Impact of Social Media On Adolescent Behavioral Health in California

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Impact of Social Media on

Adolescent Behavioral Health in California

eenagers throughout the country regularly use the internet, cell phones, and video games to gather information and communicate
with each other. This ability to interact with others is the unique feature of social media which provides powerful new ways for
teens to create and navigate their social environments.

Teens use of social media occurs simultaneously with their developing identity, emerging sexuality, physical development, and moral
consciousness. In this brief, we examine how social media impacts the behavioral health of Californias adolescents.

Most Commonly Used Social Media by Teens




Text Messaging

Cell phone feature

75% of all teens own a cell phone

88% of cell phone-owning teens text
72% of all teens use text messaging

Social Networking Sites

Facebook, MySpace

73% of online teens have used a social

networking site

Online video sites

63% of online teens watch online videos

Online gaming

61% of online youth play games online,

including multiplayer online games

Blogging within social networking sites

Facebook or MySpace feature

52% of online teens have commented on a blog

Source: (Lenhart, 2010) except for Online video sites (Nielsen, 2009) & Online gaming (McAfee, 2010)

Benefits of Social Media on Adolescent Health

Overall, social media use is associated with many benefits for adolescent health and development. An examination of youths
experiences with social media, which included teens from Californias urban, suburban and rural communities, documented powerful
new ways in which youth use social media.

Most teens use online networks to extend the friendships they already have from other areas of their life, such as school,
religious organizations, sports and other local activities (Ito, 2008). Social networking sites provide a way for teens to experience
connectedness and opportunities to learn from each other (Ito, 2008).

Social media can provide a supportive environment to explore romance, friendship, and social status, while also providing teens
an opportunity to share and discuss their taste in music, knowledge of television and movies, online videos/games, and other
aspects of teen culture (Ito, 2008).
Teens from lower income families (those earning less than $30,000 annually) are more likely to use online social
networks (80%) than teens from wealthier households (70%) (Lenhart, 2010).

Social networking sites can allow teens to find support online that they may lack in traditional relationships, especially for teens
who are often marginalized, such as lesbian, gay, bi and transgendered (LGBT) teens, those who are living with an illness or
disability, or those who may feel physically unattractive or socially reticent (McKenna & Bargh, 2000).

Teens look to social networks as a key source of information and advice in a critical developmental
period with 57% of teen social networkers saying they look to their online social network for advice
(Nielsen, 2009).

Teens also use online searches to gain answers to many of their health concerns with 31% of online
teens getting health, dieting, or physical fitness information from the internet. Seventeen percent of
teens who use the internet report they use it to gather information about health topics that are hard
to discuss with others, such as drug use and sexual health (Lenhart, 2010).

555 12th Street, 10th Floor Oakland, CA 94607 PH (510) 285-5712 FAX (510) 285-5597


Cell phones and features, such as texting, are very popular with teens and parents. Over 90% of parents and teens backed
the assertion that they like cell phones because they can keep in touch no matter where I am (Lenhart, Ling, Campbell &
Purcell, 2010). Teens have found that they gained more independence and freedom through owning a cell phone that allows
them to communicate with their parents and that they often use voice calling to seek out social support when needed to discuss
personal matters (Lenhart, Ling, Campbell & Purcell, 2010).

What Teens Do Online: Protective Aspects


% OF TEENS (N=760-763)

Join an online community or a group on Facebook or MySpace in support of a cause


Post creative writing or artwork that youve done


Post or share videos or music that youve created


Organize or invite people to an event using a social networking site like Facebook or MySpace


Volunteer for a campaign, nonprofit organization, or charity


Participate in online study groups


Available from

Risks of Social Media

While media use is an integral part of the daily life of
adolescents, there are a number of risks associated with social
media use, specifically, negative effects on mental health,
cyberbullying, texting/sexting, dangers of sexual solicitation, and
exposure to problematic and illegal content and privacy
The risks that teens face online are similar to those faced
offline. However, the risk profile for the use of various types
of social media depends on the type of risk, a teens use of
the media, and the psychological makeup of the teen using
them. It is important to note that teens most at risk often
engage in risky behaviors offline and also have difficulties in
other parts of their lives (Berkman, 2010).

In California, 21% of teens surveyed were found to be at

risk for depression (California Health Interview Survey,

In addition, 68% of girls nationally report having a

negative experience on a social networking site (Girl Scout
Study, 2011). Some teens have reported that Facebook
can incite fights, especially with the creation of burn
pages created for the explicit purpose of taunting or
teasing others (Boyar, 2010).

