House Hearing, 112TH Congress - Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations For 2012

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FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia, Chairman
JO BONNER, Alabama

CHAKA FATTAH, Pennsylvania

ADAM B. SCHIFF, California
MICHAEL M. HONDA, California
E. SERRANO, New York

NOTE: Under Committee Rules, Mr. Rogers, as Chairman of the Full Committee, and Mr. Dicks, as Ranking
Minority Member of the Full Committee, are authorized to sit as Members of all Subcommittees.


Subcommittee Staff



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(NASA) .....................................................................................
National Science Foundation ...............................................
Office of Science and Technology Policy ..........................

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FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia, Chairman
JO BONNER, Alabama

CHAKA FATTAH, Pennsylvania

ADAM B. SCHIFF, California
MICHAEL M. HONDA, California
E. SERRANO, New York

NOTE: Under Committee Rules, Mr. Rogers, as Chairman of the Full Committee, and Mr. Dicks, as Ranking
Minority Member of the Full Committee, are authorized to sit as Members of all Subcommittees.


Subcommittee Staff



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(NASA) .....................................................................................
National Science Foundation ...............................................
Office of Science and Technology Policy ..........................

Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations

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HAROLD ROGERS, Kentucky, Chairman
C. W. BILL YOUNG, Florida 1
JERRY LEWIS, California 1
FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia
KEN CALVERT, California
JO BONNER, Alabama
TOM COLE, Oklahoma
CHARLES W. DENT, Pennsylvania
ALAN NUNNELEE, Mississippi

NORMAN D. DICKS, Washington

E. SERRANO, New York
ROSA L. DELAURO, Connecticut
JAMES P. MORAN, Virginia
JOHN W. OLVER, Massachusetts
ED PASTOR, Arizona
DAVID E. PRICE, North Carolina
SAM FARR, California
CHAKA FATTAH, Pennsylvania
BARBARA LEE, California
ADAM B. SCHIFF, California
MICHAEL M. HONDA, California

Chairman Emeritus

WILLIAM B. INGLEE, Clerk and Staff Director

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Mr. WOLF. Good morning. The hearing will come to order and the
record will be open.
We want to welcome everyone to todays hearing on the fiscal
year 2012 budget request of the National Aeronautics and Space
Our witness today is Major General Charles Bolden, the Administrator of NASA.
We thank you for being here.
Last night looking through all the material for the hearing, I
reread your bio, and I just want to say I appreciate your distinguished service to the country. I notice your son is a Marine Corps
aviator, and I want to thank you and thank him for the service.
Thank you very much.
Last year at this time, we were in the early stages of what
turned out to be a very lengthy and contentious debate about the
future direction of NASAs human spaceflight program. I think everyone was hoping that the enactment of the NASA authorization
bill would put an end to the programmatic uncertainty and conclude the debate, but that really has not been the case.
Instead the debate has shifted to whether NASA can effectively
implement the direction provided by the authorization, and that
places the budget squarely in the middle of the discussion. No
amount of authorizing language can hold NASA to a particular goal
or commitment if that language is not backed up by a budget that
adequately funds those obligations.
But fully funding everything that was authorized is not a feasible
possibility in the current fiscal environment. We saw that on the
CR the other day on the Weiner amendment, which cut from this
committee I think it was 300 and some million dollars, whatever
the exact number.
And so when you look at those circumstances, you really cannot
have everything.

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Instead, NASA will be forced to look across its programs and
make some very hard choices. You have done that to some extent
with your fiscal year 2012 request, which holds the NASA agencywide total to its fiscal year 2010 level, more than $700 million
below the authorized amount. In order to work within that total,
you have chosen to fund some programs significantly below previously projected levels.
Congress has asked a lot of NASA and we need to seriously consider whether we can afford to simultaneously maintain our human
exploration program, support the extension of the Space Station,
continue with planned science missions, advance commercial
spaceflight, and engage in NASAs many other activities.
My disagreement with NASA comes in the decision making about
what budgetary tradeoffs are necessary to make. Your request has
chosen to sacrifice progress on the development of the Space
Launch System and the MultiPurpose Crew Vehicle. The levels in
your budget for these activities virtually guarantee that NASA will
not have core launch and crew capabilities in place by 2016.
Our failure to meet that goal will further erode our international
standing in human spaceflight, which I think is beginning to take
place, eventually ceding our prominency to places like Russia,
China, India, or others. That is just not an outcome that I think
is really good for the country.
I know these are complicated issues and we can spend a lot of
time on them.
And this, Mr. Bolden, is really not directed toward you. I think
until this Administration, and the President step forward and deal
with the fundamental important issues in the entitlements, whatever concerns will be expressed by you or anyone in the audience
or anyone in the country about these budget cuts cannot really be
We are fundamentally trying to balance the budget on 15 to 17
percent of the pie, maybe even less. The President put forward the
Bowles-Simpson or Simpson-Bowles, whoever you want to put first,
Commission. It had the support of Tom Coburn, who I have a great
respect for and even more respect for after he voted for it, and Dick
Durbin, who used to serve on this committee and who I have
worked with over the years.
Nobody will ever remember except Dick Durbin, because I remind him periodically, but I was the deciding vote on eliminating
smoking on airplanes. And I remember my side and the tobacco industry went after me. Virginia was a big tobacco state. And so to
Senator Durbins credit, he also supported the Bowles-Simpson
There was an editorial in the Washington Post yesterday by Ruth
Marcus, who I read constantly, saying Wheres Waldo, meaning
the President. We are waiting for the President to come forward.
Leadership is doing what President Reagan did on the Social Security issue, or what President Clinton did coming forward to deal
with the fundamental entitlement issues.
There is a Simon and Garfunkel song called The Boxer that
says, man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
We cannot disregard this. Groups come in to see me and say, Mr.
Wolf, you are cutting this. But I voted for the package that came

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out because we have to begin somewhere. We have got to deal with
the entitlements.
I appreciate your service to the county. I was very impressed
when I actually read your bio. You never mentioned those things
to me, and I just wanted to be totally prepared.
The way to deal with this problem is to come together in a bipartisan way and link arms the way that Senators Durbin and Coburn
and Chambliss and Mark Warner are doing. If we do not deal with
the overall entitlement issue, and I speak now as a grandfather of
15 and father of five kids, fundamentally this Nation will begin to
reach a tipping point.
People are going to be concerned that we are cutting this, we are
cutting that. But until we deal with the fundamental reality of the
entitlements, we will never be able to resolve this issue.
So you might tell the President, I do not even think he even
knows who I am, but Mr. Wolf said, if you do not deal with these
entitlement issues, no one can complain about the budget cuts on
any area unless they then come forward and say what they are
prepared to do.
I have said I am prepared to step forward and support the
Bowles-Simpson Commission, although there are things in there
that I do not like and I would attempt to change. But coming up
for a vote up or down, I would be there with those who want to
save this country by dealing with this fundamental issue.
I will go to Mr. Fattah.

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Mr. FATTAH. And let me thank the Chairman and thank him for
his leadership and for this hearing, and welcome the Administrator.
Later on this evening, the President is going to reach out by
phone and speak to the crew of the Discovery and congratulate you
and the staff at NASA for such a great achievement given Discoverys last mission.
You know, the chairman has made some very courageous votes
over his life here in the Congress and that is just one that he mentioned about ending smoking on airplanes. And I think that the
Presidents decision to proceed with a Debt Commission was a courageous one. The report is one that I feel very favorably about, that
if we could get it to a vote and, yes, you could tinker around the
edges, but that we as a country do need to come to grips with this.
The other thing is that the public has to come to grips with
something, which is that we have to make investments and we
have to make sacrifices. When NASA was created, the country was
not doing as well as we are doing today, but we have made sacrifices for space exploration and NASA has been a beacon of hope
for the country and has created a lot of aspirations among our
young people in terms of math and science. And I think that we
have to make sacrifices.
In fact, when you look at whether the Presidents commission or
whether you look at the majority CR, neither one of them cut
NASA as much as the public would cut NASA if given a chance.
And I think that those of us in a leadership position have to say
that the public is wrong. That is to say that we as a country have

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to invest, and we invest in technology. And NASA can be and
should be always the leading technology entity in the world.
I want to tell you that in terms of the budget request, I am very
happy to see that in Exploration, there is a significant increase.
Your leadership of the agency in a whole host of areas has made
a tremendous difference.
And your bio is quite impressive. Your work at NASA is quite
impressive, and the breakdown of the budget request in which we
have the lions share of the dollars in human spaceflight because
I think that is the thing that excites the country.
Obviously there is much more work that you do, and people in
the Gulf Coast benefitted during the BP spill because of the work
of NASA in being able to track where this oil was going. There are
lives that probably were saved in Haiti because of the work in
terms of what you do in terms of science. So there are a lot of great
things that we can be proud of.
I think those of us in the Congress have to speak forcefully on
the need for our country to continue to invest in science. We, as
the worlds only superpower, have to invest in this area, plus we
have others who want to join us in this ranking in terms of superpower who are making significant investments. And we cannot afford to be caught short. A lot of benefits here on earth have been
created through the work of NASA in all range of activities, medical, science, and also in industrial activities.
And so I am happy to have you. I look forward to your testimony.
And I think that on a bipartisan basis, that you have both in the
Chairman and myself and other Members of the committee a lot
of support for the work that NASA is doing now and will do in the
And the Administration has put forth a very aggressive program
in terms of aiming our sights outside of Earths orbit in terms of
human flight. And I think it is a challenging mission, but I think
that is what we should be doing. We should be challenging ourselves to develop the technology to move in even greater ways than
we have to date.
So thank you, and welcome.
General BOLDEN. Thank you very much.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Fattah.
Administator Bolden, your full statement will appear in the
record, but you can proceed as you see appropriate.

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General BOLDEN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman
Chairman Wolf and Ranking Member Fattah and other Members
of the committee. Let me, first of all, to the Chairman and Ranking
Member, let me congratulate both of you on your new leadership
roles, and I want to thank you both for all that you do as well as
all the Members of the committee for the long-standing support
that all of you have given to NASA.
As is obvious from both of your opening statements, we have a
common passion for space exploration and the benefits it brings our
Nation. As you take on new responsibilities, I look forward to our
continuing work together in the same collegial fashion as we have
done in the past.

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I would like to take just a moment to note the absence in the
House in general of one of your colleagues, Congresswoman
Gabrielle Giffords, who continues to undergo rehabilitation in
Houston following the assassination attempt on her life. Not a day
goes by that I personally do not think about and pray for Gabby.
All of us in the NASA family continue to pray for her speedy and
full recovery.
Today it is my privilege to discuss the Presidents fiscal year
2012 budget request of $18.7 billion for NASA. Despite the Presidents commitment to fiscal constraint, I am pleased that we are
proposing to hold funding at a level appropriated for 2010 which,
of course, continues to be our spending level under the Continuing
This budget request continues the agencys focus on a reinvigorated path of innovation and technological discovery leading to an
array of challenging destinations and missions that engage the
Mr. Chairman, you and other Members of the CommitteeSubcommittee should have a package of six charts that looks like this.
I hope you do because I will be referring to them periodically. So,
if there is anybody who does not and would like to get one, I think
we mayit just does not have that cover on it. And the cover is
not important at all anyway, so I will hold them up as we get
The Authorization Act of 2010 gave NASA a clear direction. We
are moving forward to implement the details of that act with this
fiscal year 2012 budget. The Presidents budget for NASA funds all
major elements of the Act while supporting a diverse portfolio of
key programs.
Because these are tough fiscal times, we also had to make some
difficult choices. Reductions were necessary in some areas, so we
can invest in the future while living within our means.
This budget maintains a strong commitment to human
spaceflight and the development of new technologies. It invests in
the excellent science, aeronautics research, and education programs
that will help us win the future. It carries over programs of innovation to support long-term job growth and a dynamic economy that
will help us out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build all others in
the world.
Along with our budget proposal last week, we published our 2011
Strategic Plan, and hopefully, that has been made available to everyone. If not, we can get you that.
NASAs core mission remains unchanged. It is the same as it was
at our inception in 1958, and this mission supports our vision that
is in the Strategic Plan, which essentially says to reach for new
heights and reveal the unknown, so that what we do and learn will
benefit all humankind.
Just this past week, we launched STS133 on the Shuttle Discovery, one of the final three Shuttle flights to the ISS. Along with
supplies that will support the Stations scientific research and technology demonstrations, Discovery is delivering a robotic crew member, Robonaut 2 or R2.
The Glory Earth Science Mission will launch from California this
week, tomorrow morning as a matter of fact, on a mission to help

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us better understand Earth and its atmosphere and the variables

affecting our climate.
Our Space Program continues to venture in ways that will have
long-term benefits and there are many more milestones in the very
near term.
Yesterday, in fact, it was the day before yesterday, we announced
three new program offices to carry out future work. NASA brings
good jobs and bolsters the economy in communities across the Nation.
I do not think you have the overall budget chart, so I am going
to skip that. You know what it is because it was presented to everyone when I rolled it out, but it breaks down the $18.7 billion,
but it provides the scope of our activity in the year 2012.
Our priorities in human spaceflight in the fiscal year 2012 budget request are to maintain safe access for American astronauts to
low Earth orbit as we fully utilize the International Space Station;
to facilitate safe, reliable, and cost-effective U.S.-provided commercial access to low Earth orbit for American astronauts and their
supplies as soon as possible; to begin to lay the groundwork for expanding human presence into deep space, the Moon, asteroids, and
eventually Mars through the development of a powerful evolvable
heavy-lift rocket and multipurpose crew capsule; and to pursue
technology development to carry humans farther into the solar system.
These initiatives will enable NASA to retain its position as a
leader in space exploration for generations to come. At the same
time in our other endeavors, our priorities are to extend our reach
with robots and scientific observatories, to learn more about our
home planet and the solar system, and to peer beyond it to the origins of the universe; pursue groundbreaking research in the next
generation of aviation technologies; and carry out dynamic education programs that help develop the next generation of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics professionals. Thats a
lot, but NASA thrives on doing big things. We have vastly increased human knowledge and our discoveries and technologies
have improved life here on Earth.
There has been some concern that NASA is abandoning human
spaceflight. This simply is not true. I think you all do have a copy
of our charts that look like this but show you a pie.
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General BOLDEN. The reason I give you these few charts is that
it will show you that contrary to what is conventional wisdom,
human spaceflight in this budget constitutes a significant portion.
It is 44 percent of NASAs proposed budget.
If you take the chunk out that deals with what it costs me to operate NASAs centers and do other things, human spaceflight represents an even larger piece, and it is actually 57 percent of
NASAs budget. So I would say that I would not call that shrinking
away from human spaceflight when over 50 percent of the budget
is going to human spaceflight.
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General BOLDEN. The final chart that I hope you all have is one
that just takes human spaceflight, and it breaks it down into where
that money is being spent. We devote some resources to closing out
the Space Shuttle as you will see in this very small chunk. As the
centerpiece of human spaceflight and the critical anchor for our future deep space exploration, the International Space Station actually gets the largest portion of funds at about 40 percent. The next
generation of vehicles, the evolvable heavy-lift rocket and the
Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle received 39 percent of human
spaceflight budget.
Our continuing efforts to facilitate commercial access to space received a significant boost in this budget; however, that still represents the second smallest piece of the human spaceflight pie, at
about 12 percent.
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General BOLDEN. I want to commend my NASA workforce both

civil servants and contractors across the Nation for their dedication
to our missions during this time of transition and change. These
workers are our greatest assets, and they make us proud. They
fully understand the risk of exploration and welcome the challenge.
They will be the ones making tomorrow happen.
These are exciting and dynamic times for us at NASA. The challenges ahead are significant, but so are our opportunities. We have
to achieve big things that will create a measurable impact on our
economy, our world, and our way of life.
I thank you for allowing me to make my opening statement and
I look forward to your questions, Mr. Chairman.
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Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Administrator.

In the current fiscal environment, we will have to consider the
possibility that NASA has too many missions for the amount of
money that is available. If we continue to divide a relatively static
NASA budget between an ever increasing number of programs, we
will just perhaps ensure that there is not enough money to execute
any of these programs.
Do you agree with that assessment?
General BOLDEN. Mr. Chairman, these are tough times. And we
have had to make tough choices and the FY 2012 budget that the
President and I have submitted reflects those tough choices. So I
think we have submitted a budget that will allow us to carry out
the programs that the Congress and the President have asked us
to do.
Mr. WOLF. If we were to take another look at NASAs various
programs and responsibilities with the intention of reducing or deferring some of the lower priority activities, where would you recommend that we start?
General BOLDEN. Mr. Chairman, because I think we have taken
a very thorough look at where we stand under the Continuing Resolution of the FY 2010 spending level and that the Presidents
Budget for FY 2012 essentially represents a continuation of that
Continuing Resolution with some adjustments, I would not propose
any cuts.
Mr. WOLF. How about moving money around?
General BOLDEN. Mr. Chairman, we did move some money. We
propose moving some money around because of priorities, readjusting priorities. When the President submitted his FY 2011 budget, the world was different. Our fiscal situation was different. I
dont think any of us in this room thought it was different, but everybody came to, I hope everyone came to the realization that we
are in dire straits as a Nation economically, and so what we did
with developing the FY 2012 budget was we looked at what our
priorities are.
My number one priority is safely flying out the Shuttle right
now. Very close to that is providing for safe access to the International Space Station over the next 10 years because the President and the leaders of all of our international partners have
agreed that the International Space Station as the anchor for
human exploration should be on orbit for another 10 years, and in
order to maintain the Space Station as we operate it today, I have
to be able to get cargo and crew there.
Because the Shuttle will stop flying in June, the only way that
I will have until I can bring aboard a commercial access to LowEarth Orbit for crew will be the Russians. They are an incredibly
reliable partner, but I do not think anybody in this room wants to
go for the next 10 years having to rely on Russia to take American
astronauts to orbit.
So we made an adjustment in the balance within the FY 2010
budget. We complied with the elements of the 2010 Authorization
Act, but I took a look at it with the people that I really respect in
my agency, and we decided that in order to ensure that we would

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have a commercial capability for both cargo and crew as early as
possible, I needed to put a little bit more funds in there than was
in the Authorization Act. That is how we got to the $850 million
for 2012 and subsequent years. That is far lower than what we
originally needed and still believe we need to be certain that we
will bring this program on board, but we think we can make that

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Mr. WOLF. I believe your Earth science programs support valuable work, but I am concerned that we are consuming a significant
portion of the budget to fund those activities when other agencies
have sufficient authorities and abilities to do some of the same
Do you believe there are activities currently funded in Earth
science that could be adequately performed instead by NOAA or
USGS or the National Science Foundation or entities that they
fund? For projects that support those other agencies missions but
still require NASAs assistance, could they or should they contribute more funds toward NASAs expenses in order to free up
NASAs resources for its own unique activities?
General BOLDEN. Mr. Chairman, because these are such difficult
times, we took a look at where we were in all aspects of our budget.
Everything that we do in Earth science is unique to NASA. We
have looked and there is no duplication across agencies. Everything
that we do with weather, for example, we manage programs that
use weather satellites under NOAAs budget that then we take to
orbit, make sure that they are operating, and we turn them over
to NOAA.
So when I look at our budget, I do not think there is duplication.
My concern about allowing other people to take the Earth science
projects that NASA does is that money will not go with that, and
so the requirements that go with those projects will not be able to
be met.
It is just like giving me operational control of NOAA projects. If
I do not get money, that means those projects do not get done. So
moving projects back and forth among Federal agencies where
there is presently no duplication does not represent a solution.
What it represents is just another way to get rid of some of the
critical programs that we have in Earth science right now.
Mr. WOLF. Well, I do not agree with you there. I think it would
allow you to have more money to go and do what you are doing.
I heard the other day that Senator Coburn and I think Senator
Durbin had asked for an in-depth GAO analysis. The first initial
report came out and identified duplications, I think, of $200 billion.
Are you part of that report? For instance, GAO said there are so
many manpower training programs. I forget how many, and I am
not going to guess because I may be inaccurate. Is GAO looking at
NASA? Are you part of the Coburn request to see if there is duplication?
General BOLDEN. Mr. Chairman, we are a part of all the GAO
studies. Actually, I understand what you are saying, and there was
a previous GAO study and I will take it for the record to bring you
the exactI do not think they gave any statistics, but there was

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a definitive GAO study done on whether there were duplications
between NOAA and NASA, and that study said they found no duplications between NOAA and NASA in the Earth science work
that we do and the climate research that we do and the weather
research that we do. The study that I think you refer to for Senator
Coburn, and I was not aware that that was at his request
Mr. WOLF. Yes.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. But I have seen that one as recently as this past week.
Mr. WOLF. Right.
General BOLDEN. That one dealt with education, everything
across the spectrum of government, and I would agree that there
is duplication.
Mr. WOLF. Is NOAA part of that report?
General BOLDEN. NOAA and everything were a part of that, but
GAO had previously said that there was no duplication between
NASA and NOAA in our Earth science efforts.
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
General BOLDEN. There is no duplication between NASA and the
U.S. Geological Survey in our Earth science programs. We do the
satellites. We do the program management for development of the
satellites and NOAA and the USGS, we recently signed a memorandum of agreement with USGS for them to take over Landsat.
We do not spend any money on Landsat other than the administrative cost of managing the program of developing, building, and testing the Landsat satellite to make sure that it is okay before we
hand it over to USGS. So I do not think there is any duplication,
but I will take it for the record.
Mr. WOLF. Well, if you can. Maybe the staff can contact Senator
Coburns office to see what the range of the GAO study is. And
they indicated that there were further reports about ready to release, so we should see if NASA was part of that.
The report that you referenced, what was the date of that?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I think that was a 2000let
me take it for the record. I think it was a
Mr. WOLF. Sure.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. 2009 GAO study, but I will have
Mr. WOLF. Okay. Why dont you submit it for the record.
General BOLDEN. I will do that.
[The information follows:]

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In 2009, the GAO conducted a study to determine whether NASAs programs

. . . are duplicative with other activities of the federal government. [GAO1087R,
Oct. 15, 2009] The GAO study reported No Duplication Found in Earth Science
Portfolio and NASA provides a unique role in Earth Science that is leveraged by
other federal agencies.
NASA carefully informs and coordinates its Earth Science programs with NOAA
and USGS both through regular bilateral meetings and through interagency coordinating groups such as the US Global Change Research program. NASA is vice-chair
of USGCRP with responsibility for integrated observations. Broadly speaking, NASA
conducts leading-edge research in Earth system science including climate change,
while NOAA is working to expand its weather prediction capability to climate time
scales and USGS is working to understand land surface change (including water
and biota).

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NASA and NOAA coordinate their weather and climate activities via regular
meetings between NASAs Earth Science Division and NOAAs National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Services (NESDIS) office, including development of research to operations transition plans. NASAs Joint Agency Satellite Division oversees NASA efforts to develop and launch NOAAs satellites on a reimbursable basis. NASA and USGS coordinate their land surface change research activities
at the analogous level, and NASAs Joint Agency Satellite Division is working with
USGS as the latter assumes the lead role for the Landsat program.

Mr. WOLF. And then we ask the staff to be in touch with GAO
and also with Mr. Coburns office to see if NASA or NOAA or
USGS were a part of that. We are not looking to take away. We
are looking to see if there is a function of yours that someone else
can do, not to take your money away, but to allow you to have
more money to do what you think is important.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, if I can
Mr. WOLF. Sure.
General BOLDEN. Just for Mr. Ringler, I think it is GAO 1087R
dated 15 October 2009. So that was the one specifically dealing
with duplication between NASA and NOAA.

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Mr. WOLF. Okay. One other question, and then I will go to Mr.
When the NASA authorization was signed last year, the Administration assured us that it would fully implement the new exploration program. Only five months later, however, NASA is proposing to fund the new exploration program more than $1.2 billion
below its authorized level.
How do your reconcile your stated commitment to the program
with the budget request?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, we have made an effort to stay
within the budget as defined by the Authorization Act and the fact
that we are operating under the 2010 funding level and expect that
we will not be operating anywhere above that.
Again, safety to crews is critical, particularly safety of the crews
on the International Space Station. So it required me to look at
how I felt I could balance the portfolio in human spaceflight to continue the development of a viable, a realistic deep space exploration
program while not putting at risk Americas access to Low-Earth
Orbit and the International Space Station in the time that I need
I need for commercial entities to be able to deliver cargo to the
International Space Station by 2012. They are on target to do that
right now. I have enough supplies on the International Space Station. Provided we successfully get the next two Space Shuttle missions off, we can go through 2013 and if, you know, if for some reasons, the commercial entities did not deliver, we would be okay.
I then need to get crew there and I want to get the crew on
American-made rockets. I do not want to have to take them to the
International Space Station on Soyuz through the life of the International Space Station through 2020. And so I think that by 2015,
2016, we will have active operating commercial entities that will be
taking crews to the International Space Station. That is quicker
than I could have gotten there had I done it the old NASA way.
Mr. WOLF. Okay.

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General BOLDEN. So we are putting forth a genuine effort to
produce a heavy-lift launch vehicle.

Mr. WOLF. In the 90-day progress report on the implementation

of the authorized exploration program, NASA stated that it might
not be able to meet the goals of the authorization within the schedule and budget parameters established in that bill.
You did not provide, however, an estimate of what you believe
would be necessary. Using your standard budget and schedule estimating procedures, what does NASA believe will be needed to implement the authorization, and how does that compare to the budget plan put forward in your request?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, because the authorization was
below the level that the President had proposed in his FY2011
budget and because we all realize that fiscal times have changed
and we have got to live within our means, we decided that we
would take a look at two things. One, can I transition existing Constellation contracts to the new MPCV and Space Launch vehicle;
that is a legal and procurement question. I am pretty close to being
satisfied that, yes, we can do that with maybe some limitations.
The second thing I had to determine, okay, if I can do that, is
it affordable and is it sustainable. I could do it and get a vehicle
the first time out, but then I have shot everything I have, and I
cannot produce a second, third, fourth. I cannot produce a sustainable exploration program.
So I want to give you a realistic program that is affordable and
sustainable, and that answer, we will have for the Congress this
summer sometime.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Fattah.

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Mr. FATTAH. Thank you, Administrator. Let me join the Chairman in thanking you for your significant service to our country.
You flew over a hundred combat missions in Vietnam?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. You led our Marines into Kuwait as the commanding general?
General BOLDEN. I did not do that, sir. I served with Marines in
Kuwait between the two wars. I was happily flying space shuttles
when my fellow Marine generals led our troops from Kuwait into
Iraq in the Gulf War. I did not serve in the Gulf War.
Mr. FATTAH. Okay. But on the Marine Corps side, you were in
the astronaut office?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. And you were on the mission that launched the
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. So I just wanted to put those on the record because
the Chairman had referred to your great bio, so I took a minute
to take a look at it.
General BOLDEN. Sir, that is all history.
Mr. FATTAH. I got you. But history is important for us to reflect

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I saw your appearance yesterday before the authorizing committee. And I could imagine that that was somewhat of areminded you of some of your previous duties, I guess, in some respects. So it is challenging to come up here to the Hill
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH [continuing]. And deal with the various committees
of jurisdiction. Our committee has responsibility for money.
General BOLDEN. Sir, if I did not believe in what I am doing, I
would be back in Houston.

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Mr. FATTAH. I understand. Our committee deals with money. The

authorizing committee deals with the authorizing issues. And the
Congress has passed an authorization bill that allows you to move
forward on the Presidents new missions for NASA.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. So the Congress has sanctioned the fact that we are
going to now work towards human spaceflight and to space outside
of Earths orbit. And that is going to be a challenging moment.
That is why you put together a set of programs to move in that direction.
Also, the Administration and the President and NASA have decided that you want to believe enough in American business to
commercialize crew missions back and forth to the Space Station.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. That is correct?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. And so this Commercial Crew Program is a belief
in American business that we could take what NASA has been
doing for decades now.
General BOLDEN. That is a firm belief that American industry
can do what I have been doing.
Mr. FATTAH. Right. The Shuttle mission is almost 300 flights,
right, and you have 133 right now?
General BOLDEN. Right.
Mr. FATTAH. But that is still a lot.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. Now, you were retired, though, and moved in this
commercial area, right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. So the work that you see and the budget that you
are presenting for next year would follow the path of what has
been authorized by the Congress, the work that Senator Nelson
and the authorizing committees did to come to an agreement to
move forward.
And this reflects your best judgment about what the cost would
General BOLDEN. Sir, it does.
Mr. FATTAH. All right. Now, as we grapple with the allocation,
because I think absent such a limited allocation, you would have
broad-based support on this committee to do everything we could
to help you move forward, the Chairman is interested and I am interested in where there may be opportunities to delineate more
clearly missions between NASA and, for instance, NOAA, and

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whether or not, particularly in the satellite area, there is some
area toand, you know, since you are operating in space all the
time, I mean, you got a Shuttle mission up today, you got a launch
tomorrow withis it Glory?
General BOLDEN. It is Glory, yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. Right. And you still have, on Mars, Opportunity and
Spirit moving around. You have a lot going on in space, that spacerelated things might be better suited at NASA, so that is the real
question around I think what the Chairman was asking about satellites, because I agree that we want to look to see whether there
is some synergy. We are not trying to weaken NASA or NOAA. We
are just trying to see.
And for me, it is not a matter of saving money. I mean, it is really a matter of just trying to organize the government better because I think if we have to spend more money to have a superior
scientific advantage in this world, we, as Members of Congress, we
should be prepared to do that, that this idea that we are going to
lead this world on the cheap, I think is a foolish notion anyway and
that our ancestors and forebearers did not operate on that notion.
They sacrificed.
So, needless to say, this is the area that we are interested in,
and it is not a punitive matter between NOAA and NASA. We
want to look and see what makes sense
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH [continuing]. And, you know, see whether or not
there is some way to proceed. So if you would help us in that quest.
You know, it is that exploration that we are involved in, and we
want to learn and see how we can go forward.
Thank you.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir. Thank you very much, sir.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Fattah.
And just for the record, I do not want to be unfair to anyone. We
try to go according to how people come in but we will go to seniority if Members came in together.
Secondly, I kind of made a decisionand if Members would rather me not do it, I would like to hear from youof not limiting any
Member on the time that they ask questions.
I served on one committee once where they had a timer, an egg
timer. And I felt that the witness knew the egg timer was there
and could see it and felt if I can keep talking, I can rope-a-dope
this thing so nobody has to answer anything.
I apologize to Mr. Yoder because we did not get to you the last
time, two times ago, but I think it is better that any Member can
just follow wherever their heart takes them while still showing respect for other Members.
So we are trying to call people based on how they come in. If it
is really close, we would go to seniority. I know Mr. Bonner chairs
a committee, Mr. Culberson does, and we have ranking members
on different committees, so we want to be sure that the witness
cannot just take up the Members whole time. So that is sort of the
reasons we are doing this. And if there is a difference of opinion,
somebody could just say something to me.
Mr. Culberson.

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Mr. CULBERSON. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Bolden, we are really glad you are there, sir, and appreciate
your service to the country, both in our military and in the Space
And this committee is arm in arm in ensuring that we support
NASA and do everything we can to ensure that you are able to continue to keep the United States Space Program on the cutting edge
of the world and a world leader, particularly in an era when the
Chinese are so aggressively moving to overtake us in space exploration, and in so many other ways; and becoming our banker.
The joint operating environment analysis prepared by the U.S.
Joint Forces Command, and I know this will resonate with the
chairman, that Americas greatest strategic threat is our national
debt and deficit spending. It is the greatest single long-term strategic threat to the Nation.
They also get into a detailed analysis of the Chinese and point
out that the Chinese havethe Peoples Liberation Army has more
students in American graduate schools than the U.S. Military.
Given that the Chinese are growing in understanding of America
and our military, the Chinese are following their long-standing rule
that if you know the enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles, you will never be in peril.
The Chinese have, according to theagain, this is the most recent analysis for looking out into the future by the U.S. Joint
Forces Commandthat the Chinese have a sense that in certain
areas such as submarine warfare, space, and cyber warfare, China
can compete on a near equal footing with America. Indeed competing in these areas, space, submarine warfare, and cyber in particular seems to be a primary goal and the force development of the
Peoples Liberation Army.
And, of course, as our chairman has pointed out many times, this
committee is going to drive home the point that the entire Chinese
Space Program is owned lock, stock, and barrel and controlled by
the Peoples Liberation Army.
And I know the chairman has expressed grave concern and I
know the committee is concerned. And I want to reiterate our concern, Administrator, that NASA not cooperate, it is not authorized
by law, it was stringently opposed, this committee, in any shape,
form, or fashion with the Chinese Space Program because it is
owned lock, stock, and barrel, controlled by the Peoples Liberation
And they are so aggressively working to steal technology, break
into our computer systems. It is a real source of concern. And we
are graduating I think a tenth of the engineers, Mr. Chairman, and
scientists? The Chinese have vastly more engineers and scientists
working on their Space Program than we do, sir.
And you are as vital a part of Americas long-term strategic security as, in my opinion, any of the work that is being done, for the
long-term, that is being done in the Pentagon. And God bless them,
but you and I think NASA, all of us should think of NASA as a
part of national defense, as a great strategic asset the Nation en-

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joys and needs to protect. And I know the chairman feels that way
and you have got our strong support.

However, this is often forgotten: you started out with an immediate disadvantage as soon as you came in because the Bush administration never fully funded the vision for space exploration, did
they, sir?
General BOLDEN. No, sir, they did not.
Mr. CULBERSON. And NASA is self-insured, of course, right?
NASA is self-insured for all intents and purposes, so the terrible
loss of the Challenger and the irreplaceable loss of the astronauts
in the 1986 disaster, that Congress did not appropriate funds to replace the spacecraft, correct?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. And in the terrible 2003 loss of Columbia and,
again, the irreplaceable loss of the astronauts, no way to measure
that, but Congress did not appropriate any funds to compensate
NASA either to buy a new vehicle or to compensate NASA for all
the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars
that were lost as a result of Columbia? You were never compensated for the loss of Columbia financially?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I would have to take that for the
record. I was not in the agency at the time. I was working on the
periphery, but I think your assessment is correct. But I would have
to take that for the record.
[The information follows:]

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NASA was never compensated for the loss of Columbia and the resulting cost for
the Space Shuttle Return to Flight (RTF) effort. Prior to Return to Flight in 2006,
over $1.2B of Space Shuttle funding was reallocated to cover RTF costs from funds
that would normally have been spent on Space Shuttle operations (the Shuttle was
not flying), Space Shuttle program reserves (intended to cover Shuttle contingencies), and the Space Shuttle Service Life Extension Program (no longer needed
given Shuttle retirement). Another $930M was reallocated from other NASA programsprimarily Exploration and International Space Stationin FY 2004, FY
2005 and FY 2006, to also address RTF costs.
The only monies specifically appropriated to NASA by Congress for the loss of Columbia was $100M in FY 2003 specifically to respond to the Columbia accident investigation and recovery.

Mr. CULBERSON. And I know my friend from Mississippi, you

were never paid for all that hurricane damage, right, Jo?
Mr. BONNER. But I am from Alabama.
Mr. CULBERSON. I am sorry. I am sorry. Isnt that terrible? Texans are just awful. I mean, if it is north ofisnt that awful? Isnt
that terrible? I really apologize, Jo. Awful. I mean, because north
of Red River, east of the Sabine, we just lose track. It is terrible.
I apologize seriously.
But NASA was never compensated, all the facilities that were
damaged by the hurricanes, you were never fully compensated, I
think, for that either, right?
Mr. BONNER. I think you are right. And I think there was damage that we were not compensated for.

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Mr. CULBERSON. Massive damage. So in addition to not fully
funding the vision for space exploration, whichand I think Scott,
if you give methis is the same chart that Sean OKeefe did.
Mr. CHAIRMAN, I want to make sure you all get a copy of this.
This is essentially a sand chart that I know Sean OKeefe prepared
at the time the vision first was laid out that showed what was necessary in order to maintain not only the vision for space exploration, but to keep the american space program on the cutting edge
for the world. And the, again, lack of full funding, loss of the Columbia, and the hurricane damage put you seriously behind the
eight ball.
Now we move into the Obama administration and we are entering this new era, an age of austerity unlike anything we have ever
experienced before. And Chairman Wolf has quite properly, and I
admire him and support him strongly in his focus on the urgent
need to reform our entitlement programs to deal with the urgent
threat caused by the national debt, and the deficit.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has testified, when
asked by the Senate, what is the greatest threat to the United
States long-term strategic security, he says the national debt.
So you have got all these difficulties you are going to deal with
and we are going to do our very, very best to help you, sir, and the
request that you have made. And the President has asked to freeze
NASA. You have not reached the authorized level of funding in the
authorization bill.

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One thing I know that we could do right out of the gate to help
you would be to clarify immediately the conflict between the CR
that we are under, which is the one passed underwhen we were
here all together under Chairman Mollohan, which says that you
shall build Constellation, as I recall, essentially statutory language
to that effect, right, or am I justits a prohibitive determination
of Constellation.
And while we are under these CRs it is a continuation of that
essentially statutory, it is in the statute, I think, requirement the
and then you have got the authorization bill which says build a
heavy-lift rocket and a manned capsule.
One thing I hope we can do to one of these short-term CRs we
are dealing with is get you some immediate clarification on what
that would bethat would be helpful, wouldnt it?
General BOLDEN. That would be very helpful
Mr. CULBERSON. That would be a big help.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. Congressman.
Mr. CULBERSON. And the work that you are doing onI swear
I will try to wrap this up. You guys are very gracious.
Mr. WOLF. Take your time.
Mr. CULBERSON. You are very kind. And we are all going in the
same direction on this, guys.
Mr. HONDA. Probably.
Mr. CULBERSON. Yeah. Mr. Honda wants to clarify that. I do not
want to get him in trouble with his folks back home. But we are
all arm-in-arm in supporting NASA.

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So if we get you some clarification on that right away so that you
can comply with the authorization bill which says that you are to
build a heavy-lift rocket, a manned capsule, and test it, right, is essentially
General BOLDEN. The Authorization Act does not require me to
test. And I will take it for the record, but that is the first I have
heard that the authorization bill required me to fly a test flight on
a Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle. It stands to reason
Mr. CULBERSON. Well, sure.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. That is what we would want to do,
but I am trying to be very
Mr. CULBERSON. I understand.
General BOLDEN. I will take it for the record, and we will come
back and let you know if there is a requirement for me to fly a test
flight, that adds more money. To go to the chairmans point, my
hope is that I will be allowed to develop a heavy-lift launch system
and an MPCV and then make the decision as to whether we need
to fly a test flight or what. Otherwise, you have added another cost
on top of what is already difficult.
[The information follows:]

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The NASA Authorization Act of 2010 does not require NASA to perform a test
flight of the Space Launch System (SLS) prior to flying crew on the launch vehicle.
NASA is still in the early stages of formulating the SLS program and as part of
that process will determine the appropriate ground and flight tests to perform to
validate the systems performance. The tests will depend on the architecture and
systems selected for the SLS.

Mr. CULBERSON. Well, if it is not a statutory requirement, I know

that when the bill was written, because we all participated in that
and discussed it, that it would be common sense that you are not
going to put human beings on a rocket without testing it.
General BOLDEN. Sir, it is
Mr. CULBERSON. You all are going to do it.
General BOLDEN. We did not fly a test flight on the Shuttle.
Mr. CULBERSON. That is true. I remember reading about
General BOLDEN. Sometimes you have to accept risk. What I
have tried to tell everybody is the Nation is averse to risk.
General BOLDEN. The American public, going back to what Congressman Fattah said, it is incumbent upon me as the NASA Administrator to help the American public understand risk, and that
if we want to remain the greatest Nation in the world and the technological leader in the world, then we have to do some things differently than we have done before, and that means we have to accept risk, which means we
Mr. CULBERSON. That is true.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. Have to think like we thought
when we launched the first Shuttle.
Mr. CULBERSON. That is true.
General BOLDEN. Challenger changed everything. We would have
never flown STS1 again after Challenger.
Mr. CULBERSON. Right. I remember a visit with John Young and
he saidI remember him telling me that. But to also drive home
a point that you just made, I remember President Bush saying on

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many, many occasions America has become risk averse. And it
General BOLDEN. But that is the Nation. That is NASA.

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Mr. CULBERSON. I understand. Let me pass the microphone on

to my colleagues by asking about the amount of money that we are
spending on commercial which all of us, and certainly I as a free
market Jeffersonian conservative, support the idea of the commercial sector getting us to low earth orbit.
What percentage of the cost, for example, as envisioned by the
budget request and the direction that the President is asking you
to go, what percentage of the cost of a typical commercial flight will
be paid for by U.S. taxpayers, 50 percent, 60 percent?
General BOLDEN. When we get to commercial crew or now presently under the COTS Program or
Mr. FATTAH. When we get to commercial crew.
General BOLDEN. When we get to commercial crew, I will have
to again
Mr. CULBERSON. Ballpark, just ballpark.
General BOLDEN. I cannot give you a ballpark figure because we
have not gotten to the point where I will be this spring when I
have a formalized acquisition strategy performed.
General BOLDEN. And then we can give you that answer.
General BOLDEN. Today I do not know that.
Mr. CULBERSON. I will follow-up on this in my second round, but
I am deeply concerned at the dramatic increase in the level of funding for commercial spaceflight, I mean, from 39 to 612 is authorized and you got $850 million in this years request, yet you just
told the chairman and just reiterated that you cannot even afford
a test flight and you do not even know if you have got enough to
even sustain a heavy-lift rocket. So it is a real source of concern.
And, also, secondly, the President I understand is going to make
a request, make an announcement sometime in Florida that I understand ishe is going to announce that they are going to try to
move all the manned spaceflight preparation for commercial to
Kennedy when all of that infrastructure exists in the Johnson
Space Center, along with all the expertise.
General BOLDEN. I think there is a misunderstanding of the commercial crew program office at the Kennedy Space Center and
where we train astronauts. That will not change. Astronauts will
still live, train, work in Houston, go to wherever the vehicles happen to be, whether it is Vandenberg Air Force Base or Cape Canaveral or the Kennedy Space Center.
General BOLDEN. That is the way we have always done it.
Mr. CULBERSON. The last question on this. You will justwhen
the rocket lifts off the pad, the commercial will take over from
you will have the same structure you have today and that is all the
training, all the everything before they lift off will be done at Johnson Space Center where we have got the expertise and the infra-

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structure, but the minute they lift off the pad, they are under the
control of Kennedy?
General BOLDEN. That has not been determined yet, Mr. Culberson. What I have asked the folks in the astronaut office and flight
crew operations is to give me an operational concept: How do we
want to do this. If I do it like the airlines, they send a pilot off and
he or she goes somewhere and trains. The first time they fly an airplane, there are passengers in the back seat. I could do that or I
could do my own training which is what I would prefer to do, but
it may be more economical for me to allow the contractor to take
my astronauts to their facility to train. That has not been decided
yet. That is a part of the operational concept development and we
are probably a year or so away from doing that.
Mr. CULBERSON. Well, I know we would encourage you to take
advantage of the resources, the assets, the strategies. You know,
you have got all the talent, the expertise, and the infrastructure at
Johnson and we need to take full advantage of that, particularly
in an age of austerity when there is no money. And we love you
and we want to help you, so please do not
Mr. BONNER. Will the gentleman yield for one question?
Mr. BONNER. Is Johnson in Arkansas?
Mr. CULBERSON. I deserved that. I deserved that.
Mr. FATTAH. I think we just heard an argument for government
focused efforts versus the private sector from a conservative Jeffersonian Republican.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Honda.
Mr. HONDA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And, Mr. Chairman, I do appreciate your consideration of the
time and allowing us to take the time. I think that that is a nice
break from the past.
Administrator Bolden, being a Marine, I know that risk is not
something you worry about. I mean, just being a Marine Corps person.
General BOLDEN. I do worry about it.
Mr. HONDA. Yeah. So I think in terms of training in outer space
and astronaut training since you have done that, you know, I have
greater confidence that, you know, you have control and oversight
on that because I like to fly with pilots who are experienced. You
know, getting off is important, but coming back down safely is important, too, so
General BOLDEN. I agree.

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Mr. HONDA. And there has been a lot of questions around how
we spend our money. It seems to me that you have been seeking
ways to create synergy and make the dollar go further and still accomplish the mission.
I was going to ask you a question about the robotic precursors,
the tension between technology and heavy-lift, human spaceflight
interests, the space technology, NASA scientists versus outside
grants. And I think that a lot of the stuff I will come back to later
because the question had occurred to me as we were talking about
more money, less money, and things like that.

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We have spent almost 90 hours on looking at our CR in the past

few weeks. And I want to ask a question about a near-term question. What would happen to the completion of the Space Shuttle
manifest and the long-term need and to the Space Launch System
and the Multipurpose Crew Vehicle development schedules if H.R.
1, the continuing resolution, is enacted and how would this impact
other NASA activities? What would happen?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, we have not evaluated our operations against H.R. 1 because it is something that passed the
House and still has to be determined. But we feel that we can fly
STS135 under the budget scenarios that we looked at which is the
Continuing Resolution, the way we are operating right now, and I
am confident that we will be able to fly STS135.
Mr. HONDA. Based on your responses to previous questions then,
my sense is that you are at the very bare minimum in terms of trying to get the best bang out of the bucks and trying to make everything work and meet some of the objectives that we have put out
and the President has put out.
And my sense is that if we enact a $60 billion, $100 billion cut
again, that that would negatively impact all the things that you
have done and accomplished up to now in terms of planning and
moving the NASA program forward.
Would that be an accurate statement?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, that is an accurate statement
because we are working now to remain with the elements of the
2010 Authorization Act, signed by the President in November. I
promise you that I will not exceed the budget, and I will do whatever I can not to do that. I have also told you that my number one
priority is safety of my crews whether it is as we safely fly out the
Shuttle or whether it is safety of the crews on the International
Space Station. That is a triangle. If the budget comes down, that
triangle gets smaller, and I am not going to jeopardize safety of the
crew, so naturally something would have to give. But that is not
something that I am anticipating. I am hoping, as I mentioned yesterday in my testimony, that reasonable people can agree to disagree, but come to what is best for the country.
Mr. HONDA. And that is, I guess, our role as policymakers, but
taking into consideration the advice of our experts, that we should
take that into consideration heavily before we make any fiscal decisions again.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I would agree very strongly with
that. If I lose money for construction of facilities or operations and
maintenance, then the natural fallout is that either I have got to
lay people off or I have got to close facilities. I do not want to have
to deal with that. I would plead with everyone as I have done in
my visits with many of the Members of this committee prior to the
hearing to just be cognizant of the fact that there are positions you
can put us in where the only alternative is to lay off more people
or to close facilities. That is not a decision that I have even considered.

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Mr. HONDA. And so we have discussed a variety of scenarios in

terms of partnerships, international partnerships, level of trust.
The International Space Station, you have been there.
General BOLDEN. No, sir, I have not. I wish I had. I am an old
Mr. HONDA. Okay. So have you had interactions with folks who
had gone to the International Space Station?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir, I have.
Mr. HONDA. Have you had relationships with those astronauts
from the other countries?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir, I have.
Mr. HONDA. Has those interactions and the cooperation, has that
been positive and has there been learning on all sides where the
contributions towards spaceflight knowledge has been positive?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I have not served on the International Space Station, but when you ask that question, my last
flight in 1994, I was the commander of the first mission to involve
a Russian cosmonaut as a member of the crew, and on the day that
I was told that I was going to be made that assignment, I was the
assistant deputy administrator here at NASA, and I told them to
find somebody else. I had no interest in flying with any Russian
because as a Marine, I trained all my life to kill them and I
thought they had done the same for me. A wiser person at the time
said, calm down. At least meet them, have dinner with them, and
find out whether you really believe that, and I had dinner with two
cosmonauts, Sergei Krikalev and Vladimir Titov. Vladimir was a
veteran cosmonaut fighter pilot and Sergei was an incredibly talented engineer. That night we talked about families and kids and
stuff like that, and I said, this is going to be good.
Mr. HONDA. Uh-huh. Have you had experiences with other countries that had astronauts up at the Space Station?
General BOLDEN. I have probably dealt with maybe not every astronaut who has been aboard the International Space Station, but
most of them in different form and they allif they sat here before
you today, they would engage you in the same conversation I have
had with the Chairman every once in a while.
Mr. HONDA. Sure. How about China?
General BOLDEN. I have had dealings with the Chinese.
Mr. HONDA. Reaction?
General BOLDEN. Sir, you know, my job is running NASA and I
am intending to do that to the utmost. My focus right now is on
the crew that I have on orbit and I want to make sure they stay
safe. I am going to do that.
It is for the President and the Congress to decide what our relationship is with other countries. The President is one who believes
in international engagement and so when you tell me and the
President tells me what to do, when the President signs his name,
I am going to do that.
Right now I do not deal in what ifs. I am concerned to keep
my crew safe, make sure that they are safe for the duration of the
International Space Station, and I think I can do that. I believe
with my heart that we can do what you have asked me to do.

