Michael Breitenbach, Peter Laun, S. Michal Jazwinski Auth., Michael Breitenbach, S. Michal Jazwinski, Peter Laun Eds. Aging Research in Yeast PDF
Michael Breitenbach, Peter Laun, S. Michal Jazwinski Auth., Michael Breitenbach, S. Michal Jazwinski, Peter Laun Eds. Aging Research in Yeast PDF
Michael Breitenbach, Peter Laun, S. Michal Jazwinski Auth., Michael Breitenbach, S. Michal Jazwinski, Peter Laun Eds. Aging Research in Yeast PDF
J. ROBIN HARRIS, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany
B.B. BISWAS, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India
P. QUINN, Kings College London, London, UK
Recent Volumes in this Series
Volume 41
Volume 42
Volume 43
Subcellular Proteomics
Edited by Eric Bertrand and Michel Faupel
Volume 44
Peroxiredoxin Systems
Edited by Leopold Folh and J. Robin Harris
Volume 45
Volume 46
Volume 47
Volume 48
Volume 49
Volume 50
Volume 51
Volume 52
Volume 53
Volume 54
Volume 55
Volume 56
Prof. Dr. Michael Breitenbach
Department of Cell Biology
University of Salzburg
Hellbrunnerstrasse 34
5020 Salzburg
[email protected]
ISSN 0306-0225
ISBN 978-94-007-2560-7
e-ISBN 978-94-007-2561-4
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2561-4
Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011940010
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
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1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Michael Breitenbach, Peter Laun, and S. Michal Jazwinski
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1
Michael Breitenbach, Peter Laun, and S. Michal Jazwinski
Abstract Aging in yeast is now a well researched area with hundreds of new
research and review papers appearing every year. The chapters following in this
book written by some of the leading experts in the field will give an overview of
the most relevant areas of yeast aging. The purpose of this chapter is to give the
newcomer an introduction to the field including some basic technical questions.
Keywords Saccharomyces cerevisiae Replicative aging Rejuvenation
Asymmetric segregation Stem cells
M. Breitenbach et al.
methods and the many publicly available mutant and gene collections, including
cDNA microarrays, whole genome screening procedures have become a powerful
tool for yeast genetic research and have also been used for aging research.
However, of course, not every aspect of eukaryotic life can be modeled in yeast
and an obvious example is development and cell differentiation, which exists in
yeast, but is much more complex in higher multicellular organisms.
The questions which we are asking here are: are the cellular aging processes of
yeast which are described in this book, relevant and similar in mechanism to the
cellular aging processes observed in cultured higher cells and in higher organisms?
What can we learn from yeast aging that is relevant to understand the aging processes of higher organisms? Can this lead to interventions in the aging process of
humans that improve the lifespan and health span of humans? In order to answer
these questions, we must understand the molecular genetic pathways relevant to
aging both in yeast and in higher organisms and we have to compare the two systems
with special emphasis on highly conserved genes playing a role in those pathways. Highly conserved genes, pathways, and external interventions would point
to public mechanisms of aging, while such genes and pathways that are found to
influence aging only in a restricted number of organisms, are called private mechanisms of aging (Martin et al. 1996). One example for a public mechanism is caloric
restriction (Jiang et al. 2000; Kaeberlein et al. 2005) while an example for a private
mechanism of aging is provided by the extrachromosomal circles of ribosomal DNA
(ERCs) (Sinclair and Guarente 1997) in yeast mother cell-specific aging. The model
systems for organismic aging of higher organisms which are most highly developed
are the mouse (important because it is so closely related to humans), Drosophila
melanogaster, and Caenorhabditis elegans.
Yeast supplies us with two independent aging models which both have similarities to cellular aging processes in humans but have little to do with each other in
terms of the genes which are involved (Laun et al. 2006). The main purpose of this
Introduction is to present these two aging processes, to compare them with each
other, and to evaluate them with regard to the aging processes in the human body
for which they are claimed to be models.
Fig. 1.1 Scanning electron microscopy pictures obtained by standard procedures after elutriation
centrifugation (Laun et al. 2001) of a haploid strain (BY4741). a Fraction II young yeast cells.
Note small size, the smooth surface and the infrequent bud scars. Virgin cells display no bud scars
but only one birth scar. b Fraction V old mother cells of the same strain. Note the large size,
the irregular surface and the multiple bud scars. Both pictures shown at the same magnification
(unpublished data of the authors)
M. Breitenbach et al.
Fig. 1.3 Mother cell-specific lifespan distribution (replicative survival curve) of a wild type
strain (BY4741, triangles) and an congenic mutant deleted for afo1 (circles), a gene coding for
a mitochondrial ribosomal protein. The mutant is respiratory deficient and significantly long-lived
(Heeren et al. 2009). About 4050 individual cells each were micromanipulated to obtain the survival curves shown to obtain adequate statistics (picture modified after Heeren et al. 2009, with
permission from Impact Journals LLC)
all cells. Numerous interlinked degradation pathways exist, but autophagy (only
in eukaryotes) and the eukaryotic proteasome and its prokaryotic equivalent, the
Lon protease, constitute the most important pathways. The overriding importance
of the cellular degradation pathways to prevent cellular aging have been stressed
by many authors (for example: Vellai 2009, and it is discussed at some length
in a Chapter 4 in this book [Jazwinski]; Vernace et al. 2007). These processes
are essential for life, but they do not work with 100% efficiency. We argue that
deposition of the remaining damaged material in the mother cell is necessary in
addition to functional autophagy and proteasomal degradation, to prevent clonal
M. Breitenbach et al.
subsequent analysis of Hayflick aging was greeted with much enthusiasm, because
the lifespan of a cell culture depends on the species and is proportional to the
lifespan of the species. The in vitro lifespan correlates with the age of the donor
individual, is characterized by telomere shortening, and can be elongated by several
cell generations by ectopically expressing telomerase in the cultured cells (Blasco
2007; Bodnar et al. 1998). However, it is unclear to what degree the Hayflick phenomenon depends on the unphysiological oxygen partial pressure that was used in
nearly all cell culture experiments and to what degree Hayflick aging occurs in the
human body and actually limits lifespan. (There is, however, evidence that senescent cells accumulate during aging in human tissues. Work by Judy Campisi (Freund
et al. 2010) suggests that these senescent cells have a pro-inflammatory and tissue
proteolytic phenotype. This has an effect on neighboring cells, called the bystander
effect). Measuring the Hayflick limit in low oxygen (35% similar to the oxygen
partial pressure prevalent at peripheral tissues instead of the usual 21%) leads to a
large increase in cell lifespan and perhaps immortality (Fehrer et al. 2007); a question most pertinent in the case of stem cells. These are open questions at present
which are not the subject of our book.
must by definition rejuvenate completely: this is the population of germ line stem
cells which give rise to gametes. How they do it is a complete mystery at present.
M. Breitenbach et al.
like) are not starved, but on the contrary at their peak metabolic activity; consider
ATP production and respiration as an example. These cells therefore have to cope
with different problems, like for instance damage removal by autophagy and other
mechanisms. Dying stationary yeast cells undergo apoptosis (Herker et al. 2004).
One of the most important findings in the field of chronological aging of yeast was
the discovery of two quite different cell populations in stationary cultures (Fig. 1.5)
(Allen et al. 2006), one of which, the replicatively young cells (daughters), are morphologically differentiated, display low metabolic activity and are very long-lived,
while the other cells in stationary culture are prone to apoptosis, lyse, and can to
some degree feed the other part and lead to adaptive re-growth (Fabrizio and Longo
Fig. 1.5 Two distinct cell populations are formed in yeast cultures entering stationary phase. a
Density-gradient separation of two distinct cell fractions in S288c cultures as a function of time
after inoculation. Glucose exhaustion (arrow) occurred 12 h after inoculation. b Phase contrast,
transmission EM (TEM), and phosphotungstic acid-stained transmission EM micrographs of upper
and lower-fraction cells from stationary phase cultures (7 days after inoculation). The white arrow
indicates vacuolar vesicles, and the black arrow indicates accumulated glycogen. V, vacuole. Bars:
10 m (left); 1 m (middle and right) (picture taken from Allen et al. 2006; Originally published
in JCB. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200604072)
M. Breitenbach et al.
real driving force of organismic aging in higher organisms and what it possibly has
to do with replicative and chronological aging of yeast.
The final word has not been said, but the aging processes seem to be multifactorial and multicausal with only some of the mechanisms known at this time. Survival
of postmitotic cells on the one hand, and regenerative capacity provided by stem
cell populations, together determine the lifespan of an organ.
The yeast RLS and CLS, we argue, may serve as models that stress the role that
the handling of molecular damage by cells plays. Damage accumulation in cells
produces a variety of stresses and the genetic program of stress response is what we
observe as a genetic program of aging. It can be expected that the processes of
damage removal (autophagy and proteasomal degradation, and others), of apoptosis
and of regeneration of tissues by activating stem cells, will be in the center of aging
research in the future. The interaction of damage removal and asymmetric segregation of damage is a new and powerful paradigm in aging research. Yeast molecular
biology and genetics will supply a substantial contribution to the open questions of
future aging research.
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Chapter 2
The concept of oxidative stress is commonly used in the current literature on
aging of yeast cells and higher cells. It seems to be intuitively clear but is in reality
hard to define and even harder to quantitate, because the redox-active metabolites of
the cell are not in thermodynamic equilibrium, and it is often unclear how readily
they exchange redox equivalents with each other and across the boundaries of subcellular compartments, which have different redox potentials. It is even harder to
apply this concept to organismic aging of the most important currently used aging
model animals, like Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans, and the mouse. This is
because organs and tissues also differ in their redox potentials and in the management of oxidative stress. In the words of many authors in the aging research
field, oxidative stress is loosely defined as the accumulation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS). A more logical definition of oxidative stress posits that oxidative stress is a period of deviation from the normal value of the intracellular redox
environment. In the cytoplasm of a non-stressed living yeast cell, this the redox
potential is very reducing, recent data indicate in yeast cells this is about 310 mV
I.W. Dawes (B)
School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 2.1 Reactive species generated in biological systems. a The range of various reduced states
from O2 to H2 O2 . Note that the arrows do not denote reactions, but merely the number of electrons
needed to go from oxygen to the reduction state. b Reactive oxygen species generated in biological
systems from the one-electron reduction of O2 . c Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and resulting
radical formation
that DHE is also oxidised to EOH by other species such as peroxinitrite and xanthine
oxidase, therefore, a combination of different methods: DEPMPO/ESR (highly specific, less sensitive), CPH/ESR (highly sensitive, less specific) and DHE/HPLC
(average sensitivity/less specific) is recommended (Gille and Staniek, personal
The endoplasmic reticulum, which provides the environment for protein folding is also another main source of ROS production. The ROS generated from the
ER mainly come from oxidative protein folding especially during disulphide bond
formation (Tu and Weissman 2004). Two electrons are transferred to the protein
disulphide isomerase Pdi1p, then to the flavoprotein-containing Ero1p during this
process and under aerobic conditions, oxygen acts as the terminal electron acceptor
with the probable generation of hydrogen peroxide (Tu et al. 2000; Tu and Weissman
2002). In addition, ER stress caused by conditions such as hypoxia and viral infection, which disrupts ER homeostasis, also produce ROS including superoxide (Tan
et al. 2009).
H2 O2 , another ROS, is generated from the breakdown of O
2 by superoxide dismutases (SODs) and from oxidases and -oxidation of fatty acids in peroxisomes.
The hypochlorite produced from H2 O2 by the action of myeloperoxidase in neutrophils during phagocytosis can act on free amines to form chloramines, which are
also toxic to cells. The most dangerous ROS is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, OH, which reacts indiscriminately with most cellular constituents (Beckman
et al. 1994; Halliwell 1995; Scandalios 1987) and can lead to formation of a wide
range of carbon-centred free radicals (Fig. 2.2a). This radical is generated from the
Fenton reaction catalyzed by reduced transition metal ions such as Fe2+ , which are
oxidised in the process (Fig. 2.1b). The reaction is exacerbated by the simultaneous
presence of O
2 or other reductants including L-ascorbate, which can reduce the
Fe3+ to Fe2+ . Therefore the mechanisms involved in metal ion homeostasis (for Cu
and Fe ions) play important role in cellular defences by minimizing formation of
In plants, both mitochondrion and chloroplast can be the source of ROS production and of these the chloroplast may be more active. Fungal metabolites and
air pollutants can generate singlet oxygen 1 O2 in the presence of light (Scandalios
1987). In plants, singlet oxygen is produced by photo-excited chlorophyll and
can cause membrane lipid peroxidation, photo-oxidation of amino acids and DNA
damage. In additions to ROS, cells can also generate reactive nitrogen species
(RNS) from reaction of the nitric oxide radical NO with the superoxide anion
to produce peroxynitrite (ONOO ). Peroxynitrite is very reactive and its reactions
eventually enhance formation of radicals such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and the
carbonate radical (CO
3 ) (Fig. 2.1c). These reactive species can nitrate aromatic
amino acid residues (Beckman et al. 1994), produce DNA lesions (Wiseman and
Halliwell 1996) and oxidise thiols (Buchczyk et al. 2000). At the outset it should
be understood that there is no such thing as a single oxidative stress. Rather there
are different forms of oxidative stress that arise depending on the ROS that is being
generated in the cell. This became clear from the results of screening of the effects
Fig. 2.2 Lipid autoxidation and free radical generation. a Carbon-centered free radicals generated
by interactions with reactive oxygen species. RH indicates a compound that can accept an electron
to become a radical. b Lipid peroxidation chain reactions; LH indicates a polyunsaturated fatty
acyl residue
DNA caused by treatment with ROS has been implicated in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis (Ames and Gold 1991; Joenje et al. 1991). Treatment with paraquat
(which generates O
2 ) and H2 O2 can also lead to intrachromosomal recombination
and significant levels of interchromosomal recombination at high doses (Brennan
et al. 1994). While DNA damage may be a contributor to cell death, it might not be
a main one, since mutants that are affected in DNA repair do not feature strongly in
the set of mutants that are sensitive to a range of different ROS-generating reagents
(Thorpe et al. 2004), although this outcome may be a reflection of the redundancy
that exists in the DNA repair pathways. Moreover there is considerable overlap or
redundancy in cellular antioxidant functions, and it requires deletion of all five peroxiredoxin genes (involved in detoxification of hydroperoxides) to generate strains
with greatly increased mutation rates (Wong et al. 2004).
Protein damage caused by OH leads to cross-linking, fragmentation and oxidation of amino acyl residues, particularly aromatic side chains and cysteine (Stadtman
1992). The protein hydroperoxides formed are reactive and upon decomposition
release free radicals leading to further protein modification and unfolding (Gebicki
et al. 2002). Damage to amino acids leads to formation of hydroxylated derivatives
and oxidation of aromatic amino acid residues can produce reactive phenoxy radicals (Aeschbach et al. 1976; Fu et al. 1995). FeS-proteins are very susceptible to
2 , as evidenced by the methionine and lysine auxotrophy of the double sod1 sod2
mutant lacking superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (Liu et al. 1992).
Hydrogen peroxide also leads to reversible oxidation of reactive cysteine residues
in some proteins to form disulphides or sulfenic acid residues, or irreversible oxidation to sulphinic or sulphonic acids. In the presence of reactive nitrogen species
there can be S-nitrosylation as well. Some 200 proteins that have oxidised cysteine residues have been identified in cells exposed to H2 O2 . These include many
of the antioxidant enzymes that act as scavengers of ROS, including the Cu/Zn
SOD Sod1p, the peroxiredoxins Tsa1p, Tsa2p, Ahp1p and Prx1p, a glutathione peroxidase Gpx2p, thioredoxin reductase Trr1p, protein disulphide isomerase Pdi1p and
the methionine sulfoxide reductase Mxr1p (Le Moan et al. 2006). In addition, a number of stress chaperones, enzymes involved in carbohydrate, energy and amino acid
metabolism, proteins involved in translation and proteolytic degradation were susceptible to cysteine oxidation. Many of the same proteins can undergo reversible
disulphide formation with glutathione (glutathionylation) as a protective measure
(Grant et al. 1999).
Unsaturated fatty acyl groups are the most susceptible to OH and the protonated form of O
2 , can initiate autocatalytic lipid peroxidation to form reactive
lipid radicals and lipid hydroperoxides (Gunstone 1996) (Fig. 2.2b). Lipid hydroperoxides are among the most toxic hydroperoxides to yeast cells (Alic et al. 2004;
Evans et al. 1998). These toxic molecules can cause significant damage to cell
membranes (Evans et al. 1998). When lipid peroxides are broken down, they
can produce reactive aldehydes such as malondialdehyde and (in organisms with
multiply unsaturated fatty acids not Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 4-hydroxynonenal,
which can contribute to the carbonylation of proteins (Esterbauer et al. 1991). As
discussed in subsequent chapters, carbonylation has also been implicated in protein
degradation and ageing (Nystrom 2005). Proteins that are vulnerable to carbonylation following exposure of cells to H2 O2 include glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase isozymes, aconitase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, Hsp60p, fatty acid synthase and Cu-Zn SOD (Costa et al. 2002).
Cellular Defences
The recent rapid development in genomic technologies has provided advanced tools
including deletion mutants for every non-essential gene (Winzeler et al. 1999) and
data for protein-protein interactions (Lehne and Schlitt 2009; Salwinski et al. 2004;
Schwikowski et al. 2000), synthetic lethality of mutations (Tong et al. 2004), and
transcription factor binding (Ren et al. 2000; Zhu et al. 2009) that can be used to
identify the genes and functions that are important for responses and resistance to
stress. The use of these approaches has led to a much more detailed insight into how
cells respond to ROS and other stresses.
Aerobic organisms are constantly exposed to many different ROS and their toxic
products generated from both endogenous and exogenous sources. For some ROS
such as O
2 and H2 O2 there is some understanding that they may act as signaling
molecules at low concentration. At higher concentrations these are generally very
detrimental to cells. Therefore organisms have evolved a very wide range of both
enzymatic and non-enzymatic cellular defence mechanisms against the deleterious
effects of ROS. These include constitutive redox protection systems buffering the
cell against sudden exposure to oxidants as well as inducible systems that include
modulation of gene expression and metabolism to up-regulate antioxidant and repair
systems and down-regulate growth functions to allow the cells time to repair damage
(Dawes 2004; Gasch et al. 2000).
reducing potential at a very low value, its role as a substrate in a number of enzymic
detoxification and repair enzymes, or its action as an antioxidant at high doses of
H2 O2 when other antioxidant functions are swamped. The gsh1 mutant (lacking the
first enzyme in the committed pathway to GSH) is viable, but is sensitive to H2 O2
and a range of other ROS (Lee et al. 2001).
Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not synthesise significant amounts of
L-ascorbate, which in other organisms has a strong antioxidant activity as a
scavenger of free radical species including superoxide anion, lipid peroxy radicals
and the hydroxyl radical. On the other hand S. cerevisiae and a number of other
fungi synthesise the five-carbon analogue D-erythroascorbic acid. This molecule
has some role in defence against H2 O2 since mutants lacking the last gene (ALO1)
in the biosynthetic pathway are sensitive to the ROS and over-expression of ALO1
increases resistance to H2 O2 (Huh et al. 1998).
Yeast also lacks tocopherols found in higher eukaryotes, and a likely contender
for the main lipid-soluble antioxidant is ubiquinol (coenzyme Q) the yeast version
has a side chain with six isoprenoid residues rather than the ten found in humans.
Mutation of any of the genes in the coenzyme Q biosynthetic pathway leads to the
respiratory petite phenotype as expected for a disruption of respiration. The coq3
mutant is very sensitive to polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to the wild type,
and since the sensitivity is rescued by the addition of antioxidants reacting with free
radicals it has been suggested that ubiquinol does play a role in protection against
the products of lipid autoxidation (Bossie and Martin 1989).
Enzymatic Defences
The wide range of ROS generated in cells has led to evolution of a large number of enzymes to detoxify the ROS or repair the damage caused by them, and the
role of these enzymes and their regulation have previously been reviewed extensively (Dawes 2004). Many of those that have been identified to date are listed in
Table 2.1. These enzymes are localised to various cellular compartments and hence
the cells have different strategies for removal of ROS or repair that are specific
to different compartments. Some of the different mechanisms for dealing with the
main ROS species and their damage are summarised for the cytoplasm (Fig. 2.3),
the mitochondrion (Fig. 2.4) and the peroxisome (Fig. 2.5).
There is no enzyme known that can detoxify the hydroxyl radical, which reacts
very rapidly with the nearest molecule and is therefore unlikely to accumulate in
cells. The superoxide radical anion is removed by dismutation to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen catalysed by superoxide dismutases (SODs). Saccharomyces
cerevisiae encodes two SOD enzymes, the more abundant Cu/Zn-containing Sod1p
is located mainly in the cytoplasm, but a small proportion is also transported to
the inter-membrane space of the mitochondrion. The less abundant Mn-containing
Sod2p is found in the mitochondrial matrix (Gralla and Kosman 1992). Expression
of both SOD1 and SOD2 is induced by growth on non-fermentable substrates,
Table 2.1
Primary genes involved in redox homeostasis and antioxidant defence
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Systematic name
Nuclear thiol peroxidase
Mitochondrial peroxiredoxin with thioredoxin
peroxidase activity
Cytoplasmic thioredoxin peroxiredoxin
Cytoplasmic thioredoxin peroxiredoxin
Cytoplasmic thioredoxin peroxiredoxin
Systematic name
Cytosolic catalase T
Peroxisomal catalase A
Cytosolic copper-zinc superoxide dismutase
Mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase
Mitochondrial intermembrane space localised
Cytochrome C peroxidase
H2O + O2
Tsa1,2p (RED)
Ahp1,2p (RED)
Trx1,2p (OX)
Tsa1,2p (OX)
Ahp1,2p (OX)
Trx1,2p (RED)
Oxidative branch of the pentose
phosphate pathway
ADP + Pi
NADP + H20
Aldehyde dehydrogenase
NADP + H20
NB: Utr1p and Yef1p both have reported
NADH kinase activities as well as NAD+
kinase activity. However, the level of NADPH
produced through Yef1p and Utr1p are so
negligable, that these activities are not
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
NADP + H20
Fig. 2.3 Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defence systems in the cytosol. a ROS and
defence. The main reactive oxygen species include the superoxide anion radical and hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides (ROOH) that are detoxified to water via the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase, catalase or glutathione systems. Hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides (ROOH) can also
be detoxified to an alcohol (ROH) by the thioredoxin system. b Maintenance of reduced proteinthiol groups in the cytosol. Oxidised protein-SH groups can be reduced either by the glutathionebased system (glutaredoxin1,2, glutathione reductase, glutathione and NADPH) or the thioredoxin
system (thioredoxin1,2, thioredoxin reductases and NADPH). Thioredoxins/glutaredoxins catalyse the reduction of other proteins and are oxidised. Oxidised thioredoxins are reduced directly by
thioredoxin reductases using electrons supplied by NADPH. Oxidized glutaredoxins are reduced
by glutathione using electrons supplied by NADPH. c Pathways involved in NADPH regeneration
in the cytosol. NADPH is primarily produced as a product of NADP+ -dependent reactions. Yeast
genes are denoted in bold and italic uppercase and the protein product of the gene is designated by
Roman type, with the first letter capitalized and suffix p
Fig. 2.4 Reactive oxygen species and defence systems in the mitochondria. a The main reactive oxygen species include the superoxide anion radical and hydrogen peroxide and organic
peroxides (ROOH) that are detoxified to water or alcohols (ROH) via Mn-superoxide dismutase or the peroxiredoxin-thioredoxin-glutathione system coupled to cytochrome-c peroxidase.
b Pathways involved in NADPH regeneration in the mitochondria. NADPH is produced either
by phosphorylation of NADH or as a product of NADP+ -dependent reactions catalysed by aldehyde dehydrogenase, the malic enzyme or isocitrate dehydrogenase. Yeast genes that encode the
enzymes are in bold italics
affect the growth rate of the strain during exponential growth under non-stressed
conditions nor seriously affect the sensitivity to H2 O2 . During stationary phase the
double mutant is more sensitive to H2 O2 than the wild-type (Izawa et al. 1996).
Comparison of the sensitivity of mutants affected in the catalases and in glutathione
metabolism has shown that in exponentially growing cells glutathione has a more
important role than the catalases in responding to H2 O2 (Grant et al. 1998). This is
consistent with the long-held view that in mammalian cells the glutathione peroxidases have a greater role in detoxification of H2 O2 . In fact, kinetic data for purified
enzymes would indicate that where the peroxiredoxins (discussed below) are present
in a cellular compartment, they would have a more important role than either the glutathione peroxidases or catalases in breaking down H2 O2 . The peroxiredoxins use
thioredoxin as the reduced substrate rather than glutathione (Peskin et al. 2007).
S. cerevisiae cells contain several classes of peroxidases, depending on their specific reducing substrates which include glutathione, thioredoxin or cytochrome c.
These enzymes have a role in repair as well as detoxification since many have the
ability to repair damage to proteins that have oxidised thiols as indicated in Fig. 2.3b.
Yeast cells have three glutathione peroxidases (Gpx1-3) encoded by GPX1-3. These
Acyl-Coenzyme A
1/2 O2 + H2O
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
Miscellaneous redox-reactions
GTO1 = omega-class glutathione
NADPH + H+ + CO2
pyruvate + NH3
Putative redox-reactions
? (GLR1)
NADP+ + H+
Fig. 2.5 Reactive oxygen species and defence systems in the peroxisome. a The only known
reactive oxygen species produced in the peroxisome is hydrogen peroxide, as a by-product
of beta-oxidation that is subsequently detoxified by the peroxisomal catalase. b The isocitrate
dehydrogenase reaction is the only known pathway of NADPH regeneration in the peroxisome.
c Miscellaneous enzymes that may be involved in oxidative stress defence in the peroxisome.
d Schematic of the glutathione system in the peroxisome. Question marks denote as yet
unidentified enzymes. Yeast genes encoding the enzymes are in bold italics
lack the selenocysteine group found at the catalytic site in other Gpxs, but all have
peroxidase activity (Inoue et al. 1999), in fact they are unusual in that they are
probably lipid hydroperoxide peroxidases, they are monomeric, can associate with
membranes and are capable of reducing lipid hydroperoxides in membranes (Avery
and Avery 2001). Of the deletants, only the gpx3 mutant is sensitive to peroxides,
which is probably due to the fact that the enzyme is also the sensor of H2 O2 damage
in cells (Delaunay et al. 2002). The GPX genes are differentially regulated, GPX1
is induced on glucose starvation, GPX2 by oxidative stress and GPX3 is reported to
be constitutive (Inoue et al. 1999).
The thioredoxin peroxidases (peroxiredoxins) are a family of cysteine-dependent
peroxidases that react rapidly with H2 O2 and other alkyl hydroperoxides, including
amino acid hydroperoxides and peroxy residues in oxidised proteins, and in mammalian systems the peroxiredoxins may be the most relevant anti-oxidant systems
for removing hydrogen peroxide under normal conditions (Peskin et al. 2010).
show strong homology to each other and have a pair of cysteines at the active site.
The three monothiol glutaredoxins, Grx3-5p, have only one cysteine at the catalytic
site. Grx1p and Grx2p have glutathione peroxidase activity in addition to thiol transferase activity (Collinson et al. 2002). Grx1p is located in the cytoplasm, Grx2p has
two isoforms, one cytoplasmic and the other mitochondrial (Pedrajas et al. 2002).
All combinations of the trx1, trx2, grx1 and grx2 mutations are viable except the
quadruple mutant lacking any of the cytoplasmic thioredoxins and glutaredoxins
(Trotter and Grant 2003) indicating the strong overlap in the essential functions
of glutaredoxins and thioredoxins. Of the monothiol glutaredoxins the best characterised is Grx5p, which is located in the mitochondrion and which has an important
role in synthesis or assembly of iron/sulphur centres (Rodriguez-Manzaneque et al.
2002). Deletion of GRX5 leads to sensitivity to oxidative stress. Grx3p and Grx4p
are located in the nucleus and have been shown to be important for the iron inhibition of the transcription of the Aft1p transcription factor regulating iron homeostasis
in S. cerevisiae, deletion of both proteins leads to constitutive expression of the iron
regulon (Ojeda et al. 2006).
A critical component of many oxidative damage repair and detoxification systems is the generation of NADPH to provide reducing equivalents. There are a
number of important systems for NADPH synthesis in cells, these are illustrated
in Figs. 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5. In the cytosol the major source of NADPH is the pentose phosphate pathway, and mutations that affect this pathway lead to sensitivity
to many ROS as well as inability to adapt to ROS treatment (Ng et al. 2008).
Other enzymes that may contribute to NADPH synthesis in the cytosol include
the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase encoded by ALD6 and the isocitrate dehydrogenase encoded by IDP2. In the mitochondrion the NADH kinase encoded by
POS5, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDP1), the malic enzyme (MAE1) and the aldehyde
dehydrogenases (ALD4, ALD5) may also be involved.
Additional proteins such as heat shock proteins (Kalmar and Greensmith 2009)
and DNA damage repair enzymes (Salmon et al. 2004) are also important for
repairing the damage caused by oxidative stress.
Cells are capable of adapting to treatment with low doses of a range of ROS including H2 O2 (Collinson and Dawes 1992) and menadione (which generates O
2 )
(Flattery-OBrien et al. 1993; Jamieson 1992) and the products of lipid peroxidation
such as linoleic acid hydroperoxide (LoaOOH) (Evans et al. 1998) and malondialdehyde (Turton et al. 1997). This adaptation is observed in both human cells
(Kim et al. 2001) and yeast (including petite strains which lack a mitochondrial
genome) (Collinson and Dawes 1992; Evans et al. 1998; Flattery-OBrien et al.
1993; Jamieson 1992; Turton et al. 1997) and increases cell survival in a subsequent challenge. The adaptive response elicited by a particular ROS can in some
cases confer increased resistance to another form of ROS. For example, adaptation
to H2 O2 protects against most other ROS (Asad et al. 1997; Christman et al. 1985;
Dukan and Touati 1996; Nunoshiba et al. 1991). Heat stress causes oxidative stress
(Davidson et al. 1996) and stimulates antioxidant defences (Kim et al. 2006) which
may be why heat shocked cells are resistant to most ROS or compounds producing ROS, including H2 O2 (Spitz et al. 1987), menadione (Flattery-OBrien et al.
1993) and LoaOOH (Evans et al. 1998). By contrast, pre-treatment with low doses
of H2 O2 does not confer thermotolerance (Collinson and Dawes 1992). Previously it
was reported that pretreatment with H2 O2 leads to superoxide tolerance but not vice
versa (Flattery-OBrien et al. 1993), while others reported that treatment with sublethal dose of menadione leads to H2 O2 tolerance (Jamieson 1992; Lee et al. 1995)
in a GSH-dependent manner but not vice versa (Fernandes et al. 2007). Although
the latter are conflicting results, it is clear that cross-adaptation can occur and there
is hierarchy with regards to this process. The cross-adaptation could be a result of
the generation of secondary ROS during pre-treatment with some oxidants to the
concentration that can elicit an adaptive or a damage response.
Although physiological adaptation to oxidative stress was discovered relatively
early, the mechanisms involved in adaptation to specific ROS are not fully understood. Different ROS produce distinct adaptive responses, which require de novo
gene expression and protein synthesis, and the responses are transient lasting for
about 1.5 h (Collinson and Dawes 1992; Davies et al. 1995; Flattery-OBrien et al.
1993). Genes involved in the adaptive response were predicted to be a subset of those
that are induced in the acute response (Costa and Moradas-Ferreira 2001). However,
this is not the case for the adaptation to linoleic acid hydroperoxide (LoaOOH).
At low (adaptive) doses there is an up-regulation of metabolic systems for synthesis of NADPH and export of LoaOOH from the cell and a mild down-regulation
of protein synthesis gene expression, but somewhat surprisingly there is a downregulation of the genes encoding more general oxidant defence enzymes including
those for thioredoxin 2 and glutaredoxin 1. Induction of these more general oxidative and general stress response genes did not occur until the maximal adaptive dose
was reached (Alic et al. 2004). This led to the speculation that the major antioxidant enzymes are not induced until there is a threshold dose, which may be that
which overcomes the redox buffering capacity of the cell. Adaptation to LoaOOH is
observed only in the presence of the glutathione peroxidases encoded by GPX1 and
GPX2, and GPX1 is induced by LoaOOH (Dawes 2004; Gasch et al. 2000). During
LoaOOH adaptation, transcription is regulated in part by Pdr1p or Pdr3p, which are
two homologues transcription factors that recognize the pleiotropic drug-resistance
elements controlling the synthesis of multidrug resistance transporters.
Genome wide analysis of the set of deletion mutants identified 286 mutants that
are sensitive to H2 O2 (Thorpe et al. 2004). Further sub-screening of those mutants
sensitive to H2 O2 identified seven genes that when deleted led to a marked reduction
in the adaptive response to H2 O2 (Ng et al. 2008). These genes can be divided
into two categories: (i) genes encoding transcription factors such as Yap1p (one of
eight yeast homologues of the human AP-1 family of proteins), which is the major
oxidative stress transcription factor in yeast, Skn7p which partners Yap1p to regulate
genes encoding antioxidant enzymes and the more general transcription co-activator
Gal11p; and, (ii) genes that are involved in the generation of NADPH via either the
pentose phosphate pathway or in the mitochondrion. Similar adaptation to H2 O2
also occurs when anaerobically grown cells are exposed to oxygen for a short time
(Beckhouse et al. 2008). Although inhibition of glutathione metabolism has been
reported to reduce adaptation, we have not found loss of adaptation in the mutants
that are unable to synthesise glutathione. Yap1p and Yap2p were shown to play a
role in adaptation to H2 O2 but not to O
2 in a previous study (Stephen et al. 1995).
The critical role of Yap1p and of NADPH generation systems could indicate that
adaptation is due to mainly to activation of Yap1p, and that it is maintained in the cell
as long as Yap1p remains activated after an initial oxidative insult. This period can
last up to 1.5 h and from an in vitro analysis of the activation of Yap1p by H2 O2 ,
in the presence of Gpx3p (to transmit the oxidation signal to Yap1p), thioredoxin
2, thioredoxin reductase and NADPH it appears that Yap1p can be oxidised to form
multiple intramolecular disulphide bonds, some of which are relatively refractory
to reduction by the thioredoxin system, leading to an extended activation of Yap1p
(Okazaki et al. 2007).
Most recently, a combination of genetic screening of the S. cerevisiae gene
deletion collection and analysis of mRNA expression profiles has identified the
involvement during adaptation to H2 O2 of two additional transcription factors,
Mga2p and Rox1p (Kelley and Ideker 2009). These two transcription factors were
found to respond earlier than the known oxidative response transcription factors
Yap1p and Skn7p and regulate targets involved in ergosterol metabolism, zinc homeostasis and fatty acid metabolism. The discovery of the role of these additional
transcription factors supports the suggestion that membrane integrity is increased
as part of the adaptation to H2 O2 (Branco et al. 2004).
for oxidative stress since it has an intrinsically reactive cysteine-404 residue that
is oxidised to a sulfenic acid by LoaOOH. Mutation of the reactive cysteine-404
residue to an alanine abolishes the cell cycle delay caused by the oxidant, but not
cell cycle progression. This leads to altered transcription of the cyclin genes that are
required for triggering of S phase (Chiu et al. 2011). Based on microarray data, the
heat shock response and glucose transport are also involved in Swi6p-dependent cell
cycle delay (Fong et al. 2008). Additionally, three homologous genes, two of which
(OCA1 and SWI4) encode putative protein phosphatases, may also be involved in
stress signaling and cell cycle progression upon treatment with LoaOOH (Alic et al.
Transcriptional Regulation
Adaptation and the subsequent repair mechanisms require regulation of gene expression. Many repair and antioxidant defence systems including catalases, SODs and
enzymes involved in glutathione metabolism, thioredoxins and glutaredoxins are
found to be up-regulated following exposure to ROS. Genome-wide transcriptional
analysis has shown that several hundred genes are either induced or repressed on
exposure of cells to moderate to high environmental stresses including heat, several ROS, starvation, osmotic and salt stress (Causton et al. 2001; Gasch et al.
2000). Although no two stress conditions lead to an identical pattern of gene expression, a very large group of genes were found to respond similarly and transiently
across most of the stresses. This common response has been known as either an
environmental stress response (ESR) or a common environmental response. The
common response genes include those involved in carbohydrate metabolism, breakdown of ROS, cellular redox control, heat-shock proteins, protein degradation,
lipid metabolism, cell wall modeling, vacuolar functions, autophagy and signaling pathways. Many of the ESR genes are regulated by the transcription factors
Msn2p/Msn4p, which are controlled by the protein kinase A (PKA) signaling pathway that responds to nutritional status. Many are also regulated by the protein kinase
C (PKC) pathway, which is involved in signalling cell integrity (Gasch et al. 2000).
Therefore it is suggested that ESR regulation may play a role in integration of the
PKA response to nutritional signals and the PKC response to impaired secretion. In
addition it was proposed that the response to stresses including ROS may involve
the induction of genes that are associated with changes in either cell wall or membrane permeability or loss of protein integrity, which might require up-regulation
of pathways that supply energy for ATP-dependent processes such as the activity
of molecular chaperones (heat shock proteins) in assisting protein folding (Causton
et al. 2001).
In addition to the genes of the ESR, there are others that are either induced
or repressed by oxidative stress and specifically by a particular ROS (Alic et al.
2004). Based on screening of the genome-wide collection of deletion mutants
in non-essential genes, more than 600 genes were found to be required for full
resistance to a range of oxidants/compounds producing ROS (Thorpe et al. 2004;
Tucker and Fields 2004). Only 12 mutants were sensitive to all the compounds tested
whereas many of the rest of the mutants were sensitive to a single oxidant. This
shows that the responses are very dependent on the nature of the oxidant. Deletion
of the genes involved in mitochondrial functions as affecting the synthesis or assembly of components of the respiratory chain (in particular complexes III and IV) and
protein synthesis (mitochondrial ribosomal subunits) leads to sensitivity in mainly
to H2 O2 . The mutants that are sensitive to menadione include those affected in the
pentose phosphate pathway indicating the importance of NADPH (or of antioxidant
functions that require NADPH) in the detoxification of O
2 . Therefore no single
oxidant represents general oxidative stress. The genes identified from deletant studies on the sensitivity to a particular ROS shows little correlation with those whose
transcripts are altered following treatment with the same ROS (Alic et al. 2004;
Gasch et al. 2000). This shows that deletant studies identify constitutive functions
that are required before exposure to ROS to increase survival while transcription
studies shows those that are likely to be concerned with either repair or removal of
One important defence mechanism against oxidative stress is maintenance of the
cellular redox environment. In higher eukaryotic cells, there are numerous redox
couples, which include reduced glutathione/oxidised glutathione (2GSH/GSSG),
reduced thioredoxin/oxidised thioredoxin, NADPH/NADP+ , protein-SH/proteinSS-R and ascorbate/dehydroascorbate (Schafer and Buettner 2001; Wheeler and
Grant 2004). These molecules play different roles in buffering cellular redox
potential. Of them, the thiol-containing tripeptide glutathione is the most important. The redox potential (Eh ) of 2GSH/GSSG follows the trend proliferation
< differentiation < apoptosis < necrosis (Filomeni et al. 2002). Disruption of
glutathione homeostasis, particularly depletion of glutathione leads to serious consequences for ROS production, cell degeneration, ageing and apoptosis (Fernandes
and Holmgren 2004; Holmgren 2000). Genes, cellular processes and environmental
factors important for intra/extracellular glutathione homeostasis were identified in
a genome wide-study, and the cellular processes included late endosome/vacuolar
functions, nitrogen/carbon source signaling, mitochondrial electron transport, ubiquitin/proteosomal process, transcriptional regulation, ion transport and cellular
integrity pathways (Perrone et al. 2005).
Early work from a number of groups analysing the promoters of many of the
genes encoding anti-oxidant enzymes indicated that the response to ROS was mediated by a set of transcription factors, including: the relatively specific oxidative
stress-response factor, Yap1p (Moye-Rowley et al. 1989); Skn7p (which plays an
auxiliary role with Yap1); the more general stress response factors, Msn2p and
Msn4p (Msn2/4p); and, the Hap1p and the multimeric Hap2,3,4,5p factors which
activate genes in response to the switch to respiratory metabolism. As discussed
earlier, in addition to the antioxidant defence systems, the roles of copper ion homeostasis and ion uptake regulated by Ace1p (Carri et al. 1991; Gralla et al. 1991)
and Aft1p (Pujol-Carrion et al. 2006) respectively are also important for oxidative
stress responses. The responses of individual antioxidant genes are rarely under the
control of a single transcription factor. Each gene has its own mixture of promoter
motifs for binding a combination of different transcription factors tailoring regulation to the physiological conditions. For example, expression of the TRX2 gene
encoding thioredoxin 2 is regulated by Msn2/4p after heat shock, but by Yap1p
after treatment with H2 O2 (Gasch et al. 2000). Two sets of genes were identified in the H2 O2 stimulon by proteomic analysis (Godon et al. 1998; Lee et al.
1999). One set of genes, including those involved in many of the cellular antioxidant processes, requires Yap1p in conjunction with the auxiliary transcription factor
Skn7p while the others, such as those needed for NADPH synthesis, only depend
on Yap1p.
As indicated above, comparison between the transcriptional responses to high
and low doses of LoaOOH highlighted that induction and/or repression of genes during oxidative stress are dose dependent. At low doses of LoaOOH, the cells elicit
a more subtle response that affects metabolic functions, which include increasing
the export of LoaOOH from the cells and generation of NADPH (Alic et al. 2004).
Interestingly the major oxidant defence mechanisms such as TRX2 and GRX1 are
down-regulated under this condition. Cell cycle delay and induction of antioxidant
genes are observed only at high doses (Alic et al. 2001). Since aerobic cells are constantly exposed to low concentrations of lipid peroxides, it is may be advantageous
to repair the damage caused by low doses without impairing the capacity of the cell
to replicate.
The response of gene expression to ROS is controlled not only at the level of
transcription but also by the dynamics of mRNA decay. Systematic analysis on a
genomic scale of the changes in rate of transcription and mRNA concentration for
individual genes using genomic run-on methodology has indicated that changes in
mRNA decay rates are as important as those in transcription rate during adaptation
to oxidative stress (Molina-Navarro et al. 2008).
Translational Control
Inhibition of protein synthesis occurs following most stresses, and this is true
after most forms of ROS stress with a decrease in transcription of many genes
involved in the protein synthesis machinery (Gasch et al. 2000). However, recent
elegant work from the Grant laboratory has shown that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
the rate of protein synthesis decreases rapidly after treatment of cells with H2 O2
(Shenton et al. 2006). Some of this inhibition occurs at the level of translation initiation, and is dependent on the Gcn2p protein kinase, which phosphorylates the
subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2. There appears to be another component of the decreased rate of protein synthesis that is Gcn2p-independent since
there was still some inhibition in a gcn2 mutant. The data from polysome analysis were consistent with this inhibitory effect occurring at either the elongation or
termination step of translation. Microarray analysis of monosome- and polysomebound mRNA showed that a particular set of mRNAs were preferentially bound
to ribosomes following stress, and these included mRNAs for stress protective
molecules such as thioredoxin reductase 1 (Trr1p) and superoxide dismutase
2 (Sod2p). These experiments were extended to show that the Gcn4p transcription
factor mediating the general control of amino acid biosynthesis response is translationally up-regulated by H2 O2 and that Gcn4p is required for hydroperoxide
resistance, indicating that there is an overlap of this regulatory system into the
domain of transcription. Similar responses have also been observed after treatment
of cells with other oxidants including cumene hydroperoxide, diamide and cadmium
(Mascarenhas et al. 2008). In addition to the Gcn2p-dependent response, the eIF4Ebinding protein Eap1p is also required for regulation of translation initiation during
cadmium and diamide stress. Based on the analysis on the genes whose expression
is altered by H2 O2 , it is clear that extensive metabolic reconfiguration is needed for
optimal survival of oxidative stress.
