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(Revised and enlarged edition of the book previously published as
'Astrology and Modem Thought")






Preface to the First Edition


Preface to the Twelfth Edition


I Introductory

II Astrology and Karma


III What is Astrology?


IV Planets and Man


V Astrology and Superstition


VI Statistical Proof


VII Astrology and History


VIII Futility of Fatalistic Doctrine


IX Can Astrology Predict Earthquakes?


X Astrology and Weather Forecasting


XI Astrology as an Aid to Medical Science


XII Astrology vs. Futurology





In this book I have tried to present a case for astrology, and to refute the charge that a
belief in astrology implies a belief in fatalism which in its turn paralyses human endeavor and
retards human progress. Fate and Freewill are relative terms. Science cannot leave things in
nature to blind chance and so-called necessity.
There is a good deal of misunderstanding and wrong notions about astrology, Karma etc.,
due partly to ignorance, partly to indifference and mainly to preconceived opinions.
The philosophy of astrology has as its strongest weapon relativity, and is based on the
truth that ethereal vibrations extend from the Sun to the great planets and from planet to planet.
All space is a network of interacting forces.
I have tried to prove that the concept of Karma Theory is not a wishful imagination but a
product of daring thinking based upon cause-effect relationship so clearly discernible in physical
phenomena. Bertrand Russell, Jung, Plank, Heisenberg, Bohr and Eddington have all been
quoted to show that Modern Thought has been approaching the fringe of Reality realized by the
Maharshis of India thousands of years ago. In fact, I have tried to link up traditional philosophy
with modern scientific thought. The new concepts about space, time, matter and the universe
have after all revealed that astrology marks the relationship between man's conscious ego and
what we call Nature.
No 'scientific authority' accepts the suggestion that the proper way of dealing with the
problems of astrology is not to theorize about and condemn them but to investigate them by the
aid of well-attested facts. Such an idea seems to be quite foreign to the habits of thought of our
scientific opponents. As Dr. Richard Garnette wrote, "the study of facts and the observation of
nature must always be stronger than any abstract reasoning; and the investigation of the
arguments brought against astrology will dist lose a great reluctance on the part of the objector
"to resort to the testimony of facts, and a thoroughly unscientific habit of mind."
If I have succeeded in stimulating modern thinkers to take a more positive interest in the
investigation of astrological truths, my labors will have been amply rewarded.
Bangalore 5-12-1946


PLANETARY INFLUENCES ON HUMAN AFFAIRS incorporates material based on

investigations into cosmic-terrestrial relations that are being carried on by several men of science
with whom I had the good fortune of personal discussion during my visits to Europe and
Chapters dealing with the relation of Astrology to medicine, weather forecasting, and
predicting earthquakes have been added. The last chapter "Astrology vs Futurology" adopts a
challenging tone questioning the scare-mongering forecasts of the "Futurologists" and assuring
the public, on the basis of ancient Hindu astronomical and astrological concepts, that the world
will not be destroyed for millions of years to come.
Experimental evidence presented in these pages cannot fail to impress even those
orthodox scientists who continue to believe that a branch of knowledge to be valid should fit into
the framework of known laws of science, and not otherwise.
Scientific laws which our text-books have taught us to look upon as eternal truths have
collapsed like a pack of cards and new ones still lack the authority that their predecessors
enjoyed. Scientists have also grown a little more circumspect and no longer proclaim general
laws with the facility of their 19th century predecessors. Because of these developments, some of
the scientists in the West have begun to view Astrology with less skepticism and more
In Carl Jung's opinion, "Western civilization, by ignoring Astrology, gains little and may
be losing much" by what he calls "the contemptible treatment and defamation of an ancient art
which defied a reasonable explanation" and, "after 200 years of intensive scientific progress, we
can risk testing them in the light of modern truths."
This book explores certain concepts cherished by generations of thinkers in India that
vicissitudes taking place in any part of the heavens must have their repercussions on human
affairs because man is a part and parcel of the universe.
Thanks are due to UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd., New Delhi, for having brought out
this new edition attractively.
Dr. B.V. Raman
"Sri Rajeswari" Bangalore-560 020 1st February, 1992


It has been customary to assert that until the coming of modern science, man was loaded
down with superstition. It is far too easy for some of the so-called educated persons to dismiss
certain fields of knowledge as astrology as unscientific because of ignorance. Astrology has been
revealing, and this is amply borne out by researches of scientists in the West, a set of rational
hypothesis challenging some of the orthodox scientific beliefs with their materialistic and
deterministic tenets.
How did the astrological laws come into being? Upon what kind of postulates were they
based? Was astrology an obstacle to progress or was it the reverse? These questions can only be
answered by a meticulous analysis of the philosophy of the complex culture which fashioned the
thinking of the sages who brought astrology into being with the other branches of knowledge.
The sages viewed astrology as a quest for verifiable knowledge. They were not primitive men
merely conscious of the lure of the heavenly bodies as some of the modern educated
ignoramuses think. The greatest superstition of today is the thinking that until the age of Galileo
or Newton, man was ignorant. This fictitious belief has been systematically spun by a section of
the Western thinkers and assiduously contrived by some of their Indian counterparts. Before
Darwin, there was a Kanada in India; Before Newton, there was a Bhaskara; and before any
other physicist or biologist worth his name came on the scene, there were sages like Parasara and
scientists like Varahamihira who were creative innovators and who recognized the simple but
profound truth that man and the universe were not unrelated. The strivings of these sages are our
heritage and they found the way by means of which we can unlock the door of Time.
In India, astrology had always occupied a unique place and found illustrious supporters
until perhaps the advent and consolidation of the British power when for a time skepticism and
derision were the predominant features, characterizing the intellectual equipment of the then
educated Indians, who looked down upon astrology and allied subjects as fit for study only by
unscientific minds. In fact, the downfall of astrology appeared irremediable. It was at this time
that late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao undertook the task of reviving the subject by diverting the
thoughts of the Indian cultured public to the secrets of a unique class of phenomenon, hitherto
the object of ridicule to others who pass for better minds under the convenient name of men of
science. For a time the mere use of the word astrology was likely to create an attitude of
disparagement which effectually prevented many people from an impartial examination of the
Today a great desire for serious study of astrology has overtaken the vast majority of the

educated people.
Even today the attitude of some of the educated people here and in the West is still
largely dominated by nineteenth century materialism which is generally unsympathetic not only
to claims of astrology but to the spiritual view of life in general.
But Indian society has been permeated by faith in the spiritual aspect of things and
fortunately today a great desire for serious study of astrology has overtaken the majority of the
educated people.
There is great grass roots to support for a radical and thorough reinvestigation of the
general standpoint of Astrology as a branch of science of permanent interest, capable of adding
to the sum-total of human knowledge. There is keen desire that the contributions to culture and
civilization made by oar Maharshis (sages) in the past should be brought to light today when
India has achieved national independence and resumed her free career as a civilised selfgoverning nation in the van of advanced nation of the world.
The general skepticism consequent on the prevalent materialism derived passively from
western currents of thought should not come in the way of the claims of astrology being
recognized as a contribution to modern science and the art of life in general, especially for the
reason that such skeptical attitudes are being counteracted by many powerful trends even in the
West. The latest advances in relativity and atomic physics have led to second thoughts even
amongst men of science themselves. Einstein himself has expressed in favour of theistic
hypothesis. Eddington and Jeans have been led from the intelligibility of astronomical
phenomena in the remotest galaxies to the idea of a Cosmic Intelligence indwelling in them in
some mysterious way.
The materialists and skeptics have never had their own way at any time whether in the
East or the West In India we had the Lokayatsor Charvakas (pure materialists) bat they Were few
and far between and they could riot maintain their position against the dominant schools.
In view of the vast mass of evidence in support of astrology, the attitude of deriders
would appear to be the very reverse of scientific. In fact, as Dr. Whitehead has pointed out,
modern materialism is not a straight reading from science at all but a misreading in terms of
prejudice misled by the popular idea of sticks and stones unthinking substances unrelated to
Dr. Whitehead has put it on record that modern scientists have their own superstitions.
This is valuable testimony, coming as it does from such a great mathematician.
It may be said that in the eyes of commonsense, there is an antecedent improbability or
even impossibility in the claims of astrology the essence of which is that the planets and stars in
their positions and mutual relations influence human lives in their minute particulars.

This antecedent impossibility will be seen in its true proportion when we realize that even
the simplest act of the interaction of mind and matter, will and the nervous system in our own
bodies, has yet been unexplained in terms of materialism. There is an antecedent impossibility of
their interaction, on the commonsense hypothesis of their utter desperateness or even on the
refined hypothesis of Descartes of the dualism of mind and matter as utterly different substances.
The world, as a matter of fact, is so full of mystery that common sense materialism can
make nothing of it. To use Shakespeare's language, there are more things in Heaven and Earth
than are dreamt of in Horatio's Philosophy.
Astrology has a long history from the dawn of civilization. In India we have evidence of
astrological knowledge even in the great classics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
It is on record that Hindu astrologers at Alexander's Court predicted his death by
poisoning in Babylon. Alexander avoided that city for a time but in the end, he entered it and
died as foretold. Julius Ceasar consulted astrology in his battle dispositions and was successful
but could not pay heed to the warning of Spurina that he would die on the Ides of March.
Napoleon, it is well known, was advised by the famous woman astrologer Lenormand who
repeatedly advised him not to march on Moscow but he disregarded her warning and met his
fate. In medieval Europe, of course, astrology occupied an honored place. Albertus Magnus,
regarded as the father of scientific method, though a schoolman and theologian thought that wise
men could annul or modify the effect of stars. Lord Bacon, the father of modern scientific
method (The Advancement of Learning) was himself a competent astrologer. He saw no
contradictions between science and astrology. He held that astrology should "rather be purged
than rejected".
Even the great Newton, the formulator of the Laws of Motion supposed to be the
cornerstones of materialism, able to banish God from the universe, was himself an astrologer. He
had a collection of astrological works in his library and when his friend and pupil Halley
protested to him about his regard for astrology, he replied: "I have studied these things and you
have not."
Such an answer should be presented to modern scientists with the query: "Is your
disbelief based on investigation or only on a passive second-hand acceptance of fashionable
skepticism based on the prestige of science and technology?"
Suggestions and social prestige based on the achievements of science in the making of
motor cars or even space vehicles or inter-continental missiles or jet planes are no automatic
disproof of the influence of stars and planets on the life of man. This point of view that each
branch of science and art should be judged by the evidence suited to it and not be condemned out
of court has been gaining ground in the second half of the twentieth century.

In fact it is no exaggeration to say that we have now in the world of science, letters and
culture generally, a veritable renaissance of astrology and related views favoring faith in the
unseen or spiritual aspects of reality, internal and external.
There are emerging scientists and investigators "Who are quietly gathering data and
testing them in various fields. Scientific method is being applied to probe the world of
astrological phenomena the positions of the planets and stars and their influence on lives. The
old dogmatism is giving way.
Astrology is standing out as a distinct science and aft based on proved astronomical facts
and is being differentiated from popular palmistry, crystal gazing, thought-reading and jugglery.
It will be seen from the arguments adduced, and the facts presented in the following
pages, that none of the a priori objections to the idea of a relation between astronomical
phenomena and terrestrial happenings an unpleasant deduction but a fact objectively
established is seriously tenable.
As scientific investigation exhausts its curiosity and reduces the relationship in the field
of material phenomena, inevitably comes the necessity of considering higher relationships, due
to the fact that man himself is not a mechanical automation but is endowed with will and
intelligence. Astrology in respect of its universal application is a field of enquiry too extensive
for little more than surface consideration.
A careful consideration of the evolution of human thought in the West reveals three broad
epochs in man's efforts to understand the workings of nature. They are animistic, mechanical and
mathematical. As Sir James Jean writes: "The animistic period was characterized by the error of
supposing that the course of nature was governed by the whims and passions of living beings,
more or less like man himself. Because personality is the concept of which he has most
immediate and direct experience, he begins by personifying everything."
Jeans goes on to say: 1"As the history of the individual is merely the history of the race
writ small, our race did much the same in its infancy as its individuals still do in theirs Greek
science consisted in the main of mere vague questionings and speculations as to why things came
to be as they were rather than the otherwise."
So long as men could only experiment with objects which were comparable in size, with
their own bodies, they found inanimate nature behaving as though its constituent pieces exerted
pushes and pulls to one another. This mechanistic view of nature in its turn implies absolute
determinism and explained the workings of nature in terms of the familiar concepts of everyday
life. Today, however, as Jeans says, 2"we are beginning to see that man had freed himself from

New Background of Science.

New Background of Science.

the anthropomorphic error of imagining that the workings of nature could be compared to those
of his own whims and caprices (animism), only to fall headlong into the second anthropomorphic
error of imagining that they could be compared to the workings of his own muscles and sinews
It must be noted that even modern scientists fall into the same error of thinking that Jeans
has charged the mechanists and the animist with, because whilst the animists and the mechanists
proceeded in the same general lines as the child and the unreflective savage, the modern scientist
has built an inferential world out of the impressions gathered through his senses and instruments.
The scientist feels that which is not convincing to him or possible to him would be and must be
so to the rest of mankind. To think that phenomenon which is inexplicable to him, must be so to
the rest of mankind is to argue like a fool. To the ancient Hindus goes the credit of having
discovered some of the fundamental laws governing the universe and its inhabitants. 3"The sages
possessed a much more accurate, dependable and comprehensive instrument with which to
observe natural phenomenon their ability to function in what might be called a fourth
dimensional consciousness or Yoga which enabled them to note, to measure, to weigh and to
classify all the facts concerning the universe without micro meters and telescopes." This superconsciousness which they required, to put in Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao's words, "by intensifying
the sense-energies internally according to approved yogic methods" made them "aware of and
able to comprehend infinitesimal units of time and space too small to be measured by the most
modern scientific instruments and vast spans of years and universes, too remote to be found even
by the largest telescope". Concentration of the mind yields more valuable results than the
employment of laboratory methods with a mind that is incapable of intuition or internal
development. What Einstein and Eddington have said about the universe, and what they have yet
to say about man's relation to universe, the Maharshis have already said. Their conclusions are
neither animistic nor mechanistic nor mathematical. The scientist keeps his nose fixed to his
mathematical formulae, seeking to divine the structure of the material universe. But the
Maharshis were not blind to the so-called unknown forces which lie back of material
phenomena. They found out the grand truth that man is the reflection of the universe. The key to
understand this fundamental truth lies in astrology.
Scientists have been rapidly changing their views and outlook upon external nature, and
have begun to tread the domain of Hindu philosophy by propounding strange concepts of space,
time and matter, while psychologists are becoming more and more conscious of the fact that
mind can wield direct influence on the outer world, a secret known to the Hindus long before the
period of so-called dawn of scientific knowledge. Wherever the scientist looks at, he is

Hindu Astrology by Mankari Pande.

confronted with the mystery of life with the result he has been practically groping in the dark.
Unless he recognizes the importance of astrology, the fundamental problems about man and his
place in the universe must always remain a mystery. Astrology takes into cognizance the relation
existing between man and the cosmos.
We have said above that Western scientific thought could be divided into three broad
epochs, viz., animistic, mechanistic and mathematical. These three correspond also to the three
stages of astrological thought. In the beginning, astrology dealt with the planetary bodies mainly
as entities fit to be worshipped and this animistic attitude still remains as an important feature of
remedial astrology. The 'animism' here is only an euphemism and has nothing in common with
'animism' of the West. The second stage of astrological thought concerned itself to an elucidation
of the "periodicity of life-process" the mechanism of science corresponding in terms of
material activity. In the third stage, astrology served as a means to bring biological and

"psychological order into the inner natures of men who had been unbalanced". Recently

electricity and radioactivity led man to the startling concepts of twentieth century physics the
new word of thought, widely open to the unknown and it is. astrology that should supply the key
to the unknown and unknowable.
"The law of analogy presupposes a Universal Agent permeating the entire universe" a
life substance comic energy filling in all space. It is now being increasingly realised that a
certain 'phase of relationship exists between man's conscious ego and Nature. At some time these
were held to be physiological and elemental. Now they are to be psychological and mental. And
astrology integrates and correlates this principle of order".
Science is beginning to realize that 5"we are now faced with a cosmic determinism in
which our freedoms become illusions, as misleading as our rages and fears, which we think are
volitions but which are registered even when the cerebral cortex has been surgically removed".
The law of Karma and its relation to astrology have a direct bearing upon the theory of
'determinism' which modern thinkers could have developed further if the doctrines enumerated
thousands of years ago by the Hindus had been taken note of. It is only by assuming that
determinism in some form or other exists in nature that prediction can become possible.
According to Laplace there is a law in nature that "like causes produce like effects". This means
some sort of determinism exists suggesting thereby nature's uniformity. Haldane whilst
criticizing Laplace in this regard does not doubt the possibility of "a very high degree of
accuracy in the prediction both of physical and social happenings". Bertrand Russel concedes


Astrology of Personality by Dane Rudhyar.

"Astrology and Modern Science," by O. B. Vijayamuni, in the astrological magazine for May 1948.

that 6"a correlation which has been found true in a number of cases, and has never been found
false, has at least a certain assignable degree of probability of being always true". This definition
is of great importance to students of astrology. The above statements automatically lead to the
acceptance of 'determinism'. Unless there is some sort of a cause-effect principle, prediction,
even to the extent Russel suggests, would be impossible. Planck honestly confesses that the
"knowable realities of nature cannot be exhaustively discovered by any branch of science" and
that "this means that science is never in a position completely and exhaustively to explain the
problems it has to face". Professor Einstien is stated to have observed: "Honestly I cannot
understand what people mean when they talk about the freedom of the human will."
Schopenhauer said that "man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills".
Planck's discovery of Quantum Theory is supposed to have disturbed the principle of
determinism or causality. The materialist believes that chance and necessity explain natural
phenomena. It should occur to any man of average intelligence that blind chance in nature is
meaningless, because it cannot explain any natural phenomena satisfactorily. We do not wish to
enlarge this question further because it belongs to the province of dialectics and involves
profound thinking. Suffice it to say that cool reflection reveals the operation of some intelligent
design throughout the universe. This grand truth was perceived by the Sages through intuition or
introspection, a process as reliable in its possibilities as it is difficult of achievement by the
modern scientist.
The next shock the law of determinism is supposed to have received was from the
discovery of Rutherford that 7atoms at times disintegrate themselves spontaneously and at times
behave in a different way". Bohr found out 8"that the electron of the atom does not travel
uniformly in a continuous stream but by jumps". The impact of these discoveries on the theory of
causality was considerable because they demonstrated that 9"nature had hardly any such law of
uniformity". This was followed by Heisenberg's new Quantum Mechanics according to which

"although there occur sudden breaks and jumps in the motion, still they are so minute at times

that the effect for all practical purposes is continuous and uniform". In other words, according to
the Sanskrit maxim "dhatanam yatat purvama kalaayet" (there is nothing new on the surface of
the earth), scientific concepts, after the investigations of Planck, Einstein and Heisenberg, are
going back to the same old theories from which they started. Eddington warns us thus in a
beautiful manner: "There is nothing new under the Sun and this latest Volte Face almost brings

Analysis of Matter.
Materialism, Marxism, Determinism and Dialectics by Das Gupta.

us back to Newton's theory of light a curious mixture of corpuscular and wave theory. There
is perhaps a pleasing sentiment in this return to Newton.
It will be seen that all the rude shocks that determinism is supposed to have received was
only in the realm of the atom and the electron. If we take a human being we find that some sort
of determinism exists. Even indeterminate events are governed by statistical laws. "Laws can be
found which can govern the behavior of crowds of electrons". In regard to man the past and
present can indicate the future, let us say, generally, though riot precisely. We need not be
carried away by the hue and cry of the scientist about the breakdown of determinism because his
reference is only to the atomic world. Fundamental things still exist beyond man's understanding.
We have said elsewhere that the ancient Maharshis discovered grand truths the fringe of
which Einstein and Eddington have just now reached, by deep mental concentration.
Concentration of mind presupposes complete detachment. Without such detachment,
'investigation' into the realm of the unknown is not possible. Does the modern scientist have this
power of detachment? Heisenberg has proved that the "investigator does affect the investigation
and that there is no getting away from this fact". As long as the scientist is unable to bring to bear
upon his investigations 'pure mind and pure thought' his conclusion, which may be true in atomic
matters, can never be accepted as true in social and historical matters. The marvelous
achievement of having soared into the mysterious regions of the abstract by 'pure thought' and
discovered one great fundamental truth belongs to those great Maharshis like Vyasa, Kanada and

"In their process of thinking, they had an extraordinary dynamic power of assimilating

ideas." That the Maharshis' findings are to be accepted as authoritative seems as if echoed by no
less a person than the great scientist Heisenberg when he observes thus: "Many of the
abstractions that are characteristic of modern theoretical physics to be found discussed in the
philosophy of past centuries. At that time these abstractions could be disregarded as mere mental
exercises by those scientists whose only concern was with reality but today we are compelled by
the refinements of experimental art to consider them seriously."
In the face of such a bold assertion on the part of Heisenberg, it is strange that the
metaphysical speculations of the Upanishads and the Acharyas should still be anathema to the
scientific man of today. As Dr. Rhine observes,


"there is an unfortunate taboo both in the

school and out of it against discussion of beliefs concerning man's ultimate nature".
Every advance in scientific research, every new discovery of natural law, whether in the
realm of chemistry or biology, means a real extension of the deterministic principle, which in its

Materialism, Marxism, Determinism and Dialectics by Das Gupta.

Reach of the Mind.

turn implies some sort of causal line. Bertrand Russel observes thus: 13"I call a series of events a
causal line, if given some of them we can infer something about the others without having to
know anything about the environment." In other wards the possibility of prediction is conceded. I
must warn readers that 1 am deliberately omitting to use the term 'Fate' though both Fate and
Determinism connote more or less the same idea. I shall subsequently deal with the question of
Fate and Freewill and their relation to astrology.
One of the reasons for the degeneration of astrology appears to be due to the fact that the
scientific mind became more or less an analytical machine. Man has become too selfish and
sensuality, mental chaos and intellectual perversion have become deeply rooted. Astrology

"perforce ceased to be vital and necessary to the collectivities as a principle of order because

the growing domination of the intellectual rational principle enabled man to project speculatively
his own order into the world". The biological order is indeed of a different kind. The intellect
which is but an instrumentality helping man to raise his consciousness "creates a separative kind
of individualism based on analysis.............. As individuals became more and more the important
thing," astrology descended itself to the level of fortune-telling. The deeper phases of astrology
found themselves reborn only after the late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao entered the field and took
up its cause.
The situation now in the trend of scientific thought is extremely confusing. We may
therefore conclude that in regard to all human events some sort of determinism does exist while
in the atomic world "determinism of a statistical kind exists".
While causalism and mechanism have been valuable adjuncts in the study of physical
phenomena, they have done nothing to explain the psychological phenomena. Since astrology is
concerned as much with the physical aspect of man as it is with his psychological aspect, a few
observations on the values of time seem to be necessary. Since the causality principle appeared
inadequate to explain psychological phenomena the great psychologist Jung found that



are psychic parallelisms which cannot be related to each other causally, but which must be
connected through another sequence of events". Jung goes on to say: 16"This connection seemed
to me to be essentially provided in the fact of the relative simultaneity, therefore the expression
synchronistic". Time contains, according to Jung, "qualities or basic conditions manifesting
simultaneously in various places in a way not to be explained by causal parallelisms, as for
example, in cases of the coincident appearance of identical thoughts, symbols or psychic
conditions". In a personal letter addressed to me (the full text of which appears in the Appendix)

Reach of the Mind.

Astrology of Personality by Dane Rudhyar.
Secret of the Golden Flower.

Dr. Jung has conceded the validity of astrology. As regards the basis of astrology, he does not
give a correct picture inasmuch as he thinks that correct astrological deductions "are not due to
the effect of constellations, but to our hypothetical time charecters". Evidently Carl Jung does
not appear to have been aware of the Hindu point of view in regard to prediction. The future is a
reflection of the past. The horoscope simply indicates the future. But the so-called influence of a
planet or a star is only a proximal case. We may not subscribe to the views of Jung in their
They are quoted to the extent needed to support astrological thought. As the
'synchronistic' principle represents a time evaluation and "based on the formative potency of the
moment," it is closely, though not entirely, allied to the astrological precept. Planets are
manifestation of matter and they move in space. Their movements are regulated in time.
Therefore astrology connects time, space and matter together and demonstrates the synchronistic
as well as causality or deterministic principles. It is an art of life-interpretation and provides us
with a technique of self-improvement and perfection.
That there is determinism as often as there is indeterminism in the atomic world leads us
to think that on the one hand there is the inevitable effect of Karma, and that on the other hand
there is Freewill also.


