Solar Fire Dynamic Interpretations Report: (C) 2005, Esoteric Technologies Pty LTD

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The text discusses that progressions in astrology describe how a person progresses through different phases in their life and how their inner urges affect their decisions and reactions to circumstances. Progressions can help signify signposts and gain wisdom.

The text discusses that progressions describe how a person progresses through their life and the different phases as well as their inner urges and how they affect their lives rather than dramatic outer events. Progressions can show signposts in life's journey and help gain wisdom and understanding.

The text mentions that a decision that has been lingering may need to be made, requiring consideration. Changes into a new dimension of life could occur where one can more readily express their true self. Conflict with authority figures or loved ones who feel threatened by changes may happen.


PROGRESSIONS: Progression Interpretations

Astrologers use the term "Progressions" to describe a particular technique of moving planets
forward in time. This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses
through their life. Progressions describe the different phases in our lives as well as our inner
urges and how they affect our lives rather than dramatic outer events. However, our urges can
significantly affect the way in which we react to circumstances and therefore our decisions. It
is important that we go with the flow rather than fight against the tides of our lives. Therefore
Progressions are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain
wisdom and understanding. Some astrologers believe that Progressions are signs from our
soul or higher self; others place less emphasis. We suggest that you read on and see for
About the Author: Astrologer Stephanie Johnson lives in the Adelaide foothills in Australia.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the
USA for 15 years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is a Company Director of
Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia, and Editor of the Australian Data
Collection. She holds the FAA Diploma qualification for her share in the design and
development of the Solar suite of programs and was a former editor of the Journal of the
Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie also has her own astrology consulting
business called Seeing With Stars astrology.
(c) 2005, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd


Dynamic Chart (8):
Barack Obama - Male Chart
4 Aug 1961, 7:24 pm, AHST +10:00
Honolulu Hawaii, 21N18'25'', 157W51'30''
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
Placidus Houses, True Node
Radix Points:
Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Nod Asc MC
Progressing Points:
Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu
Progressing Aspects:
Cnj Opp
Selected Events:
Progressions to Radix
House Ingress
Sign Ingress

Progression Type: Secondary Q2 SA in Long

Report Period: 1 Jan 2008 to 31 Dec 2012, Time Zone ACDT -10:30 (Auto DST)
Exact 4 Aug 2008
You are currently faced with a decision which has been lingering for some time. The decision
may be difficult, requiring some consideration or you may feel ready to move into a new
dimension of your life. Either way you are required to move forward into a new phase in
some aspect of your life, a phase that more readily enables you to express your true self. If
you have been hiding your light under a bushel, letting fear guide your decisions, then you
are now required to face your fears and move out of the rut that you have carved. This could
take some courage. On the other hand you may feel ready to make significant changes.
Perhaps you are tired of opting for comfort and are ready for some excitement. You may
experience some conflict with loved ones if they feel threatened by the changes they see
taking place. Those who hold some authority in your life may also prefer you to remain
subservient. As long as your actions are honourable you should emerge from this period with
a new sense of confidence and purpose.
Exact 19 Oct 2008
The decision that you make now are likely to affect your life for many years to come. You
may move to a new location, meet a new group of people, or make a financial investment.
Whatever the scenario destiny plays a positive role in your life right now.
Exact 18 Dec 2008
You are about to reap the benefits of a prolonged period of contemplation. For years you
have been slowly and surely developing a new sense of self. You have been reflecting on
changes that need to be made in your life and have been gradually working towards new
goals and a new identity. In the past you may have felt that you were getting nowhere,
struggling for no reason. All of your hard work is about to pay off. Areas of your life are
likely to take off. You are now able to reap the benefits of seeds previously sown in your life.
Others also start to notice and appreciate your efforts. As a result you may be offered a
promotion, start a new job or relationship or you could move into a new home. Alternatively
a project that you have been working on for some time may suddenly take off. An important
personal relationship may start during this phase. If you are considering marriage then you
may be wise to seriously consider the positive affect that this person on your health and
happiness. You are ready to enjoy this new phase, even changing your physical appearance to
reflect the inner changes that have taken place over the past few years. You are somewhat
like the butterfly emerging from a cocoon. For years you have been in a chrysalis and now
you are ready to emerge as a fully formed butterfly.
18 Dec 2008
This is your time to shine, to receive the rewards of your previous hard work and accolades
for your achievements. Perhaps you have been secretly working away on a project,
concentrating your efforts on behind the scenes activities or quietly pouring your energies
into a budding relationship? Now you can step forward and declare your interests. For
instance you may have been working quietly and steadily on a written project, which you are

