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Subject: TM Dissenter's FAQ

--------Part 1 - An Overview: The Transcendental Meditation Program
Part 2 - The TM and TM-Sidhi programs, mantras and techniques
Part 3 - Maharishi Ayur-Veda
Part 4 - Other Research on the TM Program
Part 5 - The Transcendental Meditation Ex-Members Support Group (TM-EX)
Part 6 - Footnotes
Maintained by Mike Doughney, [email protected]
Last modified 8/31/94. This and other documents can be found in the
TM Dissenter's Archive:
Submissions and comments may be mailed anonymously to
[email protected].
WARNING: The following document contains mantras as taught in the TM
and TM-Sidhi program (in parts 2 and 3). Meditators may wish to
consider whether or not they care to see their mantra in print before
proceeding to read.
Part 1 - An Overview: The Transcendental Meditation Program
----------------------------------------------------------From: TM-EX Bulletin, November, 1991
HISTORY: Transcendental Meditation (TM), was initiated in India,
October 1955, by the then called Maharishi Bala Brahmachari Mahesh
Yogi Maharaj (life long celibate student and great seer), now called
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (great seer). When asked about his wealth,
Maharishi claims to be only a simple monk without pockets. He lives
in TM facilities with silk-lined walls, flies in personal helicopters
and has had a private 707 jet.
His teaching evolved from an overtly
mantras (word used to meditate upon)
practice called "Spiritual Sadhana,"
cleverly disguised trademarked brand

religious one; admitting the

are "personal gods" with the
"Deep Meditation," or the
"Transcendental Meditation

MARKETING: TM is now marketed under many front groups and names such
as: Corporate Development Program, Science of Creative Intelligence,
Technology of the Unified Field and the current approach of the
Maharishi Ayur-Veda health program/centers.
RELIGION: Although TM publicly denies its religious nature, the U.S.
Court of Appeals declared TM to be a religion and not suitable for the
public schools. The original TM incorporation in the U.S. was as a
religious entity. Maharishi teaches that God will not listen to your
prayers without TM.
MANTRAS: The mantras are chosen based upon secret criteria of
"neurophysiological specificity." Court documents reveal that they
are chosen on the basis of age and/or age and sex. The highly secret
words are the names associated with Hindu deities (Shyama = Krishna).
"We select only mantras of personal gods... such mantras fetch to us
the grace of personal gods" -- Maharishi. Mantras are given in a

candlelit incense-filled room, during an initiation ceremony where the

teacher encourages the student to bow before the picture of
Maharishi's dead teacher.
SUPERNORMAL POWERS: The movement claims its followers will develop
powers of: levitation, invisibility, reading minds, perfect health,
immortality and more.
WORLD PEACE: Maharishi's World Peace Projects have been instituted in
many countries, including Israel. Maharishi teaches that one
meditator is powerful enough to reduce the crime rate. The movement
claims a group of 7000 meditating levitators or "Sidhas" assembled in
one location will create world peace and economic stability. Research
on the Israel project has been found to be deceptive and lacking
scientific credibility.
POLITICS: The Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Government holds "a
government is just the innocent reflection of the consciousness of its
people." In 1976, Maharishi formed the "World Government" to handle
the "consciousness" of the world. Phillippine president Marcos took
the Maharishi's offer to heart and the Age of Enlightenment Foundation
nearly succeeded in acquiring the largest university in Asia. Action
from church groups, the Vatican and former members stopped the
takeover. Currently the government of Zambia has taken the
Maharishi's offer to heart and has pledged 44 million acres of land
(one-fourth of the land mass) to the Age of Enlightenment Foundation.
[The government of Zambia, after elections, has terminated this deal
and Maharishi's representatives have left the country. See TM-EX
Newsletter, Summer 1992 -ed]
MONEY: Involvement in TM is not cheap. Organized as a non-profit
educational organization, the TM movement is valued between $2 and $3
BILLION dollars. Initiation starts at $390 [now $1000 -ed],
followed by advanced mantras at $390, health mantras at $700,
psychophysiological techniques at $700, herbs for $1000 per year,
cleansing programs from $2700 - $6600, yagyas (religious ceremonies
performed to solicit the aid of one or more Hindu deities), Jyotish
(Hindu astrology TM-style), Ayur-Veda prescribed gems, Maharishi school
and university education, and more. To pursue TM to its end can cost
over $10,000 per year.
RETREATS: Advanced courses often taught in remote locations. Contact
with outsiders, newspapers and television are highly discouraged.
LANGUAGE: TM courses and literature are filled with buzz words and
cliches that serve the function of stopping the critical thought
processes ("unstressing," "support of nature," "karma").
ISRAEL: TM has targeted Israel during the past few years including
initiating a program entitled "Bring Invincibility to Israel" which
has brought American Jews to Israel to learn to levitate for $2500 per
In 1980, Hararit became the first TM communal settlement in israel,
located at Mount Netufa in Galilee. TM since has made inroads in
Kibbutzim throughout Galilee.
HARMFUL EFFECTS: Studies have found TM results in tiredness, anxiety,
depression, regression, suicidal tendencies, headaches, sleeping
difficulties, neck pain and involuntary twitching for many. The