Use of social media also creates an opportunity for emotional
distress from receiving threatening, harassing, or humiliating
communication from another teen, called cyberbullying.

In California, approximately 23% of teens report being

threatened by a peer (CHIS, 2001). Cyberbullying appears
similar in prevalence to offline bullying (Lenhart, 2007).

Cyberbullying has been shown to cause higher levels of

depression and anxiety for victims than traditional bullying
and has also been connected to cases of youth suicide
with teens known to engage in reading hurtful comments
days before their suicide attempts (Kowalski, 2009).

Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health

Most teens surveyed who are regular media users have lots of
friends, get along well with their parents, and are happy at
school (Rideout, 2010). However, peer rejection and a lack of
close friends are among the strongest predictors of depression
and negative self-views (Hartup, 1996). Teens who are the
heaviest media users report being less content and are more
likely to report that they get into trouble a lot, are often sad or
unhappy, and are often bored (Rideout, 2010).

August 2011

Adolescent Relationship Abuse and Social Media

Those most at risk for cyberbullying include lesbian, gay,

bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and allied youth. Allied
youth refers to young people who are openly supportive
of LGBT youth. A 2010 study found that 54% of these
youths report being cyberbullied within the last 30 days
(Blumenfeld, 2010).
Females are the next most likely group to be cyberbullied,
with 21% of female teens reporting cyberbullying
(Blumenfeld, 2010).
Those who are victims of online harassment are also
more likely to be perpetrators (Ybarra, 2004). Teens most
at risk for cyberbullying are also those at risk of offline
harms, such as teens who have experienced sexual or
physical abuse or those living in poor home environments
(Berkman, 2008).

Texting can also be used to bully or humiliate people. An

embarrassing or upsetting image or video can quickly be
transmitted or uploaded to an online video sharing site
like YouTube via cell phones or the internet.

Sexting is a form of texting where individuals send or

receive sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images or
messages. As many as 20% of teens reported they have
sent/posted nude or semi-nude pictures or videos of
themselves (National Campaign to Prevent Teen and
Unplanned Pregnancy, 2008; SexTech, 2008).

Cell phones, instant messaging, and social networking

websites are all increasingly being used to monitor,
threaten, and harass relationship partners. One in three
teens in relationships has been text messaged up to 30
times an hour by a partner to find out where they are,
what they are doing, or who they are with (Liz Claiborne,

Unwanted online sexual solicitation is defined as the act of

encouraging someone to talk about sex, to do something
sexual, or to share personal sexual information even when that
person does not want to (Ybarra, 2007).

While most teens use messaging responsibly, it is still an

extremely powerful and private communication tool that can
be used irresponsibly. With texting, teens cannot see the
reaction of the person receiving the message, so their actions
can be separated from the consequences (Commonsense
media, Parenting Tip Sheet, 2010).
Almost half of teen cell phone owners reported regret
over a text message they have sent (Lenhart, Ling,
Campbell & Purcell, 2007).

Teens in relationships may also receive nude pictures or

be pressured to send nude pictures of themselves to a
partner. Relationship abuse can also include sending
nonstop text messages or posting cruel comments on a
boyfriends or girlfriends Facebook or MySpace page
(Clifford, 2009).

Online Sexual Solicitation and Predation


Online sexual predation occurs when an adult makes contact

with a minor with intent to engage in sexual activities that would
result in statutory rape. Youth are much more likely to receive
sexual solicitation between same-age youth than sexual
predation and most of these solicitations come from same-age
peers who are known offline (Collins, 2011).
The sexual solicitation rate for teens is estimated at between
13-19% (Wolak, Mitchell & Finkelor, 2006). In addition,16% of
teens using the internet said they have considered meeting
someone they have only talked to online and 8% have actually
done so (Cox, 2007).

Most studies show that teens do care about privacy. When teens
are concerned about risks, they will engage in privacy protecting
behaviors, such as adjusting their profiles to private from
public access, refusing to provide identifying information or
false information, and avoiding certain websites (Youn, 2009).

In California, sexting is a misdemeanor offense for teens

under 18. Teens also can be suspended from school and
victims can experience emotional distress with
accompanying mental health conditions (OKeefe, 2011).

However, most youth do not read websites privacy policies or

may be unaware that their information is at risk of disclosure to
third parties like advertisers. Though concerned about talking to
people they dont know online, teens appear to be less worried
about posting information about themselves. Twenty-one percent
of teens say it is safe to post personal information, including
photos, online to a public profile (Cox, 2007).