Here we provide a short overview of the role of ROS in apoptosis, for a more
extensive treatment of the relation of apoptosis with yeast aging the reader is
referred to Laun et al. (Chapter 10, this volume). At high doses of oxidants,
cells initiate cell death by a form of apoptosis and at extreme doses by necrosis (Teramoto et al. 1999). Apoptosis was first observed in a cdc48 mutant that
lacks an essential gene involved in the translocation of ubiquitinylated proteins
from the ER to the proteasome for degradation (Madeo et al. 1997). The process is characterised by the flipping of phosphatidylserine from the inner to outer
layer of the cell membrane, chromatin condensation, accumulation of DNA strand
breaks, nuclear fragmentation and formation of apoptotic bodies. Subsequently,
apoptosis was also found in the gsh1 mutant lacking the ability to synthesise glutathione and in cells exposed to other ROS including H2 O2 (Madeo et al. 1999)
and superoxide (Fabrizio et al. 2004) indicating that ROS can trigger apoptosis.
Moreover, elevated levels of ROS are found in the cells undergoing apoptosis triggered by other conditions such as NaCl stress (Wadskog et al. 2004),
acetic acid (Ludovico et al. 2002), high levels of mating pheromone, certain
drugs such as amiodarone (Pozniakovsky et al. 2005) and chronological ageing
(Herker et al. 2004).
Yeast has a caspase-like protein (although not one with an aspartyl residue at
its active site like the mammalian caspases) encoded by the YCA1 gene, a caspase
regulating serine protease (Madeo et al. 2002) and apoptosis inducing factor Aif1p
(Wissing et al. 2004). The involvement of Yca1p in apoptosis is not well understood.
Over-expression of Aif1p in yeast promotes apoptosis in the presence of an apoptotic level of H2 O2 (Wissing et al. 2004) while the mammalian counterpart shows
both pro- and anti-apoptotic potential (Lipton and Bossy-Wetzel 2002; Vahsen et al.
2004). The exact mechanism of how apoptosis is initiated by ROS still needs to be
carefully investigated. Most of the studies on ROS related apoptosis used H2 O2 . As
mentioned earlier, no one oxidant is representative of a general oxidant and therefore further careful analysis is needed on what damage is caused by each oxidant
and how the cells respond to it.
Sensing Stress
Although many transcription factors involved in stress responses are identified, how
oxidants are sensed and the signals are transmitted are not yet fully understood. The
most well studied mechanism is the role of cysteine residues and disulphide bonds
in redox sensing seen with the mechanism whereby the Yap1p transcription factor
is activated.
In yeast, Yap1p regulates many key antioxidant genes (Gasch et al. 2000; Godon
et al. 1998; Grant et al. 1996; Lee et al. 1999) and its subcellular location
As described under the above section on cell cycle delay, the transcription factor
Swi6p has recently been shown to be involved not only as a transducer, but also as a
sensor, in an oxidative stress response that coordinates oxidative stress sensing with
cell cycle delay (Chiu et al. 2011; Fong et al. 2008). Deletion of this gene abolishes
cell cycle delay induced by LoaOOH, and as in the above system the initial event is
oxidation of a reactive cysteine (C404) residue to a sulfenic acid.
About one half of the genes, including those encoding major antioxidant functions
such a TRX2, TRR1, GPX2 and CCP1, that are activated by oxidative stresses under
the control of Yap1p also require the cooperation of the second transcription factor
Skn7p, which plays a similar cooperative role in some other stress responses (He
and Fassler 2005; Lee et al. 1999). Unlike the cysteine-based redox sensor Yap1p,
none of the cysteines in the receiver domain of Skn7 are required for the oxidative
stress response; instead Skn7 is phosphorylated following exposure to oxidation (He
et al. 2009). This oxidant-dependent phosphorylation is abolished in the absence
of Yap1p. Skn7 is constitutively nuclear, and its association with Yap1p to form a
complex is also important for the Skn7p response to oxidants. Therefore the authors
proposed that the association of Yap1p with Skn7p in the nucleus is a prerequisite
for Skn7p phosphorylation and activation of oxidative stress response genes.
The common set of genes involved in the general stress response is mainly regulated by the transcription factors Msn2p and Msn4p (Msn2/4p) (Causton et al. 2001;
Gasch et al. 2000). The phosphorylated Msn2/4p transcription factors are localized
in the cytoplasm during optimal growth conditions (Beck and Hall 1999; Gorner
et al. 1998). Under stress conditions, they are imported into the nucleus and the
nuclear export is dependent on the Msn5p nuclear export factor (Durchschlag et al.
2004). Although it is still a puzzle how the oxidative stress signal is received and
triggers the nucelo-cytoplasmic trafficking of Msn2/4, it has been shown that both
cytoplasmic thioredoxins, Trx1p and Trx2p, are essential for nuclear accumulation
of Msn2/4 under H2 O2 treatment and the oxidised thioredoxins are essential for
signaling the presence of H2 O2 (Boisnard et al. 2009). On the other hand, Yak1p
kinase activates Msn2/4 by phosphorylation in a PKA-dependent regulation (Lee
et al. 2008).
In addition to the genotype of the cells, the phenotypic heterogeneity that is evident among individual cells within isogenic cultures is also important for cellular
responses to oxidative stress (Sumner and Avery 2002). For examples, treatment
with a high dose of oxidant does not lead to complete inviability, but instead a
population of cells remains competent for growth. This differential stress sensitivity is driven by non-genetic heterogeneity, which could result from differences in
cell cycle progression, cell age, mitochondrial activity, ultradian rhythms (metabolic
oscillations), epigenetic regulation and stochastic variation. These aspects have been
reviewed in detail (Sumner and Avery 2002). The variability in copper resistance
has been observed in individual cells and has been related to the cell cycle and
age-dependent regulation of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (Sod1p) (Sumner et al.
2003). Similarly, the heterogeneity in GSH content within the cell population leads
to differing stress resistance to cadmium and H2 O2 (Smith et al. 2007). Metabolic
oscillations and heterogeneity in GSH content can be suppressed by over-expression
of Gts1p, and this decreases variation in stress resistance.
exist, especially for replicative lifespan (Breitenbach et al. Chapter 3, this volume;
Mesquita et al. 2010).
An increase in intracellular oxidative stress and in ROS is detected in both
chronologically and replicatively aged cells in the absence of any external stressors (Fabrizio et al. 2004; Herker et al. 2004; Laun et al. 2001). The limitation of
using yeast cells to study replicative ageing is the difficulty in obtaining truly old
cells. One half of the cells in a rapidly growing culture are virgins, 1/4 one-divisionold mothers, 1/8 two-division-old mothers, and so on. However, several approaches
have been employed to enrich for old cells. The most accurate method is micromanipulation of daughter cells away from mother cells and counting the number
of generations produced by individual mother cells (Mortimer and Johnston 1959).
However, this method is not suitable for high throughput screening or most analytical techniques. Sucrose density gradient can also be applied to separate young and
old yeast cells (Egilmez et al. 1990). Some use magnetic bead technology to immobilize yeast cells, wash away the daughter cells and re-culture the immobilized cells
in fresh media and this process is repeated a few times (Smeal et al. 1996). Although
this approach give cells with similar age, it is not possible to isolate significant
numbers of senescent cells. The more recent elutriation centrifugation technique
fractionates the cells based on size and is described in detail by Laun et al. (2001).
For high throughput screening, an engineered strain, which only allows mother cells
to divide when cells are grown on glucose can be used (Jarolim et al. 2004). In
this strain, the essential gene CDC6 is under the control of mother cell specific
HO-promoter and the final optical density of the culture is directly proportional to
the number of the cell divisions the strain has undergone. The daughter cells arrest
growth at the G1 phase of the cell cycle.
The intriguing process that occurs during yeast budding is that the mother cells
retain damaged proteins caused by oxidative stress (asymmetric segregation) and
the biological clock of the daughter cell is set to zero (Aguilaniu et al. 2003). The
levels of carbonylated proteins and other forms of oxidatively damaged proteins are
higher in mother cells than in the daughter cells (Aguilaniu et al. 2003; Klinger
et al. 2010). The proteins targeted for oxidation during aging were found to be similar in both chronological and replicative ageing (Reverter-Branchat et al. 2004).
Both stress-resistance proteins (Hsp60p and Hsp70p) and the enzymes involved in
glucose metabolism appeared to be carbonylated in aged cells and those grown in
high glucose concentration. This supports the view that damage caused by oxidative
stress could be one cause of ageing. A functional actin cytoskeleton is important
for the unequal distribution of the oxidized proteins and aggregates (Aguilaniu et al.
2003; Erjavec et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2010) and increase in actin dynamics reduces
ROS and extends lifespan (Gourlay et al. 2004). In addition to the restricted distribution of the damaged proteins, the daughter cells are also equipped with enhanced
catalase activity to combat damage (Erjavec and Nystrom 2007). Transcriptional
analysis of the old cells versus young cells also shows that metabolism shifts from
glycolysis to gluconeogenesis in aged cells (Lesur and Campbell 2004; Lin et al.
2001) and expression of certain stress- and damage-responsive genes is elevated
(Lesur and Campbell 2004). Despite several observations that protein carbonyls and
other biochemical markers of damage are accumulated in older cells, there is still no
clear proof that the damaged proteins are the cause of ageing (Muller et al. 2007). It
is interesting to note that chronologically old cells have accumulated death factors
which can limit the replicative potential of those cells (Ashrafi et al. 1999; Piper
et al. 2006). This is one indication that replicative and chronological aging of yeast
cells share some similarity despite the fact that the genome-wide analysis of both
processes using the yeast deletion collection has revealed little overlap (Laun et al.
2006). However, this interesting observation depends on the carbon source and is
not seen when yeast are grown on glycerol or ethanol (Piper et al. 2006).
As mentioned earlier, mitochondria are the major source of ROS. It was also
suggested that inefficient respiration or defective mitochondrial activity found in
aged (Ermini 1976; Terman et al. 2003) cells may have caused increased generation
of ROS in old cells. However, high levels of ROS and carbonylated proteins are
detected in yeast cells that are less than 10 generations old (Aguilaniu et al. 2003;
Lam et al. 2011). Treatments with different uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation
produce contradictory results: CCCP (carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophanylhydrazone)
causes an increase in ROS and shortens the replicative lifespan (Stockl et al. 2007)
while dinitrophenol reduces ROS and increases lifespan (Barros et al. 2004). We
have also found that ROS appeared after mitochondrial damage, which is probably triggered by a high level of glucose metabolites during chronological ageing.
Therefore the role of mitochondria in aging is still not completely clear (Breitenbach
et al. Chapter 3, this volume).
The assumption that eliminating the respiratory chain would also prevent oxygen toxicity also turns out to be wrong. A study of a respiratory-deficient mutant
showed that there are cytoplasmic oxygen-dependent reactions that could give rise to
oxygen toxicity (Rosenfeld and Beauvoit 2003; Rosenfeld et al. 2002). The chronological lifespan of the mutant is shorter than that of the wild-type cells (Fabrizio
et al. 2010). However, the replicative lifespan of mutants may be shorter (Berger
and Yaffe 1998; Powell et al. 2000), equal (Heeren et al. 2009) or longer than
that of rho-plus wild type cells, depending on the retrograde response (Jazwinski,
Chapter 4, this volume) or back-signaling (Heeren et al. 2009). Analysis of the deletion mutants that affect both replicative and chronological ageing has highlighted the
importance of respiratory functions for both forms of aging (Laun et al. 2006). It
was also shown that stationary phase cells pre-adapted to respiratory carbon source
maintain their replicative capacity on glucose media compared to non-adapted cells
(Piper et al. 2006).
One of the first genes identified by screening stress-resistant mutants for
enhanced longevity was SIR4, which encodes a member of the Sir complex that
mediates transcriptional repression at telomeres and the silent mating-type loci HML
and HMR (Kennedy et al. 1995). Later another member of the Sir complex (SIR2)
was found to play a prominent role in ageing (Guarente 2001). The second gene
linked to yeast ageing in the initial screen was UTH1 (Kennedy et al. 1995) which
is required for induction of apoptosis in yeast by expression of mammalian Bax
protein and for mitophagy (Camougrand et al. 2003; Kissova et al. 2004). Deletion
of UTH1 increases replicative lifespan (Kennedy et al. 1995) and the gene has also
been shown to be involved in the oxidative stress response (Bandara et al. 1998;
Camougrand et al. 2004). The link between longevity and the multifunctional Uth1p
was intriguing at that time. Its importance for longevity may be based mechanistically on its role in apoptosis, autophagy, mitochondrial morphology, oxidative
stress resistance or a combination of these processes. The importance of autophagy
and maintenance of mitochondrial morphology in ageing processes are increasingly
evident (Bergamini et al. 2007; Droge 2004; Vellai 2009).
Currently both caloric restriction (CR) (Masoro 2005, 2009; Mehta and Roth
2009; Osborne et al. 1917) and inhibition of growth signaling (TOR pathways)
(Kaeberlein et al. 2005b; Powers et al. 2006; Vellai et al. 2003) are very well
accepted as the conditions that increase lifespan in both aging processes of yeast.
Exactly how these conditions lengthen either lifespan is still not clear. The common responses that are up-regulated in both conditions are starvation response and
autophagy. Autophagy recycles damaged organelles and provides nutrients for the
cells when they are in need (Cuervo 2004; Klionsky 2005; Klionsky and Emr 2000;
Suzuki and Ohsumi 2007). It seems that cells grown under the conditions that favor
low metabolic rates survive longer than those with high metabolic rates. Functional
stress resistance genes are still important for lifespan extension under these conditions. For example, the lifespan extension of ras2, cyr1 and sch9 mutants requires
the SOD2 gene (Fabrizio et al. 2001, 2003).
There are some controversial results that lead to conclusion that lifespan can
be extended without reduction of ROS. Certain yeast mutants live longer although
they have increased intracellular ROS (Kharade et al. 2005) and inhibition of ROS
production did not extend lifespan in Drosophila (Miwa et al. 2004). Previously it
was shown that providing antioxidants in the diet is beneficial for cell survival and
cognitive performance in rodents (Floyd 1991). In addition, the biological antioxidant glutathione is also found to be necessary to ensure the benefits of caloric
restriction during ageing in yeast (Mannarino et al. 2008). However, exposure to
the antioxidants -tocopherol and coenzyme Q10 shortens the replicative lifespan of
S. cerevisiae, possibly because -tocopherol treatment leads to an increase in lipid
peroxidation (Lam et al. 2010).
It is still inconclusive if ROS are the primary determinant factor in ageing.
Whether the short-lived cells died early due to accelerated ageing or due to defects
unrelated to ageing is still not known. For our point of view, ageing is well programmed. However this does not mean that the program of ageing has been
positively selected for in evolution and that the aging processes constitute an adaptive trait that enabled species to survive during evolution. This hypothesis is still
highly controversial in the current discussion. We hold the view that, based on
existing genetic data, what we perceive as a genetic program of ageing through
numerous genetic studies of aging is in reality the genetic program, or rather multiple genetic programs of stress response. Age-related diseases such as Parkinsons
and Alzheimers may be a result of early damage caused by the build up of ROS
during the ageing process or via the diet or environment. Cells possess mechanisms
to remove and replace oxidised lipids, proteins and nucleotides and repair damage however if the damage exceeds the cells capacity, early cell death is bound
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Chapter 3
Mitochondria came into existence at the base of eukaryotic evolution and, arguably,
are a prerequisite for multicellular development due to the improved energy
metabolism of cells that contain mitochondria (Lane and Martin 2010). Mother
Nature has played with mitochondria like with any other invention she has made
M. Breitenbach (B)
Division of Genetics, Department of Cell Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Breitenbach et al.
in the biosphere. This has led to additional functions of mitochondria besides ATP
production, like the function in programmed cell death with its close relationship
with aging (see below) and the development of the capacity to exchange signals
with the nucleo-cytoplasmic system of protein synthesis and the capacity of the
cell to degrade mitochondria in case of severe loss of function. Fortunately, nearly
all of these mitochondrial functions have been conserved during eukaryotic evolution. Yeast is well suited to study the functions of mitochondria in aging due to
its rapid growth and cell division cycle, its highly developed genetics, the fact that
respiration-deficient mutants are viable and can be easily obtained, and, in particular, the availability of methods for introducing nearly every genetic change at will
in the chromosome as well as in the mitochondrial genome.
But what can yeast cells really tell us? As has been argued above, because of the
conservation of mitochondrial functions in evolution, there is reason to believe that
the results obtained with yeast genetics can be relevant for answering the one question that is behind all other questions: Why do we humans age? Can we manipulate,
slow down or perhaps stop the intrinsic aging process that appears to be operative
in nearly all living things and, of course also in humans?
To get started, we will review here the mitochondrial theory of aging (TOA) in its
historical context. But also this theory does not supply us with a single or single most
important cause of aging. Mitochondrial defects that occur naturally during aging
lead to an increase in internal oxidative stress or an imbalance of redox homeostasis.
But the genetic and pharmacological interventions that were applied to cells and
organisms to influence their redox environment, in most cases led to only moderate
changes in the lifespan.
oxygen and nitrogen species) because of the importance of nitric oxide (NO, which
is a radical) and peroxynitrite, a highly reactive non-radical species (for review:
Halliwell et al. 1987; Halliwell and Gutteridge 1984, 1988).
The oxygen radical theory of aging (TOA) (Harman 1956) and the somatic
mutation TOA (Szilard 1959; Orgel 1963) are closely related because oxygen
radicals are mutagenic and the two theories were created at about the same time
based on the experimental findings of the 1950s. In 1956, Denham Harman proposed that aging, which is a gradual loss of function in all constituents of living
cells, might be caused by the chemical damage due to oxygen radicals, and that
the molecular damage which is formed downstream of the short-lived primary radical species might accumulate during the lifetime of a cell and of an organism.
All of these theories are interconnected and all of them had to wait for decades
before the predictions contained in them could be tested by precisely aimed
Around 19651970, the location, metabolic importance and molecular details
of the respiratory chain of the inner mitochondrial membrane gradually were elucidated (Racker 1977; Mitchell 1961). Later, mainly through the work of Britton
Chance (for review see: Chance et al. 1979) it was shown that mitochondria not only
transform oxygen directly to water (in complex IV of the respiratory chain) but also
transform oxygen by an unwanted one electron process into the superoxide anion
radical. Superoxide is a comparatively long-lived and slow-reacting radical species
(but still more reactive and short-lived than most non-radical molecules). An important step in understanding oxygen radical biology was the discovery of superoxide
dismutase (SOD) by Fridovich and his students (McCord and Fridovich 1969) at
about the same time. Later it was shown that eukaryotic cells produce relatively
large amounts of two different superoxide dismutases underscoring the physiological importance of this part of oxygen radical metabolism. The manganese SOD
(Sod2) is present in the mitochondrial matrix while the copper/zinc SOD (Sod1)
is located mainly in the cytoplasm but some is also found in the mitochondrial
intermembrane space.
Based on the finding that most oxygen radicals derive from mitochondria,
Harman in 1972 developed a new TOA, now called the mitochondrial theory of
aging (Harman 1972). Subsequently, the major points of leakage of electrons
from the respiratory chain were found to be complex III, and complex I. Therefore
in yeast, which lacks complex I, complex III is the only physiological point of superoxide formation in the respiratory chain. However, in yeast, in place of complex I,
NADH reducing equivalents can be fed into the respiratory chain by Nde1 or Nde2
(external NADH) or Ndi1 (internal NADH) without proton pumping, and these proteins were also found to be capable of producing superoxide (Luttik et al. 1998;
Marres et al. 1991; Li et al. 2006). It is controversial which percentage of the electron flow ends up in superoxide, but a rough estimate is 1% under in vivo conditions
(Cadenas and Davies 2000).
The present view of the role of ROS in aging includes a signalling function of
the ROS and the importance of non-mitochondrial sources of superoxide besides
the well-known mitochondrial source. There is now overwhelming evidence for a
M. Breitenbach et al.
physiological role of ROS (oxygen radicals and the molecules derived from them)
in cellular signalling. This adds a number of new aspects to the oxygen TOA. The
state of current knowledge is slightly different for the fungal model systems of aging
and for the model systems based on mammalian cells and organisms. In mammals,
the physiological function of ROS produced by mitochondria and NADPH oxidases (NOXs) has been well researched (Buetler et al. 2004) and these ROS (most
probably hydrogen peroxide) control growth and proliferation, and also in some specialized cells, cell differentiation and the production of some specialized molecules,
for instance the hormone, thyroxine. In this scenario, overexpression or activation
of NOX enzymes can lead to hypermitogenic arrest and to apoptosis, pointing to
a direct involvement of ROS generated by NADPH oxidases in the aging process,
although many questions remain. In fungi, the signalling function of ROS is less
well researched (Takemoto et al. 2007) and in the unicellular hemiascomycetous
yeasts (S. cerevisiae and S. pombe), the current literature view is that an NADPH
oxidase does not exist.
Fig. 3.1 Replicative life-span determination. Percent viable cells are plotted against cell division
number (generations). Sample size in all cases was 5060 virgin cells. Perpendicular dotted lines
indicate median life spans. SD of the median life spans at a confidence level of 95% which were
calculated by applying KaplanMeier statistics are indicated by error bars. To decide whether two
given survival distributions are significantly different at a 95% confidence level, Breslow, TaroneWare, and log-rank statistics were used. All experiments were done on SC plates. Additions were as
indicated below. a Strain W303eA: circles, ambient air; squares, 55% oxygen; crosses, 20 M of
paraquat. b Strain W303eA ctt1:: URA3, cta1:: URA3: circles, ambient air; squares, 55% oxygen;
triangles, 55% oxygen, 1 mM GSH. c open squares, strain W303eA, ctt1::URA3; closed squares,
strain W303eA, cta1:: URA3. 55% oxygen. Note that the control experiments for (c) are included
in (a) (isogenic WT, 55% oxygen) and (b) (isogenic double mutant, 55% oxygen). d Strain JC482:
Circles, ambient air; squares, 55% oxygen; triangles, 55% oxygen, 1 mM GSH (from Nestelbacher
et al. 2000; with permission from Elsevier)
M. Breitenbach et al.
Fig. 3.2 K6001-B7 has a shortened replicative lifespan. Daughter cells from K6001 and
K6001-B7 were continuously removed by micromanipulation and counted and analyzed statistically. The shortened lifespan of K6001-B7 in both glucose and galactose media was tested
statistically significant using Mantel-Cox, Breslow as well as Tarone/Ware statistics (from
Timmermann et al. 2010, with permission from Impact Journals LLC)
between oxidative stress resistance and longevity is better for CLS than for RLS.
Comparable correlative evidence exists for long-lived mutants of C. elegans (Park
et al. 2009).
If, on the other hand, the mutants obtained from an unbiased whole genome
screen for resistance to oxidants are tested for their replicative lifespan, many
of them are normal or even short-lived. One example analysed in detail was the
phenotype of the dominant point mutation B7 in the yeast peroxyredoxin Tsa1,
which was found to be short-lived (Timmermann et al. 2010) (see Fig. 3.2). Mutants
in triose phosphate isomerase would be another example. They have an increased
NADPH/NADP+ ratio, are resistant to oxidants, but are short-lived in both CLS and
RLS (Ralser et al. 2006).
are genes coding for the largest and most hydrophobic protein components of the
respiratory and ATP synthase complexes of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
In addition, the ribosomal RNAs and the 22 tRNAs needed for mitochondrial
translation had to be retained. The rest of the about 700 (yeast) and about 1500
(mammals) mitochondrial proteins are encoded in the nuclear genome, synthesized
on cytoplasmic ribosomes and imported into mitochondria in rather complicated
but well-known ways (Schmidt et al. 2010; Baker et al. 2007). Only about 300
of the 4800 viable yeast gene deletions lead to petite (non-respiring) mutants
that are unable to grow on non-fermentable carbon sources and only about half of
them are directly involved in respiration (Merz and Westermann 2009). What is
puzzling from an evolutionary viewpoint is that some (for instance mammalian)
mitochondrial genomes are extremely small and streamlined, while others (yeast,
plants) are bigger, very variable in size, and encode slightly different sets of proteins of the respiratory complexes. A microorganism with a much larger number
of mitochondrially encoded proteins was discovered (Lang et al. 1997), which is
therefore perhaps closer to the original endosymbiont than most modern mitochondria. The genetic code used in mitochondria differs from the universal code, and the
mitochondrial code used by humans is not the same as that used by yeast.
Yeast and human cells are inviable without mitochondria, however they are
viable without mitochondrial respiration, as exemplified by the so-called rho-zero
mutants which by definition are devoid of mitochondrial DNA, but still contain
mitochondria. Rho-zero mutant cells of yeast, which can easily be isolated either
after spontaneous loss of the mitochondrial genome or after treatment with ethidium
bromide, grow slowly on glucose and other fermentative substrates like raffinose,
but not at all on respiratory substrates like glycerol, ethanol, or lactate. These
mutants must import ATP (produced from fermentation) into their mitochondria,
which is possible by means of a functional adenine nucleotide transporter. All respiratory deficient mutants of yeast as well as rho-zero cells are chronologically short
lived (Fabrizio et al. 2010), but the RLS of these non-respiring cells can be substantially longer than that of the corresponding wild type, depending on the retrograde
response in those cells (Kirchman et al. 1999, see the Chapter 4 by Jazwinski, this
volume). Certain mutations in mitochondrial ribosomal proteins and in the apparatus regulating mitochondrial translation are also replicatively long-lived (Heeren
et al. 2009; see below).
Human rho-zero cells can be isolated by ethidium bromide treatment and can be
maintained in cell culture easily, but rho-zero cells or any cells completely devoid of
mitochondrial respiration cannot differentiate in the context of a chimeric embryo
and cannot form an embryo. We mention these cells because loss or large deletions of the mitochondrial genome as well as mitochondrial point mutations clearly
occur during aging in the mouse and in humans. There is no detailed published
evidence for the frequency of mitochondrial mutations during replicative or chronological aging of yeast cells (compare, however, Muller 1971), but relatively recently
the group of Gottschling showed that the daughters of old mothers indeed tend
M. Breitenbach et al.
Fig. 3.3 a Old mother cells were stained with dihydrorhodamine (DHR, 5 mg ml1 ; stock solution
2.5 mg ml1 in ethanol) and viewed and photographed under a confocal laser-scanning fluorescence
microscope after 10 min using the rhodamine filter set. The stained cells show typical mitochondrial morphology. b The same sample in phase contrast (modified after Laun et al. 2001 with
permission from John Wiley and Sons). c Chronologically aged yeast cells (day 5) were stained
with dihydroethidium (DHE, 2.5 g/ml in PBS, stock solution 2.5 mg/ml in DMSO) and analyzed
using laser scanning confocal fluorescence microcopy. An exposure time of 4000 ms was used to
visualize not only lethal doses of ROS (arrowhead, necrotic dead cell) but also the generation of
sublethal doses of ROS at mitochondria (arrows, cells in early stages of apoptosis). d The same
sample was analyzed using phase contrast
M. Breitenbach et al.
domain (Trifunovic et al. 2004; Kujoth et al. 2005). These mice age prematurely as
shown by a shorter lifespan and an increase of practically all diseases of aging of
the mouse (for instance, cardiovascular diseases) at an age where the wild type does
not show these disease phenotypes, while the heterozygous littermates are normal.
However, the heterozygous mice have a normal lifespan and health, although in
heart and brain they carry tenfold more mitochondrial point mutations than normally
aged very old mice (Khrapko et al. 2006; Vermulst et al. 2007). This would clearly
indicate that mitochondrial point mutations cannot be the cause for aging in these
mice (see Fig. 3.4).
The matter depends very much on the ability to accurately measure spontaneous
mitochondrial point mutations by sequencing. In a later paper (Vermulst et al. 2008)
the Loeb group maintains that not point mutations but rather large deletions of mitochondrial DNA may be causative for aging. They argue that the heterozygous mice
still have a low level of deletions, not higher than normally aged tissues, and that the
formation of deletions (which are also very well researched in age-related pathology
in humans) depends on mitochondrial homology-driven repair in the absence of
proofreading. Trifunovic et al. contest this notion (Edgar et al. 2009, 2010) and
maintain that mitochondrial point mutations are causative for aging. The question is
open at present. The issue is complicated because mitochondrial genetic instability,
including deletions and point mutations always start as being heteroplasmic, cell
Fig. 3.4 Logic dictates that mtDNA mutations, when present at levels lower than in phenotypically
normal Polgmut/+ mice (dashed green line), are irrelevant for aging. Note that very old wild-type
mice display a much lower frequency of mitochondrial mutations as compared to the normally
aging heterozygotic mice. Error bars represent estimated variation of the data (adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Aging Cell Khrapko and Vijg 2007, copyright 2007)
divisions then lead to segregation of mutant and wild-type mitochondria, and after
a number of cell divisions a low threshold value of respiration is reached which
causes loss of function of the particular cell concerned. This threshold value may be
different in different organs of the mouse and of humans.
Mitochondrial Catalase
Although these very important experiments have been done in mice, and not in yeast,
we want to introduce them briefly, because they are feasible and worth doing in
yeast as well. In the wild type, mitochondria do not contain catalase. The superoxide
produced at a low level in the respiratory chain is converted to hydrogen peroxide by
mitochondrial MnSOD and can pass the mitochondrial membranes and can be further converted to ROS. Transgenic mice engineered to express human peroxisomal
catalase in their mitochondria showed a significant increase in mean and maximum
lifespan and a significant decrease in cardiac and cataract pathology. The authors
also showed that a double transgenic mouse expressing human catalase and mouse
SOD2 in their mitochondria had an even more enhanced median lifespan. Similar
experiments with expression in the nucleus or in the peroxisome of mice did not
significantly influence their aging process (Schriner et al. 2005). This constitutes
one of the most convincing experiments showing that the combined antioxidative action removing ROS can increase fitness and lifespan and, because of the
dependence on subcellular location, the experiment also shows that the mitochondrially generated oxygen radicals (and hydrogen peroxide) can limit the lifespan of
the wild type.
M. Breitenbach et al.
of respiration to low oxygen works in a very similar way in the two types of
cells, by introducing for the standard complex IV subunit cox4-1 (the ortholog is
cox5a in yeast) a new isoform subunit cox4-2 (the yeast ortholog is cox5b), which
can handle oxidative phosphorylation at low oxygen more efficiently without producing a high level of ROS. The new and exciting aspect is that activating this
system (stabilizing HIF-1) under normoxic conditions where it is normally degraded
by VHL (the Von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor, an E3 ubiquitin ligase), can
substantially increase the lifespan of C. elegans (Mehta et al. 2009; Kaeberlein
and Kapahi 2009; Muller et al. 2009). Similarly, mild inhibition of respiration
can also activate HIF-1 and increase the lifespan (Lee et al. 2010) although this
treatment actually increases ROS production. Conversely, other authors found that
the HIF-1 deletion or RNAi-mediated downregulation of HIF-1 can also increase
the worms lifespan. This effect functionally interacts with CR, since it depends
on nutrient availability and is not effective in calorically restricted worms (Chen
et al. 2009). Actually lowering oxygen tension has been tested in Drosophila.
Hypoxia can increase the lifespan of Drosophila (Vigne and Frelin 2007). The
mechanism by which this works is independent of caloric restriction and IGF-1,
but is under control by the TORC1 kinase. Taken together, the role of hypoxic regulation in lifespan determination and its interaction with dietary restriction must
await further experimental results to fully explore the regulatory network that is
active here.
The hypoxia response is one example of signalling from the nucleus to the mitochondrion leading to a major re-structuring of this organelle. Important aspects of
this signalling mechanism remain to be determined, in yeast as well as in higher
organisms, for instance the exact nature of the oxygen sensor (Lee et al. 2009).
Multiple oxygen sensors seem to exist, one well researched example which, however, occurs only in higher cells, is the proline hydroxylase (Berra et al. 2006;
Ratcliffe 2006) which, depending on oxygen tension, is functional in the degradation
of HIF-1.
Another example for regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis is the regulation of
mitochondrial mass and activity in response to a change in carbon source (Ohlmeier
et al. 2004), which is necessary when the yeast cell switches from fermentative
(on glucose) to respiratory metabolism on glycerol, ethanol, of lactate as carbon
source. A third example is regulation of mitochondrial respiration and ROS production by the RAS/cAMP pathway (Pichova et al. 1997) under the selective influence
of the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A, TPK3 (Hlavata et al. 2008; Leadsham
et al. 2009; Gourlay and Ayscough 2006), leading to a very short replicative and
chronological lifespan of yeast in mutants that over-express TPK3 or express the
RAS2ala18,val19 allele. The latter effect depends on the yeast-specific extension of
the RAS2 gene (Chen et al. 1990).
However, signalling by mitochondria to control nuclear gene expression, is
also possible. The retrograde response is a gene regulation mechanism that controls among many other genes, also those controlling the synthesis of peroxisomal
anaplerotic enzymes. These enzymes, for example CIT2, are needed for a fully functional amino acid metabolism in non-respiring yeast cells, which do not express
M. Breitenbach et al.
a full mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid cycle (Butow and Avadhani 2004; Liu and
Butow 2006). As mentioned before, yeast respiratory-deficient cells (petite cells)
are chronologically short-lived, but are replicatively long-lived in a nuclear genetic
background that enables a strong retrograde response (Jazwinski 2004, 2005a, b, c;
Kirchman et al. 1999). The nature of the signal emitted by the non-respiring mitochondria is unknown, but the role of the Rtg1/2 transcription factors downstream
of the primary signal is well researched (Jazwinski 2005b; Liao and Butow 1993).
The retardation of replicative aging by the retrograde response is independent of the
CR effect on the lifespan (Jiang et al. 2000). An important but unanswered question
is: does the retrograde response exist in human cells (Jazwinski 2005a), taking into
account that during human aging respiratory-deficient cells do occur and may play
a role in aging (Khrapko et al. 2006)?
Recent work from our laboratory (Heeren et al. 2009) showed that non-respiring
mitochondria command yet another different way of back-signalling to the nucleus,
Fig. 3.5 Schematic diagram of back-signalling involving AFO1 based on the results summarized.
Dashed arrows: genetic interactions for which a molecular mechanism has not been determined.
Both Sfp1p and Rtg1,3p shuttle to the cytoplasm when Tor1p is inhibited by rapamycin. They
are indicated in bold in the nucleus, where they are active. An activating influence of the TOR1
kinase complex on the transcription factor Rtg1/Rtg3 has been postulated by Dann and Thomas
(2006). Feedback inhibition of Tor1p by nuclearSfp1p is indicated. The RAS/cAMP and SCH9
components are omitted for clarity. Their interaction with the TOR pathway is complex. M,
mitochondrion; N, nucleus; P, peroxisome (adapted after Heeren et al. 2009, with permission from
Impact Journals LLC)
M. Breitenbach et al.
Table 3.1 The 14 proteins of the mitochondrial translation complex with the mitochondrial target
proteins for which they are specific
MTC subunit
Dss1p (Msu1p)
Noticeably, some of the MTC proteins are also present in higher eukaryotic organisms; whether these proteins can also control life span is obviously something that
remains to be tested.
M. Breitenbach et al.
In a recent paper (Klinger et al. 2010), we have shown that the protein of the
mitochondrial matrix, aconitase, which is extremely sensitive to oxidative inactivation due to the 4Fe/4S centre in its active site, is inactivated during replicative
aging without applying any external stress. The inactivated protein is preferentially
retained in the mother cell, while the still active enzyme is preferentially transported to the daughter cell. This asymmetric segregation works in the direction to
the daughter and, like the process just described (Liu et al. 2010), contributes to
the rejuvenation process of the daughter cells, which in our view and according to
a broad consensus is essential for the survival of the species. As aconitase in yeast
remains a mitochondrial protein throughout the whole life cycle of the cells, it is
clear from these results, that in the divisions of aging mother cells, whole mitochondria must be discriminated and segregated. The mechanism of this process is
unknown at present. The old mother cells, due to internal oxidative stress contain
small roundish mitochondria (not the familiar mitochondrial network) and it is quite
conceivable that these structures are preferentially transported to the daughter, if
they still have a near-normal membrane potential.
Closing Remarks
Overviewing the literature published in recent years, it becomes clear that the role
of mitochondria in the aging processes of yeast is diverse and a unifying theme
or mechanism has not yet been found. Of the three questions posed at the beginning of this chapter, only one can be (incompletely) answered at present time: Yes,
biochemical changes can be found that look similar in aging yeast cells and in higher
organisms. They could point to a basic but still unknown unity of the aging process.
They may have to do with mitochondrial dysfunction. In the aging processes, any
one of the possible metabolic and morphological changes of mitochondria which
are listed below play a role for which some experimental evidence exists. These
processes are not independent of each other and, probably, multiple simultaneous
causes exist:
What is rather well established for both replicative and chronological aging is an
increase in internally generated cellular oxidative stress with age leading to small
roundish mitochondria that stain positively for ROS production, as was described
above in the main part of this chapter. Moreover these observations seem to be
common also for the aging processes of higher cells. However, it is presently an open
question, if mitochondrially generated ROS are a primary cause of aging (inducing,
among other things, the pathways of apoptosis), or, alternatively, the mitochondrial
ROS observed in old cells are a by-product of aging.
The retrograde response and the mitochondrial back-signalling process can substantially increase the RLS despite respiratory deficiency, but present knowledge
about the genetic mechanism of these effects is fragmentary.
We think that one of the most interesting questions to be further investigated in
aging research generally, also relating to RLS only, is the asymmetric segregation
of damage between mother and daughter cells in the aging process, and in particular the asymmetric segregation of whole mitochondria according to their functional
state. The evidence is strong that processes of this kind are not yeast-specific but
very general; however, many open questions remain, including the mechanism of
discrimination, the sensing of damage (membrane potential?), the relation between
mitophagy and asymmetric segregation, and the mechanism of transport of damaged
and of still functional mitochondria. Mitophagy as well as asymmetric segregation
are mechanistically largely unknown at present. Both processes could form a link
to the aging of stem cell populations of higher organisms. Protein aggregates at the
surface of mitochondria (stress granules) could be involved in these processes
(Rinnerthaler et al. 2006; Rinnerthaler et al. unpublished).
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M. Breitenbach et al.
Chapter 4
S.M. Jazwinski
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been a useful model for the study of a wide
variety of cellular processes. One of these processes is the replicative life span of
individual cells. This feature of the yeast life cycle was first clearly described some
50 years ago (Mortimer and Johnston 1959). It entered into the purview of yeast
genetics and molecular biology only 20 years ago with the finding that replicative
life span can be genetically manipulated (Chen et al. 1990). The rich modern history
of the study of yeast replicative aging has been recounted (Jazwinski 2003), and it
is updated throughout this book. This chapter focuses on one of its aspects.
The notion of coordination of activities in various cellular compartments is
both old and attractive. Most cellular proteins are translated in the cytoplasm from
nuclear mRNA transcripts. Thus, it is not surprising that various intracellular and
extracellular signals have nuclear gene regulatory effects that appear to be coordinated. The existence of a separate mitochondrial genome presents an additional
challenge for gene regulation, because the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in a separate compartment encodes only some of the subunits of the multi-subunit inner
membrane complexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, in addition to mitochondrial ribosomal RNA and transfer RNAs. This challenge is met differently
in animal and in yeast cells. Defective transcription of the mtDNA in animal
cells results in an apparent compensation that leads to the overproduction of the
nuclear transcripts of mitochondrial proteins (Heddi et al. 1993). In yeast, there is
a coordinated reduction in these nuclear mRNAs (Poyton and McEwen 1996). This
coordinated gene expression has been termed intergenomic signaling (Poyton and
McEwen 1996) in yeast.
In addition to the coordinated down-regulation of the genes encoding the oxidative phosphorylation complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane, there are
seemingly unrelated additional nuclear gene regulation changes that occur in the
presence of mitochondrial dysfunction. These have been termed the retrograde
response (Liu and Butow 2006). Rather than an effect that compensates for the
lack of these inner membrane complexes, the retrograde response appears to adapt
cells to a defect in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (Liu and Butow 2006). This
adaptation is not consequential for energy metabolism per se. Instead, it impacts
gluconeogenesis and the provision of intermediates for biosynthetic reactions
(Jazwinski 1999; Liu and Butow 2006).
Recently, another form of mitochondria-to-nucleus signaling has been described,
called mitochondrial back-signaling (Heeren et al. 2009). This form of communication between the mitochondrion and the nucleus is clearly distinct from both the
intergenomic signaling and the retrograde response, described above. There are,
however, some intriguing commonalities among all three forms of mitochondriato-nucleus signaling. In addition, cross-talk between the mitochondrion and the
vacuole has also been shown (Chen et al. 2010) and again possesses features in
common with mitochondria-to-nucleus signaling. Thus, it is appropriate to discuss
the various pathways associated with cellular compartment coordination together as
manifestations of interorganelle communication.
S.M. Jazwinski
Fig. 4.1 Schematic of the retrograde response and many of the other pathways of interorganelle
communication. a Retrograde response. b Pathways of mitochondrial quality control: cross-talk
between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum and the vacuole. TORC1/2, TOR (target of rapamycin) protein kinase complexes 1 and 2; SLIK, SAGA-like transcriptional activator
complex; ERC, extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA circles; m , mitochondrial membrane potential; Calcineurin, calcium/calmodulin-dependent, serine-threonine protein phosphatase; M(IP)2 C,
mannosyldiinositolphosphoryl ceramides; Autophagy, degradation of the cells components within
the vacuole; Mitophagy, autophagy selective for degradation of mitochondria; Arrow, activation/stimulation; Blunt-arrow, inhibition/repression; Two-headed arrow, dichotomous functions.
Atg1/Atg13, protein kinase complex in the autophagy pathway; Aup1, a protein phosphatase
present in the intramembrane space in mitochondria; Bmh1/2, 14-3-3 protein isoforms; Grr1, an
E3 ubiquitin ligase; Lag1/Lac1, ceramide synthases that form a complex in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane; Lst8, a WD-repeat protein that is a component of TORC1/2; Mks1, a negative
regulator of the Ras2 pathway that forms a complex with either Rtg2 or Bmh1/2; Phb1/2, protein
chaperones located in the inner mitochondrial membrane; Ras2, a small G-protein that stimulates
adenyl cyclase when bound to GTP and also operates in an adenyl cyclase-independent pathway;
Rtg1/3, subunits of a heterodimeric, helix-loop-helix, leucine zipper transcription factor that binds
Fig. 4.1 (continued) to the R-box in the promoters of retrograde target genes; Rtg2, a component of SLIK that also plays a role in the translocation of Rtg1Rtg3 to the nucleus, possesses an
ATP-binding domain; Uth1, a mitochondrial outer membrane protein involved in mitochondrial
biogenesis and mitophagy. For detailed discussion see text
response; they prevent the ubiquitination mediated by Grr1 that leads to Mks1 degradation (Liu et al. 2003, 2005). Bmh1 and Bmh2 also may bind Rtg3 maintaining it
in an inactive state (van Heusden and Steensma 2001). Lst8, a WD-repeat protein,
is yet another negative regulator of retrograde signaling, acting both upstream and
downstream of Rtg2 (Liu et al. 2001).
