the naked eye at POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION.
Morbilli Another name for MEASLES.
Morbus Morbus, the Latin word for disease, is used in such terms as morb
us cordis (heart disease),
morbus coxae (hip-joint disease).
Moribund In a state of dying.
Morning-After Pill See CONTRACEPTION.
Moron An out-of-date term previously used to describe individuals with m
ild learning difficulties, but
which is now offensive.
Moro Reflex A primitive REFLEX ACTION occurring in newly born infants in
response to a sudden movement
or noise. Also known as the startle reflex, the baby will throw its arms and leg
s wide and stiffen its
body. This is followed by flexion of the arms and legs. The reflex disappears by
four months; its
persistence suggests a possible neurological condition such as CEREBRAL PALSY.
Morphine Morphine is the name of the chief alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) upon
which the action of OPIUM
depends. A traditional and invaluable opioid analgesic (see ANALGESICS) used to
control severe pain, it is
the standard against which other opioid analgesics are measured. Used widely in
patients with
post-operative pain or

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) 469

those in PALLIATIVE care who have severe pain, it produces a sense of EU
PHORIA. A serious sideeffect is
that morphine can cause nausea and vomiting. The drug may also cause DEPENDENCE.
Morphine is a Class A
controlled drug and is classifed in Schedule II of the Misuse of Drugs Regulatio
ns 1985 (see CONTROLLED
Morphoea A form of circumscribed SCLERODERMA.
Mortification Mortification is another name for GANGRENE.
Mosaicism If non-dysjunction occurs after the formation of a ZYGOTE that
is, during a mitotic cell
division and not a meiotic cell division (see MITOSIS; MEIOSIS) some of the cell
s will have one
chromosome constitution and others another. The term mosaicism describes a condi
tion in which a substantial
minority of cells in an individuals body differ from the majority in their chromo
some content. How
substantial this minority is will depend upon how early during cleavage the zygo
te undergoes
nondysjunction. Mosaicism can cause disorders such as DOWNS (DOWN) SYNDROME and T
proportion and type of abnormal cells affect the physical appearance of the affe
cted individual. This may
range from normal to the features typical of people with a chromosomal-abnormali
ty syndrome.
Motilin Motilin is a hormone (see HORMONES) formed in the DUODENUM and t
he JEJUNUM which plays a part
in controlling the movements of the stomach and the gut.
Motion Waste products evacuated in a bowel movement, also called faeces
or stool.
Motion (Travel) Sickness A characteristic set of symptoms experienced by
many people when subjected to
the constant changes of position caused, for example, by the pitching and rollin
g motion of a vessel at
Depression, giddiness, nausea and vomiting are the most prominent.
Causes Although the vast majority of people appear to be liable to this
ailment at sea, they do not all
suffer alike. Many endure acute distress, whilst others are simply conscious of
transient feelings of
nausea and discomfort. A smaller proportion of people suffer from air and car si
ckness. The symptoms are a
result of overstimulation of the organs of balance in the inner EAR by continuou
s changes in the bodys
position. The movements of the horizon worsen this situation. Symptoms The sympt
oms generally show

themselves soon after

comfort in the head,
together with a sense
into intense sickness
vomiting. Most people

the journey has started, by the onset of giddiness and dis

of nausea and sinking at the stomach, which soon develops
recover quickly when the motion stops.

Innumerable preventives and remedies have been proposed. Cinnarizine 30
mg orally is useful 2 hours
before travel, then 15 mg every 8 hours during the journey if necessary. Dimenhy
drinate and promethazine
are also commonly taken for motion sickness.
Motor A term usually applied to nerves, used to describe anything that r
esults in movement. Motor
nerves stimulate muscles to contract, producing movement. (See also SENSORY.)
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) A group of disorders of unknown origin. Cert
ain cells in the neurological
systems MOTOR nerves degenerate and die. Upper and lower motor neurones may be af
fected but sensory cells
retain their normal functions. Three types of MND are identified: amyotrophic la
teral sclerosis (AML 50
per cent of patients); progressive muscular atrophy (25 per cent), in which the
prognosis is better than
for AML; and bulbar palsy (25 per cent). Men are affected more than women, and t
he disorder affects about
seven people in every 100,000. Those affected develop progressive weakness and w
asting of their muscles.
The diagnosis is confirmed with various tests including the measurement of elect
rical activity in muscles,
electromyography, muscle BIOPSY, blood tests and X-ray examination of the spine.
There is no medical
treatment: patients need physical and psychological support with aids to help th
em overcome disabilities.
The Motor Neurone Disease

470 Mountain Sickness

Association provides excellent advice and help for sufferers and their r
elatives. (See APPENDIX 2:
Mountain Sickness
ring. They may be associated with STRESS or There is no ideal treatment.
Herpetic ulcers (see HERPES
SIMPLEX) are similar but usually there are many ulcers and the patient appears f
everish and unwell. This
condition is more common in children. DYSPEPSIA.
Mouth, Diseases of The mucous membrane of the mouth can indicate the hea
lth of the individual and
internal organs. For example, pallor or pigmentation may indicate ANAEMIA, JAUND
Thrush is characterised by the presence of white patches on the mucous m
embrane which bleeds if the
patch is gently removed. It is caused by the growth of a parasitic mould known a
s Candida albicans.
Antifungal agents usually suppress the growth of candida. Candidal infiltration
of the mucosa is often
found in cancerous lesions.
Calculus (a) Salivary: a calculus (stone) may develop in one of the majo
r salivary-gland ducts. This
may result in a blockage which will cause the gland to swell and be painful. It
usually swells before a
meal and then slowly subsides. The stone may be passed but often has to be remov
ed in a minor operation. If
the gland behind the calculus becomes infected, then an ABSCESS forms and, if th
is persists, the removal of
the gland may be indicated. (b) Dental, also called TARTAR: this is a calcified
material which adheres to
the teeth; it often starts as the soft debris found on teeth which have not been
well cleaned and is called
plaque. If not removed, it will gradually destroy the periodontal membrane and r
esult in the loss of the
Leukoplakia literally means a white patch.
In the mouth it is often due to an area of thickened cells from the horn
y layer of the epithelium. It
appears as a white patch of varying density and is often grooved by dense fissur
es. There are many causes,
most of them of minor importance. It may be associated with smoking, SYPHILIS, c
hronic SEPSIS or trauma
from a sharp tooth. Cancer must be excluded.
Stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth) arises from the same causes as in
flammation elsewhere, but among
the main causes are the cutting of teeth in children, sharp or broken teeth, exc

ess alcohol, tobacco

smoking and general ill-health. The mucous membrane becomes red, swollen and ten
der and ulcers may appear.
Treatment consists mainly of preventing secondary infection supervening before t
he stomatitis has resolved.
Antiseptic mouthwashes are usually sufficient. Gingivitis (see TEETH, DISEASES O
F) is inflammation of the
gum where it touches the tooth. It is caused by poor oral hygiene and is often a
ssociated with the
production of calculus or tartar on the teeth. If it is neglected it will procee
d to periodontal disease.
Ulcers of the mouth These are usually small and arise from a variety of causes.
Aphthous ulcers are the
most common; they last about ten days and usually heal without scarRanula This is a cyst-like swelling found in the floor of the mouth. It
is often caused by mild trauma
to the salivary glands with the result that saliva collects in the cyst instead
of discharging into the
mouth. Surgery may be required.
Mumps is an acute infective disorder of the major salivary glands. It ca
uses painful enlargement of the
glands which lasts for about two weeks. (See also main entry for MUMPS.)
Tumours may occur in all parts of the mouth, and may be BENIGN or MALIGN
ANT. Benign tumours are common
and may follow mild trauma or be an exaggerated response to irritation. Polyps a
re found in the cheeks and
on the tongue and become a nuisance as they may be bitten frequently. They are e
asily excised. A MUCOCOELE
is found mainly in the lower lip. An exostosis or bone outgrowth is often found
in the mid line of the
palate and on the inside of the mandible (bone of the lower jaw). This only requ
ires removal if it becomes
unduly large or pointed and easily ulcerated. Malignant tumours within the mouth
are often large before
they are noticed, whereas those on the lips are usually seen early and are more
easily treated. The cancer
may arise from any of the tissues found in the mouth including epithelium, bone,
salivary tissue and

tooth-forming tissue remnants. Oral cancers represent about 5 per cent o
f all reported malignancies,
and in England and Wales around 3,300 people are diagnosed annually as having ca
ncer of the mouth and
PHARYNX. Cancer of the mouth is less common below the age of 40 years and is mor
e common in men. It is
often associated with chronic irritation from a broken tooth or ill-fitting dent
ure. It is also more common
in those who smoke and those who chew betel leaves. Leukoplakia (see above) may
be a precursor of cancer.
Spread of the cancer is by way of the lymph nodes in the neck. Early treatment b
y surgery, radiotherapy or
chemotherapy will often be effective, except for the posterior of the tongue whe
re the prognosis is very
poor. Although surgery may be extensive and potentially mutilating, recent advan
ces in repairing defects
and grafting tissues from elsewhere have made treatment more acceptable to the p
therefore form wherever there is mucous membrane.
Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome See KAWASAKI DISEASE.
Mucolytic The term used to describe the property of destroying, or lesse
ning the tenacity of, MUCUS. It
is most commonly used to describe drugs which have this property and are therefo
re used in the treatment of
BRONCHITIS. The inhalation of steam, for example, has a mucolytic action.
A collection of familial metabolic disorders, the best known of which is
Hurlers syndrome (see Others
include Hunters, GARGOYLISM). Maroteaux-Lamy and Scheies syndromes. The disorders,
which result from a
faulty geneproducing abnormality in a specific ENZYME, affect one child in 10,00
0. Those affected usually
die before reaching adulthood.
MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a noninvasive method of imaging t
he body and its organs. It may
also be used to study tissue metabolism. The body is placed in a magnetic field
which causes certain atomic
nuclei to align in the direction of the field. Pulses of radio-frequency radiati
on are then applied;
interpretation of the frequencies absorbed and re-emitted allows an image in any
body plane to be built up.
Different tissues for example, fat and water can be separately identified and, i
f the resonance signal
for the fat is suppressed, then only the signal from any abnormalities in the fa

t can be identified. Many

diseases result in a rise in the water content of tissues,so MRI is a valuable t
est for identifying
disease, and the operating radiologist is skilled in interpreting the meaning of
altered signals.
Mouth-To-Mouth Respiration
Mucilage This is prepared from acacia or tragacanth gum, and is used as
an ingredient of mixtures
containing solid particles in order to keep the latter from settling, and also a
s a demulcent.
Mucocoele An abnormally dilated cavity in the body due to the accumulati
on of MUCUS; such a cyst may
Mucous Membrane The general name given to the membrane which lines many
of the hollow organs of the
body. These membranes vary widely in structure in different sites, but all have
the common character of
being lubricated by MUCUS derived in some cases from isolated cells on the surfa
ce of the membrane, but
more generally from definite glands placed beneath the membrane, and opening her
e and there through it by
ducts. The air passages, the gastrointestinal tract and the ducts of glands whic
h open into it, and also
the urinary passages, are all lined by mucous membrane.
Mucoviscidosis See CYSTIC FIBROSIS.
Mucus The general name for the slimy secretion derived from mucous membr
anes. It is mainly composed of
a substance called mucin, which varies according to the particular mucous membra
ne from which it is
derived, and it contains other substances, such as cells cast off from the surfa
ce of the membrane,
enzymes, and dust particles. Mucin has the following characteristics: it is visc
id, clear and tenacious;
when dissolved in water it can be precipitated by addition of acetic acid; and w
hen not in solution

472 Mullerian Ducts

already, it is dissolved by weak alkalis, such as lime-water. Under norm
al conditions the surface of a
mucous membrane is lubricated by only a small quantity of mucus; the appearance
of large quantities is a
sign of inflammation.
Mullerian Ducts The Mullerian and the Wolffian ducts are separate sets o
f primordia that transiently
co-exist in embryos of both sexes (see EMBRYO). In female embryos the Mullerian
ducts grow and fuse in the
mid line, producing the FALLOPIAN TUBES, the UTERUS and the upper third of the V
AGINA, whereas the Wolffian
ducts regress. In the male the Wolffian ducts give rise to the VAS DEFERENS, the
seminal vesicles and the
EPIDIDYMIS, and the Mullerian ducts disappear. This phase of development require
s a functioning testis (see
TESTICLE) from which an inducer substance diffuses locally over the primordia to
bring about the
suppression of the Mullerian duct and the development of the Wolffian duct. In t
he absence of this
substance, development proceeds along female lines regardless of the genetic sex
Multigravida M A pregnant woman who has had more than one pregnancy.
Multipara A woman who has borne several children.
Multiple Births Twins occur about once in 80 pregnancies, triplets once
in 6,000, and quadruplets about
once in 500,000. Quintuplets are exceedingly rare. Such is the natural state of
affairs. In recent years,
however, the position has been altered by the introduction of the so-called fert
ility drugs, such as
CLOMIPHENE, and human menopausal gonadotrophin which, through the medium of the
the production of ova (see OVUM). Their wide use in the treatment of INFERTILITY
has resulted in an
increase in the number of multiple births, a recognised hazard of giving too lar
ge a dose. Twins may be
binovular or uniovular. Binovular, or fraternal, twins are the result of the mot
hers releasing two ova
within a few days of each other and both being fertilised by separate spermatozo
a (see SPERMATOZOON). They
both develop separately in the mothers womb and are no more alike than is usual w
ith members of the same
family. They are three times as common as uniovular, or identical, twins, who ar
developed from a single ovum fertilised by a single spermatozoon, but wh
ich has split early in
development. This is why they are usually so remarkably alike in looks and menta
l characteristics. Unlike
binovular twins, who may be of the same or different sex, they are always of the
same sex. So far as
fraternal, or binovular, twins are concerned, multiple pregnancy may be an inher
ited tendency; it certainly
occurs more often in certain families, but this may be partly due to chance. A w
oman who has already given

birth to twins is ten times more likely to have another multiple pregnancy than
one who has not previously
had twins. The statistical chance of a third pair of twins is 1:512,000. Identic
al twins do not run in
families. The relative proportion of twins of each type varies in different race
s. Identical twins have
much the same frequency all over the world: around 3 per 1,000 maternities. Frat
ernal twins are rare in
Mongolian races: less than 3 per 1,000 maternities. In Caucasians they occur two
or three times as often as
identical twins: between 7 (Spain and Portugal) and 10 (Czech and Slovak Republi
cs and Greece) per 1,000
maternities. They are more common in AfroCaribbeans, reaching 30 per 1,000 mater
nities in certain West
African populations. Rarely, uniovular twins may not develop as separate individ
uals, being physically
joined in some way. They are called conjoined or (traditionally) Siamese twins.
Depending on the extent of
common structures shared by the infants this ranges from a common umbilical cord
to twins with conjoined
heads or a common liver the infants may be successfully separated by surgery. (S
Parents of twins, triplets, etc. can obtain advice and help from the Twins and M
ultiple Births Association
Multiple Personality Disorder The individual with this psychiatric disor
der has two or more different
personalities, often contrasting. The dominant personality at the time determine
s the behaviour and
attitude of the individual, who customarily seems not to know about the other pe
rsonality or
personalities. The switch from one personality to another is abrupt and the ment
al condition of the
differing personalities is usually normal. It is possible that child abuse is a
factor in the disorder,
which is treated by psychotherapy. The classic multiple personality was the fict
ional form of Dr Jekyll and
Mr Hyde.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disease of t

and SPINAL CORD, which, although slow in its onset, in time may produce
marked symptoms such as
PARALYSIS and tremors (see TREMOR), and may ultimately result in a severely disa
bled invalid. The disorder
consists of hardened patches, from the size of a pin-head to that of a pea or la
rger, scattered here and
there irregularly through the brain and spinal cord. Each patch is made up of a
mass of the CONNECTIVE
TISSUE (neuroglia), which should be present only in sufficient amount to bind th
e nerve-cells and fibres
together. In the earliest stage, the insulating sheaths (MYELIN) of the nerve-fi
bres in the hardened
patches break up, are absorbed, and leave the nerve-fibres bare, the connective
tissue being later formed
between these. BRAIN
Cause Although this is one of the most common diseases of the central ne
rvous system in Europe there
are around 50,000 affected individuals in Britain alone the cause is still not k
nown. The disease comes
on in young people (onset being rare after the age of 40), apparently without pr
evious illness. The ratio
of women-to-men victims is 3:2. It is more common in first and second children t
han in those later in birth
order, and in small rather than big families. There may be a hereditary factor f
or MS, which could be an
autoimmune disorder: the bodys defence system attacks the myelin in the central n
ervous system as if it
were a foreign tissue.
Symptoms These depend greatly upon the part of the brain and cord affect
ed by the sclerotic patches.
Temporary paralysis of a limb, or of an eye muscle, causing double vision, and t
remors upon exertion, first
in the affected parts, and later in all parts of the body, are early symptoms. S
tiffness of the lower limbs
causing the toes to catch on small irregularities in the ground and trip the per
son in walking, is often an
annoying symptom and one of the first to be noticed. Great activity is shown in
the reflex movements
obtained by striking the tendons and by stroking the soles of the feet. The latt
er reflex shows a
characteristic sign (Babinski sign) in which the great toe bends upwards and the
other toes spread apart as
the sole is stroked, instead of the toes collectively bending downwards as in th
e normal person. Tremor of
the eye movements (nystagmus) is usually found. Trembling handwriting, interfere
nce with the functions of
the bladder, giddiness, and a peculiar staccato or scanning speech are common sympto
ms at a later
stage. Numbness and tingling in the extremities occur commonly,
particularly in the early stages of the disease. As the disease progress
es, the paralyses, which were
transitory at first, now become confirmed, often with great rigidity in the limb
s. In many patients the

disease progresses very slowly. People with multiple sclerosis, and their relati
ves, can obtain help and
guidance from the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Another helpful organisation is th
e Multiple Sclerosis
Resources Centre. Those with sexual or marital problems arising out of the illne
ss can obtain information
from SPOD (Association to Aid the Sexual and Personal Relationships of People wi
th a Disability). (See
Treatment is difficult, because the most that can be done is to lead a l
ife as free from strain as
possible, to check the progress of the disease. The use of INTERFERON beta seems
to slow the progress of MS
and this drug is licensed for use in the UK for patients with relapsing, remitti
ng MS over two years,
provided they can walk unaided a controversial restriction on this (expensive) t
may be of help to some patients. The NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE
(NICE) ruled in 2001 that
the use of the drugs interferon beta and glatiramer acetate for patients with mu
ltiple sclerosis was not
cost-effective but recommended that the Department of Health, the National Assem
bly for Wales and the drug
manufacturers should consider ways of making the drugs available in a cost-effec
tive way. Subsequently the
government said that it would consider funding a risk-sharing scheme in which supp
ly of drugs to patients
would be funded only if treatment trials in individuals with MS showed that they
were effective. The
Department of Health has asked NICE to assess two CANNABIS derivatives as possib
le treatments for multiple
sclerosis and the relief of post-operative pain. Trials of an under-thetongue sp
ray and a tablet could, if
successsful, lead to the two drugs being available around 2005. It is important
to keep the nerves and
muscles functioning, and therefore the patient should remain at work as long as
he or she is capable of
doing it, and in any case should exercise regularly.
Mumps Mumps, also known as epidemic parotitis, is an infectious disease
characterised by inflammatory
swelling of the PAROTID GLAND and other

474 Munchausens Syndrome SALIVARY GLANDS often occurring as an EPIDEMIC and affec
ting mostly young

people. Its
name comes from the old verb, mump, meaning to mope or assume a disconsola
te appearance an apt
description of the victim of the disease at its height.
Causes Mumps is due to infection with a virus and is highly infectious f
rom person to person. It is
predominantly a disease of childhood and early adult life, but it can occur at a
ny age. Epidemics usually
occur in the winter and spring. It is infectious for two or three days before th
e swelling of the glands
appears. A vaccine is now available that gives a high degree of protection again
st the disease, the
incidence of which is falling sharply. The vaccine is combined with those for ME
Symptoms There is an incubation period of 23 weeks after infection before
the glands begin to swell.
The gland first affected is generally the parotid, situated in front of and belo
w the ear. The swelling
usually spreads to the submaxillary and sublingual glands lying beneath the jaw.
The patient is feverish
and the gland is tender. The swelling disappears after about five days. In 1530 p
er cent of males,
inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) develops. This usually occurs during th
e second week of the
illness, but may not occur until 23 weeks later; it may result in partial ATROPHY
of the testicles, but
practically never in INFERTILITY. In a much smaller proportion of females with m
umps, inflammation of the
OVARIES or BREASTS may occur. Inflammation of the PANCREAS, accompanied by tende
rness in the upper part of
the abdomen and digestive disturbances, sometimes results, and MENINGITIS is als
o an occasional
complication. The various complications are found much more often when the disea
se affects adults than when
it occurs in childhood. Treatment There is no specific treatment but
pitals with symptoms and signs (often simulated) suggestive of serious p
hysical illness. More common
among men than women, it differs from MALINGERING in that no obvious reward resu
lts from the imagined or
simulated symptoms. Patients may simulate signs and symptoms in a bizarre way fo
r instance, by swallowing
blood or inserting needles into the chest. Abdominal symptoms are particularly c
ommon. They often have a
history of multiple hospital admissions and operations, and show extensive patho
logical lying and lack of
personal rapport. Although the cause is unclear, it is thought to be a form of h
ysterical behaviour in a
severely disordered personality. Patients are often masochistic, attention-seeki
ng, and constantly trying
to obtain ANALGESICS. Occasionally there may be a degree of treatable DEPRESSION
, but on the whole
management is very difficult as patients often abscond from psychiatric treatmen
t. A variation of the

syndrome Munchausens syndrome by proxy, better termed fabricated and induced illne
ss has been
identified, in which the persons affected inflict damage upon others, usually ch
ildren (or even animals) in
their care. Factitious illness refers to simulating symptoms, such as stating th
at the child has blood in
its urine when it is actually the parents blood. Induced illness includes such ev
ents as injecting dirty
water into a babys muscles, dropping mild caustic into their eyes, adding salt to
a babys milk or
diluting it 5050 with water, and so on. Much debate has ensued about the suggesti
on that some sudden
infant deaths are due to smothering rather than natural causes, as a type of ind
uced illness. As a
consequence of two successful appeals against conviction for murder in 2004, the
UK attorney general
ordered a review of all criminal and family court cases in which disputed medica
l evidence had formed the
basis of the decision. Paediatricians are concerned that one result is likely to
be an increase in
undetected child abuse.
and plenty of fluid should be available. The child may need to be in bed
for a few days and should not
return to school until the symptoms have settled. Adults with orchitis may need
strong painkillers, and
CORTICOSTEROIDS may be required to reduce the painful swelling.
Munchausens Syndrome
Munchausens syndrome, also known as hospital addiction syndrome, is a disor
der in which the patient
presents repeatedly to hosThe poisonous principle found in some toadstools (see FUNGUS POISONING).
It is a cholinergic substance
with pharmacological properties
The uneven, rustling sound heard by AUSCULTATION over the HEART and vari
ous blood vessels in abnormal
conditons. For example, murmurs heard when the stethoscope is applied over the h
eart are highly
characteristic of valvular disease of this organ.

resembling those of ACETYLCHOLINE, a chemical neurotransmitter released
at the junctions (synapses) of
parasympathetic nerves and at the junctions where nerves enter muscles.
Muscle Muscular tissue is divided, according to its function, into three
main groups: voluntary muscle,
involuntary muscle, and skeletal muscle of which the first is under control of t
he will, whilst the
latter two discharge their functions independently. The term striped muscle is oft
en given to voluntary
muscle, because under the microscope all the voluntary muscles show a striped ap
pearance, whilst
involuntary muscle is, in the main, unstriped or plain. Heart muscle is partiall
y striped, while certain
muscles of the throat, and two small muscles inside the ear, not controllable by
willpower, are also
Structure of muscle Skeletal or voluntary muscle forms the bulk of the b
odys musculature and contains
more than 600 such muscles. They are classified according to their methods of ac
tion. A flexor muscle
closes a joint, an extensor opens it; an abductor moves a body part outwards, an
adductor moves it in; a
depressor lowers a body part and an elevator raises it; while a constrictor (sph
incter) muscle surrounds an
orifice, closing and opening it. Each muscle is enclosed in a sheath of fibrous
tissue, known as fascia or
epimysium, and, from this, partitions of fibrous tissue, known as perimysium, ru
n into the substance of the
muscle, dividing it up into small bundles. Each of these bundles consists in tur
n of a collection of
fibres, which form the units of the muscle. Each fibre is about 50 micrometres i
n thickness and ranges in
length from a few millimetres to 300 millimetres. If the fibre is cut across and
examined under a
high-powered microscope, it is seen to be further divided into fibrils. Each fib
re is enclosed in an
elastic sheath of its own, which allows it to lengthen and shorten, and is known
as the sarcolemma. Within
the sarcolemma lie numerous nuclei belonging to the muscle fibre, which was orig
inally developed from a
simple cell. To the sarcolemma, at either end, is attached a minute bundle of co
nnective-tissue fibres
which unites the muscle fibre to its neighbours, or to one of the connective-tis
sue partitions in the
muscle, and by means of these connections the fibre affects muscle contraction.
Between the muscle fibres,
and enveloped in a sheath of connective tissue, lie here and there special struc
tures known as
musclespindles. Each of these contains thin muscle
fibres, numerous nuclei, and the endings of sensory nerves. (See TOUCH.)
The heart muscle comprises
short fibres which communicate with their neighbours via short branches and have
no sarcolemma. Plain or

unstriped muscle is found in the following positions: the inner and middle coats
of the STOMACH and
INTESTINE; the ureters (see URETER) and URINARY BLADDER; the TRACHEA and bronchi
al tubes; the ducts of
glands; the GALL-BLADDER; the UTERUS and FALLOPIAN TUBES; the middle coat of the
blood and lymph vessels;
the iris and ciliary muscle of the EYE; the dartos muscle of the SCROTUM; and in
association with the
various glands and hairs in the SKIN. The fibres are very much smaller than thos
e of striped muscle,
although they vary greatly in size. Each has one or more oval nuclei and a delic
ate sheath of sarcolemma
enveloping it. The fibres are grouped in bundles, much as are the striped fibres
, but they adhere to one
another by cement material, not by the tendon bundles found in voluntary muscle.
Development of muscle All the muscles of the developing individual arise
from the central layer
(mesoderm) of the EMBRYO, each fibre taking origin from a single cell. Later on
in life, muscles have the
power both of increasing in size as the result of use, for example, in athletes
and also of healing,
after parts of them have been destroyed by injury. An example of the great exten
t to which unstriped muscle
can develop to meet the demands made on it is the uterus, whose muscular wall de
velops so much during
pregnancy that the organ increases from the weight of 3040 g (11 oz.) to a weight o
f around 1 kg (2
lb.), decreasing again to its former small size in the course of a month after c
Physiology of contraction A muscle is an elaborate chemico-physical syst
em for producing heat and
mechanical work. The total energy liberated by a contracting muscle can be exact
ly measured. From 2530 per
cent of the total energy expended is used in mechanical work. The heat of contra
cting muscle makes an
important contribution to the maintenance of the heat of the body. (See also MYO
GLOBIN.) The energy of
muscular contraction is derived from a complicated series of chemical reactions.
Complex substances are
broken down and built up again, supplying each other with energy for this purpos
e. The first reaction is
the breakdown of adenyl-pyrophosphate into

476 Muscle Relaxants

phosphoric acid and adenylic acid (derived from nucleic acid); this supp
lies the immediate energy for
contraction. Next phosphocreatine breaks down into creatine and phosphoric acid,
giving energy for the
resynthesis of adenylpyrophosphate. Creatine is a normal nitrogenous constituent
of muscle. Then glycogen
through the intermediary stage of sugar bound to phosphate breaks down into lact
ic acid to supply energy
for the resynthesis of phosphocreatine. Finally part of the lactic acid is oxidi
sed to supply energy for
building up the rest of the lactic acid into glycogen again. If there is not eno
ugh oxygen, lactic acid
accumulates and fatigue results. All of the chemical changes are mediated by the
action of several enzymes
(see ENZYME). Involuntary muscle has several peculiarities of contraction. In th
e heart, rhythmicality is
an important feature one beat appearing to be, in a sense, the cause of the next
beat. Tonus is a
character of all muscle, but particularly of unstriped muscle in some localities
, as in the walls of
Fatigue occurs when a muscle is made to act
for some time and is due to the accumulation of waste products, especial
ly sarcolactic acid (see LACTIC
ACID). These substances affect the endplates of the nerve controlling the muscle
, and so prevent
destructive overaction of the muscle. As they are rapidly swept away by the bloo
d, the muscle, after a rest
(and particularly if the rest is accompanied by massage or by gentle contraction
s to quicken the
circulation) recovers rapidly from the fatigue. Muscular activity over the whole
body causes prolonged
fatigue which is remedied by rest to allow for metabolic balance to be re-establ
Muscle Relaxants These drugs produce partial or complete paralysis of sk
eletal muscle (see under MUSCLE
Structure of muscle). Drugs in clinical use are all reversible and are used to h
elp insert a breathing
tube into the TRACHEA (endotracheal tube) during general ANAESTHESIA and ARTIFIC
LUNGS. They may be broadly divided into depolarising and nondepolarising muscle
relaxants. Depolarising
muscle relaxants act by binding to acetylcholine receptors at the motor end-plat
e where nerves are attached
to muscle cells, and producing a more prolonged depolarisation than acetylcholin
e, which results in initial
muscle fasciculation (overactivity) and then flaccid paralysis of the muscle. Th
e only commonly used
depolarising drug is succinylcholine which has a rapid
onset of action and lasts approximately three minutes. Non-depolarising
muscle relaxants bind to the
acetylcholine receptors, preventing acetylcholine from gaining access to them. T

hey have a slower onset

time and longer duration than depolarisers, although this varies widely between
different drugs. They are
competitive antagonists and they may be reversed by increasing the concentration
of acetylcholine at the
motor end-plate using an anticholinesterase agent such as neostigmine. These dru
gs are broken down in the
liver and excreted through the kidney, and their action will be prolonged in liv
er and renal failure. Other
uses include the relief of skeletal muscle spasms in TETANUS, PARKINSONISM and s
pastic disorders. The drugs
dantrolene and diazepam are used in these circumstances.
Muscles, Disorders of Compression syndrome The tense, painful state of m
uscles induced by excessive
accumulation of INTERSTITIAL fluid in them, following unusual exercise. This con
dition is more liable to
occur in the muscles at the front of the shin, because they lie within a tight f
ascial membrane: here the
syndrome is known as the anterior tibial syndrome (shin splints). Prevention consi
sts of always keeping
fit and in training for the amount of exercise to be undertaken. Equally importa
nt is what is known in
sporting circles as warming down: i.e., at the end of training or a game, exercise
should be gradually
tailed off. Treatment consists of elevation of the affected limb, compression of
it by compression
bandages, with ample exercise of the limb within the bandage, and massage. In mo
re severe cases DIURETICS
may be given. Occasionally surgical decompression may be necessary.
Cramp Painful spasm of a muscle usually caused by excessive and prolonge
d contraction of the muscle
fibres. Cramps are common, especially among sportsmen and women, normally lastin
g a short time. The
condition usually occurs during or immediately following exercise as a result of
a build-up of LACTIC ACID
and other chemical by-products in the muscles caused by the muscular efforts. Cr
amps may occur more
frequently, especially at night, in people with poor circulation, when the blood
is unable to remove the
lactic acid from the muscles quickly enough. Repetitive movements such as writin
g (writers cramp) or
operating a keyboard can cause cramp. Resting muscles may suffer cramp

Muscles, Disorders of 477

if a person sits or lies in an awkward position which limits local blood
supply to them. Profuse
sweating as a result of fever or hot weather can also cause cramp in resting mus
cle, because the victim has
lost sodium salts in the sweat; this disturbs the biochemical balance in muscle
tissue. Treatment is to
massage and stretch the affected muscle for example, cramp in the calf muscle ma
y be relieved by pulling
the toes on the affected leg towards the knee. Persistent night cramps sometimes
respond to treatment with
a drug containing CALCIUM or QUININE. If cramp persists for an hour or more, the
person should seek medical
advice, as there may be a serious cause such as a blood clot impeding the blood
supply to the area
myopathy below.
Inflammation (myositis) of various types may occur. As the result of inj
ury, an ABSCESS may develop,
although wounds affecting muscle generally heal well. A growth due to SYPHILIS,
known as a gumma, sometimes
forms a hard, almost painless swelling in a muscle. Rheumatism is a vague term t
raditionally used to define
intermittent and often migratory discomfort, stiffness or pain in muscles and jo
ints with no obvious cause.
The most common form of myositis is the result of immunological damage as a resu
lt of autoimmune disease.
Because it affects many muscles it is called POLYMYOSITIS. Myasthenia (see
is muscle weakness due to a defect of neuromuscular conduction.
Myopathy is a term applied to an acquired or developmental defect in cer
tain muscles. It is not a
neurological disease, and should be distinguished from neuropathic conditions (s
ee NEUROPATHY) such as
MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE (MND), which tend to affect the distal limb muscles. The m
ain subdivisions are
genetically determined, congenital, metabolic, druginduced, and myopathy (often
inflammatory) secondary to
a distant carcinoma. Progressive muscular dystrophy is characterised by symmetri
cal wasting and weakness,
the muscle fibres being largely replaced by fatty and fibrous tissue, with no se
nsory loss. Inheritance may
take several forms, thus affecting the sex and age of victims. The commonest typ
DYSTROPHY, which is inherited as a sexlinked disorder. It nearly always occurs in boys.
Symptoms There are three chief types of myopathy. The commonest, known a
s pseudohypertrophic muscular

dystrophy, affects particularly the upper part of the lower limbs of children. T
he muscles of the buttocks,
thighs and calves seem excessively well developed, but nevertheless the child is
clumsy, weak on his legs,
and has difficulty in picking himself up when he falls. In another form of the d
isease, which begins a
little later, as a rule at about the age of 14, the muscles of the upper arm are
first affected, and those
of the spine and lower limbs become weak later on. In a third type, which begins
at about this age, the
muscles of the face, along with certain of the shoulder and upper arm muscles, s
how the first signs of
wasting. All the forms have this in common: that the affected muscles grow weake
r until their power to
contract is quite lost. In the first form, the patients seldom reach the age of
20, falling victims to some
disease which, to ordinary people, would not be serious. In the other forms the
wasting, after progressing
to a certain extent, often remains stationary for the rest of life. Myopathy may
also be acquired when it
is the result of disease such as thyrotoxicosis (see under THYROID GLAND, DISEAS
ES OF), osteomalacia (see
under BONE, DISORDERS OF) and CUSHINGS DISEASE, and the myopathy resolves when th
e primary disease is
Treatment Some myopathies may be the result of inflammation or arise fro
m an endocrine or metabolic
abnormality. Treatment of these is the treatment of the cause, with supportive p
hysiotherapy and any
necessary physical aids while the patient is recovering. Treatment for the hered
itary myopathies is
supportive since, at present, there is no cure although developments in gene res
earch raise the
possibility of future treatment. Physiotherapy, physical aids, counselling and s
upport groups may all be
helpful in caring for these patients. The education and management of these chil
dren raise many
difficulties. Much help in dealing with these problems can be obtained from Musc
ular Dystrophy Campaign.
Myositis ossificans, or deposition of bone in muscles, may be congenital
or acquired. The congenital
form, which is rare, first manifests itself as painful swellings in the muscles.
These gradually harden and
extend until the child is

478 Muscular Dystrophy

encased in a rigid sheet. There is no effective treatment and the outcom
e is fatal. The acquired form
is a result of a direct blow on muscle, most commonly on the front of the thigh.
The condition should be
suspected whenever there is severe pain and swelling following a direct blow ove
r muscle. The diagnosis is
confirmed by hardening of the swelling. Treatment consists of short-wave DIATHER
MY with gentle active
movements. Recovery is usually complete.
Pain, quite apart from any inflammation or injury, may be experienced on
exertion. This type of pain,
known as MYALGIA, tends to occur in unfit individuals and is relieved by rest an
d physiotherapy. Parasites
sometimes lodge in the muscles, the most common being Trichinella spiralis, prod
ucing the disease known as
TRICHINOSIS (trichiniasis). Rupture of a muscle may occur, without any
external wound, as the result of a spasmodic effort. It may tear the mus
cle right across as sometimes
happens to the feeble plantaris muscle in running and leaping or part of the mus
cle may be driven through
its fibrous envelope, forming a HERNIA of the muscle. The severe pain experience
d in many cases of LUMBAGO
is due to tearing of one of the muscles in the back. These conditions are usuall
y relieved by rest and
massage. Partial muscle tears, such as occur in sport, require more energetic tr
eatment: in the early
stages this consists of the application of an ice or cold-water pack, firm compr
ession, elevation of the
affected limb, rest for a day or so and then gradual mobilisation (see SPORTS ME
Tumours occur occasionally, the most common being fibroid, fatty, and sa
rcomatous growths.
Wasting of muscles sometimes occurs as a symptom of disease in other org
ans: for example, damage to the
nervous system, as in poliomyelitis or in the disease known as progressive muscu
lar atrophy. (See
Muscular Dystrophy See MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF
Musculoskeletal An adjective that relates to muscle and/or bone. The mus
culoskeletal system comprises
bones of the skeleton and all the muscles attached to them.
Mushroom Poisoning See FUNGUS POISONING.
Mutagen A chemical or physical agent that has the property of increasing
the rate of MUTATION among

CELLS. A mutagen does not usually increase the range of mutations. Chemicals, io
nising radiation, and
viruses may act as mutagens.
Mutation A change occurring in the genetic material (DNA) in the CHROMOS
OMES of a cell. It is caused by
a fault in the replication of a cells genetic material when it divides to form tw
o daughter cells.
Mutations may occur in somatic cells which may result in a local growth of the n
ew type of cells. These may
be destroyed by the bodys defence mechanism or they may develop into a tumour. If
mutation occurs in a
germ cell or gamete the organisms sex cells the outcome may be a changed inherite
d characteristic in
succeeding generations. Mutations occur rarely, but a small steady number are ca
used by background
radiation in the environment. They are also caused by mutagens (see MUTAGEN). (S
Mutism See under VOICE AND SPEECH.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) A syndrome in which various combinations
of extreme fatiguability,
muscle pain, lack of concentration, panic attacks, memory loss and depression oc
cur. Its existence and
causes have been the subject of controversy reflected in the variety of names gi
ven to the syndrome:
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME (CFS), post-viral fatigue syndrome, Royal Free disease,
epidemic neuromyasthenia
and Icelandic disease. ME often follows virus infections of the upper respirator
y tract or gut, but it is
not clear whether this is an association or cause-andeffect. It may occur in epi
demics or as individual
cases. Physical examination shows no evidence of diagnosable disease and there i
s no diagnostic test
diagnosis usually being made by excluding other possible disorders. The suf-

Mycosis 479
ferer usually recovers in time, although sometimes recovery may take man
y months or even years. The
most severely affected may be bedridden and may need tube-feeding. There is no s
pecific curative treatment,
but symptomatic treatment such as resting in the early stages may help. Some exp
erts believe that the
illness has a psychological element, and sufferers have been treated with COGNIT
1998 the Chief Medical Officer set up a multidisciplinary working group, includi
ng patients, to consider
possible cures and treatments for ME/CFS. The report (2002) concluded that the d
isorder should be
recognised as chronic and treatable, but there was no clear agreement on cause(s
) and treatment(s).
Meanwhile research continues, including a programme by the Centre of Disease Con
trol in Atlanta, USA.
Sufferers may find it helpful to consult the ME Association.
Myasthenia Gravis A serious disorder in which the chief symptoms are mus
cular weakness and a special
tendency for fatigue to come on rapidly when efforts are made. The prevalence is
around 1 in 30,000.
Two-thirds of the patients are women, in whom it develops in early adult life. I
n men it tends to develop
later in life. It is a classical example of an autoimmune disease (see AUTOIMMUN
ITY). The body develops
ANTIBODIES which interfere with the working of the nerve endings in muscle that
are acted on by
ACETYLCHOLINE. It is acetylcholine that transmits the nerve impulses to muscles:
if this transmission
cannot be effected, as in myasthenia gravis, then the muscles are unable to cont
ract. Not only the
voluntary muscles, but those connected with the acts of swallowing, breathing, a
nd the like, become
progressively weaker. Rest and avoidance of undue exertion are necessary, and re
gular doses of neostigmine
bromide, or pyridostigmine, at intervals enable the muscles to be used and in so
me cases have a curative
effect. These drugs act by inhibiting the action of cholinesterase an ENZYME pro
duced in the body which
destroys any excess of acetylcholine. In this way they increase the amount of av
ailable acetylcholine which
compensates for the deleterious effect of antibodies on the nerve endings. The T
HYMUS GLAND plays the major
part in the cause of myasthenia gravis, possibly by being the source of the orig
inal acetylcholine
receptors to which the antibodies are being formed. Thymectomy (removal of the t
hymus) is often used in the
management of patients with myasthenia gravis. The incidence of remission following thymectomy increases with the number of years after the o
peration. Complete remission or
substantial improvement can be expected in 80 per cent of patients. The other im
portant aspect in the
management of patients with myasthenia gravis is IMMUNOSUPPRESSION. Drugs are no
w available that suppress
antibody production and so reduce the concentration of antibodies to the acetylc
holine receptor. The

problem is that they not only suppress abnormal antibody production, but also su
ppress normal antibody
production. The main groups of immunosuppressive drugs used in myasthenia gravis
and AZATHIOPRINE. Improvement following steroids may take several weeks and an i
nitial deterioration is
often found during the first week or ten days of treatment. Azathioprine is also
effective in producing
clinical improvement and reducing the antibodies to acetylcholine receptors. The
se effects occur more
slowly than with steroids, and the mean time for an azathioprine remission is ni
ne months. The Myasthenia
Gravis Association, which provides advice and help to sufferers, was created and
is supported by
myasthenics, their families and friends.
Mycobacterium A gram-positive (see GRAMS STAIN) rod-like genus of aerobic
BACTERIA, some species of
which are harmful to humans and animals. For example, M. tuberculosis (Kochs baci
llus) and M. leprae
cause, respectively, TUBERCULOSIS and LEPROSY.
Mycoplasma A genus of micro-organisms which differ from bacteria in that
they lack a rigid cell wall.
They are responsible for widespread epidemics in cattle and poultry. For a long
time the only member of the
genus known to cause disease in humans was Mycoplasma pneumoniae which is respon
sible for the form of
PNEUMONIA known as primary atypical pneumonia particularly common in children, f
or whom it is the single
most common cause of the diseaase when contracted out of hospital. Another, Myco
plasma genitalium, has now
been isolated which is responsible for certain cases of non-gonococcal urethriti
s. Mycoplasma infections
Mycosis The general term applied to diseases due to the growth of fungi
in the body. Among some of the
simplest and commonest mycoses are

480 Mycosis Fungoides RINGWORM, FAVUS, and thrush (CANDIDA). The MADURA FOOT of

and occasional cases of PNEUMONIA and suppurative ear disease are also due to the growth of moulds in the bodily
tissues. Other forms of mycosis
Mycosis Fungoides An old term for a chronic eruption of the skin charact
erised by erythematous (see
ERYTHEMA) itching plaques (raised patches on the skin resulting from the merging
or enlargement of papules
see PAPULE), which, if left untreated, eventually form tumours and ulcers. The d
isease is now known to be
a form of cancer of lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) called T-cell LYMPHOMA. It may
be responsive to
PHOTOCHEMOTHERAPY in its early stages and to RADIOTHERAPY when more advanced.
Dilation or widening of the pupil of the EYE. Occurring naturally when i
t is dark, or when someone is
emotionally aroused, mydriasis can also result from the administration of ATROPI
NE eye drops. Alcohol
consumption also has a mydriatic effect.
Myectomy Removal of all or part of a muscle by surgery. It may be used t
o correct a SQUINT (caused by
unbalanced eye muscles) or to remove a FIBROID from the muscular wall of the UTE
Myelin A substance made up of protein and phospholipid that forms the sh
eath surrounding the axons of
some neurons (see NEURON(E)). These are described as myelinated or medullated ne
rve fibres, and electric
impulses pass along them faster than along non-myelinated nerves. Myelin is prod
uced by Schwann cells which
occur at intervals along the nerve fibre. (See MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS).)
Myelitis Myelitis is inflammation of the SPINAL CORD.
Myeloblast Present in the blood-producing tissue in the BONE MARROW, thi
s is a cell with a large
nucleus and scanty cytoplasm. It is the precursor cell of a granulocyte (see GRA
NULOCYTES). Myeloblasts
sometimes appear in the blood of patients with various diseases including acute
myeloblastic LEUKAEMIA.
Myelocyte The name given to one of the cells of BONE MARROW from which t
he granular white cells of the
blood are produced. They are found in the blood in certain forms of LEUKAEMIA.
Myelography The injection of a radio-opaque substance into the central c
anal of the SPINAL CORD in
order to assist in the diagnosis of diseases of the spinal cord or spine using X
-ray examination. Because
of the high risk of causing damage to the spinal cord (arachnoiditis), it has be
en largely superceded by

Myeloid An adjective that relates to the granulocyte (see GRANULOCYTES)

precursor cell in the BONE
MARROW. For example, myeloid LEUKAEMIA, which arises from abnormal growth in the
blood-forming tissue of
the bone marrow.
Myelomatosis A MALIGNANT disorder of PLASMA cells, derived from B-lympho
cytes (see LYMPHOCYTE). In most
patients the BONE MARROW is heavily infiltrated with atypical, monoclonal plasma
cells, which gradually
replace the normal cell lines, inducing ANAEMIA, LEUCOPENIA, and THROMBOCYTOPENI
A. Bone absorption occurs,
producing diffuse osteoporosis (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF). In some cases onl
y part of the
immunoglobulin molecule is produced by the tumour cells, appearing in the urine
as Bence Jones PROTEINURIA.
The disease is rare under the age of 30, frequency increasing with age to peak b
etween 60 and 70 years.
There may be a long preclinical phase, sometimes as long as 25 years. When sympt
oms do occur, they tend to
reflect bone involvement, reduced immune function, renal failure, anaemia or hyp
erviscosity of the blood.
Vertebral collapse is common, with nerve root pressure and reduced stature. The
disease is eventually
fatal, infection being a common cause of death. Local skeletal problems should b
e treated with
RADIOTHERAPY, and the general disease with CHEMOTHERAPY chiefly the ALKYLATING A
GENTS melphalan or
cyclophosphamide. Red-blood-cell TRANSFUSION is usually required, together with
plasmapheresis (see PLASMA
EXCHANGE), and orthopaedic surgery may be necessary following fractures.

Myrrh 481
Myelosuppression A fall in the production of blood cells in the BONE MAR
ROW. This fall often occurs
after CHEMOTHERAPY for cancer. ANAEMIA, infection and abnormal bleeding are symp
tomatic of
Myiasis Infestation of the SKIN, deeper tissues or the INTESTINE by larv
ae of the tropical tumbu fly.
Myocardial Infarction See HEART, DISEASES OF
Coronary thrombosis.
Myocarditis Inflammation of the muscular wall of the HEART.
Myocardium Myocardium is the muscular substance of the HEART. (See also
Myoclonus A brief, twitching muscular contraction which may involve only
a single muscle or many
muscles (see MUSCLE). It may be too slight to cause movement of the affected lim
b, or so violent as to
throw the victim to the floor. The cause is not known, but in some cases may be
a form of EPILEPSY. A
single myoclonic jerk in the upper limbs occasionally occurs in minor motor epil
epsy (petit mal). The
myoclonic jerks which many people experience on falling asleep are a perfectly n
ormal phenomenon.
Myoglobin The protein which gives MUSCLE its red colour. It has the prop
erty of combining loosely and
reversibly with OXYGEN; this means that it is the vehicle whereby muscle extract
s oxygen from the
HAEMOGLOBIN in the blood circulating through it, and then releases the oxygen fo
r use in muscle METABOLISM.
Myoglobinuria The occurrence of MYOGLOBIN in the URINE. This is the oxyg
en-binding pigment in muscle
and mild myoglobinuria may occur during exercise. Severe myoglobinuria will resu
lt from serious injuries,
particularly crushing injuries, to muscles.
Myoma The term applied to a TUMOUR, almost invariably of a simple nature
, which consists mainly
of muscle fibres (see MUSCLE Structure of muscle). These muscle tumours
often occur in the UTERUS.
Myomectomy Removal by surgery of fibroids (see FIBROID) from the muscula
r wall of the UTERUS.
Myometrium The muscular coat of the UTERUS.
Myopathy See under MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF.
Myopia Sort-sightedness (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF Errors of refractio

Myositis Inflammation of a muscle. (See also MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF Infla

mmation (myositis)).
Myositis Ossificans See under MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF.
Myotonia A condition in which the muscles (see MUSCLE), though possessed
of normal power, contract only
very slowly. The stiffness disappears as the muscles are used.
Myringoplasty The sealing by a surgical tissue-graft of a hole or perfor
ation in the drum (tympanum)
which separates the middle and outer sections of the EAR. It is aimed at improvi
ng the subjects hearing
(see DEAFNESS); sometimes the operation is done to stop persistent DISCHARGE.
Myringotomy An operation to cut open the drum of the EAR to provide drai
nage for an infection of the
middle ear. It is now done mainly in children with persistent glue ear (see unde
Diseases of the middle ear).
Myrrh Myrrh is a gum-resin obtained from Commiphora molmol, an Arabian m
yrtle tree. It stimulates the
function of MUCOUS MEMBRANE with which it is brought in contact or by which it i
s excreted. Tincture of
myrrh is used for a gargle in sore throat, as a toothwash when the gums are infl
amed, and as an ingredient
of cough mixtures.

482 Myxoedema

Myxoma A benign TUMOUR comprising gelatinous CONNECTIVE TISSUE, most com
monly occurring beneath the
SKIN although the condition may develop in the ABDOMEN, URINARY BLADDER,
BONE and, rarely, the HEART. Treatment involves surgery, which is usuall
y successful.
Myxoviruses These include the INFLUENZA viruses A, B and C; and the PARA
3. Myxoviruses, which are one of a group of RNA-containing viruses, have an affi
nity for protein receptors
in red blood cells.

Nail See SKIN.
Nail-Biting Nabilone
A CANNABIS-related drug given by mouth and licensed for use in treating
severe nausea and vomiting,
particularly when they result from treatment with anticancer drugs.
Naevus A congenitally determined tissue abnormality. In the SKIN, naevi
of blood vessels are best
known, but a MOLE is a MELANOCYTE naevus, and warty streaked and linear naevi of
the epidermis occasionally
occur. There are several patterns of vascular naevi:
Naevus simplex Also known as salmon patch. About one-third of white childr
en are born with macular
pink areas of ERYTHEMA on the nape, brow or eyelids which usually disappear afte
r a few months, but patches
on the nape may persist.
Naevus flammeus Also known as portwine stain and present at birth. It is u
nilateral, usually on the
face, and may be extensive. It tends to darken with age and is permanent. Laser
treatment is effective.
Strawberry naevus (cavernous haemangioma) is usually not present at birt
h but appears within a few
weeks and grows rapidly, reaching a peak in size after 612 months, when the lobul
ated red nodule may
resemble a ripe strawberry. Untreated, the naevus disappears spontaneously over
several years. It may occur
anywhere and may be very troublesome when occurring around an eye or on the nappy
area. If possible it
should be left alone, but where it is causing problems other than simply cosmeti
c ones it is best treated
by an expert. This may involve medical treatment with steroids or interferon or
laser therapy.
Spider naevus is due to a dilated
ARTERIcausing a minute red papule in the skin, the small branching vessels res
embling spider legs. A few
spider naevi are common in young people, but multiple naevi are common in pregna
ncy and may also be a
warning sign of chronic liver disease. OLE
A common practice in schoolchildren, most of whom gradually give it up a
s they approach adolescence.
Too much significance should therefore not be attached to it; in itself it does
no harm, and punishment or
restraining devices are not needed. It is a manifestation of tension or insecuri
ty, the cause of which

should be removed. In some people the habit is carried into adulthood.

Nails, Diseases of Disease may affect the nail fold, nail plate or nail
bed (see SKIN Nail).
Inflammation of the nail fold is called paronychia: acute paronychia is usually
caused by a minor injury
allowing in bacteria, which set up infection; chronic paronychia is often an occ
upational hazard, due to
constant exposure of the hands to water for example, in the catering industry, a
griculture and housework
but may also be caused by impaired circulation in the fingers. Often, ANTIBIOTIC
S are sufficient for
treatment, but sometimes surgical incision is needed. PSORIASIS is a common caus
e of disease of the nail
plate, as are eczema (see DERMATITIS) and fungal infection (see FUNGAL AND YEAST
INFECTIONS). Deformity of
the nail may point to systemic disease, as in CLUBBING, or the spoon-shaped conc
ave nails (koilonychia) of
severe iron deficiency. Acute toxic illnesses may temporarily disturb nail growt
h causing horizontal ridges
(Beaus lines) which grow out slowly. Onycholysis is separation of the nail plate
from its bed. It may be
due to psoriasis of the nail bed and trauma, or may occur spontaneously. Gross t
hickening of nails is
common in the toes, caused by psoriasis or fungal infection.
Nalidixic Acid An antibiotic drug, active against gram-negative (see GRA
MS STAIN) micro-organisms,
used to treat and prevent infections of the URINARY TRACT.
Nalorphine Nalorphine reduces or abolishes most of the actions of MORPHI
NE and similarly acting
NARCOTICS, such as PETHIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE. It was used as an antidote in the tr
eatment of

484 Naloxone
overdosage with these drugs but has now been superseded by NALOXONE.
Naloxone An effective drug in the treatment of opioid poisoning. It bloc
ks the effects of most opiates;
given intravenously, it acts within 23 minutes. The drug is also given to newborn
babies whose breathing
has been depressed by narcotic drugs given to their mothers to relieve pain duri
ng childbirth.
Naltrexone A drug that is an ANTAGONIST to narcotic substances (see NARC
OTICS). Given orally, it is
used in the maintenance treatment of HEROIN and other opiate-dependent people.
One of the ANABOLIC STEROIDS, with the property of building PROTEIN. It
is of little value in medical
care, although is licensed for use in aplastic ANAEMIA; it has also been used in
the past to treat
osteoporosis in women (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF), but is no longer recommend
ed for this purpose. Its
use as a bodybuilder by some athletes and others has caused controversy: those f
ound using it are barred
from most recognised athletic events. Nandrolone should never be taken by pregna
nt women or by people with
liver disease or prostate cancer. Sideeffects include ACNE; VIRILISATION with hi
gh doses including voice
changes, cessation of periods, and inhibition of sperm production; and liver tum
ours after prolonged use.
Nanometre A nanometre is a millionth of a millimetre. The approved abbre
viation is nm. (See APPENDIX 6:
Nappy Rash A common form of irritant contact DERMATITIS in the nappy are
a in babies under one year old.
Wetting of the skin by urine, abrasion, and chemical changes due to faecal conta
mination all play a part.
Good hygiene and use of disposable absorbent nappies have much reduced its incid
ence. An ointment
containing a barrier, such as titanium dioxide, may help; other medications such
antibiotics should be used very cautiously and only under the guidance of a doct
or, as harmful effects may
result especially from overuse.
Narcissism An abnormal mental state characterised by excessive admiratio
n of ones self. In Greek
mythology, Narcissus so loved staring at his own reflection in water that he eve
ntually fell in and
Narcolepsy A condition in which uncontrollable episodes of sleep occur t
wo or three times a day. It

starts at any age and persists for life. The attacks, which usually last for 1015
minutes, come on
suddenly at times normally conducive to sleep, such as after a meal, or sitting
in a bus, but they may
occur when walking in the street. In due course, usually after some years, they
are associated with
cataplectic attacks (see CATAPLEXY), when for a few seconds there is sudden musc
ular weakness affecting the
whole body. The cataplectic attacks can be controlled by the TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRE
SSANT DRUGS, imipramine or
clomipramine. Familial narcolepsy is well recognised, and recently a near-100-pe
r-cent association between
narcolepsy and the histocompatability antigen HLA-DR2 (see HLA SYSTEM) has been
discovered, which suggests
that narcolepsy is an immunorelated disease. The Narcolepsy Association (UK) has
been founded to help
patients with this strange disorder.
Narcosis A condition of stupor (see under UNCONSCIOUSNESS), resembling s
leep, that is usually caused by
a drug. It may also occur as a result of liver or kidney failure which causes UR
AEMIA. The affected person
has significantly reduced awareness and is hard to arouse. Treatment is of the u
nderlying cause and the
normal precautions for caring for an unconscious or semiconscious subject should
be taken. (See APPENDIX 1:
Narcotics Substances that induce stupor and eventually UNCONSCIOUSNESS.
Used in the relief of severe
pain, people can become first tolerant of them so requiring larger doses and the
n dependent (see also
Nasal Congestion The nose and nasal sinuses (see SINUS) produce up to a
litre of MUCUS in 24 hours,
most of which enters the stomach via the NASOPHARYNX. Changes in the nasal linin
g mucosa occur in response
to changes in humidity and atmospheric temperature; these may cause severe

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) 485

congestion, as might an allergic reaction or nasal polyp.
Treatment Topical
nasal decongestants include sodium chloride drops and corticosteroid nas
al drops (for polyps). For
commoncold-induced congestion, vapour inhalants, decongestant sprays and nasal d
rops, including EPHEDRINE
drops, are helpful. Overuse of decongestants, however, can produce a rebound con
gestion, requiring more
treatment and further congestion, a tiresome vicious circle. Allergic RHINITIS (
inflammation of the nasal
mucosa) usually responds to ipratropium bromide spray. Systemic nasal decongesta
nts given by mouth are not
always as effective as topical administrations but they do not cause rebound con
gestion. Pseudoephedrine
hydrochoride is available over the counter, and most commoncold medicines contai
n anticongestant
Nasogastric Tube A small-bore plastic or rubber tube passed into the sto
mach through the nose, pharynx
and then the oesophagus. It is used either to aspirate gas and liquid from the s
tomach or to pass food or
drugs into it.
Nasolacrimal Duct A duct that goes through the nasolacrimal canal in the
palatine bone of the SKULL.
The duct drains the tears from the lacrimal (tear) glands into the NOSE.
Nasopharynx Nasopharynx is the upper part of the throat, lying behind th
e nasal cavity. (See NOSE.)
National Blood Authority This body manages regional TRANSFUSION centres.
Among its aims are the
maintenance and promotion of blood and blood products based on a system of volun
tary donors; implementing a
cost-effective national strategy for ensuring adequate supplies of blood and its
products to meet national
needs; and ensuring high standards of safety and quality.
National Care Standards Commission This was set up under the CARE STANDA
RDS 2000 as an independent
regulator in respect of homes for the elderly, the disabled and children in the
state and private sectors
in the UK.
National Electronic Library for Health This National Health Service init
iative went online in November
2000. It aims to provide health professionals with easy and fast access to best
current knowledge from
medical journals, professional group guidelines, etc. Unbiased data can be acces
sed by both clinicians and
the public.
National Health Service (NHS) The United Kingdoms National Health Service

was created by Act of

Parliament and inaugurated on 5 July 1948. Its original aim was to provide a com
prehensive system of health
care to everyone, free at the point of delivery. Scotland had its own, similar l
egislation, as did Northern
Ireland. The service is funded by National Insurance contributions and from gene
ral taxation, with a small
amount from patient charges. The structure, functioning and financing of the NHS
have been and still are
undergoing substantial changes.
National Infection Control and Health Protection Agency A National Healt
h Service body intended to
combat the increasing threat from infectious diseases and biological, chemical a
nd radiological hazards.
Covering England, the agency includes the Public Health Laboratory Service, the
National Radiological
Protection Board, the Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research, and the Nati
onal Focus Group for
Chemical Incidents.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) This special health au
thority in the National Health
Service, launched in 1999, prepares formal advice for all managers and health pr
ofessionals working in the
service in England and Wales on the clinical- and cost-effectiveness of new and
existing technologies. This
includes diagnostic tests, medicines and surgical procedures. The institute also
gives advice on best
practice in the use of existing treatments. NICE its Scottish equivalent is the
Scottish Health
Technology Assessment Centre has three main functions: appraisal of new and exis
ting technologies.
development of clinical guidelines. promotion of clinical audit and confidential
inquiries. Central to its
task is public concern about postcode prescribing that is, different availability
of health care
according to geography.


486 National Listening Library

In 2003 the World Health Organisation appraised NICE. Amongst its recome
ndations were that there should
be greater consistency in the methods used for appraisal and the way in which re
sults and decisions were
reported. WHO was concerned about the need for transparency about the conflict b
etween NICEs use of
manufacturers commercial evidence in confidence, and believed there should be gre
ater definition of
justification for threshold levels for cost-effectiveness in the Centres judgement
of what represents
value for money. In all, WHO was congratulatory but questions remain about the p
ractical value and
imlementation of NICE guidelines.
National Listening Library National Listening Library is a charity which
produces recorded books for
handicapped people who cannot read, with the exception of the blind who have the
ir own separate
organisation, the Royal National Institute for the Blind. (See also CALIBRE.)
The excretion of SODIUM in the URINE, particularly if the amount excrete
d is more than normal. An agent
that causes this sodium excretion usually a diuretic (see DIURETICS) is termed a
Nausea The sensation that VOMITING is about to occur; however, nausea do
es not always lead to vomiting.
Navel Navel, or UMBILICUS, is the scar on the abdomen marking the point
where the umbilical cord joined
the body in embryonic life. (See PLACENTA.)
Near Sight
can be given in this way. It has the advantage over a metered dose inhal
er (MDI) that no special effort
is required to coordinate breathing, and a nebuliser allows a much greater volum
e of the drug to be
delivered to where it is needed (the airways) compared with that of MDIs. The us
e of higher doses of
bronchodilator drugs made possible by the nebuliser means that the risk of unwan
ted side-effects is also
increased. Fortunately the safety profile of anti-asthmatic drugs such as salbut
amol is extremely high and
overdose is generally well-tolerated.
Necator Americanus A hookworm, closely resembling but smaller than the A
ncylostoma duodenale. (See
Necropsy A traditional term for an autopsy or

Necrosis Death of a limited portion of tissue, the term being most commo
nly applied to bones when, as
the result of disease or injury, a fragment dies and separates. (See BONE, DISEA
Necrotising Fasciitis Also known as CELLULITIS. A potentially lethal inf
ection caused by the
gram-positive (see GRAMS STAIN) bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes which has the pr
operty of producing
dangerous exotoxins. The infection, which starts in the layer of FASCIA under th
e SKIN, may spread very
rapidly, destroying tissue as it spreads. Urgent antibiotic treatment may check
the infection, and surgery
is sometimes required, but even with treatment patients may die (see STREPTOCOCC
Needle-Stick Injury
The term applied to a slight opacity on the cornea (see EYE) producing a
haze in the field of vision,
and also to any oily preparation to be sprayed from a nebuliser an apparatus for
splitting up a fluid
into fine droplets.
Accidental perforation of the skin by an injection needle, commonly of t
he hand or finger and usually
by a nurse or doctor administering a therapeutic injection. The term also refers
to accidental injuries
from injection needles discarded by drug abusers. Dangerous infections such as v
iral HEPATITIS or HIV may
be acquired from needle-stick injuries, and there are strict procedures about th
e disposal of used syringes
and needles in medical settings.
A nebuliser makes an aerosol (see under INHALANTS) by blowing air or oxy
gen through a solution of a
drug. Many inhaled drugs such as SALBUTAMOL, ipratropium and beclomethasone
An operation performed in the treatment of cataracts (see under EYE, DIS
ORDERS OF), in which the
anterior lens capsule of the EYE is torn open with a needle, allowing the aqueou
Myopia. See under EYE, DISORDERS OF Errors of refraction.

Neonatology 487
fluid to dissolve the opaque soft lens matter, which is gradually washed
away into the bloodstream.
This extra-capsular extraction may need to be repeated several times before all th
e opaque lens matter
disperses. Although a relatively simple procedure, it is unsuitable for patients
over the age of 35 (when
the nucleus of the lens becomes increasingly hard), and CRYOSURGERY and LASER th
erapy have become the
preferred methods of treatment. Needling is also used for certain minor dermatol
ogical procedures, such as
removal of small facial cysts and scabies mites.
Nefopam Hydrochloride A non-opioid analgesic drug (see ANALGESICS) of us
e in the relief of pain that
fails to respond to other non-opioid analgesics. It causes little depression of
respiration but
side-effects may be a problem.
Negativism Negativism means a morbid tendency in a person to do the oppo
site of what he or she is
desired or directed to do. It is especially characteristic of those suffering fr
not uncommon in non-psychotic persons.
for the treatment of certain forms of ENTERITIS due to E. coli.
Neonatal Pertaining to the first month of life.
Neonatal Intensive Care The provision of a dedicated unit with special f
acilities, including one-to-one
nursing and appropriate technology, for caring for premature and seriously ill n
ewborn babies.
Paediatricians and neonatologists are involved in the running of such units. Not
every maternity unit can
provide intensive care: for example, the provision of artificial ventilation, ot
her than as a holding
procedure until a baby can be transferred to a better-equipped and better-servic
ed unit. Such hospitals
tend to have special-care baby units, which are capable of looking after the nee
ds of most, but not all,
premature or ill babies.
Neonatal Mortality
A roundworm. (See ASCARIASIS.)
Neonatal mortality is the mortality of infants under one month of age. I
n England and Wales this has
fallen markedly in recent decades: from more than 28 per 1,000 live births in 19
39 to 3.6 in 2002. This
improvement can be attributed to various factors: better antenatal supervision o
f expectant mothers; care
to ensure that expectant mothers receive adequate nourishing food; improvements
in the management of the
complications of pregnancy and of labour; and more skilled resuscitation at birt
h for those who need it.
Nearly three-quarters of neonatal deaths occur during the first week of life. Fo
r this reason, increasing

emphasis is being laid on this initial period of life. In Britain, in the last f
our decades of the 20th
century, the number of deaths in the first week of life fell dramatically from 1
3.2 to just over 2.7 per
1,000 live births. The chief causes of deaths in this period are extreme prematu
rity (less than 28 weeks
gestation), birth asphyxia with oxygen lack to the brain, and congenital abnorma
lities. After the first
week the commonest cause is infection.
Neomycin is one of the AMINOGLYCOSIDES, derived from Streptomyces fradia
e. It has a wide antibacterial
spectrum, being effective against the majority of gram-negative (see GRAMS STAIN)
bacilli. Its use is
limited by the fact that it is liable to cause deafness and kidney damage. Its m
ain use is for application
to the skin either in solution or as an ointment for the treatment of infection;
it is also given by
The branch of PAEDIATRICS responsible for the medical care of newborn ba
bies. Problems may be short
term for example, those linked to prematurity or life-long such as CEREBRAL PALS
Y. After the first few
weeks of life, paediatricians take over the responsibility for any specialist me
dical care required, with
general practitioners looking after the infants primarycare needs.
Neisseriaceae A family of bacteria of which three varieties cause diseas
e. Neisseria meningitidis
causes meningococcal MENINGITIS and SEPTICAEMIA. It is divided into three groups
: A, B and C; group B
accounts for most meningitis cases in the UK, mostly affecting children. Neisser
ia gonorrhoeae causes
GONORRHOEA. The bacteria are gram-negative (see GRAMS STAIN) cocci usually occurr
ing in pairs. A third
variety is Moraxella catarrhalis: this occurs in the nose and throat and sometim
es causes ear infection and
low-grade infection of the respiratory tract.

488 Neoplasm
Neoplasm TUMOUR.
(e.g. urea, drugs, etc.). The tubules eventually empty the filtrate, whi
ch by now is urine, into the
renal pelvis from where it flows down the ureters into the bladder. (See KIDNEYS
This means literally a new formation and is another word for a benign or n
An ANTICHOLINESTERASE drug which enhances neuromuscular transmission the
passage of chemical messages
between nerve and muscle cells in voluntary and involuntary muscles in patients
with the disorder
MYASTHENIA GRAVIS. Its effect lasts for about four hours. A disadvantage is that
it has a marked
cholinergic action affecting heart rhythm, causing excessive salivation and tear
secretion, constricting
the BRONCHIOLES and stimulating the gastrointestinal tract.
Nephrectomy The operation for removal of the kidney. (See KIDNEYS, DISEA
Nephritis Inflammation of the kidneys. (See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF Glomeru
Nephroblastoma N
Nephroblastoma, or Wilms tumour, is the commonest kidney tumour in infanc
OF Tumours of the kidney). It is a malignant tumour, which occurs in around 1 pe
r 10,000 live births. The
survival rate with modern treatment (removal of the kidney followed by radiother
apy and chemotherapy) is
now around 80 per cent.
Nephrolithiasis A condition in which the kidney.
are present in
Nephrology The branch of medicine concerned with the study and managemen
t of kidney disease. A
specialist in these diseases is called a nephrologist.
Nephron Each kidney comprises over a million of these microscopic units
which regulate and control the
formation of URINE. A tuft of capillaries invaginates the Bowmans capsule, which
is the blind-ending tube
(GLOMERULUS) of each nephron. Plasma is filtered out of blood and through the Bo
wmans capsule into the
renal tubule. As the filtrate passes along the tubule, most of the water and ele
ctrolytes are reabsorbed.

The composition is regulated with the retention or addition of certain molecules

A description of any damage or disease to the kidneys (see KIDNEYS, DISE
Nephropexy Surgical fixation (to the 12th rib and posterior abdominal wa
ll) of a mobile kidney; this
prevents the kidney from descending in the abdomen when the affected person stan
ds up.
Nephroptosis The condition in which a kidney (see KIDNEYS) is mobile or f
loating instead of being
fixed to the back of the abdominal cavity.
Nephroscope An endoscopic instrument for examining the inside of the kid
ney (see KIDNEYS). It is
normally passed into the renal pelvis of the organ via a route from the surface
of the skin. Instruments
can be passed through the nephroscope under direct vision to remove CALCULI (sto
nes) or break them up using
Nephrostomy Nephrostomy is the operation of making an opening into the k
idney (see KIDNEYS) to drain
Nephrotic Syndrome Nephrotic syndrome is one of PROTEINURIA, hypo-albumi
naemia and gross OEDEMA. The
primary cause is the leak of albumin (see ALBUMINS) through the GLOMERULUS. When
this exceeds the livers
ability to synthesise albumin, the plasma level falls and oedema results. The ne
phrotic syndrome is
commonly the result of primary renal glomerular disease (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES O
F Glomerulonephritis). It
may also be a result of metabolic diseases such as diabetic glomerular sclerosis
and AMYLOIDOSIS. It may be
the result of systemic autoimmune diseases such as SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
NODOSA. It may complicate malignant diseases such as MYELOMATOSIS and Hodgkins di
sease (see LYMPHOMA). It
is sometimes caused by nephrotoxins such as gold or mercury and certain drugs, a
nd it may be the result of
certain infections such as MALARIA and CROHNS DISEASE.
Nephrotomy Nephrotomy means the operation of cutting

Nervous System 489

into the kidney (see KIDNEYS), in search of CALCULI or for other reasons
Nerve A nerve is a bundle of conductory fibres called axons (see AXON) t
hat emanate from neurones (see
NEURON(E)) the basic anatomical and functional units of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerv
es make up the central
nervous system (BRAIN and SPINAL CORD) and connect that system to all parts of t
he body, transmitting
information from sensory organs via the peripheral nerves to the centre and retu
rning instructions for
action to the relevant muscles and glands. Nerves vary in size from the large pe
ncilsized sciatic nerve in
the back of the thigh muscles to the single, hair-sized fibres distributed to th
e skin. A nerve, such as
the sciatic, possesses a strong, outer fibrous sheath, called the epineurium, wi
thin which lie bundles of
nerve-fibres, divided from one another by partitions of fibrous tissue, in which
run blood vessels that
nourish the nerve. Each of these bundles is surrounded by its own sheath, known
as the perineurium, and
within the bundle fine partitions of fibrous tissue, known as endoneurium, divid
e up the bundle into groups
of fibres. The finest subdivisions of the nerves are the fibres, and these are o
f two kinds: medullated and
non-medullated fibres. (See NEURON(E) and NERVOUS SYSTEM for more details on str
ucture and functions of
neurons and nerves.)
Local anaesthetics.
Nerve Cell See NEURON(E).
Nerves, Injuries to These have several causes. Continued or repeated sev
ere pressure may damage a nerve
seriously, as in the case of a crutch pressing into the armpit and causing dropwrist. Bruising due to a
blow which drives a superficially placed nerve against a bone may damage, say, t
he radial nerve behind the
upper arm. A wound may sever nerves, along with other structures; this accident
is specially liable to
occur to the ulnar nerve in front of the wrist when a person accidentally puts a
hand and arm through a
pane of glass.
Symptoms When a sensory nerve is injured or diseased, sensation is immed
iately more or less impaired in
the part supplied by the nerve. Ulceration or death of the tissue supplied by th
defective nerve may occur. When the nerve in question is a motor one, th
e muscles governed through it
are instantly paralysed. In the latter case, the portion of nerve beyond the inj
ury degenerates and the
muscles gradually waste, losing their power of contraction in response to electr
ical applications. Finally,

deformities result and the joints become fixed. This is particularly noticeable
when the ulnar nerve is
injured, the hand and fingers taking up a clawlike position. The skin may also b
e affected.
Treatment Damaged or severed (peripheral) nerve fibres should be sewn to
gether, using microsurgery.
Careful realignment of the nerve endings gives the fibres an excellent chance of
regenerating along the
right channels. Full recovery is rare but, with regular physiotherapy to keep pa
ralysed muscles in good
shape and to prevent their shortening, the patient can expect to obtain a reason
able return of function
after a few weeks, with improvement continuing over several months.
Nervous Breakdown A non-medical description of a variety of emotional cr
ises ranging from an outburst
of hysterical behaviour to a major neurotic illness that may have a lasting effe
ct on an individuals life.
Sometimes the term is used to describe an overt psychotic illness for example, S
Nervous Impulse This is transmitted chemically, by the formation at nerv
e-endings of chemical
substances. When, for example, a NERVE to a muscle is stimulated, there appears
JUNCTION the chemical substance, ACETYLCHOLINE. Acetylcholine also appears at en
dings of the
parasympathetic nerves (see NERVOUS SYSTEM) and transmits the effect of the para
sympathetic impulse. When
an impulse passes down a sympathetic nerve, the effect of it is transmitted at t
he nerve-ending by the
chemical liberated there: ADRENALINE or an adrenaline-like substance.
Nervous System This extensive, complex and finely tuned network of billi
ons of specialised cells called
neurones (see NEURON(E)) is responsible for maintaining the bodys contacts with a
nd responses to the
outside world. The network also provides internal communication links in concert
with HORMONES, the
bodys chemical messengers between the bodys diverse organs and tissues, and, impor
tantly, the BRAIN

490 Nervous System, Disorders of

relevant information as memory. Each neurone has a filamentous process o
f varying length called an AXON
along which passes messages in the form of electrochemically generated impulses.
Axons are bundled together
to form nerves (see NERVE). The nervous system can be likened to a computer. The
central processing unit
which receives, processes and stores information and initiates instructions for
bodily activities is
called the central nervous system: this is made up of the brain and SPINAL CORD.
The peripheral nervous
system synonymous with the cables that transmit information to and from a comput
ers processing unit
has two parts: sensory and motor. The former collects information from the bodys
many sense organs. These
respond to touch, temperature, pain, position, smells, sounds and visual images
and the information is
signalled to the brain via the sensory nerves. When information has been process
ed centrally, the brain and
spinal cord send instructions for action via motor nerves to the voluntary muscles
controlling movements
and speech, to the involuntary muscles that operate the internal organs such as th
e heart and intestines,
and to the various glands, including the sweat glands in the skin. (Details of t
he 12 pairs of cranial
nerves and the 31 pairs of nerves emanating from the spinal cord are given in re
spective texts on brain and
spinal cord.)
Functional divisions of nervous system As well as the nervous systems ana
tomical divisions, the system
is divided functionally, into autonomic and somatic parts. The autonomic nervous
system, which is split
into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, deals with the automatic or unco
nscious control of internal
bodily activities such as heartbeat, muscular status of blood vessels, digestion
and glandular functions.
The somatic system is responsible for the skeletal (voluntary) muscles (see MUSC
LE) which carry out
intended movements initiated by the brain for example, the activation of limbs,
tongue, vocal cords
(speech), anal muscles (defaecation), urethral sphincters (urination) or vaginal
muscles (childbirth). In
addition, many survival responses the most powerfully instinctive animal drives,
which range from
avoiding danger and pain to shivering when cold or sweating when hot are initiat
ed unconsciously and
automatically by the nervous system using the appropriate neural pathways to ach
ieve the particular
survival reaction required. The complex functions of the nervous system include the ability to experience emotions, such as excitement and p
leasure, anxiety and
frustration, and to undertake intellectual activities. For these experiences an
individual can utilise many
built-in neurological programmes and he or she can enhance performance through l
earning a vital human

function that depends on MEMORY, a three stage-process in the brain of registrat

ion, storage and recall.
The various anatomical and functional divisions of the nervous system that have
been unravelled as science
has strived to explain how it works may seem confusing. In practical terms, the
nervous system works mainly
by using automatic or relex reactions (see REFLEX ACTION) to various stimuli (de
scribed above),
supplemented by voluntary actions triggered by the activity of the conscious (hi
gher) areas of the brain.
Some higher functions crucial to human activity for example, visual perception,
thought, memory and
speech are complex and subtle, and the mechanisms are not yet fully understood.
But all these complex
activities rest on the foundation of relatively simple electrochemical transmiss
ions of impulses through
the massive network of billions of specialised cells, the neurones.
Nervous System, Disorders of The following conditions are discussed unde
r their individual headings:
Nettle-Rash See URTICARIA.
Neuralgia Pain which is the result of damage to or irritation of a NERVE
. The pain tends to be
intermittent, occurring in short bursts. It may be very severe and be located al
ong an identifiable nerve.
A particular disorder may give rise to neuralgia, MIGRAINE being an example, and
HERPES ZOSTER (shingles)
another. Neuralgia may also be caused by disturbance to a particular nerve for i
nstance, trigeminal
neuralgia which affects the sensory nerve supplying most of the face.
Treatment Any obvious underlying cause should be dealt with. Neuralgia m
ay be symptomatically relieved
with ANALGESICS. Severe

pain may be helped by the analgesic carbamazepine or by destroying (free
zing, local alcohol injection
or surgery) the affected nerve.
In polyneuritis, usually due to some general or constitutional cause, th
e nerve-fibres themselves in
the small nerves degenerate and break down. The condition is protracted because,
for recovery to occur, the
growth of new nervefibres from the healthy part of the nerve has to take place.
The cause of polyneuritis
may be infection by a virus for example, HERPES ZOSTER or a bacterium, as in LEP
ROSY. Neuritis may also
be the result of agents such as alcohol, lead or products from industrial or agr
icultural activities.
ORGANOPHOSPHORUS insecticides are believed by some to be a factor in neuritis an
d other neurological
An out-of-date term that was used to describe an ill-defined state of ne
rvous exhaustion in which,
although the patient suffers from no definite disease, he or she becomes incapab
le of sustained exertion.
The condition which it represented is now believed to be a form of NEUROSIS or p
sychosomatic disease. It
was also used in the past to describe what is now called
A malignant growth comprising embryonic nerve cells. It may start in any
SYSTEM. The medulla of the adrenal gland (see under ENDOCRINE GLANDS) is a commo
n site; secondary growths
develop in other tissues. Neuroblastomas are the most common extracranial solid
tumour of childhood. The
incidence is around eight cases per one million children. Treatment is by surger
y followed by radiotherapy
and CYTOTOXIC drugs. About 30 per cent of sufferers survive for at least five ye
ars after treatment.
Neural Tube The structure in the EMBRYO from which the BRAIN and SPINAL
CORD develop.
Neural Tube Defects Congenital abnormalities resulting from the failure
of the NEURAL TUBE to form
normally. The resulting conditions include SPINA BIFIDA, MENINGOCELE and defects
in the bones of the
Neurectomy An operation in which part of a NERVE is excised: for example
, for the relief of NEURALGIA.

Neurilemma The thin membranous covering which surrounds every nerve-fibr

e. (See NERVE.)
Neuritis Inflammation affecting a nerve or nerves which may be localised
to one part of the body as,
for instance, in SCIATICA or which may be general, being then known as multiple
neuritis, or
POLYNEURITIS. Owing to the fact that the most peripheral parts of the nerves are
usually affected in the
latter condition (i.e. the fine subdivisions in the substance of the muscles), i
t is also known as
peripheral neuritis.
Causes In cases of localised neuritis, the fibrous sheath of the nerve i
s usually at fault, the actual
nerve-fibres being only secondarily affected. This condition may be due to infla
mmation spreading into the
nerve from surrounding tissues; to cold; or to long-continued irritation by pres
sure on the nerve. The
symptoms produced vary according to the function of the nerve, in the case of se
nsory nerves being usually
neuralgic pain (see NEURALGIA), and in the case of motor nerves some degree of p
aralysis in the muscles to
which the nerves pass.
Neurodermatoses See under SKIN, DISEASES OF.
Neurofibrils A microscopic strand of CYTOPLASM that occurs in the cell b
ody of a NEURON(E) as well as
in the semifluid content of the AXON of a nerve cell.
Neuroglia The fine web of tissue and branching cells which supports the
nerve-fibres and cells of the
nervous system. (See NERVE.)
Neuroleptics Drugs used to quieten disturbed patients, whether this is t
he result of brain damage,
MANIA, DELIRIUM, agitated DEPRESSION or an acute behavioural disturbance. They r
elieve the florid PSYCHOTIC
symptoms such as hallucinations and thought-disorder in SCHIZOPHRENIA and preven
t relapse of this disorder
when it is in remission. Most of these drugs act by blocking DOPAMINE receptors.
As a result they can give
rise to the extrapyramidal effects of PARKINSONISM and may also cause HYPERPROLA

492 Neurology
Troublesome side-effects may require control by ANTICHOLINERGIC drugs. T
he main antipsychotic drugs
are: (i) chlorpromazine, methotrimeprazine and promazine, characterised by prono
unced sedative effects and
a moderate anticholinergic and extrapyramidal effect; (ii) pericyazine, pipothia
zine and thioridazine,
which have moderate sedative effects and marked anticholinergic effects, but les
s extrapyramidal effects
than the other groups; (iii) fluphenazine, perphenazine, prochlorperazine, sulpi
ride and trifluoperazine,
which have fewer sedative effects and fewer anticholinergic effects, but more pr
onounced extrapyramidal
The branch of medical practice and science which is concerned with the s
tudy of the NERVOUS SYSTEM and
its disorders. Specialists in neurology neurologists examine a patients nerves, s
ensory and motor
functions and reflexes. They use modern imaging techniques for example, CT scann
ing (see COMPUTED
TOMOGRAPHY) and MRI to aid diagnosis. Until relatively recently, many neurologic
al conditions could be
treated only with palliative methods. Now there is much improved understanding o
f the nervous system and
its disorders, with closer liaison between psychiatrists (see PSYCHIATRY) and ne
Neuroma Neuroma means a TUMOUR connected with a NERVE such tumours being
generally composed of
fibrous tissue, and of a painful nature.
Neuromuscular Blockade In clinical practice, the transmission of impulse
may be blocked to paralyse temporarily a patient for a surgical procedure, or to
assist treatment on the
intensive care unit. There are two main types of drug, both of which competitive
ly block the ACETYLCHOLINE
receptors on the motor end plates. (1) Depolarising neuromuscular blocking agent
s: these act by first
producing stimulation at the receptor, and then by blocking it. There are charac
teristic muscle
fasciculations before the rapid onset of paralysis which is of short duration (l
ess than five minutes with
the commonly used drug, suxamethonium). The drug is removed from the receptor by
the enzyme,
CHOLINESTERASE. (2) Non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agents: these drugs
occupy the receptor and
prevent acetylcholine from becoming attached to it. However, in sufficiently hig
h concentrations, acetylcholine will compete with the drug and dislodge it from the
receptor; the effect of these
drugs is reversed by giving an anticholinesterase, which allows the amount of ac
etylcholine at the

neuromuscular junction to build up. These drugs have varying durations of action
, but all are slower in
onset and of longer duration than the depolarisers.
Neuromuscular Junction The area where a motor NERVE ends close to the MU
SCLE membrane so can initiate
muscle contraction. The motor-nerve ending is separated from the motor end plate
by the synaptic cleft
which is only 5070 nm wide. When a nerve impulse arrives at the motor-nerve endin
g, molecules of
ACETYLCHOLINE are released which cross the synaptic cleft and attach to receptor
s on the motor end plate.
This initiates depolarisation of the muscle which in turn initiates the process
of contraction.
Acetylcholinesterase (an ENZYME) rapidly breaks down the molecules of acetylchol
ine, thus ending their
action and freeing the receptor in preparation for the next impulse.
Neuron(e) Also known as a nerve cell, this is the basic cellular buildin
g-block of the NERVOUS SYSTEM,
which contains billions of neurones linked in a complex network and acting in di
fferent combinations to
keep the body informed about the outside world, and then to organise and activat
e appropriate responses.
There are three main types of neurone:
Sensory These carry signals to the central nervous system (CNS) the BRAI
N and SPINAL CORD from
sensory receptors. These receptors respond to different stimuli such as touch, p
ain, temperature, smells,
sounds and light.
Motor These carry signals from the CNS to activate muscles or glands.
Interneurons These provide the interconnecting electrical network within t
he CNS.
Structure Each neurone comprises a cell body, several branches called de
ndrites, and a single
filamentous fibre called an AXON. Axons may be anything from a few millimetres t
o a metre long; at their
end are several branches acting as terminals through which electrochemical signa
ls are sent to target
cells, such as those of muscles, glands or the dendrites of another axon. Axons
of several neurones are

together to form nerve tracts within the brain or spinal cord or nerve-f
ibres outside the CNS. Each
nerve is surrounded by a sheath and contains bundles of fibres. Some fibres are
medullated, having a sheath
of MYELIN which acts as insulation, preventing nerve impulses from spreading bey
ond the fibre conveying
them. The cellular part of the neurones makes up the grey matter of the brain an
d spinal cord the former
containing 600 million neurones. The dendrites meet with similar outgrowths from
other neurones to form
synapses. White matter is the term used for that part of the system composed of
nerve fibres.
Functions of nerves The greater part of
Diagram of neurone.
the bodily activity originates in the nerve cells (see NERVE). Impulses
are sent down the nerves which
act simply as transmitters. The impulse causes sudden chemical changes in the mu
scles as the latter
contract (see MUSCLE). The impulses from a sensory ending in the skin pass along
a nerve-fibre to affect
nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain, where they are perceived as a sensatio
n. An impulse travels at a
rate of about 30 metres (100 feet) per second. (See NERVOUS IMPULSE.) The anteri
or roots of spinal nerves
consist of motor fibres leading to muscles, the posterior roots of sensory fibre
s coming from the skin. The
terms, EFFERENT and AFFERENT, are applied to these roots, because, in addition t
o motor fibres, fibres
controlling blood vessels and secretory glands leave the cord in the anterior ro
ots. The posterior roots
contain, in addition to sensory fibres, the nerve-fibres that transmit impulses
from muscles, joints and
other organs, which among other neurological functions provide the individual wi
th his or her
Diagram showing nervous connections between the central nervous system a
nd muscle and skin.

494 Neuropathic Bladder

Diagram of a reflex arc.
proprioceptive faculties the ability to know how various parts of the bo
dy are positioned. The
connection between the sensory and motor systems of nerves is important. The sim
plest form of nerve action
is that known as automatic action. In this, a part of the nervous system, contro
lling, for example, the
lungs, makes rhythmic discharges to maintain the regular action of the respirato
ry muscles. This
controlling mechanism may be modified by occasional sensory impressions and chem
ical changes from various
Reflex action This is an automatic or involuntary activity, prompted by
fairly simple neurological
circuits, without the subjects consciousness necessarily being involved. Thus a p
ainful pinprick will
result in a reflex withdrawal of the affected finger before the brain has time t
o send a voluntary
instruction to the muscles involved. Voluntary Actions are more complicated than
reflex ones. The same
mechanism is involved, but the brain initially exerts an inhibitory or blocking
effect which prevents
immediate reflex action. Then the impulse, passing up to the cerebral hemisphere
s, stimulates cellular
activity, the complexity of these processes depending upon the intellectual proc
esses involved. Finally,
the inhibition is removed and an impulse passes down to motor cells in the spina
l cord, and a muscle or set
of muscles is activated by the motor nerves. (Recent advances in magnetic resona
imaging (MRI) techniques have provided very clear images of nerve tracts
in the brain which should lead
to greater understanding of how the brain functions.) (See BRAIN; NERVOUS SYSTEM
Neuropathic Bladder A URINARY BLADDER with complete or partial loss of s
ensation. As there is no
sensation of fullness, the individual either develops complete retention of URIN
E, or the bladder empties
automatically usually every few hours. The condition predisposes affected indivi
duals to urinary-tract
infections and back pressure on the KIDNEYS, leading to renal failure. It may be
caused by spinal injury,
SPINA BIFIDA or any disorder which produces NEUROPATHY.
Neuropathology The branch of PATHOLOGY that covers the reasons for and c
onsequences of disorders of the
Neuropathy A disease affecting nerves (see NERVE). It may affect a singl
e nerve (mononeuropathy) or be
a generalised disorder (polyneuropathy). Symptoms will depend on whether motor,
sensory, or autonomic

nerves are affected. Trauma or entrapment of a nerve is a common cause of monone

uropathy, pressure or
stretching of a nerve occurring in various situations. Complete recovery in 46 we
eks is usual. Common
causes of polyneuropathy include DIABETES MELLITUS, vitamin B deficiency (often

NHS Direct
and some viral infections. Genetic and toxic neuropathies are also seen.
Neurosis A general term applied to mental or emotional disturbance in wh
ich, as opposed to PSYCHOSIS,
there is no serious disturbance in the perception or understanding of external r
eality. However, the
boundaries between neurosis and psychosis are not always clearly defined. Neuros
es are usually classified
into anxiety neuroses, depressive neuroses, phobias (see PHOBIA), HYPOCHONDRIASI
S, HYSTERIA and obsessional
Anxiety neurosis, or anxiety state, constitutes the most common form of
neurosis; fortunately it is
also among the most responsive to treatment. Once the neurosis develops, suffere
rs are in a state of
persistent anxiety and worry, tensed up, always fatigued and unable to sleep at ni
ght. In addition, there
are often physical complaints for example, palpitations, sweating, apparent disc
omfort on swallowing
(globus), and headache.
Obsessional neuroses are much less common and constitute only about 5 pe
r cent of all neuroses. Like
other neuroses, they usually develop in early adult life. (See MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Neurosurgery Surgery performed on some part of the NERwhether brain, spi
nal cord or nerves. Disorders
treated by neurosurgeons include damage to the brain, spinal cord and nerves as
a result of injury; tumours
in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM; abnormalities of blood vessels in or supplying bl
ood to the brain for
example, ANEURYSM; brain abscess; bleeding inside the skull; and certain birth d
efects such as
Neurotransmitter A chemical substance which transmits the action of a NE
RVE to a cell (see CELLS). It
is released from nerve-endings and transmits the impulse across synapses (see SY
NAPSE) to other nerves. In
the central nervous system the substances acting as neurotransmitters include AC
DOPAMINE and SEROTONIN. The main transmitter in the peripheral system is acetylc
holine, while for the
sympathetic system it is noradrenaline. In recent years a new group of neurotran
smitters called
neuropeptides has been identified, comprising large protein molecules. One of th
e best-known is that of
endorphins, which the brain uses to control pain. (See also NEURON(E); NERVOUS S
Neutron A neutron is one of the particles that enter into the structure
of the atomic nucleus. (See
Neutropenia A reduction in the number of neutrophil LEUCOCYTES per cubic
millimetre of circulating
blood to a figure below that found in health. There is still some disagreement o

ver the precise limits of

normality, but a count of fewer than 1,500 per mm3 would be generally accepted a
s constituting neutropenia.
Several infective diseases are characterised by neutropenia, including typhoid f
ever (see ENTERIC FEVER),
INFLUENZA and MEASLES. It may also be induced by certain drugs, including chlora
mphenicol, the
sulphonamides and chlorpromazine.
Neutrophil A type of leucocyte or white blood cell (see LEUCOCYTES; BLOO
A vague term applied to a person of nervous temperament, whose actions a
re largely determined by
emotions or instincts rather than by reason.
Neurotoxin A chemical substance that harms nervous tissue, causing sympt
oms of numbness or weakness of
the body part supplied by the damaged NERVE. The venom of some snakes contains n
eurotoxic substances, and
bacteria may produce neurotoxins: examples are those that cause DIPHTHERIA and T
ETANUS. Arsenic and lead
are examples of inorganic neurotoxins.
NHS Direct A government-initiated, countrywide, telephone-based helpline
which enables members of the
public with a potential emergency or inquiry about health to receive counselling
over the telephone. They
can then be advised on the most appropriate course of action: perhaps an urgent
visit to the nearest
Accident & Emergency department, a non-urgent visit to the general practitioner,
or even self-medication.
The intention is to reduce the high workloads of GPs and A&E departments without

496 NHS Executive

endangering patients. NHS Direct is expected to be enhanced to provide:
links to community pharmacies
and social services. access to NHS Direct information via the Internet and infor
mation points in public
sites. publication of a guide on health care for dispatch to callers.

NHS Executive The top management body in the health service. It is part
of the Department of Health.
NHS Litigation Authority See MEDICAL LITIGATION.
NHS Modernisation Board A group of senior health- and social-care profes
sionals, frontline staff,
managers and patients representatives set up in 2000 to advise the Secretary of S
tate for Health on the
implementation of the NHS plan a ten-year programme for improving the service.
Niclosamide A widely used anthelmintic drug (see ANTHELMINTICS) for trea
ting TAENIASIS or tapeworm
Nicotinamide Nicotinamide, the amide of NICOTINIC ACID, is usually used
instead of the latter in the
treatment of vitamin B deficiency.
Nicotine An alkaloid which is the principal addictive agent in TOBACCO.
The small amount of nicotine in
a single cigarette is sufficient to stimulate mental and bodily activities. In l
arger quantities it acts as
a depressant or narcotic habitual smokers may find its effect sedating. Nicotine
works by stimulating the
production of a chemical called DOPAMINE, a neurotransmitter or chemical messeng
er between nerve cells.
Nicotine mimics the action of a neurotransmitter called ACETYLCHOLINE. Nerve cel
ls that produce dopamine
have acetylcholine-receptor molecules on their surfaces; when these nicotine-like
receptors are occupied
by acetylcholine molecules, a cell is prompted to produce dopamine. So nicotine
itself can artificially
stimulate dopamine production. Dopamine is part of the neuronal circuitry that p
lays a part in the bodys
perception of pleasure, which is why smoking is enjoyed by many people.
Nicotinic Acid Nicotinic acid is a member of the vitamin B complex. It i
s essential for human
nutrition, the normal daily requirement for an adult being about 1520 mg. A defic
iency of nicotinic acid
is one of the factors in the etiology of PELLAGRA, and either nicotine acid or N
ICOTINAMIDE is used in the
treatment of this condition. Nicotinic acid also reduces the concentration of bl
ood lipids (see
Nidus A site of infection within the body from which it can spread to ot

her tissues.
Nifedipine A
member of the CALCIUM-CHANNEL group of cardiovascular drugs. It relaxes
vascular smooth muscle and
dilates coronary and peripheral arteries. Nifedipine has been used to prevent an
Night Blindness See under BLINDNESS.
Night Sweats Copious PERSPIRATION occurring in bed at night and found in
conditions such as
TUBERCULOSIS, BRUCELLOSIS and lymphomas (see LYMPHOMA), as well as thyrotoxicosi
s (see under THYROID GLAND,
DISEASES OF), anxiety states and menopausal flushes (see MENOPAUSE).
Nipple The small, sensitive prominence at the tip of each breast (see BR
EASTS) containing (in women)
the small openings through which milk can pass from the milk glands in the breas
t tissue. The nipple and
its surrounding area (the areola) are darker than the adjacent skin. The area be
comes darker during
Nipples, Diseases of See BREASTS, DISEASES OF.
Nitrates Chemical compounds that have a valuable role in the treatment o
very effective in dilating the ARTERIES supplying the HEART; their prime benefit
, however, is to reduce the
return of venous blood to the heart (via the superior and inferior venae cavae),
thus reducing the demands
on the left ventricle, which pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs. Undesirable
side-effects such as
flushing, headache and postural HYPOTENSION may restrict the use of nitrates. Am
ong the nitrate drugs

Nocturnal Enuresis
used is GLYCERYL TRINITRATE which, taken under the tongue (sublingually)
, provides quick, symptomatic
relief of angina, lasting for up to half an hour. Alternative administration can
be via a spray product.
Isorbide dinitrate taken sublingually is a more stable preparation, suitable for
patients who need nitrates
infrequently. The drugs effect may last for 12 hours in modified-release form. Pa
tients taking long-acting
nitrates or preparations absorbed through the skin (transdermal) may develop
Excess passing of URINE during the night. Among its many causes are glom
erulonephritis (see under
KIDNEY, DISEASES OF) and enlargement of the PROSTATE GLAND.
Nitrazepam A tranquilliser introduced as a hypnotic. It is long-acting a
nd may produce drowsiness next
Nitric Oxide (NO) A naturally occurring chemical that performs a wide ra
nge of biological roles. It is
involved in the laying down of memories in the BRAIN; in killing viruses, bacter
ia and cancer cells; and in
helping to control blood pressure. NO, comprising a nitrogen atom attached to an
oxygen one, is one of the
smallest of biologically active compounds as well as having such diverse functio
ns. The chemical is a
muscle relaxant and is important in maintaining the heart and circulation in goo
d condition. NO is also the
toxic agent released by macrophages (see MACROPHAGE) to kill invading germs and
spreading cancer cells. It
acts as an essential NEUROTRANSMITTER and protects nerve cells against stress. R
esearchers are studying how
it might be used to treat diseases, for example by using it as an inhaled gas in
certain respiratory
Nitrofurantoin A synthetic nitrofuran derivative which has a wide range
of antibacterial activity and
is effective against many gram-positive and gramnegative (see GRAMS STAIN) microorganisms. It is used
mainly in the treatment of infections of the lower URINARY TRACT.
Nitrogen Mustards The nitrogen analogues of mustard gas are among the mo
used in the treatment of various forms of malignant disease. They include chlorm
ethine, busulphan,
chlorambucil and melphalan.
Nitrous Oxide Gas Also known as laughing gas, this is (at ordinary press
ures) a colourless,
sweetish-smelling gas. It is used with oxygen to provide relief of pain (see

and mild ANAESTHESIA during childbirth, during painful dental procedures

, and at the site of major
accidents. It has a rapid action and the effects do not last for long.
Nociceptors endings which detect and respond to painful or unpleasant st
Nocturnal Enuresis The involuntary passing of URINE during sleep. It is
a condition predominantly of
childhood, and usually genetically determined. Sometimes, however, it is a sympt
om of anxiety in a child,
especially if there has been over-rigorous attempts at toilet-training or hostil
e or unloving behaviour by
a parent. It can also be provoked by apparently unimportant changes in a childs l
ife for example, moving
house. In a small minority of cases it is due to some organic cause such as infe
ction of the genitourinary
tract. The age at which a child achieves full control of bladder function varies
considerably. Such control
is sometimes achieved in the second year, but much more commonly not until 23 yea
rs old. Some children do
not normally achieve such control until the fourth, or even fifth, year, so that
paediatricians are
reluctant to make this diagnosis before a child is aged six. The approach consis
ts essentially of
reassurance and firm but kindly and understanding training. In most cases the us
e of a star chart and a
buzzer alarm which wakens the child should he or she start passing urine is help
ful. Where there are
relationship or social problems, these need to be considered in treating the chi
ld. The few who have
urinary infection or irritable bladders may respond to drug tretament. Those who
do not respond may be
helped by DDAVP, an analogue of a pituitary hormone, which reduces the amount of
urine produced overnight.
It is licensed for use for three months at a time. Some children prefer to reser
ve it for occasions such as
sleeping away from home. The antidepressant imipramine can help some children bu
t has to be used cautiously
because of side-effects. For help, contact

498 Node
Node The term node is widely used in medicine. For instance, the smaller
lymphatic glands are often
termed LYMPH NODES. It is also applied to a collection of nerve cells forming a
subsidiary nerve centre
found in various places in the sympathetic nervous system (see NERVOUS SYSTEM),
such as the sinuatrial node
and the atrioventricular node which control the beating of the HEART.
Noma Another name for CANCRUM ORIS.
Non-Accidental Injury (NAI)
(See also CHILD ABUSE). Though NAI has traditionally been seen as abuse
against children and they are
still the main victims such injuries can also be inflicted on vulnerable adults.
Adults with learning
difficulties, dementias or physical disabilities sufficiently serious as to requ
ire institutional care (or
who make heavy demands on relatives) are sometimes the victims of NAI. Health pr
ofessionals, social workers
and relatives should bear this possibility in mind when discovering unusual, sev
ere or repeated bruising or
fractures in vulnerable adults, even in circumstances where NAI may seem unlikel
y. (See also MUNCHAUSENS
Non-Conventional Medicine An umbrella term to describe alternative, comp
lementary, folk and other types
of healing practices that are outside the definition of conventional western-typ
e medical practice. (See
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma See LYMPHOMA.
Non-Specific Urethritis (NSU) An inflammatory condition of the URETHRA d
ue to a cause or causes other
than GONORRHOEA. The most common is CHLAMYDIA trachomatis there has been a rise
of over 75 per cent in
the incidence in the UK over the past
five years to around 70,000 a year. It produces pelvic inflammatory dise
ase in women, which often
results in sterility, the risk of ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, and recurrent pelvic pain.
Most cases respond well to
TETRACYCLINES. Abstinence from sexual intercourse should be observed during trea
tment and until cure is
complete. Children born to infected mothers may have their eyes infected during
birth, producing the
condition known as ophthalmia neonatorum. This is treated by the application to
the eye of

chlortetracycline eye ointment. The lungs of such a child may also be infected,
resulting in pneumonia.
Non-Steroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) These act by inhibiting th
e formation of PROSTAGLANDINS
which are mediators of INFLAMMATION. They act both as ANALGESICS to relieve pain
, and as inhibitors of
inflammation. Aspirin is a classic example of such a compound. Newer compounds h
ave been synthesised with
the aim of producing fewer and less severe side-effects. They are sometimes pref
erred to aspirin for the
treatment of conditions such as RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, sprains, s
trains and sports injuries.
Their main side-effects are gastrointestinal: gastric ulcers and gastric haemorr
hage may result (see
STOMACH, DISEASES OF). This is because prostaglandins are necessary for the prod
uction of the mucous
protective coat in the stomach and, when the production of prostaglandin is inhi
bited, the protection of
the stomach is compromised. NSAIDs should therefore be used with caution in pati
ents with DYSPEPSIA and
gastric ulceration. The various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs differ litt
le from each other in
efficacy, although there is considerable variation in patient response. Ibuprofe
n is one of the first
choices in this group of drugs as it combines good efficacy with a low incidence
of side-effects and
administration is only required twice daily. Other drugs in this series include
diclofenac, fenbufen,
fenclofenac, fenoprofen, feprazone, flurbiprofen, indomethacin, indoprofen, keto
profen, ketorolac,
naproxen, piroxicam, sulindac, tiaprofenic acid and tolmetin.
Noradrenaline A precursor of ADRENALINE in the medulla of the suprarenal
glands (see ADRENAL GLANDS).
It is also present in the BRAIN. Its main function is to mediate the transmissio
n of impulses in the
SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM; it also has a transmitter function in the brain.

Nose, Disorders of
Norepinephrine See NORADRENALINE.
Norethisterone A synthetic preparation that has the action of PROGESTERO
NE, but is active when given by
Norm The expected value for something measurable. Most people have measu
rements lying to either side of
the norm. Traditionally in medicine, only those lying beyond two standard deviat
ions from the norm are
considered likely to be abnormal (approximately 3 per cent of those measured). (
Normal A term used in several different senses. Generally speaking, it i
s applied to anything which
agrees with the regular and established type. In chemistry, the term is applied
to solutions of acids or
bases of such strength that each litre contains the number of grams correspondin
g to the molecular weight
of the substance in question. In physiology the term normal is applied to solution
s of such strength
that, when mixed with a body fluid, they are ISOTONIC and cause no disturbance:
for example, normal saline
Normoblast The precursor of an erythrocyte (see ERYTHROCYTES; BLOOD) whi
ch still contains the remnant
Normotensive Having a BLOOD PRESSURE within the NORMAL range for an indi
viduals age and sex.
Nortriptyline One of the sedative.
bone (sphenoidal sinus); and in the lateral part of the ethmoid bone (et
hmoidal sinus). The sinuses
drain into the interior of the nose, as does the Eustachian or auditory tube fro
m the middle ear (see EAR).
Nose, Disorders of Certain skin diseases particularly CHILBLAIN, ACNE, L
affect the NOSE, and may be very annoying. Redness of the skin may be caused by
poor circulation in cold
Acute inflammation is generally the result of a viral infection (see COL
D, COMMON) affecting the mucous
membrane and paranasal sinuses (see SINUSITIS); less commonly it results from th
e inhalation of irritant
gases. Boils may develop just inside the entrance to the nose, causing pain; the
se are potentially
troublesome as infection can spread to the sinuses. HAY FEVER is one distressing
form of acute rhinitis.

Malformations are of various kinds. Racial and familial variations in th

e external nose occur and may
be a reason for RHINOPLASTY. Differences in the size and shape of the nose occur
, often forming the
starting point for chronic inflammation of the nose, perennial rhinitis (all the
year round), hay fever, or
ASTHMA. More commonly, obstruction results from nasal polyps or adenoids, leadin
g to inhalation through the
mouth. Adenoids are an overgrowth of glandular tissue at the back of the throat,
into which the nose opens.
Polyps are growths of soft jelly-like character: they arise from chronic inflamm
ation associated with
allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, asthma, and aspirin abuse. Large polyps ca
n cause erosion of the
nasal bones and should be surgically removed.
also a
Bleeding (see HAEMORRHAGE).
Foreign bodies At first these may not cause
In the course of RESPIRATION, incoming air enters via the nose and is he
re warmed, moistened, and
filtered before entering the lungs. The nose has a protective function, irritant
air being expelled by
SNEEZING. It is also the organ of SMELL. Several sinuses (see SINUS) lie conceal
ed in the bones of the
SKULL, into which air enters freely by apertures connecting them with the nose.
These cavities occupy
spaces in the frontal bone over the eyebrow (frontal sinus); in the upper jaw-bo
ne, filling in the angle
between the EYE and the nose (maxillary sinus); in the sphenoid
any symptoms, but in time they can cause obstruction of the affected nos
tril with a foulsmelling bloody
discharge. The problem is common with small children who tend to push small obje
cts into their noses.
Foreign bodies require removal, sometimes in hospital. Anyone attempting to remo
ve a foreign body should
take care not to push it further into the nose.
Loss of sense of smell, or anosmia, may be temporary or permanent. Tempo
rary anosmia is caused by
conditions of the nose which are reversible, whereas permanent

500 Nose, Disorders of

The lateral wall of the right half of the nasal cavity.
anosmia is caused by conditions which destroy the OLFACTORY NERVES. Temp
orary conditions are those such
as the common cold, or other inflammatory conditions of the nasal mucosa or the
presence of nasal polyps
(see above). Permanent anosmia may follow influenzal NEURITIS or it may also fol
low injuries to the brain
and fractures of the skull involving the olfactory nerves.
Injury to nose The commonest injury is a fracture of the nasal bones or
displacement of the cartilage
that forms the bridge of the nose. The nasal SEPTUM may also be displaced sidewa
ys by a lateral blow.
Sporting activities, especially boxing and rugby football, are commonly a cause
of nasal injury. If a
fracture is suspected, or if there is substantial tissue swelling, an X-ray exam
ination is necessary.
Resetting a damaged bone should be done either immediately, before swelling make
s surgery difficult, or ten
days or so later when the swelling has subsided. Results
are usually good, ensuring a clear airway as well as a restored profile.
It is not unusual for the
cheek-bone to sustain a depressed fracture at the same time as the nose is broke
n. Careful assessment and
prompt surgery are called for. (For more information on fractures, see under BON
Rhinitis Inflammation of the MUCOUS MEMBRANE lining the nose. Symptoms i
nclude nasal discharge and
obstruction, sneezing and sometimes pain in the sinuses. There are several types
of rhinitis: Allergic
due to allergy to dust, pollen or other airborne particles. Also called hay feve
r, allergic rhinitis causes
a runny nose, sneezing and local congestion. It affects up to 10 per cent of the
population and is more
common in people suffering from other allergic disorders such as asthma or eczem
a (see DERMATITIS). Skin
tests help to identify the causative ALLERGEN which the sufferer can

Nucleic Acid

then try to avoid, although in the case of pollen this is difficult. Dec
ongestant drugs, ANTIHISTAMINE
DRUGS, and CORTICOSTEROIDS may help, as can SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE inhaled regularl
y during the pollen season.
A desensitisation course to a particular allergen sometimes provides long-term r
elief. Atrophic rhinitis is
caused by a deterioration in the nasal mucous membrane as a result of chronic ba
cterial infection, nasal
surgery or AGEING. Symptoms include persistent nasal infection and discharge and
loss of sense of smell.
ANTIBIOTICS and, in some cases, OESTROGENS alleviate the symptoms. Hypertrophic
rhinitis results from
repeated nasal infection, and is characterised by thickened nasal membranes and
congestion of the nasal
veins. Removal of thickened mucosa may help severe cases. Vasomotor rhinitis occ
urs when the mucosa becomes
oversensitive to stimuli such as pollutants, temperature changes or certain food
s or medicines. It may
occur as a result of emotional disturbances and is common in pregnancy. Viral rh
initis occurs as a result
of infection by the common cold virus; treatment is symptomatic. Sinusitis is so
metimes a complication.
Nosology The term applied to scientific classification of diseases.
Leptospirosis Malaria Marburg disease Measles Meningitis Meningococcal s
epticaemia (without meningitis)
Mumps Ophthalmia neonatorum Paratyphoid fever Plague Rabies Relapsing fever Rube
lla Scarlet fever Smallpox
Tetanus Tuberculosis Typhoid fever Typhus Viral haemorrhagic fever (including La
ssa fever) Viral hepatitis
Whooping cough Yellow fever Reporting AIDS is voluntary (and in confidence) to t
he Director, Communicable
Diseases Surveillance Centre (PHLS).
Notifiable Diseases
The Latin name for the back of the neck. (Adjective nuchal.)

Diseases, usually of an infectious nature, which are required by law to

be made known to a health
officer or local authority. (See INFECTION.) Certain occupational diseases are a
lso notifiable.
Notifiable diseases in the UK (For more information on a specific diseas
e, refer to the separate
dictionary entry.) Acute encephalitis Acute poliomyelitis Anthrax Cholera Diphth
eria Dysentery (amoebic or
bacillary) Ebola virus disease Food poisoning Lassa fever Leprosy (reported to C
hief Medical Officer at the
Department of Health)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) See MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI).
Nuclear Medicine The branch of medicine concerned with the use of radioa
ctive material in the
diagnosis, investigation and treatment of disease.
Nucleic Acid A substance constructed out of units known as nucleotides w
hich consist of a purine or
pyrimidine base linked to a pentose sugar, which in turn is esterified with phos
phoric acid. Two types of
nucleic acid occur in nature: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (

502 Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor

Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor See REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE INH
Nucleus The central body in a cell, which controls the activities of the
latter. (See CELLS.)
Nucleus Pulposus The inner core of an intervertebral disc. (See SPINAL C
Nullipara The term applied to a woman who has never borne a child.
Numbness See TOUCH.
Nurses are the largest single group of staff working in the health servi
ce. There are more than 330,000
qualified nursing posts in NHS trusts and primary care across the UK. Would-be r
egistered nurses (RNs) do
either a three-year diploma programme or a four-year degree. An increasing numbe
r of nurses are now
acquiring degrees, either as their initial qualification or by studying part-tim
e later in their career.
This has led to an often heated debate over the nature of nursing and whether th
ere is now too much
emphasis on academic theory at the expense of hands-on care. Nursing is changing
rapidly, and todays
nurses are expected to take on an extended role often performing tasks which wer
e once the sole preserve
of doctors, such as diagnosing, prescribing drugs and admitting and discharging
patients. There are four
main branches of nursing: adult, child, mental health and learning disability. S
tudent nurses qualify in
one of these areas and then apply to go on the nursing register. This is held by
nursings regulatory body,
the Council for Nursing and Midwifery. Nurses are expected to abide by the Counc
ils Code of Professional
Conduct. The organisations main role is protecting the public and it is responsib
le for monitoring
standards and dealing with allegations of misconduct. There are more than 637,00
0 qualified nurses on the
Councils register, and this is the main pool from which the NHS and other employe
rs recruit. The
criticisms about nurses education being too academic, and persisting problems of
recruitment of nurses
into the NHS, were among factors prompting a strategic government review of the
status, training, pay and
career opportunities for nurses and other health professionals. The new mod
el emphasises the practical
aspects of the education programme with a better response to the needs of patien
ts and the NHS. It also
offers nurses a more flexible career path and education linked more closely with
practice development and
research, so as to provide greater scope for continuing professional education a

nd development. About 60
per cent of RNs work in NHS hospitals and community trusts. But an increasing nu
mber are choosing to work
elsewhere, either in the private sector or in jobs such as school nursing, occup
ational health or for NHS
Direct, the nurse-led telephone helpline. Others have dropped out of nursing alt
ogether. The health service
is facing a shortage of qualified nurses and many trust employers have resorted
to overseas recruitment
drives. The government has launched a major nurse recruitment and retention camp
aign and is promoting
family-friendly employment practices to lure those with a nursing qualification
currently working outside
the NHS back into the workforce. Nursing is a mainly female profession and a thi
rd of nurses work
part-time. Nurses pay has for long compared unfavourably with other professional
employment opportunities,
despite being determined by an independent Pay Review Body. With the recruitment
of nurses a perennial
problem, the governments strategy, Making a Difference, is to set up a new pay sy
stem offering greater
flexibility and opportunities for nurses and other health-service staff. In 2005
, a newly qualified staff
nurse earned around 16,000 a year, while one of the new grade of consultant nurse
s could command an annual
salary of between 27,000 and 42,000. Nurse consultants were introduced in spring 2
000 as a means of
allowing nurses to progress up the career ladder while maintaining a clinical ro
le. The nurse of today is
increasingly likely to be part of a multidisciplinary team, working alongside a
range of other
professionals from doctors and physiotherapists to social workers and teachers.
A further sign of the times
is that many registered nurses are being asked to act in a supervisory role, del
egating tasks to
nonregistered nurses working as health-care assistants and auxiliaries. In recog
nition of the latters
increasing role, the Royal College of Nursing, the main professional association
and trade union for
nurses, has now agreed to extend membership to health-care assistants with a Sco
ttish/National Vocational
Qualification at level three.

Midwifery Midwives (see MIDWIFE) are practitioners who offer advice and
support to women before, during
and after pregnancy. They are regulated by the Council for Nursing and Midwifery
(formerly the UK Central
Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting). Registered nurses can take
an 18month course to become
a midwife, and there is also a three-year programme for those who wish to enter
the profession directly.
Midwifery courses lead to a diploma or degree-level qualification. Most midwives
work for the NHS and, as
with nursing, there are problems recruiting and retaining staff.
Health visiting
mmunity with a range of
including families, the
health and offer advice
a range of topics

Health visitors are registered nurses who work in the co

homeless and older people. They focus on preventing illon

from diet to child behavioural problems. They are employed by health tru
sts, primary-care groups and
primary-care trusts.
Nutrition The process by which the living organism physiologically absor
bs and uses food to ensure
growth, energy production and repair of tissues. The science of nutrition includ
es the study of diets and
deficiency diseases (see DIET).
Nystagmus See under EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Nystatin An antibiotic, isolated from Streptomyces noursei, active again
st Candida albicans (see
CANDIDA). It is not absorbed from the gut but is useful in gastrointestinal and
skin candidosis.

O Oat Cell
A type of cell found in one highly malignant form of lung cancer. The ce
ll is small and either oval or
round. The nucleus stains darkly and the cytoplasm is sparse and difficult to id
entify. Oat-cell, or
small-cell, carcinoma of the bronchus is usually caused by smoking, and comprise
s around 30 per cent of all
bronchial cancers. It responds to radiotherapy and chemotherapy but, because the
growth has usually spread
widely by the time it is diagnosed, the prognosis is poor. Results of surgery ar
e unsatisfactory.
Obesity A condition in which the energy stores of the body (mainly fat)
are too large. It is a
prevalent nutritional disorder in prosperous countries increasingly so among chi
ldren and young people.
The Quetelet Index or BODY MASS INDEX, which relates weight in kilograms (W) to
height2 in metres (H2), is
a widely accepted way of classifying obesity in adults according to severity. Fo
r example: Grade of obesity
BMI (W/H2) III II I not obese
output, per person and also when expressed against fat-free mass than do
their lean counterparts.
Most obese people do not appear to have a reduced capacity for thermogenesis. Al
though a genetic component
to obesity remains a possibility, it is unlikely to be great or to prevent weigh
t loss from being possible
in most patients by reducing energy intake. Environmental influences are believe
d to be more important in
explaining the familial association in obesity. An inactive lifestyle plays a mi
nor role in the development
of obesity, but it is unclear whether people are obese because they are inactive
or are inactive because
they are obese. For the majority of obese people, the explanation must lie in an
excessive energy intake.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to demonstrate this directly since the methods us
ed to assess how much
people eat are unreliable. For most obese people it seems likely that the defect
lies in their failure to
regulate energy intake in response to a variety of cognitive factors (e.g. ease
of fitting of clothes) in
the long term. Unfortunately, it can be possible to identify by the time of thei
r first birthday, many of
the children destined to be obese. Rarely, obesity has an endocrine basis and is
caused by hypothyroidism
Symptoms Obesity has adverse effects on and mortality (see DEATH RATE) w
hich are greatest in young
adults and increase with the severity of obesity. It is associated with an incre
ased mortality and/or
morbidity from cardiovascular disease, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,
diseases of the
gall-bladder, osteoarthritis, hernia, gout and possibly certain cancers (i.e. co
lon, rectum and prostate in
men, and breast, ovary, endometrium and cervix in women). Menstrual irregulariti
es and ovulatory failure

are often experienced by obese women. Obese people are also at greater risk when
they undergo surgery. With
the exception of gallstone formation, weight loss will reduce these health risks

3040 25299 <25

Causes Whatever the causes of obesity, the fact remains that energy inta
ke (in the form of food and
drink) must exceed energy output (in the form of activity and exercise) over a s
ufficiently long period of
time. Obesity tends to aggregate in families. This has led to the suggestion tha
t some people inherit a
thrifty gene which predisposes them to obesity in later life by lowering their ene
rgy output. Indeed,
patients often attribute their obesity to such a metabolic defect. Total energy
output is made up of the
resting metabolic rate (RMR), which represents about 70 per cent of the total; t
he energy cost of physical
activity; and thermogenesis, i.e. the increase in energy output in response to f
ood intake, cold exposure,
some drugs and psychological influences. In general, obese people are consistent
ly found to have a higher
RMR and total energy
Treatment Creation of an energy deficit is essential for weight loss to
occur, so the initial line of
treatment is a slimming diet. An average deficit of 1,000 kcal/day (see CALORIE)
will produce a loss of 1
kg of fat/week and should be aimed for. Theoretically, this can be achieved by i
ncreasing energy
expenditure or reducing energy intake. In practice, a low-energy diet is the usu
al form of treatment since
attempts to

Occupational Health, Medicine and Diseases

increase energy expenditure, either by physical exercise or a thermogeni
c drug, are relatively
ineffective. Anorectic drugs, gastric stapling and jawwiring are sometimes used
to treat severe obesity.
They are said to aid compliance with a low-energy diet by either reducing hunger
(anorectic drugs) or
limiting the amount of food the patient can eat. Unfortunately, the long-term ef
fectiveness of gastric
stapling is not known, and it is debatable whether the modest reduction in weigh
t achieved by use of
anorectic drugs is worthwhile although a new drug, ORLISTAT, is becoming availab
le that reduces the
amount of fat absorbed from food in the gastrointestinal tract. For some grossly
obese patients, jaw-wiring
can be helpful, but a regain of weight once the wires are removed must be preven
ted. These procedures carry
a risk, so should be done only if an individuals health is in danger.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder A mental-health problem which will be expe
rienced at some time by up to 3
per cent of adults. The main feature is the occurrence of spontaneous intrusive
thoughts that cause intense
anxiety. Many of these thoughts prompt urges, or compulsions, to carry out parti
cular actions in order to
reduce the anxiety. One of the commonest obsessions is a fear of dirt and contam
ination that prompts
compulsive cleaning or repeated and unnecessary handwashing. (See MENTAL ILLNESS
Obstetrics The branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy and giving birt
h. Derived from the Latin word
for midwifery (see MIDWIFE), it is closely allied to GYNAECOLOGY. It is concerne
d with the health of the
woman and fetus, from early in pregnancy through to a successful labour and deli
very. Pregnancy and
childbirth are, however, normal physiological events and for most women they tak
e place without
complications. Nevertheless, if something does go wrong, skilled medical care sh
ould be immediately
available to help the mother and baby achieve a successful outcome. Routine moni
toring of pregnancies by
midwives and, where necessary, general practitioners or obstetricians is well re
cognised as a significant
contribution to a successful pregnancy and delivery. Such monitoring has been gr
eatly facilitated by
advances in ULTRASOUND, AMNIOSCOPY, and amnioand cordocentesis (see PRENATAL SCR
Numerous problems may occur at all stages, and early detection, followed rapidly
by sensitive and appropriate treatment, is vital. Doctors and nurses can
specialise in obstetrics after
suitable training. (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Obstipation Severe CONSTIPATION.
Obstruction of the Bowels See under INTESTINE, DISEASES OF.

Occiput The lower and hinder part of the head, where it merges into the
Occlusion The way that the TEETH fit together when the jaws close. Also
the closing or obstruction of a
duct, hollow organ, or blood vessel.
Occult Describing something that is not easily seen. Occult blood in the
faeces is present in very
small amounts and can be identified only by a chemical test or under the microsc
Occupational Health, Medicine and Diseases Occupational health The effec
t of work on human health, and
the impact of workers health on their work. Although the term encompasses the ide
ntification and treatment
of specific occupational diseases, occupational health is also an applied and mu
ltidisciplinary subject
concerned with the prevention of occupational ill-health caused by chemical, bio
logical, physical and
psychosocial factors, and the promotion of a healthy and productive workforce. O
ccupational health includes
both mental and physical health. It is about compliance with health-and-safety-a
t-work legislation (and
common law duties) and about best practice in providing work environments that r
educe risks to health and
safety to lowest practicable levels. It includes workers fitness to work, as well
as the management of the
work environment to accommodate people with disabilities, and procedures to faci
litate the return to work
of those absent with long-term illness. Occupational health incorporates several
professional groups,
including occupational physicians, occupational health nurses, occupational hygi
enists, ergonomists,
disability managers, workplace counsellors, health-and-safety practitioners, and
physiotherapists. In the UK, two key statutes provide a

506 Occupational Health, Medicine and Diseases

framework for occupational health: the Health and Safety at Work, etc. A
ct 1974 (HSW Act); and the
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA). The HSW Act states that employers have
a duty to protect the
health, safety and welfare of their employees and to conduct their business in a
way that does not expose
others to risks to their health and safety. Employees and self-employed people a
lso have duties under the
Act. Modern health-and-safety legislation focuses on assessing and controlling r
isk rather than prescribing
specific actions in different industrial settings. Various regulations made unde
r the HSW Act, such as the
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, the Manual Handling Opera
tions Regulations and the
Noise at Work Regulations, set out duties with regard to different risks, but ap
ply to all employers and
follow the general principles of risk assessment and control. Risks should be co
ntrolled principally by
removing or reducing the hazard at source (for example, by substituting chemical
s with safer alternatives,
replacing noisy machinery, or automating tasks to avoid heavy lifting). Personal
protective equipment, such
as gloves and ear defenders, should be seen as a last line of defence after othe
r control measures have
been put in place. The employment provisions of the DDA require employers to avo
id discriminatory practice
towards disabled people and to make reasonable adjustments to working arrangemen
ts where a disabled person
is placed at a substantial disadvantage to a non-disabled person. Although the D
DA does not require
employers to provide access to rehabilitation services even for those injured or
made ill at work
occupational-health practitioners may become involved in programmes to help peop
le get back to work after
injury or long-term illness, and many businesses see the retention of valuable s
taff as an attractive
alternative to medical retirement or dismissal on health grounds. Although a maj
or part of
occupationalhealth practice is concerned with statutory compliance, the workplac
e is also an important
venue for health promotion. Many working people rarely see their general practit
ioner and, even when they
do, there is little time to discuss wider health issues. Occupational-health adv
isers can fill in this gap
by providing, for example, workplace initiatives on stopping smoking, cardiovasc
ular health, diet and
selfexamination for breast and testicular cancers. Such initiatives are encourag
ed because of the perceived
benefits to staff, to the employing organisation and to the wider public-health
agenda. Occupational
psychologists recognise
the need for the working population to achieve a work-life balance and the
promotion of this is an
increasing part of occupational health strategies. The law requires employers to
consult with their staff

on health-and-safety matters. However, there is also a growing understanding tha

t successful
occupational-health management involves workers directly in the identification o
f risks and in developing
solutions in the workplace. Trade unions play an active role in promoting occupa
tional health through local
and national campaigns and by training and advising elected workplace safety rep
Occupational medicine The branch of medicine that deals with the control
, prevention, diagnosis,
treatment and management of ill-health and injuries caused or made worse by work
, and with ensuring that
workers are fit for the work they do. Occupational medicine includes: statutory
surveillance of workers
exposure to hazardous agents; advice to employers and employees on eliminating o
r reducing risks to health
and safety at work; diagnosis and treatment/management of occupational illness;
advice on adapting the
working environment to suit the worker, particularly those with disabilities or
long-term health problems;
and advice on the return to work and, if necessary, rehabilitation of workers ab
sent through illness.
Occupational physicians may play a wider role in monitoring the health of workpl
ace populations and in
advising employers on controlling health hazards where ill-health trends are obs
erved. They may also
conduct epidemiological research (see EPIDEMIOLOGY) on workplace diseases. Becau
se of the occupational
physicians dual role as adviser to both employer and employee, he or she is requi
red to be particularly
diligent with regards to the individual workers medical CONFIDENTIALITY. Occupati
onal physicians need to
recognise in any given situation the context they are working in, and to make su
re that all parties are
aware of this. Occupational medicine is a medical discipline and thus is only pa
rt of the broader field of
occupational health. Although there are some specific clinical duties associated
with occupational
medicine, such as diagnosis of occupational disease and medical screening, occup
ational physicians are
frequently part of a multidisciplinary team that might include, for example, occ
upational-health nurses,
healthand-safety advisers, ergonomists, counsellors and hygienists. Occupational
physicians are medical
practitioners with a post-registration

Occupational Health, Medicine and Diseases

qualification in occupational medicine. They will have completed a perio
d of supervised in-post
training. In the UK, the Faculty of Occupational Medicine of the Royal College o
f Physicians has three
categories of membership, depending on qualifications and experience: associates
hip (AFOM); membership
(MFOM); and fellowship (FFOM).
Occupational diseases Occupational diseases are illnesses that are cause
d or made worse by work. In
their widest sense, they include physical and mental ill-health conditions. In d
iagnosing an occupational
disease, the clinician will need to examine not just the signs and symptoms of i
ll-health, but also the
occupational history of the patient. This is important not only in discovering t
he cause, or causes, of the
disease (work may be one of a number of factors), but also in making recommendat
ions on how the work should
be modified to prevent a recurrence or, if necessary, in deciding whether or not
the worker is able to
return to that type of work. The occupational history will help in deciding whet
her or not other workers
are also at risk of developing the condition. It will include information on: th
e nature of the work. how
the tasks are performed in practice. the likelihood of exposure to hazardous age
nts (physical, chemical,
biological and psychosocial). what control measures are in place and the extent
to which these are adhered
to. previous occupational and non-occupational exposures. whether or not others
have reported similar
symptoms in relation to the work. Some conditions certain skin conditions, for e
xample may show a close
relationship to work, with symptoms appearing directly only after exposure to pa
rticular agents or possibly
disappearing at weekends or with time away from work. Others, however, may be ch
ronic and can have serious
long-term implications for a persons future health and employment. Statistical in
formation on the
prevalence of occupational disease in the UK comes from a variety of sources, in
cluding official figures
from the Industrial Injuries Scheme (see below) and statutory reporting of occup
ational disease (also
below). Neither of these official schemes provides a representative picture, bec
ause the former is
restricted to certain prescribed conditions and occupations, and the latter suff
ers from gross
under-reporting. More useful are data from the various schemes that make up the
Occupational Diseases
Intelligence Network

(ODIN) and from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). ODIN data is generated by
the systematic reporting of
work-related conditions by clinicians and includes several schemes. Under one sc
heme, more than 80 per cent

of all reported diseases by occupational-health physicians fall into just six of

the 42 clinical disease
categories: upper-limb disorders; anxiety, depression and stress disorders; cont
act DERMATITIS; lower-back
problems; hearing loss (see DEAFNESS); and ASTHMA. Information from the LFS yiel
ds a similar pattern in
terms of disease frequency. Its most recent survey found that over 2 million peo
ple believed that, in the
previous 12 months, they had suffered from an illness caused or made worse by wo
rk and that 19.5 million
working days were lost as a result. The ten most frequently reported disease cat
egories were: stress and
mental ill-health (see MENTAL ILLNESS): 515,000 cases. back injuries: 508,000. u
pper-limb and neck
disorders: 375,000. lower respiratory disease: 202,000. deafness, TINNITUS or ot
her ear conditions:
170,000. lower-limb musculoskeletal conditions: 100,000. skin disease: 66,000. h
eadache or eyestrain:
50,000. traumatic injury (includes wounds and fractures from violent attacks at
work): 34,000. vibration
white finger (hand-arm vibration syndrome): 36,000. A person who develops a chro
nic occupational disease
may be able to sue his or her employer for damages if it can be shown that the e
mployer was negligent in
failing to take reasonable care of its employees, or had failed to provide a sys
tem of work that would have
prevented harmful exposure to a known health hazard. There have been numerous su
ccessful claims (either
awarded in court, or settled out of court) for damages for back and other muscul
oskeletal injuries,
hand-arm vibration syndrome, noise-induced deafness, asthma, dermatitis, MESOTHE
Employers liability (workers compensation) insurers are predicting that the bigges
t future rise in
damages claims will be for stress-related illness. In a recent study, funded by
the Health and Safety
Executive, about 20 per cent of all workers more than 5 million people in the UK
claimed to be very
or extremely stressed at work a statistic that is likely to have a major impact on
the long-term health
of the working population. While victims of occupational disease have


508 Occupational Health, Medicine and Diseases

the right to sue their employers for damages, many countries also operat
e a system of nofault
compensation for the victims of prescribed occupational diseases. In the UK, mor
e than 60 diseases are
prescribed under the Industrial Injuries Scheme and a person will automatically
be entitled to state
compensation for disability connected to one of these conditions, provided that
he or she works in one of
the occupations for which they are prescribed. The following short list gives an
indication of the types of
diseases and occupations prescribed under the scheme: CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME con
nected to the use of
hand-held vibrating tools. hearing loss from (amongst others) use of pneumatic p
ercussive tools and
chainsaws, working in the vicinity of textile manufacturing or woodworking machi
nes, and work in ships
engine rooms. LEPTOSPIROSIS infection with Leptospira (various listed occupation
s). viral HEPATITIS from
contact with human blood, blood products or other sources of viral hepatitis. LE
AD POISONING, from any
occupation causing exposure to fumes, dust and vapour from lead or lead products
. asthma caused by exposure
to, among other listed substances, isocyanates, curing agents, solder flux fumes
and insects reared for
research. mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos. In the UK, employers and the s
elf-employed have a duty to
report all occupational injuries (if the employee is off work for three days or
more as a result), diseases
or dangerous incidents to the relevant enforcing authority (the Health and Safet
y Executive or
local-authority environmental-health department) under the Reporting of Injuries
, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). Despite this statutory duty, comparativel
y few diseases are reported
so that figures generated from RIDDOR reports do not give a useful indication of
the scale of occupational
diseases in the UK. The statutory reporting of injuries is much better, presumab
ly because of the clear and
acute relationship between a workplace accident and the resultant injury. More t
han 160,000 injuries are
reported under RIDDOR every year compared with just 2,500 or so occupational dis
eases, a gross
underestimate of the true figure. There are no precise figures for the number of
people who die prematurely
because of workrelated ill-health, and it would be impossible to gauge the exact
contribution that work has

for example, cardiovascular disease and cancers where the causes are mul
tifactorial. The toll would,
however, dwarf the number of deaths caused by accidents at work. Around 250 peop
le are killed by accidents
at work in the UK each year mesothelioma, from exposure to asbestos at work, alo
ne kills more than 1,300

people annually. The following is a sample list of occupational diseases, with b

rief descriptions of their
Inhaled materials
PNEUMOCONIOSIS covers a group of diseases which cause fibrotic lung dise
ase following the inhalation of
dust. Around 250300 new cases receive benefit each year mostly due to coal dust w
ith or without silica
contamination. SILICOSIS is the more severe disease. The contraction in the size
of the coal-mining
industry as well as improved dust suppression in the mines have diminished the i
mportance of this disease,
whereas asbestos-related diseases now exceed 1,000 per year. Asbestos fibres cau
se a restrictive lung
disease but also are responsible for certain malignant conditions such as pleura
l and peritoneal
mesothelioma and lung cancer. The lung-cancer risk is exacerbated by cigarettesm
oking. Even though the use
of asbestos is virtually banned in the UK, many workers remain at risk of exposu
re because of the vast
quantities present in buildings (much of which is not listed in building plans).
Carpenters, electricians,
plumbers, builders and demolition workers are all liable to exposure from work t
hat disturbs existing
asbestos. OCCUPATIONAL ASTHMA is of increasing importance not only because of th
e recognition of new
allergic agents (see ALLERGY), but also in the number of reported cases. The fol
lowing eight substances are
most frequently linked to occupational asthma (key occupations in brackets): iso
cyanates (spray painters,
electrical processors); flour and grain (bakers and farmers); wood dust (wood wo
rkers); glutaraldehyde
(nurses, darkroom technicians); solder/colophony (welders, electronic assembly w
orkers); laboratory animals
(technicians, scientists); resins and glues (metal and electrical workers, const
ruction, chemical
processors); and latex (nurses, auxiliaries, laboratory technicians). The diseas
e develops after a short,
symptomless period of exposure; symptoms are temporally related to work exposure
s and relieved by absences
from work. Removal of the worker from exposure does not necessarily lead to

Occupational Health, Medicine and Diseases

complete cessation of symptoms. For many agents, there is no relationshi
p with a previous history of
ATOPY. Occupational asthma accounts for about 10 per cent of all asthma cases. D
ERMATITIS The risk of
dermatitis caused by an allergic or irritant reaction to substances used or hand
led at work is present in a
wide variety of jobs. About three-quarters of cases are irritant contact dermati
tis due to such agents as
acids, alkalis and solvents. Allergic contact dermatitis is a more specific resp
onse by susceptible
individuals to a range of allergens (see ALLERGEN). The main occupational contac
t allergens include
chromates, nickel, epoxy resins, rubber additives, germicidal agents, dyes, topi
cal anaesthetics and
antibiotics as well as certain plants and woods. Latex gloves are a particular c
ause of occupational
dermatitis among health-care and laboratory staff and have resulted in many work
ers being forced to leave
their profession through ill-health. (See also SKIN, DISEASES OF.)
Musculoskeletal disorders Musculoskeletal injuries are by far the most c
ommon conditions related to
work (see LFS figures, above) and the biggest cause of disability. Although not
all work-related,
musculoskeletal disorders account for 36.5 per cent of all disabilities among wo
rking-age people (compared
with less than 4 per cent for sight and hearing impairment). Back pain (all caus
es see BACKACHE) has been
estimated to cause more than 50 million days lost every year in sickness absence
and costs the UK economy
up to 5 billion annually as a result of incapacity or disability. Back pain is a
particular problem in the
health-care sector because of the risk of injury from lifting and moving patient
s. While the emphasis
should be on preventing injuries from occurring, it is now well established that
the best way to manage
most lower-back injuries is to encourage the patient to continue as normally as
possible and to remain at
work, or to return as soon as possible even if the patient has some residual bac
k pain. Those who remain
off work on long-term sick leave are far less likely ever to return to work. Asi
de from back injuries,
there are a whole range of conditions affecting the upper limbs, neck and lower
limbs. Some have clear
aetiologies and clinical signs, while others are less well defined and have mult
iple causation. Some
conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, are prescribed diseases in certain o
ccupations; however, they
are not always caused by work (pregnant and older women are more likely to repor
carpal tunnel syndrome irrespective of work) and clinicians need to be c
areful when assigning work as
the cause without first considering the evidence. Other conditions may be reveal
ed or made worse by work
such as OSTEOARTHRITIS in the hand. Much attention has focused on injuries cause

d by repeated movement,
excessive force, and awkward postures and these include tenosynovitis (inflammat
ion of a tendon) and
epicondylitis. The greatest controversy surrounds upper-limb disorders that do n
ot present obvious tissue
or nerve damage but nevertheless give significant pain and discomfort to the ind
ividual. These are
sometimes referred to as repetitive strain injury or diffuse RSI. The diagnosis of s
uch conditions is
controversial, making it difficult for sufferers to pursue claims for compensati
on through the courts.
Psychosocial factors, such as high demands of the job, lack of control and poor
social support at work,
have been implicated in the development of many upper-limb disorders, and in pre
vention and management it
is important to deal with the psychological as well as the physical risk factors
. Occupations known to be
at particular risk of work-related upperlimb disorders include poultry processor
s, packers, electronic
assembly workers, data processors, supermarket check-out operators and telephoni
sts. These jobs often
contain a number of the relevant exposures of dynamic load, static load, a full
or excessive range of
movements and awkward postures. (See UPPER LIMB DISORDERS.)
Physical agents A number of physical agents cause occupational ill-healt
h of which the most important
is occupational deafness. Workplace noise exposures in excess of 85 decibels for
a working day are likely
to cause damage to hearing which is initially restricted to the vital frequencie
s associated with speech
around 34 kHz. Protection from such noise is imperative as hearing aids do nothin
g to ameliorate the
neural damage once it has occurred. Hand-arm vibration syndrome is a disorder of
the vascular and/or neural
endings in the hands leading to episodic blanching (white finger) and numbness whi
ch is exacerbated by
low temperature. The condition, which is caused by vibrating tools such as chain
saws and pneumatic
hammers, is akin to RAYNAUDS DISEASE and can be disabling. Decompression sickness
is caused by a rapid
change in ambient pressure and is a disease associated with deep-sea divers, tun
nel workers and high-flying
aviators. Apart from the direct effects of pressure change such as ruptured

510 Occupational Health, Medicine and Diseases

tympanic membrane or sinus pain, the more serious damage is indirectly d
ue to nitrogen bubbles
appearing in the blood and blocking small vessels. Central and peripheral nervou
ssystem damage and bone
necrosis are the most dangerous sequelae.
Non-ionising radiation from lasers or microwaves can cause severe locali
sed heating leading to tissue
damage of which cataracts (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF) are a particular variety
. Ionising radiation from
radioactive sources can cause similar acute tissue damage to the eyes as well as
cell damage to rapidly
dividing cells in the gut and bone marrow. Longer-term effects include genetic d
amage and various malignant
disorders of which LEUKAEMIA and aplastic ANAEMIA are notable. Particular radioa
ctive isotopes may destroy
or induce malignant change in target organs, for example, 131I (thyroid), 90Sr (
bone). Outdoor workers may
also be at risk of sunburn and skin cancers. OTHER OCCUPATIONAL CANCERS Occupati
on is directly responsible
for about 5 per cent of all cancers and contributes to a further 5 per cent. Apa
rt from the cancers caused
by asbestos and ionising radiation, a number of other occupational exposures can
cause human cancer. The
International Agency for Research on Cancer regularly reviews the evidence for c
arcinogenicity of compounds
and industrial processes, and its published list of carcinogens is widely accept
ed as the current state of
knowledge. More than 50 agents and processes are listed as class 1 carcinogens.
Important occupational
carcinogens include asbestos (mesothelioma, lung cancer); polynuclear aromatic h
ydrocarbons such as mineral
oils, soots, tars (skin and lung cancer); the aromatic amines in dyestuffs (blad
der cancer); certain
hexavalent chromates, arsenic and nickel refining (lung cancer); wood and leathe
r dust (nasal sinus
cancer); benzene (leukaemia); and vinyl chloride monomer (angiosarcoma of the li
ver). It has been estimated
that elimination of all known occupational carcinogens, if possible, would lead
to an annual saving of
5,000 premature deaths in Britain.
Infections Two broad categories of job carry an occupational risk. These
are workers in contact with
animals (farmers, veterinary surgeons and slaughtermen) and those in contact wit
h human sources of
infection (health-care staff and sewage workers). Occupational infections includ
e various zoonoses
(pathogens transmissible from animals to humans), such as ANTHRAX, Borrelia burgdorferi (LYME DISEASE), b
BRUCELLOSIS, Chlamydia psittaci, leptospirosis, ORF virus, Q fever, RINGWORM and
Streptococcus suis. Human

pathogens that may be transmissible at work include tuberculosis, and blood-born

e pathogens such as viral
hepatitis (B and C) and HIV (see AIDS/HIV). Healthcare workers at risk of exposu
re to infected blood and
body fluids should be immunised against hapatitis B.
Poisoning The incidence of occupational poisonings has diminished with t
he substitution of noxious
chemicals with safer alternatives, and with the advent of improved containment.
However, poisonings owing
to accidents at work are still reported, sometimes with fatal consequences. Work
ers involved in the
application of pesticides are particularly at risk if safe procedures are not fo
llowed or if equipment is
faulty. Exposure to organophosphate pesticides, for example, can lead to breathi
ng difficulties, vomiting,
diarrhoea and abdominal cramps, and to other neurological effects including conf
usion and dizziness. Severe
poisonings can lead to death. Exposure can be through ingestion, inhalation and
dermal (skin) contact.
Stress and mental health Stress is an adverse reaction to excessive pres
sures or demands and, in
occupational-health terms, is different from the motivational impact often assoc
iated with challenging work
(some refer to this as positive stress). Stress at work is often linked to increas
ing demands on workers,
although coping can often prevent the development of stress. The causes of occup
ational stress are
multivariate and encompass job characteristics (e.g. long or unsocial working ho
urs, high work demands,
imbalance between effort and reward, poorly managed organisational change, lack
of control over work, poor
social support at work, fear of redundancy and bullying), as well as individual
factors (such as
personality type, personal circumstances, coping strategies, and availability of
psychosocial support
outside work). Stress may influence behaviours such as smoking, alcohol consumpt
ion, sleep and diet, which
may in turn affect peoples health. Stress may also have direct effects on the imm
une system (see IMMUNITY)
and lead to a decline in health. Stress may also alter the course and response t
o treatment of conditions
such as cardiovascular disease. As well as these general effects of stress, spec
ific types of disorder may
be observed.

