Interleukin-33 in Asthma How Big of A Role Does It Play

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Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 February 1.

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Published in final edited form as:

Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2011 February ; 11(1): 711. doi:10.1007/s11882-010-0153-8.

Interleukin-33 in Asthma: How Big of a Role Does It Play?

Larry Borish and
Asthma and Allergic Disease Center, Box 801355, University of Virginia Health Systems,
Charlottesville, VA 22908-1355, USA
John W. Steinke
Asthma and Allergic Disease Center, Box 801355, University of Virginia Health Systems,
Charlottesville, VA 22908-1355, USA


NIH-PA Author Manuscript

In complex disorders such as asthma and allergic disease, the goal for developing diseasemodifying biother-apeutics is to find a target that is a central instigator of immunologic activity.
Interleukin (IL)-33 seems to be such a molecule, as it is one of the earliest-released signaling
molecules following epithelial damage and can orchestrate the recruitment and activation of the
cells responsible for disease. Unregulated IL-33 activity leads to activation of T-helper type 2
cells, mast cells, dendritic cells, eosinophils, and basophils, ultimately leading to increased
expression of cytokines and chemokines that define the disease. As such, IL-33 is an attractive
candidate for therapeutic intervention with the goal of ameliorating disease. This review focuses
on the role of IL-33 in promoting and maintaining the asthma phenotype.

Asthma; Interleukin-33; ST2; Interleukin-1 family


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Members of the interleukin (IL)-1 family play a critical role in the early immune and
inflammatory response following tissue injury or infection. The family consists of 11
members that share a common -trefoil structural motif (composed of 12 -strands) and are
highly proinflammatory [1]. The best characterized members of the family include IL-1,
IL-1, IL-1Ra, IL-18, and IL-33. With the exception of IL-18 (chromosome 11) and IL-33
(chromosome 9), all identified members of the IL-1 family are located on human
chromosome 2, implying origin from a common ancestor [2]. IL-1/ and IL-18 are
expressed as a prodomain and contain polypeptide precursors that are proteolytically cleaved
by caspase-1 to generate the active molecule. Dysregulation of the IL-1 family has been
implicated in many diseases, including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease,
periodontitis, and sepsis.

Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

[email protected] .
Disclosure Dr. Borish has served as a consultant for Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Cephalon, and Hoffmann-LaRoche; has received
grant support from Genentech and Merck & Co.; has received honoraria from Merck & Co.; and has had travel/accommodation
expenses covered by Merck & Co.
Dr. Steinke has served as a consultant for CAT Consulting and has received payment for development of educational presentations
from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology; the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology; and
the World Allergy Organization.

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IL-1/ production is stimulated by a variety of agents, many of which target molecular

pattern receptors. Cells involved in their production include mononuclear phagocytic cells,
endothelial cells, keratinocytes, synovial cells, osteoblasts, neutrophils, glial cells, and many
others. As part of the innate inflammatory response, IL-1/ stimulates production of
cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-, IL-6, and IL-8. IL-1/ activates T lymphocytes
by enhancing IL-2 production and IL-2 receptor expression.
IL-18 synergizes with IL-12 to produce interferon (IFN)-; however, it does not directly
promote T-helper (Th)1 cell development [3]. Additionally, IL-18 shares with IL-/ the
ability to induce adherence and recruitment of cells through upregulation of intracellular
adhesion molecule-1, vascular adhesion molecule-1, and E-selectin.
IL-1Ra is secreted in response to inflammatory stimuli but serves an anti-inflammatory
function by binding to the IL-1 receptor without inducing signal transduction and preventing
IL-1/ from binding to the receptor [4].
This review focuses on the role of the newest member of the IL-1 family, IL-33, in
promoting and maintaining the asthma phenotype.

