Class XII Foundry Practical Manual

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The document discusses various mechanical testing procedures like tensile testing, hardness testing and impact testing that are commonly performed on casted materials.

The document discusses properties like tensile strength, yield strength, elongation and hardness.

The Charpy test specimens are held rigidly at both ends while the Izod test specimen is held fixed at one end like a cantilever beam. The impact location is also different between the two tests.

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Practical Manual
Class XII



Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Title : Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

CBSE, Delhi 110301
[Paper used : 80 GSM CBSE Watermark Maplitho Paper]
Price : Rs. 120/-

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Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Experiment: 1

Visit to Foundry shop

Experiment: 2

Moulding practice in the Foundry


Moulding Practice


Inspection of Mould and Core

Experiment: 3

Melting Furnaces in the Foundry



Furnace description general



Furnaces for production of castings Report on


Experiment: 4

Laboratory Demonstration of Melting and Solidification



Laboratory requirement



Melting Procedure



Melting of metals of low melting point


Experiment: 5

Mechanical Testing of Castings



Hardness Testing



Tensile Testing


Impact Testing




Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

The Indian Foundry (Metal Casting) Industry is 2nd largest globally. The industry
growth in 2010-11 was more than 20% and employs approximately 500,000 people
directly and another 1.5 Million indirectly.
Metal castings is the process of melting the metals of different specification and
alloys and pouring in cavities (Moulds) to give desired shapes of the final component
as per required application.These components are ready to use either as it is or after
machining as the case may be.Castings are made in various metallurgies such as grey
iron, ductile iron, steel, aluminium and its alloys, zinc, magnesium and copper alloys
etc.and then heat treated and machined as required as peruse and application of the
Government of India has ambitious plans to boost share of manufacturing in the
GDP to 25% from present 15-16% , the industry is likely tobe driven by huge demand
from various industrial sectors which will create an additional demand for 200,000
-250,000 skilled workforce in foundry industry at various levels in next five years. The
foundry industry is facing acute shortage of skilled manpower and this shortage is
likely to compound in next 5 years.
To address the problem of skilled manpower across various industrial sectors, CBSE
has undertaken the ambitious project of introducing competency based Vocational
Education in its affiliated schools. Taking cue from this need, a new course on Foundry
Technology is being launched in cooperation with the Institute of Indian Foundrymen
(IIF); that will help students to join the industry after Class XII or they can pursue higher
education in this field.
The Board is grateful to the members of the Committee of Course for their advice,
guidance and total commitment towards development of this course. We are indeed
indebted to these academic advisors who have lent us the benefit of their rich and
insightful experience. I would like to appreciate Vocational EducationCell, CBSE; for
coordinating and successfully completing the work.
Vineet Joshi
Chairman, CBSE

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


1. Sh. Vineet Joshi, Chairman, CBSE
2. Sh. M.V.V. Prasada Rao, Director (Vocational and Edusat), CBSE

Editing & Coordination:

1. Dr. Biswajit Saha, Assoicate Professor &Programme Officer, (Vocational
Education) CBSE.
2. Ms. Swati Gupta, Assistant Professor & Assistant Programme Officer,
(Vocational Education), CBSE.

Material Production Group:

1. Dr. M Arasu, HOD, Foundary Tech., PSG Polytechnic College Coimbatore Convener.
2. Dr. Pratha Sakha Banerjee, Bengal Engg., and Science University, Shibpur,
3. Dr. Amitesh Kumar, Associate Prof., Dept. of Foundary Tech. National
Institute of Foundary of Forge Tech., Hatia, Ranchi.
4. Sri Suman Roy; Faculty, APC Polytechnic; 188, Raja S.C.Mullick Road,
Jadavpur, Kolkata

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN

SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens :

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the2 unity and integrity of the Nation;
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT,

Subs, by the Constitution (Forty-Second Amendment) Act. 1976, sec. 2, for "Sovereign Democratic Republic (w.e.f. 3.1.1977)


Subs, by the Constitution (Forty-Second Amendment) Act. 1976, sec. 2, for "unity of the Nation (w.e.f. 3.1.1977)


Chapter IV A

Fundamental Duties - It shall be the duty of every citizen of India(a)

to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National


to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;


to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;


to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;


to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending
religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of


to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;


to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wild life and to have
compassion for living creatures;


to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;


to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;


to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly
rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement;

(k) to provide opportunities for education to his/her child or, as the case may be, ward between age of 6 and
14 years.


Subs, by the Constitution (Eighty-Sixth Amendment) Act. 2002.

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Exp No. Experiment Name


Key Learning Objectives

Visit to Foundry shop

18 Periods

Understand the layout of foundry

Identification of major machines and
equipments used in foundry
Raw materials used in the foundry
Understand the concept of major industrial
activities in the foundry.
Identification of the various casting

Moulding practice in
the Foundry

12 Periods

Understand the different proportions of

mould ingredients
Preparation of sand systems.
Selection of parting line.
Placement of pattern
Ramming of sand around pattern.
Preparation of mould
Visual inspection of mould
Hardness of mould at different locations
Closing of mould.