Oedema of the Lungs

Exposure to extremely traumatic incidents at work such as dealing with a
major accident involving
multiple loss of life and serious injury (e.g. paramedics at the scene of an exp
losion or rail crash) may
result in a chronic condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PT
SD is an abnormal
psychological reaction to a traumatic event and is characterised by extreme psyc
hological discomfort, such
as anxiety or panic when reminded of the causative event; sufferers may be plagu
ed with uncontrollable
memories and can feel as if they are going through the trauma again. PTSD is a c
linically defined condition
in terms of its symptoms and causes and should not be used to include normal sho
rt-term reactions to
followed. The course lasts three academic years. (See also APPENDIX 8: P
Occupational Therapy
An abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin, or in one or more of
the cavities of the body.
The treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions through specific se
lected activities in order to
help people reach their maximum level of function and independence in all aspect
s of daily life.
Occupational therapists work from hospital and community bases. They do much mor
e than keep patients
occupied with diverting hobbies. The arts and crafts still have a place in moder
n therapy techniques, but
these now also include household chores, industrial work, communication techniqu
es, social activities,
sports and educational programmes. An occupational therapy department may have f
acilities for woodwork,
metalwork, printing, gardening, cooking, art and drama. Occupational therapists
will use any combination of
activities to strengthen muscles, increase movement and restore coordination and
balance. With mentally ill
people, similar activies are used. They help provide order, comfort and support
and aim to build up
self-confidence. Occupational therapists plan courses of treatment which are ind
ividually tailored to the
needs of the patient. The aim is to help the patient practise all the activites
involved in daily life.
(See REHABILITATION.) The therapists are part of a team including doctors, nurse
s, social workers, home
helps, housing officers, physiotherapists, speech therapists and psychologists.
Occupational therapists are
mainly employed by the National Health Service and by local-authority social ser
vices, and they work in
hospitals, special centres and in the handicapped persons own home. State registr
ation is essential for
employment as an occupational therapist. There are 15 occupational therapy schoo
ls in the United Kingdom

where the course leading to the diploma of the College of Occupational Therapist
s can be
Ochronosis A rare condition in which the ligaments and cartilages of the
body, and sometimes the
conjunctiva (see EYE), become stained by dark brown or black pigment. This may o
ccur in chronic carbolic
poisoning, or in a congenital disorder of metabolism in which the individual is
unable to break down
completely the tyrosine of the protein molecule the intermediate product, homoge
ntisic acid, appearing in
the urine, this being known as alkaptonuria.
Causes Oedema is not a disease, it is a sign usually of underlying local
or systemic disease. It may
sometimes be visible as a swelling. Oedema occurs when the normal mechanisms for
maintaining a balance
between fluid in the tissues and in the blood are upset. That balance depends ma
inly on the blood pressure
that keeps the blood flowing through the circulatory system thus forcing fluid o
ut of the capillaries
and the osmotic drawing force of the blood proteins which pulls water into the b
loodstream. The KIDNEYS
also have an essential role in maintaining this balance. Among the disorders tha
t may disturb this balance
are heart failure, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME, kidney failure, CIRRHOSIS of the liver an
d a diet deficient in
protein. Injury may also cause oedema and ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity
) can occur as a result of
cirrhosis of the liver or cancer in the abdominal organs. Treatment The underlyi
ng cause of oedema should
be treated and, if this is not feasible or effective, the excess fluid should be
excreted by boosting the
output of the kidney. Restriction of sodium in the diet and the administration o
f DIURETICS are effective
methods of achieving this.
Oedema of the Lungs This occurs as a result of left ventricular failure
is an abrupt increase in the venous and capillary pressure in the pulmonary vess
els, followed by flooding
of fluid into the interstitial spaces and alveoli. The commonest cause of acute
pulmonary oedema is
myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES

512 Oedipus Complex OF)

which reduces the ability of the left ventricular myocardial muscle to h
andle the blood delivered to
it. Pulmonary oedema may result from other causes of left ventricular failure su
valvular disease of the mitral and aortic valves. The initial symptoms are cough
with breathlessness and
occasionally with wheezing (once called cardiac asthma). The patient becomes extre
mely short of breath
and in a severe attack the patient is pale, sweating and cyanosed and obviously
gasping for breath.
Frequently, frothy sputum is produced which may be blood-stained. Treatment is w
ith DIURETICS and measures
to deal with the myocardial infarction or other underlying cause.
Oedipus Complex A description used by psychoanalysts of the subconscious
attraction of a child for its
parent of the opposite sex. This is accompanied by a wish to get rid of the pare
nt of the same sex. The
origin of the phrase lies in the Greek story in which Oedipus kills his father w
ithout realising who he is,
then marries his mother. It has been suggested that the arrest of psychological
development at the Oedipal
stage may cause NEUROSIS and sexual dysfunction.
Oesophagoscope An endoscopic instrument for observing the lining of the
O Oesophagostomy A surgical operation in which the OESOPHAGUS is opened
on to the surface of the neck.
The procedure is usually carried out as a temporary measure to facilitate feedin
g and drinking after an
operation on the throat.
Oesophagus The oesophagus, or gullet, is the muscular tube linking the t
hroat to the stomach, down
which passes swallowed food and drink. It consists of three coats: a strong oute
r coat of muscle-fibres in
two layers, the outer running lengthwise, the inner being circular; inside this
a loose connective tissue
coat containing blood vessels, glands, and nerves; and finally a strong mucous m
embrane lined by
epithelium, which closely resembles that of the mouth and skin. Peristaltic wave
s (see PERISTALSIS) and
mucus secretion from the lining cells help the passage of food.
Oesophagus, Diseases of Oesophagitis is inflammation of the OESOPHAGUS a
nd may be due to swallowing a
corrosive chemical (corrosive oesophagitis) or because the
muscles of the lower part of the oesophagus do not work properly (ACHALA
SIA), allowing the stomachs
acidic contents to regurgitate (reflux oesophagitis). HIATUS HERNIA is sometimes
associated with the latter
condition. Diagnosis can be made by ENDOSCOPY of the oesophagus and/or an X-ray
examination using a barium
swallow. Treatment of reflux oesophagitis is by an appropriate diet and weight l
oss. Stricture of the
oesophagus can result from swallowing a corrosive fluid and may produce severe n

arrowing. Such strictures

may sometimes be dilated by the use of suitable instruments; otherwise, surgery
may be necessary. A still
more serious and frequent cause of oesophageal stricture is that due to cancer,
which may occur at any
part, but is most common at the lower end, near the entrance into the stomach. T
he chief symptoms of this
condition are increasing difficulty in swallowing, increasing debility, together
with enlargement of the
glands in the neck. The condition usually occurs in middle age or beyond and aro
und 5,000 people are
diagnosed with such cancer every year in the United Kingdom. In many cases treat
ment can only be
palliative, but recent advances in surgery are producing promising results. In s
ome cases treatment with
irradiation or anti-cancer drugs produces relief, if not cure. In those in whom
neither operation nor
radiation can be performed, life may be prolonged and freedom from pain obtained
by fluid food which is
either swallowed or passed down a tube. In cases of achalasia (see above), the p
assage of a special bougie
down the oesophagus to dilate the sphincter may be effective. Strictures of the
oesophagus may also be
produced by the pressure of tumours or aneurysms within the cavity of the chest
but external to the gullet.
Finally, difficulty in swallowing sometimes occurs in certain serious nervous di
seases from paralysis
affecting the nerves supplying the muscular coats of the PHARYNX, which thus los
es its propulsive power
(bulbar paralysis). Foreign bodies which lodge in the respiratory part of the th
roat i.e. at the entrance
to, or in the cavity of, the larynx set up immediate symptoms of CHOKING. Those
which lodge in the
gullet, on the contrary, do not usually set up any immediately serious symptoms,
although their presence
causes considerable discomfort. Medical attention is usually required.
Oestradiol The name given to the oestrogenic hormone (see OESTROGENS) se
creted by the ovarian follicle.

Olfactory Nerves
Oestradiol is responsible for the development of the female sexual chara
cteristics, of the BREASTS, and
of part of the changes that take place in the UTERUS before MENSTRUATION.
Oestradiol Valerate
This is an executive agency of the UK government formed by an amalgamati
on in 1990 of the Central
Statistical Office and the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS). The
ONS compiles and publishes
statistics on national and local populations, including their social and economi
c situation and
contributions to the countrys economy. It also records the demographic patterns o
f births, marriages and
deaths, including the medical cause of death. The former OPCS organised a nation
al ten-yearly census and
ONS is carrying on this activity. The census is based on the actual presence of
individuals in a house or
institutions on a given night. The figures provide government departments and lo
cal authorities with
information for planning services.
Oestriol See OESTROGENS.
Oestrogen Receptor A site on the membrane surrounding a cell (see CELLS)
that binds to the hormone
OESTROGENS. This activates the cells reaction to the hormone. Anti-oestrogen drug
s such as TAMOXIFEN used
to treat breast cancer (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF) prevent the oestrogen from bin
ding to these receptors.
Oestrogens Natural or synthetic substances that induce the changes in th
e UTERUS that precede
OVULATION. They are also responsible for the development of the secondary sex ch
aracteristics in women:
that is, the physical changes that take place in a girl at puberty, such as enla
rgement of the BREASTS,
appearance of pubic and axillary hair, and the deposition of fat on the thighs a
nd hips. They are used in
the management of disturbances of the MENOPAUSE, and also in the treatment of ca
ncer of the prostate (see
PROSTATE GLAND, DISEASES OF) and certain cases of cancer of the breast. The oest
rogenic hormones of the
ovary are OESTRADIOL and oestrone. The rapid degradation of natural oestrogens l
imits their use as
therapeutic agents. Chemical substitution of the steroid molecule, as in ethinyl
oestradiol, or the use of
a non-steroidal synthetic oestrogen such as STILBOESTROL, greatly reduces the ra
te of degradation and
enhances the therapeutic action. A further development has been the use of compo
unds which are not actually
oestrogenic themselves, but which are slowly metabolised to oestrogenic substanc

es, or substances such as

chlorotrianisene, which are taken up in the body fat and then slowly released in
to the circulation. There
is in fact little to choose between the various synthetic oestrogens. Ethinyl oe
stradiol is the most potent
oral oestrogen, being 20 times more active than stilboestrol. Other commonly use
d oestrogen drugs are
dienoestrol and oestrol. The use of oestrogens in hormone replacement therapy (H
RT) is dealt with in the
entry on the MENOPAUSE.
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Ofloxacin A quinolone drug (see QUINOLONES) used to treat infections in
the urinary, respiratory and
reproductive tracts.
Ointments Semi-solid, greasy substances used as EMOLLIENTS, protectants
and as vehicles for topical
drug delivery, ointments may be hydrophilic or hydrophobic. The former dissolve
in water and usually
contain polyethylene glycols. Hydrophobic ointments do not combine with water an
d are paraffin-based.
Mixing hard and soft paraffins allows stiffness and greasiness to be modified. P
astes are ointments
containing a high proportion of inert powder such as starch or zinc oxide which
confers stiffness. Pastes
are protective and allow precise aplication of drugs to the skin.
Old Age See AGEING.
Olecranon Process The large process on the ulnar bone that projects behi
nd the joint of the elbow.
Oleic Acid The most common of naturally occurring fatty acids, being pre
sent in most fats and oils in
the form of triglyceride. It is used in the preparation of OINTMENTS, but not ey
e ointments.
Olfactory Nerves The nerves of
Each nerve detects smell

514 Oligaemia
by means of hair-like receptors positioned in the mucous membrane lining
the roof of the nasal cavity
(see NOSE).
Oligaemia A diminution of the quantity of blood in the circulation.
Olig(o)Omphalocele Another name for exomphalos a HERNIA of abdominal organs thr
ough the UMBILICUS.
An abnormally low excretion of URINE, such as occurs in acute NEPHRITIS.
Infestation with the filarial worm, Onchocerca volvulus, found in many p
arts of tropical Africa, in
Central and South America, and in the Yemen and Saudi Arabia. After a period of
918 months, the young
filarial worms, injected into the body by the bite of an infected simulium gnat,
mature, mate and start
producing young microfilariae. The females live for up to 15 years and during th
is period each may produce
several thousand microfilariae a day. It is these microfilariae, which have a li
fe-span of up to two years,
that produce the characteristic features of the disease: an itching rash of the
skin and the appearance of
nodules in different parts of the body. The worm may invade the optic nerve of t
he EYE and so cause
blindness; hence the name of African river-blindness. Treatment consists of diet
hylcarbamazine and suramin.
An international campaign is now underway in an attempt to destroy simulium in t
he affected zones.
A long fold of peritoneal membrane (see PERITONEUM), generally loaded wi
th more or less fat, which
hangs down within the cavity of the ABDOMEN in front of the bowels. It is formed
by the layers of
peritoneum that cover the front and back surfaces of the stomach in their passag
e from the lower margin of
this organ to cover the back and front surfaces of the large intestine. Instead
of passing straight from
one organ to the other, these layers dip down and form a sort of fourfold apron.
This omentum is known as
the greater omentum, to distinguish it from two smaller peritoneal folds, one of
which passes between the
liver and stomach (the hepatogastric omentum), and the other between the liver a
nd duodenum (the
hepatoduodenal omentum). Together they are known as the lesser omentum.
found in mammalian cells and viruses that can cause cancer. They are bel
ieved to manufacture the
proteins that control the division of cells. In certain circumstances this contr
ol malfunctions and a

normal cell may be changed into one with MALIGNANT properties. Extensive researc
h is being done with
oncogenes with the aim of finding ways to prevent or control cancers.
A prefix which means little or scanty: for example, oliguria, excretion
of smaller than normal
quantities of urine.
Oligomenorrhoea Infrequent MENSTRUATION.
Oligospermia A less-than-normal number of sperm (see SPERMATOZOON) prese
nt in each unit volume of
seminal fluid (each ml of semen usually contains 20 million sperm). The conditio
n may be permanent or
temporary and is a major cause of INFERTILITY in men. It may be caused by ORCHIT
IS, an undescended testis,
or VARICOCELE, and should be investigated.
inflammatory erosion of the oesophagus (see OESOPHAGUS, DISEASES OF).
Omeprazole This is a proton-pump inhibitor drug (see PROTON-PUMP INHIBIT
ORS) which inhibits
gastric-acid secretion by blocking a key enzyme system in the parietal cells of
the STOMACH. The drug is
used to treat (short-term) gastric ulcer (see under STOMACH, DISEASES OF) and DU
ODENAL ULCER, as well as
strictures and
Oncologist A doctor who specialises in the treatment of cancers (see CAN
CER; ONCOLOGY). Increasingly,
cancer is being treated by multidisciplinary teams which include surgeons, physi
cians, radiotherapists and
oncologists. The latter are non-surgical cancer specialists and are divided into
clinical and medical
branches: clinical oncologists concentrate mainly on RADIOTHERAPY treatments; me
dical oncologists are
trained in the medical management of cancer patients diagnosing and classifying
cancers and arranging
drug, psychosocial and palliative care. The latter claim a pivotal role in liais
ing with primary-care
services, clinical oncologists and those providing palliative care, as well as o
ther medical and surgical
colleagues involved

in the treatment and care of patients with cancer. With the constant evo
lution of cancer care and the
introduction of new treatments such as GENE THERAPY, the role of oncologists and
their relation with other
specialists dealing with cancer will also evolve; but the strategic aim will rem
ain to provide patients
with up-to-date, comprehensive, coordinated care in hospitals and the community.
Oncology The management of MALIGNANT disease a major health problem sinc
e successful management
requires close liaison between the patient, surgeons, physicians, oncologists, h
paediatricians and other specialists. Diagnosis may involve various investigatio
ns and often requires a
BIOPSY. Once a diagnosis has been established, treatment may involve surgery, ra
diotherapy or chemotherapy
(or various combinations as required) see below, and main dictionary entries.
Surgery may be most common, and is often the only treatment, for some ga
strointestinal tumours,
soft-tissue tumours, gynaecological tumours and advanced cancers of the head and
Radiotherapy uses ionising radiation to kill tumour cells. Radiation is
by naturally occurring isotopes
(see ISOTOPE) or artificially produced X-RAYS. Germ-cell tumours (see SEMINOMA;
TERATOMA) and malignant
lymphomas (see LYMPHOMA) appear to be particularly sensitive to irradiation, and
many head and neck
tumours, gynaecological cancers, and localised cancers of the PROSTATE GLAND and
curable with radiotherapy. It is also a valuable means of reducing pain from bon
e metastases (see
METASTASIS). Unpleasant side-effects are common: chiefly lethargy, loss of appet
ite and dry, itchy skin
Chemotherapy is also an important treatment in germ-cell tumours (see ab
ove); in some forms of
LEUKAEMIA and lymphoma; in ovarian cancer (following surgery see OVARIES, DISEAS
ES OF); and in small-cell
lung cancer (although most patients die within 18 months see LUNGS, DISEASES OF)
. It is also used in some
breast cancers (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF); advanced myeloma (see MYELOMATOSIS);
sarcomas (see under
CANCER); and some childhood cancers (such as WILMS TUMOUR). More than 20 substanc
es are in common use, the
major classes being ALKYLATING AGENTS (e.g. cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, busu
fan); ANTIMETABOLITES (e.g. methotrexate); VINCA ALKALOIDS (e.g. vincris
tine, vinblastine); and
antitumour ANTIBIOTICS (e.g. actinomycin D). Choice of agent and the appropriate
regimen requires expert
guidance. Common side-effects include nausea and vomiting, bonemarrow suppressio
n and ALOPECIA, with each

substance having its own spectrum of unwanted effects. Good doctor-patient commu
nication, with the sharing
of information and bringing the patient into the decision-making process, is vit
al even if time-consuming
and exhausting. Equally imortant treatment is PALLIATIVE, for example to ensure
effective pain or nausea
control. Common sources of pain in cancer may involve bone, nerve compression, s
oft tissue, visceral,
myofascial, constipation, muscle spasm, low-back pain, joint pain (e.g. capsulit
is) and chronic
post-operative pain. Patients may be suffering from more than one pain, all of w
hich should be identified.
The aim should be to eliminate pain. There are three rungs of the analgesic ladd
er; if one rung fails, the
next one should be tried: (1) non-opioid drugs for example, aspirin, PARACETAMOL
dextropropoxyphene; (3) strong opioids for example, MORPHINE, DIAMORPHINE, bupre
norphine. Oral treatment
is always preferable, unless prevented by severe vomiting. (See also CANCER; ONC
Onychia Disease of the nails (see SKIN Nail; NAILS, DISEASES OF).
Onychogryphosis A distortion of the nail (see under SKIN) in which it is
much thickened, overgrown and
twisted on itself. This usually affects a toe-nail and is the result of chronic
irritation and
Onycholysis Separation of the nail (see nail-bed.
under SKIN)
from the
Onychomycosis A fungus infection of the nail (see under SKIN), caused by
Ocyte An immature OVUM. When the cell undergoes MEIOSIS in the ovary it b
ecomes an ovum and is

516 Ogenesis
ready for fertilisation by the spermatozoa. Only a small number of the m
any ocytes produced survive
until PUBERTY, and not all of them will become ova and be ejected into the FALLO
Ophthalmology The study of the structure and function of the EYE and the
diagnosis and treatment of the
diseases that affect it.
Ogenesis The production of mature egg cells (ova see OVUM) by the OVARIES
. Germ cells in the ovary
multiply to produce oogonia which divide by MEIOSIS to form ocytes in the FETUS.
Ophorectomy Removal, by operation, of an ovary (see OVARIES). When the ov
ary is removed for the
presence of a cyst, the term ovariotomy is usually employed (see OVARIES, DISEAS
An instrument for examining the interior of the EYE. There are different
types of ophthalmoscope; all
have a light source to illuminate the inside of the eye and a magnifying lens to
make examination easier.
Another name for ovaritis or inflammation of an ovary (see OVARIES; OVAR
A preparation of OPIUM.
A substance with a pharmacological action that is like that of OPIUM or
its derivatives.
Another name for the ovary (see OVARIES).
Opioid Poisoning
Operating Microscope
Paralysis of the muscles of the EYE. Internal ophthalmoplegia refers to
paralysis of the iris and
ciliary body; external ophthalmoplegia refers to paralysis of one or all of the
muscles that move the eyes.

A binocular MICROSCOPE used for MICROSURGERY on, for example, the EYE an
d middle EAR; this microscope
is also used for suturing nerves and blood vessels damaged or severed by trauma
and for rejoining
obstructed FALLOPIAN TUBES in the treatment of INFERTILITY in women.
Operation A surgical procedure using instruments or sometimes just the h
ands; for example, when
manipulating a joint or setting a simple fracture. Operations range from simple
removal of a small skin
lesion under local anaesthetic to a major event such as transplanting a heart wh
ich takes several hours and
involves many doctors, nurses and technical staff. Increasingly, operations are
done on an outpatient or
day-bed basis, thus enabling many more patients to be treated than was the case
25 years ago, and
permitting them to resume a normal life often within 24 hours. (See also SURGERY
and CODEINE are natural opium found in the opium poppy (Papaver somnifer
um). The other opioids are
either synthetic or semi-synthetic analogues of these. Their main use is in the
treatment of moderate to
severe PAIN, but they are also used as antidiarrhoeal and antitussive agents. As
a result of induced
tolerance (see DEPENDENCE) and great individual variability, the amount of opioi
d substances required to
cause serious consequences varies enormously. The most common effects of opioid
overdose are vomiting,
drowsiness, pinpoint pupils, BRADYCARDIA, CONVULSIONS and COMA. Respiratory depr
ession is common and may
lead to CYANOSIS and respiratory arrest. HYPOTENSION occurs occasionally and in
severe cases
non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema and cardiovascular collapse may occur. Cardiac
ARRHYTHMIA may occur with
some opioids. Some opioids have a HISTAMINE-releasing effect which may result in
an urticarial rash (see
URTICARIA), PRURITUS, flushing and hypotension. Activated CHARCOAL should be giv
en following overdose and
NALOXONE administered to reverse respiratory depression and deep coma. MORPHINE
Ophthalmologist A

The name for a position assumed by the body during one of the convulsive
seizures of TETANUS. The
muscles of the back, by their

spasmodic contraction, arch the body in such a way that the person for a
time may rest upon the bed
only by their heels and head.
Opium The dried juice of the unripe seed-capsules of the white Indian po
ppy, Papaver somniferum.The
action of opium depends upon the 20 25 ALKALOIDS it contains. Of these, the chief
is MORPHINE, the amount
of which varies from around 917 per cent. Other alkaloids include codeine, narcot
ine, thebaine,
papaverine, and naceine. The importation into Britain of opium is strictly regul
ated under the Dangerous
Drugs Acts. Similar regulations govern the sale and distribution of any preparat
ion of morphine or
diamorphine (heroin) stronger than 1 part in 500. (See DEPENDENCE.)
Action The action of opium varies considerably, according to the source
of the drug and the preparation
used. In small doses, opium produces a state of gentle excitement, the person fi
nding their imagination
more vivid, their thoughts more brilliant, and their power of expression greater
than usual. This stage
lasts for some hours, and is succeeded by languor. In medicinal doses this stage
of excitement is short and
is followed by deep sleep. When potentially poisonous doses are taken, sleep com
es on quickly, and passes
into coma and death (see OPIOID POISONING). The habitual use of opium produces g
reat TOLERANCE, so that
opium users require to take large quantities daily before experiencing its pleas
urable effects. The need
for opium also confers tolerance, so that people suffering great pain may take,
with apparently little
effect beyond dulling the pain, quantities which at another time would be danger
Opportunistic A description usually applied to infection resulting from
an organism that does not
normally cause disease in a healthy individual. It is also used to describe wide
spread infection by an
organism that usually causes local infection. The bodys defence mechanism can usu
ally combat these
organisms, but if it is impaired as happens in AIDS/HIV or other immune deficien
cies opportunistic
infection, such as PNEUMONIA, may develop. Some viral and fungal infections beha
ve in this way.
Antimicrobial treatment is often effective, even though the weakness in the bodys
defence mechanism cannot
be rectified.
Opsonins Substances present in the SERUM of the blood which act upon bac
teria, so as to prepare them
for destruction by the white cells of the blood.
Optic Concerned with the EYE or vision.
Optic Atrophy A deterioration in the fibres of the optic nerve (see EYE)

resulting in partial or
complete loss of vision. It may be caused by damage to the nerve from inflammati
on or injury, or the
atrophy may be secondary to disease in the eye.
Optic Chiasma This is formed by a crossing-over of the two optic nerves
(see EYE) which run from the
back of the eyeballs to meet in the mid line beneath the brain. Nerve fibres fro
m the nasal part of the
retina cross to link up with fibres from the outer part of the retina of the opp
osite eye. The linked
nerves form two separate optic tracts which travel back to the occipital lobes o
f the brain.
Optic Disc Otherwise known as the blind spot of the EYE, the disc is the
beginning of the optic nerve
the point where nerve fibres from the retinas rods and cones (the light- and colo
ur-sensitive cells) leave
the eyeball.
Optician Someone who fits and sells glasses or contact lenses. An ophtha
lmic optician (optometrist) is
trained to perform eye examinations to test for long- and short-sightedness and
to prescribe corrective
lenses, but they do not treat disorders of the eye, referring patients with a di
sorder to a family doctor
or ophthalmologist.
Optic Nerve See EYE.
Optic Neuritis Inflammation of the optic nerve (see EYE) which may resul
t in sudden loss of part of a
persons vision. It is usually accompanied by pain and tenderness on touch. The ca
use is uncertain,
although in some cases it may be a prcursor of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS): CORTICOS
TEROIDS may help by
improving the loss of visual acuity, but seems not to check the long-term inflam
matory activity.
Oral An adjective referring to the mouth, or to substances taken by mout

518 Oral Contraceptive

Oral Contraceptive
A contraceptive taken by mouth (see CONTRACEPTION). It comprises one or
more synthetic female hormones,
usually an oestrogen (see OESTROGENS), which blocks normal OVULATION, and a prog
estogen which influences
the PITUITARY GLAND and thus blocks normal control of the womans menstrual cycle
Progestogens also make the uterus less congenial for the fertilisation of an ovu
m by the sperm.
A virus infection of sheep and goats commonly transmitted to farm worker
s. Red papules on the hands or
wrists become vesicular or pustular and resolve spontaneously in a few weeks.
Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) This is the essential initial treatment f
or DIARRHOEA, and is
particularly valuable for dehydrated children in developing countries ill with d
iseases such as CHOLERA. A
litre of water containing one teaspoonful of salt and eight of sugar, taken by m
outh, is readily absorbed.
It replaces salts and water lost because of the diarrhoea and usually no other t
reatment is required. In
developed countries ORT is useful in treating gastroenteritis. There are a numbe
r of proprietary
preparations, often dispensed as flavoured sachets, including Dioralyte and Rehyd
rate .
Oral Surgery
A branch of surgery that treats deformities, injuries or diseases of the
TEETH and JAW, as well as
other areas of the face and mouth. Surgeons doing this work are usually qualifie
d dentists who have done
further training in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Orbit See EYE.
Orchidectomy Operation for the removal of the testicles (one or both see
TESTICLE) for example,
because of cancer.
Orchidopexy When testes do not descend into the scrotum, normally in you
ng children (CRYPTORCHIDISM),
an operation is performed to correct this. This is called surgical orchidopexy.
The main reason is probably
cosmetic; however, a testis which has descended is less likely to become cancero
us than one which has not.
It is less likely that treatment improves future fertility.
Organ A collection of different tissues that form a distinct structure i
n the body with a particular
function or functions. The LIVER, for example, comprises a collection of differe
nt metabolic cells bound

together with connective tissue and liberally supplied with blood vessels; it pe
rforms vital functions in
the breakdown of substances absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Other exam
ples of organs are the
Organic Disease A term used in contradistinction to the word functional,
to indicate that some
structural change is responsible for the faulty action of an ORGAN or other part
of the body.
Organic Substances Those which are obtained from animal or vegetable bod
ies, or which resemble in
chemical composition those derived from this source. Organic chemistry has come
to mean the chemistry of
the carbon compounds.
Organophosphorus Organophosphorus insecticides act by inhibiting the act
ion of cholinesterase (see
ACETYLCHOLINE). For this reason they are also toxic to humans and must therefore
be handled with great
care. The most widely used are PARATHION and MALATHION. Organophosphorus has als
o been used to make nerve
Treatment After contamination with insecticides, decontaminate (remove c
lothes, wash skin). Those
treating should wear gloves, mask, apron and goggles. For symptoms give 2 mg of
ATROPINE IV every 30
minutes until full atropinisation (dry mouth, pulse >70). Up to three days treatm
ent may be needed. Severe
poisoning may require pralidoxine mysalate: available from designated centres, t
his drug should be given
intravenously within 24 hours of exposure.
Organ Transplantation See TRANSPLANTATION.
Inflammation of the testicle. (See TESTICLE, DISEASES OF.)
The climax of sexual intercourse. In men this coincides with ejaculation
of the semen when

the muscles of the pelvis force the seminal fluid from the prostate into
the urethra and out through
the urethral orifice. In women, orgasm is typified by irregular contractions of
the muscular walls of the
vagina followed by relaxation. The sensation is more diffuse in women than in me
n and tends to last longer
with successive orgasms sometimes occurring.
Oriental Sore This term is a synonym for cutaneous LEISHothers include:
Cochin, Delhi, Kandahar,
Lahore, Madagascar, Natal, Old World tropical, tropical sore, etc. As with many
of the local names for this
infection, it is now rarely used.
Orlistat An inhibitor of the pancreatic enzyme LIPASE, which breaks down
fats in food to their
constituent parts. By inhibiting lipase, the drug reduces absorption of dietary
fat from the INTESTINE. It
is used as an ADJUVANT to a modest low-calorie diet in people with a BODY MASS 2
INDEX of 30 kg/m or more.
The drug should be prescribed only if diet alone has, over a period of four cons
ecutive weeks, resulted in
a person losing 2.5 kg or more. Orlistat may cause oily liquid faeces, urgency t
o defecate, excessive wind
and, sometimes, headaches, tiredness and anxiety. (See OBESITY.)
Ornithosis Ornithosis is an infection of birds with the micro-organism k
nown as Chlamydia psittaci,
which is transmissible to humans.
Oropharynx The part of the PHARYNX that lies between the soft PALATE and
the HYOID bone.
Orphenadrine A drug used in the treatment of PARKINSONISM.
Orthodontics Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with the
prevention and treatment of
dental irregularities and malocclusion.
Orthopaedics Originally the general measures, both surgical and mechanic
al, for the correction or
prevention of deformities in children. Now, that branch of medical science deali
ng with skeletal deformity
(congenital or acquired), fractures and infections of bones, replacement of arth
ritic joints (hips, knees
and fingers see
ARTHROPLASTY) and the treatment of bone tumours. (See BONE, DISORDERS OF
Orthopnoea A form of difficulty in breathing so severe that the patient
cannot bear to lie down, but
must sit or stand up. As a rule, it occurs only in serious affections of the hea
rt or lungs.

Orthoptic Treatment The examination and treatment by exercises of squint

s and their sequelae (see EYE,
Osgood-Schlatters Disease The form of OSTEOCHONDROSIS involving the tibia
l tubercle the growing
point of the TIBIA. It occurs around PUBERTY, mainly in boys, and first manifest
s itself by a painful
swelling over the tibial tubercle at the upper end of the tibia. The pain is wor
st during and after
exercise. A limp with increasing limitation of movement of the knee-joint develo
ps. The disease usually
clears up without treatment. If pain is troublesome, physiotherapy or immobilisa
tion of the knee-joint in a
plaster cast for up to eight weeks may be necessary.
Osmosis The passage of fluids through a semipermeable membrane which sep
arates them, so as to become
mixed with one another. Osmotic pressure is a term applied to the strength of th
e tendency which a fluid
shows to do this, and depends largely upon the amount of solid which it holds in
Ossicle A small bone. The term is usually applied to the three small bon
es of the middle EAR malleus,
incus, and stapes that conduct sound from the eardrum to the inner ear.
Ossification The formation of BONE. In early life, centres appear in the
bones previously represented
by cartilage or fibrous tissue; and these cells, called osteoblasts, initiate th
e formation of true bone,
which includes the deposition of calcium salts. When a fracture occurs, the bone
mends by ossification of
the clot which forms between the fragments (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF). In ol
d age, an unnatural process
of ossification often takes place in parts which should remain cartilaginous for
example, in the
cartilages of the larynx and of the ribs, making these parts unusually brittle.

520 Osteitis
A pathological rather than a clinical entity. The term refers to the rep
lacement of BONE by a highly
cellular and vascular connective tissue. It is the result of osteoclastic and os
teoblastic activity and is
due to excessive PARATHYROID activity. It is thus seen in a proportion of patien
ts with primary
hyperparathyroidism and in patients with uraemic osteodystrophy; that is, the se
condary hyperparathyroidism
that occurs in patients with chronic renal disease.
The primary problem is seen as a change in structure of cartilage and BO
NE, rather than an inflammatory
SYNOVITIS. Osteoarthritis usually implies a loss of the central load-bearing are
a of articular hyaline
cartilage, with outgrowth of cartilage at the articular margin and subsequent os
sification to form bony
outgrowths known as OSTEOPHYTES. Osteophytes form with increasing age, whether o
r not there is significant
cartilage loss, and in the elderly may lead to local frictional symptoms, and in
the spine, to nerve
compression. The condition has a wide range of causes, of which some, like dyspl
asia and trauma, are known
and others have yet to be identified. The main clinical problems occur in the hi
p and knee. The cartilage
loss in the hip usually occurs in the sixth or seventh decade. It may affect bot
h hips in fairly rapid
succession, or only one hip; such patients often have no problems in other joint
s. Cartilage loss in the
knee occurs from the fifth decade onwards and is often associated with cartilage
loss in small joints in
the hand and elsewhere. Cartilage loss in the distal interphalangeal joints of t
he hand is associated with
the formation of bony swellings known as Heberdens nodes.
Treatment Management is largely directed at
Despite major efforts, it has proved impossible to produce a single clea
r definition of osteoarthritis
and this probably reflects the muddled nature of a concept which will need repla
cing. Unfortunately, there
is confusion because the term is also used to cover joint pain that appears to h
ave a mechanical basis in
the absence of clinical or radiographic evidence of CARTILAGE loss.
maintaining activity, with physical and social support as necessary. ANA
LGESICS may be of some value,
particularly in the management of NON-STEROIDAL ANTInight pain. INFLAMMATORY DRU
GS (NSAIDS) may help
patients with early-morning stiffness and may also reduce pain on movement and n
ight pain. Their benefit,
however, tends to be less marked than in RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS and their
Osteitis means inflammation in the substance of a BONE. Traumatic osteit
is is a condition particularly

common in footballers, in which the victim complains of pain in the groin follow
ing exercise, particularly
if this has involved much hip rotation. Examination reveals difficulty in spread
ing the legs and marked
tenderness over the symphysis pubis. It responds well to rest and the administra
tion of non-steroidal
antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen or indomethacin.
Osteitis Deformans See PAGETS DISEASE OF BONE.
Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica
Right lateral view of vertical section through knee-joint: normal joint
(left); degenerated joint
cartilage and eroded bone surfaces of arthritic knee (right).

Otic Barotrauma
long-term usage has considerable toxicity problems. Advanced cartilage l
oss is best treated by joint
replacement. Hip- and knee-joint replacements with a wide variety of artificial
joints are now common
surgical procedures which greatly improve the mobility of affected individuals.
with arthritis and their relatives can obtain help and advice from Arthritis Car
Osteoblast A cell responsible for the production of (see OSSIFICATION).
Osteochondritis Inflammation of both BONE and CARTILAGE. It is a not unc
ommon cause of BACKACHE in
young people, particularly gymnasts.
Osteochondrosis This includes a group of diseases involving degeneration
of the centre of OSSIFICATION
(see also BONE) in the growing bones of children and adolescents. They include K
ohlers disease,
Osteoclast A cell that resorbs calcified BONE.
due to inadequate mineralisation of osteoid tissue caused by a deficienc
y of vitamin D. This deficiency
may arise because of inadequate intake, or it may be due to impaired absorption
such as occurs in
intestinal malabsorption. It may also be due to renal disease, as the kidney is
responsible for the
hydroxylation of cholecalciferol, which has virtually no metabolic action, to di
the metabolically active form of the vitamin. (See APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS.)
Osteomyelitis Inflammation of the BONE as a result of infection (see BON
Osteopathy A system of treatment by manipulating bones (see BONE) and ot
her parts with the idea of
thereby restoring functions in the bodily mechanism that have become deranged. P
roperly qualified
osteopaths are included on the General Council and Register of Osteopaths.
Osteophytes Bony spurs or projections. They occur most commonly at the m
argins of areas of bone
A BONE cell formed from an OSTEOBLAST or bone-forming cell that has stop
ped its activity. The cell is
embedded in the matrix of the bone.

Osteogenesis See OSSIFICATION.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Osteosarcoma, or osteogenic sarcoma, is the most common, and most malign
ant, tumour of bone (see BONE,
DISORDERS OF). It occurs predominantly in older children and young adults; the m
ost common site is at the
ends of the long bones of the body i.e. the femur, tibia and humerus. Treatment
surgical reconstruction or amputation of the affected limb. The five-year surviv
al rate is over 70 per
A hereditary disease due to an inherited abnormality of COLLAGEN. It is
characterised by extreme
fragility of the skeleton, resulting in fractures and deformities. It may be acc
ompanied by blue sclera
(the outermost, normally white coat of the eyeball), transparent teeth, hypermob
ility (excessive range of
movement) of the joints, deafness, and dwarfism (shortness of stature). The exac
t cause is not known,
although there is some evidence that it may be associated with collagen formatio
n. Parents of affected
children can obtain help and advice from the Brittle Bone Society.
A small accessory BONE behind the ankle-joint which is present in about
7 per cent of the population.
It may be damaged by energetic springing from the toes in ballet, jumping or fas
t bowling.
Osteogenic Sarcoma
Otic Barotrauma
Osteomalacia is the adult form of RICKETS. It is
Also called aerotitis, this is blockage of the
Osteotomy The operation of cutting of a BONE.
Os Trigonum

522 Otitis
Eustachian tubes between the middle EAR and the PHARYNX as a result of r
apidly changing external air
pressure, such as occurs during descent of an aircraft. VALSALVAS MANOEUVRE pinch
ing the nose with
finger and thumb and attempting to blow hard through the nose will usually relie
ve the blockage. People
prone to this phenomenon may find nasal decongestants helpful.
Otitis Inflammation of the OF.)
Otolaryngology The study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the ea
rs, throat and larynx.
Otology Otology is that branch of medical science which is concerned wit
h disorders and diseases of the
organ of hearing one practising this branch being called an otologist.
Otorhinolaryngology The study of diseases of the ear, nose, and throat c
olloquially referred to as
ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialty. The relevant specialist is called an otorh
inolaryngologist (US) or
ENT surgeon (UK).
Otorrhoea O Discharge from the EAR. (See EAR, DISEASES OF.) Otosclerosis
Otoscope See AURISCOPE.
Outpatient A patient attending a hospital clinic who is not admitted to
a bed. Most patients attend an
outpatients department after referral for a specialist opinion by their general p
ractitioner. An
increasing number of investigations and treatments, including surgery, are being
done on an outpatient
Ovaries The main female reproductive organs which produce the ova (egg c
ells see OVUM) and steroid
HORMONES in a regular cycle (see MENSTRUATION) in response to hormones (see GONA
DOTROPHINS) from the
anterior PITUITARY GLAND. Situated one on each side of the uterus in the lower a
bdomen, each ovary contains
numerous follicles within which the ova
develop. Only a small proportion of these reach maturity, when the ovum
is described as a Graafian
follicle. OVULATION occurs and, if the ovum is fertilised, a pregnancy may devel
op. (See also ENDOCRINE
Ovaries, Diseases of Ophoritis (infection of the ovaries) rarely occurs a
lone, except in viral

infections such as mumps. Usually it is associated with infection of the FALLOPI

may occur as a complication of a miscarriage, a therapeutic abortion, or the bir
th of a baby. Cases not
associated with pregnancy typically result from sexual activity: the most common
organisms involved are
Chlamydia, E. coli, and Neisseria gonorrhoea. Cervical swabs should be sent for
culture and analgesics
given, together with the appropriate antibiotics. Failure of OVULATION is the ca
around a third of couples seeking help with conception. It may also lead to mens
trual problems (see
MENSTRUATION), such as an irregular menstrual cycle or MENORRHAGIA. An uncommon
cause of failure of
ovulation is POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME, often associated with acne, hirsutism, a
nd obesity. Treatment
depends on the symptoms. Early ovarian failure is the cause of premature MENOPAU
SE. Treatment consists of
hormone replacement therapy using a combination of oestrogen and progestogen. Ov
arian cysts (for example,
follicular cysts) result from ovulation. They may be symptomless but sometimes c
ause abdominal pain, pain
during intercourse or disturbances in menstruation. Twisting or rupture can caus
e severe pain, pyrexia
(fever) and nausea, and explorative surgery endoscopic laparotomy may be needed
to establish a
diagnosis (symptoms of ECTOPIC PREGNANCY are similar). The ovary may have to be
removed. Simple cysts often
disappear of their own accord but a large cyst can cause pressure on surrounding
structures and therefore
should be surgically removed. In young women the most common benign tumour is a
dermoid cyst, while in
older women, fibroma (see under UTERUS, DISEASES OF) is more common. All benign
tumours should be removed
surgically in order to be sure they are not malignant. Malignant tumours may be
primary (arising in the
ovary) or secondary (metastases from a cancer developing in another organ). Trea
tment depends upon the site
and type of the primary tumour. Around 5,000 women a year are diagnosed as

Oximeter 523
having ovarian cancer in England and Wales. Unfortunately it is not read
ily detected in its early
stages; around 85 per cent of women do not see a doctor until after the tumour h
as spread. Early tumours
present with symptoms similar to benign tumours, while late ones present with ab
dominal distension, pain
and vague gastrointestinal symptoms. The disease is most common in menopausal wo
men. Earlier diagnosis and
treatment can be achieved by ULTRASOUND screening. Treatment is surgical, aimed
at totally removing the
tumour mass. Nowadays RADIOTHERAPY is only used for palliation. CHEMOTHERAPY is
often given to patients
with ovarian metastases, or who have residual disease after surgery. The most ac
tive cytotoxic agent is the
taxane, PACLITAXEL especially when it is combined with cisplatin.
Ovariotomy Also called ophorectomy. The operation of removal of an ovary
(see OVARIES) or an ovarian
tumour (see under OVARIES, DISEASES OF).
Overbite A dental term describing the condition where a persons upper INC
ISOR teeth vertically overlap
the lower incisors. If serious, the person may need orthodontic correction and t
his is usually done in
childhood after the permanent teeth have developed.
Over-The-Counter (OTC) A description applied in the UK to MEDICINES and
drugs that can be obtained from
a pharmacist without a doctors or dentists prescription. Some medications may be b
ought from retail
outlets other than pharmacists.
Ovulation The development and release of an OVUM (egg) from the ovary (s
TUBES. Ovulation is initiated by the secretion of luteinising hormone by the ant
occurs half way through the menstrual cycle. If the ovum is not fertilised, it i
s lost during MENSTRUATION.
Ovum The single cell derived from the female, out of which a future indi
vidual arises, after its union
with the SPERMATOZOON derived from the male. It is about 35 micrometres in diame
ter. (See FETUS; OVARIES.)
Oxalic Acid This is an irritant poison that is used domestically for cle
aning purposes. It is also
found in
many plants including rhubarb and sorrel. Oxalic acid, when swallowed, p
roduces burning of the mouth
and throat, vomiting of blood, breathlessness and circulatory collapse. Calcium
salts, lime water or milk
should be given by mouth. An injection of calcium gluconate is an antidote.
Oxaliplatin A platinum-based anticancer drug given intravenously for the
treatment of colorectal cancer
with metastases. It is usually combined with FLUOROURACIL and folinic acid. Side
-effects include toxic

damage to the nervous system.

Oxalosis An inherited defect in the bodys METABOLISM in which oxalates a
product of metabolism are
deposited in the KIDNEYS and other tissues, ultimately causing failure of the ki
Oxaluria The presence in the URINE of OXALIC ACID or oxalates, in partic
ular calcium oxalate (see
Oxazepam A benzodiazpine anxiolytic drug (see BENZODIAZEPINES; ANXIOLYTI
CS). Like all benzodiazepines,
oxazepam should be prescribed with caution at the lowest possible dosage for the
shortest possible time, as
patients can become dependent on it (see DEPENDENCE). The indication for use is
short-term relief of severe
anxiety, including panic attacks. Oxazepam has an advantage over many diazepams
in being shorter acting,
and it can be used for patients with impairment of LIVER function. The drug is i
nappropriate for treatment
of DEPRESSION, obsessional states or PSYCHOSIS (see MENTAL ILLNESS).
Oxidant A molecule that causes biological oxidation in which OXYGEN is a
dded to or electrons removed
from a substance. Oxygen-free radicals are highly toxic atoms and chemical group
s produced by intracellular
activity in various disease processes and by poisons, radiation, smoking and oth
er pollutants.
Anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene can neutralise these radicals.
Oximeter An non-invasive device which can be attached to a patients skin
by an adhesive and records
the degree of OXYGEN saturation in their blood, displaying the level on a screen
. It also records pulse
rate. Oximeters have become essential to

524 Oximetry
safe managament of severe respiratory illness as they provide one measur
e of the lungs ability to
exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Oximetry The measurement by an OXIMETER of the proportion of oxygenated
HAEMOGLOBIN in the blood.
Oxycephaly A deformity of the skull in which the forehead is high and th
e top of the head pointed.
There is also poor vision and the eyes bulge.
A colourless and odourless gas of molecular weight 32. It constitutes ju
st less than 21 per cent of the
earths atmosphere. As a medical gas, it is supplied in the UK compressed at high
pressure (13,600
kilopascals (KPa)) in cylinders which are black with white shoulders. In hospita
ls, oxygen is often stored
as a liquid in insulated tanks and controlled evaporation allows the gas to be s
upplied via a pipeline at a
much lower pressure. Oxygen is essential for life. It is absorbed via the lungs
(see RESPIRATION) and is
transported by HAEMOGLOBIN within the ERYTHROCYTES to the tissues. Within the in
dividual cell it is
involved in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a compound that stor
es chemical energy for
muscle cells, by the oxidative metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. HYPOXIA cau
ses anaerobic metabolism
with a resulting build-up in LACTIC ACID, the result of muscle cell activity. If
severe enough, the lack of
ATP causes a breakdown in cellular function and the death of the individual. Whe
n hypoxia occurs, it may be
corrected by giving supplemental oxygen. This is usually given via a face mask o
r nasal prongs or, in
severe cases, during ARTIFICIAL VENTILATION OF THE LUNGS. Some indications for o
xygen therapy are high
altitude, ventilatory failure, heart failure, ANAEMIA, PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, C
poisoning, anaesthesia and post-operative recovery. In some conditions e.g. seve
re infections with
anaerobic bacteria and CO poisoning hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used.
Oxygen Deficit In a resting individual the potential OXYGEN supply to th
e tissues is greater than its
consumption. During heavy exercise, the energy
required by the tissues is greater than can be supplied by aerobic cellu
lar metabolism and the
additional energy is supplied by a biochemical reaction called anaerobic metabol
ism. There is a build-up of
lactate a product of LACTIC ACID from anaerobic metabolism which is ultimately o
xidised after
conversion to citrate and metabolism via the citric acid cycle. The increased am

ount of oxygen above

resting concentrations which needs to be consumed to perform this metabolism is
known as the oxygen debt or
Oxygen Tent A sheet of plastic put over a hospital bed with OXYGEN fed i
nto it so that a patient can
receive oxygen. Such treatment may be for a heart or lung condition in which the
normal atmospheric
concentration of oxygen is insufficient to enable the person to oxygenate the bl
ood flowing through the
lungs to a normal level, so extra oxygen is provided in the patients immediate su
Oxygen Toxicity OXYGEN toxicity in human lungs causes an acute OEDEMA fo
llowed by fibrosis and
retrolental fibroplasia occurs and centralnervous-system damage may resu
lt in the infant having fits.
Several factors are involved in toxicity and there is no absolute relationship t
o time or concentration,
although inspired concentrations of under 50 per cent are probably safe for long
Oxyhaemoglobin The compound formed when the pigment HAEMOGLOBIN in the E
RYTHROCYTES (red blood cells)
combines with OXYGEN (a reversible reaction). The oxygen is carried in this way
from the lungs to the
bodys tissues where it is released to take part in metabolic activities.
Oxytetracycline Oxytetracycline is an antibiotic derived from a soil org
anism, Streptomyces rimosus.
Its range of antibacterial activity is comparable to that of tetracycline (see T
Oxytocin Oxytocin is the extract isolated from the pituitary posterior l
obe which stimulates the
uterine muscle to contract. Oxytocin produced by the PITUITARY GLAND stimulates
the flow of milk in
breast-feeding mothers. It can also be synthesised. The synthetic form is used t
o induce or assist labour
in pregnancy and childbirth and

also to encourage the expelling of the PLACENTA (afterbirth). Sometimes
it is given to a woman who has
had an incomplete miscarriage (see ABORTION). There have been criticisms that ox
ytocin is used too often to
induce labour for social reasons or for the convenience of obstetric departments
. (See also PITUITARY
Oxyuriasis Another name for the threadworm (see ENTEROBIASIS).
Ozaena A chronic disease of the NOSE of an inflammatory nature, combined
with atrophy of the mucous
membrane and the formation of extremely foul-smelling crusts in the interior of
the nose. (See also NOSE,
Ozone A specially active and poisonous form of OXYGEN in which three vol
umes of the gas are condensed
into the space ordinarily occupied by two. It has a characteristic smell and is
a strong oxidising agent.
Formed when an electrical charge is passed through oxygen or air, it is found at
high altitudes in the
atmosphere where it screens out much of the suns ultraviolet radiation. The ozone
layer, as it is called,
is being damaged by pollutant gases from earth. Unless this damage is reversed,
lethal quantities of
ultraviolet radiation could penetrate to the earths surface, further warming the
worlds climates, with
long-term damage to the environment.

P Pacemaker
A cardiac or artificial pacemaker is a device that helps a faulty HEART
to maintain normal rhythm. It
consists of a battery that stimulates the heart by an electric current passed th
rough an insulated wire
which is attached either to the surface of the ventricle (epicardial pacemaker)
or to the heart lining
(endocardial pacemaker). In a normal heart, the regular electrical impulses are
initiated by a special area
of tissue (sinoatrial node). A cardiac pacemaker is used when a persons sinoatria
l node is malfunctioning
or when there is interference with the passage of normal impulses. Some devices
send out signals at a fixed
rate; others monitor the rate and, when it falters in any way, stimulate regular
contractions. Implantation
is carried out under a local anaesthetic, and the lithium batteries can last for
several years. People with
pacemakers should avoid any source of powerful electromagnetic radiation radio o
r radar transmitters or
airport security screens. (See also CARDIAC PACEMAKER.)
Pacinian Corpuscles Pacinian corpuscles, or lamellated corpuscles, are m
inute bulbs at the ends of the
nerves scattered through the SKIN and subcutaneous tissue, and forming one of th
e end-organs for sensation.
Packed Cell Volume That fraction of the bloods total volume made up of re
d cells. The packed cell
volume is found by centrifuging blood in a tube and measuring the depth of the c
olumn of red cells as a
fraction of the whole column of blood. (See also HAEMATOCRIT.)
Paclitaxel A
CYTOTOXIC drug of the taxane group (see TAXANES). Given by intravenous t
ransfusion, it
is used under specialist supervision for the treatment of ovarian cancer
(usually following surgery
guidance in 2001 also recommended that the drug could be used to treat advanced
breast cancer (see BREASTS,
DISEASES OF) where initial cytotoxic therapy had failed or could not be used. It
s use
as first-line treatment is limited to clinical trials. Side-effects of p
aclitaxel include
hypersensitivity, MYELOSUPPRESSION, cardiac ARRHYTHMIA and peripheral NEUROPATHY
. Only a minority of
patients respond to the drug, but when it works the results are often long-lasti
Paederasty A homosexual act between an adult man and a boy or young man
Paediatrician A medical specialist skilled in the care of childrens healt

h and diseases.
Paediatrics Paediatrics means the branch of medicine dealing with diseas
es of children (see also
Paedophilia A perverse sexual attraction to children of either sex. Paed
ophiles are nearly always male
and may have heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual orientation. In England and Wa
les, the age of consent for
heterosexual and homosexual sex is 16 years; in Northern Ireland, 17 years; and
in Scotland the age of
consent for heterosexual sex is 12 for a girl and 14 for a boy. However, girls a
re protected by Section 5
of the Criminal Law (Consolidation) Act 1995 which makes it an offence to have s
exual intercourse with a
girl aged under 16. For girls under 13, the maximum sentence is life-imprisonmen
t, and between 13 and 16,
two years imprisonment. Homosexual consent in Scotland is 16. Paedophiles suffer
from personality problems
rather than overt psychoses (see PSYCHOSIS) and the origins of their behaviour m
ay lie in their own early
sexual experiences. Their behaviour often has features of an addiction. It is of
note that most underaged
sex is between family members such as stepfather and daughter rather than with a
stranger or predatory
paedophile. (See CHILD ABUSE.)
Pagets Disease of Bone Also called osteitis deformans, this is a chronic
disease in which the bones
(see BONE) especially those of the skull, limbs, and spine

gradually become thick and also soft, causing them to bend. It is said t
o be the most common form of
bone disease in the world, and it is estimated that some 600,000 people in Engla
nd may suffer from it. It
seldom occurs under the age of 40. Pain is its most unpleasant manifestation. Th
e cause is not known, and
there is no known cure, but satisfactory results are being obtained from the use
of CALCITONIN and a group
of drugs known as BISPHOSPHONATES (e.g. etidronate). Those with the disease can
obtain help and advice from
the National Association for the Relief of Pagets Disease.
Pain Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated w
ith actual or potential tissue
damage, or described in terms of such damage (International Association for the
Study of Pain, 1979). Pain
is perceived in the cerebral cortex (see BRAIN) and is always subjective. Someti
mes sensations that would
usually be benign can be perceived as painful for example, allodynia (extreme te
nderness of the skin) or
dysaesthesia (unpleasant skin sensations resulting from partial damage to sensor
y nerve fibres, as in
herpes zoster, or shingles).
Acute pain is caused by internal or external injury or disease. It warns
the individual that harm or
damage is occurring and stimulates them to take avoiding or protective action. W
ith effective treatment of
disease or injury and/or the natural healing process, the pain resolves although
some acute pain
syndromes may develop into chronic pain (see below). Stimuli which are sufficien
tly intense potentially to
damage tissue will cause the stimulation of specific receptors known as NOCICEPT
ORS. Damage to tissues
releases substances which stimulate the nociceptors. On the surface of the body
there is a high density of
nociceptors, and each area of the body is supplied by nerves from a particular s
pinal segment or level:
this allows the brain to localise the source of the pain accurately. Pain from i
nternal structures and
organs is more difficult to localise and is often felt in some more superficial
structure. For example,
irritation of the DIAPHRAGM is often felt as pain in the shoulder, as the nerves
from both structures enter
the SPINAL CORD at the same level (often the structures have developed from the
same parts of the embryo).
This is known as referred pain. The impulses from nociceptors travel along nerve
s to the spinal cord.
Within this there is modulation of the pain messages by other
incoming sensory modalities, as well as descending input from the brain
(Melzack and Walls
gate-control theory). This involves morphine-like molecules (the ENDORPHINS and
ENKEPHALINS) amongst many
other paintransmitting and pain-modulating substances. The modified input then p
asses up the spinal cord

through the thalamus to the cerebral cortex. Thus the amount of pain felt may be a
ltered by the emotional
state of the individual and by other incoming sensations. Once pain is perceived
, then action is taken;
this involves withdrawal of the area being damaged, vocalisation, AUTONOMIC NERV
OUS SYSTEM response and
examination of the painful area. Analysis of the event using memory will occur a
nd appropriate action be
taken to reduce pain and treat the damage.
Chronic pain may be defined in several ways: for example, pain resistant
to one months treatment, or
pain persisting one month beyond the usual course of an acute illness or injury.
Some doctors may also
arbitrarily choose the figure of six months. Chronic pain differs from acute pai
n: the physiological
response is different and pain may either be caused by stimuli which do not usua
lly cause the perception of
pain, or may arise within nerves or the central nervous system with no apparent
external stimulation. It
seldom has a physiological protective function in the way acute pain has. Also,
chronic pain may be
selfperpetuating: if individuals gain a psychological advantage from having pain
, they may continue to do
so (e.g. gaining attention from family or health professionals, etc.). The nervo
us system itself alters
when pain is long-standing in such a way that it becomes more sensitive to painf
ul inputs and tends to
perpetuate the pain.
Treatment The treatment of pain depends upon its nature and cause. Acute
pain is generally treated by
curing the underlying complaint and prescribing ANALGESICS or using local anaest
hetic techniques (see
ANAESTHESIA Local anaesthetics). Many hospitals now have acute pain teams for th
e management of
postoperative and other types of acute pain; chronic pain is often treated in pa
in clinics. Those involved
may include doctors (in Britain, usually anaesthetists), nurses, psychologists a
nd psychiatrists,
physiotherapists and complementary therapists. Patients are usually referred fro
m other hospital
specialists (although some may be referred by GPs). They will usually have been
given a diagnosis and
exhausted the

528 Palate
medical and surgical treatment of their underlying condition. All the us
ual analgesics may be employed,
and opioids are often used in the terminal treatment of cancer pain. ANTICONVULS
DRUGS are also used because they alter the transmission of pain within the centr
al nervous system and may
actually treat the chronic pain syndrome. Many local anaesthetic techniques are
used. Myofascial pain
pain affecting muscles and connective tissues is treated by the injection of loc
al anaesthetic into
tender spots, and nerves may be blocked either as a diagnostic procedure or by w
ay of treatment. Epidural
anaesthetic injections are also used in the same way, and all these treatments m
ay be repeated at intervals
over many months in an attempt to cure or at least reduce the pain. For intracta
ble pain, nerves are
sometimes destroyed using injections of alcohol or PHENOL or by applying CRYOTHE
RAPY or radiofrequency
waves. Intractable or terminal pain may be treated by destroying nerves surgical
ly, and, rarely, the pain
pathways within the spinal cord are severed by cordotomy (though this is general
ly only used in terminal
ed for a variety of pain
syndromes, particularly myofascial or musculoskeletal pain. It is thought that t
hey work by increasing the
release of endorphins and enkephalins (see above). It is possible to implant ele
ctrodes within the epidural
space to stimulate directly the nerves as they traverse this space before passin
g into the spinal cord.
Physiotherapy is often used, particularly in the treatment of chronic backache,
where pain may be reduced
by improving posture and strengthening muscles with careful exercises. Relaxatio
n techniques and
psychotherapy are also used both to treat chronic pain and to help patients cope
better with their
disability. Some types of chronic pain are caused by injury to sympathetic nerve
s or may be relieved by
interrupting conduction in sympathetic nerves. This may be done in several ways.
The nerves may be blocked
using local anaesthetic or permanently destroyed using alcohol, phenol or by sur
gery. Many of these
techniques may be used in the management of cancer pain. Opioid drugs are often
used by a variety of routes
and methods, and management of these patients concentrates on the control of sym
ptoms and on providing a
good quality of life.
Palate The partition between the cavity of the mouth, below, and that of
the nose, above. It consists
of the hard palate towards the front, which is composed of a bony plate covered
below by the mucous
membrane of the mouth, above by that of the nose; and of the soft palate further
back, in which a muscular
layer, composed of nine small muscles, is similarly covered. The hard palate ext
ends a little further back

than the wisdom teeth, and is formed by the maxillary and palate bones. The soft
palate is concave towards
the mouth and convex towards the nose, and it ends behind in a free border, at t
he centre of which is the
prolongation known as the uvula. When food or air is passing through the mouth,
as in the acts of
swallowing, coughing, or vomiting, the soft palate is drawn upwards so as to tou
ch the back wall of the
throat and shut off the cavity of the nose. Movements of the soft palate, by cha
nging the shape of the
mouth and nose cavities, are important in the production of speech.
Palate, Malformations of The commonest deformity of the PALATE is cleft
palate, which is a result of
faulty embryonic development in which the two sides of the palate fail to fuse o
r only fuse in part. If the
cleft extends the full length with bilateral clefts at the front of the MAXILLA,
it may be accompanied by a
cleft lip (also called hare-lip) and disruption in the development of the front
teeth. About 1 in 500
babies is born with a cleft lip and 1 in 1,000 has a cleft palate. If the parent
s are affected, the risk is
three times that of the normal population; if one child has a deformity, the ris
k for a subsequent child is
higher. Associated abnormalities include tongue tie, malpositioning of the MANDI
BLE and fluid in the middle
EAR. Cleft palate and hare-lip should be rectified by operation, because both ar
e a serious drawback to
feeding in early life while later, harelip is a great disfigurement, and the voi
ce may be affected. The
lip may be dealt with at any time from the neonatal period to a few weeks, depen
ding on the individual
surgeons view of when the best result is likely to be achieved. Prior to operatio
n, special techniques may
be necessary to ensure adequate feeding such as the use of special teats in form
ula-fed babies. The closure
of a large cleft in the palate is a more formidable operation and is better perf
ormed when the face has
grown somewhat, perhaps at 612 months. The operations performed vary greatly in d
etails, but all consist
in paring the edges of the gap and drawing the soft parts together across it.

Further operations may be required over the years to improve the appeara
nce of the nose and lip, to
make sure that teeth are even, and to improve speech. Parents of such children c
an obtain help and advice
from the Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA).
Palilalia Also called paliphrasia, this means the involuntary repetition
of words or sentences. It is a
Palindromic An adjective describing symptoms or diseases that recur. For
example, palindromic
rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which symptoms wax and wane with periods
of complete remission.
Palliative A term applied to treatment that eases the symptoms of a diso
rder rather than curing the
condition. (See also HOSPICE; PALLIATIVE CARE.)
Palliative Care This is defined as comprehensive care of patients and fa
milies facing terminal illness.
The care focuses primarily on comfort and support. Such care includes: careful c
ontrol of symptoms,
especially PAIN. psychosocial and spiritual care. a personalised management plan
centred on the patients
needs and wishes. care that takes into account the familys needs and that is carr
ied into the bereavement
period. provision of coordinated services in the home, hospital, day-care centre
and other facilities used
by the patient. Palliative care should include: managing chronic cancer pain wit
h planned use of common
ANALGESICS including opioids (see SYRINGE DRIVERS); planning ahead to preserve a
s far as possible the
patients autonomy and choice as death approaches and the ability to make decision
s may decline; and an
understanding and use of artificial feeding and hydration. Palliative care seeks
to improve the
satisfaction of both patient and family, to identify their needs and, if possibl
e, to reduce the overall
cost because the patient can often be looked after at home or in a HOSPICE inste
ad of in hospital. A
well-publicised question that may arise in the context of palliative care is phy
sicianassisted suicide.
This subject is referred to in the entry on ETHICS. A request by a patient for

accelerated death may suggest that he or she is depressed a treatable co
ndition or that the
palliative care is inadequate and needs reviewing and, if possible, improving.
Pallidotomy Also known as pallidectomy, this is a neurosurgical procedur
e in which the activities of
the globus pallidus area of the BRAIN are destroyed or modified. The operation i
s sometimes used to relieve
the symptoms of PARKINSONISM and other neurological conditions in which involunt

ary movements are a

significant and disabling symptom.
Pallor Unusual paleness of the SKIN caused by a reduced flow of blood or
a deficiency in normal
pigments. Pallor may be a sign of fright, SHOCK, ANAEMIA, or other diseases.
Palpation Examination of the surface of the body and the size, shape, an
d movements of the internal
organs, by laying the flat of the hand upon the skin.
Palpebral Relating to the eyelid (see EYE).
Palpitation Forcible and/or irregular beating of the HEART such that the
person becomes conscious of
its action.
Causes As a rule, a person is not conscious of the beating of the heart
except when the nervous system
is unduly excited. A disorder of the rhythm of the heart (ARRHYTHMIA) may cause
palpitations. Sudden
emotions, such as fright, or overuse of tobacco, tea, coffee or alcohol may brin
g it on. Sometimes it may
appear in people with organic heart disease.
Symptoms There may simply be a fluttering of the heart and a feeling of
faintness, or the heart may be
felt pounding and the arteries throbbing, causing great distress. The subject ma
y be conscious of the heart
missing beats.
Treatment Although these symptoms can be unpleasant, they do not necessa
rily signify serious disease.
Moderate exercise is a good thing. If the person is a smoker, he or she should s
top. Tea, coffee, alcohol
or other stimulants should be taken sparingly. If symptoms persist or are severe
, the individual should see
a doctor and any underlying disorder should be investigated

530 Palsy
including by exercise ECG and treated. The BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DR
UGS are the most useful
drugs in controlling the palpitations of anxiety and those due to some cardiac a
rrhythmias. Another name
for PARALYSIS. CEREBRAL PALSY involves total or partial paralysis of a limb or l
imbs due to a perinatal or
early infancy brain lesion.
which digest proteins; AMYLASE, which converts starchy foods into the di
saccharide maltose; and LIPASE,
which breaks up fats. (See also DIGESTION.) Inadequate production of insulin by
the islets of Langerhans
leads to the condition known as DIABETES MELLITUS. In addition to insulin, anoth
er hormone is produced by
the pancreas: this is glucagon which has the opposite effect to insulin and rais
es the blood sugar by
promoting the breakdown of liver glycogen.
PanPancreas, Disorders of
A prefix meaning all or completely.
Panacea Panacea is a term applied to a remedy for all diseases, or more
usually to a remedy which
benefits many different diseases.
Pancarditis Inflammation of the pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium
at the same time (see HEART
A gland situated in the back of the abdomen, at the level of the first a
nd second lumbar vertebrae. It
lies behind the lower part of the stomach, an expanded portion called the head o
f the pancreas
occupying the bend formed by the duodenum or first part of the small intestine,
whilst a long portion
known as the body extends to the left, ending in the tail which rests against th
e spleen. A duct runs
through the whole gland from left to right, joined by many small branches in its
course, and, leaving the
head of the gland, unites with the bile duct from the liver to open into the sid
e of the small intestine
about 7510 cm (34 inches) below the outlet of the stomach. Scattered through the pa
ncreas are
collections of cells known as the ISLETS OF LANGERHANS, of which there are aroun
d a million in a normal
individual. These do not communicate with the duct of the gland, and the interna
l secretion of the pancreas
INSULIN is formed by these cells and absorbed directly into the blood.

Functions The most obvious function of the pancreas is the formation of

the pancreatic juice, which is
poured into the small intestine after the partially digested food has left the s
tomach. This is the most
important of the digestive juices, is alkaline in reaction, and contains (in add
ition to various salts)
four enzymes (see ENZYME) TRYPSIN and CHYMOTRYPSIN,
Pancreatic cancer The incidence of pancreatic cancer is rising: around 7
,000 cases are now diagnosed
annually in the UK, accounting for 12 per cent of all malignancies. There is an e
stablished association
with heavy cigarettesmoking, and the cancer is twice as common in patients with
diabetes mellitus as
compared with the general population. Cancer of the pancreas is hard to diagnose
; by the time symptoms
occur the tumour may be difficult to treat surgically with PALLIATIVE bypass sur
gery the only procedure.
Chronic pancreatitis may be painless; it leads to pancreatic failure cau
diabetes mellitus, and the pancreas becomes calcified with shadowing on X-RAYS.
The malabsorption is
treated by a lowfat diet with pancreatic enzyme supplements; the diabetes with i
nsulin; and pain is treated
appropriately. Surgery may be required.
Acute pancreatitis An uncommon disease of the pancreas which may start g
radually or suddenly, usually
accompanied by severe abdominal pain which often radiates through to the back. B
iliary tract disease and
alcohol account for 80 per cent of patients admitted with acute pancreatitis, wh
ile other causes include
drugs (see AZATHIOPRINE and DIURETICS) and infections such as MUMPS. Patients ar
e acutely ill with
TACHYCARDIA, fever and low blood pressure; many go into SHOCK. The condition may
be mistaken for a
perforated PEPTIC ULCER, except that in acute pancreatitis the blood concentrati
on of AMYLASE is raised.
The main complication is the formation of a PSEUDOCYST. Treatment includes intra
venous feeding,
ANTICHOLINERGIC drugs and ANALGESICS. Regular measurements of blood GLUCOSE, CAL
CIUM, amylase and blood
gases are required. Abdominal ULTRASOUND may

identify gall-stones (see under GALL-BLADDER, DISEASES OF). If the patie
nt deteriorates, he or she
should be admitted for intensive care as haemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis may be
developing. LAPAROTOMY and
DEBRIDEMENT may be called for. Mortality is 510%.
Pancreatin Pancreatin preparations (often in the form of a powder) conta
in the four powerful enzymes
(see ENZYME), trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, and amylase, which continue the dig
estion of foods started in
the stomach (see PANCREAS Functions; DIGESTION). They are given by mouth for the
relief of pancreatic
deficiency in conditions such as pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DISORDERS OF) and C
is also used for the preparation of pre-digested, or so-called peptonised, foods
, such as milk and some
starchy foods.
Pancytopenia A fall in the number of red ERYTHROCYTES and white LEUCOCYT
ES, as well as of platelets
(see BLOOD Composition). The condition is found in aplastic ANAEMIA, tumours of
the BONE MARROW, enlarged
SPLEEN, and other disorders.
Pandemic An EPIDEMIC that has spread so widely that very many people in
different countries are
affected. Examples include the Black Death the epidemic PLAGUE, caused by the ba
cterium Yersinia pestis,
that devastated European populations in the Middle Ages, killing more than a thi
rd of the people; and the
INFLUENZA pandemic of 191920 that killed more people than did World War I. AIDS/H
IV is currently pandemic.
Panic Attacks Panic attacks, or panic disorders, are recurrent short epi
sodes of acute distress. Some
sufferers may be mentally confused and fear impending death. Initially these att
acks tend to occur
unexpectedly but, if recurrent, they often become associated with certain places
such as a confined space
(lift) or among crowds. Symptoms include a feeling of breathing difficulties, in
cluding overbreathing,
PALPITATION, dizziness, sweating, faintness and pains in the chest. Attacks are
usually short (a few
minutes) but not often associated with physical illness, although victims may ha
ve an anxiety disorder
or PHOBIA. If troublesome or disabling, attacks can be treated symptomat
ically with short-term
ANXIOLYTICS or on a long-term basis with BEHAVIOUR THERAPY.
Panniculitis Inflammation of the subcutaneous fat (see FAT Body fat). It
may occur anywhere on the
body surface.

Pannus 1) Blood vessels growing into the cornea (see EYE) beneath its ep
ithelium. Seen in TRACHOMA and
to a lesser extent in patients who are long-term soft-contact-lens wearers. 2) I
nflammatory tissue which
Pantothenic Acid This plays an important part in the transfer of acetyl
groups in the bodys METABOLISM
and is one of the essential constituents of the diet. The daily requirement is p
robably around 10
milligrams. It is widely distributed in food stuffs, both animal and vegetable;
yeast, liver and eggyolk
are particularly rich sources. (See APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS.)
Papanicolaou Test See CERVICAL SMEAR.
Papaveretum The hydrochlorides of ALKALOIDS of OPIUM. Papaveretum relaxe
s smooth MUSCLE and has the
pain-relieving and narcotic effects of MORPHINE, but fewer side-effects. It is l
argely used to prepare
patients for ANAESTHESIA.
Papaverine A smooth-muscle (see MUSCLE) relaxant once used to treat IMPO
TENCE (erectile dysfunction).
The drug is injected directly into the corpora caverosa (spongy, blood-filled er
ectile tissue) of the
PENIS. Men with psychogenic or neurological impotence may respond to this treatm
ent. Its use is less common
since SILDENAFIL (Viagra ) was introduced for the treatment of erectile dysfunctio
Papilla A small projection, such as those with which the corium of the s
kin is covered, and which
project into the epidermis and make its union with the corium more intimate; or
those covering the tongue
and projecting from its surface.
Papillitis Inflammation of any
but especially of

532 Papilloedema
the prominence formed by the end of the optic nerve in the retina (see E
YE) also known as OPTIC
Papilloedema Swelling of the OPTIC DISC of the EYE, specifically due to
raised intracranial pressure.
It can be seen by examining the back of the eye using an OPHTHALMOSCOPE and is a
n important sign in
managing the care of patients with intracerebral disease such as tumours or MENI
Papilloma Proliferation of epidermis or epithelium (see SKIN) to form a
tumour. Benign papillomas are
common in the skin and are sometimes viral in origin. Papilloma of the urinary b
ladder may cause
Papova Viruses These include the human papilloma viruses (HPV), of which
nearly a hundred strains have
been identified. HPV cause verrucae (see WARTS) on skin and, less often, on the
mucous membranes of mouth,
larynx, genitalia and the cervix. Some strains may predispose to eventual cancer
Papule Small (less than 5 mm) solid elevation of the skin or mucous memb
ranes. A larger lesion is
called a nodule.
ParaA prefix meaning near, aside from, or beyond.
Para-Amino Salicylic Acid One of the early antituberculous (see TUBERCUL
OSIS) antibiotics. It tended to
cause DYSPEPSIA and has been replaced by newer antituberculous drugs with fewer
side-effects. The
first-line drugs for tuberculosis are now rifampicin, isoniazid, and ethambutol.
Paracentesis The puncture by hollow needle or TROCAR and CANNULA of any
body cavity (e.g. abdominal,
pleural, pericardial), for tapping or aspirating fluid. (See ASPIRATION.)
Paracetamol (US, acetaminophen.) A non-opioid analgesic (see ANALGESICS)
similar in efficacy to
aspirin, but without any demonstrable antiinflammatory activity. It also has the
advantage over aspirin of
causing less gastric irritation. It is indicated for mild to moderate pain and p
in a dose of 0.51g by mouth (maximum 4 doses every 24 hours).
Paracetamol Poisoning Paracetamol is one of the safest drugs when taken
in the correct dosage, but
overdose may occur inadvertently or deliberately. Initially there may be no symp
toms or there may be
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and pallor. Then, 1624 hours after ingestion, li
ver damage becomes
evident and by 72120 hours the patient may have JAUNDICE, COAGULATION abnormaliti

es, hepatic failure (see

d COMA. Treatment involves
the administration of antidotes such as METHIONINE (within 8 hours) orally or in
An overdose of paracetamol is a common choice of those attempting to commit suic
ide. Since the government
restricted the number of paracetamol tablets an individual may purchase over the
counter, the incidence of
people taking the drug in overdose with the intention of taking their lives has
fallen sharply.
Paradoxical Breathing The reverse of the normal movements of breathing (
see RESPIRATION). The chest
wall moves in instead of out when breathing in (inspiration), and out instead of
in when breathing out
(expiration). The spaces between the ribs are indrawn on inspiration a symptom s
een in children with
respiratory distress, say, as a result of ASTHMA or lung infections. Patients wi
PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) often suffer from paradoxical breathing; and trauma to
the rib cage, with
fractured sternum and ribs, also cause the condition. Treatment is of the underl
ying cause.
Paraesthesia A term applied to unusual feelings, apart from mere increas
e, or loss, of sensation,
experienced by a patient without any external cause: for example, hot flushes, n
umbness, tingling, itching.
Various paraesthesiae form a common symptom in some nervous diseases.
Paraffin The general name used to designate a series of saturated hydroc
arbon compounds derived from
petroleum. Liquid paraffin is used in the treatment of CONSTIPATION. Externally,
the hard and soft
paraffins are used in various consistencies, being very useful as OINTMENTS and

Paraganglion One of the small ovoid collections of cells occurring in th
e walls of the ganglia of the
s and sometimes secrete
Paragonimiasis A tropical disease found mainly in the Far East. It is ca
used by infections of the lungs
by a parasitic fluke called Paragonimus westermani. The infection is acquired by
eating insufficiently
cooked shellfish. The affected person has symptoms similar to those of chronic B
RONCHITIS; treatment is
with the drugs CHLOROQUINE and bithionol.
Paragraphia Misplacement of words, or of letters in words, or wrong spel
ling, or use of wrong words in
writing as a result of a lesion in the speech region of the BRAIN.
Parainfluenza Viruses These are included in the paramyxoviruses (see MYX
OVIRUSES) and divided into four
types, all of which cause infection of the respiratory system (see RESPIRATION).
Infection with type 3
begins in May, reaches a maximum in July or August and returns to base-line leve
l in October. Types 1 and 2
are predominantly winter viruses. Children are commonly affected and the manifes
tations include CROUP,
fever, and a rash.
Paraldehyde A clear, colourless liquid with a penetrating ethereal (see
ETHER) odour, paraldehyde may
be given by mouth, rectally, or occasionally in intramuscular injection. The dru
gs prime use is as a
hypnotic (see HYPNOTICS) in mentally unstable patients. It is also indicated as
an anticonvulsant in STATUS
EPILEPTICUS (after initial intravenous DIAZEPAM) and in TETANUS. Its unpleasant
taste restricts its use,
but this has the advantage that it usually prevents the patient from becoming an
addict. Caution is needed
when treating patients with bronchopulmonary disease or liver impairment; and in
tramuscular injection near
the sciatic nerve should be avoided, as it may cause severe CAUSALGIA. Adverse e
ffects include rashes; pain
and sterile ABSCESS after intramuscular injection; rectal irritation after ENEMA
Paralysis Paralysis, or
is loss of muscular power
due to some disorder of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. Weakness rather than total m
ovement loss is sometimes
described as paresis. Paralysis may be temporary or permanent and may be accompa
nied by loss of feeling.

Paralysis due to brain disease The most common form is unilateral palsy,
or HEMIPLEGIA, generally
arising from cerebral HAEMORRHAGE, THROMBOSIS or EMBOLISM affecting the opposite
side of the BRAIN. If all
four limbs and trunk are affected, the paralysis is called quadraplegia; if both
legs and part of the trunk
are affected, it is called paraplegia. Paralysis may also be divided into flacci
d (floppy limbs) or spastic
(rigid). In hemiplegia the cause may be an abscess, haemorrhage, thrombosis or T
UMOUR in the brain.
CEREBRAL PALSY or ENCEPHALITIS are other possible causes. Sometimes damage occur
s in the parts of the
nervous system responsible for the fine control of muscle movements: the cerebel
lum and basal ganglion are
such areas, and lack of DOPAMINE in the latter causes PARKINSONISM.
Damage or injury Damage to or pressure on the SPINAL CORD may paralyse m
uscles supplied by nerves below
the site of damage. A fractured spine or pressure from a tumour may have this ef
fect. Disorders affecting
the cord which can cause paralysis include osteoarthritis of the cervical verteb
2 deficiency (see APPENDIX
5: VITAMINS) may also cause deterioration in the spinal cord (see also SPINE AND
Neuropathies are a group of disorders, some inherited, that damage the p
eripheral nerves, thus
affecting their ability to conduct electrical impulses. This, in turn, causes mu
scle weakness or paralysis.
Among the causes of neuropathies are cancers, DIABETES MELLITUS, liver disease,
and the toxic consequences
of some drugs or metals lead being one example. Disorders of the muscles themsel
ves for example,
muscular dystrophy (see MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF Myopathy) can disturb their normal
working and so cause
partial or complete paralysis of the part(s) affected.
Treatment The aim of treatment should be to remedy the underlying cause
for example, surgical removal
of a displaced intervertebral

534 Paralysis
Brain and spinal cord, showing motor paths and positions of injuries cau
sing various forms of

disc or treating diabetes mellitus. Sometimes the cause cannot be rectif
ied but, whether treatable or
not, physiotherapy is essential to prevent joints from seizing up and to try to
maintain some tone in
muscles that may be only partly affected. With temporary paralysis, such as can
occur after a STROKE,
physiotherapy can retrain the sufferers to use their muscles and joints to ensur
e mobility during and after
recovery. Patients with permanent hemiplegia, paraplegia or quadraplegia need hi
ghly skilled nursing care,
rehabilitative support and resources, and expert help to allow them, if possible
, to live at home.
occasionally, infection may spread to produce a cerebral abscess or cere
bral venous sinus thrombosis
A generic title for the professions which work closely with or are repon
sible to the medical profession
in caring for patients. A paramedical worker, coloquially called a paramedic, has
skills, experience and
qualifications in certain spheres of health care. Examples are ambulance crew pr
imarily those trained to
deal with emergencies; physiotherapists (see PHYSIOTHERAPY); radiographers (see
dieticians (see DIETETICS).
A condition whose main characteristic is the delusion (see DELUSIONS) th
at other people are (in an
unclear way) connected to the affected individual. A sufferer from paranoia cons
tructs a complex of beliefs
based on his or her interpretation of chance remarks or events. Persecution, lov
e, jealousy and
self-grandeur are among the emotions evoked. Acute paranoia a history of less th
an six months may be
the result of drastic changes in a persons environment, such as war, imprisonment
, famine or even leaving
home for the first time. Chronic paranoia may be caused by brain damage, substan
ce abuse (including alcohol
and cannbis), SCHIZOPHRENIA or severe DEPRESSION. Those affected may become cons
tantly suspicious and angry
and tend to live an isolated existence, exhibiting difficult and odd behaviour.
Often believing themselves
to be normal, they do not seek treatment. If treated early with antipsychotic dr
ugs, they often recover; if
not, the delusions and accompanying erratic behaviour become entrenched. (See ME
A measurement of a certain factor for example, pulse rate, blood pressur
e, or haemoglobin

concentration that is relevant to a disorder under investigation. Often wrongly

used to describe the
range of test results.
A disorder or injury of the NERVOUS SYSTEM in which the affected individ
ual suffers from weakness in
both legs and sometimes of the muscles in the lower trunk.
Misplacement of words, or use of wrong words, in speech as a result of a
lesion in the speech region of
the BRAIN.
Paralysis agitans See PARKINSONISM.
A derangement of the MEMORY in which words are used without a comprehens
ion of their meaning; it is
also applied to illusions of memory in which a person in good faith imagines and
describes experiences
which never occurred to him or her.
Paranasal Sinus Sited within some of the bones of the SKULL, these are s
paces filled with air and lined
by MUCOUS MEMBRANE. The sinuses comprise frontal and maxillary (a pair of each),
ethmoidal (a group of
small spaces), and two sphenoid sinuses. They drain into the nasal cavities (see
NOSE). When a person has
an upper respiratory infection, the sinuses sometimes become infected: this caus
es pain, purulent discharge
from the nose and obstruction of the nasal passages (see SINUSITIS). Generally a
ll that is required is a
decongestant and antibiotic but,
Paraphimosis The constriction of the PENIS behind the glans by an abnorm
ally tight foreskin that has
been retracted. The condition causes swelling and severe pain. Sometimes the for
eskin can be returned by
manual manipulation after an ice pack has been applied to the glans or a topical
local anaesthetic applied.
Sometimes an operation to cut the foreskin is required.
Paraphrenia A form of PARANOIA. (See also MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Paraplegia PARALYSIS of the lower limbs, accompanied generally by paralysis of bladder and rectum.

536 Parapsychology
Parapsychology The branch of PSYCHOLOGY that studies extrasensory percep
tion. This includes
precognition (seeing into the future); psychokinesis (a supposed ability of some
people to move or change
the state of objects by thinking); telepathy (communicating thoughts from one pe
rson to another); and
clairvoyance (the ability to visualise events at a distance). These phenomena ha
ve no scientific
explanation and some of these abilities may be manifestations of mental illness su
CORD through certain nerve centres in the midbrain, medulla, and lower end of the cord. The nerves
are carried in the third,
seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves and the second, third
nerves. The action of the
parasympathetic system is usually antagonistic to that of the
. Thus it inhibits the
action of the HEART and augments the action of the INTESTINE;
hetic augments the action
of the heart and inhibits that of the intestine. (See diagram
parasympathetic nervous
systems under NERVOUS SYSTEM.)

from these centres

and fourth sacral
sympathetic system
whereas the sympat
of sympathetic and

Paraquat A contact herbicide widely used in agriculture and horticulture

. People using paraquat should
be careful to protect their eyes and skin so as not to come into contact with it
: a mouthful is enough to
kill, and the substance is involved in around 40 suicides annually in the UK. It
s major misuse has resulted
from its being decanted from the professional pack into softdrink bottles and ke
pt in the kitchen. Medical
assistance should be obtained as soon as possible, as some victims of poisoning
may require hospital
inpatient care, including renal DIALYSIS. Several medical centres have been set
up throughout the country
to provide treatment in cases of paraquat poisoning. Details of these can be obt
ained from the National
Poisons Information Service.
Parasite P
An organism which lives in or on another organism, known as the host. A
parasite derives all its
nourishment from the host but provides no benefits in return. It may damage the
hosts bodily functions and
in extreme cases cause the death of the host. Human parasites include WORMS, fun
and viruses (see VIRUS).
Parasiticide A general term applied to agents or substances destructive
to parasites (see PARASITE).
Parasuicide Non-fatal self-poisoning or self-injury, or attempted suicid
e. It is most common in the
1215 age group. As a rule, the intention is not to commit suicide but to sound a
cry for help to resolve

an acute domestic, social or personal upset.

Parasympathetic Nervous System That part of the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
which is connected with the
Parasympathomimetic A drug that stimulates the PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS S
YSTEM. The actions of such
drugs resemble those of ACETYLCHOLINE. Those cholinergic actions include stimula
tion of musculoskeletal
muscle, reduction in the heart rate, greater tension in involuntary (or smooth)
muscle, increasing
glandular secretions such as saliva, and constriction of the pupil of the EYE. M
certain disorders of the cardiovascular system, and intestinal or bladder malfun
ction are among the
conditions for which cholinergic drugs are prescribed.
Parathion One of the ORGANOPHOSPHORUS insecticides. It is highly toxic t
o humans and must therefore be
handled with the utmost care.
Parathyroid The grouping of four small glands, about 5 mm in diameter, w
hich lie to the side of and
behind the THYROID GLAND. These glands regulate the metabolism of calcium and of
phosphorus. If for any
reason there is a deficiency of the secretion of the parathyroid glands, the amo
unt of calcium in the blood
falls too low and the amount of phosphorus increases. The result is the conditio
n known as TETANY
characterised by restlessness and muscle spasms sometimes severe. The condition
is checked by the
injection of calcium gluconate, which causes an increase in the amount of calciu
m in the blood. The most
common cause of this condition (hypoparathyroidism) is accidental injury to or r
emoval of the glands during
the operation of thyroidectomy for the treatment of Graves disease (see THYROID G
Thyrotoxicosis). If there is over-production of the parathyroids, there will be
an increase of calcium in
the blood: this extra calcium is drawn from the bones, causing cysts to form wit

resulting bone fragility. This cystic disease of bone is known as OSTEIT
the parathyroid glands result in this overactivity of the parathyroid hormone, a
nd the resulting increase
in the amount of calcium in the blood leads to the formation of stones in the ki
dneys. The only available
treatment is surgical removal of the tumour. Increased activity of the parathyro
id glands, or
hyperparathyroidism, may cause stones in the kidneys. (See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF.
Paratyphoid Fever See ENTERIC FEVER.
Parenchyma A term meaning originally all the soft tissues of internal or
gans except their supporting
structures, although now reserved for the secreting cells of the glandular organ
Parenteral Administration of drugs by any route other than by the mouth
or by the bowel for example,
by intramuscular or intravenous injection or infusion.
Parenteral Nutrition In severely ill patients especially those who have
had major surgery or those
with SEPSIS, burns, acute pancreatitis (see PANCREAS, DISORDERS OF) and renal fa
ilure the bodys reserves
of protein become exhausted. This results in weight loss; reduction in muscle ma
ss; a fall in the serum
albumin (see ALBUMINS) and LYMPHOCYTE count; and an impairment of cellular IMMUN
ITY. Severely ill patients
are unable to take adequate food by mouth to repair the body protein loss so tha
t enteral or parenteral
nutrition is required. Enteral feeding is through the gastrointestinal tract wit
h the aid of a nasogastric
tube; parenteral nutrition involves the provision of carbohydrate, fat and prote
ins by intravenous
administration. The preferred route for the infusion of hyperosmolar solutions i
s via a central venous
catheter (see CATHETERS). If parenteral nutrition is required for more than two
weeks, it is advisable to
use a long-term type of catheter such as the Broviac, Hickman or extra-corporeal
type, which is made of
silastic material and is inserted via a long subcutaneous tunnel; this not only
helps to fix the catheter
but also minimises the risk of ascending infection. Dextrose is considered the b
est source of carbohydrate
and may be used as a 20 per cent or 50 per cent solution. AMINO ACIDS should be
in the laevo form and
should contain the cor537
rect proportion of essential (indispensable) and non-essential amino aci
ds. Preparations are available
with or without electrolytes and with or without fat emulsions. The main hazards
of intravenous feeding are
blood-borne infections made possible by continued direct access to the circulati
on, and biochemical

abnormalities related to the composition of the solutions infused. The continuou

s use of hypertonic
solutions of glucose can cause HYPERGLYCAEMIA and glycosuria and the resultant P
OLYURIA may lead to
dehydration. Treatment with INSULIN is needed when hyperosmolality occurs, and i
n addition the water and
sodium deficits will require to be corrected.
Paresis A state of partial PARALYSIS.
Parietal The term applied to anything pertaining to the wall of a cavity
: for example, parietal pleura,
the part of the pleural membrane which lines the wall of the chest.
Parietal Bone Either one of a pair of bones that form the top and sides
of the cranium of the SKULL.
Parietal Lobe A major section of each cerebral hemisphere (see BRAIN). T
he two lobes lie under the
parietal bones and contain the sensory cortex.
Parkinsonism Parkinsonism, or paralysis agitans, is a progressive diseas
e of insidious onset usually
occurring in the second half of life; it is much more common in men than in wome
n. Degenerative changes in
the basal ganglia (see BASAL GANGLION) lead to a deficiency in the NEUROTRANSMIT
occasionally in other neurotransmitters and it is this deficiency that is respon
sible for most cases. The
clinical picture is characterised by TREMOR, rigidity and poverty of spontaneous
movements. The loss of
natural play of expression in the face produces a mask-like expression. Rigidity
of the larynx, tongue and
lips produces a flat, expressionless voice. The most common symptom is tremor, o
ften affecting one hand,
spreading to the leg on the same side, then to the other limbs. It is more prono
unced in resting limbs and
is exaggerated by excitement, stopping during sleep. It may interfere with eatin
g and dressing. Limb
rigidity leads to an increasing tendency to stoop. The patient has a shuffling w
alk with a peculiar running

538 Paronychia
Treatment Several drugs are used to keep the condition under control. No
ne is curative, all have
side-effects, and finding the most suitable one for any individual depends large
ly on understanding
cooperation between family doctor and patient. Dopaminergic and antimuscarinic (
are used in treatment. Levodopa, a precursor of dopamine, is a long-used example
of the former; it produces
spectacular improvement in one-fifth and moderate improvement in twofifths of pa
tients. Benzhexol
hydrochloride is one of several antimuscarinic drugs used in Parkinsons disease;
selegiline is a
monoamineoxidase inhibitor used in severe parkinsonism in conjunction with levod
opa to reduce endof-dose
deterioration. Adverse effects include HYPOTENSION, nausea and vomiting, confusi
on, and agitation. Some
drugs used to treat other disorders produce Parkinsonian sideeffects. Patients s
eeking further advice and
help, together with their relatives, are advised to contact the Parkinsons Diseas
e Society of the UK.
The term applied to inflammation near the nail (see under SKIN). The inf
ection, usually caused by
Staphyloccous aureus (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS), may affect the tissues around the nai
l, including its root, and
sometimes spreads to the pulp of the affected finger or toe. The tendons that ru
n along the back of the
infected digit may occasionally become infected. Acute paronychia is the most co
mmon type, with local pain
and tenderness and swelling of the nail fold. Treatment is with ANTIBIOTICS or,
if an ABSCESS forms, local
surgery to release any pus. Sometimes infection may be caused by a virus, agains
t which antibiotics are
ineffective. If viral infection persists then antiviral drugs may eradicate it.
Chronic paronychia occurs
with reinfection of the nail bed. This is usually because the persons hands are r
egularly immersed in
water, making the skin vulnerable to infection. The finger should be kept dry an
d a dry dressing applied
accompanied by a course of antibiotics FLUCLOXACILLIN or a cephalosporin.
Parosmia A perverted sense of SMELL; everything may smell unpleasant to
the affected individual. The
most common cause is some septic condition of the nasal passages (see NOSE), but
the condition may
occasionally be due to a lesion in the BRAIN involving the centre responsible fo
r the sense of smell.
Parotid Gland One of the SALIVARY GLANDS. It is situated just in front o
f the ear, and its duct runs
forwards across the cheek to open into the interior of the mouth on a little pro
jection opposite the second
last tooth of the upper row. The parotid gland is generally the first of the sal
ivary glands to become

enlarged in MUMPS.
Parotitis Inflammation of the PAROTID GLAND caused by infection or by ma
Epidemic parotitis is another name for MUMPS.
Paroxetine One of the
IS) group. (See also MENTAL
Paroxysm A sudden temporary attack that may take the form of a convulsio
n or spasm. It may also occur
when a patient with a disease suddenly deteriorates.
Parrot Disease See PSITTACOSIS.
Parthenogenesis Non-sexual reproduction. In other words, development of
the OVUM into an individual
without fertilisation by a SPERMATOZOON. It is common in plants and has been pro
duced in animals
Partogram A method of recording the degree of dilatation, or opening, of
the cervix (or neck) of the
UTERUS in labour (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR) to assess how labour is progressing.
Parturition Labour see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.
Parvoviruses (from parvus, Latin for small) is a group of viruses respon
sible for outbreaks of WINTER
VOMITING DISEASE. One strain is the cause of ERYTHEMA infectiosum (slapped-cheek
PAS A commonly used abbreviation for PARA-AMINO SALICYLIC ACID.
Passive Movement A movement induced by someone other than

the patient. Physiotherapists (see PHYSIOTHERAPY) manipulate joints by p
assive movement in order to
retain and encourage function of a nerve or muscle that is not working normally
because of injury or
Pasteurella A group of bacilli. They are essentially animal parasites (s
ee PARASITE) that under certain
conditions are transmitted to humans, and include the micro-organism responsible
Pasteurisation A method of sterilising milk (see also MILK Preparation o
f milk). In many parts of the
world, pasteurisation has done away with milkborne infections, of which the most
serious is bovine
TUBERCULOSIS, affecting the glands, bones and joints of children. Other infectio
ns conveyed by milk are
SCARLET FEVER, DIPHTHERIA, ENTERIC FEVER (typhoid and paratyphoid), undulant fev
er (BRUCELLOSIS), and food
poisoning (e.g. from CAMPYLOBACTER, or the toxins of the STAPHYLOCOCCUS).
High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurisation consists of heating th
e milk at a temperature not
less than 717 C (161 F) for at least 15 seconds, followed by immediate cooling to a
temperature of not
more than 10 C (50 F).
shaped somewhat like an oyster-shell, lying in the tendon of the extenso
r muscle of the thigh, and
protecting the knee-joint in front. (See also KNEE.)
Patellar Reflex See REFLEX ACTION.
Patellar Tendinitis Also known as jumpers knee. Inflammation of the tendo
n of the extensor muscle of
the thigh, in which the PATELLA or knee-cap is secured. Usually the result of in
jury or excessive use or
stress for example, in athletic training symptoms include pain, tenderness and s
ometimes restricted
movement of the parent muscle. Treatment may include NON-STEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMAT
ULTRASOUND treatment and PHYSIOTHERAPY, and, if persistent, injection of a corti
costeroid drug (see
CORTICOSTEROIDS) around the tendon.
Patent In the medical context, a term meaning open for example, patent D
also used for proprietary MEDICINES which, because of the research and cost invo
lved in producing many of
them, are protected by a patent. This means that without an agreement, no compan
y or organisation other
than the patent-holder can produce the substance.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus See DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS.

Low-temperature pasteurisation, or
Pathoholder process, consists in maintaining the milk for at least half an hour
at a temperature between
63 and 65 C (145150 F), followed by immediate cooling to a temperature of not more
that 10 C (50 F).
This has the effect of considerably reducing the number of bacteria contained in
the milk, and of
preventing the diseases conveyed by milk as referred to above.
A prefix indicating relationship to a disease for example, PATHOLOGY, a
study of disease.
Patch Test This is used to identify possible substances that may be caus
ing a patients ALLERGY. Small
amounts of different substances are placed on the skin usually of the back or ar
m. If the patient is
allergic then a red flare and swelling will appear, usually within about 15 minu
tes. Sometimes the reaction
may take longer up to three days to develop.
Patella Also known as the knee-cap, this is a flat bone
Pathogenesis The ways in which a disease or disorder starts and develops
. The term applies in
particular to the physiological and cellular activities that are involved in the
mode of origin and
development of the condition.
Pathogenic This term means disease-producing, and is a term applied, for
example, to bacteria capable
of causing disease.
Pathogens Micro-organisms that cause diseases, parasitising plants, anim
als and humans (see PARASITE).
Some organisms are frequently PATHOGENIC, whereas others rarely cause disease. O
pportunistic pathogens are
those which rarely cause

540 Pathognomonic
serious infection in healthy people but can do so in patients with weake
ned immune systems
(immunocompromised see IMMUNITY). Pathogens include BACTERIA, viruses (see VIRUS
), prions (see PRION),
fungi (see FUNGUS), PROTOZOA and metazoa (multicellular microorganisms called HE
LMINTHS or worms). The
pathogenicity of an organism is called its virulence, which is measured by the n
umber of organisms required
to cause disease. The 50 per cent of lethal dose (LD50) is the quantity of a par
ticular pathogen needed to
cause infection in half of the hosts invaded.
Pathognomonic A term applied to signs or symptoms which are especially c
haracteristic of certain
diseases, and on the presence or absence of which the diagnosis depends. Thus th
e discovery of the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the sputum is said to be pathognomonic of pulmonar
y tuberculosis.
Pathology The science which deals with the causes of, and changes produc
ed in the body by, disease.
A person with injury, physical or mental disorder or disease, or abnorma
lity who comes into the care of
a health professional or of an institution responsible for providing care to suc
h persons. Professions more
politically correct than medicine have adopted the term client perhaps due to a mi
sunderstanding of the
meaning of the word, patient (I wait upon, i.e. I consult).
Patient Choice See ETHICS.
Patient Consent See ETHICS.
Patient-Controlled Analgesia A technique whereby a patient can deliver a
n analgesic substance (see
ANALGESICS) in amounts related to the extent of the PAIN that he or she is suffe
ring. For example, to
combat post-operative pain, some hospitals use devices which allow patients to g
ive themselves small
intravenous amounts of opiates when they are needed. Pain is more effectively co
ntrolled if it is not
allowed to reach a high level, a situation which tends to happen when patients r
eceive analgesics only on
ward drug rounds or when they ask the nursing staff for them.
Patient Empowerment At a personal level, the engagement of individuals i
n decisions about their health
and about the diagnosis, treatment and after-care of their illness, injuries and
other disorders. At a
public level, the engagement of all members of the public in the planning, provi
sion and performance of
their health-care services. Traditionally, at both personal and public levels, t
he patient has generally

been regarded as naturally subordinate to the politicians and managers who plan
and run the health-care
system(s), and to health professionals and medical institutions who provide pers
onal health care. The
public and patients are increasingly unwilling to accept this traditional model
and are asserting
themselves, for example through patient help groups, complaints, litigation and
local political action with
the aim of securing changes in how health care is organised and a much greater s
ay in their own care.
Paul-Bunnell Test A test for MONONUCLEOSIS which is based upon the fact
that patients with this disease
develop ANTIBODIES which agglutinate sheep red blood cells.
Peak Flow Meter A device that measures the rate at which an individual c
an expel air from the LUNGS.
This is an indication of the reserve in the capacity of the lungs. Narrowed airw
ays (bronchospasm) slow the
rate at which air can be expelled; the peak flow meter can assess the severity o
f the condition. ASTHMA
causes bronchospasm and the device can measure the effectiveness of treatment wi
this should be done regularly to monitor the progress of the disease.
Pectin A polysaccharide substance allied to STARCH, contained in fruits
and plants, and forming the
basis of vegetable jelly. It has been used as a TRANSFUSION fluid in place of bl
ood in cases of haemorrhage
and shock.
Pectoral Anything pertaining to the chest, or a remedy used in treating
chest troubles.
Pectoriloquy The resonance of the voice, when spoken or whispered words
can be clearly heard through
the stethoscope placed on the chest wall. It is a sign of consolidation, or of a
cavity, in the lung.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

A narrow tube of tissue formed by folded skin which links a piece of tis
sue used for surgical grafting
to its site of origin. A pedicle graft is used by the surgeon usually a reconstr
uctive/ plastic surgeon
when the site under repair is unsuitable for an independent graft, usually becau
se the blood supply at the
recipient site is inadequate. (See RECONSTRUCTIVE (PLASTIC) SURGERY.) A pedicle
is also found occurring
between a tumour and its tissue of origin, and the term is used in anatomy to re
fer to any slim tubular
A stalk-like structure that usually acts as a support.
Pediculocide A substance that kills Pediculosis capitis head louse (see
Pediculosis Infestation with lice, of which three species infect humans:
Pediculus humanus var. capitis (head louse) affects the scalp in childre
n or adults, particularly in
females. The adult louse may visit many heads in one day, especially in schoolgi
rls. It lays its eggs on
the scalp hair and the resulting nit grows out with the hair. Secondary infection
owing to scratching is
common in severe infestations, causing enlarged lymph glands in the posterior ne
ck and some general
debility. The lice and nits can be killed by applications of MALATHION 0.5 per c
ent lotion or PERMETHRIN 1
per cent lotion. After the hair is washed, application of a conditioner allows n
its to be removed with a
fine nit comb.
Pediculus pubis (crab louse) is broader and shorter than the head louse
and less mobile. Usually
transmitted sexually, it is found in the pubic area but may infect eyelashes and
other body hair. It is
easily seen, as are the large nits attached to the public hair: permethrin and m
alathion lotions are
Pediculus humanus var. corporis (body louse) differs from the head and c
rab louse in that it lives in
clothing and only goes on to the body to feed. Infestation is found in vagabonds
, armies in the field, or
prisoners in conditions where even minimal hygiene is impossible. The lice are f
ound in the seams of
clothing together with multiple eggs. Typically excoriation and pigmentation are
seen on the back of the
infested person. Replacement of clothing or autoclaving or hot ironing of the cl
othes is curative.

Peer Review The procedures used by doctors and scientists to review the
work, decisions and writings of
their professional colleagues peer groups. Reviewers of scientific papers are co
mmonly called referees,
and papers submitted to medical and scientific journals for publication are cust
omarily reviewed by one or
more experts in the subject(s) dealt with in the paper. The aim is to improve th
e quality of the study by
pointing out potential pitfalls or errors to the author(s), or to assist medical
-journal editors in
deciding which papers to prioritise for publication. Evidence that peer review i
s effective is mixed.
Applications for research grants are also usually subjected to peer review. (See
Pellagra A potentially fatal nutritional disorder caused by a deficiency
of vitamin B complex (niacin).
The symptoms are DERMATITIS, diarrhoea and DEMENTIA. The deficiency occurs mainl
y in poor people in
developing countries where maize is a prime constituent of the diet. Nicotinic a
cid in maize is in a bound
form that the consumer cannot utilise. Further, maize is deficient in the amino
acid, tryptophan, from
which the human body can make nicotinic acid (see AMINO ACIDS).
Treatment The disease is prevented or cured by adding to the diet, foods
such as fresh meat, eggs,
milk, liver, and yeast extracts, as well as nicotinic acid in addition to improv
ing the general
conditions of life.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) An infection of the endometrium (membr
aneous lining) of the UTERUS,
FALLOPIAN TUBES and adjacent structures caused by the ascent of micro-organisms
from the vulva and vagina.
Around 100,000 women develop PID each year in the UK; most of those affected are
under 25 years of age.
Infection is commonly associated with sexual intercourse; Chlamydia trachomatis
(see CHLAMYDIA) and
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (see NEISSERIACEAE) are the most common pathogens. Althoug
h these bacteria initiate
PID, opportunistic bacteria such as STREPTOCOCCUS and bacteroides often replace
them. The infection may be
silent with no obvious symptoms or symptoms may be

542 Pelvimetry
troublesome, for example, vaginal discharge and sometimes a palpable mas
s in the lower abdomen. If a
LAPAROSCOPY is done usually by endoscopic examination overt evidence of PID is f
ound in around 65 per
cent of suspected cases. PID may be confused with APPENDICITIS, ECTOPIC PREGNANC
Y and PID is a common
cause of such pregnancies ovarian cyst (see OVARIES, DISEASES OF) and inflammato
ry disorders of the
intestines. Treatment is with a combination of ANTIBIOTICS that are active again
st the likely pathogens,
accompanied by ANALGESICS. Patients may become seriously ill and require hospita
l care, where surgery is
sometimes required if conservative management is unsuccessful. All women who hav
e PID should be screened
for sexually transmitted disease and, if this is present, should be referred wit
h their partner(s) to a
genito-urinary medicine clinic. Up to 20 per cent of women who have PID become i
nfertile, and there is a
sevento ten-fold greater risk of an ectopic pregnancy occurring.
Pelvimetry Measurement of the internal dimensions of the PELVIS. The fou
r diameters measured are:
transverse, anterioposterior, and left and right oblique. These measurements hel
p to establish whether a
fetus can be delivered normally. If the outlet is abnormally small, the mother w
ill have to be delivered by
Pelvis The bony pelvis consists of the two hip bones, one on each side,
with the sacrum and coccyx
behind. It connects the lower limbs with the spine. In the female it is shallowe
r than in the male and the
ilia are more widely separated, giving great breadth to the hips of the woman; t
he inlet is more circular
and the outlet larger; whilst the angle beneath the pubic bones (subpubic angle)
, which is an acute angle
in the male, is obtuse in the female. All these points are of importance in conn
ection with childbearing.
The contents of the pelvis are the urinary bladder and rectum in both sexes; in
addition the male has the
seminal vesicles and the prostate gland surrounding the neck of the bladder, whi
lst the female has the
womb, ovaries, and their appendages. A second meaning is as in renal pelvis that
part of the collecting
system proximal to the URETER which collects urine from the renal pyramids (see
Pemphigoid See PEMPHIGUS.
Pemphigus Autoimmune disease of the SKIN in which the cells of the epide
rmis lose their adhesion to
each other, resulting in blister formation.
Pemphigus vulgaris is a serious form affecting skin and MUCOUS MEMBRANE.
It affects young and
middle-aged people with widespread blistering, erosion and crusting of the skin.

Extensive involvement of
the lips, mouth and throat interfere with nutrition. Untreated, it is eventually
fatal, but the disease can
now be controlled by large doses of oral CORTICOSTEROIDS and other immunosuppres
sive drugs. MORBIDITY from
the adverse effects of steroids is a serious problem, but some patients are even
tually cured.
Pemphigus foliaceus is seen in the elderly; the blistering is more super
ficial in the epidermis. It may
be very widespread, but is not life-threatening because mucous membranes are not
affected. Topical
corticosteroids will sometimes control the eruption, but in severe cases treatme
nt is as for pemphigus
Pemphigoid is a variant where the blistering occurs because of separatio
n of the epidermis and dermis.
Mucosae are rarely affected and the disease affects mainly the arms and legs in
the elderly. Treatment is
as for pemphigus but smaller doses of corticosteroids usually suffice.
Penicillamine A metabolite of PENICILLIN which is one of the CHELATING A
GENTS. It is sometimes used in
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS that has not responded to the first-line remedies and it is
particularly useful when
the disease is complicated by VASCULITIS. Penicillamine is also used as an antid
ote to poisoning by heavy
metals, particularly copper and lead, as it is able to bind these metals and so
remove their toxic effects.
Because of its ability to bind copper it is also used in WILSONS DISEASE where th
ere is a deficiency in
the copper-binding protein so that copper is able to become deposited in the bra
in and liver, damaging
these tissues.
Penicillin The name given by Sir Alexander Fleming, in 1929, to an antib
acterial substance produced by
the mould Penicillium notatum. The story of penicillin is one of the most dramat
ic in the history of
medicine, and its introduction into

medicine initiated a new era in therapeutics comparable only to the intr
oduction of ANAESTHESIA by
Morton and Simpson and of ANTISEPTICS by Pasteur and Lister. The two great advan
tages of penicillin are
that it is active against a large range of bacteria and that, even in large dose
s, it is non-toxic.
Penicillin diffuses well into body tissues and fluids and is excreted in the uri
ne, but it penetrates
poorly into the cerebrospinal fluid. Penicillin is a beta-lactam antibiotic, one
of a group of drugs that
also includes CEPHALOSPORINS. Drugs of this group have a fourpart beta-lactam ri
ng in their molecular
structure and they act by interfering with the cellwall growth of mutliplying ba
cteria. Among the organisms
to which it has been, and often still is, active are: streptococcus, pneumococcu
s, meningococcus,
gonococcus, and the organisms responsible for syphilis and for gas gangrene (for
more information on these
organisms and the diseases they cause, refer to the separate dictionary entries)
. Most bacteria of the
genus staphylococcus are now resistant because they produce an enzyme called PEN
ICILLINASE that destroys
the antibiotic. A particular problem has been the evolution of strains resistant
to methicillin a
derivative originally designed to conquer the resistance problem. These bacteria
, known as
pecially after major
surgery. Some are also resistant to other antibiotics such as vancomycin. An imp
ortant side-effect of
penicillins is hypersensitivity which causes rashes and sometimes ANAPHYLAXIS, w
hich can be fatal.
Forms of penicillin These include the following broad groups: benzylpeni
cillin and
phenoxymethyl-penicillin; penicillinaseresistant penicillins; broad-spectrum pen
icillins; antipseudomonal
penicillins; and mecillinams. BENZYLPENICILLIN is given intramuscularly, and is
the form that is used when
a rapid action is required. PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLIN (also called penicillin V) i
s given by mouth and used
in treating such disorders as TONSILLITIS. AMPICILLIN, a broad-spectrum antibiot
ic, is another of the
penicillins derived by semisynthesis from the penicillin nucleus. It, too, is ac
tive when taken by mouth,
but its special feature is that it is active against gram-negative (see GRAMS STA
IN) micro-organisms such
as E. coli and the salmonellae. It has been superceded by amoxicillin to the ext
ent that prescriptions for
ampicillin written by GPs in the UK to be dis543
pensed to children have fallen by 95 per cent in the last ten years. CAR
BENICILLIN, a semi-synthetic
penicillin, this must be given by injection, which may be painful. Its main use
is in dealing with
infections due to Pseudomonas pyocanea. It is the only penicillin active against

this micro-organism which

can be better dealt with by certain non-penicillin antibiotics. PIPERACILLIN AND
carboxypenicillins used to treat infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Proteus spp.
FLUCLOXACILLIN, also a semi-synthetic penicillin, is active against penicillin-r
esistant staphylococci and
has the practical advantage of being active when taken by mouth. TEMOCILLIN is a
penicillinase-resistant penicillin, effective against most gram-negative bacteri
a. AMOXICILLIN is an oral
semi-synthetic penicillin with the same range of action as ampicillin but less l
ikely to cause
side-effects. MECILLINAM is of value in the treatment of infections with salmone
llae (see FOOD POISONING),
including typhoid fever, and with E. coli (see ESCHERICHIA). It is given by inje
ction. There is a
derivative, pivmecillinam, which can be taken by mouth. TICARCILLIN is a carboxy
penicillin used mainly for
serious infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, though it is also active ag
ainst some gram-negative
bacilli. Ticarcillin is available only in combination with clarulanic acid.
Penicillinase A bacterial ENZYME capable of neutralising the antibacteri
al properties of PENICILLIN and
other beta-lactam antibiotics such as the CEPHALOSPORINS. Most staphylococci are
now resistant to
benzylpenicillin because they produce this enzyme; cloxacillin, flucloxacillin a
nd temocillin are not
Penis The male organ through which the tubular URETHRA runs from the nec
k of the URINARY BLADDER to the
exterior at the meatus or opening. URINE and SEMEN are discharged along the uret
hra, which is surrounded by
three cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue, two of which (corpora cavernosa) li
e adjacent to each other
along the upper length of the penis and one (corpus spongiosum) lies beneath the
m. Normally the penis hangs
down in a flaccid state in front of the SCROTUM. When a man is sexually aroused
the erectile tissue, which
is of spongy constituency and well supplied with small blood vessels, becomes en
gorged with blood.

544 Pentamidine
This makes the penis erect and ready for insertion into the womans vagina
in sexual intercourse. The
end of the penis, the glans, is covered by a loose fold of skin the foreskin or
PREPUCE which retracts
when the organ is erect. The foreskin is sometimes removed for cultural or medic
al reasons. A common
congenital disorder of the penis is HYPOSPADIAS, in which the urethra opens some
where along the under side;
it can be repaired surgically. BALANITIS is inflammation of the glans and foresk
in. (See also REPRODUCTIVE
Pentamidine A drug that is used in the prevention and treatment of Afric
an trypanosomiasis (see
SLEEPING SICKNESS), and in the treatment of LEISHMANIASIS.
next to one another. Still more valuable evidence is given by AUSCULTATI
Percutaneous Any method of administering remedies by passing them throug
h the SKIN, as by rubbing in an
ointment or applying a patch containing a drug.
Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiopancreatography (PTC) A technique for
displaying the bile ducts (see
BILE DUCT) and pancreatic ducts (see PANCREAS) with radio-opaque dyes. These are
introduced via a catheter
(see CATHETERS) inserted into the ducts through an incision in the skin. An X-ra
y is then taken of the
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
An ENZYME found in the gastric juice which digests proteins, converting
them into peptides (see
PEPTIDE) and AMINO ACIDS. It is used in the preparation of predigested foods (PE
frequently, taken orally after meals. Available as a white powder or liquid, it
is prepared from the mucous
membrane of cow, sheep, or pig stomachs.
A treatment for a stenosed (restricted) coronary artery (see ARTERIES).
A balloon-tipped catheter (see
CATHETERS) is passed through an incision in the skin of the chest into the arter
y of the HEART that has
developed stenosis (narrowing). The balloon is aligned with the stenosed section
and then inflated to
dilate the coronary artery and allow the blood to flow more freely.
Peptic Ulcer
The term commonly applied to ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. (See DU


The perforation of one of the hollow organs of the abdomen or major bloo
d vessels may occur
spontaneously in the case of an ulcer or an advanced tumour, or may be secondary
to trauma such as a knife
wound or penetrating injury from a traffic or industrial accident. Whatever the
cause, perforation is a
surgical emergency. The intestinal contents, which contain large numbers of bact
eria, pass freely out into
the abdominal cavity and cause a severe chemical or bacterial PERITONITIS. This
is usually accompanied by
severe abdominal pain, collapse or even death. There may also be evidence of fre
e fluid or gas within the
abdominal cavity. Surgical intervention, to repair the leak and wash out the con
tamination, is often
necessary. Perforation or rupture of major blood vessels, whether from disease o
r injury, is an acute
emergency for which urgent surgical repair is usually necessary. Perforation of
hollow structures elsewhere
than in the abdomen for example, the heart or oesophagus may be caused by congen
ital weaknesses,
disease or injury. Treatment is usually surgical but depends on the cause.
Peptide A compound formed by the union of two or more AMINO ACIDS.
Peptonised Foods Foods which have been predigested by PANCREATIN and the
reby rendered more digestible.
Percussion An aid to diagnosis practised by striking the patients body wi
th the fingers, in such a way
as to make it give out a note. It was introduced in 1761 by Leopold Auenbrugger
(17221809) of Vienna, the
son of an innkeeper, who derived the idea from the habit of his father tapping c
asks of wine to ascertain
how much wine they contained. According to the degree of dullness or resonance o
f the note, an opinion can
be formed as to the state of CONSOLIDATION of air-containing organs, the presenc
e of abnormal cavities in
organs, and the dimensions of solid and air-containing organs, which happen to l

Perinatal Mortality
The transfer of fluid through a tissue. For example, when blood passes t
hrough the lung tissue,
dissolved oxygen perfuses from the moist air in the alveoli to the blood. Fluid
may also be deliberately
introduced into a tissue by injecting it into the blood vessels supplying the ti
ssue. It is used as a sign
of how adequate the circulation is at the time of illness. Poor peripheral perfu
sion, a sign of circulatory
collapse or shock, is recognised by pressing on the skin to force blood from cap
illaries. The time it takes
for them to refill and the skin to become pink is noted: more than 5 seconds, an
d the circulation is likely
to be compromised.
Perinatal mortality consists of deaths of the FETUS after the 28th week
of pregnancy and deaths of the
newborn child during the first week of life. Today, more individuals die within
a few hours of birth than
during the following 40 years. It is therefore not surprising that the perinatal
mortality rate, which is
the number of such deaths per 1,000 total births, is a valuable indicator of the
quality of care provided
for the mother and her newborn baby. In 2002, the perinatal mortality rate was 7
.87 in the United Kingdom
compared with 11.4 in 1982 and over 30 in the early 1960s. The causes of perinat
al mortality include
extreme prematurity, intrapartum anoxia (that is, difficulty in the birth of the
baby, resulting in lack of
oxygen), congenital abnormalities of the baby, and antepartum anoxia (that is, c
onditions in the terminal
stages of pregnancy preventing the fetus from getting sufficient oxygen). The mo
st common cause of
perinatal death is some complication of placenta, cord or membranes. The next mo
st common is congenital
abnormality. Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia comprise the third most com
mon cause.
PeriA prefix meaning around.
Periarteritis Nodosa See POLYARTERITIS NODOSA.
Pericarditis Acute or chronic inflammation of the PERICARDIUM, the membr
anous sac that surrounds the
HEART. It may occur on its own or as part of PANCARDITIS, when inflammation also
affects the MYOCARDIUM and
ENDOCARDIUM (membranous lining of the inside of the heart). Various causes inclu
de virus infection, cancer
Pericardium The smooth membrane that surrounds the
Perineum Popularly called the crotch, or crutch, this is the region situ

ated between the opening of the

bowel behind and of the genital organs in front. In women it becomes stretched i
n childbirth, and the
vaginal opening may tear or need to be cut (see EPISIOTOMY) to facilitate delive
ry of the baby.
Inflammation of CARTILAGE and the tissue surrounding it, usually as a re
sult of chronic infection.
Perimetritis A localised inflammation of the surrounding the UTERUS.
Periodontal An adjective that relates to the tissues around the TEETH.
Periodontal Membrane See TEETH.
Perioperative Cell Salvage
A test of the visual fields of the EYE that assesses the extent of perip
heral vision. The procedure
does not normally form part of a routine test of vision but can be of value in a
ssessing neurological
diseases such as tumour of the brain.
A method of autologous blood TRANSFUSION using a patients own blood, salv
aged during a surgical
operation instead of conventional blood-bank transfusion.
The membrane surrounding a BONE. The periosteum carries blood vessels an
d nerves for the nutrition and
development of the bone. When it is irritated, an increased deposit of bone take
A term applied to the period starting a few weeks before birth, the birt
h itself and the week or two
following it.

546 Periostitis
place beneath it; if it is destroyed, the bone may cease to grow and a p
ortion may die and separate as
a sequestrum.
Periostitis Periostitis means inflammation on the surface of a BONE, aff
ecting the PERIOSTEUM. (See
Peripheral-Blood Stem-Cell Transplants
These have almost completely replaced BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT, used to tr
eat malignancies such as
LEUKAEMIA and LYMPHOMA for the past 20 years. The high doses of CHEMOTHERAPY or
RADIOTHERAPY used to treat
these diseases destroy the bone marrow which contains stem cells from which all
the blood cells derive. In
1989 stem cells were found in the blood during recovery from chemotherapy. By gi
ving growth factors
(cytokines), the number of stem cells in the blood increased for about three to
four days. In a
peripheral-blood stemcell transplant, these cells can be separated from the peri
pheral blood, without a
general anaesthetic. The cells taken by either method are then frozen and return
ed intravenously after the
chemotherapy or radiotherapy is completed. Once transplanted, the stem cells usu
ally take less than three
weeks to repopulate the blood, compared to a month or more for a bone marrow tra
nsplant. This means that
there is less risk of infection or bleeding during the recovery from the transpl
ant. The whole procedure
has a mortality risk of less than 5 per cent half the risk of a bone marrow tran
Peripheral Nervous System See NERVOUS SYSTEM.
Peripheral Neuritis Inflammation of the nerves (see NERVE) in the outlyi
ng parts of the body. (See
Peripheral Vascular Disease The narrowing of the blood vessels in the le
gs and, less commonly, in the
arms. Blood flow is restricted, with pain occurring in the affected area. If the
blood supply is seriously
reduced, GANGRENE of the tissues supplied by the affected vessel(s) may occur an
d the limb may need to be
amputated. The common cause is ATHEROSCLEROSIS which may be brought on by HYPERT
ENSION, excessively fatty
diet, poorly controlled DIABETES MELLITUS or smoking the latter being the bigges
t risk factor, with 90
per cent of affected patients having been moderate to heavy smokers. Stopping sm
oking is essential;
adequate exercise and a low-fat diet
are important measures. Surgery may be required.
Peristalsis The worm-like movement by which the stomach and bowels prope

l their contents. It consists

of alternate waves of relaxation and contraction in successive parts of the inte
stinal tube. Any
obstruction to the movement of the contents causes these contractions to become
more forcible and are often
accompanied by the severe form of pain known as COLIC.
Peritoneoscopy See LAPAROTOMY.
Peritoneum The serous membrane of the abdominal cavity. The parietal per
itoneum lines the walls of the
abdomen and the visceral peritoneum covers the abdominal organs. The two are con
tinuous with one another at
the back of the abdomen and form a complicated closed sac (see MESENTERY; OMENTU
M). A small amount of fluid
is always present to lubricate the membrane, while a large amount collects in co
nditions associated with
Peritonitis Inflammation of the PERITONEUM. It may be acute or chronic,
localised or generally
diffused, and its severity and danger may vary according to the cause.
Acute peritonitis generally arises because bacteria enter the peritoneal
cavity, from penetrating
wounds, e.g. stabs, from the exterior or from the abdominal organs. Hence condit
ions leading to perforation
of the STOMACH, INTESTINE, BILE DUCT, URINARY BLADDER, and other hollow organs s
uch as gastric ulcer (see
STOMACH, DISEASES OF), typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), gall-stones (see under
rupture of the bladder, strangulated HERNIA, and obstructions of the bowels, may
lead to peritonitis.
Numerous bacteria may cause the inflammation, most common being E. coli, strepto
cocci and the gonococcus.
The symptoms usually begin with a RIGOR together with fever, vomiting, severe ab
dominal pain and
tenderness. Shock develops and the abdominal wall becomes rigid. If untreated th
e patient usually dies.
Urgent hospital admission is required. X-ray examination may show gas in the per
itoneal cavity. Treatment
consists of intravenous fluids, antibiotics and surgical repair of the causative
condition. Such

Personality Disorder
treatment, together with strong analgesics is usually successful if star
ted soon enough.
Peritonsillar Abscess The term applied to a collection of pus or an ABSC
ESS which occurs complicating
an attack of TONSILLITIS. The collection of pus forms between the tonsil and the
superior constrictor
muscle of the pharynx. This condition is also known as quinsy; treatment drainag
e of the abscess and the
administration of appropriate antibiotics.
Permethrin Along with phenothrin, this is a largely nontoxic pyrethroid
insecticide, effective in
SCABIES and lice infestations. Resistance may develop to these insecticides and
also to MALATHION and
CARBARYL, in which case topical treatment should be alternated among the differe
nt varieties.
Pernicious Anaemia An autoimmune disease in which sensitised lymphocytes
(see LYMPHOCYTE) destroy the
parietal cells of the STOMACH. These cells normally produce intrinsic factor, wh
ich is the carrier protein
for vitamin B12 that permits its absorption in the terminal ileum. Without intri
nsic factor, vitamin B12
cannot be absorbed and this gives rise to a macrocytic ANAEMIA. The skin and muc
osa become pale and the
tongue smooth and atrophic. A peripheral NEUROPATHY is often present, causing pa
raesthesiae (see under
TOUCH), numbness and even ATAXIA. The more severe neurological complication of s
ub-acute combined
degeneration of the cord is fortunately more rare. The anaemia gets its name fro
m the fact that before the
discovery of vitamin B12 it was uniformly fatal. Now a monthly injection of vita
min B12 is all that is
required to keep the patient healthy.
Peroneal The name given to structures, such as the muscles, and nerves,
on the outer or fibular side of
the leg.
Perphenazine See PHENOTHIAZINES.
Perseveration Perseveration is the senseless repetition of words or deed
s by a person with a disordered
Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) PVS may occur in patients with severe
damage from HYPOXIA or injury. Patients do not display any
their surroundings, and are
unable to communicate. Sleep alternates with apparent wakefulness,
lexes (see REFLEX ACTION)
may be present: for example, patients eyes may reflexly follow or
d, their limbs can
reflexly withdraw from pain, and their hands can reflexly grope or

awareness of
when some ref
respond to soun
grasp. Patien

ts can breathe
spontaneously, and retain normal heart and kidney function, although they are do
ubly incontinent (see
INCONTINENCE). For a diagnosis of PVS to be made, the state should have continue
d for more than a
predefined period, usually one month. Half of patients die within 26 months, but
some can survive for
longer with artificial feeding. To assess a persons level of consciousness, a num
erical marking system
rated according to various functions eye opening, motor and verbal responses has
been established
called the GLASGOW COMA SCALE. The ETHICS of keeping patients alive with artific
ial support are
controversial. In the UK, a legal ruling is usually needed for artificial suppor
t to be withdrawn after a
diagnosis of PVS has been made. The chances of regaining consciousness after one
year are slim and, even if
patients do recover, they are usually left with severe neurological disability.
PVS must be distinguished
from conditions which appear similar. These include the LOCKED-IN SYNDROME which i
s the result of damage
to the brain stem (see BRAIN). Patients with this syndrome are conscious but una
ble to speak or move except
for certain eye movements and blinking. The psychiatric state of CATATONIA is an
other condition in which
the patient retains consciousness and will usually recover.
Personality Disorder Condition in which the individual fails to learn fr
om experience or to adapt to
changes. The outcome is impaired social functioning and personal distress. There
are three broad
overlapping groups. One group is characterised by eccentric behaviour with paran
oid or schizoid overtones.
The second group shows dramatic and emotional behaviour with self-centredness an
d antisocial behaviour as
typical components of the disorder. In the third group, anxiety and fear are the
main characteristics,
which are accompanied by dependency and compulsive behaviour. These disorders ar
e not classed as illnesses
but psychotherapy and behavioural therapy may help. The individuals affected are
notoriously resistant to
any help that is offered,

548 Perspiration
tending to blame other people, circumstances or bad luck for their persi
stent difficulties. (See MENTAL
Perspiration Commonly called sweat, it is an excretion from the SKIN, pr
oduced by microscopic
sweatglands, of which there are around 25 million, scattered over the surface. Th
ere are two different
types of sweat-glands, known as eccrine and apocrine. Insensible (that is unnoti
ced) perspiration takes
place constantly by evaporation from the openings of the sweat-glands, well over
a litre a day being
produced. Sensible perspiration (that is, obvious) to which the term sweat is usua
lly confined occurs
with physical exertion and raised body temperature: up to 3 litres an hour may b
e produced for short
periods. Normal sweating maintains the body within its customary temperature ran
ge and ensures that the
skin is kept adequately hydrated for example, properly hydrated skin of the palm
helps the effectiveness
of a persons normal grip. The chief object of perspiration is to maintain an even
body temperature by
regulating the heat lost from the body surface. Sweating is therefore increased
by internally produced
heat, such as muscular activity, or external heat. It is controlled by two types
of nerves: vasomotor,
which regulate the local blood flow, and secretory (part of the sympathetic nerv
ous system) which directly
influence secretion.
Eccrine sweat is a faintly acid, watery fluid containing less than 2 per
cent of solids. The eccrine
sweat-glands in humans are situated in greatest numbers on the soles of the feet
and palms of the hands,
and with a magnifying glass their minute openings or pores can be seen in rows o
ccupying the summit of each
ridge in the skin. Perspiration is most abundant in these regions, although it a
lso occurs all over the
body. Apocrine sweat-glands These start functioning at puberty and are found in
the armpits, the eyelids,
around the anus in association with the external genitalia, and in the areola an
d nipple of the breast.
(The glands that produce wax in the ear are modified apocrine glands.) The flow
of apocrine sweat is evoked
by emotional stimuli such as fear, anger, or sexual excitement.
Abnormalities of perspiration
Decreased sweating may occur in the early stages
of fever, in diabetes, and in some forms of glomerulonephritis (see KIDN
EYS, DISEASES OF). Some people
are unable to sweat copiously, and are prone to HEAT STROKE. EXCESSIVE SWEATING,
caused by fever, hyperthyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF), obesity, diab
etes mellitus, or an

anxiety state. Offensive perspiration, or bromidrosis, commonly occurs on the ha

nds and feet or in the
armpits, and is due to bacterial decomposition of skin secretions. A few people,
however, sweat over their
whole body surface. For most of those affected, it is the palmar and/or axillary
hyperhidrosis that is the
major problem. Conventional treatment is with an ANTICHOLINERGIC drug. This bloc
ks the action of
ACETYLCHOLINE (a neurotransmitter secreted by nerve-cell endings) which relaxes
some involuntary muscles
and tightens others, controlling the action of sweat-glands. But patients often
stop treatment because they
get an uncomfortably dry mouth. Aluminium chloride hexahydrate is a topical trea
tment, but this can cause
skin irritation and soreness. Such antiperspirants may help patients with modera
te hyperhidrosis, but those
severely affected may need either surgery or injections of BOTULINUM TOXIN to de
stroy the relevant
sympathetic nerves to the zones of excessive sweating.
Perthes Disease A condition of the hip in children, due to death and frag
mentation of the epiphysis
(or spongy extremity) of the head of the femur. The cause is not known. The dise
ase occurs in the 410 year
age-group, with a peak between the ages of six and eight; it is ten times more c
ommon in boys than girls,
and is bilateral in 10 per cent of cases. The initial sign is a lurching gait wi
th a limp, accompanied by
pain. Treatment consists of limiting aggressive sporting activity which may caus
e intact overlying
CARTILAGE to loosen. Where there are no mechanical symptoms and MRI scanning sho
ws that the cartilage is
intact, only minor activity modification may be necesssary but for several month
s or even years. Any
breach in the cartilage is dealt with at ARTHROSCOPY by fixing or trimming any l
oose flaps. Eventually the
disease burns itself out.
Pertussis Another name for WHOOPING-COUGH.
Pes Cavus Known popularly as claw-foot, this is a deformity in which the
foot has an abnormally high
arch and the tips of the toes are turned under.