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Mr. HONDA. Mr. Administrator, I appreciate your depth of response and I believe that working together on common projects like
the International Space Shuttle where people from different backgrounds and have different histories have a chance to work together find that the project and the goals sort of become the important thing and our history fades, you know, in the past and we create new futures and new expectations. And scientists, teachers are
probably the ones that are the cutting edge with our young people.
General BOLDEN. Exactly.
Mr. HONDA. Us politicians are probably the ones that have the
hardest time letting go. I know I am one of them. But I just wanted
to say for the record that I believe you when you say that we have
a system right now that is tightly knit and set up so that we get
the best bang for our bucks. And the kind of cuts that we are looking at right now only drive us backwards and become less efficient
and fall further behind on our goals.
And on the national debt, the debt is a result of the way we take
care of our fiscal picture and so, you know, if we do not do that
right, some things we have to make an investment for the future.
And I think at times, we are our own worst enemies in many ways.
And the history has proved that out.
So with your experience and your background, I take your judgment and your plans and your admonitions seriously. And I do appreciate that and I appreciate your service to this country, a man
who has proven himself both as a military person, as a civilian,
and as an administrator for NASA which is, you know, aeronautics
is a big word in NASA. I do not want to see that leave. I do not
want to see the Administration leave either, but you have provided
the best direction that I have seen in the ten years I have been
here and knitting the things together and being diplomatic to folks
like myself in your responses. So I just want to say thank you for
your service and your work.
General BOLDEN. Thank you.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Dicks.

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Mr. DICKS. I deeply appreciate my good friend from Alabama returning the favor.
Mr. Bolden, you and I have had several discussions over the
phone on the future, what is going to happen to the Discovery,
Endeavour, and Atlantis when they end their service. And we know
that the Enterprise is at the Smithsonian. I used to chair the Interior Appropriations Committee. I have a very strong feeling for the
But we also have a great place out in the State of Washington
at the Museum of Flight which is run by Bonnie Dunbar, a former
astronaut. And the museum is the largest nongovernmental, nonprofit air and space museum in the country, hosting 450,000 visitors a year. The museum serves more than 120,000 K-through-12
students each year and has 22 programs that are aligned with
state and academic standards. The museum is fully accredited by
the American Association of Museums. And their geographic consideration is supposed to be taken into account.

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I also urge the White House to take into account the geographic
diversity in selecting Shuttle display sites. The western United
States I hope will not be overlooked. And you know, of course,
about the Boeing Company out there, and the northwest is home
to more than 25 astronauts. Two Washington State astronauts,
Commander Dick Scobee and Colonel Mike Anderson, gave their
lives in service to their country.
And I would just like you to give us an update on where we
stand on this, what is going to happen to these shuttles and it is
very important to our State.
General BOLDEN. I would be very glad to, sir. There is an ongoing process. It has actually been underway since before I became
the Administrator, and I kind of tweaked it when I came in, a process by which I have a team that is evaluating the 29 requests that
came in to get an orbiter. I have asked that team to bring that to
a head, to a focus so that I can announce a decision on the 30th
anniversary of the flight of STS1, Columbia.
Mr. DICKS. When is that?
General BOLDEN. April 12th.
Mr. DICKS. Coming right up here.
General BOLDEN. Coming right up, sir. The chairman is smiling.
I hope that is good.
Mr. DICKS. So are we still operating under the criteria that the
recipient has to come up with, like, $26 million? Is that still
General BOLDEN. That is correct, sir. I should explain the funding required to get an orbiter was arrived at by looking at how
much it costs NASA to perform the safety on the vehicle. There are
a lot of volatile components in the Shuttle, a lot of dangerous components. We have to remove main engines, put simulated main engines on, remove the Orbital Maneuvering System engines, put
simulated engines on, and all of that means that NASA has to
produce replicas of real things, and that costs money. So when I
asked what it was, it is about $28 million or somewhere in that
neighborhood, so that is including the cost of transportation. So I
think if I am not mistaken, it is in the neighborhood of $10, $11
million for transportation and then the rest for preparation of the
Mr. DICKS. Thank you very much.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Bonner.
Mr. BONNER. Mr. Administrator, Alabama has already given our
friends from Washington State a big gift last week, so I do not
know if we are on that 29 list of cities or states, but I would just
say probably for Ohio and for Kansas and for Pennsylvania and Arkansas and Texas and all of the others, we just want to make sure
that decision is fair.
General BOLDEN. That decision will be fair, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Administrator, if the gentleman would yield, I
think the fairest way to do this would be any State that does not
already have a NASA facility of any kind might be, like, at the first
cut on these lists.
Mr. BONNER. I was hoping we would go in alphabetical order, but

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Mr. FATTAH. I am trying to build public support for space funding, you know.

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Mr. BONNER. Mr. Chairman, if there is no objection, I have got

a few questions I would like to get in the record for the Administrator. He was generous enough to visit our office the other day
and I appreciated that visit so much.
Appreciate as everyone does your patriotic example for the rest
of us, young and old alike. You are truly an American hero and we
are grateful that you are serving your country again at this important time at NASA.
We talked earlier. We had a chance to visit briefly about NASAs
overall mission and vision. And I confided that some of us are getting of age where we remember all sitting around the TV set in our
living room and everyone gathering with great interest in what
NASA was doing and whether it was the moon or the early days
of Shuttle.
I think we are in the Ag hearing room. I have been in this hearing room, but it looks like from the pictures on the wall that that
is where we are.
And one of my requests has been frequently with your predecessors as well back when I was on the Science Space Subcommittee of the Science Committee was we need to make sure
that the American people understand what NASAs mission is
today, what NASAs relationship to food safety or to medicine or to
chemical breakthrough or the other wonderful things that NASA
has played a role in in terms of science and healthcare.
We need to make sure that the citizens of this country, the taxpayers of this country, and the people who have a soft spot in their
heart for NASA that they understand what NASA 2011 is doing as
opposed to NASA in the 1960s or 1970s.
So just two questions and the others will be in the record. But
the first one is, could you restate, and forgive me if you did it in
your opening testimony, what in your view is NASAs core mission
today? Does that differ from your goals for NASA as it relates to
the Administrator or from your perception of what the President
and those in Congress who support NASA might be?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I believe NASAs core mission is
unchanged since the 1958 Space Act, and that is to enable the Nation to reach beyond the bounds of Earth into deep space, so that
we understand more about our planet and that we can make life
better for people here on Earth.
As you and I talked about your concern for Red Tide and other
kinds of things, and I mentioned the fact that in our Earth science
programs, while we go to space to look back and learn things about
our planet. We are on the International Space Station now, and
some of the experiments that are ongoing that you and I did not
have an opportunity to talk about, we are doing plant growth experiments that will greatly improve our ability to produce food for
people here on Earth in places that right now it is very difficult
to do that.
We sponsor with the Agency for International Development a
program that is called Servir. It is located in three countries

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around the world. The first one was in Panama, second in Nairobi,
Kenya, the third I opened in October in Kathmandu, Nepal. These
take Earth science data from a 30-year archive and put it together
with current Earth science data and help people in those three regions of the world do what NASA does for people here in the
United States. It helps with crop planting, developing flood and
drought models, and that is being done for East Africa, for Central
and South America, for eight nations in Eurasia. That is really important. NASA does the same thing.
When I look around, you talk about water purity. We hosted a
conference at the Kennedy Space Center last fall that was just on
water purity where people were there from all over the world, and
NASA can do that.
That may not be considered to be a core mission, but interestingly when you go back to the 1958 Space Act and you read what
it says NASA is to do, the first thing is to perform Earth science.
I mean, it is Section 102(d)(1) in the National Space Act, and the
first thing is not flying humans to space. It is to steward the Earth,
and we do that, we have found that we do it better when we are
able to put humans outside earths environment and help us look
back so that we can interpret what we see better.

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Mr. BONNER. And as a follow-up to that, since there is probably

no agency in government that is more closely identified with leadership in math and science and inspiring young children to grow
up to want to be an astronaut or to want to be an engineer or doctor or physicist, than NASA, can you tell us a little bit about how
your budget this year delves into the area of math and science education as it relates to the country itself?
General BOLDEN. Sure. Our budget which this year is $138 million or so or proposed to be tries to focus on three levels of education: postgraduate, collegiate, and then secondary and primary
When I became the Administrator, we decided we would also try
to really focus like a laser as people say on intermediate school,
middle school. That is the summer of innovation that we brought
about which is really trying to get students and teachers in middle
school to fall in love with math and science and technology.
I had the privilege of visiting with the Chairman. He is big in
education, and he puts his treasure into a school that is in the region of the district, and we went there and I was able to do something as an astronaut or former astronaut. I was able to go with
the chairman and present the kids with something that they would
not otherwise have an opportunity to do.
We are not the Department of Education. I do not want to be the
Department of Education, but I have incredible content. I have incredible employees who ask me every day how we can find a way
to justify their going out to a school. Because of restrictions that
we have and how we account for their time, they are frustrated because they know that they can help encourage kids to become interested in math and science. And we do that a lot.
The Marshall Space Flight Center is incredible in what they do.
They have a worldwide competition that is called a Moon Buggy

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Competition and I know you know about it. We are about to be
overrun by foreign teams because they get into this stuff.
Mr. Culberson read the assessment that came from an old friend
of mine, General Mattis, who is now the commander of U.S. Central Command. But that study was done when General Mattis had
U.S. Joint Forces Command and he is an intellectual and a person
who understands the importance of education.
What we do at our NASA center is I have the most incredible
workforce, so lets try to use it.
Mr. BONNER. I just think that as we go through this gap of
where we will not be taking Shuttle up for or will not be taking
Shuttle up and we are going to be waiting until the next opportunity comes for us to once again be in the drivers seat on this,
knowing the challenges that we have been presented and that then
we are going to in turn present to you in terms of squeezing that
dollar farther and farther, anything you can do, and I think this
would be consistent with the chairman and probably other members of this committees view, is there anything we can do to make
those investments so that children today can see a brighter future
through the lenses and the opportunities of programs like what you
are talking about with middle school?
I do not want to sacrifice the collegiate or postgraduate or the
other areas, but that is important for us, I think, to give our children and our grandchildren what our forefathers gave us.
But thank you again for your great service to our country.
General BOLDEN. Sir, thank you very much.
Mr. BONNER. Thank you, Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Schiff.

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Mr. SCHIFF. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Thank you, Administrator, for being here. Really appreciate the
fine work you do. And as my colleagues have said, we have just
great respect and admiration for your long career and it is a pleasure to see you again.
I want to raise a couple issues that first concerns a decrease over
the next five years in funds for planetary science. We are awaiting
the planetary science decadal results next week. That will provide
priorities from the scientific community.
Several of us on the committee including my colleague, Mr. Culberson, have an interest in ensuring that the exploration of the
solar system continues to be a focus at NASA. And I know this has
been a tumultuous time. We want to make sure that programs that
provided some of NASAs greatest successes like the Mars Exploration Program, the missions to the outer planets continue to receive attention and support.
How do you plan to continue that tradition given the decreases
in the planetary science budget?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, we are anxiously awaiting the
outcome of the planetary science decadal survey as are you. That
will help us define where we go in the next two decades in terms
of planetary science.
We have a number of missions that are on the book right now
that we intend to fly. We think that they are adequately funded,

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those that are far enough along, we have them well planned, but
we will be challenged to do everything that the decadal survey asks
us to do as we always are.
But, we have the Mars Science Laboratory which I know you are
very familiar with. It is scheduled to launch the end of next year
and should get to Mars in 2012. That will be an incredible step forward because we will be able to then take samples and analyze
them on the surface of Mars.
It is a big thing for NASA. It is the largest vehicle that we will
have ever sent to another planet other than the Lunar Lander. It
is the size of a small house or a big car. And then we have GRAIL
and Juno, two other missions that are going to go in the planetary
science series that are on cost and on schedule. So we are confident
that we will be able to manage with the budget that we have put
Mr. SCHIFF. Well, I just want to express my continuing support
for that investment. Through some of the darkest hours of the
Manned Spaceflight Program, these planetary missions have provided continued inspiration. The number of visits online to view
some of the images from Mars, for example, are in the billions and
it is just extraordinary.
One of the things that I think unifies us around the globe is
watching these exciting discoveries that come out of the planetary
sciences. So I want to encourage our continued investment in that

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The budget submission has $850 million for commercial crew.

That is a bit more for commercial crew than was authorized in the
authorization bill last year, but far less than the commercial crew
funding proposed in the budget submission last year.
My understanding is that the current budget is designed to get
crew flying the Space Station by 2015 which would keep our dependence on the Russians to a minimum. I know I am not alone
in here in wanting to return flying American crew on American
rockets as soon as possible.
If the Congress rejects this budget or cuts commercial crew funding down to $500 million a year, how much longer will it be before
we can tell the Russians and their increasing fares that we no
longer need their services?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, any reduction in spending
means that we have to accept more risks. My idea would be that
we end up with at least two companies that have produced vehicles
that we can rely upon to get crews to Low Earth Orbit so I have
some redundancy. With less funding, it jeopardizes the chance that
I will be able to have multiple companies providing that service so
it increases the risk.
I do not think it would take away our capability of having commercial capability to get to Low Earth Orbit, but it increases the
risk of having that capability be sustained and reliable, if you will.
Let me correct one thing that I may have said earlier that might
be a little bit confusing.
Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Administrator, in addition to increasing the risk,
wouldnt it also very potentially result in an increased delay in the

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sense that if you are not willing to accept the additional risk to the
crew, it may take longer to meet the safety standards that you set
if you cannot make this investment?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I do not worry about it increasing the risk in terms of safety. What I do worry about it doing is
increasing the cost because if I have to rely on one provider, I am
now back into a monopoly and so just as I would be with my international partner, the Russians. If there is only one provider, that
one provider sets the price and then, I do not have anywhere to go.
That is not the cost savings that we look for in going to commercial entities. The reason that I want to go to commercial entities
and I wanted to put a minimum of $850 million forward is because
it takes multiple candidates forward, so that it stays competitive.
You take the competition out and maybe they will be very patriotic,
but that is unlikely. So the cost will go up.

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Mr. SCHIFF. Let me ask you something related. This December,

we saw an amazing achievement in Florida with the successful
launch of SpaceXs Falcon 9. For less than $600 million, the company designed and built a rocket and capsule, flew them into space,
returned the capsule successfully to the earth.
Of the $600 million, only 298, less than half, came from NASA.
The rest was raised privately. So this was accomplished for about
$300 million which is a pretty amazing bargain for NASA. And obviously that leveraging the private investment was pretty key.
Can you talk a little bit about how much private investment you
expect to leverage in the future and what greater capabilities that
will give NASA by virtue of the fact that if you are able to leverage
private funds for certain missions, you can devote more of NASAs
resources to doing other things.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, you stated it better than I could.
My total investment as a partner with SpaceX and Orbital in the
COTS Program and in SpaceXs first demonstration, I am investing
less than $300 million, and we will get a capable system that can
carry cargo to orbit as opposed to anything that I could have produced.
So it was a fixed amount based on a Space Act Agreement that
we signed with Orbital and SpaceX. That is not like a cost-plus
contract or anything where the cost varies for me. I know how
much I am going to pay. In the future, when we go to commercial
crew, once we have an acquisition strategy in place, that will help
us to decide what type of contract we will enter into with the commercial entities, whoever they are.
Ideally, I would like to have a fixed-price contract so that I know
how much money I am going to pay up front. If I end up paying
$3 billion for one of the two carriers to go, that is a great savings
on what it now costs me to own and operate a system that takes
people back and forth to Low Earth Orbit. So it frees up money for
The reason I am so confident that we can do what we say we can
do with the 2012 budget is because of the ability to leverage on the
partnership with commercial entities, where it is their responsi-

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bility to go out and raise additional funds to supplement what the
government has to pay as a part of the partnership.

Mr. SCHIFF. Let me ask you a little bit about NASA as a technological agency. All of us have reaped the fruits of NASAs technological prowess in our lifetimes. Unfortunately, as an excellent editorial in Space News last week pointed out, NASAs investment in
space technology has shrunk from ten percent of its budget in the
1970s to two percent today. That is not enough for NASA to stay
an agency focused on the future.
Let me just pull one of the most pointed quotes from the editorial. We spend billions of dollars on launch vehicles and capsules, but without immediate investments in space technologies,
they will have nothing to launch and no place to go.
Do you agree with that sentiment? How important is the space
technology research budget to NASAs mission to explore the solar
General BOLDEN. Congressman, the space technology research
budget is vital. The reason that is a billion dollar increase over
what was in the Authorization Act is because that is almost bare
We have a technology roadmap. Congressman Fattah referred to
it earlier. We have a technology roadmap that Bobby Braun, my
chief technologist, has laid out and it is now under evaluation by
the National Research Council. We think that is very viable. That
roadmap has been in place for decades. The reason it has been in
place for decades, as you cited, the Nation has not chosen to make
that investment.
NASA took money away from space technology and technology
development every time we needed a source of funding. We are not
going to do that in the future. That is a commitment I made to the
President. That is a commitment I made to this Congress. If we are
going to be able to explore beyond Low Earth Orbit, then we need
to have certain capabilities that do not exist today, and they will
come from space technology.

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Mr. SCHIFF. I just have one last question I wanted to ask you.
NASAs previous budget projections had NASAs science programs
increasing, particular Earth sciences. That was similarly an important investment in our future. But I want to talk about one particular satellite that is delayed in the budget proposal consistent
with the recommendations of the National Research Councils
Earth science decadal.
NASAs DESDynI Radar Satellite was an essential component of
top priority tier one research and recommended for launch this decade. This will, once launched, contribute support to mitigation assessment response after catastrophic natural hazards like earthquakes, volcanos, floods, fires, et cetera, which is obviously a very
important topic to my State of California as well as my colleagues
on the Gulf Coast.
Given the critical importance of these measurements to scientists, first responders, and governors, how can NASA ensure

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there is sufficient funding allocated to keep DESDynI Radar Satellite on an appropriate development path for launch this decade
based on the phase one studies occurring in 2011 and subsequent
developments in 2012? How much funding would we need in 2012
to meet the next milestones in project development as well as solicit support from international partners on the mission?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I will get back to you. I will take
it for the record. But if I can get a budget for 2011, that keeps the
Earth Science Program on a course to intercept what we have said
we need in 2012.
[The information follows:]

The more constrained fiscal environment has necessitated hard decisions by the
Agency. The DESDynI radar mission is currently in the pre-formulation phase and
has completed the Mission Concept Review. The FY 2012 budget request provides
sufficient resources to engage potential international partners on the radar mission,
and NASA will evaluate whether contributions from partners can allow development
for launch near the end of the decade within the overall Earth Science Division
budget constraints. In addition, NASA will work to identify an international contribution of the lidar portion of the mission.

So, when all of you ask me what is the impact of decreased funding in 2011, we really need a definitized budget for 2011 because
everything in 2012 is contingent upon what the Congress finally
appropriates for 2011. If the amount appropriated in 2011 is significantly less than where I am right now at the 2010 levels, then
2012 becomes very problematic.
DESDynI right now is back to its original projected launch date
which is after 2020. You may remember when I talked to you when
I became Administrator and we submitted the Presidents 2011
budget request we were really happy because it was going to enable us to pull DESDynI, CLARREO, a couple of other Earth
science satellites forward by as much as a year or two. Now that
we are living under the 2010 Continuing Resolution and it looks
like the funding level is not going to be better than that, then we
are back to where we were when I became the NASA Administrator and not trending well, if you will.
Mr. SCHIFF. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Austria.
Mr. AUSTRIA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And, General Bolden, thank you for your service to our country.
Thank you for your service as Administrator to NASA and for
being here today.
I was not going to put this pin on, but after Mr. Dicks comments, I had to put a pin on here that says land a shuttle in Ohio
so Ohio is properly represented. We have got a million foot exhibition area called the National Museum of the Air Force as you are
well aware of and over a million visitors in the Midwest and we
would like to see the Midwest represented. So I had to get my two
cents in on that.
But thank you for being here today.

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And, General, let me ask you first, as you are probably aware,
the NASA authorization calls for the modification of current con-

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tracts. Specifically the language I am referring to in here, and I
will read it, is, In order to limit NASAs termination liability costs
and support critical capabilities, the administrator shall, to the extent practicable, extend or modify existing vehicle development and
associate contracts necessary to meet the requirements.
My question is, do you plan to continue to modify the current
launch vehicle and crew capsule contracts as directed by the authorization bill or do you see where this scenario of these current
launch vehicle contracts would not be modified?
And I know there has been a significant investment over the last
six years in moving forward this. Is there a scenario where that
would not move forward? And I am concerned specifically about the
tens of thousands of highly skilled positions that are involved there
and closing hundreds of vital aerospace facilities. Those are positions that you just cannot go back and replace with that skill level.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, we are working under the direction of the Authorization Act, and we are remaining within the fundamental elements of the Authorization Act. We are still looking at
whether or not the existing contracts under the Constellation Program for both what will become an MPCV and what will become
a Space Launch System whether existing contracts for the rocket
itself and the crew carrier can be transitioned over to these new
I may have misled some earlier. I think I led you to believe that
we were closer to this determination than we actually are. We are
relatively comfortable that the Orion contract could be transitioned
over because Orion version whatever it is was built, was designed
as a deep space exploration vehicle.
The Constellation Ares Launch System is not as clear cut and so
we are still evaluating from two perspectives. One, the legal standpoint and, two, the procurement regulation standpoint. So it is left
to be determined whether we can make that transition.
If it is determined that those transitions are possible, then my
second hurdle is to determine whether it is affordable, and that is
where I am presently working with industry to help them understand and help me determine how, if we are going to convert those
contracts, can we do it within the limits of the existing budget,
within the limits of the 2010 Authorization Act and the Presidents
proposed budget for 2012.
Mr. AUSTRIA. Administrator, when do you see that determination?
General BOLDEN. I should be able to bring a report to the Congress this summer. We provided the 90-day report which was an
interim report. In that report, we said we would be back to the
Congress by the summer with a determination as to whether or not
those contracts can be converted if it is affordable and, if not, how
are we going to go through a competitive process to determine
where we go. We are just not there yet.

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Mr. AUSTRIA. Administrator, let me ask you also as far as what

do you see is the future for NASAs Glenn Research Center in Ohio
and also the Plumb Brook Station. You know, they play a very im-

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portant role and where do you see the future as far as your plan
moving forward with those type of facilities?
General BOLDEN. I think Ray Lugo, the Director of the Glenn Research Center, has probably met with you on a number of times
and Ray and I both agree. Glenn is postured very well under the
funding levels of 2012 budget.
One of the things that adds confusion to the mix is we recently
announced, two days ago, we announced three major program offices, that for the SLS at Marshall Space Flight Center, the MPCV
at Houstons Johnson Space Center, and commercial crew at the
Kennedy Space Center.
There is a common misconception that where the program office
lies is where the money is spent. That is not the case. Glenn does
not have a program office for any of these programs, but Glenn actually sees a healthy input of funds that will go into their community for technology development and for other programs. It is to be
determined now that we have a program office for these three
major programs, they can begin to decide what is needed to support
a program and that is where the centers will find out what their
level of work is, what their task orders are under a particular contract for a program. We could not do that prior to actually making
these program office assignments. So that was a critical step for us
as we did day before yesterday.

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Mr. AUSTRIA. And let me, General, ask you also, we talked a little bit earlier, I know the chairman brought it up as far as duplication of services with different agencies, and you said the reports
that you have seen that there is no duplication as far as climate
research as far as Earth science programs, weather research.
And I want to just get a better understanding of this, if I can,
because when you look at, you know, NASAs involvement in
weather and climate change, you have also got the Department of
Defense, for example, mainly through the Air Force Weather Agency spends a considerable amount of resources on weather forecasting, gathering significant intelligence on space, and the climate
global environment. And then this data is provided to their joint
warfighters, DoD, decision makers, national agencies, and allied
nations. Similarly you have got NOAA that is spending a significant amount of resources on weather satellites, atmosphere research, and climate change research.
I guess whose mission is this? Is it NASAs mission or is it
NOAAs mission to do this type of research and how do we go back
to the taxpayers and explain that this is efficient? You know, what
specifically are you doing different that we need a third government agency to be involved in this type of weather data collection
or research?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, NASA and NOAA have had a
40-year partnership where we handle the program management responsibilities for their satellites. We produce them. We fly them to
orbit. We check them out and then we give them to NOAA because
NOAA establishes the technical requirements, and it comes out of
NOAAs budget, not NASAs budget.

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Earth science is NASAs responsibility. The things that I talked
about earlier with Mr. Bonner about climate, drought and flood
models, crop planting and those kinds of things, that is Earth
science that falls under NASAs purview in cooperation with other
agencies of the government.
So that is why I continue to say there is no duplication in what
we do. I do a lot of program management for satellites, but I do
not pay for those satellites. They do not come out of the NASA
budget. We will produce Landsat satellites for the U.S. Geological
Survey. That will not come out of NASAs budget. That will be reimbursable work.
When you talk about DoD, NOAA, and NASA were involved in
a partnership on something called NPOESS that was supposed to
be a global weather satellite for DoD and the civilian entities. That
has now been broken into two. But NASA had no money in
NPOESS. NASA was the provider of instruments and the satellite
for the DoD and NOAA, and that has now been broken off, and we
are still partnered with NOAA to try to produce the JPSS, the
Joint Polar Satellite System, but that is a NOAA project paid for
and budgeted in the NOAA budget.
Mr. AUSTRIA. Sure. And, you know, from where we are sitting,
we are trying to provide the best efficiencies for the taxpayers to
their dollars. And when you have three agencies out doing this, I
appreciate your explanation because it is important that we are not
duplicating services, that you are working together, and that it
makes sense from a taxpayer standpoint that we are being efficient
with their dollars by having three agencies doing this type of research.
General BOLDEN. You are exactly right, and we are even making
an effort inside NASA. All this happens because government is so
stovepiped, always has been. The President has told us, not asked
us, has told us through the National Space Policy that came out
last summer that we are going to knock down the stovepipes and
agencies are going to begin to work together. Interagency collaboration is a really, really big part of the National Space Policy that
the President released last summer, and so we are trying to do
Inside NASA, we are trying to do the same thing. If you looked
at us several years ago, the science directorate, may not even talk
to the human spaceflight people because they jealously guarded
what they had. Today that is not the case.
Ed Weiler, Bill Gerstenmaier, Doug Cooke and Bobby Braun, the
chief technologist, sit together quite a bit and they collaborate on,
okay, we do not have the money we used to have and we are not
going to get the money we used to have. How do we optimize the
amount of money we are going to get so that science, human
spaceflight, and technology development can all provide some input
and get the best for the American public? That is where we are
going. That is how we based our funding or our funding request in
the 2012 budget.
Now, if you make me do things the way we have always done
them, then the 2012 budget does not stand a chance of working.
The big premise in the 2012 budget was we were going to do things
differently. We were going to rely on commercial entities to take

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people and cargo to Low Earth Orbit, not NASA. We are going to
rely on technology development to define the way that the heavylift launch vehicle and the crew vehicle evolve over decades actually until we finally put humans on Mars, at some point in the future.
The vehicle that takes humans to Mars is not going to be the vehicle that takes humans to an asteroid in 2025 because we will
learn, we will develop new technologies at every increment and we
have to be able to do that or we are not going to get anywhere.
Mr. AUSTRIA. Administrator, thank you very much. And if you
would like to wear a pin, I have got extra pins here, you are welcome.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Austria.
Normally we would go back and forth, but Mr. Serrano was kind
enough to let us go to Mr. Yoder. Mr. Yoder was the first person
here. And two hearings ago, he never even got any time. So I appreciate that Jose. Mr. Yoder.

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Mr. YODER. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am happy to learn

from the questions of my colleagues, so I appreciate the opportunity to ask a few myself today.
Administrator, thanks for your service. I have been reading your
bio here during the questioning and you have a long, lengthy history of service. And certainly I would expect your return to work
with NASA probably is not only from your deep-seated passion for
service but your belief in the mission. And I assume it is a very
exciting position for you as you can envision where we want to take
this program and the possibilities. I just would believe that is a
very exciting place to be.
With that then, I wanted to ask you a couple questions about,
maybe some macro questions here if you can help me out with a
couple things. When we go home and visit with our constituents
and they talk about the national debt and they talk about the overspending in Washington, and we have heard comments this morning regarding the greatest security threat to our country, can you
help me with some points on how we justify spending money with
NASA? There ought to be something I know you can share with us.
And beyond that, how do we justify as we deal with competing
efforts to capture resources in this city, not just from a perspective
of, well, this is why our mission is important, but this is why it
may be more important than other things we are doing in the
budget because that is really the essence of what we need to be
doing in Washington is not only just talking about what is good
about certain programs but how we prioritize?
I have been in Washington seven or eight weeks now and I am
one of the new Members of Congress. And this is the only experience I have been in where we can sort of spend as much money
as we want and there is really no concern over time, over decades
and decades for the bottom line.
And so we got to get away from this idea of this is why our program is important and move towards a this is why it is more important than other things we are doing in the budget. And do you

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feel that if we have to fight for resources that money should come
out of other programs into your budget and why?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, first of all, I do not think money
should come out of any other programs into my budget. I am not
encroaching on anyone else. I do not want to go there. But I would
say if you want examples of things that you can tell your constituents on what their tax dollar is going for, let me give you two
Aeronautics is one that I do not get to talk about very often, and
Glenn Research Center is key. The Boeing 787, which I think everybody knows about the Boeing 787, if you look at it and you look
at the engines, the GE engines have a funny looking cell on it. The
back end of it is what is called a Chevron nozzle. That was developed in the early 1990s at the Glenn Research Center, and they
just were persistent. They kept letting industry know it was there.
General Electric and Boeing decided for the 787 that they would
pick that up and use it. It decreases pollution. It decreases noise.
It increases the efficiency on the engine.
We are working through the Ames Research Center and Langley
Research Center with the FAA on NextGen, the Next Generation
Air Transportation System. We have developed software and programming for something that is called constant descent and arrival. We have run tests in the Denver Airport, Continental and
United Airlines, where they have demonstrated that the cost savings to them following the NextGen system is in terms of millions
and maybe even billions of dollars.
When I talk about these concepts that save fuel usage, for example, my Associate Administrator of Aeronautics told me that based
on what we have seen in our tests, the amount of fuel that would
be saved in some of our new systems, if we got one percent of that
savings to industry reimbursed to NASA, it would take care of my
aeronautics budget.
So those are the kinds of things that I would, if I came to your
area, I would tell your constituents.
If I looked at Earth science, which is always questioned, we do
water monitoring in the western United States. Water is a critical
commodity. We have fought wars in that part of our country, you
know, among ourselves over water. Water is a valuable commodity
and we are doing water research for the western United States.
There is an alliance of states out there and we are contributing to
So those are the kinds of things that I would offer to constituents
who said what I am getting back for my dollar to NASA.
Mr. YODER. Well, and I think those are helpful for a couple good
examples. I do want to suggest, though, that one of the things we
have to do in this town is decide what our priorities are going to
be and we do have to decide whether our dollar is going to go into
your program or whether it is going to go into many of the other
priorities of this government. So I encourage you to not only pitch
I mean, we hear from folks every day. They come into my office.
They come into committees. This is an important value to our country. Very few folks come and argue that it is not an important

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So how do we grade our dollar invested into NASA versus our
dollar invested into education or to highways or to social services?
And that is the challenge I think that we have to engage in here.
And so that is difficult and uncomfortable because your drill is to
pitch NASA.
But it is helpful to us if you can pitch it, at least to me, if you
can pitch it in a way and why and a dollar invested here is maybe
not perceived as a short-term benefit as getting, you know, food to
hungry people, but long term, the value is so great that we cannot
ignore the mission.
So we have got to be able tobecause I think it is an incredible
mission and the mission statement, you know, reach for new
heights and the unknowns so that what we do and learn will benefit all mankind. That is a pretty all encompassing statement. That
covers a lot of ground benefitting all humankind. And so we need
those tools, or I do at least, to be able to pitch how we are doing

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And I guess my second question would be, again on the macro,

what is the vision? We have talked a lot about specific things we
are doing in the 2012 and you mentioned 2025 being able to go to
an asteroid a second ago. What is the 50-year, 100-year vision? I
know that is really hard to do, but I assume when you get up in
the morning, one of the passions is seeing where this could go.
And recently, in recent years we have seen new satellite or I
guess new data related to planets and other solar systems. You
know, I cannot speak for the rest of the committee. When I grew
up, you know, we talked about the planets in our own solar system
and tried to learn, you know, the ordering and all those things. But
now it is so broad.
And how expansive does this get and where do you see things
going in 50 years?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, space is the ultimate high
ground. If I go to where Mr. Culberson is, I am not interested in
controlling that high ground, but I want to be there so that whoever is there with me is there as a partner or at least I can keep
them from doing something untoward.
If I have the capability of putting humans on another planet, if
I have the capability of putting humans on Mars, I can look even
deeper into our solar system and even beyond. To some people,
they say, okay, but that does not feed little kids. It does. Everything we do in order to reach these new heights brings about some
technology that we did not have yesterday.
I love to give people the example of something very simple. An
emergency medical ambulance, an EMT and an ambulance that
goes to Anacostia to get a gunshot victim, if you will, if you want
to be stereotypical, which I hate, but that is what you see on the
news. That gunshot victim gets, one little patch put on his or her
chest that has no wires to it. By the time that gunshot victim gets
into whatever hospital they take him, the doctors have all the vital
signs. They know what kind of condition they are in. They know
where to put him in triage and they can save a life.

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The same thing on the battlefield. Because of things we have
done to go to the Moon, we are able to save soldiers, marines, coast
guardsmen and sailors because we have technologies that were developed for other reasons, but they come back to Earth.
That is what we mean when we say we reach for the unknown.
We do not have a clue what we are going to find when we explore.
If we did, it is not exploring. We could decide, okay, there is no
value there, I am not going there. We are not that smart yet. So
we explore, and every time we explore, we discover something that
we did not have a clue.
When I took my flight on STS60, I discovered a lot about me
as a human being with other people. That is why we do it.

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Mr. YODER. Yeah. I can see your passion for it and I appreciate
it. And I think it is one of those things that inspires Americans to
great heights and it is more than just being a consumer-driven society where we consume products on this planet. It is about finding
our ultimate destiny.
And so it is pretty amazing and I appreciate the fact that you
are leading that effort. And thanks for sharing your vision in doing
I want to ask you some micro questions now, just a few things
that in reading some of the materials. We had the inspector general in some weeks ago and I was just reading through his report.
And I am sure you have seen it. I just want to get some of your
response to these things so we know how these things are being resolved.
There was an issue, and one of the things we are trying to figure
out in Washington in saving money is, is there unneeded property
or unneeded land, buildings, things that we could sell, I think the
President even spoke about this in the last few days, that we could
sell to try to save the country money.
And I noted here that it says NASA is the ninth largest Federal
Government property holder, controlling a network of 5,400 buildings and structures, that the 2008 management plan shows that 10
to 50 percent, that is a pretty big range, 10 to 50 percent and 30
to 60 percent, 10 to 50 percent of warehouses and 30 to 60 percent
of laboratories are underutilized. And it says that there is agencywide deferred maintenance.
And I guess I would ask you just to comment on that. And are
there things we can do to consolidate?
I was in the state legislative process and appropriations process
there and we found if we do a little auditing, we could take agencies that had multiple buildings and convince them that they could
operate things under less buildings, save money, even though it
was uncomfortable for the agency to do that.
Are there some uncomfortable things that we are avoiding here?
How do you resolve this?
General BOLDEN. Sir, because of our system of government, there
are always uncomfortable things that we avoid. However, we have
a facilities master plan that is being developed where we are looking across the agency at all of our infrastructure and trying to determine what is excess, what is underutilized. We are trying to

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look for partnerships within industry. We are looking for partnerships with other agencies so that we get the best of the facilities
available and optimize their use.
We have the first iteration of that facilities master plan that has
been completed, but it is work ongoing. And it will go on forever
probably. We will never be ideally sized, but we keep working on
Mr. YODER. Well, do you think there are some buildings that can
be sold in order to try to save money in order to fund some of these
larger destiny functions we are trying to focus on so we are not
wasting money?
General BOLDEN. I am hoping that when the facilities master
plan is completed, the first iteration of it, that I will know whether
there are some facilities that can be closed.
We have already taken one step, one small step. We had an ARC
Jet Facility at the Ames Research Center and an ARC Jet Facility
at the Johnson Space Center. An ARC Jet Facility for somebody
who may not know generates a lot of heat. So, if we want to evaluate the effect of a hole on a tile on the Space Shuttle, we put in
an ARC Jet Facility and simulate what it is going to be like during
reentry, and we have had to use that in the last few years.
We felt we did not need two ARC Jet Facilities. So we went in
and did a study and we determined that, yes, that is true. So, I
have directed that we close down the ARC Jet Facility at the Johnson Space Center, transfer those capabilities or those assets to the
Ames Research Center out in Mountain View, California so NASA
will have one ARC Jet Facility. That is an example.
Mr. YODER. I appreciate that example. And for me, it shows me
that you are interested in trying to find savings within the agency.
And so I would encourage you to do things like that as I consider
how I would vote on measures and where we would prioritize
I want to spend money with agencies that are being very efficient
with the resources we are already giving them and reward good behavior and good efficiency and not reward folks who are not.
So as you go down that road, I think if you can find ways to show
Congress that you are finding savings internally and becoming
more efficient because I know you do not want to waste dollars either, you want folks on mission.

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And then, finally, and I appreciate the chairmans indulgence to

have some time this morning, the final question I had for you is
something that I see a lot of reports we get and it is something
that is really hard to explain back home.
It is very frustrating, in fact, when we talk to folks at home
about government spending. They assume that there is a lot of bureaucratic waste, that there is a lot of abuse, that there is a lot of
opportunity for overruns and expenses.
And one of the things I noted in the inspector generals report,
it says that NASA has historically struggled with establishing realistic cost and schedule estimates for its science and space exploration projects. And it shows an example of the Webb telescope.
And it says that its estimated cost of $1.6 billion scheduled for

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pwalker on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with HEARING

launch in August of this year. The plan launch date is now June
2014. The estimated cost has exceeded now $5 billion.
And the independent review of the program released in November 2010 cited problems with budgeting and program management
rather than technical performance. And that sounds like a management failure from our own people in terms of how we are managing
these programs.
And so I would ask you just first are you concerned about that
General BOLDEN. Sometimes I think there is a conspiracy to
make me continually say how angry I was when I found out about
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). And I will repeat that: nobody was as angry as I was. However, that is, I cannot do anything
about where we were when I found it.
Mr. YODER. Absolutely.
General BOLDEN. However you are absolutely right, and when we
discovered the condition that JWST was in from a budget standpoint and a management standpoint we made some changes in the
management structure. Not only did NASA make changes in the
management but we got together with our prime contractor and
they made changes in their management. Because it was agreed
there were problems on both sides.
We are doing a bottoms up review right now. James Webb was
baselined just before NASA turned to something that we now call
Joint Confidence Level (JCL) process, where we take a look, we
have independent assessments on our cost and schedule. GRAIL
and Juno are two satellites that we talked about a little bit earlier.
GRAIL and Juno are coming in on cost and on schedule because
they were subjected to the JCL process, where we had independent
assessments as to what our real cost is going to be.
We have a habit in NASA of falling in love with our plan and
our estimate. We are finding that the worst person to ask that is
the principal investigator or the program manager, and so we now
go outside and we get independent assessments. I am confident
that we are going to find that our track record on cost and schedule
containment is going to rapidly improve as we see more and more
projects fall under the JCL.
Mr. YODER. Well I appreciate your focus on that. And certainly
as we continue dialogue over the years and your service continues
I hope that when we have a chance to do this again you will see
good progress in this area. And it is just so frustrating to read
things like this and try to explain those back home. And when an
article comes out, you know, it appears that Congress is not doing
its job on oversight. And so it is one of those things that I think
really challenges the trust that this country has in that its tax dollars are being spent wisely. It makes
General BOLDEN. If I can ask your indulgence for one, thirty seconds, what I do need for people to understand is the critical importance of the James Webb Space Telescope. I do not want to leave
anyone with the impression that it is a bad project. It is, as all the
independent assessments have said, technically it is very sound.
We are taking actions now to contain cost and schedule so that we
can launch James Webb. The promise that it has for the world, not
just the nation, is absolutely incredible.

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If you look at what Hubble has done in terms of publications,
changing textbooks, everything, the curve went like this. We
project that JWST will just jerk it to the inside. It is going to be
ten hundred times better than Hubble.
Mr. YODER. Well and I, that is all good, and I appreciate that,
and I am glad that project is moving forward. But the concern related to the actual management of our own people and our effect
on causing things to be mismanaged and therefore costs raised, it
is tough to explain outside of this building.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir. I understand.
Mr. YODER. So keep doing, keep working hard on that. And your
efforts to improve quality and management of the dollars we are
giving is so critical to reinforcing support for your agency. And I
appreciate your comments. And Chairman, I appreciate the time
this morning.
General BOLDEN. Thank you.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Serrano.
Mr. SERRANO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I apologize for being
late, but like so many members I was at another hearing. Where
I will just say that the EPA Administrator was not being treated
with the same kind of respect
General BOLDEN. She is a regulator.

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Mr. SERRANO. Exactly. Besides NASA, like NOAA, have a reputation of being agencies that people like and are excited about.
And notwithstanding budget cuts and the needs for balancing
budgets, we know the importance.
Let me ask you a question. With the cancellation of the space
shuttle program there will be folks unemployed, there will be folks
moved to other areas, will those folks be absorbed? And Mr. Chairman, a reminder of something you and I, you know well because
I have asked this question over the years. But one of our countrys
best kept great secrets is the fact that every time one of our space
flights go up, you know, there are a lot of folks on the ground who
are recruited from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. And
I single out Mayaguez because that is where I was born. You know,
I have got to do a little shout out. So it is a two-pronged question.
What happens to the folks that are there now? And secondly, what
happens to that great recruiting program that you have had there
for so many years which has really made an impact on how those
folks view the federal government, NASA, their role within the
United States. When you live within a territory, and I do not want
to get into that issue, sometimes I think you ask, you know, where
am I? Well the folks you recruited out of Mayaguez have always
known where they are, and their families know where they are and
what role they play in the greater good of our country. So what
happens to folks in general? What happens going forward to the recruitment program?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, the best news story on the shuttle is it was not cancelled. It was a close-out that was an orderly
close-out that began in 2004 after the Columbia accident, the President decided that we should phase the shuttle out and move on to
a next generation to access to space. So, we have had a very rigid

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transition program in place for people to move from the space shuttle program into newer programs, or other programs.
When you talk about young people from Puerto Rico I have had
the privilege of meeting many of them. A lot of them come to the
Goddard Space Flight Center. So, they are still as excited as they
ever have been because a lot of them are in the Earth science
arena. A lot are in our science and technology arena. Some of them
are working for Dr. Bobby Braun.
Mr. SERRANO. Right.
General BOLDEN. So they, they would push me to go faster than
I am going in the development of commercial crew for access. They
would push me to go faster than we are going in exploration,
human exploration, but they are patient because they recognize
that we are limited by budget. But they are incredible.
Mr. SERRANO. Right.
General BOLDEN. Every time I meet them I have always asked
them, why do I have so many young people from Puerto Rico here
in this place? They said, because we want to explore.

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Mr. SERRANO. It is interesting how sometimes recruitment, it reminds me of something Mr. Fattah and I have discussed on a totally different subject but one of my favorite subjects, baseball.
There was a camp in Puerto Rico once, and some kid got up, this
is the truth, thirty years ago. And said, What is the quickest way
to the major leagues? And the coach says, Do not ask that silly
question. And the American, the scout from the States said,
Catching. Nobody wants to catch. And then you have got Posada,
and Pudge Rodriguez, and Benito Santiago, and it was on, and on,
and on. And everybody became a catcher.
In the States and in the territories NASA does a wonderful job
in STEM education. And it is so important. I have seen it in the
schools in the South Bronx, I have seen it in other areas, it is just
wonderful. Not only the educational programs but the visits also
from NASA are always so important to our community. With budget cuts in that area already seen, what is the future of those programs? What is the future of that involvement? Because it is really
key. And I have been listening to Presidents, and Governors, and
Speakers for 37 years of public life making statements at the beginning of the year. I have never heard a speech where one piece
stuck to me so much as when the President said this year we need
to continue to be innovative. We need to continue to invent. Americans do that well. And we know that NASA has played a major role
in that. Where do you see that going?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I see us continuing to be as energetic about education as we always have been. And you know,
the President makes an incredible point that the nation that outeducates wins. If you do not do that then you become second, third,
fourth. I listened to something this morning, I think we are fifteenth in reading, seventeenth in science, and twenty-fifth in math.
You know, not many of us would stand for our local baseball team
being at that category, and yet we are willing to let our kids fall
to those levels. NASA will continue to do what we do.

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I cannot say enough about my employees. We are so good in education because they give of their time and their talent, and they do
not get paid for it. We are the biggest supporter of the FIRST Robotics program in the nation. No one does as much for FIRST Robotics as does NASA. We have, I will get the number wrong, but
it is probably three hundred and some odd teams around the country. This is international competition. I mentioned the Marshall
Space Flight Center sponsoring the World International Dune
Buggy Competition. These are things that employees do out of their
own pockets.
So we have budgeted to a level that we believe will help sustain
the Presidents Educate to Innovate program, will help in the Race
to the Top, will help in the First Ladys program of education. Everything that we know we need to do for education NASA is going,
we are going to be able to support with the budget that we have
put forth.

Mr. SERRANO. Let me for my last question bring you back to the
Island of Enchantment, and that is with the Arecibo Observatory.
As you know, in some cases it has almost been scheduled to close.
And then you have folks who write about this issue who say it is
a vital service, we need to continue to make sure that we study the
possibilities of foreign bodies hitting Earth, and what that would
mean at that moment or for the future of our planet. And so there
seems to be a contradiction, whether with those folks who would
want to close it down and those folks who claim that it is not just
something you close down, it is something you grow because it is
that important.
Obviously to the folks there, not only the actual observatory, but
the symbolism of it being there, has always been important. What
is the state of the Arecibo Observatory, do you know?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, at the present time Arecibo is incredibly valuable in helping with our assessment of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) and threats to the planet. The future, I cannot tell
you what it will be because people who are really serious about the
threat from NEOs would tell me that our money might be better
spent if we put something in orbit around the planet Venus and
let it look back across Earth because we would pick up more NEOs
that way. WISE, which we recently finished collecting data on
found thousands of previously unknown Near Earth Objects. So
Arecibo is an important part in that network of instruments that
look for near Earth objects. So, you know, we continue to use it.
Mr. SERRANO. Okay. Well thank you for your honest answer.
Thank you. Thank you, sir.