hoping will one day be published. Now is the right time for you to seek publishers and
recognition for your work. Perhaps you have been persistently working on a business idea,
consulting financial planners and setting up a network of contacts and colleagues, searching
for the appropriate venue or establishing a home office. Now you can reap the rewards of
your networking. Whatever the scenario now is the right time to assert yourself and
consciously seek your happiness. It is also the ideal time to reassess your personal image and
habits. A new health regime will give you the boost needed to cope with this phase. You may
change your personal fashion style, your hair and clothes in a way that more authentically
reflects your personality. The sign of your progressed Moon will also show you the manner
in which you are likely to assert this new assertive side of your nature. For instance if your
progressed Moon is in a fire or air sign then you are likely to be more gregarious and
inspirational, making quite dramatic changes. However, if your progressed Moon is in an
earth or water sign then you may have a more steady approach.
Exact 14 Jun 2009
Be prepared for a change of plans. You are currently required to modify the way that you
approach certain areas of your life. Whether you realise it or not tension has been building for
some time. For instance you may have been concentrating on one area of your life to the
detriment of others. Perhaps conflict has been simmering in one or more of your key
relationships or perhaps you have been working too hard to the detriment of your health.
Whatever the scenario may be you are now required to change your attitude and perhaps your
lifestyle. If you do not take charge of the necessary adjustments then people or events will
suddenly force you off the merry-go-round. Although life can be a bit unpredictable right
now, you will fare better if you go with the flow rather than try to cling to the status quo. It is
possible that you are feeling restless, ready for new challenges. If this is the case then you are
likely to enjoy the opportunities that arise. Either way by the end of this period you will enjoy
a new sense of liberation, recognising that your life is better. You are now feeling more able
to follow your dreams.
Exact 3 Aug 2009
Your life is changing in ways that may be uncomfortable at the moment, but which will bring
rewards in the future. It is often difficult to let go of things or people who have contributed to
our lives in meaningful ways. We tend to cling to the known, the predictable and the
comforting. Right now it is time for clearing out the cobwebs. You may start clearing out old
cupboards, tossing out items that hold strong memories. Alternatively your best friend may
move away or your job may force changes in your life. You may also decide to change your
appearance in some way, casting off a style that has suited you for years in favour of a new
one. Friends, colleagues and other people who have co-operated with you in the past may
alter. Whatever the scenario you need to go with the flow. Whether you realise it or not the
changes that are occurring right now are clearing a new path, one that will bring its own
rewards. You are like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. Don't force the process and don't
cling to the cocoon. Allow the natural process of life to unfold even if it seems to falter at
times. If you can achieve this then you will be ready to soar to new heights and tackle new
and exciting challenges.
8 Oct 2009

You are reaching the end of a cycle in your life when the progressed Moon travels through
the sign of Pisces. This has a subtle rather than dramatic influence on your life events. You
gradually feel a need to slow down and reflect on the past. You ask questions, which may not
have immediate answers. You feel a need to ponder on your own behaviour, past patterns,
friendships and relationships, career moves and other areas of your life that have held
importance. Answers and understanding come slowly rather than overnight. Inner reflection
is more important than public success when the progressed Moon is in the sign of Pisces.
Therefore this is a time when emotional and spiritual matters take precedence over material
ones. If you need to retreat from society then now is the time to do so, as long as you can
responsibly manage your time and commitments. Spiritual retreats, communing with nature
and rejuvenating health retreats can be highly beneficial. You can also benefit from pursuing
the artistic or creative side of your nature during this period. Soothing activities are important
at this time. This is nature's way of asking that you slow down and make way for a new phase
of your life. In the process you may need to make changes and close a few doors so that you
can make room for the new ones to open when the Moon moves in to a new cycle in Aries.
Exact 27 Mar 2010
This is an intense time. Emotions that have built up over a period of time now need an outlet.
Likewise any unresolved conflict or problems are simmering and likely to erupt. If you have
been harbouring secrets then they are likely to be revealed during this period. You need to
find a positive outlet for your feelings. You may also need to seek counsel to help you find
the most positive path forward. You are being forced to face problems, rather than continue
to push them away. You may have difficulty in letting go, surprised by the depth of your
feelings. If you can go with the flow then you are likely to experience the joy that comes
from letting go of things or people who have held you back in your life. Personal growth can
be challenging, but the rewards are a renewed sense of purpose. So use this time to gain new
meaning in your life, and perhaps enlist the extra support of those you trust.
25 Aug 2010
The progressed Sun moves slowly through the signs of the zodiac. Currently your Sun has
progressed into the sign of Libra indicating that you are seeking more balance and harmony.
You may develop an interest in fashion, the arts, beauty, diplomacy or public relations. The
emphasis is also on the role that other people play in your life. Perhaps you have been critical
of others in the past. Now you realize their importance and are willing to show them just how
much they mean to you.
9 Jan 2011
The planet Venus progresses slowly through the Zodiac. Your progressed Venus is currently
entering the sign of Virgo. You are unlikely to notice any obvious changes in your life,
however; you may observe a general trend to become more discriminating when it comes to
matters of the heart and your finances. Perhaps your tastes will subtley change, becoming
more refined. On the other hand you may feel a need to adopt a more strategic approach to
some matters in your life. This is the type of progression in life that sees an actor become a
director, or an employee become a manager. If you are already in a leadership position then
you need to pay attention to the details and the strategies employed by others.