It is in this way that the Maharshis propounded the grand law of Karma and Rebirth. If
the theory of rebirth is not accepted it is not possible to explain the destiny of man and all the
differences and disparities in spite of apparently equal does of effort and will. Environmental
conditions and economic factors may explain the disparity to some extent. Where we cannot
explain things with reason, we at once bring in the name of chance, a safety-valve to conceal our
ignorance. In the absence of causality or determinism, chance or accident is the only explanation.
A problem whose explanation requires great thinking should not be disposed of out of an
accident. On the contrary, the inequities, differences and distinctions compelled the sages to
accept the theory of Karma. In physical phenomena the cause and effect relationship can easily
be demonstrated but in regard to Karma theory the effect of action cannot be physically
analyzed. It is a conception, indeed a grand conception, based on sound logic. The law of Karma
operates through a series of births. Man has to suffer the consequences of his actions until he
succeeds in regulating his actions by true knowledge and wisdom. To the Hindus this 17"karma
theory and freewill are not creations of a fanciful imagination" or false solace. They are
demonstrated facts demonstrated in the sense that the Sages in a state of spiritual ecstasy did
realize their truth. A critical mind will be able to see that there is a striking resemblance between
a pure thought (yogic introspection of the Maharshis) and the laboratory investigation. The latter
has shown that in regard to the atomic world 'determinism' and 'indeterminism' obtain while the
Maharshis have shown that when once a man "has done an act he must get the inevitable result
of his own action", and that "there is a freewill to act or not to act, but once the act is done, the
law of Karma will bring its own result. There is no escape from the inevitable consequence of
action but by exercise of freewill, man may guide his future and thereby create his own destiny".
Astrology or Hora Sastra reveals the result of our past karma, expressed probably in terms of
what we crudely call planetary influences.
Astrology and Karma are therefore interrelated. Astrology reveals the consequence of our
actions which we do not remember in this life and are untraceable in this birth. The result of our
unknown actions is what we call 'fate' or adrishtra. The law of Karma therefore indicates the
cause and effect relationship.
Before taking up the significance of astrology, we have to make a few more remarks
about the law of Karma. Many people imagine that the theory of Karma is based on fatalism and
predestined necessity and that, therefore, it leaves no scope for individual development. Such a

Materialism. Marxism. Determinism and Dialectics by Das Gupta.

misconception is partly due to the ignorance of the theory of Karma. One must admit that the
universe is either cosmos or chaos; it cannot be partly ruled by law and partly by chance. The
experiences of generations of thinkers should convince any intelligent person that the universe
and the life activities are regulated by certain laws. If the Sun and the planetary bodies are
subject to discipline and their movements and phenomena are according to a certain order, then
the lives of individuals who inhabit the planetary systems must also be guided by certain definite
laws and rules, and chance cannot make one a king and the other, a beggar by the mere accident
of birth.
"For the study of Karma, it is best to consider the man at the level of his individuality or
'soul'. The soul is said to be immortal. Only the so-called positivists and some allied schools of
thought doubt the, immortality of the soul. A conscious existence after death has no better proof
than a pre-natal existence. It is an old declaration that what begins in Time must end in Time. We
have no right to say that the soul is eternal on one side of its earthly period without being so on
the other. Far more rational is the view of certain scientists, who believing that the soul
originates with this life also declare that it ends with this life. That is the logical outcome of their
premise. If the soul sprang into existence specially for this life, why should it continue
afterwards? It is precisely as probable from all the grounds of reason that death is the conclusion
of the soul as that birth is the beginning of it. It was this argument which had special weight with
the Greek philosophers, whose reasonings upon immortality have led all later European
generations. They asserted the eternity of soul in order to vindicate its immortality. The Hindu
conception is of course more profound. Man's existence, says one of the disciples of Kapila, the
first evolutionist in the world, is a mere repetition of his other previous existences. His present
existence is but a link in the chain of eternal existences connecting the past with the future. In his
each birth, he carries one step forward, the inceptive purpose of his creation to its goal and
consummation until it attains the one in which the past, present and future are blended together
and time and space annihilated. Above all, our instinctive belief in immortality implies a subconscious acceptance of this view. If we do not grant the immortality of the soul, the
inconceivability of annihilation or of creation from nothing becomes obvious. Granting the
permanence of the human 'spirit', 'soul', 'ego', 'atman' whatever you call it the law of
Karma is the only one yielding a metaphysical explanation of the phenomenon of life. It is
already accepted in the physical plane as evolution and holds a firm ethical value in applying the
law of justice to human experience.
The law of Karma suggests, that our actions physical as well as psychical are
performed according to certain regular laws with a definite end in view. Actions performed may
fructify in a minute, or in a day, or in a year, or in one life, or in several lives. Actions, when

performed, remain in the form of something unseen till the time of their fructification and during
this period this something is known as 'adrishta' (the so-called luck or fortune). There is no
escape without the experience of the fruits of these actions (desires and thoughts) until the
whole adrishta is exhausted.
Feelings of pleasure and pain and like and dislike characterize all our activities in any
walk of life.
This cannot be denied. Ancient writers say that these feelings cannot be attributed to
external things; for an external thing or object which gives pleasure to a man at one particular
time causes pain to the same man at another time instead of producing pleasure at all times.
Hence the (material not the instrumental) cause is traced to the 'soul' which is the seat of these
feelings. Since the 'soul' is eternal, it cannot be the requisite cause, because if it were the
requisite cause, the effect ought to have been ever present, which is not the fact. Hence, the
presence of a determining factor to the Atma is necessary. The ancient Hindu schools believed in
the existence of an unseen force, which is called Dharma-dharma or 'adrishta' or the sum-total of
Karma. It is this unseen force which helps the fructification of the deeds of the past.
According to ancient texts when one dies, his soul which is enveloped in a subtle body
and invested with the sum-total of good and bad Karma passes after some time into another body
leaving off his gross body, as a man casts off worn-out clothes and puts on new ones. His
reincarnation takes place in a physical body corresponding with the deeds done by him in his
previous life. The processes of death and birth go on until the person concerned attains
emancipation. The cardinal doctrine of Karma therefore is the law of cause and effect in
accordance with the maxim "as a man soweth so shall he reap". The Darwinian theory of
evolution is defective inasmuch as it does not offer a satisfactory solution of the problems
agitating the human mind from times immemorial. The Darwinian theory of evolution slops with
man. Karma theory on the other hand takes us further and says that according to the maxim
'action and reaction are equal and opposite', when there is evolution there must necessarily be
devolution also. Hence a Brahmin in this life may be born as a Harijan in the next life; a rich
man in this life may be born as a poor man in the next life and vice versa. Thus the station of life
or the degree of wealth, etc., that one has attained in this life is mostly due to the Karma at his
credit in the previous life. Karma is due to our actions and our actions are due to our thoughts.
Hence it is man who creates his Karma for it is the product of his thought.
There are three categories of Karma, viz., (1) Sanchita, (2) Prarabdha and (3) Agami. The
Sanchita or accumulative Karma pertains to actions that are still lying latent "like seeds stocked
up in a granary for fruition in future lives." The present course of life is indicated by the
Prarabdha or operative Karma, deeds or actions whose seed has already sprung up and whose

machinery has been set in motion towards their fruition in the present life. Agami pertains to
actions contemplated to be done. There are several gradations of Karma suggested in Hindu
philosophical and astrological works and these details do not concern us now.

"It would further seem that man is responsible only for such acts as are generated in the

mind. He is not responsible for actions where the thought or intent did not run with the deed. For
instance, in turning quickly on a station platform some one bumps into a person standing behind
him as a result of which the latter falls in front of a train; the former would not be responsible for
death which he never intended. Here the law would seem to be the 'above' of which English law
is the reflected, though unconsciously reflected 'below'. For in English law, there must, to
constitute responsibility, not only be an actus reus, the wrongful deed, but also a mens rea, the
wicked mind." This however is a very general comparison. Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao observes
thus: 19"Before the birth of a child, it has some Karma to its credit and as the result of that Karma
it takes birth in a particular family with particular surroundings, special physical features and
noticeable mental inclinations. This Karma of the infant which resulted in its birth and
surroundings is called Sanchita or that which already was stored in, by this child before the
present birth, to its credit. Pararbdha is that which it does after the birth. Here is a grand mystery
in nature which requires deep and intelligent study to understand it. Some of the actions of the
child are due to its predilections for certain things, as being the results of past Karma. But the
child has a will of its own. This is partly under the control of the past karmic results and partly
independent of them, like the mystery of the nails. These nails are apparently dead, but they are
also living for they grow, but they can be cut, carved or burnt without any pain to a certain
extent. How dead matter can grow out of living matter is a mystery which can only be
understood by a higher person who is on grander intellectual planes? When the child does an act
as. the result of its previous Karma, it must be attributed to Sanchita or stored-up Karma. But
when it does something in its life by the semi-independent will, the Karma will be characterized
as Prarabdha or that which is done in the present state of existence. But when a man says that he
will kill a person next year, or commit adultery with a girl after she attains her age, or do charity
when he gets rich, the Karma has yet to be done, and this will be classified as Agami. This again
may be the result of past Karma and present will-force, joined together or may be due to other
mysterious forces.
"Thus each of the divisions of Karma, viz., Sanchita, Prarabdha and Agami has again to
be subdivided into three classes. All human actions may be brought together under (1) Kayaka
bodily, (2) Vachaka pertaining to speech, and (3) Manasika mental influences. A man

Karma and Rebirth by Christian Humphreys.

An Introduction to Astrology by B. S. Rao.

does something by his body, such as kicking, beating, squeezing, embracing, etc., and all these
physical actions are called kayaka or pertaining to the kaya or body. All those actions which he
does by speech are called vachaka and these are stronger than the first set of kayaka or bodily
actions. Then there are the actions of mind, thinking good or evil and. these are classed as
manasika or mental. As mind power is the grandest yet discovered in all nature, actions of the
mind are the most powerful and surpass in intensity all other kinds of actions. Sanchita,
therefore, as well as Prarabdha and Agami, has three sorts of Karma attached to it and here come
the complications of Karma theory."
Karma theory teaches us that soul enters this life, not as a fresh creation, but after a long
course of previous existences on this earth and elsewhere, in which it acquired its present
inhering peculiarities and that it is on the way to future transformations which the soul is now
shaping. It claims that infancy brings to earth, not a blank scroll for the beginning of an earthly
record, nor a mere cohesion of atomic forces into a brief personality soon to disclose again into
the elements, but that it is inscribed with ancestral histories, some like the present scene the most
of them unlike it and stretching back into, and remotest past. These inscriptions are generally
undecipherable, save as revealed in their molding influence upon the new career, but like the
invisible photographic images made by the Sun of all it sees; when they are properly developed
in the laboratory of consciousness, they will be distinctly displayed. The current phase of life
will also be stored away in the secret vaults of memory for its unconscious effect upon ensuing
lives. All the qualities we now possess in body, mind and soul result from our use of ancient
opportunities, we are indeed the heirs of all the ages. For these conditions accrue from distant
causes endangered by our older selves, and the future flows by the divine law of cause and effect
(Karma) from, the gathered momentum of our past impetuses. There is no favoritism in the
universe, but all have the same everlasting facilities for growth. Those who are now elevated in
worldly station may be sunk in humble surroundings in the future. Only the inner traits of the
soul are permanent companions. The wealthy sluggard may be the beggar of the next life, and the
industrious worker of the present is sowing the seeds of greatness. Suffering, bravely endured
now, will produce a treasure of patience and fortitude in another life, hardships will give rise to
strength, self-denial must develop the will, tastes cultivated in this existence will somehow bear
fruit in coming ones and acquired energies will assert themselves whenever they can by the less
parsimoniae upon which the principles of physics are based. Vice versa, the unconscious habits,
the uncontrollable impulses, the peculiar tendencies, the favorite pursuits, and the soul-stirring
friendships of the present descend from far-reaching previous activities. Karma is what we have
done, and we have to enjoy the karmic results. Therefore it follows that the future is only the
past. It should therefore be possible to predict the future. The astrologer feels by means of his art

the cloud of unexpended Karma in the aura and tries to read it. Planets therefore simply indicate
the results of previous Karma and hence there is nothing like fate or destiny in its absolute sense
controlling us. 'The indications of planets are something like show cause notices of a legal court.
The sections mentioned therein are technical and they indicate with what sort of commission or
omission of duty the person is charged with. He must make preparations to meet them. Thus a
man borrows unduly from another and fails to pay him. This will bring a decree against the
defaulter and a notice will issue for its execution. The decree does not prohibit the defaulter from
earning money by any means and paying it off or going to the creditor and satisfying his
demands by other means, such as personal service, intercessions of relations or friends, pleading
for mercy, etc. Similarly the planets indicate the evil or good results of the previous Karma and
leaves it to man to counteract them or allow them to have their full sway. Thus the good or bad
Sanchita Karma at our credit can be augmented or minimized by the Prarabdha Karma with the
aid of will-power, which is limitless in its potentiality." Astrology therefore does not lead to a
weakening of the will. Science explains the idiosyncrasies of plants and animals by the
environment of previous generations, and calls instinct, hereditary habit. In the same way there is
an evolution of individuality, by which the child opens its new era with characteristics derived
from anterior lives and adds the experience of a new personality to the sum-total of his treasured
traits. In its passage through earthly personalities the spiritual self, the essential ego, accumulates
a fund of individual character, which remains as the permanent thread stringing together the
separate lives. The soul is therefore an eternal water globule, which sprung in the beginningless
past from mother ocean and is destined after an unreckonable course of meanderings in cold and
rain, snow and steam, spring and river, mud and vapor, to at last return with the garnered
experience of all lonely existences into the central heart of all.
That we have forgotten the causes producing the present sequences of pleasures and
pains, talents and defects, successes and failures is no disproof of them, and does not disturb the
justice of the scheme. For temporary oblivion is the anodyne by which the kindly physician is
bringing us through the darker wards of sorrow into perfect health.
The law of Karma provides a graded sanction or reason for right living. It proves that
men are in essence one, and that any deed which hurts one's neighborhood or the commonweal is
an injury to oneself. Above all, it reveals a plane of consciousness where right becomes the
inmost law of being and a man does right not because it pays or because it avoids self-injury, but
because, beyond all argument, he must. Karma destroys the cause of envy and the consequent illwill. It removes impatience. It largely removes the fear of death for which there is the inner
conviction of rebirth and by the law of affinity re-union with those one loves, why worry.
The belief in the theory of Karma and reincarnation scattered through the philosophical

writings of India reproduce the scientific theories of the involution and evolution of the elements.
The swarming millions of India have made the thought 'the soul is older than body' the
foundation of their enormous achievements in Government, philosophy, architecture and poetry.
Throughout the East, it is the great central thought. It is no mere superstition of the ignorant
masses. It is the chief principle of Hindu metaphysics the basis of all their inspired ooks. Such
a hoary philosophy, held by the venerable authority of the ages, ruling from the beginning of
time the bulk of the world's thought, cherished in some form by the disciples of every great
religion, is certainly worthy of the profoundest respect and study.
The conceit of modern progress has no more respect for ancient ideals than for the
forgotten civilization of old, even though in many essentials they have anticipated or out-stripped
all that we boast of.
In this connection a reference may be made to the observations of Lakhovsky on
immortality and reincarnation. He has made a new approach to these great problems in the sense,
he explains the concepts on a material and biological basis. According to his doctrine of
Materialization and Dematerialization the process of creation and disappearance of matter is
perpetually going on. "Through condensation cosmic rays are transformed into electrons, atoms
and molecules, and inversely in radioactivity, we witness the transformation of matter into
radiation." In his book Matter Lakhovsky explains how rays from one star can enter resonance
with chromosomes in living beings dwelling on another planet or star and give birth to life. In
other words, he suggests that life can be continuously converged through radiation from one
planet to the other, or from the earth to another planet or star. By this process, he thinks we live
physically eternally through materialization of radiations. Readers must be aware that according
to Hindu astrology, in studying the 5th house, we are asked to ascertain the fertility or otherwise
of the couple by a consideration of what are called beeja and kshetra representing, as they do,
not merely the sperm and the ovum but the element which really makes the male and female
fluids fertile or suitable for the entry of a new soul. The husband and wife may be
physiologically normal. Their sex-relations may be happy. But still if their beeja and kshetra are
not strong, when judged according to astrological rules, they will not bring forth any issues. This
want of 'fertility' in the seed or the bed derives a rational explanation from Lakhovsky, for he
"claims that the act of fertilization between the sexes is itself insufficient to produce the living
being It is necessary that when fertilization occurs, at this moment certain cosmic radiations
materialize within the fertilized egg". Whether or not in all human beings such materialization
occurs, could be ascertained astrologically by the beeja and kshetra method.
Lakhovsky observes:


"We all know, besides, that fertilization often does not occur until the end of several

months and even after several years. This delay of impregnation may be due to the specific
radiations of the male or female, which are not always in resonance with the radiation of
materialization. The organism from the first cell, in its development, is thus materialization of
rays transmitted by its other ego on another planet, and continues during its development to
evolve under the domination of the same specific complex of radiations coming from the being
that originally gave it life. They transmit to it, by its own vibration, during its entire existence, all
the characteristics of its other ego dwelling on another planet.
"All this explains how every living being (microbe, infusoria, plant, animal, man)
reproduces itself to infinity on other planets, where its complex of radiations finds favourable
conditions of resonance and so materialize themselves in various parts of the universe to eternity.
These materializations, by the propagation of the radiations from planet to planet, can repeat
themselves indefinitely, in the infinity of time and space. The life of every being, including man,
on all planets is nothing but the result or materialization produced by successive and eternal
"It thus follows that all beings that lose their lives are not dead in reality, in the absolute
sense of the word, but continue to live with their full consciousness in other regions of the
universe. They could perfectly well be reborn on earth through a previous rematerialization and
relive with their bull-ness of their personality in flesh and bone. Also, we are simply
reproductions by materialization of beings existing or having existed on our earth or on other
planets. So, great men who died in the past are not dead, but continue to live in flesh and bone, in
full consciousness, on other planets, and they continue their work.
"This reincarnation of human beings on other stars can explain certain facts otherwise
difficult to account for. Thus how can we understand the extraordinary aptitudes of a man of
genius born of mediocre parents? The laws of heredity seem superseded and are powerless to
account for the exceptional qualities of this man. On the contrary, everything is explained by the
effect of the transmission of a complex of human rays through space, at the moment of
conception. This being of genius is formed by the process (of materialization of cellular
radiations traveling through space from planet to planet) indicated above, thanks to the union of
the united gametes with rays of the same characteristic rate of vibration coming from another
exceptional individual who died on some distant star.
"Thus great thinkers, great artists, great philosophers, great statesmen, and all other
geniuses of which history has transmitted their names, are, in all probability, repetitions of other
thinkers, artists, philosophers and statesmen who have died on other stars or on the earth".

Eternity. Life and Death.

Indicating that the birth of such individuals must occur at times when stellar and
planetary vibrations are harmonious to their own rate of vibration, Lakhovsky concludes:

"There is yet another reason why we should not put aside without profound examination

the theories that place special importance to the marked influence on human destiny of the
position of the stars in the heaven at the moment of conception and birth of a human being. I
have elsewhere dealt with the question of the influence of the position of the stars in my books,
The Secret of Life, and Eternity, Life and Death".
Lakhovsky clearly upholds the theory of astrology by his able and scholarly expositions
bearing on cosmic radiations and their influences on terrestrial affairs.


Eternity, Life and Death.


Some people define astrology as the science of stars. Others say that it is the art by which
the future of man can be known. It may also be defined as "the philosophy of discovering and
analyzing past impulses and future actions of both individuals and nations" in the light of
planetary configurations. Astrology explains life's reactions to planetary vibrations. In Sanskrit,
it is called Hora Sastra or Jyotisha or the Science of Time. All these definitions do not convey a
correct idea of the subject. It is much more than a science. It is a science of the sciences, the key
to all knowledge. It is the knowledge that links man to nature and establishes that order regins
supreme in life and that chance and accident have no place. Astrology can be defined as the
science of correlation of astronomical facts with terrestrial events. The celestial bodies are
conspicuous by the presence of supreme order in their revolutions. While this is the case could
chaos exist on the earth and its phenomena? Astrology gave the answer that by juxtaposition of
celestial order with terrestrial phenomena, the possibility of making prognostications could not
be doubted. When an apparent effect is the resultant of a cause, then astrology becomes a symbol
of measurement. The effect of a cause is expressed in terms of what we may call planetary
Astrology is primarily concerned with the application of cosmic laws to terrestrial
phenomena in general and man in particular. Hence pure objective science cannot lay down the
law for astrology which deals with a different sphere of experience. Much less can it deny its
very subject-matter or its relevance for human life or place in human culture which is concerned
in the last resort with the art of life, utilizing every facet of experience derived from objective
nature and its effect on human life.
Astrology resembles history in an essential respect as a science. History is the science of
human events in the past, ascertained and interpreted in accordance with tested methods such as
those of observation, testimony, examination of MSS, coins, historical monuments, documents,
etc. The method is scientific in the sense of being methodical and systematic, using verification
wherever possible. Interpretation uses human psychology the motivations of historical
personages and of the probabilities in the conduct of masses of men.
Experimental verification in the sense that it is possible in a chemical laboratory is not of
course possible in history nor even in contemporary sociology, for human beings cannot be
experimented upon like guinea pigs (though it may sometimes be attempted in a totalitarian
system of Government). Verification is possible in astrology to the extent it is possible in history
and sociology.

For instance, astrology reveals correspondences between the afflictions of Mars in a

man's horoscope and his bodily illness or an affliction of Saturn in the 12th house is
accompanied by deafness or ear troubles. Similarly eye diseases appear in a man simultaneously
with afflictions in certain stars in his horoscope Jyeshta or Antares.
Sometimes doubters in astrology go further and ask how such correspondences can be
The sense that such correspondences or effects of distant planetary bodies on human lives
are impossible and contrary, to nature, or accepted view of nature, and of the cosmos, rests on
unconsciously accepted assumptions about their nature and about the relations between them.
But this assumption is arbitrary. There is no reason why the real inwardness of the heavenly
bodies planets and stars and their mutual relations and their impact on human life and
destiny should resemble the things and relations of ordinary experience stocks and stones.
The ancients must have discovered the effects of planets on man by two methods, viz., intuition
and observation. The first according to the sages is definitely more trustworthy. Intuition,
introspection or divyadrishti is an individual experience or perception or a faculty which the
ancient Maharshis had acquired due to their austere and moral lives and by the practice of yoga.
Bertrand Russel considers that "introspection is valid as a source of data, and is to a considerable
extent amenable to scientific controls". Intuition transcends intellect. According to Jung,
"intuition is a kind of instinctive appreciation irrespective of the nature of its contents. Through
intuition any one content is presented as a complete whole. Intuitive cognition possesses an
intrinsic nature of certainty and conviction which enabled Spinoza to uphold the Scientia
Intuitiva as the highest form of cognition." Patanjali suggests in his famous Yoga Sutras that the
Yogi, after reaching a certain plane of spiritual attainment, can establish direct communion with
the different planetary bodies and perceive their mysteries without the aid of mechanical
Observation must have played its part equally well. The sages must have noted the
individual and collective events in the light of recurrence of certain planetary configurations, the
psychological reactions of different types of people to certain planetary combinations. Hundreds
of years of such observations must have convinced the sages that the birth in certain signs of the
zodiac would confer certain definite psychological and physical traits. The planets, the signs and
the zodiac became merely a symbol rendering possible the application of the laws of periodicity
to individual and national lives.
The truth of astrology has also been established by statistical methods. As Bertrand
Russel says, "Statistics ideally are accurate laws about large groups; they differ from other laws
only in being about groups, not about individuals." Statistically it can be shown that several

astrological combinations are corroborated. It will be seen that some of the greatest thinkers and
intellectuals of all ages have endorsed the truth of astrology, and have consulted their
horoscopes. The bard of Avon puts the following words into the mouth of King Lear:
"It is the stars, the stars above us govern our condition."
Even more striking is his flair for astrologic humor. He makes a disgruntled player to
"It is impossible that anything should be as I would have it; for I was born, Sir, when the
Crab was ascending; and all my affairs go backwards."
Dante's astrology is written in majestic measure. We follow him into the vastness of
"... I saw The sign that follows Taurus, and was in it.
Oh glorious stars ! Oh light impregnated
With mighty virtues, from which I acknowledge
All of my genius whatsoe'er it be,
With you was born, and hid himself with you
He who is father of all mortal life,
When first I tasted of the Tuscan air;
And then when grace was freely given to me
To enter the high wheel which turns you round
Your region was allotted unto me."22

"For Dante astrology was the noblest of the sciences," writes H. Flanders Dunbar. "For

Dante," she continues, "the principle of individualization is the influence of planets and stars, or,
more accurately, of the intelligences by which they are moved. The ego, created directly by God,
in its connection with the body comes under stellar influence, and at birth is stamped like wax by
a seal. All impressions from the stars are good, since there is no lovableness that does not reflect
the lovableness of God. It is the harmonizing and proportioning of these good qualities in their
true relationships that make this or that person more or less perfect. It is likely that the modern
reader, with his over-simple conception astrology, will lose much of the meaning of Dante......
Astrology was both more complicated and more scientific in the method than the familiar birthmonth pamphlets suggest."
Goethe commits himself in no uncertain terms to both the theory and practice of
astrology. He begins his autobiography thus: "On the 28th of August 1749, at midday, as the
clock struck twelve, I came into the world, at Frankfort-on-the-Maine. The aspect of the stars

Paradise, Canto XXII, see Hungad's A Brief History of Astrology

Symbolism in Medieval Thought.

was propitious; the Sun stood in the sign of the Virgin, and had culminated for the day; Jupiter
and Venus looked on with a friendly eye, and Mercury not adversely; the attitude of Saturn and
Mars was neutral; the Moon alone, just full, exerted all the more as her power of opposition had
just reached her planetary hour. She, therefore, resisted my birth which could not be
accomplished until this hour was passed. These auspicious aspects which the astrologers
subsequently interpreted very favorably for me may have been the causes of my preservation."
Manly P. Hall observes thus: 'Let us suppose for a moment that the biographies of great
men were to be written by scientists. The following might be a neat, brief and conservative
treatise upon the subject, Abraham Lincoln: 'Abraham Lincoln, class mammalian, species homo
sapiens, was a body occupying place which integrated in 1809 and disintegrated in 1865. This
body was presumably composed of approximately the following elements: Oxygen 65 per cent,
carbon 18 per cent, hydrogen 10 per cent, nitrogen 3 per cent, calcium 2 percent, phosphorus 1
per cent, the remaining 1 per cent being made up of small quantities of potassium, sodium,
chlorine, magnesium, iron, iodine, fluorine and silicon. The type is peculiar to the planet earth.'
"This description of the Great Emancipator, though highly scientific and true to fact,
nevertheless passes beyond the vanishing point of unimportance. The real Abraham Lincoln was
an intellectual energy, a moral force, a courageous spirit, whose life and works profoundly
influenced the course of civilization. Physicists might compute his specific gravity for ever and
yet never discover Abraham Lincoln, the Man.
"In harmony with this viewpoint, we might hazard the speculation that astronomers have
not yet 'discovered' the intelligent universe. Though every element in cosmos be found and
classified, the cosmos itself may still remain unknown. If astronomers say that Jupiter is a mass
of gases, they but state a truth equally applicable to man. Yet, the average savant would scarcely
rejoice in such a definition of himself. He would rather insist that his molecules and atoms have
conspired to create a genius.
"It is quite scientific to presume that the universe bestowed all its intelligence upon man,
leaving nothing but the mechanical qualities of rotation and revolution to be distributed among
the suns, moons and stars that race of giants which populates the firmament? If human
behavior is intelligent, why is not universal behavior intelligent? If an insignificant mass of
atoms on this earth could produce that Promethean soul of Abraham Lincoln, why should not a
greater mass of atoms in the sky engender a still vaster spirit? If no evidence of divine
intelligence can be discovered in the chemical composition of the stars, it may be said with equal
truth that no evidence of human intelligence can be discovered in the chemical composition of
man. The ancient pagan belief that the stars were the bodies of Great beings replete with wisdom,
who could be properly regarded as "divine", is no more unreasonable or inconsistent with

science than to maintain that hydrogen and oxygen, together with thirteen other elements, when
combined in the form of a college professor, are capable of propounding advanced problems in
"If, then, astrology postulates the heavenly bodies to be foci of intellectual energy, it
claims nothing more unreasonable for the stars than that which is evident in man himself. By his
benevolence or despotism, a single man can change the moral temper of civilization. History has
demonstrated that a man may have an influence far beyond that which would seem consistent
with the measure of his stature or its physical displacement. Furthermore, this personal force will
communicate itself to future generations and continue as a dynamic impulse long after the man
himself has been dissipated. Likewise the sidereal bodies, as parts of universal harmony or
equilibrium, as factors in a balanced scheme, and modes of behavior certainly constitute a
heavenly environment, each contributing its physical ray to the rest and receiving into itself the
moral electricity of brothers spheres".
Lawrence J. Benditt, an M.D. of Cambridge University and Phoebe D. Payne have argued

that "we are faced either with the fact that the extraordinarily accurate readings of astrological
maps without the astrologer ever having seen the person are purely psychic or intuitive, or else
with a mystery which goes deep down into the question of the relationship of man with the
seeming objective world, whether as shown in the heavens or the more mundane sphere of
everyday contacts. The fact, nevertheless, remains that even orthodox psychologists, some with a
prejudice against such seemingly fantastic notions, have found themselves forced to realize that
an expert astrologer can be of very real value in assessing the type and capacity of a person
whose horoscope he has made. He can, for instance, predict such things as whether two people
are likely to find marriage easy or difficult, creative or frustrating, whether there is a critical
phase of life pending, and how the person concerned can best deal with it".
Tyrell believes 25" that not only astrology, but the occult generally, is an obscure pointer
to an aspect of the universe above, and beyond, the spatiotemporal; Casual framework and the
world of sense perception on which science has hitherto relied in its attempts to describe the
objective universe".


This World and That: Chap, XI.

The Nature of Human Personality.