Only 4% of teens age 12-17 report having sent these

types of messages. However, when older teens are
included, 20% aged 13-19 say they have sent/posted
nude or semi-nude images of themselves (National
Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy,

Digital Divide

YouTube Channel for their videos on a variety of themes. Videos

range from testimonials by teens and celebrities regarding life
goals to thoughts about pregnancy, including videos in Spanish.
Are you getting it? is a video series written and performed by
high school students in Hollywood. The YouTube channel also
contains promotional videos for their semi-annual condom

There has been a closing of the access gap for some

populations using new technologies. While teen internet access
is highest among White teens with college-educated parents
and annual household incomes above $50,000, there has been
a dramatic shift in Black and Latino use of new technologies
(Purcell, 2011).

Black and Latino teens are now just as likely as White

teens to create a social network profile (Lenhart, 2010).

The amount of time teens spend using media throughout

the day has risen sharply, especially among Blacks and
Latinos. Black and Latino youth are also the heaviest
consumers of media content via the cell phone (Rideout,

Mobile Action Lab is a program of Youth Radio. Based in

Oakland, California, Mobile Action Lab provides 14-24 year olds
training to develop web and computer-based applications that
serve real needs in the community, such as finding free food
distribution, information about youth and police relations, and
other resources.

Some innovative campaigns by non-profit and government
groups use social networking websites to create a network of
teens who can spread the word to their peers about risky
behaviors and positive choices, while others create websites
that allow teens to upload their own photos or videos to create
their own positive message ads (Donahue, 2008).

However, there continues to be a significant gap in access for

low-income, rural youth living in California, with home computer
ownership rates below 10%. It is also less likely that teens own
their own cell phones in these areas (Arres, 2008).

Examples of Social Media Use for

Improving Adolescent Health Outcomes

Thats Not Cool is a national public education campaign to

prevent adolescent relationship abuse. Thats Not Cool uses
digital examples of controlling online and cell phone behaviors
to encourage teens to prevent relationship abuse. The website,
created by Futures Without Violence and the Ad Council,
generates nearly 70,000 website visitors each month with tens
of thousands of those teens sending Thats Not Cool Callout
Cards (e-cards with a message) to their friends and relationship

While there are few social media programs that have been
evaluated, there are many examples of public health programs
that have developed new applications to improve adolescent

HOOKUP is the first statewide text-messaging service of its kind
that provides basic facts about reproductive health and
relationships, as well as referrals to youth-oriented clinical
medical services throughout California. Youth text HOOKUP
to a short phone number and receive weekly health messages
developed by health educators based on issues identified by
California youth. Since its launch in 2009, it has over 3,044
subscribers and approximately 30% requesting clinic referral
information. is a website where gay, lesbian, bisexual and

transgendered teens can find videos of other youth and
individuals with encouraging messages about making it through
the difficult teen years especially when faced with harassment
and bullying. The project has turned into a worldwide
movement, inspiring over 10,000 user-created videos viewed
over 35 million times.

Hookup is an excellent model of a low-cost program using

health communication and mobile technology to facilitate youth
access to sexual and reproductive health information and

TUNE is a unique and interactive health and wellness program

that helps teens make positive choices and live healthier lives
through music. TUNE uses many ways to promote its music
and messages including the TUNE website, Twitter, Facebook
and YouTube which feature over 300 artist recordings. Teens
can download and share the music with others and view videos
of artists on YouTube. The site was developed by the Nebraska
Health and Human Services Agency.

Teensource is a website run by California Family Health Council

as a resource for teens and young adults seeking information on
healthy and responsible sexual lifestyles. Teensource also has a


media use, including laws that pertain to them.

For Parents and Caregivers:

Awareness Parents and caregivers need to educate themselves
about social media and the ways their teens may use it, as well
as the common risks, to help them understand and navigate
the technologies.

Non profits need to maximize the opportunity to reach teens

through social networking that teens are already using (e.g.
social networking sites, video and gaming sites, and blogs) to
share their own content.
Research Evaluation research is needed on the success of
social media-based interventions, particularly those focusing on
urban and rural teens from low income families and those with
poor home environments.

Engagement Family discussions are positive for teens and can

result in less risky online behaviorsmore of those teens who said
their parents have talked to them a lot reported: (Cox, 2007)

Greater concerns about online safety and sharing of

personal information and photos,
More limited sharing of information/pictures via the internet,
Lower incidence of public online profiles, and
Lower incidence of talking or meeting people they only
know from online.

Social media forms have altered how youth socialize and learn,
and raise a new set of issues for educators, parents, researchers
and policymakers to consider. Adults can help teens think about
online presence in moral and ethical ways-specifically to help
teens in understanding the consequences for themselves and
others of participation in the socially networked world. A multipronged approach that utilizes multiple social media platforms, as
well as in-person contact, has the potential to reach teens with
accurate health information, resources, and support.

