Irish Water To Get 660m Bailout

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Irish Water to get 660m bailout

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Irish Water will get a 660m bailout this year but a

decision to suspend water charges could have big
consequences for funding other services next year, warns
Housing Minister Simon Coveney.

His suggestion was backed by Public Expenditure Minister

Paschal Donohoe who said funding for Irish Water would
compete with other demands such as housing.
The pre-budget cautions put Fine Gael directly at odds
with Fianna Fil, which wants water charges suspended
indefinitely. Taoiseach Enda Kenny yesterday accused
Fianna Fil of a reversal to old-school populism in
insisting water charges not be reintroduced.
Funding for Irish Water is being considered by a
commission on water charges, due to report in November.

Mr Coveney said the 2017 position on funding for Irish

Water is dependent on what the commission and a followup Dil committee conclude.
It had been planned that the subvention, or bailout, for
Irish Water would be 479m. Irish Water estimates its
shortfall from water charges to be 181m for this year.
This brings the total subvention needed for Irish Water this
year to 660m, Mr Coveney told the Oireachtas housing
The 181m shortfall will be plugged by the 110m that
was to go to the water conservation grant, a 58m loan to
Irish Water, and another 13m still to be found.
Mr Coveney said the 110m from the conservation grant
would not be there next year. Lets be honest about this,
if the Oireachtas decides to do away with water charges,
then we still need to progress and deliver on the
significant capital expenditure programme that Irish Water
needs to deliver on, he said.
That will have to come through other revenue raising and
presumably general taxation, which then limits our ability
to spend in other areas and also undermines the water
conservation incentive that comes with having some link
between what people pay and how much they use, never
mind all the issues around water directives.
Funding for Irish Water will be discussed when the
commission reports and in the context of the budget, the
committee was told.
Mr Coveney said: But the choices we make have
consequences, big consequences, because regardless of
what way you cut it, we have to invest billions of euros
over the next five years in water infrastructure and it has
got to be paid for. The only question we have to decide is,
do we pay for that through general taxation; do we pay for
it through a combination of general taxation and direct
charging that tries to incentivise conservation and water
management; or do we go back to a previous charging
He added: There is a big cost if we decide not to have
revenue stream coming from water provision to domestic
houses. There are big consequences in terms of the flow of
money in and out of government.

Separately, Mr Coveney warned local authorities not to

expect the Government to pick up the tab if they reduce
property taxes next year. Some 16 councils cut rates last
year and 11 had done so this year, he said.
The warning on water was also made by Mr Donohoe,
when he told a separate committee about budget
preparations. Water treatment coming directly from
general taxation would directly compete with other
needs including housing, he said.

So Irish Water, the company staffed with well paying jobs

full of pen pushers and CEOs on massive salaries and
perks, need a bailout to keep going...
How many pipes will they fix for 660 million?
Meanwhile the poorest in society can get f*cked..
"funding for Irish Water would compete with other
demands such as housing."
Letter From Rita Cahill
September 22, 16
just had to send Michael 'Sleaze' Noonan a little email today
I know this genuine request for the provision of very simple
information will be abjectly ignored like the many I have sent you
before, but I do so love to exercise my public right as a citizen and
tax-payer ... No matter how much it irks you.
With the whole Irish Water saga you made reference to the creation
of the private corporation "OFF BALANCE SHEET".
Obviously this creative accounting is an attempt, albeit known to
the world and his mother, to falsify the true position of the nation's
finances vis-a-vis the ECB and Troika partners.
The question that nobody has seemed to raise is "WHAT OTHER
ASSETS (or indeed liabilities) HAVE BEEN TREATED AS 'OFFBALANCE-SHEET'?? , not just during the term of the previous
government, but going back over decades??
It seems to me there is a black-hole somewhere with vast sums of
CASH which can be accessed for various NON-PUBLIC, UNBUDGETED
items such as the 600,000,000 to pay for legal advise IN ADVANCE
of any decision to challenge the EU's Apple ruling, and now
660,000,000 to bail out Irish Water ... Bringing the total cost for
Where is this money coming from?
Minister, you won't mind me saying that as someone of the

"Ansbacher Generation", you no doubt have vast knowledge and

expertise in off-shore bank accounts and shell companies ... Would I
be right in thinking that while hundreds of thousands of Irish people
are suffering ... (I feel the word is wasted on you because I doubt
you have ever experienced what they are going through ) ...
suffering for want of food, shelter, decent basic healthcare,
education and opportunities, that the country actually DOES have
the resources to address all of its issues but the government refuses
to release its hoard of cash so that it can be used to lubricate the
wheels of Private Corporate Politics...?
Yours, not holding my breath,


FIANNA Fil has no excuse not to back a Sinn Fin
motion to abolish Irish Water, according to local TD
Donnchadh Laoghaire who has challenged Michel
Martin to back up his claims that water charges are

Garda whistleblower Wilson to be

Former garda John Wilson, who came to prominence as a
whistleblower on the penalty points system, is to be
prosecuted for his role in a water-charge protest.
Monday, February 01, 2016
Michael Clifford

Mr Wilson has raised concerns about the decision to

prosecute, following his arrest at a protest in Cavan last
He is expected to stand as an independent candidate for
the Cavan-Monaghan constituency in the general election.
I believe that the timing of this decision to prosecute me
was made to damage my chances in the upcoming
general election, he said.
I will vigorously contest the charge.
If I am elected, I will support all efforts to dismantle Irish
Water and to consign this toxic entity to the dustbin of
Mr Wilson has been informed that he is to be summonsed
in relation to the alleged offence, following direction from
the DPP.
Mr Wilson and two other protesters were arrested on April
21 last, at Kinvarna Crescent estate, in Cavan, after garda
were called when a stand-off developed between
protesters and a water-meter installation crew.


This man has been treated so wrongly by his former work
place..All for speaking out on the wrong these bad boys
are up to ..The real Law breakers

Katherine Zappones childcare plan

prices stay-home parents out of market
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Victoria White

The argument for the policy is that government should not

discriminate between parents in paid work and parents at
home, writes Victoria White.

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone

TD. Photo:
CARING for your own children is bad. Caring for someone
elses children is good. Thats the thrust of the new cashfor-childcare policy under consideration by the Cabinet for
inclusion in next months budget.
If you use a registered childcare service, youll get a
subsidy of about 2,000 per year, per child towards the
care. If you rear that child yourself, youll get nothing.
There is plenty to like about Childrens Minister Katherine
Zappones plan. She is recommending higher benefits for
less well-off parents, who will see much of their childcare
subsidised and lower benefits for those on higher incomes.
It seems that around 47,000 per couple will be deemed
the threshold of acceptability for receiving higher benefits.

READ NEXT Dublin Bus dispute will lead to a general

strike in public transport
The payment is flexible. It will be paid to users of private

creches and private childminders but all these facilities

must be registered as adhering to new mandatory
standards. This could have the effect of raising standards
overall without impacting on parents wish to stay with the
much-loved local child-minder or crche.
But it is appalling because it excludes parents who care for
their own children. They are outside the pale of state
support as if they had done something terribly wrong.
Most of them have done nothing wrong. There is no
research study in the world which says that it is bad for
children to be cared for by their own parents. Families,
Children and Childcare, the largest study of childcare
choices ever conducted in the UK found parental care was
clearly the best option for young children, followed by
childminders and relations, with crche care coming in

Who cares what the research says. Ms Zappone promised

to bring in a Nordic childcare system and this is it. Except
there is one part of the Nordic package which were
leaving out: Parents. Not only do Nordic parents have the
option of long, paid parental leave in Sweden, Norway,
and Finland they also have the option of taking the cash
for the care of their own preschoolers rather than using a
state childcare facility.
The schemes vary quite a bit. The best-established is that
in Finland, which covers children aged between one and
three, and includes both a universal and a means-tested

element. It can be extended to include the care of older

preschoolers, with each child attracting a separate
The argument for the policy is that government should not
discriminate between parents in paid work and parents at
home when it comes to childcare. Government policy
should be neutral and people should make their own
Cash-for-care is the subject of a furious and often
polarised debate in the Nordic countries. In Sweden and
Norway, where it is less well-established than in Finland,
the debating teams are usually Social Democratic
(against) and Christian Democrat (for) and the motion is:
Does cash for care offer women choice, or is it a
housewife trap? In this country there is no debate of any
kind. Virtually nobody stands up for parenting at home,
although recent census returns indicate that 75% of
children under 12 are cared for in this way. Hardly anyone
raises an objection as the axe falls again and again on a
central strut of our society as it is currently constituted.
Nobody ever asks whether some of the positive results for
Ireland in comparative studies in school retention, for
instance or happiness in childhood might be impacted
in any way by the work of parents in their homes.
Advocates witter on about a level playing field for those
who work outside the home and have the extra expense
of childcare. They dont have this extra expense. Those
who work in the home have forfeited their income. They
are not spending 50% of their income on childcare. They
are spending 100% of their income on it. Parents cant
afford to work because it wouldnt be worth their while,
apparently. But nobody asks why it should be worth more
to the economy to sit in an office or stand in a shop than
to care for a child at home. And nobody makes the
connection between that under-valuation of care in the
home and the appallingly low pay which is typical in the
childcare sector.
What the trade union Siptu says in its pre-budget
submission to Ms Zappone on childcare Despite the
importance of their work these workers are usually paid
less than a living wage and receive little recognition for
their qualifications or their contribution to society

relates equally to parents in the home. Thats not

surprising because they both care for children and the
issue here is our inability to value the care of children. Our
inability to value children.

Katherine Zappone is, I think, a minister who does value

children. But she seems hostage to an ideology which sees
professional childcare as an unqualified benefit to children,
regardless of the quality of parenting they would
otherwise receive. This is just not so. The research into the
benefits of childcare which shows dollars invested by
society multiplying up to 16 times by the alchemy of
preschool are quoted again and again nearly all refer to
the Perry Preschool Project run in the US between 1962
and 1967 by which 123 children from seriously
disadvantaged homes were taken into lavishly-funded
preschool services between the ages of three and four.
For them, childcare presented an unqualified benefit. For
children from supportive homes the benefits of preschool
are described by our own National Economic and Social
Forum as modest, if any while in the UK, Families,
Children and Childcares Penelope Leach found that as a
general rule the less childcare before the age of three,
the better. Tax individualisation removed a stay-home
parents tax allowance and can cause gaps of over 5,000
between the one and the two-income household. This new
benefit threatens to add 2,000 per child to the penalty
paid by families in which one parent stays home. If it is

brought in, there will be two-income families which

already gain under the tax code by over 100 a week,
compared with single-income families, but further are
subsidised by 2,000, 4,000 or even 6,000 a year
and thats before you count the second income. How on
earth can the single-income family compete with them for
housing and services?
The State is planning to extend its cruel discrimination
against single income families, including those who cant
get a second job due to health issues, geography or
unmarketable skills or whose children require extra care.
Lets have the childcare payment, but lets do it like the
Nordic-style. Lets pay it to parents working in their homes
as well.

Constitutional rights of
children apply to the born
and unborn
Katherine Zappone is Minister for Children all children
yet she proposes that their protection should be
diminished by the repeal of article 40.3.3
Thu, Aug 18, 2016, 00:05

Minister for Children Katherine Zappone

The recent judgment of Mr Justice Richard

Humphreys on the rights of unborn children, in IRM v
Minister for Justice and Equality, on July 29th, became
fully accessible to the public last Thursday when it was
published on the Judgments Database of the Courts
It has important implications for the protection of
unborn children, not only in the context of abortion
(which was not the focus of the case) but more
generally. It raises a question as to how the Minister
for Children is most effectively to discharge her
responsibility to protect all children, born and unborn.
The narrow question requiring resolution was whether
the Minister for Justice and Equality, when
considering the possible revocation of an order for the
deportation of a man could ignore the rights of the
unborn child of the man and his partner. Mr Justice
Humphreys held that the Minister was obliged to have
regard to the unborn child, though he made it clear
that this would not weigh heavily in the determination
as to possible deportation.

Mr Justice Humphreys made three crucial findings.

First, that article 40.3.3 should not be regarded in
isolation from the constitutional order as a whole.
Second, that the unborn child has a wide range of
constitutional rights requiring protection. Third, that
the recent amendment to the Constitution protecting
the rights of children applies to all children, born and
The judge noted that subsection 3 of article 40.3 had
been enacted in the wake of a number of judicial
decisions to the effect that the rights of the unborn
were in any event protected by article 40.3.
He rejected the Minister for Justice and Equalitys
stance that article 40.3.3 had been intended to sweep
away all such decisions and to embody in one
subsection the totality of the rights of the unborn.
Other significant rights of the unborn child were
recognised, acknowledged or created by common law
or statute, in turn reflecting inherent natural and
constitutional rights of the unborn which are implied
by the constitutional order.

Biological reality
Mr Justice Humphreys also said: Since we were all
unborn at one point, it is illogical to be dismissive of
the natural, human and biological reality that there is
continuity between the rights to be enjoyed before
birth and those after birth. He went on to record that
the recognition of rights for the unborn is not some
peculiarity of Irish or even of common law.
He quoted a passage from the preamble to the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child that states adopt
the Convention [b]earing in mind that, as indicated in
the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the child, by
reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs
special safeguards and care, including appropriate

legal protection, before as well as after birth.

After a review of earlier case law, Mr Justice
Humphreys followed the lead of Ms Justice Mary
Irvines judgment in OE v Minister for Justice, Equality
and Law Reform in 2008. It was manifest from her
comprehensive and compelling analysis that the
ministers stance was entirely without merit. It was
clearly established that the unborn child enjoyed
significant rights under the Constitution even prior to
the adoption of article 40.3.3.
The interpretation offered by the State would, as Ms
Justice Irvine had pointed out, place the rights of the
unborn child, from a constitutional perspective, at a
much lower level than the rights afforded to the
unborn child at common law.
Four years after Ms Justice Irvines decision in OE,
article 42A of the Constitution on the rights of the child
was adopted, when the childrens rights referendum
was successful. Section 1 of the new article provides
that the State recognises and affirms the natural and
imprescriptible rights of all children and shall, as far as
practicable, by its laws protect and vindicate those
The fact that the term unborn child was part of the
statute law of the State on the date of the adoption of
article 42A and the use in that article of the striking
phrase all children lent support to the conclusion
that the term child includes the unborn child.
Mr Justice Humphreys was of the view that an unborn
child is clearly a child and thus protected by article
42A. Any other conclusion would fly in the face of the
ordinary meaning of language, the use of the term
child in numerous statutory contexts prior to the
adoption of article 42A, and the sheer social, biological
and human reality that an unborn child is, indeed, a
child. Ask any happily expectant parent.

He rejected the States attempt to diminish or dismiss

the status of the unborn child by arguing that article
42A could not apply to unborn children because
unborn children were incapable of exercising several
rights: Consider likewise the born child who may
perhaps suffer from profound disability and therefore
may not be able to meaningfully enjoy a large number
of constitutional rights either such as freedom of
expression, association, assembly, correspondence,
religion or education, or to rights in the social, cultural
and economic field. That does not detract from his or
her status as a child and entitlement to rights.

