The Mysteries of Easter Island

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The Mysteries of Easter Island:

A Proposal to Investigate and Possibly Uncover Significant New Evidence

Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D. Gary Baddeley

Boston University President, The Disinformation Company


Easter Island is emblematic of ancient mysteries. The island remained bathed in secrecy, unknown
Located in the remote South Pacific just below to the Western world until its discovery by Jacob
the Tropic of Capricorn some 3,700 kilometers Roggeveen on Easter Sunday, 1722. The giant
(2300 miles) west of mainland Chile and over stone sculpted heads and torsos, known as moai,
2,000 kilometers (over 1200 miles) from any that are found in the hundreds on the island are
other inhabited island, it is often considered the megalithic mysteries. Enormous in size – erected
most remote location on Earth. Also known as moai are up to 10 meters (33 feet) tall and
Rapa Nui, Isla de Pascua, and Te Pito Te Henua, weigh up to 75 tons or more, and an unfinished
the latter name has been translated as “the navel moai is some 21 meters (69 feet) long with an
of the world,” “navel and uterus,” or “ends of the estimated weight of over 250 tons – they boggle
land,” apparently referring to both the isolation the imagination. How and why were they carved?
of the island, and the volcanic craters that By whom and when? These are still unanswered
compose it. The island is triangular in shape, and questions; to this day the moai have eluded our
so small that one can walk around its entire coast best efforts to truly decipher their meaning.
in less than two days. But, within this perimeter
mysteries abound.

the Easter Islanders deforested their land and
consequently brought environmental devastation
to their tiny island, ultimately sparking tribal
warfare, an impoverished society, and even
cannibalism. But does this story, which in
recent decades has gained wide circulation in
both scientific and popular circles, really stand
up to scrutiny? A clear analysis of the evidence
does not convincingly support the “natives
destroyed their environment” scenario (Benny
Peiser, “From Geonocide to Ecocide: The Rape
of Rapa Nui.” Energy and Environment, vol. 16,
nos. 3 & 4, pp. 513-539 [2005]). Rather, this may
simply be a Western myth that both masks the
The standard modern “solution” to the enigma destruction brought to the island and its culture
of Easter Island is that the earliest of the by European contact (which included notorious
hundreds of moai were constructed, beginning slave raids and effective genocide) and denies the
around a thousand to 1500 years ago, when the true magnificence, antiquity, and high cultural
first Polynesian settlers arrived on Easter Island, and technological achievements of Easter Island
and moai carving continued until around the civilization.
seventeenth century, ceasing shortly prior to
European contact. The moai, according to this It was with such thoughts in mind that in January
scenario, were essentially part of an ancestor and 2010 we undertook a short reconnaissance
burial cult. The production excursion to Easter Island to look into the
of moai ceased as mysteries for ourselves.


Exploring Easter Island first-hand, we quickly

became convinced that the standard explanation
for the remarkable indigenous civilization on the
island does not necessarily hold up under detailed
examination. Here we outline just a few of the
open questions we have, based on our original
research, which we will address further in a full-
fledged research expedition.

1) The chronology and dating of the moai.

The standard story of Easter Island does not detail

the relative dating of the various moai, and in fact
relegates all of these statues to a fairly late time
period, on the order of approximately a thousand
to 1500 years ago at the most. Not only does sedimentation around the statues
suggest a longer and different chronology
Studying the moai with a geological eye, Schoch than conventionally accepted, but so too do
was particularly impressed by the varying degrees weathering and erosion patterns, and stylistic
of weathering and erosion seen on different moai, considerations. Although on one level most of the
which could be telltale signs of major discrepancies moai are stylistically similar and even stereotypic,
in their ages. The levels of sedimentation around at another level each is unique and they could,
certain moai also impressed him. Some moai have Schoch believes, be categorized according to
been buried in up to an estimated six meters stylistic considerations. The moai should, in
(20 feet) of sediment, or more, such that even addition, be sorted according to lithology (stone
though they are standing erect, only their chins type) as well as weathering and erosion levels
and heads are above the current ground level. (taking orientation and relative exposure to the
Such high levels of sedimentation could occur elements into account). Another key to solving
quickly, for instance, if there were catastrophic the problem will be to compare weathering,
landslides or mudflows, but Schoch could not find erosion, and sedimentation rates in historical
any such evidence (and landslides would tend to times. Schoch has begun to gather photographs
shift and knock over the tall statues). Rather, to of various moai and landforms on Easter Island
his eye, the sedimentation around certain moai taken over the last 130 years so as to compare
suggests a much more extreme antiquity than them geologically to their conditions today, and in
most conventional archaeologists and historians this way attempt to get a quantitative handle on
believe to be the case. weathering, erosion, and sedimentation rates.

