Zivkovic PRL 2006

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Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx


Ecient adaptive density estimation per image pixel

for the task of background subtraction
Zoran Zivkovic


, Ferdinand van der Heijden

Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Received 5 July 2004; received in revised form 17 August 2005

Communicated by Prof. M. Lindenbaum

We analyze the computer vision task of pixel-level background subtraction. We present recursive equations that are used to constantly
update the parameters of a Gaussian mixture model and to simultaneously select the appropriate number of components for each pixel.
We also present a simple non-parametric adaptive density estimation method. The two methods are compared with each other and with
some previously proposed algorithms.
 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Background subtraction; On-line density estimation; Gaussian mixture model; Non-parametric density estimation

1. Introduction
A static camera observing a scene is a common case of
a surveillance system. Detecting intruding objects is an
essential step in analyzing the scene. An usually applicable
assumption is that the images of the scene without the
intruding objects exhibit some regular behavior that can
be well described by a statistical model. If we have a statistical model of the scene, an intruding object can be detected
by spotting the parts of the image that do not t the model.
This process is usually known as background subtraction.
In the case of common pixel-level background subtraction the scene model has a probability density function
for each pixel separately. A pixel from a new image is considered to be a background pixel if its new value is well
described by its density function. For a static scene the simplest model could be just an image of the scene without the

Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 20 525 7564; fax: +31 20 525 7490.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Zivkovic).

0167-8655/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

intruding objects. The next step would be, for example, to

estimate appropriate values for the variances of the pixel
intensity levels from the image since the variances can vary
from pixel to pixel. This single Gaussian model was used in
(Wren et al., 1997). However, pixel values often have complex distributions and more elaborate models are needed.
A Gaussian mixture model (GMM) was proposed for
the background subtraction in (Friedman and Russell,
1997) and ecient update equations are given in (Stauer
and Grimson, 1999). In (Power and Schoonees, 2002) the
GMM is extended with a hysteresis threshold. In (Hayman
and Eklundh, 2003) the GMM approach was applied to
pan-tilt cameras. The standard GMM update equations
are extended in (KaewTraKulPong and Bowden, 2001;
Lee, 2005) to improve the speed of adaptation of the
model. All these GMMs use a xed number of components. In (Stenger et al., 2001) the topology and the number
of components of a hidden Markov model was selected in
an o-line training procedure. The rst contribution of this
paper is an improved GMM algorithm based on the recent
results from Zivkovic and van der Heijden (2004). We
show, from a Bayesian perspective, how to use a model


Z. Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden / Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx

selection criterion to choose the right number of components for each pixel on-line and in this way automatically
fully adapt to the scene.
The non-parametric density estimates also lead to exible models. The kernel density estimate was proposed for
background-subtraction in (Elgammal et al., 2000). A
problem with the kernel estimates is the choice of the xed
kernel size. This problem can be addressed using the variable-size kernels (Wand and Jones, 1995). Two simple
approaches are: the balloon estimator adapts the kernel
size at each estimation point; and the sample-point estimator adapts the kernel size for each data point. In (Mittal and Paragios, 2004) an elaborate hybrid scheme is used.
As the second contribution of the paper, we use here the
balloon variable-size kernel approach. We use uniform kernels for simplicity. The balloon approach leads to a very
ecient implementation that is equivalent to using a xed
uniform kernel (see Section 4). Finally, as the third contribution, we analyze and compare the standard algorithms
(Stauer and Grimson, 1999; Elgammal et al., 2000) and
the newly proposed algorithms.
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section,
we state the problem of the pixel-based background subtraction. In Section 3, we review the GMM approach from
Stauer and Grimson (1999) and present how the number
of components can be selected on-line to improve the algorithm. In Section 4, we review the non-parametric kernelbased approach from Elgammal et al. (2000) and propose
a simplication that leads to better experimental results.
In Section 5, we give the experimental results and analyze
2. Problem denition
The value of a pixel at time t in RGB is denoted by ~
xt .
Some other color space or some local features could also be
used. For example, in (Mittal and Paragios, 2004) normalized colors and optical ow estimates were used. The pixelbased background subtraction involves decision if the pixel
belongs to the background (BG) or some foreground object
(FG). The pixel is more likely to belong to the background