Troubling matters
Mr Justice Humphreys described the States
submissions as to the interpretation of articles 40.3.3
and 42A as being intended to be good for this officially
disfavoured category of human person and not
otherwise; they are not meant to be taken seriously as
the inevitable result of valid and broad principles of
constitutional interpretation, but are simply a
pragmatic fix to tidy away the problem of the unborn.
There is much to reflect upon in this judgment. May I
mention two troubling matters?
A judge of the High Court was obliged by the stance of
the State to describe the unborn child as an officially
disfavoured category of human person.
Anyone with a sense of history will be disturbed by that
fact. Katherine Zappone is Minister for Children all
children yet she proposes that their protection
should be diminished by the repeal of article 40.3.3.
William Binchy is a barrister-at-law

Brendan Howlin appeals to

voters to 'listen again' to

Labour party
The Labour leader acknowledged that "we made mistakes, we
know that"
22 Sep 2016

The Labour leader is appealing to voters to 'listen again'

to his party.
Brendan Howlin is holding his first gathering of elected
representatives since the disastrous performance in the
election earlier this year.
The party went from 33 TDs before the election to just seven
in the new Dil.
Deputy Howlin says rebuilding the party will mean new
policies and a hope the electorate will give them another
"A lot of people weren't listening to us - they made up their
minds," he observed. "There was almost a view formed by
people [that] 'you broke your promise, or you let us down, or
you did something' without actually crystallising what exactly it
"That was because people were hurting after five, six, seven
years of austerity," he argued.
The party leader also spoke to Newstalk Drive this evening.
On the subject of their election result, he said: "We went
through the most difficult period for any government in the
history of the State, and at the end of it we'd hoped for better.
We lost a lot of very fine public representatives."
Discussing the party's future, he explained: "Our aim is very

simple now - to reconnect with those working people who want

a better future for themselves, who want a fairer society.
"[Labour has] made mistakes, we know that. We overpromised in advance of the last election. Bluntly, a lot of
people weren't listening to us when it came to the election. So
really progressive policies on areas like childcare [...] weren't
heard in the last election."
Would you look who is out with the begging bowl?
"We made mistakes, we know that"
Would you f*ck off Brendan and go click your fingers
There's a good chap.

What you didn't know

about your fitness tracker
and your right to privacy

Adrian Weckler Twitter


Irish Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon

Smart electricity meters and wearable

fitness trackers are failing Irish peoples
privacy, according to a new report by the
data protection regulator.
Smart electricity meters and wearable fitness trackers are
failing Irish peoples privacy, according to a new report by
the data protection regulator.
Helen Dixons office will now step up audits of
technology devices after a survey of 300 internet of
things devices found alarming shortfalls in the

management of personal data by developers and

The study also involved 25 other data protection
authorities. It showed that three quarters of device
manufacturers failed to explain how customers could
delete their information. It also showed that two thirds of
manufacturers failed to explain how information was
stored, while three in five failed to explain how personal
information would be collected and processed. Just over a
third of manufacturers failed to include easily identifiable
contact details if customers had privacy concerns.
In the Irish area of study, nine devices were investigated
ranging from smart electricity meters to fitness trackers.
The data regulator declined to name the manufacturers
However, the office is considering action against those
who are found to be in breach of legislation.
The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner is
planning to scale up investigative and audit work in this
area in 2017, said John Rogers, the data watchdogs
senior investigations officer who coordinated the Irish
We have already begun to schedule audits of devices in
the technology sector. The purpose of these audits will be
to gauge compliance with the Data Protection Acts and to
work with companies to ensure that their products are
meeting the required standards.
The sweep was coordinated by the Global Privacy
Enforcement Network, an informal network of global data
protection agencies.

Siptu: Minister's 'sugar daddy'

comment is 'ridiculous and incredible'
Transport Minister Shane Ross is facing renewed attacks
on his handling of the pay dispute at Dublin Bus as it
enters its latest two day strike.

Union leaders at Siptu branded his remarks that he was

not a "sugar daddy" ridiculous and incredible. They called
on him to accept his responsibilities to bus users.
The war of words deepened with services shutting down at
9pm and not back on the roads until Sunday morning, with
no Nitelink buses running on Friday or Saturday for people
socialising in the city.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Transport Minister Shane Ross is facing renewed attacks
on his handling of the pay dispute at Dublin Bus as it
enters its latest two day strike.
Union leaders at Siptu branded his remarks that he was
not a "sugar daddy" ridiculous and incredible. They called
on him to accept his responsibilities to bus users.
The war of words deepened with services shutting down at
9pm and not back on the roads until Sunday morning, with
no Nitelink buses running on Friday or Saturday for people
socialising in the city.
Siptu organiser Owen Reidy said company bosses and the
Department of Transport have shown a complete lack of
interest in resolving the dispute.
"It is no longer sustainable for the Minister for Transport to
sit back and say this dispute has nothing to do with him
when he is responsible for public transport," he said.
"His line about not being 'a sugar daddy' is both ridiculous
and incredible.

"He claims that he is merely a shareholder in Dublin Bus

when in reality the Department of Transport has
responsibility for deciding upon the strategic direction of
public transport and the amount of state funding that will
be provided to deliver services."
Siptu claimed Dublin Bus management has made no effort
to engage with unions.
And with another 13 strike days planned the company is
set to lose 15m.
Dublin Bus apologised to the 400,000 bus users left with
limited transport options over the next 48 hours and
pleaded with unions to call off the action.
"Dublin Bus has come through an extremely tough
financial period in recent years due to the recession and
has only just reached a stable financial footing," a
spokeswoman said.
"We have a responsibility to our employees and to the
taxpayer to manage our finances to safeguard the
economic and financial stability of the company.
"We remain willing and open to engage with the trade
unions and urge them to return to talks as provided for in
the Labour Court recommendation, so that we can work
together to move forward and find a resolution to the
current dispute."
Further strike days are planned for Saturday October 1 the All-Ireland football final replay, then Wednesday 5,
Friday 7, Monday 10, Wednesday 12, Friday 14, Tuesday
18, Wednesday 19, Monday 24, Wednesday 26 and
Saturday 29.
A protest march is planned by Dublin Bus union members
through the capital to the Dil next Tuesday as TDs return
to Leinster House.
General secretary of the National Bus and Rail Union
Dermot O'Leary turned his criticism to civil servants in the
Department of Transport who he accused of being
answerable to noone.
He also accused them of trying to dismantle Bus Eireann
as the Dublin Bus pay dispute threatens to spread.

Govt 'running to stand still' as they

announce more homes to fight
Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Government says 1,350 people have exited

homelessness in the first six months of the year.
Housing Minister Simon Coveney has announced that
more rapid-build homes, and an additional 230 emergency
beds for rough sleepers, will be made available between
November and January.
He has reiterated his commitment to end the use of hotels
for homeless accommodation, except in limited
circumstances by the middle of next year.
Minister Coveney admits tackling the homeless issue is
not an easy task.
He said: "In the first half of this year 1,350 sustainable
exits have been achieved and by the end of the year they
said there will be over 2,700.
"That is more people being taken out of homelessness in
Ireland this year than ever before, ironically at a time
when we have more people who are homeless.
"We are running to stand still in some ways at the moment
and so further accelereation is needed to start reducing
those overall numbers."

Pic: Sam Boal /

Minister Coveney said that the Housing Agency has
already bought 171 properties and more than 730 homes
have been offered to the agency for sale.
He also said that so far this year more than 450 tenancies
have been secured and he said "we are confident we will
exceed the target for this year". He said that 69% of the
households accommodated under the pilot are families
with children.
Some of the Action Plan's main commitments are:
* We aim to ensure that by mid-2017, commercial hotels
will only be used in limited circumstances to
accommodate homeless families.
* We are accelerating the provision of the Rapid Build
programme. By the end of 2018 at least 1,500 units will be
provided. This year we will have some 300 homes under
construction or completed by the end of the year. We have
projects in Ballyfermot, Drimnagh, Belcamp and Finglas
which have had enabling works carried out and
construction is expected to commence next month.

* We are expanding HAP Homeless Tenancies to deliver

550 in 2016 and 1,200 in 2017.
* Additional 200 emergency beds for rough sleepers to be
put in place before end of year at a cost of up to 4m.
* The Housing Agency will purchase 1,600 vacant
properties and a number of these will be used to provide
permanent homes for homeless families.
* The increased supply of social housing targeted in the
Plan - 47,000 homes by the end of 2021 will also ensure
that more homes are provided for those who are homeless
and for those at risk of homelessness.
* Rebuilding Ireland also includes a range of important
measures aimed at supporting homeless families with
children in emergency accommodation, including the
provision of dedicated child support workers, home-school
liaison staff, access to free public transport, access to
crches and pre-school services and measures to address
their nutritional needs.
* We are strengthening our effort to provide rough
sleepers with a home, by tripling the target for the
Housing First teams in Dublin from 100 tenancies to 300
tenancies and by strengthening the housing-led approach
in other urban areas. HSE funding will increase from 2m
this year to 6m next year to provide health, mental
health and addiction supports to rough sleepers and
people in emergency accommodation, who often have
complex needs that must be addressed in tandem with the
provision of stable housing.
* We must continue to prevent people from becoming
homeless. People in serious mortgage arrears will be
provided with increased access to legal and financial
advice and more households will be facilitated under the
Mortgage to Rent scheme, while existing measures to
protect tenants in the private rented sector will be
extended nationwide.

Homeless children will get free school transport from midOctober but Children's Minister Katherine Zappone was
forced to defend plans to give their families free travel
passes for day trips.

Pic: Collins
"Clearly what we're trying to do is make it easier to cope
with a very difficult circumstance and several children and
young people we have spoken to have said that would be
a great thing for them," she said.
The number of social houses being built is to increase from
74 last year to more than 1,500 this year and another
2,300 next year.
"That on top of a more aggressive acquisition programme,
getting voids back into use, we are going to see a
dramatic increase in the availability of social housing," Mr
Coveney said.
Elsewhere, Tusla is to be asked to support about 40 young
people who leave state care each year as they begin to
search for accommodation.

Other commitments pledged by the Government in July

were also repeated including only allowing limited use of
hotels and bed and breakfasts for emergency homeless
accommodation by the middle of next year.
Campaigner Fr Peter McVerry said: "Until we see the
monthly figures of the homeless reducing I will reserve my
The charity chief also hit out at continued plans to develop
dormitory-style accommodation for rough sleepers, which
he said many refuse to use for fear of being robbed or
targeted by drug dealers.
Focus Ireland's director of advocacy Mike Allen said: "The
minister has repeatedly referred to tackling homelessness
being like trying to empty the bath with the taps full on
but there is very little in this plan to turn off the taps now."
Rebuilding-Ireland-Action-Plan, Housing Minister Simon
Coveney has announced that more rapid-build homes, and
an additional 230 emergency beds for rough sleepers,

When times are good, it makes sense to salt something

away. Times aren't always good. After the past eight years,
nobody disputes that.

When bad times come, having some savings to fall back

on makes life less difficult. It also means less disruption.
Running countries' finances and running household
budgets differ in some significant ways, but in both cases
prudence is important. If you want to avoid a shock - in
personal life or in national life - having a cash cushion is
With the date for Budget 2017 finally set - it will be
unveiled two weeks from next Tuesday - consideration of
money matters will likely dominate the national discourse
for much of the next month. Most of the discussion will
focus on who gets what.
Finance Minister Michael Noonan moved earlier this week
to lower everyone's expectations, saying that nobody will
be cheering from the rafters after his budget speech. This
all sounds prudent.
But Mr Noonan has a record of sounding more prudent
than he acts.
In recent years, he has managed to find clever ways
around the (many) rules that bind him. He has done so in
order to dispense more on budget day than he had
originally flagged. The mantra he used to keep the troika
happy - under-promise and over-deliver - is also how he
has tried to woo the electorate.
This has all been designed to cheer people up by 'giving
back' more to taxpayers and those dependent on the
State in various ways. But you can't give back what you
don't have.
This year, the Government's latest figures show that it will
spend 2bn more than it takes in. It has to borrow to make
up the difference. The amounts are not trifling. Bridging
the gap amounts to an additional 1,000 borrowed this
year for every person at work in the country.
When one considers the size of the national debt
mountain, this is worrying. The Government is keeping up
its borrowing habit despite its accumulated debts from all
previous years amounting to more than 100,000 per
Nor is the borrowing habit about to change. As per the
Government's latest sums, the plan is to remain in the red
next year. Only in 2018 does the current administration
plan to balance the State's books. Given that its chances

of still being in office by then are limited, that plan doesn't

count for much.
All this puts Ireland in a very vulnerable position. If you
can't make ends meet in the good times, you will be in
real trouble when times turn bad. One doesn't need to be
an economist to know that a weakening economy will send
the public finances deeper into the red, as more people
come to depend on the State and fewer people pay into its
If that happens, it will be straight back to austerity
budgets. And because small, open economies, such as
ours, are more volatile than bigger, more closed ones, the
risks of things going badly wrong are ever present.
That is not, I hasten to add, to predict a slump in the near
term; the economy has plenty of momentum and will
almost certainly continue to grow well into next year. But
as economists cannot forecast much beyond a six-month
time horizon with any accuracy, it is incumbent on
governments to be prepared for every eventuality.
The best way to avoid another bout of austerity is for the
public finances to be in the black when the economy is
growing, as it has been for the best part of four years. In
this regard, we can learn from some other small, open
economies which have learnt lessons from their own
painful slumps.
In the 1990s, Finland and Sweden had brutal recessions
not dissimilar to Ireland's after 2008 and have since been
prudent with their public finances. Denmark avoided the
deep slumps its neighbours suffered in the 1990s, but
learnt lessons nonetheless.
In the middle of the last decade, when Ireland was in the
middle of its property bubble, these three countries were
enjoying decent economic growth, albeit nothing on the
scale of Ireland's boom. While the then government here
only just about managed to keep the public finances in the
black (despite massive tax surges), our Nordic cousins
were prudently spending much less than they were taking
On the eve of the crisis in 2007, for instance, the Irish
government had a budget surplus to the tune of 0.3pc of
GDP. Sweden's surplus was 11 times bigger, at 3.3pc of
GDP. The Danes had a buffer 17 times bigger, at 5pc. The

prudent Finns were running a surplus slightly larger again,

of 5.1pc of their GDP.
They all suffered when the Great Recession struck in 2008,
but none had to endure as much austerity as Ireland and
none come close to having to seek a humiliating bailout.
Good economics usually makes for good politics. So it is in
managing the public finances. That's because people give
little thanks to politicians when things go well, but heap
lots of blame on them when times are hard.
If there has to be a return to austerity over the medium
term, there will be hell to pay. The best way to avoid that
is to do what the Nordics do when times are good - get out
of the red and into the black.

Rebuilding Ireland: Action Plan for

Housing and Homelessness
Jul 19, 2016
Rebuilding Ireland is an action-driven plan that will result in a
dramatic increase in the delivery of homes nationwide.
Ambitious and inventive in its reach, and radical in its
approach, this significant Government priority will deal with the
under supply of housing and the effect it has on people and

Image: Sam Boal

/Photo Text content

MORE THAN 200 extra emergency beds are to be made
available for people living on the streets before Christmas,
the government announced today.
Housing Minister Simon Coveney promised the
accommodation increase just days after figures showed
there is a record number of rough sleepers in Dublin.
In total, Coveney said between 210 and 230 additional
beds will be available from November through to
I anticipate we may need them, he said.


Christina Finn

Simon Coveney says ahead of winter period 210-230 beds

for single homeless adults available from Nov - Jan
12:49 PM - 22 Sep 2016

1 1 Retweetlikes

Source: Christina Finn/Twitter

He said he wanted to ensure no one was left sleeping on

the streets this winter.
In July, the minister launched the Rebuilding Ireland
housing action plan, which contained commitments such
as ending the use of hotels for emergency accomodation.
Our first priority is to move homeless families out of
inappropriate hotel and B&B arrangements. In order to do
this we need alternative accommodation as quickly as
possible, said Taoiseach Enda Kenny today.

Action plan
Coveney denied that there was nothing new in his plan,
stating that now they have results to show, while Julys
plan was very much about policy.
The minister said another launch will be held in the
coming weeks on another pillar of the plan social
housing. He said it is vital the public knows that targets
are being met and houses are being delivered.
I think if we dont do that this plan will remain
aspirational and wont have credibility.
He said since July, 737 properties have been referred to
the Housing Agency for potential acquisition. To date, the
agency has made bids in respect to 96 of these properties
and 49 have been accepted.
At least 1,500 rapid housing units for homeless families
will be in place or under construction by the end of 2018.