Even on our preliminary reconnaissance trip volcanic tuffs, are well exposed and still contain
Schoch found evidence that the earliest moai may partially carved moai in place. We inspected these
have differed materially from the later moai. The quarries carefully. However, the quarries where
earliest moai appear to have been more finely the few basalt moai were carved have never been
worked from harder basalts, compared to the definitively located, despite the small size of the
volcanic tuffs of most moai, which date to later island. Based on the geology of Easter Island,
periods. The few surviving basalt moai have been Schoch expects that any suitable basalt deposits
found at deeper stratigraphic levels below other would occur lower in the stratigraphic section,
moai and the platforms upon which they were so low in fact that they might currently be under
erected, or were reused in later structures—thus sea level off the coast of the island. That is, the
indicating the basalt moai are among the earliest basalt quarries might be under water. How could
on the island. Furthermore, at least one this be? It is difficult to conceive that the ancient
of the basalt moai (now housed in the Easter Islanders were quarrying rock below sea
museum on Easter Island) is of a very level. Alternatively, Schoch hypothesizes, the
strange form; with an elongated head “lost basalt quarries” might be under sea level now
and well-defined breasts it is often because they are of extreme antiquity, and thus
considered a female while virtually all the basalt moai carved from them are extremely
other moai are apparently males. ancient. Sea levels have risen dramatically since
the end of the last ice age, some ten thousand
Another major puzzle, which is directly or more years ago, and if the basalt moai were
applicable to the chronology and dating quarried along the coast of Easter Island from
of the moai, is the matter of where areas since inundated by the sea, this could
various moai were quarried. Quarries help to date the basalt moai, and is immediately
on the rim of the volcanic crater, suggestive that they are thousands of years older
where large moai were carved from the than conventionally believed to be the case.

The key to solving the puzzle of the basalt moai A fascinating Easter Island legend relates that one
is to locate the quarries. If they are found under of the founders, King Hotu-Matua, came from a
water along the coast, their depth and geological land called Hiva that was said to be slowly sinking
setting will shed light on their age, and could below the sea. Is this suggestive of a people fleeing
lead to a major revolution in our thinking about rising sea levels, perhaps thousands of years ago at
the age, origin, importance, and sophistication the end of the last ice age when sea levels were
of Easter Island culture. For one thing, while the rising worldwide? Was the initial colonization of
later standard moai carved of volcanic tuffs could Easter Island prior to the final, highest, post-ice
be relatively easily cut out of the rock using age rises in sea level, such that when first colonized
primitive tools found in abundance on the island, it was a larger and more prominent island? Such
the same cannot be said for the apparently earlier a scenario would be compatible with the early
and more sophisticated basalt moai, which may carving of basalt moai from quarries along the
have formed the model and set the standard for coast that have since been submerged.
the later volcanic tuffs moai.
It is already more than pure speculation that the
basalt moai may have been quarried from areas
that are now under water. While on the island we
heard of reports that when Jacques-Yves Cousteau
and his divers visited the island they came across
some very rectangular looking holes or cavities
in the basalt layers located off the coast. Could
these indeed be ancient quarries? While on Easter
Island during January 2010 we began to track
down leads as to divers, still on the island, that
were with Cousteau’s team and are willing and
able to take us to these sites. We plan to dive and
explore the possible quarries for ourselves on our
return to the island.

