Cash and Credit Information For Teens

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Cash and Credit

for Teens
Second Edition


Second Edition

Cash and Credit

for Teens
Tips For A Successful Financial Life
Including Facts about Earning Money, Paying Taxes,
Budgeting, Banking, Shopping, Using Credit, And
Avoiding Financial Pitfalls

Edited by Karen Bellenir

P.O. Box 31-1640, Detroit, MI 48231-1640

Bibliographic Note
Because this page cannot legibly accommodate all the copyright notices, the Bibliographic Note por-
tion of the Preface constitutes an extension of the copyright notice.
Edited by Karen Bellenir
Teen Finance Series
Karen Bellenir, Managing Editor
Elizabeth Collins, Research and Permissions Coordinator
Cherry Edwards, Permissions Assistant
EdIndex, Services for Publishers, Indexers
Omnigraphics, Inc.
Matthew P. Barbour, Senior Vice President
Kevin Hayes, Operations Manager
Peter E. Ruffner, Publisher
Frederick G. Ruffner, Jr., Chairman
Copyright © 2009 Omnigraphics, Inc.
ISBN 978-0-7808-1065-5

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cash and credit information for teens : tips for a successful financial life
including facts about earning money, paying taxes, budgeting, banking,
shopping, using credit, and avoiding financial pitfalls / edited by Karen
Bellenir. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: "Provides information for teens about earning and managing money,
spending and using credit wisely, and avoiding fraud. Includes index,
resource information, and a list of online money management tools"--Provided
by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-7808-1065-5 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Teenagers--Finance,
Personal. I. Bellenir, Karen.
HG179.C346 2009


Electronic or mechanical reproduction, including photography, recording, or any other information

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The information in this publication was compiled from the sources cited and from other sources con-
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Printed in the United States

Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................ ix

Part One: Earning Money

Chapter 1—Facts About The Money In Your Wallet .............................. 3
Chapter 2—Do You Get An Allowance? ............................................... 19
Chapter 3—Jobs For Teens ..................................................................... 23
Chapter 4—Finding A Summer Job Or Internship ............................... 31
Chapter 5—Want To Be Your Own Boss? ............................................. 37
Chapter 6—Tax Information For Students ............................................ 51

Part Two: Managing Your Money

Chapter 7—Making Your Money Grow ................................................ 67
Chapter 8—Preparing A Budget ............................................................ 77
Chapter 9—Banking Basics .................................................................... 85
Chapter 10—Electronic Banking ............................................................. 93
Chapter 11—Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes .................................. 101
Chapter 12—Managing Your Savings Account ..................................... 113
Chapter 13—What You Should Know About
Checking Accounts ........................................................... 121

Chapter 14—Insurance: Protecting Your Assets .................................... 145

Chapter 15—Another Good Use Of Your Money:
Helping Others ................................................................. 153

Part Three: Being A Savvy Consumer

Chapter 16—Shopping And Impulse Buying ........................................ 165
Chapter 17—It’s On Sale, But Is It A Good Deal? ............................... 171
Chapter 18—Online Shopping: A Guide For E-Consumers ................ 179
Chapter 19—Payment Options For Purchases ...................................... 183
Chapter 20—Facts For Consumers: How To Right A Wrong .............. 191
Chapter 21—What You Should Know About Warranties
And Service Contracts ...................................................... 201
Chapter 22—Shopping For A Cell Phone Plan .................................... 215
Chapter 23—Buying A Computer ......................................................... 221
Chapter 24—Buying Jewelry .................................................................. 229
Chapter 25—Buying Your First Car ....................................................... 237
Chapter 26—CD, Book, And Video Buying Clubs ............................... 243

Part Four: Using Credit And Credit Cards

Chapter 27—What You Need To Know About Credit ......................... 253
Chapter 28—Borrowing Basics .............................................................. 273
Chapter 29—Choosing A Credit Card .................................................. 283
Chapter 30—Other Plastic: Debit Cards, Prepaid Cards,
Gift Cards, And More ...................................................... 295
Chapter 31—Installment Loans ............................................................. 301
Chapter 32—Car Loans .......................................................................... 305
Chapter 33—Education Loans ............................................................... 309

Part Five: Avoiding Financial Pitfalls

Chapter 34—Avoid Out-Of-Control Debt ........................................... 321
Chapter 35—Watch Out For Predatory Lending Practices .................. 329
Chapter 36—If Your Credit, ATM, Or Debit Cards Are
Lost Or Stolen .................................................................. 337
Chapter 37—Identity Theft And Identity Fraud ................................... 341
Chapter 38—Con Artists Want Your Money:
Avoid These Scams And Schemes ................................... 351
Chapter 39—Avoid Modeling Scams ..................................................... 373
Chapter 40—Travel Fraud: Avoiding A Spring Break Bust .................. 377
Chapter 41—Gambling: Don’t Bet On Winning .................................. 385

Part Six: If You Need More Information

Chapter 42—Online Money Management Tools .................................. 391
Chapter 43—Resources For Financial Information ............................... 397

Index .................................................................................................. 409


About This Book

According to a recent survey of teen attitudes about money conducted by
the Charles Schwab Corporation, most teens want to learn about budgeting,
saving, avoiding debt, and achieving financial independence. Efforts to reach
these goals are often thwarted, however, because young adults are unfamiliar
with the tools used in money management and they lack hands-on experience.
Fewer than one in four teens reported knowing how to use a credit card re-
sponsibly, only one in three understood the financial decisions made by their
parents, and a mere 14 percent reported any involvement in the process of bill
paying or other tasks related to managing their family’s household finances.

Cash and Credit Information For Teens, Second Edition provides an up-
dated look at how teens can earn and manage money. It provides practical
information about receiving income, paying taxes, and budgeting. It also dis-
cusses choosing appropriate banking services, managing a checking account,
using credit and debit cards, making informed shopping decisions, and bor-
rowing money for education or major purchases. A section on avoiding fi-
nancial pitfalls provides facts about debt-related problems, identity theft,
and common financial scams. The book concludes with a list of online money
management tools and a directory of resources for additional information.

How To Use This Book

This book is divided into parts and chapters. Parts focus on broad areas
of interest; chapters are devoted to single topics within a part.

Part One: Earning Money begins with facts about the history, manufacturing,
and value of coins and currency. It continues with information about the
most common ways teens can acquire money, including allowances, jobs,
internships, and even starting their own businesses. Information about taxes
on income and other earnings is also included.

Part Two: Managing Your Money discusses ways to monitor the use of money,
save for specific goals, and increase personal wealth. It describes the impor-
tance of budgeting, explains different types of banks and the services they
offer, and discusses the use of insurance for risk management. The part con-
cludes with a chapter about using personal resources, including time and
money, to help others.

Part Three: Being A Savvy Consumer provides tips about shopping and spend-
ing money wisely. It discusses ways to evaluate purchase decisions and de-
scribes the benefits and risks of various payment options, including cash, checks,
credit cards, and debit cards. It offers suggestions for resolving problems when
things go wrong, especially with online, telephone, and mail-order shopping.
Several individual chapters discuss some of the purchase challenges many teens
encounter, including shopping for cell phone plans, buying computers, buying
a car, or joining a club to purchase music, books, or videos.

Part Four: Using Credit And Credit Cards explains how credit works and the
importance of building a good credit history. It discusses the factors lenders
consider when making decisions about loaning money, and it describes the
types of loans teens may encounter most frequently, including credit cards,
car loans, and loans for education.

Part Five: Avoiding Financial Pitfalls explains some of the most common
problems that threaten financial well-being, including spiraling debt, preda-
tory lending practices, and identity theft. It also offers cautions about the
risks associated with sweepstakes frauds, lottery scams, bogus fundraising
activities, fraudulent work-at-home and internet schemes, pyramid and Ponzi
schemes, modeling scams, travel offer fraud, and gambling.

Part Six: If You Need More Information includes a list of online money man-
agement tools and a directory of resources for additional information about
personal finance.

Bibliographic Note
This volume contains documents and excerpts from publications issued
by the following government agencies: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI);
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); Federal Reserve Board of
Governors; Federal Trade Commission; Internal Revenue Service (IRS);
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region; U.S.
Department of Justice; U.S. Department of Labor; and the U.S. Small Busi-
ness Administration.

In addition, this volume contains copyrighted documents and articles

produced by the following organizations: Bank of America; CastleWorks,
Inc.; Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago;
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Investopedia, ULC; Making It Count;
Motley Fool; National Consumer League; Nemours Foundation; Northwest-
ern Mutual Foundation; Office of Attorney General, State of Idaho; Planned
Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.; Securities Industry and Financial
Markets Association Foundation for Investor Education; and

Full citation information is provided on the first page of each chapter.

Every effort has been made to secure all necessary rights to reprint the copy-
righted material. If any omissions have been made, please contact Omni-
graphics to make corrections for future editions.

In addition to the organizations who have contributed to this book, spe-
cial thanks are due to research and permissions coordinator, Liz Collins;
permissions assistant, Cherry Edwards; editorial assistant, Nicole Salerno;
and prepress technician, Elizabeth Bellenir.
Part One

Earning Money
Chapter 1

Facts About The Money In Your Wallet

U.S. currency, recognized and valued by people everywhere, is the most
widely held currency in the world. This chapter gives some basic information
about U.S. currency and coin: how they are made, their design and features,
how they circulate, and how to spot counterfeit currency.

Types Of U.S. Paper Money

Currency In Circulation
More than 99 percent of the total dollar amount of paper money in circu-
lation in the United States today is made up of Federal Reserve notes. The
other small part of circulating currency consists of U.S. notes or legal tender
notes still in circulation but no longer issued.

Federal Reserve notes are printed and issued in denominations of $1, $2,
$5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. The $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 de-
nominations have not been printed since 1946.

The Federal Reserve Act requires that adequate backing be pledged for
all Federal Reserve notes in circulation. U.S. Treasury securities, acquired
through open market operations, are the most important form of collateral

About This Chapter: “Dollars and Cents,” reprinted with permission from the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta, © 2006.
4 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

and provide backing for most of the

value of the currency in circulation.
✤ It’s A Fact!!
Some other types of collateral the Fed-
eral Reserve holds are gold certificates Federal Reserve Districts
and certain eligible instruments such And Their Designations
as notes, drafts, and bills of exchange. Boston A 1

The Federal Reserve System, estab- New York B 2

lished by Congress in 1913, issues Fed- Philadelphia C 3
eral Reserve notes through its twelve
Federal Reserve Districts. Every district Cleveland D 4
has its main office in a major city, and Richmond E 5
all but two have branches in other large
Atlanta F 6
cities. Each district is designated by a
number and the corresponding letter Chicago G 7
of the alphabet. St. Louis H 8

The Bureau of Engraving and Minneapolis I 9

Printing, a division of the U.S. Treasury
Kansas City J 10
Department, produces currency for the
Federal Reserve System to replace Dallas K 11
damaged or worn notes or to support San Francisco L 12
economic growth. Federal Reserve
Banks issue currency according to the
need in their districts. The district letter
and number on the face of a note identify the issuing Reserve Bank.

Types No Longer Issued

Besides the denominations of U.S. notes, from $1 to $10,000, that were
issued before 1929, several other types of U.S. paper money no longer issued
have circulated within the past 75 years. National Bank notes were issued by
national banks from 1863 to 1929. Gold certificates, authorized in 1865 and
issued by the Treasury Department in exchange for gold coin and bullion,
circulated until 1933. Silver certificates, authorized in 1878 and issued in ex-
change for silver dollars, accounted for nearly all of the $1 notes in circulation
until November 1963, when the first $1 Federal Reserve notes were issued.
Facts About The Money In Your Wallet 5

Currency Features
All U.S. currency is produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing,
which also designs, engraves, and prints items such as postage stamps.

Since 1862 all U.S. currency had been printed in Washington, D.C., but to
help meet increasing demand, a second printing facility was opened in Fort Worth,
Texas, in 1991. Fort Worth now produces about half the nation’s currency.

Security Features
Because U.S. currency is universally accepted and trusted, it is widely
counterfeited. The U.S. Secret Service was created in 1865 to curtail counter-

U.S. currency has traditionally had a number of features that deter counter-
feiters. One is the cotton and linen rag paper, which has a distinctive, pliable
feel and has tiny red and blue fibers embedded in it. Though a commercial
company produces the paper, it is illegal for anyone to manufacture or use a
similar type except by special authority. Inks manufactured according to se-
cret formulas by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing also help prevent

✤ It’s A Fact!!
How Currency Is Printed
U.S. currency is printed by the engraved intaglio steel plate method, a compli-
cated procedure that gives notes an embossed feel and other distinctive features
difficult to counterfeit.

For security reasons each feature of a note—the portrait, vignette, orna-

ments, lettering, script, and scrollwork—is the work of a separate, specially
trained engraver. A geometric lathe is used to produce the intricate lacy design
and borders.

A steel die is made of each feature. Rolls made from these dies are put
together into a master die of the complete note. The master die is then used in
the first of a series of operations leading to the making of press plates from
which the notes are printed.
6 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

As advances in technology have made digital counterfeiting easier, more

advanced security features have been added to deter counterfeiting. Two ad-
vanced features—a security thread and microprinting—were first added in
series 1990 notes, and several additional ones were incorporated into 1996
series notes. Most of these features were retained and others were added to
the series 2004 redesign, which debuted in October 2003 with the $20 note.
The redesigned $50 note was introduced in 2004 and the redesigned $10
note in early 2006. A redesigned $5 note [was] issued in early 2008, with the
$100 note to follow. No redesign is planned for the $2 and $1 notes.

To stay ahead of counterfeiters, the Treasury plans to introduce new de-

signs every seven to ten years. Redesigned and existing notes will circulate at
the same time, with the new notes replacing the older ones as they wear out.
Of course, all U.S. money, whether old or new, retains its full value because
the United States never recalls any of its currency.

The security features added to notes in the 1990s and in the 2004 redesign
were recommended by an extensive study of counterfeit deterrence methods.

Features In The 2004 Redesign

Color: The most noticeable change in the 2004 series notes is the addition
of subtle background colors, which differ for each denomination. On the
$20 note, the background colors are green, peach, and blue. “TWENTY
USA” is printed in blue in the background to the right of the portrait. On
the back of the note, small yellow numeral 20s are printed in the background.
Although consumers shouldn’t use color to check notes’ authenticity, the use
of more colors makes the notes more complex and more difficult to counterfeit.

Portrait: Another noticeable change is a larger portrait from which the

border and surrounding fine lines have been removed. The portrait has been
moved up and the shoulders have been extended into the borders. The por-
trait is off-center to reduce wear on the portrait and to provide more room
for the watermark and security thread.

Watermark: A watermark, created during the paper-making process,

depicts the same historical figure as the portrait. It is visible from both sides
when held up to a light.
Facts About The Money In Your Wallet 7

Security Thread: An embedded polymer strip, positioned in a unique

spot for each denomination, guards against counterfeiting. The thread itself,
visible when held up to a bright light, contains microprinting—the letters
USA, the denomination of the bill, and a flag. When viewed under ultraviolet
light, the thread glows a distinctive color for each denomination.

Color-Shifting Ink: The ink used in the numeral in the lower right-hand
corner on the front of the bill looks copper when viewed straight on but
green when viewed at an angle.

Microprinting: Microprinting, which can be read only with a magnifier

and becomes blurred when copied, appears in unique places on each de-
nomination. On the $20 bill, it appears around the borders of the first three
letters of the “TWENTY USA” ribbon to the right of the portrait and in the
border below the Treasurer’s signature.

Low-Vision Feature: A large dark numeral in the lower right corner on

the back of the note makes it easier for people with low vision to identify the
note’s denomination.

Federal Reserve Indicators: A seal to the left of the portrait represents

the Federal Reserve System. A letter and number below the left serial num-
ber identifies the issuing Federal Reserve Bank.

Symbols Of Freedom: The 2004 series features American symbols that

will differ for each denomination. On the $20 note, a large blue eagle ap-
pears in the background to the left of the portrait. A smaller eagle printed in
green metallic ink appears to the lower right of the portrait.

Other Design Features

Series: The series identification shows the year the note design was first
used. If a slight change is made in the note that does not require a com-
pletely new engraving plate—for example, a change in signature when the
Secretary of the Treasury or the Treasurer of the United States changes—the
year remains the same and a letter is added to show that the design differs
slightly from previous printings. A “C” suffix, for example, as in “Series
1935C,” means that the original design has been changed slightly three times.
8 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
The Great Seal
Of The United States
The first currency note to have the Great Seal of
the United States as part of the design was the $1 Silver
Certificate, Series 1935. The seal has appeared on the reverse
(green) side of all $1 notes since then.

In 1776 the Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin,

Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams to arrange for the preparation of a seal
for the United States of America. This committee and two other commit-
tees labored over the design for six years. The third committee enlisted the aid
of William Barton, the son of a Philadelphia Episcopal clergyman and an au-
thority on heraldry. Barton created two designs, one of which was simplified by
Charles Thompson, Secretary of Congress. Congress adopted the design in 1782.

The face of the seal, on the right-hand side of the bill, shows the American
bald eagle with wings and claws outstretched. Above the eagle’s head is a glory,
or burst of light, containing 13 stars. (The number 13 represents the original
13 states.) The right claws hold an olive branch with 13 leaves, representing
peace, and the left, a bundle of 13 arrows, symbolizing war; the eagle’s head is
turned toward the olive branch, indicating a desire for peace. The shield (with
13 stripes) covering the eagle’s breast symbolizes a united nation. A ribbon
held in the eagle’s beak bears the Latin motto E Pluribus Unum (13 letters),
which means “out of many, one.”

The back of the Great Seal, on the left-hand side of the bill, depicts a
pyramid, a symbol of material strength and endurance. The pyramid is
unfinished, symbolizing a striving toward growth and a goal of per-
fection. Above the pyramid a glory, with an eye inside a triangle,
represents the eternal eye of God and places the spiritual above
the material. At the top edge is the 13-letter Latin motto
Annuit Coeptis, meaning “He has favored our under-
takings.” The base of the pyramid bears the roman
numerals MDCCLXXVI (1776). Below is
the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum, “a
new order of the ages.”
Facts About The Money In Your Wallet 9

Serial Number: Beginning with the 1996 series, serial numbers consist of
two prefix letters (except on $1 and $2 notes, which have one prefix letter),
eight numerals, and a one-letter suffix. The serial number appears twice on
the front of the note. No two notes of the same kind, denomination, and
series have the same serial number. This fact can be important in detecting
counterfeit notes; many counterfeiters make large batches of a particular note
with the same number.

Notes are numbered in lots of 100 million. Each lot has a different suffix
letter, beginning with A and following in alphabetical order through Z,
omitting O because of its similarity to the numeral zero.

Because serial numbers are limited to eight numerals, a “star” note is sub-
stituted for the 100 millionth note. Star notes also replace notes damaged in
the printing process. Made up with independent runs of serial numbers, star
notes are exactly like the notes they replace except that a star is substituted
for one of the serial letters.

Size: Until July 1929 U.S. currency was 7.42 inches by 3.13 inches. Cur-
rency printed since 1929 is 6.14 inches by 2.61 inches, a size easier to handle
and less expensive to produce.

Portraits And Emblems: The seven denominations of notes now pro-

duced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing feature portraits of American
statesmen on the face and emblems and monuments on the back.

Bank tellers and others who frequently handle currency use the portrait
in assembling and counting it. They assemble each denomination separately
and uniformly—face up and top up. This practice also helps handlers detect
counterfeit and altered notes. All Reserve Banks require banks to arrange
their currency for deposit in this way.

“In God We Trust”: Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase first au-
thorized use of “In God We Trust” on U.S. money—on the two-cent coin in
1864—after receiving a number of appeals from citizens urging that the deity
be recognized on U.S. coins. In 1955, Congress mandated the use of this
phrase on all currency and coins. All denominations of paper money now
being issued carry the motto.
10 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Faces And Backs Of Currency
Denomination Face Back

$1 George Washington Great Seal of the United States

$2 Thomas Jefferson The Signing of the

Declaration of Independence

$5 Abraham Lincoln Lincoln Memorial

$10 Alexander Hamilton U.S. Treasury Building

$20 Andrew Jackson White House

$50 Ulysses S. Grant U.S. Capitol

$100 Benjamin Franklin Independence Hall

U.S. Coins
U.S. coins have changed many times since the Coinage Act of 1792, which
adopted the dollar as the standard monetary unit.

Silver dollars have been minted and issued at various times since 1794.
Dollar coins were discontinued in 1935, then resumed in 1971 with the intro-
duction of the silverless Eisenhower dollar. The silverless Susan B. Anthony
coin, honoring the famed women’s suffrage advocate, replaced the Eisenhower
dollar in 1979. The current dollar coin, which replaced the Susan B. Anthony
coin in 2000, depicts Sacagawea, the Native American woman whose presence
was essential to the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The coin has
a copper core clad in an alloy of copper, zinc, manganese, and nickel, which
gives the coin a golden color.

Half-dollars virtually disappeared from circulation following the introduc-

tion, in 1964, of the Kennedy half-dollar. Despite the fact that huge quantities
were produced, the half-dollar remained scarce in general circulation through
1970. Silverless halves first appeared in 1971.
Facts About The Money In Your Wallet 11

Other coin denominations in common use today are the 25-cent, 10-cent,
five-cent, and one-cent pieces, familiarly known as the quarter, dime, nickel,
and penny.

The composition of U.S. coins has changed considerably since the 1960s.
Because of a growing worldwide silver shortage, the Coinage Act of 1965
authorized a change in the composition of dimes, quarters, and half-dollars,
which had been 90 percent silver. Silver was eliminated from the dime and
the quarter. The half-dollar’s silver content was reduced to 40 percent and
after 1970 was eliminated altogether.

In 1981 Congress authorized a change in the penny’s composition, aban-

doning the 95 percent copper and 5 percent zinc alloy used for decades. The
one-cent piece is now copper-plated zinc—97.5 percent zinc and 2.5 percent
copper. The old and new pennies look virtually identical, but the new coin is
about 19 percent lighter.

U.S. coin denominations used in the past were the half-cent, two-cent,
three-cent, and 20-cent pieces, as well as a small silver coin called a half-
dime. Gold coins in denominations of $1, $2.50 (“Quarter Eagle”), $3, $5
(“Half Eagle”), $10 (“Eagle”), and $20 (“Double Eagle”) were used from
1795 until 1933.

The Mint
The U.S. Mint, which makes all U.S. coins, was established by Congress
in 1792 and became an operating bureau of the Treasury Department in

The Philadelphia Mint has been in continuous operation since 1792. The
Denver Mint began its coinage operations in 1906. The West Point, New
York, and San Francisco Mints gained official Mint status in 1988. Originally
an assay office, the San Francisco Mint is the primary production facility for
proof coins. The West Point Mint, once used exclusively as a bullion depository,
is now the Mint’s chief producer of gold coins.

U.S. coins typically bear a mint mark showing which mint produced them.
Coins minted in Philadelphia bear a P or no mint mark; those minted in
12 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Denver, a D; in San Fran-

✤ It’s A Fact!!
cisco, an S; and in West
Point, a W. Although the How Coins Are Made
Coinage Act of 1965 The first step in minting coins is the produc-
specified that no mint tion of strips of metal in the proper thickness.
marks would be used for (The U.S. Mint buys these strips, for all coins
five years, Congress au- except pennies, from commercial suppliers.)
thorized in late 1967 that Strips for pennies are zinc. Strips for nickels are
an alloy of 75 percent copper and 25 percent
mint marks be resumed.
nickel. Clad dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and
The marks reappeared on dollars are produced from three layers of metal
regular coinage in 1968. fused together; the outer layers are the same al-
loy used for nickels, and the core is copper.
Several branch mints
are no longer in operation. The metal strips are fed into blanking
These mints were located presses, which cut round blanks (planchets) the
approximate size of the finished coin. (The
in Carson City, Nevada
blanks for pennies, made of zinc, are coated with
(mint mark, CC); Char- copper before going on to the next step. Com-
lotte, North Carolina (C); mercial companies provide the planchets for
Dahlonega, Georgia (D); pennies to the Mint.) The blanks are run
and New Orleans, Louisi- through annealing furnaces to soften them and
ana (O). then through tumbling barrels, rotating cylin-
ders that contain chemical solutions to clean and
Design burnish the metal. Next, the blanks are washed
and put into drying machines. Then the blanks
The Director of the go through milling or “upsetting” machines,
Mint selects designs for U.S. which produce the raised (upset) rim.
coins with the approval of
Blanks next proceed to the stamping or coin-
the Secretary of the Trea- ing press. The blank is held in place by a ring,
sury, although Congress or collar, as it is struck under tremendous pres-
may prescribe a coin design. sure. Pennies require about 40 tons of pressure,
A design may not be and the larger coins require proportionately
changed more often than more. Upper and lower dies stamp the design
on both sides of the coin at the same time.
every 25 years unless Con-
Grooves inside the ring holding the blank form
gress determines otherwise. the “reeding” or ridges on the rim of finished
coins, except for pennies, nickels, and the
Emblems: All of the
Sacagawea dollar, which have smooth rims.
U.S. coins currently minted
Facts About The Money In Your Wallet 13

portray past U.S. Presidents. They are the Lincoln one-cent piece, adopted
in 1909; the 25-cent piece portraying Washington, first minted in 1932; the
five-cent piece honoring Jefferson, adopted in 1938; the Franklin D. Roosevelt
dime, introduced in 1946; and the Kennedy half-dollar, which appeared in

The 50 States Quarters Program Act of 1997 provided for the redesign
of the reverse side of quarters to feature designs created by each of the 50
states. Each year from 1999 through 2008, coins commemorating five states
were issued in the order in which the states signed the Constitution or joined
the Union. These quarters are in general circulation, but the Mint also sells
sets of collector edition proof, uncirculated, and silver proof coins.

Two new designs for the nickel, issued only in 2004 and 2005, depict
images commemorating the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark
expedition; the designs appear on the reverse side while the obverse still
depicts Thomas Jefferson.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Commemorative Coins
Coins to commemorate American people, places, events, and institutions
are authorized by special acts of Congress and manufactured in limited quanti-
ties. Commemorative coins, which may be gold, silver, or clad, usually sell at a
premium, so they seldom circulate as regular coin.

Legislation specifies that commemorative coin programs must operate at

no net cost to taxpayers. Surcharges raised from the sale of commemorative
coins are designated for a specific purpose or for reducing the national debt.

The first commemorative coin was minted in 1892 to help finance the
World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Since that time many other com-
memorative coins have been issued.

Recent commemorative coins include 2004 coins marking the Lewis and
Clark expedition bicentennial and the 125th anniversary of Thomas Edison’s
invention of the light bulb and 2005 coins honoring John Marshall, fourth
Chief Justice of the United States, and the Marine Corps’ 230th anniversary.
14 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Faces And Backs Of Coins
Coin Face Back

1¢ Abraham Lincoln Lincoln Memorial

5¢ Thomas Jefferson Monticello

10¢ Franklin D. Roosevelt Torch

25¢ George Washington 50 States Design

50¢ John F. Kennedy Presidential Coat of Arms

$1 Sacagawea Bald Eagle

“In God We Trust”: The phrase was first used on the U.S. two-cent coin
in 1864. It appeared on the nickel, quarter, half-dollar, and silver dollar and
on the $5, $10, and $20 gold pieces in 1866, on the penny in 1909, and on
the dime in 1916. Dropped from the nickel in 1883, the phrase reappeared
on the nickel in 1938. All U.S. coins now issued bear the motto.

Circulation Of Money
The amount of U.S. currency and coin in circulation increased dramati-
cally during the 20th century (see Table 1.1. Figures are from statements
published by the Treasury Department.)

How Money Circulates

The Treasury Department ships new paper money and coins to the Federal
Reserve Banks; the Reserve Banks pay it out to commercial banks, savings and
loan associations, and other depository institutions. Customers of these in-
stitutions withdraw cash as they need it. Once people spend their cash at
department stores, grocery stores, and so on, most of this money is eventually
redeposited in depository institutions. As notes wear out or become dirty or
damaged, depository institutions redeposit them at the Reserve Banks.
Facts About The Money In Your Wallet 15

When Money Wears Out

Money wears out from handling and is sometimes accidentally damaged
or destroyed. The average life span of a $1 bill, for example, is about 21
months. The $10 bill has a life span of about 18 months; the $5 bill, 16
months; and the $20, two years. The $50 and $100 notes don’t circulate as
often as the smaller denominations, so they last longer—the $50 bill, about
four and a half years, and the $100, seven and a half years. The average life of
a coin is 25 years.

Banks send old, worn, torn, or soiled notes to a Federal Reserve Bank to
be exchanged for new bills. The Reserve Banks sort the money they receive
from commercial banks to determine if it is “fit” or “unfit.” Fit (reusable)
money is stored in their vaults until it goes out again through the commercial
banking system. Reserve Banks destroy unfit currency and return damaged
and worn coins to the Treasury.

Table 1.1. Money In Circulation

Amount of Cash Amount of Cash
Date in Circulation Per Capita*
June 30, 1910 $ 3,148,700,000 $ 34.07
June 30, 1920 $ 5,698,214,612 $ 53.18
June 30, 1930 $ 4,521,987,962 $ 36.74
June 30, 1940 $ 7,847,501,324 $ 59.40
June 30, 1950 $ 27,156,290,042 $ 179.03
June 30, 1960 $ 32,064,619,064 $ 177.47
June 30, 1970 $ 54,350,971,661 $ 265.39
June 30, 1980 $ 127,097,192,148 $ 570.51
June 30, 1990 $ 266,902,367,798 $ 1,062.86
June 30, 2000 $ 571,121,194,344 $ 2,075.63

*In the United States

16 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Redeeming Damaged Money
Paper money that has been mutilated or par-
tially destroyed may in some cases be redeemable at
full face value. Any badly soiled, defaced, torn, or worn-
out currency that is clearly more than half of the original note
can be exchanged at a commercial bank, which processes the note
through a Federal Reserve Bank. More seriously damaged notes—those
with clearly less than half of the original surface or those requiring special
examination to determine their value—must be sent to the Department of
the Treasury for redemption.

The redemption value of mutilated coins depends on their

type, denomination, and the extent of their mutilation. Re-
demption of mutilated coins is handled by the U.S. Mint
in Philadelphia. Coins that are merely bent or worn
slick through natural wear are not considered
mutilated and are exchangeable at full face

Spotting Counterfeit Currency

The amount of counterfeit currency in circulation in the United States is
very small—only 3/100ths of one percent of total currency. About 75 per-
cent of all known counterfeit currency is seized before it reaches the public.

But it is in your interest always to examine any currency you receive be-
cause you must assume the loss for any counterfeit note you accept. Perhaps
the following suggestions from the U.S. Secret Service will help you spot one.

Study genuine currency. In series 1996 or later currency, the security fea-
tures described earlier will be present. In addition, look closely at the work-
manship of several features. On genuine notes, the portrait and the picture
on the back of the note stand out sharply from the background, and the eyes
in the portrait appear lifelike. Numbers are firmly, evenly printed and well
spaced, and the fine criss-crossing lines of the scrollwork borders are sharp
and unbroken.
Facts About The Money In Your Wallet 17

On counterfeit notes, the portrait and picture may merge with the back-
ground, the eyes or other features on the portrait may be dull or smudgy, or
the face may seem unnaturally white. Numbers may be out of line, poorly
spaced, and printed too light or too dark, and the lines in the scrollwork
borders may be blurred or broken.

The paper used for genuine notes is of very high quality. The tiny red and
blue fibers embedded in the paper of genuine notes may not be visible if the
bill is badly worn or dirty; on counterfeit bills, these threads may be imitated
by fine red and blue lines printed or drawn on the paper. Counterfeit cur-
rency paper may feel different or be whiter than genuine paper.

Rubbing a bill on a piece of paper

✔ Quick Tip is not a good test. Ink can be rubbed
If you get a counterfeit bill, off genuine as well as counterfeit
• Write your initials and the date
on the back of the bill so that If you’re not sure whether a note
you can identify it later. is counterfeit, consult an experienced
• Record on a separate sheet of money handler—a bank teller, for ex-
paper all the details about how ample.
you got the bill: Who gave it to
you? Where and when did you
get it? Rules About Reproducing
• Handle the bill as little as pos-
sible to preserve any finger- The law places strict limitations on
prints. Put the bill in a
photographs or other printed reproduc-
protective cover such as an en-
tions of U.S. and foreign paper currency,
checks, bonds, stamps, and securities.
• Contact the nearest U.S. Secret
Service office or local police. U.S. Currency: The Counterfeit
Surrender the bill only to these Detection Act of 1992 permits color il-
lustration of U.S. currency provided that
Anyone convicted of passing a • the illustration is less than three-
counterfeit bill may be fined as
quarters or more than one and
much as $5,000 or imprisoned for
up to 15 years. one-half times the size, in linear
dimension, of any part of the bill;
18 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
Visit the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s website,, to find out more about the Federal Re-
serve Bank of Atlanta and its publications, which cover
economic and financial topics.

• the illustration is one-sided; and

• any negatives, positives, plates, or digital, magnetic, or optical files used
in making the illustration are destroyed, deleted, or erased after their
final use.
Other Obligations: Similar restrictions apply to photographs or printed
reproductions of foreign currency as well as U.S. and foreign checks, bonds,
stamps, and securities. In addition, these items may be reproduced only in
black and white.

Color or black and white motion picture films, microfilms, videotapes,

and slides of U.S. and foreign paper currency, securities, and other obliga-
tions may be made for projection or telecasting. But prints may not be made
from these media unless the prints conform to size and color restrictions.

Coins: There are no restrictions on printed or motion picture reproduc-

tions of U.S. or foreign coins. But the law prohibits, with few exceptions, the
manufacture, sale, or use of any token or device that is meant to resemble a
U.S. or foreign coin and that is issued as money.

For more information on the rules about reproducing money, contact the
U.S. Secret Service office nearest you; office locations are available on the
internet at or by contacting the U.S. Secret Service, Office
of Government Liaison and Public Affairs, 950 H Street, N.W., Suite 8400,
Washington, DC 20001-4518, 202-406-5708.
Chapter 2

Do You Get An Allowance?

Let’s Talk Allowances

The idea behind allowances is to give kids and teens money of their own
so that they can learn to manage it. The idea is great, but putting it into play
is sometimes frustrating on both sides.

The Parent Side

Parents want to guide their kids’ spending, so the kids don’t make foolish
mistakes. Yet the whole reason for an allowance is to let kids make mistakes
and learn from them. Making mistakes while living at home is much safer
than at college, where mistakes in spending and with credit cards carry big
consequences. So parents, if they are playing by the rules, have to zip their
lips, and let their kids learn the hard way during those early years.

And to make the whole allowance strategy work, parents must hold their
ground when their child spends too much and runs short. The very worst
thing a parent can do is bail a kid out of his or her financial trouble. Parents
shouldn’t cave. If parents rescue a child, he or she doesn’t have to deal with
the impact of the mistake. It loses its punch and its lasting effect. (Bailing

About This Chapter: “Let’s Talk Allowances,” © 2007 Northwestern Mutual Founda-
tion. Reprinted with permission. For additional information, visit
20 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

kids out is like giving them an easy “undo” button. Unfortunately, real life
doesn’t provide “undo” buttons.)

The Kid Side

Kids want the freedom to use their money. They’ll tell you, “What’s the
good of an allowance if I don’t get to choose what do with it?” Besides, Mom
and Dad don’t understand about being a kid. The teenage wish list is endless—
each week another really cool thing pops up. While Mom and Dad think
this stuff is unnecessary, a teen can list all of the advantages of these pur-
chases to any adult who will listen.

So typically teens have a problem. There’s never enough money to do every-

thing kids are supposed to do with an allowance. Some families insist that a part
of the allowance should be saved or donated. “It’s not enough,” teens will say.

Both Sides
For allowances to work, both sides ✤ It’s A Fact!!
have to keep to their side of the play- About Chores: Many par-
ing field. The terms of the allow- ents tie allowances to doing
ance are c lear. Parents can’t chores to give kids a work-world
criticize their kid’s spending. Kids experience. But what happens when
can’t ask for help when they get the chores don’t get done? What if
this happens repeatedly? If parents
in trouble. But the beauty of this
withhold the allowance, they also re-
system is that the two sides no move the opportunity for the child to
longer argue over purchases: their learn to manage money. Parents may
cost, their necessity, or their value. want to consider imposing a dif-
Each side stays on its side of the line. ferent consequence for not do-
ing chores—no movie, no
Kids Learn To Negotiate telephone—to make
the point.
Here’s a possibly unexpected benefit of
allowances. When kids get older, they may “pe-
tition” their local allowance-giver to increase their weekly pay.

Petitions should be allowed, but the responsibility for building a persua-

sive case falls squarely on the child’s shoulders. If the allowance is tied to
chores, what tasks will be added to the chore list to prompt the increase?
Do You Get An Allowance? 21

If the allowance is not tied to chores, why does the teen need more money?
Simply saying that he or she cannot live within the bounds of the allowance
won’t cut it unless expenses are really growing.

If so, why? Are they reasonable expenses? Will the teen now take on more or
total responsibility for them? If the case doesn’t persuade, parents have every
right to deny the request. It will be a great opportunity for kids to build a real-
world skill. They may have to negotiate a salary with an employer someday.

What’s Value?
Whenever anybody spends money—whether it’s an allowance or a pay-
check—they want to know they’re getting their money’s worth. In other
words, are they getting value in return for their money? What exactly does
that mean?

It means that you should understand what you’re paying for. If you’re
going to pay more than the item’s worth, you should know why.

For example, you can buy a five-pound bag of potatoes in the grocery
store for $2.50. Why, then, would you spend $2.09 on a few ounces of fries at
a fast-food restaurant? Because they taste great! you say. That’s one reason, but
you could also put some frozen fries in the oven at home. They’d crisp up in
about 20 minutes, and you have fries enough for a family of four for about
$2.00. So what gives those fast food fries value? Try another answer.

Okay. I’ve just finished sports practice. I’ve got to hustle to my music lesson. I’m
starving after practice, I don’t have time to go home and grab a sandwich, and I
didn’t pack one this morning, so I’ve got nothing to eat. If I don’t get some food
soon, I’ll never be able to concentrate during my lesson. How’s that?

Closer. You’re saying that you’re really paying for more than a box of skinny
spuds. You’re paying for convenience. The right food (something you like) in
the right place (on your way to your lesson) when you need it (you’re starving.)
What good will five pounds of raw potatoes do you at this moment?

But if you had rolled out of bed right away this morning, you would have
had time to make a sandwich and throw in a drink, an apple, and a couple of
granola bars.
22 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

So what you’re really paying for is your disorganization! You’re hungry—

buying fries is your best way to solve your problem. This story would not be
a good one to use when negotiating the need for a larger allowance.

But this is only one example of what people buy and why they buy it.
There are many ways to judge value—you can find another at
Go to Spending, and click on What’s It Worth? It will give you a totally
different view.

Then There’s Donating

For many families, giving is as important as earning. If that’s your family’s
philosophy, then you may need to learn early that a certain part of your allow-
ance goes to help others.

How much to give? It depends. Kids with generous allowances and not
many expenses can afford to give more. Kids who must use most of their
allowance to pay expenses may have to give less. Another option is to give
time instead. Kids have lots of energy that organizations can use. Whether
you contribute money, time, or both, requiring kids to involve themselves in
the community gives them the satisfaction that comes with helping others.
It will also teach them that sometimes they might have to delay their own
desires to help someone else with a more serious need.

Giving can be a family decision: the family chooses from several causes,
listing pros and cons. Then everyone gives to the chosen organization.

Or, you can make giving more individual. What is important to you? Ask
your parents to help you find an organization that furthers this cause. Be
sure that the organization you choose is legitimate. or might be places to start.

Sometimes causes can be quite personal. Kids who lose a grandparent to a

disease may decide that their money should go toward finding a cure. Others
may want to connect with kids their own age at holiday time through programs
like “Toys for Tots.” Still others may want to donate food at Thanksgiving.
Chapter 3

Jobs For Teens

Making Money
The most common way that most young people get money is through an
allowance. Not every teen gets one, of course, and your parents’ beliefs or
financial situation might mean you get little or nothing. According to various
surveys, the average allowance for teens is anywhere from $20 to $50 per
week. If yours is a lot lower, perhaps try negotiating a raise.

Here are some more ways to get money:

From Your Family: Your parents might pay you for getting good grades
in school, or for reading a certain number of books, or for doing various jobs
around the house. You might even earn some money from siblings, if you
offer to do some of their chores.

Selling Things: If your closet or basement is full of belongings that you

no longer need or want, consider selling them. (These might include toys,
games, comics, and clothes. Don’t get rid of things you have a strong attach-
ment to, though, such as your old Furby or your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
lunchbox.) You could hold a yard sale in your neighborhood. You might even

About This Chapter: “Ways to Save and Make Money,” © 2003 The Motley Fool. All
rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.
24 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Age Requirements For Working
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets wage, hours worked, and safety
requirements for minors (individuals under age 18) working in jobs covered by
the statute. The rules vary depending upon the particular age of the minor and
the particular job involved. As a general rule, the FLSA sets 14 years of age as
the minimum age for employment, and limits the number of hours worked by
minors under the age of 16.

Also, the FLSA generally prohibits the employment of a minor in work

declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor (for example, work involving
excavation, driving, and the operation of many types of power-driven equipment).
The FLSA contains a number of requirements that apply only to particular
types of jobs (for example, agricultural work or the operation of motor vehicles)
and many exceptions to the general rules (for example, work by a minor for his
or her parents). Each state also has its own laws relating to employment, in-
cluding the employment of minors. If state law and the FLSA overlap, the law
which is more protective of the minor will apply.

Source: Excerpted from “Youth and Labor,” U.S. Department of Labor

(, 2008.

offer to sell other people’s knickknacks, for a small fee or a percentage of the
price. Another option is selling items online, such as on eBay.

A Job: This is perhaps the most obvious way to earn money, and teens
frequently land part-time or full-time summer jobs.

Jobs For Teens

Believe it or not, there are many, many jobs you can find or create. You
have more choices than just working at McDonald’s or babysitting. Here are
lots of ideas, a few of which might appeal to you.
• Pet-Sitting: When someone in your neighborhood goes on vacation,
there’s often a pet that needs looking after. Also, with people working
Jobs For Teens 25

longer and longer hours these days, some will pay you to visit their
pets during the day and take them for a walk.
• Working For Your Parents: If mom or dad owns a business, they might
be able to use your help. Even if they work for a company, they may be
able to hook you up with a part-time job there. (Check with your
parents’ friends, too.)
• Tutoring: Some teens report that they earn anywhere from $5 to $20
per hour tutoring. If you’re good at a subject, you may be able to earn
money by helping others to understand it.
• Lifeguard: In some parts of the country, there are shortages of life-
guards. Some have been earning $10 per hour or more. If you have the
skills needed, consider this option.
• Camps: If you look into it early enough, you can line up a job at a
summer camp—you might work with kids, tend the grounds, prepare
food, or do any of a number of things.
• Jobs Matching Your Interests: If you enjoy working with young chil-
dren, see if any daycare centers near you need help. If you like the great
outdoors, check with your local parks department. If you like movies
or recreation, look into movie theaters or amusement parks.
• Mowing Lawns, Raking Yards, Shoveling Snow, Gardening: These
can all be part of the same job. Once your customers know you and the
good work you do, they may use your services doing other jobs in other
• Department Stores: A big perk with these jobs is that you often get to
enjoy employee discounts (which can be substantial, often 20–30%
off ) and commissions on items you sell.
• Create Websites: If you know enough about computers to create well-
designed websites, you can make some good money. Many small com-
panies and organizations pay thousands of dollars to have websites
built for them. You might charge very little at first, but once you have
a few impressive websites to show potential customers, you can hike
your rates. Some small companies might also pay you to help maintain
their sites, adding content, and solving problems that arise.
26 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Be Crafty: If you enjoy arts and crafts, you might make jewelry or
other items and sell them—perhaps on eBay, where you’ll have instant
access to a large customer base. Some painters and photographers are
making money selling their work online, too, although that can be
harder to do.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
What jobs can youth do?
When you are 13 or younger . . .
• You can deliver newspapers.
• You can work as a baby-sitter.
• You can work as an actor or performer in motion pictures, television,
theater or radio.
• You can work in a business solely owned or operated by your parents.
• You can work on a farm owned or operated by your parents.
However, parents are prohibited from employing their children in manu-
facturing, mining, or any other occupation declared hazardous (listed below) by
the Secretary of Labor.
When you turn 14, you can also work in an office, grocery store, retail store,
restaurant, movie theater, baseball park, amusement park, or gasoline service station.
You generally may not work in communications or public utilities jobs, con-
struction or repair jobs, driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver, manufacturing
and mining occupations, power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than
typical office machines, processing occupations, public messenger jobs, transport-
ing of persons or property, workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or
processed, or warehousing and storage. In addition, you may not work any other job
or occupation declared hazardous (listed below) by the Secretary of Labor.
When you turn 16, you can work in any job or occupation that has not been
declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.

Hazardous Occupations
You generally may not work in any of the following hazardous occupations:
• Manufacturing and storing of explosives
• Driving a motor vehicle and being an outside helper on a motor vehicle
Jobs For Teens 27

• Serve The Elderly: Not only might you find work in a nursing home
or retirement community, but you might also serve older people in
your neighborhood. Many older people can’t get around much. They
may welcome your services delivering groceries, running errands, or
doing odd jobs around their home.

• Coal mining
• Logging and sawmilling
• Power-driven woodworking machines
• Exposure to radioactive substances
• Power-driven hoisting apparatus
• Power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shearing machines
• Mining, other than coal mining
• Meat packing or processing (including the use of power-driven meat
slicing machines)
• Power-driven bakery machines
• Power-driven paper-product machines
• Manufacturing brick, tile, and related products
• Power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears
• Wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking operations
• Roofing operations and all work on or about a roof
• Excavation operations

There are some exemptions for apprentice/student-learner programs in some

of these hazardous occupations.

When You Turn 18

When you turn 18, you can work any job for any number of hours. The
child labor rules no longer apply to you.

Note: Different rules apply to farms, and individual states may have stricter rules.

Source: “What Jobs Can Youth Do?” U.S. Department of Labor (,
28 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Be A Computer Guru: Many people buy computers and have a lot of

trouble setting them up and trying to use them. Even if you have an
intermediate familiarity with computers, you might offer your services
as a local computer consultant. You can set things up, solve problems,
answer questions, teach programs, and show people how to send and
organize e-mail, upload digital photos, buy something on,
use Instant Messaging, and conduct online searches (with Google or
other search engines).
• Caddy At A Golf Course: This not only
helps you learn more about a sport
you might enjoy, it also gives you
✤ It’s A Fact!!
the chance meet a lot of adults
from whom you might learn What is the young-
more about the business est age at which a person
world. They could be turn can be employed?
out to be valuable connec- The Fair Labor Standards Act
tions that help you land (FLSA) sets 14 as the minimum age for
most non-agricultural work. However, at
other jobs.
any age, youth may deliver newspapers; per-
• Delivering Newspa- form in radio, television, movie, or theatri-
pers: If you sign up to cal productions; work in businesses owned
deliver a lot (which by their parents (except in mining, manufac-
turing, or hazardous jobs); and perform
may be more possible
babysitting or perform minor chores around
in areas with apartment a private home. Also, at any age, youth may
buildings), you can be employed as homeworkers to gather ev-
make a good bit of ergreens and make evergreen wreaths.
money. Some teens
Different age requirements apply to the
make $100 or $200 per employment of youth in agriculture.
week or more.
Source: From “What Is the Youngest
• Use Your Skills: Think Age at which a Person Can Be Em-
about what you’re good at ployed?” U.S. Department of
and try to teach others— Labor (, 2008.
adults or children. You might
offer piano lessons, horseback
riding lessons, or Spanish lessons.
Jobs For Teens 29

Maybe you can juggle and

entertain at children’s birth- ✤ It’s A Fact!!
day parties. If you play an in- What hours can youth work?
strument, perhaps you could If you are 14 or 15, you can work out-
play at weddings or other side school hours after 7 a.m. and until 7
events. If you write, you p.m., except from June 1 through Labor
could try to sell articles to Day, when you can work until 9 p.m.
magazines or newspapers. You can work no more than:
• Volunteer: If all else fails, or • 3 hours on a school day,
even as a first choice, consider • 18 hours in a school week,
volunteering. Don’t just do the
• 8 hours on a non-school day, and
first thing that pops into your
mind, though. Be a strategic • 40 hours in non-school week.
volunteer. Think of a field or If you are 16 or older, you can work
company you’d like to learn any day, any time of day, and for any num-
more about. If you’re really ber of hours. There are no restrictions on
concerned about hunger in the the work hours of youth age 16 or older.
world, volunteer at a food Different rules apply to farms, and
bank. If you’re thinking about individual states may have stricter rules.
becoming a doctor (perhaps
Source: “What Hours Can Youth Work?”
one who treats the elderly), U.S. Department of Labor (youthrules
consider volunteering at a hos-, 2008.
pital (or a nursing home).

Once You’ve Made Some Money, Save Some

How much should you save? You actually may be able to save 100% of your
money. Does that mean you should? Not at all. The best way to develop good
saving habits is to make saving a regular part of your life, along with spending.

Here’s a few ways you can save:

• Save Before Spending: Whenever some money gets into your hands,
from a job or your allowance or whatever, take your savings out imme-
diately, before spending any of the money. The beauty of this system is
that once you’ve removed your savings, you’re free to spend the rest.
30 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Negotiate With Your Parents: This may or may not work for you, but
it’s worth a shot. See if they’ll “match” your savings, in order to en-
courage good saving habits. If they match your savings dollar-for-dollar,
for example, that would mean that for every $25 you plunk into sav-
ings, they’d plunk an additional $25.
• Consider The “Opportunity Cost” Of Purchases: Opportunity cost is
an economic term that applies to many parts of our lives. It essentially
refers to the cost of giving up one alternative in order to act on an-
other. Imagine that you can either buy concert tickets for $50 or you
can invest the money. If you invest for 10 years, and your investment
grows by an average of 11% per year, your original $50 will become
$142. So your decision can be framed like this: “Would I rather have
these tickets now, or $142 in 10 years?” If you’re thinking of buying a
pair of shoes for $75, consider whether it’s worth the opportunity cost
of $600 in 20 years. Perhaps it is. If so, then by all means, buy the
Chapter 4

Finding A Summer Job Or Internship

Every year the race begins again. You slip on your best shoes and your
most responsible attitude and hit the streets running. The countdown’s on to
find the best summer employment available.

Why Get A Summer Job Or Internship?

Summer jobs and internships have lots of terrific benefits. Working is a
great way to prepare for life after high school or for college. The skills you
learn early on will help you develop the professional talents you’ll need
throughout your life. These include basic but important skills like customer
service, caring for children—and even learning to work with a boss!
Work experience can also help people feel good about themselves. The self-
esteem and self-confidence you can develop at a job or internship will come in
handy when you’re ready to interview for college or a job after high school.

What’s The Right Job For Me?

Take the first step in landing the right job before you even start looking:
Think about what’s motivating you to get the job. Is it because you need

About This Chapter: “Finding A Summer Job Or Internship” March 2008, reprinted
with permission from Copyright © 2008 The Nemours Founda-
tion. This information was provided by KidsHealth, one of the largest resources online
for medically reviewed health information written for parents, kids, and teens. For more
articles like this one, visit, or
32 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

money, want to build your work experience, or want a job that looks good on
your résumé or will help you get into college? Knowing what you want will
help bring job satisfaction.

Next, make a list of your interests and strengths, as well as your weak-
nesses, and keep them in mind as you look for a job. For example, you may be
in love with books or gifted when it comes to animals—a job in a bookstore
or pet store would be perfect for you. On the other hand, if looking after
little kids drives you crazy or if you burn in
the sun, then you’ ll know to avoid
babysitting or lifeguard jobs. ✔ Quick Tip
A job or internship should not Start Early
only be enjoyable, it should be a In the past few years the tight
job market has meant fewer jobs
learning experience too. Because
available for high school students.
working demands so much of your
Start your job search early to
time, try to find a job or internship beat the competition and
that may help guide you toward your land the job you want.
long-term goals. For example, if you
want to study veterinary science in col-
lege, finding a job in a vet’s office, animal
shelter, or even a pet store may be better choices for you than working in a

Where Should I Start?

Begin by putting together a résumé. A good résumé is your best job-
hunting tool. Unlike an application form, which you only fill out when you’re
applying for a particular job opening, you can hand résumés out to relatives,
friends of the family, teachers, and other people you know. Ask them to pass
it on to anyone who might be interested in hiring you. Hundreds of job-
related sites on the internet offer advice on preparing a résumé.

The most common way to find a job opening is by reading the classified
ads section of your local newspaper. Of course, some of the jobs listed—
usually those that appear under “sales” and claim you can work for yourself
and make thousands of dollars a week—may be too good to be true. So make
Finding A Summer Job Or Internship 33

sure the job ad mentions what the work entails (e.g., “server, evenings and
weekends” or “day camp counselor”).

Some people also get job leads from their school counselors, whereas others
fill out applications or drop off résumés at prospective employers and tempo-
rary employment agencies. If you’re interested in working at a restaurant, book-
store, garden center, or other service business in your area, the best approach is
to go there and fill out an application form.

If you can afford to work on a short-term basis without pay, volunteering

can be a great way to get quality experience that looks good on a resume.
Check out the volunteer center in your area (or online) for ideas, or head over
to your local YMCA [Young Men’s Christian Association], YMHA [Young
Men’s Hebrew Association], or JCC [ Jewish Community Center] and offer
to coach soccer or help out with a summer camp. Help your favorite teacher
tutor summer-school students. Walk dogs at your local animal shelter. Work
with a local environmental organization on river cleanup or help the National
Park Service maintain hiking trails in your area. Volunteering means you’ll be
working for a good cause—something that future employers or colleges like to
see on an applicant’s résumé—while investing time in your career goals.

Your school counselor may be able to help open other doors of opportu-
nity via internships. Some companies and businesses offer bright students
short-term, hands-on training (and sometimes even a modest rate of pay) in
exchange for a willingness to learn and work hard. If you perform well at
your internship, you may be offered a full-time job next summer or even an
ongoing part-time job. Internships can also provide you with valuable refer-
ences that can help you to land future jobs.

If traditional job opportunities don’t appeal to you, consider more cre-

ative opportunities. Be your own boss by starting a pet sitting, dog walking,
lawn care, computer services, or cleaning business. Print up flyers advertising
the services your business offers, your rates, and your phone number or e-mail
address, then drop one off at every house in your neighborhood.

Some enterprising people recognize opportunities in an existing business

that the business owner may not see. For example, Amalia frequently heard
34 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

her aunt complain that she never had

time to take care of the accounting in ✤ It’s A Fact!!
her small graphic design firm because The National Consumers League
she and her partner were too busy. warns about these five worst jobs
Although Amalia knew that she for teens:
couldn’t handle the business’s finances, 1. Agricultural field work or pro-
she offered to help her aunt after school cessing
by answering phones and handling the
2. Construction jobs and jobs
mail and copying, giving her aunt time
that involve working at
to do other tasks. heights, such as on ladders and
Other Things To Consider
3. Landscaping, lawn service, and
Keep these practical limitations in other outdoor work
mind when you apply for the job of
4. Jobs that involve driving or op-
your dreams:
erating everything from deliv-
Safety First: Some jobs just aren’t ery trucks to forklifts
right for teens. For example, jobs that
5. Jobs that involve door-to-door
involve working alone late at night put sales, such as selling magazine
anyone at risk for muggings or as- subscriptions
saults, particularly people who are
young and inexperienced.

Know The Law: Federal and state laws limit the number of hours teens can
work. For summer employment (when school is not in session), the federal
government does not allow 14- and 15-year-olds to work before 7 a.m. or after
9 p.m., and they cannot work more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. You
can find out your state’s laws and curfews (times when teens are not allowed to
work) by calling your state department of labor. If you know your curfews and
mention them when interviewing for or starting a job, your boss can keep
them in mind when he or she schedules your start or quitting time.

Getting There: Be sure your job location is within walking distance or on

a regular bus route if you don’t have your driver’s license or access to a car. If
you do drive, it’s usually a good idea leave a few minutes early—especially on
the first couple of days you’re working—to be sure you arrive on time with-
out feeling pressured.
Finding A Summer Job Or Internship 35

The Interview
It’s not just previous job history or unique skills that matter at the inter-
view. Both your attitude and your appearance affect your chances of getting
the job you want. You’ve probably heard your parents talk about making a
good first impression with what you wear (it may sound like a lecture, but in
this case they’re right!). Here are some other strategies to help make your
interview a success:

Appear Confident: Look your potential employer in the eye, shake his or
her hand, and remember another parental mantra: good manners.

Be Prepared: Find out what you can about the position or company in
advance and show your knowledge during the interview. Doing a little re-
search on the job or field in which you’re applying—so easy to do on the
internet—shows the interviewer that you’re smart and eager to learn. Know-
ing what a position involves also allows you to think in advance about which
specific skills you have that fit well with the job.

Answer (And Ask!) Questions: You’ll no doubt be asked typical inter-

view questions, such as why you’re interested in the position, what types of
skills you offer, and the hours you’re available to work. Prepare your answers
before the interview. And don’t be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions
doesn’t make you look stupid. In fact, it’s the reverse. Questions show the
interviewer that you’re thoughtful and that you’re not afraid to interact with
other people—a particularly good interview strategy if the position involves
dealing with people, such as a guide or salesperson.

☞ Remember!!
Looking for a job, preparing for a job interview, and
even getting to work are all areas in which a parent or older
sibling can offer good advice. So don’t hesitate to ask for help on
everything from putting together your résumé to choosing an inter-
view outfit. Chances are, you’ll be interviewing and working
for people their age anyway so a little insight can’t
36 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Follow Up: Send your interviewer a brief e-mail or letter thanking him
or her for spending time with you. Repeat your interest in the position. This
is a particularly good strategy if you’re interviewing for an internship or office
position. Your future employer will be impressed by your determination.
Chapter 5

Want To Be Your Own Boss?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business, as-
suming the risk for the sake of profit. An entrepreneur sees an opportunity,
makes a plan, starts the business, manages the business, and receives the

What are some ideas for a teen business?

Always be on the lookout for ideas, because they can come from any-
where: your work experience, a hobby; your perceptions or experiences as a
consumer, when an existing product or service doesn’t work as well as you
think it should; or when there is no product or service where you believe one
should exist.

Learn everything you can about the business you want to start and the
marketplace in which you’ll be operating. That means getting work experi-
ence in and collecting information about your marketplace so that you know

About This Chapter: This chapter includes the following documents produced by the
U.S. Small Business Administration ( in 2005: “Frequently Asked Ques-
tions,” “Ideas for Your Business,” “Putting It in Writing,” “$$$ Cha-Ching: Money
Matters,” “Avoiding Legal Business Hassles,” and “Your Business Buddy List.”
38 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

it inside and out. Make sure that your idea is so focused that you can express
it clearly in fifty words or less.

There is a world of ideas that you can turn into a business. You’re the best
judge of what most appeals to you however. Businesses include: starting a
production company for visual arts or music; starting a paper or journal to be
circulated within your town, creating web pages for companies, after-school
writing workshops, editing papers, tutoring services, and pet sitting services.
Once you determine what product or service interests you, identify a specific
niche within the market that may arouse customers’ interest in purchasing
your product or service.

What is a mentor and how can I find one?

A mentor is a caring, experienced individual who volunteers to be your
guide. Your mentor can help you focus your talents and create a successful
business. You can have more than one mentor. The National Mentoring
Association ( can assist you with finding a mentor
in your community or online.

What are the benefits of owning a business?

If you are actively considering going into business for yourself, you prob-
ably have already thought about the potential advantages of owning your
own business. These advantages include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Being your own boss and not having to report to a superior

• Creating and developing your own idea, product, or service

• Having the independence and authority to make your own business


• Receiving personal satisfaction and the sense of achievement that comes

with being a success, plus the recognition that goes with it

• Having the opportunity to create substantial wealth and job security

for yourself

• Making a living doing something you truly enjoy

Want To Be Your Own Boss? 39

✤ It’s A Fact!!
What is a business plan and why do I need one?
A business plan is a written document which precisely defines your busi-
ness, identifies your goals, and serves as your road map for your business. Its
basic components include a current and pro forma balance sheet, an income
statement, and a cash flow analysis. It helps you make the right decisions. Be-
cause it provides specific information about your company and how you will
repay borrowed money, a good business plan is crucial if you need to borrow
money. If you manage your business processes well, with a bit of luck you will
be able to convert your product or service into a profit large enough to repay
you for all the time, energy, and money you will have put into your business

Source: “Frequently Asked Questions,” SBA, 2005.

• Doing something that contributes to the well-being of others, whether

it is providing a product or service, providing employment, or doing
something else useful that creates value

What legal issues do I need to know about as I start my business?

Before choosing the legal form of your business, you may want to meet
with a qualified business adviser, tax and accounting professional or lawyer.
Information on patents, copyrights, business structures, and other legal issues
can be found later in this chapter under Avoiding Legal Business Hassles.

What do I need to do to set up my business?

The importance of structuring your business is for both legal and tax
purposes. Your business can be classified under the following business struc-

• Sole Proprietorship: One individual owns and manages the business.

As the sole owner, you make all the business decisions and assume all
the risk. There is no formal legal structure that separates you as the
owner from the business.
40 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Partnerships: All partners may be actively involved with the business

or they may designate one person to run the business and make day-
to-day decisions.
• Corporations: A formal business structure that protects business owners
from legal and financial liability, and is created according to your state’s
laws. Corporations may be owned by one or more people. Decisions
are made by a board of directors that may appoint one person to be
president of the company.
• Franchises: May be sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations
whereby the business is operated as part of a large chain.

What type of insurance do I need to protect my business?

You should research and consider the following types of insurance when
starting your business:
• Business interruption
• Product, property, and personal liability
• Property insurance (for example: Fire)

How do I know when my business is in trouble?

You can’t pay your bills on time. You are not keeping good business records.
You are selling products and services for less money than you normally would
and you need to keep borrowing money just to get through the day.

Where can I meet other entrepreneurs in my community?

Many national youth groups have local chapters in your community where
you can meet other teens with interests similar to yours.

How do I protect my business idea, product or name from being

There are several ways to protect your business. They include the following:
• Patents: A property right granted by the government to the inventor
to make, use and sell his/her invention for a given period of time.
Want To Be Your Own Boss? 41

• Copyrights: Protect your literary or artistic work and, allows you to

sell, give away or show your work. For more information on copyright,
please visit
• Trademarks: Name, mark, symbol, or motto that identifies your com-
pany and/or its product and is legally restricted to the use by the owner
or manufacturer.
• Trade Secrets: Is information that you do not want known by your
competition because your business may lose significant business ad-

Please visit for more information on patents, trade-

marks, and trade secrets.

Ideas For Your Business

Where do great ideas come from?
• Personal experiences—hobbies, interests
• Work-related experiences
• Friends, family, teachers, coaches
• The internet
• Library research

As you think about your idea consider these questions:

• What do I like to do with my time?
• What technical skills have I learned or developed?
• What do others say I am good at?
• How much time do I have to run a successful business?
• Do I have any hobbies or interests that are marketable?

Aha! The great idea—now what?

Before starting out, list your reasons for wanting to go into business. Some
of the most common reasons for starting a business are as follows:
42 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• You want to be your own boss

✔ Quick Tip
• You want financial independence
To help you generate creative
• You want creative freedom ideas visit these websites:

• You want to fully use your skills and • Creative Education

knowledge Foundation: http://
Then identify the niche your busi-
ness will fill. Conduct the necessary re- youthwise.shtml
search to answer these questions: • National Collegiate
Inventors and
• Is my idea practical, and will it fill a
Innovators Alliance:
• What is my competition? • Junior Achievement:
• What is my business advantage over
existing firms?
After you have developed your
• Can I deliver a better quality service? idea, here are websites to keep
your business moving along:
• Can I create a demand for my busi-
ness? • JA Titan—test your skills
in running a business in
Consider the time it takes to run a this ultimate business
business: simulation:
• Do I really want to give up base-
• Entrepreneurship
ball, hockey, soccer, basketball, foot-
ball, dance, piano and voice, or
hanging out with or going to the youth_entrepreneurship
mall with my friends to run this .htm
• Will I have to run my business ev- http://www.entrepreneur
ery day or just sometimes? .com/tsu/archivesba/
• Will running my business have an
effect on school? Source: “Ideas For Your Busi-
ness,” SBA, 2005.
• Will my family help me out?
Want To Be Your Own Boss? 43

What is a pre-business check list?

The final step before developing your plan is the pre-business checklist.
You should answer these questions:
• What services or products will I sell? Where will I be located?
• What skills and experience do I bring to the business?
• What will I name my business?
• What equipment or supplies will I need?
• What insurance coverage will be needed?
• How much money, if any, will it cost to start my business? Will I need
• What are my resources?
• How will I compensate myself?

Your answers will help you create a focused, well-researched business plan
that will serve as a blueprint. The plan will detail how the business will be
operated, managed, and financed.

Put It In Writing
Developing your business plan is your road map to success in the business
world. A business plan is a written document that outlines measures and
actions to define where you want to go and how you will get there. Without
a business plan, you have no written goals or objectives to measure your
success. Starting a business is a full of uncertainties. Developing a thorough
business plan helps minimize those uncertainties.

Before you begin writing your business plan, consider these questions:

• What service or product does your business provide, and what need
does it fill?
• Who are the potential customers for your product or service, and why
will they purchase it from you?
• How will you reach your potential customers?
44 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Where will you get the financial resources to start your business?
• Do you really want to give up baseball, hockey, soccer, basketball, foot-
ball, dance, piano and voice, or hanging out with or going to the mall
with your friends to run this business?
• Will you have to run your business every day or just sometimes?
• Will running your business have an effect on school?
• Will your family help you out?

The business plan is your guide. You can adapt it to your specific busi-
ness. Dividing the plan into several components helps make drafting it a
more manageable task.

• Give a detailed description of the business and its goals.
• Discuss the ownership of the business and the legal structure.
• List the skills and experience you bring to the business.
• Discuss the advantages you and your business have over your com-

• Discuss the products/services offered.
• Identify the customer demand for your product/service.
• Identify your market, its size, and locations.
• Explain how your product/service will be advertised and mar-
• Explain the pricing strategy.