xt jBGpBG
xt jFGpFG

is larger then 1 and vice versa. The results from the background subtraction are usually propagated to some higher
level modules, for example, the detected objects are often
tracked. While tracking an object we could obtain some
knowledge about the appearance of the tracked object
and this knowledge could be used to improve the background subtraction. This is discussed, for example, in (Harville, 2002; Withagen et al., 2002). In the general case we do
not know anything about the foreground objects that can
be seen nor when and how often they will be present.
Therefore we assume a uniform distribution for the appear-

ance of the foreground objects p~

xt jFG. The decision that
a pixel belongs to the background is made if
xt jFGpFG=pBG;
xt jBG > cthr p~

where cthr is a threshold value. We will refer to p~

xjBG as
the background model. The background model is estimated
from a training set X. The estimated model is denoted by
xjX; BG and depends on the training set as denoted
explicitly. In practice, the illumination in the scene could
change gradually (daytime or weather conditions in an
outdoor scene) or suddenly (switching the light o or on
in an indoor scene). A new object could be brought into
the scene or a present object removed from it. In order to
adapt to these changes we can update the training set by
adding new samples and discarding the old ones. We assume that the samples are independent and the main problem is how to eciently estimate the density function online. There are models in the literature that consider the
time aspect of an image sequence and then the decision depends also on the previous pixel values from the sequence.
For example, in (Toyama et al., 1999; Monnet et al., 2003)
the pixel value distribution over time is modelled as an
autoregressive process. In (Stenger et al., 2001; Kato
et al., 2002) hidden Markov models are used. However,
these methods are usually much slower and adaptation to
changes of the scene is dicult.
The pixel-wise approaches assume that the adjacent pixels are uncorrelated. Markov random eld can be used to
model the correlation between the adjacent pixel values
(Kato et al., 2002) but leads to slow and complex algorithms. Some additional ltering of the segmented images
often improves the results since it imposes some correlation
(Elgammal et al., 2000; Cemgil et al., 2005). Another
related subject is the shadow detection. The intruding
object can cast shadows on the background. Usually, we
are interested only in the object and the pixels corresponding to the shadow should be detected (Prati et al., 2003). In
this paper, we analyze the pure pixel-based background
subtraction. For the various applications some of the mentioned additional aspects and maybe some postprocessing
steps might be important and could lead to improvements
but this is out of the scope of this paper.
3. Gaussian mixture model
In order to adapt to possible changes the training set
should be updated. We choose a reasonable time adaptation period T. At time t we have XT fxt ; . . . ; xtT g.
For each new sample we update the training data set XT
and reestimate the density. These samples might contain
values that belong to the foreground objects. Therefore,
we should denote the estimated density as ^p~
xt jXT ; BG
FG. We use a GMM with M components:
xjXT ; BG FG


^2m I;
^m N~
x; ~
l^m ; r

Z. Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden / Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx

where ~
l^1 ; . . . ; ~
l^M are the estimates of the means and
^1 ; . . . ; r
^M are the estimates of the variances that describe
the Gaussian components. For computational reasons the
covariance matrices are kept isotropic. The identity matrix
I has proper dimensions. The estimated mixing weights
^m are non-negative and add up to one.
denoted by p
3.1. Update equations
Given a new data sample ~
xt at time t the recursive
update equations are (Titterington, 1984):

^m aot
^m ;
m p
l o a=^
pm ~
dm ;


^2m ot
^2m ;
dm  r
pm ~
m a=^


where ~
dm ~
xt  ~
l^m . Instead of the time interval T that
was mentioned above, here the constant a denes an exponentially decaying envelope that is used to limit the inuence of the old data. We keep the same notation having
in mind that eectively a = 1/T. For a new sample the ownership ot
m is set to 1 for the close component with largest
^m and the others are set to zero. We dene that a sample is
close to a component if the Mahalanobis distance from
the component is, for example, less than three. The squared
distance from the mth component is calculated as:
dm =^
D2m ~
xt ~
r2m . If there are no close components a
^M1 a; ~
l^M1 ~
new component is generated with p
^M1 r0 where r0 is some appropriate initial variand r
ance. If the maximum number of components is reached
^m .
we discard the component with smallest p
The presented algorithm presents an on-line clustering
algorithm. Usually, the intruding foreground objects will
be represented by some additional clusters with small
^m . Therefore, we can approximate the background
weights p
model by the rst B largest clusters:
xjXT ; BG 


^m N~
x; ~
l^m ; r2m I.


