Introduction To Winapi PDF
Introduction To Winapi PDF
Introduction To Winapi PDF
FUNCTION CREATEICONFROMRESOURCE...........................................................69
FUNCTION CREATEICONFROMRESOURCEEX......................................................71
FUNCTION CREATEICONINDIRECT.........................................................................73
FUNCTION DESTROYICON........................................................................................74
FUNCTION DRAWICON...............................................................................................75
FUNCTION DRAWICONEX.........................................................................................76
FUNCTION GETICONINFO..........................................................................................78
FUNCTION LOADICON................................................................................................80
FUNCTION LOOKUPICONIDFROMDIRECTORY....................................................82
FUNCTION LOOKUPICONIDFROMDIRECTORYEX...............................................84
Structure of icons.........................................................................................................................86
STRUCTURE ICONMETRICS......................................................................................88
VI. WIN32 API. Windows.......................................................................................................................89
Window of application program..................................................................................................90
Components of window of application program..........................................................................91
Controls, dialog boxes and message windows.............................................................................93
Z-sequence (z order)....................................................................................................................94
Creating a window.......................................................................................................................95
Attributes of window...................................................................................................................96
Window handles...........................................................................................................................99
Creating main window...............................................................................................................100
Messages creatingwindows........................................................................................................101
Multithreaded application program............................................................................................102
General window style.................................................................................................................103
Child window.............................................................................................................................104
Size of the window frame..........................................................................................................107
Components of focus frame.......................................................................................................108
Initial state of windows..............................................................................................................109
Styles of parent and child windows............................................................................................110
Extended styles...........................................................................................................................111
Relationship of windows............................................................................................................112
Blocking of windows.................................................................................................................113
Foreground and background windows.......................................................................................114
State of the window show..........................................................................................................115
Minimize, maximize and restored window................................................................................117
Size and position of windows.....................................................................................................118
Size of the window.....................................................................................................................119
Position (location) of windows..................................................................................................120
Dimensions and position by default...........................................................................................121
System Commands.....................................................................................................................122
Functions of size and position....................................................................................................123
Message of the size and position................................................................................................124
Destruction of windows.............................................................................................................125
Creating the main window.........................................................................................................126
Creating, enumeration and resizing of child windows...............................................................128
Destruction of windows.............................................................................................................131
Window structures......................................................................................................................133
STRUCTURE CLIENTCREATESTRUCT...................................................................133
STRUCTURE COPYDATASTRUCT...........................................................................135
STRUCTURE CREATESTRUCT.................................................................................136
STRUCTURE MDICREATESTRUCT.........................................................................139
STRUCTURE MINMAXINFO.....................................................................................142
STRUCTURE NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS.....................................................................144
STRUCTURE STYLESTRUCT....................................................................................145
STRUCTURE WINDOWPLACEMENT......................................................................146
STRUCTURE WINDOWPOS.......................................................................................148
Window messages......................................................................................................................151
WM_ACTIVATE MESSAGE........................................................................................151
WM_ACTIVATEAPP MESSAGE................................................................................153
WM_CANCELMODE MESSAGE...............................................................................154
WM_CHILDACTIVATE MESSAGE...........................................................................155
WM_CLOSE MESSAGE..............................................................................................156
WM_COMPACTING MESSAGE.................................................................................157
WM_COPYDATA MESSAGE......................................................................................158
WM_CREATE MESSAGE............................................................................................160
WM_DESTROY MESSAGE........................................................................................161
WM_QUIT MESSAGE.................................................................................................162
WM_ENABLE MESSAGE...........................................................................................163
WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE MESSAGE..........................................................................164
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE MESSAGE.............................................................................165
WM_GETICON MESSAGE.........................................................................................166
WM_GETMINMAXINFO MESSAGE........................................................................168
WM_GETTEXT MESSAGE.........................................................................................169
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH MESSAGE.........................................................................171
WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE MESSAGE...................................................................173
WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST MESSAGE.................................................174
WM_MOVE MESSAGE...............................................................................................175
WM_MOVING MESSAGE..........................................................................................176
WM_NCACTIVATE MESSAGE..................................................................................178
WM_NCCALCSIZE MESSAGE..................................................................................179
WM_NCDESTROY MESSAGE...................................................................................181
WM_PARENTNOTIFY MESSAGE.............................................................................182
WM_POWER MESSAGE.............................................................................................184
WM_SETICON MESSAGE..........................................................................................188
WM_SETTEXT MESSAGE.........................................................................................190
WM_SETTINGCHANGE MESSAGE.........................................................................191
WM_SIZE MESSAGE..................................................................................................197
WM_SIZING MESSAGE..............................................................................................199
WM_STYLECHANGED MESSAGES........................................................................201
WM_STYLECHANGING MESSAGE.........................................................................202
WM_USERCHANGED MESSAGE.............................................................................203
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING MESSAGE............................................................204
WM_WININICHANGE MESSAGE............................................................................206
WM_CLOSE MESSAGE..............................................................................................207
WM_COMPACTING MESSAGE.................................................................................208
WM_COPYDATA MESSAGE......................................................................................209
WM_CREATE MESSAGE............................................................................................211
WM_DESTROY MESSAGE........................................................................................212
Window functions......................................................................................................................213
FUNCTION ADJUSTWINDOWRECT....................................................................................213
FUNCTION ADJUSTWINDOWRECTEX...............................................................................215
FUNCTION ARRANGEICONICWINDOWS..........................................................................217
FUNCTION BEGINDEFERWINDOWPOS.............................................................................218
FUNCTION BRINGWINDOWTOTOP....................................................................................220
FUNCTION CASCADEWINDOWS........................................................................................221
FUNCTION CHILDWINDOWFROMPOINT..........................................................................223
FUNCTION CHILDWINDOWFROMPOINTEX....................................................................225
FUNCTION CLOSEWINDOW................................................................................................227
FUNCTION CREATEWINDOW..............................................................................................228
FUNCTION CREATEWINDOWEX........................................................................................245
FUNCTION DEFERWINDOWPOS.........................................................................................250
FUNCTION DESTROYWINDOW..........................................................................................254
FUNCTION ENABLEWINDOW.............................................................................................256
FUNCTION ENDDEFERWINDOWPOS.................................................................................258
FUNCTION ENUMCHILDPROC............................................................................................259
FUNCTION ENUMTHREADWINDOWS...............................................................................261
FUNCTION ENUMWINDOWS...............................................................................................263
FUNCTION ENUMWINDOWSPROC....................................................................................265
FUNCTION FINDWINDOW....................................................................................................267
FUNCTION FINDWINDOWEX..............................................................................................268
FUNCTION GETCLIENTRECT..............................................................................................270
FUNCTION GETDESKTOPWINDOW...................................................................................271
FUNCTION GETFOREGROUNDWINDOW..........................................................................272
FUNCTION GETLASTACTIVEPOPUP..................................................................................273
FUNCTION GETNEXTWINDOW..........................................................................................274
FUNCTION GETPARENT........................................................................................................276
FUNCTION GETTOPWINDOW..............................................................................................277
FUNCTION GETWINDOW.....................................................................................................278
FUNCTION GETWINDOWPLACEMENT.............................................................................280
FUNCTION GETWINDOWRECT...........................................................................................282
FUNCTION GETWINDOWTEXT...........................................................................................283
FUNCTION GETWINDOWTEXTLENGTH...........................................................................285
FUNCTION GETWINDOWTHREADPROCESSID...............................................................287
FUNCTION ISCHILD...............................................................................................................288
FUNCTION ISICONIC.............................................................................................................289
FUNCTION ISWINDOW.........................................................................................................290
FUNCTION ISWINDOWUNICODE.......................................................................................291
FUNCTION ISWINDOWVISIBLE..........................................................................................292
FUNCTION ISZOOMED..........................................................................................................293
FUNCTION MOVEWINDOW.................................................................................................294
FUNCTION OPENICON..........................................................................................................296
FUNCTION SETFOREGROUNDWINDOW..........................................................................297
FUNCTION SETPARENT........................................................................................................299
FUNCTION SETWINDOWLONG...........................................................................................301
FUNCTION SETWINDOWPLACEMENT..............................................................................303
FUNCTION SETWINDOWPOS..............................................................................................305
FUNCTION SETWINDOWTEXT............................................................................................309
FUNCTION SHOWOWNEDPOPUPS.....................................................................................311
FUNCTION SHOWWINDOW.................................................................................................313
FUNCTION SHOWWINDOWASYNC....................................................................................316
FUNCTION TILEWINDOWS..................................................................................................318
FUNCTION WINDOWFROMPOINT......................................................................................320
FUNCTION WINMAIN............................................................................................................321
FUNCTION ANYPOPUP..........................................................................................................323
FUNCTION ENUMTASKWINDOWS.....................................................................................324
FUNCTION GETSYSMODALWINDOW...............................................................................325
FUNCTION GETWINDOWTASK...........................................................................................326
FUNCTION SETSYSMODALWINDOW................................................................................327
FUNCTION CHILDWINDOWFROMPOINT..........................................................................328
FUNCTION CHILDWINDOWFROMPOINTEX....................................................................330
FUNCTION CLOSEWINDOW................................................................................................332
WIN32 API. MENU...............................................................................................................................333
Menu items and menu................................................................................................................333
Secondary menu.........................................................................................................................334
Menu of the window..................................................................................................................335
Identification reference..............................................................................................................336
Descriptors of the menu.............................................................................................................337
Menu items.................................................................................................................................338
Command items and items which opens a submenu..................................................................339
Menu item identification............................................................................................................340
Position of menu item................................................................................................................341
Sets the default menu items.......................................................................................................342
Menu items with and without tick..............................................................................................343
Included, inaccessibility and lock menu items...........................................................................344
Selected menu item....................................................................................................................345
Custom menu items....................................................................................................................346
Menu divider and line breaks.....................................................................................................347
Creating the menu......................................................................................................................348
Resources of menu templates.....................................................................................................349
Template of menu in memory....................................................................................................350
Functions of the menu................................................................................................................351
Show on-screen menu................................................................................................................352
Menu window class....................................................................................................................353
Destruction of menu...................................................................................................................354
Messages used by menu.............................................................................................................355
Changing the menu....................................................................................................................356
Using the menu..........................................................................................................................357
Resource usage of menu templates............................................................................................358
Advanced format for menu templates........................................................................................359
Old format of menu templates...................................................................................................360
Resource loading of menu templates.........................................................................................361
Creating menu class...................................................................................................................362
Creating of a subsidiary (context) menu....................................................................................365
On-screen display the context menu..........................................................................................366
Use the menu bitmap (icon).......................................................................................................367
Checking the box type icon........................................................................................................368
Then, in the drop-down list select Visual C ++, and in the window select Win32 project." Click on it.
Enter the name of the project, specify the path and click "OK". Next, you will get to "Win32
Application Wizard". Click Next.
You have to choose Windows application and Empty project. By default, the option "Empty
Project" is not selected. We need also to select "Windows application" as a type of our application. If
everything is correct - click "Finish".
Finally, let's start to write a simple demo program, which traditionally will display on the screen:
"Hello World" inscription.
Essentially, you have to add cpp file to the created project. We right click on the "Source Files" and
in the drop-down list, select the tab - "Add", then "New Item ...". As a result, the following window
should appear:
Select "C ++ File", enter its name, press "Add". Then open the file and paste the following code into it
The program should compile successfully and run, and show a window on the screen:
In our case, the first parameter is set to zero. That's because we do not have the parent window (our
window does not run from any program). Next, we have two variables of type LPCWSTR: lpText and
lpCaption. The first variable contains information that will be displayed in the window in a text form.
The second contains the text of the header of the window. It is almost the same as char * str, but has a
number of features. The text would be displayed properly if you put a the letter L (UNICODE string)
before the main string. And the last type of data - UINT - 32-bit unsigned integer. It is an analogue of
simple unsigned integer. In this parameter you can pass some values (about them later, too), due to
which you can change the appearance of a button. In our case - it MB_OK - means that the window
creates a button that says "OK" and its appropriate action when it is pressed (it will close the
On line number 11, we return the value of the main function, since it is not void type. Now you have
general idea of Windows API, and how you can use it.
Base types
BOOL it is similar to the type of data bool. It also has two possible values 0 and 1. When
you are using WINAPI, you better use 0 instead of NULL.
BYTE same as byte or 8-bit unsigned integer. Similar to unsigned char.
DWORD 32-bit unsigned integer. Similar to unsigned long int, UINT.
INT 32-bit integer. Similar to long int.
LONG 32-bit integer. Similar to long int.
NULL null pointer. This is how it is declared in the program:
There are also brush descriptors, mouse cursors, fonts, etc. With their help, we can change any settings
at the initialization time or during application work, thus as you can not do that in the console
application. They are used for descriptive functions, of control types: CreateProcess (), ShowWindow
(), etc. or as the return value of some functions:
In this function, we have got the descriptor for std_in std_out streams and we can, for example, use it in
some sort of condition.
In WINAPI, depending on whether Unicode is connected or not, two types of strings are used:
UNICODE or TCHAR. The following describes the types of data strings.
LPCSTR a pointer to a constant string, ending with zero-interrupter. From the name of long
pointer constant string.
LPCTSTR a pointer to a constant string, without UNICODE. From the name of long pointer
constant TCHAR string. This add-in function to LPCSTR.
LPCWSTR a pointer to a constant UNICODE string. From the name of long pointer constant
wide character string. This add-in function to LPCSTR.
LPSTR a pointer to a string, ending with zero-interrupter. From the name of long pointer
LPTSTR a pointer to a string without UNICODE. From the name of long pointer TCHAR
string. This add-in function to LPSTR.
LPWSTR a pointer to a UNICODE string. From the name o long pointer wide character
string. This add-in function to LPSTR.
TCHAR symbol data type same as char and wchar_t.
LPARAM type to describe lParam (long parameter). Used with wparam in some functions.
LRESULT value, returned by the window procedure has long data type.
WPARAM type to describe wParam (word parameter). Used with lParam in some functions.
To initialize the window class fields, you need to create an instance of it, then fill in the class fields
through it.
Declaration of this class in windows.h looks like this:
That is, we need to create a variable of type WNDCLASSEX, usually wc, then use it to initialize class
fields, like this:
It is necessary if we want to use this class in the future. This will be the template for creating a heap of
windows. Of course, at first we don't need so much windows. However, registration is definitely
necessary! We can even set the default settings during initializing fields, rather than coming up with
what should be the window (during the next chapter we will discuss the parameters that are necessary
to initialize class fields ).
So, again: if at least one field of the class will not be initialized, the window would not be created. To
verify, there is a useful function RegisterClassEx (). This is the next step after filling WNDCLASSEX
class fields: obligatory check of registration of class:
The next thing we have to do in WinMain () function - call the CreateWindow () function and assign it
a value of descriptor, which we have created in the first phase. Code snippet is here:
If successful, the function hMainWnd will return not NULL value. It is easy to guess that it is
necessary to do a background check (similar to RegisterClassEx ()):
There is no need to describe them in detail, because they have only several parameters.
The first function displays a message box on the PC screen. Its first parameter - window descriptor
(returned from CreateWindow () call). The second option - the display style. When you first launch the
window should be equal to the last parameter of the WinMain () function, and the next time you can
enter your own data. The second function as the name suggests, is responsible for updating the
window on the screen when it is minimized or by dynamic information. It's time to make a cycle and
return value of the function:
Finally, the modified program that outputs the message window (from the first chapter) with other
WinMain() in the last line contains two functions calls, interacting with our function WndProc() and
return statement operator. The design of the function WndProc() should be conditionally like this:
LRESULT it is the return value. CALLBACK should be written as this is a callback function. First,
you need to create the required variables. First, create an instance of a device context HDC for the
correct orientation of the text in the window. Besides, for the window field processing, we need two
more variables RECT (rectangular window area) and PAINTSTRUCT (in the structure of the window
to draw information) respectively:
To change the color of the text (and not only) you need to create a variable of type COLORREF and
assign it's return value to the function RGB() with three parameters:
This function converts the integer type in the color intensity and returns the value of mixing intensity of
three colors (red + green + blue). As you can see via these color gradations it can be created
255*255*255= 16581375 of colors.
Windows OS and various functions of our program would send thousands of messages every second
for every single application. These messages can be sent as result of handling the key or mouse button
pressing etc. For these cases, we have a structure MSG, described in WinMain(), which stores
information about these messages. In WndProc() there are conditions for the selection of these
If the operating system sends a message WM_PAINT, for example, then something should be drawn in
the window. These messages are processed by the condition switch() (multiple-choice operator),
parameters of it are uMsg. uMsg we have created when describing our function WndProc(). The main
value in the statement, without which the window will not be updated after folding and closing
WM_DESTROY. Also there is WM_PAINT which is necessary to draw in the client area. WM - from
words Window Message. Namely:
And what we should do with these cases? When sending a WM_PAINT message - we call drawing
functions, BeginPaint (), GetClientRect (), SetTextColor (), DrawText (), EndPaint (). It is clear by
name of these functions what they are doing.
BeginPaint () function in the literal sense of the word begins to draw. Only for this purpose it is
necessary to have a window handle and PAINTSTRUCT object (we have it ps). It returns a value of
type HDC, so we need to give it a hDc.
GetClientRect () selects a region. Its argument is similar to the previous function: window handle and a
pointer to a RECT object class (we have it rect). SetTextColor () function returns the color of the text.
Its parameters are: the return value of function BeginPaint () - hDC and a pointer to the object
COLORREF class. We even could not set the color of text separately, creating a variable colorText, but
could do it right there. But in terms of readability and comprehension of code - it is fundamentally
wrong. Always try to declare variables separately and write in the comments, why they are needed, and
after some time you will not have any questions about them.
Also observe the Hungarian notation in programming, the essence of which: variable names should
bear the meaning of their existence and to show the type of data. Declaration of function DrawText():
The first 4 parameters have a clear meaning. Fourth uFormat - has several types. Commonly used
DT_SINGLELINE, DT_CENTER and DT_VCENTER to display text in the center region, in one line.
But you can use other options. EndPaint () function takes two parameters: a window handle and the
object ps. Have you noticed the analogy with the BeginPaint ()? You know what to do when you call
WM_PAINT (do not forget to use break in the end). WM_DESTROY is sent with the window function
DestroyWindow (), which is caused when we closed it. This occurs in the default statement. Thus a call
DefWindowProc () function happen, the parameters of which are the same as that of the WndProc (). In
its body WM_DESTROY must have PostQuitMessage () function, which is sending the WinMain ()
message WM_QUIT. Its setting is usually NULL, interpreting for the main function WinMain (), as the
Upon completion of the switch (), we return a null value with WndProc () function. And now we back
to the WinMain (), in particular to the message handler.
It handles messages sent by the OS. The first parameter is the address of the MSG structure, in which
next message would be located. The second parameter - a window handle. The third and fourth
parameters indicate the procedure for the selection of messages. Typically, zero values and any value
function are removed from the queue. The cycle stops when it receives a message WM_QUIT. In this
case, it returns FALSE, and we exit the program. TranslateMessage () and DispatchMessage ()
functions are needed in the loop to interpret the messages. Usually it is used in the processing of the
pressed keys on the keyboard. At the end of the cycle, we return the operating system return code
msg.wParam. As a result, we should get the following code:
Accelerator table
Table key - Accelerator (accelerator table) consists of an array of ACCEL structures, each of which
defines a particular accelerator. Each ACCEL structure includes the following information:
A combination of keystrokes - accelerator.
accelerator identifier.
Various flags. These flags include and the one that determines whether Windows provides visual
feedback when the accelerator is used, highlighting the menu item if it is available.
To handle the keystrokes - accelerators for a given flow, the developer must call TranslateAccelerator
function in a cycle the message associated with the thread's message queue. TranslateAccelerator
function monitors keyboard input in the message queue by checking combinations of keys that
correspond to items in the table keys - accelerators. When TranslateAccelerator finds a match, it takes
the input from the keyboard (ie, posts and WM_KEYUP WM_KEYDOWN) in a WM_COMMAND
message or a WM_SYSCOMMAND, and then sends a message to the window procedure of the
specified window.
WM_COMMAND message includes an identifier accelerator keys, which made TranslateAccelerator
generate the message. The window procedure examines the identifier to determine the source of the
message, and then processes the message accordingly.
In Windows accelerator table exist at two different levels. Windows supports a single, system-level
accelerator table, which is used by all applications. An application can not change the system table
accelerators. For a description of key - accelerator, accelerator table provided by the system, refer to the
article Destination keystrokes - accelerators.
Windows also supports table keys - accelerators for each application. The application can define any
number of accelerator tables for their own windows. A unique 32-bit descriptor (HACCEL) identifies
each table. However, only one table shortcuts - accelerators can be simultaneously active for a given
thread. Descriptor table - key accelerators transmitted in TranslateAccelerator function determines
which accelerator table is active for the flow. The active accelerator table can be overridden at any time
by transmitting a corresponding descriptor accelerator table in TranslateAccelerator.
ALT + ESC - Switches to the next application (for Windows version 3.1). Switches on the panel
application in Windows 95 and higher goals.
ALT + F4 - Closes the application or window.
ALT + HYPHEN - Open the System menu for the document window.
ALT + PRINT SCREEN - Copies the image of the active window to the clipboard.
ALT + SPACEBAR - Opens the System menu of the application window.
ALT + TAB - Switch to the next application.
CTRL + ESC - Switches the task list (for Windows version 3.1) is equivalent to pressing the
Start button (for Windows 95 and higher).
CTRL + F4 - Closes the active group or document window.
F1 - If the application has a Help (Help), launches Help.
PRINT SCREEN - Copies of the screen image to the clipboard.
SHIFT + ALT + TAB - Switch to the previous application. The user must press and hold ALT +
SHIFT before pressing the TAB key.
// accl
You define a keystroke - accelerator, by setting the ASCII letters code or virtual-key code in the term
structure of key ACCEL. If you specify a virtual key code, you must first enable the check box at the
term FVIRTKEY fVirt; otherwise, Windows will understand the code as ASCII letters code. You can
turn FCONTROL box, or FALT FSHIFT, or all three, to be combined with pressing CTRL key, ALT, or
To create an accelerator table, send the address of an array of ACCEL structures
CreateAcceleratorTable function. CreateAcceleratorTable creates accelerator table and returns its
PROCESSING accelerator
The loading process and call keys - accelerators under their table, created when you run the program,
similar to the treatment of these keys provided resource accelerator table. For more information, see.
Article to load the resource accelerator table to article processing a WM_COMMAND message.
DESTRUCTION accelerator table
Before application to close, it must destroy the accelerator table, created during the program run. You
can destroy the accelerator table and remove it from memory, by sending the descriptor table
DestroyAcceleratorTable function.
The dialog box uses an array of application-defined VKEY structures, each of which contains the text
string of a key is pressed and the text string of key - accelerator. When the dialog box is created, it
analyzes the array and adds a line of text on each key is pressed in the combo box selection by pressing
the button (Select Keystroke). When the user clicks on the button Ok, the dialog box searches for text
string to the selected key is pressed, and retrieves the appropriate text string of key - accelerator. The
dialog box attaches a text string on the key - the accelerator to the text of the menu item that the user
selected. The following example shows an array of structures VKEY:
The initialization routine dialog populates the combo box you select an item (Select Item) and the
selection by pressing the button (Select Keystroke). Once the user selects a menu item and the related
key - the accelerator, the dialog box checks the controls in the dialog box to get user selection, modify
the text of a menu item, and then creates a new accelerator table that contains user-defined a new key Accelerator . The following example shows the procedure of the dialog.
CopyAcceleratorTable function copies the specified accelerator table. This function is used to get the
data accelerator table that corresponds to the descriptor of the table, or define the table size of the data.
int CopyAcceleratorTable
HACCEL hAccelSrc, // handle copied accelerator table
LPACCEL lpAccelDst, // pointer to the structure receiving a copy
int cAccelEntries // number of entries in the copied table
Identifies the accelerator table, which is copied.
Points to an array of structures ACCEL, where information on the accelerator table to be copied.
Specifies the number of ACCEL structures to copy into the buffer specified by the parameter
Return values
If lpAccelDst value is empty (NULL), the return value specifies the number of input accelerator table
in the original table. Otherwise, it specifies the number of input accelerator table that has been copied.
See also
ACCEL, CreateAcceleratorTable, DestroyAcceleratorTable, LoadAccelerators, TranslateAccelerator
Accommodation and compatibility CopyAcceleratorTable
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
CreateAcceleratorTable function creates an accelerator table.
HACCEL CreateAcceleratorTable
LPACCEL lpaccl, // pointer to an array of structures with key data - accelerator
int cEntries // number of structures in the array
Points to an array of structures ACCEL, which describes the accelerator table.
Specifies the number of ACCEL structures in the array.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - a handle to the created accelerator table; otherwise, the value
is empty (NULL).
The application before its closure should use DestroyAcceleratorTable function to destroy each
accelerator table that are created by using CreateAcceleratorTable function.
See also
ACCEL, CopyAcceleratorTable, DestroyAcceleratorTable, LoadAccelerators, TranslateAccelerator
Accommodation and compatibility CreateAcceleratorTable
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
DestroyAcceleratorTable function destroys the accelerator table. Before the application is closed, it
must use this function to destroy each accelerator table that are created by using
CreateAcceleratorTable function.
BOOL DestroyAcceleratorTable
HACCEL hAccel // handle accelerator table
Identifies the accelerator table, which is destroyed. This descriptor must be created using
CreateAcceleratorTable function call.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get the detailed error information, call GetLastError.
See also
CopyAcceleratorTable, CreateAcceleratorTable, LoadAccelerators, TranslateAccelerator
Accommodation and compatibility DestroyAcceleratorTable
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
LoadAccelerators function loads the specified accelerator table.
HACCEL LoadAccelerators
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
LPCTSTR lpTableName // address of string with the name of the table
It identifies the instance of the module whose executable file contains the accelerator table to load.
Specifies the line with the symbol of zero at the end, which calls accelerator table to load. Alternatively,
this parameter can specify that the table Resource Identifier accelerator in the low word and zero in the
high word. It can be used macro MAKEINTRESOURCE, to create this value.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - handle loaded accelerator table.
If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL).
If the accelerator table has not yet been loaded, it is loaded from the specified executable.
Accelerator table loaded from resources are freed automatically when the application finishes its work.
See also
CopyAcceleratorTable, CreateAcceleratorTable, DestroyAcceleratorTable, MAKEINTRESOURCE
Accommodation and compatibility LoadAccelerators
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
TranslateAccelerator function treats keys - accelerators for menu commands. The function translates
the message WM_KEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYDOWN in a WM_COMMAND message or
WM_SYSCOMMAND (if there is an element to keys in the specified accelerator table), and then
transmits the WM_COMMAND or WM_SYSCOMMAND message directly to the appropriate
window procedure. TranslateAccelerator does not return as long as the window procedure does not
process the message.
int TranslateAccelerator
HWND hWnd, // handle of destination window
HACCEL hAccTable, // handle to accelerator table
LPMSG lpMsg // address of structure with message
Identifies the window whose messages should be translated.
Identifies the accelerator table. The table must be loaded using LoadAccelerators function call or set up
a call CreateAcceleratorTable function.
Points to an MSG structure that contains message information retrieved from the calling thread's
message queue by using the function GetMessage or PeekMessage.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - TRUE (TRUE).
If the function fails, the return value - FALSE (FALSE). To get extended error information, call
To distinguish the message that this function sends from messages sent by menus or controls, the high
word of wParam message parameter WM_COMMAND or a WM_SYSCOMMAND, contains the
value 1.
Keyboard shortcuts - accelerators used for SELECT items from the window menu are translated into a
message WM_SYSCOMMAND; all other shortcuts - accelerators are translated into
WM_COMMAND messages.
When TranslateAccelerator returns a nonzero value, and the translated message, the application should
not use TranslateMessage function to process the message again.
- Key accelerator does not necessarily have to conform to the menu command.
If the key team - the accelerator corresponds to the menu item, an application sends messages
WM_INITMENU and WM_INITMENUPOPUP, as if the user tried to show the menu. However, these
messages are not sent when it occurs in any of the following conditions:
The window is blocked.
