GPS Based Portable Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System Using Astronomical Equation

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2014 IEEE International Conference Power & Energy (PECON)

GPS Based Portable Dual-Axis Solar Tracking

System Using Astronomical Equation
M.H.M Sidek, W.Z.W Hasan, M.Z.A.Ab. Kadir, S.Shafie, M.A.M.Radzi, S.A.Ahmad, M.H.Marhaban
Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Serdang, Malaysia
*[email protected]
Generally, solar tracker is device used for aligning a PV
panel towards the sun. In this context, there are three types of
solar tracking system, namely passive tracker, active tracker
and open-loop tracker. Passive tracker uses two canisters filled
with compressed gas fluid that placed each in the east and
west of the tracking. However, this gas tracker rarely point the
PV panel direct to the sun due to the unpredictable ambient
temperature. Yet, as the advancement of sensor technology,
light sensor is used in the active sun tracker system and it is
placed at various locations at the tracker to determine the best
sun position, which is done by tilting the PV panel using
actuators. Nevertheless, cloud and shadow effect are the major
drawback of the system. This consequence bring
disadvantages because power is wasted to drive the tilting
actuator back and forth for during its searching mode. Other
than that, open-loop tracker is also commonly used for
tracking the sun path as in Fig. 1. The tracker uses predetermined astronomical database to determine the sun
position for any given time and locations coordinate by using
micro-controller or PLC. In addition, the open-loop tracker is
based on the altitude and the azimuth position of the sun,
therefore, this system is not dependant to the ambient
temperature and weather. This circumstances gives great
advantages, such that it will not eliminates unwanted power
dissipation and complexity. Conversely, the open-loop tracker
also has demerits that could reduce the efficiency output, as an
instance, trackers misalignment during setup due to human
error. Besides, before the deployment of the solar tracker,
solar path database is set manually by the supplier or
contractor. As we all know, every location has its unique solar
path, thereupon, it will involve extra man power that will
increase the installation or setup cost.

Abstract The overall objective of this study is to design and

develop a portable dual-axis solar tracking system that focuses on
portable and mobility purpose. This paper discusses the design,
electronic control system and the algorithm based on the
astronomical equation. The tracking system utilizes the GPS
module and a digital compass sensor for determining the location
and the heading feedback of the system respectively. Moreover,
the microcontroller based tracking system is embedded with a
PID controller for which will increase the PV positioning
accuracy based from the feedback signal of the absolute encoder.
Furthermore, this paper also analyses and compares the
performance between the fixed-tilted PV panel and the developed
portable solar tracking system.
Keywords portable solar tracker; dual-axis; GPS system; PID

In the years ahead the demand for energy will escalate,
whereas the conventional fossil fuel energy will deplete in a
rapid pace. Henceforth, harvesting the power from a
renewable energy source is vital in order to fulfil the growing
energy needs. Among all the available renewable energy
sources, solar energy is the most abundant and available all
year-round. In solar technology, the suns energy is captured
by using photovoltaic (PV) panel and converts the solar
radiation into electricity. Additionally, PV technology is a fast
growing technological progress that requiring very little
maintenance with zero carbon foot-print. The performance of
a PV panel is not only dependent upon the solar irradiance
power, whether condition and the ambient temperature, but it
also depends on the solar radiations incidence angle to the PV
panel [1].
During the day, the sun appears to move through the sky
from east to west, therefore the angle between sun and a fixed
PV surface is continually changing. Thus, the power density
on a fixed PV module is less than that of the incident sunlight.
Lately, there are many works have been taken in order to
maximize the power extraction from the PV panel. Solar
tracking system offers a practical technology solution to
improve the power efficiency generated by the PV panel.
Extensive research and experiment have shown that by
maintaining consistent direct exposure from the sun to the PV
module, the tracking system able to produce up to 40 percent
more power over a fixed-tilted (non-tracking) PV panel [2].

978-1-4799-7297-5/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE

Fig. 1. Sun path trajectory.

Also, the mechanical system design will varies. Typically,

some may use a simple single-axis tracker 20 percent that has
better energy gain than the non-tracking PV panel [3].


2014 IEEE International Conference Power & Energy (PECON)

Likewise, some may even use the dual-axes tracker system

that gives clearly 70 percent better energy gain compared to
the non-tracking PV panel [4].

