Dms All Subjects Questions 2016

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Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Give a block diagram in establishing the design and quality standards of technology recipient site?
2. Business decision making and the impact of the macro-environment, Discuss?
3. Give the constitution of SEBI Board and explain SEBI functions?
4. Write a note on socio-cultural environment of Business Write a note on socio-cultural environment of
5. Discuss how the environment acts does as a stimulant to business. Analyze why business often
does little for the preservation of physical environment despite the fact that it is significant for business
6. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. What is your opinion on the role of
FDI in the Retail Sector? Justify your views with India's experience in this sector?
7. Discuss the Third plan (1961-66)?
8. Give any three critical elements of economic environment of Business?
Business Planning & Policy
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. What are the elements of strategic management?
2. What are the levels of strategy?
3. What are the components of a mission statemnet? What things
have to be kept in mind while formulating mission statement?
4. Explain TOWS Matrix.
5. What are the reasons for mergers and acquisitions?

6. Explain McKinseys 7-S model

7. what are the steps to build the organization structure?
8. What are the mechanisms of governance?
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Explain who can be a partner also explain partnership deed
2. Define partnership & essentials of partnership
3. Advantages of soletradership & disadvantages of soletradership
4. Give the needs for principles and theory of management
5. Discuss coordination and cooperation
6. Explain specific features of the Gandhian Business Management
7. Give the functions of the cash department
8. Explain the principles of Mary Parker Follet.
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. How to convert public company into a private company
2. Distinguish between Managing Director and Manager
3. What are the exceptions to transfer of title by non-owners
4. State procedure for enquiry on complaints under S 19.
5. What are the circumstances in which a contract is not discharged
on the ground of subsequent
6. What are the circumstances under which agency terminates?
7. Discuss Ultra Vives Borrowing
8. How to employ a Controller and other officers?
Financial Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Compare and contrast the potential liability of owners of
proprietorships, partnerships (general partners), and corporations.
2. What is meant by Working capital? How is it calculated? Explain the
determinants of working capital requirements.
3. Are the share holders of a company likely to gain with a debt component

in the capital employed ? Explain with the help of an example?

4. What do you mean by yield to maturity (YTM) of a bond? Explain
5. What can a financial institution often do for a deficit economic unit
(DEU)that it would have difficulty doing for itself if the DEU were to deal
directly with an SEU?
6. Why would an analyst use the Modified Du Pont system to calculate ROE
when ROE may be calculated more simply? Explain.
7. How are financial trades made in an over-the-counter market? Discuss
the role of a dealer in the OTC market.
8. What is a portfolio? Why an investor should invest his/her funds in a
portfolio rather than in the stocks of a single corporation.
Human Resource Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Explain Job Description and Job Specification.
2. Explain the modern methods of performance evaluation?
3. What are the factors affecting Job Design?
4. What do you understand by Career Development Program?
5. Explain the model of strategic HRM? What are the strategic challenges
HRM facing?
6. What do you understand by employee benefits?
7. Write the various methods of training?
8. Explain the traditional methods of performance evaluation?
International Business
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. List out agencies/funds noticed by government of India for the purpose of
deemed export benefits.
2. What is the problem of International Liquidity? In what manner this
problem has been solved by IMF?
3. What are the different dimensions of economic environment? What are the
steps taken by government to improve FDI?
4. What are the benefits to customer/ vendors derived from IT projects by
5. What are duty payables of soft bonded IT unit (S-BIT)

6. Short note on free trade & warehousing zones (FTWZ)

7. Explain exports of goods services in foreign exchange management act1999.
8. What do you understand by fundamental disequilibrium in the balance of
payments? What remedies do you suggest to correct it?
Marketing Management
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. Give the Classification of Products and state Product Line Decisions?
2. What are various ways to classify the service market?
3. Define marketing channel. And explain various types of marketing channels?
4. What are problems and constraints in Rural Marketing?
5. What is market segmentation and Basis of Market Segmentation?
6. How marketing Research and Distribution Management is done in Rural Markets?
7. State the Market Segmentation process and criteria for effective market Segmentation?
8. What is Matrix Organization and what are advantages and disadvantages?
Quantitative Methods
Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. What is model and give 4 examples . State their properties , advantages and
2. What are the types of inventories ? explain
3. What is replacement problem ? Describe some important replacement
situation and policies ?
4. What is operation Research ? Account for the growing importance Research
in business ?
5. Briefly discuss the Delphi method of making forecasts.
6. Define an OR model and give 4 examples. State properties, advantages &
7. How do you distinguish between resource leveling and resource allocation
problems? State and explain an algorithm for resource allocation.
8. What are different types of inventories? Explain. What functions does
inventory perform? State the two basic inventory decisions management
must make as they attempt to accomplish the functions of inventory just
described by you.
Research Methodology

Total Marks: 80
Note : All Questions are Compulsory
Each Question Carries Equal Marks 10 Marks
1. The monthly income of two persons are in the ratio 4:5 and their monthy expenditures are
in the ratio 7:9. If each saves rs. 50 per montrh, find their monthly incomes.
2. A tour operator charges rs. 136 per passenger for 100 passengers with a discount of rs. 4
for each 10 passengers in excess of 100. Determine the number of passengers that will
maximize the amount of money the tour operator services.
3. A firm has current sales of rs. 50000 e0.02t per month. The firm wants to embark upon a
certain advertising campaign that will increase the sales by 2% every month over the 12
months period ofcampaign. Find total increase of sales as a result of the campaign.
4. There are two branches of an establishment employing 200 and 160 persons respectively.
If the AMs of the monthly salaries paid by the two branches are rs. 550 and rs. 450
respectivvely, find AM of the salaries of the employees of the establishment as a whole.
5. Calculate the median for the following frequency distribution
Marks 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50
No of
7 15 24 31 42 30 26 15 10
6. For the cost function y = 500x - 40x2 + 3x3 for x units, find the average cost, marginal
cost and marginal average cost.
7. A man borrows rs. 1500 and agrees to repay the debt in 5 equal instalmenst with 6%
interest, compounded annually. If the first payment is to be made at the end of the first
year, how much should each payment be?
Total Marks : 80
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Write short notes on (Any three)
i) Annual Value
ii) Assessee
iii) Assessment year
iv) Assessment
Q2) Distinguish between :
a) Resident and Non-resident
b) Ordinary Resident and non-ordinary Resident?
Q3) Discuss the following exemption from Income tax?
a) Scholarship
b) Daily allowance of MP or MLA
c) Awards and Rewards.
Q4) What are the different heads of income under which income is to be computed under the Income

tax Act 1961?

Q5) Define
a) Salary
b) Pre-quisite
c) Profits in lieu of Salary
Q6) How will you determine the income from house property under the Income Tax Act 1961?
Q7) What are the incomes chargeable under the head Profits and Gains of Business or Profession?
Q8) Which are the amounts chargeable under the head Income from Capital gains?
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