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a safe workplace

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Student Assessment

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RGIT Representative signature:
Assessment due date:



Ensure a safe workplace

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Student ID:
RGIT Representative name:
GIT Representative signature:


Notes to Students:
Student Assessment
You are required to complete each task in the student assessment and return it to your
Trainer/Assessor by the due date.

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Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

Last Reviewed:

Please keep this assessment in one piece, and ensure you write your answer in
blue or black pen only attach any additional work you do for this unit to this
The date for submitting your completed assessment is specified on the class
timetable please write the due date on the front page of this assessment.

You are required to:

Form: BSBWHS501

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Read through and follow all the instructions provided

Ensure that you tick, sign and date the student declaration
Make sure that your assessment submission form is also signed and dated by your
Keep the Submission Record Student Copy receipt for your records

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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Final assessment
How to work through this final assessment
This final assessment is designed to assess your performance of competency for the unit
BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace, Release 1. Your assessor or workplace supervisor will
help you fully understand assessment requirements for this unit.
The features of this final assessment are detailed in the following table.
Feature of the
assessment resource


Assessment information
and scope

This section provides details of the unit of competency covered,

setting out information about the aims of the unit, what areas are
covered, how the assessment tasks must be completed and how the
assessment is conducted.

Are you ready for


This section provides you with the opportunity to self-assess your

performance, to ensure that you are ready to commence the
assessment process.

Final assessment

This section provides an outline of the final assessment tasks to be

covered, including options available.

Assessment plan

You can confirm exactly which tasks and options you will complete
using the assessment plan. Your assessor will discuss the various
options with you and may also customise the assessment tasks to suit
specific requirements where needed.

Final assessment tasks

This section outlines the final assessment tasks in detail, including the
relevant documentation you need to complete and submit along
with your final assessment tasks.

Record of outcome

As you progress through the final assessment tasks, your assessor will
use the record of outcome to confirm your performance and
provide relevant advice and feedback.

Further information
Before you commence your final assessment tasks, you should review the information
provided by your training organisation about assessment. You should not commence
your final assessment tasks until you have read and understood this information.

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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Assessment information and scope

Who is the final
assessment designed

The final assessment is designed for candidates to demonstrate their

competency having completed formal learning experiences in this
unit. Candidates may be in a real or simulated workplace
environment. Candidates may be undertaking the unit in a range of
learning situations, including private study, via a traineeship
arrangement or via other workplace-supported means.

What are the aims of

the final assessment

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish,

maintain and evaluate the organisations work health and safety
(WHS) policies, procedures and programs in the relevant work area,
according to WHS legislative requirements. It takes a systems
approach and addresses compliance with relevant legislative
This unit applies to managers working in a range of contexts who
have, or are likely to have responsibility for WHS as part of their
broader management role. It is relevant for people with obligations
under WHS legislation, for example persons conducting a business or
undertaking (PCBUs) or officers, as defined by relevant legislation.
NOTE: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work
health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be
used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS
Legislation has not been implemented RTOs are advised to
contextualise the unit of competency by referring to the existing
State/Territory OHS legislative requirements.
The key outcomes are:

Establish a WHS management system in a work area

Establish and maintain effective and compliant participation
arrangements for managing WHS in a work area
Establish and maintain procedures for effectively identifying
hazards, and assessing and controlling risks in a work area
Evaluate and maintain a work area WHS management system

Prerequisites and


Legislative and
licensing requirements

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit

at the time of publication.

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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Are you ready for assessment?

You must ensure that you are ready to begin the final assessment. Complete the
following self-assessment checklist to confirm that you hold the skills and knowledge
required and feel ready to undertake a successful final assessment.

I am able to perform
skills and demonstrate
satisfactorily in the
following tasks.