The menu item is blocked.
The combination of keys - the accelerator does not correspond to an item in the window menu and the
window is minimized.
In fact, it was produced mouse capture. For information about mouse capture, call SetCapture function.
If the specified window - active window, and no other window has the keyboard focus (this is usually
the case if the window is minimized), TranslateAccelerator translates WM_SYSKEYUP and
WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages instead WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP posts.
If a keystroke is happening - the accelerator, which corresponds to the menu item when the window
that owns the menu is minimized, the TranslateAccelerator does not send WM_COMMAND message.
However, if the keystroke occurs - the accelerator, which does not correspond to any of the menu items
or menu window, the function sends a WM_COMMAND message, even if the window is minimized.
See also
CreateAcceleratorTable, GetMessage, LoadAccelerators, MSG, PeekMessage, SetCapture,
Accommodation and compatibility TranslateAccelerator
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
The WM_COMMAND message is sent when the user selects an item from a menu command, when the
control authority sends a notification message to its parent window, or when a keystroke translates accelerator.
wNotifyCode = HIWORD (wParam); // Notification code
wID = LOWORD (wParam); // Identifier of the menu item, control, or
// Accelerator keys
hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam; // Handle of control
The value of the upper word wParam. Specifies the notification code if the message is from a control. If
the message from the key - the accelerator, this parameter is 1. If the message is from a menu, this
option - 0.
The value of the lower word wParam. Specifies the identifier of the menu item, the control authority or
keys - the accelerator.
The value of lParam. Identifies the control body that sends the message if the message is from a
control. Otherwise, this parameter is set to NULL (NULL).
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
Keystrokes - accelerators, which are selected window menu items are translated into
If pressing takes place - the accelerator, which corresponds to the menu item when the window that
owns the menu is minimized, a WM_COMMAND message is not sent. However, if a keystroke accelerator, which does not correspond to any of the menu items or menu window, a
WM_COMMAND message is sent, even if the window is minimized.
If the application includes a menu separator, the system sends a WM_COMMAND message with the
low word of the wParam parameter set to zero when the user selects the separator.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_COMMAND
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library -
Post WM_INITMENU recovers when the menu is about to become active. This occurs when the user
clicks on an item in the menu bar or presses the menu key. This allows an application to modify the
menu before it is displayed on the screen.
hmenuInit = (HMENU) wParam; // Handle of menu that is initialized
The value of wParam. Identifies the menu to be initialized.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it returns zero.
WM_INITMENU message is sent only when the menu turn the first time; create only one message
WM_INITMENU for each treatment. For example, moving the mouse over several menu items by
holding down the button will not generate any new messages. WM_INITMENU does not provide
information about the menu items.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_INITMENU
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_INITMENUPOPUP message is sent when the pop-up menu or submenu is about to become
active. This allows an application to modify the menu before it is displayed on the screen without
changing the menu completely.
hmenuPopup = (HMENU) wParam; // Handle to the submenu
uPos = (UINT) LOWORD (lParam); // Position of the sub-menu item
fSystemMenu = (BOOL) HIWORD (lParam); // Check menu window
The value of wParam. Identifies the pop-up menu or submenu.
The value of the lower word lParam. Specifies the zero-based relative position of the menu item that
opens a pop-up menu or submenu.
The value of the upper word lParam. Determines whether the pop-up window menu (also known as the
System menu or Control menu (Control)). If this menu - the window menu, this option - TRUE
(TRUE); otherwise, it is FALSE (FALSE).
Return values
If an application processes this message, it returns zero.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_INITMENUPOPUP
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_MENUCHAR message sent when the menu is activated and the user presses a key that does not
match any character or key - accelerator. This message is sent to the window that owns the menu.
chUser = (char) LOWORD (wParam); ASCII // symbol
fuFlag = (UINT) HIWORD (wParam); // Check menu
hmenu = (HMENU) lParam; // Handle to menu
The value of the lower word wParam. It specifies the ASCII character that corresponds to the key
pressed by the user.
The value of the upper word wParam. It specifies the type of the active menu. This parameter can be
one of the following values:
MF_POPUP - A pop-up menu, submenu, or shortcut menu
MF_SYSMENU - Window Menu (System Menu (System Menu) or the Control menu (Control menu)
The value of lParam. Identifies the active menu.
Return values
An application that processes this message should return one of the following values in the high word
of the return value:
0 - Informs Windows, which operative system must reset the character the user pressed and create a
short beep on the system dynamics.
1 - Tells Windows, which operative system should close the active menu.
2 - Tells Windows, which low-order word of the return value sets the zero-based relative position of the
menu item. This element is selected Windows.
The low word is ignored if the high-order word contains 0 or 1. An application should process this
message when the key - the accelerator is used to select a menu item that displays a bitmap.
Accommodation and compatibility WM_MENUCHAR
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
The message is sent to the window menu WM_MENUSELECT owner, when the user selects a menu
uItem = (UINT) LOWORD (wParam); // Menu item or submenu index
fuFlags = (UINT) HIWORD (wParam); // Menu flags
hmenu = (HMENU) lParam; // Handle of menu, which clicked
The value of the lower word wParam. If the selected item - the command post, this parameter contains
the identifier of the menu item. If the selected item opens a popup has a menu or submenu, this
parameter contains the menu index jumping out a menu or submenu in the main menu, and then hMenu
parameter contains the handle of the main (at which clicked) menu; Use GetSubMenu function to get a
handle jumping out the menu and sub-menu.
The value of the upper word wParam. Specifies one or more flags menu. This parameter can be a
combination of the following values:
MF_BITMAP - item displays a bitmap.
MF_CHECKED - item checked.
MF_DISABLED - blocked item.
MF_GRAYED - item becomes unavailable.
MF_HILITE - highlighted item.
MF_MOUSESELECT - item is selected with the mouse.
MF_OWNERDRAW - Item drawn by the user.
MF_POPUP - item opens a pop-up menu or submenu.
MF_SYSMENU - item is contained in the window menu (also known as the System menu or Control).
Hmenu parameter identifies the window menu associated with the message.
The value of lParam. Identifies the menu on which clicked.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
If fuFlags parameter contains 0xFFFF, and hmenu parameter contains an empty (NULL), then
Windows has closed the menu.
Do not use the value for fuFlags - (minus) 1. This is not done because fuFlags defined as (UINT)
HIWORD (wParam). If HIWORD (wParam) was 0xFFFF, fuFlags (due to actuation UINT) becomes
0x0000FFFF, rather than - (minus) 1.
See also
WM_SYSCHAR message sent to the window with the keyboard focus when the broadcast message
feature WM_SYSKEYDOWN TranslateMessage. It determines the character code system of the letter
keys - that is the key symbol, that was pressed at the time when the ALT key was pressed.
chCharCode = (TCHAR) wParam; // Symbol code
lKeyData = lParam; // Data on the key
The value of wParam. Specifies the character code window menu keys.
The value of lParam. Specifies the repetition through, scan code, check the additional keys, context
code, previous key state flag, and transition-state flag, as shown in the following table:
0-15 - Specifies the repeat count. Value - number of times of repeated keystrokes in a result that the
user hold.
16-23 - Specifies the scan code. The value depends on the company - original equipment manufacturer
24 - Determines whether the additional keys key, type right-ALT and the CTRL keys, which appeared
on enhanced 101- or 102-key keyboards. The value is 1 if it - the expansion key, otherwise it - 0.
25-28 - Reserved, do not use.
29 - Specifies the context code. A value of 1 if the ALT key is held down while the key is pressed;
otherwise, the value 0.
30 - Specifies the previous key state. A value of 1 if the key is at the bottom before sending the
message, or is it - 0 if-not a key is pressed.
31 - Specifies the transition state. A value of 1 if the key release, or is it - 0 when the key is pressed.
Return values
An application should return zero if it processes this message.
When the context code is zero, the message can be sent to the TranslateAccelerator function, which will
handle it as if it were a standard keypad instead of the message system message character keys. This
allows the - key accelerators to be used the active window, even if it has no keyboard focus to the
active window.
For enhanced 101- and 102-key keyboards, extended keys are ALT and CTRL keys on the right of the
main keyboard section; INS, DEL, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, and arrow keys in groups
to the left of the numeric keypad; key PRINT SCRN; BREAK button; NUMLOCK key; as well as the
key factor (/) and ENTER keys in the numeric keypad. Other keyboards may support additional bit
keys lKeyData parameter.
See also
A window receives this message when the user selects a command from the window menu (also known
as the System menu or Control menu) or when the user chooses the Maximize button (the Maximize)
or the Minimize button (Minimize).
uCmdType = wParam; // The requested type of system commands
xPos = LOWORD (lParam); // Horizontal position, in screen coordinates
yPos = HIWORD (lParam); // Vertical position, in screen coordinates
It specifies the type of system command requested. It can be one of these values:
SC_CLOSE - Closes the window.
SC_CONTEXTHELP - Changes the pointer to a pointer with a question mark. If the user then
clicks the mouse button on the controls in the dialog box, the control receives a message
SC_DEFAULT - Selects the default item; the user double-clicked on the menu window.
SC_HOTKEY - Activates the window associated with the sequence determined by the
application accelerator "hot key". Low word of lParam identifies the window that is activated.
SC_HSCROLL - Scroll window content horizontally.
SC_KEYMENU - Retrieves the window menu as a result of pressing.
SC_MAXIMIZE (or SC_ZOOM) - Expands the window.
SC_MINIMIZE (or SC_ICON) - Minimizes the window.
SC_MONITORPOWER - only for Windows 95: Set the display condition. This command
supports devices that have energy-saving features, such as a personal computer with the battery.
SC_MOUSEMENU - Retrieves the window menu as a result of clicking a mouse button.
SC_MOVE - Moves the window.
SC_NEXTWINDOW - Moves to the next screen.
SC_PREVWINDOW - Moves to the previous screen.
SC_RESTORE - Restores the window to the normal position and size.
SC_SCREENSAVE - Starts the screen saver application, defined in the section [boot] (boot)
SC_SIZE - Changes the size of the window.
SC_TASKLIST - Starts or activates the Windows Task Manager (Task Manager).
SC_VSCROLL - Scroll window contents vertically.
It defines the horizontal position of the cursor, in screen coordinates, if a window menu
command is chosen with the mouse. Otherwise, xPos parameter is not used.
Defines the vertical position of the cursor, in screen coordinates, if a window menu command is chosen
with the mouse. This parameter is the - (minus) 1, if the team is selected, using the key - the system
accelerator, or zero if used mnemonics.
Return values
An application should return zero if it processes this message.
DefWindowProc function completes the window menu request for the predefined actions listed in the
previous table.
Reports WM_SYSCOMMAND, the four least significant bits uCmdType parameters are used for
internal needs of Windows. To get the correct result when checking the values uCmdType, the
application must combine the value with the value 0xFFF0 uCmdType by using bitwise operator AND.
The items on the window menu can be changed by using the functions GetSystemMenu, AppendMenu,
InsertMenu, ModifyMenu, InsertMenuItem and SetMenuItem. Applications that modify the window
menu must process WM_SYSCOMMAND posts.
An application can execute any command system at any time by sending a message to the
DefWindowProc WM_SYSCOMMAND. Any messages WM_SYSCOMMAND, not treated with the
program to be transferred to DefWindowProc. Any command values added by an application must be
processed by the application and can not be transferred to DefWindowProc.
Accelerator, which are defined to select items from the window menu are translated into
WM_SYSCOMMAND posts; all other keystrokes - accelerators are translated into WM_COMMAND
See also
AppendMenu, DefWindowProc, GetSystemMenu, InsertMenu, ModifyMenu, WM_COMMAND
Accommodation and compatibility WM_SYSCOMMAND
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Types of pictograms
The operating system provides a set of standard pictograms (standard icons), which are available for
any application to use them at any time. Windows header files contain identifiers for the standard icons
- IDs begin with "IDI_" prefix.
Each standard has a corresponding icon is the default image associated with it. You can replace the
default image icon associated with any standard cursor at any time.
Custom icons (custom icons) designed for use in a particular application and can be of any kind.
Dimensions of icons
Windows uses four sizes of icons: system small, system large, small and large for the shell to shell.
Small system icon (system small icon) is displayed in the title bar. To change the size of the system
small icon, run the applet "Display" in the Control Panel, click the Appearance tab, select Headers
Buttons from the list elements, and then set the Size box. To return the size of the system small icon,
call the GetSystemMetrics function with the flag and SM_CXSMICON SM_CYSMICON.
Large system icon (system large icon) is mainly used by applications, as well as it appears in the dialog
box, switch programs using the Alt + Tab. Functions CreateIconFromResource, DrawIcon, ExtractIcon
LoadIcon and all use more system icons. The size of the system large icon is defined by the video
driver, therefore it can not be changed. You can return the size of a large system icon by calling
GetSystemMetrics with flags and SM_CXICON SM_CYICON.
Functions CreateIcon, CreateIconFromResourceEx CreateIconIndirect and may be used for working
with icons and other dimensions, other than the large system icon.
A small icon is a shell (shell small icon) used in Windows Explorer and standard dialog boxes.
Currently, this is the default value for the small size of the system. To get the size of a small envelope
icon, use SHGetFileInfo function with flags SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE | SHGFI_SMALLICON,
which returns a handle to the system image list, and then function ImageList_GetIconSize, to get the
size of the icons.
Large envelope icon (shell large icon) used on the desktop. To change the size of a large icon, run the
applet "Display" in the Control Panel, click on the Effects tab (Windows 98), select the icon of a list
item, and then set the field size (the size is stored in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER
directory \ CONTROL Panel, Desktop \ WindowMetrics \ Shell Icon Size). You can also click on the
tab of the Plus! and you check the box marked Use large icons (Use large icons). To return the size of a
large envelope icon, use SHGetFileInfo function SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE, which returns a handle to
the system image list, and then ImageList_GetIconSize function to get the size of the icon.
The Start menu (Start) uses a shell or small icons or large icons shell, depending on whether the check
box next to Use large icons lettering set (Use large icons).
Your application must provide resources icons in the following sizes:
48x48, 256 colors
32x32, 16 colors
16x16 pixels, 16 colors
When filling WNDCLASSEX structure, which is used when registering your window class, set its
Member hIcon a 32x32 icon, as well as a member of the hIconSm 16x16 icon. For more information
about the classes icons, see. Article class icon.
Create icons
Standard icons are predetermined, so there is no need to create them. To use a standard icon, an
application can get its handle using LoadImage function. Handle icon (icon handle) - a unique value
type HICON, which identifies a standard or custom icon.
To create a custom icon for the application, developers usually use a program to work with graphics
and include resource ICONS (ICON) in the application of the resource definition file. During startup,
the application can call or the LoadImage LoadIcon, to get a handle icon. Resource icons contains data
for several different display devices. LoadIcon LoadImage and automatically selects the most
appropriate data for the current display device.
The application can also create a custom icon to start the program period, by using CreateIconIndirect
function, which creates a thumbnail based on ICONINFO structure content. GetIconInfo function fills
the structure coordinates of the "hot spot" and information on the bit mask and color bitmap icons.
Applications should perform custom icons as resources and must use LoadIcon or LoadImage, which is
preferable than the creation of the icon during the start of the program. Resource Usage icon helps to
avoid depending on the device, it simplifies locating and allows applications to share the image of the
CreateIconFromResourceEx function allows an application to view the system resources and create
icons and cursors based on resource data. CreateIconFromResourceEx function creates an icon based
on the binary resource data from other executable files and dynamic link libraries (DLL). The
application must before calling this function refer to LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx features and
multiple functions of the resource. LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx function returns the identifier of the
most relevant data icon for the current display device. For more information about resource functions,
see. Article resource functions.
Destruction of icons
When the application no longer needs the icon, which she created using CreateIconIndirect function, it
must destroy the icon. DestroyIcon function destroys the handle to the icon and frees any memory used
for it. Applications should use this function only for icons, created with CreateIconIndirect; it is not
necessary to destroy the other icons.
Override icons
CopyIcon function copies descriptor icons. This allows the application or dynamic-link library (DLL)
to get your own descriptor icons belonging to another module. Then, if another module is released, an
application that copied the icon will still get the opportunity to use it.
CopyImage function creates a new icon based on the set of the original icon. The new icon may be
greater or less than the original icon.
For information about adding, removing, or replacing an icon resource in an executable (.EXE) file,
refer to the article Resources.
Use of pictograms
This following topics describe how to perform certain tasks related icons:
Creating thumbnails
Show icons on screen
Sharing icon resources
Create icons
To use the icon, your application must get its handle. The following example shows how to create two
different descriptor icons: one for the standard icon with an exclamation mark and the second for the
custom icons are included as a resource in the application's resource-definition file.
HICON hIcon1; // Handle icon
HICON hIcon2; // Handle icon
// Create a standard icon with a question mark.
hIcon1 = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_QUESTION);
// Create a custom icon, based on the resource.
hIcon2 = LoadIcon (hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE (460));
// Create a personalized icon of the program period.
The application must perform custom icons as resources and should be used LoadIcon LoadImage or
function is preferred, but not to create an icon of the program period. This approach avoids depending
on the device, it simplifies locating and allows programs to share bitmaps icons. However, the
following example uses CreateIcon, to create a custom icon for the period of the program, based on
raster bit masks; it is included in order to illustrate how the system interprets the bit-mask bitmap icons.
HICON hIcon3; // Handle icon
// Light (yang) AND bit mask icon
BYTE ANDmaskIcon [] = {
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // line 1
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xFF, // line 2
0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, // line 3
0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x7F, // line 4
0xFF, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x1F, // line 5
0xFF, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x0F, // line 6
0xFF, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x0F, // line 7
0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x07, // line 8
0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x03, // line 9
0xFF, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x03, // line 10
0xFF, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x01, // line 11
0xFF, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x01, // line 12
0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x01, // line 13
0xFF, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, // line 14
0xFF, 0xF8, 0x00, 0x00, // line 15
0xFF, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, // line 16
0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, // line 17
0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0x00, // line 18
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x00, // line 19
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xE0, 0x01, // line 20
CopyIcon function copies a defined icon from another module in the current module.
HICON CopyIcon
HICON hIcon // handle to the icon, which is copied
It identifies the icon that will be copied.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - handle duplicate icons.
If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
CopyIcon function allows an application or dynamic-link library (DLL) to get your own handle for the
icon belonging to another module. If another unit is released, the program icon will still get the
opportunity to use the icon.
See also
CopyCursor, DrawIcon, DrawIconEx
Accommodation and compatibility CopyIcon
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
CreateIcon function creates an icon that has a certain size, color and bit patterns.
HICON CreateIcon
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
int nWidth, // width of the icon
int nHeight, // height of icons
BYTE cPlanes, // number of planes in the XOR bitmask
BYTE cBitsPixel, // number of bits per pixel in the XOR bitmask
CONST BYTE * lpbANDbits, // pointer to an array of bit masks AND
CONST BYTE * lpbXORbits // pointer to XOR bitmask array
It identifies the instance of the module that creates the icon.
Specifies the width of the icon, in pixels.
Specifies the height of the icon, in pixels.
Specifies the number of planes in the XOR bitmask of the icon.
Specifies the number of bits per pixel in the XOR bitmask of the icon.
Points to an array of bytes that contains the bit values for the AND bitmask of the icon. This bitmask
describes a monochrome bitmap.
It points to an array of bytes that contains the bit values for the XOR bitmask of the icon. This bitmask
describes a monochrome or color device-dependent bitmap.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - a handle icon.
If the function fails, the return value is empty (NULL). To get extended error information, call
Parameters nWidth and nHeight must determine the width and height supported by the current display
driver, because the system can not create icons of other sizes. To determine the width and height
supported by the display driver, use the GetSystemMetrics function, specifying a value or
CreateIcon applies the following truth table for XOR bit mask and AND:
See also
Accommodation and compatibility CreateIcon
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
CreateIconFromResource function creates an icon or cursor from resource bits describing the icon.
HICON CreateIconFromResource
PBYTE presbits, // pointer to the bits of the icon or cursor
DWORD dwResSize, // number of bytes in the buffer bits
BOOL fIcon, // flag icon or cursor
DWORD dwVer // version of Windows format
It points to the buffer that contains the resource bits of the icon or cursor. These bits are typically
loaded by calling LookupIconIdFromDirectory functions (in Windows 95, you can also call
LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx) and LoadResource.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of a set of bits specified parameter presbits.
Specifies that should be set up - the icon or cursor. If this option - TRUE (TRUE), the icon is to be
created. If he - FALSE (FALSE), the cursor is to be created.
It specifies the version number of the icon or cursor format for the resource bits specified parameter
presbits. This parameter can be one of the following values:
Format dwVer
Windows 2.x 0x00020000
Windows 3.x 0x00030000
All applications based on the Microsoft Win32, using icons and cursors for Windows 3.x. format
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - a handle icon or cursor.
If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
Functions CreateIconFromResource, CreateIconIndirect, GetIconInfo and LookupIconIdFromDirectory
(in Windows 95 and CreateIconFromResourceEx LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx function) allow shell
application and viewer icon to check and use the resources of the entire system.
See also
CreateIconFromResource, CreateIconFromResourceEx, CreateIconIndirect, GetIconInfo,
[Now Supported on Windows NT]
CreateIconFromResourceEx function creates an icon or cursor from resource bits describing the icon.
HICON CreateIconFromResourceEx
PBYTE pbIconBits, // pointer to the bits of the icon or cursor
DWORD cbIconBits, // number of bytes in the buffer bits
BOOL fIcon, // flag icon or cursor
DWORD dwVersion, // version of Windows format
int cxDesired, // desired width of the icon or cursor
int cyDesired, // desired height of the icon or cursor
UINT uFlags // flags downloadable resource
It points to the buffer that contains the resource bits of the icon or cursor. These bits are typically
loaded by calling LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx and LoadResource functions.
Specifies the size, in bytes, bits are set, the specified parameter pbIconBits.
Specifies that should be set up - the icon or cursor. If this option - TRUE (TRUE), the icon is to be
created. If it - FALSE (FALSE), the cursor is to be created.
It specifies the version number of the icon or cursor format for the resource bits specified parameter
pbIconBits. This parameter can be one of the following values:
Format dwVersion
Windows 2.x 0x00020000
Windows 3.x 0x00030000
All applications based on the Win32, use the Windows 3.x format for icons and cursors.
It specifies the desired width, in pixels, of the icon or cursor. If this parameter is zero, the function uses
to set the width of the value of the system parameter or SM_CXICON SM_CXCURSOR.
It determines the desired height, in pixels, of the icon or cursor. If this parameter is zero, the function
uses to set the height, the value of the system parameter or SM_CYICON SM_CYCURSOR.
Specifies a combination of the following values:
LR_DEFAULTCOLOR - Uses the default color format.
LR_MONOCHROME - Creates a monochrome icon or cursor.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - a handle icon or cursor.
If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
Functions CreateIconFromResourceEx, CreateIconFromResource, CreateIconIndirect, GetIconInfo and
LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx allow shell application and viewer icon to check and use the resources
of the entire system.
See also
BITMAPINFOHEADER, CreateIconFromResource, CreateIconIndirect, GetIconInfo, LoadResource,
Accommodation and compatibility CreateIconFromResourceEx
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
CreateIconIndirect function creates an icon or cursor from ICONINFO structure.
HICON CreateIconIndirect
PICONINFO piconinfo // pointer to structure information on the icon
Indicates CONINFO structure that the function uses to create the icon or cursor.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - a handle icon or cursor that is created.
If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
The system copies the structure of bitmaps ICONINFO before creating the icon or cursor. The
application must continue to manage the original bitmaps and delete them when they are no longer
When you finish using the icon, destroy it using DestroyIcon function.
See also
DestroyIcon, ICONINFO
Accommodation and compatibility CreateIconIndirect
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
DestroyIcon function destroys an icon and frees any memory occupied by it.
BOOL DestroyIcon
HICON hIcon // handle to the icon that should be destroyed
It identifies the icon that will be destroyed. Icon should not be in use.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
DestroyIcon function needs to be called only for icons created CreateIconIndirect function.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility DestroyIcon
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
DrawIcon function draws an icon on the window specified device context.
BOOL DrawIcon
HDC hDC, // handle to device context
int X, // x-coordinate of the upper left corner
int Y, // y- coordinate of the upper left corner
HICON hIcon // handle to the icon, which should draw
Identifies the device context for the window.
Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the icon.
Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the icon.
It identifies the icon that will be drawn.
Windows NT: icon resource must be preloaded, by using LoadIcon function.
Windows 95: resource icon should be preloaded, by using LoadIcon LoadImage or function.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
DrawIcon places the upper-left corner of the icon to the location determined by the X and Y
parameters. Location is subject to the current mode of the display device context.
See also
CreateIcon, DrawIconEx, LoadIcon
Accommodation and compatibility DrawIcon
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
DrawIconEx function draws an icon or cursor on the window, determine the device context, performing
the actions defined bitmap, and stretching or compressing the icon or cursor as specified.
BOOL DrawIconEx
HDC hdc, // handle to device context
int xLeft, // x-coordinate of the upper left corner
int yTop, // y-coordinate of the upper left corner
HICON hIcon, // handle to the icon, which should draw
int cxWidth, // width of the icon
int cyWidth, // height of icons
UINT istepIfAniCur, // index of the frame in the living index
HBRUSH hbrFlickerFreeDraw, // handle to the background brush
UINT diFlags // flags being drawn icons
Identifies the device context for the window.
Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the icon or cursor.
Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the icon or cursor. hIcon
Identifies the icon or cursor that will be drawn. This parameter can identify an animated cursor. Source
icons or the cursor must be preloaded by using LoadImage function.
It specifies the logical width of the icon or cursor. If this parameter is zero and the parameter diFlags DI_DEFAULTSIZE, the function to set the width, uses a metric value SM_CXICON or
SM_CXCURSOR system. If this parameter is zero, and DI_DEFAULTSIZE not used, the function uses
the actual resource width.
It specifies the logical height of the icon or cursor. If this parameter is zero, and setting diFlags DI_DEFAULTSIZE, the function to set the height, use the metric value or SM_CYICON
SM_CYCURSOR system. If this parameter is zero, and DI_DEFAULTSIZE not used, the function uses
the actual height of the resource.
It specifies the index of the frame to draw if hIcon identifies an animated cursor. This parameter is
ignored if hIcon does not identify an animated cursor.
Identifies a brush that the system uses for flicker-free picture. If hbrBkgnd - valid brush handle, the
system creates an offscreen bitmap using the specified brush for the background color, draws the icon
or cursor into a bitmap and then copy it to the device context identified by hdc. If hbrBkgnd matters
BLANK (NULL), the system draws the icon or cursor directly into the device context.
Specifies the drawing flags. This parameter can be one of the following values:
DI_COMPAT - Draws the icon or cursor using the image defined by the system, rather than a userdefined image.
DI_DEFAULTSIZE - If the parameters cxWidth and cyWidth set to zero, draws the icon or cursor
using the width and height values determined metric system for cursors or icons. If this option is not
selected, and the parameters and cxWidth cyWidth set to zero, the function uses the actual size of the
DI_IMAGE - Performs raster operation defined ropImage element.
DI_MASK - Performs raster operation defined ropMask element.
DI_NORMAL - Combination DI_IMAGE and DI_MASK.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError
DrawIconEx function places the upper left corner of the icon to the position determined by the
parameters and xLeft yTop. Location is subject to the current mode of the display device context.
See also
CopyImage, DrawIcon, LoadImage
Accommodation and compatibility DrawIconEx
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetIconInfo function obtains information about the specified icon or cursor.