Pes cavus may be present at birth or it can be caused by disruption of o
r damage to the blood and nerve
supplies to the foot muscles. The use of a specially made insole in the shoe may
help, but surgery is
sometimes needed.
Pes Planus The technical name for FLAT-FOOT.
Pessaries (1) A plastic device placed in the VAGINA designed to support
a displaced UTERUS. (2) A
suppository suitably shaped for insertion into the vagina. Made of oil of theobr
omine or a glycerin basis,
they are used for applying local treatment to the vagina.
Pesticides Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventin
g or controlling unwanted
species of plants and animals. This includes any substances intended for use as
plant-growth regulators,
defoliants or desiccants. The main groups of pesticides are: herbicides to contr
ol weeds; insecticides to
control insects; and fungicides to control or prevent fungal disease.
Petechiae Small red MACULES due to haemorrhage in the skin. They may be
caused by trauma such as by
tight pressure, as in strangulation or even by the effect of violent coughing. B
leeding and clotting
disorders may provoke petechiae, and they are a feature of many childhood viral
infections. Most
importantly they may be a sign of SEPTICAEMIA due to a meningococcus (see NEISSE
Pethidine Hydrochloride A synthetic analgesic and antispasmodic drug, wh
ich is used in the treatment of
painful and spasmodic conditions in place of morphine and atropine. A prompt but
short-lasting analgesic,
it has less of a constipating effect than morphine but is less potent. Useful fo
r analgesia during
childbirth because it produces less respiratory depression in the baby than othe
r opioids. Pethidine is one
Petit Mal An out-of-date term for less severe type of epileptic seizure
(see EPILEPSY) that occurs
usually in children or adolescents but less often in adults. The type of seizure
is now referred to as an
absence attack.
Petri Dishes Shallow, circular glass dishes, usually 10 cm in diameter,
which are used in bacteriology
laboratories for the growth of micro-organisms.
PET Scanning Positron-emission tomography is a NUCLEAR MEDICINE diagnost
ic technique that works by
identifying positrons positively charged electrons given off by substances label
led with radioactive
varieties of elements. The result is three-dimensional images that identify meta

bolic and chemical

activities of tissues, especially brain tissues. The images provide information
about tissue and organ
functions, and can be collated with structural images using COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY
or magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI). The equipment is very expensive and available only in selected ho
spitals in the United
Kingdom. The technique is especially valuable in the assessment of neurological
Peyers Patches Peyers patches are conglomerations of lymphoid nodules in t
he ileum, or lower part of
the small INTESTINE. They play an important part in the defence of the body agai
nst bacterial invasion, as
in typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER).
Peyronies Disease Painful and deformed erection of the PENIS caused by th
e formation of fibrous
tissue. The cause is unknown but it may be associated with DUPUYTRENS CONTRACTURE
. The condition may be
improved by surgery.
pH A measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution tha
t is calculated as a negative
logarithm. A neutral solution has a pH of 70 and this figure falls for a solution
with increasing acidity
and rises if the alkalinity increases. Measuring the pH of arterial blood has a
major role in managing
serious respiratory or cardiac disease including SHOCK and SEPTICAEMIA.
Phaeochromocytoma A disorder in which a vascular tumour of the adrenal m
edulla (see ADRENAL GLANDS)
develops. The tumour may also affect the structurally similar tissues associated
with the chain of
sympathetic nerves. There is uncontrolled and irregular secretion of ADRENALINE
and NORADRENALINE with the
result that the patient suffers from episodes of high blood

550 Phagocyte
pressure (HYPERTENSION), raised heart rate, and headache. Surgery to rem
ove the tumour may be possible;
if not, drug treatment may help.
Phagocyte Cells including monocytes (a variety of LEUCOCYTES) in the blo
od and macrophages (see
MACROPHAGE) in the tissues that envelop and digest BACTERIA cells, cell debris a
nd other small particles.
Phagocytes are an essential part of the bodys defence mechanisms.
Phagocytosis A process by which BACTERIA and other foreign particles in
the body are ingested by
monocytes in the blood and macrophages in the tissues (see under PHAGOCYTE) that
envelop and digest
bacteria, cells, cell debris and other small particles. Phagocytes are an essent
ial part of the bodys
defence mechanisms.
Phalanx (Plural: phalanges.) The name given to any one of the small bone
s of the fingers and toes. The
phalanges are 14 in number in each hand and foot the thumb and great toe possess
ing only two each, whilst
each of the other fingers and toes has three.
An alternative name for the PENIS, this word may also be used to describ
e a penis-like object. In
embryology the phallus is the rudimentary penis before the urethral duct has com
pletely developed.
Phantasy The term applied to an imaginary appearance or daydream.
Phantom Limb Following the AMPUTATION of a limb, it is usual for the pat
ient to experience sensations
as if the limb were still present. This condition is referred to as a phantom li
mb. In most patients the
sensation passes off in time.
Pharmacists Health professionals trained in the preparation and dispensi
ng of medicines; in England,
Scotland and Wales they are registered (after acquiring the relevant professiona
l qualifications) by the
Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Northern Ireland has its own registration body. Re
gistered pharmacists are a
vital branch of health care. They dispense P (pharmacy-only) and POM (prescripti
on-only medicines)
products; those working in community (retail) pharmacies also
sell over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, providing, where appropriate, advice
on their use. (See also
MEDICINES.) Pharmacists work in hospitals (NHS and private) and in community pha
rmacies, as well as in the
pharmaceutical industry where they conduct research and prepare and test pharmac
eutical products. They have
particular expertise on the use of drugs: for instance, the way in which one med

icinal compound can affect

another and their possible adverse effects; and they advise doctors and patients
on these aspects. The NHS
is also encouraging community pharmacists to offer the public advice on the trea
tment of simple illnesses
such as coughs, colds, headaches and stomach upsets. Hospital pharmacists are sa
laried employees of the NHS
but community pharmacists enter into contract with the service, the terms of whi
ch are negotiated centrally
between pharmacists representatives and the health departments. Hospital pharmaci
sts are now invited by
the COMMITTEE ON SAFETY OF MEDICINES (CSM) to report suspected adverse drug reac
tions under the Yellow
Card scheme in the same way as doctors.
Pharmacogenetics See PHARMACOGENOMICS.
Pharmacogenomics Also called pharmacogenetics the use of human genetic v
ariations to optimise the
discovery and development of drugs and the treatment of patients. The human race
varies much more in its
genetic make-up than has previously been realised; these variations in GENES and
their PROTEIN products
could be utilised to provide safer and more effective drugs. Genes affect drug a
bsorption, distribution,
METABOLISM and excretion. Drugs are designed and prescribed on the basis of a po
pulations needs, but
patients comprise a diverse range of individuals. For example, nearly onethird o
f patients fail to respond
to the cholesterol-reducing group of drugs, the STATINS. Around half do not resp
ond to the tricyclic
ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS. Over 80 per cent of patients responses to drugs depends on
their genetics: this
genetic variation needs to be identified so as to make the prescription of drugs
more effective, and
technology for analysing genetic variants is progressing. Assessing drug effecti
veness, however, is not
simple because the health and diets of individuals are different and this can af
fect the response to a
drug. Even so, the genetic identification of people who would or would not respo
nd to a particular drug

should benefit patients by ensuring a more accurately targeted drug and
by reducing the risks to a
person of side-effects from taking a drug that would not work. There would also
be substantial economic
Pharmacokinetics The way in which the body deals with a drug. This inclu
des the drugs absorption,
distribution in the tissues, METABOLISM, and excretion.
Pharmacology The branch of science that deals with the discovery and dev
elopment of drugs. Those
working in it (pharmacologists, doctors, scientists and laboratory technicians)
determine the chemical
structure and composition of drugs and how these act in the body. They assess th
e use of drugs in the
prevention and treatment of diseases, their side-effects and likely toxicity. Th
is work takes place in
universities, hospitals and, in particular, the pharmaceutical industry. The lat
ter has expanded
tremendously during the 20th century and in Britain it is now one of the largest
business sectors, not only
providing the NHS with most of its pharmaceutical requirements but also exportin
g many medicines to other
countries. Pharmacologists not only research for new drugs, but also look for wa
ys of synthesising them on
a large scale. Most importantly, they organise with clinicians the thorough test
ing of drugs to ensure that
these are safe to use, additionally helping to monitor the effects of drugs in r
egular use so as to
identify unforeseen sideeffects. Doctors and hospital pharmacists have a special
reporting system (Yellow
Cards) under which they notify the governments MEDICINES CONTROL AGENCY of any unt
oward consequences of
drug treatments on their patients (see also MEDICINES).
Pharmacy The term applied to the practice of preparing and compounding m
edicines, or to a place where
this is carried out.
Pharyngitis An inflammatory condition affecting the wall of the PHARYNX
or the throat proper. It is
most commonly due to a viral upper respiratory tract infection, and may be confi
ned to the pharynx or may
also involve the rest of the upper respiratory tract i.e. the nose and the laryn
x. The mucous membrane is
red and glazed with enlarged lymph-follicles scattered over it. The patients thro
at feels sore and
swallowing may be uncomfortable. Only symptomatic treatment, such as the use of
analgesic drugs or lozenges
and gargles, is necessary for viral pharyngitis, which usually is a stage in the
development of a cold, or
(less often, but more seriously) INFLUENZA. MONONUCLEOSIS may also start with ph
aryngitis. Streptococcal
bacteria linked to SCARLET FEVER also cause the condition.

Pharynx Another name for the throat. The term throat is popularly applie
d to the region about the front
of the neck generally, but in its strict sense it means the irregular cavity int
o which the nose and mouth
open above, from which the larynx and gullet open below, and in which the channe
l for the air and that for
the food cross one another. In its upper part, the EUSTACHIAN TUBES open one on
either side, and between
them on the back wall grows a mass of glandular tissue adenoids (see NOSE, DISOR
Phenazocine Hydrobromide A powerful analgesic which can be given under t
he tongue if nausea and
vomiting are a problem.
An official publication dealing with the recognised drugs and giving the
ir doses, preparations,
sources, and tests. Most countries have a pharmacopoeia of their own. That for G
reat Britain and Ireland is
prepared by the British Pharmacopoeia Commission under the direction of the Medi
cines Commission. Many
hospitals and medical schools have a small pharmacopoeia of their own, giving th
e prescriptions most
commonly dispensed in that particular hospital or school. The British National F
ormulary is a compact
authoritative volume for those concerned with the prescribing or dispensing of m
An example of the widely used ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS which are classified
(MAOIS). The drug is particularly useful because its stimulant effect is less th
an that of most other
Phenindione A synthetic anticoagulant (see ANTICOAGULANTS). Given by mou
th, it is used to prevent the
formation of clots in the blood in rheumatic heart disease and atrial fibrillati
OF); as prophylaxis after insertion of a prosthetic heart valve; and as prophyla
xis and treatment of venous
thrombosis and pulmonary

552 Phenobarbitone
embolism. It is slower in action than WARFARIN, not achieving its full a
nticoagulant effect until up to
48 hours after the initial dose. The drug should be avoided in patients with ren
al or hepatic impairment,
and whenever severe hypersensitivity reactions have previously occurred. Adverse
effects include rashes,
fever, LEUCOPENIA, AGRANULOCYTOSIS, diarrhoea and pink urine; breast feeding sho
uld be avoided.
Phenobarbitone The British Pharmacopoeia name for one of the most widely
used of all the group of drugs
called BARBITURATES. It was mainly used in combination with PHENYTOIN SODIUM as
an anticonvulsant drug in
the control of EPILEPSY, but has been superceded largely by newer and safer anti
-epileptic drugs.
Phenotype An individuals characteristics as determined by the interaction
between his or her genotype
quota of GENES and the environment.
Phenoxybenzamine An alpha-adrenoceptor blocking drug (see ADRENERGIC REC
EPTORS) used in the treatment
Phenoxymethylpenicillin See under PENICILLIN.
Another name for CARBOLIC ACID.
A natural amino acid (see AMINO ACIDS) essential for growth in infants,
and for nitrogen metabolism in
A group of major antipsychotic drugs, colloquially called TRANQUILLISERS,
widely used to treat
psychoses (see PSYCHOSIS). They can be divided into three main groups. Chlorprom
azine, methotrimeprazine
and promazine are examples of group 1, usually characterised by their sedative e
ffects and moderate
antimuscarinic and extrapyramidal side-effects. Group 2 includes pericyazine, pi
pothiazine and
thioridazine, which have moderate sedative effects but significant antimuscarini
c action and modest
extrapyramidal side-effects. Fluphenazine, perphenazine, prochlorperazine and tr
ifluoperazine comprise
group 3. Their sedative effects are less than for the other groups and they have
little antimuscarinic
action; they have marked extrapyramidal side-effects.
Commonly referred to as PKU, this is one of the less common, but very se
vere, forms of mental

deficiency. The incidence in populations of European origin is around 1 in 15,00

0 births. The condition is
due to the inability of the baby to metabolise the amino acid, phenylalanine (se
e AMINO ACIDS). In the UK,
every newborn baby is screened for PKU by testing a spot of their blood collecte
d by the midwife. A
positive diagnosis leads to lifelong treatment with a diet low in phenylalanine,
with a good chance that
the infant will grow up mentally normal. Parents of children with phenylketonuri
a can obtain help and
information from the National Society for Phenylketonuria (UK) Ltd. (See also ME
DISORDERS Recessive genes.)
Uses Phenothiazines should be prescribed
Phenytoin Sodium
and used with care. The drugs differ in predominant actions and side-eff
ects; selection depends on the
extent of sedation required and the susceptibility of the patient to extrapyrami
dal side-effects. The
differences between the drugs, however, are less important than the variabilitie
s in patients responses.
Patients should not be prescribed more than one antipsychotic drug at a time. In
the short term these
therapeutically powerful drugs can be used to calm disturbed patients, whatever
the underlying condition
(which might have a physical or psychiatric basis). They also alleviate acute an
xiety and some have
antidepressant properties, while others worsen DEPRESSION (see also MENTAL ILLNE
An older drug for the treatment of EPILEPSY. It is not now widely used,
as it is difficult to determine
the precise dose to avoid ill-effects and long-term use leads to changes to the
facial appearance. However,
the drug is still used for the quick control of an apparently uncontrollable epi
leptic fit, and after head
injury or neurosurgery.
Pheromones Chemicals produced and emitted by an individual which produce
changes in the social or
sexual behaviour when perceived by other individuals of the same species. The pr
ecise role of these odours
for it is by their smell that they are recognised in humans is still not clear,

there is growing evidence of the part they play in the animal kingdom. T
hus, if a strange male rat is
put into a group of female rats, this may cause death of the fetus in any pregna
nt rats, and this is
attributed to the pheromones emitted by the male rat.
Phimosis Tightness of the foreskin (PREPUCE) which prevents it from bein
g pulled back over the
underlying head (glans) of the PENIS. Some phimosis is normal in uncircumcised m
ales until they are six
months old. The condition may, however, persist, eventually causing problems wit
h urination. BALANITIS may
occur because the inside of the foreskin cannot be properly washed. There may be
an increased risk of
cancer of the penis. In adolescents and adults with phimosis, erection of the pe
nis is painful.
CIRCUMCISION is the treatment.
Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein. (See EASES OF.)
phobophobia (fear of phobias) and triskaidekaphobia (fear of having 13 s
itting at table). Phobia is a
form of obsession, and not uncommonly one of the features of anxiety. Treatment
is behavioural therapy
complemented in some patients with ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS. Care is needed, as some
sufferers can become
psychologically dependent on the drugs used to treat them (see DEPENDENCE). Thos
e who suffer from what can
be a most distressing condition can obtain help and advice from the Phobics Soci
ety. (See also MENTAL
Phocomelia This is a great reduction in the size of the proximal parts o
f the limbs. In extreme cases
the hands and feet may spring directly from the trunk. A rare condition, it occu
rred most commonly in
children whose mothers took THALIDOMIDE in early pregnancy.
Pholcodine VEINS; VEINS, DISPhlebography
OPIOID cough suppressant similar CODEINE; it is not, however, potent eno
to to suppress severe coughs and is also constipating.
The study of the VEINS, particularly by means of X-rays after the veins
have been injected with a
radio-opaque substance.

The term applied to a small stone formed in a vein (see VEINS) as a resu
lt of calcification of a
An instrument for the graphic recording of heart sounds and murmurs.
Phlebotomy A traditional name for the operation of bloodletting by openi
ng a vein. (See VEINS;
Phlegm A popular name for MUCUS, particularly that secreted in the air p
assages. (See BRONCHITIS;
Phlyctenule A HYPERSENSITIVITY reaction of the conjunctiva (see EYE). At
the turn of the century the
most common cause was TUBERCULOSIS; nowadays it is most commonly due to hypersen
sitivity to staphylococci
Phobia An irrational fear of particular objects or situations. A well-kn
own American medical dictionary
lists more than 200 examples of phobias, ranging, alphabetically, from fear of air
to fear of writing.
Included in the list are
The production of vocal sounds in particular, speech.
Phosphates Salts of phosphoric acid. As this substance is contained in m
any articles of food as well as
in bone, the nuclei of cells, and the nervous system, phosphates are constantly
excreted in the URINE. The
continued use of an excess of food containing alkalis, such as green vegetables,
and still more the
presence in the urine of bacteria which lead to its decomposition, produce the n
ecessary change from the
natural mild acidity to alkalinity, and lead to the deposit of phosphates and to
their collection into
Phosphaturia The presence in the URINE of a large amount of PHOSPHATES.
Phospholipid A LIPID, the molecule of which contains a chemical derivati
ve of PHOSPHORUS called
phosphate. This type of lipid, which includes cephalins, lecithins and plasmalog
ens, is found in all
tissues and organs, especially the BRAIN. Phospholipids are produced in the LIVE
R and

554 Phosphorus
and take part in many of the bodys metabolic activities (see METABOLISM).
Phosphorus A non-metallic element whose compounds are widely found in pl
ant and animal tissues. In
humans, this element is largely concentrated in BONE. Some phosphorus-containing
compounds such as
ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE (ATP) and creatine phosphate are essential participants i
n the conversion and
storage of energy that are part of the bodys METABOLISM. Pure phosphorus is toxic
Phosphorus Burns Phosphorus compounds are used in chemical laboratories,
some industrial processes,
matches, fireworks and in certain types of aerial bombs and artillery shells. If
particles of phosphorus
settle on or become embedded in the skin, the resulting burn should be treated w
ith a 2 per cent solution
of sodium bicarbonate, followed by application of a 1 per cent solution of coppe
r sulphate.
Photochemotherapy A form of treatment in which deliberate exposure to a
photosensitising drug and
ultraviolet light benefits certain skin diseases, particularly PSORIASIS and T-c
ell LYMPHOMA. A psoralen is
the photoactive agent which reacts with long-wave ultraviolet light (UVA), givin
g the acronym, PUVA
Photocoagulation Coagulation of the tissues of the retina (see EYE) by l
aser, for treatment of diseases
of the retina such as diabetic retinopathy (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF Retina,
disorders of ).
Photodermatoses Diseases of the SKIN for which sunlight is partially or
wholly responsible. In
sufficient dosage, short-wave ultraviolet light (UVB see ULTRAVIOLET RAYS (UVR))
always causes ERYTHEMA.
Higher doses progressively cause OEDEMA and blistering; this is acute sunburn. G
raduated exposure to UVB
causes pigmentation (tanning). Prolonged chronic exposure to sunlight eventually
accelerates ageing of the
exposed skin with LENTIGO formation and loss of COLLAGEN and elastic tissue. Aft
er decades of such
exposure, epidermal DYSPLASIA and CANCER may supervene. Drugs given orally or to
pically may induce
phototoxic reactions of various types. Thus, TETRACYCLINES exaggerate sunburn re
actions. and the diuretic
FRUSEMIDE may cause blistering reactions. Psoralens induce erythema and pigmentation. AMIODARONE al
so induces pigmentation. (See
Phytophotodermatitis is a streaky, blistering photodermatosis typically
seen on the limbs of children
playing in grassy meadows in summer. The phototoxic reaction is caused by psoral

ens in weeds.
Berlocque dermatitis
is a pattern of streaky pigmentation usually seen on womens necks, caused
by a reaction to psoralens
in perfumes. Certain rare metabolic diseases may lead to photosensitisation. The
y include the PORPHYRIAS
and PELLAGRA. Other skin diseases such as lupus erythematosus (see under LUPUS)
and ROSACEA may be
aggravated by light exposure. Sometimes, in the absence of any of these factors,
some people spontaneously
develop a sensitivity to light causing various patterns of DERMATITIS or URTICAR
IA. The most common pattern
is polymorphic light eruption which typically appears within a day or two of arriv
al at a sunny holiday
destination and persists until departure. Continuously exposed areas, such as th
e hands and face, may be
hardened and unaffected.
Treatment Appropriate clothing and headgear, sunscreen creams and lotion
s are the main preventative
Photodynamic Therapy This comprises a photosensitising agent (one activa
ted by light), which
accumulates in malignant tissue, and a source of light that activates the photos
ensitiser, triggering it to
generate highly reactive oxygen compounds that destroy malignant cells. One such
photosensitiser is
temoporfin. Photodynamic therapy is used to treat various types of malignancy; a
recognised complication is
photosensitivity, when a patient may suffer burns after transient exposure to su
nlight. Photodynamic
therapy is increasingly used and photosensitivity reactions may also become more
Photophobia Sensitivity to light. It can occur in MIGRAINE, disorders of
the eye, or in MENINGITIS.
Photopsia This is a description of the flashing lights which are a not u
ncommon AURA preceding an
attack of MIGRAINE.

Physical Examination
Abnormal reaction to sunlight. The condition usually occurs as a skin ra
sh appearing in response to
light falling on the skin, and it may be caused by substances that have been eat
en or applied to the skin.
These are called photosensitisers and may be dyes, chemicals in soaps, or drugs.
Sometimes plants act as
photosensitisers for example, buttercups and mustard. The condition may occur in
some illnesses such as
lupus erythematosus (see under LUPUS).
That part of a patients consultation with a doctor in which the doctor lo
oks, feels (palpates) and
listens to (auscultates) various parts of the patients body. Along with the histo
ry of the patients
symptoms, this enables the doctor to assess the patients condition and decide whe
ther an immediate
diagnosis is possible or whether laboratory or imaging investigations are needed
to reach a diagnosis. A
full physical examination may take 30 minutes or more. Physical examination, alo
ng with certain standard
investigations, is done when a person attends for a preventive check-up of his or
her state of health.
Photosynthesis The method by which green plants and some bacteria produc
e CARBOHYDRATE from water and
carbon dioxide. They use energy absorbed from the suns rays by a green pigment in
the organism called
chlorophyll. Photosynthesis is one of the earths fundamental biological processes
. As well as converting
the carbon dioxide into the essential biological compound carbohydrate, the proc
ess removes the gas from
the atmosphere where, if it builds to excess, the atmospheric temperature rises,
thus contributing to
global warming.
Physical Medicine A medical specialty founded in 1931 and recognised by
the Royal College of Physicians
of London in 1972. Physical-medicine specialists started by treating rheumatic d
iseases; subsequently their
work developed to include the diagnosis and rehabilitation of people with physic
al handicaps. The specialty
has now been combined with that of RHEUMATOLOGY. (See also PHYSIOTHERAPY.)
Phrenic Nerve
Physician-Assisted Suicide
NERVE which chiefly supplies the DIAPHRAGM. A phrenic nerve arises on ea
ch side of the SPINAL CORD from
the third, fourth and

fifth cervical spinal nerves; both follow a long course down the neck, a
nd through the chest to the
diaphragm. They play a key part in RESPIRATION through control of the diaphragm.
Injury to one nerve
paralyses one half of the diaphragm. Occasionally the phrenic nerve may be surgi
cally crushed as part of
the treatment to repair a HIATUS HERNIA or, rarely, to stop intractable hiccups.
Physiology is the branch of medical science that deals with the healthy
functions of different organs,
and the changes that the whole body undergoes in the course of its activities. T
he teaching of physiology
is a basic part of the medical students initial education.
Phrenology A quack method, common in the Victorian era, allegedly to stu
dy the mind and character of
individuals from the shape of the head. As the shape of the head has been shown
to depend chiefly upon
accidental characteristics, such as the size of the air spaces in the bones, and
not upon development of
special areas in the contained brain, there is no scientific basis for the pract
Phthisis A historical term means wasting, and was applied to that progre
ssive enfeeblement and loss of
weight that arose from tuberculous disease of all kinds, but especially from the
disease as it affected the
lungs (see TUBERCULOSIS).
Physiotherapy An important treatment involving the use of physical measu
res, such as exercise, heat,
manipulation and remedial exercises in the treatment of disease. An alternative
It is an essential part of the rehabilitation of convalescent or disabled patien
ts. Those who practise
physiotherapy physiotherapists have a recognised training and, on successful com
pletion of this, are
placed on the professions official register (see APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL ORGANIS
Physostigmine Also known as eserine. An alkaloid (see ALKALobtained from
Calabar bean, the seed of
Physostigma venenosum, a climbing plant of West Africa. Its action depends on th
e presence of two
alkaloids, the one known as physostigmine or eserine, the other as calabarine, t
he OIDS)

556 Phytomenadione
former of these being much the more important.
Action Physostigmine produces the same effect as stimulation of the PARA
i.e. it constricts the pupil of the eye, stimulates the gut, increases the secre
tion of saliva, stimulates
the bladder, and increases the irritability of voluntary muscle. In poisonous do
ses it brings on a general
Uses It is used in medicine in the form of eye drops or ointment to trea
Phytomenadione The British Pharmacopoeia name for vitamin K. (See APPEND
Pia Mater The membrane closely investing the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD, in w
hich run blood vessels for the
nourishment of these organs.
This is the Latin for magpie and is used to describe an abnormal craving
for unusual foods. It is not
uncommon in pregnancy. Among the unusual substances for which pregnant women hav
e developed a craving are
soap, clay pipes, bed linen, charcoal, ashes and almost every imaginable food st
uff taken in excess. In
primitive races, the presence of pica is taken as an indication that the growing
fetus requires such food.
It is also not uncommon in children in whom, previously, it was an important cau
se of LEAD POISONING due to
ingestion of paint flakes. (See also APPETITE.)
Picorna Viruses These infectious agents derive their name from pico (sma
ll) and from RNA (because they
contain ribonuleic acid). They are a group of viruses which includes the ENTEROV
IRUSES and the
Picric Acid A yellow crystalline solid substance which is used as a fixa
tive for tissues being prepared
for examination under a microscope; it is also used as a dye.
Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) The use of digital im
aging systems to replace
conventional X-ray pictures and other imaging techniques. Though expensive to op
erate, digital imaging and
storage systems offer promising possibilities for transmission of clinical
images within and between hospitals and community health-care units, pro
viding fast access and remote
working that will benefit patients and health-care staff alike. When security an
d confidentiality are
assured, images could be transferred via the Internet and teleradiology. In futu
re, hospitals might be able

to eliminate the costly physical transfer and storage of X-ray films. The integr
ation of PACS with hospital
information systems in the NHS will (hopefully) facilitate the introduction of e
lectronic radiology.
Pigment The term applied to the colouring matter of various secretions,
blood, etc.; also to any
medicinal preparation of thick consistency intended for painting on the skin or
mucous membranes.
Pills Small round masses containing active drugs held together by syrup,
gum, glycerin, or adhesive
vegetable extracts. They are sometimes without coating, being merely rolled in F
rench chalk, but often they
are covered with sugar or gelatin. Many people use the term interchangeably with
tablets, and the pill
has come to represent oral contraceptives.
Pilocarpine An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) derived from the leaves of Piloc
arpus microphyllus (jaborandi).
It produces the same effects as stimulation of the PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTE
M: i.e. it has exactly the
opposite effect to ATROPINE, but cannot be used in the treatment of atropine poi
soning as it does not
antagonise the action of poisonous doses of atropine on the brain. Its main use
today is in the form of eye
drops to decrease the pressure inside the eyeball in GLAUCOMA.
Pilonoidal Sinus A SINUS that contains hairs, usually occurring in the c
left between the buttocks. It
may get infected and cause considerable pain. Treatment is by antibiotics and, i
f necessary, surgical
Pimples Technically known as papules, these are small, raised and inflam
ed areas on the SKIN. On the

Pituitary Gland
face, the most common cause is ACNE. BOILS (FURUNCULOSIS) start as hard
pimples. The eruption of
SMALLPOX and that of CHICKENPOX begin also with pimples. (See also SKIN, DISEASE
S OF.)
Pineal Gland A small reddish structure, 10 mm in length and shaped somew
hat like a pine cone (hence its
name), situated on the upper part of the midbrain (see BRAIN). Many theories hav
e been expounded as to its
function, but there is increasing evidence that, in some animals at least, it is
affected by light and
plays a part in hibernation and in controlling sexual activity and the colour of
the skin. This it seems to
do by means of a substance it produces known as MELATONIN. There is also growing
evidence that it may play
a part in controlling the circadian rhythms of the body the natural variations i
n physiological
activities throughout the 24-hour day.
Pinna The part of the EAR, formed of cartilage and skin, that is externa
l to the head. In animals it is
an important element in detecting the direction of sound.
Pins and Needles A form of PARAESTHESIA, or disturbed sensation, such as
may occur, for example, in
Pint A measure of quantity containing 16 fluid ounces (wine measure) or
20 fluid ounces (Imperial
measure). The metric equivalent is 568 millilitres. (See APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENT
Piperacillin A ureidopenicillin with a broad spectrum of antibacterial a
ctivity. The drug is active
against the serious infective agent Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (See PENICILLIN.)
Piperazine A drug used for the treatment of threadworms (see ENTEROBIASI
Pipothiazine An antipsychotic drug for maintenance treatment of SCHIZOPH
RENIA. It is given as a depot
injection that lasts four weeks. (See NEUROLEPTICS; MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Piroxicam An intermediate risk, oral non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug
ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS)) with prolonged action. Used to treat pain and i
nflammation in RHEUMATOID
ARTHRITIS, other musculoskeletal disorders, and acute GOUT.
Pituitary Gland Also known as the pituitary body and the hypophysis, thi
s is an ovoid structure,
weighing around 05 gram in the adult. It is attached to the base of the BRAIN, an
d lies in the depression
in the base of the skull known as the sella turcica. The anterior part is called

the adenohypophysis and

the posterior part the neurohypophysis. The gland is connected to the HYPOTHALAM
US of the brain by a stalk
known as the hypophyseal or pituitary stalk. The pituitary gland is the most imp
ortant ductless, or
endocrine, gland in the body. (See
Vertical cross-section of brain seen from the left showing positions of
pineal and pituitary glands.

558 Pituitary-Linked Disorders ENDOCRINE GLANDS.)

It exerts overall control of the endocrine system through the media of a
series of hormones which it
produces. The adenohypophysis produces trophic hormones (that is, they work by s
timulating or inhibiting
other endocrine glands) and have therefore been given names ending with trophic or
trophin. The
thyrotrophic hormone, or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), exerts a powerful in
fluence over the activity
tex of the adrenal glands.
GROWTH HORMONE, also known as somatotrophin (SMH), controls the growth of the bo
dy. There are also two
gonadotrophic hormones which play a vital part in the control of the gonads: the
se are the
folliclestimulating hormone (FSH), and the luteinising hormone (LH) which is als
o known as the
interstitial-cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) see GONADOTROPHINS. The lactogenic
hormone, also known as
prolactin, mammotrophin and luteotrophin, induces lactation. The neurohypophysis
produces two hormones. One
is oxytocin, which is widely used because of its stimulating effect on contracti
on of the UTERUS. The other
is VASOPRESSIN, or the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which acts on the renal tubul
es and the collecting
tubules (see KIDNEYS) to increase the amount of water that they normally absorb.
Pituitary-Linked Disorders or gigantism is the result of the overactivit
y of, or tumour formation of
cells in, the adenohypophysis which produces GROWTH HORMONE (see also PITUITARY
GLAND). If this
overactivity occurs after growth has ceased, acromegaly arises, in which there i
s gross overgrowth of the
ears, nose, jaws, and hands and feet. DWARFISM may be due to lack of growth horm
condition characterised by the passing of a large volume of URINE every day, is
due to lack of the
antidiuretic hormone (see VASOPRESSIN). Enhanced production of the ADRENOCORTICO
leads to CUSHINGS SYNDROME. Excessive production of PROLACTIN by micro or macro a
denomas (benign tumours)
leads to hyperprolactinaemia and consequent AMENORRHOEA and GALACTORRHOEA. Some
adenomas do not produce any
hormone but cause effects by damaging the pituitary cells and inhibiting their h
ormone production. The most
sensitive cells to extrinsic pressure are the gonadotrophin-producing cells and
the growth-hormone
producing cells, so that if the ACROMEGALY
tumour occurs in childhood, growth hormone will be suppressed and growth
will slow. Gonadotrophin
hormone suppression will prevent the development of puberty and, if the tumour o
ccurs after puberty, will
result in amenorrhoea in the female and lack of LIBIDO in both sexes. The thyroi
d-stimulating hormone cells
are the next to suffer and the pressure effects on these cells will result in hy
pothyroidism (see under

THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). Fortunately the ACTH-producing cells are the most r
esistant to extrinsic
pressure and this is teleologically sound as ACTH is the one pituitary hormone t
hat is essential to life.
However, these cells can suffer damage from intracellular tumours, and adrenocor
tical insufficiency is not
uncommon. Information about these disorders may be obtained from the Pituitary F
Pityriasis A skin disorder typified by a bran-like desquamation (flaking
). There are several varieties
including P. alba, rosea, versicolor (fungal caused) and rubra (exfoliative derm
Pityriasis alba is a mild form of chronic eczema (see DERMATITIS) occurr
ing mainly in children on the
face and in young adults on the upper arms. It is characterised by round or oval
flaky patches which are
paler than the surrounding skin due to partial loss of MELANIN pigment. The appe
arance is more dramatic in
dark-skinned or suntanned subjects. Moisturising cream often suffices, but 1 per
is more effective.
Pityriasis rosea is a common self-limiting eruption seen mainly in young
adults. It usually begins as a
solitary red flaky patch (often misdiagnosed as ringworm). Within a week this her
ald patch is followed by
a profuse symmetrical eruption of smaller rose-pink, flaky, oval lesions on the
trunk and neck but largely
sparing the limbs and face. Itching is variable. The eruption usually peaks with
in 3 weeks and fades away
leaving collarettes of scale, disappearing within 67 weeks. It rarely recurs and
a viral cause is
suspected but not proved. It is not contagious and there is no specific treatmen
t, but crotamiton cream
(Eurax) may relieve discomfort.
Placebo Placebo is the Latin for I will please and

implies giving an inactive treatment. Traditionally, placebos were used
to pacify without actually
benefiting the patient. They were inactive, often highly coloured, substances fo
rmerly given to please or
gratify the patient but without pharmacological benefit. Nowadays they are used
in controlled studies,
approved by ETHICS COMMITTEES and with patient consent, to determine the efficac
y of drugs. However,
pharmacologically inert compounds can relieve symptoms, and this is called the p
lacebo effect. The
reassurance that is associated with placebo administration is accompanied by mea
surable changes in body
function which are affected through autonomic pathways and humoral mechanisms. A
lterations in blood
pressure and pulse frequency are especially common. Placebos have the ability to
relieve a variety of
symptoms in a consistent proportion of the population in some studies in as many
as 30 per cent. Some
patients with symptoms such as pain or cough will respond to placebo medications
, and an even higher
proportion of patients with psychological symptoms such as anxiety or insomnia m
ay benefit. In judging the
effectiveness of a drug, the comparison must be with a placebo rather than with
no treatment at all.
Placenta The thick, spongy, disc-like mass of tissue which connects the
EMBRYO with the inner surface
of the UTERUS, the embryo otherwise lying free in the amniotic fluid (see AMNION
). The placenta is mainly a
new structure growing with the embryo, but, when it separates, a portion of the
inner surface of the womb
called the maternal placenta comes away with it. It is mainly composed of loops
of veins belonging to the
embryo, lying in blood-sinuses, in which circulates maternal blood. Thus, althou
gh no mixing of the blood
of embryo and mother takes place, there is ample opportunity for the exchange of
fluids, gases, and the
nutrients brought by the mothers blood. The width of the full-sized placenta is a
bout 20 cm (8 inches),
its thickness 25 cm (1 inch). One surface is rough and studded with villi, which
consist of the loops of
fetal veins; the other is smooth, and has implanted in its centre the umbilical
cord, or navel string,
which is about as thick as a finger and 50 cm (20 inches) long. It contains two
arteries and a vein, enters
the fetus at the navel, and forms the sole connection between the bodies of moth
er and fetus. The name
afterbirth is given to the structure because it is expelled from the womb in the
third stage of labour (see
Placenta Praevia Implantation of the PLACENTA in the bottom part of the

UTERUS adjacent to or over the

CERVIX. The condition may cause few problems during pregnancy or labour; it may,
however, cause vaginal
bleeding late in pregnancy or hinder vaginal delivery of the baby and this may n
ecessitate obstetric
Placentography The procedure of rendering the PLACENTA visible by means
of X-rays. This can be done
either by using what is known as soft-tissue radiography, or by injecting a radi
o-opaque substance into the
bloodstream or into the amniotic cavity (see AMNION). The procedure has some ris
k to both mother and fetus,
and is carried out under expert supervision. It can help to assess the cause of
antepartum haemorrhage. The
placenta and fetus can now be visualised by the non-invasive and safe method of
Plague This infection also known as bubonic plague is caused by the bact
erium Yersinis pestis.
Plague remains a major infection in many tropical countries. The reservoir for t
he bacillus in urban
infection lies in the black rat (Rattus rattus), and less importantly the brown
(sewer) rat (Rattus
norvegicus). It is conveyed to humans by the rat flea, usually Xenopsylla cheopi
s: Y. pestis multiplies in
the gastrointestinal tract of the flea, which may remain infectious for up to si
x weeks. In the pneumonic
form (see below), human-to-human transmission can occur by droplet infection. Ma
ny lower mammals (apart
from the rat) can also act as a reservoir in sylvatic transmission which remains
a major problem in the US
(mostly in the south-western States); ground-squirrels, rock-squirrels, prairie
dogs, bobcats, chipmunks,
etc. can be affected. Clinically, symptoms usually begin 28 days after infection;
disease begins with
fever, headache, lassitude, and aching limbs. In over twothirds of patients, enl
arged glands (buboes)
appear usually in the groin, but also in the axillae and cervical neck; this con
stitutes bubonic plague.
Haemorrhages may be present beneath the skin causing gangrenous patches and occa
sionally ulcers; these
lesions led to the epithet Black Death. In a favourable case, fever abates after a
bout a week, and the
buboes discharge foul-smelling pus. In a rapidly fatal form

560 Plantar
(septicaemic plague), haematogenous transmission produces mortality in a
high percentage of cases.
Pneumonic plague is associated with pneumonic consolidation (person-to-person tr
ansmission) and death often
ensues on the fourth or fifth day. (The nursery rhyme Ringo-ring o roses, a pocket
ful o posies, atishoo!
atishoo!, we all fall down is considered to have originated in the 17th century a
nd refers to this form of
the disease.) In addition, meningitic and pharyngeal forms of the disease can oc
cur; these are unusual.
Diagnosis consists of demonstration of the causative organism. Treatment is with
tetracycline or
doxycycline; a range of other antibiotics is also effective. Plague remains (tog
ether with CHOLERA and
YELLOW FEVER) a quarantinable disease. Contacts should be disinfected with insec
ticide powder; clothes,
skins, soft merchandise, etc. which have been in contact with the infection can
remain infectious for
several months; suspect items should be destroyed or disinfected with an insecti
cide. Ships must be
carefully checked for presence of rats; the rationale of anchoring a distance fr
om the quay prevents access
Plantar Describing anything related to the sole of the foot.
Plantar Dermatosis P
A common form of eczema (see DERMATITIS) of the soles of the feet typica
lly seen in boys with an atopic
(see ATOPY) background who constantly wear trainers.
Plantar Fasciitis See FASCIITIS.
Plaque (1) A coating of the TEETH which forms as a result of poor mouth
and dental hygiene. It consists
of food debris and bacteria; later, calcium salts will be deposited in it to for
m calculus. It is therefore
associated with both caries and periodontal disease (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF Car
ies of the teeth). (2)
Raised patch on the skin resulting from the merging or enlargement of papules (s
Plasma The name applied to the straw-coloured fluid portion of the BLOOD
composed of a solution of
various inorganic salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, etc., as well as SERUM an
d fibrinogen,
the material which produces clotting (see When the plasma is clotted, th
e thinner fluid separating from
the clot is the serum.
Plasma Cells These are cells that produce ANTIBODIES and occur in bone-f
orming tissue as well as the
lining of the gastrointestinal tract and the lungs. The cells develop in LYMPH N

MARROW when T-lymphocytes (see IMMUNITY) are stimulated by antigens (see ANTIGEN
) to produce the precursor
cells from which plasma cells originate.
Plasma Exchange Also known as plasmapheresis. The removal of the circula
ting PLASMA from the patient.
It is done by removing blood from a patient and returning the red cells with a p
lasma expander. The plasma
exchange is carried out through an in-dwelling CANNULA in the femoral vein, and
the red cells and plasma
are separated by a hemonetics separator. Usually a sequence of three or four ses
sions is undertaken, at
each of which 23 litres of plasma are removed. The lost plasma can either be repl
aced by human serum
albumin (see ALBUMINS) or a plasma expander. In autoimmune disorders, disease is
due to damage wrought by
circulating ANTIBODIES or sensitised lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE). If the diseas
e is due to circulating
humoral antibodies, removal of these antibodies from the body should theoretical
ly relieve the disorder.
This is the principle on which plasma exchange was used in the management of aut
oimmune diseases due to
circulating antibodies. Such disorders include Goodpastures syndrome, SYSTEMIC LU
and MYASTHENIA GRAVIS. One of the problems in the use of plasma exchange in the
treatment of such diseases
is that the body responds to the removal of an antibody from the circulation by
enhanced production of that
antibody by the immune system. It is therefore necessary to suppress this homeos
tatic response with
cytotoxic drugs such as AZATHIOPRINE. Nevertheless, remissions can be achieved i
n autoimmune diseases due
to circulating antibodies by the process of plasma exchange.
Plasmapheresis See PLASMA EXCHANGE.
Plasma Transfusion This procedure is sometimes used instead of blood TRA
part of

blood from which the cells have been separated may be dried and in powde
r form kept almost
indefinitely; when wanted it is reconstituted by adding sterile distilled water.
In powder form it can be
transported easily and over long distances. Transfusion of plasma is especially
useful in the treatment of
SHOCK. One advantage of plasma transfusion is that it is not necessary to carry
out testing of blood groups
before using it.
A condition of fullness of the blood vessels in a particular part or in
the whole body. This results in
a florid, red appearance of the affected area, particularly the face. The volume
of blood may be increased
(POLYCYTHAEMIA) or the blood vessels beneath the skin may be dilated. Plethoric
lung fields are seen on
X-rays of patients with left-to-right shunts through the heart wall (see SEPTAL
A generic description of any discrete agents in cells that have genetic
functions. They include
plasmagenes (self-reproducing copies of a nuclear gene existing outside the cell
nucleus) and viruses.
Plasmin Also called fibrinolysin, this is an ENZYME that digests the pro
tein FIBRIN. It dissolves blood
clots (see COAGULATION) and so is present in the blood in the form of PLASMINOGE
N, an inactive precursor.
Plasminogen A precursor of PLASMIN, an ENZYME that digests the protein F
IBRIN the main constituent of
blood clots (see COAGULATION). When tissue is damaged, activators are released w
hich provoke the conversion
of plasminogen into plasmin.
Plasmodium The general term applied to minute protoplasmic cells, and pa
rticularly to those which cause
MALARIA and allied diseases.
Plaster of Paris A form of calcium sulphate, which, after soaking in wat
er, sets firmly. For this
reason it is widely used as a form of splinting in the treatment of fractures, f
or producing casts to
immobilise parts of the body, and for dental models. Splints are made with banda
ges impregnated with
plaster and a suitable adhesive. Its great advantage, compared with an ordinary
splint, is that it can be
moulded to the shape of the limb.

Platelets Blood platelets, or thrombocytes, are small spherical bodies i

n the BLOOD, which play an
important part in the process of its COAGULATION. Normally, there are around 300
,000 per cubic millimetre
of blood.
An apparatus for estimating changes in the size of any part placed in th
e apparatus; in this way
changes in the volume of blood in a part can be measured.
Pleura The name of the membrane which, on either side of the chest, form
s a covering for one lung. The
two pleurae are distinct, though they touch one another for a short distance beh
ind the breast-bone. (See
Pleural Cavity The normally restricted space between the parietal and th
e visceral PLEURA, which slide
over one another as the individual breathes in and out. If gas or fluid are intr
oduced as a result of
injury or infection, the pleural surfaces are separated and the pleural space in
creases in volume. This
usually causes breathing difficulties.
Pleurisy Inflammation of the PLEURA or serous membrane investing the lun
g and lining the inner surface
of the ribs. It is a common condition, and may be either acute or chronic, the l
atter being usually
tuberculous in origin (see TUBERCULOSIS). Many cases of pleurisy are associated
with only a little
effusion, the inflammation consisting chiefly in exudation of FIBRIN: to this fo
rm the term dry pleurisy
is applied. Further, pleurisy may be limited to a very small area or, on the con
trary, may affect,
throughout a greater or less extent, the pleural surfaces of both lungs.
Causes Pleurisy is often associated
ease within the chest, more
anies PERICARDITIS. It may
also be due to carcinoma of the lung, or be
ch as subphrenic abscess.
Further, wounds or injuries of the thoracic

with other forms of inflammatory dis

tuberculosis; it occasionally accomp
secondary to abdominal infections su
walls are apt to set up pleurisy.

562 Pleurodynia
Symptoms The symptoms of pleurisy vary, being generally well marked, but
sometimes obscure. DRY
PLEURISY In the case of dry pleurisy, which is, on the whole, the milder form, t
he chief symptom is a sharp
pain in the side, felt especially on breathing. Fever may or may not be present.
There is a slight, dry
cough, and breathing is quicker than normal and shallow. PLEURISY WITH EFFUSION
is usually more severe than
dry pleurisy, and, although it may in some cases develop insidiously, it is in g
eneral ushered in sharply
by shivering and fever, like other acute inflammatory diseases. Pain is felt in
the side or breast, of a
severe cutting or stabbing character. A dry cough usually occurs and breathing i
s painful and difficult.
Treatment The treatment varies greatly with the form and severity of the
attack. Bed rest, antibiotics,
analgesics and antipyretics are advisable. A large pleural effusion may need to
be drained via an
aspiration needle.
Pleurodynia Also known as BORNHOLM DISEASE. A painful condition of the c
hest wall, it is usually the
result of an infection of coxsackie virus B (see COXSACKIE VIRUSES) and may occu
r in epidemics (see
EPIDEMIC). Fever, sore throat, headache and malaise are typical but the conditio
n is self-limiting,
subsiding within a few days.
Plexus A network of nerves or vessels: for example, the brachial and sac
ral plexuses of nerves and the
choroid plexus of veins within the brain.
Plumbism Another name for LEAD POISONING.
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome Hypochromic ANAEMIA and difficulty in swallowing
due to an oesophageal web.
PneumoA prefix relating to the Examples are PNEUMONIA, and PNEUMOPERITON
Pneumococcus A
type of streptococcal bacterium (see STREPTOCOCCUS) which can cause otit
is media (see EAR, DISEASES OF
It is usually sensitive
Pneumoconiosis The general name applied to a chronic form of inflammatio
n of the LUNGS which is liable
to affect people who constantly inhale irritating particles at work. It has been
defined by the Industrial
Injuries Advisory Council as: Permanent alteration of lung structure due to the i

nhalation of mineral dust

and the tissue reactions of the lung to its presence, but does not include bronc
hitis and emphysema. Some
of the tradespeople liable to suffer are stonemasons, potters, steel-grinders, c
oal-miners, millers, and
workers in cotton, flax, or wool mills. (See also OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, MEDICINE
Pneumocystis Pneumonia PNEUMONIA caused by a species of the genus of PRO
TOZOA, a parasitic
micro-organism. Pneumocystis carinii causes an opportunistic infection in the lung which is
dangerous to people whose
immune system is impaired (see IMMUNITY), thus reducing their resistance to infe
ctions. People with
AIDS/HIV or LEUKAEMIA have impaired immune systems and P. carinii is a major cau
se of death in the former.
Fever, dry cough and breathlessness are among the symptoms; treatment is with hi
gh doses of antibiotic
Pneumonectomy The operation of removing an entire lung (see LUNGS) in su
ch diseases as BRONCHIECTASIS,
TUBERCULOSIS, and cancer of the lung.
Pneumonia Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue (see LUNGS) ca
used by infection. It can occur
without underlying lung or general disease, or in patients with an underlying co
ndition that makes them
susceptible. Pneumonia with no predisposing cause community-acquired pneumonia i
s caused most often by
Streptococcus pneumoniae (PNEUMOCOCCUS). The other most common causes are viruse
s, Mycoplasma pneumoniae
and Legionella species (Legionnaires disease). Another cause, Chlamydia psittaci,
may be associated with
exposure to perching birds. In patients with underlying lung disease, such as CH
DISEASE (COPD) or BRONCHIECTASIS as in CYSTIC FIBROSIS, other organisms such as
Haemophilus influenzae,
Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are more prominent. In p
atients in hospital with
severe underlying disease, pneumonia, often caused by

Podophyllin 563
gram-negative bacteria (see GRAMS STAIN), is commonly the terminal event.
In patients with an immune
system suppressed by pregnancy and labour, infection with HIV, CHEMOTHERAPY or i
mmunosuppressive drugs
after organ transplantation, a wider range of opportunistic organisms needs to b
e considered. Some of these
organisms such as CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) or the fungus Pneumocystis carinii rarel
y cause disease in
immunocompetent individuals those whose bodys immune (defence) system is effectiv
another cause of pneumonia, although the pattern of lung involvement and the mor
e chronic course usually
differentiate it from other causes of pneumonia.
The common symptoms of pneumonia are cough, fever (sometimes with RIGOR)
, pleuritic chest pain (see
PLEURISY) and shortness of breath. SPUTUM may not be present at first but later
may be purulent or reddish
(rusty). Examination of the chest may show the typical signs of consolidation of
an area of lung. The solid
lung in which the alveoli are filled with inflammatory exudate is dull to percus
sion but transmits sounds
better than air-containing lung, giving rise to the signs of bronchial breathing
and increased conduction
of voice sounds to the stethoscope or palpating hand. The chest X-ray in pneumon
ia shows opacities
corresponding to the consolidated lung. This may have a lobar distribution fitti
ng with limitation to one
area of the lung, or have a less confluent scattered distribution in bronchopneu
monia. Blood tests usually
show a raised white cell (LEUCOCYTES) count. The organism responsible for the pn
eumonia can often be
identified from culture of the sputum or the blood, or from blood tests for the
produced in response to the infection.
Treatment The treatment of pneumonia involves appropriate antibiotics to
gether with oxygen, pain relief
and management of any complications that may arise. When treatment is started, t
he causative organism has
often not been identified so that the antibiotic choice is made on the basis of
the clinical features,
prevalent organisms and their sensitivities. In severe cases of community-acquir
ed pneumonia (see above),
this will often be a PENICILLIN or one of the CEPHALOSPORINS to cover Strep. pne
umoniae together with a
macrolide such as ERYTHROMYCIN. Pleuritic pain will need analgesia to allow deep
breathing and coughing;
may be needed as judged by the oxygen saturation or blood gas measuremen
t. Possible complications of
pneumonia are local changes such as lung abscess, pleural effusion or EMPYEMA an
d general problems such as
cardiovascular collapse and abnormalities of kidney or liver function. Appropria
te treatment should result

in complete resolution of the lung changes but some FIBROSIS in the lung may rem
ain. Pneumonia can be a
severe illness in previously fit people and it may take some months to return to
full fitness.
Pneumonitis An inflammation of the lung (see LUNGS) due to chemical or p
hysical agents.
Pneumoperitoneum A collection of air in the peritoneal cavity (see PERIT
ONEUM). Air introduced into the
peritoneal cavity collects under the diaphragm which is thus raised and collapse
s the lungs. This procedure
was sometimes carried out in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the prea
ntibiotic days as an
alternative to artificial PNEUMOTHORAX.
Pneumothorax A collection of air in the pleural cavity, into which it ha
s gained entrance by a defect
in the lung or a wound in the chest wall. When air enters the chest, the lung im
mediately collapses towards
the centre of the chest; but, air being absorbed from the pleural cavity, the lu
ng expands again within a
short time. (See LUNGS, DISEASES OF.) Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening
condition in which the air
in the hemithorax is under such pressure that it forces the heart to the other s
ide and compresses the
still-inflated lung on the other side. It must be promptly relieved by inserting
a hollow tube into the
pleural cavity a chest drain. Artificial pneumothorax was an operation often per
formed in the
pre-antibiotic days to treat pulmonary tuberculosis. Air was run into the pleura
l cavity to cause collapse
of one lung, which rested it and allowed cavities in it to heal.
Podagra Another name for GOUT affecting the foot.
Podophyllin A resin derived from podophyllum plants, its active agent, p
odophyllotoxin, in alcoholic
solution is used to treat genital WARTS. Paints, creams and impregnated plasters
are used for calluses and
warts elsewhere.

564 Poikilocytosis
Poikilocytosis This is a term used to describe the variation seen in the
shape of red blood cells in
some disorders of the BONE MARROW.
A poison is any substance which, if absorbed by, introduced into or appl
ied to a living organism, may
cause illness or death. The term toxin is often used to refer to a poison of biolo
gical origin. Toxins
are therefore a subgroup of poisons, but often little distinction is made betwee
n the terms. The study of
the effects of poisons is toxicology and the effects of toxins, toxinology. The
concept of the
dose-response is important for understanding the risk of exposure to a particula
r substance. This is
embodied in a statement by Paracelsus (c.14931541): All substances are poisons; th
ere is none which is
not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. Poisoning may
occur in a variety of
ways: deliberate SUICIDE, substance abuse or murder; accidental including accide
ntal overdose of
medicines; occupational; and environmental including exposure during fire. Inges
tion is the most common
route of exposure, but poisoning may also occur through inhalation, absorption t
hrough the skin, by
injection and through bites and stings of venomous animals. Poisoning may be des
cribed as acute, where a
single exposure produces clinical effects with a relatively rapid onset; or chro
nic, where prolonged or
repeated exposures may produce clinical effects which may be insidious in onset,
cumulative and in some
cases permanent. Diagnosis of poisoning is usually by circumstantial evidence or
elimination of other
causes of the clinical condition of the patient. Some substances (e.g. opioids)
produce a characteristic
clinical picture in overdose that can help with diagnosis. In some patients labo
ratory analysis of body
fluids or the substance taken may be useful to determine or confirm the offendin
g agent. Routine assays are
not necessary. For a very small number of poisons, such as paracetamol, aspirin,
iron and lead, the
management of the patient may depend on measuring the amount of poison in the bl
oodstream. Accurate
statistics on the incidence of poisoning in the UK are lacking. Mortality figure
s are more reliable than
morbidity statistics; annually, well over 100,000 cases of poisoning are admitte
d to hospital. The annual
number of deaths from poisoning is relatively small about 300 and in most cases
patients die before
reaching hospital. Currently, CARis by far the most common cause of death due to poisoning. The most comm
on agents involved in
intentional or accidental poisoning are drugs, particularly ANALGESICS, ANTIDEPR

Alcohol is also commonly taken by adults, usually in combination with drugs. Chi
ldren frequently swallow
household cleaners, white spirit, plant material such as belladonna (deadly nigh
tshade) and certain
mushrooms; for example, death cap and fly agaric aftershave and perfume as well
as drugs. If possible,
the suspect container, drug or plant should be taken with the victim to the hosp
ital or doctor. The use of
child-resistant containers has reduced the number of admissions of children to h
ospital for treatment.
Bixtrex is an intensely bitter-tasting agent which is often added to products to
discourage ingestion;
however, not everybody is able to taste it, nor has any beneficial effect been p
Treatment of poisoning usually begins with decontamination procedures. F
or ingested substances this may
involve making the patient sick or washing the stomach out (GASTRIC LAVAGE): thi
s is usually only
worthwhile if performed soon after ingestion. It should be emphasised that salt
(sodium chloride) water
must never be given to induce vomiting, since this procedure is dangerous and ha
s caused death. For
substances spilt on the skin, the affected area should immediately be thoroughly
washed and all
contaminated clothing removed. Following eye exposure, the affected eye/s should
be thoroughly irrigated
with saline or water. Treatment thereafter is generally symptomatic and supporti
ve, with maintenance of the
victims respiratory, neurological and cardiovascular systems and, where appropria
te, monitoring of their
fluid and electrolyte balance and hepatic and renal function. There are specific
antidotes for a few
substances: the most important of these are PARACETAMOL, iron, cyanide (see CYAN
(see OPIOID), DIGOXIN, insecticides and some heavy metals. Heavy-metal poisoning
is treated with CHELATING
AGENTS chemical compounds that form complexes by binding metal ions: desferrioxa
mine and pencillinamine
are two such agents. The number of people presenting with paracetamol overdose a
common drug used for
attempted suicide has fallen sharply since restrictions were placed on its overthecounter sales. When a
patient presents with an illness thought to be caused by exposure to substances
at work, further exposure
should be limited or

Polyarteritis Nodosa 565

prevented and investigations undertaken to determine the source and exte
nt of the problem. Acutely
poisoned workers will usually go to hospital, but those suffering from chronic e
xposure may attend their GP
with non-specific symptoms (see OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, MEDICINE AND DISEASES). In
recent years, legislation
has been enacted in the UK to improve safety in the workplace and to ensure that
data on the hazardous
constituents and effects of chemicals are more readily available. These official
controls include the
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and the Chemicals (Hazard Info
rmation and Packaging)
Regulations (CHIP) and are UK legislation in response to European Union directiv
es. The National Poisons
Information Service is a 24-hour emergency telephone service available to the me
dical profession and
provides information on the likely effects of numerous agents and advice on the
management of the poisoned
patient. The telephone numbers are available in the medical literature. In the U
K this is not a
public-access service. People who believe they, or their relatives, have been po
isoned should seek medical
advice from their GPs or attend their local hospital.
Toxbase The National Poisons Information Service provides a primary clin
ical toxicology database on the
Internet: This website provides information about routine di
agnosis, treatment and
management of people exposed to drugs, household products and industrial and agr
icultural products. (See
Poliomyelitis Once known as infantile paralysis, this disease is caused
by a viral infection involving
the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD. Since the development of effective vaccines in the 19
polio has been practically eliminated in most developed countries. People who ha
ve not been fully
vaccinated, however, may get the disease: it remains a serious risk for unvaccin
ated travellers to Africa,
Asia or southern Europe. Most reported cases are now from sub-Saharan Africa.
Pathology There are three types of virus, infection spreading by the sto
ols-contaminated hands-mouth
route. Children are most susceptible. One attack usually produces permanent immu
nity, and second attacks
are rare. The virus typically affects the anterior horn cells of
the spinal cord, especially those in the lumbar region; the grey matter
of the brain stem and cortex
may also be damaged. Vaccination is given to infants at two, three and four mont
hs: a booster dose is given
at around the age of five. The vaccine contains all three types of polio virus.
Two types of vaccine are
available: inactivated polio virus (IPV) contains dead virus and is administered
by injections; oral polio
vaccine (OPV) contains live, harmless strains. The latter is used in the United

Symptoms The incubation period is around 714 days, the onset being marked
by a mild fever and headache
which improves after a few days. In around 85 per cent of infected children ther
e is no further
progression, but in some after approximately one week the symptoms recur, togeth
er with neck stiffness
and signs of meningeal irritation (see MENINGES). Weakness of individual muscle
groups is common, and may
progress to a variable extent, depending on the distribution of the virus to wid
espread PARALYSIS.
Involvement of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles may lead to respiratory fai
lure and rapid death unless
artificial respiration is provided. Involvement of the cranial nerves and brain
may lead to nystagmus (see
under EYE, DISORDERS OF), hoarseness and difficulty in swallowing, and CONVULSIO
NS may occur in young
children. The CEREBROSPINAL FLUID shows an early increase in lymphocytes, follow
ed by a rise in protein
Treatment There is no effective drug treatment for the infection. Treatm
ent involves early bed rest,
followed by PHYSIOTHERAPY and orthopaedic measures as required. At the onset of
respiratory difficulties a
TRACHEOSTOMY and artificial ventilation should be started. (In the 1950s, when p
olio epidemics were
occurring, respiratory difficulties were treated by placing patients in an iron l
ung a large, airtight,
cylindrical container in which the air pressure was raised and lowered to simula
te normal breathing.) In
cases of severe paralysis with persistent wasting of the limbs, surgery may be n
ecessary to minimise the
resulting disability.
Pollex A Latin term for thumb.
Polyarteritis Nodosa Also known as periarteritis nodosa. A rare but pote
ntially serious disease,
probably caused by a disturbance of the immune system (see IMMUNITY). Prolonged
fever and obscure symptoms

566 Polyarthritis
referable to any system of the body are associated with local areas of i
nflammation along the arteries,
giving rise to nodules in their walls. Large doses of CORTICOSTEROIDS, coupled w
treatment, usually curtail the disorder. Recovery occurs in about 50 per cent of
Polyarthritis A rheumatic disorder usually caused by RHEUMATOID ARTHRITI
S that affects several
joints in the body. The joints are stiff, painful and swollen. Different joints
may be affected at the same
time or in various sequences.
Polychromasia Also polychromatophilia; terms applied to an abnormal reac
tion of the red blood cells in
severe ANAEMIA. They have a bluish tinge instead of the normal red colour in a b
lood film stained by the
usual method. It is a sign that the cell is not fully developed.
Polychromatophilia See POLYCHROMASIA.
Polycystic Disease of the Kidney
An inherited disease in which the KIDNEYS contain many cysts. These grow
in size until normal kidney
tissue is largely destroyed. Cysts may also occur in other organs such as the li
ver. In adults, the disease
will cause HYPERTENSION and kidney failure. There is also a juvenile form. There
is no effective treatment,
although symptoms can be alleviated by DIALYSIS and sometimes kidney transplant
Polycythaemia A rise in the amount of HAEMOGLOBIN in the blood. This may
be caused by an excess in the
number of ERYTHROCYTES produced in the BONE MARROW or to a fall in the total vol
ume of PLASMA in the
circulatory system. It may also be a response to reduced oxygen levels for examp
le, among people living
at high altitudes or to liver or kidney disease: this type is called secondary p
olycythaemia. The
disorder may, however, occur for no obvious reason and is then called polycythae
mia vera. This type
develops mainly in people over 40 and about 400 people develop the disorder ever
y year in the United
Kingdom. The blood thickens, the sufferer may develop high blood pressure, flush
ing, headaches, itching and
an enlarged spleen. A stroke may occur later in the disease process. Treatment o
f polycythaemia vera is by
regular removal of blood by VENESECTION, sometimes in combination with an antica
ncer drug. Secondary
polycythaemia is treated by remedying the underlying cause.
Polycythaemia rubra vera A disorder in which the red blood cells increas
e in number along with an
increase in the number of white blood cells and platelets. The cause is unknown.
Severe cases may require

treatment with CYTOTOXIC drugs or RADIOTHERAPY.

Polydactyly The presence of extra, or supernumerary, fingers or toes.
Polydipsia Excessive thirst, which is a symptom of BETES MELLITUS and so
me other diseases.
DIAPolycystic Ovary Syndrome
Characterised by scanty (or absent) MENSTRUATION, INFERTILITY, hirsutism
(excessive hairiness) and
OBESITY and the sufferers often have multiple cysts in their OVARIES. The condit
ion is caused by an
); this imbalance stops
OVULATION and varies the TESTOSTERONE output of the ovaries. The treatment may b
e with CLOMIPHENE; with a
l contraceptives (see under
CONTRACEPTION Non-barrier methods). The treatment chosen depends on the severity
of the disease and
whether the woman wants to conceive. Rarely a section of ovarian tissue is surgi
cally removed.
Antifungal agents that include AMPHOTERICIN (given by intravenous inject
ion in the treatment of
systemic ASPERGILLOSIS) and NYSTATIN, applied topically for fungus infection of
the skin, mouth and other
mucous membranes.
Polygene One of several GENES that between them control a single charact
eristic in an individual. With
each polygene exerting a slight effect, the genetic outcome is the consequence o
f group action. The
hereditary characteristics produced in this way are usually those of a quantitat
ive type for instance, an
individuals height.
Polymorph (Diminutive of polymorphonuclear leucocyte.) A name applied to
certain white corpuscles of

the blood which have a nucleus of irregular and varied shape. These form
between 70 and 75 per cent of
all the white corpuscles. (See BLOOD.)
Polymyalgia Rheumatica A form of rheumatism characterised by gross early
-morning stiffness, which tends
to ease off during the day, and pain in the shoulders and sometimes around the h
ips. It affects women more
than men, and is rare under the age of 60. The cause is still obscure. It respon
ds well to PREDNISOLONE,
but treatment may need to be long continued. On the other hand the condition is
not progressive and does
not lead to disability.
Polymyositis A connective-tissue disease affecting the muscles throughou
t the body. This rare disorder,
which is associated with DERMATOMYOSITIS, may be acute or chronic but it usually
affects the muscles of the
shoulders or hip areas. The muscles weaken and are tender to the touch. Diffuse
inflammatory changes occur
and symptomatic relief may be obtained with
Polypill A suggestion by two epidemiologists, made in the British Medica
l Journal in 2003, that many
lives could be saved if all persons aged over 55 took a daily combination pill t
hey termed the polypill.
Its components would be ASPIRIN, a CHOLESTEROL-lowering agent, FOLIC ACID and tw
o blood-pressure-lowering
agents. The suggestion caused a massive correspondence as it implied treating a
whole population rather
than individuals considered to be at special risk.
Polyposis The presence of a crop, or large number, of polypi (see POLYPU
S). The most important form of
polyposis is that known as familial polyposis coli. This is a hereditary disease
characterised by the
presence of large numbers of polypoid tumours in the large bowel. Every child bo
rn to an affected parent
stands a fifty-fifty chance of developing the disease. Its importance is that so
oner or later one or more
of these tumours undergoes cancerous change. If the affected gut is removed surg
ically before this occurs,
and preferably before the age of 20, the results are excellent.
Polypus Polymyxin A group of antibiotics derived from various species of
Bacillus polymyxa. One
variety, colistin, is used to sterilise the bowels before surgery as it is not a
bsorbed when given by
mouth. The drugs are sometimes used in topical applications for infections of th
e skin, eye and ear.
Polyneuritis An inflammatory condition of nerves in various parts of the
body. (See NEURITIS.)

Polyp See POLYPUS.

Polypeptide A molecule in which several AMINO ACIDS are joined together
by peptide bonds. PROTEIN
molecules are polypeptides.
Polypharmacy A term applied to the administration of too many drugs to o
ne person. Sometimes
combinations of drugs are an effective means of treatment, reducing the risk of
drug resistance.
Polypharmacy, however, worsens the risk of drug interactions and of adverse effe
cts, especially in the
or polyp (plural: polypi). A general name applied to tumours which are a
ttached by a stalk to the
surface from which they spring. The term refers only to the shape of the growth
and has nothing to do with
its structure or nature. Most polypi are of a simple nature, although malignant
polypi are also found. The
usual structure of a polypus is that of a fine fibrous core covered with epithel
ium resembling that of the
surrounding surface. The sites in which polypi are most usually found are the in
terior of the nose, the
outer meatus of the ear, and the interior of the womb, bladder, or bowels (see P
OLYPOSIS). Their removal is
generally easy, as they are simply twisted off, or cut off, by some form of snar
e or ligature. (The tissue
removed should be checked for malignant cells.) Those which are situated in the
interior of the bladder or
bowels, and whose presence is usually recognised because blood appears in the ur
ine or stools, require a
more serious operation usually an endoscopic examination (see ENDOSCOPE).
Polysaccharide A CARBOHYDRATE comprising several monosaccharides linked
in long chains. Polysaccharides
store energy as starch in plants and glycogen in animals and they also form the

568 Polyuria
structural parts of plants (as cellulose) and animals (as mucopolysaccha
Polyuria The production of excessive amounts of URINE (1,500 ml or there
about is the usual daily
quantity). It is a symptom of DIABETES MELLITUS, DIABETES INSIPIDUS and chronic
renal failure.
Complex organic compounds which are sensitive to light and form the basi
s of respiratory pigments for
example, haemoglobin and myoglobin. Porphyrins are crucial to many metabolic oxi
dation/reduction reactions
in animals, plants, and micro-organisms.
Popliteal Space
Portal Hypertension
The name given to the region behind the knee. The muscles attached to th
e bones immediately above and
below the knee bound a diamondshaped space through which pass the main artery an
d vein of the limb (known
in this part of their course as the popliteal artery and vein); the tibial and c
ommon peroneal nerves
(which continue the sciatic nerve from the thigh down to the leg); the external
saphenous vein; and several
small nerves and lymphatic vessels. The muscles which bound the upper angle of t
he space and which are
attached to the leg bones by strong prominent tendons are known as the hamstring
s. The lower angle of the
space lies between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, which makes up the
main bulk of the calf of
the leg.
Raised blood pressure in the PORTAL VEIN entering the LIVER. This result
s in increased pressure in the
veins of the oesophagus and upper stomach and these grow in size to form varices
dilated tortuous veins.
Sometimes these varices rupture, causing bleeding into the oesophagus. The raise
d pressure also causes
fluid to collect in the abdomen and form ASCITES. The commonest reason for porta
l hypertension is cirrhosis
(fibrosis) of the liver (see LIVER, DISEASES OF). THROMBOSIS in the portal vein
may also be a cause.
Treatment requires the cause to be tackled, but bleeding from ruptured vessels m
ay be stopped by injecting
a sclerosant or hardening solution into and around the veins. Sometimes a surgic
al shunt may be done to
divert blood from the portal vein to another blood vessel.
Poppy P

5,000 people in some countries. The British king, George III, suffered f
rom porphyria, a disorder
unrecognised in the 18th century.
Two species are used in medicine: Papaver somniferum, the white opium-po
ppy (see OPIUM), and Papaver
rhoeas, the red corn-poppy. The corn-poppy is chiefly used as a colouring agent,
its syrup being a
brilliant crimson colour.
Pore A small opening. The word is usually used to describe an opening in
the skin that releases sweat
or sebum, a waxy material secreted by the sebaceous glands in the SKIN.
Porphyrias A group of rare inherited ENZYME diseases in which disorders
of the metabolic pathways
leading to the synthesis of HAEM cause excessive production of haem precursors c
alled PORPHYRINS by the
bone marrow or liver. The excess porphyrins in the blood mainly affect the skin,
or the central nervous system, causing various neuro-psychiatric disorders. Exce
ss porphyrins can be
detected in blood, urine and faeces. Usually porphyrias are genetically determin
ed, but one form is due to
alcoholic liver disease. The commonest form, porphyria cutanea tarda, affects up
to 1 in
Portal System A vein or collection of veins which finish at both ends in
a bed of capillary blood
vessels. An important example is the hepatic portal system, comprising the porta
l vein and its tributaries.
Blood from the stomach, pancreas, spleen and intestines drains into the veins th
at join up to comprise the
portal vein into the liver, where it branches into sinusoids.
Portal Vein The vein which carries to the LIVER, blood that has been cir
culating in many of the
abdominal organs. It is peculiar among the veins of the body in that it ends by
breaking up into a
capillary network instead of carrying the blood directly to the heart a peculiar
ity which it shares only
with certain small vessels in the kidneys. The PORTAL SYSTEM begins below in the
haemorrhoidal plexus of
veins around the lower end of the rectum; from this point, along the whole lengt
h of the intestines, the
blood is collected into an inferior mesenteric vein upon the left, and a superio
r mesenteric vein upon the
right side. The inferior mesenteric vein empties into the splenic vein, and the
latter, uniting with the

superior mesenteric vein immediately above the pancreas, forms the porta
l vein. The portal vein is
joined by veins from the stomach and gallbladder, and finally divides into two b
ranches which sink into the
right and left lobes of the liver. (For their further course, see LIVER). The or
gans from which the portal
vein collects the blood are the large and small intestines, the stomach, spleen,
pancreas, and
Port Wine Stain See NAEVUS.
Positron-Emission Tomography (PET) See PET SCANNING.
Possetting The technical term used to describe the quite common habit of
healthy babies to regurgitate,
or bring up, small amounts of the meal they have just taken. Its name derives fr
om possett, an 18th century
drink made from porridge and sherry.
PostA prefix signifying after or behind.
Post-Coital Contraception Action taken to prevent CONCEPTION after sexua
l intercourse. The type of
contraception may be hormonal, or it may be an intrauterine device (see below, a
Pregnancy after intercourse without contraception or where contraception has fai
led as a result, for
example, of a leaking condom may be avoided with a course of morning-after contrac
eptive pills. Such
preparations usually contain an oestrogen (see OESTROGENS) and a PROGESTOGEN. Tw
o doses should be taken
within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. An alternative for the woman is to tak
e a high dose of
oestrogen on its own. The aim is to postpone OVULATION and to affect the lining
of the UTERUS so that the
egg is unable to implant itself.
Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) This, in effect, is a form of p
ost-coital contraception. The
IUCD is a plastic shape up to 3 cm long around which copper wire is wound, carry
ing plastic thread from its
tail. Colloquially known as a coil, it acts by inhibiting implantation and may a
lso impair migration of
sperm. Devices need changing every 35 years. Coils have generally replaced the la
rger, non-copper-bearing
inert types of IUCD, which caused more complications but did not
need changing (so are sometimes still found in situ). They tend to be ch
osen as a method of
contraception (6 per cent) by older, parous women in stable relationships, with
a generally low problem
rate. Nevertheless, certain problems do occur with IUCDs, the following being th
e most common: They tend to
be expelled by the uterus in women who have never conceived, or by a uterus dist
orted by, say, fibroids.

ECTOPIC PREGNANCY is more likely. They are associated with pelvic infection and
INFERTILITY, following
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS) or possibly introduced during insertion. Th
ey often produce heavy,
painful periods (see MENSTRUATION), and women at high risk of these problems (e.
g. women who are HIV
positive [see AIDS/HIV], or with WILSONS DISEASE or cardiac lesions) should gener
ally be excluded unless
the IUCD is inserted under antibiotic cover.

Post-Coital Test A test for INFERTILITY. A specimen of cervical mucus, t
aken up to 24 hours after
coitus (during the post-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle), is examined mic
roscopically to assess the
motility of the sperms. If motility is above a certain level, then sperms and mu
cus are not interacting
abnormally thus eliminating one cause of sterility.
Post-Mortem Examination Also called an autopsy (and less commonly, necro
psy), this is an examination of
a body to discover the causes of death. Such an examination is sometimes require
d by law. An unnatural
death; a death occurring in suspicious circumstances; or a death when a doctor f
eels unable to complete a
certificate about the cause all must be reported to the CORONER (in Scotland, to
the procurator fiscal).
He or she may order an autopsy to be carried out as part of the inquiry into cau
se of death. Sometimes
doctors may request the permission of relatives to perform a post-mortem so that
they may discover
something of value for the improvement of medical care. Relatives may refuse con
sent. (See also DEATH,
Post-Operative The period after an operation, the patients condition afte
r operation, or any
investigations or treatment during this time.
Post-Partum The term applied to anything happening

570 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

immediately after childbirth: for example, postpartum haemorrhage. (See
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Potassium Permanganate
A term introduced to PSYCHIATRY in 1980 after the Vietnam War. It is one
of several psychiatric
disorders that can develop in people exposed to severe trauma, such as a major p
hysical injury,
participation in warfare, assault or rape, or any event in which there is major
loss of life or a threat of
loss of life. Most people exposed to trauma do not develop psychiatric disorder;
however, some develop
immediate distress and, occasionally, the reaction can be delayed for many month
s. Someone with PTSD has
regular recurrences of memories or images of the stressful event (flashbacks), esp
ecially when reminded
of it. Insomnia, feelings of guilt and isolation, an inability to concentrate an
d irritability may result.
DEPRESSION is very common. Support from friends and family is probably the best
management, but those who
do not recover quickly can be helped by antidepressants and psychological treatm
ents such as COGNITIVE
BEHAVIOUR THERAPY. Over the past few years, PTSD has featured increasingly in co
mpensation litigation.
Postural Drainage
Facilitation of the drainage of secretions from dilated bronchi of the L
UNGS. The patient lies on an
inclined plane, head downwards, and is encouraged to cough up as much secretion
from the lungs as possible.
The precise position depends on which part of the lungs is affected. It may need
to be carried out for up
to three hours daily in divided periods. It is of particular value in BRONCHIECT
ASIS and lung abscess (see
and are used to relieve pain in the HEART. Nicorandil is the main
example. A salt of the metallic element POTASSIUM. It is used as a skin
antiseptic (see ANTISEPTICS)
and for cleaning wounds; its astringent effect is useful in the treatment of DER
MATITIS. It should not be
taken internally because the compound is poisonous.
Potts Disease A traditional name often applied to the angular curvature o
f the spine which results
from tuberculous disease. (See SPINE AND SPINAL CORD, DISEASES AND INJURIES OF.)
The disease is named after

Percivall Pott, an English surgeon (171488), who first described the condition.
Potts Fracture A variety of fractures around the ankle, accompanied by a
varying degree of dislocation
of the ankle. In all cases the fibula is fractured. Named after Percivall Pott,
who suffered from this
fracture and was the first to describe it (see BONE, DISORDERS OF), it is often
mistaken for a simple
sprain of the ankle.
Pouchitis A rare chronic inflammatory disease in the ileal pouch, which
remains after a patient has had
intestinal resection because of INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE (IBD). Metronidazole
and oral PROBIOTICS are
effective treatments.
Poultices (See also FOMENTATION.) Soft, moist applications to the surfac
e of the body, generally used
hot to soothe pain due to inflammation and to promote resolution.
Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome
Pouparts Ligament
Also known as the inguinal ligament, it is the strong ligament lying in
the boundary between the
anterior abdominal wall and the front of the thigh.
Potassium A metal which, on account of its great affinity for other subs
tances, is not found in a pure
state in nature. Its salts are widely used in medicine but, as their action depe
nds in general not on their
metallic radical but upon the acid with which it is combined, their uses vary gr
eatly and are described
elsewhere. All salts of potassium depress the hearts action as a result of action
by the potassium ion.
Praziquantel An effective drug against all human schistosomes which has
a broad spectrum of activity
and low toxicity (see SCHISTOSOMIASIS).
PreA prefix meaning before.
Potassium-Channel Activators
Drugs that have the ability to dilate
An antibody (see
that combines

Pregnancy and Labour

with an ANTIGEN and forms the immune complex as a precipitate. The react
ion is used in some diagnostic
serological tests to identify antigens in the serum.
Precordial Region The area on the centre and towards the left side of th
e chest, lying in front of the
Prednisolone A derivative of CORTISONE, which is five or six times as ac
tive as cortisone and has less
of the salt- and water-retaining properties of cortisone. It is given by mouth.
Prednisone This corticosteroid drug has a similar level of glucocorticoi
d activity as PREDNISOLONE and
is converted to prednisolone in the liver. Though prednisone is still in use, pr
ednisolone is the most
commonly used oral corticosteroid for long-term anti-inflammatory treatment. (Se
Pre-Eclampsia A complication of pregnancy (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR), of
unknown cause, which in severe
cases may proceed to ECLAMPSIA. It is characterised by HYPERTENSION, renal impai
rment, OEDEMA, often with
PROTEINURIA and disseminated intravascular coagulation. It usually occurs in the
second half of pregnancy
mild cases (without proteinuria) occurring in about 10 per cent of pregnancies,
severe cases in about 2 per
cent. Predisposing factors include a first pregnancy, or pregnancy by a new part
ner; a family history of
pre-eclampsia, hypertension, or other cardiovascular disorders; and preexisting
hypertension or DIABETES
MELLITUS. Increased incidence with lower socio-economic class may be linked to d
iet or to failure to attend
for antenatal care. Although less common in smokers, fetal outlook is worse. Mul
tiple pregnancy and
HYDATIDIFORM MOLE, together with hydrops fetalis (see HAEMOLYTIC DISEASE OF THE
NEWBORN), predispose to
early and severe pre-eclampsia.
Treatment Severe pre-eclampsia is an emergency, and urgent admission to
hospital should be arranged.
Treatment should be given to control the hypertension; the fetal heart rate care
fully monitored; and in
very severe cases urgent CAESAREAN SECTION may be necessary.
Pregnancy and Labour Pregnancy The time when a woman carries
a developing baby in her UTERUS. For the first 12 weeks (the first trime
ster) the baby is known as an
EMBRYO, after which it is referred to as the FETUS. Pregnancy lasts about 280 da
ys and is calculated from
the first day of the last menstrual period see MENSTRUATION. Pregnancy-testing k
its rely on the presence
of the hormone beta HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPHIN (b HCG) which is excreted in t
he womans urine as early

as 30 days from the last menstrual period. The estimated date of delivery can be
accurately estimated from
the size of the developing fetus measured by ULTRASOUND (see also below) between
seven and 24 weeks. Term
refers to the time that the baby is due; this can range from 38 weeks to 41 comp
leted weeks. Physical
changes occur in early pregnancy periods stop and the abdomen enlarges. The brea
sts swell, with the veins
becoming prominent and the nipples darkening. About two in three women will have
nausea with a few
experiencing such severe vomiting as to require hospital admission for rehydrati
Antenatal care The aim of antenatal care is to ensure a safe outcome for
both mother and child; it is
provided by midwives (see MIDWIFE) and doctors. Formal antenatal care began in E
dinburgh in the 1930s with
the recognition that all aspects of pregnancy normal and abnormal warranted surv
eillance. Cooperation
between general practitioners, midwives and obstetricians is now established, wi
th pregnancies that are
likely to progress normally being cared for in the community and only those need
ing special intervention
being cared for in a hospital setting. The initial visit (or booking) in the fir
st half of pregnancy will
record the history of past events and the results of tests, with the aim of cate
gorising the patients into
normal or not. Screening tests including blood checks and ultrasound scans are a
routine part of antenatal
care. The first ultrasound scan is done at about 11 weeks to date the pregnancy,
with a further one done at
20 weeks the anomaly scan to assess the babys structure. Some obstetric units wil
l check the growth of
the baby with one further scan later in the pregnancy or, in the case of twin pr
egnancies (see below), many
scans throughout. The routine blood tests include checks for ANAEMIA, DIABETES M
ELLITUS, sickle-cell
disease and THALASSAEMIA, as well as for the blood group. Evidence of past infec
tions is also looked for;
tests for RUBELLA (German measles) and SYPHILIS are routine, whereas tests for h
uman immunodeficiency virus
(see AIDS/

572 Pregnancy and Labour

below) and HEPATITIS are being offered as optional, although there is co
mpelling evidence that
knowledge of the mothers infection status is beneficial to the baby. Traditional
antenatal care consists
of regular appointments, initially every four weeks until 34 weeks, then fortnig
htly or weekly. At each
visit the mothers weight, urine and blood pressure are checked, and assessment of
fetal growth and
position is done by palpating the uterus. Around two-thirds of pregnancies and l
abours are normal: in the
remainder, doctors and midwives need to increase the frequency of surveillance s
o as to prevent or deal
with maternal and fetal problems.
Common complications of pregnancy
Some of the more common complications of pregnancy are listed below. As
well as early detection of
medical complications, antenatal visits aim to be supportive and include emotion
al and educational care.
Women with uncomplicated pregnancies are increasingly being managed by midwives
and general practitioners
in the community and only coming to the hospital doctors should they develop a p
roblem. A small number will
opt for a home delivery, but facilities for providing such a service are not alw
ays available in the UK.
Women requiring more intensive surveillance have their management targeted to th
e specific problems
encountered. Cardiologists will see mothers-to-be with heart conditions, and tho
se at risk of diabetes are
cared for in designated clinics with specialist staff. Those women needing more
frequent surveillance than
standard antenatal care can be looked after in maternity day centres. These typi
cally include women with
mildly raised blood pressure or those with small babies. Fetal medicine units ha
ve specialists who are
highly skilled in ultrasound scanning and specialise in the diagnosis and manage
ment of abnormal babies
still in the uterus. ECTOPIC PREGNANCY Chronic abdominal discomfort early in pre
gnancy may be caused by
unruptured ectopic pregnancy, when, rarely, the fertilised OVUM starts developin
g in the Fallopian tube
(see FALLOPIAN TUBES) instead of the uterus. The patient needs hospital treatmen
ruptured ectopic pregnancy causes acute abdominal symptoms and collapse, and the
woman will require urgent
abdominal surgery. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS These affect around 2 per cent of pr
egnant women and are
detected by a laboratory test of a mid-stream
specimen of urine. In pregnancy, symptoms of these infections do not nec
essarily resemble those
experienced by non-pregnant women. As they can cause uterine irritability and po
ssible premature labour

(see below), it is important to find and treat them appropriately. ANAEMIA is mo

re prevalent in patients
who are vegetarian or on a poor diet. Iron supplements are usually given to wome
n who have low
concentrations of HAEMOGLOBIN in their blood (less than 10.5 g/dl) or who are at
risk of becoming low in
iron, from bleeding, twin pregnancies and those with placenta previa (see below)
Early in pregnancy, vaginal bleedings may be due to a spontaneous or an incomple
te therapeutic ABORTION.
Bleeding from the genital tract between 24 completed weeks of pregnancy and the
start of labour is called
antepartum haemorrhage. The most common site is where the PLACENTA is attached t
o the wall of the uterus.
If the placenta separates before delivery, bleeding occurs in the exposed bed. Whe
n the placenta is
positioned in the upper part of the uterus it is called an abruption. PLACENTA P
RAEVIA is sited in the
lower part and blocks or partly blocks the cervix (neck of the womb); it can be
identified at about the
34th week. Ten per cent of episodes of antepartum bleeding are caused by placent
a previa, and it may be
associated with bleeding at delivery. This potentially serious complication is d
iagnosed by ultrasound
scanning and may require a caesarean section (see below) at delivery. INCREASED
BLOOD PRESSURE, associated
with protein in the urine and swelling of the limbs, is part of a condition know
occurs in the second half of pregnancy in about 1 in 10 women expecting their fi
rst baby, and is mostly
very mild and of no consequence to the pregnancy. However, some women can develo
p extremely high blood
pressures which can adversely affect the fetus and cause epileptic-type seizures
and bleeding disorders in
the mother. This serious condition is called ECLAMPSIA. For this reason a pregna
nt woman with raised blood
pressure or PROTEIN in her urine is carefully evaluated with blood tests, often
in the maternity day
assessment unit. The condition can be stopped by delivery of the baby, and this
will be done if the
mothers or the fetuss life is in danger. If the condition is milder, and the baby
not mature enough for a
safe delivery, then drugs can be used to control the blood pressure. MISCARRIAGE
Also called spontaneous

Pregnancy and Labour

tion, miscarriage is the loss of the fetus. There are several types: thr
eatened miscarriage is one in
which some vaginal bleeding occurs, the uterus is enlarged, but the cervix remai
ns closed and pregnancy
usually proceeds. inevitable miscarriage usually occurs before the 16th week and
is typified by extensive
blood loss through an opened cervix and cramp-like abdominal pain; some products
of conception are lost but
the developing placental area (decidua) is retained and an operation may be nece
ssary to clear the womb.
missed miscarriages, in which the embryo dies and is absorbed, but the decidua (
placental area of uterine
wall) remains and may cause abdominal discomfort and discharge of old blood. THE
performed on more than 170,000 women annually in England and Wales. Sometimes th
e woman may not have
arranged the procedure through the usual health-care channels, so that a doctor
may see a patient with
vaginal bleeding, abdominal discomfort or pain, and open cervix symptoms which s
uggest that the decidua
and a blood clot have been retained; these retained products will need to be rem
oved by curettage. Septic
abortions are now much less common in Britain than before the Abortion Act (1967
) permitted abortion in
specified circumstances. The cause is the passage of infective organisms from th
e vagina into the uterus,
with Escherichia coli and Streptococcus faecalis the most common pathogenic agen
ts. The woman has abdominal
pain, heavy bleeding, usually fever and sometimes she is in shock. The cause is
usually an incomplete
abortion or one induced in unsterile circumstances. Antibiotics and curettage ar
e the treatment.
INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RETARDATION describes a slowing of the babys growth. This can
be diagnosed by
ultrasound scanning, although there is a considerable margin of error in estimat
es of fetal weight. Trends
in growth are favoured over one-off scan results alone. GESTATIONAL DIABETES is
a condition that is more
common in women who are overweight or have a family member with diabetes. If hig
h concentrations of blood
sugar are found, efforts are made to correct it as the babies can become very fa
t (macrosomia), making
delivery more difficult. A low-sugar diet is usually enough to control the blood
concentration of sugars;
however some women need small doses of INSULIN to achieve control. FETAL ABNORMA
LITIES can be detected

birth using ultrasound. Some of these defects are obvious, such as the a
bsence of kidneys, a condition
incompatible with life outside the womb. These women can be offered a terminatio
n of their pregnancy.

However, more commonly, the pattern of problems can only hint at an abnormality
and closer examination is
needed, particularly in the diagnosis of chromosomal deformities such as DOWNS (D
OWN) SYNDROME (trisomy 21
or presence of three 21 chromosomes instead of two). Chromosomal abnormalities c
an be definitively
diagnosed only by cell sampling such as amniocentesis (obtaining amniotic fluid
see AMNION from around
the baby) done at 15 weeks onwards, and chorionic villus sampling (sampling a sm
all part of the placenta)
another technique which can be done from 12 weeks onwards. Both have a small ris
k of miscarriage associated
with them; consequently, they are confined to women at higher risk of having an
abnormal fetus. Biochemical
markers present in the pregnant womans blood at different stages of pregnancy may
have undergone changes
in those carrying an abnormal fetus. The first such marker to be routinely used
was a high concentration of
alpha-fetol protein in babies with SPINA BIFIDA (defects in the covering of the
spinal cord). Fuller
research has identified a range of diagnostic markers which are useful, and, in
conjunction with other
factors such as age, ethnic group and ultrasound findings, can provide a predict
ive guide to the
obstetrician in consultation with the woman as to whether or not to proceed to a
n invasive test. These
tests include pregnancy-associated plasma protein assessed from a blood sample t
aken at 12 weeks and four
blood tests at 1522 weeks alphafetol protein, beta human chorionic gonadotrophin,
unconjugated oestriol
and inhibin A. Ultrasound itself can reveal physical findings in the fetus, whic
h can be more common in
certain abnormalities. Swelling in the neck region of an embryo in early pregnan
cy (increased nuchal
thickness) has good predictive value on its own, although its accuracy is improv
ed in combination with the
biochemical markers. The effectiveness of prenatal diagnosis is rapidly evolving
, the aim being to make the
diagnosis as early in the pregnancy as possible to help the parents make more in
formed choices. MULTIPLE
PREGNANCIES In the UK, one in 95 deliveries is of twins, while the prevalence of
triplets is one in 10,000
and quadruplets around one in 500,000. Racial variations occur, with African wom
en having a prevalence rate
of one in 30 deliveries for twins and Japanese

574 Pregnancy and Labour

women a much lower rate than the UK figure. Multiple pregnancies occur m
ore often in older women, and
in the UK the prevalence of fertility treatments, many of these being given to o
lder women, has raised the
incidence. There is now an official limit of three eggs being transferred to a w
oman undergoing ASSISTED
CONCEPTION (gamete intrafallopian transfer, or GIFT). Multiple pregnancies are n
ow usually diagnosed as a
result of routine ultrasound scans between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. The inc
reased size of the uterus
results in the mother having more or worse pregnancy-related conditions such as
nausea, abdominal
discomfort, backache and varicose veins. Some congenital abnormalities in the fe
tus occur more frequently
in twins: NEURAL TUBE defects, abnormalities of the heart and the incidence of T
KLINEFELTERS SYNDROME are examples. Such abnormalities may be detected by ultraso
und scans or
amniocentesis. High maternal blood pressure and anaemia are commoner in women wi
th multiple pregnancies
(see above). The growth rates of multiple fetuses vary, but the difference betwe
en them and single fetuses
are not that great until the later stages of pregnancy. Preterm labour is common
er in multiple pregnancies:
the median length of pregnancy is 40 weeks for singletons, 37 for twins and 33 f
or triplets. Low
birth-weights are usually the result of early delivery rather than abnormalities
in growth rates. Women
with multiple pregnancies require more frequent and vigilant antenatal assessmen
ts, with their carers being
alert to the signs of preterm labour occurring. CEPHALOPELVIC DISPROPORTION Disp
arity between the size of
the fetus and the mothers pelvis is not common in the UK but is a significant pro
blem in the developing
world. Disparity is classified as absolute, when there is no possibility of deli
very, and relative, when
the baby is large but delivery (usually after a difficult labour) is possible. C
auses of absolute disparity
include: a large baby heavier than 5 kg at birth; fetal HYDROCEPHALUS; and an ab
normal maternal pelvis.
The latter may be congenital, the result of trauma or a contraction in pelvic si
ze because of OSTEOMALACIA
early in life. Disproportion should be suspected if in late pregnancy the fetal
head has not engaged in
the pelvis. Sometimes a closely supervised trial of labour may result in a success
ful, if prolonged,
delivery. Otherwise a caesarean section (see below) is necessary. UNUSUAL POSITI
THE BABY In most pregnant women the baby
fits into the maternal pelvis head-first in what is called the occipitoanterior position, with the
babys face pointing towards the back of the pelvis. Sometimes, however, the head
may face the other way,
or enter the pelvis transversely or, rarely, the babys neck is flexed backwards w
ith the brow or face

presenting to the neck of the womb. Some malpositions will correct naturally; ot
hers can be manipulated
abdominally during pregnancy to a better position. If, however, the mother start
s labour with the babys
head badly positioned or with the buttocks instead of the head presenting (breec
h position), the labour
will usually be longer and more difficult and may require intervention using spe
cial obstetric forceps to
assist in extracting the baby. If progress is poor and the fetus distressed, cae
sarean section may be
necessary. HIV INFECTION Pregnant women who are HIV positive (see HIV; AIDS/HIV)
should be taking antiviral
drugs in the final four to five months of pregnancy, so as to reduce the risk of
infecting the baby in
utero and during birth by around 50 per cent. Additional antiviral treatment is
given before delivery; the
infection risk to the baby can be further reduced by about 40 per cent if delive
ry is by caesarean
section. The mother may prefer to have the baby normally, in which case great ca
re should be taken not to
damage the babys skin during delivery. The infection risk to the baby is even fur
ther reduced if it is not
breast fed. If all preventive precautions are taken, the overall risk of the inf
ant becoming infected is
cut to under 5 per cent.
Premature birth This is a birth that takes place before the end of the n
ormal period of gestation,
usually before 37 weeks. In practice, however, it is defined as a birth that tak
es place when the baby
weighs less than 25 kilograms (5 pounds). Between 5 and 10 per cent of babies are
born prematurely, and
in around 40 per cent of premature births the cause is unknown. Pre-eclampsia is
the most common known
cause; others include hypertension, chronic kidney disease, heart disease and di
abetes mellitus. Multiple
pregnancy is another cause. In the vast majority of cases the aim of management
is to prolong the pregnancy
and so improve the outlook for the unborn child. This consists essentially of re
st in bed and sedation, but
there are now several drugs, such as RITODRINE, that may be used to suppress the
activity of the uterus and
so help to delay premature labour. Prematurity was once a prime cause of infant
mortality but modern
medical care has

Pregnancy and Labour

greatly improved survival rates in developing countries.
Labour Also known by the traditional terms parturition, childbirth or de
livery, this is the process by
which the baby and subsequently the placenta are expelled from the mothers body.
The onset of labour is
often preceded by a show the loss of the mucus and blood plug from the cervix, or
neck of the womb;
this passes down the vagina to the exterior. The time before the beginning of la
bour is called the latent
phase and characteristically lasts 24 hours or more in a first pregnancy. Labour
itself is defined by
regular, painful contractions which cause dilation of the neck of the womb and d
escent of the fetal head.
Breaking of the waters is the loss of amniotic fluid vaginally and can occur any t
ime in the delivery
process. Labour itself is divided into three stages: the first is from the onset
of labour to full (10 cm)
dilation of the neck of the womb. This stage varies in length, ideally taking no
more than one hour per
centimetre of dilation. Progress is monitored by regular vaginal examinations, u
sually every four hours.
Fetal well-being is observed by intermittent or continuous monitoring of the fet
al heart rate in relation
to the timing and frequency of the contractions. The print-out is called a cardi
otocograph. Abnormalities
of the fetal heart rate may suggest fetal distress and may warrant intervention.
In women having their
first baby (primigravidae), the common cause of a slow labour is uncoordinated c
ontractions which can be
overcome by giving either of the drugs PROSTAGLANDIN or OXYTOCIN, which provoke
contractions of the uterine
muscle, by an intravenous drip. Labours which progress slowly or not at all may
be due to abnormal
positioning of the fetus or too large a fetus, when prostaglandin or oxytocin is
used much more cautiously.
The second stage of labour is from full cervical dilation to the delivery of the
baby. At this stage the
mother often experiences an irresistible urge to push the baby out, and a combin
ation of strong coordinated
uterine contractions and maternal effort gradually moves the baby down the birth
canal. This stage usually
lasts under an hour but can take longer. Delay, exhaustion of the mother or dist
ress of the fetus may
necessitate intervention by the midwife or doctor. This may mean enlarging the v
aginal opening with an
EPISIOTOMY (cutting of the perineal outlet see below) or assisting the delivery
with specially designed
obstetric forceps or a vacuum extractor (ven575
touse). If the cervix is not completely dilated or open and the head not
descended, then an emergency
caesarean section may need to be done to deliver the baby. This procedure involv
es delivering the baby and
placenta through an incision in the mothers abdomen. It is sometimes necessary to
deliver by planned or

elective caesarean section: for example, if the placenta is low in the uterus ca
lled placenta praevia
making a vaginal delivery dangerous. The third stage occurs when the placenta (o
r afterbirth) is delivered,
which is usually about 1020 minutes after the baby. An injection of ergometrine a
nd oxytocin is often
given to women to prevent bleeding. Pain relief in labour varies according to th
e mothers needs. For
uncomplicated labours, massage, reassurance by a birth attendant, and a warm bat
h and mobilisation may be
enough for some women. However, some labours are painful, particularly if the wo
man is tired or anxious or
is having her first baby. In these cases other forms of analgesia are available,
ranging from inhalation of
NITROUS OXIDE GAS, injection of PETHIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE or similar narcotic, and
regional local anaesthetic
(see ANAESTHESIA). Once a woman has delivered, care continues to ensure her and
the babys safety. The
midwives are involved in checking that the uterus returns to its normal size and
that there is no infection
or heavy bleeding, as well as caring for stitches if needed. The normal blood lo
ss after birth is called
lochia and generally is light, lasting up to six weeks. Midwives offer support w
ith breast feeding and care
of the infant and will visit the parents at home routinely for up to two weeks.
Some complications of labour
All operative deliveries in the UK are now done in hospitals, and are pe
rformed if a spontaneous birth
is expected to pose a bigger risk to the mother or her child than a specialist-a
ssisted one. Operative
deliveries include caesarean section, forceps-assisted deliveries and those in w
hich vacuum extraction
(ventouse) is used. CAESAREAN SECTION Absolute indications for this procedure, w
hich is used to deliver
over 15 per cent of babies in Britain, are cephalopelvic disproportion and exten
sive placenta praevia, both
discussed above. Otherwise the decision to undertake caesarean section depends o
n the clinical judgement of
the specialist and the views of the mother. The rise in the proportion of this t
ype of intervention (from 5
per cent in the 1930s to its present level of over 23 per cent

576 Pregnancy and Labour

of the 600,000 or so annual deliveries in England) has been put down to
defensive medicine namely,
the doctors fear of litigation (initiated often because the parents believe that
the babys health has
suffered because the mother had an avoidably difficult natural labour). In Britain
, over 60 per cent of
women who have had a caesarean section try a vaginal delivery in a succeeding pr
egnancy, with about
two-thirds of these being successful. Indications for the operation include: abs
olute and relative
cephalopelvic disproportion. placenta previa. fetal distress. prolapsed umbilica
l cord this endangers the
viability of the fetus because the vital supply of oxygen and nutrients is inter
rupted. malpresentation of
the fetus such as breech or transverse lie in the womb. unsatisfactory previous
pregnancies or deliveries.
a request from the mother. Caesarean sections are usually performed using region
al block anaesthesia
induced by a spinal or epidural injection. This results in loss of feeling in th
e lower part of the body;
the mother is conscious and the baby not exposed to potential risks from volatil
e anaesthetic gases inhaled
by the mother during general anaesthesia. Post-operative complications are highe
r with general anaesthesia,
but maternal anxiety and the likelihood that the operation might be complicated
and difficult are
indications for using it. A general anaesthetic may also be required for an acut
e obstetric emergency. At
operation the mothers lower abdomen is

opened and then her uterus opened slowly with a transverse incision and
the baby carefully extracted. A
transverse incision is used in preference to the traditional vertical one as it
enables the woman to have a
vaginal delivery in any future pregnancy with a much smaller risk of uterine rup
ture. Women are usually
allowed to get up within 24 hours and are discharged after four or five days. FO
DELIVERIES Obstetric forceps are made in several forms, but all are basically a
pair of curved blades
shaped so that they can obtain a purchase on the babys head, thus enabling the op
erator to apply traction
and (usually) speed up delivery. (Sometimes they are used to slow down progress
of the head.) A ventouse or
vacuum extractor comprises an eggcup-shaped metal or plastic head, ranging from
40 to 60 mm in diameter
with a hollow tube attached through which air is extracted by a foot-operated va
cuum pump. The instrument
is placed on the descending head, creating a negative pressure on the skin of th
e scalp and enabling the
operator to pull the head down. In mainland Europe, vacuum extraction is general
ly preferred to forceps for
assisting natural deliveries, being used in around 5 per cent of all deliveries.
Forceps have a greater

risk of causing damage to the babys scalp and brain than vacuum extraction, altho
ugh properly used, both
types should not cause any serious damage to the baby.
Episiotomy Normal and assisted deliveries put the tissues of the genital
tract under strain. The
PERINEUM is less elastic than the vagina and, if it seems to be splitting as the
babys head
Cephalic (left) and breech (right) presentation of fetus in maternal pel
vis at term.

moves down the birth canal, it may be necessary to cut the perineal tiss
ue a procedure called an
episiotomy to limit damage. This is a simple operation done under local anaesthe
tic. It should be done
only if there is a specific indication; these include: to hasten the second stag
e of labour if the fetus is
distressed. to facilitate the use of forceps or vacuum extractor. to enlarge a p
erineum that is restricted
because of unyielding tissue, perhaps because of a scar from a previous labour.
Midwives as well as
obstetricians are trained to undertake and repair (with sutures) episiotomies. (
For organisations which
offer advice and information on various aspects of childbirth, including eclamps
ia, breast feeding and
multiple births, see APPENDIX 2: ADDRESSES:

Psychological and social problems Any previously existing mental-health
problems may worsen under the
stress of pregnancy and childbirth, and a womans socio-economic circumstances may
be an influential
factor. Mood swings are common in pregnant women and mothers of new babies; symp
athetic support from staff
and relations will usually remedy the situation. If postnatal depression lasts f
or more than a week or two
the use of mild ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS may be justified. If depression persists, r
eferral to a psychiatrist
may be advisable. Rarely, severe psychiatric problems puerperal psychosis may de
velop during or after
pregnancy and referral to an appropriate psychiatric unit is then essential. If
the mothers social
circumstances are unsatisfactory, advice should be sought from social services d
epartments. Mothers may
also need advice on benefits to which they are entitled and how to claim them. B
enefits Agency offices or
Citizens Advice Bureaux as well as antenatal clinics are useful sources of inform
Pregnancy Tests There are several tests for pregnancy (see PREGin its ea
rly stages, and these can be
done on blood or urine; some of the urine tests may be carried out at home. Most
tests are based on the
detection of HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPHIN (HCG) in the womans urine. They are ne
arly 100 per cent
accurate and may show positive as early as 30 days after the first day of the la
st normal period. NANCY AND
The haemagglutination inhibition test This, and the subsequent tests to
be mentioned, are known as
immunological tests. They are based upon the effect of the urine from a pregnant
woman upon the interaction
of red blood cells, which have been sensitised to human gonadotrophin, and antig

onadotrophin serum. They

have the great practical advantage of being performed in a test-tube or even on
a slide. Because of their
ease and speed of performance, a result can be obtained in two hours.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) This is the basis of many of t
he pregnancy-testing kits
obtainable from pharmacies. It is a highly sensitive antibody test and can detec
t very low concentrations
of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Positive results show up as early as ten days
after fertilisation
namely, four days before the first missed period.
Ultrasound The fetal sac can be detected by from five weeks, and a fetal
echo at around six or seven
Pregnandiol The excretion product of the hormone, PROGESTERONE, manufact
ured by the corpus luteum of
the ovary (see OVARIES). Pregnandiol is excreted in the urine during the second
half of the menstrual
period, and its excretion rises steadily throughout pregnancy.
Premature Beat See ECTOPIC BEAT.
Premature Birth See ABORTION; LABOUR.
Premature Ejaculation A disorder in which EJACULATION of semen occurs be
fore or immediately after the
penis penetrates the vagina during sexual intercourse. The most common sexual pr
oblem in men, persistent
premature ejaculation may have psychological causes, although many adolescents a
nd some adults experience
it occasionally. Sexual counselling may help to alleviate the condition.
Premedication A drug or drugs given to a patient to produce sedation bef
ore an operation, whether this
is done under a local or general anaesthetic. A narcotic analgesic drug (see NAR

578 Premenstrual Syndrome ANALGESICS) is usually used, as this relieves pain

as well as anxiety. An antisecretory drug is often added to reduce the s
ecretions in the airways and
thus lessen the risk associated with general anaesthesia. Premedication reduces
the amount of anaesthetic
needed to make the patient unconscious.
Premenstrual Syndrome
This has been defined as any combination of emotional or physical feature
s which occur cyclically in a
woman before MENSTRUATION, and which regress or disappear during menstruation. It
is characterised by
mood-changes, discomfort, swelling and tenderness in the breasts, swelling of th
e legs, a bloated feeling
in the abdomen, headache, fatigue and constipation. The mood-changes range from
irritability and mild
depression to outbursts of violence. It may last for 314 days. How common it is i
s not known, as only the
more severe cases are seen by doctors, but it has been estimated that one in ten
of all menstruating women
suffer from it severely enough to require treatment. The cause is not known, but
it is probably due to some
upset of the hormonal balance of the body. In view of the multiplicity of causes
that have been put
forward, it is not surprising that there is an equal multiplicity of treatments.
Among these, one of the
most widely used is PROGESTERONE. Others include pyridoxine, danazol, and gamma
linolenic acid available in
the form of oil of evening primrose. Whatever drug may be prescribed, counsellin
g is equally essential and,
in many cases, is all that is required.
Premolar The two TEETH on each side of the jaw positioned between the ca
nines and the molars in the
adult. The teeth are used with the molars for holding and grinding food.
Prenatal Screening or Diagnosis Prenatal screening of fetal abnormalitie
s may be the result of
screening tests carried out on most or all pregnant women, or as the result of s
pecific diagnostic tests
performed to detect specific conditions. Prenatal diagnosis is important as it w
ill identify babies who
might need medical or surgical treatment before or soon after birth. In addition
, it may also detect severe
abnormalities for which parents might decide to have a therapeutic ABORTION. ULT
scanning is probably the most widely used diagnostic tool in obstetric p
ractice. It can detect
structural abnormalities such
as SPINA BIFIDA and CLEFT PALATE and even cardiac and renal problems. A
series of scans can assess
whether the baby is growing at a normal rate; ultrasound may also be used to ass
ist with other diagnostic
tests (e.g. AMNIOCENTESIS see below). Tests on the mothers blood can also diagnos

e fetal abnormalities.
Alphafetoprotein (AFP) is produced by babies and leaks into the AMNIOTIC FLUID and
is absorbed by the
mother. In spina bifida and other neural-tube defects there is increased leakage
of AFP, and a blood test
at 16 weeks gestation can detect a raised level which suggests the presence of th
ese abnormalities. The
triple test, also performed at 16 weeks, measures AFP and two hormones HUMAN CHO
unconjugated OESTRADIOL and is used in diagnosing DOWNS (DOWN) SYNDROME. Amniocen
tesis involves
inserting a needle through the mothers abdominal wall into the uterus to remove a
sample of amniotic fluid
at 1618 weeks. Examination of the fluid and the cells it contains is used in the
diagnosis of Downs
syndrome and other inherited disorders. The test carries a small risk of miscarr
iage. Chorionic villus
sampling may be used to diagnose various inherited conditions. A small amount of
tissue from the developing
PLACENTA is removed for analysis: this test has the advantages of having a lower
incidence of miscarriage
than amniocentesis and is carried out at an earlier stage (913 weeks). Analysis o
f a blood sample removed
from the umbilical cord (cordocentesis) may diagnose infections in the uterus, b
lood disorders or inherited
conditions. Direct observation of the fetus via a viewing instrument called a fe
toscope is also used
diagnostically and will detect structural abnormalities. Most tests have a recog
nised incidence of false
positive and negative results and are therefore usually cross-checked with anoth
er test. Counselling of the
parents about prenatal tests is important. This allows them to make an informed
choice which may not
necessarily involve terminating the pregnancy if an abnormality is found. (See P
Prepuce Also known as the foreskin, this is the free fold of skin that o
verlaps the glans PENIS and
retracts when the penis becomes erect. It is the part that is removed at CIRCUMC

Preventive Medicine
Computer-generated prescriptions The Royal College of General Practition
has issued guidelines on the use of computergenerated prescriptions for
drugs other than controlled
drugs. The guidelines include rules on giving the patients name, address and date
of birth with the
responsible prescribing doctors name at the bottom, along with his or her surgery
address and telephone
number. The prescription has to be signed by the doctor. Several other requireme
nts are included to
minimise the risk of prescription-tampering, fraud or the inclusion of identifia
ble confidential
information. Full details of the guidelines appear in the British National Formu
lary, published every six
Presbyacusis that comes on with increasing years. It is caused by increa
sing loss of elasticity in the
hearing mechanism, combined with the slowing-down of the mental processes that a
ccompanies old age. It is
characterised by particular difficulty in hearing high notes such as the telepho
ne and the voices of women
and children. Hearing in a background of noise is also affected. Modern, miniatu
rised, transistor
within-the-ear hearing aids are now available that are proving helpful in making l
ife more bearable for
the elderly in this respect. (See also AGEING; HEARING AIDS.)
Prescribed Diseases A collection of industrial diseases which provide th
ose with a disease legal
entitlement to welfare benefits. Examples are DEAFNESS from excessive noise in t
he workplace; ANTHRAX from
farming; PNEUMOCONIOSIS from industrially generated dust (coal mining); and LEAD
POISONING from the
handling of chemicals. (See also OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, MEDICINE AND DISEASES.)
Prescription The written direction for drugs for medicinal use, given by
the doctor, dentist and (for
some drugs) nurse to the patient, for dispensation by the pharmacist. Drugs shou
ld only be prescribed when
essential for treatment, and when any possible risks involved to the patient (an
d fetus in cases of
pregnancy) are outweighed by the potential benefits of giving the drug. When pos
sible, non-proprietary, or
generic, titles should be prescribed; by allowing the pharmacist to dispense any
equivalent drug this
avoids delay for the patient, as well as reducing the cost to the Health Service
. Dosage is generally
stated in metric units, and both the amount and frequency should be carefully ex

plained to the patient by

the doctor, and clearly written when the drug is dispensed (see also DOSAGE; DRU
GS). Strict adherence to
the Misuse of Drugs Act 1973 is necessary to restrict the inappropriate prescrip
tion and abuse of drugs,
particularly CONTROLLED DRUGS. Full details of drugs available on NHS prescripti
on are given in the British
National Formulary, which is published by the British Medical Association and th
e Royal Pharmaceutical
Society of Great Britain twice a year and distributed to all NHS doctors by the
government. Careful
monitoring of prescribing in the UK is carried out by a government-appointed age
Presenile Describing the condition of premature AGEING. The mental and p
hysical faculties are adversely
affected in presenility to an extent that does not usually occur until old age.
(See also DEMENTIA.)
Presentation The appearance in labour of some particular part of the chi
lds body at the mouth of the
uterus (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). This is a head presentation in 96 per cent of
cases, but in a certain
number the breech (or buttocks) may present, or the face, or foot, or even a par
t of the trunk in cases of
cross-birth. The term is also used for the symptoms or signs with which a patien
t first brings to a doctor.
Pressor An agent that raises the BLOOD PRESSURE.
Pressure Sores See ULCER
Decubitus ulcer.
Prevalence An epidemiological term describing the proportion of a define
d group in the population
having a condition at one point in time. It is an appropriate measure only in re
latively stable conditions
for example, chronic bronchitis and is not suitable for measuring acute illnesse
Preventive Medicine The term preventive medicine may be used both in a gen
eral lay sense and to
cover a specific range of activities carried out by health professionals. The de
finition and scope vary
from country to country. Some people use the term widely and almost synonymously
with public health;
others limit its use to specific measures directed at individuals, such as an

580 Preventive Medicine

immunisation against an infectious disease, preferring other terms such
as health promotion for
educational activities and health protection to cover consumer-protection regulati
ons such as food
inspection. The preventive approach is an essential component of a broader publi
chealth strategy, and, for
example, in relation to diet and physical activity a normal part of the lifestyl
e of many in the
population. In Britain, for instance, preventive medicine is usually taken to en
compass a range of
activities whose purpose is: to reduce the chance of a person contracting a dise
ase or becoming disabled.
to identify either an increased susceptibility to develop a disease, or an early
manifestation of a disease
at a stage which will still allow treatment to be effective. The American Colleg
e of Preventive Medicine
(1983) defined it as a specialised field of medical practice composed of distinct
disciplines which
utilise skills focusing on the health of defined populations in order to promote
and maintain health and
well-being and to prevent disease, disability and premature death. However define
d, the spectrum of
activities encompassed by preventive medicine is wide and includes actions, such
as counselling about
lifestyle, where there may not be a clear cut-off between a preventive and a cur
ative act. For example,
advice about smoking and exercise to a recent victim of a myocardial infarction
(see under HEART, DISEASES
OF) is both essential to treatment and preventive against a future attack. Actio
n aimed at a whole
population such as the addition of fluoride to drinkingwater to protect against
dental caries (see under
TEETH, DISORDERS OF) is part of a population-based public-health strategy but wo
uld also be widely
regarded as preventive medicine. A common and widely accepted classification of
preventive medicine is as

Primary prevention which aims at the complete avoidance of a disease (fo
r example, by immunising a
child against an infectious disease see IMMUNISATION).
Secondary prevention which aims at detecting and curing a disease at an
early stage before it has
caused any symptoms. This requires screening procedures to detect either the early
condition, or a risk factor which may lead to it. (An example of the former is c
ervical cytology, where a
sample of cells is scraped from the cervix of the UTERUS and examined microscopi
cally for abnormality.
An example of the latter is CHOLESTEROL measurement as part of assessing
an individuals risk of
developing ischaemic heart disease (see under HEART, DISEASES OF). If it is sign

ificantly raised, dietary

or drug treatment can be advised.)
Tertiary prevention aims at minimising the consequences for a patient wh
o already has the disease (e.g.
advising people to take more exercise and stop smoking after a heart attack). Ma
ny prefer to limit the term
preventive medicine to primary and secondary prevention, emphasising the focus on
interventions targeted at well individuals. Others prefer the wider emphasis becau
se of the importance of
a preventive approach in reducing further disability by recognising and treating
symptoms early. This can
be particularly important in older people, where, for example, vigorous treatmen
t of an orthopaedic problem
can enable the patient to maintain physical mobility with all the benefits to he
alth that brings. Whether
primary, secondary or tertiary prevention, some form of screening question or te
st is normally necessary to
identify a problem. The range and extent of opportunities for prevention are exp
anding as research
identifies the causes of diseases and more effective treatment becomes feasible.
Inevitably there is
economic and political debate about the cost-effectiveness of prevention versus
cure, as well as about the
ETHICS. The situation varies in relation to the natural history of the specific
disease. Some conditions
can easily be prevented but once contracted cannot be cured (e.g. RABIES); other
s are easily cured but are
not yet preventable.
Screening Screening involves carrying out tests either to identify a tre
atable disease at a very early
stage, before it has caused symptoms or damage; or to identify a risk factor whi
ch can lead to a disease.
The tests might be by simple questioning (e.g. Do you smoke cigarettes? this predi
cts a considerable
increase in the risk of chronic bronchitis, heart disease, bronchial cancer and
many other diseases, and
enables targeted advice and help to stop smoking to be given). Other screening t
ests involve carrying out
complex special investigations such as blood tests or the microscopic investigat
ions of cells for
example, for precancerous changes. Many conditions can be identified at an early
stage before they cause
symptoms or signs of disease and in time for effective treatment to be

carried out. Inevitably, some of the screening tests proposed can be exp
ensive (particularly if used in
large populations), painful or inaccurate and may not improve the results of tre
atment. Screening can also
provoke considerable anxiety in those waiting for tests or results. Therefore, o
ver the years considerable
research has been carried out into the appropriateness and ethics of screening,
and the World Health
Organisation in 1968 identified a set of rules for evaluating screening tests: T
he condition sought should
be an important health problem, for which there should be an accepted treatment
for patients with
recognised disease. Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available i
f a case is found. The
screening test or examination must be suitable and valid. A false positive test
will cause massive anxiety
and also considerable expense in proving that there is no disease. Similarly, fa
lse negatives can lead
people to be reassured and to ignore serious symptoms until too late. If large n
umbers of positive tests or
false positives occur during a screening programme, health services can be swamp
ed. The test, and any
treatment as a possible result, should be acceptable. For example, there is litt
le point in screening for a
fetal abnormality which, if found, would lead to a recommendation for terminatio
n if the mother will refuse
it on religious or moral grounds. Screening tests also need to be considered fro
m an economic perspective
and the cost of case-finding (including diagnosis and treatment of patients diag
nosed) balanced in relation
to possible expenditure on medical care as a whole. Finally the programme should
reflect the natural
history of the disease, and casefinding should normally be a continuing process
and not a once for all
project. If these rules are followed, considerable benefits can result from well
-planned and wellmanaged
screening programmes, and they form an important part of any health-care system.
The extent to which
manipulation of genetic material will be added to more traditional approaches su
ch as counselling,
immunisation and drug treatment cannot yet be predicted but, as time goes by, it
is often likely to be
ethical and social controls which limit developments rather than technical and s
cientific limits.

Priapism A persisting painful

of the

occurring without sexual stimulation. It is a rare but acute condition t
hat requires immediate
treatment. The cause is the failure of blood to drain from the spongy corpus cav
ersonum tissues of the
penis, thus maintaining an erection. This may happen because of infection, damag
e to the nerves controlling
the blood vessels, or a clotting defect in the blood.
Prickly Heat See MILIARIA.
Primary Health Care Sometimes called primary medical care, this is the c
are provided by a GENERAL
PRACTITIONER (GP) traditionally entitled the family doctor or other health profe
ssionals who have first
contact with a patient needing or wanting medical attention. In the NHS, the pri
mary health-care services
include those provided by the general, dental, ophthalmic and pharmaceutical ser
vices as well as the family
doctor service. Community health services provided outside the hospitals also of
fer some primary health
Primidone A barbiturate-related drug (see BARBITURATES) used to treat al
l forms of EPILEPSY, except in
sufferers who do not have seizures.
Primigravida A woman who is undergoing her first pregnancy (see PREGNANC
Primipara The term applied to a woman who has given birth, or is giving
birth, to her first child (see
Prion An aberrant variety of one of the proteins, called PrP, in a brain
cell. The result of a gene
mutation (see GENES), prions are stable, resistant to radiation and impervious t
o the normal cellular
processes of degradation. They seem to react with normal PrP, turning it into an
abnormal type that then
accumulates in brain tissue. Prions are believed to be the infectious agents tha
t cause a group of serious
neurological disorders called spongiform encephalopathies. CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DIS
EASE (CJD), the new variant
of CJD linked with BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE), and KURU a neurologic
al disorder found in a
cannibal tribe

582 Private Health Care

in New Guinea are all diseases in this group that occur in humans. The p
rion disorders have a long
latent period between infection and manifestation of symptoms; they are hard to
diagnose until autopsy and
there is no cure as yet.
Private Health Care
The provision of medical and dental care to patients who pay for the car
e either directly, through
private medical insurance, or through employer-funded private insurance. In the
UK, most patients are
treated and cared for by the community- or hospital-based NHS. Although not forb
idden to do so, few NHS
general practitioners see private patients. NHS consultants are within certain p
rescribed circumstances
allowed to treat private patients and many, especially surgeons, do so; but cons
ultations and treatment are
usually done on privatehealth premises. Some NHS hospitals have private faciliti
es attached, but most
private care is carried out in separate, privately run clinics and hospitals. Ce
rtain specialties for
example, orthopaedic and reconstructive/cosmetic surgery and mental health attra
ct more private patients
than others, such as paediatrics or medicine for the elderly. The standards of c
linical care are generally
the same in the two systems, but private patients can see the specialist of thei
r choice at a time
convenient to them. Waiting times for consultations and treatment are short and,
when in hospital, private
patients usually have their own room, telephone, TV, open visiting hours, etc. A
substantial proportion of
private medicalcare services are those provided for elderly people requiring reg
ular nursing care and some
medical supervision. The distinction between residential care and nursing care f
or the elderly is often
blurred, but the government policy of providing means-tested state funding only
for people genuinely
needing regular nursing care a system operated by local-authority socialservice
departments in England
and Wales has necessitated clearer definitions of the facilities provided for th
e elderly by private
organisations. The strict criteria for state support (especially in England), th
e budget-conscious approach
of local authorities when negotiating fees with private nursing homes, and the f
act that NHS hospital
trusts also have to pay for some patients discharged to such homes (to free-up h
ospital beds for new
admissions) have led to intense financial pressures on private facilities for th
e elderly. This has caused
the closure of many homes, which, in turn, is
worsening the level of BED-BLOCKING by elderly patients who do not requi
re hospital-intensity nursing
but who lack family support in the community and cannot afford private care.

ProA prefix meaning forwards.

Probe A slender, flexible instrument, usually made of metal, designed fo
r introduction into a wound or
cavity to explore its depth and direction, to discover the presence of foreign b
odies, or to introduce
medicinal substances.
Probenecid A benzoic-acid derivative which interferes with the excretion
by the KIDNEYS of certain
compounds, including PENICILLIN and PARA-AMINO SALICYLIC ACID. Probenecid and wa
s originally introduced
into medicine for this reason, as a means of increasing and maintaining the conc
entration of penicillin in
the body; it is also used to treat chronic GOUT.
Probiotics Viable BACTERIA that colonise the intestine and alter the mic
roflora and their metabolic
activities, with a presumed beneficial effect for the host. Many probiotics are
LACTIC ACID bacteria for
example, LACTOBACILLUS or bifidobacterium. Not all probiotics have the same prop
erties or effectiveness. To
be effective, a probiotic must survive passage through the stomach an acid envir
onment and successfully
colonise in the intestines, even when antibiotics are present. Research suggests
that probiotics ameliorate
the symptoms of childhood and travellers DIARRHOEA, reducing the period of acute
symptoms particularly
if the infection is caused by one of the ROTAVIRUSES.
Procainamide Hydrochloride A derivative of PROCAINE, used to treat certa
in cardiac arrythmias
(irregularities in the heartbeat).
Procaine Once used widely as a local anaesthetic, but rarely so now.
Procarbazine An antineoplastic drug used mainly to treat Hodgkins disease
(see under LYMPHOMA). It
acts by interfering with the process of MITOSIS, the method by which the cells o
f the body, including
tumours, reproduce themselves.

Prochlorperazine is an antipsychotic phenothiazine drug (see NEUROLEPTIC
S). It is also an effective
drug for the prevention or treatment of vomiting, and has therefore been used in
the treatment of MENIRES
Abnormal protusion of the lower JAW, or sometimes of both jaws. The cond
ition may make biting and
chewing difficult, in which case corrective surgery is necessary.
The term applied to a forecast as to the probable result of an illness o
r disease, particularly with
regard to the prospect of recovery.
Another term for PROLAPSE.
Nerve pain in the ANUS or RECTUM, without any local disease to account for
it. Proctalgia fugax is a
condition more common in men, characterised by cramp-like pains in the rectum an
d occasionally accompanied
by a feeling of faintness. Occurring at night and lasting up to 15 minutes, the
cause is unknown, but is
probably due to muscle spasm. Rapid relief may be achieved by taking food or dri
nk, exerting perineal
pressure (including inserting a finger into the rectum), or sucking a 1 mg table
Inflammation situated about the
A term applied to the earliest symptoms of a disease, or those which giv
e warning of its presence.
Premature old age (see also AGEING).

The hormone of the CORPUS LUTEUM of the ovary (see OVARIES). After the e
scape of the OVUM from the
ruptured follicle, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone, which stimulates the
growth and secretion of
the endometrial glands of the UTERUS during the 14 days before MENSTRUATION. In
the event of pregnancy, the
secretion of progesterone continues until the babys birth. (See also NORETHISTERO
One of a naturally occurring or synthetically produced group of steroid
HORMONES, including
PROGESTERONE, that help to maintain normal pregnancy. Progestogens are used in c
ontraceptives (see
CONTRACEPTION) and are useful in treating AMENORRHOEA, premenstrual tension, and
abnormal uterine bleeding.
Proguanil Hydrochloride
A synthetic antimalarial drug usually used with CHLOROQUINE to prevent i
nfection with MALARIA.
Occasionally the drug is used to treat uncomplicated falciparum malaria in combi
nation with atovaquone.
Prolactin is the pituitary hormone (see PITUITwhich initiates lactation.
The development of the breasts
during pregnancy is ascribed to the action of OESTROGENS; prolactin starts them
secreting. If lactation
does not occur or fails, it may be started by injection of prolactin. The secret
ion of prolactin is
normally kept under tonic inhibition by the secretion of DOPAMINE which inhibits
prolactin. This is formed
in the HYPOTHALAMUS and secreted into the portal capillaries of the pituitary st
alk to reach the anterior
pituitary cells. Drugs that deplete the brain stores of dopamine or antagonise d
opamine at receptor level
will cause HYPERPROLACTINAEMIA and hence the secretion of milk from the breast a
and RESERPINE deplete brain stores of dopamine and the PHENOTHIAZINES act as dop
amine antagonists at
receptor level. Other causes of excess secretion of prolactin are pituitary tumo
urs, which may be minute
and are then called microadenomas, or may actually enlarge the pituitary fossa a
nd are then called
macroadenomas. The most common cause of hyperprolactinaemia is a pituitary tumou
r. The patient may present
with infertility because patients with hyperprolactinaemia do not ovulate or wit
h amenorrhea and even
GALACTORRHOEA. BROMOCRIPTINE is a dopamine agonist. Treatment with bromocriptine
will therefore control
hyperprolactinaemia, restoring normal menstruation and ovulation and suppressing
galactorrhoea. If the
cause of hyperprolactinaemia is an adenomatous growth in the pituitary gland, su
rgical treatment should be

considered. ARY GLAND)


584 Prolapse
Displacement of an organ or structure from its normal position. The term
is applied chiefly to downward
displacements of the RECTUM and
A phenothiazine drug used to tranquillise disturbed patients (see NEUROL
Promethazine Hydrochloride
Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
A widely used antihistamine drug with a prolonged action and a pronounce
d sedative effect. (See
The SPINAL COLUMN is built up of a series of bones, known as vertebrae,
placed one upon the other.
Between these vertebrae lies a series of thick discs of fibro-cartilage known as
intervertebral discs. Each
disc consists of an outer portion known as the anulus fibrosus, and an inner cor
e known as the nucleus
pulposus. The function of these discs is to give flexibility and resiliency to t
he spinal column and to act
as buffers against undue jarring. In other words, they are most efficient shocka
bsorbers. They may,
however, PROLAPSE, or protrude, between the two adjacent vertebrae. If this shou
ld happen they press on the
neighbouring spinal nerve and cause pain. As the most common sites of protrusion
are between the last two
lumbar vertebrae and between the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum, this means
that the pain occurs in
the back, causing LUMBAGO, or down the course of the sciatic nerve causing SCIAT
ICA. The prolapse is most
likely to occur in middle age, which suggests that it may be associated with deg
eneration of the disc
involved, but it can occur in early adult life as well. It usually occurs when t
he individual is performing
some form of exercise which involves bending or twisting, as in gardening. The o
nset of pain may be acute
and sudden, or gradual and more chronic in intensity. (See also INTERVERTEBRAL D
varies, depending (amongst other things) on the severity of the conditio
n. In the acute phase, rest in
bed is advisable, along with ANALGESICS. Later, exercise and physiotherapy are h
elpful, and in some cases
manipulation of the spine brings relief by allowing the herniated, or prolapsed,
disc to slip back into

position. The injection of a local anaesthetic into the spine (epidural ANAESTHE
SIA) is yet another measure
that often helps the more chronic cases. If those measures fail, surgery to remo
ve the prolapsed disc may
be necessary, but the patients condition should be carefully reviewed before surg
ery is considered since
success is not certain. An alternative form of treatment is the injection into t
he disc of chymopapain, an
ENZYME obtained from the paw-paw, which dissolves the disc.
Promethazine Theoclate A drug that is widely used in the alleviation or
prevention of sea-sickness (see
Pronation The movement whereby the bones of the forearm are crossed and
the palm of the hand faces
Prone Lying with the face down, or positioning the arm and hand so that
the palm faces downwards.
Prophylaxis Treatment or action adopted with the view of warding off dis
Propofol A drug used intravenously to induce general ANAESTHESIA. Propof
ol may be used by intravenous
infusion to maintain anaesthesia; it is also useful for sedating patients in int
ensive care.
Propranolol Hydrochloride One of the BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS, p
ropranolol hydrochloride is
used in the treatment of ANGINA PECTORIS, myocardial infarction (see under HEART
, DISEASES OF), certain
abnormal rhythms of the heart, and high blood pressure (HYPERTENSION). It also p
revents attacks of
MIGRAINE, and is used for certain anxiety states particularly those associated w
ith unpleasant bodily
sensations, such as palpitations. (See also ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS.)
Proprietary Name The trade name of a drug registered by the pharmaceutic
al company which has developed
and patented it. This protects the name, ingredients and manufacturing technique
for a set period of time,
and helps the company to recoup the often costly research and development needed
to produce and test the
drug. Doctors may prescribe a drug by its trade name or by its official, approve
d name, although the

Prostate Gland 585

NHS encourages the latter. (See GENERIC DRUG; PATENT.)
Proprioceptors Sensory nerve endings in the muscles, tendons and joints
which signal to the brain their
position relative to the outside world and the state of contraction of the muscl
e. During movement, a
regular flow of information to the brain from the proprioceptors, the eyes and e
ars ensures that actions
are coordinated and the bodys balance maintained.
Proptosis A condition in which the EYE protrudes from the orbit. Some ca
uses include thyroid disorders
(see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF), tumours within the orbit, inflammation or infe
ction of the orbit.
Proptosis due to endocrine abnormality (e.g. thyroid problems) is known as EXOPH
Propylthiouracil An oral antithyroid drug given daily to a person with H
with the bodys production of thyroid hormones.
Prospective Study Research in which patients are studied from the first
contact with a doctor or
hospital regarding their illness as opposed to a retrospective study, in which n
otes are obtained of a
group of patients already treated or under treatment. The advantage is that befo
re the study is undertaken,
decisions can be made on what criteria determine who should enter the study, wha
t information to collect
and how many patients are needed to provide a meaningful result. The results of
prospective studies are
regarded as likely to be far more accurate than those from retrospective studies
, where missing data and
both reearcher and patient bias can colour the results.
Prostacyclin A prostaglandin (see PROSTAGLANDINS) produced by the endoth
elial lining of the blood
vessels. It inhibits the aggregation of PLATELETS, and thereby reduces the likel
ihood of the blood
clotting. It is also a strong vasodilator (see VASODILATORS).
Prostaglandins Those natural substances, so-called because they were fir
st discovered in the SEMEN and
thought to arise in the PROSTATE GLAND, are a group of fatty-acid substa
nces with a wide range of
activity. The richest known source is semen, but they are also present in many o
ther parts of the body.
Their precise mode of action is not yet clear, but they are potent stimulators o
f muscle contraction and
they are also potent VASODILATORS. They cause contraction of the UTERUS and have
been used to induce labour
(see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR); they are also being used as a means of inducing ther
apeutic abortions (see
ABORTION). Prostaglandins play an important part in the production of PAIN, and
it is now known that

ASPIRIN relieves pain by virtue of the fact that it prevents, or antagonises, th

e formation of certain
prostaglandins. In addition, they play some, although as yet incompletely define
d, part in producing
SAIDS).) Thus
prostaglandins have potent biological effects, but their instability and rapid m
etabolism make them
short-acting. They are produced but not stored by most living cells and act loca
lly. The two most important
prostaglandins are prostacycline and thromboxane: prostacycline is a vasodilator
and an inhibitor of
platelet aggregation; thromboxanes have the opposite effects and cause vasoconst
riction and platelet
aggregation. The NSAIDs act by blocking an ENZYME called cyclo-oxygenase which c
onverts arachidonic acid to
the precursors of the various prostaglandins. Despite their potent pharmacologic
al properties, the role of
prostaglandins in current therapeutics is limited and controversial. They have b
een used most successfully
as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation in extra-corporeal haemoperfusion system
s. The problems with the
prostacyclines is that they have to be given intravenously as they are inactive
by mouth, and continuous
infusion is required because the drug is rapidly eliminated with a half-life of
minutes. Side-effects tend
to be severe because the drug is usually given at the highest dose the patient c
an tolerate. The hope for
the future lies in the exploitation of the compound to generate, synthetically,
stable orally active
prostacycline analogues which will inhibit platelet aggregation and hence thromb
otic events, and yet have
minimal effects on the heart and blood vessels.
Prostate Gland This is an accessory sex gland in males which is wrapped
round the URETHRA as this tube
leaves the URINARY BLADDER. Opening into the urethra, the gland secretes an alka
line fluid

586 Prostate Gland, Diseases of

during ejaculation and is a constituent of SEMEN. The gland grows during
adolescence and is sensitive
to the concentrations of sex hormones.
Prostate Gland, Diseases of Disease of the PROSTATE GLAND can affect the
flow of URINE so that patients
present with urological symptoms.
Prostatitis This can be either acute or chronic. Acute prostatitis is ca
used by a bacterial infection,
while chronic prostatitis may follow on from an acute attack, arise insidiously,
or be non-bacterial in
Symptoms Typically the patient has pain in the PERINEUM, groins, or supr
a pubic region, and pain on
EJACULATION. He may also have urinary frequency, and urgency.
Treatment Acute and chronic prostatitis are treated with a prolonged cou
rse of antibiotics. Patients
with chronic prostatitis may also require anti-inflammatory drugs, and antidepre
Prostatic enlargement This is the result of benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH), causing enlargement of
the prostate. The exact cause of this enlargement is unknown, but it affects 50
per cent of men between 40
and 59 years and 95 per cent of men over 70 years.
Symptoms These are urinary hesitancy, poor urinary stream, terminal drib
bling, frequency and urgency of
urination and the need to pass urine at night (nocturia). The diagnosis is made
from the patients history;
a digital examination of the prostate gland via the rectum to assess enlargement
; and analysis of the
urinary flow rate.
Treatment This can be with tablets, which either shrink the prostate an
anti-androgen drug such as
finasteride or relax the urinary sphincter muscle during urination. For more sev
ere symptoms the prostate
can be removed surgically, by transurethral resection of prostate (TURP), using
either electrocautery or
laser energy. A new treatment is the use of microwaves to heat up and shrink the
enlarged gland.
Cancer Cancer of the prostate is the fourth most common cause of death f
rom cancer in northern European
males: more than 10,000 cases are diagnosed every year in the UK and the inciden
ce is rising by 3 per cent
Little is known about the cause, but the majority of prostate cancers re
quire the male hormones,
androgens, to grow.