Do planets influence man? The reader can find an exhaustive answer in Prof. B.
Suryanarain Rao's Introduction to Astrology, a masterpiece within its restricted scope. I shall
only attempt to show that planets do influence terrestrial affairs. When the earth is called into its
present shape by the solar influences, where is the logic of suggesting that bodies on its surface
are not affected by them? A trifling change in weather through solar causes brings neuralgia,
headache, bronchitis, sore eyes, fever, smallpox, cholera, dysentery, plague and a host of other
diseases too numerous to detail. War mania is a striking illustration of planetary influences. Our
temper and moods depend upon the secretions of ductless glands. Fear is a matter of endocrine
secretions; indecision is a matter of thymus; genius is a matter of thyroid. Sun's cycles of
behavior have their corresponding effects on these glands and their secretions and consequently
on human behavior. Each individual cell of our body is a living intelligent entity; cells group
according to the law of affinity and form tissue, the tissues form organs, each organ performing a
function, all interdependent to a considerable extent. Thus every organ has 'intelligence', being
composed of cells that know what to do and how to do it, and it is the intention of Nature that
they shall perform their work perfectly, unless they meet interference the principle of which is
wrong suggestion. A being becomes cognizant of stimuli by the faculties of perception though
the five senses, the main one of which is probably the sense of feeling. Feeling has a larger range
than any of the other faculties. Not only can objective things be sensed by touch, but we can also
feel invisible elements such as heat, cold and planetary vibrations. Planetary vibrations of
varying character are continually exerting an influence which is taken up by our sensory nerves
with the resulting bodily reactions, mental attitudes and moods. Therefore it is possible that
solar, lunar and stellar energies supply the cells through the media of the nerves, their motivity.
Different planetary vibrations astrologically designated as yogas or aspects supply
different sensory stimuli, according as the vibrations differ in wavelengths intensity, frequency,
Amongst the researches of scientists who have studied the effects of sunspots and cosmic
rays on human life and thereby accepted the basic principles of astrology, the most outstanding
are those of the Russian biologist and physicist Prof. Georges Lakhovsky. He was perhaps the
first modern scientist to openly state his belief that radiations from stars and planets can affect
the future destiny of an individual at conception and birth. This reminds us of the great theory of
the Maharshis about the importance of Adhana Lagna or conception time. If will be noted that
Varahamihira propounded this truth two thousand years ago when European civilization was yet

to be born. Professor Lakhovsky observes thus in his book Le Grand Problem: "It is not without
reason that the sages of antiquity intuitively attached great importance to the position of the stars
in the sky at the moment of birth, for not only do the radiations from these stars exercise an
influence on the animal and human embryo but, since all substance, living or inert, is constituted
of electrons which are materialized radiations, the formation of all organic beings on earth
depends directly on the influence of these radiations on the human egg at the moment of
conception." In other words, Prof. Lakhovsky has shown that cosmic radiations pouring on the
earth from outer space and coming from various stars and planets "act on the chromosomes of
the cell nuclei which are cosmo-electrical resonators, absorb and take up these cosmic radiations,
which are transformed into vital electricity and that mysterious force we call life. And in a
similar manner he thinks that brain cells through antennae-like projections absorb stellar and
planetary radiations just as radio antennae absorb radio waves."
According to Prof. Lakhovsky, "the gametes of the fertilized egg, which compose the
chromosomes that determine hereditary characteristics, are altered to a specific wavelength at the
time of conception and are capable of entering resonance with the radiations of the same
vibratory rate coming from another planet or star." Consequently, observes the professor, "the
ultra-microscopic field of force, constituted by the combination of the gametes (in the fertilized
egg) can enter into resonance with radiations coming from planets and stars having the same
oscillatory character. This radiation could very well come from an individual who died ten,
twenty, a hundred, a thousand or even a million years before on another celestial body, which
harmonized with the ultra-microcosmic field of the gametes and which animates the egg,
communicating its aptitudes, qualities and intellectual faults to the newly formed being." Here is
much food for reflection when a scientist presents the revolutionary theory that the human being,
from the moment of conception, is molded by inpouring radiations from celestial bodies and that
the destiny of the living organism is biologically sealed at birth.
The Sun is addressed in the Vedas as the soul of the universe. He is the visible God.
Without Sun's heat and light nothing could exist in the world even for a single second.
Varahamihira calls the Sun as Kalatma or the Soul of Time because Time exists only on account
of the Sun. In fact, the Sun is the fountain-head of the life-force. The Sun's power is the cause of
the cyclic motions of the earth and other planets. Sanskrit sciences call him as Thrayee Thanu or
the three-souled as He is held to be the cause of bringing into existence, sustaining and finally
destroying all terrestrial phenomena. Bhoutikasutras give different names to the Sun each
connoting the nature of one of the aspects of His work in the Scheme of evolution. For instance,
one of the names suggested in Bhoutikasutras is Martanda. This is full of meaning. Maharshi
Gobila says that Martanda implies the lending of the Power of dissolution to the universe at the

time of Pralaya or annihilation and as the Sun is responsible for this, he would be the instrument
of destruction and is therefore styled Martanda. Science has been seeking to unravel the mystery
of the processes occurring on the Sun. A closer study of what are known as 'cosmic rays' would
seem to hold out promise of reward. The secret of the cosmic rays will probably be found in the
Sun, and Science will then be forced to admit what the great Maharshis have been proclaiming
all these thousands of years that the real secret of the universe lies in the Sun. The Sun is also
called Savita. Somasambhu a commentator of Bhoutika-sutras, opines that "Suvanti" is a lifeforce which joins all objects in nature, creates life-activity and helps creation. All objects in
nature gain chaitanya or activity through Suvanti and since the Sun has this property in him, he is
called Savita. We do not propose to enlarge upon this subject any more in this book.
The planets however are merely reflectors or transmitters of light and solar energy. The
solar and planetary rays radio-like waves affect biological and psychological processes.
The rays of influence are unseen vibrations. They are not perceptible to the physical eyes.
Human sight has its limitations. It can observe things only that are vibrating between
481,000,000,000 and 764,000,000,000 vibrations per second. Therefore the rays of influence can
be cognized by other senses and means. In fact, the assignment of astrological natures and
characteristics to planets seems to have been based upon the vibrations theory. For instance, the
vibrations of Saturn are slow, hence things of a corresponding nature are attributed to him. At
first thought perhaps we find it difficult to believe in any direct influence between ourselves and
the stars. But we must not lose sight of the fact that we are in electrical contact with the celestial
bodies whose chemistry is ever changing. It is possible to calculate mathematically the attraction,
say between Sun and the Earth. "Let M1, and M2 represent the masses of the two celestial bodies;
D, the distance between them; and C, the gravitational constant, and equal to 1.069*109
poundals." The mass of the Sun is 1.9*1027 tons; the distance between the two bodies is
9.282*107 miles. Therefore the force of attraction between them is equal to
M1*M2*C/D2 = (1.9*1027*2240)* (5.87*1021)*160*109/(9.282*107*5280)2*320.19 = N/D = X
Therefore, X = 3,454,100,000,000,000,000 tons. Such then is the magnitude of the
attraction between the Sun and the Earth. This force which is in the nature of a stress or tidal
action is perpetually at work.
I shall now quote from Mr. Arnold Meyer: 26"So gradually do we become accustomed to
these changes brought about by the tidal forces from day-to-day that they would perhaps escape

27 Astrology's Place in the World of Science.

our notice altogether, so far as the Sun is concerned, were it not for the fact that we are
occasionally 'caught out' as it were by the action of the spring tides, which suddenly overflow
and flood our public buildings at high tide on the Thames.
"The reason for this is that when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction they are both
concentrating their forces on the same part of the globe at the same time; this, added together,
accounts for the abnormal conditions. Under normal conditions, there is always a high tide at
London fifty minutes after the Moon has passed the meridian, i.e., the position the Sun occupies
everyday at noon, Greenwich time.
"Since astrology deals more particularly with the effects of heavenly bodies upon
mankind, it does not require much imagination to appreciate the fact that this conjunction of the
Sun and the Moon does definitely affect a child born during conditions of this nature. For within
our own bodies, we have innumerable glands whose work is the secretion of hormones. These
are for ever adjusting themselves in harmony with our chemically changing environment
without, and are responsible for our emotions, desires, mental balance, rate of growth, and length
of life on this planet."
Mr. Arnold Meyer is fortunately not an 'astrologer' but a scientist and a member of the
British Association for the Advancement of Science and author of The Circulation of Matter,
Electrons and Stars. Therefore we have to attach some weight to his statements.
According to Dr. V Gore, 27"It is but common-sense to say that the planetary positions of
the Sun and the Moon which affect the sea-water causing tides are bound to affect all the store of
fluids on the surface of the earth or contained in vegetable kingdom or in human beings.
"The blood is not only a fluid but contains the same salts that are dissolved in the ocean
and that too practically in the same proportion. It contains nearly 80% sodium, 4% calcium and
4% potassium. The percentage with respect to magnesium varies. This similarity between the
composition of salts in blood and in sea-water is not accidental. Life has its origin in the sea and
the earth's early history is one of the sea life and as such it should be susceptible to the same
influence of the Moon and the Sun.
"Hindu astrologers have given predictions for each day of the lunar month. For the eighth
day, that is when the Sun and the Moon are 90 apart they have said Ashtamayam
Vyadhinashastu or Ashtami Vyadhi Nashini. That is the eighth day removes the disease or cures
the ailments. On this day the Sun and the Moon, being 90 apart, diminish each other's
attractions on the fluids. The blood in the human beings remains thus comparatively in an
undisturbed state from the outside influences and any medicine newly started on this day is
bound to be more effective if it is properly chosen and that is why there is the importance of this

Astrology, Destiny and Cosmic Factors.

day it being Vyadhinashini.

"Is this not common-sense to use astronomical observations in physiography with respect
to physiology and hygiene? and so if the astrologers claim that transits of planets at a particular
time affect the human thoughts or conduct, health and everything that matters then, where is the
lie and why astrology should be ridiculed!"
If our activities, physiological and psychological, are regulated by glandular secretions
which in their turn are conditioned by chemical changes occurring in nature, then it follows that
since the chemical changes are brought about by planetary radiation, man is affected by such
electric discharges.
From a gravitational and tidal point of view, the forces of attraction existing between the
earth and a few planets are as follows:

20,185,000,000,000,000 tons


138,900,000,000,000 tons


138,250,000,000,000 tons

At a modest estimate, the energy received by the earth from the Sun is about
127,000,000,000,000 h.p. The Sun radiates an incomprehensible amount of energy nearly
2,200,000,000 times as much energy as that which lights and warms and gives life to our planet
and hundreds of millions of times as much energy as is intercepted by all the planets, satellites,
etc., combined. In other words, if, the output of solar energy, in terms of units is 2,200,000,000,
then the earth receives only one unit and this infinitesimally small quantity of solar energy
shoulders the responsibility of creating, protecting and destroying the entire terrestrial
phenomena. Such is the grandeur of the glorious Sun and what wonder the ancients called him
Jagat Chakshu and Karmasakshi. Thus will be seen the magnitude of attractions between the
earth and the planets is indeed tremendous. This must be continually varying due to the planets
continually varying distances from the Sun and from one another. Consequently, the influence of
planets upon mankind is undoubted. In a horoscope, the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna represent
the soul, the mind and the body respectively of an individual. The Sun may be visualized as the
dispenser of the various cosmic matter, and the Moon as the mixer of this matter, while the
Lagna may be taken as a catalytic agent. The other planets are, of course, symbols for
interpreting these cosmic influences. How close is our affinity with the Sun, whose chemical
elements have spectroscopically been-shown not only to be one and the same elements as our
surroundings here on earth, but actually identical with those found in our own bodies. To put it
differently, the ultimate particles of our own body are definitely a part of the Sun itself.
Recent studies of scientists in America and elsewhere have revealed that the sunspots and
solar radiations do influence biological behavior.

Sunspots have been observed over many years and they are found to vary in number with
a period whose average length is 11.1 years. Varahamihira had made considerable study of this
phenomenon as could be seen from his famous Brihat Samhita. Modern authorities conclude as a
result of researches that "the existing abnormal changes which we call weather have their origin
mainly in the variations of solar radiations". Many places on earth show more rainfall during
sunspot maxima than during sunspot minima: Stetson remarks thus: "It is the 23-year period
which Dr. Abott believes is particularly important in weather and climate forecasts; the United
States is now nearing the close of a period of considerable drought which, according to his best
estimate, will not return until the year 1975. He bases his prediction on twice the solar cycle in
records of both solar activity and weather. He finds this double period particularly important to
We have all heard of ultra-violet and infra-red radiation, etc. Light that is visible to the
human eye consists of corpuscles, or perhaps it is wave motion; in any case it is vibrating at
different speeds and corning to us in different wavelengths according to that part of the spectrum
we choose.


"Visible light includes wavelengths of from about 7,700 Angstrom units,

(abbreviated "A") which is the limit at the red end, to 3,600 A, the limit at the violet end.
Beyond the red in the spectrum, the long waves are invisible to us but are appreciable as heat
waves, and are called the infra-red. If the waves be shorter than 3,600 A, they are in the region
of the ultra-violet. However, the human eye varies in range, and some cannot see rays as short as
3,600 A nor those as long as 7,700 A. The true ultra-violet comprises waves from 3,600 A to
below 100 A. The Angstrom is a metric unit of length and is 1/10,000,000 millimeter, a
millimeter being about 1/25 inch.
"The Sun contains infra-red, visible and ultraviolet rays, but as to the short-wave side,
there is a layer of ozone in the atmosphere, that cuts out all rays shorter than 2,900 A.
"It is fortunate that most of the ultra-violet light (properly radiation, as 'light' would be
visible radiation) is absorbed by the thin layer of ozone in the atmosphere about 25 miles above
the surface. For if it were not for the ozone protection, animals and plants would suffer untold
harm, unless perhaps they became adapted to the much greater volume of this light. As
conditions are, we say that 'just enough' ultra-violet penetrates to help to keep us well and do no
real damage. Rays harming the eyes are those shorter than 3,050 A, those having the greatest
value on the skin extend from 2,900 to 3,130 A, and the beneficial effects are connected with
the production of vitamin D. Tanning effects are nature's way of protecting the human race from
too much of the ultra-violet radiation because with deepening of skin color the rays are absorbed
and changed to heat rays, and do not penetrate. Certain of the ultra-violet rays are distinctly

Hugh Rice in American Astrology, 1942.

bactericidal, notably those form 2,380 to 2,490 A. These are actually 'death rays' to bacteria."
The question is, does the ultra-violet content vary with the sunspot cycle? Astronomers
have found that it does vary; occasionally as much as 30%. With the increase of sunspots, there
is a low point: at least there is a fairly close agreement. We do not infer that the ultra-violet light
comes directly from the sunspots but as Stetson says: "It seems entirely possible that such
changes as take place in the Sun that result in its producing more ultraviolet light so stir up
the solar atmosphere that sunspots are naturally concomitant circumstances."

"Plant life is another effect that can be traced to the Sun. Tree rings have been studied

for years, especially by Douglass of the University of Arizona. A tree-ring pattern, with its
narrow or wide spacing between the rings, indicates the state of the climate during the tree's
growth. By this means, weather can be traced back over 3,200 years. Since trees are affected by
rainfall or the lack of it, sunspot periods are then related to periods of rain or drought. Where the
rings are crowded, a dry season is inferred; similarly where far apart, a season of plentiful rain.
Not all investigators agree that tree growth as seen from the rings can be correlated with
sunspots, yet based on data of Douglass, it is easily noticed that they do show more growth
during years of greatest sunspots.
"The quality of light and its quantity have in the main a three-fold effect on plants: (a) the
intensity must be right. Chlorophyll, the green pigment, must have enough sunlight to form, but
too intense a light is destructive; (b) the number of hours per day that a plant is exposed to light
partly governs its growth, for different plants are sensitive to different lengths of daylight; (c) the
wavelength or color of light has an important effect. Some need rays of the long end of the
spectrum in order to grow. It is a complicated matter but some day we shall know much more
about it. If the cycle of solar disturbance changes the quality of sunlight very likely the growth of
at least some plants is likewise altered; quality of sunshine is thought to be really important
factor (italics ours).
"Some good scientists hold that there is nothing at all in the claim that business,
manufactures, industry, etc., are all related to solar periodicities; on the other hand, certain wellknown scientists have found a positive correlation. Professor Huntington of Yale, one of the
world's leading geographers, believes that solar variations have their results on the health and
behavior of man. Stetson has found that business activity, production of automobiles, building
contracts, and other things of this nature have followed sunspots in fluctuations during the last
few years. He believes that the hypothesis that sunspots affect business is well on its way to
being proved, and that further investigations should confirm the idea."
Readers are aware that the Hindus enjoined certain restrictions in regard to food, etc., a

Hugh Rice in American Astrology. 1942.

few hours prior to the actual occurrence of an eclipse and during the duration of the eclipse; for
the Moon would screen off corpuscles streaming from the Sun at 100 miles per second and the
effect would be some sort of corpuscular shadow and the earth would feel the effect of this
corpuscular shadow some two hours prior to the arrival of the 'light shadow'. Recent studies in
connection with radio signals reveals a relatively low ionization density at the time of the
corpuscular eclipse, a condition which does not show itself on the day before or on the day after.
It is therefore possible that electrical disturbances taking place at times of sunspot activity have
some effect on the delicate fibers of our nerves and brain cells, resulting in a change of our
temperament and behavior.
Amongst the villagers in India, it is still an old belief that trees should not be cut near the
time of the New Moon for then the sap will dry quickly. That the Moon has an influence on
plants has been shown by Dr. L. Kolisko. She has shown through experiments conducted for
over nine years that the maximum growth of wheat corresponded with the period of the
increasing Moon just after the summer solstice and that "maize was found to grow best when
planted two days before Full Moon". Experiments conducted with other vegetables revealed to
her a more or less similar correspondence, thus proving the astrological theory of planetary
influences on vegetable life.
Gold is always associated with the Sun. In fact one of the names for the Sun is
'Hiranyagarbha'. Dr. Kolisko has even shown the influences of planets on metals. Her
experiments were as follows.


"A 1% solution of the (metallic) salt or salts to be studied was

placed in an open vessel and a cylinder of filter-paper was left standing in it until all the solution
had been absorbed by capillary attraction. A 'picture' was thus formed upon the filter-paper
which showed that each solution had its characteristic forms and colors. Gold chloride showed
consistently the same forms and the same cheerful yellow color except during an eclipse of the
Sun, when the forms were spoilt and the color changed to purple."31
Physicist Maurice Allen noted at the time of solar eclipse on 2-6-1954 that at the exact
moment of the eclipse the pendulum's level of oscillation changed suddenly. His explanation was
there must be a cosmic force which the Moon screens from us.
According to Meki Takata of Toho University, Tokyo, the index of flocculation of blood
suddenly rises when the Sun directs a concentrated beam of waves on earth. Dr. Takata found
that during total solar eclipse, as the Moon begins to cover the Sun the flocculation index starts
to decline reaching its lowest point when the eclipse was complete. Takata concedes, "man is a
living sun dial".

Astrology in Everyday Life by Rupert Gleadow.

For further details reference may be made to Mrs. Kolisko's work Agriculture of Tomorrow.

That planets influence epidemics is beyond dispute.


"Whilst the germ theory about

which so much fuss is made by the modern pathologist is an assumption of the causes of the
existence of which we have no evidence to account for, the frequency of the coincidence of
volcanic eruptions and earthquakes with the outbreaks of epidemics, tends to support the
hypothesis of planetary action being the exciting cause of all these phenomena the rapid and
extreme prostration of muscular strength, a very early symptom, together with excruciating
headache, seems to point to electrical changes being intimately associated with influenza and
these changes in electrical condition of the atmosphere are due to planetary action."
Professor Tchijevsky has concluded,


"that epidemics of influenza have an average

period of approximately 11.3 years, which is the same as the sunspot period and among other
things that the first wave of a new epidemic of influenza may be expected about three years after
every sunspot maximum." His researches enabled him to predict in 1930 the influenza epidemic
of 1936. Varahamihira has dealt with the astrological causes for epidemics and plague in his
Brihat Samhita and this clearly implies some sort of correspondence between certain celestial
phenomena and the various types of diseases. It looks as though the investigations of the Russian
Professor Tchijevsky, extending over a good many years during which he took into consideration
all the important epidemics and plagues since the 15th century have merely confirmed the
ancient astrological principles. His conclusions are: (a) Epidemics such as influenza have an
average period of 11.3 years same as the sunspot period.
(b) The first wave of the epidemic generally occurs about three years after every sunspot
(c) And the "virulence of micro-organisms varies in direct relation to the electrical
tension of the atmosphere".
Tchijevski has also shown by means of correlation curves remarkable coincidence of
sunspot phenomena with the occurrence of revolutions, wars, strikes, agitations, programs
against Jews in Russia, lynchings in U.S.A. and population migrations. Dr. Tchijevski has also
established an incidence of correlation between sunspot maxima and cardiovascular troubles.
Just like influenza, the peak periods of measles, plague, cholera and other epidemics have
also some sort of relation to the sunspots and other periodicities. In reference to the periodicity of
measles, we commend the following from 34Dr. John Brownbe's paper.
"The conclusions which may be based on the results of this investigation cannot in the
present state of knowledge be completely formulated. Much more spadework is required before
the relative importance of the different factors at work can be accurately gauged. It seems to be

A Text-Book of Astrology by Dr. A. J. Pearce.

Astrology in Everyday Life by Rupert Gleadow.

proved however that epidemics of measles tend to recur with a regular periodicity which persists
often for a long series of years. A great variety in the length of these periods has been found to
exist, the shortest period found being that of one year in Paris and the longest that of three years
in Dundee, Scotland. Any but a biological explanation of these phenomena seems to be
untenable, and the facts further seem to prove that the periodicity is infinitely more probably due
to such changes as may easily constitute the life-cycle of an inflicting organism rather than the
periodic changes in the susceptibility of the host. It is not unusual for the complete life-history of
the measles organisms to correspond almost exactly with a multiple of the solar year (italics
ours), in itself a suggestive coincidence, but even if this has been duly allowed for, something
remains which requires further analysis." Here what interests us most as students of astrology is
the suggested coincidence between the life-history of the measles organism and a multiple of the
solar year. The word 'coincidence' is either a cloak to conceal one's ignorance of real facts or a
deliberate intention to ignore the real cause of a certain phenomenon. When there is a series of
coincidences between peak


years of deaths from an epidemic and certain variations in solar

energy (which in its turn could only be brought about by variations in the movements of planets
with reference to the Sun and themselves), then it can be safely said that some sort of a law exists
whereby the next period when the epidemic would recur could be easily anticipated. This is
astrology pure and simple.
Students of astrology know that measles, smallpox, etc., are associated with the planet
Mars. The tropical year of Mars is 1.88 which is the mean average of its perigee. Whenever Mars
makes his closest approach to the' earth 'martian epidemics should manifest'. Drs. Faure and
Sardou have found out by independent observations that 84% of the passages of sunspots over
the meridian of the Sun corresponded to a worsening of their patients. The sunspot maxima
corresponds with Jupiter's cycles also because Jupiter goes round the heavens once in about 12
years. This may well suggest that the sunspots are caused by Jupiter's pull as is evident from the
periodicity of epidemics. In September 1880, Jupiter was at perihelion (or closest to the Sun); the
sunspot maximum in 1883 and 1881 witnessed the maximum of spinal meningitis. Again the
same disease reached its maximum in U.S.A. in 1893 (Jupiter at perihelion - July 1892, sunspot
maximum 1803): in 1904-5 (Jupiter at perihelion, June 1904 sunspot maximum (1905) and
1917-18 (Jupiter at perihelion in April 1916 and sunspot maximum 1916).
When modern scientists note the coincidence between the sunspot activities during the
revolution in France in about 1789, 1830, 1848 and 1870, in Russia in 1906 and 1917, in Spain
in 1937 and Hungary in 1956 with mass upheavals, when the increase in corpuscular radiation

Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society 208.

Walter Bowermann's 'Cyclical Diseases' in American Astrology.

from the Sun had increased effect on human movements, it looks as though modern astronomers
are only confirming Varahamihira of ancient India who had already enunciated this remarkable
parallelism between sunspots and earthly affairs wars, popular uprisings, etc.
Modern meteorology is also noticing a wonderful association between meteorological
facts and astrological views. Mr. John, Nelson, Engineer in the RCA Communications
Department of U.S.A., has found that what are called the benefic aspects of planets pacifying,
apparently, to the ionosphere while other relationships malefic aspects disturbing to it.
Astrologers predict wars, revolutions and political disturbances when Jupiter, Saturn and Mars
are in conjunction, i.e., the same degree or mutual angles of 90 and 180 involving certain
constellations. Nelson has discovered that the most severe ionospheric disturbances will come
when the combined influences of Mars, Venus and Mercury are such that all three will be
arranged in positions of great concentration of planetary influence near the Saturn-Jupiter team.
And these are correlated to magnetic disturbances on the earth. Naturally, these effects are likely
to disturb the delicate and complex systems in the living organisms on the earth which regulate
and stimulate thought and feeling and action.
When we met Mr. Nelson at a common platform at the "International Astrology
Conference'' held at New York on 1-5-1971 he said that planets possibly influence the Sun in a
manner that caused a temporary change in the Sun's radiation-characteristics although the
mechanism of this influence was not known. Mr. Nelson has been able to predict with great
accuracy magnetic disturbances based on astrological data.
E. Chapel of Paris, a former General of the French army, pursuing statistical research for
more than 30 years, has come to the conclusion that there is a relation between the asteriods, the
meteorological conditions and the so-called spontaneous fires and explosions, occurring
sometimes by series and for which no rational explanations seem available.
According to Dr. Maurice Faure "everything can be explained in terms of sunspots".
Basine his conclusions on the observation of the movements of sunspots from M. Vellot's
Observatory at Mount Blanc, Dr. Faure observes: "Out of 25 movements of sunspots 21 were
accompanied by significant increase in the incidence of ill-health. Afterwards I established a
correlation between movements of the sunspot with successions of sudden deaths."
Dr. Faure is of the view that sunspots are responsible for a whole series of accidents and
that the "electric forces emanating from the Sun affect our nervous system and excessive solar
activity causes complex effects on man dejection, attacks of gout or rheumatism, headaches,
neuralgia, etc.,"
Traditionally the Sun is associated with vitality and disease of the heart. If the Sun is
afflicted in a horoscope it indicates that one is predisposed towards heart trouble. In a letter to the

Academy of Medicine dated March 3, 1959, Dr. Poumailloux and M. Viart, Meteorological
Engineer, wrote: "Our find ings point to a really remarkable correlation between increased
frequency of myo-cordial infarctus at certain moments of maximum solar activity and peaks of
geomagnetic disturbance."
Dr. Becker, using data available from International Geophysical Year Studies, reveals
that patients admitted to hospitals for psychiatric disturbances correlated with solar flares. His
research shows that the electrical charge of a person's body changes drastically when the earth's
magnetic field is affected. Electrical fields, according to this scientist, are also connected with
such physical processes as accidents, would-healing, etc. Seasonal changes in the intensity of
geo-magnetic field may explain why susceptibility to various infections varies with the season.
At an international symposium on relations between solar and terrestrial phenomena, held
in Brussels in 1964, Prof. Hellmut Berg of the University of Cologne declared that "serious
tubercular cases were in danger of dying on days when there was a violent eruption on the Sun".
Sevente Arrhenius, a Sweedish scientist, proved by statistical investigation, of 25,000
cases, that there is a correlation between the frequency of human births and the revolution/of the
Moon in the ecliptic.
As a matter of fact, he has shown that menstruation occurs in a large number of women at
one particular point in the lunar month. As regards the individual, menstruation usually occurs
when the Moon arrives at a certain fixed point in the horoscope, Varahamihira clearly mentions
in Brihat Jataka, that the menses of a woman sets in every month when the Moon is in an
Upachaya from the Lagna and that the menses are due to the interaction of Mars and the Moon.
Climate is regulated by the movements and influences of planets. Consequently, the
influences of climate are clearly perceptible. If there is any factor in the constitution of man and
his temperaments which vitally influences him for work or for laziness, for strength or for
debility, for intelligence or for dullness, it is the climate. These instances suggest that between
the various atmospherical influences and the vital activity of the human nerves there seems to be
a connection which the known sciences have not yet been able to account for, but the effects of
which are too often clearly felt to be easily doubted or denied. A change of climate has been
firstly considered by the greatest physicians as a most powerful remedy for effecting cures. The
Seabreeze owes its pre-eminently salutary influences on the health of man to its purity. The
extraneous particles which defile the close atmosphere of crowded cities and convert it into a hot
bed of diseases and death are mostly absent from the unadulterated air currents which sweep
over the wide expanse of water and this fact greatly renders the climate highly salubrious. The
moisture tempers the sharpness of the wind, and makes the respiratory organs less liable to the
baneful attacks of catarrhal affections. The influence of saline particles, of iodine, of ozone and

of peculiar electrical and magnetic conditions, also contribute their beneficial effects. Pr.
Clarence A. Mills, Professor of Experimental Medicine, University of Cincinnati, has found that
the contrast between Oriental and Occidental vitality due not to "national, racial or cultural
differences, but to climate". "The ebb and flow of human vitality fluctuate with climatic changes,
with man's energy rising during stimulation, cold periods, and receding with debilitating oalm
warmth." When the barometric pressure


"is slowly rising, human activity is at its zenith; a

medium degree of efficiency occurs when the barometric pressure is at any stable level; and the
lowest ebb accompanies falling barometric pressure. Sponge-like, the body and brain cells
absorb water and swell when the outside pressure falls. Along with this absorption and swelling
there is disturbance of functional efficiency and an upset in the normal body water-balance. On
the other hand as the outside pressure rises, the body and brain cells empty and functional
efficiency rises". Just before a severe storm, living organisms manifest increased nervous
tension. Animals become bellicose and unmanageable, children tend to be peevish and petulant
and adults are more irritable and quarrelsome. "There are also obvious physical changes on these
low pressure stormy days. As some bodies gain water content their weight increases as much as
four or five pounds in one day and there might be some spread of leg or calf circumference. The
brain cells cannot expand as they are encased in a rigid structure. Therefore the pressure falls and
the resulting intake of moisture from the gastro-intestinal tracts leads to irritability, worry,
discomfort and temper flares. In extreme cases if the brain cells become so water-logged that
oxygen supply is cut off, fainting or coma may result.
The researches conducted by Dr. Mills of America conclusively prove that climatic
conditions influence human growth, vitality, reproductivity, crime, prosperity, health and


F. A. Rockwen in American Astrology, 1942.


Dr. W. Fliess, a German physician, has studied the annual periodicities in various
biological phenomena, thus confirming the persistence of the solar cycle at many places outside
the well-known seasonal fluctuations in the rates of marriages, births and deaths. Fliess
'discovered' the cycle of 23 and 28 days as biological data. In one of his publications, he says:
"what is most interesting is the fact that the year and the day rule our life just as both of them
determine the fast or slow movements of our planets. And that does not involve only our
physical but also our spiritual existence, our creative days (italics ours)." In other words, almost
all Western savants, who have tried to demonstrate the existence of some sort of biological
rhythm in human activities, have been indirectly lending support to the astrological theory.
According to Gochara or the transit system, the Moon passing through the different signs from
his own position in the birth chart is said to make the native's psychological reactions differ on
different days. On one day one will be subject to serious fits of depression, on another day to
strong sexual urges, on a third to creative thoughts and on the next to fits of illness. All these are
discernible astrologically but as long as the scientist looks at astrology through glasses colored
by his own pet theories and prejudiced ideas he has got to be groping in the dark. The following
query of Fliess put by himself at the end of his lecture 'Periodical Ways of Man' is germane to
the present discussion. "Why wonder? Don't we inherit the physical set-up of our parents, their
living substance and consequently ought we not to inherit likewise the characteristics of their
substance pertinent to time? This question sets one thinking. Until now we never considered the
influence of the year on human existence. That is wrong. For facing the problem created by the
year's motion on life, we cannot but expect to find its mark on human beings as well as on the
flowering of plants, the mating urge of beasts...Why should it stop at Man? Is not Man a link in
the chain of life just as beast and plant are?"
Modern scientific observations have only been corroborating the "superstitious" beliefs
held by astrologers that rhythmic occurrences in nature are guided by astronomical influences.
What Fleiss, Swoboda and Krafft have observed had been too well known to the ancient Hindus
who, having studied the periodicity of psychological and biological functions, have bequeathed
to us vast treasures of astrological knowledge. Our ignorance, pride and prejudice come in the
way of our appreciating the wisdom of our ancients while we have acquired a knack to nod our
heads in approbation if the same principles come out of the mouths of modern scientists. This is
indeed a very unhealthy tendency. What we call in the jingle of scientific terminology biological
urge', 'psychological impulse' and so on has been explained in simple and easily comprehensible

astrological formulae by way of yogas, arishtas, and other combinations.

