G.R. No. L-4402 July 28, 1952

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G.R. No. L-4402 July 28, 1952
Respondents Pedro Revilla and Maria Reyes obtained from the La Previsora Filipina
sometime before November 18, 1939 a loan of P6,500; and with the money, they
the price of a lot, with improvements, which they paid had previously purchased
from the Archibishop of Manila. And they mortgaged the property to La Previsora for
the purpose of guaranteeing repayment of the debt in installments with interest at
12 per cent per annum. It turned out later that Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros
had obtained a judgment against Pedro Revilla for the sum of P45,000 and had
levied execution therefor upon the property and its rentals. Apprised of this
development, the La Previsora started foreclosure proceedings, alleging nonpayment of its credit by the mortgagors. Respondents ceded the property to the
said institutions, reserving the right to repurchase for P8,204.60 within sixty days. It
seems that La Previsora at the same time, or immediately thereafter conveyed the
property by Exhibit C to petitioner Canuto Martin, who then executed the document
Exhibit D undertaking to allow respondents to repurchase the property within sixty
days from October 31, 1941, but at the price of P14,000. The document was signed
by Maria Reyes signifying her assent. At the trial she pleaded that the document,
without embodying their true agreement, had been obtained thru deceit and abuse
of confidence. However, her assertions were not credited by the Court of Appeals.
Nevertheless, that court declared the document void for the only reasons that it had
been signed by Canuto Martin before acquiring ownership of the property by the
cession of Maria Reyes and Pedro Revilla to the La Previsora, and from the latter to
Issue: This litigation presents two principal question: the price at which the
respondents were entitled to repurchase the property, and the exercise of such right
within the period of redemption.
Ruling: The Court of Appeals pronounced Exhibit D invalid because at the time of its
execution, Martin had no title over the property. This is rather too technical a
viewpoint. Remembering that Exhibit D constituted a part of the whole friendly
settlement and could be considered as simultaneous with the other documents,
specially the documents of transfer from Maria Reyes and La Previsora, the disparity
of dates should imply no annulling consequences. At any rate, Exhibit D may be
placed in the same category as a promise to convey land not yet owned by the
vendor, obligation which may be enforced, according to the authorities:
Property or goods which, at the time of the sale, are not owned by the seller, but
which are thereafter to be acquired by him, cannot be the subject of an executed
sale, but may be the subject of a contract for the future sale and delivery thereof,
and it has been held that even though the contract is in the form of the present sale
it will not pass the title, after the goods have been acquired, until the seller has
done some act appropriating them to the contract. Such a contract of the future
sale and delivery of goods, which the seller has not in possession but which he
intends to acquire by producing, manufacturing, or purchasing before the day of
delivery, is valid as an executory contract to be fulfilled by acquiring and delivering
the goods specified in the contract, even though the acquisition of the goods by the

seller depends upon a contingency which may or may not happen. (55 Corpus Juris,
65). (Emphasis ours)
It is not unusual for persons to agree to convey by a certain time, notwithstanding
they have no title to the land at the time of the contract, and the validity of such
agreement is upheld. In such cases, the vendor assume the risk of acquiring the
title and making the conveyance, or responding in damages for the vendee's loss of
his bargain, One having an option to purchase real estate has a legal right to enter
into an executory contract to sell the property. A fortiori, it is not necessary that the
vendor be the absolute owner of the property at the time he enters into agreement
of sale because the owner of the land, is as much the subject of sale as is the land
itself, and whenever one is so suited with reference to a tract of land that he can
acquire the title thereto, either by the voluntary act of the parties holding the title,
or by proceeding at law or in equity, he is in a position to make a valid agreement
for the sale thereof, without disclosing the nature of his title. (55 American
Jurisprudence, 480). (Emphasis ours)
The above principles express the same the ideas in articles 1462 and 1459 of the
New Civil Code. Therefore erroneous is the ruling that, because executed before
Canuto Martin became the owner, Exhibit D, was null and void. Consequently, as
Reyes voluntarily agreed under Exhibit D, to repurchase at P14,000, she should not
repurchase at any other price.

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