BOOL GetIconInfo
HICON hIcon, // handle to icon
PICONINFO piconinfo // address of structure icons
Identifies the icon or cursor. To obtain information about a standard icon or cursor, specify one of the
IDC_ARROW - arrow cursor
IDC_IBEAM - Cursor in a straight line - I
IDC_WAIT - cursor to an hourglass
IDC_CROSS - Cursor in the form of a cross
IDC_UPARROW - arrow cursor up
IDC_SIZENWSE - Set the cursor size, it points to the north-west and south-east
IDC_SIZENESW - Set the cursor size, points to the north-east and south-west
IDC_SIZEWE - Set the cursor size, points to the east and west
IDC_SIZENS - Set the cursor size, points to the north and south
IDC_SIZEALL - Set the cursor size, points north, south, east, and west
IDC_NO - Cursor "No"
IDC_APPSTARTING - Cursor run the application (arrow and hourglass)
IDC_HELP - reference cursor (arrow and question mark)
IDI_APPLICATION - application icon
IDI_HAND - icon with the "stop" signal
IDI_QUESTION - icon with a question mark
IDI_EXCLAMATION - An icon with an exclamation mark
IDI_ASTERISK - Icon with an asterisk (the letter "i" in a circle)
IDI_WINLOGO - icon with the Windows logo
Indicates structure ICONINFO. The function fills in the structure members.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero and the function fills the elements defined
ICONINFO structure.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
GetIconInfo function creates bitmaps for members and hbmMask hbmColor ICONINFO structure. The
calling application must manage these bitmaps and delete them when they are no longer needed.
See also
CreateIcon, CreateIconFromResource, CreateIconIndirect, DestroyIcon, DrawIcon, DrawIconEx,
ICONINFO, LoadIcon, LookupIconIdFromDirectory
Accommodation and compatibility GetIconInfo
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
LoadIcon function loads the specified resource icons from the executable (.EXE) file that is associated
with an instance of the application.
HICON LoadIcon
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
LPCTSTR lpIconName // string with the name or icon resource identifier
Identifies the instance of the module whose executable file contains the icon that will be downloaded.
This parameter must be set to NULL (NULL), when loaded standard icon.
Specifies the line with the symbol of zero at the end, which contains the name of the resource icon to
be loaded. Alternatively, this parameter can contain the resource identifier in the low-order word and
zero in the high word. Use macro MAKEINTRESOURCE, to create this value.
To use one of the predefined icons Windows, insert the hInstance parameter to NULL value (NULL),
and lpIconName option in one of the following:
IDI_APPLICATION - Icon the default application.
IDI_ASTERISK - Asterisk (used in news reports).
IDI_EXCLAMATION - exclamation point (used in warning messages).
IDI_HAND - An icon that has a hand (used in severe warning messages).
IDI_QUESTION - Question mark (used for tooltips).
IDI_WINLOGO - Logo Windows.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - handle to the newly loaded icon.
If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
LoadIcon resource loads icons only if it was not loaded; otherwise, the function receives a handle to an
existing resource. The function searches the icon resource that best fits the current display. Resource
icons can be in color or monochrome bitmap.
LoadIcon can only load an icon whose size corresponds to the metric system, and values SM_CXICON
SM_CYICON. Use LoadImage feature to upload icons that are a different size.
See also
CreateIcon, LoadImage, MAKEINTRESOURCE
Accommodation and compatibility LoadIcon
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
LookupIconIdFromDirectory function searches among the icons or cursors data that best fits the
current display device.
int LookupIconIdFromDirectory
PBYTE presbits, // address of resource data
BOOL fIcon // appearance of the icon or cursor
Specifies the data directory icon or cursor. Since this function does not check the correctness of the data
resource, it can cause a general protection fault (GP) or returns an undefined value if presbits indicates
not correct resource data.
Specifies that was wanted, the icon or cursor. If this option - TRUE (TRUE), the function searches for
the icon; if the parameter - FALSE (FALSE), the function searches the cursor.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the integer resource identifier for the icon or cursor that best
correspond to the current display device.
resource type File RT_GROUP_ICON (RT_GROUP_CURSOR designating cursors) contains data icon
(or cursor) in several device-dependent and not dependent on the size of the equipment.
LookupIconIdFromDirectory looks for a file resource icon (or cursor) that best correspond to the
current display device and returns an integer identifier. Functions FindResource FindResourceEx and
this identifier is used macro MAKEINTRESOURCE, to determine the resource module.
Catalog icon is loaded from a resource file with resource type RT_GROUP_ICON (or
RT_GROUP_CURSOR for cursors) and the integer value of the resource name for a particular icon to
be loaded. LookupIconIdFromDirectory returns an integer identifier that is the name of a resource icon
that best fits the current display device.
Functions LoadIcon, LoadCursor and LoadImage (in Windows 95) use this function to find the
specified resource data for the icon or cursor that best correspond to the current display device.
See also
CreateIconFromResource, CreateIconIndirect, FindResource, FindResourceEx, GetIconInfo,
LoadCursor, LoadIcon, LoadImage, LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx, MAKEINTRESOURCE
Accommodation and compatibility LookupIconIdFromDirectory
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
[Now Supported Windows NT]
LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx function searches among the icons or cursors data that best fits the
current display device.
int LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx
PBYTE presbits, // address of resource data
BOOL fIcon, // flag icon or cursor
int cxDesired, // desired width of the icon or cursor
int cyDesired, // desired height of the icon or cursor
UINT Flags // resource flags
Specifies the data directory icon or cursor. Since this function does not check the correctness of the data
resource, it can cause a general protection fault (GP) or returns an undefined value if presbits indicates
no valid resource data.
Specifies that are wanted, the icon or cursor. If this option - TRUE (TRUE), the function searches for
the icon; if the parameter - FALSE (FALSE), the function searches the cursor.
It determines the desired width of the icon, in pixels. If this parameter is zero, the function uses the
metric value or SM_CXICON SM_CXCURSOR system.
Icon determines the desired height in pixels. If this parameter is zero, the function uses the metric value
Specifies a combination of the following values:
Checkbox What it means
LR_DEFAULTCOLOR Uses the default color format.
LR_MONOCHROME Creates a monochrome icon or cursor.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the integer resource identifier for the icon or cursor that best
fits the current display device.
resource type File RT_GROUP_ICON (RT_GROUP_CURSOR indicates cursors) contains data on the
icon (or cursor) in several device-dependent and not dependent on the size of the equipment.
LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx looks for a file resource icon (or cursor) that best fits the current
display device and returns an integer identifier. FindResource and FindResourceEx functions use
MAKEINTRESOURCE macro with this identifier to determine the resource module.
Catalog icon is loaded from a resource file with resource type RT_GROUP_ICON (or
RT_GROUP_CURSOR for cursors) and the integer value of the resource name for a particular icon to
be loaded. LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx function returns an integer identifier that is the name of a
resource icon that best fits the current display device.
Functions LoadIcon, LoadImage LoadCursor and use this function to find data specified resource for
the icon or cursor that best fits the current display device.
See also
CreateIconFromResourceEx, CreateIconIndirect, FindResource, FindResourceEx, GetIconInfo,
LoadCursor, LoadIcon, LoadImage, LookupIconIdFromDirectory, MAKEINTRESOURCE
Accommodation and compatibility LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Structure of icons
The following structures are used with pictograms.
ICONINFO structure contains information about the icon or cursor.
typedef struct _ICONINFO
BOOL fIcon;
DWORD xHotspot;
DWORD yHotspot;
HBITMAP hbmMask;
HBITMAP hbmColor;
The members of the structure
Sets that defines this structure, the icon or cursor. The value TRUE (TRUE) determines the icon;
FALSE (FALSE) defines the cursor.
Specifies the x-coordinate of the tip ( "hot spot") the cursor. If this structure defines an icon tip - always
in the center of the icon, as this term is ignored.
Specifies the y-coordinate of the tip ( "hot spot") the cursor. If this structure defines an icon tip - always
in the center of the icon, as this term is ignored.
Sets the bit mask bitmap icons. If this structure defines a black and white icon, this bit mask is made so
that the top half was a bit mask AND icons, and the bottom half - XOR bitmask of the icon. Under this
condition, the height must be an even factor of two. If this structure defines a color icon, this mask only
defines the AND bit mask icon.
It identifies the bitmap color icons. This member can be optional if this structure defines a black and
white icon. Bitmask AND hbmMask structure member applied with a flag SRCAND to destination;
subsequently, the color bitmap is applied (using XOR) to the destination by using SRCINVERT flag.
See also
CreateIconIndirect, GetIconInfo
Accommodation and compatibility ICONINFO
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library -
ICONMETRICS structure contains scalable metrics associated with icons. This structure uses the
SystemParametersInfo function, as determined by the action or SPI_GETICONMETRICS
typedef struct tagICONMETRICS {
UINT cbSize;
int iHorzSpacing;
int iVertSpacing;
int iTitleWrap;
The members of the structure
Sets the size of the structure in bytes.
iHorzSpacing and iVertSpacing
Horizontal and vertical space, in pixels, for each icon bred.
title transfer check box on the new line. If this term is not zero, icons headers automatically move to the
next line. If this member is zero, the headlines do not move to a new line.
It sets the font used for the icon titles.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility ICONMETRICS
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
Working area (client area) - part of the window, where the application displays the screen output
information, such as text or graphics. For example, desktop publishing application program displays in
the work area the current page of the document. The application must provide a function called window
procedure to process the data entered through the window and display in the work area output
information. For more information about window procedures, see. Article Window procedure.
Horizontal line (horizontal scroll bar) and vertical (vertical scroll bar) scroll convert data input from the
mouse or keyboard to the values that the application uses to move the contents of the workspace
horizontally or vertically. For example, a word processing application program that displays a long
document, typically provides a line vertical scrolling, to allow the user to navigate up and down the
The title bar, menu bar, a window menu, minimize button and deployment window, setting the frame
size, and scroll bar are considered collectively as a region is not working (nonclient area) window.
Windows manages most aspects of the working area is not; application manages all other regards
window. Specifically, the application controls the look and behavior of the workspace.
Z-sequence (z order)
Z-order (Z order) box indicates the position of the window in a stack of overlapping windows. This
window stack is oriented along an imaginary axis, the z-axis (Z-axis), leaving off the screen. The
window at the top of Z-sequence overrides all other windows. Z-Window below all sequences
overlapped by other windows.
Windows Z-sequence retains the usual list. Adding Z-window in the sequence, it is based on the fact
that in any case the uppermost windows, the top-level window or child windows. The top window
(topmost window) superimposed on any other windows are not the top, regardless of whether they are
active or priority windows. The top window has WS_EX_TOPMOST style. All the topmost window in
the Z-appear before any sequence not topmost windows. A child window is grouped with its parent in
the Z-order.
When an application creates a window, Windows places it atop the sequence Z-window of the same
type. You can use BringWindowToTop function to move a window to the top of Z-order for windows
of the same type. You can rearrange the sequence Z-using function SetWindowPos and
The user changes the Z-order of the sequence, activating different windows. Windows installs the
active window at the top of Z-sequence for the windows of the same type. When the window moves to
the top of Z-order, it is the child windows are also made. You can use GetTopWindow function to find
all the child windows of the parent window and return the handle to the child window that is highest in
the Z-order. GetNextWindow function retrieves the next or previous descriptor in the Z-box
Creating a window
The application creates its window (including the main window) Using the function CreateWindow or
the CreateWindowEx, Windows and provides information that is required to determine the attributes of
the window. CreateWindowEx function has a parameter, dwExStyle, which have no function
CreateWindow; otherwise, the function is identical. In fact, simply calls the CreateWindow
CreateWindowEx, setting parameter to zero dwExStyle. For this reason, the remainder of this brief
review only relates to CreateWindowEx.
Win32 API provides additional features - including DialogBox, CreateDialog, and the MessageBox windows to create a special purpose, such as dialog boxes and message boxes. For more information
about these features, see. Dialogs.
Attributes of window
An application that creates a window must provide the following information:
Class window (Window class)
The name of the window (Window name)
Style window (Window style)
The parent window or owner window
The position on the screen
Child window identifier or menu handle
Handle to the instance
Creation data
The sections below described the attributes.
window class
Every window belongs to a particular class of the window. The application must register a window
class before creating any windows of that class. Class window (window class) defines most aspects of
appearance and behavior. The main window class component - a window procedure (window
procedure), whose function is to receive and process all input data and requests sent by the window.
Windows provides the input and requests in the form of messages (messages). For more information
about window classes, window procedures, or messages, see Window Classes, Window treatments, or
Messages and Message Queues.
window Name
A window can have a name. The name of the window (window name) (also called window text
(window text)) - is a text string that identifies a window for the user. The main window, dialog box or a
message box, if present, usually shows its window name in its title bar. To control the appearance of the
name of the window depends on the class of controls. Button, the edit field or static control displays its
window name within the rectangle that takes control. The window with the list, combo box, or static
control does not reveal the name of his window.
The program uses SetWindowText function to change the name of the window after a window is
created. It uses the function GetWindowTextLength and GetWindowText, to make a selection of the
current text window name.
Style window
Each window has one or more windows styles. Style window (window style) - this IME Nova constant
that defines aspects of appearance and behavior of the window, which does not define the window
class. For example, SCROLLBAR class creates a scroll bar, and SBS_HORZ SBS_VERT styles and
define the establishment or a horizontal or vertical scroll bar. Several styles of windows are used all the
windows, but most of them use the window of a particular window class. Windows and, to some extent,
the window procedure class interpret styles.
Parent or self window
A window can have a parent window. The window that has a parent window is called the child window
(child window). The parent window (parent window) provides a coordinate system that is used to
position the child window. The presence of a parent window affects aspects of the appearance of the
window; for example, a child window is clipped so that-be no part of the child window may not appear
outside of its parent window. The window that has no parent window or a parent who is the main
window is called the top-level window (top-level window). The application uses EnumWindows
function to get a handle to each of its top-level windows. EnumWindows function, in turn, passes the
handle of each top-level window to a specific program callback function EnumWindowsProc.
The window may or may belong to another window. An owned window always appears in front of its
owner window, is hidden when its owner window is minimized and destroyed when its owner window
is destroyed.
The location, size and position in the sequence ZEach window has a location, size and position in the Z-order. Location - the coordinates of the upper
left corner of the window relative to the upper left corner of the screen or, in the case of a child window
of the top left corner of the working area of the parent. Window Size - is its width and height, measured
in pixels. The position of the window in Z-sequence (Z order) - this position of the window in a stack
of overlapping windows. For more information, see "1.6 Z-sequence (Z Order)".
Child-window identifier or menu handle
A child window may have child-window identifier (child-window identifier), a unique value of a
particular program associated with the child window. Identifiers child window is especially useful in
applications that create multiple child windows. When you create a child window, the application
determines the identifier of the child window. After creating a window, an application can change the
identifier of the window, using the SetWindowLong function, or can find the ID by using the function
Each window except the child window can have a menu. The application program may include a menu,
the menu descriptor by providing, when registration or window class, or create a window.
Handle to the instance
Each application is based on Win32 has a handle associated instance. Windows provides a program
descriptor instance when it starts. Because it can run multiple copies of the same program, Windows
uses instance handles inward to distinguish one instance of an application from another. The application
must determine the instance handle many different windows, including those which are windows.
data creation
Each window can be determined by the data creation program associated with it. When the first
window created, Windows passes a pointer to the data in the window procedure of the window being
created. The window procedure uses this information to initialize program variables are defined.
Window handles
After creating the window, creating a function returns a handle to the window (window handle), which
uniquely identifies the window. The application program uses the handle to the other functions to direct
their action on the window. The window handle is HWND data type; the application must use this type
when you declare a variable that contains the handle of the window.
Win32 API includes several specific constants which may be substituted in the window handle certain
functions. For example, an application can use in HWND_TOPMOST SendMessageTimeout,
HWND_BROADCAST function SendMessage function, or in HWND_DESKTOP MapWindowPoints
Although the constant NULL (NULL) - not a window handle, you can use it in some functions to
determine whether on any window of exposure. For example, setting the value NULL (NULL) in the
parameter hwndParent CreateWindowEx function creates a window that does not have either a parent
or the owner. Some functions can return the value NULL (NULL) instead of a handle, indicating that
the action does not apply to any window.
An application can use the FindWindow function, to detect whether there is a window system with a
specific class name or the name of the window. If such a window exists, FindWindow returns the
handle of the window. To limit your search to a single child windows application, use FindWindowEx
function. IsWindow function determines whether a window handle identifies an existing window
Messages creatingwindows
When you create any window, Windows sends messages to the window procedure for the window.
Windows sends a message after creating WM_NCCREATE broken pane and WM_CREATE message
after creating the workspace. Both messages include a pointer to CREATESTRUCT structure that
contains all the information specified in CreateWindowEx function. Typically, the window procedure
executes initialization task after receiving these messages.
When you create a child window, Windows, after sending the messages and WM_NCCREATE
WM_CREATE, sends the message to the parent window WM_PARENTNOTIFY. It also sends other
message and to create a window. The number and order of these messages depend on the window class
and style and features used to create the window. These messages are described in other sections of this
file reference.
Child window
The child window (child window) has WS_CHILD style and limited work area of its parent window.
An application typically uses child windows to divide the working area of the parent window to the
functional areas. You create a child window by defining WS_CHILD style in CreateWindowEx
The child window must have a parent window. The parent window can be overlapping window
popping up a window or even another child window. You specify the parent window when you call
CreateWindowEx. If you define a style in the CreateWindowEx WS_CHILD, but do not specify a
parent window, Windows does not create a window.
The child window has a working area, but no other functions, if they are not explicitly requested. An
application can request a title bar, a window menu, minimize button and deployment window frame
and scroll bars for the child window, but a child window can not have menus. If the application
specifies a handle to the menu, or when it registers the class of the child window, or when creating a
child window, the menu descriptor is ignored.
Windows always installs a child window relative to the upper left of the working area of the parent
window's corner. No part of the child window ever occurs outside the scope of its parent window. If the
application creates a child window that is larger than the parent window or child window is set so that
some or all of the child windows are located outside the parent frames, Windows takes away a child
window; that is, outside of the work area of the parent window does not appear. Actions that affect
parent window can also affect the child window, as follows.
Parent window A child window
Destruction Destruction before the parent window is destroyed.
Hiding Hiding before the parent window will be hidden.
A child window can be seen only when the parent window is visible.
Move Move to the work area of the parent window.
A child window is responsible for brushing his work area after displacement.
Visibility is shown after it seemed to the parent window.
Windows does not automatically secures the child window with the working area of the parent window.
This means that the parent window does paint over the child window, if it is to comply with any
drawing, in the same place where the child window. However, Windows holds the child window with
the working area of the parent window if the parent window is WS_CLIPCHILDREN style. If the child
window is fixed, the parent window can not paint over it.
A child window can be superimposed on the other child windows within the same workspace. A child
window that shares the same parent window with one or more other child windows, the window is
called the sister (sibling window). Sister windows can draw in the workspace of each other if one of the
child windows has no WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style. If the child window has this style, any part of his
nursing window, which is located inside the child window is fixed.
If the window has a style or WS_CLIPCHILDREN WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, there is little loss in
efficiency. Each window takes up system resources, so that the application should not use child
windows randomly. For the best performance of applications that need to logically divide its main
window to do it in the window procedure of the main window rather than use child windows.
The relationship with the parent window
An application can change the parent window of an existing child window by calling SetParent
function. In this case, Windows removes the child window of the working area of the old parent
window and moves it in the working area of the new parent window. If SetParent specifies the handle
value NULL (NULL), the desktop window becomes the new parent window. In this case, the child
window is drawn in the main window, outside of any other window. GetParent restores the handle of
the parent window to child window.
The parent window gives part of his work area the child window and the child window receives all the
information entered for this field. The window class should not be the same for each of the child
windows of the parent window. This means that the application can populate the parent window child
windows that look differently and perform different tasks. For example, a dialog box may contain many
types of controls, each of them is a child window that accepts different types of data from the user.
The child window has only one parent window, but a parent can have any number of child windows.
Each child window, in turn, may have daughter windows. In this chain of windows, each child window
is called the window generated by the original parent window. The application uses IsChild function to
detect whether a given window or child window generated by the window of the parent window.
EnumChildWindows function enumerates the child windows of the parent window. Then,
EnumChildWindows passes the handle of each child window to a specific application program callback
function. Descendant windows of the parent window is also listed.
Windows passes a child window incoming messages directly to the child window; messages are not
transmitted through the parent window. The only exception is that if the child window has been blocked
function EnableWindow. In this case, Windows passes any input messages, which would go to the child
window into the parent window. This allows the parent window to check incoming messages and, if
necessary, to allow them to the child window.
A child window can have a unique integer identifier. Identifiers child window is important when
working with windows controls. The application directs the action controls, sending him a message.
The application uses the ID of the child window controls to send messages to the control. Furthermore,
the control sends notification messages to its parent window. Notification message includes an
identifier of the child window of the control that a parent is used to determine what message is sent to
the control. The application determines the child-window identifier for other types of child windows,
by setting the parameter hmenu CreateWindowEx function rather than the menu descriptor.
Extended styles
The following styles can be defined in parameter dwExStyle CreateWindowEx function:
WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES - Specifies that a window created with this style accepts files of information
technology "drag and paste" (drag-and-drop).
WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP - Includes a question mark in the title bar of the window. When the user
clicks the question mark, the cursor changes to a pointer with a question mark. If the user then clicks a
child window, it receives a message WM_HELP. The child window should pass the message to the
parent window procedure, which should call the WinHelp function using a command
HELP_WM_HELP. Application Help (Help) displays a pop-up window that typically contains help for
the child window. WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP can not be used with styles WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or
WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT - Allows the user to navigate through the child windows of the parent
window, using the TAB key.
WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME - Creates a window with a double border. Unlike WS_DLGFRAME
style, an application can also specify the WS_CAPTION style, to create a title bar for the window.
WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY - Specifies that a child window created with this style will not send a
message WM_PARENTNOTIFY its parent window when created or destroyed.
WS_EX_TOPMOST - Specifies that a window created with this style should be placed above all nontopmost windows and stay above them, even when the window is deactivated.
WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW - Creates tools window; that is, the window will be used as a floating
toolbar. A tool window has a title string is shorter than the normal line of the header, and the window
title is drawn using a smaller font. A tool window does not appear in the taskbar or in the window that
appears when the user presses ALT + TAB.
Relationship of windows
The window can be in the possession of the window, the window locked, priority nym or background
window. There are several different techniques that can be associated with a window or other user
Windows owned
Overlapped or pop-up window may belong to another overlapped or pop-window. The current owner of
several limited operating window.
An owned window is always above its owner in the Z-order.
Windows will automatically destroy the owned window when its owner is destroyed.
An owned window is hidden when its owner is minimized.
Only overlapped or pop-up window may be the owner of the window; child window can not be him.
The application creates an owned window, determining the window handle of the owner through
setting hwndParent CreateWindowEx function when it creates a window in WS_OVERLAPPED or
WS_POPUP style. HwndParent parameter must identify an overlapped or pop-up window. If
hwndParent identifies the child window, Windows assigns the ownership of the child window, the
parent top-level window. After creating a window is in property, an application can not transfer
ownership of a window to another window.
Dialog boxes and message boxes - Default owned windows. The application determines the owner
window when you call a function that creates a dialog box or message box.
An application can use the function to flag GetWindow GW_OWNER, to find the window handle of
the owner.
Blocking of windows
The window can be locked. A locked box (disabled window) does not accept background information
through the keyboard or mouse of the user, but it can receive messages from other windows from other
applications and from Windows. An application typically disables the window to prevent the use of the
user box. For example, an application can disable the command button in the dialog box to prevent the
selection of a user. An application can open access to a locked window at any time; allowing the
window to restore the normal data entry.
The default window when created, is included in the job. However, an application can define a style
WS_DISABLED, to disable the new window. The application enables or disables an existing window
by using function EnableWindow. Windows sends a message WM_ENABLE window when it's going
to change the ON state. An application can determine whether the window is enabled by using the
function IsWindowEnabled.
When the child window is blocked, Windows sends messages to input information from the mouse in
the descendant window into the parent window. The parent uses the messages to determine whether or
not a child window. For more information on how to enter the data from the mouse. See mouse input.
Only one window at a time can receive input data from the keyboard; in this window, as they say, is the
keyboard focus. If the application uses EnableWindow function to disable keyboard focus window, the
window, in addition to disabling loses keyboard focus. EnableWindow then sets the keyboard focus to
the value NULL (NULL), not indicating which window has focus. If the child window or other window
generated, the keyboard focus has generated a window loses focus when the parent window is blocked.
For more information about the keyboard focus, see. Keyboard Input data.
The application program can determine whether the window is visible, using function
IsWindowVisible. The application can show (make visible) or hidden window using the function
ShowWindow, SetWindowPos, DeferWindowPos or SetWindowPlacement. These features show or
hide the window, installing or removing the WS_VISIBLE style for the window. They also send a
message WM_SHOWWINDOW window before showing or hiding it.
When the owner window is minimized, Windows automatically hides associated with the owner of the
window. Similarly, when the owner of the window is restored, Windows automatically displays
associated with the owner of the window. In both cases, Windows sends a message
WM_SHOWWINDOW windows have window - "master" before hiding or showing them. Sometimes,
the application may need to hide owned windows without the need to curtail or conceal owner. In this
case, the application program uses ShowOwnedPopups function. This function sets or removes
WS_VISIBLE style for all owned windows and sends a message WM_SHOWWINDOW owned
windows before hiding or showing them. Hiding the owner window has no effect on the state of
visibility windows owned.
When the parent window is visible, its associated child windows are also visible. Likewise, when the
parent window is hidden, its child windows are also hidden. Collapsing the parent window has no
effect on the state of child windows appear; ie child windows rolled up together with a parent, but
WS_VISIBLE style does not change.
Even if the window has a style WS_VISIBLE, the user may not be able to see on the screen window;
other windows are completely superimposed on it, or it may have been moved behind the screen. Also,
the visible child window is subject to the rules of consolidation established for his parent and child
relationship. If the parent window of the window is not visible, it will also be invisible. If the parent
window is moved over the edges of the screen, the child window also moves because a child window is
displayed relative to the upper left corner of the parent. For example, the user can move the parent
window that contains the child window far enough from the edge of the screen so that the user may not
be able to see the child window, even though the child window and its parent window both have
System Commands
An application that has a window menu can change the size and position of the window, sending
system commands. System commands are generated when the user selects a command from the
Window menu. An application can mimic the action of the user by sending a message to the window
WM_SYSCOMMAND. The following system commands affect the size and position of the window.
SC_CLOSE - Closes the window. This command sends the WM_CLOSE message window. Window
performs any steps necessary to clear and destroy themselves.
SC_MAXIMIZE - Maximizes the window.
SC_MINIMIZE - Minimizes the window.
SC_RESTORE - Returns a minimized or maximized window to its previous size and position.
SC_SIZE - Runs the command size (Size). The user can resize the window using the mouse or
Destruction of windows
In general, the application must destroy all the windows that it creates. It does this by using the
function DestroyWindow. When a window is destroyed, the system hides it, if it is visible, and then
deletes all internal data associated with a window. This action invalidates the window handle, which
can no longer be used by the application program.
The application eliminates many of the windows that it creates, shortly after their creation. For
example, an application usually destroys the dialog box window, as soon as the application receives
enough information entered by the user in order to continue its mission. An application program
ultimately destroys the main window of the application program (during shutdown).
Before destruction window, the application must save or delete any data associated with the window,
and it should release all the system resources allocated to the window. If the application does not
release the resources, Windows will free any resources that are not freed by the application.
The destruction of the window does not affect the window class from which it was created. New
windows can still be created using this class, and any existing windows of this class continue to
function. The destruction also destroys the window generated by their windows. DestroyWindow
function sends a message WM_DESTROY first window, and then his sister and generated windows.
Thus, all generated by the window being destroyed and broken windows.
When the user selects Close (Close), a window with the window menu receives the message
WM_CLOSE. By processing this message, an application can prompt the user to confirm this action
before the destruction of the window. If the user confirms that the window should be destroyed, the
application can call DestroyWindow function to destroy a window.
If destructible window - active, and the activity and the state of the focus moved to another window.
The window that is active - the following window, as defined by the key combination ALT + ESC.