A. N. Whitehead says in his Introduction to Mathematics that "the whole life of nature is
dominated by the existence of periodic events, i.e., by the existence of successive events so
analogous to each other that without any straining of language they may be termed the
recurrence of the same event. Our bodily life is essentially periodic. It is dominated by the
beatings of the heart and the recurrence of the breathing. The presupposition of periodicity is
indeed fundamental from conception of life. We cannot imagine a course of nature in which as
events progress, we should unable to say this happened before."
All rhythms in nature, biological or psychological, correspond to cosmical prototypes and
are rooted in astronomical relations. From this reason earthly doing and being enlarge themselves
to the cosmos and clearly show the unity and harmony in the Universe. And it was just this
knowledge that was promulgated by the star lore through ages in that famous formula 'as above,
so below.'
A, M. Fox, a Cambridge biologist, brings forward a number of instances by which he
proves the existence of lunar periodicities in the living organisms.
H. L. Moore of New York showed the connections between cycles in rainfall and
economics and the eight years' periodicity of the planet Venus with respect to the Earth and the
Similar investigations of many other scientists lead more or less decidedly to the
conclusion that a complex relation cannot be denied between certain astronomic periodicities and
the occurrence of seisms of volcanic eruptions, of cyclones, as also the variations of other
atmospheric pressure, of the growth of trees, etc. "Dr. Budai has collected many other interesting
examples of the Moon's influence on human beings. He observes that the day of New and Full
Moon, and the two days that precede and follow them are particularly dangerous for health."
This is quite in accordance with accepted astrological principles.
On the basis of his findings Dr. Larnord J. Revitz of Duke University has endorsed the
ancient belief that there would be more unrest among the insane when the Moon is full: Revitz


"Whatever else we may be we are all electric machines. Thus energy reserves may be

mobilised by periodic universal factors (such as the forces behind the Moon) which tend to
aggravate maladjustments and conflicts already present."
The study of human character and temperament, of endowment and platitudes has
become a large department of psychology today. It may surprise many to be told that astrology
has a great contribution to make to this branch of contemporary science.
The science and art of the diagnosis of personality traits will be of vital use in many

Psychiatry and Journal of Social Therapy, July 1966.

departments of life today education, industry, administration, etc.

The horoscope can construct a fairly accurate picture of the individual's psyche his
temperaments, his likes and dislikes, aptitudes, his moods, his abilities and weaknesses and
strong traits. For instance, it is said that one born when the distance between the Sun and the
Moon is 12 will be 'Vyasanasakta-chittascha', meaning 'given to worrying'. This information
can usefully supplement the diagnosis of normal psychology arrived at by its vocational tests, its
intelligence and other characters of various kinds. It can help educational institutions in guiding
students in the choice of careers. It can help industry in making the most of the different types of
workers in giving them jobs suitable to their temperaments. Above all, it can help the individual
to guide his plans and career to suit his character traits, avoid lines in which he has no flair and
take up lines in which he has a natural aptitude. Astrology reveals the general tendencies inherent
in certain types of persons by reason of the positions of the planets and stars at their birth. We
can use them in the art of life and make the best of our endowment. Thus one born when
Dhanishta and the 8th lunar day coincide will be cruel-hearted, vindictive and easily amenable to
sycophancy. If other combinations also indicate rulership, he will most likely become a tyrant,
bent on inflicting misery on the people. Other people may beware of such a person and may take
suitable steps to neutralize his power for mischief. Or, he himself might try to minimize his evil
tendencies by giving them less play in life.
Recent investigations by psychologists have confirmed the diagnostic power of astrology.
For instance an American psychologist has made an eightfold classification of human beings
corresponding to eight segments of 45 each commencing from the New Moon. According to
this classification, whoever is born at any particular phase of the cycle is stamped by the
character of that phase. This confirms the ancient idea of the effect of the Moon's affliction in
insanity and related diseases.
A French Criminologist has assembled statistics to show that apparently motiveless
murders, attacks and criminal behavior of many kinds rise and fall in a 28-day cycle
corresponding to the phase of the Moon. Other observers have noticed similar effects of the
Moon on other aspects of life. Dr. Edson Andrews of America has noticed a correspondence
between successes and failures in surgery and the phases and positions of the Moon. His record
of 1000 cases of tonsillectomy showed 82% bleeding crises occurring between the Moon's first
and third quarters. Prof. Ravitz of Pennsylvarian School of Medicine thinks that there is an
increase in the electrical potential of human beings every 14 days causing changes of moods
due to the Moon's influence.
The great Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung, pupil of Dr. Freud and founder of a variant of
psychoanalysis of his own has been a great influence among psychologists and psychatrists to

use astrological science in medicine and psychiatry. They have found it illuminating in
diagnosing the predispositions of their patients towards certain types of disease, mental and
physical. The Moon rules the mind, the Sun rules the soul or self and Mercury rules the nervous
The exaggeration of certain traits which occur in normal people as well is caused by a
combination of factors involving the Moon, Mercury, the Sun, Mars, etc.
This reminds us of the age-old astrological theory of Hindus.
() meaning that if in a horoscope the Moon and Mercury are in certain mutual
dispositions afflicted by Mars, Saturn or the Nodes, it generally indicates mental disorder.
We find such combinations actually occur in the horoscopes of persons suffering from
obsessional neurosis, delusions and false views. A false belief is a form of dissociation. When a
person in a mental hospital believes that he is the emperor of the world, obviously it is a case of
The declination of Mercury can always give a clue as to whether a person will tend to
brood over the past, or hug his illusions or escape into a futuristic Utopia. But if there is
Jupiterian aspect, the picture is entirely changed. The person will be thoughtful and will have
much understanding and judgment. Remove the Moon and substitute Mars and you have
mechanical aptitude. This is something entirely new in observational science. It is a proven
instance of a certain planetary pattern having an effect that the elements of the pattern do not
Many psychologists and psychiatrists are experimenting in the U.S.A. and elsewhere with
astrological techniques. Many of them (whom I met at New York) are convinced that horoscopes
properly cast and intelligently interpreted could be a valuable diagnostic test. They are of the
view that "a horoscope is more useful than Rorschach test: A Rorschach shows only the patient's
condition at the time of the test whereas a horoscope reveals his basic psychological set-up".
Apart from psychiatry dealing with mental disorder, astrology is of use too in ordinary
medicine. This was recognized in ancient India when Ayurveda was linked with Jyotisha, the one
practitioner being required to know something of the other. Today this use of astrology is again
coming to the force.
An outstanding psychiatrist makes the following observations which must be accepted as
justified: "I do not know that somnambulism is more prevalent during the Full Moon, but I know
that the sexual organs are more stimulated during this period than at any other time both in beasts
and homo-sapient. Seasonal changes, climate, electrical storms and volcanic actions are
obviously correlated with the phases of the Sun and the Moon. Every drop of moisture is affected
by the Full Moon even as our tides are regulated by it. Menstrual periods are influenced. Moon-

struck couples are apt to engage in affairs of the heart during this period. It is the god-mother of
sprooning couples. Upon the mating instinct of wild and domesticated animals, it has a distinct
bearing. At Full Moon hard shells become soft."
The influences of the Moon on human affairs appears with such persistence in the
writings of ancient Hindus that it is impossible to ignore their testimony in any orderly survey of
the subject. Many of these references rest upon a basis of careful observation and recorded








Suryachandramasou nitya sambandhat meaning that the Moon gets its kala or light by
attraction from the Sun and that there is interaction between the Sun and the Moon almost every
second. Neither the Moon nor the planets are the original sources of light or heat. All receive
their light from the glorious Sun. This light is naturally in the shape of vibrations of the light
waves. These vibrations are refracted or reflected from the Moon to the earth and vary widely.
The vibrations from Mars are much lower and slower than are those from Venus or Mercury and
yield a distinction in color which is perceptible through and measurable by the spectroscope.
Vibrations from the Moon also vary greatly in both force and frequency as is indicated by a
variation in the Moon's color from silvery white to ruddy. When we consider that every known
basic element emits an individual radiation whose differences are expressed in Armstrong Units,
it would be strange to presume that these vibrations were without any physical manifestation or
influence on earthly matter. The fact is these vibrant rays rouse and move the elements of the
earth producing both chemical and physical changes thereof. It is because of these variations in
the chemical and physical structure of the earth itself the base on which all vegetation must be
sustained that the fertility of the soil and the sturdiness of the crop depend in a very large
measure upon the Moon. There are many ancient beliefs about the mysterious power of the
Moon, many of which science is finding to have a basis in fact. Various ideas once considered
superstitious now appear to have some scientific explanations. Based on these observations, the
ancient Maharishis have given us a number of combinations which enable us to unravel with
appreciable accuracy the amount of influence the luna exerts on a particular individual. The
ancients have already discovered these effects. All that science has to do is to explain them. You
can observe that some lunatics or neurotic people seem to have tides of irrationality rise and fall
within them according to the waxing and waning of the Moon. We have personally known a
family in which the husband, a short tempered young man, becomes excited as the Moon wanes
with the result hardly a New Moon passes without some serious quarrel in his house which
upsets his mental equilibrium and renders him uneasy.
All diseases and more especially, skin diseases, insanity and epilepsy were believed to be
subject to the influence of the Moon. I should say that here again the ancients were right in their

conclusions. We know as a matter of experience that these diseases get more virulent in their
effects at the time of the New Moon. No one can deny that.
Whether or not one believes in the influence of the Moon on animal and human
organisms, one cannot but be struck with the rhythmic changes in the level of the sea, in
atmospheric phenomena and in radio reception keeping step with the Moon's phases. At the time
of New Moon or at the time of Full Moon, the tides in the ocean are much greater, the
disturbance in the atmosphere more than at other times. Why is this so? Because when the Sun
and the Moon are close together in the sky, as at New Moon, or when they are diametrically
opposite, as at Full Moon, the two conspire to produce such disturbances; they actually pull at
the oceans, draw the water up, as it were in a heap, causing huge tides; they pull at the particles
of the gases forming the atmosphere, and if the atmosphere is already disturbed with passing
clouds here and there, they supply the spark to produce rain; they pull at you and at me, lifting us
all up, so that you would be actually weighing less at New Moon and at Full Moon than at other
times. But the greater part of the pull is due to the Moon because of its nearness to us; the Sun in
spite of its heavy mass, because of its greater distance, plays only little in the drama. The lifting
force due to the Moon is such as to reduce the weight of a body by the fraction 1/842440 A
4,000-tsn ocean steamer, for instance, loses one pound of its weight when the Moon is directly
over head. No measuring instrument has been devised to detect such a minute effect; yet this is
sufficient to cause the tides and all the kindred phenomena. Because of the possibility of rain
about the time of New Moon when the atmosphere is disturbed, there is a chance for the plants
planted at the waxing season to grow better than those planted at the waning. Again as the
various cells composing animal organisms respond to the lifting force of the Moon, it is
understandable that people suffering from skin diseases, lunacy, epilepsy, diseases involving
convulsions and the effects of poisonous bites, suffer more at the time of New Moon than at
other times. The sea-urchins because they have their whole being in the waters of the ocean
which keep step with the phases of the Moon have their reproductive life regulated by the Moon.
I would earnestly urge physiologists and naturalists to study the correlations between animal life
and the phases of the Moon and place their conclusions on a scientific basis.
'We have seen that the solid earth rises and falls under tidal forces and that, as measured
by Michelson, this rise and fall at its greatest is about 9 inches. The rise and fall should be
greatest at New Moon, for then the Sun and the Moon together attempt to distort the earth. We
know that the earthquake is due to the instability in the earth's crust. It is therefore reasonable to
expect this instability to be influenced by tide-producing forces such as result from the Moon's
gravitational pull. When the tidal forces are great at the time of the New Moon, they are enough
to supply the spark to bring about conditions for an earthquake to happen; the tidal forces are

trigger forces in that they start the mechanism which already is awaiting a spark. It you tabulate
the devastating earthquakes of history, you will find that many of them have always occurred
about the time of the New Moon. The Great Bihar earthquake occurred on the night of May 31,
1935, a day before the New Moon. Some other earthquakes have occurred about the time of the
New Moon when two or more planets were in conjunction. This only strengthens the 'trigger
forces' theory; for the gravitational pull of the planets combined with that of the Sun and the
Moon tends to create conditions for the occurrence of an earthquake. In spite of much advance of
knowledge, the scientist is still unable to predict the occurrence of an earthquake. He is able to
predict with great accuracy, years in advance, the occurrence of eclipses and of phenomena far
above his head; but he is helpless in regard to phenomena which occur about him and directly
under his feet. Can the astrologer predict the occurrence of earthquakes and thus earn the
gratitude of millions living in earthquake areas? Yes, he can provided the ancient principles are
carefully studied, properly understood and correctly applied.


That the Moon has a definite effect on the periodicity of human births was demonstrated
by a Swiss statistician. K. E. Krafft who based his work on the vital statistics of the canton of
Zurich came to the following conclusions. One of the problems essayed by Krafft was that of the
similarity of the birth dates, which seem to occur so often among members of the family. "These
coincidences in which not merely the month, but even the day recur are found too frequently to
warrant their attribution to pure chance."38
Krafft concluded:39 (a) "that the distribution of female births is much more regular
throughout the day than that of male births, (b) that about 40 minutes after the Moon has passed
to lower meridian the number of births diminishes by 20-50 per cent, but increases again when
she reaches a point 60 from the horizon by longitude (this observation was made on a total of
2,218 births), (c) that there is marked decrease in births when the Moon is in the second half of
the sign Aquarius but when she is in the first ten degrees of Pisces there is a compensating
increase, (d) that at Full Moon the number of masculine births diminishes and maximum of
masculine births is reached about two and a half days after the Full Moon, (e) that the number of
births increases when the Moon is approaching the ecliptic from the south, and attains a
maximum when she is three or four degrees short of her node, (f) that male births are more
influenced by the Sun, female births by the Moon". Compare these observations of Krafft with
the theory of Pranapada propounded by Maharshi Parasara. You will get much food for
reflection. According to the sage Parasara, human births can occur only at certain intervals and
not always. It is the misfortune of the present century that we hardly think. We advance a priori
arguments condemning astrology. And we are accustomed to the notion that modern instruments
of observation alone can bring to light the nature of phenomena. Objective and inductive study
was not a new method in the intellectual life of the ancient Hindus. The methods employed by
them to unravel the mysteries surrounding some of the fundamental problems of life are not and
cannot be known. It is commonsense to believe that things existed before we were born and that
things happened pretty much then as they do now. Still reasonable as belief is, it is not direct
knowledge. Even so simple an assertion as 'I was born' involves a distinct succession of
deductions with an unquestioning faith in one's postulates. Such an assertion cannot rest on direct
knowledge. You may know that you exist; you cannot know so directly that you were born,
although the inference is reasonable and the conclusion highly probable. Therefore our pre38

Astrology in Everyday Life by Rupert Gleadow.


possessions should not blind us to the recognition of the simple fact that the astrological theories
and combinations were propounded by Sages by methods which are as reliable and trustworthy
as those employed by modern thinkers. We should not be under the impression that the
conscious substitution of observation-and reason for authority and faith as a guide to the realities
of the world is a comparatively recent experience.
A French scholar and statistician Michael Gaquelin, who set out to disprove astrology,
carried out a rigorous study of astrological matters but soon found substantial ground for
accepting that "a specific cosmic seal does affect various physical, chemical and biological
reactions". He found "authenticated correlations in a very large number of cases between the
positions of the planets Jupiter, Mars, Saturn in the four angles of the horoscope and certain
professional types doctors, military men, painters, priests and Congressmen. Of each category
some 500 to 1000 births were considered. He found Mars predominantly in the zones of
influence in the horoscopes of men of sports, athletes or officers in the official services. It is
together with Jupiter in the charts of generals. Saturn is dominant in the charts of priests. The
horoscopes of scientists and medical men reveal Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in zones of activation''.
In the words of Dr. Gaquelin: "In other words, we somehow had to integrate our peculiar
planetary effects into the total picture of modern science; The problem was, how could this be
done? One possibility is that some form of radiation issuing from the planets marks the newborn
at birth with an influence whose effect persists the whole life long. Let us take an example: If a
child is born when Mars is rising. We could assume that the planet exerts sudden action that
modifies the child's organism. After this action, the child would have 'something more' than his
parents gave him through heredity. And this 'something more' would have sufficiently strong and
lasting influences to result in the child's having specific gifts and a definite orientation toward his
existence." But Gaquelin's investigations are confined to Western concepts. His ideas about
Hindu astrology are perverse and prejudiced.
The French mathematician Paul Choisnaurd investigated the horoscopes of 119 persons
of great intellectuals. His investigations revealed that in none of these cases, the Moon was to be
found in the sign of Scorpio. "Theoretically his study is open to this objection that intellectual
power is a matter of opinion and appreciation rather than fact." But in reality his list was
composed of all those persons who had attained great distinction in Philosophy, Science, etc.,
such as Flammarian, Byron and others. 40"And yet, of 1,450 ordinary people 140 were found to
have the Moon in Scorpio. This extraordinary deviation from the laws of probability may
surprise any one but an astrologer; yet is quite in harmony with astrological principles which say
that the Moon in Scorpio gives strong feelings, and intensely personal outlook and violent

Astrology in Everyday Life by Rupert Gleadow.

prejudices. Thus placed, the Moon evidently hinders the development of the candor and fairmindedness that characterize the greatest intellects." According to astrological rules, Mars is the
military planet. If astrology is true, then horoscopes of all military leaders must have Mars
strongly disposed. In 200 horoscopes of military men 'taken at random,' Choisnaurd "found; that
Mars had considerably more aspects among the soldiers" Here is the; table he drew up
showing the percentage of each class who had Mars in aspect to any given planet:

Mars in Percentage Percentage

aspect to of civilians of soldiers
plus 14 per cent
" 14 "
" 13 "
" 10 "
" 10 "
Prof. Ellsworth Huntington in his Main Springs of Civilisation deals exhaustively with
cycles and has some interesting information to give that could be considered to have a bearing
upon astrological theories. Some of his conclusions are: (1) Conceptions normally are more
numerous in June as something happens to us then biologically, (2) births of world prominent
people happen in February, (3) occurrence of suicide, insanity and sex crimes teach a maximum
in July and August, (4) there is seasonal variation in mental activity also. He has also detected
the existence of rhythms in intellectual activities, emotional disturbances and the like. Prof.
Wesley Mitchell says that in business no other cycle is as strong as that of 41 to 43 months. If the
ancient Hindus had no knowledge of these rhythms, i.e., correspondences between celestial
configurations and terrestrial developments, how could they have given rules whereby the future
trend of commercial events could be anticipated?. For instance, we are told in an ancient
astrological work that whenever Mars enters Leo, gold, copper and all red-coloured articles
would become available in plenty with the result, there will be increased business activities
pertaining to these metals. Mars enters Leo once in 540 days. This is an important cycle whose
effects, when carefully studied, may reveal facts of great importance to the commercial world.
If astrology be true it follows that any two people born on the same day at the same place,
and at same hour, will have a similar destiny. K. E. Krafft has shown this to be true.

"In his book astro-physiologic published at Leipzig in 1928 Krafft drew up a list of 72

persons of 2 or 3 who were born approximately the same hour, day and place, and invariably,

Astrology in Everyday Life by Rupeit Gleadow.

they have died at about the same age and in a similar manner. The data were obtained from civil
registers of the towns of Basle and Geneva and it is open to any one to verify them. We cannot
quote the whole list but a few examples are given. Coincidence might explain a single case. But
an unbroken series of thirty coincidences must surely be a little too much for any one's
In this connection, we should not forget to recognize the labors of some of the Western
astrologers who have shown statistically the truth of astrology. Symours considering the
horoscopes of over one hundred centenarians came to the following conclusion: 42"Aries and Leo
are particularly frequent as rising sign, but the signs of earth, particularly Virgo, are rare. The
eighth house is far more rarely occupied by planets than any other. The Sun and the Moon have
hardly a single square of Saturn and Mars," but plenty of good aspects from Jupiter and Venus.
Our own researches to which we shall subsequently make a reference reveal convincing results.
Whether we call it deterministic principle, karmic indication or planetary influence, the
fact is that the existence of correlations between celestial changes and terrestrial phenomena is
demonstrated. We do not know and we cannot know whether living organisms show the same
rhythms as the heavenly bodies, but we know for certain that they exhibit analogous periodicity.
The precession of the equinox in the different constellations seems to be intimately related to the
different phases of human culture. Astrology, it seems to us, can help to solve the mysteries of
evolution. It provides such a frame of reference that human evolution can be seen in a truer
perspective and with greater objectivity. The zodiac is a measuring rod. For instance, the axis of
the earth is supposed to take a period of about 2,592,000 years to make one complete turn. We
may suggest that during each one of these revolutions one of the main phylogenetic divisions of
humanity may have been produced. The Negro, Mongolian and Caucasian races of the present
day represent the last three waves of evolution according to this scheme, but it allows more time
for man's evolution than paleontologists are disposed to admit. Enough is said about these
periodicities in the articles that have appeared in the astrological magazine that it would be
unnecessary to quote them here.


Astrology in Everyday Life by Rupert Gleadow.

Place of

Numb Se Date and Hour of Birth

er in x
F 22nd Jan. 1822 9 a.m.
Plainpalais 1

Date of Death Cause of Death







26th June
F 22nd Jan 1822 10 a.m. 17th Jan. 1908
24th Apr.
F 22nd May 1833 l am.
F 22nd May 1833 2 a.m.
1st Jan. 1921
F 18th Sep. 1901 3-30 a.m. 5th Sep. 1920
F 18th Sep. 1901 4-20 a.m. 30th Apr.
1st Jan. 1921
F 7th Aug. 1901 9 a.m.