German government studies found that the teachers of TM were not

qualified to deal with the problems associated with its practice.
WARNINGS: Warnings have been issued about the dangers of TM by the
German government, the Vatican, the Cult Awareness Network, the Task
Force on Missionaries and Cults, the Interfaith Coalition of Concern
about Cults and various professional organizations.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Part 2 - The TM and TM-Sidhi programs, mantras and techniques
------------------------------------------------------------Transcendental Meditation program
--------------------------------From: TM-EX Newsletter, Spring, 1991
MANTRAS: Separating Fact from Fiction
According to the TM doctrine, the mantra is a critical part of
learning the meditation process. A mantra must be selected for the
individual by a qualified teacher. ``It becomes extremely important
that the correct sound be selected for each individual.''
They claim the mantras used in TM come from an ancient Indian
tradition known as the ``Vedic Shankaracharya Tradition.'' According
to TM publications, the ``Shankaracharya tradition has preserved not
only these sounds, but also a system of rules or formulae by which
they are to be assigned to individuals.''
At the introductory lecture, the mantras are said to be ``meaningless
sounds whose effects are known'' that are chosen for the individual
based upon a trade secret formula.
A search of TM documents has uncovered the following statement by
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of TM:
He goes on to say:
How are the TM mantras given?
The mantras is given in a private ``initiation'' ceremony, or ``puja,''
in which the initiate brings fresh fruit, flowers and a new handkerchief,
to be offered to a picture of Maharishi's deceased ``Master'' in an
incense-filled, candlelit room. The recruit is warned not to reveal
the mantra because it is destructive of the teaching and will weaken
the process of TM.
The puja is said to protect the teaching so that nothing is added
or subtracted.
Its performance is said to insure that TM is taught
without change, as purportedly it has been taught for the last 5000

Court documents reveal that many methods for choosing mantras have
been used by the TM movement for the past 30 years. The mantras are
chosen on the basis of age, and/or age and sex, depending on the particular
teacher training course the initiator [TM-teacher] was trained. [see
box] A psychologist's explanation of the initiation process is called
``hypnotic trance induction.''~
[List of mantras follows.]

---MALE -- RAM








From: Reid J Mullen <[email protected]>

There are only six main sounds used in Tm. They are: e, ai,
shiri, hiri, kiri, and sham. Next, there are only five possible
endings for any of the Tm mantras. Those endings are: m, n, ng,
nga, and ma. By combining the six root sounds with the five endings, you come up with the 16 mantras used in Tm. Since all of
Tm's mantras are assigned on the basis of age. Let me give you
an updated list (as of 1987). Here now is the list:








From: Cindy Boin <[email protected]>

When I was first made an initiator, I was 19 years old. I was made a
junior initiator (and boy, was I pissed! :-)) This meant, I was only
allowed to initiate people who were 21 and younger. So I was given
mantras suitable for people up to that age.
Later, on an ATR course, I was made a full initiator (on the phone,
by MMY). My instruction? To use the mantra I'd been given for 18-21
year olds for everyone above that age, as well. So any adult I
initiated got the same mantra.
[ATR - advanced training in residence. MMY - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. -ed]
From: Pat Ryan ([email protected])
... The technique is simple (it really is hypnosis): close your eyes -

wait about half a minute, then start thinking the mantra over and over
At the end of meditation stop thinking the mantra and wait about 2
minutes before opening the eyes.
Some notes on correct meditation (from the TM Checking notes):
:: In this meditation, we do not concentrate, we do not try to say the
:: mantra clearly. Mental repetition is not a clear pronunciation, it is
:: just a faint idea.

We don't try to make a rhythm of the mantra. We don't try to control

thoughts. If a thought comes, we do not try to push it out. When we
become aware that we are not thinking the mantra, then we quietly come
back to the mantra.


Very easily we think the mantra and if at any moment we feel that we
are forgetting it, we should not try to persist in repeating it or try
to keep on remembering it. Only very easily we start and take it as
it comes and do not hold the mantra if it tends to slip away. The
mantra may change in different ways. It can get faster or slower,
louder or softer, clearer or fainter. Its pronunciation may change,
lengthen or shorten or even may appear to be distorted or it may not
appear to change at all. In every case, we take it as it comes,
neither anticipating nor resisting change, just simple innocence.