Exact 11 Apr 2011

You are feeling energetic right now, ready to tackle big jobs and new activities. You may also
feel a readiness to face any fears that have previously blocked your ambitions. Therefore this
period is conducive to undertaking any tasks or projects that require concentrated efforts and
initiative. You may initiative a new field of activity or you may be forced by someone else or
circumstances to take on a project that you previously would have shied away from. Either
way you have the drive to succeed. One of the risks of this phase is that you are tempted to go
overboard in your efforts to achieve your objectives because you are keen to move forward
regardless of the costs. Impatience may mar this period. Therefore you need to ensure that
you pay closer attention to your aims. Patience and collaboration are needed, rather than
competition. Save any competitive urges for a demanding sport or solo adventure rather than
projects that require the co-operation of other people. Avoid rash decisions and stressors that
trigger your temper and this can be a rewarding phase during which your motivation is strong
and your achievements satisfying.
1 Jul 2011
It's time to reflect on your personal values rather than living your life to please other people.
You now feel the urge to build up your own self esteem, listen to your intuition and invest
your time and energy in areas of life that mirror your personal interests. In other words you
are taking the focus off other people and their needs and placing it firmly on your own. You
are keen to capture a sense of well-being and abundance in your personal life. This also
reflects in your personal finances. You may withdraw your monetary support from joint
projects or investments with a view to investing in your own financial security. This is the
ideal phase for lifetime financial planning. As a result of your planning you may change your
employment with a view to boosting your income. As your self-esteem increases, you may
also feel an urge to apply for a promotion, thereby receiving an increase in your income. It is
possible that your increased sense of self worth also leads to changes in other areas of your
life, such as decisions to improve your housing or personal relationships or change career.
The sign of your progressed Moon will also show you the area of your life most likely to be
affected by this new confidence and self-esteem! For instance if your progressed Moon is in a
fire or air sign then you are more likely to actively seek new options. If your progressed
Moon is in an earth or water sign then you are more likely to be steady in your approach.
9 Oct 2011
You are ready to strike out on your own, believing in yourself and taking the initiative in
your life. In the past few years you have been quietly reflecting on one period of your life,
perhaps letting go of some long-held beliefs or long-term relationships. Now you are starting
a new phase. You have become clearer about your own driving force and realise that it is time
to take the focus off other people's needs and wishes and to concentrate on achieving your
own goals. Perhaps you have been relying too heavily on others to help you fulfil your own
life goals or perhaps previously you were content to enjoy a different way of life. Now you
are looking for more independence. You may be able to elicit the help of others, however,
you will be the leader. You are unlikely to want to live in someone else's shadow during this
phase. Therefore you strike out in a forthright manner seeking the self-respect that comes
from your own accomplishments. This is your time to make the most of your own skills and
knowledge. Subconsciously you have a real drive for freedom and action. You need friends
and family to support you during this time. Otherwise you may feel the need to strike out
alone, leaving them in your wake. It is important that you are not neglectful of other people's

needs and wishes, however; it is even more important that you do not succumb to undue
pressure from other people. This is your time to begin to fulfil your ambitions. Where you
have relied on other people in the past then you now feel compelled to get your own life in
order. This can involve any area of your life. For instance you may be motivated to start an
exercise program, renovate your house, start a new relationship, begin a study course or
launch a new business. Whatever your goals during this phase you have the willpower to
successfully accomplish new feats.

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