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IL-33 was identified through a database search of the human genome using a profile derived
from a compilation of the other IL-1 family members [5]. As deduced from the cDNA
sequence, IL-33 contains 270 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 30 kDa [5].
IL-33 is expressed by many cells and tissues, including the stomach, brain, spleen, heart,
bronchial epithelial cells, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, keratinocytes, macrophages, and
dendritic cells (DCs) [5]. It was initially thought that like IL-1 and IL-18, IL-33 would be
produced as an inactive precursor, and its secretion and activation would be dependent upon
cleavage by caspase-1 within a specialized proinflammatory cellular processing center
termed the inflammasome. Although this can occur in vitro with a truncated version of the
protein, it does not appear that this is true in vivo. These initial reports suggested that IL-33
would be cleaved by caspase-1 at Asp110. However, this site is not conserved between
humans and mice [5]. When the sequence was further examined, a conserved caspase
cleavage motif was identified at Asp178 [6]. Studies revealed that cleavage did occur at
this site, though it was mediated by caspase-3 and caspase-7, which are not components of
the inflammasome and are activated during apoptosis [6]. It was also demonstrated that
full-length IL-33 is an active molecule, and cleavage reduces its half-life [6]. The current
model for IL-33 action is that it is released from cells undergoing necrosis (eg, in response
to infection or inflammation) and then acts as a proinflammatory endogenous danger
signal. When cells alternatively undergo apoptosis, IL-33 is cleaved, and the
proinflammatory activity of the cytokine is reduced [6]. In addition to being secreted,
IL-33 can function intracellularly. Within the N-terminal region of the protein, IL-33
contains a conserved homodomain-like helix-turn-helix motif. This domain associates in
vivo with heterochromatin and mitotic chromatin, where it acts as a transcriptional repressor
[7]. A similar activity has been described for IL-1 [8,9].

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Members of the IL-1 family exert their function through a group of receptors that belong to
the Toll-like receptor-IL-1 receptor superfamily, which is defined by the presence of an
intracellular Toll-IL-1R domain [10]. This superfamily is separated into two groups: Tolllike receptors and IL-1 receptors. The IL-1 receptor family is composed of 10 members that
form a heterodimeric complex consisting of two members of the family. One member binds
the cytokine, while the other transmits the signal to the intracellular space [10]. The first
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component of the IL-33 receptor was originally identified in 1989 as a serum-inducible

secreted protein from murine fibroblasts [11,12]. The receptor was termed ST2 (also called
DRE4, Fit-1, or T1 in the older literature). This receptor is highly expressed on mast cells
and is a highly selective marker of Th2 cells. Additional cells include macrophages,
hematopoietic stem cells, natural killer cells, natural killer T cells, eosinophils, basophils,
nuocytes, and fibroblasts [1315]. Two forms of the receptor exist; a membrane-bound form
expressed on hematopoietic tissues and lung and a soluble form induced upon stimulation of
fibroblasts [16]. It is hypothesized that the soluble isoform is expressed as a homeopathic
response aimed at decreasing ongoing Th2 responses through its function as a decoy
receptor. ST2 remained an orphan receptor until the cloning of IL-33 in 2005 [5]. It was
subsequently shown that the coreceptor for ST2 was the IL-1R accessory protein
(IL-1RAcP), a receptor component used by other members of the IL-1 family (IL-1, IL-1,
IL-1F6, IL-1F8, and IL-1F9) [17]. Binding of IL-33 to its receptor triggers activation of the
nuclear factor (NF)-B and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways (specifically p38,
JNK, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase [ERK]1 and ERK2) to initiate cell signaling.

Evidence for a Role of Interleukin-33 in Asthma

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Two of the most important cytokines responsible for Th2 immune deviation are IL-33 and
thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP). Using differential polymerase chain reaction display
to identify molecules that distinguish Th2 cells from Th1 cells, two groups found that
expression of ST2 was the best marker that characterized Th2 cells [18,19]. The levels of
ST2 on Th2 cells were independent of expression of IL-4 or IL-5 [18]. The requirement for
IL-33 in Th2-cell generation and activity was demonstrated in a pulmonary granuloma
model driven by Schistosoma mansoni eggs and in a murine model of allergic disease driven
by ovalbumin sensitization. In these models, IL-33 drove development of Th2 cells that
produced mainly IL-5, with lesser amounts of IL-4, but not IFN- [20,21]. Polarization
toward Th2 cells by IL-33 involved activation of the NF-B and mitogen-activated protein
kinase pathways [22]. Similarly, differentiation of human CD4+ cells in vitro in the presence
of IL-33 enhanced antigen-dependent IL-5 and IL-13 production [14]. In addition to
influencing CD4 cellular differentiation, IL-33 is a chemoattractant for Th2 cells, recruiting
Th2 cells to lymph nodes and tissue [23]. IL-33 can influence DC maturation and activity,
leading to their enhanced expression of major histocompatibility complex-II, CD86, and
IL-6. These activated DCs, when cultured with nave CD4+ T cells, lead to their
differentiation in a fashion characterized by production of IL-5 and IL-13 [24]. In the bone
marrow, IL-33 induces granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
expression that promotes the development of CD11c+ DCs [25].

