The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

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24/09/2016 7:54 AM

The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

t each nterDimensional level a precise

description of the individual is given by the DWAD
and (where possible) its refinement the
As in the twelfth harmonic, to calculate the Dwad,
each chart factor is multiplied by twelve and
converted back to degrees and minutes of longitude but its Sign is found visually from its original, radix,
sign position; every 2 degrees of the "parent" sign
becomes a micro-sign, and the sequence (as
explained earlier) starts with the parent sign itself.
Aries starts with Aries and ends with Pisces, but
Taurus starts with Taurus and ends with Aries,
Capricorn starts with Capricorn and ends with
Sagittarius, and so on.
For example, a Sun in 22 21' Sagittarius will now fall
in its LEO sector:
12 x 22 21' = 268 12' = 28 12' Sagittarius... however,
it is not now in this sign but in 28 12'LEO.

wads are easy to set up in Solar Fire.

Select your chart, then choose Chart/Vedic, and in
the list of Vedic charts select 'Vedic 12
Dwadashamsha' and click OK. In the box that
comes up, click 'No'. Then the Dwad of your chosen
chart will appear in your calculated chart list as a
Vedic chart. Enjoy! ...
By the way, if you want to do the Dwad of a Return,
no problem. If you want to do the Dwad of a
progressed chart you need to convert it to a radix
chart first.
To do this, select it, then go to Chart/Locality, and
'relocate' the chart to its own place! This will appear
in your calculated chart list as a 'natal' chart, but will
be identical to the progressed chart, showing the real
ephemeris data on which it is based. You can then do
the Dwad as normal. This tweak also works with
User Arcs!!!
The Dwad is very powerful in its description of the
specific interests and character of person or event;
transits, progressions and other directions to the
Dwad from radix planets and angles, and vice versa,
are an important element of fine-tuning, and the use
of selected asteroids from the available list of many
hundreds will show you quickly and clearly just how
accurate these descriptions are. For example, musical
asteroids in the charts of singers, composers and
other players are always very strongly placed, and in
the charts of comedians and humorists the asteroid
Hilaritas combines dramatically with the Lights and


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The Queen's tropical Dwad makes hardly any

difference to her Sun - that resolute, loyal,
practical and peace-loving heart is the same all
through. But the Moon ... here is jolly Sagittarius
again; her most private feelings will always
respond to festivity, horses and countryside,
entertainment, and of course her faith in God.
The Dwad Ascendant is, interestingly, Virgo.
Despite all the panoply of State she is a modest
and unassuming person, with the sweetness to
others that comes from radix Venus on the Dwad
Descendant. But her standards are high; Venus in
Leo comes close to the radix Moon/Ceres. And
there is a powerful Mercury-Pluto opposition that
lines up with her radix MC, ensuring that even
without directly governing, her thoughts, her
voice will always be heard and have impact.

wad seems to show us the idea behind the form - it is often less obvious, less immediate,

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

but on closer acquaintance it introduces us to the deeper, subtler but far more specific characteristics of the
person or the phenomenon. The real self emerges to add depth and detail to the broader picture given by
the radix, in any and all of the Dimensions. To study any chart without adding the Dwad is to risk
generalising at the expense of necessary accuracy. The more refined and particular you can make your
analysis, the more relevant it is going to be - and the more testable, in this critical age.
It will be appreciated that reasonable accuracy is needed for Dwad work; to study the Superdwad, time
and place must be very close to exact, otherwise error-free work is impossible. Accuracy in the Radix to
the nearest minute of arc creates a margin of error in the Superdwad of up to 1 either side. If you can
work to decimal minutes, this will be improved ten-fold.

xamples now follow of the Dwad in action!

Russell Grant stepped out from behind the screen on the Strictly dance floor and lit up the screens of the
nation. In his golden suit bright as the glitter-balls above him, and beaming at Flavia, his lovely Latin
partner, to the music I am what I am! he danced on our vision like a little round Sun.
I have known Russell for thirty-six years, ever since that day in 1975 when he turned up on my doorstep in
Walmer to learn astrology. He is Very Aquarian, and with his rising Libra Saturn also in love with maps
and boundaries. His collection of British local history and plans is impressive, and he campaigned
vigorously against many twentieth century county boundary changes.
But - given that Aquarius will often play to the crowd - there has always been a suspiciously Leonine
quality to Russell. After all, he started out as a performer; showbiz has always been in his blood and he has
the temperament to match it. Where is that Leo? Not in his Tropical chart, where all the personal planets
are wintry; not in his Sidereal either, as the same applies and even Pluto moves out of Leo. The Draconic?
No: the shift from Tropical to Draconic is only 11.
But it is there; just as Russell has always been conscious of his own flamboyant nature, his joy in
performing. It isnt obvious from the birth chart as it stands, despite his 5th House Sun this can express
itself in many ways not necessarily theatrical. No, we have to enter another dimension to meet Russells
Leo Sun: the dimension of the Dwad, whose structure and principles we shall now examine in more detail.

he Dwad is a harmonic of the chart. Dwad is an abbreviation of Dwadashamsha, the term for a
12th harmonic chart in Vedic astrology. The oriental Vedic system has understood and embraced the
harmonics of the birth chart for far longer than the western tradition. Modern western astrology has been
indebted to John Addey and David Hamblin for opening our collective eyes to the significance of harmonic
charts; and it was the American astrologer Mark Pottenger whose love of technical detail pointed me
toward the Dwad in particular. You see, the Dwad is not just a simple 12th harmonic chart, but a very
special version. In the straight 12th harmonic, effectively every one of the twelve signs in the celestial
wheel becomes a mini-zodiac, running as normal from Aries through to Pisces; it is a 12-fold higher
vibration of the wheel. But the Dwad is different; it is the wheel at the same vibrational level, but phaseshifted so that it maps perfectly onto the western decanates. The Dwad series of mini-signs within each
sign begins with the parent sign, and finishes with the sign before it. Thus:
ARIES: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
Aquarius Pisces
TAURUS: Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn
Aquarius Pisces Aries
GEMINI: Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Aries Taurus
CANCER: Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries
Taurus Gemini
LEO: Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus
Gemini Cancer
VIRGO: Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo
LIBRA: Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo

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SCORPIO: Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
Leo Virgo Libra
SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo
Virgo Libra Scorpio
CAPRICORN: Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra
Scorpio Sagittarius
AQUARIUS: Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
Sagittarius Capricorn
PISCES: Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius
Every 2 of the 360 wheel has become a full sign, each decanate now holding four of these, beginning
with its own elemental sign (underlined above). Every sign of the twelve now has twelve distinctive
flavours; so unless born within the same 2 of the sign, no two Sun-Capricorns, no two Sun-Leos, no two
Sun-Pisces are the same. The Aries flavour will always be more go-getting, the Taurus more stable;
Gemini will be chattier, Cancer clingier; Leo will add a degree of self-importance while Virgo shows
modesty; Libra engages in dialogue ... Scorpio engages in battle! The Sagittarians are the humorous souls,
their Capricorn fellows much more competitive; Aquarius will contribute its oddity, and Pisces its dreams.
It follows that the first Dwad of every parent sign is truest to the archetype, and the seventh potentially
Dwads have been used more widely in the US than the UK; but as a rule only the Dwad sign tends to be
taken into account. What Mark Pottengers tabulations silently and emphatically suggested was that the
very degrees and minutes of each Dwad position should be calculated and mapped back against the
parent radix chart, just as we do with any other chart derived from, and adding information to, the radix.

o what about Russell Grant? His radix Tropical Sun is at 1617' Aquarius; so the exact position of
his Dwad Sun is Leo 1524' still aligned with charismatic Pluto, but now lighting up the radix 11th
House. Russell knows he is a star, potentially on the world stage. I do believe that in the Dwad, that higher
vibration of the astrological chart which is its natural fractal, we are looking into the I behind the eye, the
inner sense of identity that may or may not be perceptible to the outer world, but which nevertheless from
the secret spaces of the mind animates the lower vibration of the body.

ho Do You Think You Are?