According to the Cork deputy, 320 homes will be under

construction or completed by the end of this year. Building
will begin next month at sites in Ballyfermot, Drimnagh,
Belcamp and Finglas, he added.
Father Peter McVerry of the homeless charity, the Peter
McVerry Trust, said he would reserve his applause for

now. He asked the minister why rapid build homes were

taking so long? Coveney said delays were caused as sites
had to be found and planning permission had to be
Coveney said there were also some hold ups in relation to
communities objecting to rapid home builds in their area,
giving Ballymun as an example.


The minister said he expected there would be more

objections with future sites, but he said the government
would power through.
Other promises outlined today included:
The expansion of the HAP Homeless Tenancies to
deliver 550 homes in 2016 and 1,200 next year.
The purchase of 1,600 vacant homes by the Housing
Agency to provide permanent homes for homeless
families. (The body has acquired 171 so far with another
730 at offer stage. A bid has been accepted in 49 of these
An increase in the number of social housing units
available with 47,000 homes the target for 2021.
Coveney claimed today that housing authorities have

helped a record number more than 1,350 people exit

homelessness so far in 2016. He described the figure as
being testament to the good work being done.


Christina Finn

Taoiseach Enda Kenny speaking about new initiatives to

solve the crisis - 200 additional emergency beds and 320
rapid build homes
12:31 PM - 22 Sep 2016

1 1 Retweet1 1 like

Source: Christina Finn/Twitter

Government action
Minister Coveney was joined by his Cabinet colleagues to
announce a three-tiered approach to the homelessness
Health Minister Simon Harris, Minister for Mental Health

Helen McEntee and Childrens Minister Katherine

Zappone also had separate announcements to make today.
Harris today pledged an additional 2 million to support
services for homeless people.
This figure is set to treble to over 6 million next year. The
health minister also said additional funding will now be
provided for additional supports for pregnant homeless
Zappone also announced that in order to prevent children
who leave state care ending up homeless, her department
will be overseeing that every child gets a dedicated social
Extra responsibilities for this have been given to the the
Child and Family Agency, Tusla.

Free travel
Free travel cards are to be provided to families and
children who are living in emergency accomodation from
mid-October, said Minister Zappone.
She said the cards will be valid for 24 hours and will
enable families to go on day trips.
When asked if she thought some homeless families might

find the measure insulting, Zappone said this is a

response needed to allow children live normally and make
the whole experience of living in emergency accomodation
less difficult.
Planning permission laws
Coveney previously announced that new legislation is to be
introduced in the coming days that will see the planning
process speeded up.
He said decisions have to be made faster in order to get
construction up and running. A pre-planning phase is to
be introduced which should ensure planning applications
made by developers are of a higher standards, said the
The pre-planning stage is to take between 8-10 weeks, and
a decision by An Bord Pleanala is to be made within 16
weeks. Extra resources will be given to the the board, he
There will be higher quality applications by developers
otherwise it [the planning application] will be thrown
out, Coveney told a housing conference in Cork recently.
Broken promises
In 2011, Taoiseach Enda Kenny pledged to end
homelessness by 2016. Today, he denied that he had
utterly failed in carrying through on his promise to the
Irish people.
I accept that we havent ended homelessness by any
means, said Kenny.
He defended the homeless plan stating that it is
unprecedented in scale in terms of financial supports.
Kenny said it cannot be implemented without a
comprehensive response from all departments and

File photo
Image: Shutterstock/David Wingate


/Photo Text content

THE NUMBER OF rough sleepers in Dublin is at an alltime high, according to new figures from the Dublin Simon
Community (DSC).
Some 168 people were counted sleeping rough in the
capital overnight, a 32% increase in the last year. This
figure does not include the 60 people without a bed in
Merchants Quay Irelands night caf.
The DSC released its 2015 annual report today, which
includes the following statistics:
10% of people moved out of emergency
accommodation into a home
59% of people in emergency accommodation have
been homeless for more than two years
31% increase in those accessing addiction treatment
46% increase in housing capacity (through opening
and acquiring 109 new properties in 2015)
59% increase in those accessing emergency
Speaking today, Sam McGuinness of the DSC confirmed

the charitys commitment to the Governments Housing

and Homeless Action Plan, Rebuilding Ireland, however
he stressed the need for detail on specifics in how longterm homelessness will be addressed.
As you walk the streets of Dublin, the numbers of people
who are rough sleeping each night is very apparent. We
were shocked to see the average number of people bedding
down jump from 80 in August 2015 to 106 in August 2016.
Looking to our numbers this month, we are averaging at
150 so far in September, with the figure at 168 this
morning. This does not include the 60 people without a
bed in the Merchants Quay night caf. These numbers are
similar to rough sleeping figures in December 2014, which
were the highest since the official Dublin Region Homeless
Executive counts began.
With emergency beds across the city operating at full
capacity each night, rapid housing and support for
individuals is urgently needed to get people off the streets
to safety and to tackle the bottleneck in emergency
People have become trapped in the revolving door of
homelessness and the short-term measure of emergency
accommodation has become long-term. If we look at our
emergency services for 2015, there was only a one in 10
chance of moving out of emergency accommodation into a
home, with 90% of our residents deemed long-term
homeless (longer than six months) and a shocking 59%
homeless for more than two years.
McGuinness said the DSC is confident that Rebuilding
Ireland will have a real and positive impact on the people
who are being devastated by the homeless crisis.
In particular, the commitment to return 1,600 vacant
properties to use by 2020 and the tripling of targets for
Housing First in Dublin to 300 tenancies by 2017, plus
1,500 rapid build homes for families due by the end of
2018 is critical.
We are also extremely encouraged by the increase in the
target for social housing from 35,000 to 47,000 units, with

a 40% increase in the social housing budget for direct

builds by local authorities and Approved Housing Bodies.
TAOISEACH ENDA KENNY, Housing Minister Simon
Coveney and other Cabinet members have announced
details of the governments housing plan this afternoon.
It includes a plan to spend over 5 billion on social
housing over the next five years. Hotels will only be used
in limited circumstances to provide accommodation for
homeless families from next year, the government is
The new social housing units would be in mixed tenure
developments, Coveney said meaning social housing
would be placed in areas where people also own their
homes outright.
When driving into estates you are not going to know the
difference, the minister said.

TheJournal Politics

Coveney says biggest ambition in plan is creating mixed

tenure developments

1:39 PM - 19 Jul 2016

8 8 Retweets5 5 likes

Source: TheJournal Politics/Twitter

The housing plan was one of the marquee projects

announced in the programme for government. Published
in May, that document set out an aim of building 25,000
new houses a year by 2020. Last year, building on just
8,000 homes was begun.

In the next five years, we are going to provide about

50,000 more social houses for our people, Coveney said.
This is about integrating communities so they can live
together, grow up together and not be segregated on the
basis of what they can afford and where they can afford to
View image on Twitter


These are the five 'pillars' the government plans to

address in its housing plan:
2:02 PM - 19 Jul 2016

5 5 Retweets2 2 likes



The plan is set out in five pillars summarised under the

following headings in the official report:
Address homelessness
Accelerate social housing
Build more homes
Improve the rental sector
Utilise existing housing

Image: Shutterstock/Mariusz Gwizdon

/Photo Text content

RENT SUPPLEMENT IS to increase in rural and urban
areas from this Friday.
Announcing the measure, the Minister for Housing Simon
Coveney and the Minister for Social Protection Leo
Varadkar said the rise in the new limits will mean people
who cannot afford the full rent in private accommodation

will get more help from the State.

There will be an increase in the rent limit across Ireland,
with a 29% average increase in Dublin (outside of Fingal).
Laois and Roscommon will see a 25% increase, while
Leitrim, Cork City, Longford and Galway City seeing a 21%
Westmeath, Kildare, and Louth will see an average
increase of 19%, while Cavan and Donegal will have a 15%
in the rent limit.

Source: Sam Boal

Giving an example of what this will mean for families in

reality, Coveney said a single mother with one child in
Cork will see her payment go from 700 to 900 per
That is a significant increase, he said.
Currently there are about 56,000 people on rent allowance
and another 11,000 on housing assistance payments. It
costs 267 million each year.
This new measure will cost 15 million in 2016.


TheJournal Politics

Minister Varadkar announcing the increase in rent

supplement today
12:29 PM - 28 Jun 2016

6 6 Retweets9 9 likes

Source: TheJournal Politics/Twitter

Coveney said rather than put a 15% increase across the

board, they decided to increase the limit in areas of the
country where there has been a widening gap.
We need to keep people in their current accommodation,
he said.
The formula for calculating the increase in the payment
was not plucked from the sky, said Varadkar.
The increase is based on the declared rents made to the

Residential Tenancies Board.

It is not the average rent on Daft, it is not the maximum
rent on Daft, said Varadkar.
There is a need to keep people in their current
accommodation, if at all possible, said Coveney.
Push rents up?
The Minister for Social Protection said the previous
government had voiced concerns that increasing rent
supplement would push up rents for others.
Varadkar said this is no longer a concern as this
government has created rent certainty for renters with the
two year rent increase cap and due to their housing action
Where there are particular circumstances where someone
is at risk of losing their house or apartment they can come
to the Department of Social Protection, said Varadkar. He
said enhanced payments, above the rent supplements, can
be made in those circumstances, at the departments
Increases will also be made to the Housing Assistance
Payment (HAP) from Friday.
HAP, which is currently in 19 local authorities, will soon
be rolled out to every local authority in the country. This
system will replace the rent supplement system.
The HAP system is a form of social housing support for
people who have a long-term housing need. It
allows people getting HAP to take up full-time
employment and keep their housing support.
Barriers to getting people back to work
Varadkar acknowledged today that the rent supplement
scheme has barriers to getting long-term unemployed
people back to work.
Rent Supplement is calculated to ensure that your income
after paying rent does not fall below a minimum level. If
your circumstances change such as increasing your
income you may no longer qualify for rent supplement.
He said they could not wait for the HAP system to be
rolled out to make these changes, as action in the housing

crisis was needed now.

Claiming all the credit
Increasing rent supplement was a key point of discussion
in the government formation talks between Fianna Fil
and Fine Gael.

Fianna Fil

At long last Fine Gael recognise the need to increase rent

supplement. This should have been done years ago as we
repeatedly requested.
8:14 AM - 28 Jun 2016

7 7 Retweets11 11 likes

Source: Fianna Fil/Twitter

Fianna Fil have come out to take credit for the increase in
rent supplement being announced.
Coveney said what was on the table in the Trinity talks was
a 15% increase across the board, however he said a lot of
work has been done since and his party was happy to agree
with Fianna Fil on the issue at the time.
View image on Twitter


Fianna Fil

Fianna Fil secures Rent Supplement increase http://

11:27 AM - 28 Jun 2016

8 8 Retweets2 2 likes

Source: Fianna Fil/Twitter

Giving his thoughts on Fianna Fil taking the credit today,

he said:
Thats politics Fianna Fil will take credit for things,
they did input on this, thats true. I think both parties
agreed that it was the right thing to do at the end of this
conversation. Both our parties deserve to take some credit,
but we are the government that has to make sure the

numbers add up in terms of finding 55 million for this.

Todays news has been welcomed by Focus Ireland, but
questioned it might be too little too late.
The group warned that because the issue of rent
supplement has been neglected for so long, even this
substantial move may not match market rents in parts of
Dublin and other cities.
Focus Ireland Director of Advocacy Mike Allen said Focus
Ireland have been calling for an increase in rent
supplement for years, and while welcoming the increase,
he said it is just one short-term measure to help tackle the
crisis and is not the full solution.
The Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local
Government Homelessness Report July 2016

MINISTER FOR SOCIAL Protection Leo Varadkar has

said the government does not make unpopular decisions
for the sake of it or because we think it is great craic.
Speaking at a careers fair in Dublin today, Varadkar said
being in government means making tough and sometimes
unpopular decisions.
Fine Gael ministers and his independent colleagues in
government understand that, he said.
I dont think they [the independents] need to accept that. I
think they already do, as we do, that government have to
make unpopular decisions, because they are the right
decisions to make.
We dont make unpopular decisions for the sake of it, or
because we think its great craic. We make unpopular
decisions because they are the right things to do in the

Ahead of the Fine Gael parliamentary party think-in next

week, reporters also asked Varadkar about his ambitions
to be party leader.
He responded:
I can only give the same answer I always give you there
is no vacancy and if and when a vacancy arises I will make
that decision.
However, when pressed on the issue, he spoke candidly
about his vision for the future.
There is no vacancy at the moment. If and when a vacancy
arises, or rather when a vacancy arises, I will assess my
position at that point.
I have a particular vision as to what I would like to do with
the party and where I think the country should go and I
would have to see at that point in time whether there is
sufficient support for that but now is not the time for
that. My focus now is my job in Social Protection
Lack of unity
The current Cabinet has been criticised for their lack of
unity on issues such as the Apple tax appeal and, leading
up to the summer break, the proposed abortion legislation.

Varadkar acknowledged those issues today, but said the

difficulties faced in those situations only helped us to
He said overcoming such problems made him confident
the upcoming Budget will be passed by Cabinet.
I think we will get the Budget through. You know, this
coalition has been a learning curve for everyone, not just
for independent ministers, but also for Fine Gael.
We are very much dealing with independents in
government for the first time in a very long time and in
addition to that, the fact [that] we have a minority
situation in the Dil
Speaking about last weeks split in Cabinet in relation to
the Apple tax appeal, he denied it was proof that ministers
were at loggerheads.
It was a delay of a couple of days I dont think it was
necessarily a bad thing.
The minister said the delay allowed ministers to reflect on
their decision.
In the end, the decision to appeal the European

Commissions ruling on Apples tax in Ireland was fully

backed by all Cabinet members. That motion to appeal is
due to be debated in the Dil tomorrow.
Budget talk
With Budget talks expected to take up a lot of attention
over the next couple of weeks, Varadkar was quick to
acknowledge the importance of his independent Cabinet
As Fine Gael ministers, we need to understand too that the
independent side are part of the government and they
need to be consulted on key decisions. We certainly cant
take them or the Dil for granted.

Minister for Housing Simon Coveney has described as

shocking new figures which suggest the number of
homeless people in Ireland has reached a new record.
The Dublin Simon Community counted 168 people
sleeping on the streets on Monday night. A further 60
were sleeping on the floor of the Merchants Quay night
Mr Coveney likened solving the homelessness crisis to
trying to empty a bath of water while the taps are
running full on.
Simon Community chief executive Sam McGuinness
said the total number of homeless in Dublin last night
was 228.
Thats an extraordinary number. Thats not an
extraordinary coincidence. These people genuinely
dont have a place to stay and all of the beds in rented
accommodation - which have been increased - are all
in use, he said.
Recently, the Simon Community found some rough
sleepers who did not have sleeping bags as well as
growing numbers sleeping in Merrion Square and St
Stephens Green.
In response, Mr Coveney identified a fundamental lack
of supply as the key reason why there is a housing

crisis at present.
Mr Coveney admitted he was not surprised by the
figures having visited the streets last week where
people are homeless.
It is my job to get those numbers down. We have a lot
to do, he said.
Speaking at the National Ploughing Championships,
Mr Coveney said emergency accommodation will be
increased in advance of the winter.
In addition, 200 new rapid-build homes will be
available before the end of the year.
We need to press ahead aggressively with some rapid
built projects by the end of the year.
Mr Coveney said they were on target for the year in
terms of homeless provision, but we are simply seeing
more and more people declaring themselves
The State needs a more comprehensive response and
thats what Rebuilding Ireland (An Action Plan for
Housing and Homelessness) is all about.
I have always said that this is not going to be solved
overnight. It is going to take some time. We are going
to try and do it as quickly as we can. It is the number
one priority for this Government.
There is far more urgency in Government than there
ever was before, but it is going to take some time.
Mr Coveney said the Government is committed to
rapidly ramping up social housing provision.
Some 400 social housing units are being built in Cork
city over the coming months, he said.
When asked if he felt ashamed as a minister because of
the homelessness crisis, he said: I dont accept that in
a modern society with the resources that are available,
we should have as many people as we currently have
living on the streets.
My Request for information on the LP.T. on how much of it

collected in Co.Kildare goes to the council ? With some

councilors wanting the raise the L.P.T ,,,,,,,,
Date: 22/09/2016
Re: Request under Freedom of Information Act 2014
FOI - Request for information on how much of LPT goes to
Irish Water & how much in %and goes to Water Charges
Freedom of Information Reference : 16/81
A Chara
I refer to the Request which you have made under the
Freedom of Information Act for
records held by this Council in respect of 16/81.
A Final Decision on your Request was made by Veronica
Cooke on 22/09/2016 who may be
contacted by telephone on 045 980242 or by e-mail at
[email protected] or in writing
at Kildare County Council, FOI - General, Aras Chill Dara,
Devoy Park, Naas, County
In response to your Request the Decision Maker has
decided to REFUSE access
Is Mise Le Meas
Veronica Cooke
FOI General
Pac net group USA Agency Fruad

A 'sugar tax' might fund a

few election promises - but
it won't make us healthier
The food and drinks lobby says there
are better ways to deal with Irelands
sugar problem.