Then determines the new active window, a window receives keyboard focus.
case WM_CREATE: // creation of the main window
// Create three invisible child windows
for (i = 0; i <3; i ++)
CreateWindowEx (0, "ChildWClass", (LPCTSTR) NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER,
0,0,0,0, hwnd, (HMENU) (int) (ID_FIRSTCHILD + i), hinst, NULL);
return 0;
case WM_SIZE: // change the size of the main window
// Get the dimensions of the working area of the main window and lists the child windows.
// Sends the dimensions in the child windows during enumeration.
GetClientRect (hwnd, & rcClient);
EnumChildWindows (hwnd, EnumChildProc, (LPARAM) & rcClient);
return 0;
// Create other messages.
return DefWindowProc (hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildProc (hwndChild, lParam)
HWND hwndChild;
LPARAM lParam;
LPRECT rcParent;
int i, idChild;
// Restore the child window ID.
// Use it to place the child window.
idChild = GetWindowLong (hwndChild, GWL_ID);
if (idChild == ID_FIRSTCHILD)
i = 0;
else if (idChild == ID_SECONDCHILD)
i = 1;
i = 2;
// The size and position of the child window.
rcParent = (LPRECT) lParam;
MoveWindow (hwndChild, (rcParent-> right / 3) * i, 0, rcParent-> right / 3, rcParent-> bottom, TRUE);
// Make sure the child window is visible
ShowWindow (hwndChild, SW_SHOW);
return TRUE;
Destruction of windows
You can use DestroyWindow function to destroy a window. As a rule, the application before the
destruction of the window sends the message WM_CLOSE, giving the window the opportunity to ask
the user for confirmation before destroying it. A window that includes a menu window automatically
takes message WM_CLOSE, when the user selects the CLOSE command (Close) from the menu. If the
user confirms that the window should be destroyed, the application calls DestroyWindow. Windows
sends a message window WM_DESTROY after removing it from the screen. In response to the
WM_DESTROY, the window retains its data and releases any resources that it has allocated system.
The main window has completed its processing WM_DESTROY, causing function PostQuitMessage,
to exit the application.
The following example shows how to query the user for confirmation before destroying the window. In
response to WM_CLOSE, the example displays a dialog box on the screen, which contains the button
Yes (Yes), OK and Stop (Cancel). If the user clicks the button Yes (Yes), called DestroyWindow;
otherwise, the window is not destroyed. As destructible window - the main window, the example calls
case WM_CLOSE:
// Create a message box. If the user clicks
// The Yes button (Yes), the main window is destroyed.
if (MessageBox (hwnd, szConfirm, szAppName,
DestroyWindow (hwndMain);
return 0;
// Registers WM_QUIT message to complete the exit from the program.
PostQuitMessage (0);
return 0;
Window structures
CLIENTCREATESTRUCT structure contains information about the menu and the first operating
window, the child window of the medium multi-document (MDI). The application passes a pointer to
this structure as a parameter lpvParam CreateWindow function when creating mnogodokumentalnogo
interface (MDI) window of the user.
typedef struct tagCLIENTCREATESTRUCT
HANDLE hWindowMenu;
UINT idFirstChild;
Elements hWindowMenu structure
Identifies the window handle MDIMDI menu window using the function GetSubMenu.
Specifies the identifier of the child window created by the first child window (MDI). Windows
increases the identifier for each additional child window Mnogodokumentalnogo Interface (MDI), the
application creates and reassigns identifiers when the application destroys a window to save the
continuous range of identifiers. These identifiers are used in WM_COMMAND messages sent
Framework window (MDI) application when the child window is selected from the Window menu;
they should not be in conflict with any other command identifiers.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility CLIENTCREATESTRUCT
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
imported library
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
COPYDATASTRUCT structure contains data that will be transferred to another application in
accordance with WM_COPYDATA message.
typedef struct tagCOPYDATASTRUCT
DWORD dwData;
DWORD cbData;
PVOID lpData;
It sets up to 32 bits of data to be transferred to the host application.
Sets the size, in bytes, of data, indicated lpData structure element.
It specifies the data to be transferred to the host application. This member can be NULL value (NULL).
See also
Accommodation and compatibility COPYDATASTRUCT
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
CREATESTRUCT structure defines the initialization parameters passed to the window procedure of
the application.
typedef struct tagCREATESTRUCT
LPVOID lpCreateParams;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HMENU hMenu;
HWND hwndParent;
int cy;
int cx;
int y;
int x;
LONG style;
LPCTSTR lpszName;
LPCTSTR lpszClass;
DWORD dwExStyle;
Elements lpCreateParams structure
Indicates information that you want to use to create the window. Windows NT: This element is the
value of the address structure specifier SHORT (16_bit), which establishes the size, in bytes, of data to
create a window. The value immediately followed by the creation data. For more information, see. The
following Remarks section.
It identifies the module that owns the new window.
Identifies the menu that is created using a window.
Identifies the parent window, if you create a window - the child window. If the window is the owner,
this element identifies the owner window. If the window - not a subsidiary or not being in the property
window, this element - BLANK (NULL).
Sets the height of the new window in pixels.
It sets the width of the new window in pixels.
Sets y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the new window. If a new window - child window
coordinates - relative to the parent window. Otherwise, the coordinates - origin on the screen.
Sets the x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the new window. If a new window - child window
coordinates - relative to the parent window. Otherwise, the coordinates - origin on the screen. style
Specifies the style for the new window. lpszName
It indicates a null-terminated string at the end, which is the name of the new window.
It indicates a null-terminated string at the end, which defines the class name of the new window.
Defines the extended style for the new window.
Windows NT: With reference to the element lpCreateParams CREATESTRUCT structure as a pointer
may not be aligned on DWORD boundary (DWORD), the application must access the data using the
pointer, which was declared a cis-use of the type of misaligned (UNALIGNED), as shown in the
following example:
typedef struct tagMyData
. . .; // Define the data to create a window here
typedef struct tagMyDlgData {
SHORT cbExtra;
MYDATA myData;
MDICREATESTRUCT structure contains information about the class, title, owner, location and size of
the child window of the medium multi-document (MDI).
typedef struct tagMDICREATESTRUCT
LPCTSTR szClass;
LPCTSTR szTitle;
HANDLE hOwner;
int x;
int y;
int cx;
int cy;
DWORD style;
LPARAM lParam;
It indicates a null-terminated string at the end, which sets the window class name of the child window
Mnogodokumentalnogo Interface (MDI). The class name must be registered in a previous call to
RegisterClass function.
Specifies the line to zero at the end of the symbol, which is the title of a child window
Mnogodokumentalnogo Interface (MDI). Windows displays the title in the child window's title bar.
It identifies the instance of the application program, create a working window Mnogodokumentalnogo
Interface (MDI).
Sets the initial horizontal position of the MDI child window, in user coordinates. If this element CW_USEDEFAULT, MDI child window takes the default horizontal position.
Sets the initial vertical position of the MDI child window, in user coordinates. If this element CW_USEDEFAULT, MDI child window receives a default vertical position.
Sets the initial width, in device units, MDI child windows. If this element - CW_USEDEFAULT, MDI
child window receives a default width.
It sets the initial height, in device units, MDI child windows. If this element - CW_USEDEFAULT,
MDI child window takes the default height.
Specifies the style of a child window Mnogodokumentalnogo Interface (MDI). If MDI operating
window was created with MDIS_ALLCHILDSTYLES window style, this member can be any
combination of the window styles listed in the description of the CreateWindow function. Otherwise,
this element can be one or more of the following values:
WS_MINIMIZE - Creates a child window Mnogodokumentalnogo Interface (MDI), which is initially
WS_MAXIMIZE - Creates an MDI child window that is initially maximized.
WS_HSCROLL - Creates an MDI child window that has a horizontal scroll bar.
WS_VSCROLL - Creates an MDI child window that has a vertical scroll bar.
Specifies an application-defined 32-bit value.
Notes When the MDI child window (MDI) created, Windows sends the WM_CREATE message
window. Parameter lParam WM_CREATE contains a pointer to a structure CREATESTRUCT. An
element of this structure contains a pointer to lpCreateParams MDICREATESTRUCT structure passed
with the message WM_MDICREATE, which created child window multiple document interface
See also
Accommodation and compatibility MDICREATESTRUCT
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
MINMAXINFO structure contains information about the expanded window size and positions
established by its minimum and maximum size.\
typedef struct tagMINMAXINFO
POINT ptReserved;
POINT ptMaxSize;
POINT ptMaxPosition;
POINT ptMinTrackSize;
POINT ptMaxTrackSize;
elements ptReserved
Reserved, do not use.
Sets the width of the unfolded (point.x) and detailed height (point.y) window.
Sets the position of the left side of the maximized window (point.x) and the position of the top of the
maximized window (point.y).
It specifies the minimum set by the width (point.x) and a minimum installed height (point.y) window.
Specifies the maximum set by the width (point.x) and a maximum installed height (point.y) window.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility MINMAXINFO
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure contains information that an application can use while processing
WM_NCCALCSIZE message to calculate the size, Posey and valid contents of the client area of a
typedef struct _NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS
RECT rgrc [3];
Sets an array of rectangles. The first contains the new coordinates of the window that has been moved
or changed. The second contains the coordinates of a window before it was moved or resized. The third
contains the coordinates of a window before the window was moved or resized. If the window - the
child window coordinates - relative to the working area of the parent window. If the window - the toplevel window, the coordinates - relative to the screen origin.
Indicates WINDOWPOS structure that contains size and position values specified in the operations that
move or resize the window.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
STYLESTRUCT structure contains styles for the window.
typedef struct tagSTYLESTRUCT
DWORD styleOld;
DWORD styleNew;
Sets an array of window styles or flags improved style.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility STYLESTRUCT
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WINDOWPLACEMENT structure comprises location information window on the screen.
typedef struct _WINDOWPLACEMENT
UINT length;
UINT flags;
UINT showCmd;
POINT ptMinPosition;
POINT ptMaxPosition;
RECT rcNormalPosition;
It sets the length of the structure in bytes. Before calling or GetWindowPlacement
SetWindowPlacement functions, set this item to sizeof (WINDOWPLACEMENT).
GetWindowPlacement SetWindowPlacement and will fail if this item is not installed properly.
Sets flags that control the position of the minimized window and the method by which the window is
restored. This element can have several of the following values:
WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED - Specifies that the restored window will be maximized, regardless
of whether it was maximized before it was minimized. This setting is valid only in the next time the
window is restored. It does not change the default recovery behavior. This flag is correct only when the
member for showCmd set SW_SHOWMINIMIZED.
WPF_SETMINPOSITION - Specifies that the coordinates of the minimized window can be
determined. This box must be checked if the coordinates are set to ptMinPosition element.
Specifies the current show state of the window. This member can be one of the following values:
SW_HIDE - Hides the window and activates another window.
SW_MINIMIZE - Minimizes the specified window and activates the top-level window in the system
SW_RESTORE - Activates and displays a window on the screen. If the window is minimized or
maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position (same as SW_SHOWNORMAL).
SW_SHOW - Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED - Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
SW_SHOWMINIMIZED - Activates the window and displays it on the screen as an icon.
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE - Displays a window as an icon. The active window remains active.
SW_SHOWNA - Displays a window in its current state. The active window remains active.
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE - Displays a window in its most modern size and position. The active
window remains active.
SW_SHOWNORMAL - Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized,
Windows restores it to its original size and position (same as SW_RESTORE).
Sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the window when it is minimized.
Sets the coordinates of the upper left corner of the window when it is deployed.
Sets the coordinates of the window when it is in the reduced position.
See also
ShowWindow, POINT, RECT
Accommodation and compatibility WINDOWPLACEMENT
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WINDOWPOS structure contains information about the size and position of the window.
typedef struct _WINDOWPOS
HWND hwnd;
HWND hwndInsertAfter;
int x;
int y;
int cx;
int cy;
UINT flags;
It identifies the window.
Specifies the position of the window in the Z-order (position from the beginning to the end). This
member can be a handle to the window, behind which a window is placed, or may be one of the special
values listed with the SetWindowPos function.
Sets the position of the left edge of the window.
Sets the position of the upper edge of the window.
Sets the width of the window in pixels.
Sets the height of the window, in pixels.
Set window position. This member can be one of the following values:
SWP_DRAWFRAME - Prints frame (defined in the description of the class of the window) around the
SWP_FRAMECHANGED - Sends a message window WM_NCCALCSIZE, even if does not change
the window size. If this option is not specified, WM_NCCALCSIZE sent only when the window is
SWP_HIDEWINDOW - Hides the window.
SWP_NOACTIVATE - Do not activate the window. If this is not checked, the window is activated and
moved to the top of either the topmost or non-topmost group (depending on the setting
hWndInsertAfter parameter).
SWP_NOCOPYBITS - Resets all the contents of the working area. If this is not checked, the valid
contents of the work area are saved and copied back into the client area after the window is sized or
repositioned (again set).
SWP_NOMOVE - Retains current position (ignores the X and Y parameters).
SWP_NOOWNERZORDER - Does not change the owner window's position in the Z-order.
SWP_NOREDRAW - not redraw changes. If this option is selected, repainting of any kind occurs. This
applies both to the workspace overscan (including the header area, and scroll bars) or to any part of the
parent window uncovered by the movement of the window. When this option is selected, the
application must explicitly or cancel or redraw any parts of the window and parent window that must
be redrawn.
SWP_NOSENDCHANGING - Prevents the window from receiving WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
SWP_NOSIZE - Retains the current size (ignores the cx and cy parameters).
SWP_NOZORDER - Retains the current Z-order (ignores hWndInsertAfter option).
SWP_SHOWWINDOW - Displays the window.
See also
EndDeferWindowPos, SetWindowPos, WM_NCCALCSIZE
Accommodation and compatibility WINDOWPOS
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Window messages
WM_ACTIVATE message is sent when a window is activated or deactivated. This message is sent first
to the window procedure deaktiviziruemogo top-level window; then it is sent to the window procedure
of the top-level window being activated.
fActive = LOWORD (wParam); // Check activation
fMinimized = (BOOL) HIWORD (wParam); // Check to minimize
hwndPrevious = (HWND) lParam; // Window handle
The value of low byte words wParam. Specifies whether the window is activated or deactivated it. This
parameter can be one of the following values:
WA_ACTIVE - Activated by some method other than a mouse click (eg, function call
SetActiveWindow or using the keyboard interface to select the window).
WA_CLICKACTIVE - Activated click.
WA_INACTIVE - Disable.
The value of the high byte word wParam. Sets the collapsed state of the window, or activatable
deaktiviziruemogo. A value other than zero indicates that the window is minimized (minimized).
The value of lParam. It identifies the window or deaktiviziruemoe activated, depending on the value of
fActive. If the value fActive - WA_INACTIVE, hwndPrevious - handle-activated window. If the value
fActive - WA_ACTIVE or WA_CLICKACTIVE, hwndPrevious - handle deaktiviziruemogo window.
This handle can be left blank (NULL).
Return values
If the program has processed the message, it should return zero.
The default action
If the window is activated and is not minimized (minimized), DefWindowProc function sets the
keyboard focus to the window.
If the window is activated click, it also receives a WM_MOUSEACTIVATE.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_ACTIVATE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_ACTIVATEAPP message is sent when a window belonging to another application, except for the
active window is going to be activated. The message is sent to the application program whose window
is activated and the application whose window is deactivated.
fActive = (BOOL) wParam; // Activation flag
dwThreadID = (DWORD) lParam: // thread identifier
The value of wParam. Sets whether or deactivated the window is activated. This option - TRUE
(TRUE), if the window is activated; FALSE (FALSE), if the window is deactivated.
The value of lParam. Specifies the thread identifier. If fActive option - TRUE (TRUE), dwThreadID stream ID that owns deaktiviziruemym window. If fActive - FALSE (FALSE), dwThreadID - stream
ID that has activated the window.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_ACTIVATEAPP
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Message sent WM_CANCELMODE focus window when displayed dialog box or a message box; it
makes it possible to cancel window focus modes, such as data collection from mouse.
This message has no parameters.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
The default action
DefWindowProc function cancels internal processing of standard scroll bar input, cancels internal
menu processing, and refuses to collect data from the mouse.
See also
DefWindowProc, ReleaseCapture
Accommodation and compatibility WM_CANCELMODE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
The message is sent to the child window WM_CHILDACTIVATE medium multi-document (MDI)
when the user clicks on the title bar area, or when activated window is moved or installed in size.
This message has no parameters.
Return values
If an application processes a message, it should return zero.
See also
MoveWindow, SetWindowPos
Accommodation and compatibility WM_CHILDACTIVATE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_CLOSE message is sent as a signal to which the window or the application should complete its
This message has no parameters.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
The default action
DefWindowProc function refers to DestroyWindow function to destroy a window.
An application can prompt the user for confirmation before destroying the window, in the course of
processing WM_CLOSE message and calls DestroyWindow function only if the user confirms the
See also
DefWindowProc, DestroyWindow
Accommodation and compatibility WM_CLOSE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_COMPACTING message is sent to all top-level windows when Windows detects more than 12.5
percent of the system time for 30 - 60-second interval, is spent on the memory seal. This indicates that
the system memory is insufficient.
wCompactRatio = wParam; // compression ratio
The value of wParam. Sets the coefficient of the current time, the central processing unit (CPU),
memory spent Windows on the seal to the current CPU time spent Windows to perform other actions.
For example, 0x8000 represents 50 percent of the CPU time spent on memory seal.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
When the application receives this message, it should release as much memory as possible, taking into
account the current level of action applied pro-grams and the total number of applications running on
Accommodation and compatibility WM_COMPACTING
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_COPYDATA message is sent when one program sends the data to another program.
wParam = (WPARAM) (HWND) hwnd; // Handle the transmission window
lParam = (LPARAM) (PCOPYDATASTRUCT) pcds; // Pointer to the data structure
It identifies the window that transmits the data.
Indicates COPYDATASTRUCT structure that contains the data for transmission.
Return values
If the receiving application processes this message, it should return TRUE (TRUE); otherwise, it
should return - FALSE (FALSE).
To send this message, the program must use the SendMessage function, not the function PostMessage.
The data to be transmitted must not contain pointers or other references to objects that are not available
for a program receiving the data.
Up until this message is valid due to data should not be modified by another current-transfer process.
The host program must take into account the data to read-only. Parameter pcds is correct only for the
processing of the message. The host program should not free the memory caused pcds. If the receiving
program is applied to the data after the return value of the function SendMessage, it must copy the data
to a local buffer.
See also
PostMessage, SendMessage, COPYDATASTRUCT
Accommodation and compatibility WM_COPYDATA
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_CREATE message is sent when the program asks, calling a function CreateWindowEx or
CreateWindow be created window. The new window procedure receives the message window after the
window is created, but before the window becomes visible. The message is sent to the return value of
the function CreateWindowEx or CreateWindow.
lpcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam; // Structure with creation data
The value of lParam. Indicates CREATESTRUCT structure that contains information about the
window being created. Members CREATESTRUCT identical parameters CreateWindowEx function.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it returns 0, to continue to create the window. If the
application returns -1, the window is destroyed and the CreateWindowEx or CreateWindow function
returns a NULL handle (NULL).
See also
CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx, CREATESTRUCT, WM_NCCREATE
Accommodation and compatibility WM_CREATE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_DESTROY message is sent when the window is destroyed. It is sent to the window procedure of
the window being destroyed after the window is removed from the screen. This message is sent first
blasted the window, and then the child windows (if any) when they are destroyed. During the message
processing, it can be taken as all child windows still exist.
This message has no parameters.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
If destructible window - part of the chain of clipboard viewer window (set, SetClipboardViewer
function call), the window should be removed from the chain by processing ChangeClipboardChain
function before returning from WM_DESTROY posts.
See also
ChangeClipboardChain, DestroyWindow, PostQuitMessage, SetClipboardViewer, WM_CLOSE
Accommodation and compatibility WM_DESTROY
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_QUIT message indicates a request to complete the application, and is created when the
application of the function is called PostQuitMessage. This forces the GetMessage function return zero.
nExitCode = (int) wParam; // Code completion
Parameters nExitCode
The value of wParam. Specifies the exit code in the PostQuitMessage function.
Return values
This message has no return value, because it leads to end the cycle of posts before a message is sent to
the window procedure of the application.
See also
GetMessage, PostQuitMessage
Accommodation and compatibility WM_QUIT
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_ENABLE message is sent when an application alters the ON state of the window. It is sent to a
window whose enabled state changes. This message is sent to the return value of the function
EnableWindow, but only after the change on state (WS_DISABLED style bit) window.
fEnabled = (BOOL) wParam; // Check box to enable / disable
The value of wParam. Sets whether the window has been enabled or disabled. This option would be
TRUE (TRUE), if the window is enabled or FALSE (FALSE), if the window was locked.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_ENABLE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE message is sent only once the window when it enters the sizing or moving
mode. Window enters navigation mode or set the size when the user clicks on the title bar area or sets
the size of the window frame, or when the window passes WM_SYSCOMMAND message to the
DefWindowProc function, and the wParam message parameter sets the SC_MOVE or SC_SIZE.
WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE Windows sends a message regardless of whether the movement of the full
window enabled.
wParam = 0; // Not used, must be zero
lParam = 0; // Not used, must be zero
This message has no parameters.
Return values
The program should return zero if it processes this application.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message is sent only once the window after it came out of the mode size or
wParam = 0; // Not used should be zero
lParam = 0; // Not used, must be zero
This message has no parameters.
Return values
The program should return zero if it processes this message.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_EXITSIZEMOVE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_GETICON message sent to a window to return back to handle large or small icon associated with
the window. Windows returns back a large icon when drawing a minimized window, and a small icon
when drawing the header area.
fType = wParam; // Type of icons
The value of wParam. Sets the type of the returned back to icons. This parameter can be one of the
following values:
ICON_BIG - Return back to a large icon for the window.
ICON_SMALL - Return back to a small icon for the window.
Return values
Return value - handle large or small icons, depending on the value fType. When an application receives
the message, it can return a handle large or small icons, or send a message to DefWindowProc.
The default action
DefWindowProc returns a handle large or small icon associated with a window, depending on the
When an application receives the message, it can return a handle large or small icons, or send a
message to DefWindowProc.
See also
DefWindowProc, WM_SETICON
Accommodation and compatibility WM_GETICON
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_GETMINMAXINFO message sent to a window when the size or position of the window, are
collecting change. An application can use this message to cancel the maximization of the size and
position of the window by default, or it sets the default minimum or maximum size.
lpmmi = (LPMINMAXINFO) lParam; // Address of structure
The value of lParam. Indicates MINMAXINFO structure that contains the value of the position and
size of the default deployment and is the default minimum and maximum sizes. The application
program can override the default settings elementovov this structure.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
Set the maximum size - the largest window size that can be produced using the frame to set the window
size. Setting a minimum size - the smallest window size that can be produced using the frame to set the
window size.
See also
MoveWindow, SetWindowPos, MINMAXINFO
Accommodation and compatibility WM_GETMINMAXINFO
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
The application sends a message to the WM_GETTEXT, to copy the text that matches the text in the
buffer window in which the caller provided.
wParam = (WPARAM) cchTextMax; // Number of characters to copy
lParam = (LPARAM) lpszText; // Address of buffer for text
The value of wParam. Sets the maximum number of characters that will be copied, including the zeroterminator character is complete.
The value of lParam. It points to the buffer that is to receive the text.
Return values
Return value - number of characters copied.
The default action
DefWindowProc function copies the text associated with the window into the specified buffer and
returns the number of characters copied.
To edit an item, the text to be copied - contains modify elements. For a combo box, the text - editing
content items (or static text) of the combo box. For buttons, text - name of the button. For other
windows, the text - window title. To copy a text item in the list box, an application can use
LB_GETTEXT message.
When a message is sent to the static element WM_GETTEXT control with SS_ICON style handle icon
will be returned in the first four bytes lpszText pointer buffer. This is true only if WM_SETTEXT
message used to set the icon.
The powerful editing tools, if the text to be copied exceeds 64K, use a message or EM_STREAMOUT
See also
DefWindowProc, EM_GETSELTEXT, EM_STREAMOUT, GetWindowText, GetWindowTextLength,
The application sends a message WM_GETTEXTLENGTH to determine the length of text, symbols
associated with a window. The length does not include the complete character string (zero-terminator).
wParam = 0; // Not used, must be zero
lParam = 0; // Not used, must be zero
This message has no parameters.
Return value
Return value - the length of the text, in characters.
The default action
DefWindowProc function returns the length of the text, in characters. Under certain conditions, this
may actually be greater than the length of the text. For additional information Noi. See the following
Remarks section.
To edit the elements, the text to be copied - the content of the editing elements. For a combo box, the
text - editing content items (or static text) portion of the combo box. For buttons, text - name of the
button. For other windows, the text - window title. To determine the length of the element in the list
box, an application can use LB_GETTEXTLEN message.
Under certain conditions, the DefWindowProc function returns a value that is greater than the actual
length of the text. This occurs with certain mixtures of ANSI and Unicode, and because of the
operating system, which takes into account the possible existence of DBCS characters within the text.
The return value, however, will always be at least as large as a fact-cal length of the text; Can thus
always use it to determine the distribution-division in the buffer. This behavior can occur when an
application uses both ANSI functions and common dialogs, which use Unicode. LB_GETTEXT, or
CB_GETLBTEXT, or GetWindowText function.
See also
CB_GETLBTEXT, DefWindowProc, GetWindowText, GetWindowTextLength, LB_GETTEXT,
Accommodation and compatibility WM_GETTEXTLENGTH
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE message is sent to the topmost window in the current after it has been
changed to the scene task. It should be used for creating any application-specific settings and
parameters of their transfer to the DefWindowProc function, which any child records to be transferred.
charset = wParam;
hkl = (HKL) lParam;
The value of wParam. Specifies the character set of the new keyboard layout.
The value of lParam. Identifies the new keyboard layout.
Return values
An application should return a non-zero value if the processes this message.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Post WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST announces top-level window of the application program
when the user selects the language keyboard input, or change the language keyboard input using the
"hot" button or from the menu system languages. Application mo-Jette accept the change by passing
the message to the DefWindowProc function or reject the change (and prevent it from happening)
returning immediately.
fSysCharSet = (BOOL) wParam
hkl = (HKL) lParam;
Parameters wParam
The least significant bit of this parameter is set, if the handle symbol arrangement on the keyboard can
be used with a set of system symbols. Other bits are reserved. For example, in the Russian version of
Windows 95, this option sets the least significant bit for the symbols on the keyboard layout descriptors
for English (US) and Russian language, but resets for other descriptors.
The value of lParam. Identifies the keyboard layout to switch between them.
Return values
This message informs that nothing is sent to the application program, so that the return value is
ignored. To accept the changes, the application must pass the message to DefWindowProc. To reject the
changes, the application should return zero without calling DefWindowProc.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Post WM_MOVE passed after when the window is moved. Sntaksis
xPos = (int) LOWORD (lParam); // Horizontal position
yPos = (int) HIWORD (lParam); // The vertical position
The value of low byte words lParam. Sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the workspace
The value of the upper word lParam. Sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the workspace
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
xPos and yPos parameters are given in screen coordinates for overlapped and pop-up windows and user
coordinates - parent to child windows. An application can use a macro MAKEPOINTS, to convert the
lParam parameter to POINTS structure.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_MOVE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_MOVING message sent to a window that the user moves. By processing this message, an
application can monitor the size and position of the drag rectangle and, if needed, change its size or
fwSide = wParam; // The edge of the window to be moved
lprc = (LPRECT) lParam; // Screen coordinates of the drag rectangle
The value of wParam. Specifies which edge of the window moves. This parameter can be a
combination of the following values:
WMSZ_BOTTOM - The lower edge
WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT - left bottom corner
WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT - bottom right corner
WMSZ_LEFT - Left Edge
WMSZ_RIGHT - Right edge
WMSZ_TOP - The upper edge
WMSZ_TOPLEFT - The upper left corner
WMSZ_TOPRIGHT - Left-right corner
The value of lParam. Address RECT structure with the screen coordinates of the drag rectangle. To
change the size or position of the drag rectangle, an application must change the members of this
Return value
The program should return TRUE (TRUE), if it processes this message.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_MOVING
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_NCACTIVATE message sent to a window when his non-working area must be changed to
indicate its active or inactive state.
fActive = (BOOL) wParam; // A new state of the header field or icon
The value of wParam. It sets when the header area or the icon must be modified to indicate an active or
inactive state of them. If the active area of the title or the icon must be displayed on the screen, fActive
option - TRUE (TRUE). He - FALSE (FALSE) to inactive the header area or the icon.