Melting Furnaces in
the Foundry

10 Periods

Different kind of furnaces used in the

Fuels requirement for different kind of
Operation of different kind of furnace
Application of each furnace
Safety measure during operation of
Construction of furnace

of Melting and

10 Periods

Mechanical Testing of 10 Periods


Melting procedures
Cooling of molten material
Selection of melting furnace
Heating rate

Preparation of test samples from the

Dimension of the test specimen
Data collection during testing
Observation and analysis of data


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Learning Plan




Experiment 1

Visit to a foundry, layout of foundry Literatures,

shop, report on casting quality Inspection report
control and diagnosis of defects in
castings components


Experiment 2

Preparation of sand moulds using a Simple pattern, mould making tools

simple pattern, selection of parting and accessories, Mould hardness
line, location of sprue, runner, tester
ingates & risers.
Inspection of finished mould,
determination of mould hardness

Experiment 3

Preparation of schematic sketch of

Sketch of open hearth furnace,
crucible furnace, Electric Arc
Furnace and Induction furnace.
Report on shop floor tests of liquid

Experiment 4

Melting of wax, melting point of metal Crucible furnace,

like Pb, Sn and Al in a crucible, Charge materials,
pouring in a sand and metal mould Pyrometer, Spectrovac meter
and observation of features of the
cast item

Experiment 5

Mechanical Testing of Casting:

Hardness and Tensile test.
Mechanical tests for physical
properties of a casting.
Demonstration of Non- destructive

Schematic diagram of cupola

furnace, open hearth furnace,
crucible furnace, electric arc
furnace and induction furnace.
Quality control reports, Charge

Hardness Testing Machine, Tensile

testing Lachine, Impact testing
machine, Penetrants, Magnetic
particle tester, ultrasonic flaw
detector, X-ray detector, Eddy
current testing equipments.

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Experiment: 1
Visit to a foundry shop
Objective: Each student should make a Report on the visit to the foundry. The date of
visit and the name of foundry should be mentioned clearly on the first page.

Resource Material:
1. Principles of Foundry Technology By P. L. Jain

Delivery schedule: 18 periods

Student expectations/learning objective:

Understand the layout of foundry

List major machines and equipments used in foundry

Identify raw materials used in the foundry

Demonstrate major industrial activities in the foundry.

Identify various casting defects

Pre-learning required:

Safety measures of foundry

Handouts/material required/equipments & tools:

Paper sheet and pencil

The student should observe and report the following;

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

1.1 Part A
1. The main products of the foundry, the metal or alloy used such as Grey iron
foundry, steel foundry, non-ferrous metal foundry etc; weight of the largest
casting produced
2. The Layout sketch of the foundry: Layout drawing shows in plan view (i) the
enclosed area of the factory (ii) demarcation of its different sections and (iii)
the arrangements of machines in the foundry workplace. A layout sketch shows
the outline of the foundry shop and the location of pattern shop, raw material
storage area, moulding area, melting area, pouring and knock-out (fettling) area
shown as various segments within the boundary. Location of major equipment
also should be indicated in the layout drawing.
3. The melting furnace and its source of heat i) solid (coke), ii) liquid fuel plus
combustion air (with or without additional oxygen) or hydro-carbon gas with
air; or iii) electricity resistance type (usually for small furnaces) or electric arc
(direct or indirect).
4. Other major equipment in the foundry and their functions.
5. Pollution control devices / equipment if any

Part B:

Raw materials; Pattern shop, Moulding and Core making sections

The following information is to be reported:
B 1. The raw materials required in the foundry:
i. Fresh sand (purchased), if any; quantity per tonne of casting
ii. Return sand or recycled sand quantity per tonne of casting
iii. Binders used; bentonite for example; or organic binders
iv. Other additives, paints etc for mould and core making
v. Refractory materials for furnace lining and repairing
B 2. Testing of raw materials, moulding sand and core sand conducted at the foundry
The student should report the names of the tests and their purpose.

Part C:

Casting Quality control - diagnosis of casting defects and remedial measures

Observation of casting defects
The student shall observe and report:
i. How the castings are inspected visually, or with non-destructive test
ii. How the defects in the finished castings are detected - visually, or with nondestructive test methods

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


The name of the defect by asking the shop floor supervisor

Possible reason for its occurrence
Whether any testing (tensile, hardness, etc.) are carried out
The student should describe the appearance of the defect and its location

1.2 Classification of casting defects:

There are many ways the defects can be classified. Generally, simple ways to classify
the common defects are as follows:
a) Based on Location:

Based on Cause:
Raw materials
Product design
Process parameters
Process control


Based on Process:

1.3 Casting defects:

Sand fusion or burn: Too high pouring temperature can cause local sand
fusion, particularly if the metal contains oxide impurities. The factors responsible
are excessive melt temperature and impurity in the sand and slag and other
oxides the melt
(ii) Mismatch: It is very gross defect and easy to detect, since the casting shape
is distorted due to poor matching of the mould cavity in cope and drag. It is a
moulding /assembly defect.

Fig.1.1 Casting defects burn and mismatch

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

(iii) Cold lap or Cold shut: It appears as crack with round edges, bordering a shiny
area. Cold lap arise when the metal fails to flow freely over the mould surface,
mainly due to low temperature of the melt and thus low fluidity. Cold shut is more
or less the same defect, but the lines of discontinuity run deeper in the casting
where different streams of melt solidify without completely coalescing. This is
also due to low flow rate of the melt which was poured at temperature much
lower than what was required.

Fig.1.2. Casting defects: Cold shut and Flash

(iv) Flash or Fins: Extra metal as irregular-shaped thin sheet of cast metal usually
at the parting plane. This is common for both sand mould and in die casting,
where two mould halves are used. If the two halves are not closed tightly with
clamps on mould box plus weights on top of the boxes for sand casting, molten
metal can find its way through any gap between the mould halves as spillage.
This spilled metal solidifies as fin or flash.