ELECTIONS CAN BRING out the worst in

Electorates understandably
demand immediate action to address serious
problems and politicians feel the need
to provide simple solutions.
Populism triumphs in the short term, even if
the simple solution provided fails to deliver the
desired outcome. This is certainly the case
when it comes to proposals for a sugar tax.

An additional tax on soft drinks is now being

proposed by all of the major political parties.
The proposal characterises industry as the
root cause of the problem and in the process
generates a revenue stream that can be used
to deliver other election promises.
It may generate headlines, but it is deeply
misleading to suggest that an additional tax
would in any way address the growing and
worrying problem of obesity. It provides cover
for the political system, but fails to offer a
real solution.
Real results will only come from measures that
have been shown to work, like reformulation
(changing recipes to reduce salt, sugar and
fat), consumer education and the promotion of
physical activity.
Theres no simple solution and unfortunately
no easy fiscal silver bullet. Its a complex
problem that demands a far-reaching,
determined response.

The wrong approach

Ireland already imposes high taxes on soft
drinks. While most foods are exempt from VAT,
the standard rate of 23% applies to
confectionary items like sweets, chocolate,
crisps, ice cream and soft drinks.
An additional tax on soft drinks would leave
Irish consumers out of pocket, paying one of
the highest tax rates in Europe. Any new tax, if
introduced, would inevitably be increased yearon-year and extended to other foods and
would leave consumers paying significantly
more every week for the products they love.
These taxes would be highly regressive, with a

disproportionate impact on low-income

families that spend a higher proportion of
income on food. Taxes are also blunt
instruments penalising all consumers
regardless of their lifestyle, state of health or
the balance of their diet.
The Danish government has recognised this
as a flawed approach and in 2013 it withdrew
a saturated-fat tax after only one year and
scrapped proposals for a sugar tax because of
concerns about inflation, cross-border trade
and the risk to jobs.
The much-lauded soft drinks tax in Mexico has
only reduced average calorie intake by 4.7
calories a day which is significantly less than
the reformulation efforts of industry.
Undermining the calls for taxes is the fact that
no causal link has ever been established
between additional tax on soft drinks and
reduction in obesity. The stark reality is that
there is significant evidence to suggest that
taxes, in particular discriminatory taxes, are an
ineffective approach to tackling complex diet

and lifestyle-related problems.

Source: Mark Stedman/

Do what works
For a number of years the food industry has
worked in partnership to reduce salt levels with
the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI).
That successful model is the way to address
the obesity problem.

It is a protracted, slow process, but it works.

The food industry has invested millions of euro
in improving existing products by reducing
levels of salt, sugars, fats, saturates and trans
fats. Most of this is done on a continuous
basis by changing recipes and bringing
consumers with you.
New products tend to be lower in fats, sugars
and salt, and most products now have an
improved range of portion-size offerings.
Last month the Minister for Health launched a
report compiled by leading analysts
Creme Global. It used data on 600 products
from 14 of Irelands major food and beverage
companies and was supported by the FSAI. It
showed that during the seven years (2005
2012) covered by the research:
Salt content of the products analysed reduced
by 37%
Sugar content fell by 14%
The amount of energy as measured in calories
sold over the seven years to 2012 reduced by
Total fat and saturated fat intake reduced by

approximately 10%

A Coca-Cola designated driver campaign from 2013.

Source: Leon Farrell/

A supplementary report on soft drinks found

that the beverage industry in Ireland has taken
massive steps to reduce the amount of sugar
through increased promotion of low and no
calorie products which now account for 50%
of the Irish market and reformulation of
existing products.
Between 2005 and 2012 the analysis shows

that the beverage industry has reduced sugar

in their products by approximately 10% at no
cost to the consumer.
Paul Kelly is the director of Food and Drink
Industry Ireland, the countrys main trade body
for the food and drink sector.

Brendan Howlin on
Labour's disastrous
election and why it
Cormac McQuinn Twitter

Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin

BRENDAN Howlin said his partys

disastrous election happened in part
because many Irish people had stopped
listening to Labour.
You couldn't make this up ... heres this twat Howlin on
about how WE didn't listen ... we did Brendan you
fckwitt ... we heard your party say things like "Vote Labour
protect child benefit" "we won't be taking medical cards
from those in need" "we refuse to bail out jnr bond
holders" "Ireland will fight austerity" and on and on and

Mr Howlin said Labours contribution to the recovery of

the economy was a significant achievement and
highlighted a halving of the unemployment rate during its
time in power.
However, in a speech to party members at their Dublin

think-in he said: when it came to the election, none of

these achievements of which we are so proud mattered
very much.
The party returned with just seven seats in the Dil
down form more than 30 in Februarys poll.
He said that Labour needs to be honest enough to
recognise why this happened, conceding the party didnt
always deliver and didnt get everything right.
Mr Howlin said his job now is a simple one, to rebuild the
Labour Party.
He said it wont be easy but that through progressive
policies and grassroots campaigning they can rebuild what
he described as this historic party of ours.
He said there is currently "chaos" in the political system
and that that the country has a do-nothing Dil. He
added that if the government survives at all, these will be
known as the lost years.
Earlier Mr Howlin spoke to reporters and was asked if he
believes Labour will be forgiven by voters, similar to how
Fianna Fil saw a resurgence in support at the election.
He said: If Fianna Fils sin was destroying the country,
Labours sin is recovering it.
I think its a lesser sin.
We do need to talk to people. We need to hear people. We
need to hear their fears, their concerns [about] what the
future will hold for them.
He said anything can happen when asked if he would
consider merging the party with the Social Democrats.
Mr Howlin said that while hes not looking for people to
join simple to add to the partys numbers, there is an
open invitation for those who share Labours values to
During his speech Mr Howlin spoke of his optimism for
the country saying Irish people should not undersell our
achievements in the centenary year of 1916.
He said Ireland is ranked 12th out of 133 countries in
terms of social progress.
Why not aspire to make the top three in the next ten

years?, he asked.
He said he wants to see better living standards and an
expansion of individual freedoms and highlihgted the
housing crisis, saying it is "not outside our capacity to
And Brendan we never again will listen , ye have fuck all in common
with the working class ye sold yer souls to the rich and elite , I hatte
you and Labour your former Leader dragging a kid through the
courts , Jesus ye fucking traitors ye will never see the light
Omg. We were so gullible, we swallowed all the lies, when the feet
got under the table Ye wagged the FG dog, just as Endaspendants
and FF are doing now... Ye did us no favours. Ye will NEVER get the
chance again. Fool us once etc.
Gerry Adams has said that claims that he was involved in
the murder of Denis Donaldson are a lie.
His comments come after a BBC Spotlight programme
claimed to have evidence that Mr Adams ordered the
killing of the IRA informer.
Its a lie, he said today.

And I totally repudiate it and categorically and specifically

deny it.
He added: Its in the hands of my solicitor at this time,
but more importantly we have to look at whats behind
this agenda.
I mean, the person who made this allegation [an]
anonymous, unnamed, self-professed agent of the British
State so whose agenda is that serving?
This was an attempt to rewrite history.
Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin has called on Gerry
Adams to admit that he was a member of the IRA,
claiming there is "not a child in Ireland" who doesn't
believe this, writes Elaine Loughlin, Political Reporter.
Reacting to the BBC Spotlight investigation aired last
night, which included testimony from an anonymous IRA
agent who alleged that Mr Adams sanctioned the killing of
Denis Donaldson, Mr Howlin said: "There is something
surreal about a situation where Gerry Adams maintains he
was never a member of the IRA."

Speaking at the National Ploughing Championships this

morning, Mr Howlin said: "I don't think there is a child in
Ireland who believes that.

"I don't know obviously whether he was involved in the

Donaldson murder at all good, bad or indifferent.
"But when a serious programme that has highlighted
serious matters in the past, many of which have been
latched upon by Gerry Adams and Sinn Fin, who laud the
Spotlight programme when they point the finger at others,
he obviously needs to be clear about the allegations that
were made last night by Spotlight about himself.
"I can think of many instances when Spotlight similarly
used anonymous sources, or clandestine camera work and
so on and when it suited his agenda he was very much in
favour of that."
Elsewhere Taoiseach Enda Kenny was also asked about the
claims when he sat down with reporters this morning.
I have no verification of a claim made by a former IRA
member, he said.

There are issues of Gerry Adams past that only he can

deal with. If he wants to deal with the truth and explain
that to people, then he should do so.

Denis OBriens Caribbean

connections revealed in
Bahamas papers
Businessmans associates are acting as directors of six
companies in tax haven
September 22, 16

Colm Keena

The Irish Times looks at some of the Irish links in the latest leak organised by
the ICIJ.

Irish businessman Denis OBrien is linked to property

on the Caribbean island where Dermot Desmond has
been developing an exclusive tourist resort, filings in
the Bahamas indicate.
The corporate registry in the Bahamas, which is
normally difficult to access but the contents of which
have been published by the International Consortium
of Investigative Journalists, show associates of OBrien
acting as directors of six companies in the Caribbean
tax haven.
The Bahamas are a well-known tax haven and there is
nothing illegal about being connected with a company
from that jurisdiction.

There are reasons such as privacy and tax planning for

having a company registered there.
The files show that in May of last year Denise Russell
and Ann Marie Foley OBrien, both with addresses in
Dublin, became directors of Fortress Property (SVG)
Ltd, Sandpiper Enterprises Ltd, and Elderberry
Investment Inc, all of Nassau in the Bahamas.
Russell is a manager with OBriens Irish investment
vehicle, Island Capital, while Foley OBrien is a
consultant who acts as a director of a number of
OBrien companies, including the Irish propertyholding company, Partenay, and the philanthropy
enterprise, the Iris OBrien Foundation.
In the case of Fortress Property and Sandpiper, the two
businesswomen replaced Swiss-Italian banker Antonio
Saladino and Achille Pastor-Ris, chief executive of
Canouan Resorts Development Ltd.
In the case of Elderberry, they replaced Pastor-Ris.
The owners of the companies and their activities are
not disclosed but both Saladino and Pastor-Ris are
involved with the development of a very exclusive
resort on the tiny Caribbean island of Canouan, in the
island nation of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).
Desmond is also an investor in the resort but he and
Saladino fell out last year.
Local reports say Saladino is continuing with the
development of the exclusive Pink Sands Club, while
Desmond is continuing with the development of a
marina on the island.
The Pink Sands Club is to open on October 10th. The
26-suite, six-villa hotel will set a new benchmark for a
Caribbean archipelago already synonymous with ultraexclusive hideaways, according to a spokeswoman for
the hotel.


The launch of the hotel completes phase one of a threeyear project costing in excess of $120 million, she said.
The overall project includes the development of a golf
course, villas, a marina, and an extended runway to
accommodate private jets.
A Bahamas company, Canouan Resorts Development
(CRD Ltd), signed a 99-year lease agreement with the
SVG government in 1990 for the development of
Canouan as an exclusive holiday resort.
At one stage Saladino was working in partnership with
the US presidential candidate, Donald Trump, on the
development of the resort, but despite grandiose plans
and significant investment, the project was not a

Denis OBrien linked to Caribbean property

Desmond, who part-owns the Sandy Lane Hotel in

Barbados with, among others, JP McManus and John
Magnier, teamed up with Saladino in 2010 on a 50-50
Not only will yachts, catamarans and powerboats be
available for guests at the Pink Sands, but a private jet
associated with the hotel can be chartered at any
time and comes included for guests staying for ten
nights or more in certain suites or penthouses, the
spokeswoman said. Rates at the hotel start at $1,400 a

night for a one-bedroom suite.

The hotel is adjacent to the 1,200-acre Canouan estate,
which is accessible to all guests and features a
collection of private villas and residences, restaurants,
golf club, and a real estate sales centre.
Each villa has between two and six bedrooms, kitchen
facilities, floor-to-ceiling windows opening out on to
generous sun terraces, and their own infinity-edge
swimming pools.
According to the spokeswoman, it is also possible to
buy villas on the estate and to buy plots of land which
can be built on working with an established designed
According to Grenadinevillas. com, a four-bedroom
villa on Canouan, beside the beach and with a pool, can
be rented for $49,700 a week in high season, and
$44,177 during low season.
Fortress Property was formerly owned by an
investment fund, Fortress Mutual Fund Ltd, which
used it when buying a lot on Canouan in 2008 for $6.6
million as part of its overall investment portfolio.
It sold the company in 2011 and it is not known who
the purchaser was.
OBriens links with the Bahamas go back further than
last year, the registry files indicate.
Russell became a director of Acacia Administration Inc
in December 2011, giving as her address the address on
Grand Canal Quay, Dublin, used by OBriens Irish
companies. Saladino and Pastor-Ris resigned on the
same day. The business of the company is not known.
In March 2012, Foley OBrien replaced Pastor-Ris as
director of Lagoon Two Ltd. Russell, using the Grand
Canal Quay address, became secretary of the company.
The business of Lagoon Two is not disclosed.
However, a number of companies, Lagoon One to
Lagoon Six, all associated with Pastor-Ris, are listed in

the Bahamas registry. One, Lagoon Three Ltd, used the

services of the Panamanian law firm, Mossack Fonseca,
and the leaked files from that firm (the Panama
Papers) show that the company owned villa number
three in the Pinks Sands Club which it held for the
sole use of the unidentified ultimate beneficial owner
and his family.
Foley OBrien and Russell also became directors of
Struron (Bahamas) Ltd in February 2012, the date the
company was incorporated, the registry files show. The
business of the company is not known.

Revenue clash

OBrien is not tax-resident in Ireland and owns a

number of his Irish businesses by way of companies in
the Isle of Man.
Partenay featured in OBriens High Court clash with
the Revenue Commissioners some years ago over
whether he was tax resident here at the time he sold his
Irish telecoms business, Esat Telecom.
OBrien challenged the Revenues view that a house on
Raglan Road, Dublin, owned by Partenay, meant he
had an Irish home as well as one in Portugal in the
2000 tax year.
The court ruled in OBriens favour, reportedly saving
him 57 million in capital gains tax.
His Caribbean and Pacific telecoms company, Digicel,
is incorporated in Bermuda and based in Jamaica and
OBrien is a frequent traveller to the Caribbean for
business reasons.
Canouan Resorts Development Ltd (CRD) owns
approximately 1,200 acres of the 1,800- acre Caribbean
island and the turning of the bulk of the island into a
private development has not been without its political
as well as its commercial difficulties.
According to Terry Bynoe, chairman of the Canouan

Island Development Council, there are approximately

1,500 people living on the island and there have been
issues in more recent times in relation to access to the
beach for locals.
While use of the beach is not prohibited, there are
concerns about right of access along routes that
traditionally have been open to the public, but which
more recently have become gated.