S.M. Jazwinski
of life span. Similar results were obtained with so-called nuclear petites such
as cox4strains. The replacement of the deficient mitochondria with functioning
organelles by cytoduction reversed the effects on life span (Kirchman et al. 1999).
The requirement for retrograde signaling for life extension was demonstrated by
its abrogation in rtg2 (Kirchman et al. 1999) and rtg3 (Borghouts et al. 2004)
mutants. The retrograde response also postponed the manifestations of normal yeast
aging (Kirchman et al. 1999).
The retrograde response does not function as a digital on-off switch. Instead, its
action is more similar to that of a rheostat that titrates the extent of mitochondrial
dysfunction with increasing levels of retrograde response activation and replicative life span extension (Jazwinski 2000). This feature suggests that the retrograde
response compensates for increasing mitochondrial dysfunction during yeast aging.
It has been postulated that the enhanced production of biosynthetic intermediates
by the retrograde response is the means by which life span is extended, as the measure of yeast replicative life span is the production of daughter cells which requires
biosynthetic precursors. In fact, mitochondria become dysfunctional during replicative aging, as measured by the gradual decline in mitochondrial membrane potential
(Lai et al. 2002), and this is coupled to the commensurate activation of the retrograde
response during aging (Borghouts et al. 2004). It should be stressed that this activation occurs both in rho+ and in rho0 cells, and that there is no increase in prevalence
of petites during replicative aging. Mitochondria also produce increasing amounts
of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during replicative aging (Laun et al. 2001), and
they accumulate oxidative damage (Klinger et al. 2010), which may be a cause of
accumulating dysfunction with replicative age.
The retrograde response possesses the features of a normal aging mechanism
in yeast (Jazwinski 2004). These features are: (1) its activation extends replicative life span; (2) its activation postpones the normal manifestations of aging; (3)
it impacts the normal decline in mitochondrial function experienced during yeast
aging; and (4) it is progressively activated during aging. Indeed, the retrograde
response appears to compensate for the decline in mitochondrial function during
aging, allowing yeast to live as long as they do.
Recently, it has been reported that the yeast replicative life span is extended in
rho0 cells independent of the retrograde response, ascribing this effect to intergenomic signaling (Woo and Poyton 2009). This report confirms earlier findings
concerning the retrograde response and replicative life span, while providing evidence that decreased respiration per se does not result in life span extension. This
had been concluded earlier based on the literature cited above. Curiously, this report
cites the results of the cox4, mentioned above, erroneously. The important result
described in this paper (Woo and Poyton 2009) is the independence of the life extension in rho0 cells of RTG2 and its dependence on RTG3, interpreted as independence
of retrograde signaling. However, by-pass of RTG2 for retrograde signaling has
been shown for certain LST8 and MKS1 mutants before (Liu et al. 2001; Dilova
et al. 2002; Sekito et al. 2002; Tate et al. 2002). Such by-pass mutations could be
the source of the lack of requirement for RTG2. Clearly, the effects of mitochondrial dysfunction on replicative life span are complex and the pathways induced by
it overlap. Thus, it may not be useful to view them as incompatible but rather it
may be more germane to consider them as pathways that constitute a continuum of
responses. It is informative in this regard that Rtg2 also plays a role in determining
chronological life span in yeast (Barros et al. 2004).
Another, recently described, pathway of signaling from the mitochondrion to the
nucleus has been termed mitochondrial back-signaling (Heeren et al. 2009). It is
activated upon deletion of the AFO1/MRPL25 gene which encodes a mitochondrial
ribosomal protein. It involves the Tor1 protein kinase and the transcription factor
Sfp1. This pathway appears to be independent of the classic retrograde response,
though it similarly engages TOR. This claim of independence derives from the fact
that in the strain background in which this pathway operates the retrograde response
is not activated when the cells are rho0 , as determined by lack of increase in CIT2
expression and in replicative life span. The studies were carried out in medium
containing glucose as the carbon source. The retrograde response was activated
when the cells were grown on raffinose rather than glucose, resulting in life span
extension, but the effect of AFO1 deletion was not examined. This mitochondrial
back-signaling is described in detail in another chapter.
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Thus, there are activities induced in the retrograde response that must somehow
compensate for ERC accumulation. This does not appear to be Rtg2.
Deletion of GCN5 curtails life span and prevents activation of the retrograde
response (Kim et al. 2004). However, it also suppresses ERC production. This has
been interpreted to indicate the release of Rtg2 from the SLIK complex, making it available to suppress ERC production. This finding suggests that the intact
SLIK complex, containing Rtg2, is not responsible for maintaining genome stability.
Rtg2, alone or in a different complex, appears to be involved. The studies summarized thus far indicate that the retrograde response senses metabolic stress. It links
this stress to the activation of metabolic and stress response genes, which involves
chromatin-dependent gene regulation, and links metabolism with genome stability
(Jazwinski 2005). The coordination of these processes plays a role in determining
yeast replicative life span.
There is another link between mitochondria and genome stability in yeast.
Recently, it has been shown that the inhibition of iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis
results in loss of heterozygosity in diploid yeast cells, a form of genome instability
(Veatch et al. 2009). This form of genomic instability develops as yeasts progress
through their replicative life spans (McMurray and Gottschling 2003). Reduction in
mitochondrial membrane potential, but not loss of respiration per se, correlates with
this genomic instability. It is associated with defective iron-sulfur cluster formation
in cells lacking mtDNA. The results suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction leads
to nuclear genome instability by preventing the production of iron-sulfur clustercontaining proteins required for nuclear genome maintenance. This phenomenon
appears to be related to a similar one in yeast and in animal cells whose etiology
was known but whose precise mechanism has not been clear (Delsite et al. 2003;
Rasmussen et al. 2003).
Uth1 does not appear to eliminate mitophagy entirely, but it does alter its efficiency
and selectivity (Kissova et al. 2007). Deletion of the DNM1 gene also reduces but
does not eliminate mitophagy (Kanki et al. 2009). Dnm1 is a protein that promotes
mitochondrial fission, thus its elimination disturbs the balance in the mitochondrial
fission-fusion equilibrium. It has been found that deletion of DNM1 extends yeast
replicative life span (Scheckhuber et al. 2007). These results suggest that elimination of mitochondria through mitophagy may be important at some level to maintain
yeast replicative longevity; however, extensive mitophagy may not be conducive
to a long life span. The role of the limited mitophagy under these circumstances
may be in mitochondrial quality control in removing damaged and/or dysfunctional
mitochondria rather than wholesale remodeling of the mitochondrial population as
occurs during metabolic adaptations. Whether this is a process that is selective for
damaged mitochondria or one that operates by mass action is open to discussion.
Aup1 is a mitochondrial protein phosphatase required for mitophagy in stationary phase in yeast (Journo et al. 2009). Retrograde signaling is defective
in aup1 mutants and deletion of RTG3 prevents stationary phase mitophagy.
Deletion of AUP1 in turn causes changes in the phosphorylation patterns on Rtg3.
Conditions that induce mitophagy also induce the retrograde response in an AUP1dependent fashion. Thus, there appears to be an involvement of retrograde signaling
in mitophagy, although the importance of this association for replicative life span is
not entirely clear. Spermidine extends yeast replicative life span and it also induces
autophagy, but a requirement for autophagy in replicative life span extension in
yeast has not been shown (Eisenberg et al. 2009). The same effects of spermidine
hold true in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans; however, in this case inhibition
of autophagy prevents life span extension by spermidine (Eisenberg et al. 2009).
Deletion of TOR1 also extends yeast replicative life span (Kaeberlein et al. 2005),
a situation in which autophagy would be induced. However, again it has not been
shown that the induction of autophagy plays a role in the life extension.
S.M. Jazwinski
this activation is limited to mother cells only, where the dysfunctional mitochondria tend to accumulate, remains to be determined. The dysfunctional mitochondria
possess all of the features of the senescence factor whose action was deduced in
earlier studies (Egilmez and Jazwinski 1989). As it turns out, the dysfunctional mitochondria also suffer from oxidative damage to aconitase, which has been used as a
marker to confirm the asymmetric segregation of mitochondria between mother and
daughter cells (Klinger et al. 2010).
The multi-drug resistance gene PDR5 is activated in rho0 cells (Hallstrom and
Moye-Rowley 2000; Epstein et al. 2001). The regulation of this gene is complex.
One of the pathways that induce PDR5 expression in rho0 cells involves Rtg1;
however, other mitochondrial defects can activate PDR5 in an Rtg-independent
manner (Hallstrom and Moye-Rowley 2000). PDR5 belongs to the group of plasma
membrane-associated transporters that are in the multi-drug resistance family. These
transporter genes are subject to retrograde regulation (Moye-Rowley 2005). During
cell division, the daughter cell receives newly-synthesized multi-drug resistance
proteins, while the old ones remain in the mother cell where they accumulate damage with replicative age (Eldakak et al. 2010). This is yet another example of age
asymmetry. Deletion of multi-drug resistance genes shortens replicative life span,
while one extra copy extends it. Multi-drug resistance proteins are important in
metabolism, detoxification, and stress resistance. Thus, it is plausible that they have
a role in determining replicative life span and are one of the factors contributing to
age asymmetry in yeast.
plays a role in mitochondrial biogenesis by stimulating the synthesis of the respiratory component of the mitochondrial proteome (Dejean et al. 2002; Kirchman et al.
2003). Thus, deletion of RAS2 would contribute to amelioration of the imbalance in
production of mitochondrial proteins in the absence of prohibitins in rho0 cells.
The importance of prohibitins in surveillance of mitochondrial quality has resurfaced recently (Wang et al. 2008). The deleterious effect of prohibitin mutants in
rho0 cells was confirmed. Interestingly, this phenotype was suppressed by deletion
of TOR1 or SCH9, among others, whose products normally stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis. The conclusion reached is identical to that based on the effect of
the RAS2 deletion on prohibitin mutants (Kirchman et al. 2003). A central role of
mitochondrial membrane potential was adduced by examination of a mutant in the
adenine nucleotide translocase Aac2 (Wang et al. 2008), which induced an agingdependent mitochondrial degeneration similar to the atp2 mutant (Lai et al. 2002)
and the prohibitin mutants (Piper et al. 2002; Kirchman et al. 2003). As pointed
out earlier (Lai et al. 2002), the loss of the respiratory chain is readily tolerated as
long as the adenine nucleotide translocator and the F1 -ATPase cooperate to maintain mitochondrial membrane potential. Unlike the situation in the rho0 cell, it is not
clear exactly where the deficits appear during yeast replicative aging: the respiratory
chain, the translocator, the ATPase, or combinations thereof.
S.M. Jazwinski
biosynthetic pathway, the mannosylinositol phosphorylceramides negatively regulate autophagy in yeast (Thevissen et al. 2010). This is consistent with the role of
TORC2, acting among others through ceramide synthase, in propagating growth
Ceramide synthesis and multi-drug resistance are also coordinated in yeast,
thrusting the former into closer juxtaposition to the retrograde response. In addition
to the Lag1-ceramide synthase, yeasts possess another ceramide synthase encoded
by the homologous gene LAC1 (Jiang et al. 1998; Guillas et al. 2001; Schorling et al.
2001). The Lac1 ceramide synthase is under the same transcriptional regulation as
PDR5 (Kolaczkowski et al. 2004).
S.M. Jazwinski
(Epstein et al. 2001; Guaragnella and Butow 2003). Expression of ATO3 is regulated
by the transcription factor Gcn4, a transcriptional activator in the general amino acid
control pathway (Guaragnella and Butow 2003). It has been shown that Gcn4 is
required for replicative life span extension both by nutrient limitation and by deletion of TOR1 (Steffen et al. 2008). This represents yet another intersection between
retrograde signaling, TOR, and nutrient limitation. Ammonia export by Ato3 is an
essential component of intercolony communication in yeast (Palkova et al. 2002),
playing a role in colony morphology and differentiation. It will be of great interest to examine in more detail the interplay of the various physiological responses
enumerated here and their significance for aging.
factor, because it plays a role in the regulation of glycolytic genes (Collier et al.
2003). However, other studies have pointed to the potential role of NFB as this
retrograde transcription factor (Srinivasan et al. 2010). An extensive discussion of
these issues has recently been published (Srinivasan et al. 2010).
Final Thoughts
The retrograde response as a pathway of mitochondria-to-nucleus signaling is
sometimes contrasted with other such pathways based on the requirement for the
retrograde response (Rtg) genes. However, the complexity of retrograde signaling
and the differential roles of these Rtg genes on nuclear gene expression had been
noted very early, and the term RTG-independent retrograde response was coined to
designate these other pathways (Epstein et al. 2001; Butow and Avadhani 2004). The
retrograde response does not require a petite mutation or pharmacological inhibition
of electron transport to be induced, as discussed above. Several cellular processes
have been described in this chapter, which involve one or another of the Rtg genes.
One way or the other, mitochondria seem to be involved in these processes even if
S.M. Jazwinski
the activation of the classic retrograde target genes has not been demonstrated in
each case. With the emergence of novel pathways, such as the cross-talk between
mitochondria and vacuoles, it may be more relevant to recognize all of these processes in aggregate as interorganelle communication. One thread that remains in
common almost without exception is the involvement of TOR signaling in some
capacity. Given its role in the calorie restriction paradigm, TOR may be the most
universal of the pathways that impinge on the replicative life span in yeast.
Acknowledgments The research in the authors laboratory is supported by grants from the
National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health (U.S.P.H.S.). The support of Heinz
Keller of Schwarzwald, Switzerland is gratefully acknowledged.
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S.M. Jazwinski
Chapter 5
Abstract The two paradigms to study aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the
chronological life span (CLS) and the replicative life span (RLS). The chronological life span is a measure of the mean and maximum survival time of non-dividing
yeast populations while the replicative life span is based on the mean and maximum
number of daughter cells generated by an individual mother cell before cell division
stops irreversibly. Here we review the principal discoveries associated with yeast
chronological aging and how they are contributing to the understanding of the aging
process and of the molecular mechanisms that may lead to healthy aging in mammals. We will focus on the mechanisms of life span regulation by the Tor/Sch9
and the Ras/adenylate cyclase/PKA pathways with particular emphasis on those
implicating age-dependent oxidative stress and DNA damage/repair.
Keywords Chronological aging TOR (target of rapamycin) RAS Adaptive
regrowth Caloric restriction
of view, monitoring the CLS is extremely simple, does not require micromanipulation, and is generally based on the use of cultures of millions of yeast, which
facilitates the screen of longevity mutants and allows the performance of a wide
range of genetics, genomics, and biochemistry assays (Fabrizio and Longo 2007;
Fabrizio et al. 2005b). In a standard CLS experiment yeast are grown in synthetic
complete medium (SDC) until nutrient depletion promotes cell cycle arrest. The
majority of cells stops dividing within 23 days from the starting of the culture and
viability is usually assayed by colony forming units (CFUs) measurement beginning
on day 3 until survival reaches 15% of the day 3 CFUs (Fabrizio and Longo 2007).
In analogy with post-diauxic phase cultures (see section The TOR/Sch9 Pathway),
chronologically aging populations are characterized by the constant presence of a
small fraction of budded cells (38% depending on the genetic backgrounds).
Several lines of evidence suggest that these budded cells may be improperly arrested
in S/G2 (starvation normally induces G1-arrest) (Weinberger et al. 2007; Allen et al.
2006). However, it is possible that a very small percentage of them may be dividing
although, under the standard conditions described above, the low pH (3.5) would
cause a very slow growth (Fabrizio et al. 2004a). Therefore, under these conditions,
cell division is very unlikely to affect the CLS measurements. By contrast, cell division can occur and it is easily detected (population size raises up to 100 times) in
chronologically aging cultures after the majority of the cells has died (Fabrizio et al.
2004a). This growth of the population, defined as adaptive regrowth, appears to
be due to mutations or possibly epigenetic changes that allow yeast to reenter the
cell cycle by consuming the nutrients released by dead cells and it shares some similarities with the bacterial Growth Advantage in Stationary Phase (GASP) phenotype
(Zinser and Kolter 2004; Zambrano et al. 1993; Zambrano and Kolter 1996). The latter was originally described in stationary phase cultures of Escherichia coli grown in
rich medium (LB), whose viability, after a rapid decline, remains stable for extended
periods of time, reflecting cycles of death and regrowth in the populations rather
than extended survival (Zambrano et al. 1993). In analogy with adaptive regrowth,
the GASP phenotype also arises after the acquisition of mutations that trigger cell
division by promoting the catabolism of nutrients released by dead microorganisms
(Zinser and Kolter 2004).
For aging studies the period in which no cell division occurs represents the
life span. In yeast this phase is characterized by a gradual increase of mortality
rates and it can last up to a few weeks depending on the yeast strain (Fabrizio
and Longo 2003). On the contrary, in E. coli 99% of the culture loses viability
within 23 days, thus providing a more limited time window to observe age-related
(Fabrizio et al. 2004b) but we have also known that chronological aging can reduce
the RLS of mother cells (Ashrafi et al. 1999), indicating that distinct but overlapping mechanisms are regulating the two aging paradigms. In fact, the two major
yeast pro-aging pathways, TOR/Sch9 and Ras/adenylate cyclase/PKA (see next section), promote aging and early cell death in both CLS and RLS paradigms. CLS
extension induced by lowering the activity of either of the two pro-aging pathways
requires the activity of protein kinase Rim15 and stress resistance transcription factors Msn2/4 and Gis1 (Fabrizio et al. 2001, 2003; Wei et al. 2008). Msn2/4 and
Rim15, however, limit the RLS extension of a mutant with reduced Ras/PKA activity and overexpression of Msn2 shortens the RLS of wild type yeast (Fabrizio et al.
2004b). Analogously, while mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (Sod2) is required
for CLS extension, its overexpression shortens RLS (Fabrizio et al. 2003, 2004b).
Intriguingly, Msn2/4 were shown to mediate the RLS extension associated with
decreased TOR signaling (Medvedik et al. 2007). The key players in prolonging
the RLS in TOR-deficient yeast were reported to be members of the Sir2 family
(sirtuins) (Medvedik et al. 2007). Consistently, an additional copy of SIR2 prolongs RLS in wild type yeast (Kaeberlein et al. 1999; Medvedik et al. 2007). The
activity of Sir2, nevertheless, reduces significantly the CLS of yeast lacking the serine/threonine kinase Sch9, which live 3-fold longer than wild type but 5-fold longer
in a sir2 context (Fabrizio et al. 2005a). Taken together, our current knowledge
suggests that the relationship between CLS and RLS is complex and that several
life span determinants such as Sir2 and Msn2/4 may play opposite roles in controlling the two life span paradigms. The most likely possibility is that the pro-aging
TOR/Sch9 and Ras/adenylate cyclase/PKA pathways and the downstream stress
resistance transcription factors affect aging by similar mechanisms in both the RLS
and CLS. However, because RLS is based on cell division and since protective
enzymes and stress-resistance transcription factors can negatively affect cell division, replicatively aging cells in which protective systems are activated can stop
dividing before they are severely damaged or dead (Fabrizio et al. 2004b). A comprehensive analysis of the genes regulating either CLS, RLS, or both based on a
comparison between partial genome-wide datasets relative to screens for CLS- and
RLS-regulatory genes has been published by Laun et al. According to this study,
only a handful of genes prolongs both RLS and CLS (Laun et al. 2006). These
results may depend in part on the negative role of anti-chronological aging genes
on cells division discussed above but also on the threshold selected to determine
whether a mutant is long-lived or not. Notably, genome-wide life span studies often
yield false positive/negative results (Hansen et al. 2005; Powers et al. 2006) and the
long/short-lived phenotype of mutants identified by genome-wide screen must be
confirmed by measuring the life span of each mutant individually. Thus, the results
of the analyses based on genome-wide data might change substantially once all
the individual validation experiments are performed. Nevertheless, these analyses
can be informative. For example, the consistent reduction of both life spans caused
by the deletion of numerous mitochondrial genes reported by Laun et al underscores the importance of functional mitochondria for normal life span (Laun et al.
Hereafter we will review the major findings associated with yeast chronological
aging with particular emphasis on those that contributed to discover the evolutionary conserved longevity pathways. We will describe the similarities between these
pathways in different species. We will also discuss how CLS is contributing not only
to the understanding of the genetics of aging but also to elucidate the key modifications occurring in senescent cells that might be relevant to the onset of age-related
diseases such as cancer.
Fig. 5.1 Conserved regulation of the life span-regulatory pathways. In yeast, worms, and flies the
activation of the pro-growth nutrient-sensing/IIS pathways inhibits the activity of stress resistance
transcription factors (Gis1, Msn2/4, DAF-16, dFOXO), reduces cell protection and accumulation
of fat and/or glycogen, and promotes aging. Mutations that reduce the activity of these pathways prolong life span. In yeast and worms this longevity extension requires the activation of a
stress response dependent on Gis1/Msn2/4 and Daf-16, which lead to the activation of anti-oxidant
enzymes and heat-shock proteins. In flies overexpression of dFOXO extends lifespan most likely
via the activation of stress response analogous to that of yeast and worms. In mice, reduction on the
IIS by mutation of the IGF-1 receptor gene or by lowering growth hormone (GH) synthesis promotes longevity and stress resistance possibly by activating the transcription factors FoxOs. GH
might also function to promote aging in part independently of IGF-1 signaling. Dampening the
beta-adrenergic signaling by deleting the adenylate cyclase 5 gene (AC5) or reducing the activity
of PKA also extends mice life span
been shown to play a key role in antagonizing DAF-2 activity and mediating the
longevity extension observed in the daf-2 mutants (Ogg et al. 1997; Lin et al. 1997)
(Fig. 5.1).
In 2001 three articles demonstrated that the role of IIS in life span regulation
was evolutionary conserved. In fact, on the one hand, it was found that lowering the
activity of Sch9, a protein kinase involved in cell growth and cell cycle regulation
in response to nutrients, extended CLS up to 3-fold (Fabrizio et al. 2001) and, on
the other hand, it was shown how reduced IIS promoted longevity in Drosophila
(Clancy et al. 2001; Tatar et al. 2001). Sch9 shares a high degree of homology
with Akt and S6 kinase (S6K) in higher eukaryotes and numerous proteins activated
in Sch9-deficient yeast are also activated in the daf-2 mutants and in long-lived
flies, e.g. superoxide dismutase and heat-shock proteins (Longo and Finch 2003)
(Fig. 5.1). Taken together, the novel results obtained in yeast combined with those
from worms and flies, indicated that life span extension can be obtained through
the inactivation of nutrient signaling and pro-growth pathways and the consequent
activation of a survival program characterized by increased cellular protection
(Longo and Finch 2003).
effects were shown to depend on the activation and nuclear translocation of the
FoxO fork-head transcription factors, which is triggered by lowering IIS but may
also depend on the activity of other signaling pathways (Yamamoto et al. 2005)
(Fig. 5.1).
The yeast model system has been remarkably successful and perhaps the most
successful at identifying genes later shown to regulate life span in mammals. In
fact, mice lacking the Sch9 homologue S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), are long-lived and are
protected against several age-dependent defects (Selman et al. 2009). Furthermore,
mice lacking adenylate cyclase 5 (AC5) or with a reduced activity of PKA, AC5
and PKA being orthologues of the yeast pro-aging adenylate cyclase and PKA, are
long-lived and display protection against age-dependent diseases or damage/loss
of function (Yan et al. 2007; Enns et al. 2009) (see section The Ras/Adenylate
Cyclase/PKA Pathway). The additional major gene implicated in yeast life span
regulation is TOR, which is believed to function upstream of Sch9 to control growth
in response to nutrients (Polak and Hall 2009). TOR is a serine-threonine protein
kinase conserved in organisms ranging from yeast to humans originally implicated
in the regulation of life span in worms and flies. In fact, knocking down CeTOR from
the first day of adulthood approximately doubles the life span of C. elegans and a
similar effect is obtained by reducing the activity of Daf-15, the worm ortholog of
the mammalian TOR-interacting protein raptor (Vellai et al. 2003; Jia et al. 2004).
Analogously, in Drosophila the overexpression of either dominant-negative dTOR
or of TOR-inhibiting dTsc1/2 prolongs life span (Kapahi et al. 2004). Recently the
TOR inhibitor rapamycin has been shown to extend longevity in mice (Harrison
et al. 2009). In all organisms so far investigated except yeast there is one TOR isoform that functions in two different multiprotein complexes, TORC1 and TORC2.
In yeast two TOR kinases are present, Tor1 and Tor2. Either one of them can be
found in the yeast TORC1 complex but only Tor2 is found in association with the
TORC2 complex (Rohde et al. 2008). Down-regulation of TORC1 activity extends
both yeast life spans (Wei et al. 2008; Powers et al. 2006; Kaeberlein et al. 2005).
With respect to the CLS, genetic data suggest that TORC1 and Sch9 function in
the same molecular pathway to control longevity (Wei et al. 2009; Pan and Shadel
2009 and P. Fabrizio, unpublished results) in agreement with the recently demonstrated role of TORC1 in the direct activation of Sch9 via the phosphorylation of
several of its C-terminal amino acid residues (Urban et al. 2007). Notably, in higher
eukaryotes the IIS cascade can activate TORC1, which in turn activates S6K, known
to negatively affect longevity not only in mice (see above) but also in worms and
flies (Kapahi et al. 2004; Hansen et al. 2007). Interestingly, both S6K and Sch9
play important roles in the activation of translation in response to nutrients and
longevity regulation and are both dependent on the TORC1 complex for their activation. Mammalian S6K shares the same degree of homology with Sch9 as Akt.
Since no closer homologue to S6K or Akt has been identified on the yeast genome,
it is plausible that Sch9 originated from an ancestral protein that underwent duplication throughout evolution leading to the presence of S6K and Akt in metazoans.
Importantly, both of them have maintained roles in controlling life span.
Metabolic Switches
In order to further understand the mechanisms that lead to life span extension,
we have recently obtained the gene expression profiles of chronologically aging
wild type and long-lived mutants (Wei et al. 2009). In our analysis we compared
the transcriptomes of the sch9, ras2, and tor1 mutants to those of wild type
yeast at day 2.5. This age was chosen to avoid both the noise that could originate
from residual cell growth at younger ages and the transcriptional changes associated with reduction of metabolic rates that normally occurs at day 45 (Fabrizio
and Longo 2003; Fabrizio et al. 2003). Our results have shown a significant degree
of overlap between the genes either up- or down-regulated in the different mutants
in comparison to the wild type underlying how the different life span regulatory
pathways may impinge on a set of common downstream effectors controlled by
the same transcriptional activators to modulate longevity (Wei et al. 2008, 2009).
Importantly, yeast long-lived mutants exhibit transcriptional changes consistent with
a wide range of metabolic changes. In fact, glycolytic/fermentative genes are upregulated in all the mutants, while a vast set of mitochondrial genes, which include
those coding for electron transport proteins, TCA cycle enzymes, and mitochondrial ribosomal proteins among others, are down-regulated (Wei et al. 2009). Our
data also suggest that a part of dihydroxy-acetone-phosphate (DHAP), a glycolysis
intermediate, is metabolized to produce glycerol. In fact, all the long-lived mutants
showed a general activation of glycerol biosynthetic genes, above all GPD1 and
GPD2, which code for the key enzymes required for glycerol biosynthesis from
DHAP. Consistently, our in depth analysis of the chronologically aging sch9
mutant revealed a significant accumulation of glycerol both intracellularly and extracellularly, which was not observed in the wild type (Wei et al. 2009). The role of
GPD1/2 and other glycerol biosynthetic genes in CLS extension in a sch9 context
was confirmed by epistatis analysis, which underscored the importance of glycerol
biosynthesis in promoting both life span and resistance to stress (Wei et al. 2009).
Notably, in aging sch9 mutants the metabolic switch to glycerol biosynthesis is
associated with ethanol catabolism (Wei et al. 2009). We have previously demonstrated that ethanol is accumulated in aging wild type yeast and negatively affects
their CLS in spite of being a carbon source that yeast can utilize by mitochondrial
respiration (Fabrizio et al. 2005a). Acetic acid is also accumulated in chronologically aging cultures and it has been proposed to play a pro-aging role (Burtner et al.
2009). However, it should be underlined that at the level generated during chronological aging (approximately 6 mM) acetic acid is a carbon source that promotes
acidification, cell cycle arrest, and high respiratory rates (Fabrizio et al. 2003, 2004a,
2005a) and not a toxin, as it can be at high concentrations (Ludovico et al. 2001;
Madeo et al. 2004). Thus, acetic acid, may generate the appropriate conditions (no
division, high metabolism, etc.) to obtain a short and high metabolism life span that
models cells from higher eukaryotes. The remarkable number of genes later shown
to promote aging in higher eukaryotes identified using this CLS paradigm supports
this notion. Under certain incubation conditions, the ethanol generated during log
phase appears to be converted to acetic acid. Mutants lacking Sch9 but not wild
type cells, appear to redirect acetic acid to glycerol production (V Longo unpublished results). We now know that ethanol as glucose represents a pro-aging carbon
source. In fact, when yeast are exposed to a constant concentration of either of them
under experimental conditions that do not allow cell growth (lack of an essential
amino acid), their CLS is dramatically reduced when compared to that of yeast
exposed to glycerol (Wei et al. 2009). In this respect, exposure to glycerol has the
same CLS extending effect as carbon source removal, which is a method to promote caloric restriction (CR) in yeast (Wei et al. 2009). This is remarkable because
it suggests that the molecular anti-aging strategies activated by CR, the only non
genetic intervention known to prolong life span in all species so far tested (Mair and
Dillin 2008), are not repressed by glycerol. Thus, the CLS extension of the sch9
mutant is due, in part, to key metabolic changes that mimic CR by triggering ethanol
consumption and glycerol accumulation (Wei et al. 2009). Very recent evidence has
implemented our data by showing that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Pck1),
a key enzyme for gluconeogenesis, is required for ethanol consumption and for
both normal life span and CR-dependent CLS extension (Lin et al. 2009). Pck1
was shown to be dependent on the histone acetylase complex NuA4 for activation
and on Sir2 for inactivation (Lin et al. 2009), which is consistent with our findings demonstrating that Sir2 activity limits the longevity extension promoted by CR
(Fabrizio et al. 2005a). Intriguingly, our gene expression profile data did not show
transcriptional activation of genes involved in gluconeogenesis in the early phase of
chronological aging. By contrast, as mentioned above, they pointed to an activation
of the glycolytic function in long-lived yeast (Wei et al. 2009). Further studies are
needed to clarify this point and establish whether glycolysis or gluconeogenesis is
predominant in yeast under CR and which enzymatic activities are key for glycerol
accumulation and ethanol catabolism.
How do the metabolic switches observed in long-lived yeast translate to other
long-lived organisms? Do they represent a conserved anti-aging strategy? We do
not have an answer yet. However, gene expression data suggest that both glyceroneogenesis and gluconeogenesis are up-regulated in calorie restricted C. elegans
(Castelein et al. 2008). Furthermore, an anti-aging role for a metabolic switch to
gluconeogenesis was originally hypothesized based on gene expression profile data
obtained from calorie restricted mice (Lee et al. 1999) and is supported by preliminary results showing that transgenic mice overexpressing the cytosolic form of
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in the skeletal muscle are long-lived (Hakimi
et al. 2007).
play a key role in aging and high levels of protection against oxidants are detected
in yeast long-lived mutants (Longo and Fabrizio 2002). In a sch9 context both
SOD2 transcription and Sod2 activity are up-regulated during chronological aging
(Fabrizio et al. 2003, 2004a) and the levels of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxiguanidine (8OHdG), one of the most frequent oxidative DNA lesions, are reduced in comparison
with wild type (Madia et al. 2009). Importantly, the overexpression of either cytosolic or mitochondrial Sod reduces the age-dependent accumulation of mutations
suggesting that superoxide is a principal mediator of DNA-damage and mutagenesis
observed in aging yeast or that superoxide or Sods are regulating other poorly understood processes that lead to hypermutability states (Madia et al. 2009). By studying
the mutational spectra obtained by sequencing CAN1, a gene coding for an arginine
permease, in wild type and sch9 clones originated from 7-day old cells previously
screened for the presence of can1 mutations, the deoxycytidyl-transferase Rev1 was
identified as key for age-dependent mutagenesis (Madia et al. 2009). Rev1 is found
in a complex with polymerase zeta (Pol) and it is implicated in the repair of abasic
sites in damaged DNA by TLS. The activity of Rev1-Pol is error-prone and compatible with the mutational spectra observed in old wild type cells. Furthermore, Sch9
activity and oxidative stress were shown to promote Rev1 function, which, although
crucial to prevent DNA double strand breaks, causes the generation of point mutations when aging non-dividing cells undergo the first round of replication (Madia
et al. 2009). Interestingly, in sch9 mutants TLS is completely abolished suggesting that lack of Sch9 not only represses REV1 expression, which is not absolutely
required for TLS in yeast (Pages et al. 2008), but it may also reduce the activity of
further components of this error-prone repair system (Madia et al. 2009).
In addition to its role in regulating TLS, Sch9 was shown to contribute to the
regulation of mitotic recombination, which is also important for age-dependent
genomic instability (Madia et al. 2008). In fact, in yeast lacking Sgs1, the homolog
of the human BLM and WRN RecQ helicases, which are mutated in the human
progeroid Werner and Bloom syndromes (see next section), a dramatic increase of
the age-dependent point mutations and GCRs is dampened by the deletion of SCH9.
This effect is due mostly to the down-regulation of the error-prone recombination
between sister chromatids (Madia et al. 2008).
In summary, our current knowledge suggests that Sch9 controls genomic instability in aging yeast by: (1) down-regulating the expression of anti-oxidant genes such
as Sod2, which limits DNA oxidation, (2) activating error-prone repair systems such
as Rev1-Pol , which generates mutations to repair oxidative DNA lesions when old
cells resume growth, and error-prone mitotic recombination and, (3) regulating the
production and catabolism of ethanol and acetic acid and the generation of carbon
sources that reduce the aging rate. The discovery of the mechanisms behind the
enhanced genomic stability of the long-lived sch9 mutant is important not only
because of its possible conservation and implication in the regulation of aging in
mammals but also because, if conserved, these mechanisms might be central for
tumorigenesis (see next sections).
2006). Human studies indicate that dampening IGF-I signaling may reduce cancer incidence likely because of the pro-growth activity of IGF-I (Longo et al.
2008). However, we hypothesize that the IIS-dependent regulation of genomic
instability is also important for tumorigenesis and cancer progression (see next
While this book was in production we published two articles relevant to the topic
of this chapter. For the sake of completeness, we believe it is appropriate to discuss them briefly here. The first article has reported the results of a screen of the
yeast deletion collection aimed at identifying novel life span determinants (Fabrizio
et al. 2010). Besides confirming the importance of the mitochondrial function and
the autophagic process in long-term survival, our screen has uncovered numerous
novel genes involved in the process of determining yeast longevity. Among others ACB1, CKA2, and TRM9. The deletion of each of these three genes prolongs
life span and increases heat resistance. ACB1 codes an acyl-coA binding protein
involved in lipid biosynthesis and vesicle formation. Cka2 is the catalytic subunit
of a serine-threonine kinase, CK2, which controls several cellular functions including cell growth and proliferation. Trm9 is a tRNA methylase that targets the uridine
residues at the wobble position in tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Arg3). Currently, the mechanisms by which these proteins regulate longevity have not been described. It will
be important to elucidate them given the high degree of conservation of these novel
life span determinants and the possibility that their role in aging extends to other
The second article concerns the role of the conserved pro-aging pathways in
the regulation of genomic instability and cancer. In the section Conserved Proaging Genes, Genomic Instability, and Cancer we have discussed how the activity
of the Sch9 and GH/IGF-I pathways promotes DNA damage in yeast and mice,
respectively. We have also mentioned that GH/IGF-I-deficient mice show decreased
rates of cancer incidence. Recently this observation has been extended to humans
with growth hormone receptor deficiency who display a major reduction in cancer and diabetes, which is associated with reduced levels of several orthologs
of the key yeast pro-aging genes (Guevara-Aguirre et al. 2011). Importantly,
serum from GH/IGF-I signaling-deficient individuals protects cells in culture from
H2 O2 -dependent DNA damage and down-regulates the expression of N-Ras, PKA,
and TOR while activating SOD2 transcription. This suggests that a reduction of
GH/IGF-I signaling may lead to cellular protection and reduced DNA damage in
vivo via the inactivation of the pro-aging Ras, PKA, and TOR pathways, which in
turn may contribute to lower incidence of cancer and other diseases. Thus, this new
evidence from a human study further supports a causative link between the activity
of the conserved pro-aging pathways, genomic instability, and diseases.
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Chapter 6
Abstract In this chapter, we argue that with careful attention to cell types in
stationary-phase cultures of the yeast, S. cerevisiae provide an excellent model system for aging studies and hold much promise in pinpointing the set of causal genes
and mechanisms driving aging. Importantly, a more detailed understanding of aging
in this single celled organism will also shed light on aging in tissue-complex model
organisms such as C. elegans and D. melanogaster. We feel strongly that the relationship between aging in yeast and tissue-complex organisms has been obscured by
failure to notice the heterogeneity of stationary-phase cultures and the processes by
which distinct cell types arise in these cultures. Although several studies have used
yeast stationary-phase cultures for chronological aging, the majority of these studies have assumed that cultures in stationary phase are homogeneously composed of
a single cell type. However, genome-scale analyses of yeast stationary-phase cultures have identified two major cell fractions: quiescent and non-quiescent, which
we discuss in detail in this chapter. We review evidence that cell populations isolated from these cultures exhibit population-specific phenotypes spanning a range of
metabolic and physiological processes including reproductive capacity, apoptosis,
differences in metabolic activities, genetic hyper-mutability, and stress responses.
The identification, in S. cerevisiae, of multiple sub-populations having differentiated
physiological attributes relevant to aging offers an unprecedented opportunity. This
opportunity to deeply understand yeast cellular (and population) aging programs
will, also, give insight into genomic and metabolic processes in tissue-complex
organism, as well as stem cell biology and the origins of differentiation.
Keywords Stationary phase quiescent Starvation Non-quiescent Respiration
Reactive oxygen species Nomenclature Post-diauxic phase
M. Werner-Washburne (B)
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
Everyone knows what aging is even though there is no single, operational definition for this ubiquitous process. As one moves from a focus on single cells, to more
tissue-complex organisms, to populations, and beyond, the phenotypic details and
complexity of the process increase dramatically. These phenotypes are probably
additive but do not tell us, at a systems level, what are the specific changes at different levels that cause or constitute aging. For example, the morphological and
physiological signs of aging in humans include wrinkled skin, graying hair, slower
gait, decreased short term memory, and, ultimately, death from natural causes,
among others. Aging in tissue-complex model organisms, such as Drosophila
melanogaster or Caenorhabditis elegans, is often evaluated by the length of time
the organism survives (Paaby and Schmidt 2009). Rarely do aging studies in tissuecomplex eukaryotes investigate exactly what fails, where the system breaks, or what
is the exact cause of every natural death. This system complexity and the difficulty
in identifying the root causes of early or delayed aging as measured by death is
the reason that simpler, model organisms provide powerful resources in the study of
Because of the complexity of the process and the relative sparseness of the
data, connecting the dots to understand the causes and mechanisms of aging
has been incredibly challenging. With the advent of genomics, the number of
dots has increased exponentially. Model Organism Databases, such as WormBase,
FlyBase, etc., and other databases, e.g., Human Ageing Genome Resources
http://genomics.senescence.info and An Age, a database of animal aging and
longevity (de Magalhaes et al. 2009), have begun to put aging information into
one, searchable space. However, even having searchable data does not necessarily increase knowledge that leads to pinpointing THE gene or the sets of genes,
proteins, or other macromolecules required for youth or aging or even to the aha
that allows us to incontrovertibly build a model of the process of aging. A significant outcome, when data is assembled, is that additional experiments, in previously
unexamined experimental space, are rapidly identified. However, in the end, while
a definition of aging, the process that we are all so familiar with, is being narrowed,
it is still elusive.
Because aging is assumed to be an evolutionarily conserved process, model
organisms, including the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have proven useful.
Studies in these organisms have led to the identification of genes required for both
chronological and replicative aging, which are described fully in other chapters
in this volume. The beauty of studying aging in a simple eukaryotic organism like the yeast S. cerevisiae is that cells are easy to grow and study and
a wide range of mutants are available, allowing even genome-wide screenings.
Studies of model organisms, including S. cerevisiae and C. elegans, have led
to the recognition that conserved pathways that affect aging are also involved
in glucose signaling through insulin (Bartke 2008; Longo and Fabrizio 2002;
Shimokawa et al. 2008; Wolkow 2002), cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Cheng
et al. 2007), silencing (Ashrafi et al. 1999; Kaeberlein et al. 1999; Kennedy et al.
1995; Sinclair et al. 1998) and the TOR pathway (Fabrizio and Longo 2003;
Longo 2009; Paaby and Schmidt 2009; Parrella and Longo 2008; Wei et al.
2008). However, the simplicity and availability of tools can sometimes lead to
the false assumption that the organism and its life cycle are simple. If my laboratory has learned anything from two decades of studying yeast stationary phase,
a time when nutrients are limited and cells appear to be dormant, it is that still
waters run deep and that even single-celled organisms may have complex life
Two types of aging or life span have been studied in yeast: replicative life span
(RLS) and chronological life span (CLS) (Bitterman et al. 2003; Jazwinski 1990;
Laun et al. 2006). RLS has been studied using single mother cells isolated from
daughters by micromanipulation. In contrast, CLS was identified in cells from
stationary-phase cultures, in which cultures are nutrient limited and cell division
is extremely slow (Ashrafi et al. 1999). CLS is often studied simply by following
single cells or letting cultures, typically of deletion mutants, age in stationary
phase (Fabrizio and Longo 2003, 2008; Powers et al. 2006). It has been argued
that CLS is more similar to aging in tissue-complex eukaryotes. Both types of
aging studies have measured or assumed they were measuring aging in single,
independent cells. But what if stationary-phase cultures are structured so that cells
have different aging characteristics, like cells in tissues of more complex organisms? What if there are many ways to affect longevity or re-growth of a culture?
How might this inform our thoughts about studies of aging in more tissue-complex
This chapter will cover several elements of these studies. First, we will provide
an introduction to stationary phase and the differentiation of quiescent and nonquiescent cells in stationary-phase cultures. Second, we will present the rationale
for the need for precise nomenclature to avoid confusion and aid in experimental
design. Third, we will describe how studies of stationary-phase yeast cultures provide novel insights into aging and approaches for studying aging. Finally, based
on our work with yeast, we will present a hypothesis about the structure of stationary phase communities, relating it to cellular organization and aging in higher
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
Fig. 6.1 Growth curve for yeast grown in rich, glucose-based medium. Glucose is exhausted at
the diauxic shift, typically about 1 day after inoculation. During the post-diauxic phase, cells survive with only non-fermentable carbon sources. Cultures reach stationary phase 57 days after
are available to support growth. When carbon is exhausted, the cultures enter stationary phase, at which time there is little change in growth as measured by cells/ml
or colony-forming units.
Fig. 6.2 Two distinct cell populations are formed in yeast cultures entering SP. a Density gradient separation of two, distinct cell fractions in S288c cultures as a function of time after
inoculation. Glucose exhaustion (black arrow) occurred 12 h post inoculation. b Phase contrast,
TEM, and phosphotungstic acid-stained TEM micrographs of upper- and lower-fraction cells from
SP cultures (7-days post inoculation): white arrow, autophagosomes; black arrow, accumulated
glycogen; and V, vacuole Scale bars represent 10 and 1 m, for light and TEM micrographs,
respectively. Allen et al. (2006). Originally published in J Cell Biol 174:89100
These observations were followed by the discovery of two major cell fractions in
stationary-phase cultures, composed of quiescent and non-quiescent cells (Fig. 6.2)
(Allen et al. 2006; Aragon et al. 2008).