What has led me to that conviction? Simply that I couldnt help noticing that most folk born on or next to
my own birthday shared a very interesting trait: they, like me, looked on life with an often wry sense of
humour and these are Capricorns so late in the sign that there is no Sidereal Sagittarius to account for
this, and not always any Jupiter-ruled personal planets either. Only the Sun in the final, Sagittarius Dwad
of Capricorn could explain this consistent attitude, and also an un-Saturnine love of performing! And a
tendency to philosophise. The Capricorn and the Sagittarian traits coexist, and you get the Dolly Partons,
the Jenson Buttons, the Gary Barlows, the Michael Crawfords, the Danny Kayes ... Federico Fellini,
Patricia Neal, David Lynch, Liza Goddard, Tom Baker ... so different from the far more combative Scorpio
Capricorns only a couple of days before!
So each of us has a solar core of the secret self that is our conscious, thinking awareness. Not only this, but
a complete constellation of planetary energies active at this higher vibration of the Dwad, and sometimes
surprisingly different to the perceived outer personality, the vehicle that embodies it and gives it

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

lue- yes

Take a look at Ol Blue-Eyes Frank Sinatra.

Born on December 12th 1915 at 03h03 EST in
Hoboken, New Jersey, Libra rising plus the strong
squares from his 2nd House Sagittarian Sun and
Mercury to Jupiter and Chiron in the 5th
midpointed by culminating Neptune all signal a
man in love with the Good Life. The personality is
open, affable, greedy and generous by turns, and
might be described by more sober people as an
undisciplined, hedonistic maverick. There is
nothing much here to show us the uniqueness of
this mans voice, or his extraordinary, enduring,
world-wide popular appeal. However, as soon as
the Dwad is added to the radix and we begin to
look at the man in depth, the mind working through
the body, his gift and his charisma unfold.
The first thing that hits us between the eyes is the impact on his radix angles of the inner Jupiter, Moon and
Pluto. He is going to be channelling these mental energies all his life; the crowds of obsessed women will
follow wherever he goes because his very being draws them, like a Pied Piper. This is a man who will
court publicity and revel in all the trappings of success. Look now in the Dwad at the changes to the Sun,
Moon and angles: Sagittarian Frank has a Cancer inner Sun! And an inner Taurus Moon. So despite the
playboy exterior we can see deeper into the chronic emotional dependency that drove his private life, the
home boy still looking to be mothered and secure in a big and uncertain world. Men with radix Moon in
Pisces are emotionally very vulnerable anyway, often searching in vain for an unattainable romantic ideal,
and/or easily seduced. In turn they can be the seducers! His restless, instinctive search for the perfect
woman drove Frank from marriage to marriage, from affair to affair.
And that voice? Now we can see why his songs are so spell-binding: Mercury, Mars and Uranus are all
close together in the Dwad ... and in contact with radix Pluto. Here is self-expression with uniqueness and
power. Then there is his technique: both MC and Ascendant are here in Virgo, picking up the radix 5th
House conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron, and we know that Sinatra took great pains to perfect his craft,
learning from other musicians the invaluable secrets of breath control that enabled him to sing so
beautifully through the longest lyrical phrases. Dwad Mercury trine Jupiter and opposite Saturn.



We need to ask ourselves at this point whether this is all the Dwad has to tell us. All we have done is apply
it to the familiar radix Tropical chart. But there is a whole world of astrological technique out there; does
the Dwad have something to add to mundane data? To other dimensions such as the Draconic and
Sidereal? Even the Heliocentric pattern? Can we progress, direct, reflex and compare charts at this higher
vibrational level? What happens when planets crowd together in the Dwad? What would that say about the
life of the mind?

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Lets take another quick look at Ol Blue-Eyes.

Frank was a public figure. We have established that
a persons public role is the realm of the Sidereal
chart. Frank Sinatra, like most modern Sagittarians,
turns into a Sun-Scorpio ... and it may be this that
involved him with some rather shady characters in
his show-business dealings. The Moon moving
back into Aquarius deflected him from his private
confusions into an undying love-affair with the
public; and its North Node shifting from benign
Tropical Aquarius into Sidereal Capricorn gives the
volatile, needy singer his chance to compete, to
succeed to grow up. So much for the radix. The
Dwad adds more: its Moon in Gemini now lines up
with radix Sidereal Saturn, enabling Frank to
detach, to discuss, to think clearly, to plan. This gift
is doubled, as Dwad Sidereal Saturn meets the
radix Aquarian Moon. Sinatra the public man, the
celebrity, can deal effectively and dispassionately
with the individual and with the crowd. This
experience provides a massive contrast to his
personal, Tropical, life, and will have been the
making of him. And the Dwad Sidereal Sun is in
meticulous Virgo. To crown it all, on the radix
Sidereal MC with Neptune and the South Node is a
Dwad conjunction of Venus and North Node in
Cancer; his career will be built on the glorious
outpouring of all the feelings that could otherwise
destroy him.
We mustnt forget the Draconic, the principles by
which he will at least try to live ... if he is in touch
with them! ... and the impact of its energies on his
life-pattern. In fact its dramatic.That Sun/Mercury
conjunction is now in Aquarius, dedicated to the
crowd, aligned beautifully with Sinatras North
Node, Uranus, IC and Sidereal Moon. Draconic
Venus conjoins his Tropical Moon. The Draconic
Moon in Aries sits close to his Tropical 7th cusp,
while Draconic Uranus meets his Sidereal
Descendant. The Draconic horizon stretches across
his Tropical Sun/Mercury, Sidereal Venus-Saturn
axis. With the Lights on multiple angles this mans
profile was always going to be very, very high.
Having Venus so strong he would give much
pleasure. With so much Uranus and Aquarius
activity he would always be unique ... and the path
of world-wide popularity was the best that he could
ever follow. And tellingly when we raise the
Draconic chart into the Dwad, once again 9
Aquarius is in the spotlight: the Dwad Draconic
Moon is there as a constant silent reminder that his
relationship with the global audience was the one
that really mattered and would grow his soul. A
mighty conjunction in the Dwad of Mercury/Pluto