2) How were the moai carved and moved? and forth on their bases, thus moving them from
one place to another – that is, they “walked.” But
To this day, no one is absolutely certain as was this really or always the case?
to how the moai were transported. As Francis
Mazière has perceptively pointed out, “One of Another widespread Easter Island tradition is
the great problems that dominate Easter Island that the moai were transported by “mana,” that
archaeologically is the question of how the statues is by supernatural forces or powers. As Katherine
were moved to the ahu [ceremonial platforms Routledge wrote in The Mystery of Easter Island
upon which they were erected], some of which (1919, p. 198):
are miles from the quarry. This problem has never
been solved, and even the work of the Norwegian “The natives are sometimes prepared to state that
expedition of 1956 brought no answer, for [Thor] the statues were thrown down by human means,
Heyerdahl’s attempt at moving a moai was in no they never have doubt that they were moved by
way conclusive for . . . it was one of the smallest, supernatural power. We were once inspecting an
and because it was dragged along by means of ropes ahu built on a natural eminence, one side was
over a very particular ground that exists nowhere sheer cliff, the other was a slope of 29 feet [9
on the island except at Anakena—sandy ground meters], as steep as a house roof, near the top
without any rocks sticking out of it” (Mysteries of a statue was lying. The most intelligent of our
Easter Island, 1968, p. 133). guides turned to me significantly. ‘Do you
mean to tell me,’ he said, ‘that that
Some traditional Easter Island legends was not done by mana.’ ”
state that the moai “walked” from the
quarry to their final locations. This has
been interpreted as indicating that
the statues were raised upright and
then pivoted or rocked back

The concept of “mana” is not generally considered ceremonial platforms have been pointed to as
scientific and thus is simply dismissed by most being more “South American” than “Polynesian,”
Western archaeologists and historians, but does as has an anomalous kneeling moai excavated
it mask something we do not know? Perhaps a by Heyerdahl’s archaeological team in the 1950s
profound mystery that has yet to be uncovered? (almost all other moai are apparently “standing”
On our return expedition to the island we plan to rather than kneeling, but actually lack legs).
conduct more research, including
both interviews with natives who
have retained some of the oral
traditions and geological and
engineering analyses of the actual
statues, to address further the
mystery of how the statues were
moved and erected.

A possibility that is rarely discussed but should

be considered is that various cultural traits
originated on Easter Island and spread both west,
to Polynesia proper, and east, to South America.
3) The origin or origins of the Easter Islanders. This hypothesis would be strengthened if it can
be shown that Easter Island civilization has an
The origin or origins, and history, of the Easter extreme antiquity and dates back to a time when
Islanders prior to European contact remains sea levels were lower (as discussed above) and
shrouded in mystery. Most archaeologists and the island was geographically larger and more
ethnologists concur that there are strong prominent.
Polynesian influences in known Easter Island
culture, but others, most notably the late Adding to the enigma is the distinct possibility
Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl (see the that Easter Island was “discovered” and colonized
summary in his book Easter Island: The Mystery by two or more peoples or races in pre-European
Solved, 1989), have argued that there were contact times. Persistent local legends recount
at least some South American elements and that there were two groups on the island, referred
influences in native Rapa Nui culture. For instance, to as the Hanau Eepe and the Hanau Momoko.
various building techniques used in some of the These have been translated into English as the