Quiescent cells, in contrast to non-quiescent cells, contain the sequestered
mRNAs, survive for longer times, and retain a high level of reproductive competence, genome stability, and low reactive oxygen species (ROS). The discovery and
characterization of these cell types in stationary-phase cultures provide the basis for
important contributions to the study of aging, especially CLS, in yeast. Recently,
we found two more intriguing aspects of this differentiation: first, that NQ cells
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
are essentially unable to respire, even though they are in media containing only
non-fermentable carbon sources (Davidson et al. 2011).
Please note that I have been as guilty as any in the misuse of the terms inviability and
survival, dating back to the years when I studied the HSP70 genes (Werner-Washburne et al.
cannot produce colonies may be dead or they may also be living but unable to
re-proliferate or senescent (Campisi 2005; Campisi and di Fagagna 2007). The
difference between these two states is significant and informative (Allen et al. 2006;
Minois et al. 2005). Cells that are alive but cannot reproduce or form colonies, as
all geneticists know, may still accumulate suppressor mutations that could allow a
cell to regain reproductive competence. Because colony formation is not a direct
test of death, the phenotype, when cells cannot form colonies, should be referred
to as fitness or loss of reproductive capacity, which would include dead cells
and cells that cannot divide. A variety of vital stains and fluorescent dyes are available to directly quantify dead cells and should be the standard when using the term
inviable as a microbial phenotype.
There are many fields in which researchers agree that there is a difference
between death and the inability to reproduce. Studies of viable but unculturable
microbes, which represent 99.9% of the microbes on earth (Lewis and Gattie 1991),
underscore the significance of the difference between dead cells and cells that cannot divide. Studies of stem cells and cancer incorporate the concept that cells that
are not currently dividing may well resume division at some time in the future. The
increase in human cancers with age is likely an example of the accumulation of
mutations in non-dividing cells that induce re-proliferation. However, inviable is
such a broadly misused term, that no one has thought to re-examine the 1063 yeast
genes annotated as essential based on the inability of haploid spores to produce
colonies on rich medium (Winzeler et al. 1999). These essential genes are very
likely to be a mixture of genes required for survival, growth on rich medium, and
aging genes required for maintenance of reproductive capacity or fitness. We raise
this issue, not because we are innocent of misusing these terms, but because of its
profound impact on the models we develop and the questions we subsequently fail
to ask.2
2 It is also important, as senior scientists, that we communicate this to our students: (1) so they
make a mental note to check methods every time they read survival, death, or inviability and
(2) as a commitment to improving scientific discourse.
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
Fig. 6.3 FUN-1 metabolic activity (viability), colony-forming capacity; and apoptosis/necrosis
of cells from quiescent (L) and non-quiescent (U) fractions from SP cultures. a Viability of cells
from quiescent lower (L) and non-quiescent upper (U) fractions from 7-, 14-, 21-, and 28-days-old
S288c SP cultures as determined by FUN-1 uptake measured by flow cytometry. Exponentially
growing cells (Exp) were positive controls. b Colony-forming capacity of cells from S288c SP
cultures determined by plating assay. c Flow cytometric quantification of 7-, 14-, and 21-days-old
S289 lower (L) and upper (U) fraction cells or exponentially growing (C) cells co-stained with
AnnV and PI, to detect apoptotic and necrotic markers, respectively. Values are expressed as the
percentage of colony forming units (CFU) of exponentially growing cultures plated in parallel on
each day. At T = 0, the number of colonies produced by each population was normalized to 100%.
Error bars indicate SD. , p < 0.05; , p < 0.01; , p < 0.001. Allen et al. (2006). Modified
from a figure originally published in J Cell Biol 174:89100
exquisitely synchronous, a property that makes them exceptionally useful for cellcycle and aging studies (Laun et al. 2006; Moore and Miller 2007). Quiescent cells
also: (1) retain a high level of viability and reproductive capacity, i.e., the ability to
form colonies, for at least 21 days (Fig. 6.3a, b); (2) exhibit low levels of reactive
oxygen species (ROS); and (3) are genomically stable (Allen et al. 2006; Aragon
et al. 2008). Ninety one percent of these cells are daughters and the remaining 9%
are mothers who have budded only once (Allen et al. 2006).
Extensive microarray analysis of soluble mRNAs in quiescent cells from
stationary-phase cultures suggests that these cells are prepared to survive long
periods of stress (Aragon et al. 2008). These mRNAs encode proteins involved
in vesicle-mediated transport and other membrane-related functions, oxygen and
reactive oxygen metabolism as well as response to oxidative stress, fatty acid oxidation, and signal transduction (Allen et al. 2006; Aragon et al. 2008). Other
studies demonstrating the selective release of over 2000 mRNAs sequestered
in protein-mRNA complexes only in quiescent cells, indicated that these cells
are also poised to respond to a variety of environmental signals (Aragon et al.
2006, 2008).
In quiescent cells, the accumulation of mRNAs encoding key proteins in signaling pathways is particularly noteworthy. mRNAs encoding key growth-regulating
kinases, including Tor1p and Tor2p and Tpk1p and Tpk2p (the catalytic subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A), as well as the proteins that inhibit
these kinases are abundant in quiescent cells (Aragon et al. 2008). Because downregulation of both Tor- and Pka-regulated pathways is required for cells to survive
in stationary phase (Gray et al. 2004), quiescent cells appear to be poised to
respond to a variety of environmental signals and stress through rapid degradation or modification of inhibiting proteins and subsequent kinase activation. The
observation that mRNAs encoding kinases and their inhibitors accumulate in quiescent cells is consistent with early biochemical work from our laboratory in which
we demonstrated that, at the protein level, both Tpk1p and the cAMP-dependent,
Tpk1p-inhibitor Bcy1p increase approximately 8-fold in cells in stationary-phase
cultures (Werner-Washburne et al. 1991). Quiescent cells also contain fully
functional mitochondria and exhibit relatively high rates of respiration (Davidson
et al. 2011).
Non-quiescent Cells
After cultures exhaust glucose, a second, less-dense fraction is observed. This
fraction retains viability, as determined by the accumulation of FUN1, indicating
metabolic activity, and 60% of these cells remain viable up to 21 days postinoculation (Fig. 6.3a). Despite their viability, non-quiescent cells rapidly lose the
ability to reproduce (Fig. 6.3b) (Allen et al. 2006). Mothers and daughters in the
non-quiescent fraction show similar losses of reproductive capacity, indicating the
loss of reproductive capacity is essentially independent of replicative age. By day
7, about 45% of these cells are ROS positive and by day 14, half are apoptotic or
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
senescent (Fig. 6.3c). At day 7, the non-quiescent cell fraction consists of about 50%
daughters, suggesting cells continue to divide during the post-diauxic phase.
Microarray analysis of abundant, soluble mRNAs in the non-quiescent fraction
identified those encoding proteins involved in Ty element transposition, DNA transposition and recombination, and DNA metabolism (Allen et al. 2006; Aragon et al.
2008). In contrast to our finding in quiescent cells, there are few mRNAs present
in protein-mRNA complexes in the non-quiescent cell fraction. Non-quiescent cells
also exhibit a loss of mitochondrial GFP-fusion proteins and essentially no respiration at 7 days post inoculation (Davidson et al. 2011). The abundance of mRNAs
encoding proteins involved with DNA repair, recombination, and rearrangement is
consistent with our finding that by 14-days post inoculation, 50% of non-quiescent
cells are apoptotic or necrotic (Fig. 6.3c). These results indicate that the physiology
of quiescent and non-quiescent cells is distinct and that non-quiescent cells appear
to be in a transition that would keep them from re-entering the mitotic cell cycle
much less responding to environmental changes.
The identification of apoptotic, non-quiescent cells relates directly to the extensive work done by Frank Madeo, Valter Longo, Michael Breitenbach, and others
in the area of apoptosis and aging (Breitenbach et al. 2003; Buttner et al. 2006;
Fabrizio and Longo 2008; Frohlich and Madeo 2000; Laun et al. 2001; Longo et al.
1997; Madeo et al. 1997, 2002; Rockenfeller and Madeo 2008). While these studies
of aging have focused primarily on cells in minimal medium, experiencing heat or
oxidative stress, or aged mother cells, the same characteristics are also observed in
cells in stationary-phase cultures grown in rich, glucose-based medium. In fact, a
new paper shows that in the minimal medium used for aging studies, quiescent cells
are dying and undergoing hypermutation (Madia et al. 2009), a process we predicted would happen under extreme stress, based on sequestered mRNAs (Aragon
et al. 2006). Deletion of SCH9, an Akt homologue, restores survival of quiescent
cells (Madia et al. 2009), suggesting that cells are better able to down-regulate this
kinase in rich than in minimal medium.
These connections make it is clear that research into aging and stationary phase
can provide important, reciprocal insights. Our work in stationary phase provides a
developmental story to the induction of apoptosis. It identifies specific cell populations that become apoptotic, strengthening the hypothesis that induction of apoptosis
is not a completely uncontrolled event, but part of a multi-pronged effort for species
survival. It also provides insight into CLS and perhaps identifies a novel type of
aging, not yet studied.
Fig. 6.4 Model of quiescent (Q) and non-quiescent (NQ) cell differentiation during growth to stationary phase in rich glucose-based medium. Daughter cells and mother cells in exponential phase
cultures have distinct trajectories at or about the time glucose exhaustion. After the diauxic shift,
cell division is symmetric with respect to protein abundance (Davidson et al. 2011). The lighter
arrow from Q cells indicates that Q cells have the capacity to become NQ cells but it probably
occurs at a slow rate over time under normal conditions. Davidson et al. (2011). Modified from
a figure originally published in Mol Biol Cell 22:988998
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
Demonstrating that: (1) stationary-phase cultures are not homogeneous and (2)
loss of reproductive capacity of non-quiescent cells is not the same as death.
Providing easy methods for isolating quiescent cells, which appear to be the best,
most homogenous starting material for large-scale CLS studies.
Identifying a new cell type, quiescent cells, that appear to be ideal for largescale, RLS studies, also. These cells may continue to divide synchronously and,
if daughter cells are removed, they could provide larger samples of same-aged
cells, increasing the breadth of analyses that are possible.
Providing a new aging paradigm: the environmentally regulated, sudden loss
of reproductive capacity independent of reproductive age, observed in the
non-quiescent cell fraction (Allen et al. 2006).
Identifying cell types that should allow a more detailed analysis of the regulation
of induction of apoptosis in yeast. If markers can be identified that allow early differentiation of subpopulations of the non-quiescent cell fraction, it would lead to
greater ability to study the induction of apoptosis and its relationship to observed
hypermutability in non-quiescent cells.
Identifying a new model system to study the roles of cellular differentiation
and community structure in aging. Because of the tractability of yeast, this
approach may lead to important insights into aging in more tissue-complex model
organisms, from flies and worms to humans (Kuningas et al. 2008).
Pushing back the black box and providing a foundation for studies of cellular
communities that are even older, i.e. weeks, months, or years. Several laboratories have observed a regrowth phenomenon in very old yeast cultures from
a variety of strains (Martinez et al. 2004; Minois et al. 2009). In this situation,
colony-forming units per ml decrease and then, after a week or more, begin to
increase. The origin of the reproductively competent cells is not known, but could
represent outgrowth of a mutant arising in stationary phase. The significance of
this phenomenon and its relationship to the long-term survival of quiescent and
non-quiescent cells has not been explored.
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
Fig. 6.5 Localization of Q, NQ, and aging-related genes on VxInsight cluster map of Q/NQ compendium data. a White dots on the left half of the cluster map identify the cluster location of genes
that encode NQ-abundant mRNAs; black dots on the right hand side identify the cluster location
of genes encoding Q-abundant mRNAs. The black and white arrow points to the cluster of cytoplasmic, ribosomal genes. b White dots identify the cluster location in the same cluster map as in
(a) of the top 200 aging-related genes from (Powers et al. 2006). Aragon et al. (2008). Modified
from a figure originally published in Mol Biol Cell 19:12711280
clustered with mRNAs from quiescent or non-quiescent cells, assuming that genes
whose mRNAs accumulated in different populations might differentially affect these
populations. The gene expression topology was generated by VxInsight (Davidson
et al. 1998; Werner-Washburne et al. 2002) using data from approximately 200
microarrays of mRNA isolated from quiescent and non-quiescent cells (Fig. 6.5)
(Aragon et al. 2008).
We have shown previously that mRNAs that accumulate in quiescent or nonquiescent cells define two distinct halves of the topology (Fig. 6.5a) (Aragon et al.
2008). There are more genes on the right side (Q) of the topology than the left (NQ).
The white arrow marks the location of most ribosomal genes. It can be seen that the
200 aging genes are distributed relatively randomly in both halves of the topology
(Fig. 6.5b), suggesting that these genes might affect different cell subpopulations.
Recent data from a study of alleles of ssd1, a gene known to regulate several
genes involved in CLS, provided the first evidence of differential effects on quiescent and non-quiescent cells (Li et al. 2009). ssd1 alleles affected quiescent cell
reproductive capacity but not viability while it affected both loss of viability and
reproductive capacity of cells in unseparated stationary-phase cultures. This evidence suggests that SSD1 affects non-quiescent cell viability independent of its
effect on quiescent cells.
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
benefit. The cell types observed in E. coli cultures appear to be very similar to
cell types observed in stationary-phase yeast cultures. In bacteria, these subpopulations include a small population of mutating cells, persister cells that can live
for years; and cells that undergo programmed cell death (Amitai et al. 2009;
Lewis 2000, 2007). Unlike yeast, the specific cells from which these cell types
arise is not yet known. However, Vibrio sp. and other types of bacteria, when
starved, have been shown to differentiate into at least two populations of cells
separable by density gradient centrifugation (Nayak et al. 2005; Nishino et al.
2003), suggesting some similarities with yeast stationary-phase cultures. Bacterial
multi-cellularity is clearly a compelling problem because of the high level of
conservation of these cell types and the ability to use these systems to understand the role of cell-cell signaling in the formation of complex communities
(Lopez et al. 2009).
In higher eukaryotes, one of the major areas of aging research related to quiescent cells is the examination of aging in stem cell niches from Drosophila to
humans (Drummond-Barbosa 2008; Rossi et al. 2008; Wallenfang 2007). One of
the hypotheses is that stem-cell aging actually is the ultimate cause of age-related
death because of the inability of tissues to repair themselves. Although stem cell
function declines with age, it is not clear whether aging causes stem cell decline or
stem cell decline causes aging (Drummond-Barbosa 2008).
Both extrinsic factors, such as signaling from niche cells adjacent to stem cells,
as well as intrinsic factors, such as DNA repair; and protection from oxidative stress,
play a role in stem cell survival and function (Drummond-Barbosa 2008). Extrinsic
factors have been shown to play a significant role in maintenance of function of
mouse spermatogonial stem cells and satellite stem cells in mouse muscle because
these cells are fully functional when positioned in niches or provided with fluids
from cells of younger mice (Wallenfang 2007). Recently, it was shown that apoptosis of C. elegans oocytes extends the life span of the remaining oocytes. This
observation is consistent with the idea that quiescent cells are also prepared for
apoptosis, because the most significant group of sequestered mRNAs in quiescent
cells encode the Ty-element transposition, DNA repair and recombination, identical to the abundant, soluble mRNAs in non-quiescent yeast cells (Aragon et al.
2006, 2008).
With respect to intrinsic factors, conserved pathways related to nutrient status
and/or insulin signaling are involved in regulating stem cell maintenance and proliferation in both C. elegans and D. melanogaster (Bartke 2008; Narbonne and Roy
2006; Shimokawa et al. 2008; Waskar et al. 2005), including orthologs of SNF1,
TOR1, and PHO85 (Zaman et al. 2008). mRNAs encoding these proteins are not
only conserved in yeast but accumulate in quiescent cells (Aragon et al. 2008).
Stem-cell life span is also known to be extended by overproduction of superoxide dismutase (Drummond-Barbosa 2008). In hematopoietic systems, it is not clear
whether depletion in the stem cell pool as mice age is caused by loss of reproductive
capacity, but ROS management, control of DNA repair, and telomere maintenance
have been shown to be important (Warren and Rossi 2009). Telomere maintenance
in quiescent yeast cells has not been studied, but DNA repair and decreased ROS are
clearly associated with survival of quiescent cells and loss of reproductive capacity
of non-quiescent cells.
It is not within the scope of this chapter to dig more deeply into the similarities
between yeast quiescent cells and stem cells or the complexity of the community
structure in yeast stationary-phase cultures and stem cell niches. However, there
are striking similarities and yeast has already proven to be an exceptional model
system for other highly conserved processes; thus pursuing this line of thought is
compelling. The kinds of questions being asked about stem cells and aging could
easily be addressed using the community of cells present in stationary-phase yeast
cultures. The only element of this relationship in yeast that still needs to be demonstrated is cell-cell communication beyond production of ethanol by non-quiescent
cells that would keep quiescent cells stable longer. Earlier work has suggested that a
chemical exists in the medium that does this signaling (Herker et al. 2004), but it has
not been further characterized or the effect shown specifically for quiescent cells.
Finally, while adhesion molecules may be unique to tissue-complex eukaryotes, in
yeast strains in the wild, lectin-mediated flocculation is typical and, if strains do
not flocculate during growth on glucose, they clump as soon as glucose is exhausted
(Mota and Soares 1994; Soares and Mota 1996; Stratford 1993) exactly the time at
which the differentiation into the complex community observed in stationary-phase
cultures begins.
As we learn more about differentiation of yeast cells in stationary-phase cultures and the role of different cell types in aging, we are likely to find that the
process by which microorganisms survive starvation is a primitive model of the
process that leads to the development and survival of the most complex organisms on earth. We are also likely to find that aging is even more complex than we
imagined, that it is a multi-cellular process, and that all cells on earth are more
connected than we know. It is heartening, in this era of translational medicine
that yeast, which has proven to be an astounding organism for biological research
for well over 100 years, still has the power to surprise us and open our eyes to new
Since this chapter was written, several relevant papers have been published. First,
acetic acid poisoning was shown to be responsible for the death of cells in minimal
medium (SC) (Burtner et al. 2009). This is consistent with our early observations
that cells die in this medium but retain viability in rich, glucose-based medium
(Werner-Washburne, unpublished) and consistent with the observation that dying
Q cells are the source of mutation in SC medium (Madia et al. 2009). We determined that NQ cells are mutating and Q cells are stable for at least 14 days in YPD.
Breedens laboratory has taken Q cells in water for 11 weeks, showing they retain
high viability (Li et al. 2009). However, we also noted that the largest group of
sequestered mRNAs in Q cells, like the largest groups of soluble mRNAs in NQ
cells, encoded proteins involved in DNA transposition, recombination, and repair,
M. Werner-Washburne et al.
and suggested that under some conditions, Q cells were capable of exhibiting the
high mutation rates of NQ cells (Aragon et al. 2006).
Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the people who have helped us think about
this; Frank Madeo for reviewing the manuscript; and Santos Salinas-Contreras for helping with
the figures. This work was funded by a grant from NSF: MCB0645854. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the
United States Department of Energys National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract
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Chapter 7
Abstract When investigating aging it is important to focus on the factors that are
needed to attain, and which can be manipulated to extend, the longest lifespans. This
has long been appreciated by those workers who use Drosophila or Caenorhabditis
elegans as model experimental systems to study aging. Often though it seems it is
not a consideration in many studies of yeast chronological aging. In this chapter
I summarise how recent work has revealed the preconditioning that is needed for
yeast to survive for long periods in stationary phase, therefore for it to exhibit a long
chronological life span (CLS). Of critical importance in this regard is the nature of
the nutrient limitation that, during the earlier growth phase, had forced the cells to
undergo growth arrest. I have attempted to highlight those studies that have focussed
on the longest CLSs, as this helps to identify investigations that may be addressing
not just factors that can influence chronological longevity but those factors that
are correlated with the authentic processes of chronological aging. Attempting to
maximize long-term stationary survival in yeast should also enhance the potential
relevance of this organism as an aging model to those who wrestle with the problems
of aging in more complex systems. Finally I also give a personal perspective of how
studies on the yeast CLS may still yet provide some important new insights into
events that are correlated with aging.
Keywords Chronological lifespan Survival Starvation Somatic maintenance
High throughput screen
calorie restriction
copper zinc superoxide dismutase
manganese superoxide dismutase
reactive oxygen species
P.W. Piper
P.W. Piper
Table 7.1 Influences of growth medium and the subsequent cell maintenance conditions on
longevity in stationary phase (data for cells maintained at 30 C, taken from several notable studies
of chronological survival)
Initial culture and subsequent maintenance
SCa , subsequent maintenance in spent
a SC
Glucose Synthetic Complete medium (Ausubel et al. 2003) with 4x the recommended
supplementation of auxotrophic requirements
b SC Hopkins mix (Matecic et al. 2010)
c SD Synthetic Defined Medium (Sherman 1991)
d YPGlycerol 2% bactopeptone, 1% yeast extract, 3% glycerol.
the cells in the original (expired, spent) medium, determining CLS as the subsequent survival in this spent medium. Others, following the initial growth, will
transfer the cells to sterile water, measuring CLS as the survival over time of these
cells maintained in aqueous suspension. While this transfer to water is a simple
manipulation that extends the CLS quite considerably, it can be viewed as imposing
an extreme form of caloric restriction (Fabrizio et al. 2005).
Table 7.1, data compiled from a number of studies, shows how these different
pretreatments can have a marked affect over the CLS. Cultures grown on glucose
yeast nitrogen base (SD) medium exhibit a relatively poor stationary survival. One
must therefore question why certain laboratories that claim to be studying chronological aging are still using this medium for growing their cultures. In contrast,
glucose synthetic complete medium (SC) especially when supplemented with
excess levels of auxotrophic requirements and used in conjunction with lowered
glucose levels so that the cells are calorically restricted during their growth yields
cells of a much longer CLS. SC Hopkins mix richer in amino acids compared
to the standard SC, appears to be increasing survival still further (Matecic et al.
2010). Caloric restriction serves to enhance the levels of mitochondrial respiration,
the latter a key determinant of an extended CLS (Table 7.2). Our laboratory actually
pregrows cultures on a respiratory carbon source (glycerol) in order to ensure that
they have a long CLS (MacLean et al. 2001; Piper 2006). It should be noted that
YEPD (Sherman 1991) the workhorse rich glucose medium of the yeast laboratory is not usually considered ideal for CLS studies, as it is difficult to determine
P.W. Piper
when a true stationary phase starts, the initial phase of rapid growth on glucose
being followed by postdiauxic phase of slow respiratory growth on ethanol that can
last for up to 48 days (Barford 1990). YEPD-grown cells are still though employed
in certain studies of stationary phase (Pawar et al. 2009).
The synthetic media are commercially available from several companies, including Difco, Clontech, and QBioGene Inc.
Fig. 7.1 Automated measurements of 37 C CLS in microtitre plate format for a wild type strain
(FY) and its derivatives engineered for overexpression of the genes for either mitochondrial MnSod (SOD2), the Sod1 apoprotein of cytosolic Cu,Zn-Sod (SOD1), Ccs1 the chaperone that inserts
copper ions into the Sod1 apoprotein (CCS1), or a combined Sod1 and Ccs1 overexpression
(SOD1+CCS1). a Life spans as determined by manual dilution, replica plating and colony counting, showing how these strains have varying lifespans, either shorter (SOD1) or longer (SOD2,
CCS1, and SOD1+CCS1) than that of the FY parental strain (data from Harris et al. 2005).
b Viabilities of the same liquid cultures as determined by automated replica platings at 0, 3, 6,
9, 12, 15, 27 days. At each of these times 4 replica platings from each culture were performed
(cultures arrayed in 96 well plate format, replica platings performed using the 96-pin replicator
2000 Laboratory Automation Workstation, with movements programmed using the
of a Biomek
Version software (Beckman)), each of these replica platings being programmed to
4 adjacent positions of a YPD agar plate). Plates were photographed after 3 days growth at 30 C.
The data from the automated replica platings in (b) closely correlates with that obtained by manual
dilution and replica plating in (a)
P.W. Piper
cultures at different time points as they age to rich medium, then a monitoring
of the kinetics of outgrowth of cells in these rich medium cultures (Burtner et al.
2009; Murakami et al. 2008; Olsen et al. 2010; Powers et al. 2006). Such outgrowth is readily measured by any apparatus (e.g. a Bioscreen (www.bioscreen.
fi/bioscreen.html)) that can record increases in optical density over time.
These two alternative ways of screening the deletion mutant collections both
have their merits. Whilst they readily identify large numbers of mutants with a
shortened CLS, it is a more demanding challenge for them to comprehensively
identify all the mutants in a strain collection that have an extended CLS. Notably
some of the long-lived mutants identified by the mixed population approach were
not detected when mutants were grown individually (Matecic et al. 2010). There
are a number of possible reasons for this, for example the use of haploid (Matecic
et al. 2010) versus diploid (Powers et al. 2006) deletant strain collections, or differences in the levels of cross-feeding of cells by the nutrients released by cells
undergoing apoptosis. In the initial screen (Powers et al. 2006) mutants were individually pregrown on 2% glucose SDC, then maintained in the expired medium.
Subsequent mixed population screening was able to demonstrate that most longlived mutants have their lifespan increased by a pregrowth in 0.5% compared to
2% glucose SC (caloric restriction) (Matecic et al. 2010). It should be noted
that all the genome-wide screens for mutants of long CLS to date appear to
have been conducted on cultures maintained in the original growth medium, not
cultures aged in water. Such a regimen has probably resulted in long, but not
maximal, CLS (Table 7.1). Therefore, while these studies have clearly identified
a number of the key determinants of chronological longevity, it is still debatable
whether they have identified all of the factors needed to ensure and extend the
maximal CLS.
A major finding to emerge from these screens is that decreased activity of the
TORC1 signalling pathway increases CLS (Powers et al. 2006). Structurally and
functionally conserved from yeast to man, TOR complex 1 (TORC1) and TORC2
are large, essential multiprotein assemblies (Urban et al. 2007; Wang and Proud
2009; Wullschleger et al. 2006). TORC1 is active when sufficient nutrients are
present and noxious stressors are absent, mediating the signals that promote cell
growth through the stimulation of anabolic processes, such as protein synthesis and
ribosome biogenesis, and the inhibition of catabolic processes, such as autophagy.
The autophagy promoted by decreased TORC1 signalling is critically important
both for a long CLS (Alvers et al. 2009; Matecic et al. 2010) and for any extension to this CLS induced by low concentrations of rapamycin (Powers et al. 2006).
Clearly it is vital to have an ability to recycle resources in starvation, probably
not just because of the need to regenerate cellular components, but also to eliminate the damaged proteins that arise as the cells age. In vertebrate species, mTOR
protein kinase is absolutely essential in development, but in nondividing cells and
tissues it appears to drive the events of senescence and ageing (Blagosklonny 2008).
mTOR would seem therefore to be a classic example of a function which exhibits
antagonistic pleiotropy beneficial early in life but causing aging later (Kirkwood
P.W. Piper
the resistance of the cells to oxidative stress (Harris et al. 2003, 2005; Longo et al.
1996; Sturtz et al. 2001). So interrelated are the redox status and oxidative stress
resistance of cells, that it is practically impossible to separate their roles in the determination of CLS. Remarkably the yeast CLS is not markedly shortened with loss
of the transcriptional regulators of the oxidative stress response, some of which are
redox-regulated (Piper 2006). It seems doubtful therefore that chronologically-aging
yeast mounts any effective transcriptional response to its increased prooxidant status
over time (Piper 2006). Instead it appears more important that the cells are preprogrammed for an efficient maintenance in G0 through the aforementioned actions of
We found CLS to be extended only slightly by catalase overexpression, rather
more by an overexpression of the mitochondrial Mn-Sod, and up to 2-fold by
a 7- to 8-fold overexpression of active Cu,Zn-Sod (Harris et al. 2005). These
dramatic effects of an increased Cu,Zn-Sod activity on the CLS in yeast seem
counterintuitive to the findings in other model systems of aging. The initial
reports of the Drosophila lifespan being extended by Cu,Zn-Sod overexpression could not be confirmed in longer lived fly lines (Orr et al. 2003); neither
did Sod overexpression extend lifespan in C. elegans or in mice (Doonan et al.
2008; Perez et al. 2009). While overexpression of MnSOD increased lifespan
by 20% in adult Drosophila, it appears this may be an effect exerted through
a reduced insulin/IGF-1 signalling (Curtis et al. 2007). One possible explanation for this abnormally strong effect of Cu,Zn-Sod overexpression on the yeast
CLS is the tendency of stationary yeast to lose its glutathione to the medium
(Perrone et al. 2005). Loss of glutathione will severely compromise those antioxidant defences that rely on the reduced forms of glutathione and thioredoxins,
with the result that the activities that scavenge superoxide and peroxides will
then become much more critical in the prevention of oxidative damage. Whether
this is indeed a major factor, or whether stationary yeast is unable to repair
some critical target of oxidative damage (see below), remains an unresolved
the repair of most DSBs induced in mammalian cells, is a relatively minor pathway
for the repair of radiation-induced DSBs in vegetative yeast.
Remarkably many of the details of how stationary yeast performs DNA repair
are still lacking. Isogenic haploid and diploid cells exhibit an essentially similar CLS (MacLean et al. 2001), suggesting that the capacity for recombinational
repair between homologous chromosomes in chronologically-aging cells is not a
major determinant of CLS. Moreover if resected DSBs were allowed to persist
for any length of time in such cells they should cause a checkpoint activation
that will prevent any reentry to the cell cycle thus shortening the apparent
CLS. Checkpoint activation is normally monitored in yeast as the phosphorylation
of Rad53 checkpoint kinase (the functional orthologue of human Chk2) (Pawar
et al. 2009). In S phase yeast cells, the Rad53 that is activated in response to
DNA-damage (as induced by ROS or methyl methanesulfonate) promotes the activation of TORC1 signaling (Shen et al. 2007). This acts as a survival pathway,
the increase in TORC1 signaling being required for S-phase progression and viability in response to such genotoxic stress. One of its best-characterised effects is
to increase the activity of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), thereby providing the
increased levels of deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) necessary for the action
of error-prone translesion DNA polymerases. In this way TORC1 activation promotes cell survival. However this comes at the cost of an increased rate of mutation,
as higher levels of dNTPs promote the bypass of DNA lesions during translesion
DNA synthesis (polymerases generally have a higher Km for binding nucleotides
opposite a damaged base (Chabes and Stillman 2007)). In S phase yeast cells
rapamycin, by inhibiting TORC1 and thereby suppressing the RNR induction in
response to DNA damage, enhances cell lethality and abrogates mutagenesis (Shen
et al. 2007).
Maintenance DNA repair is important for survival of chronologically-aging
yeast, as underlined by studies with DNA repair mutants, which display a shortened
CLS and enhanced rates of spontaneous mutagenesis to canavanine resistance during stationary maintenance (MacLean et al. 2003; Ringvoll et al. 2007). Increases
in DNA nicking are also revealed by the TUNEL assay (Madeo et al. 1999);
while overexpression of active Cu,Zn-Sod lowers rates of spontaneous mutagenesis (Harris et al. 2005). That CLS is shortened when cells are aged in the presence
of hydroxyurea, a highly selective inhibitor of RNR (our unpublished observations), suggests that the RNR-catalysed synthesis of dNTPs is of importance for
a long CLS. However it is completely unknown whether this RNR activity in
chronologically-aging cells reflects DNA damage and/or oxidative stress activation of TORC1, such as is seen in vegetative cells (Neklesa and Davis 2008; Shen
et al. 2007). If TORC1 is indeed activated in chronologically-aging cells, the studies on S-phase cells (Shen et al. 2007) indicate that the resultant increases in dNTPs
might both promote both DNA repair (beneficial) and mutagenesis (detrimental).
Endogenous ROS might also be a key factor, not only as a determinant of the levels
of DNA damage and TORC1 activity, but also because RNR can itself be inactivated
by oxidative stress. One of the protein components of RNR, Rnr2p, contains a oxidoferric centre for the generation of the diferric-tyrosyl radical [(Fe)2-Y. ] a radical
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Chapter 8
to combat reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage and up-regulate pathways that
degrade oxidatively damaged macromolecules (Chen et al. 2004, 2005; Longo et al.
Thus, stationary phase is not simply a winding down of cellular processes that
drive growth and cell division in the presence of nutrients. Rather, yeast in stationary phase actively respond to reductions in nutrient availability by undertaking
programmatic changes in gene expression and cell physiology that favor long-term
survival in the non-dividing state. Because they retain the capacity to resume mitosis, viable stationary phase yeast are quiescent but not senescent, which is defined
by the inability to resume or continue cell division. Stationary phase yeast are similar in many respects to non-dividing differentiated cells in the G0 state that age
chronologically in human tissues. This similarity combined with the evolutionary
conservation of regulatory pathways that affect aging highlights the relevance of
the budding yeast model system for the investigation of fundamental processes of
cellular aging in post-mitotic human cells.
Interestingly, stationary phase yeast derived from glucose-containing rich
medium undergo differentiation into two cell types, quiescent and non-quiescent
(Allen et al. 2006; Aragon et al. 2008; Davidson et al. 2011). Quiescent cells
resemble G0 cells insofar as they are unbudded, resistant to stress, responsive to
the environment, long-lived, and able to re-enter the cell cycle. Non-quiescent cells
are more heterogeneous, contain budded and unbudded cells, lose the ability to reenter the cell cycle relatively quickly, respire at a relatively low rate, give rise to
an elevated number of respiration deficient (petite) colonies, and are more prone to
apoptosis. The formation of these two cell types in stationary cultures may represent a survival strategy in which the population of replicatively older non-quiescent
cells contribute nutrients (i.e., following cell death) and genetic diversity (i.e., due
to mutation) to the population of replicatively young quiescent cells that persist the
longest in the non-dividing state.
of aging for at least four reasons. First, the level of essential amino acids in toto
is an important factor in maintaining cell and tissue function during aging. For
example, elevated levels of essential amino acids offset the debilitating effects of
sarcopenia in older women (Dillon et al. 2009). Second, certain essential amino
acids appear to be more important than others for optimal function in certain cell
and tissue types (Millward et al. 2008). For example, branched side chain amino
acids (BCAA; isoleucine, leucine, and valine), especially leucine, play important
roles in maintaining function in skeletal muscle and nervous tissue (Drummond and
Rasmussen 2008; Layman 2003; Murin and Hamprecht 2008). Third, the requirements for individual essential amino acids in the diet change with age (McLarney
et al. 1996; Young and Borgonha 2000), which likely reflects age-dependent changes
in requirements at the cell and tissue level. Fourth, amino acid requirements vary
with pathophysiological state in diseased cells and tissues (Soeters et al. 2004). Such
altered requirements in aging-related diseases could contribute to the aging process,
as well as provide a potential opportunity to be exploited as part of a therapeutic
regimen. The absolute amount of essential amino acids, the ratio of individual essential amino acids, and age-dependent changes in these two parameters contribute to
the optimum dietary intake of essential amino acids that support human health and
longevity. Model organisms such as yeast may be valuable in this context. Although
it is difficult to study how amino acids affect longevity in humans, it should be
relatively easy to genetically engineer experimental organisms (such as yeast) to
recapitulate specific amino acid requirements in human cells (at the level of specific
enzymatic deficiencies) to test relationships between levels of essential amino acids,
chronological aging, and longevity.
maintains intracellular pools of building blocks, such as amino acids, that are
needed for de novo synthesis. Removal targets cellular components ranging in
size from small molecules to large organelles that are functionally impaired due
to molecular damage, misfolding, and/or aggregation. Recycling and removal are
particularly important during chronological aging because nutrient-limited nondividing cells accumulate damage for two principal reasons: reduced rates of de
novo synthesis and the absence of dilution of cellular damage during cell growth
and division.
Studies in many organisms have revealed important roles for autophagy in forestalling chronological aging and promoting chronological longevity (Cuervo 2008a;
Hubbard et al. 2011; Madeo et al. 2010; Vellai et al. 2009; Yen and Klionsky 2008).
In C. elegans, autophagy is required for normal longevity (Melendez et al. 2003).
In mammalian cells, autophagic protein turnover undergoes age-related decline
(Cuervo and Dice 2000; Del Roso et al. 2003; Ward 2002). The decline in turnover
of mitochondria by autophagy has been proposed to exacerbate ROS production
with age (Kundu and Thompson 2005; Lemasters 2005). In skeletal muscle, this
age-related decline in autophagy is attenuated by CR (Wohlgemuth et al. 2010).
Our studies have shown that autophagy is required for chronological longevity of
yeast grown to stationary phase in synthetic media (Alvers et al. 2009). We found
that autophagy-deficient mutant strains exhibited reduced chronological longevity
compared to autophagy-proficient control strains in three different standard synthetic minimal and complete media. Genome-wide screens for mutations that
reduce CLS in synthetic complete media likewise uncovered an important role for
autophagy in maintaining chronological longevity (Fabrizio et al. 2010; Matecic
et al. 2010). We also found that autophagy-deficient strains were as long lived as
control strains in rich undefined medium, in agreement with the findings of Powers
et al. (2006). This indicates that autophagy is required for longevity when amino
acid availability is limited, but not when amino acid levels are high prior to or during
stationary phase.
The atg1 and atg7 mutants used in our studies are deficient in multiple selective and non-selective autophagic pathways, including macroautophagy,
microautophagy, the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (CVT) pathway, piecemeal
microautophagy of the nucleus (PMN), ribophagy, ER-phagy, turnover of fructose1,6-bisphosphatase by vacuole import and degradation (VID), and selective degradation of mitochondria (mitophagy) and peroxisomes (pexophagy) (Nair and
Klionsky 2005; Yang and Klionsky 2009). Chaperone mediated autophagy is not
present in budding yeast. In our experiments, an atg11 strain exhibited a normal
CLS, indicating that the CVT, pexophagy, and mitophagy pathways are not required
for chronological longevity in synthetic media (Alvers et al. 2009; Kanki et al.
2009; Okamoto et al. 2009). Thus, selective mitophagy per se does not appear to
play a significant role in maintaining chronological longevity. Taken together, these
findings support a role for macroautophagic turnover and amino acid recycling in
chronological longevity.
Viability (log %)
Fig. 8.1 General amino acid control is not required for extension of CLS by CR or rapamycin.
CLS measurements were done with yeast strains in the BY4742 genetic background (MATalpha
his31 leu20 lys20 ura30) grown in synthetic dextrose (SD) minimal medium as described
(Alvers et al. 2009). Viability is expressed in terms of colony forming units (CFU) per mL and is
plotted as the log of the percent viability on day three of the experiment. Wild type (WT, ho) and
gcn4 strains were grown in: normal (2%) glucose SD; low (0.4%) glucose SD; normal glucose
SD followed by washing with water beginning on day three (Water); or normal glucose SD plus
10 nM rapamycin (+Rap)
In yeast, unlike in higher eukaryotes, the GAAC and TOR pathways communicate at the level of Gcn2p, which functions immediately upstream of Gcn4p. In the
presence of ample amino acids, Gcn2p activity is down-regulated by phosphorylation under control of the TORC1 complex (De Virgilio and Loewith 2006a). Thus, in
yeast, it is conceivable that Gcn4p may contribute to extension of CLS due to inhibition of TORC1 activity by rapamycin. However, we find that GCN4 is not required
for extension of CLS by rapamycin treatment (Fig. 8.1). Furthermore, we showed
that GCN4 is not required for extension of CLS by two CR interventions: growth in
low glucose and washing with water (Fig. 8.1). Thus, although down-regulation of
GAAC can extend CLS in yeast, as discussed above, extension of CLS by rapamycin
and CR apparently involves branches of the TORC1 signaling pathway that do not
include GAAC.
et al. 2009). Because BCAA account for 21.7% of the amino acids in the yeast proteome, reduced amino acid availability may exert a direct effect on protein synthesis.
Alternatively, or in addition, levels of the nonessential amino acids isoleucine and
valine may exert an indirect effect on the levels of the essential amino acid leucine.
Isoleucine and valine not only regulate enzymes required for their synthesis (i.e.,
threonine deaminase Ilv1p and acetolactate synthase Ilv2p) by feedback inhibition,
but also regulate Leu1p by cross-pathway (non-end product) control (Jones and Fink
1982). Thus, for these reasons, we proposed that leu3 extended CLS by balancing
BCAA levels (Alvers et al. 2009).
However, regulation of CLS in a leu3 strain may be more complicated and other
factors may also contribute to extension of CLS. We have found that autophagy is
up-regulated in a leu3 strain compared to a WT control (Fig. 8.2a, b). However,
the regulation of autophagy does not appear to be altered in a leu3 strain insofar as autophagy is down-regulated by elevated levels of supplemental amino acids
(Fig. 8.2c, d). This suggests that enhanced autophagy may contribute to extension of
CLS in a leu3 strain, which agrees with our previous observations that autophagy
promotes chronological longevity.
The fact that autophagy is upregulated in a leu3 strain is not unexpected given
the number of cellular processes affected by Leu3p transcriptional regulation. At
first glance, the Leu3p regulon appears relatively simple in terms of the number of
leu3 in SD
C leu3 in SD+HKL
WT in SD
5 Day
Fig. 8.2 Macroautophagy is up-regulated in a leu3 strain. Activation of autophagy in leu3 and
wild type (WT) strains was measured over 5 days of a CLS experiment performed as described
(Alvers et al. 2009). Strains in the BY4742 background were transformed with plasmid pCuGFPAUT7(416) (URA3), grown in synthetic dextrose medium (Sherman 2002) with standard (SD) or
three-fold elevated levels (SD+HKL) of histidine, lysine, and leucine, and a western blotting assay
was used to measure cellular levels of GFP and the GFP-Atg8p fusion protein (Klionsky et al.
2007). The percent conversion of GFP-Atg8p to GFP on each day reflects the extent of autophagic
activation and is plotted in graphs below western blots. Equivalent amounts of cells, based on cell
density measurements, were collected, processed, and analyzed on blots. Day zero samples were
collected during mid-log growth. Quantification was done using ImageJ software [% processing =
100 GFP (GFP + GFPAtg8p)]
genes that bind Leu3p and the condition invariant nature of regulation by Leu3p
(Harbison et al. 2004). However, Leu3p binds at detectable levels to only about 3%
of genes whose expression is affected by LEU3 deletion (Boer et al. 2005; Tang et al.
2006). Because of this, it has been estimated that Leu3p may contribute indirectly to
the regulation of up to 10% of all yeast genes (Tang et al. 2006). Importantly, deletion of LEU3 does not simply result in reduced transcriptional activation. Leu3p
also functions as a transcriptional repressor when levels of its obligate coactivator 2-isopropyl malate are low (Kohlhaw 2003). Thus, deletion of LEU3 results in
increased expression of many genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis, including
five genes involved in BCAA synthesis, when glucose is in excess and nitrogen is
limiting (Boer et al. 2005). In addition, deletion of LEU3 may influence CLS via its
effect on nitrogen assimilation (see below).
We also tested the hypothesis that CLS is influenced by 3-isopropyl malate
methyl ester, a secreted signaling molecule implicated in stimulation of filamentous growth during amino acid limitation (Dumlao et al. 2008). We reasoned that
accumulation of 3-isopropyl malate in leu2 mutants may favor Tmt1p-dependent
methyl esterification during chronological aging. However, we found that tmt1 and
TMT1 strains (in a leu2 background) yield indistinguishable CLS (Fishwick and
Aris, unpublished results), indicating that signaling by 3-isopropyl malate methyl
ester does not influence CLS under the conditions we examined.