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/Mars/Uranus with radix Draconic Jupiter/Chiron

endows Sinatra with the gift he needs - the
charisma of a powerful, remarkable and glorious
Earlier I asked what happened when planets
crowded together in the Dwad. This has to be a
relatively uncommon occurrence. The technicallyminded among you may like to program a specific
search for the phenomenon. One world-changing
moment when this did occur was at the birth in
5BC of Jesus. On May 7th at sunset in Bethlehem
not only was the radix pattern extraordinary and
beautiful (fully researched in The Draconic Chart,
Chapter 19), but in the Dwad four planets in
Aquarius form Air trines with Sun/IC in Libra,
Jupiter and the Gemini Moon. As it stands, this
configuration reveals a man on a mission, whose
eloquence, friendliness, loving-kindness, humour
and gifts as a radical teacher draw the crowds like a
magnet ... because this is who he is: the
consummate humanitarian. He knows himself as a
thinker, a speaker, a revolutionary. He is Love
incarnate. He is The Word made flesh. And there is
one more element here that is startling and
revealing: the square in this Dwad between the Sun
and Pluto.
Yes, even he, Jesus, is prey to the seductions of
power. During his self-imposed 40-day exile in the
Judaean desert he was tried by the Tempter; he did
battle in his mind and soul to resist all that the
secular world could offer him and won.
Intermittently Dwad Pluto, in its radix transit
through early Sagittarius during the years of Jesus
ministry in 31 and 32 AD, moved into the last
decanate of Aries, triggering that Sun-Pluto square.
The temptation that Jesus faced is spectacularly
shown in his Solar Return for 32 AD. His
tremendous success in winning the hearts and
minds of the people through his teaching and
healing is marked here by the culminating Sun,
Venus and Mercury, and the wonderful patterns
formed in and with the Dwad: grand trines again in
communicative Air between Sun, Moon/Mercury,
and the conjunction of Jupiter/Ascendant;
Descendant with radix Leo Moon. However, the
elephant in the room is the combination of radix
Dragons Tail transiting Jesus Dwad Sun and that
transit of Dwad Pluto right opposite. This was the
year when everything, including his own integrity,
was at risk - and he would be called to make Loves
ultimate sacrifice. Libra in its eagerness to please
can often be easily seduced; but Jesus knew his real
enemy and utterly rejected the worlds temptations.
Instead, he embraced his necessary destiny in the

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racking pain of Mars-Uranus = Ascendant.

A few times in my life I have met a person with
whom I felt such an affinity that it has led me to
wonder if we were twin souls. This is such a
familiar and attractive concept - but in truth I have
no idea if each of us has a single spiritual Other
who completes our identity, or whether there can be
a number of such souls forming a connected group,
or indeed whether such close bonds are simply
fortuitous, occurring between discrete individuals
and disconnecting once their joint purposes are
achieved. But there is no denying the intensity of
such relationships; at their most complete the two
souls think and act as one. It struck me that if the
Dwad reveals the mental essence of a person, then
twin souls must surely be identifiable through
their Dwad synastry.
There are certain couples who will go down in
history as uniquely bonded; in work, in
performance, or in passion. I have taken a look at
those in my database, and this is what I find:
Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean: Ice Dancers
whose synchrony and beauty of movement have
been blessed with an extraordinary magic. with no
birth times, the two Dwad SunMC charts are
dominated by an almost perfect opposition between
Jaynes Sun in 17 Pisces and Chriss Sun in 17
Virgo also his noon Moon and her Venus in Virgo
24. Each has a direct Dwad configuration of Sun,
Ceres, Venus, Pluto in close alignment. They have
continued ice-dancing and teaching together
through several marriages to other people.
David Croft and Jimmy Perry: One of the most
long-lasting and gifted partnerships in British
comedy writing. Again in the Dwad we find an
opposition between the Lights; this time it is
Davids Capricorn Moon opposite Jimmys Cancer
Sun. The entire synastry is a delight! Just look at
David's Sun opposite Jimmy's 'setting' Venus, and
Jimmy's Moon on David's Ascendant. The most
intriguing aspect of their dwad synastry, however,
is the relative silence of the two Jupiters, not far
apart in Taurus. When you look again you notice
that David Croft has a Sagittarian Mercury/Saturn
in his dwad, suggesting that for him comedy
writing is a serious business. Jimmy Perry by
contrast has dwad Mercury in Pisces, the other
Jupiter sign, opposite Uranus; guess who has the
ideas, and who licks them into shape!
Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy: this was

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a famous Hollywood love affair. The Dwads are

wonderful. In her 12th house dwad Capricorn Sun
and Aquarius Ascendant you can instantly see
Hepburns combination of feistiness and obsessive
privacy; and there is the woman of Tracys dreams
- gorgeous, funny, wacky and brave. He wants an
Aries Moon and he gets an Aries Moon ... right
opposite his Dwad Libra Sun and on his Ceres.
And their Nodes are conjunct. And the
Mars-Mercury sparks fly between them across that
horizon of hers! Eschewing convention, they never
married, but remained deeply in love and
committed to each other as long as they lived.
Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor: Another
relationship full of intensity and drama. The pattern
is tantalising. In the Dwad, the two Suns are close
enough to be considered in orbs of conjunction ...
but hers is Taurus, his is Gemini! Once you move
from the personal realm to the public and look at
the Sidereal Dwads, both Suns are at last in the
same sign of emotional, clingy Cancer. No wonder
they fell for each other on set! And (another
interesting spin, taking our cue from the first
example) when their charts are set for true noon,
reflecting each of them at the pinnacle of success,
they become an inseparable power couple, the
darlings of the gossip columns, with Suns tightly
conjoined in early tropical Gemini and sidereally
in mid-Cancer.
The other great love of Elizabeth Taylors life was
film producer Mike Todd. He died. She was
devastated. And would you believe it, the exact
same thing happens between them: in the Tropical
Dwad the Suns are in adjacent signs. However,
move, at true noon again, into the Sidereal world of
these two very high-profile people, and the Dwad
Sun synastry strikingly copies the pattern between
Taylor and Burton. Here again is an intimate
conjunction of Suns in devoted Cancer.