long-ears (referring, apparently, to the artificially
distended or elongated earlobes) and short-ears
respectively, but the terms might also refer to
“stout” or “big” versus “normal” size. According
to some traditions and interpretations, the Hanau
Eepe were also characterized by lighter skin tones
and sometimes-red hair, as opposed to the darker
Hanau Momoko. Certain traditions relate that
the Hanau Eepe brought moai carving and other
civilized arts to Easter Island, and they generally
dominated, and even enslaved, the Hanau 4) Legends of giants.
Momoko. This situation ended when the Hanau
Momoko rebelled against their masters, drove the Not only did the native Easter Islanders have
Hanau Eepe to one corner of the island, and in persistent legends of “long-ears” and “short-
an epic battle all or almost all (traditions vary) of ears,” apparently two different races on the
the Hanau Eepe were killed. island, one of which may have been larger than
normal, but there is independent evidence that a
On a return expedition to Easter Island we relict population of tall or large-stature people,
plan to explore the evidence for more than one “giants,” may have inhabited the island and even
population or racial type in detail, looking at lived until historical times.
not only the legends, but also such aspects as
the physical anthropology (including analyses of C. F. Behrens, who accompanied J. Roggeveen
human remains) and the artwork (most notably, on the voyage that marks the generally accepted
the moai). Geological features of Easter Island also European discovery of Easter Island in 1722,
pertain to this issue, and Schoch in particular will reported that “. . .with truth, I might say that these
look at them with a critical and informed eye. For savages are all of more than gigantic size. The men
instance, the legends recount specific locations are tall and broad in proportion, averaging 12 feet
and features on the island where major events in height. Surprising as it may appear, the tallest
took place, such as the epic battle between the men on board of our ship could pass between the
long-ears and the short-ears at the so-called legs of these children of Goliath without bending
“Poike ditch.” This is a huge ditch, over a mile the head. The women can not compare in stature
long (over 1.6 kilometers long), that according with the men, as they are commonly not above 10
to tradition was artificially excavated as part of a feet high” (quoted in William J. Thomson. Te Pito
defensive fortification. To this day archaeologists Te Henua, or Easter Island. Report of the National
and historians cannot agree on the exact nature of Museum (Smithsonian Institution) for 1888-89.
the ditch – natural or artificial – or its importance Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office,
and implications. Fresh geological analysis may 1891, p. 462). What do we make of such a report?
shed light on this mystery. Could this be real?

Interestingly seventeenth-century European verbally promised that on a return expedition we
explorers and traders in the area of modern can count on being given the locations of these
Indonesia described reports of a diminutive caves so that we can study the bones for ourselves
people. Recently a new species of humans, Homo (while paying all due respect to the graves of the
floresiensis, popularly referred to as “hobbits,” has ancestors of current Easter Islanders).
been found in this region. H. floresiensis is based
on sub-fossil remains from the end of the last
ice age, as young as 12,000 years ago. However,
some serious researchers have hypothesized that
hobbits survived until at least the seventeenth
century as a relict population. Likewise, could
the Dutch reports of Easter Island be factual?
Stories of “giants” are reported in sacred texts,
myths, and legends around the world. Might
these legends have a basis in fact? Might a relict
population of “giants” have survived on Easter
Island up until European contact?
The discovery of solid physical evidence for “giants”
As part of our return expedition on Easter Island will revolutionize our thinking
to Easter Island we plan to search about the ancient past, bearing new light on many
for possible physical evidence of myths and legends, and force us to rethink the
such “giants.” Ancient bones development of humans through time.
already collected and now housed
in museums will be analyzed,
and we will undertake first-hand
explorations in various caves
on the island that are
reported to contain ancient
human bones. Indeed,
on our reconnaissance
trip to Easter Island
we interviewed native
islanders who reported
seeing “huge” and
“giant” human bones,
including what one described
as a “giant femur,” in
certain secluded caves on
the island. We have been

