Eye Preparations

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Eye preparations

method together with criteria for judging the preservative

properties of the formulation are provided in chapter 5.1.3.
Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation.
During development of ear washes, it must be demonstrated
that the nominal content can be withdrawn from the container
of preparations presented in single-dose containers.
In the manufacture, packaging, storage and distribution
of ear preparations, suitable measures are taken to ensure
their microbial quality ; recommendations on this aspect
are provided in chapter 5.1.4. Microbiological quality of
pharmaceutical preparations.
Sterile ear preparations are prepared using materials
and methods designed to ensure sterility and to avoid
the introduction of contaminants and the growth of
micro-organisms ; recommendations on this aspect are
provided in chapter 5.1.1. Methods of preparation of sterile
In the manufacture of ear preparations containing dispersed
particles, measures are taken to ensure a suitable and
controlled particle size with regard to the intended use.
Uniformity of dosage units. Single-dose ear preparations
comply with the test for uniformity of dosage units (2.9.40) or,
where justied and authorised, with the tests for uniformity of
content and/or uniformity of mass shown below. Herbal drugs
and herbal drug preparations present in the dosage form are
not subject to the provisions of this paragraph.
Uniformity of content (2.9.6). Unless otherwise prescribed
or justied and authorised, single-dose ear preparations with
a content of active substance less than 2 mg or less than 2 per
cent of the total mass comply with test B for uniformity of
content of single-dose preparations. If the preparation has
more than one active substance, the requirement applies only
to those ingredients that correspond to the above conditions.
Uniformity of mass (2.9.5). Single-dose ear preparations
comply with the test for uniformity of mass of single-dose
preparations. If the test for uniformity of content is prescribed
for all the active substances, the test for uniformity of mass is
not required.
Sterility (2.6.1). Where the label indicates that the ear
preparation is sterile, it complies with the test for sterility.
If the preparation is sterile, store in a sterile, airtight,
tamper-proof container.
The label states :
the name of any added antimicrobial preservative ;
where applicable, that the preparation is sterile ;
for multidose containers, the period after opening the
container after which the contents must not be used. This
period does not exceed 4 weeks, unless otherwise justied
and authorised.


Ear drops are usually supplied in multidose containers of glass

or suitable plastic material that are tted with an integral
dropper or with a screw cap of suitable materials incorporating
a dropper and rubber or plastic teat. Alternatively, such a cap
assembly is supplied separately. Ear sprays are usually supplied
in multidose containers tted with an appropriate applicator.
When ear sprays are supplied in pressurised containers, these
comply with the requirements of the monograph Pressurised
pharmaceutical preparations (0523).

Semi-solid ear preparations

Semi-solid ear preparations are intended for application to the
external auditory meatus, if necessary by means of a tampon
impregnated with the preparation.
Semi-solid ear preparations comply with the requirements
of the monograph Semi-solid preparations for cutaneous
application (0132).
They are supplied in containers tted with a suitable applicator.

Ear powders
Ear powders are intended for application or insufation
into the external auditory meatus. They comply with the
requirements of the monograph Powders for cutaneous
application (1166).
They are supplied in containers tted with a suitable device
for application or insufation.

Ear washes
Ear washes are preparations intended to cleanse the external
auditory meatus. They are usually aqueous solutions with a
pH within physiological limits.
Ear washes intended for application to injured parts or prior
to a surgical operation are sterile.

Ear tampons
Ear tampons are intended to be inserted into the external
auditory meatus. They comply with the requirements of the
monograph Medicated tampons (1155).


Eye preparations are sterile liquid, semi-solid or solid
preparations intended for administration upon the eyeball
Ear drops and ear sprays
and/or to the conjunctiva, or for insertion in the conjunctival
Where applicable, containers for eye preparations comply
Ear drops and ear sprays are solutions, emulsions or
with the requirements of materials used for the manufacture
suspensions of one or more active substances in liquids
of containers (3.1 and subsections) and containers (3.2 and
suitable for application to the auditory meatus without
exerting harmful pressure on the eardrum (for example, water, subsections).
glycols or fatty oils). They may also be placed in the auditory Several categories of eye preparations may be distinguished :
meatus by means of a tampon impregnated with the liquid.
eye drops ;
Emulsions may show evidence of phase separation but are
eye lotions ;
readily redispersed on shaking. Suspensions may show a
powders for eye drops and powders for eye lotions ;
sediment, which is readily dispersed on shaking to give a
semi-solid eye preparations ;
suspension that remains sufciently stable to enable the
correct dose to be delivered.
ophthalmic inserts.