If the components are sorted to have descending weights

(slightly dierent ordering is originally used in (Stauer
^m , we have
and Grimson, 1999)) p
^m > 1  cf ;
B arg min


where cf is a measure of the maximum portion of the data

that can belong to foreground objects without inuencing
the background model. For example, if a new object comes
into a scene and remains static for some time it will be temporally presented as an additional cluster. Since the old
background is occluded the weight pB+1 of the new cluster
will be constantly increasing. If the object remains static
long enough, its weight becomes larger than cf and it can
be considered to be part of the background. If we look at
(4), we can conclude that the object should be static for

approximately log(1  cf)/log(1  a) frames. For example,

for cf = 0.1 and a = 0.001 we get 105 frames.
3.2. Selecting the number of components
The weight pm is the fraction of the data that belongs to
the mth component of the GMM. It can be regarded as the
probability that a sample comes from the mth component
and in this way the pm-s dene an underlying multinomial
distribution. Let us assume that we have t data samples
and each of them belongs to one of the components of the
GMM. Let us also assume that the number
Pt of samples that
belong to the mth component is nm i1 oi
m where om -s
are dened in the previous section. The assumed multinomial
for nm-s gives a likelihood function
Q distribution
m1 pm . The mixing weights are constrained to sum
up to one. We take this into account by introducing the
Lagrange multiplier k. The MaximumPLikelihood (ML)
^m  1 0.
estimate follows from: o^pom log L k m1 p
After getting rid of k, we get

nm 1 X

oi .
t i1 m

The estimate from t samples is denoted as p
m and it can be
rewritten in a recursive form as a function of the estimate
^mt1 for t  1 samples and the ownership omt of the last
^mt p
^mt1 ot
t m


If we now x the inuence of the new samples by xing 1/t

to a = 1/T we get the update Eq. (4). This xed inuence of
the new samples means that we rely more on the new samples and the contribution from the old samples is downweighted in an exponentially decaying manner as
mentioned before.
Prior knowledge for multinomial distribution can be
by using its conjugate prior, the Dirichlet prior
m1 pm . The coecients cm have a meaningful interpretation. For the multinomial distribution, the cm presents
the prior evidence (in the maximum a posteriori (MAP)
sense) for the class mthe number of samples that belong
to that class a priori. As in (Zivkovic and van der Heijden,
2004), we use negative coecients cm = c. Negative prior
evidence means that we will accept that the class m exists
only if there is enough evidence from the data for the existence of this class. This type of prior is also related to the
Minimum Message Length criterion that is used for selecting proper models for given data (Zivkovic and van der
Heijden, 2004). The MAP solution that includes the
prior follows from
log L log P
PM o^pc
^m  1 0, where P m1 pm . We get
k m1 p
oi  c ;
K i1 m


Z. Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden / Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx

where K




i1 om

 c t  Mc. We rewrite (11)

^ m  c=t
1  Mc=t
^ m 1 t ot is the ML estimate from (9) and the
where P
i1 m
bias from the prior is introduced through c/t. The bias decreases for larger data sets (larger t). However, if a small
bias is acceptable we can keep it constant by xing c/t to
cT = c/T with some large T. This means that the bias will
always be the same as if it would have been for a data
set with T samples. It is easy to show that the recursive
version of (11) with xed c/t = cT is given by

^m p
^m 1=t
. 13
1  McT
1  McT

Since we usually expect only a few components M and cT

is small we assume 1  McT  1. As mentioned we set 1/t
to a and get the nal modied adaptive update equation