wo Minds with a Single Thought

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In my own case I have also found the Luminaries conjoined or opposed in Dwad synastry between myself
and those people in my life with whom I have felt that very special bond. Twin souls? Not sure. And
normally it occurs in the personal, Tropical context. But not always; one relationship that has been of
crucial importance to my work has involved my Sidereal Dwad with the others Tropical and here there
is a very powerful alignment of the Suns facing each other from each end of his horizon, which also carries
a sweet alignment of his Mercury and my Venus. The Neptunes are conjoined; the Saturns are conjoined;
and other Interdimensional factors add yet more strength to this loving and enduring collaboration. In fact
these planetary conjunctions tell us something very important about the relationship: interest in and
attitudes toward the concepts these planets embrace are totally shared; each can trust the other to
understand and to share these planets activities and ideas. The paired Saturns above guarantee that our
sense of order, propriety and responsibility is virtually identical; the merging Neptunes create a happy
blend of spirituality, sensitivity, aesthetics, imagination and shared dreams.
One friend of mine, with whom I form a Dwad Full Moon, has exactly the same Dwad Ceres position
despite a 9-year age gap! And what do we agreeably talk about most of the time? His Mum, my Mum,
bereavement, and all things domestic especially food. If I am in pain he listens attentively to my Dwad
Scorpio Moon; when he has found something good to eat I listen with active interest to his Taurus Sun.
The one person who may possibly be my twin soul, fitting together with me like the polarised halves of the
Yin/Yang, has a Dwad dominated by a Full Moon conjunct the meridian and Nodal axis. This in turn
lines up with my own Dwad Sun and meridian. The two Marss are conjunct. My Dwad Saturn sits in Leo
opposite her Dwad Aquarius Ascendant. She was the person with whom I felt most free to adventure; and
yet who constantly challenged me to rein in her anarchic excesses. The experience of knowing her was
extraordinary and often traumatic; I have kept a safe distance for many years.
There is another friend who started out as a client; I have known her now for over a quarter of a century!
We have had periods when we lost contact, but she has always come back. There are few people I have
known in my 69 years who has grown so much and so beautifully. I cant share her chart; but I can tell you
that our Dwad Suns are conjoined in happy, adventurous Sagittarius, and that our Dwad Ascendants are
also conjunct, and so her setting Jupiter means that I have often been the recipient of her unflagging
generosity. Here my Chiron meets her Mercury the mentoring goes both ways! As I write, she is once
again flying into dangerous territory to support her charity, with a compassion and a courage that I find
inspiring. Her Dwad chart speaks for itself: as well as a Sun/Mars conjunction, she has Aries Moon/Venus
- Libra Neptune on the Dwad meridian. And this conjoins my Dwad Mars. What can I do but cheer her on?
Now here is the Dwad synastry of two men who are
locked in what has to be a deeply karmic relationship.
As one so often finds, they were born nine years apart
half the Nodal cycle. The man in the middle, A, is
loving, sensitive, forthright and generous; as witness
the rising Pisces Mercury, the strong Leo Sun trine
a happy Moon/Ceres/North Node conjunction in
Aries. The man outside, B, is in many respects a lost
sheep; he swings between impulsive displays of
generosity and a mean materialism, from side to side
of that strong set of Aries-Capricorn squares. His
thoughts in that Scorpio Mercury can be vicious and
dark; squared to Pluto this leads him into constant
power-struggles, often physical. His angular Gemini
Sun, sextile Jupiter and Pluto, marks him as a
confident ideas man who enjoys being hands-on with
an undertaking ... but whose mental restlessness also
makes him unreliable, not the image he likes to
Several years ago the threats in this pattern were fulfilled: you will have noted the presence in the Dwad of
his Pluto on his friends Leo Sun, the heavy Capricorn Moon/Saturn/Chiron on his friends conjoining MC

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and opposite their shared Venuss, the Aries stellia conjunct. Man B did something so bad that he fell foul
of the Law. The only person (apart from his immediate family) to support him through his trials and help
him to grow through the experience, was Man A. But the cost to him has been immense. There was
unsavoury publicity, there were intrusive phone calls, many people he thought were friends deserted him,
simply for an act of Christian charity. The lost sheep declares himself back in the fold; he is full of
gratitude for the gift he was given in his hour of need. No-one ultimately is beyond redemption ... but it can
be a tortuous process, and comes with a heavy price-tag. Transiting Pluto was on Man As Sun.
This same man A even married a woman whose Pluto opposed his Sun in the Dwad, and who parked her
Dwad Saturn on his Dwad IC. She nearly drove him to suicide, and eventually he found the strength to
divorce her.

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oving in Higher Circles

We have already seen the impact of the Dwad in a
Return chart; they are equally eloquent in
progressions. Here is the point I had reached by
Daily Progression on the morning of January 23rd
1992. The phone rang at 9h00 am, and I received
the devastating news that my beloved Mum had
died in the night after her 51st Wedding
Anniversary dinner with Dad and their friends. It
was a terrible shock but the cosmic clock had
ticked around to her exit from this life, and my time
to cope with a sick and grieving father. Bear in
mind that the daily progressed MC moves just one
degree a day, and that this is a full twelve degrees
in the Dwad. You will appreciate, then, the
significance of this DPMC, tightly conjunct
traumatic Pluto, collecting Venus, Sun, and
Neptune in the Dwad, giving the fateful day to my
loved and distraught father in the chaos of his
ruined life. It is also the image of the invaluable
support I had from my husband at this awful time.
What about the Moon? This, close to the 7th cusp,
had progressed to the degree of my Mothers
Taurus Sun. Perhaps it was this that enabled her to
draw so close to me in her first few days of
freedom from the body. And in the Dwad, with
Uranus, the Moon joined radix Saturn as also in the
dwad Saturn hit the Ascendant and Ceres
approached the South Node. Shock; bereavement.
The material separation of parent and child.
What was happening in my Solar Return only a few
days earlier? The radix MC was with Dwad Saturn,
and yet again in the Dwad Saturn was on the
Ascendant. This was always going to be a heavy
and sad year. The loss of my mother is there once
again in the Dwad conjunction of Ceres and the IC.
The radix Full Moon meets Dwad Neptune/Pluto
and the spiritual life; also I found that Dwad
asteroid Atropos - death - was with the radix Sun.
However, we also need to look at the very
important precessed Solar Return. In the past I have
suggested displaying this as the Return of the
Sidereal Sun which it is. BUT ... when the two
versions of the chart the precessed Tropical and
the Sidereal are raised to the Dwad, the links they
make to their radices are quite different! My
precessed Tropical Solar Return in 1992 puts the
Dwad Moon in her South Node with Chiron on the
radix Descendant; this was the year I had to give up
my mother. For a reason. This is all connected to
my allotted path; her passing, and her legacy to me,
were to give me the tools I needed to carry out the
work I had chosen to do. The unbroken
communication between us and the import of this

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

years huge change of circumstances is graphically

displayed in the Midheaven conjunct the Dragons
Head, and surrounded by the energies of Ceres,
Mars, Uranus, Mercury and Neptune. At the Dwad
IC is radix Pluto. But in the Sidereal Solar Return
itself, on the radix Ascendant is Dwad Ceres, while
on the radix IC is Dwad Uranus. The shock of
bereavement is written in the sky.
It was pointed out to me recently by an admirably
meticulous colleague, to whom we must all be
grateful, that the precessed Return can be daily
progressed to great effect. This is certainly the case
here, as the shock came three days after the Return,
with the exact meeting of DPMC and Uranus
together with Ascendant and Ceres. This was
followed by a Mercurial day of incessant phoning
and writing to family and friends who needed to
know about Mum; and then the third Neptune
day, when I was vividly aware of her still close to
me and holding my hand. Daily progressing this
Return to January 17th 1993, the day my Dad
passed peacefully into the arms of my Mum as I
held his hand in a small, quiet hospital ward,
brought the Midheaven exactly to the Moons
North Node and the Dwad Sun to radix Saturn.
They were both in Heaven; and I had to go forward
with their gifts into the future.
I must show you another of these, not mine this
time, but again the Precessed Solar return before a
death - the suicide by gunshot of Adolf Hitler. His
Return was on April 22nd 1945 in the bunker in
Berlin, and in its sidereal Dwad, opposite, clearly
shows the suicide the desperate leap from the
intolerable into the unknown at the Descendant,
where there is an exact conjunction with radix
Chiron/Neptune. (Chiron dominates the landscape
of suicide charts.) There, too, is the death by
gunshot: with violence and death on every side and
all other options closed, in a massive Scorpio
stellium in the tropical dwad Mars with Neptune is
opposite the Sun in the Dragon's Tail, throwing his
life away. His unhappy karma is working out, as
was inevitable from the moment of his birth when
the old, cold, controlling Draconic Capricorn Sun
fell in the Tropical South South Node. It is striking
to see here the double Moon/MC and Uranus/MC
contacts in the sidereal pattern, with dwad Venus
and Jupiter also on radix angles; this was to be the
last eight days of his life, during which he finally
married Eva Braun less than two days before they
left this world together.

