MC Aloo Tikki in NZ

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Executive summary:

This study throws light on the plan to Introduce McDonald Aloo Tikki in the New Zealand
market and other aspects related to such plan. Objective behind such plan is to provide a
healthy vegetarian Burger at low price to the customers of McDonalds and also give a Rich
veg. Burger to the people who like to have vegetarian food. This product will make provide a
great option to people who only eat vegetarian food. As McDonalds company main motive is
to provide Healthy fast food to society at a low price and which is also rich in quality at the
same time, this product will add towards such motive of the company. McDonald Aloo
Tikki was first introduced in India and was an Instant success in the market and also helped
the company to have a upper hand on their competitors like KFC, Burger King and other such

Current market situation:

Following points will help in analyzing the companys current market situation:

Internal situation:

Mission of McDonald is to reach to as many customers as possible and provide them

with the best quality fast food that too at low price and have as many outlets in the

world as possible.
For such mission McDonalds provides franchisees along with the required machinery
and equipments with basic food supplements. McDonald has a huge Human Resource

to its Name all around the world with around 420,000 employees.
These resources help it to achieve its goals and objectives and such is the result that
McDonald stands among the top company in the Industry.

External situation:

External environment comprises of various aspects like economical, technological,

socio-cultural, political-legal, competitors.
Prices of the products in the outlets in different countries are to be decided as per the
economical factors prevailing in different countries and the purchasing power of the
people of the country.
Company has to always remain upgraded in technological aspects so that
obsolescence does not become an obstacle in the growth of company.
Political & legal factors of the countries have also to be handled with a great posture
so that company does not become a part of any controversy.
Some food materials are banned in some countries for example pork & beef are
banned in India because it hurts the religious sentiments of the people of the country.
So company cant sale such food products in India. Such things are parts of socialcultural factors.
Company has to also look after its competitors. For a company like McDonalds face
direct completion from KFC, Burger King and other such companies. Company has to
maintain its market positions continuously in the market.

Market situation:
Currently McDonalds hold the top most position in the market with highest market
share in comparison to other companies. McDonalds has 36258 restaurants around the
world in 119 countries.
McDonald has been able to gain such position in the market due to its ability to
understand the customer behaviour and identifying their needs which is food of
optimum quality at a low price. Customer wants that they should get their moneys
worth which they are spending.

SWOT Analysis:

Strength: McDonalds is carrying on its business since 1955 and 20 of its top 50
higher level corporate staff started their working at restaurant level and around 70,000
of its managers and assistant managers are promoted from restaurant staff.
McDonalds Strength is also its diversified income from different countries around the
Weakness: High turnover ratio of McDonald results in higher money being spent on
Training of employees. McDonald is yet to move towards the trend of Organic food.
Opportunity: McDonalds has a great opportunity to introduce a healthy hamburger
in todays health conscious world along with allergen free food like without peanuts
and without gluten.
Threats: McDonalds has been criticized many times due to its ad campaign attracting
as small child as one year and growing old & still enjoying the meal at McDonalds
and many a times is been sued due to same. McDonalds also faces threats from its
competitors like Burger king, star bucks, KFC, and other such restaurants.

Target market, customer analysis & positioning:

In the market of New Zealand, for Mc Aloo Tikki main target customers would be
teenagers, youngsters and vegetarian people. As this would be a low price product more &
more teenagers and youngsters shall be attracted and as this product being a Veg. Item it
would also be a great & healthy option for the vegetarian people. It would satisfy the
customers who want a nice meal with some spicy and tangy flavours offering crispiness. Mc
Aloo Tikki has been developed for such customers who do not have to go deep in their
pockets to have Nice veg. Meal.

Objectives & issues:

Marketing objectives:
Menu of McDonalds in New Zealand serves mostly Non-Veg. Items as their food products.
Introducing A veg. Burger like Mc Aloo Tikki at low price will also attract vegetarian
people and that would finally result in the increase in market share as more & more people
would come for such product with proper promotion and marketing. People of all age would
like to have Mc Aloo Tikki and on its success more Veg. Items can be included in the menu
of McDonalds.

Financial Objectives:
Many fluctuations have been seen in the profit of McDonalds in the resent years. The
financial motive behind such product is to give a sort of stabilization to the profit of the
McDonalds by increasing the customers and ultimately increasing the profit of the company.
This will lead to less fluctuation in the profit of the company.

Societal objectives:
One objective behind introducing such product is to promote veg. Food among the people.
There is no doubt that Non-veg. Food is necessary by a step has to be taken to stop the access
intake of Non-veg. Food. Access intake of Non-Veg. Food will only harm the balance of
nature earth. So to promote veg. Food such step has been taken by Introducing Mc. Aloo

Marketing strategy:
Marketing strategy shall focus basically on the organisations potential as well as existing
customers and shall seek to earn profit through customers satisfaction with an integrated
programme. When product is new more emphasize shall be laid on pricing, distribution,
promotion and product with a view to counter competition from rival. Promotion of the
product shall be such that it should provide a brief description of the product along with its

Marketing programmes:
Product: Mc Aloo Tikki is a little tikki delight with a potato, peas and bread based patty
thats placed between two light, fluffy buns and tomatoes, onions, special veg. sauce and
ketchup. There isnt anything flashy in this product excepting the ketchup.
Pricing: The price of the product shall be low such that it can be a meal that can satisfy the
wants of the customers at a low price. The profit margin shall be low so that price can be low.
The price of Mc Aloo Tikki in NZ market shall be around 2 NZ Dollars.
Place: Mc aloo tikki shall be available at all the outlets of McDonalds in New Zealand.
Tikki can be outsourced so that it can be served fast to the customers and a lot of tym can be
Promotion: For the promotion of Mc Aloo Tikki, there is no better than that of mass
media, hoardings, etc. It can be promoted on television through an ad which shall show a
brief description of the product along with its price. TV ad can be stopped after the successful
establishment of the product in the market.
Internal marketing: Internal marketing of the product can be done by using the words of
Mouth by the employees of the company.

Financial and operational plans:

Financial requirement for such product plan will be for the development of the taste that can
satisfy the need and wants of the customers. Finance will also be required to develop the
equipments required and for the raw material. After the successful testing of the product by
offering it to random people and asking their views on it, the product can be introduced if the
reviews from the initial analysis are positive.
Expected revenues and profit:
Profit margin with such low priced product shall be around 25% to 30%. This will increase
the revenue of the company significantly all over.
Schedules and responsibilities:
It is the responsibility of the company to keep an eye on the quality of the product. Quality
shall be maintained throughout and it shall be same at all the outlets where the product is
Resources required for planning and implementation:
Most important thing required for better implementation of this plan is to train the employees
and clarify their role regarding this product. Second thing required will be the equipments
required for preparing Mc aloo tikki. And for better implementation it would be necessary
to supervise the product during the initial days of its introduction in the market.

Metrics and implementation control:

For the success of the plan and to sustain the same for the long term it is necessary to get
feedback regarding the product and ask for suggestion and if possible then implement the
same. For better control it is necessary to have supervisor for the initial stage so that errors
can be avoided. Once the employee will be used to making the product then it will be easy for
him and there will be no need of supervisor and there would be better control over the plan
and the product. It would be necessary to promote the product time and time again so that it
can stay in the mind of people and product can succeed.

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