Key outcomes

Topic 1 Establish and maintain

a WHS management system
in a work area

1A Locate and communicate WHS

1B Identify duty holders and define
WHS responsibilities in the work
1C Identify and approve resources
required by the WHS
management system

Topic 2 Establish and maintain

participation arrangements in
a work area

2A Set up and maintain

participation arrangements
according to legislation
2B Resolve issues raised through
participation arrangements and
2C Provide information about
participation and consultation

Topic 3 Establish and maintain

procedures for hazard and
risk control in a work area

3A Develop procedures for hazard

identification and risk control
3B Ensure new hazards are not
created from proposed
changes in the workplace
3C Select and implement risk
control measures
3D Identify inadequacies and
provide resources to implement
new risk control measures
3E Identify and act on requirements
for expert WHS advice

Topic 4 Evaluate and

maintain a work area WHS
management system

4A Develop and provide a WHS

induction and training program
for all workers
4B Maintain WHS records to identify

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patterns of occupational injury

and disease
4C Measure and evaluate the WHS
management system
4D Develop and implement
improvements to the WHS
management system
4E Ensure compliance with WHS

If you have covered and feel confident in all of these areas, you are ready to proceed
to the final assessment.
Before you commence the assessment process, discuss with your assessor or workplace
supervisor any areas you do not feel confident in or have not covered.

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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Final assessment overview

To demonstrate your competency using this final assessment you must successfully
complete three assessment tasks.
Complete the
following task

Part A Questioning

Select and complete

one of the following

Part B Project: Ensuring a safe workplace at BizOps Enterprises

You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in

your responses.

You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a

scenario-based project.
Part C Project: Ensuring a safe workplace at work
You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a
project in your workplace.

Select and complete

one of the following

Part D Observation
Your work performance will be documented while being observed
by an assessor.
Part E Third-party report
Your work performance will be documented using a third-party
report completed by a relevant supervisor.

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Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Assessment plan
Complete the following form with your assessor.
Training organisation

Learner name:

Phone number:


Assessor name:
Unit(s) of competency:

BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace, Release 1

Assessment parts

Part A Questioning
Select and complete one of the following:
Part B Project: Ensuring a safe workplace at BizOps Enterprises OR
Part C Project: Ensuring a safe workplace at work
Select and complete one of the following:
Part D Observation OR
Part E Third-party report

Ready for assessment


I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment have

been clearly explained to me. I have been consulted about any
special needs I might have in relation to the assessment process. The
criteria to be used for this assessment have been discussed with me,
as have the consequences and possible outcomes of the
I have accessed and understand general assessment information as
provided by my training organisation.
I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and other
arrangements for this assessment. I have completed a selfassessment of my performance of the skills and knowledge for this
unit and confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Learner signature:


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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Final assessment tasks

Part A Questioning

You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in

your responses.

Instructions to the

All questions must be answered satisfactorily for Part A to be

completed satisfactorily.
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time
restriction in completing the assessment.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Resources required

The question responses section is the only resource required for this
questioning assessment to be completed.

Assessment conditions

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where

evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical
activities experienced by individuals carrying out work health and
safety duties in the workplace and include access to:

organisational WHS policies and procedures

WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice
case studies and, where possible, real situations
interaction with others.

Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.


If you do not wish to respond to the questions in written form, an

interview may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with
your assessor.

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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Candidate to complete
Candidate name:

Date of assessment:

I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from

another persons work, except where clearly noted on documents or
work submitted.
I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by
another person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that
may lead to disciplinary action by my training organisation.

Candidate signature:

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Form: BSBWHS501

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Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

Last Reviewed:

Question 1:

List the WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant
to your work area.





Question 2:

Explain how an organisations WHS policies and procedures articulate the

organisations compliance with legislation.





Question 3:

What forms, records, registers and reports could be used by an organisation

to collect WHS information and record and report on accidents and





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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Question 4:

Explain how analysing these workplace records could help the PCBU or
health and safety officer improve WHS performance in the organisation.





Question 5:

Give an example of a work area, specifying who the WHS duty holder(s) are
for that work area. Briefly explain the obligations that the relevant WHS
legislation, regulations or code(s) of practice, and workplace policies and
procedures places on the person(s).