Return values
When fActive option - FALSE (FALSE), the application should return TRUE (TRUE), to indicate that
Windows should continue processing the default values, or it should return FALSE (FALSE), to
prevent the header area or the icon of the deactivation. When fActive - TRUE (TRUE), the return value
is ignored.
The default action
DefWindowProc function displays the header area or the icon in the header of its active colors when
fActive option - TRUE (TRUE), and in its inactive colors when fActive - FALSE (FALSE).
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_NCACTIVATE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_NCCALCSIZE message is sent when the size of the workspace window and the position must be
calculated. By processing this message, an application can manage the contents of a window when the
size or position of the window changes.
fCalcValidRects = (BOOL) wParam; // Check the current field
lpncsp = (LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS) lParam; // Pointer to size
// Or calculated data
lpncsp = (LPRECT) lParam; // Pointer to the new position of the window
The value of wParam. This is a Boolean value, if TRUE (TRUE), it is determined that the application
must specify which part of the work area contains valid information. The operating system copies the
correct information in the specified area within the new client area. Also, if this option - TRUE
(TRUE), lParam points to the structure NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS.Esli this option - FALSE (FALSE),
the application should not specify a valid part of the workspace. Also, if this option - FALSE (FALSE),
lParam points to a RECT structure.
The value of lParam. If wParam - TRUE (TRUE), lParam points to NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure
that contains the information that an application can use to calculate the new size and position of the
client rectangle. If wParam - FALSE (FALSE), lParam points to a RECT structure that contains the
coordinates of the new window that has been moved or changed. This option is equivalent to rgrc [0]
from NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure.
Return values
If fCalcValidRects option - FALSE (FALSE), the application should return zero. If fCalcValidRects TRUE (TRUE), the application may return zero or a valid combination of the following values:
values are used in combination-s, it is determined that the working area of the window must be
preserved and RHR-aligned respectively on the new position of the window. For example, to align the
work area at the bottom left corner, return values and WVR_ALIGNLEFT WVR_ALIGNTOP.
WVR_HREDRAW, WVR_VREDRAW - These values are used in combination with any other values,
cause the window to be completely re-derived, if the user changes the size of the rectangle horizontally
or vertically. These values are similar to the styles and class CS_HREDRAW CS_VREDRAW.
WVR_REDRAW - This value is forced to re-display the entire window. This is - a combination of
WVR_VALIDRECTS - This value indicates that, on return from WM_NCCALCSIZE, rectangles
specified elements rgrc [1] and rgrc [2] NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structures contain the correct source
and region targeting rectangles, respectively. Windows combines these rectangles to calculate the area
of the window you want to save. Windows copies any part of the window image that is within the
source rectangle and attach an image to a rectangle destination. Both rectangles are in the box - the
parent or relative screen coordinates. This return value allows an application to perform more complex
techniques of conservation work area, such as centering or preserving a subset of the workspace.
If fCalcValidRects - TRUE (TRUE), and the program returns zero, the old work area is maintained and
aligned to the left upper corner of the new workspace.
Default Actions
The window can be re-displayed, depending on whether or style class CS_HREDRAW
CS_VREDRAW installed. This is - the default, backward compatibility process the message function
DefWindowProc (in addition to the usual client rectangle calculation described in the previous table).
See also
DefWindowProc, MoveWindow, SetWindowPos, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS, RECT
Accommodation and compatibility WM_NCCALCSIZE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_NCDESTROY message informs a window that it OverScan destroyed. DestroyWindow function
sends a window WM_NCDESTROY WM_DESTROY message after message. WM_DESTROY used
to free memory, which placed the object associated with the window.
This message has no parameters
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
This message frees any memory internally allocated for the window.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_NCDESTROY
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_PARENTNOTIFY message sent to the parent of a child window when the child window is
created or destroyed, or when the user clicks the mouse button while the cursor - over the child
window. When the child window is created, the system sends WM_PARENTNOTIFY just before the
CreateWindow or the CreateWindowEx function, which creates conditions for the return of the window
to its previous state. When the child window is destroyed, Windows sends a message to any action that
takes place for the destruction of the window.
fwEvent = LOWORD (wParam); // Flags event
idChild = HIWORD (wParam); // Identifier of the child window
lValue = lParam; // Handle to a child, or the coordinates of the cursor
The value of low byte words wParam. Defines the event reported by the parent. This parameter can be
one of the following values:
WM_CREATE - Creates a child window.
WM_DESTROY - child window is destroyed.
WM_LBUTTONDOWN - User Place the cursor over the child window and clicked the left mouse
WM_MBUTTONDOWN - User Place the cursor over the child window and clicked the middle mouse
WM_RBUTTONDOWN - User Place the cursor over the child window and clicked the right mouse
The value of the upper word wParam. If fwEvent setting is WM_CREATE or WM_DESTROY, idChild
sets the identifier of the child window. Otherwise, idChild undefined.
It contains a handle to the child window when fwEvent setting is WM_CREATE or WM_DESTROY;
otherwise, lValue comprises x- and y-coordinates of the cursor. x-coordinate in the low word and the ycoordinate is in the high word.
Return values
WM_POWER message is sent when the system is typically a personal computer c battery is going to
enter the pause mode. Post WM_POWER outdated. It is envisaged to simplify the portability of a 16bit application based on Windows. New Win32-based applications should use
fwPowerEvt = wParam; // Notification message about lowering power
The value of wParam. Specifies the notification message about lowering diet. This parameter can be
one of the following:
PWR_CRITICALRESUME - Indicates that the system is resuming operation after entering in pause
mode without first sending a notification message PWR_SUSPENDREQUEST application. The
application must perform any necessary recovery actions.
PWR_SUSPENDREQUEST - Indicates that the system is about to enter the pause mode.
PWR_SUSPENDRESUME - Indicates that the system resumes operation, after the introduction of the
suspension of the normal mode, ie, the system sent a notification message PWR_SUSPENDREQUEST
application before the system was suspended. The application must perform any necessary recovery
Return values
The value returned by the application depends on the value of wParam. If wParam PWR_SUSPENDREQUEST, the return value - PWR_FAIL, to prevent the system from entering the
state of suspension of work; otherwise, this - PWR_OK. If wParam - PWR_SUSPENDRESUME or
PWR_CRITICALRESUME, return value is zero.
This message is sent only to the application program that is executed by the system and meet the
technical requirements Improved supply system (APM) basic deduces (BIOS) entry system. The
message is sent to the power management driver to each window returned to the Board the function
EnumWindows. Suspend Mode operation - a condition in which there is the greatest power efficiency
savings, but all current data and settings are stored. Random access memory (RAM) retains its content,
but many devices are likely to be turned off.
See also EnumWindows, WM_POWERBROADCAST
Message sent WM_QUERYDRAGICON collapsed (ikonizirovannomu) window. The window is going
to make the movement with the help of the user, but does not specify the icon for the class. An
application can return the value of the descriptor icon or cursor. The system displays the cursor or icon,
while the user drags the icon.
This message has no parameters.
Return values
An application should return a handle to the cursor or icon that Windows should show, at a time when
the user drags the icon. The cursor or icon must be compatible with the resolution of the display device.
If the application returns an empty (NULL), the system displays the default cursor.
Default Actions
DefWindowProc function returns the handle to the specified cursor by default.
When the user drags the icon window without determining the class icon, Windows changes the icon to
the default cursor. If the application requires that in moving from the system characterized displayed
cursor, it must return a handle or pointer icon that is compatible with the resolution on the display
device. If the application returns a handle color cursor or icon, the system converts the cursor or icon in
Black and white. An application can call the function LoadCursor or LoadIcon, to get a cursor or icon
from its executable (.EXE) file and return back to this descriptor.
See also
DefWindowProc, LoadCursor, LoadIcon
Accommodation and compatibility WM_QUERYDRAGICON
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Message sent WM_QUERYOPEN icon when the user requests that the window has been restored to its
previous size and position.
This message has no parameters.
Return values
If the icon can be opened, the application that processes this message should return TRUE (TRUE);
otherwise, it should return FALSE (FALSE), in order to prevent discovery of the icon.
Default Actions
DefWindowProc function returns TRUE (TRUE).
When processing this message, an application should not perform any action that forces become active
and change the focus (for example, create a dialog box).
See also
DefWindowProc, LoadCursor, LoadIcon
Accommodation and compatibility WM_QUERYOPEN
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
The application sends a message WM_SETICON, to compare a new large or small icon with a window.
Windows displays a large icon when the window Sverre-NLRB (minimized) and a small icon in the
title bar.
wParam = (WPARAM) fType; // Type of icons
lParam = (LPARAM) (HICON) hicon; // Handle icon
Parameters fType
The value of wParam. It specifies the type of installed icons. This parameter can be one of the
following values:
Meaning What it means
ICON_BIG Installing a large icon for the window.
ICON_SMALL Install a small icon for the window.
The value of lParam. Identifies new large or small icon. If this parameter - NULL (NULL), the icon
marked in the fType parameter, is removed.
Return values
Return value - descriptor of the previous large or small icon, depending on the value fType. It BLANK (NULL), if the window previously had no icon type, designated fType.
Default Actions
DefWindowProc function returns the handle of the previous large or small icon associated with a
window, depending on the value fType.
See also
DefWindowProc, WM_GETICON
Accommodation and compatibility WM_SETICON
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library -
The application sends a message WM_SETTEXT, to set the text box.
wParam = 0; // Not used, must be zero
lParam = (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) lpsz; // Address of text window line
lpsz value of lParam. Specifies the line with the symbol of zero at the end, which is a text box.
Return values
Return value - TRUE (TRUE), if the text is set. It - FALSE (FALSE) (for the editing tools),
LB_ERRSPACE (for the list box), or CB_ERRSPACE (for the combo box), if there is insufficient
space available to set the text in the fields editorial-tirovanie. It - CB_ERR, if the message is sent
without the combo box editing facilities.
Default Actions
DefWindowProc function sets and displays the text window.
For editing tools, text - content editing tools. For a combo box, the text - the content of the editing tools
combo box. For buttons, text - name of the button. For other windows, the text - window title. This
message does not change the current selection in the combo box list window. An application should use
CB_SELECTSTRING message to select an item in the list box that matches the text in the edit tools.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_SETTEXT
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
The system sends a message WM_SETTINGCHANGE all top-level windows when the
SystemParametersInfo function changes a system-level installation. The system sends this message
only if the caller sets SystemParametersInfo SPIF_SENDCHANGE box. The application program may
send WM_SETTINGCHANGE all top-level windows when it makes changes to system parameters.
For example, you can send the message after the call to WriteProfileString functions,
WriteProfileSection or SetLocaleInfo, or after making changes to the system parameters in the system
reestre.Soobschenie WM_SETTINGCHANGE - the same as the old message WM_WININICHANGE.
wParam = wFlag; // Check the parameters at the system level
lParam = (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszSection; // Name of the partition or register
The value of wParam. When the system sends the message as a result of the treatment to the SystemParametersInfo, this option - a flag that indicates the system parameter that was changed. On the list of
values, see. The SystemParametersInfo function. When an application sends co-communication, this
parameter should be left blank (NULL).
The value of lParam. A pointer to a string that specifies the domain containing the system parameter
that was changed. For example, this line may be a registry key name or the name of the section in the
WIN.INI file. This option is not particularly useful in determining which changed the system setting.
For example, when the string - the name of the registry, it typically indicates only the tip of the registry,
but not all the way. In addition, some applications send this message with the lParam parameter setting
in an empty (NULL). Generally, when you accept this message, you need to check and reset all system
configuration settings that are used by your application.
Return values
If you process this message, the return value - zero.
To send a message WM_SETTINGCHANGE all top-level windows, use the SendMessage function
with the hwnd parameter set to HWND_BROADCAST. Call the function that change the WIN.INI file,
which can be displayed instead of the registry. This mapping occurs when the WIN.INI file and modify
partitions installed in the system registry under the following keys:
The system sends a message WM_SETTINGCHANGE all top-level windows when the
SystemParametersInfo function changes a system-level installation. The system sends this message
only if the caller sets SystemParametersInfo SPIF_SENDCHANGE box. The application program may
send WM_SETTINGCHANGE all top-level windows when it makes changes to system parameters.
For example, you can send the message after the call to WriteProfileString functions,
WriteProfileSection or SetLocaleInfo, or after making changes to the system parameters in the system
reestre.Soobschenie WM_SETTINGCHANGE - the same as the old message WM_WININICHANGE.
wParam = wFlag; // Check the parameters at the system level
lParam = (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszSection; // Name of the partition or register
The value of wParam. When the system sends the message as a result of the treatment to the SystemParametersInfo, this option - a flag that indicates the system parameter that was changed. On the list of
values, see. The SystemParametersInfo function. When an application sends co-communication, this
parameter should be left blank (NULL).
The value of lParam. A pointer to a string that specifies the domain containing the system parameter
that was changed. For example, this line may be a registry key name or the name of the section in the
WIN.INI file. This option is not particularly useful in determining which changed the system setting.
For example, when the string - the name of the registry, it typically indicates only the tip of the registry,
but not all the way. In addition, some applications send this message with the lParam parameter setting
in an empty (NULL). Generally, when you accept this message, you need to check and reset all system
configuration settings that are used by your application.
Return values
If you process this message, the return value - zero.
To send a message WM_SETTINGCHANGE all top-level windows, use the SendMessage function
with the hwnd parameter set to HWND_BROADCAST. Call the function that change the WIN.INI file,
which can be displayed instead of the registry. This mapping occurs when the WIN.INI file and modify
partitions installed in the system registry under the following keys:
WM_SHOWWINDOW message sent to a window when the window is about to be hidden or visible.
fShow = (BOOL) wParam; // Check to show / hide
fnStatus = (int) lParam; // Check status
The value of wParam. It determines whether the window is shown. TRUE (TRUE), if the window is
shown, or false (FALSE), if the window is hidden.
The value of lParam. Specifies the state of the displayed window. Parameter fnStatus zero if the
message is sent due reference to ShowWindow function; otherwise, fnStatus - one of the following:
SW_OTHERUNZOOM - Window opens because a maximized window was restored or minimized
SW_OTHERZOOM - The window is covered by another window, which had been deployed.
SW_PARENTCLOSING - Window owner rolls up the window.
SW_PARENTOPENING - Window owner window is restored.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
Default Actions
DefWindowProc function hides or shows the window, as established in accordance with the message.
If the window when it is created, has the WS_VISIBLE style, the window receives this message after it
is created, but before it is displayed. A window also receives this message when its visibility state is
changed or the function ShowWindow ShowOwnedPopups. WM_SHOWWINDOW message is sent in
the following circumstances:
When the top-level, overlapped window is created with WS_MAXIMIZE or WS_MINIMIZE style.
When installed SW_SHOWNORMAL flag in an address to ShowWindow function.
See also
WM_SIZE message sent to a window after its size has changed.
fwSizeType = wParam; // Check resize
nWidth = LOWORD (lParam); // The width of the work area
nHeight = HIWORD (lParam); // Height of the work area
The value of wParam. It specifies the type of resizing requested. This parameter can take one of the
SIZE_MAXHIDE - Message is sent to all windows popping up when deployed to a different window.
SIZE_MAXIMIZED - The window was maximized.
SIZE_MAXSHOW - Message is sent to all windows popping up when some other window has been
restored to its former size.
SIZE_MINIMIZED - The window was minimized (minimized).
SIZE_RESTORED - A window has been changed, but neither value nor SIZE_MINIMIZED
The value of the lower word lParam. Specifies the new width of the client area.
The value of the upper word lParam. Specifies the new height of the work area.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
If the function or SetScrollPos MoveWindow called for a child window as a result of WM_SIZE
message, bRedraw parameter must be different from zero to force a window to be repainted. Although
the width and height of the window - 32-bit values, parameters and nWidth nHeight WM_SIZE
message contain only the low 16 bits.
See also
MoveWindow, SetScrollPos
Accommodation and compatibility WM_SIZE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_SIZING message sent to a window in which the user resizes. By processing this message, an
application can monitor the size and position of the Vai-peretaski rectangle and, if needed, change its
size or position.
fwSide = wParam; // Edge mounted on the window size
lprc = (LPRECT) lParam; // Screen coordinates of the drag rectangle
The value of wParam. It indicates that the edge of the window size is set. This parameter can be a
combination of the following values:
WMSZ_BOTTOM - The lower edge
WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT - Corner bottom left of the
WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT - Corner bottom right of the
WMSZ_LEFT - Left Edge
WMSZ_RIGHT - Right edge
WMSZ_TOP - The upper edge
WMSZ_TOPLEFT - Corner top left of the
WMSZ_TOPRIGHT - Angle the top right of
Address RECT structure with the screen coordinates of the drag rectangle. To change the size or
position of the draggable rectangle, the application must change the members of this structure.
Return values
An application should return TRUE (TRUE), if it processes this message.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_SIZING
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
WM_STYLECHANGED message sent to a window, if after the SetWindowLong function has changed
one or more window styles.
wStyleType = wParam; // Extended or not extended styles
lpss = (LPSTYLESTRUCT) lParam; // Structure containing new styles
The value of wParam. It determines whether expanded or unexpanded window styles changed. This
parameter can be a combination of the following values:
GWL_EXSTYLE - Extended window styles changed.
GWL_STYLE - unextended window styles changed.
The value of lParam. Indicates STYLESTRUCT structure that contains the new styles for the window.
The application program can examine the styles, but can not change them.
Return values
An application should return zero if it processes this message.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_STYLECHANGED
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_STYLECHANGING message sent to a window when the function SetWindowLong going to
change one or more window styles.
wStyleType = wParam; // Advanced and advanced styles
lpss = (LPSTYLESTRUCT) lParam; // Structure containing new styles
The value of wParam. It determines whether expanded or unexpanded window styles changed. This
parameter can be a combination of the following values:
GWL_EXSTYLE - Extended window styles changed.
GWL_STYLE - unextended window styles changed.
The value of lParam. Indicates STYLESTRUCT structure that contains the proposed new styles for the
window. The application program can examine styles and, if necessary, to modify them.
Return values
An application should return zero if it processes this message.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility WM_STYLECHANGING
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_USERCHANGED message is sent to all windows, after the user has entered or left the system.
When a user enters or leaves the system, the system modifies the user-specific settings. The system
sends this message immediately after modifying settings.
wParam = 0; // Not used, must be - nil
lParam = 0; // Not used, must be - nil
Return values
An application should return zero if it processes this message.
Accommodation and compatibility WM_USERCHANGED
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message sent to a window whose size, position, or place in the Zorder is about to change as a result of recourse to the SetWindowPos function or another window
management functions.
lpwp = (LPWINDOWPOS) lParam; // Indicates the position data and the size
The value of lParam. Indicates WINDOWPOS structure that contains information from the relatively
new window size and position.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
Default Actions
For windows WS_OVERLAPPED style or WS_THICKFRAME, DefWindowProc function sends a
window message WM_GETMINMAXINFO. This is done in order to verify the correctness of the new
size and position of the window and enforce CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT styles and user
DefWindowProc function, an application can override these defaults.
At the time when this message is processed by changing any of the values in WINDOWPOS, it acts on
the new size or position of the window in the Z-order. An application can prevent changes in the
window by setting or resetting the corresponding bits in the flags element WINDOWPOS.
See also
DefWindowProc, EndDeferWindowPos, SetWindowPos, WINDOWPOS, WM_GETMINMAXINFO,
Accommodation and compatibility WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library -
WM_WININICHANGE date. It is included for compatibility with earlier versions of Windows. New
applications should use WM_SETTINGCHANGE message.
Accommodation and compatibility WM_WININICHANGE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
WM_CLOSE message is sent as a signal to which the window or the application should complete its
This message has no parameters.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
The default action
DefWindowProc function refers to DestroyWindow function to destroy a window.
An application can prompt the user for confirmation before destroying the window, in the course of
processing WM_CLOSE message and calls DestroyWindow function only if the user confirms the
See also
DefWindowProc, DestroyWindow
Accommodation and compatibility WM_CLOSE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_COMPACTING message is sent to all top-level windows when Windows detects more than 12.5
percent of the system time for 30 - 60-second interval, is spent on the memory seal. This indicates that
the system memory is insufficient.
wCompactRatio = wParam; // compression ratio
The value of wParam. Sets the coefficient of the current time, the central processing unit (CPU),
memory spent Windows on the seal to the current CPU time spent Windows to perform other actions.
For example, 0x8000 represents 50 percent of the CPU time spent on memory seal.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
When the application receives this message, it should release as much memory as possible, taking into
account the current level of action applied pro-grams and the total number of applications running on
Accommodation and compatibility WM_COMPACTING
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_COPYDATA message is sent when one program sends the data to another program.
wParam = (WPARAM) (HWND) hwnd; // Handle the transmission window
lParam = (LPARAM) (PCOPYDATASTRUCT) pcds; // Pointer to the data structure
It identifies the window that transmits the data.
Indicates COPYDATASTRUCT structure that contains the data for transmission.
Return values
If the receiving application processes this message, it should return TRUE (TRUE); otherwise, it
should return - FALSE (FALSE).
To send this message, the program must use the SendMessage function, not the function PostMessage.
The data to be transmitted must not contain pointers or other references to objects that are not available
for a program receiving the data.
Up until this message is valid due to data should not be modified by another current-transfer process.
The host program must take into account the data to read-only. Parameter pcds is correct only for the
processing of the message. The host program should not free the memory caused pcds. If the receiving
program is applied to the data after the return value of the function SendMessage, it must copy the data
to a local buffer.
See also
PostMessage, SendMessage, COPYDATASTRUCT
Accommodation and compatibility WM_COPYDATA
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_CREATE message is sent when the program asks, calling a function CreateWindowEx or
CreateWindow be created window. The new window procedure receives the message window after the
window is created, but before the window becomes visible. The message is sent to the return value of
the function CreateWindowEx or CreateWindow.
lpcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam; // Structure with creation data
The value of lParam. Indicates CREATESTRUCT structure that contains information about the
window being created. Members CREATESTRUCT identical parameters CreateWindowEx function.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it returns 0, to continue to create the window. If the
application returns -1, the window is destroyed and the CreateWindowEx or CreateWindow function
returns a NULL handle (NULL).
See also
CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx, CREATESTRUCT, WM_NCCREATE
Accommodation and compatibility WM_CREATE
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WM_DESTROY message is sent when the window is destroyed. It is sent to the window procedure of
the window being destroyed after the window is removed from the screen. This message is sent first
blasted the window, and then the child windows (if any) when they are destroyed. During the message
processing, it can be taken as all child windows still exist.
This message has no parameters.
Return values
If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
If destructible window - part of the chain of clipboard viewer window (set, SetClipboardViewer
function call), the window should be removed from the chain by processing ChangeClipboardChain
function before returning from WM_DESTROY posts.
See also
ChangeClipboardChain, DestroyWindow, PostQuitMessage, SetClipboardViewer, WM_CLOSE
Accommodation and compatibility WM_DESTROY
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Window functions
The following functions are used to create and manage windows.
AdjustWindowRect function calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired
size of the rectangle by the user. The window rectangle can then be passed to the CreateWindowEx
function to create a window, workspace kotorogo- desired size.
BOOL AdjustWindowRect
LPRECT lpRect, // pointer to a structure
// User rectangle
DWORD dwStyle, // window style
BOOL bMenu // check menu display
Pointer to a RECT structure that contains the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners of
the desired workspace. When the function returns, the structure contains the coordinates of the upper
left and lower right corners of the window to set the allowable size of the desired workspace.
Specifies the window styles, the required size is to be calculated.
It determines whether the window has a menu.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function is not executed, the return value is
zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
User Rectangle - the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the work area. Rectangle box - the
smallest rectangle that completely encloses the window. AdjustWindowRect function does not add
extra space when a menu bar occupies two or more lines.
See also
AdjustWindowRectEx, CreateWindowEx, RECT
Accommodation and compatibility AdjustWindowRect
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
AdjustWindowRectEx function calculates the required size of the extended style of the window
rectangle, based on the desired size of the working area of the window. The window rectangle can then
be passed to the CreateWindowEx function to create a window, an area where the desired size.
BOOL AdjustWindowRect
LPRECT lpRect, // pointer to a structure
// Workspace
DWORD dwStyle, // window style
BOOL bMenu // check menu display
DWORD dwExStyle // extended style
Pointer to a RECT structure that contains the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners of
the desired workspace. When the function returns, the structure contains the coordinates of the upper
left and lower right corners of the window to set the allowable size of the desired workspace
Specifies the window styles, the required size is to be calculated.
It determines whether the window has a menu.
Defines the extended style of the window, which is required to be calculated size.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
User Rectangle - the smallest rectangle that completely encloses the work area. Rectangle box - the
smallest rectangle that completely encloses the window. AdjustWindowRect function does not add
extra space when a menu bar occupies two or more lines.
See also
AdjustWindowRect, CreateWindowEx, RECT
Accommodation and compatibility AdjustWindowRect
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Notes platform is not there
ArrangeIconicWindows function arranges all minimized (icon) child windows of the parent window is
UINT ArrangeIconicWindows
HWND hWnd // handle to parent window
hWnd Identifies the parent window.
Return values
If the function has completed its work successfully, the return value is the height of one line of icons. If
the function fails, the return value - zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
An application that supports self minimized child windows can use ArrangeIconicWindows function to
arrange the icons in the parent window. This function can also organize your desktop icons. To return
the window handle to the main window, use the GetDesktopWindow. The application sends a message
to the operating WM_MDIICONARRANGE box multi-document interface environment (MDI), to
encourage the working window to organize child windows rolled multi-document interface
environment (MDI).
See also
CloseWindow, GetDesktopWindow
Accommodation and compatibility ArrangeIconicWindows
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
BeginDeferWindowPos function allocates memory for the structure of a multi-plant and returns a
descriptor structure.
HDWP BeginDeferWindowPos
int nNumWindows // number of windows
nNumWindows Specifies the initial number of windows which stores information about the location.
Function DeferWindowPos, if necessary, to increase the size of the structure.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value identifies the structure of a multi-installation. If the available
system resources are insufficient to distribute the structure, the return value is NULL (NULL).
Structure of a multi-installation - the internal structure; the application can not access it directly.
DeferWindowPos function fills the structure of a multi-installation information about the location of
the object for one or more windows are going to be displaced. EndDeferWindowPos function takes a
handle to this structure, and again sets the window using the information stored in the structure. If the
collateral to the windows in the structure of a multi-installation has a set of check boxes or
SWP_HIDEWINDOW SWP_SHOWWINDOW, none of the windows is not installed again. If
Windows is to increase the size of the structure of a multi-installation beyond the initial size specified
parameter nNumWindows, but can not allocate enough memory to run it, Windows does not perform
the task of the established procedure for the entire window (BeginDeferWindowPos, DeferWindowPos,
and EndDeferWindowPos). In determining the required maximum size, the application can detect and
process fails at the beginning of the process.
See also
DeferWindowPos, EndDeferWindowPos, SetWindowPos
Accommodation and compatibility BeginDeferWindowPos
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
BringWindowToTop carries certain window function in the upper part of the Z-order. If the window the top-level window is activated. If the window - a child window, the parent top-level window,
associated with the child window is activated.
BOOL BringWindowToTop
HWND hWnd // handle of window
It identifies the window that is transferred to the top of the Z-order.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
Use BringWindowToTop function to open any window that is partially or completely obscured by other
windows. Calling this function call SetWindowPos similar functions to change the window position in
Z-sequence. BringWindowToTop does not make the top-level window of the window. If the application
is not in an active mode and wants to be in the active mode, it needs to call a function
See also
SetWindowPos, SetActiveWindow, SetForegroundWindow
Accommodation and compatibility BringWindowToTop
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
CascadeWindows cascade function has certain window or child windows of the specified parent
WORD WINAPI CascadeWindows
HWND hwndParent, // handle to parent window
UINT wHow, // window types that are not ordered
CONST RECT * lpRect, // rectangle in which
// Ordered window
UINT cKids, // number of windows for ordering
const HWND FAR * lpKids // array of window descriptors
Identifies the parent window. If this parameter is set to NULL (NULL), accepted the desktop window.