From: Reid J Mullen <[email protected]>

- The mantra is [ not ] repeated over and over during the practice of the Tm technique. Rather it is (heard). We think the
mantra once at the beginning of meditation and then we let it
go. As has been stated already: We allow the mantra to change
in any way it wants. It can get louder, softer or fainter. It
also says in the checking notes that its pronunciation is subject to change. The mantra may speed up or slow down. Whatever
the case is, we don't mind. We just take it as it comes. This
bit of instruction is very important. To repeat something over and over is to (chant), or otherwise manipulate the mantra
in some way. Any manipulation of the mantra is incorrect practice of the technique and will not produce the soothing an rejuvenating experience of settling down into pure consciousness
and experiencing that profound state of deep rest. The key to
practicing the Tm technique properly is to remember four basic
1. Hearing is a form of thinking. By introducing the mantra an
then letting it go, hearing it in whatever state its in, we
are thinking the mantra effortlessly. This effortless thinking of the mantra is the correct practice of Tm.
2. Thoughts should be allowed to come and go (naturally) along
with the mantra. We should in no way (try) to push thoughts
out of our mind or use the mantra to override them. They are
a natural part of the Tm technique.
3. When the mantra disappears and the mind goes off on thoughts
we quietly come back to it. This means that all we have to do
is become (aware) that we are no longer: (hearing the mantra

in whatever state its in) and the awareness of that, will be

quite sufficient to bring the mantra back to us.
4. Finally, if we should find that the mantra is vague and unclear when it returns, we let it be as it is. We make absolutely no attempt to make it clear.
From: Pat Ryan ([email protected])
A word of warning: Many studies (the movement has tried to suppress)
have found that approximately 40% of the people who practice TM
develop adverse effects.
If it helps do it, if you have any problems S T O P. Because TM is a
religion (The courts in the US have ruled it to be) for a TM teacher
to admit that TM is not good for you would be like a Christian saying
belief in Jesus is not good for you, it will never happen.
Well, you just saved $1000.
Most TM'ers get advanced techniques of TM about every 18 months. They
also cost $1000. The advanced techniques of TM are as follows.


Aing Namah
Aing Namah Namah
Shri Aing Namah Namah
Shri Aing Aing Namah Namah
Shri Aing Aing Namah Namah
mantra is thought in the heart area of the body).

Shri = oh most beautiful

Aing = Hindu goddess saraswati
Namah = I bow down
TM-Sidhi program
---------------From: Pat Ryan ([email protected])
In the court transcripts of Kropinski vs Yogi and in public domain the
TM-Sidhi program has been published.
During one court hearing the *movement* attempted to acquire a
temporary restraining order - to stop former members from revealing
the program. They argued that former members had signed agreement
forms not to disclose the program. The judge did not agree with the
movement's argument.
So here is the program for free:
The TM-Sidhi program is nothing other than a set of sutras (words or
phrases), mentally repeated every fifteen seconds after doing a twenty
minute session of TM. Each sutra is mentally repeated twice (if time
allows 4 times) - a 15 second pause in between each repetition.
The sutras used in the TM-Sidhi program are: Friendliness,
Compassion, Happiness, Strength of an elephant, Bronchial tube, Inner
light, Sun, Moon, Polestar, Trachea, Navel, Distinction between

intellect and transcendence, Transcendence intuition, Transcendence

finest hearing, Transcendence finest sight, Transcendence finest taste,
Transcendence finest smell.
The much touted *levitation* or yogic flying technique is a sutra
repeated in the same way as other sutras:
After doing the flying sutra for 5-30 minutes, the instruction is to rest
for 10-30 minutes and then read the Hindu Scriptures for 5 minutes.
An example of the readings (from the Ninth Mandala of Rig Veda):

"Flow Soma, in a most sweet and exhilarating stream, effused for Indra
to drink. The all-beholding destroyer of Rakshasas has stepped upon
his gold-smitten birthplace, united with the wooden cask. Be the
lavish giver of wealth, most bounteous, the destroyer of enemies;
bestow on us the riches of the affluent. Come with food to the
sacrifice of the mighty gods, and bring us strength and sustenance.
To thee we come, O dropping (Soma); for thee only is this our worship
day by day, our prayers are to thee, none other."