Symptoms These are similar to those resulting from benign prostatic hype
rtrophy (see Spread of the
cancer to bones can cause pain. The use of a blood test measuring the amount of
SPECIFIC ANTIGEN (PSA), can be helpful in making the diagnosis as can an ULTRASO
UND scan of the prostate.
Treatment This could be surgical, with removal of the prostate (either v
ia an abdominal incision, total
prostatectomy, or transurethrally), or could be by radiotherapy. In more advance
d cancers, treatment with
antiandrogen drugs, such as cyprotexone acetate or certain oestrogens, is used t
o inhibit the growth of the
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) An ENZYME produced by glandular tissue i
n the PROSTATE GLAND. When the
gland enlarges (see PROSTATE, DISEASES OF), greater amounts of PSA are secreted,
raising the concentration
of the enzyme in the blood. This is especially so in cancer of the prostate, and
testing the level of PSA
is an indicator that the disease may be present. There is much controversy about
the use of PSA as a
screening test. Its proponents claim that its use reduces deaths from prostate c
ancer; its opponents
suggest that it does this only by bringing to light many cases that needed no tr
eatment and would not have
caused death in any case. Further, if the level of PSA is very high, the disease
is already advanced; where
the result is equivocal it is uncertain whether the benefits of treatment outwei
gh the risks.
Prostatectomy An operation to remove part or all of the PROSTATE GLAND.
The most common method is
transurethral prostatectomy (TURP) carried out during cytoscopy. A very enlarged
prostate may need to be
removed by a retropubic prostatectomy. After several weeks, most patients are ab
le to resume normal
activity including sexual intercourse.
Prostatism The condition induced by benign enlargement of the PROSTATE G

Prosthesis An artificial replacement of a missing or malfunctioning body
part. Examples include false
legs or arms fitted after AMPUTATION (see below); artificial heart valves; artif
icial heart devices;
COCHLEAR IMPLANTS to improve hearing; a bio-artificial PANCREAS (containing live
pancreatic cells from
pigs) now under development to treat DIABETES MELLITUS; artificial bone; and (un
der development) artifical
lungs. Cosmetic prostheses such as artifical eyes, teeth, noses and breasts are
in widespread use.
Development of such mechanical and biomechanical devices points the way to a muc
h wider use of effective
prostheses, enabling people who would previously have died or been severely hand
icapped to lead normal or
near normal lives. The technical hazards that have already been overcome provide
a sound foundation for
future successes. Progress so far in producing prostheses should also ensure tha
t organ replacement is free
from the serious ethical problems that surround the use of genetic manipulation
to cure or prevent serious
diseases (see ETHICS).
Limbs These are best made to meet the individuals requirements but can be
obtained off the shelf .
Artificial joints normally comprise complex mechanisms to stimulate flexion and
rotation movements. Leg
prostheses are generally more useful than those for arms, because leg movements
are easier to duplicate
than those of the arm. Modern electronic circuitry that enables nerve impulses t
o be picked up and
converted into appropriate movements is greatly improving the effectiveness of l
imb prostheses.
Eyes Artificial eyes are worn both for appearance and for psychological
reasons. They are made of glass
or plastic, and are thin shells of a boat-shape, representing the front half of
the eye which has been
removed. The stump which is left has still the eye-muscles in it, and so the art
ificial eye still has the
power of moving with the other. A glass eye has to be replaced by a new one ever
y year. Plastic eyes have
the advantage of being more comfortable to wear, being more durable, and being u
nbreakable. Research is
taking place aimed at creating a silicon chip that stimulates the visual cortex
and thus helps to restore
sight to the blind. Dental prostheses
is any artificial replacement of a tooth. There are three main types: a
crown, a bridge and a denture.
A crown
is the replacement of the part of a tooth which sticks through the gum.
It is fixed to the remaining
part of the tooth and may be made of metal, porcelain, plastic or a combination
of these. A bridge is the
replacement of two or three missing teeth and is usually fixed in place. The rep

lacement teeth are held in

position by being joined to one or more crowns on the adjacent teeth. A denture
is a removable prosthesis
used to replace some or all the teeth. The teeth are made of plastic or porcelai
n and the base may be of
plastic or metal. Removable teeth may be held more firmly by means of implants.
Heart The surgical replacement of stenosed or malfunctioning heart-valve
s with metal or plastic, human
or pig valves has been routinely carried out for many years. So too has been the
insertion into patients
with abnormal heart rhythms of battery-driven artificial pacemakers (see CARDIAC
PACEMAKER) to restore
normal function. The replacement of a faulty heart with an artificial one is alt
ogether more challenging.
The first working attempt to create an artificial heart took place in the early
1980s. Called the Jarvik-7,
it had serious drawbacks: patients had to be permanently connected to apparatus
the size of an anaesthetic
trolley; and it caused deaths from infection and clotting of the blood. As a res
ult, artificial hearts have
been used primarily as bridging devices to keep patients alive until a suitable
donor heart for
transplantation can be found. Recent work in North America, however, is developi
ng artificial hearts made
of titanium and dacron. One type is planted into the chest cavity next to the pa
tients own heart to assist
it in its vital function of pumping blood around the body. Another replaces the
heart completely.
Eventually, it is probable that artificial hearts will replace heart transplants
as the treatment of choice
in patients with serious heart disorders.
Liver Artificial livers work in a similar way to kidney dialysis machine
s (see DIALYSIS). Blood is
removed from the body and passed through a machine where it is cleaned and treat
ed and then returned to the
patient. The core of the device comprises several thousand flexible membrane tub
ules on which live liver
cells (from pigs or people) have been cultured. There is an exchange of biologic
al molecules and water with
the circulating blood, and the membrane also screens the foreign cells from the pati
ents immune
system, thus preventing any antagonistic immune reaction in the recipient.

588 Protease
Nose The making of a new nose is the oldest
ALBUMINS, are present in the URINE. It is often a
known operation in plastic surgery, Hindu records of such operations dat
ing back to 1,000 BC. Loss of a
nose may be due to eroding disease, war wounds, gun-shot wounds or dog bites. In
essence the operation is
the same as that practised a thousand years before Christ: namely the use of a s
kin graft, brought down
from the forehead. Alternative sources of the skin graft today are skin from the
arm, chest or abdomen. As
a means of support, the new nose is built round a graft of bone or of cartilage
from the ear.
symptom of serious heart or kidney disease, although some normal people
have mild and transient
proteinuria after exercise.
Protease A digestive ENZYME also known as a proteolytic enzyme that brea
ks down PROTEIN in food as
part of the digestive process. The complex protein molecules are reduced to thei
r constituent AMINO ACIDS.
Protease Inhibitors A new group of drugs which, in combination with anti
viral agents, are used to treat
AIDS (see AIDS/HIV). They inhibit the activity of PROTEASE, an enzyme produced b
y HIV, and which breaks
down proteins. The drugs have recently been introduced: those in use are indinav
ir, nelfinavir, ritonavir
and saquinavir.
The term applies to members of a group of non-crystallisable nitrogenous
substances widely distributed
in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and forming the characteristic materials o
f their tissues and fluids.
They are essentially combinations of AMINO ACIDS. They mostly dissolve in water
and are coagulated by heat
and various chemical substances. Typical examples of protein substances are whit
e of egg and gelatin.
Proteins constitute an essential part of the diet as a source of energy, and for
the replacement of protein
lost in the wear and tear of daily life. Their essential constituent from this p
oint of view is the
nitrogen which they contain. To be absorbed, or digested, proteins have to be br
oken down into their
constituent amino acids. The adult human body can maintain nitrogenous equilibri
um on a mixture of eight
amino acids, which are therefore known as the essential (or indispensable) amino
acids. They are
isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan an
d valine. In addition,
infants require histidine.

Proteinuria A condition in which proteins, principally

is the most important cause of proteinuria, and in some cases the discov
ery of proteinuria may be the
first evidence of such disease. This is why an examination of the urine for the
presence of albumin
constitutes an essential part of every medical examination. Almost any form of k
idney disease will cause
proteinuria, but the most frequent form to do this is glomerulonephritis (see un
In the subacute (or nephrotic) stage of glomerulonephritis, the most marked prot
einuria of all may be
found. Proteinuria is also found in infections of the kidney (pyelitis) as well
as in infections of the
bladder (cystitis) and of the urethra (urethritis). PREGNANCY The development of
proteinuria in pregnancy
requires investigation, as it may be the first sign of one of the most dangerous
complications of
pregnancy: toxaemia of pregnancy (PRE-ECLAMPSIA and ECLAMPSIA) and glomeruloneph
ritis. Proteinuria may also
result from the contamination of urine with vaginal secretions. (See also PREGNA
CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS are commonly accompanied by proteinuria, particularly w
hen the right side of the
heart is failing. In severe cases of failure, accompanied by OEDEMA, the protein
uria may be marked. (See
also HEART, DISEASES OF.) FEVER often causes proteinuria, even though there is n
o actual kidney disease.
The proteinuria disappears soon after the temperature becomes normal. (See also
These include arsenic, lead, mercury, gold, copaiba, salicylic acid and quinine.
ANAEMIA A trace of albumin
may be found in the urine in severe anaemia. KIDNEY DISEASE
This type is important because, if its true cause is unrecognised, it ma
y be taken as a sign of kidney
disease. The significance of postural proteinuria is unclear: it is more common
among young people and is
absent when the person is recumbent hence the importance of testing a urine samp
le that is taken before
rising in the morning.
Treatment The treatment is that of the underlying disease. (See OF.)

The mechanism by which complex PROTEIN molecules are broken down by dige
stive enzymes (see PROTEASE) in
the stomach and small intestine. The constituent AMINO ACIDS are then absorbed i
nto the bloodstream.
A term of comparison applied to structures which are nearer the centre o
f the body or the median line
as opposed to more distal, or distant, structures.
An inactive substance in the blood PLASMA that is the precursor of the E
NZYME, thrombin, which clots
the blood. The conversion occurs when a blood vessel is damaged and the process
Prozac Prurigo An intensely itching form of eczema (see DERMATITIS) in w
hich LICHEN takes a nodular
Proton Pump
A key enzyme system in the parietal cells of the mucosal lining of the s
tomach: hydrogen ions are
produced which acidify the stomachs secretions and convert pepsinogen to PEPSIN,
an active participant in
the digestion of food.
Another name for itching, it is a common symptom with many causes. It ma
y accompany obvious skin
disease such as URTICARIA, eczema (see DERMATITIS) or SCABIES. Pruritus may be s
ystemic in origin and can
be caused by advanced hepatic (liver) or renal (kidney) failure, uncontrolled DI
HYPERTHYROIDISM. It may be due to drugs and certain forms of malignancy for exam
ple, Hodgkins disease
(see LYMPHOMA). Anxiety or depression may also cause pruritus. Pruritus ani, itc
hing round the ANUS, is a
common troublesome condition: it may be caused by obsessive efforts to keep this
area clean; soft toilet
paper and gentle cleansing once daily should be sufficient. A weak anal sphincte
r, skin tags, and
HAEMORRHOIDS may also cause itching, and these conditions should be treated.
Proton-Pump Inhibitors These are drugs that inhibit the production of ac
id in the stomach by blocking a
key enzyme system, known as the PROTON PUMP, of the parietal cells of the stomac

h. The drugs include

omeprazole, lansoprazole and pantoprazole, and they are the treatment of choice
for oesophagitis (erosion
and stricture see under OESOPHAGUS, DISEASES OF); for the short-term treatment f
or gastric ulcer (see
under STOMACH, DISEASES OF) and DUODENAL ULCER; and, in combination with ANTIBIO
TICS, for the eradication
of Helicobacter pylori.
Protoplasm The viscid, translucent, glue-like material containing fine g
ranules and composed mainly of
proteins, which makes up the essential material of plant and animal cells and ha
s the properties of life.
Protozoa A simple, primitive animal comprising a single cell. Protozoa a
re microscopic in size but are
much larger than BACTERIA. Most protozoa live freely, but around 30 are parasiti
c in humans causing disease
such as amoebiasis (see DYSENTERY) and GIARDIASIS (intestinal infections), MALAR
IA, kala-azar (see
LEISHMANIASIS) and SLEEPING SICKNESS. Some protozoa are able to excrete, respire
, and absorb food particles
and they may move around like a mobile jelly or by means of flagellae.
Protriptyline One of the tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANT (See MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Treatment The first aim is to identify and treat the cause, whether loca
l or systemic. Once the cause
has been dealt with, symptomatic treatment may be required to break the cycle of
itching, scratching and
itching; topical steroid ointments and occlusive dressings help to prevent scrat
ching. For dry skin,
emollients (see OINTMENTS) are useful. Local anaesthetics (see under ANAESTHESIA
) provide relief but may
cause allergic reactions, and systemic ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS at night can help. Pr
ussic Acid Poisoning See
Pseudocyesis Pseudocyesis means spurious or false pregnancy, a condition
characterised by enlargement
of the abdomen, and even enlargement of the breasts and early-morning sickness t
he woman being quite
convinced that she is pregnant.
Pseudocyst A space within an organ without a defined

590 Pseudohermaphrodite
lining and which contains fluid. Patients with chronic pancreatitis (see
sometimes develop these pseudocysts which fill with pancreatic juice containing
enzymes produced by the
gland. Abdominal pain usually results; treatment is by surgical draining.
accomplished by the contraction of this muscle. Disease of the spine in
the lumbar region may produce
an ABSCESS which lies within the sheath of this muscle and makes its way down to
the front of the thigh.
Such an abscess is known as a psoas abscess.
A person in whom the gonads (testes or ovaries see GONAD) of only one se
x are present in the body but
in whom the external GENITALIA may not be obviously male or female. The conditio
n is a result of a hormonal
imbalance and can normally be treated by appropriate surgery and hormone drugs.
Also called parrot disease. An infectious disease of parrots and other e
xotic birds which may be
transmitted to humans and is caused by the micro-organism Chlamydia psittaci. It
presents as PNEUMONIA or a
systemic illness in which the patient has an enlarged spleen and liver and PNEUM
ONITIS. Tetracycline is an
effective treatment, but relapses may occur.
This chronic, relapsing inflammatory skin disease is extremely common, a
ffecting about 2 per cent of
the UK population. Frequently it is mild and trivial, affecting only the points
of the elbows or knees and
the scalp, but in a substantial minority of sufferers the disease is much more w
idespread and causes
considerable discomfort and social embarrassment. Rarely, it can be universal an
d even life-threatening.
The predisposition to psoriasis is genetic, multiple genes being involved, but p
ostnatal factors such as
acute infection, hormonal disturbance, pregnancy and drugs can influence or prov
oke it. The sexes are
equally affected and onset is most common in the second or third decade of life.
The psoriatic lesion is
dull red, scaly and well defined. Scale is shed constantly, either in tiny piece
s or as large plaques. The
scalp is usually affected but the disease does not cause significant hair loss.
The fingernails may be
pitted or ridged and the toenails grossly thickened. Several clinical patterns o
ccur: in guttate psoriasis,
a sudden explosion of multiple tiny lesions may follow a streptococcal throat in
fection, especially in
children. Larger lesions are characteristic of discoid (plaque) psoriasis, the u

sual adult form. In the

elderly the plaques may be mainly in the large body folds flexural psoriasis. Ra
rely, psoriasis may be
universal (psoriatic erythroderma), or a sterile pustular eruption may supervene
(pustular psoriasis).
Mucous membranes in the mouth and elsewhere are not affected. Psoriasis does not
affect internal organs,
but in about 1 per cent of subjects an inflammatory joint disease (psoriatic art
hritis) may be associated
with the condition.
Treatment There is no absolute cure, but
A powerful muscle which arises from the front of the vertebral column in
the lumbar region, and passes
down, round the pelvis and through the groin, to be attached to the inner side o
f the thigh-bone not far
from its upper end. The act of sitting up from a recumbent posture, or that of b
ending the thigh on the
abdomen, is mainly
several agents used topically are of value including coal-tar extracts,
synthetic derivatives of vitamins A and D. Ultraviolet B phototherapy (and natur
al sunlight) benefits most
but not all psoriatics. Systemic therapy, including PHOTOCHEMOTHERAPY, is reserv
ed for severe forms of
Pseudohypertrophic Muscular Dystrophy A condition in which certain muscl
es enlarge owing to a fatty and
fibrous degeneration, giving a false appearance of increased strength.
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa A pathogenic bacterium of the genus pseudomonas r
od-like, motile gram-negative
bacteria (see GRAMS STAIN) that occurs in pus from wounds and is associated with
urinary tract
infections. The bacteria mostly live in soil and decomposing organic matter and
help to recycle nitrogen in
nature. Most of the bacteria in this genus are harmless to humans.
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum P
PHOTODERMAThis is a hereditary disorder of elastic tissue. Degenerating elastic ti
ssue in the skin produces
lesions which look like soft yellow papules. Elastic tissue in the eye and blood
vessels is also involved,
giving rise to visual impairment, raised blood pressure and haemorrhages.

psoriasis. METHOTREXATE, CICLOSPORIN A and oral RETINOIDS are the most e
ffective drugs, but they are
potentially dangerous and require expert monitoring. Patient information may be
obtained through the
Psoriasis Association.
Psyche The mind or soul of an individual and his or her mental in contra
st to the physical
Psychedelic Drugs Drugs, such as CANNABIS and LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE
(LSD), that expand
consciousness and perception. (See DEPENDENCE.)
Psychogeriatrics The branch of PSYCHIATRY that investigates, diagnoses a
nd treats the mental-health
problems of old people. Psychogeriatricians work in close co-operation with phys
icians for the care of the
elderly, and with other health professionals and social workers in this branch o
f medicine.
Psychologist Psychologists have a graduate degree in PSYCHOLOGY, followe
d by an accredited postgraduate
training leading to chartered status. There are a number of different branches r
elated to the various
applications psychology has to different fields of work.
Types of psychologist
That branch of medical science which treats mental disorder and disease
and also helps with the
management of people with learning disabilities (see LEARNING DISABILITY; MENTAL
Working in schools and in local education authorities, they are concerne
d with childrens learning and
development. They carry out tasks aimed at improving childrens learning and helpi
ng teachers to become
more aware of social factors that affect teaching and learning. Chartered educat
ional psychlogists have a
graduate degree in psychology and also a teaching qualification, with experience
; in addition they have
completed a one-year postgraduate course in educational psychology with supervis
ed experience. COUNSELLING
PSYCHOLOGISTS apply psychology to working in collaboration with people across a
range of human problems.
For example, helping people to manage difficult life events, relationship issues
, BEREAVEMENT and issues
raised by mental-health problems. Their usual route to qualify is completing a t
hree-year postgraduate
training in counselling psychotherapy. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGISTS have completed a t
hree-year doctorate
training course as well as having their first degree in psychology. They work in
health and care settings.

Their aim is to reduce psychological distress and to promote psychological wellbeing. They work with
individuals, families, groups and organisations: the individuals are people who
have problems such as
anxiety, DEPRESSION, serious and enduring MENTAL ILLNESS, brain injuries, addict
ion, child and family
problems, LEARNING DISABILITY and the after-effects of trauma. They provide vari
ous types of treatment, for
example COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY and family therapy, based on psychological t
heories and research. They
also carry out research, training, consultation with other professionals involve
d with clients, and
supervision of colleagues. (See also NEUROSIS; PSYCHOTHERAPY.) FORENSIC PSYCHOLO
GISTS work in the
Psychoanalysis The term applied to the theories and practice of the scho
ol of psychology originating
with Freud and developed by Jung and other psychotherapists (see PSYCHOLOGY). It
depends upon the theory
that states of disordered mental health have been produced by a repression in th
e subconscious of painful
memories or of conflicting instincts, thus absorbing the individuals mental energ
y and diverting attention
from normal mental activities. Psychoanalysis aims at discovering these represse
d memories, which are
responsible for the diversion of mental power and of which the affected person u
sually is only dimly aware
or quite unaware. The fundamental method of psychoanalytical treatment is the fr
ee expression of thoughts,
ideas and fantasies on the part of the patient. To facilitate this, the analyst
uses techniques to relax
the patient and maintains a neutral attitude to his or her problems. In the cour
se of analysis the patient
will re-explore his or her early emotional attitudes and tensions. The fundament
al conception of
psychoanalysis, although hard to prove by orthodox scientific methods and theref
ore challenged by some
psychiatrists, has been widely adopted and developed by other schools of psychol
ogy. Freuds work changed
the attitudes of the scientific community and the public to the problems of the
neurotic, the morbidly
anxious, the fearful and to the mental and emotional develoment of the child.

592 Psychology
criminal and justice fields, applying psychological theory to aspects of
legal processes in courts,
criminal investigation, and understanding and treating psychological problems as
sociated with criminal
behaviour. They will have completed an accredited training course in forensic ps
ychology. HEALTH
PSYCHOLOGISTS apply psychological methods to studying behaviour relevant to heal
th, illness and care
including health promotion and education. OCCUPATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS are concern
ed with how people perform
at work and how organisations function. They work in management, personnel, sele
ction and careers advice.
They have a postgraduate degee in occupational psychology and will have had to u
ndertake three years
supervised practice.
The scientific study of people: how they think, and how and why they act
, react and interact as they
do. It covers such matters as memory, rational and irrational thought, intellige
nce, learning, personality,
perceptions and emotions. There are different schools of psychology, varying bot
h in attitude and in
methods of working. The main groups consist of the introspectionist Freudian, Ju
ngian and Adlerian schools,
and the gestaltist, behaviourist and cognitive schools. Although many practical
psychologists deny
belonging to any specific school, contemporary psychology in general favours the
cognitive schools,
although many are sub-specialities based on practical considerations. (See also
Psychometrics The use of standardised psychological tests to measure dif
ferences in functions for
example, intelligence and personality in individuals.
Psychoneurosis A general term applied to various functional disorders of
the nervous system. (See
Psychopathic Psychopathic disorder is defined by the Mental Health Act 1
983 as a persistent disorder or
disability of mind (whether or not including significant impairment of intellige
nce) which results in
abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct. The cardinal features
are as follows: (1) Absence
of normal feelings for other people such as love, affection, sympathy and condol
ence. (2) A tendency to
antisocial impulsive acts with no forethought of the consequences. (3) A failure to learn by experience and to be deterred from
crime by punishment. (4)
Absence of any other form of mental disorder that would explain the unusual beha
viour. The corresponding

American terminology is antisocial personality disorder. (See MENTAL ILLNESS.)

Psychosexual Relating to the relationships between the behavioural, emot
ional, mental and physiological
characteristics of sex or sexual development.
Psychosis One of a group of mental disorders in which the affected perso
n loses contact with reality.
Thought processes are so disturbed that the person does not always realise that
he or she is ill. Symptoms
include DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS, loss of emotion, MANIA, DEPRESSION, poverty o
f thought and seriously
abnormal behaviour. Psychoses include SCHIZOPHRENIA, MANIC DEPRESSION and organi
cally based mental
disorders. (See also MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Psychosomatic Diseases Taken at face value, the term psychosomatic simply
means the interaction of
psyche (mind) and soma (body). As such it is a noncontroversial concept that poi
nts out the many ways in
which psychological factors affect the expression of physical disorder and viceversa. Few doubt that
stress makes many physical illnesses worse, at least as far as symptoms are conc
erned. There are also few
physical illnesses in which the outcome is not made worse by psychological facto
rs: depression after a
heart attack, for example, has a worse effect on prognosis than even smoking. A
little more problematic is
the very popular belief that stress causes relapses of physical disorders, such
as cancer; some studies
have found this to be the case, others not. However, calling a condition psychos
omatic implies something
more the primacy of the psyche over the soma. Going back to the influential theo
ries and practice of
PSYCHOANALYSIS as expounded from the 1930s, many diseases have been proposed as
the result of psychological
and others. In this view,
much physical disorder is due to repressed or excessive emotions. Likewise it is
also argued that whereas
some people express psychological distress via psychological symptoms (such as a
nxiety, depression and so
on), others develop physical

symptoms instead and that they are also at greater risk of physical dise
ase. The trouble with this
view is that medical advances repeatedly show that it goes too far. Stress certa
inly causes physical
symptoms for example, DYSPEPSIA but the belief that it caused peptic ulcers vani
shed with the discovery
of the true cause: colonisation of the stomach by the bacterium, Helicobacter py
lori. Of course, stress and
social adversity affect the risk of many diseases. For example, the incidence of
heart disease among UK
government employees (civil servants) has been shown to be influenced by their s
ocial class and their
degree of job satisfaction. But we do not know how this works. Some argue that s
ocial adversity and stress
influence how the heart functions (He died of a broken heart). Stress can also aff
ect IMMUNITY but it
cannot cause AIDS/HIV and we do not know if there is a link running from stress
to abnormal immune function
to actual illness. We can say that psychological factors provoke physical sympto
ms, and often even explain
how this can happen. For example, when you are anxious you produce more epinephr
ine (adrenaline), which
gives rise to chest pain, butterflies in the stomach and PALPITATION. These sympto
ms are not all in the
mind, even if the trigger is a psychological one. People who are depressed are mo
re likely to experience
nearly every physical symptom there is, but especially pain and fatigue. Taken a
s a whole, psychologically
induced symptoms are an enormous burden on the NHS and probably responsible for
more doctor visits and
sickness absence than any other single cause. Also we can be confident that soci
al adversity and stress
powerfully influence the outcome of many illnesses; likewise, a vast range of un
healthy activities and
behaviours such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake, excessive eating, and so o
n. But we must be careful
not to assume that our emotions directly cause our illnesses.
Psychosurgery This was introduced in 1936 by Egas Moniz, Professor of Me
dicine in Lisbon University,
for the surgical treatment of certain psychoses (see PSYCHOSIS). For his work in
this field he shared the
Nobel prize in 1949. The original operation, known as leucotomy, consisted of cu
tting white fibres in the
frontal lobe of the BRAIN. It was accompanied by certain hazards such as persist
ent EPILEPSY and
undesirable changes in personality; pre-frontal leucotomy is now regarded as obs
olete. Modern stereotactic
surgery may be indicated in certain intractable psychiatric illnesses in which t
he patient is
chronically incapacitated, especially where there is a high suicide risk
. Patients are only considered
for psychosurgery when they have failed to respond to routine therapies. One con
traindication is marked
histrionic or antisocial personality. The conditions in which a favourable respo

nse has been obtained are

intractable and chronic obsessional neuroses (see NEUROSIS), anxiety states and
severe chronic DEPRESSION.
Psychosurgery is now rare in Britain. The Mental Health Act 1983 require
s not only consent by the
patient confirmed by an independent doctor, and two other representatives of the
Mental Health Act
Commission but also that the Commissions appointed medical representative also ad
vise on the likelihood
of the treatment alleviating or preventing a deterioration in the patients condit
Psychotherapy A psychological rather than physical method for the treatm
ent of psychological and
psychiatric disorders (see PSYCHOLOGY; PSYCHIATRY). Almost every type of disease
or injury has a mental
aspect, even if this relates only to the pain or discomfort that it causes. In s
ome diseases, and with some
temperaments, the mental factor is much more pronounced than in others; for such
cases psychotherapy is
particularly important. The chief methods employed all depend on the client-ther
apist relationship being of
prime importance.
Suggestion is
a commonly employed method, used in almost every department of medicine.
It may consist, in its
simplest form, merely of emphasising that the patients health is better, so that
this idea becomes fixed
in the patients mind. A suggestion of efficacy may be conveyed by the physical pr
operties of a medicine or
by the appearance of some apparatus used in treatment. Again, suggestion may be
conveyed emotionally, as in
religious healing. Sometimes a therapeutic suggestion may be made to the patient
in a hypnotic state (see
Analysis consists in the elucidation of the half-conscious or subconscio
us repressed memories or
instincts that are responsible for some cases of mental disorder or personal con
Group therapy
is a method whereby patients are treated in small groups and encouraged
to participate actively in the
discussion which ensues amongst themselves and the participating therapists. A m
odification of group

594 Psychotic
therapy is drama therapy. Large group therapy also exists.
Education and employment may be important factors psychotherapy.
Supportive therapy consists of sympaPtosis
thetically reviewing the patients situation with him or her, and encourag
ing the patient to identify
and solve problems.
Short-term supportive psychotherapy is aimed at stabilising and strength
ening the psychological defence
mechanisms of those patients who are confronted by a crisis which threatens to o
verwhelm their ability to
cope, or who are struggling with the aftermath of major life events.
Ptyalin The name of the ENZYME contained in the SALIVA, by which starchy
materials are changed into
sugar, and so prepared for absorption. It is identical to the AMYLASE of pancrea
tic juice. (See DIGESTION;
The change that takes place when childhood passes into manhood or womanh
ood. This change is generally a
very definite one, occurring at about the age of 14 years, although it is modifi
ed by race, climate, and
bodily health so that it may appear a year or two earlier or several years later
. At this time, the sexual
functions attain their full development; the contour of the body changes from a
childish to a more rounded
womanly, or sturdy manly, form; and great changes take place in the mode of thou
ght and feeling. In girls,
puberty is marked by the onset of MENSTRUATION and development of the BREASTS. T
he latter is usually the
first sign of puberty to appear, and may occur from nine years onwards; most gir
ls show signs of breast
development by the age of 13. The time from the beginning of breast development
to the onset of
menstruation is usually around two years but may range from six months to five y
ears. The first sign of
puberty in boys is an increase in testicular and penile size (see TESTICLE; PENI
S) between the age of ten
and 14. The LARYNX enlarges in boys, so that the voice after going through a per
iod of breaking
finally assumes the deep manly pitch. Hair appears on the pubis and later in the
armpits in both boys and

girls, whilst in the former it also begins to grow on the upper lip, and skin er
uptions are not uncommon on
the face (see ACNE). The period is one of transition from a physical and mental
point of view. Puberty is
not to be regarded as a physiological coming of age, for full development is usual
ly achieved in the
early 20s.
A degenerative disorder of the conjunctiva (see EYE) which grows over th
e cornea medially and
Pubis is the bone that forms the front part of the pelvis. The pubic bon
es of opposite sides
Long-term supportive psychotherapy is needed for patients with personali
ty disorders or recurrent
psychotic states, where the aim of treatment is to prevent deterioration and hel
p the patient to achieve an
optimal adaptation, making the most of his or her psychological assets. Such pat
ients may find more
profound and unstructured forms of therapy distressing.
Behavioural therapy and cognitive therapy, often carried out by psycholo
laterally. The overgrowths look like wings. They are commonly seen in pe
ople who live in areas of
bright sunlight, particularly when reflected from deserts or snowfields. Treatme
nt involves excision of the
overgrowth. (See also EYE, DISORDERS OF.)
attempt to clarify with the patient specific features of behaviour or me
ntal outlook respectively, and
to identify step-by-step methods that the patient can use for controlling the di
sorder. Behaviour therapy
is commonly used for AGORAPHOBIA and other phobias, and cognitive therapy has be
en used for depression and
anxiety. (See MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Psychotic Adjective describing PSYCHOSIS or noun referring to someone wi
th a psychosis.
Psychotropic Affecting the mind. Psychotropic drugs include HALLUCINOGEN
S, HYPNOTICS or sleeping drugs,
sedatives, TRANQUILLISERS and NEUROLEPTICS (antipsychotic drugs).

Public Health
meet in the symphysis and protect the bladder from the front.
Public Health Individuals with health problems go to their doctor, are d
iagnosed and prescribed
treatment. Public-health doctors use epidemiological studies (see EPIDEMIOLOGY,
and below) to diagnose the
causes of health problems in populations and to plan services to treat the healt
h and disease problems
identified. Their concern is often focused particularly on those who are disadva
ntaged or marginalised, and
on the delivery of safe, effective and accessible health care: however, to achie
ve their goal of better
health and well-being for everybody, they must also influence decision-makers ac
ross the whole community.
Central to an understanding of public health is recognition that public-health p
ractitioners are concerned
not just with individuals, but also with whole populations and that improving he
alth care plays only a
part of public-health improvement. The health of populations (public health) is
also dependent on many
factors such as the social, economic and physical environment in which the peopl
e live and the nutrition
and health care available to them. For thousands of years, a fundamental feature
of civilisations has been
to seek to improve the health of the population and protect it from disease. Thi
s has led to the
development of legal frameworks which differ widely from country to country, dep
ending on their social and
political development. All are concerned to stop the spread of infectious diseas
es, and to maintain the
safety of urban food and water supplies and waste disposal. Most are also associ
ated with housing
standards, some form of poverty relief, and basic health care. Some trading stan
dards are often covered, at
least in relation to the sale and distribution of poisons and drugs, and to cont
rols on industrial and
transport safety for example, in relation to drinking and driving and car design
. Although these varied
functions protect the public health and were often originally developed to impro
ve it, most are
managerially and professionally separated from todays public-health departments.
So publichealth
professionals in the NHS, armed with evidence of the cause of a disease problem,
must frequently act as
advocates for health across many agencies where they play no formal management p
art. They must also seek to
build alliances and add a health perspective to the policies of other services w
herever possible.
Epidemiology is the principal diagnostic
method of public health. It is defined as the study of the distribution
and determinants of
health-related states in specified populations, and the application of this stud
y to the control of health
problems. Public-health practitioners also draw on many other skills, such as th

ose of statisticians,
sociologists, anthropologists, economists and policy analysts in identifying and
trying to resolve the
health problems of the societies they serve. Treatments proposed are likely to e
xtend well beyond the
clinic or hospital and may include recommendations for measures to resolve pover
ty, improve sanitation or
housing, control pollution, change lifestyles such as smoking, improve nutrition
, or change health
services. At times of acute EPIDEMIC, public-health doctors have considerable le
gal powers granted to
enable them to prevent infection from spreading. At other times their work may b
e more concerned with
monitoring, reporting, planning and managing services, and advocating policy cha
nges to politicians so that
health is promoted. The term the public health can relate to the state of health o
f the population, and
be represented by measures such as MORTALITY indices (e.g. perinatal or infant m
ortality and standardised
mortality rates), life expectancy, or measures of MORBIDITY (illness). These can
be compared across areas
and even countries. Sometimes people refer to a pubic health-care system; this i
s a publicly funded
service, the primary aim of which is to improve health by the use of populationbased measures. They may
include or be separate from private healthcare services for which individuals pa
y. The structure of these
systems varies from country to country, reflecting different social composition
and political priorities.
There are, however, some general elements that can be identified:
Surveillance The collection, collation and analysis of data to provide u
seful information about the
distribution and causes of health and disease and related factors in populations
. These activities form the
basis of epidemiology, which is the diagnostic backbone of publichealth practice
Intervention The design, advocacy and implementation of policies to impr
ove health. This may be through
the provison of PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, environmental measures, influencing the beh
aviour of individuals, or
the provision of appropriate services to limit disability and handicap. It will
lead to advocacy for
health, promoting change in many areas of

596 Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS)

policy including, for example, taxation and improved housing and employm
ent opportunities.
Evaluation Assessment of the first two steps to assess their impact in t
erms of effectiveness,
efficiency, acceptability, accessibility, value for money or other indicators of
quality. This enables the
programme to be reviewed and changed as necessary.
The practice of public health The situP
ation in the United Kingdom will be described as, even though systems va
ry, it will give a general
impression of the type of work covered. HISTORY Initially, public-health practic
e related to food, the
urban environment and the control of infectious diseases. Early examples include
rules in the Bible about
avoiding certain foods. These were probably based on practical experience, had g
radually been adopted as
sensible behaviour, become part of culture and finally been incorporated into re
ligious laws. Other
examples are the regulations about quarantine for PLAGUE and LEPROSY in the Midd
le Ages, vaccination
against SMALLPOX introduced by William Jenner, and Linds use of citrus fruits to
prevent SCURVY at sea in
the 18th century. It was during the 19th century, in response to the health prob
lems arising from the rapid
growth of urban life, that the foundations of a public-health system were create
d. The sanitary concept
was fundamental to these developments. This suggested that overcrowding in insan
itary conditions was the
cause of most disease epidemics and that improved sanitation measures such as se
werage and clean water
supplies would prevent them. Action to introduce such measures were often initia
ted only after epidemics
spread out of the slums and into wealthier and more powerful families. Other pro
blems such as the stench of
the River Thames outside the Houses of Parliament also led to a demand for effec
tive sanitary control
measures. Successive public-health laws were passed by Parliament, initially abo
ut sanitation and housing,
and then, as scientific knowledge grew, about bacterial infections. In the middl
e of the 19th century the
first medical officers of health were appointed with responsibility to report re
gularly and advise local
government about the measures needed to control disease and improve health. Thei
r scope and responsibility
widened as society changed and took on a wider welfare role. After more than a c
entury they changed as part
of the reforms of the NHS and local government in
the 1960s and became more narrowly focused within the health-care system
and its management. Increased
recognition of the multifactorial causes, costs and limitations of treatment of
conditions such as cancer
and heart disease, and the emergence of new problems such as AIDS/HIV and BOVINE

(BSE) have again showed the importance of prevention and a broader approach to h
ealth. With it has come
recognition that, while disease may be the justification for action, a narrow di
approach is not always the most effective or economic solution. The role of the
director of public health
(the successor to the medical officer of health) is again being expanded, and in
1997 for the first time
in the UK a government Minister for Public Health was appointed. This reflects n
ot only a greater
priority for public health, but also a concern that the health effects of policy
should be considered
across all parts of government. (See also ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH.)
Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS) A statutory organisation that is
part of the NHS. It comprises
ten laboratory groups and two centres in the UK, with central coordination from
PHLS headquarters. The
service provides diagnostic-testing facilities for cases of suspected infectious
disease. The remit of the
PHLS (which was set up during World War II and then absorbed into the NHS) is no
w based on legislation
approved in 1977 and 1979. Its overall purpose was to protect the population fro
m infection by maintaining
a national capability of high quality for the detection, diagnosis, surveillance
, protection and control of
infections and communicable diseases. It provided microbiology services to hospi
tals, family doctors and
local authorities as well as providing national reference facilities. In 2001 it
was incorporated into the
Pudendal Nerve The nerve that operates the lowest muscles of the floor o
f the PELVIS and also the anal
SPHINCTER muscle. It may be damaged in childbirth, resulting in INCONTINENCE.
Pudendum The external genital organs. The term is usually used to descri
be those of the female (see

Pulmonary Embolism
Puerperal Depression Also called postnatal DEPRESSION, this is the state
of depression that may affect
women soon after they have given birth. The condition often occurs suddenly a da
y or so after the birth.
Many women suffer from it and usually they can be managed with sympathetic suppo
rt. If, however, the
depression sometimes called maternal blues persists for ten days or more, mild ANT
are usually effective. If not, psychiatric advice is recommended. (See PREGNANCY
Puerperal Sepsis An infection, once called puerperal fever, that starts
in the genital tract within ten
days after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). Once
a scourge of childbirth,
with many women dying from the infection, the past 50 years have seen a dramatic
decline in its incidence
in developed countries, with only 13 per cent of women having babies now being af
fected. This decline is
due to much better maternity care and the advent of ANTIBIOTICS. Infection usual
ly starts in the VAGINA and
is caused by the bacteria that normally live in it: they can cause harm because
of the mothers lowered
resistance, or when part of the PLACENTA has been retained in the genital tract.
The infection usually
spreads to the UTERUS and sometimes to the FALLOPIAN TUBES. Sometimes bacteria m
ay enter the vagina from
other parts of the body. Fever, an offensive-smelling post-partum vaginal discha
rge (lochia) and pain in
the lower abdomen are the main features. Untreated, the women may develop SALPIN
septicaemia. Antibiotics are used to treat the infection and any retained placen
tal tissue must be removed.
Puerperium The period which elapses after the birth of a child until the
mother is again restored to
her ordinary health. It is generally regarded as lasting for a month. One of the
main changes to occur is
the enormous decrease in size that takes place in the muscular wall of the womb.
There are often AFTERPAINS
during the first day in women who have borne several children, less often after
a first child. The
discharge is bloodstained for the first two or three days, then clearer till the
end of the first week,
before stopping within two or three weeks. The breasts, which have already enlar
ged before the birth of the
child, secrete milk more copiously, and there should be a plentiful supply on th
e third
day of the puerperium. (See
Management The mother should start practising exercises to help ensure t

hat the stretched abdominal

muscles regain their normal tone. There is no need for any restriction of diet,
but care must be taken to
ensure an adequate intake of fluid, including at least 580 ml (a pint) of milk a
day. Milk, as already
stated, appears copiously on the third day, but this is preceded by a secretion
from the breast, known as
colostrum, which is of value to the newborn child. The child should therefore be
put to the breasts within
68 hours of being born. This also stimulates both the breasts and the natural cha
nges taking place during
this period. Suckling is beneficial for both child and mother and encourages bon
ding between the two.
Pulmonary Relating to the LUNGS.
Pulmonary Diseases See LUNGS, DISEASES OF.
Pulmonary Embolism The condition in which an embolus (see EMBOLISM), or
clot, is lodged in the LUNGS.
The source of the clot is usually the veins of the lower abdomen or legs, in whi
ch clot formation has
occurred as a result of the occurrence of DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT) THROMBOPHLE
DISEASES OF). Thrombophlebitis, with or without pulmonary embolism, is a not unc
ommon complication of
surgical operations, especially in older patients. This is one reason why nowada
ys such patients are got up
out of bed as quickly as possible, or, alternatively, are encouraged to move and
exercise their legs
regularly in bed. Long periods of sitting, particularly when travelling, can cau
se DVT with the risk of
pulmonary embolism. The severity of a pulmonary embolism, which is characterised
by the sudden onset of
pain in the chest, with or without the coughing up of blood, and a varying degre
e of SHOCK, depends upon
the size of the clot. If large enough, it may prove immediately fatal; in other
cases, immediate operation
may be needed to remove the clot; whilst in less severe cases anticoagulant trea
tment, in the form of
HEPARIN, is given to prevent extension of the clot. For some operations, such as
hip-joint replacements,
with a high risk of deep-vein thrombosis in the leg, heparin is given for severa
l days postoperatively.

598 Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pulmonary Fibrosis A condition which may develop in both LUNGS (intersti
tial pulmonary fibrosis) or
part of one lung. Scarring and thickening of lung tissues occur as a consequence
of previous lung
inflammation, which may have been caused by PNEUMONIA or TUBERCULOSIS. Symptoms
include cough and
breathlessness and diagnosis is confirmed with a chest X-ray. The patients underl
ying condition should be
treated, but the damage already done to lung tissue is usually irreversible. (Se
Pulmonary Function Tests
Tests to assess how the LUNGS are functioning. They range from simple sp
irometry (measuring breathing
capacity) to sophisticated physiological assessments. Static lung volumes and ca
pacities can be measured:
these include vital capacity the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled slowl
y and completely after a
maximum deep breath; forced vital capacity is a similar manoeuvre using maximal
forceful exhalation and can
be measured along with expiratory flow rates using simple spirometry; total lung
capacity is the total
volume of air in the chest after a deep breath in; functional residual capacity
is the volume of air in the
lungs at the end of a normal expiration, with all respiratory muscles relaxed. D
ynamic lung volumes and
flow rates reflect the state of the airways. The forced expiratory volume (FEV)
is the amount of air
forcefully exhaled during the first second after a full breath it normally accou
nts for over 75 per cent
of the vital capacity. Maximal voluntary ventilation is calculated by asking the
patient to breathe as
deeply and quickly as possible for 12 seconds; this test can be used to check th
e internal consistency of
other tests and the extent of co-operation by the patient, important when assess
ing possible neuromuscular
weakness affecting respiration. There are several other more sophisticated tests
which may not be necessary
when assessing most patients. Measurement of arterial blood gases is also an imp
ortant part of any
assessment of lung function.
Pulmonary Hypertension In this condition, increased resistance to the bl
ood flow through the LUNGS
occurs. This is usually the result of lung disease, and the consequence is an in
crease in pulmonary artery
pressure and in the pressure in the right side of the heart and in the veins bri
nging blood to the heart.
commonly constrict the small arteries in the lungs, thus causing pulmona
ry HYPERTENSION. (See also
Pulmonary Oedema Collection of water in the lungs caused by left ventric

ular failure or MITRAL STENOSIS

which produces back pressure in the LUNGS, thus forcing fluid into the tissues.
Pulmonary Stenosis A disorder of the HEART in which obstruction of the o
utflow of blood from the right
ventricle occurs. Narrowing of the pulmonary valve at the exit of the right vent
ricle and narrowing of the
pulmonary artery may cause obstruction. The condition is usually congenital, alt
hough it may be caused by
RHEUMATIC FEVER. In the congenital condition, pulmonary stenosis may occur with
other heart defects and is
then known as Fallots tetralogy. Breathlessness and enlargement of the heart and
eventual heart failure
may be the consequence of pulmonary stenosis. Surgery is usually necessary to re
move the obstruction.
Pulmonary Surfactant Naturally produced in the LUNGS by cells called pne
umocytes, this substance is a
mixture of phospholipids (see PHOSPHOLIPID) and LIPOPROTEINS. Present in fluid l
ining the alveoli (see
ALVEOLUS) in the lungs, their action helps maintain their patency. Premature bab
ies may have a deficiency
of surfactant, a disorder which causes severe breathing difficulties RESPIRATORY
hyaline membrane disease and HYPOXIA. They will need urgent respiratory support,
which includes oxygen
and the administration (via an endotracheal tube) of a specially prepared surfac
tant such as beractant
(bovine lung extract) or edfosceril palmitate.
Pulp See under TEETH.
Pulsation Also known as throbbing. An appearance seen or felt naturally
below the fourth and fifth ribs
on the left side, where the heart lies, and also at every point where an artery
lies close beneath the
surface. In other situations, it may be a sign of ANEURYSM. In thin people, puls
ation can often be seen and
felt in the upper part of the abdomen, due to the throbbing of the normal abdomi
nal AORTA.

Pulse Oximetry
If the tip of one finger is laid on the front of the forearm, about 25 cm
(one inch) above the wrist,
and about 1 cm (half an inch) from the outer edge, the pulsations of the radial
artery can be felt. This is
known as the pulse, but a pulse can be felt wherever an artery of large or mediu
m size lies near the
surface. The cause of the pulsation lies in the fact that, at each heartbeat, 809
0 millilitres of blood
are driven into the AORTA, and a fluid wave, distending the vessels as it passes
, is transmitted along the
ARTERIES all over the body. This pulsation falls away as the arteries grow small
er, and is finally lost in
the minute capillaries, where a steady pressure is maintained. For this reason,
the blood in the veins
flows steadily on without any pulsation. Immediately after the wave has passed,
the artery, by virtue of
its great elasticity, regains its former size. The nature of this wave helps the
doctor to assess the state
of the artery and the action of the heart. The pulse rate is usually about 70 pe
r minute, but it may vary
in health from 50 to 100, and is quicker in childhood and slower in old age than
in middle life; it is low
(at rest) in physically fit athletes or other sports people. Fever causes the ra
te to rise, sometimes to
120 beats a minute or more. In childhood and youth the vessel wall is so thin th
at, when sufficient
pressure is made to expel the blood from it, the artery can no longer be felt. I
n old age, however, and in
some degenerative diseases, the vessel wall becomes so thick that it may be felt
like a piece of whipcord
rolling beneath the finger. Different types of heart disease have special featur
es of the pulse associated
with them. In atrial FIBRILLATION the great character is irregularity. In patien
ts with an incompetent
AORTIC VALVE the pulse is characterised by a sharp rise and sudden collapse. (Se
instrument known as the SPHYGMOGRAPH registers the arterial waves and a polygrap
h (an instrument that
obtains simultaneous tracings from several different sources such as radial and
jugular pulse, apex beat of
the heart and ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG)) enables tracings to be taken from the pul
se at the wrist and from
the veins in the neck and simultaneous events in the two compared. The pressure
of the blood in various
arteries is estimated by a SPHYGMOMANOMETER. (See BLOOD PRESSURE.)
of OXYGEN saturation of in a blood sample using a noninvasive device cal
led a spectrophotometer.

Pulsus Paradoxus A big fall in a persons systolic BLOOD PRESSURE when he

or she breathes in. It may
occur in conditions such as constrictive PERICARDITIS and pericardial effusion,
when the normal pumping
action of the heart is hindered. ASTHMA may also cause pulsus paradoxus, as can
Punctate Basophilia See BASOPHILIA.
Punctum See EYE
Puncture Description of a wound made by a sharp object, such as a knife,
or by a surgical instrument.
Puncture wounds, whether accidental (e.g. from a car accident) or deliberate (e.
g. from a fight), are
potentially dangerous. Despite an often small entry hole, serious damage may hav
e been done to underlying
tissues for example, HEART, LUNGS, LIVER, or large blood vessel and surgical exp
loration may be
required to assess the extent of the injury. Punctures through the skin are also
done deliberately in
medicine to extract fluid or tissue through a hollow needle so that it can be ex
amined in the laboratory.
LUMBAR PUNCTURE, where cerebrospinal fluid is withdrawn, is one example.
Pupil See EYE.
Purgatives See LAXATIVES.
Purkinje Cells Large specialised nerve cells occurring in great numbers
in the cortex (superficial
layer of grey matter) of the cerebellum of the BRAIN. They have a flask-shaped b
ody, an AXON and branching
tree-like extensions called dendrites, which extend towards the surface of the b
rain (see NEURON(E)).
Purpura A skin rash caused by bleeding into the skin from capillary bloo
d vessels. The discrete purple
spots of the rash are called purpuric spots or, if very small, petechiae. The di

600 Purulent
may be caused by capillary defects (nonthrombocytopenic purpura) or be d
ue to a deficiency of PLATELETS
in the blood (thrombocytopenic purpura). Most worryingly, the rash may be due to
a fulminant form of
meningococcal SEPTICAEMIA called purpura fulminans. (See also HENOCH-SCHNLEIN PUR
Containing, comprising or forming PUS.
Pus Pus is a thick, white, yellow or greenish fluid, found in abscesses
(see ABSCESS), ulcers, and on
inflamed and discharging surfaces generally. Its colour and consistency are due
to the presence of white
blood corpuscles, and superficial cells of granulation tissue or of a mucous mem
brane which die and are
shed off in consequence of the inflammatory process (see PHAGOCYTOSIS). Bacteria
that normally produce pus
Pustule A small collection of PUS. Malignant pustule is one of the forms
Putrefaction The change that takes place in the bodies of plants and ani
mals after death, whereby they
are ultimately reduced to carbonic acid gas, ammonia, and other simple substance
s. The change is almost
entirely due to the action of bacteria, and, in the course of the process, vario
us offensive and poisonous
intermediate substances are formed. In the case of the human body, putrescine, c
adaverine, and other
alkaloids are among these intermediate products.
Putrid Fever An old name for typhus fever (see
Pyelogram Pyelography
A term describing inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney. In fact, the
inflammation usually affects
the whole kidney tissue and the description should be PYELONEPHRITIS.


Pyaemia A form of blood-poisoning in which abscesses (see ABSCESS) appea
r in various parts of the body.
The process whereby the KIDNEYS are rendered radio-opaque, and therefore
visible on an X- ray film. It
constitutes a most important part of the examination of a patient with kidney di
sease. (See SODIUM
Pyelolithotomy Surgery to remove a stone from the kidney (see KIDNEYS, D
ISEASES OF) via an incision in
the pelvis of the kidney.
Pyelonephritis Inflammation of the kidney (see KIDNEYS), usually the res
ult of bacterial infection. The
inflammation may be acute or chronic. Acute pyelonephritis comes on suddenly, is
commoner in women, and
tends to occur when they are pregnant. Infection usually spreads up the URETER f
which has become infected (CYSTITIS). Fevers, chills and backache are the usual
presenting symptoms.
ANTIBIOTICS should be given, and in severe cases the intravenous route may be ne
cessary. SEPTICAEMIA is an
occasional complication. Chronic pyelonephritis may start in childhood, and the
usual cause is back flow of
urine from the bladder into one of the ureters perhaps because of a congenital d
eformity of the valve
where the ureter drains into the bladder. Constant urine reflux results in recur
rent infection of the
kidney and damage to its tissue. Full investigation of the urinary tract is esse
ntial and, if an
abnormality is detected, surgery may well be required to remedy it. HYPERTENSION
and renal failure may be
serious complications of pyelonephritis (see also KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF).
Pylephlebitis Inflammation of the PORTAL VEIN. A rare but serious disord
er, it usually results from the
spread of infection within the abdomen for example, appendicitis. The patient ma
y develop liver abscesses
and ASCITES. Treatment is by ANTIBIOTICS and surgery.
Pyloric Stenosis Narrowing of the
the muscular exit

from the STOMACH. It is usually the result of a pyloric ulcer or cancer near the
exit of the stomach.

Food is delayed when passing from the stomach to the duodenum and vomiting occur
s. The stomach may become

distended and peristalsis (muscular movement) may be seen through the abdominal
wall. Unless surgically

treated the patient will steadily deteriorate, losing weight, becoming dehydrate
d and developing

ALKALOSIS. A related condition, congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, occurs

in babies (commonly boys)

about 35 weeks old, and surgery produces a complete cure.

Pyloromyotomy Also called Ramstedts operation, this is a surgical procedu
re to divide the muscle
around the outlet of the stomach (PYLORUS). It is done usually on babies to reli
eve the obstruction
caused at the outlet by congenital PYLORIC STENOSIS.
Pylorospasm Spasm of the pyloric portion of the STOMACH. This interferes
with the passage of food in a
normal, gentle fashion into the intestine, causing the pain that comes on from h
alf an hour to three hours
after meals; it is associated with severe disorders of digestion. It is often pr
oduced by an ulcer of the
stomach or duodenum.
Pylorus The lower opening of the STOMACH, through which the softened and
partially digested food passes
into the small INTESTINE.
PyoA prefix attached to the name of various diseases to indicate cases i
n which PUS is formed, such as
Pyoderma Gangrenosum This is a disorder in which large ulcerating lesion
s appear suddenly and
dramatically in the skin. It is the result of underlying VASCULITIS. It is usual
ly the result of
inflammatory bowel disease such as ULCERATIVE COLITIS or CROHNS DISEASE but can b
e associated with
Pyogenic Pyogenic is a term applied to those bacteria which cause the fo
rmation of PUS and so lead to
the formation of abscesses (see ABSCESS). Although many bacteria have this prope
rty, the most common cause
of abscess is one of
the rounded forms streptococcus).
Pyorrhoea Any copious discharge of PUS. For pyorrhoea alveolaris, see un
Pyrazinamide An antituberculous drug used in combination, usually with R
treatment regime for TUBERCULOSIS. It penetrates the MENINGES so is valuable in
treating tuberculous
MENINGITIS. The drug is sometimes associated with liver damage and liver functio
n tests should be done
before using it.

Pyrexia See FEVER.

Pyridoxine Pyridoxine, or vitamin B, plays an important part in the meta
bolism of a number of AMINO
ACIDS. Deficiency leads to ATROPHY of the EPIDERMIS, the hair follicles, and the
SEBACEOUS glands, and
peripheral NEURITIS may also occur. Young infants are more susceptible to pyrido
xine deficiency than
adults: they begin to lose weight and develop a hypochromic ANAEMIA; irritabilit
y and CONVULSIONS may also
occur. Liver, yeast and cereals are relatively rich sources of the vitamin; fish
is a moderately rich
source, but vegetables and milk contain little. The minimal daily requirement in
the diet is probably about
Pyrimethamine An antimalarial drug used with either sulfadoxine or DAPSO
NE to treat Plasmodium
falciparum malariae (see MALARIA). It should not be used for PROPHYLAXIS because
of potentially severe
side-effects when used in the long term.
Pyromania A powerful urge in a person to set things on fire. Affected in
dividuals, more commonly males,
are called pyromaniacs. They usually have a history of fascination with fire sin
ce childhood and obtain
pleasure or relief of tension from causing fires. Treatment is difficult and pyr
omaniacs commonly end up in
the courts.
Pyuria The presence of PUS in the URINE, in consequence of inflammation
situated in the KIDNEYS,
URINARY BLADDER or other part of the urinary tract.

This is an outcome measure of health care devised by health economists i
n the 1980s, and stands for
Quality Adjusted Life Year. It takes a year of healthy life expectancy to be wor
th a grade of 1, and a year
of unhealthy life expectancy to be worth less than 1. The worse the forecast of
an unhealthy persons
quality of life, the lower will be his or her rating. If someone is expected to
live five years in a
healthy state, the grading will be 5; ten years of life estimated to be only 25
per cent healthy will rate
as 25 QALYs. The measure has proved controversial but nevertheless is an indicati
on of the likely
cost-effectiveness of a particular treatment, and can contribute to assessing wh
ether or not a proposed or
actual treatment or procedure is worthwhile both for patients and for the econom
Q Fever A disease of worldwide distribution due to the organism Coxiella
burneti. It is characterised
by fever, severe headache and often PNEUMONIA. It was first described in 1937 am
ongst abattoir workers in
Brisbane. The disease was given the name Q fever, the Q (as in question mark) refe
rring to the unknown
cause of the disease when first described. The principal reservoir of human infe
ction in Britain is
probably cattle and sheep in which the infection is usually sub-clinical. The di
agnosis is confirmed by the
detection of serum antibodies to Coxiella burneti. The organism is sensitive to
QRS Complex The section of an ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) that precedes the
S-T segment and registers
contraction of the VENTRICLE of the HEART.
Q-T Interval The interval in an ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) that registers t
he electrical activity
generated during ventricular contraction of the HEART.
Quack Colloquial description of an unqualified person claiming to be a m
edical doctor.
Quadrantanopia Inability to see in one quarter of the visual field.
Homonymous quadrantanopia is loss of vision in the same quarter of the f
ield in each EYE.
Quadriceps (More accurately quadriceps femoris) the large, four-headed m
uscle occupying the front and
sides of the thigh, which straightens the leg at the knee-joint and maintains th
e body in an upright
position. It comprises the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius
and vastus medialis.
Quadriplegia PARALYSIS
of the four limbs of the body.
Quadruplets See MULTIPLE BIRTHS.

Quantitative Digital Radiography A radiological technique for detecting

osteoporosis (see BONE,
DISORDERS OF) in which a beam of X-rays is directed at the bone-area under inves
tigation normally the
spine and hip and the CALCIUM density measured. If the calcium content is low, p
reventive treatment can
be started to reduce the likelihood of fractures occurring.
Quarantine The principle of preventing the spread of infectious disease
by which people, baggage,
merchandise, and so forth likely to be infected or coming from an infected local
ity are isolated at
frontiers or ports until their harmlessness has been proven to the satisfaction
of the authorities. (See
INFECTION.) Originally quarantine, as its name implies, involved detention for 4
0 days; but the period now
covers the incubation period of the disease, the presence of which is suspected.
Numerous international
conferences upon the subject have been held with the view of arriving at a unifo
rm practice as regards
quarantine in different countries. The diseases to which quarantine applies are
PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER and RELAPSING FEVER. The general practice with re
gard to quarantine is that
when a serious disease breaks out in any country, the government of that country
notifies surrounding
governments as to the ports and other places that have become centres of infecti
on. Any people travelling
from these centres and attempting to enter another country, are subject to measu
res prescribed in the
appropriate regulations. These measures vary with the disease involved.

Quartan Fever Description of intermittent fever with paroxysms developin
g every fourth day. Usually
applied to MALARIA.
Quickening The first movements of a FETUS in the womb as experienced by
the mother, usually around the
16th week of pregnancy (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR).
Quiescent The description applied to a disease in an individual which is
in an inactive phase and so
likely to be undiagnosed.
Quinghaosu A herbal drug used for two millennia in China to treat MALARI
A. Its action derives from
sesquiterpene lactone, a substance that cuts the number of blood-borne malarial
Quinidine An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) obtained from cinchona bark and cl
osely related in chemical
composition and in action to QUININE. It is commonly used in the form of quinidi
ne sulphate to treat
cardiac irregularities such as supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular arrh
ythmias (see HEART,
Quinine An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) obtained from the bark of various sp
ecies of cinchona trees. This
bark is mainly derived from Peru and neighbouring parts of South America and the
East Indies. Other
alkaloids and acid substances are also derived from cinchona bark, such as QUINI
DINE and cinchonine.
Quinine is generally used in the form of one of its salts, such as the sulphate
of quinine, or
dihydrochloride of quinine. All are sparingly soluble in water, much more so whe
n taken along with an acid.
Action Quinine is a powerful antiseptic (see
Its best-known action is in checking the recurrence of attacks of MALARI
A, as it destroys malarial
parasites in the blood. In fevers it acts as an antipyretic (see ANTIPYRETICS).
Among its side-effects are
ringing in the ears, temporary impairment of vision, and sometimes disturbance o
f kidney function leading
to renal failure.
Uses The most important use of quinine is
ttacks of which it quickly cuts
short or prevents altogether. It has been largely
less toxic antimalarial
drugs; however, development of malarial parasites
evived the use of quinine.
For intravenous injection, when this is necessary
form of quinine, the

its original one in malaria, a

replaced by more effective and
resistant to newer drugs has r
in cases of malaria, a soluble

dihydrochloride, is used. Quinine can also be given in combination with other an

timalarial drugs on medical
advice. The drug is sometimes used in the treatment of cramps.
Quinolones A group of chemically related synthetic ANTIBIOTICS. Examples
include nalidixic acid,
cinoxacin and norfloxocin which are effective in treating uncomplicated urinarytract, respiratory-tract
and gastrointestinal infections. They are usually effective against gram-negativ
e and gram-positive
bacteria (see GRAMS STAIN). Many staphylococci including METHICILLINRESISTANT STA
(MRSA) are resistant to quinolones. This group of drugs has a range of potential
ly troublesome
sideeffects including nausea, vomiting, DYSPEPSIA, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, di
zziness, sleep disorders
Quinsy A corruption of cynanche, this is an old name for a PERITONSILLAR A
Quintuplets See MULTIPLE BIRTHS.

R Rabies
An acute and potentially fatal disease, caused by a rhabdovirus called L
yssavirus, which affects the
nervous system of animals, particularly carnivora, and may be communicated from
them to humans. Infection
from person to person is very rare, but those in attendance on a case should tak
e precautions to avoid
being bitten or allowing themselves to be contaminated by the patients saliva, as
this contains the
causative virus. The disease is ENDEMIC in dogs and wolves in some countries; an
EPIDEMIC may occasionally
occur. It also occurs in foxes, coyotes and skunks, as well as in vampire bats.
measures, since 1897 rabies has been rare in Great Britain, which still retains
strict measures (the Rabies
Act) to prevent the entry of infected animals into the country, including a sixmonth quarantine period and
vaccination (see IMMUNISATION). This policy was relaxed somewhat in 2001 with th
e launch of the Pet Travel
Scheme; this allows cats and dogs to enter the UK from specified countries witho
ut the need for quarantine,
as long as stringent conditions as to microchipping and vaccinations are met. Fu
ll details can be obtained
from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) or from
a veterinary surgeon
engaged in operating the scheme. Six months has to elapse between vaccination ag
ainst rabies and a positive
blood test before the pet passport can be issued. Rabies is highly infectious from
the bite of an animal
already affected, but the chance of infection from different animals varies. Thu
s only about one person in
every four bitten by rabid dogs contracts rabies, whilst the bites of rabid wolv
es and cats almost
invariably produce the disease.
Symptoms In animals there are two types of the disease: mad rabies and d
umb rabies. In the former, the
dog (or other animal) runs about, snapping at objects and other animals, unable
to rest; in the latter,
which is also the final stage of the mad type, the limbs become paralysed and th
e dog crawls about or lies
still. In humans the incubation period is usually 68 weeks, but may be as short a
s ten days or as
long as two years. The disease begins with mental symptoms, the person b
ecoming irritable, restless and
depressed. Fever and DYSPHAGIA follow. The irritability passes into a form of MA
NIA and the victim has
great difficulty in swallowing either food or drink.
Treatment The best treatment is, of course, preventive. Local treatment
consists of immediate, thorough
and careful cleansing of the wound-surfaces and surrounding skin. This is follow
ed by a course of rabies
vaccine therapy. Only people bitten (or in certain circumstances, licked) by a r
abid animal or by one
thought to be infected with rabies need treatment; this is with rabies vaccine a
nd antiserum and one of the
IMMUNOGLOBULINS. A person previously vaccinated against rabies who is subsequent

ly bitten by a rabid animal

should be given three or four doses of the vaccine. The vaccine is also used to
give protection to those
liable to infection, such as kennel-workers and veterinary surgeons. Those who d
evelop the disease require
intensive care with ventilatory support, despite which the death rate is very hi
RAD A unit of ionising RADIATION absorbed by an individual. The acronym
stands for radiation absorbed
Radial Artery This artery arises from the brachial artery at the level o
f the neck of the radius. It
passes down the forearm to the wrist, where it is easily palpated laterally. It
then winds around the wrist
to the palm of the hand to supply the fingers. (See ARTERIES.)
Radial Nerve This NERVE arises from the BRACHIAL plexus in the axilla. A
t first descending posteriorly
and then anteriorly, it ends just above the elbow by dividing into the superfici
al radial and interosseous
nerves. It supplies motor function to the muscles which extend the arm, wrist, a
nd some fingers, and
supplies sensation to parts of the posterior and lateral aspects of the arm, for
earm and hand.
Radiation Energy in the form of waves or particles. Radiation is mainly
electromagnetic and is broadly
classified as ionising and non-ionising. The former can propel ions from an atom
; these have an electrical
charge and can combine chemically with each other. Ionisation occurring in molec
ules that have a key
function in

living tissue can cause biological damage which may affect existing tiss
ue or cause mutations in the
GENES of germ-cell nuclei (see GAMETE; CELLS). Non-ionising radiation agitates t
he constituent atoms of
nuclei but is insufficiently powerful to produce ions. Ionising radiation compri
particle radiation. X-rays are part of the continuous electromagnetic-wave spect
rum: this also includes
gamma rays, infra-red radiation, ultraviolet light and visible light. They have
a very short wavelength and
very high frequency, and their ability to penetrate matter depends upon the elec
trical energy generating
them. X-rays that are generated by 100,000 volts can pass through body tissue an
d are used to produce
images popularly known as X-rays. X-rays, generated at several million volts can
destroy tissue and are
used in RADIOTHERAPY for killing cancer cells. Gamma rays are similar to X-rays
but are produced by the
decay of radioactive materials. Particle radiation, which can be produced electr
ically or by radioactive
decay, comprises parts of atoms which have mass as well as (usually) an electric
al charge. Non-ionising
radiation includes ultraviolet light, radio waves, magnetic fields and ULTRASOUN
D. Magnetic fields are used
in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound, which is inaudible high-freq
uency sound waves, and is
used for both diagnoses and treatment in medicine.
Radiation Sickness The term applied to the nausea, vomiting and loss of
appetite which may follow
exposure to RADIATION for example, at work or the use of RADIOTHERAPY in the tre
atment of cancer and
other diseases. People exposed to radiation at work should have that exposure ca
refully monitored so it
does not exceed safety limits. Doses of radiation given during radiotherapy trea
tment are carefully
measured: even so, patients may suffer side-effects. The phenothiazine group of
tranquillisers, such as
CHLORPROMAZINE, as well as the ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS, are of value in the preventi
on and treatment of
radiation sickness.
Radioactive Isotopes See ISOTOPE.
Radioactivity Breakdown of the nuclei of some elements resulting in the
emission of energy in the form
of alpha, beta and gamma rays. Because of this particle emission, the elements d
ecay into other elements.
Radium and uranium are naturally occurring radioactive elements. RADIOTHERAPY tr
eatment utilises
artificially produced isotopes (alternative forms of an element) such as iodine131 and cobalt-60.
Radiographer An individual trained in the techniques of taking X-ray pic
tures (see X-RAYS) of areas of
the body is known as a diagnostic radiographer. One who is trained to treat pati

ents with RADIOTHERAPY is a

therapeutic radiographer.
Radiography Diagnostic radiography is the technique of examining parts o
f the body by passing X-RAYS
through them to produce images on fluorescent screens or photographic plates.
Radioimmunoassay A technique introduced in 1960 which enables the minute
quantities of natural
substances in the blood such as HORMONES to be measured. A radioimmunoassay depe
nds upon the ability of an
unlabelled hormone to inhibit, by simple competition, the binding of isotopicall
y labelled hormone by
specific ANTIBODIES. The requirements for a radioimmunoassay include adequate am
ounts of the hormone; a
method for labelling the hormone with a radioactive isotope; the production of s
atisfactory antibodies; and
a technique for separating antibody-bound from free hormone. Radioimmunoassay is
more sensitive than the
best bioassay for a given hormone, and the most sensitive radioimmunoassays perm
it the detection of
picogram (pg = 1012g) and femtogram (fg = 1015g) amounts of material.
Radiology See XRAYS.
Radiculopathy is damage to the roots of nerves where they enter or leave
the SPINAL CORD. Causes
include ARTHRITIS of the spine, thickening of the MENINGES, and DIABETES MELLITU
S. Symptoms include pain,
PARAESTHESIA, numbness and wasting of muscles supplied by the nerves. Treatment
is of the underlying cause.
Radionuclide is another word for a radioactive ISOTOPE. These isotopes a
re used in a scanning technique
of body tissues. Different types of tissue and normal or abnormal tissues absorb
varying amounts of the
isotopes; these differences are detected, recorded and displayed on a screen.

606 RadioOpaque
RadioOpaque Substances which absorb XRAYS, rather than transmitting th
em, appear white on Xray film
and are described as radioopaque. This is true of bones, teeth, certain types o
f gallstones, renal stones
and contrast media used to enhance the accuracy of radiographic imaging.
The treatment of disease (mainly CANCER) with penetrating RADIATION. For
many years RADIUM and XRAYS
were the only sources available, but developments in knowledge led to the use of
powerful Xrays, beta rays
or gamma rays, either produced by linear accelerator machines or given off by ra
dioactive isotopes (see
ISOTOPE). The latter is rarely used now. Beams of radiation may be directed at t
he tumour from a distance,
or radioactive material in the form of needles, wires or pellets may be implante
d in the body.
Sometimes germcell tumours (see SEMINOMA; TERATOMA) and lymphomas (see LYMPHOMA
) are particularly
sensitive to irradiation which therefore forms a major part of management, parti
cularly for localised
disease. Many head and neck tumours, gynaecological cancers, and localised prost
ate and bladder cancers are
curable with radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is also valuable in PALLIATIVE CARE, chi
efly the reduction of pain
from bone metastases (see METASTASIS). Sideeffects are potentially hazardous and
these have to be balanced
against the substantial potential benefits. Depending upon the type of therapy a
nd doses used, generalised
effects include lethargy and loss of appetite, while localised effects depending
on the area treated
include dry, itchy skin; oral infection (e.g. thrush see CANDIDA); bowel problem
s; and DYSURIA.
Radium The radiations of radium consist of: (1) alpha rays, which are po
sitively charged helium nuclei;
(2) beta rays negatively charged electrons; (3) gamma rays, similar to XRAYS bu
t of shorter wavelength.
These days the use of radium is largely restricted to the treatment of carcinoma
of the neck of the womb,
the tongue, and the lips. Neither Xrays nor radium supersede active surgical me
asures when these are
available for the complete removal of a tumour.
Radius The outer of the two bones in the forearm.
Raloxifene A drug used to prevent and treat postmenopausal osteoporosis
(see under BONE, DISORDERS OF).
Its action differs from hormonereplacement drugs in that it does not modify the
symptoms of the MENOPAUSE.
Randomised Controlled Trial A method of comparing the results between tw
o or more groups of patients

intentionally subjected to different methods of treatment or sometimes of preven

tion. Those subjects
entering the trial have to give their informed permission. They are allocated to
their respective groups
using random numbers, with one group (controls) receiving no active treatment, i
nstead receiving either
PLACEBO or a traditional treatment. Preferably, neither the subject nor the asse
ssor should know which
regimen is allocated to which subject: this is known as a doubleblind trial.
Ranitidine An H2receptor antagonist drug used in the treatment of DUODE
NAL ULCER by reducing the
hyperacidity of the gastric juice. The drug blocks the production of histamine p
roduced by mast cells in
the stomach lining. Histamine stimulates the acidsecreting cells in the stomach
. Ranitidine, like other
H2blocking drugs, should be used in combination with an antibiotic drug to trea
t ulcers caused by
Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach. The drug should be given for up to
eight weeks with repeat
courses if ulcers recur.
Ranula A swelling which occasionally appears beneath the tongue, caused
by a collection of saliva in
the distended duct of a salivary gland. (See also MOUTH, DISEASES OF.)
Rape A criminal offence in which sexual intercourse takes place with an
unwilling partner, female or
male, under threat of force or violence. Reported rape cases have increased in n
umber in recent years, but
it is hard to know whether this is because the incidence of rape has increased o
r because the victims
women and men are more willing to report the crime. A more sympathetic and under
standing approach by the
police, courts and society generally has resulted in the provision of greater su
pport for victims who are
usually severely traumatised psychologically as well as physically. It is argued
that rape is motivated by
a desire to dominate

Read Codes
rather than simply an attempt to achieve sexual gratification. The major
ity of rapes are probably
unreported because of the victims shame, anxiety about publicity and fear that th
e rapist will take
reprisals. It is legally recognised that rape can happen within marriage. There
are moves to make court
proceedings less traumatic for victims, whose attackers are often known to them.
Anxiety, DEPRESSION and
POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD) are common after rape: many victims are no
w given help by rape crisis
counselling. A recent report suggests that in at least 50 per cent of reported r
apes, the attacker was
known to, or had been a friend of, the victim. The deliberate misuse of alcohol
or drugs to reduce a
potential victims resistance seems to be increasing (see DRUG ASSISTED RAPE; FLUN
confined to the occurrence of dead fingers the fingers (or the toes, ears,
or nose) becoming white,
numb, and waxylooking. This condition may last for some minutes, or may not pas
s off for several hours, or
even for a day or two.
Treatment People who are subject to these
A ridge or furrow between the halves of an organ.
attacks should be careful in winter to protect the feet and hands from c
old, and should always use warm
water when washing the hands. In addition, the whole body should be kept warm, a
s spasm of the arterioles
in the feet and hands may be induced by chilling of the body. Sufferers should n
ot smoke. VASODILATORS are
helpful, especially the calcium antagonists. In all patients who do not respond
to such medical treatment,
surgery should be considered in the form of sympathectomy: i.e. cutting of the s
ympathetic nerves to the
affected part. This results in dilatation of the arterioles and hence an improve
d blood supply. This
operation is more successful in the case of the feet than in the case of the han
Diminution in the density of a BONE as a result of withdrawal of calcium
salts from it. (See BONE,
DISORDERS OF Osteoporosis.)
Stands for Royal College of Nursing.

RatBite Fever An infectious disease following the bite of a rat. There

are two causative organisms
Spirillum minus and Actinobacillus muris and the incubation period depends upon
which is involved. In the
case of the former it is 530 days; in the case of the latter it is 210 days. The d
isease is characterised
by fever, a characteristic skin rash and often muscular or joint pains. It respo
nds well to PENICILLIN.
Raynauds Disease So called after Maurice Raynaud (183481), the Paris physi
cian who published a thesis
on the subject in 1862. This is a condition in which the circulation (see CIRCUL
becomes suddenly obstructed in outlying parts of the body. It is supposed to be
due to spasm of the smaller
arteries in the affected part, as the result of them responding abnormally to im
puilses from the
SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. Its effects are increased both by cold and by variou
s diseases involving the
blood vessels.
Symptoms The condition is most commonly
Reactive Arthritis An aseptic (that is, not involving infection) ARTHRIT
IS secondary to an episode of
infection elsewhere in the body. It often occurs in association with ENTERITIS c
aused by salmonella (see
FOOD POISONING) and certain SHIGELLA strains, and in both YERSINEA and CAMPYLOBA
CTER enteritis.
Nongonococcal urethritis, usually due to CHLAMYDIA, is another cause of reactiv
e arthritis; Reiters
syndrome is a particularly florid form, characterised by mucocutaneous and ocula
r lesions. The SYNOVITIS
usually starts acutely and is frequently asymmetrical, with the knees and ankles
most commonly affected.
Often there are inflammatory lesions of tendon sheaths and entheses (bone and mu
scle functions) such as
plantar fasciitis (see FASCIITIS). The severity and duration of the acute episod
e are extremely variable.
Individuals with the histocompatibility antigen HLA B27 are particularly prone t
o severe attacks.
Read Codes These form an agreed UK thesaurus of healthcare terminology n
amed after the general
practitioner who devised them initially in the 1970s. The coding system provides
a basis for computerised
clinical records that can be shared across professional and administrative bound
aries. Such records have
essential safeguards for

608 Receptor
security and confidentiality. The codes accommodate the different views
of specialists, but use simple
terms without any loss of the fine detail necessary in specialist terminology. T
he Read Codes are being
merged with the worlds other leading coding and classification system: the Colleg
e of American
Pathologists Systemised Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMEDRT).
Receptor (1) Organs, which may consist of one cell or a small group of c
ells, that respond to different
forms of external or internal stimuli by conveying impulses down nerves to the C
alerting it to changes in the internal or external environment. (2) A small, dis
crete area on the cell
membrane or within the cell with which molecules or molecular complexes (e.g. ho
rmones, drugs, and other
chemical messengers) interact. When this interaction takes place it initiates a
change in the working of
the cell.
Recessive Tending to recede. In genetic terms, a recessive gene is one w
hose expression remains dormant
if paired with an unlike allele. The trait will only be manifest in an individua
l homozygous for the
recessive gene. (See GENES.)
Recombinant DNA DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid containing GENES from vario
us sources that have been
Recombinant DNA Technology See GENETIC ENGINEERING.
Reconstructive (Plastic) Surgery R Reconstructive surgery on the skin an
d underlying tissues that have
been damaged or lost as a result of disease or injury. Congenital malformations
are also remedied using
reconstructive surgery. Surgeons graft healthy skin from another part of the bod
y to repair skin damaged or
destroyed by burns or injuries. New techniques are under development for growing
new skin in the laboratory
to be used in reconstructive surgery. Surgeons also repair damage using skin fla
ps prepared in another part
of the body for example, a skin flap from the arm may be used to repair a badly
injured nose or face.
Reconstructive surgery is also used to repair the consequences of an operation f
or cancer of, say, the neck
or the jaw. Plastic surgeons undertake cosmetic surgery to improve the appearanc
e of noses, breasts,
abdomens and faces.
Recovered Memory Syndrome See REPRESSED MEMORY THERAPY.
Recovery Position If an individual is unconscious whether as a result of
accident or illness or when
in the postoperative recovery unit but is breathing and has a pulse, he or she s
hould be placed in the
recovery position. The individual is turned on his or her side to allow the tong
ue to fall forwards and so

reduce the likelihood of pharyngeal obstruction (see PHARYNX). Fluid in the mout
h can also drain outwards
instead of into the TRACHEA and LUNGS. The person can lie on either side with up
per or lower leg flexed.
Sometimes the semiprone position is used; this gives better drainage from the m
outh and greater stability
during transport, but makes it more difficult to observe the face, colour or bre
athing. (See APPENDIX 1:
Recrudescence The reappearance of a disease after a period without signs
or symptoms of its presence.
Rectum The last part of the large INTESTINE. It pursues a more or less s
traight course downwards
through the cavity of the pelvis, lying against the sacrum at the back of this c
avity. This section of the
intestine is about 23 cm (9 inches) long: its first part is freely movable and c
orresponds to the upper
three pieces of the sacrum; the second part corresponds to the lower two pieces
of the sacrum and the
coccyx; whilst the third part, known also as the anal canal, is about 25 mm (1 i
nch) long, runs downwards
and backwards, and is kept tightly closed by the internal and external SPHINCTER
muscles which surround it.
The opening to the exterior is known as the ANUS. The structure of the rectum is
similar to that of the
rest of the intestine.
Rectum, Diseases of The following are described under their separate dic
tionary entries: FAECES;
Imperforate anus, or absence of the anus, may occur in newly born childr
en, and the condition is
relieved by operation.
due to
e anal

Itching at the anal opening is common and can be troublesome. It may be

slight abrasions, to
to the presence of threadworms (see ENTEROBIASIS), and/or to anal sex. Th
area should be
once or twice a

Referred Pain 609

day; clothing should be loose and smooth. Local application of soothing
preparations containing mild
astringents (bismuth subgallate, zinc oxide and hamamelis) and CORTICOSTEROIDS m
ay provide symptomatic
relief. Proprietary preparations contain lubricants, VASOCONSTRICTORS and mild A
Pain on defaecation is commonly caused by a small ulcer or fissure, or b
y an engorged haemorrhoid
(pile). Haemorrhoids may also cause an aching pain in the rectum. (See also PROC
Abscess in the cellular tissue at the side of the rectum known from its
position as an ischiorectal
abscess is fairly common and may produce a fistula. Treatment is by ANTIBIOTICS
and, if necessary,
surgery to drain the abscess.
Prolapse or protrusion of the rectum is sometimes found in children, usu
ally between the ages of six
months and two years. This is generally a temporary disorder. Straining at defae
cation by adults can cause
the lining of the rectum to protrude outside the anus, resulting in discomfort,
discharge and bleeding.
Treatment of the underlying constipation is essential as well as local symptomat
ic measures (see above).
Haemorrhoids sometimes prolapse. If a return to normal bowel habits with the pro
duction of soft faeces
fails to restore the rectum to normal, surgery to remove the haemorrhoids may be
necessary. If prolapse of
the rectum recurs, despite a return to normal bowel habits, surgery may be requi
red to rectify it.
generally insidious. The tumour begins commonly in the mucous membrane,
its structure resembling that
of the glands with which the membrane is furnished, and it quickly infiltrates t
he other coats of the
intestine and then invades neighbouring organs. Secondary growths in most cases
occur soon in the lymphatic
glands within the abdomen and in the liver. The symptoms appear gradually and co
nsist of diarrhoea,
alternating with attacks of constipation, and, later on, discharges of blood or
bloodstained fluid from
the bowels, together with weight loss and weakness. A growth can be well advance
d before it causes much
disturbance. Treatment is surgical and usually this consists of removal of the w
hole of the rectum and the
distal twothirds of the sigmoid colon, and the establishment of a COLOSTOMY. De
pending upon the extent of
the tumour, approximately 50 per cent of the patients who have this operation ar
e alive and well after five
years. In some cases in which the growth occurs in the upper part of the rectum,
it is now possible to
remove the growth and preserve the anus so that the patient is saved the discomf
ort of having a colostomy.
RADIOTHERAPY and CHEMOTHERAPY may also be necessary.
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve A branch of the vagus NERVE which leaves the l

atter low down in its course,

and hooking around the right subclavian artery on the right side and round the a
rch of the aorta on the
left runs up again into the neck, where it enters the larynx and supplies branch
es to the muscles which
control the vocal cords.
Tumours of small size situated on the skin
Red Blood Cell
near the opening of the bowel, and consisting of nodules, tags of skin,
or cauliflowerlike
excrescences, are common, and may give rise to pain, itching and watery discharg
es. These are easily
removed if necessary. Polypi (see POLYPUS) occasionally develop within the rectu
m, and may give rise to no
pain, although they may cause frequent discharges of blood. Like polypi elsewher
e, they may often be
removed by a minor operation. (See also POLYPOSIS.)
Cancer of the rectum and colon is the com
monest malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract: around 17,000 people a
year die from these conditions
in the United Kingdom. Rectal cancer is more common in men than in women; coloni
c cancer is more common in
women. Rectal cancer is a disease of later life, seldom affecting young people,
and its appearance is
Red Cross See FIRST AID.
Reduction The manipulation of part of the body from an abnormal position
to the correct one (e.g.
fractures, dislocations or hernias).
Reduction Division Referred Pain Pain felt in one part of the body which
is actually arising from a
distant site (e.g. pain from the diaphragm is felt at the shoulder tip). This oc
curs because both sites
develop from similar embryological tissue and therefore have

610 Reflex Action

common pain pathways in the VOUS SYSTEM. (See also PAIN.)
Reflex Action One of the simplest forms of activity of the nervous syste
m. (For the mechanism upon
which it depends, see NERVOUS SYSTEM; NEURON(E).) Reflex acts are divided usuall
y into three classes.
Superficial reflexes comprise the sudden movements which result when the
skin is brushed or pricked,
such as the movement of the toes that results from stroking the sole of the foot
Refractory Unresponsive or resistant to treatment.
Regimen A course of treatment possibly combining drugs, exercise, diet,
etc. designed to bring
about an improvement in health.
Regional Anaesthesia See ANAESTHESIA
Local anaesthetics.
Deep reflexes depend upon the state of
Regional Ileitis
mild contraction in which muscles are constantly maintained when at rest
, and are obtained, as in the
case of the kneejerk (see below), by sharply tapping the tendon of the muscle i
n question.
Visceral reflexes are those connected with
eye). The refractive power of the lens can change, whereas that of the c
ornea is fixed. (For errors of
refraction, see under EYE, DISORDERS OF.)
various organs, such as the narrowing of the pupil when a bright light i
s directed upon the EYE, and
the contraction of the URINARY BLADDER when distended by urine. Faults in these
reflexes give valuable
evidence as to the presence and site of neurological disorders. Thus, absence of
the kneejerk, when the
patellar tendon is tapped, means some interference with the sensory nerve, nerve
cells, or motor nerve upon
which the act depends as, for example, in POLIOMYELITIS, or peripheral NEURITIS;
whilst an exaggerated
jerk implies that the controlling influence exerted by the BRAIN upon this refle
x mechanism has been cut
off as, for example, by a tumour high up in the SPINAL CORD, or in the disease k
nown as MULTIPLE

Reflux Fluid flowing in the opposite direction to normal (i.e. back flow
). Often refers to
regurgitation of stomach contents into the OESOPHAGUS (see also OESOPHAGUS, DISE
ASES OF), or of urine from
the URINARY BLADDER back into the ureters (see URETER).
Refraction The deviation of rays of light on passing from one transparen
t medium into another of
different density. The refractive surfaces of the EYE are the anterior surface o
f the cornea (which
accounts for approximately twothirds of the focusing or refractive power of the
eye), and the lens
(onethird of the focusing power of the
Registrar (1) Divided into specialist registrar and GP registrar, this i
s a training grade for NHS
doctors. After a period in this grade usually 36 years they may be appointed as G
P principals or gain
a certificate of specialist training and be able to apply for NHS consultant pos
ts (provided they have
passed the appropriate higher examinations). In 2004 there were almost 15,000 sp
ecialist registrars in the
UK and more than 1,800 GP registrars. Registrar numbers are also regulated by th
e government to achieve a
balance between the numbers in training and the likely number of vacancies for c
areergrade doctors or
dentists in the future. (2) A public official responsible for registering births
, deaths, and marriages.
Regulation of Health Professions Professional staff working in health ca
re are registered with and
regulated by several statutory bodies: doctors by the GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL (G
MC); dentists by the
GENERAL DENTAL COUNCIL; nurses and midwives by the Council for Nursing and Midwi
fery, formerly the UK
Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (see NURSING); PHARMA
CISTS by the Royal
Pharmaceutical Society; and the professions supplementary to medicine (chiropody
, dietetics, medical
laboratory sciences, occupational therapy, orthoptics, physiotherapy and radiogr
aphy) by the Council for
Professions Supplementary to Medicine. In 2002, the Council for the Regulation o
f Health Care Professions
was set up as a statutory body that will promote cooperation between and give ad
vice to existing

Relapsing Fever
regulatory bodies, provide a qualitycontrol mechanism, and play a part
in promoting the interests of
patients. The new Council is accountable to a Select Committee of Parliament and
is a nonministerial
government department similar in status to the FOOD STANDARDS AGENCY. It has the
right to scrutinise the
decisions of its constituent bodies and can apply for judicial review if it feel
s that a judgement by a
disciplinary committee has been too lenient.
Regurgitation Regurgitation is a term used in various connections in med
icine. For instance, in
diseases of the HEART it is used to indicate a condition in which, as the result
of valvular disease, the
blood does not entirely pass on from the atria of the heart to the ventricles, o
r from the ventricles into
the arteries. The defective valve is said to be incompetent, and a certain amoun
t of blood leaks past it,
or regurgitates back, into the cavity from which it has been driven. (See HEART,
DISEASES OF.) The term is
also applied to the return to the mouth of food already swallowed and present in
the gullet or stomach (see
also REFLUX).
Rehabilitation The restoration to health and working capacity of a perso
n incapacitated by disease
mental or physical or by injury. Treatment usually includes OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
PSYCHOTHERAPY depending upon the type of disease or injury. Rehabilitation is co
mmonly carried out at
special centres, either on a daily or a residential basis. This allows different
types of specialists to
cooperate in the patients rehabilitation. (See also DISABLED PERSONS.)
Reiters Syndrome A condition probably caused by an immunological response
to a virus (see IMMUNITY),
in which the patient has URETHRITIS, ARTHRITIS and conjunctivitis (see under EYE
, DISORDERS OF). The skin
may also be affected by horny areas which develop in it. The disorder was first
described by a German
physician, H. Reiter (18811969); it is more common in men than in women, and is t
he most common cause of
arthritis in young men. It usually develops in people who have a genetic predisp
osition for it: around 80
per cent of sufferers have the HLA B27 tissue type. Treatment is symptomatic wit
Rejection A term used in transplant medicine (see TRANSPLANTATION) to de
scribe the bodys immunological
response to foreign tissue (see Various drugs, such as IMMUNITY). CICLOSPORIN A,
can be used to dampen the
hosts response to a graft or organ transplant and reduce the risk of rejection.
Relapse The return of a disease that a patient has had and apparently re
covered from. It may also be a

worsening of a disease from which a person is still recovering.

Relapsing Fever Socalled because of the characteristic temperature char
t showing recurring bouts of
fever, this is an infectious disease caused by SPIROCHAETE. There are two main f
orms of the disease.
Louseborne relapsing fever is an
disease, usually associated with wars and famines, which
practically every country in
the world. For long confused with TYPHUS FEVER and typhoid fever
VER), it was not until the
1870s that the causal organism was described by Obermeier. It is
e Borrelia recurrentis, a
motile spiral organism 1020 micrometres in length. The organism
om person to person by
the louse, Pediculus humanus. DEMIC

has occurred in
now known as th
is transmitted fr

Symptoms The incubation period is up to 12 days (but usually seven). The

onset is sudden, with high
temperature, generalised aches and pains, and nosebleeding. In about half of ca
ses, a rash appears at an
early stage, beginning in the neck and spreading down over the trunk and arms. J
AUNDICE may occur; and both
the LIVER and the SPLEEN are enlarged. The temperature subsides after five or si
x days, to rise again in
about a week. There may be up to four such relapses (see the introductory paragr
aph above).
Treatment Preventive measures are the same as those for typhus. Rest in
bed is essential, as are good
nursing and a light, nourishing diet. There is usually a quick response to PENIC
and CHLORAMPHENICOL are also effective. Following such treatment the incidence o
f relapse is about 15 per
cent. The mortality rate is low, except in a starved population.
Tickborne relapsing fever
is an disease which occurs in most tropical and subtropical countries.
The causative

612 Relate Marriage Guidance

organism is Borrelia duttoni, which is transmitted by a tick, Ornithodor
us moubata. David Livingstone
suggested that it was a tickborne disease, but it was not until 1905 that Dutto
n and Todd produced the
definitive evidence.
Symptoms The main differences from the louseborne disease are: (a) the
incubation period is usually
shorter, 36 days (but may be as short as two days or as long as 12); (b) the febr
ile period is usually
shorter, and the afebrile periods are more variable in duration, sometimes only
lasting for a day or two;
(c) relapses are much more numerous. Treatment Preventive measures are more diff
icult to carry out than in
the case of the louseborne infection. Protective clothing should always be worn
in tick country, and
old, heavily infected houses should be destroyed. Curative treatment is the same
as for the louseborne
treatment and there are no signs or symptoms present.
Remittent Fever The term applied to the form of fever in which, during r
emissions (see REMISSION), the
temperature falls, but not to normal.
REM Sleep Rapideyemovement is a stage during SLEEP in which the eyes a
re seen to move rapidly beneath
the lids and during which dreaming occurs. It occurs for several minutes at a ti
me approximately every 100
Renal Related to the KIDNEYS.
Renal Cell Carcinoma See HYPERNEPHROMA.
Renal Diseases
Relate Marriage Guidance
The idea of a marriageguidance council came from a group of doctors, cl
ergy and social workers who
were concerned for the welfare of marriage. It is based upon two major concepts:
that marriage provides the
best possible way for a man and woman to live together and rear their children;
and that the counsellors
share a basic respect for the unique personality of the individual and his (or h
er) right to make his (or
her) own decisions. The organisation consists of between 120 and 130 Marriage Gu
idance Councils throughout
the country, comprising about 1,250 counsellors. These Councils are affiliated t
o Relate National Marriage
Guidance, which is responsible for the selection, training and continued supervi
sion of all counsellors.

Anyone seeking help can telephone or write for an appointment. No fees are charg
ed, but those receiving
help are encouraged to donate what they can.
Renal Tubule
Relaxation Therapy This is a treatment in which patients are helped to r
educe their levels of anxiety
by reducing their muscle tone. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with
regime. The technique guides people on how to cope with stressful situations and
deal with phobias see
Renin An
ENZYME produced by the kidney (see KIDNEYS) and released into the blood
in response to STRESS. Renin
reacts with a compound produced by the liver to produce ANGIOTENSIN.
This causes blood vessels to constrict and raises the blood pressure. If
too much renin is produced,
this results in renal HYPERTENSION.
Rennin A milkcoagulating ENZYME produced by the lining of the stomach.
Rennin converts milk protein
(caseinogen) into insoluble casein, thus ensuring that milk stays in the stomach
for some time, during
which it can be digested by various enzymes before passing into the small intest
Renography The radiological examination of the KIDNEYS using a gamma cam
era. This is a device that can
follow the course of an injected radioactive (see RADIOACTIVITY) compound which
is concentrated and
excreted by the kidneys. This provides information on kidney function.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Repressed Memory Therapy
A period when a disease has responded to
Also called recovered memory syndrome, this

Research Fraud and Misconduct

treatment was developed in the wake of the widespread exposure in the 19
80s and 90s of the frequency of
child sexual abuse. A controversial concept emerged in the USA, picked up later
by some experts in the UK,
that abused children sometimes suppress their unpleasant memories, and that subs
equent PSYCHOTHERAPY could
help some victims to recover these memories thus possibly aiding rehabilitation.
This recall of
repressed memories, however, was believed by some psychiatrists to be, in effect,
a false memory
implanted into the victims subconscious by the psychotherapy itself or perhaps in
vented by the
individual for personal motives. In 1997 the Royal College of Psychiatrists in t
he UK produced a
comprehensive report which was sceptical about the notion that the awareness of
recurrent severe sexual
abuse in children could be pushed entirely out of consciousness. The authors did
not believe that events
could remain inaccessible to conscious memory for decades, allegedly provoking v
ague nonspecific symptoms
to be recovered during psychotherapy with resolution of the symptoms. Supporting
evidence pointed to the
lack of any empirical proof that unconscious dissociation of unpleasant memories
from conscious awareness
occurred to protect the individual. Furthermore, experimental and natural events
had shown that false
memories, created through suggestion or influence, could be implanted. Many indi
viduals who had claimed to
have recovered memories of abuse subsequently withdrew and, often, nonspecific
symptoms allegedly linked
to suppression worsened rather than improved as therapy to unlock memories proce
eded. The conclusion is
that recovered memory therapy should be viewed with great caution.
Reproductive System A collective term for all the organs involved in sex
ual reproduction. In the female
these are the OVARIES, FALLOPIAN TUBES, UTERUS, VAGINA and VULVA. In the male th
ese are the testes (see
Research In medicine, the collation and assessment of existing facts and
knowledge, and the critical
systematic investigation of the normal and abnormal functioning of the body, alo
ng with the EPIDEMIOLOGY of
diseases and disorders affecting it the aim being to increase the sum of knowled
ge in respect of the
prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Ethics of research Although Britain has had legislation governing aspect
s of research on animals since
the 19th century, there is no overarching statute regulating research on humans
and human material. Such
activity is covered in law by the vaguely defined commonlaw concept of consent,
and by piecemeal
legislation such as the DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 and the HUMAN FERTILISATION & E

Nevertheless, extensive and very detailed

ethical guidance on aspects of research has been published by a wide ran
ge of national and
international organisations (see ETHICS COMMITTEES). Several basic principles fe
ature in all statements
about research ethics: these include the importance of ensuring that research is
independently and
rigorously scrutinised by appropriately constituted ethics committees; verifying
that any risk to the
research subject is reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefit; and ensur
ing that all efforts are
made to minimise possible harm. The research subjects willingness to tolerate som
e risk does not relieve
researchers of the responsibility of making sure that all risks are kept to a mi
nimum. Above all, a key
feature of ethical research has involved seeking informed consent from research
participants. This rule,
initially applied to actual involvement by human subjects in research, has gradu
ally been extended to
include seeking informed consent from patients or from their relatives to the us
e of data and to the use of
human organs and tissue in research, including after POSTMORTEM EXAMINATION. (S
Research Fraud and Misconduct Research misconduct is defined as behaviou
r by a researcher that falls
short of good ethical and scientific standards whether or not this be intentiona
l. For example, the same
data may be sent for publication to more than one medical journal, which might h
ave the effect of their
being counted twice in any METAANALYSIS or systematic review; or the data may b
e salami sliced to try to
make the maximum number of publications, even though the data may overlap. Fraud
in the context of research
is defined as the generation of false data with the intent to deceive. It is muc
h less frequent than
carelessness, but its incidence is estimated as between 0.1 and 1 per cent. A fi
gure of 1 per cent means
that, in the United Kingdom at any one time, maybe 30 studies are being conducte
d, or their results
published, which could contain false information. Examples include forged ethics
committee approval, patient
signatures and diary cards; fabricated figures and results;

614 Resection
invention of nonexistent patient subjects; or sharing one electrocardio
gram or blood sample amongst
many subjects. Research fraud should be first suspected by a clinicaltrial moni
tor who recognises that
data are not genuine, or by a qualityassurance auditor who cannot reconcile dat
a in clinicaltrial report
forms with original patient records. Unfortunately, it often comes to light by c
hance. There may be
suspicious similarities between data ostensibly coming from more than one source
, or visits may have been
recorded when it was known that the clinic was shut. Statistical analysis of a l
ikely irregularity will
frequently confirm such suspicion. The motivation for fraud is usually greed, bu
t a desire to publish at
all costs, to be the original author of a medical breakthrough, to bolster appli
cations for research
grants, or to strengthen a bid for more departmental resources are other recogni
sed reasons for committing
fraud. In the USA, those proved to have committed fraud are debarred from receiv
ing federal funds for
research purposes or from undertaking governmentfunded therapeutic research. Th
e four Nordic countries
(Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) have committees on research dishonesty tha
t investigate all cases of
suspected research misconduct. In the United Kingdom, an informal system operate
d by the pharmaceutical
industry, using the disciplinary mechanism of the General Medical Council (GMC),
has led to more than 16
doctors in the past ten years being disciplined for having committed research fr
aud. Editors of many of the
worlds leading medical journals have united to form the Committee on Publishing E
thics, which advises
doctors on proper practice and assists them in retracting or refusing to publish
articles found or known to
be false. (See ETHICS; ETHICS COMMITTEES.) Where an author does not offer a sati
sfactory explanation, the
matter is passed to his or her institution to investigate; where an editor or th
e committee is not
satisfied with the result they may pass the complaint to the appropriate regulat
ory body, such as the GMC
in Britain.
be used as an antihypertensive (see
SION) and a tranquillising agent.
Reserve Volume The additional amount of air that a person could breathe
in or out if he or she were not
using the full capacity of their LUNGS. (See also LUNG VOLUMES.)
Residual Volume The amount of air left in the LUNGS after an individual
has breathed out as much as
possible. It is a measure of lung function: for example, in a person with EMPHYS
EMA the residual volume is


Resistance In a medical context, resistance has several meanings. The wa
lls of blood vessels exert
resistance to the flow of blood and this rises as the diameters of the vessels d
iminish. This in turn leads
to a rise in blood pressure: the phenomenon may be physiological or pathological
. Resistance may also mean
the extent of the bodys IMMUNITY an indication of its ability to withstand diseas
e. Another meaning
relates to the development of resistance in a bacterium (see BACTERIA) to the ef
fects on it of ANTIBIOTICS.
In PSYCHOANALYSIS, resistance refers to the blockingoff from a persons conscious
ness of repressed
emotions and memories. A psychoanalyst helps the patient to break this resistanc
e and bring the repressed
material out into the open. (See also REPRESSED MEMORY THERAPY.)
The name of an operation in which a part of some organ is removed, as, f
or example, the resection of a
fragment of dead bone or of a diseased section of intestine.
A new hormone (see HORMONES) recently identified by researchers in the U
nited States. It links OBESITY
to type 2 diabetes (see DIABETES MELLITUS Noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitu
s (NIDDM)) and its name
is based on its action namely, resistance to INSULIN. This resistance is a hallm
ark of this type of
diabetes and is manifested throughout the body. THIAZOLIDINEDIONE DRUGS, a new c
lass of antidiabetic drugs
that lower insulin resistance, are mediated by receptors which are abundant in f
at cells, and the
researchers claim to have identified a fatcell PROTEIN that may be responsible
for this and which they
believe to be a hormone; it was also found in high concentrations in diabetic mi
An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) obtained from the root of rauwolfia that has
been and continues to
A term applied to infective processes, to indicate a natural subsidence

without the formation of PUS. Thus a pneumonic lung is said to resolve whe
n the material exuded into
it is absorbed into the blood and lymph, so that recovery takes place naturally;
an inflamed area is said
to resolve when the inflammation diminishes and no abscess forms; a glandular en
largement is said to
resolve when it decreases in size without suppuration. Resolution is also used t
o describe the extent to
which individual details for example, cell structures can be identified by the e
ye when using a light
Resonance The lengthening and intensification of sound produced by strik
ing the body over an
aircontaining structure such as the lung. Decrease of resonance is called dullne
ss and increase of
resonance is called hyperresonance. The process of striking the chest or other
part of the body to
discover its degree of resonance is called PERCUSSION, and according to the note
obtained, an opinion can
be formed as to the state of consolidation of aircontaining organs, the presenc
e of abnormal cavities, and
the dimensions and relations of solid and aircontaining organs lying together. (
Resorcinol A white, crystalline, antiseptic substance soluble in water,
alcohol and oils. It can be
used in combination with sulphur to treat ACNE.
Respiration The process in which air passes into and out of the lungs so
that the blood can absorb
oxygen and give off carbon dioxide and water. This occurs 18 times a minute in a
healthy adult at rest and
is called the respiratory rate. An individual breathes more than 25,000 times a
day and during this time
inhales around 16 kg of air.
Mechanism of respiration For the structure of the respiratory apparatus,
LUNGS. The air passes rhythmically into and out of the air passages, and mixes w
ith the air already in the
lungs, these two movements being known as inspiration and expiration. INSPIRATIO
N is due to a muscular
effort which enlarges the chest, so that the lungs have to expand in order to fi
ll up the vacuum that would
otherwise be left, the air entering these organs by the air passages. The increa
se of the chest in size
from above downwards is mainly due to the diaphragm, the muscular fibres of
which contract and reduce its domed shape and cause it to descend, pushi
ng down the abdominal organs
beneath it. EXPIRATION is an elastic recoil, the diaphragm rising and the ribs s
inking into the position
that they naturally occupy, when muscular contraction is finished. Occasionally,
forced expiration may
occur, involving powerful muscles of the abdomen and thorax; this is typically s

een in forcible coughing.

Nervous control Respiration is usually either an automatic or a REFLEX A
CTION, each expiration sending
up sensory impulses to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, from which impulses are sent
down various other nerves
to the muscles that produce inspiration. Several centres govern the rate and for
ce of the breathing,
although all are presided over by a chief respiratory centre in the medulla oblo
ngata (see under BRAIN
Divisions). This in turn is controlled by the higher centres in the cerebral hem
ispheres, so that breathing
can be voluntarily stopped or quickened.
Quantity of air The lungs do not completely empty themselves at each exp
iration and refill at each
inspiration. With each breath, less than onetenth of the total air in the lungs
passes out and is replaced
by the same quantity of fresh air, which mixes with the stale air in the lungs.
This renewal, which in
quiet breathing amounts to about 500 millilitres, is known as the tidal air. By
a special inspiratory
effort, an individual can draw in about 3,000 millilitres, this amount being kno
wn as complemental air. By
a special expiratory effort, too, after an ordinary breath one can expel much mo
re than the tidal air from
the lungs this extra amount being known as the supplemental or reserve air, and
amounting to about 1,300
millilitres. If an individual takes as deep an inspiration as possible and then
makes a forced expiration,
the amount expired is known as the vital capacity, and amounts to around 4,000 m
illilitres in a healthy
adult male of average size. Figures for women are about 25 per cent lower. The v
ital capacity varies with
size, sex, age and ethnic origin. Over and above the vital capacity, the lungs c
ontain air which cannot be
expelled; this is known as residual air, and amounts to another 1,500 millilitre
s. Tests of respiratory
efficiency are used to assess lung function in health and disease. Pulmonaryfun
ction tests, as they are
known, include spirometry (see SPIROMETER), PEAK FLOW METER (which measures the
rate at which a

616 Respiratory Arrest

person can expel air from the lungs, thus testing vital capacity and the
extent of BRONCHOSPASM), and
measurements of the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. (Se
Abnormal forms of respiration Apart from mere changes in rate and force,
respiration is modified in
several ways, either involuntarily or voluntarily. SNORING, or stertorous breath
ing, is due to a flaccid
state of the soft palate causing it to vibrate as the air passes into the throat
, or simply to sleeping
with the mouth open, which has a similar effect. COUGH is a series of violent ex
pirations, at each of which
the larynx is suddenly opened after the pressure of air in the lungs has risen c
onsiderably; its object is
to expel some irritating substance from the air passages. SNEEZING is a single s
udden expiration, which
differs from coughing in that the sudden rush of air is directed by the soft pal
ate up into the nose in
order to expel some source of irritation from this narrow passage. CHEYNESTOKES
BREATHING is a type of
breathing found in persons suffering from stroke, heart disease, and some other
conditions, in which death
is impending; it consists in an alternate dying away and gradual strengthening o
f the inspirations. Other
disorders of breathing are found in CROUP and in ASTHMA.
Respiratory Arrest
Sudden stoppage of breathing which results from any process that strongl
y suppresses the function of
the brains respiratory centre. It leads to lack of oxygen in the tissues and, if
not remedied, to cardiac
arrest, brain damage, COMA and death. Treatment is artificial respiration (see A
and, if necessary, artificial ventilation. Causes of respiratory arrest include
cardiac arrest, electrical
injury, overdose of narcotic drugs, prolonged seizures (EPILEPSY), serious head
injury, STROKE or
inhalation of noxious material that causes respiratory failure.
Respiratory Distress Syndrome This may occur in adults as
born children, when it is also known as HYALINE MEMBRANE DISEASE. The ad
ult syndrome consists of
PULMONARY OEDEMA of noncardiac origin. The process begins when tissue damage st
imulates the autonomic
nervous system, releases vasoactive substances, precipitates complement activati
on, and produces
abnormalities of the clotting cascade the serial process that leads to clotting
of the blood (see

The activation of complement causes white cells to lodge in the pulmonar

y capillaries where they
release substances which damage the pulmonary endothelium. Respiratory distress
syndrome is a complication
of SHOCK, systemic SEPSIS and viral respiratory infections. It was first describ
ed in 1967, and despite
advances with assisted ventilation remains a serious disease with a mortality of
more than 50 per cent.
The maintenance of adequate circulating blood volume, peripheral PERFUSION, acid
base balance and arterial
oxygenation is important, and assisted ventilation should be instituted early. I
n newborns the mechanism is
diferent, being provoked by an inability of the lungs to manufacture SURFACTANT.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Usually known as RSV, this is one of t
he MYXOVIRUSES. It is among the
major causes of BRONCHIOLITIS and PNEUMONIA among infants aged under 6 months; i
ts incidence has been
increasing, possibly due to atmospheric pollution.
Respiratory System All the organs and tissues associated with the act of
RESPIRATION or breathing. The
term includes the nasal cavity (see NOSE) and PHARYNX, along with the LARYNX, TR
ACHEA, bronchi (see
BRONCHUS), BRONCHIOLES and LUNGS. The DIAPHRAGM and other muscles, such as those
between the RIBS, are also
part of the respiratory system which is responsible for oxygenating the blood an
d removing carbon dioxide
from it.
Restless Legs Syndrome A condition in which the patient experiences unpl
easant sensations, and
occasionally involuntary movements, in the legs when at rest, especially at nigh
t. No pathological changes
have been identified. It is sometimes indicative of irondeficiency ANAEMIA, but
in many cases the cause
remains a mystery and the variety of cures offered are a testimony to this. Some
antiepileptic drugs are
said to help (see EPILEPSY).
Restriction Enzyme An endonuclease ENZYME, extracted from BACTERIA, that
is used to cut DNA into short
segments a process essential in GENETIC ENGINEERING.
Resuscitation See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID. See also DNR.

Retrospectoscope 617
Slowing down; developmental delay. Psychomotor retardation is a signific
ant slowing down of speech and
activity which eventually leads to a person being unable to cope with daily acti
vities or to maintain
personal hygiene. It is a symptom of severe DEPRESSION.
Any one of a collection of drugs that are derived from vitamin A (see AP
be taken orally or applied topically, and affect the skin by causing drying and
peeling, with a reduction
in the production of SEBUM. These properties are useful in the treatment of ACNE
Retching Retching is an ineffectual form of VOMITING.
Retention of Urine See URINE RETENTION.
Reticulocytes These are newly formed red blood corpuscles, in which a fi
ne network can be demonstrated
by special staining methods. Where a large number are present, one can infer tha
t the patient is recovering
from ANAEMIA for example, after a previous bleed (HAEMORRHAGE) or as a result of
treatment of iron
ReticuloEndothelial System
Retinol Retinol is the official chemical name of vitamin A. (See APPENDI
Retinopathy See EYE, DISORDERS OF
Retina, disorders of.
Retractor An instrument for pulling apart the edges of an incision to al
low better surgical access to
the organs and tissues being operated on.
RetroA prefix signifying behind or turned backwards.
Retrobulbar Neuritis
This consists of highly specialised cells scattered throughout the body,
but found mainly in the
SPLEEN, BONE MARROW, LIVER, and LYMPH nodes or glands. Their main function is th
e ingestion of red blood
cells and the conversion of HAEMOGLOBIN to BILIRUBIN. They are also able to inge
st bacteria and foreign
colloidal particles.
Inflammation of the optic nerve behind (rather than within) the EYE. It
usually occurs in young adults
and presents with a rapid deterioration in vision over a few hours. Colour visio
n is also impaired. Usually

vision recovers over a few weeks, but colour vision may be permanently lost. It
can be associated with
certain viral illnesses and with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS). (See also EYE, DISORDE
See EYE.
Movement in a contrary or backward direction from normal (e.g. a retrogr
ade pyelogram introduces dye
into the pelvis of the kidney by passing it up the ureters).
Retropharyngeal Abscess
Retina, Disorders of
A rare malignant growth of the retina (see EYE) which occurs in infants.
It can sometimes be discovered
at birth because shining a light in the babys pupil produces a white reflection r
ather than a red one.
Alternatively, the infant may present with a SQUINT or a mass in the abdomen. In
25 per cent of cases there
is a family history of the condition and abnormality of chromosome 13 is common
(see CHROMOSOMES). It is
treated by removing the eye or, if affecting both eyes, by laser PHOTOCOAGULATIO
N with or without
An ABSCESS occurring in the cellular tissue behind the throat (PHARYNX).
It is the result in general of
disease in the upper part of the SPINAL COLUMN.
Retrospective Study The opposite of a PROSPECTIVE STUDY, involving a his
torical review of the
characteristics of a collection of people to assess MORBIDITY, often by obtainin
g and analysing their
casenotes. The procedure is commonly used in studying the EPIDEMIOLOGY of diseas
Retinoic Acid
A synthetic vitamin A derivative. (See APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS.)
A mockhumorous term used by doctors to imply that one can always see th
ings more

618 Retroversion
clearly after the event than at the time. One danger of making a judgeme
nt on the competence of a
doctor treating a patient is that it is easier to know what was the right thing
to have done once you know
the end of the story.
Retroversion An abnormal position of the UTERUS, occurring in about 20 p
er cent of women, in which its
long axis is pivoted backwards in relation to the CERVIX UTERI and VAGINA instea
d of forwards.
Retrovirus A VIRUS containing ribonucleic acid (RNA) which is able to ch
ange its genetic material into
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) using an ENZYME called reverse transcriptase. This c
onversion enables the
retrovirus to become integrated into the host cells DNA. Retroviruses are believe
d to be involved in the
development of some cancers; they are also associated with disorders linked with
an impaired immune system
(see IMMUNITY). HIV is a retrovirus. Retroviruses are also used in the developme
nt of gene therapy (see
The cause is not known, but there is evidence that ASPIRIN may also play
a part in its causation.
Doctors recommend that children should be given PARACETAMOL in place of aspirin.
The initial feature is
severe, persistent vomiting and fever. This is followed by outbursts of wild beh
aviour, DELIRIUM and
CONVULSIONS terminating in COMA and death, often from liver failure. The MORTALI
TY rate is around 23 per
cent, and 50 per cent of the survivors may have persistent mental or neurologica
l disturbances. The younger
the patient, the higher the death rate and the more common the permanent residua
l effects. Since aspirin
has no longer been licensed for use in children and young people the incidence o
f the condition has fallen
dramatcally. Some cases, previously thought to be Reyes syndrome, have subsequent
ly turned out to have
been due to certain inherited metabolic diseases and to be unconnected with aspi
Rhabdoviruses A group of viruses which includes the virus.
Rhesus Factor
The periodic assessment of a doctors professional competence. Revalidatio
n began in the UK in 2004, to
ensure that those doctors on the Medical Register of the GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL
(GMC) as active
practitioners are capable of providing appropriate standards of medical care. Th
e process depends, amongst
other things, upon the doctor being able to demonstrate that he or she has maint
ained a continuing
programme of professional development: lifelong learning.


R Reverse Transcriptase An
ENZYME, usually found in retroviruses (see RETROVIRUS), that catalyses t
he manufacture of DNA from RNA,
enabling the viral RNA to
amalgamate with the DNA of the infected host.
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor An agent that prevents the action of the
TRANSCRIPTASE, so disrupting the viruss colonisation of its target host. The reve
rse transcriptase
inhibitor ZIDOVUDINE is used (in combination with other agents) to treat HIV inf
Reyes Syndrome A condition, now rare, which occurs predominantly in young
children following a viral
infection of the upper respiratory tract or a viral infection such as CHICKENPOX
Rheumatic Fever An acute febrile illness, usually seen in children, whic
h may include ARTHRALGIA,
ARTHRITIS, CHOREA, carditis (see below) and rash (see ERUPTION). The illness has
been shown to follow a
betahaemolytic streptococcal infection (see STREPTOCOCCUS). Rheumatic fever is
now extremely uncommon in
developed countries, but remains common in developing areas. Diagnosis is based
on the presence of two or
more major manifestations endocarditis (see under HEART, DISEASES OF), POLYARTHR
marginatum, subcutaneous nodules or one major and two or more minor ones fever,
arthralgia, previous
attacks, raised ESR, raised white blood cell count, and ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG)
changes. Evidence of
previous infection with streptococcus is also a criterion.
Clinical features Fever is high, with attacks of shivering or rigor. Joi
nt pain and swelling
(arthralgia) may affect the knee, ankle, wrist or shoulder and may migrate from
one joint to another.
TACHYCARDIA may indicate cardiac involvement. Subcutaneous nodules may occur, pa
rticularly over the back of
the wrist or over the elbow or knee. Erythema marginatum is a

Rheumatoid Arthritis
red rash, looking like the outline of a map, characteristic of the condi
tion. Cardiac involvement
includes PERICARDITIS, ENDOCARDITIS, and MYOCARDITIS. The main longterm complic
ation is damage to the
mitral and aortic valves (see HEART). The chief neurological problem is chorea (
St Vituss dance) which may
develop after the acute symptoms have subsided.
Chronic rheumatic heart disease occurs subsequently in at least half of
those who have had rheumatic
fever with carditis. The heart valve usually involved is the mitral; less common
ly the aortic, tricuspid
and pulmonary. The lesions may take 1020 years to develop in developed countries
but sooner elsewhere. The
heart valves progressively fibrose and fibrosis may also develop in the myocardi
um and pericardium. The
outcome is either mitral stenosis or mitral regurgitation and the subsequent mal
function of this or other
heart valves affected is chronic failure in the functioning of the heart. (see H
Eradication of streptococcal infection is essential. Other features are
treated symptomatically.
PARACETAMOL may be preferred to ASPIRIN as an antipyretic in young children. One
may be indicated for more
serious complications. Patients who have developed cardiacvalve abnormalities r
equire antibiotic
prophylaxis during dental treatment and other procedures where bacteria may ente
r the bloodstream.
Secondary cardiac problems may occur several decades later and require replaceme
nt of affected heart
Rheumatism An obsolete medical term which no longer has a defined meanin
g. It remains a lay term
covering any painful condition of the muscles and/or joints of the arms, legs or
Rheumatoid Arthritis A chronic inflammation of the synovial lining (see
joints, tendon sheaths or bursae which is not due to SEPSIS or a reaction to URI
C ACID crystals. It is
distinguished from other patterns of inflammatory arthritis by the symmetrical i
nvolvement of a large
number of peripheral joints; by the common bloodfinding of rheumatoid factor an
tibody; by the presence of
bony erosions around joints; and, in a few, by the presence of
subcutaneous nodules with necrobiotic (decaying) centres.
Causes There is a major immunogenetic predisposition to rheumatoid arthr
itis in people carrying the

HLADR4 antigen (see HLA SYSTEM). Other minor immunogenetic factors have also be
en implicated. In addition,
there is a degree of familial clustering which suggests other unidentified genet
ic factors. Genetic factors
cannot alone explain aetiology, and environmental and chance factors must be imp
ortant, but these have yet
to be identified. Epidemiology Rheumatoid arthritis more commonly occurs in wome
n from the age of 30
onwards, the sex ratio being approximately 4:1. Typical rheumatoid arthritis may
occur in adolescence, but
in childhood chronic SYNOVITIS usually takes one of a number of different patter
ns, classified under
juvenile chronic arthritis.
Pathology The primary lesion is an inflammation of the synovial membrane
of joints. The synovial fluid
becomes diluted with inflammatory exudate: if this persists for months it leads
to progressive destruction
of articular CARTILAGE and BONE. Cartilage is replaced by inflammatory tissue kn
own as pannus; a similar
tissue invades bone to form erosions. Synovitis also affects tendon sheaths, and
may lead to adhesion
fibrosis or attrition and rupture of tendons. Subcutaneous and other bursae may
be involved. Necrobiotic
nodules also occur at sites outside synovium, including the subcutaneous tissues
, the lungs, the
pericardium and the pleura. Clinical features Rheumatoid arthritis varies from t
he very mild to the
severely disabling. Many mild cases probably go undiagnosed. At least 50 per cen
t of patients continue to
lead a reasonably normal life; around 25 per cent are significantly disabled in
terms of work and leisure
activities; and a minority become markedly disabled and are limited in their ind
ependence. There is often
an early acute phase, followed by substantial remission, but in other patients g
radual stepwise
deterioration may occur, with progressive involvement of an increasing number of
joints. The diagnosis of
rheumatoid arthritis is largely based on clinical symptoms and signs. Approximat
ely 70 per cent of patients
have rheumatoid factor ANTIBODIES in the SERUM but, because of the large number
of false positives and
false negatives, this test has very little value in clinical practice. It may be
a useful

620 Rheumatology
pointer to a worse prognosis in early cases if the level is high. XRAYS
may help in diagnosing early
cases and are particularly helpful when considering surgery or possible complica
tions such as pathological
fracture. Patients commonly develop ANAEMIA, which may be partly due to gastroin
testinal blood loss from
antiinflammatory drug treatment (see below).
involves physical, pharmacological, and surgical measures, together with
psychological and social
support tailored to the individual patients needs. Regular activity should be mai
ntained. Resting of
certain joints such as the wrist with splints may be helpful at night or to assi
st prolonged manual
activities. Sound footwear is important. Early use of antirheumatic drugs reduce
s longterm disability.
Drug treatment includes simple ANALGESICS,
cluding GOLD SALTS (in the form
The nonsteroidal agents are largely effective in reducing pain and earl
ymorning stiffness, and have
no effect on the chronic inflammatory process. It is important, especially in th
e elderly, to explain to
patients the adverse effects of NSAIDs, the dosage of which can be cut by prescr
ibing paracetamol at the
same time. Combinations of antirheumatic drugs seem better than single agents.
The slowacting drugs take
approximately three months to act but have a more global effect on chronic infla
mmation, with a greater
reduction in swelling and an associated fall in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (
ESR) and rise in the level
of HAEMOGLOBIN. Local CORTICOSTEROIDS are useful, given into individual joints.
Systemic corticosteroids
carry serious problems if continued long term, but may be useful under special c
ircumstances. Much research
is currently going on into the use of tumour necrosis factor antagonists such as
INFLIXIMAB and etanercept,
but their precise role remains uncertain.
Rheumatology The medical speciality concerned with the study and managem
ent of diseases of the JOINTS
Rhinitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the NOSE. (See also NOSE
Rhinophyma The condition characterised by swelling of the NOSE due to en
ormous enlargement of the

sebaceous glands which may develop in the later stages of ROSACEA.

Rhinoplasty Repair of the NOSE or modification of its shape by operation
. This operation is performed
by reconstructive and ENT (ear, nose and throat) surgeons alike. It may involve
alteration of the bony
skeleton of the nose and/or alteration of the SEPTUM (septorhinoplasty). It is m
ostly performed for
cosmetic reasons; however, any disease process or injury which has caused a defe
ct in the nose may be
repaired as well. The latter problem would usually involve the utilisation of so
me form of skin flap,
whereas this would not be required for cosmetic surgical purposes.
Rhinorrhoea The persistent discharge of watery mucus from the NOSE. This
is a usual symptom as a result
of COMMON COLD or consequent upon ALLERGY (perennial rhinitis and HAY FEVER).
Rhinoviruses A large group of viruses; to date around 80 distinct rhinov
iruses have been identified.
Their practical importance is that some of them are responsible for around oneq
uarter of the cases of the
Rhizotomy The surgical operation of cutting a nerve root, as, for exampl
e, to relieve the pain of
Rhonchi A description of the harsh cooing, hissing, or whistling sounds
(wheezing) heard by
AUSCULTATION over the bronchial tubes when they are the seat of infection. (See
Rhythm Method A method of CONTRACEPTION which attempts to prevent concep
tion by avoiding intercourse
during the fertile part of the menstrual cycle. (See MENSTRUATION; SAFE PERIOD.)
Ribavirin Also known as tribavirin, this drug inhibits a wide variety of
DNA and RNA viruses. It is
administered by inhalation to treat severe BRONCHIOLITIS caused by RESPIRATORY S
particularly in infants who also have congenital heart disease. It is not used i
n uncomplicated
bronchiolitis as its benefits

Rickets 621
are arguable in that circumstance: the babies are likely to recover with
out treatment. Ribavarin, along
with INTERFERON alpha2b, is given orally to treat patients with chronic HEPATIT
IS C infection. It is also
used to treat LASSA FEVER.
while the 11th and 12th are free from any such connection and are theref
ore known as floating ribs.
Each rib has a head, by which it is joined to the upper part of the body of the
vertebra with which it
corresponds, as well as to the vertebra immediately above. The greater part of t
he bone is made up of the
shaft, which runs at first outwards and at the angle turns sharply forwards. On
the lower margin of the
shaft is a groove, which lodges the corresponding intercostal artery and nerve.
The British Pharmacopoeia name for what used to be known as vitamin B2.
The minimal daily requirement
for an adult is 153 mg, but is greater during pregnancy and lactation. Deficiency
in the diet is thought
to cause inflammation of the substance of the cornea (see EYE), sores on the lip
s, especially at the angles
Ribonucleic Acid See RNA.
A disease of childhood characterised chiefly by a softened condition of
the bones (see BONE), and by
other evidence of poor nutrition.
Causes This disease is the result of deficiency
Granules either found free within the cell, or attached to a reticular n
etwork within the cells
endoplasm (the inner part of a cells cytoplasm see CELLS). Consisting of approxim
ately 65 per cent RNA
and 35 per cent PROTEIN, they are the sites where protein is made.
of vitamin D in the diet. Healthy bones cannot be built up without calci
um (or lime) salts, and the
body cannot use these salts in the absence of vitamin D. Want of sunlight and fr
esh air in the dwellings
where children are reared is also of importance. Once a common condition in indu
strial areas, it had almost
disappeared in Great Britain but has recurred in recent years, largely amongst c
hildren of Asian and
African origin. The periosteum the membrane enveloping the bones becomes inflame
d, and the bone formed
beneath it is defective in lime salts and very soft. Changes also occur at the g
rowing part of the bone,
the epiphyseal plate.

Ribozyme Sections of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) the principal molecule

in a cell carrying genetic
information that act as enzymes (see ENZYME). The function of a ribozyme is to t
ransform the messages
encoded in DNA into proteins (see PROTEIN), using its property of catalysing che
mical reactions in a cell.
Most ribozymes act only on other pieces of ribonucleic acid (RNA), editing the m
essenger type that carries
instructions to the parts of the cell that makes proteins. This editing ability
is being used by scientists
researching ways of correcting faulty GENES which can cause inherited disorders.
The aim is to persuade the
ribozyme to inhibit the messenger RNA to prevent production of the faulty gene.
Ribozymes might also be
used to disrupt infectious agents, such as viruses, which rely on RNA to invade
body cells.
Ribs The bones, 12 on each side, which enclose the cavity of the chest.
The upper seven are joined to
the breast-bone by their costal cartilages and are therefore known as true ribs.
The lower five do not
reach the breast-bone, and are therefore known as false ribs. Of the latter, the
eighth, ninth and tenth
are joined by their costal cartilages, each one to the rib immediately above it,
A useful diluent drink for invalids, similar to barley-water.
Symptoms The symptoms of rickets most usually appear towards the end of
the first year, and rarely
after the age of five. The children are often snuffly and miserable. Gradually, ch
anges in the shape of
the bones becomes visible, first chiefly noticed at the ends of the long bones.
The softened bones also
tend to become distorted, the legs bending outwards and forwards so the child be
comes bow-legged or
knock-kneed. Changes occur in the ribs (rickets rosary) and cranial bones, while t
eeth appear late and
decay or fall out. The disease usually ends in recovery with more or less of def
ormity and dwarfing the
bones, although altered in shape, becoming ultimately ossified.
Treatment The specific remedy is vitamin D in the form of calciferol (vi
tamin D2). A full diet is of
course essential, with emphasis upon a

622 Rickettsia
sufficient supply of milk. Rickets is very rare in breast-fed children b
ut it is a wise precaution to
give breast-fed babies supplementary vitamin D. After the child is weaned, the p
rovision of suitable food
is vital, supplemented with some source of vitamin D. Regular exposure to sunlig
ht is desirable.
Controversy exists as to whether vitamin D should be added in the manufacture of
flour, particularly of
types used by the Asian community. Deficiency of vitamin D in adults results in
osteomalacia (see under
Rickettsia The general term given to a group of microorganisms which are
intermediate between BACTERIA
and viruses (see VIRUS). They are the causal agents of TYPHUS FEVER and a number
of typhus-like diseases,
such as ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER, Japanese River fever, and scrub typhus. Th
ese micro-organisms are
usually conveyed to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites.
Visceral rickettsia is a disease transmitted by mites from an infected h
ouse mouse, which occurs in the
USA, South Africa, Korea and the former Soviet Union. The causal organism is Ric
kettsia akari. The
incubation period is 714 days and the characteristic features are fever, headache
, and a non-irritating
rash on the face, trunk and extremities. The disease is non-fatal and responds r
An antibiotic derived from Streptomyces mediterranei, rifampicin is a ke
y component of the treatment of
TUBERCULOSIS. Like ISONIAZID, it should always be included unless there is a spe
cific contraindication. It
is also valuable in the treatment of BRUCELLOSIS, LEGIONNAIRES DISEASE, serious s
taphylococcal (see
STAPHYLOCOCCUS) infections and LEPROSY. It is also given to contacts of certain
forms of childhood
Rifampicin is given by mouth; during the first two months it often cause
s transient disturbance of
LIVER function, with raised concentrations of serum transaminases, but usually t
reatment need not be
interrupted. In patients with pre-existing liver disease more severe toxicity ma
y occur, and liver function
should be carefully monitored both before starting and during rifampicin treatme
nt. It induces hepatic
enzymes which accelerate the metabolism of various drugs including ANTICOAGULANT
effectiveness of oral contraceptives is reduced and alternative family-p
lanning advice should be
offered. Rifampicin should be avoided during pregnancy and breast feeding, and e

xtra caution should be

applied if there is renal impairment, JAUNDICE or PORPHYRIAS. Adverse effects in
clude gastrointestinal
symptoms, influenzalike symptoms, collapse and SHOCK, haemolytic ANAEMIA, acute
flushing and URTICARIA;
body secretions may be coloured red.
Rift Valley Fever A virus disease, caused by a phlebovirus and transmitt
ed by mosquitoes, at one time
confined to sub-Saharan Africa and predominantly found in domestic animals such
as cattle, sheep and goats.
The only humans affected were veterinary surgeons, butchers and others exposed t
o heavy infection by direct
contact with infected animals; these usually recovered. In the 1970s the disease
flared up in Egypt,
probably owing to a more virulent virus. The illness in humans is characterised
by fever, haemorrhages,
ENCEPHALITIS and involvement of the EYE. An effective vaccine protects both anim
als and human beings
against the disease (see IMMUNISATION).
Rigidity Stiffness, resistance to movement. The term is often used in NE
UROLOGY for example, limb
rigidity is a sign of PARKINSONISM. Smooth rigidity is described as being plastic
and jerky rigidity as
Rigor Shivering. If prolonged, it is generally accompanied by fever, and
may be a sign of the onset of
some acute disease such as INFLUENZA, PNEUMONIA, or some internal inflammation.
Rigor mortis is the name
given to the stiffness that ensues soon after death. (See DEATH, SIGNS OF; MUSCL
Ring Block A local anaesthetic agent (see ANAESTHESIA) injected into the
circumference of the base of a
digit. It numbs the nerves of the finger or toe and so permits minor surgery to
be performed. Care must be
taken to avoid damage to local blood vessels which can lead to GANGRENE.
Ringworm Ringworm, or tinea, is the name given to inflammatory rashes ca
used by DERMATOPHYTES of the
genera microsporum, epidermophyton and trichophyton. These fungi can

Risk Register
infect skin, hair and nails. The important clinical patterns are:
Tinea capitis Usually seen in children in Britain and caused by microspo
rum species of human or animal
(frequently a kitten) origin. Typically, patches of ALOPECIA are seen with broke
n-off hair stumps which
fluoresce bright green under an ultraviolet (Woods) lamp. In Asia a chronic, scar
ring alopecia may be
caused by a specific trichophyton (favus).
Tinea corporis is usually due to trichophyton species and forms ringed (
hence ringworm) patches of
redness and scaling on the trunk or limbs.
Tinea pedis (athletes foot) is caused by epidermophyton or trichophyton s
pecies. Its minor form
manifests as itching, scaling or blistering in the lateral toe clefts. More seve
re forms can be extensive
on the sole. Trichophyton rubrum can cause a chronic, dry, scaling inflammation
of the foot, eventually
extending into the nails and on to the soles and top of the foot which may persi
st for years if untreated.
Tinea cruris typically causes a butterfly rash on the upper inner thighs in young
adult males. It is
usually caused by spread from the feet.
Tinea unguium (onychomycosis) Affecting the nails, especially of the toe
s, T. rubrum is the usual cause
and may persist for decades.
Tinea barbae This rash of the face and beard is rare. It may be very inf
lammatory and is usually
contracted from cattle by farm workers.
Treatment Tinea of the toe clefts and groin will usually respond to an a
ntifungal cream containing
terbinafine or an azole. Tinea capitis, barbae, extensive tinea corporis and all
nail infections require
oral treatment with terbinafine or itraconazole (a triazole antifungal agent tak
en orally and used for
candidiasis of the mouth, throat and vulgovaginal area as well as for ringworm)
which have largely
superseded the earlier treatment with the antiobiotic griseofulvin. (See FUNGAL
ing, it is placed beside the ear. Normal subjects can then hear the nois
e once more, but in people with
conductive DEAFNESS, air conduction does not persist after bone conduction has c
eased. It can help to
distinguish between nerve (sensorineural) and conduction deafness.
Ripple Beds A development of the conventional air-beds. Their essential
feature is a mattress which is
alternately pressurised by a compressor to create a gentle rippling effect along
the entire length of the
mattress. This provides a continuous massaging motion which stimulates the circu

lation and helps to

maintain the nutrition of the skin, thereby reducing the risk of bed sores (see
ULCER Decubitus ulcer).
Risk Factor An environmental or genetic factor which makes the occurrenc
e of a disease in an individual
more likely. For example, male sex, OBESITY, smoking and high blood pressure (HY
PERTENSION) are all risk
factors for ischaemic heart disease (see under HEART, DISEASES OF).
Risk Management A predictive technique for identifying potential untowar
d occurrences. It has been in
use in certain industries (such as nuclear power generation) for many years and
was introduced to the NHS
in 1991 when self-governing trusts were first set up. The reasons were, firstly,
that Crown immunity had
been removed from the health service in 1988, so that ceased to be immune from p
rosecution for
non-compliance with health and safety legislation; secondly, because trusts were
responsible for their own
liabilities and any consequential costs. Risk management starts with three simpl
e questions: what can go
wrong? how likely is it to happen? how bad would it be if it happened? The combi
ned answers allow an
estimate to be made of the risk. Given the scope for clinical mishaps in the NHS
let alone staff and
corporate risks the need for a credible, operational risk strategy is substantia

Risk Register The term is used in two ways. Firstly, it may comprise a l
ist of infants whose obstetric
and/or perinatal history suggests they might be at risk of illness or serious ab
normality such as LEARNRinnes Test
A hearing test in which a vibrating tuning fork is placed on the mastoid
process (see EAR). When the
subject can no longer hear the ringSecondly and more commonly termed the At-risk register this is a list held
by socialservice
departments, and accessible to doctors

624 Risus Sardonicus

in A&E departments, of children whom a localauthority social-services ca
se conference has deemed to
have been harmed or to be at risk of harm from mental, physical or sexual abuse
(see also CHILD ABUSE).
Risus Sardonicus The term used for describing the facial appearance when
the muscles of the forehead
and the face go into spasm in TETANUS, giving the effect of a sardonic grin.
Ritodrine A beta2-adrenoceptor-stimulating drug that relaxes uterine mus
cle (see UTERUS). It is used in
selected women close to term to inhibit the onset of labour for at least 48 hour
s. This allows for the
implementation of measures to improve the perinatal health of the infant, includ
ing making arrangements for
transfer to a neonatal intensive-care facility. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR Premat
ure birth.)
Rivastigmine An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used in the treatment of
should be under the supervision of a specialist and the drug should be started a
t a low dose because of
potential side-effects.
RNA is the abbreviation for ribonucleic acid, one of the two types of NU
CLEIC ACID that exist in
nature. It is present in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of the CELLS of the body
, but principally in the
former. With DNA it is an essential component of the genetic code. It exists in
three categories known,
respectively, as ribosomal (r), transfer (t), and messenger (m) RNA. Genetic inf
ormation resides in the
linear sequence of nucleotides (see NUCLEIC ACID) in DNA and is transcribed into
messenger RNA before
protein is synthesised. In the language of the computer, the genetic code consis
ts of 64 three-letter
code-words, or codons. The code in DNA is comparable to a tape which contains in
formation written linearly
in the form of these codons, each of which is the code for one of the 20 AMINO A
CIDS from which proteins
are made. The genetic information encoded in DNA is used to programme the manufa
cture of proteins (see
PROTEIN) in two stages. In the first, the information is transcribed from DNA on
to a molecule of mRNA. In
the second, the messenger RNA-intermediary
transports the information to the proteinmanufacturing centres of the ce
ll where the information is
translated from the linear sequence of codons in the RNA into a linear sequence
of amino acids which are
concurrently converted into protein. (See also GENES.)

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever A fever of the typhus group (see TYPHUS FEV
ER). It received its name from
the fact that it was first reported in the Rocky Mountain States of the United S
tates; these are still the
most heavily infected areas, but the fever is now found in all parts of the US.
The causative organism is
Rickettsia rickettsi, which is transmitted to humans by tics.
Rodent Ulcer A chronic form of BASAL CELL CARCINOMA, the most common for
m of skin cancer.
Rombergism A term applied to marked unsteadiness when a person stands wi
th the eyes shut. It is found
as a symptom in some nervous diseases, such as peripheral NEUROPATHY and tabes d
orsalis (neurosyphilis).
Root Filling Also called root-canal therapy, this is the treatment given
when the nerve of a tooth (see
TEETH) has been exposed while the tooth is being prepared for a filling, or if i
t has died or become
infected. The nerve debris is removed and, when the chamber is clear of infectio
n, an inert material is
inserted to seal off the root.
Rorschach Test A psychological test (see PSYCHOLOGY) for investigating p
ersonality and disorders of
personality. Also called the ink blot test, it is now rarely used. It was devised
by a Swiss
psychiatrist, Hermann Rorschach (18841922), who determined individuals reactions t
o a series of
symmetrical ink-blots, ten in number and standardised by him.
Rosacea Common chronic inflammation of the facial skin, this condition i
s seen in middle and late life.
Redness, obvious dilatation of venules and crops of ACNE-like papules and pustul
es affect mainly the
central forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. A keratoconjunctivitis (combined

inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the EYE) may be associated
. Subjects flush easily,
especially after alcohol or hot drinks. Eventually the affected areas may become
thickened and oedematous,
and in men, proliferation of fibrous and sebaceous tissue may lead to gross thic
kening and enlargement of
the nose (RHINOPHYMA).
Rouleaux The term applied to the heaps into which red blood corpuscles (
ERYTHROCYTES) collect as seen
under the microscope.
Roundworms See ASCARIASIS.
Rous Sarcoma Treatment Long-term, low-dose, oral tetracycline (see ANTIB
treatment of choice. In mild cases, METRONIDAZOLE gel can be helpful. Potent top
contraindicated and make rosacea worse.
A malignant tumour of fowls which is caused by a virus. This tumour has
been the subject of much
experimental work on the nature of CANCER.
Roseola Infantum A transient EXANTHEM of toddlers. Mild malaise is follo
wed by a RUBELLA-like rash. It
is caused by herpes virus 6 (see HERPES VIRUSES).
Rotator Cuff A musculo-tendinous structure that helps to stabilise the s
houlder-joint. The cuff may be
damaged as a result of a fall; complete rupture requires surgical treatment and
Rotaviruses A group of viruses (so-called because of their wheel-like st
ructure: rota is Latin for
wheel) which are a common cause of GASTROENTERITIS in infants (see also DIARRHOE
A). They cause from 25 to
80 per cent of childhood diarrhoea in different parts of the world, and in the U
nited Kingdom they are
responsible for 60 65 per cent of cases. They infect only the cells lining the sm
all intestine. In the UK,
death from rotavirus is rare.
Roughage Dietary fibre is that part of food which cannot be digested in
the gastrointestinal tract,
although it can be metabolised in the colon by the micro-organisms there. Rougha
ge falls into four groups:
cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignins and pectins, found in unrefined foods such as
wholemeal cereals and
flour, root vegetables, nuts and fruit. It has long been known to affect bowel f
unction, probably because
of its capacity to hold water in a gel-like form. It plays an important role in
the prevention of


ETES MELLITUS and cancer of
the colon (see INTESTINE). At present, many western diets do not contain enough
RSI Repetitive strain injury
Rubella Rubella, or German measles, is an acute infectious disease of a
mild type, which may sometimes
be difficult to differentiate from mild forms of MEASLES and SCARLET FEVER.
Cause A virus spread by close contact with infected individuals. Rubella
is infectious for a week
before the rash appears and at least four days afterwards. It occurs in epidemic
s (see EPIDEMIC) every
three years or so, predominantly in the winter and spring. Children are more lik
ely to be affected than
infants. One attack gives permanent IMMUNITY. The incubation period is usually 1
421 days. Symptoms are
very mild, and the disease is not at all serious. On the day of onset there may
be shivering, headache,
slight CATARRH with sneezing, coughing and sore throat, with very slight fever n
ot above 378 C (100
F). At the same time the glands of the neck become enlarged. Within 24 hours of t
he onset a pink, slightly
raised eruption appears, first on the face or neck, then on the chest, and the s
econd day spreads all over
the body. The clinical signs and symptoms of many other viral infections are ind
istinguishable from rubella
so a precise diagnosis cannot be made without taking samples (such as saliva) fo
r antibody testing, but
this is rarely done in practice. An attack of German measles during the early mo
nths of pregnancy may be
responsible for CONGENITAL defects in the FETUS (for

626 Rupture
information on fetal abnormalities, see under PREGNANCY AND LABOUR). The
incidence of such defects is
not precisely known, but probably around 20 per cent of children whose mothers h
ave had German measles in
the first three months of the pregnancy are born with congenital defects. These
defects take a variety of
forms, but the most important ones are: low birth weight with retarded physical
development; malformations
of the HEART; cataract (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF); and DEAFNESS.
Treatment There is no specific treatment. Children who develop the disea
se should not return to school
until they have recovered, and in any case not before four days have passed from
the onset of the rash. In
view of the possible dangerous effect of the disease upon the fetus, particular
care should be taken to
isolate pregnant mothers from contact with infected subjects. As the risk is par
ticularly high during the
first 16 weeks of
pregnancy, any pregnant mother exposed to infection during this period s
hould be given an intramuscular
injection of GAMMA-GLOBULIN. A vaccine is available to protect an individual aga
inst rubella (see
IMMUNISATION). In the United Kingdom it is NHS policy for all children to have t
he combined measles, mumps
and rubella vaccine (see MMR VACCINE), subject to parental consent. All women of
childbearing age, who have
been shown by a simple laboratory test not to have had the disease, should be va
ccinated, provided that the
woman is not pregnant at the time and has not been exposed to the risk of pregna
ncy during the previous
eight weeks.
Rupture A popular name for HERNIA.

