Reynold'S Number Demonstration

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Fluid flow can be classified to three types which is laminar, transitional and turbulent flow. Laminar
flow is where the flow is characterized by smooth streamlines and highly ordered motion. Turbulent
flow is where flow is characterized by velocity fluctuations and highly disordered motion.
Transitional flow is where the flow fluctuates between laminar and turbulent before it becomes fully
turbulent. The transitional from laminar to turbulent flow depends on geometry, surface roughness,
flow velocity, surface temperature, and type of fluid. However, Osborne Reynolds discovered that the
flow mainly depends on the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. This ratio is what we called as
Reynolds number. At small or moderate Reynolds numbers, the viscous forces are large enough to
suppress these fluctuations and to keep the fluid in line. Thus, the flow is streamlined and in ordered
motion. However, at large Reynolds numbers, the inertial forces, which are proportional to the fluid
density and the square of the fluid velocity, are large relative to the viscous force. As a results, the
viscous force cannot prevent the random and rapid fluctuations of the fluid. Thus, the flow will be in
disordered motion. The boundary of Reynolds number for laminar, transitional and turbulent flow
varies by geometries and flow condition.
First by controlling the flow rate, establish the laminar flow. Then by slowly increasing the flowrate
observe what happened to the dye streak. Record the flow pattern change and it volumetric flow rate
reading. Flow in a circular pipe is laminar when Reynolds number less than 2300, turbulent when
Reynolds number larger than 4000 and transitional in between.
To compute Reynolds number (Re) and observe the laminar, transitional and turbulent flow.


Osborne Reynolds apparatus
Measuring cylinder

The dye injector is lowered until it is just above the bell mouth inlet.

The inlet valve is opened and water is allowed to enter stilling tank.

A small overflow spillage through the over flow tube is ensured to maintain a constant level.

Water is allowed to settle for a few minutes.

The flow control valve is opened fractionally to let water flow through the visualizing tube.

The dye control needle valve is adjusted slowly until a slow flow with dye injection is

The water inlet and outlet valve is regulated until a straight identifiable dye line is achieved.
The flow will be laminar.

The flow rate is measured using the volumetric method.

The experiment is repeated by regulating water inlet and outlet valve to produce transitional
and turbulent flow.


200 ml

1:38 minutes

Laminar Flow
1:55 minutes

200 ml

0:29 minutes

Transitional Flow
0:23 minutes

0:20 minutes

0:24 minutes

200 ml

0:11 minutes

Turbulent Flow
0:11 minutes

0:11 minutes

0:11 minutes


2:39 minutes

1:77 minutes

a) Volumetric flask diameter, d = 10 mm

d = 0.01 m
b) Area, A =

(0.01 m) 2/4

= 7.85410-5 m2
c) Kinematic viscosity, v = 0.8910-6 m2/s

d) Calculation Table

Volume, V

Time, Tavg (s)

Velocity, v =
Q/A (m/s)


Flow rate, Q
= V/Tavg


Re = vd/v






Flow type

Laminar flow

This experiment was carried out to investigate the characteristic of the flow of the liquid in the pipe
which is also used to determine the Reynolds Number for each state of the flow. We also prove that
Reynolds number is dimensionless by using the Reynolds formula. There are three types of flow that
we study in this experiment.
Firstly, laminar flow which is the type of flow in which the particles move in a straight line in the
form of a thin parallel sheets. Laminar flow denotes a steady condition where all stream lines follow
parallel paths. Under this condition, the dye will remain easily identifiable as a solid core.
Then, transitional flow, when the flow changes from laminar to turbulent or vice versa. A disturbance
is created. In this experiment, we observed that the dye line change with the increasing of water flow
rate. The shape change from thin threads to slightly swirling which still contains smooth thin threads.
We can say that this change is from laminar flow to transitional flow. We must control the water inlet
valve and outlet valve carefully to produce this flow as it can easily change to turbulence or back to
laminar flow.
Lastly, turbulent flow which is the type of flow in which the particles move in a zigzag pattern.
Turbulent flow denotes as unsteady condition where stream lines interact causing shear plan collapse
and mixing occurs. As the flow rate is increased, the transition from laminar to turbulent flow is a
gradual process.

The laminar flow occurs when the fluid is flowing slowly and the turbulent flow occurs when it is
flowing fast. In transitional flow, the flow switches between laminar and turbulent in a disorderly
fashion. As the water flow rate increase, the Reynolds number calculated also increase and the dye
line change from thin thread to swirling in shape. Laminar flow occurs when the Reynolds number
calculated is below than 2300; transitional flow occurs when Reynolds number calculated is between
2300 and 4000 while turbulent flow occurs when Reynolds number calculated is above 4000.It is
proved that the Reynolds equation is dimensionless, no units left after the calculation.

Laminar flow: Re < 2300

Transitional flow: 2300 Re 4000
Turbulent flow: Re > 4000

Based on this experiment, the Reynolds number for transitional and turbulent are clearly out of their
respective given ranges. There are many ways to improve the experiment and obtain the best results.
Firstly, while conducting the experiment, there are some error such as the slow response when
collecting the water in the beaker once we get the flow (laminar, turbulent or transition flow). Besides,
the slow response to start the time taken for the volume of water and regulating the valve which
control the flow rate of water. So, the person in charged should be more alert and focus during the
experiment in order to obtain the accurate result. There are also some parallax error while conducting
the experiment. For instant, the position of the eyes during taking the value of water volume of 200ml
is not in the same level with the readings. Therefore, the readings taken should be at eye level which
is perpendicular to our eyes to avoid parallax error. So, during the experiment there are several
precaution steps that need to be alert. The experiment should be done at suitable and unshaken place
to get appropriate laminar smooth stream flow, the clip and the valve which control the injection of
dye must be regulate slow and carefully. When removing the measuring cylinder from the exit valve,
we notice that some water still enter the beaker. So, to avoid this it is better to take same person who
guard the stop watch and the collecting beaker. Last but not least, we must study the manual lab that
have been given to us before start up the experiment. We also can improve our skill and knowledge to
ensure that experiment can be done smoothly.

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