Module 2

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Factors influencing investments decisions

Past market trends

Sometimes history repeats itself; sometimes markets learn from their mistakes. You
need to understand how various asset classes have performed in the past before
planning your finances.
Your risk appetite
The ability to tolerate risk differs from person to person. It depends on factors such
as your financial responsibilities, your environment, your basic personality, etc.
Therefore, understanding your capacity to take on risk becomes a crucial factor in
investment decision making.
Investment horizon
How long can you keep the money invested? The longer the time-horizon, the
greater are the returns that you should expect. Further, the risk element reduces
with time.
Investible surplus
How much money are you able to keep aside for investments? The investible
surplus plays a vital role in selecting from various asset classes as the minimum
investment amounts differ and so do the risks and returns.
Investment need
How much money do you need at the time of maturity? This helps you determine
the amount of money you need to invest every month or year to reach the magic
Expected returns
The expected rate of returns is a crucial factor as it will guide your choice of
investment. Based on your expectations, you can decide whether you want to
invest heavily into equities or debt or balance your portfolio.

Types of Risk - Systematic and Unsystematic Risk in Finance

Types of risk
First let's revise the simple meaning of two words, viz., types and risk.
1. Types mean different classes or various forms / kinds of something or
2. Risk implies the extent to which any chosen action or an inaction that may
lead to a loss or some unwanted outcome. The notion implies that a choice
may have an influence on the outcome that exists or has existed.
However, in financial management, risk relates to any material loss attached to the
project that may affect the productivity, tenure, legal issues, etc. of the project.
In finance, different types of risk can be classified under two main groups, viz.
In finance, different types of risk can be classified under two main groups, viz.,

1. Systematic risk.
2. Unsystematic risk.
The meaning of systematic and unsystematic risk in finance:
1. Systematic risk is uncontrollable by an organization and macro in nature.
2. Unsystematic risk is controllable by an organization and micro in nature.

A. Systematic Risk
Systematic risk is due to the influence of external factors on an organization. Such
factors are normally uncontrollable from an organization's point of view.
It is a macro in nature as it affects a large number of organizations operating under
a similar stream or same domain. It cannot be planned by the organization.
The types of systematic risk are depicted and listed below.

1. Interest rate risk,

2. Market risk and
3. Purchasing power or inflationary risk.
Now let's discuss each risk classified under this group.
1. Interest rate risk
Interest-rate risk arises due to variability in the interest rates from time to time. It
particularly affects debt securities as they carry the fixed rate of interest.
The types of interest-rate risk are depicted and listed below.

1. Price risk
2. Reinvestment rate risk.
The meaning of price and reinvestment rate risk is as follows:
1. Price risk arises due to the possibility that the price of the shares,
commodity, investment, etc. may decline or fall in the future.
2. Reinvestment rate risk results from fact that the interest or dividend earned
from an investment can't be reinvested with the same rate of return as it was
acquiring earlier.
2. Market risk
Market risk is associated with consistent fluctuations seen in the trading price of
any particular shares or securities. That is, it arises due to rise or fall in the trading
price of listed shares or securities in the stock market.
The types of market risk are depicted and listed below

1. Absolute risk,
2. Relative risk,
3. Directional risk,
4. Non-directional risk,
5. Basis risk and
6. Volatility risk.
The meaning of different types of market risk is as follows:
1. Absolute risk is without any content. For e.g., if a coin is tossed, there is fifty
percentage chance of getting a head and vice-versa.
3. Relative risk is the assessment or evaluation of risk at different levels of
business functions. For e.g. a relative-risk from a foreign exchange
fluctuation may be higher if the maximum sales accounted by an
organization are of export sales.
4. Directional risks are those risks where the loss arises from an exposure to
the particular assets of a market. For e.g. an investor holding some shares
experience a loss when the market price of those shares falls down.
5. Non-Directional risk arises where the method of trading is not consistently
followed by the trader. For e.g. the dealer will buy and sell the share
simultaneously to mitigate the risk
6. Basis risk is due to the possibility of loss arising from imperfectly matched
risks. For e.g. the risks which are in offsetting positions in two related but
non-identical markets.
7. Volatility risk is of a change in the price of securities as a result of changes
in the volatility of a risk-factor. For e.g. it applies to the portfolios of
derivative instruments, where the volatility of its underlying is a major
influence of prices.

3. Purchasing power risk or Inflationary risk

Purchasing power risk is also known as inflation risk. It is so science it
emanates (originates) from the facts a purchasing power adversely. It is not
desirable to invest in securities during in inflationary period.