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Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Serrano. We have a whole lot of questions going. But I wanted to address the China issue that came up.
The CR that passed the House carries language that says, none
of the funds made available by this division may be used by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration or the Office of
Science and Technology Policy to develop, design, plan, promulgate,
implement or execute a policy, program, order, or contract of any

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kind to participate, collaborate, or coordinate in any way with
China or any Chinese owned company unless such activities are
specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of enactment
of this division.
Some people say, Well, you know, what are you talking about?
I just want people to know what I am talking about. I think there
is an economic issue. There is a moral issue, because man does not
live by bread alone. And there is a national defense issue.
I quoted Simon and Garfunkel, a man hears what he wants to
hear and disregards the rest. When you are getting sort of warm
feelings about China, keep in mind the Peoples Liberation Army
has a program that will, for $55,000, execute someone in a prison
and sell you a kidney. That is a reality. We have the pictures, we
have the facts. If you are Catholic, there are about 30 Catholic
bishops that are in jail or under house arrest. To me that is pretty
significant, but maybe some people have different views. There are
hundreds of Protestant pastors in jail, as well as house church
leaders. I went to China two years ago before the Olympics. We
had a dinner set up. Every house church leader who was scheduled
to come was arrested that night except for one, and he was arrested the very next day, and pummeled, and beaten.
Hu Jintao, who President Obama gave a state dinner for, is the
one who put together the program for cracking down in Tibet. I
have been to Tibet. We snuck in with a trekking crew years ago.
They have destroyed the country, they have bulldozed the country.
So as you get your warm feelings about China, keep in mind they
have the Nobel Peace Prize winner in jail, and his wife cannot even
get out of her apartment to move around town.
In addition, there are cyber attacks. The IG testified a couple of
weeks ago, and there are a number of cyber attacks attributed to
China. For the record, could you furnish how many cyber attacks
by China there have been against your computer system?
[The information follows:]

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NASA does not specifically associate incidents on the basis of country of origin.
Of the thousands of incidents tracked in 2010, a much smaller number of incidents
(less than 100) involved cyber attacks specifically targeting sensitive NASA assets.
Of those, roughly 1520 included gross indicators suggesting a foreign China association.
The NASA Office of Inspector General does seek prosecutions for general computer crimes and has worked in concert with other Federal agencies to bring cases
to the attention of the foreign governments when they are able to be identified.
NASA is implementing enhanced cyber security processes and tools to better identify and mitigate specific targeted cyber attacks against the Agency. We believe
these efforts will not only improve our security posture but will assist in collaborating across government to defend against cyber attacks.

Next there is Darfur. The President cares. The Congress has spoken out against the genocide in Darfur. I was the first member of
Congress to go to Darfur with Sam Brownback and China has been
the number one supporter of the genocidal government there. The
Antonov bomber is funded by China. The Soviet HIND helicopter
is funded by China. The weapons that the Janjaweed carry when
they come into villages and kill the men, rape the women, take the
kids away, come from China. China has the largest embassy in

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I love the Chinese people. The fact is, when most of the dissidents come into the country, they come through my office. I personally believe that this government in China is going to fall. I believe that what you are seeing taking place in Tunisia, and Algeria,
and Egypt has so frightened China that they are blocking the Jasmine Revolution on the internet. They are so spooked in China that
they are blocking Ambassador Huntsmans name from showing up.
They are frightened. Because they know they are running a dictatorial government, and they know that the Chinese people want
freedom, and love freedom, and are going to rise up. In 1986 very
few people thought that the Berlin Wall was going to fall. Ronald
Reagan did. He said, Tear down that wall, and he did certain
things. I think this government is going to fall. And I think in my
lifetime we will see freedom and democracy for the Chinese people.
Then, when we see that and the administration comes up and says,
Let us have this exchange program with the democratic people of
China, I will be at the top of the list. I will say, Let us get them
on. Let us be involved.
But we cannot forget the kidney program, Catholic bishops,
Protestant pastors, the plundering of Tibet, what they are doing to
the Muslims and the Uighurs. What they are doing to the Uighurs
in China is brutal. The leading Uighur dissident, Rebiya Kadeer,
who lives out in northern Virginia, her two kids are in prison. No
one says anything.
And so that is why we have this language. And I will fight to
the death for this language. We do not want these joint programs
because I know what they are doing and they are spying against
us. And so when we get all warm and fuzzy about China, remember how in Nazi Germany during the 1936 Olympics they took
down the signs. They did not let people know the Holocaust was
taking place, and not many people wanted to speak out about it.
Bad things are happening in China now, too.
Even if we are talking about jobs, I saw in the Wall Street Journal, that General Electric just signed a contract with the avionics
operation in China to develop an avionics program that will put
Boeing out of business in a few years. So that is why, as long as
I have breath in me, I will speak on this issue of China. I think
it is a moral issue, I think it is an economic issue, I think it is a
national security issue. And I love the Chinese people. I am looking
forward to, when the revolution begins, getting on an airplane and
flying over there and being with them. Then China would be our
friend as Germany is currently our friend, and Japan is currently
our friend, and Russia is becoming our friend. But until we see
China stopping the spying and cyber attacks, and the crack downs,
and the torture of the Chinese people, we cannot participate. We
cant give their government that opportunity whereby they can
compete with us and do some of the things that hurt their own people.
So that is why this China issue is so important here. But, let me
get to some of the other issues on the questions.

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The members of the contracting community who will develop and

build the launch system and the crew vehicle have told us that the

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program goals are achievable within the parameters set in the authorization. Have you looked at the data they are using to reach
this conclusion? And if so, what assumptions are they using that
differ from your own?
General BOLDEN. Are you talking about the Orion conversion to
MPCV? Congressman, we are actually working with the contractors
even as we speak to help determine whether or not we can make
the transition from the Orion contract to the MPCV, and then how
do we make it affordable if that can be done? So we are working
with them. Hopefully the data is the same because that is where
we get it through our program office from the contractor. So I
would hope that we are all citing the same data.

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Mr. WOLF. Okay. The NASA IG issued a letter in January stating that the provisions of the current CR are causing NASA to
spend hundreds of millions of dollars on aspects of the Constellation program that might otherwise have been cancelled or scaled
back. Many people have interpreted this letter to mean that NASA
is wasting that money. NASA has not made the final architecture
determinations yet for the new exploration program, so is it premature to say that any particular program element is definitely unnecessary? Could you please state for the record whether you agree
with the characterization that the current CR is causing NASA to
waste money? Do you agree or disagree with the IG?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I disagree that we are wasting
money and I think we sent a letter to that effect. However, I do
agree with the IG that the soonest possible relief from the restriction of terminating the Constellation program, then the better off
we would be because it causes difficulty in managing how you control assets.
Mr. WOLF. Now there is language that is in the CR, that is still
pending, because it did not
Mr. CULBERSON. Prohibition, it is cancelling Constellation.
Mr. WOLF. But does the fact that there is House-passed language
to address this not give them any flexibility at all? Would there be,
and I am just asking, a way of doing the language in the next CR
extension that could give you the ability to do what you think is
appropriate, even though it is not a final CR? I will talk to the
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir. Congressman, whenever the language
is changed, and I am freed up to terminate the program, we will
do so wisely and in an orderly manner. But right now, the money
that we spend under the Constellation contracts are money that
it is the way that I directed, that we spend money on things that
are useful for future programs. Programs that we see we will need
for heavy-lift launch vehicle, for MPCV, for technology development. If they fit that category, then we have asked that we continue to spend the funds on that. But not spend it on something
that we know has no use, and that is what we are trying to do to
the greatest extent possible.

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Mr. WOLF. Okay, I have a number of questions on commercial

crew, which we will submit for the record. One you have covered
with regard to the $350 million requested over the authorized level.
With the requested fiscal year 2012 money, NASA expects to fund
a third round of proposals to advance potential commercial vehicles
to the preliminary design review stage. While this is significant, it
is still a long way from having a functional vehicle that can serve
as our primary transport to the Space Station. When do you expect
the first commercial crewed flight to take place? Will this require
NASA to extend its current contracts with the Russians to provide
interim transportation? And in addition, what is it costing us per
flight with the Russians? What was the negotiated price? How did
we reach that? I think you made a very good point earlier. If they
are the only car dealer in town, you have got to buy your car from
them. And so do you expect the cost to continue to escalate the
longer it goes? Do you see any sign that they are moving to change
that? Is it a fixed contract? Can you just sort of wrap all that into
an answer?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I am not at liberty to talk about
the specific dollar values because there is ongoing work right now
to finalize the agreement that would take us out to 2016 to be able
to buy seats on Soyuz if necessary.
My belief, going back to your first question, the commercial entities have told us that three years from the date of signing a contract to produce a human, a commercial crew vehicle, then they
would have the ability to deliver. So, that would mean if we are
able to go on the schedule we are on right now, we are talking
2015-ish before we have our first crew vehicle. That is about four
years from now, four, five years if you go to the end of it, which
is significantly less than where we were before. I am confident we
can do that, provided we get the funds to keep a competitive process going. When I say I had to stay within the budget, and I want
to keep my crews safe, and I want to live within the constraints,
the major elements of the Authorization Act, I looked at what I
needed to do to buy down risk on commercial crew, and that was
invest some money over the amount that was in the Authorization
Act. And that is where the $850 million estimate came from. That
allows me to keep at least two contractors in the competition when
we finally get to the end.
Mr. WOLF. I do not want you to share your cards necessarily
with regard to the Russians, but what is the cost of the first trip?
General BOLDEN. Congressman the present, I think, let me take
it for the record. Because I think, I know the present contract is
in the neighborhood of $50-some-odd-billion a flight, a seat. But
that includes training, facilities
Mr. FATTAH. You mean $50 million a seat.
General BOLDEN. What did I say? Did I say
Mr. FATTAH. You said billion.
General BOLDEN. Oh, no, no, no. Not billion. I am sorry. No, we
do not, but I will take it for the record, sir. Because we need to
let you know what it is that we are paying for.
[The information follows:]

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The most recent modification to NASAs contract for Russian services, including
crew transportation and rescue using the Soyuz spacecraft, was signed in March of
2011. The modification had a value of $753M, and provides services through June
30, 2016. The modification covers comprehensive Soyuz support, including all necessary training and preparation for launch, flight operations, landing and crew rescue of long-duration missions for 12 individual space station crew members. The
contract will provide for the launch of six people in calendar year 2014 and six more
in 2015, as well as their return to Earth in the spring of 2016 after a six-month
stay aboard the station. This results in an average cost of about $62.7M per seat,
which also includes other associated services and some minimal cargo on Soyuz.

Mr. WOLF. Do we have to pay luggage, like in the commercial

airlines, less for carry on?
General BOLDEN. No, sir. But we do, but it does, there are costs
that we have that we pay when we pay the Russians that we would
not pay a commercial entity because we would be paying them for
seats and some other services. The contract that we have with the
Russians is for an extensive amount of support
Mr. WOLF. But what about the second and third? How does that
quite work out for the next time?
General BOLDEN. We are still living under the agreed upon
amount throughI need to get back to you, sir. I do not want to
give you a date. It is like 2014 or so we are under
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. We are under an amount that is
defined already. The contract that we are working on with the
State Department, and if we get approval, will go through 2016.
But I will get you
Mr. WOLF. Okay, if you could have
General BOLDEN. I will get you that information.
[The information follows:]

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The most recent modification to NASAs contract for Russian services, including
crew transportation and rescue using the Soyuz spacecraft, goes through June 2016.

Mr. WOLF. If you could have your staff

General BOLDEN. But we are not, I can tell you that unless something changes we will not be able to give you the negotiated
amount right now because the contract has not been finalized. I am
told that it is just not available.
Mr. WOLF. Is this a positive thing for the Russians, too, though?
Sometimes somebody in a business deal can become so greedy that
they are holding out, and all of a sudden the other person walks
away. Do they not also need this revenue to continue to do certain
things that they are doing, too? Is there an equal benefit in some
General BOLDEN. The Russians are a valuable partner, and they
have been a valuable partner throughout the life of the International Space Station. They have provided access to Low-Earth
Orbit in the International Space Station when we had none, after
the Columbia accident. So there is great value in remaining in this
partnership, all of the partners, all five of the major partners.
When you talk about the European Space Agency, fifteen growing
to twenty-some-odd, everyone benefits from this partnership. Ev-

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erybody wants to remain a member of the International Space Station partnership. So there is value in it for everyone.
Mr. WOLF. Much of the flexibility in the development schedule
for commercial cargo has been eroded over the past two years, and
there is a strong likelihood that more problems and delays will
arise as work continues. Given this likelihood, how confident are
you that the remaining milestones will in fact be completed on
time? And what are your contingency plans for a delay in the commercial resupply capability? How is this risk reflected in your
General BOLDEN. Congressman, the budget is good as it stands
right now. We sized that budget so that we would be able to have
available cargo delivery under the CRS system by early 2012. That
does represent some delays along the way, but we are confident
that we will have cargo availability from two carriers by early
Orbital still has to fly their first flight. But Orbital, I must remind everyone, is a very reputable, very experienced company. Has
been around since the 1980s, 1990s, has flown 155 successful missions with satellites of all kinds. They have flown 100 percent successful missions for NASA, in the Minotaur vehicle which we hand
to them for processing after we get it surplus from the Department
of Defense.
SpaceX has had one incredible flight when they launched Falcon
9 and Dragon back in December. So everybody right now is marching along at a pace that makes me comfortable that we will have
commercial capability to deliver cargo reliably to the International
Space Station in the early 2012 timeframe.

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Mr. WOLF. Okay. Leading to the Space Station in the next question, the decision to continue supporting the Space Station through
2020 costs about $3 billion a year. This is money which could otherwise be used to meet exploration goals, increase aeronautics research, or do other important activities. If we are going to sacrifice
those opportunities in order to support the Station, we need to be
sure that we are getting our moneys worth, and that means making sure that the Station is being fully used for its intended research purposes. What is the current research utilization rate of
NASAs share of the Space Station? And how do you expect that
rate to change as we progress through fiscal year 2012?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I would have to go back to my
opening statement and remind everybody of one thing. I think I
used the term yesterday. The Station is the new Moon. The International Space Station is the anchor for all future exploration on
the part of not just the United States but our international partners. So, if we lost the International Space Station we are dead in
the water. We do not have a place in microgravity that is available
for us to do the types of research and development that we need
for new capabilities that enable an exploration program. So that is
how valuable the International Space Station is.
That was what caused me to change my mind about the size of
distribution of funds. I have to have an exploration program. But
if I do not have an International Space Station that is crewed and

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supplied, and by the commercial entities. Because that is the decision that was made, it was actually made in 2004. And I would
have to say, I generally do not complain about the past because
that is water under the bridge. The decision was made in 2004 to
rely on commercial entities for access to Low-Earth Orbit and it
was ignored. There was no money put toward it. My predecessor
was, to my knowledge, was the first to really start putting money
toward a commercial entity, but it was half-stepping.
President Obama has said, Look, we cannot get there unless we
carry out what previous administrations decided was necessary.
So we are going to get there, and the commercial entities are going
to be a vital part of that partnership that gets us there. But, if I
lose the International Space Station that will set up exploration,
any type of exploration, human exploration for decades.

Mr. WOLF. Following up on that, astronauts on the Station have

a variety of demands on their time, including daily operation and
maintenance work and crew health sustaining activities. While
these are clearly necessary, they reduce the amount of time available for actually conducting research. When we talk about reaching
a goal of 100 percent research utilization, what does that actually
mean in terms of the number of hours spent per day on research?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, let me take it for the record to
give you the hours per day. But the balance of crew time, at least
the last time I was talking to somebody about it, was two of the
crew members are generally considered to be the maids, if I can
use that term. They will not like that, but they will rotate duty in
maintaining the Station. The other four will be totally involved in
research, and that is the way we will operate the Station.

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Background on how NASA tracks crew time for research

Because the planning and execution of space missions is complex, crew activities
are tracked in great detail, including their personal time and break time. A normal
crew day includes 6.5 hours of scheduled work tasks, 1 hour for lunch, 2.5 hours
for exercise and hygiene, 50 minutes for daily planning conferences, and 70 minutes
for work and plan familiarization and procedure review, 2 hours of pre-sleep (including 1 hour for dinner), 8.5 hours of sleep, and 1.5 hours for post-sleep (including
50 minutes for breakfast). When NASA reports crew time for research, this only
counts those scheduled work tasks from the 6.5 hour block that is for research activities. Important research data collected during the exercise period, and much of
the 70 minutes of work familiarization and 50 minutes of daily planning conferences, is also part of conducting research each day.
Scheduled work tasks include research and facility work; assembly work; maintaining life support systems; vehicle traffic operations, such as docking, undocking,
loading and off-loading; internal and external maintenance; medical operations; onboard training; and other routine activities such as news media interviews, equipment audits, computer maintenance, inventory management, tag-ups and communications system testing. Crews generally work five days a week, but on weekends
they have many housekeeping duties, so they effectively receive only 3.25 hours of
unscheduled time on Saturdays, and 7 hours of free time on Sundays.
Crew time reporting is also split among the three NASA and international partner astronauts (called U.S. Operating Segment, or USOS, crew members), and the
three Russian cosmonauts. NASA integrates and plans the time for the USOS crewmembers, though the entire crew works as a team in maintaining and operating the

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Amount of crew time for research

The strategic target for research crew time during full utilization is an average
of 35 hours per week for the three-person USOS crew, with a similar target for the
Russian segment cosmonauts. As ISS shifts from assembly to the research mission
through 2011, the Program is approaching this target and expects to reach it in
2012. This is equivalent to 7 hours per day of a 5-day workweek for formally scheduled hands-on USOS research activities; the Russian segment has a similar target.
Research activity in future years should continue to increase as ISS operations grow
more efficient through activities funded within the ISS functionality budget, part of
the FY 2012 Presidents request.
It also should be recognized that crew time is just one component of research,
since much of the research is being accomplished by facilities working automatically
being tele-operated from control centers around the globe. Experiments on the Station are designed specifically to minimize the amount of crew interaction required.
For example, one recent physical sciences experiment used 9.5 hours of crew time
for installation, but supported more than 6,000 hours of experiment operations.

What will change in the near term, as soon as we are able to announce a non-governmental organization (NGO) that will assume
responsibility for the evaluation and selection of research and experimentation to be flown on the Station, some time no later than
this summer will be that NASA will get out of the business of evaluating and selecting the experiments that go on board. That will
be handled by a nongovernmental organization. And at some point
down the road
Mr. WOLF. Who will that be?
General BOLDEN. We do not know yet. It is a competition right
now that is underway. And so someone will take that over. Ideally
where we would like to get will be to the point where even NASA
experimentation and research is folded into the evaluation
Mr. WOLF. What is an example of that?
General BOLDEN. Oh, what would be an example?
Mr. WOLF. Yeah.
General BOLDEN. For example, the salmonella vaccine that is
under development right now is about to enter human test. That
would have been, if we had a non-governmental organization, that
research would have been selected by this non-governmental organization.
Mr. WOLF. But when you say non-government, just give me an
idea of
General BOLDEN. Oh, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Space Telescope Science Institute is an NGO. It is, if you go up to the campus of Johns Hopkins there is the Space Telescope Science Institute, and they handle the scheduling, they handle everything for
the Hubble Space Telescope. We have NASA astronomers who vie
for time, but we do not physically run the operation of Hubble.
That is a, I would classify that as an example of
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. Sort of a non
Mr. WOLF. Who is going to make that decision?
General BOLDEN. Bill Gerstenmaier, who is the Associate Administrator for the Office of Space Operations, is the selecting official.
Mr. WOLF. And when is that expected?
General BOLDEN. I talked to him as late as yesterday and he told
me probably early summer.
Mr. WOLF. And who is competing for that?
General BOLDEN. Who is competing?
Mr. WOLF. Yeah.

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General BOLDEN. Sir, let me take that for the record. I do
Mr. FATTAH. Open solicitation, Mr. Chairman, right now.
Mr. WOLF. It is?
General BOLDEN. Yes.
Mr. FATTAH. Online
Mr. WOLF. How many have applied?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, let me get back to you. I do not
have that information.
[The information follows:]

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NASA posted the Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for the ISS National Laboratory non-governmental entity on February 14, 2011. Due to the competitive nature of the selection process, NASA is not able to provide the names of respondents,
but by March 4, when notifications of intent were due, the Agency had received
eight responses.

Mr. WOLF. If we could just know, if it is public record, who

General BOLDEN. Oh, it is a matter of public record now. Who
the, I will get back to you because I do not know whether the bidders, you know, the competitors are known publicly. It is like any
competition that we do.
Mr. WOLF. Sure.
General BOLDEN. It is like any competition. But we will get that
to you.
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
The authorization act requires NASA to provide initial financial
assistance to the nonprofit lab manager. Does your budget request
include funds for that?
General BOLDEN. The budget request for 2012 includes the funds
to start the nonprofit
Mr. WOLF. And how much is that?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, let me get back to you. I will
take that for the record. I do not know exactly what that is.
Mr. WOLF. And do all the entities competing know what that is?
How do you make a bid if you do not know what the budget will
General BOLDEN. Congressman, the way that contracts are generally handled is that we look at a reasonableness factor so that
we let the bidders know what we think the range is for pricing. We
give them that range. And I, you know, my guess is we have done
the same thing here. So anybody that bids outside that range probably
Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Chairman, the solicitation indicates about $15
million a year would be available for an entity to manage this laboratory on
Mr. WOLF. Now where did that $15 million come from? Or was
that in just sort of a
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I will get back to you. I will get
back to you on the specifics of that. That was developed in the Office of Space Operations Mission Directorate.
[The information follows:]

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NASA is currently conducting a competitive acquisition for a cooperative agreement with a non-profit organization to manage the ISS national laboratory component of U.S ISS utilization. In accordance with statutory requirements under the
NASA Authorization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111267), 50 percent of the U.S. share of ISS
utilization capacity will be made available for use by organizations other than
NASA under the National Laboratory initiative. The Presidents FY 2011 and FY
2012 budgets for ISS include $15M per year for this ISS National Lab non-profit
organization. The $15M per year level was determined during development of a reference model for the organization. NASA believes this is an appropriate level to
both operate a small non-profit organization and set aside approximately $3M of the
$15M for strengthening of the basic research grants. Its important to note that this
was a reference model for cost-estimating and scope determination purposes. While
the $15M per year remains the current funding allocation for the cooperative agreement, the proposals and final award will determine what portion remains available
to strengthen the grants component. After the final award, NASA will assist to identify areas to reduce overhead costs as appropriate. In addition, NASA will encourage
the non-profit organization to become a self-funded organization as it matures in future years.

Mr. WOLF. Okay. Well we have a number of other questions. Mr.

Yoder asked about James Webb, and we have a number there, too.
We will have a number of questions on the launch vehicle also.

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On aeronautics, I looked at your chart here. Aeronautics is really

almost an orphan. Has anyone ever thought you ought to change
your name?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, the reason that I have opted to
put as much into aeronautics as we have, and it is not nearly
enough, is because I want to return the big A to NASA. NASA
is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Mr. WOLF. No, I agree with you. Believe me, you have my total
and complete support. The aeronautics program is not as highly
visible as many of NASAs other missions, but it has an outsized
impact on the American economy and on the everyday air travel
experiences of regular Americans. Have you done any economic impact studies to measure the return on investment provided by the
aeronautics program to the American aviation industry?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I have, and one of the ones I attempted to cite for you, was our new airplane engine concept that
we have been working with American industry. That is where we
have found, and industry agrees, that there is potential to reduce
about 40 percent of the fuel consumption in the engines that we
are, engine technology that we are helping them develop. That is
where I got my number.
We looked at 19.6 billion gallons of jet fuel were used in 2008.
If you take that at $3 a gallon that is $58.8 billion just for jet fuel
in 2008. If I got back, so if they realize a 40 percent savings on
that and you gave me 1 percent of it I could run my aeronautics
budget right now at $588 million.
Mr. WOLF. Well they are talking about $4 a gallon by the end
of the
General BOLDEN. Then that makes it even better, sir. But that
is an example of the economic return on NASAs minimal investment of taxpayer dollars.
Mr. WOLF. Could we get more of that? Because I am a strong
supporter of doing what we can. It would pain me to see GE sign

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the contract with the Chinese to develop their avionics system, and
to take jobs away from Boeing. In essence, they are selling the rope
that they are going to use to hang Boeing. And yet, the President
picked Immelt, head of GE, to be his big jobs man. This was a jobs
program for China. So I want aeronautics to be here. I want it to
be more American.
Which leads to the next question. Where are the jobs? That is the
mantra of everyone in both parties. Where are the jobs? Jobs give
men and women dignity and money for their families, but also keep
America number one economically. We seek no domination of
power, we seek freedom and liberty. Ronald Reagan said the words
in the Constitution were a covenant with the entire world. I want
American to be number one for those reasons. Not for money, but
for freedom and liberty and democracy.
So when NASA develops new aeronautics technology, and matures it into the point that it can be transferred to the industry,
how do you ensure that the benefits of that technology go first to
American aviation companies?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, the best way we can do it is to
continue our cooperation with U.S. industry the way that we do.
Mr. WOLF. Have you ever thought about bringing all of the aviation industry people together for a conference to say, Okay, where
are you going? And where would you like to be? How can we participate to develop a partnership? I know there are some in this
Congress that say there can be no partnership between government
and the private sector but other countries are doing it. Have you
ever thought of bringing everyone together, or maybe you do, and
saying, Where are we today? What would you like to be doing?
What should we be doing? Maybe we are going to plus this up.
Maybe we are going to do more.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, that is the way we determine
what our aviation portfolio is. Dr. Jaiwon Shin, who is my Associate Administrator for Aeronautics, goes to the industry and asks
them what is it that NASA should do for you? That is how we
know that they want us to work on engine technology. They do not,
for example they do not want us to work on development of alternative fuels. They want us to work on the development of engines
that can use anything. Water, junk
Mr. WOLF. In the interest of time, I am going to go to Mr.
Fattah. Could you have Dr. Shin come by?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. WOLF. I do not know that we can do this. But I would like
to almost write every avionics and aviation company and say,
What is NASA doing that you like? And what is NASA not doing
that you would like to see them do? Because they technically are
your customers, but they are also the people that pay taxes. And
so you ought to be doing what puts America first. I want to know
that there is a connectivity, and not because there was a congressman one day that pushed this or pushed that. So if he could come
by and he could talk to me
General BOLDEN. I will have him do that, sir. He can give you
background on something, for example, like the continuous descent
and arrival program that we developed that represents a cost sav-

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ings of about $1.2 billion to the airline industry. We had Continental and United participate in tests at Denver
Mr. WOLF. Do you think if I asked the people in the aviation industry they would say enough money is being spent to do what
General BOLDEN. Oh, they would tell you no way. I hope they
would. If they tell you that enough money is being spent on aeronautics research then I would be very disappointed in the industry.
I would hope that they would be my biggest proponent and my biggest cheerleader, saying that we need to spend more
Mr. WOLF. You know, you might tell your friend at the White
House, Dr. Holdren, that he ought to tell me what he was doing
in China for twenty-one days. What do you do in China for twentyone days? Who is he meeting with? We do not want the Chinese
aeronautics industry to surpass Boeing or EADS. So maybe we can
informally ask a couple of trade associations, what would you like
to see NASA doing that it is not doing? Therefore we are not just
taking your persons word.
I saw the other day, did you see the story, that a Chinese company was going to bid to do Air Force One, the helicopter?
General BOLDEN. The helicopter?
Mr. WOLF. Yeah.
General BOLDEN. Marine One?
Mr. WOLF. Yeah, Marine One.
Did you see that, Mr. Fattah?
Mr. FATTAH. No, I missed that, Mr. Chairman. I would be beside
myself if we were going to have a situation where Air Force One,
or Marine One, would be developed by anything other than an
American company.
Mr. WOLF. Well I tell you what we should do, then. Maybe the
Committee ought to carry language prohibiting that. And I will tell
Mr. FATTAH. I would be in support of that, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. I am on a resolution with another member from your
side, which I will talk to you about later, to kind of prohibit that.
The thought of Marine One being made by a Chinese company just
would not be good. So I appreciate Mr. Fattah. We are both from
Philadelphia, we were both raised in Philadelphia. What high
school did you go
Mr. FATTAH. Overbrook, the best in the world.
Mr. WOLF. I went to Bartram. In fact, that was the big competition, Bartram and Overbrook.

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We have some other questions. Let me cover the contract issue.

And I am going to go to you after this, Mr. Fattah. A review by
GAO last year found that more than half of NASAs biggest development projects had exceeded their baseline estimates. The average cost growth was 19 percent and the average schedule delay
was fifteen months. You instituted a new cost-estimating policy in
2009 that was intended to address NASAs problem with inaccurate
baselines. But due to the recentness of the policy change we have
not seen evidence that it is working. Do you feel confident that this
policy will noticeably increase the accuracy of your baselines?

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When will you have sufficient data to actually demonstrate that
improvement? And one other question, so you can round it in
under the policy, projects need to be budgeted at a level that ensures a 70 percent chance they will be completed within budget
and schedule parameters, but there is a provision allowing exemptions from this rule. In what circumstances would you make an exception to allow a project to move forward with less than 70 percent confidence in its budget and schedule?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, we work under what is called a
JCL, joint confidence level, that was instituted in 2009. I gave the
example of Juno and GRAIL being two of the earliest projects that
were run under that concept, and I am told, are coming in on cost
and schedule. I am cautioned, however, by my experts that we need
five, six, seven years to tell whether we really got what we said we
were going to get. Because operating costs is a part of a contract
and everything.
So, but if you look at where we are in development and progress
to launch for those two projects which came in under the JCL, it
is working.
Mr. WOLF. Well your contracting practices have been on GAOs
government-wide high risk list for more than twenty years. And
General BOLDEN. Congressman, you are absolutely correct.
Mr. WOLF. Well I guess the question would be, as I go to Mr.
Fattah, when do you think you will get off of it? Twenty years is
General BOLDEN. Congressman, may I, please do not misinterpret what I am about to say. My Deputy and my Chief Acquisition
Officer, who is my Chief Financial Officer, look at this every single
day because they have to talk to GAO. But we are probably never
coming off the high risk list because we build one-of-a-kind things.
Almost every time we build something, it is a new experience.
What we hope to do with the JCL is prove that we can effectively
and accurately project what cost and schedule are going to be. So,
if that is successful, you will find us come off the
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
General BOLDEN. I hope that that would be sufficient for GAO
to take us off the high risk list. But I am not sure how we get on
there, to be quite honest. So, other than the fact that we do risky
Mr. WOLF. Okay. Well, I have other questions on that.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Fattah?
Mr. FATTAH. All right, let me thank the Chairman. And when
these questions of international human rights come up, it is a pretty lonely area because a lot of people want to focus on more important things, or more business. And I really want to make sure that
the Chairman understands that the fact that he is unrelenting on
this question of improving human rights in China is not lost on me,
and is appreciated I am sure by many even if it is a lonely pursuit.
So I want to thank you.
And I am going to go out and visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
later on this month, and I am also going to go to the Dryden facility. I think it is important, I am a politician, so I really do not

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know much about rocket science, you know? And I think that when
we have to make these decisions it is helpful, it is helpful at least
for me to try to get my arms around some of the challenges that
the agency faces. But when I look at this just from a political
standpoint and I see a little small country like Singapore, they are
investing over $5 billion this year in their national science foundation. Now this is a country with less than five million people in it,
in the total population. Here we are, we are a nation of 300 million
people. We are trying to win a competition against countries, you
know, China is, what, a couple of billion people? India with a billion people. And, you know, when we get to our science foundation
we are going to be in the single digits, in terms of billions, in terms
of the level of investment.
I do not want to join in any of the pursuit around trying to round
out the numbers, and the cost cutting here and there. I think that
the argument we need to be making is that the country cannot afford to lose this race. That America cannot afford to concede space
or science to others anywhere in the world even if it actually costs
us money. That is, even if we have to pay to do it, that as American citizens we would have to pay taxes so that we do not position
ourselves as a nation fifty years from now, and a lot of us will not
be around, that the position, the curious situation for our children
and our grandchildren, a situation where they are being victimized
by these human rights abuses that the Chairman is talking about
because we refuse to make the investments.
Now we need to be clear about this. We have a situation within
our schools in terms of earning doctoral degrees in the hard
sciences, two-thirds of those who earn those degrees in our country
will not be, they will not be American citizens and they will not be
staying here. That is to say, they will not be applying for citizenship and hanging around. They are going to take these intellectual
tools and they are taking them some other place.
So I just want to say, I heard the comments from the gentleman
from Georgia. I am not a Member here who has a NASA facility
in their state, even though I think we have members on the panel
from California where there are a number of NASA facilities. I
know about the important work of the Glenn Center in Ohio, and
in Texas, Johnson, and all this. My interest in this is, and even if
I had a parochial interest, I think all of our interests have to be
focused on the nations interest. I mean, investment in space is not
a jobs program. This is a question of the survival of our country
and prosperity of our country.
So I just think that we have to get focused on what are the needed investments. We talk about estimates and, you know, when you
looked at the estimates for the Capitol Visitors Center, what we
priced to build something in brick and mortar that has now come
in two or three times that amount, right? You know, we are not
trying to put somebody on the moon. I mean, this is just a basic
brick and mortar structure and we could not get close to what it
would cost. And Vice President Cheney said that the Iraq War was
going to pay for itself.
So I think we ought to be mindful that as we go forward, and
I think that the Chairman has talked about this in very important
ways, that we need to be focused on, to the degree that we are fo-

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cused on fiscal restraint we need to be focused on the areas of the
budget where we are spending money. This is not an area where
we are spending a great deal of money, even though it may sound
like a lot of money. But in comparison, it is not. I just think that
we have to think in longer terms about what we are doing, make
the needed investments we need to make, and we need to get competent administration. And obviously you, and the President in his
selection of you to lead this agency is, you know, is an extraordinary gift for the nation, given your background and your leadership policies. But we need to give you the tools so that you can
And I am happy to hear that the Chairman says in the next CR
we are going to try to work out the problem that we created between authorizing you to proceed past the Constellation, but at the
same time requiring you to spend a couple of hundred million a
month on Constellation. It puts you in a bind. And it does not help
us make the investments that we need to make. So I want to thank
you for your testimony.

I have a couple of questions in particular about the Space Station. So now we have built this over the last ten years. We have
had continuous human astronauts on the Space Station for ten
years, right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. Over 200 people have been on the Space Station,
rough number?
General BOLDEN. I will get you the exact number. I am not
[The information follows:]

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There have been 198 different visitors to the ISS, representing 15 countries.

Mr. FATTAH. All right. And now it is going to be a national lab?

General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. But it is also the kind of, you say it is the platform
for our further efforts, and I am interested in that part of this. How
we see the Space Station, which is about the size of a football stadium right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. Okay.
General BOLDEN. About a hundred
Mr. FATTAH. I tell you I am, you know, and now the Mars Rover
was about this size, right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir. Now Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
is going to be a lot bigger.
Mr. FATTAH. The first one.
General BOLDEN. But Spirit and Odyssey are, Spirit and Odyssey
are little things.
Mr. FATTAH. Right, I got you. And Spirit we have not heard from
for a few months, but I bet NASA that it is still going to function.
So I am in total agreement. So I am just saying in terms of perspective, we plan on using the Space Station as the base from
which NASA would go in terms of its further efforts. If you could
expound on that for a minute, that would be helpful. And I was fig-

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uring out about the $3 billion that you want to spend. Now $3 billion sounds like a lot of money. We are spending that amount, we
are spending that in an average week in Afghanistan. Just so we
are clear as a nation about putting these things in some perspective. So if you could help us think about what you are trying to do
on the Space Station?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, let me give you just three examples if I can. The first one would be one of the, the seventh crew
member on Discovery, on STS133 last week was Robonaut 2, a
humanoid robot. And Robonaut 2 will
Mr. FATTAH. Now that was done in partnership with GM?
General BOLDEN. That was done in partnership, I was going to
say, that was a Space Act agreement with General Motors that is
ongoing. It is not over. And General Motors came to us and said,
We have a need. And NASA said, We have a need. And so we
came together, collaborated with industry. I was telling Congressman Clark, who is from Detroit, yesterday, when he said, I do not
have a NASA center. I do not have anything that has anything to
do with NASA. I said, Congressman, let me send you some stuff
because you need to go back into Detroit and make people in Detroit proud that they are now on the International Space Station.
Because they are, in the presence of Robonaut 2.
R2 is going to start working this spring to see how we can collaborate, how a robot, a humanoid robot, can collaborate with astronauts on board. At some point we are probably going to, you
know, I do not know when, but we will probably put R2 outside
and see how much R2 can do to alleviate putting astronauts at risk
by having them do space walks. Eventually we would like to demonstrate the fact that we do not have to put a human on the surface of Mars to build the infrastructure. That by the time we send
humans there the village will be built, because robots will have
done that.
I have got to be able to integrate science, aeronautics, human exploration, and technology into one big thing. That is what we are
trying to do in NASA now. We are looking at an integrated picture.
We are not doing things the way we used to. And that is the message I am not getting across to people very well. Because when you
asked me why do I believe in my budget, and why do I think we
can do what I say we can do, it may take us longer to do aspects
of it. It may take me longer than 2016, for example, to have a
heavy lift launch vehicle and an integrated crew exploration vehicle. I do not know that yet, it may, but we are going to get there.
Because these are difficult fiscal times. And we have had to adjust
the budget to fit within these difficult fiscal times.
While, you know, my job, the President has asked me to lead the
greatest civilian organization in the world, bar none. Keep astronauts safe: I am doing that. Explore: we are doing that. We do that
every single day. We are going to launch another satellite called
Glory on Friday and it is going to do great things.
I get emotional about this because it is important. And it is important for me to be able to articulate how important we are to the
nation, and how important it is for us to carry out the Presidents
plan for education. Because everybody on this committee has said
this all day long, you know, we are so close. As I said in my open-

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ing statement, we are all in synch. Believe it or not. We may be
different parties, or you all may be different parties because I am
apolitical. But we all talk about the same things we want to do.
It is just how we get there. And because these are very difficult
times and we have to make very difficult choices I need your support when I make a hard choice.

Mr. FATTAH. So let me see if I can put this together. We do not

have the technology yet to take a human being to Mars. We know
we can take an object to Mars, right?
General BOLDEN. Oh, yes. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. We have done that a couple of times.
General BOLDEN. We have done that. Right. Hard to do it, but
we have done it.
Mr. FATTAH. So when we take an R2 and put it on the Space Station in part we are thinking about a humanlike robot that at one
point we may be able to put on Mars to build out an infrastructure
so that when we deliver a human being there, there would be the
protection of the infrastructure because
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir. I do not want a human to have to go
build something.
Mr. FATTAH. Right. And plus the, once you get out into deep
space there are the radiation challenges, the other challenges are
much more significant.
General BOLDEN. That is human physics.
Mr. FATTAH. So you build, this is like a stepping stone
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH [continuing]. To where we are going. Now we do not
have the technology yet, but four years ago we did not have the
technology to go to the Moon, or do any of these other things,
General BOLDEN. Well we did at one time but we forgot about it.
Mr. FATTAH. Yeah. Or to build a Space Station.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. It took some ingenuity, right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.

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Mr. FATTAH. That is why we know that we are an exceptional nation, because we have done exceptional things. So now the President has set a much deeper goal for you and we are trying to build
to getting it done. I just want to conclude with a question that gets
to the different programs. We have got earth science, we have got
space exploration, we have got a lot of different pieces here. I want
to focus a little bit more on the purpose of this, right? So I want
to just conclude if you could help the Committee understand and
the country understand what it will mean if we forfeit or concede
this race for superiority in space to others who have untoward interests to our own as a nation? What the costs will be to our country?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, we are fifteenth, seventeenth,
and twenty-fifth in reading, science, at math. And I may have the
numbers not precise. We will fall further behind. We, right now

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every nation looks to us for leadership when I go to the International Space Station. Whenever I go to a meeting of my international partners, the heads of agency, everybody says, We need
for you to lead. If we give that up they will turn to somebody else
and it may not be somebody we like.
So, you know, my job is to lead this agency. As I said, make sure
we do what you and the President tell us to do through appropriations and authorizations and that is what we are doing. Stay within budget, which is something that people, you know, do not think
we are serious about but we are really serious about it. And make
difficult choices. And we have made some difficult choices but there
will be much more difficult choices. When you talk about infrastructure, these kinds of things, and then everybody is going to run
away from me. I do not want you to do that. I want you to help
me stand up to the scrutiny and, the way you all always do. But
I, you know, we have got difficult choices ahead.
Mr. FATTAH. Well I want to thank you again. When we finish
voting today, I am going out to visit a couple of our national labs.
And I think that this whole area of the countrys work is vitally
important. You cannot disconnect it from educating our children, or
making sure that we have the agricultural capability to feed our
population. Running the greatest country on Earth costs money.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. I know we have some very well-meaning people in
the Congress and in the country who want us to cut costs. You
know, we need to be wise about what we are doing here. Because
we do not want to cut costs that end up creating a circumstance
for our nation in which we have cut off our nose to spite our face.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, may I say one thing? And it is
just because I have been, I have cut one partner out, and that has
been industry. We have not had an opportunity to talk to them a
lot, and I know some of them are here, some of them will hear this.
I have the best partners in the world in American industry, and
I have faith in them. And I need to have, I need to have other people in positions of leadership have faith in them. They once, several
of their leaders told me, and I wrote it down, a piece of something
is better than all of nothing.
Industry is coming together now. And companies that in the past
in terms of our contracts would not even think about talking to
each other, they understand
Mr. FATTAH. Well let me just say this, because I know we have
to wrap up. I am for us working with American industry.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. There are cross currents here, though. We have to
be very careful. And we are going to have to be a little different
than we have been. Because all this open source information, if we
are taking American taxpayers money and we are developing technology, I do not necessarily think that that technology should then
be made available to people who have not invested around the
world, and then used against American industry in competing
against us and going after an opportunity to build Marine One. I
think we do not want to work against our own purposes as a nation
at the end of the day.

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So we need to have American industry. We also need to have
some proprietary control over the technology that American taxpayers are investing in, in ways that do not put our own country
at a disadvantage at the end of the day.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Culberson?

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Mr. CULBERSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I could not agree

with you more strongly, Mr. Fattah, and I will absolutely be working with you arm in arm on that. I wanted to, we are apparently
going to have votes here in a few minutes. And Administrator, I
really appreciate you being so patient and staying here with us. We
are really devoted to you, and really want to find ways to help you
in every way we can to get you the money you need to do your job
better and also give you some longer term support. I was just talking to Chairman Wolf about perhaps us getting together to do sort
of a joint hearing after we get through the appropriations process
to talk about the long term. How do we make sure, we for example,
I know and my dear good friend Mike Coats, the Director of Johnson Space Center tells me, and that you all are dear good friends.
And you may be able to tell me more precisely, Administrator. But
in the time that you have been an astronaut, worked with NASA,
Mike tells me, because I think your careers are very similar, and
the time that you have been together
General BOLDEN. We have been together for forty, more than
forty years. We came together in the summer of 1964.
Mr. CULBERSON. 1964?
General BOLDEN. In the Class of 1968 at the Naval Academy.
Mr. CULBERSON. At the Naval Academy?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. So you were both in, both then saw service in
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. And then joined the space program, and the
time that you have been with the space program, did Mike tell me
that you all have seen the Congress create and then cancel over
twenty different, major
General BOLDEN. My deputy right now is looking at a study that
we asked for on programs that were started and stopped and it is
more than twenty-some-odd. But I would say if you want to look
at one thing that we did to the end, it is important for the American people to note that their investment in the International
Space Station came to fruition day before yesterday. Because we
have completed construction of the American elements of the International Space Station. So if somebody says we cannot do something and finish it, we have completed construction of the U.S. element of the International Space Station.
Mr. CULBERSON. And we are immensely proud of that achievement. I want to make sure that Mr. Fattah catches that. I was just
getting for the record, Mr. Fattah, that the, NASA, could you be
sure that you repeat that
General BOLDEN. The space walk that we did day before yesterday

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Mr. CULBERSON. No, before that.
General BOLDEN. Oh, before that?
Mr. CULBERSON. Yeah, how many programs, how many
General BOLDEN. Oh, there is some twenty-plus programs. When
we finish the study we can make it available.
Mr. CULBERSON. The point is that NASA
General BOLDEN. We are trying to find out why we did it. You
know, how does it happen?
Mr. CULBERSON. We did it to you. Congress did it to you.
General BOLDEN. Well, I am not pointing fingers.
Mr. CULBERSON. No, I know you are not, I know. But these wonderful people that devote their lives to, what is it Captain Kirk
says? To explore brave new worlds? To explore new worlds and go
where no one has gone before. We have over the years, Mr. Fattah,
created and then canceled over twenty
General BOLDEN. Twenty-some-odd programs.
Mr. CULBERSON [continuing]. Major rocket programs, space exploration programs. Well no wonder you all have had so much difficulty over the years, and then inadequate funding. Plus they get
their hopes up, boom, get their hopes up, boom, work on a program,
boom. That has got to stop. And you are absolutely right about
thinking in the longer term. And I want to work with you and the
chairman after we get through our appropriations process. Let us
think about having a joint hearing in great detail to talk about how
we get NASA on a predictable, stable funding and planning path
that does not subject these wonderful people to this up and down.
It would really, I think, help them immensely. Would it not?
Mr. FATTAH. Sure, that would be great. That would be a worthy
thing for us to spend some time doing.
Mr. CULBERSON. It really would, after we get through all the appropriations cycle.
General BOLDEN. That would be an incredible gift to the nation.
I tell everybody what we want to do is something that is affordable,
sustainable, and realistic.
Mr. CULBERSON. Bingo, we are there.
General BOLDEN. And if we can do that
Mr. CULBERSON. Well we will help you with that.
Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Administrator, what I want to do is beat everybody else. All right? I want to make sure that America is Number
One. Even if we have to spend beyond what we might feel comfortable at a particular moment.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. I still like to be in the lead. I think the view is always better from the top, right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. Absolutely. And I will certainly help you with
that. National Journal just ranked me as the tenth most conservative member of Congress. I am still trying to figure out what I did
to screw up and only get number ten, but I am with you on this.
I mean, I voted against the RSC budget for that reason, because
it severely cut NASA. Law enforcement, Chairman Wolf, you and
the staff protected NASA in the proposal that was submitted. The
amendment, there was only one adopted that really cut, was Mr.
Weiners that shifted I think cross agency money, $300 million over

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to the COPS program. And we are going to work to help make sure
to protect that in the CR.

Let me ask you a couple of specific questions and then some

broader ones. Will the Orion program, sir, be canceled or transferred into the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle? Just simply renamed
into the Multi-Purpose
General BOLDEN. Congressman, what we are looking at is trying
to find if we can transition the contracts for Orion into the MultiPurpose Crew Vehicle.
General BOLDEN. And we will know that and we will know, we
will have an assessment as to whether it is affordable by the summer when we give
General BOLDEN [continuing]. Our next report to you guys.
Mr. CULBERSON. With this up and down in mind I do not want
to lose that talented workforce, those wonderful people that have
put their heart and soul into building the next manned space capsule. You are going to keep all those folks? You are not talking
about any layoffs, or
General BOLDEN. Congressman, I wish I could say that. I do not
control, and I have told my center directors, do not get involved in
the business of our contractors. I do not make those decisions.

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Mr. CULBERSON. And the thing that is fouling you up is of course

you cannot, you have this language, one of these things that is fouling you up is the language and the statutory requirements. You
cannot cancel Constellation, which of course includes Orion. And
that was signed before the December 10th CR. The CR language
that Mr. Mollohan did that predates the authorization. The statutory language in our appropriations bill from last year that Mr.
Mollohan put together with all our support that says you cannot
cancel Constellation, that is statute, right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. And then after that in December there was a
continuing resolution signed in December that was silent. Oh excuse me, the authorization was then signed in October which says
you are going to build a heavy lift rocket and a manned capsule.
And the old rule, the statutory interpretation is the last statute
signed controls. I think this is where you all wrapped around the
capsule. So we have got to get you some clarification pretty quickly.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. And the chairman, I am delighted we are going
to work on that with the help of Mr. Fattah, all of us together, to
get you some clarification. What you need is clarity so you can follow the authorization, right?
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. Okay. That would really help you a lot? Immensely?