Some defects, such as flash and mismatch are caused due to fault in assembly of
the cope and drag. Presence of gas during the last stage of solidification causes
defects on the surface or just below it, which can be seen after machining. If
the mould is too dry or too weak, loose sand from the mould wall can stick to the
casting and cause sand inclusion or sand fusion defects.

(v) Crack or Hot tear: Cracks can firm in a casting during solidification. As a melt
gradually solidifies in a mould, starting from the mould wall; volume contraction
takes place for almost all metals except Grey cast iron. Now, if the mould
geometry is complicated, or such that there is some hindrance in contraction, the
stress can cause a crack in the thin section of the metal already solidified.

Usually such cracks tend to appear in areas of the mould which freezes last, or
in other words, the areas which remain hot till the last stage. These cracks are
called Hot tear. Alloys that freeze over a long temperature range, sharp corners
or bends which causes strain in the freezing of a layer of solidified metal ; too
strong a core around which metal is freezing these are the common factors.
Such defects are typical in cast steels and aluminium alloys.

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Fig.1.3. Casting defects: Crack and Hot tear

(vi) Gas Defects: Porosity, Pin hole defects on the surface or just beneath
the surface

Gases are generated from the mould additives, mould or core paint, from
moisture or from fuels burnt during melting. They dissolve more at higher melt
temperature and dissolved gases try to escape from the melt during solidification.
If gas concentration in the melt is too high or freezing

Fig.1.4. Gas defects in castings

is too rapid or permeability of the mould is not adequate, some volume of gas
remains in the form of porosity, or round blow holes till solidification is complete.
Such gas defects, particularly in non-ferrous alloys, are observed only after
machining. So, these are costly defects since machining cost is included. A
special case is the presence of Pin-hole defects. As the name suggests, very
small holes can appear after light machining or grinding the surface. This is a
typical defect due to dissolved hydrogen gas. This defect is more common in
copper and aluminium alloys and alloy steels, which can absorb hydrogen gas
from many sources.

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Fig.1.5. Shrinkage and porosity defects

(vii) Shrinkage: Since solidification shrinkage is common to all metallic melts,
adequate feeding by risers or feeders are essential. In spite of the knowledge,
shrinkage defects still appear in castings, usually below the riser, or at heavy
section areas.
(viii) Inclusions and sand defects: Non-metallic inclusions are non-metallic impurities
present in the melt, which were trapped by the solidifying metal.

Fig.1.6. Sand inclusions and hot tear defects


List out the name of equipment and tools used in the visited foundry.
Draw the layout of that foundry.
Make the chart of raw materials used in foundry.
List the type of binders used in foundry?
List out the types of materials being cast in that foundry.
Student can draw different layout individually and discuss the advantages
and disadvantages with others layout.

Individual assessment
We recognize that students have different learning styles and needs. The following
will help students to assess their progress

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Self-Assessment/ Learning Plan

Learning objective
Safety measures of the foundry
Foundry Lay out
Foundry process
Foundry tools
Casting Defects
Raw materials used

To understand the safety norms
To know how to design a foundry shop
Knowledge of casting process
Use of those foundry tools
Operation and Use of equipment
Must understand causes and remedies
of defects in casting
Must know proportion and composition
of raw materials

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Experiment: 2
Moulding Practice in the Foundry
Objective: To learn how to make sand mix and sand mould and the inspection of
prepared sand mould.

Resource Material:
1. Principles of Foundry Technology By P. L. Jain

Delivery schedule: 12 periods

Student expectations/learning objective:

List different proportions of mould ingredients

Demonstrate preparation of sand systems.

Identify parting line.

Demonstrate placement of pattern

Understand ramming of sand around pattern.

Demonstrate preparation of mould

Identify visual inspection of mould

Understand hardness of mould at different locations

Demonstrate closing of mould.

Pre-learning required:
Theoretical knowledge of sand systems, must have knowledge of moulding tools,
preparation of sand mix, moulding procedure and finished mould inspection.

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Handouts/material required/equipments & tools:

Moulding tools, parting material, pattern, mould hardness tester

The student should observe and report the following;

2.1 Moulding practice:

Observe the pattern: Is it symmetrical about a plane or line? If so, that plane
can be a parting plane. Observe the actual practice on the shop floor for a given
pattern to justify the selection of paring line. Remember that the more critical
parts are to be located in the drag. Make a drawing of a simple pattern and select, giving a proper logic, the parting line.
Making a mould: In the Report, List the (a) equipment used hand moulding,
pneumatic rammer or machine moulding (b) the materials required for making
the moulding sand and their proportions. Report the steps in making a mould.
Adding the Feeding system in the mould: The feeding system consists of
the sprue, the runner and ingates and the risers. In match plate pattern or copeanddrag pattern, the riser and gates are already attached with the pattern.
There is logic in selecting the locations of the (i) Sprue through which liquid
metal enters the mould, (ii) the runner and gates. Runner, is cut in the mould,
usually along the parting plane between cope and drag in such a way that the
liquid metal is distributed evenly throughout the mould. The Riser(s) or the feeders which act as reservoir of liquid metal to compensate for the shrinkage during
solidification. Ingates and feeders are placed on or near such heavy sections.
The Report should indicate a view of the location of the riser, runner and the
Large castings or castings with complex shape require additional arrangements
to increase the feeding distance of the riser (feeder), using chill. A Chill is a
metal block set in a mould at a location in between risers or at a junction between thin and thick sections. Report whether chills are used.
Mould hardness measurement: Hardness of the mould is measured as a
quick check of mould strength. A small hand held dial gauge with a spring-loaded
ball at the bottom is used to measure hardness around the mould cavity. The
scale on the dial is up to 100 on an arbitrary scale. The scale has no unit. Draw
a sketch of the Mould hardness tester and report typical values measured on an
actual mould.
Location of hardness


Comments (whether adequate

or not)

Mould finishing: Report the finishing step. Usually, the mould and core are

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

given a coating to obtain good surface finish. The assembly step of cope and
drag parts of the mould are important.