S Sabin Vaccine
Introduced in 1962, the attenuated live oral vaccine (Sabin) against POL
IOMYELITIS replaced the
previous inactivated vaccine introduced in 1956 (see SALK VACCINE).
Saccharine A sweetening agent that is 400 times as sweet as cane sugar,
but with no energy content.
Apart from its rather bitter aftertaste, it has practically no effect on the tis
sues, and escapes from the
body unchanged. Destroyed by heat, saccharine is not used in cooking, but is an
important component of all
diabetic and low-calorie diets.
Saccharomyces Another name for YEAST.
Sacral Nerves The five pairs of spinal nerves that leave the SPINAL COLU
MN in the sacral area. They
carry motor and sensory fibres from the anal and genital regions and from both l
Sacral Vertebrae The five fused vertebrae that link the thoracic spine a
nd the coccyx and form the
sacrum (see SPINAL COLUMN).
Sacroileitis (See SACROILIAC JOINT.) Inflammation of one or both sacroil
iac joints, which lie between
the sacrum and the iliac bones. The condition may be the result of RHEUMATOID AR
THRITIS, ankylosing
SYNDROME, or the
arthritis that occurs with PSORIASIS or infection. Sacroileitis causes pain in t
he lower back, buttocks,
thighs, and groin. Stiffness may occur with ankylosing spondylitis. NON-STEROIDA
(NSAIDS) relieve the symptoms. If the cause is infection, antibiotics should be
Sacroiliac Joint One of a pair of joints between each side of the SACRUM
and each ILIUM. Strong
ligaments between the ilium and the sacrum stabilise the joint, permitting littl
e movement. Childbirth or
strenuous sporting activities may strain the joint, causing pain in the lower pa
rt of the
back and buttocks. Such strains may take a long time to mend; PHYSIOTHER
APY is the treatment. The
joint(s) may become inflamed (see SACROILEITIS).
Sacrum The portion of the SPINAL COLUMN near its lower end. The sacrum c
onsists of five vertebrae fused
together to form a broad triangular bone which lies between the two haunch-bones
and forms the back wall of
the pelvis.
Sadism The term applied to a form of sexual perversion, in which satisfa
ction is derived from the
infliction of cruelty upon another person. The condition is commoner in men than
in women and is sometimes
linked with MASOCHISM (a wish to be hurt or abused).

Safe Period That period during the menstrual cycle (see MENSTRUATION) wh
en fertilisation of the OVUM is
unlikely to occur. OVULATION usually occurs about 15 days before the onset of th
e menstrual period. A woman
is commonly believed to be fertile for about 11 days in each menstrual cycle in
other words, on the day
of ovulation and for five days before and five days after this; this would be th
e eighth to the 18th day of
the usual 28-day menstrual cycle. Outside this fertile period is the SAFE PERIOD
: the first week and the
last ten days of the menstrual cycle. On the other hand, there is increasing evi
dence that the safest
period is the last few days before menstruation. In the case of irregular menstr
uation it is not possible
to calculate the safe period. In any event, the safety is not absolute. (See als
Safety of Drugs The
COMMITTEE ON SAFETY OF MEDICINES (CSM) has the function of scrutinising
the efficacy, quality and
safety of new DRUGS before
clinical trials and before marketing, as well as the surveillance of eac
h drug after marketing so that
adverse reactions are monitored and documented, and warnings issued as required.
Early clinical trials of a
drug can only be carried out after a clinical-trial certificate has been issued
by the licensing authority.
The major defect in this system is the difficulty in obtaining reports of advers
e reactions. Evidence
suggests that at most, about 10 per cent of such reactions are reported. One met
hod of trying to obtain
this information is the yellow card system. It is so called because it is based on
the distribution of
yellow cards to all

628 Sagittal
doctors, pharmacists and dentists, on which they are asked to report any
adverse reaction happening to
someone taking a drug, whether or not they think it is the cause. Alternatively
the CSM has a Freephone
line and on-line computer facilities (ADROIT) for practitioners to use. Even tho
ugh the annual number of
adverse reactions reported in this way has risen from around 5,000 in 1975 to mo
re than 18,000, this is
probably fewer than the number actually occurring. Two further committees in thi
s safety screen are the
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and the Adverse Reactions to Vac
cines and Immunological
Substances Committee.
Sagittal The term applied to a structure or section running from front t
o back in the body.
Salaam Attacks See INFANTILE SPASMS.
Salbutamol A short-acting selective beta2-adrenoceptor stimulant deliver
ed via a metered-dose aerosol
inhaler, a powder inhaler or through a nebuliser to control symptoms of ASTHMA.
If stimulant inhalation is
needed more than twice a day to control asthma attacks, prophylactic treatment s
hould be considered
including, in severe cases, oral CORTICOSTEROIDS. Salbutamol relaxes the muscles
which cause bronchial
spasms in the lungs the prime symptom of asthma. There are other similar prepara
tions such as
Salicylic Acid S
A crystalline substance sparingly soluble in water that is used external
ly in ointments and pastes. It
has antifungal properties and helps to loosen and remove scales. In high concent
rations it is useful in
treatment of verrucae (WARTS) and corns (see CORNS AND BUNIONS).
Saline Normal saline is a solution containing 09 per cent of sodium chlor
ide (common salt). Saline is
used clinically to dilute drugs given by injection; it is also given as an intra
venous infusion to restore
blood volume if blood loss from accident or operation is not too serious, or to
tide a patient over until
PLASMA or blood for TRANSFUSION becomes available. Saline is also given orally t
o severely dehydrated
children or adults suffering from diarrhoea and, in particular, CHOLERA.
Saliva The fluid secreted by the SALIVARY GLANDS into the mouth. The ing
estion of food stimulates
saliva production. Saliva contains mucus and an ENZYME known as PTYALIN, which c
hanges starch into dextrose
and maltose (see DIGESTION); also many cells of different types. About 750 milli
litres are produced daily.
The principal function of saliva is to aid in the initial processes of digestion
, and it is essential for
the process of mastication (chewing), whereby food is reduced to an homogeneous

mass before being

swallowed. In addition, the ptyalin in the saliva initiates the digestion of sta
rch in the food. An
excessive flow of saliva known as salivation occurs as the result of taking cert
ain drugs. Salivation also
occurs as the result of irritation in the mouth as for instance, in the teething
child and from
DYSPEPSIA. Deficiency of saliva is known as XEROSTOMIA.
Salivary Glands The glands (see GLAND) situated near, and opening into,
the cavity of the mouth, by
which the SALIVA is manufactured. They include the parotid gland, placed in the
deep space that lies
between the ear and the angle of the jaw; the submandibular gland, lying beneath
the horizontal part of the
jaw-bone; and the sublingual gland, which lies beneath the tongue. Each gland is
made up of branching tubes
closely packed together, and supported by strong connective tissue. These tubes
are lined by large cells
that secrete the saliva, and ducts transfer the saliva to openings in the mouth.
The parotid gland secretes
a clear fluid containing the ENZYME, PTYALIN; in the sublingual gland they mainl
y produce mucus, whilst the
submandibular gland contains cells of both types.
Salk Vaccine A vaccine obtained by treating the POLIOMYELITIS virus with
formalin. This prevents the
virus from causing the disease but allows it to stimulate the production of ANTI
BODIES. Salk vaccine is
given by injection and protects the recipient against the disease. (See also IMM
Salmonella Infections See FOOD DYSENTERY.
Salmon Patches See NAEVUS
Naevus simplex.

Cutaway diagram of left side of face showing position of salivary glands
in relation to tongue and
lower jaw.
Salpingitis Inflammation situated in the FALLOPIAN TUBES; these run from
the OVARIES to the UTERUS and
carry the ova or eggs. The disorder is commonly caused by infection spreading up
wards from the VAGINA,
cervix or uterus. It is one feature of PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID). Salpin
gitis is potentially
serious and requires treatment with antibiotics and sometimes surgery to drain a
ny PUS or, in persistent
infections, to remove the Fallopian tubes.
SalpingoA prefix indicating a connection with either the FALLOPIAN TUBES
Salpingography Radiography (see X-RAYS) of one or both FALafter radio-op
aque material has been injected
into them via the UTERUS.
Salpingo-Ophorectomy Surgical removal of a Fallopian tube (see FALLOPIAN
TUBES) and its accompanying
ovary (see OVARIES).
Salt The substance produced by the replacement of the acidic hydrogen of
an acid by a metal or basic
radical. It is also a synonym for common salt or sodium chloride. Sodium chlorid
e is a vital constituent of
cells, and a proper balance between it and other salts in the cells and body tis
sues is important for their
Sandfly Fever This is a short, sharp fever occurring in many parts of th
e tropics and subtropics,
including most of the Mediterranean littoral. It is due to a virus, called phleb
ovirus, conveyed by the
of a small hairy midge or sandfly (Phlebotomus papatasi). The incubation
period is 37 days.
Symptoms There are headache, feverishness, general sensations like those
of INFLUENZA, flushed face and
bloodshot eyes, but no signs of CATARRH. The fever passes off in three days, but
the patient may take some
time to convalesce.
Treatment As there is no specific remedy, is important. This consists of
the spraying of rooms with an
insecticide such as GAMMEXANE; the application of insect repellents such as dime
thyl phthalate to the
exposed parts of the body (e.g. ankles, wrists and face), particularly at sunset
; and the use of sandfly

nets at night. Once the infection is acquired, treatment consists of rest in bed
, light diet and aspirin
and codeine. PROPHYLAXIS
Sanguineous This term means containing blood.
Sanitary Protection Disposable sanitary towels or tampons (see TAMPON) u
sed to protect clothing from
bloodstains during MENSTRUATION. They are available in different absorbencies to
meet womens individual
Saphenous The name given to the two large superficial veins of the leg.
The small saphenous vein, which
runs up the outside and back of the leg, joins the deep veins at the bend of the
knee; the great saphenous
vein the longest vein in the body, which has a course from the inner ankle to th
e groin is especially
subject, with its branches, to become the site of VARICOSE VEINS.

630 Saprophyte
Saprophyte An organism which lives usually upon decaying and dead matter
and produces its
SarcoA prefix signifying flesh or fleshy.
Sarcoidosis An uncommon chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin w
hich can affect many organs,
particularly the SKIN, eyes (see EYE) and LUNGS. Commonly, it presents as ERYTHE
MA nodosum in association
with lymph-gland enlargement within the chest. In the eyes it causes UVEITIS. BI
OPSY of affected tissue
allows diagnosis, which is confirmed by a KVEIM TEST. Often sarcoidosis is selflimiting, but in severe
cases oral CORTICOSTEROIDS may be needed.
Sarcoma See CANCER.
Sarcoptes Mites which infest humans and animals. Sarcoptes scabei homini
s causes human SCABIES. Other
species infest dogs (sarcoptic mange), cats and birds.
In 2003, an outbreak occurred of a previously unrecognised illness terme
d SARS, or severe acute
respiratory syndrome. It was caused by infection with a newly identified coronav
irus, SARS-COV. Infection
produced an illness with PNEUMONIA as a prominent feature, but some patients dev
eloped other events such as
loss of appetite, diarrhoea and bleeding from the stomach. Many of those who dev
eloped the disease were
health-care workers and the contagion rate was vey high. Exceptional isolation p
rocedures became necessary
as the EPIDEMIC threatened to spread worldwide from its origin in Hong Kong. For
example, patients were
concentrated in individual hospitals which were turned into isolation units with
a no visiting policy.
Staff and other patients exposed to those with the disease were quarantined (see
QUARANTINE) in the special
units. All non-urgent hospital inpatient care was cancelled, and potential conta
cts were closely screened.
Travel restrictions were put in place. These measures, coordinated by the World
Health Organisation,
brought the epidemic under control.
Scab The crust which forms on superficial injured
areas. It is composed of FIBRIN, which is exuded from the raw surface, t
ogether with blood corpuscles
and epithelial cells entangled in its meshes. Healing takes place naturally unde
r this protection, and the
scab dries up and falls off when healing is complete. Scabs appearing on the fac
e without any previous
abrasion are usually caused by an infection (see IMPETIGO).

Scabicide A drug that eliminates the mites which cause SCABIES.

Scabies A common contagious itching disease caused by Sarcoptes scabei h
ominis (see SARCOPTES) which
can live only on human skin. The fertilised female burrows into the skin surface
, creating a tunnel within
the stratum corneum in which she deposits 23 eggs per day, as well as faecal pell
ets which contain the
ALLERGEN which initiates the immune reaction responsible for symptoms. The adult
female is just visible.
Eggs hatch within 34 days, producing larvae. After successive moults these become
adult mites and the
15-day lifecycle re-starts. A rapid build-up of mite numbers is not noticed by t
he host until an immune
response induces itching after about six weeks. Subsequently, scratching reduces
the adult mites to a dozen
or fewer. Scabies is spread by skin-to-skin contact, usually via the hands: it t
hus spreads in a family or
sexual setting. Though most common in young adults, scabies can affect any age-g
roup. Typically the patient
complains of widespread severe itching, worse when the body is warm after a bath
or in bed. Burrows are
visible as wavy black lines 35 mm long in the skin of the hands, wrists or sides
of the feet. The
intensity of the rash depends on the immune response. Papules, pustules, crusts
and excoriations are seen
on the hands and there may be a widespread eczematous (see DERMATITIS) or urtica
rial (see URTICARIA) rash
elsewhere. Papules or even nodules on the PENIS and SCROTUM are characteristic.
In infants, burrows occur
on the palms and soles. Diminished immune response in old age, DOWNS (DOWN) SYNDR
OME, etc. lead to a type
of scabies which is less itching and more scaly. Rarely, absence of immune respo
nse causes a
mite-saturated, generalised scaly dermatitis (Norwegian scabies). Admission of s
uch a patient to hospital
may result in an outbreak of scabies in other patients, staff and visitors cause
d by miteinfested airborne
05 per cent aqueous

Scarlet Fever 631

lotion, or PERMETHRIN 5 per cent cream, applied to the whole body, excep
t the head, for 24 hours and
then washed off cures the infection. In infants the head and neck should be incl
uded. The secondary
eruption may take 2 3 weeks to settle completely and 10 per cent crotamiton cream
is used during this
period. It is essential that all intimate contacts be treated simultaneously. FO
MITES need not be treated.
some structures than others, and a pattern of those reflections is detec
ted and shown on a screen.
Other screening methods include COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), positron emission
tomography (PET SCANNING) and RADIONUCLIDE scanning, which measures the differen
tial uptake of radioactive
materials in the bodys tissues.
Scalded-Skin Syndrome
Scaphoid Bone
In infants, certain staphylococcal bacteria (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS) can cau
se an acute toxic illness in
which the subject develops sheets of bright ERYTHEMA, accompanied by shedding of
layers of outer epidermis.
The result is similar to a hot-water scald. The condition responds promptly to a
ppropriate antibiotic
therapy. Drug reactions, especially from sulphonamides, may cause a similar synd
rome in adults. In
drug-induced forms, mucosae are also affected and the disease is often fatal.
The outside bone on the thumb side of
st) bones nearest to the
forearm. Fracture of the scaphoid is a common
hen someone falls on to
their outstretched hand. The fracture may not
ay may not be abnormal).
Pain in and permanent damage to the wrist can

the HAND in the row of carpal (wri

wrist injury that usually occurs w
be diagnosed at first (even an X-r


Scalp The soft covering of the SKULL on the top of the head. It consists
of five layers, which from the
surface inwards are as follows: the skin, from which grows hair; next a subcutan
eous layer of fat; thirdly,
a tough fibrous membrane known as the epicranium; fourthly, a loose layer of con
nective tissue attaching
the epicranium to the deepest layer, and permitting the free movement of the sca
lp; and, finally, another
fibrous layer clinging closely to the skull, and known as the pericranium.
Scalpel A small, straight, surgical knife.
Scanning Speech A speech disorder in which articulated syllables are wro
ngly spaced and each is given
the same vocal emphasis. The condition occurs as a result of disease in the cere
bellum (see BRAIN) or its
connecting nerves. (See also VOICE AND SPEECH.)

Scanning Techniques Ways of producing images of body organs that record,

process and analyse sound
waves, radio waves or X-RAYS passing through or generated by the bodys tissues. U
LTRASOUND scanning using
high-frequency, inaudible sound waves directed at the area of the body being stu
died is the most generally
used scanning procedure. Sound waves are reflected more powerfully by
Scapula The scientific name for the shoulder-blade. (See SHOULDER.)
Scar The name applied to a healed wound, ulcer or breach of tissue. A sc
ar consists essentially of
fibrous tissue, covered by an imperfect formation of epidermis in the case of sc
ars on the surface of the
skin. The fibrous tissue is produced by the connective tissue that migrates to t
he wound in the course of
its repair (see WOUNDS). Gradually this fibrous tissue contracts, becomes more d
ense, and loses its blood
vessels, leaving a hard white scar. (See also KELOID.)
Scarlet Fever This disorder is caused by the erythrogenic toxin of the S
TREPTOCOCCUS. The symptoms of
PYREXIA, headache, vomiting and a punctate erythematous rash (see ERYTHEMA) foll
ow a streptococcal
infection of the throat or even a wound. The rash is symmetrical and does not it
ch. The skin subsequently
Symptoms The period of incubation (i.e. the time elapsing between the re
ception of infection and the
development of symptoms) varies somewhat. In most cases it lasts only two to thr
ee days, but in occasional
cases the patient may take a week to develop his or her first symptoms. The occu
rrence of fever is usually
short and sharp, with rapid rise of temperature to 40 C (104 F), shivering, vomiti
ng, headache, sore
throat and marked increase in the rate of the pulse. In young children, CONVULSI
ONS or DELIRIUM may precede
the fever. The

632 Schistomicide
rash usually appears within 24 hours of the onset of fever and lasts abo
ut a week.
Complications The most common and serious of these is glomerulonephritis
OF), which may arise during any period in the course of the fever, but particula
occurs. Occasionally the patient develops chronic glomerulonephritis. Another co
mplication is infection of
the middle ear (otitis media see under EAR, DISEASES OF). Other disorders affect
ing the heart and lungs
occasionally arise in connection with scarlet fever, the chief of these being EN
DOCARDITIS, which may lay
the foundation of valvular disease of the heart later in life. ARTHRITIS may pro
duce swelling and pain in
the smaller rather than in the larger joints; this complication usually occurs i
n the second week of
illness. Scarlet fever, which is now a mild disease in most patients, should be
treated with PENICILLIN.
Schistomicide A drug used to treat SCHISTOSOMIASIS. Praziquantel is the drug of
choice, with a combination
of effectiveness, broad-activity spectrum and few side-effects.
Also known as BILHARZIASIS. This infection results from one of the human
Schistosoma species. It is
common in Africa, South America, the Far East, Middle East, and, to a limited ex
tent, the Caribbean. The
life-cycle is dependent on fresh-water snails which act as the intermediate host
for the fluke; the
cercarial stage of the fluke enters via intact human skin and matures in the por
tal circulation.
Clinically, swimmers itch may occur at the site of cercarial skin penetration. Acut
e schistosomiasis
(Katayama fever) can result in fever, an urticarial rash (see URTICARIA), and en
largement of LIVER and
SPLEEN. The adult male is about 12 mm and the female 24 mm in length. S. haemato
bium causes CYSTITIS and
haematuria passage of blood in the urine; bladder cancer and ureteric obstructio
n, giving rise to
hydronephrosis and kidney failure, are longterm sequelae in a severe case. S. ma
nsoni can cause colonic
symptoms and in a severe case, POLYPOSIS of the COLON; diarrhoea, which may be b
loody, can be a presenting
feature. In a heavy infection, eggs surrounded by granulomas are deposited in th
e liver, giving rise to
extensive damage (pipe-stem fibrosis) associated with PORTAL HYPERTENSION, oesop
hageal varices, etc.
However, unlike in CIRRHOSIS, hepatocellular function is preserved until late in the disease. S. japonicum (
which is confined to the Far
East, especially Indonesia) behaves similarly to S. mansoni infection; liver inv
olvement is often more
severe. Diagnosis can be made by microscopic examination of URINE or FAECES. The

characteristic eggs are

usually detectable. Alternatively, rectal or liver BIOPSY are of value. Serologi
cal tests, including an
ELISA (see ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY (ELISA)), have now largely replaced
invasive procedures used
in making a parasitological diagnosis.
CHEMOTHERAPY has been revolutionised by the introduction of praziquantel
(administered orally); this
compound has no serious side-effects, although its cost may limit its use in dev
eloping countries.
Oxamniquine is cheaper and effective in S. mansoni infection, although evidence
of resistance has been
recorded in several countries. Metriphonate is also relatively cheap and is of v
alue in S. haematobium
infection. Prevention is by complete avoidance of exposure to contaminated water
; all travellers to
infected areas should know about this disease. It is increasing in frequency as
new expanses of fresh water
appear as a result of irrigation schemes and dam projects. Molluscicides can be
employed for snail-control.
SchizoA prefix signifying splitting.
Schizogony An asexual phase in the life-cycle of a sporozoan (see SPOROZ
OA) that occurs in red blood
cells or liver cells.
Schizophrenia An overall title for a group of psychiatric disorders typf
ied by disturbances in
thinking, behaviour and emotional response. Despite its inaccurate colloquial de
scription as split
personality, schizophrenia should not be confused with MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISOR
DER. The illness is
disabling, running a protracted course that usually results in ill-health and, o
ften, personality change.
Schizophrenia is really a collection of symptoms and signs, but there is no spec
ific diagnostic test for
it. Similarity in the early stages to other mental disorders, such as MANIC DEPR
ESSION, means that the
diagnosis may not be confirmed until its response to treatment and its outcome c
an be assessed and other
diseases excluded.
Causes There is an inherited element: parents, children or siblings of s

Sciatica 633
sufferers have a one in ten chance of developing the disorder; a twin ha
s a 50 per cent chance if the
other twin has schizophrenia. Some BRAIN disorders such as temporal lobe EPILEPS
Y, tumours and ENCEPHALITIS
seem to be linked with schizophrenia. Certain drugs for example, AMPHETAMINES ca
n precipitate
schizophrenia and DOPAMINE-blocking drugs often relieve schizophrenic symptoms.
Stress may worsen
schizophrenia and recreational drugs may trigger an attack.
Symptoms These usually develop gradually until the individuals behaviour
becomes so distrubing or
debilitating that work, relationships and basic activities such as eating and sl
eeping are interrupted. The
patient may have disturbed perception with auditory HALLUCINATIONS, illogical th
ought-processes and
DELUSIONS; low-key emotions (flat affect); a sense of being invaded or controlled
by outside forces; a
lack of INSIGHT and inability to acknowledge reality; lethargy and/or agitation;
a disrespect for personal
appearance and hygiene; and a tendency to act strangely. Violence is rare althou
gh some sufferers commit
violent acts which they believe their inner voices have commanded. Relatives and f
riends may try to cope
with the affected person at home, but as severe episodes may last several months
and require regular
administration of powerful drugs patients are not always good at taking their me
dication hospital
admission may be necessary.
Treatment So far there is no cure for schizophrenia. Since the 1950s, ho
wever, a group of drugs called
antipsychotics also described as NEUROLEPTICS or major tranquillisers have relie
ved florid symptoms
such as thought disorder, hallucinations and delusions as well as preventing rel
apses, thus allowing many
people to leave psychiatric hospitals and live more independently outside. Only
some of these drugs have a
tranquillising effect, but their sedative properties can calm patients with an a
is one such drug and is commonly used when treatment starts or to deal with an e
mergency. Halperidol,
trifluoperazine and pimozide are other drugs in the group; these have less sedat
ive effects so are useful
in treating those whose prominent symptoms are apathy and lethargy. The antipsyc
hotics mode of action is
by blocking the activity of DOPAMINE, the chemical messenger in the brain that i
s faulty in schizophrenia.
The drugs quicken the onset and prolong the remission of the disorder, and it is
very important that patients take them indefinitely. This is easier to e
nsure when a patient is in
hospital or in a stable domestic environment. CLOZAPINE a newer, atypical antips
ychotic drug is used
for treating schizophrenic patients unresponsive to, or intolerant of, conventio
nal antipsychotics. It may
cause AGRANULOCYTOSIS and use is confined to patients registered with the Cloraz
il (the drugs registered

name) Patient Monitoring Service. Amisulpride, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperido

ne, sertindole and zotepine
are other antipsychotic drugs described as atypical by the British National Formul
ary; they may be better
tolerated than other antipsychotics, and their varying properties mean that they
can be targeted at
patients with a particular grouping of symptoms. They should, however, be used w
ith caution. The welcome
long-term shift of mentally ill patients from large hospitals to community care
(often in small units) has,
because of a lack of resources, led to some schizophrenic patients not being pro
perly supervised with the
result that they fail to take their medication regularly. This leads to a recurr
ence of symptoms and there
have been occasional episodes of such patients in community care becoming a dang
er to themselves and to the
public. The antipsychotic drugs are powerful agents and have a range of potentia
lly troubling sideeffects.
These include blurred vision, constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, limb restlessn
ess, shaking, stiffness,
weight gain, and in the long term, TARDIVE DYSKINESIA (abnormal movements and wa
lking) which affects about
20 per cent of those under treatment. Some drugs can be given by long-term depot
injection: these include
compounds of flupenthixol, zuclopenthixol and haloperidol.
Prognosis About 25 per cent of sufferers S recover fully from their firs
t attack. Another 25 per cent
are disabled by chronic schizophrenia, never recover and are unable to live inde
pendently. The remainder
are between these extremes. There is a high risk of suicide.
Schwann Cell The cells that produce the MYELIN sheath of the AXON of a m
edullated NERVE. They are
wrapped around a segment of the axon, forming concentric layers.
Sciatica Pain in the distribution of the sciatic nerve. It is often acco
mpanied by pain in the back, or
LUMBAGO. In the majority of cases, however, it

634 Scirrhus
is due to a PROLAPSED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC in the lower part of the SPINA
L CORD. What probably happens
is that degenerative changes take place in the annulus fibrosus (see SPINAL COLU
MN) as a result of some
special strain caused, for example, by heavy lifting or spontaneously. The cushi
oning disc between the
two neighbouring vertebral bodies slips through the rent in the annulus fibrosus
, and presses on the
neighbouring roots, thus causing the pain. The precise distribution of the pain
will thus depend on which
of the nerve roots are affected. As a rule, the pain is felt in the buttock, the
back of the thigh and the
outside and front of the leg, sometimes extending on to the top of the foot, the
back of the thigh and the
calf, and then along the outer border of the foot towards the little toe. Rare c
auses include a tumour in
the spine or spinal column, tuberculosis of the spine, ankylosing spondylitis (s
DISEASES AND INJURIES OF) or a tumour in one of the organs in the pelvis such as
Treatment consists essentially of rest in bed in the early stages until
the acute phase is over.
ANALGESICS, such as aspirin and codeine, are given to relieve the pain. Expert o
pinion varies as to the
desirability of wearing a PLASTER OF PARIS jacket or a specially made corset; al
so, as to the desirability
of manipulation of the spine and operation. Surgeons are selective about which p
atients might benefit from
a LAMINECTOMY (removal of the protruding disc). Scirrhus A hard form of cancer c
ontaining fibrous tissue.
Sclera See EYE.
S Scleritis See under EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Scleroderma A rare autoimmune disease. Scleroderma circumscriptum (morph
oea) affects the skin, usually
of the trunk, producing indurated plaques which resolve over many years. The mor
e serious systemic form of
scleroderma usually begins with RAYNAUDS DISEASE, eventually producing a deformin
g hardening and clawing
of the hands. Later the face and sometimes the internal organs, particularly the
gastrointestinal tract and
kidneys, may be affected.
Sclerosis This term means literally hardening, and is
applied to conditions in which portions of organs harden and lose their
function as the result of an
excessive production of CONNECTIVE TISSUE. The term is especially applied to a c
hange of this type taking
place in the nervous system. (See MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS)).
Sclerotherapy A treatment that involves injecting varicose veins (see VE
sclerosing fluid. This causes fibrosis of the lining of the vein and its eventua
l obliteration.

Sclerotherapy is also used to treat varicose veins in the legs, anus (HAEMORRHOI
DS) and at the junction of
the OESOPHAGUS with the stomach.
Scoliosis The name applied to curvature of the spine. (See SPINE AND SPI
Scorbutic This is an adjective characterising SCURVY; typically swollen,
spongy gums that bleed easily,
and spontaneous haemorrhages and bruising anywhere in the body.
Scotoma An area of blindness in the field of vision.
Screening Test The screening of apparently healthy people to identify th
ose who may have treatable
diseases. Cervical smears are done when screening women to detect if they have c
ancer or precancer of the
neck of the womb (cervix). Newborn babies are screened for hip dislocation. Scre
ening tests are not
designed to diagnose individual persons, but rather to divide a population into
a large number at low risk
and a small number at high risk of a condition. This allows clinicians to concen
trate on a sub-section of
the population. All screening tests produce false negative and false positive re
sults, a problem often
misunderstood by those at the receiving end. Factors to be assessed when plannin
g screening procedures
include the severity, frequency and distribution of the disease, and the availab
ility and effectiveness of
treatment. Convenience, safety, sensitivity and cost should also be assessed. In
the United Kingdom the
government has supported the extension of screening procedures for breast cancer
, cervical cancer,
hypertension and diabetes. (See PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.)
Scriveners Palsy Another name for writers cramp (see MUSCLES, DISORDERS OF

Scrofula This is a traditional term for TUBERCULOSIS of the lymph glands
in the neck. It was formerly
known in England as kings evil, from the belief that the touch of the sovereign cou
ld effect a cure.
This superstition can be traced back to the time of Edward the Confessor in Engl
and, and to a much earlier
period in France. The disease, which is treated with antituberculous drugs, is n
ow rare in developed
societies and usually affects young children.
Scrombotoxin Poisoning This occurs from eating poorly preserved scromboi
d fish such as tuna, mackerel
and other members of the mackerel family. In such fish, a toxic histamine-like s
ubstance is produced by the
action of bacteria or histidine, a normal component of fish flesh. This toxin pr
oduces nausea, vomiting,
headache, upper abdominal pain, difficulty in swallowing, thirst, itching and so
metimes URTICARIA. The
condition settles as a rule in 12 hours. ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS sometimes ameliorat
e the condition.
Scrotum The pouch of skin and fibrous tissue, positioned outside the abd
omen behind the root of the
PENIS, within which the testicles (see TESTICLE) are suspended. It consists of a
purse-like fold of skin,
within which each testicle has a separate investment of muscle fibres, several l
ayers of fibrous tissue,
and a serous membrane known as the tunica vaginalis. The extraabdominal site mea
ns that the production and
storage of sperm (see SPERMATOZOON) in the testicles is at a lower temperature t
han internal body heat.
Temperature control is facilitated by contraction and relaxation of the scrotal
Scrum-Pox A popular name for a contagious condition of the face affectin
g rugby football players. It is
most likely to occur in forwards as a result of face-to-face contact with indivi
duals with the infection in
the opposing side of the scrum. Other possible sources of infection are changing
rooms and communal baths.
The condition may take the form of IMPETIGO or HERPES SIMPLEX.
Scurvy Scurvy, or scorbitus, is caused by deficiency of
vitamin C (ascorbic acid see APPENDIX 5: VITand is now rarely seen in de
veloped countries except in
people on poor diets, such as homeless down-and-outs. Ascorbic acid is a water-s
oluble vitamin derived from
citrus fruits, potatoes and green vegetables. Nowadays woody haemorrhagic OEDEMA
of the legs is the usual
way in which the disease presents. The former classic disease of sailors living
on salt beef and biscuits
was characterised by bleeding of the gums, loss of teeth, haemorrhage into joint
s, ANAEMIA, lethargy and

DEPRESSION. The introduction of fresh lime juice into the seamans diet in 1795 el
iminated scurvy in the
Royal Navy. Vitamin C is curative. AMINS)
Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome Known colloquially as SADS, this is
a disorder in which an
affected individuals mood changes with the seasons. He or she is commonly depress
ed in winter, picking up
again in the spring. The diagnosis is controversial and its prevalence is not kn
own. The moodchange is
probably related to light, with MELATONIN playing a key role. (See also MENTAL I
Sebaceous Cyst A misnomer applied to epidermoid cysts of the skin whose
contents are kerateous not
sebaceous. The common wen of the scalp arises from follicular epithelium and is si
Sebaceous Glands The minute glands situated alongside hairs and opening
into the follicles of the
latter a short distance below the point at which the hairs emerge on the surface
. These glands secrete an
oily material, and are especially large upon the nose, where their openings form
pits that are easily
visible. In the mouth the glands open directly on the mucosal surface. (See also
Seborrhoea Excessive production of ACNE vulgaris.
it occurs in
Sebum The secretion of the SEBACEOUS GLANDS. It acts as a natural lubric
ant of the hair and skin and
protects the skin from the effects of moisture or excessive dryness. It may also
have antibacterial action.

636 Secondary Prevention

Secondary Prevention The early detection of disease that reduces or prev
ents its serious outcome.
Routine regular examination of particular age-groups for example, children or th
e elderly and screening
tests are examples of secondary prevention.
Secondary Sexual Characteristics The physical characteristics that devel
op during PUBERTY as the body
matures sexually. Girls breasts and genitals increase in size, and, like boys, th
ey grow pubic hair. Boys
also grow facial hair, their voice breaks and their genitals grow to adult size.
Secretin A hormone (see HORMONES) secreted by the mucous membrane of the
duodenum, the first part of
the small INTESTINE, when food comes in contact with it. On being carried by the
blood to the PANCREAS, it
stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice.
Secretion The term applied to the material formed by a GLAND as the resu
lt of its activity. For
example, saliva is the secretion of the salivary glands; gastric juice that of t
he glands in the stomach
wall; bile that of the liver. Some secretions consist apparently of waste materi
al which is of no further
use in the chemistry of the body. These secretions are often spoken of as excret
ions: for example, the
URINE and the sweat see PERSPIRATION. (For further details, see ENDOCRINE GLANDS
, and also under the
headings of the various organs.)
Section S
(1) A thin slice of a tissue specimen taken for examination under a micr
oscope. (2) The act of cutting
in surgery; for example, an abdominal section is done to explore the abdomen. (3
) The issuing of an order
under the United Kingdoms Mental Health Act to admit someone compulsorily to a ps
ychiatric hospital.
Secundines Another name for the afterbirth, consisting of the PLACENTA a
nd membranes expelled in the
final stage of labour (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR).
Sedation The production of a calm and peaceful state of mind, especially
by the use of SEDATIVES. The
aim is to reduce abnormal anxiety and bring
aggressive behaviour under control. Sedation is also a part of the prepa
ration of a patient for surgery
or for any procedure that may be frightening or uncomfortable.
Sedatives Drugs and other measures which have a calming effect, reducing
tension and anxiety. They
include ANXIOLYTICS and HYPNOTICS (usually given in smaller doses than is needed
to induce sleep).
Sedimentation Rate See ESR.

Seizure Also called a FIT, this is a sudden burst of uncontrolled electr

ical activity in the BRAIN. A
seizure may be generalised or partial: in the former, abnormal electrical activi
ty may affect the whole
brain, resulting in unconsciousness and characteristic of EPILEPSY; in partial s
eizures, abnormal
electrical activity occurs in one part of the brain. HALLUCINATIONS may occur an
d localised symptoms
include muscular twitching or a tingling sensation in a small area of the face,
arm, leg or trunk.
Different neurological or medical disorders may cause seizures: for example, STR
OKE, brain tumour, head
injury, infection or metabolic disturbance (see METABOLISM; METABOLIC DISORDERS)
. People dependent on
alcohol may suffer seizures if they stop drinking. Treatment is of the underlyin
g condition coupled with
antiepileptic drgus such as CARBAMAZEPINE, lamotrigine, SODIUM VALPROATE or PHEN
Selective Serotonin-Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) These ANTIDEPRESSANT DRU
GS have few antimuscarinic
effects (see ANTIMUSCARINE), but do have adverse effects of their own predominan
tly gastrointestinal.
They are, however, much safer in overdose than the tricyclic antidepressants, wh
ich is a major advantage in
patients who are potentially suicidal. Examples are citalopram, used to treat pa
nic disorders, as well as
depressive illness; FLUOXETINE; and PAROXETINE. (See also MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Selegiline A monoamine-oxidase-B-inhibiting drug used in conjunction wit
h LEVODOPA to treat severe
PARKINSONISM. Early treatment with selegiline may delay the need to give the pat
ient levodopa, but at
present there is no firm evidence that it slows down the progression of the dise

Selenium Sulphide This is used as a shampoo in the treatment of dandruff
and seborrhoeic DERMATITIS of
the scalp. In view of its potential toxicity it should only be used under medica
l supervision. It must
never be applied to inflamed areas of the scalp, and it must not be allowed to g
et into the eyes as it may
cause conjunctivitis or keratitis. It is also used in the treatment of tinea ver
sicolor (see RINGWORM).
Self-Poisoning See POISONS.
Sella Turcica The deep hollow on the upper surface of the sphenoid bone
in which the PITUITARY GLAND is
Semen Fluid produced by the male on ejaculation from the penis at sexual
orgasm. Each ejaculate
contains up to 500 million spermatozoa (male germ cells) suspended in a fluid th
at is secreted by the
PROSTATE GLAND, seminal vesicles (see TESTICLE), and Cowpers glands a pair of sma
ll glands (also called
the bulbo-urethral glands) that open into the URETHRA at the base of the penis.
Semen, or seminal fluid,
contains a form of sugar (fructose) essential for the motility of sperm. The hor
mone TESTOSTERONE is a key
element in the production of sperm and of seminal fluid.
Semilunar Cartilages Two crescentic layers of fibro-cartilage on the out
er and inner edges of the
knee-joint, which form hollows on the upper surface of the tibia in which the co
ndyles at the lower end of
the femur rest. The inner cartilage is especially liable to be displaced by a su
dden and violent movement
at the KNEE.
Seminal Vesicle One of the small paired sacs lying on either side of the
male URETHRA, which collect
and store spermatozoa. (See TESTICLE.)
Seminiferous Tubules The long tortuous tubules that form much of the tes
tis (see TESTICLE) and carry
the SEMEN to the URETHRA.
Seminoma A malignant tumour of the testis (see TESTICLE) that appears as
an often painless swelling.
This tumour usually occurs in an older age-group of
men than does TERATOMA. The treatment is surgical removal. (See also TES
Senile Dementia DEMENTIA was traditionally divided into presenile and se
nile types; this is
increasingly recognised as an arbitrary division of a condition in which there i
s a general and often slow
decline in mental capabilities. Around 10 per cent of people over 65 years of ag
e and 20 per cent over 75

are affected by dementing illness, but people under 65 may also be affected. Tre
atable causes such as brain
tumour, head injury, ENCEPHALITIS and alcoholism are commoner in younger people.
Other causes such as
cerebrovascular disease which is a major factor, especially among older people o
are not readily treatable, although ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS for the former disord
er may help, and
symptomatic treatment for both is possible. Individuals with dementia suffer a g
radual deterioration of
memory and of the ability to grasp what is happening around them. They often cov
er up their early failings
and the condition may first become apparent as a result of emotional outbursts o
r uncharacteristic
behaviour in public. Eventually personal habits and speech deteriorate and they
become thoroughly confused
and difficult to look after. Treatment is primarily a matter of ameliorating the
symptoms, coupled with a
sympathetic handling of the sufferer and the relatives. Admission to hospital or
nursing home may be
necessary if relatives are unable to look after the patient at home. (See also M
Senility See AGEING.
Senna The leaves of various species of Cassia senna. It is one of the mo
st active of the simple
laxative drugs (see LAXATIVES). Senna is excreted in the urine, giving it a dark
red or yellow colour. In
the case of nursing mothers, some of the drug is excreted in the milk and may af
fect the infant. A
standardised preparation of senna, Senokot , is widely used for the management of
constipation in children
and old people. A side-effect of senna is HYPOKALAEMIA; like other laxatives, it
should not be used too
Sensation See PAIN; TOUCH.

638 Sensitisation
Sensitivity The extent to which a SCREENING TEST detects the proportion
of true cases of the disease
being screened.
Sensory Description applied to the part of the nervous system dedicated
to bringing information on
sensations affecting the body to the brain. The opposite of sensory nerves is mo
tor nerves; these carry
instructions for action to the voluntary muscles in the body.
Sensory Cortex See BRAIN.
Sensory Deprivation A substantial reduction in the volume of SENSinforma
tion impinging on the body
for instance, sitting in a dark, silent room. Prolonged deprivation is potential
ly harmful as the body
needs constant stimulation in order to function normally. The main input organs
are the eyes, ears, skin
and nose. The absence of sensations disorients a person and results in neurologi
cal dysfunction. Some
interrogation techniques involve sensory deprivation to soften up the individual b
eing questioned. ORY
Sepsis Poisoning by the products of the growth of micro-organisms in the
body, the general symptoms
which accompany it are those of INFLAMMATION. Sepsis is prevented by the various
procedures mentioned under
ASEPSIS, and is treated locally with ANTISEPTICS and systemically with ANTIBIOTI
S Septal Defect A congenital abnormality of the HEART affecting about 26
0 babies in every 100,000, in
which there is a hole in the septum the dividing wall between the left and right
sides of the heart.
The effects of the defect depend upon its size and position. A defect in the wal
l between the atria (upper
chambers of the heart) is called an atrial septal defect, and that between the v
entricles, a ventricular
septal defect the most common form (25 per cent of all defects). Both defects al
low blood to circulate
from the left side of the heart, where pressures are highest, to the right. This
abnormal flow of blood is
described as a shunt and the result is that too much blood flows into the lungs. P
occurs and, if the shunt is large,
heart failure may develop. A small septal defect may not need treatment
but a large one will need to be
repaired surgically.
Septicaemia A serious condition caused by the presence of micro-organism
s in the bloodstream. A very
high temperature may be the only sign, but there is often associated shivering (
rigor), profuse sweating
and pains in the joints and muscles. If the condition is not brought to a halt b
y the early use of

high-dose antibiotics, preferably given intravenously, SEPTIC SHOCK may superven

e and the patients life be
put at risk. Any infected area of the body may progress to septicaemia if untrea
Septic Arthritis Infection in a joint which becomes warm, swollen and so
re, with restricted movement.
The infectious agent may enter the joint as a result of a penetrating wound or v
ia the bloodstream. The
condition is treated by ARTHROTOMY or ARTHROSCOPY, joint irrigation and ANTIBIOT
ICS. Unless treated, the
articular CARTILAGE of the joint is destroyed, resulting in a painful, deformed
and sometimes immobile
joint. (See ARTHRITIS.)
Septic Shock A dangerous disorder characterised by a severe fall in bloo
d pressure and damage to the
body tissues as a result of SEPTICAEMIA. The toxins from the septicaemia cause w
idespread damage to tissue,
provoke clotting in small blood vessels, and seriously disturb the circulation.
The kidneys, lungs and
heart are particularly affected. The condition occurs most commonly in people wh
o already have a chronic
disease such as cancer, CIRRHOSIS of the liver or DIABETES MELLITUS. Septic shoc
k may also develop in
patients with immunodeficiency illnesses such as AIDS (see AIDS/HIV). The sympto
ms are those of
septicaemia, coupled with those of SHOCK: cold, cyanotic limbs; fast, thready pu
lse; and a lowered blood
pressure. Septic shock requires urgent treatment with ANTIBIOTICS, intravenous f
luids and oxygen, and may
require the use of drugs to maintain blood pressure and cardiac function, artifi
cial ventilation and/or
Septum A dividing wall within a structure in the body. Examples are the
divisions between the chambers
of the heart, and the layer of bone and cartilage that separates the two nostril
s of the nose.

Serum Sickness
Serous Membranes
The term applied to symptoms or effects which are liable to follow certa
in diseases. For example,
BRONCHITIS and other chest complaints may be sequelae of MEASLES; heart disease
is often a sequelae of
These are smooth, transparent membranes that line certain large cavities
of the body. The chief serous
membranes are the PERITONEUM, lining the cavity of the abdomen; the pleurae (see
PLEURA), one of which
lines each side of the chest, surrounding the corresponding lung; the PERICARDIU
M, in which the heart lies;
and the tunica vaginalis on each side, enclosing a testicle. The name of these m
embranes is derived from
the fact that the surface is moistened by thin fluid derived from the serum of b
lood or LYMPH. Every serous
membrane consists of a visceral portion, which closely envelops the organs conce
rned, and a parietal
portion, which adheres to the wall of the cavity. These two portions are continu
ous with one another so as
to form a closed sac, and the opposing surfaces are close together, separated on
ly by a little fluid. This
arrangement enables the organs in question to move freely within the cavities co
ntaining them. For further
details, see
Sequestrum A fragment of dead bone cast off from the living bone in the
process of NECROSIS. (See also
BONE, DISORDERS OF.) A sequestrum often remains in contact with, and partly enve
loped by, newly formed
bone, so that a SINUS is produced; a constant discharge goes on until the dead b
one is removed.
Seroconversion The production of specific ANTIBODIES to antigens (see AN
TIGEN) present in the body.
This may happen as a result of infection by a virus, or IMMUNISATION with a VACC
INE. Thus, if blood has
been tested before the event there may be little or no evidence of antibody to t
he condition in question;
but when a sample is taken 12 weeks later there may be a high level of antibody c
onfirming that recent
infection has taken place. Sometimes this is the only way to prove that a partic
ular infection has occurred
or that a vaccination has taken.
Serotonin Also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine, this is a substance widely
distributed in the body tissue,
but especially in the PLATELETS in the blood, the lining of the gastrointestinal
tract, and the BRAIN.
Serotonin is believed to have a similar function to that of HISTAMINE in INFLAMM
ATION. In the gut it
inhibits gastric secretion and stimulates smooth (involuntary) muscle in the wal

ls of the INTESTINE.
Serotonin participates in the transmission of nerve impulses and may have a func
tion in controlling mood
and states of consciousness. (See also SELECTIVE SEROTONIN-REUPTAKE INHIBITORS (
Serotype A classification of a substance according to its serological ac
tivity. This is done in the
context of the antigens (see ANTIGEN) that it contains, or the ANTIBODIES it may
provoke. Microorganisms of
the same species may be classified according to the different antigens that they
Serous Relating to, containing or resembling SERUM.
Serpiginous A term describing a creeping or extending skin lesion such a
s an ULCER.
Serum The fluid which separates from blood, LYMPH, and other body fluids
when clotting occurs (see
COAGULATION; HAEMORRHAGE). PLASMA is the fluid of the blood, including FIBRIN, w
hich carries the
circulating blood cells and PLATELETS.
Serum is a clear, yellowish fluid containing around 7 per cent proteins
and globulins, small quantities
of salts, fat, sugar, urea, and uric acid, and even smaller quantities of immuno
globulins, essential in the
prevention of disease (see IMMUNITY; IMMUNOLOGY). The serum given in the commonl
y used vaccines is
generally derived from horses blood, after they have been subjected to a long cou
rse of treatment.
Serum Sickness A hypersensitivity reaction due to circulating antigen-an
tibody complexes (see ANTIGEN;
ANTIBODIES), so-called because it was a not uncommon reaction to the administrat
ion of foreign SERUM which
used to be given as a form of passive IMMUNITY before the days of antibiotics. B
y definition, it is a
manifestation of sensitivity to serum but the same clinical and pathological pic
ture can occur 13 weeks
after the administration of drugs such as PENICILLIN and STREPTOMYCIN. It is cha
racterised by fever,

640 Serum Therapy

A quick-acting volatile liquid anaesthetic (see ANAESTHESIA). Emergence
and recovery from anaesthetic
are rapid, and early post-operative measures to control pain are advised.
the offspring will be male. It is the sex chromosomes which determine th
e sex of an individual.
Sometimes during cell division chromosomes may be lost or duplicated, or abnorma
lities in the structure of
individual chromosomes may occur. The surprising fact is the infrequency of such
errors. About one in 200
live-born babies has an abnormality of development caused by a chromosome, and t
wothirds of these involve
the sex chromosomes. There is little doubt that the frequency of these abnormali
ties in the early embryo is
much higher, but because of the serious nature of the defect, early spontaneous
ABORTION occurs. Chromosome
studies on such early abortions show that half have chromosome abnormalities, wi
th errors of autosomes
being three times as common as sex chromosome anomalies. Two of the most common
abnormalities in such
fetuses are triploidy with 69 chromosomes and trisomy of chromosome 16. These tw
o anomalies almost always
cause spontaneous abortion. Abnormalities of chromosome structure may arise beca
use of:
Sex Change
Deletion Where a segment of a chromosome
A major surgical operation, usually coupled with the appropriate hormone
treatment (see HORMONES), to
change a persons anatomical sex. The operation is done on transsexual individuals
or in those whose sexual
organs are neither totally female nor male. Male-to-female sex change is the mor
e common. Such operations
should not be performed without rigorous physical and mental assessment of the i
ndividual, and should be
accompanied by extensive counselling. Some subjects make a satisfactory adjustme
nt to the change of
anatomical sex, while others may suffer serious psychological problems. Hormone
therapy may need to be
continued for life.
is lost.
Sex Chromosomes
Translocation Where chromosomes of difIn humans there are 23 pairs of CHROMOSOMES. Male and female differ in r
espect of one pair. In the
nucleus of female cells, the two members of the pair are identical and are calle
d X chromosomes. In the
male nucleus there is one X chromosome paired with a dissimilar, differently siz
ed chromosome called the Y
chromosome. In the sex cells, after MEIOSIS, all cells in the female contain a s
ingle X chromosome. In the
male, half will contain an X chromosome and half a Y chromosome. If a sperm with

an X chromosome fertilises
an ovum (which, as stated, must have an X chromosome) the offspring will be fema
le; if a sperm with a Y
chromosome fertilises the ovum
ferent pairs exchange segments.
usually self-limiting as it resolves when the supply of antigen is used
Serum Therapy See IMMUNOLOGY.
Sesamoid Bones Rounded nodules of bone usually embedded in tendon. They
are usually a few millimetres
in diameter, but some are larger, such as the PATELLA, or knee-cap.
Sessile A growth or tumour that has no stalk.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) See SARS.
Inversion Where a segment of a chromosome becomes detached and re-attach
ed the other way around. GENES
will then appear in the wrong order and thus will not correspond with their oppo
site numbers on homologous
Duplication Where a segment of a chromosome is included twice over. One
chromosome will have too little
nuclear material and one too much. The individual inheriting too little may be n
on-viable and the one with
too much may be abnormal.
Errors in division of centromere Sometimes the centromere divides transv
ersely instead of
longitudinally. If the centromere is not central, one of the daughter chromosome
s will arise from the two
short arms of the parent chromosome and the other from the two long arms. These
abnormal daughter
chromosomes are called isochromosomes. These changes have important bearings on
heredity, as the effect of
a gene depends not only upon its nature but also upon its position on the chromo
some with reference to
other genes. Genes do not act in isolation but against

Sex Education
the background of other genes. Each gene normally has its own position o
n the chromosome, and this
corresponds precisely with the positon of its allele on the homologous chromosom
e of the pair. Each member
of a pair of chromosomes will normally carry precisely the same number of genes
in exactly the same order.
Characteristic clinical syndromes, due to abnormalities of chromosome structure,
are less constant than
those due to loss or gain of a complete chromosome. This is because the degree o
f deletion, inversion and
duplication is inconstant. However, translocation between chromosomes 15 and 21
of the parent is associated
with a familial form of mongolism (see DOWNS (DOWN) SYNDROME) in the offspring, a
nd deletion of part of an
X chromosome may result in TURNERS SYNDROME.
Non-disjunction Whilst alterations in the structure of chromosomes arise
as a result of deletion or
translocation, alterations in the number of chromosomes usually arise as a resul
t of non-disjunction
occurring during maturation of the parental gametes (germ cells). The two chromo
somes of each pair
(homologous chromosomes) may fail to come together at the beginning of meiosis a
nd continue to lie free. If
one chromosome then passes to each pole of the spindle, normal gametes may resul
t; but if both chromosomes
pass to one pole and neither to the other, two kinds of abnormal gametes will be
produced. One kind of
gamete will contain both chromosomes of the pair, and the other gamete will cont
ain neither. Whilst this
results in serious disease when the autosomes are involved, the loss or gain of
sex chromosomes seems to be
well tolerated. The loss of an autosome is incompatible with life and the malfor
mation produced by a gain
of an autosome is proportional to the size of the extra chromosome carried. Only
a few instances of a gain
of an autosome are known. An additional chromosome 21 (one of the smallest autos
omes) results in mongolism,
and trisomy of chromosome 13 and 18 is associated with severe mental, skeletal a
nd congenital cardiac
defects. Diseases resulting from a gain of a sex chromosome are not as severe. A
normal ovum contains 22
autosomes and an X sex chromosome. A normal sperm contains 22 autosomes and eith
er an X or a Y sex
chromosome. Thus, as a result of nondisjunction of the X chromosome at the first
meiotic division during
the formation of female gametes, the ovum may contain two X chromosomes or none
at all, whilst in the male
the sperm may contain both X and Y chromosomes
(XY) or none at all. (See

Sex Education Information given to children and young adults about sexua
l relationships. Evidence
suggests that young people want more information about the emotional aspects of
sexual relationships, and
about homosexuality and AIDS/HIV. There is growing concern about sexual risktaki
ng behaviour among
adolescents, many of whom feel that sex education was provided too late for them
. Although most parents or
guardians provide some guidance by the age of 16, friends, magazines, television
and films are a more
significant source of information. Schools have been targeted as a place to addr
ess and possibly limit
risky behaviour because they are geared towards increasing knowledge and improvi
ng skills, and have a
captive audience of young adults. There are concerns that the conditions in scho
ols may not be ideal: class
time is limited; teachers are often not trained in handling sensitive subjects;
and considerable
controversy surrounds teaching about subjects such as homosexuality. Sex educati
on in schools is regarded
as an effective way of reducing teenaged pregnancy, especially when linked with
contraceptive services.
Several studies have shown that it does not cause an increase in sexual activity
and may even delay the
onset of sexual relationships and lessen the number of partners. Programmes taug
ht by youth agencies may be
even more effective than those taught in the classroom possibly because teaching
takes place in small
groups of volunteer participants, and the programmes are tailored to their targe
t populations. Despite
improvements in sex education, the United Kingdom has the highest incidence of t
eenaged pregnancies in the
European Community. Sex education, including information about AIDS/HIV and othe
r sexually transmitted
infections (STIs), is compulsory in all statemaintained secondary schools in Eng
land and Wales. The
National Curriculum includes only biological aspects of AIDS/HIV, STIs and human
sexual behaviour. All
maintained schools must have a written statement of their policy, which is avail
able to parents. The local
education authority, governing body and headteacher should ensure that sex educa
tion encourages pupils to
have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. Sex-educat
ion policies and practices
are monitored by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) and the Office o
f HM

642 Sex Hormones

Chief Inspector of Schools (OHMCI) as part of school inspections.
Sex Hormones These HORMONES control the development of primary and secon
dary sexual characteristics.
They also regulate sex-related functions for example, menstruation and the produ
ction of sperm and eggs.
The three main types of sex hormone are androgens, or male sex hormones (see AND
female sex hormones; and progesterones, which are involved in pregnancy (see PRO
Sex-Linked Inheritance The way in which a characteristic or an illness d
etermined by the SEX
CHROMOSOMES in an individuals cells is passed on to the succeeding generation. Me
n have one X and one Y
sex chromosome and women have two X chromosomes. Disorders that result from an a
bnormal number of sex
chromosomes include KLINEFELTERS SYNDROME, which affects only men, and TURNERS SYN
DROME, which affects
mainly women. Recessive GENES on the X chromosome cause most other sex-linked ch
aracteristics; in women
these may well be masked because one of their two X chromosomes carries a normal
(dominant) gene. In men,
who have just one X chromosome, no such masking occurs so more men than women ar
e affected by X-linked
characteristics or diseases. (See also HEREDITY.)
Sex Therapy
The counselling and treatment of individuals with psychosexual dysfuncti
Around half of couples experience some type of sexual problem during their relat
ionships, and for most of
them the difficulties are psychological. Sexual therapy is usually given to both
partners, but sometimes
individual counselling is necessary. Couples may sometimes find that group thera
py is helpful. Therapy has
proved effective especially for women with VAGINISMUS (spasm of vaginal muscles)
, men with PREMATURE
EJACULATION or IMPOTENCE, and men and women who fail to achieve ORGASM.
Sexual Abuse See CHILD ABUSE.
Sexual Deviation Any type of pleasurable sexual practice which society r
egards as abnormal. Deviation
may be related to the activity, such as EXHIBITIONISM or sadomasochistic sex (se
the sexual object, for example,
shoes or clothes (fetishism). Different cultures have different values,
and treatment is probably not
required unless the deviation is antisocial or harmful to the participant(s). Av
ersion therapy, or the
conditioning of a persons behaviour, may help if treatment is considered necessar

Sexual Dysfunction Inadequate sexual response may be due to a lack of se

xual desire (LIBIDO) or to an
inadequate performance; or it may be that there is a lack of satisfaction or ORG
ASM. Lack of sexual desire
may be due to any generalised illness or endocrine disorder, or to the taking of
drugs that antagonise
endocrine function (see ENDOCRINE GLANDS). Disorders of performance in men can o
ccur during arousal,
penetration and EJACULATION. In the female, DYSPAREUNIA and VAGINISMUS are the m
ain disorders of
performance. DIABETES MELLITUS can cause a neuropathy which results in loss of e
rection. IMPOTENCE can
follow nerve damage from operations on the PROSTATE GLAND and lower bowel, and c
an be the result of
neurological diseases affecting the autonomic system (see NERVOUS SYSTEM). Disor
ders of satisfaction
include, in men, impotence, emission without forceful ejaculation and pleasurele
ss ejaculation. In women
such disorders range from the absence of the congestive genital response to abse
nce of orgasm. Erectile
dysfunction in men can sometimes be treated with SILDENAFIL CIT RATE (Viagra ), a
drug that recent
research suggests may also be helpful to women with reduced libido and/or inabil
ity to achieve orgasm.
Sexual dysfunction may be due to physical or psychiatric disease, or it may be t
he result of the
administration of drugs. The main group of drugs likely to cause sexual problems
the ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS, and drugs such as metoclopramide that induce HYPERPR
benzodiazepine TRANQUILLISERS can reduce libido and cause failure of erection. T
DRUGS may cause failure of erection and clomipramine may delay or abolish ejacul
ation by blockade of
alpha-adrenergic receptors. The MONOAMINE OXIDASE INHIBITORS (MAOIS) often inhib
it ejaculation. The
PHENOTHIAZINES reduce sexual desire and arousal and may cause difficulty in main
taining an erection. The
antihypertensive drug, methyldopa, causes impotence in over 20 per cent of patie
nts on large doses. The
beta-adrenoceptorblockers and the DIURETICS can also cause impotence. The main p
sychiatric causes of

Shellfish Poisoning
sexual dysfunction include stress, depression and guilt.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Sexually transmitted diseases tradi
tionally called venereal
diseases are infections transmitted by sexual intercourse (heterosexual and homo
sexual). In the United
Kingdom they are treated in genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics. The incidence
s of these diseases are
more common among people who have several sexual partners, as STDs are very infe
ctious; some of the major
STDs, particularly AIDS/HIV, are also transmitted by blood and so can result fro
m needle-sharing by drug
addicts, or by TRANSFUSION. The traditional STDs SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA and CHANCROI
D now comprise only
10 per cent of all such diseases treated in STD clinics: these clinics also trea
t patients with CHLAMYDIA,
ES and pubic lice (see
PEDICULOSIS Pediculus pubis) can also be transmitted by sexual intercourse, and
recognised as an STD. The incidence of STDs rose sharply during World War II but
the advent of PENICILLIN
and subsequent antibiotics meant that syphilis and gonorrhoea could be treated e
ffectively. The arrival of
oral contraception and more tolerant public attitudes to sexual activities resul
ted in an increase in the
incidence of sexually transmitted infections. The diagnosis of NONSPECIFIC URETH
RITIS (NSU), once given to
many patients whose symptoms were not due to the traditional recognised infectio
ns, was in the 1970s
realised to be wrong, as the condition was proved to be the result of infection
by chlamydia. Most STDs are
treatable, but herpes is an infection that could become chronic, while hepatitis
B and, of course, AIDS/HIV
are potentially fatal although treatment of HIV is now proving more effective. A
s well as the treatment
and subsequent monitoring of patients with STDs, one of the important functions
of clinics has been the
tracing, treatment and follow-up of sexual contacts of infected individuals, a p
rocedure that is conducted
confidentially. Apart from AIDS/HIV, the incidence of STDs fell during the 1980s
; however in some countries
the agents causing syphilis and gonorrhoea began to develop resistance to antibi
otics, which showed the
continued importance of practising safe sex in particular by restricting the num
ber of sexual partners
and ensuring the
regular use of condoms. In the United Kingdom the rates per million of
he male population infected by
syphilis rose from 8.8 in 1991 to 9.7 in 1999; in females the figures were 4.0
o 4.5, respectively. For
gonorrhoea, the figures for men were 399.4 in 1991 and 385 in 1999, with women
lso showing a reduction,
from 216.5 to 171.3. In 1991, 552.6 per million of men had chlamydia, a figure
hich rose to 829.5 in 1999;


for women in the same period the incidence also rose, from 622.5 to 1,077.1 per
million. For genital herpes
simplex virus, the infection rate for men fell from 236.6 per million to 227.7,
whereas the figures for
women showed a rise, 258.5 to 357. The incidence of AIDS/HIV is given under the
relevant entry. (These
figures are based on information in United Kingdom Health Statistics, 2001 editi
on, UKHSI, published by the
Office of National Statistics.)
Shaken Impact Syndrome A type of non-accidental head-injury to infants.
A study published in 2000
(Lancet, 4 November) suggests that almost 25 out of 100,000 children under a yea
r old sustain brain damage
from shaken impact syndrome, even if they do not strike any hard surface. So, of
around 685,000 babies in
this agegroup in Britain, as many as 170 a year may suffer injury from violent s
haking. The median age for
admission to hospital for the condition in Scotland was 2.2 months in the 18 mon
ths from July 1998. A
Swedish report has concluded that children at risk from CHILD ABUSE can be ident
ified and the incidence
reduced by legislation banning corporal punishment. (See also NON-ACCIDENTAL INJ
Shellfish Poisoning In the United Kingdom this occurs in two main forms.
Shellfish may be the cause of
typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER) as a result of their contamination by sewage c
ontaining the causative
organism. They may also be responsible for what is known as paralytic shellfish
poisoning. This is caused
by a toxin, or poison, known as saxotoxin, which is present in certain planktons
which, under unusual
conditions, multiply rapidly, giving rise to what are known as red tides. In these
circumstances the
toxin accumulates in mussels, cockles and scallops which feed by filtering plank
ton. The manifestations of
such poisoning are loss of feeling in the hands, tingling of the tongue, weaknes
s of the arms and legs, and
difficulty in breathing. There is also growing evidence that some shellfish pois

644 Sheltered Housing

may be due to a virus infection. (See
prevents the maintenance of a normal electrolyte and acid-base balance.
Sheltered Housing
Treatment If the shock is a result of haemorAccommodation that has been adapted to cater for the special requirement
s of those elderly people who
can largely look after themselves but benefit from some discreet supervision. Th
e accommodation is usually
a small flat, and a warden will supervise a group of flats. Meals and other serv
ices may be provided, and
the payment system varies depending on whether the accommodation is privately ow
ned or run by a local
social-services department.
rhage or diarrhoea or vomiting, replacement of blood, lost fluid and ele
ctrolytes is of prime
importance. If it is due to septicaemia, treatment of the infection is of paramo
unt importance, and in
addition, intravenous fluids and vasopressor drugs will be required. Cardiogenic
shock is treated by
attention to the underlying cause. Full intensive care is likely to be required,
and artificial ventilation
and DIALYSIS may both be needed.
Shock Lung
The name given to a group of rod-shaped, gram-negative bacteria (see GRA
MS STAIN) that are the cause
of bacillary DYSENTERY.
also FOOD
Shock A state of acute circulatory failure in which the hearts output of
blood is inadequate to
provide normal PERFUSION of the major organs. It is accompanied by a fall in art
erial blood pressure and is
characterised by systemic arterial hypotension (arterial blood pressure less tha
n 80 mm of mercury),
sweating and signs of VASOCONSTRICTION (for example, pallor, CYANOSIS, a cold cl
ammy skin and a lowvolume

pulse). These signs may be associated with clinical evidence of poor tissue perf
usion, for example to the
brain and kidneys, leading to mental apathy, confusion or restlessness and
Shock may result from loss of blood or plasma volume. This may occur as
a result of haemorrhage or
severe diarrhoea and vomiting. It may also result from peripheral pooling of blo
od due to such causes as
TOXAEMIA or ANAPHYLAXIS. The toxaemia is commonly the result of a SEPTICAEMIA in
which leakage through
capillaries reduces circulating blood volume. Another form is called cardogenic
shock, and is due to
failure of the heart as a pump. It is most commonly seen as a result of myocardi
al infarction (see under
HEART, DISEASES OF). If failure of adequate blood flow to vital organs is prolon
ged, the effects can be
disastrous. The ischaemic intestine permits the transfer of toxic bacterial prod
ucts and proteins across
its wall into the blood; renal ISCHAEMIA
Shock Therapy Short-Sight A condition in which objects near at hand are
seen clearly, while objects at
a distance are blurred. The condition is technically known as myopia. (See EYE,
refraction; VISION.)
Short Stature See DWARFISM.
Shoulder The joint formed by the upper end of the HUMERUS and the should
er-blade or SCAPULA. The
acromion process of the scapula and the outer end of the collar-bone (see CLAVIC
LE) form a protective bony
arch above the joint, and from this arch the wide and thick deltoid muscle passe
s downwards, protecting the
outer surface of the joint and giving to the shoulder its rounded character. The
joint itself is of the
ball-and-socket variety, the rounded head of the humerus being received into the
hollow glenoid cavity of
the scapula, which is further deepened by a rim of cartilage. One tendon of the
biceps muscle passes
through the joint, grooving the humerus deeply, and being attached to the upper
edge of the glenoid cavity.
The joint is surrounded by a loose fibrous capsule, strengthened at certain plac
es by ligamentous bands.
The main strength of the joint comes from the powerful muscles that unite the up
per arm with the scapula,
clavicle and ribs.
Shoulder-blade or scapula. A flat bone, about as large as the flat hand
and fingers, placed on the
upper and back part of the

Posterior view of musculoskeletal structure of left shoulder.
thorax. Many of the large muscles that move the arm are attached to it.
It is not in contact with the
ribs, and its only attachment to the trunk of the body is through a joint betwee
n its acromion process and
the clavicle on the tip of the shoulder and by the powerful muscles which suspen
d it from the backbone and
ribs. With the arm hanging by the side, the scapula extends from the second to t
he seventh rib, but, as the
arm is raised and lowered, it slides freely over the back of the chest. On the r
ear surface of the bone is
a strong process, the spine of the scapula. This arches upwards and forwards int
o the acromion process. The
latter forms the bony prominence on the top of the shoulder, where it unites in
a joint with the outer end
of the clavicle.
applied to the intense competition that sometimes occurs between brother
s and/or sisters. The birth of
a new baby in the family may prompt jealousy and rivalry that can persist throug
hout life.
Sickle-Cell Anaemia See under ANAEMIA.
Passage of blood through a channel that is not its normal one. This may
occur as a result of a
congenital deformity (see SEPTAL DEFECT) or of surgery for example, a porto-cava
l shunt in which the main
portal vein is joined up to the inferior vena cava.
This refers to an effect of a drug which is not that which doctor and pa
tient require. Some
side-effects are almost inevitable: for example, drowsiness with older ANTIHISTA
MINE DRUGS; others are very
rare, such as REYES SYNDROME with ASPIRIN. Some can be predicted to occur if the
dose is raised, while
others may occur at the lowest of doses due to the individual patients susceptibi
lity. In deciding whether
to prescribe or take a drug, a balance must always be struck between its benefit
s and risks. (See also
MEDICINES Safe use of medicines.)
Substances which produce a copious flow of
Chronic FIBROSIS of the LUNGS occurring in iron-workers and due to the i
nhalation of fine iron
particles. The term is also applied to the condition in which there is an excess

ive deposit of iron in the

tissues of the body.
Sialorrhoea Also called ptyalism, this is the excessive production of SA
LIVA. It occurs in various
nervous disorders, such as PARKINSONISM; poisoning by MERCURY or mushrooms; or R
ABIES infection.
Siamese Twins
A brother or sister. Sibling rivalry is the term
Examination of the
and sigmoid

646 Sildenafil Citrate COLON (see also INTESTINE)

with an endoscopic viewing device called a sigmoidoscope (see also ENDOS
COPE). The procedure is done to
investigate rectal bleeding or persistent diarrhoea, with the aim of detecting o
r excluding cancer of the
rectum and COLITIS. Sigmoidoscopy, which nowadays is performed with a flexible i
nstrument, can usually be
performed on an outpatient basis.
Sildenafil Citrate
An oral drug better known to the public as Viagra for treating erectile d
ysfunction of the PENIS
(see also ERECTION; SEXUAL DYSFUNCSildenafil citrate was originally TION). devel
oped to treat ANGINA
PECTORIS; during clinical trials, patients reported that they were having more e
rections than before taking
the drug. Clinical trials were then conducted on 4,000 men, and 70 per cent of t
hem found sildenafil
effective. The men, of an average age of 55 years, had experienced erectile prob
lems for around five years
before taking part in the trials. The medical conditions associated with their p
roblems included high blood
pressure, high concentrations of CHOLESTEROL, DIABETES MELLITUS, surgery and psy
chological disorders. Among
side-effects, headache was the most common; others included facial flushing, ind
igestion and a stuffy nose.
The drug is a vasodilator so that blood flow to the penis is enhanced. It works
in response to sexual
stimulation and has no properties as an aphrodisiac; nor does it provoke sexual
fantasies. Sildenafil must
not be taken with drugs containing nitrates such as GLYCERYL TRINITRATE or isoso
rbide trinitrate as the
subject may suffer a sudden fall in blood pressure. Nitrates inhaled for recreat
ional use (poppers) have a
similar effect. Recent research suggests that the drug may help women with low L
IBIDO or who have
difficulty in achieving ORGASM.
Silica A major constituent of the earths crust. Its main danger to health
arises from free silica,
present mainly as quartz and flint and as an important constituent of granite, s
andstone and slate. (See
Silicones Organic compounds of silicone, with a structure of alternate a
toms of silicone and oxygen,
and organic groups such as methyl and phenyl attached to the silicone atoms. As
they produce a flexible
and stable water-repellent film on the skin, they are used as BARRIER CREAMS.
Silicone is also used to make implants for Silicone oil in a silicone ru
bber bag is used in breast
reconstruction after surgery for breast cancer, and for enlargement of the breas
t. Although usually an
inert substance, it has been found to cause side-effects, including possible imm
unological reactions

following leakages, so that its use in breast surgery in particular has now been
Silicosis The most important industrial hazard in those industries in wh
ich SILICA is encountered: in
other words, the pottery industry, the sandstone industry, sandblasting, metal-g
rinding, the tin-mining
industry, and anthracite coal-mines. It is a specific form of PNEUMOCONIOSIS cau
sed by the inhalation of
free silica. Among pottery workers the condition has for long been known as pott
ers asthma, whilst in the
cutlery industry it was known as grinders rot. For the production of silicosis, t
he particles of silica
must measure 055 micrometres in diameter, and they must be inhaled into the alveol
i (air sacs) of the
lungs, where they produce FIBROSIS. This diminishes the efficiency of the lungs,
resulting in slowly
progressive shortness of breath. The main danger of silicosis, however, is that
it is liable to be
complicated by TUBERCULOSIS. The incidence of silicosis is steadily being reduce
d by various measures which
diminish the risk of inhaling silica dust. These include adequate ventilation to
draw off the dust; the
suppression of dust by the use of water; the wearing of respirators where the ri
sk is particularly great
and it is not possible to reduce the amount of dust for example, in sand-blastin
g; and periodic medical
examination of workpeople exposed to risk. Fewer than 100 new cases a year are d
iagnosed now in the United
Simmonds Disease A rare condition in which wasting of the skin and the bo
nes, IMPOTENCE, and loss of
hair (ALOPECIA) occur as a result of destruction of the PITUITARY GLAND.
Simvastatin One of the STATINS a group of LIPID-lowering drugs which are
effective in combination
with a low CHOLESTEROL diet in reducing the incidence of heart attacks (see HEAR

Singers Nodule
A small excrescence on the vocal cords (see LARYNX) which causes hoarsen
ess. This tends to develop in
people who abuse their voices for example, singers, or people who shout excessiv
A small blood vessel like an enlarged capillary (see CAPILLARIES) occurr
ing, for example, in the LIVER,
which contains a large number of them. The sinusoids in the liver are drained by
the hepatic veins.
Sinoatrial Node
Sinus Tachycardia
This is the natural pacemaker of the HEART, and comprises a collection o
f specialised muscle cells in
the wall of the upper chamber (atrium) of the heart. The cells initiate electric
al impulses at a rate of up
to 100 a minute. These impulses stimulate the muscles of the heart to contract.
The rate is altered by the
effects of certain hormones and various impulses from the nervous system. Damage
or disease of the node
affects the regular beating of the heart. (See also CARDIAC PACEMAKER.)
A regular heart rate of 100 or more beats a minute, caused by increased
electrical activity in the
SINOATRIAL NODE (see also HEART). This level of tachycardia is normal during and
just after exercise, and
may also be caused by stress or anxiety. If tachycardia persists when the person
is resting, it may be due
to underlying disease such as thyrotoxicosis (see under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES
OF) and investigation is
Sinus A term applied to narrow cavities of various kinds, occurring natu
rally in the body, or resulting
from disease. Thus it is applied to the air-containing cavities which are found
in the frontal, ethmoidal,
sphenoidal and maxillary bones of the SKULL, and which communicate with the NOSE
. The function of these
paranasal sinuses, as they are known, is doubtful, but they do lighten the skull
and add resonance to the
voice. They enlarge considerably around puberty and in this way are a factor in
the alteration of the size
and shape of the face. The term is also used in connection with the wide spaces
through which the blood
circulates in the membranes (MENINGES) of the BRAIN. Cavities which are produced
when an ABSCESS has burst,
but remain unhealed, are also known as sinuses (see also FISTULA).
Sinusitis Sinusitis is inflammation of the mucosal lining of a SINUS. Th
e term is usually applied to

inflammation of the sinuses in the face. Most cases occur as a result of infecti
on spreading to the sinuses
from the NOSE along the passages that drain mucus secreted by the linings of the
sinuses to the nose. The
bacterial infection usually follows a viral infection of the upper respiratory t
ract. Treatment with
ANTIBIOTICS is usually effective but the condition tends to recur. If the episod
es are severe, they can be
disabling, with bad headaches. Surgery is sometimes necessary to drain the sinus
es. Rarely, sinusitis may
lead to cerebral abscess or venous sinus thrombosis.
SI Units The international system of measurement-units used throughout t
he sciences. SI units, which
derive from metres, kilograms, and seconds, comprise seven basic units and two s
upplementary ones. Among
the other base units are ampere (electric current) and mole (amount of a substan
ce at molecular level).
Derived SI units include joule (energy), pascal (pressure), becquerel (activity)
, and newton (force). (See
Sjogrens Syndrome A disorder of CONNECTIVE TISSUE, with dryness of the mo
uth (xerostomia) and dryness
of the eye (kerato conjunctivitis sicca) occurring in association with RHEUMATOI
D ARTHRITIS. It occurs in
approximately 10 per cent of patients with the latter condition, but it can occu
r and frequently does so
independently of rheumatoid disease. The lack of tears gives rise to symptoms of
dryness and grittiness
of the eyes; the dry mouth can occasionally be so severe as to cause a DYSPHAGIA
. The disease is due to the
autoimmune destruction of the SALIVARY GLANDS and the lacrimal glands (see EYE L
acrimal apparatus). The
disorder is usually associated with specific HLA antigen (see HLA SYSTEM). Treat
ment is unsatisfactory and
is limited to oral and ocular hygiene as well as the provision of artificial tea
rs in the form of cellulose
eye drops.
Skeletal Muscle Muscle under a persons voluntary control (see MUSCLE; VOL
Skeleton The comprehensive term applied to the hard structures that supp
ort or protect the softer

648 Skin
tissues of the body. Many animals are possessed of an exoskeleton, consi
sting of superficial plates of
bone, horn, or the like; but in humans the skeleton is entirely an endoskeleton,
covered everywhere by soft
parts and consisting mainly of bones, but in places also of cartilage. The chief
positions in which
cartilage is found in place of bone are the larynx and the front of the chest. (
For details of the
skeleton, see BONE.)
Skin The membrane which envelops the outer surface of the body, meeting
at the bodys various orifices,
with the mucous membrane lining the internal cavities.
CORIUM The foundation layer. It overlies the subcutaneous fat and varies
in thickness from 053.0 mm.
Many nerves run through the corium: these have key roles in the sensations of to
uch, pain and temperature
(see NEURON(E)). Blood vessels nourish the skin and are primarily responsible fo
r regulating the body
temperature. Hairs are bedded in the corium, piercing the epidermis (see below)
to cover the skin in
varying amounts in different parts of the body. The sweat glands are also in the
corium and their ducts
lead to the surface. The fibrous tissue of the corium comprises interlocking whi
te fibrous elastic bundles.
The corium contains many folds, especially over joints and on the palms of hands
and soles of feet with the
epidermis following the contours. These are permanent throughout life and provid
e unique fingerprinting
identification. HAIR Each one has a root and shaft, and its varying tone origina
tes from pigment scattered
throughout it. Bundles of smooth muscle (arrectores pilorum) are attached to the
root and on contraction
cause the hair to stand vertical. GLANDS These occur in great numbers in the ski
a fatty substance and sweat glands a clear watery fluid (see PERSPIRATION). The
former are made up of a
bunch of small sacs producing fatty material that reaches the surface via the ha
ir follicle. Around three
million sweat or sudoriparous glands occur all over the body surface; sited belo
w the sebaceous glands they
are unconnected to the hairs. EPIDERMIS This forms the outer layer of skin and i
s the cellular layer
covering the body surface: it has no blood vessels and its thickness varies from
1 mm on the palms and
soles to 01 mm on the face. Its outer, impervious, horny layer comprises several
thicknesses of flat cells
(pierced only by hairs and sweat-gland openings) that are constantly rub
bed off as small white scales;
they are replaced by growing cells from below. The next, clear layer forms a typ
e of membrane below which
the granular stratum cells are changing from their origins as keratinocytes in t

he germinative zone, where

fine sensory nerves also terminate. The basal layer of the germinative zone cont
ains melanocytes which
produce the pigment MELANIN, the cause of skin tanning.
Nail A modification of skin, being analagous to the horny layer, but its
cells are harder and more
adherent. Under the horny nail is the nail bed, comprising the well-vascularised
corium (see above) and the
germinative zone. Growth occurs at the nail root at a rate of around 05 mm a week
a rate that increases
in later years of life.
Skin functions By its ability to control sweating and open or close derm
al blood vessels, the skin
plays a crucial role in maintaining a constant body temperature. Its toughness p
rotects the body from
mechanical injury. The epidermis is a two-way barrier: it prevents the entry of
noxious chemicals and
microbes, and prevents the loss of body contents, especially water, electrolytes
and proteins. It restricts
electrical conductivity and to a limited extent protects against ultraviolet rad
iation. The Langerhans
cells in the epidermis are the outposts of the immune system (see IMMUNITY), jus
t as the sensory nerves in
the skin are the outposts of the nervous system. Skin has a social function in i
ts ability to signal
emotions such as fear or anger. Lastly it has a role in the synthesis of vitamin
Skin, Diseases of They may be local to the SKIN, or a manifestation of s
ystemic disorders inherited
or acquired. Some major types are described below. Others appear under their app
ropriate alphabetical







Skin cancer Primary cancer is common and chronic exposure to ultraviolet
light is the most
important cause. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA is the most common form; squamous
cell carcinoma is less common
and presents as a growing, usually painless nodule which may ulcerate. Squamous
cancer may spread to
regional lymph glands and metastasise, unlike basal cell cancer. Occupational ex
posure to chemical
carcinogens may cause squamous carcinoma for example, cancer from pitch warts or
the scrotal carcinoma of
chimney sweeps exposed to coal dust in earlier centuries. Squamous carcinoma of
the lip is associated with
clay-pipe smoking.
Vertical section through the skin including hair and sweat glands.

650 Skin-Grafting
Cancer may arise from the population of melanocytes of the skin (see MEL
these three most frequent forms of skin cancer, various forms of cancer can aris
e from cells of the dermis,
of which LYMPHOMA is the most important (see also MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES). Lastly, se
condary deposits from
internal cancer, particularly from the breast, may metastasise to the skin.
and eczema These are broadly synonymous, and the terms are frequently in
terchangeable. Eczema is a
pattern of inflammation with many potential causes. Dermatitis is commonly used
to suggest an eczema caused
by external factors; it is a common pattern of inflammation of the skin characte
rised by redness and
swelling, vesiculation (see VESICLE), and scaling with intense itching and often
exudation (weeping).
Fissuring, thickening (lichenification see LICHEN) and secondary bacterial infec
tion may follow.
Dermatitis can affect any part of the body. It may be genetically detemined or d
ue to other internal
factors, such as venous HYPERTENSION in a leg, or stress. Often it is external in
origin due to strong
irritants or chemical allergens. (See also ALLERGY; ALLERGEN.) ATOPIC DERMATITIS
is genetic in origin and
usually begins in infancy. It may persist for years, and ASTHMA, allergic RHINIT
IS and conjunctivitis (see
under EYE, DISORDERS OF) hay fever may be associated. Atopic children tend to have
allergies, especially to inhaled allergens such as house-dust mite, cat and dog
dander and pollens. Allergy
to foods is less common but potentially more dangerous, especially if to nuts, w
hen it can cause acute
URTICARIA or even ANAPHYLAXIS. Atopic subjects are particularly prone to persist
ent and multiple verrucae
(see WARTS) and mollusca (see MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM) and to severe HERPES SIMPLE
X infections. (See also
Generalised exfoliation and scaling of the skin, commonly with ERYTHEMA.
Drugs may cause it, or the
disorder may be linked with other skin diseases such as benign dermatoses and lu
pus erythematosus (see
under LUPUS). SUMMER POMPHOLYX is an acute vesicular eczema of the palms and sol
es recurring every summer.
Inhaled allergens are a frequent cause. VENOUS (STASIS) DERMATITIS begins on a l
ower calf, often in
association with PURPURA, swelling and sometimes ulceration. Chronic venous
hypertension in the leg, consequent on valvular incompetence in the deep
leg veins owing to previous
deep vein thrombosis (see VEINS, DISEASES OF), is the usual cause. NEURODERMATIT
IS A pattern of
well-defined plaques of lichenified eczema particularly seen on the neck, ulnar
forearms or sides of the

calves in subjects under emotional stress. IRRITANT CONTACT DERMATITIS Most ofte
n seen in an industrial
setting (occupational dermatitis), it is due to damage by strong chemicals such
as cutting oils, cement,
detergents and solvents. In almost all cases the hands are most severely affecte
DERMATITIS, in contrast, can affect any part of the body depending on the cause
for example, the face
(cosmetics), hands (plants, occupational allergens) or soles (rubber boots). Par
ticularly common allergens
include metals (nickel and chromate), rubber addititives, and adhesives (epoxy r
Treatment Avoidance of irritants and contact allergens, liberal use of E
MOLLIENTS, and topical
application of corticosteroid creams and ointments (see CORTICOSTEROIDS) are cen
Skin-Grafting An operation in which large breaches of SKIN surface due t
o wounding, burns or ulceration
are closed by TRANSPLANTATION of skin from other parts. There are three methods
by which this is done. Most
frequently the epidermis only is transplanted, using a method introduced by Reve
rdin and by Thiersch, and
known by their names. For this purpose, a broad strip of epidermis is shaved off
the thigh or upper arm,
after the part has been carefully sterilised, and is transferred bodily to the r
aw or ulcerated surface, or
is cut into smaller strips and laid upon it. A second method is for small pieces
of the skin in its whole
thickness to be removed from the arm and thigh, or even from other people, and t
hen implanted and bound
upon the raw surface. (This method has the disadvantage that the true skin must
contract at the spot from
which the graft is taken, leaving an unsightly scar.) When very large areas requ
ire to be covered, a third
method is commonly used. A large flap of skin, amply sufficient to cover the gap
, is raised from a
neighbouring or distant part of the body, in such a way that it remains attached
along one margin, so that
blood vessels can still enter and nourish it. It is then turned so as to cover t
he gap; or, if it be
situated on a distant part, the two parts are brought together and fixed in this
position until the flap
grows firmly to its new bed. The old connection of the

flap is then severed, leaving it growing in its new place. Researchers a
re having success in growing
human skin in the laboratory for grafting on to people who have been badly burne
d and have insufficient
intact skin surface to provide an autologous graft (one provided by the recipien
t of the graft). Other
techniques being researched are the use of specially treated shark skin and the
production of artificial
Sleep Sleep is a state which alternates with wakefulness, and in which a
wareness and responsiveness to
the environment are reduced. It is not, however, uniform and can be divided into
two main states
differentiated according to electrical recordings of brain activity (EEG), of th
e muscles (EMG), and of the
eye movements (EOG).
Non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep This is subdivided into four stages,
Skull This is the collection of 22 flat and irregularly shaped bones whi
ch protect the brain and form
the face (see BONE).
Arrangement of the bones In childhood, the bones are independent, gradua
lly fusing together by sutures,
and in old age fusing completely so that the cranium forms a solid bony case. At
the time of birth the
growth of several bones of the infants head has not been quite completed, so that
six soft spots, or
fontanellas, present; here the brain is covered only by skin and membranes, and
the pulsations of its blood
vessels may be seen. One of these spots, the anterior fontanelle, does not close
completely until the child
is 18 months to 2 years old.
Parts of the skull The cranium, enclosing the brain, consists of eight b
ones, while the face, which
forms a bony framework for the eyes, nose and mouth, consists of 14 bones. These
two parts can be detached.
Shape of the skull The development of large central hemispheres of the b
rain in humans has influenced
the skull shape. Unlike in other mammals, the cranium extends above as well as b
ehind the face which
therefore looks forwards. The skulls proportions change with age: the cranium in
children is larger in
comparison with the face oneeighth of the whole head than is the case in adults,
where sizes are about
the same. Old age reduces the size of the face because of the loss of teeth and
absorption of their bony
sockets. Womens skulls tend to be lighter and smoother with less obvious protuber
ances than those in men.
Slapped Cheek Syndrome See ERYTHEMA

Erythema infectiosum.
which stage 1 is the lightest and stage 4 the deepest. The activity of t
he cerebral cortex (see BRAIN)
is diminished and the bodys functions are mainly regulated by brain-stem activity
. The metabolic rate is
reduced; in keeping with this the temperature falls, respiration is reduced, car
diac output, heart rate,
and blood pressure fall, and activity of the sympathetic nervous system is reduc
ed. NREM sleep normally
occurs at the onset of sleep except in neonates. During adult life, the duration
particularly of stages 3
and 4 of NREM sleep becomes less, and very little of this deep sleep occurs afte
r the age of 60 years.
NREM sleep has been thought to have several functions, such as energy conservati
on and growth. Growth
hormone is produced in bursts during stages 3 and 4, and more cell division occu
rs during this type of
sleep than during wakefulness. A controversial proposal has been that processing
of information acquired
during wakefulness occurs during NREM sleep.
Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep This is characterised by the presence of
rapid eye movements and a
reduction in muscle tone. Cerebral cortical activity is prominent and its blood
flow increased. This
activity is, however, different from wakefulness and may cause irregular movemen
ts of the body as well as
of the eyes. Most dreams occur in REM sleep: these may represent a process of re
organising mental
associations after the period of wakefulness. The analysis of the content of dre
ams has been subject to a
variety of interpretations, but no consensus view has evolved. Physiological cha
nges, such as a fall in
temperature and blood pressure, take place just before sleep and continue during
the early stages of NREM
sleep. There is an intrinsic rhythm of sleep which in most subjects has a period
icity of around 25 hours.
This can be modified by external factors to bring it into line with the 24-hour
day. Two peaks of a
tendency to sleep have been identified, and these usually occur between around 1
4.0018.00 hours, and

652 Sleep Apnoeas

02.0006.00 hours. There are, however, differences according to age, in th
at, for instance, infants
sleep for most of the 24 hours; during adolescence there is also an increase in
the duration of sleep.
Sleep requirements fall later in life, but there are wide genetic differences in
the amount of sleep that
people require and also the time at which they fall asleep most readily. The int
ernal clock can be
disturbed by a variety of external factors which include irregular sleeping habi
ts due, for instance, to
shift work or jet lag. Sleep is also more likely to occur after physical exertio
n, reading and social
activity. The duration and intensity of exposure to light can also modify sleep
profoundly. Light promotes
wakefulness and is the main factor that adjusts the 25-hour internal rhythm to t
he 24hour daily cycle.
Neural connections from the retina of the EYE act on an area in the brain called
the supra-chiasmatic
nucleus which stimulates the pineal gland which produces MELATONIN. This is thou
ght to trigger the range of
neurological and metabolic processes that characterise sleep.
Sleep Apnoeas
A sleep apnoea is conventionally defined as the cessation of breathing f
or ten seconds or more.
Apnoeas, which affect around 5 per cent of adults and are markedly more common i
n men, may occur as
frequently as 400 times per night. They can be due to a failure of the physiolog
ical drive to breathe
(central sleep apnoeas) but much more often are due to a transient obstruction o
f the airway between the
level of the soft PALATE and the LARYNX (obstructive sleep apnoeas) when the air
way dilator muscles
overrelax. Any factor such as alcohol or sedative drugs that accentuates this, o
r that makes the airway
narrower (such as obesity or large TONSILS), will tend to cause sleep apnoeas. V
igorous respiratory
movements are made to overcome the obstruction during each apnoea. These are ass
ociated with snoring and
snorting noises. The apnoea ends with a mini-arousal from sleep. As a result, sl
eep becomes fragmented and
sleep deprivation, manifested as sleepiness during the day, is common. This may
result in accidents for
instance, at work or while driving and sleep apnoea is also linked with an incre
ased risk of STROKE,
heart attacks and HYPERTENSION. The diagnosis of sleep apnoea has recently been
facilitated by linking
specially designed software with ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY performed during sleep, wit
h minimal disturbance of
the subject.
Initial treatment is directed at correcting the cause (e.g. obesity), bu
t if the apnoeas persist or are
severe a nasal mask and pump which introduces air under slight pressure into the
upper airway (continuous

positive airway pressure, CPAP) is almost invariably effective.

Sleep, Disorders of There are three main groups of SLEEP disorders:
Parasomnias These include medical disorders such as ASTHMA, ANGINA PECTO
RIS or EPILEPSY which are made
worse by sleep, and a range of behavioural alterations which are usually related
to a specific sleep stage
or to a change from one state of sleep to another. Sleepwalking, night terrors,
and nightmares are
Insomnia Insomnia is defined as a difficulty in initiating or maintainin
g sleep. It affects around 15
per cent of the population at any one time, and is often due to a poor pre-sleep
routine (e.g. taking
excessive stimulants such as caffeine); unsatisfactory sleep due to poor environ
ments such as an
uncomfortable bed or a cold or noisy bedroom; anxiety and/or depression; or occa
sionally to a physical
problem for example, pain or a medical disorder associated with sleep such as ob
or periodic limb movements. Excessive daytime sleepiness This is usually due to
sleep deprivation caused
either by inadequate duration of sleep, or by poor quality of sleep. The individ
uals lifestyle is often a
cause and modification of this may relieve the problem. Other common causes of e
xcessive daytime sleepiness
are depression, obstructive sleep apnoeas, periodic limb movements, excessive al
cohol or other drug intake,
and, less commonly, NARCOLEPSY.
Sleeping Sickness There are two major forms of the disease: Trypanosoma
brucei gambiense is confined to
west and central Africa, and T.b. rhodesiense to central, east, and south-east A
frica. The infection is
caused by the bite of tsetse fly (Glossina spp.). Clinically, a trypanosomal CHA
NCRE may develop at the
site of the tsetse-fly bite. After introduction into the bloodstream, the parasi
te develops in blood and
lymphatic glands. After the blood stage, it enters the central nervous system, c
ausing characteristic
neurological sequelae (see below). Infection may be followed by a generalised ma
cular papular reaction. In
T.b. gambiense infection, enlarged glands in the

neck (Winterbottoms sign) may be striking. Onset of disease is accompanie
d by fever, progressive
ANAEMIA, and enlarged glands; these signs and symptoms are followed by increasin
g lethargy, slowing of
mentality, and physical weakness, and give way to headache and an increasing ten
dency to sleep. These
symptoms are caused by proliferation of parasites in the patients cerebral blood
vessels; this is
accompanied by inflammatory changes and disorganisation of nervous tissue. Patie
nts become emaciated and
develop bed sores. Death finally takes place either as a result of gross emaciat
ion or of an intercurrent
infection. Diagnosis is by detection of trypanosomes in a blood specimen or, alt
ernatively, a sample of
cerebrospinal fluid. Serological tests are of great value in diagnosis. Treatmen
t is with suramine or
pentamidine; when cerebral involvement has ensued, melarsoprol which penetrates
the blood-brain barrier
is of value. In T.b. gambiense infection, eflornithine has recently given encour
aging results; however,
this form of CHEMOTHERAPY is not effective in a T.b. rhodesiense infection. From
the point of view of
prevention, control of the tsetse-fly population is crucial; even so, only a ver
y small percentage of these
vectors is infected with Trypanosoma spp.
Sling A hanging bandage for the support of injured or diseased parts. Sl
ings are generally applied for
support of the upper limb, in which case the limb is suspended from the neck. Th
e lower limb may also be
supported in a sling from an iron cage placed upon the bed on which the patient
lies, the object usually
being to aid the circulation, and so quicken the healing of ulcers on the leg.
Slipped Disc The popular name for a PROLAPSED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC. (See
Slough Slough (pronounced sluff) is dead tissue separated by natural proce
sses from the living body.
The term is applied to hard external parts which the lower animals cast off natu
rally in the course of
growth, like the skin of snakes or the shell of crabs. In humans, however, the p
rocess is generally
associated with disease, and is then known as GANGRENE. Sloughs may be of very s
mall size, as in the case
of the core of a boil, or they may include a whole limb; but in general a slough
involves a limited area of
skin or of the
underlying tissues. The process of separation of a slough is described u
nder gangrene.
Small-Bowel Transplantantion Before the advent of small-bowel transplant
s, long-term intravenous
feeding (total parenteral nutrition or TPN) was the last option for patients wit
h chronic intestinal

failure. Most recipients are children, and small-bowel transplantation is curren

tly reserved for patients
unable to continue on long-term parenteral nutrition. The main constraints to sm
all-bowel transplantation
are the intensity of rejection (necessitating high levels of immunosuppression),
and the lack of donors who
are the same size as the recipient (a particular problem for children).
Small-Cell Carcinoma See OAT CELL.
Smallpox So-called to distinguish the disease from syphilis, the great p
ox (pox being the plural of
pock, the Old English term for a PUSTULE), is also known as variola (from varus,
the Latin for pimple). It
is an acute, highly infectious disease due to a virus. Once it was one of the ma
jor killing diseases;
however, in the 1960s the World Health Organisation undertook an eradication sch
eme by means of mass
VACCINATION. As a result, the last naturally occurring case was recorded in Octo
ber 1977, and on 8 May 1980
the World Health Assembly confirmed that smallpox has finally been eradicated fr
om the world.
Smegma A thick, cheesy secretion formed by the SEBACEOUS GLANDS of the g
lans penis (see PENIS). A
bacillus, closely resembling the tubercle bacillus morphologically, develops rea
dily in this secretion.
Smell The sense of smell is picked up in what is known as the olfactory
areas of the NOSE. Each of
these is about 3 square centimetres in area and contains 50 million olfactory, o
r smelling, cells. They
lie, one on either side, at the highest part of each nasal cavity. This is why w
e have to sniff if we want
to smell anything carefully, as in ordinary quiet breathing only a few eddies of
the air we breathe in
reaches an olfactory area. From these olfactory cells the olfactory nerves (one
on each side) run up to the
olfactory bulbs underneath the frontal lobe of the BRAIN, and here the

654 Smoke Inhalation

impulse is translated into what we describe as smell.
Smoke Inhalation Smoke is made up of small particles of carbon in hot ai
r and gases. The particles are
covered with organic chemicals and smoke may also contain carbon monoxide and ac
ids. When smoke is inhaled,
the effects on breathing may be immediate or delayed, depending upon the density
of smoke and its
composition. Laryngeal stridor (obstruction of the LARYNX), lack of oxygen and P
lifethreatening symptoms that require urgent treatment. Immediate removal of the
victim from the smoke is
imperative, as is the administration of oxygen. The victim may require admission
to an intensive-care unit.
Smoking See TOBACCO.
Smooth Muscle Muscle under the involuntary control of the autonomic nervou
s system (see MUSCLE;
Snapping Finger See TRIGGER FINGER.
A sudden expulsion of air through the NOSE, designed to expel irritating
materials from the upper air
passages. In sneezing, a powerful expiratory effort is made; the vocal cords (se
are kept shut until the pressure in the chest has risen high; and air is then su
ddenly allowed to escape
upwards, being directed into the back of the nose by the soft PALATE. One sneeze
projects 10,000 to 100,000
droplets a distance of up to 10 metres at a rate of over 60 kilometres an hour.
As such droplets may
contain micro-organisms, it is clear what an important part sneezing plays in tr
ansmitting infections such
as the COMMON COLD. Alhough usually transitory, sneezing may persist for days on
end up to 204 days have
been recorded. Sneezing may be caused by the presence of irritating particles in
the nose, such as snuff,
or the pollen of grasses and flowers. It is also an early symptom of colds, INFL
FEVER, being then accompanied or followed by running at the nose (RHINITIS).
Snellen Chart The most commonly used chart for testing the acuity of dis
tant VISION. The chart
comprises rows of capital letters, with the letters in each row being smaller th
an those in the one above.
The top line of large letters can be seen by a normally sighted person standing
60 metres away. The subject
under test sits 6 metres from the screen and, if he or she can read the 6-metre
line of letters, his or her
visual acuity is normal at 6/6.

Snoring This is usually attributed to vibrations of the soft PALATE, but

there is evidence that the
main fault lies in the edge of the posterior pillars of the FAUCES which vibrate
noisily. Mouthbreathing is
necessary for snoring, but not all mouth-breathers snore. The principal cause is
blockage of the nose, such
as occurs during the course of the common cold or chronic nasal CATARRH; such bl
ockage also occurs in some
cases of deviation of the nasal SEPTUM or nasal polypi (see NOSE, DISORDERS OF).
In children,
mouth-breathing, with resulting snoring, is often due to enlarged TONSILS and ad
enoids. A further cause of
snoring is loss of tone in the soft palate and surrounding tissues due to smokin
g, overwork, fatigue,
obesity, and general poor health. One in eight people are said to snore regularl
y. The intensity, or
loudness, of snoring is in the range of 4069 decibels. (Pneumatic drills register
between 70 and 90
decibels.) Bouts of snoring sometimes alternate with SLEEP APNOEAS. Treatment th
erefore consists of the
removal of any of these causes of mouth-breathing that may be present. Should th
is not succeed in
preventing snoring, then measures should be taken to prevent the sufferer from s
leeping lying on his or her
back, as this is a habit strongly conducive to snoring. Simple measures include
sleeping with several
pillows, so that the head is raised quite considerably when asleep; alternativel
y, a small pillow may be
put under the nape of the neck. If all these measures fail it may be worth tryin
g the traditional method of
sewing a hairbrush, or some other hard object such as a stone, into the back of
the snorers pyjamas. Thus,
if they turn on their back, they are quickly awakened. (See also STERTOR.)
Snow Blindness Damage caused to the cornea of an unprotected EYE by the
reflection of the suns rays
from snow. ULTRAVIOLET RAYS (UVR) are the damaging agent and people going out in
snow and sunlight should
wear protective goggles. The

Sodium Valproate
condition is painful but resolves if the eyes are covered with pads for
a day or two. Prolonged
exposure may seriously damage the cornea and impair vision.
Snuffles The traditional name applied to noisy breathing in children due
to the constant presence of
nasal discharge. (For treatment, see under NOSE, DISORDERS OF.)
Social Classes As factors such as the cause of death and the incidence o
f diseases vary in different
social strata, the Registrar-General evolved the following social classification
, which has now been in
official use for many years:
Class I Professional occupations, such as lawyers, clergymen, and commis
sioned officers in the Armed
Class II Intermediate occupations, such as teachers, managers and nurses
Class III N: non-manual for example, clerical workers.
Class III M: skilled manual occupations such as miners and bricklayers.
Class IV Partly skilled occupations, such as agricultural workers.
Class V Unskilled occupations, such as building and dock labourers.
Social Medicine See PUBLIC HEALTH.
Sodium A metal, the salts of which are white, crystalline, and very solu
ble. The fluids of the body
contain naturally a considerable quantity of sodium chloride.
Sodium carbonate, commonly known as soda or washing soda, has a powerful
softening action upon the
Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is used as an antacid (see ANTACIDS)
in relieving indigestion
associated with increased acidity of the gastric secretion. The citrate and the
acetate of sodium are used
Sodium Aurothiomalate A gold compound given by deep intramuscular inject
ion in the treatment of
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS in children and adults. Known as a second-line or disease-m
odifying antirheumatoid
drug, its therapeutic effect may take up to six months to achieve a full respons
e. If this fails to happen,
the drug should be stopped. If the patient responds, treatment may be continued
at increasingly long
intervals (up to four weeks) for as long as five years. Gold treatment is partic
ularly useful for
palindromic arthritis in which the disease comes and goes.

Sodium Chloride The chemical name for common salt (see SODIUM).
Sodium Cromoglycate Used in the prophylaxis of ASTHMA, it is administere
d by inhalation and can reduce
the incidence of asthmatic attacks but is of no value in the treatment of an acu
te attack. It acts by
preventing the release of pharmacological mediators of BRONCHOSPASM, particularl
y HISTAMINE, by stabilising
mast-cell membranes. It is of particular use in patients whose asthma has an all
ergic basis; children over
four may respond better than adults. It is less potent than inhaled steroids. Th
e dose frequency is
adjusted to the patients response but is usually administered by inhalation four
times daily. Sodium
cromoglycate is also used in the prophylaxis of allergic RHINITIS and to treat a
llergic conjunctivitis (see
Sodium Diatrizoate An organic iodine salt that is radio-opaque and there
fore used as a contrast medium
to outline various organs in the body in X-ray films (see XRAYS). It is given in
travenously. Its main use
is in PYELOGRAPHY that is, in rendering the kidneys radio-opaque but it is also
used to outline the
blood vessels (ANGIOGRAPHY) and the gall-bladder and bile ducts (CHOLANGIOGRAPHY
Sodium Hypochlorite A disinfectant by virtue of the fact that it gives o
ff chlorine. For domestic use
as, for example, for sterilising baby feeding bottles it is available in a varie
ty of proprietary
Sodium Valproate A drug of first choice for the treatment of several for
ms of EPILEPSY, including
primary generalised epilepsy, generalised absences and myoclonic seizures; it ma
y also be tried in

656 Sodomy
atypical absence, atonic and tonic seizures. Usually taken orally, the d
rug has shown promising initial
results from controlled trials in partial epilepsy. It probably has similar effi
PHENYTOIN SODIUM. Sodium valproate has widespread metabolic effects and may have
dose-related side-effects.
There has been concern over severe hepatic or pancreatic toxicity, but such adve
rse effects are rare. Other
adverse effects include digestive upsets, drowsiness, muscle incoordination and
skin rashes. Rare reports
have been given of behavioural disturbances, with occasional aggression. Initiat
ion and withdrawal of
treatment should always be slow. Patients should reduce their alcohol intake; an
y other drugs they are
taking that are metabolised by the liver should be carefully monitored.
ERANCE to the volatile substances may develop over months, but acute int
oxication may lead to
aggressive and impulsive behaviour. Treatment of addiction is difficult and requ
ires professional
counselling. Victims with acute symptoms require urgent medical attention. In Br
itain, most solvent
misusers are males under 20 years of age. Around 150 deaths occur every year. (S
ee also DEPENDENCE.)
A group of disorders in which the affected individuals suffer from repea
ted physical symptoms for which
no physical cause can be discovered. Somatisation is the process by which a pers
ons psychological needs
are expressed in the form of physical symptoms. (See also PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASES
Sexual intercourse in which the penis penetrates the anus and the rectum
. Sodomy may occur between men,
between a man and a woman, or between a man and an animal (bestiality).
Solar Plexus A large network of sympathetic nerves and ganglia situated
in the abdomen behind the
stomach, where it surrounds the coeliac artery. Branches of the VAGUS nerve the
most important part of
the PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM lead into the solar plexus, which in turn dis
tributes branches to the
stomach, intestines and several other abdominal organs. A severe blow in the sol
ar plexus may cause
temporary unconsciousness.
Solution A liquid preparation containing one or more soluble drugs, usua
lly dissolved in water.
S Solvent Abuse (Misuse) Also known as volatile-substance abuse, this is
the deliberate inhalation of
intoxicating fumes given off by some volatile liquids. Glue-sniffing was the mos
t common type of solvent
abuse, but inhalation of fuel gases such as butane, especially in the form of li
ghter refills, is now a
greater problem and has become common among children particularly teenagers. Sol

vents or volatile
substances are applied to a piece of cloth or put into a plastic bag and inhaled
, sometimes until the
person loses consciousness. He or she may become acutely intoxicated; chronic ab
users may suffer from
ulcers and rashes over the face as well as damage to peripheral nerves. Death ca
n occur, probably as a
result of an abnormal rhythm of the heart. TOLSomatic (1) A term describing tissues of the body that do not form any p
art of the reproductive
process. A somatic MUTATION cannot be passed on to the next generation. (2) It i
s also used to refer to the
body rather than the mind (see PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASES).
Somatoform Diseases
Somatostatin Also known as the growth-hormone-releaseinhibiting factor,
this is a hormone secreted by
the HYPOTHALAMUS and some non-nervous tissues (including the gastrointestinal tr
act and pancreas). It stops
the pituitary-releasing somatotrophin GROWTH HORMONE. Somatostatin and growth-ho
rmone-releasing hormone
are controlled by complicated neural mechanisms linked to exercise, sleep patter
ns, stress,
Somatotype The physical build of a person. Attempts have been made to li
nk body build with personality
type, but with no great success. One approach is to classify people as endomorph
s (heavy physique and
sociable personality); mesomorphs (strong, muscular build with well-developed bo
nes linked with a
physically adventurous temperament); and ectomorphs (thin and lightly built with
an introspective nature).
Somnambulism Sleep-walking. (See SLEEP.)
Soporifics Soporifics are measures which induce (See also HYPNOTICS.)
Sore Sore is a popular term for ULCER.

Sore Throat A raw sensation at the back of the throat. A common symptom,
the cause is usually
PHARYNGITIS, sometimes TONSILLITIS. It is often the presenting symptom of colds,
infectious MONONUCLEOSIS. Sore throats caused by streptococcal infection (see ST
REPTOCOCCUS) should be
treated with antibiotics, as should other bacteria-initiated sore throats; other
wise, symptomatic treatment
with analgesics and antiseptic gargles is sufficient for this usually self-limit
ing condition.
Sound A rod with a curve at one end used to explore body cavities such a
s the bladder, or to dilate
strictures in the urethra or other channels in the body. (See URINARY BLADDER, D
Soya Bean The bean of Glycine soja, a leguminous plant related to peas a
nd beans. It has a high protein
and fat content. Starch is almost completely absent and there is much mineral ma
tter, for example a
variable but large amount of iron: 67 to 30 mg per 100 grams of soya flour compar
ed with 1 mg in white
flour and 3 mg in 100 grams of wholemeal flour. It is a good source of thiamine
and riboflavine, and of
vitamin A in the form of carotene. It is used in infant formulas, especially for
those babies thought to
have cows milk protein intolerance.
Space Medicine A medical specialty dealing with the physiological, PSYCH
OLOGICAL and pathological
consequences of space flight in which the body has to cope with unusual variatio
ns in gravitational forces,
including weightlessness, a constricted environment, prolonged close contact wit
h work colleagues in very
demanding technical circumstances, and sustained periods of emotional pressure i
ncluding fear. Enormous
progress has been made in providing astronauts with as normal an environment as
possible, and they have to
undergo prolonged physical and mental training before embarking on space travel.
Spanish Fly A popular term for cantharides, which is used as a blisterin
g agent.
Spasm An involuntary, and, in severe cases, painful
contraction of a muscle or of a
may be due to affections in
the muscle where the spasm takes place,
of that part of the nervous
system which controls the spasmodically
re are usually spoken of as
CONVULSIONS; spasms of a painful nature
ISORDERS OF) when they
affect the muscles of the limbs, and as

hollow organ with a muscular wall. Spasm

or it may originate in some disturbance
acting muscles. Spasms of a general natu
are known as cramp (see under MUSCLES, D
COLIC when they are situated in the stom

ach, intestines, ureters or

bile duct, or other organs of the abdomen. Spasm of the heart is called ANGINA P
ECTORIS, and is both a
serious and an agonising condition. When the spasm is a prolonged firm contracti
on, it is spoken of as
tonic spasm; when it consists of a series of twitches or quick alternate contrac
tions and relaxations, it
is known as clonic spasm. Spasm is a symptom of many diseases.
Spasmodic Torticollis A chronic condition in which the neck is rotated o
r deviated laterally, forwards,
or backwards, often with additional jerking or tremor. It is a form of focal DYS
TONIA, and should not be
confused with the far commoner transient condition of acute painful wry-neck.
Spastic A term applied to any condition showing increased muscle tone: f
or example, spastic gait, or
spastic colon (see IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS)). This is especially associate
d with some disease
affecting the upper part of the NERVOUS SYSTEM connected with movement (upper ne
uron), so that its
controlling influence is lost and the muscles become overexcitable.
Spatula A flat, knife-like instrument used for spreading plasters and oi
ntments, and also for
depressing the tongue when the throat is being examined.
Specialist A doctor or other health professional who has trained to deve
lop a particular skill: for
example, surgery, cardiac medicine, accident and emergency care, care of the age
ing, or radiology. As new
medical techniques and treatments are developed, so new specialties evolve to pr
ovide them. Specialists
have to pass recognised examinations as well as be certified that they have unde
rgone appropriate education
and hands-on training. Once qualified, they are expected to continue their educa
tion and training to ensure
that their skills are kept

658 Specificity
up-to-date. For doctors, the GENERAL MEDICAL which is responsible for ov
erseeing the training and
registration of all medical doctors in the UK, also notes in its annual Medical
Register those doctors who
have completed appropriate specialist training. Doctors who have qualified and t
rained overseas have to
pass appropriate GMC tests before they can practise in the UK. COUNCIL (GMC),
Specificity An epidemiological term (see EPIDEMIOLOGY) describing the ex
tent to which a SCREENING TEST
for the presence of the precursors of disease for example, pre-malignant cells i
n the cervix throws up
false positives. A specific test has few false positives.
Speculum An instrument designed to aid the examination of the various op
enings on the surface of the
body. Many specula are provided with small electric lamps so placed as to light
up the cavity of the mouth,
ear, nose, rectum or vagina.
Speech Disorders
These may be of physical or psychological origin or a combination of bot
h. Difficulties may arise at
various stages of development: due to problems during pregnancy; at birth; cause
d by childhood illnesses;
or as a result of delayed development. Congenital defects such as CLEFT PALATE o
r lip may make speech
unintelligible until major surgery is performed, thus discouraging talking and d
elaying development.
Recurrent ear infections may make hearing difficult; the childs experience of spe
ech is thus limited, with
similar results. Childhood DYSPHASIA occurs if the language-development area of
the BRAIN develops
abnormally; specialist education and SPEECH THERAPY may then be required. Dumbne
ss is the inability to
pronounce the sounds that make up words. DEAFNESS is the most important cause, b
eing due to a congenital
brain defect, or acquired brain disease, such as tertiary SYPHILIS. When hearing
is normal or only mildly
impaired, dumbness may be due to a structural defect such as tongue-tie or enlar
ged tonsils and adenoids,
or to inefficient voice control, resulting in lisping or lalling. Increased tens
ion is a common cause of
STAMMERING; speech disorders may occasionally be of psychological origin. Normal
speech may be lost in
adulthood as a result of a STROKE or head injury. Excessive use of the voice may
be an occupational hazard;
and throat cancer may require a LARYNGECTOMY,
with subsequent help in communication. Severe psychiatric disturbance ma
y be accompanied by impaired
social and communication skills. (See also VOICE AND SPEECH.)
Treatment The underlying cause of the problem should be diagnosed as ear
ly as possible; psychological

and other specialist investigations should be carried out as required, and any p
hysical defect should be
repaired. People who are deaf and unable to speak should start training in lip-r
eading as soon as possible,
and special educational methods aimed at acquiring a modulated voice should simi
larly be started in early
childhood provided by the local authority, and continued as required. Various ty
pes of speech therapy or
PSYCHOTHERAPY may be appropriate, alone or in conjunction with other treatments,
and often the final result
may be highly satisfying, with a good command of language and speech being obtai
ned. Help and advice may be
obtained from AFASIC (Unlocking Speech and Language).
Speech Therapy Professionally trained speech therapists assist, diagnose
and treat the whole spectrum
of acquired or developmental communication disorders. They work in medical and e
ducation establishments,
often in an advisory or consultative capacity. The medical conditions in which s
peech therapy is employed
PALSY, DEAFNESS, disordered language, delayed speech, disordered speech, DOWNS (D
lformations of the PALATE,
PARKINSONISM, STAMMERING, STROKE and disorders of voice production. Speech thera
pists form a small
independent profession, most of whom work for the National Health Service in com
munity clinics, general
practices and hospitals. They may also work in schools or in units for the handi
capped, paediatric
assessment centres, language units attached to primary schools, adult training c
entres and day centres for
the elderly. A speech therapist undergoes a four-year degree course which covers
the study of disorders of
communication in children and adults, phonetics and linguistics, anatomy and phy
siology, psychology and
many other related subjects. Further information on training can be obtained fro
m the College of Speech
Therapists. If the parents of a child are concerned about

their childs speech, they may approach a speech therapist for assessment
and guidance. Their general
practitioner will be able to give them local addresses or they should contact th
e district speech
therapist. Adults are usually referred by hospital consultants. The College of S
peech Therapists keeps a
register of all those who have passed a recognised degree or equivalent qualific
ation in speech therapy. It
will be able to direct you to your nearest NHS or private speech therapist.
spermatozoon travels at a rate of 153 millimetres a minute and remains mob
ile for several days after
insemination, but quickly loses its potency for fertilisation. As it takes only
about 70 minutes to reach
the ovarian end of the uterine tube, it is assumed that there must be factors ot
her than its own mobility,
such as contraction of the muscle of the womb and uterine tube, that speed it on
its way.
Contraceptive preparations that kill sperm. They may be in the form of g
els, pessaries, cream or foam
and should be used with a barrier contraceptive such as a diaphragm or a condom.
The name applied to the blood vessels and other structures associated wi
th the TESTICLE.
Spermatic Cord
A bone lying in the centre of the base of the SKULL, and supporting the
others like a wedge or
This comprises the VAS DEFERENS, nerves and blood vessels, and it runs f
rom the cavity of the ABDOMEN
to the TESTICLE in the SCROTUM.
Spermatogenesis The production of mature sperm (see SPERMATOZOON) in the
testis (see TESTICLE). The
sperm cells originate from the outermost layer of the seminiferous tubules in th
e testis: these multiply
throughout reproductive life and are transformed into mature spermatozoa, a proc
ess that takes up to 80
Sphincter A circular muscle which surrounds the opening from an organ, a

nd, by maintaining a constant

state of moderate contraction, prevents the escape of the contents of the organ.
Sphincters close the
outlet from the URINARY BLADDER and RECTUM, and in certain nervous diseases thei
r action is interfered
with, so that the power to relax or to keep moderately contracted is lost, and r
etention or INCONTINENCE of
the evacuation results.
The passage of SEMEN without erection of the PENIS or ORGASM.
The traditional device for measuring blood pressure in clinical practice
, devised by RivaRocci and
Korotkoff about a century ago. Measurement depends on accurate transmission and
interpretation of the pulse
wave to an artery. The sphygmomanometer is of two types, mercury and aneroid. Th
e former is more accurate.
Both have some features in common an inflation-deflation system, an occluding bl
adder encased in a cuff,
and the use of AUSCULTATION with a STETHOSCOPE. The mercury sphygmomanometer con
sists of a pneumatic armlet
which is connected via a rubber tube with an air-pressure pump and a measuring g
auge comprising a glass
column containing mercury. The armlet is bound around the upper arm and pumped u
p sufficiently to
obliterate the pulse felt at the wrist or heard by auscultation of the artery at
the bend of the elbow. The
pressure, measured in millimetres of mercury
Spermatozoon (Plural: spermatozoa.) This is the male sex or germ cell wh
ich unites with the OVUM to
form the EMBRYO or fetus. It is a highly mobile cell approximately 4 micrometres
in length much smaller
than an ovum, which is about 35 micrometres in diameter. Each millilitre of SEME
N contains on average about
100 million spermatozoa, and the average volume of semen discharged during ejacu
lation in sexual
intercourse is 24 ml. (Some recent research suggests that male fertility is falli
ng because of a reduction
in the production of viable spermatozoa possibly due to environmental factors, i
ncluding the discharge of
hormones used for agricultural purposes and for human hormonal contraception.) O
nce ejaculated during
intercourse the
An instrument for recording the PULSE.

660 Spina Bifida

(mm Hg), registered at this point on the gauge is regarded as the pressu
re of the blood at each
heartbeat (ventricular contraction). This is called the systolic pressure. The c
uff is then slowly deflated
by releasing the valve on the air pump and the pressure at which the sound heard
in the artery suddenly
changes its character marks the diastolic pressure. Aneroid sphygmomanometers re
gister pressure through an
intricate bellows and lever system which is more susceptible than the mercury ty
pe to the bumps and jolts
of everyday use which reduce its inaccuracy. While mercury sphygmomanometers are
simple, accurate and
easily serviced, there is concern about possible mercury toxicity for users, tho
se servicing the devices
and the environment. Use of them has already been banned in some European hospit
als. Although it may be a
few years before they are widely replaced, automated blood-pressure-measuring de
vices will increasingly be
in routine use. A wide variety of ambulatory blood-pressuremeasuring devices are
already available and may
be fitted in general practice or hospital settings, where the patient is advised
on the technique.
Blood-pressure readings can be taken halfhourly or more often, if required with
little disturbance of
the patients daily activities or sleep. (See also BLOOD PRESSURE; HYPERTENSION.)
Spina Bifida
This is one of the most common of the congenital (present at birth) malf
ormations. It is one of the
three types of neural-tube anomaly, the other two being ANENCEPHALY and cranium
bifidum. It takes two main
forms spina bifida occulta being much the commoner. There is a deficit in the po
sterior part of the
SPINAL COLUMN, usually in the LUMBAR region, and it is generally asymptomatic un
less the underlying spinal
cord is affected. Occasionally it is associated with a hairy patch or birthmark
on the back, and a few
children develop a mild spastic gait or bladder problems. Much more serious is s
pina bifida cystica, in
which the spinal-wall defect is accompanied by a protrusion of the spinal cord.
This may take two forms: a
meningocele, in which the MENINGES, containing CEREBROSPINAL FLUID, protrude thr
ough the defect; and a
meningomyelocele, in which the protrusion contains spinal cord and nerves. Menin
gocele is less common and
has a good prognosis. HYDROCEPHALUS and neurological problems affecting the legs
are rare, although the
bladder may be affected. Treatment consists
of surgery which may be in the first few days of life or much later depe
nding upon the precise
situation; long-term follow-up is necessary to pick up any neurological problems
that may develop during
subsequent growth of the spine. Meningomyelocele is much more serious and more c
ommon, accounting for 90

per cent of all cases. Usually affecting the lumbo-sacral region, the range of s
everity may vary
considerably and, while early surgery with careful attention in a minor case may
achieve good mobility,
normal bladder function and intellect, a more extensive protrusion may cause com
plete ANAESTHESIA of the
skin, with increased risk of trauma; extensive paralysis of the trunk and limbs,
with severe deformities;
and paralysis and insensitivity of the bladder and bowel. Involuntary movements
may be present, and
hydrocephalus occurs in 80 per cent of cases. The decision to operate can only b
e made after a full
examination of the infant to determine the extent of the defect and any co-exist
ent congenital
abnormalities. The childs potential can then be estimated, and appropriate treatm
ent discussed with the
parents. Carefully selected patients should receive long-term treatment in a spe
cial centre, where full
attention can be paid to all their various problems. There is growing evidence o
f the value of vitamin
supplements before and during pregnancy in reducing the incidence of spina bifid
a. Parents of affected
infants may obtain help, advice, and encouragement from the Association for Spin
a Bifida and Hydrocephalus
which has branches throughout the country, or the Scottish Spina Bifida Associat
Spinal Anaesthesia See under ANAESTHESIA.
Spinal Column Also known as the spine, this forms an important part of t
he skeleton, acting both as the
rigid pillar which supports the upper parts of the body and as a protection to t
he SPINAL CORD and nerves
arising from it. The spinal column is built up of a number of bones placed one u
pon another, which, in
consequence of having a slight degree of turning-movement, are known as the vert
ebrae. The possession of a
spinal cord supported by a vertebral column distinguishes the higher animals fro
m the lower types, and is
why they are called vertebrates. Of the vertebrates, humans alone stand absolute
ly erect, and this erect
carriage of the body gives to the skull and vertebral column certain distinctive
characters. The human
backbone is about 70 cm (28

Spinal Column
The atlas (first cervical vertebra) and axis (second cervical vertebra)
vertebrae and a lumbar vertebra
seen from above. (Top) the spinal column.
inches) in length, and varies little in full-grown people; differences i
n height depend mainly upon the
length of the lower limbs. The number of vertebrae is 33 in children, although i
n adult life five of these
fuse together to form the sacrum, and the lowest four unite in the coccyx, so th
at the number of separate
bones is reduced to 26. Of these there are seven in the neck, known as cervical
vertebrae; 12 with ribs
attached, in the region of the thorax known as thoracic or dorsal vertebrae; fiv
e in the loins, called
lumbar vertebrae; five fused to form the sacrum; and four joined in the coccyx.
numbers are expressed in a formula thus: C7, D12, L5, S5, Coc4=33. Altho
ugh the vertebrae in each of
these regions have distinguishing features, all the vertebrae are constructed on
the same general plan.
Each has a thick, rounded, bony part in front, known as the body, and these bodi
es form the main thickness
of the column. Behind the body of each is a ring of bone, the neural ring, these
rings placed one above
another forming the bony canal which lodges the spinal cord. From each side of t
he ring a short process of
bone known as the transverse process stands out, and

662 Spinal Cord

from the back of the ring a larger process, the spinous process, project
s. These processes give
attachment to the strong ligaments and muscles which unite, support, and bend th
e column. The spines can be
seen or felt beneath the skin of the back lying in the centre of a groove betwee
n the muscular masses of
the two sides, and they give to the column its name of the spinal column. One of
these spines, that of the
seventh cervical vertebra, is especially large and forms a distinct bony promine
nce, where the neck joins
the back. Between the bodies of the vertebrae lies a series of thick discs of fi
brocartilage known as
intervertebral discs. Each disc consists of an outer portion, known as the annul
us fibrosus, and an inner
core, known as the nucleus pulposus. These 23 discs provide the upper part of th
e spine with pliability and
resilience. The first and second cervical vertebrae are specially modified. The
first vertebra, known as
the atlas, is devoid of a body, but has a specially large and strong ring with t
wo hollows upon which the
skull rests, thus allowing forward and backward movements (nodding). The second
vertebra, known as the
axis, has a pivot on its body which fits into the first vertebra and thus allows
free rotation of the head
from side to side. The spinal column has four natural curves (see diagram) which
help to cushion the shocks
of walking and running. The neural rings of the vertebrae form a canal, which is
wide in the neck, smaller
and almost round in the dorsal region, and wide again in the lumbar vertebrae. D
own the canal runs the
spinal cord, and the nerves leaving the cord do so through openings between the
vertebrae which are
produced by notches on the upper and lower margins of each ring. The interverteb
ral foramina formed by
these notches are so large in comparison with the nerves passing through them th
at there is no chance of
pressure upon the latter, except in very serious injuries which dislocate and fr
acture the spine.
Spinal Cord This is the lower portion of the CENTRAL NERsituated within
the it forms the direct
continuation of the medulla oblongata, this part of the BRAIN changing its name
to spinal cord at the
foramen magnum, the large opening in the base of the skull through which it pass
es into the spinal canal.
Below, the spinal cord extends to about the upper border of the second lumbar ve
rtebra, where it tapers off
into a fine thread, known as the filum terminale, that is VOUS SYSTEM which is S
attached to the coccyx at the lower end of the spine. The spinal cord is
thus considerably shorter than
the spinal column, being only 37 45 cm (1518 inches) in length, and weighing aroun
d 30 grams. In its
course from the base of the skull to the lumbar region, the cord gives off 31 ne
rves on each side, each of

which arises by an anterior and a posterior root that join before the nerve emer
ges from the spinal canal.
The openings for the nerves formed by notches on the ring of each vertebra have
been mentioned under the
entry for spinal column. To reach these openings, the upper nerves pass almost d
irectly outwards, whilst
lower down their obliquity increases, until below the point where the cord ends
there is a sheaf of nerves,
known as the cauda equina, running downwards to leave the spinal canal at their
appropriate openings. The
cord is a cylinder, about the thickness of the little finger. It has two slightl
y enlarged portions, one in
the lower part of the neck, the other at the last dorsal vertebra; and from thes
e thickenings arise the
nerves that pass to the upper and lower limbs. The upper four cervical nerves un
ite to produce the cervical
plexus. From this the muscles and skin of the neck are mainly supplied, and the
phrenic nerve, which runs
down through the lower part of the neck and the chest to innervate the diaphragm
, is given off. The
brachial plexus is formed by the union of the lower four cervical and first dors
al nerves. In addition to
nerves to some of the muscles in the shoulder region, and others to the skin abo
ut the shoulder and inner
side of the arm, the plexus gives off large nerves that proceed down the arm. Th
e thoracic or dorsal
nerves, with the exception of the first, do not form a plexus, but each runs aro
und the chest along the
lower margin of the rib to which it corresponds, whilst the lower six extend on
to the abdomen. The lumbar
plexus is formed by the upper four lumbar nerves, and its branches are distribut
ed to the lower part of the
abdomen, and front and inner side of the thigh. The sacral plexus is formed by p
arts of the fourth and
fifth lumbar nerves, and the upper three and part of the fourth sacral nerves. M
uch of the plexus is
collected into the sciatic nerves, the largest in the body, which go to the legs
. The sympathetic system is
joined by a pair of small branches given off from each spinal nerve, close to th
e spine. This system
consists of two parts, first, a pair of cords running down on the side and front
of the spine, and
containing on each side three ganglia in the neck, and beneath this a ganglion o
pposite each vertebra. From

Spine and Spinal Cord, Diseases and Injuries of

these two ganglionated cords numerous branches are given off, and these
unite to form the second part
namely, plexuses connected with various internal organs, and provided with numer
ous large and irregularly
placed ganglia. The chief of these plexuses are the cardiac plexus, the solar or
epigastric plexus, the
diaphragmatic, suprarenal, renal, spermatic, or ovarian, aortic, hypogastric and
pelvic plexuses. The
spinal cord, like the brain, is surrounded by three membranes: the dura mater, a
rachnoid mater, and pia
mater, from without inwards. The arrangement of the dura and arachnoid is much l
ooser in the case of the
cord than their application to the brain. The dura especially forms a wide tube
which is separated from the
cord by fluid and from the vertebral canal by blood vessels and fat, this arrang
ement protecting the cord
from pressure in any ordinary movements of the spine.
In section the spinal cord consists partly of grey, but mainly of white,
matter. It differs from the
upper parts of the brain in that the white matter (largely) in the cord is arran
ged on the surface,
surrounding a mass of grey matter (largely neurons see NEURON(E)), while in the
brain the grey matter is
superficial. The arrangement of grey matter, as seen in a section across the cor
d, resembles the letter H.
Each half of the cord possesses an anterior and a posterior horn, the masses of
the two sides being joined
by a wide posterior grey commissure. In the middle of this commissure lies the c
entral canal of the cord, a
small tube which is the continuation of the ventricles in the brain. The horns o
f grey matter reach almost
to the surface of the cord, and from their ends arise the roots of the nerves th
at leave the cord. The
white matter is divided almost completely into two halves by a posterior septum
and anterior fissure and is
further split into anterior, lateral and posterior columns.
Functions The cord is, in part, a receiver and originator of nerve impul
ses, and in part a conductor of
such impulses along fibres which pass through it to and from the brain. The cord
contains centres able to
receive sensory impressions and initiate motor instructions. These control blood
-vessel diameters,
eye-pupil size, sweating and breathing. The brain exerts an overall controlling
influence and, before any
incoming sensation can affect consciousness, it is usually filtered through the br
ain. Many of these
centres act autonomously. Other cells of the cord are capable of originating mov
ements in response to
impulses brought
direct to them through sensory nerves, such activity being known as REFL
EX ACTION. (For a fuller
description of the activities of the spinal cord, see NEURON(E) Reflex action.)
The posterior column of

the cord consists of the fasciculus gracilis and the fasciculus cuneatus, both c
onveying sensory
impressions upwards. The lateral column contains the ventral and the dorsal spin
o-cerebellar tracts passing
to the cerebellum, the crossed pyramidal tract of motor fibres carrying outgoing
impulses downwards
together with the rubro-spinal, the spino-thalamic, the spino-tectal, and the po
stero-lateral tracts. And,
finally, the anterior column contains the direct pyramidal tract of motor fibres
and an anterior mixed
zone. The pyramidal tracts have the best-known course. Starting from cells near
the central sulcus on the
brain, the motor nerve-fibres run down through the internal capsule, pons, and m
edulla, in the lower part
of which many of those coming from the right side of the brain cross to the left
side of the spinal cord,
and vice versa. Thence the fibres run down in the crossed pyramidal tract to end
beside nerve-cells in the
anterior horn of the cord. From these nerve-cells other fibres pass outwards to
form the nerves that go
direct to the muscles. Thus the motor nerve path from brain to muscle is divided
into two sections of
neurons, of which the upper exerts a controlling influence upon the lower, while
the lower is concerned in
maintaining the muscle in a state of health and good nutrition, and in directly
calling it into action.
Spine and Spinal Cord, Diseases and Injuries of Scoliosis A condition wh
ere the spine is curved to one
side (the spine is normally straight when seen from behind). The deformity may b
e mobile and reversible, or
fixed; if fixed it is accompanied by vertebral rotation and does not disappear w
ith changes in posture.
Fixed scoliosis is idiopathic (of unknown cause) in 6580 per cent of cases. There
are three main types:
the infantile type occurs in boys under three and in 90 per cent of cases resolv
es spontaneously; the
juvenile type affects 49 year olds and tends to be progressive. The most common t
ype is adolescent
idiopathic scoliosis; girls are affected in 90 per cent of cases and the inciden
ce is 4 per cent. Treatment
may be conservative with a fixed brace, or surgical fusion may be needed if the
curve is greater than 45
degrees. Scoliosis can occur as a congenital condition and in neuromuscular dise
ases where there is

664 Spiramycin
muscle imbalance, such as in
Kyphosis is a backward curvature of the spine causing a hump back. It ma
y be postural and reversible in
obese people and tall adolescent girls who stoop, but it may also be fixed. Sche
uermanns disease is the
term applied to adolescent kyphosis. It is more common in girls. Senile kyphosis
occurs in elderly people
who probably have osteoporosis (bone weakening) and vertebral collapse. Disc deg
eneration is a normal
consequence of AGEING. The disc loses its resiliance and becomes unable to withs
tand pressure. Rupture
(prolapse) of the disc may occur with physical stress. The disc between the four
th and fifth lumbar
vertebrae is most commonly involved. The jelly-like central nucleus pulposus is
usually pushed out
backwards, forcing the annulus fibrosus to put pressure on the nerves as they le
ave the spinal canal. (See
Ankylosing spondylitis is an arthritic disorder of the spine in young ad
ults, mostly men. It is a
familial condition which starts with lumbar pain and stiffness which progresses
to involve the whole spine.
The discs and ligaments are replaced by fibrous tissue, making the spine rigid.
Treatment is physiotherapy
and anti-inflammatory drugs to try to keep the spine supple for as long as possi
ble. A National Association
for Ankylosing Spondylitis has been formed which is open to those with the disea
se, their families, friends
and doctors.
plaint is of pain after exercise. Treatment is bed rest in a bad attack
with surgery indicated only if
there are worrying signs of cord compression.
Spinal stenosis is due to a narrowing of the spinal canal which means th
at the nerves become squashed
together. This causes numbness with pins and needles (paraesthia) in the legs. C
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging scans can show the amount of cord compression
. If improving posture does
not help, surgical decompression may be needed.
Whiplash injuries occur to the neck, usually as the result of a car acci
dent when the head and neck are
thrown backwards and then forwards rapidly. This causes pain and stiffness in th
e neck; the arm and
shoulder may feel numb. Often a support collar relieves the pain but recovery co
mmonly takes between 18
months to three years.

Transection of the cord occurs usually as a result of trauma when the ve

rtebral column protecting the
spinal cord is fractured and becomes unstable. The cord may be concussed or it m
ay have become sheared by
the trauma and not recover (transected). Spinal concussion usually recovers afte
r 12 hours. If the cord is
transected the patient remains paralysed. (See PARALYSIS.)
Spiramycin One of the MACROLIDES isolated from Streptomyces ambofaciens
which is used under strict
conditions for the treatment of TOXOPLASMOSIS.
Spondylosis is a term which covers disc
degeneration and joint degeneration in the back. OSTEOARTHRITIS is usual
ly implicated. Pain is commonly
felt in the neck and lumbar regions and in these areas the joints may become uns
table. This may put
pressure on the nerves leaving the spinal canal, and in the lumbar region, pain
is generally felt in the
distribution of the sciatic nerve down the back of the leg. In the neck the pain
may be felt down the
arm. Treatment is physiotherapy; often a neck collar or lumbar support helps. Ra
rely surgery is needed to
remove the pressure from the nerves.
A form of micro-organism of wavy or spiral shape. (See MICROBIOLOGY.)
Spondylolisthesis means that the spine is shifted forward. This is nearl
y always in the lower lumbar
region and may be familial, or due to degeneration in the joints. Pressure may b
e put on the cauda equina.
The usual comSpirit A strong solution of ALCOHOL in water. Proof spirit is one contai
ning 57 per cent of alcohol by
volume or 49 per cent by weight, and is sonamed because it can stand the proof o
f just catching fire.
Rectified spirit contains 90 per cent of alcohol by volume or over 85 per cent b
y weight. Methylated spirit
(also known as wood naphtha or wood spirit) is distilled from wood; when taken i
nternally it is a dangerous
poison producing NEURITIS, especially neuritis of the optic nerves which may res
ult in blindness.
Methylated spirit is used to harden the skin for the prevention of bed sores and
foot soreness.

