Sandline Flagging Operation Results in Fatality

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Safety Alert

From the International Association of Drilling Contractors

ALERT 11 01


A completions rig crew was attempting to attach flags to the rig sand line. After they had installed the third
set of flags, the rig operator reached into the drum area to help one of the rig floor crewmen remove his pipe
wrench from the sand-line. While reaching in, his stomach area came in contact with the sand-line drum
clutch lever and engaged the drum resulting in the drum turning several revolutions. One of the rig crewmen
become entangled, resulting in his death.
Direct Causes:
Inadequate guards or barriers: There were no barriers to prevent personnel from entering or falling into
the sand-line drum area.
Making safety devices inoperative: The person in control of the job did not isolate the sand line drum (air
shut off valve), which would have prevented it from being engaged while workers were working on live
Failure to identify hazard
Personnel on location did not recognize the dangers associated with entering the drum area and the
possibility of failing to close the air shut-off.
Improper position for task
As a result of the factors set out above the two crewmen were in a very awkward and high risk position.
Potential Basic/Underlying Causes
Inadequate instructions/procedures: Personnel should not have been instructed to enter the drum area
before it was verified that it was locked out and there were barriers installed to prevent workers from falling
into the draw works.
Lack of knowledge/situational awareness: The person in control of the activity should have recognized this
as a high risk task and implemented controls to eliminate/reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
Inadequate leadership and/or supervision: Work procedures should have been implemented to ensure
that the work could have been done safely.
Inadequate work standards: The procedures for conducting this work were insufficient to prevent the
Inadequate engineering: A method for preventing entry to the drum area should have been in place; i.e.
barriers to prevent personnel from entering the area, mechanical devices to prevent accidental engagement of
the clutch lever.
CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: To address this incident, this company did the following:

Created a rig activity database and developed procedures/JSA for critical activities.
Developed and began implementing rig procedures/rules and ensure there is a mechanism for measuring
Instructed rig supervisors to ensure equipment isolation mechanisms are installed and used.
Developed service/completion rigs training matrix and ensure competency.
Installed barriers over the sand-line/draw works area to prevent entry.
Began a process to improve the safety culture and promote the use of a Stop Unsafe Work Process.
The Corrective Actions stated in this alert are one companys attempts to address the incident,
and do not necessarily reflect the position of IADC or the IADC HSE Committee.
This material is presented for information purposes only. Managers & Supervisors should
evaluate this information to determine if it can be applied to their own situations and practices
Copyright 2008 International Association of Drilling Contractors All rights reserved.
Issued January 2011

Safety Alert
From the International Association of Drilling Contractors

Location of shut down lever and clutch

View of drawworks drum and sand-line drum

Location of the fatally injured person at the time
of incident (one foot on top of drum housing and
the other foot on the sand-line drum).

Location of the second individual (one foot on

the sand-line drum and one foot on a lower bar of
the draw works housing

The Corrective Actions stated in this alert are one companys attempts to address the incident,
and do not necessarily reflect the position of IADC or the IADC HSE Committee.
This material is presented for information purposes only. Managers & Supervisors should
evaluate this information to determine if it can be applied to their own situations and practices
Copyright 2008 International Association of Drilling Contractors All rights reserved.
Issued January 2011

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