For more information on Maharishi's movement contact TM-EX POB 2520

Philadelphia, PA 19147.
I spent seven years hopping around in a trance state, save your money,
save your time, save your ability to think, don't bother with TM.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Part 3 - Maharishi Ayur-Veda
---------------------------Excerpted from TM-EX Newsletter, Summer 1991
To achieve this state of perfect balance, Maharishi Ayur-Veda [now]
advocates 20 complementary approaches. When used together, the 20
approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Veda ensure perfect health for the
individual, the family, the nation, and the world. /52
1. Approaches from Consciousness: Development of higher states of
consciousness through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation [TM], its
Advanced Techniques, and the TM-Sidhi Programme. /53
Individuals not practicing the TM program are expected to learn this
as part of their Maharishi Ayurveda Health program. /54
The TM technique is a simple mental repetition of a sound or "mantra."
/55 The TM movement claims that only specific "sounds" can be used,
and that the selection of sounds is based upon a trade secret. /56
The mantra is given in a private "initiation" ceremony, or "puja,"
[worship to Lord Narayana, the lotus born Brahma, the creator... the
whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection... guru is god] in which the
initiate brings fresh fruit, flowers and a new handkerchief, to be
offered to a picture of Maharishi's deceased "Master" in an
incense-filled, candlelit room. /57 The recruit is warned not to

reveal the mantra because it is destructive of the teaching and will

weaken the process of TM. A similar degree of secrecy is found
throughout Maharishi's teachings. /58 /59
The instructor, or "initiator" who has signed an oath of loyalty to
Maharishi, gives the deliberate impression that there are very large
numbers of mantras, and that each meditator receives a mantra which is
uniquely suited to his personality, health, feelings, education,
profession and marital status. /60 /61
Court documents have shown that the "secret" mantra formula consists
of a limited number of words associated with Hindu deities, including:
Shiama=Krishna, Aing=Sarasvati, Hiring=Shiva, Kiring=Kali, and given
out by age, and/or age and sex depending upon the criteria used at the
time the TM teacher was "given" the mantras. /62 In an internal
document Maharishi says: "For training the mind through sound we can
take any word, even the word 'mike.' For our purpose we select only
the suitable mantras of personal gods." /63 Many scholars verify that
TM is a religion. /64 /65 /66 /67 COST: $390 /68 (now $1,000 -ed)
TM Advanced Techniques add the words 'shri' [O most beautiful] and
'namah' [I bow down] as prefix and/or suffix to the basic mantra.
COST: $390 (now $1,000 -ed)
The TM-Sidhi program is mental repetition of "sutras" (words or
phrases) after a twenty minute session of TM. Examples of the sutras
used in the TM-Sidhi program include: 'friendliness,' 'strength of an
elephant,' 'sun,' and 'navel.' The levitation "flying" sutra:
"Relationship of body and akasha, lightness of cotton fiber." /69
This practice is followed by readings of Hindu scriptures, i.e.:
"Flow, Soma, in a most sweet and exhilarating stream, effused for
Indra to drink. To thee we come, O dropping (Soma); for thee only is
this our worship day by day, our prayers are to thee, none other..."
/70 COST: $3,000 (Transportation and hotel additional)
TM Residence Courses and "World Peace Assemblies" are in-residence
courses where the amount of time spent in meditation or "flying" is
increased. Maharishi philosophy and lifestyle is taught at these
courses. COSTS Residence courses, $195 (3 day weekend); World Peace
Assembly, $895 (week long courses should be taken four times a year)
2. Primordial Sound: Use of the primordial sounds of the Samhita of
the four aspects of the Ved and their Ved-Angas and Up-Angas to
eliminate imbalances in the functioning of human nature and nature as
a whole. /71
The word "Amrita," which is Sanskrit for "the nectar of immortality"
is mentally repeated. "A unique program offered as a professional
medical service." COST $700
3. Intellect: To correct the mistake of the intellect,
Pragya-aparadha, so that the totality of the unified structure of life
is perceived while one is perceiving the diversified structure. In
this state of knowledge, the Self, disease cannot flourish because
life is intimately connected with the source of natural law. /72 The
ultimate root of every disease is ignorance. /73
This is accomplished through exposure to Maharishi's teachings,
including formal schooling, courses, and written, audio and video
materials. /74 /75 /76 COSTS Maharishi Children's School, $3,800,