Respect for privacy and empowerment For parents and

caregivers, discussing media content with their teens can be an
effective strategy to reduce the amount of personal information
disclosedmore so than prohibiting access, as teens often
perceive monitoring as a violation of their privacy (Ito, 2008).
Teens are more receptive to user empowered strategies or even
some form of industry protections.

Resources for Teens:

For Community:
Greater resources need to be allocated to schools, libraries and
community organizations to assist them in adopting risk management strategies and to provide education about online safety issues.

Resources for Parents:

Resources are needed for social services and mental health

professionals who work with minors and their families to extend
their expertise to online spaces and work with other members
of the community to identify at-risk youth and intervene before
risky behavior results in negative outcomes (Beckman, 2008).

Resources for Agencies Working with Teens:

Technological solutions Internet providers such as Google and

Yahoo, and social networking sites, such as Facebook and
YouTube, need to continue to work with parents and policy
makers to create awareness and opportunities for privacy
protection of youth and to develop technologies that can assist
teens in staying safe.

California Adolescent Health Collaborative provides up-to-date

resources and research for professionals working with teens.
CDC Social Media Toolkit provides ideas about using social media
for health promotion, including planning and implementing
educational campaigns. This source includes a chart to help
choose appropriate types of social media format and resources.

Health providers Medical and mental health providers need to

include routine screenings to assess risk for depression that
consider a teens social media use. For example, assessing the
amount of time spent using media including online activities or
inquiring about online contacts (close friends vs. strangers, teens
willingness to meet someone offline, incidence of being harassed,
harassing others). Tools should be developed to help providers
engage in these conversations.

Funding from the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
Program, Center for Family Health, California Department of
Public Health, supported by the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration,
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (Title V, Social Security Act).

Schools need to update media literacy guidelines to include

explicit information on successful participation with new media
forms, online risks, and education about consequences of their

Suggested Citation

Kowalski, R.N. (2010). Alexis Pilkington Facebook Horror: Cyber bullies harass even after
suicide. Retrieved on June 3, 2011 from website:

Carroll, J.A. & Kirkpatrick, R.L. (2011). Impact of social media

on adolescent behavioral health. Oakland, CA: California
Adolescent Health Collaborative.

Lenhart A. (2007). Cyberbullying. Retrieved on June 3, 2011 from Pew Internet and American
Life Project website;


Lenhart A., Kahne J., Middaugh E., Macgill, A., Evans, C. & Vitak, J. (2008). Teens, video games
and civics. Retrieved on June 3, 2011 from Pew Internet and American Life Project website:

Arres, A.M. (2008). In Search of Digital Equity: Assessing the geography of the digital divide in
California. Retrieved on May 30, 2011 from

Lenhart, A., Ling, R., Campbell, S., & Purcell, K. (2010). Teens & mobile phones. Retrieved May
30, 2011 from Pew Internet & American Life Project website:

Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School, Internet Safety Technical Task
Force. (2008). Enhancing Safety and Online Technologies: Final Report of the Internet Safety
Task Force to the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking for the State Attorneys
General of the United States. Retrieved on May 30, 2011 from website:

Lenhart A, Purcell K, Smith A., & Zickuhr K. (2010). Social media & mobile internet use among
teens and young adults. Retrieved May 30, 2011 from Pew Internet & American Life Project
Liz Claiborne, Inc. (2008). Tween and Teen Dating Violence and Abuse Study. Retrieved on
May 30, 2011 from website:

Blumenfeld, W.J. and Cooper, R.M. (2010). LGBT and Allied Youth Responses to Cyberbullying:
Policy Implications. The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 3(1), 114-133. Retrieved
on June 3, 2011 from

McAfee, Inc. (2010). The secret life of online teens. Retrieved on May 30, 2011 from website:

Boyar, R., Levine, D., & Zensius, N. (2011). Tech SexUSA: Youth Sexuality and Reproductive
Health in the Digital Age. Retrieved on May 30, 2011 from ISIS website:

McKenna, K.Y.A. & Bargh, J.A. (2000). Plan 9 from cyberspace: The implications of the Internet
for personality and social psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4, 57-75.

California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). (2005). Retrieved on May 30, 2011 from website:

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Collins, R.L., Martino, S.C., & Shaw, R. (2011). Influence of New Media on Adolescent Sexual
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555 12th Street, 10th Floor Oakland, CA 94607 PH (510) 285-5712 FAX (510) 285-5597


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