Good relations

A picnic was held on the beach earlier this year, with

the people reaching the beach by boat, in order to
make a point about access.
Bynoe said the difficulty is not with Desmond and the
marina development, with which people have good
relations, but rather with the operators of the hotel.
The picnic was organised after a private dining area
was built near the beach, believed by locals to be
owned by investor Andrea Pignataro. The construction
of the private area produced renewed concerns about
access to the beach, according to Bynoe.
London-based Pignataro is founder of a Dublinregistered entity called Ion Investment Group.
Earlier this year the Carlyle Group, a US multinational
asset manager with $176 billion in assets, paid
approximately $400 million to buy a minority stake in
Ion was described at the time as a trading technology
specialist that makes more than 300 million in
profits annually before interest payments and other
cost factors are taken into account.
Filings in the corporate registry in Dublin show that a
number of companies associated with Pignataro and
with the word Canouan in their name, including
Canouan Resort Services Ltd, were incorporated in
March of this year.

A spokesman for Ion said it had no links with

investments in the Caribbean resort.
Requests for comments from OBrien, Desmond,
Saladino, Pastor-Ris, and Pignataro met with no

Michel Martin claims

the elimination of water

charges would not erode

the tax base
Cormac McQuinn Twitter

Fianna Fil Leader Michel Martin TD addresses the media prior
to the annual parliamentary party think-in at the Seven Oaks Hotel,
Carlow. Picture Conor McCabe Photography.

Fianna Fil leader Michel Martin has

rejected a European Commission report that
said the elimination of water charges would
erode the tax base.
The Commission's remarks came in its latest post-bailout

report in the Irish economy.

Mr Martin said scrapping water charges is "not an erosion
of the tax base because it's made a very negligible
contribution to the widening of the tax base in the last
three years."
He was speaking after his party's Co Carlow think-in
where he also responded to a study by the Irish Tax
Institute that outlined how workers are paying the top rate
of income tax before their salaries reached the average
industrial wage.
The Fianna Fil TD was asked if the party should rethink
its policy of pushing for spending measures over tax cuts
as a result of the study.
Mr Martin said he was committed to its position that there
should be a 2:1 break-down of spending to tax cuts in the
upcoming Budget.
"There's absolutely no question but that we do have to
invest in health, in education and housing and give people
some decent quality of life in terms of access to those
services," he added.
He said there "is a case" for tax cuts but that a balance has
to be struck.
"We need to be mindful of the risks to the Irish economy
not least the Brexit risks and proceed in a cautious
manner," he added.
Meanwhile he said he doesn't think it will be achievable or
the right policy to abolish the USC in five years as Finance
Minister Michael Noonan today told an Oireachtas
committee he'd like to do.
Mr Martin responded to this saying: "I don't believe it's
"We don't believe its the right policy or the right
approach," he said adding that there needs to be a balance
between investing in services and infrastructure and
giving people a break in their taxes.

London-based Pignataro is founder of a Dublinregistered entity called Ion Investment Group.

Commission Notice on the notion of State aid as referred to in Article 107(1) of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Tax rulings under EU State aid rules after Apple- What is targeted
and what can be done? August 31, 2016
New IRS Rules for Money Market Funds & Investor Tax Reporting
August 10, 2016
District Court Overturns Bankruptcy Court in Lyondell Fraudulent
Transfer Litigation, Rules CEOs Fraudulent Intent May Be Imputed to
Corporation August 11, 2016




Donnchadh OLaoghaire TD. Pic: Gavin Browne

A Sinn Fin motion to scrap Irish Water will be

introduced when the Dil returns next week on behalf
of the TDs who have signed up to the Right2Water
platform, which includes Sinn Fin, the Anti-Austerity
AlliancePeople Before Profit, and a number of
However, it is expected that the motion will fail as
Fianna Fil wont back it, despite indicating at its party
think-in this week that it will vote to abolish charges
when an expert commission reports back next year.
They dont want to give us the platform and they
dont want to embarrass the Government, said Sinn
Fins Cork South Central TD, Donnchadh Laoghaire.
Its a pattern that is emerging, where Fianna Fil are
refusing to support Sinn Fin even when they agree
with us.
Fianna Fil will oppose this motion, which is a
ridiculous position. There is no reason except that they

dont want to embarrass the Government, he added.

Mr Laoghaire said that abolishing water charges
wouldnt have to bring down the Government, and
Fianna Fils agreement to facilitate the minority
coalition could continue without it.
He said that, instead, Fianna Fil was waiting until next
year when it could be the party to pull the trigger on
the abolition.

Fianna Fil leader Micheal Martin

Fianna Fil leader Michel Martin has insisted the party

has not performed a U-turn on its position on water
Fianna Fil has recently proposed that the water
system be paid for through general taxation and that
charges be scrapped, marking a move away from its
previous position that charges should only be
Along with water charges, Mr Laoghaire said that the
Dil will immediately turn to the Budget when it
returns. He said that Sinn Fin will release its preBudget submission in the next 10 days. As the partys
spokesperson for Children and Youth Affairs, he said
that he will be pushing to decrease the cost of
childcare in this Budget, and the party also has plans
to address the housing crisis and support older people
through homecare.

Just like Irish Water,

Nama is fast losing the
confidence of taxpayers
Niall O'Connor Twitter

Anouska Proetta-Brandon takes part in an anti-Nama protest in

2009. Ministers believe a large chunk of the public have never had
confidence in Nama. Photo: Gerry Mooney

As the contents of the Comptroller and

Auditor General's report into the sale of
Project Eagle were laid bare at Wednesday's
Cabinet meeting, the eyes of several
ministers glazed over.
As one Fine Gael figure present put it afterwards: "I felt a
real sense of dj vu. It was like Irish Water all over
Indeed, the controversy that has engulfed Nama and the
sale of its Northern Ireland loan book shares at least some
of the hallmarks of the Irish Water debacle.
Once again we have an agency of the State that is facing
accusations of not acting in the best interests of the
Similar to the Irish Water controversy, the more populist
members of the Oireachtas are demanding that the
operations of Nama be brought to a halt.
And, as was the case two-and-a-half years ago, the
Government of the day is under serious pressure to get to
grips with the latest scandal that has crossed its desk.
But above all, we now have a situation once again where a
body set up to serve the best interests of the taxpayer is
fast losing public confidence.
In fact, some ministers believe a large chunk of the public
has never had confidence in Nama because it has, since its
formation in 2009, operated under a cloud of unrivalled
Telling an impatient and untrusting public that a body that
handles billions of euro worth of property transactions
must be able to operate in secret won't wash in modernday Ireland.
This is a public that just last month - whether rightly or
wrongly - was told the State coffers have lost out on 13bn
as a result of an alleged sweetheart deal extended to Apple.

Now, according to C&AG Seamus McCarthy, Nama has

signed off on a bad deal in relation to its sale of Project
Eagle to US investment firm Cerberus, leaving the State
nursing a loss of 220m.
The public has every right to feel aggrieved.
After all, they have been presented with details of success
fees involving a former insider Frank Cushnahan, as well
as allegations of a far more sinister nature courtesy of
Mick Wallace and BBC's 'Spotlight' programme.
And so, perhaps like Irish Water, there is now serious
doubt surrounding the prospect of Nama ever winning
over the public's trust.
That is not just one of the major challenges facing Nama
boss Frank Daly and his senior officials, but also Enda
Kenny and Michael Noonan.
Mr Kenny and his party were not responsible for setting
up the country's bad bank but, like a lot of things, they
have inherited it from their predecessors in government.
Without doubt, Mr Kenny and Noonan don't want a
scenario whereby the Nama issue becomes synonymous
with this administration.
And so, the decision by the Government yesterday to agree
a statutory inquiry - in conjunction with the leaders of the
Opposition - should be welcomed.
With law-enforcement agencies investigating in a number
of different jurisdictions, the approach from Dublin is that
an inquiry must not be rushed.
Every effort must now be made to ensure this latest probe
can achieve the one single objective demanded by the
public - unearthing the truth behind Project Eagle.

Kenny says water charges must stay as FF puts cost

of refunds at 50m

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has reinforced his support for the

retention of household water charges and accused Fianna
Fil of "populism" in seeking their abolition.
He slammed the rival party's policy, saying that if it came
about "everybody could leave their taps on" and the
taxpayer would have to foot the bill.
Mr Kenny's remarks came as Fianna Fil's environment
spokesman Barry Cowen told the Irish Independent that
his party's proposal to refund those who had paid their
water bills through a tax credit would cost in the region of
An Expert Commission is currently examining the future of
funding water services under an agreement between Fine
Gael and Fianna Fil. Mr Cowen's party has made a
submission calling for charges to be scrapped and for
those who paid to be refunded.
Mr Kenny said that under these circumstances water
would have to be funded by the central exchequer.
He said he hasn't spoken to Fianna Fil leader Michel
Martin on what he described as the party's "new position"

on water but added that he (Mr Martin) "knows very well

what our position is".
Mr Cowen outlined how those who paid charges would be
refunded if it is ultimately decided to scrap the hated fees.
"You either refund people who have paid through a tax
credit or any other means which they wish to explore or
which they ask us to consider. If it meets the gap that's
there, then we'll accept that," he said.
Mr Kenny was speaking at a wide-ranging briefing for
reporters ahead of his attendance at the National
Ploughing Championships in Co Offaly. He described the
event as "a great pageant of modern Ireland".
The Taoiseach said: "Farmers have had a difficult year and
obviously this is an occasion for them to present the best
of produce and new and innovative ways of doing things".
Mr Kenny spoke of the need for the upcoming Budget to
be Brexit-proofed.
He said Finance Minister Michael Noonan is travelling to
London today to discuss Britain's plan to leave the EU with
his counterpart, Philip Hammond.
He said that indications from British ministers are that the
triggering of Article 50 - the beginning of the process of
leaving the EU - will take place early next year but that it's
a matter for the UK's prime minister Theresa May to
On the Budget here, he said the sum available for
spending and tax cuts, around 1bn, is "constrained
"What we want to do with that is decide what are the
issues that you can deal with that will improve the quality
of people's lives," he said, adding that there will be
funding for 800 additional garda and 650 nurses.
Mr Kenny told how Mr Noonan had assured him of his
fitness to work following his hospitalisation for cellulitis
last week.
"If that wasn't the position, he would inform me also and I
trust him completely on that," Mr Kenny added.
The Taoiseach said that ministers Simon Coveney,
Katherine Zappone and Simon Harris will today announce
details of a plan to tackle homelessness, including
measures aimed at ending the use of hotels as emergency

Mr Kenny said that the Citizens' Assembly to discuss the

Eighth Amendment will meet for the first time on
Saturday, October 15 and he looks forward to receiving its
Chaired by Supreme Court judge Mary Laffoy, the
assembly will examine the law that bans abortion and
gives equal status to the life of a mother and an unborn
Mr Kenny said that the north inner city taskforce, which
was set up to support the area amid the spate of gangland
killings this year, is "an issue that I've taken very much to
He said he's had meetings with the community and that
people's resilience is "quite incredible".
He said the area had been given a "bad name" by a small
group of people.
Mr Kenny brushed off questions on his future leadership of
Fine Gael, saying his focus is on "a very big agenda" in
He said he's not concerned with his legacy and joked: "The
one remaining thing I'd like to do is to see the green and
red take up Sam Maguire at Croke Park".

Somebody tell Kenny water didn't reach households before IW by the

power of prayer, It was all ways paid for through General taxation. Now
if the Gobaloon state chooses to bail out unsecured Bond holders then
go ahead, But I wont be paying for water twice to facilitate taxation to be
Syphoned off to these bond holders!
Enda stating charges MUST return........ Before the expert commission
advise him on it?
Like Enda's leadership capabilities, it exposes the endapendent
commission for what it is, a farce.
Kenny do you not realise the taxpayer foots the bill anyway, even your
pay check.

Water charge U-turn

shows lessons not learned
from Irish crash
Academic Dr Brigid Laffan says FF switch on issue could
undermine economic recovery
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Academic Dr Brigid Laffan says FF switch on issue could

undermine economic recovery.
The Fianna Fil U-turn on water charges has the capacity
to undermine all of the hard work that made the economic
recovery possible, political scientist Dr Brigid Laffan has

Delivering the Garret FitzGerald Memorial lecture on

Wednesday night, Dr Laffan argued that the State was not
left wanting in hard times when a relatively small cadre of
politicians and public servants found the political and
institutional capacity to address major problems, and bring
Ireland back from the brink.
However, she suggested there were some signs that the
lessons from the bad times had not been learned and
the political system did not appear to have developed
sufficient capacity to guard against the pathologies of the
Dr Laffan, the director of the Robert Schuman Centre for
Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in
Florence, argued that the policy outcome on Irish Water
will be an acid test of the so-called new politics and
there were reasons for serious worry on that score.
The political U-turns on this issue highlight the ease and
dangers of populist politics: The political chain is easily
identified. Paul Murphy frightened Sinn Fin and in turn
Sinn Fin frightened Fianna Fil, she said.
The evolving FF policy is the most worrying of all. Having
argued for a suspension of charges, the party has
apparently moved to support their abolition. It should
remind us of the abolition of domestic rates in the late
1970s rather than their reform.
Detrimental effect
Dr Laffan said that policy choice had a very detrimental
long-standing effect on local services and pushed the
rates burden onto small businesses. It meant that local
services never received sufficient funds from general
Abolishing rather than reforming rates was a very poor
policy choice back then and the abolition of water charges
would be a very poor choice now. Its long-term effects
would be incalculable. Literally it could kill people or at
least make them very sick if they do not have clean and
safe water. In the past, funding water through general
taxation failed through neglect. Why should we think it
would be different in future?
Dr Laffan said Fianna Fil had been a remarkably
successful political party by international standards and
while the 2011 election defeat was traumatic, the party

had survived.
But how much has it learnt? History will not be kind to the
successive Fianna Fil governments of the 2000s that bear
a heavy responsibility for the vulnerabilities and risks that
were taken with the wellbeing of this country. The
excesses they encouraged during the Tiger years did
extraordinary damage to Irish society. That instinct and
desire for power, so deep in its DNA, may not have been
tamed sufficiently, she said.
The evolving FF policy on water charges should be
severely tested and contested as it appears to want to
trump for what it thinks is the popular policy at the cost of
doing what is right.
Vocal minority
She said that if water charges were abolished, it would
represent a victory of a vocal minority not a majority. Just
before the election 63 per cent of those covered were
signed up to pay. This is a majority.
People may not have liked another charge in tough times,
but would pay water charges in return for a good
infrastructure that is properly maintained. What is
happening is a case of those who shout loudest getting
their way. That is a democratic deficit.
Dr Laffan said the idea being peddled by anti-water charge
politicians that the people voted to get rid of water
charges was a complete lie and should be challenged.
What message does abolition send out to those who paid
what they owe to the State? No state should lightly favour
those who dont pay over those who have paid. This will
leave a very nasty taste and legacy.
She also pointed out that the abolition of charges would
embroil the country in another very big fight with the
European Commission at a time when it has major issues
on corporation tax.
Right2Water submission to the Expert Commission on Domestic
Public Water Services
63% of who paid...plucking figures from the fantasy account book of
IW ... we all know many people paid under duress...and have now
refused to pay again revoking their contracts... would you cop on to
yourself...your right she is a paid shill...