2.2 Inspection of mould and Core

The following points are to be noted and reported:
For a mould with core, note how moulder, makes sure that the core is set properly. Chaplets, which are metal pieces with a stud joining flat pieces, are used to
hold the core in position.
Whether a Chill is used to cause rapid cooling locally, so that thick sections can
solidify rapidly so that the riser can feed the mould completely.
Loose sand or dirt falling inside mould can end up as mould defect. Thorough
inspection and necessary cleaning is done, either by low pressure compressed
air, or bellows, just before closing the mould i.e. putting the cope over the drag
after proper alignment.
How the cope and drag, after setting are clamped to hold tight and in addition, if
there is the practice of putting weight on the mould box so that the buoyancy of
the liquid metal does not shift the cope.
Report what mould and core coating is used whether branded (ready-made) ,
or made in the foundry itself
Report how venting is done and write on purpose of venting

1) Name of the casting (job); make a sketch.
2) Casting weight.
3) Remarks on the design or shape of the casting simple, or complex, whether
consists of thin and thick sections;
4) Metal to be cast, grade, composition and other specifications
5) Description of the pattern: type - single piece, split pattern , match plate

pattern, etc; with comments on the parting line
6) Whether core is used: if yes, type of core, weight, vertical or horizontal,

maximum length, length of each core print.
7) Type of mould - green sand or dry sand or skin-dried
8) What coating is used on mould and core surface and what is the drying
9) Is there any difference between the moulding practice of a large mould and a
small mould? If so, state the reason.

Individual assessment
We recognise that students have different learning styles and needs. The following
will help students to assess their progress


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Self-Assessment/ Learning Plan

Learning objective
Mould materials
Application of tools
Moulding process
Sand system
Preparation of sand mix
Mould making
Mould inspection

Knowledge of mould materials
Uses of tools
Different moulding methods
Different types of sand mix
Use of sand mixer and muller
Steps involved in mould making
Steps involved in mould making
Soundness of mould



Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Experiment: 3
Objective: To know use and operations of melting furnaces in the foundry.

Resource Material:
1. Principles of Foundry Technology By P. L. Jain

Delivery schedule: 10 periods

Student expectations/learning objective:

Identify different kind of furnaces used in the foundry

List fuel requirement for different kind of furnace
Understand operation of different kind of furnace
Demonstrate application of each furnace
List safety measure during operation of furnace.
Understand construction of furnace

Pre-learning required:
Concept of different melting furnace used in foundry.

Handouts/material required/equipments & tools:

stationary items like paper and pencils

The student should observe and report the following;
Proper precautions have to be taken when visiting the melting section of the foundry.


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

3.1 Furnace description - general

The Report should cover the following points;
1. Detailed layout sketch of the melting section, showing the storage area for raw
materials -scrap, other metallic feed material, flux etc. Position of the furnace proper
and flow of the melt etc should be marked.
2. Furnace design: Describe the furnace mentioning the following points: (i) Type of
the furnace and its heat source and its melting capacity (ii) schematic sketch of
the furnace and sectional drawing (iii) the materials charged name and amount
charged per tonne of melt (iv) Furnace refractory lining used - acid lining (silica,
fireclay) or basic lining (alumino-silicate, magnesite, chrome-magnesite, heavy duty
high-alumina etc). Note the type of pouring ladle used and its capacity and give a
3. Furnace operation :
i) Describe the preparation before beginning of charging
ii) Describe the charging sequence, with details initially heavy scrap or light
scrap, or pigs ; average size of the flux, fuel- coke size and proportion in case
of cupola etc
iii) The reactions
iv) Chemical analysis of the melt and the slag
v) How much slag is produced per tonne of metal and how it is disposed off
vi) What happens to the gas generated
vii) How the melt is tapped ladle description and capacity, whether any holding
ladle is used etc.
viii) Whether de-oxidisers are used ferro-silicon, ferro-manganese or aluminium
(to reduce the oxygen level
4. Treatment of the melt after tapping slag removal, removal of dissolved gas ,
addition of
i) Inoculants for cast irons ii) grain refiners for non-ferrous alloys
5. Report how the ladle after pouring is cleaned and made ready for the next
6. Type of refractory is used for furnace lining and comparison of Refractories.
7. What are factors to be considered while selecting a furnace for the purpose of
melting metal?