Defines the box cascade. Currently available only check box, MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED, which
prevents the blocking of child windows of MDI (Mnogodokumentalnogo Interface) from cascading.
SMALL_RECT pointer to a structure that defines a rectangular area in screen coordinates, which are
placed inside the window. This parameter can be NULL value (NULL), when using the work area of
the parent window.
Specifies the number of elements in the array, a certain parameter lpKids. This parameter is ignored if
lpKids - BLANK (NULL). lpKids
A pointer to an array of window handles that identify orderable window. If this parameter - NULL
(NULL), child windows are placed in a certain parent window (or desktop window).
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the number of orderable windows. If the function fails, the
return value is zero.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility CascadeWindows
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
ChildWindowFromPoint function determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to the
parent window contains the installation point (fixed).
HWND ChildWindowFromPoint
HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent window
POINT Point // structure with point coordinates
Identifies the parent window.
Specifies a POINT structure that sets out to test the working coordinates of the point.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - handle to the child window that contains the point, even if
the child window is hidden or blocked. If the point is outside the parent window, the return value NULL (NULL). If the point - in the parent window and not within any child window, the return value the parent window handle.
Windows maintains an internal list that contains the descriptors of child windows of the parent window.
The order of descriptors in the list depends on the Z-order of child windows. If more than one child
window contains a fixed point, Windows returns a value in the first window descriptor list that contains
the point.
See also
ChildWindowFromPointEx, POINT, WindowFromPoint
Accommodation and compatibility ChildWindowFromPoint
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
ChildWindowFromPointEx function determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to a
specific parent window contains the installation point. The function can ignore invisible, locked, and
transparent child windows.
HWND ChildWindowFromPointEx
HWND hwndParent, // handle to parent window
POINT pt, // structure with point coordinates
UINT uFlags // skip flags
Identifies the parent window.
Specifies a POINT structure that defines the work to verify the coordinates of the point.
Specifies which child windows are skipped. This parameter can be a combination of the following
CWP_ALL - Do not skip any child windows.
CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE - Skip invisible child windows.
CWP_SKIPDISABLED - Ignore locked child windows.
CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT - Skip transparent child windows.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the descriptor of the first child window that contains the
point and meets the criteria set out in uFlags. If the point - in the parent window and not within any
child window that meets the criteria, the return value - the parent window handle. If the point is outside
the parent window, or if the function is not executed, the return value - NULL (NULL).
Windows maintains an internal list that contains the descriptors of the child windows of the parent
window. The order of descriptors in the list depends on the Z-order of child windows. If more than one
child window contains a fixed point, Windows returns a handle to the first box in the list that contains
the point and meets the criteria defined uFlags.
See also
ChildWindowFromPoint, POINT, WindowFromPoint
Accommodation and compatibility ChildWindowFromPointEx
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Function CloseWindow rolls (but does not destroy) a certain window.
BOOL CloseWindow
HWND hWnd // handle to the window, which coagulates
It identifies the window that should be minimized.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - not zero. If the function fails the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
The window is rolled, reducing its size to the icon, and moves in the area of the screen icons. Windows
displays the Windows icon instead of the window and displays the window title below the icon. To
destroy a window, the application must use DestroyWindow function.
See also
ArrangeIconicWindows, DestroyWindow, IsIconic, OpenIcon
Accommodation and compatibility CloseWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
CreateWindow function creates an overlapped, pop-up or child window. It defines the class, title, style,
windows and (optional) to its original position and size of the window. The function also determines
the parent window or owner, if any, and the window's menu.
HWND CreateWindow
LPCTSTR lpClassName, // pointer to registered class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName, // pointer to window name
DWORD dwStyle, // window style
int x, // horizontal position of window
int y, // vertical position of window
int nWidth, // width of the window
int nHeight, // window height
HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent or owner window
HMENU hMenu, // handle menu or child-window identifier
HANDLE hInstance, // handle to application instance
LPVOID lpParam // pointer to window creation data
It indicates a null-terminated string at the end, or - to an integer atom. If this option - an atom, it must
be shared atom created by a previous call to GlobalAddAtom function. Atom - a 16-bit value less than
0xC000, should be in the low lpClassName word; high word must be zero. If lpClassName - string, it
specifies the name of the window class. The class name can be any name registered RegisterClass
function or any of the predefined class names controls. Full list. See the next section for comments.
It indicates a null-terminated string to the end that specifies the window name.
Specifies the style of the window being created. This parameter can be a combination of window styles
and styles of dashboards listed in the next section below Notes.
Specifies the initial horizontal position of the window. For an overlapped or pop-up window, the
parameter x - the initial x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the window, in screen coordinates. For
a child window x - x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window relative to the left upper
workspace corner of the parent window. If this parameter is set to CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows
selects the default position for the upper left corner and ignores the y parameter. CW_USEDEFAULT
parameter is valid only for overlapped windows; if it is specified for a pop-up or child window, x and y
parameters are set to zero.
Specifies the initial vertical position of the window. For an overlapped or pop-up window, the
parameter y - initial y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the window, in screen coordinates. For a
child window, y - the initial y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the child window relative to the left
upper workspace corner of the parent window. For a list box, y - the initial y-coordinate of the upper
left corner of the workspace window with a list of the upper left area of the parent window of the
working angle. If an overlapped window is created with a set WS_VISIBLE style a bit, and x is set as
the CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows ignores the parameter y.
Specifies the width of the window in the measuring unit for the device. For overlapped windows,
nWidth is, or the width of the window in screen coordinates or parameter CW_USEDEFAULT. If
nWidth - CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows selects the default width and height for the window; the
default width extends from the initial x-coordinate to the right edge of the screen and the default height
extends from the initial y-coordinate to the top of the icons. Meaning CW_USEDEFAULT allowed
only for overlapped windows; if CW_USEDEFAULT defined for pop-up or child window, nWidth
nHeight and set to zero.
Specifies the window height, in device units. For overlapped windows, nHeight - the height of the
window, in screen coordinates. If the parameter is set to nWidth CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows ignores
Identifies the parent or owner window of the window being created. The correct window handle must
be given when creating a child window or proprietor of the window. A child window is limited to the
work area of its parent window. Located in the window of ownership - an overlay window is destroyed
when the window is hidden or destroyed its owner when the owner rolled; It is always displayed at the
top of the window to its owner. Despite the fact that this option must define a valid descriptor, if
dwStyle option includes WS_CHILD style, it is not necessary, if dwStyle includes WS_POPUP style.
Identifies the menu or determine the child-window identifier depending on the window style. For an
overlapped or pop-up window, hMenu identifies the menu to be used with the window; if the class
menu is to be used, it can be a NULL value (NULL). For a child window, hMenu determines the childwindow identifier, an integer value used by a dialog box control to notify its parent about events. The
application determines the child-window identifier; it must be unique for all child windows with the
same parent window.
It identifies an instance of the module, which is associated with the window.
It indicates that the value passed to the window through CREATESTRUCT structure caused by using
lParam parameter of the WM_CREATE message. If an application calls CreateWindow, to create a
multi-document user interface environment window (MDI), lpParam should point to the structure
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - a descriptor created window. If the function fails the return
value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
Before returning values, CreateWindow sends the WM_CREATE message to the window procedure.
For overlapped, pop-up windows and subsidiaries CreateWindow sends the WM_CREATE message
window, and the WM_GETMINMAXINFO WM_NCCREATE. Parameter lParam WM_CREATE
message contains a pointer to a structure CREATESTRUCT. If you define a style WS_VISIBLE,
CreateWindow sends the window all the messages required to activate and display a window.
If the window style specifies a title bar, window title specified in lpWindowName displayed in the title
bar. When CreateWindow is used to create the controls, such as buttons, switches and static controls,
lpWindowName used to determine the text control.
If the layout of your application you specify the version of Windows - 4.x, its windows can not have a
button in the title bar if they also do not have a window menu. This is not required for the application,
which you have determined the layout of the Windows version 3.x.
The following predefined control classes can be defined in lpClassName parameter:
(BUTTON) Designates a small rectangular child window that represents the button, and the user can
click the mouse on it to enable or disable it. The control buttons can be used alone or in groups, and
they can either be signed or appear without text. Buttons usually change their form when the user clicks
on them.
(Combo box) Represents a control consisting of a list box and select the field, similar to the element of
text editing. When using this style, the application must display all the time or a window with a list or
include a drop-down list. Depending on the style of the combo box, the user will be able to edit or
select the contents of field. If a window with a list of probably typed characters within a field selection
is highlighted by first entering the window with the list that matches the printed characters. On the
contrary, the choice element in the list box displays the selected text in the selection box.
(Editable WINDOW) Designates a rectangular child window within which the user can type text with
the keyboard. The user selects the control and gives it the keyboard focus by clicking the mouse on it or
moving it by pressing the TAB key (TAB). The user can print the text when you are editing window
control displays a flashing caret (caret); Use the mouse to move the cursor, select the characters that
will be replaced, or move the cursor to insert characters; or use the KEY RETURN TO POSITION
(BACKSPACE), to delete the characters. edited window controls using the system font with variable
pitch and show the on-screen characters from the ANSI character set. WM_SETFONT message can
also be sent to the edit control's window to change the default font. The elements of the editing window
management increase according to the number of tab characters so many spaces as they are required to
move the carriage to the next tab stop. Tabs are taken such as to be in every eighth familiarity.
(Window with a list) Indicates a list of character strings. This control is determined whenever the
application must provide a list of names, such as file names from which the user can choose. The user
can select a line by clicking the mouse on it. The selected line is highlighted, and a notification
message is sent to the parent window. To scroll lists that are too long for the window of the control, use
vertical or horizontal window with a list of the scroll bar. A window with a list of automatically hides or
shows the scroll bar, as appropriate. MDICLIENT
Indicates working window MNOGODOKUMENTALNOGO INTERFACE (MDI). This window
receives messages that control the child windows application MNOGODOKUMENTALNOGO
interface. Recommended for its long - WS_CLIPCHILDREN and WS_CHILD. To create MDI
operating window, which allows the user when a scroll MDI child windows, and determine
(Scroll bar) Indicates a rectangle that contains a slider and has an arrow directed at both ends. The
scroll bar sends a notification message to its parent window whenever the user clicks the control. If
necessary, the parent window is responsible for the modification of the position of the slider. scroll bar
controls are of the same type and use features as the scroll bar used in conventional windows. However,
unlike the window scroll bars, scroll control line can be installed for use anywhere in the window when
scrolling input information required for the window. The class also includes scroll bars and the size of
the window controls. Window resizable - a small box that the user can pull to resize the window.
(Static members) represents a single text box, box or rectangle used to label, box, or separate other
controls. Static controls do not take any input information and do not provide any output information.
The following window styles can be defined in dwStyle parameter:
WS_CAPTION - Creates a window that has a title bar (includes WS_BORDER style).
WS_CHILD - Creates a child window. This style can not be used with WS_POPUP style.
WS_CLIPCHILDREN - Excludes the area occupied by child windows when drawing occurs
within the parent window. This style is used when creating the parent window.
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS - Secures the child windows relative to each other, that is, when a single
child window receives WM_PAINT message, style WS_CLIPSIBLINGS fixes all other
overlapping child windows out of the region of the child window that you want to modify. If
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style is not specified, and child windows overlap, it is possible that when
drawing within the client area of the child window to be displayed inside the working area of a
neighboring child window.
WS_DISABLED - Creates a window that is initially disabled. Locked window can not accept
user input.
WS_DLGFRAME - Creates a window that has a border style typically used with dialog boxes.
A window with this style can not have a title bar.
WS_GROUP - Specifies the first control in a group of controls. The group consists of this first
control and all controls defined after it, up to the next control with WS_GROUP style. The first
control member of each group has usually WS_TABSTOP style, the user can move from one
group to another. The user can then transfer the keyboard focus from one group of controls in
the next group of controls using the arrow keys.
WS_ICONIC - Creates a window that is initially minimized. The same style that
WS_MINIMIZE - Creates a window that is initially minimized. The same style that
WS_OVERLAPPED - Creates an overlapped window. The overlay window has a title bar and
frame. The same style that WS_TILED.
WS_POPUP - Creates a pop-up window. This style can not be used with WS_CHILD style.
WS_SIZEBOX - Creates a window that has the installation dimensions of the window frame.
The same thing as WS_THICKFRAME style.
WS_SYSMENU - Creates a window that has a window menu (window-menu) in its title bar.
Also to be determined WS_CAPTION style.
WS_TABSTOP - Specifies a control that can receive the keyboard focus when the user presses
the TAB key (TAB). Pressing the tab key transfers keyboard focus to the next control with
WS_THICKFRAME - Creates a window that has the installation dimensions of the window
frame. Same as WS_SIZEBOX style.
WS_TILED - Creates an overlapped window. The overlay window has a title bar and frame.
The same as the style WS_ OVERLAPPED.
The following styles of buttons (BUTTON in class) that can be identified in the parameter dwStyle:
BS_3STATE - Creates a button that is the same as the window for a check box, except that the
window box can become inaccessible just as it is done when you select ( "tick") checking
(checked Only), or if you cancel it. Use the unavailable state to show that the state of the
window for the check box is not defined.
BS_AUTO3STATE - Creates a button that is in the same switch with three states, except that
the window field changes its state when the user selects it. Condition cycles through the
BS_AUTOCHECKBOX - Creates a button, which is also a window for a check box, except that
the flag state of the installation check will automatically switch between the set and do not set
the parameter, each time the user selects the button.
BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON - Creates a button that is the same as the "radio" button, except
that when the user selects it, Windows automatically sets the state of the buttons in the check
box control regime, noting its "tick" and automatically sets the check state for all other buttons
in the same group without checking flag.
BS_CHECKBOX - Creates small, blank window for the check box with text. By default, the
text is displayed to the right of the window. To display the text to the left of the window,
combine this option with BS_LEFTTEXT style (or equivalent BS_RIGHTBUTTON style).
BS_GROUPBOX - Creates a rectangle in which other control elements can be grouped. Any
text associated with this style is displayed in the upper left corner of the rectangle.
BS_LEFTTEXT - Places the text to the left of the "radio" button or the small window switch,
when combined with a selector style or the "radio" button. The same thing as style
BS_OWNERDRAW - Creates a button representing the owner. The owner window receives a
message WM_MEASUREITEM, when the button is created and a message WM_DRAWITEM,
when the appearance of the button has changed. Do not combine BS_OWNERDRAW style
with any other button styles.
BS_RADIOBUTTON - Creates a small circle with the text. By default, the text is displayed to
the right of the circle. To display the text to the left of the circle, combine this option with
BS_LEFTTEXT style (or its equivalent - BS_RIGHTBUTTON style). Use the "Radio" button
for a group of related, but mutually exclusive choices.
BS_CENTER - Align the text horizontally in the center of the rectangle button.
BS_LEFT - Aligns text to the left of the button rectangle. However, if the button - the window
switch or the "radio" button, which does not BS_RIGHTBUTTON style, the text is aligned to
the right of the switch or the "radio" button.
BS_MULTILINE - Wrap Text button in additional lines if the text string is too long to fit on one
line in the rectangle button.
BS_PUSHLIKE - Creates a button (such as a switch, the switch to the three-state or "Radio"
button) having a look and acts like a command button. The convex form of the button when it is
pressed or not selected and submerged when it is clicked or selected.
BS_RIGHT - Right Aligned text in the rectangle button. However, if the button - a window for
the check box or the "Radio" button, which does not BS_RIGHTBUTTON style, the text is
aligned to the right edge of the right side of the window for a check box or the "Radio" button.
BS_RIGHTBUTTON - Sets the circle of "Radio" button or a window box for the flag to the
right of the button rectangle. The same style that BS_LEFTTEXT.
BS_VCENTER - Places the text in the middle (vertically) of the rectangle button.
Below are combined styles of windows (in the class COMBOBOX), which can be defined in the
parameter dwStyle:
CBS_AUTOHSCROLL - Automatically scrolls the text in the text edit box to the right when the
user enters a character from the keyboard end of the line. If this style is not set, it accepted only
the text that fits within the rectangular boundary of the field.
CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL - The list box shows the vertical scroll bar is locked when the
field box does not contain enough items to scroll. Without this style, the scroll bar is hidden if
the window with the list does not contain enough items.
CBS_DROPDOWN - CBS_SIMPLE is similar, except that the window with the list is not
displayed until the user selects the icon next to the text editing.
CBS_HASSTRINGS - Specifies that represented the owner of the combo box contains items
consisting of strings. Combo Box supports memory and address lines, so that the application
can use CB_GETLBTEXT message to restore the text for a particular item.
CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT - Specifies that the size of the combo box - this is the exact size
specified by the application when it created the combo box. Typically, Windows sets the size of
the combo box so that it does not display the part.
CBS_OEMCONVERT - Converts text entered in the edit field of the combo box text. The text
is converted from the Windows character set to the OEM character set and then back to the
Windows set. This ensures that the appropriate character conversion when the application calls
CharToOem function to convert a Windows string in the combo box to OEM characters. This
style is most useful for combo boxes that contain file names and apply only to combo boxes
created with style CBS_SIMPLE or CBS_DROPDOWN.
CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED - Specifies that the owner of the list box is responsible for
drawing its contents and that the items in the window with a list of all of equal height. The
owner window receives a WM_MEASUREITEM, when the combo box is created, and the
message WM_DRAWITEM, when the appearance of the combo box has changed.
CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE - Specifies that the owner of the list box is responsible for
drawing its contents and that the items in the list box are variable in height. The owner window
receives WM_MEASUREITEM message for each item combo box when you create the combo
box; owner window receives a message WM_DRAWITEM when changed the look of the
combo box.
CBS_SIMPLE - Always display a window with a list. The current selection in the list box is
displayed in the text editing.
The following styles of text editing field (in the classroom EDIT) can be defined in dwStyle parameter:
ES_AUTOHSCROLL - Automatically scrolls text to the right by 10 characters when the user
types the symbol at the end of lines. When the user presses ENTER, and control scrolls all text
back to set zero.
ES_AUTOVSCROLL - automatically moves the text up one page when the user presses the
ENTER key on the last line.
ES_LOWERCASE - Converts all characters to lowercase as they are printed in the text edit
ES_MULTILINE - Indicates a multi-line text editing window. The default setting - single-line
text editing window. When a multi-line edit box is located in the dialog box, the default
response to pressing the ENTER key must activate the default button. To use the ENTER key to
a newline, use style ES_WANTRETURN. When a multi-line edit box is not in the dialog box
and define the style ES_AUTOVSCROLL, the edit box shows many lines as possible and
scrolls vertically when the user presses the ENTER key. If you do not specify
ES_AUTOVSCROLL, editing window shows as many lines as possible and beeps if the user
presses ENTER, and yet more than a single line can not be displayed in the window. If you
specify ES_AUTOHSCROLL style, multi-line edit box automatically scrolls horizontally when
the caret goes past the right edge of the control. To start a new line, the user must press the
ENTER key. If you do not specify ES_AUTOHSCROLL, control, when necessary,
automatically transfers without breaking words at the beginning of the next line. A new line is
formed and then, if the user presses the ENTER key. The window size determines the position
of the word transition to a new line. If the window size is changed, the position changes of
transition to a new line, and the text is restored. Multi-line text edit box can have scroll bars.
The editing window with scroll bars treated with their own messages on the scroll bar. Note that
the editing window without scroll bars, scroll through the text, as described in the previous
paragraphs and process any scroll messages sent by the parent window.
ES_NOHIDESEL - Negates the default behavior for an edit text field. The default behavior
hides the selection when the control loses the input focus and inverts the selection when the
control panel receives the input focus. If you specify ES_NOHIDESEL, the selected text is
inverted, even if the control panel does not have focus.
ES_NUMBER - Allows you to enter into the edit field only numbers.
ES_OEMCONVERT - Converts text entered in the edit box. The text is converted from the
Windows character - in the OEM character set and then back - set in Windows. This ensures
that the appropriate character conversion when the application of the function is called
CharToOem, to convert a Windows string in the edit box to OEM characters. This style is most
useful for text editing windows that contain file names.
ES_PASSWORD - Displays an asterisk (*) instead of each character entered from the keyboard
in the edit window. You can use the message EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, to replace its
symbol, which is displayed.
ES_READONLY - Do not allow the user to enter or edit text in the edit box.
ES_UPPERCASE - Converts all characters to uppercase characters as they are entered in the
editing window.
ES_WANTRETURN - Specifies that the service carriage return code is inserted when the user
presses the ENTER key while entering text into a multiline text edit box in the dialog box. If
you do not specify this style, pressing the ENTER, and you get the same effect as if clicked the
default command button of the dialog box. This style has no effect in a single edit window.
The following window control styles with the list (in the LISTBOX class) can be defined in dwStyle
LBS_EXTENDEDSEL - Allows multiple items to be selected, by using the SHIFT key and the
mouse or special key combinations.
LBS_HASSTRINGS - Specifies that the window with the list contains items consisting of
strings. A window with a list of strings and saves memory addresses, so that an application can
use LB_GETTEXT message to restore the text for a particular item. By default, all windows
with the list except for windows with the list provided by the owner have this style. You can
create a window provided by the owner of the list with or without this style.
LBS_NODATA - Defines the "lack of data" in the list box. This style is determined by when the
number of items in the list box may exceed one thousand. A window with a list of "missing
data" must also have style LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED, but it should not have style or
LBS_SORT LBS_HASSTRINGS. A window with a list of "missing data" is similar to a
window with a list provided by the owner, except that it contains no string or bitmap data for
the item. Commands "add", "insert" or "delete" item always ignore any transmitted data
elements; a request to search for a string in a window always fails. Windows sends a message
WM_DRAWITEM owner window when an item to be traced. ElementID (itemID) member
DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure passed with the message WM_DRAWITEM, determines the
row number to be traced. A window with a list of "missing data" does not send a message
LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT - Specifies that the size of the window with the list corresponds
to the size specified by the application when it created the list box. Typically, Windows sets the
LBS_NOREDRAW - Specifies that the window view from the list is not modified when
changes are made. You can at any time change this style by sending a message
LBS_NOSEL - Specifies that a window contains a list of items that can be viewed, but not
LBS_NOTIFY - Notifies whenever the user clicks or double-clicks a row in the list box, the
parent of an incoming message window.
LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED - Specifies that the owner of the list box is responsible for
drawing its contents and that the items in the list box appear the same height. The owner
window receives a WM_MEASUREITEM when the window with the list created and
WM_DRAWITEM message when the window's appearance changed.
LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE - Specifies that the owner of the list box is responsible for
drawing its contents and that the items in the list box appearing on the height variable. The
owner window receives WM_MEASUREITEM message for each item in the list window when
it is created, and WM_DRAWITEM message when the window's appearance changed.
LBS_STANDARD - Sorts the strings in the list box alphabetically. The parent window receives
an incoming message whenever the user clicks or double-clicks on the line. The window with
the list is framed on all sides.
LBS_USETABSTOPS - Enables a list box to recognize and expand the characters in a table
when drawing its strings. The default table occupies 32 dialog box units. Unit dialog box horizontal or vertical distance. One horizontal dialog box unit is equal to the fourth part of the
current measurement units of the dialog box size. Windows calculates these units, based on the
font height and width of the existing system. GetDialogBaseUnits function returns the current
base unit of measure of the dialog box, in pixels.
LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT - Specifies that the owner of the list box receives messages
WM_VKEYTOITEM whenever the user presses a key, and a window with the input focus is.
This enables the application to perform special processing when entering from the keyboard.
The following styles scrollbars (a class SCROLLBAR) can be defined in dwStyle parameter:
SBS_BOTTOMALIGN - Aligns the bottom edge of the scroll bar to the bottom edge of the
rectangle defined by the parameters x, y, nWidth, and nHeight. The scroll bar has the default
height for system scroll bars. Use this style to SBS_HORZ style.
SBS_LEFTALIGN - Aligns the left edge of the scroll bar to the left edge of the rectangle
defined by the parameters x, y, nWidth and nHeight. The scroll bar has the default width for
system scroll bars. Use this style to SBS_VERT style.
SBS_RIGHTALIGN - Aligns the right edge of the scroll bar to the right edge of the rectangle
defined by the parameters x, y, nWidth, and nHeight. The scroll bar has the default width for
system scroll bars. Use this style to SBS_VERT style.
SBS_SIZEBOX - Indicates the size of the window. If you do not specify any
size has a height, width and position determination of the parameters x, y, nWidth and nHeight.
SBS_TOPALIGN - Aligns the top edge of the scroll bar to the upper edge of the rectangle
defined by the parameters x, y, nWidth, and nHeight. The scroll bar has the default height for
system scroll bars. Use this style to SBS_HORZ style.
SBS_VERT - Designates a vertical scroll bar. If you do not specify any SBS_RIGHTALIGN,
nor SBS_LEFTALIGN style scroll bar has the height, width and position determination of the
parameters x, y, nWidth and nHeight.
The following static control styles (in the STATIC class) can be defined in dwStyle parameter. Static
control can only have one of these styles:
SS_BITMAP - Specifies that static control should display the bitmap. The text of the error code
- the name of the bitmap (not a filename) defined elsewhere in the resource file. Style and
ignores the nWidth nHeight; control automatically sets its own dimensions, to place a bitmap.
SS_BLACKFRAME - Specifies the window frame, using the same color as that of the frame of
the main window. This color is black in the default Windows color scheme.
SS_BLACKRECT - Specifies a rectangle filled with the current window frame color. By
default, the color black in the Windows color scheme.
SS_CENTER - Specifies a simple rectangle and centers the error code in the text box. The text
is formatted before it is displayed on the screen. Words that extend beyond the end of the line is
automatically transferred to the beginning of the next centered line.
SS_CENTERIMAGE - Specifies that the middle point of the static control with SS_BITMAP
style or SS_ICON to remain fixed when the control is changed. The four sides are adjusted so
as to put a new bitmap or icon. If a static control has SS_BITMAP style and bitmap less than
the working area of the control, workspace filled with the color of the pixel of the upper left
corner of the bitmap. If a static control has SS_ICON style icon appears, but does not stain the
work area.
SS_GRAYFRAME - Specifies the window field frame derived the same color as the screen
background (desktop). By default, the Windows color scheme, this color is gray.
SS_GRAYRECT - Specifies a rectangle filled with the current screen background color. By
default, the Windows color scheme, this color is gray.
SS_ICON - Specifies the icon that is displayed in the dialog box. This text - the name of the
icon (not a filename) defined elsewhere in the resource file. Style and ignores the nWidth
nHeight; icon automatically sets its value.
SS_LEFT - Specifies a simple rectangle and left-aligned text in a rectangle. The text is
formatted before it is displayed. Words that extend beyond the end of the line is automatically
transferred to the beginning of the next aligned with the left margin.
SS_METAPICT - Specifies that the metafile image should be displayed in the static control.
This text - the name of the metafile images (not a filename) defined elsewhere in the resource
file. Static metafile element management has a fixed size; metafile image is scaled to fit the
working area static control.
SS_NOPREFIX - Prevents interpretation of any ampersand symbol (&) in the control's text as a
symbol of an accelerator prefix. They are displayed with a remote ampersand and followed by
the underlined character in the string. This static control style may be included with any of the
defined static controls. An application can be combined with other styles SS_NOPREFIX using
bitwise OR = OR (|). This may be useful when the file names, or other lines that may contain an
ampersand (&) to be displayed in a static dialog control.
SS_RIGHT - Specifies a simple rectangle and right-aligned text in a rectangle. The text is
formatted before it is displayed on the screen. Words that extend beyond the end of the line is
automatically transferred to the beginning of the next aligned with the right edge of the line.