Spiritual Pain Spiritual pain is what may be felt when one of a persons f
our key spiritual
relationships (with other people, with oneself, with the world around, or with Li
fe itself ) is
traumatised or broken. A bad trauma in one of the first three relationships can
lead to damage to the last
of them that of the relationship with Life itself. For example, a wife deserted
by her husband for
another woman may not only feel devastated by the loss of her partner around the
place, but may also feel a
pain caused by the shattering of her beliefs about life (about faithfulness, hop
e, love, security, etc.).
It is as if there is a picture at the centre of each person of what life should
be about whether or not
held in a frame by a belief in God; this picture can be smashed by a particular
trauma, so that nothing
makes sense any more. The individual cannot get things together; everything lose
s its meaning. This
shattering of someones picture of life is the source of the deepest pain in any s
piritual trauma. The
connection is often made between spiritual pain and meaninglessness. If the shat
tering of the picture, on
the other hand, is done by the individual for instance, by breaking his or her o
wn moral or religious
code the pain may take the form of guilt and associated feelings. Hence, the the
rapist will be intent
upon helping a client to recognise and come to terms with this pain beneath the p
output of aldosterone in oedematous conditions (see OEDEMA) such as cong
estive heart failure, which
accentuates the oedema spironolactone is used, along with other DIURETICS.
Splanchnic Anything belonging to the internal organs of the body, as dis
tinguished from its framework.
Spleen An organ deeply placed in the abdomen and a major constituent of
Position and size The spleen lies behind the stomach, high up on the lef
t side of the abdomen, and
corresponds to the position of the ninth, tenth and 11th ribs, from which it is
separated by the diaphragm.
It is a soft, highly vascular, plum-coloured organ, and has a smooth surface. It
is usually about 12515
cm (56 inches) in length, and weighs about 170 grams or more. In diseased conditi
ons the organ may reach a
weight of 89 kg.
Structure The spleen is enveloped by peritoneal membrane beneath which i
s a strong elastic tunic,
composed partly of fibrous tissue
Spirochaete An order of bacteria which has a spiral form. (See MICROBIOL

Spirometer A device to test how the lung is working (see also to assess
the effects of lung disease or
the progress of treatment a procedure called spirometry. The spirometer records
the total volume of air
breathed out the forced vital capacity. The machine also records the volume of a
ir breathed out in one
second the forced expiratory volume. In diseases such as ASTHMA, in which the ai
rways are obstructed, the
ratio of the forced expiratory volume to the forced vital capacity is reduced. (
Spironolactone One of the group of substances known as spirolactones. Th
ese are steroids similar to
ALDOSTERONE in structure which competitively act as inhibitors of it; they can t
hus antagonise the action
of aldosterone in the renal tubules. As there is evidence that there is an incre
Cross-section of cone of tissue from spleen.

666 Spleen, Diseases of

Position of spleen in relation to other abdominal organs.
containing many elastic fibres, and partly of unstriped muscle. This ela
stic coat allows of the free
expansion and contraction of the organ according to the varying amount of blood
present in it. From the
inner surface of the membrane, fibrous partitions known as trabeculae run down i
nto the substance and form
a network in which the dark spleen pulp is contained. The pulp consists of delic
ate connective-tissue
fibres passing between the various trabeculae, and of white and red blood cells
lying in this meshwork. The
spleen is very vascular and venous blood leaves by the splenic vein and then ent
ers the portal vein from
the liver. There are also numerous lymphatics in the organ, which run in the tra
beculae or surround the
Functions The organ produces lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) and acts as a
reservoir of red blood cells
for use in emergencies. It is also one of the sites for the manufacture of red b
lood cells in the fetus,
but not after birth. Useless or worn-out red and white blood cells and blood PLA
TELETS are broken up by
this organ. This results in the production of BILIRUBIN, which is conveyed to th
e liver, and of iron, which
is used in the bone marrow for the production of new red blood cells.
Spleen, Diseases of In certain diseases associated with marked changes i
n the blood, such as LEUKAEMIA
and MALARIA, the SPLEEN becomes chronically enlarged. In some of the acute infec
tious diseases, it becomes
congested and acutely enlarged: for example, in typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER
), ANTHRAX and infectious
MONONUCLEOSIS. Rupture of the spleen may occur, like rupture of other internal o
rgans, in consequence of
extreme violence but in malarious countries, where many people have the spleen g
reatly enlarged and
softened as the result of malaria, rupture of this organ occasionally occurs fol
lowing even a light blow to
the left side of the abdomen. The spleen, in consequence of its structure, bleed
s excessively when torn, so
that this accident is generally followed by collapse, signs of internal haemorrh
age and death if not
dealt with promptly by operation.
Splenectomy Removal of the SPLEEN. This operation may be necessary if th
e spleen has been severely
injured, or in the treatment of the severe form of acholuric JAUNDICE or autoimm
une thrombocytopenic

Sports Medicine
Splenomegaly Enlargement of the size.
Sporadic beyond its normal
Splinter Haemorrhages Linear bleeding under the fingernails. Although th
ey may result from injury, they
are a useful physical sign of infective ENDOCARDITIS.
Splints Supports for an injured or wounded part. They are most commonly
employed in cases in which a
bone is fractured, and consist then of some rigid substance designed to take the
place of the broken bone
in maintaining the shape of the limb, as well as to keep the broken ends at rest
and in contact and so
ensure their union. Splints are most commonly made of wood, either shaped to the
limb or consisting merely
of strips of wood about the width of the injured limb, and carefully padded with
wool or similar soft
material. Splints are also made of metal, poroplastic felt, leather, and cotton
stiffened with plaster of
Paris, as well as other materials. Splints may be improvised for first-aid out o
f walking-sticks, rifles,
broom-handles, branches, folded-up newspapers, and in fact anything of suitable
length and rigidity. (See
also BONE, DISORDERS OF Bone fractures.)
Spondylitis Another name for
Spongiform Encephalopathy A disease of the neurological system caused by
a PRION. Spongy degeneration
of the BRAIN occurs with progressive DEMENTIA. Known examples of the disorder in
humans are
CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE (CJD) and KURU. Among animals, scrapie in sheep and BO
ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE) are caused by slow viruses. The latter has occurred as an o
utbreak in cattle over the
past decade or so, probably as a result of cattle being fed processed offal from
infected animals. Some
people have developed a form of CJD from eating infected beef.
The term applied to cases of disease occurring here and there, as oppose
d to EPIDEMIC outbreaks.
Spore Part of the lifecycle of certain BACTERIA when the vegetative cell
is encapsulated and metabolism
falls to a low level. The spore is resistant to changes in the environment and,
when these are

unfavourable, the spore remains dormant; when they improve, it starts to grow. C
ertain dangerous bacteria,
such as CLOSTRIDIUM, produce resistant ubiquitous spores, so sterilisation proce
dures need to be very
Sporozoa The name of a group of parasitic PROTOZOA which includes the pa
rasitic Plasmodium that causes
MALARIA. The life-cycles of sporozoa are complex, often with sexual and asexual
Sporozoites Sporozoites is one cell type of the many that are formed dur
ing the life-cycle of SPOROZOA.
In the case of MALARIA, sporozoites pass into the salivary glands of the mosquit
o and and are the infecting
agent of the human host when the insect next feeds on human blood.
Sports Medicine The field of medicine concerned with physical fitness an
d the diagnosis and treatment
of both acute and chronic sports injuries sustained during training and competit
ion. Acute injuries are
extremely common in contact sports, and their initial treatment is similar to th
at of those sustained in
other ways, such as falls and road traffic incidents. Tears of the muscles (see
CONNECTIVE TISSUE and LIGAMENTS which are partial (sprains) are initially treate
d with rest, ice,
compression, and elevation (RICE) of the affected part. Complete tears (rupture)
of ligaments (see
diagrams) or muscles, or fractures (see BONE, DISORDERS OF Bone fractures) requi
re more prolonged
immobilisation, often in plaster, or surgical intervention may be considered. Th
e rehabilitation of injured
athletes requires special expertise an early graded return to activity gives the
best long-term results,
but doing too much too soon runs the risk of exacerbating the original injury. C
hronic (overuse) injuries
affecting the bones (see BONE), tendons (see TENDON) or BURSAE of the JOINTS are
common in many sports.
Examples include chronic INFLAMMATION of the common extensor tendon where it

668 Sports Medicine

Torn ankle ligament.
attaches to the later EPICONDYLE of the humerus common in throwers and r
acquet sportspeople and
stress fractures of the TIBIA or METATARSAL BONES of the foot in runners. After
an initial period of rest,
management often involves coaching that enables the athlete to perform the repet
itive movement in a less
injury-susceptible manner.
Exercise physiology is the science of
measuring athletic performance and physical fitness for exercise. This k
nowledge is applied to devising
and supervising training regimens based on scientific principles. Physical fitne
ss depends upon the rate at
which the body can deliver oxygen to the muscles, known as the VO2max, which is
technically difficult to
measure. The PULSE rate during and after a bout of exercise serves as a good pro
xy of this measurement.
Regulation of sport Sports medicines role is to minimise hazards for part
icipants by, for example,
framing rule-changes which forbid collapsing the scrum, which has reduced the ri
sk of neck injury in rugby;
and in the detection of the use of drugs taken to enhance athletic performance.
Such attempts to gain an
edge in competition undermine the sporting ideal and are banned by leading sport
s regulatory bodies. The
Olympic Movement AntiDoping Code lists prohibited substances and methods that co
uld be used to enhance
performance. These include some prohibited in certain circumstances as well as t
hose completely banned. The
latter include:
such as AMPHETAMINES, broman stimulants tan, caffeine, carphedon, COCAINE
DRINE and certain beta-2 agonists. NARCOTICS such as DIAMORPHINE (heroin
, NANDROLONE, stanazol,
clenbuterol, androstenedone and certain beta-2 agonists. peptide HORMONE
S, mimetics and analogues such
d synthetic
GONERYTHROPOIETIN and ADOTROPHINS, INSULIN. (The list produced above is not comp
rehensive: full details are
available from the governing bodies of relevant sports.) Among banned methods ar
e blood doping
(pre-competition administration of an athletes own previously provided and stored
blood), administration

of artificial oxygen carriers or plasma expanders. Also forbidden is any pharmac

ological, chemical or
physical manipulation to affect the results of authorised testing. Drug use can
be detected by analysis of
the URINE, but testing only at the time of competition is unlikely to detect dru
g use designed to enhance
early-season training; hence random testing of competitive athletes is also used
. The increasing
professionalism and competitiveness (among amateurs and juveniles as well as pro
fessionals) in sports
sometimes results in pressures on participants to get fit quickly after injury o
r illness. This can lead to

Sputum 669
Anterior view of right knee-joint.
players returning to their activity before they are properly fit sometim
es by using physical or
pharmaceutical aids. This practice can adversely affect their long-term physical
capabilities and perhaps
their general health.
ference with the absorption of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, le
ading to anaemia and
Symptoms Of gradual or rapid onset, there is
Also called FLOATERS, these can arise from a variety of causes including
inflammation and bleeding in
the eye, or preceding a retina detachment. They may also occur for a variety of
totally harmless reasons.
initial weakness, soreness of the tongue, difficulty swallowing, indiges
tion, diarrhoea and poor
appetite. Anaemia is typically macrocytic, and mild HYPOGLYCAEMIA may occur. Unt
reated, the patient
steadily loses weight and, unless appropriate treatment is started early, death
may be expected because of
exhaustion and some intercurrent infection.
Spotted Fever
Treatment This consists of bed rest, a highSee MENINGITIS; EPIDEMIC; TYPHUS FEVER.
protein diet (initially skimmed milk), and treatment of the anaemia and
any other deficiencies present.
Minimum fat should be given to sufferers, who should also take folic acid and cy
anocobalamin for the
anaemia; large vitamin-B-complex supplements (such as Marmite ) are helpful. Vitam
ins A and D, together
with calcium supplements, help to raise the concentration of calcium in the bloo
d. A long convalescence is
often required, which may lead to marked depression, and patients should be sent
home to a temperate
climate. Non-tropical sprue is the result of GLUTEN hypersensitivty and is treat
ed with a gluten-free diet.
Spots Before the Eyes
Sprains Injuries in the neighbourhood of joints, consisting usually in t
earing of a ligament with
effusion of blood. (See JOINTS, DISEASES OF.)
Sprue A disease occurring most commonly in patients in or from the tropi
cs, and characterised by
diarrhoea with large, fatty stools; ANAEMIA; sore tongue; and weight loss. Its m
anifestations resemble
those of non-tropical sprue, or gluten enteropathy, and COELIAC DISEASE.

Causes Tropical sprue is thought to be due to an inborn error of metabol

ism, characterised primarily by
an inability to absorb fats from the intestines. Its epidemiological pattern sug
gests that an infection
such as DYSENTERY may be the precipitating factor. Subsequently there is interSputum The mucous secretions from the mouth, throat or back of the nose.
Sputum is also expectorated by
coughing from the lower air passages. Its production may be increased by respira

670 Squill
allergy (ASTHMA) or by breathing-in irritants such as tobacco smoke, smo
ke from a fire, or fumes from
chemical materials. Sputum is normally white, but infection will turn it to yell
ow or green, and blood from
the lungs may produce pink frothy sputum. Treatment is to deal with the underlyi
ng disorder. Production of
large quantities of sputum for instance, in BRONCHIECTASIS may require physiothe
rapy also and postural
drainage. (See EXPECTORATION.)
Squill A herbal extract (from a type of lily) that is included in some o
ver-the-counter cough remedies
because of its believed expectorant properties (see EXPECTORATION).
Squint Squint, or strabismus, is a condition in which the visual axes of
each EYE are not directed
simultaneously at the same fixation point (i.e. each eye is not pointing at the
same object at the same
time). Squints may be: (a) Paralytic, where one or more of the muscles, or their
nerve supply, is damaged;
this type usually results in double vision. (b) Non-paralytic, where the muscles
and nerves are normal. It
is usually found in children. This type of squint can either result in poor visi
on, or occasionally may
result from poor vision. Squints may be convergent (where one eye turns in) or div
ergent (one eye turns
out). Vertical squints can also occur but are less common. All squints should be
seen by an eye specialist
as soon as possible. Some squints can be corrected by exercises or spectacles; o
thers require surgery.
Stabs See WOUNDS.
Staghorn Calculus A branched renal stone formed in the image of the coll
ecting system of the kidney
(see KIDNEYS). It fills the calyces and pelvis and is commonly associated with a
n infection of the urine,
particularly Proteus vulgaris. The calculus may lead to pyonephrosis and an ABSC
ESS of the kidney.
Stammering A disruption of the forward flow of speech. The individual kn
ows what he or she wants to
but temporarily loses the ability to execute linguistically formulated s
peech. Stammering is
characterised by a silent or audible involuntary repetition/prolongation of an u
tterance, be it a sound,
syllable or word. Sometimes it is accompanied by accessory behaviours, or speech
related struggle. Usually
there are indications or the report of an accompanying emotional state, involvin
g excitement, tension, fear
or embarrassment. Idiopathic stammering begins at some time between the onset of
speech and puberty, mostly

between 25 years of age. Acquired stammering at a later age due to brain damage i
s rare. The prevalence of
stammering (the percentage of the population actually stammering at any point in
time) is approximately 09
per cent. Three times as many boys as girls stammer. About 70 per cent of stamme
ring children recover with
little or no therapy. Stammerers have not been shown to demonstrate differences
in personality from
non-stammerers; there are, however, indications that at least some stammerers sh
ow minimal differences from
fluent speakers in cerebral processing of verbal material. There is a genetic pr
edisposition towards
stammering. The risk of stammering among first-degree relatives of stammerers is
more than three times the
population risk. In 77 per cent of identical twins, either both stammer or both
are fluent. Only 33 per
cent of non-identical twins agree in this way. As there are identical twins who
differ for stammering,
environmental factors must be important for some stammerers. There are relativel
y large numbers of
stammerers in highly competitive societies, where status and prestige are import
ant and high standards of
speech competence are valued. Different treatments have been demonstrated to pro
duce considerable benefit,
their basic outline being similar. A long period of time is spent in training st
ammerers to speak in a
different way (fluency-shaping techniques). This may include slowing down the ra
te of speech, gentle onset
of utterance, continuous flow with correct juncturing, etc. When the targets hav
e been achieved within the
clinic, a series of planned speech assignments outside the clinic is undertaken.
In these assignments, and
initially in everyday situations, the fluency-enchancing techniques have to be u
sed conscientiously.
Gradually speech is shaped towards normality requiring less and less effort. The
rapy may also include some
work on attitude change (i.e. helping the client to see him or herself as a flue
nt speaker)

and possibly general communicative skills training. For information abou
t organisations concerned with
stammering, see Appendix 2.
A statistical measure of the spread of observations about their arithmet
ic mean. It is a measure
regularly used in working out the results of trials about clinical treatment.
ous enzymes (see ENZYME) such as the PTYALIN of the SALIVA. Starch forms
a chief constituent of the
carbohydrate foods (see DIET); and in the process of digestion, the above-mentio
ned change takes place to
prepare it for absorption. It is also slowly broken down in the process of cooki
ng. Starch is used as a
constituent of dusting powders for application to chafed or irritable areas of t
he skin.
The form of PNEUMOCONIOSIS caused by the inhalation of stannous (tin) ox
ide, which occurs in tin-ore
A condition that results from a lack of food for a long time. The person
suffers weight loss and
changes in the bodys METABOLISM, with production of potentially harmful chemicals
called ketones (see
KETONE) and ACETONE. Sometimes starvation may occur as a result of an eating dis
Anorexia nervosa). In cases of slow starvation, the vitality of the tissues is r
educed and they become
more liable to tuberculosis and other diseases. (See also FASTING.)
Standard Deviation
Stapedectomy An operation on the middle EAR to remove the STAPES and rep
lace it with an artificial
alternative. The procedure is aimed at treating DEAFNESS caused by otosclerosis
in which the stapes becomes
fixed by an overgrowth of bone, preventing it from transmitting sound. Stapedect
omy improves hearing in
around 90 per cent of those people who have the operation. (See EAR, DISEASES OF
Stapes The innermost of the small trio of bones in the middle EAR. It is
stirrup-shaped, articulates
with the incus, and is linked to the oval window of the inner ear.
Staphylococcus Staphylococcus is a genus of gram-positive bacterium (see
under the microscope appears in small masses like bunches of grapes. It is one o
f the most common

infectious micro-organisms and is found, for example, in the PUS discharged from
Starch A substance belonging to that group of carbohydrate known as the
amyloses. It is the form in
which utilisable CARBOHYDRATE is stored in granules within the seeds and roots o
f many plants. Starch is
converted into sugar when treated with heat in presence of a dilute acid. It is
changed largely into
dextrin when exposed to a considerable degree of dry heat, as in toasting bread;
and a similar change into
dextrin and malt-sugar takes place under the action of variStasis A term applied to stoppage of the flow of blood in the vessels or
of the food materials down the
intestinal canal.
STAT An abbreviation (for statim) meaning straightaway usually applying
to a request by a doctor for
a drug to be given without delay.
Statins A group of LIPID-lowering drugs used to treat primary hyperchole
sterolaemia a condition in
which the concentrations of LIPOPROTEINS in the blood plasma are raised, increas
ing the likelihood of
affected individuals developing coronary heart disease. Statins act by competiti
vely inhibiting an ENZYME
called 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase. This enzyme pla
ys a part in the synthesis
of CHOLESTEROL, particularly in the LIVER. Statins are more effective than other
classes of drugs in
lowering body concentrations of LDL-cholesterol but less effective than fibrates
in reducing triglyceride
concentration. Their use results in significant reductions in heart attacks (myo
cardial infarctions) and
other adverse cardiovascular events, such as STROKE. Recent research shows that
drugs which reduce lipid
concentrations may prevent as many as one-third of myocardial infarctions and de
aths from coronary disease.
Statins are valuable in preventing coronary events in patients at increased risk
of those conditions. They

672 Status Asthmaticus

Repeated epileptic fits (see EPILEPSY) with no return to consciousness b
etween them. Breathing stops
between each fit and the body is deprived of oxygen which causes damage to the b
rain. Urgent medical
attention is required to control the condition, or the patient may suffer perman
ent brain damage.
cells that develop naturally in the body. UK government legislation cons
trains the use of human embryos
in research (see ETHICS) and the ethical aspects of taking this stem-cell cultur
e technique forwards will
have to be resolved. Nevertheless, this discovery points the biological way to t
he use of genetic
engineering in selecting differentiated specialised cells from which replacement
tissues could be grown for
use as transplants to rectify absent or damaged tissues in the human body. Resea
rch into potential use of
stem cells has raised expectations that in the long term they may prove to be an
effective regenerative
treatment for a wide range of disorders including PARKINSONISM, ALZHEIMERS DISEAS
E, type-2 diabetes (see
under DIABETES MELLITUS), myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF), severe
burns, osteoporosis (see
under BONE, DISORDERS OF) and the regeneration of blood to replace the need for
Recent research has shown that adult stem cells may also be stimulated to produc
e new cell lines. If
successful, this would eliminate the need to use embryos and thus resolve existi
ng ethical dilemmas over
the use of stem cells.
An unnatural narrowing in any passage or orifice of the body. The word i
s especially used in connection
with the four openings of the HEART at which the valves are situated. (See HEART
be used in conjunction with other preventive measures such as low-fat di
ets, reduction in alcohol
consumption, taking exercise and stopping smoking. Among statin drugs available
are atorvastatin,
cerivastatin sodium, fluvastatin, pracastatin sodium and simvasatin. (See HEART,
Status Asthmaticus Repeated attacks of ASTHMA, with no respite between t
he spasms, usually lasting for
more than 24 hours. The patient is seriously distressed and, untreated, the cond
ition may lead to death
from respiratory failure and exhaustion. Continuous or very frequent use of nebu
lised bronchodilators,
intravenous corticosteroid treatment, and other skilled medical care are urgentl
y required.

Status Epilepticus
Steatoma A fatty, cystic tumour.
Steatorrhoea Any condition characterised by the passing of stools (FAECE
S) containing an excess of FAT.
Stem Cell Stem
develop a few days after an egg
S (ovum) is fertilised by a spermatozoon and starts developing to form a
n EMBRYO. These master cells
are crucial to the development of a normal embryo. They contain a specialised EN
ZYME that gives them the
facility to divide indefinitely, developing into the many different specialised
cells that comprise the
various tissues in the body for example, skin, blood, muscle, glands or nerves.
In a highly significant
advance in research, a scientific team in the United States obtained stem cells
from newly formed human
embryos donated by women who had become pregnant after successful in vitro ferti
lisation and
successfully cultivated these cells in the laboratory. This achievement opened t
he way to replicating in
the laboratory, the various specialised
Stent A surgical device used to assist the healing of an operative anast
amosis a joining-up of two
structures. A splint is left inside the lumen of a duct and this drains the cont
Stereognosis The faculty of recognising the solidity of objects, and thu
s their nature, by handling
Stereotaxis The procedure using computer-controlled Xray images whereby
precise localisation in space
is achieved. It is applied to that branch of surgery known as stereotactic neuro
surgery, in which the
surgeon is able to localise precisely those areas of the brain on which he or sh
e wishes to operate.
Sterilisation Sterilisation means either (1) the process of rendering va
rious objects such as those

come in contact with wounds, and various foods free from microbes, or (2
) the process of rendering a
person incapable of producing children. The manner of sterilising bedding, furni
ture, and the like, after
contact with a case of infectious disease, is given under DISINFECTION; whilst t
he sterilisation of
instruments, dressings, and skin surfaces, necessary before surgical procedures,
is mentioned in the same
article and also under ANTISEPTICS, ASEPSIS, and WOUNDS. For general purposes, o
ne of the cheapest and most
effective agents is boiling water or steam.
sterilisation may be effected in many ways, and different methods are us
ed in different cases.
Reproductive sterilisation In women, this is performed by ligating (cutting) and
then tying the FALLOPIAN
TUBES the tubes that carry the OVUM from the ovary (see OVARIES) to the UTERUS.
Alternatively, the tubes
may be sealed-off by means of plastic and silicone clips or rings. The technique
is usually performed (by
LAPAROSCOPY) through a small incision, or cut, in the lower abdominal wall. It h
as no effect on sexual or
menstrual function, and, unlike the comparable operation in men, it is immediate
ly effective. The
sterilisation is usually permanent (around 005 pregnancies occur for every 100 wo
men years of use), but
occasionally the two cut ends of the Fallopian tubes reunite, and pregnancy is t
hen again possible. Removal
of the uterus and/or the ovaries also sterilises a woman but such procedures are
only used when there is
some special reason, such as the presence of a tumour. The operation for sterili
sing men is known as
Sterility The state of (1) being free of infectious agents or (2) perman
Sternum The scientific name for the breastbone. This is a long, flat, bo
ny plate that comprises the
central part of the chest. Made up of three parts: an upper triangular piece (ma
nubrium); a middle part
(the body); and at the bottom end the small, flexible xiphoid process. The two c
lavicles articulate to the
manubrium. Seven pairs of costal cartilages link the sternum to the ribs. The st
ernum is very strong and a
powerful blow is needed to fracture it: such an injury may damage the underlying
heart and lungs.
Steroid The group name for compounds that resemble CHOLESTEROL chemicall
y. The group includes the sex
hormones, the hormones of the adrenal cortex, and bile acids. They have a powerf
ul influence on the normal
functioning of the body, and natural and synthetic steroids are used in the trea
tment of many disorders.


Stertor Stertor is a form of noisy breathing, similar to SNORING, and us
ually due to flapping of the
soft PALATE. Whereas ordinary snoring results from sleeping with the mouth open,
stertor is the result of
paralysis of the soft palate: this may be the result of a stroke, suffocation, c
oncussion, drunkenness, or
poisoning by OPIUM or chloroform. In severe cases of paralysis, the tongue may l
oll back against the back
of the throat, resulting in a very loud sound. In such cases breathing may be ra
pidly relieved by pulling
the lower jaw forwards, pulling the tongue out of the mouth, or turning the pers
on on to one side.
Stethoscope An instrument used for listening to the sounds produced by t
he action of the lungs, heart,
and other internal organs. (See AUSCULTATION.)
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome See ERYTHEMA
Erythema multiforme.
Stiffness A condition which may be due to a change in the joints, ligame
nts, tendons, or muscles, or to
the influence of the nervous system over the muscles of the part affected. Stiff
ness is associated with
various forms of arthritis or muscular disorders and with the effects of injurie
s to joints, tendons and
muscles. Stiffness of the neck muscles resulting in bending the head backwards,
and of the hamstring
muscles, causing difficulty in straightening the lower limbs, is a sign of MENIN
GITIS. Stiffness or
spasticity also occurs in certain diseases of the central nervous system.
Treatment is of the underlying disease or injury. Mild stiffness can be
treated symptomatically with
local warmth and ANALGESICS. PHYSIOTHERAPY is helpful in relieving stiffness as
a result of muscle or joint
Stigma Any spot or impression upon the SKIN. The term, stigmas of degene
ration, is applied to

674 Stilboestrol
physical defects that are found in people with learning disabilities (se
Stilboestrol A synthetic oestrogen (see OESTROGENS). Its physiological a
ctions are closely similar to
those of the natural ovarian hormone, and it has the great merit of being active
when taken by mouth. The
drug may help patients suffering from cancer of the PROSTATE GLAND, inducing in
some cases regression of
the primary tumour and of secondary deposits in bone.
Stilboestrol Diphosphate See OESTROGENS.
Stilet A stilet, or stilette, is the delicate probe or the wire used to
clear a catheter (see
CATHETERS) or hollow needle.
Stillbirth A stillborn child is any child which has issued forth from its
mother after the 24th week
of pregnancy and which did not at any time after being completely expelled from
its mother, breathe or show
any other sign of life. In the United Kingdom in 2002 the number of stillbirths a
nd deaths at under one
week of age (PERINATAL MORTALITY) was 5.6 per 1,000 live births.
Stills Disease Or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis see JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC A
A drug or other agent that prompts the activity of a body system or func
tion. For example, the sight
and smell of food stimulates salivation, and the rods and cones in the retina of
the eye are stimulated by
light. Another example is the use of amphetamines and caffeine to stimulate the
central nervous system and
make an individual more alert and active or, if taken in excess, hyperactive. In
treatment procedures,
electrical stimulation may be used to bring muscles into action. Aromatics, spic
es and bitters are
traditional stimulants of digestive processes.
Stitch A popular name for a sharp pain in the side. It is generally due
to cramp (see MUSCLES, DISfollowing unusually hard exertion, but care must be taken that this triv
ial condition is not taken for
PLEURISY or for a fractured rib. The word is also used to mean the repair of ski
n following surgery or any
other trauma. ORDERS OF)
St Johns Wort A herbal remedy which has achieved popularity as a treatmen
t for mild depression. It
may, however, induce the production of enzymes (see ENZYME) that metabolise drug

s, and several important

interactions have been identified which may result in unwanted side-effects, eve
n when treatment with St
Johns Wort is stopped.
Stokes-Adams Syndrome A term applied to a condition in which slowness of
the PULSE is associated with
attacks of unconsciousness, and which is due to ARRHYTHMIA of the cardiac muscle
or even complete heart
block. Usually the heart returns to normal rhythm after a short period, but pati
ents who suffer from the
condition are commonly provided with a PACEMAKER to maintain normal cardiac func
tion (see also CARDIAC
Stoma A stoma refers to an opening constructed when the bowel has to be
brought to the skin surface to
convey gastrointestinal contents to the exterior. It is derived from the Greek w
ord meaning mouth. In the
United Kingdom there are about 100,000 patients with a COLOSTOMY, 10,000 with an
ILEOSTOMY and some 2,000
with a urostomy, in which the ureters (see URETER) are brought to the skin surfa
ce. They may be undertaken
because of malignancy of the colon or rectum (see INTESTINE) or as a result of i
nflammatory bowel diseases
such as CROHNS DISEASE. Urostomies usually take the form of an isolated loop of i
lium into which the
ureters have been implanted and which in its turn is either brought to the skins
surface or converted into
an artificial bladder. This is undertaken because of bladder cancer or because o
f neurological diseases of
the bladder. The stomas drain into appliances such as disposable plastic bags. M
ost of the modern
appliances collect the effluent of the stoma without any leak or odour. Patients
with stomas often find
explanatory booklets helpful: Living with your Colostomy and Understanding Colos
tomy are examples. They are
published by the British Colostomy Association.
Stomach This is a distensible, sac-like organ with an

Stomach, Diseases of 675

average adult capacity of 15 litres situated in the upper abdomen. It is
positioned between the
OESOPHAGUS and DUODENUM, lying just beneath the DIAPHRAGM to the right of the SP
LEEN and partly under the
LIVER. The stomach is a part of the gastrointestinal tract with its walls formed
of layers of longitudinal
and circular muscles and lined by glandular cells that secrete gastric juice. It
is well supplied with
blood vessels as well as nerves from the autonomic system which enter via the ph
renic nerve. The exit of
the stomach is guarded by a ring of muscle called the pyloric sphincter which co
ntrols the passage of food
into the duodenum.
ilise the food; pepsin, a digestive ENZYME in the gastric juices, breaks
down the protein in food. The
juices also contain intrinsic factor, vital for the absorption of vitamin B12 wh
en the chyle as the
stomach contents are called reaches the intestine. This chyle is of creamy consi
stency and is the end
product of enzymic action and rhythmic contractions of the stomachs muscles every
30 seconds or so. Food
remains in the stomach for varying lengths of time depending upon its quantity a
nd nature. At regular
intervals a bolus of chyle is forced into the duodenum by contractions of the st
omach muscles coordinated
with relaxation of the pyloric sphincter.
Function As well as the stomachs prime role
Stomach, Diseases of
in physically and physiologically breaking down the food delivered via t
he oesophagus, it also acts as
a storage organ a function that enables people to eat three or four times a day
instead of every 30
minutes or so as their metabolic needs would otherwise demand. Gastric secretion
is stimulated by the sight
and smell of food and its subsequent arrival in the stomach. The secretions, whi
ch contain mucus and
hydrochloric acid (the latter produced by parietal cells), sterGastritis is the description for several unrelated diseases of the gastr
ic mucosa.
Acute gastritis is an inflammatory reaction of the gastric mucosa to var
ious precipitating factors,
ranging from physical and chemical injury to infections. Acute gastritis (especi
ally of the antral mucosas)
may well represent a reaction to infection by a bacterium called Helicobacter py
lori. The inflammatory
changes usually
Interior of stomach.

676 Stomach, Diseases of

go after appropriate antibiotic treatment for the H. pylori infection. A
cute and chronic inflammation
occurs in response to chemical damage of the gastric mucosa. For example, REFLUX
of duodenal contents may
predispose to inflammatory acute and chronic gastritis. Similarly, multiple smal
l erosions or single or
multiple ulcers have resulted from consumption of chemicals, especialy aspirin a
nd antirheumatic
Acute gastritis may cause anorexia, nausea, upper abdominal pain and, if
erosive, haemorrhage.
Treatment involves removal of the offending cause.
Chronic gastritis Accumulation of cells called round cells in the gastri
c mucosal characterises chronic
gastritis. Most patients with chronic gastritis have no symptoms, and treatment
of H. pylori infection
usually cures the condition.
Atrophic gastritis A few patients with
chronic gastritis may develop atrophic gastritis. With or without inflam
matory change, this disorder is
common in western countries. The incidence increases with age, and more than 50
per cent of people over 50
may have it. A more complete and uniform type of ATROPHY, called gastric atrophy,
characterises a
familial disease called PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA. The cause of the latter disease is n
ot known but it may be an
autoimmune disorder. Since atrophy of the corpus mucosa results in loss of acidand pepsin-secreting
cells, gastric secretion is reduced or absent. Patients with pernicious anaemia
or severe atrophic
gastritis of the corpus mucosa may secrete too little intrinsic factor for absor
ption of vitamin B12 and so
can develop severe neurological disease (subacute combined degeneration of the s
pinal cord). Patients with
atrophic gastritis often have bacterial colonisation of the upper alimentary tra
ct, with increased
concentration of nitrite and carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds. These, coupled wi
th excess growth of mucosal
cells, may be linked to cancer. In chronic corpus gastritis, the risk of gastric
cancer is about 34 times
that of the general population.
Postgastrectomy mucosa The mucosa of the gastric remnant after surgical
removal of the distal part of
the stomach is usually inflamed and atrophic, and is also premalignant, with the
risk of gastric cancer
being very

much greater than for patients with duodenal ulcer who have not had surg
gastritis Acute stress gastritis develops, sometimes within hours, in in
dividuals who have undergone
severe physical trauma, BURNS (Curling ulcers), severe SEPSIS or major diseases
such as heart attacks,
strokes, intracranial trauma or operations (Cushings ulcers). The disorder presen
ts with multiple
superficial erosions or ulcers of the gastric mucosa, with HAEMATEMESIS and MELA
ENA and sometimes with
perforation when the acute ulcers erode through the stomach wall. Treatment invo
lves inhibition of gastric
secretion with intravenous infusion of an H2-receptorantagonist drug such as RAN
that the gastric contents remain at a near neutral pH. Despite treatment, a few
patients continue to bleed
and may then require radical gastric surgery. Gastric ulcer Gastric ulcers were
common in young women
during the 19th century, markedly fell in frequency in many western countries du
ring the first half of the
20th century, but remained common in coastal northern Norway, Japan, in young Au
stralian women, and in some
Andean populations. During the latter half of this century, gastric ulcers have
again become more frequent
in the West, with a peak incidence between 55 and 65 years. The cause is not kno
wn. The two factors most
strongly associated with the development of duodenal ulcers gastric-acid product
ion and gastric infection
with H. pylori bacteria are not nearly as strongly associated with gastric ulcer
s. The latter occur with
increased frequency in individuals who take aspirin or NSAIDs. In healthy indivi
duals who take NSAIDs, as
many as 6 per cent develop a gastric ulcer during the first week of treatment, w
hile in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis who are being treated long term with drugs, gastric ulcers
occur in 2040 per cent.
The cause is inhibition of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, which in turn inhibits th
e production of
repairpromoting PROSTAGLANDINS. Gastric ulcers occur especially on the lesser cu
rve of the stomach. The
ulcers may erode through the whole thickness of the gastric wall, perforating in
to the peritoneal cavity or
penetrating into liver, pancreas or colon. Gastric ulcers usually present with a
history of epigastric pain
of less than one year. The pain tends to be associated with anorexia and may be
aggravated by food,
although patients with prepyloric ulcers may obtain relief from eating

or taking antacid preparations. Patients with gastric ulcers also compla
in of nausea and vomiting, and
lose weight. The principal complications of gastric ulcer are haemorrhage from a
rterial erosion, or
perforation into the peritoneal cavity resulting in PERITONITIS, abscess or fist
ula. Aproximately one in
two gastric ulcers heal spontaneously in 23 months; however, up to 80 per cent of t
he patients relapse
within 12 months. Repeated recurrence and rehealing results in scar tissue aroun
d the ulcer; this may cause
a circumferential narrowing a condition called hour-glass stomach. The diagnosis o
f gastric ulcer is
confirmed by ENDOSCOPY. All patients with gastric ulcers should have multiple bi
opsies (see BIOPSY) to
exclude the presence of malignant cells. Even after healing, gastric ulcers shou
ld be endoscopically
monitored for a year. Treatment of gastric ulcers is relatively simple: a course
of one of the H2 RECEPTOR
ANTAGONISTS heals gastric ulcers in 3 months. In patients who relapse, long-term
indefinite treatment with
an H2 receptor antagonist such as ranitidine may be necessary since the ulcers t
end to recur. Recently it
has been claimed that gastric ulcers can be healed with a combination of a bismu
th salt or a gastric
secretory inhibitor for example, one of the PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS such as omepr
azole or lansoprazole
together with two antibiotics such as AMOXYCILLIN and METRONIDAZOLE. The long-te
rm outcome of such
treatment is not known. Partial gastrectomy, which used to be a regular treatmen
t for gastric ulcers, is
now much more rarely done unless the ulcer(s) contain precancerous cells.
pernicious anaemia, postgastrectomy mucosa, and atrophic gastritis (see
above). Around 90 per cent of
gastric cancers have the microscopic appearance of abnormal mucosal cells (and a
re called
adenocarcinomas). Most of the remainder look like endocrine cells of lymphoid tiss
ue, although tumours
with mixed microscopic appearance are common. Early gastric cancer may be sympto
mless and, in countries
like Japan with a high frequency of the disease, is often diagnosed during routi
ne screening of the
population. In more advanced cancers, upper abdominal pain, loss of appetite and
loss of weight occur. Many
present with obstructive symptoms, such as vomiting (when the pylorus is obstruc
ted) or difficulty with
swallowing. METASTASIS is obvious in up to two-thirds of patients and its presen
ce contraindicates surgical
cure. The diagnosis is made by endoscopic examination of the stomach and biopsy
of abnormal-looking areas
of mucosa. Treatment is surgical, often with additional chemotherapy and radioth
Stomach Tube A soft rubber or plastic tube with rounded end, and usually
about 75 cm (30 inches) in
length, which is used for washing out the stomach when it contains some poisonou

s material. (See GASTRIC

LAVAGE.) A narrower tube, 90 cm (36 inches) in length, is used to obtain a sampl
e of gastric juice for
examination. Such a tube can also be allowed to pass out of the stomach into the
duodenum so that the
contents of the upper part of the small intestine are similarly obtained for ana
Stomach Washout See GASTRIC LAVAGE.
Cancer of the stomach Cancer of the stomach is common and dangerous and,
worldwide, accounts for
approximately one in six of all deaths from cancer. There are marked geographica
l differences in frequency,
with a very high incidence in Japan and low incidence in the USA. In the United
Kingdom around 33 cases per
100,000 population are diagnosed annually. Studies have shown that environmental
factors, rather than
hereditary ones, are mainly responsible for the development of gastric cancer. D
iet, including highly
salted, pickled and smoked foods, and high concentrations of nitrate in food and
drinking water, may well
be responsible for the environmental effects. Most gastric ulcers arise in abnor
mal gastric mucosa. The
three mucosal disorders which especially predispose to gastric cancer include
Stomatitis Inflammation or ulceration of the mouth. (See MOUTH, DISEASES
-Stomy A suffix signifying formation of an opening in an organ by operat
ion: for example, COLOSTOMY.
Stools See FAECES.
Strabismus See SQUINT.

678 Strain
Strain Stretching or tearing of muscle fibres caused by subjecting them
to sudden pulling. Bleeding
into the muscle causes pain and swelling and sometimes muscle spasm. Application
of ice packs and
strapping, coupled with a day or twos rest and analgesics, are usually sufficient
to remedy most strains.
Sometimes antiinflammatory drugs or physiotherapy may be required.
Strangulation The constriction of a passage or tube in the body that blo
cks the blood flow and disturbs
the working of the affected organ. It is usually caused by compression or twisti
ng. Strangulation
customarily occurs when part of the INTESTINE herniates either inside the abdome
n or outside as in an
inguinal HERNIA. If a section of the intestine twists, this may strangulate and
is known as a VOLVULUS.
Strangulation of a persons neck, either with a ligature or with the hands, obstru
cts the jugular veins in
the neck, preventing the normal outflow of blood from the brain and head. The TR
ACHEA is also compressed,
cutting off the supply of air to the lungs. The combination of these effects lea
ds to HYPOXIA and damage to
the brain. If not quickly relieved, unconsciousness and death follow. Strangulat
ion may be deliberate or
accidental the latter being a particular hazard for children, for example, when
playing with a rope.
Removal of the constriction, artificial respiration, and medical attention are u
rgently necessary.
A condition in which there is constant desire to pass water, accompanied
by a straining sensation,
though only a few drops can be voided. It is a symptom of inflammation in the ur
inary tract.
and symptoms range from minor discomfort to sore throat, fever, general
malaise and enlarged LYMPH
nodes in the neck. If symptoms are severe the infection may lead to SCARLET FEVE
treatment of choice.
Streptococcus Streptococcus is a variety of gram-positive bacterium (see
under the microscope has much the appearance of a string of beads. Most species
are saprophytic (see
SAPROPHYTE); a few are PATHOGENIC and these include haemolytic types which can d
estroy red blood cells in a
culture of blood agar. This offers a method of classifying the varying streptoco
ccal strains.
Alphahaeomolytic streptococci are usually associated with bacterial ENDOCARDITIS
. SCARLET FEVER is caused
by a -haeomolytic streptococcus called S. pyogenes. S. pneumoniae, also called PN
respiratory-tract infections, including PNEUMONIA. S. pyogenes may on its own, o
r with other acteria,

cause severe NECROTISING FASCIITIS or CELLULITIS in which oedema and death of su

cutaneous tissues occur.
The infection can spread very rapidly and, unless urgently treated with ANTIBIOT
ICS and sometimes surgery,
death may quickly result. This spread is related to the aility of S. pyogenes t
o produce toxic sustances
called exotoxins. Although drug-resistant forms are occurring, streptococcal inf
ections usually respond to
treatment with antiiotics.
Streptokinase An (see
ENZYME produced y certain streptococci STREPTOCOCCUS). It acts as a PLA
SMINOGEN activator, and hence
enhances FIBRINOLYSIS. The most important use of streptokinase is in the treatme
nt of myocardial infarction
(see HEART, DISEASES OF) in the first 12 hours after
The application of strips of adhesive plaster, one overlapping the other
, so as to cover and exert
pressure on an area of the ody. This treatment is used in cases of injury or di
sease when it is desired to
keep a part at rest: for example, strapping may e applied to the chest in cases
of pleurisy and fracture
of the ris. Also, it is often used to prevent the movement of joints which are
sprained or otherwise
the initial diagnosis. Susequently, use of this thromolytic drug shoul
d e under hospital
supervision. It is given intravenously, in hospital y infusion. It may e given
as an infusion to treat
severe THROMBOSIS or EMBOLISM, particularly when they occur in a lim, and in de
ep venous thromosis. Being
antigenic and very expensive it is rarely used for more than two days, and is fo
llowed y anticoagulation
therapy. The chief risk is haemorrhage, so an antifirinolytic such as aminocapr
oic acid should always e
Strep Throat
An infection of the throat with STREPTOCOCCUS acteria: it is most commo
n in children
Streptomycin is an antiacterial sustance otained from the soil mould,

Stroke 679
griseus, first isolated in 1944 and the first antiiotic to e effective
against the tuercle acillus.
It was once routinely used to treat TUBERCULOSIS; ecause of side-effects and th
e development of other
drugs, it is now rarely used except for in cases of resistant tuerculosis. One
streptomycin has two disadvantages. The most important of these is the tendency
of organisms to ecome
resistant to it. This means that the administration of this antiiotic must e c
arefully supervised to
ensure that correct dosage is eing used. The other disadvantage is that strepto
mycin produces toxic
effects, especially disturance of the vestiular and hearing apparatus. This ma
y result in DEAFNESS,
VERTIGO, and TINNITUS. Whilst in many cases these toxic manifestations disappear
when the antiiotic is
withdrawn, they may e permanent. For this reason therefore streptomycin must al
ways e used with special
Stress Any factor or event that threatens a persons health or adversely a
ffects his or her normal
functioning. Injury, disease or worry are common examples; others include intern
al conflicts, emotive life
events such as the death of a close relative or friend, the irth of a ay, sep
aration or divorce
pressures at work or a hostile environment such as war or famine. Some individua
ls seem to e more prone
than others to develop medical prolems related to stress. Stress prompts the o
dy to raise its output of
HORMONES such as ADRENALINE and CORTISOL, causing changes in lood pressure, hea
rt rate and metaolism.
These are physiological responses intended to improve a persons physical and ment
al performance the
fight or flight reaction to fear. Stress may, however, disrupt the aility to cope
. Constant or recurrent
exposure to stress may produce symptoms such as anxiety, depression, headaches,
indigestion, diarrhoea,
palpitations and general malaise (see POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD)). Tr
eatment can e difficult
and prolonged; counselling can help as can ANXIOLYTICS or ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS 
ut a change in jo or
lifestyle may e necessary in some circumstances.
training. The main initial feature is pain over the affected one that h
as een sujected to anormal
physical stress. This is usually insidious in onset, and worse at night and duri
ng and after exercise. It
is accompanied y tenderness, and a lump may e felt over the affected site. Xra
y evidence only appears
after several weeks. Treatment consists of rest, some form of external support,
and in the initial stage
ANALGESICS to deaden or kill the pain. (See also BONE, DISORDERS OF Bone fractur
Striae Stretch-marks seen in the skin, common in adolescent oys and gir
ls owing to stretching of the
skin y rapid growth (striae distensae). In oys, striae occur around the should

ers and thighs; in girls

the reasts and hips are affected. In oth sexes horizontal striae on the ack m
ay e mistaken for signs of
trauma. Striae are common in women in late pregnancy, especially on the lower a
domen (striae gravidarum).
Injudicious prolonged use of potent topical CORTICOSTEROIDS can induce striae, p
articularly aout the
groins, inner thighs or armpits. Prolonged high-dose oral STEROID therapy may ca
use widespread striae.
Stricture A narrowing in any of the natural passages of the ody, such a
s the GULLET, the owel, or the
URETHRA. It may e due to the development of some growth in the wall of the pass
age affected, or to
pressure upon it y such a growth in some neighouring organ, ut in the majorit
y of cases a stricture is
the result of previous ulceration on the inner surface of the passage, followed
y contraction of the scar.
Stridor A noise associated with inspiration due to narrowing of the uppe
r airway, in particular the
Stress Fractures
Stroke, or cererovascular accident (CVA), is sudden damage to BRAIN tis
sue caused either y a lack of
lood supply or rupture of a lood vessel (see ISCHAEMIC STROKE). The affected 
rain cells die and the
parts of the ody they control or receive sensory messages from cease to functio
Stress fractures are comparatively common in sportspeople. They tend to
occur when an undue amount of
exercise is taken that is, an amount of exercise which an individual is not capa
le of coping with in his
or her state of
Causes Blood supply to the rain may e interrupted y arteries furring
up with ATHEROSCLEROSIS (which
is accelerated y HYPERTENSION and DIABETES MELLITUS, oth of

680 Stroma
which are associated with a higher incidence of strokes) or eing occlud
ed y lood clots arising from
distant organs such as infected heart valves or larger clots in the heart (see B
Hearts with an irregular rhythm are especially prone to develop clots. Patients
with thick or viscous
lood, clotting disorders or those with inflamed arteries for example, in SYSTEM
(SLE) are particularly in danger of having strokes. Bleeding into the rain aris
es from areas of weakened
lood vessels, many of which may e congenital.
Symptoms Minor episodes due to temporary lack of lood supply and oxygen
ATTACKS OR EPISODES (TIA, TIE)) are manifested y short-lived weakness or
numness in an arm or leg and may precede a major stroke. Strokes cause
sudden weakness or complete
paralysis of the muscles controlled y the part of the rain affected, as well a
s sensory changes (e.g.
numness or tingling). In the worst cases these symptoms and signs may e accomp
anied y loss of
consciousness. If the stroke affects the area of the rain controlling the laryn
x and throat, the patient
may suffer slurring or loss of speech with difficulty in initiating swallowing.
When the face is involved,
the mouth may droop and the patient drile. Strokes caused y haemorrhage may 
e preceded y headaches.
Rarely, CVAs are complicated y epileptic fits (see EPILEPSY). If, on the other
hand, numerous small clots
develop in the rain rather than one major event, this may manifest itself as a
gradual deterioration in
the patients mental function, leading to DEMENTIA.
Investigations Tests on the heart or S
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY or ultrasonic ULTRASOUND) on arteries in the neck
scans (see may indicate the original sites of distantly arising clots. B
lood tests may show increased
thickness or tendency to clotting, and the diagnosis of general medical conditio
ns can explain the presence
of inflamed arteries which are prone to lock. Special rain X-rays show the pos
ition and size of the
damaged rain tissue and can usually distinguish etween a clot or infarct and a
rupture of and haemorrhage
from a lood vessel in the rain.
Management It is etter to prevent a stroke than try to cure it. The con
trol of a persons diaetes or
high lood pressure will reduce the risk of a stroke. Treatment with ANTICOAGULA
NTS prevents the formation
of clots; regular
small doses of aspirin stop platelets clumping together to form plugs in
lood vessels. Both treatments

reduce the likelihood of minor transient ischaemic episodes proceeding to a majo

r stroke. Once the latter
has occurred, there is no effective treatment to reduce the damage to rain tiss
ue. Function will return to
the affected part of the ody only if and when the rain recovers and messages a
re again sent down the
appropriate nerves. Simple movements are more likely to recover than delicate on
es, and sophisticated
functions have the worst outlook. Thus, movement of the thigh may improve more e
asily than fine movements
of fingers, and any speech impairment is more likely to e permanent. A rehaili
tation team can help to
compensate for any disailities the suject may have. Physiotherapists maintain
muscle tone and joint
flexiility, whilst waiting for power to return; occupational therapists advise
aout functional prolems
and supply equipment to help patients overcome their disailities; and speech th
erapists help with
difficulties in swallowing, improve the clarity of remaining speech or offer alt
ernative methods of
communication. District nurses or home helps can provide support to those caring
for victims of stroke at
home. Advice aout strokes may e otained from the Stroke Association.
Stroma The name applied to the tissue which forms the framework and cove
ring of an organ.
Strongyloidiasis This infection is caused y nematode worms of the genus
Strongyloides spp. the great
majority eing from S. stercoralis. This helminth is present throughout most tro
pical and sutropical
countries; a single case report has een made in England aout an individual who
had not een exposed to
such an environment. Larvae usually penetrate intact skin, especially the feet (
as with hookworm
infection). Unlike hookworm infection, eggs mature and hatch in the lower gastro
intestinal tract; thus
larvae can immediately re-enter the circulation in the colo-rectum or perianal r
egion, setting up an
auto-infection cycle. Therefore, infection can continue for the remaining lifesp
an of the individual.
Severe malnutrition may e a predisposing factor to infection, as was the case i
n prisoners of war in
south-east Asia during World War II. Whilst an infected patient is frequently as
ymptomatic, heavy infection
can cause jejunal mucosal anormalities, and an asorptive

Suarachnoid Haemorrhage
defect, with weight loss. During the migratory phase an itchy linear ras
h (larva currens) may e
present on the lower adomen, uttocks, and groins; this gives rise to recurrent
transient itching. In an
immunosuppressed individual, the hyperinfection syndrome may ensue; migratory larv
ae invade all organs
and tissues, including the lungs and rain. Associated with this widespread infe
ction, the patient may
develop an Enteroacteriacae spp. SEPTICAEMIA; this, together with S. stercorali
s larvae, produces a
MENINGOENCEPHALITIS. There is no evidence that this syndrome is more common in p
atients with HIV infection.
Diagnosis consists of visualisation of S. stercoralis (larvae or adults) in a je
junal iopsysection or
aspirate. Larvae may also e demonstrale in a faecal sample, especially followi
ng culture. Eosinophilia
may e present in peripheral lood, during the invasive stage of infection. Chem
otherapy consists of
alendazole. The formerly used enzimidazole compound, thiaendazole, is now rar
ely prescried in an
uncomplicated infection due to unpleasant side-effects; even so, in the hyperinfe
ction syndrome it
proaly remains the more effective of the two compounds.
Strychnine An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) derived from Strychnos nux-vomica
, the seeds of an East Indian
tree, as well as from the seeds of several other closely allied trees and shrus
. It is a white crystalline
ody possessed of an intensely itter taste, more itter perhaps than that of an
y other sustance, and it
is not very solule in water. It stimulates all parts of the nervous system, and
was at one time widely
used for this purpose. Strychnine poisoning is fortunately rare. It shows itself
in CONVULSIONS, which come
on very speedily after the person has taken the poison. The mental faculties rem
ain unaffected, and the
symptoms end in death or recovery within a few hours.
Treatment The patient should e kept quiet. Artificial respiration may 
e necessary and intravenous
BENZODIAZEPINES to prevent convulsions may also e needed. (See POISONS; also AP
Stuttering See STAMMERING.
St Vituss Dance An osolete name for CHOREA.
Stye See under EYE, DISORDERS OF.
Styptics Applications which check leeding, either y making the lood v
essels contract more firmly or
y causing rapid clotting in the lood (see COAGULATION). Some possess oth mode
s of action.

SuPrefix signifying under, near, or moderately.

Suacute The description applied to a disease the duration of which lies
etween ACUTE and chronic (see
CHRONIC DISORDER). An example is suacute ENDOCARDITIS, a disorder that may not
e diagnosed for several
weeks or months, during which time it can severely damage valves in the heart.
Suacute Comined Degeneration of the Cord A degenerative condition of t
he SPINAL CORD which most
commonly occurs as a complication of PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA. The motor and sensory n
erves in the cord are
damaged, causing spasticity of the lims and an unsteady gait. Treatment is with
vitamin B12 (see APPENDIX
Suacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis A rare complication of MEASLES due t
o infection of the rain with
the measles virus. It develops 218 years after the onset of the measles, and is c
haracterised y mental
deterioration leading on to CONVULSIONS, COMA and death. The annual incidence in
Britain is aout one per
million of the childhood population. The risk of its developing is 525 times grea
ter after measles than
after measles vaccination (see MMR VACCINE; IMMUNISATION).
Suarachnoid Haemorrhage A haemorrhage into the suarachnoid space in th
e BRAIN. It is usually the
result of rupture of an ANEURYSM on the CIRCLE OF WILLIS. Head injury or intense
physical exercise
occasionally cause suarachnoid haemorrhage; the diagnosis is confirmed y CT sc
an or y identifying lood

682 Suarachnoid Space

usually pinpoint the site of leeding. Treatment is ed rest, life-suppo
rt measures and procedures to
reduce lood pressure; sometimes surgery is carried out ut not usually until se
veral weeks after the acute
episode. Aout 30 per cent of patients recover fully, whilst some have residual
disailities such as
EPILEPSY, mental deterioration or paralysis. Aout 50 per cent of those affected
into this space. The trapped lood forms a large lood clot or haematoma
within the skull and this
causes pressure on the underlying rain. Bleeding may occur slowly as the result
of disease or suddenly as
the result of injury. Headaches, confusion and drowsiness result, sometimes with
paralysis. Medical
attention is required urgently if a serious haematoma occurs soon after injury.
Suarachnoid Space
The space etween the arachnoid and the pia mater two of the memranes c
overing the BRAIN. (See also
Suclavian The name applied to a large artery and vein which pass to the
upper arm etween the
collarone and the first ri.
Suclinical A description of a disease that is suspected ut which has n
ot developed sufficiently or is
too mild in form to produce clear signs and symptoms in an individual. Even so,
damage may e caused to
tissues and organs.
A state of eing partially conscious, or the condition in which mental p
rocesses occur and outside
ojects and events are perceived with the mind nearly or quite unconscious of th
em. Such suconscious
impressions or events may e forgotten at the time ut may nevertheless exert a
continued influence over
the conscious mind, or may at a susequent time come fully into consciousness. M
uch importance is attached
to the influence of painful or unpleasant experiences which, although forgotten,
continue to influence the
mind; these may e a factor in the development of anxiety states. This injurious
influence may e reduced
when the suconscious impressions come fully into consciousness and are then rem
emered and clearly seen in
their relative importance.
Sucutaneous Anything pertaining to the loose cellular tissue eneath th
e SKIN: for example, a
sucutaneous injection (see HYPODERMIC).

Sudural Relating to the space etween the strong outer layer of the MEN
INGES, the memranes which
cover the BRAIN, and the arachnoid, which is the middle layer of the meninges. A
sudural haemorrhage
occurs when leeding takes place
A term used to indicate that the wom (see UTERUS) has failed to undergo
the usual involution, or
decrease in size, which naturally takes place within one month after a child is
Sujective A term applied to symptoms, and sensations, perceived only y
the affected individual. For
example, numness is a purely sujective sensation, whilst the jerk given y the
leg on tapping the tendon
of the knee is an ojective sign.
Sulimation The conversion of a solid sustance into a vapour and its re
condensation. The term is also
used in a mental sense for the process of converting instinctive sexual desires
to new aims and ojects
devoid of sexual significance.
Suluxation A partial dislocation of a joint; the term is sometimes appl
ied to a sprain.
Sumucosa The layer of CONNECTIVE TISSUE that occurs under a MUCOUS MEMB
RANE for example, in the
intestinal wall.
Suphrenic Ascess An
ABSCESS that develops PHRAGM, usually on the right
under the DIAside of the adomen etween the liver and the diaphragm. Th
e cause may e an organ that
has perforated for instance, a peptic ulcer in the stomach or intestine. An asc
ess may also occur after
an adominal operation, usually when the owel or stomach has een operated on.
Antiiotics and sometimes
surgery are the method of treatment.
Sustrate A compound on which an ENZYME acts: for instance, rionucleic
acid (RNA) is the sustrate for
rionuclease (an enzyme that catalyses the reakdown of rionucleic acid, a cell
ular compound involved in
the synthesis of PROTEIN).

Sudeks Atrophy
Osteoporosis (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF) in the hand or foot which de
velops quickly as a result of
injury, infection or malignant growth.
A clinical technique in which a patient suspected of having excessive fl
uid in a ody cavity usually
the stomach or pleural cavity is gently shaken in order to elicit splashing soun
Sucrose Cane sugar.
Suction The use of a reduction in pressure to clear away fluids or other
material through a tue.
Suction is used to remove lood from the site of a surgical operation; it is com
monly necessary to remove
secretions from the airways of newly orn aies to help them reathe.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Sudden infant death syndrome, or cot
death, refers to the
unexpected death usually during sleep of an apparently healthy ay. Well over 1
,500 such cases are
thought to have occurred in the United Kingdom each year until 1992, when govern
ment advice was issued
aout laying aies on their acks. The figure was 192 in 2002 and continues to
fall. Boys are affected
more than girls, and over half of these deaths occur at the age of 26 months. Mor
e common in lower social
classes, the incidence is highest in the winter; most of the infants have een 
ottle-fed (see also INFANT
Causes These are unknown, with possile multiple aetiology. Prematurity
and low irthweight may play a
role. The sleeping position of a ay and an over-warm environment may e major
factors, since deaths have
fallen sharply since mothers were officially advised to place aies on their a
cks and not to overheat
them. Some deaths are proaly the result of respiratory infections, usually vir
al, which may stop
reathing in at-risk infants, while others may result from the infant ecoming s
mothered in a soft pillow.
Faults in the ays central reathing control system (central APNOEA) may e a fa
ctor. Other possile
factors include poor socioeconomic environment; vitamin E deficiency; or smoking
, drug addiction or anaemia
in the mother. Help and advice may e otained from the Foundation for the Study
of Infant Deaths and the
Cot Death Society.

Sudorifics Drugs and other agents which produce copious PERSPIRATION.

Suffocation See ASPHYXIA; CHOKING.
Suicide Self-destruction as an intentional act. Attempted suicide is whe
n death does not take place,
despite an attempt y the person concerned to kill him or herself; parasuicide i
s the term descriing an
attempt at suicide that is really an act to draw attention to the perceived pro
lems of the individual
involved. Societies vary in the degree to which they tolerate individuals acting
intentionally to cause
their own death. Apart from among some native peoples, particularly the Innuit,
suicide is generally viewed
pejoratively in modern societies. Major religious movements, including Catholici
sm, Judaism and Islam, have
traditionally regarded suicide as a sin. Nevertheless, it is a growing phenomeno
n, particularly among the
young, and so has ecome a serious pulic health prolem. It is estimated that s
uicide among young people
has tripled at least during the past 45 years. Worldwide, suicide is the second
major cause of death
(after tuerculosis) for women etween the ages of 15 and 44, and the fourth maj
or killer of men in the
same age-group (after traffic accidents, tuerculosis and violence). The risk of
suicide rises sharply in
old age. Gloally, there are estimated to e etween ten and 25 suicide attempts
for each completed
suicide. In the United Kingdom, suicide accounts for 20 per cent of all deaths o
f young people. Around
6,000 suicides are reported annually in the UK, of which approximately 75 per ce
nt are y men. In the late
1990s the suicide rate in England, Wales and Northern Ireland fell, ut increase
d in Scotland and the
Repulic of Ireland. Attempted suicide ecame significantly more common, particu
larly among people under
the age of 25: among adolescents in the UK, for example, it is estimated that th
ere are aout 19,000
suicide attempts annually. Follow-up studies of teenagers who attempt suicide y
an overdose show that up
to 11 per

684 Sulcus
cent will succeed in killing themselves over the following few years. In
young people, factors linked
to suicide and attempted suicide include alcohol or drug ause, unemployment, ph
ysical or sexual ause, and
the fact of eing in custody. (In the mid-1990s, 20 per cent of all prison suici
des were y people under
21.) Apart from the young, those at highest risk of dying y suicide include hea
lth professionals,
pharmacists, vets and farmers. Self-poisoning (see POISONS) is the common method
used y health
professionals for whom high stress levels, together with relatively easy access
to means, are important
factors. The World Health Organisation has outlined six asic steps for the prev
ention of suicide, focusing
particularly on reducing the availaility of common methods. Although suicide is
not a criminal offence in
the UK, assisting suicide is a crime carrying a potential sentence of 14 years im
prisonment. There are
several dilemmas faced y health professionals if they elieve that a patient is
considering suicide: one
is that the provision of information to the patient may make them an accessory (
see elow). A dilemma after
suicide is the common demand from insurers for medical information, although, et
hically, the duty of
confidentiality extends eyond the patients death (see ETHICS). (Legally, some di
sclosure is permitted to
those with a claim arising from the patients death.) Life-insurance contracts gen
erally render invalid any
claim y the heirs on the policy of an individual who commits suicide, so that d
isclosure y a doctor often
creates tensions with the relatives. Non-disclosure of relevant medical informat
ion, however, may result in
a fraudulent insurance claim eing made.
Physician-assisted suicide
Although controversial, a special legal exemption applies to doctors in
a few countries who assist
terminally ill patients to kill themselves. Oregon in the United States legalise
d physician-assisted
suicide in 1997, where it still occurs; assisted suicide was riefly legal in th
e Australian Northern
Territory in 1996 ut the legislation was repealed. (It is also practised, ut n
ot legally authorised, in
the Netherlands and Switzerland.) In the UK there have een unsuccessful parliam
entary attempts to legalise
assisted suicide, such as the 1997 Doctor Assisted Dying Bill. In law, a distinc
tion is made etween
killing people with their consent (classified as murder) and assisting them to c
ommit suicide (a statutory
offence under the Suicide Act 1961). The distinction is etween acting as a perp
etrator and as an
accessory. Doctors may e judged to
have aided and aetted a suicide if they knowingly provide the means or
even if they simply provide

advice aout the toxicity of medication and tell patients the lethal dosage. Som
e argue that the
distinction etween EUTHANASIA and physician-assisted suicide has no moral or pr
actical relevance,
particularly if patients are too disaled to act themselves. In theory, patients
retain ultimate control in
cases of assisted suicide, whereas control rests with the doctor in euthanasia.
Surveys of health
professionals appear to indicate a feeling y some that less responsiility or c
ulpaility attaches to
assisting suicide than to euthanasia. In a recent UK court case (2002), a judge
declared that a mentally
alert woman on a permanent life-support regime in hospital had a right to ask fo
r the support system to e
switched off. (See also MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Sulcus The term applied to any groove or furrow, ut especially to a fis
sure of the BRAIN.
Sulfadiazine A highly active drug which in moderate dosage produces a hi
gh and persistent lood
concentration. It is relatively non-toxic and is sometimes used to prevent the r
ecurrence of RHEUMATIC
Sulfamethoxazole has een used in comination with TRIMETHOPRIM (as co-t
rimoxazole) to treat infections
of the URINARY TRACT. Increasing acterial resistance to sulphonamides and the i
ncidence of side-effects
means that caution is needed in prescriing co-trimoxazole.
Sulfasalazine A chemical comination of sulphapyridine and 5-aminosalyci
lic acid. It is used to treat
ULCERATIVE COLITIS (valuale as oral therapy for mild symptomatic disease; also
availale as suppositories
for rectal disease) and RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. The salicylate part is now availa
le alone in drugs such as
mesalazine and olsalazine. Several reports of lood dyscrasias from patients tak
ing these drugs have
prompted the COMMITTEE ON SAFETY OF MEDICINES (CSM) to recommend that patients w
ith unexplained lood
disorders should stop treatment and e given an immediate lood count.
Sulfinpyrazone A derivative of phenylutazone which is of value in the p
rophylaxis and treatment of

Sulphonylureas Sulphonylureas are sulphonamide derivatives which lower t
he lood sugar when they are
given y mouth y enhancing the production of INSULIN. They are effective in tre
only when some residual pancreatic eta-cell function is present. All may lead t
o HYPOGLYCAEMIA if given in
overdose and this is particularly common when longacting sulphonylureas are give
n to elderly patients.
There is no evidence for any difference in the effectiveness of the various sulp
honylureas. TOLBUTAMIDE was
the first of the sulphonlyurea drugs; it has a short duration of action and is u
sually given twice daily.
CHLORPROPAMIDE has a more prolonged action and only needs to e given once daily
, ut its prolonged action
causes more side-effects including sensitivity reactions. Other oral hypoglycaem
ic agents of this family
include glienclamide, which has a duration of action intermediate etween tolu
tamide and chlorpropamide
and also produces side-effects (in aout 30 per cent of outpatients, according t
o a recent study). Other
sulphonlyureas include acetohexamide, gliornuride, gliclazide, glipizide, gliqu
idone and tolazamide.
Glymidine is a related compound with a similar action to the sulphonylureas. It
is particularly useful in
patients who are hypersensitive to sulphonylureas. Sulphonylureas are est avoid
ed in patients who are
overweight, as they tend to stimulate the appetite and aggravate oesity. They s
hould e used with caution
in patients with hepatic or renal disease. Side-effects are infrequent and usual
ly not severe, the most
common eing epigastric discomfort with occasional nausea, vomiting and anorexia
. In aout 10 per cent of
patients, chlorpropamide and tolutamide may cause facial flushing after drinkin
g alcohol. Some patients
are hypersensitive to oral hypoglycaemic agents and develop rashes which may pro
gress to ERYTHEMA
multiforme and exfoliative DERMATITIS. These reactions usually appear in the fir
st 68 weeks of treatment.
Sulphur Chemical cominations of this sustance were once applied topica
lly ecause of their
antimicroial activity; they are no longer used.
Sumatriptan A drug used in the treatment of MIGRAINE attacks. Given y s
ucutaneous injection, it
provides quick relief of pain, acting on the same receptors as 5-hydroxytryptami
ne a neuro685
transmitter and vasoconstrictor agent. It may also e taken orally, ut
sumatriptan should not e used
within 24 hours of treatment with ERGOTAMINE, the standard antimigraine treatmen

SuperA prefix signifying aove, or implying excess.

Superficial Positioned near the surface: for example, superficial lood
vessels or capillaries lie just
eneath the skin, and y contracting and expanding help to regulate ody TEMPERA
Supination Supination means the turning of the forearm and hand so that
the palm faces upwards.
Supine Lying on the ack, face upwards; or the position of the forearm w
here the hand lies face
Suppository A drug preparation in solid, ullet-like form, which is inse
rted into the RECTUM (or the
VAGINA, when it is called a pessary). This method of using drugs may e chosen f
or various reasons. For
example, the suppository, as in the case of glycerin suppositories, may e used
to produce an aperient
action. Other suppositories, such as those of MORPHINE, are used to reduce pain
and check the action of the
owels. Suppositories are useful when the patient is unale to take oral medicat
ion and when no suitale
preparation is availale for injection.
Suppression (1) The stopping of any physiological activity. (2) A psycho
logical defence mechanism y
which an individual intentionally refuses to acknowledge an idea or memory that
he or she finds distasteful
or unpleasant. (3) A treatment that stops the visile signs of an illness or hol
ds ack its usual progress.
Suppuration The process of PUS formation. When pus forms on a raw surfac
e the process is called
ulceration, whilst a deep-seated collection of pus is known as an ABSCESS. (See

686 SupraSupraA prefix signifying aove or upon.

Suprapuic An operation in which the adomen is opened in its lower part
, immediately aove the puic
ones. It was a common approach for removal of the PROSTATE GLAND ut is now use
d less often, as
transurethral PROSTATECTOMY has ecome the standard procedure. (See also LITHOTO
Suprarenal Glands See ADRENAL GLANDS.
Supraventricular Tachycardia An unusually fast ut regular eating of th
e HEART occurring for periods
that may last several hours or days. In most people with this anormality the he
art rate is etween 140 and
180 eats a minute; rarely, the rate may rise as high as 250300 eats. The condit
ion occurs when anormal
electrical impulses that arise in the upper chamers (atria) of the heart overri
de the normal control
centre the sinoatrial node for the hearteat. Symptoms usually include reathles
sness, palpitations,
pain in the chest and fainting. An ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) is taken to help make
the diagnosis. An acute
episode can sometimes e stopped y VALSAVAS MANOEUVRE or y drinking cold water.
Anti-arrhythmic drugs
(see ARRHYTHMIA) such as adenosine and digoxin are used to treat recurrent attac
ks. Occasionally, a severe
attack may need to e treated with an electric shock to the heart: this is known
Suramin S
A drug used to treat trypanosomiasis or SLEEPSide-effects vary in freque
ncy and intensity and are
sometimes serious. They include nausea, vomiting, SHOCK and occasionally loss of
consciousness. ING
Surfactant A surface-active agent lining the alveoli (see ALVEOLUS) of t
he LUNGS, which plays an
essential part in RESPIRATION y preventing the alveoli from collapsing at the e
nd of expiration. Asence,
or lack, of surfactant is one of the factors responsile for HYALINE MEMBRANE DI
SEASE, and it is now eing
used in the treatment of this condition y means of instillation into the trache
Surgery That ranch of medicine involved in the
treatment of injuries, deformities or individual diseases y operation o
r manipulation. It
incorporates: general surgery; specialised techniques such as CRYOSURGERY, MICRO
SURGERY (MIS), or minimal access (keyhole) surgery, and stereotactic sugery (see
STEREOTAXIS); and surgery
associated with the main specialties, especially cardiothoracic surgery, gastroe
nterology, GYNAECOLOGY,

(PLASTIC) SURGERY, and UROLOGY. Remotely controlled surgery using televisual and
rootic techniques is also
eing developed. It takes up to 15 years to train a surgeon from the time at whi
ch he or she enters medical
school; after graduating as a doctor a surgeon has to pass a comprehensive two-s
tage examination to ecome
a fellow of one of the five recognised colleges of surgeons in the UK and Irelan
d. Surgery is carried out
in specially designed operating theatres. Whereas it used to necessitate days an
d sometimes weeks of
inpatient hospital care, many patients are now treated as day patients, often un
der local anaesthesia,
eing admitted in the morning and discharged later in the day. More complex surg
ery, such as
transplantation and neurosurgery, usually necessitates patients eing nursed pos
t-operatively in
highdependency units (see INTENSIVE THERAPY UNIT (ITU)) efore eing transferred
to ordinary recovery
wards. Successful surgery requires close co-operation etween surgeons, physicia
ns and radiologists as well
as anaesthetists (see ANAESTHESIA), whose sophisticated techniques enale surgeo
ns to undertake long and
complex operations that were unthinkale 30 or more years ago. Surgical treatmen
t of cancers is usually
done in collaoration with oncologists. Successful surgery is also dependent on
the skills of supporting
staff comprising nurses and operating-theatre technicians and the availaility o
f up-to-date facilities.
Surrogate A term applied in medicine to a sustance used as a sustitute
for another. The term is also
applied to a woman who agrees to ecome pregnant and give irth to a child on th
e understanding that she
will give up the child to the parents who have contracted with her for the surro
gacy arrangement. When in
vitro fertilisation (IVF see under ASSISTED CONCEPTION) proved successful, it e
came possile to transfer

Sympathetic 687
a fertilised egg to a uterus of choice. Artificial insemination of the pot
ential surrogate mother
using sperm from the putative father is also practised. Surrogacy has thrown up a
host of ethical and
legal prolems which have yet to e satisfactorily resolved.
Susceptiility A reduced aility to comat an illness, usually an infect
ion. The patient may e in poor
general health, or immunisation or disease may have affected his or her defence
mechanisms. For example, a
person with AIDS is particularly susceptile to infection.
Suture A word used in oth an anatomical and a surgical sense. (1) Anato
mically, suture is a type of
immovale joint, found particularly in the SKULL, including the coronal suture (
etween the frontal and
parietal ones); the lamoidal suture (etween the parietal and occipital ones)
; and the sagittal suture
(etween the two parietal ones). (2) Surgically the word refers either to the t
echnique of closing a
wound, or to the material used. Stitching methods have een developed for gastro
intestinal, neurological,
dermatological and other forms of surgery, and include laser surgery and remova
le clips or staples. The
material used is generally divided into monofilament, twisted or raided. Asor
ale sutures used for
internal stitching include catgut, Vicryl and Dexon. Nonasorale sutures include
silk, nylon and
prolene. The type used and time of suture-removal depend upon the site and gener
al state of the patient.
Those patients on steroids who have a malignant or infective disorder heal slowl
y, and their sutures may
need to stay in for 14 days or more instead of the usual 58 days.
Swa A term applied to a small piece of gauze, lint or similar material
used for wiping out the mouth
of a patient or for drying out a wound. The term is also applied to a tuft of st
erilised cottonwool wrapped
round a wire and enclosed in a sterile glass tue used for otaining a sample fo
r example, from the
throat or from wounds for acteriological examination.
Swan-Ganz Catheter (See also CATHETERS.) A flexile tue with a doule l
umen and a small alloon at its
distal end. It is introduced into a vein in the arm and advanced until the end o
f the catheter is in the
right atrium (see HEART). The alloon is then inflated with air through one lume
n and this
enales the loodstream to propel the catheter through the right ventric
le to the pulmonary artery. The
alloon is deflated and the catheter can then record the pulmonary artery pressu
re. When the alloon is
inflated, the tip is isolated from the pulmonary artery and measures the left at
rial pressure. These
measurements are important in the management of patients with circulatory failur
e, as under these
circumstances the central venous pressure or the right atrial pressure is an unr

eliale guide to
Sweat Glands See SKIN.
Sweetread A traditional term applied to several glands used for food, i
ncluding the THYMUS GLAND of
young animals (neck sweetread), the PANCREAS (stomach sweetread), and the test
is (see TESTICLE).
Sycosis Barae (Barers itch.) A chronic staphylococcal folliculitis (inf
ection of the hair follicles
with staphylococci acteria see STAPHYLOCOCCUS) of the eard area in males, caus
ing a papulopustular
inflammation clearly centred on hair follicles. It must e distinguished from RI
NGWORM infection of the
face and hair follicles (tinea arae) and from pseudo-folliculitis due to ingro
wing hairs. Topical and
oral antistaphyloccoccal antiiotics are effective.
Sydenhams Chorea Also called St Vituss dance, this type of CHOREA is a dis
ease of the central nervous
system that occurs after RHEUMATIC FEVER up to six months later and is proaly
an inflammatory
complication of a -haemolytic streptococcal infection (see STREPTOCOCCUS). The pa
tient presents with
jerky, purposeless, involuntary movements of a lim and tongue, similar to the s
ymptoms of CEREBRAL PALSY.
Chorea is est treated as a transitory reversile form of cereral palsy. The di
sorder usually lasts 68
months and residual symptoms are rare.
Sympathetic A term applied to certain diseases or symptoms which arise i
n one part of the ody in
consequence of disease in some distant part. Inflammation may arise in one eye,
in consequence of injury to
the other, y the spread of

688 Sympathetic Nervous System

organisms along the lymphatic channels connecting the two, and is then k
nown as sympathetic
inflammation. PAIN also may e of a sympathetic nature.
Sympathetic Nervous System Part of the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. It cons
ists of scattered collections
of grey matter known as ganglia, united y an irregular network of nerve-fires;
those portions where the
ganglia are placed most closely and where the network of fires is especially de
nse eing known as
plexuses. The chief part of the sympathetic system consists of two ganglionated
cords that run through the
neck, chest, and adomen, lying close in front of the spine. In conjunction with
the other part of the
autonomic nervous system the parasympathetic this part controls many of the odys
activities involving glands, organs and other tissues. (For further details, see
Sympathomimetic Drugs These drugs stimulate the activity of the SYMThere
are three groups: inotropic
and vasoconstrictor sympathomimetics, and those used for cardiopulmonary resusci
tation. The properties of
these drugs vary according to whether they act on alpha or eta adrenergic recep
Inotropics act on eta receptors in heart
muscle (see HEART), increasing its contractility and sometimes the heart
are cardiac stimulants, while dopexamine acts on heart muscle and, via periphera
l dopamine receptors,
increases the excretion of URINE. ISOPRENALINE is used only as emergency treatme
nt of heart lock
(interruption of the hearts conduction) or severe slowing of the heart rate (rad
Vasoconstrictor sympathomimetics These drugs temporarily raise the BLOOD
PRESSURE y constricting
peripheral lood vessels. Sometimes they are used as a speedy way of raising lo
od pressure when other
treatment has failed. EPHEDRINE and methoxamine hydrochloride are examples of th
is type of sympathomimetic.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ADRENALINE (epinephrine) is given intraven
ously in cardiac arrest, and
other drugs used include ATROPINE and CALCIUM.
Symphysis An anatomical description of a joint in which
two ones are connected y strong firous cartilage. One example is the
joint etween the two puic
ones in the front of the pelvis; another, the joint etween the upper and middl
e parts of the reastone.

Symptom A term applied to any evidence of disease. The term, physical si

gn, is generally applied to
evidence of disease of which the patient does not complain ut which is elicited
upon examination. For the
symptoms indicative of the various diseases, see under the headings of each dise
SynA prefix signifying union.
Synapse The term applied to the anatomical relation of one NEURON(E) (ne
rve cell) with another which is
effected at various points y contact of their ranching processes. The two neur
ons do not come directly
into contact, ut the release of a chemical NEUROTRANSMITTER y one neuronal AXO
N is followed y this
chemical travelling across the synapse and firing off the signal along another n
erve. A signal can e sent
across a synapse in one direction only, from presynaptic or postsynaptic memran
es. Synapses are divided
into excitatory and inhiitory types. When a neurotransmitter travels across an
excitatory synapse it
usually provokes the receptor neuron into initiating an electrical impulse. Inhi
itory synapses cool down
the excitation of the adjacent neurons. Drugs that influence the NERVOUS SYSTEM
usually do so y affecting
the release or modification of the neurotransmitters passing across the synapse.
Syncope Another word for fainting a loss of consciousness due to a fall
result ecause the cardiac output has ecome reduced, or ecause the peripheral
resistance provided y the
arterioles has decreased. The simple faint or vaso-vagal attack is a result of a
failure to maintain an
adequate venous return of lood to the heart. This is likely to occur after prol
onged periods of standing,
particularly if one is standing still or if the climatic conditions are hot. It
can also result from an
unpleasant or painful experience. Pallor, sweating and a slow pulse are characte
ristic. Recovery is
immediate when the venous return is restored y lying flat. Syncope can also res
ult when the venous return
to the heart is impaired as a result of a

rise in intrathoracic pressure. This may happen after prolonged vigorous
coughing the socalled COUGH
SYNCOPE or when elderly men with prostatic hypertrophy strain to empty their la
dder. This is known as
micturition syncope. Syncope is particularly likely to occur when the arterial 
lood pressure is unusually
low. This may result from overtreatment of HYPERTENSION with drugs or it may e
the result of diseases,
such as ADDISONS DISEASE, which are associated with low lood pressures. It is im
portant that syncope e
distinguished from EPILEPSY.
Syndactyly A congenital condition in which two or more fingers or toes a
re fused together to a varying
extent. The condition is popularly known as WEBBED FINGERS (or toes).
Syndrome A term applied to a group of symptoms occurring together regula
rly, and thus constituting a
disease to which some particular name is given: for example, CUSHINGS SYNDROME co
mprising oesity,
hypertension, purple striae and osteoporosis; or KORSAKOFFS SYNDROME, comprising
loss of appreciation of
time and place comined with talkativeness, forming signs of alcoholic delirium.
Synechiae Adhesions etween the iris (see EYE) and adjacent structures (
e.g. cornea, lens). They
usually arise as a result of inflammation of the iris.
Synergist (1) A muscle that works in concert with an AGONIST muscle to p
erform a certain movement. (2)
An agent, for example a drug, that acts with another to produce a result that is
greater than adding
together the separate effects of the two agents. Synergism in drug treatment may
e eneficial, as in the
case of comined LEVODOPA and SELEGILINE, a selective monoamine oxidase inhiito
INHIBITORS (MAOIS), in the treatment of PARKINSONISM. It may e potentially dang
erous, however, as when
MAOIs oost the effects of BARBITURATES.
Synostosis The term applied to a union y ony material of adjacent one
s which are normally separate.
Synovectomy Surgical removal of the synovium (see SYNOVIAL
MEMBRANE) to treat troulesome SYNOVITIS. The operation is not normally
done until other treatments
have failed.
Synovial Memrane This forms the lining of the soft parts that enclose t
he cavity of a joint. (See
Synovitis Inflammation of the memrane lining a joint (see JOINTS). It i
s usually painful and
accompanied y effusion of fluid within the synovial sac of the joint. It is fou

various injuries and inflammations of joints, and in the chronic form in TUBERCU
LOSIS. Treatment of
synovitis is with rest, splinting, ANALGESICS and NON-STEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY
DRUGS (NSAIDS). Infection
should e treated with ANTIBIOTICS. If the joint fails to respond, surgery (SYNO
VECTOMY) may e needed.
Synthetic A term applied to sustances produced y chemical processes in
the laoratory or y
artificial uilding-up.
Syphilis A sexually transmitted or CONGENITAL disease (the latter variet
y is now rare). Because in most
cases the disease is acquired as a result of sexual intercourse with an infected
individual, syphilis is
classed as one of the SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS). It normally affects
only human eings. Today,
around 40 million new cases are notified annually in the world, and this is pro
aly an underestimate. In
the UK the annual incidence of new cases of syphilis diagnosed in NHS genito-uri
nary medicine clinics has
risen from 8.8 to 9.7 per million of male population etween 1991 and 1999; amon
g women the figures were
4.0 to 4.5 per million. The infection is most common in homosexual men (see HOMO
Causes The causative organism is the Treponema pallidum, a long, threadlike wavy organism with pointed
tapering ends. It is found in large numers in the sores in the primary stage of
the disease and in the
skin lesions in the secondary stage. Syphilis may e acquired from people alread
y suffering from the
disease, or it may e congenital. The acquired form is usually got y

690 Syringe
sexual intercourse, kissing or other intimate odily contact. The epithe
lium covering the general
surface of the skin seems to e an efficient protection, ut the infective mater
ial penetrates mucous
memranes. The acquired form of the disease is infectious from contact with sore
s, oth in its primary and
secondary stages; infants suffering from the congenital form are also highly inf
ectious. Accordingly,
anyone frequently handling such an infant is at risk of infection, although the
mother may handle the ay
with impunity.
Symptoms The acquired form of the disease is commonly divided into three
stages primary, secondary,
and tertiary (although the latter is much less common than it was 50 years ago).
The clinical
manifestations are varied and are sometimes confused with those of other disease
s. There are several
laoratory tests for confirming the diagnosis. The incuation period ranges from
ten to 90 days, although
most frequently it is around four weeks. Then, a small persistent ULCER appears
at the site of infection,
which is accompanied y a typical cartilaginous hardness of the tissues immediat
ely around and eneath it.
This, which is known as the primary sore (or chancre), may e very much inflamed
, or it may e so small as
to pass almost or quite unnoticed. A few days later, the lymphatic glands in its
neighourhood, and then
those all over the ody, ecome swollen and hard. This condition lasts for sever
al weeks efore the sore
slowly heals and the glands suside. After a variale period usually aout two m
onths from the date of
infection the secondary symptoms appear and resemle the symptoms of an ordinary
FEVER, with pyrexia,
loss of appetite, vague pains through the ody, and a faint red rash seen est u
pon the front of the chest.
People with syphilis are infectious in the primary and secondary stages ut not
in the latent or tertiary
stages. In untreated or inadequately treated cases, manifestations of the tertia
ry stage develop after the
lapse of some months or even years: this is known as the latent period. These co
nsist in the growth, at
various sites throughout the ody, of masses of granulation tissue known as gumm
as. These gummas may appear
as hard nodules in the skin, or form tumour-like masses in the muscles, or produ
ce thickening of ones.
They may develop in the rain and spinal cord, where their presence causes very
serious symptoms. Gummas
yield readily, as a rule, to appropriate treatment, and generally disappear spee
Still later, effects are apt to follow, such as disease of the arteries,
leading to ANEURYSM (see also
ARTERIES, DISEASES OF), to STROKE, and to mental deterioration (see MENTAL ILLNE
SS); also certain nervous
diseases, of which taes dorsalis and general paralysis are the chief. The conge

nital form of syphilis, now

rare, may affect the child efore irth, leading then as a rule to miscarriage o
r to a stillirth if orn
at full time. Alternatively he (or she) may show the first symptoms a few weeks
after irth, the
appearances then corresponding to the secondary manifestations of the acquired f
orm. Laoratory
confirmation of a clinical diagnosis is done y identifying active spirochaetes
(see SPIROCHAETE) in a
smear taken at the site of the initial chancre, and y lood tests such as the t
reponomal antiody
asorption tests. These tests are strongly positive at the secondary stage, and
in patients with
neurosyphilis the tests may have to e done on CEREBROSPINAL FLUID.
Treatment Any person with syphilis is a source of infection, and should
take precautions not to spread
it. PENICILLIN is the drug of choice in the disease in all its stages, ut resis
tant strains of the
Treponema pallidum have emerged and are causing prolems, especially in developi
ng countries. Treatment
must e instituted as soon as possile after infection is acquired: (1) a full c
ourse of treatment is
essential in every case, no matter how mild the disease may appear to e; (2) pe
riodic lood examinations
must e carried out on every patient for at least two years after he or she has
een apparently cured.
Prevention is important and promiscuous hetero- or homosexual intercourse involv
es a risk of infection.
Condoms provide some, ut not complete protection. Infection can e avoided y m
aintaining a monogamous
Syringe An instrument for injecting fluid into, or withdrawing fluid fro
m, a ody cavity, tissue or
lood. Syringes come in different sizes and some are specially designed for use
in a particular site for
example, for withdrawing CEREBROSPINAL FLUID. The asic design is the same: a ca
lirated arrel with a
plunger at one end, while the other end has a nozzle to which a hollow needle ca
n e attached. Most
syringes are disposale, plastic, presterilised and packed in sealed containers.
Injections can e given
under the skin, into muscle, into a vein or into the cererospinal fluid. The te
rm hypodermic,

Systolic Pressure

though literally meaning under the skin, is now used to descrie most sy

Syringe Drivers Battery or mains electrically driven portale devices in

to which a SYRINGE can e
loaded to give a continuous INFUSION to patients who need regular treatment to c
ontrol severe pain, or to
neworns where the volume to e given is critical and difficult to control with
other devices.
Syringomyelia A rare disease affecting the SPINAL CORD, in which irregul
ar cavities form, surrounded y
an excessive amount of the connective tissue of the central nervous system. Thes
e cavities encroach upon
the nerve-tracts in the cord, producing especially loss of the sense of pain or
of that for heat and cold
in parts of the lims, although the sensation of touch is retained. Another occa
sional symptom is wasting
of certain muscles in the lims. Changes affecting outlying parts like the finge
rs are also found. Because
of their insensitiveness to pain, these are often urnt or injured; troulesome
ulcers, or loss of parts of
the fingers, may result. The condition of the spinal cord is proaly present at
irth, although the
symptoms do not usually appear until adulthood. The disease is slowly progressiv
e, although sudden
exacerations may occur after a cough, a sneeze, or sudden straining. Treatment
is supportive for this
progressive disorder.
Systemic A description of something for example, a drug that affects the
whole ody and not just
part of it.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) A serious and potentially fatal autoi
mmune disease occurring
predominantly in women (see also LUPUS Lupus erythematosus). The disorder is fou
nd worldwide, although
its incidence is higher in some ethnic groups such as AfroCarieans and Chinese
. The odys immune
system attacks CONNECTIVE TISSUE, causing severe inflammation. As connec
tive tissue is widely
distriuted, the skin and many organs are affected. Recent research suggests tha
t the autoimmune response
is triggered y a failure in the odys mechanism for clearing up the deris of de
ad cells. The affected
person lacks an ENZYME called D Nase 1 which degrades DNA. This discovery should
enale people who are at
high risk of developing SLE to e detected and treated early with D Nase 1. Sunl
ight, viral infections and
certain drugs can induce some of the symptoms, especially in older people. Sympt
oms of SLE and also of
discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) come and go with varying levels of severity. S
LE produces
characteristic red, lotchy rash over the cheeks and ridge of the nose. Patient

s feel ill, are fatigued

and feverish with appetite loss, nausea, joint pain and loss of weight. Some dev
kidney failure, neurological or psychiatric prolems, PLEURISY and PERICARDITIS.
Treatment D Nase 1 offers promising possiilities for treating SLE. Reco
gnised treatment has een aimed
at reducing inflammation and alleviating symptoms. NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATOR
Y DRUGS (NSAIDS) help to
reduce joint pains; antimalarial drugs reduce the skin rash; and CORTICOSTEROIDS
comat fever, pleurisy and
neurological symptoms. If patients develop serious kidney or neurologica
l damage, CYTOTOXIC
immunosuppressant drugs should e given, The disease is life-threatening if the
kidneys are seriously
affected; otherwise the prospect for people with SLE has improved greatly in rec
ent years.
Systole The contraction of the HEART. It alternates with the resting pha
se, known as DIASTOLE. The two
occupy, respectively, aout one-third and twothirds of the cycle of heart action
Systolic Pressure See BLOOD PRESSURE.

T Taes
This means, literally, a wasting disease, and is a traditional name appl
ied to various diseases such as
taes dorsalis (tertiary SYPHILIS) and TUBERCULOSIS accompanied y enlargement o
f glands (see GLAND).
Tactile Perceptile to, pertaining to or related to the sense of TOUCH.
Taenia A parasitic tapeworm that infects several animals including human
s (see TAENIASIS).
A parasitic disorder caused y taeniae or tapeworms. In the case of infe
station with Taenia saginata,
the host may not have any symptoms and only ecome aware that he or she is infes
ted upon sight of the
tapeworm or rather, part of it in the stools (FAECES). In the case of Taenia sol
ium the outlook is more
serious ecause the eggs, when swallowed, are liale to migrate into the tissues
of the ody (as they do in
the pig) and cause hydatid cysts. If these occur in the muscles they may cause l
ittle troule ut, if they
occur in the rain or liver, they can prove very serious. Hydatid cysts often gr
ow to a great size, udding
off smaller cysts in their interior. The symptoms produced y a hydatid cyst dep
end mainly upon the effects
of its size and consequent pressure.
A recently introduced, once-daily topical preparation for the treatment
of plaque
Treatment of tapeworm infestation is the
Talet A solid, disc-like preparation made y compression of a powder an
d containing a drug or drugs
mixed usually with sugar and other material. Talets are widely used ecause of
their convenience and
accurate dosage.
TAB Vaccine A comined VACCINE administered to produce IMMUNITY against
typhoid and paratyphoid A and B
Tachycardia A rise in the heart rate aove the normal range at rest 60100
eats a minute sometimes
accompanied y irregularities in rhythm (ARRHYTHMIA). Sinus tachycardia may occu
r with exercise or
emotional excitement, ut it may e the result of a feverish illness. (See also
Tachyphylaxis Rapidly developing TOLERANCE to a drug.
Tachypnoea Unusually rapid reathing.

Tacrolimus An IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT drug used for primary immunosuppression

in recipients of kidney or
liver transplants (see TRANSPLANTATION) where the natural rejection process has
een resistant to
conventional immunosuppression regimens such as CORTICOSTEROIDS, AZATHIOPRINE an
d CICLOSPORIN A. It is also
used, with caution, in some severe cases of eczema (see DERMATITIS).
administration (on a named-patient asis) of niclosamide or praziquantal
. Hydatid disease is treated y
surgical removal, sometimes in coordination with alendazole.
Talc Talc is a soft mineral consisting of magnesium silicate. It is much
used as an ingredient of
dusting powders.
Talipes Also known colloquially as clu-foot, this is a deformity appare
nt at irth, affecting the
ankle and foot: the foot is twisted at the ankle-joint so that the sole does not
rest on the ground when
standing. The heel may e pulled up so that the individual walks on the toes (ta
lipes equinus); the toes
may e ent up and the heel used for walking (talipes calcaneus); the sole may 
e twisted inwards (varus)
or outwards (valgus); or the individual may have a comination of deformities (e
quinovarus). The condition
is proaly the result of genetic predisposition with an environmental trigger.
In the UK the incidence is
one in 1,000 live irths and talipes is more common in oys than in girls, with
10 per cent of sufferers
having a first-degree rela-

Target Cell
tive with the same condition. Clinically, there are two types of congeni
tal talipes equinovarus (CTEV):
a milder form resolving CTEV in which full correction to the normal position is
relatively easily
achieved; and a more severe type resistant CTEV which is harder to correct; and
the infant has reduced
calf-muscle ulk and anormally shaped ones.
Treatment should e started at irth with the foot corrected to an impro
ved position and then
maintained in plaster of Paris or strapping a procedure performed weekly or more
often. If the deformity
is not corrected y around six weeks of age, a decision has to e made aout whe
ther to carry out surgical
correction. If a deformity persists to maturity, a triple arthrodosis fusion of
three affected joints
may e required.
Talus The square-shaped one which forms the lower part of the ankle-joi
nt and unites the leg ones to
the foot.
Tamoxifen An OESTROGENS receptor antagonist namely, the drug locks the
action of oestrogen which
is the treatment of choice for reast cancer (see BREASTS, DISEASES OF) in postm
enopausal women in
conjunction with LUMPECTOMY or partial or complete MASTECTOMY. Around 30 per cen
t of patients in whom
reast cancer has spread to adjacent glands or eyond respond to this hormonal t
reatment. In patients with
tumours that are oestrogensensitive, the positive response to tamoxifen is 60 pe
r cent; those tumours that
are not oestrogen-sensitive are much less likely to respond to the drug. Tamoxif
en increases oth survival
rates and the period etween the diagnosis of the tumour and appearance of metas
tatic growth (see
METASTASIS) in tumours sensitive to it. The drug has fewer adverse effects than
most others used for
treating reast cancer. Patients in whom the cancer has spread to the one(s) ma
y suffer pain with
tamoxifen treatment. Tamoxifen is also used to treat INFERTILITY, eing taken on
certain days of the
menstrual cycle (see MENSTRUATION).
Tampon A plug of compressed gauze or cotton wool inserted into a wound o
r orifice to arrest leeding.
Also inserted into the VAGINA to asor the flow of lood during MENSTRUATION. I
nfected tampons may cause
a potentially dangerous uncommon reaction.


Tamponade A potentially life-threatening compression of the HEART y the

accumulation of fluid in the
pericardial sac (see PERICARDIUM) for example, lood after a penetrating knife w
ound. This is
characterised y TACHYCARDIA, PULSUS PARADOXUS, low lood pressure, raised press
ure in the jugular vein,
and anormally quiet heart sounds.
Treatment consists of draining the fluid (which may e lood or an effus
ion) and treating the
underlying cause.
Tannin Tannin, or tannic acid, is an uncrystallisale white powder, solu
le in water or glycerin. It is
extracted from oak galls in large amount, ut it is also present in almost all v
egetale infusions. Tannic
acid acts as an astringent.
Tantulum A heavy metal that is used in surgery ecause it is easy to mou
ld and does not corrode. It is
particularly suitale for repairing defects in the SKULL ones.
Tapeworm See TAENIASIS.
Tapotement A MASSAGE technique in which a part of the ody is hit repeat
edly and quickly with the
hands. The technique is useful in helping patients with BRONCHITIS to loosen the
MUCUS in the air passages
of their lungs, thus helping them to cough it up.
Tapping The popular name for the withdrawal of OEDEMA fluid from the cav
ities or the sucutaneous
tissues of the ody. (See also ASPIRATION.)
Tardive Dyskinesia Also known as orofacial DYSKINESIA, this is character
ised y involuntary chewing and
grimacing, usually the result of years of taking ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS, particular
ly in the elderly when
these drugs are sometimes used to sedate troulesome patients.
Target Cell Anormal ERYTHROCYTES which are large and floppy and have a ri
nged appearance, similar

694 Target Organ

to that of a target, when stained and viewed under the microscope. This
change from normal may occur
with iron-deficiency ANAEMIA, liver disease, a small SPLEEN, haemogloinopathies
(disorders of
Complex oily mixtures derived from coal or wood (pine). Prolonged exposu
re to some crude tars
occupationally may lead to multiple cutaneous warty lesions (pitch warts). Squam
ous carcinoma may
supervene. More refined extracts of tar are used in dermatological therapy, espe
cially in PSORIASIS.
matching the colour of skin grafts (see GRAFT). It is performed y impla
nting particles of colour
pigment into the deeper layer of the skin known as the corium (see SKIN). This i
s done y means of a needle
or needles. The main medical hazard of tattooing is infection, particularly HEPA
TITIS. The tattooed person
may also ecome allergic to one of the pigments used, particularly cinnaar. Rem
oval, which should e done
y a plastic surgeon, always leaves a residual scar, and often needs to e follo
wed y a skin graft.
Removal is not allowed under the National Health Service unless there is some me
dical reason: for example,
allergic reactions to it. Other methods of removal are y CRYOSURGERY, DERMABRAS
ION and laser surgery.
These, too, must only e carried out under skilled medical supervision. In order
to reduce the health
hazards, tattooists along with acupuncturists, cosmetic skinpiercers and hair el
ectrolysers are
required y UK legislation to register their premises with health and local auth
orities efore starting
usiness. The practitioners have to satisfy the authorities that adequate precau
tions have een taken to
prevent the transmission of infections.
Of or pertaining to the TARSUS of the foot and ankle this comprises TALU
S, calcaneus navicular,
cuoid and three cuneiform ones or eyelid (see EYE).
A group of CYTOTOXIC drugs administered intravenously for the treatment
of advanced ovarian cancer (see
OVARIES, DISEASES OF) and secondary spread of reast cancer (see BREASTS, DISEAS
ES OF). Given under
specialist supervision in hospital, taxanes are not effective for all patients 
ut results are encouraging
when they do respond. Side-effects include HYPERSENSITIVITY, MYELOSUPPRESSION, c
ardiac ARRHYTHMIA, and
peripheral NEUROPATHY. Examples of the taxanes are PACLITAXEL and
A target cell is also a cell that is the focus of attack y macrophages

(killer cells see MACROPHAGE)

or ANTIBODIES; it may also e the site of action of a specific hormone (see HORM
Target Organ The specific organ (or tissue) at which a hormone (see HORM
ONES), drug or other agent is
aimed to ring aout its physiological or pharmacological effect.
Tarsus The region of the instep with its seven ones, the chief of which
are the TALUS supporting the
leg-ones and the CALCANEUS or heel-one, the others eing the navicular, cuoid
, and three cuneiform
Tartar T
A concretion that forms on the TEETH near the margin of the gum, consist
ing chiefly of phosphate of
lime deposited from the saliva. Mixed with this are food particles, and this is
an ideal medium for
acteria to flourish in. Regular rushing of the teeth is a preventive measure.
Dentists or dental
hygienists routinely remove tartar, ecause it gives rise to wasting of the gums
and loosening of the
Taste See TONGUE.
Tattooing This has een a cult, or fashion, since the earliest days of h
istory. Apart from the mixed
motives for its use, it has a therapeutic use in
Taxis The method of pushing ack, into the adominal cavity, a loop of 
owel which has passed through
the wall in consequence of a rupture.
Tay Sachs Disease An inherited recessive condition in which there is an
ormal accumulation of lipids
(see LIPID) in the BRAIN. The result is lindness, mental retardation and death
in early childhood. The
disease can usually e prevented y genetic counselling in those communities in
which the disease is known
to occur.
Tazarotene A RETINOIDS preparation recently introduced for the topical t
reatment of PSORIASIS. It is

applied in the evening and continued for up to six weeks. Tazarotene is
not suitale for those aged
under 18.
T-Cell Lymphoma See LYMPHOMA.
Tears See EYE
Lacrimal apparatus.
Technetium-99 An ISOTOPE of the artificial element technetium. It emits
gamma rays and is used as a
tracer in uilding up a scintigraphic radioactive image of organs such as the r
Teeth Hard organs developed from the mucous memranes of the mouth and e
medded in the jawones, used
to ite and grind food and to aid clarity of speech.
Structure Each tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cement, pulp and pe
riodontal memrane. ENAMEL is
the almost translucent material which covers the crown of a tooth. It is the mos
t highly calcified material
in the ody, 9697 per cent eing composed of calcified salts. It is arranged from
millions of long,
six-sided prisms set on end on the dentine (see elow), and is thickest over the
iting surface of the
tooth. With increasing age or the ingestion of arasive foods the teeth may e w
orn away on the surface, so
that the dentine ecomes visile. The outer sides of some teeth may e worn away
y ad tooth-rushing
technique. DENTINE is a dense yellowish-white material from which the ulk and t
he asic shape of a tooth
are formed. It is like ivory and is harder than one ut softer than enamel. The
crown of the tooth is
covered y the hard protective enamel and the root is covered y a one-like su
stance called cement. Decay
can erode dentine faster than enamel (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF Caries of the teet
h). CEMENT or cementum is
a thin one-like material which covers the roots of teeth and helps hold them in
the one. Fires of the
periodontal memrane (see elow) are emedded in the cement and the one. When t
he gums recede, part of the
cement may e exposed and the cells die. Once this has happened, the periodontal
memrane can no longer e
attached to the tooth and, if sufficient cement is destroyed, the tooth-support
will e so weakened that
the tooth will ecome loose. PULP This is the inner core of the tooth and is
Vertical section through incisor tooth.
composed of a highly vascular, delicate firous tissue with many fine ne
rve-fires. The pulp is very
sensitive to temperature variation and to touch. If the pulp ecomes exposed it
will ecome infected and
usually cannot overcome this. Root-canal treatment or extraction of the tooth ma

y e necessary. PERIODONTAL
MEMBRANE This is a layer of firous tissue arranged in groups
rround and support the root
of a tooth in a one socket. The fires are interspersed with
nerves. Loss of the
memrane leads to loss of the tooth. The memrane can release
fires to allow the tooth
to move when it erupts, or (to correct dental deformities) is
hodontic springs.

of fires which su

lood vessels and

and re-attach the

eing moved y ort

Arrangement and form Teeth are present in most mammals and nearly all ha
ve two sets: a temporary or
milk set, followed y a permanent or adult set. In some animals, like the toothe
d whale, all the teeth are
similar; ut in humans there are four different shapes: incisors, canines (eye-t
eeth), premolars
(icuspids), and molars. The incisors are chisel-shaped and the canine is pointe
d. Premolars have two cusps
on the crown (one medial to the other) and molars have at least four cusps. They
are arranged together in
an arch in each jaw and the

696 Teeth
The permanent teeth of the left side of upper and lower jaws.
cusps of opposing teeth interdigitate. Some herivores have no upper ant
erior teeth ut use a pad of
gum instead. As each arch is symmetrical, the teeth in an upper and lower quadra
nt can e used to identify
the animal. In humans, the quadrants are the same: in other words, in the child
there are two incisors, one
canine and two molars (total teeth 20); in the adult there are two incisors, one
canine, two premolars and
three molars (total 32). This mixture of tooth-form suggests that humans are omn
ivorous. Anatomically the
crown of the tooth has mesial and distal surfaces which touch the tooth next to
it. The mesial surface is
the one nearer to the centre line and the distal is the further away. The iting
surface is called the
incisal edge for the anterior teeth and the occlusal surface for the posteriors.
Development The first stage in the formation of the teeth is the appeara
nce of a downgrowth of
EPITHELIUM into the underlying
mesoderm. This is the dental lamina, and from it ten smaller swellings i
n each jaw appear. These ecome
ell-shaped and enclose a part of the mesoderm, the cells of which ecome specia
lised and are called the
dental papillae. The epithelial cells produce enamel and the dental papilla form
s the dentine, cement and
pulp. At a fixed time the teeth start to erupt and a root is formed. Before the
deciduous teeth erupt, the
permanent teeth form, medial to them. In due course the deciduous roots resor a
nd the permanent teeth are
then ale to push the crowns out and erupt themselves. If this process is distur
ed, the permanent teeth
may e displaced and appear in an anormal position or e impacted. Eruption of
teeth is in a definite
order and at a fixed time, although there may e a few months leeway in either di
rection which is of no
significance. Excessive delay is found in some congenital disorders such as CRET
INISM. It may also e
associated with local anormalities of the jaws such as cysts, malformed teeth a
nd supernumerary teeth. The
usual order of eruption of deciduous teeth is: Middle incisors Lateral incisors
First molars Canines
(eye-teeth) Second molars
68 months 810 months 1216 months 1620 months 2030 months
The usual order of eruption of permanent teeth is: First molars Middle i
ncisors Lateral incisors
Canines First and second premolars Second molars Third molars (wisdom teeth)
Teeth of a six-year-old child. The permanent teeth are coloured lack.
67 years 68 years 79 years 912 years 1012 years 1113 years 1721 years

Teeth, Disorders of
have receded. This pain is often associated with temperature-change or s
weet foods. Expert dental
advice should e sought early, efore the decay is extensive. If a large cavity
is accessile, temporary
relief may e otained y inserting a small piece of cotton wool soaked, for exa
mple, in oil of cloves.
Alveolar ascess, dental ascess or gumoil This is an ABSCESS caused y
an infected tooth. It may e
present as a large swelling or cause trismus (inaility to open the mouth). Trea
tment is drainage of the
PUS, extraction of the tooth and/or ANTIBIOTICS.
Caries of the teeth or dental decay is very
The permanent teeth of the upper (top) and lower (ottom) jaws.
Teeth, Disorders of Teething, or the process of eruption of the teeth in
infants, may e accompanied y
irritaility, salivation and loss of sleep. The child will tend to ru or touch
the painful area. Relief
may e otained in the child y allowing it to chew on a hard oject such as a t
oy or rusk. Mild ANALGESICS
may e given if the child is restless and wakens in the night. A serious pitfall
is to assume that an
infants symptoms of ill-health are due to teething, as the cause may e more seri
ous. Fever and fits (see
SEIZURE) are not due to teething. Toothache is the pain felt when there is infla
mmation of the pulp or
periodontal memrane of a tooth (see TEETH Structure). It can vary in intensity
and may e recurring. The
commonest cause is caries (see elow) when the cavity is close to the pulp. Once
the pulp has ecome
infected, this is likely to spread from the apex of the tooth into the one to f
orm an ascess (gumoil
see elow). A lesser ut more long-lasting pain is felt when the dentine is unpr
otected. This can occur
when the enamel is lost due to decay or trauma or ecause the gums
common in the more affluent countries and is most common in children and
young adults. Increasing
awareness of the causes has resulted in a considerale improvement in dental hea
lth, particularly in recent
years; this has coincided with a rise in general health. Now more than half of f
ive-year-old children are
caries-free and of the others, 10 per cent have half of the remaining carious ca
vities. Since the start of
the National Health Service, the emphasis has een on preventive dentistry, and
now edentulous patients are
mainly found among the elderly who had their teeth removed efore 1948. The caus
e of caries is proaly
acid produced y oral acteria from dietary carohydrates, particularly refined
sugar, and this dissolves
part of the enamel; the dentine is eroded more quickly as it is softer (see TEET
H Structure). The exposed
smooth surfaces are usually protected as they are easily cleaned during normal e

ating and y rushing.

Irregular and overcrowded teeth are more at risk from decay as they are difficul
t to clean. Primitive
people who chew coarse foods rarely get caries. Fluoride in the drinking water a
t aout one part per
million is associated with a reduction in the caries rate. Prolonged severe dise
ase in infancy is
associated with poor calcification of the teeth, making them more vulnerale to
decay. As the teeth are
formed and partly calcified y the time of irth, the diet and health of the mot
her are also important to
the teeth of the child. Pregnant mothers and children should have a good alance
d diet with sufficient
calcium and vitamin D. A firous diet will also aid cleansing of the teeth and s
timulate the circulation in
the teeth and jaws. The caries rate can e reduced y regular rushing with a fl
uoride toothpaste two or
three times per day and certainly efore going to sleep. The provision of sweet
or sugary juices in an
infants ottle should e avoided.

698 Teeth-Grinding
Irregularity of the permanent teeth may e due to an anormality in the
growth of the jaws or to the
early or late loss of the deciduous set (see TEETH Development). Most frequently
it is due to an
imalance in the size of the teeth and the length of the jaws. Some improvement
may take place with age,
ut many will require the help of an orthodontist (specialist dentist) who can c
orrect many malocclusions
y removing a few teeth to allow the others to e moved into a good position y
means of springs and
elastics on various appliances which are worn in the mouth.
Dental ascess is an infection that arises in
accident or inflammation of the GUM. Teeth loosened y trauma may e rep
laced and splinted in the
socket, even if knocked right out. If the loosening is due to periodontal diseas
e, the prognosis is less
or around a tooth and spreads to involve the one. It may occur many yea
rs after a low has killed the
pulp of the tooth, or more quickly after caries has reached the pulp. At first t
he pain may e mild and
intermittent ut eventually it will ecome severe and a swelling will develop in
the gum over the apex of
the tooth. A radiograph of the tooth will show a round clear area at the apex of
the tooth. Treatment may
e y painting the gum with a mild counter-irritant such as a tincture of aconit
e and iodine in the early
stages, ut later rootcanal therapy or apicectomy may e required. If a swelling
is present, it may need to
e drained or the offending teeth extracted and antiiotics given.
Discoloration of the teeth may e intrinsic
Injuries to teeth are common. The more
or extrinsic: in other words, the stain may e in the calcified structur
e or stuck on to it. Intrinsic
staining may e due to JAUNDICE or the antiiotic tetracycline. Extrinsic stain
may e due to tea, coffee,
toacco, pan (a mixture of chuna and etel nuts wrapped in a leaf ), ironcontain
ing medicines or excess
minor injuries include crazing and the loss of small chips of enamel, an
d the major ones include a
roken root and avulsion of the entire tooth. A specialist dental opinion should
e sought as soon as
possile. A tooth that has een knocked out can e re-implanted if it is clean a
nd replaced within a few
hours. It will then require splinting in place for 46 weeks.
Loosening of the teeth may e due to an
Gingivitis or inflammation of the gum may occur as an acute or chronic c
ondition. In the acute form it

is often part of a general infection of the mouth, and principally occurs in chi
ldren or young adults
resolving after 1014 days. The chronic form occurs later in life and tends to e
progressive. Various
microorganisms may e found on the lesions, including anaeroes. Antiseptic mout
hwashes may help, and once
the painful stage is past, the gums should e thoroughly cleaned and any calculu
s removed. In severe
conditions an antiiotic may e required.
PEPSIA. Treatment is largely aimed at stailising the condition rather t
han curing it.
Periodontal disease is the spread of gingivitis (see aove) to involve t
he periodontal memrane of the
tooth; in its florid form it used to e called pyorrhoea. In this, the memrane
ecomes damaged y the
inflammatory process and a space or pocket is formed into which a proe can e e
asily passed. As the pocket
ecomes more extensive, the tooth loosens. The loss of the periodontal memrane
also leads to the loss of
supporting one. Chronic inflammation soon occurs and is difficult to eradicate.
Pain is not a feature of
the disease ut there is often an unpleasant odour (halitosis). The gums leed e
asily and there may e DYSPrevention of dental disease As with other disorders, prevention is ett
er than cure. Children should
e taught at an early age to keep their teeth and gums clean and to avoid refine
d sugars etween meals. It
is etter to finish a meal with a drink of water rather than a sweetened drink.
Fluoride in some of its
forms is useful in the reduction of dental caries; in some parts of the UK natur
al water contains fluoride,
and in some areas where fluoride content is low, artificial fluoridation of the
water supply is carried
out. Overcrowding of the teeth, ovious maldevelopment of the jaw and persistent
thumsucking into the
teens are all indications for seeking the advice of an orthodontist. Generally,
adults have less troule
with decay ut more with periodontal disease and, as its onset is insidious, reg
ular dental inspections are
Teeth-Grinding See also BRUXISM.
Teeth-grinding occurs in children during sleep and is of no significance
unless really persistent.
During the day it may e an attention-seeking device. There is no treatment for
it. In adults it is usually
associated with stress or

anxiety, ut may e due to some local condition in the mouth such as an
unsatisfactory filling. It may
also e caused y certain drugs, including fenfluramine and LEVODOPA. If not con
trolled, it produces
excessive wear of the enamel covering of the teeth. Treatment consists of allevi
ation of any condition in
the mouth and any anxiety and stress.
Teething See under TEETH, DISORDERS OF.
Teichopsia This refers to zigzag lines that patients with MIGRAINE often
experience as a visual AURA
preceding an attack.
Teicoplanin A glycopeptide antiiotic (see ANTIBIOTICS) which acts again
st aeroic and anaeroic
grampositive (see GRAMS STAIN) acteria. Like the similar drug, VANCOMYCIN, it is
given in the prophylaxis
and treatment of ENDOCARDITIS and other serious infections caused y grampositiv
e cocci, including
STAPHYLOCOCCUS, which have developed resistance to other antiiotics. Its long d
uration of action means
that it need e given only once a day. Teicoplanin can e given intramuscularly
or intravenously. Its use
should e carefully monitored as there is a range of adverse effects.
Telangiectasis Anormal dilatation of ARTERIOLES and venules (see VENULE
). In the skin it is seen in
spider NAEVUS and ROSACEA particularly.
Telemedicine A road term used to descrie medicine at a distance throug
h a communications link.
Although distance education has een used successfully for some time, more recen
tly distance diagnosis and
treatment have een successfully piloted. In teleradiology, radiographic images
are transmitted to a
distant site for interpretation y a radiologist. A telepathologist can look dow
n, and in some cases
control, a microscope located several hundred miles away. In a teleconsultation,
the doctor and patient are
in different places, joined y a communications link such as medical videoconfer
encing. In its simplest
form, this kind of telemedicine uses the telephone; more recently, full-colour t
wo-way video and audio
links have een used. Telesurgery, comining televisual and rootic techniques,
is also under development.
Telemedicine is useful for remote locations, such as the Antartic, or on oard s
hips, or aero699
planes, where it may e difficult or impossile to get a doctor to the p
atient. It can also speed up
the referral process, reduce unnecessary referrals and improve communication et
ween professionals. It has
potential value in pilot projects of hospital at home care.
Temazepam A enzodiazepine anxiolytic (see BENZODIAZEPINES; ANXIOLYTICS)

derived from diazepam. To e

used with care for short-term treatment of insomnia, generally associated with d
ifficulty in falling
asleep, frequent nocturnal awakening or early-morning awakening. Temazepam is a
relatively quick-acting
hypnotic of short duration, so although there is little hangover the next mornin
g compared with other
hypnotics there may still e some drowsiness and effect on skilled tasks such as
driving. It should e
avoided in elderly people who are at risk of ecoming ataxic and so liale to fa
lling and injuring
themselves. Temazepam is often aused y drug addicts.
Temperature Body temperature is the result of a alance of heat-generati
ng forces, chiefly METABOLISM
and muscular activity, and heat-loss, mainly from lood circulation through and
evaporation from the skin
and lungs. The physiological process of homeostasis a neurological and hormonal
feedack mechanism
maintains the healthy persons ody at the correct temperature. Disturance of tem
perature, as in disease,
may e caused y impairment of any of these odily functions, or y malfunction
of the controlling centre
in the rain. In humans the normal temperature is around 37 C (984 F). It may rise as
high as 43 C or
fall to 32 C in various conditions, but the risk to life is only serious above 41
C or below 35 C. Fall
in temperature may accompany major loss of blood, starvation, and the state of c
ollapse (see SHOCK) which
may occur in severe FEVER and other acute conditions. Certain chronic diseases,
notably hypothyroidism (see
THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF), are generally accompanied by a subnormal temperatur
e. Increased temperature is
a characteristic of many acute diseases, particularly infections; indeed, many d
iseases have a
characteristic pattern that enables a provisional diagnosis to be made or acts a
s a warning of possible
complications. In most cases the temperature gradually abates as the patient rec
overs, but in others, such
as PNEUMONIA and TYPHUS FEVER, the untreated disease ends rapidly by a CRISIS in

700 Temple
which the temperature falls, perspiration breaks out, the pulse rate
ls, and breathing becomes
quieter. This crisis is often preceded by an increase in symptoms, including
epicritical rise in
temperature. Body temperature is usually measured on the Celsius scale, on a
rmometer reading from 35 C
to 433 C. Measurement may be taken in the mouth (under the tongue), in the
the external ear canal
or (occasionally in infants) in the rectum. (See also THERMOMETER.)


cerebral activity originates in the temporal lobe of the BRAIN. It is ch

aracterised by hallucinations
of smell and sometimes of taste, hearing, or sight. There may be disturbances of
memory, including dj vu
phenomena. AUTOMATISM may occur, but consciousness is seldom lost.
Treatment Abnormally low temperatures
may be treated by application of external heat, or reduction of heat los
s from the body surface. High
temperature may be treated in various ways, apart from the primary treatment of
the underlying condition.
Treatment of hyperthermia or hypothermia should ensure a gradual return to norma
l temperature (see
Inflammation of a TENDON. Usually caused by unusual or excessive physica
l activity, it may also be
infective in origin or secondary to a connective-tissue disorder. The pain and i
nflammation may be treated
with NONTemple The side of the head above the line between the eye and ear. The
term, temporal, is applied to
the muscles, nerves, and artery of this region. The hair usually begins to turn
grey first at the temples.
Temporal Referring or relating to the temporal region (see TEMPLE).
Temporal Arteritis Inflammation of the TEMPORAL ARTERY. Also known as gi
ant cell arteritis, it often
affects other arteries too, mainly in the head. It predominantly affects the eld
erly. The artery becomes
tender with reddening of the overlying skin; headache and blindness may also occ
ur. The diagnosis is
confirmed by temporal artery BIOPSY, and treatment is with steroids (see STEROID
Temporal Artery A branch of the external carotid artery that is the main
vessel supplying blood to the
temple and scalp.
Temporal Lobe Part of the cerebral cortex in each hemisphere of the BRAI
N. Areas of the temporal lobe

are involved in the understanding of sound and spoken language.

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy More accurately called complex partial seizures,
this is a type of EPILEPSY in
which the abnormal
Tenderness Pain experienced when a diseased part is handled.
STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS), immobilisation splinting, an
d STEROID injections.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI),
caused by constant use of a keyboard (typewriter, word processor or comp
uter), is tendinitis occurring
in the hands and arms (see UPPER LIMB DISORDERS).
Tendon A tendon also known as sinew, or leader is the cord of tissue tha
t attaches the end of a
muscle to the bone or other structure upon which the muscle acts when it contrac
ts. Tendons are composed of
bundles of white fibrous tissue arranged in a very dense manner, and are of grea
t strength. Some are
rounded, some flattened bands, whilst others are very short the muscle-fibres be
ing attached almost
directly to the bone. Most tendons are surrounded by sheaths lined with membrane
similar to the SYNOVIAL
MEMBRANE lining joint-cavities: in this sheath the tendon glides smoothly over s
urrounding parts. The
fibres of a tendon pass into the substance of the bone and blend with the fibres
composing it. One of the
largest tendons in the body is the Achilles tendon, or tendo calcaneus, which at
taches the muscle of the
calf to the calcaneus or heelbone.
Tendon injuries are one of the hazards of sports (see SPORTS MEDICINE).
They usually result from
indirect violence, or overuse, rather than direct violence.
Rupture usually results from the sudden application of an unbalanced loa
d. Thus, complete rupture of
the Achilles tendon is common in taking an awkward step backwards playing squash
. There is sudden pain; the

victim is often under the impression that he or she has received a blow.
This is accompanied by loss of
function, and a gap may be felt in the tendon.
Partial Rupture is also accompanied by pain, but there is no breach of c
ontinuity or complete loss of
function. Treatment of a complete rupture usually means surgical repair followed
by immobilisation of the
tendon in plaster of Paris for six weeks. Partial rupture usually responds to ph
ysiotherapy and
immobilisation, but healing is slow.
Tendon Transfer Reconstructive surgery in which the TENDON from an unimp
ortant muscle is removed and
used to repair or replace a damaged tendon of a major muscle.
Tendovaginitis Also called tenovaginitis: inflammation of a TENDON and o
f the sheath enveloping it.
Tenesmus A symptom of disease affecting the lower part of the large INTE
STINE, such as DYSENTERY, piles
(HAEMORRHOIDS) or tumour. It consists of a constant sense of heavy discomfort ab
out the lower bowel and
desire to defaecate, coupled with straining when doing so, with the passage of m
ucus and often blood.
Tennis Elbow The medical name for this condition is epicondylitis. The c
ondition is characterised by
pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow and is the result of inflammatio
n in the TENDON that
attaches the muscles which extend the elbow to the HUMERUS bone. Epicondylitis c
an be the result of playing
a lot of tennis or other racquet sports, gardening, do it yourself work, or any ac
tivity that constantly
pulls the tendon at its point of attachment. Lifting heavy objects aggravates th
e condition. Treatment is
). Sometimes ULTRASOUND
therapy may promote healing, but persistent severe pain may necessitate the loca
l injection of
CORTICOSTEROIDS. Rarely, surgery may be recommended to release the tendon.
TenoA prefix denoting some relation to a TENDON.
Tenosynovitis Also called tenositis: inflammation of a TENDON.
Tenotomy An operation in which one or more tendons (see TENDON) are divi
ded, usually with the object of
remedying some deformity.
Tenovaginitis See TENDOVAGINITIS.

Tentorium A wide flap of DURA MATER forming a partition between the cere
brum and cerebellum (see BRAIN)
and supporting the former.
Teratogenesis The production of physical defects in the FETUS. A drug ma
y interfere with a mechanism
that is essential for growth, and result in arrested or distorted development of
the fetus and yet cause
no disturbance in adults, in whom these growth processes have ceased. Whether an
d how the EMBRYO is
affected depends on what stage of development it has reached when the drug is gi
ven. The age of early
differentiation that is, from the beginning of the third week to the end of the
tenth week of pregnancy
is the time of greatest susceptibility. After this time the likelihood of CONGEN
ITAL malformation resulting
from drug treatment is less, although the death of the fetus can occur at any ti
me as a result of drugs
crossing the PLACENTA or as a result of their effect on the placental circulatio
n. Although the risks are
nil or very small with most drugs, no medication should be given to a pregnant w
oman, particularly during
the first few months of pregnancy, unless it is absolutely essential for her hea
lth or that of her unborn
child. Alcohol is regarded as medication in this context.
Teratoma A tumour that consists of partially developed embryonic tissues
. The most common sites of this
tumour are the ovary (see OVARIES) and the TESTICLE.
Terbinafine An antifungal drug given systemically. Used in the treatment
of dermatophyte infections of
the nails and RINGWORM infections (tinea pedis, cruris and corporis) which have
not responded to topical
antifungal preparations.

702 Terbutaline
Terbutaline A beta2 adrenoreceptor agonist that acts as a BRONCHODILATOR
(see also
BETAADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS). As an aerosol (see INHALANTS), it is of partic
ular value in the treatment
of mild to moderate attacks of ASTHMA; it is also available in oral and parenter
al forms, as well as
subcutaneous, intramuscular, or slow intravenous injection.
Tertian Fever The name applied to that type of MALARIA in which the feve
r reappears every other day.
Testicle Every man has two testicles or testes which are the sexual glan
ds. In the fetus, they develop
in the abdomen, but before birth they descend into a fold or pouch of skin known
as the SCROTUM. Each
testicle consists of up to 1,000 minute tubes lined by cells from which the sper
matozoa (see SPERMATOZOON)
are formed. Around 45 million spermatozoa are produced per gram of testicle per d
ay. These tubes
communicate with one another near the centre of the testicle, and are connected
by a much coiled tube, the
EPIDIDYMIS, with the ductus, or VAS DEFERENS, which enters the abdomen and passe
s on to the base of the
bladder. This duct, after joining a reservoir known as the seminal vesicle, open
s, close to the duct from
the other side of the body, into the URETHRA where it passes through the PROSTAT
E GLAND. Owing to the
convolutions of these ducts leading from the testicles to the urethra, and their
indirect route, the
passage from testicle to urethra is over 6 metres (20 feet) in length. In additi
on to producing
spermotozoa, the testicle also forms the hormone TESTOSTERONE which is responsib
le for the development of
male characteristics.
Testicle, Diseases of T The SCROTUM may be affected by various skin dise
ases, particularly eczema (see
DERMATITIS) or fungal infection. A HERNIA may pass into the scrotum. Defective d
evelopment of the testicles
may lead to their retention within the abdomen, a condition called undescended t
Hydrocoele is a collection of fluid distending one or both sides of the
scrotum with fluid. Treatment
is by withdrawal of the fluid using a sterile syringe and aspiration needle. Hyp
ogonadism Reduced activity
of the testes or ovaries (male and female gonads). The result is impaired develo
pment of the secondary
sexual characteristics (growth of the genitals, breast and adult hair di
stribution). The cause may be
hereditary or the result of a disorder of the PITUITARY GLAND which produces GON
ADOTROPHINS that stimulate
development of the testes and ovaries.
Varicocoele is distension of the veins of the spermatic cord, especially
on the left side, the causes
being similar to varicose veins elsewhere (see VEINS, DISEASES OF). The chief sy

mptom is a painful dragging

sensation in the testicle, especially after exertion. Wearing a support provides
relief; rarely, an
operation may be advisable. Low sperm-count may accompany a varicocele, in which
case surgical removal may
be advisable.
Orchitis or acute inflammation may arise from CYSTITIS, stone in the bla
dder, and inflammation in the
urinary organs, especially GONORRHOEA. It may also follow MUMPS. Intense pain, s
welling and redness occur;
treatment consists of rest, support of the scrotum, analgesics as appropriate, a
nd the administration of
antibiotics if a definitive microorganism can be identified. In some patients th
e condition may develop and
form an ABSCESS. Torsion or twisting of the spermatic cord is relatively common
in adolescents. About half
the cases occur in the early hours of the morning during sleep. Typically felt a
s pain of varying severity
in the lower abdomen or scrotum, the testis becomes hard and swollen. Treatment
consists of immediate
undoing of the torsion by manipulation. If done within a few hours, no harm shou
ld ensue; however, this
should be followed within six hours by surgical operation to ensure that the tor
sion has been relieved and
to fix the testes. Late surgical attention may result in ATROPHY of the testis.
Tuberculosis may occur in the testicle, especially when the bladder is a
lready affected. Causing little
pain, the infection is often far advanced before attracting attention. The condi
tion generally responds
well to treatment with a combination of antituberculous drugs (see also main ent
Tumours of the testes occur in around 600 males annually in the United K
ingdom, and are the second most
common form of malignant growth in young males. There are two types: SEMINOMA an
d TERATOMA. When adequately
treated the survival rate for the former is 95 per cent, while that for the latt
er is 50 per cent.

Injuries A severe blow may lead to
and symptoms of collapse, usually relieved by rest in bed; however, a HA
EMATOMA may develop.
wound, which is absorbed through the motor nerves into the spinal cord w
here it renders the nerves
excitable and acutely sensitive to mild stimuli.
Symptoms Most
commonly appearing within four to five days of the wound, the patients sy
mptoms may be delayed for
several weeks by which time the wound may have healed. Initially there is muscle
stiffness around the
wound followed by stiffness around the jaw, leading to lockjaw, or trismus. This
extends to the muscles of
the neck, back, chest, abdomen, and limbs, leading to strange, often changing, c
ontorted postures,
accompanied by frequent seizures often provoked by quite minor stimuli such as a
sudden noise. The
patients breathing may be seriously affected, in severe cases leading to ASPHYXIA
; the temperature may
rise sharply, often with sweating; and severe pain is common. Mental clarity is
characteristic adding to
the patients anxiety. In severe infections death may be from asphyxia, PNEUMONIA,
or general exhaustion.
More commonly, the disease takes a chronic course, leading to gradual recovery.
Outcome depends on several
factors, chiefly the patients immune status and age, and early administration of
appropriate treatment.
Tetanus may occur in newborn babies, particularly when birth takes place in an u
nhygienic environment. It
is particularly common in the tropics and developing countries, with a high mort
ality rate. Local tetanus
is a rare manifestation, in which only muscles around the wound are affected, th
ough stiffness may last for
several months. STRYCHNINE poisoning and RABIES, although similar in some respec
ts to tetanus, may be
easily distinguished by taking a good history.
Prevention and treatment The incidence
Also called LOCKJAW, this is a bacterial infection of the nervous system
. Increased excitability of the
SPINAL CORD results in painful and prolonged spasms of the voluntary muscles thr
oughout the body, rapidly
leading to death unless treated.

of tetanus in the United Kingdom has been almost abolished by the introd
uction of tetanus vaccine (see
IMMUNISATION). Children are routinely immunised at two, three and four months of
age, and boosters are
given later in life to at-risk workers, or those travelling to tropical parts. T
reatment should be started
as soon as possible after sustaining a potentially dangerous wound. An intraveno
us injection of antitoxin
should be given immediately, the wound thoroughly cleaned and PENICILLIN adminis
tered. Expert nursing is
most important. Spasms may be minimised by reducing unexpected stimuli, and diaz
TRANQUILLISERS) is helpful. Intravenous feeding
Test Meal (1) The name given to a gastric-function test, involving injec
tion of HISTAMINE a powerful
stimulator of gastric juice, or pentagastin. After the stimulant has been inject
ed, the digestive juices
are withdrawn through a stomach tube (inserted through the nose and throat) and
their volume and chemistry
measured. A similar test is used to assess the working of the PANCREAS. (2) The
second meaning (also called
test feed) applies to a diagnostic procedure for congenital PYLORIC STENOSIS, wh
ereby a paediatrician feels
over the babys abdomen while he or she is feeding. The pyloric mass can be felt a
s a firm swelling with
the consistency of a squash ball, which comes and goes under the examiners finger
Testosterone The principal male sex hormone secreted by the testes. It h
as also been prepared
synthetically and has the formula C19H28O2. In true male HYPOGONADISM it has the
power of restoring male
sexual characteristics. (See also ANDROGEN.)
Test-Tube A tube of thin glass closed at one end, which is used for obse
rving chemical reactions or for
bacterial culture.
Test-Tube Baby
Causes The disease is caused by the bacillus Clostridium tetani, found g
enerally in earth and dust and
especially in places where animal manure is collected. Infection usually follows
a wound, especially a
deeply punctured or gunshot wound, with the presence of some foreign body. It is
a hazard in war and also
among farmers, gardeners and those in the construction industry. The bacillus de
velops a toxin in the

704 Tetany
should be started immediately if the patient cannot swallow. Aspiration
of bronchial secretions and
antibiotic treatment of pneumonia may be necessary.
Tetany A condition characterised by SPASM of muscle, usually caused by a
fall in blood CALCIUM levels.
This results in hyperexcitability of muscles which may go into spasm at the slig
htest stimulus. This is
well demonstrated in two of the classical signs of the disease: Chvosteks sign, i
n which the muscles of
the face contract when the cheek is tapped over the facial nerve as it emerges o
n the cheek; and Erbs
sign, in which muscles go into spasm in response to an electrical stimulus which
normally causes only a
contraction of the muscle. Tetany occurs in newborn babies, especially if they a
re premature, and in
infants; as a result of RICKETS, excessive vomiting, or certain forms of NEPHRIT
IS. It may also be due to
lack of the active principle of the PARATHYROID glands. Overbreathing may also c
ause it. Treatment consists
of the administration of calcium salts, and in severe cases this is done by givi
ng calcium gluconate
intravenously or intramuscularly. High doses of vitamin D are also required.
Tetrabenazine A drug used mainly to control disorders of movement in HUN
disorders. It probably acts by reducing DOPAMINE at the NERVE endings, thus slow
ing neural transmissions.
A group of broad-spectrum ANTIBIOTICS which include oxytetracycline, tet
racycline, doxycycline,
lymecycline, minocycline, and demeclocycline. All the preparations are virtually
identical, being active
against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (see GRAMS STAIN). Derived
from cultures of
streptomyces bacteria, their value has lessened owing to increasing resistance t
o the group among bacteria.
However, they remain the treatment of choice for BRUCELLOSIS, LYME DISEASE, TRAC
caused by MYCOPLASMA,
certain rickettsiae (see RICKETTSIA) and CHLAMYDIA. Additionally they are used i
n the treatment of ACNE,
but are not advised in children under 12 as they may produce permanent discolora
tion of the teeth.
Tetracyclines must not be used if a
woman is pregnant as the infants deciduous teeth will be stained.
Tetralogy of Fallot The most common form of cyanotic congenital heart di
sease. The tetralogy consists
of stenosis of the pulmonary valve (see PULMONARY STENOSIS); a defect in the sep
tum separating the two
ventricles (see VENTRICLE); the AORTA over-riding both ventricles; marked HYPERT

ROPHY of the right

ventricle. Surgery is required to remedy the defects.
Tetraplegia of the bodys four limbs, also called quadriplegia.
Thalamus (Plural: thalami.) One of two masses of grey matter lying on ei
ther side of the third
ventricle of the BRAIN. It is an important relay and coordinating station for se
nsory impulses such as
those for sight.
Thalassaemia Also known as Cooleys anaemia, this is a condition character
ised by severe ANAEMIA, due
to an abnormal form of HAEMOGLOBIN in the blood. It is an inherited disease whic
h is widely spread across
the Mediterranean through the Middle East and into the Far East. It has a partic
ularly high incidence in
Greece and in Italy. The abnormal haemoglobin prevents the affected red cells fr
om functioning properly.
This results in the anaemia. The SPLEEN enlarges and abnormalities occur in the
BONE MARROW. If someone
inherits the disease from both parents, he or she is seriously affected but, if
only one parent had the
abnormal gene (see GENES), the person could well be free of symptoms. The severe
form of the disorder is
called thalassaemia major and affected individuals need repeated blood transfusi
ons as well as treatment to
remove excessive iron from their body. The disease can be diagnosed by prenatal
Thalidomide A sedative and hypnotic drug long withdrawn from the market
because it causes
TERATOGENESIS. If taken during the first trimester of pregnancy it may cause an
unusual limb deformity in
the fetus known as phocomelia (seal or flipper extremities).
Thallium An element that is toxic to nerve and liver tissues. A poisoned
victims hair falls out and

not regrow. Treatment is the administration of CHELATING AGENTS. (See al
so POISONS.) The radio-isotope
(see ISOTOPE) thallium201 is used as a tracer during special imaging studies of
blood flow through the
heart muscle in the diagnosis of myocardial ischaemia (see HEART, DISEASES OF.)
Theca A sheath-like structure enclosing an organ or part.
Thenar Eminence The projecting mass at the base of the thumb: what is po
pularly known as the ball of
the thumb.
Theophylline An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) structurally similar to CAFFEIN
E, and found in small amounts
in tea. Its main use is for the relief of BRONCHOSPASM, where beta-2 adrenocepto
r stimulants have failed.
It is given intravenously in combination with the stabilising agent ethylenediam
ine (as aminophylline) for
the treatment of severe ASTHMA or paroxysmal nocturnal DYSPNOEA. Formerly used i
n the treatment of left
ventricular failure, it has been largely superseded by more effective DIURETICS.
When indicated,
aminophylline should be given by very slow intravenous injection; acute overdose
may cause convulsions and
changes in temperature in a record known as a thermogram. Unfortunately,
such hot areas of skin are
caused by a number of other conditions; this is therefore a diagnostic method th
at can be used only as a
rough screening procedure.
Thermoluminescent Dosimeter A commonly used device for measuring peoples
exposure to RADIATION. It
contains activated sodium fluoride which luminesces in proportion to the radiati
on dose to which it is
Thermometer An instrument for measuring a persons body TEMPERATURE. A tra
ditional clinical thermometer
comprises a glass capillary tube sealed at one end with a MERCURY-filled bulb at
the other. The mercury
expands (rises) and contracts (falls) according to the temperature of the bulb,
which may be placed under
the tongue or arm or in the rectum. Calibration is in degrees Celsius or Fahrenh
eit. Modern thermometers
use an electric probe linked to a digital read-out display, providing an instant
reading. Hospitals now
have electronic devices that maintain constant monitoring of patients temperature
s, pulse rates and blood
Thermometer Scales See TEMPERATURE.
Therapeutic Index

In anticancer therapy, this is the ratio of a dose of the treatment agen
t that damages normal cells to
the dose necessary to produce a determined level of anticancer activity. The ind
ex shows the effectiveness
of the treatment against the cancer.
The end of a sensory NERVE that reacts to changes in temperature. Such r
eceptors are widely distributed
in the SKIN as well as the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.
Therapeutics The general name applied to different methods of treatment
and healing.
Therapy The treatment of injury or disease.
ThermoA prefix implying some relation to heat.
Thermography A method of detecting the amount of heat produced by differ
ent parts of the body. This is
done with an infra-red sensitive photographic film. High blood flow in an area s
hows up as a heat zone and
thus tumours such as breast cancer can be identified. The process records such
Thiabendazole The drug of choice for adults infected with the intestinal
parasite Strongyloides
stercoralis (see STRONGYLOIDIASIS). Its side-effects, including ANOREXIA, nausea
, vomiting, diarrhoea,
abdominal pain, itching and drowsiness, are more troublesome in elderly patients
Thiamine The British Pharmacopoeia name for vitamin B1. Also known as AN
EURINE, it is found in the
husks of cereal grains. Its deficiency may be produced by too careful milling of
rice, or by a diet of
white bread to the exclusion of brown bread and other cereal sources of this vit
amin. The resulting disease
is a form of NEURITIS with muscular weakness and heart failure known as BERIBERI
. The best sources of this
vitamin are wholemeal flour, bacon, liver, egg-yolk, yeast

706 Thiazides
and the pulses. The
upon the total food intake,
has been estimated to be in
ncreased during pregnancy
to 2 mg daily as a minimum.

daily requirement is dependent, among other things,

the region of 05 mg of thiamine per 1,000 calories, i

Thiazides Thiazides are a group of moderately potent DIURETICS which are

effective when taken by mouth.
They act by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the renal tubu
les. They also have a
blood-pressure-lowering effect. Chlorothiazide was the first member of this grou
p to be introduced. Their
main use is to relieve OEDEMA in heart failure. All thiazides are active by mout
h with an onset of action
within 12 hours, and a duration of 1224 hours. Chlorthalidone is a thiazide-relate
d compound that has a
longer duration of action and only requires to be given on alternate days. The o
ther thiazide drugs
available include bendrofluazide, cyclopenthiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, hydrofl
umethiazide, indapamide,
mefruside, methychlothiazide, metolazone, polythiazide and xipamide.
Thiazolidinedione Drugs A group of drugs used to treat type-2 diabetes (
which work by suppressing the activity of RESISTIN, a recently discovered hormon
e that acts against
INSULIN. Resistin links obesity to type-2 diabetes which has long been known to
be associated with
overweight subjects.
Thierschs Graft The term given to a method of SKIN-GRAFTING (see also GRA
FT) in which strips of skin
are shaved from a normal area and placed on a burned, injured or scarred area to
be grafted.
Thigh T The portion of the lower limb above the knee.
The thigh is supported by the femur or thighbone, the longest and strong
est bone in the body. A large
four-headed muscle, the quadriceps, forms most of the fleshy mass on the front a
nd sides of the thigh and
serves to straighten the leg in walking as well as to maintain the erect posture
of the body in standing.
At the back of the thigh lie the hamstring muscles; on the inner side the adduct
or muscles, attached above
to the pelvis and below to the femur, pull the lower limb inwards. The large fem
oral vessels emerge from
the abdomen in the middle of the groin, the vein lying to the inner side of the
artery. These pass
downwards and inwards
deeply placed between the muscles, and at the knee they lie behind the j
oint. The great saphenous vein
lies near the surface and can be seen towards the inner side of the thigh passin
g up to the groin, where it
joins the femoral vein. The femoral nerve accompanies the large vessels and cont
rols the muscles on the
front and inner side of the thigh; while the large sciatic nerve lies close to t

he back of the femur and

supplies the muscles at the back of the thigh and muscles below the knee. Deep w
ounds on the inner side of
the thigh are dangerous by reason of the risk of damage to the large vessels. Pa
in in the back of the thigh
is often due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve (see SCIATICA). The veins on t
he inner side of the thigh
are specially liable to become dilated.
Thiopentone Sodium An intravenous barbiturate whose main use is for indu
cing ANAESTHESIA, which it does
rapidly and painlessly.
Thioridazine A tranquilliser that is a useful antipsychotic drug. (See N
Thiotepa One of a dozen or so ALKYLATING AGENTS used to treat malignant
disease. It is especially
effective for cancer of the bladder. (See also CYTOTOXIC.)
Thirst The sensation of thirst is generally felt at the back of the thro
at, because, when there is a
deficiency of water in the system, the throat and mouth especially become parche
d by evaporation of
moisture from their surface. Thirst is increased by heat, and is a constant symp
tom of FEVER; it is also
present in diseases which remove a considerable amount of fluid from the system,
such as diarrhoea,
DIABETES MELLITUS and DIABETES INSIPIDUS, and after great loss of blood by haemo
rrhage. A demand for water
is also a feature of many conditions associated with prolonged exertion, severe
exhaustion and DEHYDRATION.
Thoracic Duct The large lymph vessel which collects the contents of the
lymphatics proceeding from the
lower limbs, the abdomen, the left arm, and left side of the chest, neck, and he
ad. It is provided with
numerous valves, and opens into the veins at the left side of the neck. (See GLA

Thoracocentesis The withdrawal of fluid from the pleural cavity. (See AS
cavity into which the nose, mouth, gullet, and larynx all open. (See als
The operation of removing a varying number of ribs so that the underlyin
g lung collapses. It was
formerly done to treat pulmonary
Thromboangiitis Obliterans
Thorax Another name for the CHEST. Also the title of a medical journal r
ead by chest physicians.
Thought Disorders Thought is a mental activity by which people reason, s
olve problems, form judgements
and communicate with each other by speech, writing and behaviour. Disturbances o
f thought are reflected in
how a person communicates: the normal logic of thought is broken up and a person
may randomly move from one
subject to another. SCHIZOPHRENIA is a mental illness characterised by thought d
isorder. Confusion,
DEMENTIA, DEPRESSION and MANIA are other conditions in which thought disorders m
ay be a marked feature.
Also known as Buergers disease, this is an inflammatory disease involving
the blood vessels and nerves
of the limbs, particularly the lower limbs. TOBACCO is an important cause. Pain
is the outstanding symptom,
accompanied by pallor of the affected part; intermittent CLAUDICATION caused by
a reduction in blood supply
is common. Sooner or later ulceration and GANGRENE tend to develop in the feet o
r hands when AMPUTATION of
the affected part may be necessary. There is no specific treatment, but, if seen
in the early stages,
considerable relief may be given to the patient. Regular walking exercise is hel
pful and affected
individuals should not smoke.
Thrombocyte See PLATELETS.

