ClasClassification of Computers According To Size and Purposesification of Computers According To Size and Purpose

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Classification Of Computers

According To Size:
1. Super Computers:
Super computers are the fastest, largest and costliest computers available. The speed is in
the 100 million instructions per second range. They tend to be used for specific
applications in weather forecasting, aircraft design and nuclear research. Super computers
are sometimes used for time sharing as well. Memory size is in hundreds of megabytes.
2. Mainframe Computers:
Mainframes are the traditional medium and large scale computer systems used in most
business organizations for information processing.
A mainframe typically has a advanced control system and is capable of linking up
with dozens of input/output units and even minis for additional computer power. It can
usually perform from 16 MIPS to onward. Memory size is from 2 MB to onward.
Examples are IBM 4300 and 3300 series, Honeywell 700 series and NCR 800 series.

3. Mini Computers:
Mini computers have been very popular in business. Minis are frequently used to add
computer power with mainframes. Sometimes an organization decides to decentralize or
distribute its computer power to various stations or locations within users departments.
Mini computers are ideal for processing data in a decentralized mode
since they are small. Moreover mini have also made it possible for many smaller
organizations to afford a computer for the first time. The input/output devices are lesser
as compared to mainframe. The speed is usually from 10 MIPS to onward. RAM is from
2 MB to onward.

4. Micro Computers:
The increasing use of micros in home, school, business and professional offices has been
even more revolutionary. Although these computers have limited memory and speed,
their cost makes them very attractive for applications that would otherwise not be
feasible. Moreover micros are frequently used to provide additional computer power for
companies that already have mainframes or minis. These are rare input/output devices
with micro computers. It is mostly used as a single user. Its speed is usually counted in
MHz rather than MIPS. The speed is generally from 8 MHz to onward. The RAM is from
640 KB to onward.

Classification based on size of computer

Nowadays computers are available
in different sizes ans with diffrent
capabilities . on the basis of
capacity of speed processing
information computers are classified into:

1)super computer
2)mainframe computer
3)mini computer
4)micro computer
super computer :
They are most powerful ans expensive computers. they have externally large storage
capacities and processing speed is at least 10 times faster than other computers.some of
the super computers are NEC , CRAY ,CYBER 205,CDC STAR 100 etc.
mainframe computer:
they are midium or large machine ,made of several units connected together . it's
generally used in big organizations.

mini computer:
they are like small mainframes. they consist of a few seperate units connected together .
they are not powerful as mainframe computers.
micro computer:
they are the smallest general purpose computers. they are about the same size an of a
typewriter machine . they are used in diffrent applications like business, engeneering ,
schools, colleges , entertainment etc.


According to size
Mainframe Computers
Microcomputers, or Personal Computers
Supercomputers :
are widely used in scientific applications such as aerodynamic design simulation,
processing of geological data.
Supercomputers are the most powerful computers. They are used for problems
requiring complex calculations.
Because of their size and expense, supercomputers are relatively rare.
Supercomputers are used by universities, government agencies, and large businesses.
Mainframe Computers:
are usually slower, less powerful and less expensive than supercomputers. A technique
that allows many people at terminals, to access the same computer at one time is called
time sharing. Mainframes are used by banks and many business to update inventory etc.
Mainframe computers can support hundreds or thousands of users, handling massive
amounts of input, output, and storage.
Mainframe computers are used in large organizations where many users need access to
shared data and programs.
Mainframes are also used as e-commerce servers, handling transactions over the
are smaller than mainframe, general purpose computers, and give computing power
without adding the prohibitive expenses associated with larger systems. It is generally
easier to use.

Minicomputers usually have multiple terminals.

Minicomputers may be used as network servers and Internet servers.
Workstations are powerful single-user computers.
Workstations are used for tasks that require a great deal of number-crunching power,
such as product design and computer animation.
Workstations are often used as network and Internet servers.
Microcomputers, or Personal Computers :
is the smallest, least expensive of all the computers. Micro computers have smallest
memory and less power, are physically smaller and permit fewer peripherals to be
Microcomputers are more commonly known as personal computers. The term PC
is applied to IBM-PCs or compatible computers.
Desktop computers are the most common type of PC.
Notebook (laptop) computers are used by people who need the power of a desktop
system, but also portability.
Handheld PCs (such as PDAs) lack the power of a desktop or notebook PC, but offer
features for users who need limited functions and small size.
Personal Computers(PC):

Desk Top

Lap Top

Palm Top

According to Technology
Analog Computers
Digital Computers
Hydride Computers
Analog Computers:
These computers recognize data as a continuous measurement of a physical property
( voltage, pressure, speed and temperature).
Example: Automobile speedometer
Digital Computers:
These are high speed programmable electronic devices that perform mathematical
calculations, compare values and store results. They recognize data by counting discrete
signal representing either a high or low voltage state of electricity.

Hybrid Computers:
A computer that processes both analog and digital data.
According to Purpose
1. General purpose Computers
2. Special Computers
General purpose Computers
A General Purpose Computer is a machine that is capable of carrying out some
general data processing under program control.
Refers to computers that follow instructions, thus virtually all computers from micro to
mainframe are general purpose. Even computers in toys, games and single-function
devices follow instructions in their built-in program.
Special purpose Computers
A computer that is designed to operate on a restricted class of problems.
Use special purpose computer equipment to obtain patient diagnostic information.

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