3.2 Furnaces for production of castings Report


a) Cupola - for Grey cast iron

b) Crucible furnace - for non-ferrous alloys


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

c) Open hearth furnace - for cast iron, steel castings

d) Electric Arc Furnace - for steel castings, including alloy steels
e) Induction furnace - for non-ferrous alloys, ductile iron, and alloy cast iron

3.2.1 Sketch and description of the melting furnaces

The Report should include detailed description with schematic drawing of all the
three types of furnaces.
The Report shall consist of:
a) A neat labeled sketch of the furnaces not actually seen, preferably a sectional
b) Describe the dust removal devices and pollution control system
c) For induction furnace indicate the frequency range
d) % loss or gain of elements such as silicon, carbon, manganese etc in cupola
melting; % metal loss in slag in EAF

3.2.2 For Grey iron foundry with cupola, Report the


No. of

Coke bed height

(=height of coke
above the tuyeres)

Coke : Pig ratio

(Kg coke /t melt)

% ash
in coke,

Slag rate,
kg slag / t
of metal

3.2.3 Cupola calculations:

i) Coke-bed charge calculation Example 1: i) Cupola diameter (D) = 75 cm; Height of groove above the sand bottom
= h = 150 cm. Find the weight of the bed charge if the coke weighs 482 kg per m3.
Weight of the bed charge, W = cross section area (d2 /4) x height of coke bed (h), x
weight of Coke per cubic meter
All the units of length have to be converted to meter. d = (75/100) meter, h = (150/ 100)
Hence, Volume of coke bed = [ d2 /4] x height = 3.14/4 x (75/100)2 x (150/ 100) m3 =
0.66 m3
Weight of coke bed charge = volume x bulk density = 0.66 x 482 kg = 320 kg
Example 2: A Cupola 110 cm in diameter (D) has a melting ratio 7:1. How much iron
is melted per hour? How much coke is consumed per hour? Assume melting rate of
0.5 kg/hr/cm2.


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

(a) Iron melted per hour; = cross section area ( D 2/4) x melting rate
Given: cupola diameter D= 1100 cm, Cross section area = /4 x (110)2 cm2 = 9498.5
(a) Iron melted per hour = 0.5 x 9498.5 = 4750 kg/hr = 4.75 tonne per hour .........
(b) Coke consumed per hour = 4750/7 (melting ratio 7:1) = 678 kg/hr



1) How the composition of the melt is analysed If analytical equipment is used,

then name of the instrument
2) Describe any shop floor test for quick estimation of quality for example,
wedge chill test for ascertaining proper carbon equivalent or graphitization for
cast irons in thin sections; fluidity spiral test to have a qualitative assessment
of fluidity, test to determine gas content by solidifying the melt in a cylindrical
container and observing the surface - whether it swells like a cauliflower
showing gas evolution, or whether the surface is flat, or has a shallow
depression due to shrinkage.
3) Whether the test bar for mechanical tests and chemical analysis is cast
separately or is an integral part of the casting.

Individual assessment
We recognise that students have different learning styles and needs. The following
will help students to assess their progress

Self-Assessment/Learning Plan
Learning objective


Melting furnaces

Understanding of different kind of melting





melting Understanding of charge materials for

different kind of furnaces

Construction of melting furnaces

Design of furnace

Operation of melting furnaces

Working procedures of furnaces


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Experiment: 4
Objective: to learn melting and solidification practice of low temperature melting point

Resource Material:
1. Principles of Foundry Technology By P. L. Jain

Delivery schedule: 10 periods

Student expectations/learning objective:

Identify melting procedures

Demonstrate cooling of molten material
Categorize selection of melting furnace
Identify heating rate

Pre-learning required:
Melting point of that particular material, furnace operation, selection of melting

Handouts/material required/equipments & tools:

Melting furnace, charge materials, ladle, temperature measurement equipment

The student should observe and report the following;


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

It may be possible in a school to demonstrate the melting and solidification of a few lowmelting materials so that the students can be familiar with molten material in a small
scale, without the hazardous environment of the shop floor of a running foundry.
By allowing different melts to solidify, the teacher can show:
A simple design of a furnace the minimum requirements of which are (i) source of
heat heating element of resistance type in the form of wire, like that of domestic
heater coil, (ii) a chamber with suitable lining that the heat cannot escape, (iii)
electrical connections and (iv) some form of temperature measurement which
is a thermocouple in this case. The student should be familiar with the principle of
thermocouple , based on thermo-electric effects , i.e. Seebeck effect, Peltier effect
and Thompson effect
That different metals and alloys show different amounts of solidification shrinkage.
For the same material, the effect of variation of geometry also can be observed for
example, moulds with circular cross section and rectangular cross section
That there can be wide difference in solidification time when the same material is
`cast in a sand mould or in a metal mould.
If there is a hardness tester, then the hardness variation of the surface between
sand cast and metal-mould cast specimen can be shown.

4.1 Laboratory requirement:

i. One cylindrical pot furnace, with kanthal wire (a heating element iron-chromium

aluminium alloy, which resists oxidation and possess high electrical resistance) and
winding 300 mm depth, connected to a 15 A line with a safely fuse.

ii. Several crucibles, mage of graphite or clay-graphite about 250 cm3 volume
iii. Steel tongs for holding the crucible at least 2 nos,
iv. safety gloves
v. Weighing balance, max. weight 500 gm.
vi. Glass ware i) Borosil glass beaker , 250 ml
measuring cylinder 100 ml, 200 ml

ii) Borosil test tubes

iii) Borosil

vii. Temperature indicator- cum- controller and chromel alumel thermocouple , 450
mm long. (Chromel = Ni 90 %, Cr 10 %; Alumel = Ni 98%, Al 2%)
viii. Moulds :
a. Cast iron moulds split type with dowel pins for matching the halves.
i) Circular cross section mould with 30 mm inside diameter, 10 mm wall
thickness, 150 mm height
ii) Rectangular cross section mould with the same cross section area as circular