Question 6:

What methods can be used in an organisation or work area to identify


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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Question 7:

Outline the seven step risk management process that can be used in a work





Question 8:

Explain the hierarchy of risk control and its application in a specified work





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Question 9:

What might be the consequences of inadequate risk controls?





Question 10:

Explain how you could ensure that inadequacies in risk control are clearly
identified and appropriately resourced.





Question 11:

Identify when you might require the advice or assistance of other experts
and/or WHS personnel.





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Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Question 12:

Define a duty holder and their WHS responsibilities within the work area.





Question 13:

Explain the importance to an organisation of approving financial and

human resources.





Question 14:

Explain the benefits to an organisation of resolving issues through a

participation and consultation process.





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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Question 15:

Explain why it is essential that an organisation provides WHS outcomes that

come from the participation and consultation process.





Question 16:

Why is it important to evaluate the stages of any change within the

workplace to ensure additional hazards have not been created by the
proposed change?





Question 17:

When might an organisation evaluate a WHS management system?





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Version: 1
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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Question 18:

Explain why an organisation needs to ensure it is WHS compliant and meets

WHS legislative frameworks.





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Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Assessor to complete

All questions must be satisfactorily answered by the candidate as per

the marking guide in the Trainers and assessors guide. The
questioning assessment has been confirmed:



Please include recommendations for future training/action in cases

where the candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:


I declare that this questioning assessment has been conducted as

per the training organisations assessment procedures and the
instructions provided for this assessment task, and that I have
provided appropriate feedback to the candidate.

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

Date marked:

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Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Part B Project: Ensuring a safe workplace at BizOps


You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a

scenario-based project.

Task overview and context

You receive an email from Rose Hargreaves, Chief Executive

Subject: Work health and safety management system
As you are aware, BizOps Enterprisess main office that fronts the
main road is about to undergo a major refurbishment. Before any
work can commence, I need you to establish a work health and
safety management system (WHSMS) that meets legislative
You will have to evaluate some of our current WHS policies and
procedures. You may need to develop other procedures and a
record-keeping system that ensures the work area (and therefore
the organisation) complies with WHS legislation. Throughout the
life of the project, you will be responsible for maintaining and
evaluating the WHSMS. Please refer to the project background,
provided below, for more information.
For further details on what I require you to include in your report,
please refer to the Instructions to the candidate section that
follows. I look forward to receiving your final report.
Kind regards,
Rose Hargreaves
Chief Executive Officer
Project background
Due to growth at BizOps Enterprises, we have decided to look at
how we can expand our head office by refurbishing and fitting
out the front building.
We will need to employ workers across a range of occupations
and trades, including engineers, plumbers, electricians,
carpenters and cabinet-makers, and painters. Nail guns,
jackhammers, power tools, elevated work platforms and
scaffolding, and a range of other building and construction
equipment will be used extensively.
The building being renovated fronts a busy street; construction
activities will need to ensure vehicle and pedestrian traffic is safe
and uninterrupted.
WHS system implementation and maintenance tasks over the
coming weeks leading up to commencement of work include:

confirming legislative requirements

identifying relevant roles and responsibilities
resourcing the WHS management system
establishing appropriate induction and training
providing participation and consultation arrangements for
establishing the WHS management system

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Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

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developing processes for identifying and resolving issues

implementing hazard and risk control procedures that ensure
legislative compliance.