Tax, Lies and Statistical Tape

The run-up to the budget is my favourite time of the year.
Commentary on Irish taxation tends towards the
deliciously deceiving, hilariously spurious or just plain
weird. And the Irish Taxation Institutes Perspectives on
Irelands Personal Tax System doesnt disappoint.
They claim that Irelands taxation levels are too high.
Nope that dont work. The tax rate at various income
levels are low compared to other EU-15 countries.
They claim that Irish tax levels undermine
competitiveness. Nope that doesnt work either. If that
were true, then Germany (and other countries) with much
higher marginal tax rates and total tax rates would be at
the bottom of the competitiveness table and close to the
bail-out zone.
And then theres the attempt to show that Irelands tax
system is too progressive. They use measurements that
are little short of number-mongering. In the same spirit I,
too, come up with a novel measurement proving that the
Irish system contains the mark of Satan.
When you cut through the mush there is an underlying
assumption that tax cuts can buy higher living standards.
Can tax cuts make childcare affordable; reduce rents,
spare us from congestion; eliminate A&E over-crowding;
expand educational opportunities; care for elderly
relations; clean up rubbish piles; equip the Gardai
properly; lift people out of poverty and deprivation; reduce
the costs of medicine you get the picture.
The goods and services that provide security, opportunity
and prosperity require investment, not tax cuts.

Ultimately, we need an informed and evidence-based

debate on taxation. But this is budget season.
So well have to wait awhile.

Will ya's have a look at this, over 40 guards assisting Ktech to put a man out of business and put people out out
of work, September 21st 2016

With his opinion Mr. Healy-Ray is displaying that local favour is more
important to him than road safety for all. He of course already knows
that speed camera vans are an effective visible deterrent of bad
behaviour and do have the effect of reducing speed thereby reducing
speed-related risks thereby reducing the likelihood of speed-related
If Mr Healy-Ray weren't so short-sighted he would be promoting and
lauding road safety measures like this. After all, for his constituents
these are the very measures that would prevent their traffic incident
injury or even death.
If there was no speed camera van and one or more of his constituents
got severely injured or killed in a traffic incident on the same spot on the
same day, I'm sure he'd be out trumpeting the opposite message Where were the Gardai?! Where were the speed cameras?! My
constituents need road safety!
Then trying to influence via the Superintendent to the effect of
complaining about a speed deterrent confirms that he is not of the
modern safety aware age in his way of thinking
There is no doubt that speed cameras work for both catching people
speeding and making money although the firm that owns the vans say
otherwise. However what is beyond argument is the fact that these vans
were meant to be placed where there was a history of fatalities and road
accidents and that is not the case for example on the N4 at Lucan where
there has never been a fatality in the many years before speed cameras
were introduced and definitely since. I say before cameras were
introduced to help the idiot who adds 2 and 2 and gets 5, saying there
are no fatalities because of the cameras. Furthermore, if you know any
members of the Gardai they will quite happily admit that their sergeants
send them out with speed guns coming towards the end of the month
when the stats need boosting.
I'm not from Kerry but I'd say Michael is the type of fella back there that
you can call on if you have a problem! Say what u like about him but
they voted him, his brother and his father before him to represent them

and even though he come out with the odd statement that's......... he gets
things done for his constituents. You won't hear too many from Kerry
giving out about him unlike more of the td's in the dail!
We all know that these vans are not out to save lives but rather to make
money for those who operate them.
Talking about Kerry, the road from Killarney up to Moll's Gap has a
speed allowance of 100kph. This road is dangerous above 60kph.
Perhaps MHR should be doing something about this.
You are the most self righteous sanctimonious Gobsh#te on this forum.
You have an answer to everyone & everything, it gets nauseating after a
while(. The area this poster is talking about is a very dubious spot as it is
not an accident black spot, the signs are small & out of view & there are
very few of them, it's not an area you can speed on as the traffic is
bumper to bumper there night & day. It really is a spot used as a
revenue exercise rather than its original role. I am against speed & I
generally disagree with the Healy Rae's but I think they make a valid
point as does the poster above. I also know the spot in Kerry well like
the one in Galway from my travels & yes it is another revenue exercise.
By the way I have no penalty points & have only ever had 3 when they
came into force first.
Has there ever been speed vans outside Rathkeale? Just wondering.

Large garda presence at

shop subject to
repossession order
Amy Molloy

Picture: Facebook

There is a large garda presence outside a

shop in Co Wexford this morning where a
repossession order is being carried out.
Goods are currently being removed from Corrigans
Londis in Kilmuckridge by a number of security personnel
and loaded on to trucks.
The operation began at 5am this morning and is expected
to continue until midday.
A number of anti-eviction groups are protesting against
the repossession order and a source told
that the high garda presence is to ensure there are no
breaches of the peace.

Garda tried to repossess the shop last October with KTech

Security following the issue of a court order.
Their efforts were subsequently thwarted as they were
outnumbered by a large crowd of ant-eviction protesters
who reclaimed the supermarket.
A source said garda were determined to ensure this didn't
happen again and have cordoned off the entire shop while
the goods are removed from the supermarket.
A number of locals have huddled around the shop and are
watching on as the repossession is carried out.

Minister Michael Noonan has finally agreed to go before

the Public Accounts Committee to discuss the sale of

NAMA's Northern Irish loanbook. But in recent days, his

cabinet been arguing against it. On RT One's, Leo
Varadkar claimed: "To the best of my knowledge,

Report of Investigation into the Administration

of Deposit Interest Retention Tax [DIRT] and
Related Matters during the period 1 January
1986 to 1 December 1998
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General
19 July 1999
Arms Crisis inquiry 21_22_april_1971 1971, then Minister
for Agriculture and Fisheries James (Jim) Gibbons, was
examined as a witness before the PAC

Irish Fiscal Advisory Council

Engagement with Office for Budget
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Daily Book Unrevised Department of the Environment,
Community and Local Government and the County and
City Management Association

Child Protection and Welfare Policy and Practice Document

for Reception and Integration Agency (RIA) and Centres
under contract to RIA
To argue in favour of water charges while there hasn't
been a referendum is not only to argue in favour of
domestic charges, it's to be pro-privatisation, because
that's the inevitable outcome.

We know what they want, we know FF, FG, LB will not support
motion to abolish iw. We know they want to privatise our water, and
in all likelihood the deal has long been done, behind our backs of
course. We know if the money squandered into keeping the quango
iw afloat could have provided quality water supply if actually used
wisely instead of for forcing metres on us. Now they want another

660mil to fill the holes in this sinking toxic company!

We refuse to pay, boycott iw charges, and the snakes up in leinster
house take our public funds and funnel them back into this hated
money pit. While people go homeless, hungry and every other
knockon result of austerity continues. This is an absolute insult to
each ans everyone of us.
What I want to know is what are we going to do about it? Are we
going to let this happen? Are we going to allow these clowns to
drain more public monies into that cesspit iw? Enough of this lunacy,
its time for full on action, nonstop til mission complete, do you think
the enemy iw has stopped planning its dirty sneaky tactics to force
its will upon us? No of course not, so why do we? Time to up the
anti. This is going on way too long now, and all the while this
parasitic quango is sucking us dry!
We do not live in a democracy because democracy is government
by the people for the people. If we had a functioning democracy
water charges would be long gone. Instead we have an oligarchy.
Our country is run by a small and privileged elite for corrupt and
selfish purposes. In particular, Fine Gael hold the majority of the
population in contempt. That is illustrated by the way they use the
word 'populism' as a derogatory term. Populism means a belief in
the power of regular ordinary people and in their right to have
control over their government, rather than a small group of political
insiders or a wealthy elite. If your so called democratically elected
government sees that as something to be ignored or derided then
they are oligarchs not democrats.
ight2Waters Submission to the EXPERT Commission on Domestic
"Public" Water Service's. Can I ask WHY do you want to change the
CONSTITUTION and ADD the line "In the Public Interest" ....
WHY do want to GIVE CONTROL of OUR water to the Government TO
SELL when they need POCKET MONEY. .
I'll await a answer.


Please join with ACT - Anti Corruption Taskforce outside Garda HQ in
Phoenix Park, Dublin 8. While there we will read out the names of
some people who mysteriously died in Garda custody over a decade
from the late 1990s. We will also call for the immediate resignation
of Garda Commissioner Norin O' Sullivan and an immediate end to
the intimidation of Garda whistleblowers by Garda senior
After Mondays success by Dr Stephen Manning in the Criminal Court
of Justice, for permission to summon garda for assault on citizens,
there is a flood of applications now in process, i think the guards are
going to be sorry for what they have done over the past few years.
People think that they cannot summons garda once 6 months has
lapsed, this is not the case in all cases, if you are assaulted and
injured you can sue the guards in a reasonable time frame and they
should be charged under section 3 of the non fatal offences against
the person act 1997. People who were arrested without due cause,
and others who were never charged after they were arrested can
sue the guards for unlawful detention under the same act if
convicted on indictment the sentence can be life in prison . I can't
see any of them getting life but they will get custodial sentences
once convicted and then lose their jobs and their pensions. I was in
court supporting Stephan on Monday and judge Smyth had great
sympathy for people who were man handled in a rough manner by
the guards, there was video evidence of the guards in action. Which
will be used against them when the trial starts. I would prefer these
cases would not take place but the offending guards are to blame,
and the guards must stop their Nazi type tactics. No one is above
the law in Ireland we must make sure that is the case



Posted on September 21, 2016 by Bogman's Cannon


to her exclusion from the fake trial of
Seanie Fitzpatrick here Only on Bogmans Cannon,
the home of sedition)

Im a 17 year old student from Jobstown studying Arts. I

cant speak to you today or be identified because of the
seriousness of the charges against me in court tomorrow.
Since I was 14, Ive been involved in trying to make
improvements in my community. Ive been involved in
Young Social Innovators, residents associations and I
received the Gaisce silver medal for my community work.
I attended the protest against Joan Burton in Jobstown two
years ago to express my opposition to water charges and
austerity. Isnt it significant that where the protest took
place was outside a food bank. This is what Joan Burtons
Labour Party promises did to Jobstown and the rest of the
This was a protest that hundreds of people attended, but
only 23 people were charged. One of them is in the
Childrens Court on Monday which is me. The trials of
the others start next April. The total cost to the public will
be millions of euros to pursue these prosecutions.
Im charged with false imprisonment. This time next week I
could be sentenced to prison. This would have a major
impact on my future, including my career choices with a
serious criminal conviction for the rest of my life. How
many other 17 year olds do you know who are facing
prison for standing up for their rights?
Over the past year, this has had a major impact on my
studies. Its impacted on my Leaving Cert. All because I
expressed my political beliefs at a peaceful protest!
A lot of people have said to me, its not going to happen.
In my mind, its not going to happen, means its not going
to happen at all. But it is happening now. The dawn raids

happened, the arrests happened, the summons

happened, the courts happened and now the trial is
happening. It is happening! Now people are still telling us
that you wont go to prison. Well isnt that what they said
about me not getting arrested.
I dont believe this is just about me. Its a much broader
issue. Its about the right to stand up for your beliefs. If you
dont have the right to protest, what other rights will be
taken away?
I need your support to ensure that an injustice isnt done to
me and all of us next week. I want to appeal to everybody
here today to do your utmost to come to the protest on
Monday at 10am outside the Childrens Court at
Smithfield. I also want to appeal to people to go online
now to the Jobstown Not Guilty facebook page and donate
to the bail fund because we need 2,000 for next
Id like to thank everybody for their ongoing support and
hope to see you on Monday morning.
I want to finish with the words of Martin Luther King Jr.,
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.



Posted on September 22, 2016 by Bogman's Cannon

If what is going on the childrens court in relation to

the Jobstown Protest is a show-trial, it seems what
Seanie Fitzpatrick is getting from our crooked state is
a fake trial with a Jury stocked exclusively by
people who have no problem with the austerity
caused by the actions of him & his friends. Applying
the same logic to the showtrial in the childrens court
would mean anyone who campaigned for austerity
i.e Joan Burton & the whole of the irish ruling class
should be excluded from participation. Logically,
Judge Aylmers exclusion of those who
conscientiously object to a crime from juring that
crime also means that anyone who thinks robbery is
wrong should be excluded from a robbery trial; that
those who dislike kidnapping be excluded from a
kidnappers trial, that those among us who have a
problem with murder be disbarred from a murder
juryin other words it is a formula for letting ruling class
criminals like Seanie Fitzpatrick off scot fee, & of course
that is the whole idea of it. The Irish Ruling class is
quickly becoming the most obviously corrupt in the
world. Time for all decent people to start standing up
to it.

Juror 791 & her Suspect Device

RTE reported today on TV and radio, on the selection of a
jury for trial of Seanie Fitzpatick . The report referred to a
woman selected for the jury panel, who said loudly in court
that she most decidely was not neutral in the case of
bankers. Had I known RTE would carry my comments, Id
have made more of them. I might have said for instance,
that the criteria used to out-rule potential jurors is
preposterous, excluding as it does anyone who may have
..expressed themselves in publicwhether on the
internet, on social media, including FaceBookconcerning
Anglo Irish Bank PLC, or the banking crisis or bankers in
general... (These are the judges words, not mine!). The
judge also explained that a fine of up to 2000 Euros could
apply if you failed to exclude yourself from the jury if any of
the following applied: if you had been strongly affected by
the banking crisis, if you had been active in any
campaigning groups, either formal or informal, if you had
..been involved in protests.anti austerity protests and

such like...
So who is left? Who has not been affected by FEMPI, or
USC or cutbacks in public services, and might feel that
these were connected to the banking crisis and have
strong feelings about bankers as a cosequence? Or
suppose you liked a post on Facebook put up by one of
those hundreds of thousands who campaigned against
Water Charges or other austerity measures, or supposing,
heaven forbid, you were one of those protestors. Well
sorry, you just couldnt possible be a juror then, now could
Does this not seem to be a very serious flaw in our justice
system? If having a sense of outrage at the wrongdoing of
the banking elites, or a sense of social responsibility such
that you protest about injustice, or simply disagree with
government policy and protest about that, that if any of this
applies to you, then you are unfit as a juror. It put me in
mind of a great song years ago by the punk band Stiff
Little Fingers, called Suspect Device. The suspect device
was a brain you got one, dont apply for jury duty.

We know what they want, we know FF, FG, LB will not support
motion to abolish IW. We know they want to privatise our water, and
in all likelihood the deal has long been done, behind our backs of
course. We know if the money squandered into keeping the quango
iw afloat could have provided quality water supply if actually used
wisely instead of for forcing metres on us. Now they want another
660mil to fill the holes in this sinking toxic company!We refuse to
pay, boycott iw charges, and the snakes up in leinster house take
our public funds and funnel them back into this hated money pit.
While people go homeless, hungry and every other knockon result of
austerity continues. This is an absolute insult to each ans everyone
of us. What I want to know is what are we going to do about it? Are
we going to let this happen? Are we going to allow these clowns to
drain more public monies into that cesspit iw? Enough of this lunacy,
its time for full on action, nonstop til mission complete, do you think
the enemy iw has stopped planning its dirty sneaky tactics to force
its will upon us? No of course not, so why do we? Time to up the
anti. This is going on way too long now, and all the while this
parasitic quango is sucking us dry!

Emigrants video criticising

Apple tax appeal seen by
UK-based Irish construction worker says Ireland should
use 13bn windfall for jobs
about 6 hours ago Updated: about 5 hours ago

Dan Griffin
James Conway, an Irishman living and working in the UK, has posted an antigovernment video to his Facebook page that received over half a million views
in less than one day. Video: James Conway

A video posted online by an Irish construction worker

in the UK, criticising the Governments approach to the
EU Apple tax ruling, has received more than 500,000
In the video, James Conway urges the Government to
take the 13 billion windfall from the ruling and use it
to build infrastructure and create jobs.
Because when people are working theyre spending
money in the country. How much is Apple spending?
Damn all, Mr Conway says.
Mr Conway said he made the video because it drove
me absolutely off the walls when he read about the
Governments decision to appeal the Apple tax ruling.
By 9.30am on Thursday the video, titled A little
message from myself to the Irish Government, had
attracted 588,000 views and Mr Conway had received
more than 700 messages from around the world.