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

b. 30 mm x 24 mm internal dimensions, 10 mm wall thickness

ix. Commercial grade lead, zinc granules, pieces of aluminium sheet; commercial
candle, wax or paraffin wax 500 gm
x. Any gas burner, portable type; holding tongs etc

4.2 Melting Procedure

4.2.1 Melting wax and solidification shrinkage
1.1 Take some paraffin wax in granular form and fill up the test tube to about 3/4th
its height.
1.2 Hold over the flame of the burner the wax should melt quickly. Taking care not to
burn your finger, mark the level of molten wax on the test tube with a marker pen
1.3 Put of the burner, allow the test tube to cool in air
1.4 Observe the profile of the solidified paraffin in the test tube. It should show a
V-shaped depression. Mark the tip of the depression.
1.5 Measure and report the difference. Observe whether there are small bubbles or
voids below the V-shaped depression.

4.2.2. Measuring the depth of shrinkage in measuring

cylinder (dried)
The same experiment can be repeated, by packing full the test tube with wax
and melting
Pour the melt carefully in the measuring cylinder, 100 ml and note the reading of
level of the molten wax (say 56 ml).
Report the profile after solidification of the wax and record the reading of the
lowest point of the V -shaped depression. The difference with the previous
reading gives the depth.

4.3 Melting of metals of low melting point:

Lead, zinc, aluminium are metals with relatively low melting point. They can be melted
easily in clay graphite crucible in a resistance-heated furnace. For this, the student
should report first the melting point and density of the metal to be melted.

The teacher of laboratory personnel should first set the furnace at a temperature
about 150C above the theoretical melting point of the metal.

ii. Weigh the metal pieces up to first decimal (say 114.6 gm) and press into the
clay graphite crucible. Place the crucible inside the furnace.
iii. Attach the thermocouple to the temperature controller and put one end inside
the furnace, close to, but not touching the top of the crucible. Close the lid of
the furnace.


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

iv. Start the furnace, with current setting 7-8 A.

v. Clean one mould, swab with kerosene oil, then heat with portable burner for
about two minutes so that then the melt is poured, the mould should be mildly
vi. After a few minutes, check whether the metal has melted or not. The laboratory
assistant can use a steel rod to carefully insert inside the crucible and poke
through the metal layer to ensure complete melting.
vii. When the melt is ready, take out the crucible with metal tongs, using gloves.
Observe and report the surface whether fumes are coming out, whether a
skin of Grey oxide layer has formed.
viii. Pour carefully in the mould the entire melt.
ix. After about 15 minutes, separate the two halves of the mould and take out
the frozen solid. Measure the weight of the solidified metal. Compare with the
weight of metal measured in step (b). Explain the difference.

1. How can you measure the volume of the depression of the solidified wax?
Suggest a method.
2. Observe the inside of the cooled crucible. Report whether there is an oxide
layer sticking to the wall or Grey oxide formed.
3. Plot cooling curve between temperature and time for Pb, Sn and Wax.

Individual assessment
We recognise that students have different learning styles and needs. The following
will help students to assess their progress

Self-Assessment/Learning Plan
Learning objective
Selection of meting furnaces
Melting of materials
Heating rate of furnace
Handling of liquid material
Pouring of molten material

Use of furnace for a particular material
Melting characteristics of particular charge
Idea of amount of heat supply
How to transfer liquid metal from furnace
to ladle and ladle to mould
Control over pouring time and rate of filling
the mould
molten Optimum temperature to fill mould cavity

Pouring temperature of
Cooling rate of molten materials
Solidification of materials

It tells time of solidification

Transformation from molten state to solid


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Experiment: 5
Objective: To know how to perform the mechanical test experiments to measures
mechanical properties of materials like tensile test, hardness and elongation.

Resource Material:
2. Principles of Foundry Technology By P. L. Jain

Delivery schedule: 10 periods

Student expectations/learning objective:

Demonstrate preparation of test samples from the castings

Identify dimension of the test specimen
Demonstrate operation of mechanical testing equipment
List data collection during testing
Analyze observation of data

Pre-learning required:
ASTM standards of sample size. Knowledge of sample preparation

Handouts/material required/equipments & tools:

Testing Equipments Universal testing machine, Brinell and Rockwell hardness tester.

The student should observe and report the following;
Report: Standard Mechanical testing methods, particularly tensile tests, require


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

standard test pieces. The student should report whether the test piece in integral with
the casting or separate standard Test Block is cast in this case, design of the test
block should be sketched.

5.1Hardness Testing
Report: Description of the Hardness test should cover the following points:
i) How the sample is cut and made ready for hardness testing. Specially mention
the location of the sample from the surface or from mid-section.
ii) What is the condition of the metal from which this sample is taken as-cast,
annealed or otherwise heat treated?
iii) Name of the Hardness tester, name and type of the indenter
iv) How the load is applied
v) How the hardness reading is obtained.
vi) Give typical hardness values for a number of tests, explaining the results. For
example, difference between hardness of as-cast, annealed and quenched
specimen or difference between hardness on the surface and that of the
Many shop floor practice hardness test prefer Brinell hardness test
especially for cast irons. Cast irons contain metallic and non-metallic
(graphite) phase. The Brinell hardness tester has larger indentation and it
can detect the average hardness in a range, so the Brinell hardness tester
has a higher accuracy, and smaller dispersion of hardness values
Next most popular is the Rockwell hardness test. It is popular because
it can be performed easily and rapidly, provides freedom from personal
error, can distinguish small hardness differences in hardened steel,
Moreover, the indentation size is small , so there is very little damage on
the surface of a finished part. This test utilizes the depth of indentation,
under constant load, as a measure of hardness. A minor load of 10 kg is
first applied to seat the specimen. The major load is then applied, and the
depth of indentation is automatically recorded on a dial gage in terms of
arbitrary hardness numbers.