Azimuth = cos-1((sin.cos - cos.sin.cos)/cos)

This research aims to design and develop a global dualaxes solar tracking system based on open-loop astronomical
equations. The research will emphasize on the algorithm to
generate a solar path trajectory database by utilizing the
information acknowledge from the Global Positioning System
(GPS) sensor module. Moreover, the algorithm will also cater
all location, season and environment globally. PID control
algorithm for positioning the PV panel is also intensively
highlighted. On top of that, the research will fuse and combine
all the developed sub-system into a single free-interface and
easy to set-up solar tracking system controller board. This
research also compares the power efficiency of the developed
solar tracking system controller board and a non-tracking
system under the same location and environment.

B = 360/365 . (d - 81)


= 23.45. sinB


= 15. (LST - 12)


LST = LT + TC/60


TC = 4(Longitude - LSTM) + EoT


Eot = 9.87sin(2B) - 7.53cos(B)- 1.5sin(B)





Altitude = sin (sin.sin+cos.cos.cos)


The azimuth angle of the system is based on the true north

bearing system for its heading reference. Nonetheless, the
tracking system utilize digital compass sensor which is using
magnetic north bearing system. The difference angle between
the true north and the magnetic north is called the magnetic
declination angle that varies from place to place. In order to
get the true north direction for the systems heading reference;
the raw data must be added with the locations declination
angle as in (10). The global declination angle information is
provided from a database generated from the National
Geographical Data Centre that has been embedded in the solar
tracking system.


The main objective of the research is to maximize the PV
power generation; this can be archived by minimizing the solar
radiations incidence angle to the PV panel. Due to this factor,
the solar tracker needs to follow the sun accordingly to
maintain the incidence angle to ideally zero degree. It is a
common knowledge that the sun position in the sky changes
from day to day and from hour to hour. For that reason, the
exact location of the sun in the sky is specified by two angles;
the altitude angle and azimuth angle as in Fig. 2.

TrueNorth = MagneticNorth + DeclinationAngle



The position of the PV panel is controlled using the solar
tracking system for maximizing the energy harvested from the
sun anywhere. The solar tracker is the integration between
mechanical, electronic control system and its algorithm.
A. Mechanical Structure
In order to test and evaluate the algorithm and controller
performance, a tracking mechanism design has been modelled
first using mechanical design software, SolidWorks. The
overall structural design of the biaxial solar tracking system is
shown in Fig. 3. The design of the solar tracker incorporated
several distinctive features: easy to assemble and dismantle,
lightweight and manually portable. The overall weight of the
tracking part excluding the solar panel is only 5.83 kg.

Fig. 2. Azimuth and altitude angle.

The altitude angle is defined as the angle from the horizon

of the observer to the sun, perpendicular to the horizontal
plane. The value is 0 degree and 180 degree at sunrise and
sunset respectively. Whereas, the Azimuth angle is measured
clockwise from true north to the point on the horizon directly
below the sun.
In this work, the solar tracking system tracks the sun based
on astronomical equations, or in other word, the tracker does
not actively find the sun's position but instead determines the
position of the sun as in (1) and (2). The sun position which is
described in terms of its altitude and azimuth angle that is
depends on the day number, d (from 1st January) in (3) and
the time of day, T in (9) that is derived from the following

Fig. 3. Structure of the solar tracker

Two actuators are placed at the edge of circumference for

azimuth and altitude tracking that can rotate 360 degree and
tilting 90 degree respectively. For azimuth and altitude angular


2014 IEEE International Conference Power & Energy (PECON)

feedback, two 10-bit absolute encoders are mounted at the

azimuth and altitudes rotation centre. Unlike other position
sensor such as linear encoder and potentiometer, the absolute
encoder gives advantage because it requires no previous
traverse to provide the current position value and rotate freely
in 360 degree range. Single turn encoders provide the current
angular position value within one revolution.

microcontrollers are also embedded with a PID controller,

which will increase the PV positioning accuracy based from
the feedback signal of the absolute encoder. The absolute
encoder is interfaced to both slave microcontrollers via 10-bit
grey-code digital parallel port.
C. Tracking System Algorithm
In this context, the developed sun tracking algorithm
allows determination of sun angles and times for solar noon,
sunrise, and sunset with high-precision year-round. The
calculation of the sun angles with the sun tracking algorithm
software requires the specification of the date, time and
precise longitude and latitude of the location by using the GPS
module. During the deployment of the solar tracker, the
tracking system will initialized its heading with respect to the
true north using the compass sensor. Then, the system will
take the GPS information to calculate and tabulate the
database for the sun position coordinate on the sky for the
whole year. Next, the tracking system will control the PV
position based on the tabulated database of the sun angular
movement. This algorithm allows the tracker to follow the sun
movement closely in one degree of difference for both altitude
and azimuth angle during the day. For the altitude motion
control, the motor will actuate the panel up from sunrise until
noon, and bring the panel down to the original position in the
sunset. At the same time, the azimuth motion control will
rotate the panel either in clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Contrary to this, at night, the electronic system will be in a
sleep mode that allows the reduction of the power
consumption. Fig. 5 shows the tracking systems algorithm