Financial Management
• Explain your source and discuss the amount of initial equity capital
you’ll need.
• Develop a monthly operating budget for the first year.
Want To Be Your Own Boss? 45

• Develop an expected return on investment and monthly cash flow for

the first year.
• Provide projected income statements and bal-
ance sheets for a two-year period.
• Discuss your break-even point.
✔ Quick Tip
• Explain your personal balance
For a more in-depth look at writ-
sheet and method of compen-
ing a business plan go to: http://
sation. ting_business/
• Discuss who will maintain planning/writingplan.html
your accounting records and Source: “Put It In Writing,”
how they will be kept. SBA, 2005.

• Provide “what if ” statements that

address alternative approaches to any prob-
lem that may develop.

• Explain how the business will be managed on a day-to-day basis.
• Discuss hiring and personnel procedures.
• Discuss insurance, lease, or rent agreements, and issues pertinent to
your business.
• Account for the equipment necessary to produce your products or ser-
• Account for production and delivery of products and services.

Concluding Statement
Summarize your business goals and objectives and express your commit-
ment to the success of your business.

Cha-Ching: Money Matters

Let’s face it. Money matters. You can’t start, grow or simply exist in busi-
ness without sufficient money to pay the bills and provide some income.
46 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Here are some questions you should answer as you consider starting or growing
your business.
• How much do I need to either get started or grow my business?

• Will I use my personal money?

• Should I ask someone else for a loan?

• Can I apply for a credit card?

• Will a vendor or a supplier be willing to give me trade credit? (This

usually means that you have an extended period of time to pay your
bill usually 30 days from time of invoice.)

• To minimize costs, should I start my business in my home?

• If I use someone’s money, will my business generate enough money to

be able to repay the loan (principal and interest)?

Funding Your Business

Many entrepreneurs start businesses at home using their own personal
funds. Some ask friends and family to provide the initial or ongoing capital.
When your business has been established for a while, you may want to go to
your local bank for a loan.

You Can Bank On It

Developing a relationship with your bank and your personal banker is
important. If you decide to seek a loan from your bank, your personal banker
serves as your advocate supporting your application before the bank’s loan
committee. When you apply for a loan, you and your parents must co-sign
the papers.

Before asking for a loan, you need to establish a savings or checking ac-
count. Banks generally prefer to lend to their existing clients who will bring
the bank additional business—other new clients or establish a number of
accounts both personal and business. Once you have demonstrated that your
business is successful, a bank may consider a line of credit or possibly a small
commercial loan if you and/or your parents bank there.
Want To Be Your Own Boss? 47

Your Credit History Is Your Rep

Finally, establishing and maintaining a good credit history is critical to
getting money for your business. Always pay your bills on time and make sure
that you periodically check your credit history. A credit report contains infor-
mation on where you live, how you pay your bills, and whether you’ve been
sued, arrested or filed for bankruptcy. Nationwide consumer reporting compa-
nies sell the information in your report to creditors who use it to evaluate your
applications for credit. Your credit is like your name—do not abuse it.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Free Credit Reports Available
The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires each of the nation-
wide consumer reporting companies to provide you with a free copy
of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months, from

Source: “Cha-Ching: Money Matters,” SBA, 2005.

Avoiding Legal Business Hassles

Do the Right Thing! Yes, it’s not just director Spike Lee’s first movie
nominated for an Academy Award®, but also a best practice for everyone—
especially entrepreneurs. Having a successful enterprise means being aware
of relevant legal issues when organizing and growing your small business.

Below is a selection of resources which can help you manage common

legal issues:

Organize Your Business

• Get access to resources and services to help
you start, grow, and succeed in business. The site gives you information
on business laws, financing, government relations, taxes and much more.
48 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Protect Your Ideas

• U.S. Patent & Trade Office ( and U.S. Copyright
Office ( Assist in protecting your investments,
promoting goods and services, and safeguarding against confusion and
deception in the marketplace.

Be Aware Of Labor Laws

• Department of Labor ( Find
information on teen employment, wage and hour requirements, and
providing a safe and healthy work experience.
• Internal Revenue Service:

Your Business Buddy List

Similar to a buddy list on an instant message site, here is a compilation of
organizations for you to access at the touch of a button. These resources will
assist you in counseling, training, and leadership development. Use this list—
in addition to other sources on the internet—to guide you on your path to
business ownership.

Counseling And Training

National Academy Foundation ( The National
Academy Foundation (NAF) sustains a national network of career acad-
emies to support the development of America’s youth toward personal and
professional success in high school, in higher education, and throughout their
careers. NAF Academies represent business/school partnerships that prepare
young people for future careers through a combination of school-based cur-
ricula and work-based experiences.

The W.E.B. Dubois Scholars Institute (

The Institute cultivates scholarship, leadership potential, and community
service among high-achieving African-American and Latino-American ado-

Mentoring ( The National Mentoring Part-

nership is a resource for mentors and mentoring initiatives nationwide.
Want To Be Your Own Boss? 49

Leadership Development And Business Resources

Junior Achievement ( JA educates and inspires young
people to value free enterprise, business and economics to improve the qual-
ity of their lives.

Future Business Leaders Of America ( Future

Business Leaders of America brings business and education together in a
positive working relationship through innovation, leadership, and career de-
velopment programs.

Distributive Education Clubs Of America ( Dis-

tributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) is the association for stu-
dents of marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. DECA sponsors a
competitive awards program; provides scholarships, leadership training, and
classroom support; and hosts conferences.

Students In Free Enterprise ( Students in Free En-

terprise (SIFE) offers students the opportunity to develop leadership, team-
work and communication skills through learning, practicing and teaching
the principles of free enterprise, thereby improving the standard of living for
millions in the process.

Boy Scouts Of America ( Boy Scouts of America

prepares young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime
by instilling in them the values of the scout oath and law. Leadership training
focuses on character development and values.

Boys And Girls Clubs Of America ( Boys and Girls

Clubs of America teach young people the skills they need to succeed in life.
The Education and Career programs, for ages 13–18, expands knowledge of
money management and teaches skills that lead to financial independence.

Girl Scouts Of America ( Girl Scouts of

America teaches the importance of personal responsibility, the value of goal-
setting, teamwork and accomplishment. For girls 11–17, scouting provides
an opportunity to practice decision-making skills and how to relate to others
with understanding and respect.
50 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Association Of Young Latino Entrepreneurs ( The

association promotes the business development of young Latino entrepre-
neurs with economic programs designed to strengthen and expand the in-
come potential of its members and affiliates in the trade area.

4-H ( 4-H is a community of young people across

America who are learning about leadership, citizenship, and life skills.

Entrepreneur Magazine (

Entrepreneur U ( This site was created

for the purpose of informing students, administrators, and parents about the
opportunities for studying entrepreneurship beyond high school.

Young America’s Business Trust ( Believing The

talents and prospects of young entrepreneurs of the Americas and the Carib-
bean today will determine the Hemisphere’s potential for future economic
growth and democratic stability. Young Americas Business Trust combines
the energy of talented young people with the experience and prestige of the
Organization of American States, an international organization of the 34
countries of the Americas.
Chapter 6

Tax Information For Students

The following kinds of income often received by students are generally
• Pay for services performed
• Self-employment income
• Investment income
• Certain scholarships and fellowships

Pay For Services Performed

When figuring how much income to report, include everything you received
as payment for your services. This usually means wages, salaries, and tips.

Wages And Salaries: The amount of wages (including tips) or salaries you
received during the year is shown in box 1 of Form W-2, Wage and Tax State-
ment. Your employer will give you Form W-2 soon after the end of the year.

Tips: All tips you receive are income, and subject to income tax. This in-
cludes tips customers give you directly, tips customers charge on credit cards that
your employer gives you, and your share of tips split with other employees.

About This Chapter: “Taxable Income for Students,” Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
December 3, 2007.
52 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Figure 6.1. A Sample W-2 form. (Source: From “Tax Tutorial: Module 2—Wage
and Tip Income,” Internal Revenue Service (IRS), December 12, 2007.)

Keep a daily record or other proof of your tips. You can use Form 4070A,
Employee’s Daily Record of Tips. Your daily record must show your name
and address, your employer’s name, and the establishment’s name. For each
day worked, you must show the amount of cash and charge tips you received
from customers or other employees, a list of the names and amounts you
paid to other employees through tip splitting, and the value of any noncash
tips you get, such as tickets, passes, or other items of value. Record this in-
formation on or near the date you receive the tip income.

Reporting Tips To Your Employer: If you receive cash, check, or credit

card tips of $20 or more in any one calendar month while working for one
employer, you must report the total amount of your tips to your employer by
the 10th day of the next month. If the 10th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or
legal holiday, give your employer the report on the next day that is not a
Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday.
Tax Information For Students 53

To report your tips, you can use Form 4070, Employee’s Report of Tips
to Employer. To get a year’s supply of this form, ask your employer or call the
IRS for Publication 1244, Employee’s Daily Record of Tips and Report to
Employer. Fill in the information asked for on the form, sign and date the
form, and give it to your employer. If you do not use Form 4070, give your
employer a statement with the following information:
• Your name, address, and social security number
• Your employer’s name, address, and business name (if it is different
from the employer’s name)
• The month (or the dates of any
shorter period) in which you re-
✤ It’s A Fact!! ceived tips
Employers withhold taxes from
• The total tips required to be re-
employees’ pay.
ported for the period
• Gross pay is the amount the
employee earns. Withholding On Tips: Your em-
• Net pay, or take-home pay, ployer must withhold social security
is the amount the employee tax and Medicare taxes or railroad re-
receives after deductions. tirement tax, and any income tax due
The difference between gross pay on the tips you report. Your employer
and net pay is accounted for by the usually deducts the withholding due
following: on tips from your wages. If your wages
• Social Security taxes are too small for your employer to
• Medicare taxes withhold taxes, you may give him or
her extra money to pay the taxes up
• Income tax withheld
to the close of the calendar year. Your
• Other amounts withheld
employer should tell you how much
Employers send the withheld taxes is needed.
to the taxing authorities.
Any taxes that remain unpaid may
Source: Excerpted from “Tax Tuto- be collected by your employer from
rial: Module 1—Payroll Taxes and
your next paycheck. If withholding
Federal Income Tax Withholding.”
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
taxes remain uncollected at the end
December 12, 2007. of the year, you may be subject to a
penalty for underpayment of estimated
54 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✎ What’s It Mean?
Medicare Tax: Used to provide medical benefits for certain individuals when
they reach age 65. Workers, retired workers, and the spouses of workers and
retired workers are eligible to receive Medicare benefits upon reaching age 65.

Payroll Taxes: Include Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Social Security Tax: Provides benefits for retired workers and their depen-
dents as well as for the disabled and their dependents. Also known as the
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax.

Source: Excerpted from “Tax Tutorial: Module 1—Payroll Taxes and Federal
Income Tax Withholding.” Internal Revenue Service (IRS), December 12,

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Payroll Tax Rates
• Social Security tax rate: 6.20%
• Medicare tax rate: 1.45%
• Total payroll taxes: 7.65%
If an employee earns $1,000, the payroll taxes are:

• Social Security tax $62.00

• Medicare tax $14.50
• Total payroll taxes $76.50
The employer sends the $76.50 to the federal government.

Tax Tip: There is a maximum annual amount of Social Security tax with-
held per employee. Social Security taxes are not withheld on amounts over the
earnings limit. In 2008, the earnings limit was $97,500, and the maximum
Social Security tax was $6,045 ($97,500 x 6.2%).

Source: Excerpted from “Tax Tutorial: Module 1—Payroll Taxes and Federal
Income Tax Withholding.” Internal Revenue Service (IRS), December 12, 2007.
Tax Information For Students 55

taxes. See IRS Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for
more information.

Form W-2: The tips you reported to your employer will be included with
your wages in box 1 of Form W-2. Federal income tax, social security tax,
and Medicare tax withheld on your wages and tips will be shown in boxes 2,
4, and 6, respectively.

Your Form W-2 may show an amount in

box 8, “Allocated tips.” This is an additional
✤ It’s A Fact!! amount allocated to you if tips you re-
Employees complete ported to your employer were less than
Form W-4, Employee’s the minimum amount expected to be
Withholding Allowance Cer- earned by employees where you
tificate. Employers use Form W-
4 to determine how much federal
income tax to withhold. The amount If you do not have adequate
of federal income tax withholding de-
records of your actual tips, you
pends on the employee’s marital sta-
tus, the number of withholding
must report at least the amount
allowances claimed by the employee, any of allocated tips shown in box 8
additional amount the employee wants on your Form W-2.
to withhold, and any exemptions from
withholding that the employee claims. If you have adequate records,
report your actual tips on your re-
Source: Excerpted from “Tax Tuto- turn. For more information on al-
rial: Module 1—Payroll Taxes and
located tips, see IRS Publication
Federal Income Tax Withhold-
531, Reporting Tip Income.
ing.” Internal Revenue Ser-
vice (IRS), December 12, If you did not report tips to your
employer as required, you may be
charged a penalty in addition to the tax
you owe. If you have reasonable cause for not
reporting tips to your employer, you should attach
a statement to your return explaining why you did not.

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC): Subsistence allowances paid

to ROTC students participating in advanced training are not taxable. How-
ever, active duty pay, such as that received during summer advanced camp, is
56 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Figure 6.2. A sample Form W-4 for Alicia Myers. Note that Alicia is single and
claims one withholding allowance. (Source: Excerpted from “Tax Tutorial: Mod-
ule 1—Payroll Taxes and Federal Income Tax Withholding.” Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), December 12, 2007.)

taxable. For example, Jim Hunter is a member of the ROTC who is partici-
pating in the advanced course. He received a subsistence allowance of $100
each month for 10 months and $600 of active duty pay during summer ad-
vanced camp. He must include only the $600 active duty pay in his gross

Self-Employment Income
Earnings you received from self-employment are subject to income tax.
These earnings include income from baby-sitting and lawn mowing. These
earnings are not self-employment income if you provided these services as
an employee.

You are taxed on your net earnings (income you received minus any busi-
ness expenses you are allowed to deduct). For information on what expenses
can be deducted, see IRS Publication 535, Business Expenses. As a self-
employed person, you are responsible for keeping records to show how much
income you received and how many expenses you had. Your income and
expenses are reported on Schedule C or C-EZ (Form 1040).
Tax Information For Students 57

Self-Employment Tax: If you had net earnings of $400 or more from

self-employment, you also will have to pay self-employment tax. This tax
pays for your benefits under the social security system. Social security and
Medicare benefits are available to individuals who are self-employed the same
as they are to wage earners who have social security tax and Medicare tax
withheld from their wages. The self-employment tax is figured on Schedule
SE (Form 1040).

Newspaper Carriers And Distributors: Special rules apply to services you

perform as a newspaper carrier or distributor. You are a direct seller and treated
as self-employed for federal tax purposes if you meet the following conditions.
• You are in the business of delivering/distributing newspapers or shopping
news, including directly related services such as soliciting customers
and collecting receipts.
• Substantially all your pay for these services directly relates to sales or
other output rather than to the number of hours worked.
• You perform the delivery services under a written contract between
you and the service recipient that states that you will not be treated as
an employee for federal tax purposes.

Carriers And Vendors Under Age 18: Carriers or distributors (not in-
cluding those who deliver or distribute to any point for subsequent delivery
or distribution) and vendors (working under a buy-sell arrangement) under
age 18 are not subject to self-employment tax.

If you were self-employed, you can deduct half of your self-employment

tax and part of your health insurance premiums. See the Form 1040 instruc-
tions for lines 27 and 28 for more information.

Investment Income
This section explains whether you have to report income from bank ac-
counts and certain other investments. Various types of investment income
are treated differently. Some of the more common ones are discussed here.

Interest: Interest you get from checking and savings accounts and most
other sources is taxable.
58 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Bank Accounts: Some credit unions, building and loan associations, savings
and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and cooperative banks call what
they pay you on your deposits “dividends.” However, for tax purposes, these pay-
ments are considered interest, and you should report them as interest.

U.S. Savings Bonds: Interest on U.S. savings bonds is taxable for federal
income tax purposes, but exempt from all state and local income taxes. The
most common bonds are series EE and series I bonds. Series EE bonds are
issued in several different denominations and cost one-half the amount shown
on the face of the bond. For example, a $100 bond costs $50. The face value
of the bond is paid only when the bond matures. The difference between
what you paid for the bond and the amount you get when you cash it is
taxable interest.

Series I bonds are inflation-indexed bonds issued at their face value. The
face value plus accrued interest is payable to you at the bond’s maturity.

You can report all interest on these bonds when you cash them, or you can
choose to report their increase in value as interest each year. IRS Publication
550, Investment Income and Expenses, explains how to make this choice.

Under certain circumstances, the interest on U.S. savings bonds (series

EE and series I) issued after December 31, 1989, is exempt from tax if the
bonds are used for educational purposes. See IRS Publication 550 for fur-
ther information.

Other Interest From The U.S. Government: Interest on U.S. Treasury

bills, notes, and bonds is taxable for federal income tax purposes. This inter-
est is exempt from all state and local income taxes.

Tax-Exempt Bonds: Generally, interest from bonds issued by state and

local governments is not taxable for federal income tax purposes.

Interest Statements: Your bank, savings and loan, or other payer of inter-
est will send you a statement if you earned at least $10 in interest for the year.
You should receive these statements sometime in January for the previous
tax year. Banks may use Form 1099-INT, Interest Income. However, they
may include your total interest on the statement they send you at the end of
the year. Do not throw these statements away.
Tax Information For Students 59

Dividends: Dividends are distri-

butions of money, stock, or other
✎ What’s It Mean? property paid to you by a corporation.
Bonus: Compensation received by You may also get dividends through
an employee for services per- a partnership, an estate, a trust, or an
formed. A bonus is given in addi- association that is taxed as a corpora-
tion to an employee’s usual
tion. Ordinary dividends, the most
common type, are paid out of the
Commission: Compensation re- corporation’s earnings. You must report
ceived by an employee for services these as income on your tax return.
performed. Commissions are paid
based on a percentage of sales Dividend Statements: Regardless
made or a fixed amount per sale. of whether you receive your dividends
in cash or additional shares of stock,
Salary: Compensation received by
an employee for services per- the payer of the dividends will send
formed. A salary is a fixed sum you a Form 1099-DIV, Dividends
paid for a specific period of time and Distributions, if you earned at
worked, such as weekly or least $10 in dividends for the year.
Other Investment Income: If you
Tip Income: Money and goods received income from investments not
received for services performed by discussed here, see IRS Publication
food servers, baggage handlers,
550. Also, the payer of the income
hairdressers, and others. Tips go
beyond the stated amount of the may be able to tell you whether the
bill and are given voluntarily. income is taxable or nontaxable.

Wages: Compensation received Taxable Scholarships And

by employees for services per-
formed. Usually, wages are com-
puted by multiplying an hourly If you received a scholarship or
pay rate by the number of hours fellowship, all or part of it may be tax-
worked. able, even if you did not receive a
Source: Excerpted from “Tax Tu- Form W-2. Generally, the entire
torial: Module 2—Wage and Tip amount is taxable if you are not a can-
Income,” Internal Revenue Ser- didate for a degree.
vice (IRS), December 12, 2007.
If you are a candidate for a degree,
you generally can exclude from income
60 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

that part of the grant used for tuition and fees required for enrollment or
attendance, or fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for your courses.
You cannot exclude from income any part of the grant used for other pur-
poses, such as room and board.

A scholarship generally is an amount paid for the benefit of a student at

an educational institution to aid in the pursuit of studies. The student may
be in either a graduate or an undergraduate program.

A fellowship grant generally is an amount paid for the benefit of an indi-

vidual to aid in the pursuit of study or research.
• Example 1: Tammy Graves receives a $6,000 fellowship grant that is
not designated for any specific use. Tammy is a degree candidate. She
spends $5,500 for tuition and $500 for her personal expenses. Tammy
is required to include $500 in income.
• Example 2: Ursula Harris, a degree candidate, receives a $2,000 scholar-
ship, with $1,000 specifically designated for tuition and $1,000 spe-
cifically designated for living expenses. Her tuition is $1,600. She may
exclude $1,000 from income, but the other $1,000 designated for living
expenses is taxable and must be included in income.

Payment For Services: All payments you receive for past, present, or future
services must be included in income. This is true even if the services are a
condition of receiving the grant or are required of all candidates for the degree.
• Example: Gary Thomas receives a scholarship of $2,500 for the spring
semester. As a condition of receiving the scholarship, he must serve as
a part-time teaching assistant. Of the $2,500 scholarship, $1,000 rep-
resents payment for his services. Gary is a degree candidate, and his
tuition is $1,600. He can exclude $1,500 from income as a qualified
scholarship. The remaining $1,000, representing payment for his ser-
vices, is taxable.

Fulbright Students And Researchers: A Fulbright grant is generally

treated as any other scholarship or fellowship in figuring how much of the
grant can be excluded. If you receive a Fulbright grant for lecturing or teach-
ing, it is payment for services and subject to tax.
Tax Information For Students 61

Pell Grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, And

Grants To States For State Student Incentives: These grants are nontaxable
scholarships to the extent used for tuition and course-related expenses during
the grant period.

Reduced Tuition: You may be entitled to reduced tuition because you or

one of your parents is or was an employee of the school. If so, the amount of
the reduction is not taxable so long as the tuition is for education below the
graduate level (but see Graduate student exception, next.) The reduced tu-
ition program must not favor any highly paid employee. The reduced tuition
is taxable if it represents payment for your services.

Graduate Student Exception: Tax-free treatment of reduced tuition can

also apply to a graduate student who performs teaching or research activities
at an educational institution. The qualified tuition reduction must be for
education furnished by that institution and not represent payment for ser-

Contest Prizes: Scholarship prizes won in a contest are not scholarships

or fellowships if you do not have to use the prizes for your education. If you
can use the prize for any purpose, the entire amount is taxable.

Qualified State Tuition Program: If you receive distributions from a quali-

fied state tuition program, only the amount that is more than the amount
contributed to the program is taxable. Part of the benefits may qualify as a
nontaxable scholarship or fellowship (for example, matching-grant amounts
paid under the program to a degree candidate). Other benefits are partly a
nontaxable return of the contributions made to the program on your behalf
(for example, by your parents). You must include in your income the part of
the benefits that is neither a nontaxable scholarship or fellowship nor a re-
turn of contributions. For more information about qualified state tuition
programs, see IRS Publication 525, Taxable and Nontaxable Income, but for
more information on a specific program, contact the state or agency that
established and maintains it.

Other Grants Or Assistance: If you are not sure whether your grant quali-
fies as a scholarship or fellowship, ask the person who made the grant.
62 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
Keeping Good Records
You can avoid headaches at tax time by keeping track of your receipts and
other records throughout the year. Good recordkeeping will help you remember
the various transactions you made during the year, which in turn may make
filing your return a less taxing experience.

Records help you document the deductions you’ve claimed on your return.
You’ll need this documentation should the IRS select your return for examina-
tion. Normally, tax records should be kept for three years, but some documents—
such as records relating to a home purchase or sale, stock transactions, IRA and
business or rental property—should be kept longer.

In most cases, the IRS does not require you to keep records in any special
manner. Generally speaking, however, you should keep any and all documents
that may have an impact on your federal tax return:
• Bills
• Credit card and other receipts
• Invoices
• Mileage logs
• Canceled, imaged or substitute checks or any other proof of payment
• Any other records to support deductions or credits you claim on your return

Good recordkeeping throughout the year saves you time and effort at tax
time when organizing and completing your return. If you hire a paid profes-
sional to complete your return, the records you have kept will assist the preparer
in quickly and accurately completing your return.

For more information on what kinds of records to keep, see IRS Publica-
tion 552, Recordkeeping for Individuals, which is available on or by
calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676).

Remember that for the genuine IRS website be sure to use .gov. Don’t be
confused by internet sites that end in .com, .net, .org or other designations in-
stead of .gov. The address of the official IRS governmental website is

Source: “Keeping Good Records,” IRS, December 8, 2008.

Tax Information For Students 63

Additional Information: See IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Edu-
cation, for more information on how much of your scholarship or fellowship
is taxable.

How To Report
If you file Form 1040EZ, include the taxable amount of your scholarship
or fellowship on line 1. Print “SCH” and any taxable amount not reported on
a W-2 form in the space to the right of the words “W-2 form(s)” on line 1.

If you file Form 1040A or Form 1040, include the taxable amount on line
7. Print “SCH” and any taxable amount not reported on a W-2 form in the
space to the left of line 7 on Form 1040A or on the dotted line next to line 7
on Form 1040.

Other Income
If you are not sure whether to include any item of income on your return,
see IRS Publication 525.
Part Two

Managing Your Money

Chapter 7

Making Your Money Grow

How Your Money Can Grow

Making regular payments to yourself, even in small amounts, can add up
over time. The amount your money grows depends on the interest earned
and the amount of time you leave it in the account.

Interest: Interest is an amount of money banks or other financial institu-

tions pay you for keeping your money on deposit with them. Interest is ex-
pressed as a percentage and is calculated based on the amount of money in
your account.

If you have $1,000 stashed away under your mattress for a year, it will still
be $1,000 at the end of the year, providing that it has not been lost or stolen.
Your mattress is not paying you interest for keeping your money under it.

Compound Interest: Compounding is how your money can grow when

you keep it in a financial institution that pays interest. When the bank com-
pounds the interest in your account, you earn money on the previously paid
interest, in addition to the money in your account. But not all savings ac-
counts are created equal. This is because interest can be compounded daily,
monthly, or annually.

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 4: Pay Yourself First,” Money Smart for
Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
68 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

APY reflects the amount of interest you will earn on a yearly basis. It is
expressed as a percentage.
• The APY includes the effect of compounding. The more often your money
compounds, the higher the APY and the more interest you will receive.
• When comparing different accounts, you should compare the APYs
of the savings products, not the interest rates.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
How To Calculate Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
APY = 100 [(1 + Interest/Principal)(365/Days in term) – 1]

• Principal is the amount of funds assumed to have been deposited at the

beginning of the account.
• Interest is the total dollar amount of interest earned on the principal for
the term of the account.
• Days in term is the actual number of days in the term of the account.

When the days in term is 365, the annual percentage yield can be calculated by
use of the following simple formula:

APY = 100 (Interest/Principal)

For example, if a bank pays $61.68 in interest for a 365-day year on $1,000
deposited into an account, using the general formula above, the annual per-
centage yield is 6.17%:

APY = 100[(1 + 61.68/1,000)(365/365) – 1]

APY = 6.17%

Or, using the simple formula above since, as an account without a stated
term, the term is deemed to be 365 days:

APY = 100(61.68/1,000)

APY = 6.17%
Making Your Money Grow 69

If you are planning on opening a savings account or want to get more out
of the one you already have, ask your bank’s customer service representative
for the “Truth in Savings” disclosures. These disclosures list the APY and
other important information that you should know about the accounts you
are interested in.

Savings And Investing

There are two basic ways to save money. You can open a savings account
at a federally insured bank or credit union or you can invest your money. An
important difference between the two is that savings accounts are federally
insured and investments are not.

Open A Savings Account: We have already seen that, with a savings

account, you make money by earning interest. The bank pays you interest for
the opportunity to use your money. A savings account also ensures that your
money is safe and that you have easy access to it.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) guarantees your

money in insured financial institutions up to the maximum allowed by law.
Likewise, the National Credit Union Administration or NCUA insures your
money at insured credit unions. This means that if your financial institution
goes out of business, the FDIC or NCUA will make sure that you get your

The FDIC has an online tool called Electronic Deposit Insurance Esti-
mator (EDIE) available at EDIE lets you calculate
the insurance coverage of your accounts at each FDIC insured institution.

Buy An Investment: You’ve probably heard a lot about investing and how
sometimes it can be good or bad. It is important to be well-informed before
making an investment. You probably do not have the extra money to begin
investing now, but you will soon and this information is very important for
your financial success and stability.

An investment is a long-term savings option that you purchase for future

income or financial benefit. Many banks now sell investment products, such
as mutual funds.
70 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• While some investment prod-

ucts are sold at banks, they are ✤ It’s A Fact!!
not the same as deposit accounts Rule Of 72
because the money you invest is
The Rule of 72 is a formula that
not federally insured.
lets you estimate how long it will take
• When you invest money, there for your savings to double in value. This
is also a greater risk of losing it calculation assumes that the interest
than if you put your money in a rate remains the same over time and
savings or other deposit account. interest is compounded once a year.
In fact, there is a possibility that Here is how you use the Rule of 72:
you might lose the entire
amount you invest if the invest- 72 ÷ interest rate = number of years
ment does not perform well. • Divide 72 by the current in-
• Because of the risk, your invest- terest rate to determine the
ment may earn and grow more number of years that it will
than a regular savings account. take to double your initial sav-
In general, the higher the risk, ings amount.
the higher the expected rate of • For example, if you invest $50
return on the investment. in a savings account at a 4 per-
cent interest rate, it will take
You make money on investments 18 years for your initial sav-
by selling them for more than you ings of $50 to double.
paid for them, or by earning divi-
72 ÷ 4 = 18
dends and interest. The money you
earn is considered income; therefore, You can also find the interest rate
you may have to pay taxes on it. you need to have when you know
how many years you want your ini-
Before You Invest tial savings amount to double. Here
is an example of how this works:
If you are interested in learning
more about investment products, talk • If you put $500 in an account
to your bank, a reputable financial that you want to double in 12
advisor, or an investment firm. When years, you will need an inter-
you become employed, ask your em- est rate of 6 percent.
ployer about any retirement accounts • 72 ÷ 12 = 6
that are offered through your job.
Making Your Money Grow 71

Retirement accounts, such as a 401(k), typically require you to be a full-time

employee so you may not be eligible until after college or when you have a
full-time job. You can also do your own research on investments. A public
library or the internet is a good place to start.

Investment Products
Some more popular types of investment products that you can buy in-
clude bonds, stocks, mutual funds, and retirement investments. Most finan-
cial advisors recommend that, before you buy any of these investment products,
you should have a savings cushion
that will allow you to pay your ex-
✔ Quick Tip penses for two to six months.
How To Choose Any money you have saved
The Best Investments beyond this amount can be
Investments can benefit you financially, but used for investing. Be-
you need to be well prepared and ready to take cause of this, you will
on the responsibility. Do not rush into want to wait until you are
any investment. Make sure you know
financially stable before in-
all things to consider when
choosing an investment.
vesting. In case of an emer-
gency, sudden illness, or job loss,
you always want to be able to sup-
port yourself.

Other Investments
Owning a home or business are two additional ways to invest. Why do
you think owning a home is an investment?

When your home increases in value and your debt decreases as you pay
the mortgage, your equity increases. Equity is the difference between how
much the house is worth and how much you owe on the house. For example:

Value of home $250,000

Minus Debt (how much you owe) – $200,000

Equity = $ 50,000
72 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✎ What’s It Mean?
Annual Percentage Yield (APY ): APY is the amount of interest you will earn
on a yearly basis expressed as a percentage. The APY includes the effect of
compounding. When comparing different accounts, you should compare the
APYs of the savings products, not the interest rates. The higher the APY, the
higher the interest you will receive.

Bonds: When you purchase a bond, you are essentially loaning money to a
corporation or to the government for a certain period of time, called a “term.”
The bond certificate promises the corporation or government will repay you
on a specific date with a fixed rate of interest.

Certificates Of Deposit (CDs): CDs are accounts where you leave your money
for a set period of time called a term, such as six months or one, two, or five
years. You usually earn a higher rate of interest than in a regular savings ac-
count. The longer you promise to keep your money in a CD, the higher the
interest rate. Be sure to think about your cash needs before opening a CD
because you will pay a penalty if you withdraw your money early.

Club Account: A club account is a type of savings account you join to save
money for a special reason, such as holidays or family vacations. Club ac-
counts usually require you to make regular deposits.

Diversification: Diversification means you spread the risk of loss in a variety

of savings and investment options. It is the concept of “don’t put all your eggs
in one basket.”

401(k) And 403(b) Retirement Plans: 401(k) plans are retirement plans that
some private corporations offer their employees. A 403(b) plan is similar to a
401(k), but is offered to employees of some non-profit organizations. In both
types of plans, you choose to deduct part of your paycheck and place it into
the investment strategy you design. The plans allow you to choose different
types of investments, depending on how much risk you want to take. The
money you place into the account lowers your taxable income. The employer
usually matches a portion of your contribution, sometimes up to 50 percent.
The funds grow tax-free until the money is withdrawn during retirement.

Equity: When referring to a home, equity is the difference between how

much the house is worth and how much you owe on the house.
Making Your Money Grow 73

Investment: A savings option purchased for future income or financial ben-


Individual Retirement Account (IRA): An IRA is a retirement account that

lets you save and invest money tax-free until you withdraw it when you retire.
There are different types of IRAs, including traditional and Roth IRAs. Visit for current regulations regarding contributions.

Liquidity: Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset (a thing of value)
can be turned into cash without losing its value. For example, cash is the
most liquid; a certificate of deposit (CD) may be liquidated, but you pay an
early withdrawal penalty; a house might be your least liquid asset because it
takes time to sell.

Money Market Accounts: A money market account is one that usually pays a
higher rate of interest than a regular savings account. Money market accounts
usually require a higher minimum balance to earn interest, but they also pay
higher rates for higher balances.

Mutual Funds: A mutual fund is a professionally managed collection of money

from a group of investors. A mutual fund manager invests your money in
some combination of various stocks, bonds, and other products. The fund
manager determines the best time to buy and sell the products in the fund.
By combining your resources with other investors in a mutual fund, you can
diversify even a small investment, which should reduce risk.

Risk versus Return: This means that the more risk you take in your invest-
ment, the higher the expected return on that investment. However, there is
also a higher risk that you might lose the entire amount you invested.

Statement Savings: A statement savings account is an account that earns

interest. If you have a statement savings account, you will usually receive a
quarterly statement that lists all of your transactions (withdrawals, deposits,
fees, and interest earned).

Stocks: When you buy stocks (shares), you become part owner of the com-
pany. If the company does well, you might receive periodic dividends. Divi-
dends are part of a company’s profits given back to you when you own stock
in the company. If the company does poorly, you might lose your money.
74 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Owning a business is an in-

✎ What’s It Mean?
vestment as well. Starting a busi-
ness can be risky. If planned and U.S. Bonds: Savings bonds are one type
managed correctly, however, the of Treasury securities. They are a long-
term investment option backed by the full
business has the potential to in-
faith and credit of the U.S. government.
crease your future financial se- Purchasing these bonds is an easy way to
curity. save small amounts of money, and they
are often purchased for a child’s educa-
These are things to think tion; however, they may be used for any
about as you become adults. Pur- purpose. Savings bonds can be purchased
chasing a home and opening a at a financial institution for as little as $25
business may be things you want or through payroll deductions.
to think about after college or U.S. Treasury Securities: U.S. Treasury
when you enter the work force. securities are debt instruments. When
you purchase a Treasury security, you are
loaning money to the government. Trea-
How To Create A sury securities are backed by the full faith
Savings Action Plan and credit of the U.S. government, which
means the government guarantees inter-
Decision Factors est and principal payments will be made
on time. Treasury securities include:
You need to consider three
decision factors when selecting • Savings bonds, which can earn in-
terest for up to 30 years, but can
the best savings and investment be cashed after six months.
• Treasury bills, which mature in one
• How much money do you year or less from their issue date.
want to accumulate over a • Treasury notes, which mature in
certain period of time? You more than a year, but not more
can figure this out by using than 10 years from the issue date.
the Rule of 72. This rule tells • Treasury bonds, which mature in
you how long it will take for more than 10 years from the issue
your savings to double in date.
value. It also tells you what • Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are
interest rate you will need transferable, which means you can
when you know in how buy or sell them in the securities mar-
ket. You can buy Treasury bills, notes,
many years you want your
and bonds for a minimum of $1,000.
money to double.
Making Your Money Grow 75

☞ Remember!!
Pay Yourself First: Paying yourself first means that when you get a
paycheck, you put some of that money in a savings account before you pay
your bills or buy things that you want. There are many reasons to pay yourself
first. You can learn to manage money better, save money toward identified
goals, improve your standard of living, and have money for emer-

• How long can you leave your money invested? If you have some money
you will not need for several years, you might consider investment
options such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. On the other hand, if
you think you might need access to your money right away, it might be
best for you to keep it in a savings account where you have immediate
access to it.
• How do you feel about risking your money? As we have seen, if you
are not comfortable with risk and cannot afford to lose the money, you
might consider depositing your money in an insured financial institu-
tion. You will need to shop around for the account that best meets
your needs.
Chapter 8

Preparing A Budget

Why Budget?
A good way to start taking control of your financial situation is to de-
velop a budget or personal spending plan. A budget is a step-by-step plan for
meeting expenses in a given period of time.

Preparing A Budget
Knowing what your income and expenses are every month will help you
take control of your financial situation. Then you’ll be able to meet some
financial goals you might set for yourself. There are four steps to preparing a
budget. They are as follows:
1. Keep track of your daily spending.

2. Determine what your monthly income and expenses are the month be-
fore they are due.

3. Find ways to decrease spending.

4. Find ways to increase income.

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 3: Setting Financial Goals,” Money Smart
for Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
78 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Step 1: Keep Track Of Your Daily Spending

Do you know where your money goes each month?

Setting financial goals helps you plan a budget. If you know what you
want to do with your money in the future, it will help you spend wisely now
and save where you can.

Consider your goals when planning a budget. If you want to save for a
car, consider reducing your cell phone bill and using the extra to put in sav-
ings. If you want to buy a new outfit for
the prom, you might be able to work
an extra hour or two at your job.
☞ Remember!!
Budgeting is about choices—
No matter what goals you
choosing how to use your
have for your money, they should money.
have these characteristics:

• Be Realistic: If you work part-time,

you probably won’t be able to afford a new car every couple of years.
• Be Specific: “I plan/want to save $5,000 for a down payment to buy a
new Honda Civic.”
• Have A Time Frame: “I plan/want to pay off my credit card within
the next 12 months.”
• Say What You Want To Do: “I plan/want to start an automatic deposit
savings account with monthly withdrawals from my checking account.”
• Have Milestones: For example, “My goal is to purchase a bicycle that
costs $800 by paying for it without having to borrow money. To do so,
I have set up with my employer an automatic transfer of $50 into a
savings account for that purpose. Every quarter, I plan to check to see
how much money I have.”

Step 2: Determine Income And Expenses

The next step to perform in preparing a personal spending plan is to
determine your monthly income and expenses. Income is money that comes
to you from sources such as these:
Preparing A Budget 79

• Various jobs or work, like cutting grass or babysitting wages

• Allowances
• Odd jobs
• Interest and dividends
• Other sources, such as tips
Expenses are the items you spend money on each month. Here are some

• Cell phone bill

• Car payment
• Movies, CDs or music downloads, or other entertainment
• Clothes
• Eating out
• Personal items (makeup, cologne, etc.)
• Savings for college or other future purchases

Gross Income Vs. Net Income: When planning a budget, remember that
your employer has to subtract certain taxes from your paycheck. The time it
takes to meet goals for saving may increase.

✎ What’s It Mean?
Gross Income: Gross income is your total income without deductions.

Net Income: Net income is gross income minus deductions such as Social
Security and other taxes.

Gross Income – Deductions = Net Income

Deductions usually include federal and state taxes. Social Security taxes
are also deducted. But why is so much money taken out for Social Security?
80 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Social Security: Social Security is like an insurance plan. On some pay

stubs, it is called FICA, which stands for Federal Insurance Contributions
Act. Social Security benefits include retirement—paid every month to eli-
gible retired workers, as early as age 62, and disability—paid every month to
eligible workers of all ages who have a severe disability.

If you are 25 or older and are not already receiving Social Security ben-
efits, you will receive a Social Security statement just before your birthday
every year. This tells how much you’ve earned and the Social Security taxes
you have paid during your working years. The statement provides estimates
of the monthly Social Security retirement, disability, and survivors’ benefits
you and your family could be eligible to receive.

Expenses: Expenses include everything you pay for in a time period. If

you’re on your own, they might include housing and car payments, gas, food
and utilities, or other
things like daycare or in-
surance. ✎ What’s It Mean?
Expenses could in- Fixed Expenses: Expanses that do not change
from month to month are fixed.
clude a car payment, car
insurance, and a credit Flexible Expenses: Expenses might change from
card bill. We will con- month to month, like a heating bill that is lower
sider these fixed ex- in May than in December, are flexible.
penses. Savings should
also be listed as an ex-
pense. This is because you should get into the habit of paying yourself first.
You can do this by setting aside some money each month from your pay-
check for savings. Set a savings goal that is appropriate for you and save
toward it.

We have to estimate the amount of flexible expenses we pay each month

because we are not always sure what the exact amount will be.

Add up your expenses. Compare the income and expenses totals. Is there
enough money to pay bills each month? How would you modify expenses to
meet your personal needs?
Preparing A Budget 81

Step 3: Decrease Spending

Hopefully, your income is greater than ✔ Quick Tip
your expenses. Remember, if you spend You should complete a
less, you have more money left at the end monthly income and ex-
of the month. This is also called “increas- pense worksheet. It will help
ing you cash flow.” you determine how much
money you have coming in, how
What are some ways you can reduce much is going out, and whether
your spending? or not you have enough in-
come to pay your bills and
Step 4: Find Ways To Increase expenses each month.
Other than finding a job that pays more,
there are other ways to increase your income. You
can get a second job—or become a successful entrepreneur. As you enter
adulthood and start working, there are also federal tax credits that can bring
you additional income.

What are some ways you could increase your income?

Budgeting Tools
Listed are some budgeting tools. They will help you keep spending and
savings records that will make it easier for you to carry out your budget.
These budgeting tools include the following:
• The monthly payment schedule
• The computer system
• The budged box system
• The spending diary
• The monthly payment calendar

The Monthly Payment Schedule

The monthly payment schedule helps you plan in advance when you will
pay your bills and lets you record in advance when you will receive income to
pay those bills.
82 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

The Computer
Another way to track your budget is the computer.

If you don’t want to use paper or you pay bills in cash instead of with a
checking account, you can use a computer to keep track of expenses.

On a personal computer, you can create your own spreadsheet to track

your income and expenses.

You may also want to purchase a personal finance program. They are
available for less than $75. Using one of these programs to manage your
finances is relatively simple. Once you set it up, updating information is
quick and easy. You should enter transactions frequently so that you always
have a good grasp on your financial position.

There are many different ways to track your budget. You can find one
that works for you.

Budget Box System

• The budget box is a small box with dividers for each day of the month,
with one divider for each day of the month.

• When you receive a bill, check the due date and place it behind the
divider that represents the bill’s due date.

• As you receive income, pay all bills that are due.

Expense Envelope System

• This tool is useful if you pay your bills in cash each month.

• Make an envelope for each expense category, such as rent, gas, elec-
tricity, and food.

• Label the envelope with the name of the category, the amount, and
the due date.

• When you receive income, divide it into the amounts to cover the
expenses listed on the envelope.
Preparing A Budget 83

• Pay bills right away so you will not be tempted to spend the money on
something else.

Sample Daily Spending Diary Worksheet

Use this budgeting tool to track where your money is going (see Figure
8.1). You are far more likely to save your money when you see how much
small, miscellaneous purchases, such as coffee and soda, can add up.

Figure 8.1. Daily Spending Diary. Use this to track your daily spending. Be sure
to write down everything you spend money on, no matter now small the amount.
84 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Sample Monthly Payment Calendar

The Monthly Payment Calendar is another way to help you keep a record
of your bill payments and due dates (see the sample calendar in Figure 8.2).
This tool—in particular—can help you anticipate and plan for expenses and
savings. Here’s how to use this budgeting tool:

1. Transfer your income sources and amounts from your Income and Ex-
penses Worksheet to the dates income is paid on the Monthly Payment
Calendar worksheet.

2. Transfer your expenses to the dates they are due on the Monthly Pay-
ment Calendar worksheet.

3. Use different colored ink for income and expenses.

4. Check off each bill as it is paid.

Figure 8.2. Sample Monthly Payment Calendar.

Chapter 9

Banking Basics

What Do Banks Do?

A bank is a business that offers you a safe place to keep your money and
uses your deposits to make loans. This business is also called a financial insti-
tution. Banks offer many financial services.

Why Keep Money In A Bank?

Many people keep their money in banks. Let’s take a look at some reasons.

Safety: Money is safe from theft, loss, and fire.

Convenience: You can get money quickly and easily. Using direct de-
posit, for example, saves you time and allows you quicker access to your money.
Funds that are electronically deposited in your account are available sooner
than if you deposited a check.

Cost: Using a bank is probably cheaper than using other businesses to

cash your check (check cashing services, for example) or pay bills.

Security: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures

deposits up to the maximum amount allowed by law. This means that if for

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 1: Bank On It,” Money Smart for Young
Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-
tion (FDIC), March 2008.
86 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

some reason a bank closes and cannot give its customers the money they had
in the bank, the FDIC will return the money to the customers.

Financial Future: Building a relationship with a bank establishes a record

of paying bills, can help you save money, and is necessary for getting a loan.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
What Are Banks?
Banks are private, for-profit businesses that offer a variety of services to the
public. They provide a place to safely store your money in checking and savings
accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) until
you need to take the money out. Banks enable customers to write checks, pay
bills, or send money to other people. They also make loans to people and busi-

Lending money is one of the ways that a bank earns money. And where
does the bank get the money to make loans? Mostly, it uses the money that
customers have deposited into checking and savings accounts, while ensuring
that those depositors can still get their money back when they want it.

“Savings banks” or “savings and loan associations” (also known as “thrift”

institutions) are also FDIC insured; their main business usually involves mak-
ing home loans. To keep things simple, we’ve used the word “bank” to refer to
all of the various types of FDIC-insured banking institutions.

Most but not all banks and thrifts in the U.S. are insured by the FDIC. One
way to check whether an institution is FDIC-insured is to call the FDIC toll-
free at 877-275-3342.

In addition, you may have heard about credit unions. These are not-for-
profit financial institutions that are owned and operated by their members,
who are usually people who have something in common, such as the same
employer or occupation. You have to become a member of the credit union to
keep your money there. Deposits at credit unions are insured by another federal
government agency called the National Credit Union Administration.

Source: “What Do Banks Do?” FDIC Consumer News, Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation, Summer 2006.
Banking Basics 87

Types Of Financial Institutions

There are three major types of financial institutions:

Bank: A financial institution that is run under federal and state laws and
regulations. Banks make loans, pay checks, accept deposits, and provide other
financial services.

Credit Union: A non-profit financial institution owned by people who

have something in common. You have to become a member of the credit
union to keep your money there.

Thrift: A savings bank or savings and loan association that is similar to a

bank. Thrifts were created to promote home ownership and must have a
majority of their assets in housing-related loans. Although many banks also
make home loans, the main function of a thrift is to make home loans.

Opening A Bank Account

A bank account is any account you open at a bank, including checking or

Terms To Know
When you open an account, the bank representative may use some terms
you will need to know. They are as follows:

Deposit: A deposit is money you add to your account. It can be in the

form of your paycheck, cash, a personal check you may receive from some-
one, or a cashier’s check from another bank.

Deposit Slip: A deposit slip tells the bank how much money you are
adding to your account.

Withdrawal: When you make a withdrawal, you are taking money out of
your bank account. You do this by writing a check, giving a teller a withdrawal
slip, or using an ATM, or automated teller machine, with your debit card.

Balance: Your balance is the amount of money you have in the bank at
any given time. Your balance will change whenever you make a deposit or a
88 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
You can tell if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-
tion (FDIC) insures a bank by the FDIC logo. Most credit unions
are insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). The
deposit insurance rules are the same at NCUA-insured credit unions as they
are at FDIC-insured banks.

The FDIC has an online tool called the Electronic Deposit Insurance Esti-
mator (EDIE). It lets you calculate the insurance coverage of your ac-
counts at each FDIC-insured institution. You can find EDIE online

Source: FDIC, March 2008.

withdrawal. Remember to record all of those in your check register so that

you always know your balance.

Fees: Financial institutions charge you fees for different services. For ex-
ample, you might be charged a monthly maintenance fee for keeping your
account open. You might also be charged a penalty fee if you misuse your
account, for example, by bouncing a check or taking out more money than
you have in it. When this happens, you have overdrawn your account.

Overdraft: An overdraft occurs when you withdraw more money than

you have. For example, if you have $50 in your account and you write a check
for $60 to pay a bill, then your balance will be -$10. The bank will charge
fees as a penalty, sometimes $30 or more, which are also charged to your
bank account. You must deposit money to correct this and keep your balance

How Do I Open And Use An Account?

Opening and maintaining a bank account is not as difficult as you might
think. There are four basic things you have to do:
• Open the account and go through account verification
Banking Basics 89

• Make deposits and withdrawals

• Record interest and fees
• Keep track of your balance

Account Verification
The first thing you need to do to open a bank account is go through a
process called account verification. The bank wants to make sure that you
will be a responsible bank account customer. If you did not handle a bank
account you had in the past responsibly, they may not want to risk allowing
you to open an account now. The bank also needs to make sure that you are
who you say you are.

The bank will request your name, address, date of birth, and Social Secu-
rity number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN). It
will then verify your identity, such as by requesting your state-issued identi-
fication card, driver’s license, passport, or perhaps even your student ID card.
It may ask to see more than one piece of ID—this is for the protection of
both you and the bank. Since practices vary, ask your bank what type of
identification you need.

Depositing Money
When you open a bank account, you put money into your account. That
is called a deposit. Whenever you add money to your account, you must fill
out a deposit slip. A deposit slip tells the bank how much money you are
adding to your account.

Depending on what you deposit—cash, a payroll check, or a check drawn

on an out-of-state bank—you may not have immediate use of the funds. The
bank must first make sure there are funds at the originating bank (the bank
of the person who wrote the check) to cover your check.

You may ask the bank when you can use the money you deposited. Also,
even though the bank gives you access to the funds you deposited doesn’t
mean the check cleared the other bank. If the check you deposited bounces,
the bank will deduct the money it made available from your account.
90 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Deposit And Non-Deposit Accounts

Bank accounts that allow you to add money to the account are called
deposit accounts. Checking and savings accounts are two examples of de-
posit products.

Checking ✎ What’s It Mean?

Checking Account: A checking account is
The financial institution
an account that lets you write checks to pay
takes the money from your
bills or to buy goods.
account and pays it to the
person named on the check. Savings Account: A savings account is an
account that earns interest. You generally
The financial institution cannot write checks on a savings account.
makes a monthly record of
Source: FDIC, March 2008.
the deposits and withdraw-
als made available to you ei-
ther by mail or online. This is called a bank statement.

Savings Accounts
You can often open a savings account with a few dollars, but you might
pay a monthly fee if the balance is below a certain amount.

The bank will generally help you keep track of your account by sending
you a statement.

It is a good idea to compare the rules of the different accounts. For ex-
ample, banks might require you to have a certain balance to open an account,
earn interest, or avoid fees. This is usually called a minimum balance.

ATM And Debit Cards

When you open an account, you will probably be given the option to have an
ATM card or a debit card. Both types of cards give you access to your account
funds when you need them. You can get cash at an ATM or use them at most
retailers. ATM and debit cards are similar, but there is one basic difference.

An ATM card allows you to make deposits to and withdrawals from

checking and savings. You can usually also check your account balance, print
Banking Basics 91

statements, and transfer funds between accounts. Some ATM cards can be
used in stores that accept ATMs in your bank’s network. It works just
like a debit card, but is not as widely available. When you choose an
ATM card to make a purchase, the retailer may ask you to sign a receipt
instead of inputting your PIN (personal identification number). Ask your
bank if there are additional fees for signing a receipt instead of using a
PIN number.

A debit card, also known as a check card, card displays a MasterCard or

VISA logo. It has all the functions of an ATM card and also allows you to
pay for goods and services at locations that accept MasterCard or VISA
credit cards. It looks like a credit card but it isn’t. Your purchases are imme-
diately withdrawn from your account.

Additional Banking Services

Banks provide additional services with some deposit accounts. It is im-
portant to keep track of the fees charged, if any.
Banks might offer these
services: ✤ It’s A Fact!!
• Direct deposit Stored Value Cards
• Money order Stored value cards are worth a specific
amount. They can be confused with ATM
• Telephone and
or debit cards. Common examples of stored
value cards are gift cards from stores or public
transportation cards. Some banks also issue stored
• Automated value cards that you can use at most retailers. You do not
Teller have to have a bank account to use them.
Machine You pay a certain amount of money to give the
(ATM) card value, like a gift card from a store. As you
• Money transfer use it, the value declines toward 0. Then you
add funds as you need them. Usually you
• Debit card can do this with cash at most banks.
• Stored value cards Source: FDIC, March 2008.
• Loans
92 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Your Information Is Private

Privacy notices explain how the company handles and shares your per-
sonal financial information. For example, they explain what information the
company collects and how you can possibly limit the company from sharing
your information with others.

Privacy notices also explain how your personal financial information is

protected. You will receive an initial privacy notice when you open your ac-
count and then every year thereafter.

Financial institutions may share your information with other companies

to offer you other products and services. Federal privacy laws give you the
right to stop or “opt out” of some sharing of your personal financial informa-

Federal law requires financial institutions to keep your personal financial

information private. The general public does not have access to your per-
sonal financial information.

Important Bank Employees

A financial institution has people who can help you with different bank-
ing services.

Understanding the jobs of these bank workers will allow you to know
who you should talk to when you go to the bank.

The primary people in the bank who you should know are the customer
service representative, teller, loan officer; and branch manager.

If you do not know who to talk to, ask for help. Someone will take you to
the right person. Always ask questions until you are clear on all the information
and do not sign anything you do not understand. Ask for written informa-
tion to take home to review.
Chapter 10

Electronic Banking
On his way home last Friday night, John Jones realized that he had no
cash for the weekend. The bank was closed, but John had his bank debit card
and the code to use it. He inserted the card into an automated teller machine
outside the front door of the bank; then, using a number keypad, he entered
his code and pressed the buttons for a withdrawal of $50. John’s cash was
dispensed automatically from the machine, and his bank account was elec-
tronically debited for the $50 cash withdrawal.

John’s debit card is just one way to use electronic fund transfer (EFT)
systems that allow payment between parties by substituting an electronic
signal for cash or checks.

Are we heading for a checkless society? Probably not. But making a dent
in the large number of paper checks in the country’s banking system is clearly
one advantage to electronic banking.

Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) In Operation

The national payment mechanism moves money between accounts in a
fast, paperless way. These are some examples of EFT systems in operation:

About This Chapter: Text in this chapter is from “Electronic Fund Transfers,” Federal
Reserve Board (, August 16, 2007.
94 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs): Consumers can do their banking

without the assistance of a teller, as John Jones did to get cash, or to make
deposits, pay bills, or transfer funds from one account to another electroni-
cally. These machines are used with a debit or EFT card and a code, which is
often called a personal identification number or “PIN.”

Point-Of-Sale (POS) Transactions: Some debit or EFT cards (some-

times referred to as check cards) can be used when shopping to allow the
transfer of funds from the consumer’s account to the merchant’s. To pay for
a purchase, the consumer presents an EFT card instead of a check or cash.
Money is taken out of the consumer’s account and put into the merchant’s
account electronically.

Preauthorized Transfers: This is a method of automatically depositing to

or withdrawing funds from an individual’s account, when the account holder
authorizes the bank or a third party (such as an employer) to do so. For
example, consumers can authorize direct electronic deposit of wages, social
security, or dividend payments to their accounts. Or they can authorize fi-
nancial institutions to make regular, ongoing payments of insurance, mort-
gage, utility, or other bills.

Telephone Transfers: Consumers can transfer funds from one account to

another—from savings to checking, for example—or can order payment of
specific bills by phone.

The Electronic Fund Transfer Act

The Electronic Fund Transfer Act answers several basic questions con-
sumers have about using EFT services.

A check contains information that authorizes a bank to withdraw a cer-

tain amount of money from one person’s account and pay that amount to
another person. Most consumer questions center on the fact that EFT sys-
tems transmit the information without the paper:
• What record will I have of my transactions?
• How do I correct errors?
• What if someone steals money from my account?
Electronic Banking 95

• What about mail solicita-

tions for debit cards? ✤ It’s A Fact!!
Today, the cost of moving
• Do I have to use EFT checks through the banking sys-
services? tem is estimated to be about $3.00
per check, including the costs of paper,
Here are the answers
printing, and mailing. Moreover, checks—
the EFT Act gives to except your own check presented at your own
consumer questions bank—take time to cash: time for delivery, en-
about these systems. dorsement, presentation to another person’s bank,
and winding through various stations in the
What record will I check-clearing system. Technology now
have of my trans- can lower the costs of the payment
mechanism (to about $1.50 per
transaction) and make it more
A canceled check is perma- efficient and convenient by re-
nent proof that a payment has ducing paperwork.
been made. What proof of pay-
ment is available with EFT services?
If you use an ATM to withdraw money or make deposits or a POS ter-
minal to pay for a purchase, you can get a written receipt, much like a sales
receipt you get with a cash purchase, showing the amount of the transfer, the
date it was made, and other information. This receipt is your record of trans-
fers initiated at an electronic terminal.
Your periodic bank statement must also show electronic transfers to and
from your account, including those made with debit cards, by a preauthorized
arrangement, or under a telephone transfer plan. The statement will also
name the party to whom payment has been made and show any fees for
EFT services (or the total amount charged for account maintenance) and
your opening and closing balances.

What about loss or theft?

It’s important to be aware of the potential risk in using an EFT card,
which differs from the risk on a credit card.

On lost or stolen credit cards, your loss is limited to $50 per card. On an
EFT card, your liability for an unauthorized withdrawal can vary:
96 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
How do I correct errors?
The way to report errors is somewhat different with EFT services than it is
with credit cards. But as with credit cards, financial institutions must investi-
gate and promptly correct any EFT errors that you report.

If you believe there has been an error in an electronic fund transfer relating
to your account:

1. Write or call your financial institution immediately if possible, but no later

than 60 days from the date the first statement that you think shows an
error was mailed to you. Give your name and account number and explain
why you believe there is an error, what kind of error, and the dollar amount
and date in question. If you call, you may be asked to send this information
in writing within 10 business days.

2. The financial institution must promptly investigate an error and resolve it

within 45 days. For errors involving new accounts (opened in the last 30
days), POS transactions, and foreign transactions, the institution may take
up to 90 days to investigate the error. However, if the financial institution
takes longer than 10 business days to complete its investigation, generally
it must put back into your account the amount in question while it finishes
the investigation. For new accounts, the financial institution may take up
to 20 business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in

3. The financial institution must notify you of the results of its investigation.
If there was an error, the institution must correct it promptly, for example,
by making a recredit final.

If it finds no error, the financial institution must explain in writing why it

believes no error occurred and let you know that it has deducted any amount
recredited during the investigation. You may ask for copies of documents relied
on in the investigation.
Electronic Banking 97

• Your loss is limited to $50 if you notify the financial institution within
two business days after learning of loss or theft of your card or code.
• But you could lose as much as $500 if you do not tell the card issuer
within two business days after learning of loss or theft.
• If you do not report an unauthorized transfer that appears on your
statement within 60 days after the statement is mailed to you, you risk
unlimited loss on transfers made after the 60-day period. That means
you could lose all the money in your account plus your maximum over-
draft line of credit, if any.

Example: On Monday, John’s debit card and PIN were stolen. On Tuesday,
the thief withdrew $250, all the money John had in his checking account.
Five days later, the thief withdrew another $500, triggering John’s overdraft
line of credit. John did not realize his card was stolen until he received his
bank statement, showing withdrawals of $750 he did not make. He called
the bank right away. John’s liability is $50.

Now suppose that when John got his bank statement he didn’t look at it and
didn’t call the bank. Seventy days after the statement was mailed to John, the
thief withdrew another $1,000, reaching the limit on John’s line of credit. In this
case, John would be liable for $1,050 ($50 for transfers before the end of the 60
days; $1,000 for transfers made more than 60 days after the statement was mailed).

What about mail solicitations for debit cards?

A financial institution may send you an EFT card that is valid for use
only if you ask for one, or to replace or renew an expiring card. The financial
institution must also give you the following information about your rights
and responsibilities:
• A notice of your liability in case the card is lost or stolen
• A telephone number for reporting loss or theft of the card or an
unauthorized transfer
• A description of its error resolution procedures
• The kinds of electronic fund transfers you may make and any limits on
the frequency or dollar amounts of such transfers
98 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Any charge by the institution for using EFT services

• Your right to receive records of electronic fund transfers
• How to stop payment of a pre-authorized transfer
• The financial institution’s liability to you for any failure to make or to
stop transfers
• The conditions under which a financial institution will give information
to third parties about your account

Generally, you must also get advance notice of any change in the account
that would increase your costs or liability, or would limit transfers. A finan-
cial institution may send you a card that you did not request only if the card
is not valid for use. An unsolicited card can be validated only at your request
and only after the institution makes sure that you are the person whose name
is on the card. It must also be sent with instructions on how to dispose of an
unwanted card.

Do I have to use EFT?

The EFT Act forbids a creditor from requiring you to repay a loan or
other credit by EFT, except in the case of overdraft checking plans. With
some exceptions, your employer or a government agency can require you to
receive your salary or a government benefit by electronic transfer. However,
you have the right to choose the financial institution that will receive your

Special Questions About Preauthorized Plans

How will I know that a preauthorized deposit has been made?
There are various ways in which you may be notified. Notice may be
given by your employer (or whoever is sending the funds) that the deposit
has been sent to your financial institution. Otherwise, a financial institution
may provide notice when it has received the credit or will send you a notice
only when it has not received the funds. Financial institutions also have the
option of giving you a telephone number you can call to check on a
preauthorized deposit.
Electronic Banking 99

If the payments I preauthorize vary in amount from month to

month, how will I know how much will be transferred out of my
You have the right to be notified of all varying payments at least 10 days
in advance. Or you may choose to specify a range of amounts and to be told
only when a transfer falls outside that range. You may also choose to be told
only when a transfer differs by a certain amount from the previous payment
to the same company.

Do the EFT Act protections apply to all preauthorized plans?

No. They do not apply to automatic transfers from your account to the
institution that holds your account or vice versa. For example, they do not
apply to automatic payments made on a mortgage held by the financial insti-
tution where you have your EFT account. The EFT Act also does not apply to
automatic transfers among your accounts at one financial institution.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
How do I stop a
preauthorized payment?
You may stop any preauthorized payment
by calling or writing the financial institution,
but your order must be received at least three busi-
ness days before the payment date. Written con-
firmation of a telephone notice to stop
payment may be required. You should
also contact the merchant or organi-
zation you authorized to debit
your account.
Chapter 11

Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes

Here are clues to preventing expensive errors with your checking account,
credit card, or other financial services. After all, this isn’t play money!

To err is human... and sometimes it can be expensive. That’s the case for
many consumers who have to pay fees and penalties because of mistakes
they’ve made when using their checking account, credit card, or other banking

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Consumer News

wants to help you make smarter decisions and avoid some of these mistakes.
So, compiled here is a list of some of the more common and costly slip-ups.
Follow these tips and you can enjoy a more satisfying banking relationship
and keep more of your cash.

Not Checking Up On Your Checking Account

Many people write checks and use their debit card without paying atten-
tion to their account balance. The results can be costly and may include fees
from $20 to $35 for each “bounced” check you write when you don’t have
enough money in your account. Similar fees can be imposed if you overdraw

About This Chapter: Text in this chapter is from “Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes:
No Trivial Pursuit,” FDIC Consumer News, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
Fall 2006.
102 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

your account using your debit card at the ATM. There may also be fees if
your checking account goes below a required minimum balance. And, if you
fail to spot fraudulent transactions, fixing those can be costly and time con-

Your lack of attention could make a bad situation worse if fees are as-
sessed for several days or even months. “Account holders can get very frus-
trated when they suddenly find out that multiple checks and payments have
been returned, and a fee has been assessed for each one,” says Eloy Villafranca,
a Community Affairs Officer with the FDIC.

Villafranca recalled a situation involving a consumer who “was confident

that her bank statements were correct so she didn’t open them for six months.”

✔ Quick Tip
How To Sidestep A Misstep
Comparison shop for the best deals that fit your needs.
Look at different types of accounts offered by your bank and a
few competitors, and be sure to factor in the fees you’re most likely to

Read all the disclosures, from the highlighted details to the fine print.
Before you open the account, know the features, fees, and limitations so you
can prevent misunderstandings and costly mistakes.

Monitor your accounts. Promptly review bank statements and other mail-
ings. Consider reviewing your account activity online or by phone instead of
waiting for statements to arrive in the mail. Look for what can—or did—
trigger fees and penalties, so you can avoid unnecessary costs in the fu-
ture. Contact your financial institution immediately if there’s a

Keep good records. Save copies of account descrip-

tions, contracts, and important receipts, which
can come in handy if there’s a question
or a dispute.
Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes 103

Unfortunately for her, a recurring, electronic payment she thought had been
stopped continued to be charged against her account, and her account bal-
ance was lower than she thought. “As she wrote checks month after month,”
Villafranca explains, “she was being hit with charges for insufficient funds.”

Be aware that if bounced checks are not repaid in a timely fashion they
may become part of your record. That could make it difficult to get a mer-
chant to accept your checks. And if your account is closed by the bank be-
cause of repeated problems with insufficient funds that you do not repay, you
may have difficulty opening a new account elsewhere.

How You Can Avoid Unnecessary Costs

Keep your check register up to date. Deduct for all withdrawals—not
only for checks but also for ATM transactions, bank fees, and debit card
purchases. Do not rely on your ATM receipt for balance information be-
cause it may not reflect outstanding checks or debit card transactions.

Promptly compare your check register with your bank statement to look
for errors or unauthorized transactions. Open and review your monthly state-
ment as soon as it arrives in the mail or check your account information
more frequently online or by telephone.

“Once I used my debit card to pay an $11 dry-cleaning bill and I was
inadvertently charged $1,100,” Villafranca says. “This could have caused a
number of problems had I not gone online to check my account activity later
in the day to pay a bill and noticed the error. I had the funds credited back to
my account the next day.” (Note: The federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act
protects you against billing errors and unauthorized transactions by debit
card and other electronic payment methods, but you must notify your bank
within 60 days of the mailing of the account statement on which the trans-
action appears.)