M 7th Aug. 1904

F 8th Aug. 1904



M 18th Feb. 1901


M 18th Feb. 1900



M 18th Feb 1901

Senile Decay

Flu and Meningitis
Flu and
9 a.m.
3lst May 1919 Do.
7 a.m.
20th Feb.
2-45 a.m. 11th Feb 1921 Asphyxiation by
carbon monoxide
3 a.m.
22nd May
Asphyxiation by
4 a.m.
18th Feb 1901 Asphyxiation by
inhaling amniotic

The facts so far adduced show clearly that man is subject to cosmic influences. As ultraviolet and infra-red rays and other electrical wavelengths readily penetrate the human body and
even the solid bone of the ordinary person's head, so it is evident that these excess rays primarily
affect emotional, mental and psychical faculties probably through the glandular system. It is
apparent therefore that we are living in a veritable sea of vibratory energies which silently,
unerringly and equitably supply the means of creating, maintaining and destroying the myriads
of forms of life in our little universe, according to the response of each to the different
stimulations and according to capacity and needs of each at their stage of evolution. A dog under
prolonged irritation of excess or ultra-violet or infra-red rays may go mad and bite people. A
human being might control and direct the increase of energy into powerful efforts towards
bettering his own conditions.
I have with me fifty horoscopes of persons who have died from tuberculosis. The
Ascendant or the Lagna is hardly Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Malefic planets were invariably
found in Gemini and Virgo and Jupiter and Venus were highly afflicted.
The law of heredity is equally felt in the astrological maps of families, by repetition of
common astrological factors. What we call 'Rajayogas' are certain special dispositions of planets

affecting the combined radiation at the particular moment of birth in such a way that the native
would become great, famous and outstanding. The moment of birth is not certainly an
insignificant epoch. The child about to issue out of the womb will be in a plastic state and the
delicate glandular organisms are readily molded by the planetary influences surrounding us.
Every thing depends upon the precious minute or Muhurtha when all the glands of the body are
adjusted and nature fixes her seal. Strange as it may seem, the mixing of various ingredients
caused by the interaction (or chemical affinity) of the different planets with the matter of our
own body at the time of one's birth definitely portray one's character and therefore destiny.
Some people suggest that the truth of astrology must be "demonstrated" as if in astrology
we merely handle material objects. But if the truth (or falsehood) of astrology is to be
demonstrated, it does seem to us necessary to ask, first, what constitutes demonstration.
Astrology purports to describe the character and destiny of persons. So does history.
History is surely a discipline of unchallengeable reality. But is it science? And is demonstration,
in the strictest sense of that term, possible within history? Was Aurangzeb a good or a bad man?
Was Mary Queen of Scotts a good or a bad woman? That is a very human question, as also a
very legitimate historical question which admits of precise historical treatment. But does the
answer, one way or another, admit of "scientific" demonstration? Can you put it "to an impartial
Those of us who might wish to affirm the goodness of the Scottish Queen often find
ourselves in very great perplexity. Yet that Mary Stuart was defeated at Langside, that she was a
less able politician than Elizabeth or Cecil, that she was executed at Foitheringay are historical
facts, and are certainly not scientific facts and they do not admit of scientific demonstration.
They admit of the kind of demonstration that is possible within history. But that does not mean
that there is anything vague or indeterminate about them. Now astrology has at least this much in
common with history: that part at least of its aim is to portray human character. But it
differs from history in so far as part at all events of astrology has also reference to
scientific facts. In so far as astrology relates to facts of the scientific order, it does admit of
scientific demonstration. And scientific demonstration ought to be given and has in actuality
been given.
That the higher reaches of astrology are concerned with human character and human
experience necessarily places astrological truth outside the possibility of ''scientific
demonstration", just as, for example, the "truth" of portrait painting or of historical portraiture
also lies outside that possibility. Yet alike astrological, historical and artistic portraiture are
subject each to its own proper kind of critical judgment. It requires genius, however of
something akin to that paint a portrait of whose artistic truth it is worthwhile speaking. It also

requires genius or, at least, a quite specific astrological gift to achieve the parallel task
within the astrological field. Where is that astrological genius or talent to be found, and who
is to recognize it if it were found? Certainly not the scientifically trained mind. It is just not the
scientist who is capable of passing any sort of discerning judgment about astrology. That is the
radical mistake of those who ask for a 'demonstration of astrology'. It is not at the bar of science
that astrology in its very nature can stand or fall. The historian, the psychologist, the poet, the
novelist might have some astrological discernment. The scientist as such could have none.
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Therefore, the dubious critics of
astrology should begin by consideration of those branches of astrology that refer to the objective
world only and not to experience. Let them first scrutinize such work as Krafft's and then
perhaps they will be aware of the difficulty contained in the question how one passes from the
knowledge of the world of external objects to the knowledge of the world of inner experience.
It is a remarkable thing that the important events of life always happen at astrologically
important moments, that is to say, when the Dasas and Bhukthis (astrological time-measures) of
powerful or weak planets operate. As an example, we can take up the horoscopes of Napoleon,
Hitler, Mussolini, King George VI, Hirohito and Stalin. The dominant combinations in Hitler's
horoscope are the disposition of Saturn in the 10th and Mars in the 7th, each aspecting the other
powerfully. Jupiter the benefic is however consigned to a minor position. Astrological text-books
say that Mars and Saturn combination (which includes aspects also) in certain houses, subject, of
course, to the general strength or otherwise of the horoscope is said to make the subject
extremely aggressive. It is not mere coincidence that this disposition of planets obtains in the
Fuehrer's horoscope. A warning was given in the astrological magazine, as early as 1937, in the
following words:
"The nativities of Mussolini and Hitler will drift Europe towards a dangerous zone. It
now remains for countries with wiser statesmen to set right the equilibrium in European politics.
Note the Emperor of Japan's horoscope and see how Italy, Germany and Japan with absolute
impunity break the public law of the world." As regards the fates of Hitler and Mussolini enough
had been written by us in the columns of the astrological magazine. The following extracts will
show how predictive astrology reveals the future in a remarkable manner:

"The second part of the Moon's sub-period commences from about 11th October 1944

and continues for nine months. It is only during this period that Hitler's career must come to an
end. Developments in Germany in the near future will be sudden, dramatic and unexpected and
Hitler would have a violent end especially because of the powerful disposition of Mars."
The above delineation is one that will commend itself to the student of astrology,

The astrological magazine, 1913 issue.

particularly the position of Mars referred to in the last line, it being a common observation that
Mars in the house of death signifies a violent end. In Hitler's case, the Sun is in deep exaltation in
the 10th degree of Aries. When he was sent to prison at the end of March 1924, Saturn was
exactly in the opposite degree (Lagna). In regard to Mussolini and Italy, the following forecast
may be noted with interest:

"1943 and 1944 loom as important years for Italy foreshadowing the destruction of

Fascism. Storms are also brewing in the horoscope of Prince of Piedmont and will break when he
ascends the throne. Saturn by transit passes through the orb of this degree by about October 1944
and the exact degree is transited by about July 1945. Thus about this time something tragic may
happen to the Duce."
Mr. Cyril Pagan, writing in March 1955 issue of American Astrology of New York,
observes thus:
"In April 1947 issue of the astrological magazine, the Editor Dr. B. V. Raman made one
of the most successful predictions of modern times, when he penned these words: 'Mars and
Saturn will be in conjunction in the last degree of Cancer on November 12, 1947. These
combinations also point to the loss (by assassination as violent Mars is with Saturn in the 12th)
of a respected mass leader of this country' (p. 247). There cannot be the slightest doubt but that
Dr. Raman had Gandhi's Rasi Chakra before him when he wrote these ominous words, for the
conjunction of Mars and Saturn, to which he refers, occurred at 11h. 21m. 45s. U.T. on
November 12, 1947, when the sidereal longitude of the malefics was Cancer 28 06' 28" and
therefore close to Gandhi's Moon in Cancer 26 55'. Gandhi was assassinated at New Delhi on
January 30, 1948 (see horary chart) so that Dr. Raman's prediction, which was published at least
10 months before the event, found an astonishingly accurate, if tragic, fulfillment. The
confirmation of this forecast puts Dr. Raman in the foremost rank of the world's successful
astrologers and renders the study of Jyotisha really worthwhile."
The above are the astrological predictions, pure and simple, made quite in advance and
based upon astrological principles. The introduction of this personal element in an essay on
astrology is to be deplored but since proof is needed to convince the skeptic, such a digression
may be ignored by the indulgent reader.
It is a common knowledge that the tenth house or the meridian is a conspicuous position
in a horoscope and it is said to rule one's means of livelihood and public career. Saturn in (or
aspecting) the 9th and 10th is always supposed ultimately to indicate fall from high position. The
horoscopes of Phillip II of Spain, Napoleon I, Louis XVIII, Kaiser, Hitler and Mussolini are
illustrations of the dominance of Saturn whilst Jupiter extremely well placed has given quite the

The astrological magazine, 1943 issue.

opposite results in respect of Elizabeth I, George III, Queen Victoria, George V and George VI.


The relation between astrological facts and great political events in human history opens
up a vast field of fertile and illuminating study. History and astrology will throw light on each
other and may offer valuable guidance to statesmen. The transits of Saturn through Aries for
instance show frequent and astonishing coincidence with great events in English history. When
Saturn was in Aries in 1939 England had to declare war against Germany.
Similarly in Indian history, the transits of Saturn in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces seem to
have important consequences. When Saturn was last in Cancer, three important events took place
in India: the Independence of India, the birth of Pakistan and the death of Mahatma Gandhi.
Calculating backward, we have the series of events: the first battle of Panipat, second battle of
Panipat, first Mysore War, first war of Independence, etc. The birth of the Indian National
Congress and Montague's declaration of Responsible Government have all happened while
Saturn was in Cancer. If the two series Saturn in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces happen to
intersect each other, we should expect events of great importance to occur. This series fell in
1857-1858 when the first War of Independence was waged, and it fell again in 1975-76 when
emergency was declared and an authoritarian regime established. This proved to be a very
significant period in Indian History. Outstanding predictions, such as Nixon's fall from power in
1975, developments in Iran leading to the exit of the Shah, recent affairs in India, earthquakes in
Iran, developments in S. Africa made in the columns of the astrological magazine have all been
There seem to be enough basis for the study of what may be called political astrology. I
venture to say, risking derision by those in control of National Governments that a competent
astrological bureau could give Government enough insight into future complications with foreign
powers that would be worth millions of rupees, even if only 60% of its predictions come out true.
Astrologers have also found a 20-year periodicity in the correlation between the deaths of
American Presidents in office and Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.
1840 W. H. Harrison, elected President, died in office from an assassin's bullet. 1860
Abraham Lincoln, elected President, was assassinated. 1880 James A. Garfield, elected
President, was shot to death.
1900 William Mackinley elected President for a second term and died later during his
term of office. 1920 Warren C. Harding elected President and died in the White House. 1940
Franklin Roosevelt elected President to a third term and died in office. 1960 Kennedy
elected President and was shot dead in office.

The late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao has quite a number of remarkably correct predictions
to his credit. Analyzing the Lunar Year Ananda (1914-15) he observed thus in the March 1914
issue of the astrological magazine:
"There will be sudden outbreaks of passion and excitement among the armies leading to
anarchy, and denunciation of old kingly authority, great loss and consternation and the war fever
will be at its highest pitch. A European war is threatened........... and the United States should be
very careful in not being dragged into a ruinous war. Two deaths among the European royalties
are indicated and one of them will be from violence or treachery. Political relations all over the
world during the months of August and September will be highly excited on account of the solar
and lunar eclipses following one after the other within a fortnight."
The assassination of the Arch Duke of Austria and the outbreak of the first world war are
all matters of history and need no exposition.
According to Tehijevsky, in England the Liberals are said to have been in power during
sunspot peaks and the conservatives when the sunspots were scarce.
Late R.A. Proctor, a great astronomer, repeatedly delighted himself in attacking this
'hoary' and "exploded superstition to which, however, he conceded a noble past, historically, and
a perfectly reasonable basis in theory. But he went on to add, "this fascinating theory which has
in every age attracted the greatest minds does not work out in practice and hard fact". A careful
study of all that Mr. Proctor has written on the subject shows conclusively by the ludicrous
blunder made, that he had not acquired enough practical knowledge of the science to even cast a
horoscope and much less to interpret the same. Once he ventured out of the forest of generalities
into the open to challenge the enemy (Astrology) and fell a victim to his temerity. In the Cornhill
Magazine for July 1877, appeared an essay from his pen entitled "The Planet of War" in which
the following passage occurs:
"But if Mars were in truth the planet of war, if his influence poured from near at hand (in
perigee) upon the nations of this earth, excited them to war and bloodshed, we might well fear
that coming months would bring desolation in many fair terrestrial fields. For Mars has not
blazed so fiercely in our skies since 1845, nor will he so shine again for 47 years."

"The God of War, who has an occasional rough sense of humour, did pick up the

gauntlet thus contemptuously thrown at him. The Russo-Turkish War, declared on 24-4-1877,
and first regarded by European diplomacy as a mere 'walk-over' for the Russians, soon developed
symptoms of unexpected severity. On the very day on which Mars entered his domal dignity
Aries, Plevna was carried by storm with a carnage unsurpassed in history. The last Napoleonic
Wars (and the 1st and the 2nd World Wars) should all be construed as ironical answers of planets

A Text-Book of Astrology by Dr. A. J. Pearce.

to the pedants who dare to dispute their influences on the destinies of mankind."

"Sir John Herschel characterized the assertion that comets cause 'warm summers,

epidemics and so forth' as 'all wild talking.' History however abounds with coincidences of
epidemics, wars, overthrow of kingdoms, famines and earthquakes with the appearance of great
comets. Hence by an empirical law we may venture to say when a great comet, or several, shall
appear, certain great events will immediately follow. But this would by no means necessarily
involve a belief that the comets were the cause of such events, for all these phenomena might be
the result of a common natural cause." Shakespeare must have intuitively realized the
significance of the appearance of comets in the following lines:
When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. Varahamihira has dealt with the
question of comets in his Brihat Samhita. He uses the term Ketu for these occasional visitors.
The effects generally depend upon their positions in the particular zodiacal signs. The list of
coincidences furnished below must convince any fair-minded critic that after all the appearance
of comets is not merely of scientific (?) interest but indicates something else also.
Daniel Defoe in his Journal of the Plague Year mentions how much the alarm in London
was increased, when the great plague of the year 1665 was in its early stages, because a blazing
comet had appeared some weeks earlier. This comet was of a "dull languid color" and its motion,
"very heavy, solemn and slow", the interpretation being that "a heavy judgment, slow but severe,
terrible and frightful was already begun. In 1666 a little before the Great Fire, another comet
appeared, portending a judgment "sudden, swift and fiery". He mentions that many remarked
"that those two comets passed directly over the city, and so very near the houses that it was plain
they imported something peculiar to the city alone".
In August 1193 B.C. there appeared in Gemini a comet of most dreadful aspect, visible
throughout Egypt, and immediately followed by the death of King Amenemas. In 479 B.C. a
comet was observed by the Grecians, which was crooked like a horn and lasted twenty-two days.
During this time occurred the sea fights at Salamis. In 430 B.C. a fiery and red comet hung over
Athens for seventy-five days, and the Pelaponnesian War began. In 371 B.C. there was a great
comet like a beam, extending over 60 degrees of the horizon. This was at the time of the
inundation and earthquake in Achaia. In 356 B.C. at the birth of Alexander the Great, appeared a
comet at first bushy and bearded, which afterwards took the form of a spear. In 134 B.C. at the
birth of Mithridates, King of Pontus, a comet was visible of extraordinary size and splendor. In
183 B.C. a comet in Pisces, bright as the Sun, was coincident with the death of Scipio Africanus,
and again at the death of Caesar. In 71 A.D. there appeared a great comet in Virgo, the ruler of


Jerusalem. This comet took the form of a sword directly over that city. This occurred on Easter
Sunday, the 8th of April. It was visible a whole year, until the taking of this city by Titus. In 218
A.D. a great comet was visible in Pisces eighteen days, during which time Heliogabalus defeated
Macrimus and became Emperor of Rome. In 323 A.D. a comet in Virgo appeared coincident
with Constantine's victory over Lucinius and in 337 A.D. another comet in Aries, of terrible
grandeur, was simultaneous with the death of Constantino. In 392 A.D. a small, bright comet
appeared in the heavens above Rome. The same night Valentinian, the Emperor, was strangled in
his place. In 493 A.D. there was a great comet in Virgo; for when Rome was sacked by the Goths
under Alarac on two previous invasions in 396 and 402 A.D, a comet appeared like a sword. In
423 A.D. there appeared a terrible comet which foretold the war between Rome and Persians. In
455 A.D. Rome was sacked by Genseric when a great comet appeared. In December 539 A.D. a
large comet appeared in Sagittarius, which remained about forty days during which nearly three
lacs of people perished by the earthquake at Antioch. In 546 A.D. a comet, in the shape of a
lance, was visible over the city of Constantinople, and during the time that it remained ten
thousand persons died daily of the plague. In 570 A.D. a comet appeared when Italy was taken
by the Lombards. In September 602 A.D. a comet, in the shape of a sword, hung over
Constantinople, and the execution of the Emperor Maurice followed. In May 604 A.D. a bright
comet was visible at Rome and Gregory the great died. In 613 A.D. a fiery comet, visible over a
month, hovered over Rome and the Persian War began. In 800 A.D. a large but mild and
beneficent comet was visible with the transfer of Empire of Charle-magne, and another in
November of 814 A.D. was immediately followed by his death. In the year 1106 A.D. a comet
was seen in the east, sending beams, like burning torches and fiery darts. This marked the
beginning of the terrible wars of Crusades. In July 1264 A.D. appeared in Taurus, a comet of
most signal magnitude. This remained three months and disappeared the night Pope Urban the
fourth died. The comet of 1456 June (supposed to be Hally's comet) saw the surrender of
Constantinople to the Turks. The next appearance of Hally's comet jn 1531 was followed by the
raging of spotted fever all over Europe and by the death of over 30,000 people in the famous
Lisban earthquake. When the same Hally's comet reappeared in 1682, Catana was destroyed by
an earthquake and 60,000 died. Then in 1759 the same comet was visible, followed by outbreak
of earthquakes in Tripoli, Syria, etc. In 1909, the death of Edward VII followed the appearance
of the same comet. Coming to modern times, there are any number of instances demonstrating
the fact that the appearance of comets has been followed by great calamities, the most recent one
being the death of Mahatma Gandhi soon after the appearance of a comet.
It may not be out of place to mention here that whilst most of the predictions made by
real astrologers have turned out to be correct, the world was alarmed several times by the

predictions of learned astronomers. In 1856, great excitement was caused by the prediction of a
learned astronomer that the comet of 1556 would re-appear and come into collision with the
earth. Many persons went foolishly mad about the comet which after all never appeared.
Prof. Corrigan, Director of Carlton University, once stated in an article in Popular
Astronomy that "the certain destruction of the world is imminent through the breaking away of a
new planet from the Sun, producing a terrific explosion which will probably smash the earth and
surely destroy all animal life on land as well as in waters". The professor was a clever man, more
shrewd than astrologers. While his calculations based on mathematics gave him information
regarding the particular time of detachment of the planet from the Sun, they did not reveal to him
the possible date, on which the catastrophe would occur. Dr. Falbe of Austria fixed definitely the
end of the world on 13th November 1899 at 3-3 p.m. We are now in beginning of 1982 and
thank God, Dr. Falbe's prophecy has been falsified. Lord Kelvin was of course more guarded. He
did not bind himself to any date on which the world would be destroyed. He fixed about four
centuries for the destruction of all living beings on the surface of the earth for want of oxygen as
this precious "a something will all have been consumed by that time by men and industrial
workshops. There was again another panic creator in the shape of Mr. Gore of the Royal
Astronomical Society. Mr. Gore observed thus about the speedy destruction of the world: "The
Sun is about to collide with one of the spent stars that loom darkly in space. In about 11.8 years
the distance would be reduced to 4,000 millions, and in about 14 years the dark body would
reach the orbit of Uranus or rather it would be at the same distance from us as Uranus for its path
will not intersect the orbit of the planet. Both planets would be reduced to gaseous state within an
hour and a stupendous amount of heat will be produced sufficient not only to destroy the earth
but most of the planets of the solar system. In the astrological magazine for December 1898, a
year before Dr. Falbe's time fixed for destruction of the world, in the issue for May 1906, a
couple of years before the time fixed by Mr. Gore, Prof. Rao wrote strongly against these panic
mongers and assured the public that no heed be given to the predictions these erratic scientists.
Another wise Solomon (of course astronomer) came forward with startling predictions
that between 17th and 20th December 1919, tremendous things were going to happen. To quote
this prediction in full, of Professor Albert Porter, would cause unnecessary pressure on pages of
this book. He went so far as to say that the whole solar system would be strongly out of balance
on account of the conjunction of six planets which would pull jointly on the Sun. Even then Prof.
Rao came to the rescue of the people to drive out panic, when he strongly asserted in the
astrological magazine for October 1919 that no combinations were available according to Hindu
calculations, which would disturb the equilibrium of the solar system. Prof. Rao observed:
"What does the idiotic professor mean that on that day six mighty planets are within 26

degrees of each other?" He further continued thus: "We assure the people that no such
cataclysms happen and they may quietly attend to their work."
"Had an astrologer foretold such calamities" observes Dr. Pearce, "the newspapers would
have viewed with virtuous indignation and denouncement when the scare was found to be
groundless. This fiasco is not remembered against astronomers, and this marks the difference
between orthodox and heterodox science."
Astronomers claim to have discovered a singular bond of relationship between comets
and shooting stars. But hitherto they have failed to determine either the origin, the real structure,
or the causes of the wonderful changes of shape of comets.
Dr. Richard Garnett, Editor of the famous Encyclopaedia of Literature series is of
opinion that astrology with the single exception of astronomy is, as regards data, the most exact
of all exact sciences.... Some of his other observations are: "The principles of his (astrologer's)
art have come down to him in essentials from the most remote antiquity, they have been
published in a thousand books and are open to the examination of all the world. His calculations
are performed by no more cabalistical process than arithmetic. It is the peculiar boast of his
system, in its application to human beings, to enthrone law where law would be otherwise
unrecognized and to leave no opening for anything preternatural." In his article 'The Soul and the
Stars' published in the London University Magazine for 1880, he adduces the examples of such
historical personages as Emperor Paul, George III, Gustavus IV, Empress Charloin, Charles II of
Spain and a host of other insane monarchs and ably shows how mental diseases are liable to
occur to when Mars and Saturn occupy certain positions in the horoscope. He also gives
examples of what he calls 'eccentricity accompanied with great mental power', the horoscopes
considered being those of Voltaire, Feebre, Archbishop Whately, Gladstone and Saint Simon, in
all of which he finds a certain juxtaposition of Mercury with Mars and Uranus, and concludes his
famous essay with the following words: "We claim nothing more than to have established a
prima facie case, and to have earned the liberty of speculating against. Such speculations carried
to their legitimate consequences would produce a more momentous revolution in human thought
than all the discoveries of this wonderful age." Richard Garnett was no astrologer. He was a
Curator of the British Museum and has studied many fields of science. Therefore his deductions
merit the serious consideration of all critics of astrology.
In astrology, Venus is supposed to rule marriage and the sex element. His presence in the
7th excites passions and the person will be highly sexed. Mars in combination with Venus
indicates more than one marriage, want of happiness from marriage, etc. This is strikingly
brought out in almost every horoscope examined by us in which Mars-Venus affliction is
present. Out of sixty horoscopes studied by us containing Mars-Venus combination, 18 cases of

violent quarrel and separation are to be found when Mars and Venus were in exact conjunction in
the 2nd house. In 40 cases more than one marriage had taken place. In the two remaining cases,
no abnormality could be seen. No high intelligence is necessary to appreciate the simple truth
that in the majority of cases of melancholia Saturn will be dominant.
The association of Venus with Saturn, Mars or Rahu is always indicative of either want
of happiness in domestic life or oversexuality making one seek illegal sex gratifications. Though
I do not wish to burden the indulgent reader with astrological technicalities, I must commend to
his attention the following two horoscopes out of the several hundreds in my collection, typically
illustrative of certain astrological dicta:

Sun Moon


Chart No 1




Chart No. 2



In Chart No. 1, Venus is associated with Rahu while two malefic planets are to be found
on either side of this combination. The subject's wife was always sickly until her death. He
did not actually marry a second wife but had his own immoral ways. He suffered from venereal
complaints and had absolutely no peace of mind. In the other chart, there is again a conjunction
of Mars and Venus. The Moon and Mercury, rulers of the mind, are subject to aspect and
association respectively of Saturn, and the Sun and Rahu. The man married twice. He had a
terrible turn of venereal mind and contacted severe forms of female diseases from which he
suffered a great deal. His two wives died before him. He had absolutely no family happiness.
Instances can be multiplied to show that a certain juxtaposition of Venus, Mars and Saturn
always gives rise to sexual aberrations and marital inharmony. If such afflictions are present in
the horoscopes of children, they indicate the trend of the mental development and by bringing up
the children in a strict, moral and religious atmosphere, they could be made fitting citizens.


The birth of twins and their differing lives are sometimes produced as an argument

against astrology. When the question of twins is rightly understood, the argument will really be
in favor of astrology. Twins are sometimes alike and sometimes different. Sometimes twins will
have some common character and others different. Such variations as a rule are due to slight
difference in the time of birth. The word twin implies two entities coming into manifestation
under the same planetary pattern. This must also be extended to include two children born
approximately (if not exactly) for the same time regardless of parentage or environmental
conditions of birth. Many curious cases in point have come to our attention. In fact, I have with
me the horoscopes of two other persons born on the same day that I was but at different times.
One is a doctor, the other is a banker and what the third is, the reader knows. The remarkable fact
is that in all the two other cases some of the important past experiences have paralleled those of
mine. On 16th February 1937, an international news from Detroit announced the discovery of
two seventeen year old high school girls born on the same day of the same year, 22-9-1920, two
hours apart, but in different countries. Not only they have the same birth date, the same name,
they look alike, both play the piano, both are accomplished swimmers. Another case in point is:
Two men born on 27-4-1902, one at 12-15 a.m. (Banaras) and the other at 10-38 a.m. (Tanjore).
There is approximately 10 hours difference in the actual time of birth. Yet they found that their
lives presented the following striking similarities: (a) Both have a chronic catarrhal condition of
the throat, (b) Both have exceptional eyesight, (c) The fathers of both are contractors, (d)
Grandfathers of both had accidents to their feet followed by infection and death, (e) The father's
mother died when the father was about 5 years old. (f) Both had two sisters and one brother, (g)
Both are interested in the scientific study of astrology.
It may be of interest to readers to know that both Emerson and Lytton were born on 25-51803 at 1-18 p.m. (Boston) and 8a.m. (London) respectively. Both Emerson and Lytton became
men of letters of much distinction. Each had an influence on the politics of his time. Each wrote
and published poetry during much of his life. Each drew inspiration from his mother to follow a
career of letters. Emerson has Mercury, the intellectual planet in the 10th in his own place while
the philosophical Jupiter is in Lagna. Whereas Lytton has the sensual planet Venus in the 10th
and the emotional planet Moon in Lagna. Here is the difference. On account of the stress of
Jupiter and Mercury respectively on Lagna and the 10th, Emerson's field was philosophy and he
wrote for the elect those who were willing to think deeply. Lytton on the other hand wrote for
the common people, choosing for his field drama and fiction consistent with the predominance of
lunar and Venus influences on Lagna and the 10th respectively. The following may be noted as
indicating more or less parallel events with slight differences in the nature of the results.


Emerson was elected Assistant Preacher in 1829, while Lytton attained his first
prominence in 1828 as a novelist through 'Pelham.' In 1831, Lytton had lot of difficulty with his
wife from whom he separated, the separation being made legal in 1836. Emerson lost his wife in
1837. The Jupiter-Venus disposition in Emerson's chart gives a clue to his intellectual
attainments. He worked for the removal of bigotry, revision of the narrow Christian theological
concepts and broadening of views. In 1872 Emerson's health failed and he died in 1882 while
Lytton died in 1873. Note the relative strengths of the 8th house in both the horoscopes
accounting for the difference in their respective periods of longevity.
We have two more outstanding charts to consider as an illustration of the identity of birth
dates. Both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day, viz., 12-2-1809.
Charles Darwin's birth-time is not known. Lincoln was born in Kentucky between 7 and 11 a.m.
What Lincoln accomplished in the abolition of bodily slavery, Darwin accomplished in the
abolition of mental slavery in the Western intellectual world. Each has left a name in his own
particular sphere which posterity would gratefully remember. They felt and did that they were
friends of all men and they directed their efforts towards acquiring information which the world
at large might benefit. Between the lives of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, there are
outstanding parallels, as they were born on the same day of the same year. The departments of
life affected by the influences are determined by the positions of planets in houses and Navamsas
which depended upon the time of day of birth and therefore there will necessarily be equally
outstanding differences in the kind of fortunes attracted to certain departments of their lives.
Lincoln lost his mother at the age of 9 as also Darwin. Round the world journey by Darwin
began in 1831. Lincoln too took an epochal voyage. The two disliked their studies. Lincoln was
assassinated in his 56th year whereas-Darwin died in his 73rd year. The times of birth being
different, the periods of life in which one had fortune proved unfortunate for the other and vice
versa. We can cite a number of instances to show that parallelism prevailed in respect of the lives
of persons born on the same date, month and year.