SS_RIGHTIMAGE - Specifies that the angle of the bottom right of a static control with the
style or SS_BITMAP SS_ICON must remain fixed when the control is changed. Only the top
and left side are adjusted to fit the new bitmap or icon.
SS_SIMPLE - Specifies a simple rectangle and displays a single line of left-aligned text in the
rectangle border. The text string can not be shortened or changed in any way. Parental Control
Panel window or dialog box should not process a message WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC.
SS_WHITEFRAME - Specifies the window field frame derived the same color as the window
background. By default, in Windows Color System - the color white.
SS_WHITERECT - Specifies a rectangle filled with the current color of the window
background. By default, in Windows Color System - the color white.
Listed below dialog styles that can be identified in the parameter dwStyle:
DS_3DLOOK - Provides a dialog box is not bold, and displays three-dimensional border
around the window controls in the dialog box.
DS_3DLOOK - This style is required only on Win32-based application programs compiled for
versions of Windows earlier than Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. The system automatically
applies the three-dimensional look to dialog boxes created by applications compiled for current
versions of Windows.
DS_ABSALIGN - Indicates that the coordinates of the dialog box - screen coordinates;
otherwise, Windows takes them for user coordinates.
DS_CENTER - is aligned with the center of the dialog box in the work area; ie in the area, do
not obstruct the panel.
DS_CENTERMOUSE - is aligned with the center of the mouse cursor in the dialog box.
DS_CONTEXTHELP - Includes a question mark in the title bar of the dialog box. When the
user clicks the question mark, the cursor changes to a question mark with an arrow-pointer. If
the user then clicks a control in the dialog box, the control receives a message WM_HELP. The
control should pass the message to the dialog procedure, which should call the WinHelp
function using a command HELP_WM_HELP. Application Help (Help) displays a pop-up
window that typically contains help for the control. Note that DS_CONTEXTHELP - just a
notch - filler. When the dialog box is created, the system checks for DS_CONTEXTHELP and,
if available, WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP adds to the extended style of the dialog box.
WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP can not be used with styles WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or
DS_CONTROL - Creates a dialog box that works well as a child window of another dialog box,
much like a page in the properties window. This style allows the user to navigate among the
DS_LOCALEDIT - Applies only for 16-bit applications. This style edit control in the dialog
box to allocate memory in the data segment of the application program. Otherwise, edit
elements reserved memory the global memory object.
DS_MODALFRAME - Creates a dialog box with a modal dialog box frame that can be
combined with a title bar and window menu by specifying WS_CAPTION WS_SYSMENU
and styles.
DS_NOFAILCREATE - Creates even dialog box if errors occur - for example, if a child
window can not be created or if the system can not create a special data segment for editing
DS_SETFONT - Specifies that the dialog box template (DLGTEMPLATE structure) contains
two additional elements that define the font name and size in points. The corresponding font
used to display text within the client area of the dialog box and in the dialog box controls.
Windows passes the handle of the font dialog box and to each control by sending them a
message WM_SETFONT.
DS_SYSMODAL - Creates a system-modal dialog box. This style causes the dialog box to have
the WS_EX_TOPMOST style, but otherwise, it has no influence on the dialog box or the
behavior of other windows in the system, when a dialog box appears.
Windows 95: The system can support a maximum of 16,364 window handles.
See also
DialogBox, DLGTEMPLATE, DRAWITEMSTRUCT, GetDialogBaseUnits, GlobalAddAtom,
LB_GETTEXT, LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, MessageBox, RegisterClass, SetForegroundWindow,
CreateWindowEx function creates an overlapped, jumps or child window with an extended style;
otherwise, the function is identical to CreateWindow. For more information about creating a window
and for full descriptions of the other parameters of CreateWindowEx, see. Article the CreateWindow.
HWND CreateWindowEx
DWORD dwExStyle, // window style improved
LPCTSTR lpClassName, // pointer to registered class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName, // pointer to window name
DWORD dwStyle, // window style
int x, // horizontal position of window
int y, // vertical position of window
int nWidth, // width of the window
int nHeight, // window height
HWND hWndParent, // handle to the parent window, or
// owner
HMENU hMenu, // menu descriptor or identifier
// Child window
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to application instance
// programs
LPVOID lpParam // pointer to window creation data
Specifies the extended window style. This parameter can be one of the following:
WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES - Specifies that a window created with this style accepts files with the
help of information technology "drag-and-paste".
WS_EX_APPWINDOW - Activates the top-level window on the taskbar when the window is
WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP - Includes a question mark in the title bar of the window. When the
user clicks the question mark, the cursor changes to a question mark with a pointer. If the user
then clicks a child window, the child receives a message WM_HELP. The child window should
pass the message to the parent window procedure, which should call the WinHelp function
using the command HELP_WM_HELP. Help application displays a pop-up window that
typically contains help for the child window. WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP can not be used with
WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT - Allows the user to navigate among the child windows of the
main window using the Tab key (TAB).
WS_EX_LTRREADING - text window is displayed using the property reading order Left Right. This - the default.
WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY - Specifies that a child window created with this style does not
send a message WM_PARENTNOTIFY parent window when it is created or destroyed.
WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR - Vertical scroll bar (if present) - the right of the workspace.
This - the default.
properties of the reading order, Right - Left. For other languages, the style is ignored and not
treated as an error.
WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW - Creates a tool window; that is, the window will be used as a
floating toolbar. A tool window has a title bar that is shorter than a normal title bar, and the
window title is drawn using a smaller font. A tool window does not appear in the taskbar or in
the dialog box that appears when the user presses ALT + TAB.
WS_EX_TOPMOST - Specifies that a window created with this style should be placed above
all non-topmost windows and should stay above them, even when the window is deactivated. To
add or remove this style, use the SetWindowPos.
Using WS_EX_RIGHT style for static or editable controls has the same effect as using SS_RIGHT
style or ES_RIGHT, respectively. Use this style with the command buttons has the same effect as the
use of styles and BS_RIGHT BS_RIGHTBUTTON.
It indicates a null-terminated string to the end or an integer atom. If lpClassName - an atom, it must be
a global atom created by a previous call GlobalAddAtom function. The atom, a 16-bit value less than
0xC000, should be in the low word lpClassName; high word must be zero. If lpClassName - string, it
specifies the name of the window class. The class name can be any name registered RegisterClass
function or any of the predefined class names controls.
It indicates a null-terminated string to the end that specifies the window name.
Specifies the style of the window being created. As for the rest of the list box styles that can be defined
in dwStyle, cm. CreateWindow.
Specifies the initial horizontal position of the window. For an overlapped or pop-up window parameter
x - the initial x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the window, in screen coordinates. For a child
window x - x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the window relative to the left upper workspace
corner of the parent window. If x is set to CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows selects the default position
for the upper left corner and ignores the y parameter. CW_USEDEFAULT is valid only for overlapped
windows; if it is specified for a pop-up or child window, the x and y parameters are set to zero.
Specifies the initial vertical position of the window. For an overlapped or pop-up window, the
parameter y - initial y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the window, in screen coordinates. For a
child window, y - the initial y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the child window relative to the left
upper workspace corner of the parent window. For a list box, y - the initial y-coordinate of the upper
left corner of the workspace window with a list of the upper left area of the parent window of the
working angle. If an overlapped window is created in the style of WS_VISIBLE bit set and the x
parameter is set to CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows ignores the parameter y.
Specifies the width of the window, in device units. For overlapped windows nWidth - the width of the
window in screen coordinates or CW_USEDEFAULT. If nWidth - CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows
selects the default width and height for the window; the default width extends from the initial xcoordinate to the right edge of the screen; The default height extends from the initial y-coordinate to the
top of the icon area. CW_USEDEFAULT is valid only for overlapped windows; if CW_USEDEFAULT
specified for a pop-up or child window, the parameters and nWidth nHeight set to zero.
Specifies the window height, in device units. For overlapped windows, nHeight - the height of the
window in screen coordinates. If the parameter is set to nWidth CW_USEDEFAULT, Windows ignores
Identifies the parent or owner window of the window being created. The valid window handle should
be given when the child window or an owned window is created. A child window is limited to the work
area of the parent window. An owned window - an overlay window that is destroyed when its owner
window is destroyed or hidden when its owner is minimized; It is always displayed at the top of the
window of the owner. Despite the fact that this option must determine the correct descriptor, if dwStyle
option includes the WS_CHILD style, it is not necessary if dwStyle includes WS_POPUP style.
Identifies the menu or, depending on the window style specifies the identity of the child window. For
an overlapped or pop-up window, hMenu identifies the menu that will be used by the window; This
parameter can be NULL value (NULL), if the class menu is used. For a child window, hMenu
determines the child-window identifier, an integer value used by a dialog box control is to inform
parents about the events. The application determines the child-window identifier; it must be unique for
all child windows with the same parent window.
It identifies the instance of the module that will be associated with a window.
It indicates that the value passed to the window through CREATESTRUCT structure caused by the
parameter lParam WM_CREATE message. If the application calls CreateWindow, to create a custom
multi-document window environment, lpParam should point to the structure
Return values
If the function successfully completed its work, the return value - a handle to the created window. If the
function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL).
Notes CreateWindowEx function sends the created window WM_NCCREATE posts,
WM_NCCALCSIZE and WM_CREATE. For information about the classes of the window controls,
window styles and control styles used with this function, refer to the description of the CreateWindow
function. Windows 95: The system can support a maximum of 16,364 window handles.
See also
CLIENTCREATESTRUCT, CREATESTRUCT, CreateWindow, GlobalAddAtom, RegisterClass,
Accommodation and CreateWindowEx compatibility:
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Notes hMenu platform is limited in size (WORD) WORD in Win32s
DeferWindowPos function modifies the structure defining the position of multiple windows in a
particular window. The function then returns a handle modifiable structure. EndDeferWindowPos
function uses the information in this structure to change the position and size of a number of windows
simultaneously. BeginDeferWindowPos function creates a structure.
HDWP DeferWindowPos
HDWP hWinPosInfo, // handle to the internal structure
HWND hWnd, // handle to window placement
HWND hWndInsertAfter, // handle the order placement
int x, // horizontal position
int y, // vertical position of the
int cx, // width
int cy, // height
UINT uFlags // window positioning flags
It identifies a plurality of windows are placed structure that contains information about the size and
position for one or more windows. This structure is returned by BeginDeferWindowPos or most recent
call DeferWindowPos function.
Identifies the window for which the modification information is stored in the structure.
It identifies the window that is preceded by a window installed in Z-sequence. This parameter must be
a window handle or one of the following:
HWND_BOTTOM - Places the window at the bottom of the Z - order. If the hWnd parameter identifies
a topmost window, the window loses its topmost status and is placed at the bottom of all other
HWND_NOTOPMOST - Places the window above all non-topmost windows (that is, behind all
topmost windows). This flag has no effect if the window - is not the topmost window.
SWP_DRAWFRAME - Prints frame (defined in the description of the class of the window)
around the window.
SWP_NOACTIVATE - Do not activate the window. If this is not checked, the window is
activated and moved to the top of either the topmost or non-topmost group (depending on the
setting hWndInsertAfter parameter).
SWP_NOCOPYBITS - Resets all the contents of the working area. If this is not checked, the
valid contents of the work area are saved and copied back into the client area after the window
is sized or repositioned.
SWP_NOOWNERZORDER - Does not change the owner window's position in the Z-order.
SWP_NOREDRAW - not redraw changes. If this flag is set, no repainting of any kind occurs.
This applies to the workspace overscan (including the header area and a scroll bar), and any part
of the parent window uncovered by the movement of the window. When this option is selected,
the application must explicitly invalidate or redraw any parts of the window and parent window
Return values
The return value identifies the streamlined structure of the composite window location. The handle
returned by this function may differ from the handle passed to the function. The new handle that this
function returns should be passed during the next call to the function or DeferWindowPos
EndDeferWindowPos. If the missing system resources are available for the function to succeed, the
return value - NULL (NULL).
If an appeal to DeferWindowPos fails, the application should abandon the window positioning
operation and not call EndDeferWindowPos. If SWP_NOZORDER not installed, Windows places the
window identified by the hWnd parameter in the position after the window identified by the parameter
hWndInsertAfter. If hWndInsertAfter - BLANK (NULL) or HWND_TOP, Windows places the hWnd
window at the top of Z-sequence. If hWndInsertAfter set HWND_BOTTOM, Windows places the
hWnd window at the bottom of Z-sequence. All coordinates for child windows - relative to the left
upper workspace corner of the parent window. The window can be made at the top of the window or by
setting the flag hWndInsertAfter HWND_TOPMOST and ensuring that SWP_NOZORDER flag is not
set, or set the position of the window in the Z-order, so that it is above any existing topmost windows.
When a non-topmost window is made topmost, its owned windows are also made topmost. Its owners,
however, do not change. If neither flag nor SWP_NOACTIVATE SWP_NOZORDER check box is not
selected (ie when the application's request to at the same time the window has been activated, and its
position in the Z-order is changed), the value set in the hWndInsertAfter, used only in the following
No HWND_TOPMOST HWND_NOTOPMOST box or box is not checked in hWndInsertAfter.
The window identified by hWnd - is not the active window.
The application program can not activate an inactive window without also bringing it to the top of Zorder. The application program can change the position of a window activated in the sequence Zwithout restriction, or it can activate a window and then move it to the top of the uppermost or
uppermost windows. The topmost window uppermost longer if it is reset to the lower part
(HWND_BOTTOM) Z-after any sequence or not the uppermost window. When a topmost window is
made not at the top, its owners and its owned windows are also made non-topmost windows. Not
topmost window may have at the top of the window, but not vice versa. Any window (for example, a
dialog box) owned by a topmost window is itself made a topmost window to ensure that all owned
windows are above their owner.
See also
BeginDeferWindowPos, EndDeferWindowPos, ShowWindow
Accommodation and compatibility DeferWindowPos
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
DestroyWindow function destroys the specified window. The function sends a message and
WM_DESTROY WM_NCDESTROY window to deactivate it and remove the keyboard focus from it.
The function also destroys the window's menu, clears the queue streams, destroys timers, removes the
ownership of the clipboard and breaks the clipboard viewer chain of windows (if the window is at the
top of the chain of views). If a particular window - the parent or owner window, the DestroyWindow
automatically destroys the associated child or owned windows when it destroys the parent or owner
window. The function first destroys child or owned windows, and then it destroys the parent or owner
window. DestroyWindow also destroys modeless dialog boxes created function CreateDialog.
BOOL DestroyWindow
HWND hWnd // handle to break the window
window identifier, which will be destroyed.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
The stream can not use DestroyWindow, to destroy a window created by another thread. If the window
being destroyed - a child window that has WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY style,
WM_PARENTNOTIFY message sent to the parent.
See also
CreateDialog, CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx, WM_DESTROY, WM_NCDESTROY,
Accommodation and compatibility DestroyWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
EnableWindow function enables or disables mouse and keyboard input in a specific window or control.
When the input is blocked, the window does not accept input such as mouse clicks and keystrokes.
When the input is turned on, the window assumes all entered information.
BOOL EnableWindow
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
BOOL bEnable // check box to enable or disable input information
window identifier, which will be enabled or disabled.
bEnable Specifies enabled or disabled window. If this option - TRUE (TRUE), the window is enabled.
If the parameter - FALSE (FALSE), the window is blocked.
Return values
If the window was previously disabled, the return value is zero. If not previously been blocked by the
window, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
If the ON state of the window is changed, a message is sent WM_ENABLE before returning function
values EnableWindow. If the window is already locked, all its child windows are potentially blocked,
although they have not sent a message WM_ENABLE. The window must be enabled before it can be
activated. For example, if the application displays a non-modal dialog box and disconnect the main
window, the application must include the main window before destroying the dialog box. Otherwise,
another window will take the keyboard focus and be activated. If the child window is blocked, it is
ignored when Windows tries to determine which window should accept mouse messages. By default,
the window is enabled when it is created. To create a window that is initially disabled, the application
can determine WS_DISABLED style in CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function. Once the
window is created, the application can use EnableWindow, to enable or disable the window. An
application can use this function to enable or disable the control in the dialog box. Locked element of
control can not take the keyboard focus, and the user can not access it.
See also
CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx, IsWindowEnabled, WM_ENABLE
EndDeferWindowPos function simultaneously updates the position and size in one or more windows in
a single cycle refresh.
BOOL EndDeferWindowPos
HDWP hWinPosInfo // handle to the internal structure
It identifies the location of the composite structure of the window that contains information about the
size and location of one or more windows. This internal structure is returned BeginDeferWindowPos or
the latest appeal to DeferWindowPos function.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
EndDeferWindowPos function sends each window identified in the internal structure, posts and
See also
BeginDeferWindowPos, DeferWindowPos, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED,
Accommodation and compatibility EndDeferWindowPos
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
EnumChildProc function - callback function defined by the application program that accepts child
window handles as a result of recourse to EnumChildWindows function.
HWND hwnd, // handle to a child window
LPARAM lParam // value determined by the application
It identifies the child window parent window specified in EnumChildWindows.
It sets the value determined by the application, given in EnumChildWindows.
Return Values.
To continue enumeration, the callback function should return TRUE (TRUE); to stop enumeration, it
must return FALSE (FALSE).
The callback function can execute any desired task. An application must register this callback function
by passing its address EnumChildWindows. EnumChildProc - mark - a placeholder for the function
name defined by the application program.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility EnumChildProc
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
The imported user-defined library
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
EnumThreadWindows function enumerates all child windows are not associated with a stream by
passing the handle of each window, in turn, to a certain application program callback function.
EnumThreadWindows valid as long as the most recent window, or until the callback function returns
FALSE (FALSE). To enumerate child windows of a single window, use EnumChildWindows function.
This function replaces EnumTaskWindows function.
BOOL EnumThreadWindows
DWORD dwThreadId, // thread identifier
WNDENUMPROC lpfn, // pointer to the callback function
LPARAM lParam // value determined by the application program
Identifies the thread that the window should be listed.
It indicates a specific application callback function. For more information on callback functions, see.
EnumThreadWndProc callback function.
It specifies a 32-bit value defined by the application, which will be passed to the callback function.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value - zero.
See also
EnumChildWindows, EnumThreadWndProc, EnumWindows
Accommodation and compatibility EnumThreadWindows
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
EnumWindows function enumerates all top-level windows on the screen by passing the handle of each
window, in turn, to an application-defined callback function. EnumWindows valid as long as the last
top-level window will not be transferred, or until the callback function returns FALSE (FALSE).
BOOL EnumWindows
WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, // pointer to the callback function
LPARAM lParam // determined by the application
Specifies an application-defined callback function. For more information, see. EnumWindowsProc
callback function.
Sets the 32-bit, software-defined value to be passed to the callback function.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero.
EnumWindows function does not enumerate child windows. This feature is more reliable than in the
function call GetWindow cycle. An application that calls GetWindow, to accomplish this task, it risks
falling into an infinite loop or a reference to the handle of the window, which was destroyed.
See also
EnumChildWindows, EnumWindowsProc, GetWindow
Accommodation and compatibility EnumWindows
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
EnumWindowsProc function - defined program callback function that takes a top-level window
handles by calling EnumWindows or EnumDesktopWindows function.
HWND hwnd, // handle to parent window
LPARAM lParam // determined by the application
Idendifikator lParam top-level window
Sets the value of an application-defined or transmitted in EnumWindows EnumDesktopWindows.
Return values
To continue enumeration, the callback function should return TRUE (TRUE); to stop enumeration, it
must return - FALSE (FALSE).
The callback function can execute any desired task. An application must register this callback function
by passing address or EnumWindows EnumDesktopWindows. EnumWindowsProc - mark - a
placeholder for the application-defined function name. WNDENUMPROC Type - function pointer
See also
EnumWindows, EnumDesktopWindows
Accommodation and compatibility EnumWindowsProc
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
The imported library is determined by the user
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
FindWindow function searches data descriptor top-level window whose class name and window name
match the specified strings. This feature is not looking for child windows.
HWND FindWindow
LPCTSTR lpClassName, // pointer to class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName // pointer to window name
It indicates a null-terminated string at the end, which defines the name of the class or - an atom that
identifies the class-name string. If this option - an atom, it must be shared atom created by a previous
call GlobalAddAtom function. Atom - a 16-bit value, which should be placed in the low lpClassName
word; high word must be zero.
It indicates a null-terminated string to the end that specifies the window name (the title bar). If this
parameter - NULL (NULL), full compliance with the name of the window.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - window handle that has defined the class name and window
name. If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
See also
EnumWindows, FindWindowEx, GetClassName, GlobalAddAtom
Accommodation and compatibility FindWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
FindWindowEx function retrieves information about a window handle, class name and window name
match the specified strings. child windows search function starts from the first to the last of the
specified child window.
HWND FindWindowEx
HWND hwndParent, // handle to parent window
HWND hwndChildAfter, // handle to a child window
LPCTSTR lpszClass, // pointer to class name
LPCTSTR lpszWindow // pointer to window name
Identifies the parent window whose child windows are to be found. If hwndParent - BLANK (NULL),
the function uses the desktop window as the parent window. The function searches among windows
that are child windows of the desktop.
It identifies the child window. The search begins with the next child window in the Z - order.
hwndChildAfter must be a direct subsidiary hwndParent window, not a mere child of the window. If
hwndChildAfter - BLANK (NULL), the search begins with the first child window defined by
parameter hwndParent. Please note that, if hwndParent and hwndChildAfter - BLANK (NULL), the
function looks for all top-level windows.
It indicates a null-terminated string at the end, which defines the name of the class or - an atom that
identifies the class-name string. If this option - an atom, it must be a common atom created by a
previous call to GlobalAddAtom function. The atom, a 16-bit value, which should be placed in the
younger part of the word - lpszClass; high word must be zero.
It indicates a null-terminated string to the end that specifies the window name (the title bar). If this
parameter is blank (NULL), the names of all the relevant boxes.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - window handle that has a certain class and window names.
If the function fails, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
See also
EnumWindows, FindWindow, GetClassName, GlobalAddAtom
Accommodation and compatibility FindWindowEx
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetClientRect function retrieves the coordinates of the workspace window. Work coordinates define
the upper left and lower right corners of the working area. Since the work coordinates are defined
relative to the upper-left corner of a window, coordinates of the upper left corner - (0,0).
BOOL GetClientRect
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
LPRECT lpRect // address of structure coordinates workers
Identifies the window whose client coordinates to be returned.
It points to a RECT structure that receives the coordinates of the workers. Left and upper elements zero. The right and lower elements comprise the width and height of the window.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
See also
GetWindowRect, RECT
Accommodation and compatibility GetClientRect
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetDesktopWindow function returns the window handle of the Windows desktop. The desktop window
covers the entire screen. Desktop window is an area on top of which are shown all the icons and other
HWND GetDesktopWindow (VOID)
This function has no parameters.
Return values
Return value - handle desktop windows.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility GetDesktopWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetForegroundWindow function returns the handle to the foreground window (the window with which
the user is currently working). The system assigns a little bo-Lee high priority thread that creates the
foreground window than the one that it gives other threads.
HWND GetForegroundWindow (VOID)
This function has no parameters.
Return values
Return value - handle the foreground window.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility GetForegroundWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetLastActivePopup function determines what the latest pop-up window that belongs to the specified
window was active.
HWND GetLastActivePopup
HWND hWnd // handle to owner window
Owner ID box.
Return values
The return value identifies the most recently active, a pop-up window. The return value is the same as
the hWnd parameter, if you do any of the following conditions:
The window identified by the hWnd, the most recent was active.
The window identified by the hWnd, does not have any pop-up windows.
The window identified by the hWnd, is not a top-level window, or it belongs to another window-tains.
See also
AnyPopup, ShowOwnedPopups
Accommodation and compatibility GetLastActivePopup
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetNextWindow function retrieves the data descriptor of the next or previous window in the Z - order.
The next window - below the specified window; previous window above. If the specified window - a
topmost window, the function retrieves the handle of the next (or pre-preceding) the top of the window.
If the specified window - the top-level window, the function retrieves the handle of the next (or
previous) top-level window. If the specified window - a child window, the function searches for a
handle of the next (or previous) child window.
HWND GetNextWindow
HWND hWnd, // handle to the current window
UINT wCmd // direction flag
It identifies the window. Found window handle that refers to this window, based on the value of the
parameter wCmd.
It determines whether the function returns a handle to the next screen or previous screen. This
parameter can be any of the following values:
GW_HWNDNEXT - Returns the handle of the window below the window.
GW_HWNDPREV - Returns the window handle above the window.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the descriptor of the next (or previous) window. If there is
no next (or previous) window, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information,
call GetLastError.
The use of this function is the same as a challenge GetWindow function with a check mark or
See also
GetParent function is a handle to the parent window of the specified child window.
HWND GetParent
HWND hWnd // handle to a child window
It identifies the window handle of the parent window which is to be found.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the parent window handle. If the window has no parent
window, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get a more detailed error information, call GetLastError.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility GetParent
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetTopWindow function examines the Z - a sequence of child windows associated with a particular
parent window and returns a handle to the child window back to the top of the Z - order.
HWND GetTopWindow
HWND hWnd // handle to parent window
hWnd Identifies the parent window whose child windows should be checked. If this parameter - NULL
(NULL), the function returns a handle to the window from the top of the Z - order.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - handle to the child window at the top of the Z - order. If the
specified window has no child windows, the return value - NULL (NULL). Use the GetLastError
function to get extended error information.
See also
GetNextWindow, GetWindow
Accommodation and compatibility GetTopWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetWindow function retrieves the window handle that has a certain relation (Z - or the owner of the
sequence) to the target window.
HWND GetWindow
HWND hWnd, // handle to the original window
UINT uCmd // check relations
It identifies the window. Retrieves the window handle relating to this window, based on the value of the
parameter uCmd.
It specifies the ratio between the defined window and a window whose handle is to be found. This
parameter can be one of the following values:
GW_CHILD - Found handle identifies the child window at the top of the Z - order, if the
specified window - the parent window; somehow found a descriptor value is empty (NULL)
.Funktsiya checks only child windows of the specified window. It does not check the box descendants.
GW_HWNDFIRST - Found handle identifies a window of the same type, which is the highest
in the Z - order. If the specified window - a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost
window, which is the highest in the Z - order. If the specified window - top-level window, the
handle identifies the top-level window that is highest in the Z - order. If a particular window - a
child window, the handle identifies the nursing window that is highest in the Z - order.
GW_HWNDLAST - Found handle identifies a window of the same type, which is the lowest in
the Z - order. If the specified window - a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost
window that is lowest in the Z - order. If the specified window - top-level window, the handle
identifies the top-level window that is lowest in the Z - order. If the specified window - a child
window, the handle identifies the nursing window that is lowest in the Z - order.
GW_HWNDNEXT - Found handle identifies the window below the specified window in the Z
- order. If the specified window - a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost window
below the specified window. If the specified window - top-level window, the handle identifies
the top-level window below the specified window. If the specified window - a child window,
the handle identifies the nursing window below the specified window.
GW_HWNDNEXT - Found handle identifies the window below the specified window in the Z
- order. If the specified window - a topmost window, the handle identifies the topmost window
below the specified window. If the specified window - top-level window, the handle identifies
the top-level window below the specified window. If the specified window - a child window,
the handle identifies the nursing window below the specified window.
GW_OWNER - Found descriptor identifies the owner window of the specified window, if any.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - a window handle. If a given ratio of window to the specified
window does not exist, the return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call
See also
GetActiveWindow, GetNextWindow, GetTopWindow
Accommodation and compatibility GetWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Function GetWindowPlacement looking for information on installing the appearance and recovery
position, folding and unfolding of the specified window.
BOOL GetWindowPlacement
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
WINDOWPLACEMENT * lpwndpl // address of structure for location data
It identifies the window.