^m aot
^m  acT .
m p


This equation is used instead of (4). After each update we

need to normalize pm-s so that they add up to one. We start
with a GMM with one component centered on the rst
sample and new components are added as mentioned in
the previous section. The Dirichlet prior with negative
weights will suppress the components that are not supported by the data and we discard the component m when
its weight pm becomes negative. This also ensures that the
mixing weights stay non-negative. For a chosen a = 1/T,
we could require that at least c = 0.01 * T samples support
a component and we get cT = 0.01.
Note that the direct recursive version of (11) given by
^mt p
^mt1 t  Mc1 ot
xt  p
is not very usem ~
ful. We could start with a larger value for t to avoid negative update for small t but then we cancel out the inuence
of the prior. This motivates the important choice we made
to x the inuence of the prior.
4. Non-parametric methods
4.1. Kernel density estimation
Density estimation using a uniform kernel starts by
counting the number of samples k from the data set XT
that lie within the volume V of the kernel. The volume V
is a hypersphere with diameter D. The density estimate is
given by
xjXT ; BG FG
pnon-parametric ~
1 X
xm ~

TV mtT


where the kernel function Ku 1 if u < 1/2 and 0 otherwise. The volume V of the kernel is proportional to Dd
where d is the dimensionality of the data. Other smoother

kernel functions K are often used. For example, a Gaussian prole is used in (Elgammal et al., 2000). In practice
the kernel form K has little inuence but the choice of D
is critical (Wand and Jones, 1995). In (Elgammal et al.,
2000) the median med is calculated for the absolute dierxt1 k of the samples from XT and a simple
ences k~
xt ~
robust estimate
of the standard deviation is used D
med=0:68 2.
4.2. Simple balloon variable kernel density estimation
The kernel estimation is using one xed kernel size D for
the whole density function which might not be the best
choice (Wand and Jones, 1995). The so called balloon
estimator adapts the kernel size at each estimation point
x. Instead of trying to nd the globally optimal D, we could
increase the width D of the kernel for each new point ~
until a xed amount of data k is covered. In this way we
get large kernels in the areas with a small number of samples and smaller kernels in the densely populated areas.
This estimate is not a proper density estimate since the integral of the estimate is not equal to 1. There are many other
more elaborate approaches (Hall et al., 1995). Still the balloon estimate is often used for classication problems since
it is related to the k-NN classication (see Bishop, 1995,
p. 56). One nearest neighbor is common but to be more
robust to outliers we use k = [0.1T] where [ ] is the
round-to-integer operator.
The balloon approach leads to an ecient implementation that is equivalent to using a xed uniform kernel. Only
the choice for the threshold cthr from (2) is dierent. For
both the xed kernel and the balloon estimate the decision
that a new sample ~
x ts the model is made if there are more
than k points within the volume V (15). The kernel based
approach has V xed and k is the variable parameter that
can be used as the threshold cthr  k from (2). For the
uniform kernel k is discrete and we get discontinuous
estimates. The balloon variable kernel approach in this
paper has the k xed and the volume V is the variable
parameter cthr  1/V  1/Dd. The problems with the discontinuities do not occur. An additional advantage is that
we do not estimate the sensitive kernel size parameter as in
(Elgammal et al., 2000).
4.3. Practical issues
In practice T is large and keeping all the samples in XT
would require too much memory and calculating (15)
would be too slow. It is reasonable to choose a xed number of samples K  T and randomly select a sample from
each subinterval T/K. This might give too sparse sampling
of the interval T. In (Elgammal et al., 2000) the model is
split into a short-term model that has Kshort samples
form Tshort period and a long-term model with Klong
samples form Tlong. The short-term model contains a
denser sampling of the recent history. We use a similar
short-termlong-term strategy as in (Elgammal et al.,

Z. Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden / Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx

2000). We would like to compare the non-parametric

approaches to the GMM approach. Without a proof of
optimality we select Kshort = Klong = K/2. The exponentially decaying envelope dened by the parameter a = 1/T
is used to limit the inuence of the old data in the GMM
approach. The short-term and long-term models can
be seen as a step-like approximation of the envelope. We
choose the short-term model to approximate the rst
30% of the information under the envelope and we get
Tshort = [log(0.7)/log(1  a)].
The XT contains also samples from the foreground.
Therefore, for automatic learning we keep also a set of
corresponding indicators b(1), . . . , b(T). The indicator b(m)
has a value 0 if the sample is assigned to the foreground.
The background model considers only the samples with
b(m) = 1 that were classied to belong to the background:
1 X
pnon-parametric ~
xjXT ; BG 
bm K
TV mtT
If this value is greater than the threshold cthr the pixel is
classied as background. Eq. (15), which considers all the
samples regardless of the b(m)  s, is used to determine
b(m) for the new sample. If the object remains static than
the new samples are expected to be close to each other.
For T = 1000 (a = 0.001), we could expect that (15) becomes greater than the cthr (we use the same threshold)
after approximately k = [0.1T] = 100 video frames. The
samples from the object then start being included into
the background model (b(m)-s set to 1). This is similar to
the automatic learning for the GMM method. Note that
this is slightly dierent from the strategy from (Elgammal
et al., 2000) where they proposed to use only the longterm model to decide when the samples regarded as foreground can be considered as background samples.
5. Experiments
A brief summary of the two algorithms is given in
Table 1. To analyze the performance of the algorithms
we used three dynamic scenes (Fig. 1). The Trac scene
sequence has 1000 frames and it was taken with a highquality camera but under poor light conditions. The
Lab sequence has 845 frames and it is more dynamic.
It has a monitor with rolling interference bars in the scene.

The plant from the scene was swaying because of the wind.
This sequence is taken by a low-quality web-camera. The
highly dynamic sequence Trees is taken from (Elgammal et al., 2000). This sequence has 857 frames. We will
analyze only the steady state performance and the performance with slow gradual changes. Therefore, the rst 500
frames of the sequences were not used for evaluation and
the rest of the frames were manually segmented to
generate the ground truth. Some experiments considering
adaptation to the sudden changes and the initialization
problems can be found in (Toyama et al., 1999, 2001,
2005). For both algorithms and for dierent threshold values (cthr from (2)), we measured the true positivespercentage of the pixels that belong to the intruding objects
that are correctly assigned to the foreground and the false
positivespercentage of the background pixels that are
incorrectly classied as the foreground. These are results
are plotted as the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
curves (Egan, 1975) that are used for evaluation and
comparison (Zhang, 1996). For both algorithms, we use
a = 0.001.
5.1. Improved GMM
We compare the improved GMM algorithm with the
original algorithm (Stauer and Grimson, 1999) with a
xed number of components M = 4. In Fig. 1, we demonstrate the improvement in the segmentation results (the
ROC curves) and in the processing time. The reported processing time is for 320 240 images and measured on a
2 GHz PC. In the second column of Fig. 1, we also illustrate how the new algorithm adapts to the scene. The gray
values in the images indicate the selected number of components per pixel. Black stands for one Gaussian per pixel
and a pixel is white if a maximum of 4 components is used.
For example, the scene from the Lab sequence has a
monitor with rolling interference bars and the waving
plant. We see that the dynamic areas are modelled using
more components. Consequently, the processing time also
depends on the complexity of the scene. For the highly
dynamic Trees sequence the processing time is close to
that of the original algorithm (Stauer and Grimson,
1999). Intruding objects introduce generation of new components that are removed after some time (see the Trac
sequence). This also inuences the processing speed. For
simple scenes like the Trac often a single Gaussian

Table 1
A brief summary of the GMM and the non-parametric background subtraction algorithms
General steps

Classify the new sample ~

x p~
x jXT ; BG > cthr
Update p~
xjXT ; BG FG
Update p~
xjXT ; BG
These steps are repeated for each new video frame.



Use (7)
Use (14), (5) and (6), see Section 3
for some practical issues
Use (8) to select the components of the
GMM that belong to the background

Use (16)
Add the new sample to XT and remove the
oldest one, see Section 4.3 for some practical issues
If (15) > cthr use the new sample for p~
xjXT ; BG
(set bm = 1 for the sample)


Z. Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden / Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx

Fig. 1. Comparison of the new proposed methods to the previous methods. The ROC curves are presented for the GMMs and the non-parametric (NP)
models. For the new GMM model we also present the selected number of mixture components using the new algorithm. We also report the average
processing times in the second column of the table.

