Abbas V Abbas

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G.R. NO 183896
NATURE OF THE ACTION: etition filed by Syed abbas for the declaration of nullity of his
marriage to Gloria after an information for Bigamy was filed against him
W/N the marriage of Syed and Gloria is void on the grounds of the absence of a valid
marriage license
Syed, a Pakistani citizen, testified that he met Gloria, a Filipino citizen, in Taiwan in
1991, and they were married on August 9, 1992 at the Taipei Mosque in Taiwan
On January 9, 1993, at his mother-in-laws residence in Malate, Manila, he was told that
he was going to undergo some ceremony, one of the requirements for his stay in the
Philippines. He and Gloria signed a document but he claimed that he did not know that
the ceremony was for marriage
Syed testified that he did not go to Carmona, Cavite to apply for a marriage license, and
that he had never resided in that area.
The Municipal Civil Registrar, Leodivinia C. Encarnacion, issued a certification on July 11,
2003 to the effect that the marriage license number appearing in the marriage contract
he submitted, Marriage License No. 9969967, was the number of another marriage
license issued to a certain Arlindo Getalado and Myra Mabilangan.
Reverend Mario Dauz testified that after the solemnization of the marriage, it was
registered with the Local Civil Registrar of Manila, and Rev. Dauz submitted the marriage
contract and copy of the marriage license with that office
Atty Sanchez testified that he requested a certain Qualin to secure the marriage license
for the couple, and that this Qualin secured the license and gave the same to him on
January 8, 1993

YES. The marriage is void ab initio
All the evidence cited by the CA to show that a wedding ceremony was conducted and a
marriage contract was signed does not operate to cure the absence of a valid marriage
license. Article 4 of the Family Code is clear when it says, The absence of any of the
essential or formal requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio, except as stated in
Article 35(2). It cannot be said that there was a simple irregularity in the marriage
license that would not affect the validity of the marriage, as no license was presented
by the respondent. No marriage license was proven to have been issued to Gloria and
Syed, based on the certification of the Municipal Civil Registrar of Carmona, Cavite.
Article 35(3) of the Family Code also provides that a marriage solemnized without a
license is void from the beginning, except those exempt from the license requirement
under Articles 27 to 34, Chapter 2, Title I of the same Code. Again, this marriage cannot

be characterized as among the exemptions, and thus, having been solemnized without
a marriage license, is void ab initio.

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