The types of market risk are depicted and listed below

1. Demand inflation risk and

2. Cost inflation risk.
The meaning of demand and cost inflation risk is as follows:
1. Demand inflation risk arises due to increase in price, which result from an
excess of demand over supply. It occurs when supply fails to cope with the
demand and hence cannot expand anymore. In other words, demand
inflation occurs when production factors are under maximum utilization.
2. Cost inflation risk arises due to sustained increase in the prices of goods and
services. It is actually caused by higher production cost. A high cost of
production inflates the final price of finished goods consumed by people.

B. Unsystematic Risk

Unsystematic risk is due to the influence of internal factors prevailing within an

organization. Such factors are normally controllable from an organization's point of
It is a micro in nature as it affects only a particular organization. It can be planned,
so that necessary actions can be taken by the organization to mitigate (reduce the
effect of) the risk.
The types of unsystematic risk are depicted and listed below.

1. Business or liquidity risk,

2. Financial or credit risk and
3. Operational risk.
1. Business or liquidity risk
Business risk is also known as liquidity risk. It is so, since it emanates (originates)
from the sale and purchase of securities affected by business cycles, technological
changes, etc.
The types of business or liquidity risk are depicted and listed below.

1. Asset liquidity risk and

2. Funding liquidity risk.
The meaning of asset and funding liquidity risk is as follows:
1. Asset liquidity risk is due to losses arising from an inability to sell or pledge
assets at, or near, their carrying value when needed. For e.g. assets sold at a
lesser value than their book value.
2. Funding liquidity risk exists for not having an access to the sufficient-funds
to make a payment on time. For e.g. when commitments made to customers
are not fulfilled as discussed in the SLA (service level agreements).
2. Financial or credit risk
Financial risk is also known as credit risk. It arises due to change in the capital
structure of the organization. The capital structure mainly comprises of three ways
by which funds are sourced for the projects. These are as follows:
1. Owned funds. For e.g. share capital.
2. Borrowed funds. For e.g. loan funds.
3. Retained earnings. For e.g. reserve and surplus.
The types of financial or credit risk are depicted and listed below.

1. Exchange rate risk,

2. Recovery rate risk,
3. Credit event risk,
4. Non-Directional risk,
5. Sovereign risk and
6. Settlement risk.
The meaning of types of financial or credit risk is as follows:
1. Exchange rate risk is also called as exposure rate risk. It is a form of
financial risk that arises from a potential change seen in the exchange rate of
one country's currency in relation to another country's currency and viceversa. For e.g. investors or businesses face it either when they have assets or
operations across national borders, or if they have loans or borrowings in a
foreign currency.
2. Recovery rate risk is an often neglected aspect of a credit-risk analysis. The
recovery rate is normally needed to be evaluated. For e.g. the expected
recovery rate of the funds tendered (given) as a loan to the customers by
banks, non-banking financial companies (NBFC), etc.
3. Sovereign risk is associated with the government. Here, a government is
unable to meet its loan obligations, reneging (to break a promise) on loans it
guarantees, etc.
4. Settlement risk exists when counterparty does not deliver a security or its
value in cash as per the agreement of trade or business.

3. Operational risk
Operational risks are the business process risks failing due to human errors. This
risk will change from industry to industry. It occurs due to breakdowns in the
internal procedures, people, policies and systems.
The types of operational risk are depicted and listed below.

1. Model risk,
2. People risk,
3. Legal risk and
4. Political risk.
The meaning of types of operational risk is as follows:
1. Model risk is involved in using various models to value financial securities.
It is due to probability of loss resulting from the weaknesses in the financialmodel used in assessing and managing a risk.
2. People risk arises when people do not follow the organizations procedures,
practices and/or rules. That is, they deviate from their expected behavior.
3. Legal risk arises when parties are not lawfully competent to enter an
agreement among themselves. Furthermore, this relates to the regulatoryrisk, where a transaction could conflict with a government policy or
particular legislation (law) might be amended in the future with retrospective

4. Political risk occurs due to changes in government policies. Such changes

may have an unfavorable impact on an investor. It is especially prevalent in
the third-world countries.

C. Conclusion
Click on this image to get a complete view of the types of risk in finance.

Following three statements highlight the gist of this article on risk:

1. Every organization must properly group the types of risk under two main
broad categories viz.,
a. Systematic risk and
b. Unsystematic risk.
2. Systematic risk is uncontrollable, and the organization has to suffer from the
same. However, an organization can reduce its impact, to a certain extent, by
properly planning the risk attached to the project.
3. Unsystematic risk is controllable, and the organization shall try to mitigate
the adverse consequences of the same by proper and prompt planning.
So these are some basic types of risk seen in the domain of finance.

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