elementary/$4,200, middle school. Maharishi International University,

The Science of Creative Intelligence, $270.
TM Teacher Training Course, $8,000. (Teachers who practice the
TM-Sidhi course can become "Governors of the Age of Enlightenment.")
4. Emotions: Strengthening of the finest level of feeling to develop
the emotions fully. /77
This is also a claim of the TM and TM-Sidhi program.
5. Language: Using Vedic principles of the structure of language to
promote balance, bliss and integrity in the mind and body. /78 COST
$99, Sanskrit Course, Upanishads 1 and Instruction in Sanskrit
6. Maharishi Gandharva-Veda: Traditional music therapy using sound
and melody to restore harmony in the physiology and eliminate the
imbalances responsible for disease, prescribed by your doctor. /79
Music to be listened to at specified times of the day and night. COST
Varies. (i.e., $60, Set of eight tapes, instrumental flute)
7. Senses: Vedic procedures to enliven, through the senses, perfect
balance in all areas of life. /80 COSTS Home Aroma $200 / Return
visits $155, Home Marma Therapy $200, Aroma Oils, Aroma Diffusers,
Color Therapy
8. Psycho-Physiological Integration: Restoration of homeostatic
balance and acceleration of neuromuscular coordination and balance in
the physiology and psychology. /81
This technique, known also as the psycho-physiological or "bliss"
technique is taught by Dr. Chopra, and involves putting one's
"attention" in the heart area while thinking one's TM mantra. COST
9. Neuro-Muscular Integration: Vedic exercises [Salutation to the
Sun] to restore mind-body coordination and the integrated functioning
of all levels of life.
These are yoga postures. /83
10. Neuro-Respiratory Integrations: Vedic exercises pertaining to
the physiology of breathing to restore integrated functioning to all
levels of mind and body. /84
Breathing techniques or "pranayama" that can cause individuals to
hyperventilate. COST: $295, Home course.
11. Physiological Purification: Purification procedures applied at
regular intervals to eliminate and prevent the accumulation of
physiological impurities due to faulty dietary and behavioral
patterns. /85
These "panchakarma" procedures include massage with herbalized oils,
heat treatments, herbalized steam, oil treatments, enema, and
purgatives, recommended four times a year. COST $2,000 (7 day
standard program), $2,700 (7 day deluxe program), $3,900 (7 day royal

12. Diet: Appropriate dietary measures to support the restoration of
physiological balance for prevention and treatment of disease. /86
For pita types: Use ghee instead of butter, turmeric should be
included in your cooking, sprinkle churna on your food. COST: $495
Blissfully Thin: Maharishi Ayurvedic Approach to Effortless Weight
Loss /87
13. Herbs and Minerals: Medicinal flora and minerals from every
country to bring perfect balance to the functioning of mind and body.
/88 Herbs are among the precious first experience of nature's
intelligence, the manifesting of the primordial sounds of Veda into
forms. /89 COSTS Various: Blissful Rest One/Two $12.95, MAV Vitality
Mix $9.95, MAV Rose Petal Conserve $9.95, MAV Herbal Teas $3.75, Vata,
Pitta, or Kapha Seasonal Teas $3.75, The Raja's Cup (Coffee
Substitute) $4.95, MAV Ghee $10.95, Cashew, Almond, Nectar Delights
14. Rasayana: Herbal and mineral preparation formulated for the
prevention and cure of disease and the promotion of longevity and
immortality. /90
Dr. V.M. Dwivedi, deceased, whose picture adorns "Amrit Kalash" was
President of Maharishi Vedic University and Chairman of Maharishi
Ayur-Ved Corporation of America, Scientific Advisory Board. COSTS
Varies. Amrit Kalash Nectar (M4-Paste), $40. Ingredients: Raw
sugar, clarified butter, Indian gall nut, Indian gooseberry, dried
catkins, Indian pennywort, honey, nutgrass, white sandalwood,
butterfly pea, shoeflower aloewood, licorice, cardamom, cinnamon,
cyperus, turmeric. No preservatives. /91
15. Behavior: Bringing behavior into accord with natural law through
daily and seasonal routines. /92
Instruction in Vedic womanhood, ideal relationships, parenting,
Ayurvedic exercise program, hygiene, sleeping on the right side with
emphasis on the head facing east. /93 /94
COSTS Varies. i.e. Maharishi Ayur-Veda Health and Beauty Line;
Heaven on Earth for Every Woman course.
16. Pulse Diagnosis: Detecting any existing or forthcoming imbalance
simply by feeling the pulse. /95 COST $295 (Self Pulse Diagnosis)
17. Maharishi Jyotish: Securing perfect health for the future; /96
mathematical prediction of environmental influences on health. /97
Chart preparation and individual consultation on health, business, and
relationships. /98
Maharishi Jyotish is Hindu Astrology. Maharishi Jyotish Gemstones are
also recommended. COSTS from $150 /99
18. Maharishi Yagya: Vedic performances to restore environmental
balance and promote individual and collective health. /100
Sacrificial ceremonies to please different Vedic gods and win their
blessings and train the mind to contact higher powers and receive
their blessings. /101 COSTS Various Yagyas are available: $3,300,