EU Commission has no specific concern about Irish

tax system Vestager
Apple tax deal: Controversial ruling backed by MEPs
Apple row underlines why corporates need foreign

The reaction has been very positive, he said. I think

its probably a reflection of how a lot of people in
Ireland and a lot of Irish people around the world are
feelingthey feel at a loss.
Theres no recovery going on. Unless youre around
Dublin or the counties around Dublin youre really not
feeling the effects of a recovery going on, he said.
The 23-year-old from Ballymote, Co Sligo, said he first
travelled to the UK for work three years ago. I left
school when I was about 17 or 18 and worked in
Wexford; Ive worked in Offaly, around Dublin,
Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool. Im in Wrexham
at the moment, were based out north Wales.
I come home now every second weekend. I get home
on a Friday afternoon and I get my child on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday and Im back on Monday
morning then.
Ive worked at home and it doesnt pay. Its alright if
you can subsidise yourself in a way that you can live of
very, very little. Thats my major problem. Theyre not
making work pay at the moment.

Secrets of success: what makes a great ad

He said he hopes to return to Ireland but that currently
there are not many opportunities in the construction
sector. He said while the Government focuses on the
knowledge economy ordinary workers are being left
The ideal for me would be to see some fund to be put
in place to improve the infrastructure in the west of
Ireland, the northwest of Ireland and the rural areas of
Ireland-because theres any amount of work that can
be done.
They can improve the roads, they can bring fibre

broadband out to rural areas to spread the actual

recovery so that rural areas and places outside of
Dublin actually see something from this recovery.

Is Fianna Fil ready, and indeed willing, to be the lead

party in government once again?


Barry Cowen: water charges to be completely abolished. Photo:
Tom Burke

Judging by the mood of TDs and senators at the party's

think-in in Carlow, Fianna Fil very much believes that
redemption is in the air.
Half of the parliamentary party are new on the scene and
many have genuine ambitions of becoming ministers.
And so, after five long years in the political wilderness, the
party believes it has learned from its many, many
mistakes, which left the Irish public feeling battered,
bruised and very much betrayed.
Michel Martin deserves massive credit for bringing his
party back from a point of absolute despair.
But, after just four months supporting Enda Kenny's limp
coalition, Fianna Fil's mask has well and truly slipped.
The party's U-turn on the issue of water charges smacks of
the type of populism we see so often from Sinn Fin.
At the Fianna Fil rd Fheis and on several subsequent
occasions, the party's environment spokesman Barry
Cowen said water charges should be suspended for the
lifetime of the next government.
Now, according to its submission to the water commission,
charges will be abolished under a Fianna Fil
It is some turnaround from 2010, when the Fianna Filled Cabinet was preparing to introduce annual charges of
around 500 per household.
But the scale of the U-turn does not stop there.
Not only is Fianna Fil promising to scrap charges forever,
it has offered to refund the hundreds of thousands of
householders who were foolish enough to obey the law and
pay their bills.
This will come in the form of a tax credit, the party says.
How much will that cost? Well, the party hasn't put a
figure on it.
What if the commission recommends charges should be

Well, the party hasn't explained what it will do in that
At official level, Fianna Fil denies that it has flip-flopped
on the issue, instead saying the position is consistent with
its election manifesto.
But at the think-in, TDs privately expressed unease about
the new-found policy. In fact, one prominent backbencher
complained that the first he heard about the stance was
when it was reported in the media.
Several deputies also voiced concern that the party has
gone so far out on a limb on water charges, that it will be
the issue that not only causes the next election, but
dominates the campaign itself.
If the expert commission does, as expected, recommend
the re-introduction of water charges, Fianna Fil surely
will have no option but to reject its findings.
For if it doesn't, how can the party's TDs honestly look
their voters directly in the eye when election time comes
around again.
As Michel Martin's gamble was discussed over dinner
and drinks at the think-in, TDs spoke of a party that once
again can influence everyday life in this country.
They spoke of a party that has reconnected with the people
whom on so many occasions gave them their endorsement
at the ballot box.
Fianna Fil is back, the deputies say, and it will fight even
harder for its supporters this time round.
The first real proof of this commitment, so we are told, will
be in the Budget.
Not only will it be 'Brexit-proof', 'rural-proof' and
whatever other analogy being used in the customary preBudget narrative, but it will also be 'Fianna Fil-proof'.
That is of course if Paschal Donohoe and Michael Noonan
can somehow satisfy the multi-million euro demands
being sought by various spokespeople in Michel Martin's
While Fianna Fil is enjoying what many in the party say

is a rebirth, ordinary families are not.

One thing the political events of 2016 have achieved is the
moulding of the public into a much more unforgiving
bunch than years gone by.
As Fianna Fil's own TD and Ceann Comhairle Sen
Fearghal said recently, trust between the public and the
political establishment is broken.
Unless Fianna Fil fulfils its pledge of acting responsibly,
that trust won't be repaired for a long, long time.

Vindictive trial of 17 year old for 'false imprisonment' of

Joan Burton continuing today. This piece of video evidence
from Joan Burton's iphone really tells you all you need to
know about the idea that Joan Burton was in fear of her
life and was therefore falsely imprisoned!

This mockery is nothing but a deliberate attempt to scare everyone

into silence and inaction. We're no fools, it seems they
underestimated the power of the people once again.
One of my memories of this when the Endapendent and other
propaganda media outlets reported this incident there was a picture
they used. The one,where a lad was photoshopped throwing a brick
at Garda cars. It was such a bad job, I knew that here was an
incident to be used by FG as a political setup. Now we have a
showtrail. I'm afraid of the outcome,the appointed judge will
probably rule in favour of the "elite". If he does that spells the end of
the right to protest. It could push Ireland over the edge,do we have

the balls to take them on?.

Boylan Demands
Public Inquiry into
British Undercover
Policing in Ireland
22 September, 2016 - by Lynn Boylan MEP

Following the announcement today that the Scottish

Government is to carry out their own inquiry into British Met
undercover policing, Sinn Fin MEP for Dublin Lynn Boylan has
called for Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald to also carry
out an inquiry into their activities on the island of Ireland.
Speaking in Dublin today, Ms Boylan said
We know for sure that at least one undercover police officer,
Mark Kennedy, visited Ireland on a number of occasions and
infiltrated a number of campaign groups including Shell to Sea
and ShannonWatch. It is also believed that he embarked on a
sexual relationship with at least one female activist.
In 2015, Theresa May launched an Inquiry into the British Met
Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) and the National Public
Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) amid concerns around the
behaviour of these undercover police. Over 50 convictions
have been overturned in England and it has also emerged that
engaging in long term sexual relationships with women activists
was not unusual for these undercover police and in some cases

they have even had children with the women.

Prime Minister May has refused point blank to extend the
inquiry outside of England and Wales and, as a result, the
Scottish government have now decided to carry out their own
The fact that undercover British Met officers were operating
on the island of Ireland and spying on legitimate, democratic
campaign groups and organisations is deeply concerning.
There are so many questions that need to be answered.
Did the Fianna Fil Minister for Justice at the time, Dermot
Ahern sanction their activities? If not, why did he fail to
demand answers of his British counterpart as the German
Bundestag did?
How many of these undercover police were operating in
Ireland? Why is the British Met refusing to release the full list of
groups targeted in Ireland? Are there any convictions of
activists in Ireland as a result of the activities of these
Only a full and comprehensive public inquiry would be able to
establish these facts.
Minister Frances Fitzgerald has a duty of care to the victims of
these undercover police, particularly the female victims who
were sexually exploited by their actions. It is simply not good
enough for the Minister to shrug her shoulders; she should
establish a public inquiry immediately.
Following the announcement today that the Scottish
Government is to carry out their own inquiry into British
Met undercover policing, Sinn Fin MEP for Dublin Lynn
Boylan has called for Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald
to also carry out an inquiry into their activities on the
island of Ireland.
Speaking in Dublin today, Ms Boylan said
We know for sure that at least one undercover police
officer, Mark Kennedy, visited Ireland on a number of
occasions and infiltrated a number of campaign groups
including Shell to Sea and ShannonWatch. It is also
believed that he embarked on a sexual relationship with at

least one female activist.

In 2015, Theresa May launched an Inquiry into the British
Met Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) and the National
Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) amid concerns
around the behaviour of these undercover police. Over 50
convictions have been overturned in England and it has
also emerged that engaging in long term sexual
relationships with women activists was not unusual for
these undercover police and in some cases they have
even had children with the women.
Prime Minister May has refused point blank to extend the
inquiry outside of England and Wales and, as a result, the
Scottish government have now decided to carry out their
own investigation.
The fact that undercover British Met officers were
operating on the island of Ireland and spying on
legitimate, democratic campaign groups and organisations
is deeply concerning. There are so many questions that
need to be answered.
Did the Fianna Fil Minister for Justice at the time, Dermot
Ahern sanction their activities? If not, why did he fail to
demand answers of his British counterpart as the German
Bundestag did?
How many of these undercover police were operating in
Ireland? Why is the British Met refusing to release the full
list of groups targeted in Ireland? Are there any
convictions of activists in Ireland as a result of the
activities of these individuals?
Only a full and comprehensive public inquiry would be
able to establish these facts.
Minister Frances Fitzgerald has a duty of care to the
victims of these undercover police, particularly the female
victims who were sexually exploited by their actions. It is
simply not good enough for the Minister to shrug her
shoulders; she should establish a public inquiry

Ireland can legally scrap water charges

says Sinn Fin
Monday, September 12, 2016

Ireland can scrap water charges according to legal

opinion received by Sinn Fein.

This is despite the latest view of the European Commission
which says that Ireland must keep the contentious
Water charges have been suspended pending an
investigation, and there is still widespread noncompliance.

Sinn Fin MEP Lynn Boylan (pictured) says their legal

advice is clear: "It confirms what we have said all along,
which tallies with the responses we got from the
Commission to Parlimentary questions and through emails
and through other MEP's that Ireland would not be in
contravention of the water framework directive if it chose
to abolish water charges.
"Provided that it showed that it was complying with all the
other objectives of the directive, which is around the
conservation of water."
In Republic of Ireland pursuant to section reflected in the
final document. ... police officers) operating in the the South
from UK NI

Foreign Terrorist Organizations Continuity Irish Republican

Army (CIRA) The Green Book is a training and ... declared
illegal - in the UK, the Republic of Ireland and a ... that was

aimed at the end of British rule in Northern Ireland.
Police & Science Technology Strategy 2004 2009
Republic of Ireland of a secret army engaged ... by the
police in Northern Ireland and ... following clashes
between the security forces and members of the illegal
Terrorism and the European Convention on Human Rights

Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949: the

third is the Geneva Convention relative to the
Treatment of Prisoners of War, and the fourth
the Geneva Convention relative to the
Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.
1949 under Irelands Illegal Army Rule

5 Human Rights Law in the Republic of Ireland ... of
illegally obtained of Ireland,
Ireland and now Chairman of British

Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence in Ireland: Protectionism,

Deterrence and the Winds of Change
quoting Art.40.3.1 of the Irish Constitution.



Election needed NOW. NO ----FF, FG, LAB. Careful with certain IND.
Time for a big change. Can't be any worse for what we got so far.
Thomas Bellew.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>In total - past and present government
So people still want to elect the same old parties back again? Lets
see in total how good they previously did or are doing now?
Fine Gael:
* Up to necks in corruption, cronyism & nepotism?
* Allowed the Troika (banks) in.
* Saddled the citizens with 64 Billion of debt that was not theirs
created but told to pay.
* Water re-charging, household tax, levies and 40+ other upped
taxes besides more financial taking inventions.
* Taking of Denis O'Brien money - all legal.

* The allowing of a media mogul to repeatedly buy more and more

Ireland media despite 2011 stating they would stop him. Was this
before or after he gave money to them and Lowry?
* The 1 Million public money facelift for the FG HQ.
* Odd circumstances about Eamons Gilmore's wife to gain a 92,000
state job - and letting it then come to pass?
* Too busy continuing an agenda of state privatisation by back-door.
* With others, yearly upping again, their own pay while citizens have
not seen a pay increase since 2008.
* All too quiet about other parties in government corruption and
immoral antics.
* Not defending a TD's right to speak in the Dail. Kenny went
missing in action for seven days instead!
* Allowing too many companies to use complete fiction regarding
addresses, offices and staff, to massive tax dodge to the tune of
over 300 Billion! Turned a blind eye to it all.
* Too busy cow-towing to EU heads and also handing over Irish
budget to them for their approval before they even show it to fellow
elected and share with the Ireland citizens!
* Seeing 20 Garda waste six months over one TD delayed for an
hour and who had an empty water balloon thrown at her! Not
forgetting about dragging kids out of their beds in the early hours of
the morn like they were big drug criminals!
* Quicker to jail TV licence non-payers than bankers who screwed
the public out of Billions of Euro.
* Did bugger all to stop the Eircode farce come in and continue still!
* Helped create the state conditions that sees one in ten cannot
afford food.
* Not only screwed up the HSE despite promising to tackle it - they
made it far worse - of course, now ripe for privatisation more!
* * Wanted to abolish the Seanad - so that that watchdog could not
interfere also with the TTIP agenda being rammed in quietly?
* Created the worst homelessness crises in the history of the state?
* Still charging (only county in EU) for FOI access. Bugger all
information them made available!
* Assisted Fianna Fail and Labour in passing on the very last day of
the 2011 Dail, a law that allowed them all to hide their expenses
antics from the public a lot more.
* Along with other parties in government, allowed priests and their
orgs to escape legal prosecution. Allowed the orgs total escape
paying 1,4 Billion that they were supposed to pay back to state!
They still all too quiet on that issue too.
* All too quiet and no Garda investigation over what happened on
the days surrounding the bank-bailout that set the state into crises
for years!
* Inventing expensive, toothless Dail inquiries, one after another!
* The Ansbacher tax dodging affair buried from public eye.
* The massive Anglo loans gained by simple phone call with little or
no paperwork?

* Quietly giving our neutrality away.