Principle of Hardness Testing

Hardness is the resistance of a material to localized permanent deformation. The
deformation may be due to indentation, scratching, cutting or bending. In metals,
ceramics and most polymers, the deformation is considered to be a plastic deformation
of the surface.
If we want to create scratch mark on a piece of glass by a knife, we will fail. Because
glass is a hard material and due to its hardness it will resist indentation. Diamond is
harder than glass, so we can make indentation by a diamond on the surface of glass.
Examples of hard material used in engineering practices are cast iron, concrete etc.
The Brinell Hardness Test is the most widely used and oldest method of hardness
testing commonly used today. This test was invented in Sweden by Dr. Johan August


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Brinell in 1900. This test is very often used to determine the hardness of castings and
forgings. Almost all metals may be tested with the Brinell test by simply varying the
ball size and test load. As long as the ball size to test load ratio remains constant, the
results are considered accurate.
The test procedure is as under:
i. The test specimen is kept at the Brinnell Hardness Tester as shown in Fig
ii. A pre-determined test load (generally 3000 kgf) is set on the machine.
iii. An indenter (generally 10 mm diameter) is chosen and affixed in the machine
as shown below.
iv. The test load is applied on the specimen and kept indented for a pre-determined
time period and then removed.

Fig 5.1 The Brinell Hardness Testing Machine

v. The diameter of the indentation is measured in at least twice, one measurement
in any direction and the other at right angle to the former. The mean of the two
measurements is calculated. The Brinell hardness value is computed by using
the following formula:




: D (D-D2-d2)

Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Fig 5.2 Indentation and Brinell Hardness Number

In Brinell hardness test, the test load may range from 1 kgf to 3000 kgf and diameter
of the indenter from 1 mm to 10 mm. A time of 10 to 15 seconds is generally specified
as test standard.

5.2 Tensile Testing

This is perhaps the most important among regular mechanical tests on castings. A
number of important data are available when the results of tensile test are plotted
as stress-strain curve. To carry out standard tensile tests, standard test specimens
are required. Such specimens can be cast, based on the desire of the customer, as
integral part of the casting or as separate keel block out of which the specimen has
to machine. It is important to note that for the purpose of acceptance of results, or for
comparison, special care is required in preparing standard specimen.
At the beginning of the Report, the student is to write briefly the definitions of the
common terms related to the specimen and to the tensile stress-strain plot, drawing a
schematic stress-strain diagram.

1. Thickness of flat specimen 2. width of flat specimen of dia. of circular specimen

3. Original gauge length 4. Parallel length 5. Total length 6. Gauge length after fracture
7. Original cross section area of parallel length 8. Grip length

Fig.5.3 Tensile Test Specimen

Tensile testing is conducted in universal testing machine. In this test, a specimen
is subjected to gradual increase in load from zero till it breaks into two pieces and
corresponding data on load applied and elongation suffered are noted. From the data


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

obtained, material properties like modulus of elasticity, yield strength, ductility, ultimate
tensile strength, breaking stress etc. are calculated. For convenience, let us consider
the test specimen (Fig 5.3) to be a mild steel piece having following dimensions:

Fig 5.4 (a) The tensile test specimen

Fig 5.4(b) Tensile testing machine

Initial gauge length = L = 50 mm

Average initial diameter = d = 14 mm

Original area of cross-section
A = r2= 72 = 154 mm2 (approx)
To understand the test procedure, let us consider the following method and load
The test specimen is held vertically and firmly in the jaws of Universal testing
machine and the machine is adjusted to read zero.
An extensometer is attached firmly to the specimen and adjusted it to read
The load is gradually increased to 6300 N (say) and the extensometer reading
at each increment of loading are recorded.
The extensometer shows a high value of extension at a point when the load is
increased by, say 2300 N (this may not be a 6300 N increment), this point being
the yield point.
The extensometer is removed at this point and loading continued, the extension
at different values of load is recorded by a vernier until fracture occurs.
Maximum load attained by the specimen is recorded as 69000 N (say) and its
breaking load is recorded as 61600 N (say).


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Fig 5.5: Test specimen after breaking

The broken pieces are taken away from the machine and type of fracture is noted. By
fitting the broken pieces together, final length (gauge length at failure) of the specimen is
recorded (Fig 5.5). Final diameter at the neck (diameter at failure) is also recorded.
Stress, strain, yield point, ultimate stress, nominal rupture stress etc. are calculated as
per following formulae:
Stress =
Strain =
Yield strength =
Ultimate tensile strength =
Modulus of elasticity =
The tensile test data in the Report of the student should include
The parameters shown in the sketch of the specimen
The data of tensile test: tensile strength, yield strength or yield point,
percent elongation at fracture, and reduction of area. The first two are
strength parameters; the last two indicate ductility.