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Mast cells play a central role in allergic inflammation and asthma through their release of a
variety of mediators. Several studies have demonstrated ST2 and IL-1RAcP receptor
expression on mast cells. Binding of IL-33 and subsequent signaling leads to expression of
many proinflam-matory cytokines, chemokines, and lipid mediators, including CXCL8
(IL-8), IL-5, IL-13, IL-6, IL-1, tumor necrosis factor-, GM-CSF, CCL2 (monocyte
chemoattractant protein-1), and prostaglandin D2 [2628]. The ability of IL-33 to stimulate
mast cell cytokine production depends in part on its ability to form a receptor complex
composed of a combination of the ST2/IL-1RAcP heterodimer with c-Kit; the combination
of signaling from the two receptors results in activation of multiple pathways leading to
increased cytokine expression [29]. A similar synergy is observed with IL-33 and TSLP. On
its own, IL-33 promotes maturation of CD34+ mast cell precursors, which was accelerated
with the addition of TSLP as measured by the acquisition of tryptase [28]. In a follow-up
study, this group confirmed that circulating CD34+ cells express both the TSLP and IL-33
receptors and that specific allergen challenge in individuals with allergic asthma increases
their numbers [30]. Expression of IL-33 may play a role in homing of mast cells to tissues,

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as IL-33 promotes adhesion to a fibronectin matrix [26]. The above data indicate that IL-33
could influence mast cells to influence allergic reactions but do not definitively demonstrate
a role in disease. Using a murine model of cutaneous and systemic anaphylaxis, IL-33 was
critical for the induction of anaphylaxis that occurred in a T-cell-independent and mast celldependent manner in IgE-sensitized animals [31]. The same study also showed that mast
cells sensitized with IgE expressed higher levels of ST2 than nonsensitized mast cells, a step
critical for the anaphylactic response [31].

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In the article describing the cloning of IL-33, it was shown that intraperitoneal
administration of IL-33 in mice induces Th2 immune deviation and cytokine production,
causes elevated IgE, and generates profound mucosal eosinophilic inflammation in the lung
and gastrointestinal tract [5]. The eosinophilic infiltration was localized beneath the
endothelium, both adjacent to the blood vessels and within the vessel wall. In addition to the
increased mucus, the epithelial lining of the lungs was hypertrophied [5]. Others have
demonstrated that administration of an IL-33 receptor antagonist reduces production of Th2
cytokines and airway inflammation in these models of murine allergic disease [32,33]. The
role of IL-33 in eosinophil biology has been further examined using purified human
eosinophils from healthy and atopic individuals. Microarray analysis indicated that ST2 was
constitutively expressed on eosinophils, although on the surface, only low levels of the
protein were detected [34]. Receptor levels increased following stimulation with GM-CSF
[34]. When treated with IL-33, eosinophils responded by increasing superoxide, eosinophilderived neurotoxin, CXCL8, CCL2, and IL-6 production [34,35]. The increased cytokine
and chemokine production was mediated by activation of the NF-B, p38 mitogen-activated
protein kinase, and ERK signaling pathways [35]. In addition, IL-33 promoted eosinophil
survivalalthough not as efficiently as IL-5 and increased the cell surface expression of
intracellular adhesion molecule-1 [34,35]. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the
role that the basophil plays in allergic disease through production of IL-4 in response to IgEcross-linking. Incubation of human basophils with IL-33 results in increased mRNA
expression of IL-4 and IL-13 [36]. On the protein level, IL-4 secretion was increased, as was
cell surface expression of CD11b. The increased expression of CD11b synergistically
enhanced the migration of basophils to CCL11 (eotaxin) [36].