See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)

Eye preparations


During the development of an eye preparation whose
formulation contains an antimicrobial preservative, the
necessity for and the efcacy of the chosen preservative shall
be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the competent authority.
A suitable test method together with criteria for judging the
preservative properties of the formulation are provided in
chapter 5.1.3. Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation.
Eye preparations are prepared using materials and methods
designed to ensure sterility and to avoid the introduction
of contaminants and the growth of micro-organisms ;
recommendations on this aspect are provided in chapter 5.1.1.
Methods of preparation of sterile products.
In the manufacture of eye preparations containing dispersed
particles, measures are taken to ensure a suitable and
controlled particle size with regard to the intended use.
During development, it must be demonstrated that the
nominal contents can be withdrawn from the container of
liquid and semi-solid eye preparations supplied in single-dose
Sterility (2.6.1). Eye preparations comply with the test.
Applicators supplied separately also comply with the test.
Remove the applicator with aseptic precautions from its
package and transfer it to a tube of culture medium so that it
is completely immersed. Incubate and interpret the results
as described in the test.
Unless otherwise justied and authorised, store in a sterile,
tamper-proof container.

Eye drops that are suspensions may show a sediment that is

readily redispersed on shaking to give a suspension which
remains sufciently stable to enable the correct dose to be
Multidose preparations are supplied in containers that allow
successive drops of the preparation to be administered. The
containers contain at most 10 mL of the preparation, unless
otherwise justied and authorised.
Particle size. Unless otherwise justied and authorised,
eye drops in the form of a suspension comply with the
following test : introduce a suitable quantity of the suspension
into a counting cell or with a micropipette onto a slide,
as appropriate, and scan under a microscope an area
corresponding to 10 g of the solid phase. For practical
reasons, it is recommended that the whole sample is rst
scanned at low magnication (e.g. 50) and particles greater
than 25 m are identied. These larger particles can then
be measured at a larger magnication (e.g. 200 to 500).
For each 10 g of solid active substance, not more than 20
particles have a maximum dimension greater than 25 m, and
not more than 2 of these particles have a maximum dimension
greater than 50 m. None of the particles has a maximum
dimension greater than 90 m.
The label states, for multidose containers, the period after
opening the container after which the contents must not be
used. This period does not exceed 4 weeks, unless otherwise
justied and authorised.

Eye lotions

Eye lotions are sterile aqueous solutions intended for use in
The label states the name of any added antimicrobial
rinsing or bathing the eye or for impregnating eye dressings.
Eye lotions may contain excipients, for example to adjust the
tonicity or the viscosity of the preparation or to adjust or
stabilise the pH. These substances do not adversely affect the
Eye drops
intended action or, at the concentrations used, cause undue
local irritation.
Eye lotions supplied in multidose containers contain a suitable
Eye drops are sterile aqueous or oily solutions, emulsions or
antimicrobial preservative in appropriate concentration
suspensions of one or more active substances intended for
except when the preparation itself has adequate antimicrobial
instillation into the eye.
properties. The antimicrobial preservative chosen is
compatible with the other ingredients of the preparation and
Eye drops may contain excipients, for example, to adjust the
tonicity or the viscosity of the preparation, to adjust or stabilise remains effective throughout the period of time during which
the pH, to increase the solubility of the active substance, or to the eye lotions are in use.
stabilise the preparation. These substances do not adversely
If eye lotions do not contain antimicrobial preservatives, they
affect the intended medicinal action or, at the concentrations are supplied in single-dose containers. Eye lotions intended
used, cause undue local irritation.
for use in surgical procedures or in rst-aid treatment do not
contain an antimicrobial preservative and are supplied in
Aqueous preparations supplied in multidose containers
single-dose containers.
contain a suitable antimicrobial preservative in appropriate
concentration except when the preparation itself has adequate Eye lotions, examined under suitable conditions of visibility,
are practically clear and practically free from particles.
antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial preservative
chosen must be compatible with the other ingredients of the
The containers for multidose preparations do not contain
preparation and must remain effective throughout the period more than 200 mL of eye lotion, unless otherwise justied
of time during which eye drops are in use.
and authorised.
If eye drops do not contain antimicrobial preservatives
they are supplied in single-dose containers or in multidose
containers preventing microbial contamination of the contents The label states :
after opening.
where applicable, that the contents are to be used on one
Eye drops intended for use in surgical procedures do not
occasion only ;
contain antimicrobial preservatives.
for multidose containers, the period after opening the
container after which the contents must not be used ; this
Eye drops that are solutions, examined under suitable
period does not exceed 4 weeks, unless otherwise justied
conditions of visibility, are practically clear and practically
and authorised.
free from particles.

