Anatomy MCQs

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Anatomy MCQs Demo
Q.1: the wt. of upper limb is transmitted to the axial skeleton by:
A : coracoclavicular ligament
B : Coracoacromial
C : Costoclavicular
D : Coracohumeral
Q.2 : downward displacement of enlarged spleen is prevented by:
A : lienorenal ligament
B : phrenicocolic lig.
C : sigmoid colon
D : upper pole of rt. kidney
Q.3 : Klumpke s Palsy involves A/E:
A : C6
B : C7
C : C8
D : T1
Q.4 : If median nerve is injured at the wrist then loss of function of all of the foll. will
take place except:
A : Lumbrical muscles to index finger
B : Lumbrical muscles to middle finger
C : Muscles of thenar eminence
D : Adductor pollicis
Q.5 : Primitive streak is initiated & maintained by:
A : Nodal gene
B : BMP4
D : Brachyury gene
Q.6 : pleural tapping in mid axillary line, muscle not pierced is :
A : Int. intercostal
B : Ext. intercostal
C : Innermost intercostal
D : Transversus thoracis

Q.7 : If circumflex art. gives the posterior interventricular branch, this circulation is
described as :
A : Right Dominance
B : Left dominance
C : Codominance
D : Undetermined
Q.8 : In # penis involving rupture of tunica albuginea with intact buch s fascia
following would be noted clinically:
A : Hematoma involving only shaft of penis
B : Hematoma involving scrotum & perineal region
C : Penis, scrotum & abdominal wall
D : Penis, scrotum & pages
Q.9 : Middle meningeal artery is transmitted through:
A : Foramen rotundum
B : Foramen ovale
C : Foramen spinosum

D : Foramen lacerum
Q.10 : In walking, the hip bone of the suspended leg is raised by which of the
following muscles acting on the supported side of the body?
A : Gluteus maximus
B : Gluteus medius
C : Obturator internus
D : Quadratus femoris
Q. 11 Which of the following ligament prevents dislocation of the femur backward at
the knee joint.
Q.12 : In epidural Lumbar puncture, structures pierced All except :
A : Post. longitudinal ligament
B : Ligamentous flavum
C : Interspinous Lig.
D : Supraspinous Lig.
Q.13 : The total volume of CSF is :
A : 50 ml
B : 100 ml
C : 150 ml

D : 275 ml

Q.14 : All of the foll structures are in lat. Wall of cavernous sinus Except :
A : Occulomotor
B : Trochlear
C : Trigeminal
D : Opthalmic
Q.15 : Deja vu Phenomoenon seen in lesion of :
A : Temporal Lobe
B : Frontal Lobe
C : Parietal Lobe
D : Angular gyrus.
Q.16 : In polio contracture of the iliotibial tract leads to All Except :
A : Hip flexion & abduction

B : Varus deformity at knee

C : Knee flexion
D : Lat. rotation of tibia

Q.17 : Mitral cells are present in :

A : Kidney
B : Mitral Valve
C : olfactory tract
D : Optic nv.
Q.18 : Nv. supply of scalp All Except :
A : Auriculotemporal N.
B : Zygomatic
C : Occipital
D : Infratrochlear
Q.19 : Fibrous Joint All Except :
A : Skull Sutures
B : Tooth Socket
C : Inf. tibiofibular
D : Symphisis pubis
Q.20 : Neural crest derivatives are All Except :
A : Melanocytes
B : Schwann cells
C : Thyroid follicular cells
D : Parafollicular C cells
A : IgG
B : IgA
C : IgM
D : IgE

Q.22 : Inversion of foot is at:

A : Talocalcaneonavicular Jt.
B : Calcaneocuboid Jt.
C : Talocalcaneal Jt.
D : Inf. Talofibular Jt.
Q.23 : Gitter cells are :
A : Microglia
B : Modified macrophages

C : Astrocytes
D : Neutrophils
Q.24 : Clara Cells are found in :
A : Trachea
B : Bronchioles
C : Alveoli
D : Oesophagus
Q.25 : Shotgun perineum is :
A : acquired condition in males
B : acquired condition in females
C : congenital condition in female
D : congenital condition in males

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