715 Animal Riddles 2 Medium
715 Animal Riddles 2 Medium
715 Animal Riddles 2 Medium
Animal Riddles 2
Can you find out what I am?
I can fly.
I am not a bird.
I sleep during the day.
I am black.
I live in .
I am a kind of bear.
I am black and white.
I eat bamboo.
I can swim.
I have eight arms.
I have a soft body.
I can change colour.
I can swim.
I have a hard shell.
I move sideways.
I have eight legs.
I eat grass.
I live in .
I am black and white.
I look like a horse.
I have no legs.
I can swim very well.
I look like a snake.
I am slippery.
I am a small pet.
I dont have a tail.
Im a kind of pet.
I am orange.
I live in a bowl.
I can swim.
I am a small pet.
Some people eat me.
I am not a pig.
Im not from .
Im a wild animal.
I howl.
I hunt in packs.
I look like a dog.
I can fly.
I have six legs.
I am yellow and black.
I collect honey.
I am a small animal.
I like sugar.
I have six legs.
I am red or black.
I am active at night.
Author: PhilipR
Team 1
Team 3
I can fly.
I am not a bird.
I sleep during the day.
I am black.BAT
I live in .
I am a kind of bear.
I am black and white.
I eat bamboo.PANDA
I can swim.
I have eight arms.
I have a soft body.
I can change colour.
I can swim.
I have a hard shell.
I move sideways.
I have eight legs.CRAB
I eat grass.
I live in .
I am black and white.
I look like a horse. ZEBRA
I have no legs.
I can swim very well.
I look like a snake.
I am slippery.EEL
I am small.
I am a pet.
Im a kind of pet.
I am orange.
I live in a bowl.
I can swim.GOLDFISH
I am a small pet.
Some people eat me.
I am not a pig.
Im not from .
Im a wild animal.
I howl.
I hunt in packs.
I look like a dog.WOLF
I can fly.
I have six legs.
I am yellow and black.
I collect honey.BEE
I am a small animal.
I like sugar.
I have six legs.
I am red or black.ANT
I am active at night.
Author: PhilipR
The first page can be used as an individual worksheet (reading and writing
focus). Help with spelling or vocabulary if necessary.
The second page can be used as a competitive team game (reading, speaking,
pronunciation and listening focus).
o Divide the class into 2 or 3 teams.
o One team reads out the clues slowly and clearly - one by one - on one
of their cards. Don
o Other teams listen and try to guess the animal. ONLY ONE GUESS IS
ALLOWED, so teams have to work together and not guess too quickly.
o If all the clues are exhausted, teams could show the pictures or give
extra clues.
o Teams score one point per correct answer.
o These rules can be adapted or used creatively. Enjoy.
After the game, students can choose an animal and write their own clue
chicken or hen
guinea pig
Author: PhilipR