5) Petroglyphs, birdmen, and the Easter Island Powerful plasma phenomena occur in space,
script. forming various diagnostic configurations. Some
look like intertwining snakes or pieces of rope,
Not only is Easter Island well known for its others like spirals or circles with short jets or
gigantic moai, but also for its carvings on stones streamers coming off of them (sort of like a
and boulders, the petroglyphs (see Georgia Lee, biblical crown of thorns), others look like spokes
The Rock Art of Easter Island, 1992). Many of and wheels, and still others like crude human-
these petroglyphs are of so-called birdmen and like stick figures. In fact, plasma columns often
apparently relate to the birdman competitions. expand in places and form donut shapes and cup
Persisting into the nineteenth century, this shapes, and become narrow at other points (due
consisted of an annual display of skill and to what are known as “pinch instabilities”). In
endurance as competitors swam to a small island profile these plasma columns can look remarkably
(islet) off of the main island and vied to be the like human stick figures, often with an upper cup
first of the season to acquire an egg from the shape (head) that has the appearance of a bird
migratory seabird, the Sooty Tern. The winner and in profile – perhaps giving rise to the “birdman”
his clan were conferred with prestige and power concept. Peratt, when he first saw various
for the following year. But was there something ancient petroglyphs, was struck by the fact that
more underlying the birdman competition and so many of them appear to mimic the plasma
its associated petroglyphs? Did the competition configurations.
originate with some long forgotten event in
the deep past, and did the final forms it took
represent a degenerate version of a once more
profound ceremony?

Plasma and Petroglyph illustrations courtesy of Dr. Anthony L. Peratt; reprinted with permission
Los Alamos National Laboratory physicist Dr.

from IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 31, pages 1200 & 1204 (December 2003).
Anthony L. Peratt, a specialist in plasma physics,
has undertaken studies of ancient petroglyphs.
Plasma, sometimes referred to as the fourth state
of matter (the other three are solids, liquids,
and gases), basically consists of ions (electrically
charged atoms or particles) and is perhaps
most familiar in such forms as lightning, fire,
or the glowing stuff in a neon tube. Auroras,
the northern and southern polar lights, are
also the result of plasma phenomena, caused
by interactions between the solar wind (plasma
emitted by the Sun) and Earth’s magnetic field
and magnetosphere.

Peratt and his team of researchers have been By the late nineteenth century, apparently
documenting the occurrence of ancient petroglyphs none of the natives could genuinely read the
around the world that appear to represent plasma rongorongo script and to this day no one has
configurations (see Institute of Electrical & Electronic put forth a convincing decipherment. There is
Engineers Transactions on Plasma Science, December no agreement as to the origins of rongorongo, or
2003 and August 2007). But how do they explain how far back in time it may go. Some scholars
these plasma configurations apparently recorded by suggest that it was invented on Easter Island
ancient peoples in the form of petroglyphs? Today during the late eighteenth century in imitation of
the auroras are seen only at very high latitudes, European writing the natives had observed. Others
and apparently with none of the strength (resulting believe that rongorongo traces its ancestry back
in the stick-man shaped configurations) recorded thousands of years, even if all of the surviving
in ancient times. Peratt suggests that there was wooden tablets are at most a couple of hundred
a major solar plasma outburst thousands of years years old. Indeed, those that survive could simply
ago. Earth may have been subject to, and bathed be copies of copies of copies of copies . . . It could
in, solar plasma winds ten times to one hundred be that copyists, for many centuries, were not
times the strength of current solar winds! even able to read the script, but piously copied
and recopied something that they knew was
Peratt and his team have done a quick analysis of important and held in reverence.
the positions of the major petroglyphs on Easter
Island, concluding that they are all located with
a southern field of view of the sky, the direction
where they believe ancient plasma outbursts
would be observed.

Related to the petroglyphs of Easter Island is the

famous Easter Island script. European missionaries of
the nineteenth century discovered among the Easter
Islanders numerous wooden tablets covered with a
strange hieroglyphic-like script, known generally as
rongorongo (“lines of inscriptions for recitation”).
Unfortunately the Christian missionaries, attempting
to separate their new converts from old pagan ways,
convinced the Easter Islanders to burn and destroy
almost all of the rongorongo tablets. Today just
upwards of two dozen remain.