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

The elastic modulus and 0.2 % Offset yield strength values also may be
indicated. (Offset yield strength is the stress value, 0.2%YS of the intersection
of a line (called the offset) constructed parallel to the elastic portion of the curve
but offset to the right by a strain of 0.002. It represents the onset of plastic
deformation. )
For ductile specimen annealed low carbon steel for example, necking would
take place. The student should report this.
Calculate the reduction in area (RA) Measure the cross section area after
Cross section area (Original Final, after fracture)
% RA = ----------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100
Original cross sectional area

5.3 Impact Testing

Impact test is only one method by which material property known as toughness is
measured. Toughness is the measure of the amount of energy absorbed by a material
per unit volume before fracture and fail. More the energy absorbed per unit volume of
the material more is its toughness.
The area under the stress/strain curve up to the UTS gives the measure of toughness
of the material. However, in the context of an impact test we are looking at notch
toughness, a measure of the metals resistance to brittle or fast fracture in the presence
of a flaw or notch and fast loading conditions.
There are two types of impact test, Charpy Test and Izod Test. Both the tests involve
striking a standard test specimen with a controlled weight pendulum travelling at a
definite speed. The amount of energy absorbed by the test specimen before fracturing
is measured and this gives an indication of the notch toughness of the test material.
From these tests we can interpret whether a material is brittle or ductile. A brittle
material will absorb small amount of energy when impact tested, ductile materials,
being tougher, will absorb a large amount of energy before fracturing.
The Charpy specimen may be used (Fig 5.6) with one of three different types of notch,
a keyhole, a U and a V. The keyhole and U-notch are used for the testing of brittle
materials such as cast iron. The V-notch specimen is the specimen of choice for weld
testing and is the one discussed here. The standard specimen for Charpy test is
generally 55mm long, 10mm square and has a 2mm deep notch with a tip radius of
0.25mm machined on one face.

Fig 5.6 The Charpy test specimen


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

5.3.1 The Charpy Impact Test Procedure:

i. The standard specimen is supported at its two ends on an anvil.
ii. The pendulum type hammer is set at a suitable position as shown in the Fig 5.7
at a vertical height H. Let the potential energy of the hammer at this position
be E1.
iii. The hammer is released and it strikes the test specimen (Fig 5.8). The specimen
breaks into two pieces. The energy for fracture of the specimen being supplied
by the striking hammer itself. Let the energy for fracture of the test specimen be
iv. The hammer moves through a height h on the other side of the testing machine
after breaking the test piece. This is the final position of the hammer and let
energy possessed by the hammer at this position be E2.
v. The energy required to break the test specimen is found by taking the difference
between the energy possessed by the hammer in its initial and final positions
(Fig 5.9).
That is, energy required to fracture the test specimen, E = E1 E2.

Fig 5.7 Initial position of the striking hammer in a Charpy test


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

The hammer strikes the test piece and beaks it into two pieces. A part of the energy
of the hammer is used in breaking the test piece.

Fig 5.8 The hammer strikes the test specimen

h= Height through which the pendulum/hammer rises after

impact with the test piece and breaking it into two pieces

Fig 5.9 The final position of the hammer after it has fractured the test specimen

5.3.2 The Izod Impact Test Procedure

The same test procedure is followed for an Izod impact test as that of Charpy impact
test as shown in Fig 5.10. The test specimen is held on the anvil of the testing machine
and hammer /pendulum is allowed to strike the test specimen such that it breaks into
two pieces. The difference between the energy possessed by the hammer at its initial
and final position gives the measure of energy required to fracture the test specimen.
But the two tests differ in the following ways: (i) The dimension of the test specimen is
different and the same are shown below:


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)

Fig 5.10: Dimension of test specimen used in Charpy andf Izod tests
(i) The holding arrangement of test pieces are different as shown in the figure:

Fig 5.11 Holding arrangement of test specimen in Charpy and Izod tests

In Izod Test, the test specimen is held in such a way that its one end remains
fixed while the other end in free. This type of holding can be compared to a
cantilever beam.

In Charpy Test, the test specimen is rigidly fixed at its both ends. This type of
holding is comparable to a beam with two ends fixed.
(ii) The location of impact loads applied are different. In the Izod test, impact is
against the end of the exposed cantilever; in the Charpy test, the impact is
struck directly behind the test notch such that the specimen undergoes three
point bending.

Fig 5.12 Application of impact loads on test specimen in Charpy and Izod tests


Foundry Technology-II (Practical Manual)


What are the mechanical properties of materials?

What is the tensile strength?
What is elongation?
What is hardness?
Draw the load Vs elongation curve.
Compare the hardness results with different materials obtained from the
7. Write down the indents shape and size for hardness tester.
8. Describe the step by step procedure for carried out the Hardness test.
9. Explain the charpy impact test procedure.
10. Discuss the Izod impact testing procedure.

Individual assessment
We recognise that students have different learning styles and needs. The following
will help students to assess their progress

Self-Assessment/Learning Plan
Learning objective


Mechanical properties

To know the mechanical properties of


Tensile test

Tensile strength, yield strength and


Hardness test

To know the materials resistance against


Operation of UTM

How to perform the experiment using UTM

Hardness testers

Briness How to do hardness test for the given


Hardness testers

Rockwell How to do hardness test for the given


Operation of Charpy Impact How to do Impact test for the given

Operation of Izod Impact How to do Impact test for the given



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