$8,500, $11,500. /102

19. Environment: Creating collective health through the
Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme so that society
provides a nourishing and strengthening environment for the individual
to rise to perfect health. /103
Group practice of TM and TM-Sidhi program; intensive practice is
called "rounding" or "C.C.P." [Creating Coherence Program]. COSTS $35,
Monthly dues for group practice. $200, Monthly fees for C.C.P. (Room
and board additional.)
20. World Health / World Peace: Group performance by 7,000 experts
in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme to
create coherence in world consciousness, the basis of world peace and
collective health on a global scale. /104
Living in a TM community, ideally Fairfield, Iowa. COST $35, Monthly
dues. Relocation expenses.
DIAGNOSIS: Alcoholism, anorexia, nausea, poor digestion, advanced
ascites, edema and indigestion.
TREATMENT: Goat feces prepared by washing with urine. /11
DIAGNOSIS: Constipation.
TREATMENT: Milk mixed with urine. /12
DIAGNOSIS: Improvement of male potency.
TREATMENT: 216 different kinds of enemas, including the testicles of
peacocks, swans and turtles. These, mixed with honey, make a man
superbly potent. If these enemas don't return, follow immediately with
enema of urine. /13
DIAGNOSIS: Insanity, epilepsy, internal hemmorage, piles and defective
breast milk.
TREATMENT: Emesis. /14
DIAGNOSIS: Wound inflammation.
TREATMENT: Bloodletting. /15
DIAGNOSIS: Hemmorage.
TREATMENT: Enema with fresh blood of a rabbit, deer, cock, cat,
buffalo, sheep or goat. /16
DIAGNOSIS: Intra-uterine fetal death.
TREATMENT: Incantation of mantras.
DIAGNOSIS: Natural calamities.
TREATMENT: Use of umbrella, provides strength, protection, covering,
well-being and guards against the sun, wind, dust and rain.
DIAGNOSIS: Alcoholism.
TREATMENT: Massage, hot baths, merciless embracing of women with
warmth of usefulness, loads of hips, thighs, breasts which are warm
and pleasing due to holding up warm beddings and covering with warm
and comfortable inner chambers. /19

DIAGNOSIS: Epilepsy, insanity or seizures.

TREATMENT: Ass urine. /20
DIAGNOSIS: Constipation or retained urine.
TREATMENT: Elephant urine. /21
CAUSE of insanity: Insults to gods. /22
CAUSE of chest pain: Unsuitable food, excessive sexual intercourse,
irregular meals, suppression of urges. /23
CAUSE of impotency: Uncooked food, suspicion, ignorance of the taste
for women, drinking too much water, intercourse with quadripeds,
wounds in penis by sharp instrument, teeth or nails, striking with
wooden stick, excessive use of awny insects (in order to elongate the
CURES: Castration, local anointment, sprinkling or bloodletting. /25
CAUSE of abcesses: Fatigue, sexual intercourse, giddiness and
CAUSE of ammennorhea: Evil spirits or intake of hot food and drinks. /26
CAUSE of threatened abortion: Anger, grief, jealousy, terror, sexual
intercourse, physical exercise or dirty food. /27
CAUSE of intra-uterine fetal death: Excessive use of sharp and hot
things, suppression of urges of wind, urine and feces, use of uneven
bed or seat, looking at ditches and waterfalls. /28
CAUSE of deformed baby: Pushing too soon in labor. /29
CAUSE of nucal cord (cord around baby's neck): Supine lying. /30
GUIDELINES for Physicians: Sneezing, crying, slipping, falling, angry
expression, beating, refutation, despising; fall or defecting of
cloth, turban, upper garment, umbrella and shoes; coming across the
people afflicted due to the death of somebody, falling down of sacred
tree, flagstaff, flag or pitcher full of water; talking about death or
inauspicious things, pollution with ashes or dust, crossing of road by
cat, dog or serpent; cries of cruel animals and birds facing south,
seeing cot, chair and vehicles stretched out - these have been said as
inauspicious by the learned. The wise physician seeing or hearing
these in the way should not proceed to the patient's house. /30.1
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Part 4 - Other Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program
Susan Blackmore. Is meditation good for you? New Scientist, July 6,
Richard J. Castillo. Depersonalization and Meditation. _Psychiatry:
Interpersonal and Biological Processes_, Vol. 53, May, 1990
pp. 158-168.
Bernard C. Glueck and Charles F. Stroebel. Meditation in the
Treatment of Psychiatric Illness. _Meditation: Classic and
Contemporary Perspectives_. New York: Alden Publications, 1984,