Take additional precautions to avoid fees for insufficient funds. For in-
stance, make sure you have enough money in your account before you write
a big check, use your debit card, or arrange for an automatic payment. Also
remember that, under federal rules that allow banking institutions to put a
temporary “hold” on certain deposits, you may have to wait from one to five
104 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
How The FDIC Can Help You Avoid Costly Mistakes
• See consumer information on the FDIC website at
• Read their quarterly newsletter FDIC Consumer News. Find back issues
online at and sign up
for a free e-mail subscription service at
• Get answers to questions by phone (toll-free 877-ASK-FDIC or 877-
275-3342) or by e-mail (start at

business days (in most situations) before you can withdraw funds deposited
into your account, and longer in other circumstances (such as deposits over
$5,000 or if your account has been repeatedly overdrawn).

Not Considering Fees When Opening A Bank Account

A high interest rate or annual percentage yield (APY) on a checking
account is definitely an attention grabber. But that great rate shouldn’t divert
your attention from fees that can significantly reduce, if not wipe out, your
earnings. Examples include monthly fees for going below a minimum bal-
ance, monthly or quarterly “inactivity” fees if you’ve had no deposits or with-
drawals for a certain time period, and annual service charges on individual
retirement accounts (IRAs). “For small accounts, these fees can make a big
difference in the total return,” cautions Howard Herman, an FDIC Con-
sumer Affairs Specialist.

For example, a $2,000 IRA with an APY of five percent and a $20 annual
service fee “will earn $100 interest after a year but, after deducting the ser-
vice fee, your actual return is four percent, not five percent,” Herman says.
“Under federal law, fees are not factored into APY calculations, so consum-
ers are on their own when it comes to determining whether fees will have a
negative impact.”
Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes 105

To get the best deal possible, first think about how you plan to use the
account and how much you expect to keep on deposit, then compare differ-
ent accounts at a few different institutions. Do the math as best you can,
figuring your interest earnings after a year and then subtract the estimated
fees for services or a low balance based on your expected use of the account.
Sometimes an account that pays no interest can be a better deal than an
interest-bearing account that’s heavy with fees you are likely to pay.

Also remember that just because an account is advertised as “free” or “no

cost” doesn’t mean you’ll pay nothing. Under Federal Reserve Board rules,
an account may be described as free even if certain fees are charged, such as
for ATM withdrawals or overdrafts.

Paying Your Credit Card Bill Late

Don’t assume it’s okay to be late with your card payment just because the
minimum payment due is fairly small. In fact, you can be hit with fees or
penalties any time you miss a payment deadline, even if it’s only by a day.

You can expect a late-payment fee of about $30 or more. You may also
face a major hike in your interest rate—often to between 29 and 35 per-
cent—on this credit card and possibly other cards or loans, especially if your
credit record shows other signs of risk. And if you’re late paying by about a
month or more, you might find your credit score reduced, which can make it
harder or more expensive to get a new loan or even a new job or insurance
(because prospective employers and insurers can review credit histories when
deciding on applications).

What can you do to avoid or minimize late payment penalties—beyond

just paying your bill on time? First, closely review your card member agree-
ment so you know what may happen if you pay late. “The wrong time to
question the consequences of a late payment is after you’ve missed the dead-
line,” says Kirk Daniels, an FDIC Supervisory Consumer Affairs Specialist.

Also, if you haven’t yet missed the deadline but you can’t mail the pay-
ment on time, consider either making an online payment at your card issuer’s
website at least a day or two before the due date, or paying by phone by
providing bank account information to authorize an electronic fund transfer
106 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

from your checking account. “Even though there may be a small service charge
for these options, it will likely be less than a late-payment fee,” Daniels notes.

✔ Quick Tip
Words of advice: If you’re short on cash, it’s bet-
ter to pay at least the minimum amount due on your credit
card on time, rather than withhold payment entirely. And if you
do pay late but it’s a first-time or rare occurrence that was caused by
unusual circumstances, call your card issuer immediately and
ask what, if anything, they may be willing to do as a
courtesy to a good customer.

Paying As Little As Possible On Your Credit Card Bill

Each Month
It sounds like a good idea to pay your credit card company as little as
possible each month so you can keep more money to spend on other things.
But the reality is that the long-term costs of this strategy can be staggering.

“If you use a credit card to make a major purchase and each month you
pay back only the minimum amount you owe, not only will it take you a very
long time to pay off the balance but the total interest and fees can sometimes
double the cost of what you purchased,” says Janet Kincaid, FDIC Senior
Consumer Affairs Officer.

For example, suppose you buy a computer for $1,000 and you only pay
back the minimum required, which we’ll say is $20 a month. At an Annual
Percentage Rate (APR) of 18 percent, that $1,000 computer will cost you
$2,931 and take more than 19 years to pay off, which is about 15 years longer
than you’ll probably own the computer.

To minimize your costs, pay as much as you can on your credit card each
month—pay the entire balance, if possible—to avoid interest charges. If you
can’t pay most or all of your credit card bill, try to pay as much above the
Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes 107

minimum as possible. “Finding a way to pay a little more each month can
make a noticeable difference in reducing your interest costs,” Kincaid says.
Using our previous example, raising your monthly payment from $20 to $50
will bring the total cost of a $1,000 purchase (including the finance charges)
to $1,198, allowing you to pay off the debt in just two years.

However, if all you can afford to pay back each month is the minimum
amount, pay that—and pay it on time—to avoid late fees and a bad mark on
your credit record, which in itself can be costly.

Signing Up For A New Credit Card Without Under-

standing The Costs
You’ve probably seen or heard of all kinds of incentives to convince people
to apply for a new credit card or switch from one card to another. Among
them: “zero-percent interest” for a certain amount of time on new purchases
or a balance transferred from a competitor’s card, “no payments” on purchases
until the next year, “earn more points” for free travel, or get a free T-shirt if you
apply for a new card. Sounds great, but these freebies could end up being
expensive, especially if you don’t follow the rules of the new card.

“While there are good deals out there on new credit cards, it pays to shop
around for a card that best fits your circumstances,” says Kincaid. “Also be
sure to read the highlighted disclosures as well as the fine print because an
uninformed decision can be costly.”

For example, let’s say you choose a card with a “grace period” (a certain
number of days you have to pay the balance before incurring interest or fees)
but, after a few months, you decide not to pay your bill in full. With some
cards, the issuer might retroactively charge interest on the balance from the
previous month, thus eliminating the earlier grace period.

If you get a new credit card promoting zero-percent interest on new pur-
chases and you don’t pay off the entire balance by the due date (typically
after six to 18 months), you may be charged interest on all your original
purchase amounts—not just on your remaining balance—retroactive to the
original purchase date. The resulting costs could be more than if you had
used a card without a zero-percent offer.
108 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Or, suppose you agree to your card

company’s offer to “upgrade” to a
new version of your card and ✤ It’s A Fact!!
you don’t take the time to What can be bad about sign-
study the new card’s restric- ing up for new cards only to take
tions or fees, as sometimes advantage of an introductory offer or
happens when customers even a free T-shirt? Well, you can reduce
quickly say “yes” to an of- your credit score and make it costlier to get a
fer from a customer ser- loan because each credit card represents money
that you could borrow—even if you intend to
vice representative over
rarely use the card. To lenders, too many cards in
the phone. You might
your wallet may mean you could have problems
be giving up a better
repaying a loan, and that’s a reason to charge you a
deal you had with your
higher interest rate.
old card. “Make sure
the upgrades are what “Repeatedly signing up for new cards—even to
you need and will use,” keep introductory rates going—can give lend-
says Kincaid. ers the impression that you may be desperate
for funds,” says FDIC’s Eloy Villafranca.
Finally, some people “Unfortunately, some people only realize
transfer a balance from that they’ve lowered their credit score
one credit card company to after they apply for a mortgage and
another to take advantage of are penalized with a higher
a low interest rate (say, 2.9 interest rate.”
percent) or even zero-percent in-
terest on the balance transferred, but
they may end up paying more in other
charges than if they had stayed with their old card.

Not Reviewing Your Credit Report

Many people never or rarely look at their credit report (a history of pay-
ing debts and other bills) or their credit scores (numerical ratings of credit
reports) until they apply for a loan or they have been denied a loan. By then,
it’s often too late because inaccurate or missing information in your credit
report could raise your borrowing costs or cause delays when you’re in a rush
to make a major purchase, like a new home.
Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes 109

Example: The home of your dreams just went on the market, so you ap-
ply for a mortgage. You’re sure your credit record is in great shape so there’s
no need to worry about getting a good deal on a loan. But then you’re quoted
a rate on a mortgage loan that is much higher than you expected or, worse
yet, you are denied a loan! What went wrong? It could be that your credit
report contained incorrect information. By the time you can get your report
corrected and your credit score increased, it’s possible that your dream house
was sold to someone else.

Solve this problem by taking advantage of your right under federal law
to obtain one free copy of your credit report each year from each of the
three nationwide credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). Pe-
riodically review your report and correct any omissions or errors, especially
before you apply for a home loan or seek some other benefit where your
credit report could affect the outcome. Doing so can boost your credit
score enough to save you hundreds of dollars each year in interest or other

“Some people who get ‘subprime’ loans, which cost a lot more than most
loans, would qualify for lower-cost prime-rate loans if errors in their credit
reports were corrected,” says Mira Marshall, an FDIC Senior Policy Analyst
on consumer protection issues.

Another benefit of reviewing your credit report is that you’ll be better

prepared to protect yourself from “predatory” lenders who try to trick cash-
strapped consumers into accepting high-cost home loans. “Some people who
don’t know they have a good credit history can be deceived into believing an
expensive loan is their only choice,” Marshall explains.

Kincaid added that if you apply for insurance or a job, the insurance com-
pany or future employer can review your credit report as part of its consider-
ation of your financial responsibility. “You wouldn’t want to lose a good job
opportunity or a low premium on an insurance policy because of some erro-
neous information on your credit report,” she adds.

For more information about ordering your free report, go to http:// or call toll-free 877-322-8228.
110 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Getting A Nontraditional Mortgage Without Under-

standing The Costs
In addition to “traditional” mortgages, which are typically fixed- or
adjustable-rate loans for 15 or 30 years, many lenders now offer other mort-
gages with new features that may be good options for some borrowers but
costly mistakes for others.

Nontraditional mortgages generally enable borrowers to lower their

monthly payments in the early years in exchange for larger payments later
on. An “interest-only mortgage” lets you pay back only the interest on the
loan for several years without paying any principal (the amount of money
you borrowed). A “payment-option loan” allows you to decide how much to
pay from one month to the next based on choices that range from a full
monthly payment (what you’d normally pay in principal and interest with a
traditional mortgage) to a minimum payment that may not even cover the
interest due. Any shortfall is added to your loan balance. Payment-option
mortgages usually have adjustable interest rates.

What are the biggest concerns with these types of loans? “Borrowers may
experience payment shock if they aren’t prepared for increased payments
after an initial or promotional period,” says Marshall.

For example, let’s say a family borrows $200,000 using a 30-year, payment-
option mortgage, with a five-year promotional period. For the first five years,
they pay only the minimum amount due of $650 a month. That payment isn’t
enough to cover the interest actually being charged. The unpaid interest dur-
ing those five years—figure about $16,000—is added to the loan balance. “At
the end of the five years, the borrower will be paying the loan at a higher
interest rate and on a larger loan amount,” Marshall says. In this example,
starting in the sixth year, the family’s minimum monthly payment will surge to
about $1,600, more than double what they were paying before.

To protect yourself from unexpected costs with a nontraditional loan, be

sure to ask the lender these two questions before agreeing to anything:
• What will my monthly payments be at different times during the life
of the loan? Find out when your payments will or could change, and
Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes 111

how much higher the payments would be under different scenarios,

such as if you only send in the minimum amount due in the early years
or if interest rates go up dramatically. Think carefully about getting a
nontraditional loan if you have doubts about your ability to pay more
than the minimum payments in the future.
• Does the mortgage have a prepayment penalty? If you pay off some
mortgages early (say, within the first three years) by refinancing or
selling your home, you may be charged a penalty that can amount to
several thousand dollars. Some lenders offer loans with a prepayment
penalty at lower interest rates than similar loans without the penalty.
These can be a good deal if you don’t expect to move within the penalty
period, but triggering the penalty can make it more expensive to re-
finance the loan and can reduce your proceeds if you sell the house.
Also think twice before applying for another nontraditional mortgage
that involves little or no documentation of income or assets. While these
loans can save you time and are attractive if your source of income is unpre-
dictable, the lender generally charges a higher interest rate. “If you have in-
come that’s easy to document, such as regular statements from your employer
or a monthly Social Security payment, it’s probably not worth paying extra
over the long term of the loan just to save a few days during the application
period,” Marshall says.
Chapter 12

Managing Your Savings Account

Why Start A Savings Account

So, if you haven’t had a savings account before, why should you start one?
Here are a few reasons:
• Save to pay for the college tuition bill.

• Saving for a major purchase, such as a car, home, or vacation.

• To have an emergency fund when unexpected expenses arise or to help

pay expenses if you’re unable to work.

• Overdraft protection for a checking account.

• Opportunity to earn interest.

• Planning for the future, such as retirement.

Your reasons for starting a savings account might be completely different.

But, no matter why you decide to save your money, choosing to open a sav-
ings account is a much better, and safer, option than just putting your money
in a shoe box under your bed.

About This Chapter: Reprinted with permission from “Managing Your Savings Ac-
count,” © 2008, sponsored by Bank of America and powered
by Making It Count.
114 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Types Of Savings
✤ It’s A Fact!!
Savings accounts are one of
While many banks might the most common bank accounts,
offer a variety of different and for many people, their first bank
savings options, most will account is a savings account.
offer three basic kinds. As Source: © 2008,
you are deciding which kind sponsored by Bank of America and
of account you want, ask your- powered by Making It Count.
self how much money you want
to save and how often you want
access to that money. Then do some
comparison shopping, paying special
attention to the fees and interest rates associated with each account.

Basic Savings Accounts

This is probably the most common type of savings account, and the sim-
plest to use. You can usually open a basic or regular savings account, some-
times referred to as a “passbook account,” with a small amount of money.

Figure 12.1. Sample Savings Register (Source: © 2008,

sponsored by Bank of America and powered by Making It Count.)
Managing Your Savings Account 115

They will typically have no minimum balance requirement, or a low one, and
they will provide you with easy access to your money, though you might be
limited to how many withdrawals you can make per month without being
charged a fee. This type of savings account often offers a low interest rate, so
if you’re looking for a higher return on your money, you might want to inves-
tigate another type of savings account or look into investing.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
It’s Amazing:
How A Small Savings Account Can Get Big Over Time
People who put even a small amount of money into a savings account as
often as they can and leave it untouched for years may be amazed at how big
the account grows. The reason? A combination of saving as much as possible
on a regular basis and the impact of interest payments (what the financial world
calls “the miracle of compounding”).

Here’s how you can slowly build a large savings account and experience the
miracle of compounding. Let’s say you put money into a savings account that
pays you interest every month. After the first month, the interest payment will
be calculated based on the money you put in. But the next time the bank pays
you interest, it will calculate the amount based on your original deposit plus the
interest you received the previous month. Later, that larger, combined amount
will earn more interest, and after many years it becomes a much larger sum of
money. The earnings are called compound interest. You can earn even more in
compound interest if you make deposits regularly and stretch to put in as much
as you can and leave it untouched. An example would be a savings account
started with $50 and earning interest at a rate of 3.5 percent each month. If you
add just $10 each month, the account can grow nicely to $714 after five years.
If you instead put in a slightly higher amount—$15 each month—you’d have a
balance of $1,042 after five years. But if you had increased your deposits to $50
a month, those extra dollars plus the compounding of interest would give you a
balance of $3,333 after five years.

Source: From “It’s Amazing: How a Small Savings Account Can Get Big Over
Time,” FDIC Consumer News, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
Summer 2006.
116 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

☞ Remember!!
Remember that the more money you deposit, and the longer you keep
it in your account, the more you’ll earn from interest.

Source: © 2008, sponsored by Bank of

America and powered by Making It Count.

Money Market Accounts

With a money market account, you will receive a higher interest rate
than you would with a basic savings account, but you will also have to keep a
higher minimum balance (the amount differs from bank to bank). You will
still have easy access to the funds in your account, though the number of
withdrawals you can make will probably be limited. In addition, you may
have the ability to write checks, but the number you are allowed to write will
also probably be limited.

CDs (Certificates Of Deposit)

This type of savings account is a little different because you have to leave
your money in the account for a specific amount of time, which varies by
bank and type of CD, before you can have access to it. If you take money out
of a CD before its maturity date, you will likely have to pay a penalty. CDs
will also offer a higher interest rate, which will be higher than other types of
savings accounts, and will often be fixed. Because of this, CDs are also con-
sidered a simple and straightforward form of investing.

Interest Rates
One of the most important factors you’ll want to consider when open-
ing a savings account is the interest rate you’ll receive and how that inter-
est is paid. Interest rates can vary greatly, depending on the bank and type
of account, so research rates at several banks before making your final de-
Managing Your Savings Account 117

Interest on savings accounts is typically compounded, which means the

interest is added to the account periodically (monthly, for example), so you
earn interest on the interest.

So, how does this work? Let’s say you open a savings account that has a
2% interest rate with $500, and you deposit $50 each month. After six months,
you’ll have earned $6.75 in interest. After a year, you’ll have earned $16.50,
and after a year and a half, you’ll have earned $29.25.

Accessing Funds In Your Account

There are a few ways you can make deposits to and/or withdrawals from
your savings account. Keep in mind that, unlike with checking accounts, it’s
in your best interest to make as few withdrawals as possible so that you can
earn more interest and avoid fees your bank might charge.

Deposit/Withdrawal Slip
Usually when you open a savings account, no matter the kind, the bank
will give you a book of deposit/withdrawal slips. These forms can be used to
move money in and out of your account and will most often be used when
you’re doing in-person banking at your local branch. Depending on your
bank, the slips may look different.

If you’re making a withdrawal, the form you use may look a lot like a check.

Figure 12.2. Sample Withdrawal Slip (Source: © 2008,

sponsored by Bank of America and powered by Making It Count.)
118 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

ATM/Debit Card
An ATM card allows you to deposit and remove money from your ac-
count through an ATM machine. Unlike the debit card you might receive
with a checking account, which can be used like a credit card, ATM cards
usually don’t give you the ability to make store purchases directly. Most banks
will offer you a free ATM card with a basic savings account. Just ask yourself
whether you’ll be tempted to take money out of the account needlessly if it’s
too convenient to get it.

If you open a money market account, you might also receive a debit card.
Debit cards look like credit cards (they will have a Visa or MasterCard logo
on them), and they are accepted anywhere credit cards are accepted. You can
use debit cards to withdraw money or make purchases without accumulating
interest because the money comes directly from your account.

Because of the convenience of using your ATM or Debit card, it’s very
important that you keep track of how much money you deposit to and with-
draw from your account.

Automatic Deposit And Transferring Funds

This is a great way to make sure that you’re regularly depositing money
into your savings account. There are a couple of ways you might want to
have money automatically deposited into your account. One way is to have
your paycheck directly deposited into your savings account each month. If
you’d rather not deposit your entire paycheck, many banks will allow you to
have part of your paycheck deposited into your checking account and part of
it deposited into your savings account. Many people find that using direct
deposit is the easiest way to handle their paychecks. Direct deposit is usually
set up through your employer and will require you to fill out a form and
supply them with a voided check or deposit slip so that direct deposit can be
set up. Once it’s active, your paycheck, or a portion of it, will go directly into
your specified account(s) each pay period.

You can also choose to have funds from one account, like your checking
account, transferred into your savings account. Of course, the accounts all
need to be at the same bank. This is also helpful if you choose to use your
Managing Your Savings Account 119

savings account as a form of overdraft protection for your checking account,

which means money from your savings account will automatically transfer to
your checking account if you are overdrawn.

Checks are basically documents that tell a bank to use money from your
account to pay a designated business or person. If you open a money market
account, you will be able to write a limited number of checks each month.
Many banks will provide you with a free book of checks when you open your
account, and some will even give you free checks for the life of your account.

When you write a check, you’ll want to make sure to write down the
check number, the amount, and who you wrote the check to so you can keep
track of how much you’ve spent.

Maintaining Your Account

It’s very important to keep track of your deposits, withdrawals, and trans-
fers so you can avoid any service fees your bank might charge, like a mini-
mum balance fee or a per-withdrawal fee.

When you open your sav-

✔ Quick Tip ings account, the bank will
In order to ensure that you are continu-
give you a register, which you
ally building up the funds in your savings
will use to write your begin-
account, you may want to have a portion
ning balance and your future
of your paycheck automatically deposited
deposits and withdrawals.
into your savings account. By “paying Every month, your bank
yourself first” through automatic deposit, will either send you a state-
you are less likely to spend that money in ment in the mail or provide
other ways allowing it to grow and earn you with your statement
more interest over time. online. Some banks will even
Source: © 2008,
allow you to combine your
sponsored by Bank of America and pow-
savings account statement
ered by Making It Count.
with your checking account
statement. Your statement
120 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

will list every transaction, along with any fees charged to your account and
interest your money has earned. Make sure you compare the entries in your
register with your bank statement to ensure you didn’t forget to write down
any deposits or withdrawals and to make sure the bank didn’t make any
Chapter 13

What You Should Know About Checking


Benefits Of Checking Accounts

Do you currently have a checking account? Do your parents have a check-
ing account?

Whether you have a checking account now, or in the future, a checking

account is most useful when you are on your own. A checking account allows
you to write checks and/or use a debit card to pay bills and buy goods.

With a checking account, the account holder—for example, Todd—deposits

money into his bank account. Todd can then write checks. The person who
receives the account holder’s check—for example, Grace—usually deposits
the check into her own checking account. The bank then takes the money
from Todd’s account and puts it into Grace’s account, because she deposited
the check.

What are some benefits of a checking account? There are four key ben-
efits of a checking account:

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 2: Check It Out,” Money Smart for
Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
122 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Convenience
• Cost ✤ It’s A Fact!!
• Better money management Keeping a checking account can
help you build a relationship with the
• Safety bank. How well you manage your check-
ing account may be a factor the bank con-
Convenience: Checking ac- siders when deciding whether to grant
counts are convenient because you a loan. Having a checking ac-
they provide you with quick and count also helps prove you pay
easy access to your money. Using your bills on time.
checks and debit cards can take the
place of carrying cash. Also, having a check-
ing account allows you to direct-deposit money that comes to you from a
job, the government, or other source of income. You have immediate access
to money that is direct-deposited.

Cost: Using a checking account is usually less expensive than using other
services to cash checks or buy money orders. If you have a checking ac-
count, you can usually cash a check for free. Check cashing services charge
a fee.

Better Money Management: Using a checking account can also help you
manage your money. When you write a check, deposit or withdraw money,
use your debit card, or have checks direct-deposited into your account, the
bank calls this a “transaction.” You record every transaction you or the bank
makes in your “check register.” The check register shows how you are spend-
ing your money and how much money is currently in your account.

Safety: Using a checking account can help you keep your cash safe. It is
safer to use checks and debit cards than to carry large amounts of cash be-
cause you do not have to worry about your cash being stolen or lost. How-
ever, if your checkbook or debit card is lost or stolen, report it as soon as
possible to your bank. The bank will protect you so that you are not respon-
sible for any purchases you do not make.

Keeping your money in an insured financial institution means your money

is safe up to the insured limit. This means that if for some reason the financial
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 123

institution closes, you will receive your insured deposits. The Federal De-
posit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is the government agency that insures
deposits at banks and thrifts. The FDIC has an online tool called Electronic
Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE). It lets you calculate the insurance cov-
erage of your accounts at each FDIC-insured institution. You can find EDIE
online at

Types Of Checking Accounts

There are four types of checking accounts:
• Free or low-cost checking
• Electronic/ATM checking
• Regular checking
• Interest-bearing checking

Free/Low-Cost Checking: If you do not plan to write many checks, a

free or low-cost checking account might be right for you. However, there
may be a limit to the number of checks you can write in a month.

Some banks offer special checking and savings account products for stu-
dents. These may include a waiver of fees, lower minimum balance require-
ments, and free checks. When shopping for an account, ask the institution if
it offers a student account. If it does, be sure to find out what happens when
you turn 18 or are no longer a student—specifically, what kind of account
the bank will assign to you.

Electronic/ATM Checking: This account usually requires you to use di-

rect deposit. If you do not plan to use teller services often, an electronic
checking account might be right for you. This type of account usually allows
you to write an unlimited amount of checks per month without incurring a
fee for each check you write. However, you may be charged for in-person
teller services.

Regular Checking: With a regular checking account, there is usually a

minimum balance required to waive the monthly service fee. This type of
account usually offers unlimited check-writing privileges.
124 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Interest-Bearing Checking: There are also different interest-bearing

• The negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) account
• The money market deposit account (MMDA)
With these accounts, you usually have to maintain a high minimum bal-
ance in order to earn interest and avoid fees. The minimum balance is usu-
ally at least $1,000.

Comparing Checking Accounts

Checking accounts often have fees that are charged by the bank or credit
union. These aren’t always the same. Every bank has a “Fee Schedule” that
you can get when asking about their services.

Fee Schedule
Ask for a fee schedule that lists all the fees related to the account. Use the
fee schedule to compare the costs of each account.

A fee schedule lists the fees you may be charged for certain activities.
Some of the most common fees include the following:
• Monthly Service Fee: The monthly service fee is also called a mainte-
nance fee. The bank may charge a fee each month just for having the
account. You might also be charged a fee if your balance drops below
the required minimum.
• Minimum Balance Fee: Some accounts may require that a certain
amount of money be in the account. If the account goes below that
amount, the bank automatically charges a fee.
• ATM User Fee: You will likely be charged fees each time you use an
ATM at a bank other than your own. Many ATMs at other locations
such as shopping malls, gas stations, or convenience stores also charge
a fee unless they are affiliated with your bank.
• Overdraft Fee: Overdraft fees are also called non-sufficient funds
(NSF) fees. The bank will notify you if a check is returned to the per-
son or company to whom it was issued because there wasn’t enough
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 125

money in your account. Your bank will charge you a processing fee for
returned checks. Merchants might also charge a fee if a bounced check
is used to purchase goods or services.
• Stop-Payment Fee: If you lose a check or need to make sure a check is
not paid by the bank for some other reason, you can request a “stop
payment.” There is a fee for this service, and the bank may not be able
to catch the check before it is paid.

✔ Quick Tip
Determine Your Checking Account Needs
When you consider opening a checking account, remember that banks of-
fer different types of checking accounts. To determine what you need, think
about how you plan to use your checking account. The following questions will
help you determine what you need to look for in a checking account.

Consider Convenience
• How many checks do you think you will write every month?
• Do you want a bank that is close to your home or work?
• What are the bank’s hours of operation?
• Will you use the ATM often?
• Does the bank have ATMs close to where you live or work?
• How often do you plan to visit the bank to use teller services?
• What other bank services are important to you?

Determine Costs
• How much money will you keep in your account?
• Will you be charged for writing extra checks?
• Are you willing to pay a monthly fee?
• If so, how much?
• Will you be charged to use your bank’s ATM?
• Will you be charged for using other banks’ ATMs?
• Will you be charged for using teller services?
• Are there ways to avoid paying fees?
126 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Opening A Checking
What’s Needed To Open A Checking Account
To open your checking account, you will generally be asked for the fol-
• Photo Identification (ID), usually a state-issued identification card,
driver’s license, passport, or perhaps even your student ID card: Some
banks may accept an alternative form of identification such as a
Matri´cula Consular card. You might need more than one picture ID
to open your account—this is for the protection of both you and the
bank. Since practices vary, ask the bank what type of identification you
need. Banks need to be sure you are the person you say you are.
• Your Social Security Number (SSN): Some banks may accept an alter-
native such as an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN). This
is generally used to help identify you and to look up your credit history.
• The Opening Deposit: This amount could range from $1 on up, de-
pending on which checking account you choose. Some banks will pay
for your first box of checks, while other banks will charge you.

The bank may also offer you an ATM card or debit card. The bank will
ask you to sign a document that is traditionally called a “signature card.” This
document identifies you as the owner of the account.

Account Verification
The bank or credit union performs account verification because it wants
to make sure that you will be a responsible bank account customer and that
no one is trying to steal your identity to open an account. If you have mis-
handled a checking account or have not been a good banking customer in
the past, the bank may not want to risk accepting you as a customer now.
The bank may access a system such as ChexSystems to help assess your risk
as a potential customer.

If you are unable to open an account because of credit-related problems,

ask your bank or a reputable credit counseling agency if you are eligible for
any “second chance” checking programs. These programs may allow you to
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 127

open a checking account after meeting certain requirements, such as com-

pleting a check-writing workshop.

Using A Checking Account

A checking account generally has these components:
• A check register
• A checkbook
• An ATM/debit card

Check Register
You use a check register to keep track of the money you put into and take
out of your checking account. Before computers and the internet, the paper
check register was the only way an account holder could keep track of the
money in the account between monthly statements. Today many banks al-
low users to see their accounts online, and account information can be down-
loaded to a financial management software program. To understand how a
check register works, we are going to use a paper version for an example.

Your check register is a tool that will help you to know how much money
you have in your account at all times. Each time you put money into your
account, write a check, or take money out, you should record key pieces of
information in your check register. The following numbered descriptions
refer to the sample check register shown in Figure 13.1 (on page 128).
1. Check Number: If you are writing a check, record the check number in
this column. If not, leave it blank.

2. Date: Write the date on which you wrote a check, made a deposit, or
took money out (made a withdrawal) or were charged a service fee.

3. Description Of Transaction: Record items such as to whom you wrote

the check, the reason for the deposit, or the location of the withdrawal
(for example, ATM or debit card).

4. Payment/Debit (-): Record the dollar amount of checks written, ATM

withdrawals, or debit card transactions.
128 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

5. Fee: Record any fees charged, such as a monthly maintenance fee or an

ATM fee.

6. Deposit/Credit (+): Record any deposits or credits made to your ac-


7. Balance: Add any deposits or credits and subtract any fees, payments, or
other debits to your account to get the new balance.

Figure 13.1. Sample Check Register.

The checkbook contains checks and deposit slips for a particular ac-
count. The numbers across the bottom of the check contain the routing
number of the bank (the bank’s number), the account number, and the
number of the check. These numbers are printed so that machines can
easily read them.
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 129

Steps To Writing A Check

A check is a written contract between you and your bank. When you
write a check, you are asking the bank to take money from your account and
give it to someone else.

There are three steps you need take write a check:

1. Make sure you have enough money in your account.

2. Complete the blank spaces on the check.

3. Record the transaction in your check register.

Step 1: Make Sure You Have Enough Money In Your Checking Account
It is important to record every deposit and withdrawal you make in your
check register. When you do this, you can be sure that the amount in the
balance column accurately reflects what you have in your account. Banks can
use electronic images to transfer checks. This means that a check you present
to pay for a good or service may be immediately withdrawn from your account.

Step 2: Complete the Blank Spaces On Check

To write a check, you must fill in the following information:
1. Date: Be sure to write the complete date, including the month, day, and
year; for example, February 26, 20XX.

2. Pay To The Order Of (who is receiving your money): This is where you
write the name of the person or company to whom you will give the
check. After writing the name, draw a line from the end of the name to
the end of the space. This prevents anyone from adding an additional
name on your check.

3. $: Write the amount of the check in numbers, such as $19.75.

4. Dollars: Write the amount of the check in words, such as nineteen and
75/100. After writing out the amount of the check, draw a line to the
end. This prevents anyone from adding an additional amount after what
you have written.
130 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

5. Memo Section: Writing in this area is optional. You can use it to remind
yourself of the reason you wrote the check or to record the account num-
ber of the bill you are paying.

6. Signature: Sign your name here.

Figure 13.2. Check Example

✤ It’s A Fact!!
How To Correct A Mistake On A Check
If you make a small mistake when writing a check, such as starting to write
the dollar amount in the “Pay to the Order of ” area, cross out the incorrect infor-
mation and write your initials above what you crossed out. Then write the correct
information. Some stores will not accept checks with crossed-out information.

If you make a large mistake, write “VOID” across the check and/or tear it
up. A check with VOID across it is no longer usable. Ideally, you should always
tear up your check to prevent thieves from stealing your confidential informa-
tion off the check. Thieves can use the numbers printed along the lower end of
the check to steal money from your account.

Regardless of whether you void or destroy a check, record the check as

voided in your register so that you have a record that the check was canceled.
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 131

Step 3: Record The Transaction In Your Check Register

Record your check in your check register. Fill in the date, description,
and amount of the check.

You can also use a check to get cash out of your account at your bank.

Using Electronic Banking

✤ It’s A Fact!! Using your ATM card to deposit
How To Write money into and withdraw money
A Check For Cash from your account is known as elec-
You can also use a check to get cash tronic banking. Electronic banking
from your account. This can be done uses computers to move money into
in one of two ways: and from your account instead of us-
ing checks and other paper trans-
1. Write “Cash” in the “Pay to the
Order of ” blank on your check.
Then, enter in the dollar
Electronic banking includes ATM
amount you would like to re-
transactions, debit card transactions,
and electronic bill pay.
Remember: Be careful with a
check you write out to cash be- ATM Cards And Transactions
cause anyone can endorse the
back of the check and receive ATM stands for automatic (or
the money. automated) teller machine. An ATM
is a computer terminal that can give
2. Write your name (first and last)
in the “Pay to the Order of ” you money from your account. You
blank on your check. Then, en- can also deposit money into your ac-
ter in the dollar amount you count at many ATMs.
would like to receive.
In order to use an ATM, you need
either an ATM card or a debit card.
You generally are offered an ATM
card or a debit card at the time you open your bank account. Let’s look at
how these two cards differ.

An ATM card allows you to use an ATM machine for transactions. In

addition, some ATM cards can be used for point-of-sale (POS) transactions
132 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

at merchants participating in the same network as your card. With a POS

transaction, you input your personal identification number (PIN) into a ter-
minal at the time of purchase and funds are immediately withdrawn from
your account.

Debit Card Transactions

A debit card, also known as a Checkcard or Mastermoney card, resembles
an ATM card, except the debit card displays a MasterCard or VISA logo. A
debit card performs all of the same functions as an ATM card (for example
you can deposit or withdraw money from your account at an ATM). In addi-
tion, the debit card also allows you to pay for goods and services at locations
that accept MasterCard or VISA, such as grocery stores, gas stations, or res-
taurants. This means you can simply sign for your transactions, although you
may also have the option to input your PIN.

Personal Identification Number (PIN): The

PIN is a code that only you know that allows
you to use your card at ATMs or to purchase
✔ Quick Tip
goods or services in some instances. It is usu- Here are a few tips for
ally mailed to you a few days before or af- protecting your money
by protecting the PIN:
ter you receive your card. Your bank may
allow you to select your own PIN, or may • Do not tell anyone what
allow you to change it after you receive your PIN is.
the card. • Do not write it on your
card or carry it with you
ATM Services: Most people use in your wallet or purse.
ATMs to get cash. Other popular uses
• Keep a record of your
include checking your account balance PIN in a location that
and transferring money between your sav- only you know.
ings and checking account. • When using your PIN,
make sure no one is try-
You will be charged a fee to use an ATM
ing to watch what
machine that is not operated by your bank.
number you input.
(Look for the name of your bank on the
ATM for an indication whether it is your
bank’s ATM.) If you must use another ATM, you
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 133

should look for a sign on the ATM machine or on the screen before you
approve the transaction that discloses the fee charged by the ATM’s owner.
Remember, your bank may also charge an additional fee for using the ATM
as well.

Printed Receipts: It is important to get receipts for your records and also
to record all ATM and debit card transactions in your check register.

When you withdraw money from your account through the ATM ma-
chine, the money is immediately deducted from your account. If you lose
track of what you’ve taken out of your account, you can overdraw your ac-
count and the bank will charge you the overdraft fee. This can be expensive
and wasteful. If it results in checks “bouncing,” you can ruin your reputation
and relationships with the people to whom you wrote the checks.

The ATM will ask you if you want a receipt. Be sure to answer “Yes,” and
then retain the receipt until you reconcile your monthly account statement.
Printed receipts usually include the following information:

• The amount of the transaction

• Any extra fees charged
• The date of the transaction
• The type of transaction, for example, a deposit or withdrawal
• An identification number or code for your account or ATM card
• The ATM location or an identification number or code for the termi-
nal you used

Shopping: When using your debit card while shopping, you may be given
the choice of either signing your name or using your personal identification
number (PIN). You should ask your financial institution whether it charges
any fees or offers special incentives if you sign for transactions rather than
input your PIN.

Unlike credit cards, which allow you to make purchases now and pay for
them later, debit cards deduct the amount from your checking account as
soon as you make the purchase.
134 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

You should always expect your purchases to be immediately withdrawn

from your account, so always ensure there is enough money in your account
to cover the purchase.

Protection From Someone Else Using Your Card: If someone uses your
card without your permission, federal law protects you. But the protection
differs depending on whether you used your debit or credit card.
• If you used your credit card, you do not have to pay the disputed trans-
action while the company that issued the credit card is investigating
the matter. Your liability for unauthorized transactions is generally
capped at $50, although sometimes the credit card company may waive
your liability.
• With a debit card, the disputed transaction will have already been with-
drawn from your account. The financial institution will re-credit the
amount in dispute (less $50) to your account if it is unable to resolve
the matter within 10 business days of your filing the complaint. If you
do not notify your bank within two days of discovering the loss or
other problem, you could potentially be responsible for more than $50
of the unauthorized purchases.
• It is absolutely critical that you let your financial institution know im-
mediately if someone has used your ATM card, debit card, or credit
card without your permission.

Electronic Bill Pay

Electronic bill pay is a service that automatically takes money from your
account each month to pay your bills. For example, if you have a monthly car
insurance payment, you can sign up to have it deducted each month. You can
also use bill pay to make payments to businesses to which you owe money,
just as if you were writing a check.

Some benefits of electronic bill pay are you do not have to pay for postage
and for automatic payments, you also do not have to worry about late payments.

However, you should make sure you have enough money in your account to
cover these bills, and make sure you record the payments in your check register.
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 135

Adding Money To Your Checking Account

There are four ways to add money to your checking account:
• A cash or check deposit using a teller
• An ATM deposit
• A deposit by mail
• A direct deposit

Deposit With A Slip

To add money to your account, you need to make a deposit. When mak-
ing a deposit, you fill out a deposit slip to let the teller know how much you
are depositing. Deposit slips are included in your checkbook and have your
account number printed on them. They are found at the back after the checks.

Figure 13.3. Sample Deposit Slip.

Cash: When making a cash deposit with a deposit slip, here are the steps
you need to follow:
• Make sure the deposit slip has your correct account and address infor-
• Write in the transaction date
136 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Add up the total of paper money and write the amount in the box
marked “Cash” or “Currency”
• Add up the coins you wish to deposit and write the amount in the box
marked “Coin”
• Add up the “Cash” and “Coin” boxes to get the “Net Deposit”
You then give the teller your deposit slip and your cash. The teller will
also count the money before depositing it into your account.

If you run out of deposit slips, you can get blank ones at your bank. Make
sure to write your name and account number on the slip so your money does
not go into someone else’s account.

Checks: The first thing you need to do to deposit your check is sign the
back of it.
If you want to deposit the entire ✎ What’s It Mean?
check into your account, write Endorsement: When you
“For Deposit Only,” your ac- sign the back of a check, you are
count number, and your sig- “endorsing” it. This means that
nature. By writing “For Deposit the check can be cashed.
Only,” you prevent others from
cashing your check. It also prevents you
from receiving cash back when you make the deposit.
You will need to fill out a deposit slip when depositing checks into your
checking account.
• If you deposit more than one check, make sure to correctly endorse
each one and write the amount of each check on your deposit slip. Use
a separate line on the deposit slip to list the amount of each check.
• If you have more than a few checks, you can use the back of the de-
posit slip to list them. You need to add up the amounts of the checks
on the back of the deposit slip and transfer this total to the front.
• Enter this amount in the box labeled “Or Total From Reverse.”
• When you deposit your check(s), you can also receive cash back if
there is enough money in your account to cover the check(s).
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 137

• Net deposit is the amount that will go into your account after you
subtract any cash that you are receiving.

Please note that the bank may not always allow you to immediately with-
draw all the money from a check that you deposited. Ask the bank when the
deposited funds will be available for withdrawal.

Every deposit should be recorded in your check register. When you de-
posit a check and receive cash back, you can record it one of two ways. You
can enter it as two entries or as one entry.

For instance, the following shows how the information can be entered as
two entries:
• Date: March 23, 20XX Or you can do it as one entry:
• Deposit/Credit (+): $50.00 • Date: March 23, 20XX
• New Balance: $215.00 • Deposit/Credit (+): $50.00

and • Payment/(-): $25.00

• Date: March 23, 20XX • New $190.00

• Payment/Debit (-): $25.00

• New $190.00

Keep in mind that when you deposit a check, it might take a few days
before you can use your money. This is because it takes a few days to process
the check.

When you make a check deposit, ask the teller when your money will be

Be careful not to take out cash or write checks until the money you de-
posited is available.

ATM Deposits
The second way to make a deposit is to use your bank’s ATM. Making an
ATM deposit is similar to making an ATM withdrawal. The ATM will prompt
you through the steps needed to deposit money into your checking account.
138 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
How To Get Cash Back From Your Deposit
You can generally get cash back from any deposit you make, as long as it is
less than the deposit amount.

1. Write the amount of cash you want back in the box marked “Less Cash
Received” on your deposit slip.

2. Sign on the line: “sign here if cash received from deposit.”

3. Then, write the total of your deposit in the “Net Deposit” box. (“Net De-
posit” means the amount that is going into your account. To get this amount,
subtract the cash you want back from the total amount of the check.

4. Record your deposit in your check register.

ATMs have special envelopes that you use to make deposits. The enve-
lopes are found on or near the ATM.

You do not always have to use a deposit slip when making ATM deposits.
But you need to fill in the information listed on the envelope if your bank
requests it. This information could include the following:
• Your name
• Phone number
• Account number
• Deposit amount
• Type of account

With some ATM machines, you may not even have to use an envelope,
since you enter this information using the machine and then feed your cash
or check deposit into the ATM.

Always remember to get a receipt so you have proof that you made the
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 139

Deposit By Mail
You can also make deposits by mail. You can deposit your checks by mail-
ing the checks and a deposit slip to your bank. However, you should never
send cash through the mail.

Direct Deposit
The fourth way to add money to your checking account is through direct

Direct deposit occurs when your employer or a government agency gives

you your paycheck or other check electronically.
• You will not receive the check in the mail. In some cases, your payroll
or benefits check statement is mailed to your home address.
• The money is immediately available when your bank or credit union
opens. Some banks will not charge monthly fees if direct deposit is used.
With direct deposit, the advantages include the following:
• You have one less thing to worry about because it is the safest way for
you to receive your money
• You can avoid the inconvenience and/or expense of depositing or cash-
ing a check—you have an easier and more convenient way to access
your money
• You take control over your money and your time because it is predict-
able and dependable
• Signing up is quick and easy—ask your employer for more details

Finally, always remember to record the amount deposited in your check


Keeping An Accurate Record Of Your Checking Account

Keeping an accurate record of your checking account activity is very im-
portant. It helps you know at all times the exact amount of money you have
in your checking account.
140 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

To keep an accurate record, you need to take the following steps:

• Record all transactions in your check register
• Record maintenance fees, interest, and other bank charges
• Review the monthly checking account statement
• Reconcile your check register with your monthly checking account

Record All Transactions

Be very careful to record deposits and withdrawals in your check register.
You should keep all receipts so you can record the transactions.

Record Interest And Maintenance Fees

With an interest-bearing checking account, you find out the interest you
receive each month by reviewing the checking account statement the bank
sends you. You will need to add this interest to your check register. A good
time to do it is when you receive your statement. Record the interest in the
“Deposit/Credit (+)” column of the check register.

With a fee-based checking account, you can ask the bank the approxi-
mate date it will withdraw the monthly fee from your account. You should
record that fee in your check register.

The Monthly Checking Account Statement

The bank will generally prepare a
statement for your checking account
once a month. The statement lists ✔ Quick Tip
all of the transactions that oc- Be sure to review your statement
curred during the preceding as soon as you receive it, particularly
to look for errors or transactions you did
month. These transactions in-
not make. If you notice something amiss,
clude the following: or have other questions about your state-
• Checks you wrote that have ment, be sure to contact your bank’s
cleared (been cashed or de- customer service representative
posited by the person to
whom you wrote the check)
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 141

• All withdrawals and deposits made

• Debit card purchases
• Any fees that the bank charges
The statement is generally mailed to you. Many banks also provide these
statements online. You may even be able to ask the bank to forgo sending
you a paper statement and just make it available online for you to download.

How To Reconcile Your Checking Account

As you have already seen, balancing means keeping your checkbook reg-
ister up to date by recording all transactions so you always know how much
money is in your account.

When you get your monthly checking account statement, there usually
will be a difference between the statement balance and your check register

These differences occur because of events such as the following:

• You did not record fees and interest in your register
• You forgot to record some transactions on the bank statement in your
check register
• Some transactions in your check register were made too late to be
recorded on the bank statement

Reconciling your checking account helps you find the reasons for the dif-
ferences. Many people reconcile their accounts using a software application.

See the checking account reconciliation form illustrated in Figure 13.4

(on page 142) and refer to the following steps to reconcile your checking
• Step 1: On the Checking Account Reconciliation Form, in the area
called “Balance shown on this statement,” write the amount of the
“New Balance.”
• Step 2: Compare the checks, fees, and other withdrawals you entered
in your check register with the checks, fees, and other withdrawals
142 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Figure 13.4. Checking Account Reconciliation Form.

listed on the checking account statement. Make sure everything listed

in your check register appears on the checking account statement and
that everything on your bank statement is in your register. It is useful
to start with the bank statement and check off each item in your reg-
ister. Then you can quickly see what is not in your register, and what is
not on your statement. On the reconciliation form, list any checks or
other withdrawals you have made that aren’t on your statement, add
these up and subtract these from the balance shown on the bank state-
• Step 3: The next step is to add any deposits that were made after the
ending date of the checking account statement. These deposits will
not appear on the statement.
• Write these deposits on the area of the Checking Account Rec-
onciliation Form called “Add deposits outstanding.” There is
space to write each deposit.
• Now add these deposits to the withdrawals outstanding and put
the number in the area of the Checking Account Reconciliation
Form called “Balance.”
What You Should Know About Checking Accounts 143

• When the “Balance” number on the Account Reconciliation form

equals the number in the check register, you have successfully
reconciled your checking account.

How To Report Errors, Change Your Address, And

Close Account
If you find errors on your bank statement, contact your bank to have the error
corrected. It is a generally a good idea to immediately call or visit the bank to
report the error, and then follow up by writing a letter. Keep a copy of the letter
for your records. The letter should include the following information:
• Your name
• Your account number
• An explanation and the dollar amount of the error
• The date the error occurred

✤ It’s A Fact!!
It is very important it is to keep an accurate balance in your checkbook. If
you write a check without enough money in your account to cover the check, it
is known as writing a bad check or “bouncing” a check.

Writing bad checks can have very serious consequences for you:
• Each bad check might cost you a fee of as much as $38.
• Checks you write later might not get paid.
• This negative activity can be reported to an account verification com-
pany such as ChexSystems or TeleCheck. This can make it difficult in
the future to cash or write checks and to open an account.
• Your bank can close your account and send a negative report to the credit
bureaus, and the amount of the overdraft and fees might be reported to
a collection bureau.

Writing a bad check, when you know it is a bad check, is a crime in every
state. Each state has different civil and criminal penalties, such as fines and jail
time. For this reason, if you ever do mistakenly write a bad check, you should
correct it as soon as possible.
144 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

The bank must receive notice of the error no later than 60 days after the
date of the statement. But be sure to contact the bank as soon as possible to
minimize your potential losses in the event your account information was

If your address changes, you can complete and return the “change of ad-
dress” form on the back of your checking account statement or you can call
your bank.

If you decide to close your checking account, make sure that all the checks
you have written have been cashed before you close it.

Overdraft Protection
Many financial institutions offer “courtesy overdraft protection” or “bounce
protection” plans so that your checks do not bounce and you do not over-
draw your account. With these plans, you will avoid the merchant’s returned
check fee, but you still will have to pay the financial institution a fee for each
item. These fees can be costly. Also remember that, unlike an overdraft line
of credit, with bounce protection there is no guarantee that your bank will
cover your checks, ATM withdrawals, and debit card and other electronic
transactions that overdraw your account.

You may also be able to have your checking account linked to a credit
card or your savings account. When you do not have enough money in your
account to cover an item, money is taken from the credit card or savings
account to cover it.

The bank may charge a small fee for each transfer from your savings
account, but you will not pay interest since you are essentially borrowing
from yourself. You can expect to pay a cash advance fee and interest on funds
transferred to your checking account from your credit card. Ask your bank’s
customer service representative for more information.
Chapter 14

Insurance: Protecting Your Assets

Safeguarding Your Money

You know that unexpected things happen and cause you trouble. The dog
eats your homework. You spill a quart of milk on the kitchen floor.

But some accidents or unexpected events are more serious and can cost
you money. You skid on wet pavement and wreck your bike. You leave your
backpack on the bus, and no one turns it in.

These events are called “losses.” You no longer have a backpack or a bike.
Who replaces these items? What if your parents say that you must replace the
lost backpack because you were careless? Do you have enough money saved up?

About Losses
Losses occur in the adult world too, and sometimes losses happen with-
out anyone being careless or making a mistake. A rainstorm floods your base-
ment and ruins everything in it. Your grandmother needs an expensive
operation. Someone steals your dad’s car.

About This Chapter: This chapter includes “Safeguarding Your Money,” “Health In-
surance: Protecting Health and Paying for Treatment,” “Protecting Property: Replac-
ing and Repairing the Things You Own,” “Protecting Autos: The Vehicles and the
People in Them,” “Life Insurance: Protecting the Family Income,” and “Protecting
Your Income: When You Cannot Work and Earn,” © 2007 Northwestern Mutual Foun-
dation. Reprinted with permission. For additional information, visit
146 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

All these problems cost money. If they all happened at once, they might
wipe out the family savings. Adults try to protect themselves by buying in-
surance, a kind of protection
that helps people pay for
losses that occur in life.
✎ What’s It Mean?
This chapter ex- Coverage: An insurance term, coverage means
plains a few of the what and how much your insurance pays for.
different kinds of Premiums: Another word for insurance payments.
insurance and how
they work. Source: “Health Insurance: Protecting Health and
Paying for Treatment, © 2007 Northwestern
Mutual Foundation.
Health And
Paying For Treatment
Going to the doctor, filling prescriptions, or going to the hospital can be
really expensive. Most people buy health insurance to help them pay these
bills. Some bills are smaller, like getting a regular checkup or a booster shot.
But there are bigger costs, too, like surgeries or hospital stays. These can be
huge. So everyone needs health insurance.
As with other kinds of insurance, you can choose from many kinds of
help, called insurance coverage. People buy insurance coverage that fits their
needs. Let’s use two examples to make this point.

Matching Your Needs

Very Healthy Person: If you feel that you are a very healthy young adult,
you might choose insurance with lower cost premiums—another word for
insurance payments. A less expensive insurance policy may not help you pay
for (cover) smaller bills. For example, your insurance may pay for part or
most of big costs, like surgery or a hospital stay. But it may not pay for checkups
or a test for strep throat.

Person With Health Problems: If you have severe allergies or a weak

heart, you may want help paying for more kinds of treatment: doctor visits,
everyday medications, and frequent tests.
Insurance: Protecting Your Assets 147

You Get What You Pay For

Most people buy health insurance through their employer. You are cov-
ered by your parent’s policy. When you finish school and get your first job,
you will then have to buy your own health insurance.

The kind of health coverage you buy depends on two things:

• How much help you want from your insurance in paying medical
• How much you are able to spend on premiums (payments for insurance)

The more health insurance you buy, the more your insurance will help
you pay for medical care. But the more insurance you buy, the more you also
spend on premiums.

As with all insurance,

people hope that they
✤ It’s A Fact!!
will never be given
Needs change as you grow older. The
serious reasons to
amount of insurance you buy as a healthy and
fit 25-year-old may be very different than the in- use it. But if
surance you own as a 50-year-old. people get very
sick or need
Source: “Health Insurance: Protecting Health
and Paying for Treatment, © 2007 hospital treat-
Northwestern Mutual Foundation. ment, they will be
very glad to have help
paying the bills.

Protecting Property: Replacing And Repairing The

Things You Own
To help pay for damage to their home, people buy renter’s insurance or
homeowners insurance. Someday you may have an apartment or a home to
protect, so you should know about this insurance.

What Kind Of Damage?

A fire can burn a house to the ground. Nature can damage homes through
hurricanes, tornadoes, hail storms, floods, high winds, ice, and sleet.
148 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

What else can damage a home? An out-of-control auto could end up on

your front porch or in your living room. Kids playing baseball can put a ball
through your window. Teenagers can vandalize the outside of your house or
drive over your lawn and tear it up. Burglars can break into your home and
steal things, like electronics, art, money, or other valuables.

How It Works
If your home caught fire, how would your parents replace the building
and all the things in it? The “things” took years to buy. Such a loss would be
more than most people could afford. That’s why people buy insurance be-
cause it will help them pay to repair or rebuild their house or apartment and
replace or repair their belongings.

Buy As Much Or As Little As You Want

People who buy homeowners or renters insurance decide how much help
they want if a disaster strikes. The more help they want, the more they must
pay for their homeowners insurance.

Insurance also costs more if people own very valuable property, like jew-
els, a rare violin, or a collection of antique clocks.

Most people buy homeowners insurance and then hope they never need
to use it. But if something bad does happen, they will have help putting their
home back together without losing all of their savings.

Protecting Autos: The Vehicles And The People In Them

You’ll learn more about this kind of insurance when you get your driver’s
license. Most states require that drivers buy auto insurance.

What Auto Insurance Helps You Pay For

Driving is a risky business, and auto insurance can help you pay for:
• Damage that you cause as the driver—whether you hurt other people
in an accident or you damage property, like another car or a building.
• Medical treatment you need as a result of the accident.
Insurance: Protecting Your Assets 149

• Damage caused by any non-insured person involved in the accident.

Despite the law, some people drive without insurance. So if your car is
damaged by a person without insurance, your insurance will help you
pay to get your car repaired.
• Any kind of damage to your car. Your car can be damaged in several
ways: an auto accident, a thief who breaks into your car, or a hail storm.
Like homeowners/renters insurance, auto insurance protects your ve-
hicle from things like fire, explosions, vandalism, theft, or storms.

About Auto Insurance Payments

Cars are another one of those expensive items in life. The cost of auto
insurance payments, called premiums, depends on how expensive your car is,
where you live, your driving record—and with teens, your grade point aver-
age. High grades mean lower premiums.

When you get your driver’s license, you can be added to your parents’
auto insurance. Your parents may even ask you to help pay for your part of
the insurance as well as the gas you use when you drive. When you are no
longer a student, you will have to buy your own auto insurance.

Just as with other kinds of insurance, you can buy lots of insurance (that
will pay for lots of damage or medical bills) or less insurance. If you buy less
insurance and you get into an accident, you will have to use more of your
own money to pay for damage or medical bills.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Auto insurance payments for
teens are high because as inex-
perienced drivers, teens get into many
more accidents than most adults.
Source: “Protecting Autos: The Ve-
hicles And The People In
Them,” © 2007 Northwest-
ern Mutual Foundation.
150 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Driving can be dangerous, and the damage can be serious and costly.
That’s why many people buy as much insurance as they can afford.

Life Insurance: Protecting The Family Income

Many people live long lives, but some don’t. Besides the fact that we feel
very sad when someone in our family dies, that death may affect the earning
power of the family. To protect the family income and the future of the
family, people buy life insurance.

Paying The Bills

For example, let’s say that your dad is a firefighter and loses his life in a
burning building. Your dad’s income is no longer there to help the family pay
monthly bills. Yet the bills pretty much stay the same. Will your mom’s pay-
check be able to pay those bills, now that the family has lost a salary?

Different Circumstances
Think about this. How the family is financially affected by the death of a
parent depends on when a parent dies.

If a parent dies with three children in elementary school, the living par-
ent must face years of expenses for these children: clothes, tuition, braces,
music lessons, sports, and college. There are lots of bills to be paid.

If a parent dies after the family’s children are adults, the living parent may
be the only person left at home. The many bills that a family pays while
children are growing up probably have been taken care of.

Yet the living parent may still need money for daily life: staying in the
same house and buying food, clothes, a new car, etc. Without life insur-
ance, the remaining parent might not be able to afford his or her old way of

Can you see how parents think about life insurance? Parents hope they
will not need to use life insurance anytime soon. But they buy it just in
case—if a parent dies, the family will have enough money to go on living the
way they always have.
Insurance: Protecting Your Assets 151

As with all insurance, there are many kinds of life insurance. People can
choose how much to buy, depending on their circumstances and their finan-
cial needs.

Protecting Your Income: When You Cannot Work And

Like life insurance, disability insurance protects income. If you become
too sick from an illness or too injured in an accident to go to work and earn
money, disability insurance will help provide an income for you. The acci-
dent or the illness has dis-abled you: you are no longer “able” to earn your

What if you are a professional football player who has injured his leg? A
brain surgeon who has developed arthritis and can no longer use her hands?
What if you are a construction worker who injured your back? What if you
got in an auto accident and became paralyzed? No matter what the job, people
still need an income to live.

People buy disability insurance because it helps replace their lost pay-
check—either while they recover from a short or long illness—or for the rest
of their life. Because this is a work-related kind of insurance, many people
buy this insurance through their employer.
Chapter 15

Another Good Use Of Your Money:

Helping Others
Hurricane Katrina. The tsunami in South Asia. 9/11. Your community’s
local food bank. Your college, the local firefighters’ fund, your church, your
synagogue, or your mosque. All of these organizations and efforts have one
thing in common: they need individuals to donate their goods, services, time
and money to fulfill their missions.

Every year millions of people support nonprofit organizations to care for

people in their communities, strengthen causes they feel strongly about, and
reach out to people affected by disasters. Giving is a noble and generous act
of caring and service. But what are some things to consider when thinking
about supporting a charitable organization?

It is possible to give from your heart while still using your head. Before
committing to volunteer time or donate goods or services to a local charity,
or responding to pleas for financial support in the wake of a disaster, con-
sider the following questions:

About This Chapter: “More About... Giving Wisely,” © 2008 Securities Industry and
Financial Markets Association Foundation for Investor Education (
Reprinted with permission.
154 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

What type of causes do

you want to support or ✔ Quick Tip
what groups of people How can you get more involved
do you want to care for? sharing your time and money with
Do you have a particular others?
concern for people with dis- Here are some possibilities:
abilities or children with can- • Donate part of your allowance or gift
cer? Do you want to help money to a charity you admire.
victims of domestic violence • Ask friends and family to donate to a
or disadvantaged youth? Are charity instead of giving you birthday
you passionate about the en- or holiday gifts.
vironment or animals or edu- • Join or start an organization at school
cation and the arts? Knowing or in your community that helps others.
what causes you want to help
• Coordinate with friends and parents
can make it easier to identify on a lemonade sale, car wash, a toy or
which organizations you may food collection, or some other event
choose to support. Creating for a local charity.
a plan to give to charities in • Volunteer to mow the lawn, rake leaves
advance of being solicited can or handle another chore for an ill or
help eliminate a lot of on- elderly neighbor.
the-spot decision-making. • Help your parents when they volun-
teer for a good cause or donate items
It can also help you deter-
to a charity.
mine which agencies or orga-
• Participate in a walk or run that raises
nizations you would like to
money for a charity.
support in response to imme-
diate demands created by di- Need more ideas or direction? Start by
sasters like Hurricane Katrina, talking to your parents and other family
9/11 or the tsunami in South Asia. members. Also, your city or county govern-
ment may have websites that list local chari-
ties and volunteer opportunities.
Do you have a relation-
ship with any charitable Source: Excerpted from “Another Good Use
organizations? of Your Money: Helping the Less Fortunate,”
FDIC Consumer News, Federal Deposit In-
Knowing people who surance Corporation (FDIC), Summer 2006.
work for, or volunteer with,
Another Good Use Of Your Money: Helping Others 155

a charitable organization can give you a personal connection to the organi-

zation and may help you feel more confident about where your money is
going and how it is being used. Ask friends or family members who donate
time or money about the charities they support and see if you think it would
be a good match for your giving interests. You can also ask at schools or in
your workplace, and your public library can provide you with information on
charitable organizations, including through your local Foundation Center
( collection. Personal references and a little research
can help you get a feel for the activities that an organization undertakes,
what results they have achieved to date, and what they commit to do with
the resources given by donors such as yourself.

Research potential organizations and carefully evaluate requests

for giving.
Before you donate items, volunteer time, send a check or make an online
gift, use the internet to research potential charities. Websites such as, and (the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alli-
ance) offer a wealth of information on nonprofit organizations and things to
consider before giving. As you review potential charities take note of:
• The organization’s mission statement. Is it in line with your vision for
how you want your money to make a difference to the causes that you
care about?
• Is the organization a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization? If you’re
not sure, you can call or e-mail the organization and ask for a copy of
their IRS Letter of Determination. According to the IRS, organiza-
tions receiving 501(c)(3) status are those considered “charitable, edu-
cational, religious, scientific, or literary; those that prevent cruelty to
animals: and those that foster national or international amateur sports
competitions.” The tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status is granted only to or-
ganizations that provide detailed financial and organizational infor-
mation proving it is organized and operated for charitable purposes as
outlined by the IRS.
• Does the organization disclose financial information? For example, do
they have an audited annual report? Do they make their IRS Form 990
156 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

available to donors? Does the organization disclose what percentage

of funds is used for direct programs and services versus overhead ex-
penses, operating costs, and fundraising expenses? You might consider
requesting a copy of the organization’s annual report and latest finan-
cial statements to see the activities of the organization and what per-
centage of funds are used for programs versus fundraising and
administrative expenses.
• Is this nonprofit organization accredited by or affiliated with any or-
ganizations? Nonprofits can demonstrate their credibility by working
with other reputable nonprofit and even for-profit organizations, as
well as by voluntarily meeting standards of accrediting bodies like the
Better Business Bureau.
• How will your donations be used? If you are donating goods or ser-
vices, will they be used directly or will they be re-sold to raise funds for
the organization? If you are donating money, will it be pooled in a
general fund for operating programs and services? Or will your money
be directed to a specific project?
• If the organization is international and working to help in other coun-
tries, how is money I am donating here being used? Most interna-
tional nonprofit organizations have U.S. and/or other country based
“affiliates” that comply with requirements for charitable giving so that
donors can give money responsibly here to help victims in other coun-
• What percentage of your donation will be used for overhead, adminis-
trative or fundraising costs versus going directly to meet the
organization’s stated project needs?
• Who benefits from the work of the organization? If, for example, the
organization serves youth, how many kids benefit, how do they ben-
efit and is this a one time event or do the kids participate regularly?
What you’re looking for is results that the organization has produced
with donations to date.
• Who governs the organization? Do they have an independent Board
of Directors? Do the members of the Board serve voluntarily or are
Another Good Use Of Your Money: Helping Others 157

they compensated for their service? It is best for Boards to be com-

prised primarily of independent, non-related members (that is, no
husband-wife or children of Board members) who are not employed
by the organization. Preferably members of the Board will not be com-
pensated for their service.

You should feel comfortable ✔ Quick Tip

when talking to a representative
For more tips on what to
of a nonprofit organization that look for in an organization be-
they are not pressuring you to fore giving, read the Better Busi-
give: goods or services, your ness Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance
money, or personal infor- Standards for Charity Accountability
mation they can use in the (available online at
future. If you are uncomfort-
able about the conversation, Source: © 2008 Securities Indus-
feel free to ask that they mail try and Financial Markets As-
you information (such as a bro- sociation Foundation for
chure and their most recent annual Investor Education.
report) before deciding to give, or
politely say “no.”

How To Think About Supporting A Charity

While you may receive requests primarily to support charities with fi-
nancial donations, there are several ways you can be a part of a nonprofit’s
mission. For example:
• You can donate needed goods (that is, clothes, furniture, non-perishable
food, etc.) or services (that is, beauty services, legal services, writing,
graphic design, medical care, volunteer time to make and serve meals,
etc.) If the organization you choose to support is classified as a 501(c)(3),
your donation may be tax-deductible, meaning that you can deduct a
percentage of the donation’s value from your federal income tax. Make
sure that you receive a receipt so that you can itemize this charitable
deduction on your tax return.
• Donate benefits you may have accumulated such as frequent flyer miles,
rebates or discounts.
158 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Consider using a credit card that makes a donation to a specified char-

ity for every purchase or transaction. You can research credit card op-
tions at
• Contact your employer’s human relations department to see if there’s
a company “matching program” to match employees’ charitable dona-
• For a special occasion such as a wedding, baby shower, birthday or
holiday, consider asking friends and family members to donate to your
favorite charity in lieu of giving gifts.

If you choose to give a financial donation, there are several ways to do

that. You can:
• Make a donation online through the organization’s website using your
credit card or registering for monthly automatic deductions from the
bank account or credit card of your choice,
• Use an online portal (i.e. Network for Good [http://www.networkforgood
.org], America’s Charities [], Charitable
Choices []) and use a credit card to
make your donation,
• Write a check directly to the organization (never to an individual work-
ing for the organization), or
• Transfer stock or mutual fund shares.

“Planned giving” is another way to financially support a charity. With

planned giving you create a plan to make charitable contributions both while
you are alive and after your death. There is a wide array of ways to do planned
giving, including charitable trusts, family living trusts, and annuities. It’s al-
ways a good idea to work with a financial advisor before making such finan-
cial plans or commitments or planning to transfer stock or mutual fund shares.

Even though many people give cash, it is better to keep a record of your
donations and proof that you gave to a particular organization, such as a
canceled check, e-mail, or credit card receipt. Keep your own record of the
name of the organization you donated to, the amount of the donation, and
Another Good Use Of Your Money: Helping Others 159

the date of the contribution. You should also receive a receipt from the chari-
table organization if the donation is over $250. The IRS does not require
receipts for cash donations under $250.