wad Rectification

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

Hitler's death on April 30th cannot be accurately

timed from contemporary reports as they are all
somewhat approximate. He either shot and/or
poisoned himself between 15h30 and 16h00 that
day. If we trust our astrology the actual time of the
double suicide would appear to have been at or
extremely shortly after 16h00; you can see from the
sidereal bi-wheel opposite how at this time
everything descriptive of this historic suicide by
violence falls into place. Chiron now rises and
Pisces Mars sets opposite in both the radix and
dwad; dwad Uranus is hit by the radix IC, and the
sidereal dwad Sun/Chiron conjunction is caught by
the dwad IC close to radix Ceres, planet of grief.

wad Relocation
Moving happens not only in time but in space. Every one of us either moves house from time to time, or
takes a holiday somewhere else, or at least has a personal connection to a distant town where a friend may
live, or deals are done, and so on. Every one of these connections invites study of the relocated birth chart,
especially if it has shifted a long way from home. Many of our relocations, however, are over relatively
short distances which dont change the angles of the nativity very much at all.
However! ... Once you raise the relocated birth chart to the higher dimension any changes are amplified by
a factor of twelve, and the patterns for differing localities are distinctively different. Decision-making when
planning a move or a holiday is much easier; you can avoid those places that bring heavy planets to the
angles, and seek out those blessed with energies that will be useful or pleasurable. Retrospectively, this
approach helps us to understand why we are open to opportunities, meet specific types of people, or
experience certain problems in places where we already have history.

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

The results can be surprising.

Take Barack Obama. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii
on August 4th 1961 at 19h34, he already has the
fame pattern of both luminaries on angles; the
Leo Sun has just set, and the Moon in Gemini is at
the IC. The Dwad adds tremendous impact to the
tropical nativity; the early Virgo Ascendant picks
up his radix Pluto-Chiron axis, and a Gemini
Mars/Uranus conjunction fires up his
communication skills on that radix Moon/IC. On
the radix Uranus/North Node is Dwad Mercury.
Dwad Sun and Ceres in Capricorn close to the
sacrificial South Node fall opposite radix Venus.
The radix Ascendant in Aquarius collects Dwad
Neptune. This is the picture of an idealistic,
revolutionary man on a spiritual mission; he has
enormous charisma and communicative power,
patience, endurance, practicality and planning
ability, and a winning humility. He is here to give
when and where required of all these things. If he
oversteps the mark, takes himself too seriously, he
will be undone. He will, inevitably, experience
much failure. But as a patriot and a humanitarian
he will keep on trying.
So what happens when he gets to Washington?
This is a long, long way from Hawaii!
Hardly anything!
Here is the extraordinary surprise of this
Presidents chart: although he has moved across
many degrees of longitude and latitude, his Lights
are still on the angles the Moon now rising, the
Sun at the IC. But translate this new chart with its
Gemini Ascendant and Aquarius MC into the
Dwad, and the Ascendant is still with Pluto, barely
a degree from its natal place. So in the Dwad itself,
all the houses and most of the cross-contacts are the
same. Except now the Dwad Midheaven has moved
back to 0 Leo, and is now an open channel for
Obamas Mercury-Jupiter. This man was destined
for prominence - but popularity and success was
guaranteed in Washington DC. Even when he loses
the Presidency, as all Presidents do unless they die
in office, this is still a city that will be kind to him.
But Kabul? Afghanistan? No surprise here - in the
relocated Dwad the Mars/Uranus conjunction is
right on the IC. Whereas in Jerusalem, still in 2013
the sad focus of Arab-Israeli conflict, Obama's
Dwad Ascendant conjoins radix Jupiter with
Mercury on the 7th. No military action here - only
continuing diplomacy.
Another celebrity whose life changed dramatically
when she left the US for Europe was the film star
Grace Kelly. Famous for her cool beauty, she had a

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

doubly angular Sun in her natal, Philadelphia

Dwad, and across the Dwad-radix Saturn on the
Ascendant twice. And one day her Prince did
come, and carried her away to the tiny, wealthy,
show-bizzy Mediterranean state of Monaco to be
his Princess. This exotic marriage is richly
displayed in Graces relocated chart:(CHART) on
the Dwad Descendant where everything marital
should be we find the Dwad conjunction of Moon
and Jupiter bonded to the radix Sun and South
Node, with Mars nearby. In Monaco Grace Kelly
met her husband, her karma and her destiny. It can
never have been an easy life for her there, despite
all the privilege and riches; on the radix MC with
Mercury is the Dwad of Saturn duty was part of
the package. And in sacrificing her film career,
marrying Monacos Prince Rainier, having his
children, she was also fulfilling her spiritual duty.
As I write, it is Christmas Day morning in 2011 the official birthday of Jesus. What better way to
end this chapter on the Dwad than to show you the
pattern of another wife and mother called to
spiritual duty of the highest order? It is, of course,
Mary (born on August 4th 24 BC at 12h33 in
Nazareth). Her precessed tropical Solar Return on
August 5th 6 BC held all the promise of
motherhood: Dwad Ceres was with the returning
radix Sun, the Moon was close to her North Node
and Ceres in the radix, and in the Dwad, aligned
with radix Neptune, was a lovely opposition of
Moon and Jupiter, opening her to the voice of the
Angel. Pain and drama were to come with the
rising Mars and Dwad Pluto on the 7th cusp; but
spiritual hands would bear her up through her
exhaustion in the Dwad that Mars/Ascendant is
joined by Neptune. This year she had to fulfil her
destiny the Dwad Midheaven and Moons South
Node are joined. Dwad Venus at the radix IC
promises happiness, even through all the stress and

And the great moment came. The Return

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The Dwad - The Adventurous Astrologer

progressed to May 7th the following spring; its

Ascendant met Saturn, its MC the Dwad Mars. In
the Dwad the Moon was now in its sacrificial South
Node and the Descendant conjoined the Sun. The
Dwad IC came to Dwad Ceres, Marys radix Sun,
and the Return Venus. She fulfilled her duty, went
through the pain of parturition, and cradled Gods

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In astrology, a dwadasama, which is also called a dwad, duad or dwadachamsha is 1/12th of a zodiacal sign. The
dwadasama was developed by Hindu Astrologers who broke the 30 degree sign down into 12 equal parts of 2.5 degrees
each. It is based upon the principal of the part being a reflection of the whole, and 12 signs of the zodiac were placed
within the confines of one sign. It is believed that these signs within a sign, by virtue of their planetary rulers, account for
subtle shadings of expression found in different degrees of that sign. Therefore, in addition to the sign having a primary
planetary ruler, it would also have a sub-ruler, based upon which dwadasama it is placed in.
For example, if an individual's Sun is placed in 10 degrees 51 minutes Aquarius then their Sun sign would be ruled by
Uranus, but the dwad, being in the range of 10 to 10.5 degrees would be placed within Gemini, so the individual's
sub-ruler would be Mercury, which rules Gemini.
When looking at the chart below, each number at the top pf the list equals 2.5 degrees.
So 1= 00-2.5 degree 2 = 2.5-5 degree 3= 5 - 7.5 degree 4- 7.5 - 10