p. 150.
Arnold A. Lazarus. Meditation: The Problems of Unimodal Technique.
_Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives_ New York: Alden
Publications 1984, p. 691.
Arnold A. Lazarus. Psychiatric Problems Precipitated by
Transcendental Meditation. _Psychological Report_, 1976, 39,
pp. 601-602.
Leon S. Otis. Adverse Effects of Transcendental
Meditation. _Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives_, Alden
Publications, 1984, p. 204.
Frederick J. Heide and T.D. Borkovec. Relaxation-Induced Anxiety:
Paradoxi Anxiety Enhancement due to Relaxation Training. _Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology_, 1983, pp. 171-182.
Frederick J. Heide and T.D. Borkovec. Relaxation-Induced Anxiety:
Mechanism and Theoretical Implications. _Behavioral Research Therapy_,
1984, pp. 1-12.
Margaret T. Singer and Richard Ofshe. Thought Reform Programs and the
Production of Psychiatric Casualties. _Psychiatric Annals_, April 1990,
p. 188-193.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Part 5 - The Transcendental Meditation Ex-Members Support Group (TM-EX)
Transcendental Meditation Ex-Members Support Group (TM-EX) was founded
by former Maharishi International University (MIU) faculty, students,
TM teachers, sidhas, meditators, and caring relatives of members of
the TM movement. TM-EX is a support network to help former and current
members of the TM movement in making the transition to life outside
the TM movement. As former members, we have experienced the transition
and are available to assist you.
We are a referral network and source of information to movement members,
former members, exit counselors, family members and experienced
therapists and professionals.
TM-EX does not represent any particular philosophy, opinion or
Although numerous religious based groups have challenged TM in the
past, TM-EX is not affiliated with any of these. Its members come
from a wide variety of religious and philosophical backgrounds. What
we do have in common, is our desire to assist those leaving the movement;
to make the public aware of the fraud within the movement; and
the physical and psychological harm, that has resulted for many, from
the practices of the TM Program.
We welcome your input: comments, articles, letters, help with printing
and postage.

Call or write TM-EX:

P.O. Box 7565, Arlington, VA 22207
(202) 728-7580 [All telephone calls will be returned collect.]
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Part 6 - Footnotes
Caraka Samhita, P.V. Sharma Editor-Translator, Varanassi,
India, Vol. I, p. 220. [This is the seminal Ayurvedic text. --ed]

Ibid, Vol. I, p. 221.


Ibid, Vol. II, p. 680.


Ibid, Vol. II, p. 598.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 412.


Ibid, Vol. II, p. 661.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 472.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 41.


Ibid, Vol. II, p. 401.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 12.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 12.


Ibid, Vol. II, p. 160.


Ibid, Vol. II, p. 303.


Ibid, Vol. II, pp. 518-19.


Ibid, Vol. II, pp. 520-21.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 413.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 469.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 468.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 477.


Ibid, Vol. I, p. 468.

/30.1: Ibid, Vol. I, p. 525.


Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, March 22-24, 1989, p. 25.

The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA

(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A

Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.
Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center Program Descriptions, P.O.
Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak Chopra, M.D., Director.
Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program,
Collected Papers, Vol. 1, MERU Press, 1977, pp. 19-20.
Affidavit of Dell Abrams, Kropinski v. Yogi, U.S. Dist. Ct.
D.C., Civ. Nos. 85-2848, 2849, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2853, 2854, June 21,
Affidavit of Richard D. Scott, Malnak v. Yogi, 44 F.Supp.
1284 (1977).
Affidavit of Jerome W. Jarvis, President of World Plan
Executive Council-U.S., Malnak v. Yogi, 440 F.Supp. 1284 (1977)
Affidavit of Linda Whipple Kehl, Krpoinski v. Yogi, Y.S. Dist.
Ct. D.C., Civ. Nos. 85-2848, 2849, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2853, 2854, July
14, 1986.
LIFE magazine, The Return of Mister Bliss, Wainwright, Nov.
10, 1967, p. 26.
Affidavit of Gregory J. Randolph, Malnak v. Yogi, 440 F.Supp.
1284 (1977).

Statement of James W. Proctor.

Beacon Light of the Himalayas: The Dawn of a Happy New Era in
the Field of Spiritual Practices: Mind Control, Peace & Atmananda,
Maharishi Bala Bramachari Mahesh Yogi Maharaj, Oct. 1955.
Opinion of Judge H. Curtis Neanor, Malnak v. Yogi, 440 F.Supp.
1284 (1977).
Affidavit of Robert N. Bellah, Professor of Sociology and
Comparative Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Malnak v.
Yogi, 440 F. Supp. 1284 (1977).
Affidavit of Gerald J. Larson, Malnak v. Yogi, 440 F.Supp.
1284 (1977).
Affidavit of Rabindranath Maharaj, Malnak v. Yogi, 440 F.
Supp. 1284 (1977).
Prices continually change: references here are from
advertisements in the Fairfield Source: Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center price list, 1990-91.

Age of Enlightenment Press, Four new "siddha" posters, July

Rig Veda translation, Ninth Mandala, given to participants on
TM-Sidhi courses.

The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A
Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.