How To Identify (And Avoid!) Charity Scams And Fraud

Unfortunately there are unscrupulous people and organizations that will
attempt to raise funds fraudulently from you. And when a disaster strikes
that affects a lot of people, it’s especially important to make sure you know
exactly to whom you’re giving and what they are doing with your funds.
Here are a few tips to identify and avoid fundraising scams and fraud:

• If you get a phone solicitation for funds, ask for the exact name of the
organization, the caller’s title and/or relation-
ship to the organization, and contact in-
formation where you can learn more
about the organization (that is, a ✤ It’s A Fact!!
website address, office address, Don’t be fooled into feel-
ing like you have to pay for
name of other staff, etc.) before
unsolicited items sent to you in
you make any donation. If the the mail such as keychains, address
person is aggressive or obnox- labels, or notecards. Likewise you
ious, thank them politely and should make sure you’re not being
hang up. Do not be rushed into asked to “pay” for unsolicited appeals
making a donation before you disguised as bills or invoices.
are ready. Beware of any orga- Source: © 2008 Securities Indus-
nization that offers to send a try and Financial Markets As-
“runner” to collect your contribu- sociation Foundation for
tion. Investor Education.

• Verify the exact name of the charity;

following disasters, a number of fraudulent
organizations may pop up with names similar
to large, credible organizations. For example, during the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina, some websites were set up with the name Katrina
in them, or imitated the name and look of more well-known and repu-
table relief organizations with the name in the title, but had nothing
to do with aiding the victims. Also, some e-mail messages may ask you
160 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

to make a contribution but link you to a website that is actually en-

tirely false, with the purpose of getting you to share personal informa-
tion such as a credit card number, social security number, etc.
• Most legitimate nonprofit organizations do not ever send out mass e-
mails requesting funds. Beware if you receive an e-mail of this sort.
Check out the e-mail address at the top of the message. Is it the exact
address of the organization? It’s better to go into your internet browser
and directly type the name of the organization in the address bar to
get to the site on your own rather than replying by using a linked
address in an e-mail.
• If you are being asked to contribute for disaster relief, make sure the
organization soliciting you has experience in disaster relief. Ask the
organization to provide you with information that shows you how they
deliver assistance to victims in need.
• Do not give personal information or credit card number to an e-mail
solicitation nor to a telephone solicitor. Request that information be
sent to you in writing on the mission, programs and finances of the
organization before you make a donation.
• If you’re giving online, first make sure that the internet address of the
site exactly matches the organization’s name (you can go to an internet
search engine like or to verify) and then make
sure that the portion where you are entering personal information is
encrypted/secure. If it’s not, consider giving through a secure online
portal instead such as or
• Don’t respond to forwarded e-mail requests or chain letters for dona-
tions. In fact, such e-mails may contain viruses that can hack into your
computer so it’s best to delete them.
• Request written confirmation of the gift both by e-mail (if donating
online) and by regular mail.
• If you get solicitations through the mail, read them carefully. In addi-
tion to getting details and information on the charity (that is, its name,
address, mission, leadership, etc.) be sure you know what they’re ask-
ing for.
Another Good Use Of Your Money: Helping Others 161

• To reduce the number of phone solicitations you get at home, register

your phone number on the national do not call list (http://www.donot
• If you do not want to receive solicitations from a particular nonprofit
organization, ask the caller to remove your name and phone number
from their data base and/or write the organization and request they
remove your name from their mailing list.

☞ Remember!!
Giving to charitable organizations is an act of car-
ing and kindness. By doing a little bit of homework and
giving from your heart while using your head, you can enjoy
knowing that your resources are supporting proven, trusted charities
that are working hard to advance the causes you believe in and care for
people in need.

Source: © 2008 Securities Industry and Financial

Markets Association Foundation for Investor
Part Three

Being A Savvy Consumer

Chapter 16

Shopping And Impulse Buying

Buy It Or Not?
We live in a world where the pressure to spend money is constant. You are
surrounded by ads. And advertisers are now placing products in movies and
inserting messages on TV. They’re even in online blogs and message boards.

Resist impulse buying. Advertisers study buyers and buying habits all the
time. So these people have got some pretty clever ways to convince you that
you must have something. Advertisers don’t want you to think about what
you’re doing. They want you to buy right now—if you stop to think, you
might not buy.

How do you hang on to your cash so you don’t just buy impulsively? Ask
yourself these questions:
• Do I really need this item?
• If I don’t need it, why do I really want it?
• Am I sure that I’ll use it? Wear it?
• If I buy it now, will I have enough money for other things I might
need later on—this week, this month, next month?

About This Chapter: This chapter includes “Buy It Or Not?” “What’s It Worth?” and
“Smart Shopping,” © 2007 Northwestern Mutual Foundation. Reprinted with permis-
sion. For additional information, visit
166 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Will this purchase take money away from paying off any debts I owe?
• Is there any risk in delaying this purchase in order to think about it
• What are the chances this item might go on sale soon?
• Could I find this item somewhere else cheaper?
• Could I find an item like this, but without a brand name? It will prob-
ably cost less.

If you answer HONESTLY, you may

✔ Quick Tip
not buy it. Well, why can’t you just dip
Keep a money diary that
into savings—just this once—to make
tracks what you save and
the purchase? Don’t even think about spend. It will tell you about
it. Once you start spending your sav- when, why, and how you use
ings on things you don’t really need, it’ll money.
be gone before you know it.
Source: © 2007 Northwest-
ern Mutual Foundation.
What’s It Worth ?
It’s only $79.99! How many times have
you heard those words on a commercial or read
them in a newspaper ad? The word “only” is supposed
to make you think that this is a great price for the product.

But think about this: How long does it take you to earn $79.99? What do
you have to do to get that money? Let’s say you stock shelves at a discount
store, and you’re making $7.00 an hour. The little item that’s only $79.99 is
worth almost 12 hours of your work! And if you are making less than this,
how long will it take to earn that much money?

So as you stand in a store, telling yourself you have to buy an item, think
of how long you must work to earn the money to pay for it. Is that $85
designer shirt really worth the time and effort it takes you to earn $85? You
could probably find a similar shirt at another store for under $35, right?

Even if your parents are still buying your clothes, there’s only so much
money to go around. If you spend money on one item, you don’t have it to
Shopping And Impulse Buying 167

spend on anything else. So if you spend the $85 on those jeans, what other
opportunities might you be missing out on? You cannot put it in savings.
You cannot go snowboarding or to the movies with friends—you won’t have
the money to go. That is what is called opportunity cost.

Smart Shopping
There are ways of getting what you want without paying top dollar. Here
are some of them:
• Don’t shop as entertainment. When you hang out at the mall on a
Saturday afternoon, you see things you don’t need. But because you
see them, you want them.
• Shop the sales. If you shop the big sales to buy needed items, your
shopping stays focused, and you get more for your money. But don’t
buy just because something is on sale. Do you really need it?
• Wait for the sale. When you see something you like, approach a sales-
person to ask if the item will go on sale anytime soon.
• For gifts, shop in advance instead of the last minute. You may be able
to get something on sale. Don’t wait until the last minute. If you cannot
find just the right thing, you may blow your budget on something else
out of desperation.
• Shop places other than the mall. There are plenty of them.

• Shop outlet stores. They offer good deals on popular designer
• Try discount stores. They can help you cut corners on less important
wardrobe items, like underwear, belts, socks, etc. Not everything you
own has to have a designer logo. Buy the basics here, and shop spe-
cialty stores for accessories.
• Look in consignment or second-hand stores. These stores are usually
choosy about accepting only clothes in good condition. You can get
some real buys.
168 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Go to matinees and discount theaters. You know that movie you’ve
been dying to see? Sure, you can go to a full-price theater and pay full
price. Or you can look in the newspaper for a discount theater and get
a couple bucks off the ticket price. Go to a matinee (tickets are always
• Don’t spend all that money on drinks and popcorn. Without too much
trouble, you can spend more on snacks than on the price of admission.
Eat before you go to the movie, buy a beverage during the movie, and

✔ Quick Tip
5 Ways To Cut Spending...
And Still Get To Do And Buy Cool Things
Do you want to find ways to stretch your money, so it goes farther and is
there when you really need it? Here are some suggestions for knowing how
much money you have, how much you need for expenditures, and how to reach
your goals by cutting back on what you spend.

1. Practice Self-Control: To avoid making a quick decision to buy some-

thing just because you saw it featured on display or on sale, try these tips:
• Make a shopping list before you leave home and stick to it.
• Before you go shopping, set a spending limit (say, $5 or $10) for “im-
pulse buys”—items you didn’t plan to buy but that got your attention
anyway. If you are tempted to spend more than your limit, wait a few
hours or a few days and think it over.
• Limit the amount of cash you take with you. The less cash you carry, the
less you can spend and the less you lose if you misplace your wallet.

2. Research Before You Buy: To be sure you are getting a good value, espe-
cially with a big purchase, look into the quality and the reputation of the prod-
uct or service you’re considering. Read “reviews” in magazines or respected
websites. Talk to knowledgeable people you trust. Check other stores or go
online and compare prices. Look at similar items. This is known as “comparison
shopping,” and it can lead to tremendous savings and better quality purchases.
Shopping And Impulse Buying 169

then catch a pizza or a burger afterwards. You’ll at least be getting

more food for your money.
• Don’t read the newspaper? Check it out. On Thursdays or Fridays
newspapers usually feature ideas of what to do for free this weekend.
Some might have it online.

Electronics, Sports Gear, And Big-Ticket Stuff

• Be a smart consumer. Looking for a digital camera? With the internet,
you can read people’s posted reviews of some products. You can also

And if you’re sure you know what you want, take advantage of store coupons
and mail-in “rebates.”

3. Keep Track Of Your Spending: This helps you set and stick to limits—
what many people refer to as budgeting. “Maintaining a budget may sound
scary or complicated, but it can be as simple as having a notebook and writing
down what you buy each month,” says Janet Kincaid, Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation (FDIC) Senior Consumer Affairs Officer. “Any system that
helps you know how much you are spending each month is a good thing.”

Also pay attention to small amounts of money you spend. “A snack here and
a magazine there can quickly add up,” says Paul Horwitz, an FDIC Commu-
nity Affairs Specialist. He suggests that, for a few weeks, you write down every
purchase in a small notebook. “You’ll probably be amazed at how much you
spend without even thinking.”

4. Think “Used” Instead Of “New”: Borrow things (from the library or

friends) that you don’t have to own. Pick up used games, DVDs, and music at
second-hand stores around town.

5. Take Good Care Of What You Buy: It’s expensive to replace things. Think
about it: Do you really want to buy the same thing twice?

Source: “5 Ways to Cut Spending... and Still Get to Do and Buy Cool Things,”
FDIC Consumer News, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Sum-
mer 2006.
170 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

learn about brands, models, and features. Not all store clerks really
know much about what they sell. The internet can help you compare
prices, too, before you visit a store. Getting all this information before
you buy helps you find the right camera for your needs. Collecting
information makes you a smart shopper—and can save you money.

How Small Savings Add Up

Don’t underestimate saving a little here and a little there. Let’s take a
really common way of saving that everyone is familiar with: grocery shopping.
Let’s say you buy sale items, clip coupons, and use a preferred-customer card.
Your plan pays off. You save $12 a week. Doesn’t sound like much, does it?
You’d be surprised. At year’s end, you will have saved $624. That’s a bundle
of cash you could probably find a use for!
Chapter 17

It’s On Sale, But Is It A Good Deal?

Surfing The Sales




Sometimes it seems like life is one big, long sale, doesn’t it? It can get really
confusing. How do you know you’re really getting something for a reduced
price? How do you make smart spending choices when there’s so much pres-
sure to buy, buy, buy? Here are some important things to think about:

Is It Really Such A Great Bargain?

Before you buy something that’s marked down or on sale, think about
this: Why is it on sale anyway? Sometimes, stores will lower the price of
something because so far, nobody wants to buy it. If you buy a T-shirt on sale
that you don’t really like that much, or is halfway falling apart, you’ve just
wasted money. A bargain means getting something great at a great price, not
getting something so-so at a great price.

About This Chapter: This chapter includes “Spending Smarts: Surfing the Sales” and
“Spending Smarts: Ten Super Shopping Tips,” reprinted with permission from http:// © 2005 CastleWorks, Inc. All rights reserved.
172 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Are You Really “Saving Money”?

You’ve probably come across price tags that look something like this: “Full
Price: $249.00, Sale Price: $49.99.” It looks like if you buy this item, you’ll be
saving $200.00, doesn’t it? Well, not exactly. Usually, that big price was never
meant to be the real price of the item, and a store will just put that on the tag
to convince you that you’re getting an awesome deal (keep a lookout for
words like “Suggested Retail Price”). If the item doesn’t look like it’s worth
$250.00, it probably isn’t. What matters is the $49.99 that you’d actually be
spending; after all, it’s not like the $200.00 that was “marked off ” the price
tag is going to magically appear in your pocket. Ask yourself if this item is
really worth the price it is now, and make your decision based on that.

Don’t Believe Big Markdowns

It doesn’t matter what something used to cost; it only matters what it
costs now. If you’re tempted to buy a sweater because it’s $100.00 less than
its original price, try to focus on whether it’s a good deal at the CURRENT
price, and if you really think you’ll wear it. If it’s something you like, you
have the money, and it’s a fair price,
that’s a good buy.

Relax And Take Your ☞ Remember!!

There will always be another sale (some
Time stores seem to have them all year) and there
Stores and companies will always be more cool things to buy. Take it
easy, take it slow, and always comparison shop.
know that when people
take the time to really Source: “Spending Smarts: Surfing the
think about the things they Sales,” © 2005 CastleWorks, Inc.
buy, they will buy fewer things.
They need you to buy NOW, be-
fore you have a chance to think about
it, so they put a big “SALE” sticker on it.

When Sales Are A Good Thing

Okay, so we now know that “sales” are often tricks that stores use to make
you buy stuff you wouldn’t normally buy. But sales can help you too, and
It’s On Sale, But Is It A Good Deal? 173

here’s how: When you’re going to buy something anyway, it’s better to get it
at a sale price rather than full price.

Say you’ve been dying for a new bathing suit. The one you wore last year
is now a little too small and besides, you want to make a splash with some-
thing new! Now that you’ve got to go shopping, why pay full price? Look for
a deal this way:

• Keep an eye on the newspaper ads. Is there a clothing or department

store that’s having a sale? Check out the suits they offer and see if you
spot anything you like that’s selling for a good price.
• Ask about sales. If you’re in a store and you find something that you
think you might want to buy, ask a salesperson if they’re having any sales
now or in the near future. There may be a sale starting next week, and if
you wait, you could get a good discount on that perfect swimsuit.
• Shop in the off-season. The start of the summer is probably the worst
time to buy a new bathing suit, because stores know that everyone
needs one before the hot weather hits. Prices will be much better in
the early spring, when some stores have “pre-season sales,” and at the
end of summer, when the stores are trying to make room for fall clothes.
This kind of shopping takes some planning, but it can really pay off.

Ten Super Shopping Tips

If you can remember these ten big tips and practice them when you’re out
shopping or having fun, you’ll be an official “smart spender.”

1. Be Skeptical
• This means that you shouldn’t believe everything you see or hear.
• If something is “on sale,” take a close look and make sure that the new
price is really a good deal.
• If something is promoted as “the best thing ever,” don’t just blindly
buy it—make sure it’s something you want or need.
• Don’t always trust what you see in ads, and don’t believe everyone who
says something is “rare” or “collectible.”
174 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
Taking The “Bait” Out Of Rebates
Rebate offers can be irresistible to consumers, slashing the price of con-
sumer goods at the time of purchase or promising partial or full reimburse-
ments after the purchase.

Some manufacturers and retailers entice shoppers with instant cash rebates
that can be redeemed immediately at the checkout counter. But most rebates
are of the mail-in variety. They require consumers to pay the full cost of an item
at the time purchase, then to send documentation to the manufacturer or re-
tailer to receive a rebate by mail.

The documentation required generally includes the original sales receipt,

UPC code, rebate slip, and the customer’s name, address and telephone num-
ber. In most cases, this paperwork must be sent to the manufacturer or retailer
within 30 days of the purchase. Consumers generally receive their rebates up to
12 weeks later.

But the Federal Trade Commission cautions consumers against being “baited”
by rebates that never arrive or arrive far later than promised. By law, companies
are required to send rebates within the time frame promised, or if no time is
specified, within a “reasonable” time. “Reasonable” in this case often is inter-
preted as within 30 days.

When purchasing a product that offers a rebate, the FTC encourages con-
sumers to take these steps:
• Follow the instructions on the rebate form and enclose all required docu-
mentation in the envelope when filing for a rebate.
• Make a copy of all paperwork to be mailed when applying for a rebate.
It’s the only record a consumer will have of the transaction if anything
goes wrong.
• Contact the company if the rebate doesn’t arrive within the time promised.
• If the rebate never arrives or arrives late, file a complaint with the Fed-
eral Trade Commission, the state Attorney General or the local Better
Business Bureau.

Source: Federal Trade Commission (, January 2000. Despite the

older date of this document, the suggestions are still pertinent to shoppers plan-
ning to seek rebates.
It’s On Sale, But Is It A Good Deal? 175

2. Be Choosy
• Don’t just spend your money on any old stuff! Make sure that you
really like it, that you’re going to use it a lot, and that it offers good
quality for a good price.
• Compare prices of different items in a store, or the same item in dif-
ferent stores.

3. Be Patient
• Don’t be the first person to buy into something new, because it might
turn out to be a dud.
• Instead of making quick impulse buys, take the time to think about
everything you spend money on.
• Wait for prices to come down on the things you want.

4. Be Firm
• Don’t let salespeople talk you into buying something you don’t want.
• Don’t fall for the “upsell,” which is when an employee tries to make
you buy more than you asked for, especially in restaurants.

5. Be Yourself
• Following the crowd can be expensive. Instead, invent your own style.
• You don’t always have to own the same things or the same clothes as
everybody else.

6. Be Informed
• Know exactly what you’re getting for your money.
• Do some research before you buy any big-ticket items such as electronics.
• Look for “hidden costs,” like extra charges or extra things you have to
buy in order for something to work.

7. Be Realistic
• Understand that most things you spend your money on—from a new
shirt to a bag of candy—cannot make your life magically better.
176 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Sellers and advertisers try to make you think that all your problems
will disappear if you just spend money on their products, but this is
not true.

8. Be Resourceful
• Try to have fun without spending a lot of money.
• Borrow a book or movie from a friend or from the library.

✔ Quick Tip
Pricing Accuracy Concerns
When you buy something and a cashier passes the Universal Product Code
(UPC) symbol over an electronic scanner, a computer decodes the symbol and
sends the price to the register.

Electronic scanning is not foolproof. The reasons: human error, pricing dif-
ficulties, and management problems. As a result, consumer advocates and regu-
lators are concerned about inconsistencies between advertised or posted prices
and prices stored in the computer, inaccurate prices throughout a chain of stores
because of an error in the central computer, and problems for shoppers who
may not remember posted prices or special promotions when they check out.

Although the UPC symbol has replaced the traditional readable price tag,
it’s still possible for consumers to spot pricing errors at the register. Here’s how:
• Watch the display screen for prices. If you think you’re being overcharged,
speak up. Ask about the store’s policy on pricing errors, and ask the cashier
to make the adjustment before you pay. Although some stores simply
adjust the price, others deduct an additional amount. Still others offer
the mispriced item for free.
• Bring a copy of the store’s flyer or newspaper ad to the checkout counter.
Some advertised specials—15 percent off an item for two hours, for ex-
ample, or a two-for-one promotion—may not be in the computer and
must be entered manually by the cashier.
• Consider jotting down prices or special sales as you wend your way
through the store. In grocery stores, you may want to note the product
prices on the packages.
It’s On Sale, But Is It A Good Deal? 177

• Try activities that are free, like going to a park or museum.

• Get creative and add your personal touch to clothing and jewelry.

9. Be In Control
• You have the power to say yes or no when it comes to spending money.
• Avoid the temptation to spend everything you have in your pocket or

• Check your receipt before you walk away. If you notice an error, ask the
cashier to adjust the total. If you’ve already left the cashier’s lane, see the
store or department manager or the customer service department to cor-
rect any mistakes.

If you notice a pattern of electronic scanning errors in a particular store, talk

to the customer service department or the store manager. You also may want to
write a letter to the company’s headquarters. The retailer may not realize a
problem exists until it’s pointed out.

You also may report recurring problems to your state Attorney General’s
office, state or local consumer protection office, or your state or local office of
weights and measures.

Finally, consider filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission

(FTC). The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and
unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help
consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free infor-
mation on consumer issues, visit or call toll-free, 877-FTC-HELP
(877-382-4357); TTY: 866-653-4261.

Source: Excerpted from “Making Sure the Scanned Price Is Right, Federal
Trade Commission (, December 1998. Despite the older date of
this document, the suggestions are still pertinent to today’s shoppers. Indi-
vidual state laws may govern your rights concerning the correction of electronic
scanning errors.
178 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Do You Really Need
Those $125 Designer Sneakers?
A “need” is something you cannot live without.
A “want” is something that would be nice to have but
isn’t necessary.

“A need may be a pair of sneakers, but a want is the $125 pair

advertised by your favorite athlete,” explains Paul Horwitz of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

When you can control your spending on life’s wants, you’ll have more
money available to save for what you need in the future.

Janet Kincaid of the FDIC offers this tip: “Take a day or two to
think about any purchase that will cost a significant portion of
your savings,” she said. “If you really need to buy the item, it
will probably still be there for you. If you don’t need it but
you still want it, perhaps you can buy something similar
that’s a lot less expensive and save the remaining money
for other things.”

Source: FDIC Consumer News, Federal De-

posit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
Summer 2006.

• Try saying no—and then take the money you don’t spend and put it in
the bank.
• The more you resist the urge to spend on a whim, the more money
you’ll have for the stuff that’s really important to you.

10. Be Active and Happy

• When you’re down on yourself, feeling low, or just plain bored, you’ll
be tempted to go out and spend money for the sake of it. So find what
puts you in a good mood—whether it’s playing soccer, making music,
reading a book, or whatever—and go do it!
Chapter 18

Online Shopping: A Guide For E-Consumers

Listed below are tips to protect yourself from various forms of internet

Avoiding Internet Auction Fraud

• Understand as much as possible about how the auction works, what
your obligations are as a buyer, and what the seller’s obligations are
before you bid.
• Find out what actions the website/company takes if a problem occurs
and consider insuring the transaction and shipment.
• Learn as much as possible about the seller, especially if the only infor-
mation you have is an e-mail address. If it is a business, check the
Better Business Bureau where the seller/business is located.
• Examine the feedback on the seller.
• Determine what method of payment the seller is asking from the buyer
and where he/she is asking to send payment.
• If a problem occurs with the auction transaction, it could be much
more difficult if the seller is located outside the U.S. because of the
difference in laws.

About This Chapter: From “Internet Fraud,” Federal Bureau of Investigation

(, 2008.
180 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Ask the seller about when delivery can be expected and if there is a
problem with the merchandise is it covered by a warranty or can you
exchange it.
• Find out if shipping and delivery are included in the auction price or
are additional costs so there are no unexpected costs.
• There should be no reason to give out your social security number or
drivers license number to the seller.

Avoiding Non-Delivery Of Merchandise

• Make sure you are purchasing merchandise from a reputable source.
• Do your homework on the individual or company to ensure that they
are legitimate.
• Try to obtain a physical address rather than merely a post office box and a
phone number, call the seller to see if the number is correct and working.
• Send them e-mail to see if they have an active e-mail address and be
wary of sellers who use free e-mail services where a credit card wasn’t
required to open the account.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
The Internet Crime Complaint Center, or IC3, a part-
nership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the
National White Collar Crime Center, in 2007 released its latest an-
nual report on victims’ complaints received and referred to law enforce-
ment. Among the results:
• Internet auction fraud was by far the most reported offense, comprising
44.9% of referred complaints. Non-delivered merchandise and/or pay-
ment accounted for 19.0% of complaints. Check fraud made up 4.9% of
complaints. Credit/debit card fraud, computer fraud, confidence fraud,
and financial institutions fraud round out the top seven categories
of complaints referred to law enforcement during the year.

Source: FBI, 2008.

Online Shopping: A Guide For E-Consumers 181

• Consider not purchasing from sellers who won’t provide you with this
type of information.
• Check with the Better Business Bureau from the seller’s area.
• Check out other websites regarding this person/company.
• Don’t judge a person/company by their website.
• Be cautious when responding to special offers (especially through un-
solicited e-mail).
• Be cautious when dealing with individuals/companies from outside
your own country.
• Inquire about returns and warranties.
• The safest way to purchase items via the internet is by credit card
because you can often dispute the charges if something is wrong.
• Make sure the transaction is secure when you electronically send your
credit card numbers.
• Consider utilizing an escrow or alternate payment service.

Avoiding Credit Card Fraud

• Don’t give out your credit card number(s) online unless the site is a
secure and reputable site. Sometimes a tiny icon of a padlock appears
to symbolize a higher level of security to transmit data. This icon is
not a guarantee of a secure site, but might provide you some assur-
• Don’t trust a site just because it claims to be secure.
• Before using the site, check out the security/encryption software it uses.
• Make sure the transaction is secure when you electronically send your
credit card numbers.
• You should also keep a list of all your credit cards and account infor-
mation along with the card issuer’s contact information. If anything
looks suspicious or you lose your credit card(s) you should contact the
card issuer immediately.
182 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
A Checklist For Online International Shopping
• Is the business you’re buying from “consumer-friendly” for international
• Does its website clearly disclose information about the company:
• What kind of business it is and what it sells?
• Where it is located, including the country?
• How you can contact the business?
• Does its website clearly disclose information about the product or service:
• What is being sold, with enough details for you to know exactly what
you’re buying?
• The cost of the product or service, and the currency used?
• Does its website clearly disclose information about the sale:
• The costs, in addition to the price of the product or service, if any, like
costs for shipping and handling, taxes and duties?
• Any restrictions or limitations on the sale?
• Any warranties or guarantees?
• The availability of convenient and safe payment options?
• An estimation of when you will receive the order?
• Does its website clearly disclose information about its consumer protections:
• The opportunity for you to print or save a record of the transaction?
• Safeguards for protecting your payment information when it is trans-
mitted online?
• Policies on what personal identifying information is being collected
about you, what the company does with it and whom it shares it with?
• An opportunity for you to “opt out” of having information about your-
self collected?
• Policies on sending unsolicited e-mail, including an option for you to
decline these offers?
• The return policy, including an explanation of how you can return an
item, get a refund or credit or make an exchange?
• Where you should call, write, or e-mail with complaints or problems?
Source: Excerpted from “Going Shipping? Go Global!” Federal Trade Com-
mission (, March 2000. Despite the older date of this document,
the suggestions are still pertinent to today’s internet shoppers.
Chapter 19

Payment Options For Purchases

When you make a purchase... should you use cash, check, a credit card,
debit card, your computer or an automatic payment?

Each payment method has advantages and disadvantages. When you buy
something, merchants often offer several different ways to pay. Which way
is best? To make a good decision, it’s important to think about your options.

Cash is almost always accepted, but consider:

• Do you have enough cash to pay for your purchase as well as any other
things you might have to pay for in the near future, such as a quick
meal or an unexpected purchase? If not, more cash is available from an
automatic teller machine (ATM), but is there a service charge for us-
ing an ATM?
• Are you losing an opportunity to earn interest by carrying too much
cash? The more cash you carry, the less that can be deposited in a
financial institution in an interest bearing account.

About This Chapter: “Purchase Options for Consumers,” reprinted with permission
from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,; accessed in June 2008.
184 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Is there a possibility you’ll return the item you’re buying? Will you be
able to return it and get cash back, or will you be able to get only a
store credit? Will you use the store credit?

• Does your purchase need to be delivered? Do you want to pay in cash

for something you haven’t received yet? What if the item is damaged
in transit, and you’ve already paid for it? How will you get your money
back? It is generally more difficult to get a cash refund, even if you
have a receipt.

In general, it’s wise not to carry large amounts of cash because of the risk
of loss or theft. Use cash only for those items that you’ll either use immedi-
ately or take with you.

Checks are another payment option. A check represents money but is not
cash. It’s a piece of paper the check writer uses to instruct his or her financial
institution to release funds. With proper identification, you can open a check-
ing account at most financial institutions. Checks are reliable and conve-
nient for most transactions. Using them frees you from the risk of carrying
large sums of cash. However, you may want to consider the following:
• Checking accounts often have fees, minimum balance requirements,
or a limit on how many checks you can write each month. Therefore,
you may not want to write checks for small amounts unless you’re
mailing a payment.

• If mailing a payment, sending a check is acceptable, but mailing cash

can be risky. Cash lost in transit can’t be replaced, while a lost check
can be.

• Paying with a check through the mail provides proof of payment be-
cause the recipient must endorse the check to cash it or deposit it.

• Not everyone is willing to accept checks because they’re sometimes

returned for reasons such as insufficient funds in the checking account.
Merchants are sometimes reluctant to accept a check because they can’t
be sure it will not be returned.
Payment Options For Purchases 185

• There is usually only a day or two between when a merchant receives

your check and when the funds in the checking account are actually
deducted for payment. Funds in your checking account continue to
earn interest during this time. Debit cards and other types of elec-
tronic payments are deducted immediately.

Credit Cards
Credit cards and charge cards can be a convenient, efficient and reliable
payment method. Actually, they allow the buyer to defer payment. Credit
cards are more readily acceptable than checks because the merchant’s bank
guarantees payment to the merchant. Payment is made when you write a
check to the card issuer. If you want to use a credit card to make payments
and pay bills there are a number of things you should consider:
• You may have to pay an annual fee to use a credit card.
• Credit cards are more readily acceptable than checks. Sometimes they
are the only option acceptable.

✔ Quick Tip
Report Unauthorized
Transactions Immediately
Whether you use a credit card, a debit card, a personal
computer or Automated Clearing House (ACH), the trans-
action is electronic and is governed by the Electronic Fund Trans-
fer Act, or Regulation E. The regulation includes procedures for
resolving errors and provides limited liability for unauthorized transac-
tions. Send written notices by certified mail, return receipts requested, and
keep a copy of your letter for your own files. However, be aware that
liability for credit cards is different than electronic debit transac-
tions. Your maximum liability on a credit card is $50. On an
electronic debit, unless you contact your financial institu-
tion within 60 days of receipt of your statement, there
may be no limit to your liability for unauthorized
transactions. Additionally, before you receive
your next statement, your checks may be re-
turned for nonsufficient funds.
186 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• If you want to return a purchase, credit card issuers frequently have

procedures to facilitate the return.
• Since merchants pay a fee for each credit card transaction processed,
they may not want to accept payment using a credit card under a cer-
tain dollar amount.
• When you pay with a credit card, you’re actually receiving a short-
term loan to make the purchase. Unless you pay your credit card bill in
full a short time after the bill is received, you’ll have to pay an interest
charge in addition to the cost of your purchase. The period between
when you receive your bill and when the payment is due is usually
referred to as the “grace period”. Grace periods are generally 14–20
days, but can be up to 30 days. Although many card issuers offer a
grace period, not all credit card issuers do. Check the terms of your
card to be sure.
• With low minimum payments and high interest rates, credit card and
interest payments can extend over long periods of time—sometimes
over many years.
• Purchases are conveniently summarized in a monthly statement.
• Credit cards can be too convenient to use. Unless you keep track of
your charges, you can quickly owe more money than you can afford.
• Some credit cards offer incentives such as cash back, shopping dis-
counts, rental cars, or airline trips based on how much is charged. These
benefits should be weighed against other factors, such as the annual
fee and the interest rate charged when you don’t pay your bill on time
or pay only a portion of your bill.
• If your credit card is stolen or used by an unauthorized user your li-
ability should be no more than $50 if you report the unauthorized
transactions to your financial institutions.

Debit Cards
A debit card looks like a credit card but functions differently. It’s used to
take money out of your checking account at the time of sale. The transaction
Payment Options For Purchases 187

is similar to writing a check or using a credit card, except using a debit card
removes funds from your checking account immediately. When using a debit
card, consider the following:
• Because your checking account will be automatically debited, you have
to make sure you subtract the right amount from your checking ac-
count balance.
• Before you use the debit card, consider how much money is in your
checking account and what other expenses (rent, mortgage, utilities,
other monthly payments, etc.) you have.
• Unlike a credit card, if your debit card is stolen or used by an unauthor-
ized user, you could be held liable for the entire amount of the loss
unless you report the unauthorized transactions to your financial in-
stitutions within 60 days of receiving your statement. Also, unlike credit
cards, the money has already been deducted from your account. Your
money is gone and to get it back you must be able to prove that the
transactions were unauthorized. Additionally, your checks may be re-
turned for non- sufficient funds before you receive your next state-
ment because all the money in your account was removed by the
unauthorized user.
• Unlike a check, you can’t stop an electronic debit once it has been
authorized because funds are removed immediately from your account.
And unlike a check, there is no lag time between when funds are de-
ducted from your account. And unlike a check, there is no lag time
between when payment is made and when funds are deducted from
your account.
• If you return the item, can you get cash back or will you be able to get
only a store credit? As with cash, if only a credit is available for returns
you may want to use another means of payment if you don’t think
you’ll be able to use a store credit.
• Debit cards should not be used for pre-authorized, recurring payments
such as insurance premiums or health club dues. Doing so can lead to
problems later if you want to cancel your authorization. Safer methods
of direct payment are available via your financial institution.
188 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
• Since debit cards and credit cards look the same, be sure you know which
one you’re using when making a transaction.

• Consumer liability on a credit card is generally limited to $50. Be sure to

report a lost or stolen credit card immediately to prevent its misuse.

• Under certain conditions, consumer liability on a debit card can be un-


• Save your receipts for transactions made with credit cards or debit cards.
Review your statement regularly and report discrepancies at once.

• Do not download files sent to you by strangers or click on hyperlinks

from people you don’t know. Opening a file could expose your system to
a computer virus.

Personal Computer
Paying your bills using your personal computer can be fun and easy. More
and more financial institutions offer this type of “home banking” over the
internet. Using your computer to pay bills usually functions the same way as
using any electronic means to make a payment—an electronic debit is made
to your account. Using your home computer to pay bills is just like using
your debit card because the amount of the payment is deducted directly from
your account, and there is no lag time or float between when the payment is
made and when funds are deducted. When you pay bills online, it is impor-
tant that you make sure your transactions are secure, and that your personal
information is protected. Here are some precautions you may want to con-
sider when making payments online:
• Keep personal information—address, telephone number, social secu-
rity number, and account numbers or e-mail address—private. It is
not recommended that you provide this information unless you’ve ini-
tiated the transaction. Don’t disclose your personal information unless
Payment Options For Purchases 189

you know who’s collecting the information, why they’re collecting it,
and how they’ll use it.
• Give payment information only to businesses you know and trust, and
only in appropriate places like order forms.
• Never give your password to anyone online, even your internet service
• Protect your account numbers and personal information by using soft-
ware that encrypts or scrambles the purchase information you send
over the internet.
• Create and keep records of your online transactions just as you do for
your credit and debit card transactions. Review your periodic bank
and credit card statements for any billing errors or unauthorized pur-
chases. Notify your credit card issuer or bank immediately if you find
any discrepancies.
• Read the policies of websites you frequent and especially the disclo-
sures about their security, refund policies, and privacy policy on col-
lecting and using your personal information.

Automated Transactions
Direct Payment is a safe, reliable service that allows you to pay your
bills automatically. With Direct Payment, you authorize a company to de-
duct money from your checking or savings account in order to pay a monthly

Direct Payment transactions are generally prearranged or recurring pay-

ments, such as monthly utilities, insurance premiums, and mortgage pay-

Automated transactions can also be credits or deposits to your account.

Many people work for companies that use Direct Deposit to automatically
deposit pay into their employees’ checking or savings accounts instead of
distributing checks on payday. Direct Deposit of Social Security benefits,
expense reimbursements, and pension benefits are other examples of auto-
mated credit transactions.
190 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Direct Payment and Direct Deposit transactions flow through the Auto-
mated Clearing House (ACH) payments network. The ACH network is
more than 25-years-old and is an established network responsible for trans-
ferring billions of dollars each day between financial institutions. You can
learn more about Direct Payment or Direct Deposit by visiting the follow-
ing site:
Chapter 20

Facts For Consumers: How To Right A

Most companies want to make you happy so you’ll come back and rec-
ommend them to your friends. But when you find a company that’s not
making the grade, how do you resolve the problem?
This chapter explains your rights when it comes to mail and telephone
order shopping, unordered merchandise, and door-to-door sales. It also tells
you how to write an effective complaint letter and lists some resources for
additional help.

Mail And Telephone Order Sales

Shopping by phone or mail can be a convenient alternative to shopping at
a store. But if your merchandise arrives late or not at all, you have some rights.
By law, a company should ship your order within the time stated in its
ads. If no time is promised, the company should ship your order within 30
days after receiving it.

If the company is unable to ship within the promised time, they must
give you an “option notice.” This notice gives you the choice of agreeing to
the delay or canceling your order and receiving a prompt refund.

About This Chapter: “How to Right a Wrong,” Facts for Consumers, Federal Trade
Commission (, September 2003.
192 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

There is one exception to the 30-

day rule. If a company doesn’t
✤ It’s A Fact!!
promise a shipping time, and Fair Credit
you’re applying for credit to pay Billing Act (FCBA)
for your purchase, the company You’re protected by the FCBA when
has 50 days to ship after receiv- you use your credit card to pay for
ing your order. purchases.

Source: FTC, 2003.

Billing Errors
If you find an error on your credit or
charge card statement, you can dispute the charge and withhold payment on
the challenged amount while the charge is in dispute. The error might be a
charge for the wrong amount, for something you did not accept, or for an
item that was not delivered as agreed. Of course, you still must pay any part
of the bill that isn’t in dispute, including the finance charges on the undis-
puted amount.

If you decide to dispute a charge, follow these steps:

• Write to the creditor at the address indicated on the monthly state-
ment for “billing inquiries.” Include your name, address, credit card
number, and a description of the billing error.
• Send your letter in a timely fashion. It must reach the creditor within
60 days after the first bill containing the error was mailed to you.
• The creditor must acknowledge your complaint in writing within 30
days after receiving it, unless the problem has been resolved. The credi-
tor must resolve the dispute within two billing cycles (but not more
than 90 days) after receiving the letter.

Unsatisfactory Goods Or Services

You also may dispute charges for unsatisfactory goods or services. To take
advantage of this protection, you must meet these requirements:
• Have made the purchase in your home state or within 100 miles of
your current billing address. The charge must be for more than $50;
Facts For Consumers: How To Right A Wrong 193

• Make a good faith effort first to resolve the dispute with the seller.
However, you are not required to use any special procedure to do so.

Note that the dollar and distance limitations don’t apply if the seller is
the card issuer or if a special business relationship exists between the seller
and the card issuer.

Unordered Merchandise
If you receive merchandise you didn’t order, federal law says you can con-
sider it a gift. You can’t be forced to pay for the item or return it.

If you decide to keep the merchandise, you may want to send the seller a
letter stating your intention, even though you’re not legally obligated to do
so. Your letter may discourage the seller from sending you repeated bills, or it
may clear up an error. It’s a good idea to send the letter by certified mail and
keep the return receipt and a copy of the letter. These records will help you
establish later, if necessary, that you didn’t order the merchandise.

Two types of merchandise may be sent legally without your consent: free
samples that are clearly marked as such; and merchandise mailed by charities
asking for contributions. In either case, you may keep the shipments.

Door-To-Door Sales
Shopping at home can be convenient and enjoyable. But there may be
times when you change your mind about an in-home purchase.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)’s Cooling-Off Rule gives you

three days to cancel purchases of $25 or more made at your home, workplace
or dormitory, or at facilities rented by the seller on a temporary short-term
basis, such as hotel or motel rooms, convention centers, fairgrounds, and

Some Exceptions
Some types of sales can’t be canceled even if they occur in locations nor-
mally covered by the Rule. The Rule does not cover sales that meet these
194 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Are under $25

• Are for goods or services not primarily intended for personal, family, or
household use. The Rule applies to courses of instruction or training.
• Are made entirely by mail or telephone

✔ Quick Tip
The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, sug-
gests that students and grads tap into these 10 tips to make the most of their money:

1. Keep your personal information to yourself: In the past five years, millions of
Americans have been victims of identity theft, including many students. Pro-
tect your passwords, guard your credit card number, shred sensitive paperwork,
and don’t leave your mail where it might tempt a potential identity thief.

2. Socialize safely online: Social networking sites can expose you to people
with less than friendly intentions. Consider restricting access to your page.
Post only information that you’re comfortable with the whole world know-
ing, because once it’s posted, you can’t take it back. Don’t post your full
name, Social Security number, address, phone number, or bank and credit
card account numbers. Be cautious about posting the name of your school,
sports team, clubs, and where you work or hang out. Trust your gut and
report any suspicions to the site and the police.

3. Consider the National Do Not Call Registry: As hard as it may be for

your parents to believe, there may be times when you don’t want to be on
the phone—especially when the caller is a stranger trying to sell you some-
thing. Visit and register your phone number with the Na-
tional Do Not Call Registry.

4. Stay away from “guarantees” of scholarships: Reputable groups don’t charge

for information about scholarships. Steer clear of anyone “guaranteeing”
you financial aid for college or vocational school—especially if they insist
you pay them for the information first.

5. Don’t buy bogus weight loss products: Good health isn’t about a number on
a scale. It’s about cultivating a positive attitude, enjoying a variety of foods,
and staying fit and active. Take a pass on any product that promises easy or
effortless weight loss; instead, focus on healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

6. Understand credit: Credit is more than just a plastic card; it’s your finan-
cial future. Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure you “speak credit.”
Facts For Consumers: How To Right A Wrong 195

• Are the result of prior negotiations at the seller’s permanent location

where the goods are sold regularly

• Are needed to meet an emergency. Suppose insects suddenly invade

your home, and you waive your right to cancel the contract.

That “permanent record” your teachers always warned you about? It’s called
a credit report. Late payments now will come back to haunt you when you
try to buy a car, get an apartment, or even land a job. Once you’ve estab-
lished credit, get a free copy of your credit report at

7. P2P file-sharing can be risky: Peer-to-peer file-sharing can open the door to
unwanted content, spyware, and viruses. If you decide to use file-sharing soft-
ware, install it carefully. Otherwise, you might give strangers access not just to
the files you intended to share, but also to other information on your hard
drive, like e-mail and personal documents. Remember that sharing copyrighted
music or other entertainment via P2P can land you in legal hot water.

8. Travel scams turn spring breaks into spring busts: Who doesn’t dream of
spending spring relaxing in the sun or snowboarding on some mountain?
Be aware that scam artists target students who are looking for low-cost
vacations. Before you show up at the airport with your sunscreen, review
the tour package carefully and investigate the operator. Check out http:// for more travel tips.

9. Phishing scams reel in personal information: You’ve gotten e-mails claim-

ing to be from your bank or ISP asking you to “verify” your credit card or
checking account number. They’re from fraudsters phishing for your infor-
mation. Never give out your personal information in response to an e-mail.
When in doubt, check it out by calling the company directly. Visit http:// to learn more.

10. Some employment services are scams: Bona fide job placement services
can help launch you in the career of your dreams. But bogus companies can
scam you out of your money. Before paying any money to someone offer-
ing to help you land a job, check out who you’re doing business with.

Source: “How To Be The Class ‘Value-Dictorian,’” Federal Trade Commission,

June 2006.
196 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Are made as part of your request for the seller to do repairs or mainte-
nance on your personal property (purchases made beyond the mainte-
nance or repair request are covered)

Also exempt from the Rule are sales that involve these issues:

• Real estate, insurance, or securities

• Automobiles, vans, trucks, or other motor vehicles sold at temporary
locations, provided the seller has at least one permanent place of business
• Arts and crafts sold at fairs or locations such as shopping malls, civic
centers, and schools

Under the Rule, the salesperson must tell you about your cancellation
rights at the time of sale. The salesperson also must give you two copies of a
cancellation form (one to keep and one to send back) and a copy of your
contract or receipt. The contract or receipt should be dated, show the name
and address of the seller, and explain your right to cancel. The contract or
receipt must be in the same language that’s used in the sales presentation.

How To Cancel A Door-To-Door Sale

To cancel a sale, sign and date one copy of the cancellation form. You
don’t have to give a reason for canceling the purchase. Mail it to the address
given for cancellations, making sure the envelope is post-marked before mid-
night of the third business day after the contract date. (Saturday is consid-
ered a business day; Sundays and federal holidays are not.) Because proof of
the mailing date and receipt are important, consider sending the cancella-
tion form by certified mail so you can get a return receipt. Keep the other
copy of the cancellation form for your records. If the seller did not provide
cancellation forms, write your own cancellation letter.

If You Cancel
If you cancel your purchase, the seller has 10 days to cancel and return
any promissory notes or other negotiable instruments you signed; refund all
your money and tell you whether any product left with you will be picked up;
and return any trade-in.
Facts For Consumers: How To Right A Wrong 197

Within 20 days, the seller either must pick up the items left with you, or
reimburse you for mailing expenses, if you agreed to send back the items. If
you received any goods from the seller, you must make them available to the
seller in as good condition as when you received them. If you don’t make the
items available—or if you agree to return the items but don’t—you remain
obligated under the contract.

Try to resolve your dispute with the seller first. Make sure you act quickly.
Some companies may not accept responsibility if you fail to complain within
a certain period of time.

Send a letter of complaint. A letter is important because it puts your

complaint on record and lets the company know you are serious about pur-
suing the dispute. Be sure you keep a copy for your records.

If you can’t get satisfaction, consider contacting the following organiza-

tions for further information and assistance:

• State and local consumer protection offices

• Your local Better Business Bureau (BBB)
• Action line and consumer reporters. Check with your local newspaper,
TV, and radio stations for a contact.
• Postal Inspectors. Call your local U.S. Post Office and ask for the In-
• The Federal Trade Commission. To file a complaint, visit http:// or call toll-free, 877-FTC-HELP (382-4357); TTY: 866-
653-4261. Although the FTC does not intervene in individual dis-
putes, the information you provide may indicate a pattern of possible
law violations requiring action by the Commission.
• Mail/telephone orders only: Write: Direct Marketing Association
(DMA), 1111 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.
• Door-to-Door sales only: The Direct Selling Association (DSA) can
help you with your complaint if the door-to-door seller is a member.
198 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip

Sample Complaint Letter

An effective complaint letter may look something like this sample letter.

(Your address)
(Your City, State, Zip Code)


(Name of Contact Person)

(Company Name)
(Street Address)
(City, State, Zip Code)

Dear (Contact Person):

On (date), I purchased (or had repaired) a (name of the product with the
serial or model number or service performed). I made this purchase at (loca-
tion, date, and other important details of the transaction).

Unfortunately, your product (or service) has not performed well (or the
service was inadequate) because (state the problem).

Therefore, to resolve the problem, I would appreciate your (state the spe-
cific action you want). Enclosed are copies (copies, NOT originals) of my records
(receipts, guarantees, warranties, canceled checks, contracts, model and serial
numbers, and any other documents).

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait
(set a time limit) before seeking third-party assistance. Please contact me at the
above address or by phone (home or office numbers with area codes).


(Your name)
(Your account number)

Source: FTC, 2003.

Facts For Consumers: How To Right A Wrong 199

Write: Direct Selling Association, 1275 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,

Washington, DC 20004.

Dispute Resolution Programs

You also may want to consider dispute resolution programs. A popular
way to settle disagreements, a dispute resolution program can be quicker,
less expensive, more private, and less stressful than going to court. Many
businesses, private organizations, and public agencies offer these programs.
Two resolution techniques are mediation and arbitration.

Through mediation, you and the other party try to resolve the dispute
with the help of a neutral third party—a mediator. In the course of informal
meetings, the mediator tries to help resolve your differences. The mediator
doesn’t make a decision; it’s up to you and the other party to reach an agree-
ment. The mediator is there to help you find a solution.

In arbitration, you present your case before an arbitrator, who makes a de-
cision. Arbitration is less formal than court, though you and the other party
may appear at hearings, present evidence, or call and question each other’s
witnesses. The decision may be binding and legally enforceable in court.

Contact the following organizations for dispute resolution options in your

area: local and state consumer protection offices, small claims courts, BBBs,
and bar associations.

For More Information

If you’re not sure what federal agency has jurisdiction over your inquiry
or complaint, contact the Federal Citizen Information Center’s (FCIC)
National Contact Center at 800-FED-INFO (333-4636) Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. eastern time.

The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and
unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to
help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free
information on consumer issues, visit or call toll-free, 877-FTC-
HELP (877-382-4357); TTY: 866-653-4261. The FTC enters internet,
200 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

telemarketing, identity theft, and other fraud-related complaints into Con-

sumer Sentinel, a secure online database available to hundreds of civil and
criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.
Chapter 21

What You Should Know About Warranties

And Service Contracts

When you make a major purchase, the manufacturer or seller makes an
important promise to stand behind the product. It’s called a warranty. Fed-
eral law requires that warranties be available for you to read before you buy
even when you’re shopping by catalog or on the internet. Coverage varies, so
you can compare the extent of warranty coverage just as you compare the
style, price, and other characteristics of products.

Written Warranties
Although not required by law, written warranties come with most major
purchases. When comparing written warranties, keep the following in mind:
• How long does the warranty last? Check the warranty to see when it begins
and when it expires, as well as any conditions that may void coverage.
• Who do you contact to get warranty service? It may be the seller or
the manufacturer who provides you with service.

About This Chapter: This chapter includes “Warranties,” October 2001, “Service Con-
tracts,” October 2001, and “Auto Service Contracts,” May 1997, Facts for Consumers,
Federal Trade Commission ( Despite the older dates of these documents,
the information is still pertinent to today’s consumers.
202 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• What will the company do if the product fails? Read to see whether
the company will repair the item, replace it, or refund your money.

• What parts and repair problems are cov-

ered? Check to see if any parts of
the product or types of repair
problems are excluded
✔ Quick Tip
from coverage. For ex-
ample, some warran-
Spoken Warranties
ties require you to pay If a salesperson makes a promise orally, such
for labor charges. as that the company will provide free repairs,
Also, look for condi- get it in writing. Otherwise, you may not be
tions that could prove able to get the service that was promised.
expensive or inconve- Source: Federal Trade Commission,
nient, such as a require- October 2001.
ment that you ship a heavy
object to a factory for ser-
vice, or that you return the item in
the original carton.

• Does the warranty cover “consequential damages?” Many warranties

do not cover damages caused by the product, or your time and expense
in getting the damage repaired. For example, if your freezer breaks and
the food spoils, the company will not pay for the lost food.

• Are there any conditions or limitations on the warranty? Some war-

ranties provide coverage only if you maintain or use the product as
directed. For example, a warranty may cover only personal uses—as
opposed to business uses—of the product. Make sure the warranty
will meet your needs.

Warranty Pieces
When you buy a car, home, or major appliance, you may be offered a
service contract. Although often called “extended warranties,” service con-
tracts are not warranties. Service contracts, like warranties, provide repair
and/or maintenance for a specific time. Warranties, however, are included in
Warranties And Service Contracts 203

the price of the product; service contracts costs extra and are sold separately.
To determine whether you need a service contract, consider these issues:
• Whether the warranty already covers the repairs and the time period
of coverage that you would get under the service contract
• Whether the product is likely to need repairs and the potential costs
of such repairs
• The duration of the service contract
• The reputation of the company offering the service contract

Implied Warranties
Implied warranties are created by state law, and all states have them. Al-
most every purchase you make is covered by an implied warranty.

The most common type of implied warranty—a “warranty of merchant-

ability,” means that the seller promises that the product will do what it is
supposed to do. For example, a car will run and a toaster will toast.

Another type of implied warranty is the “warranty of fitness for a par-

ticular purpose.” This applies when you buy a product on the seller’s advice
that it is suitable for a particular use. For example, a person who suggests
that you buy a certain sleeping bag for zero-degree weather warrants that the
sleeping bag will be suitable for zero degrees.

If your purchase does not come with a written warranty, it is still covered
by implied warranties unless the product is marked “as is,” or the seller oth-
erwise indicates in writing that no warranty is given. Several states, includ-
ing Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Vermont, West
Virginia, and the District of Columbia, do not permit “as is” sales.

If problems arise that are not covered by the written warranty, you should
investigate the protection given by your implied warranty.

Implied warranty coverage can last as long as four years, although the
length of the coverage varies from state to state. A lawyer or a state con-
sumer protection office can provide more information about implied war-
ranty coverage in your state.
204 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Preventing Problems
To minimize problems, take these steps:
• Read the warranty before you buy. When online, look for hyperlinks
to the full warranty or to an address where you can write to get a free
copy. Understand exactly what protection the warranty gives you. If a
copy of the warranty is available when shopping online, print it out
when you make your purchase and keep it with your records.
• Consider the reputation of the company offering the warranty. Look
for an address to write to or a phone number to call if you have ques-
tions or problems. If you’re not familiar with the company, ask your
local or state consumer protection office or Better Business Bureau if
they have any complaints against the company. A warranty is only as
good as the company that stands behind it.
• Save your receipt and file it with the warranty. You may need it to
document the date of your purchase or prove that you’re the original
owner in the case of a nontransferable warranty.
• Perform required maintenance and inspections.
• Use the product according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Abuse
or misuse may void your warranty coverage.

Resolving Disputes
If you have problems with a product or with getting warranty service,
take these steps:
• Read your product instructions and warranty carefully. Don’t expect
features or performance that your product wasn’t designed for, or as-
sume warranty coverage that was never promised in writing. A war-
ranty doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically get a refund if the product
is defective—the company may be entitled to try to fix it first. On the
other hand, if you reported a defect to the company during the war-
ranty period and the product wasn’t fixed properly, the company must
correct the problem, even if your warranty expires before the product
is fixed.
Warranties And Service Contracts 205

• Try to resolve the problem with the retailer. If you can’t, write to the
manufacturer. Your warranty should list the company’s mailing ad-
dress. Send all letters by certified mail, return receipt requested, and
keep copies.
• Contact your state or local consumer protection office. They can help
you if you can’t resolve the situation with the seller or manufacturer.
• Research dispute resolution programs that try to informally settle any
disagreements between you and the company. Your local consumer
protection office can suggest organizations to contact. Also, check your
warranty; it may require dispute resolution procedures before going to
• Consider small claims court. If your dispute involves less than $750,
you can usually file a lawsuit in small claims court. The costs are rela-
tively low, procedures are simple, and lawyers usually aren’t needed.
The clerk of the small claims court can tell you how to file your lawsuit
and your state’s dollar limits.
• If all else fails, you may want to consider a lawsuit. You can sue for
damages or any other type of relief the court awards, including legal
fees. A lawyer can advise you how to proceed.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
For More Information
The Federal Trace Commission (FTC) works for the consumer to prevent
fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to
provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a
complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, visit or call
toll-free, 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357); TTY: 866-653-4261. The FTC
enters internet, telemarketing, identity theft, and other fraud-related complaints
into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database available to hundreds of civil
and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.

Source: Federal Trade Commission, October 2001.

206 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Service Contracts
If you are buying a car or major appliance, whether in a retail store, by
catalog, or online, you may be offered a service contract. To many consum-
ers, buying a service contract is like buying “peace of mind” from repair hassles.
An estimated 50% of all new car buyers, and many used-car and major appli-
ance buyers, purchase service contracts. The cost can range from $50 to $500,
depending on the length and amount of coverage provided. Some consum-
ers, however, may be paying for more protection than they need.

Before you buy a service contract, consider the following:

What does the service contract offer?

A service contract, like a warranty, provides repair and/or maintenance
for a specific time period. Warranties, however, are included in the price of
the product, while service contracts cost extra and are sold separately.

What is covered by the service contract?

A service contract may cover only certain parts of the product or specific
repairs. When online, look for hyperlinks to the terms of the seller’s service
contract. Read the contract carefully and, if it does not list something as
specifically covered, assume that it is not. Service contracts do not cover
repairs resulting from misuse or failure to maintain the product properly.
Also, you may be obligated to take certain action, such as notifying the com-
pany of problems, to insure the service contract is not voided.

Is the product likely to need repairs?

You may not benefit from a service contract if the product is unlikely to
need servicing or if the potential cost of repairs is very low.

What other costs will you have?

You may have other expenses after you buy a service contract. Service
contracts, like insurance policies, often have deductible amounts. Or, you
may be charged each time the item is serviced. Some expenses are limited or
excluded. For example, auto service contracts may not completely cover towing
Warranties And Service Contracts 207

✤ It’s A Fact!!
What will the service contract
give you that the warranty will not?
Before considering a service contract, make sure you know
what your warranty coverage is. If these documents are avail-
able online, print them out to make it easier for you to read them.
Then, carefully compare the coverage of your warranty to the cover-
age offered by the service contract to decide if the service contract is worth
the additional expense. For more information about warranties, send for
Warranties, a free brochure from the Federal Trade Commission, by
writing to: Public Reference, Federal Trade Commission, Wash-
ington, D.C. 20580. You also may write to this address to
receive a free copy of Best Sellers, a listing of all the FTC’s
consumer publications.

Source: Federal Trade Commission,

October 2001.

or rental car expenses. In addition, you may have to pay cancellation or transfer
fees if you sell the covered product or wish to end the contract.

Where can you get service?

If the service contract is offered by a local retailer or dealer, you may only
be able to get local service. Consider the possibility that problems may de-
velop while you are traveling or after you move away from the area.

Who is responsible for the contract?

The Federal Trade Commission often gets letters from consumers who
ask what they can do about a service contract company that has gone out of
business and cannot repay claims. Unfortunately, there is little recourse avail-
able to these consumers. The best way to avoid this situation is to consider,
before you sign a contract, whether the company is reputable. Look for an
address to write to or a phone number to call if you have questions or prob-
lems. Ask your local or state consumer protection office, Better Business
208 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Bureau, or state insurance commission if they have any complaints against

the company.

Can you purchase a service contract later?

You may be better able to decide if you need a service contract after you
have owned the product for some time. Consider waiting until your war-
ranty period expires to buy a service contract.

Auto Service Contracts

Buying a car? You also may be encouraged to buy an auto service contract
to help protect against unexpected, costly repairs. While it may sound like a
good idea, don’t buy in until you understand both the terms of the contract
and who is responsible for providing the coverage.

The Auto Service Contract

A service contract is a promise to perform (or pay for) certain repairs or
services. Sometimes called an “extended warranty,” a service contract is not a
warranty as defined by federal law. A service contract may be arranged at any
time and always costs extra; a warranty comes with a new car and is included
in the original price.

The separate and additional cost distinguishes a service contract from a


Before deciding whether to buy an auto service contract, ask these questions:

Does the service contract duplicate any warranty coverage?

Compare service contracts with the manufacturer’s warranty before you
buy. New cars come with a manufacturer’s warranty, which usually offers
coverage for at least one year or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. Even
used cars may come with some type of coverage.

You may decide to buy a “demonstrator” model—a car that has never been
sold to a retail customer but has been driven for purposes other than test drives.
If so, ask when warranty coverage begins and ends. Does it date from when
you purchase the car or when the dealer first put the car into service?
Warranties And Service Contracts 209

Who backs the service contract?

Ask who performs or pays for repairs under the terms of the service con-
tract. It may be the manufacturer, the dealer, or an independent company.

Many service contracts sold by dealers are handled by independent com-

panies called administrators. Administrators act as claims adjusters, autho-
rizing the payment of claims to any dealers under the contract. If you have a
dispute over whether a claim should be paid, deal with the administrator.

If the administrator goes out of business, the dealership still may be obli-
gated to perform under the contract. The reverse also may be true. If the
dealer goes out of business, the administrator may be required to fulfill the
terms of the contract. Whether you have recourse depends on your contract’s
terms and/or your state’s laws.

Learn about the reputation of the dealer and the administrator. Ask for
references and check them out. You also can contact your local or state con-
sumer protection office, state Department of Motor Vehicles, local Better
Business Bureau, or local automobile dealers association to find out if they
have public information on the firms. Look for the phone numbers and ad-
dresses in your telephone directory.

Find out how long the dealer or administrator has been in business, and
try to determine whether they have the financial resources to meet their
contractual obligations. Individual car dealers or dealer associations may set
aside funds or buy insurance to cover future claims. Some independent com-
panies are insured against a sudden rush of claims.

Find out if the auto service contract is underwritten by an insurance com-

pany. In some states, this is required. If the contract is backed by an insur-
ance company, contact your State Insurance Commission to ask about the
solvency of the company and whether any complaints have been filed.

How much does the auto service contract cost?

Usually, the price of the service contract is based on the car make, model,
condition (new or used), coverage, and length of contract. The upfront cost
can range from several hundred dollars to more than $1,000.
210 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Used Cars: Warranty Protection
When shopping for a used car, look for a Buyer’s Guide sticker posted on
the car’s side window. This sticker is required by the Federal Trade Commis-
sion (FTC) on all used cars sold by dealers. It tells whether a service contract is
available. It also indicates whether the vehicle is being sold with a warranty,
with implied warranties only, or “as is.”

• Warranty: If the manufacturer’s warranty is still in effect on the used car,

you may have to pay a fee to obtain coverage, making it a service con-
tract. However, if the dealer absorbs the cost of the manufacturer’s fee,
the coverage is considered a warranty.

• Implied Warranties Only: There are two common types of implied war-
ranties. Both are unspoken and unwritten and based on the principle
that the seller stands behind the product. Under a “warranty of mer-
chantability,” the seller promises the product will do what it is supposed
to do. For example, a toaster will toast, a car will run. If the car doesn’t
run, implied-warranties law says that the dealer must fix it (unless it was
sold “as is”) so that the buyer gets a working car. A “warranty of fitness
for a particular purpose” applies when you buy a vehicle on a dealer’s
advice that it is suitable for a certain use, like hauling a trailer. Used cars
usually are covered by implied warranties under state law.

• As Is—No Warranty: If you buy a car “as is,” you must pay for all repairs,
even if the car breaks down on the way home from the dealership. How-
ever, if you buy a dealer-service contract within 90 days of buying the
used car, state law “implied warranties” may give you additional rights.

Some states prohibit “as is” sales on most or all used cars. Other states re-
quire the use of specific words to disclaim implied warranties. In addition, some
states have used car “lemon laws” under which a consumer can receive a refund
or replacement if the vehicle is seriously defective. To find out about your state
laws, check with your local or state consumer protection office or attorney gen-

Source: Federal Trade Commission, May 1997.

Warranties And Service Contracts 211

In addition to the initial charge, you may need to pay a deductible each
time your car is serviced or repaired. Under some service contracts, you pay
one charge per visit for repairs—no matter how many. Other contracts re-
quire a deductible for each unrelated repair.

You also may need to pay transfer or cancellation fees if you sell your car
or end the contract. Often, contracts limit the amount paid for towing or
related rental car expenses.

What is covered and not covered?

Few auto service contracts cover all repairs. Indeed, common repairs for
parts like brakes and clutches generally are not included in service contracts.
If an item isn’t listed, assume it’s not covered.

Watch out for absolute exclusions that deny coverage for any reason. Here
are some examples:
• If a covered part is damaged by a non-covered component, the claim
may be denied.
• If the contract specifies that only “mechanical breakdowns” will be
covered, problems caused by “normal wear and tear” may be excluded.
• If the engine must be taken apart to diagnose a problem and it is discov-
ered that non-covered parts need to be repaired or replaced, you may
have to pay for the labor involved in the tear-down and re-assembling of
the engine.

You may not have full protection even for parts that are covered in the
contract. Some companies use a “depreciation factor” in calculating cover-
age: the company may pay only partial repair or replacement costs if they
consider your car’s mileage.

How are claims handled?

When your car needs to be repaired or serviced, you may be able to choose
among several service dealers or authorized repair centers. Or, you may be
required to return the vehicle to the selling dealer for service. That could be
inconvenient if you bought the car from a dealership in another town.
212 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Find out if your car will be covered if it breaks down while you’re using it
on a trip or if you take it when you move out of town. Some auto service
contract companies and dealers offer service only in specific geographical

Find out if you need prior authorization from the contract provider for
any repair work or towing services. Be sure to ask about these issues:
• How long it takes to get authorization
• Whether you can get authorization outside of normal business hours
• Whether the company has a toll-free number for authorization. Test
the toll-free number before you buy the contract to see if you can get
through easily.

You may have to pay for covered repairs and then wait for the service
company to reimburse you. If the auto service contract doesn’t specify how
long reimbursement usually takes, ask. Find out who settles claims in case
you have a dispute with the service contract provider and need to use a dis-
pute resolution program.

✔ Quick Tip
To report contract problems with a service provider, contact your
local and state consumer protection agencies, including the state insur-
ance commissioner and state attorney general.

If you need help resolving a dispute, contact the Better Business Bureau,
the state attorney general, or the consumer protection office in your area.
Also, contact law schools in your area and ask if they have dispute reso-
lution programs.

Source: Federal Trade Commission, May 1997.

Warranties And Service Contracts 213

Are new or reconditioned (“like”) parts authorized for use in cov-

ered repairs?
If this concerns you, ask. Some consumers are disappointed when they
find out “reconditioned” engines are being used as replacement parts under
some service contracts. Also ask whether the authorized repair facility main-
tains an adequate stock of parts. Repair delays may occur if authorized parts
are not readily available and must be ordered.

What are your responsibilities?

Under the contract, you may have to follow all the manufacturer’s recom-
mendations for routine maintenance, such as oil and spark plug changes.
Failure to do so could void the contract. To prove you have maintained the
car properly, keep detailed records, including receipts.

Find out if the contract prohibits you from taking the car to an indepen-
dent station for routine maintenance or performing the work yourself. The
contract may specify that the selling dealer is the only authorized facility for
servicing the car.

What is the length of the service contract?

If the service contract lasts longer than you expect to own the car, find
out if it can be transferred when you sell the car, whether there’s a fee, or if a
shorter contract is available.

Other Tips
If you’re told you must purchase an auto service contract to qualify for
financing, contact the lender yourself to find out if this is true. Some con-
sumers have had trouble canceling their service contract after discovering
the lender didn’t require one.

If you decide to buy a service contract through a car dealership—and the

contract is backed by an administrator and/or a third party—make sure the
dealer forwards your payment and gives you written confirmation. Some
consumers have discovered too late that the dealer failed to forward their
payment, leaving them with no coverage months after they signed a contract.
214 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Contact your local or state consumer protection office if you have reason to
believe that your contract wasn’t put into effect as agreed.