General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts


Foams, medicated

Powders for eye drops and powders

for eye lotions
Powders for the preparation of eye drops and eye lotions are
supplied in a dry, sterile form to be dissolved or suspended in
an appropriate liquid vehicle at the time of administration.
They may contain excipients to facilitate dissolution or
dispersion, to prevent caking, to adjust the tonicity, to adjust
or stabilise the pH or to stabilise the preparation.
After dissolution or suspension in the prescribed liquid, they
comply with the requirements for eye drops or eye lotions,
as appropriate.
Uniformity of dosage units (2.9.40). Single-dose powders
for eye drops and eye lotions comply with the test or, where
justied and authorised, with the tests for uniformity of
content and/or uniformity of mass shown below. Herbal drugs
and herbal drug preparations present in the dosage form are
not subject to the provisions of this paragraph.
Uniformity of content (2.9.6). Unless otherwise prescribed
or justied and authorised, single-dose powders for eye
drops and eye lotions with a content of active substance less
then 2 mg or less than 2 per cent of the total mass comply
with test B. If the preparation has more than one active
substance, the requirement applies only to those substances
that correspond to the above condition.
Uniformity of mass (2.9.5). Single-dose powders for eye drops
and eye lotions comply with the test. If the test for uniformity
of content is prescribed for all the active substances, the test
for uniformity of mass is not required.

Semi-solid eye preparations

Semi-solid eye preparations are sterile ointments, creams
or gels intended for application to the conjunctiva or to the
eyelids. They contain one or more active substances dissolved
or dispersed in a suitable basis. They have a homogeneous
Semi-solid eye preparations comply with the requirements
of the monograph Semi-solid preparations for cutaneous
application (0132). The basis is non-irritant to the conjunctiva.
Semi-solid eye preparations are packed in small, sterilised
collapsible tubes tted or provided with a sterilised cannula.
The containers contain at most 10 g of the preparation,
unless otherwise justied and authorised. The tubes must be
well-closed to prevent microbial contamination. Semi-solid
eye preparations may also be packed in suitably designed
single-dose containers. The containers, or the nozzles of tubes,
are of such a shape as to facilitate administration without
Particle size. Semi-solid eye preparations containing
dispersed solid particles comply with the following test :
spread gently a quantity of the preparation corresponding
to at least 10 g of solid active substance as a thin layer.
Scan under a microscope the whole area of the sample. For
practical reasons, it is recommended that the whole sample is
rst scanned at a small magnication (e.g. 50) and particles
greater than 25 m are identied. These larger particles can
then be measured at a larger magnication (e.g. 200 to
500). For each 10 g of solid active substance, not more than
20 particles have a maximum dimension greater than 25 m,
and not more than 2 of these particles have a maximum
dimension greater than 50 m. None of the particles has a
maximum dimension greater than 90 m.



The label states, for multidose containers, the period after
opening the container after which the contents must not be
used. This period does not exceed 4 weeks, unless otherwise
justied and authorised.

Ophthalmic inserts
Ophthalmic inserts are sterile, solid or semi-solid preparations
of suitable size and shape, designed to be inserted in the
conjunctival sac, to produce an ocular effect. They generally
consist of a reservoir of active substance embedded in a matrix
or bounded by a rate-controlling membrane. The active
substance, which is more or less soluble in lacrymal liquid, is
released over a determined period of time.
Ophthalmic inserts are individually distributed into sterile
In the manufacture of ophthalmic inserts, measures are taken
to ensure a suitable dissolution behaviour.
Uniformity of dosage units (2.9.40). Ophthalmic inserts
comply with the test or, where justied and authorised, with
the test for uniformity of content shown below. Herbal drugs
and herbal drug preparations present in the dosage form are
not subject to the provisions of this paragraph.
Uniformity of content (2.9.6). Ophthalmic inserts comply,
where applicable, with test A.
The label states :
where applicable, the total quantity of active substance per
insert ;
where applicable, the dose released per unit time.

Musci medicati

Additional requirements for medicated foams may be found,

where appropriate, in other general monographs, for example
on Rectal preparations (1145), Vaginal preparations (1164) and
Liquid preparations for cutaneous application (0927).
Medicated foams are preparations consisting of large volumes
of gas dispersed in a liquid generally containing one or more
active substances, a surfactant ensuring their formation
and various other excipients. Medicated foams are usually
intended for application to the skin or mucous membranes.
Medicated foams are usually formed at the time of
administration from a liquid preparation in a pressurised
container. The container is equipped with a device consisting
of a valve and a push button suitable for the delivery of the
Medicated foams intended for use on severely injured skin
and on large open wounds are sterile.
Medicated foams supplied in pressurised containers comply
with the requirements of the monograph on Pressurised
pharmaceutical preparations (0523).
Sterile medicated foams are prepared using materials
and methods designed to ensure sterility and to avoid
the introduction of contaminants and the growth of
See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)

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