While continuing to extract money from public to pay a bill of 64
Billion - a debt they had no hand in creating, they reject 13 Billion
the people is actually owed because of their previous 'blind eye' to
corporate legal tax dodging using fiction.
* All too quiet on Mr Noonan, a FG bondholder, getting to decided if
he should 'burn' himself along with other European bondholders! (its
called elsewhere akin to "insider trading")
* * In joint partnership with others to ram TTIP treaty down the
throats of of a nation.
* Allowing Abtran and Seetec (private companies) and more, to
continue take over once state department services.
* The Fitzpatrick Tapes - All too silent about them!
* Saying they would cut quango's - then actually created even more!
* Allowing Bertie Ahern to escape REAL Garda investigation.
* The ramming in of Irish water.
* The ramming in of meters via private companies - some owned by
he who gave money to the FG party!
* The ramming in of membership of the new EU army.
* Bin charges hiked and all too silent about additional service
* Allowing media to be more monopolised.
* The Enda Kenny fairy tales.
* The Enda Kenny timely disappearances.
* The Enda kenny ducking of journalists and TV3 debates nation
* The Constitution Convention burying of an 83% vote calling for the
re-instatement of Participatory democracy
* The handing over of a nations data to private companies like
Abtran and Seetec - all without express permission!
* FG awarding Senate seats to failed elected - after trying first to get
rid of the Senate!
* The attempt to gag journalists!
* Noonan ok'ing bankers 800K
* The more quiet four person cabal that really ran the state!
* The 300k spent on tea and biscuits?
* The "not another cent" statement - then what happened?
* The 60+ million lost so far on Eircode!
* The EXTRA 280 Million EU bill because they played footloose with
state economy figures?
* The illegal VRT tax.
* The still hiding of RTE costs and presenter wages!
* The forcing of people (including top Garda) to resign by night visits
* The HSE waiting lists made far longer!
* The stretcher corridors made more filled!
* The quiet dropping of water allowances.
* The farce surrounding the 100 bride to get people water conserve
- in other words, trick them to signing up to a contract and admitting

a tax liability!
* The state data snooping!
* Burton keeping quiet on huge losses till after an election?
* The secret deal to spin a budget!
* How the Uk knew of the Anglo rescue ahead of Lenihan!
* The repeated cuts to mothers allowances!
The still cowardly direct non-tackling of school book companies and
their rip-off practises!
* Creating the conditions that actually saw a massive growth in soup
kitchens around the country.
* Household charge - septic tank tax - increased USC - prescription
charges - increased PRSI...
* Hospital closures.
* Garda station closures.
* The allowing of banks to evict in two months - previously was
* The massive hike in family evictions.
* The constant doing that EU heads order - over the heads of the
Irish nation's people!
* Up to necks in corruption, cronyism & nepotism - or all too quiet
while it continued under their very noses?
* Allowed the Troika (banks) in.
* Continued to saddled the citizens with 64 Billion of debt that was
not theirs created but told to pay.
* Too conveniently silent about water meters.
* Too conveniently silent about needed greater constitution
amendment to ensure better natural resources protection from
* Too conveniently silent about FG/FF/Greens continuing an agenda
of state privatisation by back-door.
* With others, yearly upping again, their own pay while citizens have
not seen a pay increase since 2008.
* Allowed too many companies to use complete fiction regarding
addresses, offices and staff, to massive tax dodge to the tune of
over 300 Billion! Turned a blind eye to it all.
* Too busy cow-towing to EU heads and also handing over Irish
budget to them for their approval before they even show it to fellow
elected and share with the Ireland citizens!
* Now all too silent about an elected person that silenced Garda in
Donegal over Mary Boyle case?
* Quicker to jail TV licence non-payers than bankers who screwed
the public out of Billions of Euro.
* Did bugger all to stop the Eircode farce come in and continue still in fact - they interfered with the tender process to force in the
company they wanted? Others let them get away with it all. WHY?

* Helped create the state conditions that sees one in ten cannot
afford food.
* Wanted to abolish the Seanad - so that that watchdog could not
interfere also with the TTIP agenda being rammed in quietly?
* Then used the Senate to ram in those of their party that was
rejected in their very home towns - including Ged Nash who actively
campaigned to close the Senate he's now earning money & later
another pension from!
* Reduced information drastically, that was once more available
under FOI applications made.
* Assisted Fine Gael and Labour in passing on the very last day of
the 2011 Dail, a law that allowed them all to hide their expenses
antics from the public a lot more.
* Along with other parties in government, made a complete and
utter balls up of the HSE.
* Along with other parties in government, allowed priests and their
orgs to escape legal prosecution. Allowed the orgs total escape
paying 1,4 Billion that they were supposed to pay back to state!
They still all too quiet on that issue too.
* All too quiet and no Garda investigation over what happened on
the days surrounding the bank-bailout that set the state into crises
for years!
* Quietly giving our neutrality away.
* The usage of Shannon Airport by US military and the secret CIA
plane landings.
* While slapping a bill of 64 Billion on the people they had no hand
in creating, they reject 13 Billion the people is actually owed
because of their previous 'blind eye' to corporate legal tax dodging
using fiction.
* All too quiet over Mr Noonan, a FG bondholder, getting to decided
if he should 'burn' himself along with other European bondholders!
(its called elsewhere akin to "insider trading"). Letting him get away
with it or not even calling it all into open question?
* The Gilmore family awarded 92,000 state job?
* Allowing Water re-charging, household tax, levies and 40+ other
upped taxes besides more financial taking inventions.
* The allowing of a media mogul to repeatedly buy more and more
Ireland media.
* Too busy continuing an agenda of state privatisation by back-door.
* With others, yearly upping again, their own pay while citizens have
not seen a pay increase since 2008.
* All too quiet about other parties in government corruption and
immoral antics.
* Allowing too many companies to use complete fiction regarding
addresses, offices and staff, to massive tax dodge to the tune of
over 300 Billion! Turned a blind eye to it all.
* Too busy cow-towing to EU heads and also handing over Irish
budget to them for their approval before they even show it to fellow
elected and share with the Ireland citizens!

* Seeing 20 Garda waste six months over one TD delayed for an

hour and who had an empty water balloon thrown at her! Not
forgetting about dragging kids out of their beds in the early hours of
the morn like they were big drug criminals!
* Helped create the state conditions that sees one in ten cannot
afford food.
* Not only screwed up the HSE despite promising to tackle it - they
made it far worse - of course, now ripe for privatisation more!
* Created the worst homelessness crises in the history of the state?
* Still charging (only county in EU) for FOI access. Bugger all
information them made available!
* Assisted Fianna Fail and Fine Gael in passing on the very last day
of the 2011 Dail, a law that allowed them all to hide their expenses
antics from the public a lot more.
* * Along with other parties in government, allowed priests and their
orgs to escape legal prosecution. Allowed the orgs total escape
paying 1,4 Billion that they were supposed to pay back to state!
They still all too quiet on that issue too.
* * All too quiet and no Garda investigation over what happened on
the days surrounding the bank-bailout that set the state into crises
for years!
* Inventing expensive, toothless Dail inquiries, one after another!
* The Ansbacher tax dodging affair buried from public eye.
* The massive Anglo loans gained by simple phone call with little or
no paperwork?
* Quietly giving our neutrality away.
While continuing to extract money from public to pay a bill of 64
Billion - a debt they had no hand in creating, they reject 13 Billion
the people is actually owed because of their previous 'blind eye' to
corporate legal tax dodging using fiction.
* All too quiet on Mr Noonan, a FG bondholder, getting to decided if
he should 'burn' himself along with other European bondholders! (its
called elsewhere akin to "insider trading")
* * In joint partnership with others to ram TTIP treaty down the
throats of of a nation.
* Allowing Abtran and Seetec (private companies) and more, to
continue take over once state department services.
* Allowing Bertie Ahern to escape REAL Garda investigation.
* Standing by the ramming in of Irish water.
* Standing by the ramming in of meters via private companies some owned by he who gave money to the FG party!
* Standing by the ramming in of membership of the new EU army.
* Standing by the bin charges hikes and all too silent about
additional service charges!
* Standing by, allowing media to be more monopolised.
* Standing by the Enda Kenny fairy tales.
* Standing by the Enda Kenny timely disappearances.
* Standing by the Enda Kenny ducking of journalists and TV3
debates nation wide.

* Standing by the Constitution Convention burying of an 83% vote

calling for the re-instatement of Participatory Democracy.
* Standing by the handing over of a nations data to private
companies like Abtran and Seetec - all without express permission!
* Standing by too quiet over the EXTRA 280 Million EU bill.
* The illegal VRT tax.
* The still hiding of RTE costs and presenter wages!
* The HSE waiting lists made far longer!
* The stretcher corridors made more filled!
* The quiet dropping of water allowances.
* The farce surrounding the 100 bride to get people water conserve
- in other words, trick them to signing up to a contract and admitting
a tax liability!
* The state data snooping!
* Standing by the secret deal to spin a budget?
* The repeated cuts to mothers allowances!
* Creating the conditions that actually saw a massive growth in soup
kitchens around the country - and then had the nerve to seek good
PR by getting photographed at them!
* Household charge - septic tank tax - increased USC - prescription
charges - increased PRSI...
* Hospital closures.
* Garda station closures.
* The allowing of banks to evict in two months - previously was
* The massive hike in family evictions.
* The constant doing that EU heads order - over the heads of the
Irish nation's people!
Fianna Fail:
* Up to necks in corruption, cronyism & nepotism?
* Allowed the Troika (banks) in.
* Saddled the citizens with 64 Billion of debt that was not theirs
created but told to pay.
* All over the damn place as regards water re-charging.
* Too conveniently silent about water meters.
* Too conveniently silent about needed greater constitution
amendment to ensure better natural resources protection from
* Too conveniently silent about FG/Labour/Greens continuing an
agenda of state privatisation by back-door.
* With others, yearly upping again, their own pay while citizens have
not seen a pay increase since 2008.
* All too quiet about other parties in government corruption and
immoral antics.
* Allowed too many companies to use complete fiction regarding
addresses, offices and staff, to massive tax dodge to the tune of
over 300 Billion! Turned a blind eye to it all.

* Too busy cow-towing to EU heads and also handing over Irish

budget to them for their approval before they even show it to fellow
elected and share with the Ireland citizens!
* All too silent about the elected person in their party that silenced
Garda in Donegal over Mary Boyle case?
* Quicker to jail TV licence non-payers than bankers who screwed
the public out of Billions of Euro.
* Told people who issued warnings of future bubble burst, they were
imagining things, rubbished them in the media and told them they
would be better to go kill themselves?
* Did bugger all to stop the Eircode farce come in and continue still!
* Helped create the state conditions that sees one in ten cannot
afford food.
* Wanted to abolish the Seanad - so that that watchdog could not
interfere also with the TTIP agenda being rammed in quietly?
* Upped the costs for FOI access so that even newspapers found it
harder to gain information.
* Reduced information drastically, that was once more available
under FOI applications made.
* Assisted Fine Gael and Labour in passing on the very last day of
the 2011 Dail, a law that allowed them all to hide their expenses
antics from the public a lot more.
* Along with other parties in government, made a complete and
utter balls up of the HSE.
* Along with other parties in government, allowed priests and their
orgs to escape legal prosecution. Allowed the orgs total escape
paying 1,4 Billion that they were supposed to pay back to state!
They still all too quiet on that issue too.
* All too quiet and no Garda investigation over what happened on
the days surrounding the bank-bailout that set the state into crises
for years!
* Saw to it that Francie O'Brien got to keep his extensive Dail
pension after being sentenced to three years for his part in a
100,000 extortion plot!
* Bertie - the horses - the envelopes - the Stirling money - the no
bank account in Ireland - the Drumcondra Mafia - the Golden Circle...
Need we say more?
* The Ansbacher tax dodging affair buried from public eye.
* The massive Anglo loans gained by simple phone call with little or
no paperwork?
* Quietly giving our neutrality away.
* Not only too quiet over Windscale ((later PR changed it name to
Sellafield because of too many accidents and thus earned bad
name), they did nothing to more protest its expansion!
* While slapping a bill of 64 Billion on the people they had no hand
in creating, they reject 13 Billion the people is actually owed
because of their previous 'blind eye' to corporate legal tax dodging
using fiction.
* All too quiet on Mr Noonan, a FG bondholder, getting to decided if

he should 'burn' himself along with other European bondholders! (its

called elsewhere akin to "insider trading")
* In joint partnership with others to ram TTIP treaty down the throats
of of a nation.
* Allowing Abtran and Seetec (private companies) and more, to
continue take over once state department services.
* The Fitzpatrick Tapes - All too silent about them!
* Connie Quinn, who was controversially selected without a
democratic vote of Fianna Fil members in Longford for an election!
* The 1970 Devlin Report identified 80 quangos - by 2008 according
to a policy paper there was 445 by the time FF got into their stride!
* A previous Tanaiste brother who earned 15,000 in TD/Senator
phone sales.
* While Jackie Healy-Rae support was needed in the Dail, his sons,
Healy-Rea brothers, get cared for. 110,000 for year on council!
* The secret 100 yard tunnel for TD's to get to the Dail. What? You
were not told about that?
* Bertie Ahern and the Mahon Tribunal - all too silent.
* The Ryan Report - all too silent.
* The Murphy Report - all too silent.
Do you seriously want them back at the next local and national

Council compulsory purchase orders would solve

IRELANDS housing crisis overnight, as the Master of the
High Court said a few months ago but like everything in
this rotten state, they have to forced kicking and
screaming to do anything, by US! LETS FORCE THEM INTO

Damning files reveal Central Banks role in 7bn banking fraud The
Sunday Business Post by Tom Lyons. Jun 19, 2016
Catherine Murphy makes more claims in the Dil about Denis
O'Brien's finances and AIB. Jul 8, 2016 RTE.Government accused of
facilitating tax avoidance by vulture funds Jul 14, 2016 Irish Times.
Irish bankers jailed for 'deceitful and corrupt' market deception
scheme Jul 29, 2016 Irish MirrorALL OF ABOVE WAS PUBLISHED LAST
Simon transferring houses from namas books over to local councils
would solve our homeless crises over night, but it is not part of the
plan to fix things,

Just think about what Stephen is saying. Forget his politics

and concentrate on the fact that he's a bean counter with
a voice....
The public finances surrounding the upcoming budget ain't
It's budget season - time to listen to all the ways life's going to be
better...660m in new spending on services next year...good right?
Not so much. The Budget Oversight Committee just got new
numbers from the Fiscal Advisory Council, and they say something
very important, that's going largely unnoticed. It's this: It would take
ALL of the proposed spending increases for the next five years JUST
to keep things as they are - or to 'stand still', as IFAC says. SO - any
spending on new stuff will in fact be funded from falls in real public
sector wages and falls in real social protection levels.
1. Don't erode the tax base (as pretty much all the experts before

committee, and employer groups agree with);

2. Get agreement from EU on need for additional capital spend (also
agreed by pretty much everyone);
3. Spend less in some areas. I know, crazy...EVERYONE wants to talk
about where we should spend MORE money...but what about where
we should spend LESS money? The Minister wasn't going to
Tax rulings under EU State aid rules after Apple- What is targeted
and what can be done? August 31, 2016

If the man said it on Spotlight on the British

Broadcasting Corporation it must be true

The Government will commit on Thursday to having more

than 1,000 rapid housing units for homeless families in
place or under construction by the end of next year.
Minister for Housing Simon Coveney will announce details
of the measures, which are aimed at ending the practice
of homeless families living in emergency accommodation
such as hotels or bed and breakfasts.
He is to set out plans to have 327 units under construction
or completed by the end of this year, a further 200 in
place early next year and 500 additional sites identified by
the end of 2017.
The Government has been under significant pressure to
address the issue of homelessness and housing shortages.
The announcement comes after figures showed the
number of people sleeping on the streets has reached a
new high.
Mortgage rules likely to hit supply of new homes, warns
Living by the rules on mortgage lending
Record number sleeping rough in Dublin, says Simon
The Simon Community counted 168 people sleeping on
the streets on Monday night.
A further 60 were sleeping on the floor of the Merchants
Quay Ireland night cafe.
Mr Coveney described the figures as shocking and said
finding a solution to the homeless crisis was like trying to
empty a bath of water while the taps are running full on.
Support services
Minister for Health Simon Harris is set to announce an
additional 2 million for 2016 for support services for
homeless people.
It is understood Mr Harris will commit to trebling that to 6
million next year to ensure individuals can access primary
care, addiction and mental health services.
The Government is also to commit to allocating every child
who leaves the care of the State a dedicated social worker.
Minister for Children Katherine Zappone plans to instruct
housing bodies to find accommodation for this purpose.
It is understood that Tsla, the child and family agency,
has been instructed by the Minister to take on extra
responsibilities in this regard.

Coveney plans 1,000 rapid

housing units for homeless
Move comes days after figures showed a record number
of rough sleepers in Dublin

Now this is interesting.

#RTbias so far on drivetime we have had Enda Kenny, Michael
Noonan, Shane Ross and John Halligan. To come we will have Pascal
Donohoe and Paul Murphy . No Sinn Fin and only one out of six TDs
who oppose giving back 13billion given airtime.
Last evening Mr. Boucher Hayes. Came out with the line

"Shane Ross knows what side our bread is buttered on"

showing the presenters clear bias generated from RTE group think.
The Budget Oversight Committee just got new numbers from the
Fiscal Advisory Council, and they say something very important,
that's going largely unnoticed. It's this: It would take ALL of the
proposed spending increases for the next five years JUST to keep
things as they are - or to 'stand still', as IFAC says. SO

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