In some states, service contract providers are subject to insurance regula-

tions. Find out if this is true in your state. Insurance regulations generally
require companies to meet these requirements:

• Maintain an adequate financial reserve to pay claims

• Base their contract fees on expected claims. Some service providers
have been known to make huge profits because the cost of their con-
tracts far exceeds the cost of repairs or services they provide.
• Seek approval from the state insurance office for premiums or contract
Chapter 22

Shopping For A Cell Phone Plan

More and more people are buying wireless telephone service. With a cell
phone, you can keep in touch with family, friends, and work, even when
you’re on the go. Companies’ plans change constantly. Whether you already have
wireless service or you’re just getting started, it’s a good idea to shop around, read
each company’s offers carefully, and to ask questions, such as these:
• How will I use my cell phone? Only for emergencies or more fre-
• When will I make most of my calls? During the day, at night, or on
the weekends?
• Where will I be making and receiving calls? Close to home or far
• How much does my monthly budget allow for telephone service, in-
cluding wireless?

How Will You Use Your Phone?

Wireless plans commonly offer “buckets” of minutes. You pay for a spe-
cific number of minutes each month, whether you use them all or not.

About This Chapter: “Going Wireless,” © 2002 National Consumers League

( Reprinted with permission.
216 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• If you use more than your monthly allotment, you pay a much higher
charge for the extra minutes.
• Unused minutes may not carry over to the next month.
• Most wireless plans count the minutes for both calls you make and
• Charges are usually rounded up. For example, a call that takes one
minute and three seconds may be charged as a two-minute call.
• Unlike traditional phone service, most wireless providers start the clock
when you press the “talk” or “send” button, not when the person at the
other end of the line picks up.
• You use minutes when you call toll-free numbers.
• Some services allow you to check by telephone or online to find out
how many minutes you have left in your billing cycle. Depending on
how often that information is updated, it may not be absolutely cur-

Some service providers offer prepaid plans. Instead of getting a monthly

bill, you pay in advance for a certain number of minutes. When you use them
up, you can add more. Prepaid plans may be more expensive per minute than
the monthly calling plans, but they can be very useful for people who don’t
use the service much, have limited budgets, or want to control their children’s
cell phone use. They may also be a good choice for people who are trying to
rebuild their credit.

Another alternative is a plan with a preset spending limit; when you reach
the limit, you have to pay your bill before you can continue to use the service.

Where Will You Use Your Phone?

Wireless phone service uses radio waves, much like radios and televi-
sions. As with those devices, your cell phone might have static, drop calls,
get busy signals, or not work at all depending on where you are, the weather,
and other factors. Your location may also determine how much it costs to
make calls. Some wireless plans are based on “home areas.” Others offer
nationwide service.
Shopping For A Cell Phone Plan 217

• It’s important to select a service that works in your neighborhood and

other places where you plan to use it.
• If you use your phone outside of your home area, you are connecting
to the network through another company. Some wireless plans charge
a “roaming” fee, on top of the minutes you use, for those calls.
• Even within your “home area,” some calls may be long-distance. Some
plans include long-distance calls for the same rate, while others charge
more (on top of the minutes you use).

You could pay roaming charges, long-distance charges, and have your
minutes assessed, all for the same call, depending on your wireless plan and
your location. When comparing plans, consider where and how you’ll be
using your phone.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Wireless Internet Service And Messaging
Many wireless companies provide internet access, including e-mail and web
browsing. As wireless technology advances, internet services are becoming faster
and more varied.

• Some plans charge by the minute. Ask whether internet use counts against
the number of minutes in your plan or if you have a separate “bucket” of
minutes for it.

• If the charges are by the kilobyte, consider how many you are likely to
use. The average 100-word e-mail without attachments or graphics is
one kilobyte, but things like graphics and music files are much larger and
take up many more kilobytes (1,024 kilobytes equal one megabyte).

Some plans provide unlimited internet service. Another popular service is

text-messaging, which enables you to send small notes to other wireless users.
Ask the provider what the per-message charge is and whether you can send
messages to people who use other companies’ services.
218 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Read The Fine Print

It may be hard to catch all the details in advertisements for wireless ser-
vice, so be sure you understand the terms before you sign up. Wireless plans
often require signing a contract for a year or longer, so be sure you know:
• Whether your minutes can be used any time, including “peak times”
(usually weekdays), or if there is a certain number of minutes that are
restricted to “off-peak times” (nights and weekends), and what the
cutoff times are;
• How much it costs if you use more than your allotted number of min-
• The charges, if any, for roaming and/
or long-distance; ✔ Quick Tip
• The cancellation policy. Many “Cramming,” unauthorized
charges for services you never
carriers charge more than $100
agreed to, can occur on wireless as
to end your contract early; well as landline telephone bills. You
• Whether you can increase or should also be aware that download-
ing games, custom ring-tones, or other
decrease the number of min-
products or services may result in
utes or make other changes to charges. Read your bills carefully as
your contract after you’ve ac- soon as you receive them and con-
tivated your phone and started tact your wireless provider
using it, and what the terms promptly about any ques-
would be; tionable charges.

• If features such as voicemail and

Caller ID are included, or if they are extra;
• The cost for 800-number or directory assistance calls; and,
• What happens when your contract ends—do the terms of service and
charges change?

Get all promises in writing. Ask if there is a grace period within which
you can cancel for no or a small charge if the service doesn’t meet your ex-
pectations. Try it out as soon as possible to see how it works in the places you
would normally use it.
Shopping For A Cell Phone Plan 219

Choosing The Phone That’s Right For You

Wireless providers sell a variety of phones that work with their service;
sometimes they offer free or discounted phones as part of their promotions.
When choosing a cell phone, consider:
• The size that you want;
• Whether you can use the keypad easily; and,
• Whether it can handle features you might want such as Caller ID and
internet services.

Some cell phones work with older analog networks. Most sold today work
with newer digital networks, and some (called dual-band) work with both. If
the phone only works with digital networks, you may not be able to “roam”—
make or receive calls outside your home area.

To accommodate people with special needs, some phones can operate with
voice-activated commands. Many have raised numbers on the keypads. All
providers must offer at least one phone that works with TTY devices. People
who use hearing aids should ask if the phones are compatible with them.

It’s also important to know that if you switch your wireless provider, you
may have to get another phone, and you won’t be able to keep the same
number (consumers will be able to retain their cell phone numbers when
they switch providers under federal rules that took effect in late 2003).

Going Completely Wireless

More and more people are using wireless phones for all of their calls and
abandoning “landlines” entirely. For some consumers, just going wireless could
be a better deal than keeping their landline phone service, too. Be aware
• You might not get good (or any) reception inside your house or apart-
ment building.
• Weak or dead batteries can also prevent your cell phone from working
when you need to make a call. If that happens in an emergency situa-
tion, you would be unable able to dial 911.
220 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Families with children, people

who work at home, people who are ✔ Quick Tip
homebound, and other people who
Cell Phone Safety
depend on phone service may want
And Etiquette
the security of having a landline as
Use your wireless phone in a respon-
well as a wireless phone.
sible and considerate manner. You
should know that:
Avoid Wireless Fraud
• It’s safest to drive with both hands
If your phone is stolen or some- on the wheel. Taking your hand off
one uses the electronic serial num- the wheel to dial or talk on your
ber to “clone” your phone, calls could wireless phone can be dangerous;
be made against your account. To in some places it’s illegal.
prevent unauthorized charges and • Many wireless providers offer
protect sensitive information such hands-free kits and voice-dialing
as your account number: features to improve safety. How-
ever, talking on the phone while
• Keep your bills and service driving can still be distracting. If
agreements locked away. you need to make or receive a call,
the best thing to do is to pull over
• Store your phone out of sight
in a secure place.
• You may be unable to use your
phone in an emergency if coverage
Wireless Resources On is poor in your location. As long as
The Web the service works, you can make
911 calls at no charge even if your
For more information, check out:
phone has been disconnected or
• National Consumers League you haven’t activated the service
( yet.
utilities) • When you’re in a meeting, a con-
• Federal Communications cert, a movie, a restaurant, or any
place where a ringing phone might
Commission (
disturb others, turn your phone off.
• If you’re talking on your cell phone
• Telecommunications Re- in a public place, speak softly to
search and Action Center avoid bothering other people and
( keep your conversation private.
Chapter 23

Buying A Computer

Tips For Buying A Computer

What Do I Buy?
Computer technology is in a constant state of evolution. If you are in the
market for a new PC, you may quickly become confused by the cryptic ter-
minology and frustrated with the number of options from which to choose.
Several factors influence speed and power. Making an educated choice will
require that you become familiar with some basic concepts and answer some
basic consumer questions.
• How complex are my tasks? Surfing the internet requires less comput-
ing power than running a multimedia program. If you know the types
of programs you will be using, check out their requirements. Most
programs state optimum computing capacity on the box labeling.
• Do you require portability? A “notebook” computer may be preferable
to a “desktop” computer. Today’s notebooks are generally just as fast and
powerful as a desktop but have physical size limitations. As notebooks

About This Chapter: This chapter begins with “Tips for Buying a Computer,” by Vince
Ory, Baton Rouge General Medical Center, Medical Library, Baton Rouge, LA, for
the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region, July 2006.
Additional text is from “Big Print. Little Print. What’s the Deal?” Federal Trade Com-
mission (, 2007.
222 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

are frequently utilized without external power sources, “on board bat-
tery capacity” is an important factor in notebook selection.

• Do you prefer to buy your unit locally or mail order? This is an impor-
tant choice, for it often dictates what kind of product support you will
receive. Do you prefer to take your unit to a local dealer for service or
are you comfortable with telephone technical support? Most large
manufacturers offer factory direct orders. This allows you to choose
from a variety of component specifications rather than settle for what
a local vendor happens to have in stock.

• How much can I afford? If your computing needs outstrip your re-
sources, be aware many large manufacturers offer late model factory
refurbished machines or closed product lines with variable warranties.
Factor in the cost of any extended warranty you may desire. Again, the
operational requirements will influence power and options you need.
Most systems easily accept memory, video, sound, modem, and stor-
age space upgrades. A quality electrical surge protector is a must.

Deciphering The Language

The computer utilizes many complex components. Unless you build a
machine from scratch, you have little choice over some specifications. While
a discussion on each component could fill a chapter, this chapter covers basic
component selections you are likely to encounter. Let’s take a look at speci-
fications from a typical advertisement and break it down.

“Computer package includes: Pentium 4 processor at 2.40 GHz with 533

mhz system bus and 512K L2 Cache, 256 MB RDRAM, 16x Max. DVD-
ROM drive, 40 GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM), 128 Mb DDR
graphics card, 17” (16.0" v.i.s.) dot pitch 0.26 mm monitor, 4 PCI Slots, 1
AGP Slot, 4 USB ports, Front audio jack. 56k modem.”

Pentium 4 Processor At 2.4 GHz With 533 Mhz System Bus And 512K
L2 Cache: Processor (AKA: central processing unit, CPU, microchip, micro-
processor, or chipset). The CPU handles the computer’s complex computa-
tions. CPU speed (clock speed) is measured in the number of cycles per second
executed measured in “hertz” (megahertz/millions or gigahertz/billions). Some
Buying A Computer 223

processors have performance improving temporary storage areas located

within them, known as “Level 1 Cache” (L1) and “Level 2 Cache” (L2).
Economy priced processors often lack the L2 cache. Currently 512 kilobytes
of Level 2 (L2) Cache is common. The most common processors are the:
Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV, Celeron, Duron, and Athlon. At 1.0
to 3.0 GHz. Components inside the computer transmit data to each other
via circuit paths (bus) on the main circuit board (motherboard) The width of
the data path and the speed at which data moves along these paths dictates
the systems BUS Speed. The faster the system bus speed the faster the com-
puter will finish a task.

256 MB RDRAM: Random access memory (AKA: RAM, memory,

memory chips, or temporary memory). Random access memory functions as
a temporary data storage area for use by the CPU. RAM memory is housed
in series microchips and generally speaking more RAM memory means faster
computing. RAM memory is measured in units called bytes. (Megabytes/
millions or gigabytes/billions). Most systems allow you to easily upgrade
RAM memory. Currently 128 to 512 megabyte offerings are common in SD
RAM or the faster more expensive RD RAM.

40 GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM): Hard drive (AKA memory).
the hard drive is a magnetically sensitive disc(s) that serves as a permanent
storage area for data and programs. Like RAM memory hard drive storage
capacity is measured in bytes. Be aware of the size of the programs you will
be using and estimate your base hard drive requirements. Most system easily
allow for adding or upgrading the hard drive (20 to 70 gb).

17" (16.0" v.i.s.) Dot Pitch 0.26 mm Monitor: As with a television, screen
size and picture quality enhances viewing pleasure and reduces eyestrain.
Values for diagonal distance from corner to corner of the glass is the view-
able image size (V.I.S). V.I.S is generally smaller than stated size of the
monitor as in our example advertisement. “Notebooks tend toward smaller
screens but 15" and 17" are common. Screens up 21" are now available with
17" the most popular for desktops. Flat-panel (FP) monitors, standard on
notebooks, are now available for desktops. FP monitors have a much thinner
front to back profile and thus require less space. Additionally, FP monitors
make use of eye-saving liquid crystal display (LCD). FP monitors are much
224 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

more expensive than older technology, cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors
but typically last longer. If you opt for the CRT monitor you may want to
consider a model with an eye saving flat glass screen. Picture quality is a
function of several factors but typically higher resolution screens have smaller
“dot pitch” values. Dot pitch ranges from 0.18 mm to 0.39 mm (the smaller
the better) with 0.28 mm being the largest value for a CRT monitor without
undue eyestrain.

128 Mb DDR Graphics Card: The video graphics card is a separate cir-
cuit board plugged into you computers main circuit board expansion slots.
The video card has its own processing chip (coprocessor) and RAM memory
that handles video information to relieve the CPU of that duty. Most late
model computers come with a video card or easily accept installation and

16x Max. DVD-ROM Drive: Various types of disc drives are available.
They offer the ability to upload and download data, record and play music,
and play movies. Drive ability is measured in multiples of a base standard of
150 kilobytes per second (KBS) data transfer rate. A 16X disc drive operates
at a 16 X 150 KBS (2400 kbs) transfer rate. CD ROM drives will read text
and play music but not record. A CD RW drive will play music and allow
you to record music or text onto recordable discs. DVD ROM and DVD
RW share a similar relationship. A disc drive is a good means of backing up
you computer hard drive information in case of failure.

4 PCI Slots, 1 AGP Slot: The computers main circuit board (motherboard)
has sockets (expansion slots) for adding additional circuit boards. Currently,
several peripheral component interconnect (PCI) slots and one video dedi-
cated advanced graphics port (AGP) slot are common offerings. PCI slots
allow quick installation of new circuit devices without extensive software
reconfiguring (Plug and Play). AGP allows installation and efficient use of
the video card.

4 USB Ports: Serial ports and parallel ports are standard equipment but
an important item not to overlook is the universal service bus (USB) port.
USB offers high speed data exchange and allows several devices to be plugged
into a single hub in a process know as “daisy chaining” greatly expanding the
Buying A Computer 225

number of devices you can attach to one USB port. USB also allows devices
to be disconnected and reconnected without shutting down the computer’s
main power.

Front Audio Jack: Audio jacks allow quick access for audio appliances.
Often they indicate the presence of an audio card (also known as, sound
cards). Audio cards allow the computer to process sound incoming and out-
going from equipment like microphones and external speakers and graphical
and game devices like joysticks. The sound card enables the computer to
function much like a stereo system.

Modems: Modems allow you to connect your computer to the internet.

Modems can be part of the internal or external circuitry of your computer.
dial-up modems utilizing standard telephone lines are the most prevalent
with a 56K (56,000 bits per second) the minimum desirable. Most “off the
shelf ” computers come with 56k modem standard. Digital subscriber line
(DSL) modems utilize high-speed digital connections via standard phone
lines. DSL access is much faster than a standard 56k connection but more
expensive. Additionally, DSL can remain continuously connected to the
internet so the dial-up process is eliminated. Cable modems allow very high-
speed internet access over the same types of lines cable television utilizes.
The cable modem can be bought or leased from cable companies. If you
select cable access you computer will need an Ethernet card installed. For
possible DSL or cable internet access check with you local phone company
or cable company for availability and terms before you invest in the hard-

Other Stuff: There is an expanding number of devices to make you com-

puter more useful: printers, cameras, speakers, scanners, joysticks, network-
ing options, and dedicated backup devices.

Big Print. Little Print. What’s The Deal?

How To Disclose The Details
Some advertisements for “low cost” computers omit important restric-
tions or conditions about the “deal,” or bury them in fine print or obscure
locations. This information should be disclosed clearly and conspicuously in
226 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

the advertising so that consumers can evaluate the merits of an offer and
make an informed purchasing decision.

Rebated Computers And Internet Service

Many rebate promotions use big print to tout the after-rebate price of
the computer. But often, the total price the consumer must pay up-front is
buried in the fine print, if it’s included at all. Advertisements should promi-
nently state the before-rebate cost of the computer, as well as the amounts of

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Disclosures In Internet Advertising
Information affecting the actual cost of an offer should be disclosed close to
the advertised price—that is, on the same electronic page and next to the price.
Advertisers should not use pop-up windows or hyperlinks to other electronic
pages to display key cost information. Hyperlinks may be useful to tell consum-
ers about less critical terms and conditions of an offer, especially when the
information may be extensive. For example, in rebate offers that require the
purchase of internet service, the cost of the internet service should be disclosed
on the same page as the advertised price of the computer. But hyperlinks may
be used to direct the consumer to the cancellation terms and additional internet
connection costs of many internet rebate offers.

When using a hyperlinked disclosure, advertisers should clearly label the

hyperlink so it shows the importance, nature, and relevance of the information
to which it links (for example, “Early cancellation of internet service may result
in substantial penalties. Click here.”). The hyperlink should be prominent, near
the claim it is qualifying, easily noticeable, and lead directly to the qualifying
information. Vague labels like “Terms and Conditions” are not enough to direct
consumers to important restrictions or qualifications.

In addition, information that is significant to the advertised offer should

not be buried at the end of a long web page that requires consumers to scroll
past unrelated information. Consumers should not have to wander through an
electronic maze to discover important conditions or limitations of an offer.

Source: Federal Trade Commission, 2007.

Buying A Computer 227

the rebates. Only then will consumers know their actual out-of-pocket cost
and have the information they need to comparison shop.

In addition, advertisers should prominently disclose whether the consumer

is required to purchase internet service to qualify for the “low cost” deal. The
ad should state the key terms of the purchase requirements, including the cost
and duration of the consumer’s commitment to the internet service.

Rebate promotions should clearly detail any additional terms and condi-
tions that consumers need to know, like the following:
• Penalties or fees for canceling the internet service contract early. Some
rebate offers require consumers to pay back all or a portion of the
rebate; others tack on an additional fee.
• Additional connection charges to access the internet service. For ex-
ample, consumers should be told that to access the internet they may
have to pay long distance phone charges, or expensive hourly surcharges
for use of an 800, 888 or 877 phone number. This charge is in addition
to the basic monthly internet service fee. Consumers also should be
told how to find out if local internet access is available.
• How long before they will receive the rebate.

Advertisers should tell consumers what components are included in the

offer. For example, if a monitor is pictured in the ad but is not part of the
deal, the ad must state this fact clearly and prominently. The ad also should
include the cost of the monitor if it’s sold as an add-on.

Don’t Bury The Details

Ads should clearly and conspicuously disclose all the information about
an offer that is likely to affect a consumer’s purchasing decision. Disclose the
most important information—like the terms affecting the basic cost of the
offer—near the advertised price.

Print advertisers should not attempt to hide the real cost or the critical
terms or conditions by putting them in obscure locations, such as the border
area on a print ad; burying them in numerous, densely packed lines of fine
print; or including them in small-type footnotes.
228 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Television advertisers should not hide key information in a fast moving

“crawl”; superscripts or subscripts using small print sizes or a color that fades
into the background; type that disappears from the screen too fast for con-
sumers to read and comprehend; or the middle of a long statement that
scrolls vertically on the screen within a short period of time.
Chapter 24

Buying Jewelry
Buying jewelry can be fun, exciting, and confusing. Whether you’re con-
sidering a gift of jewelry for someone special or as a treat for yourself, take
some time to learn the terms used in the industry. Here’s some information
to help you get the best quality jewelry for your money, whether you’re shop-
ping in a traditional brick and mortar store, by catalog, or online.

The word gold, used by itself, means all gold or 24 karat (24K) gold.
Because 24K gold is soft, it’s usually mixed with other metals to increase its
hardness and durability. If a piece of jewelry is not 24 karat gold, the karat
quality should accompany any claim that the item is gold.

The karat quality marking tells you what proportion of gold is mixed
with the other metals. Fourteen karat (14K) jewelry contains 14 parts of
gold, mixed in throughout with 10 parts of base metal. The higher the karat
rating, the higher the proportion of gold in the piece of jewelry.

Most jewelry is marked with its karat quality, although marking is not
required by law. Near the karat quality mark, you should see the name or the

About This Chapter: “All That Glitters... How to Buy Jewelry,” Facts for Consumers,
Federal Trade Commission (, March 2008.
230 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

U.S. registered trademark of the company that will stand behind the mark.
The trademark may be in the form of a name, symbol, or initials. If you don’t
see a trademark accompanying a quality mark on a piece of jewelry, look for
another piece.

Jewelr y can be
plated with gold in ✤ It’s A Fact!!
a variety of ways. Solid gold refers to an item made of any karat gold,
Gold plate refers if the inside of the item is not hollow. The propor-
to items that are ei- tion of gold in the piece of jewelry still is de-
termined by the karat mark.
ther mechanically
plated, electroplated, or
plated by any other means with gold to
a base metal. Eventually, gold plating wears away, but how soon will depend
on how often the item is worn and how thick the plating is.

Gold-filled, gold overlay, and rolled gold plate (RGP) are terms used to
describe jewelry that has a layer of at least 10 karat gold mechanically bonded
to a base metal. If the jewelry is marked with one of these terms, the term or
abbreviation should follow the karat quality of the gold used (for example,
14K Gold Overlay or 12K RGP). If the layer of karat gold is less than 1/20th
of the total weight of the item, any marking must state the actual percentage
of karat gold, such as 1/40 14K Gold Overlay.

Gold electroplate describes jewelry that has a layer (at least .175 microns
thick) of a minimum of 10 karat gold deposited on a base metal by an electrolytic
process. The terms gold flashed or gold washed describe products that have an
extremely thin electroplating of gold (less than .175 microns thick). This will
wear away more quickly than gold plate, gold-filled, or gold electroplate.

Platinum, Silver, And Other Metals

Platinum is a precious metal that costs more than gold. It usually is mixed
with other similar metals, known as the platinum group metals: iridium,
palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, and osmium.

Different markings are used on platinum jewelry as compared with gold

jewelry, based on the amount of pure platinum in the piece. The quality
Buying Jewelry 231

markings for platinum are based on parts per thousand. For example, the
marking 900 Platinum means that 900 parts out of 1000 are pure platinum,
or in other words, the item is 90% platinum and 10% other metals. The abbre-
viations for platinum—Plat. or Pt.—also can be used in marking jewelry.

Items that contain at least 950 parts per thousand pure platinum can be
marked simply platinum. Items that have at least 850 parts per thousand
pure platinum can be marked with the amount of pure platinum and the
word platinum or an abbreviation (for example, 950 platinum, 900 Plat., or
850 Pt.). Jewelry that contains less than 850 parts per thousand pure plati-
num, but has a total of 950 parts per thousand of platinum group metals (of
which at least 500 parts is pure platinum), may be marked with both the
amount of pure platinum and the amount of the other platinum group met-
als in the piece. For example, the marking 600 Plat. 350 Irid. means that the
item has 600 parts per thousand (60%) platinum, and 350 parts per thou-
sand (35%) iridium, totaling 950 parts per thousand of platinum group met-
als, and 50 parts per thousand (5%) other metals.

The words silver or sterling silver describe a product that contains 92.5%
silver. Silver products sometimes may be marked 925 which means that 925
parts per thousand are pure silver. Some jewelry may be described as
silverplate: a layer of silver is bonded to a base metal. The mark coin silver is
used for compounds that contain 90% silver. According to the law, quality-
marked silver also must bear the name or a U.S. registered trademark of the
company or person that will stand behind the mark.

Vermeil (ver-may), a special type of gold plated product, consists of a

base of sterling silver that is coated or plated with gold.

Pewter items may be described and marked as such if they contain at

least 90% tin.

Natural gemstones are found in nature. Laboratory-created stones, as
the name implies, are made in a laboratory. These stones, which also are
referred to as laboratory-grown, [name of manufacturer]-created, or syn-
thetic, have essentially the same chemical, physical, and visual properties as
232 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

natural gemstones. Laboratory-created stones do not have the rarity of natu-

rally colored stones and they are less expensive than naturally mined stones.
By contrast, imitation stones look like natural stones in appearance only, and
may be glass, plastic, or less costly stones. Laboratory-created and imitation
stones should be clearly identified as such.

Gemstones may be measured by weight, size, or both. The basic unit for
weighing gemstones is the carat, which is equal to one-fifth (1/5th) of a
gram. Carats are divided into 100 units, called points. For example, a half-
carat gemstone would weigh .50 carats or 50 points. When gemstones are
measured by dimensions, the size is expressed in millimeters (for example,
7x5 millimeters).

Gemstone treatments or enhance-

ments refer to the way some gems are ✤ It’s A Fact!!
treated to improve their appearance Jewelers should tell you
whether the gemstone you’re
or durability, or even change their
considering has been treated
color. Many gemstones are when: the treatment is not permanent;
treated in some way. The effects the treated stone requires special
of some treatments may lessen or care; or the treatment signifi-
change over time and some treated cantly affects the value of
stones may require special care. Some the gemstone.
enhancements also affect the value of a
stone, when measured against a comparable
untreated stone.

Some common treatments that you may be told about and their effects
include the following:
• Heating can lighten, darken, or change the color of some gems, or
improve a gemstone’s clarity.
• Irradiation can add more color to colored diamonds, certain other gem-
stones, and pearls.
• Impregnating some gems with colorless oils, wax, or resins makes a
variety of imperfections less visible and can improve the gemstones’
clarity and appearance.
Buying Jewelry 233

• Fracture filling hides cracks or fractures in gems by injecting colorless

plastic or glass into the cracks and improves the gemstones’ appear-
ance and durability.
• Diffusion treatment adds color to the surface of colorless gems; the
center of the stone remains colorless.
• Dyeing adds color and improves color uniformity in some gemstones
and pearls.
• Bleaching lightens and whitens some gems, including jade and pearls.

A diamond’s value is based on four criteria: color, cut, clarity, and carat.
The clarity and color of a diamond usually are graded. However, scales are
not uniform: a clarity grade of “slightly included” may represent a different
grade on one grading system versus another, depending on the terms used
in the scale. Make sure you know how a particular scale and grade repre-
sent the color or clarity of the diamond you’re considering. A diamond can
be described as “flawless” only if it has no visible surface or internal imper-
fections when viewed under 10-power magnification by a skilled diamond

As with other gems, diamond weight usually is stated in carats. Diamond

weight may be described in decimal or fractional parts of a carat. If the weight
is given in decimal parts of a carat, the figure should be accurate to the last
decimal place. For example, “.30 carat” could represent a diamond that weighs
between .295–.304 carat. Some retailers describe diamond weight in frac-
tions and use the fraction to represent a range of weights. For example, a
diamond described as 1/2 carat could weigh between .47–.54 carat. If dia-
mond weight is stated as fractional parts of a carat, the retailer should dis-
close two things: that the weight is not exact, and the reasonable range of
weight for each fraction or the weight tolerance being used.

Some diamonds may be treated to improve their appearance in similar

ways as other gemstones. Since these treatments improve the clarity of the
diamond, some jewelers refer to them as clarity enhancement. One type of
treatment—fracture filling—conceals cracks in diamonds by filling them with
234 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

a foreign substance. This filling may not be permanent and jewelers should
tell you if the diamond you’re considering has been fracture-filled.

Another treatment—lasering—
involves the use of a laser beam to im- ✤ It’s A Fact!!
prove the appearance of diamonds Imitation diamonds, such as cubic
that have black inclusions or spots. A Zirconia, resemble diamonds in ap-
laser beam is aimed at the inclusion. pearance but are much less costly.
Acid is then forced through a tiny Certain laboratory-created gem-
stones, such as lab-created mois-
tunnel made by the laser beam to re-
sanite, also resemble diamonds and
move the inclusion. Lasering is per- may not be adequately detected by
manent and a laser-drilled stone does the instruments originally used to
not require special care. identify cubic Zirconia. Ask your
jeweler if he has the current testing
While a laser-drilled diamond equipment to distinguish between
may appear as beautiful as a compa- diamonds and other lab-created
rable untreated stone, it may not be stones.
as valuable. That’s because an un-
treated stone of the same quality is
rarer and therefore more valuable. Jewelers should tell you whether the dia-
mond you’re considering has been laser-drilled.

Natural pearls are made by oysters and other mollusks. Cultured pearls
also are grown by mollusks, but with human intervention; that is, an irritant
introduced into the shells causes a pearl to grow. Imitation pearls are man-
made with glass, plastic, or organic materials.

Because natural pearls are very rare, most pearls used in jewelry are either
cultured or imitation pearls. Cultured pearls, because they are made by oys-
ters or mollusks, usually are more expensive than imitation pearls. A cul-
tured pearl’s value is largely based on its size, usually stated in millimeters,
and the quality of its nacre coating, which gives it luster. Jewelers should tell
you if the pearls are cultured or imitation.

Some black, bronze, gold, purple, blue, and orange pearls, whether natu-
ral or cultured, occur that way in nature; some, however, are dyed through
Buying Jewelry 235

various processes. Jewelers should tell you whether the colored pearls are
naturally colored, dyed, or irradiated.

A Jewelry Shopper’s Checklist

When you’re in the market for a piece of jewelry for yourself or someone
you love, shop around. Compare quality, price, and service. If you’re not
familiar with any jewelers in your area, ask family members, friends, and co-
workers for recommendations. You also should take these steps:
• Ask for the store’s refund and return policy before you buy.
• Check for the appropriate markings on metal jewelry.
• Ask whether the pearls are natural, cultured, or imitation.
• Ask whether a gemstone is natural, laboratory-created, or imitation.
• Ask whether the gemstone has been treated. Is the change perma-
nent? Is special care required?
• Make sure the jeweler writes on the sales receipt any information you
relied on when making your purchase, such as the gem’s weight or size.
Some jewelers also may supply a grading report from a gemological

In addition, these tips apply when you’re shopping for jewelry online:
• Shop with companies you know or do some homework before buying
to make sure a company is legitimate before doing business with it.
• Get the details about the product, as well as the merchant’s refund and
return policies, before you buy.
• Look for an address to write to or a phone number to call if you have
a question, a problem or need help.

For More Information

If you have a problem with the jewelry you purchased, first try to resolve
it with the jeweler. If you are dissatisfied with the response, contact your
local Better Business Bureau or local consumer protection agency. You also
236 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

may contact the Jewelers Vigilance Committee’s Alternative Dispute Reso-

lution Service. This program assists consumers and businesses in resolving
disputes about jewelry. The Jewelers Vigilance Committee ( JVC) is an inde-
pendent, non-profit organization formed to advance ethical practices in the
jewelry industry. You may contact the JVC by mail: 25 West 45th Street,
Suite 400, New York, NY 10036-4902, or by phone: 212-997-2002.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) works for the consumer to pre-
vent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices in the marketplace
and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To
file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, visit http:// or call toll-free, 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357); TTY: 866-
653-4261. The FTC enters internet, telemarketing, identity theft, and other
fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database
available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the
U.S. and abroad.
Chapter 25

Buying Your First Car

Buying A Used Car

“I can’t wait to get my own car.”

Sound familiar? Before you start shopping for a used car, do some home-
work. It may save you serious money. Consider driving habits, what the car
will be used for, and your budget. Research models, options, costs, repair
records, safety tests, and mileage through libraries, book stores, and websites.

Cash Or Credit?
Once you’ve settled on a particular car, you have two payment options:
paying in full or financing over time. Financing increases the total cost of the
car because you’re also paying for the cost of credit, including interest and
other loan costs. You also must consider how much money you can put down,
the monthly payment, the loan term, and the annual percentage rate (APR).
Rates usually are higher and loan periods shorter on used cars than on new
ones. Dealers and lenders offer a variety of loan terms. Shop around and nego-
tiate the best possible deal. Be cautious about financing offers for first-time

About This Chapter: This chapter includes text from the following documents pro-
duced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): “Buying A Used Car,” April 1998;
“Car Ads: Reading Between the Lines,” March 1997, and “Auction Guides: Not So
Hot Properties,” June 2000. Despite the older dates of these documents, the advice is
still pertinent to car-buyers.
238 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

buyers. They can require a big down

payment and a high APR. To get a
✤ It’s A Fact!!
lower rate, you may need to have
your parents cosign the loan. If Other Costs To Consider
money is tight, you might consider There’s more to buying a car than
paying cash for a less expensive car just paying for it. Other items to bud-
than you first had in mind. get for include insurance, gas, main-
tenance, and repairs. Here are some
tips to help you save money:
Dealer Or Private Sale?
• Compare coverage and premi-
The Federal Trade Commission’s ums with several insurance
Used Car Rule requires dealers to companies. Buy from a low-
post a Buyers Guide in every used price, licensed insurer or see if
car they offer for sale. The Buyers you can be added to your par-
ents’ policy. Some companies
Guide gives a great deal of informa-
offer discounts to students
tion, including the following: with good grades. It also pays
• Whether the vehicle is being to drive safely and observe
speed limits. Traffic violations
sold “as is” or with a warranty
can cost money in tickets and
• What percentage of the repair higher insurance premiums.
costs a dealer will pay under the • Pump your own gas and use
warranty the octane level your owner’s
manual specifies.
• The fact that spoken promises
• Keep your car in safe driving
are difficult to enforce
condition. Following the
• The major mechanical and elec- vehicle’s maintenance sched-
ule can help forestall costly
trical systems on the car, includ-
ing some of the major problems
you should look out for • Look for a mechanic who is
certified, well established, and
communicates well about re-
The Buyers Guide also tells you
alistic repair options and costs.
to take the following steps: Find one who has done good
• Get all promises in writing work for someone you know.

Source: FTC, April 1998.

• Keep the Buyers Guide for ref-
erence after the sale
Buying Your First Car 239

• Ask to have the car inspected by an independent mechanic before the


Buying a car from a private individual is different from buying from a

dealer. That’s because private sales generally aren’t covered by the Used Car
Rule or by “implied warranties” of state law. A private sale probably will be
“as is”—you’ll have to pay for anything that goes wrong after the sale.

Before You Buy

Whether you buy a used car from a dealer or an individual, take these
• Examine the car using an inspection checklist. You can find checklists
in magazines and books and on internet sites that deal with used cars.
• Test drive the car under varied road conditions—on hills, highways,
and in stop-and-go-traffic.
• Ask for the car’s maintenance record from the owner, dealer, or repair shop.
• Hire a mechanic to inspect the car.

New Car Ads: Reading Between The Lines

Many new car dealers advertise unusually low interest rates and other
special promotions. Ads promising high trade-in allowances and free or low-
cost options may help you shop, but finding the best deal requires careful

Many factors determine whether a special offer provides genuine savings.

The interest rate, for example, is only part of the car dealer’s financing package.
Terms like the size of the down payment also affect the total financing cost.

Questions About Low Interest Loans

A call or visit to a dealer should help clarify details about low interest
loans. Consider asking these questions:
• Will you be charged a higher price for the car to qualify for the low-
rate financing? Would the price be lower if you paid cash, or supplied
your own financing from your bank or credit union?
240 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Does the financing require a larger-than-usual down payment? Per-

haps 25 or 30 percent?
• Are there limits on the length of the loan? Are you required to repay
the loan in a condensed period of time, say 24 or 36 months?
• Is there a significant balloon payment—possibly several thousand dol-
lars—due at the end of the loan?
• Do you have to buy special or extra merchandise or services such as
rustproofing, an extended warranty, or a service contract to qualify for
a low-interest loan?
• Is the financing available for a limited time only? Some merchants
limit special deals to a few days or require that you take delivery by a
certain date.
• Does the low rate apply to all cars in stock or only to certain models?
• Are you required to give the dealer the manufacturer’s rebate to qualify
for financing?

Questions About Other Promotions

Other special promotions include high trade-in allowances and free or
low-cost options. Some dealers promise to sell the car for a stated amount
over the dealer’s invoice. Asking questions like these can help you determine
whether special promotions offer genuine value.
• Does the advertised trade-in allowance apply to all cars, regardless of their
condition? Are there any deductions for high mileage, dents, or rust?
• Does the larger trade-in allowance make the cost of the new car higher
than it would be without the trade-in? You might be giving back the
big trade-in allowance by paying more for the new car.
• Is the dealer who offers a high trade-in allowance and free or low-cost
options giving you a better price on the car than another dealer who
doesn’t offer promotions?
• Does the “dealer’s invoice” reflect the actual amount that the dealer
pays the manufacturer? You can consult consumer or automotive pub-
lications for information about what the dealer pays.
Buying Your First Car 241

• Does the “dealer’s invoice” include the cost of options, such as

rustproofing or waterproofing, that already have been added to the
car? Is one dealer charging more for these options than others?
• Does the dealer have cars in stock that have no expensive options? If
not, will the dealer order one for you?
• Are the special offers available if you order a car instead of buying one
off the lot?
• Can you take advantage of all special offers simultaneously?
You’re not limited to the financing options offered by a particular dealer.
Before you commit to a deal, check to see what type of loan you can arrange
with your bank or credit union.

Once you decide which dealer offers the car and financing you want, read
the invoice and the installment contract carefully. Check to see that all the
terms of the contract reflect the agreement you made with the dealer. If they
don’t, get a written explanation before you sign. Careful shopping will help
you decide what car, options, and financing are best for you.

Auction Guides: Not So Hot Properties


Ads like these in newspapers and magazines, on television and the internet,
and in coupon mailings to your home may sound like the ticket to your
dream car. They offer the chance to buy a big ticket item at auction—for
well below its market value. What deals! Just call the toll-free number for
more information.

Is there a catch? You bet!

Don’t Be Mis-Guided
If you respond, you’re likely to hear pitches for guides to cars being sold
in your area at great prices. But the guides aren’t always what they’re prom-
ised to be. And if you buy one, you may end up spending more than you
242 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

You’ll be charged about $50 for each guide, either to your credit card or
through a withdrawal from your checking account.
You may even be billed for a guide you didn’t
✤ It’s A Fact!!
Here’s how it happens: When you
Despite what you might
place an order, the salesperson might
hear about auction guides or
offer to include another guide as see in the ads, cars at auction
well. What you won’t be told is that typically sell for their fair market
you’ll be charged for the second value. These auctions attract a vari-
guide, even though you never ety of buyers, including used car deal-
agreed to buy it. ers, so the bidding can get competitive.
At many government sales, the items are
In many cases, the businesses appraised before the sale and won’t be
bill your credit card or debit your sold if the bidding runs too low. Indeed,
checking account even if you never it’s rare to find high-end or late model
vehicles for sale, especially at “bargain
agreed to buy anything. They get
basement” prices. And the truth be
your bank account or credit card told, the cars that sell for $500 or
information under false pretenses, less usually are damaged or junk
sometimes claiming that they need vehicles purchased for scrap.
the account number to verify your
Source: FTC, June
credit history or to “hold” your order. 2000.
And when auction guides arrive in
the mail, chances are that they contain far
less information than you expected. Actually, it’s information that is readily
available elsewhere for free.

The bottom line: While it’s possible to buy cars at auction, you won’t find
the “deals” advertised in auction guides sold by fraudulent promoters.

Auto Auctions
Despite claims to the contrary, the auto auction guides these companies
sell don’t contain specific information about dates and locations of auto auc-
tions or lists of available cars. Rather, they contain general information about
auto auctions and addresses and phone numbers—all of which are available in
your phone book. You’ll still need to call for details about upcoming auctions.
Chapter 26

CD, Book, And Video Buying Clubs

Prenotification Negative Option Plans

You see the ads on TV, in magazine and newspaper inserts, and on the
internet: “5 Books for $1,” “10 CDs for FREE,” or “4 Videos for 49¢ each.” By
joining some of the clubs that are offering these deals, you may become a
member of a “prenotification negative option plan.” That means you are agree-
ing to receive merchandise automatically unless you tell the club not to send it.

How Prenotification Plans Work

Often, you can join a plan simply by accepting an introductory offer of
some merchandise, often at a discounted price. Then, you pay full price for
additional merchandise.

Joining a plan means you agree to the plan’s sales method as long as you’re
a member. As a plan member, you will receive periodic announcements de-
scribing merchandise that you can buy. These announcements are important
because the merchandise is sent to you automatically unless you return the
form rejecting the offer within the specified time.

About This Chapter: This chapter includes text from the following documents pro-
duced by the Federal Trade Commission ( “Prenotification Negative
Option Plans,” May 2001; and “Continuity Plans: Coming to You Like Clockwork,”
June 2002. Despite the older dates of these documents, the information is still perti-
nent to today’s consumers.
244 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Each time you receive an announcement, you have two choices:

• A. If you want the merchandise, do nothing. It will be sent automati-

cally. Some plans require you to pay for the merchandise when you get
it. Other plans send the merchandise “on approval,” which means you
can try it for a specified period. If you return the merchandise, you
don’t have to pay for it.
• B. If you don’t want the merchandise, you must say so and return the
rejection form included with the announcement within a specified time,
usually 10 days. Make sure you follow the instructions on the form. Some
plans also let you use the rejection form to order other merchandise.

The Prenotification Negative Option Rule

The Federal Trade Commission enforces the Prenotification Negative
Option Rule. The Rule requires companies to give you information about
their plans, clearly and conspicuously, in any promotional materials that con-
sumers can use to enroll. If the sales presentation for a plan is made orally,
say on the phone, the terms and conditions still must be disclosed clearly and
conspicuously during the presentation. For example, companies must tell
you the following facts:
• Whether there’s a minimum purchase obligation
• How and when you can cancel your membership
• How many announcements and rejection forms you’ll receive each year,
and how often you’ll receive them
• How to reject merchandise
• The deadline for returning the rejection form to avoid shipment of
the merchandise
• Whether billing charges include postage and handling.

Minimum Purchase Obligations And Canceling Memberships

Some plans require that you buy a certain amount of merchandise at the
club’s regular prices. If that’s the case, the minimum purchase obligation
CD, Book, And Video Buying Clubs 245

must be disclosed clearly and conspicuously. Once you’ve satisfied the mini-
mum purchase requirements, you can cancel your membership. If the club has
no minimum purchase obligation, you can cancel your membership any time.

If you want to cancel your membership, send your request in writing. The
company must cancel your membership promptly. If the company sends ad-
ditional merchandise after receiving your written cancellation notice, you
need to return the first item that is sent. You may consider any additional
shipments as unordered merchandise and keep them as a gift.

However, to avoid dunning notices, it’s best to tell the company that you’re
no longer a member each and every time you receive unordered merchandise.
You can do that by sending the company a copy of your cancellation letter.

Announcements And Rejection Forms

The company must tell you how often and how many announcements
and rejection forms you’ll receive each year and how often you will receive
them. The company also must tell you whether billing charges for each item
include postage and handling.

The rejection form comes with, or is a part of, the announcement. In

some plans, the rejection form can be used to decline merchandise and to
choose a different item. The announcement must give you at least 10 days to
decide if you want the merchandise and mail back the form. The form in-
cludes a “return date”—the date the form must be received by the company,
or a “mailing date”—the date you must mail the form to the company. No
matter which date the company uses, you have at least 10 days to respond.

If you don’t get at least 10 days, and you receive an unwanted shipment,
you can return the merchandise to the company for a full credit to your
account. The company must pay for the return postage.

Bonus Merchandise
To attract new members, some companies advertise special introductory of-
fers, like “5 Books for $1.” By law, a company must ship the merchandise within
30 days of receiving your order. If the merchandise can’t be shipped within that
time, the company may offer you an equivalent alternative. If you don’t want the
246 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
Is a negative option plan right for you?
A negative option plan is included in most book, video, and CD/audio club
offers. Consider the following information before subscribing to a negative
option plan.

Signing Up: After you sign and return the club’s written offer you will re-
ceive their products and mailings. They will usually offer free or inexpensive
merchandise to entice consumers into joining their club. Check the availability
of the club’s internet accessibility and options.

Buying Other Products At The Regular Price: After receiving the free or
reduced priced items consumers usually have to purchase several other prod-
ucts at the club’s regular price.

Returning The Form: You will receive frequent mailings of the club’s latest
offers. If you are not interested in the selection return the enclosed form, other-
wise the selection will be automatically sent. The club must inform the con-
sumer of at least two methods by which he or she can cancel the goods or
services, one of which has to be expense-free to the consumer.

Canceling Membership: Remember, you must fulfill all the requirements

of the agreement before you may cancel your membership with the club.

A negative option plan may seem like a great savings because of the “free” or
“discounted” products you will receive. You need to consider the overall cost of
the plan, including the requirements to purchase regular priced items. You may
want to compare the regular priced items of several different clubs. If you do
subscribe keep dated copies of all forms you receive as well as copies of any
“negative option” forms you return to the seller. This information will prove
valuable if a problem arises.

Source: “Negative Option Plans,” © 2008 Office of the Attorney General -

State of Idaho. Reprinted with permission. The Consumer Protection Division
enforces Idaho’s consumer protection laws, provides information to the public
on a wide variety of consumer issues, and offers an informal mediation process
for individual consumer complaints. If you have a consumer problem or ques-
tion, please call (208) 334-2424 or, in-state toll-free, 800-432-3545. TDD ac-
cess is available.
CD, Book, And Video Buying Clubs 247

alternative, you can cancel your membership. The company must honor your
cancellation request, as long as you return the introductory merchandise.

Protect Yourself
Before you agree to any prenotification plan, take these steps:
• Read the terms and conditions of the plan carefully so you understand
the obligations of membership before you join.
• Compare costs. The introductory merchandise may be substantially
discounted but you may be required to buy additional merchandise at
the club’s regular prices and to pay shipping and handling on those
purchases. Do the math to compare the club’s prices and the shipping
charges against those of other sellers.
• Keep copies of plan documentation that explain the terms and condi-
tions of the plan and the rejection forms you return to the seller. It’s
also a good idea to keep documentation of the date you mailed the
rejection forms.
• Check out the seller. Contact your local consumer protection agency
or the Better Business Bureau to find out if they have any complaints
on file. A record of complaints may indicate questionable practices,
but a lack of complaints doesn’t necessarily mean that the seller is with-
out problems. Unscrupulous businesses or business people often change
names and locations to hide complaint histories.

Continuity Plans: Coming To You Like Clockwork

They’re on TV, in print, and on the internet: Ads for “clubs” that auto-
matically send you a product or service—like flowers, books, movies, or soft-
ware. If you join one of these “continuity” plans, you’re agreeing to receive
merchandise or services automatically at regular intervals (often monthly),
without advance notice, until you cancel.

How Continuity Plans Work

Often, you can join a plan simply by accepting an introductory offer of
merchandise or services. Continuity plans may offer an introductory “free
248 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

trial period” to let you check out the merchandise or service and decide
whether to join the plan. If you keep the merchandise beyond the free trial
period or fail to cancel the service within the free trial period, not only must
you pay, you automatically become a plan member.

Joining a continuity plan means you agree to the plan’s sales method as
long as you’re a member. You’ll automatically get periodic shipments of mer-
chandise or delivery of services. You won’t get any announcements or rejec-
tion forms before each shipment or service period. The shipments or services
continue until you cancel your membership.

Some continuity plans give you an “approval” period. That way, you can
check out the merchandise and decide whether to keep it and pay for it.
Many programs selling collectibles, like stamps, or coins, work this way. Other
continuity plans require you to pay for merchandise when you receive it.

Terms And Conditions

Sellers must give you information about the plan’s terms and conditions,
clearly and conspicuously, in their promotional materials. These terms may
include the following:
• That you become a member if you accept the introductory merchan-
dise or initial round of services—unless you cancel
• That periodic delivery of merchandise or services will occur—with no
further action on your part
• A description of the merchandise or services you agree to buy
• Whether there’s a minimum purchase
• How often you’ll receive the products or services
• An explanation of the plan’s billing procedure for each shipment or
period of service
• How much time you have to review “on approval” merchandise before
you have to pay
• The terms of the plan’s refund or return policy
• How and when you can cancel your membership
CD, Book, And Video Buying Clubs 249

• The price of the goods or services if you fail to cancel, including ship-
ping and handling, if applicable

Usually a plan will use the same billing method for future shipments that
it used for the introductory merchandise or service period. For example, if
the plan sent you a bill for the introductory merchandise, you will likely get
bills each time you get another shipment. If you used a credit or debit card to
buy the introductory merchandise, however, the plan may seek your consent,
at the time you enroll, to charge that card automatically for all future ship-

✔ Quick Tip
Where To Complain
If you have a problem with your plan, try to re-
solve it with the seller first. If you’re dissatisfied with the
response, contact your local Better Business Bureau or local
consumer protection agency.

You also may file a complaint with the FTC. The FTC works for the
consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business prac-
tices in the marketplace and to provide information to help con-
sumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to
get free information on consumer issues, visit or
call toll-free, 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357);
TTY: 866-653-4261.

Source: FTC (

Protect Yourself
Continuity plans are promoted in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio
commercials, direct mail, and over the telephone and the internet. Before
you agree to any plan, take these steps:

• Read the terms and conditions of the plan carefully so you understand
the obligations of membership before you join.
250 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Keep copies of plan documentation that explain the terms and condi-
tions of the plan. Some plans may send you this information with the
introductory shipment.
• If an offer is made over the phone, listen carefully and, if you don’t
understand the terms, ask the seller to repeat them. Write down im-
portant information, such as the customer service telephone number
or address. Don’t give in to high-pressure sales tactics; if you don’t
want the offer, feel comfortable hanging up.
• Check out the seller. Contact your local consumer protection agency
or the Better Business Bureau to find out if they have any complaints
on file. A record of complaints may indicate questionable practices,
but a lack of complaints doesn’t necessarily mean that the seller doesn’t
have problems. Unscrupulous businesses or business people often
change names and locations to hide complaint histories.
Part Four

Using Credit And Credit Cards

Chapter 27

What You Need To Know About Credit

Getting Credit
The decisions you make now about how you manage your finances and
borrow money will affect you in the future—for better or worse.

Did you know that there are companies that keep track of whether you
pay your debts and if you make payments on time? Then these companies
make this information available in the form of a credit report and score.

A bad credit history can haunt you for a long time—seven years or more.
That’s why the best thing to do is learn how to maintain good credit before
there’s a problem. While this might seem complicated at first, it gets easier
once you understand the basics of credit and how it works.

Credit is more than just a plastic card you use to buy things—it is your
financial trustworthiness. Good credit means that your history of payments,
employment and salary make you a good candidate for a loan, and credi-
tors—those who lend money or services—will be more willing to work with
you. Having good credit usually translates into lower payments and more ease
in borrowing money. Bad credit, however, can be a big problem. It usually

About This Chapter: This chapter includes excerpts from “Getting Credit: What You
Need to Know about Credit,” Federal Trade Commission (FTC), July 2003; and “Your
Access to Free Credit Reports,” FTC, March 2008.
254 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

results from making payments late or borrowing too much money, and it
means that you might have trouble getting a car loan, a credit card, a place to
live and, sometimes, a job.

Your Credit
Most creditors use credit scoring to evaluate your credit record. This in-
volves using your credit application and report to get information about you,
such as your annual income, outstanding debt, bill-paying history, and the
number and types of accounts you have and how long you have had them.
Potential lenders use your credit score to help predict whether you are a good
risk to repay a loan and make payments on time.

Many people just starting out have no credit history and may find it tough
to get a loan or credit card, but establishing a good credit history is not as
difficult as it seems.
• You might apply for a credit card issued by a local store, because local
businesses are more willing to extend credit to someone with no credit
history. Once you establish a pattern of making your payments on time,
major credit card issuers might be more willing to extend credit to you.

✎ What’s It Mean?
Charge Card: If you use a charge card, you must pay
your balance in full when you get your regular statement.
Credit Card: You can use a credit card to buy things and pay for them
over time. But remember, buying with credit is a loan—you have to pay the
money back. What’s more, if the credit card company sends you a check, it’s
not a gift. It’s a loan you have to pay back. In addition to the cost of what you
bought, you will owe a percentage of what you spent (interest) and some-
times an annual fee.
Debit Card: This card allows you to access the money in your check-
ing or savings account electronically to make purchases.
Source: Federal Trade Commission (FTC),
July 2003.
What You Need To Know About Credit 255

• You might apply for a secured credit card. Basically, this card requires
you to put up the money first and then lets you borrow 50 to 100
percent of your account balance.
• You might ask other people who have an established credit history to
co-sign on an account. By co-signing, the person is agreeing to pay
back the loan if you don’t.

The Fine Print

When applying for credit cards, it’s important to shop around. Fees,
charges, interest rates, and benefits can vary drastically among credit card
issuers. And, in some cases, credit cards might seem like great deals until you
read the fine print and disclosures. When you’re trying to find the credit
card that’s right for you, look at the following:

Annual Percentage Rate (APR): The APR is a measure of the cost of

credit, expressed as a yearly interest rate. Usually, the lower the APR, the
better for you. Be sure to check the fine print to see if your offer has a time
limit. Your APR could be much higher after the initial limited offer.

Grace Period: This is the time between the date of the credit card pur-
chase and the date the company starts charging you interest.

Annual Fees: Many credit card issuers charge an annual fee for giving
you credit, typically $15 to $55.

Transaction Fees And Other Charges: Most creditors charge a fee if you
don’t make a payment on time. Other common credit card fees include those
for cash advances and going beyond the credit limit. Some credit cards charge
a flat fee every month, whether you use your card or not.

Customer Service: Customer service is something most people don’t con-

sider, or appreciate, until there’s a problem. Look for a 24-hour toll-free
telephone number.

Other Options: Creditors may offer other options for a price, including
discounts, rebates and special merchandise offers. If your card is lost or sto-
len, federal law protects you from owing more than $50 per card—but only if
256 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Credit Scores
It has become very common for lenders to make decisions on the basis of a
credit “score.”

A credit score is a number that helps creditors determine how likely you are
to pay your credit card bill when it is due. It is calculated based on information
in your credit report.

Credit card companies may use one or more credit scores. Credit scores may
either be calculated by the creditor itself; or the creditor may use a score pur-
chased from another firm.

Two of the scores that creditors may purchase from other firms include the
Fair Isaac (FICO) score and the VantageScore.

FICO Scores: Your FICO score is the main factor lenders consider when
deciding whether to grant you credit.

• A FICO score is calculated using a computer model that compares the

information in your credit report to what is on the credit reports of count-
less other customers. FICO scores range from about 300 to 900.
• Generally, the higher the score, the lower the credit risk.
Vantage Score: In 2006, the three credit reporting agencies announced that
they had agreed on a new credit scoring system, called VantageScore.

Because all three credit reporting agencies will be using the same scoring
system, you should have the same VantageScore from each agency.

The new VantageScore ranges from 501 to 990. It also groups scores into
letter categories covering an approximately 100-point range, just like grades
you receive on a report card. For example, if you had 501 to 600 points, your
credit grade would be “F.” If you had 901 points or more, your credit grade
would be “A.”

Source: Excerpted from Money Smart for Young Adults: A Financial Education
Program, a CD produced by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
March 2008.
What You Need To Know About Credit 257

you report that it was lost or stolen within two days of discovering the loss or
theft. Paying for additional protection may not be a good value.

Your Personal Financial Information

Banks and other financial companies may share your personal financial
information with their subsidiaries and other companies. But you can limit
some of that sharing if you want to. “Opting out” can help keep much of
your financial information private and reduce unsolicited offers that come in
the mail. But it also means you may not see offers that could interest you.
Your financial institutions will send you a privacy notice once a year in your
statement or as a separate mailing. Be sure to read these notices carefully.
Get answers to your questions from these companies. If you decide you want
to opt out, follow the company’s instructions—you may need to call them,
return a form, or go online. You can shop around for a financial institution
with the privacy policy you want.

Do The Math
Keep in mind that credit card interest rates and minimum monthly pay-
ments affect how long it will take to pay off your debt and how much you’ll
pay for your purchase over time.

Suppose when you’re 22, you charge $1,000 worth of clothes and CDs on
a credit card with a 19 percent interest rate. If you pay $20 every month,
you’ll be over 30 by the time you pay off the debt. You’ll have paid an extra
$1,000 in interest. And that’s if you never charge anything else on that card!

Keep Your Credit Record Clean

Good credit is important, now and in the future. In most cases, it takes
seven years for accurate, negative information to be deleted from a credit
report. Bankruptcy information takes even longer to be deleted—10 years.

Know What Creditors Look For On Credit Reports: Understanding what

types of information most creditors evaluate is important. Your credit report
is a key part of your credit score, but it is not the only factor. You get points
for other things like the following:
258 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Your bill-paying history

• How many accounts you have and what kind
• Late payments
• Longevity of accounts
• The unused portions of lines of credit
• Collections actions
• Outstanding debt

Keep Credit Cards Under Control

Whether you shop online, by telephone, or by mail, a credit card can
make buying many things much easier; but when you use a credit card, it’s
important to keep track of your spending. Incidental and impulse purchases
add up, and each one you make with a credit card is a separate loan. When
the bill comes, you have to pay what you owe. Owing more than you can
afford to repay can damage your credit rating.

Keeping good records can prevent a lot of headaches, especially if there

are inaccuracies on your monthly statement. If you notice a problem, promptly
report it to the company that issued the card. Usually the instructions for
disputing a charge are on your monthly statement. If you order by mail, by
telephone, or online, keep copies and printouts with details about the trans-

These details should include the company’s name, address, and telephone
number; the date of your order; a copy of the order form you sent to the
company or a list of the stock codes of the items ordered; the order confir-
mation code; the ad or catalog from which you ordered (if applicable); any
applicable warranties; and the return and refund policies.

Finally, if you have a credit card, take the following precautions:

• Never lend it to anyone.
• Never sign a blank charge slip. Draw lines through blank spaces on
charge slips above the total so the amount can’t be changed.
What You Need To Know About Credit 259

• Never put your account number on the outside of an envelope or on a

• Always be cautious about disclosing your account number on the tele-
phone unless you know the person you’re dealing with represents a
reputable company.
• Always carry only the cards you anticipate using to prevent the pos-
sible loss or theft of all your cards or identification.
• Always report lost or stolen ATM and credit cards to the card issuers
as soon as possible. Follow up with a letter that includes your account
number, when you noticed the card was missing, and when you first
reported the loss.

Protect Your Identity

Identity theft involves someone else using your personal information to
create fraudulent accounts, charge items to another person’s existing accounts,
or even get a job. You can minimize the risks by managing your personal
information wisely and cautiously. Here are some ways to protect yourself
from identity theft:
• Before you reveal any personally
identifying information, find out
✔ Quick Tip
how it will be used and whether What To Do
it will be shared. If You’re A Victim
Of Identity Theft
• Pay attention to your billing
If your cards, bills or identification
cycles. Follow up with credi-
have been misused to open new ac-
tors if your bills don’t ar- counts in your name, file a complaint
rive on time. with the Federal Trade Commission. Call
toll-free 877-ID-THEFT (877-438-
• Guard your mail from
4338); TDD: 202-326-2502, or visit
theft. Deposit outgoing h t t p : / / w w w. c o n s u m e r. g o v /
mail in post office collection idtheft.
boxes or at your local post of-
Source: Federal Trade
fice. Promptly remove mail Commission (F TC),
from your mailbox after it has July 2003.
been delivered. If you’re planning
260 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
When To Contact Creditors
If you’re having trouble paying your bills, contact your creditors immedi-
ately. Tell them why it’s difficult for you, and try to work out a modified plan
that reduces your payments to a more manageable level. Don’t wait until your
accounts have been turned over to a debt collector. Take action immediately
and keep a detailed record of your conversations and correspondence.

Source: Federal Trade Commission (FTC), July 2003.

to be away from home and can’t pick up your mail, call the U.S. Postal
Service toll-free at 800-275-8777, or visit to re-
quest a vacation hold.
• When possible, put passwords on your credit card, bank, and phone
accounts. Avoid using easily available information like your mother’s
maiden name, your birth date, the last four digits of your Social Secu-
rity number or telephone number, or a series of consecutive numbers.
It’s a good idea to keep a list of your credit card issuers and their tele-
phone numbers.
• Don’t give out personal information on the telephone, through the
mail, or over the internet unless you’ve initiated the contact or you
know whom you’re dealing with.
• Protect personal information in your home. For example, tear or shred
documents like charge receipts, copies of credit offers and applications,
insurance forms, physician’s statements, discarded bank checks and state-
ments, and expired credit cards before you throw them away. Be cau-
tious about leaving personal information in plain view, especially if you
have roommates, employ outside help, or are having service work done.
• Find out who has access to your personal information at work and
verify that the records are kept in a secure location.
What You Need To Know About Credit 261

• Never carry your Social Security card; leave it in a secure place at home.
Give out your Social Security number only when absolutely necessary.
• Order your credit report from each of the three major credit reporting
agencies every year to make sure it is accurate and includes only those
activities you’ve authorized.
• Carry only the identification that you actually need.

Improve Your Credit Record

A lot of people spend more than they can afford and pay less toward their
debts than they should. To get control over your finances and to manage
your debt, try:

Budgeting: In many cases, people design and then stick to a budget to

get their debt under control. A budget is a plan for how much money you
have and how much money you spend. Sticking to a realistic budget allows
you to pay off your debts and save for the proverbial rainy day.

Credit Counseling: Many universities, military bases, credit unions, and

housing authorities operate nonprofit financial counseling programs. Some
charge a fee for their services. Creditors may be willing to accept reduced

✔ Quick Tip
Buyer Beware!
Ads Promising “Debt Relief ”
Actually May Be Offering Bankruptcy
As you try to take control of your debt, be on the lookout for
advertisements that offer quick fixes. While ads pitch the promise of debt
relief, they rarely mention that this relief comes in the form of bank-
ruptcy. Because bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 10 years
and hinders your ability to get credit, it’s important to ask
for details before agreeing to any debt-relief services.

Source: Federal Trade Commission (FTC),

July 2003.
262 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

payments if you’re working with a reputable program to create a debt repay-

ment plan. When you choose a credit counselor, be sure to ask about fees you
will have to pay and what kind of counseling you’ll receive. A credit counsel-
ing organization isn’t necessarily legitimate just because it says it’s nonprofit.
You may want to check with the Better Business Bureau for any complaints

✔ Quick Tip
What To Do If Your Request For Credit Is Denied
If your request for credit is denied, you will receive a denial notice, some-
times called an adverse action notice.

It lists the reasons for denying your application. If you do not receive this
notice or the notice does not explain why the credit was denied, ask the credit
card company.

You have the right to have the credit card company give you the reasons
that the credit was denied. While each creditor has its own reasons for denying
credit, some reasons for denial might include the following:
• You have a bad credit history
• You have not been at your current address or job long enough
• Your income does not meet the credit card company’s criteria

If you are denied credit because of information in your credit report, federal
law requires the credit card company to give you the name, address, and tele-
phone number of the credit bureau that supplied the information. If you con-
tact the credit bureau within 60 days of receiving the denial, you are entitled to
a free copy of your credit report.

You have a right to dispute, or argue, any incorrect information in your credit
report with the credit reporting agency, and also with the company that gave the
information to the credit reporting agency. It is important to review your credit
report from all three agencies to ensure that they have correct information.

Source: Excerpted from Money Smart for Young Adults: A Financial Education
Program, a CD produced by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
March 2008.
What You Need To Know About Credit 263

against a counselor or counseling organization. Visit

for your local Better Business Bureau’s telephone number.

Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy is considered the credit solution of last resort.

Unlike negative credit information that stays on a credit report for seven
years, bankruptcies stay on a credit report for 10 years. Bankruptcy can make
it difficult to rent an apartment, buy a house or a condo, get some types of
insurance, get additional credit, and, sometimes, get a job. In some cases,
bankruptcy may not be an easily available option.

Use Caution When Seeking Help With Debt

Turning to a business that offers help in solving debt problems may seem
like a reasonable solution when your bills become unmanageable. Be cau-
tious. Before you do business with any company, check it out with your local
consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau in the company’s
location. One rule to remember is that if a credit repair offer seems too easy
or just too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. And knowing
your rights can help you steer clear of rip-offs. For example, according to
state and federal laws, companies that help people improve their credit rat-
ing cannot do the following:
• Make false claims about their services
• Charge you until the services are completed
• Perform services until the waiting period has passed. After you sign
the written contract, you have three days to change your mind and
cancel the services.

Avoid Advance Fee Loan Scams

Offers that guarantee you a credit card for a fee—before you even ap-
ply—are against the law. These scams often target consumers with credit
problems. If someone calls you making that kind of promise, tell the caller
not to call you anymore and hang up.

If you’ve had a problem, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) works for
the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices
in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and
264 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues,

call toll-free, 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357), or visit
consumer.htm. The FTC enters internet, telemarketing, identity theft, and
other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online da-
tabase available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies
in the United States and abroad.

It’s a good idea to contact your local consumer protection agency, state
attorney general, or Better Business Bureau, too. Many attorneys general
have toll-free consumer hotlines. To find the number for your state’s attor-
ney general, check with your local directory assistance.

Don’t Be Lost
A lost or stolen wallet or purse
is a gold mine of information for ✤ It’s A Fact!!
identity thieves. If your wallet or About Lost Or
purse is lost or stolen, follow Stolen Credit Cards
these steps: If your card is lost or stolen, fed-
• File a report with the eral law protects you from owing
more than $50 per card—but only if you
police immediately
report that the card was lost or stolen
and keep a copy.
within two days of discovering the loss or
• Cancel your credit theft. If you suspect any fraudulent purchases,
cards. Call the issuer(s) you may be asked to sign a statement under
oath that you did not make the
immediately. Many
purchase(s) in question. It’s important
companies have 24-hour to ask for details before agreeing to
toll-free numbers to deal any debt-relief services.
with such emergencies. The
Source: Federal Trade Com-
number is on your monthly
mission (FTC), July 2003.
• Get new cards with new ac-
count numbers.
• Call the fraud departments of the major credit reporting agencies, and
ask each agency to put a “fraud alert” on your account: Equifax (800-
525-6285); Experian (888-397-3742); TransUnion (800-680-7289)
What You Need To Know About Credit 265

• Report the loss to the fraud department of the bank where you have
your checking and savings accounts. Ask about the next steps regarding
your accounts, including your ATM or debit card.
• Review your credit reports regularly and have them corrected when
• Report a missing driver’s license to your state department of motor
• Change your home and car locks, if your keys were taken.