Far from being an indigenous creation of the Finding and Publicizing the
Easter Islanders, some researchers suggest that Answers
the rongorongo script originated in parts of
Polynesia well west of Easter Island, or perhaps We are in the planning stages for a full-scale return
even in China. Others look to South America for its expedition to Easter Island. On the island, through
origins. Still others have seen similarities between original field exploration, we will address the various
rongorongo characters and the enigmatic ancient questions and topics listed above in a systematic
scripts of the Indus Valley civilization of modern manner, shedding new light on the enigmas of Easter
Pakistan and neighboring regions. One researcher Island. As part of a comprehensive strategy to explore
seriously suggested that rongorongo might be these mysteries, we also plan visits to various museums
related to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. to study important artifacts removed from Easter
Island. Top among such institutions is the British
Such hypotheses may be misplaced however, and Museum, London, which houses the most famous
perhaps we need to approach the rongorongo and important basalt moai, collected from Orongo
script from a different perspective. Returning on Easter Island in 1868, and the Museo Nacional de
to Peratt’s work correlating the Easter Island Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile, which houses three
petroglyphs with plasma displays in the sky, it original rongorongo tablets from Easter Island.
may be that the rongorongo texts record similar
events in more detail. As part of our expedition Our goal is to ultimately publish our research in book
and research, we will further analyze the Easter form and to produce a documentary film for television
Island petroglyphs in the field, either confirming and further distribution via The Disinformation
or refuting Peratt’s hypothesis. In conjunction, we Company’s home entertainment division.
will be incorporating and integrating a systematic
analysis of the rongorongo into our studies. Already The Investigative Team
we have tantalizing circumstantial evidence that
there may be some truth to this interpretation of A small team will be led by Schoch and Baddeley,
the petroglyphs and rongorongo script. There are whose biographies are given below. Dr. Schoch will
Easter Island legends that reference the sky as supervise and lead all research and investigative
having “fallen” and a name sometimes reportedly activities, while Mr. Baddeley will head up the
applied to Easter Island is Matakiterani, or “eyes small film crew and act as producer of the entire
gazing at the sky.” investigation, arranging the various dives, cave
explorations, and interviews with Easter Island
Once properly understood, the rongorongo tablets elders and officials.
may hold a vital key to decoding and understanding
ancient cataclysmic changes on our planet, as In addition to Messrs. Schoch and Baddeley, we
recorded around the world in the legends and plan to take with us a director of photography, a
mythologies of one ancient culture after another, translator/fixer, and a geological field assistant.
which had a profound affect on the development We will hire a van and driver on island and will
of human consciousness and civilization. engage boat and pilot and divers as needed.

We have already assembled a list of potential Biographies
candidates for each position. We believe our team
to be uniquely qualified to undertake and head- Dr. Schoch, currently a
up such a research and publishing/film venture. tenured faculty member
at Boston University,
During our January 2010 reconnaissance trip to received his Ph.D.
Easter Island we were also able to make important in geology and
local contacts that will enable us to pursue further geophysics from
research. We have secured the support of key Yale University
contacts in the Chilean government to permit our in 1983. He is the
studies to take place. Schoch not only met with author or coauthor of
the current governor and mayor, but we came to numerous articles and various books, from technical
know two former governors of the island, one of books such as Stratigraphy: Principles and Methods,
whom is also a leading archaeologist of Easter the textbook Environmental Science: Systems and
Island and the effective originator and former Solutions, and authoritative trade books such as
director of the island’s archaeological museum Pyramid Quest. For the last two decades Schoch
(Museo Antropoloógico Padre Sebastián Englert). has been actively involved in the study of ancient
We made it a point to speak with and befriend cultures, and is perhaps most famous for shedding
various local residents on Easter Island, many of new light on the true dating and history of the
whom, once they understood our deep interest in Great Sphinx of Egypt by the application of
Easter Island history and culture, opened up and geological techniques (his work was featured in
were willing to share their knowledge. As part of the Emmy-winning documentary The Mystery of
our reconnaissance trip, we hired a boat to take the Sphinx, which first aired on NBC and has been
us to one of the small islets, and in the process seen by tens of millions of viewers). He has studied
made the acquaintance of a skilled local diver who ancient monuments across the globe, including in
promised to assist us on our return expedition. Peru, Wales, Bosnia, and Japan. Schoch’s specialties
On a personal but not unrelated note, Schoch was are sedimentation, weathering, and erosion, which
actually married on Easter Island. Thus, we have will be critical to the unraveling of the chronology
contacts to take us to various caves, small islands and history of the moai on Easter Island. He is also
(islets) off the main island, and other areas that are experienced in speology (caving) and diving (he
inaccessible to the typical non-Easter Islander. is well known for his underwater studies of the
structures off the coast of Yonaguni, Japan). In
addition to his formal training in geology, Schoch
holds a degree in anthropology, is well versed in
comparative mythology and religion, and is a
trained comparative anatomist (he has described
several fossil species that were new to science). All
of these talents will serve well in sorting through
and solving the enigmas of Easter Island.