2kG NH3
Gdh1p / Gdh3p
Viability (log %)
5 10 15 20 25 30
10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 8.3 Role for nitrogen assimilation in chronological longevity. a Nitrogen / ammonia assimilation pathway in S. cerevisiae. The TCA cycle intermediates are oxaloacetate (O), citrate (C),
cis-aconitate (A), isocitrate (I), 2-ketoglutarate (2-kG), and succinate (S). Gene products are discussed in the text. AA, amino acids. P, purines and pyrimidines. Consumption of ATP, NAD+ , and
NADP+ are omitted for simplicity. Inhibition by TORC1 and Ure2p are diagrammed separately
but participate in nitrogen catabolite repression (NCR). Interactions between NCR and the retrograde signaling pathway as well as negative regulation by Dal80p and Deh1p are not shown. b and
c CLS measurements were done using deletion mutants in the BY4742 genetic background grown
in SD minimal medium as described in Fig. 8.1. Viability is expressed in terms of colony forming
units (CFU) per mL of culture and is plotted as the log of the percent viability on day three of the
experiment. The results shown are representative of at least two independent experiments
aspects of mitochondrial function (Buschlen et al. 2003). GDH1 encodes the major
NADP+ -linked glutamate dehydrogenase isozyme that catalyzes the first step in
nitrogen assimilation: formation of glutamate from ammonia and 2-ketoglutarate
(2kG) (Fig. 8.3a). Nitrogen is also assimilated during conversion of glutamate
to glutamine by glutamine synthetase encoded by GLN1. Because glutamate and
glutamine serve as primary amine donors for synthesis of amino acids and other
amine containing molecules, Gdh1p and Gln1p are central regulators of nitrogen
assimilation (Hu et al. 1995). GDH3 encodes an isozyme that consumes 2kG at a
lower rate and is glucose repressed. The third enzyme capable of synthesizing glutamate, NAD+ -dependent glutamate synthase, is encoded by GLT1. GDH2 encodes
an enzyme that catalyzes an anaplerotic reaction that regenerates 2kG.
To investigate the relationship between nitrogen assimilation and chronological
longevity, we measured the CLS of a number of mutant strains impaired in different
aspects of nitrogen utilization. Deletion of GLN3 or GAT1, as well as LEU3, extends
CLS, although deleting GLN3 or GAT1 does not prolong CLS to the same extent as
deleting LEU3 (Fig. 8.3b). Deletion of GLN3 has been previously shown to extend
CLS in synthetic complete media (Matecic et al. 2010; Powers et al. 2006). Deletion
of URE2, which encodes an inhibitor of Gat1p and Gln3p, yields a CLS equivalent
to the wild type control, suggesting that increased Gat1p and Gln3p activities do not
reduce CLS. Extension of CLS in gln3, gat1, and leu3 strains suggests that
reductions in assimilation of ammonia may contribute to chronological longevity.
This raises the question: does elimination of the enzymatic machinery required for
assimilation of ammonia extend CLS? The answer to this question appears to be
no because a gdh1 strain is relatively short-lived, and gdh2, gdh3, or glt1
deletion strains are not more long-lived than the wild type control strain (Fig. 8.3c).
The reduced CLS in the gdh1 mutant may be due to the pleiotropic effects of a
greater than ten-fold decline in cytoplasmic glutamate concentration that is characteristic of gdh1 strains (Hofman-Bang 1999). We were not able to test deletion of
GLN1 because it is an essential gene. Deletion of GAP1, which encodes a general
amino acid permease controlled by Gln3p and Gat1p, has no effect on CLS (data
not shown).
Also important in this context is the retrograde signaling (mitochondrion to
nucleus) pathway, which coordinates cellular and mitochondrial function (Liu and
Butow 2006). Retrograde signaling has been implicated in coordinating metabolism,
stress resistance, and genome stability during yeast replicative aging (Borghouts
et al. 2004; Jazwinski 2005), but relatively little is known about the role of the retrograde response in chronological aging in yeast. One of the primary functions of
retrograde signaling is to regulate carbon flow through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
cycle and production of 2kG. The retrograde transcription factors Rtg1p and Rtg3p
achieve this by regulating expression of four TCA pathway enzymes upstream of
2kG (Fig. 8.3a). Nuclear localization of Rtg1p and Rtg3p is inhibited by the cytoplasmic sequestration factor Mks1p that is regulated in turn by Rtg2p. Puzzlingly,
deletion of either MKS1 or RTG2 results in extension of CLS and to an extent similar
to deletion of GLN3 or GAT1 (Fig. 8.3b, c). The result with rtg2 notwithstanding, the extension of CLS in the gln3, gat1, and mks1 strains is consistent
with increased aerobic respiration due to increased flow of carbon through the TCA
cycle. That is, reduced consumption of 2kG by ammonia assimilation and increased
utilization of 2kG by the TCA cycle is consistent with increased aerobic energy
production. Increased CLS in tor1 strains has been attributed to increased aerobic respiration due to increased mitochondrial gene expression (Bonawitz et al.
2007). Such an increase in aerobic respiration would require increased carbon flow
through the TCA cycle. This is consistent with the general idea that under the
nutrient limiting conditions experienced during chronological aging, the balance
between production of energy and synthesis of amino acids plays an important role
in post-mitotic cell survival.
In the paragraphs above, we have discussed how autophagy, amino acid availability, and nitrogen assimilation are associated with chronological longevity in yeast. In
the paragraphs below, we address connections between amino acids and two important paradigms in the aging field: the mitochondrial theory of aging and life span
extension by CR.
not necessarily lower ROS production and extend CLS. On the contrary, a mutation
in mitochondrial RNA polymerase (Rpo41p) that causes a defect in mitochondrial
translation of gene products required for oxidative phosphorylation results in a significant increase in ROS production and a severe reduction in CLS that can be
rescued by over-expression of SOD1 or SOD2 (Bonawitz et al. 2006). These results
indicate that increased longevity is associated with increased respiration, which may
be due to increased electron transport chain efficiency and/or reductions in ROS
production and concomitant molecular damage.
Amino acids are important in this context because they are able to serve as an
aerobic carbon source that supports aerobic energy production during chronological
aging. Rich media contain abundant nonessential amino acids that can serve this
purpose. Certain amino acids, such as BCAA, phenylalanine, and methonine, cannot serve as carbon sources because they are metabolized via the Ehrlich pathway
(Hazelwood et al. 2008). Nevertheless, other amino acids function as aerobic carbon sources following exhaustion of glucose during the diauxic shift, post-diauxic
growth, and stationary phase. Aerobic growth prior to stationary phase has been
shown to promote chronological longevity (Brauer et al. 2005; Piper et al. 2006).
Furthermore, amino acids are also important because that are used as building blocks
for protein synthesis that accompanies reprogramming of the cellular proteome
during adaptation to the non-dividing state.
It is also important to consider the relevance of amino acid biosynthetic pathways to chronological longevity. De novo synthesis of many amino acids involves
at least one step carried out in mitochondria. BCAA are synthesized by a superpathway in which catalytically similar steps are carried out and regulated by shared
gene products, namely Bat1p, Bat2p, Ilv2p, Ilv3p, Ilv5p, and Ilv6p. All of these
enzymes, except Bat2p, function in the mitochondrial matrix and are potential targets of ROS damage. Perhaps the best understood case of oxidative damage to a
mitochondrial matrix enzyme is aconitase. Aconitase is a bifunctional iron sulfur
cluster (ISC) containing enzyme that catalyzes two steps in the TCA cycle and stabilizes the mitochondrial genome. Over-expression of mitochondrial Sod2p extends
CLS by protecting aconitase from oxidative damage during chronological aging
(Fabrizio et al. 2003; Harris et al. 2003). ISC synthesis is known to take place in
the mitochondrial matrix due to the oxidizing environment present there. However,
ISC enzymes are susceptible to oxidative damage, irrespective of their localization
within the cell. Leu1p is a cytoplasmic ISC containing enzyme required for synthesis of leucine that is susceptible to inactivation by ROS, but is protected under
aerobic conditions by SOD (Wallace et al. 2004). The same is true for Lys4p, a
cytoplasmic ISC enzyme required for lysine synthesis. Thus, the extent to which
amino acid biosynthetic enzymes are targets of oxidative inactivation may also play
an important role in chronological longevity.
In addition to amino acid availability and de novo synthesis, amino acid recycling
may play an important role in chronological longevity. The main cellular pathways for amino acid recycling autophagy and the ubiquitin/proteasome system
function in both recycling and damage removal. Because of this, it is difficult
to parse the relative significance of recycling and removal. Clearly, maintaining
rats, including increased life span (Orentreich et al. 1993). A diet deficient in
methionine also extends life span in mice and yields many of the physiological
benefits associated with CR (Miller et al. 2005). A careful analysis of the effects
of specific essential amino acids in Drosophila reveals that methionine restriction
confers extended life span without the decrease in fecundity observed under traditional CR conditions (Grandison et al. 2009). Moreover, the Drosophila I/IGF
signaling pathway links amino acid sensing to reduced life span when amino acids
are abundant (Grandison et al. 2009). The benefit of restricting nutrients, rather
than calories, likely involves, at least in part, a reduction in oxidative stress and
damage. Methionine restriction reduces oxidative damage and increases mitochondrial biogenesis as well as expression of an uncoupling protein in rat brain (Naudi
et al. 2007). Reduced consumption of protein, but not fat or carbohydrates, leads to
lower levels of ROS and oxidative stress in rat liver, which may be attributable
to methionine restriction (Ayala et al. 2007). These results highlight the importance of amino acids as modulators of life span and point to amino acid sensing
pathways and effects on translation and energy production / utilization as potential
Finally, the availability of sugars / carbon sources is integrated with the availability of amino acids / nitrogen sources to influence chronological longevity. Glucose
is unique in terms of the metabolic preference exhibited for this sugar by many
organisms including yeast. In yeast, sugar / carbon source availability is detected by
the Ras/PKA pathway whereas amino acid / nitrogen source availability is detected
by the TOR pathway. When glucose is readily available, S. cerevisiae grows with
minimal respiration, even under aerobic conditions, a phenomenon known as the
Crabtree effect. To achieve this, numerous genes involved in aerobic respiration and
utilization of alternative carbon sources are subject to glucose repression (Carlson
1999; Verstrepen et al. 2004). In contrast, Kluyveromyces lactis is a budding yeast
closely related to S. cerevisiae that is Crabtree negative, meaning that glucose fails
to down-regulate respiration and mitochondrial function when oxygen is available
for aerobic respiration. An interesting result in this regard is that K. lactis does not
appear to enjoy extension of CLS due to CR in low glucose medium (Oliveira et al.
One possibility is that S. cerevisiae favors fermentation and rapid growth when
glucose is plentiful but must shift to aerobic respiration to achieve chronological
longevity when glucose is exhausted. This physiological strategy to ferment glucose and produce ethanol may have conferred a selective advantage to yeast during
evolution because of the protection of environmental resources afforded by ethanol
(Thomson et al. 2005), and its oxidation product acetic acid. But, when glucose
is exhausted, S. cerevisiae must carry out extensive metabolic reprogramming to
aerobic metabolism to support long-term survival in the non-dividing state. This
metabolic and proteomic reprogramming takes place during the transition from
rapid fermentative growth in log phase to slow aerobic growth during the diauxic
and post-diauxic phases to low level aerobic respiration in stationary phase. If
there is sufficient availability of amino acids and non-fermentable carbon sources
(including certain amino acids), then yeast are able to complete this transition to
aerobic metabolism, which supports chronological longevity.
Concluding Perspectives
As our knowledge of how diet influences longevity has increased, relatively simple ideas have given way to increasingly complex ones. The idea that longevity is
simply a matter of reducing caloric intake and respiration-dependent energy production has given way to a more complex set of ideas that relate nutrient availability to
cellular metabolic decision-making, damage control, and longevity. Dietary nutrient balance is emerging as an important longevity factor that affects a multitude of
metabolic processes, including amino acid and protein homeostasis. But, many significant questions remain. For example, increased essential amino acid availability
supports chronological longevity in yeast, yet limitation of a specific essential amino
acid in mice and flies brings about extension of life span, apparently in a manner that
mimics CR. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the relationship between nutrient
balance and longevity is the potential for human dietary intervention. Altering the
composition of the diet offers fundamental advantages over adding a pharmacological compound to the diet. Perhaps the most important advantage is the potential for
widespread acceptance and implementation in society. Put simply, a nutrient balance strategy for extending life span and/or health span has the potential to reach a
much larger portion of our population than a calorie restriction strategy.
Acknowledgements We are grateful for the support that we have received from the NIH
(AG023719 to JPA; AG17994 to CL; CA95552 to WAD), including the Claude D. Pepper Older
Americans Independence Center (AG028740), and the University of Florida Institute on Aging.
We acknowledge the Honors Program at the University of Florida, which has facilitated the
participation of undergraduate students in our research efforts.
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Chapter 9
Genome instability is broadly considered to be an important factor in aging in
all eukaryotic organisms. Support for this proposition includes accumulating evidence that genome instability and the rate at which this instability occurs increase
with age, as well as the accelerated aging phenotypes associated with defects in
many genome maintenance programs. Furthermore, there is now compelling evidence that in complex organisms, the activity of some (although not all) DNA repair
pathways declines with age. As was discussed in an excellent recent review of the
connections between DNA damage and aging in higher eukaryotes (Freitas and de
Magalhaes 2011), proof of the validity of this proposition requires the demonstration that enhanced DNA repair extends lifespan, which has not yet been observed. It
also remains a matter of debate whether the accelerated aging phenotypes observed
in progeroid syndromes are relevant to intrinsic aging that occurs in the absence
of mutations in genome maintenance proteins. Collectively, however, the evidence
from many lines of investigation suggests that DNA damage is a significant causal
factor in normal aging (Freitas and de Magalhaes 2011 and references therein).
As predicted by the longstanding free radical theory of aging, reactive oxygen
species (ROS) that damage DNA and other macromolecules also have been strongly
implicated as pro-aging factors in all eukaryotes. Growth signaling through conserved RAS, TOR, AKT and other pathways is a third factor that plays an important
role in aging. Some of the pro-aging effects of growth signaling can be attributed
to increased levels of intracellular ROS detected when growth signaling pathways
are activated, which leads to oxidative damage to DNA. Recent studies have established that growth signaling can also cause DNA damage independently of ROS
by producing DNA replication stress that is, inefficient DNA replication in
cells undergoing genome duplication (Bartkova et al. 2005). The unique structure of replicating DNA, which requires unwinding of double-stranded template
DNA to allow for template-directed DNA synthesis, increases the susceptibility of
DNA at stalled replication forks to DNA damage. For example, single strand scissions that occur with little consequence elsewhere in the genome can cause more
deleterious doublestrand DNA (dsDNA breaks) when they occur within regions
of unwound DNA at replication forks. The unwound DNA at replication forks is
also recombinogenic. Factors that slow or stall replication forks and thus contribute
to DNA replication stress include reduced pools of deoxynucleotide triphosphates
(dNTPs) required for DNA synthesis, DNA secondary structures that are difficult
for polymerases to replicate and proteins bound to DNA that block replication fork
progression (reviewed in Burhans and Weinberger 2007).
In the budding yeast model organism S. cerevisiae, two separate, but overlapping
paradigms exist for assessing factors that contribute to aging. Replicative aging studies measure the number of times cells divide before they senesce and eventually die.
Although this model is relevant to aging of somatic cells of complex eukaryotes, the
asymmetry of cell division in budding yeast suggests that replicative aging studies
may be especially informative as a model for aging of asymmetrically dividing stem
cells in these organisms. Chronological aging studies measure the survival and/or
reproductive capacity of cells that have entered stationary phase due to the depletion of glucose and other nutrients from medium. The chronological aging model is
frequently employed to investigate conserved factors that impact aging in cells of
complex eukaryotes that have entered into a postmitotic state due to downregulation
of growth signaling pathways during differentiation. However, the interpretation of
many earlier chronological aging studies was based on the erroneous assumption
that cells in stationary phase cultures uniformly reside in a non-dividing quiescent state. In fact, recent studies described in detail by Werner-Washburne et al.
(Chapter 6, this volume) indicate that a significant fraction of cells in stationary
phase cultures are not quiescent, and that some cells in these cultures continue to
divide. These findings have important implications for understanding chronological
aging and its relationship to aging in complex eukaryotes.
In this chapter we review evidence that DNA damage is a significant causal factor
in aging of the model organism S. cerevisiae assessed using both the replicative and
chronological aging models. One goal of our discussion is to integrate information
about how DNA damage contributes to aging in this organism with the results of
studies that were focused on the impact on aging of growth signaling pathways and
oxidative stress. Many of these studies point to DNA replication stress as a source
of DNA damage that arises as a consequence of growth signaling and oxidative
stress. This integrative view suggests a new paradigm for understanding aging and
age-related diseases that may serve as a guide for future studies.
factors that accumulate in, and are retained by, mother cells each time they divide.
This led to the discovery that replicative aging is related to the accumulation in
mother cells of extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA (rDNA) circles (ERCs) generated by instability in the highly repeated rDNA locus (Sinclair and Guarente 1997).
At least some of this instability occurs in association with the replication of rDNA,
because deletion of the FOB1 gene encoding a protein that forms a polar barrier
to DNA replication forks in each rDNA repeat suppresses rDNA recombination
and reduces the number of ERCs that accumulate compared to age-matched wild
type cells. The reduced number of ERCs detected in fob1 cells is accompanied
by an approximately 2-fold extension of replicative lifespan compared to isogenic
wild type cells. ERC formation also is suppressed by the formation of heterochromatin in the rDNA locus, a process that is regulated by the NAD+-dependent histone
deacetylase Sir2, as well as other proteins (Guarente 2000). Rtg2p, which is a key
factor in retrograde responses to mitochondrial dysfunction that extend replicative
lifespan in rho 0 cells (Jazwinski 2005), extends replicative lifespan in rho+ cells
as well, independently of its role in retrograde responses. Both replicative aging
and ERC formation are accelerated in rtg2 cells, but in the absence of changes in
heterochromatin-mediated silencing of the rDNA locus (Borghouts et al. 2004).
Each rDNA repeat harbors an origin of replication capable of initiating DNA
replication. Consequently, once formed, ERCs containing rDNA sequences replicate to high copy numbers (Sinclair and Guarente 1997). Replication of ERCs is
accelerated in sir2 cells by increased frequency of initiation of DNA replication
in the rDNA locus (Pasero et al. 2002). However, except in very old cells, ERCs are
largely retained in mother cells when they divide. This identifies ERCs as a prime
candidate for the senescence factor that accumulates in mother cells postulated
earlier to explain the asymmetric nature of replicative aging. How the accumulation
of ERCs in mother cells might cause the loss of reproductive capacity that underlies replicative aging remains unclear. One possibility is that factors required for
DNA replication or transcription that interact with rDNA sequences are titrated off
of chromosomes by binding to accumulated ERCs, thus blocking events required
for cell division (Sinclair and Guarente 1997).
Replicative aging and age-dependent genetic instability. If accumulating DNA
damage is a component of replicative aging, the expectation is, of course, that
replicatively aged cells would have a hypermutation phenotype. In fact, pedigree
analysis of a standard laboratory strain revealed that the daughters of replicatively
aged mother cells exhibit a greater than 100-fold increase in mutations leading to
loss of heterozygocity (LOH) (McMurray and Gottschling 2003). Subsequently this
mutator phenotype was attributed to the loss of mitochondrial DNA in daughter cells
born of old mothers and consequent defects in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters,
which are present in a number of proteins required for the maintenance of nuclear
genomes (Veatch et al. 2009). Somewhat surprisingly, however, this mutator phenotype occurred independently of the Fob1p-dependent polar replication fork barrier
in the rDNA locus.
The analysis of genetic instability in association with replicative aging has been
limited by the small number of old mother cells in aging populations cultured in liquid medium. Recently, new approaches have been devised that depend on transient
selection against daughter cells, which leads to the accumulation of a large number of synchronously aging mother cells until the production of daughter cells is
restored (Jarolim et al. 2004; Lindstrom and Gottschling 2009). Fortuitously, similar to most natural isolates of S. cerevisiae, daughter cells produced by old mothers
in strains employed in the Mother Enrichment Program (MEP) approach to investigating aging retain mitochondrial genomes (indicated by respiratory competence)
(Lindstrom and Gottschling 2009). This provides the opportunity to analyze genetic
instability in old mother cells using colony-based assays in the absence of effects
associated with the loss of mitochondrial DNA in the daughter cells that form
The results of a recent study by Lindstrom et al. that employed the MEP approach
to investigate age-dependent genome instability revealed the existence of replicative age-related increased genome instability in the rDNA locus that depends on
Fob1p (Lindstrom et al. 2011). Interestingly, this instability is unrelated to an
age-dependent decline in Sir2p reported earlier (Dang et al. 2009), which was
confirmed in this more recent study. Unlike the uniformly non-reciprocal recombination events detected earlier as a function of age in cells that have lost respiratory
competence, instability in the rDNA locus of aging respiratory competent cells is
manifested as age-dependent increases in LOH associated with both reciprocal and
non-reciprocal recombination events. Reciprocal recombination reflects resolution
of Holliday junctions via crossing over, while non-reciprocal recombination events
likely reflect break-induced replication.
Although instability in the rDNA locus in MEP cells depends on Fob1p, the
aging process that underlies rDNA instability in this experimental system does not
depend on Fob1p, nor is Fob1p strictly required for the accumulation of ERCs.
Lindstrom et al. postulate that aging in these cells is instead caused by DNA replication stress that acts cooperatively with the Fob1p replication fork barrier to generate
age-dependent instability in the rDNA locus. Since most cells in complex eukaryotes retain respiratory competence, the age-dependent genetic instability revealed by
this study is more likely to be conserved compared to the age-dependent instability
driven by loss of mitochondrial DNA reported earlier.
The results of this study are generally consistent with earlier findings by Ganley
et al. that point to Fob1p-dependent instability in the rDNA locus of old mother cells
as a factor that can limit replicative lifespan (Ganley et al. 2009). Although rDNA
instability was reportedly enhanced by ERCs in this earlier study, it also occurred
independently of ERC accumulation. Deletion of HPR1 encoding a component of
the RNA polymerase II complex also shortens replicative lifespan in concert with
destabilization of the rDNA locus, but in the absence of ERC accumulation (Merker
and Klein 2002). Conversely, overexpression of Rtgp suppresses ERC accumulation
but does not impact replicative aging (Borghouts et al. 2004). Deletion of AFO1
encoding a mitochondrial ribosomal protein also extends replicative lifespan independently of the influence of ERC accumulation (Heeren et al. 2009). Furthermore
deletion of the genes encoding the growth signaling proteins Sch9p or Tor1p also
extends replicative lifespan in a fashion that mimics the effects of caloric restriction,
and the additive effects on longevity of deleting FOB1 from sch9 and tor1 cells
is consistent with a role these proteins in replicative aging that does not depend on
ERCs (Kaeberlein et al. 2005). All these findings suggest that ERC accumulation is
not a prerequisite for replicative aging.
Replicative aging that does not depend on the accumulation of ERCs raises questions, of course, regarding the nature of factors that promote rDNA instability and
trigger senescence independently of ERCs in old mother cells, but not their daughters. In addition to their preferential retention of ERCs, mother cells also retain
oxidatively damaged proteins in a Sir2-dependent fashion (Aguilaniu et al. 2003).
It is possible that in addition to the failure of ERCs to segregate into daughter cells,
exclusion from daughter cells of damaged proteins that interfere with DNA replication and other aspects of genome maintenance promotes recovery of rDNA stability.
This latter model does not exclude the possibility that ERC accumulation promotes
aging. However, some of the findings described above clearly point to rDNA instability as an important determinant of replicative lifespan that does not always depend
on elevated levels of ERCs.
Replicative aging and DNA replication stress. The role for DNA replication stress
in destabilization of the rDNA locus that underlies replicative aging proposed by
Lindstrom et al. is supported by the results of a number of additional studies. This
includes, for example, the observation that reducing the intracellular level of DNA
polymerase alpha destabilizes rDNA (Casper et al. 2008). Therefore, in principle,
replication stress can induce instability in the rDNA locus. A role for replication
stress in replicative aging is also supported by the observation that at the end of
their replicative lifespans, aged mother cells enter into a senescent state that based
on DNA content measurements often appears to occur in S phase (Pichova et al.
1997). We believe that DNA replication stress may contribute to the pro-aging phenotype of rtg2 cells as well (Borghouts et al. 2004), a possibility that has not been
described by others. Defects in Rtg2p promote more rapid expansion of trinucleotide
repeats (Bhattacharyya et al. 2002), which occurs via mechanisms that include the
formation of unusual DNA structures in repeat sequences during DNA replication
(Lopez Castel et al. 2010). Rtg2 is required to maintain dNTP pools required for
efficient DNA replication and repair, and rtg2 cells exhibit lower levels of dNTPs
(Hartman 2007).
Although rDNA instability induced by low polymerase activity is Fob1pindependent, other studies clearly implicate Fob1p-dependent replication stress
in rDNA instability. For example, doublestrand DNA (dsDNA) breaks occur in
close proximity to the Fob1p-dependent replication fork barrier in the rDNA locus
(Weitao et al. 2003b). These breaks could be caused by incomplete DNA replication
or by spontaneous breaks in unwound single strand DNA at paused replication forks,
which (as discussed earlier) are uniquely susceptible to single strand scissions that
can lead to dsDNA breaks (reviewed in Burhans and Weinberger 2007). In addition,
both replication fork pausing and dsDNA breaks are elevated in strains expressing
glucose must impact the senescence of stationary phase cells before this transition
is completed and cells cease to divide.
Another point of confusion in the stationary phase and chronological aging literature has been that until recently, it was generally assumed that most cells in
stationary phase reside in a uniform quiescent, non-dividing state until they eventually die. As is described in more detail by Wener-Washburne et al. (Chapter 6,
this volume), in fact a large fraction of cells in stationary phase cultures are not
quiescent (Allen et al. 2006). The fraction of non-quiescent cells in stationary phase
cultures is even larger in experiments performed using defined medium rather than
rich medium (Madia et al. 2009). The larger fraction of non-quiescent stationary
phase cells in defined medium which is the medium employed in most prior studies of chronological aging is likely due to the enhanced accumulation of acetic
acid that occurs in this medium as cells enter stationary phase (Burtner et al. 2009).
Acetic acid accumulation leads to a substantially lower pH in defined compared to
rich medium stationary phase cultures (Weinberger et al. 2010). Low pH activates
the same growth signaling pathways triggered by glucose in yeast and by glucose
or mitogens in mammals (reviewed in Weinberger et al. 2010). Therefore, sustained
growth signaling by low pH as acetic acid accumulates in defined medium stationary
phase cultures likely inhibits quiescence and promotes senescence.
Yet another misconception regarding chronological aging experiments is that
because the number of cells in stationary phase cultures does not change substantially with time, these cells are not dividing. However, in the defined medium
employed in most chronological aging experiments, the fraction of cells in S phase
first declines to 0% at day 1 of chronological aging experiments and then steadily
increases with time in stationary phase (Madia et al. 2009). Thus, some cells in
defined medium stationary phase cultures appear to be re-entering the cell cycle,
most likely due at least in part to increased growth signaling by low pH as acetic
acid accumulates in this medium. Re-entry into the cell cycle is accompanied by a
parallel increase in the non-quiescent fraction of stationary phase cells observed at
the same time points (Madia et al. 2009). Senescent cells in stationary phase eventually die by an apoptotic mechanism (Fabrizio et al. 2004; Herker et al. 2004) that
leads to their destruction, similar to mammalian cells undergoing apoptosis, and
this occurs more frequently in dividing cells with buds (Weinberger et al. 2010).
Consequently, although the number of dividing cells in stationary phase at specific
time points in chronological aging experiments can be quite low, this low number
reflects the steady-state turnover of cells that during longer periods of time (such as
those typically employed in chronological aging experiments) is represented by a
larger fraction of cells that continue to divide.
Chronological aging, DNA damage and DNA replication stress. The more
nuanced view of stationary phase biology described above has important implications for understanding chronological aging of budding yeast and its relationship
to aging and age-related diseases in complex eukaryotes. In most mammalian
cells, senescence is a consequence of DNA damage induced by oxidative stress
and/or DNA replication stress. In many types of tumors, preneoplastic stages of
et al. 2007), the reproductive capacity of sgs1 cells was significantly lower than
wild type cells at early time points before adaptive regrowth occurred.
A role for Sgs1p in promoting chronological longevity via maintenance of
genetic stability is also supported by the higher mutation frequency detected in
chronologically aging sgs1 compared to wild type cells (Madia et al. 2008).
This latter study also reported that compared to wild type cells, sgs1 cells less
frequently enter into a quiescent state in stationary phase. In the context of the
well-characterized role of Sgs1p in stabilizing stalled DNA replication forks, these
findings are consistent with a role for a defective response to replication stress that
impacts chronological aging of sgs1 cells.
Chronological lifespan is also shortened by inactivation of Sic1p (Weinberger
et al. 2010; Zinzalla et al. 2007), a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor that blocks
S phase entry of cells in stationary phase. sic1 cells suffer replication stress caused
by premature entry into S phase that leads to a reduction in the number of active origins of replication, which leads in turn to a deficit in the number of replication forks
(Lengronne and Schwob 2002). Mutations in the mRNA decapping enzymes Lsm1p
and Lsm4p that lead to stabilization of mRNA also shorten chronological lifespan
(Palermo et al. 2010), and this also occurs via a mechanism that likely involves
enhanced replication stress. Strains harboring these mutations progress through S
phase more slowly than wild type cells, which means they suffer from replication
stress (Palermo et al. 2010). Our prediction that lsm mutations cause replication
stress by promoting the accumulation of excess histones (Burhans and Weinberger
2010) was recently confirmed by others (Herrero and Moreno 2011).
Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is essential for the synthesis of dNTPs required
for DNA replication and repair. Additional evidence that replication stress can
impact chronological aging is provided by the observation that deletion of the
RNR1 gene encoding a subunit of RNR dramatically shortens chronological lifespan (Powers et al. 2006). Replication stress induced by the ribonucleotide reductase
inhibitor hydroxyurea also shortens chronological lifespan (Palermo et al. 2010).
The shorter chronological lifespan of hydroxyurea-treated cells is observed at low
concentrations of hydroxyurea that do not impact the growth of cells in exponential cultures. The increased sensitivity to hydroxyurea in chronological aging
experiments likely reflects the downregulation of RNR expression that occurs during the transition to stationary phase (Gasch et al. 2000). Downregulation of RNR
is expected to cause a decrease in dNTP pools. Presumably, inhibition of residual RNR activity by low levels of hydroxyurea reduces dNTP pools in these cells
further, below a threshold required for efficient DNA replication, thus causing replication stress and a shorter chronological lifespan. Chronological lifespan is also
shortened in a strain harboring a hypomorphic allele of MEC1 (Weinberger et al.
2007), the essential function of which is to upregulate RNR (Desany et al. 1998).
Furthermore, the elevated levels of apoptosis detected in this strain (mec1-21) during chronological aging are suppressed by ectopic expression of the RNR subunit
Rnr1p (Weinberger et al. 2007). Not unexpectedly, dNTP pools in mec1-21 cells
were recently shown to be reduced compared to wild type cells (Fasullo et al. 2010).
rtg2 cells also exhibit a shortened chronological lifespan (Barros et al. 2004) as
we argued above for the shortened replicative lifespan detected in these cells, this
may also be related to the reduced dNTP pools reported in these cells (Hartman
Replication stress as a cause of intrinsic aging in the chronological aging model.
The findings summarized above provide strong evidence that in principle, replication stress can impact chronological aging. It is likely that replication stress also
plays a role in intrinsic aging in this model in the absence of mutations or drugs that
induce replication stress. For example, profiling of gene expression in non-quiescent
stationary phase cells that more frequently senesce compared to quiescent cells
revealed that non-quiescent cells harbor elevated levels of transcripts encoding DNA
repair and other proteins that respond to DNA damage and/or DNA replication
stress (Allen et al. 2006). Furthermore, a strong correlation exists between chronological lifespan extension and a reduction in the frequency with which cells fail
to arrest in G0/G1 in stationary phase under a variety of experimental conditions
(Weinberger et al. 2010). Shorter-lived cells that in the absence of experimental
manipulations capable of extending lifespan remain in S phase in stationary phase
cultures are likely undergoing replication stress due to reduced dNTP pools. A role
for replication stress in intrinsic chronological aging is also suggested by the more
frequent death of budded compared to unbudded cells in stationary phase cultures,
and the frequency of budded cell death is accelerated further in cultures established
in medium containing elevated concentrations of glucose to enhance growth signaling (Weinberger et al. 2010). The rapid loss of reproductive capacity observed in
high glucose medium is accelerated further in the mec1-21 strain.
Additional evidence that replication stress is an intrinsic aging factor is provided
by the observation that RNR activity is limiting in wild type cells during transitions
to stationary phase, even in the absence of exposure to hydroxyurea. This is indicated by suppression of apoptosis in stationary phase cells ectopically expressing the
RNR subunit Rnr1p (Weinberger et al. 2007). Furthermore, we recently determined
that ectopic Rnr1p expression also substantially increases chronological lifespan
(data not shown). Although the effects of ectopic Rnr1p expression might be related
to enhanced repair of DNA damage, Rnr1p expression also reduces the number of
stationary phase cells that remain budded, most likely because they are no longer
trapped in S phase due to limiting dNTPs (Weinberger et al. 2007 and data not
A role for DNA replication stress in chronological aging is not consistent, however, with a recent report that during chronological aging in defined medium,
mutations measured using a colony-forming assay occur more frequently in the
quiescent fraction of cells in stationary phase (Madia et al. 2009). However, the
cells employed in these experiments are not quiescent close inspection of flow
cytometry measurements of DNA content in these cells indicates they are mostly in
S phase (Fig. S1, Madia et al. 2009), perhaps due to the sustained growth signaling
by low pH that occurs in defined medium. Furthermore, although the frequency
with which mutations were detected in quiescent cells was higher than in nonquiescent cells, non-quiescent cells senesce and die more frequently than quiescent
cells (Allen et al. 2006). It remains possible, therefore, that non-quiescent cells
suffering DNA damage and/or replication stress often cannot form colonies required
to detect mutations.
The impact of growth signaling and oxidative stress on chronological age-related
DNA damage and replication stress. In all eukaryotes, activation of growth signaling pathways is an important component of aging. In both the replicative and
chronological models of aging in budding yeast, activation of conserved RAS, TOR,
and SCH9/AKT signaling pathways promotes aging, and inactivation of these pathways promotes longevity (reviewed in Weinberger et al. 2010; see also above). Most
efforts to understand the underlying mechanisms in the chronological aging model
have focused on the negative regulation of oxidative stress responses by activated
growth signaling pathways, which leads to elevated intracellular levels of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) that damage DNA and other cellular components. However,
as has been reported in other model systems, increased oxidative stress and oxidative
damage do not always correlate with a shorter lifespan for example, inactivation
of catalases extends the chronological lifespan of budding yeast in concert with
elevated levels of both hydrogen peroxide and oxidative damage to cellular components (Mesquita et al. 2010). This suggests the existence of factors that contribute
to chronological aging other than (or in addition to) oxidative damage to DNA and
other molecules.
The strong inverse correlation between chronological lifespan and the failure of
stationary phase cells to efficiently arrest in G0/G1 when growth signaling is active
(Weinberger et al. 2010) suggests that sustained growth signaling can also promote
aging by inducing replication stress in cells that are driven into S phase while in stationary phase, where dNTPs and other factors required for efficient DNA replication
are reduced or absent (Weinberger et al. 2007). A key element of this model is that
the multiple events required for the coordinated entry into and progression through
S phase are regulated by different growth signaling pathways, not all of which may
be active in chronological aging experiments. This is perhaps best exemplified by the
discovery that constitutive activation of Ras2p (which shortens chronological lifespan) induces the transcription of the CLN3 gene, but not the transcription of RNR1
and other genes encoding proteins required for DNA replication (Wang et al. 2004).
CLN3 encodes the cyclin-dependent kinase activator Cln3 that promotes entry into
S phase. Ectopic expression of Cln3p shortens chronological lifespan in concert with
a higher frequency of mutations and an increased number of stationary phase cells
that remain in S phase (Weinberger et al. 2007). A similar failure to activate the full
panoply of growth signaling pathways required for normal cell division, including
efficient progression through S phase, may be responsible for the rapid death of stationary phase cells induced by adding glucose, but not other nutrients, to stationary
phase cultures (Granot et al. 2003).
At least one form of ROS produced downstream of growth signaling superoxide
anions also increases the number of cells that remain in the cell cycle in stationary
phase (Weinberger et al. 2010). This is similar to the more frequent growth arrest of
MnSOD-defective mouse cells in S phase when they are driven into quiescence by
contact inhibition (Sarsour et al. 2008), and both observations and may be related
to inhibitory effects of superoxide anions on DNA replication reported in mammals
(Chaudhuri et al. 2010; Zanetti et al. 2001). Therefore, an additional possibility is
that growth signaling also induces replication stress by inducing superoxide anions
that trap stationary phase cells in S phase.
Interestingly, stationary phase rad27 and sgs1 cells exhibit elevated levels
of ROS detected by a somewhat non-specific ROS probe (Ringvoll et al. 2007), and
we recently determined that these strains harbor elevated levels of superoxide anions
(data not shown). Elevated levels of superoxide anions have also been detected in
sic1 cells (Weinberger et al. 2010) that (as discussed above) suffer replication
stress due to a reduced number of active origins of DNA replication, and in DNA
repair mutants, where it may serve as a DNA damage signal (Rowe et al. 2008).
In the context of the inhibitory effects of superoxide anions on G0/G1 arrest in
stationary phase, superoxide produced as part of a DNA damage response could
participate in a self-amplifying regulatory loop that enhances both oxidative and
replicative stress in stationary phase cells.
The source of replication stress that triggers responses that require proteins such
as WRN and BLM in mammals and Sgs1p in budding yeast remains more of a mystery. Based on the results of yeast experiments, we proposed the model described
above that replication stress can arise as a consequence of imbalanced growth signaling that in budding yeast leads to trapping of stationary phase cells in S phase
(Weinberger et al. 2007). The replicative lifespan-extending effects of inactivating Sch9p and Tor1p might be explained by a reduction in imbalanced growth
signaling that prematurely drives dividing cells into S phase as well.
We proposed this model as a potential explanation for replication stress that had
been recently implicated in the senescent state of preneoplastic cells, which are also
trapped in S phase (Di Micco et al. 2006). This model was recently validated by
the discovery that in preneoplastic cells at early stages of cancer, uncoordinated
activation of pathways that enforce cell proliferation (such as pathways that depend
on E2F), but not pathways that upregulate dNTP metabolism, triggers senescence
by driving cells into S phase in the absence of sufficient dNTP pools to support
efficient DNA replication and maintain genome stability (Bester et al. 2011). As in
budding yeast, dNTP metabolism is downregulated in quiescent mammalian cells
(Hakansson et al. 2006). Subsequent findings in yeast described in this review
predict that an additional component of this recently described mechanism for
triggering senescence in mammals is sustained growth signaling coupled to the
downregulation of dNTP metabolism in stem cells or differentiating cells that are
transitioning into quiescence.
Whether DNA replication stress plays a role in intrinsic aging in complex eukaryotes is a larger mystery that remains almost completely unexplored. Relevant to this
question, a recent review of factors that cause genome instability in cancer cells suggests that replication stress is not an initiating event in neoplastic disease. Instead,
the general consensus appears to be that cancer is initiated by mutations that activate oncogenic growth signaling, which is generally viewed as the proximal cause of
DNA replication stress (Luo et al. 2009). However, the rapid death of dividing stationary phase budding yeast cells when growth signaling is enhanced by high levels
of glucose or by adding glucose, but not other nutrients to stationary phase cultures
coupled to numerous reports that high glucose inhibits DNA replication and induces
AKT-dependent growth signaling and DNA damage in mammalian cells (reviewed
in Weinberger et al. 2010) suggests an alternative possibility that in complex
eukaryotes, replication stress is induced both by oncogene activation and by hyperglycemia that leads to the mutational activation of oncogenes. Hyperglycemia is
a risk factor in neoplastic and other age-related diseases and this model provides
a potential link between diet and these diseases. Since the underlying mechanism
(glucose-induced replication stress that leads to DNA damage and senescence) may
contribute to aging as well, this model also provides a potential link between diet
and intrinsic aging.
Integration of the information regarding DNA damage and DNA replication
stress in budding yeast aging models presented in this review with information from
studies of aging in complex eukaryotes suggests a model for how DNA damage
and replication stress ultimately impact aging in budding yeast as well as aging
Fig. 9.1 Model for how DNA damage and DNA replication stress impact aging and age-related
diseases based on studies of S. cerevisiae and other organisms. According to this model, sustained
activation of growth signaling pathways by mitogens and/or glucose and other nutrients elevates
levels of ROS by inhibiting oxidative stress responses. It also induces DNA replication stress by
driving cells into S phase in the absence of sufficient dNTPs and other factors required for efficient
DNA replication. Elevated ROS also contribute to replication stress by trapping cells in S phase or
by signaling growth (rightward pointing arrow). At least in budding yeast, replication stress can
also elevate ROS (leftward pointing arrow). Both elevated ROS and DNA replication stress cause
DNA damage and mutations that lead to senescence and cell death. In mammals, DNA damage
that causes mutations in oncogenes can amplify growth signaling that promotes additional ROS
and DNA replication stress. Rarely, senescent preneoplastic cells regain the capacity to reproduce
when additional mutations occur in tumor suppressor genes required to maintain the senescent
state, and this leads to tumor formation. Maintenance of the senescent state promotes aging.
This model also predicts that caloric restriction attenuates growth signaling and therefore reduces
ROS, DNA damage and DNA replication stress and their downstream consequences for aging and
and age-related diseases in metazoans (Fig. 9.1). Most studies of aging have been
focused on effects of oxidative stress. The powerful tools available to investigators who study aging in the model organism budding yeast are ideally suited to
explore the broader impacts of DNA damage and DNA replication stress, in addition to oxidative stress, on aging summarized in this review and how they might be
mitigated by caloric restriction.
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Chapter 10
P. Laun et al.
and Pathological Histology using terms such as necrosis, necrobiosis, mortification, softening or degeneration. Around 1880 Karl Weigert (together with
Julius Cohnheim) identified the phenomenon of coagulation necrosis (Weigert
1880). We now understand that some of these experimental findings were misinterpreted by the authors. However, the observation that necrotic cells lose their
nuclei was important for further research and eventually led to the discovery
of autolysis (self-digestion) (Jacoby 1900), pyknosis (irreversible condensation
of chromatin) (Schmaus and Albrecht 1894), karyolysis (complete dissolution of
the chromatin) and karyorhexis (destructive fragmentation of the nucleus) (Klebs
1889) or chromatin margination (Arnheim 1890). As soon as cell staining techniques became available, spontaneous cell death was investigated as a physiological
event. Breakthrough publications by Walther Flemming describing chromatolysis
(Flemming 1885) led to numerous subsequent publications on cell death in lactating mammary glands (Nissen 1886), during ovarian follicle development (Ruge
1889), in breast cancer cells (Strbe 1892) and many other cell types and tissues (for
review see Glcksmann 1951). All of these studies described a specific mode of cell
death we now call apoptosis. However, in these earlier times pathologists mostly
considered cell death to be the result of external insults. Thus, death was thought to
occur passively, being merely inflicted on cells.