Your Access To Free Credit Reports

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide
consumer reporting companies—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—to
provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every
12 months. The FCRA promotes the accuracy and privacy of information in
the files of the nation’s consumer reporting companies. The Federal Trade
Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, enforces the
FCRA with respect to consumer reporting companies.

A credit report includes information on where you live, how you pay your
bills, and whether you’ve been sued or arrested, or have filed for bankruptcy.
Nationwide consumer reporting companies sell the information in your report
to creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses that use it to evaluate
your applications for credit, insurance, employment, or renting a home.

Here are the details about your rights under the FCRA and the Fair and
Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) Act, which established the free annual
credit report program.

How do I order my free report?

The three nationwide consumer reporting companies have set up a central
website, a toll-free telephone number, and a mailing address through which
you can order your free annual report.

To order, visit, call 877-322-8228, or com-

plete the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mail it to: Annual Credit
266 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. The

form is available online for you to print at Do not
contact the three nationwide consumer reporting companies individually.
They are providing free annual credit reports only through http://, 877-322-8228, and Annual Credit Report Request
Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.

You may order your reports from each of the three nationwide consumer
reporting companies at the same time, or you can order your report from
each of the companies one at a time. The law allows you to order one free
copy of your report from each of the nationwide consumer reporting compa-
nies every 12 months.

✔ Quick Tip
A Warning About “Impostor” Websites
Only one website is authorized to fill orders for the free annual credit report
you are entitled to under law— Other websites
that claim to offer “free credit reports,” “free credit scores,” or “free credit moni-
toring” are not part of the legally mandated free annual credit report program.
In some cases, the “free” product comes with strings attached. For example,
some sites sign you up for a supposedly “free” service that converts to one you
have to pay for after a trial period. If you don’t cancel during the trial period,
you may be unwittingly agreeing to let the company start charging fees to your
credit card.

Some “impostor” sites use terms like “free report” in their names; others
have URLs that purposely misspell in the hope that
you will mistype the name of the official site. Some of these “impostor” sites
direct you to other sites that try to sell you something or collect your personal
information. and the nationwide consumer reporting compa-

nies will not send you an e-mail asking for your personal information. If you get
an e-mail, see a pop-up ad, or get a phone call from someone claiming to be
from or any of the three nationwide consumer report-
ing companies, do not reply or click on any link in the message. It’s probably a
scam. Forward any such e-mail to the FTC at [email protected].

Source: Federal Trade Commission (FTC), March 2008.

What You Need To Know About Credit 267

What information do I need to provide to get my free report?

You need to provide your name, address, Social Security number, and
date of birth. If you have moved in the last two years, you may have to pro-
vide your previous address. To maintain the security of your file, each na-
tionwide consumer reporting company may ask you for some information
that only you would know, like the amount of your monthly mortgage pay-
ment. Each company may ask you for different information because the in-
formation each has in your file may come from different sources.

Why do I want a copy of my credit report?

Your credit report has information that affects whether you can get a
loan—and how much you will have to pay to borrow money. You want a
copy of your credit report to do the following:
• Make sure the information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date be-
fore you apply for a loan for a major purchase like a house or car, buy
insurance, or apply for a job.
• Help guard against identity theft. That’s when someone uses your per-
sonal information—like your name, your Social Security number, or
your credit card number—to commit fraud. Identity thieves may use
your information to open a new credit card account in your name.
Then, when they don’t pay the bills, the delinquent account is reported
on your credit report. Inaccurate information like that could affect
your ability to get credit, insurance, or even a job.

How long does it take to get my report after I order it?

If you request your report online at, you should
be able to access it immediately. If you order your report by calling toll-free 877-
322-8228, your report will be processed and mailed to you within 15 days. If you
order your report by mail using the Annual Credit Report Request Form, your
request will be processed and mailed to you within 15 days of receipt.

Whether you order your report online, by phone, or by mail, it may take
longer to receive your report if the nationwide consumer reporting company
needs more information to verify your identity.
268 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

There also may be times when the nationwide consumer reporting com-
panies receive a high volume of requests for credit reports. If that happens,
you may be asked to re-submit your request. Or, you may be told that your
report will be mailed to you sometime after 15 days from your request. If
either of these events occurs, the nationwide consumer reporting companies
will let you know.

Are there any other situations where I might be eligible for a free
Under federal law, you’re entitled to a free report if a company takes ad-
verse action against you, such as denying your application for credit, insur-
ance, or employment, and you ask for your report within 60 days of receiving
notice of the action. The notice will give you the name, address, and phone
number of the consumer reporting company. You’re also entitled to one free
report a year if you’re unemployed and plan to look for a job within 60 days;
if you’re on welfare; or if your report is inaccurate because of fraud, including
identity theft. Otherwise, a consumer reporting company may charge you up
to $10.50 for another copy of your report within a 12-month period.

To buy a copy of your report, contact:

• Equifax: 800-685-1111;
• Experian: 888-397-3742;
• TransUnion: 800-916-8800;

Under state law, consumers in Colorado, Georgia, Maine, Maryland,

Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont already have free access to their
credit reports.

Should I order a report from each of the three nationwide con-

sumer reporting companies?
It’s up to you. Because nationwide consumer reporting companies get
their information from different sources, the information in your report from
one company may not reflect all, or the same, information in your reports
from the other two companies. That’s not to say that the information in any
of your reports is necessarily inaccurate; it just may be different.
What You Need To Know About Credit 269

✔ Quick Tip
Should I order my reports from
all three of the nationwide consumer
reporting companies at the same time?
You may order one, two, or all three reports at the same time, or you may
stagger your requests. It’s your choice. Some financial advisors say staggering
your requests during a 12-month period may be a good way to keep an eye
on the accuracy and completeness of the information in your reports.

Source: Federal Trade Commission (FTC),

March 2008.

What if I find errors—either inaccuracies or incomplete infor-

mation—in my credit report?
Under the FCRA, both the consumer reporting company and the infor-
mation provider (that is, the person, company, or organization that provides
information about you to a consumer reporting company) are responsible for
correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. To take full
advantage of your rights under this law, contact the consumer reporting com-
pany and the information provider.

Tell the consumer reporting company, in writing, what information you

think is inaccurate. Consumer reporting companies must investigate the items
in question—usually within 30 days—unless they consider your dispute frivo-
lous. They also must forward all the relevant data you provide about the
inaccuracy to the organization that provided the information. After the in-
formation provider receives notice of a dispute from the consumer reporting
company, it must investigate, review the relevant information, and report the
results back to the consumer reporting company. If the information provider
finds the disputed information is inaccurate, it must notify all three nation-
wide consumer reporting companies so they can correct the information in
your file.
270 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

When the investigation is complete, the consumer reporting company

must give you the written results and a free copy of your report if the dispute
results in a change. (This free report does not count as your annual free
report under the FACT Act.) If an item is changed or deleted, the consumer
reporting company cannot put the disputed information back in your file
unless the information provider verifies that it is accurate and complete. The
consumer reporting company also must send you written notice that includes
the name, address, and phone number of the information provider.

Tell the creditor or other information provider in writing that you dis-
pute an item. Many providers specify an address for disputes. If the provider
reports the item to a consumer reporting company, it must include a notice
of your dispute. And if you are correct—that is, if the information is found
to be inaccurate—the information provider may not report it again.

What can I do if the consumer reporting company or informa-

tion provider won’t correct the information I dispute?
If an investigation doesn’t resolve your dispute with the consumer report-
ing company, you can ask that a statement of the dispute be included in your
file and in future reports. You also can ask the consumer reporting company
to provide your statement to anyone who received a copy of your report in
the recent past. You can expect to pay a fee for this service.

If you tell the information provider that you dispute an item, a notice of
your dispute must be included any time the information provider reports the
item to a consumer reporting company.

How long can a consumer reporting company report negative

A consumer reporting company can report most accurate negative infor-
mation for seven years and bankruptcy information for 10 years. There is no
time limit on reporting information about criminal convictions; information
reported in response to your application for a job that pays more than $75,000
a year; and information reported because you’ve applied for more than
$150,000 worth of credit or life insurance. Information about a lawsuit or an
What You Need To Know About Credit 271

unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the
statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer.

Can anyone else get a copy of my credit report?

The FCRA specifies who can access your credit report. Creditors, insur-
ers, employers, and other businesses that use the information in your report
to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, employment, or renting a
home are among those that have a legal right to access your report.

Can my employer get my credit report?

Your employer can get a copy of your credit report only if you agree. A
consumer reporting company may not provide information about you to your
employer, or to a prospective employer, without your written consent.
Chapter 28

Borrowing Basics

Types Of Loans
At some point in your life, you will need to borrow money. If you want to
purchase a car or a house, you may need to get a loan. There are three types
of loans:
• Credit cards
• Consumer installment loans
• Home loans

Credit Cards
Credit cards give you the ongoing ability to borrow money.

With a credit card, you can buy things without actually having the money
right away. However, this can get you into big trouble if you aren’t careful.
You need to be able to pay your monthly credit card bill.

Consumer Installment Loans

A consumer installment loan is used to buy personal items for you and
your family. It is called an “installment loan” because you pay the same amount

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 5: Borrowing Basics,” Money Smart for
Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
274 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

each month in installments. Examples

are automobiles and computers. For
example, with her birthday money,
✤ It’s A Fact!!
Grace decides to buy a new Barriers To
laptop. She paid $250 as a down Borrowing Money
payment and got an install- If a lender finds a history of being ir-
ment loan for the rest, the bal- responsible, that tells the lender imme-
ance. She pays in installment diately that the borrower is a risk.
payments of $100 per month Examples of the sort of past history a lender
will be concerned about include the follow-
for 12 months.

Home Loans • Consistently making late payments

The third type of loan is • Filing for bankruptcy

a home loan. There are three • Having property repossessed or fore-
main types of home loans: closed on

• Home purchase loans • Having a court order requiring a

debtor to pay money to the creditor
• Home refinance loans
Source: Federal Deposit Insur-
• Home equity loans ance Corporation (FDIC),
March 2008.
All three loans are based on the
value of the home. If the borrower
does not pay back the loan on time, the
lender can take possession of the home.

Home purchase loans are made for the purpose of buying a house. They
are usually called mortgages.

Home refinancing is a process by which an existing home loan (or mort-

gage) is paid off and replaced with a new loan. Reasons homeowners might
want to refinance their home loan include the following:
• A lower interest rate
• Money for home repairs or improvements
• Money for other needs
• A way to consolidate debts
Borrowing Basics 275

Home equity loans can be used for any reason. The amount that a person
can borrow depends on the amount of “equity” they have in the house. Some-
times banks will give the borrower a checkbook to use to borrow money. It
looks like a normal check, but in fact it is a loan that the borrower has to start
paying back right away.

The Cost Of Credit

When you get a loan, there are generally two costs you must pay: fees and

Fees are charged by financial institutions for activities such as servicing
the account and reviewing your loan application. Here are some examples:
• A credit card company might charge you an annual fee of $30.
• A credit card company will probably also charge fees when you get a
cash advance or when your balance exceeds your credit limit. (Your credit
limit is how much money the credit card issuer agreed to loan to you.)
• A lender might charge a $25 late fee when you do not pay your bill on

Interest is the amount of money a financial institution charges for letting
you use its money. The interest rate can be either fixed or variable.
• Fixed rate means the interest rate stays the same throughout the term
of the loan.
• Variable rate means the interest rate may change during the loan term.
The loan agreement will explain how the rate may change.

Truth In Lending Disclosures

The federal Truth In Lending law requires banks to state charges in a
clear and uniform manner so you can easily see the cost of borrowing money.
This law allows you to comparison shop between lenders for credit cards and
other loans.
276 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

What Lenders Must Disclose

• Amount Financed: The amount of the loan the lender is letting you borrow.
• Annual Percentage Rate (APR): The cost of your loan expressed as a
yearly percentage rate. Using an APR of 12 percent as the example.
The APR reflects the total cost of lending rather than just the interest
charge. It is the primary tool you should use to compare lending op-
tions. The law generally requires that the APR appear in 18-point
font on most credit card applications so it is easily seen.
• Finance Charge: The total dollar amount the loan will cost you. It
includes items such as interest, service charges, and loan fees. For example

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Getting A Loan: A Responsibility To Be Taken Seriously
Borrowing money can be a great way to buy something now and pay for it
over time. And yes, there are ways for a teen to borrow money. But there are
some important things to remember if you borrow money. One is that borrow-
ing usually involves a cost called “interest,” which is the fee to compensate the
bank or other lender when you use their money. This is the reverse of what
happens when the bank pays you interest to put your money in the bank.
Also, when you borrow money you are promising to repay the loan on a
schedule. If you don’t keep that promise, the results can be very costly—either
in late payments you’ll owe or in damage to your reputation, which means you
could have a tougher time borrowing money in the future.
Here are some of your options...and important considerations.
• For many teens, their first lenders are their parents. If your parents are will-
ing to lend you money, they probably will set repayment terms (how much
to pay back and when). They also may require you to pay more money than
you borrowed, as a bank would do when it lends people money and charges
• You may be able to get access to a credit card or bank loan. Under most state
laws, for example, you must be at least 18 years old to obtain your own credit
card and be held responsible for repaying the debt. If you’re under 18, though,
you can qualify for a credit card along with a parent or other adult.
Borrowing Basics 277

for a loan of $5,000 where the interest is 12% APR, the finance charge
total is $600.
• Total Payments: The amount you will have paid after you have made
all payments as scheduled.

Two terms associated with credit card APRs with which you should be
aware are “penalty APR” and “universal default.”
• Penalty APR: The terms of your credit card agreement may provide
that the creditor will permanently increase the interest rate on your
credit card by a large amount if you do not pay your credit card bill on
time or if you exceed your credit limit. For example, the penalty rate

• If you and your parents are comfortable with you having access to a
credit card, there are cards designed just for teens. One is a credit card
with a low credit limit (maximum amount you can borrow), which can
keep you from getting deeply in debt.
• An alternative to buying with a credit card is to use a debit card, but this
also comes with costs and risks. A debit card allows you to make pur-
chases without paying interest or getting into debt because the money is
automatically deducted from an existing savings or checking account.
Again, if you’re under 18, you may qualify for this card with a parent or
other adult.
• One example of a debit card that may be appropriate for teens 13 and
older is a pre-paid card that carries a certain value from which purchases
are deducted. This kind of debit card isn’t linked to your bank account.
Instead, just like with a pre-paid telephone plan, there is a limit on how
much you may spend. Keep in mind that many debit cards have fees that
can add up quickly, so make sure you ask about fees before using a debit
card. Also, because a debit card can provide a thief easy access to an ac-
count, you need to protect your card and any PINs (personal identification
numbers) that go with it.

Source: “Getting a Loan: A Responsibility to Be Taken Seriously,” FDIC Con-

sumer News, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Summer 2006.
278 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Small Payments Can Mean Big Costs When Borrowing
It’s never too early to begin learning how credit (borrowing) works. The
main message is this: The longer you take to pay back what you owe on a credit
card or loan, the more you’ll pay the lender in interest charges. In particular, if
you use a credit card to make a major purchase and you only pay back a little of
what you owe each month, “it will take you a very long time to pay off the
balance, and the interest costs can be shocking,” according to Janet Kincaid,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Senior Consumer Affairs Of-

Table 28.1 shows what an expensive purchase will really cost you if you
charge it and only pay back the minimum amount due each month, which may
be something like $20 or $30. In this example, a $500 stereo would end up
costing you about $900 when you figure in the total interest you’d pay, and a
$1,000 computer would set you back more than $2,100. Instead, if you pay
back as much as you can each month—the entire balance, if possible—you can
really limit interest charges.

Table 28.1. How Much Does It Really Cost?

Years to Pay Off Total

Item Purchase With Minimum Interest Total
Price Monthly Payments Paid Cost
Stereo $500 7 $367 $867

Computer $1,000 13 $1,129 $2,129

Note: Years are rounded to the nearest whole year. These examples assume an
interest rate (Annual Percentage Rate) of 18 percent and a minimum monthly
payment of the interest due plus one percent of the outstanding balance owed.

Source: “Small Payments Can Mean Big Costs When Borrowing,” FDIC Con-
sumer News, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Summer 2006.
Borrowing Basics 279

may apply if you are late on more than two payments in a six-month
period. The Truth in Lending disclosures will provide details on whether
the creditor has penalty APRs and when they apply.
• Universal Default: A related concept is universal default. Some lend-
ers have policies that will raise your credit card interest rate to the
highest possible rate if you are late on any other account. Example: If
you have five credit cards and you are late on one, the interest rate for
the other four cards may be increased by a large amount. The Truth in
Lending disclosures will tell you if your lender has such a policy.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) ensures that all people are
given an equal chance to obtain credit. This doesn’t mean all those who ap-
ply for credit get it: factors such as income, expenses, debt, and credit history
are legitimate considerations for creditworthiness. Rather, the law prohibits
a bank from discriminating against you because of your race, color, marital
status, religion, national origin, age, receipt of public assistance, or whether
you are male or female when deciding whether to issue you a loan.

How Credit Decisions Are Made

The Four Cs Of Credit Decision Making
When you apply for credit, the lender will review the “Four Cs” to decide
whether you are a good credit risk, or in other words, whether you are likely
to pay back the loan.
• Capacity refers to your present and future ability to meet your payments.
• Capital refers to the value of your assets and your net worth.
• Character refers to how you have paid your bills or debts in the past.
• Collateral refers to property or assets offered to secure the loan.
Capacity: Capacity refers to your present and future ability to meet your
payments. Lenders will ask the following questions:
• Do you have a job? Generally, a lender would like to see that you have
a job and have held the same job or same type of job for at least a year.
280 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• How much money do

you make each month? ✔ Quick Tip
• What are your monthly Tips For Managing Your Credit
expenses? Once you have decided you want to get a
loan and have been approved, you need to
A bank will compare your
keep these tips in mind to use the money you
monthly loan payments, if
have borrowed wisely.
any, and your other monthly
• For a credit card, if possible, pay off
expenses to your monthly
your entire bill each month. If you can-
income. By doing so, they
not, try to pay more than the mini-
will determine your debt-to- mum balance due. This will reduce
income ratio. It helps deter- finance charges and total interest paid.
mine how much money you • If you can’t pay off your credit card
can afford to borrow. Look completely, stop using it. Do not al-
at the following example: low yourself to get into more debt.
• Income from a job for • Pay on time to avoid late fees and to
one month: $300 protect your credit history. When the
bill arrives, check the due date. It may
• Expenses be very soon. If you cannot pay on
• Cell phone bill for one time, call your creditor immediately to
month: $50 explain the situation. The creditor may
waive the late fees or be willing to
• Installment loan pay- make other payment arrangements.
ment for computer: Always check your monthly statement
$100 to verify that it accurately lists the
things you bought. Call your creditor
• Total expenses: $150
right away if you suspect errors.
Total expenses $150 / • Ignore offers creditors may send you
Total Income $300 = 50% to reduce or skip payments. You will
debt to income ratio. In most still be charged finance charges dur-
ing this period.
cases, lenders like to see a
36% or lower ratio before • Think about the cost difference if you
they loan money. purchase your item with cash versus if
you purchase your item with credit.
Capital: Capital refers to Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-
the value of your assets and tion (FDIC), March 2008.
your net worth.
Borrowing Basics 281

Lenders want to determine the value of your assets. Assets are things you
own that have financial value. Lenders will also compare the difference be-
tween the value of your assets and the amount of debt you have. This is
called net worth. A positive net worth demonstrates your ability to manage
your money. Lenders will ask the following:
• How much money do you have in your checking and savings accounts?
• Do you have investments or other assets (for example, a car)?

Typically an asset is something large like a house, a car, or a piece of large

furniture. Smaller items such as household appliances and clothing are not
considered assets.

An investment is when you have purchased an item or product that is

expected to increase in value over time. Not all investments increase in value
over time; you could even lose money.

Character: Character refers to how you have paid your bills or debts in
the past. Lenders will ask the following:
• Have you had credit in the past? If you have a good credit history of
repaying your other loans, you will have an easier time getting your
loan request approved and at the best rate. For instance, you can build
a positive credit history by making your student loan payments on
• How many credit accounts do you have? If you have never had a credit
account, you may have difficulty getting approved for a loan. Having a
good credit history shows a lender you can borrow money responsibly.
Some lenders let you prove this without a credit history. For example,
they might ask for proof that you pay your rent and utility and phone
bills on time or that you make regular deposits to a savings account.
Other examples of alternative ways to show a creditor that you are a
good credit risk may include insurance premium payments, payments
for school tuition; and payments of personal loans (documented by a
written loan agreement and canceled checks). Ask the lender to con-
sider alternative forms of history. If a lender is not willing to do this,
shop around for one who will.
282 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Banks will use credit reports to obtain character information. You can
request a copy of your credit report by visiting http://www.annualcredit or calling 877-322-8228.

Collateral: Collateral refers to what you own that you can use to offer the
lender in the event that you default on the loan. Lenders will ask: Do you
have assets to provide to secure the loan beyond your capacity to pay it off?

Collateral is security you provide the lender. Giving the lender collateral
means that you pledge an asset that you own, such as your home, property
you own, or other object that has value, to the lender with the agreement
that it will be the repayment source in case you cannot repay the loan.

Sometimes a person with no credit history will ask another person to

cosign a loan. The cosigner is equally responsible for repaying the loan. If the
borrower defaults, the cosigner has to pay.
Chapter 29

Choosing A Credit Card

Shopping around for a credit card can save you money on interest and
fees. You’ll want to find one with features that match your needs. The infor-
mation in this chapter can help you understand the features of credit cards,
compare credit card features and costs, know your rights when using your
credit card, and file a complaint if you have a problem with your credit card.

How will you use your credit card?

The first step in choosing a credit card is thinking about how you will use it.
• If you expect to always pay your monthly bill in full—and other fea-
tures such as frequent flyer miles don’t interest you—your best choice
may be a card that has no annual fee and offers a longer grace period.
• If you sometimes carry over a balance from month to month, you may
be more interested in a card that carries a lower interest rate (stated as
an annual percentage rate, or APR).
• If you expect to use your card to get cash advances, you’ll want to look
for a card that carries a lower APR and lower fees on cash advances.
Some cards charge a higher APR for cash advances than for purchases.

About This Chapter: From “Choosing a Credit Card,” Federal Reserve Board, October
19, 2004.
284 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Can Teens Get Credit Cards?
Yes, teens can get... or get access to... credit
cards and debit cards. Under most state laws, for ex-
ample, you must be at least 18 years old (a young adult) to
obtain your own credit card and be held responsible for repay-
ing the debt. And if you’re under 18, you can qualify for a credit
card if a parent co-signs, but only the parent can be held account-
able for the payments.

Credit and debit cards can be good ways for teens to pay without
carrying cash or checks, and they can help teach kids about how to manage
money. But teens—and their parents—need to be especially careful to avoid
serious debt problems or a bad credit record at a young age.

First, make financial education a priority, especially the lessons about bor-
rowing responsibly. “Teens need to be aware that a bad credit record can affect
their ability to rent an apartment or even find employment after graduation,”
says Lynne Gottesburen, a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Consumer Affairs Specialist.

Also, understand the alternatives. There are cards with features some-
times described as “training wheels” for young cardholders. One is a credit
card with a low credit limit—say, $300 or $500—which can keep a teen
from getting too deeply in debt. Another is a pre-paid, re-loadable pay-
ment card that parents can get for teens aged 13 or older and that
comes with parental controls, including spending limits. A debit
card also enables a teen to make purchases without paying in-
terest or getting into debt because the money is automati-
cally deducted from an existing bank account.

Source: From “Credit and Debit Cards,” FDIC

Consumer News, Federal Deposit Insur-
ance Corporation (FDIC),
Fall 2002.
Choosing A Credit Card 285

What are the APRs?

The annual percentage rate—APR—is the way of stating the interest rate
you will pay if you carry over a balance, take out a cash advance, or transfer a
balance from another card. The APR states the interest rate as a yearly rate.

A single credit card may have several APRs:

• Multiple APRs: One APR for purchases, another for cash advances,
and yet another for balance transfers. The APRs for cash advances and
balance transfers often are higher than the APR for purchases (for
example, 14% for purchases, 18% for cash advances, and 19% for bal-
ance transfers).
• Tiered APRs: Different rates are applied to different levels of the out-
standing balance (for example, 16% on balances of $1–$500 and 17%
on balances above $500).
• A Penalty APR: The APR may increase if you are late in making pay-
ments. For example, your card agreement may say, “If your payment
arrives more than ten days late two times within a six-month period,
the penalty rate will apply.”
• An Introductory APR. A different rate will apply after the introduc-
tory rate expires.
• A Delayed APR: A different rate will apply in the future. For example,
a card may advertise that there is “no interest until next March.” Look
for the APR that will be in effect after March.

If you carry over a part of your balance from month to month, even a
small difference in the APR can make a big difference in how much you will
pay over a year.

How long is the grace period?

The grace period is the number of days you have to pay your bill in full
without triggering a finance charge. For example, the credit card company
may say that you have “25 days from the statement date, provided you paid
your previous balance in full by the due date.” The statement date is given on
the bill.
286 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

The grace period usually

applies only to new pur- ✤ It’s A Fact!!
chases. Most credit cards Fixed vs. Variable APR
do not give a grace pe- Some credit cards are “fixed
riod for cash advances rate”—the APR doesn’t change, or at
and balance trans- least doesn’t change often. Even the APR
fers. Instead, inter- on a “fixed rate” credit card can change over
time. However, the credit card company must
est charges start
tell you before increasing the fixed APR.
right away.
Other credit cards are “variable rate”—the APR
If you car- changes from time to time. The rate is usually tied to
ried over any another interest rate, such as the prime rate or the Trea-
part of your bal- sury bill rate. If the other rate changes, the rate on
ance from the your card may change, too. Look for information
on the credit card application and in the credit
preceding month,
card agreement to see how often your card’s
you may not have a
APR may change (the agreement is like a
grace period for new contract—it lists the terms and condi-
purchases. Instead, you tions for using your credit card).
may be charged interest
Source: Federal Reserve Board,
as soon as you make a pur-
October 19, 2004.
chase (in addition to being
charged interest on the ear-
lier balance you have not paid
off ). Look on the credit card application for information about the “method
of computing the balance for purchases” to see if new purchases are included
or excluded.

How is the finance charge calculated?

The finance charge is the dollar amount you pay to use credit. The amount
depends in part on your outstanding balance and the APR.

Credit card companies use one of several methods to calculate the out-
standing balance. The method can make a big difference in the finance charge
you’ll pay. Your outstanding balance may be calculated over one billing cycle
or two; using the adjusted balance, the average daily balance, or the previous
balance, and including or excluding new purchases in the balance.
Choosing A Credit Card 287

Depending on the balance you carry and the timing of your purchases
and payments, you’ll usually have a lower finance charge with one-cycle bill-
ing and either the average daily balance method excluding new purchases,
the adjusted balance method, or the previous balance method.

Minimum Finance Charge: Some credit cards have a minimum finance

charge. You’ll be charged that minimum even if the calculated amount of
your finance charge is less. For example, your finance charge may be calcu-
lated to be 35¢—but if the company’s minimum finance charge is $1.00,
you’ll pay $1.00. A minimum finance charge usually applies only when you
must pay a finance charge—that is, when you carry over a balance from one
billing cycle to the next.

What are the fees?

Most credit cards charge fees under certain circumstances:
• Annual Fee (sometimes billed monthly): Charged for having the card.
• Cash Advance Fee: Charged when you use the card for a cash ad-
vance; may be a flat fee (for example, $3.00) or a percentage of the
cash advance (for example, 3%).
• Balance-Transfer Fee: Charged when you transfer a balance from an-
other credit card. (Your credit card company may send you “checks” to
pay off the other card. The balance is transferred when you use one of
these checks to pay the amount due on the other card.)
• Late-Payment Fee: Charged if your payment is received after the due date.
• Over-The-Credit-Limit Fee: Charged if you go over your credit limit.
• Credit-Limit-Increase Fee: Charged if you ask for an increase in your
credit limit.
• Set-Up Fee: Charged when a new credit card account is opened.
• Return-Item Fee: Charged if you pay your bill by check and the check
is returned for non-sufficient funds (that is, your check bounces).
• Other Fees: Some credit card companies charge a fee if you pay by
telephone (that is, if you arrange by phone for payment to be transferred
288 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

from your bank to the company) or to cover the costs of reporting to

credit bureaus, reviewing your account, or providing other customer
services. Read the information in your credit card agreement to see if
there are other fees and charges.

What are the cash advance features?

Some credit cards let you borrow cash in addition to making purchases
on credit. Most credit card companies treat these cash advances and your

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Credit Card Balance Computation Methods
• Average Daily Balance: This is the most common calculation method.
It credits your account from the day the issuer receives your payment. To
figure the balance due, the issuer totals the beginning balance for each
day in the billing period and subtracts any credits made to your account
that day. While new purchases may or may not be added to the balance,
cash advances typically are included. The resulting daily balances are
added for the billing cycle. Then, the total is divided by the number of
days in the billing period to get the “average daily balance.”
• Adjusted Balance: This usually is the most advantageous method for
cardholders. The issuer determines your balance by subtracting payments
or credits received during the current billing period from the balance at
the end of the previous billing period. Purchases made during the billing
period aren’t included. This method gives you until the end of the billing
period to pay a portion of your balance to avoid the interest charges on
that amount. Some creditors exclude prior unpaid finance charges from
the previous balance.
• Previous Balance: This is the amount you owed at the end of the previ-
ous billing period. Payments, credits, and purchases made during the
current billing period are not included. Some creditors exclude unpaid
finance charges.
• Two-Cycle Or Double-Cycle Balances: Issuers sometimes calculate your
balance using your last two month’s account activity. This approach elimi-
nates the interest-free period if you go from paying your balance in full
each month to paying only a portion each month of what you owe. For
Choosing A Credit Card 289

purchases differently. If you plan to use your card for cash advances, look for
information about the following items:

• Access: Most credit cards let you use an ATM to get a cash advance.
Or the credit card company may send you “checks” that you can write
to get the cash advance.

• APR: The APR for cash advances may be higher than the APR for

example, if you have no previous balance, but you fail to pay the entire
balance of new purchases by the payment due date, the issuer will com-
pute the interest on the original balance that previously had been subject
to an interest-free period. Read your agreement to find out if your issuer
uses this approach and, if so, what specific two-cycle method is used.
How do these methods of calculating finance charges affect the cost of
credit? Suppose your monthly interest rate is 1.5 percent, your APR is 18 per-
cent, and your previous balance is $400. On the 15th day of your billing cycle,
the card issuer receives and posts your payment of $300. On the 18th day, you
make a $50 purchase:
• Using the average daily balance method (including new purchases), your
finance charge would be $4.05.
• Using the average daily balance method (excluding new purchases), your
finance charge would be $3.75.
• Using the average daily balance double cycle method (including new
purchase and the previous month’s balance), your finance charge would
be $6.53.
• Using the adjusted balance method, your finance charge would be $1.50.

If you don’t understand how your balance is calculated, ask your card issuer.
An explanation also must appear on your billing statements.

Source: Excerpted from “Choosing a Credit Card: The Deal Is in the Disclo-
sures,” Federal Trade Commission, June 2008.
290 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Fees: The credit card company may charge a fee in addition to the
interest you will pay on the amount advanced.
• Limits: Some credit cards limit cash advances to a dollar amount (for
example, $200 per cash advance or $500 per week) or a portion of your
credit limit (for example, 75% of your available credit limit).
• How Payments Are Credited: Many credit card companies apply your
payments to purchases first and then to cash advances. Read your credit
card agreement to learn how your payments will be credited.

How much is the credit limit?

The credit limit is the maximum total amount—for purchases, cash ad-
vances, balance transfers, fees, and finance charges—you may charge on your
credit card. If you go over this limit, you may have to pay an “over-the-
credit-limit fee.”

What kind of card is it?

Most credit card companies offer several kinds of cards:
• Secured cards, which require a security deposit. The larger the security
deposit, the higher the credit limit. Secured cards are usually offered
to people who have limited credit records—people who are just starting
out or who have had trouble with credit in the past.
• Regular cards, which do not require a security deposit and have just a
few features. Most regular cards have higher credit limits than secured
cards but lower credit limits than premium cards.
• Premium cards (gold, platinum, titanium), which offer higher credit
limits and usually have extra features—for example, product warranties,
travel insurance, or emergency services.

Does the card offer incentives and other features?

Many credit card companies offer incentives to use the card and other
special features:
• Rebates (money back) on the purchases you make
Choosing A Credit Card 291

• Frequent flier miles or phone-call minutes

• Additional warranty coverage for the items you purchase
• Car rental insurance
• Travel accident insurance or travel-related discounts
• Credit card registration, to help if your wallet or purse is lost or stolen
and you need to report that all your credit cards are missing

Credit cards may also offer, for a price, services such as the following:
• Insurance to cover the payments on your credit card balance if you
become unemployed or disabled, or die. Premiums are usually due
monthly, making it easy to cancel if the payments are higher than you
want to pay or you decide you don’t need the insurance any longer.
• Insurance to cover the first $50 of charges if your card is lost or stolen.
Under federal law, you are not responsible for charges over $50.
Before you sign up to pay for any of these features, think carefully about
whether it will be useful for you. Don’t pay for something you don’t want or
don’t need.

How do I find information about credit cards?

You can find lists of credit card plans, rates, and terms on the internet, in
personal finance magazines, and in newspapers. The Federal Reserve Sys-
tem surveys credit card companies every six months. You’ll need to get the
most recent information directly from the credit card company—by phon-
ing the company, looking on the company’s website, or reading a solicitation
or application.

Under federal law, all solicitations and applications for credit cards must
include certain key information, in a disclosure box similar to the one shown
in Figure 29.1 (on page 292).

• APR For Purchases: The annual percentage rate you’ll be charged if

you carry over a balance from month to month. If the card has an
introductory rate, you’ll see both that rate and the rate that will apply
after the introductory rate expires.
292 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Figure 29.1. Credit Card Disclosure Box.

• Other APRs: The APRs you’ll be charged if you get a cash advance on
your card, transfer a balance from another card, or are late in making a
payment. More information about the penalty rate may be stated out-
side the disclosure box—for instance, in a footnote. In the example
shown in Figure 29.1, if you make two payments that are more than
ten days late within six months, the APR will increase to 23.9%.
• Variable-Rate Information: Information about how the variable rate
will be determined (if relevant). More information may be stated out-
side the disclosure box—for instance, in a footnote.
• Grace Period For Repayment Of Balances For Purchases: The num-
ber of days you’ll have to pay your bill for purchases in full without
triggering a finance charge.
• Method Of Computing The Balance For Purchases: The method that
will be used to calculate your outstanding balance if you carry over a
balance and will pay a finance charge.
• Annual Fees: The amount you’ll be charged each twelve-month pe-
riod for simply having the card.
Choosing A Credit Card 293

• Minimum Finance Charge: The mini-

✤ It’s A Fact!! mum, or fixed, finance charge that will be
imposed during a billing cycle. A mini-
What if the item you
mum finance charge usually applies only
purchase is damaged?
when a finance charge is imposed, that is,
The federal Fair Credit
when you carry over a balance.
Billing Act allows you to
withhold payment on any • Transaction Fee For Cash Advances: The
damaged or poor-quality charge that will be imposed each time you
goods or services pur- use the card for a cash advance.
chased with a credit card—
even if you have accepted • Balance-Transfer Fee: The fee that will
the goods or services—as be imposed each time you transfer a bal-
long as you have made an ance from another card.
attempt to solve the prob-
lem with the merchant. • Late-Payment Fee: The fee that will be
imposed when your payment is late.
The sale must have
been for more than $50 • Over-The-Credit-Limit Fee: The fee
and must have taken place that will be imposed if your charges ex-
in your home state or ceed the credit limit set for your card.
within 100 miles of your
home address. You should What are your liability limits?
notify the credit card
company in writing and If your credit card is lost or stolen—and then
explain why you are with- is used by someone without your permission—
holding your payment. you do not have to pay more than $50 of those
You may withhold the charges. This protection is provided by the fed-
payment while the credit eral Truth in Lending Act. You do not need to
card company investigates buy “credit card insurance” to cover amounts
your claim. If you pay the over $50.
charges for the goods on
your credit card bill before If you discover that your card is lost or sto-
the dispute is resolved, len, report it immediately to your credit card
you will lose your right to company. Call the toll-free number listed on
make a claim.
your monthly statement. The company will
Source: Federal Reserve cancel the card so that new purchases cannot
Board, October 19, 2004. be made with it. The company will also send
you a new card.
294 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Make a list of your account numbers and the companies’ phone numbers.
Keep the list in a safe place. If your wallet or purse is lost or stolen, you’ll have
all the numbers in one place. Take the list of phone numbers—not the account
numbers—with you when you travel, just in case a card is lost or stolen.

What can you do about billing errors?

The federal Fair Credit Billing Act covers billing errors. Examples of
billing errors include the following:
• A charge for something you didn’t buy
• A bill for an amount different from the actual amount you charged
• A charge for something that you did not accept when it was delivered
• A charge for something that was not delivered according to agreement
• Math errors
• Payments not credited to your account
• A charge by someone who does not have permission to use your credit

If you think your credit card bill has an error, take the following steps:
• Write to the credit card company within 60 days after the statement
date on the bill with the error. Use the address for “billing inquiries”
listed on the bill. Tell the company your name and account number,
that you believe the bill contains an error, and why you believe it’s
wrong, and the date and amount of the error (the “disputed amount”).
• Pay all the other parts of the bill. You do not have to pay the “disputed
amount” or any minimum payments or finance charges that apply to it.

If there is an error, you will not have to pay any finance charges on the
disputed amount. Your account must be corrected.

If there is no error, the credit card company must send you an explanation
and a statement of the amount you owe. The amount will include any finance
charges or other charges that accumulated while you were questioning the bill.
Chapter 30

Other Plastic: Debit Cards, Prepaid Cards,

Gift Cards, And More

Credit Vs. Debit Cards

Credit cards are a convenient form of borrowing. People generally use
credit cards to purchase goods and services.

Credit cards provide a revolving line of credit. This means you can make
an unlimited number of purchases, up to a pre-approved dollar limit. The
limit might be $500, $1,000, $3,000, or much more.

You must pay at least a part of the bill every month. This is called a
minimum payment. It is often a certain percentage of your balance.

Charge cards are used like credit cards, but you must pay the entire bal-
ance every month.

Debit cards are similar to credit cards except that they are tied to your
checking account at a bank. When you use them to make a purchase or to
take out money at an automated teller machine (ATM), the money is imme-
diately taken out of your checking account. You need to be sure you have
money in your checking account before you use a debit card.

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 6: Charge It Right,” Money Smart for
Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
296 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Credit Cards
Payments: Buy now, pay later.

Interest Charges: Yes, if you carry a balance or your card offers no “grace
period” (time to repay without incurring interest).

Other Potential Benefits: Freebies, such as cash rebates and bonus points
good for travel deals. Some purchase protections.

Other Potential Concerns Fees And Penalties: Also not all cards offer
grace periods. Overspending can cause debt problems.

Liability In The Event Of Unauthorized Transactions: Liability for un-

authorized transactions capped at $50. The credit card company may volun-
tarily waive your liability.

Debit Cards
Payments: Buy now, pay now.

Interest Charges: No.

Other Potential Benefits: Easier and faster than writing a check. Avoid debt
problems. More cards are now offering freebies. Some purchase protections.

Other Potential Concerns: Fees on certain transactions. You may over-

draw your account if you don’t record your debit card transactions.

Liability In The Event Of Unauthorized Transactions: Unauthorized

transactions are immediately taken out of your checking account. Your li-
ability is capped at $50 if you notify the bank within two business days after
discovering the theft. Otherwise, you may be responsible for a larger amount.

Stored Value Cards

To use a stored value card, you deposit money upfront and the balance
declines as you use the card. It works like a debit card, but it’s not connected
to your checking account. It has a limit like a credit card does. But since you
deposit money ahead of time, you don’t pay it back later. You can refresh the
value of the card by depositing money into your stored value card account.
Other Plastic: Debit Cards And More 297

The following are examples of stored value cards:

• Telephone cards with prepaid minutes
• International gift cards that can be used anywhere the VISA,
MasterCard, or American Express logo is displayed
• Payroll cards. These are cards that enable your employer to deposit
your paycheck on the card, rather than issue you a paper check.
• Gift cards that you can purchase at retailers such as supermarkets, res-
taurants, department stores, etc.
• Cash cards

There are two major types of stored value cards: those that can only be
used at one particular store or retailer (gift cards), and those that can be used
at any merchant that accepts credit cards.

Depending on the type of card, stored value cards can have the following
• Reduce or eliminate check-cashing fees
• Offer 24-hour access to funds
• Make money transfers easy
• Offer the ability to make purchases using credit card networks
• Reduce the need to carry a lot of cash

One potential disadvantage of a stored value card is that your name may
not be printed on the card and a refund may not be available if your card is
lost or stolen. Ask if you can register your card with its issuer. Be sure to ask
about any fees associated with a stored value card, such as monthly fees or
inactivity fees. These lower the balance on your card.

Smart Cards
A smart card resembles a credit card in size and shape, but inside it is
different. The inside of a smart card usually contains a microprocessor or
computer chip. The chip is under a gold contact pad on one side of the card.
298 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Gift Cards Are Great But
Beware Of Risks And Costs
You probably love getting gift cards for your
birthday or other occasions so you can pick out
exactly what you want at the store. Gift cards also
are easy to buy and give to friends and relatives be-
cause they’re widely available at stores and even at banks.
But while gift cards may seem to be the perfect gift, they
also can come with potential risks and costs. Whether you’re
giving or receiving a gift card, remember this:

Watch out for fees: You may be charged a fee for purchasing a
gift card. You also may have fees deducted each time you use the
card at a store or restaurant. Or, you may be charged fees for not using
the card, perhaps $1 or more each month after going a year or so with-
out making a purchase. “When a fee is deducted, that’s less money for you
to spend,” says Janet Kincaid, Federal Deposit Insurance Commission
(FDIC) Senior Consumer Affairs Officer.

Find out if there is an expiration date: “Gift cards aren’t exactly like
cash—they usually can’t be used indefinitely,” advises Kincaid. “You don’t
want to put gift cards away and forget about them because, if you let
them expire, you could lose the entire balance on the card.”

Immediately report a lost or stolen gift card to the card is-

suer: Some companies will replace a lost card (for a fee), others
may not.

If you have a problem with a gift card that you can’t

solve by talking to a store employee, consider contact-
ing your state government’s consumer protection of-
fice, which will be listed in your local phone book
or other directories.

Source: “Gift Cards Are Great But Beware

of Risks and Costs,” FDIC Consumer News,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
Summer 2006.
Other Plastic: Debit Cards And More 299

Think of the computer chip as replacing the usual magnetic strip on a credit
card or debit card. It is used in some credit and cash cards, but also for secu-
rity systems, wireless communication, and other technologies.

Some credit card companies are beginning to issue credit cards that are
also smart cards. These may allow you to simply touch your card to a reader
to make a payment, instead of having to swipe your card as in the past.

The most common smart card applications are include the following:
• Credit cards
• Electronic cash
• Computer security systems
• Wireless communication
• Banking
• Satellite TV
• Government identification
• Loyalty systems (like frequent flyer points)
Chapter 31

Installment Loans

What Is An Installment Loan?

An installment loan is a loan that is repaid in equal monthly payments or
installments for a specific period of time, usually several years.

Types Of Loans
There are two types of installment loans:
• Secured loans
• Unsecured loans

A secured installment loan is one where the borrower offers collateral for
the loan. The borrower gives up the collateral to the lender if the loan is not
paid back as agreed.

Unsecured Installment Loans

Unsecured installment loans can be used for a variety of personal expenses
such as education or medical expenses. Unsecured loans are sometimes called

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 7: Paying for College and Cars,” Money
Smart for Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit In-
surance Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
302 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

personal or signature loans.

An unsecured loan is a ✎ What’s It Mean?
loan that is not secured Collateral: Collateral is security you
by collateral. provide a lender. Giving the lender col-
lateral means that you promise an asset you
• There is no
own, such as your car, to the lender in case you
collateral re-
cannot repay the loan. Generally, if the collateral
quirement for
is not enough to repay your loan, you are
an unsecured
still responsible for the remaining bal-
loan. The terms of
ance and any fees and interest as-
the loan might range
sociated with the loan.
from one to five years.
• Since credit cards have be-
come popular, the use of unsecured consumer installment loans has
declined. However, some financial institutions still offer unsecured
installment loans.

Benefits Of Unsecured Loans: Some benefits of unsecured installment

loans include fast approval time and interest rates might be lower than credit
card rates.

Loan Approval
The Four Cs Of Loan Decision Making
Lenders generally review the Four Cs to decide whether to make a loan
to you. The Four Cs are capacity, capital, character, and collateral.
• Capacity refers to your present and future ability to meet your pay-
ment obligations. This includes whether you have enough income to
pay your bills and other debts.
• Capital refers to the value of your assets and your net worth.
• Character refers to how you have paid bills or debts in the past. Your
credit report is one tool lenders use to consider your willingness to
repay your debts.
• Collateral refers to property or assets offered to secure the loan.
Installment Loans 303

Tips About Unsecured Installment Loans

• You may find it beneficial to consolidate your loans. If you plan to use
an unsecured installment loan to consolidate your other loans, make
sure the new annual percentage rate (APR) is lower than your current
• As with any other loan, you could become overwhelmed and unable to
make the payments if you take on too much debt. If you have trouble
paying your bills, you might consider getting credit counseling.
• Beware of debt consolidation traps. These are loans that you get in
order to help pay off what you owe on several credit cards. They can be
either secured loans, such as home equity loans, or unsecured loans.
• Beware of companies and websites that charge high rates and applica-
tion fees. Look for hidden charges. Ask for references before signing
an agreement.
• Choosing the wrong debt consolidation loan can make matters worse
and put you further into debt. Shop around so that you have the infor-
mation to decide on the debt consolidation loan that best meets your
needs and budget. Research different lenders and collect quotes before
• Good credit counseling agencies can help you budget and negotiate
with your lenders to make loan payments more manageable.

☞ Remember!!
Cheaper Than Alternatives
A loan can be expensive, but it is usually
cheaper than some alternatives.
Chapter 32

Car Loans

Car Loans Vs. Car Leases

There are several factors that you need to consider when deciding be-
tween getting a car loan or a car lease. These include the following:
• Ownership potential
• Wear and tear
• Monthly payments
• Mileage limitations
• Auto insurance
• Cost

The minimum requirements for obtaining a car loan or lease vary. In

general, you and/or the co-qualifier must be at least 18 years of age. The
lender will ensure you have sufficient income to pay the loan, and will pull
your credit report based on your Social Security number. The lender will also
need to know how long you have held your present and past jobs, as well as
how long you have been at your current and possibly past residences.

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 7: Paying for College and Cars,” Money
Smart for Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit In-
surance Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
306 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Financing A Car
Getting a car loan is also referred to as financing a car. A car loan can be
used to purchase a new or used car. Your car becomes your collateral for the
loan, which means the lender will hold the car title until the loan is paid off.
The title indicates who owns the car.

If you do not pay off the loan, the bank can take back the car and then sell
it to get the remaining loan amount back. New car loans typically are for
three to seven years and used car loans two to five years.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Where To Get Information
There are many decisions you must make before pur-
chasing or leasing a car. You should know some points to con-
sider when looking for a car.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has many publications

that can help you answer these questions so you can get a car
at the best price. At the F TC website, http://, you can download many helpful bro-
chures and articles.

A car loan might be one of the biggest expenses you have. Therefore, if
you decide to purchase a car, you should know exactly how much you are
paying for the car and exactly how much you need to borrow.

When shopping for a car, don’t negotiate or make a decision based just
on the monthly payment, even if the car dealer suggests that you do. The
total amount you will pay depends on the price of the car you negotiate, the
APR, and the length of the loan.

You decide to buy a used car and have saved $2,500 from your summer
job for a down payment. You find a car you like and the monthly payment is
Car Loans 307

$225 for 60 months with your $2,500 down payment. The tax and registra-
tion fee is $575 and the APR is 12.10 percent. With this information you
figure the total cost of the car as follows:
$225 Monthly payment x 60 Number of payments = $13,500
Total of payments

$13,500 Total of payments + $2,500 Down payment + $575

Tax and registration fee = $16,575 Total cost of car

Now, we can figure out how much the loan actually costs by comparing
$16,575 to the cost of the car if you were to pay cash. If you pay cash for the
car and do not take out a loan, the car dealer tells you he will give you a deal
so that the car costs $12,595 plus tax and registration:
$12,595 + $575 = $13,170

Now that you know the cost of the car if you paid cash and the cost of a
60-month loan, you can figure out the difference which would be the cost of
your loan.

$16,575 – $13,170 = $3,405 (the interest for the loan)

Financing Through Banks And Credit Unions

The financial institution where you already have an account is a good
place to start when you need to finance a car. But, still be sure to shop around
to make sure you are getting the best deal.

Most lenders can even pre-approve you for a car loan before you go car
shopping. This means the financial institution calculates how much money
you can borrow to buy your car. This is typically a free service and does not
require you to accept a loan offer from the institution.

Financing Through The Car Dealer

Car dealers may also offer to finance your car loan. Dealers sometimes
even offer low loan rates for specific cars. To get the lowest advertised rate,
you might have to:
• make a large down payment;
308 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• agree to a short loan term, usually three

years or less;
✤ It’s A Fact!!
• have an excellent credit history; or
Where To
• pay additional fees or purchase Obtain A Car Loan
additional products that are You can obtain a car loan from any
not necessarily reflected in the of the following:
APR. • Banks
Remember that a dealer offer- • Credit unions
ing a low interest rate is likely to • Thrifts
be less willing to negotiate on the • Finance companies
price of the car. Therefore, you may
• Car dealerships
find that it’s more affordable to ne-
gotiate a lower price on the car and
finance through your own financial in-
stitution than it is to accept the dealer’s
offer of a low-interest rate loan.

CAUTION: Car Title Loans

Title loans are short-term (usually one month) loans that allow you to
use your car as collateral to borrow money. They may sound like a good way
to get quick cash, but they can be very costly.
Chapter 33

Education Loans
College is a large expense that will need a lot of planning and research.
Some of you may not be attending college; you may be going on to voca-
tional or trade school or be entering the workforce.

Calculate College Costs

When deciding on how to pay for college, tuition is not the only thing
you will need to consider. There are many other costs such as books, fees, and
housing that add up to a significant amount of money.

The cost of the college should be considered along with the academic
programs of a school. College comparison shopping should include options
such as two-year community colleges and schools close to home, which can
help save on room and board.

Financial Aid Overview

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step
in the financial aid process. Use it to apply for federal student financial aid,
such as the Pell grant, student loans, and college work-study. Most states
and schools use FAFSA information to award their financial aid.

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 7: Paying for College and Cars,” Money
Smart for Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit In-
surance Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
310 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

How Is The FAFSA Used?

✔ Quick Tip
Your FAFSA responses are
entered into a formula known
Tips To Getting Aid
as the Federal Methodology, Financial aid administrators and guid-
ance counselors agree that the following
which is required by the Higher
tips speed up the application process:
Education Act of 1965. The re-
sult is your Expected Family Read The Instructions: Common
Contribution, or EFC. The words like “household,” “investments,” and
even “parent” may have special meaning
EFC is a number that measures
so make sure to read all instructions care-
your family’s financial strength. fully. Many questions are asked specifically
It is subtracted from the cost of for purposes of student financial aid.
attendance at the school(s) you
Apply Early: State and school dead-
plan to attend which determines
lines will vary and tend to be early. Check
your eligibility for federal stu-
to find out exact deadline dates. Your
dent aid. FAFSA will only be processed if it is re-
ceived on or before the deadline.
Scholarships And Grants
Complete Your Tax Return: It is rec-
A scholarship is money for ommended that you and your parents (if
college that you will not be ex- you are a dependent student) complete
pected to repay. Scholarships are your tax return before filling out your
FAFSA. This will make completing the
definitely worth seeking!
FAFSA easier because tax information is
Scholarships sponsored by required.
colleges are often designated for File Electronically: Completing and
students who fit a particular submitting your FAFSA online is the fast-
profile. For example, students est and most accurate way to apply for stu-
who are from the college’s dent aid.
home state, hold a specified Additional Forms: Many schools and
grade point average, enroll in a states rely on the FAFSA as the single ap-
particular major, or bring spe- plication for student aid. However, your
cial talent, such as in athletics school or state may require additional
or in music. Other outside forms. Check with your state agency and
the financial aid office at the school you
scholarships may be available
plan to attend to find out if they require
to students whose parents work additional forms.
for a particular company or to
Education Loans 311

students who are eligible for scholarships sponsored by religious or civic or-
ganizations. You will need to check with each college to see what scholar-
ships are available.

At the same time, though, be very wary of companies that guarantee or

promise you scholarships, grants, or fantastic financial aid packages in exchange
for a fee. Many of these are scams and you will simply lose your money and
risk giving your personal information to a potentially unscrupulous business
or individual.

Federal Loan Programs

You must complete the FAFSA before finding out what loan programs
for which you are eligible. If you think you need a loan, do your homework
and ask lots of questions before settling on one. Among the many options
are federal government loan programs, including PLUS loans for parents
and Perkins and Stafford loans for students.

There are also private loans. There are often big differences between pri-
vate loans and federal student loans. A private lender likely will offer both
types of loans, so be sure to ask questions to fully understand the pros and
cons of any loan product.

Your state’s department of education and the college’s financial aid de-
partment are good resources when deciding on which type of loan is best for
you. Don’t completely depend on your school to pick the right loan or lender,
though. Some colleges and private lenders have been scrutinized for con-
flicts of interest in steering students toward “preferred lenders.” So, be sure
to always do your own research and ask questions.

Repay Your Loan

After you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment,
you have a period of time before you must begin repayment. While you
need to look carefully at correspondence from your lender for the exact
repayment start date, the “grace period” will generally be six months for a
Federal (FFEL) or Direct Stafford Loan and nine months for Federal
Perkins Loans.
312 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Exit Counseling
You’ll receive information about repayment. Your loan provider will no-
tify you when you have to start making loan payments. It is very important
to make your full loan payment according to your repayment schedule. If
you don’t, you could end up in default, which has serious consequences. Stu-
dent loans are real loans—just as real as car loans or mortgages. You have to
pay back your student loans.

Depending on the type of loan you have, some graduates who get jobs in
certain fields may even be eligible for special perks such as forgiveness of
part of their student loan balance.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Cost Of College Calculator
There are many expenses besides tuition that need to be considered when it
comes to college. Here are some to consider:

• Education • Health
• Tuition • Insurance
• Books • Doctor/Prescriptions
• Fees • Personal/Miscellaneous
• Supplies • Laundry/Cleaning
• Transportation • Drug Store Items
• Bus/Air/Train • Clothing
• Car Payment • Entertainment
• Car Repair/Insurance
• In-school interest
• Housing • Direct Unsubsidized
• Mortgage Loan
• Dormitory/Rent
• Utilities • Emergencies
• Telephone • Other Expenses
• Food • Credit Card Payment
• Room and Board Plan
• Groceries
Education Loans 313

You can also explore options to manage your student loan payments after
graduation, such as loan consolidation. But be sure to fully research the pros
and cons of consolidation before signing any paperwork. Student loan consoli-
dation can be used to reduce your monthly student loan payment or simplify
your finances by making one payment per month.

Federal Pell Grant

A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. Pell Grants
are awarded usually only to undergraduate students who have not earned a
bachelor’s or a professional degree. Pell Grants are considered a foundation
of federal financial aid, to which aid from other federal and nonfederal sources
might be added.

How much can I get?

The maximum Pell Grant award for the 2008–09 award year ( July 1,
2008 to June 30, 2009) is $4,731. The maximum can change each award year
and depends on program funding. The amount you get depends not only on
your financial need, but also on your costs to attend school, your status as a
full-time or part-time student, and your plans to attend school for a full
academic year or less.

If I am eligible, how will I get the Pell Grant money?

Your school can apply Pell Grant funds to your school costs, pay you
directly (usually by check), or combine these methods. The school must tell
you in writing how much your award will be and how and when you’ll be
paid. Schools must disburse funds at least once per term (semester, trimester,
or quarter). Schools that do not use semesters, trimesters, or quarters must
disburse funds at least twice per academic year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
program is for undergraduates with exceptional financial need. Pell Grant
recipients with the lowest expected family contributions (EFCs) will be
314 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

considered first for a FSEOG. Just like Pell Grants, the FSEOG does not
have to be repaid.

How much can I get?

You can receive between $100 and $4,000 a year, depending on when you
apply, your financial need, the funding at the school you’re attending, and
the policies of the financial aid office at your school.

If I am eligible, how will I get the FSEOG money?

If you’re eligible, your school will credit your account, pay you directly (usu-
ally by check), or combine these methods. Your school must pay you at least once
per term (semester, trimester, or quarter). Schools that do not use semesters,
trimesters, or quarters must disburse funds at least twice per academic year.

Academic Competitiveness Grant

The Academic Competitiveness Grant was made available for the first time
for the 2006–2007 school year for first year college students who graduated
from high school after January 1, 2006, and for second year college students
who graduated from high school after January 1, 2005. The Academic Com-
petitiveness Grant award is in addition to the student’s Pell Grant award.

How much can a student receive?

An Academic Competitiveness Grant will provide up to $750 for the
first year of undergraduate study and up to $1,300 for the second year of
undergraduate study to full-time students who are eligible for a Federal Pell
Grant and who had successfully completed a rigorous high school program,
as determined by the state or local education agency and recognized by the
Secretary of Education. Second year students must maintain a cumulative
grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0.

The National Science And Mathematics Access To Retain

Talent Grant (National Smart Grant)
The National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant,
also known as the National SMART Grant is available during the third and
Education Loans 315

fourth years of undergraduate study to full-time students who are eligible for
the Federal Pell Grant and who are majoring in physical, life, or computer
sciences, mathematics, technology, or engineering, or in a foreign language
determined critical to national security. The student must also have main-
tained a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in coursework
required for the major. The National SMART Grant award is in addition to
the student’s Pell Grant award.

How much can a student receive?

A National SMART Grant will provide up to $4,000 for each of the
third and fourth years of undergraduate study to full-time students who are
eligible for a Federal Pell Grant and who are majoring in physical, life, or
computer sciences, mathematics, technology, or engineering or in a foreign
language determined critical to national security.

Institutional Grants
Colleges provide institutional grants to help make up the difference between
college costs and what a family can be expected to contribute through income,
savings, loans, and student earnings. Other institutional grants, known as merit
awards or merit scholarships, are awarded on the basis of academic achievement.
Some merit awards are offered only to students whose families demonstrate
financial need; others are awarded without regard to a family’s finances. Some
grants come with special privileges or obligations. You’ll want to find out about
the types of grants awarded by each college you are considering.

Federal Work-Study (FWS)

Federal Work-Study (FWS) provides part-time jobs for undergraduate
and graduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to
help pay education expenses. The program encourages community service
work and work related to the recipient’s course of study.

Will I be paid the same as I would in any other job?

You’ll be paid by the hour if you’re an undergraduate. No FWS student
may be paid by commission or fee. Your school must pay you directly (unless
316 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

you direct otherwise) and at least monthly. Wages for the program must
equal at least the current federal minimum wage but might be higher, de-
pending on the type of work you do and the skills required. The amount you
earn can’t exceed your total FWS award. When assigning work hours, your
employer or financial aid administrator will consider your award amount,
your class schedule, and your academic progress.

What kinds of jobs are there in Federal Work-Study?

If you work on campus, you’ll usually work for your school. If you work
off campus, your employer will usually be a private nonprofit organization or
a public agency, and the work performed must be in the public interest. Your
school might have agreements with private for-profit employers for Federal
Work-Study jobs. This type of job must be relevant to your course of study
(to the maximum extent possible). If you attend a career school, there might
be further restrictions on the jobs you can be assigned.

Federal Perkins Loans

A Federal Perkins Loan is a low-interest (five percent) loan for both un-
dergraduate and graduate students with exceptional financial need. Federal
Perkins Loans are made through a school’s financial aid office. Your school is
your lender, and the loan is made with government funds. You must repay
this loan to your school. Your school will either pay you directly (usually by
check) or apply your loan to your school charges. You’ll receive the loan in at
least two payments during the academic year.

How much can I borrow?

You can borrow up to $4,000 for each year of undergraduate study (the total
you can borrow as an undergraduate is $20,000). The amount you receive de-
pends on when you apply, your financial need, and the funding level at the school.

Other than interest, is there a charge for this loan?

No, there are no other charges. However, if you skip a payment, if it’s late,
or if you make less than a full payment, you might have to pay a late charge
plus any collection costs.
Education Loans 317

When do I pay it back?

If you’re attending school at least half time, you have nine months after
you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time status before you must
begin repayment. This is called a “grace period.” If you’re attending less than
half time, check with your college or career school to find out how long your
grace period will be.

Stafford Loans (FFELS And Direct Loans)

In addition to Perkins Loans, the U.S. Department of Education adminis-
ters the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program and the William
D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program. Both the FFEL and
Direct Loan programs consist of what are generally known as Stafford Loans
(for students) and PLUS Loans (for parents).

Schools generally participate in either the FFEL or Direct Loan program

but sometimes participate in both. Under the Direct Loan Program, the
funds for your loan come directly from the federal government. Funds for
your FFEL will come from a bank, credit union, or other lender that partici-
pates in the program. Eligibility rules and loan amounts are identical under
both programs, but repayment plans differ somewhat.

How can I get a FFEL or Direct Loan?

For either type of loan, you must fill out a FAFSA. After your FAFSA is
processed, your school will review the results and will inform you about your
loan eligibility. You also will have to sign a promissory note, a binding legal
document that lists the conditions under which you’re borrowing and the
terms under which you agree to repay your loan.

Plus Loans (Parent Loans)

Parents can borrow a PLUS Loan to help pay your education expenses if
you are a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least half time in an
eligible program at an eligible school. PLUS Loans are available through the
Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program and the William D. Ford
Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program. Your parents can get either
318 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

loan, but not both, for you during the same enrollment period. They also
must have an acceptable credit history.
Part Five

Avoiding Financial Pitfalls

Chapter 34

Avoid Out-Of-Control Debt

Take Control Of Debt

Here’s the definition of net worth (wealth):
Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth

Liabilities are your debts. Debt reduces net worth. Plus, the interest you
pay on debt, including credit card debt, is money that cannot be saved or
invested—it’s just gone. Debt is a tool to be used wisely for such things as
buying a house. If not used wisely, debt can easily get out of hand. For ex-
ample, putting day-to-day expenses—like groceries or utility bills—on a credit
card and not paying off the balance monthly can lead to debt overload.

Why People Get Into Trouble With Debt

Lots of people are mired in debt. In some cases, they could not control
the causes of their debt. However, in some instances they could have.

Many people get into serious debt because they:

• Experienced financial stresses caused by unemployment, medical bills,
or divorce.

About This Chapter: From “Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your
Financial Future,” reprinted with permission from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, © 2007.
322 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Could not control spending,

did not plan for the future, ✔ Quick Tip
and did not save money. Tips For Controlling Debt
• Lacked knowledge of finan- • Develop a budget and stick to it.
cial and credit matters. • Save money so you’re prepared for
unforeseen circumstances.
Speaking Of Interest
• You should have at least three to six
When you take out a loan, months of living expenses stashed in
you repay the principal, which is your rainy day savings account, be-
the amount borrowed, plus inter- cause as the poet Longfellow put it,
est, the amount charged for lend- “Into each life some rain must fall.”
ing you the money. The interest • When faced with a choice of financ-
on your monthly balance is a ing a purchase, it may be a better fi-
good example of compound in- nancial decision to choose a less
expensive model of the same prod-
terest that you pay. The interest
uct and save or invest the difference.
is added to your bill, and the next
month interest is charged on that • Pay off credit card balances monthly.
amount and on the outstanding • If you must borrow, learn everything
balance. The bottom line on in- about the loan, including interest
terest is that those who know rate, fees and penalties for late pay-
ments or early repayment.
about interest earn it; those who
don’t, pay it. Source: © 2007 Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.
Avoid Credit Card
People who plan ahead rarely use credit cards. When they do, they pay
off their balances every month. When a credit card balance is not paid off
monthly, it means paying interest—often 20 percent or more a year—on
everything purchased. So think of credit card debt as a high-interest loan.

Do you need to reduce your credit card debt? Here are some suggestions.
• Pay cash.
• Set a monthly limit on charging, and keep a written record so you
don’t exceed that amount.
Avoid Out-Of-Control Debt 323

• Limit the number of credit cards you have. Cut up all but one of your
cards. Stash that one out of sight, and use it only in emergencies.
• Choose the card with the lowest interest rate and no (or very low)
annual fee. But beware of low introductory interest rates offered by
mail. These rates often skyrocket after the first few months.
• Don’t apply for credit cards to get a free gift or a discount on a pur-
• Steer clear of blank checks that financial services companies send you.
These checks are cash advances that may carry a higher interest rate
than typical charges.
• Pay bills on time to avoid late charges or increased interest rates.

Beware The Perils Of Payday Loans And Predatory

People can get deep in debt when they take out a loan against their pay-
check. They write a postdated check in exchange for money. When they get
paid again, they repay the loan, thus the name payday loan. These loans
generally come with very high, double-digit interest rates. Borrowers who
can’t repay the money are charged additional fees for an extension, which
puts them even deeper in debt. Borrowers can continue to pay fees to extend
the loan’s due date indefinitely, only to find they are getting deeper in debt
because of the steep interest payments and fees.