Indicates WINDOWPLACEMENT structure that receives information about the position and status of
the species. Before calling GetWindowPlacement, set the length of the element (length)
WINDOWPLACEMENT structures as sizeof (WINDOWPLACEMENT). GetWindowPlacement fail if
lpwndpl-> length (length) is not installed correctly.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
Element flags (flags) WINDOWPLACEMENT, found this function - is always zero. If the window
identified by the hWnd parameter, deployed, showCmd element - SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED. If the
window is minimized (minimized), showCmd - SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. Otherwise, he SW_SHOWNORMAL. Element length (length) WINDOWPLACEMENT must be set to sizeof
(WINDOWPLACEMENT). If this element is not installed correctly, the function returns FALSE
See also
Accommodation and compatibility GetWindowPlacement
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetWindowRect function retrieves the dimensions of the frame bounding rectangle of the specified
window. Dimensions are given in screen coordinates, which are arranged relative to the upper left
corner of the screen.
BOOL GetWindowRect
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
LPRECT lpRect // address of structure for the coordinates of the window
It identifies the window.
Points to a RECT structure that receives the screen coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners
of the window.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero. For
more information about the error call GetLastError.
See also
GetClientRect, RECT
Accommodation and compatibility GetWindowRect
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
GetWindowText function copies of the title bar text of the specified window (if it has it) to the
clipboard. If the specified window - control, the text of the control is copied.
int GetWindowText
HWND hWnd, // handle to the window or control with text
LPTSTR lpString, // address of buffer for text
int nMaxCount // maximum number of characters to copy
Identifies the window or control containing the text
It points to the buffer that will accept text.
Sets the maximum number of characters to be copied to the clipboard. If the text exceeds this limit, it is
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the length, in characters, of the copied string, not including
the end of line character (zero-terminator). If no window title bar or text if the title bar is empty or if a
window handle or control are unacceptable, return value is zero. To get extended error information, call
GetLastError. This function can not find the item text for editing in another application.
This feature makes WM_GETTEXT send a message to the specified window or control. This function
can not return the item text to edit in other applications.
See also
GetWindowTextLength, SetWindowText, WM_GETTEXT
Accommodation and compatibility GetWindowText
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
GetWindowTextLength function returns back length, in characters, the title bar text of the specified
window (if the window has a title bar). If the specified window - control, the function returns the length
of the back of the text inside the control.
int GetWindowTextLength
HWND hWnd // handle of window or control panel with text
Identifies the window or control.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the length, in characters, of the text. Under certain
conditions, this value may actually be greater than the length of the text. For more information, see.
The following Remarks section. If the window has no text, the return value is zero. To get extended
error information, call GetLastError.
This feature forces WM_GETTEXTLENGTH send a message to the specified window or control.
Under certain conditions, GetWindowTextLength function can return a value that is greater than the
actual length of the text. This occurs with certain mixtures of ANSI and Unicode, and with an operating
system, which allows for the possible existence of DBCS characters within the text. The return value,
however, will always be at least as large as the actual length of the text; You may thus, always use this
to guide the buffer allocation. This behavior can occur when an application uses both ANSI functions
and common dialogs, which use Unicode. It can also occur when an application uses a variety of ANSI
GetWindowTextLength with a window whose window procedure - Unicode, or Unicode kind with a
window whose window procedure - ANSI. To obtain the exact length of the text, use message
WM_GETTEXT, LB_GETTEXT, or CB_GETLBTEXT, or GetWindowText function.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility GetWindowTextLength
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
Unicode WinNT
Platform Notes None
GetWindowThreadProcessId function returns back flow identifier created specified window and,
optionally, a process identifier, which created window. This function replaces the function
DWORD GetWindowThreadProcessId
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
LPDWORD lpdwProcessId // address of the variable to the process ID
It identifies the window.
It indicates a 32-bit value, which takes a process ID. If this option - not NULL (NULL),
GetWindowThreadProcessId copies the process ID in a 32-bit value; otherwise, it does not.
Return values
Return Value - stream ID that creates the window.
This function replaces the function GetWindowTask version 3.x Windows.
Accommodation and compatibility GetWindowThreadProcessId
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
IsChild function checks whether the window is a child window or a window generated by the
determined parent window. The child window - determined by a direct descendant of the parent
window if the parent window is in the chain of parent windows; chain of parent windows controls in a
range from the original overlapped or pop-up window to the child window.
BOOL IsChild
HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent window
HWND hWnd // handle to the window to check
Identifies the parent window.
It identifies the window that will be checked.
Return values
If the window - a subsidiary of, or generated by the specified window of the parent window, the return
value is nonzero. If the window - not a subsidiary or return a null value generated by the specified
window of the parent window.
See also
IsWindow, SetParent
Accommodation and compatibility IsChild
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
IsIconic function determines if not minimized (minimized) specified window (to the type icons).
BOOL IsIconic
HWND hWnd // handle of window
It identifies the window.
Return values
If the window as an icon, the return value is nonzero. If the window is not an icon, the return value zero.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility IsIconic
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
IsWindow function determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window.
BOOL IsWindow
HWND hWnd // handle of window
Sets the handle to the window.
Return values
If the window handle identifies an existing window, the return value is nonzero. If the window handle
does not identify an existing window, the return value is zero.
See also
IsWindowEnabled, IsWindowVisible
Accommodation and compatibility IsWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
IsWindowUnicode function determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window.
BOOL IsWindowUnicode
HWND hWnd // handle to the window
Parameters hWnd
It identifies the window.
Return values
If the window - a native Unicode window, the return value is nonzero. If the window - not a native
Unicode window, the return value is zero.
The system automatically makes the two-way translation (Unicode to ANSI-ASCII) for window
messages. For example, if the ANSI-ASCII window message sent to the window with the UNICODE,
the system converts the message to Unicode message before calling the window procedure. The system
calls IsWindowUnicode to determine whether it is necessary to convert the message. When this
function returns FALSE (FALSE), the window - native ANSI-ASCII window.
Accommodation and compatibility IsWindowUnicode
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library Specifies the user
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Notes WNDENUMPROC platform
IsWindowVisible function finds the data on the state of visibility of the specified window.
BOOL IsWindowVisible
HWND hWnd // handle of window
It identifies the window.
Return values
If the specified window and its parent window have WS_VISIBLE style, the return value is nonzero. If
the specified window and its parent window have WS_VISIBLE style, the return value is zero. Since
the return value determines whether the window has WS_VISIBLE style, it can be different from zero
even if the window is completely obscured by other windows.
Status window visibility is indicated by bit WS_VISIBLE style. When WS_VISIBLE style set, the
window visible and the subsequent drawing up displays within it until the window has WS_VISIBLE
style. Any drawing windows WS_VISIBLE style will not be displayed if the window is obscured by
other windows or clipped by its parent window.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility IsWindowVisible
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
IsZoomed function determines whether the window is maximized.
BOOL IsZoomed
HWND hWnd // handle of window
It identifies the window.
Return values
If the window is changed in scale, the return value is nonzero. If the window is not changed in scale,
the return value is zero.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility IsZoomed
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
MoveWindow function changes the position and dimensions of the specified window. To the top of the
window, his level, the position and size - relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. For a child
window, they are - relative to the left upper workspace corner of the parent window.
BOOL MoveWindow
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
int X, // horizontal position
int Y, // vertical position of the
int nWidth, // width
int nHeight, // height
BOOL bRepaint // check repainting
It identifies the window.
Sets the new position of the left side of the window.
Sets the new position of the top of the window.
Specifies the new width of the window.
Specifies the new height of the window.
Specifies whether the window should be repainted. If this option - TRUE (TRUE), the window receives
a WM_PAINT. If the parameter - FALSE (FALSE), no repainting of any sort happens. This applies to
the work area, overscan (including the title bar and scroll bars), and any part of the parent window
uncovered as a result of movement of the child window. If this option - FALSE (FALSE), the
application must explicitly cancel or redraw any parts of the window and parent window that need
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero.
If bRepaint option - TRUE (TRUE), Windows sends a WM_PAINT message to the window procedure
immediately after moving a window (ie MoveWindow function calls UpdateWindow function). If
bRepaint - FALSE (FALSE), Windows puts WM_PAINT message in the message queue associated
with a window. Posts loop sends WM_PAINT message only after dispatching all other messages in the
queue. MoveWindow function sends a message box WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING,
See also
SetWindowPos, UpdateWindow, WM_GETMINMAXINFO, WM_PAINT
Accommodation and compatibility MoveWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
OpenIcon function restores a minimized (ikonizirovannoe) window to its previous size and position;
then it activates it.
BOOL OpenIcon
HWND hWnd // handle of window
It identifies the window that will be restored and activated.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
OpenIcon function sends this message window WM_QUERYOPEN.
See also
CloseWindow, IsIconic, ShowWindow.
Accommodation and compatibility OpenIcon
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
SetForegroundWindow function converts the stream that created the specified window into the
foreground and activates the window. Keyboard input is directed through the window, and various
visual cues are changed for the user.
BOOL SetForegroundWindow
HWND hWnd // handle to the window, which is translated in the foreground
It identifies the window to be activated and transferred to the foreground.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
Priority window - a window at the top of Z-sequence. This is - the window with which the user is
working. Among the priority multitasking, you should generally allow the user to control which
window is the foreground window. However, the application can call the SetForegroundWindow, if you
want to translate itself into active mode, to display critical errors or information that requires immediate
attention of the user. A good example - a debugger, when it detects a breakpoint stop the program. The
system assigns a slightly higher priority to the thread that created the foreground window than it does
so in relation to other threads.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility SetForegroundWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
SetParent function replaces the parent window of the specified child window.
HWND SetParent
HWND hWndChild, // Handle to the window whose parent is changed
HWND hWndNewParent // Handle to the new parent window
It identifies the child window.
Identifies the new parent window. If this parameter - NULL (NULL), the desktop window becomes the
new parent window.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the previous parent window handle. If the function fails, the
return value - NULL (NULL). To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
An application can use the SetParent function to set the parent window of a pop-up, overlapped, or
child window. The new parent window and the child window must belong to the same application. If
the window identified parameter hWndChild visible, Windows performs the appropriate change and
See also
Accommodation and compatibility SetParent
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
The SetWindowLong function changes the attributes of the specified window. The function also sets a
32-bit (long) value at the specified offset into the extra space on the memory window.
LONG SetWindowLong
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
int nIndex, // offset value, which is set
LONG dwNewLong // new value
Identifies the window and, indirectly, the class to which the window belongs.
Defines the value of the offset, measured from the ground to be found. Valid values are in the range
from zero to the number of additional bytes of space in memory, minus 4; for example, if you set 12 or
more bytes of additional memory space, the value 8 would index to a third 32-bit integer. To set any
other value, specify one of the following:
GWL_EXSTYLE - Sets a new extended window style.
GWL_STYLE - Sets a new window style.
GWL_WNDPROC - Sets a new address for the window procedure.
GWL_HINSTANCE - Sets a new application instance handle.
GWL_ID - Sets a new identifier of the window.
GWL_USERDATA - Sets the 32-bit value associated with the window. Each window has a
corresponding 32-bit value intended for use by the application that created the window.
The following values are also available when the hWnd parameter identifies a dialog box:
DWL_DLGPROC - Sets the new address of the dialog box procedure.
DWL_MSGRESULT - Sets the return value of a message processed in the dialog box procedure.
DWL_USER - Sets new extra information that is private to the application, such as handles or pointers.
SetWindowPlacement function sets the show state and restore, expand and collapse the position of the
specified window.
BOOL SetWindowPlacement
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
CONST WINDOWPLACEMENT * lpwndpl // address of structure with information about the
// position
It identifies the window.
Indicates WINDOWPLACEMENT structure that specifies the new show state and position of the
window. Before calling SetWindowPlacement, set the length of the element (length)
WINDOWPLACEMENT structure in the value of sizeof (WINDOWPLACEMENT).
SetWindowPlacement fails, if lpwndpl-> length (length) is not installed correctly.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
Element length (length) WINDOWPLACEMENT must be set to sizeof (WINDOWPLACEMENT). If
this element is not installed correctly, the function returns FALSE (FALSE).
See also
Accommodation and compatibility SetWindowPlacement
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
SetWindowPos function changes the size of the position and Z-sequence child, pop-up or top-level
window. Child, pop-up and top-level windows are placed in order according to their appearance on the
screen. The topmost window receives the highest rank and becomes the first window in the Z-order.
BOOL SetWindowPos
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
HWND hWndInsertAfter, // handle the order placement
int X, // horizontal position
int Y, // vertical position of the
int cx, // width
int cy, // height
UINT uFlags // window positioning flags
It identifies the window.
It identifies the window that is preceded by a window installed in Z-sequence. This parameter must be
a window handle or one of the following:
HWND_BOTTOM - Places the window at the bottom of the Z-order. If the hWnd parameter identifies
a topmost window, the window loses its topmost status and is placed at the bottom of all other
HWND_NOTOPMOST - Places the window in front of all not in the topmost windows (that is, behind
all topmost windows). This flag has no effect if the window - is not the topmost window.
HWND_TOP - Places the window at the top of the Z-order.
HWND_TOPMOST - Places the window in front of non-topmost windows. The window maintains its
topmost position even when it is inactive.
For more information about how to use this option, see. Following Remarks section.
SWP_DRAWFRAME - Prints frame (defined in the description of the class of the window)
around the window.
SWP_NOACTIVATE - Do not activate the window. If this is not checked, the window is
activated and moved to the top of either the upper or topmost group (depending on the setting
hWndInsertAfter parameter).
SWP_NOCOPYBITS - Resets all the contents of the working area. If this is not checked, the
valid contents of the work area are saved and copied back into the client area after the window
is sized or repositioned.
SWP_NOOWNERZORDER - Does not change the owner window's position in the Z-order.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
If the boxes SWP_SHOWWINDOW or SWP_HIDEWINDOW, the window can not be moved or
resized. All coordinates for child windows - working position (relative to the working area of the parent
window's upper-left corner). The window can be done at the top of the window, or by setting the
parameter in hWndInsertAfter HWND_TOPMOST to guarantee that SWP_NOZORDER flag is not
set, or by setting the position of the window in the Z-order, so that it is above any existing topmost
window. When a non-topmost window is made topmost, its owned windows are also made topmost. Its
owners, however, do not change. If no box SWP_NOACTIVATE, or check SWP_NOZORDER not set
(that is, when the application program required that the window was at the same time, and activated,
and that its position has changed in the Z-order), the value specified in the hWndInsertAfter, used only
in the following circumstances:
No HWND_TOPMOST HWND_NOTOPMOST box or box is not checked in hWndInser-tAfter.
The window identified by hWnd - is not the active window.
The application program can not activate an inactive window without also bringing it to the top of Zorder. Applications can change the position of a window activated in the sequence Z-without limitation,
or they can activate a window and then move it to the top of the uppermost or uppermost windows. If
the topmost window at the bottom of reset (HWND_BOTTOM) Z-or after any sequence, it is no longer
uppermost not the topmost window. When a topmost window is made not at the top, its owners and its
owned windows are also made non-topmost windows. Not topmost window may own a topmost
window, but on the contrary can not occur. Any window owned by a topmost window (such as a dialog
box) is itself made a topmost window to ensure that all the windows are in the possession of its owner
above. If the application is not in an active mode, but must be in active mode, it must call the function
See also
MoveWindow, SetActiveWindow, SetForegroundWindow
Accommodation and compatibility SetWindowPos
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
SetWindowText function changes the title bar text of the specified window (if any). If the specified
window - control, the text is changed.
BOOL SetWindowText
HWND hWnd, // handle to the window or control
LPCTSTR lpString // address lines
Identifies the window or control whose text is to be changed.
It indicates a null-terminated string to the end, to be used as a new title or control text.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
SetWindowText WM_SETTEXT function causes a message to be sent to the specified window or
control. If the window - the window control with a list created in WS_CAPTION style is not looking at
it, SetWindowText sets the text for the control, and not to enter in a list box. SetWindowText function
does not increase the size of tabs (ASCII 0x09) code. Tab characters are displayed as the pipe character
See also
GetWindowText, WM_SETTEXT
Accommodation and compatibility SetWindowText
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
ShowOwnedPopups function shows or hides all pop-up windows that belong to the specified window.
BOOL ShowOwnedPopups
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
BOOL fShow // window display box
Identifies the window that owns the pop-up window that will be shown or hidden.
Specifies whether the pop-up window to be displayed or hidden. If this option - TRUE (TRUE), all the
hidden pop-up window displays. If this option - FALSE (FALSE), all visible pop-up windows are
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
ShowOwnedPopups shows only the windows that were hidden by a previous call to
ShowOwnedPopups function. For example, if a pop-up window has been hidden by using the
ShowWindow function, later calling the function ShowOwnedPopups installing it fShow parameter to
TRUE (TRUE) will force the window to be displayed.
See also
IsWindowVisible, ShowWindow
Accommodation and compatibility ShowOwnedPopups
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
ShowWindow function sets the show state of the specified window.
BOOL ShowWindow
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
int nCmdShow // show state of the window
Parameters hWnd
It identifies the window.
It specifies how the window should be shown. This option is initially ignored when the application
calls the ShowWindow, if the program that launched the application, provides a framework
STARTUPINFO. Otherwise, the first call to ShowWindow function, this value should be the value
obtained by the WinMain function in its parameter nCmdShow. In subsequent calls, this parameter can
be one of the following values:
SW_MINIMIZE - Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in
the Z-order.
SW_SHOW - Activates the window and displays its current size and position.
SW_SHOWDEFAULT - Sets the show state based on the flag SW_, in particular
STARTUPINFO structure passed in the CreateProcess function program that launched the
SW_SHOWNA - Displays a window in its current state. The active window remains active.
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE - Displays a window in its most modern size and position. The
active window remains active.
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero.
The first time the program calls the ShowWindow, it uses the parameter nCmdShow WinMain function
as its parameter nCmdShow. Subsequent calls to ShowWindow must use one of the values in this list,
instead of the specified function parameter WinMain nCmdShow. As noted in the discussion of
parameter nCmdShow, nCmdShow value is ignored when the first call to the ShowWindow, if the
program that launched the application, determines the startup information in STARTUPINFO structure.
In this case, ShowWindow uses the information in a predetermined structure STARTUPINFO to
display a window. On subsequent calls, the application should call ShowWindow with the installation
nCmdShow SW_SHOWDEFAULT in, to use the startup information provided by the program that
launched the application. For example, Program Manager program provides that applications start with
a minimized main window. This behavior is designed for the following situations:
Applications create their main window by calling CreateWindow with the installation WS_VISIBLE
Applications create their main window by calling CreateWindow with the WS_VISIBLE dumped flag,
and at a later address to the ShowWindow with the installation Check this item ka-SW_SHOW, to
make it visible.
See also
CreateProcess, CreateWindow, ShowOwnedPopups, STARTUPINFO, WinMain
Accommodation and compatibility ShowWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
ShowWindowAsync function sets the show state of a window created by different threads.
BOOL ShowWindowAsync
HWND hWnd, // handle of window
int nCmdShow // show state of the window
It identifies the window.
It specifies how the window should be shown. For a list of possible values, see. ShowWindow function
Return values
If the function succeeds, it returns a nonzero value. If the function fails, the return value - zero.
This function notifies the event display window message queue of this window. An application can use
this function to avoid hang-up state when waiting for an unresponsive application to complete the
process window display event.
See also
Accommodation and compatibility ShowWindowAsync
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
TileWindows feature a "mosaic" defined window or child windows of a given parent window.
HWND hwndParent, // handle to parent window
UINT wHow, // window types that are not ordered
CONST RECT * lpRect, // rectangle ordered where the window
UINT cKids, // number of windows orderability
const HWND FAR * lpKids // array of window descriptors
Identifies the parent window. If this parameter - NULL (NULL), assumed the desktop window.
wHow Defines the types of windows that are not ordered, or left to right, or horizontally. This
parameter can be one of the following values, combined with zero or more values listed in
CascadeWindows functions:
MDITILE_HORIZONTAL - Features a "mosaic" of the window horizontally.
MDITILE_VERTICAL - Features a "mosaic" of the window vertically.
Indicates SMALL_RECT structure that specifies the rectangular area, in screen coordinates, which are
placed inside the box. If this parameter - NULL (NULL), used work area of the parent window.
Sets the number of elements in the array, a given parameter lpKids. This parameter is ignored if lpKids
Points to an array of window handles identifying windows that are ordered. If this parameter - NULL
(NULL), placed the child windows specified parent window (or the desktop window).
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the number of hosted windows. If the function fails, the
WindowFromPoint function retrieves the handle of the window that contains the specified point.
HWND WindowFromPoint
POINT Point // structure with a mark
Specifies a POINT structure that defines the point which was marked.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - handle to the window that contains the mark. If any window
does not exist in this mark, the return value - NULL (NULL).
WindowFromPoint not function retrieves a handle to hide or lock the window, even if the item - within
the window. An application for an unlimited search is to use ChildWindowFromPoint function.
See also
ChildWindowFromPoint, POINT, WindowFromDC
Accommodation and compatibility WindowFromPoint
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
WinMain function is called by the system as the initial entry point for the Win32-based, application.
int WINAPI WinMain
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle to the current instance of the window
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, // handle of the previous instance of the window
LPSTR lpCmdLine, // pointer to command line
int nCmdShow // shows the state of the window
Identifies the current sample application.
Identifies the previous sample application. For a Win32-based application, this parameter is always set
to NULL (NULL). If you need to find out whether there is another sample of an existing program,
create a named mutex-object using CreateMutex function. If GetLastError returns
ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS message, another instance of your application exists (it is created
It indicates a null-terminated string to the end of determining the command line for the application.
It specifies how the window should be shown. This parameter can be one of the following values:
SW_MINIMIZE - Minimizes the specified window and activates the top-level window in the
system list.
SW_SHOW - Activates and displays a window on the screen in its current size and position.
SW_SHOWNA - Displays a window in its current state. The active window remains active.
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE - Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The active
window remains active.
Return values
If the function has reached its goal, it ends when will WM_QUIT message, it should return the output
value in wParam parameter of this message. If the function before entering the message loop, it should
return 0.
WinMain initializes the application program displays its main window on the screen, and then enters
the message loop "Search and Send to destination (dispatching)", which is the top-level management
structure for the implementation of the other elements of the application. Message cycle is completed
when the message is received WM_QUIT. At this point, the WinMain exits the application, returning
the value passed to the parameter wParam WM_QUIT posts. If WM_QUIT was obtained from a call to
PostQuitMessage, wParam value - value nExitCode PostQuitMessage function. For more information,
see. Creating a message loop (Creating a Message Loop).
See also
CreateMutex, DispatchMessage, GetMessage, PostQuitMessage, TranslateMessage
Accommodation and compatibility WinMain
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
imported library
Header file winbase.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
AnyPopup function indicates whether there is an owned, visible, top-level pop-up, or an overlay
window on the screen. Function searches across the Windows screen, and not only in the work area
caused by the application program.
BOOL AnyPopup (VOID)
This function has no parameters
Return values
If there is a pop-up window, the return value is non-zero, even if a pop-up window is completely
blocked by other windows. If the pop-up window does not exist, the return value - zero.
AnyPopup - feature version of Windows 1.x and retained for compatibility purposes. In general, it is
useless. This function does not detect that are not owned by the pop-up windows or window, in which
no bit set WS_VISIBLE style.
See also
GetLastActivePopup, ShowOwnedPopups
Accommodation and compatibility AnyPopup
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
EnumTaskWindows function obsolete. It was replaced by a function EnumThreadWindows. To
maintain backward compatibility for 16-bit applications, EnumTaskWindows function has been
replaced by a macro that causes EnumThreadWindows. Older applications can continue to cause
EnumTaskWindows, as before it was documented, but new applications should use
Function GetSysModalWindow old. This feature is only available for compatibility with 16-bit
versions of Windows.
Function GetWindowTask old. This feature is only available for compatibility with 16-bit versions of
Windows. Based on Win32 applications should use GetWindowThreadProcessId function.
Function SetSysModalWindow old. This function is only used for compatibility with 16-bit versions of
Windows. New data-entry model does not take into account the window System Modal.
ChildWindowFromPoint function determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to the
parent window contains the installation point (fixed).
HWND ChildWindowFromPoint
HWND hWndParent, // handle to parent window
POINT Point // structure with point coordinates
Identifies the parent window.
Specifies a POINT structure that sets out to test the working coordinates of the point.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - handle to the child window that contains the point, even if
the child window is hidden or blocked. If the point is outside the parent window, the return value NULL (NULL). If the point - in the parent window and not within any child window, the return value the parent window handle.
Windows maintains an internal list that contains the descriptors of child windows of the parent window.
The order of descriptors in the list depends on the Z-order of child windows. If more than one child
window contains a fixed point, Windows returns a value in the first window descriptor list that contains
the point.
See also
ChildWindowFromPointEx, POINT, WindowFromPoint
Accommodation and compatibility ChildWindowFromPoint
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
ChildWindowFromPointEx function determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to a
specific parent window contains the installation point. The function can ignore invisible, locked, and
transparent child windows.
HWND ChildWindowFromPointEx
HWND hwndParent, // handle to parent window
POINT pt, // structure with point coordinates
UINT uFlags // skip flags
Identifies the parent window.
Specifies a POINT structure that defines the work to verify the coordinates of the point.
Specifies which child windows are skipped. This parameter can be a combination of the following
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - the descriptor of the first child window that contains the
point and meets the criteria set out in uFlags. If the point - in the parent window and not within any
child window that meets the criteria, the return value - the parent window handle. If the point is outside
the parent window, or if the function is not executed, the return value - NULL (NULL).
Windows maintains an internal list that contains the descriptors of the child windows of the parent
window. The order of descriptors in the list depends on the Z-order of child windows. If more than one
child window contains a fixed point, Windows returns a handle to the first box in the list that contains
the point and meets the criteria defined uFlags.
See also
ChildWindowFromPoint, POINT, WindowFromPoint
Accommodation and compatibility ChildWindowFromPointEx
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
No Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Function CloseWindow rolls (but does not destroy) a certain window.
BOOL CloseWindow
HWND hWnd // handle to the window, which coagulates
It identifies the window that should be minimized.
Return values
If the function succeeds, the return value - not zero. If the function fails the return value - zero. To get
extended error information, call GetLastError.
The window is rolled, reducing its size to the icon, and moves in the area of the screen icons. Windows
displays the Windows icon instead of the window and displays the window title below the icon. To
destroy a window, the application must use DestroyWindow function.
See also
ArrangeIconicWindows, DestroyWindow, IsIconic, OpenIcon
Accommodation and compatibility CloseWindow
Windows NT Yes
Win95 Yes
Yes Win32s
Imported Library user32.lib
Header file winuser.h
No Unicode
Platform Notes None
Secondary menu
Windows also provides support and menus (shortcut menus). Secondary menu is not associated with
the menu bar; it may appear anywhere on the screen. An application typically connects the sub-menu
with the parts of the window, such as a work area or to a specific object, such as an icon. For this
reason, these menus are also called "context menus".
Secondary menu remains hidden as long as the user does not activate it, usually choosing the right
mouse button, for example, a toolbar or taskbar button. Menu is normally displayed on the screen at the
cursor position of the mouse or a carriage.
Identification reference
Each menu bar, menus, sub-menus and sub menus linked to a 32-digit reference ID. If the user presses
the F1, while, when the menu is activated, the value recovering window WM_HELP owner as part of
the message. For more information about the reference IDs, see chap. Help.
Menu items
The following sections discuss what Windows does when the user selects a menu item and the manner
in which an application can control the appearance and functionality of the menu item.
Destruction of menu
If the menu associated with a window, and that window is destroyed, Windows automatically deletes
the menu, freeing the menu descriptor and the memory occupied by the menu. Windows does not, the
automatic destruction of the menu, which is not associated with a window. The application must
destroy mission canceled by calling the menu function DestroyMenu. Otherwise, the menu continues to
exist in the memory even after the application is closed.
WPARAM wParam;
LPARAM lParam;
switch (uMsg) {
// Process other window messages.
// Check command menu item identifier.
switch (LOWORD (wParam)) {
DoFileOpen (); // Defined program
DoFileClose (); // Defined program
. // Processing menu commands.
return 0;
. // Process other window messages.
return DefWindowProc (hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return NULL;