5= 10.0 - 10.05 and so forth

A listing of the dwads for each sign is found in the diagram below:-


click here for more on this subject
by Alice Portman
The duads are the division of a sign by twelve 2 degree 30 minutes segments, each segment being a little mini sign within
that sign. They start with the diad of the sign, so the first 0 degrees to 2 degrees 30 minutes of a sign is always the same as
the sign itself, the second segment 2 degrees 30 minutes to 5 degrees is the next sign along and so on. So 0 - 2 dgrees 30
minutes of Aries is the Aries duad, 2 degrees 30 minutes - 5 degrees of Aries is the Taurus duad and so on.
The sign Taurus has for 0 degrees to 2 degrees 30 minutes the Taurus duad, 2 degrees 30 minutes to 5 degrees is the
Gemini duad and so on.
I discovered a technique that will translate each little mini zodiac of 2 degrees 30 minutes into the full 30 degrees of a
zodiac sign and then made a full chart uaing this process.. I call these duad charts. Graham Dawson of Solar Fire has
kindly made this available on his Solar Fire Deluxe program. As duads describe the genetic patterning of an individual,
these charts respond very well to twins. Even if the twins are born very close together these charts will show considerable
differences in their approach to life.
I am currently writing a book about duads and have included a section about twins using this technique.. I nearly had

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the book finished when my computer crashed and it was lost. It seems to be unrecoverable. I am currently rewriting the
whole thing (sigh) and it seems to be a never ending task.
As I am a professional astrologer, this technique is part of my astrological practice. Twins and parents of twins consult
with me to discuss their differing charts.
If interested in getting this book, please contact for more information on the book. [email protected] Chart below
curtseys of Alice Portman

As you can see both have Libra Ascendants and Cancer MCs in their duad charts, but Bryan's Libra Ascendant at 29
Libra 23 has the difficult Saturn square Ascendant and Mars-Uranus quincunx Ascendant to cope with, whereas Adam
has the ruler of the Ascendant, Venus, is square to the Vertex.
Though I haven't illustrated it, Bryan has Neptune quincunx the Vertex in the duad chart.
You can also see that Saturn in Capricorn is in the 4th house in Adam's duad chart and in the 3rd house in Bryan's,
perhaps giving Bryan some difficulties or pressure connected to his brother.
Relating the duad charts to the natal charts, you can see that Adam has his duad MC at 00 Cancer 17 square his natal
Venus - a very gentle configuration. Bryan's duad Ascendant at 29 Libra 23 is sextile natal Vertex. This puts more
emphasis on Venus in Adam's natal chart and the Vertex in Bryan's natal chart.
They both have the duad Mars-Uranus conjunction square duad Nodes, but this is more emphasised in Bryan's duad
chart because they connect to the duad Ascendant.

ADAM CHART, 1ST BORN, Click to open full size

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BRYAN BIRTH CHART, 2ND BORN 2 MINUTES LATER, Click to open full size

Web design by Cece Stevens

LOGO Cece Stevens and AERO Photo Archives
[email protected]

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24/09/2016 7:56 AM

Dwadasama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In astrology, a dwadasamsa, which is also called a dwad, duad or dwadachamsha, is 1/12 of a zodiacal
sign. The dwadasama was developed by Hindu astrologers who broke the 30 degree sign down into 12
equal parts of 2.5 degrees each. It is based upon the principle of the part being a reflection of the
whole, and 12 signs of the zodiac were placed within the confines of one sign. It is believed that these
signs within a sign, by virtue of their planetary rulers, account for subtle shadings of expression found
in different degrees of that sign. Therefore, in addition to the sign having a primary planetary ruler, it
would also have a sub-ruler, based upon which dwadasama it is placed in.
For example, if an individual's Sun is placed in 10 degrees 51 minutes Aquarius then their Sun sign
would be ruled by Uranus, but the dwad, being in the range of 10 to 12.5 degrees would be placed
within Gemini(the 5th dwad), so the individual's sub-ruler would be the Mercury, which rules Gemini.
A listing of the dwads for each sign is found in the diagram below:

9 10 11 12

Ar Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi
Ta Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar
Ge Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta
Ca Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge
Le Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca
Vi Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le
Li Li Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi
Sc Sc Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li
Sa Sa Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc
Cp Cp Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa
Aq Aq Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp
Pi Pi Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Cp Aq

Here, we see two ways of dividing the astrological signs combined, first the ten degrees decans, then
the 2.5 degree duads:

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Dwadasama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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24/09/2016 8:01 AM

Decanates and Dwadashamsas

If you want to find subtle blends of planetary energies with the

Ascendant, Midheaven, and the 10 planets in a chart, consider using
Decanates ("decs") and Dwadashamsas ("dwads").
Both techniques are easy, and by refering to the chart below, you can
enhance your astrological interpretations by discovering important yet
often overlooked essences between planets and points in a chart. The
more willing you are to take time doing homework on a chart, the
more effective and reliable an astrologer you will be. The amount of
study you put into chart delineation not only improves your ability to
please your clients, but will also improve your reputation with other
astrologers. (The more you can interact with good astrologers, the
more you will learn. Beginning astrologers are welcomed by seasoned
professionals, especially when the beginner is recognized as one who
seriously intends to study the celestial science according it all the
respect and precision it deserves).
A Decanate is one sign of the zodiac broken into three segments of 10
degrees each. The sum of the decanates for any sign equals 30 degrees,
or the whole sign. Each of the 12 signs is divided into these 10 degree
segments. Each division has its own sign and planetary ruler. Let's take
Aries as an example. 0 Aries to 29 Aries equals all 30 degrees of the
sign. If we divide Aries into 3 equal segments we get: 0-09; 10-19; and
20-29 degrees. Since we are starting at 0 degrees Aries instead of 1
degree Aries, we will end at 29 degrees of the sign instead of 30
The Decanates for Aries would be: 1. Aries/Mars (0-9 degrees; 2.
Leo/Sun (10-19 degrees); and 3. Sagittarius/Jupiter (20-29 degrees).
Since Aries is a Cardinal fire sign and is the first decante of the sign
Aries, we then proceed to the next fire sign in order to ascertain the
second decanate of Aries which is Leo. Leo is a fixed fire sign which is
ruled by the Sun. To find the third decanate of Aries, we proceed to the
next fire sign in order of the zodiac. That sign is Sagittarius, the
mutable fire sign which is ruled by Jupiter. Each of the decanates
conforms to its element, whether it be fire, earth, air or water, and
includes the three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. The chart
below will help you find the decantes for each of the 12 signs.
Dwads are derived from a Sanskrit word meaning 12-division. Each
sign of the zodiac is broken into 12 divisions of 2 1/2 degree segments
each. In turn, the whole 360 degree wheel (all 12 signs) is broken into 2
1/2 degree intervals. Each dwad is associated with one of the 12 signs.
For example, the first dwad of Scorpio is the Scorpio dwad. The second
dwad of Scorpio is the Sagittarius dwad. The third dwad of Scorpio is
the Capricorn dwad, and so on. The chart below will help you locate
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Decanates and Dwadashamsas

the dwad associated with the planet or chart point you want to


0 - 2 1/2
2 1/2 - 5
5 - 7 1/2
7 1/2 - 10


10 - 12 1/2
12 1/2 - 15
15 - 17 1/2
17 1/2 - 20


20 - 22 1/2
22 1/2 - 25
25 - 27 1/2
27 1/2 - 30

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Decanates and Dwadashamsas

Copyright 1998-2011 by AstroConsultants of Santa Monica, Claudia D. Dikinis. All

international rights reserved.