Predatory lenders often target seniors and low-income people they con-
tact by phone, mail or in person. After her husband died, 73-year-old Pauline
got plenty of solicitations from finance companies. She was struggling to
make ends meet on her fixed income. To pay off her bills, she took out a
$5,000 home equity loan that carried a high interest rate and excessive fees.
Soon she found she was even deeper in debt, so she refinanced the loan once,
then again, and again, paying fees each time.

Pauline’s children discovered her situation and paid off the loan. The
lessons here are:
• Don’t borrow from Peter to pay Paul.
324 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Never respond to a solicitation that makes borrowing sound easy and

• Always read the fine print on any loan application.
• Seek assistance from family members, local credit counseling services
or others to make sure a loan is right for you.

Know What Creditors Say About You

Those who have used credit will have a credit report that shows every-
thing about their payment history, including late payments.

✎ What’s It Mean?
Legal Terms For Types Of Debt Actions
Bankruptcy: A legal declaration of insolvency. Bankruptcy will not fix credit
record problems and will be part of your credit history for 10 years. You cannot
necessarily walk away from your debts even with bankruptcy, as the law requires
you to pay a portion of your unsecured debt if you are able to.
Foreclosure: A legal proceeding initiated by a creditor to take possession of
collateral, for example a home that secured a defaulted loan.
Garnishment: A process by which a lender obtains directly from a third party,
such as an employer, part of an employee’s salary to satisfy an unpaid debt. Part
of the employee’s salary is taken each pay period until the debt is fully paid.
This process must be authorized by a court order.
Judgment: A court order requiring a debtor to pay money to the creditor. The
judgment places a security lien on the debtor’s property until the judgment is
satisfied (the debt is repaid).
Lien: A creditor’s claim against property to secure repayment of a debt.
Repossession: Seizure of collateral that secured a loan in default.
Source: Excerpted from “Module 5: Borrowing Basics,” Money Smart for Young
Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
Avoid Out-Of-Control Debt 325

The information in your credit report is used to create your credit score.
A credit score is a number generated by a statistical model that objectively
predicts the likelihood that you will repay on time. Banks, insurance compa-
nies, potential landlords and other lenders use credit scores.

Credit scores range from under 500 to 800 and above and are determined
by payment history, the amount of outstanding debt, length of your credit
history, recent inquiries on your credit report and the types of credit in use.
Factors not considered in a credit score include age, race or ethnicity, in-
come, job, marital status, education, length of time at your current address,
and whether you own or rent your home.

A credit report that includes late payments, delinquencies or defaults will

result in a low credit score and could mean not getting a loan or having to
pay a much higher interest rate. The higher your score, the less risk you
represent to the lender.

Review your credit report at least once a year to make sure all informa-
tion is accurate. If you find an error, the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires
credit reporting companies and those reporting information to them to cor-
rect the mistake. To start the process of fixing an error:
• Contact the credit reporting company online, by fax, or certified let-
ter, identifying the creditor you have a dispute with and the nature of
the error.
• Send the credit reporting company verifiable information, such as can-
celed checks or receipts, supporting your complaint.
• The credit reporting company must investigate your complaint within
30 days and get back to you with its results.
• Contact the creditor if the credit reporting company investigation does
not result in correction of the error. When you resolve the dispute, ask
the creditor to send the credit reporting company a correction.

If the issue remains unresolved, you have the right to explain in a state-
ment that will go on your credit report. For example, if you did not pay a car
repair bill because the mechanic didn’t fix the problem, the unpaid bill may
show up on your credit report, but so will your explanation.
326 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Keep Your Good Name

Every month, go back to your budget and plan carefully to ensure your
bills are paid before their due dates. For example, Betty makes sure she pays
her bills on time. Betty gets paid twice a month. She has her paycheck set up
for direct deposit so she doesn’t have to scramble to get to the bank on pay-
day. With her first paycheck each month, she pays her mortgage (which she
has set up on auto debit), cable TV, and utility bills. Out of the second check,
Betty makes her car payment (also on auto debit) and has a monthly deposit
automatically made to her savings account. Betty has found that “autopilot”
really simplifies budgeting and saving.

If you believe you are too deep in debt:

• Discuss your options with your creditors before you miss a payment.
• Seek expert help, such as Consumer Credit Counseling Services, listed
in your local telephone directory.
• Avoid “credit repair” companies that charge a fee. Many of these are

Save Money By Choosing The Right Loan

If you have good credit, you may want to take out a loan to purchase a
house or to cover educational expenses—both are investments in the future.
But regardless of how the money is spent, a loan is a liability, or debt, and
decreases your wealth. So choose loans carefully. Shop and negotiate for the
lowest interest rate. The interest you save can be invested to build wealth.
Take a look at Table 34.1. In this example, it is obvious that Pixley Bank and
Trust would charge the lowest interest over the term of the loan. What’s not

Table 34.1. Interest Paid On A Sample $15,000 Care Loan For 5 Years

Lender Interest Rate Total Interest

Pixley Bank and Trust 6.5% $2,609.53
XYZ Savings and Loan 7.5% $3,034.15
Joe’s Auto Sales 15% $6,410.94
Avoid Out-Of-Control Debt 327

☞ Remember!!
Take Steps To Control Your Debt
As you can see, a big part of building wealth is making wise
choices about debt. You need to maximize assets and minimize liabili-
ties to maximize net worth. To manage debt, you need to know how much
you have and develop strategies to control it.

When Bob decided to reduce his $3,000 credit card debt, he analyzed his
debt and developed a strategy. He listed the balance, interest rate, and monthly
interest on each credit card. He checked his credit score and shopped for the
best rate on a new credit card. Then he transferred all his balances to that
card. He cut up the old credit cards and used the interest he saved to
pay toward the principal balance. He used the new card only for

Source: © 2007 Federal Reserve

Bank of Dallas.

obvious is that your credit score may determine which interest rate you are
offered. Use an online auto loan calculator to compare rates.

Save Money By Paying Off Loans Early

You can save interest expense by increasing your monthly payments or
choosing a shorter payment term on your loan.

Let’s use Betty as an example again. Betty, knew her new car would cost
more than the sticker price because she would have to pay interest on the
loan from the bank. After checking her options, she chose a shorter payment
term with higher payments. Betty budgeted enough money each month to
make the higher payments. By doing this, she will reduce the amount of
interest she ultimately pays.

Table 34.2 (on page 328) shows how shorter terms with higher payments
would affect the total amount and interest on Betty’s $15,000 car loan.
328 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Table 34.2. Interest Paid On A Sample $15,000 Car Loan at 8% Interest

3-year 4-year 5-year

Number of payments 36 48 60
Payment $470 $366 $304
Total paid $16,922 $17,577 $18,249

Avoid the trap of getting “upside down”—owing more on the car than it
is worth when you sell or trade it in. Betty’s car will be paid for in three years,
and she plans on driving it for at least eight years. Once her car is paid for,
she will continue to budget for the car payment but will invest the money to
further build her wealth.
Chapter 35

Watch Out For Predatory Lending Practices

A predator in the animal kingdom is one that hunts and zeros in on its
prey before capturing it for dinner. A predator in the lending arena is one
who zeros in on certain potential customers using deceptive or unfair tactics
in order to make them a customer or charge them unfairly once they are a

Predatory lending occurs when companies offer loan products using cer-
tain sales tactics or collection practices that are designed to frighten people
and loan terms that deceive borrowers. Predatory lending has become a seri-
ous problem.

Abusive practices can occur in any sort of lending. We are going to talk
about two common ones. It is also important to note that most of the prob-
lems are not caused by federally insured financial institutions.

Subprime Lending
Predatory lending often affects borrowers in the subprime market.

Subprime lenders charge higher interest rates and loan fees to offset the higher
costs associated with lending to borrowers with credit history problems.

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Module 5: Borrowing Basics,” Money Smart for
Young Adults, a CD-based curriculum developed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
330 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Most predatory loans are made to subprime borrowers, but not all subprime
loans are predatory. Subprime lending can be beneficial, if performed in a
fair, reasonable, and legal manner. A
subprime loan may be the
only alternative available
✎ What’s It Mean?
to some borrowers.
Subprime Lending: Subprime lending in-
volves giving credit to borrowers whose credit his-
Two Types Of tory shows late payments, collections, bankruptcy,
Predatory etc. These types of borrowers are considered to be
Loans higher risk.

Two types of Source: Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation (FDIC), March
predatory loans that you
should be aware of are
predatory payday loans and preda-
tory mortgage loans.

Predatory Payday Loans

The first type of predatory loan is a payday loan made using predatory
practices. Payday loans are small cash advances, usually of $500 or less. To
get a loan, these steps are involved:
• A borrower gives a payday lender a postdated personal check or an
authorization for automatic withdrawal from the borrower’s bank ac-
• In return, the borrower receives cash, minus the lender’s fees.

Assume you go to a payday lender and borrow $200. The payday lender
will usually make a two-week loan and might charge a fee of $30. You will
write a postdated check to the lender for $230, dated after your next payday.
The payday lender holds the check for two weeks.

When the loan is due, you can repay it by letting the lender cash the
check, or you can give the lender the full amount due in cash.

The annual percentage rate (APR) for this transaction is 390 percent. An
APR for a typical payday loan may be even higher than this example.
Watch Out For Predatory Lending Practices 331

Most payday lenders allow you to “roll over” or renew your loan. The
lender will charge an additional fee. In this case, you would write another
postdated check, this time for $260 ($230 + $30 additional fee).

Remember that payday loans should only be used for emergencies. If you
cannot fully repay the loan within a few pay periods, you should consider a
longer term loan from a financial institution.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
The federal Truth in Lending Act treats payday loans like other types of
credit: the lenders must disclose the cost of the loan. Payday lenders must give
you the finance charge (a dollar amount) and the annual percentage rate (APR—
the cost of credit on a yearly basis) in writing before you sign for the loan. The
APR is based on several things, including the amount you borrow, the interest
rate and credit costs you’re being charged, and the length of your loan.

A payday loan—that is, a cash advance secured by a personal check or paid

by electronic transfer is—very expensive credit. How expensive? Say you need
to borrow $100 for two weeks. You write a personal check for $115, with $15
the fee to borrow the money. The check casher or payday lender agrees to hold
your check until your next payday. When that day comes around, either the
lender deposits the check and you redeem it by paying the $115 in cash, or you
roll-over the loan and are charged $15 more to extend the financing for 14
more days. If you agree to electronic payments instead of a check, here’s what
would happen on your next payday: the company would debit the full amount
of the loan from your checking account electronically, or extend the loan for an
additional $15. The cost of the initial $100 loan is a $15 finance charge and an
annual percentage rate of 391 percent. If you roll-over the loan three times, the
finance charge would climb to $60 to borrow the $100.

Source: Excerpted from “Payday Loans Equal Very Costly Cash: Consumers
Urged to Consider Alternatives,” FTC Consumer Alert, Federal Trade Com-
mission, March 2008.
332 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Catch Phrases Of Abusive Lenders

There are some catch phrases that should alert you to potential predatory
practices. You may have already heard some of these in advertisements or
seen them in mail, or on billboards. Beware when you hear the following:
• “125 percent of your home/car’s value”: It can be dangerous to borrow
more than your home or car is worth. If you stop making payments,
you can lose your house or vehicle and still owe money.

✔ Quick Tip
Indicators Of Possible Predatory Practices
Predatory Payday Lending
1. The company advertises terms that it does not actually offer.
2. You are not given disclosures listing terms, such as the finance charge and
3. There is no “cooling off ” or waiting period between the time you repay a
payday loan and the time you are allowed to obtain another loan.
4. You can get a payday loan even if you currently owe payday loans to other
companies at the same time.
5. You can obtain as many payday loans as you want each year.
6. You can get a payday loan to finance unpaid interest and fees.
7. The company threatens to prosecute you criminally for writing a bad check
even though it knew you had insufficient funds in your account to pay the
check and you paid it a payday loan fee.

Indicators Of Predatory Mortgage Lending

1. Excessive fees: Points and fees are costs not directly reflected in interest
rates. Because these costs can be financed, they are easy to disguise or
downplay. On predatory loans, fees totaling more than five percent of the
loan amount are common.
2. Abusive prepayment penalties: Borrowers with higher interest subprime
loans have a strong incentive to refinance as soon as their credit improves.
Watch Out For Predatory Lending Practices 333

• “Incredibly low monthly payment”: There is no disclosure as to how

the lender intends to calculate monthly payments. There is a possibil-
ity the lender might have you pay only interest and not the principal,
so you will never pay off the loan.

• “No upfront fees”: Be careful of loans that promise no upfront fees.

This does not mean there are no fees. Many times, there are expensive
fees added on to the cost of the loan and you will pay interest on these

However, most subprime mortgages carry a prepayment penalty—a fee for

paying off a loan early. Be careful of prepayment penalties that last more
than three years and/or cost more than six months’ interest.
3. Kickbacks to brokers: When brokers deliver a loan with an inflated inter-
est rate (that is, higher than the rate acceptable to the lender), the lender
often pays the broker a fee known as a “yield spread premium.” This pay-
ment makes the loan more costly to the borrower. You can avoid this by
shopping around for the best rate.
4. Loan flipping: A lender “flips” a loan by refinancing it several times within
a short time frame to generate fee income without providing any net tan-
gible benefit to the borrower. Flipping can quickly drain borrower equity
and increase monthly payments—sometimes on homes that had been pre-
viously owned free of debt.
5. Unnecessary products: Sometimes borrowers may pay more than necessary
because lenders sell and finance unnecessary insurance or other products
along with the loan.
6. Asset-based lending: Predatory lenders may approve a loan based on the
value of a customer’s equity in the home instead of his or her ability to
repay the loan. The lender may later encourage the customer to default so
the lender can get ownership of the home.
7. Steering and targeting: Predatory lenders may steer borrowers into subprime
mortgages, even when the borrowers could qualify for a less expensive,
typical loan. Vulnerable borrowers may face aggressive sales tactics and
sometimes outright fraud.

Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.

334 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

loan fees. This can be very costly. For example, if a $5,000 loan fee is
added into the amount you borrow, you are paying $5,000 plus inter-
est on the $5,000 over the life of the loan.
• “Even if you have a bad credit history…”: Beware of lenders who prom-
ise you loans even if you have a bad credit history. If you have a bad
credit history, you will most likely pay higher interest rates and more

✔ Quick Tip
Be Smart! Tips For Borrowing Money
If you are thinking about borrowing money, keep in mind these do’s and don’ts.

• Pay your bills on time to build good credit history. Make sure your credit
history is correct by reviewing your credit report every year.
• Be an informed customer. Make sure to shop around for the best deal. If
a creditor is not willing to give you information to compare, you prob-
ably do not want to do business with him or her.
• Ask friends, family, and credit counselors for advice. Take someone along
with you when you talk to a lender.
• Take your time before deciding on the best loan or lender.
• Be careful of lenders who tell you they do not care about your credit
history or how much you earn. Many of these lenders charge higher
interest rates and higher fees.

• Do not let lenders pressure you into a decision before you are ready.
• Do not respond to advertisements that make lending sound cheap and easy.
• Do not respond to offers to refinance your loan shortly after you just
refinanced it. Make sure you really need the loan or the loan makes eco-
nomic sense for you.
Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), March 2008.
Watch Out For Predatory Lending Practices 335

expensive loan origination fees. All lenders take your credit history
into account. Be aware that while some predatory lenders have been
known to target low-income communities for high-cost, high-interest
loans, no one is immune from their deceptive offers.
• “It’s free and you have nothing to lose”: If it sounds too good to be
true, it probably is. Even though the initial loan evaluation is free,
there are other ways predatory lenders will take money from you. There
might be hidden fees.
• “Act now, this is a limited-time offer”: Beware of “limited-time offers.”
Many predatory lenders try to pressure you into acting fast, even though
you are not comfortable with the loan conditions.

The True Cost Of Alternative Financial Services

Many lenders advertise “easy money.” These types of loans are generally
easier to obtain but also cost significantly more. Getting credit is not cheap.
However, getting a bank loan is usually less expensive than other alterna-
tives. We are going to look at two of these alternatives: Rent-to-own services
and refund anticipation services.

Rent-to-own services let you use an item for a period of time by making
monthly or weekly payments. If you want to purchase the item, the store will
set up a plan for you to rent it until you pay enough to own it. The store is the
legal owner of the item until you make the final payment. If you miss a
payment, the store can take the item back. If this happens, you will not own
the item, and you will not get your money back. Rent-to-own agreements
are technically not loans, so no interest is charged. However, the difference
between the cash price and your total payment is like the interest you pay on
a loan. Generally, using rent-to-own services is more expensive than getting
a consumer installment loan to buy the item outright.

Refund Anticipation
Refund anticipation loans are short-term loans secured by your expected
income tax refund. Although the business preparing your income tax return
336 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

will give you the money, you are actually receiving a loan from a bank or
finance company. Because you do not have to pay any fees associated with
obtaining a refund anticipation loan at the time you receive the money, you
may not realize how much this loan is really costing you.

Example: Your refund is $1,500.

• The fees associated with filing your income tax return with the tax
preparation service and getting the refund anticipation loan equal $300.
• So, you will receive a check for $1,200. You are paying $300 in fees to
obtain your income tax refund.

It is important to remember that the paperwork you sign to receive a

refund anticipation loan will legally obligate you to repay a $1,500 loan. So,
if your actual refund is only $800, you are responsible for repaying $700, plus
interest to the lender that made the refund anticipation loan. And the higher
the loan amount, the higher the refund anticipation loan fee.

Here are some typical costs associated with getting a refund anticipation
• Tax preparation fee: $100
• Refund anticipation fee: $75
• Electronic filing fee: $40
• Document preparation: $33
• Total Cost: $248
When you electronically file (e-file) your tax return and request direct
deposit, your refund is often deposited in your bank account within two
weeks. Sometimes refund anticipation loans take just as long, yet cost you
substantially more money. Many organizations host Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) sites. VITA is an IRS-coordinated program that pro-
vides free income tax assistance and e-filing. Income eligibility restrictions
apply. Contact the IRS for a location near you.
Chapter 36

If Your Credit, ATM, Or Debit Cards Are

Lost Or Stolen
Many people find it easy and convenient to use credit cards and auto-
mated teller machine (ATM) or debit cards. The Fair Credit Billing Act
(FCBA) and the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) offer procedures for
you to use if your cards are lost or stolen.

Limiting Your Financial Loss

Report the loss or theft of your credit cards and your ATM or debit cards
to the card issuers as quickly as possible. Many companies have toll-free num-
bers and 24-hour service to deal with such emergencies. It’s a good idea to
follow up your phone calls with a letter. Include your account number, when
you noticed your card was missing, and the date you first reported the loss.

You also may want to check your homeowner’s insurance policy to see if
it covers your liability for card thefts. If not, some insurance companies will
allow you to change your policy to include this protection.

Credit Card Loss Or Fraudulent Charges (FCBA): Your maximum li-

ability under federal law for unauthorized use of your credit card is $50. If

About This Chapter: “Credit, ATM and Debit Cards: What to Do If They’re Lost or
Stolen,” Federal Trade Commission (, June 2002.
338 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

you report the loss before your credit cards are used, the FCBA says the card
issuer cannot hold you responsible for any unauthorized charges. If a thief uses
your cards before you report them missing, the most you will owe for unauthor-
ized charges is $50 per card. Also, if the loss involves your credit card number,
but not the card itself, you have no liability for unauthorized use.

After the loss, review your billing statements carefully. If they show any
unauthorized charges, it’s best to send a letter to the card issuer describing
each questionable charge. Again, tell the card issuer the date your card was
lost or stolen, or when you first noticed unauthorized charges, and when you
first reported the problem to them. Be sure to send the letter to the address
provided for billing errors. Do not send it with a payment or to the address
where you send your payments unless you are directed to do so.

ATM Or Debit Card Loss Or Fraudulent Transfers (EFTA): Your li-

ability under federal law for unauthorized use of your ATM or debit card
depends on how quickly you report the loss. If you report an ATM or debit
card missing before it’s used without your permission, the EFTA says the
card issuer cannot hold you responsible for any unauthorized transfers. If
unauthorized use occurs before you report it, your liability under federal law
depends on how quickly you report the loss.

For example, if you report the

loss within two business days after ✔ Quick Tip
you realize your card is missing, If unauthorized transfers show
you will not be responsible for up on your bank statement, report
more than $50 for unau- them to the card issuer as quickly as pos-
thorized use. However, if sible. Once you’ve reported the loss of your
you don’t report the loss ATM or debit card, you cannot be
within two business days after held liable for additional unau-
thorized transfers that occur
you discover the loss, you could
after that time.
lose up to $500 because of an un-
authorized transfer. You also risk un-
limited loss if you fail to report an unauthorized transfer within 60 days after
your bank statement containing unauthorized use is mailed to you. That
means you could lose all the money in your bank account and the unused portion
of your line of credit established for overdrafts. However, for unauthorized
If Your Cards Are Lost Or Stolen 339

transfers involving only your debit card number (not the loss of the card),
you are liable only for transfers that occur after 60 days following the mailing
of your bank statement containing the unauthorized use and before you re-
port the loss.

Protecting Your Cards

The best protections against card fraud are to know where your cards are
at all times and to keep them secure. For protection of ATM and debit cards
that involve a personal identification number (PIN), keep your PIN a secret.
Don’t use your address, birthdate, phone or Social Security number as the
PIN and do memorize the number.

The following suggestions may help you protect your credit card and
your ATM or debit card accounts.

For Credit And ATM Or Debit Cards

• Be cautious about disclosing your account number over the phone unless
you know you’re dealing with a reputable company.
• Never put your account number on the outside of an envelope or on a
• Draw a line through blank spaces on charge or debit slips above the
total so the amount cannot be changed.
• Don’t sign a blank charge or debit slip.
• Tear up carbons and save your receipts to check against your monthly
• Cut up old cards—cutting through the account number—before dis-
posing of them.
• Open monthly statements promptly and compare them with your re-
ceipts. Report mistakes or discrepancies as soon as possible to the spe-
cial address listed on your statement for inquiries. Under the FCBA
(credit cards) and the EFTA (ATM or debit cards), the card issuer
must investigate errors reported to them within 60 days of the date
your statement was mailed to you.
340 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Keep a record—in a safe place sepa-

rate from your cards—of your ac- ✤ It’s A Fact!!
count numbers, expiration dates, Buying A
and the telephone numbers of each Registration Service
card issuer so you can report a loss For an annual fee, companies
quickly. will notify the issuers of your
credit card and your ATM or
• Carry only those cards that you an-
debit card accounts if your card
ticipate you’ll need.
is lost or stolen. This service al-
lows you to make only one phone
For ATM Or Debit Cards
call to report all card losses rather
• Don’t carry your PIN in your wallet than calling individual issuers.
or purse or write it on your ATM Most services also will request
or debit card. replacement cards on your behalf.

• Never write your PIN on the out- Purchasing a card registration

side of a deposit slip, an envelope, service may be convenient, but it’s
not required. The FCBA and the
or other papers that could be easily
EFTA give you the right to con-
lost or seen. tact your card issuers directly in
• Carefully check ATM or debit card the event of a loss or suspected
unauthorized use.
transactions before you enter the
PIN or before you sign the receipt; If you decide to buy a regis-
the funds for this item will be fairly tration service, compare offers.
quickly transferred out of your Carefully read the contract to de-
checking or other deposit account. termine the company’s obligations
and your liability. For example,
• Periodically check your account ac- will the company reimburse you
tivity. This is particularly important if it fails to notify card issuers
if you bank online. Compare the promptly once you’ve called in the
current balance and recent with- loss to the service? If not, you
could be liable for unauthorized
drawals or transfers to those you’ve
charges or transfers.
recorded, including your current
ATM and debit card withdrawals
and purchases and your recent checks. If you notice transactions you
didn’t make, or if your balance has dropped suddenly without activity
by you, immediately report the problem to your card issuer. Someone
may have co-opted your account information to commit fraud.
Chapter 37

Identity Theft And Identity Fraud

What Are Identity Theft And Identity Fraud?

“But he that filches from me my good name/Robs me of that which
not enriches him/And makes me poor indeed.” - Shakespeare, Othello,
act iii. Sc. 3.
The short answer is that identity theft is a crime. Identity theft and iden-
tity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone
wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that
involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. The information in
this chapter is intended to explain why you need to take precautions to pro-
tect yourself from identity theft. Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique
to you and cannot be given to someone else for their use, your personal data—
especially your Social Security number, your bank account or credit card
number, your telephone calling card number, and other valuable identifying
data—can be used, if they fall into the wrong hands, to personally profit at
your expense. In the United States and Canada, for example, many people
have reported that unauthorized persons have taken funds out of their bank or
financial accounts, or, in the worst cases, taken over their identities altogether,

About This Chapter: Excerpted from “Identity Theft and Identify Fraud,” an undated
document produced by the U.S. Department of Justice, available online at http://; accessed July 1, 2008 and con-
tact information verified in February 2009.
342 Savings And Investment Information For Teens, 2nd Ed.

running up vast debts and committing crimes while using the victims’ names.
In many cases, a victim’s losses may include not only out-of-pocket financial
losses, but substantial additional financial costs associated with trying to re-
store his reputation in the community and correcting erroneous information
for which the criminal is responsible.

What Are The Most Common Ways To Commit Iden-

tity Theft Or Fraud?
Many people do not realize how easily criminals can obtain our personal
data without having to break into our homes. In public places, for example,
criminals may engage in “shoulder surfing”—watching you from a nearby
location as you punch in your telephone calling card number or credit card
number—or listen in on your conversation if you give your credit-card num-
ber over the telephone to a hotel or rental car company.

Even the area near your home may not be secure. Some criminals engage
in “dumpster diving”—going through your garbage cans or a communal
dumpster or trash bin—to obtain copies of your checks, credit card or bank
statements, or other records that typically bear your name, address, and even
your telephone number. These types of records make it easier for criminals
to get control over accounts in your name and assume your identity.

If you receive applications for “preapproved” credit cards in the mail, but
discard them without tearing up the enclosed materials, criminals may re-
trieve them and try to activate the cards for their use without your knowl-
edge. (Some credit card companies, when sending credit cards, have adopted
security measures that allow a card recipient to activate the card only from
his or her home telephone number but this is not yet a universal practice.)
Also, if your mail is delivered to a place where others have ready access to it,
criminals may simply intercept and redirect your mail to another location.

In recent years, the internet has become an appealing place for criminals
to obtain identifying data, such as passwords or even banking information.
In their haste to explore the exciting features of the internet, many people
respond to “spam”—unsolicited e-mail—that promises them some benefit but
requests identifying data, without realizing that in many cases, the requester
Identity Theft And Identity Fraud 343

has no intention of keeping his promise. In some cases, criminals reportedly

have used computer technology to obtain large amounts of personal data.

With enough identifying information about an individual, a criminal can

take over that individual’s identity to conduct a wide range of crimes: for
example, false applications for loans and credit cards, fraudulent withdrawals
from bank accounts, fraudulent use of telephone calling cards, or obtaining

☞ Remember!!
How do thieves steal an identity?
Identity theft starts with the misuse of your personally identifying informa-
tion such as your name and Social Security number, credit card numbers, or
other financial account information. For identity thieves, this information is as
good as gold.

Skilled identity thieves may use a variety of methods to get hold of your
information, including the following:
• Dumpster Diving: They rummage through trash looking for bills or
other paper with your personal information on it.
• Skimming: They steal credit/debit card numbers by using a special stor-
age device when processing your card.
• Phishing: They pretend to be financial institutions or companies and
send spam or pop-up messages to get you to reveal your personal infor-
• Changing Your Address: They divert your billing statements to another
location by completing a change of address form.
• Old-Fashioned Stealing: They steal wallets and purses; mail, including
bank and credit card statements; pre-approved credit offers; and new
checks or tax information. They steal personnel records, or bribe em-
ployees who have access.
• Pretexting: They use false pretenses to obtain your personal informa-
tion from financial institutions, telephone companies, and other sources.

Source: Excerpted from “About Identity Theft: Deter. Detect. Defend. Avoid
ID Theft,” Federal Trade Commission (
344 Savings And Investment Information For Teens, 2nd Ed.

other goods or privileges which the criminal might be denied if he were to

use his real name. If the criminal takes steps to ensure that bills for the falsely
obtained credit cards, or bank statements showing the unauthorized with-
drawals, are sent to an address other than the victim’s, the victim may not
become aware of what is happening until the criminal has already inflicted
substantial damage on the victim’s assets, credit,
and reputation.

What Should I Do To Avoid ✤ It’s A Fact!!

To victims of identity
Becoming A Victim Of theft and fraud, the task of
Identity Theft? correcting incorrect informa-
tion about their financial or per-
To reduce or minimize the risk sonal status, and trying to restore
of becoming a victim of identity their good names and reputations,
theft or fraud, there are some ba- may seem as daunting as trying to
sic steps you can take. For start- solve a puzzle in which some of the
ers, just remember the word pieces are missing and other pieces no
longer fit as they once did. Unfortu-
nately, the damage that criminals do
in stealing another person’s identity
S: Be Stingy about giving out
and using it to commit fraud often
your personal information to others
takes far longer to undo than it took
unless you have a reason to trust the criminal to commit the
them, regardless of where you are. crimes.

At home, start by adopting a “need Source: U.S. Depart-

to know” approach to your personal ment of Justice.
data. Your credit card company may need
to know your mother’s maiden name, so that
it can verify your identity when you call to in-
quire about your account. A person who calls you and says he’s from your
bank, however, doesn’t need to know that information if it’s already on file
with your bank; the only purpose of such a call is to acquire that information
for that person’s personal benefit. Also, the more information that you have
printed on your personal bank checks—such as your Social Security number
or home telephone number—the more personal data you are routinely hand-
ing out to people who may not need that information.
Identity Theft And Identity Fraud 345

If someone you don’t know calls you on the telephone and offers you the
chance to receive a “major” credit card, a prize, or other valuable item, but
asks you for personal data—such as your Social Security number, credit card
number or expiration date, or mother’s maiden name—ask them to send you
a written application form. If they won’t do it, tell them you’re not interested
and hang up. If they will, review the application carefully when you receive it
and make sure it’s going to a company or financial institution that’s well-
known and reputable. The Better Business Bureau can give you information
about businesses that have been the subject of complaints.

If you’re traveling, have your mail held at your local post office, or ask
someone you know well and trust—another family member, a friend, or a
neighbor—to collect and hold your mail while you’re away.

If you have to telephone someone while you’re traveling, and need to pass
on personal financial information to the person you’re calling, don’t do it at
an open telephone booth where passersby can listen in on what you’re saying;
use a telephone booth where you can close the door, or wait until you’re at a
less public location to call.

C: Check your financial information regularly, and look for what should
be there and what shouldn’t.

If you have bank or credit card accounts, you should be receiving monthly
statements that list transactions for the most recent month or reporting
period. If you’re not receiving monthly statements for the accounts you know
you have, call the financial institution or credit card company immediately
and ask about it.

If you’re told that your statements are being mailed to another address
that you haven’t authorized, tell the financial institution or credit card repre-
sentative immediately that you did not authorize the change of address and
that someone may be improperly using your accounts. In that situation, you
should also ask for copies of all statements and debit or charge transactions
that have occurred since the last statement you received. Obtaining those
copies will help you to work with the financial institution or credit card
company in determining whether some or all of those debit or charge trans-
actions were fraudulent.
346 Savings And Investment Information For Teens, 2nd Ed.

If someone has gotten your financial data and made unauthorized debits
or charges against your financial accounts, checking your monthly statements
carefully may be the quickest way for you to find out. Too many of us give
those statements, or the enclosed checks or credit transactions, only a quick
glance, and don’t review them closely to make sure there are no unautho-
rized withdrawals or charges.

If someone has managed to get access to your mail or other personal data,
and opened any credit cards in your name or taken any funds from your bank
account, contact your financial institution or credit card company immedi-
ately to report those transactions and to request further action.

A: Ask periodically for a copy of your credit report. Your credit report
should list all bank and financial accounts under your name, and will provide
other indications of whether someone has wrongfully opened or used any
accounts in your name.

M: Maintain careful records of your banking and financial accounts. Even

though financial institutions are required to maintain copies of your checks,
debit transactions, and similar transactions for five years, you should retain
your monthly statements and checks for at least one year, if not more. If you
need to dispute a particular check or transaction—especially if they purport
to bear your signatures—your original records will be more immediately ac-
cessible and useful to the institutions that you have contacted.

What Should I Do

If I’ve Become
A Victim Of Even if you take all suggested pre-
Identity cautionary steps, it’s still possible that you
Theft? can become a victim of identity theft. Records con-
taining your personal data—credit-card receipts or car-
If you rental agreements, for example—may be found by or
think you’ve shared with someone who decides to use your
become a victim data for fraudulent purposes.
of identity theft or Source: U.S. Department of Justice.
fraud, act immediately
Identity Theft And Identity Fraud 347

to minimize the damage to your personal funds and financial accounts, as

well as your reputation. Here’s a list—based in part on a checklist prepared
by the California Public Interest Research Group (CalPIRG; http://www and the Privacy Rights Clear-
inghouse—of some actions that you should take right away:

Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to report the situation,

whether online (, by telephone toll-free at 877-ID THEFT (877-
438-4338) or TDD at 202-326-2502, or by mail to Consumer Response Cen-
ter, FTC, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20580.

Under the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, the Federal
Trade Commission is responsible for receiving and processing complaints
from people who believe they may be victims of identity theft, providing
informational materials to those people, and referring those complaints to
appropriate entities, including the major credit reporting agencies and law
enforcement agencies. For further information, please check the FTC’s iden-
tity theft web pages ( You
can also call your local office of the FBI or the U.S. Secret Service to report
crimes relating to identity theft and fraud.

You may also need to contact other agencies for other types of identity
• Your local office of the Postal Inspection Service if you suspect that an
identity thief has submitted a change-of-address form with the Post
Office to redirect your mail, or has used the mail to commit frauds
involving your identity.
• The Social Security Administration if you suspect that your Social
Security number is being fraudulently used (call 800-269-0271 to re-
port the fraud).
• The Internal Revenue Service if you suspect the improper use of iden-
tification information in connection with tax violations (call 1-800-
829-0433 to report the violations).

Call the fraud units of the three principal credit reporting companies:
348 Savings And Investment Information For Teens, 2nd Ed.

• Equifax: To report fraud, call (800) 525-6285 or write to P.O. Box

740250, Atlanta, GA 30374-0250.
• Experian (formerly TRW): To report fraud, call (888) EXPERIAN or
(888) 397-3742, fax to (800) 301-7196, or write to P.O. Box 1017,
Allen, TX 75013.
• Trans Union: To report fraud, call (800) 680-7289 or write to P.O.
Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92634.

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Warning: Identity Thieves Target Young People, Too
You’ve probably heard or read about “identity theft,” which happens when
someone learns enough private information about another person to be able to
withdraw money from a bank account or obtain a new credit card in that other
person’s name and use it for purchases that will not be paid for. But did you know
that adults aren’t the only people whose identity is being used by ID thieves?

Crooks target young people like you even though you may be too young to
have a checking account or credit card on your own. They can use your name,
address, and Social Security number to open accounts.

While we don’t want to scare you, we do want to help you protect yourself
and your family from ID theft.

Be extra careful with your full name and address, date of birth, Social Secu-
rity number, bank account information, phone number, and your mother’s maiden
name. This is personal information that banks and other businesses use to con-
firm your identity, which can be very valuable to an ID thief wanting to pose as
you to commit fraud.

Don’t give out personal information in response to an incoming call or e-

mail from a stranger or an advertisement on the internet. For example, beware
of what law enforcement officials call “phishing,” a type of identity theft in
which criminals use fake websites and e-mails to “fish” for valuable personal

In the typical phishing scam, you receive an e-mail supposedly from a com-
pany you may do business with or even from a government agency. The e-mail
Identity Theft And Identity Fraud 349

To opt out of pre-approved offers of credit and marketing lists, call (800)
680-7293 or (888) 5OPTOUT or write to P.O. Box 97328, Jackson, MS

Contact all creditors with whom your name or identifying data have been
fraudulently used. For example, you may need to contact your long-distance
telephone company if your long-distance calling card has been stolen or you
find fraudulent charges on your bill.

describes a reason you must “resubmit” bank account numbers or other per-
sonal information. If you follow their instructions, the thieves hiding behind
what you think is a legitimate website or e-mail can use the information to
withdraw or spend money in your name.

“Identity thieves are very good at pretending to be legitimate business people

and government officials so they can convince others to share personal infor-
mation or even send money,” says Michael Benardo, manager of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)’s financial crimes section.

That’s why you should never provide personal information in response to a

phone call, e-mail, or a pop-up ad on the web, no matter how official it may
appear to be.

Never share your passwords or ID numbers for your computer with friends
or strangers. Be especially suspicious of new “friends” you’ve met through the
internet, such as through a website where people can post information about
themselves and can contact others through that site. These people could be
fraud artists.

Don’t leave your birth certificate or documents with your Social Security
number unprotected at home, at school or anywhere else. For example, while
you may need to provide your birth certificate as proof of your age when you
sign up for a sports league or get your learner’s permit, you shouldn’t leave your
birth certificate in your locker at school or any other place that may not be safe.

Source: From “Warning: Identity Thieves Target Young People, Too,” FDIC
Consumer News, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Summer 2006.
350 Savings And Investment Information For Teens, 2nd Ed.

Contact all financial institutions where you have accounts that an iden-
tity thief has taken over or that have been created in your name but without
your knowledge. You may need to cancel those accounts, place stop-payment
orders on any outstanding checks that may not have cleared, and change
your automated teller machine (ATM) card, account, and personal identifi-
cation number (PIN).

Contact the major check verification companies (listed in the CalPIRG-

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse checklist) if you have had checks stolen or
bank accounts set up by an identity thief. In particular, if you know that a
particular merchant has received a check stolen from you, contact the verifi-
cation company that the merchant uses:

• CheckRite: 800-766-2748
• ChexSystems: 800-428-9623 (closed checking accounts)
• CrossCheck: 800-552-1900
• Equifax: 800-437-5120
• National Processing Co. (NPC): 800-526-5380
• SCAN: 800-262-7771
• TeleCheck: 800-710-9898
Chapter 38

Con Artists Want Your Money: Avoid These

Scams And Schemes

Sweepstakes And Lotteries Scams

Congratulations, it’s your lucky day! You’ve just won $5,000!

If you get a phone call or a letter with a message like this, be skeptical.
Scam artists often use the promise of a valuable prize or award to entice
consumers to send money, buy overpriced products or services, or contribute
to bogus charities. People who fall for their ploys may end up paying more
and more for the products—if they ever get them at all.

How To Avoid Prize And Sweepstakes Fraud

The next time you get a “personal” telephone call or letter telling you “it’s
your lucky day,” remember:

About This Chapter: This chapter includes information from the following documents
produced by the Federal Trade Commission ( “Sweepstakes and Lotteries
Scams,” undated; “Charities and Fundraising Phone Fraud,” undated; “Work-at-Home
Schemes,” March 2001; “‘Net Based Business Opportunities: Are Some Flop-portunities?”
June 2002; “Costly Coupon Scams,” August 1997; “Multilevel Marketing Plans,” (pro-
duced in cooperation with the North American Securities Administrators Association),
November 1996; and “Take This Scheme and Stuff It: Avoiding Envelope-Stuffing Rip-
Offs.” Despite the older dates of some of these documents, the information still provides
appropriate guidance regarding potential fraudulent activities. Additional information
from Investopedia ULC is cited separately within the chapter.
352 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Fake Check Scams
It’s your lucky day! You just won a foreign lottery! The caller says so. And
they are sending a cashier’s check to cover the taxes and fees. All you have to do
to get your winnings is deposit the check and wire the money to the sender to
pay the taxes and fees. You’re guaranteed that when they get your payment,
you’ll get your prize.

There’s just one catch: this is a scam. The check is no good, even though it
appears to be a legitimate cashier’s check. The lottery angle is a trick to get you to
wire money to someone you don’t know. If you were to deposit the check and wire
the money, your bank would soon learn that the check was a fake. And you would
be out the money: The money you wired can’t be recovered, and you’re respon-
sible for the checks you deposit—even though you don’t know they’re fake.

Source: “Sweepstakes and Lotteries Scams, FTC, undated, online at http://; accessed Oc-
tober 31, 2008.

• Don’t pay to collect sweepstakes winnings. If you have to pay to collect

your winnings, you’re not winning—you’re buying. Legitimate sweep-
stakes don’t require you to pay “insurance,” “taxes”, or “shipping and
handling charges” to collect your prize.
• Hold on to your money. Scammers pressure people to wire money
through commercial money transfer companies because wiring money
is the same as sending cash. When the money’s gone, there’s very little
chance of recovery. Likewise, resist any push to send a check or money
order by overnight delivery or courier. Con artists recommend these
services so they can get to your money before you realize you’ve been
• Phone numbers can deceive. Some con artists use internet technology
to call you. It allows them to disguise their area code: although it may
look like they’re calling from your local area, they could be calling
from anywhere in the world.
Con Artists Want Your Money 353

How To Recognize A Reloader

[Note: A “reloader” is a double scammer—someone who targets victims
of telemarketing fraud and tries to scam them again.]
• Their offer requires a “recovery fee.” Legitimate organizations, like
national, state, and local consumer enforcement agencies and non-profit
organizations, do not charge or guarantee results for their services to
help you get your money back from a telemarketing fraud.
• Their offer requires you to wire money or send it by a courier.
• They contact you several times to urge you to buy more merchandise
to increase your chances of winning so-called valuable prizes.

Charities And Fundraising Phone Fraud

Charities perform a variety of valuable services in our society. Many are fac-
ing increases in costs and demands and decreases in funding. To meet these
financial challenges, charities are asking for larger contributions from more do-
nors—and they’re asking more often than they used to, often using telemarketing
and direct mail solicitations to raise funds for their causes. At the same time,
fraudsters are using the phone and the mail to solicit for fraudulent charities.

Consider the following precautions to ensure that your donation dollars

benefit people and organizations you want to help. They’re good practices
whether you’re contacted by an organization’s employees, volunteers, or pro-
fessional fund-raisers, soliciting donations by phone, mail, or in person.

How To Avoid Charity And Fundraising Fraud

• Donate to recognized charities with a history. Look up the organiza-
tion at the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance (http://, Charity Navigator (, or
the American Institute of Philanthropy (
Ask the caller “Are you calling on behalf of a charity? What is the
name of your organization?”
• Look closely at charities with names similar to well-known organiza-
tions. Some phony charities try to gain your trust by using names that
354 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

sound or look like legitimate organizations. Ask the caller “Can you
point me to a website or another resource for more information about
your organization?”

✤ It’s A Fact!!
International Lottery Scams
“Congratulations! You may receive a certified check for up to $400,000 U.S.
CASH! Tax free! Your odds to WIN are 1-6.” “Hundreds of U.S. citizens win
every week using our secret system! You can win as much as you want!”

Sound great? It’s a fraud.

Scam operators are using the telephone to entice U.S. consumers to buy
chances in high-stakes foreign lotteries from as far away as Australia and Eu-
rope. These lottery solicitations violate U.S. law, which prohibits the cross-
border sale or purchase of lottery tickets by phone or mail.

The FTC has these words of caution for consumers who are thinking about
responding to a foreign lottery:

• If you play a foreign lottery—on the telephone or through the mail—

you’re violating federal law.
• There are no secret systems for winning foreign lotteries. Your chances
of winning more than the cost of your tickets are slim to none.
• If you purchase one foreign lottery ticket, expect many more bogus of-
fers for lottery or investment “opportunities.” Your name will be placed
on “sucker lists” that fraudulent telemarketers buy and sell.
• Keep your credit card and bank account numbers to yourself. Scam art-
ists often ask for them during an unsolicited sales pitch.
• The bottom line: Ignore all phone solicitations for foreign lottery pro-
motions. If you receive what looks like lottery material from a foreign
country, give it to your local postmaster.
Source: “Sweepstakes and Lotteries Scams, FTC, undated, online at http://; accessed Oc-
tober 31, 2008.
Con Artists Want Your Money 355

✤ It’s A Fact!!
Telemarketers who make calls across state lines on
behalf of charitable organizations must comply with certain
federal standards:

• They must make their calls between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
• They must promptly identify the charity they represent and that
they are calling to ask for money.
• They may not lie or mislead you to get a contribution.
• They may not call you again if you asked them not to.
Source: “Charities and Fundraising Phone Fraud,” FTC, undated,
online at
phonefraud/publicsafety.shtml; accessed October
31, 2008.

• Avoid giving cash gifts. They can be lost or stolen. For security and tax
purposes, it’s best to pay by check, made payable to the charity, not the
solicitor. Ask, “Can you give me a receipt showing the amount of my
contribution and stating that it is tax deductible?”
• Be skeptical if someone thanks you for a pledge you don’t remember
making. If you have any doubts about whether you’ve made a pledge
or previously contributed, check your records.
• Reject high pressure appeals. Legitimate fund-raisers don’t put you on
the spot to give. Ask, “Can you mail me more information about the
charity and how it works?”
• Do not do business with any charity offering to send a courier or over-
night delivery service to collect your donation.
• Consider the costs. When you buy merchandise or tickets for special
events, or get “free” goods in exchange for giving, remember that part
of your contribution was used to pay for it.
356 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Be cautious of promises of
guaranteed sweepstakes win- ✤ It’s A Fact!!
nings in exchange for a con- Facts About Fire, Police,
tribution. According to U.S. Or Military Fundraisers
law, you never have to give a
• Simply having the words “police” or
donation to be eligible to win
“firefighter” in an organization’s
a sweepstakes. name doesn’t mean police or
• A special word about appeals firefighters are members of the
group or will benefit from the funds
that tug at your heart strings,
especially pleas involving pa-
triotism and current events: • An organization may claim it has
ties with local police or firefighters,
Before you give, make sure
but that doesn’t mean contributions
the organization has the in- will be used locally or for public
frastructure to deliver the safety. Call your local organization
help it is claiming to provide. to verify the connection.
• After receiving a call asking • Many solicitations for police and
for a donation, call the char- fire service organizations are made
ity in question to find out by professional fund-raisers who are
paid to do the job.
whether it is aware of the so-
licitation and has authorized • Donations to some police or
firefighter groups may not be tax
the use of its name.

Work-At-Home • The Department of Defense does

not endorse specific war-related
Schemes charities. Visit
Be part of one of America’s erations/oif/FAQ.shtml a for more
Fastest Growing Industries! information about legitimate mili-
tary relief societies that provide as-
Earn thousand of dollars a sistance to U.S. Service members
month—from your home— and their families.
Processing Medical Billing Source: “Charities and Fundraising
Claims. Phone Fraud,” FTC, undated, online at
You can find ads like this ev-
phonefraud/publicsafety.shtml; accessed
erywhere—from the street light October 31, 2008.
and telephone pole on your corner
Con Artists Want Your Money 357

to your newspaper and PC. While you may find these ads appealing, espe-
cially if you can’t work outside your home, proceed with caution. Not all
work-at-home opportunities deliver on their promises.

Many ads omit the fact that you may have to work many hours without
pay. Or they don’t disclose all the costs you will have to pay. Countless work-
at-home schemes require you to spend your own money to place newspaper
ads, make photocopies, or buy the envelopes, paper, stamps, and other sup-
plies or equipment you need to do the job. The companies sponsoring the
ads also may demand that you pay for instructions or “tutorial” software.
Consumers deceived by these ads have lost thousands of dollars, in addition
to their time and energy.

Classic Work-At-Home Schemes

Medical Billing: Ads for pre-packaged businesses—known as billing cen-
ters—are in newspapers, on television and on the internet. If you respond,
you’ll get a sales pitch that may sound something like this: There’s “a crisis”
in the health care system, due partly to the overwhelming task of processing
paper claims. The solution is electronic claim processing. Because only a
small percentage of claims are transmitted electronically, the market for bill-
ing centers is wide open.

The promoter also may tell you that many doctors who process claims
electronically want to “outsource” or contract out their billing services to
save money. Promoters will promise that you can earn a substantial income
working full or part time, providing services like billing, accounts receivable,
electronic insurance claim processing, and practice management to doctors
and dentists. They also may assure you that no experience is required, that
they will provide clients eager to buy your services or that their qualified
salespeople will find clients for you.

The Reality: You will have to sell. These promoters rarely provide experi-
enced sales staff or contacts within the medical community.

The promoter will follow up by sending you materials that typically include
a brochure, application, sample diskettes, a contract (licensing agreement), dis-
closure document, and in some cases, testimonial letters, videocassettes, and
358 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

reference lists. For your investment of $2,000 to $8,000, a promoter will

promise software, training, and technical support. And the company will
encourage you to call its references. Make sure you get many names from
which to chose. If only one or two names are given, they may be “shills”—
people hired to give favorable testimonials. It’s best to interview people in
person, preferably where the business operates, to reduce your risk of being
mislead by shills and also to get a better sense of how the business works.

Few consumers who purchase a medical billing business opportunity are

able to find clients, start a business, and generate revenues—let alone recover
their investment and earn a substantial income. Competition in the medical

✔ Quick Tip
Where To Complain
If you have spent money and time on a work-at-home program and now
believe the program may not be legitimate, contact the company and ask for a
refund. Let company representatives know that you plan to notify officials about
your experience. If you can’t resolve the dispute with the company, file a com-
plaint with these organizations:
• The Federal Trade Commission works for the consumer to prevent fraud
and deception. Call 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357) or log on to http://
• The Attorney General’s office in your state or the state where the com-
pany is located. The office will be able to tell you whether you’re pro-
tected by any state law that may regulate work-at-home programs.
• Your local consumer protection offices.
• Your local Better Business Bureau.
• Your local postmaster. The U.S. Postal Service investigates fraudulent
mail practices.
• The advertising manager of the publication that ran the ad. The man-
ager may be interested to learn about the problems you’ve had with the
Source: FTC, 2001.
Con Artists Want Your Money 359

billing market is fierce and revolves around a number of large and well-
established firms.

Envelope Stuffing: Promoters usually advertise that, for a “small” fee,

they will tell you how to earn money stuffing envelopes at home. Later—
when it’s too late—you find out that the promoter never had any employ-
ment to offer. Instead, for your fee, you’re likely to get a letter telling you to
place the same “envelope-stuffing” ad in newspapers or magazines, or to send
the ad to friends and relatives. The only way you’ll earn money is if people
respond to your work-at-home ad.

Assembly Or Craft Work: These programs often require you to invest hun-
dreds of dollars in equipment or supplies. Or they require you to spend many
hours producing goods for a company that has promised to buy them. For ex-
ample, you might have to buy a sewing or sign-making machine from the com-
pany, or materials to make items like aprons, baby shoes, or plastic signs. However,
after you’ve purchased the supplies or equipment and performed the work, fraudu-
lent operators don’t pay you. In fact, many consumers have had companies refuse
to pay for their work because it didn’t meet “quality standards.”

Unfortunately, no work is ever “up to standard,” leaving workers with

relatively expensive equipment and supplies—and no income. To sell their
goods, these workers must find their own customers.

Questions To Ask
Legitimate work-at-home program sponsors should tell you—in writing—
what’s involved in the program they are selling. Here are some questions you
might ask a promoter:
• What tasks will I have to perform? (Ask the program sponsor to list
every step of the job.)
• Will I be paid a salary or will my pay be based on commission?
• Who will pay me?
• When will I get my first paycheck?
• What is the total cost of the work-at-home program, including sup-
plies, equipment and membership fees? What will I get for my money?
360 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

The answers to these questions may help you determine whether a work-
at-home program is appropriate for your circumstances, and whether it is
You also might want to check out the company with your local consumer
protection agency, state Attorney General, and the Better Business Bureau,

✔ Quick Tip
Advice From The Federal Trade Commission
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers this advice to consumers con-
sidering an internet-related business opportunity:
• Consider the promotion carefully. If it claims buyers can earn a certain
income, then it also must give the number and percentage of previous
purchasers who achieved the earnings. If an earnings claim is there—but
the additional information isn’t—the business opportunity seller is prob-
ably violating the law.
• Get earnings claims in writing. If the business opportunity costs $500 or
more, then the promoter must back up the earnings claim in a written
document. It should include the earnings claim, as well as the number
and percentage of recent clients who have earned at least as much as the
promoter suggested. If it’s a work-at-home or other business opportu-
nity that involves an investment of under $500, ask the promoter to put
the earnings information in writing.
• Study the business opportunity’s franchise disclosure document. Under
the FTC Franchise Rule, many business opportunity promoters are re-
quired to provide this document to potential purchasers. It includes in-
formation about the company, including whether it has faced any lawsuits
from purchasers or lawsuits alleging fraud. Look for a statement about
previous purchasers. If the document says there have been no previous
purchases but the seller offers you a list of references, be careful: the
references probably are phonies.
• Interview each previous purchaser in person, preferably where their busi-
ness operates. The FTC requires most business opportunity promoters
to give potential purchasers the names, addresses, and phone numbers of
at least ten previous purchasers who live the closest to the potential
Con Artists Want Your Money 361

not only where the company is located, but also where you live. These or-
ganizations can tell you whether they have received complaints about the work-
at-home program that interests you. But be wary: the absence of complaints
doesn’t necessarily mean the company is legitimate. Unscrupulous companies
may settle complaints, change their names, or move to avoid detection.

purchaser. Interviewing them helps reduce the risk of being misled by

phony references.
• Contact the attorney general’s office, state or county consumer protec-
tion agency and Better Business Bureau both where the business oppor-
tunity promoter is based and where you live to find out whether there is
any record of unresolved complaints. While a complaint record may in-
dicate questionable business practices, a lack of complaints doesn’t nec-
essarily mean that the promoter and the business opportunity don’t have
problems. Unscrupulous dealers often change names and locations to
hide a history of complaints.
• If the business opportunity involves selling products from well-known
companies, call the legal department of the company whose merchan-
dise would be promoted. Find out whether the business opportunity and
its promoter are affiliated with the company. Ask whether the company
has ever threatened trademark action against the business opportunity
• Consult an attorney, accountant or other business advisor before you put
any money down or sign any papers. Entering into a business opportu-
nity can be costly, so it’s best to have an expert check out the contract
first. If the promoter requires a deposit, ask your attorney to establish an
escrow account where the deposit can be maintained by a third party
until you make the deal.
• Take your time. Promoters of fraudulent business opportunities are likely
to use high-pressure sales tactics to get you to buy in. If the business
opportunity is legitimate, it’ll still be around when you’re ready to de-

Source: FTC, June 2002.

362 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

‘Net Based Business Opportunities: Are Some Flop-

Whether it’s recruiting people to sell so-called internet-access devices,
placing kiosks with internet access in public places, or dealing in other
internet-related activities, consumers are being lured to the vast commercial
potential of the web by business promoters.

However, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says that many of these
business opportunities are scams that promise more than they can possibly
deliver. The scam artists lure would-be entrepreneurs with false promises of
big earnings for little effort. They pitch their fraudulent offerings on the
web, in e-mail solicitations, through infomercials, classified ads and newspa-
per and magazine “advertorials,” and in flyers, telemarketing pitches, semi-
nars, and direct-mail solicitations.

✔ Quick Tip
Reporting Possible Fraud
If you suspect a business opportunity promotion is fraudulent,
report it to the following agencies:

• The state attorney general’s office in the state where you live and in the
state where the business opportunity promoter is based.

• Your county or state consumer protection agency. Check the blue pages
of the phone book under county and state government.

• The Better Business Bureau in your area and the area where the pro-
moter is based.

• The FTC. File a complaint online at or

call toll free 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357).

Source: FTC, June 2002.

Con Artists Want Your Money 363

Here are a few examples of internet-related business opportunities that

didn’t live up to their promises:

Providing TV Access To The Internet

The Pitch: The promoter promises that you can earn thousands of dol-
lars a month by recruiting people to sell devices that provide television access
to the internet.

The Problem: The program claims to pay participants based on how many
people they recruit into the program, not on their product sales. That makes
the program a pyramid scheme—not a legitimate multi-level marketing plan.
Pyramid schemes are illegal. Mathematically, nearly everyone who partici-
pates in them loses their money. When there are no new recruits, the pyra-
mid collapses.

Selling Walk-Up Internet Access

The Pitch: The promoter claims you can earn big money by selling ma-
chines or kiosks that provide walk-up internet access—for a fee—in places
like airports, hotels and shopping malls. The machines cost thousands of
dollars, but the promoter says the cost can be recovered because the ma-
chines generate “amazing” earnings. And, the company promises to help find
profitable locations for the machines.

The Problem: Rather than the high-traffic locations that the promoter
promises, the buyer’s machines get placed where demand for internet access
is low. As a result, a would-be entrepreneur can’t possibly make the promised

Giving Seminars On Making Money On The Internet

The Pitch: The promoter advertises that you can earn more than $150,000
as an “internet consultant” who sponsors free seminars to teach other con-
sumers how to make money on the internet.

The Problem: The seminars really feature high-pressure sales pitches for
the promoter’s internet yellow pages or internet advertising. And, even though
the promoter promises to provide internet and sales training to buyers—for
364 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

a fee of several thousand dollars—the buyers never get the promised train-
ing. In the end, they never earn the promised amounts.

Costly Coupon Scams

Cents-off coupons are providing big bucks for scam artists who offer
business opportunity and work-at-home schemes featuring coupon certifi-
cate booklets and coupon clipping services. Using the internet to market
these so-called opportunities, fraudulent promoters are promising entrepre-
neurs, charity groups, and consumers earnings of “hundreds per week” and
“thousands per month” simply by selling coupon certificate booklets or cut-
ting coupons at home. The fact is that consumers and manufacturers are
getting clipped in these costly—and deceptive—coupon capers.

There’s only one legitimate way to use a coupon: Cut it out of the news-
paper or other source and use it toward the purchase of the designated prod-
uct. A coupon is meant to be used only by the consumer who buys the product
for which the coupon is printed. Selling or transferring coupons to a third
party violates most manufacturers’ coupon redemption policies—and usu-
ally voids the coupon.

Coupons are big business. More than 3,000 manufacturers distribute nearly
330 billion coupons—worth an estimated $280 billion—every year in an
effort to help consumers save money. Indeed, it is thought that 77 percent of
American households use some eight billion coupons to save $4.7 billion on
their grocery bills.

Yet, fraudulent promoters are making money marketing and misrepre-

senting coupon-based business opportunities to unwary consumers and even
savvy organizations.

Among the victims are would-be entrepreneurs trying to run a business

from home, people with otherwise limited income opportunities, and people
just trying to make a living, who are losing savings and time and effort;
charity groups, lured into selling coupon certificate booklets as fundraisers;
and consumers who are dealing with complicated forms involving difficult
procedures and handling fees to receive the same coupons manufacturers
give away for free.
Con Artists Want Your Money 365

How The Coupon Scams Work

Coupon Certificate Booklet Scams: A promoter sells an investor a busi-
ness opportunity selling coupon certificate booklets. The investor is sup-
posed to sell the booklets to consumers for $20 to $50 each. The booklets
contain 20 to 50 certificates, each of which can be redeemed for $10 worth
of grocery coupons. That makes each booklet “worth” between $200 and
$500 in coupons. To redeem the certificates for coupons, the consumer must
complete and mail a form, select 30 to 50 products from a list and include a
self-addressed, stamped envelope and a processing fee.

In theory, the investor should make big profits selling the booklets to
consumers. And consumers should save big money by using the coupons
when they buy the groceries. In reality, though, the promoter is the only one
who makes money.

Investors who spend several hundred to several thousand dollars to buy

the certificate booklet distributorship lose money because inflated earnings
claims never pan out. Consumers who pay out substantial processing fees
and postage for coupons lose money because they can clip coupons for them-
selves from their newspaper. To redeem $500 worth of certificates, for ex-
ample, a consumer might pay postage and processing fees of over $100. And
everyone loses on false claims that coupons have no expiration date: Only a
tiny share of coupons issued by manufacturers have no expiration date.

Coupon Clipping Scam: A related scam centers on coupon clipping. Pro-

moters make overblown promises about the income or profit potential for
consumers working at home clipping coupons. These claims certainly sound
appealing, but they are unsubstantiated at best and bold lies at worst. Making
money—particularly “hundreds per week” and “thousands per month”—isn’t
that easy. Success generally requires hard work.

Sometimes, fraudulent promoters use coupons clipped by consumers to

fill orders from other consumers who redeem the coupon certificates. Many
manufacturers have policies that do not allow coupons to be transferred.
That is, the coupons that are being sold may not be redeemed by the retailer
or manufacturer.
366 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Coupon Scheme Clues

You can avoid losing your money to a bogus work-at-home coupon op-
portunity. Listen for these tell-tale tactics:
• Guarantees of big profits, high income or amazing savings in a short
• Claims that no risk is involved.
• Lots of pressure to act now.
• Claims that this is a hot, “can’t miss” opportunity.

Still tempted to get involved in a coupon clipping venture through an ad

in the newspaper, a magazine or on the internet? Exercise caution. Ask ques-
tions—and make sure the answers add up. [See the Quick Tip box on pages
360–361, Advice From The Federal Trade Commission for some questions
to get you started.]

Multilevel Marketing Plans

Multilevel marketing plans, also known as “network” or “matrix” market-
ing, are a way of selling goods or services through distributors. These plans
typically promise that if you sign up as a distributor, you will receive com-
missions—for both your sales of the plan’s goods or services and those of
other people you recruit to join the distributors. Multilevel marketing plans
usually promise to pay commissions through two or more levels of recruits,
known as the distributor’s “downline.”

If a plan offers to pay commissions for recruiting new distributors, watch

out! Most states outlaw this practice, which is known as “pyramiding.” State
laws against pyramiding say that a multilevel marketing plan should only
pay commissions for retail sales of goods or services, not for recruiting new

Why is pyramiding prohibited? Because plans that pay commissions for

recruiting new distributors inevitably collapse when no new distributors can
be recruited. And when a plan collapses, most people—except perhaps those
at the very top of the pyramid—lose their money.
Con Artists Want Your Money 367

The Federal Trade Commission cannot tell you whether a particular

multilevel marketing plan is legal. Nor can it give you advice about whether
to join such a plan. You must make that decision yourself. However, the
FTC suggests that you use common sense, and consider these seven tips
when you make your decision:
• Avoid any plan that includes commissions for recruiting additional
distributors. It may be an illegal pyramid.
• Beware of plans that ask new distributors to purchase expensive in-
ventory. These plans can collapse quickly—and
also may be thinly-disguised pyramids.
• Be cautious of plans that claim you
will make money through contin-
ued growth of your “downline”—
☞ Remember!!
The absence of complaints
the commissions on sales made doesn’t necessarily mean the promo-
by new distributors you re- tion is legitimate. Unscrupulous pro-
cruit—rather than through moters may settle complaints, change
their names, or move to avoid de-
sales of products you make
FTC, December 2003.
• Beware of plans that claim to sell
miracle products or promise enor-
mous earnings. Just because a promoter
of a plan makes a claim doesn’t mean it’s true! Ask the promoter of the
plan to substantiate claims with hard evidence.
• Beware of shills—“decoy” references paid by a plan’s promoter to de-
scribe their fictional success in earning money through the plan.
• Don’t pay or sign any contracts in an “opportunity meeting” or any other
high-pressure situation. Insist on taking your time to think over a deci-
sion to join. Talk it over with your with someone you trust such as your
parents, a knowledgeable adult friend, an accountant, or lawyer.
• Do your homework! Check with your local Better Business Bureau
and state Attorney General about any plan you’re considering—espe-
cially when the claims about the product or your potential earnings
seem too good to be true.
368 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Take This Scheme And Stuff It: Avoiding Envelope-

Stuffing Rip-Offs
$550 to $3,000 weekly. Ten dollars for each circular you mail...Free
Postage...Free Circulars...No Newspaper Ads...No Magazine Ads...No
Bulletin Board Ads! Paychecks mailed to you every week! Advance
paycheck forms included in your package!!

Sound familiar? Of course. Ads for envelope-stuffing “opportunities” seem

to be everywhere—from your mailbox to your newspaper to your e-mail inbox.
Promoters usually advertise that, for a “small” fee, they will tell you how to
earn big money stuffing envelopes at home. They claim that they’ll pay you
a certain amount of money for each envelope stuffed, resulting in hundreds
or thousands of dollars for you each week.

These ads may seem appealing, especially if you are looking for a home-
based business. But according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the
nation’s consumer protection agency, ads like these don’t tell the whole story
because the promoters aren’t really offering a job.

Instead, say FTC attorneys, after you send your money, you’re likely to
get a letter telling you to place the same “envelope-stuffing” ad in newspa-
pers or magazines, or to send the ad to friends and relatives. The only way
you’ll earn money is if people respond to your ad; in fact, the government
says, the promoters themselves rarely pay anyone.

If you’re tempted by an envelope stuffing “opportunity,” here are some

questions to ask the promoters before you send any money or sign up to
receive more information:
• Who will pay me?
• When will I get my first paycheck?
• Will I be paid a salary or will my pay be based on commission?
• What tasks will I have to perform?
• What is the total cost of the envelope-stuffing program, including
supplies, equipment, and membership fees? What will I get for my
Con Artists Want Your Money 369

The answers to these questions may help you determine whether an envelope-
stuffing opportunity is appropriate for your circumstances and whether it’s
legitimate. It also may help to check out the company with your local con-
sumer protection agency, state Attorney General, and the Better Business
Bureau in the community where the company is located as well as the com-
munity where you live. These organizations can tell you whether they have
received complaints about the promotion that interests you.

What Is A Pyramid Scheme?

By Reem Heakal. “What Is a Pyramid Scheme” is reprinted with permission from
Investopedia ULC. © 2008
A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent investing plan that has unfortunately
cost many people worldwide their hard-earned savings. The concept behind
the pyramid scheme is simple and should be easy to identify; however, it is
often presented to potential investors in a disguised or slightly altered form.
For this reason, it is important to not only understand how pyramid schemes
work, but also to be familiar with the many different shapes and sizes they
can take.

The Scheme
As its name indicates, the pyramid scheme is structured like a pyramid. It
starts with one person—the initial recruiter—who is on top, at the apex of
the pyramid. This person recruits a second person, who is required to “in-
vest” $100 which is paid to the initial recruiter. In order to make his or her
money back, the new recruit must recruit more people under him or her,
each of whom will also have to invest $100. If the recruit gets ten more
people to invest, this person will make $900 with just a $100 investment.