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General BOLDEN. Sir, it would. The authorization act postured us
very well. The Presidents proposed budget for 2012 postures us
very well. So
Mr. CULBERSON. But you need to follow that authorization. It is
hard for me as a lawyer to explain how it works.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. I mean, it got me tangled up.
General BOLDEN. If I can get relief from the restriction on terminating Constellation, that will help.
Mr. CULBERSON. And all of those, all that research, all that work
that you are doing on Constellation to develop a heavy rocket, to
develop a manned capsule, that all transitions very easily into the
authorization language to develop a heavy lift rocket and a manned
capsule, does it not?
General BOLDEN. No, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. They are pretty much
General BOLDEN. I am not able to say that. That is what I am,
I do not want to be boxed into a corner. I am still looking at the
contracts for Orion and the contracts for the rest of Constellation
to see if we can legally and within procurement regulations move
them. If that is the case, then they have to be affordable. So
Mr. FATTAH. Maybe we could clear this up. I think it would be
safe to say that you see it as being desirable to have the least disruption to this workforce
General BOLDEN. Absolutely.
Mr. CULBERSON. There you go.
General BOLDEN. That is so vitally important as humanly possible, but you have to operate within the law.
I have to operate within the law.
Mr. FATTAH. And with what budget is available.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. And we need to give him some statutory clarification as soon as possible.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.

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Mr. CULBERSON. That would be great. Okay. The decadal survey

is about to come out, very soon. We are about
General BOLDEN. That is correct.
Mr. CULBERSON. Throughout the history of NASA, the United
States being the leader, and number one, we have throughout history until very recently always flown the top priority mission in the
decadal survey in each one of the categories. I think, and it is my
recollection as an avid student of the space program and history,
I think that is an accurate statement. Until recently NASA
General BOLDEN. Congressman, let me get back to you on that.
I do not know because when I left NASA in 1994 I did not know
what a decadal survey was.
[The information follows:]

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Mr. CULBERSON. I have researched it personally and I can tell
you that we have
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir. I am just, you asked me for an answer
and I cannot give it to you. Right? I do not know.
Mr. CULBERSON. Sure. I can tell the committee I have researched
it personally. This is near and dear to my heart that we
Mr. FATTAH. That could almost qualify you to be a member of
Mr. CULBERSON. Yeah. And it is, the reason I am bringing it up,
sir, is that I am concerned that, I want to make sure that you have
got the funding that you need to pursue those top priority missions
in each one of those categories. Are you satisfied that the funding
level that the President has recommended, that you have in front
of you, is sufficient for you to fund and fly each of those top priority
missions in each one of those categories?
General BOLDEN. Are you talking about
Mr. CULBERSON. Just the number one missions.
General BOLDEN. You mean the one that is coming out
Mr. CULBERSON. Yes, sir.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, since I do not know what the
decadal survey is going to give me I cannot say that. I do not know.
The FY 2012 budget was put together without any knowledge of
the decadal survey. So they, provided they come out without something that is reasonable, and they use the FY 2012 budget in their
prioritization, then I would be able to say yes. But I have no idea
whether they took the the 2011 budget. It used to be that the
decadal surveys did not pay any attention to the budget, and they
did what the science community wanted and expected us to eat it.
At least nowadays, I am told that the decadal surveys, the teams
are generally pretty judicious about looking at where they think
the budget is going to be.
Mr. CULBERSON. Mm-hmm.
General BOLDEN. Now since this one was convened when the
President, I think it was convened maybe even before the 2011
budget. But I will get back to you on when it convenes.
[The information follows:]

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NASA requested the NRC conduct the new Planetary Science decadal survey in
a letter to the NRC dated December 5, 2008. The Survey steering committee held
its first meeting in July 2009 and its final meeting August 2010. The Presidents
2011 budget request with its outyear funding projections through FY 2015 was the
information on budget availability the NRC had in hand when planning its approach.

Mr. CULBERSON. But what I am driving towards, Mr. Administrator, is for the committee, for Mr. Fattah, and Chairman Wolf,
that for all of us to recognize that we are entering an age of austerity unlike anything we have seen before. We have got to protect
NASAs ability to make sure that America has the worlds premiere, number one, manned space program and unmanned programs. We are all committed to that. I want to make sure that we
are, as a Nation at least funding the top priority missions of the
decadal survey. The best source for us to look to if we are going
to try to prioritize planetary missions, missions like Hubble looking
beyond the solar system, it would be the decadal survey, would it
not? I mean that is really
General BOLDEN. That is the voice of the community.

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Mr. CULBERSON. Absolutely.
General BOLDEN. Whether it is astrophysics, planetary, or whatever, we put a lot of stock into the voice of the community. What
the community may not know is where NASA sits budgetarily.
Mr. CULBERSON. Mm-hmm.
General BOLDEN. So, that is where we have to prioritize.
Mr. CULBERSON. So if we as a committee wanted to build a firewall around, of course, only the manned program to make sure that
we protect it, whether it be Mr. Weiner, or Mr. Jordan, our friends
on both sides trying to come after NASA. If we wanted to build a
firewall, the committee, this subcommittee wanted to build a firewall around NASAs manned spaceflight capability and your unmanned capability, talking about the unmanned missions first and
robotics. Would not a good firewall be to say that NASA needs to,
we need to make sure this committee preserves the ability of NASA
to fund and fly the top priority mission designated by the decadal
survey in each one of the categories?
General BOLDEN. Congressman
Mr. CULBERSON. Would that make sense?
General BOLDEN. It makes sense. But if you wanted to build a
Mr. CULBERSON. That is what I am looking for.
General BOLDEN [continuing]. I would say empower the NASA
Administrator to work with the Congress and the White House
each year once the budget is established so that we can reestablish
priorities or readjust priorities
Mr. CULBERSON. No, I understand.
General BOLDEN. [continuing]. In accordance with fiscal constraints.
Mr. CULBERSON. It makes sense.
General BOLDEN. If you put a firewall around the results of the
decadal survey today and the Congress changes everything next
year, then I am back where I am
Mr. CULBERSON. No, I understand. We would protect you statutorily as well. I am talking about protecting you for the long term.
And we really are going to dive into this, and I am going to do my
best to work with this subcommittee and the authorizing subcommittee so we can flesh this out with NASAs input and guidance to figure out a long term glide path that is predictable, stable,
consistent. You do not have to worry about these year to year
struggles and you can actually, all of you magnificent people that
work in the space program, can predict with some certainty that
you can pay the mortgage, send the kids to school, and still go
where no man has gone before and discover brave new worlds and
new civilizations.

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Okay, the Europa mission in particular is a big flagship mission.

It was in the last decadal survey. It is probably going toalmost
certainly going tobe the top priority of the decadal survey in this
mission, in this decadal survey. And I mention it to you because
I have also found out, you know, Europa first of all has more saltwater than the Earth, liquid saltwater. They have confirmed that.
It has got tidal flexing, like when you bend a credit card, that

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means there is a lot of heat down there in the bottom of that ocean
where the pressure is equivalent to the deep ocean on Earth where
we have already shown that the plate boundaries have got incredible colonies of life. So Europa is almost certainly going to have life.
If you are going to find life anywhere it is going to be on Europa.
So the decadal survey has made it a top prioritythere is the vote.
I want to be sure to point out to Mr. Fattah and Mr. Wolf, and you
may not be aware of this either, sir, that apparently in a very recent study that I read in Scienceor I forget, maybe the journal
of Naturediscovered that the water ice on Europa being
bombarded by the radiation from Jupiter all these billions of years,
the radiation strips away the hydrogen and leaves the oxygen. And
then the oxygen is churned back down into the liquid saltwater
ocean. So the saltwater ocean of Europa not only has heat but it
has been oxygenated for billions of years. Which makes it an even
higher priority.
That is going to be an expensive mission. It is a flagship mission.
And I wanted to ask you about it. Are you guys planning for that,
to make sure that we are flying that flagship mission to Europa
that needs to include a landing
Mr. FATTAH. If the gentleman would yield for one quick second?
Mr. FATTAH. Because you just announced within the last two
months, right, that you found a number, five or so, Earth-like planets
Mr. CULBERSON. Right, beyond the solar system
Mr. FATTAH. You might want to just respond in general to this
point and
Mr. CULBERSON. But it would start with Europa.
General BOLDEN. Well Congressman I was just going to say that
the decadal survey when it comes out
Mr. FATTAH. Is that in Texas?
Mr. CULBERSON. No, and it is not even flown out of Texas.
General BOLDEN. When the decadal results are announced next
Monday then we will take a look at what they said and we will
look at how we prioritize it based on where we are in our planetary
Mr. CULBERSON. But the Europa mission is built in, is it not?
Have you built in
General BOLDEN. No, sir. You know
Mr. CULBERSON. It was in the last decadal, it is going to be in
this one.
General BOLDEN. Let me get back to you. Because you are asking
me to verify that we are flying
Mr. CULBERSON. You are upsetting me, dodging that. That is a
big one. We are really going to be short of money. And we are going
to need to build a firewall, Mr. Chairman, around these decadal
survey missions. We cannot cede either the manned program leadership to China or anybody else, and we certainly cannot cede the
leadership in flying these big missions, whether it be to the sun,
or Mercury. We are about to go into orbit around Mercury any day
now, right? Is it Messenger?
General BOLDEN. Messenger? Yes, Messenger is due to get to

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Mr. CULBERSON. In the next couple of weeks.
General BOLDEN. It is.
Mr. CULBERSON. I think, it is going to go into orbit around Mercury. And of course the Webb is, I am glad you got those cost overruns, and Mr. Fattah when you visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
General BOLDEN. We are not there yet, sir. I do not want you to
overstate what I said.
Mr. CULBERSON. Right, right, right. But
General BOLDEN. We are trying. We are going to get them.
Mr. CULBERSON. You are doing your best. But it is an extraordinarily important mission. And when you go to JPL you will meet
Charles Elachi, who is another national treasure. They do great
work out there. But one of the problems they have had over the
years is they will give, they think by giving, over the years giving
us low estimates at the beginning of a big mission that maybe we
are going to fund it. And then the estimates, boom, the reality
comes in higher. Dr. Elachi has told me that they are working hard
from their end, and I know you are on your end, to give this subcommittee more realistic estimates of what these big missions are
actually going to cost on the front end.
General BOLDEN. That is the joint confidence level process that
General BOLDEN [continuing]. That I talked about a little bit
Mr. CULBERSON. That is critical. That is where a lot of these cost
overruns come from. I know we are in the middle of this vote. I can
submit a lot of these for the record because we are short of time.
And you have been very generous, Mr. Chairman, and Mr. Administrator, with your time, sir. Thank you.

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Mr. WOLF. Thank you. We have a number of questions we will

submit for the record. I just wanted you to make one comment on
one issue. How are you adjusting the size of the astronaut corps,
and the programs that support the corps, to reflect reduced flight
opportunities between the end of the Shuttle and the first flight of
the new exploration program? And the missions being contemplated under the new exploration program are significantly different than the missions executed by Shuttle astronauts. How will
the requirements of future members of the astronaut corps differ
from the requirements of the current members?
General BOLDEN. Congressman, we have a study that was instituted through the National Research Council that we expect to get
back within months that is going to help us answer that question.
So I do not have, the study is not complete yet. We are looking at
what should be the size of the astronaut office, what type of support apparatus, whether it is airplanes or other things. We are
looking at what we need to have to support the astronaut office of
the future. And I do not have that
Mr. WOLF. And when will that be ready?
General BOLDEN. Let me get back to you, sir. I am, it just escapes my mind right now.
Mr. WOLF. Okay.

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[The information follows:]

The National Research Council (NRC) study on the future of the Astronaut Corps
is due to be delivered in August 2011.

General BOLDEN. But I would remind everybody, we just named

three, the crews for three more increments to the International
Space Station. So, we are continuing to assign astronauts to go to
the International Space Station for six month increments for the
next ten years. So, we still have astronauts who are going back and
forth to Russia to train and spending these two years of their lives
investing in getting ready to go to the International Space Station.
And we just named three new crew increments.
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
Mr. CULBERSON. Can I do one more, real short?
Mr. WOLF. Okay. Sure.

Mr. CULBERSON. Just real short. I want to ask about the final
shuttle flight. Administrator Griffin had put on the manifest that
it was a high energy observatory
General BOLDEN. That is the next flight is AMS
Mr. CULBERSON. And that will be flown?
General BOLDEN. That is STS134.
Mr. CULBERSON. And that will be flown?
General BOLDEN. And that is the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.
It is now mated in the VAB. I think we did that yesterday. So we
will launch AMS on the Shuttle Endeavour, let me make sure I
have got the right one.
Mr. CULBERSON. Is that the last flight?
General BOLDEN. No, sir. The last flight will be on Atlantis in
Mr. CULBERSON. Okay, thank you.
Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Chairman?
Mr. WOLF. Go ahead.

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Mr. FATTAH. Just to conclude, and I want to thank you, Mr.

Chairman. We have to go vote. You are relieved of duty. But when
you led the first Marine Expeditionary Unit into Kuwait, you know,
there were Kuwaiti kids who were here at American universities
when Kuwait was overrun by Iraq. And they were here studying.
You know, the Kuwaiti government provides unlimited educational
support. These kids can go, if they want to get a doctoral degree
in nuclear physics, or aeronautics, or whatever. So they were here
studying. And our young people, you were leading them in
General BOLDEN. Congressman you, I do not want to get in trouble with General Boomer. I was not there.
Mr. FATTAH. No, no, you were there.
General BOLDEN. No, I was not there then.
Mr. FATTAH. But you were leading the First Expeditionary?
General BOLDEN. I led the First Marine Expeditionary Force forward in 1997. But that was, that was between wars. I was

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Mr. FATTAH. I got you. My point is that these kids from Kuwait
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH [continuing]. The country our young people were protecting
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH [continuing]. Have a benefit, and had a benefit, an
educational benefit that allowed them to pursue their God
General BOLDEN. That is correct.
Mr. FATTAH [continuing]. Intellectual talents.
General BOLDEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. FATTAH. That is not a benefit we provide to our young people
in this country. And I just want us to be clear, we need to get our
priorities in order as a nation about what we need to be doing to
prepare ourselves to compete in this world. And it is an unfortunate paradox that we could provide the resources to protect their
country with our young people while they provide their resources
to educate their children.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you for your testimony. The hearing is adjourned.
General BOLDEN. Congressman, thank you so very much.

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Mr. BONNER. Good morning. Chairman Wolf is testifying at another hearing and we expect him here in just a few minutes. In the
meantime, he asked us to go ahead and get started.
I had the pleasure of introducing myself to the witness earlier.
My name is Jo Bonner. I am from Mobile, Alabama, and I am
pleased to serve as vice chairman of the Subcommittee.
I would like to welcome everyone to the hearing today on the fiscal year 2012 budget request of the National Science Foundation.
Our witness is Dr. Subra Suresh, the Director of NSF.
Sir, thank you so much for being here with us today.
Dr. Suresh, you are sitting before a subcommittee which I hope
you know is very supportive of your agency and its mission to advance the countrys scientific research and educational enterprises.
Our national struggles in these areas have been well documented, most notably in the 2007 report entitled Rising Above the
Gathering Storm.
Unfortunately, in spite of the increased visibility of the problem,
it appears we have made very little lasting progress in reversing
some of the trends that were outlined in that report. In fact, an update of Gathering Storm issued just last year concluded that our
situation has only gotten worse.
We have an enormous challenge ahead of us. We are facing unrelenting competition from other countries that are highly motivated
to overtake our position as the global leader in this global economy.
And we have to face that competition while we are still dealing
with a very slowly recovering economy, one we hope continues to
recover, but I think by all accounts is the worst recession since the
Great Depression.
It is clear to Members on both sides of the aisle that NSF will
play a key role in meeting that challenge and helping to push the
United States back to the forefront of technical innovation.
Your ability to play that role obviously depends on the size of the
budget at your disposal, and that is what we are here to discuss
The NSF budget request for the fiscal year 2012 is $7.8 billion.
It represents, as you know, a 13 percent increase over your last enacted appropriation. That is a significant new investment, particularly given the constraints on the larger federal budget.

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Just as a quick aside, I came to Capitol Hill in 1985 as a young
staffer for my predecessor in Congress. At that time, the deficit was
$1.8 trillion. Now it is over $14 trillion.
And as we all know, just the other day, it was reported that the
deficit for February was $223 billion. So our Nation truly is struggling with serious financial challenges in front of us.
But as I said earlier, the NSF is so important to our mission as
a Nation.
Within your total request, you have a number of significant new
program proposals as well as some suggestions for where NSF can
or should scale back its involvement.
I know I will have some questions for you, as will the Ranking
Member and others who will be coming. There are several committee hearings taking place at this time, so please do not take offense at Members coming and going throughout the morning.
In a moment, Dr. Suresh, we will have you give a summary of
your written testimony and then we will proceed with the questions.
But before we do that, I would like to turn to my friend, the gentleman from Pennsylvania and our Ranking Member, Mr. Fattah,
for any opening remarks he would like to make.
Mr. FATTAH. Thank you very much.
And I want to thank the chairman. And it is a pleasure to see
him in the chair even though this is not his formal role on this
committee, but our chairman will be here momentarily. I was
watching him testify before a hearing in the Homeland Security
But let me welcome you. It is good to see you again.
I agree with the chairman that the national debt is a very important priority. In fact, next week, I am going to be offering legislation to address the national debt in the most forceful way that
would have been suggested to this point.
So I do not minimize it, but I do not see the glass as half empty.
I see it as mostly full. That is to say, we are the wealthiest country
in the world. We have well over $900 trillion in transactions,
money moving around in our economy every single year.
The notion that we cannot afford to pay our bills I think is a
faulty one. Whether we cut one and a half percent of the budget
this year or something a little less than that, which is the debate
between the $41 billion and the $61 billion between the two parties, is not going to address our debt. It is not going to address our
deficit. It is really a distraction. We spend a lot of time being distracted here in Washington.
I want to focus on the question of the countrys future. I think
we have this kind of sense that we are a declining power, we are
broke, we cannot afford to do the things that we need to do to prosper as a Nation, that is to educate our children or to invest in
science and innovation. I do not believe that about our country.
Now, I spent the weekend with some of my Republican colleagues. We went out to visit a couple of our national labs. I was
at Sandia. I was at one of the other nuclear weapons laboratories,
at Los Alamos. I saw how exceptional our Nation truly is. I mean,
I saw in the work of these scientists what is really being done.

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And when you look through the great work of the National
Science Foundation, whether it is the over 1,200 scientists you
have at the South Pole or all of the other investments and building
blocks, as you call them, in our countrys future, I think that we
should be inspired as a Nation.
Now, I think that is a paltry sum, that is this $7.8 billion, even
though it is a 12 percent increase, 13 percent increase.
When you look at a country like Singapore with less than 5 million people, 4.8 million people investing $5 billion in their National
Research Foundation, making a commitment as a nation that takes
three percent of their gross domestic product and have it in scientific research, it should suggest to a Nation like our own that we
risk being pushed aside on this kind of innovation highway if we
are not careful.
First of all, we cannot be a superpower on the cheap. We cannot
fight two wars, not pay for it, add it to the debt, give away tax
breaks to people and not account for it in any way, and grow the
domestic side of the budget all at the same time, which is what we
have done over the last ten years and then be intellectually surprised that we have a debt or a deficit. I mean, it is just that the
two do not add up.
But at the same time, we cannot afford not to make the investments in science for our national security, for our economy. And I
think that the Congress, whoever is in the majority, and the other
team is in the majority at the moment, we owe it to our country
to make these investments because as we compete with much larger countries like China or India, the only way a country of 300 million people is going to be able to position itself is through the same
decision that Singapore made.
It is a very rational decision that if you are going to have a
smaller population, then, you have to innovate more. You have to
educate more. You have to do these things.
And so I am looking forward to your testimony and I hope that
as we go through this that we will not try to apply an unscientific
approach to protecting our countrys security economically and in
other ways, that in some notion that we can somehow dumb down
our population, do less research, less investment, and somehow still
stay ahead.
Thank you very much.
Mr. BONNER. Thank you, Mr. Fattah.
Dr. Suresh, your written statement will be made a part of the
record and now you may proceed with the summary of your remarks.

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Mr. SURESH. Thank you.

Chairman Bonner, Ranking Member Fattah, soon to come Members of the committee, it is my privilege to be here with you today
to discuss the National Science Foundations fiscal year 2012 budget request.
My name is Subra Suresh and I am director of the National
Science Foundation.
I came to the United States as a young engineering student because it was the worlds beacon of excellence in science and edu-

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cation. The mission of NSF is to sustain that excellence as we continue to lead the way for the important discoveries and cuttingedge technologies that will help keep our Nation globally competitive, prosperous, and secure.
The fiscal year 2012 budget request for NSF, as the chairman
said in his statement, is $7.8 billion, an increase of 13 percent or
$895 million over the fiscal year 2010 enacted level.
NSFs request is consistent with the Presidents Plan for Science
and Innovation and with the America COMPETES Reauthorization
Act of 2010.
Americas economic prosperity and global competitiveness depend
on innovation that comes from new knowledge, new technologies,
and a highly-skilled and inclusive workforce. NSF has an unparalleled track record in supporting the best ideas and the most talented people for over 60 years.
The fiscal year 2012 budget builds on these past accomplishments and provides a direction for future success. NSF will
strengthen support for basic research in education, the building
blocks of future innovation while strengthening our disciplinary excellence.
A new NSF-wide investment of $117 million will accelerate the
progress of science and engineering through the deployment of
comprehensive cyberinfrastructure. Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering will explore ways
to handle the vast quantities of data generated by todays cuttingedge observational and computational tools, broaden access to
cyberinfrastructure, and support community research networks.
Research at the Interface of the Biological, Mathematical, and
Physical Sciences, a new $76 million investment, will explore natures ability to network, communicate, and adapt and apply this
understanding to engineer new technologies.
This program aims to discover new bio-inspired materials and
sensors and support the advanced manufacturing of bio-inspired
Todays most challenging research problems often bring together
insights from across computer science, mathematics, and the physical life and social sciences. INSPIRE, new to the NSF portfolio, is
a $12 million investment to encourage investigators to undertake
the interdisciplinary research that is the hallmark of much of contemporary science and engineering.
Because NSF supports research across all disciplines, we are positioned to catalyze the new fields and new research paradigms
that emerge from this cross-fertilization.
Many NSF activities provide incentives for investigators to undertake use-inspired research that translates basic discoveries into
applications for the benefit of society and the economy.
A $15 million investment in Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum will pursue innovative ways to use the radio spectrum more
efficiently, enabling more applications and services used by individuals and businesses to occupy the limited amount of available spectrum.
Over the next five years, NSF will receive $1 billion from the
Wireless Innovation Fund or WIN established with receipts from
spectrum auctions.

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NSFs support of advanced economics research led to the FCCs
current system of spectrum auctions that have netted over $45 billion for the Federal Government since 1994.
The Wireless Innovation Fund is expected to provide $150 million to NSF in fiscal year 2012 for research on cyber-physical systems such as smart sensors for buildings, roads, and bridges. Many
fields are on the threshold of discoveries that can establish U.S.
leadership in next generation technologies.
In the 1960s and 1970s, NSFs support of mathematical and
process innovations led directly to rapid prototyping and revolutionized how products are designed and manufactured. The budget
includes $190 million for a new advanced manufacturing initiative
to pursue innovations in sensor- and model-based smart manufacturing and nanomanufacturing.
Another investment of $30 million in the new interagency national robotics initiative will focus on robots that will work cooperatively with people in areas such as manufacturing, space and undersea exploration, healthcare, surveillance and security, and education and training.
NSF will continue to play a lead role in the multi-agency National Nanotechnology Initiative with an investment of $456 million, $117 million of which will explore signature initiatives in
nanoelectronics, solar energy collection and conversion, and sustainable nanomanufacturing.
NSFs support for nanotechnology research is already producing
returns. Over the past decade, NSF nanotechnology centers and
networks created 175 startups and developed collaborations with
over 1,200 companies.
U.S. leadership in science and engineering requires the most
knowledgeable and skilled science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics or STEM workers in the world. Three new programs
in STEM education, each funded at $20 million, will improve teacher preparation, strengthen undergraduate STEM education, and
broaden participation of under-represented groups in the science
and engineering workforce.
People and their ideas form the core of a robust science and engineering enterprise, but leading-edge tools are also needed to advance the frontiers and train students for the workplace.
The budget sustains investments in major recruitment and facilities projects that are already underway.
To conclude, One NSF characterizes my vision for NSF as a
model agency. NSF will work seamlessly across organizational and
disciplinary boundaries to create new knowledge, stimulate discovery, address complex societal problems, and promote national
Robust NSF investments in fundamental science and engineering
have paid enormous dividends, improving the lives and livelihoods
of generations of Americans. The Fiscal Year 2012 NSF Budget Request will carry this success into the future.
Mr. Chairman and Members of the subcommittee, this concludes
my testimony. I thank you for your leadership. I will be pleased to
answer any questions you may have.
[The information follows:]

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Mr. BONNER. Thank you very much for that testimony.
We have been joined by our colleague, Mr. Aderholt from Alabama, who also has the pleasure of chairing the Homeland Security
Subcommittee. And I think he indicated that he actually has to go
out and prepare for a hearing that is coming up, but he may have
some questions to submit for the record, as will other Members.
Lets go into a few questions. And I think the first one probably
should be the fact that we are operating under a Continuing Resolution at the present time. We are on a short-term two-week extension. We will see where that goes in terms of whether we will have
to do another one. Hopefully, though, Democrats, Republicans, Congress, the White House will be able to come to an agreement in the
next few weeks so that we can have some certainty to finish fiscal
year 2011.

How is the CR impacting the work of the NSF at the present

Mr. SURESH. I think we are continuing with plans to honor commitments. We are spending wisely and carefully. We are very
mindful of the need for continued workforce development. But it is
constraining our ability, so there are two aspects to this.
One is the real impact of it, but equally importantly and perhaps
more importantly the psychological impact of it on students, faculty, and researchers in the country.
And I would say that we wish we did not have a Continuing Resolution. We are working very hard to assure the community that
we are doing everything possible within our constraints to make
sure that their activities will continue to be supported by NSF
while we are looking to the future at the very cutting edge in both
research work and instrumentation for the community.
Mr. BONNER. You know, it is interesting. I think Mr. Fattah
would agree. I do not know any Member of Congress that likes the
CR either. It is one of the hands that sometimes we are dealt.
There may be some additional questions about the balance of fiscal year 2011.

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Let me shift, however, to the fact that your budget request proposes an increase in funding for the Graduate Research Fellowship
Program and within that program, an increase in the educational
allowance and stipend levels.
My sister is the provost at the University of Alabama so I know
how important this work is as it relates to graduate students
throughout the country, at great universities like Penn State and
Alabama and Brown and others.
Higher allowances and stipends will certainly make the awards
more useful to the individual recipients, but increasing the per
award cost will reduce the total number of awards that can be
Why in your view is this increase in the value of each award
worth the loss of additional fellowship opportunities?
Mr. SURESH. Thank you for that question.

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I think the Graduate Research Fellowships are an important
part of what NSF does. Since 1962, NSF has supported 46,000
graduate research fellows. I have had the honor and privilege of supervising more than ten students in two different institutions who
have received NSF graduate fellowships.
We have maintained a commitment to keep the increase that was
introduced in 2010 for Graduate Research Fellowships. So in the
fiscal year 2012 budget, we will have 2,000 graduate research fellows. But at the same time, the cost of education allowance has not
kept up with the increasing cost of education over the past many
years. So in the fiscal year 2012 budget, we will be increasing it
from $10,500 to $12,000.
Also, the cost of living has gone up quite a bit and graduate students already live in many places under substandard conditions. So
we want to make sure that in the not-too-distant future, we also
increase the stipend for graduate students so that we can address
that as well.
Because all three are important, I think if we do not support the
students adequately, then their ability to go into graduate education is going to be reduced. At the same time, to improve the
workforce, we have to support enough numbers and increasing
numbers of graduate students.
If you look at our budget, we have made some very difficult
choices. It is not that we are asking for increases. There are also
six programs that are going to be terminated. There are some programs that are being reduced which will impact graduate students.
And I think this is a mechanism that we are trying to find.
The other mechanism we are looking at, and it is also in the
America COMPETES Reauthorization Act, is that the graduate research funds will be supported through a combination of funds allocated to EHR and also to the Research and Related Activities category of the budget.

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Mr. BONNER. I am going to have some additional questions, and

I would like to yield to Mr. Fattah, but could you tell us about the
six programs that you are proposing to eliminate?
Mr. SURESH. Sure. So of the six programs, the major program
that will be eliminated will be DUSEL, Deep Underground Science
and Engineering Lab. The National Science Board, which is the
oversight body for the National Science Foundation, in its meeting
in December unanimously and very clearly articulated that the
model that was proposed for stewardship of DUSEL was inconsistent with the mission of NSF and was not acceptable.
In light of that, the Administration has proposed to terminate
the fiscal year 2012 budget for DUSEL. So that will be one of the
The other program is the Graduate STEM Fellows in K through
12 Education or GK12. GK12 is a program that was initiated in
1999. This program has had a rich and successful history. We have
had some very good outcomes out of this, but NSF always funds
good things, learns from the experience, gets community feedback,
and funds for a long period of time.

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But we have to move to new directions as well. So as a result
of this, we will incorporate the best practices of GK12 into other
programs as we move forward. We will honor existing commitments for GK12 in 2012, but there is no new funding for GK12.
The third program is called National STEM Distributed Learning
program or NSDL and, again, with increasing emphasis on
cyberlearning and other activities across NSF in different portfolios, including in EHR and some of the new programs that will
come into existence, it was decided that we take the best practices
of this and terminate this program for fiscal year 2012.
The fourth program is Research Initiation Grants to Broaden
Participation in Biology. Broadening participation is at the core of
NSF. It is in every activity that we do. And since joining NSF, I
have made a very firm commitment to broadening participation in
everything we do.
So one of the things we decided to do was to take in this program
and fold it into other activities. And one of the new programs that
will be initiated in EHR will address aspects of this program as
The next one is the Science of Learning Centers. These have provided useful input. Now, we have had extensive reviews of the successes of these programs and some will continue and terminate
over time. And those that have served their useful purpose, we
take the input and then we will wind them down over the coming
And the last one is a Synchrotron Radiation Center at the University of Wisconsin. This is a 30-year-old center and just refurbishing it will not keep us at the forefront of this field. So, therefore, it was decided to terminate it.
Mr. BONNER. Thank you very much.
Mr. Fattah.
Mr. FATTAH. Let me work from the general for a minute here and
we will get to some specifics.

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The National Science Foundation has invested in the research of

a couple hundred thousand scientists and a whole range of areas
that statutorily you have been instructed to do basic research in.
And this is the only entity of the Federal Government that has this
singular responsibility in terms of basic scientific research.
You are involved with the National Academies both here and in
other countries, Germany and the like. I wonder if you could share
with the subcommittee your perspective on this kind of international race in terms of science.
Let me give you a for instance. The computer was obviously developed here, and I would have the chairman note, at the University of Pennsylvania in my district. But today if we are looking for
the fastest supercomputers, they would not be in the United States
of America. They would be in China.
And so when you go to talk about simulations, we do not have
the worlds fastest or the greatest computers anymore. And you
could go over all kinds of areas where we see competition successfully challenging America on this front.

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So I was wondering if you could, given your perspective, give us
a sense about what you think it means to our Nation if we allow
others to move substantially ahead of us in these areas of scientific
Mr. SURESH. Thank you, Mr. Fattah.
As you mentioned, I have been fortunate and very privileged to
have had the opportunity for a number of international experiences. I received my first degree in engineering from Indian Institute of Technology and came to the United States.
I am quite active in a number of academies, the German National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering
in the U.S., and the Engineering and Science Academies in India,
and the Science Academy in Spain.
And you mentioned in your opening remarks about the investments that the government of Singapore makes. The Singapore
government created the National Research Foundation on January
1, 2006. In fact, I know the existence of that particular entity since
the day it was founded. And I had interacted quite a bit with that
foundation through my activities as dean of engineering at MIT.
And one of the things that is happening now as we face the biggest budget constraint since the Great Depression and the biggest
financial crisis since the Great Depression, we are also facing unprecedented competition from the international arena, from countries large and small.
I met with a number of colleagues from China who tell me that
over an already increasing base for research funding over the last
two decades or so, over the next five to six years, there is discussion that China will increase its research funding including basic
research funding by 50 percent from already a high level.
Singapore, as you indicated, a tiny country of 4.6 million people,
invests billions and billions of U.S. dollars into research. And I
have seen the infrastructure go up in front of my eyes over the last
two decades or so.
And the concern that I have both from personal experience and
these observations is that unlike the time in 1977 when I came to
the U.S., at that time, there was no question in my mind where
I wanted to go. There was only one place to go and that was here.
And to some extent, some would argue this is still the same. But
there are growing indications that this may not be the same ten
years from now if we are not careful. Let me give you a few data
Germany, Japan, South Korea spend more money on research as
a fraction of GDP, non-defense research spending compared to the
U.S. and they also passed us in 2000. For ten years, we have been
lagging behind those three countries and they have become major
forces in science and engineering discovery and translation.
Smaller Scandinavian countries have also surpassed us like Finland, for example, and other Scandinavian countries. Singapore is
on a path to significantly increase research funding. So that is one
The second problem is that we havelet me give you one piece
of anecdotal information. This is not yet a trend, but this is the
most compelling data that I have seen. In my graduating class in
engineering, all branches of engineering from an elite national in-

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stitution in India, there were 250 of us in 1977. More than 200 of
us had an opportunity to come to the U.S. to pursue graduate education. All 200 of us came and all 200 of us stayed here. Pretty
much all of us became American citizens and we joined academia,
industry startups, created jobs.
Fast forward 32 years. The most recent year for which we have
data which is 2009, the same campus, still 250 people, only 16 percent of those students chose to come here. Eighty percent could
have if they tried.
And one of the remarkable things about the American scientific
enterprise as a Nation is that this has been the unquestioned destination for many, many decades, for more than half a century or
even longer. And if we lose that, I think we are going to have a
Mr. FATTAH. The chairman in his opening statement referred to
this report that kind of benchmarked what we needed to do to stem
the tide. We have not done much of that.
And your sister is a provost. And to talk about graduate school,
we look at the students who pursue degrees in the hard science.
Less than a third of them are American students and it is decreasing and decreasing whether at the great University of Pennsylvania or at the University of Auburn. And this is a real challenge.
Mr. BONNER. University of Alabama.
Mr. FATTAH. Alabama.
Mr. BONNER. Auburn is that other university.
Mr. FATTAH. So this is a great concern because if we are not
growing our own or if others are not coming and staying, it just positions our country in a very bad way.
When I went out to visit these labs, I was struck by the fact that
way back in the 1940s and for every year since, our country has
made a very significant investment in research. And the labs I was
visiting had to do with our nuclear weapons. And obviously some
of the issues were classified.
But what was fascinating about this was that, in one discussion
about a much smaller country and what they were doing in this regard, I asked how they could afford to do this. The response of the
person giving the briefing was that, and quoting the briefer, their
position was they would eat grass if necessary in order to pursue
this research.
Now, this was in a much more defense-related posture, but the
point here is that the question becomes what is our resolve as a
Nation to make sure that we position ourselves at the very front,
to win and win consistently. And if we want to do that, we cannot
afford to abandon our investments in this regard.
Now, a 12 percent increase in this budget, given the financial climate, I guess we can say, is a step forward. But when a football
team from the University of Alabama and Penn State line up, it
is compared to what. It is not just what are you doing compared
to what you did last year. It is what you are doing compared to the
other teams that you are lining up against.
So we are competing economically with countries that seem to
have decided that winning is important. And the question becomes,
since we have historically been winning, whether or not we have

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decided that we no longer want to win and that what we would
rather do is to do something less than our best.
And I just think that rather than just the details of the budget,
that what is importantbecause we have heard the Patent Office
in this room say that for the first time in the year 2000, the same
year that you mentioned, we crossed over a rubicon in which the
majority of the patents being sought in our country are sought by
people who are not Americans or not American entities, right?
So, you know, so goes research, so goes to innovation, so goes intellectual property, and we know what follows from there because
then it is taking those products, to the market, manufacturing
them, and they are going to go other places.
So we have to really think about how we are going to go forward
and even in our rush to cut, we need to think that we do not want
to create a situation where, unlike those who made these investments in the 1940s and the 1950s and the 1960s, that somehow we
want to be the generation of leaders who decided to diminish Americas place in the world.
And I think that where the rubber meets the road is at this point
of innovation. It has nothing to do with party or partisanship. If
four percent of our population are scientists and engineers, we need
to make sure that they have the very best opportunities to succeed
Mr. BONNER. So that I do not get in trouble with my home State,
we also have a great university in Auburn. We are the only State
that I know of that has won back to back national championships
and has back to back Heisman Trophy winners. And we are proud
of that.
But Mr. Fattah raises a good point. In this Nation, we have
spent a lot of time, probably an inordinate amount of time focusing
on the achievements on the gridiron or the football field and do not
put near the emphasis that we should as a Nation on the achievements of our scientists and our biologists and our engineers. And
that is something that I think we can all agree is one of the reasons that we are in the position that we are in today.

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Last week, the GAO issued a report identifying areas of potential

duplication between government programs. You just previously
identified six programs that you are proposing to eliminate.
One of the reports major findings is that the government has 82
distinct programs whose purpose is to improve the quality of American teachers. Those programs are divided among ten different federal agencies, including both NASA and NSF.
Do you believe that your teacher quality programs are duplicative of those offered by other agencies. Then a follow-up question
to that is, what kind of government-wide coordination takes place
to ensure that these programs are effectively and efficiently
Mr. SURESH. Thank you for that question.
Mr. BONNER. The real chairman is here now.
Mr. SURESH. Thank you for the question, Mr. Bonner.
The GAO report is something that I have looked at. In response
to your point, NSFs goal in the education arena whether it is K

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through 12 or undergraduate, postgraduate, and higher education
is that we develop models and practices through scientific research,
test them out, validate them, and they are taken up by other agencies for large-scale implementation.
And as you saw in the six programs that we terminated, we continually look at things that are effective, that are not effective, so
we work very closely with the Department of Education.
There are three new programs that I mentioned in my opening
remarks that have been articulated for the fiscal year 2012 budget
request. And those are intended to look at what we have done well,
how to take them and then how to expand them.
One of the new programs is WIDER and this is essentially
geared at large-scale implementation for undergraduate education.
And as part of that, we look at all the existing things including
things that could potentially be duplicate activities and remove
them or try to eliminate them.
I have charged the head of our EHR, Dr. Ferrini-Mundy, who is
sitting behind me, with looking at how EHR can work with all the
directors within NSF to bring education to everything that we do,
not just in one particular unit, but across NSF. Conversely how do
we take the best practices in education across all the different activities and then bring them back to EHR.
So we are very aware of this and we are looking at this. And,
you know, one of the unique things about what NSF does is across
the spectrum of fields and from a scientific perspective creating
models rather than large-scale implementation.
Mr. BONNER. It may just be pennies on the dollar, but whatever
you can save in eliminating duplicative programs can be invested
in other areas of the important work that you are doing.
One of the things, just as an aside, going back to Mr. Fattahs
comments, I have advocated for years with NASA is that they need
to do a better job of letting the American taxpayer know where
their work is making a difference in our everyday lives.

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You know, when we passed the stimulus bill, some of us voted

for it, some of us voted against, but all of a sudden, you see these
road signs all across the country with the emblem that this is a
project of the stimulus bill.
I do not know whether NSF is able to brand itself on the work
that you are doing. I know the good work you are doing is paying
dividends not just in this country but around the world.
But I really think that might be something that if the American
taxpayer is in the grocery store and they are picking up a bottle
of detergent or whatever and they see your work helped lead to the
discovery of that ingredient, it just might bring a better understanding of your important work. And that way, we would not be
arguing over whether NSF should have a 13 percent increase or
whether it should be a 25 percent increase. The fact is people could
have a better grasp of the impact you are making on their daily
lives. Just a thought.
Mr. SURESH. You are right on, Mr. Bonner. In fact, these very
comments resonate very well with the first retreat that I held since
arriving at NSF. How can we make the work that NSF does be

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pwalker on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with HEARING

available or at least accessible so people can understand what NSF
does, not just the scientists and engineers, but a much broader population.
So let me mention a few of the specific things that I have started
in the last few months. First and foremost is improving all channels of communication. So I have actually set up a task force that
within NSF will look at how we communicate the outcomes of what
we do to The Hill, to K through 12, to middle school students, and
so forth. This is very important and it is increasingly important.
The second thing is to update the technology that we use to do
that. And it is not conventional technology anymore. There are a
variety of media, especially that are appealing to younger people
increasingly so. How do we tap into that?
The third one is not only gathering data but making the data accessible to a broader cross-section of people, both public information but also scientific information.
So we have a variety of programs that are underway. STAR
Metrics is a program that we are working on right now in collaboration with some other agencies as well like NIH. And this is something that during the course of this year I hope will be a very
strong medium through which the impact of NSFs work is broadly
Mr. BONNER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. FATTAH. If the gentleman would yield for just one second because the chairman is going to jump in here.
I totally agree with you. I mean, I think one of the problems is
when we look at NASA, we look at National Science Foundation.
Even though there are literally tens of thousands of very important
discoveries that have contributed to our country and to the world,
the public has no concept that this was through these investments
or through these entities.
We know when we go after a great football coach or a player, we
are all rooting for our team no matter what the price. Sign the guy,
sign him because we want to win. And that is the same kind of attitude we have to bring in this area of innovation, that we want
to win. We want to know what it costs to win and then we want
to pay the cost because we really do not want to pay the cost to
come in second to some of these other nations in our world.
Thank you.
Mr. BONNER. If I might, this will be my last question and then
I am going to go to another hearing. I really have enjoyed being
with you and I appreciate the chairman allowing me to be in his
chair for a few minutes.
Yesterday the prime minister of Australia was here and twice, at
the beginning of her speech and at the end of it, she cited as a
young girl, and I could relate, as we are approximately the same
age, how all the way down under, she was able to look to the
United States and the world leadership we were providing by putting a man on the moon. And then when she closed with that, basically it was a challenge for America to always continue to lead.
And, you know, sometimes it is refreshing to hear from outside
the role that we play and that we should continue to play.
Thank you, Chairman Wolf.

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Mr. WOLF [presiding]. Thank you, Mr. Bonner. I want to thank
you for chairing the hearing. I was at another hearing testifying,
so I appreciate it very much.
And I agree with what both Mr. Bonner and Mr. Fattah said.

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This is a question based on my disappointment in NSF and in

Dr. Bement. Back in 2009, I asked the NSF to pull together a team
of experts to identify the best practices in K12 STEM education
and make recommendations on how these practices could be replicated across the country. Despite all the time, two years that has
gone by since then, that team of experts has yet to meet. And the
earliest we can get the recommendations would be early summer.
We have actually lost a couple of young kids from pursuing STEM
subject because of the failure of NSF to respond.
When is the NSF going to fulfill this directive, and what is the
justification for this unnecessarily long delay? We did the same
thing on prison reform. Mr. Mollohan to his credit, and I want to
make sure he always gets the credit, had the very best hearing on
prisons and prison reform.
We asked the Pew Foundation and the Council of State Governments to do an in-depth review, bringing the best minds. They finished their report. They published it. They have gone out to all the
governors and you all have not even responded. Two years have
gone by.
So when you say that you are really that excited about education, I do not see the results. So what is the justification for this
unnecessarily long delay, and when are you going to fulfill the directive? Why the delay first?
Mr. SURESH. Thank you for the question, Mr. Chairman. But I
also want to thank you for your interest in STEM and your leadership in this area.
Let me respond to that. As you know, I arrived at NSF on October 18th last year, about four months ago. As soon as I found out
about the need for this report, I had charged the head of our EHR
unit, Dr. Ferrini-Mundy, who is here, to give me an update on this,
but also to look into how quickly we can have this report submitted.
There are three parallel activities that are going on
Mr. WOLF. Why did it take so long to do it, two years?
Mr. SURESH. I think that there are three reasons for this. One
is to identify the best practices in STEM education. There was an
NRC Committee that was set up with experts from around the
country. And they are submitting written material ahead of a
meeting that is going to be held in May of this year, on May 11th
and 12th.
And, in fact, I very much hope that you will be available to kick
off that meeting. There was an invitation that was sent to your office about two weeks ago or so. And we very much hope that that
event will take place. And that event will be a culmination of all
the background work that has gone on. So that was one factor.
The second factor is that NSF has also charged the Urban Institute to look at two states where we can take the best practices and
use them in the report with enough careful scientific data. This is

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a very important topic and NSF is extremely grateful to you for the
leadership you have shown in this. This has galvanized us actually
to do a scientific study that typically the way NSF does and to give
you a report that is complete and comprehensive and that addresses the issue.
The third reason for this, NSF has also engaged the COSMOS
Corporation to look into the best practices of the American Science
Program and to incorporate the findings with respect to STEM education into the report. And they are also charged to get that.
So I asked the head of EHR to give me an interim report on
where things stand with specific deadlines. That report was given
to me about a little more than a week ago and that report has been
forwarded to your office as well.
And the symposium will take place in May and the preliminary
report will be done in June of this year. And the final report will
be submitted by mid July of this year.
Mr. WOLF. Well, just the thought of two years is so long, and I
am really disappointed in the former director. He left town. How
hard you work on the last day is as important as how hard you
work on the first day, and on the last day, he did not finish this.
He specifically sat there and promised that it would be done.
I am concerned that NSFs actions in response to this directive
may be too narrow and will result primarily in a report to this committee. It is interesting and this committee will look at it. But
what are you going to do to make policymakers, school officials,
teachers, and other interested parties aware of the findings so that
they can actually put it to use?
The purpose is to make sure the superintendent of schools in
Fairfax County and the city of Philadelphia and Harrisburg and
Richmond get this thing quickly. And as you know, school years
begin, curriculum is set up.
How are you getting it out to the real people that matter, not to
this committee? It really does not matter what you tell this committee. What are you going to tell the superintendents and the
guidance counselors and the science teachers around the country,
and how will you get it into their hands so that it can be implemented?

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Mr. SURESH. So if I could quickly answer that question. One of

the things I have also charged not only Dr. Ferrini-Mundy but our
communications folks is a communications strategy for these kinds
of very important reports. That also goes back to Mr. Bonners earlier question which is very relevant to this particular issue.
I fully agree with your sentiment on making this available as
broadly as possible and so we are looking into that strategy right
now to get it to as wide an audience as possible.
Mr. FATTAH. If I could suggest to the chairman, we would love
for your second favorite city, Philadelphia, to host a roll-out of the
study for all the school superintendents from around the country
Mr. WOLF. You going to go?
Mr. FATTAH [continuing]. We could tie them in by web if they
cannot travel. We could do it at the great Constitution Center and

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NSF could roll this out in a very large media market that would
get a lot of exposure. And the chairman and I could be there to
help open up the discussion. So we will be glad to work with you.
Mr. WOLF. I would be open to do it. We could go down to Pats
Steaks and get a steak.
Mr. FATTAH. I am paying for the steak. All right? So I think we
have a bipartisan agreement that we should roll this study out in
Mr. WOLF. You want to do that? You want to work out something?
Mr. FATTAH. I want to work with NSF on that regard.
Mr. SURESH. Mr. Chairman, I also want to assure you we definitely want to do as the National Science Foundation better than
the Department of Prisons, so we will do everything possible.
Mr. WOLF. Well, the prisons people turned it around. Pew Foundation and Council of State Governments did it very, very fast. It
was quite a report. I was going to bring it today, but I did not want
to embarrass you. It is very impressive.