Any number of further proofs in support of the validity of astrology can be adduced, but
we feel that we have given enough evidence in favor of a rational system of scientific
foreknowledge and the subject is deserving of impartial examination and ready acceptance.
Astrology can never be considered as a relic of the pseudo-scientific snobbery of the middle
ages. The great Kepler, who formulated the mathematical principles of the constitution of the
solar system, which were afterwards proved by Newton, said about astrology: "A most unfailing
experience of the course of mundane events in harmony with the changes occurring in the
heavens has instructed and compelled my unwilling belief." These words of Kepler, says
Sepharial, "embody a sober conviction from experience altogether in keeping with the scientific
reputations of this great genius," and it is sheer presumption on the part of uninformed critics of
astrology to "repudiate this dictum by ascribing the belief to delusion and superstition, or the
remarkable prediction of well-known astrologers to coincidence". A little reflection will suggest
to the Average thinking mind that a series of coincidences makes a law. "The ignorant speak of
laws if they were compelling forces in the universe. They are in fact nothing but our mental
perception of the correlated successiveness of events. Law is a mental concept not a cosmic
A single bona fide prediction, which was true as to time and nature of event would
establish an a priori argument for the scientific value of astrology if it could be shown as it
certainly can that the prediction was made from mathematical calculation of planetary
configurations and that the event predicted could not have been foretold otherwise.
Summing up, we find that astrology is not only a most fascinating intellectual study but is
a remarkable tool for scrutinizing the fringe of future events. As an historical phenomenon it is
unique in allowing us to fathom the mentality of more or less distant cultures in space as well as
in time. Astrology cannot be called a science in its narrow sense because science deals only with
material objects. Yet astrology is based upon scientific data. Any subject that deals with life
objects cannot be called a science. Astrology is an applied science and therefore becomes an art.
We have also shown that modern scientific thinking is in such great confusion that it can say
nothing definitely against determinism or fate. "Chance in nature baffles a complete
comprehension and appears meaningless and whimsical as it is not possible to understand natural
phenomena." The explanation offered by a dialectical materialist lies in the combination of both
chance and necessity. If necessity can be equated with causal relationship, some phenomenon or
event can be explained by physical and environmental conditions, but others are again matters of

chance. To this extent necessity leads to determinism. Modern science has confessed that, to put
in Planck's words, "it is never in a position completely and exhaustively to explain the problems
it has to face".
The domain of science is certainly different from the social and political spheres of life.
Whatever is latent in our life, that only is revealed by the planetary combinations and that only
takes a new form which was lying dormant (Karma) but capable of being enlivened under
efficient directing force (Freewill). Thus Karma or Fate or Determinism can exist side by side
with freewill. This is the Hindu view and modern concepts are gradually veering towards this
important discovery of the ancients.
"Man's action moves on the lines that his own Karma is tracing for him. But his will is
free to fashion his Karma. It is determinism to the extent that Karma which is dynamic is
shadowed by medieval and unchangeable law of Karma, but life which is guided by freewill does
not follow any preordained pattern. Determinism thus appears as a law a law that operates
through changes according to the conditions of each circumstance and environment." Indian
philosophy has always denied the existence of a merciless fate which would play with man as it
pleases. On the contrary, the Maharshis have unequivocally declared that man has control over
his actions but his actions have no control over their results. The horoscope shows a man's
character and temperament. If it shows that owing to dominance of Mars and Rahu he would
become a criminal, it does not mean he is fated to become so. What it means is that he is just the
sort of person who will have criminal tendencies but they can be checked by proper care and
training. Suppose an emotional crisis is indicated in a particular year. One can certainly meet the
crisis if one knew when it would happen.
Let us be a little more explanatory. One of the first philosophical questions that rises in
the mind of a thinker is that of human freedom. If the future of man is determined by the planets
and stars, there is nothing that he can achieve by his own effort. His life will be reduced to that of
a puppet which has to make every movement in mechanical obedience to the pulls of the
operator. Sometimes theologians forget the element of human freedom when glorifying God.
They attribute every state of mind, conscious and unconscious, to God's impelling suggestion
from within. If this is taken strictly, human freedom disappears. He will not be free to choose
between good and evil. In fact the very meaning of good and bad will disappear from the
vocabulary of human life. With freedom will disappear all sense of responsibility, moral or other,
all sense of sin or wrong-doing, and all aspiration for a nobler state of being.
In this quandary, theologians think of doctrines of the self-limitation of God who lets
man have a certain delegated freedom like that of a servant under a master. Absolutist
philosophers think of changing the notion of Deity to that of a super-personal or attributeless

(nirguna) Being and reduce freedom to the status of vyavahara or empirical life, disappearing
with the ego itself in the state of paramartha or ultimate salvation or moksha or merger. But on
the plane of empirical existent; freedom has a real value and is indispensable for the selfregulation of human beings. On this plane, it is not necessary to assume that astrology destroys
the opportunity for human choice.
For astrology reveals only the general influence of the planets and stars on our life
careers at different times in our life and development. It reveals tendencies. It reveals good and
bad times for certain kinds of choice.
The real situation is that man is partly free and partly determined. His physical nature and
his heredity and his position in the cosmos and even in society are determined. He begins with a
certain number of facts that he cannot change his parentage, his nationality, his place in
geographical region or country, his temperament, even the life fund of energy these are his
But he can use this capital in various ways so as to rise higher or sink lower in the scale
of value. He can better himself in character and social status or diminish his stature by bad
conduct. Man has enough freedom to make or mar himself. He has not enough freedom to
command nature and history to suit his fancies.
There is no reason to think that astrology seals the fate of every human being at birth
determining every one of his acts of choice every moment of his life. Astrology does not support
the idea of kismet or fate or completely determined life for man like a mechanism moved by
previously operating causes.
In accordance with the general background of Indian thought, Indian astrology supports
the idea of rebirth and karma.
A man's heredity is his inheritance from his own deeds in a previous life. A man's
character and potentialities are the summation of his own deeds in previous lives. His present life
is influenced by prarabdha (operative) karma tendencies of his previous deeds that have
started to function. There are others hidden in his nature; he can prevent the bad ones among
them from taking shape through his choices. He can modify the future while he has to suffer the
consequences of the past. Even the past he can convert into strength by the way he faces it by
patience and acceptance and determination to change for the future.
Indian astrology envisages the whole cosmos, particularly the Sun and the planets as cooperating with the human individual in molding his self-formation and self-realization in the
effort to reach Moksha. The universe is a karya kshetra the valley of realization through
deeds. Hence there is room for both freedom and cosmic Jaw in the Indian scheme of things
which is shared by Indian astrology.

There is thus a profound view of individuality pervading the Indian vision of life. Each
individual has to tread the path of bhusara samsara alone from migration to migration or life to
life through many societies and many partnerships, using the gift of limited freedom he is
endowed with, which is sufficient not to create the universe, but to achieve self-realization
through jnana (knowledge), bhakti (devotion), karma (action) and lokaseva (service to
Thus astrology in India is part of the whole of Indian culture and civilization and plays an
integral part in guiding life for all at all stages of life.
Astrology can be studied with advantage, to help medicine, agriculture, meteorology and
psychology. The only thing is, one should not attempt to make astrology fatalistic and to use it as
a means of evading the responsibilities of freewill. In the wide range of physical science there is
no question of higher national importance than astrology.


"So far from a belief in astrology

leading to fatality, it is the neglect of astrology that tends to fatality for the laws of nature go on
working until the catastrophe arrives which might have been foreseen, and its effects mitigated,
had the warning of the heavens been attended to by statesmen and philosophers."
One of the most important uses of astrology is the direction of education and selection of
a profession. How often do we not come across misfits? Can any modern science pretend to say
that it can show the vocation for which one is best fitted? Education is wasted because millions
of people pursue wrong vocations. If modern education cannot enable parents totell their
children, what they can do best, then the whole curriculum of study requires to be thoroughly
overhauled. An astrologer can discover on the very day when the child is born, whether there
would be any aptitude for physics or philosophy.
A few words about astrology and modern psychology and I shall close this chapter. The
Hindu undoubtedly deserve the credit for having discovered an astrological-cum-psychological
classification of human beings which has endured for all these years.
The astrological classification is based upon marked differences of emotional and
physical characteristics though the play "of emotion forms the most frequent and obviously
striking feature of any behavior". It is noteworthy therefore that the position of the Moon in the
horoscope is supremely important inasmuch as the Moon is the karaka of mind and all the forces
released by the play of our emotions. To all external appearance anatomical and
morphological there is no difference between man and man, though Nature has been perhaps
careful to see that no two human faces, except in very rare instances, have the same appearance.
Similarly a careful observation extending over long intervals of time has revealed that difference
is perceptible between different organs of different individuals. Thus A may have a long nose; B,

A Text-Book of Astrology by Dr. A. J. Pearce.

snubbed nose and so on so that consistent with these variations, differences in the olfactory
powers may be noticed. Astrological writers have distinctly recognized four types based on the
predominance of the earthy, fiery, watery or airy elements. Here 'element' does not mean the
'element' of modern science. A knowledge of the psychological make-up of a person based on
the astrological qualification is not an insignificant factor inasmuch as it analyses what you are.
Of course, the twelve zodiacal types aim at a sharper characterization of certain typical
differences. The emotional behavior of man is traced by modern psychologists to what is called
the 'affect personality'. 'Affect' is not the only thing that is characteristic of mankind. The Moon's
position in the horoscope reveals the 'affect personality' while the sign in which the ascendant
falls and the lord of the sign reveal the real personality "psychological functions veiled in
obscurity, and scarcely discernible to the majority of the people." We do not require a modern
psychologist to teach us the difference between 'affect' and 'real' personality for these have been,
already explained, may be in euphemistic language, by ancient astrological writers. When
considering the psychological personality of person, due care is taken to see that the physical
peculiarities are also impressed.
It is a fact that we are in the habit of justifying "ourselves to any one who holds us
responsible for an emotional act by saying that we acted only on impulse" and we would not
have done so if we had not been in that emotional condition. In this justification lies an attempt
to distinguish oneself from one's own 'affect'. Again if a man judges us by our 'affect' or emotion
we say he lacks understanding. In other words, in judging a man, factors other than the emotional
ones are also important. Psychologists call the 'real' personality as the ego which is entirely
different from the emotional personality. The emotional personality may be a higher one as in
instances of generosity, sacrifice, etc., but these cannot be sustained. Now the Moon indicates the
'emotional personality' while the Lagna or the ascendant indicates the true or ego personality.
The Moon signifies sensation, instincts, impulses, cautiousness, imagination and changeableness.
The true personality is that which is born into this world in a physical body. It brings with it
tendencies to types of thought, feeling, and action, in-born and untaught, being derived from its
past career as a soul. These innate faculties are expanded and increased by its experiences of this
We have attempted to draw the distinction between the two types of personalities with a
view to emphasizing the need for a correct appreciation of the Lagna factor as different from the
Moon factor.
Astrology teaches us that in spite of a great variety of motives and tendencies, certain
groups of individuals, characterized by an obvious conformity in their manner of motivation can
be differentiated. A knowledge of the astrological type to which one belongs will be highly

useful in adjusting his social, sexual and psychological life in such a way that he can follow the
line of least resistance.
Though every personality belongs to one of the twelve zodiacal types and is evolving
under its influence yet, one can never give a description of a type, "which absolutely applies to
one individual despite the fact that thousands might in a certain sense be strikingly characterized
by it. Conformity is one side of the man while uniqueness is the other". In our above
observations, we have merely dealt with the psychological aspect of the "real" and "affect"
personalities; but in the astrological aspect, a more comprehensive account of the personality is
clearly revealed.
Modern psychologists have recognized three types, viz., (a) sensation types, (6) thinking
types, and (c) feeling types. According to Jung, people belonging to 'sensation type' bother
themselves very little "about the possibilities which lie hidden in a situation". Those belonging to
the 'thinking type' "cannot adapt themselves to a situation which they cannot comprehend
intellectually". Those belonging to the third type "give themselves up wholly to the lure of
possibilities". Of course this type-classification is very general.
Astrology is not merely the summation of psychology, but it is certainly intimately
connected with psychological concepts. In fact, Dr. Jung assures recognition for astrology in the
following words:
"Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions,
because astrology represents that summation, of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity."
We said above that astrology is the science of sciences for it refers to many things besides
psychology from weather and crop forecasts to State matters and individual affairs. Nor
astrology is to be identified in its essence with any experimental or empirical science. Just as
mathematics is the organizing principle of science dealing with inanimate matter so also
astrology is the organizing principle of such sciences as deal with life and significance in relation
to all living bodies. Bertrand Russel says that "the whole practical utility of knowledge depends
upon its power of foretelling the future". Since astrology answers this requirement it must be
considered universal knowledge and superior to other branches which apply only to a definite
period of time, during which there has been continuous observation.
The use of astrology has been hinted at already. Coming to the functions of astrology, the
most important one is that it dispenses with the textbook maxims of ethics and prudence and
shows you away out of deadlocks or blind alleys. Belief in astrology really leads to a new kind of
morality. It is certainly different from and more liberating in many respects than the ethical
limitations of the ordinary men. Astrology postulates an unending chain of existences, a sort of
perpetual seesaw which, amongst a seeming waste of incredible energy, contributes to the

conservation of the universal sum-total. It promotes a theoretic appreciation of the Advaita

doctrine, for the man who is on top today is found at the bottom tomorrow; neither of the results
is due to sheer volition on his part, but apparently predetermined consequence of the perpetual
movement of the wheel. We are not all of us courageous nihilists. We therefore find some petty
consolation for our failures in life by attributing them to the stars. Other compensations which
astrology offers us are no less valuable. If we are foretold a period of calamity or trouble,
advance intimation has the effect of preparing us to break the back of the misfortune by meeting
it halfway, and taking it unawares.
The importance of astrology in the social life of man is manifold. Human needs and
aspirations furnish a continuous motive power for astrological inquiry. We can divide the needs
of a human being in society into several grades of urgency to each of which astrology has a
definite relation. The dynamic needs of human society find the motive force in political
movements the trend of which can be clearly ascertained by astrological considerations. The preknowledge would be a great asset to humanity. Mortality and illness rates can be easily
ascertained and steps taken to prevent such happenings and control disease. Man breeds at
haphazard, and the resulting changes in quantity and quality of men have the most violent social
repercussions. All these developments can be ascertained with the aid of astrology so that the
ultimate happiness of men may be ensured. In fact, there are large tasks for mankind to
undertake. Astrology helps realization of all these ideals. The secret value of astrology lies in the
fact that you are asked to follow the line of least resistance so that maximum success may be
attained with minimum effort.
Some are curious to know "the official reaction of the Marxist or the communist to the
subject of astrology". We are inclined to the view that the communists must have nothing but
contempt for astrology, since it postulates a future state of existence which is repugnant to the
materialist view of the universe. They dream of the apotheosis of the common man by simple,
incendiary means: but forget that the moment he becomes uncommon, he becomes the archenemy of the Communist State. The pure Communist, if one can get at one, must be of heroic
mould. For he labors with all the accumulated zeal and arrested momentum of centuries, to
establish his millennium for the span of a generation. He may no doubt entertain the belief that
the missionary fervor that has prompted him to action will continue to prompt others after him,
and that his proletarian El Dorado will endure for ever, once he sets it on its feet. This is in
reality the old fallacy in a new garb; the old mysticism which believed in a survival of
personality transferred to an equally untenable faith in the survival of a State or society. How
little justification there is for such a pleasing fiction will be evident from the persistent seachange which Communism has been undergoing in the home of its birth, from the date of its




On 28th July 1976 China suffered one of the worst catastrophes in its history. An
exceptionally violent earthquake hit a very densely populated industrial region, 150 kilometers
east of Peking. The city of Tangshan was reported in total ruin. At least 1,00,000 people are said
to have lost their lives. The quake damaged buildings in Peking, and fearing more shocks might
follow, Peking's six million people stayed out of their houses. The tremors were said to be of
such magnitude that not only damage was caused to Peking's Hall of the Peoples but several
dams, bridges and peasants' houses were destroyed in many parts of north-east China.
Apart from the huge loss of life and property and the need for diversion of resources to
rehabilitate the areas damaged, it seems, the earthquake in China had political implications also.
The impact of the earthquake on "superstitious peasants" worried the Government, because of
the anticipation (of the peasants) that this natural phenomenon "presaged a national calamity or a
change of dynasty as had been interpreted when monarchs ruled the land".
Scientists, as usual, are not agreed, as to the exact cause of earthquakes. Though the
Russians claimed about 15 years ago to have made an important discovery in the field of
earthquake prediction, nothing further has been known as to whether any reliable system of
forecasting earthquakes was developed. Their discovery that the "ratio between the velocities of
natural wave motions through the ground dropped significantly days before an earthquake and
then returned to normal just before it took place" is said to be an important step towards the
direction of making earthquake forecasts. But no two scientists seem to agree either regarding
the cause of earthquakes or methods of forecast.
After the Koyna disaster in 1967, the "water-load" theory was advanced by the French
scientist Rothe and later by the Indian scientists Gupta and Rastogi. Then a team of Unesco
experts found that "the impounded water was not the cause". Subsequently Dr. Mc Kenzic of
Cambridge and
Dr. Brunne of California Universities advanced the theory that "earthquakes lubricate
themselves at an early stage and then spread rapidly". John Michell of Cambridge University
attributed the vibratory movements in earthquakes to what he called "elastic waves traversing the
crust". While seismology is said to be a "science" and the seismograph is capable of registering
even distant earthquakes, of course after they have happened, we have yet to hear of a
seismologist ever having predicted correctly the occurrence of an earthquake.

Editorial by the Author reprinted from October 1976 issue of the astrological magazine.

The astonishing fact is that most of the scientists, engaged in earthquake studies, do not
seem to take an integrated view of what is happening on or above the earth's crust.
Of all the known sciences, Astrology alone takes into cognizance that all phenomena
including the occurrence of earthquakes are regulated by planetary movements. Such a theory is
not an idle fancy especially in the light of the findings of at least some of the scientists that
earthquakes can be triggered by solar activity. For instance Dr. Anderson a seismologist of the
California Institute of Technology does not look at seismic events in isolation. In an analysis of
the 17-year period of violence (1897 to 1914) "during which there were quakes of a magnitude
greater than eight on the Richter scale" he saw that "tsunamis (tidal waves 30 meters high)
increased in number, the length of the day changed, that is, the earth's rotation slowed down, the
world's mean temperature rose by one degree and the 'Chandler-wobble' was at its peak". He says
further that these were interlinked. All these geo-physical events are part of a large energy-chain.
The periodicity of the Chandler-wobble is 40 years and this is said to explain the 1950 and 1952
earthquakes in Assam and Kamchatka.
Therefore the vagaries of the Sun are not without consequences for our planet, let alone
for the human species on it. Danjon, Director of the observatory at Paris, announced that during
January, February and March 1963, the days had been shorter. And it is wroth while noting that
Danjon announced an important deviation in the earth's rotation before the disaster of Agadir.
If as scientists claim to have discovered, the Sun's vagaries alter the duration of the day, it
is reasonable to assume that they may even induce earthquakes. In 1968 astronomer Trellis
showed evidence that the "gravitational effect of the planets moderates the eleven-year solaractivity cycle." Consequently it is the Sun and the planetary juxtapositions that could afford a
mathematically workable method to forecast all natural phenomena, including of course
The ancient classic Garga Samhita traces the quaking of the earth to "Ketus" or dark
spots on the Sun. And this theory is gaining confirmation amongst a section of western scientists
not intent on sticking to orthodox theories.
Chile was rocked by a deadly earthquake in May 1960. And two days earlier the
scientists had found that a huge spot was passing over the central meridian of the Sun and they
thought that the spot had caused the disaster.
Many scientists have started attributing though they may not publicly admit this the
periodicity of solar spots to planetary configurations. Indeed it is not the Sun alone who
provokes the earthquake shocks. The other planets and the Moon also stimulate the activity of
the subterranean forces. These scientists have also found that a comparison of the graphs of solar
activity, the occurrence of earthquakes and the velocity of earth's rotation reveal that curves are

distinctly similar thus showing a definite connection. Dr. Stetson comes forward with the theory
that "when the orbit of the Moon is in a particularly close relation to the epicenters of earthquake
sources, the strain on the earth at that point is at its maximum and therefore the crust of the earth
is likely to break producing an earthquake". In other words we can say that Dr. Stetson has found
that the Moon's movements have something to do with the occurrence of earthquakes. Other
planets, especially the Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are really responsible for earthquakes while
the Moon gives the finishing touch.
Dr. Rudolph Tomaschek, a geophysicist from the University of Munich, "after checking
the places of all the planets during 134 severe earthquakes" has reported what he calls, "a
relationship between the positions of planets especially Uranus and earthquakes". It is an
astrological dictum that more earthquakes occur when two or more planets are in line to the earth
and especially about the times of Full Moon and New Moon.
As early as the beginning of Kaliyuga (3100 B.C.) Parasara has observed thus: Arka
chandra grahaana graha vikrithacharajamscha kampana hayulu: meaning that when the course
of a planet is disturbed from the normal path owing to the attractive force of other planets there is
a shaking of the planet which is perceived as an earthquake. Though Gargi says that earthquakes
are due to volcanic eruptions Parasara's view seems to be more reasonable as it can be proved
astrologically. In fact, planetary action as an exciting cause of earthquakes is only doubted by
those who have never made any fair and complete inquiry into it. Aristotle placed on record the
fact that it sometimes happens that there is an earthquake about the time of eclipse of the Moon.
By means of monthly lunations and solar and lunar eclipses, one could predict
earthquakes. When a number of superior planets are in conjunction or in the same declination or
in the same latitude, there will be earthquakes. Several planets in the Tropics also give rise to this
phenomenon. Eclipses falling at quadrants to Jupiter, Saturn or Mars also produce earthquakes.
The area of the occurrence is generally indicated by the zodiacal sign in which the above
combinations occur or by the sign which has the conjunction or the eclipse on the meridian or the
Nadir. The locality is also indicated in places where Saturn or Jupiter is in the meridian.
A study of the available astrological literature reveals that (a) earthquakes generally
occur at or near the times of eclipses and new and full-Moon days; (b) the time of occurrence is
generally between midnight and sunrise or midday and sunset; (c) planets, especially the major
ones, occupy either mutual quadrants, trines or are in mutual conjunction or opposition; (d) the
ascendant, the 4th, the 7th, the 8th, the 12th or the 10th house at the place of the occurrence will
be generally afflicted; (e) the asterism of the day may belong to prithvi (earth) or vayu (air)
category; and (f) the Moon and Mercury will be in close conjunction or in the same constellation.
These are general combinations and stand to be tested in the light of the earthquake

occurrences in the past.





Chart No. 1



Rahu Sun





The Tokyo earthquake which occurred on 1-9-1923 resulted in the death of 1,40,000
people and destruction of most of Tokyo and Yokohama. There was a lunar eclipse on 26th
August involving Leo-Aquarius, the point rising at Tokyo being aspected by Mars. The quake
struck Tokyo as the Moon entered the constellation of Bharani ruled by Yama, the lord of death.
On the day of the earthquake, the 10th degree of Scorpio was rising at Tokyo, the constellation
involved being that of Saturn, the ascendant being aspected by two malefics and Mars being
exactly in the 10th house. It will be seen that there is a conglomeration of four planets in the 10th
house. But seven planets are clustered within an arc of seventy-two degrees. When such a
clustering takes place, earthquakes and cyclones happen. But to identify the time and locality is
still a difficult matter even for astrological savants.






Chart No. 2 RASI






On 15-1-1934, a massive quake occurred in Bihar. It was a new-Moon day and seven
planets were in configuration in the sign of Capricorn. The Sun, Mars, Venus and the Moon were
all in exact conjunction in the constellation of Uttarashadha ruled by the Sun lord of the 8th. Tt
will be noted that the earthquake actually occurred after the Moon entered Capricorn. The
occurrence of this earthquake had been forecast by a number of Indian astrologers, long before
the event happened. The sign involved is earthy. Shocks were also felt in Mexico and Chile ruled
by Capricorn. For China the deadly conjunction falls in the Nadir. The conjunction and the
eclipse have both taken place in Capricorn. Mercury is in close conjunction with the Moon.
The Agadir earthquake which occurred just before midnight on 29-2-1960 left nearly
12,000 people dead.
The quake on the 29th February followed the new Moon on the 26th in Aquarius, an airy
sign. On the 28th the Moon joined Mercury and on the 29th the Moon was exactly in a kendra
from Saturn. The disposition of Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon and Mercury in mutual kendras
is significant.





Chart No. 3








Several thousand square miles of north-west Iran were devastated by a severe earthquake


2-9-1962, the first shock having occurred at 10-55 p.m. 75 towns and villages were ruined

and ten thousand people were killed. The Lagna at the time of the quake was Taurus an earthy
sign and the earthquake followed in the wake of the new Moon on 29th August. The most

Rasi: Taurus Ascendant; Gemini Mars; Cancer Rahu; Leo the Sun; Virgo the Moon and Mercury;

Libra Venus; Capricorn Ketu and Saturn; and Aquarius Jupiter.

Navamsa: Taurus Mercury, Saturn and Ketu; Cancer Ascendant; Virgo the Sun and the Moon; Scorpio
Venus and Rahu; and Aquarius Jupiter and Mars.

significant factor is the Moon passed over Mercury on 1st September. Jupiter is in the 10th and
Mars and Jupiter in mutual trines. Mercury and Mars are again in mutual trines.
Coming to the recent Chinese earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado,
estimated the magnitude of the first quake (which occurred on 5128-7-1976) at 1-15 a.m. (I.S.T.)
or 3-45 a.m. Peking Time as 8.2 points "on the open-ended Reichter scale" and said that it was
the world's strongest for 12 years.



Chart No. 4

Asc. 26-2


Sat. Moon Merc.

Sun Mer.
Venus Ketu Jupit.




Sun Mars

It is said that Chinese scientists had predicted a few weeks earlier of the impending
earthquake. According to Dr. C. Barry Raeigh, geo-physicist and his colleagues in the team that
visited China a month earlier, the radio stations in Peking had been warning the people about the
natural calamity. It is also acknowledged the Government could not give any advance warning to
the people to stay out of doors.
One implication of the disaster is, the earthquake-predicting system might have failed to
work. But the American visitors, referred to above, learnt that the Chinese are able to forewarn
on the basis of "earthquake lights" or "ground glows" discerned in their laboratories and also by
peculiar animal behavior. Geophysicists say the Chinese theory of "ground glows" is convincing
"because of the considerable release of electricity" during the earthquakes, which means a
correlation between positions of planets and the electrical disturbances. The American visitors
did not wish to dismiss the theory of unusual animal behavior also. Two hours before the quake
tigers at the Tienstin zoo began acting strangely. There was panic among the chickens. Pigs


The Sun 102 49'; the Moon 112 28'; Mars 140 41'; Mercury 115 47'; Jupiter 34 46'; Venus 113' 44'; Saturn
104 6'; Rahu 196 8'; and Ascendant 85 2'.

refused to enter their holes and horses and sheep ran about in a frenzy. How wonderful is nature's
earthquake sensors !
In Chart No. 4, the Lagna is Gemini an airy sign. There is a five-planet combination in
the second house affecting the 8th or house of destruction. Jupiter and Mars are in mutual square.
The earthquake on the 28th followed on the wake of the new Moon on the 26th. The most
important feature is again the closeness of the Moon and Mercury. On the new Moon day, the
Moon was in Punarvasu and the earthquake occurred when he entered Aslesha, the constellation
held by Mercury. It seems evident that the Moon and Mercury have a significant role to play in
causing earthquakes.
On the day of the Chinese earthquake except Jupiter (and the shadowy planets Rahu and
Ketu) the rest are clustered within an arc of 38.
In the January 1978 issue of the astrological magazine, we had observed based on the
total lunar eclipse on 16-9-1978 "that there is the probability of a major earthquake about the
area of Iran". On the very same night of the eclipse day a powerful earthquake hit Iran killing
10,000 people.
From the charts given above certain basic astrological facts bearing on the occurrence of
earthquakes thrust themselves prominently before us. If according to modern science everything
in life is electrical in nature, then the tiniest atom and the great cosmos, including the planets, the
earth and the Sun, are charged bodies with a field about them and therefore subject to certain
mathematical laws. We do not know whether earthquakes are caused by gravitational effects of
the Sun, the Moon and other planets. The grouping of planets in certain signs show significant
correspondence with earthquakes. Planets may affect the force-field of the earth and cause
earthquakes. In fields of knowledge such as predicting earthquakes astrology has much to offer
to contemporary seismology. If only modern scientists could keep their minds open, the
accumulated wisdom of astrology could be of great assistance.
The loss of life and damage to property are the chief features of a great earthquake. The
number of persons killed in a few minutes is indeed appalling. Fatalists may want to know what
would be the use of knowing when earthquake and other natural calamities occur.
The answer is, it is certainly not possible to prevent the occurrence of earthquakes. But
we may endeavor to lessen the destructive power of earthquakes by forecasting their occurrence
in advance.
Though by no means conclusive, astrological data lend support to the theory of
correlation of planetary configurations with natural calamities.