The ten new people become recruiters and each one is in turn required to
enlist an additional ten people, resulting in a total of 100 more people. Each
of those 100 new recruits is also obligated to pay $100 to the person who
recruited him or her; recruiters get a profit of all of the money received mi-
nus the initial $100 paid to the person who recruited them. The process
continues until the base of the pyramid is no longer strong enough to sup-
port the upper structure (meaning there are no more recruits).
370 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

The Fraud
The problem is that the scheme cannot go on forever because there is a
finite number of people who can join the scheme (even if all the people in
the world join). People are deceived into believing that by giving money they
will make more money (“with an investment of just $100, you will receive
$900 in return”). But no wealth has been created; no product has been sold;
no investment has been made; and no service has been provided.

The fraud lies in the fact that it is impossible for the cycle to sustain itself,
so people will lose their money somewhere down the line. Those who are
most vulnerable are those towards the bottom of the pyramid, where it be-
comes impossible to recruit the number of people required to pay off the
previous layer of recruiters. This kind of fraud is illegal in the Unites States
and most countries throughout the world. It is estimated that 90% of people
who get involved in a pyramid scheme will lose their money.

☞ Remember!!
It is easy to see how a pyramid scheme can
work, but participating in it (regardless of the form
in which it is presented) involves deception and fraud
because not everyone will receive the money that is prom-
ised in return.

As with any other investment plan you consider entering, it is im-

portant to ask the right questions. How will this money be invested? What
is the rate of return? Who will be investing it? Talk to professionals and do
your research before placing your money anywhere. And always remem-
ber that if a plan promises you’ll get rich quick with no risk or
doesn’t tell you how your money will be invested, you should
raise a red flag and exercise caution before getting on board.

Source: From “What Is a Pyramid Scheme,” reprinted

with permission from Investopedia ULC. © 2008
Con Artists Want Your Money 371

Fraud Disguised
Because people are attracted to the idea of making a quick buck with very
little effort, many different forms of disguised pyramid schemes have suc-
ceeded in fooling people. Despite the illusion of legality presented by these
revamped schemes, they are still illegal. It is thus important to recognize the
characteristics of such so-called investment plans.

Many schemes will adopt the guise of gift-giving or loans that take place
in investment clubs because none of these activities are technically illegal.
However, the practice of donating a gift (tax free up to $12,000 in the U.S.)
to someone (the recruiter), then having to recruit people into the club in
order to receive a return on your investment (or your gift, rather) is essen-
tially a pyramid scheme in disguise.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

Legal multi-level marketing (MLM) involves being recruited in order to
sell a product or service that actually has some inherent value. As a recruit,
you can make a profit from the sales of the product or service, so you don’t
necessarily have to recruit more salespeople below you. And while you may
be encouraged to recruit other salespeople whose sales would give you more
profit, you can stick to just selling the product directly to the consumer if you

A pyramid scheme MLM, however, will most likely sell a product with
no independent value. The product could take the form of reports of some
kind, for example, or mailing lists. In this kind of pyramid scheme, you would
be required to recruit new members into the MLM in order to make a profit
and keep the MLM alive. Joining the MLM is the only reason anyone would
buy the products sold by this pyramid scheme.

Ponzi Schemes
Named after Charles Ponzi, who ran such a plot from 1919–1920, the
Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment plan. It is not necessarily a pyramid,
which is hierarchical. In a Ponzi scheme, there is one person who takes people’s
money as an “investment” and does not necessarily tell them how their returns
372 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

will be generated. As such, the people’s return on investment could be gener-

ated by anything; it could come from money taken from new investors—
which means new investors essentially pay off the old investors—or even
from money made by gambling in Las Vegas.

Chain Letters
Chain letters can be received electronically or through snail mail and are
not illegal on their own. However, they take on the form of a pyramid scheme
when the letter asks you to donate a certain amount of money (even just
$0.05) to the people on a list, then delete the name of the first person on the
list, add your name, and forward the letter to a certain number of other
people. The next people receiving the letter are then asked to do the same
thing, so that you can receive your money as well. By forwarding the letter,
you are asking people to give money with the promise of making money.
Chapter 39

Avoid Modeling Scams

What could be more flattering? Someone approaches you at the mall and
says, “You could be a model. You’ve got the ‘look’ we’re after. Here’s my card.
Give me a call to set up an appointment.” People have always said you’re good
looking. Now, visions of glamour, travel, and money flash before your eyes.

It’s true that some successful models have been discovered in everyday
places like malls, boutiques, clubs, and airports. But the vast majority of would-
be models knock on door after agency door before work comes their way.

It’s All An Act

If and when you make that follow-up appointment, you’ll probably find
yourself in an office filled with lots of other model and actor hopefuls. Then
the spiel starts. What you thought was a job interview with a talent agency
turns into a high-pressure sales pitch for modeling or acting classes, or for
“screen tests” or “photo shoots” that can range in price from several hundred
to several thousand dollars.

Man, woman, or child—it makes no difference to bogus model and tal-

ent scouts. Often, these scouts are after one thing—your money—and will

About This Chapter: “If You’ve Got The Look, Look Out! Avoiding Modeling Scams,”
Federal Trade Commission (, May 1999. Despite the older date of this
document, the cautions it provides are still pertinent.
374 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

say just about anything to get it. But what they say isn’t always what they

What They Say Vs. What They Mean

Unscrupulous model and talent scouts have their acts down pat. Listen
carefully to read between their lines.
“We’re scouting for people with your ‘look’ to model and act.”
I need to sign up as many people as possible. My commission depends
on it.

“ Your deposit is totally refundable.”

Your deposit is refundable only if you meet very strict refund condi-

“ You must be specially selected for our program. Our talent experts will care-
fully evaluate your chances at success in the field and will only accept a few
people into our program.”
We take almost everyone.

“There’s a guaranteed refund if you’re not accepted into the program.”

Everyone’s accepted into the program. Forget the refund.

“ You can’t afford our fees? No problem. You can work them off with the
high-paying jobs we’ll get you.”
We demand payment, whether or not you get work.

“Commissions from our clients are our major source of income.”

Our income comes from the fees we charge you.

Pose-itioning Yourself
To break into the business, you—the talent—need professional photos.
There are two types of standard photographs—a “head shot” and a “com-
posite card.”
Avoid Modeling Scams 375

• The typical marketing tool

✔ Quick Tip for an actor, experienced or
Talent Tips not, is the head shot, usually
• Steer clear of modeling companies an 8" x 10" black and white
that require you to use a specific pho- photo of the face, with your
tographer. Compare fees and the work
resume printed on the back.
quality of several photographers.
• Be suspicious if a company requires • A “comp card,” the typical
an up-front fee to serve as your agent. marketing tool for the expe-
• Be cautious if the school has a special rienced model or the
referral relationship with a specific wannabe, usually features sev-
modeling agency. The two could be eral shots on the same sheet,
splitting your fees, or the agency may
not be suited to your needs. showing off the talent in dif-
ferent attire or settings.

Agencies and schools offer separate and distinct services. Make sure you
know the difference.
• Modeling (or talent) agencies secure employment for experienced models
and actors. Some agents require that you sign up exclusively with them;
others may allow you to register with them as well as with other agen-
cies in town.
• Modeling and acting schools claim to provide instruction—for a fee—
in poise, posture, diction, skin care, make-up application, the proper
walk, and more. Modeling schools do not necessarily act as agents or
find work for you—after you take their classes, you may be on your own.

Avoiding A Model Rip-Off

• Ask yourself, “why me?” Don’t let your emotions—and the company’s
flattery—take control. Think carefully and critically about how you
were approached: if it was in a crowded mall, think how many others
also may have been approached.
• Avoid high-pressure sales tactics. Never sign a document without
reading and understanding it first. In fact, ask for a blank copy of the
contract to take home and review with someone you trust. If the com-
pany refuses, walk away.
376 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Be leery of companies that only accept pay-

ment in cash or by money order. Read it as ✔ Quick Tip
a strong signal that the company is more Where To
interested in your money than your career. Complain
• Be wary of claims about high salaries. Suc- If you’ve think you’ve
cessful models in small markets can earn been scammed by a bo-
$75 to $150 an hour, but the work is ir- gus model or talent scout,
contact your local con-
sumer protection agency,
• Ask for the names, addresses, and phone state Attorney General,
numbers of models and actors who have or Better Business Bu-
secured successful work—recently—based reau. They’re in your lo-
cal directory assistance.
on the company’s training.
• Check out client claims. If an agency says
it has placed models and actors in specific jobs, contact the companies
to verify that they’ve hired models and actors from the agency.
• Be skeptical of local companies claiming to be the “biggest” agency or
a “major player” in the industry, especially if you live in a smaller city or
• Realize that different parts of the country have different needs. For
example, New York is recognized for fashion modeling; the Washington/
Baltimore area is known for industrial or training films.
• Ask if the company/school is licensed or bonded, if that’s required by
your state. Verify this information with the appropriate authorities,
such as your local consumer protection agency or state Attorney Gen-
eral. Make sure the license is current.
• Ask your local Better Business Bureau, consumer protection agency
and state Attorney General if there are any unresolved consumer com-
plaints on file about the company.
• Get everything in writing, including any promises that have been made
• Keep copies of all important papers, such as your contract and com-
pany literature, in a safe place.
Chapter 40

Travel Fraud: Avoiding A Spring Break Bust

Avoid A School Break Bust

Planning a school break trip? A sunny beach? A foreign country? Skiing?
If you’re using a special tour package, you may think everything’s taken care
of. How sure are you?

Before you show up at the airport with your boogie board, passport, or
skis, review the tour package carefully and investigate the operator. Lots of
students don’t get the trip they expect; others lose out completely. They
didn’t take the time to carefully read the fine print, evaluate the promo-
tion, and make sure it’s not run by a fly-by-night company peddling a
first-class scam.

Flights for many school break trips are by public charter, which have
different rules than commercial flights. Before you dot the “i”s and cross the
“t”s on your contract, do some homework and take a good look at the pack-
age. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the American Society of
Travel Agents (ASTA) offer the following tips and information to help you
avoid a school break bust.

About This Chapter: This chapter includes “Avoid a School Break Bust,” July 1999,
and “Telemarketing Travel Fraud,” August 2000, Federal Trade Commission
( Despite the older date of these documents, the cautions provided are
still pertinent.
378 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

✔ Quick Tip
How To Gear Up For A Great Trip
Whether you’re off to see the sights, ski the slopes, or sunbathe on the sand,
it pays to be an informed travel shopper. To help you avoid vacation frustration,
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency,
offers these tips.
• Buy your vacation package from a business you have confidence in. Ask
family and friends to recommend a company with a good track record.
Think twice if you can’t get a person on the phone to answer your ques-
tions or if the ad doesn’t give the company’s street address. Contact the
state Attorney General, consumer protection agency and Better Business
Bureau where you live and where the company is based to see if there is
a history of complaints on file.
• Be on the alert for the telltale signs of a travel scam. Unsolicited faxes or
e-mails for deeply discounted travel packages promise the world. But
the fraudsters behind these offers will leave you at the gate.
• Verify and clarify. Call to verify your reservations and arrangements. Get
the details behind vague promises that you’ll be staying at a “five-star”
resort or sailing on a “luxury” cruise ship. When you have the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of the airlines, car rental companies,
and hotels you’ll be using, confirm all arrangements for yourself.
• Put it on paper. Get the details of your vacation in writing. Get a copy of the
company’s cancellation and refund policies, and ask “What if...?” Consider
whether some form of travel cancellation insurance may be appropriate.
• Use a credit card to make your purchase. If you don’t get what you paid
for, you may be able to dispute the charges with your credit card com-
pany. However, don’t give your account number to any business until
you’ve verified that it is reputable.
• Avoid a travel club flub. Ask questions before joining a travel club. Some-
times, a “free trial” membership can result in unauthorized charges on your
credit card. Find out what you’ll get for your money and how you can cancel.
• Won a “free” vacation? Not so fast. Scam artists may tell you you’ve won
a “free” vacation, but then claim to need your credit card number for
“verification.” Tell ‘em to take a hike. If the promotion is legit, you never
need to pay for a prize.

Source: “Travel Tips: How to Gear Up for a Great Trip,” Federal Trade Com-
mission (, February 2006.
Travel Fraud: Avoiding A Spring Break Bust 379

• Check Out The Operator: Avoid high-pressure sales pitches for a

school break package. Ask the operator to send you information about
the business and the names of satisfied customers. Ask friends who
have used the operator about their experience. Check with local travel
agents to see if they know if the operator is legitimate, or call ASTA’s
Consumer Affairs Department (703-739-8739). If the trip involves a
charter flight, call the Department of Transportation (DOT) Public
Charter Licensing Division (202-366-2396) to make sure the charter
operator has properly filed to operate charter flights from your depar-
ture city to your destination. Charter packages cannot be sold until the
charter filing is approved by the DOT.
• Read The Fine Print: Get a copy of the operator/participant contract.
This will tell you the conditions under which the operator can change
flight schedules (usually charters can be canceled for any reason by the
operator up until ten days before the trip), hotel accommodations (op-
erators may put you up in an alternate hotel listed in the operator
contract that is not as nice as the hotel advertised in the package ma-
terials), and the rules and penalties for cancellation. Ask about cancel-
lation insurance. Rules state that an operator cannot ask for or accept
your payment until you have signed and returned the contract.
• Understand Your Rights: According to DOT rules, you have a right to
cancel a charter package without penalty if the operator makes a “major
change.” Major changes include a change of departure or return date or
city, a hotel substitution to a property not named in the charter operator/
participant contract, or a package price increase of more than ten percent.
• Pay By Credit Card: It gives you more protection than cash or a check.
If you pay by check for a charter package, make sure it is payable to an
escrow account (as required by federal law for charters) and call the
bank handling the escrow account to verify its validity. Be wary of
charter operators who are reluctant to provide escrow bank informa-
tion—they may be selling another firm’s space—or who tell you they’ll
send a courier to pick up your money.
• Expect Flight Delays: They’re common on charter flights. DOT rules
allow for a charter flight to be delayed up to 48 hours if mechanical
380 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

difficulties occur. And the operator is not obligated to provide alter-

nate transportation or compensate you for your expenses if such a de-
lay occurs. Check the contract to see if the operator will cover any
costs (lodging, car rental, etc.) associated with flight delays not related
to mechanical difficulties.

Telemarketing Travel Fraud have been specially selected to receive our SPECTACULAR

Have you ever been tempted to sign up to win a “free” trip at a fair, trade
show, or restaurant? If so, you may get a phone call, letter, unsolicited fax, e-
mail, or postcard telling you that you’ve won a vacation. Be careful. It may be
a “trip trap.” The vacation that you’ve “won” likely isn’t free. And the “bar-
gain-priced” travel package you’re offered over the telephone or internet may
not fit your idea of luxury.

While some travel opportunities sold over the phone or offered through
the mail, internet, or by fax are legitimate, many are scams that defraud con-
sumers out of millions of dollars each month. The word “offer” can be a clue
to hidden charges. When you get the phone call, or place the call in response
to a postcard, letter, fax or internet ad, you also get a sales pitch for a suppos-
edly luxurious trip—one that you could pay dearly for.

The salesperson may ask for your credit card number to bill your account
for the travel package. Once you pay, you receive the details of the “package,”
which usually include instructions for making trip reservation requests. Your
request often must be accompanied by yet another fee. In addition, many
offers require you to pay upgrade costs to receive the actual destinations,
accommodations, cruises, or dates you were promised. Some offers may re-
quire you to pay more for port charges, hotel taxes, or service fees.

See a pattern developing? New charges are being added every step of the
way. You may never get your “bargain” trip because your reservations may not
be confirmed or because you must comply with hard-to-meet hidden or ex-
pensive “conditions.”
Travel Fraud: Avoiding A Spring Break Bust 381

Telemarketing travel scams usually originate out of “boiler rooms.” Skilled

salespeople, often with years of experience selling dubious products and
services over the phone, pitch travel packages that may sound legitimate,
but often are not. These pitches usually include the following characteris-
• Oral Misrepresentations: Particular schemes vary, but all fraudulent
telemarketers promise you a “deal” they can’t possibly deliver. Unfor-
tunately, you won’t know it until your money’s gone.
• High Pressure/Time Pressure Tactics: Scam operators often say they
need your commitment to buy immediately or that the offer won’t be
available much longer. They typically brush aside questions or con-
cerns with vague answers or assurances.
• “Affordable” Offers: Unlike fraudulent telemarketers who try to per-
suade people to spend thousands of dollars on an investment scheme,
fraudulent travel telemarketers usually pitch club membership or va-
cation offers in a lower price range. The offers sound reasonable and
are designed to appeal to anyone who is looking for a getaway.
• Contradictory Follow-up Material: Some companies may agree to send
you written confirmation of your deal. However, it usually bears little
resemblance to the offer you accepted over the phone. The written
materials often disclose additional terms, conditions, and costs.

How To Protect Yourself

Unpleasant surprises can ruin a vacation, especially when they cost money.
That’s why it pays to investigate a travel package before you buy. But it can
be difficult to tell a legitimate sales pitch from a fraudulent one. Consider
these travelers’ advisories:
• Be wary of “great deals” and low-priced offers. Few legitimate busi-
nesses can afford to give away products and services of real value or
substantially undercut other companies’ prices.
• Don’t be pressured into buying. A good offer today usually will be a
good offer tomorrow. Legitimate businesses don’t expect you to make
snap decisions.
382 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

• Ask detailed questions. Find out exactly what the price covers and
what it doesn’t. Ask about additional charges. Get the names of the
hotel, airports, airlines and restaurants included in your package. Con-
sider contacting these businesses directly to verify arrangements. Ask
about cancellation policies and refunds. If the salesperson can’t give
you detailed answers, hang up.
• If you decide to buy, find out the name of the travel provider—the
company that is getting your reservations and tickets. This company
usually is not the telemarketer.
• Get all information in writing
before you agree to buy. Once ✔ Quick Tip
you receive the written in- Where To Complain
formation, make sure it re-
Several organizations can provide ad-
flects what you were told
ditional information and help you with
over the phone and the complaints. Your state Attorney General
terms you agreed to. or the Attorney General in the state where
the company is located probably has a divi-
• Don’t buy part of the
sion that deals with consumer protection is-
package—the air fare or sues.
hotel stay—separately
from the rest. If the deal The American Society of Travel Agents,
Consumer Affairs, at 1101 King Street,
is not what you expected,
Alexandria, VA 22314, may be able
it may be difficult to get to mediate your dispute with
your money back for the part an ASTA member.
of the package you purchased.
• Don’t give your credit card number
or bank information over the phone un-
less you know the company. One easy way for a scam operator to close
a deal is to get your credit card number and charge your account. Some-
times fraudulent telemarketers say they need the number for verifica-
tion purposes only. Don’t believe them.
• Don’t send money by messenger or overnight mail. Some scam artists
may ask you to send them a check or money order immediately. Oth-
ers may offer to send a messenger to pick up your payment. If you pay
Travel Fraud: Avoiding A Spring Break Bust 383

with cash or a check, rather than a credit card, you lose your right to
dispute fraudulent charges under the Fair Credit Billing Act. If you
charged your trip to a credit card, you may dispute the charges by
writing to your credit card issuer at the address provided for billing
disputes. If possible, do this as soon as you receive your statement. In
any case, the law gives you up to 60 days after the bill’s statement date
to dispute the charge.
• Check out the company before you buy. Contact the Attorney Gen-
eral in your state or where the company is located to see if any com-
plaints have been lodged against the travel firm or the travel provider.
Be aware that fraudulent businesses often change their names to avoid
• If in doubt, say “no.” Trust your instincts. It’s less risky to turn down
the offer and hang up the phone.
Chapter 41

Gambling: Don’t Bet On Winning

It doesn’t take a math whiz to know that if you gamble—if you play poker
with your friends, get your big sis to buy you a lottery ticket, or make a bet on
your favorite basketball team—you’re probably going to end up losing money.

After all, gambling is a multibillion-dollar industry—they’re raking it in,

not giving it away. Why do you think your bookie is taking your bets instead
of placing his own?

“Say you bet $100,” says Drew, who started gambling on sports when he
was 14 and taking his friends’ bets at 16. “If you win, you win $100. But if
you lose, you can lose $110 to $125, depending on the juice the book wants
to charge. And if you bet and win that $100, most likely you are going to roll
that over into some other bets. I have never seen someone win more than
they lose.”

A Losing Prospect
OK, Drew isn’t dumb, and neither are most teens. But millions of them
still gamble every year. A study by the University of Florida shows that most
people have placed bets by the time they reach their 12th birthday—that’s

About This Chapter: “Gambling: Don’t Bet on Winning,” reprinted with permission
from Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc. © 2008 PPFA. All rights re-
served. For additional information, visit
386 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

earlier than the age most people first try drinking or smoking cigarettes.
Between half and three-quarters of underage teens—about seven million
nationwide— gamble. They know the odds are stacked against them. So
why do they keep throwing their hard-earned cash down the drain?

Drew, who plays basketball, thinks athletes and other competitive kids
bet on sports because it makes the game more exciting for them—almost
like the rush they get when they’re playing. Plus, they see their friends doing
it, and they don’t always get the straight story on how tough it can be. “You
rarely ever hear of the guys going to pay the book money,” he says, “but they
will always tell you of the time they
went to collect their money from the
✤ It’s A Fact!!
Most people can gamble for fun Here are reasons experts say people
and never have a problem with it. It gamble:
helps if you’re “legal,” of course— • Everyone Else Is Doing It:
check the laws where you live, but in Even Mom, Dad, and Prin-
most states it’s 18 or 21, depending cipal Skinner! Gambling is
on the type of game you’re playing. pretty socially acceptable
(Also, if you’re not sticking to state- these days. Some schools
sanctioned gambling, like in casi- even sponsor events like after-
prom casino nights. And
nos—if you’re placing bets with a
most people start gambling
bookie—you’re participating in a with their families.
criminal enterprise and could be ar-
• The Self-Esteem Boost: Ev-
rested!) Chad, for example, lost $40
eryone loves a winner, and
on a scratch-off lottery ticket on his sometimes even losers feel
18th birthday, and now occasionally cool when they’re waving
bets $10 or $20 on darts. He’ll never around $20 bills.
have a problem, he says, because he • Escape From Other Prob-
hates losing so much he’ll never bet lems: Like drugs and alcohol,
more money than that. gambling can offer a tempo-
rary reprieve from depression
Not Just Fun And Games or just a way to take your
mind off your parent’s divorce
Many teens do have a problem, or your recent breakup.
though. Four percent of the teens in
Gambling: Don’t Bet On Winning 387

the Florida study were problem, or pathological, gamblers, and that can be
as much of a problem as drug or alcohol addiction. And it can happen to
anyone. The average teen who has problems with gambling is super-smart,
involved in lots of activities, successful, and motivated—at least until the
addiction starts to get in the way. Then, the person’s likely to stop being
interested in friends or activities, sell a prized CD collection to get more
cash, or suddenly become moody, tired, and angry.

✔ Quick Tip
If you think you or a friend might have a prob-
lem with gambling, there are ways to get help. Check
out the National Council on Problem Gambling website
(, or call its help line at 800-
522-4700. Because really, there are lots of better
ways to spend your hard-earned dough!
Part Six

If You Need More Information

Chapter 42

Online Money Management Tools

Alliance for Investor Education (AIE)
Savings Calculator
Mortgage, Auto, Credit Card, Home Equity, Investment, Retirement,
Personal Finance, Savings, and Tax Calculators

Bureau of the Public Debt

Growth, Savings, and Tax Advantage Calculators

Home Financing, Personal Financing, Investment, Retirement, and Lease

About This Chapter: The websites in this chapter are listed in alphabetical order. Inclu-
sion on this list does not mean endorsement. All websites were verified in July of 2008.
392 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

CCH Financial Planning

Mortgage, Credit Cards and Debt, Investment, Tax, Personal Finance,
Loan, Automobile, Retirement Savings, Savings, and Business Calculators

Choose to Save
American Savings Education Council (ASEC)
Auto, Bond, Budget, College, Credit Card, Home, Insurance, Life
Expectancy, Mutual Funds, Paycheck Planning, Retiree Health,
Retirement, Roth IRA, Savings, Social Security, Stock, and Tax

Consumer and Family Economics

University of Illinois Extension
Credit Card and Savings Calculators

Credit Union National Association, Inc.

Mortgage, Auto, Savings, and Loans Calculators

College Costs and Savings, Integrated Saving/Borrowing, Trust Funds,
Needs Analysis, Loans, Budgeting, and Insurance Calculators

Financial Calculators Inc.

Cash Flow, College, Credit, Home and Mortgage, Tax, Insurance,
Paycheck and Benefits, Qualified Plans, Retirement, Saving, Investment

Money Management International

Budget, Auto, and Home Calculators
Online Money Management Tools 393

Money Matters To Me
Loan, General Interest, Mortgage, and Repayments Calculators

My Money
College Planning, Group Life Insurance, Home Buying, Investing,
Mortgage, Saving Bonds, Social Security, Tax Withholding, and Thrift
Savings Plan Calculators

Smart About Money

National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
Retirement and Mutual Fund Cost Calculator

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Mutual Fund, Tax Comparison, College Savings, Loan, Savings, Social
Security Retirement, Ballpark Estimate Retirement, and 529 College
Savings Plan Expense Calculator

Wachovia Securities
IRA, Retirement, and Savings Calculators

Young Consumers
Loan, Repayments, and Interest Calculator

Financial Quizzes
Financial Self Assessment Quiz
394 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Centre For Flexible Learning

Financial Terms Quiz

Florida State University

Fundamental of Financial Planning: Check Your Financial IQ

Money Management International

The Credit Game Quiz

Financial Fitness, Identity Theft Risk Assessment, Investment Risk
Tolerance, and Personal Resiliency Resources Assessment Quizzes

Smart About Money

National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
Financial Assessment Quiz

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Test Your Money $marts Quiz

Ernest & Young’s Moneyopolis

Investopedia Simulator
Online Money Management Tools 395

It All Adds Up

LavaMind’s Gazillionaire

NEFE High School Financial Planning Program

Success Street Game

Planet Orange

Stock Market Game

Foundation for Investor Education


Virtual Stock Exchange

Chapter 43

Resources For Financial Information

Budgeting and Financial Information

American Bankers Association American Institute of
1120 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Certified Public Accountants
Washington, DC 20036 Personal Financial Planning
Toll-Free: 800-BANKERS Division
(226-5377) 1211 Avenue of the Americas
Phone: 202-663-5000 New York, NY 10036
Fax: 202-663-7543 Toll-Free: 888-777-7077
Website: Website: or
American Financial Services
Association (AFSA) American Savings Education
Education Foundation Council
919 18th Street, N.W. 1100 13th Street, N.W., Suite 875
Washington, DC 20006 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-466-8611 Phone: 202-659-0670
Fax: 202-223-0321 Fax: 202-775-6312
Website: Website:
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

About This Chapter: The organizations in this chapter are listed alphabetically by topic.
All contact information was verified in July of 2008.
398 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Asset Builders of America Cooperative State Research,

1213 North Sherman Ave., Suite 195 Education, and Extension
Madison, WI 53704 Service
Toll-Free: 866-3040-6896 U.S. Department of Agriculture
Phone: 608-663-6332 Cooperative State Research,
Fax: 608-441-6902 Education, and Extension Service
Website: http:// 800 9th Street S.W. Washington, DC 20024
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 202-720-4423
Website: http://
Bloomberg News Service
Phone: 212-318-2000
Fax: 917-369-5000 Federal Citizen Information
Website: Center
Toll-Free: 800-FED-INFO
Certified Financial Planner (333-4636)
Board of Standards Website:
Communication and Consumer
Services Federal Deposit Insurance
1425 K Street, N.W., Suite 500 Corporation (FDIC)
Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 877-ASK-FDIC (275-3342)
Toll-Free: 800-487-1497 TDD: 800-925-4618
Phone: 202-379-2299 Website:
Fax: 202-379-2299
Website: Federal Reserve Education
E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://
Choose To Save
American Savings Education Federal Trade Commission
Council Consumer Response Center
1100 13th Street, N.W., Suite 875 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20580
Phone: 202-659-0670 Toll-Free: 877-382-4357
Fax: 202-775-6312 TDD/TTY: 866-653-4261
Website: Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Resources For Financial Information 399

Financial Literacy Two Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Thousand and Ten General Information: 800-829-1040
Website: Automated Refund Information:
Financial Planning Taxpayer Advocate Service:
Association 877-777-4778
4100 E. Mississippi Avenue TDD Toll-Free: 800-829-4059
Suite 400 Website:
Denver, CO 80246-3053
Toll free: 800-647-6340 Iowa State University
or 800-322-4237 Cooperative Extension
Fax: 303-759-0749 2150 Beardshear Hall
Website: Ames, IA 50011-2046
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 515-294-6675
Fax: 515-294-4715
InCharge Education Website: http://
2101 Park Center Dr. Suite 310
Orlando FL 32835 Jump$tart Coalition for
Phone: 407-291-7770 Personal Financial Literacy
Website: http:// 919 18th Street, N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006
Toll-Free: 888-45-EDUCATE
Institute for Financial (453-382289)
Literacy Fax: 202-223-0321
P.O. Box 1842 Website:
Portland, ME 04104 E-mail: [email protected]
Toll-Free: 866-662-4932
Phone: 207-221-3600 Junior Achievement, Inc.
TTY: 866-662-4937 JA Worldwide
Fax: 207-221-3691 1 Education Way
Website: http:// Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Phone: 719-540-8000
Fax: 719-540-6299
400 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Kiplinger National Association of

1729 H Street N.W. Personal Financial Advisors
Washington, DC 20006 3250 North Arlington Heights Rd.
Phone: 202-887-6426 Suite 109
Website: http:// Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Toll-Free: 800-366-2732
Phone: 847-483-5400
MoneyCentral Fax: 847-483-5415
Website: http:// Website: E-mail: [email protected]

MoneyWi$e National Council on

Website: http:// Economic Education 1140 Avenue of the Americas
Suite 202
Morningstar New York, NY 10036
Phone: 312-384-4000
Toll-Free: 800-338-1192
Website: http://
Phone: 212-730-7007
Fax: 212-730-1793
Motley Fool
E-mail: [email protected]
2000 Duke Street, 4th Floor
Alexandria, VA 22314
National Endowment for
Phone: 703-838-3665
Financial Education
Fax: 703-254-1999
5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 1300
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Myvesta Phone: 303-741-6333
P.O. Box 8587 Website:
Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8587
Native Financial Education

Office of Financial Education

U.S. Treasury Department
Resources For Financial Information 401

Operation Hope: Banking on Society of Financial Service

Our Future Professionals
Website: http:// 17 Campus Boulevard, Suite 201 Newtown Square, PA 19073-3230
Phone: 610-526-2500
Practical Money Skills Fax: 610-527-1499
Website: http:// Website:
Sovereign Bank’s
Profit Sharing/401(k) Society
of America Website:
20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 3700
Chicago, IL 60606 Standard and Poor’s
Phone: 312-419-1863 55 Water Street
Website: New York, NY 10041
Phone: 212-438-1000
Rutgers Cooperative or 212-438-2000
Extension Website: http://
Website: http://
U.S. Financial Literacy and
Securities Industry and Education Commission
Financial Markets Website:
Association Foundation for
Investor Education (SIFMA) U.S. Securities and Exchange
120 Broadway, 35th Floor Commission
New York, NY 10271-0080 100 F Street, N.E.
Phone: 212-313-1200 Washington, DC 20549
Fax: 212-313-1301 Phone: 202-942-8088
Website: Website:
E-mail: [email protected]

U.S. Treasury’s Page for Kids

402 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

USAA Educational Wi$eUp

Foundation JFK Federal Building
Website: http:// Government Center, Room 525 A Boston, MA 02203
Phone: 800-827-5335
Phone: 617-565-1988
Website: http://

Consumer Information and Insurance

American Council of Life Consumer Checkbook
Insurers 1625 K Street, N.W., 8th Floor
101 Constitution Ave. N.W., Suite 700 Washington, DC 20006
Washington, DC 20001-2133 Toll-Free: 800-213-7283
Phone: 202-624-2000 Website:
Toll free: 800-942-4242
Fax: 202-624-2319 Consumer Debit Resource
Website: AboutChecking and Education
Consumer Outreach
Consumer Action C/O 4900 N Scottsdale Road
717 Market Street, Suite 310 Suite 1000
San Francisco, CA 94103 Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Phone: 415-777-9635 Toll-Free: 800-428-9623
or 213-624-8327 Fax: 602-659-2197
Fax: 415-777-5267 Website: http://
Website: http://
E-mail: [email protected]
Resources For Financial Information 403

Consumer Federation of Insurance Information

America Institute
1620 I Street, N.W., Suite 200 110 William Street
Washington, DC 20006 New York, NY 10038
Phone: 202-387-6121 Phone: 212-346-5500
Website: http:// Website:
E-mail: [email protected] National Consumer Law
Center, Inc.
Consumer Reports Online Website: http://
Website: http://
National Consumers League
Consumer World 1701 K Street, N.W., Suite 1200
Website: http:// Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-835-3323
Fax: 202-835-0747
Institute of Consumer Website:
Financial Education’s E-mail: [email protected]
Children and Money
Website: http:// U.S. Consumer Gateway and Federal Consumer
children_and_money/index.asp Information Center
404 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition

Credit Reporting and Credit Scoring Agencies and

Annual Credit Report Freddie Mac
Request Service Credit Smart Program
P. O. Box 105281 Website: http://
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281
Toll-Free: 877-322-8228
Website: https:// National Association of Professional Insurance Agents
400 North Washington Street
CardTrack Alexandria, VA 22314
Website: Phone: 703-836-9340
Fax: 703-836-1279
Credit Union National Website:
Association E-mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box 431
Madison, WI 53701-0431 Springboard Credit
Toll-Free: 800-356-9655 Education
Fax: 608-231-4127 Website:
Equifax P.O. Box 2000
P.O. Box 740241 Chester, PA 19022
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 Toll-Free: 800-916-8800
Toll-Free: 800-685-1111 Website: http://

P.O. Box 1017
Allen, TX 75013-0949
Toll-Free: 888-397-3742
Resources For Financial Information 405

Information about Debt Management, Collection

Practices, and Bankruptcy
American Association of “Don’t Borrow Trouble”
Credit and Collection Campaign
Officials Freddie Mac
Website: http:// Website: http://

Borrower Services at the Gamblers Anonymous

Direct Loan Servicing Center International Service Office
Federal Student Aid P.O. Box 17173
Toll-Free: 800-848-0979 Los Angeles, CA 90017
TTY: 800-848-0983 Phone: 213-386-8789
Website: Fax: 231-386-0030
Website: http://
Debtors Anonymous
General Service Office E-mail:
P.O. Box 920888 [email protected]
Needham, MA 02492-0009
Phone: 781-453-2743 National Foundation for
Fax: 781-435-2745 Credit Counseling
Website: http:// 801 Roeder Road, Suite 900 Silver Spring, MD 20910
E-mail: Toll-Free: 800-388-2227
[email protected] Phone: 301-589-5600
Direct Loan Consolidation
Center U.S. Trustee Program Credit
Federal Student Aid Counseling
Toll-Free: 800-557-7392 Phone: 202-514-4100
TTY 800-557-7395 Website:
Website: http:// E-mail: [email protected]
Page numbers that appear in Italics refer to illustrations. Page numbers that have a small ‘n’
after the page number refer to information shown as Notes at the beginning of each chapter.
Page numbers that appear in Bold refer to information contained in boxes on that page (ex-
cept Notes information at the beginning of each chapter).

A American Association of Credit and

Collection Officials, website address
Acción, website address 393 405
ACH see Automated Clearing House American Bankers Association,
Adams, John 8 contact information 397
adjusted balance, credit cards 288–89 American Council of Life Insurers,
advance fee loans, described 263–64
contact information 402
American Financial Services
abusive lenders 332–35
Association (AFSA), Education
computer purchases 227–28
Foundation, contact information
hyperlinks 226
impulse buying 165–69 397
used cars 239–41 American Institute of Certified Public
work-at-home schemes 356–61 Accountants, contact information 397
AFSA see American Financial American Savings Education Council,
Services Association contact information 392, 397
age factor America’s Charities, website address 158
credit cards 284 Annual Credit Report Request Service,
identity theft 348–49 contact information 404
insurance coverage 147 annual percentage rate (APR)
work hours 29 automobile purchases 237–38
work requirements 24, 28 cash advances 289
Alliance for Investor Education, credit applications 255
website address 391 credit cards 285, 291–93
allowance, overview 19–22 fixed versus variable rate 286
“All That Glitters ... How to Buy payday loans 330
Jewelry” (FTC) 229n truth in lending disclosure 276–79
410 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
annual percentage yield (APY) “Avoiding Costly Banking Mistakes: No
calculations 68 Trivial Pursuit” (FDIC) 101n
defined 72 “Avoiding Legal Business Hassles” (US
described 68–69 Small Business Administration) 37n
Annuit Coeptis 8
APR see annual percentage rate B
APY see annual percentage yield
as is sale, used vehicles 210 balance
Asset Builders of America, contact bank accounts 87–88
information 398 debit cards 101–2
Association of Young Latino bank accounts
Entrepreneurs, website address 50 described 90
ATM see automated teller machines error prevention 101–11
ATM cards see also electronic banking
checking accounts 132–34 banking mistakes
described 90–91 overview 101–11
fraudulent use 338–39 quick tips 102
identity theft 350 bank loans
purchases 183 checking accounts 122
savings accounts 118 entrepreneurs 46
see also debit cards Bank of America, savings accounts
“Auction Guides: Not So Hot publication 113n
Properties” (FTC) 237n bankruptcy
auctions credit records 263
used car purchases 241–42 debt-relief services 261
used vehicles 242 defined 324
Automated Clearing House (ACH) banks
payment options 185 described 86
website address 190 overview 85–92
automated teller machines (ATM) see also electronic banking
checking accounts 124, 131–33 bank statements
deposits 137–38 checking account review 140
described 91 unauthorized transfers 338
savings accounts 118 Barton, William 8
automatic deposit Benardo, Michael 349
described 119 Better Business Bureau (BBB), Wise
savings accounts 118–19 Giving Alliance Standards for Charity
automobile insurance see insurance Accountability, website address 157
coverage “Big Print. Little Print. What’s the
automobile purchases Deal?” (FTC) 221n
loans versus leases 305 billing errors
other costs 238 consumer rights 192
overview 237–42 credit cards 294
service contracts 208–14 Bloomberg News Service, contact
“Auto Service Contracts” (FTC) 201n information 398
average daily balance, credit cards bonds, defined 72
288–89 bonus, defined 59
“Avoid a School Break Bust” (FTC) Borrower Services at the Direct Loan
377n Servicing Center, contact information 405
Index 411
borrowing money car loans, overview 305–8
barriers 274 see also automobile purchases
overview 273–82 car purchases see automobile purchases
repayments 278 car title loans 308
responsibilities 276–77 cash advances, credit cards 288–90
smart tips 334 Castle Works, Inc., shopping information
bouncing checks publication 171n
described 143 CCH Financial Planning, website
extra fees 101–2 address 392
Boys and Girls Clubs of America, CD see certificates of deposit
website address 49 cell phones
Boy Scouts of America, website address 49 cramming, described 218
budget box system, described 82 etiquette 220
budgets overview 215–20
cell phone plans 215 Centre For Flexible Learning, website
computer purchase 222 address 394
credit records 261 certificates of deposit (CD)
overview 77–84 defined 72
shopping strategies 168–69 described 116
“Building Wealth: A Beginner’s Guide Certified Financial Planner Board of
to Securing Your Financial Future” Standards, contact information 398
(Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas) 321n “$$$ Cha-Ching: Money Matters” (US
Bureau of the Public Debt, website Small Business Administration) 37n
address 391 chain letters 372
business ownership, investments 74 changes of address, identity theft 343
business plans character
described 39 credit decisions 281–82
entrepreneurs 43–44 loan decisions 302
website address 45 charge cards, defined 254
“Buying A Used Car” (FTC) 237n see also credit cards; debit cards
buying clubs, overview 243–49 Charitable Choices, website address 158
“Buy It Or Not?” (Northwestern Mutual “Charities and Fundraising Phone Fraud”
Foundation) 165n (FTC) 351n
C allowances 22
fundraising phone fraud 353–55
Calculators -, website overview 153–61
address 391 quick tips 154, 161
capacity Chase, Salmon P. 9
credit decisions 279–80 checkbook, described 128
loan decisions 302 check-clearing system, described 95
capital checking accounts
credit decisions 280–81 accurate balances 143
loan decisions 302 bank loans 122
“Car Ads: Reading Between the Lines” bank statement review 140
(FTC) 237n cash back 138
carats, described 233 defined 90
see also karats described 90
CardTrack, website address 404 features 125
412 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
checking accounts, continued compound interest
overview 121–44 annual percentage yield 68
reconciliation form sample 142 savings accounts 115, 117
types, described 123–24 computers
voided checks 130 bill payments 188–89
checklists personal finance programs 82
entrepreneurs 43 purchase information 221–28
international shopping 182 con artists, overview 351–72
check register Consumer Action, contact
accuracy 103 information 402
described 127–28, 131 Consumer and Family Economics,
sample form 128 website address 392
checks Consumer Checkbook, contact
purchases 184–85 information 402
sample form 130 Consumer Debit Resource, contact
savings accounts 119 information 402
check writing, described 129–31 Consumer Federation of America,
Choose To Save contact information 403
contact information 398 consumer installment loans, described
website address 392 273–74
“Choosing a Credit Card” Consumer Reports Online, website
(Federal Reserve Board) 283n address 403
chores, allowances 20 Consumer World, website address 403
club account, defined 72 continuity plans, described 247–50
Coinage Act (1792) 10 “Continuity Plans: Coming to
coins You Like Clockwork” (FTC)
commemoratives 13 243n
described 10–14 contributions see charity
faces and backs, listed 14 Cooling-Off Rule 193–96
minting process, described 12 Cooperative State Research, Education,
collateral and Extension Service, contact
credit decisions 282 information 398
described 302 copyrights, described 41
loan decisions 302 corporations, described 40
college “Costly Coupon Scams” (FTC) 351n
cost calculator 312 counseling
education loans 309–18 credit records 261–63
commemorative coins, described 13 entrepreneurs 48
commission, defined 59 student loans 312–13
compensation, defined 59 counterfeit currency
complaint letter sample 198 described 5–6, 16–18
complaints quick tips 17
credit card purchases 293 Counterfeit Currency Detection
credit records 262–63 Act (1992) 17
mail order buying clubs 249 coupon scams, described 364–66
modeling scams 376 coverage, defined 146
online shopping 180–81 cramming, described 218
shopping strategies 191–200 Creative Education Foundation,
work-at-home programs 358 website address 42
Index 413
credit currency
overall costs 275–79 amount in circulation 15
overview 253–71 circulation process 14–15
see also borrowing money faces and backs, listed 10
“Credit, ATM and Debit Cards: overview 3–18
What to Do If They’re Lost or printing process, described 5
Stolen” (FTC) 337n
credit card payments D
late payments 105–6
minimum amounts 106–7 daily spending diary 83, 166
words of advice 106 damaged paper money 16
credit cards Daniels, Kirk 105–6
age factor 284 days in term, described 68
balance computations 288–89 debit cards
damaged items 293 checking accounts 132–34
versus debit cards 295–96 versus credit cards 295–96
debt management 322–23 defined 254
defined 254 described 90–91
described 273 fraudulent use 338–39
disclosure box sample 292 purchases 186–88
fixed versus variable savings accounts 118
rates 286 unauthorized transactions 185
keeping track 258–59 see also ATM cards
overview 283–94 debt collection, avoidance 260
purchases 185–86 debt management
unauthorized transactions 185 overview 321–28
see also stolen credit cards quick tips 322, 327
credit denial, described 262 Debtors Anonymous, contact
credit history information 405
bank deposits 86 debt-relief services, fraud 261
entrepreneurs 47 Department of Justice (DOJ)
credit reports see US Department of Justice
debt management 324–25 deposit accounts, described 90
free access 265–71 deposits
identity theft 345 bank accounts 87
periodic reviews 108–9 checking accounts 135–39
website address 47, 266 deposit slips
credit scores bank accounts 87
described 256 cash back 138
new credit cards 108 sample 135
credit scoring agencies desktop computers 221–22
contact information 268, 404 diamonds
website address 47, 266 imitations 234
Credit Union National overview 233–34
Association, Inc. diaries, daily spending 83, 166
contact information 404 direct deposit
website address 392 checking accounts 139
credit unions, described 86 described 189–90
cubic Zirconia 234 savings accounts 118–19
414 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
Direct Load Consolidation Center, electronic funds transfers (EFT)
contact information 405 described 93–94
Direct Loan Program 317 error corrections 96
disability insurance see insurance coverage Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA)
dispute resolution 94–98, 185, 337–39
automobile service contracts 213–14 “Electronic Fund Transfers”
jewelry purchase 235–36 (Federal Reserve Board) 93n
warranties 204–5 electronic scanning, pricing accuracy
dispute resolution programs, consumer 176–77
rights 199 employment
Distributive Education Clubs of credit reports 271
America, website address 49 internships 31–36
diversification, defined 72 summer jobs 31–36
dividends endorsement, defined 136
described 73 engraved intaglio steel plate method,
tax information 58–59 described 5
DOJ see US Department of Justice, website address 42
“Dollars and Cents” (Federal Reserve Entrepreneur Magazine, website address 50
Bank of Atlanta) 3n entrepreneurs, overview 37–50
donations see charity Entrepreneurship Education, website
do not call list 161 address 42
“Don’t Borrow Trouble” Campaign, Entrepreneur U, website address 50
website address 405 envelope stuffing schemes 359, 368–69
door-to-door sales, consumer rights E Pluribus Unum 8
193–96 Equal Credit Opportunity Act
double-cycle balances, credit cards (ECOA) 279
288–89 Equifax, contact information 268, 404
W.E.B. Dubois Scholars Institute, equity
website address 48 defined 72
dumpster diving, described 342, 343 home loans 274–75
Ernest and Young’s Moneyopolis,
E website address 394
expected family contribution (EFC) 310
earning money, overview 23–30 expense envelope system, described 82–83
ECOA see Equal Credit Opportunity Act expenses
EDIE see Electronic Deposit Insurance budgets 78–80
Estimator described 80
Edison, Thomas 13 Experian, contact information 268, 404
education loans
application process tips 310 F
overview 309–18
EFC see expected family contribution FACT Act see Fair and Accurate
EFT see electronic funds transfers Credit Transactions Act
EFTA see Electronic Fund Transfer Act FAFSA see Free Application for
electronic banking Federal Student Aid
bill payments 134 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions
overview 93–99 Act (FACT Act) 265, 270
Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) 192, 293,
(EDIE) 88, 123 337–38
Index 415
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) 47, Federal Reserve notes, described 3–4
265–71 Federal Student Aid, contact information
Fair Isaac score (FICO) 256 405
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 24, 28 Federal Supplemental Educational
fake check scams, described 352 Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) 313–14
FCBA see Fair Credit Billing Act Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
FCRA see Fair Credit Reporting Act contact information 177, 398
FDIC see Federal Deposit Insurance fraud prevention 205
Corporation publications
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) advertisements 221n
Internet Crime Complaint Center 180 automobile purchase 237n
online fraud publication 179n credit overview 253n
Federal Citizen Information Center, error resolutions 191n
contact information 398 jewelry purchases 229n
Federal Deposit Insurance lost charge cards 337n
Corporation (FDIC) mail order buying clubs 243n
contact information 398 modeling scams 373n
publications scams 351n
bank information 85n service contracts 201n
banking mistakes 101n stolen charge cards 337n
borrowing basics 273n travel fraud 377n
budgets 77n warranties 201n
car loans 305n Federal Work-Study (FES) 315–16
charge cards 295n fees
checking accounts 121n bank accounts 88, 104–5
education loans 309n bounced checks 101–2
installment loans 301n checking accounts 124–25
predatory lending issues 329n cost of credit 275
website address 104 credit applications 255
Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) 317 credit cards 185, 287–88, 292–93
federal Pell Grant see Pell Grant insufficient funds 102–3
Federal Perkins Loans 316–17 late payments 105–6
Federal Reserve Act 3 fellowships, tax information 59–63
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, FFEL see Federal Family Education Loan
publications FICO see Fair Isaac score
currency overview 3n 50 States Quarters Program Act (1997) 13
website address 18 FinAid, website address 392
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, finance charges
payment options publication 183n credit cards 286–87, 288–89, 293
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, debt truth in lending disclosure 276–77
control publication 321n financial aid, education loans 309–18
Federal Reserve Board, publications Financial Calculators, Inc., website address
credit card choices 283n 392
electronic fund transfers 93n financial goals, budgets 78
Federal Reserve Districts Financial Literacy Two Thousand
described 4 and Ten, website address 399
listed 4 financial management
Federal Reserve Education, website checking accounts 122
address 398 entrepreneurs 44–45
416 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
Financial Planning Association, G
contact information 399
“Finding A Summer Job Or Internship” Gamblers Anonymous, contact
(Nemours Foundation) 31n information 405
fine print gambling
cell phone plans 218 overview 385–87
computer purchases 225–28 reasons 386
credit applications 255–57 “Gambling: Don’t Bet on
travel fraud 379 Winning” (PPFA) 385n
fixed expenses, defined 80 garnishment, defined 324
fixed rate, described 275, 286 gemstones
flexible expenses, defined 80 overview 231–33
Florida State University, website treatments 232
address 394 “Getting Credit: What You Need to
FLSA see Fair Labor Standards Act Know about Credit” (FTC) 253n
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan gift cards
Program 317 described 296–97
foreclosure, defined 324 risks 298
foreign lottery scams, described 354 gifts see charity
4-H, website address 50 Girl Scouts of America,
four C’s website address 49
credit decisions 279–82 “Going Wireless” (National
loan decisions 302–3 Consumers League) 215n
401(k) retirement plan, defined 72 gold, overview 229–30
403(b) retirement plan, defined 72 gold certificates, described 4
franchises, described 40 gold purchases, karats, described 230
Franklin, Benjamin 8, 10 Gottesburen, Lynne 284
fraud grace period
advance fee loans 263–64 credit applications 255
cell phone plans 220 credit cards 285–86, 292
charitable giving 159–61 Grant, Ulysses S. 10
online shopping 179–82 grants, college finances 310–11
overview 351–72 Great Seal of the United States,
reporting process 362 US currency 8
fraud prevention, quick tips 194–95 gross income, defined 79
Freddie Mac, website address 404
Free Application for Federal Student H
Aid (FAFSA) 309–10
free credit reports see credit reports Hamilton, Alexander 10
“Frequently Asked Questions” (US Heakal, Reem 369
Small Business Administration) 37n health insurance see insurance coverage
FSEOG see Federal Supplemental “Health Insurance: Protecting Health and
Educational Opportunity Grant Paying for Treatment” (Northwestern
FTC see Federal Trade Commission Mutual Foundation) 145n
Fulbright grant 60 home loans, described 274–75
fundraisers, fraud 353–56, 356 see also mortgages
Future Business Leaders of America, home ownership, investments 71
website address 49 Horwitz, Paul 178
FWS see Federal Work-Study “How to Right a Wrong” (FTC) 191n
Index 417

I Insurance Information Institute,

contact information 403
“Ideas for Your Business” (US Small interest
Business Administration) 37n checking accounts 124
identity theft cost of credit 275
age factor 348–49 described 68
filing complaints 259 savings accounts 116
methods, described 343 tax information 57–59
overview 341–50 see also annual percentage yield;
prevention 259–61, 267 compound interest
Identity Theft and Assumption interest rates
Deterrence Act 347 credit cards 186
“Identity Theft and Identity Fraud” debt management 322–23
(DOJ) 341n savings accounts 116–17
“If You’ve Got The Look, Look Out! Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Avoiding Modeling Scams” (FTC) 373n contact information 399
implied warranties tax information publication 51n
described 203 website address 48
used vehicles 210 international lottery scams,
impostor websites, described 266 described 354
impulse buying, described 165–69 “Internet Fraud” (FBI) 179n
InCharge Education Foundation, internships, overview 31–36
contact information 399 interview, employment 35–36
income investment income, tax
budgets 78–79 information 57–59
described 79 investment products, described 71
individual retirement account (IRA), investments
defined 73 choices 71
individual taxpayer identification defined 73
number (ITIN) 89, 126 described 69–70
installment loans, overview 301–3 pay yourself first, described 75
Institute for Financial Literacy, Investopedia Simulator, website
contact information 399 address 394
Institute of Consumer Finance Education’s Iowa State University Cooperative
Children and Money, website Extension, contact information
address 403 399
institutional grants, described 315 IRA see individual retirement account
insufficient funds iridium 230–31
checking accounts 124–25 IRS see Internal Revenue Service
described 101–3 It All Adds Up, website address 395
insurance coverage ITIN see individual taxpayer
age factor 147 identification number
bank deposits 85–86, 86, 88
checking accounts 122–23 J
entrepreneurs 40
higher costs 149 Jackson, Andrew 10
overview 145–51 JA Titan, website address 42
savings accounts 69 Jefferson, Thomas 8, 10, 13, 14
stolen credit cards 337 jewelry purchases, overview 229–36
418 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
jobs Marshall, John 13
entrepreneurs 37–50 Marshall, Mira 109–11
internships 31–36 matrix marketing 366
listed 26–27 Medicare tax, defined 54
overview 23–30 mentors, entrepreneurs 38, 48
worst 34 minimum balances
judgment, defined 324 checking accounts 124
Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial savings accounts 115
Literacy, contact information 399 mints, US coins 11–12
Junior Achievement miracle of compounding
contact information 399 see compound interest
website address 49 MMDA see money market
deposit account
K modeling scams
overview 373–76
karats, described 229–30 talent tips 375
see also carats “Module 1: Bank On It” (FDIC) 85n
Kennedy, John F. 14 “Module 2: Check It Out” (FDIC) 121n
Kincaid, Janet 106–7, 109, 169, 178 “Module 3: Setting Financial Goals”
Kiplinger, contact information 400 (FDIC) 77n
“Module 4: Pay Yourself First”
L (FDIC) 67n
“Module 5: Borrowing Basics”
LavaMind’s Gazillionaire, website (FDIC) 273n, 329n
address 395 “Module 6: Charge It Right”
lemon laws 210 (FDIC) 295n
“Let’s Talk Allowances” (Northwestern “Module 7: Paying for College and
Mutual Foundation) 19n Cars” (FDIC) 301n, 305n, 309n
liabilities, described 321 money, growth strategies 67–75
lien, defined 324 see also currency
life insurance see insurance coverage MoneyCentral, website address 400
“Life Insurance: Protecting the Family money management see financial
Income” (Northwestern Mutual management
Foundation) 145n Money Management International,
Lincoln, Abraham 10, 13, 14 website address 392, 394
liquidity, defined 73 money market accounts
loan consolidation, described 303 debit cards 118
loans see bank loans; borrowing money; defined 73
education loans; payday loans described 116
lottery scams, described 354 money market deposit account
(MMDA), described 124
Money Matters To Me, website
address 393
mail orders Money Smart for Young Adults (FDIC)
complaints 249 banking information 85n, 121n
consumer rights 191–93 budgeting information 67n, 77n
managing credit, quick tips 280 credit information 273n, 295n, 329n
“Managing Your Savings Account” loan information 301n, 305n, 309n
(Bank of America) 113n MoneyWi$e, website address 400
Index 419
monthly payment calendar 84 National Science and Mathematics
monthly payment schedules, described Access to Retain Talent Grant 314–15
81–82 National Smart Grant 314–15
“More About ... Giving Wisely” National White Collar Crime Center,
(SIFMA) 153n described 180
Morningstar, contact information 400 Native Financial Education
mortgages, additional costs 110–11 Coalition, website address 400
Motley Fool NCUA see National Credit Union
contact information 400 Administration
earning money publication 23n negative option plans, described
multilevel marketing plans 366–67, 243–47, 246
369–72 negotiable order of withdrawal
“Multilevel Marketing Plans” (NOW) account 124
(FTC) 351n Nemours Foundation, summer jobs
mutual funds, defined 73 publication 31n
My Money, website address 393 “Net Based Business Opportunities:
Myvesta, contact information 400 Are Some Flop-portunities?”
(FTC) 351n
N net income, defined 79
Network for Good, website address 158
National Academy Foundation, network marketing 366
website address 48 newspaper carriers, tax information 57
National Association of Personal non-sufficient funds (NSF)
Financial Advisors, contact see insufficient funds
information 400 Northwestern Mutual Foundation,
National Association of Professional publications
Insurance Agents, contact allowances 19n
information 404 insurance coverage 145n
National Bank notes, described 4 smart shopping 165n
National Collegiate Inventors and notebook computers 221–22
Innovators Alliance, website Novus Ordo Seclorum 8
address 42 NOW account, described 124
National Consumer Law Center, NSF (non-sufficient funds)
Inc., website address 403 see insufficient funds
National Consumers League
cell phone plans publication 215n O
contact information 403
National Council on Economic Office of Financial Education,
Education, contact information 400 website address 400
National Council on Problem Gambling, online fraud
contact information 387 advice 360–61
National Credit Union Administration credit cards 181
(NCUA), described 88 described 362–64
National Endowment for Financial statistics 180
Education, contact information 400 Operation Hope: Banking on Our
National Foundation for Credit Future, website address 401
Counseling, contact information 405 opportunity cost, described 30
National Mentoring Partnership, website Ory, Vince 221n
address 48 osmium 230–31
420 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
overdrafts Planned Parenthood Federation of
bank accounts 88 America (PPFA), gambling publication
checking accounts 124–25, 144 385n
described 103–4 plastic cards see ATM cards; credit cards;
savings accounts 119 debit cards
see also insufficient funds platinum, described 230–31
PLUS loans 317–18
P point-of-sale transactions (POS)
checking accounts 131–32
palladium 230–31 described 94
paperless money transfers Ponzi schemes 371–72
see electronic funds transfers POS see point-of-sale transactions
paper money PPFA see Planned Parenthood
damaged 16 Federation of America
described 3–9 Practical Money Skills, website
parents address 401
allowances 19–20 preauthorized transfers, described 94,
automobile insurance 149 98–99
chores 20 precious metals, overview 229–31
college loans 317–18 predatory lending practices
job interview advice 35 described 323–24
life insurance 150 indicators 332–33
partnerships, described 40 overview 329–36
patents, described 40 premiums, defined 146
payday loans “Prenotification Negative Option Plans”
described 323–24, 331 (FTC) 243n
overview 330–31 Prenotification Negative Option Rule 244
payroll taxes pretexting, described 343
defined 54 previous balance, credit cards 288–89
rates 54 principal, described 68
pay yourself first privacy
described 29, 75 bank accounts 92
savings accounts 119 debit cards 134
pearls, overview 234–35 Profit Sharing/401(k) Society of America,
Pell Grants 61, 313 contact information 401
penalty APR property insurance see insurance coverage
credit cards 285 “Protecting Autos: The Vehicles and the
truth in lending disclosure 277–79 People in Them” (Northwestern Mutual
Perkins Loans see Federal Perkins Loans Foundation) 145n
personal identification number (PIN) “Protecting Property: Replacing and
checking accounts 132 Repairing the Things You Own”
described 91, 94 (Northwestern Mutual Foundation) 145n
identity theft 350 “Protecting Your Income: When You
safety considerations 132, 339–40 Cannot Work and Earn” (Northwestern
pewter 231 Mutual Foundation) 145n
phishing, described 343, 348–49 “Purchase Options for Consumers”
PIN see personal identification number (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) 183n
planchets, described 12 “Putting It in Writing” (US Small Business
Planet Orange, website address 395 Administration) 37n
Index 421
pyramid schemes salaries
described 370 defined 59
overview 366–67, 369–72 described 51
R comparison shopping 172
overview 171–78
rebates savings
computer purchases 226–27 opportunity cost 30
credit cards 290 smart shopping 170
described 174 savings accounts
recordkeeping defined 90
checking accounts 139–43 described 69–70, 90
identity theft 346 overview 113–20
tax information 62 savings action plans, described 74–75
refund anticipation loans, savings and loan associations, described 86
described 335–36 savings banks, described 86
registration services, lost/stolen savings bonds, described 74
credit cards 340 savings register sample 114
Regulation E 185 SBA see US Small Business
reloaders, described 353 Administration
rent-to-own, described 335 scams see fraud
repossession, defined 324 scholarships
résumés, described 32 college finances 310–11
retirement accounts, described 70–71 tax information 59–63
see also 401(k) retirement plan; 403(b) SEC see US Securities
retirement plan; individual and Exchange Commission
retirement accounts secured loans, described 301
rhodium 230–31 Securities and Exchange Commission
risk, investments 75 (SEC) see US Securities and Exchange
risk versus return, defined 73 Commission
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 13, 14 Securities Industry and Financial Markets
rule of 72, described 70, 74 Association Foundation for Investor
Rutgers, website address 394 Education (SIFMA)
Rutgers Cooperative Extension, charity information publication 153n
website address 401 contact information 401
ruthenium 230–31 security features, currency 6–7
self-employment income, tax
information 56–57
service contracts
Sacagawea 14 cell phones 215–20
“Safeguarding Your Money” complaints 212
(Northwestern Mutual described 202–3
Foundation) 145n overview 206–14
safety considerations versus warranties 207
bank deposits 85–86 “Service Contracts” (FTC) 201n
cell phones 220 shares, defined 73
checking accounts 122–23 shopping strategies
debit cards 134 budgets 168–69
online purchases 188 comparisons 172
422 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
shopping strategies, continued stop-payment fees, checking accounts 125
consumer rights 191–200 stop payments, preauthorized items 99
international purchases 182 stored value cards, described 91, 296–97
need versus want 178 students
online shopping 179–82 education loans 309–18
overview 165–70 tax information 51–63
payment options 183–90 Students In Free Enterprise, website
rebates 174 address 49
sale merchandise 171–78 subprime lending
SIFMA see Securities Industry and defined 330
Financial Markets Association described 329–30
Foundation for Investor Education summer jobs, versus internships 31–36
signature card, described 126 “Sweepstakes and Lotteries Scams”
silver, described 230–31 (FTC) 351n
silver certificates, described 4
skimming, described 343 T
Smart About Money, website address
393, 394 “Take This Scheme and Stuff It:
smart cards, described 297–99 Avoiding Envelope-Stuffing Rip-offs”
SMART Grant 314–15 (FTC) 351n
“Smart Shopping” (Northwestern “Taxable Income for Students” (IRS)
Mutual Foundation) 165n 51n
Social Security number (SSN) 89, 126, 261 tax-exempt bonds, tax information 58
Social Security tax, defined 54 tax forms
Society of Financial Service Professionals, W-2 form 52, 55, 55
contact information 401 W-4 form 55, 56
software, personal finance programs 82 tax information
sole proprietorships, described 39 charitable giving 155–57
Sovereign Bank’s, overview 51–63
website address 401 recordkeeping 62
“Spending Smarts: Surfing the Sales” telemarketers
(Castle Works, Inc.) 171n fraud 159–61, 351–53
“Spending Smarts: Ten Super Shopping restrictions 355
Tips” (Castle Works, Inc.) 171n travel fraud 380–83
spoken warranties, described 202 “Telemarketing Travel Fraud”
Springboard Credit Education, website (FTC) 377n
address 404 telephone orders, consumer rights
SSN see Social Security number 191–93
Standard and Poor’s, contact information 401 telephone transfers, described 94
statement savings, defined 73 term, described 72
statistics, online fraud 180 text messaging, wireless internet
Stock Market Game, website address 395 service 217
stocks, defined 73 theft, electronic funds transfers 95–97
Stock-Trak, website address 395 Thompson, Charles 8
stolen credit cards thrifts, described 86
credit applications 255–57 time limits, unauthorized
described 264 transactions 185
liability limits 186 tip income, defined 59
overview 337–40 tips, tax information 51–55
Index 423
“Tips for Buying a Computer” US Financial Literacy and Education
(Ory) 221n Commission, website address 401
total payments, truth in lending US Patent and Trade Office, website
disclosure 277 address 48
trademarks, described 41 US Securities and Exchange
trade secrets, described 41 Commission (SEC)
transferring funds, savings accounts contact information 401
118–19 website address 393, 394
see also electronic funds transfers US Small Business Administration
TransUnion, contact information 268, (SBA), entrepreneurs publication 37n
404 US Treasury Securities, defined 74
travel fraud, preparations 378 US Treasury’s Page for Kids, website
travel schemes, overview 377–83 address 401
Treasury bills, described 74 US Trustee Program Credit Counseling,
Treasury bonds, described 74 contact information 405
Treasury notes, described 74
Truth in Lending Act 331 V
truth in savings disclosures,
described 69, 275–79 value, allowances 21–22
tuition programs, tax information 61 VantageScore 256
see also education loans variable rate, described 275, 286
two-cycle balances, credit cards vermeil 231
288–89 Villafranca, Eloy 102, 108
Virtual Stock Exchange, website
U address 395
volunteer activities, described 154–55
universal default, truth in lending
disclosure 279 W
universal product code (UPC),
pricing accuracy 176–77 Wachovia Securities, website address 393
unordered merchandise, consumer wages
rights 193 defined 59
unsecured installment loans, described 51
described 301–3 warranties
unsolicited items, described 159 credit cards 291
UPC see universal product code overview 201–5
USAA Educational Foundation, versus service contracts 207
website address 402 used vehicles 210
US Bonds, defined 74 “Warranties” (FTC) 201n
US Consumer Gateway and Federal Washington, George 10, 14
Consumer Information Center, “Ways to Save and Make Money”
website address 403 (Motley Fool) 23n
US Department of Justice (DOJ), “What Is a Pyramid Scheme?”
identity theft publication 341n (Heakal) 369
US Department of Labor, website “What’s It Worth?” (Northwestern
address 48 Mutual Foundation) 165n
used car purchases see automobile wireless internet service, text
purchases messaging 217
used vehicles, warranties 210 wireless telephone service see cell phones
424 Cash and Credit Information for Teens, Second Edition
Wi$eUp, contact information 402 worksheets, monthly income, expenses 81
withdrawal, bank accounts 87 written warranties, described 201–2
withdrawal slip sample 117
withholding taxes Y
described 53
tips 53–55 Young America’s Business Trust,
work-at-home schemes website address 50
complaints 358 Young Consumers, website address 393
described 356–61 “Your Business Buddy List” (US Small
“Work-at-Home Schemes” (FTC) 351n Business Administration) 37n

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