Modern apoptosis research begins with the seminal paper by Kerr et al. (1972)
which drew the attention of the scientific world to the previously ignored fact that
the ordered and programmed removal of cells of multicellular organisms under a
variety of physiological conditions is as important to organismal viability as is the
production of these cells. For the first time, a clear distinction was made between
apoptosis, a tightly regulated, non-inflammatory and mostly unnoticed process, and
necrosis, a process usually accompanied by inflammation. Within the next few years
additional morphological and biochemical characteristics of apoptotic cells as well
as molecular determinants regulating the apoptotic program have been identified.
The activation of endonucleases has been shown to be involved in the process of
apoptosis (Williams et al. 1974), serving as the first non-morphological marker of
this process. Subsequently, cleavage of DNA between nucleosomes, resulting in
DNA laddering, was found to accompany apoptotic cell death (Wyllie 1980).
In addition, the externalisation of phosphatidylserine to the outer leaflet of the
plasma membrane was identified as an early apoptotic event some years later (Fadok
et al. 1992).
At about the time Kerr defined the term apoptosis, Sydney Brenner successfully
introduced Caenorhabditis elegans as a genetic model system. The observation that
cell death occurs during development of C. elegans (Sulston 1976) and the evidence
that cell death in worms is caused by a specific, exclusive process (Horvitz et al.
1982) led to the discovery of the first ced mutants (Hedgecock et al. 1983). Horvitz
and his colleagues could show that 131 of the 1090 somatic cells formed during the
life of worms are destined to die during development (Ellis and Horvitz 1986).
In 1986 the human BCL-2 gene was cloned (Cleary et al. 1986; Tsujimoto and
Croce 1986). It was first assumed that BCL-2 was an oncogene encoding a protein
that promotes cell proliferation, because in non-Hodgkin follicular lymphoma, a
common human blood cell cancer, the gene is activated by the immuno-globulin
heavy chain enhancer leading to vigorous proliferation of B-cells. The interaction between BCL-2 and the enhancer is enabled by the well-known chromosome
translocation (14;18) near the tips of these two chromosomes. Two years later, Vaux
and colleagues (1988) demonstrated that high levels of BCL-2 protected cells from
death upon growth factor removal.
This finding immediately drew the attention of the scientific community to apoptosis and marked the beginning of intensive research on the molecular machinery
initiating and executing apoptosis. The fact that disruption of the apoptotic program eventually caused tumor proliferation electrified many scientists all over the
world. After this point in time various hallmarks of apoptosis were discovered in
quick succession, including the involvement of the tumor suppressor p53 in apoptosis regulation (Chiou et al. 1994; Yonish-Rouach et al. 1991), the role of different
cysteine-dependent aspartate-directed proteases (caspases) (Miura et al. 1993; Yuan
et al. 1993) and their activation pathways (Alderson et al. 1995; Chinnaiyan et al.
1997), the role of apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (Apaf-1) and mitochondrial
cytochrome c release (Liu et al. 1996). Additional pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins
such as BAX (Oltvai et al. 1993), BCL-XL (Muchmore et al. 1996), BIM (Bouillet
et al. 1999), or inhibitor of apoptosis genes (IAP) like p35 (Birnbaum et al. 1994;
Clem et al. 1991) were also identified.
In very general terms, at least three rather different biological purposes or
scenarios appear to activate the apoptotic machinery in cells:
(I) Cells commit suicide during the process of morphogenesis early in life.
(II) Cells that have accumulated damage beyond a certain threshold are removed
by apoptosis, thereby ensuring proper functioning of organs and tissues in
adult life.
(III) Senescent cells undergo apoptosis, a process that up to now has been studied mainly in cultured mammalian cells at the Hayflick limit (replicative
senescence) (Hampel et al. 2004). In contrast, some cell lines, (such as fibroblasts) are resistant to radiation-induced or p53-induced apoptotic stimuli at the
Hayflick limit. However, this resistance to apoptosis is not a general feature of
senescent cells.
A prominent example of morphogenic apoptosis in the embryo which has found its
way into numerous textbooks is the formation of digits of the mouse paw during
embryogenesis (Wood et al. 2000). In this work, the authors compared wild type
mice and homozygous PU.1 null mice, which do not produce mature macrophages,
osteoclasts, eosinophils or B-cells. PU.1 null mice also exhibit retarded and aberrant neutrophil development, undergo delayed T-lymphocyte differentiation and are
completely devoid of professional phagocytes as a consequence of an ETS family transcription factor mutation. Apoptotic cells were identified in this study by
acridine orange staining and by electron microscopic analysis of apoptotic bodies, which were either free (PU.1 null) or engulfed (WT; wildtype) by professional
P. Laun et al.
phagocytes. The defect of PU.1 null mice in the process of engulfment was partly
compensated for by mesenchymal cells.
Another role of apoptosis is the quality control of germ cells in the nematode and
in mammals. To eliminate any haploids harboring mutations caused by premeiotic
DNA synthesis, faulty segregation at the meiotic divisions and, perhaps also heteroplasmic mitochondrial mutations (Cree et al. 2008), a very high proportion of
the female germ cells undergo apoptosis and only a minute fraction survives (De
Felici et al. 2007). A comparable quality control mechanism has been observed in
mammalian male meiosis (Odorisio et al. 1998).
Later, apoptotic markers like DNA fragmentation as indicated by the TUNEL
(terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling method)
assay were detected in the mouse system (Fernandez-Teran et al. 2006). Furthermore
the signaling function of externalized phosphatidylserine and other possible surface markers was studied in more detail (Hamon et al. 2002; Henson and Hume
2006), and these studies revealed that externalized phosphatidylserine signals to
macrophages (which subsequently engulf the apoptotic cells) and also signals
downregulation of the inflammatory response (Cvetanovic et al. 2006).
During morphogenic development single mutations in genes encoding components of the apoptotic machinery mostly result in mild phenotypes. Occasionally
an embryonic or perinatal lethal phenotype can be detected, like in the DNAse
II homozygous knock-out mutant (Evans and Aguilera 2003; Kawane et al. 2001,
2003). However, this might not be due to a loss of apoptotic functions. Instead, it
may be related to a defect in an essential day-job function of the DNAse II, for
instance in haematopoiesis.
Remarkably, not only are proteins pivotally important to the execution of the
programmed cell death process conserved to a certain degree, but also the signals
and mechanisms that underlie the removal of apoptotic cells appear to be conserved
between widely divergent animal species, including D. melanogaster, nematodes
and vertebrates. However, there is also evidence that the well-characterized mitochondrial pathway of cell death in the invertebrates C. elegans and D. melanogaster
is not universally conserved among animals (Oberst et al. 2008). Nevertheless, the
multiple stimuli (pathways) that converge on apoptotic processes and the presumed
multiplicity of apoptotic mechanisms requires detailed elucidation and poses a challenge to current research. For instance, little is known about the signals (intracellular
and extracellular) leading to the embryonic morphogenic apoptosis described above
or the degree of conservation between the pathways culminating in embryonic and
other forms of apoptosis.
The complete genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been sequenced, and this
information together with the relatively facile genetic manipulations that are possible in this organism has generated an enormous collection of available mutants
and research tools. Since many basic features of eukaryotic physiology are conserved across phyla, this model system has been employed to delineate many of the
molecular players, pathways and subroutines underlying human disease, including
the roles and mechanisms of apoptosis.
In earlier studies the yeast system was employed to study the actions of mammalian pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins in live cells that offered the advantages of
conserved biological processes and reduced complexity but were also believed to
lack the apoptotic machinery. The heterologous expression of mammalian p53, for
example, was observed to cause a severe defect in cell proliferation, while BAX
triggered yeast cell death. However, in these studies yeast cells killed by expression
of mammalian BAX did not exhibit apoptotic changes like nuclear fragmentation,
internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, chromatin margination or any other classical
morphological feature of apoptosis (Bischoff et al. 1992; Jurgensmeier et al. 1997).
The lack of a typical apoptotic phenotype and of obvious apoptotic players led to
the assumption that yeast, though an ideal model organism to study components of
the mammalian apoptotic machinery, does not undergo apoptosis itself.
This assumption was challenged in 1997 when Frank Madeo and co-workers
published a pioneering study on a temperature-sensitive cdc48 mutant strain. At
non-permissive temperatures this strain exhibits many of the same markers of
apoptosis detected in multicellular organisms, but in the absence of heterologous
apoptotic genes. Similar to mammalian cells, dying cdc48 cells exhibit DNA fragmentation detectable using the TUNEL assay, exposure of phosphatidylserine at
the outer layer of the cytoplasmic membrane (as indicated by Annexin V staining),
ROS accumulation (quantifiable using dihydrorhodamine or dihydroethidium) and
chromatin condensation and fragmentation (Madeo et al. 1997). Madeo et al. also
demonstrated that the occurrence of these events was highly coordinated, implying
the presence of a molecular machinery in yeast that executes apoptosis.
Since then, a large number of studies have demonstrated the existence of conserved apoptotic regulators in yeast. Various exogenous triggers (e.g. acetic acid,
aspirin, UV radiation, paclitaxel, edelfosine, arsenic, bleomycin, amiodarone, heat,
salt, sugar, several heavy metals, hypochlorous acid and many others) (reviewed in
Carmona-Gutierrez et al. 2010) as well as dysfunction of conserved mitochondrial,
proteasomal, or peroxisomal pathways and defective N-glycosylation and actin
dynamics have been shown to culminate in apoptotic death of yeast cells. These
studies highlight the potential the yeast system offers for further understanding
programmed cell death, including in higher eukaryotes.
P. Laun et al.
Fig. 10.1 The basic molecular machinery of yeast apoptosis. Various proteins of the molecular machinery executing mammalian cell death are conserved in yeast, including the yeast
caspase Yca1p, the apoptosis-inducing factor Aif1p, yeast endonuclease G (Nuc1p), Cdc48p,
the serine protease HtrA2/Omi (Nma111p), yeast AMID (Ndi1p), the survivin Bir1p and many
others. Furthermore, yeast apoptosis involves complex processes like histone modification, mitochondrial fragmentation and cytochrome c release and is linked to impaired proteasomal and
peroxisomal function, cytoskeletal perturbations and defects in ubiquitination, N-glycosylation,
DNA replication, and RNA stability
P. Laun et al.
Keeping in mind the crucial role of mitochondria in the apoptotic program, the
mitochondrial proteome of apoptotic- and non-apoptotic cells has been compared
(Braun et al. 2006; Rinnerthaler et al. 2006). It was found that Mmi1p translocates
from cytosol to the outer mitochondrial membrane in cells subjected to different
stressors that induce cell death. The relocalization of this highly conserved protein
under these conditions establishes a functional link between microtubules and mitochondria (Rinnerthaler et al. 2006). It was subsequently determined that the human
homologue of Mmi1p, TCTP (translationally controlled tumour protein), inserts into
the membrane of isolated rat mitochondria (Susini et al. 2008) and accumulating evidence indicates that TCTP exerts an anti-apoptotic function either by direct (Susini
et al. 2008) or indirect (Liu et al. 2005; Yang et al. 2005) inhibition of BAX-induced
cell death.
Additional mitochondrial proteins that are involved in the apoptotic program are
Uth1p and Yme1p. Uth1p, a protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane and an
eponymous member of the SUN (SIM1, UTH1, NCA3) family (Camougrand et al.
2000) has proven to be a jack-of-all-trades. This marvelous protein is involved in
such diverse functions as cell wall biogenesis (Ritch et al. 2010), oxidative stress
responses (Bandara et al. 1998) and mitophagy (Camougrand et al. 2000). In a
genetic screen UTH1 was also demonstrated to be essential for BAX-induced cell
killing in yeast. However, in a strain from which UTH1 has been deleted, BAX
still localizes to mitochondria, which results in cytochrome c release (Camougrand
et al. 2003, 2004). Yme1p localizes to the inner mitochondrial membrane and
functions as an AAA-protease (Leonhard et al. 1999; Palermo et al. 2007). The
BAX-induced cytochrome c release from yeast mitochondria is accompanied by
degradation of cytochrome c oxidase and this degradation is strictly dependent on
Yme1p. Therefore it is not surprising that deletion of YME1 results in delayed
BAX-induced cell death (Manon et al. 2001).
The yeast homolog of mammalian HtrA2/Omi, the pro-apoptotic serine protease
Nma111p (nuclear mediator of apoptosis) plays a role in the execution of apoptosis,
because its deletion diminishes and its overexpression enhances the development of
apoptotic markers induced by heat shock and oxidative stress (Fahrenkrog et al.
2004). Interestingly, one of the rare IAP (inhibitor-of-apoptosis) proteins identified in yeast, Bir1p, has been shown to be a substrate of Nma111p (Walter et al.
2006). Another protein with a proven anti-apoptotic function in yeast is the E3
ubiquitin protein ligase Bre1p. The anti-apoptotic feature of this ligase is linked
to the ubiquitination of one of its substrates, namely the histone H2B that for
example plays an essential role in checkpoint activation in case of DNA damage
(Walter et al. 2010). Multiple other proteins have been shown to be involved in
the regulation of yeast apoptosis, including the nuclease Tat-D (Qiu et al. 2005),
Ost2p, which is the yeast homologue of the mammalian defender of apoptosis1 (DAD1) protein (Hauptmann et al. 2006), and Ste20p, a kinase that mediates
pheromone-induced apoptosis in yeast (Severin and Hyman 2002). Other proteins
include Stm1p, a DNA-binding protein that contributes to apoptosis (Ligr et al.
2001), the mitochondrial protein Ysp1p, which is essential for apoptosis-induced
mitochondrial fragmentation (Pozniakovsky et al. 2005a), the anti-silencing protein
Asf1p, inactivation of which strongly affects the nucleosome turnover resulting
in the induction of apoptosis (Yamaki et al. 2001) and many others (reviewed
in Carmona-Gutierrez et al. 2010). Furthermore, apoptotic processes such as the
release of cytochrome c from mitochondria (Ludovico et al. 2002; Manon et al.
1997), the opening of a high conductance channel within the mitochondrial membrane (Pavlov et al. 2001), dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential, and
mitochondrial fragmentation (Pozniakovsky et al. 2005b) have been observed in
yeast, in addition to higher eukaryotes. As mentioned above, apoptotic death can
be induced exogenously e.g. by acetic acid (Ludovico et al. 2001), oxidative stress
(Madeo et al. 1999; Narasimhan et al. 2001), SICD (sugar induced cell death; Granot
et al. 2003) or salt stress (Huh et al. 2002; Wadskog et al. 2004). There are also two
important scenarios where the induction of apoptosis occurs endogenously specifically, replicative and chronological aging. Considering all of the above observations,
the relevance of apoptosis in yeast physiology can no longer be ignored.
P. Laun et al.
et al. 2000; Pietenpol and Stewart 2002). Furthermore, loss of checkpoint control
has been shown to trigger apoptosis (Luo et al. 2001; Wang et al. 2003).
This is intriguing, because senescent yeast mother cells often die in the middle of
an ongoing cell cycle (Pichova et al. 1997), displaying markers of apoptosis (Laun
Fig. 10.2 Yeast exhibits markers of apoptosis during replicative aging. Using a method developed
in our laboratory for the enrichment of senescent (terminal) yeast mother cells we investigated
cytological markers of oxidative stress and of apoptosis in senescent cells (Fraction V) and, for
comparison, in young daughter cells (Fraction II) that had undergone the same elutriation procedure (Laun et al. 2001). a Fraction V cells after staining with Calcofluor White M2R and viewing
under a fluorescence microscope. b Fraction II cells treated exactly as in a. The majority of
these cells are virgins with just one (dark) birth scar. The cells are smaller than in a. c Fraction
V cells after staining of nuclei with DAPI. Note diffuse chromatin and, occasionally, multiple
nuclei. d Fraction II cells treated exactly as above. Note compact well-defined nuclei. e Fraction
V cells were stained with DHR (indicating ROS) and viewed and photographed under a confocal
laser-scanning fluorescence microscope. The stained cells show typical mitochondrial morphology. f The same sample in phase contrast. g Fraction II cells treated as above show only very
weak staining indicating a low mitochondrial ROS load. h The same sample as in g viewed in
phase contrast. i Fraction V cells were fixed, cell walls were digested and strand breaks in DNA
were detected by the TUNEL assay. Nuclei containing large amounts of DNA strand breaks were
stained black by the diaminobenzidine H2 O2 reaction after incorporation of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled dUTP and treatment with anti-FITC antibody Fab fragment from sheep
coupled with horseradish peroxidase. Positive staining was observed in about 20% of the 500 cells
that were examined in each sample. In some cases (arrows), mother and daughter cells from a
pair were both TUNEL positive, indicating that the last daughters of old apoptotic mother cells are
sometimes also apoptotic. j Fraction II cells were treated and stained as in i. Practically no TUNELpositive staining was observed. k Fraction V cells were stained for exposed phosphatidylserine with
FITC-conjugated annexin V after digestion of cell walls with glusulase/lyticase and viewed under
a fluorescence microscope. l The same sample was washed and stained with propidium iodide
and viewed using the fluorescein filter set. This control shows that the annexin-positive cells in
k are not lysed or damaged. m Fraction II cells stained for phosphatidylserine with FITC conjugated annexin V and viewed under a fluorescence microscope. A sample with a very infrequently
observed annexin-positive cell (arrow) is shown. n The same sample stained with propidium iodide
showing that the marked cell is lysed (arrow). o The same sample as in m and n shown in phase
contrast. It is obvious here as well that the marked cell is lysed (arrow)
et al. 2001; Fig. 10.2) . The old mother cells either arrest with a daughter cell still
attached (varying in size) or initiate a new cell cycle although the previous one is
still not finished correctly (Nestelbacher et al. 1999). A lack of control mechanisms
would therefore lead to aneuploid cells among the daughters of these mother cells.
This is a striking parallel to many human cancer cells, which also have lost cell cycle
control and are often aneuploid.
The correlation between apoptosis and oxidative stress seems to be general. Even
in cases where the primary cause of apoptosis is unrelated to oxidative stress (for
instance during faulty response to DNA damage, see above), the apoptotic destruction program that is turned on includes production of ROS (Marchetti et al. 2006;
Weinberger et al. 2005).
P. Laun et al.
Fig. 10.3 Yeast exhibits markers of apoptosis during chronological aging. Chronologically aged
yeast cultures of BY4741 die exhibiting typical markers of apoptosis and accumulate oxygen radicals (Herker et al. 2004). a Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as indicated by the
superoxide-driven oxidation of non-fluorescent dihydroethidium (DHE) to fluorescent ethidium.
b Apoptotic DNA fragmentation visualized using the TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling) assay. c Co-staining of Annexin V and propidium iodide to detect
apoptotic phosphatidylserine externalization and necrotic loss of membrane integrity. d DAPI
staining to detect nuclear fragmentation and chromatin condensation (arrows)
mother cell-specific aging processes of yeast cells, which represent distinct physiological scenarios, lead to apoptosis of terminally senescent cells. Fluorescence
microscopic analysis of chronological dying yeast cells stained for specific apoptotic
markers are depicted in Fig. 10.3.
Replicative aging depends on the number of cell generations a mother cell is
able to undergo and is independent of calendar time. Analyzing a cohort of mother
cells, the distribution of lifespans of the single cells follows the Gompertz law.
During their lifespan, mother cells become much larger than their daughter cells
and display a prolonged cell cycle time. They exhibit reduced translational activity
of ribosomes as well as a massive accumulation of ROS indicated by strong DHR
staining of the mitochondria. Their actin cytoskeleton collapses at the terminal stage
and forms large F-actin clumps. Nuclear structure changes from compact to fuzzy.
The whole aging process occurs in the presence of nutrients and has nothing to do
with starvation (Breitenbach et al. 2003; Laun et al. 2001).
Contrary to this scenario for replicative aging, chronologically aged (stationary)
yeast cells, which are reproductively still young, undergo a process of senescence
due to lack of nutrients. During chronological aging, yeast cells in which the
Yca1p metacaspase has been inactivated exhibit improved survival and reduced
ROS production (Herker 2004). However, the avoidance of apoptotic death under
these circumstances appears to provide a rather short-term advantage. In a direct
competition assay, cells deleted of YCA1 are outlived by wild type cells (Herker
2004), perhaps indicating that apoptotic death of old or damaged cells may be
necessary for the maintenance of long-term viability of the total clonal yeast
In stationary phase cultures two quite different cell populations can be obtained
by isolation on density gradients (Allen et al. 2006; Werner-Washburne et al.
Chapter 6, this volume). The first population (cells from the lower and thus denser
fraction) consists of cells that remain perfectly viable, resistant to stress and exhibit
a long chronological lifespan. This lifespan elongation is due to a process of differentiation involving changes of the cell wall and synthesis of reserve carbohydrates
like trehalose and glycogen. In addition, they initiate a cell cycle arrest with a G1
content of DNA that resembles a true G0 state. These cells represent the daughter
cells resulting from the last cell division cycle that occurred in culture. The second
population (cells from the upper fraction) in a stationary culture is rather heterogeneous, harbouring older mother cells and adherent daughter cells in unfinished cell
cycles. These cells exhibit decreased viability and increased levels of oxygen radicals compared to cells found in the quiescent fraction. Eventually, both populations
at very different times undergo apoptosis. The role of apoptosis in postmitotic aging
has been described as an adaptive trait that was positively selected for during evolution (Buttner et al. 2006; Skulachev 2002). Selection for this trait may have been
driven by the survival of adjacent yeast cells in times of nutrient scarcity.
This model was further elaborated by Longo and Skulachev who hypothesized
that most aging processes (including those that occur in higher organisms) have
an adaptive value and are altruistic (Longo et al. 2005). However this and similar hypotheses concerning multicellular organisms should be viewed skeptically
because strong arguments to the contrary have been put forward (Kirkwood and
Proctor 2003; Lithgow and Kirkwood 1996; Vijg 2000). For example: The vast
majority of individuals in a wild population never reaches senescence, and therefore it is unclear how selection for the process of aging would occur. The argument
that the force of biological selection is at work only until progeny has been procreated and can survive on their own, clearly contradicts a direct positive selection of
aging and individual death. Nevertheless, models like the somatic mutation theory
of aging (Medawar 1951; Orgel 1963; Szilard 1959), or the theory of antagonstic pleiotropy (Medawar 1951; Williams 2001) may be helpful to understand the
evolutionary context of ageing. The latter theory favors the accumulation (during
evolution) of late-acting deleterious mutations which are beneficial in youth but
lead to an increase in mortality rates late in life.
Concerning yeast mother cell-specific aging, the death of senescent mother cells
is absolutely irrelevant for the growing yeast strain or the growing yeast colony.
A normal yeast wild-type strain displays a median lifespan of about 2030 generations and a maximum lifespan of about 5060 generations (Breitenbach et al. 2003).
Taking into consideration that the fraction of cells which is senescent in a population of yeast cells is exceedingly small (Breitenbach et al. 2003) and the nutrients
supplied by the death and lysis of the old mother cells are therefore negligible, the
positive value of the demise of the senescent mother cells is unclear. Therefore, there
must be more convincing reasons why those old mother cells undergo apoptosis.
One key observation is that cell division cycles of budding yeast are asymmetric,
resulting in rejuvenated daughter cells that have reset their clock to zero (Jazwinski
et al. 1989), and a mother cell which in every cell cycle acquires a gradual change in
the parameters mentioned above. This asymmetric division is also found in metazoa,
e.g. in the division of human stem cells. Here, the division also results in one new
stem cell and one cell that undergoes cellular differentiation.
In living cells, metabolism unavoidably produces waste. Thus, there must be
mechanisms to eliminate that waste either by removing it or at least by ensuring
P. Laun et al.
that the load of waste is not passed on to progeny. The latter is achieved by asymmetric segregation of waste between mother and daughter cells to ensure that the
species can survive over evolutionary time spans (Klinger et al. 2010).
Oxidation products of cellular components represent predominantly, but not
exclusively, the main part of waste in yeast cells as well as in higher eukaryotic cells. One method for quantification of oxidative damage is the detection of
carbonylated proteins. The carbonyl groups which exist on proteins due to oxidative reactions (protein carbonyls) are conjugated with p-nitro phenylhydrazine
to form hydrazones, which subsequently are decorated with standardized antibodies directed to p-nitro phenylhydrazone (the oxy-blot technique; Nystrom 2005;
Requena et al. 2003). It has been clearly demonstrated that in yeast cells cytoplasmic
as well as mitochondrial proteins are oxidized during the aging process as well as
under stress conditions that are known to induce apoptosis (Aguilaniu et al. 2003).
Carbonylation is observed on a small number of proteins and with a strong bias
in the mother cell, not in the daughter cell (Aguilaniu et al. 2003; Erjavec et al.
2007; Erjavec and Nystrom 2007). The mechanism of this asymmetric segregation
or asymmetric scavenging, which also occurs in E. coli and in higher eukaryotes (Erjavec and Nystrom 2007) is presently under investigation (Liu et al. 2010;
Winkler et al. 2010). The group of Thomas Nystrm was able to identify the protein
complex responsible for the retention of damaged and aggregated proteins as well
as the machinery that segregates protein aggregates during the mitotic cell cycle
the polarisome. In the polarisome, the interaction of the yeast formin Bni1p, with
Myo2p and Sir2p is responsible for the retention of damaged material in the mother
cell. Surprisingly, the daughter cells can clear themselves of protein aggregates by
polarisome-dependent, actin cable-dependent retrograde transport (Liu et al. 2010).
Disruption of asymmetric segregation by introducing mutations into the yeast
SIR2 gene leads to the expected shortening of the lifespan (Erjavec et al. 2007).
Almost all of the tested polarity mutants of the polarisome (Liu et al. 2010) show
accelerated aging. It seems plausible that survival and evolutionary success of a
(single-celled) species primarily depends on the ability to asymmetrically segregate
damage during cell division cycles. The gradual accumulation of damage in mother
cells leads to the activation of programmed cell death once a certain threshold is
reached and finally to senescence and cell death. This kind of cell death clearly
is evolutionarily neutral and is therefore not selected against; however it is not
What appears to be a genetic program of aging is more or less the genetic program(s) of stress responses, because the accumulation of damage causes aging cells
to accumulate stress, most importantly, oxidative stress. Part of this stress response
program is identical with the apoptotic program, which in a rudimentary form
existed in evolution before the first multicellular organisms appeared and still exists
today in many single celled organisms. However, the apoptotic response to stress
has evolved to become an extremely complex system in higher metazoans. All at the
moment known yeast apoptotic genes and the effect of their deletion on the aging
processes (chronological and replicative) are summarized in Table 10.1. It is obvious
that deletion of a pro-apoptotic gene does not always result in the expected lifespan
Table 10.1 The connection between apoptosis, replicative and chronological aging. List of all
yeast genes known to be part of the apoptotic machinery. In nearly every case the deletion of
one of these apoptotic genes impacts either chronological or replicative lifespan. The impact on
replicative lifespan of deleting just four genes (DNM1, UTH1, MMI1 and FIS1) has been examined
so far. Although these four genes exhibit pro- as well as anti-apoptotic functions, the replicative
lifespan in each case is increased. Therefore, the relationship between apoptosis and replicative
lifespan remains unclear
Chronological lifespan
Replicative lifespan
Overexpression increased
(Walter et al. 2006)
Decreased (Burtner et al.
not viable
Increased (Scheckhuber
et al. 2007)
Increased (Kennedy et al.
1995; Weng et al. 2010)
not viable
Increased (Scheckhuber
et al. 2007)
Increased (Managbanag
et al. 2008;
Rinnerthaler et al.
P. Laun et al.
elongation, but the trend is very clear: deletion of a pro-apoptotic gene results in
a prolonged chronological lifespan, whereas deletion of an anti-apoptotic gene has
the opposite effect. There are exceptions to this general trend, however. Deletion of
Mmi1 is one of the rare mutations that prolongs replicative as well as the chronological lifespan (Managbanag et al. 2008; Powers et al. 2006; Rinnerthaler et al. 2006).
Since MMI1 is an anti-apoptotic gene, one might assume the opposite effect would
occur. In addition to its role as part of the apoptotic machinery, however, Mmi1
has a day-job as a ribosome associated protein. Recently it was demonstrated that
heterozygous deletion of several ribosomal proteins can lead to a robust increase in
yeast replicative lifespan, by as much as 45% (Chiocchetti et al. 2007). However, as
can be seen in Table 10.1, at the time of writing too few replicative lifespan experiments have been performed to draw a general conclusion concerning the correlation
between deletion of apoptotic genes and replicative lifespan.
2005). A similar modulation of ribosome function has been reported for the aging
process (Singh 2004; Syntichaki et al. 2007).
In mammalian cells, this translational modulation which is initiated by
the unfolded protein response leads to differential translation of ATF4 and
Bip/GRP78 mRNAs, both encoding anti-apototic proteins, via PERK kinase and
eIF2 phosphorylation. The kinases that mediate translational response to stress
(starvation stress and ER stress) are antagonized by kinases that mediate nutrient
signaling and growth signals.
The TOR (Target of Rapamycin) kinase is a highly conserved, central controller of cell growth and is active in two distinct multisubunit complexes in
yeast, the rapamycin sensitive TORC1 and the rapamycin insensitive TORC2 complex. TORC1 controls protein synthesis and ribsosome biogenesis by regulating
translation. Under regulation of phosphorylated S6 kinase and eIF-4B binding protein (4E-BP), two key regulators of translation initiation, TORC1 orchestrates the
increased translation of mRNAs encoding growth control genes, at the same time
that it represses genes encoding components of the apoptotic machinery. In this way,
active TORC1 favors translation of mRNAs that drive cellular growth, which is supported by the timely expression of antiapoptotic proteins, to compensate for cellular
stress derived from increased protein synthesis, i.e. activation of the UPR pathway. On the other hand, aberrant activation of the TOR pathway induces apoptosis,
which is a crucial event in the early response to malignant development (Thedieck
et al. 2007).
Ribosomal proteins (RP) have been shown to regulate activity of the prototypic
apoptotic protein p53. Ribosomal proteins L23, L11, and L5 regulate P53 activity by
abrogating Mdm2-induced degradation and RPL26 modulates p53 translation (He
and Sun 2007). A variant ribosomal protein, S27L, is pro-apoptotic and synthesized
under the direct control by p53 (He and Sun 2007). It will be interesting to learn
whether these RPs are involved in a translational switch between growth and stressinduced apoptosis.
Regarding the relation between aging and apoptosis in yeast, two very obvious questions need to be answered. Firstly, we have to ask whether apoptosis is the cause or
a consequence of senescence and secondly, whether the apoptotic killing of yeast
cells is an adaptive trait.
The first question can be answered by comparing the mother cell specific lifespan
or the chronological lifespan of deletion mutants corresponding to the apoptotic
yeast genes identified so far with the lifespan of the wild type strain. In general,
there is very little concordance between the mother cell-specific and chronological lifespan data obtained with the 4800 deletion mutants (Laun et al. 2006).
This published data has been re-examined and compared with the data obtained
in our laboratory for mutants in apoptotic genes (Laun et al. 2008). Interestingly,
deletion mutants in genes coding for proapoptotic proteins mostly exhibit an
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Chapter 11
The maintenance of the integrity of living systems depends on the existence of
different quality control pathways (reviewed in Tatsuta and Langer 2008). Failure
of these pathways may lead to severe impairments, diseases and even cell death.
Especially mitochondria need careful surveillance, because as organelles of oxidative phosphorylation they are both prominent sources and targets of reactive oxygen
species (ROS). ROS are capable to cause massive damage to biologically relevant
molecules. Several lines of defence exist to prevent / minimise the toxic effects of
ROS and other damaging agents (Fig. 11.1).
At the molecular level, various proteases have been identified that degrade
aggregated mitochondrial proteins. At the organellar level mitochondrial quality
surveillance is controlled by fusion and fission of mitochondria. This kind of dynamics is capable to restore the function of impaired organelles by content mixing.
If mitochondria are damaged too severely, they can be removed by a specific
degradation process termed mitophagy. If all quality control systems fail, cells can
eventually be eliminated by apoptosis which constitutes a cellular level of quality
The controlled growth and function of any living being is not possible without continuous synthesis of proteins (e.g., structure proteins and enzymes) and organelles
(e.g., nuclei, microbodies, mitochondria). However, equally important is the
degradation and recycling of damaged and non-functional proteins and organelles
which might cause severe problems to the cell if not sufficiently removed from
the cytoplasm. Therefore, the cell has to achieve a carefully regulated homeostatic
balance between the opposing processes of synthesis and degradation. In eukaryotic
Age-induced damage
= component
= damage
within the cell
Recycling of
within the cell
Apoptotic cell
death of
damaged cells
Fig. 11.1 Mitochondrial quality control systems and recycling of vital components. Top panel:
Molecular repair mechanisms are capable to remove damage suffered during aging. Components
of the DNA repair machinery and proteases belong to this first line of defence. Middle panel: If
molecular repair mechanisms are not able to cope with the damage load, whole organelles can
be specifically degraded. Mitophagy and pexophagy allow the cell to get rid of dysfunctional
mitochondria and peroxisomes, before they can cause further damage to the cell. Functional components can be efficiently recycled so that the cell still benefits from the degraded organelles.
Bottom panel: The cell is able to eliminate cells via apoptosis when the progressive accumulation of damaged organelles leaves no other choice. Membranes are being dissolved (dashed
lines) and cellular contents leak out of the apoptotic cells. These compounds can be internalised and utilised by neighbouring cells. If this last line of defence fails, detrimental effects
on the individual organism or the population are the result. M: mitochondrion, N: nucleus,
P: peroxisome
organisms, several systems were described which are capable to remove exhausted,
damaged or unwanted cellular components. One intensively studied field dealing
with this issue is autophagy, which can be sub-divided into several different
pathways (reviewed in Todde et al. 2009). Macroautophagy is a non-specific uptake
(bulk) or a specific (selective) uptake of components of the cytoplasm by so-called
autophagosomes which are double membrane vesicles. After enclosing their
prey, they fuse with vacuolar (fungi, plants) or lysosomal (animals) membranes,
respectively. These degradation compartments contain an array of enzymes for
efficient breakdown of macromolecules into their building blocks. Macropexophagy
is a selective process for degrading targeted peroxisomes which has been mainly
described in methylotrophic yeast species, Candida boidinii and Hansenula
polymorpha, respectively (Veenhuis et al. 1978, 1983; Tuttle and Dunn 1995). In
contrast to macroautophagy, microautophagy is not dependent on the engulfment
of cytoplasmic material by autophagosomes. Here, the vacuolar membrane is able
to form either tubular invaginations or even protrusions into the cytoplasm which
ensures uptake of cellular components to be degraded in the lumen of the vacuole.
Microautophagy can be sub-divided into several classes, including micropexophagy, piecemeal autophagy of the nucleus and mitophagy (selective degradation
of dysfunctional mitochondria) (reviewed in Todde et al. 2009; Tolkovsky 2009).
Mitophagy enables the cell to specifically degrade and recycle deteriorated
mitochondria (reviewed in Tolkovsky 2009). One important factor contributing to
mitochondrial damage is the formation of ROS within these organelles as toxic
by-products of oxidative phosphorylation (reviewed in Starkov 2008). Oxidatively
modified components of the respiratory chain can further increase ROS-mediated
stress so that eventually a vicious cycle causing further oxidative insult to the
cell is initiated. Therefore, energetically compromised mitochondria have to be
removed from the mitochondrial population without affecting fully functional ones.
In the past years, a number of yeast genes have been identified which influence
mitophagy in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Kennedy et al. 1995; Campbell
and Thorsness 1998; Camougrand and Rigoulet 2001; Camougrand et al. 2003;
Kissova et al. 2007; Nowikovsky et al. 2007; Tal et al. 2007) (Fig. 11.2).
UTH1 (youth 1) encodes an outer mitochondrial membrane protein and was
originally identified in a screen for genes regulating S. cerevisiae replicative lifespan
(Kennedy et al. 1995). Independently, UTH1 was described as an apoptosis regulator
in yeast, where it is required for activation of cell death by heterologous expression of mammalian pro-apoptosis factor BAX (Camougrand and Rigoulet 2001;
Camougrand et al. 2003). The characterisation of a UTH1 mutant revealed that
mitophagy is affected, suggesting a specific role for UTH1 in this process (Kissova
et al. 2007). Moreover, UTH1 cells are more resistant to rapamycin mediated cell
death (Camougrand et al. 2003). Rapamycin is capable of eliciting autophagy by
inhibiting the TOR (target of rapamycin) kinase which is involved in nutrient
sensing and various other cellular functions (reviewed in De Virgilio and Loewith
K+ / H+
Fig. 11.2 Proteins involved in mitophagy in S. cerevisiae. UTH1 is located in the outer mitochondrial membrane. The exact localisation of AUP1 in the intermembrane space has, so far, been not
determined. It is speculated, however, that it is either associated with the inner surface area of the
outer membrane or the outer surface area of the inner membrane. MDM38 and YME1 are both
localised in the inner membrane. MDM38 is a component of the K+ /H+ exchanger which protects
the mitochondrial matrix from K+ overload. YME1 is assembled as homo-oligomers which form
the i-AAA protease. Key functions of this protease involve degradation of damaged or misfolded
proteins and chaperone-like activities to prevent the aggregation of unfolded proteins. Modified
after Tolkovsky (2009)
2006). So far, the precise function of UTH1 has not been elucidated. Remarkably,
UTH1 loss of function mutants display (albeit moderate) longevity (Kennedy et al.
1995). Mitochondrial biogenesis is negatively affected in UTH1 strains. This was
demonstrated by measuring reduced levels of respiratory chain cytochromes (aa3 ,
b and c) and lowered activities of a mitochondrial key enzyme, citrate synthase
(Camougrand et al. 2000). It is speculated that the prolonged lifespan of the UTH1
mutants is due to a decreased production of ROS by fewer but more efficient mitochondria (Camougrand and Rigoulet 2001). Concrete information on the importance
of autophagy (mitophagy) as a quality control system influencing the aging process is still scarce. In Arabidopsis thaliana it was shown that the disruption of
autophagy genes leads to stress hypersensitivity and even premature senescence of
leaves (Doelling et al. 2002; Hanaoka et al. 2002). The absence of autophagy leads
to failure of nutrient redistribution and cell death in the investigated A. thaliana
mutants. This process is probably under control of proteolytic systems. Melndez
et al. down regulated the expression of genes encoding autophagy components in the
nematode Caenorhabditis elegans via RNAi (Melndez et al. 2003). When the synthesis of the pre-autophagosome forming protein BEC-1 is inhibited in long-lived
daf2 (gene encoding an insulin receptor analog) mutants, the increase in median
lifespan is reduced. These findings suggest that autophagy acts downstream of the
insulin-like pathway in C. elegans. Autophagy also seems to be important for lifespan extension via caloric restriction in mammals. Here it was shown that autophagy
declines progressively with the aging of rodents (Donati et al. 2001). This decline
was less apparent in long-lived calorie-restricted rats. Moreover, autophagy was
initiated less efficiently with age in the ad libitum-fed rats. This indicates that a
persistent metabolic state close to starvation allows a more efficient reaction towards
nutrient limitation.
In contrast to UTH1 cells, deletion strains of AUP1 display increased sensitivity
against rapamycin (Tal et al. 2007). AUP1, which is localised in the mitochondrial
inter-membrane space, is proposed to flag the organelles for selective degradation
in stationary phase cells: in AUP1-positive but not in AUP1 cells, mitochondria
become degraded by mitophagy after an incubation time of 3 days. Mitochondrial
degradation in this experiment was monitored by observing a translocation of
mitochondrial-targeted GFP to the vacuoles and aconitase degradation (Tal et al.
2007). Interestingly, AUP1-GFP itself seems to escape vacuolar degradation. It was
shown that AUP1 has a potential phosphatase activity, but it is not known whether
this is necessary for fulfilling its function during mitophagy. Similar to UTH1,
the exact function of AUP1 during mitophagy remains to be clarified although the
studies performed on this protein suggest that mitophagy is a specific process.
YME1 (yeast mitochondrial escape) belongs to the family of AAA metalloproteases (reviewed in Shafer et al. 1999; van Dyck and Langer 1999). The protein
is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane while the catalytic site faces the
intermembrane space. Yeast mutants in which YME1 is deleted contain fragmented
mitochondria when grown on non-fermentable carbon sources (i.e. ethanol/glycerol)
(Campbell and Thorsness 1998). Mitochondria were not only localised near vacuole
invaginations but were also found to be taken up and degraded within the vacuolar lumen. Being important for processing of various proteins like COX2 (subunit
of respiratory chain cytochrome-c oxidase, Nakai et al. 1995) and NDE1 (external
mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase, Luttik et al. 1998) it remains to be shown if
it is the absence of YME1 itself or one of its processed target proteins which signals
MDM38 is situated in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it has an
essential function in the regulation of K+ /H+ distribution which is important for
volumetric control of mitochondria (Nowikovsky et al. 2004; Froschauer et al.
2005). MDM38 depletion leads first to mitochondrial swelling due to K+ influx
into the matrix, then dissipation of the membrane potential ( M ), fragmentation, and eventually degradation by mitophagy (Nowikovsky et al. 2007). If the
K+ /H+ exchange activity is inhibited by the ionophore nigericin, the phenotype
of the MDM38 is reverted. Interestingly, a double mutant which is deficient in
mitochondrial fission (MDM38 / DNM1) contained swollen mitochondria displaying reduced M , but no mitophagy was observed. These data show that the
controlled division of mitochondria is necessary in MDM38 cells for mitophagy
to occur.
In yeast and mammalian cells, mitochondrial fission can sometimes lead to
the generation of depolarised mitochondria which are prone to degradation by
autophagy (mitophagy) (Twig et al. 2008a). Therefore, fragmentation of mitochondria is hypothesised to be important for their turn-over (Twig et al. 2008a).
Consequently, if components of the fission machinery in mammalian cells are
down-regulated (e.g., by expression of a dominant negative form of the division
protein DRP-1), a pronounced and specific reduction of mitochondrial autophagy
is resulting (Arnoult et al. 2005; Barsoum et al. 2006; Twig et al. 2008a, b).
Fig. 11.3 Mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy collaborate to sort out dysfunctional mitochondria. Solitary mitochondria are able to fuse if they are functionally intact (normal M ). Fission
of fused mitochondria may lead to the generation of dysfunctional mitochondria with decreased
M (shown as a mitochondrion with aberrant cristae structure). Before these mitochondria can
cause problems to the cell (e.g., by accidentally eliciting apoptosis) they are targeted for degradation by autophagy. The mitochondrial fusion machinery is down-regulated in these detrimental
organelles to prevent the damaged mitochondria from re-fusing with the healthy subpopulation.
Modified after Twig et al. (2008b)
Mitochondria are not the only organelles which are selectively degraded. In fact,
peroxisomes have been the first organelles which were reported to be eliminated
by selective autophagy (pexophagy) (Bormann and Sahm 1978; Veenhuis et al.
1978, 1983). Peroxisomes are involved in different metabolic tasks, e.g. catabolic
degradation of fatty acids, detoxification of ROS and synthesis of secondary metabolites (reviewed in van der Klei and Veenhuis 2002; Schrader and Yoon 2007).
Methylotrophic yeast species (i.e., Candida boidinii, Hansenula polymorpha,
Pichia pastoris), when grown on methanol as a carbon source, contain peroxisomes equipped with enzymes needed for CH3 OH metabolism. Macropexophagy in
H. polymorpha can be observed when cells grown on CH3 OH are shifted to media
not requiring enzymes of CH3 OH degradation (Veenhuis et al. 1978, 1983). The
phosphoprotein ATG11 and the peroxisomal membrane protein ATG30 are both
needed for initiating binding to the so-called pre-autophagosomal structure (PAS)
(He et al. 2006; Farr et al. 2008). Other factors needed in early steps for macropexophagy to occur are PEX3 (assembly of peroxisome membranes) and PEX14
(uptake of proteins into the peroxisomal matrix) (Bellu et al. 2001, 2002). So-called
pexophagosomes sequester the peroxisome to be eliminated and subsequently fuse
with the vacuolar membrane. In the lumen of the vacuole, the peroxisome eventually
is degraded.