For Bangalore, midnight Tuesday 22nd October 1975 was a nightmare because "a
downpour the like of which it has not seen perhaps for decades descended on it all on a sudden
leaving behind an unprecedented trail of suffering, tribulation and misery". Within a brief span
of an hour and a half it had rained almost four inches rendering nearly 5000 homeless, in just one
locality. Wholesale grain dealers said "as much as Rs. 15 lakhs worth of stocks had been washed
away in the mini floods. Hundreds of bales of expensive textiles and thousands of bags of
cement got under water."
The morning's newspapers carried the Forecast: "generally cloudy with sunny intervals.
One or two showers likely in the evening or light" (bold ours). There was no indication of even
ordinary rain let alone the deluge. The same phenomenon happened recently at Bombay. The
meteorological forecast was "some showers" but the city had a deluge. Yet meteorology
continues to be a respectable "science". The present-day meteorologists seem to think that to
forecast weather is their exclusive privilege. Meteorology, so far as prediction of weather is
concerned, has retrograded rather than improved. Let the modern meteorologists study their
records of observations with the conjunctions and aspects of planets and their movements in
different constellations. Such a study would rescue meteorology from its present hopeless and
helpless state.
It is possible for astrology to forecast weather more accurately than meteorology? This is
the question most frequently asked by the laymen. Because of their training and a priori
considerations, some scientists have a tendency to disregard a fact of great importance, viz.,
astrologically it is possible to forecast weather, much more accurately than meteorology. In
astrology as in other fields of scientific study, the great temptation that exists is the urge to deal
with the problem by over-simplifying it. Thus for instance, the western astrologer might stick to
the proposition that a certain aspect between two major planets might cause storms. This
inference is indeed an over-simplification and not consistent with the techniques employed in
Hindu astrology. The comprehensive methods of weather forecasting are to be found in ancient
classics and they should be understood and. applied through systematic investigation and
research, as otherwise our performances may fall in line with the reckless performances of the
According to the theory of astrology propounded by ancient sages, all phenomena
including rainfall, floods, etc., are regulated by planetary movements. Of late some of the
scientists have been indirectly endorsing astrological theories. For instance in 1962 Glen W.
Brier of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced the discovery of a remarkable

correlation between the phases of the Moon and rainfall in U.S.A. Similar results were arrived at
independently by E. E. Adderley of the Radio-physics Division of the CSIRO in Australia. When
precipitation data were plotted in terms of the Moon's phases, it was found that heavy rain
occurred most frequently about four days after full Moon and reached a secondary peak about 4
days after new Moon. In other words the greatest amount of rain fell when the Moon was either
45 or 225 from the Sun. These findings were based on the study of data taken from U.S.
Weather Bureau precipitation statistics covering the period 1900-1949 and dates of maximum
rainfall for each calendar month.
It should be within the keen observation of a student of astrology that rain tends to
increase when the Moon is at one of its nodes irrespective of its phase. Whether the mechanism
involved is gravitational or electrical we do not know. But there is no doubt that a clear
correlation persists between the movements of the Moon and variations in quantities of rainfall.
A perusal of the Sanskrit astrological works such as Brihat Samhita should convince any
doubting Thomas that weather forecasts amongst ancient Indian rulers played an important part
in public administration. Meteorology was a distinctly comprehensive science and Varahamihira
deserves much credit for 1m writings embodying the important results of observation and
experiment carried on through many centuries.
To the ancient Hindu astronomers, the weather indications of one single day in a year
form the subject of so much calculation in determining the future agricultural prospect of the
land, while to the inexperienced eye of a western man of science, the day appears as indifferent
as any other day of the year. This suggests that modern science is still far behind in her
investigation of the laws of nature.
The science of weather forecasting developed by the sages explains the cause as well as
the effect of atmospheric changes through repeated occurrences pf planetary positions.
Exhaustive rules for forecasting weather have been given in ancient books, but we shall
give here only a few of them. Those who wish to make a detailed study of astro-meteorology can
refer to works like Garga Samhita, Brihat Samhita, etc.
The positions of planets in the north of the celestial equator are said to have a definite
influence on the movements of the pressure-systems for periods of whole seasons. It must always
be understood that there is a "human element" that gives the wrong results and that it is not the
fault of nature. It is common-sense that we cannot forecast a flood, even when the planetary
combinations favor it, in the middle of a desert. Nor can we forecast a cold wave in the tropics
because such things do not generally happen. While making forecasts one should clearly take
note of climatology and geography of the land.
It has been found that when Jupiter is in perihelion there is great drought and when in

aphelion more dampness and cold weather than usual. When a planet enters Cancer it will
influence more the weather in the northern hemisphere while the southern hemisphere is more
influenced when the sign is Capricorn. The season, time of the month, day, etc., should all be
considered before a forecast is made. Generally when the Sun conjoins Mercury, the weather is
given to windy spells along coastal areas and increase the depth of high and low pressure
systems. With Venus, the weather gives rise to increase in rain or snow. With Mars, the weather
becomes warmer and especially in Aries, the summer becomes very severe. With Jupiter the
weather becomes dry and sometimes as the season changes it will bring drought. With Saturn the
pressure is stagnate over long periods and colder than normal for the season. With Rahu or Ketu,
the weather is severe for the season and changeable.
When the Sun and the Moon are in neutral asterisms there will be winds; when they are
in feminine asterisms there will be lightning and phosphorescence; and when the Sun occupies a
feminine asterism, and the Moon a masculine asterism, or vice-versa there will be rains.
At the time of the Sun's Ingress into Gemini, if Venus occupies the 2nd or 12th from the
rising sign and when at the same time, the Moon occupies a watery Navamsa in any sign, there
will be copious rains during the year in question (Aries to Pisces is a year). When the Sun, the
Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu cross the watery signs in transit and Mercury and Venus conjoin a
Sthula Rasi, there will be very heavy rains.
When the Sun, Mercury and Venus occupy the same sign and the same Navamsa, there
will be heavy rains. But if these planets occupy the same Rasi (sign) and Navamsa and they
happen to be watery signs, the rains will be all the more heavy.
When the Sun occupies an earthy sign and the Moon, Mercury and Venus occupy watery
signs, and at that time if a rainbow is seen in the western side, then also there will be plentiful
In 'Varsha Ritu' (July-August) a rainbow in the eastern side does not give rain. In the
other 'ritus' (seasons) a rainbow in the east will bring in 'rains'. A rainbow in the west during the
Varsha Ritu brings in a pour.
When the mock Sun is visible to the north of the Sun's disc, there will be rain; to the
south there will be a tempest; and on both sides, a 'flood' will come in. To the top of the Sun's
disc means some danger to the king, and below it will mean some calamities to the people.
When it rains on the new Moon days and the days succeeding them (Prathipada days)
there will be good rainfall during that bright half of the lunar month. If it rains on full Moon days
and the dark Prathipada (1st lunar date) there will be no rains in the dark half. In both Pakshas
(half lunar months) when it rains during the first 15 ghatikas (6 hours) in Dwiteeya (2nd lunar
day) and the last 15 ghatikas in Prathipada (1st lunar day) there will be copious rains during

those Pakshas (fortnights). When it rains only a little on those days, rains will be scarce during
those Pakshas (fortnights). If it does not rain then, there will be no rain during that Paksha
When the winds blow from the north-east in the evening (sandhya) of the full Moon day
of Ashadha (July-August) month, there will be downpour and consequent luxuriant vegetable life
during the ensuing year.
When it rains on the 4th lunar day of the dark half of Ashadha (July-August) and on the
day ruled by Poorvabhadra in the same month, there will be luxuriant vegetation during the year
When the 5th lunar day of the bright half of the lunar month falls on a Sunday (in
Ashadha) there will be a little rain. If it is on a Monday, there will be a downpour. If it is a
Tuesday rains will be fierce; Wednesday would bring in a storm; Thursday general prosperity;
Friday rain and loss; Saturday there will be misery everywhere.
If the constellation of Rohini coincides with the 10th lunar day (in the month of Ashadha)
there will be terrible rains.
The Sun occupies 2 1/4 Nakshatras every month beginning from Aswini (alpha Artetis)
making up 12 months from Aries. He occupies Poorvashadha in the month of Sagittarius and
stays there for 13 days and 8 hours (13 degrees and 20 minutes). If during the 1st day, all the sky
including the Sun is found to be completely covered by dark clouds, there will be rain during the
month of Gemini when the Sun occupies Aridra. Similarly, if during the 2nd day all the heavens
are found to be dark by clouds, there will be rain during the latter part of Gemini and the first
part of Cancer when the Sun will occupy the asterism of Punarvasu. Similarly on the 3rd day, 4th
day, 5th day, 6th day and so on till the 14th day, if the same conditions prevail, there will be
rains during the succeeding months when the Sun will be in Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba,
till Moola in regular succession.
The above information is useful giving long-range forecasts which appear to have been a
speciality with our ancient meteorologists. If the heavens are clear, then there will be no rain.
Rains can be expected in the following periods:(a) When the combustion periods of the various planets begin and end. (b) When the
Moon conjoin with other planets, (c) Full Moon and New Moon days, (d) When the Sun transits
Cancer and Capricorn, (e) When the Sun occupies the Aridra asterism. When Mercury conjoins
Jupiter or Venus or when Jupiter joins Venus there will be rain. When Mars and Saturn join
together without any aspect or association of good planets, then danger from fire, lightning and
storms can be expected.
We are also enabled to determine the very day of the occurrence of rain from a

knowledge of the nature of the clouds during the day. When clouds surrounded by a radiance
resembling that of the Moon, white as nectar, with a blue-black spot in the centre, and pouring
layers of water pass from west to east or east to west, we can predict that there will be a very
heavy shower before long.
If in the rainy season, the sunrise is observed to have a 'halo' in the east and the noon
(midday) is marked by the intense heat of the Sun's rays, we can make sure that there will be rain
that day. Apart from atmospheric factors, the ancient meteorologists took note of the behaviour
of certain animals as indicating immediate rainfall. They are: Cows hasten home to meet their
calves. Cats scratch the ground with their claws. Hills shine at a distance and seem to have a blue
coloring. The disc of the Moon has a circular red line, the color being that of the eyes of the hen.
Chamelions climb up trees and stare stupidly at the sky. Cows too seem to stare upwards. Cocks
crow in the day looking up. Flashes of lightning are marked in the north-east. The Moon is
observed to have the colour of honey or of the eyes of parrots or doves. The disc of the Moon,
though enveloped in elouds, seems to emanate a radiance round in shape Prathi Chandra
(mock Moon).
We are asked to predict that there will be rains immediately if the following are
Pearls of thunder crash in the night-time, deep red flashes of lightning are observed
during day-time; cold winds blow from the east; young sprouting leaves raise their heads high;
birds freely bathe in water or in dust; serpents bask in the sunshine lying on grass; clouds assume
the color of a peacock, parrot, wild crow or chathaka bird and seem to have the shape of waves,
hills, tortoise, pigs and fishes.
Evidently, the ancient meteorologists were keen students of nature as they have taken into
consideration every kind of phenomenon which, indicates a change in the weather.
If the Lagna rising at the time of Aries ingress happens to be a watery sign and is
aspected by watery planets there will be proper rains. If the Rasi is a fiery one and is associated
with or aspected by fiery planets, there will be no rain.
When Aries ingress happens to fall on Rohini, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Uttarashadha, Abhijit,
Sravana, Dhanishta, the year is known as 'Indra Mandala'. The year will be happy and
prosperous. When the Sankramana (solar ingress) falls on Bharani, Krittika, Pushyami, Makha,
Pubba, Visakha and Poorva-bhadra, the year is known as 'Agni Mandala'. The effect will be fear
from fire, poverty everywhere, crops fail and autumn crops are destroyed. When the ingress
happens to be on Aswini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Uttara, Hasta, Chitta or Swati, then the year has
'Vayu Mandala'. Fear from kings, storms and scarcity of rains will be the result. When the
ingress happens to be on Aridra, Aslesha, Moola, Poorvashadha, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra or

Revati then the year has 'Varuna Mandala'. Good rains and general prosperity will ensue.
If the fifth day of the bright half of the lunar month Chaitra falls on Monday or Thursday,
rainfall will be equally spread throughout that year; if on Wednesday, disturbed rains
accompanied by winds; Friday, crops will be destroyed; Saturday or Tuesday, there will be poor
If the 8th day of the bright half of the lunar month Vaisakha falls on Saturday or Tuesday
famine will set in and the year will be marked by absence of regular rains. The constellation
Mrigasira or Aridra, rising on the 1st day of the lunar month Jyeshta, produces excellent rains.
The four days commencing from the eighth day in the bright half of the month of Jyeshta
(May and June) are known as Vayudharana days that is days from the winds that blow on
which the nature of the health of the pregnancy of the rain clouds might be determined. If in the
said bright half of Jyeshta there should be a fall of rain in the four days when the Moon parsed
through the asterisms from Swati to Jyeshta, there will be rain in the rainy season, i.e., from
Sravana to Kartika (August to November). If on the Dharana (rain supporting) days the Sun and
the Moon should be covered by wet clouds there will be good rain.
The month of Jyeshta (May-June) seems to be very important for measuring the rainfall.
If there should be rain when the Moon passes through certain asterisms from Poorvashadha to
Moola in the lunar month of Jyeshta, there will also be rain when the Moon passes through the
same asterisms in the rainy season. If there should be no rain in the month of Jyeshta, there will
be no rain the rainy season. If there should be a fall of rain when the Moon passes Mrigasira,
Chitta, Revati and Dhanishta in Jyeshta there will be good rain in the rainy reason. If there
should be a fall when the Moon passes through Satabhisha, Jyeshta and Swati, the subsequent
rainfall will be ordinary.
When the Moon passes through the asterism of Rohini in the dark half of the lunar month
Ashadha, Rohini Yoga is caused. The astronomer "shall ascertain the direction of the wind at the
time when the Moon enters Rohini. He shall divide this day into 9 equal parts (3 hours each)
commencing from sunrise the parts representing severally the eight fortnights of the four
months of the rainy season from Sravana to Kartika; and he shall determine on which month or
fortnight and how long there will be rain judging from the direction and duration of the wind. "If
on the Rohini Yoga day, the sky should be clear and without clouds and the Sun exceedingly hot,
there will be rain in the rainy season". Mankind will not be happy and there will be no rains
whatsoever if there should occur unusual phenomena such as meteoric falls, thunderbolts,
mockfires, etc., on the Rohini Yoga day.
A careful study of these rules suggests that the transit of the Moon in the constellations of
Poorvabhadra and Swati in the lunar month of Jyeshta is highly significant. Observation of the

sky, direction of the wind, appearance of mock-light, haloes, comets, lightning, thunderbolts,
etc., have all received very careful attention of the ancient writers.
Here is an experiment suggested in an ancient work to note the direction of wind and its
predictive use. Of course in its place we can employ the latest modern methods for observing the
direction of the wind.
(a) "One who wishes to know the direction of the wind should get a thick cloth of 24 feet
length and 6 feet width. He should hoist this cloth on a pole measuring 144 feet high firmly fixed
to the ground, on the morning of the 15th day of the lunar month Ashadha and observe the 'flag'
"If the flag flies towards the east (which means the wind blows from the west) crops
thrive well during the year; towards agneya (north-east) rainfall will be below normal; south
or niruti (southwest) clouds form but there will be little or no rain; west excessive rainfall
and strong winds; vayavya (north-west) excessive rains and strong winds; north enough
rains to give good crops; eesanya (south-east) destruction of crops by heavy untimely rains."
(b) When the 7th day of the bright half of the lunar month Ashadha coincides with the 4th
quarter of Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra or Revati, a clear halo will form around the Sun and the
rains will be mixed with heavy winds during the year in question.
According to Hindu meteorology, Venus is closely associated with rainfall. Here are
some hints.
(a) Rainfall will be below normal in the year in which, during the lunar months of
Sravana, Kartika, Margasira, Makha or Jyeshta, Venus sets and a solar eclipse caused by Rahu
(6) There will be unprecedented rainfall resulting in heavy floods when Venus rises
heliacally or sets in the constellations of Swati, Visakha and Anuradha.
(c) For want of rains, famine will break out when Venus rises or sets in one of the
constellations from Jyeshta to Sravana.
(d) There will be drought conditions when Venus sets in or retrogrades in Makha or
(e) When Mars and Saturn are in conjunction, rainfall will be very low.
(f) Clouds become scattered and rainfall disturbed, when the Sun, Mars and Venus transit
the same sign.
(g) If Jupiter joins the above combination, clouds will deliver rains in plenty.
(h) When Jupiter retrogrades in Rohini, the year will have less rainfall.
Much rain results when Jupiter is in Pisces while Venus is in Cancer. Heavy winds occur
when they are in any airy triplicity and extreme heat is fell when in a fiery triangle. In an earthy

triplicity the climate is rendered very dry, except when Jupiter is strongly aspected by a moist
planet at the time of its ingress into an earthy triplicity.
When Mars is in Aries in trine to the Sun in Leo a hot season is made hotter still and
warmth added to a cold period. Rain in abundance is shown when they are in a watery triplicity
and in conjunction with Venus. Very heavy rainfall follows an eclipse or a great conjunction in
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and more so if Saturn and Jupiter see each other or they aspect the
phenomena referred to.
It is well known that when the Sun is in conjunction with Sirius the heat becomes
offensive and no rain could be expected unless the Sun is aspected either by Saturn and Jupiter or
Venus. When Venus is transiting the area known as Pleiades in Taurus there is much rain and the
air is kept cool.
During the cold season Venus in conjunction with Saturn gives rain. In northern and
southern latitudes, farther than the Tropics, there will be heavy snow-falls. During the hot season
in the equatorial regions there will be rain and hail-storms.
Mercury in conjunction or opposition with Venus gives both sunshine and showers. Real
gloomy weather with heavy mists resets when Mercury, Mars and Saturn form a trigraha-yoga
having the aspect of Venus. Cold, dull weather can be foreseen at a time when Saturn is aspected
by either Sun or Mars together with an aspect of Venus.
Jupiter in a watery sign in conjunction with or in opposition to Venus gives short showers
and a very cool atmosphere. The people get a new zest for life. Jupiter so placed with an aspect
of Saturn in an airy sign produces a windy and wet day. Plenty of rain follows when Mars in
Cancer is aspecting Venus in Libra and the rains will continue for several days if the Moon and
Jupiter cast their aspect also.
Mars rules thunder and when he is in a fiery sign, there will be terrific thunder without
rain. Sometimes lightning also occurs. If he is aspected either by Venus or Saturn heavy rain
with large drops of water will pour down accompanied by violent thunder. Whenever the Sun is
in conjunction with or in opposition to Saturn the weather is cool (or cold according to the
latitude) if Mars or Mercury does not aspects the Sun. Similar indications are noted when Jupiter
is in conjunction with or in opposition to Saturn. The aspect of Mars and Saturn produce clear,
cool weather with slight showers but Saturn and Venus produce a dull wet time. Any planet
separating from an aspect of Jupiter and applying to an aspect of Saturn, reduce the temperature
of the air. In latitudes where winter is normal there will be bitter cold winds. Along the equator
the temperature will be reduced.
A mild winter can be easily foreseen when at the time of Sun's ingress to Capricorn
(along December 22) the Moon or Venus passes over Saturn and joins Jupiter. A very cold, hard,

frosty and snowy winter follows if the movement is from Jupiter to Saturn. Astrologers in
England and Germany can verify this. Droughts are noticed when Saturn is unaspected in Aries,
Leo or Sagittarius.
Strong south-west winds are indicated when Mars or Saturn occupy Gemini, Libra or
Aquarius and are in opposition or square to each other. Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces
assuredly bring heavy blowing. South-west winds do result when Jupiter is in Aquarius in
opposition to Saturn in Leo. North-west monsoon winds are ruled by Saturn and South-west, by
Jupiter. When they are in airy signs the direction of the wind is easily ascertained. South-west
winds also arise when an eclipse occurs in an airy sign. North winds, Jupiter; easterly, Saturn;
western, Mars; southern, Venus; and mixed, Mercury. The air is essentially ruled by the planet
which is applying to the Moon after its conjunction, opposition or square with the Sun.
The above methods may look somewhat fantastic to us, educated as we are, according to
Western methods, but having due regard for the wisdom of the sages, it would be well to test the
truth of their statements. An appeal to facts, if conducted fairly and extended day by day over a
sufficient length of time for a casual observation now and again is not sufficient is sure to
convince the observer that certain planetary positions do actually accompany definite changes in
weather and that this occurs too frequently to be dismissed as chance-coincidence.
Modern astronomers and meteorologists would find it more useful and more instructive
to watch for and study such coincidences than to confine their observations of Mars and Saturn
to the delightful amusement of "testing photometrically and also photographically the luster of
the conjoined planets".



If we closely examine the innumerable combinations listed in ancient classical texts on

what is called medical astrology, there would be found to exist an amazing series of parallels
between the regular motions of the planets in the solar system of which our earth is a part, and
the ebb and flow of physical, mental and emotional phenomena peculiar to human life on earth.
Of what use after all, to extend the boundaries of our physical domain, by the discovery of new
stars and galaxies if some attempt is not made at the same time to discover the significance of
these phenomena, as applied to living beings and their problems of existence and evolution?
Today while no serious or systematic attempts have been made in India to assess the practical
importance of the ancient discoveries in the field of astrology, it is encouraging to find that some
men of science-psychologists, doctors, etc., in the West have begun building up a new science of
astral or stellar diagnosis on the demonstrable basis of facts and statistics. What is interesting is
the fact that the investigations of these scientific workers have been indirectly corroborating
many of the basic concepts of medical astrology as revealed by our ancient sages.
Throughout the centuries, astrology had had close connections with medicine. In ancient
India, astrology and Ayurveda were intimately connected. An Ayurvedic doctor was required to
be an astrologer too. But with the introduction of allopathy into India, the importance of
astrology as a diagnostic test was reduced for a time. But now a reaction appears to have already
set in largely due to the fact that a handful of leading medical men in Europe and America have
been experimenting with medical astrology.
The dependency between the Sun and disease-incidence is indeed remarkable. Apart from
wave-radiation, the Sun also sends off flows of corpuscles which are sometimes dabbed "the
solar wind". Instruments installed on artificial satellites and rockets have shown that corpuscular
radiation prevents flows of plasma which have magnetic fields of their own. This magnetic field
interacts with the magnetic field of the earth and influences terrestrial phenomena. It can affect
the electrical potential of an individual including the electrical activity of the brain. (The human
brain, according to Vasiliev, radiates into surrounding space electro-magnetic energy in the form
of radio-waves.) Due to this electric activity, various nerve impulses are sorted out and converted
into sensations, thoughts and actions. It will be seen that it is the geometrical arrangements of
planets that give rise to solar flares. In the astrological language, these planetary arrangements

Summary of a lecture delivered by the author at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, on 26-2-


are the yogas which denote a definite pattern of events. Human beings, as Dr. Michael, M.R.C.S.
says, have around them an energy-shell or field, which corresponds to the halo around a radioactive particle. The body radiates, the intensity varying with the different organs. Therefore its
health or ill-health depends upon the harmony existing between its own radiation and the
intensity of radiations received from the Sun, as well as from the cosmos at a given time.
In plain language, certain influences are exerted on our bodies by planets and stars and
these are tendencies which can be dealt with by human beings in a positive or negative manner.
The experiments of Dr. Edson Andrews have revealed that 82% of bleeding crises occur
between the Moon's 1st and 3rd quarters. According to Prof. Revitz, there is considerable voltage
increase in the electrical potential of a human being very 14 days at the time of New or Full
Moon. These electrical changes correspond with sharp changes in the person's moods.
Consequently the forces behind the Moon are said to aggravate maladjustments and conflicts.
The entire writing on nishekavidhi or conception deserves attention of modern
gynaecologists. Clear ideas concerning the periodic fertility in a woman and their correlation to
certain cosmic patterns have been given. According to gynaecologists Ogino and Knaus, the best
fertile periods for conception in women (in the case of 28 and 30 days of menstrual cycles) are
the 14th, 15th and 16th days from the commencement of menstruation. It appears that the
pituitary controls the uterus up to the 16th day from the commencement of the menstruation, i.e.,
the rupture of the graffian follicle. And according to the astrological work Jataka Parijata, the
nights of 14, 15 and 16 are the best for conceiving offspring. These observations agree with the
experimental evidence collected by Prof. Knaus that on the 15th night from the last day of
menstruation, the ovum is born.
I should like to digress a bit and make a reference to the famous theory of "Thri-dosha".
As commonly understood, Vata, Pitta and Sleshma are taken to mean gas, bile and phlegm
respectively, and so the theory, in the face of it, may look somewhat unacceptable. But if we
examine the concepts of Ayurveda in a critical way, we can find a close resemblance to western
scientific thought.
The word vata is derived from the root va, meaning motion or indicative of motion (....).
The word pitta has its root in tapa (...) meaning agitation, excitation, energy, Kapha or Sleshma
means clasp, attraction, embrace, gravitation (...) Chakrapani, the famous commentator, clarifies
that one has to understand the inherent meaning of the three words vata, pitta and kapha as
motivity, agility and gravity respectively. Put in a different way, these three qualities correspond
to motion, energy and inertia. It may not be quite safe to assume that vata, pitta and kapha are
just the three chemical substances of wind, bile and mucus.
It took years of theoretical reasoning and practical experimentation for science to accept

that energy is a quality of matter till the presentation by Einstein of his theory of relativity. The
discovery that any state of matter is formed by the three qualities of inertia (sleshma), energy
(pitta) and motion (vata) should indeed go to Ayurveda.
As the great Susrutha says, just as the Sun, the Moon and Wind are necessary for the
regular functioning of this world, so also it is pitta, vata and sleshma that regulate the health of
the human body. The effect of the three physical qualities (motion, energy and gravitation or
inertia) on the living cell is on the same lines as it is in the cosmos.
The human ailments could be linked to the outcome of the gravitational pulls exerted by
planets through rotation and revolution. The disequilibrium that arises in the doshas are due to
the interaction between the field-forces emanating from the planets on the one side and the
human organism on the other.
According to astrology, there are three groups of asterisms which are in line with the
three doshas of Ayurveda. For instance, one born in a vata group of constellations would indeed
be generally predisposed towards diseases arising from vata. Similarly, the planets and signs
have also governance over the three dhatus. The Sun governs mostly pitta and a little of vata; the
Moon mostly vata. etc. In the astrological literature, there is a thorough classification of diseases
and the planetary patterns which cause them. The Moon rules the mind, the Sun rules the soul or
self and Mercury rules the nervous system. Disorders arising from psychosis and neurosis and
certain mental abnormalities exaggeration of certain traits recognizable nearly in all people
are respectively caused by a combination of factors involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn
and the Nodes. Another psychologist, based on statistical research, has discovered a marked
correspondence between different types of mental disorders and Mercury's afflictions. Obviously
this reminds us of the age-old theory of the Hindus.
() meaning that if in a horoscope, the Moon and Mercury are in certain mutual
dispositions afflicted by Mars, Saturn or the Nodes, it generally indicates mental disorders.
In actual practice, such a combination is present mostly in the horoscopes of persons
suffering from obsessional neuroses, delusions and false beliefs. The declination or kranti of
Mercury can give a clue as to whether a person's 'escape mechanism' will make him brood over
the past, or hug the illusion of a fool's paradise in the present, or get into Utopia of the future.
But if there is a Jupiterian aspect, the picture is entirely changed. The person will be thoughtful,
and will have a very understanding mind and good power of judgment. Remove the Moon and
substitute Mars: you have the mechanical aptitude.
If one is suffering from mental fatigue, enhanced self-consciousness, development of an
inferiority complex, general irritability, deep-seated fear, you can say that he has the Moon and
Rahu in conjunction aspected by Saturn. If instead of the Moon, the affliction is centered on the

Ascendant, the symptoms reveal themselves in the form of fatigue, eye tremor, nausea, soreness
of the muscle, etc. Melancholia is produced by the simple conjunction of the Moon and Saturn.
The person suffers from acute depression. Of course, constellational positions modify the effects.
The Sun-Jupiter-Mars influences centered on Mercury or the Moon induce schizophrenia. If the
ruling period happens to be that of Mars, he is prone to develop a persecution-complex. There
are, of course, many forms of schizophrenia ranging from the day-dreamer and fantasy-weaver,
down to the person who relapses into a katatonic condition. The essential pattern of the mental
malady is clearly discernible in the horoscope. Studies in astro-psychology have revealed
interesting details as regards the positive and negative traits of planets. On the positive side, the
Moon is imaginative and variable. On the negative side irresponsible, moody and vacillating.
Saturn is conscientious, clear headed, careful, self-controlled and conservatively conscious. On
the negative side, he is narrow-minded, fixated, callous, miserly and ambitious in a selfish way.
On the positive side, Rahu is unconventional, independent and humanistic. On the
negative side, he is unsocial, eccentric, neurotic and mildly destructive. The interpretation of
these traits depends upon the experience and skill of the psycho-astrologer.
Many psychiatrists and psycho-analysts in the West have reported that they have found
that horoscopes properly cast and intelligently interpreted is a valuable diagnostic test. The say
that "a horoscope is more useful than a Rorschach test: A Rorschach shows only the patient's
condition at the time the test is taken, whereas a horoscope reveals his basic psychological setup".
The science of medical astrology deals with innumerable diseases. Diseases like
consumption, blindness, hysteria, menstrual disorders, leprosy, rheumatism, gastric troubles,
cardiac troubles, etc., have been dealt with extensively. Medical science with its improved
instruments, X-ray, blood tests, cardiogram, etc., has no doubt made great strides towards better
methods of diagnosis. But we have to note that medical knowledge should go beyond the science
of the diseases. The physician must clearly distinguish the sick human being described in books
from the concrete patient whom he has to treat. The physician's role is to discover the
characteristics of the sick man's individuality, his resistance to pathogenic factors, his sensibility
to pain, his past and his future. The outcome of an illness in a given individual has to be
predicted not by a calculation of the probabilities but by a precise analysis of the organic,
humoral and psychological personality of this individual. And it is only the horoscope that can
provide this personality. By studying a horoscope, the physician will know the character of the
patient whether his will is weak, and whether he is negative or emotional.
"Symptoms" give indications of disease which is in the process of materializing. But the
horoscope can show the latent tendencies to diseases. When the planetary aspects have been

stirred into action, the Dasa (period) and Bhukti (sub-period) dispositions give the diagnostician
the key to it. The key to the mysteries of the human body lies shrouded in physiology. Medical
science slices tissues, examines them under the microscope and seeks to find where The disease
lies. The vital force which sustains life comes into the body from the fourth dimension. The
reason why vitalizm is neglected in modern scientific study is because there are no instruments
capable of recording it directly whilst astrology provides a ready clue to the individualities of
this force. "Electro-cardiographs, electro-encephalographs and measuring the metabolic rate are
useful but cannot be revealing enough. There are not merely two main types of metabolism but
in reality 12 different types, to which the only clue is astrology. Thus the Sun, when in Taurus
and receiving the rays of Saturn, is tumor-forming and definitely points to the need for a special
way of living which is quite different from an individual who has the Sun in Virgo and squared
by Mars, for the latter does not proliferate the cells as does the former but breaks them down
which readily ulcerate. Or when Saturn is in Aquarius and afflicts the Sun or the Moon, one is
unaccountably nervous, and jittery, has undue perspiration. Mars in Virgo, in bad aspect to the
Sun and the Moon, gives-hyper-insulism. They have the opposite of diabetes"
"There are also conditions not recognized in medicine which, none-the-less, markedly
interfere with health. Those who have the Sun and the Moon in fiery signs or constellations are
subject to a condition which, while not a disease, can have very detrimental results if not
corrected. They tend to become dehydrated and if they live in a dry, warm, sunny climate will
develop a nervous state almost impossible to diagnose." These are some of the important rules of
an individual hygiene.
The extraordinary insight medical astrology affords the doctor into the nature of the
whole of his patient has to be experienced to be believed. The quick insight he can obtain in
differential diagnosis will save his time. For instance, Saturn in Libra, afflicting Mercury,
induces very obscure spasms in the blood vessels of the kidney which frequently is only
confirmed after many blood chemistry examinations simply because the condition comes and
The position of the Sun is of the greatest consequence in understanding the vitality of a
person. The causes of variation in solar radiation-intensities at the surface of the earth are the
orbital distance between the Sun and the earth.
In July, when the Sun is in Cancer, for instance, the distance between the Sun and the
earth is greatest. During this period, the biological energy waxes in the northern hemisphere and
biological activity takes on a new pattern. In January (when the Sun is in Capricorn), he is
nearest to the earth and the radiation-intensity exceeds by 7%. The horoscope is cast, taking the
longitude and latitude of the place of birth, when the angular, solar and planetary positions affect

animate or inanimate things.

