Expansive Football - The Second Phase

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Expansive Football Concepts

Expansive Football - The Second Phase

We now enter into the second phase of

Expansive Football. As we said before,
after looking at the width we must focus on
depth. The full back must connect with the
winger down his flank. Here there is another
sequence of movements, always searching for
support to give the game some continuity:

Tactical Instructions
The full back (3) on the same flank moves
further up and overlaps (if the winger is not
already close to the byline).
One attacking midfielder provides support
from a deep defensive position. The other
one provides support staying close by for
The defensive midfielder (6) provides
support and security
The striker moves vertically, providing deep
attacking support.


If the winger (11) is unable to pass to the

full back (3) on the overlap, he moves the
ball back inside and away from where the
opposition have concentrated their players,
thus decongesting the zone. We must ensure
that we keep possession of the ball even if
that means going backwards and moving into
the logical positions as directed by our initial
organisational plan.
The winger passes inside to an attacking
midfielder (10) who then passes to the
other attacking midfielder (8), the defensive
midfielder (6) or the striker (9) who lays it off
to a midfielder. The attacking midfielder (8)
passes the ball out wide enabling the winger
to connect with the overlapping full back.
Notice how all of the players supporting
the player with the ball are staggered and
covering in order to provide continuity,
remembering to stay at the optimum distance
so as not to draw their marker too close to the
player with the ball and reduce his space.


Coaching Positional Play

Expansive Football Concepts

Two Vital Expansive Football Concepts

Notice that there is always width and depth in

each situation, invading and conquering the
oppositions half.
It is important to highlight two vital concepts
of Expansive Football which are:
1. Play between the opponents defensive
and midfield lines (especially the central
2. Take advantage of the wide areas left
open by the opposition, uniting against
a compact defensive group by creating
space through movement both in the
centre of the pitch and on the flanks. This is
why we should use the width of the pitch,
moving the ball from one side to another
if necessary until we can make progress up
the pitch. We work as much in the initiationcreation zone as the creation-finalisation
zone in order to continue moving the ball
forwards and penetrate the oppositions
defence, as shown in the diagram:


This is achieved through continuity of play,

moving the ball quickly and ensuring that
constant support is available to whoever has
the ball.
There are 3 support players who are always
close by in all directions for security and in
case of emergency:
The last defender (for security and in case of
Close support behind the player with the
ball (for continuity).
Deep attacking support (vertically high up
the pitch).


Coaching Positional Play

Learn How to Effectively Coach Positional play

with the Spanish game model of "Expansive Football"


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