Micropexophagy has been examined in detail in P. pastoris (Tuttle and Dunn
1995; Yuan et al. 1997, 1999; reviewed in Sakai et al. 2006; Farr et al. 2007). After
engulfment of the peroxisome by the vacuolar membrane but before membrane
fusion, a micropexophagic membrane apparatus (MIPA) is formed on the peroxisomal surface (reviewed in Sakai et al. 2006). ATG8, which also plays a pivotal
role in macroautophagy and the CvT (cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting) pathway, is
considered vital for MIPA formation (Huang et al. 2000; Xie et al. 2008).
Studies examining potential links between pexophagy and aging are still scarce.
However, recently Aksam et al. examined the role of peroxisomal Lon protease
and pexophagy on the vitality of H. polymorpha cells (Aksam et al. 2007). Loss of
either HpPln (encoding peroxisomal Lon) or ATG1 (encoding a cytosolic protein
kinase required for vesicle formation during autophagy and the Cvt pathway) leads
to elevated cellular peroxisome content. Notably, intracellular ROS content is also
significantly increased. The authors suggest that an uneven distribution of catalase
activities in the peroxisomes as witnessed by cytochemical analysis might be the
reason for this effect. Not surprisingly, cell viability is decreased in pln1, atg1
single and especially in pln1 / atg1 double mutants (Aksam et al. 2007). These
findings highlight the importance of peroxisomal protein quality control via proteolysis and autophagic removal of an excessive population of peroxisomes on cell
survival (Aksam et al. 2007).
So far, links between the incompatibility reaction and the aging process have not
been identified in P. anserina. Nonetheless, incompatibility is a developmentally
important and well-studied cell death process in this fungus which led to the
unravelling of interesting mechanistic insights that are briefly summarised here.
Autophagy was found to be strongly induced during the cell death reaction by
incompatibility in P. anserina which constitutes the non-self recognition system in
this organism (reviewed in Pinan-Lucarr et al. 2007). This phenomenon can be
observed following fusion between individuals if they contain certain differences
at specific het loci (reviewed in Saupe et al. 2000) (Fig. 11.4). idi-6 and idi-7
(also known as PaAtg8) were found to be induced during cell death by incompatibility (Pinan-Lucarr et al. 2003). idi-6 encodes a homolog of S. cerevisiae
PRB1 (vacuolar serine protease of the subtilisin family [Moehle et al. 1987]) while
the yeast ortholog of PaATG8, ATG8, is known to be involved in the expansion
of the phagophore during autophagosome formation (Nakatogawa et al. 2007).
Pinan-Lucarr et al. showed that the autophagy marker GFP-PaATG8 translocates
to autophagosomes soon after inducing the incompability reaction (Pinan-Lucarr
et al. 2003). Autophagosomes were identified by their characteristic double membrane and contents. Moreover, degradation intermediates (autophagic bodies) were
found in the vacuolar lumen if a protease inhibitor which delays the breakdown of
proteins was applied (Pinan-Lucarr et al. 2003). When cell death by incompatibility is initiated it is generally limited to the fusing cell, but in some cases also the
cells which are immediately adjacent are also affected.
Interestingly, in P. anserina it was found that autophagy delays cell death by
incompatibility and promotes cellular survival, because mutants in which genes
encoding components of the autophagy machinery were deleted (PaAtg) display
Fig. 11.4 The incompatibility reaction in P. anserina. After fusion of two incompatible strains,
vacuoles enlarge and autophagy is induced. In addition to autophagy in the original fused hyphal
segment, autophagy in adjacent hyphal segments may prevent the diffusion of pro-death signals.
Moreover, closure of septa to neighboring hyphae inhibits spreading of these signals. Finally, the
fused hyphae die forming a macroscopically visible so-called barrage between the two strains
(modified after Saupe et al. 2000)
As soon as molecular and organellar scavenging systems are no longer able to
cope with the age-accumulated damage within a cell, apoptosis may become
activated. During the last about ten years a huge body of evidence arose, demonstrating apoptosis-like mechanisms in lower eukaryotes and especially in fungi.
From these studies it became clear that fungi contain apoptosis factors homologous to those of the mammalian apoptosis pathways. In general, fungi exhibit
characteristics of (meta)caspase-dependent apoptosis as well as of mitochondrial apoptosis pathways involving homologs of the human apoptosis-inducing
factor AIF (reviewed in Bttner et al. 2006; Eisenberg et al. 2007; Hamann et al.
The first evidence for the involvement of apoptosis in aging processes of fungi
came from studies of the bakers yeast S. cerevisiae where markers of apoptosis in
aged mother cells were demonstrated (Laun et al. 2001). Based on these findings, it
is attractive to assume that failure of intracellular scavenging mechanisms in aged
fungal cells results in the activation of programmed cell death.
Mitochondria-Dependent Apoptosis
In mammals, not only caspase-dependent apoptotic pathways are described to
detect cellular dysfunction. There are other pathways known which focus directly
on the functionality of the mitochondria. One prominent factor of this pathway is the apoptosis-inducing factor AIF. Homologs of this factor can also be
found in fungi and it could be demonstrated that the yeast AIF homolog controls
apoptosis in this fungus (Wissing et al. 2004). Comparable to the mammalian situation, yeast AIF1 is located in the mitochondria and becomes translocated to the
nucleus upon apoptotic stimulus. Deletion of this factor results in increased survival after hydrogen peroxide treatment. Overexpression of Aif1 per se does not
result in increased apoptosis, but depends on an apoptosis-stimulus like hydrogen peroxide. Unlike in mammals, where AIF-dependent apoptosis is found to
be caspase-independent, the AIF1-mediated cell death in yeast is at least partially dependent on the metacaspase YCA1 (Wissing et al. 2004). The involvement
of this pathway in aging processes in yeast is confirmed by the observation
that deletion of Aif1 results in delayed chronological aging (Wissing et al.
Another metacaspase (and AIF1-) independent mitochondrial apoptosis signaling pathway consists of the endonuclease G. This endonuclease is normally
located in the mitochondria. During apoptosis, the mammalian homolog translocates
to the nucleus. Exclusion of the yeast EndoG from mitochondria leads to an apoptotic phenotype. Moreover, yeast EndoG has an interesting impact on the chronological lifespan. On glucose medium, deletion results in increased cell death; however,
on medium containing glycerol as sole carbon source, deletion of EndoG increases
survival during chronological aging and promotes survival upon treatment with
apoptosis inducers like e.g. hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid (Bttner et al. 2007).
Thus, EndoG regulates yeast cell death in dependency of the metabolic state (respiration versus fermentation) and fulfills vital and lethal functions (Bttner et al.
Benefits of Apoptosis
Taking together all reports on the impact of apoptosis factors on the aging process,
on first glance, an inhomogeneous picture arises. On the one hand, deletion of apoptosis factors like metacaspases and AIF results in lifespan extension, on the other
hand apoptosis has repeatedly been established to be an important line of defence
against overwhelming cellular damage. This contradiction can be easily solved by
looking in more detail on the results. For example, deletion of the yeast metacaspase is beneficial with respect to a single culture but is detrimental in co-cultivation
experiments. Herker et al. (2004) demonstrated that the Yca1 deletion strain is outgrown by wild-type cells in a mixed culture. The increased replicative lifespan of
metacaspase deletion strains of P. anserina might be the result of a lacking response
to increased cellular ROS levels. The deletion strains still die and the increased
lifespan seems to be paid by a reduced fertility. In yeast, the population of single
cells might profit by the release of substances from dying cells, while in the filamentous ascomycete damage spreading can be prevented by the programmed cell
death of senescent hyphae. Especially in filamentous fungi like P. anserina it is
in principle possible that healthy hyphae from the center of the colony can fuse
with hyphae from the periphery resulting in the propagation of damaged material,
e.g. deficient mitochondria. To overcome this problem, apoptosis of the peripheral
damaged hyphae is a suitable method to eliminate harmful material.
It is now more and more clear that apoptosis factors have vital as well as lethal
functions, the role of which depends on the cellular context (Galluzzi et al. 2008).
In addition, even in fungi, different homologs of apoptosis factors seem to adopt
different functions with respect to cell death promoting and cell death preventing functions. For example, deletion of the gene encoding the AIF-like protein of
Neurospora crassa leads to an increased resistance against phytosphingosine- and
hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis, while deletion of the N. crassa Amid gene
(encoding the homolog of the AIF-homologous mitochondrion-associated inducer
of death) results in increased sensitivity against these compounds (Castro et al.
2008). Also in Aspergillus nidulans a vital function of a member of the AIF family
of proteins has recently been demonstrated: Deletion of AifA encoding an AIFlike protein dramatically increases sensitivity against farnesol, an inducer of fungal
apoptosis (Savoldi et al. 2008). These data suggest that AIFA is involved in preventing detrimental effects of the oxidative stress induced by farnesol. In fact, in
mammals, AIF has repeatedly been demonstrated to fulfill vital functions via its
importance in the process of oxidative phosphorylation, although it is still a matter
of debate whether it acts as assembly factor or as a maintenance factor (reviewed in
Modjtahedi et al. 2006).
In addition to vital roles of AIF homologs, recently, a few examples demonstrate
vital functions of fungal metacaspases. In A. fumigatus, these enzymes facilitate
growth under ER stress conditions, deletion results in severe growth defects upon
disruption of ER homeostasis (Richie et al. 2007). In addition, the yeast metacaspase YCA1 accelerates G1/S and slows the G2/M transition, demonstrating a clear
involvement in cell cycle progression (Lee et al. 2008).
In microorganisms like yeast and filamentous fungi it thus appears that apoptosis is the last line of defence when all other surveillance systems are not able to
cope with excessive molecular damage to biomolecules and pathways. In contrast
to higher multicellular organisms in which apoptosis is effective to keep a single
individual functional for longer, in fungi the beneficial effect seems not to work on
the individual but rather on population level.
A short description of recent important papers related to the topic of this chapter.
Although the understanding of the mechanisms regulating mitophagy has progressed in the last years, there remain still some important questions, e.g. how
the molecular autophagy machinery is able to detect energetically compromised
mitochondria. A possible key factor in this regard could be the protein Atg32
which has been recently identified in two independent screens for genes involved
in S. cerevisiae mitophagy (Okamoto et al. 2009; Kanki et al. 2010). ATG32 was
shown to be a protein residing in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly,
ATG32 is neither needed for bulk autophagy nor pexophagy but is essential for
the removal of mitochondria when yeast cells are grown under respiratory conditions (Kanki et al. 2009). So far, it is not clear whether ATG32 may act as a signal
for compromised mitochondria, because Atg32 deletion mutants show no obvious
mitochondrial defects. Therefore it is certainly possible that there are further, hitherto unknown factors that might act as signals or effectors for maintaining quality
control of mitochondria by mitophagy.
Aksam EB, Koek A, Kiel JA, Jourdan S, Veenhuis M, van der Klei I (2007) A peroxisomal lon
protease and peroxisome degradation by autophagy play key roles in vitality of Hansenula
polymorpha cells. Autophagy 3:96105
Almeida T, Marques M, Mojzita D, Amorim MA, Silva RD, Almeida B, Rodrigues P, Ludovico P,
Hohmann S, Moradas-Ferreira P, Corte-Real M, Costa V (2008) Isc1p plays a key role in
hydrogen peroxide resistance and chronological lifespan through modulation of iron levels and
apoptosis. Mol Biol Cell 19:865876
Arnoult D, Rismanchi N, Grodet A, Roberts RG, Seeburg DP, Estaquier J, Sheng M, Blackstone
C (2005) Bax/Bak-dependent release of DDP/TIMM8a promotes Drp1-mediated mitochondrial
fission and mitoptosis during programmed cell death. Curr Biol 15:21122118
Barsoum MJ, Yuan H, Gerencser AA, Liot G, Kushnareva Y, Graber S, Kovacs I, Lee WD,
Waggoner J, Cui J, White AD, Bossy B, Martinou JC, Youle RJ, Lipton SA, Ellisman MH,
Perkins GA, Bossy-Wetzel E (2006) Nitric oxide-induced mitochondrial fission is regulated by
dynamin-related GTPases in neurons. EMBO J 25:39003911
Bellu AR, Komori M, van der Klei I, Kiel JA, Veenhuis M (2001) Peroxisome biogenesis and
selective degradation converge at Pex14p. J Biol Chem 276:4457044574
Bellu AR, Salomons FA, Kiel JA, Veenhuis M, van der Klei I (2002) Removal of Pex3p is an
important initial stage in selective peroxisome degradation in Hansenula polymorpha. J Biol
Chem 277:4287542880
Hanaoka H, Noda T, Shirano Y, Kato T, Hayashi H, Shibata D, Tabata S, Ohsumi Y (2002) Leaf
senescence and starvation-induced chlorosis are accelerated by the disruption of an Arabidopsis
autophagy gene. Plant Physiol 129:11811193
He C, Song H, Yorimitsu T, Monastyrska I, Yen WL, Legakis JE, Klionsky DJ (2006) Recruitment
of Atg9 to the preautophagosomal structure by Atg11 is essential for selective autophagy in
budding yeast. J Cell Biol 175:925935
Herker E, Jungwirth H, Lehmann KA, Maldener C, Frhlich KU, Wissing S, Bttner S, Fehr
M, Sigrist S, Madeo F (2004) Chronological aging leads to apoptosis in yeast. J Cell Biol
Huang WP, Scott SV, Kim J, Klionsky DJ (2000) The itinerary of a vesicle component,
Aut7p/Cvt5p, terminates in the yeast vacuole via the autophagy/Cvt pathways. J Biol Chem
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Chapter 12
Abstract In the past several decades the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
has emerged as a prominent model for aging research. The creation of a single-gene
deletion collection covering the majority of open reading frames in the yeast genome
and advances in genomic technologies have opened yeast research to genome-scale
screens for a variety of phenotypes. A number of screens have been performed
looking for genes that modify secondary age-associated phenotypes such as stress
resistance or growth rate. More recently, moderate-throughput methods for measuring replicative life span and high-throughput methods for measuring chronological
life span have allowed for the first unbiased screens aimed at directly identifying
genes involved in determining yeast longevity. In this chapter we discuss large-scale
life span studies performed in yeast and their implications for research related to the
basic biology of aging.
Keywords Acetic acid Apoptosis Asymmetric segregation Chronological life
span Counter flow centrifugation elutriation (CCE) Dietary restriction (DR)
Genome-wide Genomics High-throughput Loss of heterozygosity (LOH)
Metabolomics Microarrays Mitochondria Mitochondrial back-signaling
Mother Enrichment Program (MEP) Oxidative damage Proteomics Replicative
life span Retrograde response Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) Sirtuins Target of
rapamycin (TOR) signaling Translation Worms Yeast Outgrowth Data Analysis
Abbreviations and Accronyms
M. Kaeberlein (B)
Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7470, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used as a model of cellular aging for more than 6 decades (Fabrizio and Longo 2007; Jazwinski 2005;
Kaeberlein et al. 2007; Steinkraus et al. 2008). S. cerevisiae has several features
that make it useful as a model organism for aging research, including short life
span, well-characterized genetic and molecular methods, low relative cost, cell type
homogeneity, and a vast organismal information base. These advantages have facilitated unbiased screens for genes that influence life span in yeast, as well as candidate
gene approaches. Several dozen genetic determinants of yeast longevity have been
identified from these studies, at least some of which appear to play a conserved role
in the aging of multicellular eukaryotes.
Two distinct aging paradigms have been described in yeast: replicative and
chronological (Kaeberlein 2006). Replicative aging is the better characterized of
the two and refers to the progressive loss of replicative capacity of a cell during vegetative growth (Steinkraus et al. 2008). Replicative life span is typically measured
by microdissection of daughter cells away from mother cells and counting the number of daughter cells produced by each mother cell prior to senescence (Mortimer
and Johnston 1959; Steffen et al. 2009). Chronological aging, in contrast, refers
to the decreased ability of non-dividing cells to re-enter the cell cycle over time.
Several methods for measuring chronological life span have been described. The
most common variant is to culture cells into proliferative arrest in synthetic defined
(SD) media while monitoring survival by periodically plating serial dilutions onto
rich media and quantifying colony forming units per unit volume of aging culture
(Fabrizio and Longo 2003; Murakami and Kaeberlein 2009). The ability to measure both replicative and chronological life span in yeast provides the opportunity
to independently study the aging process for both dividing and non-dividing cell
types in the same organismal system.
One tool that has greatly facilitated studies of longevity and other processes
in yeast is a collection of isogenic single-gene deletion strains encompassing
a majority of non-essential yeast open reading frames (ORFs). The yeast ORF
deletion collection contains more than 20,000 unique strains (6061 single ORF
deletions in one or more strains), with full-genome collections of homozygous and heterozygous diploids as well as haploid deletions in both mating
types (Winzeler et al. 1999). Screens have been carried out across this deletion collection for many different phenotypes, including sensitivity to a variety
of stresses, metabolism of different carbon sources, and growth rate (Que and
Winzeler 2002; Scherens and Goffeau 2004). Essentially any yeast-based assay
that can be modified for moderate- or high-throughput capacity can, in principle, be used in conjunction with the deletion collection to perform genome-wide
queries of the process under study. This chapter describes large-scale studies of
both replicative and chronological life span using the yeast ORF deletion collections in detail and touches briefly on alternative strategies for studying aging in
Table 12.1
The data in this table was compiled from numerous sources (Kaeberlein et al. 1999, 2004, 2005b, c;
Lamming et al. 2005; Lin et al. 2000; Tsuchiya et al. 2006)
Table entries indicate effect of each intervention on replicative life span in each genetic background
(N.E. = no effect).
Table 12.2
Effects of yeast aging pathways on life span and secondary, age-associated pheno-
The data in this table was compiled from numerous sources (Bonawitz et al. 2007; Bryk et al. 1997;
Defossez et al. 1999; Fabrizio et al. 2005; Fritze et al. 1997; Gottlieb and Esposito 1989; Huang
and Moazed 2003; Kaeberlein et al. 1999, 2004 2005a, b; Kaeberlein and Powers 2007; Lin et al.
2000, 2002; Longo et al. 1997; Riesen and Morgan 2009; Rusche et al. 2003; Smith et al. 2009;
Smith and Boeke 1997; Wang et al. 2008; Wei et al. 2008, 2009)
Kennedy et al. 1994). ERCs represent the first such aging factor identified (Sinclair
and Guarente 1997). Yeast rDNA consists of a tandem repeat of a 9.1 kb sequence
coding for the ribosomal RNA (Petes and Botstein 1977; Philippsen et al. 1978;
Rustchenko and Sherman 1994). ERCs form through homologous recombination
between rDNA repeats and accumulate with age in mother cells as a consequence
of two factors: (1) a replication of origin within the rDNA that allows ERCs
to self-replicate, and (2) the lack of a CEN element, causing biased segregation
toward the mother cell during asymmetric division (Murray and Szostak 1983). Cell
senescence is thought to occur when ERCs accumulate past an unknown threshold
Several lines of evidence support a model in which Sir2 promotes longevity by
preventing rDNA recombination and thus inhibiting ERC formation. First, deletion
of SIR2 increases rDNA recombination by 610 fold, increases ERC accumulation, and reduces replicative life span (Table 12.2), while overexpression of SIR2
extends life span (Kaeberlein et al. 1999). Second, deletion of FOB1, a replication
fork barrier protein with rDNA-specific activity that increases rDNA recombination, extends replicative life span, dramatically reduces ERC levels, and prevents
the short replicative life span caused by deletion of SIR2 (Table 12.2) (Defossez
et al. 1999; Kaeberlein et al. 1999).
The life span characteristics of sir2 and fob1 strains suggest that promotion
of ERC formation is not the only mechanism by which Sir2 influences longevity.
Similar ERC levels are observed in both sir2 fob1 and fob1 strains (Kaeberlein
et al. 1999); however, FOB1 deletion alone results in extension of replicative life
span relative to wild type, while deletion of both SIR2 and FOB1 together results in
a replicative life span similar to wild type (Table 12.2). This suggests that Sir2 has
a pro-longevity function independent of both Fob1 and ERC accumulation. Further
support for this idea comes from the recent finding that life span extension by SIR2
overexpression is largely dependent on SIR3, while inhibition of rDNA recombination is SIR3-independent (Dang et al. 2009). This study also shows that Sir2 protein
levels decline with increasing age, resulting in enhanced histone H4K16 acetylation at a variety of subtelomeric sites (and potentially others). Together these data
suggest a model whereby increased Sir2 activity leads to altered transcription at
key non-nucleolar loci resulting in activation of a second pathway influencing life
span in yeast. A second possibility for an ERC-independent role for Sir2 in aging is
increased oxidative stress resistance, which stems from the finding that SIR2 overexpression suppresses the short life span of yeast exposed to H2 O2 (Oberdoerffer et al.
2008). This model is supported by the finding that yeast lacking Sir2 are unable to
maintain asymmetric segregation of hydrogen peroxide and carbonylated proteins to
the mother cells during division (Aguilaniu et al. 2003; Erjavec and Nystrom 2007).
Erjavec and Nystrom (2007) found that the reduction in hydrogen peroxide results
from a Sir2-dependent segregation of the cytosolic catalase Ctt1 toward the daughter cell during division. Sirtuin-associated life span extension has also been linked
to oxidative damage in nematodes (Hekimi and Guarente 2003). Another possible
mechanism is highlighted by several prior studies implicating Sir2 in mediating
repair of DNA damage (Lee et al. 1999; Martin et al. 1999; McAinsh et al. 1999;
Mills et al. 1999; Tamburini and Tyler 2005). One dilemma arising from a DNA
damage model is that aging wild-type yeast do not appear to pass heritable mutations to daughter cells, which is based on the observation that daughter cells from
aged mothers, although short-lived themselves, eventually produce progeny will full
life span potential (Kennedy et al. 1994).
Although SIR2 orthologs play a role in life span in both Caenorhabditis elegans
and Drosophila melanogaster, there is no evidence that accumulation of ERCs or
other non-chromosomal self-replicating DNA elements contribute to aging in these
species, suggesting that an ERC-independent mechanism of longevity extension by
Sir2 may be responsible for the apparently conserved action of Sir2 on longevity
across eukaryotic species. Sirtuins remain a hot topic in aging research and further clarification of their complex role in controlling life span is anticipated (Finkel
et al. 2009).
Dietary Restriction
DR, which refers to a reduction in nutrient intake without malnutrition, is the most
universally effective intervention to extend life span across a wide range of eukaryotic species. Yeast replicative aging has been used extensively to study the molecular
and genetic factors involved in the life span extension resulting from DR. In yeast,
DR is typically performed by limiting the availability of glucose to cells by reducing
the glucose concentration in the media from 2% to either 0.5% or 0.05% (Lin et al.
2000), with optimal life span extension achieved at 0.05% glucose in the strain
background of the yeast ORF deletion collection (Kaeberlein et al. 2004; Lin et al.
2000). A less commonly used form of DR involving restriction of amino acids has
also been shown to extend life span (Jiang et al. 2000). Genetic models of DR are
also available, including deletion of HXK2, which encodes a hexokinase responsible
for converting glucose into glucose-6-phosphate for entry into the glycolytic pathway (Walsh et al. 1983). Deletion of HXK2 extends replicative life span (Lin et al.
2000), although it remains unclear whether this is attributable to reduced cellular
hexokinase activity (Rodriguez et al. 2001; Walsh et al. 1991).
The precise molecular mechanisms through which DR acts to extend life span
in yeast are not yet known; however, it is commonly thought that DR manipulates these mechanisms, at least in part, by influencing several partially redundant
nutrient-responsive signaling kinases, including target of rapamycin (TOR), cyclic
AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and Sch9. Mutants with reduced activity for
any of these kinases have long replicative life spans that cannot be further extended
by DR (Fabrizio et al. 2004; Kaeberlein et al. 2005c; Lin et al. 2000). TOR signaling
is a nitrogen sensitive pathway regulated by glutamine levels and carbohydrate levels that controls a variety of cellular processes, including mRNA translation. TOR
is discussed in greater detail later in the chapter. Yeast PKA is an essential complex consisting of three catalytic subunits and regulated by two upstream sensing
pathways, one involving RAS and the other a G protein-coupled receptor system.
Two genes, GPA2 and GPR1, encode subunits of the G protein-coupled receptor.
Mutants lacking either GPA2 or GPR1 are replicatively long-lived relative to wild
type and are commonly used as models of reduced PKA activity (Lin et al. 2000).
The third kinase, Sch9, shows sequence homology to Akt kinase, a component
of insulin/IGF-1-like signaling (Burgering and Coffer 1995; Paradis and Ruvkun
1998), but also functions as a ribosomal S6 kinase, a substrate of TOR and regulator of translation in multicellular eukaryotes (Powers 2007; Urban et al. 2007).
While yeast does not possess a formal insulin/IGF-1-like signaling pathway, Sch9
may fulfill an equivalent role in yeast to both Akt and S6 kinases in multicellular
A conclusive answer has not yet been reached to the question of what downstream mechanisms mediate replicative life span extension by DR. Two nonmutually exclusive models have been proposed: increased sirtuin activity and altered
mRNA translation (Kaeberlein et al. 2005c; Medvedik et al. 2007; Steffen et al.
2008). DR may activate Sir2 by either elevating NAD levels through increased respiration (Lin et al. 2002) or by increasing transcription of PCN1 in an Msn2/4
dependent manner. PNC1 is necessary for the full life span extension from DR
(Anderson et al. 2003; Lin et al. 2004) and encodes an enzyme that deaminates nicotinimide, which otherwise inhibits Sir2. Contrary to the idea of sirtuins as mediators
of DR, SIR2 is not required for the replicative life span extension caused by DR
(Table 12.1). Specifically, DR does not increase replicative life span in the shortlived sir2 background (Kaeberlein et al. 2004; Lin et al. 2000), but when the short
life span of sir2 is repressed by deletion of FOB1, DR robustly extends replicative
life span (Kaeberlein et al. 2004; Lamming et al. 2005). One proposed explanation
is that in the absence of Fob1, other sirtuins (such as Hst2) are activated by DR to
repress ERC formation (Lamming et al. 2005), though this result has not yet been
division asymmetry and identified mutants that exhibited clonal senescence at the
restrictive temperature. One of these mutations was identified as a point mutation
in ATP2, encoding the -subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase. The ATP2
mutants showed a time-dependent loss in mitochondrial membrane potential followed by a loss of mitochondrial mass, particularly in younger cells. They also
found that older mother cells tended to segregate dysfunctional mitochondria to their
daughters and propose dysfunctional mitochondria as an asymmetrically segregated
aging factor in normal replicative aging. A later study found that the abnormal segregation of mitochondria in ATP2 mutants can be rescued by overexpression of Pex6,
a peroxin protein, and suggested that Pex6 may promote mitochondrial biogenesis
(Seo et al. 2007).
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have long been at the center of the debate on
causes of aging and a central player in the free-radical theory of aging. One form
of oxidative damage that is considered irreversible and has been correlated with
age in various organisms, including replicative age in yeast, is protein carbonylation
(Nystrom 2005). Protein carbonyls have been proposed as a yeast aging factor based
on the observations that both protein carbonyls (Aguilaniu et al. 2003; Erjavec and
Nystrom 2007) and aggregates containing heavily carbonylated proteins (Erjavec
et al. 2007) are asymmetrically retained in mother cells during division. The proper
asymmetric segregation of oxidatively damaged proteins appears to be dependent on
a functioning actin cytoskeleton (Aguilaniu et al. 2003; Erjavec et al. 2007), which
has independently been linked to ROS and life span through the actin bundling
protein, Scp1 (Gourlay et al. 2004).
The Retrograde Response and Mitochondrial Back-Signaling
Another process related to the mitochondria that has been linked to regulation of
yeast replicative life span is the retrograde response, a signaling pathway that alters
the expression of metabolic and stress response genes in response to mitochondrial
dysfunction (Epstein et al. 2001). Changes in metabolic gene expression induced by
the retrograde response cause a shift in cellular metabolism to the preferential use of
lipid/acetate as a carbon source. Acetate is processed through the glyoxylate cycle,
an efficient alternative to the TCA cycle. This shift is thought to be a compensatory
mechanism for dealing with a progressive age-dependent decline in mitochondrial
function (and therefore TCA cycle activity) (Jazwinski 2004). Genetic and environmental interventions that induce the retrograde response lead to an extension
of replicative life span in a manner that is dependent on RTG2, a gene coding for
key signaling enzyme in the retrograde response pathway (Kirchman et al. 1999).
Retrograde signaling is regulated upstream by both TOR (Komeili et al. 2000; Tate
and Cooper 2003) and RAS (Kirchman et al. 1999) through the Mks1 transcription
factor (Matsuura and Anraku 1993; Pierce et al. 2001).
Interestingly, the induction of the retrograde response is also associated with an
increase in ERC production (Conrad-Webb and Butow 1995). In addition to its role
in retrograde response signaling, Rtg2 is a suppressor of ERCs (Borghouts et al.
2004). The two roles apparently cannot be performed simultaneously, as Rtg2 ERC
Fig. 12.1 Flow diagram illustrating the iterative approach for identifying long-lived strains
from the yeast MAT deletion collection. LL Long-Lived; NSE No Significant Extension;
NLL Not Long-Lived; SL Short-Lived. Mutations classified as LL by this process are subsequently verified as replicatively long-lived in the MATa background. P-values are for comparison
of mean replicative life span for the deletion strain in question to the cumulative probability distribution for BY4742 wild type with n = 5, except , which indicates a p-value for a Wilcoxon
Rank-Sum test comparing replicative life span of deletion mutant to experiment matched BY4742
wild type
a function of the number of cells examined (n), when n = 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20
for WT and LLM, respectively. For example, the n = 3 distribution for wild-type
was generated by randomly choosing 3 data points from the pooled wild-type life
span set, calculating the mean of the 3 values, and repeating the process 100,000
times. A histogram was then generated for the probability that a particular mean
life span is obtained for a set size n = 3, with bins of width 0.1 generations. From
this numerical analysis, we were able to establish that an iterative strategy initially
analyzing the replicative life span of 5 cells per deletion strain should allow us to
identify a large fraction of strains with mean life span greater than 30% longer than
wild type.
In the final iterative method (Fig. 12.1), if the 5 cell mean replicative life span is
less than 26 generations, the strain is classified as not long-lived (NLL). From the
cumulative probability distribution for known long-lived strains with n = 5, this is
predicted to result in misclassification of a long-lived strain less than 5% of the time
(false negative rate, FNR < 0.05). If the mean life span is less than 20, the strain
is classified as short-lived (SL) and a p-value is assigned based on the cumulative
probability distribution for wild-type cells with n = 5. If the mean life span for 5
cells is greater than 36, the strain is putatively classified as long-lived (LL) and an
additional 10 cells are examined. From the cumulative probability distribution for
wild-type cells with n = 5, this is predicted to result in misclassification of a strain
with wild-type life span less than 2% of the time (false positive rate, FPR < 0.02).
For the remaining strains with a 5-cell mean life span between 26 and 36, an additional 5 cells are analyzed (1 iteration) and the same criteria for classification are
applied. This process is repeated until every strain is either classified as SL, NLL, or
LL, or until replicative life span has been determined for a total of at least 15 cells
for each unclassified strain. The replicative life span data for strains from which at
least 15 mother cells have been assayed are compared against experiment-matched
wild type replicative life span data using a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test and a p-value
is generated. Strains with p 0.1 are classified as LL, and strains with p > 0.1 are
classified as having no significant life span extension (NSE). All strains classified as
LL are subsequently analyzed in the MATa background by determining the replicative life span for the corresponding deletion strain contained in the MATa deletion
In practice, replicative life span analysis of the deletion set is carried out in
95-strain sets (94 deletion strains and wild-type). The ORF deletion collection is
packaged in 96-well plates, each plate containing 94 strains. Replicative life span
is determined for 5 cells per strain, with 12 strains (one row of the 96-well plate)
analyzed per 100 mm YPD plate. All replicative life span experiments are carried
out blind, with each strain coded in a manner such that the researcher performing
the microdissection has no knowledge of the identity of any strain until after the
experiment is completed.
The iterative strategy described substantially reduces the manual labor necessary to identify gene deletions that confer increased replicative life span. Even with
this advantage, screening the entire MAT deletion collection requires a significant
investment of time and effort and is still in progress. An initial screen was performed to characterize the replicative aging properties for 564 single-gene deletion
strains (Kaeberlein et al. 2005c). Of the 564 deletion mutants, 13 were verified to
have extended replicative life span relative to the parental strain (Kaeberlein et al.
2005c). The expected false positive rate is low due to validation of long-lived strains
by testing of an independently derived deletion allele from the MATa deletion collection. The false negative rate is not known. For comparison, it is worth noting
that the percent of deletions conferring increased replicative life span for the initial
564 strains examined (2%) is about twice the percentage of genes that increase
life span when expression is reduced via RNAi in C. elegans (1% for pooled data
from all reported RNAi screen) (Smith et al. 2007). This may represent an intrinsic
difference in the fraction of genes involved in aging in the two organisms, though
there are also two possible method-based explanations for the discrepancy. First, the
yeast genome was screened using deletion mutants and therefore excludes essential genes, while the nematode screens used RNAi. Differences in the fraction of
genes that influence longevity among essential and nonessential genes would therefore bias the yeast screens. Second, numerous independent worm RNAi longevity
screens have shown a remarkable lack of overlap in the genes identified as longlived (Curran and Ruvkun 2007; Dillin et al. 2002; Hamilton et al. 2005; Hansen
et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2003). This is indicative of a high false-negative rate for C.
elegans RNAi longevity screens and suggests that many worm longevity genes have
yet to be discovered.
Since this initial report, 5 cell replicative life span data has been obtained
for the entire haploid MAT ORF deletion collection (our unpublished data).
Iterative validation and verification is ongoing. To date, 87 single-gene deletions
have been identified from this screen as having increased replicative life span
in both haploid mating types of which 51 have been published and are listed in
Table 12.3 (Kaeberlein et al. 2005b, c; Managbanag et al. 2008; Smith et al. 2008;
Steffen et al. 2008). The largest functional group represented in this list is genes
involved in mRNA translation, including ribosomal proteins, translation initiation
factors, TOR1, and SCH9. Also represented are genes involved in transcription,
post-translational protein modification and processing, metabolism, and cell wall
Table 12.3 Genes for which deletion results in increased replicative life span identified from an
ongoing screen of the haploid yeast ORF deletion collections. The genes with nematode orthologs
indicated were identified as part of the worm to yeast ortholog screen for conserved longevity
determinants (Smith et al. 2008)
Yeast ORF
Yeast gene
Nematode ORF
Nematode gene
Molecular function unknown
Structural constituent of
Structural constituent of
Molecular function unknown
Molecular function unknown
Molecular function unknown
Sequence-specific DNA
Single-stranded DNA
G-protein coupled receptor
Structural constituent of
Structural constituent of
Molecular function unknown
Ribosomal DNA (rDNA)
Tryptophan tRNA ligase
Structural constituent of
Structural constituent of
Protein serine/threonine
kinase activity
ATPase activity
Yeast ORF
Yeast gene
Nematode ORF
Nematode gene
Structural constituent of
Structural constituent of
ATP dependent RNA
helicase activity
Structural constituent of
ATPase activity
protein kinase activity
Pol II transcription
elongation factor activity
Translation initiation factor
Protein binding
5-phosphatase activity
Structural constituent of
Translation initiation factor
Protein binding
Structural constituent of
Molecular function unknown
Translation initiation factor
decarboxylase activity
Structural constituent of
mRNA binding
GTPase activity
Signal transducer activity
Structural constituent of
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
(NAB) activity
Transcription co-repressor
Yeast gene
Nematode ORF
Nematode gene
Alcohol dehydrogenase
Protein kinase activity
5-phosphatase activity
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
(NAD) activity
Structural constituent of
Structural constituent of
Pol II transcription
elongation factor activity
Molecular function unknown
Protein serine/threonine
kinase activity
Indicates genes published a part of the worm to yeast ortholog study but not verified in the MATa
The data in this table was compiled from numerous sources (Kaeberlein et al. 2005b, c;
Managbanag et al. 2008; Smith et al. 2008; Steffen et al. 2008)
Unlike most multicellular eukaryotes, yeast has two TOR paralogs: TOR1 and
TOR2. Tor1 is believed to function specifically in the rapamycin-sensitive TOR
complex 1 (TORC1), while Tor2 functions in both TORC1 and TOR complex 2
(TORC2). While Tor2 is essential, strains lacking TOR1 are viable and have
increased replicative life span (Table 12.1), suggesting that TORC1 is an important
player in replicative aging. Epistasis analysis with respect to replicative life span
places TOR1 in a genetic pathway that includes DR, but is independent of SIR2
and FOB1 (Table 12.1) (Kaeberlein et al. 2005c). This relationship between DR and
TOR is supported by studies carried out in both worms and flies (Hansen et al. 2008;
Kapahi et al. 2004), indicating that TOR signaling may represent an evolutionarily
conserved nutrient response pathway important for mediating the longevity effects
of DR.
TORC1 regulates several downstream processes that may contribute to its role
in aging, including protein degradation via autophagy, mitochondrial metabolism,
stress response, and mRNA translation (Stanfel et al. 2009). Autophagy, which
literally means self eating, is a degradative process through which cellular components are engulfed by cytoplasmic vesicles and transported to the
lysosome/vacuole for degradation (Klionsky 2007). Autophagy is repressed by
TOR signaling and is induced in response to starvation or treatment with
TOR inhibitors, such as rapamycin (Noda and Ohsumi 1998). A decline in the
autophagic response has been reported in aging mammals (Cuervo and Dice
2000), and increased autophagy is required for life span extension in long-lived
C. elegans mutants with reduced insulin/IGF-1-like signaling (Melendez et al.
2003). Several recent studies have also uncovered an important role for autophagy
in the response to DR. DR induces autophagy in yeast, worms, and flies (Juhasz
et al. 2007; Morck and Pilon 2006; Takeshige et al. 1992) and is reported to be
required for life span extension from DR or TOR-inhibition in both worms and
flies (Hansen et al. 2008; Jia and Levine 2007; Juhasz et al. 2007). Recently,
up-regulation of autophagy by spermidine has also been shown to be associated with increased life span in yeast, nematodes, and flies (Eisenberg et al.
The regulation of mitochondrial metabolism by TOR is a relatively new area
of study. In yeast, tor1 mutants are reported to have increased respiratory activity in the presence of glucose, which is normally fermented to ethanol (Bonawitz
et al. 2007). This altered metabolic activity has been implicated in chronological
aging, but has not been shown to be important for regulation of replicative life
span by TOR signaling. Interestingly, overexpression of the Hap4 transcription factor, which induces expression of many genes involved in respiratory metabolism
has been shown to increase both replicative and chronological life span (Lin et al.
2002; Piper et al. 2006), suggesting that enhanced respiration is associated with
longevity in yeast. This mechanism has been attributed to activation of Sir2 however (Lin et al. 2002), which is inconsistent with the observation that deletion of
TOR1 increases life span in a Sir2-independent manner (Table 12.1) (Kaeberlein
et al. 2005c). Thus, like autophagy, the importance of mitochondrial metabolism in
TOR-mediated control of replicative life span remains unclear.
gene (Hinnebusch 2005). The mechanism of regulation is thought to involve relative availability of the large and small ribosome subunits. Specifically, when 60S
ribosomal subunit levels are low, ternary complexes containing initiation factors
and 40S ribosomal subunits are proposed to more frequently scan through the
inhibitory uORFs before interacting with 60S subunits, increasing translation of
GCN4 (Steffen et al. 2008). Thus, while reducing availability of 60S ribosomal
subunits reduces overall translation, translation of the GCN4 transcript specifically increases, supporting a model where reduced mRNA translation influences
longevity by differentially modifying translation of specific mRNA targets. This
mechanism for translation inhibition may extend to other genes involved in controlling life span and several yeast genes are known to contain inhibitory uORFs,
including HAP4 and CLN3 (Vilela and McCarthy 2003; Zhang and Dietrich 2005),
which are involved in nutrient response. As previously noted, overexpression of
HAP4 increases replicative life span (Lin et al. 2002).
Powers et al. (2006) described a high-throughput method for qualitatively measuring chronological life span of cells aged in 96-well microtiter plates. Rather than
monitoring survival by determining colony forming units, Powers et al. (2006) estimated relative cell viability of the population by diluting the aging culture into rich
liquid media and measuring the optical density at 600 nm (OD) following a fixed
outgrowth period. All cell and liquid transfers were automated using a high-density
replica pinning robot. While less quantitative than the traditional methodologies,
this method offers the ability to monitor survival for several thousand strains simultaneously. As proof-of-principle, Powers et al. (2006) screened the homozygous
diploid ORF deletion collection for long-lived mutants and identified five deletion
strains with increased chronological life span: gln3, lys12, mep3, mep2, and
More recently, we modified the method described by Powers et al. (2006) to
create a high-throughput assay for measuring chronological life span that allows
quantitative analysis of chronological life span across the entire deletion collection (Murakami et al. 2008). This redesigned method improves the quantitative
resolution by using an entire outgrowth curve to calculate residual survival rather
than a single outgrowth time-point. Our studies use a Bioscreen C MBR (Growth
Curves USA) machine to obtain outgrowth curves from aged cells, though any
shaker/incubator/plate reader combination will suffice. To monitor viability at each
age-point, 5 L of the aging culture is inoculated into 145 L of YPD in one
well of a Bioscreen Honeycomb plate. Outgrowth of the inoculated cells takes
place in the Bioscreen C MBR machine at 30 C with continuous shaking. OD is
determined every 30 min for 24 h yielding highly reproducible outgrowth curves
from which relative survival can be calculated. Outgrowth curves of aging cells
show a distinct age-dependent rightward shift, such that the length of time required
to achieve a given OD value increases with age (Fig. 12.2a). A survival curve
can be generated from the Bioscreen growth data based on the estimated fraction
of cells retaining viability at each time point (Fig. 12.2b). The viable fraction is
calculated relative to the initial time point (typically day 2) based on the rightward time shift required for outgrowth to reach a fixed OD value of 0.3 using the
vn =
where vn is the viability at time point n, tn is the time shift between the outgrowth curves at OD = 0.3 for the initial and nth time points, and is the
doubling time of the strain (determined by the maximal slope of the semi-log
plot of OD as a function of time). We have recently developed software that
will perform all calculations needed to determine chronological life span from
outgrowth data, which can be accessed at http://www.sageweb.org/yoda (Olsen
et al. 2010).
Fig. 12.2 Chronological life span survival curves are calculated based on time delay for strain
specific outgrowth. a Outgrowth curves shift rightward as stationary phase cells age. b Survival
curves are calculated from the time shift between outgrowth curves
Table 12.4 Increase in chronological life span related to acetic acid can be caused either by
reduced acetic acid production or increased acetic acid resistance
Condition or strain yielding increased
chronological life span
aging under conditions commonly used in chronological life span assay and is consistent with the idea that acetic acid is a primary molecular cause of chronological
Gresham et al. (2011), and Matecic et al. (2010) also all identified multiple shortlived autophagy mutants, suggesting that the ability of a cell to degrade cellular
components is important for long-term survival in a non-dividing state.