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At what age do you think you lose a young person? First, second,
third, fourth, fifth grade? Very few people go to college and major
in business and then transfer into sciences or physics or chemistry.
When I go into the schools, I have my own perception. But what
grade do you think you begin to lose somebody? If you lost them,
I cannot say you never get them back, but it is very tough. Fifth
grade, sixth grade, seventh grade, first grade? What is your answer?
Mr. SURESH. Well, it depends on a number of circumstances, but
I would say it is very early. I think one can always energize them
with the right mentoring at different stages, but the earlier we excite somebody about the importance and the impact of science and
engineering, the better it is.
There are some constituencies where we lose certain segments of
our scientific workforce at a much later stage. For example, in the
case of women in science and engineering, 40 percent of the postgraduates in the country in science and engineering are women,
but in the workforce, they are only 26 percent. We lose them in
their early career stage after they have been trained, after they
have made the initial impact for a variety of reasons.
But in terms of capturing the attention of young minds, the earlier, the better.
Mr. WOLF. There must be an age. There has got to be a point
when the line crosses, and I am trying to get when that is.
Mr. SURESH. Well, I mean, obviously the earlier, the better, but
I can only give some response. I have two daughters. Both are into
science and engineering and one got interested in science at fourth
grade. And fourth grade according to data is what studies suggest.
But there are also, you know, differing circumstances. But if you
are asking about based on scientific studies on average, it is about
fourth grade.
Mr. WOLF. So whatever we do with limited resources, we have
to put the emphasis on kindergarten, first grade, second grade,

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third grade, fourth grade and fifth grade to keep these kids active
and interested in science.
Well, that is what we are looking to find out and what schools
have done
Mr. SURESH. Right.
Mr. WOLF [continuing]. Not just in two states but around the
country to bring that about.

NSF has permanent offices located in Beijing. Can you describe

what this office does and why it is necessary?
Mr. SURESH. So, Mr. Chairman, before you came here, we had a
lively conversation about international engagement and growing
competition and so forth. NSF, as you know, has three overseas offices, one in Tokyo, one in Beijing, and one in Paris. We also have
operations in Antarctica where we use Christchurch, New Zealand
as a focal point if not an official office for our Antarctic program.
As we discussed earlier here, the U.S. has been the unquestioned
destination for decades, for nearly a century for scientists and engineers to come from all over the world. And I am a living example
of that population.
We have also been the generators of ideas, innovative ideas. We
have been a very open society not just in science but as a society.
And as a result, it has benefitted what we do enormously and it
has benefitted the scientific enterprise around the world.
Now, as other countries grow, other countries invest a lot of
money and it is very important that agencies like NSF not only
find out what our competition is, not only try to understand how
we ensure that we remain at the very cutting edge of it, but equally important, we make sure that we give our scientists and engineers and our students an opportunity to any technologies that
may evolve over there.
So one of the purposes of the Beijing office would be to, A, find
out what goes on in China in science and engineering education
and research
Mr. WOLF. And do they give you a weekly or a daily or monthly
Mr. SURESH. There is a monthly report that comes to our international office.
Mr. WOLF. How many people are in Beijing?
Mr. SURESH. I think it is an office with just one or two and they
interface with the State Department.
Mr. WOLF. Are they located in the embassy?
Mr. SURESH. I do not think so. I will be visiting them later this
year. I have not visited them.

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Mr. WOLF. Let me ask you this. How many cyber attacks have
there been against NSF?
Mr. SURESH. Recently there was one last fall, but, you know, we
take the cyber attacks very, very seriously. And, in fact, in the
2012 budget request, we have $155 million for cybersecurity research which is a 20 percent increase over the 2010 enacted level.
And this is something that is a major part of the emphasis for us.

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Mr. WOLF. Last month, your Inspector General testified that a
significant cybersecurity incident recently occurred at NSF and the
computers involved had been wiped clean before investigators from
the IGs office had an opportunity to examine them.
Have you made changes to your security breach procedures to ensure these circumstances do not repeat?
Mr. SURESH. Yes. We have increased firewalls. We have increased cybersecurity software and also made the system much
more secure following that attack.
In addition to that, we have a fairly high-level committee that
has been set up since that time at NSF looking into all of our practices and interfacing with the different parts of NSF.
Mr. WOLF. Following on that, portable IT devices like BlackBerries and laptops are common targets of foreign intelligence services in countries like China where NSF employees travel frequently
on official business. I was concerned to hear that NSF has no formal policy on protection of IT devices during official travel.
Mr. SURESH. Actually, we now have. We have a policy.
Mr. WOLF. As of when? Monday, or as of when?
Mr. SURESH. No, no. As of about a month and a half ago.
Mr. WOLF. What is the policy with regard to BlackBerries and
laptops taken to China?
Mr. SURESH. So initially they have to go through a check at NSF.
It goes through our cybersecurity folks first to make sure that appropriate filters are put in for these devices.
Mr. WOLF. But they tell me that you can never really take a
BlackBerry or a computer to China and have it clean.
Mr. SURESH. I am not familiar with that, but my understanding
is that this is very much on the radar screen of our IT folks. And
we have this committee that is looking into ensuring that there is
no proprietary or sensitive information from NSF or any information from NSF that is compromised when people travel overseas
anywhere including in China.
Mr. WOLF. Well, say by Monday, maybe you can have somebody
come up to sit down with the staff to tell us specifically what you
are doing about BlackBerries and laptops going to any single country, and how you clean them. Many of the security agencies are
giving new ones to take over there and then they turn them back
in when they get back.
Mr. SURESH. Okay.
Mr. WOLF. If they compromise your BlackBerry or laptop, they
can come through to your computer. So if somebody can come up
next week and sit down with the staff to let us know what you are
doing and how quickly. Not just for travel to China, but
Mr. SURESH. Okay.
Mr. WOLF [continuing]. To Syria, and to any country so we have
some sense.
Mr. SURESH. I will be very happy to do that, have somebody meet
with your staff and update them on

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Mr. WOLF. I am going to go to Mr. Serrano in a minute. But the

lease for your current headquarters expires in 2013. GSA has already begun looking at replacement options.

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Is remaining in your current facility still a possibility? What
would need to be done to those buildings in order to make them
consistent with GSA requirements and NSFs ongoing space needs?
And I can recall Senator Robb, Chuck Robb, moved NSF to Virginia. NSF fought it tooth and nail. They wanted to be downtown
close to the White House. Now they seem to be happy. At least Mr.
Bement said they were happy.
Many employees have moved there now. They live around there.
And I do not want to see you guys pick up and head off to Timbuktu when people have bought homes and made an impact.
So what needs to be done to these buildings? Where are you
going to go, and what are you doing with regard to office space?
Mr. SURESH. So, you know, this as a former renter, I know that
there is never a good time for the lease to come up for renewal.
And as you mentioned, our lease is coming up for renewal in 2013.
The process to address what happens in 2013 started in 2009
and in consultation with GSA. And based on these discussions over
the past two years or so, nearly two years, GSA has determined
that there is sufficient competition for a new site and also sufficient opportunities for infrastructure and access to critical infrastructure for NSF in the northern Virginia area. Of course, this is
subject to Congressional approval and this is a discussion that they
have been having.
With respect to your question
Mr. WOLF. Just for the record, that is not my congressional district. I just want the record to
Mr. WOLF. It is Congressman Jim Morans district.
Mr. SURESH. Yes. So that is what GSA has determined over the
last year or so. With respect to the existing building, the existing
building could be one possibility. But NSF moved into the existing
building in 1993. And NSFs operations have grown significantly
since 1993, so there are critical infrastructure improvements from
transformers to elevators to panel rooms to IT infrastructure to cybersecurity and so forth that need to be done in the existing building should NSF or should GSA and Congress decide that we stay
in the current location. And that will require significant improvements to the current location. That is also one of the possibilities.
We do not know how this will evolve over the next few months or
Mr. WOLF. The GSA prospectus for the project establishes location criteria for any potential future NSF headquarters. What are
the criteria, and how does the application of those criteria limit the
geographic area in which GSA can look?
Mr. SURESH. The criteria, you know, broadly would be a variety
of them that include access to critical infrastructure, access to
places like hotels and things like this because last year, we engaged something on the order of 290,000 referees in the communities. Not all of them came. About 19,000 people or so came into
the NSF area. We also hold meetings.
And so the criteria are still evolving. They are not finalized, but
broadly there are criteria. So I can tell you that the infrastructure
that I mentioned, airports, Metrorail, interstate trains, easy to
reach from different airports, that is one criterion.

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Last year, as I mentioned, we had 20,000 merit review panelists
who visited the NSF site or nearby hotels. So access to that is very
Specific criterion would be that hotel accommodations deliver a
minimum of 1,500 room nights per week. And so
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
Mr. SURESH. [continuing]. Hotel infrastructure has to be
Mr. WOLF. Well, I would ask you to stay in touch with the committee and also Congressman Moran, Senator Mark Warner and
Senator Webb on this issues.
You know, it is interesting. We had to offer an amendment to
beat NSF back. They fought to stay on Constitution Avenue. There
is no rail on Constitution Avenue. There are no restaurants on
Constitution Avenue. There are no hotels or motels on Constitution
Avenue. And you all fought to stay there.
So I want you to be faithful to the criteria and I would ask that
you keep Mr. Moran informed. Because what I am afraid of is there
is going to be somebody in the middle of the night try to move this
agency somewhere, and your employees are going to be left high
and dry. They have got mortgages on their house. They have investments that they have made. They have moved their families.
Their kids are invested.
And, again, the record must show NSF is not in my congressional
district and never will be in my congressional district.
But you start doing this, and you hurt people. So I am going to
ask you to keep the committee informed and keep Mr. Moran and
Mr. Warner and Mr. Webb also informed.
Mr. FATTAH. If the gentleman would yield.
Mr. WOLF. Excuse me.
Mr. FATTAH. It is definitely not in my congressional district. But
let me just say that on behalf of this side of the team, I am fully
in support of what the chairman is saying. I believe that the stability of the employee base is critically important.
And, Mr. Chairman, I think that NSF and GSA should figure out
what the requirements are that they need. But I am not opposed
to using the appropriations bill to help them focus in a way that
will not have them wasting their energy looking for places to go
other than in the general vicinity in which they are in.
Mr. WOLF. I appreciate Mr. Fattahs comment. That is what we
went through the last time. Actually, Dr. Bement used to live in
Maryland and moved over, if some may recall. I have talked to
some of the employees. They said they have made these investments, and now they are hearing word that there may be this effort to move.
I have never tried to take any federal agency and put it in my
congressional district. And this is not in my district.
Mr. FATTAH. I am willing to support language, prohibitions or
other language that could be instructive in this matter.
Mr. WOLF. I appreciate that.
Mr. SURESH. If I could just add to your comments. One of the
things I have done since joining NSF about nearly five months ago
was to meet with each and every office and directorate at NSF in
my first two months. And that has been extremely beneficial to me
not only for the scientific work that NSF does or the education

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work that NSF does, it also gave me an opportunity to feel the
pulse of the staff.
And I am very much committed to making sure that the staff are
very happy. And we would not want to do anything that significantly disrupts their lives and is a blow to their morale.
Mr. WOLF. Where do you live?
Mr. SURESH. I live in Washington. I recently moved here and
Mr. WOLF. Buy or rent?
Mr. SURESH. Mine is a six-year appointment, so it was too long
a time to rent. Even though it was too short a time probably to
buy, I decided to buy it.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Serrano.

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Mr. SERRANO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.

One of my subjects of interest, Doctor, is the Arecibo Observatory
in Puerto Rico. Now, it serves the purpose that it does scientifically
and otherwise. It is also very symbolic for the Federal Government
and NSF and NASA to have chosen one of the territories for such
an important project so long ago.
And so you can see that by my comments that we both pay attention to the significance of it in terms of what it accomplishes and
what it has accomplished and why it is needed and also the importance of having it in a territory and how the people feel about that.
So for a while, it looked like it was going to close down. Now it
seems like that is not the case. New reports came out about the
near earth objects. I am always amazed by that comment. That is
kind of a scary comment, you know. I think we have some near
earth people in here, but objects are something of great interest to
So what is the status? I mean, is it going to close down? Is it
going to stay open? Have you rediscovered an importance for the
Arecibo Observatory?
Mr. SURESH. So the facility in Puerto Rico
Mr. SERRANO. And for the record, Mr. Chairman, NSF is not in
my district. But as a disclaimer, Puerto Rico is the territory where
I was born, although I represent the Bronx, just for the record.
Mr. SURESH. Mr. Serrano
Mr. FATTAH. Is there a record of your birth?
Mr. SERRANO. Well, I know for sure I cannot be President.
Mr. SURESH. Thank you, Mr. Serrano, for the question.
I will be happy to answer that just for the record and for full disclosure, I have to say until five months ago, I held a job for an institution whose official mascot is a beaver. And I had a beaver ring
on my finger until recently.
The facility in Puerto Rico has multiple benefits. And, in fact, I
am not an astronomer or astrophysicist, but the facility is the largest single antenna facility in the world. It not only serves in scientific discoveries in the astrophysics arena, it has also been beneficial for educational purposes.
The decision that was made in 2006 was based on the senior review that was done where it was felt that cost sharing should be
done from sources outside of NSF because it is also of interest to
NASA and it is also of interest to not only the Astronomy Division

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of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate but also the
Atmospheric and Geospace Division of the Geosciences Directorate
at NSF.
And based on that, attempts were made and now we have an ongoing management competition underway with a new five-year cooperative agreement to be awarded in fiscal year 2012. That is the
current status. And there are still attempts being made to ensure
in response to the senior review that we will get matching support
from other sources. The fiscal year 2012 budget request for the facility will be $8.7 million.
Mr. SERRANO. So based on that statement, one would say that an
immediate plan to close it is not in the works and that, in fact, if
things go well, we know the observatory will be around at least
until 2017?
Mr. SURESH. Well, that is correct. I think it depends on the outcome of this management competition, but we are going through
the process and a decision will be made in fiscal year 2012.
Mr. SERRANO. I also appreciate and thank you for being probably
one of the first folks to come before this committee, I have been on
this committee for many years and took a hiatus, forced by circumstances, and glad to be back, the first one to mention the educational value of the observatory. So since there are no secrets in
politics or in public hearings, I am sure there are a lot of folks who
will be happy at your comments. And I thank you for that.
Mr. SURESH. If I could just add one comment to that just to put
some numbers to that, the Angel Ramos Foundation Visitors Center attracts roughly 100,000 visitors per year at the facility. And
so there is also not only a research component and an education
component, there is also a public outreach component to excite people about it.
Mr. SERRANO. It is also featured in a James Bond movie. Did
they get paid for that? I mean, what happens? I have always wondered when they use a facility like that, do we get paid for it?
Mr. SURESH. I have to look into that. I am not
Mr. SERRANO. Yeah. And do they get like a piece of the action
every time it is shown on the James Bond marathon, you know?

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Mr. SURESH. Maybe that will convince a lot of young people to

go into science.
Mr. SERRANO. It does. It does.
And staying on the issue that Chairman Wolf had brought up,
I had always heard also that fourth grade is the key. In fact, prior
to my State Assembly days where I was chairman of the Education
Committee, I worked for the local school district and there were
many people who sadly stated that if a child was not into school
in terms of feeling good about going to school every day by the
fourth grade that it was a serious problem. And it seems like it is
so early. But by the fourth grade, if that child was not feeling good
about going to school and learning and being excited by teachers
and parents and the community that that child could be lost as
early as the fourth grade.
There has been a lot of talk throughout the years and a lot of
efforts by your folks to invite more African Americans and Latinos

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into the math and science fields. And I know you have done a lot
of work with that.
What is the ongoing issue there, and is there an interest first by
government to invite those folks into the field and, secondly, is
there a response from the communities?
Mr. SURESH. So there are a number of programs that NSF has
under the broad category of broadening participation. And one of
the critical things that we are going to face as a country will be
the workforce issue for the future. We address one aspect of it.
And as I see it, there are three critical components to that workforce issue. The first component is going to be the representation
of women in the future science and engineering workforce of this
country. So that is about 50 percent of the population. They represent 40 percent in terms of early career scientists and engineers,
but then from that point until a few years later, their representation in the workforce drops to about 26 percent. 2006 is the most
recent year for which we have the data. Until we fix that, I think
that component of the workforce is going to remain a problem.
I want to come back to the Hispanics and underrepresented minority issue, but I want to contrast that with the data that we have
for women scientists and engineers.
In 2009, 72 percent of high school valedictorians in American
high schools were girls, 72 percent, and that fraction is increasing.
In 2009, 20 percent more women graduated from college than
men did and that difference is increasing.
In the last ten years in the U.S., we have seen a 10 percent increase in the number of Ph.D.s given in science and engineering
across all fields. That entire 10 percent increase was due to women
getting Ph.D.s in science and engineering. They represent about 40
percent now.
So all of this is very good news. So the good news is that women
are increasingly coming into the science and engineering workforce.
The problem is that they are leaving before their training and their
expertise and wisdom could be tapped into for the countrys benefit
and for their careers because of a number of issues, complicating
issues. One of the key issues is family issues.
So with respect to that segment of the population, we have excellent news with respect to entry into the science and engineering
workforce, but not so good news with respect to retention.

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When we go to African Americans or underrepresented minority

populations in the country, Hispanics and Native Americans and so
forth, we significantly lag both in the entry with respect to the representation in the population and also in the retention issue.
So I can give you some data from the last eleven years. It is not
just one-year data. In the last eleven years, NSF support for minority-serving institutions has grown at double the rate of NSF support for all the institutions in the country.
The second data point that I can give is that in the same time
period of eleven years, in dollar value, NSF support for minorityserving institutions has increased by 200 percent. So we are starting to do the right thing, but there is still a very long way to go.
There are a number of activities that we can engage to do this.

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Just last week, I met with the president of Florida International

University, which is the largest Hispanic-serving institution in the
country. Two days later I met with the president of Texas A&M
University, which is the second largest Hispanic-serving institution
in the country. And they have a 90 percent Hispanic population in
their community.
So we talked about ways in which those large institutions, which
are Hispanic-serving institutions which receive NSF support, can
engage the local community, the community colleges and what are
the effective ways in which to do this. In fact, they are organizing
a major event that will involve 80,000 people at Texas A&M University in September of this year which I will participate in.
So we are looking at different ways in which we can do this. We
have $100 million allocated in fiscal year 2012 for community colleges and we can tap segments of those resources to minority-serving institutions and Hispanic-serving institutions.
We have a new program in the fiscal year 2012 budget for $20
million called Transforming Broadening Participation through
STEM Education. And there are opportunities there also to target
underrepresented minority groups and Hispanic-serving institutions.
Mr. SERRANO. Do I have time for one more?
Let me preface my comment by saying that, and I know Mr.
Fattah shares this feeling with me, we have the utmost respect for
our chairman. Our chairman is a fiscal conservative, but he is a fiscal conservative with a conscience and heart.

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There is a movement afoot this year, however, and I suspect for

a couple of years to cut, cut, cut, cut. Having said that, I have been
to 21 State of the Union addresses. And as a person from the south
Bronx representing a poor district, born in Puerto Rico, I look for
certain things. What is the President going to say about housing,
social services.
This time, what stuck with me was not in any of those areas, but
it is in your area. When President Obama said, yes, we have to balance the budget, we have to do this, but we have to invest in inventing things and creating scientists. And he said we Americans
are good at inventing things.
And so without getting you on one of those cable channels tonight being, you know, insulted because you asked for more money
or something, are we in danger here of taking many steps back if
in the process of cutting, we do not give agencies like you the opportunity to create the next set of scientists or to create the next
set of inventions or, you know, not just you but NASA and all those
places that create? Where is the danger?
And, again, you are in front of a chairman who is notyou know,
this man, he knows I mean this, has a great heart and he is truly
a great American. But there are a couple of guys around here including some on my side who would cut everything to nothing,
zero. If we keep going with these CRs, the last one we will have
is zero as our number, you know.

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What are we in danger of because, like I said, I always look for
all these social issues? This time, the thing that stuck with me is
he said we have got to invent. We can go back to being the leaders
in inventing things and creating things.
Mr. SURESH. Well, thank you. Thank you for asking that question and for the opportunity to address it.
But before I start with that, I also want to express not only my
personal appreciation but also the appreciation of the National
Science Foundation for Chairman Wolfs strong support of science
over the years and your commitment to science and STEM education.
In response to your question, I think one of the things that NSF
has done right from the beginning, starting with Dr. Vannevar
Bushs Science, the Endless Frontier report that led to the creation of the National Science Foundation, is to keep a focus on
basic science as the engine of innovation for the country with a
long-term focus.
And one of the things that we are particularly in danger of losing
sight of in this economic climate is we have severe budget constraints, financial constraints, a nine percent unemployment rate,
just below nine percent unemployment rate. But NSF investments
are long-term.
If we take a short-term view and cut, I think five years from
now, ten years from now when we address all the current problems, we will not be in a position to address what is needed for the
country with respect to scientific leadership, with respect to economic leadership, with respect to military leadership.
I mentioned in my opening remarks that even in the short term,
the National Nanotechnology Initiative started in 1999. NSF
played a leading role in not only creating the National Nanotechnology Initiative but supporting it.
In just ten years, NSF funded nanotechnology centers have led
to 175 startups involving 1,200 companies in the country. As recently as the mid to late 1990s, NSF supported two young students
at Stanford whose work, purely mathematical work, led to the creation of Google.
So it is not just very long term. Sometimes it is very short term.
In terms of long-term things, we supported GPS in the 1960s and
the GPS research that NSF funded in the 1960s is now used in
everybodys mobile phone for a variety of purposes.
So I think if we lose sight of the long-term focus as we react to
the short-term needs of the country, I think it will come back to
hurt us. So that is very much in resonance with what you said in
your comments.
Mr. SERRANO. Thank you so much, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for your service.
Mr. SURESH. Thank you very much.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you Mr. Serrano.

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I am going to go to Mr. Fattah, then I have a whole lot of questions. But I do want to comment. I appreciate the gentlemens comments and your comments, and I agree. I think there is another

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thing that I feel strongly about that I want to put on the record,
because silence indicates just total acquiescence in everything.
There is another group that will be hurt, and it will be the poor.
The poor will be hurt. It says in Proverbs 19, when you give to
the poor, you give to God. But there is another end to the story,
and this is for those of you who are writing in the press out there.
Until we deal with the issue of entitlements, Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security, this will continue. I think the President
and this administration have been AWOL, they have been absent.
I agree with Mr. Serrano on the sciences, and I think I had one
question which we will submit for the record about China. The Chinese government has been increasing scientific R&D investing as
a fraction of GDP at an annual rate of more than 5 percent, which
verifies what Mr. Serrano said. While they are starting from a
smaller base, this level of commitment is enormous and we are cutting. We are really going to have to come together in a bipartisan
way, and there is just no other way.
In fact, Mark Warner and Tom Coburn and Dick Durbin have
put together a group in the Senate that is moving ahead. Some on
the left are criticizing them for going after entitlements, and some
on the right are going after them for raising taxes, but they are
moving ahead. So I really think unless we deal with the fundamental issue of getting control of the entitlements, what Mr.
Serrano said will be true. So I think I would rather see us get control. I made a speech on the floor of the House saying if the SimpsonBowles package comes up, while there are some things I would
attempt to change in the process as we go forward, I would vote
for it. If Tom Coburn and Dick Durbinboth good peoplecan
come together, then I would hope we can, too.
So we are waiting for the administration, we are waiting for the
President. Until the President provides that leadership, I think
both sides up here are going to continue to kind of clash.
You know, we have 50 million people that are on food stamps
now. Our food banks are fundamentally empty, and as you go after
these programs you are really taking food away from poor people.
There is just no other way about it. Other people can adjust their
budgets, but you have got to go where the money is. Willie Sutton
said he robbed banks because that is where the money was, and
entitlements are where the money is. So I want to see us plus up
math and science and physics and chemistry and biology, and also
the food banks and things, but I think we are going to have to
come to agreement. We are reaching a tipping point, and Moodys
said we will lose our triple A bond rating in perhaps 2012.
Following along on that, Rising Above the Gathering Storm
stated that improving the nations K through 12 educational system was the highest priority step we could take to improve scientific and technical competitiveness.
But I said I was going to go to Mr. Fattah. Let me go to Mr.
Fattah first, and then I will go to this subject.
Mr. FATTAH. Now let us see, in the 1890s, in the midst of the
conclusion thereabouts of the Civil War, we invested in land grant
colleges in this country, Penn State and all of the other great land
grant colleges. The Morrill Act, it kind of set a benchmark about
the kind of nation we were going to be. Even in the midst of chal-

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lenges we kind of knew that education and investment in education
was critically important.
So yeah, I think that there is a consensus that with innovation
in scientific research we are going to have to do more than we are
doing. I agree with the chairman totally that we need a comprehensive resolution on the fiscal front, I am for voting for one. In fact
there are five different ones, including the present debt commission
and at different variations of revenue raising and spending cuts. I
would vote for all of them. I think we need to get this to the side,
get this resolved, because I actually believe it is a distraction.
First of all, I do not believe that we are not in a position as a
country to pay our bills or that we have to be the largest debtor
nation in the world. You know, there is a report today about billionaires holding trillions of dollars. There was a story last week
about how a quarter of a million dollars was too little money to secure people to serve on boards of directors as a part-time job in our
I mean the notion that we as the worlds wealthiest country cannot pay our bills, it really is defied by the facts. It is just that we
for, whatever reason, have bought in as a generation that somehow
we can have this on the cheap, that we can be in two wars, we can
do all this other stuff and we do not have to pay for it.
And one of the largest hedge funds decided to remove from its
portfolio all the U.S. debt, and that was reported this morning, and
I think as we approach a crisis we will obviously react to it. The
question is what damage are we doing in the meantime? And especially as we see our competitors. And they are not just economic
competitors. Some of these other countries are not just economic
competitors. We have to think about our national security and this
isyou know, we cannot afford to be short sighted in these matters.

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But I want to go back to the point that the chairman was talking
about, about what age young peopleat what point is the concrete
not yet hardened in which we can still have an impact on them?
Because this whole area of neuroscience is something that the
Foundation has spent some time on. It is the area that I have the
greatest interest in, and I think that we have arrived at a tipping
point in this whole area of understanding on the cognitive side. I
mean you have the majority of a childs brain being developed in
the third trimester, you have billions of neurons. We know that the
brain is not being fully utilized, and I think that the Foundation
has worked in this area.
First of all it has been extraordinary, but I know that we are
going to do more working together in this area, because I think
that this is an area on which we can have a very significant impact, looking at cognitive ability, and it ties into some of the other
things that the chairman has said. We know that when we have
people who are nutrition challenged and who are going to at some
point deliver babies, that the size of the brain will be impacted.
And you know, the size of the brain has a impact on ability long

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So I also know that you have done some work looking at soldiers
on the brain injury side. These are two separate subjects, but obviously they tie together. I think this work, if I am not mistaken, is
really the largest amount of research looking at brain injury. And
obviously we had our own colleague who was shot through the
brain and we are watching her and praying for her full recovery.
So if you could talk a little about where we are in neuroscience,
and this is my softball question. I am going to come back with a
much more challenging one, but I know that you will be able to
handle it.
Thank you.
Mr. SURESH. First of all I am delighted to answer that because
as you know when we met last time this is a topic of a lot of interest to me. The interesting thing about neuroscience is we are at a
point where we have the opportunity to understand the functioning
of the human brain from so many different perspectives. From the
biology perspective, the tissue level, at the cell level, at the molecular level. And NSF-funded work is about to look at all of those
levels in new and interesting ways.
You know, we can take a single molecule and we can model it,
pull it, push it, stretch it, twist it to forces of much, much smaller,
a thousand times smaller than a nano level force, and those tools
and technologies have come into existence very recently. This is
why the National Academy of Engineering at the beginning of this
century, when they released fourteen grand challenges for the 21st
Century, one of the grand challenges for the community is reverse
engineering the human brain. And the unique thing about NSF
work is that we not only look at the biology of the human brain,
we also study the psychology and the cognitive aspects of the
human mind. And the combination of the two is absolutely necessary to address this issue.
So you mentioned traumatic brain injury. More than a quarter
of the soldiers returning from the first Iraq war, the second Iraq
war, and Afghanistan have some symptom of traumatic brain injury, plus we have sports injuries, automobile crashes, and that is
an area that is a perfect example of a scientific field that brings
together separated communities. For example, you take the war
and improvised explosive devices. When there is an improvised explosive device, say some distance from a tank, and the device explodes and the stress wave created from the device hits a human
head, that is an engineering problem. This is what our Engineering
Directorate has funded since the 1960s and 1970s, engineers know
how to do this. Once the stress wave hits the human brain what
happens to the tissue and cell, that is the biology, and how being
in that situation in the war zone being exposed to this and experiencing trauma is in the realm of cognition. And NSF is uniquely
positioned to do this because we have done this for a long time.
And the U.S. Army Research Office, until recently I was part of
a research grant that was funded by the U.S. Army Research Office, looked specifically at returning soldiers from our recent wars
to see how we can put together medical doctors from Walter Reed
with engineers and with clinicians in various hospitals in the Boston area and with psychologists and psychiatrists so that we can
come together with the latest tools and technologies.

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So on multiple fronts there is a challenge. In a completely different field there is even exciting opportunity. Computer science
has progressed to such a point. As you know Watson from IBM won
the Jeopardy championship not too long ago, and how do you take
information storage and try to mimic that with respect to human
cognition and human intelligence? And this is an area of great interest as well.
So I think these are all areas from multiple angles that we address at NSF with the exception of the medical part of it which
NIH does.
Mr. FATTAH. Well, if you couldlet me make this request formally. I am very interested, and I know the chairman is, in how
we can make a non-incremental leap forward, and so if you have
thoughts and if the Foundation can help us think through where
there may be significant opportunities to penetrate in this area,
that would be welcomed.
[The information follows:]
To make significant, transformative advances in our fundamental understanding
of the brain we need to explore its many facets, including how the brain develops
and adapts during the lifespan, how neuroanatomy relates to brain function, and
how different brain areas and systems interact. However, progress toward realizing
these advances requires 1) enhanced infrastructure and tools to better understand
the working of the brain and 2) greater interdisciplinarity and large-scale efforts in
order to gain a meaningful understanding of the brain within the broader physical
and social contexts that would have real implications for learning, development, and
health and recovery. Enhancing these will be necessary for accelerating the advancement of cognitive and developmental neuroscience.
Current technologies, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
electroencephalography (EEG), and genomics, have led to transformational discoveries, but remain limited. For example, fMRI provides relatively high spatial resolution of brain structures but is inherently limited in its temporal resolution, which
is needed to understand how the various brain structures communicate with each
other. EEG provides high temporal resolution but does not provide detailed information about the location of cortical generators of neural activity. However, EEG has
the advantage of allowing the subject to move relatively freely and thus can be used
to explore brain-behavior relations in young infants. For instance, using EEG, NSFfunded researchers have identified patterns of activity in the infant motor cortex
that are produced when an infant watches a video of someone performing a particular behavior. These results suggest that infants use some of the same brain regions both to perceive actions of others and to perform these actions themselves, a
possible neurological link for learning new behaviors. The current technologies in
neuroscience have already led to important scientific discoveries about the brain;
however, there is much more to explore.
The limitations in current technologies and approaches are especially relevant to
brain development studies. This is because some technologies, such as fMRI, require
the subject to be still; thus it is very difficult to study children and infants. NSF
has also invested in the development and use of noninvasive pediatric
magnetoencephalography (MEG). This new technology has the potential to provide
information about brain function and development with both the high spatial and
temporal resolution that are needed, even with very young children and infants. Scientists at the Learning in Informal and Formal Environments (LIFE) Center at the
University of Washington, Seattle are using MEG technology to monitor brain
changes as pre-verbal babies are exposed to language. Intriguingly, it seems that
more learning and organized brain activity takes place when human teachers are
in the same room, versus video displays of the same instructors: MEG provides a
promising new avenue, but currently there are less than a handful of such facilities
in the United States. Neuroscientists must look further into the future at what remains unexplored, unknown, and undiscovered, and identify the tools that will lead
to advancements. New analytical and computational methods for visualizing how
brain activation data interact with behavioral and environmental data will also be
necessary in this area. Research is also needed to evaluate the neural dynamics and
connections within normally and abnormally developing brains; to follow patterns
of plasticity and development; to map out strategies for developmental and edu-

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cational interventions; and to monitor and assess brain activity remotely, while a
person actively moves and interacts with the surrounding environment.
In addition to improved measurement technologies, scientists need access to better data and data infrastructureincluding longitudinal datato better understand
brain development, learning, and plasticity. While many aspects of brain development are complete by the end of the first few years of life, we have learned that
important physical aspects of brain developmentespecially frontal lobe developmentcontinue through adolescence and into adulthood. The frontal lobes have long
been associated with impulse control, something that adolescents exhibit less of
than older adults. Understanding how the brain continues to develop and adapt beyond adolescence is particularly important for dealing with traumatic brain injury
(TBI), especially as it affects U.S. war fighters who are in young adulthood. In order
to understand the brain in more detail, much finer grained analyses are needed, on
how particular regions of the brain develop, as well as how the connections and
interactions between these areas emerge over the lifespan. Vast data archives such
as collections of brain images are needed to fully understand brain functioning and
links to cognition and behavior. Innovations in data infrastructure for shared access,
interoperability, and data mining techniques will greatly contribute to developmental and brain science.
Neuroimaging technology, no matter how advanced, will not be sufficient to understand how the brain functions within the context of our complex, demanding, social world. Brain science must be fundamentally interdisciplinary, integrating
knowledge, methods and technologies from behavioral and cognitive science, neuroscience, engineering, computer science, mathematics, and physics. The next big
steps in understanding the brain will require teams of scientists who explore the
human mind from many different perspectives. Understanding how the brain develops and adapts over the course of a life is particularly complicated because of inherent interactions between physical, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional changes.
Thus, fundamental research on human cognition, perception, social interaction, development, learning, decision-making, and language is needed to support the goal
of understanding the brain. Mechanisms such as NSFs Research Coordination Networks have great potential to bring disparate groups of scientists together as a coherent team to tackle important issues.
With advanced knowledge and technologies, enhanced data and data infrastructure, and the collective expertise of newly-formed interdisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers, the U.S. can take advantage of fast-emerging, ground-breaking work in areas such as brain plasticity and brain-computer interface, to make
significant advances in our understanding of neuroscience and development.

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And finally let me get to my last question for the day. Holding
two opposing views at once is what I think the president of Morehouse says is what a first-rate mind is all about, so let me pose two
very different viewpoints to you.
One is we have this intellectual curiosity and we also have this
kind of notion in which we have this openness in which not only
are we doing research, but through NSF this information is then
made public after eighteen months in most of your grants, is made
public and is available for the entire world to see. I am a little
more parochial, at least as it relates to information that is important for our economic prosperity or our national security or cyber
security. The idea is that as taxpayers we make an investment of
significant sums, and I believe hopefully many more significant
sums as we go forward. But how do we reconcile this need to get
this information, our own national interest in manipulating and
utilizing the information, with this notion of scientists who want to
share it freely with the world.
So I am trying to figure how you reconcile that, and it would be
helpful for me to hear you respond to that.
Mr. SURESH. I think you raise a very important issue, in fact aspects of this were very much on my mind, all very much on my

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mind now in my current job, but also a big part of the things I had
to do in my previous job.
You mentioned earlier, when you had the testimony from the
Patent Office, the critical need to change patent policies and IP
rights and so forth. I think that is a very critical step. Increasingly
many universities are filing for intellectual property and having an
efficient process that enables innovation to go to the marketplace
through filing for patents. Efficient processing of these patent applications and protections that they provide is very critical.
But at the same time science on a global scale has always been
an open entity. And the reason it is open is because we have people
come up with ideas, it is peer reviewed in the community, and if
it is accepted for publication it is not immediately accepted until
somebody else can duplicate it. Increasingly that somebody else
may not be within the U.S. boundary, it could be a scientist from
a different part of the world as more and more other countries increasingly invest in science and engineering.
So given broadening of participation on a global scale into the
science and engineering research enterprise, I think your question
puts the finger on how do you keep science as open as possible as
we have done, which is very good for knowledge creation on a global scale, but how do you keep the boundaries tight?
So I think there are a number of things we can do. One could
be addressing the issues of intellectual property processes and
making them as efficient as possible so that we give scientists the
opportunity to protect their intellectual property without being secretive about it, so that the scientific process can move on. That
could be one part of it.
The other part of it, equally important part, could be that as
other countries, especially developing countries, start to invest
more and more in science and engineering, we have been the beacon for science and engineering for so long it is very important that
we do everything possible to convince our international partners to
come up with the minimum level of scientific integrity, ethics, and
openness that is necessary for science and engineering. There are
things that NSF can and should do to do that. We have done the
merit review process for the last 60 years and the people around
the world, my counterparts in Europe and Asia, they feel that the
NSF system is sort of the gold standard. It is important for us to
insure that other countries, especially rapidly developing countries,
develop a level of merit review and set of standards for selecting
scientific proposals, funding scientific proposals, insuring the integrity of the processthey come up to speed. I think it is very important.
So we have started some very preliminary conversations with
counterparts in other countries. So there are many things we can
do. There is no one particular solution.
How we deal with issues of cybersecurity is very critical. At the
same time in the spirit of an open government when we spend taxpayer money, how do we make our research output accessible definitely to all Americans, and most probably to the broader scientific

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So I think these are all issues that we need to address in tandem
to make sure that we address the conflicting issues that you raise
in your question.
Mr. FATTAH. Well, it is going to be a challenge as we go forward,
and I will not belabor the point. We have another agency under the
jurisdiction of the committee, which is the International Trade
Commission, and they spend a lot of time litigating issues around
IP violations for products coming into the country. The notion before was if you built a mousetrap, I think it was said, you could
make your home in the woods and the world would make a path
to your door. The problem now is if you make a better mousetrap
and put it up online people are going to make it before you can
make it, and make money off of it.
And so we are in an economic battle. We have national security
issues. Basis scientific research is at one level of our ammunition
in this kind of a battle that we are in and we have to think about
and I do not know how we reconcile it. I think it is just a very important issue obviously because again science by its nature is not
science unless you can replicate it, and you have to publish it. And
so it gets to some very important issues, but we do want to protect
the publics investment, and American taxpayers are investing to
make sure that America wins and we have to figure how, under
these circumstances, we go forward.
Thank you.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Fattah. I have a number of questions,
but I do want to follow up.

I would appreciate it if you could have your staff put together

within a week any information you have on hyperbaric treatments.
I went to a conference a while back with regard to hyperbaric
treatments for returning vets. Some doctors I have talked to about
hyperbaric treatments for a brain injury are not even sure what I
am talking about. I think it is kind of a voodoo, others say it has
been so successful. So if you could give us the information. I am
not asking you to go out and do new research, but perhaps everything you have with regard to hyperbaric applications on brain injuries, on multiple sclerosis, on all the different treatments. Just so
we can process it.
[The information follows:]
NSF reviewed its awards made over the past 25 years and identified only one that
merits attention to the Chairmans direct question. This three-year award totaling
$418,000 was made in 1999 to the University of Southern California to increase
understanding of the basic mechanisms involved in communication between nerve
cells in the brain. A link to the award data and abstract follows:

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Secondly, if you would work with the committee to do what Mr.

Fattah asked. You really cannot be Pollyannish about the whole
thing. You could not trust Hitler, you could not trust Stalin, you
could not trust Mao, and you cannot trust Hu Jintao. It is just a
fact. The Chinese are going to take this information.

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So if you have some ideas within two weeks, send up information

that sort of follows along the lines of your exchange with Mr.
Fattah. Then we can begin to look at the PTO and changes. Maybe
it will be Mr. Fattah and I fighting off the Republicans on the floor,
but on this issue I think we are together. I want to create jobs and
protect the national security.
I had a person come to my office the other day showing me once
Permanent Normal Trade Relations passed to China, the trade imbalance just collapsed, the job loss collapsed. There is a picture of
me with Bill Clinton speaking at a joint session opposing giving
Most Favored Nation Status to China. I got up and applauded, and
my Republican colleagues are looking at me like I am crazy. Then
the President flipped, and now China is stealing from us.
So if you can give us some ideas before we mark up the bill along
the lines of what Mr. Fattah said, I would appreciate it, because
I completely agree with him.
[The information follows:]

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I am going to go about maybe ten minutes, and then we will go

to Mr. Culberson. We have a series we have to cover here. Rising
Above the Gathering Storm stated that improving the nations K
through 12 educational systems was the highest priority step we
could take to improve our scientific and technical competitiveness.
Your budget request, however, de-emphasizes the development of K
through 12 capabilities. In fact, the budget proposes to decrease K
through 12 programs by 15 percent from 2010. Do you believe that
a request at this level reflects a significant focus on K through 12
STEM education as envisioned by Gathering Storm? Why are you
making cuts in virtually every one of the K through 12 programs?
Mr. SURESH. Well, let me offer a couple of points related to that.
Increasingly NSFs participation in education activities, especially
STEM activities, are not just confined to EHR. They are part and
parcel of every part of every directorate, every office across NSF,
including K through 12.
For example, the Directorate for Engineering funds a program
called UTeachEngineering in Texas, and that program has been
very successful for K through 12 students in exciting them about
the opportunities in engineering at a very early stage. There is the
GEO Teach program that does similar things in our Directorate for
Geosciences. So there are various activities that we can engage in.
A number of directorates participate in activities beyond it.
So the budget numbers just for one or two directorates do not
necessarily mean that our commitment to K through 12
Mr. WOLF. But the budget is the budget, and it proposes to decrease K through 12 programs by 15 percent from the 2010 level.
Mr. SURESH. So one of the things we are looking at is the following: There are three new programs that are going to be put in
place for this year. We have a new program, Teacher Learning for
the Future, and what it tries to do is to take the best practices for
some of the programs like GK12, programs like Math and Science
Partnership program and also the Noyce Teacher Scholarship program and so forth, bring them together in a much more cohesive
way so that we can look at what new opportunities we can provide
in concert with other offices and directorates across NSF.
So the numbers just in those program buckets may not fully reflect
Mr. WOLF. They do not look good. They do not look good.
Mr. SURESH. No, but this does not indicate any wavering commitment on our part for K through 12.
Mr. WOLF. Someone once said if you really want to find what
a person is committed to, look at their checkbook. Words can be
one thing, but who they write their check to and what they are
spending money on are something else.
I want you to develop it a little bit more. The Presidents Council
of Advisors on Science and Technology released a report last year
on K through 12 STEM education. One of its finding was that the
NSF K through 12 portfolio is not optimally balanced between programs that support basic education research and those that support the development and implementation of scalable practical education solutions. How do you respond to that criticism?

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Mr. SURESH. So as you know the PCAST report also referred to

ways in which NSF and the Department of Education can work together better.
Mr. WOLF. That was the next question.
Mr. SURESH. Yeah. And also with other agencies.
So the first thing I have done is I am co-chairing an NSTC committee on STEM education along with the OSTP deputy director.
And this committee met last week and we are looking into ways
in which NSF can play a critical role in STEM education. In fact
we will be looking at ways in which we can respond to the PCAST
report and also to the America COMPETES Authorization Act language.
Mr. WOLF. Well, they recommend the creation of an advanced
education research agency to be headed either by NSF or the Department of Education. Is that something that you are looking at?
Do you support that recommendation?
Mr. SURESH. We will work very closely with them when it is approved and comes into existence. There are a number of activities
that we are already engaged in with the Department of Education
that will position us very well for this new activity.
For example, I mentioned the NSTC subcommittee that was just
set up.
Mr. WOLF. But do you support that recommendation?
Mr. SURESH. I think anything we can do to work with other
Mr. WOLF. Pretty good, you can duck these issues sometimes.
The question is, do you support it? Its ok if you want to think
about it, but we would like to know if you support that or not.
Mr. SURESH. I think the spirit of this is very good and I would
want to make sure that it is supported with the right resources so
that it can be successful.

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Mr. WOLF. Well, of course. How did you fall out in the GAO
study on teacher training that came out last week about duplications between NSF and others? What are your comments about
that? Have you read that?
Mr. SURESH. Yes, and in fact Mr. Bonner asked that question.
Mr. WOLF. Well, if he did for the record, then we wont.
Mr. SURESH. Yes.
Mr. WOLF. And your comments about it?
Mr. SURESH. So I have looked at it. In fact there are various programs. NSF has been engaged in this as you know very well for
the last several decades and we are continually looking at programs that could be duplicative and try to see what we can do to
improve that. In fact there are a number of realignments of programs within EHR currently, specifically with the objective of looking at what is new and what may be done by somebody else so we
do not duplicate those things.
Mr. WOLF. Well, we have to do that. I just lost a little confidence
in the fact that NSF could not do a basic study on best practices
on education. Then I hear about studies and meetings, just meeting

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and meeting and meeting. And what happens? Zero. Two years go
You are a good witness, and you explain what you are doing, but
we want to see more action because this nation is slipping. What
are we in math now? Where do we fall in math? What number are
we in math for the world?
Mr. SURESH. I think it depends on fourth grade level or eighth
grade level, and by some studies we are number twenty and some
studies among developed countries
Mr. WOLF. So what do we do to deal with that issue? And what
best practice was working in Philadelphia, was working in Richmond, or working in some other place? The teachers are over
worked and they cannot gather all that information. That is your
job. So the fact that it took two years and we are still in the process of finding the answer is troubling. You are new, so I do not
think you should feel too defensive about it because you have only
been on there for four months. But we want to see, not just the verbiage and the rhetoric, but the actual reality of what is going to
be done.
Mr. SURESH. So I very much not only appreciate your question,
but also your commitment to this topic. So as I mentioned earlier
Mr. WOLF. Well, we are getting ready to go into decline. The nation is ready.
Mr. SURESH. Absolutely, if you are not careful.
Mr. WOLF. The 20th Century was the American century, and we
want the 21st Century to be the American century, not the Chinese
century. That is what we are dealing with, and time is critical.

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NSF is increasing the number of grants it makes each year without making corresponding increases in the programs responsible for
monitoring grantee compliance. This has caused reductions in basic
oversight activities like site visits and increases the likelihood that
grantee waste, fraud, or abuse will go undetected.
This years budget request again proposed an increase of more
than 2,000 research grants, but with no apparent increase for
award oversight. How will you ensure that each of these new
grants receives the appropriate level of monitoring and scrutiny
with a static grants management budget?
Mr. SURESH. So one of the reasons for the decrease in last year
with respect to site visits was when NSF received $3 billion in the
stimulus package funding without any increase in staff, it really
strained the system, and now that we are moving away from the
impact of the stimulus funding it is our intention in every way to
make sure that this oversight is maintained.
The second thing that I have already launched a pilot program
for this coming year, where we will look at employing new technology so that site visits can be done using a variety of ways while
insuring confidentiality of the process.
For example, we do not necessarily have to fly across the country
for a site visit, and there are ways of engaging technology that we
could do much more than we have done on the past.
Mr. WOLF. Teleconferencing.

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Mr. SURESH. Videoconferencing, but engaging multiple communities. And so we are launching several pilot projects this year for
different types of reviews, and our hope is that it will not only lead
to better efficiency internally for NSF, it will also lead to engaging
the best referees from the community.
Mr. WOLF. Are there some grants that you have looked at afterward and you say, wow, that was a waste of money. Boy, we really
got taken.
Mr. SURESH. Well, actually without spending a lot of money we
can do a lot more. For example, we have a Cisco system on loan
that we are going to try and see how it works before we spend any
tax dollars to buy it or acquire it. There are other things we can
do, and hopefully in the future NSF will have the latest technology.
Mr. WOLF. Are there some grants that your staff has come in and
said, Doctor, look at this. We put all this money out and we got
garbage back, and you say, oh my goodness gracious. Are there
many like that?
Mr. SURESH. Fortunately because of the merit process we do not
have that, but if by human error or some other factor if we have
one of these we have mechanisms in place for periodic review. So
even a five-year grant is not given without any conditions attached
to it.
Mr. WOLF. How many have you pulled back?
Mr. SURESH. I do not have the exact number, but I can get that
to you.