Astrologically, one, who has Cancer rising* will have low vitality and he is too loath to
follow the advice of others. He is suspicious by nature and lacks faith in others. But when the
Sun is in this sign, the native has more vitality. Cancer has the rule over the stomach, diaphragm,
upper lobes of the liver, the pancreas, and the gastric vein and serum of the blood. When the sign
is afflicted, the person will be predisposed to indigestion, flatulence, dropsy and sclerosis the
exact disease depending upon the nature of afflicted planet Cancer people are fond of food and
are hearty eaters. Consequently, they are often afflicted with diseases which originate in wrong
As a sample, I shall deal with one or two diseases. In the realms of appendicitis and heart
diseases, thousands of horoscopes have been studied and the fundamental astrological
ingredients of these diseases have been defined. Rahu and Mars, prominent in respect of the 6th
house, reveal one's susceptibility to appendicitis and it will manifest under the directional
influences of the afflicted planets. Because of this advance knowledge, one should adopt a plan
of operation to counteract these influences.
Similarly with regard to heart diseases. As there are many forms of heart diseases, the
indicators vary.
An affliction to the Sun is a sine-qua-non of heart trouble. When other planetary aspects
enter this basic picture, further complications will appear. An affliction by Ketu reveals a heart
weakened by poison from some malfunctioning organ or from another disease or infection. For
coronary thrombosis, the affliction must take place in certain sensitive areas. While the physical
and medical aspects of heart trouble are extremely involved and no two doctors like two
astrologers completely agree in their diagnosis, the astrological influences are not difficult to
trace. Closely allied with heart-difficulties in popular thinking is hyper-tension high blood
pleasure supposed to be the most prevalent of all their ailments in America. In fact it has the
distinction of being called "all American disease". While hyper-tension may occur without
accompanying difficulties, it is most often associated with obesity, arteriosclerosis, gall-bladder
troubles and kidney infections, though it may choose any malady as its partner in crime. The
basic horoscopical indicators of hyper-tension are prominent angular Sun plus an afflicted Saturn
or Mars. The planet from which the malefic (Saturn or Mars) draws its chief affliction (e.g.,
square Mercury) will determine the nature of the accompanying difficulty, if there is to be one.
An affliction from Jupiter predisposes to vascular construction by arterial deposits, from Rahu
encourages high tension in daily life and will cause an increase in adrenal secretions. If the sign
involved is Libra, it indicates accompanying kidney trouble caused by poisons from the upper
alimentary tract. Similarly all other diseases can be judged fairly accurately.

The signs Aries to Pisces rule the different organs from head to foot and diseases of the
organs concerned can be ascertained by studying the affliction.
A word about cancer. Though it is a frightening word, doctors say it is curable provided
adequate treatment is begun in time. So the time factor is important. According to Dr. John J.
Schifferes, cancer is said to be a group of diseases characterized by what he calls uncontrolled
"lawless" growth of body cells. He also says that nobody yet knows what causes cancer. When
American experts came out with their report, linking cigarette-smoking and cancer, many heavy
puffers, it is said, stopped reading the report. The German experts say that polluted air is at the
bottom of this disease. Now cancer is being linked with a good head of hair. After examining the
hair patterns of 186 lung cancer patients in a hospital, two New Orlean physicians have come to
the hair-raising conclusion that baldness and carcinoma do not go hand in hand. Lung cancer,
they say, strikes three to four times as often in men with bountiful hair as in men with bald spots.
This kind of hair-splitting logic can only lead to side-splitting laughter. A certain result of all this
confusion is going to be that nobody will listen any more to experts, hair-brained or otherwise.
But it opens up various other hilarious possibilities. More people in the West are getting taller,
says a report; and more are also getting lung cancer; height and cancer are linked. People prone
to bite their finger-nails or chew lead pencils or twist clips into surrealistic shapes are positively
protected from cancer!
Whatever might be the opinion of experts, 200 or 300 horoscopes of cancer patients
studied furnish material for certain broad conclusions. The constellation of Aslesha should be
related to the Ascendant or the 6th house and afflicted by Mars.
Many of the readers may be familiar with astrological terminology. At least they will be
knowing there are 12 signs of the zodiac, 27 stars and nine so-called planets. It is by a
permutation and combination of the influences shed by these various bodies that an astrological
materia-medica has been constructed. The fundamental purpose of medical astrology is to aid a
physician in discovering what diseases would be produced under different planetary dispositions
and the duration of such diseases When properly applied, astrology would quickly determine the
seat of disease.
When medical astrology has so much to offer in the matter of disease diagnosis, why is it
being ignored by the medical profession? Conservatism and prejudice may be partly responsible
and ignorance of the subject partly responsible.
Scientific orthodoxy could be as harmful as religious orthodoxy, but medical men who
seem to be open-minded enough to make investigations which transcend the regions of accepted
medical methods, are in the minority.
Research work would eventually tend to corroborate what ancient astrologers have

written regarding the relationship existing between the motions of the heavenly bodied and man's
health and sickness.
Science, by definition, should cover all fields of knowledge and if known laws of science
cannot explain a set of phenomena, then the laws have to be suitably varied. It is interesting to
note that while nothing is being done in India, in spite of the tall lalk of encouraging Ayurveda,
the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare has announced that there is
enough evidence for expert research into health indications in a person's palm and finger prints.
Dr. Rosner says that scientists have been aware for some time past that certain abnormal finger
and palmar patterns occur in about 70% cases of mongolism.
The remedial aspect of astrology is also very important. For certains afflictions or
arishtayogas in the horoscope, i.e., inharmonious dispositions of planets which may express
themselves as mental or physical afflictions, remedial measures based on mantrasastra are
suggested in ancient texts.
The arishtayogas merely indicate the deficiency of the requisite or normal energy-quanta
and this can be compensated by mantras which are nothing but packets or bundles of adjusted
forms of sound vibrations. Recent researches carried on sound waves have clearly shown their
therapeutical value. In prescribing different types of mantras for different types of mental and
physical afflictions, our ancient medical men like Dhanvantri, Susruta, etc., seem to have been
alive to the tremendous potentiality of sound vibrations.



The so-called Futurology is the latest addition to the list of modern sciences or
speculations about how human affairs look like in the distant future 2000 A.D., 4000 A.D.,
etc., etc. Recently hundreds of "scientists, teachers, sociologists", etc., met in America to
"visualize the meaning of the 21st century". They claim that "futurology" has now been accorded
(perhaps by themselves) "the status of an important discipline, not only because it represents an
essential function of the thinking man but also because it brings within its ambit all human
knowledge and all sciences and arts and strives to integrate them". And what is astrology but
futurology built on sounder and more systematic mathematical laws. But the scientist would
rather coin a new term and base his findings on speculations than to admit astrology into the
comity of so-called accepted sciences. Many a scientist have made up minds and refuse to
concede that before they knew anything of futurology, there were savants and sages in this part
of the world who had made deep studies of laws of nature which linked happenings on the earth
with happenings in the cosmos.
Even in the West, there are some fair-minded scientists who admit that at all the
boundaries of science, they come up against what are perhaps the "inherent limitations of human
Take, for example, the chasm that exists between what biology describes and what the
mind experiences. If we try to contemplate the limits of space or the beginning of time, we
encounter insoluble contradictions in physical sciences. Why should numerical and geometrical
laws govern the transformations of the "transient entities of the atomic and sub-atomic world"?
The triumph of structural chemistry is said to be an essential understanding of the genetic code in
living matter. But why the code-bearing molecules can replicate themselves only in a living cell
and not in isolation is baffling the scientists.
The confusion evident in the thinking of the present-day scientists about the universe, life
and matter and future of mankind is clearly reflected in the often contradictory statements made
by different eminent scientists on the same subject.
The ancient Hindu savants declared that gravitation (...) was a property (...) of matter and
Newton said the same thing. The German philosopher Ernest Mach said that local behavior of
matter is influenced by the distant parts of the universe an idea which appears to have been
borrowed by Dr. Hoyle, but which indeed is the basic assumption of astrological science.

Summary of a lecture delivered by the Author at the Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore, on 1st January

There is a flood of new theories let loose by some of the "futurologists" who, wearing the
mantle of modern science, indulge in statements which smack of scare-mongering and
The latest bogey of these scientists is that the world is faced with the grim prospect of
population-explosion. These scare-mongers are definite that the "next 75 years will be a most
critical period in man's history. We will face disaster".
According to Sir Julian Huxley population increase is the "key-problem-of our age".
According to Peter Bishop, "there is right with us today a growing peril more appalling even than
a H-Bomb explosion". The British astronomer Hoyle widens his horizon and forecasts that in
5000 A.D. a new species will inhabit the earth. He is "precise", unlike astrologers who indulge in
probability, that in the year 2000 A.D., the world population will be 6,000 million; in 2250 A.D.,
it will be 25,000 million; and in 2400 A.D. only 428 years away from now man will have
only standing room on this planet. How can we allow such an uncontrolled growth? Prof. Hoyle
opines that this can be stopped not merely by cutting the birth-rate but by "raising the deathrate". Explode a couple of hydrogen bombs now and the world will be safer by 2400 A.D. The
scientists do not stop at that. They go further and say that "there will be a collapse of the world's
population after it has touched a peak of 25,000 million; and please mark the succeeding
statement in 300 years' time (from the time of peak-point), there will be population collapse to
the level of 2000 million. And this will again rise to the peak, collapse, rise, collapse; etc.
constantly oscillating; and following a "process of biological distillation" man will be quite
another creature by the end of 6999 A.D. All this is very exciting coming as it does from
scientists futurologists and not from astrologers.
Then we have the bleak forecast of the human race automatically annihilating itself on
Friday 13-11-2026. This is the conclusion of the brainchild of the scientist a computer. This
was programmed some time ago at the National Institute of Natural Resources in Mexico City by
feeding "birth-rate, mortality trends, existing food resources and future forecasts". According to
the forecast of this computer, "our great-grandchildren will be the last men and women to walk
on the earth as we know it".
If, according to Hoyle, the world population will be 6,000 million in 2000 A.D. the
Mexico scientists estimate the population to be 7,000 millions. Between the calculation of two
modern scientists, the difference is just 1,000 million! not 100, 1,000s or even 1 million. Yet
they are scientists and no scientist dare criticize them because their conclusions are based on
"scientific" faces.
And we have the strange phenomenon of some "scientists" in India who perhaps ignorant
of the latest findings in physical sciences establishing correlations between planetary movements

and terrestrial events cry day in and day out that astrology is no science because no one predicted
the date of this or that event. Stretching the argument of these "scientists", the inference is
evident because 'Aryabhata' was a nuisance, 'Bhaskara' a flop, and Sri Harikota launching a
miserable failure, space-science is no science !
We can fully sympathize with the plight of such "scientists" who have made up or closed
minds and who consider it their privilege to attack astrology day in and day out not on
intellectual or logical levels but on loose and ignorant generalizations.
Most of these experts like Professor Barry Commoner and Dr. Heiuz Von Porster of the
bourgeoisie West or Mr. Igor Vernadski of Socialist Russia predict World-destruction through
over-population or some gigantic upheaval in space or "we will poison ourselves to death" even
during the next century.
There are other scientists, absolute pessimists, like Jacques Piccard who thinks that he
"was seriously doubtful whether mankind would last out another hundred years." According to
others yet, the world will end "around the year 2070" because of "atomic threat and widespread
suicidal pollution".
These prophets of doom, all scientists enjoying the patronage of civilized Governments
all over the world and not poor astrologers who have to depend upon their own resources and
what little patronage they get from the thinking public, do not leave us here. They go further and
assert categorically that "unless the birth-rate is drastically checked" here we have a silver
lining "civilization as we know it is doomed. Governments will collapse, law and order will
vanish, mass-rioting, plagues and disease will sweep the earth". Waht is appalling is, mankind
will literally go back to the jungle! To these futurologists of this way of thinking, the populationexplosion and all the hell it will let loose on us are grim possibilities of fact "in the foreseeable
future". If we are to believe these speculators, then by the time you complete reading this chapter
"another 1,800 babies will have uttered their first cry". Even in regard to the time-factor as to
when this catastrophe will befall the earth, they are not uncertain though not quite definite. Just
45 years from now and you are doomed!
The scare-mongering of futurologists is not confined merely to the doom of our planet by
population-explosion. Other catastrophes are also anticipated.
According to Dr. Bruce C. Heazen of the La Mount Geological Observatory, the earth's
magnetic field will reverse in about 4000 A.D. What is the consequence? The earth's magnetic
field blinks and all life on earth including of course that of the puiny creature Man will be
unprotected from bombardment from cosmic rays and the umbrella in space now protecting you,
me and Dr. Bruce is removed. Drastic mutations in living things will be caused by cosmic rays
and the consequences of this "mutation epidemic" cannot be grasped. Dr. Heazen also tells us

that this "magnetic switch" has occurred before in the history of the earth and that it happens
every 700,000 to a million (italics ours) years.
The first signs of the mutation epidemic would be "trouble with compasses". Scientists
will hold public debates if of course their thinking power is not affected by the cosmic forces
bombarding them when there is no more the earth's magnetic field to shield them of how to meet
the coming catastrophe.
"Biologists would soon announce that planets and animals were producing new species.
The spigot of evolution would be turned on. New flowers, new insects would emerge. Perhaps
new virus and bacteria that would ignore all of man's antibiotics would cause a rise in the deathrate.
"Then the full blow would fall when it was found that more and more babies were being
born freaks. The thalidomide episode in Europe would be nothing to the generation of monsters
being born all over the world.
"With the technological progress that one might imagine in the next 2,000 years, could
man create his own umbrella of magnetism, possibly with the energy of fusion reactions?
"Or would it help to send prospective parents into deep caves beyond the reach of cosmic
"Since the death-rate was rising and many of the children born could not survive, there
would be a decrease in the earth's human population. Controls on population which must
certainly be put into effect on this crowded planet long before the year 4000, might have to be
removed in order to keep the species going at all." And in the year of grace 4001 A.D. there
would be the birth of the first child of the new super-human race !
The readings of futurologists given above are indeed dark and pessimistic. Of course
brighter shades contradicting the evil indications are also not missing.
According to Henry Dreyfus, by 2000 A.D., "moderately well-off people will have
homes filled with marvels of invention". If you happen to; be "moderately well-off" and are
lucky enough to five for another 20 years, you will be able to "vary the lighting in your house" to
match your mood and cool crisp lighting for reading or warm pink lighting for dining. Your wife
will bake a cake in a "microwave oven" which cooks food without heating the oven and when
the meal is over "the disposal plastic-plates and cutlery will be ground to dust and automatically
flushed away". Other prophecies are: "Whole families will be able to visit each other by T.V.
The cheapest ordinary car will be a turbo-propelled machine doing 150 miles an hour suspended
one foot above the ground on an air cushion".
According to Dr. Joseph Schultz, "women in 2000 A.D. will have purple or orange hair
and pale blue or orange skin make-up. They can sleep with their make-up in tact".

Then there are celestial catastrophes anticipated by astronomers of the Sun burning out,
or an extraterrestrial object smashing the earth or putting the solar system out of gear. The
chances of the Sun exploding "once during its life-time", say the astronomers, "are quite high". If
and when the explosion does occur, how will be the scene on the earth just eight minutes after?
Fearful beyond description?
"The sky will be filled with weird patterns of white hot fire. All organic matter, all life,
will be burnt to a cinder, the seas will boil away. As the air on the side of the earth facing the Sun
goes up with heat, cold air will rush in from the night side at frightful speeds destroying
everything in its path. Where it will be night, life will be asphyxiated. The dead matter will turn
into ash when exposed to the Sun.
"A few days later, burning gases from the Sun will envelop the dead earth which, getting
hotter and hotter, will melt, turn into gas and steal way into the dead night of space in the form of
the primordial particles from which it took the shape we know." It is not clear what the Professor
means by "a few days later" as there can be no day anywhere in the solar system when the
Sun is dead. But that is of course scientific reasoning which cannot be questioned.
The speculations of many of these scientists are of course supported by a series of
calculations and "statistical studies" which have all the glitter of scientific reasoning about them
but which are based on assumptions which have themselves to be definitely proved.
The ancient Maharshis have clearly shown that crop failures, financial slumps, wars,
earthquakes and birth and death rates are all correlated to solar radiation. In other words, the
usual principles of astrology can explain the present population crisis as they can explain every
other crisis and conflict which twentieth-century mankind is said to face. Apart from
contraception, economic circumstances, abortion, etc., the important factors contributing to
differential fertility, is the presence or absence of the Beeja and Kshetra factors in the horoscopes
of different persons. These again depend upon the moment of birth, that is the planetary
juxtapositions. While scientists may be justified in anticipating a fearful future for the world by
population increase, basing their conclusions on their own pet theories, we, as students of
astrology, are constrained to feel that there is no astrological basis for the fear that "human
reproduction will outrun resources".
There is also a recognizable connection between the movements of the equinox and longrange terrestrial affairs such as population trends, historical changes, mass movements, etc. At
the moment, the equinox is in 7 57' Pisces in the second quarter of Uttarabhadra ruled by Saturn
but the Navamsa being Virgo. The equinox entered the Nadi Amsa of maitri in 1956. It passes
through mandira (1974) and varuna (1984) getting into jalaplava in 1998. This will be just about
the time of anticipated population-explosion. When it enters madira, the world is in for a lot of

carnage by wars, pestilences land plagues. The equinoxial movement in jalaplava (Navamsa of
Mercury ruling the nervous system, etc), produces immense stress on human beings. Stress
makes for enlarged adrenals and adrenal glands have been cited as a population safety-valve.
Thus there is absolutely no indication of the earth facing the calamity the scientists think it does.
By A.D. 2000, when Jupiter and Saturn will again be conjoined in Aries, the world's equilibrium
will have been considerably restored by the outbreaks of wars, earthquakes, famine, etc., and the
falling down of birth-rates.
Whatever may be the forecasts of futurologists, cosmologists and prophets of doom, a
reference to Hindu astronomical literature can give us a clue based on astronomical factors as to
when the world or the existing order of things is likely to come to an end. Not until this period
comes is there any prospect of the catastrophes envisaged by modern "scientific" futurologists
ever happening.
The theory of Yugas has a scientific basis and is not merely based upon fantastic
imaginativeness and arbitrary theorizings, as some modern savants want us to believe. The
"Sankalpa", which every Hindu is expected to know and which is recited at every ceremony, is
the key to unfold the whole mystery that enshrouds the view of the time at which the earth
assumed its present form. The Hindu astronomers, assuming that the planets were in a line of
mean conjunction with the first point of Aries at the beginning of a Mahayuga and that these
planets will occupy the same positions at the beginning of the next Mahayuga, at a place on
equator, whose longitude is 76 E. of Greenwich calculated the period of a Mahayuga at
4,320,000 years which they supposed to be the L.C.M. of the different number of days taken by
each planet to make one revolution round the zodiac. As most readers must be aware, a
Mahayuga or Chaturyuga is made up of Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali and contains 12,000
Deva or 4,320,000 ordinary years. 71 Mahayugas constitute one Manvantra (308,448,000 years)
and 14 Manvantaras or Manus make up one Kalpa or Brahmadina or Brahma's day
(4,320,000,000 years). Now according to the Sankalpa, already six Manvantaras have passed in
the present Kalpa and the seventh is now going on. There are still seven more Manvataras to
In the 7th Manvantara, 27 Mahayugas have passed and we are now in the last Yuga of the
28th Mahayuga. We can, therefore, compute the number of years passed in the present Kalpa
Dawn of the Kalpa....

1,728,000 years

6 Manus or Manvantaras...

1,850,688,000 years

Twenty-seven Mahayugas...

116,640,000 years

In the 28th Mahayuga:








3,893,080 years

1,972,949,080 years Deduct time occupied in creation 17,064,000 years

Total from the end of present creation 1,955,885,080 years
We are still in the beginning of Kaliyuga and have yet to pass 426,920 years before the
present Yuga ends. Therefore, there is no prospect of a deluge or the annihilation of the earth in
our lifetime or in that of even our great-great-grandchildren. Hindu astronomers have assigned
313 trillion mortal years as Brahma's age or the life-span of the universe.
There are two major Pralayas or dissolutions: Naimittika or incidental destruction of all
creation, of all the lives that have a form, but not of the substance. The substance remains in
status quo till the new dawn in that Brahmaratri. The universe is thus alternately created from
and dissolved into its material cause at the end of every Brahmaratri and Brahmadina. The
second is Prakritika or Mahapralaya the great Dissolution which is said to occur at the end of
the life-period of Brahma. In this final Pralaya, everything in the universe, material as well as
non-material, is dissolved into atoms.
The creative scientist is usually more concerned with the relation of things to one another
than with mere analysis of what these things are. And a real astrologer is not different. His quest
is for the questions which still remain the most absorbing and the oldest of all: the cosmos and its
relation to mankind.

Prof. Carl Jung's letter to Prof. B. V. Raman
Kusnacht-Zch., September 6th 1947

Dear Prof. Raman,

I haven't, yet received the astrological magazine, but I will answer your letter
Since you want to know my opinion about astrology I can tell you that I've been
interested in this particular activity of the human mind since more than 30 years. As I am a
psychologist, I am chiefly interested in the particular light the horoscope sheds on certain
complications in the character. In cases of difficult psychological diagnosis I usually get a
horoscope in order to have a further point of view from an entirely different angle. I must say
that I very often found that the astrological data elucidated certain points which I otherwise
would have been unable to understand. From such experiences I formed the opinion that
astrology is of particular interest to the psychologist, since it contains a sort of psychological
experience which we call "projected" this means that we find the psychological facts as it
were in the constellations. This originally gave rise to the idea that these factors derive from the
stars, whereas they are merely in a relation of synchronicity with them. I admit that this is a very
curious fact which throws a peculiar light on the structure of the human mind. What I miss in
astrological literature is chiefly the statistical method by which certain fundamental facts could
be scientifically established.
Hoping that this answer meets your request.
I remain, Yours sincerely, (Sd.) C. G. JUNG.


An Introduction to the Study of Astrology by B. Suryanarain Rao

Human Knowledge, Its Scope and Limits by Bertrand Russel
Secret of the Golden Flower by Carl Jung
Epidemic Catastrophes and the Period Activity of the Sun by Tchijevsky
Contributions to Analytical Psychology by Carl Jung
A Study in History by A. J. Toynbee
Astrology's Place in the World of Science by Arnold W. Meyer
Mainsprings of Civilisation by Ellsworth Huntington
Actions of Radiations on Living Cells by W. E. Lea
The Secret of Life by Georges Lakhovsky
A Text-Book of Astrology by A. J. Pearce
Astrology in Everyday Life by Rupert Gleadow
Marxism. Materialism, Determinism and Dialectics by D. N. Das Gupta
Brahma Sutras of Vyasa (English Translation) by Sridhar Majumdar
New Background of Science by James Jeans
The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics by Plant
The Universe Around Us by James Jeans
Astrology of Personality by Dane Rudhyar
A Brief History of Astrology by Temple Hungad
Hindu Astrology by Mankari Pande
Astrology, Destiny and Cosmic Factors by V. Gore
D'Astro-Biologie by K. E. Krafft
Der Geist der Astrologic by George Mutter
Plato's Cosmology Translated by F. M. Cornford
The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science by Edwin A. Burth
Reach of the Mind by J. B. Rhine
The Psychology of Time by Mary Stuart
Yoga Vasista Brihadaranyaka Upanisbad (English Translation) by Swami Madhavananda
Ethical Relativity by E. A. Westermarek
The Invisible Influence by Alexander Canon
American Astrology 1942, 1944 and 1948
Economic Journal 1921
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 1922

Arthasastra of Kautilya (English Translation) by R. Shama Shastry

Brihat Jataka
Brihat Parasara Hora
Brihat Samhita
Muhurtha Chintamani
Agni Purana
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Gheran Samhita

Books on Astrology by Dr. B. V. Raman

Astrology for Beginners
A Manual of Hindu Astrology
A Catechism of Astrology
Hindu Predictive Astrology
How to Judge a Horoscope Vol. I
How to Judge a Horoscope Vol. II
Three Hundred Important Combinations
Prasna Marga Vol. I
Prasna Marga Vol. II
Prasna Tantra
Notable Horoscopes
My Experiments with Astrology
Nirayana Tables of Houses
Bhavartha Ratnakara
Ashtakavarga System of Prediction
Graha and Bhava Balas
Hindu Astrology and the West
Planetary Influences on Human Affairs
Muhurta or Electional Astrology
Studies in Jaimini Astrology
Klachakra Dasa
Raman's One Hundred Ten Years Ephemeris (1891-2000)

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