The work health and safety management system (WHSMS) must

also provide a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of the
processes, which you and your WHSMS team will put in place.
Instructions to the

You will need to access and read the following BizOps Enterprises
templates, forms, policies and procedures:

Document style guide

Company profile
Company business plan
Vision, mission and values statement
Organisational charts
Organisation operational plan
Project scope template
Project implementation template
Staff meeting agenda template
Report template
Induction plan template
WHS policy
Risk management policy
Risk management procedures
WHS hazard identification form
WHS hazard report form
Risk management plan template

See the Resources required section for how to access these

Read the information you have been given. Prepare a project
report that demonstrates, describes and evaluates the WHS
legislative compliance of the BizOps work area. You are advised
to follow the style guide when completing your report. Address
the following in your final report.
1. Describe how you critiqued ideas and information from WHS
legislation, policies, procedures and programs.
2. Explain how you identified duty holders and defined WHS
responsibilities for all workplace personnel in the work area
according to WHS legislation, policies, procedures and
3. Explain how you established, implemented, maintained and
evaluated effective and compliant participation
arrangements for managing WHS.
4. Describe methods used to monitor adherence to legal and
regulatory rights and responsibilities for self and others in
relation to WHS.
5. Explain how you identified and approved financial and
human resources required by the WHSMS.
6. Explain your strategies for working with contractors and their
representatives to set up and maintain participation
arrangements according to relevant WHS legislation.
7. Explain how you used consultative or collaborative processes
as an integral part of the decision-making process.
8. What was your process for developing procedures for

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Version: 1
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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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ongoing hazard identification, and assessment and control of

associated risks?
9. Describe why it was essential that you included hazard
identification at the planning stage.
10. How have you designed and evaluated stages of any
change in the BizOps workplace to ensure that new hazards
are not created by the proposed changes and existing
hazards are controlled?
11. How did you establish, implement, maintain and evaluate
procedures for effectively identifying hazards?
12. Describe strategies deployed to assess and control BizOps risks
using the hierarchy of risk control.
13. How did you select and implement BizOps risk controls
according to the hierarchy of control and WHS legislative
14. Describe who in the BizOps workplace took responsibility for
developing, implementing and reviewing policies, procedures
and processes in accordance with organisational and
legislative requirements.
15. Describe how you identified inadequacies in existing risk
controls according to the hierarchy of control and WHS
legislative requirements.
16. Explain the objective for promptly supplying resources to
enable implementation of new measures.
17. What systematic analytical processes assisted you in
gathering relevant BizOps information?
18. Describe how you used identifying and evaluating options
against agreed criteria.
19. Identify requirements for requesting expert WHS advice, and
how you would request this advice.
20. Develop a suitable WHS induction and training program for all
workers in a work area as part of the organisations training
21. How did you establish, implement, maintain and evaluate
effective and compliant participation arrangements for
managing WHS, including identifying duty holders, identifying
and approving the required resources, and developing and
implementing a training program?
22. Explain the system for WHS record keeping that you used and
how you allowed for the identification of patterns of
occupational injury and disease.
23. Describe how you would record WHS decisions according to
organisational requirements.
24. How did you measure and evaluate the WHSMS in line with
the organisations quality systems framework?
25. Describe the methods used to establish, implement, maintain
and evaluate a WHSMS for a work area of BizOps Enterprises
in accordance with WHS legislation, including policies,
procedures and record keeping.
26. What improvements did you develop and implement into the
WHSMS to achieve organisational WHS objectives?
27. Describe the plans you developed or processes you used to
manage relatively complex WHS management tasks with an
awareness of how they may contribute to longer-term

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operational and strategic goals.

28. Explain how you ensured compliance with the WHS legislative
framework to achieve, as a minimum, WHS legal
The final documents you submit for assessment will be assessed
using the project criteria provided.
All project criteria outlined must be covered satisfactorily for Part
B to be completed satisfactorily.
You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or
other personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.
Resources required

The following materials are required for this project to be


Business technology, including a computer and internet

BizOps Enterprises templates, forms, policies and procedures
(these can be accessed by the following web links):

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Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Assessment conditions

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where

evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of
typical activities experienced by individuals carrying out work
health and safety duties in the workplace and include access to:

organisational WHS policies and procedures

WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice
case studies and, where possible, real situations
interaction with others.

Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.

Reasonable adjustment

If you are unable to undertake the project assessment as

designed, a further scenario/project may be used as an
alternative approach if negotiated with your assessor.