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Mr. WOLF. If you would. What kind of evaluations do you conduct

on the work of your grantees to ensure that they are not just executing the grants in compliance with financial terms and conditions
but also achieving probably the most important thingsignificant
program outcomes?
Mr. SURESH. So we have annual grantee conferences in most of
the areas where they not only report to the program officer or program director, they report to the peer community. In fact these
grantee conferences are tracked, hundreds, in some cases many
hundreds of scientists, so a scientist has to stand up and defend
their NSF funded work in front of other scientists, and if the quality of the science is not good enough they will get shot down in
public. So that is one mechanism. The other mechanism is peer reviews. The other mechanism is site visits, reverse site visits.
So we have a number of mechanisms in place. An annual reporting requirement and so forth.
Mr. WOLF. Do you think they have all been successful? Are you
about where you think you should be?
Mr. SURESH. Well, if they are not successful, if they are not
meeting a particular goal, they will be terminated.
Mr. WOLF. So you are going to give a list of who has been terminated and under what conditions?
Mr. SURESH. I will get that data for you.
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Mr. WOLF. Okay. The 2012 budget discontinues the annual

transfer of funds from the NSF to the Coast Guard for the operation of Coast Guard icebreakers. While this does relieve pressure
on the NSF budget, the DHS Inspector General has suggested that
the Coast Guard may be less willing to task its ships for NSF use
if NSF is not holding the purse strings. Are you concerned about
Mr. SURESH. So obviously the Polar program is a very important
part of NSFs activities, so we have three Coast Guard ships, icebreakers that we have had access to. Healy in the Arctic Ocean,
and then we had Polar Sea and Polar Star in the Antarctic sites.
Now as you may know one of the two has been retired, decommissioned, and the other one needs refurbishment before too long.
So what we have done is we have engaged the Swedish icebreaker Oden to make up for any gaps that may arise. We are continuously working with the Coast Guard on this, and also if necessary we will renegotiate a continuing agreement with our Swedish counterparts for the Oden while we are looking into the longterm implications of this.
Fortunately the lack of availability of either Polar Sea or Polar
Star has not had any detrimental effect on our Antarctic operations.
Mr. WOLF. But if you are not paying for it
Mr. SURESH. No, we will reimburse the Coast Guard for costs involved, and we have been in continuous conversation with the
Coast Guard on our needs and their requirements as well. So far
it has not been an issue. The director of our Office of Polar Programs, Karl Erb has been in constant touch with them. In fact just
last month he was in Sweden to discuss this, he has been in touch
with the Coast Guard, and this is something we will continuously
Mr. WOLF. So basically the U.S. domestic icebreaking capabilities
are in decline. If we cannot break ice with our ships, that is decline. Now we have to rent a ship or lease it. We love Sweden, for
the record. They are wonderful people. But we have to rent from
Sweden? We are a maritime nation, look at the map. Yet we have
to rent it out from Sweden? Just for the record, we are not blaming
you. Is that what we do? Are we renting this out from Sweden?
Mr. SURESH. So this is only a temporary measure, this is not the
long-term solution to this issue. So we are looking at what needs
to be done to refurbish
Mr. WOLF. How long will that take?
Mr. SURESH. They are continuing to look at our needs. Probably
within a year we will have an idea.
Mr. WOLF. An idea. So we will be using the Swedes for how long,
honestly? You are not under oath.
Mr. SURESH. My estimation is that for the coming year we will
be relying on the Swedish.
Mr. WOLF. So next year you will not need Sweden?
Mr. SURESH. We do not know that yet, but this is what is being
accessed right with respect to the refurbishment of one of the Polar

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Mr. WOLF. I think that goes into what we were talking about. I
mean, I think it is a
Mr. SURESH. So we also commissioned another vessel for which
the keel laying ceremony will be held in April, but that is a shallow
depth icebreaker, so it can go only up to three feet or so, not the
twenty feet or so that we need, so that is more of a research vessel
than the icebreaker capability for the Antarctica.

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Mr. WOLF. Okay, we have a number of questions on the icebreaker that we are going to ask you for the record. I have a few
more on contracting, then we will go to Mr. Culberson.
NSF funds travel, meetings and incidental expenses for thousands of technical experts each year. Can you tell us your travel
budget for the last three or four years, and then based on the new
technology that you were talking about, teleconferencing and
videoconferencing, what you think it will be in 2012? If you can
show us trends in 2009 this was it, 2010 this was it, 2011. Now
in 2012 we are doing these dramatic things, teleconferencing, video
conferencing. What do you think the budget will be so we can actually see that there is an honest savings.
And with that, can you provide how many trips were taken both
by NSF people and contract people in 20092012 so we can see
again if there has been an honest drop or there has not.
Mr. SURESH. We will get that information to you, Mr. Chairman.
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Mr. WOLF. GAO has questioned whether NSF is overly reliant on

cost reimbursement contracts, which are risky and costly to administer, and suggested that NSF could transition some of its current
contracts to firmer pricing terms. Do you agree that NSF could conduct more contract work under fixed price vehicles?
Mr. SURESH. Obviously the fixed price gives us upfront knowledge of what the commitments are. As you know NSF instituted a
no cost overrun policy three years ago for all of our major research
equipment and facilities contracts, but the nature of the work for
different projects is so very different. Sometimes design changes
need to be made during the process for scientific and technical reasons and that has led to some adjustments that are being made.
I am aware of this issue and in fact we have started an internal
conversation on how we can address this, keeping in mind that we
want the best technology and the best capability to emerge within
the confines of our constraints and our policies.
Mr. WOLF. Okay. I am going to Mr. Fattah to see if he has any
last questions.
Mr. FATTAH. I am good.
Mr. WOLF. Okay, fine.
Mr. FATTAH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Culberson.

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Mr. CULBERSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and my apologies for

running so far behind, I have got everything happening all at the
same time here this morning.
We are all, as the chairman and I know Mr. Fattah has told you,
committed to support the NSF and your role is so critical in preserving our leadership as a nation in years to come, you are as an
important strategic investment as we have, and Chairman Wolf is
exactly right about the importance particularly of science and engineering education.
You really do not have to go very far Mr. Chairman or Mr.
Fattah, the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Math is
about eight miles away from your headquarters. You all are in
downtown Arlington, right? Everyone, every study, every analysis
that I have seen done of public high schools in America uniformly
ranks the Thomas Jefferson School for Science and Math number
one in the nation. There is your best practice model.
And I have to tell you I am really disappointed and profoundly
disturbed that you were floundering around trying to answer the
chairmans very simple question of where is best practice and how
do you find it. It is eight miles away. I do not understand, I mean
there it is.
Mr. SURESH. Well, we will include all the right models in the report that we will give you and the community, including best practices from anywhere.
Mr. WOLF. Have you been out there?
Mr. SURESH. I met with the principal of Thomas Jefferson

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Mr. CULBERSON. Well, meeting with them is one thing. You
know, we are devoted to you guys. I have to tell you that your testimony and the report of the Inspector General kind of alarms me.
Were concerned about making sure that the NSFthat you almost
have to be like Caesars wifeand the responsibilities that you
have to insure that, as Mr. Fattah and the chairman quite correctly
point out, that you are protecting the vitally important national security information for economic reasons and for the nations security. I am confident the chairman asked you before I came in about
Chinese nationals.
Mr. SURESH. Yes.
Mr. CULBERSON. I hope you are going to respond promptly and
thoroughly to his request, because that is really, really disturbing.
The report I have you, Mr. Chairman, that General Mattis prepared, pointed out that there are more Peoples Liberation Army
graduate students in U.S. graduate schools than I think from any
other nation. That is a real concern, and to the extent that we
want to make sure NSF is protecting vital information from the
Chinese, but obviously, in your response to the chairmans questions, you are not focused on STEM education, you are creating all
kinds of new programs and initiatives in your testimony, but dropping a couple. You are on page seven recommending terminating
or reducing the graduate STEM fellows and the national STEM
distributing learning program.
I recall a couple years ago that there was a bill that President
Bush pushed that I think actually passed in some form that I remember it. When it came through, Mr. Chairman, several years
ago, I see some heads nodding. The bill transferred responsibility
for STEM education from NSF to the Department of Education.
Does anybody remember that? Wasnt there some statutory change
that shifted this responsibility?
Well, who has primary responsibility for developing, establishing,
and identifying a best practice, which is clearly Thomas Jefferson
High School, you do not need to go but eight miles down the road.
I cannot get my Wi-Fi to work or I would have given you an exact
number and map. Who has primary responsibility? Is it NSF or the
Department of Education for identifying best practices for science,
technology, and engineering programs in our public schools? Is it
you or the Department of Education? It should be you I would
Mr. SURESH. We do research into models and we develop models
and test them and validate them, but the implementation, especially a large scale implementation of this, the Department of Education does of course, we interact with them.
Mr. CULBERSON. Well, they are the ones that can roll it out, but
I have to tell you it really shakes me up that you could not answer
the chairmans question about what is the best practices or model
and it is eight miles down the road at Thomas Jefferson High
Mr. FATTAH. If the gentleman would yield for one second. I agree
with your passion on the point, but the earlier time when it was
answered in full was that what they had done with the chairmans
request is to take it very serious and they have done an empirical
scientific based study with control groups and others looking at all

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the practices and so on so that a full report, and we are going to
have a roll out. We are going to have a roll out. They have already
submitted to the chairman the interim report.
Mr. FATTAH. We are going to have a roll out in Philadelphia. I
am going to get you a cheesesteak. At the Constitution Center we
are going to have educators come in and hear this. Because what
the chairman has gotten them to do is going to be historically important to teaching STEM.
So you know, Thomas Jefferson is a great school, but aberrations
or anecdotal circumstances are not enough to make a scientific
judgment on.
So we are going to have a great report.
Mr. CULBERSON. In the report that Mr. Fattah is talking about
you have looked at schools all over the United States and you have
identified what appear to be the best practices and model programs, and you are going to roll this out as he says at the Constitution Center?
Mr. FATTAH. In Philadelphia, Ill get you a cheesesteak.
Mr. SURESH. So, Mr. Culberson, I thank you for the question. Let
me repeat some of the aspects.
Mr. CULBERSON. Forgive me for running late if I missed you earlier.
Mr. SURESH. No, no, no, no problem at all.
Mr. CULBERSON. But I was just so disturbed when you could not
answer Mr. Wolfs very simple question.
Mr. SURESH. No, no, I answered it earlier, so I did not want to
repeat myself.
Mr. CULBERSON. I understand. Okay.
Mr. SURESH. So let me reiterate some of the points I made.
We have set up a National Research Council committee involving
the best teachers in the country and educators in the country to
provide us input on various best practices. That is step number
one. On May 10th and May 11th there will be a symposium, which
we have invited the chairman to kick off this year.
The second thing we have done is to engage the Urban Institute,
one of the centers of the Urban Institute, to pick two states, and
it may well be Virginia and Thomas Jefferson, but we did not want
to do it, we wanted an independent organization to do this professionally with all the details, and they will provide input on best
practices from two states based on input they have received from
a larger sampling from across the country.
Mr. CULBERSON. Who is the Urban Institute?
Mr. SURESH. There is the name of a center call
Mr. CULBERSON. Why wouldnt you do this?
Mr. SURESH. Because they have been engaged in a number of
studies related to this in the past and we wanted an independent
Mr. CULBERSON. Educrats do not give me a lot of confidence, that
just is the reason I ask. I do not want to dwell on this, since you
answered earlier, and you were very gracious. You know we are devoted to you, and I do not want to dwell on it, but you are going
to give a detailed report to the chairman and the Committee?
Mr. SURESH. Absolutely.

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Mr. CULBERSON. You are going to roll out what you believe are
the best practices and identify the schools that are really doing it
Mr. SURESH. That is correct. And one other point that we discussed was not just a report to this committee, but also on ways
in which we can roll it out to the community at large so that the
best practices that are identified are disseminated to the school districts and others in the most efficient way.
Mr. CULBERSON. Okay, and the Department of Education will be
responsible for that?
Mr. SURESH. But we could make it available to them through the
media that we have.
Mr. CULBERSON. Okay. Well, that is something I really want to
help the chairman and Mr. Fattah follow up on. We are in an environment where we are facingit is an age of austerity unlike anything the nation has ever faced and all of us are going to be working hard to protect NSF and firewalling off core functions. We are,
I think, going to be entering an era where we are going to have
to retrench as a nation and focus on core missions, and this is
clearly one of your core missions, to identify and then help disseminate best practices in science and technology and engineering education, because it is just vital. I know the Chairman pointed out
the Chinese are graduating ten times more engineers than we are.
I also noticed that the Inspector Generals report pointed out that
you have had real problems with confirming whether or not grant
recipients are actually performing and completing the work that
ensures effective oversight throughout the life cycle of an award.
You mentioned to the Chairman that you were doing site visits and
inspections, but the Inspector General says you have actually performed 20 percent fewer site visits than you had originally
planned, so you are doing fewer site visits. All of us want to be
sure that you are following the Inspector Generals recommendations. Are you aggressively doing everything you can?
Mr. SURESH. Absolutely. In fact we are looking at every means
possible to increase the site visit methods, and one example of that
is what I mentioned with respect to engaging the latest technology
to do the site visits. There are other things that we can do with
respect to frequency of grantee conferences and so forth.
Mr. CULBERSON. The IG mentioned Second Life which is the

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Mr. SURESH. Second Life is a virtual site visit process and there
are a number of ways in which we can do that. We already have
a pilot project under way to look at what the best practices are.
Mr. CULBERSON. Does that allow you to see virtually somebody
pick up this glass of water and look at it and examine it?
Mr. SURESH. Absolutely. The technology
Mr. CULBERSON. Is it secure?
Mr. SURESH. That is why we are doing a pilot program.
Mr. CULBERSON. To keep anybody else in the cloud from diving
in from Peking to Beijing, I guess they call it, and looking at what
you are doing.
Mr. SURESH. That is exactly why we are doing the pilot project
to make sure. It is absolutely critical that we insure the confiden-

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tiality of the review process, so we want to make sure that whatever systems we usejust to go a little bit further, just three days
ago I met with the senior research officers of the AAU, American
Association of Universities, to talk about ways in which universities can help us with regional hubs so that we can engage reviewers without having them fly into Arlington, Virginia.
Mr. CULBERSON. Sure. Just make sure it is secure, please.
Mr. SURESH. Absolutely.
Mr. CULBERSON. Year before last, I had been using iGoogles map
service. I just temporarily played around with the thing that allowed my staff to see where I was. Then I woke up one morning,
Mr. Chairman, and my location was in downtown Beijing. It was
because they had hacked the Google site, and then hacked all of
the Google accounts. I immediately terminated it.
I mean the Chairman is right, there is a very aggressive and hostile cyber warfare going on from the Chinese.
Let me also just wrap up and mention, I am also concerned, Mr.
Chairman, that you are not spreading yourselves too thin. You received a lot of money from the Stimulus Package, and looks to me
that you are spreading that pretty thin.
I mean, you are cancelling a lot of important work that you have
been doing on education. It looks like you started building a telescope, an Alaska region research vessel, an ocean observation initiative, and an advanced technology solar telescope. All noble efforts, but we are in an area where you are going to have to really
focus on your core mission. I suspect those are tremendously expensive projects, and you just made a down payment on all of them
and they are going to go over their life cycle cost by a lot.
And by the way, Mr. Chairman, and I will just wrap up on this,
the icebreakers are going to cost upwards of a billion dollars to
completely rebuild them, wont they?
Mr. SURESH. I do not know the exact price of this, but

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Mr. CULBERSON. I have looked at it, it is about a billion dollars

if you were to rebuild those Coast Guard ships, Mr. Chairman, and
you do not have the money. When Mr. Wolf was Chairman last
time, this was something I worked on with Frank LoBiondo, to get
the Coast Guard to transfer responsibility for the icebreakers.
President Bush has shifted them over to you, and you did not have
the money. You do not have the money to refurbish those ships, it
was about a billion dollars. They are finally back in the hands of
the Coast Guard. They are ancient ships, are in very back shape.
It may actually be more cost effective at this point to rent, as aggravating as it would be, from the Swedish. You are doing all these
other new things.
I just worry, do not get yourself spread too thin. The IG says you
do not have good safeguards in place to monitor these major investments while you are doing in these big capital construction
There is a lot or worry here, Mr. Chairman, that this is going
to require a lot of oversight from us. You do not necessarily need
to get into all this right now, but I think everything I have said
is essentially accurate, right?

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Mr. SURESH. Well, let me
Mr. CULBERSON. I have not misstated anything have I or misstated anything?
Mr. SURESH. Let me add a couple of points to that.
So along with new commitments that have been made, there are
also things that have been terminated.
For example, one of the projects that has been terminated is
DUSEL. The potential cost of DUSEL would have been over a billion dollars over many years.
Mr. SURESH. They were for underground science research. This
is in high energy and particle physics underground.
Mr. CULBERSON. Oh, okay. So you cancelled that. I am just concerned, I know the Committee is. I do not want to dwell on it, because I have got to get to my Texas lunch as well, and the Chairman is very gracious to let me come in so late and ask questions,
but please do not get spread too thin.
Mr. SURESH. I appreciate that.
Mr. CULBERSON. It is a real source of concern.
Mr. SURESH. Right. If I could just add one point to your question
on the telescopes. The reason for supporting these telescopes, every
ten years there is a survey that involves the top scientists in the
country on what needs to be done, and the telescope work is very
carefully done so that the planning process and the implementation
process takes about ten years with a lot of community input. So
this is not an NSF decision to do something, but
Mr. CULBERSON. Sure, I understand.
Mr. SURESH. And this is to keep the U.S. at the forefront of the
astrophysics research that no single institution in the country is capable of funding.
So what you say is absolutely true, we cannot spread ourselves
too thin, especially at tight financial times, but I want to assure
you that we will do everything possible to make sure that dollars
are spent wisely and for the right purposes.
Mr. CULBERSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Culberson.

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Before I end, I want to second what Mr. Culberson said about the
STEM report conference. Mr. Fattah, I hope we can do it. Maybe
we can look at the schedule for July and maybe pick a Friday to
do it.
Mr. FATTAH. I am going to work it in a way in which we can get
you in there for the July 4th holiday. So we are going to do it right.
You can be there for the fireworks and the whole bit and
cheesesteaks. And we want to bring our colleague from Texas along
with us.
Mr. WOLF. Now does Genos or Pats, have the best cheesesteak
Mr. FATTAH. There is no doubt, this is a scientific fact, all right,
quantified, qualified, empirical: Pats is the best in Philadelphia.
Mr. WOLF. Okay. That is who I have gone to. I used to play football at that field directly across the street from Pats. So I want to

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pick a time that we can do that, hopefully a Friday, and we can
tie it in.
I think what Mr. Culberson has said was accurate. The Urban
Institute, they are good, but Im kind of worried that the Department of Education now is going to be involved. And I am worried
that you are going to have two states, being looked at. Maybe the
best school is in North Dakota. So rather than looking at two
states, maybe you should look at the top 50 schools. U.S. News
and World Report publishes the top 50 schools. One may be in
Pennsylvania, one may be in New York, one might be here.
So I think he makes a legitimate point. Here we are going to get
the Urban Institute to have a grant and then they are going to look
at two states. Maybe they are going to be the wrong two states. I
think Thomas Jefferson does an incredible job, but maybe they
should be looking at schools rather than states.
And lastly, once we bring the Department of Education in, and
I guess they are going to have to be brought in, but then you got
a new agency involved.
I think we should do the rollout in Philadelphia, certainly by the
end of July so it can at least be processed. Although that will be
late for the next school year. I think curriculum is set pretty much.
But it ought to be just whatever is working, wherever it is working.
That knowledge ought not to be hoarded, it ought to be shared. Ben
Franklins house is two blocks from that centeryou could call it
the Ben Franklin whatever. But I want to do it. And I do not want
you to do it because we asked you to do it. I do not want to speak
to your conference, because I do not want to look like I am lobbying
or you gave me something. I just want you to do it because it is
good for the country.
My wife and I have 5 kids, 15 grandkids. I am worried that this
Nation is getting ready to go into decline. If you find one idea that
impacts one student at Overbrook and one student at Vienna High
School and one student in Houston, Texas, it electrifies. So that is
what we want to do is do. You have got to be working withwhat
is the association of school administrators? They ought to be part
of it. I think Ed Hatrick is the head of that. When you come out
with, whatever you are going to come out with, it should be so profound that it really makes the difference. When we look back, this
could be the one thing that literally gave us the opportunity to
make America continue.
So we are going to really make an effort to work it out, but I do
agree with what Mr. Culberson said. I would feel more comfortable
if you were doing it without other groups involved, but you should
do it however you think it is best.
I worry, too, that is has taken NSF so long that it is almost
And frankly, if it could not be in Julyand I want to do it with
Mr. FattahI would rather do it in September or do it so that it
really has a maximum impact for the following year. I do not know
when curriculum is established. I have a daughter that is a teacher, but when do they begin in the City of Philadelphia, when do
they begin looking at the next year? So maybe you should do it in
September or October. Do not feel rushed. We are going to do it in
Philadelphia. Do it right. Do not feel like we have got to get this

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thing done in July, because maybe that would rush it and make
it not so great. One of the greatest Presidents we have ever had,
Ronald Reagan, said the words in the Constitution adopted in
Philadelphia in 1787 were a covenant with the rest of the world.
Maybe this could be another covenant. Mr. Fattah is going to be
one of the leading deciders, but think about when you can really
do it and do it well. Take into consideration Mr. Culbersons comments.
Mr. CULBERSON. And if I could, Mr. Chairman, they have been
working on this since I was placed on this Committee in 2003. I
asked for this subcommittee so I could work with Chairman Wolf
on protecting the National Science Foundation and NASA.
Mr. FATTAH. I thought you wanted to work with me?
Mr. CULBERSON. Well, of course, you too my friend.
But I mean, this is where I wanted to be, to help with the
sciences and NASA, and you all have been talking about this and
NSF has been working on this literally, Mr. Chairman, since 2003.
This should not be that complicated. You should be ready to go.
Mr. SURESH. Well, we will get you the best outcome of things.
Mr. WOLF. And we are not going to hold you to the July deadline.
Mr. SURESH. I appreciate that. You know the spirit of setting up
this process to begin with was to do the right thing.
Mr. WOLF. I understand, I understand, we do not have to go back
and do that.
Mr. Fattah do you have any other questions?
Mr. FATTAH. No, I want to thank you for your testimony, and you
said you were out at Texas A&M, you met with doctoris it Garcia? It is a great university and I participated in that program last
year and I am glad that you are working in Texas. My colleague
did not hear that, but you are working in Texas. Thank you. Thank
you for your testimony.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Dr. Suresh, thank you very much.
Mr. SURESH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, thank you, Mr. Fattah.

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Mr. WOLF. Good morning. We want to welcome you this morning

to the hearing on the fiscal year 2012 budget of the Office of
Science and Technology Policy.
Our witness is Dr. John Holdren, the director of OSTP.
We appreciate you being here.

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The Administration and the Congress are in broad agreement

about the need for significant investments in science and technology programs next year.
I think where there are some differences is that many do not
agree on how the Presidents budget distributes the science and
technology money used for fiscal year 2012.
I am not sure that the Administration is doing enough to ensure
that all of the various elements of the science and technology budget are well-coordinated and are formed into a coherent over-arching
And I question sometimes whether the Administration takes seriously the threat posed to us by China and our other economic competitors.
Dr. Holdren, you are here today not only to defend your own
budget request but also to discuss these larger issues with the Governments research and development agenda because you have one
of the most important positions within the Government on these
science and technology issues.
But before we get to your testimony and questions, I would like
to turn it over to Mr. Fattah, the ranking member.
Mr. FATTAH. Thank you.
Let me welcome you also, and let me thank the chairman for conducting this very important hearing.
Needless to say, there is a very, very significant challenge for our
country in this space. Many years ago we had absolute advantages
that are now relative advantages over our economic competitors in
a variety of these areas. Innovation and technology is critically important and our investments in science are important. Larger countries like China are making very significant investments and smaller countries like Singapore and others are making, relative to their
size, very significant investments in these areas.

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This Administration has done more than any administration or
actually more than a number of administrations combined in terms
of investment in science, technology, and innovation.
The chairmans efforts and this committees efforts in terms of
the report around the Gathering Storm I think have helped generate more interest here on The Hill around our critical needs.
And I think that there is a combination of issues that create
some synergy related to energy independence that also have
spurred some interest.
So I am very interested in your testimony and look forward to
an opportunity to interact.
Thank you.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you.
You may proceed. Your full statement will appear in the record.

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Dr. HOLDREN. Well, thank you very much, Chairman Wolf, Ranking Member Fattah.
It is certainly a privilege for me to be here today to talk with you
about the Presidents fiscal year 2012 budget proposal for science
and technology. And I will try to address the broader concerns. I
am certainly not here just to talk about the OSTP budget request.
The premise behind this budget is one that, as both of you have
already stated, is something we really all share and that that is
that creating the American jobs and industries of the future, creating the quality of life that we all want for our children and their
children does require investing in the creativity and the capacity
to innovate of the American people.
We think that the 2012 budget proposal that the President has
put forward does that with responsible and targeted investments in
the foundations of discovery and innovation, that is in research and
development, in science, technology, engineering, and math education and in 21st century infrastructure.
And it does that with increases in the highest priority focuses
being offset by reductions in lower priority ones. It is a budget that
is aimed at helping us win the future by out-innovating, out-educating, and out-building the competition, but doing it in a way consistent with the need to reduce the deficit, to trim budgets overall.
Now, clearly we need the continued support of the Congress in
order to get this done. And I stress continued support because the
strengthening of the national effort in science, technology, and innovation has for a very long time been very much a joint venture
of the Congress and the Administration. It has been that way over
the past two years and we certainly hope it will continue to be a
joint venture.
As you know, the Presidents budget proposes a record $66.8 billion for civilian research and development, but we are committed,
as I have already suggested, to reducing the deficit even as we
prime the pump of discovery and innovation.
We have made in developing the Presidents budget strategic decisions to try to focus the resources on those areas where the payoff
for the American public, for the American taxpayer is likely to be

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Mr. Chairman, I know the committee is already familiar with the
details of the Presidents budget proposal. I just want to very briefly highlight a couple of key points for the agencies that are under
the jurisdiction of this subcommittee.
First of all, consistent with the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act, which was passed by Congress, as you know, in December, signed by the President in January, the budget calls for continuing on the doubling trajectory for the National Science Foundation, the DoE Office of Science, and the NIST, that is National Institute of Standards and Technology, laboratories that the President originally committed to in his speech at the National Academies in April of 2009.
Two of those three agencies that are especially important to the
future economic leadership of this country are under the jurisdiction of your subcommittee, as you know.
In the case of NASA, the Presidents budget holds that agency
to the 2010 appropriated level of $18.7 billion while still funding
every initiative that was called for in the 2010 NASA Authorization
The Presidents budget also helps NOAA improve critical weather and climate services, invest more heavily in restoring our oceans
and coasts, and in ensuring continuity in crucial earth observation
satellite coverage.
The 2012 budget also emphasizes STEM education to prepare
our children to be the skilled workforce of the future. It does that
in part by providing $100 million as a down payment on a ten-year
effort to prepare 100,000 new highly effective STEM teachers. That
is part of a broader Administration commitment to look carefully
at the effectiveness of all of our STEM programs and find ways to
improve them.
And to further that goal, I have established a committee on
STEM education under the National Science and Technology Council which, as you know, deals with interagency efforts relating to
science and technology. STEM education is certainly very much an
interagency effort.
And that committee, which is being co-chaired by OSTPs associate director for Science, the Nobel Laureate in physics, Carl
Wieman, has already begun its work. It began its work in March
and involves all the federal agencies that are involved in different
ways in STEM education.
The budget also includes investments for a wireless innovation
and infrastructure initiative that will help extend the next generation of wireless, we hope, to 98 percent of the U.S. population.
Of course, it does, getting to my own offices budget, request
under this subcommittee $6.65 million for OSTP operations. That
is five percent below the 2010 funding level and slightly below the
2011 funding level. And that is in recognition of the need to share
the sacrifice and to freeze non-security discretionary spending.
So let me reiterate in closing the guiding principle that underlies
this budget and that is that Americas strength, our prosperity, our
global leadership all depend directly on the investments that we
are willing to make in R&D and STEM education and in infrastructure.

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Only by sustaining these investments are we going to be able to

assure future generations of Americans a society and a place in the
world that is worthy of the history of this great Nation which has
been building its prosperity and its global leadership on a foundation of science, technology, and innovation since the days of Jefferson and Franklin.
Now, I know that staying the course in the current fiscal environment is not going to be easy, but I believe that the Presidents
2012 budget for science and technology provides a blueprint for
doing that that is both visionary and responsible.
The support of this committee, which has been the source itself
of so much visionary and at the same time responsible legislation
in this domain in the past, is obviously going to be essential if we
are going to stay on course.
And I very much look forward to working with all of you, Chairman Wolf, Ranking Member Fattah, Members of the committee, in
working toward that end.
Thank you very much.
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Mr. WOLF. Well, thank you.

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I have a number of questions and we will go through the panel.

But before I do, one, I am committed to doing everything we can
with regard to funding the sciences.
Secondly, if you look at the CR, the sciences did very, very well.
We protected them.
Thirdly, I am very concerned about the fact that our country is
beginning to fall behind. I am particularly concerned about China.
Let me ask you a couple of questions. I reviewed your international travel itineraries for last year and found that you were
overseas for nearly two full months over a sixteen month period.
Why is it necessary to be out of the country so often? Can you
effectively manage the office if you are out of the country that
Dr. HOLDREN. First of all
Mr. WOLF. I have your itinerary, your travel schedule.
Dr. HOLDREN. Yeah, I know. I am going to have to
Mr. WOLF. Fifty-three days, 35 business days. China, Norway,
Japan, South Korea, China, Denmark, Russia, England, China.
Dr. HOLDREN. Let me explain, first of all, that most of those trips
were in my capacity as the high level representative of the U.S.
Government in joint commission meetings on science and technology cooperation under agreements that we have with all of those
We have those high level joint commission agreements with
India, Russia, China, Brazil, South Korea, and Japan. And it is
Mr. WOLF. You were never in Brazil, and you were in China.
Dr. HOLDREN. I have not done Brazil yet. We do have such an
agreement with China.
I was also in China for the strategic and economic dialogue at
the request, the specific request of secretaries Clinton and Geithner
because of the importance of dialogue with China on innovation to
get them to roll back their discriminatory and unfair policies with
respect to procurement, with respect to intellectual property rights,
and with respect to a number of other issues disadvantageous to
American business and to our exports.
So I was on all of these trips basically acting as the Presidents
agent, pursuing the priorities of this country as reflected in important aspects of international cooperation in science, technology, and
innovation that we believe are in the U.S. interest.
Mr. WOLF. During that year, your most frequent destination by
far was China. You took three separate trips covering a total of
three weeks.
Can you go into detail of what you were doing there during those
three weeks? Maybe you just covered some of that. Then if you
could elaborate in a written statement by the end of this week, I
would appreciate itwho you met with, what your purpose was,
where you went, when you left, when you came back?
Dr. HOLDREN. No, I would be very happy to do that, sir.
The meetings were, as I mentioned, some in connection with the
strategic and economic dialogue, some in connection with the U.S./

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China dialogue on innovation policy, which is the forum in which

we have been pursuing with the Chinese and making some considerable progress, I should say, in getting the Chinese to step back
from the most discriminatory practices that they have put in place
under the label of indigenous innovation.
Some of those conversations as well were at the request of the
State Department in the company of Todd Stern, the U.S. ambassador to the climate change talks, to try to work on the Chinese,
particularly Minister Xie Zhenhua, to get them to take more reasonable positions in climate negotiations.
Mr. WOLF. Well, let us look at this. Fifty-three days, 35 business
days, three trips to China for 21 days. I think this is a little too
much to be gone from the office, but I will take a look at it when
you send it.
Dr. HOLDREN. Be happy to provide it.
[The information follows:]

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Mr. WOLF. Did you take your BlackBerry with you?
Dr. HOLDREN. Yes, I did, with the permission of the security authorities. I did. The BlackBerry, of course, was scrubbed before and
after, but I did take it with me and I did
Mr. WOLF. Are you sure you can really scrub it?
Dr. HOLDREN. I am not an expert in information technology, but
I am assured by the people who are in the White House that that
Mr. WOLF. Well, why dont we have a joint meeting with you and
me and the FBI.
Dr. HOLDREN. That would be fine.
Mr. WOLF. Okay.
Dr. HOLDREN. I would be happy to do that.
Mr. WOLF. We will schedule it. I will ask the staff to set up a
Dr. HOLDREN. I would be happy to.
Mr. WOLF. Have you ever been out to the FBI and had a briefing
with regard to China stealing any of our technology?
Dr. HOLDREN. Oh, I have had those briefings, but not at the FBI.
I have had them in the situation room. I have had them in SCIFs.
Mr. WOLF. Have you been out to the cyber center out in Northern Virginia?
Dr. HOLDREN. We are going to visit that in a couple of weeks actually.
Mr. WOLF. To date, you have not been there.
Dr. HOLDREN. I have not, but I have been briefed by its director
in the situation room.
Mr. WOLF. I think you have to see it.
Dr. HOLDREN. We are going to do it.
Mr. WOLF. Can you tell us when you are going to go out there?
Maybe I can get a staff person
Dr. HOLDREN. Okay.
Mr. WOLF [continuing]. To go with you.
Dr. HOLDREN. Good. Happy to do that.
[The information follows:]






OSTP staff is working with the FBI to schedule a visit to the facility in Chantilly,
VA. Once a date has been set, OSTP will notify Chairman Wolfs staff of the date.

Mr. WOLF. Thank you.

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The recently enacted fiscal year 2011 appropriations bill contained a legislative prohibition on bilateral activities between your
office and the Chinese Government or Chinese-owned business.
What steps are you taking to live within the terms of this prohibition during the fiscal year?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, it is our intention to live within the terms
of that prohibition insofar as doing so is consistent with my responsibilities for executing the Presidents constitutional authority
Mr. WOLF. What does the
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. In foreign relations.
Mr. WOLF. What does the language in the bill mean to you?

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Dr. HOLDREN. I am instructed after consultation with counsel
and with appropriatewho in turn consulted with appropriate people in the Department of Justice that that language should not be
read as prohibiting interactions that are part of the Presidents
constitutional authority to conduct negotiations and at the same
time, and there are obviously a variety of aspects of that prohibition that very much apply, we will be looking at that on a caseby-case basis in OSTP to make sure we are in compliance.
Mr. WOLF. Well, can you keep the Committee informed on a caseby-case basis of any time you do anything at all with regard to
China where you think that perhaps your activity will be in confrontation with the language.
Dr. HOLDREN. Be happy to do that.
Mr. WOLF. Great. Thank you.

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Chinas government sponsored R&D investments as a fraction of

GDP have grown by more than five percent annually while the
American rate of growth have actually been negative in recent
How does the 2012 budget address this imbalance?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, first of all, as I mentioned, Mr. Chairman,
the President committed the country in his speech in April 2009 to
trying to reach three percent of GDP in the combined public and
private investments in R&D in this country. And that represents
an effort to maintain the U.S. lead over our competitors including
China because as you correctly point out, Chinas investments have
been growing very rapidly, in some cases more than ten percent
per year.
We are very concerned about that. We want to be sure we maintain the U.S. lead, which does remain large, I should say, across
the range of critical science and technology domains, but China is
trying to close the gap and we are interested in maintaining our
And the challenge we all face, and I reassert that we face it together, is how in this time of budget stringency we can find ways
to increase the U.S. investments in science, technology, and innovation in ways that allow us to stay ahead.
I would say one important aspect of that since the private sector
comes up with almost 70 percent of the national R&D expenditures
is we have to do more to encourage the private sector to continue
to increase its investments in R&D. And one of the ways we have
proposed to do that is by making the research and experimentation
tax credit both simpler, more effective, and permanent in order to
provide a reliable incentive for the private sector to lift their game
in R&D.
Clearly in a country where 70 percent of the R&D is financed by
the private sector, we have to attend to that as well as to the governments expenditures.
Mr. WOLF. If the existing trend continues, do we run the risk of
China pulling even with or exceeding us in government R&D investments? And if that is the case, when could that happen?

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Dr. HOLDREN. I have got some projections. I mean, none of us
has a clear crystal ball on this issue because we do not know how
fast the Chinese economy will continue to grow.
And there are a lot of people arguing that it will be slowing down
soon for a variety of structural reasons, but we cannot be sure. We
do not know if they can sustain the rates of increases in R&D expenditures that they have been making. And so it is very hard to
predict with any confidence.
I do not believe that it is likely that the Chinese could equal U.S.
expenditures in this domain any time before 2015, but it also depends on whether you count those investments at market exchange
rate or at purchasing power parity.
The other point that I would emphasize, though, is it is not just
the sheer amounts, but it is the quality of the work that is done
with those investments. And as I think many authorities have
pointed out, the greatest Chinese universities remain light years
behind U.S. universities in terms of the quality of their faculty,
their facilities, their students.
A large fraction of Chinese engineering graduates would not
qualify for entry-level engineering jobs in the United States because the level of their engineering training is simply not up to
So we need to remember that quality as well as quantity is important and we need to continue to focus both on adequate resources in terms of our own investments and in the various elements of the U.S. system which maintain our qualitative advantages.
Mr. WOLF. They graduated 700,000 engineers last year. We graduated 70,000. It is not engineer for engineer, but 35 percent, 40
percent, 45 percent of our graduates were foreign students, many
of them Chinese who are going back.
Dr. HOLDREN. That is true.
Mr. WOLF. You were recently quoted as saying that major scientific advancements will allow China to eat our lunch economically. At the same time, however, you continue to advocate for U.S.
assistance to Chinese scientific agencies and expanding joint research opportunities.
If you acknowledge that Chinese scientific advancements are a
threat to our economy, why would you want to improve their capabilities and further speed up their advancements?
Dr. HOLDREN. First of all, Mr. Chairman, with respect, they will
eat our lunch if we do not continue our own investments in the
strength of our science, our technology, our innovation, and our
STEM education. I do not believe they will eat our lunch if we stay
the course.
Mr. WOLF. Well, sure.
Dr. HOLDREN. I will take the second part of your question. I am
happy to address that as well. I just wanted to be clear
Mr. WOLF. You go ahead.
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. In terms of my quote that I was not
predicting that they will eat our lunch. I was saying avoiding their
eating our lunch is the reason that we need to stay the course.
Now, the question of why then if we are even worried about competition with China should we cooperate with them. The answer to

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that question is that there are a variety of domains in which cooperation with China is very much in our national interest.
One of those domains is the prediction and the control of
epidemics which, of course, know no boundaries. A lot of the scientific and technological cooperation we have done with China has
been in that domain.
Another domain in which it makes great sense for us to cooperate with China is nuclear safety, the prevention and the mitigation
of nuclear reactor accidents. China is building nuclear reactors very
rapidly. The consequences of nuclear accidents also know no boundaries. And it is in our interest to work with them to reduce the
likelihood of accidents at their reactors as well as, of course, our
Chinas oil imports are one of the reasons that gasoline prices are
so high in the United States today. It is the rising demand from
China and other developing countries and it is pressure on the
world oil market which has pushed gasoline prices as high as they
It is in our interest to cooperate with China in activities in alternative energy which will help them reduce their pressure on the
global market because it is a global market. And we have an interest in China reducing its oil imports just as we have an interest
in reducing our own.
In the area of environmental problems that cross national boundaries, again it is in our interest to work with China to accelerate
the pace at which they reduce the emissions that are affecting our
environment as well as theirs.
Mr. WOLF. In terms of specific joint scientific ventures, the President has advocated for cooperation between NASA and Chinas
space program.
Does the PLO run the Chinese space program? Am I correct
there, the PLO?
Mr. WOLF. Yeah.
Dr. HOLDREN. They certainly have a lot to do with it. I do not
think we fully
Mr. WOLF. The dominant one?
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. Understand. My guess would be yes,
but, again, I do not understand and I am not sure anybody understands exactly the way the tentacles of the PLA interact with other
activities. But they do certainly have a major influence. There is
no question about that.
Mr. WOLF. Since our space capabilities exceed theirs by virtually
all measures, how does this cooperation benefit anyone but China?
What is the technical or scientific benefit to NASA of cooperating
with the Chinese Space Administration?
Dr. HOLDREN. I will give you a couple of examples. One is the
question of space debris where we are all threatened by junk in
space that our satellites and the International Space Station might
run into.
And collaborating in the area of minimizing space debris and
making sure that we all know where all the debris is is very much
in our interest, in the interest of the safety of our astronauts. That
is one domain.

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A second domain which is much more long term, much more
speculative, there is certainly nothing in place now, but the President has deemed it worth discussing with the Chinese and others
is that when the time comes for humans to visit Mars, it is going
to be an extremely expensive proposition. And the question is
whether it will really make sense at the time that we are ready to
do that to do it as one nation rather than to do it in concert.
And nobody knows the answer to that question at this point. It
will depend, since nobody is going to be ready to go to Mars before
2030, whether it makes sense to do that jointly or not very much
depends on the state of political relations, economic relations, and
so on at the time.
But many of us including the President, including myself, including Administrator Bolden believe that it is not too soon to have
preliminary conversations about what involving China in that sort
of cooperation might entail.
If China is going to be by 2030 the biggest economy in the world
as some think it may be or even if it only is still the second biggest
economy in the world, it could certainly be to our benefit to share
the costs of such an expensive venture with them and with others.
Mr. WOLF. An IMF report which I am sure you saw came out last
month showing that, when measured in purchasing power parity,
the Chinese economy will overtake the American economy in 2016,
which is much earlier than any previous estimates.
What is your reaction to that finding of the IMF?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, I looked at that finding with interest. I have
actually long been one of those arguing that we should be paying
more attention to purchasing power parity in many contexts as the
appropriate metric. There are obviously respects in which market
exchange rates are more meaningful, other respects in which purchasing power parity is more meaningful.
But I think if China passes us by 2016 in purchasing power parity GDP, that will be a big deal. It will still be true at that time
that their per capita GDP will be a quarter of ours or less, but I
am not denying the significance of the possibility of the United
States becoming the second largest economy in the world by any
And, again, I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that what the
Presidents 2012 budget is advocating is investments in science,
technology, innovation, STEM education, and infrastructure which
will postpone the day when China passes us and perhaps postpone
it indefinitely.
Again, I would say none of us has a clear crystal ball. China has
many problems. You yourself have been in the forefront of pointing
out some of the problems that China has created for itself in the
domain of human rights and the domain of a government in which
the citizens do not have anything resembling real participation.
And that could come to bite them.
We do not know what China is really going to be like and what
problems they are going to be struggling with in 2015. But in the
meantime, we should be doing what we can do to strengthen the
United States economy, to build jobs, to build sustainable industries, to develop new products, to innovate. We should be doing all
we can in that domain and that is what this budget is about.

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Mr. WOLF. Well, I agree. And I would say that this committee,
and I would say in a bipartisan way, is really doing that. I am not
going to put you in a spot by asking you this question, but I am
going to state it as a fact.
It concerns me very deeply that this Administration is tone deaf
to the human rights violations taking place in China. I think Ambassador Huntsman has done a good job. Short of that, I think this
Administration has been relatively weak.
The Chinese people are wonderful people; it is the evil government that is doing these things. When the dissidents come to the
U.S., they tell me that based on what this Administration is doing,
many of the people are being demoralized there.
We have a situation. The Catholic Cardinal from Hong Kong was
in to see me three weeks ago. The Catholic church is being persecuted, and there are a number of Catholic Bishops that are under
house arrest.
I attended a house church on Easter Sunday as some of the people were taken away and arrested. There are hundreds of house
church leaders in jail.
And when you talk about doing things in concert, does it sort
of bother you? It bothers me, that that would be the case.
Rebiya Kadeer, who is head of the Uighurs, has two children
that are in prison and a daughter under house arrest. The Chinese
have even spied against her here in this country. The Uighurs are
going through a very difficult time. I think that should really bother the Administration.
The 2009 Nobel Prize winner put on a dinner for Hu Jintao when
the 2010 Nobel Prize winner was in jail and could not even get out
to go to Oslo to get his award, and his wife was under house arrest
and would not be allowed to go.
That, I think, troubles me. I would hope it would trouble the Administration and produce more than just a press release or a
spokesman at the State Department saying something. Your actions make all the difference.
President Reagan called the Soviet Union an evil empire. President Reagan went to Moscow with Gorbachev and he spoke out for
human rights and religious freedom with Gorbachev there at that
The reason I ask you with regard to the Peoples Liberation
Army is that they also run a major organ donor program. They go
into prisons and take the blood type, and then they also bring people over who want to buy kidneys for fifty or fifty-five thousand
dollars. For fifty or fifty-five thousand dollars, you can buy a kidney of somebody who is executed by the Peoples Liberation Army
that you would have this kumbaya relationship with.
Now, that ought to bother anyone. That ought to bother the
President. It ought to bother you. I have been there. I have been
to Tibet. I snuck into Tibet with a young Buddhist monk and I
have seen what they have done, torturing the Buddhist monks. We
went by Drapchi Prison.
The Administration initially would not even meet with the Dalai
Lama. That should bother you. The Dalai Lama is a peaceful person. And what is taking place with regard to the Tibetans, they lit-

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erally turned Lhasa into a no longer Tibetan city. The Chinese run
it and are trying to undertake ethnic cleansing.
And, lastly, should it not bother you about this cooperation with
the number one supporter of genocide? I was the first member of
the House to go Darfur. There is genocide in Darfur. The genocide
in Darfur continues to this day.
The AK47s and the weapons, much of that has come because of
the Chinese helping the Bashir Government, which is under indictment by the International Criminal Court. Here is a man who is
under indictment by the International Criminal Court and his
number one support is the Chinese Government. They have the
largest embassy in Khartoum.
So as you say in concert with, doesnt that bother you? Or is
it the Simon and Garfunkel theoryman hears what he wants to
hear and disregards the rest?
We cannot disregard the Catholic Bishops that are in jail or
under house arrest, the Protestant Pastors that are under house
arrest, the organ donor program where they are killing people to
sell kidneys, the persecution of the Muslims and the Uighurs in
that portion of the country. We cannot deny what they are doing
with regard to the genocide.
I was with two young women who told me as they were raped
by the Janjaweed that circle the camps in Darfur, many of them
carry weapons coming from China. You cannot separate this out.
I cannot separate it out. And this Administration should not separate it out.
When you look at the human rights report that just came out,
this Administration does not have a very good record. When you
say you want to work in concert, it is almost like you are talking
about Norway or England or something like that.
And, lastly, and you should know and you should have been out
to the cyber center before, China is spying against us and stealing
economic information that is stripping this country and taking jobs
away. So I am not going to ask you if it bothers you. It bothers me.
I believe in doing what Ronald Reagan did with regard to the Soviet Unionstanding up, speaking out. When I asked Secretary
Locke the other day whether he would agree to attendnot worship, but attenda house church, he would not even tell me that
he would attend the church, go with a Buddhist and stand with
him, go, meet, and ask to meet with Rebiya Kadeers kids who are
in prison, go and ask to talk to the Catholic Bishops that are under
house arrest, talk to the Protestant Pastors who have taken away,
advocate on behalf of the people that are being ethnicly cleansed
in Darfur.
So I am not going to ask you if it bothers you, but it bothers me.
And as long as I have breath in me, we will talk about this. We
will deal with this issue whether it be a Republican administration
or a Democratic administration. It is fundamentally immoral.
I saw those two young girls that I interviewed. And if you want
to see the tape, come by my office. They said as they were raped
by Janjaweed, the Janjaweed said it was to create lighter skinned
The Chinese Government is the number one supporter of the
genocidal government of Sudan, and these are all facts. And if you

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want to get briefed on the facts, we can give you the briefing of the
So you say in concert with like youre talking about working in
concert with Mr. Culberson, or with Mr. Yoder, not in concert with
somebody that is fundamentally evil. You can do it. This Administration can do it in an appropriate way. President Reagan, to his
credit, called the USSR the evil empire in 1983. He said tear down
this wall.
And then, if you recall his speech at the Danilov Monastery, he
advocated for human rights and religious freedom. Yet, he did it in
such a way that at the funeral for Ronald Reagan, Gorbachev
came. This Administration is failing on this issue. And I think people are expecting you to advocate, to stand up, to speak out. And,
quite frankly, we are not seeing that.
When I hear you say you will work in concert with China, I am
not going to ask you if it bothers you, but it bothers me.
Dr. HOLDREN. Mr. Chairman
Mr. WOLF. You can comment.
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. May I comment, please?
Mr. WOLF. Yes.
Dr. HOLDREN. I want to say first of all, it does trouble me. It does
bother me. And I need to say as well, Chairman Wolf, that I admire you for the leadership that you have shown in calling attention to human rights abuses in China. I admire you for that. And
I agree with you that these abuses are reprehensible.
I would only remind you that when Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil empire, he also continued cooperation with the
Soviet Union in science and technology domains that we judged
were in the U.S. national interest to cooperate with them on. And
we continued to do that not because we were doing a favor to the
Soviet Union, which President Reagan had called the evil empire.
We did it because it was in our interest.
And I would similarly say that the efforts that we are undertaking to do things together with China in science and technology
are very carefully crafted to be efforts that are in our own national
interest. We have been, I think, very strategic about that, very
careful about that.
I mentioned the kinds of areas in which we are engaged. That
does not mean that we admire the Chinese Government. It does
not mean that we are blind to the human rights abuses which you
have shown so much leadership in calling attention to.
But it is, I have to say, it is not my position, I am the science
and technology advisor, I am not advising the President on what
his stance should be in balancing the various national interests
that the United States has at stake in the way we deal with China.
You understand very clearly, I know, probably more clearly than
I do, that those interests are complicated. And the President obviously is not making that balance in the same way that you would
make it. But I think this is a matter that is very worthy of continuing discussion.
I would be happy to come to your office and look at that tape,
but I am not the person who is going to be whispering in the Presidents ear on what our stance toward China should be government
to government except in the domain where I have the responsibility

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for helping the President judge whether particular activities in
science and technology are in our national interest or not.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Fattah.
Mr. FATTAH. Thank you very much.

