Metran V Paredes-Digest
Metran V Paredes-Digest
Metran V Paredes-Digest
Before the Court of Industrial Relations a petition was filed in case No. 36-V entitled National
Labor Union, versus Metropolitan Transportation Service (Metran), wherein petitioner alleged
that it was a legitimate labor organization, thirty of whose affiliated members were working and
under the employ of the respondent; that the respondent is a semi-governmental transportation
entity, popularly known as Metran, and after several other allegations concluded with the prayer
that its nine demands at length set forth in said petition be granted. In behalf of the so-called
respondent an oral petition for dismissal of the case was made before the court on October 22,
1946. on the ground that the respondent belongs to the Republic of the Philippines and as such,
it cannot be sued
Whether or not METRAN can invoke the doctrine of immunity from suit or Sec 3 of Art XVI of the
1987Constitution (The State may not be sued without its consent)
Upon the whole, we are clearly of opinion that the proceedings had in the Court of Industrial
Relations and now subject of this appeal are null and void [and] that the said court should be, as
it is hereby, enjoined from taking any further action in the case inconsistent with this decision.
It is beyond dispute that the Metropolitan Transportation Service (Metran) is and was at the times
covered by the petition in the Court of Industrial Relations an office created by Executive Order
No. 59and operating under the direct supervision and control of the Department of Public Works
and Communications. The said office not being a juridical person, any suit, action or proceeding
against it, if it were to produce any effect, would in practice be a suit, action or proceeding against
the Government itself, of which the said Metropolitan Transportation Service (Metran) is a mere
office or agency. The Bureau of Public Works under whose supervision the Metropolitan
Transportation Service (Metran) has been organized and functions in is an integral part of the
government, just as the said office or agency. And apart from the consideration that neither said
Bureau nor said office has any juridical personality to be sued for reasons already set forth, any
suit or action attempted against either will necessarily be a suit or action against the government
itself In a republican state, like the Philippines, government immunity from suit without its consent
is derived from the will of the people themselves in freely creating a government of the people,
by the people, and for the people