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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Candidate to complete
Candidate name:

Project submitted:

I have produced and provided the following:

A written project report, including an induction plan


I declare that no part of this project assessment has been

completed from another persons work, except where clearly noted
on documents or work submitted.
I declare that no part of this project assessment has been produced
for me by another person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious
offence that may lead to disciplinary action by my training

Candidate signature:


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Date Created: 1 March 2016

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The project meets the following requirements:


Organised, evaluated and critiqued ideas and information from WHS

legislation, policies, procedures and programs


Identified duty holders and defined WHS responsibilities for all workplace
personnel in the work area according to WHS legislation, policies,
procedures and programs


Established, implemented, maintained and evaluated effective and

compliant participation arrangements for managing WHS including
identifying duty holders, identifying and approving the required resources
and developing and implementing a training program


Monitored adherence to legal and regulatory rights and responsibilities for

self and others in relation to WHS


Identified and approved financial and human resources required by the

WHS management system (WHSMS)


Selected from, and applied, an expanding range of mathematical and

problem solving strategies in identifying financial and human resources


Worked with workers and their representatives to set up and maintain

participation arrangements according to relevant WHS legislation


Considered whether, and how, others should be involved, using

consultative or collaborative processes as an integral part of the decisionmaking process


Developed procedures for ongoing hazard identification, and assessment

and control of associated risks


Produced WHS policies, procedures and programs using appropriate

vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions to produce


Included hazard identification at the planning, design and evaluation

stages of any change in the workplace to ensure that new hazards are not
created by the proposed changes and existing hazards are controlled


Established, implemented, maintained and evaluated procedures for

effectively identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks using the
hierarchy of risk control


Developed and maintained procedures for selecting and implementing risk

controls according to the hierarchy of control and WHS legislative



Assessor to complete

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Last Reviewed:


Took responsibility for developing, implementing and reviewing policies,

procedures and processes in accordance with organisational and
legislative requirements


Identified inadequacies in existing risk controls according to the hierarchy

of control and WHS legislative requirements, and promptly provided
resources to enable implementation of new measures


Used systematic, analytical processes, set goals, gathered relevant

information, and identified and evaluated options against agreed criteria


Identified requirements for expert WHS advice, and requested this advice
as required


Developed and provided a WHS induction and training program for all
workers in a work area as part of the organisations training program


Established, implemented, maintained and evaluated effective and

compliant participation arrangements for managing WHS including
identifying duty holders, identifying and approving the required resources
and developing and implementing a training program


Used a system for WHS record keeping to allow identification of patterns of

occupational injury and disease in the organisation, and to maintain a
record of WHS decisions made, including reasons for the decision


Recorded WHS decisions according to organisational requirements


Used digital systems and tools to enter, store and retrieve relevant


Measured and evaluated the WHSMS in line with the organisations quality
systems framework


Established, implemented, maintained and evaluated a work health and

safety (WHS) management system for a work area of an organisation in
accordance with WHS legislation including policies, procedures and record


Developed and implemented improvements to the WHSMS to achieve

organisational WHS objectives


Developed plans or processes to manage relatively complex, WHS

management tasks with an awareness of how they may contribute to
longer-term operational and strategic goals


Ensured compliance with the WHS legislative framework to achieve, as a

minimum, WHS legal requirements


All project criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the

candidate. The project assessment has been confirmed:



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Version: 1
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Date Created: 1 March 2016

Last Reviewed:

Please include recommendations for future training in cases where

the candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:


I declare that this project assessment has been conducted as per

the training organisations assessment procedures and the
instructions provided for this assessment task, and that I have
provided appropriate feedback to the candidate.

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

Date marked:

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Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

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Part D Observation

The candidates work performance will be documented while being

observed by an assessor. This may be in a workplace or work placement.