Dr. Richard Averbach, Maharishi Ayurveda, Fairfield Source,
July/Aug. 1987, p. 24.
BOOKS (examples): Bhagavad-Gita, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; The
Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; Love and
God, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; Enlightenment to Every Individual
Invincibility to Every Nation; Return of the Rishi, D. Chopra, M.D.;
Creating Health, D. Chopra, M.D.; Perfect Health, D. Chopra, M.D.;
Quantum HEaling, D. Chopra, M.D.; Maharishi Transcendental
Meditation, R. Roth; Ayur Veda Cook Book; Introduction to Sanskrit;
Creating Heaven on Earth, R. Oates; Modern Science and Vedic Science:
The Neurophysiology of Enlightenment, R. Wallace, Ph.D.;
Enlightenment Management.
AUDIOTAPES (examples): Quantum Healing; Sama Veda; Maharishi
Ayur-Ved Primordial Sound; Rig Veda, Tenth Mandala, read by Deepak
Chopra, M.D.; MIU Audio Magazine.
COURSES (examples): Vedic Science 1: Living Immortality;
Vedic Science 2: Immortality; Maharishi Ayur-Veda (MAV) Blissfully
Thin Teacher Training Course; Maharishi Jyotish Teacher Training
Course; Bhagavad Gita 1 (For Governors and Sidhas); MAV Neuromuscular
Integrations Teacher Training; Maharishi Gandharva Veda 1: Advanced
Maharishi International Institute of Vedic Sciences, P.O. Box
374, Lancaster, MA 01523, 508/368-7472.
The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A
Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.










Blissfully Thin, Lesson Three, p. 11, Maharishi Ayurveda
Corporation of America, 1987.
The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A

Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health

Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.





Maharishi Ayurveda Corporation of America, 1987.

The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A
Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.
Dr. Stuart Rothenberg, Maharishi Ayurveda, Fairfield Source,
July/Aug. 1987, p. 26.
The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A
Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.

PRODUCTS (examples):

AMRIT KALASH These two formulas comprise Maharishi Amrit Kalash: Food
for Perfection in Life and work best when taken together: Amrit
Kalash Ambrosia (M5 tablets) $45.00/mo.; Maharishi Amrit Kalash Nectar
(fruit concentrate) $49.50/mo. (Refer friends and receive 10% product
credit; refer 500 people and receive a check for $10,000.) Maharishi
Amrit Kalash Container (A beautiful reminder of perfect health and
longevity) $30.00.
RASANAYAS: Rasayana One $19.95; Rasayana Two $19.95; Rasayana Three
(Designed for clarity of mind) $19.95; MAV Rasayana for Women
$19.50/mo.; MAV Rasayana for Men $28.50/mo.; MAV Rasayana for
Students (for students of any age) $14.95/mo.
The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A
Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.
PRODUCTS AND COURSES (examples): The ILA MA (Vedic Woman)
Handbook; ILA MA: Perfection for Every Woman; Ideal Relationships
and The Vedic Woman (tape); Blissful Baby Video; MAV Mother-Baby
Technician Training Course; MAV For Parents; MAV Fitness Program.
Maharishi International Institute of Vedic Sciences, P.O. Box
374, Lancaster, MA 01523, 508/368-7472.
The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A

Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health

Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.




[Above signature line]: I understand my chart or analysis
only comments on the trends of the future according to the principles
of Maharishi Jyotish. These trends can be influenced by many factors
and can change at any time. I understand that Maharishi Jyotish
disclaims any responsibility for consequences resulting from any
action based on the analysis of my chart. NOTE: Accurate Birth Time
is of utmost importance. Maharishi Jyotish Programs Confidential
Application Form, Feb. 1, 1987, Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center,
P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA 01523.
PRODUCTS (examples): Maharishi Jyotish Natal Chart/Mail;
Maharishi Jyotish Natal Chart/Private; Maharishi Jyotish
Compatibility Analysis/Mail; Maharishi Jyotish Progression
Profile/Private; Maharishi Jyotish Company/Project Profile;
Maharishi Jyotish: Advanced Course for Beginners; Jyotish
Consolations; Maharishi Jyotish Gemstones.
/100: The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A
Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.
/101: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Bhagavad Gita, New Translation and
Commentary, Chapters 1-6, MIU Press, 1976, p. 142.
/102: Letter from the Dakshina Fund, circulated through the TM
community, Nov. 21, 1989.
/103: The Twenty Approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to Create Perfect
Health, Maharishi Ayur-Ved in the USSR, 1986, pp. 24-25; The ILA MA
(International Ladies Association of Maharishi Ayur-Veda) Handbook: A
Celebration of Vedic Knowledge, 1990; Maharishi Ayurveda Health
Center Program Descriptions, P.O. Box 344, Lancaster, MA. Deepak
Chopra, M.D., Director.


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