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Where does the IL-33 come from to cause problems in asthma and atopy? The most likely
source is the airway epithelium in the lung and sinus cavity. When endobronchial biopsies
were performed and epithelial cells were cultured ex vivo, increased expression of IL-33
was found in the epithelial cells of individuals with bronchial asthma as compared with
healthy individuals [37]. This finding was verified when bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was
collected, and again, IL-33 levels were higher in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from those
with moderate asthma compared with those with mild asthma or controls [37]. In chronic
sinusitis, sinonasal epithelial cells were cultured from patients who were responsive or
recalcitrant to medical or surgical treatment. IL-33 was expressed in the epithelium of both
groups, with higher levels found in the epithelial cells from patients recalcitrant to treatment

Model for the Role of Interleukin-33 in Asthma

The collective data suggest a role for IL-33 in asthma and allergic disease. However, can
these be tied together to present a cohesive mode of action? Our proposed model is
summarized in Fig. 1. Primary production of IL-33 by epithelial cells suggests a mechanism
whereby the respiratory tract can generate a danger signal that drives a subsequent Th2
immune response, arguably the initial trigger of asthma. This would likely occur in response
to an insult from an infection (viral or bacterial) or from the environment (allergen or
pollutant), or a combination of both that results in necrosis of the epithelial cell layer.

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Released IL-33 would then be available to interact with various cells of the immune system.
Simultaneously, fibroblasts secrete soluble ST2 that serves to dampen inflammation and
return the system to a nonresponsive state. In the absence of this response or in the presence
of a sufficiently robust inflammatory signal that overwhelms this response, IL-33 activates
mast cells in the tissue, leading to production and release of proinflammatory cytokines,
chemokines, and lipid mediators. Simultaneously, resident DCs are activated by IL-33 and
promote nave CD4+ T cells (including nuocytes) to produce IL-5 and IL-13. Previously
differentiated Th2 cells would also be directly recruited to the site of inflammation via the
chemotactic effects of IL-33. The combination of IL-33, secreted IL-5, and chemokines
released from the mast cells recruits circulating eosinophils into the lungs that are triggered
to release their own proinflammatory mediators. The result is a vicious cycle of
inflammation fanning further inflammation, which if unchecked establishes a chronic
inflammatory state in the lungs. In part, this would explain why current attempts to inhibit
IL-4 and IL-5 with targeted therapies have failed, as they do not address the primary driver
of the inflammatory response.


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In targeting a mediator with the aim of accomplishing disease modification or prevention,

the goal is to find a target that is a central regulator of immunologic activity. IL-33 is poised
to be such a molecule in asthma and allergic diseases, as it is among the earliest-released
signaling molecules and can orchestrate the recruitment of the cells responsible for disease.
Unregulated IL-33 activity results in activation of Th2 cells, mast cells, DCs, eosinophils,
and basophils, ultimately leading to increased expression of mediators that define the
disease. As such, IL-33 is an attractive candidate for therapeutic intervention, either with
soluble receptors targeting the lung or small molecule inhibitors that could act systemically.
Whereas other therapies blocking various components of the down-stream immune response
in asthma have failed, it is hoped that with IL-33 being a central regulator of the
inflammatory response, blockade of this molecule will deliver on the promise of immune

Dr. Steinke has received grant support from the National Institutes of Health.

Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been highlighted as:

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Of importance
Of major importance
1. Barksby HE, Lea SR, Preshaw PM, Taylor JJ. The expanding family of interleukin-1 cytokines and
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5. Schmitz J, Owyang A, Oldham E, et al. IL-33, an interleukin-1-like cytokine that signals via the
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Fig. 1.

Damage to the epithelial cell layer results in necrosis and release of interleukin (IL)-33.
IL-33 can act on many cell types, resulting in the maturation and migration of these cells and
release of proinflammatory factors at the site of injury. Soluble ST2 (sST2) from the
underlying fibroblasts can bind IL-33 and dampen the immune response and prevent onset
of or lead to resolution of inflammation. Left unchecked, continual production of IL-33
results in the chronic allergic inflammation characteristic of asthma. GM-CSF granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor; Th2 T-helper type 2

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Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 February 1.

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