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And I join with you in your admiration for the chairman and his
efforts in relationship to human rights.
Let me get to some of the issues at hand relative to science and
Portugal is involved in a financial bailout due to some of the
challenges that they are facing, but they also took a decision to provide laptops to every child in schools in Portugal.
And Singapore has invested over $5 billion in their National
Science Foundation.
China made a decision a few years back to build 100 science only
universities and some 200 math and science laboratories. And five
years later, they were constructed and built.
I want to just go back a minute. Decades ago during the Cold
War, we built national laboratories like Los Alamos and Lawrence
Livermore and Sandia and on and on and on, made very significant
investments. The country went into debt even to make commitments so that our country could be number one in the world in
terms of our technological capabilities.
This Administration has called on the Nation again to make
these investments even in difficult financial times. You do that in
the context of a freeze on discretionary spending, but increases in
the various accounts of agencies that were focused on in the report
on the Gathering Storm, focused on in the America COMPETES
So I just want you to kind of walk through this. You were chair
of the PCAST during the Clinton administration, and there has
been this proposal to create 1,000 STEM schools, 800 elementary,
I believe, 200 high schools, and a number of other steps, and if you
could just kind of walk through for the committee what you see as
the critical investments that we need to make now.
If you get on a plane now and fly out to Sandia, you see an institution in which we have invested for 50 plus years, right? I mean,
what are the investments we need to make now so that long after
we are no longer in these roles America is number one, because we
seem to be acting as if we are going to lead this world on the
cheap? We have this notion that we are going to kind of cut our
way to the front of the line.
And I want to be certain, since you are the lead science advisor
to the President and you see what is going on across the globe in
which countries smaller than usI asked some of our officials how
a country so much smaller than us could make such a significant
investment in particular technologies. And I was told that their
leadership had decided that even if they had to eat dirt, they were
going to lead the world in that particular area.
I do not know that we remember the sacrifices that other generations have made to position our country in the lead. We benefitted
by that. But I want to know what steps we need to take in responsibility to our stewardship of this country so that our children and

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grandchildren will be in a circumstance in which we are number
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, thank you, Ranking Member Fattah. Let me
answer as best I can a couple of parts of your question.
First of all, you referred to our national laboratories. We have by
far the strongest national laboratory system in the world. Nobody
else has capabilities close to the capabilities of our national labs
and that is because we have continued to invest in those laboratories since the initial investments we made to set them up.
Second point, we have the strongest research universities in the
world, again by far. Nobody is even close. There are a few universities in the UK, maybe one in Japan, maybe one in China that are
even in the top 25. That list is completely dominated by U.S. universities.
Our task in both of those domains, the strength of our national
laboratories and the strength of our research universities, is to
maintain that strength, nourish it, and expand it. And that is the
basis for the Presidents proposal to double the budgets of the basic
research institutions in this country that provide so much of the
support for those universities and for those national laboratories,
the DoE Office of Science, the National Science Foundation in particular.
The other major component, there are two other major components which I have alluded to of our strength in science, technology, and innovation that we need to pay attention to. One is the
private sector.
And what has happened in the private sector is some of the great
research laboratories that the private sector used to maintain have
been downsized, they have been fragmented and outsourced for a
variety of reasons having to do with the structure of the economy
and the incentives for the private sector. We have to increase the
incentives, as I have already mentioned, for the private sector to
invest more in research and development and innovation.
And we have to invest more in the mechanisms by which discovery is transferred out of the national laboratories and the great
research universities into marketable and successful products in
the economic marketplace.
One of the ways that is happening in the Obama administration
is the energy hubs that the Department of Energy has stood up.
Three of them have been stood up. We propose to stand up three
more. And those hubs involve the interaction of national laboratories, research universities, and corporations to bring to bear their
diverse comparative advantages on this challenge of translating
discovery into jobs, into products, into new businesses in the marketplace.
As we get better at that, that will prove to be one of the crucial
dimensions of maintaining our economic standing in the world,
maintaining the jobs we need, and maintaining our competitive position against competitors like China.
The last element that we need to pay attention to is STEM educationscience, technology, engineering, and math education. The
President has said on a number of occasions that he believes the
single most important thing we could do for the future of our coun-

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try is to lift the level of our game in STEM education, particularly
K through 12 STEM education.
You mentioned PCAST, the Presidents Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology. We provided the President with a report
on what needs to be done to improve K through 12 STEM education some months ago. And one of the things we argued in that
report is we need equal measures of emphasis on inspiration and
on preparation. We need to inspire more kids to go into science and
engineering and math and innovation and we need to do a better
job of preparing them and keeping them there and keeping them
successful in those pursuits once they get there.
That is a large part of what the Presidents educate to innovate
initiative is about which he announced originally in November of
2009 with at that time over half a billion dollars in private sector
and philanthropic support for efforts in which national laboratories,
corporations, and universities would provide real life scientists and
engineers and mathematicians to go into classrooms and work with
teachers to improve the curriculum, to develop more hands-on activities and experiments so kids could learn about science and engineering by doing it rather than just by being lectured about it.
And so they would have more role models of both genders of
every ethnicity to establish in real human terms what exciting and
interesting careers are available to kids who pursue science and
engineering and math.
We have got to get better at that. That is probably, of the four
pillars of continuing strength, the research universities and national laboratories, the private sector, the capacity to translate between discovery and applied innovation in the marketplace and
STEM education, STEM education is I think the one and the President thinks is the one that requires the most additional effort to
bring us up to speed. You see it in the international test scores.
You see it in other measures and, yet, we also have fantastic examples of creativity and accomplishment in our young people.
If you go to the Intel science talent search finalists dinner and
look at their displays as I have every year since coming into this
position, if you meet with the middle school mathletes who have
won national mathematics competitions, we have got some incredibly bright kids out there. We just have to do a better job of nurturing more of them, inspiring more of them, and preparing them
when they get into these fields.
Mr. FATTAH. Thank you.

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And you are absolutely right that we need help at every level.
And I just commented in the congressional record and it is a very
significant effort by ExxonMobil in terms of the national math and
science initiative and a hundred plus million dollar commitment.
But let me talk to you not about K to 12 STEM education, but
at the terminal degree level. We have a dearth of American citizens
of any stripe pursuing terminal degrees in the hard sciences.
What can you tell us about why this is a continuing challenge
and what are your recommendations as it relates to the President
and his budget to address this issue? We have a number of entities

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under the jurisdiction of the subcommittee that are involved in efforts in this regard, so I would be very interested in your thoughts.
When we look at people pursuing terminal degrees in nuclear
physics or computer information science or any of the hard
sciences, we are challenging ourselves in terms of the critical skills
that are going to be necessary.
And just, for instance, in our federal agencies, there is going to
be a major critical skills shortage just over the horizon unless we
prepare more young people for these roles just in terms of, for instance, the nuclear stockpile, our non-proliferation work, I mean,
just across a whole range of issues.
So I would be interested in your comments.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, again, thank you for the very good question.
I would say a couple of things about it.
Number one, the number of people who pursue and complete terminal degrees in science and engineering and math is deficient for
a couple of reasons. One is too few people entering these programs.
And the second reason is losing too many along the way.
And the reasons we have too few entering the programs are
largely the reasons I just talked about, deficiencies in our inspiration and preparation and the combination of those at the K through
12 level. So too many kids who have the talent and potentially the
curiosity and the excitement to excel in these fields decided to excel
in something else.
But a further problem and a very important problem is too many
people who enter college with the idea of majoring in math or engineering or science transfer into other fields along the way because
they become bored, they become disenchanted. The way they are
taught science and engineering and math at the university level is
not what it needs to be to keep them inspired and engaged.
And on that particular topic, I have a couple of assurances to
offer you. One is that my associate director for Science, the Nobel
Laureate Carl Wieman, has focused most of his attention since getting the Nobel Prize not on doing more Nobel Prizelevel physics
but on understanding better what works and what does not work
in college-level education in science and engineering and math.
And Wieman and his colleagues in that pursuit have developed
some very important research findings that establish that it is
quite practical to improve by a factor of two or more the success
of college science, math, and engineering teaching both in terms of
how much the students actually learn and in terms of how excited
they stay about what they are doing.
And we are currently conducting a new PCAST study looking at
the first two years of college education which is where you lose
most of these folks to figure out how to apply these new research
findings and specific programs which will cause them to spread.
And I have already spoken and Carl Wieman has spoken with
the presidents of many of our research universities who are equally
excited about the possibility of doing much better at this part of the
effort, of keeping kids, young people engaged in science and engineering and math in college pursuing those goals in those fields,
doing it more successfully, staying more excited, and addressing
that particular problem.

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Mr. FATTAH. Well, I am going to wrap up with just two more
questions on this point. But one of the ways that we solved this
problem in the past, because this problem has been with us for a
while, is that we had foreign-born students to actually dominate
many of these programs in the hard sciences at our great universities here in America and many of them would end up staying.
And they would become citizens and they would have the terminal
degrees. And our industry would have the intellectual genius necessary to go forward.
But now you have students who end up getting the degree who
are going back to their native countries and being part of what is
essentially the economic competition to our country long term.
So we have a number of challenges and we have to get more
American-born students to pursue hard science degrees and we
also need to keep talent that is coming to America for an education.
We need to try to hold on to more of that talent to the degree that
that is possible.

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So I am interested, and I will end here, as you look at the broad

spectrum of work, and your testimony touches on a number of
issues, and we have obviously a range of challenges, but as the lead
science and technology advisor to the President, if you could just
comment in more general terms about what you see as the Nations
most pressing scientific and technological related challenges over
the near-term horizon of the next 10 and 20 years that you believe
we should be focusing on here in the Congress and in terms of our
priorities relative to appropriations.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, again, another good and rather sweeping
question. Let me say a couple of things about it.
First of all, in terms of students from other countries who graduate in science and math and engineering from our universities, as
you say correctly, some of them do go back to their home countries.
That is not in itself entirely bad for the United States to have highly educated people going back who have experienced the advantages of the economic and political system of the United States.
It is one of the ways over the long run that we work to change
the economic and political cultures in those countries because a lot
of these students become leaders in their countries and their views
about the United States and how we do things become very important.
But it is also important that we not make it too difficult for those
who would like to stay to do so. And in some respects in our visa
policies I am afraid we have done that. We are looking at our visa
policies to see if there are modifications that would make it easier
for those foreign born students who do want to stay in the United
States and who have been educated in science and engineering and
math in our universities, make it easier for them to pursue that
choice to stay and apply their talents in this country because we
have gotten great benefits from the talents of foreign-born students
who have decided to stay.
You also asked me what the great challenges are. I mean, clearly
a structural challenge is that part of the problem of inspiration and
keeping students in these fields is having them confident that

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there will be exciting and interesting jobs available for them to
take up after they graduate.
And that again is a matter of ensuring that the private sector
makes the investments that they should be making, that we make
the investments and the private sector makes the investments in
science and technology infrastructure. That includes information
technology, high-speed computing. It includes infrastructure in
space which we use for communications, for geopositioning, and for
many other purposes. We have to continue making the investments
if the jobs are going to be available for those students to engage
In terms of substantive challenges, what are the things that we
really need to be getting right in science and technology going forward? I mean, clearly a huge substantive challenge is in the domain of how do we strengthen manufacturing again in this country? What can we do with nano-tech, with info-tech, with bio-tech,
with the intersection of those to develop a much stronger manufacturing sector again in this country?
And that is something that we are spending a lot of time looking
at jointly with the National Economic Council and in concert with
many of the high-tech CEOs and leaders in this country and in the
research universities and the national laboratories. How do we
apply these rapidly advancing scientific developments in the domains I have mentioned to translate them into new industries, into
new jobs?
In terms of another substantive focus that is going to be immensely important, it is what I would describe as the energy-economy-environment intersection. We need affordable and reliable energy to fuel our economy, but we need to get it in ways that do not
imperil our national security in the way our very heavy dependence
on imported oil from unstable regions does today. We need to get
it in ways that do not imperil our environment.
There are tremendous technological challenges and opportunities
at this intersection of energy, economy, and environment in which
we need to be the leaders. We need to be the leaders in new battery
technology. We need to be the leaders in fuel cell technology. We
need to be the leaders in smart grid technology.
And, again, these are challenges, but they are also enormous opportunities that can constructively occupy a lot more graduates of
science and engineering and mathematics from our great universities than we are generating now.
Mr. FATTAH. Thank you very much.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you.
Mr. Culberson.
Mr. CULBERSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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Dr. Holdren, I noted in your response to Chairman Wolfs questions that the Administration has decided that any negotiations
that the President conducts are an exemption to the policy adopted
by Congress.

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Dr. HOLDREN. I have to say first of all Congressman Culberson,
I am not a lawyer.
Dr. HOLDREN. But I have been advised by our counsel and consultation with the Department of Justice that we must take care
not to infringe the Presidents constitutional authorities in relation
to the conduct of foreign relations, and diplomacy in particular.
Mr. CULBERSON. I am always astonished in the time that I have
been here that the number of administration officials who forget
that the Presidents responsibilities under the Constitution are actually very narrow, and in fact are limited to: the President is the
Commander-in-Chief of the Army, shall have the power to make
treaties, and shall have power to fill up vacancies. That is it.
It will be the chief executive officer of the United States, and
chief executive officer means to execute the laws enacted by Congress, and the Congress just enacted and the President just signed
into statutory law an absolute, ironclad, unambiguous requirement
that none of the funds made available by the Congress to the Administration may be used for NASA or your office to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute a bilateral policy
program, order, or contract of any kind to participate, collaborate,
or coordinate bilaterally in any way with China or any Chineseowned company unless that activity is specifically authorized by
statute and enacted after the date of enactment of this law.
It is not ambiguous, it is not confusing, but you just stated to the
chairman of this committee that you and the Administration have
already embarked on a policy to evade and avoid this very specific
and unambiguous requirement of law if, in your opinion, it is in
furtherance of the negotiation of a treaty, right?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, Congressman, I say again.
Mr. CULBERSON. It is exactly what you just said. I dont want to
hear about you not being a lawyer. If you are
Dr. HOLDREN. Okay, as long as that is
Mr. FATTAH. Can we let the witness answer the question, please.
Dr. HOLDREN. What I have been informed is that a variety of
opinions, previous signing statements and other legal documents
have found that the President has exclusive constitutional authority to determine the time, the scope, and the objectives of international negotiations and discussions as well as the authority to
determine the preferred agents who will represent the United
States in those diplomatic exchanging.
Dr. HOLDREN. And I have been informed similarly
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. And I am not qualified to dispute
Mr. CULBERSON. You are just following orders.
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. Or argue with you about what I have
been advised that as a result of those exclusive constitutional authorities that have been asserted to me by people who are lawyers
and who work in this domain that the provision of the legislation,
which you just read, should not be read to restrict activities that
support those constitutional authorities.
Now you can argue that with me till the cows come home, but
I will lose, I am not a lawyer, I dont know how to argue that point.

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Mr. CULBERSON. Oh, no, I am not arguing about it legally, this
is just common sense and it is plain English. And all of your money
flows through this committee.
Dr. HOLDREN. I understand. I understand that.
Mr. CULBERSON. I just laid out for you they are now evading the
law just enacted by Congress.
Essentially, obviously the White Houses position is that any activity that your office engages in or any division of the executive
branch engages in with China or any Chinese-owned company is
obviously going to be classified as being in furtherance of negotiations involving treaty responsibilities of the President in the Constitution.
I mean you just laid out for us very clearly how you intend to
evade the very explicit and unambiguous law enacted by Congress.
It is very distressing and you are not likely toI mean you need
to remember that the Congress enacts these laws and it is the chief
executive offices job to execute those laws, and this is unambiguous.
Your office cannot participate, nor can NASA in any way, in any
type of policy, program, order, or contract of any kind with either
China or any Chinese-owned company.
Now if any employee of yours, if you or anyone in your office or
anyone at NASA participates, collaborates, or coordinates in any
way with China or any Chinese-owned company you are in violation of the statute, and frankly not only are you endangering your
funding, you are endangeringI mean this is not onlyit is a direct violation of law and it is up to the chairman and this committee to decide how to enforce or frankly towhat remedies are
available for what is obviously theyour intent to violate this
the Administrations intent to violate this law.
Dr. HOLDREN. Congressman Culberson, I
Mr. CULBERSON. You have a huge problem on your hands.
Dr. HOLDREN. I hear
Dr. HOLDREN. I hear you very clearly. It is not our intention to
evade this law as you say, we intend to comply with it insofar as
it does not infringe on the constitutional authorities that I have
been advised exist.
Mr. CULBERSON. I understand.
Dr. HOLDREN. I said we would review on a case-by-case basis activities with China as to whether they are precluded by this legislation or not, and we will inform the committee, as the chairman has
asked, of those considerations.
But I am very much aware that there are many activities that
we would have carried out with China or might have carried out
with China that will be precluded by this, that do not fall under
the Presidents constitutional authorities with respect to diplomatic
relations with other countries.
Mr. CULBERSON. The Presidents responsibilities for negotiating
treaties with other countries are obviously set out. I mean he has
got that responsibility set out in the Constitution, but the scope,
the extent, the deal, the manner in which he conducts those negotiations are what officers of the executive branch are authorized to

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Now, frankly, the existence of your officeyou are a creature of
statute. Every officer in the executive branch was created by a statute, by Congress, and funded through this committee, so the scope
of the Presidents responsibilities again are all designed by statute.
You have now got a statute that preempts every other statute on
the books.
Now I am a good enough lawyer and practice enough in court to
know that what you have just given us from the chief counsels office is very revealing, Mr. Chairman, because obviously the White
House is now going to engage in arather they have obviously
identified a way to evade the intent of Congress, and are obviously
going to try to classify anything you are doing with China as in
pursuit of a treaty, but that is not going to fly.
It has been signed into law, and the limitation that the Congress
enacted preempts every other statute of the books, it is a long
standing rule, and this one again is just common sense, that a law
that you pass today that is, for example, very specific in regard to
a particular subject, not only does a law passed today preempt
every other law passed before it, but number two, particularly if
the law today that is very specific, it deals with a particular subject, that absolutely preempts every other law passed before it, and
that is just a general rule.
In this case it is even more specific, and this is not legal, it is
just common sense, Dr. Holdren, that you cant participate, collaborate, or coordinate in any way with China or any Chinese-owned
company unless that activity is specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of enactment of this division.
So you need to tell the lawyers, the General Counsels Office
what you just read to us now threatens their funding. I am a pretty
good lawyer, and I can think of lots of ways to help the chairman
of this committee and other subcommittees enforce the law. I mean
it doesnt have to be just lawsuits, there are a thousand ways to
enforce the law, all kinds of creative ways to enforce the law. I
mean the law is essentially whatyou know, the law is meaningless unless it is enforced, and it doesnt have to be just through a
Trust me, the chairman of this committee and the Appropriations
Committee is charged with enforcing the law. What you just read
to me endangers, frankly, your funding, and the Office of General
Counsels funding. I intend to go after all of them in every division
of the White House.
You have just opened the door for me, and I think it is very revealing. You just gave us a peek behind the curtain. You are obviously not going to pay any attention to this law if the General
Counsels Office tells you that this activity that you are engaged in,
Dr. Holdren, or your subordinate, is in furtherance of a treaty. You
have just told us you can go right ahead and do it.
Dr. HOLDREN. What I have said, Congressman Culberson, it is
not our intention to declare that every activity in which we do or
might engage with China falls under the category that is within
the Presidents exclusive constitutional authority. That is not our
And I am sure that this provision, as long as it stays in force,
and I must admit I am very hopeful that when the next round of

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appropriations comes there will not be a similar restriction in it because it will be restricting. It will be restricting. There is no question about it.
Mr. CULBERSON. So not every activity.
Dr. HOLDREN. It will be restricting.
Mr. CULBERSON. Not every activity is going to be cut off. And so
clearly you are already beginning to identify some.
I just think it is very distressing and disturbing. Not only does
it ignore the intent of Congress, but you are also blindly ignoring
the threat posed by China.
I heard you respond earlier to questions from the chairman that
you took your BlackBerry to China. Do you know that Google executives, and frankly no executive of any company I know, will permit their employees to take their cell phones or iPads or whatever
to China. Google actually requires that their employeesthe only
thing they can take is a stripped down notebook that has a web
browser on it, and then when they return the machine is destroyed.
Dr. HOLDREN. Uh-huh.
Mr. CULBERSON. Do you know about that? You nodded your
head. You are familiar with that.
Dr. HOLDREN. No, I do know about that, sir.
Mr. CULBERSON. Do you know about the National Security Agency and the policy of the United States military not to permit any
U.S. military officer or any government official, and I think it is
even true, Mr. Chairman, of the State Department, I think you
serve on the committee with Kay Granger, I dont believe anybody
from the State Department takes a PDA or a wireless computer device of any kind into China. You sync your BlackBerry at the White
House dont you?
Dr. HOLDREN. Sir, I am not sure what the State Department
does, but the policies of the White House in this regard have certainly been vetted with our security agencies, and I suspect the
reason for a difference between what Google requires and what the
White House requires is that we have greater confidence in the
technical abilities of the people who are working for the Administration in the security domain to make these devices secure. If that
judgment is misplaced and we learn about it clearly we will correct
But again, it is my understanding that the experts, including experts in the NSA and the FBI and the expertise available to our
intelligence community in this domain, is that we can make these
devices safe for us to use in China.
And again, you know, you are outside my domain of specific expertise. The advice I am getting on this from people who are experts is that we can safely do this, and so we do.
Mr. CULBERSON. Your BlackBerry syncs wirelessly or do you sync
it at the White House with a hard plug in?
Dr. HOLDREN. No, it syncs wirelessly.
Mr. CULBERSON. Okay. Well, Mr. Chairman, I know you are
going to help educate Dr. Holdren on what obviously everybody else
in the government knows, and that is you dont take wireless devices into China. The extent of the espionage, the aggressive attempts by the Chinese to penetrate the U.S. government and private companies with cyber attacks is something you, as a science

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advisor, ought to know better than anybody else, and I am frankly
very disappointed, disturbed to hear that you already found a way,
in your opinion, to evade the law enacted by Congress, and that
you are also obviously indifferent to or unaware of the aggressive
attempts by China to go after the United States in stealing our
technology in cyber attacks. It is just very disturbing, Mr. Chairman, and you have been very gracious.
I will save my other questions for the next round.
Mr. WOLF. Mr. Schiff.
Mr. SCHIFF. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Doctor, for being here. I just want to echo a couple
comments you made earlier in terms of the situation with graduates of institutions of higher learning who cant stay in the country.
Caltech is in my district, as you know, and it is a cause of great
concern for me that we have these very bright people come to
Caltech from all over the world that get advanced degrees in math,
science, and engineering, they want to stay, they want to start a
business, they want to hire Americans, and we boot them out of the
country. They then go elsewhere and compete with us.
And while I acknowledge there is certainly a benefit in having
bright people educated in America in other countries, there is an
even greater advantage in keeping them here to help grow our
economy, and I have been working on legislation that would provide for those that graduate with advanced degrees in math,
science, and engineering who want to start a business and hire five
Americans we should give them a green card and encourage them
to do that.

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I wanted to ask you a comment on something. Having access to

cutting edge research facilities is increasingly important to our Nations ability to make game changing discoveries. Given the increase in cost to build and operate these facilities around the globe
we often now have to work with partners to keep costs down. Increasingly the construction of these large facilities, such as the 30meter telescope in Hawaii, not only require non-federal contributions, but also sophisticated international collaboration. Important
international partners need to understand U.S. plans are going forward to ensure that we get the most bang for our buck and that
U.S. scientists are participating and having access to these cutting
edge facilities.
In what ways are the White House and the Office of Science and
Technology Policy leveraging international and non-federal funding
commitments for large facilities sponsored by federal agencies such
as NSF, NASA, and the Department of Energy?
Does OSTP actively work with federal research agencies to spur
negotiations to ensure that proper planning, design, and development can occur?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, thank you, Congressman Schiff. The answer
is yes, on all counts. That is OSTP does have the lead responsibility in the White House for working with all of the science and
technology rich agencies in what they do jointly with other counties
and in international collaborations, including ITER, the Inter-

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national Thermal Experimental Reactor, including international
high energy physics experiments, includes the astronomical kinds
of facilities you are talking about.
We have as one of our four divisions, the Division of National Security and International Affairs, which has within it the responsibility, and a number of people work in that domain very specifically
to work with the DoE, with the NSF, with NOAA, with NASA on
the development and implementation of cooperative efforts, which
as you point out are enormously important.
Mr. SCHIFF. Let me ask you another question related to my first
comment in terms of the visa situation.

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Over the years I have brought a great many astronauts to my

district to meet with middle school students, and I brought an astronaut to a middle school in Pasadena, one of the lowest performing schools in my congressional district. He was particularly
good with the kids. They all are very good, but he was particularly
He had a bunch of NASA patches in his trouser pocket that he
offered to give the kids if they could get certain questions right.
They had to earn the patches. And the first question he asked kind
of bugged me because I got the math wrong. He said that
Dr. HOLDREN. You didnt get a patch?
Mr. SCHIFF. I did not get a patch. I was lucky I didnt put my
hand up.
The question was when he is on the shuttle he orbits the earth
every hour and a half, how many sunrises and how many sunsets
would he see in a 24hour day?
I didnt think it was that difficult a math problem, but the students who are all middle school students, you know, guessed eight,
guessed six, guessed twelve, and then one child put up his hand,
and I think the correct answer was thirty-two, which waswhen
at the astronaut reached to take out a patch and give it to him I
realized that the answer I had was wrong, I was off by four, and
I spent I think the rest of the presentation figuring out
Dr. HOLDREN. Trying to figure it out.
Mr. SCHIFF [continuing]. Why I got the math wrong. It really
bugged me. I had to get him to explain it to me afterwards.
But I wondered when he gave this to this young child whether
that middle school student knew he was gifted.
And you know my district is a suburban, largely middle income,
but there are a lot of lower income families, particularly served by
this school, and I wondered, you know, this kid who put up his
hand among 300 other kids was clearly gifted to get it right, to get
it right in front of 300 other classmates who were all guessing all
over the boards, and I wondered whether he knew he was gifted,
whether his teacher knew he was gifted, whether his parents knew
he was gifted, and what the odds were that that child would make
it in his lifetime the one mile from there to Caltech, and I thought
the odds were probably not very good, and in some respects the
odds of coming to Caltech from half way around the world were
better and easier than coming from a mile away from Caltech.

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And I wonder what your thoughts are and what we could do
about that. How do we make sure that we identify talented young
people like that? That we give them every opportunity to make
their way what geographically is a short distance, but in terms of
society and everything else may be an infinite distance. What can
we do about that?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, first of all I would say I would guess that
the odds of that student making it the one mile to Caltech went
up because astronaut came to that classroom, and they went up
both because of the inspiration that that visit provided and because
the nature of the interaction called attention to that kids talent in
a way that the teacher couldnt help but notice, and the kid probably noticed that he was able to do something that the other kids
Mr. SCHIFF. And this Congressman wasnt able to.
Dr. HOLDREN. I didnt want to mention that.
That is one of the ideas that is behind this educate to innovate
initiative in trying to get more real world scientists and engineers
and mathematicians into classrooms working with kids. It is not
just for the inspiration, but it is for the nature of the interactions
that reveal talented kids who might not have known themselves
how talented they were until they have the opportunity to engage
in these kinds of interactions with somebody who has succeeded in
these domains.
And we have found by the way as you did in this instance that
astronauts are enormously effective in this domain. They are very
highly trained, they are very smart, they are very interesting in
terms of the way they think about physical problems and the physical world and can relate them to kids.
I have got so many examples that are similar to yours of seeing
astronauts interact with kids. We had five astronauts when we had
Astronomy Night for Kids on the White House lawn in October of
2009. We had Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. We
had Mae Jemison, the first African American woman in space. We
had Buzz Aldrin, the second person to set foot on the moon. We
had of course Charlie Bolden, the NASA administrator. And we
had John Grunsfeld, the Hubble repairman, the guy who spent 55
hours walking in space, and we had 300 kids from middle school.
Kids who either had done particularly well in science and math or
who had been recently rapidly improving their performance. That
was their reward is being able to come to this event. And the interactions were just mind boggling.
We had moon rocks and we had a portable planetarium, we had
16 telescopes, but the interactions between those five astronauts
and those 300 kids I would bet changed a lot of lives. I mean this
is one very important way that you get it done, but we have to do
more as your question suggests to be able to reach into the communities that are less well off, that are less likely to have parents inspiring their kids and teaching their kids, and we have to figure
out more ways to make this happen.
Mr. SCHIFF. Do we have a mechanism, you know, I know many
areas have magnet schools, but do we have a mechanism to identify students at a very young age like this who have this talent and
pull them into a special program?

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Dr. HOLDREN. We try to do it in part with science fairs, and as
you know the President has given a lot of prominence to the value
of science fairs and robotics competitions and math competitions
and so on, which start at a very early age. I have a grandson of
ten who just competed in a science fair in a public elementary
school in Falmouth, Massachusetts where he lives, and it was clear
to meI was not there, but my wife went, my wife is a scientist
as well, and she went as one of the people sort of observing this
whole thingand it is apparent that these experiences that kids
have in science fairs in developing their own experiments and explaining them to people are a way in which kids of exceptional talent do get identified early, and then the trick isagain, your question goes to thiswhat to you do once these kids are identified by
their teachers? How can you provide the resources needed to ensure that that talent get develops, that that inspiration continues?
And we are thinking about that. We are trying to think about what
both the limitations and the opportunities are associated with
these kinds of competitions, which have become immensely popular.
I dont know if you were able to go to the science and engineering
fair on the mall last year, but the robotics displays were the ones
that were most overwhelmed. The second most overwhelmed displayand I think 500,000 people came to this weekend eventbut
the second most overwhelmed display was the NASA display where
they had real live astronauts meeting kids and talking with them.
But the first most overwhelmed display was the robotics where
kids were dealing in hands on ways with robots and being able to
modify them and make different kinds and so on and so forth, and
that is just a wonderful mechanism for identifying particular kinds
of talent, and we have to figure out what the next steps can be.
Mr. SCHIFF. Well, I would love to stay in touch with you on that.
We have great robotic programs in my district as a result of
Caltech. They work with a lot of our local high schools on robotics
But it still seems a bit haphazard what you are describing. It requires a student to kind of self-initiate and gravitate towards a
science fair.
I got the impression, although it may not be correct, that some
of our competitor countries, they will identify these students
through examination and then they are put in a certain program,
track, et cetera, quite methodically to cultivate that talent.
I dont know that we want to go exactly down that route, but it
seems we may be missing a lot of our native talent.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Mr. Schiff. Have you seen Waiting For
Dr. HOLDREN. I have not seen it.
Mr. WOLF. I will get you a copy. If I do, will you watch it?
Dr. HOLDREN. Oh, absolutely I will. I think Carl Wieman has already been trying to get me to watch it.
Mr. WOLF. Have you seen it?
Mr. WOLF. I will get you a copy.

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I think the answer is there, and it is a very powerful movie. At
the end, some of the young people want to get in a school, and the
decision as to whether they will be able to do it is based on whether they win the lottery. They follow the families, and those who
win the lottery are cheering. It is almost like a hockey game or a
basketball game where the parents cheer because their young child
gets in. Then the two or three who never make it go home. One
is from California, and I will get you a copy. I will try to get it for
you certainly by the time to go home for the recess, and you should
watch it.
Also, we are losing astronauts. I bumped into an astronaut the
other day, and for the record we can check and make sure that
what I am saying is accurate, but he told me the astronauts are
leaving in droves based on the Administrations position with regard to NASA and space. We dont want to get to the point that
we dont have any astronauts or where the astronauts are so rare.
Dr. HOLDREN. I agree.
Mr. WOLF. I took the NASA Administrator down to an intercity
school in Washington, D.C., and I think every child deserves that
opportunity ,and not just, you know, a handful.

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With regard to the NASA budget, science investments were supposed to be an area of particular emphasis in the 2012 budget request, but the emphasis seems to have been very unevenly applied.
Agencies like NSF, NIST, and the Department of Energy Office of
Science received significant increases, but NASA, the fourth largest
R&D agency and one that we were all raving about, was held flat
from 2010.
How does a flat NASA budget reflect the Administrations emphasis on scientific investment?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, as you know, Mr. Chairman, NASA has a
great many functions under its roughly $18.5 billion budget, and
we have been trying in the Obama Administration to strengthen
the science within that.
We think one of the things that happened over the prior administration when there was a grand vision for expanding our activities
in human exploration, but the budgets for that were never provided, is that the science budget suffered, and we have been in the
process of trying to build them back up, but we are living as you
know in an extremely difficult budget time.
I mean if I were a king, NASA would have a bigger budget so
that we would be about both to pursue a vision for advanced technologies to take us farther and faster in space so that we would be
able to fund all of the earth observation that we really need NASA
to be doing, so that we could fund all the looking outward that we
need NASA to be doing.
Unfortunately at this particular juncture there is not enough
money and some difficult choices have been made.
I said early on that while I agree with you that science and technology did much better in the 2010 Continuing Appropriations Act
than nearly any other sector of government activity, that still
doesnt mean that we are doing as well as those of us who are fo-

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pwalker on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with HEARING

cused on the challenges and the opportunities in science would
have liked.
Mr. WOLF. Well, I would agree with you. The Administration
needs to step forward and deal with the entitlement issue, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. We dont want to get off into
that subject, but the President appointed the Bowles-Simpson Commission, and then he walked away from their recommendations two
different times. If he had embraced it by dealing with the entitlement issue, you could plus up many of these accounts.
But the question was, the others had increases and NASA has
a flat line, and that just doesnt make any sense.
Last year, you attempted to cancel NASAs exploration program
and were soundly repudiated by Congress. It seems like the Administration didnt learn its lesson, though, because this years NASA
budget is also unacceptable.
You are once again proposing big increases in earth science,
space technology, and commercial space flight, and paying for those
increases by cutting the exploration program, which is budgeted at
more than $1 billion below the authorized level.
Why does the Administration insist on using the exploration program as the bank to pay for the other priorities?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, with respect, Mr. Chairman, I wouldnt have
phrased it quite that way. I think first of all that the 2010 Authorization Act from NASA contained much of what the President
wanted and it also contained much of what the Congress wanted.
I thought it was a pretty good compromise between positions that
initially seemed to be quite far apart. So I didnt consider it a resounding repudiation of what the President wanted to do.
With respect to the amounts of money in space exploration, the
Presidents budget still funds at a very substantial level, the key
ingredients of that, the heavy lift vehicle, the multiple purpose
crew vehicle, but it was necessary.
And you referred to the astronauts. It is necessary if we want to
maintain access for U.S. astronauts to the $100 billion International Space Station on U.S. rockets, if we want to minimize the
gap during which we would be dependent entirely on the Russian
Soyuz, we absolutely have to make investments in commercial crew
development, and at the same time we need to invest in those technologies, the heavy lift and the multipurpose crew capsules to be
ready for the next step, and there is a balancing act involved in
doing that under a budget cap that is lower than what one would
want to pursue all of those goals.
I think the Presidents budget made the best choices that NASA
and the Presidents other advisors thought could be made under
the circumstances, and taking into account that we were restrained
until the recent passage of that 2011 Continuing Appropriations
Act, we were restrained by the language in the 2010 Appropriations Act which heavily restrained NASA from moving any resources around in the Constellation Program, and by the time we
were relieved of that constraint you werent in the same position
that you would have been in if throughout fiscal year 2011 one had
had more flexibility.

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Mr. WOLF. The NASA Administrator has been quoted several

times saying that NASA is not going to build a 130 metric ton
launch vehicle, which is a requirement of the authorization and
now the fiscal year 2011 appropriations bill also.
Between statements like that and a budget request that significantly underfunds the authorized exploration program it looks like
the Administration has no regard for the legal requirements of the
Do you view the lift capability requirement as legally binding?
Dr. HOLDREN. Mr. Chairman, first of all I believe
Mr. WOLF. It has got to be really difficult to pick what you want
to like. This is not a cafeteria government, it is
Dr. HOLDREN. Look, I understand that, and I believe that the administrator has clarified his views on that and has made clear subsequently. There was a statement he made in response to a question from a reporter that I think was at best less than a complete
commitment to the 130 tons, but he has clarified that subsequently.
I was at a meeting with him, a public session with at the Goddard celebrating the anniversary of Goddards birth out in Maryland in which the administrator made very clear that he is committed to 130 tons, and I think that is a fact.
Mr. WOLF. I dont want to put words in your mouth, but you do
view the lift capability requirement as legally binding then?
Dr. HOLDREN. I regard it as something that we are legally
obliged to pursue. I dont think we can necessarily legislate success.
Ultimately we will get 130 tons. Whether we will get it by the date
specified in the legislation that is something we are obliged to try
to do and we will try to do it.
But I am concerned, I know the administrator is concerned that
sometimes what is Congress wants, however admirable, is not necessarily achievable under the available budgets and in the time
So we are going to try, we are going to do everything we can to
get this capability by the date specified, but it is going to be a challenge.
Mr. WOLF. The Administration advocates for the development
and deployment of a smaller launch vehicle, such as one with 70
to 100 metric tons of lift. A vehicle of this size would be oversized
for servicing the Space Station, but undersized for deep space exploration.
What would the mission be for a 70 to 100 metric ton launch vehicle, and why would the development of the smaller vehicle be a
useful achievement?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, I would say that is a question that goes beyond my expertise, and it is one that I would direct to our colleagues at NASA.
I could speculate as to the value of that intermediate step in
terms of preparing the way for the larger capability that ultimately
we will need, and I would speculate that there are a variety of
kinds of payloads that would fall in that range that would still be
extremely useful to be able to get up there, including the possi-

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bility, should the 130 tons not be available by the specified date,
to launch the components we need in pieces and put them together
in orbit, but that would be speculation.
I know that NASA is engaged in a detailed study of how best to
meet the goal that the Congress has specified, and my understanding is that that study will be ready by mid-summer and will
be provided to the Congress, and I think it would not be terribly
productive for me to try to second guess what it is going say.
Mr. WOLF. Well, maybe you have answered this, but I want to
kind of lock it down so there is no misunderstanding. In addition
to funding issues, NASAs work on the exploration system is being
delayed by foot dragging within the Administration on the vehicle
designs and acquisition strategies for the crew vehicle and the
launch system.
NASA told us that they can have these decisions made and communicated to the Congress by June 20th, which you are referencing, but we are hearing reports that others in the Administration want to delay that.
Any further delay is, I believe, unacceptable and I assume you
would agree. Will you commit to us right now that the exploration
implementation plan will be done and submitted by June 20 as
NASA has planned?
Dr. HOLDREN. Mr. Chairman, I cannot guarantee NASAs performance, but I have heard no reports that anybody is trying to
slow them down, that anybody has suggested that it would be acceptable to deliver that report later.
It is my understanding that that is their goal, that that is their
intention, and I expect they will meet it, but I cant guarantee you
personally since I am not at NASA and not engaged directly in this
I will certainly convey to the administrator your view as expressed here that that deadline is firm and it is essential that it
be met.
Mr. WOLF. Well, you are a very important person in this administration and in the space area, and we have been hearing that
there has been some effort to urge NASA to go slowly, particularly
since this appropriations process will then pass. But if you could
check with the Administrator
Dr. HOLDREN. I will do that.
Mr. WOLF [continuing]. And then get back to the Committee to
let us know that that June 20th date will be met. I would appreciate it.
Dr. HOLDREN. I will do that, sir.
[The information follows:]



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At the House CJS Appropriations Subcommittee on May 4, 2011, Chairman Wolf

requested that Dr. Holdren call Administrator Bolden about the June 20 deadline
for NASA to submit its exploration implementation plan to Congress.
Response: On May 12, I talked to NASA Administrator Bolden about the exploration implementation plan. I stressed the importance of completing the exploration
plan by the June 20 target date. Administrator Bolden confirmed that NASA is
making every effort to meet that date.

Mr. WOLF. With the funding levels proposed in the Presidents

budget, NASA will be unable to meet the 2016 target date for ini-

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tial operation of the Space Launch System and the Multi Purpose
Crew Vehicle, which will further prolong the gap in our national
human exploration capability.
Arent you concerned about the possibility of additional years
without a NASA-owned system for getting Americans into space?
And what do you see as the impact on our national prestige and
security of a major delay in NASAs exploration program?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, first of all I am concerned about it, Mr.
Chairman, and I am doing everything I can within the constraints
that we are all working under to see that NASA does meet that
target and that we minimize, as I have said before, that we minimize the period in which we are dependent on the Russian Soyuzy
for transport of our astronauts to the International Space Station.
I am concerned as you are by the possibility that the number of
people interested in becoming astronauts and remaining astronauts
will go down if we do not have assured means of providing access
to the space station.
We think the space station, by the way which under the Presidents proposals, would continue to operate until at least 2020 is
an enormous resource for science and for technology development
and for the continuing inspiration of American young people seeing
American astronauts going back and forth to and from the space
station and operating and working and living there, and we want
that to be a viable resource with U.S. astronauts getting there on
U.S. rockets. That is our aim, that is my aim.
Mr. WOLF. Okay. We are going to go into STEM education. I
dont want to keep others waiting, but I want to go into STEM,
which I am a big supporter of.
A year or two ago, and I guess we can check the figures, 50 percent of the money that was available for STEM grants was left on
the table, and it was not accessed by students. You might want to
check and see if that is accurate and then get back to the Committee. I would appreciate that.
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At the House CJS Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on May 4, Chairman

Wolf expressed concern that 50% of STEM grants go unspent.
Response: Nearly all STEM programs are spending all their money, with these
notable exceptions: The Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 created two
new need-based grant programs that complement funds awarded to Pell Grant recipients: Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG) and National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grants. The former are awarded to Pell
Grant recipients in their first and second years that completed a rigorous high
school curriculum, while SMART Grants are given to Pell recipients in their third
and fourth years that major in technical fields or languages vital to national security. Unfortunately, the number of students receiving the grants has been lower
than estimated, resulting in the amount of funds available exceeding the value of
grants awarded. Due to this unexpectedly low usage, the Department has rescinded
$1.085 billion in total funds for the program since the 2008 fiscal year. This figure
includes a recession of $560 million in fiscal year 2011. Both ACG and SMART
Grants are scheduled to sunset after the end of the 201011 academic year and are
not scheduled to receive any additional appropriations.

Secondly, you mentioned something that triggered the idea. We

have asked the National Science Foundation to do an in-depth
study, which they hope to have some time this summer, as to why

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young people make a decision to go into math, science, physics,
chemistry, biology, the sciences. There seems to be some sort of
fifth or sixth grade deciding point there, and so the director of the
NSF is working with a number of other people to look at that.
If you have any ideas for that I urge you to talk to him and cooperate. They hope to do a report, which we would then hope to
get into the hands of all of the school systems. Because there may
be somebody in some place that is doing something amazing, and
if we could just let people know about it that may be kind of the
silver bullet, if you will, for that issue. But if you could check on
those two things, I would appreciate it.
Dr. HOLDREN. I will talk with him. Dr. Subra Suresh is a good
friend and we spend a lot of time talking about these matters, and
I too have seen the research that indicates that kids actually decide
very early on their trajectory, and they either get excited about
science and math and engineering early or they may not get excited at all, and you are absolutely right, we have to work harder
to understand that and to make sure that for the kids with that
inclination and those kinds of abilities that they get the inspiration
to make those choices.
Mr. WOLF. Okay. With that I will just go to Mr. Aderholt.
Mr. ADERHOLT. Thank you, Dr. Holdren.
I want to follow up with chairman, just with the heavy lift, of
course with the understanding, my understanding that the cost of
developing a rocket with a lift of 70 tons, which was not fully integrated into a robust plan for completing a 130-ton rocket, would
still be about 80 percent of the cost of a fully integrated plan.
The language in the CR bill for the heavy lift rocket indicates
that it will be simultaneous development of the upper stage of that
The question would be how will your office help ensure that
NASA manages contract modification and other options to ensure
that the law is followed for simultaneous development?
Dr. HOLDREN. Congressman Aderholt, we will certainly be paying
attention to that and working with Administrator Bolden and his
staff to do everything we can to promote the successful achievement of the goals that the Congress has specified.
I think any interest in a 70-ton rocket would be in the context
of a fully integrated plan to get to 130 tons, and again, I think the
administrator has clarified his views on that subsequent to some
initial expressions which were less clear, and OSTP is also committed to that goal and we will work with NASA to try to ensure
its achievement.
Mr. ADERHOLT. Okay. Let me change into just another topic.

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Of course as you know the southeastern part of the United

States was hit by the series of tornados, I guess it was a week ago
today, and I think over the course of the southeastern states there
were approximately, and I think we are hovering around 350
deaths right now, actually a third of those are in the district that
I represent, and a lot of those is just north of Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, that area that I represent.

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The question I have in relation to the tornados that hit. Do you
believe that the tornado genesis, the process by which a tornado
develops, is it the same in the humid southeastern United States
as it is in the central plain areas of the United States? Go ahead.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, first of all the amount of energy available to
tornado formation is certainly affected by the amount of water in
the atmosphere and by the temperature of the atmosphere, and
both have been increasing. The temperature has been increasing,
the amount of water has been increasing. There are a lot of other
factors that govern the formation of tornados, including the interaction of weather fronts as you know, and so it is not a simple matter of saying simply if it is more humid and if it is hotter we are
going to have more tornados, but all else being equal, that is given
the other conditions that it takes to form tornados, if there is more
moisture in the air or more heat in the air the potential for powerful tornados is larger.
Mr. ADERHOLT. I see. How does the budget request for your office
or for NASA or NOAA reflect the need for research on these southeastern tornados, which you have indicated, you know, cause with
more humidity and the more rain would cause? Does your request
reflect research regarding that?
Dr. HOLDREN. There is certainly considerable research in NOAA
on that question, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and it is continuing.
The other relevant factor that I think is very important in this
case is the capacity to forecast tornados and provide early warning,
and NOAAs budget is very important in that domain as well. In
fact we have a particular challenge in this domain because the
Joint Polar Satellite System, which was not fully funded in the
2011 is budget is essential to maintaining continuity of the capacity to forecast tornados.
For all the tragedy that these tornados caused it would have
been even larger. The loss of life could have been significantly larger had it not been for the amount of early warning that we had
in large part due to the continuing availability and functionality of
our polar-orbiting weather and climate satellites, and we could lose
that. In fact we are now projecting a gap in that capability some
time in the vicinity of 2015 because we have not made adequate
investments to put the next polar-orbiting satellite up there.
So this is a very important matter where the safety of our citizens and the budget for NOAA come together.
Mr. ADERHOLT. No doubt, I mean the series of tornados that
went through I know Alabama last Wednesday can only be compared to 1925, and when there were over 700 deaths, and of course
I think a lot of that is due to the fact that the early warning was
not there in 1925, and so, you know, the tornados that occurred
last Wednesday could have been much worse than 700 had there
not been that early detection, so I do understand and I do appreciate that.
So okay, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you.
Mr. Fattah.
Mr. FATTAH. Thank you.

