A Cry

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my tears go down

the game loads

i run from the clown
he has chode
i try to phone
it cut the node
we are in downtown
i enter his abode
the beast is lowdown
but i am highup
he will put me down
i feed him death cup
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji
jesus fucking christ, i pour my heart out and you assholes just "it not big enuf
f bro XD *le reddit faec*" its pretty
fucking disgusting, you """"""""""human""""""""""""' beings"""""""""""""""""""""
"""""""" acting like this to a strong
independent big beautiful black polish woman.
never talk me or my son again.

Yeah. I ran a game in Seattle, and had werewolves centered on Denny Park. Despit
e being born and raised in Seattle, I'd never been to Denny Park.
Calling it a park is an overstatement. It is more a triangle of land between str
eets that bums sleep in.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)17:15:59 No.49331595?
Bum wolves.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)17:17:37 No.49331627?
Lol. Seattle native here, the strips of grass on the shoulders of I-5 are more o
f a park than denny is. Denny is pretty much a glorified lawn with a shanty town
on it.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)17:32:24 No.49331851?
Fucking Uikku-san
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:18:09 No.49332485?>>49332676
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:21:14 No.49332540?>>49332603 >>49332614 >>49332686
Whos john wick?
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:25:41 No.49332603?

Game Designer who is basically the embodiment of a shitty GM.
He's also behind Legend of the 5 Rings and 7th Sea.
>Then we get a digression about how Wick can't get a non-gaming job, despite his
game writing experience and winning awards, but since he doesn't own that work,
he can't make money off of it. And so he quit AEG to make his own way... which
he'd eventually find. I remember hearing people ask AEG employees when they'd ge
t Wick back a long time ago. They'd laugh, maybe a bit nervously. Some bridge wa
s burned. You see it in one of the last Bayushi Kachiko cards, the one that has
"Uikku suku diku" written in kanji on the doorframe. There's the credits page fo
r the Legend of the Five Rings RPG which credits a lot of last-minute work by a
notable team of writers reworking Wick's manuscript. There's the Five Rings adve
nture I had playtested for Greg Stolze which saw Wick (and Ree Soesbee) rewritin
g the whole adventure without Stolze's input. There's the vitriol Wick has hisse
d about Ryan Dancey in other columns. Maybe Wick just quit to pursue other creat
ive endeavors. Or maybe- just maybe- he might have had difficulty getting on wit
h folks. He was an angry guy at the time, as far as I can tell. I remember him c
omplaining to me with things they wouldn't let him do in the CCG story... while
he was still writing for it. Which was fantastic to hear as a fan, but for an em
ployer to hear, it'd be much more damning.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:26:31 No.49332614?
The kind of GM who thinks "Your character is immune to diseases? He catches a di
sease anyway, but he's immune to the cure because vaccines are diseases." is cle
ver. I don't give a shit about him being a "killer GM," but that he thought it w
as CLEVER is retarded.
The kind of game designer who thinks swashbucklers who do 4 bad things will imme
diately turn into villainous NPCs.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:32:20 No.49332676?>>49332859
next week tuesday or thursday
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:32:55 No.49332686?>>49332743
A kick Ass action movie. Watch it.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:35:44 No.49332740?
Is imperial mysteries still good for giving stats to spirits with rank 6+
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:35:48 No.49332743?
That John Wick is also in Payday 2.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:39:46 No.49332784?
I'd add fate for coincidental tankiness as well, but you're on point so far.
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)18:45:23 No.49332859?>>49333181
wait shit for real?
Anonymous 09/13/16(Tue)19:05:41 No.49333181 ?

We re looking at our KS campaign for Scion 2nd Edition going live next Tuesday or

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