B. Control System Design

Electronic control system is design to give an accurate
control signal to the mechanical system in order to get
maximum power generation from the solar PV, and it is
reliable with low power consumption. The electronic control
system is shown in Fig. 4.

PID controller is also implemented into the system

algorithm that is embedded in both slave microcontrollers. The
PID controller makes the PV panel rotates to its desired set
point with fast response and high accuracy. The value of kp, ki
and kd is ascertain by using trial and error method.

Fig. 4. Electronic control system block diagram of the solar tracking system.

The solar PV movement is control by using a PIC18f4680

microcontroller that act as the systems main brain. The main
system is designed to complete the calculation and generate
the database of the suns path trajectory throughout the year
for a particular site. Here, the generated sun position database
is stored in a non-volatile 2GB memory card. The location of
the solar tracker is determined by using a global positioning
system receiver module (GPS), which uses multiple orbiting
satellites to calculate its position. The GPS module is
connected to the microcontroller via a standard serial RS-232
port, that continuously sends to the microcontroller sentences
which contain a string of characters. These sentences mainly
include longitude, latitude, altitude, date and time for current
location to be used for the database generation. Moreover, a
digital compass sensor module also interfaced to the main
microcontroller via the two wired I2C communication
protocol. The compass sensor measures the earth's magnetic
field and outputs a value that provides a feedback on the
heading of the solar tracker with respect to the magnetic north.
Additionally, two more PIC18f4431 microcontrollers are
also implanted in the solar tracker electronic circuit. These
two slave microcontroller is used to control the PVs azimuth
and altitude angular movement independently. The position of
the PV is control based from the information or the set point
which is sent from the main microcontroller by utilizing the
I2C communication protocol. In addition, these slave


2014 IEEE International Conference Power & Energy (PECON)

Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 shows the daily variation of the PV panel

output power generated for the fixed-tilted and the tracking
system. The data recorded on the Fig. 7 proved that the solar
tracking system produced 27% more energy than the fixedtilted PV panel during a mostly clear day. During a cloudy
day, the tracking system also produced more energy than the
fixed-tilted PV about 19% as in Fig. 8. Henceforward, the
tracking system gives very significant difference in power
generation during morning and evening if compared to the
fixed-tilted system.
Obviously, the power generated from both tracking and
non-tracking is reduce during the cloudy condition that block
the sun irradiation. This is because the amount of power
produces is directly dependent on the received level of light.

Fig. 7. Power generation on mostly clear day.

Fig. 5. Flow chart of the solar tracking system algorithm.

The performance of the solar tracker is assessed by
comparing the power generated between the fixed-tilted PV
panel and the developed solar tracking system as in Fig. 6. The
fixed-tilted PV panel is set to the position that will generate
the maximum power of the specific day. The maximum power
is generated during the solar noon whereas the sun is located
at the highest positions above the horizon on the day. Both
systems are deployed at an open area in Serdang with the
coordinate of 3.00 North and 101.72 East. The power
generated from both systems is recorded using a data logger
simultaneously for every minute from 7am to 8pm.
Fig. 8. Power generation on a cloudy day.

In conclusion, it is clear that the solar tracking system
plays an important role to guarantee the maximum solar
energy generation from dawn until dusk. The solar trackers
control system successfully calculates and generates the suns
trajectory path through the year. Moreover, the tracker also
capable to position the PV panel towards the sun automatically
during deployment or initial set up. In addition, the embedded
PID positioning system will improve the tracking angle
accuracy in locating the elevation and azimuth angle up to
0.2 degrees.

Fig. 6. Data collection setup of two systems.


2014 IEEE International Conference Power & Energy (PECON)

The simplicity, practical, and the effectiveness of the solar

tracking system provides a lucrative solution mobile solar
power generation purpose that can be deployed anywhere on
the surface of the earth.




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