per pixel is enough and the processing time is greatly

reduced. For complex scenes like Trees the segmentation
improvement seems to be the greatest. This could be
explained by the fact that because of the prior the new
GMM is more aggressive in discarding the unimportant
components and therefore better in nding the important
modes of the GMM.
5.2. Improved non-parametric method
We compare the balloon variable kernel method to the
kernel-based method from Elgammal et al. (2000). The
ROC curves are reported in the last column of Fig. 1.
We used Gaussian kernels for the kernel-based method
and uniform for the balloon method. The much simpler
new method was constantly giving better segmentation.
Again we observe the largest improvements for the complex scene Trees. This is due to the fact that the small

number of samples is widely spread in such cases and the

choice of the kernel width D becomes more important.
For both methods we used K = 20 samples. This choice
was made here because the average processing time for this
number of samples was similar to the average processing
time of the GMM method. Also for other reasonable
choices of the number of samples the new method was
always performing better. Implementation of the new
method is straightforward but for implementing (Elgammal et al., 2000) there are still many choices to be made.
Therefore we do not compare the average processing times.
However, even without estimating the kernel width in
(Elgammal et al., 2000), the new method is much faster
since we can use the uniform kernels and still get smooth
results for dierent thresholds (see Section 4.2). Using uniform kernels in (Elgammal et al., 2000) would lead to a
very coarse estimate of the density especially in the areas
with a small number of samples.

Z. Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden / Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx

5.3. Comparison
In order to better understand the performance of the
algorithms we show the estimated decision boundary for
the background models for a pixel in Fig. 2a. The pixel
comes from the image area where there was a plant waving
because of the wind. This leads to a complex distribution.
The GMM tries to cover the data with two isotropic Gaussians. The non-parametric model is more exible and captures the presented complex distribution more closely.
Therefore the nonparametric method usually outperforms
the GMM method in complex situations as we can clearly
observe in Fig. 2b where we compare the ROC curves of
the two new algorithms. However, for a simple scene as
the Trac scene the GMM presents also a good model.
An advantage of the new GMM is that gives a compact
model which might be useful for some further postprocess-

ing like shadow-detection, etc. Isotropic Gaussians leads

to crude models as mentioned. Updating full covariance
matrices (Zivkovic and van der Heijden, 2004) might give
some improvements but this is computationally expensive.
An important parameter that has inuence on the performance of the non-parametric method is the number of
samples K we use. With more samples we should get better
results but the processing time will be increased. For each
number of samples (K from 3 to 60) and for each threshold
we measure the true positives, false positives and the average processing time. We interpolate this results to get a surface in this 3D tness-cost space. This surface is presents
the best achievable results in the terms of the true positives,
false positives and the processing time and it can be
regarded as a generalization of the ROC curves. In literature this is a standard way to perform a parameter-free
comparison. This surface is called Pareto front (Pareto,

Fig. 2. Comparison of the new GMM algorithm and the new non-parametric (NP) method: (a) an illustration of how the models t the data. The
estimated models are presented for a certain threshold for the frame 840 of the Laboratory sequence and for the pixel (283, 53) (the pixel is in the area of
the waving plant above the monitor, see Fig. 1), (b) ROC curves for comparison, (c) the convex hull surfaces (Pareto front) that represent the best possible
performance of the algorithms for dierent parameter choices.


Z. Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden / Pattern Recognition Letters xxx (2006) xxxxxx

1971; Everingham et al., 2002). Since the new GMM has no

such parameters we present the best achievable results of
the GMM as a cylindrical surface constructed from the
ROC curve and cut it o at the average processing time.
The Pareto front comparison is presented in Fig. 2c. We
observe that if we use more samples the processing time
of the non-parametric method is increased and the segmentation is improved as mentioned. However, for the simple
Trac sequence the generalization properties of the
GMM are still better even when a larger number of samples is used for the non-parametric model. Another conclusion is that we could get a very fast nonparametric
algorithm with slightly worse performance if we reduce
the number of samples K. This will also reduce the memory
requirements for the non-parametric approach.
6. Conclusions
We improved the two common background subtraction
schemes presented in (Stauer and Grimson, 1999; Elgammal et al., 2000). The new GMM algorithm can automatically select the needed number of components per pixel. In
this way it can fully adapt to the observed scene. The new
kernel method is much simpler than the previously used
kernel-based approach. In both cases the processing time
is reduced and the segmentation is improved. We also
compared the new algorithms. The GMM gives a compact
representation which is suitable for further processing. It
also seems to be a better model for simple static scenes.
The non-parametric approach is very simple to implement
and it is a better model for complex dynamic scenes.
Bishop, C., 1995. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford
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