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24/09/2016 8:02 AM

Noel Tyl - Analytical Techniques

Analytical Techniques, September 30, 2010

An Easy Way with Duads
by guest astrologer Alice McDermott
Alice McDermott is an eminent Australian astrologer
who, as Alice Portman, has consulted and taught
astrology professionally for 35 years. In 1984, she
received her Professional Member of the Federation of
Australian Astrologers (PMFAA) qualification and
became Examiner of the FAA in 1986-88
Duads or Dwads are both correct ways of spelling the
division of each sign of the
zodiac into twelve 230' segments, making a mini zodiac
within each sign.
Each sign starts the duad division with its own sign: for
example if you have a planet or angle at 2 of Cancer, it is in
the first, Cancer duad of Cancer; if you have a planet or
angle at 231' of Cancer, it is in the second, Leo duad of
Cancer; if you have a planet or angle at 5 10' of Cancer it is
in the third, Virgo duad of Cancer, and so on. You can access
a Duad Table which shows these divisions here:
There is a second kind of division where the 1st dwad of any
sign is the Aries dwad, the 2nd is the Taurus dwad .. and so
on. These are easy to calculate on a computer because they
are the 12th harmonic chart.
For convenience in differentiation I spell the first type of
division 'duads' and the
second type of division 'dwads'.
To illustrate let us look at the duads and dwads of the
birth chart of Noel Tyl born on the 31st December 1936, 3.57
pm, West Chester, PA.
His Ascendant is 0Cancer03, so it is in the first (Aries) dwad
and Cancer duad of

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Noel Tyl - Analytical Techniques

His Sun is 10Capricorn02, just in the 5th (Leo) dwad and
Taurus duad of Capricorn.
His Moon is 27Leo23, at the tail end of the 11th (Aquarius)
dwad and Gemini duad of
His MC is 7Pisces01 in the 3rd (Gemini) dwad and Taurus
duad of Pisces.
His Mean North Node is 23Sagitarius33 in the 10th
(Capricorn) dwad and Virgo duad of Sagittarius .. and so on.
Duads in Relationships
To a very great extent the duads describe the type of person
to whom you are drawn for various reasons. Those who
carry in their natal chart the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC,
Nodal Axis or Vertex axis in the same sign as your relevant
duad or dwad can have a very strong impact.
The type of attraction is described by the planet involved, so
if you are drawn to
someone who manifests the duads of your Moon, it is likely
you want to nurture
them; if you are drawn to someone who manifests the duads
of your Sun it is likely you will find they shine for you.
Noel would find he is drawn to the thought processes of
those who have their Mercury in Sagittarius and/or those with
Mercury in Pisces as these are the duad
and dwad of his natal Mercury at 29Capricorn23. He would
find those with Venus in Scorpio and those with Venus in
Capricorn very attractive or magnetic, as these are the duad
and dwad of his natal Venus at 23Aquarius55. --For
friendships with men, he would be drawn to those with Mars
in Leo and those with Mars in Aquarius as these are the
duad and dwad of his natal Mars at 27Libra16.
The duads of the Vertex axis are particularly powerful as
those who carry these
signs can open doors of quite different realities in your life.
For example, my own
Vertex duad degree is exactly conjunct the Sun of my
ex-husband, who was from a different country, class and
culture to my own.
Of course a lot can depend on the condition of your natal
planet or angle. If there

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Noel Tyl - Analytical Techniques

are traumas connected to any placement then you might find

you are repelled by
rather than attracted to those whose natal charts manifest
that planet's duad.
However, you will still draw them into your life.
Duads in the Family
I think the duads describe the genetic flow in a family line,
particularly the duads of
the MC-IC, Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Nodes.
For example, The duads or dwads of your Sun and Moon
can describe the Sun sign or Moon sign of a parent, if these
don't then in a natural birth the MC-IC, and their duads will
describe the Sun sign of at least one of the parents and
sometimes both. A parent or grandparent will often have the
Ascendant, Moon or Nodes in the sign or the duad of the
sign of the Ascendant or Descendant.
There is always an interchange between the sign and duads
of the Moon and
Ascendant-Descendant of parent and child in a natural birth.
--For example, Noel has the Moon in the Gemini duad of
Leo, so it is highly likely his mother and/or father had an
Ascendant-Descendant of either Leo or Gemini or the Leo or
Gemini duad of any sign rising.
So from duads you can see which qualities are genetically
inherited from which
parent and their family line, as well as the qualities you pass
through to your
If the birth was not natural but had some form of medical
assistance or the baby was stuck in the birth canal during
labor, then you may not find this pattern in the family line.
The person would still be drawn to those whose natal chart
echoed his or her duads and perhaps find these people more
like 'family' than their own.
Duad Charts
As the duads describe a mini zodiac within each sign, it is
easy to work out a
separate duad chart. The method can be seen here:
These charts refine the duad attraction to very close to the
degree - so the closer a person's natal planet is to your duad

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Noel Tyl - Analytical Techniques

degree the stronger the draw. For example, well-known

Australian astrologer Jill Amery (1 May 1944, 2.50 am,
Adelaide, Australia) has her duad Saturn at 15Pisces55 very close to Noel's natal Saturn at 17Pisces21. As both
Jupiter and Saturn describe 'The Teacher, Jill was very
drawn to Noel's concise astrological methods and attained a
Highest Honor Degree through his Master's Certification
Course. --There are a number of other strong connections
between them as well, including Noel's duad Vertex axis
straddling Jill's natal MC-IC, describing a 'destined'
Basil Fearrington (1st August 1954, 7.31 pm, Philadelphia,
PA) - a famous pupil of Noel's - has his duad Jupiter exactly
conjunct Noel's natal Jupiter, describing a powerful and
beneficial 'teacher-pupil' connection. He also has many other
connections, all describing an important and destined
Duad-to-natal synastry is much more powerful and often
more compulsive than natal-to-natal synastry and is the
precursor to natal synastry. If the duad or dwad
connections to each other's natal are not there, you are just
not very drawn to that person regardless of how powerful
your natal to natal synastry seems.
If there are exact degree connections in duad to natal
synastry, then the relationship and/or association tend to be
close. It will strongly respond to transits over that
Composite and Davison charts
The duads of these charts are particularly important. Time
and time again I have
Found that they echo the natal placements of the people
involved - often to the degree.
The closer a composite duad degree is to an individual's
natal degree, the stronger the draw of the relationship is to
that person.
These charts can often supply what is missing in the
duad-to-natal connections in synastry. E.g. one person's
duad may require the other to have the Sun or Moon in
Aquarius, but this is not the case, however the Relationship
chart does have that placement thus supplying the missing

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Noel Tyl - Analytical Techniques

