Election Prayer Guide For USA

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It is imperative that we pray faithfully for the upcoming elections, yet our

hope and trust is not in the results of elections!

That may sound like a strange introduction to an election prayer guide. But the
reality is that the spiritual and moral issues facing this nation will not be resolved
in the White House, Congress, or the Supreme Court. What the United States desperately needs is another Great Awakening!
The Church must experience a revival that awakens her to the life-changing power
of Jesus Christ in her midst. Such a spiritual awakening within the people of God
has the power to bring about true cultural transformation in this nation.
So why pray for the elections? There are a number of compelling reasons:
The Bible commands us to pray for those who are in leadership (I Timothy 2:1-4).
This includes those who are vying to become leaders.
Godly leaders can help slow the erosion of religious liberties in our land. This can
provide an increased window of opportunity for the Church to pray and evangelize.
According to Scripture, Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to
any people (Proverbs 14:34). The selection of leaders who understand and lead
according to Gods righteous standards can bring great blessing to a nation.
Scripture also says in Proverbs 11:14, For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many
advisors make victory sure. The determination of who leads our nation will also
determine who advises that leader and how we are guided.


The decisions being made by candidates and potential candidates are critical and must be
undergirded by prayer. We are in the midst of an election cycle right now. It is exactly the
appropriate time for the people of God to mobilize intense prayer for the election process.
As you pray through this brief guide to the elections, there are several ways you can
maximize its usage:
Let others know about it. Distribute it widely to your friends and to your church.
Pray with others about its content. Perhaps a weekly prayer meeting held in your
home or your church could focus completely on what God desires to do in this
upcoming election.

Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you beyond the content of the prayer guide. There will
be many times in which this guide simply jump-starts your prayer time. The Holy
Spirit will take this beginning point and lead you into deeper times of intercession
for our nation.

Seven Ways To Pray For America

The Church

The Church is often relegated to the sidelines, considered irrelevant and out of touch.
Though we sometimes deserve that critique, God has a completely different perspective on
what His people are to be and how we are to function. In Ephesians 3:10, the Apostle Paul
writes, His [Gods] intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God
should be made known...
Though seemingly powerless in the eyes of the world, the Churchthrough righteousness,
prayer, and the power of the Holy Spiritreleases the wisdom of God into any and every
Pray today for the Church in America, that:
Our eyes will be opened to see the hope to which we are called (Ephesians 1:18).
We will experience in a fresh, new way the presence of Christ in revival.

Believers will be given the faith to believe that their votes will make a difference.
A spirit of repentance and humility will be poured out upon the people of God.

The Voters

The Great American Experiment in representative government for more than 200 years has
depended upon voter involvement. From the very beginning of our nation, there has been
debate on who should be allowed the privilege of casting a vote to select our governmental
leaders. The weight of history has increasingly opened the ballot box to more and more
This requires an educated electorate who will examine the issues and the candidates and
vote in a way that is best for the nation, not just their own well-being. Much prayer is
needed for this critical process.
Pray today for voters in the United States, that:
Wisdom will be sought from God (James 1:5).
Self-interest will be laid aside for the common good.
Discernment between truth and falsehood will be clear.

The Candidates

In the early years of our nation, it was thought to be in bad taste to even be seen wanting
an office, much less actually campaigning. Oh, how things have changed! Now candidates
for public office, especially at higher levels, put themselves and their families through a

rigorous process that brings every aspect of their lives into public view. It has become so
intense that many good individuals have chosen not to endure the sort of public scrutiny that
is an integral part of the campaigning process today.
Praying for candidates does not mean praying just for those you agree with or support. All
are leaders and potential leaders in our nationand as such, all need our prayers.
Pray today for candidates for office in the United States, that:
They will take brave stands for righteousness, even when it may not be well received.
Their families will be protected from harm and unnecessary scrutiny.
They will surround themselves with godly advisors.

They will focus on the issues we face as a nation and not on personal attacks on
other candidates.

The Media

In our day of 24-hour news coverage, the media have taken on a huge role in our election
process. Handling media correctly sometimes seems to take precedence in a campaign over
actually dealing with issues. The media themselves often forget their role of informing and
reporting and have become endorsers and supporters, even while they try to deny that role.
Increased prayer for the media is an essential way for Christians to impact an election.
Pray today for the media in America, that:
Truth in reporting and election coverage will become a high value.
Media bias will disappear.

Christianity will receive fair coverage in all reports.

Hope will become a part of the message of the media.

The Impact on the Nations

In our rapidly shrinking world, what happens in one country has an effect on others. This
is especially true for the United States. The individuals who hold the presidency and senate
and congressional seats will make decisions that impact the rest of the world. Whether those
decisions help or harm the people of the world is largely determined by the choices that
Americans make at the polls. We need to pray that our choices will serve to bless the world.
Pray today for the election and its impact on the world, that:
Voters will consider the foreign policies of candidates and how they fit with biblical
The activities of other nations will not have an undue influence on our elections.
The result of U.S. elections will serve to spread the gospel around the globe.
The U.S. will stand firm in its commitment to Israels right to exist as a nation.

Spiritual Warfare Surrounding The Elections

Nothing is achieved in the Kingdom of God without warfare. That includes the election of
righteous individuals to the leadership of one of the key nations on the planet. As we pray,
we must expect the enemy to attack in many ways. There will be attacks on candidates and
their families, on the media, the Church, and perhaps the nation itself. Some will be clearly
spiritual, while other attacks may have physical manifestations. Our call is to have great
discernment as we pray and stand in the strength of Christs victory.
Pray today around the spiritual warfare issues involved in the election, such as:
Great awareness and discernment for the Lords praying people as they pray over
the election.
Physical protection for all candidates and their families throughout this campaign
A strong hedge of protection around the nation itself during this time of decision.

The unleashing of the sword of the Spirit throughout the nation, judging the thoughts
and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

The Purpose Of God

Ultimately, whatever the area of prayer emphasis, we must always come back to the purposes
of God. Jesus taught us to pray, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth, as it is in
heaven (Matthew 6:10). As we pray for something as important as national elections, we
must lay down our own desires and take up the desires of God. What we really desire is for
the Lords purposes to be achieved in and through our nation. All of our requests must be
couched in words and thoughts that focus our hearts on the Kingdom of God.
Pray today for the purposes of God to be accomplished in the U.S. elections:
Pray that the U.S. will turn and seek first the Kingdom of God.

Pray that God will be honored in the midst of this election campaign.
Pray for opportunities for Christians to share their faith and their values in the midst
of this election process.
Pray that the results of the elections will please the Lord and release His blessing
over this nation.
Additional Reading: Romans 13, Proverbs 8:15, 21:1, and Daniel 4:25
By David Butts, Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force Board of Directors and Americas National
Prayer Committee
2014 Harvest Prayer Ministries, Prayer Connect magazine.
This prayer guide may be freely reproduced, provided copyright statement and web addresses are included.
Learn more about praying for the elections at www.NationalDayofPrayer.org and be sure to order your copy of
Prayer Connect magazine at www.PrayerConnect.net. To find additional resources on prayer, visit
The National Day of Prayer Task Force is a nonprofit organization with a 501(c)(3) status. The mission of the
National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and
righteousness in the culture. We rely on individual donations, foundation support, and resource sales.
Item Number: NP295

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