Instructions to
the assessor

The following observation checklist is used to judge and record observations

of the candidate. Record your observations of the candidates performance
directly onto the checklist. You may record your observations during and/or
after the observation.
The observation checklist has a series of items related to the unit of
competency that form the evidence criteria. Instructions on how to make an
overall judgment of the satisfactory performance of the candidate are
provided within the checklist.
The checklist allows you to record that you have had the opportunity to
observe the candidate applying these skills and knowledge. All items on the
checklist must be observed in order to record a satisfactory performance.
You need to meet the following conditions:

The necessary materials and resources must be provided to the

candidate, and any concerns or questions the candidate has must be
clarified or answered before the observation commences.
The period of observation should be over a work period sufficient to
observe all the skills outlined in the checklist provided and to ensure that
the candidates performance is captured in full. This must be negotiated
and agreed to by workplace colleagues to minimise interruptions to the
everyday activities and functions of the workplace environment, as well
as to the observation being undertaken.
The candidate must complete the observation task unassisted by the
observer or other personnel.


The following materials are required for this observation to be undertaken:


Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence

gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities
experienced by individuals carrying out work health and safety duties in the
workplace and include access to:

A workplace, work placement or simulation scenario

Business technology, including a computer and internet access
Organisational WHS policies and procedures
WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice
A person or people with whom to interact

organisational WHS policies and procedures

WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice
case studies and, where possible, real situations
interaction with others.

Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.


If the candidate is unable to undertake the observation with an assessor, the

candidate may consider undertaking Part E Third-party report as an
alternative approach.

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Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

Last Reviewed:

Assessor to complete
Candidate name:


Assessment context:

Outline the specific details of the environment and context for this
candidate. This may include specific location, equipment
selected/used, specific product/service demonstrated or specific
customer/client characteristics.

During the observation, the candidate was observed consistently performing the
following tasks:

Presenting and seeking information from others using structure and

language suitable for the audience


Resolving issues raised through participation and consultation

arrangements according to relevant WHS legislation


Providing information on resolution of WHS issues varying register, structure

and level of technical vocabulary to suit audience


Providing information about the outcomes of participation and

consultation to workers and ensure it is easy for them to access and


Playing a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration

demonstrating the ability to guide discussions and negotiate agreeable


Providing feedback to others in forms they can understand and use


The candidate should demonstrate skills in establishing, maintaining

and evaluating the organisations work health and safety (WHS)
policies, procedures and programs in the relevant work area,
according to WHS legislative requirements, taking a systems
approach and addressing compliance with relevant legislative


Observation task

Page:29 of 31
Form: BSBWHS501

Date Implemented:

Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

Last Reviewed:


Using a system for WHS record keeping to allow identification of patterns

of occupational injury and disease in the organisation, and to maintain a
record of WHS decisions made, including reasons for the decision


Using digital systems and tools to enter, store and retrieve relevant

Duration of

All observation criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the

candidate. The observation assessment has been confirmed:



Please include recommendations for future training in cases where

the candidate has not satisfactorily achieved all criteria:


I declare that this observation assessment has been conducted as

per the training organisations assessment procedures and the
instructions provided for this assessment task, and that I have
provided appropriate feedback to the candidate.

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

Page:30 of 31
Form: BSBWHS501

Date Implemented:

Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

Last Reviewed:

Record of outcome
Training organisation
Candidate name:
Unit code and title:

BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace, Release 1

Assessor name:
Assessor email:
Assessor phone
Assessment tasks


Part A Questioning
Part B Project: Ensuring a safe workplace at BizOps Enterprises OR
Part C Project: Ensuring a safe workplace at work
Part D Observation OR
Part E Third-party report

In completing this assessment, I confirm that the candidate has

demonstrated all unit outcomes through consistent and repeated
application of skills and knowledge with competent performance
demonstrated in multiple instances over a period of time.
Evidence collected has been confirmed as:




Final result:
Result date:
Assessor signature:

Page:31 of 31
Form: BSBWHS501

Date Implemented:

Version: 1
Responsibility: Academic Head

Date Created: 1 March 2016

Last Reviewed:

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