Next Update: October 30, 2010

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24/09/2016 8:04 AM

Ages, Dwads ... and iDwads - The Adventurous Astrologer

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24/09/2016 8:06 AM

Ages, Dwads ... and iDwads - The Adventurous Astrologer

had a really bad night this week - one of those where your brain wont shut
up and get off to sleep. I had been wrestling with a problem, and the problem is
this: often when a planet or point is about to move into a new sign, there is a period
of preparation, of anticipation. The phenomena associated with the new sign begin
to appear while still at the end of the old one. This happened with Pluto/ Capricorn,
it is happening with the Aquarian Age (not calendrically due yet), and it has been
happening with my progressing Moon.
Being a Moon/Cancer I am somewhat sensitive to its changes, as you can imagine.
So when it shifts signs, I really know the difference, just as I know the difference
in the transiting Moon sign and have to change the colour of my clothes to feel
right! (This is how you learn the colours of astrology.) But there is always this
short run-up where the signs seem to overlap.
Was it a 12th-harmonic phenomenon? No. The end of a sign in Harmonic 12 is
always Pisces. The Dwad, then? No. There is a discrete break between the end of
one sign and the start of another - eg the end of Sagittarius is Scorpio, and then
Capricorn begins with itself. So what was going on? Something was!
Then I thought: In astrology things often go in the opposite direction. We have
retrograde planets, the backward movement of Precession, Reflexes over the
cardinal points, converse progressions ... is it possible that Dwads could work in
the same way?????

ow would it look?
Well, going back to Sagittarius, the normal dwads would run through the sign thus:
SG - CP - AQ - PI - AR - TA - GE - CN - LE - VI - LI - SC.
If we ran them backwards, it would look like this:
SG - SC - LI - VI - LE - CN - GE - TA - AR - PI - AQ - Capricorn! And there is
the anticipatory Dwad!
BUT!.. to apply to Precession of the Equinox through Pisces back into the top end
of Aquarius, the degrees 27 - 30 of Pisces with which the Age began could not be
either the normal Aquarius dwad nor the new Aries dwad; the first 2 degrees of
the sign into which we are shortly heading if not already there, would be Pisces in
both Dwads, and not anticipatory at all.
However, if it is not zodiacal sequence but actual movement that dictates the
patterns of the Dwad, then the problem is resolved!
The beginning of movement through a sign even if it starts in the last degree and
works backwards, would have that sign as both of the initial dwads, and so would
finish its travels, even in the first degree, with one of the two dwads anticipating
the sign to come. This would put the modern world quite plausibly in the final,
Aquarius, reversed dwad of Pisces in the run-up to the full-blown Aquarian Age.
There are other implications to these putative inverse patterns; it would mean that
every signs dwad had a unique energy-signature, a nosegay of zodiacal flowers.

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24/09/2016 8:06 AM

Ages, Dwads ... and iDwads - The Adventurous Astrologer

A trio of energies would comprise the radix sign, the direct dwad and the inverse
So the first 2 degrees of movement through any sign would express no other
energy than itself. The 7th of its twelve sectors would have no other energy than
the sign and its own opposite. The remainder would be, as it were, reflexes about
the parent sign. So, here we go, and you read it here first!...


Already you can see the patterns emerging, that dwads 1,4,7 and 10 of a sign are
all of the same quadruplicity as the parent. The others of course always carry either
a positive or a negative pair of signs that repeat, swapping sides, after the
halfway point. We have matching pairs 2 & 12, 3 & 11, 4 & 10, 5 & 9, 6 & 8. The
5th and 9th sectors combine the three signs of the parent element. On we go ...






Scorpio: SC/SC/SC - SC/SG/LI - SC/CP/VI - SC/AQ/LE - SC/PI/CN - SC/AR/GE SC/TA/TA - SC/GE/AR - SC/CN/PI - SC/LE/AQ - SC/VI/CP - SC/LI/Sagittarius






Now it is a matter of staring at nativities and elections and horaries and events, and
all the permutations of progressed and directed charts, to see if these small bundles
of energy specific to movement through each twelfth of a sign actually tell us
something convincing, make any sense or none at all!

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24/09/2016 8:06 AM

Ages, Dwads ... and iDwads - The Adventurous Astrologer

Let me know how you get on.

nd then of course there are the precise degrees...!

I can offer a few examples - but their apparent significance may just be a fluke. We
wont know till the work is properly done. This will involve some sleight of eye
and brain, as although we can now put dwads with radix charts easily courtesy of
Solar Fire and other brilliant programs, we shall have to work out the inverse
dwads for ourselves and map them by hand.
I tried my two (consecutive!) husbands.
No.1 has the Sun at 10 Gemini 01, in the 1st house.
This therefore has a dwad bundle of Gemini/Libra/Aquarius, and specifically 0
Libra 12, 29 Aquarius 48. None of these degrees hits anything in the radix - but he
is one of the most Airy individuals you could care to meet. His Moon is interesting:
radix at 7 Capricorn 20 in the 8th, its dwad is 28 Pisces 01 and its inverse dwad 01
Scorpio 59. It relates very well to both his wives, as I am a Sun Capricorn with a
triple-watery Moon, and wife No.2 was a Sun-and-almost-everything-else-Pisces
with rising Scorpio and Scorpio Moon, who was a nurse specialising in
No. 2, Gerard (who is always happy to be an astrological guinea-pig, bless him!)
has two Moons. Makes him sound like Dr.Who with two hearts! How so? Because
of his much-written-about two-stage birth. Head came out of mother at 00h35 with
cord round neck; no midwife turned up - better things to do - so only fully
delivered, cord disentangled and cut, life saved, when the negligent woman
eventually appeared at 07h12.
1st Moon: 0 Pisces 53, dwad 10 Pisces 46, inverse dwad 19 Pisces 14. And this is a
man who has the tenderest, most idealistic regard for womankind that I have ever
come across. He has a special love for Our Lady, mother of Jesus. He first married
a very Scorpio wife - with a distinct lack of tenderness; then he got me, with my
decidedly liquid Moon. ... and 7th cusp at 20 Pisces.
2nd Moon: 4 Pisces 15, dwad 21 Aries 10, inverse dwad 8 Aquarius 50.
Fascinating - his dwad Moon right opposite his first wifes dwad Sun, his inverse
Moon on her dwad ASC. Surely this isnt mere coincidence? Then I turn up with
my draconic Sun opposite this Moon, dwad ruler Ceres plus draconic ASC in late
Aries, and busy Mercury on his Moons inverse dwad.
Gerards Suns (! What was that about two hearts?...) are respectively at 22
Sagittarius 04 and 22 Sag. 21. The dwads are therefore 24 Leo 52 and 28 Leo 14.
Both conjoin his radix Jupiter (already trine and in mutual reception with his Sun.)
These are also on my Dragons Head/Chiron conjunction. Sun 1's inverse dwad is 5
Aries 08, and Sun 2's at 1 Aries 46. Both conjoin his own Dragons Head. For over
20 years he has been the dedicated Bishop of our small church, and all his life
consciously following the spiritual path with tremendous integrity. He will fight for
the truth, and blaze trails for the lost to follow.
The Sun in Jesus chart is a combination of radix Taurus and dwads Libra and
Sagittarius - most fitting for this holiest of men who reaches out to everyone,
offering spiritual riches and joy. The inverse dwad Sun at 8 Sagittarius is on his
Mothers dwad Ceres. Marys inverse dwad Sun is 14 Taurus, the very Sun of
Jesus birth.

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24/09/2016 8:06 AM

Ages, Dwads ... and iDwads - The Adventurous Astrologer

uite a bit here to think about!

Shall we call this the i-dwad? ...


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