A fall in the number of PLATELETS (thrombocytes) in the blood caused by
failure of production or
excessive destruction of platelets. The result is bleeding into the skin (PURPUR
A), serious bleeding after
injury and spontaneous bruising. (See also IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA (
Threonine One of the essential or indispensable
Threshold The degree of stimulation, or electrical depolarisation, neces
sary to produce an action
potential in a nerve-fibre (see NEURON(E); NERVE). Stimulation below this level
elicits no conducted
impulse, and supramaximal stimulation will elicit the same response as a thresho
ld stimulus.
Thrill A tremor or vibration felt on applying the hand to the surface of
the body. It is felt
particularly over the region of the heart in conditions in which the valve openi
ngs are narrowed or an
ANEURYSM is present.
Throat In popular language, this is a vague term applied indifferently t
o the region in front of the
neck, to the LARYNX or organ of voice, and to the cavity at the back of the mout
h. The correct use of the
word denotes the PHARYNX or
Thrombocytopenic See THROMBOCYTOPENIA.
Thromboembolism The formation of a thrombus (BLOOD CLOT) in one part of
the circulatory system from
which a portion becomes detached and lodges in another blood vessel, partially o
r completely obstructing
the blood flow (an EMBOLISM). Most commonly a thrombus is formed in the veins of
the leg DEEP VEIN
THROMBOSIS (DVT) and the embolism lodges in the pulmonary (lung) circulation. PU
potentially fatal condition and requires urgent anticoagulant treatment (see ANT
ICOAGULANTS) and sometimes
surgery. Extended periods lying in bed or prolonged sitting in a confined positi
on such as a car or
aeroplane can cause DVT; venous thromboses in the legs may occur after surgery a
nd preventive anticoagulant

708 Thrombolysis
with HEPARIN and warfarin is often used. Similar treatment is needed if
a thrombus develops.
STREPTOKINASE is also used to treat thromboembolism.
Thrombolysis The breakdown of a BLOOD CLOT by enzymic activity (see ENZY
ME). Naturally occurring
enzymes limit the enlargement of clots, and drugs for example, STREPTOKINASE may
be given to dissolve
clots (e.g. following a coronary THROMBOSIS see under HEART, DISEASES OF). The d
rug needs to be given
within 612 hours to be effective in reducing the death rate, so prompt diagnosis
and transfer to hospital
is essential: a short door-to-needle time. An unwanted effect may be increased ris
k of bleeding,
especially in the elderly. It has been used in trials in patients with PULMONARY
EMBOLISM and with
peripheral arterial disease, but its value in these conditions is uncertain.
Thrombolytic Agents These are compounds with the property of breaking up
blood clots in the circulatory
Thrombophlebitis Inflammation of the veins combined with clot formation.
Thromboplastin Also known as thrombokinase, this is an ENZYME formed in
the preliminary stages of the
COAGULATION of blood. It converts the inactive PROTHROMBIN into the enzyme THROM
The formation of a BLOOD CLOT within the vessels or heart during life. T
he process of clotting within
the body depends upon the same factors as that of clotting of blood outside the
body, involving the
fibrinogen and calcium salts circulating in the blood, as well as blood PLATELET
S. The indirect cause of
thrombosis is usually some damage to the smooth lining of the blood vessels brou
ght about by inflammation,
or the result of ATHEROMA, a chronic disease of the vessel walls. The blood is a
lso specially prone to clot
in certain general conditions such as ANAEMIA, the ill-health of wasting disease
s like cancer, and in
consequence of the poor circulation of old age. Thrombosis may occur in the vess
els of the brain and thus
causes STROKE in people whose arteries are much diseased.
Thrombosis of a coronary artery of the heart is a very serious condition
which affects, as a rule,
middle-aged or elderly people. (See also ARTERIES, DISEASES OF; COAGULATION; HEA
thrombosis; VEINS, DISEASES OF.)
Thromboxane A substance produced in the blood PLATELETS which induces ag

gregation of platelets and

thereby THROMBOSIS. It is also a vasoconstrictor (a substance that causes the co
nstriction of blood
Thrombus A BLOOD CLOT. Usually describing the formation of a clot within
a vessel obstructing the flow
of blood, but it can also describe blood which has escaped from a damaged vessel
and clotted in the
surrounding tissue. (See also THROMBOSIS.)
Thrush See CANDIDA.
Thumb-Sucking Also
ss habit in infancy. It is
usually given up gradually
s after school age
especially if the child is
s to deal with the cause.
It is cruel to use threats

called finger-sucking, this is a universal and harmle

during the pre-school period, but quite often persist
tired, lonely or unhappy. In these cases the remedy i
or punishment to try to stop the habit.

Thymocyte A cell that develops in the THYMUS GLAND, probably from a stem
cell of bone marrow. It is a
precursor of T-lymphocytes originating in the gland (see LYMPHOCYTE).
Thymoma A tumour of the THYMUS GLAND. Such tumours are rare and are clas
sified according to the variety
of thymus tissue from which they develop. Epithelial thymomas grow slowly and ra
rely spread. If the tumour
arises from LYMPHOID TISSUE, it may progress to a generalised non-Hodgkins LYMPHO
MA. Another variety is a
thymic TERATOMA which is normally benign in women but malignant in men. Thymomas
may affect the working of
the immune system (see IMMUNITY), increasing the likelihood of infection. They a
re also associated with
MYASTHENIA GRAVIS an autoimmune disorder; removal of the gland may cure the diso

Thyroid Gland, Diseases of

Thymus Gland The thymus gland was given its name by Galen in the second
century AD because of its
resemblance to a bunch of thyme flowers. It has two lobes and lies in the upper
part of the chest. The
centre (cortex) resembles LYMPHOID TISSUE and is made up of masses of small roun
d cells called thymocytes
(see THYMOCYTE; LYMPHOCYTE). The medulla is more loosely cellular and consists o
f a stroma which contains
far fewer lymphocytes than are in the cortex. The thymus gland is a vital part o
f the immunological system.
Stem cells (see STEM CELL) from the BONE MARROW come to the thymus where they de
velop into immunologically
competent cells. There are two distinct populations of lymphocytes. One is depen
dent on the presence of the
thymus (Tlymphocytes); the other is independent of the thymus (B-lymphocytes). B
oth are concerned with
immune responses (see IMMUNITY). The Tlymphocyte is a cell which in the absence
of antigenic stimulation
(see ANTIGEN) circulates through the blood, lymph nodes and back into the circul
ation again over a period
of more than ten years. It performs a policing role, awaiting recognition of for
eign material which it is
able to identify as such. It reacts by multiplication and transformation and the
se are the ingredients of
the immune response. B-lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow and are conce
rned with the production of
the circulating humoral ANTIBODIES. The most common clinical disorder associated
with abnormality of the
thymus is MYASTHENIA GRAVIS. Ten per cent of patients with myasthenia gravis wil
l have a tumour of the
thymus, whilst the remainder will have inflammatory changes in the thymus called
Thyroid Cancer A rare disease that accounts for around 1 per cent of all
cancers, cancer of the THYROID
GLAND usually presents as an isolated hard nodule in the neck. The rate at which
the nodule grows depends
upon the patients age and type of cancer cell. Pain is not usually a feature, but
the increasing size may
result in the tumour pressing on vital structures in the neck for example, the n
erves controlling the
LARYNX (resulting in hoarseness) and the PHARYNX (causing difficulty in swallowi
ng). If more than one
nodule is present, they are likely to be benign, not malignant. Treatment is by
surgical removal after
which the patient will need to take THYROXINE for the rest of his or her life. R
adioactive iodine is
usually given after surgery
to destroy any residual cancerous cells. If treated early, the outlook i
s good.
Thyroid Cartilage The largest cartilage in the LARYNX and forms the prom
inence of the Adams apple in
front of the neck.

Thyroid Gland A highly vascular organ situated in front of the neck. It

consists of a narrow isthmus
crossing the windpipe close to its upper end, and joining together two lateral l
obes which run upwards, one
on each side of the LARYNX. The gland is therefore shaped somewhat like a horses
hoe, each lateral lobe
being about 5 cm (2 inches) long and the isthmus about 12 mm ( inch) wide, and it
is firmly bound to the
larynx. The weight of the thyroid gland is about 285 grams (1 ounce), but it is l
arger in females than in
males and in some women increases in size during MENSTRUATION. It often reaches
an enormous size in the
condition known as GOITRE (see also THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF).
Function The chief function of the thyroid gland is to produce a hormone
(see HORMONES) rich in iodine
THYROXINE, which controls the rate of body METABOLISM. Thus, if it is deficient
in infants they fail to
grow and suffer LEARNING DISABILITY, a condition formerly known as CRETINISM. If
the deficiency develops in
adult life, the individual becomes obese, lethargic, and develops a coarse skin,
a condition known as
hypothyroidism (see under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). Overactivity of the thyro
id, or hyperthyroidism,
results in loss of weight, rapid heart action, anxiety, overactivity and increas
ed appetite. (See THYROID
GLAND, DISEASES OF Thyrotoxicosis.) The production of the thyroid hormone is con
trolled by a hormone of
the PITUITARY GLAND the thyrotrophic hormone.
Thyroid Gland, Diseases of Goitre SIMPLE GOITRE A benign enlargement of
the THYROID GLAND with normal
production of hormone. It is ENDEMIC in certain geographical areas where there i
s IODINE deficiency. Thus,
iodine intake is deficient, the production of thyroid hormone is threate
ned and the anterior PITUITARY
GLAND secretes increased amounts of thyrotrophic hormone with consequent overgro
wth of the thyroid gland.
Simple goitres in non-endemic areas may occur at puberty, during pregnancy and a
t the menopause, which are

710 Thyroid Gland, Diseases of

times of increased demand for thyroid hormone. The only effective treame
nt is thyroid replacement
therapy to suppress the enhanced production of thyrotrophic hormone. The prevale
nce of endemic goitre can
be, and has been, reduced by the iodinisation of domestic salt in many countries
respond as well as the diffuse goitres to THYROXINE treatment. They are usually
the result of alternating
episodes of hyperplasia and involution which lead to permanent thyroid enlargeme
nt. The only effective way
of curing a nodular goitre is to excise it, and THYROIDECTOMY should be recommen
ded if the goitre is
causing pressure symptoms or if there is a suspicion of malignancy. LYMPHADENOID
GOITRES are due to the
production of ANTIBODIES against antigens (see ANTIGEN) in the thyroid gland. Th
ey are an example of an
autoimmune disease. They tend to occur in the third and fourth decade and the gl
and is much firmer than the
softer gland of a simple goitre. Lymphadenoid goitres respond to treatment with
thyroxine. TOXIC GOITRES
may occur in thyrotoxicosis (see below), although much less frequently autonomou
s nodules of a nodular
goitre may be responsible for the increased production of thyroxine and thus cau
se thyrotoxicosis.
Thyrotoxicosis is also an autoimmune disease in which an antibody is produced th
at stimulates the thyroid
to produce excessive amounts of hormone, making the patient thyrotoxic. Rarely,
an enlarged gland may be
the result of cancer in the thyroid.
Treatment A symptomless goitre may gradually disappear or be so small as
not to merit treatment. If the
goitre is large or is causing the patient difficulty in swallowing or breathing,
it may need surgical
removal by partial or total thyroidectomy. If the patient is deficient in iodine
, fish and iodised salt
should be included in the diet.
Hyperthyroidism is a common disorder affecting 25 per cent of all females
at some time in their lives.
The most common cause around 75 per cent of cases is thyrotoxicosis (see below).
multiple adenomas) or nodules in the thyroid also cause hyperthyroidism. There a
re several other rare
causes, including inflammation caused by a virus, autoimune reactions and cancer
. The symptoms of
hyperthyroidism affect many of the bodys systems as a consequence of the much-inc
reased metabolic rate.
Thyrotoxicosis is a syndrome consisting of diffuse goitre (enlarged thyroid glan
d), overactivity of the
gland and EXOPHTHALMOS (protruding eyes). Patients lose weight and develop an in
creased appetite, heat
intolerance and sweating. They are anxious, irritable, hyperactive, suffer from
TACHYCARDIA, breathlessness
and muscle weakness and are sometimes depressed. The hyperthyroidism is due to t
he production of ANTIBODIES
to the TSH receptor (see THYROTROPHIN-STIMULATING HORMONE (TSH)) which stimulate
the receptor with

resultant production of excess thyroid hormones. The goitre is due to antibodies

that stimulate the growth
of the thyroid gland. The exophT
Anterior diagrammatic view showing positions of thymus (left) and thyroi
d (right) glands around the
trachea between the lungs.

Thyroid Gland, Diseases of

thalmos is due to another immunoglobulin called the ophthalmopathic immu
noglobulin, which is an
antibody to a retro-orbital antigen on the surface of the retro-orbital EYE musc
les. This provokes
inflammation in the retro-orbital tissues which is associated with the accumulat
ion of water and
mucopolysaccharide which fills the orbit and causes the eye to protrude forwards
. Although thyrotoxicosis
may affect any agegroup, the peak incidence is in the third decade. Females are
affected ten times as often
as males; the prevalence in females is one in 500. As with many other autoimmune
diseases, there is an
increased prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease in the relatives of patients
with thyrotoxicosis. Some
of these patients may have hypothyroidism (see below) and others, thyrotoxicosis
. Patients with
thyrotoxicosis may present with a goitre or with the eye signs or, most commonly
, with the symptoms of
excess thyroid hormone production. Thyroid hormone controls the metabolic rate o
f the body so that the
symptoms of hyperthyroidism are those of excess metabolism. The diagnosis of thy
rotoxicosis is confirmed by
the measurement of the circulating levels of the two thyroid hormones, thyroxine
Treatment There are several effective treatments for thyrotoxicosis. The
se drugs inhibit the iodination
of tyrosine and hence the formation of the thyroid hormones. The most commonly u
sed drugs are carbimazole
and propylthiouricil: these will control the excess production of thyroid hormon
es in virtually all cases.
Once the patients thyroid is functioning normally, the dose can be reduced to a m
aintenance level and is
usually continued for two years. The disadvantage of antithyroid drugs is that a
fter two years treatment
nearly half the patients will relapse and will then require more definitive ther
Removal of threequarters of the thyroid gland is effective treatment of thyrotox
icosis. It is the treatment
of choice in those patients with large goitres. The patient must however be trea
ted with medication so that
they are euthyroid (have a normally functioning thyroid) before surgery is under
taken, or thyroid crisis
and cardiac arrhythmias may complicate the operation. RADIOACTIVE IODINE THERAPY
This has been in use for
many years, and is an effective means of controlling hyperthyroidism. One of the
disadvantages of
radioactive iodine is that the inciANTITHYROID DRUGS
dence of hypothyroidism is much greater than with other forms of treatme
nt. However, the management of
hypothyroidism is simple and requires thyroxine tablets and regular monitoring f
or hypothyroidism. There is
no evidence of any increased incidence of cancer of the thyroid or LEUKAEMIA fol
lowing radio-iodine
therapy. It has been the pattern in Britain to reserve radio-iodine treatment to

those over the age of 35,

or those whose prognosis is unlikely to be more than 30 years as a result of car
diac or respiratory
disease. Radioactive iodine treatment should not be given to a seriously thyroto
xic patient.
ymptomatic treatment during
the first 48 weeks until the longer-term drugs have reduced thyroid activity.
Hypothyroidism A condition resulting from underactivity of the thyroid g
land. One form, in which the
skin and subcutaneous tissues thicken and result in a coarse appearance, is call
ed myxoedema. The thyroid
gland secretes two hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine and these hormones ar
e responsible for the
metabolic activity of the body. Hypothyroidism may result from developmental abn
ormalities of the gland, or
from a deficiency of the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of the hormones. It
may be a feature of
endemic goitre and retarded development, but the most common cause of hypothyroi
dism is the autoimmune
destruction of the thyroid known as chronic thyroiditis. It may also occur as a
result of radio-iodine
treatment of thyroid overactivity (see above) and is occasionally secondary to p
ituitary disease in which
inadequate TSH production occurs. It is a common disorder, occurring in 14 per 1
,000 females and one per
1,000 males. Most patients present between the age of 30 and 60 years.
Symptoms As thyroid hormones are responsible for the metabolic rate of t
he body, hypothyroidism usually
presents with a general sluggishness: this affects both physical and mental acti
vities. The intellectual
functions become slow, the speech deliberate and the formation of ideas and the
answers to questions take
longer than in healthy people. Physical energy is reduced and patients frequentl
y complain of lethargy and
generalised muscle aches and pains. Patients become intolerant of the cold and t
he skin becomes dry and
swollen. The LARYNX also becomes swollen and gives rise to a hoarseness of the v
oice. Most patients gain

712 Thyroidectomy
weight and develop constipation. The skin becomes dry and yellow due to
the presence of increased
carotene. Hair becomes thinned and brittle and even baldness may develop. Swelli
ng of the soft tissues may
give rise to a CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME and middle-ear deafness. The diagnosis is
confirmed by measuring the
levels of thyroid hormones in the blood, which are low, and of the pituitary TSH
which is raised in primary
Thyrotoxicosis A disorder of the thyroid gland in which excessive amount
s of thyroid hormones are
secreted into the bloodstream. Resultant symptoms are tachycardia, tremor, anxie
ty, sweating, increased
appetite, weight loss and dislike of heat. (See hyperthyroidism above.)
Treatment consists of the administration of
thyroxine. Although tri-iodothyronine is the metabolically active hormon
e, thyroxine is converted to
tri-iodothyronine by the tissues of the body. Treatment should be started cautio
usly and slowly increased
to 02 mg daily the equivalent of the maximum output of the thyroid gland. If too
large a dose is given
initially, palpitations and tachycardia are likely to result; in the elderly, he
art failure may be
Surgical removal of the THYROID GLAND. Partial thyroidectomy removal of
part of the gland is
sometimes done in patients with hyperthyroidism (see under THYROID GLAND, DISEAS
ES OF) when drug treatment
has failed to control the disorder.
Congenital hypothyroidism Babies may
be born hypothyroid as a result of having little or no functioning thyro
id-gland tissue. In the
developed world the condition is diagnosed by screening, all newborn babies havi
ng a blood test to analyse
TSH levels. Those found positive have a repeat test and, if the diagnosis is con
firmed, start on thyroid
replacement therapy within a few weeks of birth. As a result most of the ill-eff
ects of cretinism can be
avoided and the children lead normal lives.
Thyroiditis Inflammation of the thyroid
removed surgically or destroyed using radioactive iodine.

gland. The acute form is usually caused by a bacterial infection elsewhe

re in the body: treatment with
antibiotics is needed. Occasionally a virus may be the infectious agent. Hashimo
tos thyroiditis is an
autoimmune disorder causing hypothyroidism (reduced activity of the gland). Suba
cute thyroiditis is
inflammation of unknown cause in which the gland becomes painful and the patient
suffers fever, weight loss
and malaise. It sometimes lasts for several months but is usually self-limiting.
Thyrotoxic adenoma A variety of thyrotoxicosis (see hyperthyroidism abov
e) in which one of the nodules
of a multinodular goitre becomes autonomous and secretes excess thyroid hormone.
The symptoms that result
are similar to those of thyrotoxicosis, but there are minor differences.
Treatment The first line of treatment is to render the patient euthyroid
by treatment with antithyroid
drugs. Then the nodule should be
Thyroiditis See under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF.
Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) A hormone (see HORMONES) produced a
nd released by the HYPOTHALAMUS
which stimulates the release of THYROTROPHINSTIMULATING HORMONE (TSH) by the PIT
Thyrotrophin-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) A hormone (see HORMONES) manufact
ured and released by the
anterior part of the PITUITARY GLAND which stimulates the THYROID GLAND to manuf
acture and release thyroid
Thyroxine (T4) A crystalline substance, containing IODINE, isolated from
possessing the properties of thyroid extract. It has also been synthesised. It i
s used in patients with
defective function of the thyroid, such as myxoedema (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASE
S OF Hypothyroidism).
Tibia The larger of the two bones in the leg. One surface of the tibia l
ies immediately beneath the
skin in front, forming the shin; fractures of this

bone are usually compound ones. The thigh bone abuts on the larger upper
end of the tibia at the
knee-joint, whilst below, the tibia and fibula together enter into the ankle-joi
nt, the two bosses or
malleoli at the ankle belonging, the inner to the tibia, the outer to the fibula
Tic A repetitive, usually involuntary SPASM that varies from being the s
imple twitch of a muscle for
example, affecting an eyelid to complex coordinated actions. About 20 per cent o
f children suffer from
tic which normally lasts several months. Emotional stress is a common cause (see
Tic Douloureux Another name for TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA due to some affecti
on of the fifth cranial nerve,
and characterised by pain situated somewhere about the temple, forehead, face, o
r jaw and sometimes by
SPASM in the muscles of the affected region.
Ticks Ticks are blood-sucking arthropods which are responsible for trans
mitting a wide range of
diseases to humans, including ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER, African tick typhus,
LYME DISEASE and fivre
boutonneuse (see TYPHUS FEVER). Apart from being transmitters of disease, they c
ause intense itching and
may cause quite severe lesions of the skin. The best repellents are dimethyl pht
halate and
diethyltoluamide. Once bitten, relief from the itching is obtained from the appl
ication of calamine lotion.
Tick-bites are an occupational hazard of shepherds and gamekeepers. (See also BI
Ticlopidine A recently introduced antiplatelet drug, which decreases clu
mping of blood PLATELETS and
thus inhibits the formation of clots (see BLOOD CLOT; THROMBUS). It is used to p
revent episodes in patients
with a history of symptomatic ischaemic disease such as STROKE and INTERMITTENT
should be started under hospital supervision.
Timolol Maleate A beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drug which is of value in t
he treatment of ANGINA
PECTORIS, myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF)
and HYPERTENSION. It is also used in the treatment of GLAUCOMA. (See als
Tincture An alcoholic solution used in PHARMACY, generally of some veget
able substance.

Tinnitus A noise heard in the EAR without any external cause. It often a
ccompanies DEAFNESS, and
severely deaf patients find tinnitus as troubling as if not more so than the dea
fness. Tinnitus is
described as objective if it is produced by sound generated within the body by vas
cular tumours or
abnormal blood flows. In patients with conductive hearing loss, tinnitus may be
the consequence of the
blocking of outside noises so that their own bodily activities become audible. E
ven normal people
occasionally suffer from tinnitus, but rarely at a level which prompts them to s
eek medical advice. Present
knowledge of the neurophysiological mechanisms is that the noise arises high in th
e central nervous
system in the subcortical regions of the BRAIN. The resting level of spontaneous
neuronal activity in the
hearing system is only just below that at which sound enters a persons consciousn
ess a consequence of
the fine-tuning of normal hearing; so it is not, perhaps, surprising that normal
ly unheard neuronal
activity becomes audible. If a patient suffers sensorineural deafness, the body
may reset the awareness
threshold of neural activity, with the brain attempting greater sensitivity in a
n effort to overcome the
deafness. The condition has a strong emotional element and its management calls
for a psychological
approach to help sufferers cope with what are, in effect, physically untreatable
symptoms. They should be
reassured that tinnitus is not a signal of an impending stroke or of a disorder
of the brain. COGNITIVE
BEHAVIOUR THERAPY can be valuable in coping with the unwanted noise. Traditional
ly, masking sounds,
generated by an electrical device in the ear, were used to help tinnitus suffere
rs by, in effect, making
the tinnitus inaudible. Even with the introduction of psychological retraining t
reatment, these maskers may
still be helpful; the masking-noise volume, however, should be kept as low as po
ssible or it will interfere
with the retraining process. For patients with very troublesome tinnitus, length
y counselling and

714 Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA, tPA)

courses may be required. Surgery is not recommended. Under the auspices
of the Royal National Institute
for Deaf People, the RNID Tinnitus Helpline has been established. Calls are char
ged at local rates. (See
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA, tPA)
A natural PROTEIN that occurs in the body. It has the property of breaki
ng down a THROMBUS in a blood
vessel (see THROMBOLYSIS). It is effective only in the presence of FIBRIN and ac
tivates plasminogen, which
occurs normally on the surface of the fibrin. TPA is an important thrombolytic t
reatment immediately after
a myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF).
Tissues of the Body
The simple elements from which the various parts and organs are found to
be built. All the body
originates from the union of a pair of CELLS, but as growth proceeds the new cel
ls produced from these form
tissues of varying character and complexity. It is customary to divide the tissu
es into five groups:
Epithelial tissues, including the cells covering the skin, those lining the alim
entary canal, those forming
the secretions of internal organs. (See EPITHELIUM.) Connective tissues, includi
ng fibrous tissue, fat,
bone, cartilage. (See under these headings.) Muscular tissues (see MUSCLE). Nerv
ous tissues (see NERVE).
Wandering corpuscles of the BLOOD and LYMPH. Many of the organs are formed of a
single one of these
tissues, or of one with a very slight admixture of another, such as cartilage, o
r white fibrous tissue.
Other parts of the body that are widely distributed are very simple in structure
and consist of two or more
simple tissues in varying proportion. Such are blood vessels (see ARTERIES; VEIN
S), lymphatic vessels (see
LYMPHATICS), lymphatic glands (see GLAND), SEROUS MEMBRANES, synovial membranes
(see JOINTS), mucous
membranes (see MUCOUS MEMBRANE), secreting glands (see GLAND; SALIVARY GLANDS; T
structure of the more complex organs of the body is dealt with under the heading
of each organ.

Tissue Typing
The essential procedure for matching the tissue of a recipient in need o
f transplanted tissue or organ
to that of a potential donor. Unless there is a reasonable match, the recipients
system (see IMMUNITY) will reject the donors organ. The main factors that
are relevant to an

individuals reaction to donor tissue are called histocompatability antigens (see

ANTIGEN). These are
mostly human leucocyte antigens (HLAs see HLA SYSTEM) present on the surface of
cells. HLAs are inherited
and, like fingerprints, unique to an individual, although identical twins have i
dentical HLAs and hence are
perfect matches for TRANSPLANTATION procedures.
Titration A form of chemical analysis by standard solutions of known str
Titre The strength of a solution as determined by TITRATION. In medicine
it is used to describe the
amount of antibody (see ANTIBODIES) present in a known volume of SERUM.
Titubation A regular nodding movement of the head that sometimes involve
s the trunk. The term can also
refer to a staggering or reeling condition, especially due to disease of the SPI
NAL CORD or cerebellum (see
Tizanidine A recently introduced skeletal-muscle relaxant used in patien
ts whose muscle spasticity is
associated with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) or injury to the SPINAL CORD. Its side-e
ffects include drowsiness,
tiredness, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea and lowered blood pressure.
T-Lymphocyte See LYMPHOCYTE.
TNM Classification A method of classifying cancers to determine how far
they have spread. This helps
doctors to determine the best course of treatment and the prognosis; it is also
useful in research.
Originally defined by the American Joint Committee on Cancer, the T applies to t
he primary tumour, the N to
any lymph-node involvement, and the M to any metastatic spread. (See METASTASIS;
Tobacco The leaf of several species of nicotiana, especially of the Amer
ican plant Nicotiana tabacum.
The smoking of tobacco is the most serious public-health hazard in Britain today
. It causes

100,000 premature deaths a year in the United Kingdom alone. In addition
to the deaths caused by
cigarette smoking, it is also a major cause of disability and illness in the for
m of myocardial infarction
oking is also a serious
hazard to the FETUS if the mother smokes. Furthermore, passive smoking inhalatio
n of other peoples
tobacco smoke has been shown to be a health hazard to non-smokers.
Composition In addition to vegetable fibre, tobacco leaves contain a lar
ge quantity of ash, the nature
of this depending predominantly upon the minerals present in the ground where th
e tobacco plant has been
grown. Of the organic constituents, the brown fluid alkaloid known as NICOTINE i
s the most important. The
nicotine content of different tobacco varies, and the amount absorbed depends up
on whether or not the
smoker inhales. Nicotine is the substance that causes a person to become addicte
d to tobacco smoking (see
DEPENDENCE). Tobacco smoke also contains some 16 substances capable of inducing
cancer in experimental
animals. One of the most important of these is benzpyrene, a strongly carcinogen
ic hydrocarbon. As this is
present in coal tar pitch, it is commonly referred to in this context as tar. Ot
her constituents of tobacco
smoke include pyridine, ammonia and carbon monoxide. Nicotine addiction is a lif
e-threatening but treatable
disorder, and nicotine-replacement treatment is available on NHS prescription. T
his includes the provision
of bupropion trade name Zyban . The availability of this drug which should be used
with caution as it
has unwelcome side-effects in some people and the introduction of specialist smo
kingcessation services to
provide behavioural support to people who wish to stop smoking should result in
a reduction in
tobacco-related diseases. Given the critical position of nicotine in leading peo
ple to become addicted to
smoking, it is anomalous that there are no effective government regulations cove
ring the sales of tobacco.
Because it is not a food, tobacco is not regulated by the Food Standards Agency;
it is not classified as a
drug so is not controlled by legislation on medicines. Furthermore, despite bein
g a consumer product,
tobacco is exempt from the Consumer Protection Act (1987) and other government s
afety regulations. So the
NHS is left to try to ameliorate the serious health consequences lung cancer, ca
rdiovascular disease,
peripheral vascular disease, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema of a sub715
stance for which there are no effective preventive measures except the w
illpower of the individual
smoker or non-smoker. (Escalating taxation of tobacco seems to have been circumv
ented as a deterrent by the
rising incidence of smuggling cigarettes into Britain.) Action on Smoking and He
alth (ASH) is a small

charity founded by the Royal College of Physicians in 1971 that attempts to aler
t and inform the public to
the dangers of smoking and to try to prevent the disability and death which it c
Tobramycin An aminoglycoside antibiotic used to treat serious infections
such as MENINGITIS and
PERITONITIS as well as those affecting bones, joints and lungs. It is given by i
njection, sometimes in
conjunction with penicillin. It has a range of side-effects including damage to
the balance and hearing
mechanisms as well as to the kidney.
Tolbutamide A sulphonamide derivative, or sulphonylurea (see SULPHONYLUR
EAS), which lowers the level of
the blood sugar in DIABETES MELLITUS. As it is rapidly excreted from the body, i
t has to be taken twice
daily. Like CHLORPROPAMIDE, it may induce undue sensitivity to alcohol.
Tolerance This occurs when the response to a particular amount of a drug
or physiological messenger
decreases, so that a larger dose must be given to produce the same response as b
efore. It is particularly
common with certain drug dependencies (see DEPENDENCE): for example, with MORPHI
Toluene Also called methylbenzene: a product of the distillation of coal
tar widely used as a solvent
in the manufacture of paint and rubber and plastic cements.
Tomography A technique using X-RAYS or ULTRASOUND to build up a focused
image of a slice through the
body at a given level. By producing a series of such slices at different depths,
a threedimensional image
of the body structures can be built up.

716 -tomy
-tomy A suffix indicating an operation by cutting.
Tongue The tongue is made up of several muscles, is richly supplied with
blood vessels and nerves, and
is covered by highly specialised MUCOUS MEMBRANE. It consists of a free part kno
wn as the tip, a body, and
a hinder fixed part or root. The under-surface lies upon the floor of the mouth,
whilst the upper surface
is curved from side to side, and still more from before backwards so as to adapt
it to the roof of the
mouth. At its root, the tongue is in contact with, and firmly united to, the upp
er edge of the LARYNX; so
that in some persons who can depress the tongue readily the tip of the EPIGLOTTI
S may be seen projecting
upwards at its hinder part.
Structure The substance of the tongue consists almost entirely of muscle
s running in various
directions. The tongue also has numerous outside attachments: one muscle on each
side unites it to the
lower jaw-bone just behind the chin, and this muscle serves to protrude the
tongue from the mouth; other muscles, which retract the tongue, attach i
t to the hyoid bone, the
larynx, the PALATE, and the styloid process on the base of the SKULL. The mucous
membrane on the
undersurface of the tongue is very thin. In the middle line, a fold of mucous me
mbrane, the frenum, passes
from the under-surface to the floor of the mouth; when this frenum is attached t
oo far forwards towards the
tip of the tongue, the movements of the organ are impeded the condition being kn
own as tongue-tie. On the
upper surface or dorsum of the tongue, the mucous membrane is thicker, and in it
s front two-thirds is
studded with projections or papillae, most of which are conical. Some of them en
d in long filaments, and
are then known as filiform papillae. On the tip, and towards the edges of the to
ngue, small, red, rounded
fungiform papillae are seen, which act as end-organs for the sense of taste as d
o circumvallate papillae,
each of which is surrounded by a trench along which open numerous taste-buds. Th
ese taste-buds are also
found in the fungiform papillae, scattered over
(Left) Tongue from above showing different areas of taste discrimination
. (Right) Vertical section
through surface of tongue showing taste-bud ( x 400).

the throat, FAUCES, and palate. Five nerves, originating from the fifth,
seventh, ninth, tenth and 12th
cervical nerves supply the tongue.
Functions The chief uses of the tongue are:
push the food between the teeth for tomastication, and then mould it int
o a bolus preparatory to
the organ of the sense of taste, and as an asorgan provided with a delic
ate sense of touch; and
a part in the production of speech. to(Seeplay VOICE AND SPEECH.) It is
usual to classify any taste
as: sweet, bitter, salt and acid, since finer distinctions are largely dependent
upon the sense of smell.
The loss of keenness in taste brought about by a cold in the head, or even by ho
lding the nose while
swallowing, is well known. Sweet tastes seem to be best appreciated by the tip o
f the tongue, acids on its
edges, and bitters at the back. There are probably different nerve-fibres and en
d-organs for the different
varieties of taste. Many tastes depend upon the ordinary sensations of the tongu
e. Like other sensations,
taste can be very highly educated for a time, as in tea-tasters and wine-tasters
, but this special
adaptation is lost after some years.
Tongue, Disorders of Conditions of the tongue At rest, the touches all t
he lower teeth and is slightly
arched from side to side. It has a smooth surface with a groove in the middle an
d an even but definite
edge. It is under voluntary control and the tip can be moved in all directions.
Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie
is a rare disorder in which the frenum or band connecting the lower surface of t
he tongue to the floor of
the mouth is so short or tight that the tongue cannot be protruded. Surgery can
remedy the defect. It is
easy to overdiagnose and is not a common cause of difficulty in feeding at birth
or speech defects in
infancy. Gross enlargement of the tongue can make speech indistinct or make swal
lowing and even breathing
difficult. This is known as macroglossia and may be such that the tongue is cons
tantly protruded from the
mouth. The cause may be CONGENITAL, as in severe cases of DOWNS (DOWN) SYNDROME,
or it may occur as a
result of ACROMEGALY or be due to abnormal deposits as in AMYLOIDOSIS. A marked
tremor of the tongue when
truded may be seen in various neurological diseases, but may be caused b
y alcoholism. After a STROKE
involving the motor nerve centre, the control of one side of the tongue musculat
ure will be lost. This will
result in the protruded tongue pointing to the side of the body which is paralys

ed. The sense of taste on

one side of the tongue may also be lost in some diseases of the brain and facial
nerve. The presence of fur
on the tongue may be obvious and distressing. This is due to thickening of the s
uperficial layers of the
tongue which may appear like hairs which trap food debris and become discoloured
. Furring is common during
fever and as a result of mouth-breathing and smoking. In some conditions the ton
gue may appear dry, red and
raw (GLOSSITIS). An inflamed beefy tongue is characteristic of pellagra, a disea
se caused by deficiency of
NICOTINIC ACID in the diet. A magenta-coloured tongue may be seen when there is
a lack of RIBOFLAVIN.
Ulcers of the tongue are similar to those elsewhere in the mouth. The mo
st common are aphthous ulcers
which are small, red and painful and last for about ten days. They are associate
d with stress, mild trauma
(such as from jagged teeth), and occasionally with folic acid and vitamin B12 de
ficiency. Ulcers of the
tongue are sometimes found in patients with chronic bowel disease.
Tonics These are placebos (see PLACEBO) and may be used in conditions fo
r which there is no known
remedy, to strengthen and support the patient. Available tonics range from rhuba
rb compound mixture to
various mineral and vitamin supplements.
Tonsillitis Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the TONSILS. The disorder
may be the precurosor of a
virusinduced infection of the upper respiratory tract such as the COMMON COLD, I
NFLUENZA or infectious
MONONUCLEOSIS, in which case the inflammation usually subsides as other symptoms
develop. Such
virus-induced tonsillitis does not respond to treatment with antibiotics. This s
ection describes
tonsillitis caused by bacterial infection.
Acute tonsillitis The infection is never entirely confined to the tonsil
s; there is always some
involvement of the surrounding throat or pharynx. The converse is true that in m

718 Tonsils
cases of sore throat, the tonsils are involved in the generalised inflamma
tion of the throat.
Causes Most commonly caused by the haemolytic STREPTOCOCCUS, its incidenc
e is highest in the winter
months. In the developing world it may e the presenting feature of DIPHTHERIA,
a disease now virtually
non-existant in the West since the introduction of IMMUNISATION. Symptoms The on
set is usually fairly
sudden with pain on swallowing, fever and malaise. On examination, the tonsils a
re engorged and covered
with a whitish discharge (PUS). This may occur at scattered areas over the tonsi
llar crypts (follicular
tonsillitis), or it may e more extensive. The glands under the jaw are enlarged
and tender, and there may
e pain in the ear on the affected side: although usually referred pain, this ma
y indicate spread of the
infection up the Eustachian tue to the ear, particularly in children. Occasiona
lly an ABSCESS, or quinsy,
develops around the affected tonsil. Due to a collection of pus, it usually come
s on four to five days
after the onset of the disease, and requires specialist surgical treatment.
Treatment Most cases need no treatment.
Therefore, it is advisale to take a throat swa to assess the nature of
any acterial treatment efore
starting treatment. Penicillin or erythromycin are the drugs of choice where et
ahaemolytic streptococci
are isolated, together with paracetamol or aspirin, and plenty of fluids. Remova
l of tonsils is indicated:
when the tonsils and adenoids are permanently so enlarged as to interfere with 
reathing (in such cases the
adenoids are removed as well as the tonsils); when the individual is suject to
recurrent attacks of acute
tonsillitis which are causing significant deility, asence from school or work
on a regular asis (more
than four times a year); when there is evidence of a tumour of the tonsil. Recur
rent sore throat is not an
indication for removing tonsils.
Tonsils Two almond-shaped glands (see GLAND) situated one on each side o
f the narrow FAUCES where the
mouth joins the throat. Each has a structure resemling that of a lymphatic glan
d, and consists of an
elevation of the mucous memrane presenting 1215 openings, which lead into pits o
r lacunae. The mucous
covering is formed y the ordinary mucous memrane of the mouth, which also line
s the pits; and the main
sustance of the gland is composed of
loose connective tissue containing lymph corpuscles in its meshes, and p
acked here and there into
denser nodules or follicles. The tonsils play an important role in the protectiv
e mechanism of the ody
against infection.

Tooth See TEETH.

Tooth, Supernumerary Malformed extra TEETH are frequently found, particu
larly in the upper incisor
region. They often do not erupt, ut prevent the eruption of the permanent teeth
Tophus The name given to urate-ased deposits which form in connection w
ith joints or tendon sheaths as
the result of attacks of GOUT. At first the tophus is a soft mass, ut later ec
omes quite hard. It is
composed of iurate of soda.
Topical Pertaining to drugs or other treatment applied locally to the ar
ea eing treated e.g. the
skin, eye, etc.
Torasemide A loop diuretic (see DIURETICS) used in the treatment of OEDE
Torpor A condition of odily and mental inactivity, not amounting to sle
ep, ut interfering greatly
with the ordinary haits and pursuits. It is often found in people suffering fro
m fever, and is a common
symptom in aged people whose arteries are diseased.
Torsion Twisting. The term is applied to the process in which organs, or
tumours, which are attached to
the rest of the ody y a narrow neck or pedicle, ecome twisted so as to narrow
the lood vessels or other
structures in the pedicle. (See TESTICLE, DISEASES OF.) Torsion is also the term
applied to the twisting of
the small arteries severed at an operation, y which leeding from them is stopp
Torticollis This is shortness of the sternomastoid muscle on one side, r
esulting in asymmetry and
limitation of movement of the neck. (See SPASMODIC TORTICOLLIS; WRY-NECK.)

Touch The sense that enales an individual to assess the physical charac
teristics of ojects for
example, their size, shape, temperature and texture. The sense of touch is consi
dered here along with other
senses associated with the skin and muscles. The cutaneous senses comprise:
Touch sense proper, y which we perceive a touch or stroke and estimate
the size and shape of odies
with which we come into contact, ut which we do not see.
Pressure sense, y which we judge the heaviness of weights laid upon the
skin, or appreciate the
hardness of ojects y pressing against them. Heat sense, y which we perceive t
hat an oject is warmer
than the skin.
Cold sense, y which we perceive that an oject touching the skin is col
d. Pain sense, y which we
appreciate pricks, pinches and other painful impressions.
Muscular sensitiveness, y which the painfulness of a squeeze is perceiv
ed. It is produced proaly y
direct pressure upon the nerve-fires in the muscles.
ated y only 1 mm; on the tips of the fingers they must e separated to
twice that distance, whilst on
the arm or leg they cannot e felt as two points unless separated y over 25 mm,
and on the ack they must
e separated y more than 50 mm. On the parts covered y hair, the nerves ending
around the roots of the
hairs also take up impressions of touch. Pressure is estimated proaly through
the same nerve-endings and
nerves that have to do with touch, ut it depends upon a difference in the sensa
tions of parts pressed on
and those of surrounding parts. Heat-sense, cold-sense and pain-sense all depend
upon different
nerveendings in the skin; y using various tests, the skin may e mapped out int
o a mosaic of little areas
where the different kinds of impressions are registered. Whilst the tongue and f
inger-tips are the parts
most sensitive to touch, they are comparatively insensitive to heat, and can eas
ily ear temperatures which
the cheek or elow could not tolerate. The muscular sense depends upon the senso
ry organs known as
musclespindles, which are scattered through the sustance of the muscles, and th
e sense of locality is
dependent partly upon these and partly upon the nerves which end in tendons, lig
aments and joints.
Disorders of the sense
n in which there is excessive
sensitiveness to any stimulus,
mere touch or gentle
handling causes acute pain, it
diseases of the SPINAL CORD
immediately aove the level of

of touch occur in various diseases. is a conditio

such as touch. When this reaches the stage when a
is known as hyperalgesia. It is found in various
the disease, comined often with loss of sensatio

n elow the diseased part.

It is also present in NEURALGIA, the skin of the neuralgic area ecoming excessi
vely tender to touch, heat
or cold. Heightened sensiility to temperature is a common symptom of NEURITIS.
ANAESTHESIA, or diminution
of the sense of touch, causing often a feeling of numness, is present in many d
iseases affecting the
nerves of sensation or their continuations up the posterior part of the spinal c
ord. The condition of
dissociated analgesia, in which a touch is quite well felt, although there is co
mplete insensiility to
pain, is present in the disease of the spinal cord known as SYRINGOMYELIA, and a
ffords a proof that the
nerve-fires for pain and those for touch are quite separate. In taes dorsalis
(see SYPHILIS) there is
sometimes loss of the sense of touch on feet or arms; ut in other cases of this
disease there is no loss
Muscular sense,

y which we test the weight of an oject held in the hand, or gauge the
amount of energy expended on an
Sense of locality, y which we can, without looking, tell the position a
nd attitude of any part of the
Common sensation,
which is a vague term used to mean composite sensations produced y seve
ral of the foregoing, like
tickling, or creeping, and the vague sense of well-eing or the reverse that the
mind receives from
internal organs. (See the entry on PAIN.) The structure of the end-organs situat
ed in the skin, which
receive impressions from the outer world, and of the nerve-fires which conduct
these impressions to the
central nervous system, have een descried under NERVOUS SYSTEM. (See also SKIN
.) Touch affects the
Meissners or touch corpuscles placed eneath the epidermis; as these differ in cl
oseness in different
parts of the skin, the delicacy of the sense of touch varies greatly. Thus the p
oints of a pair of
compasses can e felt as two on the tip of the tongue when separT

720 Tourettes Syndrome

of touch, although there is a complete loss of the sense of locality in
the lower lims, thus proving
that these two senses are quite distinct. PARAESTHESIAE are anormal sensations
such as creeping, tingling,
pricking or hot flushes.
Tourniquet A device usually a ruer cord or tight andage that is ound
around a lim to stop
temporarily the arterial lood supply and so control severe leeding. Tourniquet
s should e applied with
caution; unless untied within 15 minutes, GANGRENE may result, necessitating AMP
UTATION. Because of this
serious hazard, they are rarely used nowadays; direct pressure on the leeding p
oints is simpler, safer and
equally effective in emergencies. A temporary tourniquet to an arm to increase t
he distension of veins when
taking a sample of lood does no harm.
Toxaemia A term applied to forms of lood-poisoning due to the asorptio
n of acterial products
(TOXINS) formed at some local site of infection, such as an ABSCESS. In other ca
ses the toxaemia is due to
defective action of some excretory organ, such as the kidney (see KIDNEYS). As r
egards treatment, the most
important consideration is to remove the source of infection. Toxaemia of pregna
ncy is a term sometimes
used to descrie the two complications of pregnancy known as PRE-ECLAMPSIA and E
CLAMPSIA (see also
This the main toxicology dataase of the National Poisons Information Se
rvice (see POISONS). It is
availale on the Internet ( Toxase gives information aout
routine diagnosis,
treatment and management of people exposed to drugs, household products and indu
strial and agricultural
chemicals. Further information is availale on 0131 536 2298.
rash. It is frequently associated with the use of tampons (see TAMPON),
ut has occasionally een
reported in men. The syndrome may also e linked to the use of contraceptives su
ch as the diaphragm, cap
and sponge (see under CONTRACEPTION), and skin wounds or infections may also e
a cause. The disease is due
to a staphylococcal toxin (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS; TOXINS). Treatment consists of su
pportive measures to comat
shock and eradication of the staphylococcus y ANTIBIOTICS. The design of tampon
s has een improved.
Recurrence of the disorder has een reported and women who have had an episode s
hould stop using tampons
and vaginal contraceptives.

Toxins Poisons produced y BACTERIA. (See also IMMUNITY; IMMUNOLOGY; MIC

ROBIOLOGY.) Toxins are usually
solule, easily destroyed y heat, sometimes of the nature of crystalline susta
nces, and sometimes
ALBUMINS. When injected into animals in carefully graduated doses, they ring a
out the formation of
sustances called antitoxins which neutralise the action of the toxin. These ant
itoxins are generally
produced in excessive amount, and the SERUM of the animal when withdrawn can e
used for conferring
antitoxic powers upon other animals or human eings to neutralise the disease in
question. The est known
of these antitoxins are those of DIPHTHERIA and TETANUS. Toxins are also found i
n many plants and in snake
venom. Some toxins are not set free y acteria, ut remain in the sustance of
the latter. They are known
as endotoxins and are not capale of producing antitoxins.
The science dealing with POISONS.
A disease acquired y swallowing the ova (eggs) of a roundworm which liv
es in the intestine of cats
(Toxocara cati) or dogs (Toxocara canis). In humans, the small larval worms prod
uced y these ova migrate
to various parts of the ody, including the retina of the EYE, where they then d
ie, producing a small
GRANULOMA which in turn may produce allergic reactions. In the eye it may cause
choroidretinitis. It is
said that 2 per cent of apparently healthy people in Britain have een infected
in this way. A course of
treatment with thiaendazole is recommended, though the drug has side-effects an
d should e used with
caution in the elderly.
Toxic Shock Syndrome
First descried in 1978, this disorder is characterised y high fever, d
iarrhoea, SHOCK and a
A toxin (see TOXINS) which has een rendered non-toxic y certain chemic
als, or y heat, or
Toxic Poisonous or likely to e lethal.


y eing partly neutralised y antitoxin. The est-known example is DIPH

THERIA toxoid. (See also
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis is a disease due to infection with protozoa
of the genus Toxoplasma. The
infection may e acquired from eating raw or undercooked meat, from cats, or fro
m gardening or playing in
contaminated soil. It occurs in two forms: an acquired form, and a congenital fo
rm. The acquired form may
run such a enign course that it is not recognised, the patient scarcely feeling
ill. In the congenital
form the unorn child is infected y the mother. The congenital form, the incide
nce of which in the United
Kingdom is one in 5,000 pregnancies (one in 2,000 pregnancies in Scotland), may
develop in one of two ways.
The infant may either appear generally ill, or the runt of the infection may fa
ll on the nervous system
causing HYDROCEPHALUS, mental retardation, or loss of sight. In some cases the i
nfection may e so severe
that it kills the fetus, resulting in a miscarriage or stillirth. In other case
s the infection is so mild
that it is missed until, in later life, the child egins to show signs of eye tr
oule. As the congenital
form of the disease, which is most serious, seems to develop only if the mother
acquires the infection
during pregnancy, it would appear to e a wise precaution that pregnant women sh
ould avoid contact with
cats and eating raw or undercooked meat foods.
compounds laelled with RADIONUCLIDE which give off radiation. This can
e measured with a gamma camera
or a scintigram. The information is used in the investigation of suspected tumou
rs in the BRAIN or
malfunctioning of the THYROID GLAND.
Trachea Popularly known as the windpipe, this tue extends from the LARY
NX aove to the point in the
upper part of the chest, where it divides into the two large ronchial tues, on
e to each lung (see LUNGS).
It is aout 10 cm (4 inches) in length and consists of a firous tue kept perma
nently open y aout 20
strong, horizontally placed hoops of cartilage, each of which forms aout two-th
irds of a circle, the two
ends eing joined ehind y muscle-fires. This firocartilaginous tue is lined
y a smooth mucous
memrane, richly supplied with mucous glands and covered y a single layer of ci
liated epithelium. (See
Tracheitis Inflammation of the TRACHEA. It may occur along with BRONCHIT
IS, or independently, due to

similar causes. Usually a viral condition, treatment may e unnecessary (see CRO
UP). A rare condition,
acterial tracheitis, is more dangerous as the patient produces large amount of
thick, sticky SPUTUM which
may lock the airway causing respiratory failure and collapse. Treatment is y i
nsertion of an endotracheal
tue under general anaesthesia (see ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION), removing the secre
tions and using high-dose
(1) Thin strips of ony tissue occurring in cancellous BONE sometimes ca
lled spongy one. (2) A and
of CONNECTIVE TISSUE passing from the outer part of an organ to the interior, se
parating the organ into
discrete chamers.
Also known as tracheotomy. The operation in which the TRACHEA or windpip
e is opened from the front of
the neck, so that air may e directly drawn or passed into the lower AIR PASSAGE
S. The opening is made
through the second and third rings of the trachea.
Trace Elements
Reasons for operation The cause of
Chemical elements that are distriuted throughout the tissues of the od
y in very small amounts and are
essential for the nutrition of the ody. Nine such elements are now recognised:
coalt, copper, fluorine,
iodine, iron, manganese, molydenum, selenium and zinc.
laryngeal ostruction should e treated ut, if ostruction is acute and
endangering the patients
life, urgent intervention is necessary. In most cases the insertion of an endotr
acheal tue either through
the nose or mouth and down the pharynx through the larynx to ypass the ostruct
ion is effective (see
ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION). If not, tracheostomy is performed. The majority of tra
cheostomies performed
nowadays are for patients in intensive-therapy-unit situations. These patients r
equire airway intervention
Tracer A compound introduced into the ody, the progress of which can su
sequently e followed and
information otained aout the odys metaolic activities. Radioactive tracers ar

722 Trachoma
prolonged periods to facilitate artificial ventilation which is performe
d y means of a mechanical
ventilator. The presence of a tue passing through the larynx for a prolonged pe
riod of time is associated
with long-term damage to the larynx, and therefore any patients requiring prolon
ged intuation usually
undergo a tracheostomy to prevent further damage. Endotracheal intuation is als
o the preferred method of
airway-intervention for acute inflammatory disorders of the upper airway (as opp
osed to tracheostomy);
tracheostomy in these cases is performed only in the emergency situation if faci
lities for endotracheal
intuation are not availale or if they are unsuccessful. Tracheostomy may also
e performed for large
tumours which ostruct the larynx until some form of treatment is instituted. Si
milarly it may e needed in
conditions wherey the nerve supply to the larynx has een jeopardised, impairin
g its protective function
of the upper airway and its respiratory function.
Tracheostomy tues When the trachea has een opened y an incision throu
gh the skin etween the
Adams apple and the clavicles; another through the THYROID GLAND followed y a sm
all vertical incision in
the trachea a metal or plastic tue is inserted to maintain the opening. There i
s always an outer tue
which is fixed in position y tapes passing round the neck, and an inner tue wh
ich slides freely out of
and into the other, so that it may e removed at any time for cleansing, and is
readily coughed-out should
it happen to ecome locked y mucus.
ally inactive. The acterium is transmitted y flies and causes inflamma
tion of the conjunctiva and
cornea (see EYE) with consequent scarring. The active disease is treated with te
tracycline talets and eye
drops; cure is usually satisfactory. In theory, trachoma should e easy to elimi
nate. The World Health
Organisation, which aims to do this y 2020, is using a fourpronged strategy to
tackle the disease. This
comprises: surgery to correct deformed eyelids efore lindness occurs. antiiot
ics to kill Chlamydia.
regular face-washing to stop acterial spread. environmental improvements for ex
ample, etter sanitation
and ruish disposal to eliminate the acteria.

Traction The application of a pulling force to the distal part of a frac
ture in order to allow the
fracture to heal with the one in correct alignment. There are many different me
thods for applying
traction, usually involving weights and pulleys.
Tractotomy A neurological operation to relieve intractale PAIN. The tha
lamic tracts of the SPINAL CORD

contain the nerve-fires that signal pain. They travel from the source of the pa
in in an organ or tissue
such as skin or one via the cord to the rain stem and cortex (see BRAIN) where
the individual ecomes
conscious of the pain. The operation aims to sever these tracts within the medulla
olongata of the
After-treatment When the operation has

een performed for some permanent ostruction, the tue must e worn per
manently; and the doule metal
tue is in such cases replaced after a short time y a soft plastic single one.
When the operation has
relieved some ostruction caused, say, y diphtheria, the tue is left out now a
nd then for a few hours,
and finally, at the end of a week or so, is removed altogether, after which the
wound quickly heals up.
Trachoma Trachoma is a severe type of conjunctivitis (see under EYE, DIS
ORDERS OF). This chronic
contagious condition is caused y Chlamydia trachomatis, a acterium with viruslike characteristics. The
disease affects 150 million people worldwide and is common in developing countri
es, where it is the leading
cause of preventale lindness. It may e seen in immigrant populations in devel
oped countries, although it
is usuTrance A profound SLEEP from which a person
, ut which is not due to
organic disease. The power of voluntary movement is
nd even consciousness may
remain. It is a disturance in mental functions and
mal EPILEPSY. A trance may e induced y HYPNOTISM.

cannot for a time e aroused

lost, although sensiility a
may e associated with CATAL
(See also ECSTASY).

Tranexamic Acid A drug used in the control of leeding. It inhiits the

activation of PLASMINOGEN and
FIBRINOLYSIS, and may e useful when leeding cannot e stopped for instance, de
ntal extraction in
HAEMOPHILIA. The drug is also useful in MENORRHAGIA.

Tranquillisers A tranquilliser is a popular name for a drug which induce
s a mental state free from
agitation and anxiety, and renders the patient calm. Tranquillisers are classifi
ed as major and minor. The
former are used to treat psychotic illness such as SCHIZOPHRENIA; the latter are
sedatives used to treat
anxiety and emotional upsets (see NEUROSIS) and are called antianxiety drugs or
tranquillisers or antipsychotic drugs are given to patients with psychotic disor
ders which disrupt their
normal lives (see PSYCHOSIS). They do not cure the patient, ut do help to contr
ol his or her symptoms so
that the person can live in the community and e admitted to hospital only for a
cute episodes. The drug
chosen depends upon the type of illness and needs of a particular patient as wel
l as the likely adverse
effects. Antipsychotic drugs modify the transmission of nerve-signals y making
rain cells less sensitive
to the excitatory neurotransmitter chemical called DOPAMINE. Among the antipsych
otic tranquillisers are
CHLORPROMAZINE, HALOPERIDOL, CLOZAPINE and flupenthixol. Anxiety is a consequenc
e of too much STRESS and
may occur without eing serious enough to need treatment. Clinically it arises w
hen the alance etween
certain chemicals in the rain is distured: this increases activity in the symp
athetic system, thus
provoking physical symptoms such as reathlessness, tachycardia, headaches and i
ndigestion. Anxiolytics
help to alleviate these symptoms ut do not necessarily cure the underlying caus
e. Two main classes of drug
relieve anxiety: BENZODIAZEPINES and eta lockers (see BETA-ADRENOCEPTORBLOCKIN
G DRUGS). The latter, which
include atenolol and propanolol, reduce the physical symptoms such as tachycardi
a and are useful in
circumstances for example, examinations known to cause anxiety attacks. They lo
ck the action of
NORADRENALINE, a key chemical of the sympathetic nervous system. Benzodiazepines
depress activity in that
part of the rain controlling emotion y stimulating the action of a chemical ca
lled gammaaminoutyric acid
(GABA). Among the enzodiazepines are chlordiazepoxide and diazepam. (See also M
Transcervical Resection of Endometrium (TCRE) An operation, usually done
under local anaesthetic, in
which the lining memrane of the UTERUS (wom) is excised using a type of LASER
or DIATHERMY surgery that
utilises a hysterescope (a variety of ENDOSCOPE) through
which the operator can visualise the inside of the uterus. The operation
is done to treat MENORRHAGIA
(heavy lood loss during MENSTRUATION) and its introduction has reduced the need
for the condition.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) A method of electrica

l stimulation that is eing

used for the relief of PAIN, including that of MIGRAINE, NEURALGIA and phantom l
ims (see AMPUTATION).
Known as TENS, its mode of action appears to have some resemlance to that of AC
controlled trials suggest that it provides at least a modicum of relief of pain
after operations, therey
reducing the amount of ANALGESICS that may e called for.
Transfusion The administration of any fluid into a persons vein using a d
rip. This apparatus
facilitates a continuous injection in which the fluid flows y force of gravity
from a suspended ottle,
via a tue that is fixed to a hollow needle inserted into a vein (usually in the
front of the elow).
Saline solution, PLASMA and whole BLOOD (see elow) are the most commonly admini
stered fluids. Saline is
used to restore fluid to a seriously dehydrated individual (see DEHYDRATION) and
may e used as a temporary
measure in SHOCK due to lood loss while the appropriate type of lood is eing
otained for transfusion.
Saline may also e useful as a way of administering a regular supply of a drug o
ver a period of time.
Plasma is normally used as a temporary measure in the treatment of shock until a
ppropriately matched lood
is availale or if for any reason, such as for a patient with severe urns, plas
ma is preferale to lood.
Transfusion of lood is a technique that has een used since the 17th ce
ntury although, until the
20th century, with a susequent high mortality rate. It was only when incompati
ility of BLOOD GROUPS was
considered as a potential cause of this high mortality that routine lood-testin
g ecame standard practice.
Since the National Blood Transfusion Service was started in the United Kingdom (
in 1946), lood for
transfusion has een collected from voluntary, unpaid donors: this is screened f
or infections such as
y group, and stored in
loodanks throughout the country. In the UK in 2004, the National Blood Authori
ty todays transfusion

724 Transfusion
announced that it would no longer accept donations from anyone who had r
eceived a lood transfusion
since 1980 ecause of the remote possiility that they might have een infected
with the PRION which
causes nvCJD. A standard transfusion ottle has een developed, and whole lood
may e stored at 26 C for
three weeks efore use. Transfusions may then e given of whole lood, plasma, 
lood cells, or PLATELETS,
as appropriate. Stored in the dried form at 421 C, away from direct sunlight, huma
n plasma is stale for
five years and is easily reconstituted y adding sterile distilled water. The Na
tional Blood Authority
prepares several components from each donated unit of lood: whole lood is rare
ly used in adults. This
permits each product, whether plasma or various red-cell concentrates, to e sto
red under ideal conditions
and used in appropriate clinical circumstances say, to restore lood loss or to
treat haemostatic
disorders. Transfusion of lood products can cause complications. Around 5 per c
ent of transfused patients
suffer from a reaction; most are mild, ut they can e severe and occasionally f
atal. It can e difficult
to distinguish a transfusion reaction from symptoms of the condition eing treat
ed, ut the safe course is
to stop the transfusion and start appropriate investigation. In the developed wo
rld, clinicians can expect
to have access to high-quality lood products, with the responsiility of provid
ing lood resting with a
specially organised transfusion service. The cause of most fatal haemolytic tran
sfusion reactions is a
clerical error due to faulty laelling and/or failure to identify the recipient
correctly. Hospitals should
have a strict protocol to prevent such errors.
Artificial lood Transfusion with lood from donors is facing increasing
prolems. Demand is rising;
suitale lood donors are ecoming harder to attract; the processes of taking, s
toring and cross-matching
donor lood are time-consuming and expensive; the shelflife is six weeks; and th
e risk of adverse reactions
or infection from transfused lood, although small, is always present. Artificia
l lood would largely
overcome these drawacks. Several companies in North America are now preparing t
his: one product uses
purified HAEMOGLOBIN from humans and another from cows. These provide oxygen-car
rying capacity, are
unlikely to e infectious and do not provoke immunological rejections. Yet anoth
er product, called
Oxygene, does not contain any animal or human lood products; it comprises salt w
and a sustance called perfluron, the molecules of which store oxygen a
nd asor caron dioxide more
effectively than does haemogloin. Within 24 hours of eing transfused into a pe
rsons loodstream,
perfluron evaporates and is harmlessly reathed out y the recipient. Artificia

l lood is especially
valuale in that it contains no unwanted proteins that can provoke adverse immun
ological reactions.
Furthermore, it is disease-free, lasts for up to three years and is no more expe
nsive than donor lood. It
could well take the place of donor lood within a few years.
Autologous transfusion is the use of an individuals own lood, provided i
n advance, for transfusion
during or after a surgical operation. This is a valuale procedure for operation
s that may require large
transfusions or where a person has a rare lood group. Its use has increased for
several reasons: fear of
infection such as HIV and hepatitis. shortages of donor lood and the rising cos
t of units of lood.
sustantial reduction of risk of incompatile transfusions. In practice, lood t
ransfusion in the UK is
remarkaly safe, ut there is always room for improvement. So, in the 1990s, a U
K inquiry on the Serious
Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) was launched. It estalished (1998) that of 169 re
cently reported serious
hazards following lood transfusion, 81 had involved a lood component eing giv
en to the wrong patient,
while only eight were the result of viral or acterial infections. There are thr
ee ways to use a patients
own lood in transfusion: (1) predeposit autologous donation (PAD) taking lood
from a patient efore
operation and transfusing this lood ack into the patient as required during an
d after operation. (2)
acute normovalaemic haemodilution (ANH) diluting previously withdrawn lood and
thus increasing the
volume efore transfusion. (3) perioperative cell salvage (PCS) the use of centr
ifugal cell separation on
lood saved during an operation, particularly spinal surgery where lood loss ma
y e considerale. The
government has urged NHS trusts to consider the introduction of PCS as a possil
e adjunct or alternative to
anked-lood transfusion. In one centre (Nottingham), PCS has een used in the f
orm of continuous
autologous transfusion for several years with success.

Exchange transfusion is the method of treatment in severe cases of HAEMO
It consists of replacing the whole of the ays lood with Rh-negative lood of t
he correct lood group
for the ay.
Transient Ischaemic Attacks or Episodes (TIA, TIE) Episodes of transient
ISCHAEMIA of some part of the
cereral hemispheres or the rain stem (see BRAIN) lasting anything from a few m
inutes to several hours and
followed y complete recovery. By definition, the ischaemic episode must e less
than 24 hours. These
episodes may e isolated or they may occur several times in a day. The cause is
ATHEROMA of the carotid or
verteral arteries (see ARTERIES, DISEASES OF) and the emolisation (see EMBOLIS
CHOLESTEROL. These attacks present with strokes (see STROKE) that rapidly recove
Translocation The term used to descrie an exchange of genetic material
etween CHROMOSOMES. It is an
important factor in the etiology, or causation, of certain congenital anormalit
ies such as, for example,
DOWNS (DOWN) SYNDROME. It is one of the main anormalities sought for in AMNIOSCO
Transplantation Transplantation of tissues or organs of the ody are def
ined as an allotransplant, if
from another person; an autotransplant, if from the patient him or herself for e
xample, a skin graft (see
GRAFT; SKIN-GRAFTING); and a xenotransplant, if from an animal. The pioneering s
uccess was achieved with
transplantation of the kidney in the 1970s; this has een most successful when t
he transplanted kidney has
come from an identical twin. Less successful have een live transplants from oth
er lood relatives, while
least successful have een transplants from other live donors and cadaver donors
. The results, however, are
steadily improving. Thus the one-year functional survival of kidneys transplante
d from unrelated dead
donors has risen from around 50 per cent to over 80 per cent, and survival rates
of 80 per cent after three
years are not uncommon. For a well-matched transplant from a live related donor,
the survival rate after
five years is around 90 per cent. And, of course, if a transplanted kidney fails
to function, the patient
can always e switched on to some form of DIALYSIS. In the United Kingdom the su
pply of cadaveric (dead)
kidneys for transplantation is only aout half that necessary to meet the demand
Other organs that have een transplanted with increasing success are the
heart, the lungs, the liver,
one marrow, and the cornea of the eye. Heart, lung, liver and pancreas transpla
ntations are now carried
out in specialist centres. It is estimated that in the United Kingdom, approxima

tely 200 patients a year

etween the ages of 15 and 55 would enefit from a liver transplant if an adequa
te numer of donors were
availale. More than 100 liver transplants are carried out annually in the Unite
d Kingdom and
one-year-survival rates of up to 80 per cent have een achieved. The major outst
anding prolem is how to
prevent the recipients ody from rejecting and destroying the transplanted organ.
Such rejection is part
of the normal protective mechanism of the ody (see IMMUNITY). Good progress has
een made in techniques of
tissue-typing and immunosuppression to overcome the prolem. Drugs are now avail
ale that can suppress the
immune reactions of the recipient, which are responsile for the rejection of th
e transplanted organ.
Notale among these are CICLOSPORIN A, which revolutionised the success rate, an
d TACROLIMUS, a macrolide
immunosuppressant. Another promising development is antilymphocytic serum (ALS),
which reduces the activity
of the lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) cells which play an important part in mainta
ining the integrity of the
ody against foreign odies. Donor cards are now availale in all general practi
tioners surgeries and
pharmacies ut, of the millions of cards distriuted since 1972, too few have e
en used. The reasons are
complex ut include the reluctance of the pulic and doctors to consider organ d
onation; poor organisation
for recovery of donor kidneys; and worries aout the diagnosis of death. A code
of practice for procedures
relating to the removal of organs for transplantation was produced in 1978, and
this code has een revised
in the light of further views expressed y the Conference of Medical Royal Colle
ges and Faculties of the
United Kingdom on the Diagnosis of Brain Death. Under the Human Tissue Act 1961,
only the person lawfully
in possession of the ody or his or her designate can authorise the removal of o
rgans from a ody. This
authorisation may e given orally. Patients who may ecome suitale donors after
death are those who have
suffered severe and irreversile rain damage since such patients will e depend
ent upon artificial
ventilation. Patients with malignant disease or systemic infection, and patients
with renal disease,
including chronic hypertension, are unsuitale.

726 Transplant Support Services Authority

If a patient carries a signed donor card or has otherwise recorded his o
r her wishes, there is no legal
requirement to estalish lack of ojection on the part of relatives although it
is good practice to take
account of the views of close relatives. If a relative ojects, despite the know
n request y the patient,
staff will need to judge, according to the circumstances of the case, whether it
is wise to proceed with
organ removal. If a patient who has died is not known to have requested that his
or her organs e removed
for transplantation after death, the designated person may only authorise the re
moval if, having made such
reasonale enquiry as may e practical, he or she has no reason to elieve (a) t
hat the deceased had
expressed an ojection to his or her ody eing so dealt with after death, or (
) that the surviving spouse
or any surviving relative of the deceased ojects to the ody eing so dealt wit
h. Staff will need to
decide who is est qualified to approach the relatives. This should e someone w
ith appropriate experience
who is aware how much the relative already knows aout the patients condition. Re
latives should not
normally e approached efore death has occurred, ut sometimes a relative appro
aches the hospital staff
and suggests some time in advance that the patients organs might e used for tran
splantation after death.
The staff of hospitals and organ exchange organisations must respect the wishes
of the donor, the recipient
and their families with respect to anonymity. Relatives who enquire should e to
ld that some post-mortem
treatment of the donors ody will e necessary if the organs are to e removed in
good condition. It is
ethical (see ETHICS) to maintain artificial ventilation and hearteat until remo
val of organs has een
completed. This is essential in the case of heart and liver transplants, and man
y doctors think it is
desirale when removing kidneys. Official criteria have een issued in Britain t
o recognise when BRAIN-STEM
DEATH has occurred. This is an important protection for patients and relatives w
hen someone with a terminal
condition usually as a result of an accident is considered as a possile organ d
Transplant Support Services Authority In the UK, this NHS authority (UKT
SSA) provides a 24-hour service
for matching, allocating and distriuting organs. It is also responsile for kee
ping the records of all
patients awaiting transplants. Estalished in 1991, the authority allocates dono
r organs without
favour, following protocols set y advisory groups. It also administers
the Human Organ Transplant Act
on ehalf of the Department of Health. (See TRANSPLANTATION.)
Trans-Sexualism The psycho-sexual condition characterised y feelings of
elonging to the gender

opposite to that of the genitalia and the secondary sex characteristics. Suject
s may e helped y
counselling, drug therapy and in some circumstances an operation to change their
physical sexual
characteristics. Trans-sexuals or their families wanting help and guidance shoul
d contact the Gender
Identity Consultancy.
Transudation The passage of liquid called the transudate through a memr
ane: for example, the
passage of lood through the wall of a capillary vessel.
Transurethral Resection The use of a special CYSTOSCOPE (a resectoscope)
inserted through the URETHRA
to resect the PROSTATE GLAND or ladder tumours. (See also RESECTION.)
Transverse An anatomical description of a line, plane or structure at ri
ght-angles to the long axis of
an organ or the ody.
Transvestitism Also called transvestism. The term given to a psycho-sexu
al condition in which there is
a repetitive compulsion to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex to achieve O

Tranylcypromine One of the monoamine oxidase inhiitor ANTIDEPRESSANT DR

Trapezium A one in the wrist, one of the carpal group (see HAND).

Trauma A term used in a physical sense as a wound or injury such as a se

vere low, maye leading to a
fracture. Physical traumas such as events of irth, severe accidents and any for
m of childhood or sexual
ause are considered to e overwhelming stressful events and regarded as psychol
ogical traumas. Various
scoring techniques have een formed for traumas; generally seen as numerical sys
tems for assessing the
severity and prognosis of severe injuries.

Trendelenerg Position
Traumatology Branch of SURGERY specialising in the treatment of wounds a
nd disailities arising from
Travel Medicine Many countries have reciprocal health arrangements with
Britain under which British
visitors may receive emergency treatment free or at reduced cost. Information a
out these arrangements is
availale from any local DSS office. General and specific advice for travellers
on such matters as
immunisations needed can e otained from their general practitioner, through tr
avel agents or one of the
high street travel health shops. Travellers are advised to consult a doctor if the
y develop an illness
after an overseas visit: some tropical disorders may take days or even weeks to
produce symptoms.
Travel Sickness Sickness induced y any form of transport, whether y se
a, air, motor-car or train.
Travellers diarrhoea is an all-toocommon affliction of the traveller, whi
ch asks in a multiplicity of
names: for example, Aden gut, Aztec two-step, Basra elly, Delhi elly, Gippy tu
mmy, Hong Kong dog,
Montezumas revenge, Tokyo trots, turista. It is caused y a variety of micro-orga
nisms, usually E. coli.
Some people seem to e more prone to it than others, although for no good cause.
Ovious preventive
measures include the avoidance of salads, unpeeled fruit and ice cream, and neve
r drinking unoiled or
unottled water. If diarrhoea occurs, co-phenotrope and loperamide are often use
d to reduce the frequency
of owel movements in adults. Prophylactic antiacterial drugs are not advisale
Tremor A fine involuntary movement. Tremors may e seen in projecting pa
rts like the hands, head and
tongue, or they may involve muscles. Coarse tremors, which prevent a person from
drinking a glass of water
without spilling it, are found in MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) and in CHOREA; somewha
t finer tremors, which
produce tremling of the hands or tongue when they are stretched out, are caused
y alcoholism (see
ALCOHOL) and other forms of poisoning, y PARKINSONISM, and y the weakness whic
h follows some acute
disease or characterises old age. A fine tremor of the outstretched fingers is a
characteristic of
thyrotoxicosis (see under THY727
ROID GLAND, DISEASES OF); very fine tremors, visile in the muscles of f
ace or lims and known as
firillary tremors, are present in general paralysis of the insane (see SYPHILIS
), and in progressive
muscular atrophy or wasting palsy. Tremors may occur at rest and disappear on mo
vement as in Parkinsonism,

or they may occur only on movement (intention tremors) as in cereellar disease.

Trench Fever An infectious disease caused y Rickettsia quintana which i
s transmitted y the ody
louse. Large epidemics occurred among troops on active service during World War
I. It recurred on a smaller
scale in World War II, ut is now rare.
Trench Foot This is due to prolonged exposure of the feet to water parti
cularly cold water. Trench
warfare is a common precipitating factor, and the condition was rampant during W
orld War I. Cases also
occurred during World War II and during the Falklands campaign. (The less common
form, due to warm-water
immersion, occurred with some frequency in the Vietnam war.) It is characterised
y painful swelling of the
feet accompanied in due course y listering and ulceration which, in severe, un
treated cases, may progress
to GANGRENE. In mild cases recovery may e complete in a month, ut severe cases
may drag on for a year.
Treatment Drying of the feet overnight, where practicale, is the est m
ethod of prevention,
accompanied y avoidance of constrictive clothing and tight oots, and of prolon
ged immoility. Frequent
rest periods and daily changing of socks also help. The application of silicone
grease once a day is
another useful preventive measure. In the early stages, treatment consists of re
st in ed and warmth; in
more severe cases treatment is as for infected tissues and ulceration. ANALGESIC
S are usually necessary to
ease the pain. Technically, smoking should e foridden, ut the adverse psychol
ogical effects of this in
troops on active service may outweigh its advantages.
Trendelenerg Position This is a steep head-down tilt so that the patien
ts pelvis and legs lie aove
the heart. It is used to improve access, and to limit lood loss, during surgery
to the pelvis. It has een
used to treat shocked patients (see SHOCK), ut, as the position increases press
ure on the DIAPHRAGM

728 Trepanning
and emarrasses reathing, raising the legs y themselves is etter.
Trepanning An operation in which a portion of the CRANIUM is removed. Or
iginally the operation was
performed with an instrument resemling a carpenters race and known as the treph
ine or trepan, which
removes a small circle of one; ut now this instrument is only used, as a rule,
for making small openings,
whilst, for wider operations, gouge forceps, circular saws driven y electric mo
tor, or wire saws are used.
Trepanning is used in cases of fracture, with splintering of the skull; the oper
ation is performed to
remove fragments of one and any foreign odies, like a ullet, which may have e
ntered. In compression of
the rain with unconsciousness following an injury, the skull is trephined and a
ny lood clots removed, or
torn vessels ligatured. The operation may also e done for an ABSCESS within the
skull and for other
conditions where operative access to the rain is required.
Trephining See TREPANNING.
Treponema The name of a genus of spirochaetal microorganisms which consi
st of slender spirals and which
progress y means of ending movements. Treponema pallidum (formerly called Spir
ochaeta pallida) is the
causative organism of SYPHILIS.
Derived from the French word for sorting, triage is a universal term appli
ed to methods of allocating
treatment prioritisations for casualties from disasters or in warfare. The proce
dure helps a medical team
to treat casualties who, although adly injured, can e saved; to defer those wh
ose treatment is less
urgent; and to provide care and comfort for those with fatal injuries. Triage is
now operated in accident
and emergency departments y a triage nurse who allocates a degree of priority so
that patients are seen
in order of severity rather than according to their time of arrival.
the skin and joints y local injection.
Triceps A muscle of the posterior upper arm which acts to extend the for
earm. So-named ecause it
originates from three heads.
Trichiasis A condition in which the eyelashes ecome ingrown. (See EYE,
Trichiniasis See TRICHINOSIS.
Trichinosis Trichinosis, or trichiniasis, is a disease caused y eating
meat infected with the
parasitic nematode worm, Trichinella spiralis. Although it infects more than 100

animal species, this

nematode usually infects humans via pig meat in which the immature spiralis is e
ncysted. The full-grown
female worm, which inhaits the intestine, is 3 mm in length, and the larvae, to
whose movements the
disease is due, are much smaller. The disease is acquired y eating raw or under
done pork from pigs that
have een infected with the worm. When such a piece of meat is eaten, the emryo
s contained in it are set
free and develop into full-grown trichinellae; from each pair of these, 1,000 or
more new emryos may arise
in a few weeks. These urrow through the walls of the gut, spread throughout the
ody and settle in
voluntary muscle.
Prevention is ased on thorough inspection of meat in slaughterhouses; e
ven cooking, unless the meat is
in slices, is not an efficient protection. Pigs should not e fed on unoiled ga
rage. Rats may e a source
of sporadic outreaks, as infected rats have een found near piggeries. The dise
ase is widely distriuted
throughout the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Arctic. Sporadic cases and epidemi
cs occur and outreaks also
appear in Europe, although rarely in Britain.
Treatment Thiaendazole or meendazole are usually effective, while STER
OID treatment helps patients
with systemic illness and muscle tenderness.
TrichoOne of the CORTICOSTEROIDS with a potency equivalent to that of PREDNISO
NE, ut less likely to cause
retention of sodium. It is used for the suppression of inflammatory and allergic
disorders, and is used
particularly for treating
Tricho- is a prefix denoting relation to hair.
Trichomonas Vaginalis A protozoon normally present in the VAGINA of aou
t 3040 per cent of women. It

Trigeminal Neuralgia

ecomes pathogenic and causes inflammation of the genital passages, with

vaginal discharge. A man may
ecome infected as a result of sexual intercourse with an infected woman and suf
fer from a urethral
discharge; it may also cause prostatitis (see under PROSTATE GLAND, DISEASES OF)
. METRONIDAZOLE is usually
an effective treatment, and to otain a satisfactory result it may e necessary
to treat oth partners.
Should metronidazole not work, then tinidazole may e tried.
Trichomoniasis The disease caused y infection with
Trichophyton See DERMATOPHYTES.
Trichotillomania An osessional impulse to pull out ones own hair.
Trichuriasis A worldwide infection, particularly common in the tropics.
It is caused y Trichuris
trichiura, or whipworm, so-called ecause of its shape the rear end eing stout
and the front end
hair-like, resemling the lash of a whip. The male measures 5 cm and the female
4 cm in length. Infection
results from eating vegetales, or drinking water, polluted with the ova (eggs).
These hatch out in the
large INTESTINE and the diagnosis is made y finding the eggs in the stools (FAE
CES). The worms seldom
cause any troule unless they are present in large numers when, especially in m
alnourished children, they
may cause leeding from the owels, ANAEMIA and PROLAPSE of the RECTUM. The most
effective drug is
Tricuspid Incompetence Failure of the TRICUSPID VALVE in the HEART to cl
ose fully, thus permitting
lood to leak ack into the right atrium during contractions of the right ventri
cle. This reduces the
hearts pumping efficiency, and right-sided heart failure usually results. Treatme
nt for heart failure
(using DIURETICS and ACE inhiitor drugs) usually restores function, ut sometim
es heart surgery is
required to repair or replace the defective valve.
Tricuspid Stenosis The normal working of the TRICUSPID VALVE in the HEAR
T is impeded y a narrowing of
the opening, often as a sequel of RHEUMATIC FEVER. As with TRICUSPID INCOMPETENC
heart failure may result and treatment is similar, with surgery to repai
r or replace the faulty valve
an option.
Tricuspid Valve The valve, with three cusps or flaps, that guards the op

ening from the right atrium

into the right ventricle of the HEART.
Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs This group of drugs is one of three main
types of drugs used to treat
DEPRESSION, and was the first to e introduced (in the 1950s). Tricyclic drugs w
ork y locking the
re-uptake of the neurotransmitters SEROTONIN and NORADRENALINE (see NEUROTRANSMI
TTER), thus increasing the
amount of the neurotransmitters at the nerve cells receptors. In people with depr
ession, fewer
neurotransmitters than normal are released, resulting in a slowing of neural act
ivities. The drugs have a
sedative effect, which can e useful for depressives with sleep prolems, and an
antimuscarinic action
which can cause dry mouth and constipation (see ANTIMUSCARINE). Overdosage can p
roduce COMA, fits (see
SEIZURE) and irregular heart rhythm (ARRHYTHMIA). They are sometimes used for tr
eating ed-wetting. (See
Trifluoperazine See NEUROLEPTICS.
Trigeminal Nerve The fifth cranial nerve (arising from the BRAIN). It co
nsists of three divisions: (1)
the ophthalmic nerve, which is purely sensory in function, eing distriuted mai
nly over the forehead and
front part of the scalp; (2) the maxillary nerve, which is also sensory and dist
riuted to the skin of the
cheek, the mucous memrane of the mouth and throat, and the upper teeth; and (3)
the mandiular nerve,
which is the nerve of sensation to the lower part of the face, the tongue and th
e lower teeth, as well as
eing the motor nerve to the muscles concerned in chewing. The trigeminal nerve
is of special interest,
owing to its liaility to NEURALGIA TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA, or tic douloureux as i
t is also known, eing
the most painful form known.
Trigeminal Neuralgia Also called tic douloureux, this is one of the most
severe forms of NEURALGIA. It
affects the main sensory nerve in the face (TRIGEMINAL NERVE), and may occur in
one or more of the three
divisions in which the nerve is distriuted.

730 Trigger Finger

It is usually confined to one side. It is more common in women than in m
en, usually occurring over the
age of 50. The attack is often precipitated y movements of the jaw, as in talki
ng or eating, or y tactile
stimuli such as a cold wind or washing the face. When the first or upper divisio
n of the nerve is involved,
the pain is mostly felt in the forehead and side of the head. It is usually of a
n intensely sharp, cutting,
or urning character, either constant or with exacerations each day while the a
ttack continues. There is
also pain in the eyelid, redness of the eye and increased flow of tears. When th
e second division of the
nerve is affected, the pain is chiefly in the cheek and upper jaw. When the thir
d division of the nerve
suffers, the pain affects the lower jaw. Attacks may recur for years; and, altho
ugh interfering with
sleeping and eating, they rarely appear to lead to any serious results. Neverthe
less, the pain may ecome
Treatment The outlook in trigeminal neuralgia was radically altered y t
he introduction of the drug
CARBAMAZEPINE, which usually relieves the pain. If the side-effects for example,
dizziness, headache,
nausea or drowsiness are unacceptale or pain not relieved, PHENYTOIN SODIUM may
help. Otherwise, surgery
is needed in the shape of controlled, radiofrequency heat damage to the appropri
ate part of the trigeminal
Tri-Iodothyronine (T3) The sustance which exerts the physiological acti
on of thyroid hormone (see
THYROID GLAND). It is formed in the ody cells y the THYROXINE (tetrade-iodinat
ion of iodothyronine) which
is the active principle secreted y the thyroid gland. It has also een synthesi
sed, and is now availale
for the treatment of hypothyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). It is thre
e times as potent as
Trimester A period of three months. Normal human GESTATION is divided in
to three trimesters see
Trimethoprim Trimethoprim is an antiacterial agent used in the treatmen
t of infections of the URINARY
TRACT. It is also a constituent of COTRIMOXAZOLE a comination that should e us
ed with caution as it can
damage kidney function. Trimethoprim is also used to treat acute and chronic BRO
Trimipramine One of the TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS which also acts a
s a sedative.

Trigger Finger
Also called snapping finger. This is the condition in which, when the fi
ngers are straightened on
unclenching the fist, one finger usually the ring or middle finger remains ent.
The cause is oscure.
In severe cases treatment consists of opening up the sheath surrounding the tend
on of the affected finger.
When confined to the thum, the condition is known as trigger thum.
Trigger Thum See TRIGGER FINGER.
Triglyceride A LIPID or neutral FAT comprising GLYCEROL and three fattyacid molecules. Triglycerides
are manufactured in the ody from the digested products of fat in the diet. Fats
are stored in the ody as
Trigone The ase of the URINARY BLADDER etween the openings of the two
ureters (see URETER) and of the
Triple Vaccine Also known as DPT vaccine, this is an injection that prov
ides IMMUNITY against
DIPHTHERIA, pertussis (whooping-cough) and TETANUS. It is given as a course of t
hree injections at around
the ages of two, three and four months. A ooster dose of diphtheria and tetanus
is given at primary-school
age. Certain infants those with a family history of EPILEPSY, or who have neurol
ogical disorders or who
have reacted severely to the first dose should not have the pertussis element of
Trismus Another name for TETANUS.
Trocar An instrument provided with a sharp three-sided

point fitted inside a tue or cannula, and used for puncturing cavities
of the ody in which fluid has
Trochanter The name given to two ony prominences at the upper end of th
e thigh-one (FEMUR). The
greater trochanter can e felt on the outer side of the thigh; the lesser trocha
nter is a small prominence
on the inner side of this one.
Trochlear Nerve The fourth cranial nerve (arising from the BRAIN), which
acts upon the superior olique
muscle of the EYE.
Trophic A term applied to the influence that nerves exert with regard to
the healthiness and
nourishment of the parts to which they run. When the nerves ecome diseased or i
njured, this influence is
lost and the muscles waste, while the skin loses its healthy appearance and is l
iale to reak down into
ulcers (see ULCER).
Tropholast The outer layer of the fertilised OVUM which attaches the ov
um to the wall of the UTERUS
(or wom) and supplies nutrition to the EMBRYO.
Trophozoite A stage in the life of the parasite Plasmodium, that is the
cause of MALARIA. It has a
ringshaped ody and single nucleus and grows in the lood cell, after which it d
ivides to form a schizont.
Tropical Diseases Technically, those diseases occurring in the area of t
he gloe situated etween the
Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn: pertaining to the sun. They includ
e many exotic infections
many of them parasitic in origin which fall under the umrella of TROPICAL MEDICI
NE. However, disease
in the tropics is far roader than this and includes numerous other infections,
many of them with a viral
or acterial asis: for example, the viral hepatidises, streptococcal and pneumo
coccal infections, and
tuerculosis. The prevalence of other diseases, such as rheumatic cardiac diseas
e, cirrhosis, heptocellular
carcinoma (hepatoma), and various nutrition-related prolems, is also much increas
ed in most areas of the
tropics. With people from developed countries increasingly travelling to worldwi
de destinations for
usiness and holiday, the
importation of tropical diseases to temperate climates should e orne in
mind when people fall ill.
The following diseases and conditions are treated under their separate dictionar


Tropical Medicine The diagnosis and treatment of diseases that occur mos
t commonly in tropical zones of
ith the great increase in
international travel in the past 30 or so years, TROPICAL DISEASES are appearing
more often in temperate
climates. Gloal warming may also e enlarging the areas in which tropical disor
ders naturally occur.
Tropical Ulcer Also called Nagra sore, this is a skin disease of unknown
cause occurring in humid
tropical areas. A simple wound or arasion develops into an open sloughing sore
that commonly occurs on the
leg or foot. The ULCER is often infected with spirochaetes (see SPIROCHAETE) and
BACTERIA and may e so
deep as to destroy muscle and one. Antiseptic dressing and an antiiotic, usual
intramuscular injection), is the est treatment. Sometimes a skin-graft is requi
red to produce healing (see
Trunk A major vessel or nerve from which lesser ones arise; or the main
part of the ody excluding the
head, neck and lims.
Truss A device used to support a HERNIA; or to retain the protruding org
an within the cavity from which
it tends to pass. Every truss possesses a pad of some sort to cover the opening
and a elt or spring to
keep it in position. Before applying a truss the wearer must make certain that t
he hernia has een reduced;
this may mean lying down eforehand. A truss will rarely control a hernia satisf
actorily, and it should e
considered as a temporary measure only until surgical correction is possile. In
the past, trusses have
een supplied to patients considered too frail for surgery, ut modern anaesT

732 Trypanosoma
thetic techniques mean that most people can have their hernias surgicall
y repaired.
Trypanosoma A genus of microscopic parasites, several of which are respo
nsile for causing SLEEPING
SICKNESS and some allied diseases.
Trypanosomiasis See SLEEPING SICKNESS.
Trypsin The chief protein ENZYME of the pancreatic secretion. Secreted 
y the PANCREAS as trypsinogen
(an inactive form), it is converted in the duodenum y another enzyme, enteropep
tidase. It changes proteins
into peptones and forms the main constituent of pancreatic extracts used for dig
estion of food. (See
Tryptophan (1) One of the nine indispensale (essential) AMINO ACIDS. Li
ke other amino acids,
tryptophan is needed y the ody to synthesise the proteins necessary for its gr
owth and functioning. The
description indispensale previously the adjective used was essential is applied
ecause the ody is
unale to manufacture these amino acids, which have to e otained from food or
drink. (2) A drug that has
helped some patients with resistant DEPRESSION. Used as a supporting drug with o
ther treatment, tryptophan
was withdrawn ecause of side-effects; it has, however, een reintroduced for us
e in hospital for patients
for whom no alternative treatment is suitale. (See also MENTAL ILLNESS.)
Tsetse Fly
An African fly of the genus Glossina. One or more of these is responsil
e for carrying the trypanosome
which causes SLEEPING SICKNESS and thus spreads the disease among cattle and fro
m cattle to humans.
Tsutsugamushi Also called Japanese river fever, this is a disease of the
typhus group. (See TYPHUS
Tual Pregnancy Also known as ECTOPIC PREGNANCY. Implantation of the EMB
RYO in one of the FALLOPIAN
TUBES, rather than in the lining of the UTERUS. The patient usually complains of
pain etween six and ten
weeks gestation and, if the Fallopian tue is not removed, there may e rupture w
ith potentially
life-threatening haemorrhage.
Tuercle The term is used in two distinct senses. As a descriptive term
in anatomy, a tuercle means a
small elevation or roughness upon a BONE, such as the tuercles of the ris. In
the pathological sense, a
tuercle is a small mass, arely visile to the naked eye, formed in some organ
as the starting-point of

TUBERCULOSIS. The name of tuercle acillus was originally given to the micro-or
ganism that causes this
disease, ut was susequently changed to Mycoacterium tuerculosis. The term tu
ercular should strictly
e applied to anything connected with or resemling tuercles or nodules, and th
e term tuerculous to
anything pertaining to the disease tuerculosis.
Tuerculide The term given to any skin lesion which is the result of inf
ection with the tuercle
acillus, or Mycoacterium tuerculosis as it is now known.
Tuerculin Tuerculin is the name originally given y Koch in 1890 to a
preparation derived from the
tuercle acillus, or Mycoacterium tuerculosis as it is now known, and intende
d for the diagnosis or
treatment of TUBERCULOSIS.
Varieties is the heat-concentrated filtrate from a fluid medium on which
the human or ovine type of
Mycoacterium tuerculosis has een grown for six weeks or more.
inciple of OT (see aove), and
is prepared from the fluid
medium on which the Mycoacterium tuerculosis has een grown. It is sup
plied as a liquid, a powder, or
as sterile talets. The liquid contains 100,000 units per millilitre, and the dr
y powder contains 30,000
units per milligram. It is distriuted in sterile containers sealed so as to exc
lude micro-organisms. It is
more constant in composition and potency than OT.
Uses The asis of the tuerculin reaction is that any person who has ee
n infected with the
Mycoacterium tuerculosis gives a reaction when a small amount of tuerculin is
injected into the skin. A
negative reaction means either that the individual has never een infected with
the tuercle acillus, or
that the infection has een too recent to have allowed of sensitivity developing
. There are various methods
of carrying out the test, of which the following are the most

commonly used. The Mantoux test is the most satisfactory of all, and has
the advantage that the size of
the reaction is a guide to the severity of the tuerculous infection: it is perf
ormed y injecting the
tuerculin into the skin on the forearm. The Heaf multiple puncture test is reli
ale: it is carried out
with the multiple puncture apparatus, or Heaf gun. The Vollmer patch test, using
an impregnated filter
paper, is useful in children ecause of the ease with which it can e carried ou
Tuerculosis Tuerculosis results form infection with Mycoacterium tue
rculosis. The lungs are the
site most often affected, ut most organs in the ody can e involved in tuercu
losis. The other common
sites are LYMPH NODES, ones, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, skin and MENINGES
. The weight loss and
wasting associated with tuerculosis efore treatment was availale led to the d
iseases popular name of
consumption. Enlargement of the glands in the neck, formerly called scrofula, wa
s known also as the kings
evil from the supersition that a touch of the royal hand could cure the condition
. Lupus vulgaris (see
under LUPUS) is another of the skin manifestations of the disease. The typical p
athological change in
tuerculosis involves the formation of clusters of cells called granulomas (see
GRANULOMA) with death of
the cells in the centre producing CASEATION. It is estimated that there are 78 mi
llion new cases of
tuerculosis worldwide each year, with 23 million deaths. The incidence of tuerc
ulosis in developed
countries has shown a steady decline throughout the 20th century, mainly as a re
sult of improved nutrition
and social conditions and accelerated y the development of antituerculous chem
otherapy in the 1940s.
Since the mid-1980s the decline has stopped, and incidence has even started to r
ise again in inner-city
areas. In 2002, 7,239 cases of tuerculosis were notified in the UK compared wit
h 6,442 a decade earlier;
more than 390 deaths in 2003 were attriuted to the disease. Factors involved in
this rise are immigration
from higher-prevalence areas, poorer social conditions and homelessness in some
uran centres and the
association with HIV infection and drug ause. The incidence of tuerculosis is
also rising in many
developing countries ecause of the emergence of resistant strains of the tuerc
le acillus (see elow). In
the UK recently there have een serious outreaks in a handful of uran-ased sc
Nature of the disease Tuerculosis has

een recognised from earliest times. Evidence of the condition has een
found in Egyptian mummies; in
the fourth century BC Hippocrates, the Greek physician, called it phthisis ecau
se of the lung involvement;

and in 1882 Koch announced the discovery of the causative organism, the tuercle
acillus or Mycoacterium
tuerculosis. The symptoms depend upon the site of the infection. General sympto
ms such as fever, weight
loss and night sweats are common. In the most common form of pulmonary tuerculo
sis, cough and
lood-stained sputum (haemoptysis) are common symptoms. The route of infection i
s most often y inhalation,
although it can e y ingestion of products such as infected milk. The results o
f contact depend upon the
extent of the exposure and the susceptiility of the individual. Around 30 per c
ent of those closely
exposed to the organism will e infected, ut most will contain the infection wi
th no significant clinical
illness and only a minority will go on to develop clinical disease. Around 5 per
cent of those infected
will develop postprimary disease over the next two or three years. The rest are
at risk of reactivation of
the disease later, particularly if their resistance is reduced y associated dis
ease, poor nutrition or
immunosuppression. In developed countries around 5 per cent of those infected wi
ll reactivate their healed
tuerculosis into a clinical prolem. Immunosuppressed patients such as those in
fected with HIV are at much
greater risk of developing clinical tuerculosis on primary contact or from reac
tivation. This is a
particular prolem in many developing countries, where there is a high incidence
of oth HIV and
Diagnosis This depends upon identification of mycoacteria on direct sta
ining of sputum or other
secretions or tissue, and upon culture of the organism. Culture takes 46 weeks u
t is necessary for
differentiation from other nontuerculous mycoacteria and for drugsensitivity t
esting. Newer techniques
involving DNA amplification y polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can detect small
numers of organisms and
help with earlier diagnosis. Treatment This can e preventative or curative. Imp
ortant elements of
prevention are adequate nutrition and social conditions, BCG vaccination (see IM
MUNISATION), an adequate
pulic-health programme for contact tracing, and chemoprophylaxis. Radiological

734 Tuerous Sclerosis

with mass miniature radiography is no longer used. Vaccination with an a
ttenuated organism (BCG
Bacillus Calmette Guerin) is used in the United Kingdom and some other countries
at 1213 years, or earlier
in high-risk groups. Some studies show 80 per cent protection against tuerculos
is for ten years after
vaccination. Cases of open tuerculosis need to e identified; their close conta
cts should e reviewed for
evidence of disease. Adequate antiiotic chemotherapy removes the infective risk
after around two weeks of
treatment. Chemoprophylaxis the use of antituerculous therapy in those without
clinical disease may e
used in contacts who develop a strong reaction on tuerculin skin testing or tho
se at high risk ecause of
associated disease. The major principles of antiiotic chemotherapy for tuercul
osis are that a comination
of drugs needs to e used, and that treatment needs to e continued for a prolon
ged period usually six
months. Use of single agents or interrupted courses leads to the development of
drug resistance. Serious
outreaks of multiply resistant Mycoacterium tuerculosis have een seen mainly
in AIDS units, where
patients have greater susceptiility to the disease, ut also in developing coun
tries where maintenance of
appropriate antiacterial therapy for six months or more can e difficult. Strep
tomycin was the first
useful agent identified in 1944. The four drugs used most often now are RIFAMPIC
and ETHAMBUTOL. Three to four agents are used for the first two months; then, wh
en sensitivities are known
and clinical response oserved, two drugs, most often rifampicin and isoniazid,
are continued for the rest
of the course. Treatment is taken daily, although thrice-weekly, directly oserv
ed therapy is used when
there is dout aout the patients compliance. All the antituerculous agents have
a range of adverse
effects that need to e monitored during treatment. Provided that the treatment
is prescried and taken
appropriately, response to treatment is very good with cure of disease and very
low relapse rates.
Tuerous Sclerosis Also called epiloia: a rare inherited disease transmi
tted as an autosomal dominant
trait. EPILEPSY in childhood is often the first manifestation (see INFANTILE SPA
SMS), although ovoid
hypopigmented macules (ash leaf patches) in the skin may e detected in infancy. L
ater an ACNE-like
eruption of the face (adenoma seaceum), firous outgrowths around the nails and firous plaques o
n the lower ack (shagreen
patch) can all occur. Half of those affected have learning difficulties and eha
viour prolems, and
autistic symptoms may occur (see AUTISM). Characteristic white streaks appear on
the optic fundi (see EYE).
Molecular genetic testing can identify up to 90 per cent of individuals with a t

uerin gene. Genetic

counselling of families is helpful. Relatives of those with this condition can o
tain help and guidance
from the Tuerous Sclerosis Association of Great Britain.
Tuocurarine A voluntary-muscle relaxant given y intravenous injection
efore surgery under general
ANAESTHESIA. The drug is also used to treat conditions such as TETANUS, ENCEPHAL
which severe muscle spasms occur. Overdosage may result in respiratory failure 
ecause the muscles
essential for reathing are paralysed.
Tuule A small tue. There are several named tuules in the ody: exampl
es include convoluted tuules
in the NEPHRON of the kidney (see KIDNEYS) and the seminiferous tuules in the t
estes (see TESTICLE).
Tularaemia A disease of rodents such as raits and rats, caused y the
acillus, Francisella
tularense, and spread either y flies or y direct inoculation for example, into
the hands of a person
engaged in skinning raits. In humans the disease takes the form of a slow feve
r lasting several weeks,
with much malaise and depression, followed y considerale emaciation. It was fi
rst descried in the
district of Tulare in California, and is found widely spread in North America an
d in Europe, ut not in
ve treatment.
Tulle Gras A wound dressing of gauze impregnated with soft paraffin to p
revent it from sticking to the
Tumescence A swelling usually caused y lood or other ody fluids accum
ulating in the tissues, often
as a consequence of injury. An erect PENIS, when lood fills the corpus cavernos
a in the organ, is
sometimes descried as tumescent.

Tympanic Memrane
Tumour This literally means any swelling, ut the term does not usually
include temporary swellings
caused y acute inflammation. The consequences locally, however, of chronic infl
ammation for example,
TUBERCULOSIS, SYPHILIS and LEPROSY are sometimes classed as tumours, according t
o their size and
Varieties Some are of an infective nature, as already stated; some arise
as the result of injury, and
several contriuting factors are mentioned under the heading of CANCER. Traditio
nally tumours have een
divided into enign (simple) and malignant. Even enign tumours can e harmful,
ecause their size or
position may distort or damage nerves, lood vessels or organs. Usually, however
, they are easily removed
y surgery. Malignant tumours or cancers are harmful and potentially lethal, not
just ecause they erode
tissues locally ut ecause many of them spread, either y direct growth or y se
eding to other parts
metastasising. Malignant tumours arise ecause of an uncontrolled growth of previo
usly normal cells.
Heredity, environmental factors and lifestyle all play a part in malignancy (see
also ONCOGENES). Symptoms
are caused y local spread and as a result of metastases. These cause serious lo
cal damage, for example, in
the rain or lungs, as well as disturing the odys metaolism. Unless treated wi
RADIOTHERAPY or surgery or a comination of these, malignant tumours are ultimat
ely fatal. Many, however,
can now e cured. The original site and type of a malignant tumour usually deter
mine the rate and extent of
spread. The type of cell and organ site determine the characteristics of a malig
nant tumour. The prognosis
(outlook) for a patient with a malignant tumour depends largely upon how soon it
is diagnosed. Staging
criteria have een developed to assess the local and metastatic spread of a tumo
ur, its size and also
likely sensitivity to the types of availale treatment. The aility to locate a
tumour and its metastases
accurately has vastly improved with the introduction of radionuclide and ULTRASO
UND scanning, CT scanning
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Screening for cancers such as those in the
reast, cervix, colorectal
region and prostate help early diagnosis and usually improve treatment outcomes.
Tumours are now classed
according to the tissues of which they are uilt, somewhat as follows: simple tu
mours of normal tissue.

tumours or cysts, generally of simple hollow nature. tumours: (a) of cel
lular structure, malignant
resemling the cells of skin, mucous memrane, or secreting glands; () of conne
ctive tissue.

Turgor Being or ecoming swollen or engorged.

Turners Syndrome This occurs in one in 2,500 live female irths. It is ca
used y either the asence of
or an anormality in one of the two X CHROMOSOMES. Classical Turners syndrome is
a complete deletion of
one X so that the karyotype is 45XO. Half of the people with Turners syndrome hav
e MOSAICISM with a
mixture of Turner cells and normal cells, or other anormalities of the X chromo
some such as partial
deletions or a ring X. They are females, oth in appearance and sexually; clinic
al features are variale
and include short stature, with final height etween 1295 m and 1575 m, and ovaria
n failure. Other
clinical features may include a short neck, webbing of the neck, increased carry
ing angle at the elbow
(cubitus valgus), widely spaced nipples, cardiovascular abnormalities (of which
the commonest is
coarctation of the aorta [about 10 per cent]), morphological abnormalities of th
e kidneys (including
horseshoe kidney and abnormalities of the pelviureteric tracts), recurrent otiti
s media (see under EAR,
DISEASES OF), squints, increased incidence of pigmented naevi (see NAEVUS), hypo
thyroidism (see under
THYROID, DISEASES OF) and DIABETES MELLITUS. Intelligence is across the normal r
ange, although there are
specific learning defects which are related to hand-eye coordination and spatial
awareness. Patients with
Turners syndrome may require therapeutic help throughout their life. In early chi
ldhood this may revolve
around surgical correction of cardiovascular disease and treatment to improve gr
owth. Usually, PUBERTY will
need to be induced with oestrogen therapy (see OESTROGENS). In adult life, probl
ems of oestrogen therapy,
prevention of osteoporosis (see under BONE, DISORDERS OF), assessment and treatm
assisted fertility predominate. For the address of the UK Turner Syndrome Societ
y, see Appendix 2.
Tympanic Membrane The ear-drum, which separates the external and middle
ear. (See EAR.)

736 Tympanites
Tympanites Also known as meteorism. Distension of the abdomen due to the
presence of gas or air in the
INTESTINE or in the peritoneal cavity (see PERITONEUM). The abdomen when struck
with the fingers, gives
under these conditions a drumlike (tympanitic) note.
Tympanum Another name for the middle EAR.
Typhoid Fever See ENTERIC FEVER.
Typhus Fever An infective disease of worldwide distribution, the manifes
tations of which vary in
different localities. The causative organisms of all forms of typhus fever belon
g to the genus RICKETTSIA.
These are organisms which are intermediate between bacteria and viruses in their
properties, and measure
05 micrometre or less in diameter.
Louse typhus, in which the infecting rickettsia is transmitted by the lo
use, is of worldwide
distribution. More human deaths have been attributed to the louse via typhus, lo
and trench fever, than to any other insect with the exception of the MALARIA mos
quito. Louse typhus
includes epidemic typhus, Brills disease which is a recrudescent form of epidemic
typhus and TRENCH
FEVER. Epidemic typhus fever, also known as
exanthematic typhus, classical typhus, and louse-borne typhus, is an acu
te infection of abrupt onset
which, in the absence of treatment, persists for 14 days. It is of worldwide dis
tribution, but is largely
confined today to parts of Africa. The causative organism is the Rickettsia prow
azeki, so-called after
Ricketts and Prowazek, two brilliant investigators of typhus, both of whom died
of the disease. It is
transmitted by the human louse, Pediculus humanus. The rickettsiae can survive i
n the dried faeces of lice
for 60 days, and these infected faeces are probably the main source of human inf
Symptoms The incubation period is usually 1014 days. The onset is precede
d by headache, pain in the
back and limbs and rigors. On the third day the temperature rises, the headache
worsens, and the patient is
drowsy or delirious. Subsequently a characteristic rash appears on the abdomen a
nd inner aspect of the
arms, to
spread over the chest, back and trunk. Death may occur from SEPTICAEMIA,
heart or kidney failure, or
PNEUMONIA about the 14th day. In those who recover, the temperature falls by CRI
SIS at about this time. The
death rate is variable, ranging from nearly 100 per cent in epidemics among debi
litated refugees to about
10 per cent.

Murine typhus fever, also known as flea typhus, is worldwide in its dist
ribution and is found wherever
individuals are crowded together in insanitary, rat-infested areas (hence the ol
d names of jail-fever and
ship typhus). The causative organism, Rickettsia mooseri, which is closely relat
ed to R. prowazeki, is
transmitted to humans by the rat-flea, Xenopsyalla cheopis. The rat is the main
reservoir of infection;
once humans are infected, the human louse may act as a transmitter of the ricket
tsia from person to person.
This explains how the disease may become epidemic under insanitary, crowded cond
itions. As a rule, however,
the disease is only acquired when humans come into close contact with infected r
Symptoms These are similar to those of louse-borne typhus, but the disea
se is usually milder, and the
mortality rate is very low (about 15 per cent).
Tick typhus, in which the infecting rickettsia is transmitted by ticks,
occurs in various parts of the
world. The three best-known conditions in this group are ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED
FEVER, fivre boutonneuse
and tickbite fever.
Mite typhus, in which the infecting rickettsia is transmitted by mites,
includes scrub typhus, or
tsutsugamushi disease, and rickettsialpox. Rickettsialpox is a mild disease caus
ed by Rickettsia akari,
which is transmitted to humans from infected mice by the common mouse mite, Allo
dermanyssus sanguineus. It
occurs in the United States, West and South Africa and the former Soviet Union.
Treatment The general principles of treatment are the same in all forms
of typhus. consists of either
avoidance or destruction of the vector. In the case of louse typhus and flea typ
hus, the outlook has been
revolutionised by the introduction of efficient insecticides such as DICHLORODIP

The value of the former was well shown by its use after World War II: th
is resulted in almost complete
freedom from the epidemics of typhus which ravaged Eastern Europe after World Wa
r I, being responsible for
30 million cases with a mortality of 10 per cent. Now only 10,00020,000 cases occ
ur a year, with around a
few hundred deaths. Efficient rat control is another measure which reduces the r
isk of typhus very
considerably. In areas such as Malaysia, where the mites are infected from a wid
e variety of rodents
scattered over large areas, the wearing of protective clothing is the most pract
ical method of prophylaxis.
CURATIVE TREATMENT was revolutionised by the introduction of CHLORAMPHENICOL and
antibiotics altered the prognosis in typhus fever very considerably.
Tyramine A variety of the chemical compound amine, which is derived from
ammonia. A sympathomimetic
agent with an action which resembles that of ADRENALINE, tyramine occurs in mist
letoe, mature cheese,
beers, red wine and decaying animal matter. This adrenaline effect is potentiall
y dangerous for patients
ombined with tyramine,
the blood pressure rises sharply. Such patients should avoid taking cheese, beer
s and red wine.
Tyrosine One of the AMINO ACIDS. Tyrosine is important in the production

United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visitin
g, now known as the Council for
UKTSSA United Kingdom Transplant Support Service Authority (see TRANSPLA
Ulcer Destruction of the skins surface tissues resulting in an open sore.
A similar breach may occur
in the surface of the mucous membrane lining body cavities for example, the stom
ach, duodenum or colon
(see COLITIS). Usually accompanied by pain and local inflammation, ulcers can be
shallow or deep, with a
crater-like shape. An ulcer may heal naturally, but on certain parts of the body
legs (venous ulcers, see
below) or bony protuberances (decubitus ulcers, see below) they can become chron
ic and difficult to
treat. When an ulcer heals, granulations (well-vascularised connective tissue) f
orm which become fibrous
and draw the edges of the ulcer together. Any damage to the body surface may dev
elop into an ulcer if the
causative agent is allowed to persist for example, contact with a noxious substa
nce or constant pressure
on an area of tissue with poor circulation. Treatment of skin ulcers is effected
by cleaning the area,
regular dry dressings and local or systemic ANTIBIOTICS depending upon the sever
ity of the ulcer.
Decubitus ulcer Also known as pressure or bed sore. Occurs when there is
constant pressure on and
inadequate oxygenation of an area of skin, usually overlying a bony protuberance
. Elderly or infirm people,
or individuals with debilitating, emaciating or neurological illnesses, are vuln
erable to the condition.
Longterm pressure from a bed, wheelchair, cast or splint is the usual cause. Los
s of skin sensation is a
contributory factor, and muscle and bone as well as skin may be affected.
Treatment The most important treatment is prevention, keeping the patien
ts back, buttocks, heels and other pressure-points clean and dry, and regularly chan
ging his or her position. If
ulcers do develop, repeated local DEBRIDEMENT, protective dressings and (in seri
ous cases) surgical
treatment are required, accompanied by an appropriate antibiotic if infection is
Venous ulcer This occurs on the lower leg or ankle and is caused by chro
nic HYPERTENSION in the deep
leg VEINS, usually the consequences of previous deep vein thrombosis (DVT) see T
DISEASES OF which has destroyed the valvular system in the vein(s). The ulcer is
usually preceded by
chronic OEDEMA, often local eczema (see DERMATITIS), and bleeding into the skin
that produces brown
staining. Varicose veins may or may not be present. Control of the oedema by com
pression and encouragement

to walk is central to management.

Ulcerative Colitis Chronic inflammation of the lining of the COLON and R
ECTUM. The disease affects
around 50 people per 100,000; it is predominantly a disease of young and middleaged adults.
Symptoms The onset may be sudden or insidious. In the acute form there i
s severe diarrhoea and the
patient may pass up to 20 stools a day. The stools, which may be small in quanti
ty, are fluid and contain
blood, pus and mucus. There is always fever, which runs an irregular course. In
other cases the patient
first notices some irregularity of the movement of the bowels, with the passage
of blood. This becomes
gradually more marked. There may be pain but usually a varying amount of abdomin
al discomfort. The constant
diarrhoea leads to emaciation, weakness and ANAEMIA. As a rule the acute phase p
asses into a chronic stage.
The chronic form is liable to run a prolonged course, and most patients suffer r
elapses for many years.
SIGMOIDOSCOPY, BIOPSY and abdominal X-RAYS are essential diagnostic procedures.
Treatment Many patients may be undernourished and need expert dietary as
sessment and appropriate
calorie, protein, vitamin and mineral supplements. This is particularly importan
t in children with the
disorder. While specific nutritional treatment can initiate improvement in CROHNS
DISEASE, this is not the
case with ulcerative colitis. CORTICOSTEROIDS, given by mouth or ENEMA, help to

control the diarrhoea. Intravenous nutrition may be required. The anaemi
a is treated with iron
supplements, and with blood infusions if necessary. Blood cultures should be tak
en, repeatedly if the fever
persists. If SEPTICAEMIA is suspected, broad-spectrum antibiotics should be give
n. Surgery to remove part
of the affected colon may be necessary and an ILEOSTOMY is sometimes required. A
fter recovery, the patient
should remain on a low-residue diet, with regular follow-up by the physician, Me
salazine and SULFASALAZINE
are helpful in the prevention of recurrences. Patients and their relatives can o
btain help and advice from
the National Association for Colitis and Crohns Disease.
Ulcer Healing Drugs A variety of drugs with differing actions are availa
ble for the treatment of peptic
ulcer, the composite title covering gastric ulcer (see STOMACH, DISEASES OF) and
ulceration may also involve the lower OESOPHAGUS, and after stomach surgery the
junction of the stomach and
small intestine. The drugs used in combination are: The receptor antagonists, wh
ich reduce the output of
gastric acid by histamine H2receptor blockade; they include CIMETIDINE, FAMOTIDI
ANTIBIOTICS to eradicate Helicobacter pylori infection, a major cause of peptic
ulceration. They are
usually used in combination with one of the PROTON-PUMP INHIBITORS and include c
larithomycin, amoxacillin
and metronidazole. BISMUTH chelates. The prostaglandin analogue misoprostol has
antisecretory and
protective properties. Proton-pump inhibitors omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantapra
zole and rabeprazole, all
of which inhibit gastric-acid secretion by blocking the proton pump enzyme syste

Ulna The inner of the two bones in the forearm. It is wide at its upper
end, and its olecranon process
forms the point of the elbow. In its lower part it is more fragile and liable to
be broken by a fall upon
the forearm while something is grasped in the hand. Chipping-off of the olecrano
n process is a not uncommon
result of falls upon the elbow. (See BONE, DISORDERS OF Bone fractures.)
Ulnar Nerve A major NERVE in the arm, it runs from the brachial plexus t
o the hand. The nerve controls
the muscles that move the fingers and thumb and conveys sensation from t
he fifth and part of the fourth
and from the adjacent palm. Muscle weakness and numbness in the areas supplied b
y the nerve is usually
caused by pressure from an abnormal outgrowth from the epicondyle at the bottom
of the humerus (upper-arm

Ultrafiltration Filtration carried out under pressure. Blood undergoes u
ltrafiltration in the KIDNEYS
to remove the waste products, urea and surplus water that constitute URINE.
Ultrasonography The use of ULTRASOUND to produce images of structures in
the body that can be viewed on
a television screen and transferred to photographic film.
Ultrasound Ultrasound, or ultrasonic, waves comprise very-high-frequency
sound waves above 20,000 Hz
that the human ear cannot hear. Ultrasound is widely used for diagnosis and also
for some treatments. In
OBSTETRICS, ultrasound can assess the stage of pregnancy and detect abnormalitie
s in the FETUS (see below).
It is a valuable adjunct in the investigation of diseases in the bladder, kidney
s, liver, ovaries, pancreas
and brain (for more information on these organs and their diseases, see under se
parate entries); it also
detects thromboses (clots) in blood vessels and enables their extent to be asses
sed. A non-invasive
technique that does not need ionising radiation, ultrasound is quick, versatile
and relatively inexpensive,
with scans being done in any plane of the body. There is little danger to the pa
tient or operator: unlike,
for example, XRAYS, ultrasound investigations can be repeated as needed. A contr
ast medium is not required.
Its reliability is dependent upon the skill of the operator. Ultrasound is repla
cing ISOTOPE scanning in
many situations, and also RADIOGRAPHY. Ultrasound of the liver can separate medi
cal from surgical JAUNDICE
in approximately 97 per cent of patients; it is very accurate in detecting and d
efining cystic lesions of
the liver, but is less accurate with solid lesions and yet will detect 85 per ce
nt of secondary deposits
(this is less than COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY [CT] scanning). It is very accurate in de
tecting gall-stones (see
GALL-BLADDER, DISEASES OF) and more accurate than the oral cholecystogram. It is
useful as a screening test
for pancreatic disease and can differentiate carcinoma of the pancreas

740 Ultraviolet Rays (UVR)

from chronic pancreatitis with 85 per cent accuracy. Ultrasound is the f
irst investigation indicated in
patients presenting with renal failure, as it can quickly determine the size and
shape of the kidney and
whether there is any obstruction to the URETER. It is very sensitive to the pres
ence of dilatation of the
renal tract and will detect space-occupying lesions, differentiating cysts and t
umours. It can detect also
obstruction of the ureter due to renal stones by showing dilatations of the coll
ecting system and the
presence of the calculus. Adrenal (see ADRENAL GLANDS) tumours can be demonstrat
ed by ultrasound, although
it is less accurate than CT scanning. The procedure is now the first test for su
spected aortic ANEURYSM and
it can also show the presence of clot and delineate the true and false lumen. It
is good at demonstrating
subphrenic and subhepatic abscesses (see ABSCESS) and will show most intra-abdom
inal abscesses; CT scanning
is however better for the retroperitoneal region. It has a major application in
thyroid nodules as it can
differentiate cystic from solid lesions and show the multiple lesions characteri
stic of the nodular GOITRE
(see also THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). It cannot differentiate between a follicu
lar adenoma and a
carcinoma, as both these tumours are solid; nor can it demonstrate normal parath
yroid glands. However, it
can identify adenomas provided that they are more than 6 mm in diameter. Finally
, ultrasound can
differentiate masses in the SCROTUM into testicular and appendicular, and it can
demonstrate impalpable
testicular tumours. This is important as 15 per cent of testicular tumours metas
tasise whilst they are
still impalpable. Ultrasonic waves are one of the constituents in the shock trea
tment of certain types of
gallstones and CALCULI in the urinary tract (see LITHOTRIPSY). They are also bei
ng used in the treatment of
MENIRES DISEASE and of bruises and strains. In this field of physiotherapy, ultras
onic therapy is proving
of particular value in the treatment of acute injuries of soft tissue. If in suc
h cases it is used
immediately after the injury, or as soon as possible thereafter, prompt recovery
is facilitated. For this
reason it is being widely used in the treatment of sports injuries (see also SPO
RTS MEDICINE). The sound
waves stimulate the healing process in damaged tissue.
Doppler ultrasound is a technique which shows the presence of vascular d
isease in the carotid and
peripheral vessels, as it can detect
the reduced blood flow through narrowed vessels.
Ultrasound in obstetrics Ultrasound has particular applications in obste
trics. A fetus can be seen with
ultrasound from the seventh week of pregnancy, and the fetal heart can be demons
trated at this stage.

Multiple pregnancy can also be diagnosed at this time by the demonstration of mo

re than one gestation sac
containing a viable fetus. A routine obstetric scan is usually performed between
the 16th and 18th week of
pregnancy when the fetus is easily demonstrated and most photogenic. The fetus c
an be measured to assess
the gestational age, and the anatomy can also be checked. Intra-uterine growth r
etardation is much more
reliably diagnosed by ultrasound than by clinical assessment. The site of the pl
acenta can also be recorded
and multiple pregnancies will be diagnosed at this stage. Fetal movements and ev
en the heartbeat can be
seen. A second scan is often done between the 32nd and 34th weeks to assess the
position, size and growth
rate of the baby. The resolution of equipment now available enables pre-natal di
agnosis of a wide range of
structural abnormalities to be diagnosed. SPINA BIFIDA, HYDROCEPHALUS and ANENCE
PHALY are probably the most
important, but other anomalies such as multicystic kidney, achondroplasia and ce
rtain congenital cardiac
anomalies can also be identified. Fetal gender can be determined from 20 weeks o
f gestation. Ultrasound is
also useful as guidance for AMNIOCENTESIS. In gynaecology, POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYND
ROME can readily be
detected as well as FIBROID and ovarian cysts. Ultrasound can monitor follicular
growth when patients are
being treated with infertility drugs. It is also useful in detecting ECTOPIC PRE
Ultraviolet Rays (UVR)
Invisible light rays of very short wavelength beyond the violet end of t
he suns spectrum.
Ultraviolet-C (UVC) (wavelength <290 nm [nanometre see APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS
IN MEDICINE]) is entirely
absorbed by the earths atmosphere and would otherwise be lethally damaging. Ultra
violet-B (UVB 290 320
nm) intensity increases with altitude: it is greatest in midsummer and at midday
and penetrates cirrhus
cloud. UVB causes sunburn and also tanning. Ultraviolet-A (UVA 320 400 nm) penetr
ates deeper into our
skins but does not cause sunburn; it is implicated in many photochemical reactio
ns and PHOTO-

Unconsciousness DERMATOSES and in CARCINOGENESIS. UVR helps the skin to synthesi

se vitamin D.

Ultraviolet lamps produce UVR and are used to tan skin but, because of the risk
of producing skin cancer

(see SKIN, DISEASES OF), the lamps must be used with great caution.
Umbilical Cord The fleshy tube containing two arteries and a vein throug
h which the mother supplies the
FETUS with oxygen and nutrients. The cord, which is up to 60 cm long, ceases to
function after birth and is
clamped and cut about 25 cm from the infants abdominal wall. The stump shrivels an
d falls off within two
weeks, leaving a scar which forms the UMBILICUS. (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.
Umbilicus The scientific name for the navel, a circular depression in th
e ABDOMEN that marks the areas
where the UMBILICAL CORD was attached when the fetus was in the uterus.
Uncinate Fit A type of temporal lobe EPILEPSY in which a patient has a h
allucination of smell or of
taste; it may also be the result of a tumour pressing on that part of the BRAIN
concerned with the
appreciation of smell and taste.
Unconscious A state of UNCONSCIOUSNESS or a description of mental activi
ties of which an individual is
unaware. The term is also used in PSYCHOANALYSIS to characterise that section of
a persons mind in which
memories and motives reside. They are normally inaccessible, protected by inbuil
t mental resistance. This
contrasts with the subconscious, where a persons memories and motives while tempo
rarily suppressed can
usually be recalled.
Unconsciousness The BRAIN is the organ of the mind. Normal conscious ale
rtness depends upon its
continuous adequate supply with oxygen and glucose, both of which are essential
for the brain cells to
function normally. If either or both of these are interrupted, altered conscious
ness results. Interruption
may be caused by three broad types of process affecting the brain stem: the reti
cular formation (a network
of nerve pathways and nuclei-connecting sensory and motor nerves to and from the
cerebrum, cerebellum,
SPINAL CORD and cranial nerves) and the cerebral cortex. The three types are dif
fuse brain dysfunction
for example, generalised metabolic
disorders such as URAEMIA or toxic disorders such as SEPTICAEMIA; direct
effects on the brain stem as a
result of infective, cancerous or traumatic lesions; and indirect effects on the
brain stem such as a
tumour or OEDEMA in the cerebrum creating pressure within the skull. Within thes
e three divisions are a
large number of specific causes of unconsciousness. Unconsciousness may be tempo
rary, prolonged or
indefinite (see PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE (PVS)), depending upon the severity
of the initiating incident.
The patients recovery depends upon the cause and success of treatment, where give
n. MEMORY may be
affected, as may motor and sensory functions; but short periods of unconsciousne

ss as a result, say, of
trauma have little obvious effect on brain function. Repeated bouts of unconscio
usness (which can happen in
boxing) may, however, have a cumulatively damaging effect, as can be seen on CT
of the brain. POISONS such as CARBON MONOXIDE (CO), drug overdose, a fall in the
oxygen content of blood
(HYPOXIA) in lung or heart disease, or liver or kidney failure harm the normal c
hemical working or
metabolism of nerve cells. Severe blood loss will cause ANOXIA of the brain. Any
of these can result in
altered brain function in which impairment of consciousness is a vital sign. Sud
den altered consciousness
will also result from fainting attacks (syncope) in which the blood pressure fal
ls and the circulation of
oxygen is thereby reduced. Similarly an epileptic fit causes partial or complete
loss of consciousness by
causing an abrupt but temporary disruption of the electrical activity in the ner
ve cells in the brain (see
EPILEPSY). In these events, as the brains function progressively fails, drowsines
s, stupor and finally
COMA ensue. If the cause is removed (or when the patient spontaneously recovers
from a fit or faint),
normal consciousness is usually quickly regained. Strokes (see STROKE) are somet
imes accompanied by a loss
of consciousness; this may be immediate or come on slowly, depending upon the ca
use or site of the strokes.
Comatose patients are graded according to agreed test scales for example, the GL
which the patients response to a series of tests indicate numerically the level o
f coma. Treatment of
unconscious patients depends upon the cause, and range from first-aid care for s
omeone who has fainted to
hospital intensivecare treatment for a victim of a severe head injury or massive

742 Undescended Testis

Undescended Testis See under TESTICLE, DISEASES OF.
Undulant Fever Another name for BRUCELLOSIS.
Ungual An adjective relating to the fingernails or toenails.
Unguentum The Latin name for ointment.
Unit The term applied to a quantity assumed as a standard for measuremen
t. Thus, the unit of insulin is
the specific activity contained in such an amount of the standard preparation as
the Medical Research
Council may from time to time indicate as the quantity exactly equivalent to the
unit accepted for
international use. The standard preparation consists of pure, dry, crystalline i
nsulin. (See APPENDIX 6:
Upper Limb Disorders A group of injuries resulting from overuse of a par
t of the limb. One example is
TENNIS ELBOW (epicondylitis) caused by inflammation of the tendon attaching the
extensor muscles of the
forearm to the humerus because of overuse of the muscles. Overuse of the shoulde
r muscles may cause
inflammation and pain around the joint. Perhaps the best-known example is repeti
tive strain injury (RSI)
affecting keyboard workers and musicians: the result is pain in and weakness of
the wrists and fingers.
This has affected thousands of people and been the subject of litigation by empl
oyees against their
employers. Working practices have been improved and the complaint is now being r
ecognised at an early
stage. Treatment includes PHYSIOTHERAPY, but some sufferers have been obliged to
give up their work.
U Urachus A corded structure which extends from the bladder up to the na
vel, and represents the remains
of the canal which in the FETUS joins the bladder with the ALLANTOIS.
Uraemia The clinical state which results from renal failure (see KIDNEYS
, DISEASES OF). It may be due
to disease of the KIDNEYS or it may be the result of pre-renal causes where a la
ck of circulating blood
volume inadequately perfuses the kidneys. It may result from acute necrosis in t
tubules of the kidney or it may result from obstruction to the outflow o
f URINE. The word uraemia means
excess UREA in the blood; however, the symptoms of renal failure are not due to
the abnormal amounts of
urea circulating, but rather to the electrolyte disturbances (see ELECTROLYTES)
and ACIDOSIS which are
associated with impaired renal function. The acidosis results from a decreased a
bility to filter hydrogen
ions from blood into the glomerular fluid: the reduced production of ammonia and
phosphate means fewer ions
capable of combining with the hydrogen ions, so that the total acid elimination
is diminished. The fall in

glomerular filtration also leads to retention of SODIUM and water with resulting
OEDEMA, and to retention
of POTASSIUM resulting in HYPERKALAEMIA. The most important causes of uraemia ar
e the primary renal
diseases of chronic glomerular nephritis (inflammation) and chronic PYELONEPHRIT
IS. It may also result from
MALIGNANT HYPERTENSION damaging the kidneys and amyloid disease destroying them.
Analgesic abuse can cause
tubular necrosis. DIABETES MELLITUS may cause a nephropathy and lead to uraemia,
SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (SLE). Polycystic kidneys and renal tuberculosis ac
count for a small
proportion of cases.
Symptoms Uraemia is sometimes classed as acute that is, those cases in w
hich the symptoms develop in
a few hours or days and chronic, including cases in which the symptoms are less
marked and last over
weeks, months, or years. There is, however, no dividing line between the two, fo
r in the chronic variety,
which may be said to consist of the symptoms of chronic glomerulonephritis, an a
cute attack is liable to
come on at any time. Headache in the front or back of the head, accompanied ofte
n by insomnia and daytime
drowsiness, is one of the most common symptoms. UNCONSCIOUSNESS of a profound ty
pe, which may be
accompanied by CONVULSIONS resembling those of EPILEPSY, is the most outstanding
feature of an acute attack
and is a very dangerous condition. Still another symptom, which often precedes a
n acute attack, is severe
vomiting without apparent cause. The appetite is always poor, and the onset of d
iarrhoea is a serious sign.
Treatment The treatment of the chronic type of uraemia includes all the
measures which should be taken
by a person suffering from

Urethra, Diseases of and Injury to

chronic glomerulonephritis (see under KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF). An increasi
ng number of these patients,
especially the younger ones, are treated with DIALYSIS and/or renal TRANSPLANTAT
Urates See URIC ACID.
Urea Urea, or carbomide, is a crystalline substance of the chemical form
ula CO(NH2)2, which is very
soluble in water or alcohol. It is the chief waste product discharged from the b
ody in the URINE, being
formed in the liver and carried to the kidneys in the blood. The amount varies c
onsiderably with the
quantity and nature of the food taken, rising greatly upon an animal (protein) d
ietary. It also rises
during the continuance of a fever. The average amount excreted daily by a health
y adult on a mixed diet is
about 3335 grams. Kidney failure causes a rise in the concentration of urea in th
e blood (see URAEMIA;
KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF). Urea is usually administered for its diuretic action (see
DIURETICS), and also as a
test of kidney action, in doses of 515 grams. It is used, too, as a cream in the
treatment of certain skin
diseases, characterised by a dry skin. Urea is rapidly changed, by a yeast-like
micro-organism, into
carbonate of ammonia the cause of the ammoniacal smell associated with INCONTINE
NCE and inadequately
cleaned toilets.
Ureaplasma A group of micro-organisms which plays a larger part in the c
ausation of disease than was at
one time suspected. One of them, Ureaplasma urealyticum, is now recognised as a
cause of chronic
U) see also URETHRA,
Ureter The tube that carries URINE from the kidney (see KIDNEYS) to the
URINARY BLADDER. There are two
ureters, one for each kidney, and they originate from the kidney pelvis and trac
k for 25 30 cm (1012
inches) through the loins and pelvis. They open by a narrow slit into the base o
f the bladder. The lower
end of the ureter pierces the wall of the bladder so obliquely (lying embedded i
n the wall for about 21 mm)
that, although urine runs freely into the bladder, it is prevented from returnin
g up the ureter as the
bladder becomes distended.
Ureteroenterostomy A surgically produced artificial channel between the
URETER and the large bowel (see
INTESTINE). A form of diversion of the URINE flow, the URINARY BLADDER is bypass
ed and the ureters drain
into the sigmoid COLON. The operation is done when a bladder is removed, usually
because of cancer.