Gary Baddeley is President/CEO of The of Mankind, Robert Bauval’s The Egypt Code,
Disinformation Company. Prior to founding Above Top Secret by Jim Marrs and the massive
the company in 1997, Mr. Baddeley was VP/ disinformation® anthology series including
GM of Robbins Entertainment, a joint venture Everything You Know Is Wrong and You Are Being
recording company with BMG Entertainment. He Lied To.
began his career in the entertainment industry
as an attorney with Phillips Nizer LLP, where he TDC is recognized for acquiring and distributing
represented clients in the television and music on home video all the political documentaries of
industries from 1990-1996. He has a JD from New Robert Greenwald, including Outfoxed: Rupert
York University School of Law and B.Sc. (Hons) Murdoch’s War On Journalism, Wal-Mart: The High
from Kingston University. A British citizen, he Cost of Low Price, Uncovered: The Whole Truth About
has lived in New York City for over 20 years. Mr. The Iraq War and Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers.
Baddeley produced the Disinformation television TDC is the home video distributor of Michael
series (Channel 4 UK) for two seasons and has Moore’s Slacker Uprising, Ian Inaba’s Sundance-
produced films including 2012: Award winning American Blackout,  Greg Palast’s
Science or Superstition Bush Family Fortunes and the Emmy-Award
and  Da Vinci Code nominee The Cult of the Suicide Bomber starring
Decoded. He handles Robert Baer, among many others. A recent catalog
all film and book may be reviewed as a PDF here: http://www.
acquisitions for The
Budget and Timeline
The Disinformation Company (“TDC”) is an
established independent book publisher and home The project budget is available upon request. We
video specialist in North America distributing its hope to conduct the expedition as early as the
books and films to retail and wholesale, online summer of 2010. The exact dates of the expedition
and in stores, to all the major outlets throughout are dependent on a number of factors, including
the US and Canada (such as Best Buy, Barnes the completion of fundraising; Dr. Schoch and Mr.
& Noble,, Netflix, Blockbuster, Baddeley’s other professional commitments; and
Borders, Hastings, Apple, etc.), as well as to the availability of important Easter Island-based
libraries and academic institutions. TDC’s focus is contacts and interviewees.
on issue-oriented books and films exploring both
modern culture and ancient civilizations. TDC also
operates the popular alternative news website at

Books published by TDC include Graham Hancock’s

Supernatural: Meetings With the Ancient Teachers

Funding Opportunities,
Participation, and

A variety of levels of participation are invited.

We plan to use the online fundraising company

Kickstarter ( to manage
financial contributions, starting from as little as
$50 and going up to $5,000+. Those contributing
via Kickstarter make a pledge of funds that is only
called upon should we reach our fundraising goal
by the elected cutoff date. The contributors receive
a variety of rewards and recognition, depending
on the level of funding. The Disinformation
Company has raised funds for film production
using Kickstarter successfully in the past.

In addition, we will offer custom funding and

participation packages, up to and including the
opportunity to join the investigative team on
Easter Island for some or all of the expedition.

Corporate sponsorship of the expedition is also


While The Disinformation Company is very capable

of publishing a book and producing a film about
the expedition’s findings, we are also open to
discussing the pre-sale of distribution rights in
North America and worldwide.

Contact Information

Prospective sponsors are invited to contact us via

The Disinformation Company Ltd.’s online contact


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