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In this discussion about the tonnage for NASA, I am not sure
that in the past the Congress has been so specific about the level
of tonnage, and it is obviously challenging to think that as members we would be able to kind of project forward the science. But
I think that the point is, is that where this requirement is in statute and if the science does not get us to the capacity to be able to
do it then we run against a circumstances that would be challenging. So it will be interesting as we go forward.
But I think that the focus and the direction is in the rightthe
compass is correct. That is, that we want to produce a heavier lift
as we go forward in terms of tonnage. I dont know that we have
the wisdom, even though we obviously put it in statute, to say that
somehow we are going to be able to do a certain tonnage. But notwithstanding that it has been done and we will see where we go.

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I want to shift gears a little bit to NOAA, and I note that you
just commented on this, but in terms of the very severe weather
that parts of our country have faced and it is very unfortunate
about the deaths and injuries and the loss of property, but that
whether or not given the NOAA budget submission in the 2012
budget whether there are issues inside of that budget that will be
important for us to consider.
First is the severe weather issue. So we have the tsunami warnings, we have the severe weather warnings, we havea large part
of this request has to do with satellites, and if you could talk a little bit about this issue it would be helpful.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, I would be happy to talk about that issue,
although it is a vexing one.
When this administration came into office, we were faced with a
situation in NPOESS, the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System, in which the replacements for our
polar-orbiting satellite suite, which satellites are of great importance to our military as well as to civilian weather forecasting and
to climate monitoring, was over budget
Mr. FATTAH. If you would yield for a second.
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. Behind schedule, and under performing.
Mr. FATTAH. If you will yield for a second, that is why the bin
Laden raid was delayed for one day because of weather, right?
Dr. HOLDREN. It does illustrate that forecasting the weather is
extremely important to military operations, but of course it is extremely important as well as we understand from this horrible experience in the southeast, it is extremely important for civilian purposes as well.
And in hurricane season our hurricane tracking capability is extremely important to the safety and welfare of our citizens, and we
are very heavily dependent on this suite of polar-orbiting satellite
for these purposes.
I understand from the NOAA administration, Dr. Lubchenco,
that over 90 percent of the data that we use for forecasts beyond
48 hours comes from these polar-orbiting satellites, and if we lose
that capability, if it is interrupted, and particularly if it was inter-

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rupted for long, for that period the quality of our forecasts beyond
48 hours will be seriously degraded.
We are going to lose that capability now it appears for a period
of time no matter what we do because the budgets for the last couple years have not been adequate to keep even the replacement
program which we worked out with fewer instruments, fewer satellites, but still enough to do the basic job on track, and we need
to get that back on track in 2012.
The Presidents 2012 budget makes a request that would get it
back on track. I very much hope that we will have the support of
the committee and the Congress as a whole in getting that done.

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Mr. FATTAH. Well, let me delve into this a little bit, because
there have been a lot of comments about the fact that we have to
depend on the Russians to take astronauts because we have a gap
in a space vehicle and now we have a gap in satellite coverage for
our severe weather forecasting that is going to appear. And I want
to go back to the decision package that led to these gaps.
Now the ending of the shuttle flights was a planned activity well
back more than a decade or so ago, and in 2004 the final timeline
was put together for the end of these flights. There are people in
our country who believe that the Obama Administration decided
that we are going to stop flying shuttle flights.
I want you to comment on these gaps and how we got to this moment where we have hundreds of tornados, we have a tsunami that
hit Japan, created a nuclear problem, but yet we are going to be
without satellite coverage for some period of time in terms of
checking the weather. So if you could help us understand how we
got to this moment that would be important.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, Ranking Member Fattah, it is a complicated
story. I could send you a timeline and would be happy to do that.
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Mr. FATTAH. I would like for you to do that.
Dr. HOLDREN. The essence of the matter is in part you are right
that we have known since early in the previous administration that
the shuttle program needed to come to an end. It needed to come
to an end for a number of reasons, one of them being that this is
basically 1970s technology which in some sense is so complicated
and so fragile you see the results in the fraction of the time that
we end up having to postpone launches for the safety of the astronauts, which obviously has to remain paramount. But it was also
the case that the shuttle is so expensive to operate that while you
are operating it you cant find the money in any plausible NASA
budget to develop its replacement, and so it was recognized again
already in the Bush Administration they made that decision that
the shuttle would be phased out.
And the problem was that the successor program to the shuttle,
the Constellation Program, was going to provide both access to
lower earth orbit and the heavier capabilities for deeper space missions. It never got the budgets it needed to stay on track, and the
result was by the time we came into office the Constellation Program was in danger of being three to four times over budget, that
is over the originally anticipated cost for those vehicles.
And in addition, it was so far behind schedule that no amount
of money poured into it at this point could erase the gap in the capacity to put American astronauts on the space station on U.S.
At the same time the attempt within NASA to find enough
money to keep Constellation on track had sapped the resources
available for many of NASAs other programs, but we had a further
problem. We had a problem that the NPOESS program, the successor program for these polar-orbiting satellites was a joint venture of the Department of Defense, NASA, and NOAA, and for a
whole variety of reasons those folks were proving not to be playing
very well together, and that contributed to delays and cost overruns in the NPOESS program itself, which we were charged when
we came into office with fixing.
I say we, I was charged in my confirmation hearing for fixing it
and then I was charged by the President with fixing it because it
is an interagency science and technology program that falls under
the jurisdiction of OSTP, and we worked very hard with those
three agencies to fix it and we figured out a way, we thought the
best possible way to fix it in terms of dividing certain responsibilities more clearly between the Department of Defense on the one
hand and NOAA and NASA on the other, but carrying out those
responsibilities required an increase in NOAAs budget which they
have not received.
That is the essence of the story. I will give you a longer time line
following this hearing, sort of the step by step of who did what and
to whom that led us to this predicament.
Mr. FATTAH. I want to thank you, that is very illuminating and
unfortunate, but I want the time line.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you.
Mr. Culberson.
Mr. CULBERSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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Dr. Holdren, I know you have published repeatedly in the journal

Science and other science publications so I know you are familiar
with them and read the journal Science on a regular basis. I am
Dr. HOLDREN. I am sometimes a little bit behind on my reading
of Science because of my other responsibilities, but I do read it on
a regular basis.
Mr. CULBERSON. I can certainly sympathize. You said you were
not aware that the Peoples Liberation Army had any role in the
or you werent sure of the role or how far their tentacles extended
into NASA.
To what extent are you familiar with the role of either the Peoples Liberation Army or the Communist Party in Chinese universities in the way they are operated or governed?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, first of all I am aware that the PLA has a
substantial role in the Chinese space program. I dont want to be
misunderstood about that.
Dr. HOLDREN. I said I am not clear on the details of the extent
of that role and how it works.
Mr. CULBERSON. Fair enough.
Dr. HOLDREN. But there is no question that the PLA has a role
in the Chinese space program, and similarly I would be very surprised if the PLA didnt have some interactions with the Chinese
university system. I am not again familiar with the details of how
that works.
Mr. CULBERSON. Or the Communist Partys involvement in either
the space program or in their research at their universities.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, the Communist Party governs that country,
and so the involvement is obviously extensive.
Mr. CULBERSON. You mentioned earlier in your testimony that
you are engaged in efforts to promote scientific and technological
cooperation that you feel is in our best interests.
And I just want to make absolutely certain you were awareand
I was unaware until I had seen this in the April 8th edition of
Sciencethat all mainland universities in China, Mr. Chairman,
have two leaders, the president of the university and the Communist Party secretary. So it is not just the space program. It is
And the reason the chairman and I keep circling back to this is
that the Chinese have made it their national policy, it is their goal
to make the 21st century the Chinese century, and they see their
primary obstacle to be the United States.
And the chairman quoted an article I think that thewas it the
IMF, Mr. Chairman, said that about 2016 the Chinese economy
would surpass ours?
It is, I think, self-evident that by theand this has, I think been
out in the open that by 2015 the Chinese will be in a position militarily to announce, as I expect they would, their own Monroe doctrine of sorts, and that is my own personal supposition, Mr. Chairman, but I have run that past a number of folks and I think we
can safely predict that some time within the next four to five years

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we will see China announce a Monroe doctrine for the eastern
hemisphere that they have a zone of influence within which the
United States cant and shall not have any influence or interference. The Malacca Straits are the carotid artery to the Chinese
in terms of their reliance on foreign oil.
The chairman also took testimony of the subcommittee from the
Director of the National Science Foundation that in fact the Chineseand I just saw an article more recently on this, Mr. Chairmanthat the Chinese now control 97 percent of all rare earth elements on the planet.
And you were quoted in this same article, Dr. Holdren, this is
from the journal Science, March 26, 2010, that theor excuse me,
Im sorrya group of scientists had sent you a letter: last month
magnet industry leaders in the United States sent a letter to John
Holdren [. . .] calling on the Obama Administration to take prompt
action to restore rare earth mining and processing in the United
States and other western countries. The recommendations including establishing short-term stockpiles of rare earths critical for defense needs and having the U.S. Department of Energy set up a $2
billion loan guarantee program to help western mining companies
build new mining and processing facilities.
What have you done in response to that letter and what have
you done to protect the United States and help ensure that we
have access to these strategically vital rare earth elements?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, thank you for those good questions, Congressman Culberson.
Let me start by saying that we do understand that China wants
to be number one. That is not surprising. We want to stay number
one. And the things that we are recommending in the 2012 budget
are intended to keep us number one, and we have talked already
a bit about the ingredients that will be required for us to stay number one.
I have also already said I dont think any of us has a clear crystal ball as to when China might pass us and in what respects. I
think China has some big internal problems, most of them of their
own making, many of them resulting from the kinds of policies and
practices that Chairman Wolf has been a leader in denouncing, and
my hope is that we stay number one and that China does not pass
us in important aspects of capability.
I also hope that China is not in a position militarily at any foreseeable time to make a unilateral declaration of the sort that you
described that would impair United States interest and the United
States freedom of action.
But with that said and turning to the rare earth element question, we have been aware of that issue for a long time. We have
had in place under the leadership of the Office of Science and Technology Policy jointly with the National Security staff and the National Economic Council an interagency working group on the rare
earth minerals that has provided briefing papers for the President,
that has developed short-term and long-term strategy proposals for
how to minimize this vulnerability.
Mr. CULBERSON. Which are?
Dr. HOLDREN. China has come to this position because they were
able to undercut the price.

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We have considerable rare earth mineral resources in the United
States, in Alaska, and in other parts of the United States, but it
is a matter of not just having the resources but of developing the
whole supply chain of not just mining, but processing those materials into usable forms, and we are doing a number of things to
make that happen.
Mr. CULBERSON. Such as?
Dr. HOLDREN. We have developed a review of domestic and global policies that effect that and are looking to strengthen the ones
that will accelerate U.S. production.
We have been in conversation with companies and with the governors of the states that possess these resources on what they can
do to accelerate the process of reviving rare earth mineral industries in their states.
Mr. CULBERSON. Reviews and conversations.
Dr. HOLDREN. Reviews and conversations. We have
Mr. CULBERSON. Something specific.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, we have the
Mr. CULBERSON. Tangible.
Dr. HOLDREN. The DoE has ramped up its R&D, including developing a new hub on critical minerals, which as the other hubs have
done will aim to reduce the time lag between discovery and innovation in universities and national laboratories
Mr. CULBERSON. But that is utilization of the rare earth elements.
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. And getting things into the progress.
Mr. CULBERSON. That is utilization of rare earth elements.
Dr. HOLDREN. No, it is not just utilization. Im sorry, sir, but it
is also how we can mine them more cheaply, process them more efficiently, convert them into the forms that we need in our products
more efficiently so that the Chinese will not be able to undercut us
economically and maintain that very large market share that they
now enjoy. It is not just a process focused on using them.
Mr. CULBERSON. Okay. What specific tangible things have you
donebecause this is in your shop, this is your responsibilityto
protect the United States against what is obviously now a monopoly of the Chinese on rare earth elements, which they have used
already to their strategic advantage when one of the Chinese captains of a Chinese ship t-boned a Japanese ship some time last
year I think, and the Japanese arrested the Chinese captain, who
deliberately hit them, you remember that, and then all of a sudden
the Japanese had to release the captain.
Well, it turns out the Chinese had, you know, these reports out
there that you can read them and find them, and the open source
is that the Chinese used their monopoly on rare earth elements to
strangle the Japanese and force them to release this captain.
I mean this is a strategic threat to the United States, and we are
really looking for whatyou got this letter from the industry leaders last March and you have known about this for a long time,
what specific tangible steps have you taken to ensure that the
United States has access to rare earth elements from sources other
than China? I am looking for some other nation.

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Dr. HOLDREN. Well, we are always talking to the Australians,

have been talking to the Australians who have considerable resources of these.
The problem, Congressman, as I mentioned, is not the existence
of resources of these minerals in many countries other than China,
the problem is that it is a matter of two or three years to develop
the supply chain, and we are working with companies and governments to develop those supply chains and to do it with technologies
that will enable us to compete with or undercut the Chinese.
Now that is not something you can do overnight and it requires
initially understanding the character of the problem. We have gotten started. We got started. We got started a year ago March on
that effort.
I would be happy to provide you following the hearing with a
more detailed report on that.
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Mr. CULBERSON. Okay, please do, I know the chairman would be
very interested.
By the way, in your office does anyone in your office, anyone
working with your office have any Chinese nationals working directly or indirectly for them or with them?
Dr. HOLDREN. We of course dont have any Chinese nationals
working in our office. To work in the Office of Science and Technology Policy you have to be an American citizen and you have to
be eligible for a top secret clearance.
Mr. CULBERSON. Directly or indirectly
Mr. CULBERSON [continuing].Would anyone working with or that
has access to your office have any Chinese nationals working with
them directly or indirectly?
Dr. HOLDREN. I am not sure, Congressman, what you mean by
indirectly, but as the chairman has mentioned, I myself have traveled to China numerous times over the last several years and have
had Chinese visitors here in connection with my responsibilities for
conducting the Joint Commission on Science and Technology Cooperation with China, but we have nobody in our office who is a
Chinese national or who is consulting for our office who is a Chinese national.

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I also wanted to ask about, if I could, I notice that when you

were president of the AAAS that you asked that scientists tithe 10
percent of their time to working on your number one priority as
AAAS president: fighting world poverty. Do you recall all that?
Dr. HOLDREN. I recall my presidential speech in which I listed
a number of important priorities, including fighting world poverty
and disease, mastering the energy-economy-environment challenge
and more.
Mr. CULBERSON. Right. Did your number one priority you laid
out for AAAS was toand I am looking at your speech here on the
Science website that how can science and technology help, what is
your obligation to scientists? Number one, meeting the basic needs
of the poor, right?
Dr. HOLDREN. I believe, Congressman, I would have to revisit
that text myself, but I listed five or six items, and I think I said
they were not in order of importance.
Dr. HOLDREN. They were all important and they included avoiding the use of weapons of mass destruction.
Mr. CULBERSON. Sure, and that
Dr. HOLDREN. They included maintaining the productivity of the
oceans and so on.
Mr. CULBERSON. Right, right.
Dr. HOLDREN. And I suggested that not all scientists tithe 10
percent of their time to reducing world poverty, but that they tithe
10 percent of their time to these large public interest questions
across the board.
Mr. CULBERSON. Noble worthwhile effort, but what I am driving
at is another issue. You have said, and it is clear that your office

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since NASA doesnt report to thethe NASA administrator is not
a cabinet-level official and doesnt report directly to the President,
the NASA administrator reports to you, so essentially your responsibilities are very broad for the President to encompass essentially
a supervisory role or as sort of the administration official responsible for NASA.
Dr. HOLDREN. It would be I think more accurate to say, Congressman, that the NASA administrator reports to me on matters
of science and technology, to OMB on matters of budget, and to
Cabinet Affairs on matters of interaction with the rest of the administration.
Mr. CULBERSON. So to what extent since you have a long history
of publications of, you know, guiding the AAAS and focus on that
number onemaybe not in priority orderbut one of the top five
goals of scientists, you know, tithing 10 percent of their time and
focusing on the fighting of global poverty, to what extent were you
involved in and how and what way did you help guide Lori Garver
and her remarks to Goddard last year in which she said NASAs
number one goal was fighting world poverty?
Dr. HOLDREN. I had no influence on those remarks at all and was
not aware of them until after they came out, and I dont really understand the context. I had no interaction with Lori Garver.
Mr. CULBERSON. That makes no sense, I agree.

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A couple of other quick areas, Mr. Chairman, that I just find particularly fascinating and revealing.
Back in 2001, you published a paper in Science in which you argued we have aessentially an environmental Hippocratic Oath to
do no harm to the environment, that theyou had argued that the
atmosphere is essentially a commons that we all have an equal
right to, and when you had published a paper with Paul Baer, John
Harte, Barbara Haya, Antonia V. Herzog, Nathan E. Hultman,
Daniel M. Kammen, Richard B. Norgaard, and Leigh Raymond,
which I know you are familiar with, and I will be as brief as I can,
Mr. Chairman, but this is particularly interesting and I know will
be of interest to the chairman as well, that you were attacked in
a letter of February 2nd, which I am confident you remember.
A gentleman by the name of Arthur Westing wrote and said hey,
this idea proposed by John Holdren and others that recommends
apportioning the use of the atmospheric commons as a gaseous and
aerosol waste dump sounds superficially attractive and that you
suggested that emissions were allocated based on equal rights to
the atmospheric commons for every individual.
And he says the idea of an equal per capita allocation of greenhouse gases is flawed, because he said, it implicitly condones global
overpopulation and rewards countries in proportion to their level of
transgression of human carrying capacity of their portion of the
global biosphere.
And you wrote a response to him saying that, you know, we see
no evidence that an equal per capita allocation would provide an
incentive to significantly alter national population growth. Climate
demographic interaction would help reduce population growth rates
through increased investments, and in any case we suggest in our

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policy form possible solutions to any appearance of incentives for
governments to adversely alter their population policies in response
to per capita permit allocations.
This can be achieved, for example, by choosing a fixed base-year
population by determining for each country a population baseline,
incorporating reasonable declines in population growth, or by allocating permits to population based on some previous time point.
Would you explain this? I am just not sure I understand the concept of an atmospheric commons, and I dont notice the Chinese respecting that. I mean they dump more pollution into in atmosphere
along with the Indians than any other country on the face of the
earth. And what right would any international body have to impose
population limits on any country?
I mean that essentially is what you are advocating here. It is just
sort of bizarre. I am not sure I understand what you are
Dr. HOLDREN. You are not correctly understanding it. We are not
proposing there to impose population limits on anybody. The idea
of a population baseline was simply a reference point against which
entitlements to add pollutants to the atmosphere would be based.
Precisely the problem that you mention with China making very
large emissions into the atmosphere under which we all live.
Mr. CULBERSON. And India.
Dr. HOLDREN. And India as well. Is one of the reasons that in
selected domains we think it is in our interest to continue to cooperate with them, to move them more rapidly toward reducing
those emissions, which is in our interest because we all live under
one atmosphere.
The only significant point about the concept of an atmospheric
commons is the atmosphere is common to everybody. We live under
one atmosphere. Things added to it in one place that stay there influence the conditions and the quality of life for others elsewhere.
Mr. CULBERSON. Uh-huh.
Dr. HOLDREN. And therefore ultimately society has to figure out,
and that can only be done by negotiations and agreement ultimately, has to figure out how to limit what every country adds to
that commons to the detriment of all the others.
Dr. HOLDREN. There is nothing more sinister or sophisticated
than that behind this interaction.
Mr. CULBERSON. Okay. One final question.
Why, then, should the United States continue to unilaterally,
under your guidance and the Administrations guidance, continue
to impose aggressive and stringent restrictions on access to domestic sources, oil and gas, restrictions on atmospheric emissions, carbon dioxide, unilaterally, when the Chinese and Indians are ignoring it? That is a cannon ball around the ankle.
Dr. HOLDREN. Again, with all respect, Congressman Culberson,
you phrased that a little differently than I would phrase it.
We are not imposing stringent restrictions on carbon dioxide
emissions in this country at this point. And the Congress has not
agreed to do that and it is not happening.
Mr. CULBERSON. But you were trying to do it by rule through the
EPA. Arent you helping in that effort?

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Dr. HOLDREN. The EPA has some authority in this domain,
Mr. CULBERSON. And you are advising them on it and helping
them on it.
Dr. HOLDREN. I am not advising the EPA, I advise the President,
let me be clear about that.
But in my view it is important and valuable and necessary that
the United States reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases because, we along with China and India, are major contributors to
the additions of greenhouse gases that are implicated in global climate change that is not good for any of us.
And it is also I think highly likely that if we are to succeed in
persuading China and India to take more stringent steps to reduce
their emissionsand by the way, China has already done quite a
lot to reduce their emissions below what they would otherwise be,
they are still enormous, but they have made large investments in
energy efficiency and particularly in automotive efficiency, they
have imposed stringent standards on automotive efficiency, they
are building more advanced coal plants to try to reduce the emissions from that sector, they are studying carbon capture and sequestration.
I think we should continue to urge the Chinese to make progress
in that direction and we should continue to make progress in that
direction ourselves.
Mr. CULBERSON. On our own.
Dr. HOLDREN. On our own and in negotiation and cooperation
with others. It is in our interest to persuade China to reduce their
emissions, and it is in our interest to reduce our own.
Mr. CULBERSON. The chairman has been very gracious, thank
you, sir, for the extra time.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you.

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Well, I didnt know Mr. Culbersons line of questioning, and let

me just say I am not going to ask you a question. But I do want
to, based on what he said, put this in the record.
In anticipation of the hearing, I got your book out of the Library
of Congress. Your book, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, coauthored with population control advocates Paul and
Anne Ehrlich. There is no question to ask, and many views that
people had in 1977 they have discontinued. I want to put that out
there, but it was troubling when I went through it.
On page 837 it said, indeed it has been concluded that compulsory population control laws, even including requiring compulsory
abortion could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the
population crisis becomes sufficiently severe to engage the society.
Page 837.
You also went on to say on page 838, neither the Declaration
of Independence nor the Constitution mentions a right to reproduce.
It says in the Declaration that all men are created equal and are
endowed by their creator with the rights to life and liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. Those words were drafted by Thomas Jeffer-

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son in Independence Hall in the City of Philadelphia, which I used
to walk through and see the Liberty Bell almost every day.
Lastly, you went on to say on page 787, the development of a
long-term sterilization capsule that could be implanted under the
skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable with official permission
for a number of births. No capsule that would last that long, 30
years or more has yet been developed. But is technically within the
realm of probability.
Dr. HOLDREN. Mr. Chairman, if I may.
Mr. WOLF. Sure.
Dr. HOLDREN. You didnt ask a question.
Mr. WOLF. No, I didnt.
Dr. HOLDREN. But the chapterI want to comment.
Mr. WOLF. Sure.
Dr. HOLDREN. The chapter from which you read was a compilation of ideas and concepts that had been discussed in the literature,
it was identified as such, and the author statement at the end says
we do not advocate these measures.
I think it is not fair to assert that I held the view that compulsory measures to limit population were appropriate, justified, warranted, or moral. That was a summary of views that appeared in
the literature in a large comprehensive book in which I was mainly
responsible for the chapters on geochemical cycles, on energy, on
materials, and so on.
Mr. WOLF. Well, I appreciate that.

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On STEM education in a report on duplication in government

programs that came out a few weeks ago, GAO identified five different agenciesNSF, NASA, Department of Energy, Defense, and
Educationwho fund programs to improve STEM education.
We know this is not a complete list because other agencies fund
it. NOAA also has STEM education programs.
Do you believe that the benefits of having so many different
agencies involved outweigh the costs of inefficiency and program
The other question that we can kind of marry to that is, the GAO
review concluded we need better cross agency coordination to reduce duplication and ensure a balanced portfolio of STEM education programs.
This is not a new finding. In fact, it seems that this finding is
made pretty much every year by both internal and external reviewers.
Since we have known that STEM education coordination is a
problem, why havent we fixed it and what can we do working with
you to fix it?
Now again, I am talking about trying to have more, not talking
about cutting back. We are talking about encouraging more. So
those two questions together.
Dr. HOLDREN. Chairman Wolf, I agree with you, and that is why
we have stood up this National Science and Technology Council
committee chaired by Carl Wieman, Carl Wieman agrees with you

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as well, we want to look at all those programs across all the agencies that are engaged in STEM education, we want to figure out
which ones are duplicative, which ones are effective, and which
ones are ineffective. We want to eliminate the duplicative and ineffective ones and we want to end up with a package that is more
potent that spends the resources we have available in a more effective way to lift our game in STEM education in this country. I
think you are exactly right, that has been begging for review and
we have gotten it under way.
Mr. WOLF. Well, I want to help you on that. If we can do something in this committee in the mark up, I hope you will come to
So the question sort of continues. Last years America COMPETES Act, which I voted for and I commend Bart Gordon very,
very much for the work that he did, assigned responsibility for the
coordination of federal STEM education programs to a committee,
which we have been discussing, under the auspices of your office.
What is the status of the committee? Can you tell us who is on
it? How many meetings they have had? When can we expect to see
concrete steps taken?
And then to connect that, the COMPETES Act also required you
to submit a report with each years budget request outlining what
is in the budget for STEM education, discussing potential duplication and providing progress and implementation updates on ongoing activities.
Will there be a report for 2012?
Again, this is nothing you should be fearful of. We are not looking to throw this out. It is so we can have a more effective effect.
So, who is on the panel, the committee that you referenced?
Dr. HOLDREN. I cant tell you off the top of my head who is on
the panel. I can tell you who chairs it, and that is my associate director for science, Dr. Carl Wieman.
Mr. WOLF. And that is very impressive, but can you tell us
Dr. HOLDREN. I will happily provide that. I dont have the list of
the panel members with me, but all the agencies that have these
programs are represented on the panel.
[The information follows:]





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At the House CJS Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on May 4, Chairman

Wolf requested details about the newly-formed STEM Ed Committee under the
NSTC: who sits on the committee; action plan, etc.
Response: The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Committee on
STEM held its first meeting on March 4, 2011. The Committee is co-chaired by Dr.
Carl Wieman, Associate Director for Science at OSTP, and Dr. Subra Suresh, Director of the National Science Foundation. Agencies represented on the committee include: Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health
& Human Services, Interior, Transportation, as well as NASA and the EPA. There
are two working groups under the committee: Federal Inventory of STEM Education
Fast Track Action Committee and Federal Coordination in STEM Education Task
Force. The Committees charter is also included.

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Dr. HOLDREN. And I have to tell you that Dr. Wieman is not only
a very smart guy, but he is a very determined guy, and he
Mr. WOLF. Oh, Im sure, I
Dr. HOLDREN [continuing]. Wants to get to the bottom of this.
Mr. WOLF. I think it is a great appointment.
Now, when were they set up? What day were they set up?
Dr. HOLDREN. I believe they had their first meeting in March,
last month, thats right.
Mr. WOLF. Okay. Do you know when they plan onand this is
not fair to put you
Dr. HOLDREN. I dont know that off the top of my head, but I
would be delighted to provide you the answers to those questions,
who is on the committee, when they are planning on reporting, and
what that report will cover.
Mr. WOLF. Will there be a report for the 2012 budget?
Dr. HOLDREN. I believe there will.
Mr. WOLF. Good, good.
Dr. HOLDREN. All right.
Mr. WOLF. Well, let us know if there is something that we can
do here in this bill that helps you with regard to that. Again, I
know it may be viewed in a different way by some that think we
are looking to strip something out, we are looking to change. But
I agree with you that we should give you more resources and have
more young people involved.
Do you know if my figures are accurate with regard to last year
or two years ago, with 50 percent of the
Dr. HOLDREN. I must say that took me back, and I have made
a note to look into it. I dont understand where that number comes
from, but I will sure find out.
Mr. WOLF. If you can.

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Do you believe the 2012 budget reflects an appropriate balance

between K through 12 STEM programs and those focused on higher education? Should we be more aggressively focused on the
youngest kids to ensure that they become engaged in science? How
are you balancing that out?
You mentioned earlier that you dont think it is being taught appropriately at some colleges, and you are right. I very seldom have
heard of somebody who goes to the University of Virginia and majors in business administration or political science and then in
their sophomore year transfers into physics. It is usually they
Dr. HOLDREN. Other way.
Mr. WOLF. It is the other way.
So do we have the right balance here? Is all the necessary original research out there and it is just a question for your office to
pull this all together? Maybe you can participate in the conference
the National Science Foundation is going to have showing what
works for fifth grade and sixth grade, but also maybe have a separate session about how do you then tell the University of Virginia,
Virginia Tech and MIT, how they can make it relevant so that the
people who come into physics stay in physics rather than go into
political science?

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Dr. HOLDREN. The answers are all basically yes or maybe.
The maybe is do we have the balance right? I think we have
taken a good cut at the balance in this budget, but we are constantly looking at it and we are constantly learning about additional opportunities to do things in different domains, that is one
of the things that Dr. Wieman is looking at, and we will obviously
be proposing to adjust balances over time as we learn more and
discover things that we should be doing and arent doing, or as we
discover things that we have been doing that arent working well.
In terms of the conference you mentioned we will absolutely be
participating in that conference.
Mr. WOLF. You all are smart people, you have a lot of information. Is there something down there that you know now about it
but you are so busyand I respect thatbut we are not getting it
out to those people who need to know, like the deans of engineering
across the country?
I saw a figure, I think it is in the Gathering Storm, but dont
quote me. It could have been in Norm Augustines update, but it
said, and I believe I made a comment on it, that we graduated
more Ph.D.s in physics in 1956 than we graduated last year. Is
that a fact?
Dr. HOLDREN. I dont know whether that is a fact.
Mr. WOLF. Do you think it could be?
Dr. HOLDREN. It is certainly conceivable, yes.
Mr. WOLF. If you have some information, Mr. Fattah and I could
do a letter to all of the deans of engineering or we could put together a conference. You could call a conference, we could use the
Capitol Visitor Center here whereby you could bring your best
minds to say, we now know this is successful at the university
level, and this has worked whereby all you deans ought to be looking at this. But the point is you may have something there that
we want to sort of get out.
Dr. HOLDREN. Let me tell you, Mr. Chairman, this is cutting
edge stuff.
Carl Wieman is one of the leading researchers in the world, probably the leading researcher in the world and practitioner who at
a number of major universities has put these new approaches into
practice and achieved spectacular results, but this is such new stuff
that it is not yet very propagated very widely.
We recruited Dr. Wieman to be the associate director for science
at OSTP becausenot because he is a Nobel Prize winner in physics, that it is wonderful to have a Nobel laureate as your associate
director for sciencebut we recruited him because of his extraordinary leading edge work on this subject, and we are trying to use
the fact that he is now in OSTP in the White House and talking
with the President about this and talking with other university
leaders. We are trying to use that to propagate these ideas, and we
will continue to do that, and I think we will see these ideas and
these approaches spread, and I think they will be helpful with the
phenomenon you identify, that we have
Mr. WOLF. Well, could you have the doctor come up and
Dr. HOLDREN. Oh, absolutely.
Mr. WOLF. And maybe we should
Dr. HOLDREN. He would love to, I assure you.

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Mr. WOLF. Maybe we should have a conference this fall where we
bring all the deans together here.
Dr. HOLDREN. He has been talking to a lot of them, but a conference could be a good idea.
Mr. WOLF. Well, why dont you have him come on up.
Dr. HOLDREN. No, I will do that.
Mr. WOLF. And we can just talk.
Dr. HOLDREN. Absolutely.

Mr. WOLF. We had asked NOAA several weeks ago if they would
hold a conference here, and I appreciate the NOAA Administrator
saying yes. We are going to bring all of the governors up and down
the east coast, the Caribbean and all the FEMA people together to
see if all the economies are ready for a tsunami, are they ready for
an earthquake? We hope to do the same thing maybe out at
Caltech out there.
I dont know if you were going to be participating in that. You
may talk to the head of NOAA to see. We are also bringing the
U.S. Geological Survey.
Dr. HOLDREN. Good.
Mr. WOLF. That way if something is coming, we know that they
should be prepared and we know that everyone has a plan. This
Committee six years ago plused up the buoy systems around the
world to make sure that we were ready, and so I think you should
see if there is some role that you can play. We are not looking to
fill your time up, but I would like to do something.
Dr. HOLDREN. This is important stuff and I am engaged in this
domain of planning and preparedness and understanding how our
facilities may be vulnerable to tsunami and earthquakes and making sure with the other agencies that are involved.
This is another one of these cross-cutting agency issues, and I am
involved in it, and I agree with you about its importance.
Mr. WOLF. Well, the conference will be in June here at the Congress. The Congress is out that week.
Dr. HOLDREN. I cant tell you at this moment whether it is on
my calendar, but it might well be, and I am scheduled to have a
conversation with Under Secretary Lubchenco at the end of the
Mr. WOLF. Well, she has been very good. She is really
Dr. HOLDREN. She is great.

Mr. WOLF. I have a question on NOAA duplication. We are just

going to get it to you for the record.
There is some concern with regard to the duplication of NOAA
and NASA on certain research topics like atmospheric composition,
climate and other things, so please take a look at that.

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The only new item in your 2012 budget request is a $350,000 decrease that would be achieved by limiting the activities of the
Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

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What work did you have planned for the PCAST that might be
deferred under the budget request?
Dr. HOLDREN. I have to say in all honesty, Mr. Chairman, that
I didnt volunteer for that reduction. This comes under the heading
of sharing the sacrifice, and thewhat PCAST does depends in
part on what studies the President asks us to conduct for him, and
how we will deal with that decrease going forward will depend in
part on what studies the President requests from us, and we may
find ourselves having more meetings by teleconference and fewer
meetings face to face, which has both advantages and disadvantages.
We may handle it by saying we are going to have to prioritize
among the different requests the President has made of us and ask
him what he wants the most, because we dont have enough money
to do it all.
Mr. WOLF. Could that decrease impact the schedule for PCASTs
planned report on higher education STEM programs?
Dr. HOLDREN. I do not think it will because that study is already
well under way and I dont think its completion is going to be imperiled by that reduction. It would be studies later in the pipeline
that would be impacted.

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Mr. WOLF. Between the American Competitiveness Initiative,

two versions of the American COMPETES Act, and the Rising
Above the Gathering Storm report, we have had a variety of calls
for increases in basic research over the last few years.
ACI and the COMPETES Act proposed doubling the budgets of
NSF, NIST, and Energy Office of Science over either seven or ten
years, and Gathering Storm called for an annual 10 percent increase in basic research funding for physical science and math and
engineering. Including the proposed 2012 budget, but excluding one
time stimulus funding, how close are we to being on track to these
Dr. HOLDREN. We are certainly not there in the Continuing Appropriations Act for 2011, and the only way we could get back on
track on those projectories would be if the Presidents 2012 budget
were approved by the Congress, but that would get usif the 2012
budget were approved that would get us back on this sort of trajectory that you are describing and that American COMPETES called
Mr. WOLF. Well, I dont know what our allocation is going to be.
I certainly will do everything I can, and I think Mr. Fattah feels
the same way. I think you are back to that issue of hopefullyand
I know this is not your responsibility, the President will deal with
this whole entitlement issuetieing the entitlement issue onto the
debt limit, and then I think it would free up a lot of additional revenue.
Dr. HOLDREN. Uh-huh.
Mr. WOLF. If you looked at the tax package that passed, the
White House said this was an example of Republicans and Democrats working together. I voted against the tax package. There was
a cut in the payroll tax which will cost $112 billion for one year.
Can you imagine what $112 billion spent wisely could have done?

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Instead we give a break to Jimmy Buffett, a break to Warren
Buffett, and we basically hit these programs really hard. So I dont
know what the allocations will be.
The Gathering Storm report also calls for OSTP to set up an
office to oversee improvements to the Nations research infrastructure. Have you established this office? And what kind of strategy
are you pursuing to ensure the aging research facilities get the upgrades needed to keep them functional and relevant?
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, that is both a function of the science committee and the National Science and Technology Council, which is
also chaired by Dr. Wieman and it is always the focus of studying
PCAST as initiated.
Mr. WOLF. So would the PCAST cut have any impact on this?
Dr. HOLDREN. I hope not.
Mr. WOLF. So maybe. Maybe?
Dr. HOLDREN. We have to look at how we are going to accommodate that cut. But again
Mr. WOLF. You would really be upset if we put that money back.
Dr. HOLDREN. I am not sure I am allowed to answer that question.
Mr. WOLF. I think there are other questions that we will just
submit for the record. I will go back to Mr. Fattah and Mr. Culberson at the end.
Mr. FATTAH. I am prepared to conclude, Mr. Chairman, unless
we are going to go back around.
Mr. WOLF. No, we wont.

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Two weeks ago we had a conversation with the NSF director

about balancing the desire to promote public access to research
findings with needs to protect scientific intellectual property and
data critical to American economic and national security interests.
Do you believe we are currently striking the right balance? Or
can you take a look at this?
Dr. HOLDREN. We are taking a look at it, that is another issue
that is in our domain. There is a tension there that will never be
entirely resolved between those two goods. The good of the need to
protect intellectual property and national security information on
the one hand and the need and the value of openness on the other.
I wouldnt swear to you, sir, that we have the balance exactly
right now, but we are looking at it.
Mr. WOLF. Well, the Chinese are stealing us blind.
Dr. HOLDREN. I hear you on that.
Mr. WOLF. And if we can chat after you go out to the Cyber Center, the staff will get in touch with you. I was out there last Thursday and they are stealing us blind.
And keep in mind, a secretary in the Bush Administration had
his computer stripped. They took the same equipment, I believe, to
Beijing that you may have taken.
So we will also ask the bureau to talk to you about that too, but
I think Mr. Culberson is right. There may be a problem.
Dr. HOLDREN. I would be happy to talk to the bureau.
Mr. WOLF. The Chinese stripped my computer here. Have you
had any cyber attacks against your computer?

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Dr. HOLDREN. Not that I am aware of, sir.
Mr. WOLF. You may be one of the only agencies in the government that has not.
Dr. HOLDREN. I mean I am not saying there have been no cyber
attacks against OSTP, my understanding is that cyber attacks are
directed all the time at virtually every U.S. agency. I am sure in
that sense there have been attacks against OSTP as well.
I am not aware of any successful ones, and I am not aware of
any cyber attack other than the usual things that come in every
day on my own personal computer.
Mr. WOLF. Well, can you look and see if you believe, since you
are the science advisor, that we have every necessary policy in
place so that agencies such as NASA and NSF and others are doing
everything that they need to do? We would even work it out here
that you look at this in-depth government wide. Obviously the law
enforcement agencies are looking at it, but almost from a different
level than you might look at it. So if you would look at that, I
would appreciate it.
Dr. HOLDREN. I will certainly do it, Mr. Chairman. I do want to
assure you that OSTP is a full participant in the interagency working group on cyber security at every level from the working level
to the deputys level to the principals level in which I participate,
and we do participate with the Director of National Intelligence
and the head of the FBI and all the folks that you were talking
about we are with them all the time talking about the cyber security issue, what we can do to increase the protection of U.S. assets
and the protection of U.S. intellectual properties. So this is not a
new issue for me.
Mr. WOLF. I understand.
Okay, do you have anything, Mr. Culberson?
Mr. CULBERSON. I will submit anything else in writing, but just
to say, if I could that just to reiterate, that the scientific community has no better friends in Congress than Chairman Wolf and
this committee, and all of us work arm in arm. Mr. Fattah, all of
us. Adam Schiff, my dear good friend who has a daughter about the
same age as ours, in support of the sciences, in support of NASA,
in support of planetary exploration. We have philosophical disagreements in certain areas, obviously, but we are arm in arm in
our commitment to support, to firewall our investment in the basic
sciences and to preserve and protect Americas leadership, and the
world requires a very strong investment by the federal government
in fundamental scientific research, sir, and you can expect strong
support from this committee in that effort.
Dr. HOLDREN. Well, I thank you very much for that, Congressman Culberson, I appreciate it, I know it has been true in the past,
and I see that it is going to be true going forward and it is greatly
appreciated by me and by the Administration.
Mr. WOLF. In closing to follow up with what Mr. Culberson said,
I had an event a while back that Norm Augustine attendedyou
know Norm Augustine. He made a comment that the 16th century
was the Spanish century. Spain is a great country, but it is no
longer the dominant power. He said the 17th century was the
French century, and we used the French to help us at Yorktown.
They are no longer the dominant power. He said the 19th century

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was the British century. The 20th century, he said, was the American century. And then he left a question out therewill the 21st
century be the American century or the Chinese century?
Not a question, but following up on what Norm Augustine said,
I want the 21st century to be the American century, and we want
to work with you to make sure that it is.
And also on the whole issue of China, I am going to take you at
your word. We are not swearing people in under oath here, but if
there is any activity that you are doing with China where you may
think you are okay, I may not. Please call the Committee and tell
us. Do I have your word?
Mr. WOLF. Okay, good, the stenographer cant pick up a nod of
the head.
Dr. HOLDREN. Yes, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. WOLF. Okay. Then the meeting is adjourned.
Dr. HOLDREN. And thank you.
Mr. WOLF. Thank you very much. Thanks.

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Maj. Gen. Charles F. Bolden, Jr., NASA Administrator

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Administrator Boldens accomplishments .............................................................. 2324

Aeronautics ............................................................................................................... 6466
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer ................................................................................
Astronaut corps ........................................................................................................
cooperation with ................................................................................................ 5456
cyber attacks .....................................................................................................
space program ................................................................................................... 2627
Commercial spaceflight ......................................................................... 3031, 3940, 58
Conflict between prior appropriations bills and the authorization.......... 2829, 7576
Constellation spending under the CR ....................................................................
Contract cost for seats on Soyuz ............................................................................
Contracting practices ............................................................................................... 6669
Cost and schedule estimates ................................................................................... 5052
Crew time for research ............................................................................................ 6164
DESDynI Radar Satellite ........................................................................................ 4142
Duplication among federal agencies ....................................................................... 2022
Duplication in climate change programs................................................................ 4446
Educational benefits................................................................................................. 8889
Europa ....................................................................................................................... 8587
Glenn Research Center and Plumb Brook Station ................................................ 4344
Human-like robots ...................................................................................................
Implementation of funding cuts proposed by the House....................................... 3132
Implementing the authorization under the budget request ................................. 2425
Infrastructure planning ........................................................................................... 4950
International partnerships ...................................................................................... 3335
Justification for spending money on NASA ........................................................... 4648
Leveraging private investment ............................................................................... 4041
Matching NASAs missions with its budget ........................................................... 1920
Math and science education .................................................................................... 3738
Modification of current contracts ............................................................................ 4243
Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle.................................................................................... 5657
compensation for loss of Columbia ..................................................................
funding challenges prior to the authorization ................................................
implementation of decadal surveys.................................................................. 7685
long term goals .................................................................................................. 4849
long term planning............................................................................................ 7375
overall mission and vision ................................................................................ 3637

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Near-Earth objects ...................................................................................................

New exploration program ........................................................................................ 2223
Ninety-day progress report .....................................................................................
Opening Statement:
Administrator Bolden ......................................................................................... 418
Chairman Wolf ...................................................................................................... 13
Ranking Member Fattah ...................................................................................... 34
Orion program ..........................................................................................................
Planetary science...................................................................................................... 3839
Questions for the record:
Mr. Aderholt .................................................................................................. 129137
Mr. Culberson................................................................................................ 138141
Mr. Fattah ..................................................................................................... 119128
Mr. Wolf ........................................................................................................... 90118
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics............................................... 5354
Shuttle display sites................................................................................................. 3436
Shuttle transition ..................................................................................................... 5253
Soyuz contraction extension date ...........................................................................
Space station............................................................................................................. 6971
Space station support............................................................................................... 6061
Space technology ......................................................................................................
Superiority in space ................................................................................................. 7173
Test flight of Space Launch System ....................................................................... 2930
National Science Foundation

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Dr. Subra Suresh, Director

Arecibo Observatory ............................................................................................. 172173
Award oversight ................................................................................... 191192, 192193
Communicating results of new investments ...................................................... 163165
Cybersecurity ........................................................................................................ 168196
Deficit reduction ................................................................................................... 176178
GAO study on teacher training programs .......................................................... 190191
Hispanic-serving institutions .................................................................................. 175
Icebreaking services ............................................................................................. 194195
Impact of continuing resolution .............................................................................. 157
Increased funding for graduate research fellowship program .......................... 157158
International competitiveness in scientific discovery........................................ 159162
K12 STEM education:
communications strategy .............................................................................. 166167
education report ............................................................................ 165166, 197200
education report, roll out of.......................................................................... 202204
effects of reducing ......................................................................................... 175176
maintaining student interest in................................................................... 167168
support for ......................................................................................................... 189
Merit review pilot project .................................................................................... 200201
Minority-serving institutions .................................................................................. 174
Neurosciene........................................................................................................... 178181
contracting ............................................................................................................. 197
Department of Education, collaboration with ................................................ 190
focusing on NSFs mission ............................................................................ 201202
international offices .............................................................................................. 168
space lease ..................................................................................................... 169172

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travel funds.................................................................................................... 195196
Opening remarks:
Director Suresh ............................................................................................. 145156
Ranking Member Fattah .............................................................................. 144145
Vice Chairman Bonner ................................................................................. 143144
Potential duplication between government programs ....................................... 162163
Program terminations .......................................................................................... 158159
Protecting scientific intellectual property .......................................................... 183188
Questions for the record:
Mr. Aderholt .................................................................................................. 216217
Mr. Bonner ........................................................................................................ 218
Mr. Fattah ..................................................................................................... 219227
Mr. Honda...................................................................................................... 228229
Mr. Serrano.................................................................................................... 230231
Mr. Wolf ......................................................................................................... 205215
Scientific data dissemination .............................................................................. 181183
STEM workforce, broadening participation in ................................................... 173174
Use of hyperbaric chambers .................................................................................... 183
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

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Dr. John P. Holdren, Director

Atmospheric emissions and environmental controls ......................................... 301303
Competition from China ...................................................................................... 256263
Compliance with China language from fiscal year 2011 .................. 255256, 268273
Cybersecurity at OSTP ........................................................................................ 313315
Earth science programs, duplication of .................................................................. 311
International travel.............................................................................................. 250255
Making sufficient increases in science spending ............................................... 263265
Meeting goals for basic research spending......................................................... 312313
NASAs fiscal year 2010 budget logistics............................................................ 277278
NASAs heavy lift launch capabilities, developing ............................................ 279282
National capability gap in human space flight and weather data ................... 285292
NOAA severe weather predictions and warnings .............................................. 284285
Opening statement:
Mr. Wolf ............................................................................................................ 233
Mr. Fattah ..................................................................................................... 233234
Dr. Holdren.................................................................................................... 234249
OSTP fiscal year 2012 budget request ............................................................... 311312
Population control ................................................................................................ 303304
Questions for the record:
Mr. Wolf ......................................................................................................... 316328
Mr. Culberson ................................................................................................... 336
Mr. Graves ..................................................................................................... 337339
Mr. Fattah ..................................................................................................... 329335
Rare earth elements, control of ........................................................................... 293300
Scientific and technical challenges ..................................................................... 267268
Social issues, addressing through science .......................................................... 300301
STEM education:
At the terminal degree level......................................................................... 265267
Best practices ................................................................................................ 309311

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STEM educationContinued
Coordination of programs ............................................................................. 304309
Inspiring interest in ...................................................................................... 274277
Supporting large research facilities and infrastructures .................................. 273274
Tornado development and prediction research .................................................. 282284
Tsunamis and disaster planning ............................................................................ 311

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