Ureteroscope A flexible or rigid endoscopic instrument (see ENDOSCOPE) t

hat is inserted (via the
URINARY BLADDER) into the URETER and up into the pelvis of the kidney (see KIDNE
YS). The instrument is
commonly used to identify a stone in the ureter and to remove it under vision wi
th forceps or a stone
basket. If the stone is large it is broken into fragments, using an ultrasound o
r electrohydraulic
LITHOTRIPSY probe that is inserted through the instrument.
Urethra The tube which leads from the URINARY exterior, and by which the
It is about 20 cm (8 inches)
long in the male and 35 cm (1 inches) long in the female. In the male it passes al
ong the PENIS; in the
female the urethra opens to the exterior just in front of the VAGINA between the
labial folds. BLADDER to
the URINE is voided.
Urethra, Diseases of and Injury to Trauma Injury to the urethra is often
the result of severe trauma to
the pelvis for example, in a car accident or as the result of a fall. Trauma can
also result from
catheter insertion (see CATHETERS) or the insertion of foreign bodies into the u
rethra. The signs are the
inability to pass urine, and blood at the exit of the urethra. The major complic
ation of trauma is the
development of a urethral stricture (see below).
Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra from infection.
Causes The sexually transmitted disease affects the urethra, mainly in m
en, and causes severe
inflammation and urethritis. Non-specific urethritis (NSU) is an inflammation of
the urethra caused by one
of many different micro-organisms including BACTERIA, YEAST and CHLAMYDIA. GONOR

744 Urethral Syndrome

Symptoms The classic signs and symptoms are a urethral discharge associa
ted with urethral pain,
particularly on micturition (passing urine), and DYSURIA.
Treatment This involves taking urethral swabs, culturing the causative o
rganism and treating it with
the appropriate antibiotic. The complications of urethritis include stricture fo
Stricture This is an abrupt narrowing of the urethra at one or more plac
es. Strictures can be a result
of trauma or infection or a congenital abnormality from birth. Rarely, tumours c
an cause strictures.
Symptoms The usual presenting complaint is one of a slow urinary stream.
Other symptoms include
hesitancy of micturition, variable stream and terminal dribbling. Measurement of
the urine flow rate may
help in the diagnosis, but often strictures are detected during cystoscopy (see
Treatment The traditional treatment was the periodic dilation of the str
ictures with sounds solid
metal rods passed into the urethra. However, a more permanent solution is achiev
ed by cutting the stricture
with an endoscopic knife (optical urethrotomy). For more complicated long or mul
tiple strictures, an open
operation (urethroplasty) is required.
Urethral Syndrome
A group of symptoms of unknown cause. It mainly affects women, and occas
ionally men, with pain and
discomfort in the lower abdomen, a frequent urge to urinate and, in women, pain
in the area of the VULVA.
Investigation rarely results in any abnormal findings. Postmenopausal women (see
MENOPAUSE), who are the
most common sufferers, may have inflammation of the vulva due to thinning of the
tissues in that area.
Treatment is supportive, with the patient being advised to drink a lot of fluid
and maintain a high
standard of personal hygiene.
Urethritis Urethritis means inflammation of the URETHRA (see NON-SPECIFI
Urethrocele PROLAPSE of the URETHRA into the wall of the VAGINA. The res
ult is a bulbous swelling in
the roof of the vagina which is worse when the
woman strains to urinate or defaecate, or during childbirth. The conditi
on is usually the consequence
of a previous pregnancy. The condition is treated with surgical repair of the sl
ack tissues to strengthen

support for the urethra and vaginal wall.

Urethrography Examination of the URETHRA using X-RAYS. A radio-opaque fl
uid is injected into the
bladder and any abnormalities of the urethra can be observed on the X-ray films.
Urethroplasty Surgical repair of the URETHRA, usually to relieve a stric
ture (see under URETHRA,
Uric Acid A crystalline substance, very slightly soluble in water, of ch
emical formula, C5N4H4O3. The
average daily quantity of uric acid passed by human beings is 051 gram. It is form
ed in the LIVER from
the breakdown products of proteins and removed by the KIDNEYS from the blood. Th
e amount is increased in
the following conditions: Excessive consumption of meat, combined with sedentary
habits. GOUT. Diseases in
which the white corpuscles of the blood are increased: for example, LEUKAEMIA. T
he bi-urate of sodium and
urate of ammonium occur in considerable amounts in the URINE during a feverish s
tate or after great
exertion, and produce, as the urine cools, a dense pink or yellow sediment. Owin
g to their insolubility,
uric acid and the various urates often produce deposits in the urinary passages,
which are known as urinary
sand, gravel, or stones according to their size.

Uricosuric Drug A drug that increases the amount of URIC ACID excreted i
n the URINE. Among the drugs
used are PROBENECID or a sulfa derivative. Uricosurics are used to treat GOUT an
d other disorders which
cause raised blood-uric-acid concentrations.
Urinalysis Analysis of the physical and chemical composition of URINE to
detect variations in the
substances normally present, and to identify any abnormal constituents such as s
ugar, blood, drugs or
alcohol. Sugar, protein and blood can be identified using chemically impregnated

Urinary Diversion
sticks which change colour in the presence of these substances. The pres
ence of microscopic HAEMATURIA
(blood in the urine) should be confirmed by microscopic examination of a fresh,
midstream urine specimen.
The specimen should also be sent for bacteriological culture to exclude or ident
ify infection. If protein
in the urine is suspected, a 24-hour collection of urine should be assessed. Cyt
ological examination will
identify abnormal or malignant cells in the urinary tract.
Urinary Bladder The urinary bladder is a highly distensible organ for st
oring URINE. It consists of
smooth muscle known as the detrusor muscle and is lined with urine-proof cells k
nown as transitional cell
epithelium. The bladder lies in the anterior half of the PELVIS, bordered in fro
nt by the pubis bone and
laterally by the side wall of the pelvis. Superiorly the bladder is covered by t
he peritoneal lining of the
abdomen. The bottom or base of the bladder lies against the PROSTATE GLAND in th
e male and the UTERUS and
VAGINA in the female.
Urinary Bladder, Diseases of Diseases of the URINARY BLADDER are diagnos
ed by the patients symptoms
and signs, examination of the URINE, and using investigations such as X-RAYS and
interior of the bladder can be examined using a cystoscope, which is a fibreopti
c endoscope (see FIBREOPTIC
ENDOSCOPY) that is passed into the bladder via the URETHRA.
Cystitis Most cases of cystitis are caused by bacteria which have spread
from the bowel, especially
Escherichia coli, and entered the bladder via the urethra. Females are more pron
e to cystitis than are
males, owing to their shorter urethra which allows easier entry for bacteria. Ch
ronic or recurrent cystitis
may result in infection spreading up the ureter to the kidney (see KIDNEY, DISEA
bacterial growth, and an appropriate course of once a urine sample has b
een analysed in the laboratory
to confirm the diagnosis and determine what antibiotics the causative organism i
s likely to respond to.
Stone or calculus The usual reason for the formation of a bladder stone
is an obstruction to the
bladder outflow, which results in stagnant residual urine ideal conditions for t
he crystallisation of the
chemicals that form stones or from long-term indwelling CATHETERS which weaken t
he natural mechanical
protection against bacterial entry and, by bruising the lining tissues, encourag
e infection.
Symptoms The classic symptom is a stoppage in the flow of urine during u

rination, associated with

severe pain and the passage of blood.
Treatment This involves surgical removal of the stone either endoscopica
lly (litholapaxy); by passing a
cystoscope into the bladder via the urethra and breaking the stone; or by LITHOT
RIPSY in which the stone
(or stones) is destroyed by applying ultrasonic shock waves. If the stone cannot
be destroyed by these
methods, the bladder is opened and the stone removed (cystolithotomy).
Cancer Cancer of the bladder accounts for 7 per cent of all cancers in m
en and 25 per cent in women.
The incidence increases with age, with smoking and with exposure to the industri
al chemicals,
beta-napththylamine and benzidine. In 2003, 2,884 men and 1,507 women died of bl
adder cancer in England and
Symptoms The classical presenting symptom of a bladder cancer is the pai
nless passing of blood in the
urine haematuria. All patients with haematuria must be investigated with an X-ra
y of their kidneys, an
Symptoms Typically there is frequency and
Treatment Superficial bladder tumours on U the lining of the bladder can
be treated by local
urgency of MICTURITION, with stinging and burning on passing urine (dysu
ria), which is often smelly or
bloodstained. In severe infection patients develop fever and rigors, or loin pai
n. Before starting
treatment a urine sample should be obtained for laboratory testing, including id
entification of the
invading bacteria.
removal via the cystoscope using DIATHERMY (cystodiathermy). Invasive ca
ncers into the bladder muscle
are usually treated with RADIOTHERAPY, systemic CHEMOTHERAPY or surgical removal
of the bladder
(cystectomy). Local chemotherapy may be useful in some patients with multiple sm
all tumours.
Treatment This includes an increased fluid
Urinary Diversion
intake, ANALGESICS, doses of potassium citrate to make the urine alkalin
e to discourage
One of a variety of procedures for collecting and diverting URINE from i
ts customary

746 Urinary Tract

channel of excretion following surgical removal of the bladder for disea
se, usually cancer. The ureters
(see URETER) may be implanted in the large bowel, or a reservoir or small pouch
may be fashioned using a
section of small or large INTESTINE. In the latter method the pouch is emptied t
hrough a small STOMA using
a catheter (see CATHETERS), thus dispensing with the need for a urinary drainage
Urinary Tract A collective name for the KIDNEYS, ureters (see URETER), U
which between them produce, collect and void URINE.
Urination The act of voiding URINE through the URETHRA. Abnormalities in
urination such as difficulty
in starting or stopping, greater than normal frequency, unusually small amounts
of urine passed, a constant
feeling of wanting to urinate or a sudden hard-to-control urge to urinate are al
l symptoms that suggest
possible disorders of the urinary tract which merit investigation.
Waste substances resulting from the bodys metabolic processes, selected b
y the KIDNEYS from the blood,
dissolved in water, and excreted. Urine is around 96 per cent water, the chief w
aste substances being UREA
(approximately 25 g/1), common salt (approximately 9 g/l), and phosphates and su
lphates of potassium,
sodium, calcium, and magnesium. There are also small amounts of URIC ACID, ammon
ia, creatinine, and various
pigments. Poisons, such as MORPHINE, may be excreted in the urine; and in many i
nfections, such as typhoid
fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), the causative organism may be excreted. The daily uri
ne output varies, but
averages around 1,500 ml in adults, less in children. The fluid intake and fluid
output (urine and
PERSPIRATION) are interdependent, so as to maintain a relatively constant fluid
balance. Urine output is
increased in certain diseases, notably DIABETES MELLITUS; it is diminished (or e
ven temporarily stopped) in
acute glomerulonephritis (see under KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF), heart failure, and fe
vers generally. Failure of
the kidneys to secrete any urine is known as anuria, while stoppage due to obstr
uction of the ureters (see
URETER) by stones, or of the URETHRA by a stricture, despite normal urinary secr
etion, is known as urinary
retention. Normal urine is described as straw- to
amber-coloured, but may
glomerulonephritis or poorly
controlled diabetes may lead to
ts of water. Consumption of
beetroot or rhubarb may lead to
in the urine (haematuria)
results in a pink or bright red

be changed by various diseases or drugs. Chronic

a watery appearance, as may drinking large amoun
an orange or red colour, while passage of blood
appearance, or a smoky tint if just small amount

s are passed. A greenish

urine is usually due to BILE, or may be produced by taking QUININE. Healthy urin
e has a faint aroma, but
gives off an unpleasant ammoniacal smell when it begins to decompose, as may occ
ur in urinary infections.
Many foods and additives give urine a distinctive odour; garlic is particularly
characteristic. The density
or specific gravity of urine varies normally from 1,015 to 1,025: a low value su
ggests chronic
glomerulonephritis, while a high value may occur in uncontrolled diabetes or dur
ing fevers. Urine is
normally acidic, which has an important antiseptic action; it may at times becom
e alkaline, however, and in
vegetarians, owing to the large dietary consumption of alkaline salts, it is per
manently alkaline. Chemical
or microscopical examination of the urine is necessary to reveal abnormal drugs,
poisons, or
micro-organisms. There are six substances which must be easily detectable for di
agnostic purposes: these
are ALBUMINS, blood, GLUCOSE, bile, ACETONE, and PUS and tube-casts (casts from
the lining of the tubules
in the kidneys). Easily used strip tests are available for all of these, except
the last.
Excess of urine It is important to distinguish urinary frequency from in
crease in the total amount of
urine passed. Frequency may be due to reduced bladder capacity, such as may be c
aused by an enlarged
PROSTATE GLAND, or due to any irritation or infection of the kidneys or bladder,
such as CYSTITIS or the
formation of a stone. Increased total urinary output, on the other hand, is ofte
n a diagnostic feature of
diabetes mellitus. Involuntary passage of urine at night may result, leading to
bed wetting, or NOCTURNAL
ENURESIS in children. Diagnosis of either condition, therefore, means that the u
rine should be tested for
glucose, albumin, gravel (fragments of urinary calculi), and pus, with appropria
te treatment.
Urine Retention This occurs when URINE is produced by the kidneys but no
t voided by the bladder. It is
generally less serious than ANURIA, in which urine is not produced.

Causes Neurological injury, such as trauma to the spinal cord, may cause
bladder weakness, leading to
retention, although this is rare. Obstruction to outflow is more common: this ma
y be acute and temporary,
for example after childbirth or following surgery for piles (HAEMORRHOIDS); or c
hronic, for example, with
prostatic enlargement (see PROSTATE GLAND). Commonly seen in elderly men, this l
eads to reduced bladder
capacity, with partial emptying every few hours. Total retention is rare, but ma
y result from a stricture,
or narrowing, of the URETHRA (see also URETHRA, DISEASES OF AND INJURY TO) usual
ly the result of
infection or injury or to pressure from a large neighbouring tumour. Retention i
s generally treated by
regular use of a urethral catether (see CATHETERS), various types of which are a
vailable. Tapping of the
bladder with a needle passed above the pubis is rarely necessary, but may occasi
onally be required in cases
of severe stricture.
Urinometer A simple instrument designed for estimating the specific grav
ity of URINE a test that can
be helpful in diagnosing disorders of the URINARY TRACT.
Urobilinogen A chemical compound formed when bacteria in the intestine a
ct on BILIRUBIN. Some is
reabsorbed and returns to the LIVER and some is eliminated in the faeces.
Urocele A cystic swelling that develops in the SCROTUM when URINE escape
s from the URETHRA, usually
after injury. Prompt treatment is necessary and this is done by diverting the ur
ine by inserting a
suprapubic catheter (see CATHETERS) into the URINARY BLADDER, draining the cysto
cele and giving the
patients antibiotics. The injured urethra can be surgically repaired later.
Urodynamics The measurement of the pressures within the URINARY BLADDER
as well as the pressures of the
urethral sphincter. The technique is useful in the investigation of patients wit
h urinary incontinence.
Special equipment is needed to carry out the procedure.
Urogenital An adjective relating to the organs and tissues involved in t
he anatomically closely related
functions of excretion and reproduction.
Urography Examination of the URINARY TRACT by means of contrast medium X
-rays (see PYELOGRAPHY;
Urokinase Urokinase is an ENZYME obtained from URINE which dissolves blo
od clots. It is used to treat
THROMBOLYSIS in the EYE, in arteriovenous shunts (see SHUNT) and deep-vein THROM
BOSIS. It has the advantage
over other fibrinolytic drugs of not causing immunological reactions.

Urology The branch of medicine which treats disorders and diseases of th

e KIDNEYS, ureters (see URINARY
Ursodeoxycholic Acid A preparation used in the treatment of cholesterol
gall-stones when laparoscopic
CHOLECYSTECTOMY and endoscopic biliary procedures cannot be used (see GALL-BLADD
URTI An abbreviation for upper respiratory tract infection that is colds
(see COMMON COLD), otitis
media (see EAR, DISEASES OF Diseases of the middle ear), TONSILLITIS, PHARYNGITI
S and
laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis (see CROUP; LARYNX, DISORDERS OF).
Urticaria The rash produced by the sudden release of HISTAMINE in the sk
in. It is characterised by
acute itching, redness and wealing which subsides within a few minutes or may pe
rsist for a day or more.
Depending upon the cause, it may be localised or widespread and transient or con
stantly recurrent over
years. It has many causes.
External injuries to the skin such as the sting of a nettle (nettle-rash)
or an insect bite cause
histamine release from MAST CELLS in the skin directly. Certain drugs, especiall
ASPIRIN, can have the same effect. In other cases, histamine release is caused b
y an allergic mechanism,
mediated by ANTIBODIES of the immunoglobulin E (IgE) class see IMMUNOGLOBULINS.
Thus many foods, food
additives and drugs (such as PENICILLIN) can cause urticaria. Massive release of
histamine may affect
mucous membranes namely the tongue or throat and can cause HYPOTENSION and anaph
ylactic shock (see
ANAPHYLAXIS) which can occasionally be fatal.

748 Uterus
Physical factors can cause urticaria. Heat, exercise and emotional stres
s may induce a singular pattern
with small pinhead weals, but widespread flares of ERYTHEMA, activated via the A
(CHOLINERGIC urticaria) may also occur. Rarely, exposure to cold may have a smii
lar effect (cold
urticaria) and anaphylactic shock following a dive into cold water in winter is o
ccasionally fatal. The
diagnosis of cold urticaria can be confirmed by applying a block of ice to the a
rm which quickly induces a
local weal. Transient urticaria due to rubbing or even stroking the skin is comm
on in young adults
(DERMOGRAPHISM or factitious urticaria). More prolonged deep pressure induces de
layed urticaria in other
subjects. IgE-mediated urticaria is part of the atopic spectrum (see ATOPY, and
Dermatitis and eczema). Allergy to peanuts is particularly dangerous in young at
opic subjects.
Notwithstanding the many known causes, chronic urticaria of unknown cause is com
mon and may have an
autoimmune basis (see AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS).
Treatment Causative
factors must be removed. Topical therapy is ineffective except for the u
se of calamine lotion, which
reduces itching by cooling the skin. Oral ANTIHISTAMINES are the mainstay of tre
atment and are remarkably
safe. Rarely, injection of ADRENALINE is needed as emergency treatment of massiv
e urticaria, especially if
the tongue and throat are involved, following by a short course of the oral ster
oid, prednisolone.
Angio-oedema is a variant of urticaria
where massive OEDEMA involves subcutaneous tissues rather than the skin.
It may have many causes but
bee and wasp stings in sensitised subjects are particularly dangerous. There is
also a rare hereditary form
of angio-oedema. Acute airway obstruction due to submucosal oedema of the tongue
or larynx is best treated
with immediate intramuscular adrenaline and antihistamine. Rarely, TRACHEOSTOMY
may be life-saving.
Patients who have had two or more episodes can be taught self-injection with a p
reloaded adrenaline
Uterus A hollow, triangular organ, flattened from front to back, the low
er angle (or cervix)
commincates through a narrow opening (the os uteri) with the VAGINA. The uterus
or womb is where the
fertilised ovum (egg) normally
becomes embedded and in which the EMBRYO and FETUS develop. The normal u
terus weighs 3040 g; during
pregnancy, however, enormous growth occurs together with muscular thickening (se

e MUSCLE Development of
muscle). The cavity is lined by a thick, soft, mucous membrane, and the wall is
chiefly composed of muscle
fibres arranged in three layers. The outer surface, like that of other abdominal
organs, is covered by a
layer of PERITONEUM. The uterus has a copious supply of blood derived from the u
terine and ovarian
arteries. It has also many lymphatic vessels, and its nerves establish wide conn
ections with other organs
(see PAIN). The position of the uterus is in the centre of the PELVIS, where it
is suspended by several
ligaments between the URINARY BLADDER in front and the RECTUM behind. On each si
de of the uterus are the
broad ligaments passing outwards to the side of the pelvis, the utero-sacral lig
ament passing back to the
sacral bone, the utero-vesical ligament passing forwards to the bladder, and the
round ligament uniting the
uterus to the front of the abdomen.
Uterus, Diseases of Absence or defects of the uterus Rarely, the UTERUS
may be completely absent as a
result of abnormal development. In such patients secondary sexual development is
normal but MENSTRUATION is
absent (primary amennorhoea). The chromosomal make-up of the patient must be che
cked (see CHROMOSOMES;
GENES): in a few cases the genotype is male (testicular feminisation syndrome).
No treatment is available,
although the woman should be counselled. The uterus develops as two halves which
fuse together. If the
fusion is incomplete, a uterine SEPTUM results. Such patients with a double uter
us (uterus didelphys) may
have fertility problems which can be corrected by surgical removal of the uterin
e septum. Very rarely there
may be two uteri with a double vagina. The uterus of most women points forwards
(anteversion) and bends
forwards (anteflexion). However, about 25 per cent of women have a uterus which
is pointed backwards
(retroversion) and bent backwards (retroflexion). This is a normal variant and v
ery rarely gives rise to
any problems. If it does, the attitude of the uterus can be corrected by an oper
ation called a
Endometritis The lining of the uterine cavity is called the ENDOMETRIUM.
It is this layer that is
partially shed cyclically in women of

Uterus, Diseases of 749

reproductive age giving rise to menstruation. Infection of the endometri
um is called endometritis and
usually occurs after a pregnancy or in association with the use of an intrauteri
ne contraceptive device
(IUCD see CONTRACEPTION). The symptoms are usually of pain, bleeding and a fever
. Treatment is with
antibiotics. Unless the FALLOPIAN TUBES are involved and damaged, subsequent fer
tility is unaffected. Very
rarely, the infection is caused by TUBERCULOSIS. Tuberculous endometritis may de
stroy the endometrium
causing permanent amenorrhoea and sterility.
Menstrual disorders are common. Heavy periods (menorrhagia) are often ca
used by fibroids (see below) or
adenomyosis (see below) or by anovulatory cycles. Anovulatory cycles result in t
he endometrium being
subjected to unopposed oestrogen stimulation and occasionally undergoing hyperpl
asia. Treatment is with
cyclical progestogens (see PROGESTOGEN) initially. If this form of treatment fai
ls, endoscopic surgery to
remove the endometrium may be successful. The endometrium may be removed using L
ASER (endometrial laser
ablation) or electrocautery (transcervical resection of endometrium). Hysterecto
my (see below) will cure
the problem if endoscopic surgery fails. Adenomyosis is a condition in which end
ometrial tissue is found in
the muscle layer (myometrium) of the uterus. It usually presents as heavy and pa
inful periods, and
occasionally pain during intercourse. Hysterectomy is usually required. Oligomen
orhoea (scanty or
infrequent periods) may be caused by a variety of conditions including thyroid d
isease (see THYROID GLAND,
DISEASES OF). It is most commonly associated with usage of the combined oral con
traceptive pill. Once
serious causes have been eliminated, the patient should be reassured. No treatme
nt is necessary unless
conception is desired, in which case the patient may require induction of ovulat
ion. Primary amenorrhoea
means that the patient has never had a period. She should be investigated, altho
ugh usually it is only due
to an inexplicable delay in the onset of periods (delayed menarche) and not to a
ny serious condition.
Secondary amenorrhoea is the cessation of periods after menstruation has started
. The most common cause is
pregnancy. It may be also caused by endocrinological or hormonal problems, tuber
culous endometritis,
emotional problems and severe weight loss. The treatment of amenorrhoea depends
on the cause.
Dysmenorrhoea, or painful periods, is the
most common disorder; in most cases the cause is unknown, although the d
isorder may be due to excessive
production of PROSTAGLANDINS.
Irregular menstruation (variations from the womans normal menstrual patte
rn or changes in the duration
of bleeding or the amount) can be the result of a disturbance in the balance of

hormone which between them regulate the cycle. For some time after the MENARCHE
or before the MENOPAUSE,
menstruation may be irregular. If irregularity occurs in a woman whose periods a
re normally regular, it may
be due to unsuspected pregnancy, early miscarriage or to disorders in the uterus
, OVARIES or pelvic cavity.
The woman should seek medical advice.
Fibroids (leiomyomata) are benign tumours arising from the smooth muscle
layer (myometrium) of the
uterus. They are found in 80 per cent of women but only a small percentage give
rise to any problems and
may then require treatment. They may cause heavy periods and occasionally pain.
Sometimes they present as a
mass arising from the pelvis with pressure symptoms from the bladder or rectum.
Although they can be shrunk
medically using gonadorelin analogues, which raise the plasma concentrations of
FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE, this is not a long-term solution. In any case, fib
roids only require
treatment if they are large or enlarging, or if they cause symptoms. Treatment i
s either myomectomy
(surgical removal) if fertility is to be retained, or a hysterectomy.
Uterine cancers tend to present after the age of 40 with abnormal bleedi
ng (intermenstrual or
postmenopausal bleeding). They are usually endometrial carcinomas. Eighty per ce
nt present with early
(Stage I) disease. Patients with operable cancers should be treated with total a
bdominal hysterectomy and
bilateral excision of the ovaries and Fallopian tubes. Post-operative RADIOTHERA
PY is usually given to
those patients with adverse prognostic factors. Pre-operative radiotherapy is st
ill given by some centres,
although this practice is now regarded as outdated. PROGESTOGEN treatment may be
extremely effective in
cases of recurrence, but its value remains unproven when used as adjuvant treatm
ent. In 2003 in England and
Wales, more than 2,353 women died of uterine cancer.
Disorders of the cervix The cervix (neck of the womb) may produce an exc

750 Uterus, Diseases of

discharge due to the presence of a cervical ectopy or ectropion. In both
instances columnar epithelium
the layer of secreting cells which usually lines the cervical canal is exposed o
n its surface.
Asymptomatic patients do not require treatment. If treatment is required, cryoca
utery local freezing of
tissue is usually effective. Cervical smears are taken and examined in the labor
atory to detect abnormal
cells shed from the cervix. Its main purpose is to detect cervical intraepitheli
al neoplasia (CIN) the
presence of malignant cells in the surface tissue lining the cervix since up to
40 per cent of women with
this condition will develop cervical cancer if the CIN is left untreated. Women
with abnormal smears should
undergo colposcopy, a painless investigation using a low-powered microscope to i
nspect the cervix. If CIN
is found, treatment consists of simply removing the area of abnormal skin, eithe
r using a diathermy loop or
laser instrument. Unfortunately, cervical cancer remains the most common of gyna
ecological cancers. The
most common type is squamous cell carcinoma and around 4,000 new cases (all type
s) are diagnosed in England
and Wales every year. As many as 50 per cent of the women affected may die from
the disease within five
years. Cervical cancer is staged clinically in four bands according to how far i
t has extended, and
treatment is determined by this staging. Stage I involves only the mucosal linin
g of the cervix and cone
BIOPSY may be the best treatment in young women wanting children. In Stage IV th
e disease has spread beyond
the cervix, uterus and pelvis to the URINARY BLADDER or RECTUM. For most women,
radiotherapy or radical
Wertheims hysterectomy the latter being
preferable for younger women is the treatment of choice if the cancer is
diagnosed early, both
resulting in survival rates of five years in 80 per cent of patients. Wertheims h
ysterectomy is a major
operation in which the uterus, cervix, upper third of vagina and the tissue surr
ounding the cervix are
removed together with the LYMPH NODES draining the area. The ovaries may be reta
ined if desired. Patients
with cervical cancer are treated by radiotherapy, either because they present to
o late for surgery or
because the surgical skill to perform a radical hysterectomy is not available. T
hese operations are best
performed by gynaecological oncologists who are gynaecological surgeons speciali
sing in the treatment of
gynaecological tumours. The role of CHEMOTHERAPY in cervical and uterine cancer
is still being evaluated.
Prolapse of the uterus is a disorder in which the organ drops from its n
ormal situation down into the
vagina. First-degree prolapse is a slight displacement of the uterus, second-deg
ree a partial displacement
and thirddegree when the uterus can be seen outside the VULVA. It may be accompa
nied by a CYSTOCOELE (the
bladder bulges into the front wall of the vagina), urethrocoele (the urethra bul

ges into the vagina) and

rectocoele (the rectal wall bulges into the rear wall of the vagina). Prolapse m
ost commonly occurs in
middle-aged women who have had children, but the condition is much less common n
ow than in the past when
prenatal and obstetric care was poor, women had more pregnancies and their gener
al health was poor.
Treatment is with pelvic exercises, surgical repair of the vagina or hysterectom
y. If the woman does not
want or is not fit for
Vertical section of female reproductive tract (viewed from front) showin
g sites of common
gynaecological disorders.

surgery, an internal support called a pessary can be fitted and changed
Hysterectomy Many serious conditions of the uterus have traditionally be
en treated by hysterectomy, or
removal of the uterus. It remains a common surgical operation in the UK, but is
being superseded in the
treatment of some conditions, such as persistent MENORRHAGIA, with endometrial a
blation removal of the
lining of the uterus using minimally invasive techniques, usually using an ENDOS
COPE and laser.
Hysterectomy is done to treat fibroids, cancer of the uterus and cervix, menorrh
sometimes for severely prolapsed uterus. Total hysterectomy is the usual type of
operation: it involves the
removal of the uterus and cervix and sometimes the ovaries. After hysterectomy a
woman no longer
menstruates and cannot become pregnant. If the ovaries have been removed as well
and the woman had not
reached the menopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT see MENOPAUSE) should be
considered. Counselling
helps the woman to recover from the operation which can be an emotionally challe
nging event for many.
Utricle (1) Part of the membraneous labyrinth within the vestibule of th
e EAR. (2) Prostatic utricle is
a small sac extending out of the male URETHRA into the matrix of the PROSTATE GL
Uvea Uvea is a term applied to the middle coat of the EYE, including the
iris, ciliary body and
Uveitis An inflammation of the uveal tract (see EYE). Iritis is inflamma
tion of the iris; cyclitis,
inflammation of the ciliary body; and choroiditis, inflammation of the choroid.
The symptoms and signs vary
according to which part of the uveal tract is involved and tend to be recurrent.
The patient may experience
varying degrees of discomfort or pain, with or without blurring of vision. In ma
ny cases a cause is never
found. Some known associations include various types of arthritis, some bowel di
seases, virus illnesses,
tuberculosis, syphilis, parasites and fungi. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory
drops and occasionally
steroid tablets, plus drops to dilate the pupil.
Uvula The small mass of muscle covered by mucous membrane that hangs dow
n from the middle of the soft
PALATE on its posterior aspect. Its function is not certain and it seldom causes
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty Surgery to excise the UVULA, part of the soft
PALATE and the TONSILS. It is
done to help people with severe SNORING problems but it does not always achieve
a cure.

degree of immunity for six months. (See

Diphtheria vaccine is available in several
Named from vacca, Latin for cow, vaccination means inoculation with the
material of cowpox, performed
to afford protection to the inoculated person against an attack of SMALLPOX, or
to reduce seriousness of,
and averting a fatal result from, any such attack. The term is often used, inacc
urately, to refer to
Vaccine The name applied generally to dead or attenuated living infectio
us material introduced into the
body, with the object of increasing its power to resist or to get rid of a disea
se. (See also IMMUNITY.)
Healthy people are inoculated with vaccine as a protection against a particular
disease; this produces
ANTIBODIES which will confer immunity against a subsequent attack of the disease
programme of immunisation during childhood.) Vaccines may be divided into two cl
asses: stock vaccines,
prepared from micro-organisms known to cause a particular disease and kept in re
adiness for use against
that disease; and autogenous vaccines, prepared from microorganisms which are al
ready in the patients body
and to which the disease is due. Vaccines intended to protect against the onset
of disease are of the
former variety.
Autogenous vaccines are prepared by cultivating bacteria found in SPUTUM
, URINE and FAECES, and in
areas of inflammation such as BOILS (FURUNCULOSIS). This type of vaccine was int
roduced by Wright about
Anthrax vaccine was introduced in 1882 for the protection of sheep and c
attle against this disease. A
safe and effective vaccine for use in human beings has now been evolved. (See AN
forms. It is usually given along with tetanus and pertussis vaccine (see
below) in what is known as
TRIPLE VACCINE. This is given in three doses: the first at the age of two months
; the second at three
months; and the third at four months, with a booster dose at the age of five yea
Hay fever vaccine is a vaccine prepared from the pollen of various grass
es. It is used in gradually
increasing doses for prevention of HAY FEVER in those susceptible to this condit
Influenza vaccine A vaccine is now available for protection against INFL

UENZA due to the influenza

viruses A and B. Its use in Britain is customarily based on advice from the heal
th departments according to
the type of influenza expected in a particular year.
Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines are given in combination early
in the second year of life. A
booster dose may prove necessary, as there is some interference between this vac
cine and the most recent
form of pertussis vaccine (see below) offered to children. Uptake has declined a
little because of media
reports suggesting a link with AUTISM for which no reliable medical evidence (an
d much to the contrary)
has been found by investigating epidemiologists. (See also separate entry for ea
ch disease, and for MMR
Pertussis (whooping-cough) vaccine is prepared from Bordetella pertussis
, and is usually given along
with diphtheria and tetanus in what is known as triple vaccine. (See also WHOOPI
Plague vaccine was introduced by Haffkine, and appears to give useful pr
otection, but the duration of
protection is relatively short: from two to 20 months. Two injections are given
at an interval of four
weeks. A reinforcing dose should be given annually to anyone exposed to PLAGUE.
BCG vaccine is used to provide protection separate entry
Poliomyelitis vaccine gives a high degree
Cholera vaccine was introduced in India
of protection against the disease. This is given in the form of attenuat
ed Sabin vaccine which is taken
by mouth a few drops on a lump of sugar. Reinforcing doses of polio vaccine are
recommended on school
entry, on leaving
about 1894. Two injections are given at an interval of at least a week;
this gives a varying

school, and on travel abroad to countries where POLIOMYELITIS is ENDEMIC
Rabies vaccine was introduced by Pasteur in 1885 for administration, dur
ing the long incubation period,
to people bitten by a mad dog, in order to prevent the disease from developing.
chick embryos injected with the living, attenuated strain (17D) of pantr
opic virus. Only one injection
is required, and immunity persists for many years. Re-inoculation, however, is d
esirable every ten years.
Haemophilus vaccine (HiB) This vaccine
Rubella vaccine, usually given with mumps and measles vaccine in one dos
e called MMR VACCINE, see
also above now provides protection against RUBELLA (German measles). It also pro
vides immunity for
adolescent girls who have not had the disease in childhood and so ensures that t
hey will not acquire the
disease during any subsequent pregnancy thus reducing the number of congenitally
abnormal children whose
abnormality is the result of their being infected with rubella via their mothers
before they were born.
was introduced in the UK in 1994 to deal with the annual incidence of ab
out 1,500 cases and 100 deaths
from haemophilus MENINGITIS, SEPTICAEMIA and EPIGLOTTITIS, mostly in pre-school
children. It has been
remarkably successful when given as part of the primary vaccination programme at
two, three and four months
of age reducing the incidence by over 95 per cent. A few cases still occur, eith
er due to other subgroups
of the organism for which the vaccine is not designed, or because of inadequate
response by the child,
possibly related to interference from the newer forms of pertussis vaccine (see
above) given at the same
Smallpox vaccine was the first introduced.
Meningococcal C vaccine Used in the
As a result of the World Health Organisations successful smallpox eradica
tion campaign it declared
the disease eradicated in 1980 there is now no medical justification for smallpo
x vaccination. Recently,
however, there has been increased interest in the subject because of the potenti
al threat from
bioterrorism. (See also VACCINATION.)
UK from 1998, this has dramatically reduced the incidence of meningitis
and septicaemia due to this
organism. Used as part of the primary programme in early infancy, it does not pr

otect against other types

of meningococci.
Tetanus vaccine is given in two forms: (1) In the so-called triple vacci
ne, combined with diphtheria
and pertussis (whooping-cough) vaccine for the routine immunisation of children
(see above). (2) By itself
to adults who have not been immunised in childhood and who are particularly expo
sed to the risk of TETANUS,
such as soldiers and agricultural workers.
Typhoid vaccine was introduced by Wright and Semple for the protection o
f troops in the South African
War and in India. TAB vaccine, containing Salmonella typhi (the causative organi
sm of typhoid fever see
ENTERIC FEVER) and Salmonella paratyphi A and B (the organisms of paratyphoid fe
has now been replaced by typhoid monovalent vaccine, containing only S. typhi. T
he change has been made
because the monovalent vaccine is less likely to produce painful arms and genera
l malaise, and there is no
evidence that the TAB vaccine gave any protection against paratyphoid fever. Two
doses are given at an
interval of 46 weeks, and give protection for 13 years.
Yellow fever vaccine is prepared from
Varicella vaccine This vaccine, used to protect against varicella (CHICK
ENPOX) is used in a number of
countries including the United States and Japan. It has not been introduced into
the UK, largely because of
concerns that use in infancy would result in an upsurge in cases in adult life,
when the disease may be
more severe.
Pneumococcal vaccine The pneumococcus is responsible for severe and some
times fatal childhood diseases
including meningitis and septicaemia, as well as PNEUMONIA and other respiratory
infections. Vaccines are
available but do not protect against all strains and are reserved for special si
tuations such as for
patients without a SPLEEN or those who are immunodeficient.
Vaccinia Vaccinia is another term for cowpox, a disease in which vesicle
s form on the udders and teats
of cows, due to the same virus as is responsible for SMALLPOX in humans. It is a
lso the term used to
describe the reaction to smallpox VACCINATION.
Vacuole A space inside the cytoplasm of
It is

754 Vacuum Extractor

formed by a folding-in of the cellular membrane when the cell ingests ma
terial from the outside for
example, when white blood cells attack BACTERIA.
Vacuum Extractor Also called a ventouse. The idea of the glass suction c
up applied to the emerging head
of the baby to assist in delivery was first considered by Younge in 1706, but it
was not until 1954 that
the modern (ventouse) vacuum extractor was introduced. The value of the ventouse
as against the FORCEPS has
been disputed in different clinics, the former being less popular in the UK. Ind
ications are similar for
the use of obstetric forceps. Even if the OCCIPUT is not in the anterior positio
n, the extractor may still
be applied; many obstetricians would choose forceps or perform manual rotation o
f the fetus in such cases.
In cases of prolongation of the first stage of labour, the ventouse may be used
to accelerate dilatation of
the cervix provided that the cervix is already sufficiently dilated to allow app
lication of the cup. The
ventouse cannot be applied to the breech or face; in urgent cases of fetal distr
ess the operation takes too
long, and forceps delivery is preferred. There is some doubt about its safety wh
en used on premature
babies; many obstetricians feel that forceps delivery reduces the risk of intrac
ranial haemorrhage. The
vacuum extractor, while resulting in a slower delivery than when forceps are use
d, has a lower risk of
damage to the mothers birth canal. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR Some complications o
f labour.)
The lower part of the female reproductive tract (see REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
) through which a baby is
delivered. It is a muscular passage leading from the labial entrance to the UTER
US. It is lined with mucous
membrane and receives the erect PENIS during sexual intercourse. The semen is ej
aculated into the upper
part of the vagina; from there the sperms must pass through the cervix and uteru
s to fertilise the ovum in
the Fallopian tube.
Vaginismus Spasmodic painful, involuntary contraction of the opening of
the VAGINA on attempted coitus
(sexual intercourse). It is usually psychological in origin due, for instance, t
o fear that penetration
by the penis will be painful, or because of some previous traumatic incident of
sexual intercourse such as
rape or sexual abuse as a
child. It may also be due to some local, painful condition such as infla
Vaginitis Inflammation

Vagotomy The operation of cutting the fibres of the VAGUS nerve to the s
tomach. It was once part of the
routine surgical treatment of DUODENAL ULCER, the aim being to reduce the flow o
r acidity of the gastric
juice. The operation is now performed on those patients who fail to respond to d
rug treatment. (See also
STOMACH, DISEASES OF Gastric ulcer).
Vagus The tenth cranial nerve. Unlike the other cranial nerves, which ar
e concerned with the special
senses, or distributed to the skin and muscles of the head and neck, this nerve
(as its name implies
Latin for wanderer), passes downwards into the chest and abdomen, supplying branch
es to the throat,
lungs, heart, stomach and other abdominal organs. It contains motor, secretory,
sensory and vasodilator
Valgus This term means literally knock-kneed, and is a bending inward at
the knees (genu valgum), or at
the ankle, as occurs in FLAT-FOOT (pes planus).
Validity An indication of how much a clinical test or sign is an accurat
e indicator of the presence of
disease. Reduced validity may occur because (1) identical tests repeated on the
same person in similar
circumstances produce variable results; (2) the same observer gets different res
ults on successive
occasions intraobserver error; (3) different observers produce different results
Valine One of the essential (indispensable)
Valium The proprietary name for diazepam, a widely used anxiolytic drug
Valsalvas Manoeuvre This is carried out by closing the mouth, holding the
nose and attempting to blow
hard. The manoeuvre raises pressure in the chest and, indirectly, the abdomen an
d forces air from

the back of the nose down the EUSTACHIAN to the middle ear. This latter
effect can be used to clear the
tube during descent in an aircraft, when it sometimes becomes blocked or partial
ly blocked, producing
differential pressures on the two sides of each eardrum, usually accompanied by
temporary pain and
deafness. Valsalvas manoeuvre is involuntarily performed when a person strains to
open his or her bowels:
in these circumstances the passage of air to the lungs is blocked by instinctive
closure of the vocal cords
in the LARYNX. The resultant raised abdominal pressure helps to expel the bowel
contents. The manoeuvre is
also used in the study of cardiovascular physiology because the rise in pressure
in the chest restricts the
return of venous blood to the right atrium of the HEART. Pressure in the periphe
ral VEINS is raised and the
amount of blood entering and leaving the heart falls. This drop in cardiac outpu
t may cause the subject to
faint because the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain is reduced.
A test done on SERUM from patients with JAUNDICE to discover whether the
excess BILIRUBIN in the blood
which causes the jaundice is conjugated or unconjugated. If conjugated, this ind
icates that HAEMOLYSIS
is causing the jaundice; if unconjugated, disease of the LIVER or BILE DUCT is t
he likely diagnosis.
These cup-like structures are found in the HEART, VEINS, and lymphatic v
essels (see LYMPH); they ensure
that the circulation of the blood and lymph goes always in one direction.
A device that via a narrow nozzle turns water or a drug into a fine spra
y, thus enabling medicine to be
taken by INHALATION. It is used, for example, in the treatment of ASTHMA.
An operation that opens a stenosed heart valve (see STENOSIS; HEART, DIS
EASES OF) and allows it to
function properly again. Various techniques are used, including a dilating instr
ument, a balloon or
open-heart surgery.
Valvular Disease See under HEART, DISEASES OF.
Valvuloplasty An operation to repair or reconstruct a defective heart va
lve (see VALVES). It may be
done as an open-heart procedure (with the patient temporarily connected to a HEA


maintains the circulation of oxygenated blood); alternatively, valvuloplasty can
now be performed using a
specially designed balloonended catheter (see CATHETERS) passed through the skin
into a blood vessel and on
to the heart. The balloon is inflated and the flaps of a narrowed (stenosed) val
ve are prised apart.
Vancomycin An antibiotic derived from streptomyces, which is active agai
nst a wide range of
gram-positive organisms (see BACTERIA; GRAMS STAIN),
including the STAPHYLOCOCCUS. The drug has a limited use by the intraven
ous route in the prophylaxis
and treatment of ENDOCARDITIS and other serious infections caused by grampositiv
e cocci in particular,
2 hours, although plasma
concentrations should be monitored (especially in patients with renal impairment
, when the dose may need
marked reduction). It can both damage the middle ear and the kidney. A short cou
rse of vancomycin is
effective in the treatment of antibiotic-associated COLITIS, for which it is giv
en by mouth.
Van Den Bergh Test
Variance Varicella Another name for CHICKENPOX.
Varicocele A condition in which the veins of the TESTICLE are distended.
Varicose Veins VEINS that have become (See VEINS, DISEASES OF.)
stretched and dilated.
Variola Another name for SMALLPOX.
Varix An enlarged and tortuous vein (see VEINS).
Varus A term meaning inward displacement of a part of the body for examp
le, the knee (genu varum) or
the ankle (talipes varus).
Vas The Latin term for a vessel or duct, especially a blood vessel.

756 Vasa Efferentia

Vasa Efferentia
Efferent seminal ducts of the testis (see TESTICLE); these carry SEMEN f
rom the testis to the head of
Vasoconstrictor sympathomimetic drugs, such as EPHEDRINE and NORADRENALI
temporarily by acting on receptors that constrict peripheral blood vessels. They
are occasionally used as a
quick way of raising blood pressure when other measures have failed, but they ha
ve potentially serious
side-effects on the kidney. Vasoconstrictors are also used with local anaestheti
cs (see under ANAESTHESIA)
to counteract the latters vasodilator effect. Adrenaline will reduce local blood
flow, slow the absorption
of anaesthetic and prolong its effect.
Vascular Relating to the blood vessels.
Vasculitis Inflammation of the blood vessels. This may damage the lining
of the vessels and cause
narrowing or blockage, thus restricting blood flow. This, in turn, may harm or d
estroy the tissues supplied
by the affected blood vessels. Vasculitis is probably caused by small particles
called immune complexes,
circulating in the blood, that adhere to the vessel walls and provoke inflammati
on. Normally these
complexes are consumed by the white blood cells. Vasculitis is the basic disease
process in several
Vas Deferens A narrow tube that leads from each testis (see TESTICLE) th
rough the PROSTATE GLAND to
join a tube from the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory duct. Sperm (see S
PERMATOZOON) and seminal
fluid pass through this duct during ejaculation.
The surgical operation performed to render men sterile, or infertile. It
consists of ligating, or
tying, and then cutting the ductus, or vas, deferens (see TESTICLE). It is quite
a simple operation carried
out under local anaesthesia, through a small incision or cut (or sometimes two)
in the upper part of the
SCROTUM. It has no effect on sexual drive or ejaculation, and does not cause imp
otency. It is not
immediately effective, and several tests, spread over several months, must be ca
rried out before it is safe
to assume that sterility has been achieved. Fertility can sometimes be restored
by a further operation, to
restore the continuity of the vas; this cannot be guaranteed, and only seems to

occur in about 20 per cent

of those who have had the operation.
Vasoconstriction Narrowing of blood vessels which results in the blood f
low to a particular part of the
body being reduced. Cold will cause vasoconstriction of the vessels under the sk
in, thus reducing heat
loss. SHOCK due to injury or loss of blood will also provoke vasoconstriction.
Vasodilators Substances that dilate blood vessels. Coronary vasodilators
, such as NITRATES,
ure to improve blood supply
to the heart. Peripheral vasodilators affect the blood vessels in the limbs and
are used to treat
conditions due to poor circulation such as CHILBLAIN and RAYNAUDS DISEASE.
Vasomotor Centre The description vasomotor refers to control of the muscul
ar walls of blood vessels,
particularly ARTERIES, dilating or constricting their diameters. The vasomotor c
entre is a group of neurons
(see NEURON(E)) in the MEDULLA OBLONGATA of the BRAIN; they receive messages fro
m sensory receptors in the
circulatory system, and engineer reflex alterations in the heart rate and bloodvessel diameters in order
to adjust the blood pressure. The centre also receives transmission from other p
arts of the brain enabling
emotions fear or anger to influence blood pressure. The vasomotor centre operate
s through the vasomotor
Vasomotor Nerves Small nerve fibres that lie upon the walls of blood ves
sels and connect the muscle
fibres of their middle coat with the NERVOUS SYSTEM. Through these nerves the bl
ood vessels are retained in
a state of moderate contraction. There are vasodilator nerves, through which are
transmitted impulses that
dilate the vessels, and, in the case of the skin vessels, produce the condition
of blushing; there are also
vasoconstrictor nerves which transmit impulses that constrict, or narrow, the bl
ood vessels as occurs on
exposure to cold (see HYPOTHERMIA). Various drugs produce dilatation or contract

of the blood vessels, and several of the substances produced by ENDOCRIN
E GLANDS in the body have these
effects: for example, ADRENALINE.
Vasopressin The fraction isolated from extract of the posterior PITUITAR
Y GLAND lobe which stimulates
intestinal activity, constricts blood vessels, and inhibits the secretion of URI
NE. It is also known as the
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) because of this last effect, and its only use in medi
cine is in the treatment of
Vasovagal Attack The temporary loss of consciousness caused by an abrupt
slowing of the heartbeat. This
may happen following SHOCK, acute pain, fear, or stress. A common cause of faint
ing in normal people, a
vasovagal attack may be a consequence of overstimulation of the VAGUS nerve whic
h is involved in the
control of breathing and the circulation.
VD The abbreviation for venereal disease (see SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEA
SES (STDS)). The word
venereal is derived from Venus, the Roman goddess of love.
Vector An animal that is the carrier of a particular infectious disease
(see INFECTION). A vector picks
up the infectious agent (bacterium see BACTERIA; also RICKETTSIA; VIRUS) from an
infected persons blood
or faeces and carries it in or on its body before depositing the agent on or int
o a new host. Fleas, lice,
mosquitoes and ticks are among common vectors of disease to humans. When a vecto
r is used by the infectious
agent to complete part of its life-cycle for example, the malarial agent PLASMOD
IUM conducts part of its
life-cycle in the mosquito the vector is described as biological. If the vector
simply carries the agent
but is not a host for part of its life-cycle, the vector is described as mechani
cal. Flies, for example,
may carry an infection such as bacterial dysentery from infected faeces to the f
ingers of another host.
Veganism A strict form of VEGETARIANISM. Vegans do not eat meat, dairy p
roduce, eggs or fish.
Vegetarianism Restriction of ones diet, for health, cultural or humanitar
ian reasons, to foods of
fruit or vegetable origin. Most vegetarians, while excluding
meat and fish from their diets, include foods of animal origin, such as
milk, cheese, eggs, and butter.
Such a diet should supply an adequate balance of nutrients, although people with
special dietary
requirements such as pregnant or feeding mothers, and very strict vegetarians ma
y require dietary
supplements (see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS).

Vegetations Roughenings, comprising FIBRIN and blood cells, that appear

upon the valves of the heart,
usually as the result of acute RHEUMATISM. They lead in time to narrowing of the
openings from the cavities
of the heart, or to imcompetence of the valves that close these openings. (See H
Vehicle A pharmaceutical term to describe the medium in which a drug is
administered for example, a
fluid, gel, powder or aerosol.
Veins The vessels which return the blood to the heart after it has circu
lated through the tissues; they
are both more numerous and more capacious than the ARTERIES.
Structure While of similar structure to an artery, veins have much thinn
er walls, with much less
muscular tissue. Furthermore, most veins have one-way VALVES to ensure that the
blood flows in the right
direction. These are most numerous in the legs, then the arms, with few in the i
nternal organs.
Chief veins Four pulmonary veins open into the left atrium of the heart,
two from each lung. The
superior vena cava returns the blood from the head, neck, and arms; while the in
ferior vena cava returns
blood from the legs and abdomen. The large basilic vein that runs up the inner s
ide of the upper arm is the
vein usually opened in blood-letting (see VENESECTION). The great saphenous vein
is of special interest,
because of its liability to become distended or varicose. Within the abdomen, th
e inferior vena cava
receives branches corresponding to several branches of the aorta, its largest br
anches being the hepatic
veins, which return not only the blood that has reached the liver in the hepatic
arteries, but also blood
which comes from the digestive organs in the PORTAL VEIN to undergo a second cap
illary circulation in the
liver. There are several connections between the superior and inferior cava, the
most important

758 Veins, Diseases of

being three azygos veins that lie upon the sides of the spinal column, t
he veins on the front of the
abdomen, and some veins that emerge from the abdomen at the navel and connect th
e portal system with those
of the inferior and superior vena cava. (See also CIRCULATORY SYSTEM OF THE BLOO
Veins, Diseases of Veins are the blood vessels that convey blood back fr
om the tissues towards the
heart. Two common conditions that affect them are THROMBOSIS and varicosities (s
ee below).
Varicose veins are dilated tortuous veins occurring in about 15 per cent
of adults women more than
men. They most commonly occur in the legs but may also occur in the anal canal (
HAEMORRHOIDS) and in the
oesophagus (due to liver disease). Normally blood flows from the subcutaneous ti
ssues to the superficial
veins which drain via perforating veins into the deep veins of the leg. This flo
w, back towards the heart,
is aided by valves within the veins. When these valves fail, increased pressure
is exerted on the blood
vessels leading to dilatations known as varicose veins. Treatment is needed to p
revent complications such
as ulceration and bleeding, or for
(Top) Normal vein showing how a closed valve prevents back flow of blood
. (Bottom) Vein with faulty
valve which allows some blood to leak back through the part-opened valve.
cosmetic purposes. Treatment alternatives include injection with scleros
ing agents to obliterate the
lumen of the veins (sclerotherapy), or surgery; in the elderly or unfit, an elas
tic stocking may suffice.
One operation is the Trendelenburg operation in which the saphenous vein is disc
onnected from the femoral
vein and individual varicose veins are avulsed. (See also VASCULITIS.)
Thrombosis Thrombosis
occurs when blood, which is normally a liquid, clots within the vein to
form a semisolid thrombus
(clot). This occurs through a combination of reduced blood flow and hypercoagula
bility (a reduced threshold
for clotting). The most common site for this to occur is in the deep veins of th
e leg, where it is known as
a deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). Predisposing factors include immobility (leading t
o reduced blood flow), such
as during long journeys (e.g. plane flights) where there is little opportunity t
o stretch ones legs;
surgery (leading to temporary post-operative immobility and hypercoagulability o
f blood); oestrogen
administration (low-dose oestrogen oral contraceptives carry a very low relative
risk); and several medical
illnesses such as heart failure, stroke and malignancy. Deep-vein thrombosis pre
sents as a tender, warm,

red swelling of the calf. Diagnosis may be confirmed by venogram (an X-ray taken
following injection of
contrast medium into the foot veins) or by ultrasound scanning looking for flow
within the veins.
Prevention is important. This is why patients are mobilised and/or given leg exe
rcises very soon after an
operation, even major surgery. People should avoid sitting for long periods, par
ticularly if the edge of
the seat is hard, thus impeding venous return from the legs. Car drivers should
stop regularly on a long
journey and walk around; airline travellers should, where possible, walk round t
he aisle(s) and also
exercise and massage their leg muscles, as well as drinking ample non-alcoholic
fluids. Diagnosis and
treatment are important because there is a risk that the clotted blood within th
e vein becomes dislodged
and travels up the venous system to become lodged in the pulmonary arteries. Thi
s is known as PULMONARY
EMBOLISM. Treatment is directed at thinning the blood with ANTICOAGULANTS, initi
ally with heparin and
subsequently with WARFARIN for a period of time while the clot resolves. Blocked
superficial veins are
described as superficial thrombophlebitis, which produces

inflammation over the vein. It responds to antiinflammatory analgesics.
Occasionally heparin and
ANTIBIOTICS are required to treat associated thrombosis and infection.
The name of either of the two large vessels that open into the right atr
ium of the HEART. (See VEINS.)
public places. Special filters may be used to reduce the risk of airborn
e infections and allergies (see
ALLERGY), but poorly maintained and contaminated systems may result in outbreaks
of serious disorders, such
as LEGIONNAIRES DISEASE. Sterilisation of air is rarely required, but ultraviolet
light is sometimes used
to kill pathogenic organisms. (See also ASTHMA; BRONCHITIS; HUMIDIFICATION.)
Ventilation, Artificial
The insertion of a needle into a vein (see VEINS), usually for the purpo
se of injecting a drug or
withdrawing blood for haematological or biochemical analysis. The usual site for
venepuncture in adults is
the median cubital vein in the forearm.
The procedure, usually carried out in an operating theatre or intensivecare unit, in which a device
called a VENTILATOR takes over a persons breathing. This is done for someone who
is unable to breathe
normally. Damage to the respiratory centre of the brain as a result of head inju
ry, disease of the brain,
or an overdose of sedative or narcotic drugs may affect the respiratory centre.
Chest injuries, disease of
the lungs, nerve or muscle disorders or surgery of the chest or abdomen can also
affect breathing and
require the use of a ventilator to maintain normal breathing. Artificial ventila
tion can also be carried
out as an emergency by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. (See also ANAESTHESIA; ARTI
Vena Cava
Venesection Venesection, or blood-letting, may be employed for two purpo
ses. Most commonly, small
quantities of blood may be required for analysis, as an aid to diagnosis or cont
rol of various diseases.
For example, knowledge of the plasma glucose concentration is important in the d
iagnosis and management of
DIABETES MELLITUS, or blood may be required in order to test for infections such
as HIV or HEPATITIS. Blood
may be obtained by pricking a fingertip, or inserting a needle into a vein, depe
nding on the amount
required. Controlled bleeding of larger amounts may rarely be used in certain ca

ses of acute heart failure,

as a rapid and temporary method of relieving the strain on the heart. It is also
used in the treatment of
See under ULCER.
Machinery used to provide artificial ventilation. Also called a respirat
or or life-support machine, it
is an electric pump linked to a supply of air which it pumps into the patient th
rough an endotracheal tube
passed through the nose or mouth into the trachea (see ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION).
Sometimes the air is
pumped straight into the trachea through an artificial hole called a TRACHEOSTOM
Y. During ventilation the
patients blood gases are closely monitored and other bodily activities such as pu
lse and heart pressure
are regularly measured. Some patients need to be kept on a ventilator for severa
l days or even weeks if
their medical condition is serious. (See also ARTIFICIAL VENTILATION OF THE LUNG
(1) Passage of air into and out of the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. (2) The proce
ss by which air is purified and
circulated in domestic, occupational, industrial, and other settings. Ideally, t
he air we breathe should be
of the right temperature and humidity, and free of dust, smoke, pollen, and othe
r contaminants. Ventilation
aims to produce such an atmosphere. Air-conditioning is frequently used in hospi
tals, offices, and other
Venography The study of the VEINS, particularly by means of X-rays after
the veins have been injected
with a radio-opaque substance.
Venous Ulcer
Ventral Positioned or relating to the front of a body or to the front pa
rt of an organ.
Ventricle (1) The term applied to the two lower cavities of the HEART, a
nd also to the four main
cavities within the BRAIN.

760 Ventricular Fibrillation

Ventricular Fibrillation A
potentially life-threatening and rapid of the ventricle of the HEART.
Ventricular Hypertrophy Enlargement of the ventricular chambers of the H
EART, a common complication of
HYPERTENSION and coronary artery disease (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Treatment is
of the underlying
conditions and cardiac drugs which facilitate the working of the heart.
kill, or expel, parasitic worms from the intestines.
Vernix The white, cheese-like substance that covers the skin of a newbor
n infant. It consists of dead
cells in a fatty secretion, protects the infants skin, and helps lubricate its pa
ssage through the cervix
and vagina during delivery.
Verruca See WARTS.
Ventricular Septal Defect An inherited defect of the HEART. The septum (
partition) separating the two
ventricles is pierced by a hole which, if large, results in blood being diverted
to the LUNGS at a greater
pressure than normal. This may lead to irreversible PULMONARY HYPERTENSION, whic
h early surgical
intervention (repair of the septal defect) should prevent. A quarter of patients
with VSD have other
cardiac defects. Half of the defects seal themselves spontaneously.
Ventriculography The process of taking an X-ray photograph of the BRAIN
after the fluid in the lateral
ventricles of the brain has been replaced by air; in this way any alteration in
the outline of the
ventricles (e.g. from pressure by a tumour) can be detected.
Ventrosuspension This is a surgical procedure to fixate a displaced UTER
US to the front wall of the
abdomen. It is usually done by shortening the supporting round ligaments either
where they are attached to
the uterus, or to the abdominal wall.
Venule A very small blood vessel that drains blood from CAPILLARIES. Sev
eral venules join up to form a
vein (see VEINS).
Verapamil V
Verapamil is a drug used
ythms of the heart, and ANGINA
PECTORIS. The drug is one of the
ardiac output and slowing
the heart rate. It may, however,
d aggravate conduction
problems in the heart, so should

in the treatment of HYPERTENSION, disordered rh

CALCIUM-CHANNEL BLOCKERS and acts by reducing c
precipitate heart failure, cause HYPOTENSION an
be prescribed with care. It should not be used

Vermicides Also called vermifuges, these are substances that
Verrucose This term means having a surface resembling verrucae (see WART
S). Certain skin diseases may
become verrucose.
Version The name given to an operation in OBSTETRICS which consists in t
urning the FETUS in the UTERUS
where the fetus is lying in an abnormal position which may make eventual deliver
y difficult. In particular,
version (which can take place spontaneously) may be done on a fetus between the
34th and 37th weeks of
pregnancy when its buttocks rather than its head are positioned at the cervical
end of the uterus. The
procedure carries a small risk of precipitating premature labour, and it is not
always successful, in which
case a breech delivery is attempted or, in difficult cases, a CAESAREAN SECTION
is performed. (See also
Vertebra One of the irregularly shaped bones that together form the vert
ebral column. (See SPINAL
Vertebrobasilar Insuffiency Intermittent incidents of double vision, diz
ziness, weakness and speaking
difficulties caused by a reduced blood supply to parts of the BRAIN. The cause i
s usually obstruction in
the basilar, vertebral and other arteries at the base of the brain. The conditio
n is sometimes the
precursor of a STROKE.
Vertigo A condition in which the affected person loses the power of bala
ncing him or herself, and has a
false sensation as to his or her own movements or those of surrounding objects.
The power of balancing
depends upon sensations derived partly through the sense of touch, partly from t
he eyes, but mainly from
the semicircular canals of the internal EAR the vestibular

mechanism. In general, vertigo is due to some interference with this ves
tibular ocular reflex mechanism
or with the centres in the cerebellum and cerebrum (see BRAIN) with which it is
connected. Giddiness is
often associated with headache, nausea and vomiting.
Causes The simplest cause of vertigo is some mechanical disturbance of t
he body affecting the fluid in
the internal ear; such as that produced by moving in a swing with the eyes shut,
the motion of a boat
causing sea-sickness, or a sudden fall. (See also MOTION (TRAVEL) SICKNESS.) Ano
ther common positional
variety is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) caused by sudden change i
n the position of the head;
this causes small granular masses in the cupola of the posterior semicircular ca
nal in the inner ear to be
displaced. It may subside spontaneously within a few weeks but can recur. Someti
mes altering the position
of the head so as to facilitate return of the crystals to the cupola will stop t
he vertigo. The cause which
produces a severe and sudden giddiness is MENIRES DISEASE, a condition in which th
ere is loss of function
of the vestibular mechanism of the inner ear. An acute labyrinthitis inflammatio
n of the labyrinth of the
ear may result from viral infection and produce a severe vertigo lasting 25 days.
Because it often
occurs in epidemics it is often called epidemic vertigo. Vertigo is sometimes pr
oduced by the removal of
wax from the ear, or even by syringing out the ear. (See EAR, DISEASES OF.) A se
vere upset in the
gastrointestinal tract may cause vertigo. Refractive errors in the eyes, an atta
ck of MIGRAINE, a mild
attack of EPILEPSY, and gross diseases of the brain, such as tumours, are other
causes acting more directly
upon the central nervous system. Finally, giddiness may be due to some disorder
of the circulation, for
example, reduced blood supply to the brain produced by fainting, or by disease o
f the heart. Treatment
While the attack lasts, this
requires the sufferer to lie down in a darkened, quiet room. SEDATIVES h
ave most influence in
diminishing giddiness when it is distressing. After the attack is over, the indi
vidual should be examined
to establish the cause and, if necessary, to be given appropriate treatment. Ver
tigo and nausea linked to
Menires disease or following surgery on the middle ear can be hard to treat. HYOSC
HISTAMINE DRUGS and PHENOTHIAZINES for example, prochlorperazine are oft
en effective in preventing
and treating these disorders. Cinnarizine and betahistine have been marketed as
effective drugs for
Menires disease; for acute attacks, cyclizine or prochlorperazine given by intramu
scular injection or
rectally can be of value. Research in America is exploring the use of virtual-re

ality technology to change

subjects visual perception of the outside world gradually during several 30-minut
e sessions, helping them
to adjust to the abnormal sensations that occur during an attack. Early results
are promising.
The term applied to structures connected with, or diseases of, the URINA
Vesicants are blistering agents.
A PAPULE containing fluid, for example as seen in CHICKENPOX.
Vesico-Ureteric Reflux
The back flow of URINE from the URINARY BLADDER into the ureters (see UR
ETER). The cause is defects in
the VALVES which normally prevent this reflux from occurring. If, in addition, t
he patient usually a
child acquires bacteria in the bladder, the consequence may be one or more attac
caused by the infected urine gaining access to the kidney pelvis. Diagnosis is b
y imaging techniques.
Treatment is by long-term antibiotics while awaiting spontaneous recovery. Occas
sionally, corrective
surgery is required.
Vesicovaginal Fistula
A false communication between the
BLADDER and the VAGINA. The result INCONTINENCE. Surgical damage to
is urinary the bladder during operations for gynaecological disorders is
one possible cause. Another is
tissue damage following radiotherapy for cancer in the pelvis.
Vesicular Breathing
Normal breath sounds heard in the lung by means of a stethoscope. These
are soft regular sounds which
become altered by disease; the changed characteristics may help the physician to
diagnose a disease in the
An anatomical term for a cavity positioned at

762 Vestibulocochlear Nerve

the entrance to a hollow part in the body. An example is the nasal vesti
bule at the entrance of the
Vestibulocochlear Nerve The eighth cranial nerve. It consists of two set
s of fibres, which constitute
two separate nerves. One is known as the vestibular nerve, which connects the se
micircular canals and inner
ear to the BRAIN and conveys information on posture and movement of the body; it
is the nerve of
equilibration or balance. The other is known as the cochlear nerve, which links
the COCHLEA (organ that
responds to sounds) with the brain and is the nerve of hearing. Disturbance of t
he former causes giddiness
(VERTIGO), whilst disturbance of the latter causes DEAFNESS.
Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Eye movement that occurs after or during the slo
w injection of 20 ml of
ice-cold water into each external auditory meatus (see EAR) in turn.
Vestigial An adjective referring to an organ which exists in a rudimenta
ry form and whose function and
structure have declined during the course of evolution. An example is the append
Viable The ability of an organism to survive on its own. In the United K
ingdom, the legal age of the
viability of a FETUS is 24 weeks.
Vinca Alkaloids A group of powerful CYTOTOXIC (anticancer) drugs used to
treat acute LEUKAEMIA,
LYMPHOMA and some solid tumours such as breast and lung cancers. Originally deri
ved from the periwinkle
plant, the latest vinca alkaloid (VINORELBINE) is a semi-synthetic drug. These a
lkaloids, which are given
intravenously, have potentially serious side-effects on the nervous system and a
lso suppress the production
of MYELOID cells in the bone marrow.
Vincents Angina An ulcerative inflammation of the throat, often foul-smel
ling, and caused by large,
spindleshaped bacilli (fusobacterium) and spirilla.
Vinorelbine A semi-synthetic vinca alkaloid (see VINCA ALKALOIDS) CYTOTO
XIC drug recently introduced
for the treatment of advanced breast cancer, when anthracycline cytotoxic antibi
otics such as DOXORUBICIN
have failed. Vinorelbine is also used to treat advanced non-small-cell lung canc
OF). As with all vinca alkaloids, the drug has neurotoxic effects, usually affec
SYSTEM and AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. It may also cause (reversible) hair loss (A
LOPECIA). The drug is given
Vinyl Ether An inhalational anaesthetic used in minor surgical procedure

s of short duration, and for

the induction of ANAESTHESIA for longer surgical operations.
Vibrator (1) An instrument used for vibratory massage to improve the ton
e of muscles and to relax them.
It is of help in speeding the healing process after muscle or ligament strains.
(2) A penis-shaped,
battery-driven device used by women to attain sexual stimulation and climax.
V A bacterium with a curved shape, such as the vibrio of CHOLERA.
Villus One of the minute processes thickly distributed upon the inner su
rface of the small INTESTINE,
giving it, to the naked eye, a velvety appearance, and greatly assisting absorpt
ion of digested food. (See
Viraemia A condition occurring at various times in some viral infections
in which the infecting VIRUS
is present in large amounts in the blood. In other viral infections, the organis
ms are merely transported
in the blood on their way to target tissues or organs.
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Also called EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE. A usually fata
l infection caused by a virus
related to that of MARBURG DISEASE. Two large outbreaks of it were recorded in 1
976 (one in the Sudan and
one in Zare), with a mortality, respectively, of 50 and 80 per cent, and the dise
ase reappeared in the
Sudan in 1979. After an incubation period of 714 days, the onset is with headache
of increasing severity,
and fever. This is followed by diarrhoea, extensive internal bleeding and vomiti
ng. Death usually occurs on
the eighth to ninth day. Infection is by person-to-person con-

Vision 763
tact. Serum from patients convalescent from the disease is a useful sour
ce of ANTIBODIES to the virus.
Viral Pneumonia Infection of the lung tissue by a VIRUS. Causes of this
type of pneumonia include
ADENOVIRUSES, COXSACKIE VIRUSES and influenza virus. Viral infections do not res
pond to ANTIBIOTICS and
treatment is symptomatic, with antibiotics used only if the patient develops sec
ondary bacterial infection.
In a previously healthy individual the viral infection is usually selflimiting,
but in vulnerable patients
the elderly or those with pre-existing disease it can be fatal.
Virilisation The masculinisation of women suffering from excessive produ
ction of the male hormone
ANDROGEN. The person develops temporal balding, a male body shape, increased mus
cular bulk, deepening of
the voice, an enlarged CLITORIS and HIRSUTISM. Virilisation may also occur in wo
men who take synthetic
androgens, a practice sometimes used (illegally) to increase physical strength a
nd endurance in sport.
Virilism The condition in which masculine characteristics develop in the
female; it is commonly the
result of an overactive suprarenal gland (see ADRENAL GLANDS), or of a tumour of
its cortex. It may also
result from an ANDROGEN-secreting ovarian tumour (see OVARIES, DISEASES OF) and
also from the POLYCYSTIC
OVARY SYNDROME. The overproduction of male-sex (androgen) hormones can produce e
xcess growth of hair, male
pattern hairline, stopping or disruption of MENSTRUATION, enlargement of the CLI
TORIS and conversion to a
masculine body shape.
through the pores of collodion filters. They are responsible for some of
the most devastating diseases
affecting humans: for example, INFLUENZA, POLIOMYELITIS, SMALLPOX and YELLOW FEV
ER. The virus of influenza
measures 80 nanometres, whereas the STAPHYLOCOCCUS measures 1,000 nanometres (1
nanometre = one
thousand-millionth of a metre). A single virus particle, known as a virion, comp
rises an inner core of
NUCLEIC ACID which is surrounded by one or two protective coverings (capsid) mad
e of protein. Sometimes the
capsid is enclosed by another layer called the viral envelope (also a protein st
ructure). The envelope
often disintegrates when the virus invades a cell. Viruses enter cells and then
indulge in a complex and
variable process of replication using some of the cells own structure. Viruses ma
y stay in a hosts
nucleus, being reactivated months or years later. There are more than a score of
large families of viruses,
from papoviruses, which cause WARTS, through HERPES viruses (cold sores, CHICKEN
orthomyxoviruses (influenza), to corona viruses (common cold) and retroviruses (
AIDS/HIV). Viral diseases
are more difficult to treat than those caused by bacteria: ANTIBIOTICS are ineff
ective but INTERFERON, a

group of natural substances, shows promise. IMMUNISATION is the most effective w

ay of combating viral
infections; smallpox, poliomyelitis, MUMPS, MEASLES and RUBELLA are examples of
viral diseases which have
been successfully combated. Research is progressing to find a vaccine against HI
Viscera The general name given to the larger organs lying within the cav
ities of the chest and abdomen.
The term viscus is also applied individually to these organs.
The scientific study of viruses (see VIRUS).
Broadly speaking, vision is the ability to see.
Virtual Hospital
Pathway of light from the eye to the brain Light enters the EYE by passi
ng through
Virulence The power of a bacterium or virus to cause disease. Virulence
can be measured by how many
people the micro-organism infects, how quickly it spreads through the body, and
how many people die from
Virus The term applied to a group of infective agents which are so small
that they are able to pass
the transparent cornea, then through the aqueous humour filling the ante
rior chamber. It then passes
through the pupil, through the lens and the vitreous to reach the retina. In the
retina, the rod and cone
photoreceptors detect light and relay messages in the form of electrochemical im
pulses through the various
layers of the retina to the nerve fibres. The nerve fibres carry messages via th
e optic nerve, optic
chiasma, optic tract, lateral geniculate body and finally the optic radiations t
o the visual cortex.

764 Vision, Disorders of

Here in the visual cortex these messages are interpreted. It is therefor
e the visual cortex of the
BRAIN that sees.
Visual acuity Two points will not be seen as two unless they are separat
ed by a minimum distance. This
distance is such that the objects are so far apart that the lines joining them t
o the eye enclose between
them (subtend) an angle of at least one minute of a degree. This amount of separ
ation allows the images of
the two points to fall on two separate cones (if the light from two points falls
on one cone, the two
points would be seen as a single point). There are many tests of visual acuity.
One of the more common is
the Snellen test type. This is made up of many letters of different size. By con
ventions the chart is
placed 6 metres away from the patient. Someone able to see the lowest line at th
is distance has a visual
acuity of 6/4. If they are only able to see the top letter they have 6/60 vision
. Normal vision is 6/6.
Colour vision White light is made up of
component colours. These can be separated by a prism, thereby producing
a spectrum. The three cardinal
colours are red, green, and blue; all other colours can be produced by a varying
mixture of these three.
Colour vision is a complex subject. The trichromat theory of colour vision sugge
sts that there are three
types of cones, each type sensitive to one of the cardinal colours. Colour perce
ption is based on
differential stimulation of these cone types. The opponent colour theory suggest
s that each cone type can
generate signals of the opposite kind. Output from some cones can collaborate wi
th the output from others
or can inhibit the action of other cones. Colour perception results from these v
arious complex
interactions. Defective colour vision may be hereditary or acquired, and can occ
ur in the presence of
normal visual acuity. HEREDITARY DEFECTIVE COLOUR VISION is more common in men (
7 per cent of males) than
women (05 per cent of females). Men are affected, but women convey the abnormal g
ene (see GENES) to their
children. It occurs because one or more of the photopigments of the retina are a
bnormal, or the cones are
damaged. Redgreen colour defect is the most common. ACQUIRED DEFECTIVE COLOUR VI
SION is the result of
disease of the cones or their connections in the retina, optic nerve or brain fo
r example, macular
disease, optic neuritis. Colour vision can be impaired but not lost as a result
of corneal opacification or
cataract formation (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF).
These use specially designed numbers made of coloured dots surrounded by
dots of confusing colour (e.g.


Vision, Disorders of The list of disorders resulting in poor or dim visi
on is huge. Disturbance of
vision can result from an uncorrected refractive error, disease or injury of the
cornea, iris, lens,
vitreous, retina, choroid or sclera of the EYE. It may also result from disease
or injury to the structures
comprising the visual pathway from the retina to the occipital cortex (see VISIO
N Pathway of light from
the eye to the brain) and from lesions of the structures around the eye for exam
ple, swollen lids,
drooping eyelids. (See EYE, DISORDERS OF.)
Vision, Field of When the eye looks at a specific point or object, that
point is seen clearly. Other
objects within a large area away from this fixation point can also be seen, but
less clearly. The area that
can be seen around the fixation point, without moving the eye, is known as the f
ield of vision. The extent
of the field is limited inwards by the nose, above by the brow and below by the
cheek. The visual field
thus has its greatest extent outwards from the side of the head. The field of vi
sion of each eye overlaps
to a large extent so that objects in the centre and towards the inner part of ea
ch field are viewed by both
eyes together. Because the eyes are set slightly apart, each eye sees objects in
this overlapping part of
the field slightly differently. It is because of this slight difference that obj
ects can be perceived as
three-dimensional. Defects in the visual field (scotomas) can be produced by a v
ariety of disorders.
Certain of these produce specific field defects. For example, GLAUCOMA, some typ
es of brain damage and some
TOXINS can produce specific defects in the visual field. This type of field defe
ct may be very useful in
diagnosing a particular disorder. The blind spot is that part of the visual fiel
d corresponding to the
optic disc. There are no rods nor cones on the optic disc and therefore no light
perception from this area.
The blind spot can be found temporal (i.e. on the outer side) of the fixation po
int. (See also EYE.)
Vision Tests Most vision tests examine a persons sharpness of VISION (vis
ual acuity) and often of the
field of vision (see VISION, FIELD OF). Refraction tests assess whether a person
has an error that can be

corrected with glasses such as ASTIGMATISM, HYPERMETROPIA or MYOPIA. Vis
ual acuity is tested using a
Snellen chart when the patient tries to read letters of differing standard sizes
from 6 metres away. The
optician will prescribe lenses to correct any defects detected by vision tests.
Visual Acuity See VISION.
Visual Evoked Response Stimulation of the retina of the EYE with light c
auses changes in the electrical
activity of the cerebral cortex (see BRAIN). These changes can be measured from
outside the skull and can
give valuable information about the state of the visual pathway from the retinal
ganglion cells to the
occipital cortex. Not only can it determine that function is normal, it can also
help to diagnose some
causes of poor VISION.
Vital Capacity The amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled from the l
ungs after a deep inspiration.
Vital Centres Groups of neurons (see NEURON(E)), usually sited in the HY
POTHALAMUS and the BRAIN stem,
that are the control centres for various essential body functions. Examples are:
blood pressure, breathing,
heart rate and temperature control. The centres are part of the bodys reflex adju
stments to the outside
world and its internal environment and are essential in maintaining HOMEOSTASIS.
Vitamin A term applied to a group of substances which exist in minute qu
antities in natural foods, and
which are necessary to normal nutrition, especially in connection with growth an
d development. Some A, D,
E and K are fat-soluble and can be stored in the body. The remainder C, B12 and
other members of the B
complex are water-soluble and are quickly excreted. Most vitamins have now been
synthesised. When they
are absent from the food, defective growth takes place in young animals and chil
dren, and in adults various
diseases arise; whilst short of the production of actual disease, persistent dep
rivation of one or other
vitamin is apt to lead to a state of lowered general health. Certain deficiencie
s in DIET have long been
known to be the cause of SCURVY, BERIBERI, and RICKETS. A diet containing foods
such as milk, eggs, butter,
cheese, fat, fish, wholemeal bread, fresh vegetables and fruit should contain su
fficient vitamins. Details
of the various vitamins are given in APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS.
Vitiligo A disease in which small or large areas of skin lose their pigm
ent and become white because of
a reduction in the bodys production of MELANIN. The hair may be similarly affecte
d. Probably a consequence

of an autoimmune mechanism, vitiligo is associated with other autoimmune disease

s such as thyroiditis (see
THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF) and ADDISONS DISEASE. There is no cure; the vitiligin
ous skin must be
protected from sunburn.
Vitreous Body A semi-fluid, transparent substance which fills most of th
e globe of the EYE behind the
A commercially trademarked alloy of cobalt and chromium used to make ins
truments, prostheses (see
PROSTHESIS), surgical appliances and dentures. Its inert properties make it idea
l for use in contact with
live tissues such as bone and muscle.
A term used to describe animal groups including most mammals in which th
e embryos (see EMBRYO)
develop inside the mothers body with the young being born alive (in contrast to,
say, birds and reptiles
which hatch from eggs).
Vital Sign
An indication that an individual is still alive. Chest movements (result
ing from respiration), the
existence of a pulse (showing that the heart is still beating) and constriction
of the pupil of the eye in
response to bright light are all vital signs. Other tests such as assessment of
brain activity may also be
needed in some circumstances: for example, when a patient is on a lifesupport ma
chine. (See also GLASGOW
For more than a century the medical profession has aimed at maintaining
as high a standard as possible
for vivisection. It was the medical profession led by Dr James Paget that was re
sponsible for the passing
of the Cruelty to Animals Act 1876, which aimed to eliminate cruelty. The inflic
tion of pain was reduced to
a minimum by the use of anaesthetics (see ANAESTHESIA), and the licensing and su
rveillance of animal
experiments was ensured.

766 Vocal Cords

Most experiments are carried out on specially bred mice and rats. Fewer
than 1 per cent are done on
cats, dogs, non-human primates, farm animals, frogs, fish and birds. Control on
experiments has recently
been strengthened. The great majority of animal experiments are done without ana
esthesia because feeding
experiments, taking blood, or giving injections does not require anaesthetics in
animals any more than in
humans. Universities in Britain are responsible for fewer than one-fifth of anim
al experiments; commercial
concerns and government institutions are responsible for most of the rest. Tests
on cosmetics account for
under 1 per cent of all animal work, but are necessary because such materials ar
e often applied with great
frequency and for a long time to the skin of adults and infants. The use of tiss
ue cultures and
computer models instead of live animals are methods of research and investigatio
n that are being
increasingly used. There is, however, a limit to the extent to which infection,
cancer, or drugs can be
investigated on cultures of tissue cells. Computerised or mathematical modelling
of experiments is probably
the most promising line of development.
Vocal Resonance The air carrying the voice produced in the LARYNX passes
through the throat, mouth and
nose. The shape and size of these structures will influence the timbre of the vo
ice, or vocal resonance.
This will vary from person to person and even within an individual; for example,
with a cold.
Voice and Speech
Terms applied to the sounds produced in the upper AIR PASSAGES which for
m one of the means of
communication between human beings. Air passes through the LARYNX to produce the
fundamental notes and
tones known as voice. This is then modified during its passage through the mouth
so as to form speech or
Voice This has three varying characteristics: loudness, pitch, and quali
ty or timbre. Loudness depends
on the volume of air available and therefore on the size of the chest and the st
rength of its muscles.
Pitch is determined by larynx size, the degree of tenseness at which the vocal c
ords are maintained, and
whether the cords vibrate as a whole or merely at their edges.

In any given voice, the range of pitch seldom exceeds two and a half oct
aves. Typically, the small
larynx of childhood produces a shrill or treble voice; the rapid growth of the l
arynx around PUBERTY causes
the voice to break in boys. Changes in the voice also occur at other ages as a res
ult of the secondary
action of the SEX HORMONES. Generally speaking, the adult voice is bass and teno
r in men, contralto or
soprano in women. Timbre is due to differences in the larynx, as well as to volu
ntary changes in the shape
of the mouth.
Speech Rapid modifications of the voice, produced by movements of the PA
LATE, tongue and lips. Infants
hear the sounds made by others and mimic them; hence the speech centres in the B
RAIN are closely connected
with those of hearing.
Defects of speech
See below, and also SPEECH
of the power to speak, may be due to various causes. LEARNING DISABILITY
that prevents the child from
mimicking the actions of others is most common; in other cases the child has nor
mal intelligence but some
neurological disorder, or disorder of the speech organs, is responsible. Alterna
tively, complete DEAFNESS
or early childhood ear disease may be the cause. STAMMERING is a highly individu
al condition, but is
basically a lack of coordination between the different parts of the speech mecha
nism. (See also main entry
on STAMMERING.) DYSPHASIA is the inability to speak or understand speech, most c
ommonly following brain
disease, such as STROKE. APHONIA or loss of voice may be caused by LARYNGITIS or
, rarely, a symptom of
conversion and dissociative mental disorders traditionally referred to as HYSTER
IA. It is generally of
short duration.
Volar A term relating to the palm or sole.
Volkmanns Contracture A rare condition in which, as a result of too great
a pressure from splint or
bandage in the treatment of a broken arm, the flexor muscles of the forearm cont
ract and thus obstruct free
flow of blood in the veins; the muscles then swell and ultimately become fibrose
Voluntary Admission The term applied in the UK to the admission of a men
tally ill person to a
psychiatric unit with

Von Willebrands Disease

his or her agreement. Patients with mental illnesses that may endanger t
heir own safety or that of
others can be compulsorily admitted using special legal powers this is tradition
ally called sectioning.
Voluntary Muscle Also known as skeletal muscle, this forms the muscles w
hich are under a persons
conscious control. Muscles that control walking, talking and swallowing are exam
ples of those under such
Volvulus An obstruction of the bowels produced by the twisting of a loop
of bowel round itself. (See
Vomiting Vomiting means the expulsion of the STOMACH contents through th
e mouth. When the effort of
vomiting is made, but nothing is brought up, the process is known as retching. W
hen vomiting occurs, the
chief effort is made by the muscles of the abdominal wall and by the diaphragm c
ontracting together and
squeezing the stomach. The contraction of the stomach wall is no doubt also a fa
ctor, and an important step
in the act consists in the opening at the right moment of the cardiac or upper o
rifice of the stomach. This
concerted action of various muscles is brought about by a vomiting centre situat
ed on the floor of the
fourth ventricle in the BRAIN.
Causes Vomiting is brought about by stimulation of this nervous centre,
and in most cases this is
effected through sensations derived from the stomach itself. Thus, of the drugs
which cause vomiting, some
act only after being absorbed into the blood and carried to the brain, although
most are irritants to the
mucous membrane of the stomach (see EMETICS); various diseases of the stomach, s
uch as cancer, ulcer and
food poisoning act in a similar way. Stimulation not only of the nerves of the s
tomach, but also of those
supplying other abdominal organs produces vomiting; thus in obstruction of the b
owels, peritonitis,
gall-stone colic, renal colic, and even in some women during pregnancy, vomiting
is a prominent symptom.
Severe emotional shock may cause vomiting, as may acute anxiety and unpleasant e
xperiences such as seeing
an accident, suffering severe pain or travel sickness. Direct disturbance of the
brain itself is a
cause: for example, a blow on the head, a cerebral tumour, a cerebral ab
scess, meningitis. Nausea and
vomiting are common symptoms that may arise from local disease of the gastrointe
stinal tract, but they are
also associated with systemic illness for example, DIABETES MELLITUS or kidney f
ailure (see KIDNEYS,
DISEASES OF) and also with disturbances of labyrinthine function, such as motion

sickness and acute

Treatment The cause of the vomiting must be sought and treatment directe
d towards this. Symptomatic
treatment for vomiting can be dangerous since accurate diagnosis of the cause ma
y be hindered. If
antinauseant drug treatment is indicated, the choice of drug depends on the caus
e of the vomiting.
Granisetron and ondansetron are 5hydroxytryptamine (5HT3) antagonists valuable i
n the treatment of nausea
and vomiting induced by cytotoxic CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY and prevention an
d treatment of
post-operative nausea and vomiting. Prochlorperazine is valuable in the treatmen
t of severe nausea,
vomiting, VERTIGO and disorders of the LABYRINTH of the EAR, although extrapyram
idal symptoms may occur,
particularly in children, elderly and debilitated patients. Vomiting may occur a
fter surgical operations
and this is due to the combined effects of analgesics, anaesthetic agents and th
e psychological stress of
operation. Various drugs can be used to prevent or stop post-operative vomiting.
Nausea and vomiting are
common symptoms in pregnancy. Drugs are best avoided in this situation as they m
ay damage the developing
FETUS. Simple measures, such as the taking of food before getting up in the morn
ing and reassurance, are
often all that is necessary.
Von Recklinghausens Disease An inherited disease, now called neurofibroma
tosis. About one case occurs
every 3,000 live births. The disease is characterised by tumours along the cours
e of nerves which can be
felt beneath the skin. Soft tumours may also develop beneath the skin. The condi
tion may have other
associated abnormalities such as SCOLIOSIS, decalcification of the bones due to
overactivity of the
PARATHYROID glands, and fibrosis in the lungs. Surgery may be needed for cosmeti
c reasons or to relieve
pressure on the nervous system.
Von Willebrands Disease A genetically determined blood disorder in

768 Voyeurism
which the affected person suffers episodes of spontaneous bleeding simil
ar to that occurring in people
with HAEMOPHILIA. It may be associated with a lack of FACTOR VIII (see COAGULATI
ON) in the blood. The
disorder is inherited as an autosomal dominant gene (see GENETIC DISORDERS).
Surgical excision of the external genitals (see VULVA). In simple vulvec
tomy the LABIA majora and
minora and the CLITORIS are surgically removed, usually to treat a non-malignant
growth. A more extensive
operation is radical vulvectomy in which there is wide excision of the two labia
and the clitoris along
with complete removal of all regional LYMPH NODES on both sides and the covering
skin. This procedure is
carried out to treat cancer of the vulva.
The external genitalia of the female. The LABIA majora and minora compri
sing folds of flesh, the
latter inside the former surround the openings of the VAGINA and URETHRA. The
Inflammation of the VULVA and VAGINA. It may be due to infection, and ma
y be a presenting feature of
late onset DIABETES MELLITUS. Trauma may sometimes be the cause.
Voyeurism The regular viewing of people who are naked or part-naked or w
ho are taking part in intimate
sexual activities. The voyeurs subjects are unaware that they are being watched.
The voyeur, nearly always
a man, usually becomes sexually excited and may induce ORGASM by
folds extend upwards as an arch over the CLITThe vulva also contains ves
tibular glands which provide
profuse mucoid secretions during sexual activity.

from the SKIN arising from the epidermis and caused by various subtypes
of human papilloma virus. The
causal viruses are ubiquitous and most people probably harbour them. Whether or
not warts develop depends
upon age, previous infection and natural resistance.
Waiting List
Common warts (verruca vulgaris) are
A term widely used in the NHS to show the number of people waiting for h
ospital admission, usually for
non-acute surgery. The size of the waiting list has come to be perceived over th
e past 20 years especially
by politicians as a measure of the Services effectiveness. To the individual pati
ent, however, what
matters is the waiting time how long they have to wait before admission. This figu
re along with the
time a patient has to wait for an outpatient appointment to see a consultant is
increasingly being
recognised as one important measurement of how well a hospital is serving its lo
cal communities.
Walk See GAIT.
Warfarin An anticoagulant (see ANTICOAGULANTS), usually given by mouth o
n a daily basis. The initial
dose depends upon the PROTHROMBIN or coagulation time; this should be determined
before starting treatment,
and then at regular intervals during treatment. It is indicated for the prophyla
xis of embolisation (see
EMBOLISM) in rheumatic heart disease and atrial fibrillation (see HEART, DISEASE
S OF); after prosthetic
heartvalve insertion; prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis and PULMONA
ISCHAEMIC ATTACKS OR EPISODES (TIA, TIE). When given in tablet form, its maximum
effect generally occurs
within about 36 hours, wearing off within 48 hours. Special caution is appropria
te in patients with disease
of the liver or kidneys or who have had recent surgery. Warfarin is contra-indic
ated throughout pregnancy
(especially the first and third trimesters), and in cases of PEPTIC ULCER, sever
bacterial ENDOCARDITIS. The most important adverse effect is HAEMORRHAGE. Other
reported side-effects
include HYPERSENSITIVITY, rash, ALOPECIA, diarrhoea, unexplained drop in HAEMATO
CRIT readings, purple toes,
skin NECROSIS, JAUNDICE, liver dysfunction, nausea, vomiting and pancreatitis (s
Warts Warts (verrucae) are small, solid outgrowths
seen mainly in children and young adults on the backs of the fingers and
hands, and less often on the
knees, face or scalp. They may be single or numerous and range from 1 mm to 10 m
m or more in size.
Untreated, they often resolve spontaneously after weeks or months. They may be o

ccupationally contracted by
butchers and meat-handlers.
Plane warts (verruca plana) are small, flat-topped, yellowish papules se
en mainly on the backs of the
hands, wrists and face in young people. They may persist for years.
Digitate warts (verruca digitata) are finger- or thread-like warts up to
5 mm in length with a dark
rough tip. They tend to grow on the eyelids or neck.
Plantar warts (verruca plantaris) occur on the soles of the feet, most c
ommonly in older children,
adolescents and young adults. Spread by walking barefoot in swimming pools, chan
ging rooms, etc., these
warts may appear as minor epidemics in institutions, such as schools. They are f
lattened, yellow-white
discrete lesions in the sole or heel, tender when squeezed. Multiple black point
s in the wart are
thrombosed capillaries. Occasionally, aggregates of plantar warts form a mosaiclike plaque, especially in
chronically warm, moist feet.
Genital warts are sexually transmitted. In the male they occur on the sh
aft of the PENIS and on the
PREPUCE or around the anus. In women they occur around the entrance to the VAGIN
A and LABIA minora. Genital
warts vary from 12 mm pink papules to florid, cauliflower-like masses. Pregnancy
facilitates their
Mucosal warts may develop on the mucous membranes of the mouth.
Laryngeal warts may be found in children whose mothers had genital warts
(see above) at the time of
delivery. Some subtypes of genital wart can infect the uterine cervix (see UTERU
S), causing changes which
may lead eventually to cancer.

770 Washing
CRYOTHERAPY freezing with liquid nitrogen is the principal weapon agains
t all types of warts, but
curettage (scraping out the wart with a CURETTE) and cauterisation (see ELECTROC
AUTERY) or LASER therapy
may be required for resistant warts. Genital warts may respond to local applicat
preparations. Sexual partners should be examined and treated if necessary. Final
ly, treatment of warts
should not be more onerous or painful than the disease itself, since spontaneous
resolution is so common.
Washing Out of the Stomach See GASTRIC LAVAGE.
Wassermann Reaction A test introduced for the diagnosis of SYPHILIS by e
xamination of the blood. It has
now been largely supplanted by other, more specific tests.
Wasting See ATROPHY.
Water Bed A bed with a water-filled mattress can help prevent bed sores
(see ULCER Decubitus ulcer)
in patients confined to bed for more than a few days. Its flexibility provides u
niform support for the
whole body. Air beds are now more often used: they are light and more comfortabl
e and the modern version,
called a ripple bed, has a little motor that fills and empties tubes in the matt
ress. The patients
circulation is stimulated and pressure is regularly changed on susceptible parts
of the body elbows,
buttocks and heels thus reducing the likelihood of pressure sores developing, pa
rticularly in the
Also called pyrosis. A symptom of indigestion; during the course of DIGE
STION, the mouth fills with
tasteless or sour fluid, which is generally saliva, but is sometimes brought up
from the stomach. This is
accompanied by a burning pain often felt at the pit of the stomach or in the che
st. The condition is a
symptom of excessive acidity of the stomach contents, due sometimes to an injudi
cious diet, and often
characteristic of a DUODENAL ULCER. (See also DYSPEPSIA.)
Water-Hammer Pulse The peculiarly sudden
that is associated
with incompetence of the AORTIC VALVE of the heart.

Water Intoxication A disorder resulting from excessive retention of wate

r in the brain. Main symptoms
are dizziness, headaches, confusion and nausea. In severe cases the patient may
have fits (see SEIZURE) or
lose consciousness. Several conditions can disturb the bodys water balance causin
g accumulation of water
in the tissues. Heart or kidney failure, CIRRHOSIS of the liver and disorders of
the ADRENAL GLANDS can all
result in water retention. Other causes are stress as a result of surgery, when
increased secretion of
antidiuretic hormone (VASOPRESSIN) by the adrenal gland may occur. Treatment is
of the underlying condition
and the judicious use of DIURETICS, with careful monitoring of the bodys ELECTROL
Wax This is used in medicine as an ingredient of ointments, plasters, an
d suppositories (see
SUPPOSITORY). It is used either as yellow wax derived directly from honeycomb, o
r as white wax, which is
the same substance bleached. It is also used in the form of paraffin wax to appl
y heat in the relief of
rheumatic pains. For wax in the ear, see under EAR, DISORDERS OF.
Weals Or wheals: raised white areas of OEDEMA in the skin with reddened
margins, which may result from
sharp blows, or accompanied by itching, may be a symptom of URTICARIA.
Weaning The process by which a baby is introduced to solid foods after h
aving only had breast milk or
artificial milk to drink. The transfer usually starts at around 45 months of age
but many parents prefer
not to wait. (See INFANT FEEDING.)
Webbed Fingers Or toes see also SYNDACTYLY. A deformity sometimes presen
t at birth, and which tends
to run in families. The web may be quite a thin structure, or the fingers may be
closely united by solid
tissue. In any case, separation is a matter of considerable difficulty, because,
if the web is simply
divided, it heals up as before. A special operation is necessary, consisting in

Wernickes Encephalopathy 771

back a flap of the web upon each of the united fingers, or some other de
vice to produce healing in the
new position.
Webers Test A test with a tuning fork that is used to assess a persons DEA
Weight and Height Charts relating height to age have been devised, and g
ive an indication of the normal
rate of growth. (See APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS IN MEDICINE for more details.) The
wide variation in normal
children is immediately apparent on studying such charts. Deviations from the me
an of this wide range are
called percentiles. Centile or percentile charts describe the distribution of a
characteristic in a
population. They are obtained by measuring a specific characteristic in a large
population of at least
1,000 of each sex at each age. For each age there will be a height, above and be
low which 50 per cent of
the population lies: this is called the 50th centile. The 50th centile thus indi
cates the mean height at a
particular age. Such tables are less reliable around the age of PUBERTY, because
of variation in age of
onset. Minor variations from the mean do not warrant investigation, but if the h
eight of an individual
falls below the third centile (3 per cent of normal children have a height that
falls below the third
centile) or above the 97th centile, investigation is required. Changes in the ra
te of growth are also
important, and skeletal proportions may provide useful information. There are ma
ny children who are normal
but who are small in relation to their parents; the problem is merely growth del
ay. These children take
longer to reach maturity and there is also a proportional delay in their skeleta
l maturation so that the
actual height must always be assessed in relation to maturity. The change in ske
letal proportions is one
manifestation of maturity, but other features include the maturing of facial fea
tures with the growth of
nose and jaw, and dental development. Maturity of bone can readily be measured b
y the radiological bone
age. Failure to gain weight is of more significance. Whilst this may be due to s
ome underlying disease, the
most common cause is a diet containing inadequate calories (see CALORIE). Over t
he last six decades or so
there has been quite a striking increase in the heights and weights of European
children, with
manufacturers of childrens clothing, shoes and furniture having to increase the s
ize of their products.
Growth is now completed at 2021 years, compared with 25 at the turn of the centur
y. It has been suggested that this increase, and earlier maturation, have been due to a co
mbination of genetic mixing as
a result of population movements, with the whole range of improvement in environ
mental hygiene and not
merely to better nutrition. In the case of adults, views have changed in recent
years concerning ideal

weight. Lifeinsurance statistics have shown that maximal life expectancy is obta
ined if the average weight
at 2530 years is maintained throughout the rest of life. These insurance statisti
cs also suggest that it
is of advantage to be slightly over the average weight before the age of 30 year
s; to be of average weight
after the age of 40; and to be underweight from ages 3040. In the past it has bee
n usual, in assessing the
significance of an adults weight, to allow a 10 per cent range on either side of
normal for variations in
bodybuild. A closer correlation has been found between thoracic and abdominal me
asurements and weight.
Weights and Measures It is more than a hundred years since the metric sy
stem was legalised in Britain,
but it was not until 1969 that it became illegal to use any system of weights an
d measures other than the
metric system for dispensing prescriptions. A rationalisation of the metric syst
em is now used, known as
the International System of Units (SI see APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS IN MEDICINE).
Weils Disease See LEPTOSPIROSIS.
Werners Syndrome A rare inherited condition in which the affected person
suffers from premature ageing
from adolescence onwards. His or her growth may be retarded, the skin become thi
n, and arterial disease,
DIABETES MELLITUS and leg ulcers (see ULCER) develop. Treatment is symptomatic.
Wernickes Encephalopathy Also called the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, thi
s uncommon disorder is
characterised by mental confusion or DELIRIUM that occurs in combination with an
unsteady GAIT, nystagmus
(see under EYE, DISORDERS OF), and paralysis of the eye muscles and eventually P
SYCHOSIS. It is caused by a
deficiency of vitamin B1 (THIAMINE see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS) which affects the b
rain and nervous system.
It occurs in alcoholic individuals and in patients with persistent vomiting. As
soon as the condition is

772 Werthheims Hysterectomy

diagnosed, it must be treated with large doses of thiamine. Unless the p
atient has developed symptoms
of psychosis, the condition is usually reversible with treatment.
Werthheims Hysterectomy A major operation done to remove cancer of the UT
ERUS or ovary (see OVARIES).
The ovaries, FALLOPIAN TUBES, the uterus and its ligaments, the upper VAGINA, an
d the regional LYMPH NODES
are all excised.
West Nile Virus A mosquito-borne viral infection that is normally harmle
ss to healthy people who, if
infected, develop a mild flu-like illness. However, if the elderly and those in
poor health, particularly
immunocompromised patients, are infected, they may develop fatal inflammation of
the brain and spinal cord.
In Israel in 2000, 12 people died and more than 155 survived an outbreak; and in
New York in 1999, more
than 60 people were infected, of whom six died. The disease was first reported i
n Uganda in 1937 and became
ENDEMIC in the Middle East and Africa, recently spreading to Europe, central Asi
a, Oceania and America.
Mosquitoes bearing the flaviviridae-family virus usually contract it by biting i
nfected poultry, but the
infection has been found in mammals, such as cats, dogs and horses.
Wheals See WEALS.
patient usually recovers fully but may take several weeks to do so.
Whipworm A popular name for Trichuris trichiura. (See TRICHURIASIS.)
White Blood Cell See LEUCOCYTES.
White Finger Spasm of the blood vessels in the finger, resulting in a wh
ite appearance. The condition
is common in RAYNAUDS DISEASE but it can be caused by the long-term use of percus
sion implements such as
mechanical road drills or hammers. It is a recognised industrial disease. Treatm
ent is to remove or treat
the underlying cause.
White Hair The greying or whitening of hair which takes place with age i
s due to a loss of its pigment,
MELANIN, and the collection of air bubbles in the shaft of the hair. There is no
evidence that hair ever
goes white overnight, whether in response to shock, strain or any other cause. R
apid whitening may occur
patchily in a matter of days, but it is more often a matter of weeks or months.
In the more rapid cases the
cause is thought to be a form of ALOPECIA in which the dark hairs which fall out
are replaced by white

hairs. An alternative cause is VITILIGO. Certain drugs, including mephenesin and

cause whitening of the hair.
A popular name applied to the various sounds produced in the chest when
the bronchial tubes are
narrowed. It is applied particularly to the long-drawn breathing of ASTHMA, and
to the whistling or purring
noises that accompany breathing in cases of BRONCHITIS.
Whiplash Injury
An injury to the neck region caused by the neck being forcibly bent back
wards and forwards (or the
other way around). Car accidents are a common cause, when a driver or passenger
is suddenly decelerated.
The injury usually affects the ligaments, spinal joints and soft tissues of the
neck. Subluxation (partial
dislocation) of a cervical joint sometimes occurs and cervical vertebra may occa
sionally be fractured if
the forces are severe. Pain and stiffness of the neck result and these may worse
n after a day or so.
Treatment includes immobilisation of the neck in a collar, and analgesic and mus
cle-relaxing drugs.
PHYSIOTHERAPY may be necessary. The
Whooping-cough, or pertussis, is a respiratorytract infection caused by
Bordetella pertussis and spread
by droplets. It may occur at all ages, but around 90 per cent of cases are child
ren aged under five. Most
common during the winter months, it tends to occur in epidemics (see EPIDEMIC),
with periods of increased
prevalence occurring every three to four years. It is a notifiable disease (see
routine vaccination of infants with TRIPLE VACCINE (see also VACCINE; IMMUNISATI
ON), which includes the
vaccine against whooping-cough, has drastically reduced the incidence of this po
tentially dangerous
infection. In the 1990s
A common benign blemish of the skin (see MILIA).
Whitlow A popular term for PARONYCHIA.

Winter Vomiting Disease

over 90 per cent of children in England had been vaccinated against whoo
ping-cough by their second
birthday. In an epidemic of whooping-cough, which extended from the last quarter
of 1977 to mid-1979,
102,500 cases of whooping-cough were notified in the United Kingdom, with 36 dea
ths. This was the biggest
outbreak since 1957 and its size was partly attributed to the fall in vaccinatio
n acceptance rates because
of media reports suggesting that pertussis vaccination was potentially dangerous
and ineffective. In 2002,
105 cases were notified in England.
Widal Reaction
Symptoms The first, or catarrhal, stage is
Wilsons disease, or hepatolenticular degeneration, is a familial disease
in which there is an
increased accumulation of COPPER in the liver, brain, and other tissues includin
g the kidneys. Its main
manifestation is the development of tremor and rigidity, with difficulty in spee
ch. In many cases there is
improvement following the administration of dimercaprol, penicillamine, or trien
tine dihydrochloride; these
substances cause an increased excretion of copper.
characterised by mild, but non-specific, symptoms of sneezing, conjuncti
vitis (see under EYE, DISORDERS
OF), sore throat, mild fever and cough. Lasting 1014 days, this stage is the most
unfortunately it is almost impossible to make a definite clinical diagnosis, alt
hough analysis of a nasal
swab may confirm a suspected case. This is followed by the second, or paroxysmal
, stage with irregular
bouts of coughing, often prolonged, and typically more severe at night. Each par
oxysm consists of a
succession of short sharp coughs, increasing in speed and duration, and ending i
n a deep, crowing
inspiration, often with a characteristic whoop. Vomiting is common after the last
paroxysm of a series.
Lasting 24 weeks, this stage is the most dangerous, with the greatest risk of com
plications. These may
include PNEUMONIA and partial collapse of the lungs, and fits may be induced by
cerebral ANOXIA. Less
severe complications caused by the stress of coughing include minor bleeding aro
und the eyes, ulceration
under the tongue, HERNIA and PROLAPSE of the rectum. Mortality is greatest in th
e first year of life,
particularly among neonates infants up to four weeks old. Nearly all patients wi
th whooping-cough recover
after a few weeks, with a lasting IMMUNITY. Very severe cases may leave structur
al changes in the lungs,
such as EMPHYSEMA, with a permanent shortness of breath or liability to ASTHMA.
Treatment Antibiotics, such as ERYTHROMYCIN or TETRACYCLINES, may be hel
pful if given during the

catarrhal stage largely in preventing spread to brothers and sisters but are of
no use during the
paroxysmal stage. Cough suppressants are not always helpful unless given in high
(and therefore potentially
narcotic) doses, and skilled nursing may be required to maintain nutrition, part
icularly if the disease is
prolonged, with frequent vomiting.
Wilms Tumour Also called nephroblastoma. This is the commonest kidney tum
our in infancy. It is a
malignant tumour, which occurs in around one per 10,000 live births. The surviva
l rate with modern
treatment (removal of the kidney followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy) is n
ow around 80 per cent.
Wilsons Disease
Windpipe The popular name for the TRACHEA, which extends from the LARYNX
above to the point in the
upper part of the chest where it divides into the two large bronchial tubes, one
to each lung. It is about
10 cm (4 inches) in length and consists of a fibrous tube kept permanently open
by about 20 strong,
horizontally placed hoops of cartilage, each of which forms about two-thirds of
a circle, the two ends
being joined behind by muscle fibres. This fibrocartilaginous tube is lined by a
smooth mucous membrane,
richly supplied with mucous glands and covered by a single layer of ciliated epi
thelium. (See also AIR
Winter Vomiting Disease Winter vomiting disease, or epidemic nausea and
vomiting, is a condition caused
by subtypes of the genus Norwalk-like virus and is characterised by nausea, vomi
ting, diarrhoea and
giddiness, which occurs during the winter. Outbreaks of it usually involve whole
families or may affect
communities like schools. The incubation period is 2448 hours, and attacks seldom
persist for more than 72
hours. In England and Wales in 2000, more than 1,600 infections were reported co
mpared to more than 16,400
cases of salmonella infections and 56,420 of CAMPYLOBACTER. However, in England
it is estimated that around
1,500 times more people are infected in the community than are reported. Humans
are the only

774 Wisdom Tooth

known hosts of the virus and infection can be acquired via contaminated
food or water or, more
commonly, from an infected individual via the faeco-oral route, aerosol-spread a
Wisdom Tooth A popular name for the last molar tooth on either side of e
ach jaw (see TEETH). These
teeth are the last to appear and should develop in early adult life, but often t
hey do not cut the gum till
the age of 20 or 25; indeed, they may sometimes remain permanently impacted in t
he jaw-bone. This occurs in
up to 25 per cent of individuals. The lower third molar is often impacted agains
t the second because of the
direction in which it erupts.
Wool-Sorters Disease
in which, although hearing remains perfect, the patient has lost the pow
er of referring the names heard
to the articles they denote. (See also DYSPHASIA.)
A preparation of the bark, twigs, and dried leaves from Hamamelis virgin
iana, a plant found in the
United States. It has strong astringent properties and is used to check haemorrh
ages and excessive mucous
discharges, and also for piles (see HAEMORRHOIDS).
Another name for ANTHRAX.
Word Blindness Alexia: a condition in which, as the result of disease in
the brain, a person becomes
unable to associate their proper meanings with words, although he or she may be
quite able to spell the
Word deafness is an associated condition
World Medical Association See ETHICS.
Withdrawal Bleeding
Loss of blood from the UTERUS via the VAGINA occurring when the womens le
vel of oestrogen hormones
(OESTROGENS), PROGESTERONE hormone or PROGESTOGEN drugs falls quickly. The withd
rawal bleeding that happens
at the end of each months cycle of combined oral contraceptive pills (see CONTRAC
EPTION) imitates the
womans menstrual period (see MENSTRUATION) but is normally briefer and less in am
Withdrawal Symptoms

(UTERUS), such as the beating of the mothers heart, the bowel sounds of t
he baby and the like. The
claim is that the replaying of these brings back the peaceful music of the womb, t
o which they have
become conditioned, and thus sings them to sleep.
Unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that occur when a person stops u
sing a drug or substance on
which he or she is dependent (see DEPENDENCE). The symptoms include tremors, swe
ating, and vomiting which
are reversed if further doses are given. Alcohol and hard drugs, such as morphin
e, heroin, and cocaine, are
among the substances that induce dependence, and therefore withdrawal symptoms,
when stopped. Amphetamines
and nicotine are other examples.
Womb See UTERUS.
Womb Music The name given to the playing to crying babies of sounds comp
arable to those by which the
unborn babe is surrounded in the womb
Wounds A wound is any breach suddenly produced in the tissues of the bod
y by direct violence. An
extensive injury of the deeper parts without corresponding injury of the surface
is known as a bruise or
Varieties These are classified according to the immediate effect produce
d: are usually inflicted with
some sharp instrument, and are clean cuts, in which the tissues are simply divid
ed without any damage to
surrounding parts. The bleeding from such a wound is apt to be very free, but ca
n be readily controlled.
PUNCTURE WOUNDS, or stabs, are inflicted with a pointed instrument. These wounds
are dangerous, partly
because their depth involves the danger of wounding vital organs; partly because
bleeding from a stab is
hard to control; and partly because they are difficult to sterilise. The wound p
roduced by the nickel-nosed
bullet is a puncture, much less severe than the ugly lacerated wound caused by a
n expanding bullet, or by a
ricochet, and, if no clothing has been carried in by the bullet, the wound is cl
ean and usually heals at
once. LACERATED WOUNDS are those in which tissues are torn, such as injuries cau
sed by machinery. INCISED

Little bleeding may occur and a limb can be torn completely away without
great loss of blood. Such
wounds are, however, especially liable to infection. CONTUSED WOUNDS are those a
ccompanied by much bruising
of surrounding parts, as in the case of a blow from a cudgel or poker. There is
little bleeding, but
healing is slow on account of damage to the edges of the wound. Any of these var
ieties may become infected.
First-aid treatment The first aim is to check any bleeding. This may be
done by pressure upon the edges
of the wound with a clean handkerchief, or, if the bleeding is serious, by putti
ng the finger in the wound
and pressing it upon the spot from which the blood is coming. If medical attenti
on is available within a
few hours, a wound should not be interfered with further than is necessary to st
op the bleeding and to
cover it with a clean dry handkerchief or bandage. When expert assistance is not
soon obtainable, the wound
should be cleaned with an antiseptic such as CHLORHEXIDINE or boiled water and t
he injured part fixed so
that movement is prevented or minimised. A wounded hand or arm is fixed with a S
LING, a wounded leg with a
splint (see SPLINTS). If the victim is in SHOCK, he or she must be treated for t
hat. (See also APPENDIX 1:
BASIC FIRST AID.) Wrinkle A natural furrow in the skin commonly associated with
AGEING. Wrinkles are most
prominent on the face and other exposed body parts. Overexposure to sunlight cau
ses premature wrinkling.
Cosmetic preparations may temporarily improve excessive wrinkling, but a face li
ft, which stretches the
skin using surgery, can improve a persons face for up to five years.
Wrist The joint situated between the arm above and the hand below. The r
egion of the wrist contains
eight small carpal bones, arranged in two rows, each containing four bones. Thos
e in the row nearest the
forearm are from the outside inwards when looking at the palm of the hand the sc
aphoid, lunate,
triquetrum, and pisiform.
Those in the row nearest the hand are the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate
and hamate. These latter
articulate with the metacarpal bones in the hand and are closely bound to one an
other by short, strong
ligaments; and the wrist-joint is the union of the composite mass thus formed wi
th the RADIUS and ULNA in
the forearm. The wrist and the radius and ulna are united by strong outer and in
ner lateral ligaments, and
by weaker ligaments before and behind, whilst the powerful tendons passing to th
e hand and fingers
strengthen the wrist. The joint can move in all directions, and its shape and ma
ny ligaments mean that it
rarely dislocates although stretching or tearing of some of these ligaments is a
common accident,
constituting a sprain. (See JOINTS, DISEASES OF.) Inflammation of the tendon-she

aths may occur as a result

of injury or repetitive movement (see UPPER LIMB DISORDERS). A fairly common con
dition is the presence of a
GANGLION, in which an elastic swelling full of fluid develops on the back or fro
nt of the wrist in
connection with the sheaths of the tendons. (See also HAND.)
Wrist-Drop See DROP WRIST.
Writers Cramp A SPASM which affects certain muscles when a person is writ
ing, and which may not occur
when the same muscles are employed in other acts. Similar symptoms are observed
in the case of musicians
(guitar, clarinet and piano in particular), typists, word-processor and computer
operators and artists.
Wry-Neck A condition in which the head is twisted to one side. It may be
caused by the contraction of a
scar, such as that resulting from a burn or by paralysis of some of the muscles;
as a result of injury at
birth; or trauma to the area later in life. Treatment is by an orthopaedic colla
r, heat or ULTRASOUND, or
PHYSIOTHERAPY. Sometimes a local injection of BOTULISM toxin will produce tempor
ary relief. Rarely, surgery

Xenograft A transplant (see TRANSPLANTATION) from one animal to another
of a different species. It is
also known as a heterograft.
Xenotransplantation Xanthelasma Palpebrarum
These yellow smooth nodules of LIPID-laden cells occur in and around the
eyelids (see EYE). Blood
lipids are usually normal, but there is an association with hypercholesterolaemi
HYPERLIPIDAEMIA) in a minority of sufferers.
Xanthoma (Plural: xanthomata.) A deposit of fatty material in the skin,
subcutaneous fat and tendons.
The presence of a xanthoma may be the first sign that a person has primary or se
raised concentration of lipids (see LIPID) in the blood. This can lead to ATHERO
MA, and appropriate
clinical and laboratory examinations should be done to determine the diagnosis a
nd treatment. When fatty
deposits occur in various parts of the body skin, brain, cornea, internal organs
and tendons the
condition is called xanthomatosis. Treatment is of the underlying conditions, an
important aim being to
lower the concentrations of fats in the body. Xanthomata have a variety of manif
estations which may point
to the underlying cause. These include:
Eruptive Eruptive yellow papules on the buttocks.
Plane Yellow plaques or macules in the skin. Tuberous Nodules on the elb
ows or knees. Tendinous
Subcutaneous nodules fixed to tendons, particularly those on the back of the fin
gers and the ACHILLES
X Chromosome One of two SEX CHROMOSOMES. Every normal female body cell h
as a pair of X chromosomes. Men
have only one X chromosome and this is paired with a Y chromosome. The sex cells
in men and women each have
one X and one Y chromosome. Certain diseases are linked to the presence of an X
chromosome: these include
of organs from one species to another for example, from pigs to humans.
The use of organs from
appropriately cloned animals was seen as a possible solution to the shortage of
human organs for
transplantation; however, research has shown that rejection remains a problem an
d there is also an
unresolved possibility that diseases might be transmitted across the species bar
rier. It seems likely that
STEM CELL research will provide a more realistic source of tissues for transplan
tation to replace diseased
organs in humans.

Xeroderma The term means dry skin. Normal skin may become dry when expos
ed to very low ambient humidity
and is then vulnerable to irritation by soaps, detergents and other chemicals wh
ich cause chapping.
Dryness of the skin may also be a feature of skin disease, especially atopic ecz
ema (see ATOPY;
DERMATITIS). Genetically determined xeroderma is called ICHTHYOSIS.
Xeroderma Pigmentosum A rare disease in which DNA repair mechanisms fail
, rendering the skin especially
vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet light (see ULTRAVIOLET RAYS (UVR)). Extrem
e photosensitivity begins
in infancy; later, marked freckling occurs and premature CARCINOGENESIS in the s
kin usually leads to early
death. There may also be neurological complications.
Xerosis Abnormal dryness, especially of the eye.
Xerostomia Dryness of the mouth due to lack of SALIVA. Its most extreme
form occurs following
radiotherapy of the mouth, and in the condition known as Sjgrens syndrome. No sati
sfactory substitute for
natural saliva has been found though some find a methyl-cellulose substitute giv
es partial relief, as may a
glycerin mouthwash.
Xiphisternum See XIPHOID PROCESS.
Xiphoid Cartilage See XIPHOID PROCESS.

Xiphoid Process Also known as the xiphisternum or xiphoid cartilage, thi
s is the small oval-shaped
projection forming the lowest of the three parts of the STERNUM or breastbone.
X-Rays Also known as Rntgen rays, these were discovered in 1895 by Wilhel
m Conrad Rntgen. Their use
for diagnostic imaging (radiology) and for cancer therapy (see RADIOTHERAPY) is
now an integral part of
medicine. Many other forms of diagnostic imaging have been developed in recent y
ears, sometimes also
loosely called radiology. Similarly the use of chemotherapeutic agents in cancer h
as led to the term
oncology which may be applied to the treatment of cancer by both drugs and X-ray
s. The rays are part of the
electro-magnetic spectrum; their wavelengths are between 109 and 10 13 metres; in
behaviour and energy
they are identical to the gamma rays emitted by radioactive isotopes. Diagnostic
Xrays are generated in an
evacuated tube containing an anode and cathode. Electrons striking the anode cau
se emission of Xrays of
varying energy; the energy is largely dependent on the potential difference (kil
ovoltage) between anode and
cathode. The altered tissue penetration at different kilovoltages is used in rad
iographing different
regions, for example in breast radiography (2540 kV) or chest radiography (120150
kV). Most diagnostic
examinations use kilovoltages between 60 and 120. The energy of Xrays enables t
hem to pass through body
tissues unless they make contact with the constituent atoms. Tissue attenuation
varies with atomic
structure, so that aircontaining organs such as the lung offer little attenuatio
n, while material such as
bone, with abundant calcium, will absorb the majority of incident Xrays. This r
esults in an emerging Xray
pattern which corresponds to the structures in the region examined.
Radiography The recording of the resulting images is achieved in several
ways, mostly depending on the
use of materials which fluoresce in response to Xrays. CONTRAST XRAYS Many bod
y organs are not shown by
simple Xray studies. This led to the development of contrast materials which ma
ke particular organs or
structures wholly or partly opaque to Xrays. Thus, bariumsulphate preparations
are largely used for
examining the gastrointestinal tract: for example, barium swallow, barium meal,
barium followthrough (or
enteroclysis) and barium enema. Watersoluble
iodinecontaining contrast agents that ionise in solution have been deve
loped for a range of other
studies. More recently a series of improved contrast molecules, chiefly nonioni
sing, has been developed,
with fewer sideeffects. They can, for example, safely be introduced into the sp
inal theca for
myeloradiculography contrast Xrays of the spinal cord. Using these agents, it is
possible to show many

organs and structures mostly by direct introduction, for example via a catheter
urography, however, contrast medium injected intravenously is excreted by the ki
dneys which are outlined,
together with ureters and bladder. A number of other more specialised contrast a
gents exist: for example,
for cholecystography radiological assessment of the gallbladder. The use of con
trast and the attendant
techniques has greatly widened the range of radiology. IMAGE INTENSIFICATION The
relative insensitivity of
fluorescent materials when used for observation of moving organs for example, th
e oesophagus has been
overcome by the use of image intensification. A faint fluorographic image produc
ed by Xrays leads to
electron emission from a photocathode. By applying a high potential difference,
the electrons are
accelerated across an evacuated tube and are focused on to a small fluorescent s
creen, giving a bright
image. This is viewed by a TV camera and the image shown on a monitor and someti
mes recorded on videotape
or cine. TOMOGRAPHY Xray images are twodimensional representations of threedime
nsional objects. Tomography
(Greek tomos a slice) began with Xray imaging produced by the linked movement o
f the Xray tube and the
cassette pivoting about a selected plane in the body: over and underlying struc
tures are blurred out,
giving a more detailed image of a particular plane. In 1975 Godfrey Hounsfield i
ntroduced COMPUTED
TOMOGRAPHY (CT). This involves (i) movement of an Xray tube around the patient,
with a narrow fan beam of
Xrays; (ii) the corresponding use of sensitive detectors on the opposite side o
f the patient; (iii)
computer analysis of the detector readings at each point on the rotation, with c
alculation of relative
tissue attenuation at each point in the crosssectional plant. This invention has
enormously increased the
ability to discriminate tissue composition, even without the use of contrast. Th
e tomographic effect
imaging of a particular plane is achieved in many of the newer forms of imaging:
ULTRASOUND, magnetic
resonance imaging (see MRI) and some forms of

778 Xylose
nuclear medicine, in particular positron emission tomography (PET SCANNI
NG). An alternative term for
the production of images of a given plane is crosssectional imaging. While the
production of Xray and
other images has been largely the responsibility of radiographers, the interpret
ation has been principally
carried out by specialist doctors called radiologists. In addition they, and int
erested clinicians, have
developed a number of procedures, such as arteriography (see ANGIOGRAPHY), which
involve manipulative
access for imaging for example, selective coronary or renal arteriography. The u
se of Xrays, ultrasound
or computerised tomography to control the direction and position of needles has
made possible guided
biopsies (see BIOPSY) for example, of pancreatic, pulmonary or bony lesions and
therapeutic procedures
such as drainage of obstructed kidneys (percutaneous nephrostomy), or of abscess
es. From these has grown a
whole series of therapeutic procedures such as ANGIOPLASTY, STENT insertion and
renalstone track
formation. This field of interventional radiology has close affinities with MINI
Radiotherapy, or treatment by Xrays The two chief sources of the ionisi
ng radiations used in
radiotherapy are the gamma rays of RADIUM and the penetrating Xrays generated b
y apparatus working at
various voltages. For superficial lesions, energies of around 40 kilovolts are u
sed; but for deep
seated conditions, such as cancer of the internal organs, much higher vo
ltages are required. Xray
machines are now in use which work at two million volts. Even higher voltages ar
e now available through the
development of the linear accelerator, which makes use of the frequency magnetro
n which is the basis of
radar. The linear accelerator receives its name from the fact that it accelerate
s a beam of electrons down
a straight tube, 3 metres in length, and in this process a voltage of eight mill
ion is attained. The use of
these very high voltages has led to the development of a highly specialised tech
nique which has been
devised for the treatment of cancer and like diseases. Protective measures are r
outinely taken to ensure
that the patients normal tissue is not damaged during radiotherapy. The operators
too have to take special
precautions, including limits on the time they can work with the equipment in an
y one period of time. The
greatest value of radiotherapy is in the treatment of malignant disease. In many
patients it can be used
for the treatment of malignant growths which are not accessible to surgery, whil
st in others it is used in
conjunction with surgery and chemotherapy.
Xylose A sugar containing five carbon atoms involved in the metabolic co

nversion of carbohydrates (see

CARBOHYDRATE) inside cells. Xylose is used in diagnostic tests on the functionin
g of the INTESTINE.

Y Yawning
An involuntary opening of the mouth, which is accompanied by marked dila
tation of the pharynx, a
characteristic distortion of the face and usually stretching of the limbs. The c
ause and function of
yawning are quite obscure. It is classically regarded as a sign of drowsiness or
boredom, but it it may be
the result of raised concentrations of CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) in the blood the phy
siological aim being to
cut the amount of CO2 and raise the level of oxygen in the blood.
Yaws A nonvenereal spirochaetal infection caused by Treponema pertenue
; it was formerly widespread in
most tropical and subtropical regions amongst the indigenous population, florid
disease being more common
in children than adults. The term is of CaribIndian (native to northeastern So
uth America, the east coast
of Central America, and the lesser Antilles) origin. It is directly contagious f
rom person to person;
infection is also transmitted by flies, clothing, and living in unclean huts. Cl
inically, the primary stage
is characterised by a granulomatous lesion, or papule (framboesioma or mother yaw)
at the site of
infection usually the lower leg or foot; this enlarges, crusts, and heals sponta
neously. It appears some
28 weeks after infection, during which time fever, malaise, pains, and pruritus m
ay be present. In the
secondary stage, a granulomatous, papular, macular or squamous eruption occurs;
periostitis may also be
present. The late, or tertiary stage (which appears 510 years later), is characte
rised by skin plaques,
nodules, ulcers, hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin of the hands and feet) a
nd gummatous lesions
affecting bones. Recurrence of infection in individuals suffering from a concurr
ent infection (e.g.
SYPHILIS or TUBERCULOSIS) renders the infection more serious. Diagnosis is by de
monstration of T. pertenue
in exudate from a suspected lesion. Treatment is with PENICILLIN, to which T. pe
rtenue is highly sensitive.
Extensive eradication campaigns (initiated by the WHO in 1949) have been carried
out in endemic areas;
therefore, the early stages of the infection are rarely counted; only tertiary s
tages come to the attention
of a physician. Failure of
surveillance can lead to dramatic local recurrences.
Y Chromosome One of two SEX CHROMOSOMES that is present in every male bo
dy cell where it is paired with
an X CHROMOSOME. The sex or germ cells in women as well as men contain one X and
one Y chromosome (see also
Yeast This consists of the cells and spores of unicellular fungi belongi
ng to the family of
Saccharomycetaceae. The main species of yeast used in medicine is Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, which is used
in the fermentation industries, such as brewing. It is a rich source of the vita
min B complex (see APPENDIX

5: VITAMINS), but its use has largely been given up since the various components
of the vitamin B complex
became available as separate entities.
Yellow Fever An acute arbovirus (see ARBOVIRUSES) infection caused by a
flavivirus of the togavirus
family, transmitted from animals to humans by various species of forest mosquito
(jungle/sylvan yellow
fever), and from human to human by Ades aegypti (urban yellow fever). Mosquito tr
ansmission was shown by
Walter Reed and his colleagues in 1900. It is ENDEMIC in much of tropical Africa
and Central and South
America but does not occur in Asia. In the urban cycle, humans constitute the re
servoir of infection, and
in the jungle/sylvan variety, mammals especially subhuman primates are involved
in transmission.
Historically, yellow fever was enormously important, causing devastating epidemi
cs (see EPIDEMIC); it also
carried a high mortality rate in travellers and explorers. Differentiation from
other infections associated
with JAUNDICE was often impossible. Clinically, yellow fever is characterised by
jaundice, fever, chills,
headache, gastrointestinal haemorrhage(s), and ALBUMINURIA. The incubation perio
d is 36 (up to 10) days.
Differentiation from viral hepatitides, other viral haemorrhagic fevers, severe
Plasmodium falciparum
malaria, and several other infections is often impossible without sophisticated
investigative techniques.
Infection carries a high mortality rate. Liver histology (biopsy is contraindica
ted due to the haemorrhagic
diathesis) shows characteristic changes; a fulminating hepatic infection is ofte
n present. Acute
inflammation of the kidneys and an inflamed, congested gastric mucosa, often acc
ompanied by haemorrhage,
are also demonstrable;

780 Yersinia
myocardial involvement often occurs. Diagnosis is primarily based on vir
ological techniques;
serological tests are also of value. Yellow fever should be suspected in any tra
vellers from an endemic
area. Management consists of instituting techniques for acute hepatocellular (li
vercell) failure. The
affected individual should be kept in an isolation unit, away from mosquitoes wh
ich could transmit the
disease to a healthy individual. Formerly, laboratory infections were occasional
ly acquired from infected
blood samples. Prophylactically, a satisfactory attenuated VACCINE (17D) has bee
n available for around 60
years; this is given subcutaneously and provides an individual with excellent pr
otection for ten years;
international certificates are valid for this length of time. Every traveller to
an endemic area should be
immunised; this is mandatory for entry to countries where the infection is endem
Yersinia A genus of BACTERIA which includes the causative organism of PL
AGUE, Yersinia pestis.
Yin and Yang Basic concepts in traditional Chinese medicine and philosop
hy. Yang represents active,
positive masculine qualities. Yin embodies passive, negative feminine qualities.
Yoga A system of Hindu philosophy and physical
discipline involving special breathing techniques and a series of prescr
ibed physical poses. These are
intended to relax the body and teach the individual mental and physical control.
Yoga is best learned from
experienced teachers, or those practising it may damage their backs.
Yoghurt Sour milk curdled with one of the LACTIC ACID producing bacilli,
such as Lactobacillus
acidophilus or Lactobacillus bulgaricus. It contains all the protein, fat, calci
um, and vitamins of the
original milk, and is therefore a nutritious food, but there is no evidence that
it has any unique
beneficial properties of its own. In countries where standards of hygiene are lo
w, it has the advantage of
having been sterilised by boiling and is therefore unlikely to be contaminated w
ith dangerous
Yohimbine This substance is derived from the bark of Pausinystalia yohim
bie, a West African tree. Once
widely used as an aphrodisiac an action for which there is no good evidence, it
is now being used in the
treatment of certain cases of postural HYPOTENSION and for the treatment of IMPO
Yttrium90 An artificially produced ISOTOPE of the element Yttrium. The
isotope is radioactive and
emits beta rays which are utilised for the treatment of tumours.

Z Zalcitabine
A nucleoside REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBIused in the treatment of HIV, i
n combination with other
antiretroviral drugs. Serious sideeffects include the risk of peripheral NEUROP
ATHY and of pancreatitis
Zanamivir An antiviral drug (trade name Relenza) which ameliorates the sy
mptoms of INFLUENZA. It is
licensed in the United Kingdom for treating the A or B varieties, 48 hours after
the onset of symptoms. In
otherwise healthy people it reduces the duration of symptoms by around 24 hours.
It is not yet known to
what extent zanamivir can prevent complications in highrisk patients such as the
Zidovudine An antiviral drug used to treat AIDS (see AIDS/ HIV) and its
related conditions, such as
pneumocystis PNEUMONIA. The drug slows down the growth of human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) but does not
cure the disease. It may be given intravenously or by mouth. Also called AZT, zi
dovudine has been in use
since 1987, and it works by blocking the ENZYME that stimulates HIV to grow and
multiply. It may cause
ANAEMIA so regular blood tests are necessary.
Zinc A metal, several salts of which are used in medicine for external a
pplication. It is essential for
growth and development in animals and plants. The average human body contains a
total of 1 2 grams, and
most human diets contain 1015 mg. In human beings, deficiency of zinc results in
lack of growth, slow
sexual development and ANAEMIA. Deficiency is also associated with a skin disord
er known as acrodermatitis
Uses Zinc chloride is a powerful caustic and astringent which, combined
with zinc sulphate, is used as
an astringent mouthwash. Zinc sulphate is also used in the form of eyedrops in t
he treatment of certain
forms of conjunctivitis (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF). Zinc oxide, zinc stearate
, and zinc carbonate
are made up in dusting powders, in ointments, in paste bandages or suspe
nded in water as lotions for
the astringent action they exert upon abraded surfaces of the skin. Zinc and cas
tor oil ointment of the
British Pharmacopoeia is a welltried treatment for nappy rash. Zinc undecenoate
is used as an ointment and
as a dustingpowder in the treatment of RINGWORM.
ZollingerEllison Syndrome A rare disorder in which severe peptic ulcers
recur in the stomach and
duodenum (see DUODENAL ULCER; STOMACH, DISEASES OF). It is caused by a tumour in
the PANCREAS that produces
a hormone, GASTRIN, which stimulates the stomach and duodenum to produce excess
acid: this causes

ulceration. Treatment is by surgery.

Zona and Zoster Two names for the eruption popularly known as shingles.
Zonulolysis The process whereby the zonule (see EYE) is dissolved by an
ENZYME (chymotrypsin) as part
of intracapsular cataract surgery. Once the zonule has been dissolved the catara
ct can be lifted out of the
eye. (See EYE, DISORDERS OF Cataract.)
Zoonoses Animal diseases which can
ore than 150 infections of
domestic and wild vertebrates which can be
ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE), bovine tuberculosis,

be transmitted to humans. There are m

transmitted in this way, including BO

Zygoma Or zygomatic bone. The name given to a bridge of bone formed by t

he union of a process from the
temporal bone in the skull with one from the malar (cheek) bone. It lies in the
region of the temple, gives
attachment to the powerful masseter muscle which moves the lower jaw, and forms
a protection to the side of
the head.
Zygote This is the cell produced when an OVUM is fertilised by a SPERMAT
OZOON. A zygote contains all
the hereditary material for a new individual: half comes from the sperm and half
from the

782 Zymolysis
Fertilisation of the female ovum by the male sperm cell to form the zygo
ovum. After passing down the Fallopian tube, when the zygote starts divi
ding, it becomes implanted in
the UTERUS and develops into an EMBRYO.
Zymolysis The mechanism of fermentation initiated by an ENZYME during DI

APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID This appendix is designed to cover the basic princip
les involved in the

immediate treatment of some common emergencies. It is not comprehensive, and any

one wishing to become

proficient at first aid should attend a course run by a reputable organisation s

uch as the British Red

Cross, St John Ambulance, and the St Andrews Ambulance Association. A knowledge o

f first aid can be of

great practical value whether at home, at work or when travelling. On occasions

its prompt application may

save someones life or lessen the potential harm of an accident. Firstaid treatme
nt in an emergency is

intended: to preserve life and stop the victims condition from deteriorating. to
help recovery and save

the victim from further harm. to make the casualty as comfortable as possible an
d reassure him/her and the

family. to assess the events surrounding the illness or accident so that relevan
t facts can be given to a

doctor, nurse or paramedical staff. No ill or badly injured person should be mov
ed without skilled

assistance especially if a neck or spinal injury is suspected unless the individ

uals life is in

immediate danger from the surroundings (e.g. a fire). He or she should be kept w
arm; constricting clothing

should be loosened; and a clear airway should be established, with any false tee
th removed.

Bleeding This may occur from arteries, veins or capillary beds. The form
er is easily recognised as the
blood tends to spurt from the wound at the same rate as the pulse; with the latt
er two types the blood
tends to flow from the wound. Minor bleeding is usually treated in the home by t
he application of bandages,
etc. However, the basic principles of treatment for major haemorrhages may be ap
plied. Pressure should be
applied to the bleeding point, via gauze or a clean piece of cloth if available,
firmly enough to stop the
flow of blood. With the pressure applied, the wound should be raised above the l
evel of the heart. The
patient should then be transferred to a place where medical care is available. I
f the loss of blood is
severe enough for the victim to have become shocked (see SHOCK), he or she shoul
d be laid flat with the
legs raised, if possible. (See also HAEMORRHAGE.)
Burns and scalds Burns can be caused by
dry heat, severe cold, corrosive materials, radiation (including rays fr
om the sun) and friction (such
as results from a body sliding along a road surface after a motorcycle accident)
. Scalds are caused by hot
fluids or steam. Burns and scalds may be associated with other injuries caused,
say, by an escape from a
burning building, a road traffic accident or an explosion: casualties should the
refore be examined for
other injuries. Most burns and scalds affect the skin, and the area(s) and site(
s) of skin damaged are
important in assessing a victims condition. Muscles and other tissues may be dama
ged by burns, and
inhalation of smoke or fumes may damage the linings of the mouth, throat and lun
gs. Shock, sometimes
severe, is common the result of pain and loss of body fluids. All but the most m
inor burns should be seen
by a doctor, as it is difficult to assess the severity of the burn immediately a
fter it occurs. If the
person or his or her clothing is actually on fire, then the first move must be t
o smother the flames by
covering them with a blanket or coat, for example and patting out the flames witho
ut sustaining burns
yourself. Many burns, however, are caused by hot liquids, hot gases, flashes fro
m explosions or contact
with a very hot object so that the person is not actually on fire. The treatment
for all these burns is the
same to remove any clothing over the affected area, if possible, and to put the
affected area under cold
running water until the pain has stopped or the ambulance has arrived (the cold
water should be applied for
several minutes, as cooling of the tissues, particularly the deeper layers of th
e skin, will limit the
extent of the burn). The burn should be left exposed or covered with a piece of
clean wet linen (e.g. a
pillowcase), for the transfer to hospital. No lotions or potions should be appli

ed to the burn until it has

been seen by a doctor or a nurse. (See also main dictionary entry for BURNS AND

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