Notably, numerous novel determinants of chronological life span were identified
in all three competitive-survival screens (Fabrizio et al. 2010; Gresham et al. 2011;
Matecic et al. 2010) as well as the candidate gene approach reported by Burtner
et al. (2011). This suggests that many genes involved in chronological aging have
yet to be identified. The screen of each individual strain from the deletion collection
for increased chronological life span that is currently underway is anticipated to
identify many of these unknown genes.
generations to be used for microarrays or other large-scale approaches. Two additional methods have been developed to produce populations of replicatively aged
cells from dividing cell populations in yeast.
One technique for extracting replicatively aged cells from a mixed population
is termed counter flow centrifugation elutriation (CCE). CCE, originally invented
in 1948, uses the balance between centrifugal force and counter flow drag in a
spinning buffer media to separate cells of different sizes in a mixed population
(Sloot et al. 1988). As yeast cells divide they also increase in size (Mortimer and
Johnston 1959; Nestelbacher et al. 2000), resulting in a population of small, young
cells and large, old cells. Using CCE to select large cells from a dividing population thus results in a subset enriched for cells with advanced replicative age.
This technique was employed to separate mixed yeast cell populations and compare
young cells (23 generations) to old cells (1618 generations) and to old cells
lacking DNA2-1, a model of premature aging (8 generations) (Lesur and Campbell
2004). Lesur and Campbell (2004) found transcription upregulation of a variety
of genes involved in energy storage and environmental stress response in the aged
and prematurely aged cells relative to young cells. Laun et al. (2001) used CCE
to produce produced cell populations with 30% terminally senescent cells, indicating that the population was substantially enriched for cells near the end of their
replicative life span. This technique was used in a transcriptome study comparing
replicatively aged cells to a population of cells driven to apoptosis by mutation of
CDC38, which identified MRPL25/AFO1 (Laun et al. 2005), a gene that encodes a
mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal protein that influences longevity by interacting with TOR1 through mitochondrial back signaling (Heeren et al. 2009). A related
method combining growth synchronization and rate-zonal sedimentation in density
gradients was used to produced cell populations highly enriched for cells aged up
to 20 generations (Egilmez et al. 1990). This technique was used in a transcriptome
study to identify the long-lived LAG1 deletion strain (DMello et al. 1994). While
an improvement on fluorescence-based cell sorting, CCE is still only able to enrich
for cells aged to around 20 generations, which is still well below the median replicative life span of many of the common strains in yeast aging (typically in the low to
mid 20s).
A second system, termed the Mother Enrichment Program (MEP), has recently
been developed to produce populations enriched for aged mother cells (Lindstrom
and Gottschling 2009). The MEP uses Cre-lox recombination to specifically disrupt two essential genes, UBC9 and CDC20, in newly formed daughter cells, thus
eliminating the replicative capacity of the daughter cells without altering that of
the mother. This system allows highly enriched populations of mother cells to be
grown that can be purified with a single-step affinity purification. MEP has promise
to be a powerful tool for obtaining large quantities of replicatively aged cells for
biochemical and microarray studies.
In addition to applications in young-vs.-old comparisons, the MEP has been proposed as a high-throughput method to measure replicative life span (Lindstrom and
Gottschling 2009). Since daughter cells are produced but do not continue dividing,
the viability of MEP cultures is determined specifically by the replicative life span
of the mother cells. The use of a plate reader system, such as that used to measure
chronological life span (Murakami et al. 2008) can allow rapid, high-throughput
measurement of replicative life span for strains carrying the MEP biological machinery in liquid media. While there are still technical challenges yet to overcome
before MEP becomes widely used, this technique shows particular promise for the
application of replicative life span drug screening, where current labor-intensive
methods for measuring replicative life span limit the number of drugs that can
be easily tested, and where further genetic manipulation of the strains is not
are substantially enriched for genes that code for proteins involved in regulating mRNA translation. Among the 25 homolog pairs, only two were previously
known to modulate aging in both yeast and worms: TOR1/ let-363 and SCH9/rsks1. SCH9 and rsks-1 are functional orthologs of mammalian ribosomal S6 kinase,
which functions downstream of TOR signaling to modulate mRNA translation initiation (Pan et al. 2007; Urban et al. 2007). Excluding TOR1/let-363 itself, 6 of the
10 remaining ortholog pairs in the high-stringency set can be definitively assigned
functions related to mRNA translation: three ribosomal proteins of the large subunit
(RPL19A/rpl-19, RPL6B/rpl-6, RPL9A/rpl-9) and three translation initiation factors
(TIF1/inf-1, TIF2/inf-1, and TIF4631/ifg-1). Given that TOR and S6K are known to
negatively regulate both ribosome biogenesis and translation initiation factor activity, it is reasonable to speculate that all of these factors act in a single conserved
longevity pathway.
Two yeast homologs of C. elegans aging genes, TOR1 and SCH9, are known to
modulate both replicative and chronological life span. As mentioned previously, the
proteins encoded by these genes are thought to act in a pathway to mediate both
replicative and chronological life span extension in response to DR, and parallel
studies in C. elegans have placed TOR downstream of DR (Hansen et al. 2008).
Interestingly, the life span extending effects of DR and TOR signaling in C. elegans
require autophagy, which has not yet been shown in yeast. This raises the intriguing possibility that TOR signaling and DR modulate longevity by three different
mechanisms: altered mRNA translation for yeast replicative aging, altered carbon
utilization and acetic acid production for yeast chronological aging, and increased
autophagic protein degradation for C. elegans. Additional studies are likely to
clarify whether the mechanistic details are truly different or whether underlying
commonality exists.
A great deal of progress has been made in advancing our understanding of yeast
aging through genetic and, of late, genomic studies. Through these studies a large
number of genes involved in the aging process have been identified. Collectively,
the field has been quite successful at extending both chronological and replicative
life span. Most of the aging genes identified thus far are regulatory components
and include genes involved in signal transduction, transcription, or translation. A
subset of homologs of these genes are likely to have similar effects in mammals.
Regulatory factors are often pleiotropic in function and it remains unclear which
downstream targets drive aging in yeast. The next challenge facing aging researchers
is to use the available knowledge of these regulatory factors to work downstream
and uncover the spectrum of molecular events that lead to age-associated deterioration in yeast and other organisms. ERCs and acetic acid represent the first
steps down this path in the replicative and chronological aging paradigms, respectively, but these factors are only part of the story. What else is involved? Reactive
oxygen species and DNA damage? Mitochondrial degeneration? Loss of protein
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Chapter 13
Abstract Yeasts are powerful model systems to examine the evolutionarily conserved aspects of eukaryotic aging because they maintain many of the same core
cellular signaling pathways and essential organelles as human cells. We constructed
a strain of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that could monitor the distribution of proteins involved in heterochromatic silencing and aging, and isolated
mutants that alter this distribution. The largest class of such mutants cause defects
in mitochondrial function, and appear to cause changes in nuclear silencing separate
from the well-known Rtg2p-dependent pathway that alters nuclear transcription in
response to the loss of the mitochondrial genome. Mutants that inactivate the ATP2
gene, which encodes the ATPase subunit of the mitochondrial F1 F0 -ATPase, were
isolated twice in our screen and identify a lifespan extending pathway in a gene that
is conserved in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The budding yeast S. cerevisiae
has been used with great success to identify other lifespan-extending pathways in
screens using surrogate phenotypes such as stress resistance or silencing to identify
random mutants, or in high throughput screens that utilize the deletion strain set
resource. However, the direct selection of long-lived mutants from a pool of random mutants is more challenging. We have established a new chronological aging
assay for the evolutionarily distant fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe that
recapitulates aspects of aging conserved in all eukaryotes. We have constructed a
novel S. pombe DNA insertion mutant bank, and used it to show that we can directly
select for a long-lived mutant. The use of both the budding and fission yeast systems
should continue to facilitate the identification and validation of lifespan extending
pathways that are conserved in humans.
Keywords Schizosaccharomyces pombe Saccharomyces cerevisiae Silencing
Chromatin Respiration
Fig. 13.1 The triple silencer strain concept and selection for quirky redistribution of silencing
(qsr) mutants. The triple silencer strain has three different reporter genes at three different loci
whose expression is partially silenced; allowing both increases and decreases in silencing to be
monitored. Transcription at telomeres and the HMR silent mating type cassette is silenced in part
by the actions of Sir2p, Sir3p and Sir4p, and Sir2p also acts at the array of ribosomal RNA genes
(the rDNA). The qsr mutants were selected by screening for mutants that had the phenotype of
relocalizing silencing function from telomeres to other loci
The triple silencer strain was used as the starting point in a transposon mutagenesis to identify mutants with the lower telomere silencing and higher silencing
at the mutant hmr silent mating type cassette seen in long-lived strains (Roy and
Runge 2000) which we call qsr mutants for their quirky silencing redistribution
phenotype. The transposon mutagenesis used the library created by Burns et al. that
essentially allows one to analyze random transposon insertions throughout the yeast
genome (Burns et al. 1994). We generated 33,000 insertion mutants and screened
them for increased hmr silencing and decreased telomere silencing, and the only
kinase we identified was the MAP kinase Slt2p (Ray et al. 2003). We went on to
show that Slt2p is an in vivo Sir3p kinase (Ray et al. 2003), which was also shown
independently by others (Ai et al. 2002). One interesting aspect of this finding is
that Slt2p is activated by rapid growth, which would increase Sir3p phosphorylation
and decrease lifespan, while slower growth would leave Sir3p unphosphorylated
and extend lifespan. In many organisms, a nutrient-rich medium correlates with
more rapid growth and shorter lifespan while a nutrient-poor medium correlates
with slower growth and longer lifespan (Metcalfe and Monaghan 2003; Piper and
Partridge 2007; Sinclair 2005; Sohal and Weindruch 1996). Thus, the Slt2p-Sir3p
circuit appears to be one of the control pathways activated in yeast that regulates
lifespan in response to nutrient levels.
The final qsr mutant collection contained a total of 18 genes whose deletion caused a transcriptional silencing phenotypes associated with long-lived cells:
less silencing at telomeres and more silencing at the silent mating type cassettes
(Kennedy et al. 1995; Ray et al. 2003). Each insertion mutant was subsequently verified by deleting the identified genes ORF and showing that the deletion mutation
also had the same silencing phenotype.
An unexpected outcome from this screen was that the largest class of mutants
disrupted mitochondrial function. Mutations in COX4, encoding a component
of the electron transport chain, and ATP2, the -subunit of the F1 F0 -ATP synthase, were isolated twice. In addition, five genes affecting mitochondrial protein
synthesis and a chaperone for Cox2p transport into the mitochondrial matrix
were also identified (Table 13.1). These data indicated that the transcriptional
silencing redistribution phenotype provided an unexpected, novel reporter for
mitochondrial function and could monitor mitochondrial-nuclear signaling. All of
the strains lacking these genes could not grow on carbon sources that require
mitochondrial function, showing that these mutations simultaneously impaired
mitochondrial function and changed nuclear silencing. The Nystrm lab has also
found that nuclear mutations in a subset of gene involved in mitochondrial protein synthesis alter silencing at the rDNA array and silent mating type cassettes
(Caballero et al. 2011), further establishing this mitochondrial function-nuclear gene
silencing link.
Interestingly, similar transcriptional silencing defects were observed with two
proteins from different subcellular compartments: ATP2, which encodes the mitochondrial -subunit of the F1 F0 -ATP synthase, and SAS4, which encodes nuclear
histone modifying enzyme (Fig. 13.2). We found that the atp2 strain had a short
RLS compared to wild type, in agreement with previous work from the Jazwinski
Table 13.1 The quirky silencing redistribution (qsr) mutants show that the distribution of silencing responds to mitochondrial function. The largest class of mutants, which alters mitochondrial
function, and the two mutants that have established roles in silencing are shown
Mitochondrial components
ATP2/-subunit of F1 F0 -ATP
COX4/cytochrome c oxidase
IFM1/translation initiation
MRLP9/ribosomal protein
MRSP8/ribsosomal protein
MSD1/Aspartyl tRNA
YER087W/unknown tRNA
MSS2/required for Cox2p
Signaling proteins
SLT2/MAP kinase for cell
Known silencing regulators
SAS4/relocalizes Sir proteins
Functional class
Systematic name
F1 F0 -ATP synthase
Mitochondrial translation
Mitochondrial translation
Mitochondrial translation
Mitochondrial translation
Mitochondrial translation
Mitochondrial chaperone
lab (Lai et al. 2002), while the sas4 strain had a longer RLS (Fig. 13.3), indicating
that the transcriptional silencing phenotype is not a predictor of long lifespan. The
short RLS of atp2 cells contrasts with the extended RLS of some other mitochondrial mutants (Caballero et al. 2011; Kirchman et al. 1999), revealing additional
complexities in this lifespan control pathway. The sum of these observations do
show that partially dysfunctional mitochondria signal transcriptional changes in the
nucleus that alter lifespan and silencing.
Fig. 13.2 The qsr mutants atp2 and sas4 have similar silencing phenotypes. A spot test assay
of the three reporter genes, using the amount of growth as a measure of the level of gene expression.
Ten-fold serial dilutions of single yeast colonies bearing the indicated mutations were spotted onto
the indicated media to monitor silencing, where COM is complete medium where all cells can
grow, -trp is medium where cells that have not silenced the TRP1 gene can grow, and FOA (5fluoro-orotic acid) and CAN (canavanine) are media where cells that have silenced the URA3 and
CAN1 genes, respectively, can grow. Arrows to the right indicate the relative level of silencing at
each locus compared to wild type cells, with up arrows showing more silencing and down arrows
showing less silencing
function. This mitochondria-to-nucleus signaling occurs in both yeast and mammals (Liu and Butow 2006). In yeast, the best understood retrograde signaling
pathway involves 3 genes: RTG2, which encodes part of a chromatin remodeling
complex, and RTG1 and RTG3, which encode the subunits of the heterodimeric
factor that activates transcription of many of the nuclear genes for mitochondrial
proteins. However, transcriptional profiling experiments have shown that some
genes whose transcription changes in response to loss of the mitochondrial genome
do not require the RTG2 gene for this change, dividing retrograde signaling into
RTG2-independent and RTG2-dependent processes (Liu and Butow 2006). The
Fig. 13.4 The redistribution of silencing phenotype responds to mitochondrial state, and shows
that the atp2 defect signals through a new pathway. a The silencing redistribution assay responds
to the known RTG2 control of cellular response to loss of the mitochondrial genome. Cells that
have lost the mitochondrial genome are referred to as 0 cells. The silencing phenotypes of
rtg2 and 0 cells are different, but the rtg2 0 double mutant has the rtg2 phenotype. Thus,
the silencing effect of 0 cells is signaled through the RTG2 pathway. b The silencing phenotype
of the atp2 rtg2 double mutant is different from either single mutant, indicating that they affect
silencing through distinct pathways
had a silencing phenotype that was different from either single mutant (Fig. 13.4b),
indicating that two different effects were occurring in the double mutant. Thus, the
atp2 mutation activates an RTG2-independent retrograde signaling pathway, and
reveals a novel role for the F1 F0 -ATP synthase -subunit in mitochondria-to-nucleus
hypothesis that defective mitochondria in atp2 cells initiate a signal that changes
in nuclear silencing may be more complex (e.g. a combination of different signals through multiple pathways). Experiments to distinguish these possibilities are
and not easy to distinguish. It has been reported that some asymmetry in S. pombe
cell division does occur and is easily observable in later divisions (Barker and
Walmsley 1999; Erjavec et al. 2008; Minois et al. 2006), but the difficulty in observing these differences in early divisions makes establishing an S. pombe replicative
lifespan assay in a rigorous way difficult. Consequently, we and others have sought
to establish a CLS assay in S. pombe.
It should be noted that extensive work on the cell cycle in S. pombe has established that placing cells into medium that lacks a nitrogen or carbon source causes
cell cycle exit and can allow cells to survive for many months (Shimanuki et al.
2007; Su et al. 1996). While these experiments are revealing with respect to the differences between rapidly growing and stationary phase G0 cells, this transition is
quite different from cells that grow in medium and gradually exhaust a subset of the
nutrients. In the wild, rapidly growing cells would most likely exhaust the most limiting nutrient first, and cells would need to stop growing and survive in the presence
of a complex but nutritionally incomplete medium. Consequently, the approach to
yeast CLS assays has been to grow cells to stationary phase in liquid medium and
observe how long cells in this medium can survive and grow when returned to fresh
The central question in developing a CLS assay for S. pombe is what criteria should be used to determine if a CLS protocol is a valid assay? In keeping
with the goal of a model system to reveal evolutionarily conserved processes, one
essential point is that the approach must recapitulate the well-established responses
to conditions known to control lifespan. We therefore tested some of the known
media used in the S. pombe field for one of the most well-conserved properties of
lifespan control: lifespan extension by under nutrition and lifespan shortening by
Caloric restriction, or under nutrition, is an intervention known to cause a delay
in the onset of aging phenotypes and a significant increase in lifespan in rodents,
while higher levels of calories are associated with shorter lifespan (McCay et al.
1935). These observations have been recapitulated in S. cerevisiae, C. elegans and
Drosophila (Bishop and Guarente 2007; Dilova et al. 2007; Guarente 2008). An
additional property of these long-lived organisms is resistance to stress: a higher
proportion of a population of long-lived yeast, nematodes and flies can survive lethal
stresses compared to their normal counterparts (Gems and Partridge 2008; Kennedy
et al. 1995; Masoro 2005, 2007; Sinclair 2005). Thus, lifespan extension by caloric
restriction and the increased stress resistance of long-lived cells are evolutionarily conserved properties of aging in both unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes.
One would therefore expect that a valid CLS assay for S. pombe should show these
evolutionarily conserved responses to changes in nutrient levels.
The methodology for the CLS assay that fulfilled these criteria is shown in
Fig. 13.5. Cells were tested in several media, including the commonly used
Edinburgh Minimal Medium (EMM) and Synthetic Dextrose (SD) medium. It was
surprising to find that the commonly used EMM medium did not respond in an evolutionarily conserved manner, as cells grown in 5% glucose (i.e. with higher levels
of calories) lived longer than cells grown in EMM medium with the standard 2%
Fig. 13.5 Basics of the S. pombe CLS assay. Recently grown S. pombe cells are resuspended
in 30 ml of medium at a low density (5 104 cells/ml) in a 125 ml flask and grown at 30 C
under rotation for the course of the experiment. After 2 days of growth, cells reach their maximum
density, which is marked as day 0 in the experiment. The density of viable cells per ml is determined by plating dilutions of cells on medium where all cells can grow, and counting the number
of colonies after 4 days (this number does not change if cells are grown for longer periods of
time). Synthetic dextrose medium provided a CLS assay that recapitulated all of the evolutionarily
conserved features of aging that we tested
glucose (Chen and Runge 2009). Thus, increased calories prolonged lifespan, in
contrast to what is observed in other species (Piper and Partridge 2007). Therefore,
this medium was inappropriate for elucidating evolutionarily conserved mechanisms
of lifespan control.
It is important to note that while increased glucose concentration has been
reported to increase RLS in the budding yeast, this high-glucose-induced lifespan
extension appears to be due to increased osmotic stress (Kaeberlein et al. 2002). In
contrast to RLS, high osmotic stress shortened CLS in S. cerevisiae (Murakami et al.
2008). Thus, the extension of S. pombe CLS by high glucose in EMM appears to be
an unusual phenomenon that does not reflect conserved mechanisms in the biology
of aging, arguing against the use of EMM medium in S. pombe aging assays.
Synthetic Dextrose or SD medium proved to recapitulate the evolutionarily conserved features of lifespan shortening by overnutrition (high glucose levels) and
lifespan extension by caloric restriction (low glucose levels). The standard 3% glucose medium did not artificially extend or shorten CLS by caloric restriction or
overnutrition. The overnutrition condition (5% glucose) had a median lifespan only
40% of the 3% normal condition and a lower glucose concentrations of 0.3 and
0.1% showed the same long lifespans that were more than twice as long as the standard condition (Fig. 13.6a) (Chen and Runge 2009). Remarkably, the phenomenon
of reaching a maximum lifespan as calories are further decreased is the same in
rodents (Weindruch et al. 1986), so S. pombe grown in different SD media recapitulate the lifespan control seen in mammals. The longest-lived S. pombe from
calorically restricted medium also showed increased resistance to heat and oxidative stress (Chen and Runge 2009), showing that the long-lived yeast showed the
increased stress resistance seen in other long-lived organisms. Thus, the CLS in SD
media was validated by evolutionary conservation of the response to overnutrition,
caloric restriction and stress resistance of long-lived cells.
Fig. 13.6 The S. pombe CLS assay shows lifespan shortening under overnutrition and lifespan
extension under caloric restriction. a The median CLS of wild type S. pombe in SD media with
different glucose concentrations as described in Chen and Runge (2009). The standard 3% glucose condition does not artificially extend nor shorten lifespan, while overnutrition (5% glucose)
shortens lifespan and caloric restriction (2% glucose) extends lifespan as seen in other species.
Median lifespans for these assays are the point when log10 of the viable cells/ml is reduced to
50% of its original value (Chen and Runge 2009). b Representative CLS curves of two conditions
showing that the number of viable cells/ml decreases uniformly without significant regrowth until
all cells are dead (Modified from Chen and Runge 2009)
One unique feature of our CLS is that cells show a uniform decline in viability until all cells in the culture are dead (Fig. 13.6b). This assay represents a major
departure from most previously published CLS assays in yeast and all other CLS
assays performed in S. pombe, where viability is monitored over a decrease from
100% alive to 1 or 0.1% alive (e.g. Fabrizio and Longo 2003; Fabrizio et al. 2001;
MacLean et al. 2001; Mutoh and Kitajima 2007; Ohtsuka et al. 2008; Roux et al.
2006, 2009; Wei et al. 2008; Weinberger et al. 2007; Zuin et al. 2008)). One advantage of following this smaller range of viability is that it allows a simple comparison
of yeast CLS assay results with other lifespan assays of other organisms, which usually monitor scores to thousands of individuals, instead of the hundreds of millions
of individuals in a yeast culture. In addition, analysis beyond 3 logs can be a problem
because large numbers of individuals remain alive when only 0.1% of the culture is
viable (106 cells), and it has been shown in budding yeast that some cells can
regrow as other cells die (Fabrizio et al. 2004) (Franco, J. and Runge, K.W., unpublished observations). These results complicate the selection in that the cells that
survive the longest may not be those with the longest lifespan but those best at scavenging nutrients from dead cells, or those bearing secondary mutations that allow
survival. While a number of important discoveries have been made with the budding
yeast system in the face of this limitation (e.g. Fabrizio et al. 2001; Powers 3rd et al.
2006), the ability to age a culture with a uniform decline in viability until almost all
of the cells are dead means that the S. pombe system affords a new opportunity to
directly select for long-lived cells from a large pool of random mutants.
While our work was in progress, several other labs reported chronological lifespan assays for S. pombe that followed the S. cerevisiae protocol using EMM, SD or
the complex rich medium YE (Mutoh and Kitajima 2007; Ohtsuka et al. 2008; Roux
et al. 2006, 2009; Zuin et al. 2008, 2010). Using both SD and EMM media, Ohtsuka
et al. were successful in isolating a multicopy plasmid that could extend S. pombe
lifespan in their assay (Ohtsuka et al. 2008), which is quite remarkable since such
plasmids vary in copy number (Brun et al. 1995), and thus the expressed protein
levels vary between different cells in the population. While the function of the 80
aa ORF that Ohtsuka et al. cloned is currently unknown, their data suggest that
lifespan extending genes whose effects operate above a certain threshold of overexpression can be identified from plasmid libraries. Consistent with this supposition,
this plasmid-based assay has been used to clone several genes that extend CLS when
present in multiple copies in both S. pombe and S. cerevisiae (Azuma et al. 2009;
Ohtsuka et al. 2009; Roux et al. 2010). Two other labs have also reported lifespan
extension by caloric restriction in SD or YE media (Roux et al. 2009; Zuin et al.
2010). The ultimate test for the utility of our assay and these others will be their
ability to elucidate new lifespan controlling pathways that are also conserved in
Fig. 13.7 Hypothetical survival curves of a long-lived mutant whose median lifespan is extended
and whose maximum lifespan is equal to wild type. The gray bar labeled Sample indicates
a point in the CLS when viability is monitored and colonies of surviving cells are isolated.
a Examples of wild type cells and a mutant that rectangularizes the lifespan curve to provide
a longer median lifespan (described in the text). If survival is on a log scale (e.g. Fig. 13.6b), then
the number of viable mutant cells in the indicated Sample could be 100-fold higher than wildtype.
b Relative amounts of surviving cells with 1-long lived mutant in a pool of 1000 mutants with
normal lifespan. Even if the proportion of the long-lived mutant is increased by 100-fold in the
total culture, this long-lived mutant will still only make up 10% of the surviving cells. Thus, aging
the culture to near the end of the lifespan can amplify the fraction of long-lived mutants, but an
additional mechanism to identify the long-lived mutants from the high background of cells with
normal lifespan is required
Fig. 13.8 Construction and rationale for the S. pombe DNA insertion library. a A map of the
DNA insertion vector. The insertion vector contains the ura4+ gene for selection in S. pombe,
a random barcode containing 27 random nucleotides, a lexA binding site for tethering transcriptional enhancers upstream of a HeLa cell hsp70 promoter that functions in S. pombe (Prentice and
Kingston 1992) and a buffer sequence with no ATG codons. DNA transformed into S. pombe can
be degraded prior to integration, and the ATG-less buffer sequence and ura4+ gene serve to preserve the barcode sequence in ura4+ transformants. The hsp70 promoter can drive transcription of
a nearby gene or gene fragment to alter its regulation. The vector also contains a mutant lox71 site
of the cre-lox recombination system, which strongly favors site-specific integration with plasmids
bearing the mutant lox66 site (described in detail in: Albert et al. 1995; Araki et al. 1997). These
features allow the DNA insertion site to be identified by TAIL-PCR using the vector sequences
(Liu et al. 1995), by Inverse or splinker PCR (Devon et al. 1995; Innis et al. 1990) using the unique
barcode sequence as primer or by integrating a plasmid with a lox66 site and bacterial origin of
replication into the lox71 site and cloning the flanking DNA in E. coli. b Insertions into different regions of an S. pombe gene can generate different phenotypes. Insertions into the exons and
introns that give rise to the final mRNA ORF may eliminate the function of the final protein or generate a truncated product with an altered function (e.g. removal of a regulatory region). Insertion
into the 5 or 3 sequence may alter promoter activity or mRNA stability, respectively, altering the
final levels of the protein
into the genome (Fig. 13.8). Because the DNA insertion vector marks the mutation,
one can readily identify the mutated gene and test if this mutation caused the longer
lifespan. Each insertion contains a unique, random sequence that serves as a molecular barcode, so the relative proportion of each mutant in the culture is reflected by
the relative proportion of each barcode. A long-lived mutant whose relative proportion increases late in the CLS (Fig. 13.7b) will be reflected by a similar increase in
the proportion of its barcode. Thus, analysis of the barcodes can identify the longlived mutant, and the unique barcode provides a PCR primer for identifying the cells
that carry this insertion.
The barcodes were designed so that they could be amplified by PCR and easily oligomerized. Thus, a single DNA sequencing reaction could provide data on
Fig. 13.9 Using barcodes to identify long-lived mutants. Each barcode is bordered by two Sfi
I sites. Sfi I recognizes GGCCAGGGxAGGCC, where x shows the cleavage site that leaves a
3 nt overhang. The Sfi I sites in the insertion vector yield fragments that can be ligated into headto-tail oligomers, and oligomers of 610 barcodes can be easily isolated and cloned for sequencing.
One can therefore sample a large number of barcodes from the population of surviving cells
and identify those that are present at high frequency. The barcodes sequences were designed as
27 bases of random sequence interspersed with Adenine residues at defined positions such that the
barcodes contain no Sfi I, BamH I or Sma I sites, so digestion of the PCR fragments with Sfi I can
recover all of the barcodes in the sample
multiple barcodes (Fig. 13.9). By starting with cultures where all mutants are present
in approximately equal amounts, those barcodes that are present in a higher proportion (e.g. 10% of the total sequenced) are easily identified in an aged culture.
A major advantage of this approach is that the barcode sequences do not need to
be known prior to performing the experiment. By using sufficiently long, random
barcodes to construct the insertion mutants, each of the barcodes will be unique as
the chance of isolating two mutants with the same barcode is extremely small (e.g.
the chance of two out of 1000 mutants having the same barcode from a library of
105 barcodes is about 1/103 ).
One notable advantage of this approach is that one can isolate several types
of mutations in both genes that are dispensable for growth and in genes that are
required for growth. Each S. pombe gene can be considered to have 3 regions where
insertion can give rise to a phenotype (Fig. 13.8b). Insertions within the exons and
introns that give rise to the final ORF could eliminate gene function and yield a
null phenotype. However, some of these insertions, as well as insertions into the
5 and 3 regulatory regions, could alter protein function or final protein levels. As
described above for ATP2 in S. cerevisiae and a large number of C. elegans RNAi
mutations, reducing the level of protein without eliminating it can extend lifespan.
Consequently, the insertion mutagenesis approach has the potential to identify a
wide variety of lifespan extending mutations.
We have generated 10,000 such insertion mutants to date, with the individual
mutants arrayed in 384-well plates (Chen, B.-R., Hale, D., Ciolek, P. and Runge,
K.W., in preparation). To determine if the DNA insertion mutants were random,
we assayed 3600 of them for easily scorable phenotypes. We found 89 mutants:
30 were unable to grow on minimal medium (consistent with a mutation in a biosynthetic enzyme), 19 had changes in a colony color assay (reflecting mutations in
mitochondrial function and/or adenine biosynthesis), 13 could grow on medium
that causes loss of the mitochondrial genome (suggesting a mutation that allows
S. pombe to lose mitochondrial genome and live) and 8 were unable to grow at
36 C (consistent with altered expression of a gene required for growth at higher
temperature). No mutant had more than one phenotype, and a least one mutant was
found in every test we tried. Thus, the variety of mutants are consistent with random
integration of the DNA insertion vector throughout the genome.
We should note that a collection of deletion mutants is currently available from
the private South Korean company Bioneer (Kim et al. 2010). Unlike the haploid
ORF deletion mutant collection that was constructed in S. cerevisiae with public funds and sold at a reduced cost ($3500), the S. pombe collection is more
expensive ($13,000), only 60% of the genes are deleted in the haploid strains, the
deletions do not remove the entire ORF in some cases (i.e. over 600 mutants retain
20% of their coding sequences and over 200 mutants retain more than 40% (Kim
et al. 2010)) and the barcode sequences for each deletion were not provided for
several years after the library was first sold. Since the identity of the barcodes was
published, we have found a number of discrepancies in the documentation of the
mutant strains and their barcodes versus what is present in the collection. In spite of
these shortcomings, the release of the data for most of the mutants in the collection
does provide an opportunity for adapting this collection for the isolation of longlived mutants from the pool of total mutants. These considerations also highlight
the fact that additional genome-wide resources that combine the variety of mutations in our mutant library with the defined location of each mutation in the Bioneer
library would be quite useful for large-scale mutant screening.
Fig. 13.10 The CLS of a long-lived S. pombe mutant that was isolated by direct selection using the
insertion mutant library and barcode screening strategy. The mutation was later verified by recreating it in a wild type strain and showing that two independently recreated mutants also had longer
lifespan. Thus, the barcoded insertion mutant strategy shows great promise for the identification of
evolutionarily conserved lifespan-extending mutations using the S. pombe system
Fig. 13.9. One barcode, and thus its associated mutant cell, constituted 10% of the
all barcodes sequenced in the experiment. An oligonucleotide corresponding to the
barcode was synthesized and used to identify the colonies containing the barcode by
PCR, and then to subsequently determine the insertion site and mutated gene. The
insertion was in the middle of the ORF of the gene with a high sequence similarity
to a class of S. cerevisiae cyclins for the cyclin-dependent kinase Pho85p (Carroll
and OShea 2002; Matsumoto and Wickner 1993; Measday et al. 1997).
This mutant was shown to have a longer lifespan when tested in a culture containing only this mutant in the standard assay, and creating this mutation in a wild type
strain produced the long-lived phenotype (Fig. 13.10). Thus, the selection strategy
was able to isolate a mutant with a longer lifespan. These data raise the interesting
possibility that the mutated cyclin gene allows S. pombe to enter stationary phase
more easily and thus survive longer after nutrients are exhausted, and tests of this
idea are underway.
(Kennedy et al. 1995; Powers 3rd et al. 2006) have made important contributions to
the yeast aging field in both the identification of new pathways (e.g. sirtuins) and
additional insight into evolutionarily conserved ones (e.g. Akt and Tor). Our own
screen for budding yeast mutants that alter gene silencing has led us to investigate
a new signaling pathway from mitochondria to the nucleus and the consequences of
varying the expression of components of the mitochondrial F1 F0 -ATPase.
While these screening approaches have generated interesting lines of research
that can occupy many labs for years, all of the screens are strongly biased. The
screens for stress resistance or changes in silencing require that the lifespan controlling mutations share these phenotypes. The screens for regrowth using the yeast
ORF deletion strain set only examine complete loss of gene function, and so miss
those lifespan extending phenotypes caused by underexpression or point mutations
(e.g. the lifespan extending sir4-42 mutation (Kennedy et al. 1995)). While our
newly developed insertional mutant library in S. pombe addresses some of these
issues, all potential lifespan extending mutations will not be represented (e.g. point
mutations that alter a regulatory phosphorylation site). These considerations illustrate that while these broad genetic approaches can identify a diverse array of
pathways, some lifespan controlling pathways will be missed. Thus, the list of
pathways identified by these approaches will be limited.
Currently, this limitation is not a problem because the number of genes to investigate is quite large. However, this situation may change as the fields of bioinformatics
and genomics continue to advance. As more computational tools are developed to
compare the interactions of proteins, transcription networks and the growth of double mutants (Charbonnier et al. 2008; Ge et al. 2001; Li et al. 2004; Rual et al. 2004;
Walhout et al. 2002; Yu et al. 2004), it seems likely that similar tools can be adapted
to cross-reference phenotypes and classes of mutations that correlate with changes
in lifespan. If such tools can be developed, then comprehensive mutant screens that
test as many types of mutations as possible should help reveal how different lifespan
controlling pathways connect to one another to create a normal lifespan, and how to
perturb them to cause the largest lifespan extension with the least alteration of other
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Chapter 14
The ability of all forms of life, from simple unicellular organisms to complex
eukaryotes, to continue to survive is closely linked to their ability to detect errors
that occur in their macromolecules and then repair them. From an evolutionary perspective, the primary function of the maintenance systems is to provide a sound
internal state as the organism grows and reproduces. The external environment,
A. Rashidi (B)
Institute for Ageing and Health, Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle University,
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 5PL, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Rashidi et al.
however, is not under control of the organism. Indeed, the environment is typically
highly variable, harsh and stressful. One inevitable product of such environments
for the organism is cellular damage which, if not properly countered, threatens the
survival of the lineage in unicellular forms of life and the integrity of tissues in multicellular organisms. Unrepaired genetic damage is particularly dangerous because
of its direct flow to future generations. Non-genetic damage (e.g. protein damage)
is important too. When a cell divides at mitosis, all of its cytoplasmic materials,
including damaged macromolecules are distributed during cytokinesis between the
two daughter cells. Depending on its reparability, all or parts of damage may be
further transferred to the next generation.
How can a cell deal with damage and maximise its Darwinian fitness in environments with various sources of stress? Irreversible protein damage is a serious
problem because the multitude of costly repair mechanisms that exist in the cell
is of no use in this regard. The way this damage is inherited by the daughter cells
is also important. Maximal dilution occurs with symmetric distribution of damage
at division. In order to be effective, symmetry needs to be accompanied by sufficiently rapid proliferation (Rashidi 2008). Otherwise, both daughter cells (i.e. the
lineage) would suffer the same risk of accumulated damage rising eventually to a
lethal level. Thus, symmetry is expected to be an efficient strategy to cope with
irreversible damage when the environment is not too harsh, the cell is sufficiently
rich in repair mechanisms, and/or proliferation is sufficiently fast. The advantage
of making do with symmetry is that it does not require a separate and potentially
costly mechanism to evolve. The disadvantage concerns the requirement for sufficient investment in maintenance (i.e. efficient repair) and/or reproduction (i.e. rapid
proliferation). As an example, damage inheritance in the unicellular fission yeast
Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. pombe) is strikingly symmetric. The old daughter cell in this organism receives on average only 55% of maternal carbonylated
proteins (Minois et al. 2006).
In contrast, asymmetric segregation of damage favours the survival of a lineage
by specifically promoting the survival of the daughter cell that inherits less damage.
Sufficient asymmetry (one daughter cell is born with no damage in the extreme case)
may guarantee lineage survival and compensate for slow reproduction and/or inefficient maintenance systems. Not surprisingly, asymmetric inheritance is prevalent in
all kingdoms of life, from yeast to higher eukaryotes (Aguilaniu et al. 2003; Macara
and Mili 2008; Rujano et al. 2006). The main issue with asymmetry is a potential need for specific mechanisms including new genes, molecules or interactions to
evolve. It is not trivial to see what proportion of resources the cell is best to invest
in maintenance, reproduction, and possibly asymmetry when resources are limited.
Resource limitation causes a multitude of trade-offs at different levels (subcellular,
cellular, organismal) to emerge (Fischer et al. 2009; Stearns 1976). Mathematical
modelling is an alternative to the classical experimental approach in the study of
these trade-offs. Here we investigate and model the evolution of non-genetic damage
segregation in unicellular organisms.
The Model
Basic Assumptions
The model is based on a single haploid asexual cell which founds a genetically
homogenous colony. Regarding damage accumulation and degradation, we study
3 genes, each with one quantitatively indentified locus. The quantitative value
(s, , g) of the genes (e.g. corresponding to their expression level) determines
the strength of the particular traits they produce. The traits are protein synthesis
rate, protein damage rate, and protein damage degradation rate, respectively. Since
colonies are assumed genetically homogenous, we ignore rare mutations that might
occur to the three genes of our interest. We are interested in damage only to the nongenetic materials inside the cell (e.g. proteins) and only irreversible types of damage
(e.g. protein carbonylation (Stadtman 2006)). Proteins are synthesised at a constant
rate s. A constant proportion of the existing proteins are assumed to become irreversibly damaged at rate . While repair is the principal way by which cells handle
reversible forms of damage, there are generally three ways to cope with irreversible
damage: (i) degradation (e.g. by the ubiquitin/proteasome system), (ii) exocytosis,
and (iii) simply living with damage. With the latter, and if the cell survives to reproduce, damage may be diluted between the two daughter cells such that each inherits
only part of the damage. The proportion of damage received by each daughter cell
affects their chances for survival and thus their fitness (Ackermann et al. 2007;
Evans and Steinsaltz 2007; Fredriksson and Nystrm 2006; Watve et al. 2006). This
proportion may also influence the survival of the colony (Erjavec et al. 2008). For
example, with sufficient asymmetry in segregation of damage, the daughter cells
in each generation which are born with relatively little damage can guarantee the
survival of the lineage. The level of segregation asymmetry is assumed to be a heritable trait and rare mutations are not considered. We combine strategies (i) and (ii),
collectively referred to as degradation. Reproduction takes place by cell division
during which damaged particles in the mother cell are distributed between the two
daughter cells. The timing of cell division depends on the amount of undamaged
materials (in this model, native proteins) in the cell (Erjavec et al. 2008). When the
number of native protein molecules reaches a certain threshold, the cell divides. If
damage (D) increases beyond a fixed threshold D , the cell dies. Death occurs by an
apoptosis-like process and does not affect neighbouring cells.
Fitness (of a cell) is defined as the number of descendants it produces per unit of
time. The unit of time is arbitrary (as long as it is constant for comparison purposes)
and can be defined large enough for cells to reproduce. We assume that the most
primitive unicellular organisms had more symmetric damage segregation strategies
than the more recently evolved cells. Therefore, the default strategy is assumed to be
symmetric and we try to find triplets of the form (s, , g) for which asymmetry pays.
As a specific case, if all members of a colony that segregate damage symmetrically
and descend from a given triplet survive, asymmetry will be associated with no
fitness advantage and will thus not evolve. We develop the model in three successive
steps. First, we assume that degradation mechanisms have not yet evolved. Next,
A. Rashidi et al.
we relax this assumption. In these two steps, the cell does not have to pay any
costs (metabolic, energetic) to evolve asymmetry. In the third step, asymmetry is
associated with a fixed cost detracted from resources invested in maintenance and/or
Proteins (p) are synthesised at a constant rate (s) and are irreversibly damaged
by a first-degree kinetic process with constant . Damaged proteins (D) are also
degraded by the same kind of process with constant g. The cell divides when normal
which case the cell dies before division. Without loss of generality, we let p = 1.
Time (t) is measured from the time the cell is born. In order to give our cells a
chance to reproduce, we assume s > . Without this assumption, the cell dies before
it can divide. Segregation of damage at division is assumed to occur according to
a segregation coefficient , which is a heritable trait. A proportion of damage
segregates to one of the daughter cells and the rest of the damage goes to the other
cell. To set the initial conditions, we note that D(0) is the amount of damage that a
daughter cell inherits from its mother. Since aggregation of damaged proteins makes
them more stable (and so makes their turn-over slower than that of normal proteins),
we do not consider the inheritance of normal proteins (Carrio and Villaverde 2003;
Maisonneuve et al. 2008). In other words, we let p (0) = 0.
No Degradation
In this case, corresponding to g = 0, the degradation mechanisms have not yet
evolved or are negligibly primitive. The system has no fixed points (i.e. stable
or unstable steady states) and the amount of accumulated damage increases in an
explosive manner. The only chance for survival is rapid reproduction such that
before damage reaches fatal levels, the cell has already divided.
To examine the fate of the population and the advantages of asymmetry, let us
look closely into the behaviour of the model. It can be shown that the necessary and
sufficient condition for survival of a cell (until division) is
With Degradation
Now we evaluate the case where cells already possess degradation mechanisms and
hence g > 0. The cell cycle duration and total damage accumulated in the cell at time
of division, if the accumulated damage is not high enough to have already killed the
cell are given by
T = 1 Ln (1 /s)
DT = (g s) /g (g ) + (D (0) + s/ (g ) s/g) (1 /s)g/
The analysis of the system shows that with sufficiently long cell cycle duration,
the dynamics of the accumulated damage in a cell follows one of the following
3 patterns:
(i) Damage increases to a finite maximum. This case occurs when D (0) = 0.
(ii) Damage decreases to a minimum. This case occurs when
D (0) > s/g ( g) > 0.
A. Rashidi et al.
Fig. 14.1 The stable steady state of the system with three typical trajectories. All trajectories
are attracted to the steady state, shown by the dashed line. a The ratio of maintenance to growth
investment is sufficiently high (g/s > 1/D ). b The maintenance/growth ratio is low (g/s < 1/D )
(iii) There is an initial decline in damage after which damage increases to a finite
maximum. This is the case for any condition that does not satisfy (i) and (ii).
The system has one steady state(p, D) = (s/, s/g), which is stable (Fig. 14.1).
Symmetry offers the highest possible fitness (all cells survive) when s < gD .
Also, symmetry is the best strategy (all cells survive) if both of the following two
conditions hold (see Appendix for detailed analysis):
gD < s < (1 + D ) /4
2 4s/ (1 + D ) 2 < g < min , + 2 4s/ (1 + D ) 2
Costs of Asymmetry
In the previous two sections, we have implicitly assumed that asymmetry has no
cost (in terms of available resources or energy budget of the cell) for the cell, that is,
the molecules that may provide an asymmetry-generating mechanism have already
evolved in the cell for other purposes and asymmetry is either a costless by-product
of their existence or the costs to the cell of the new interactions that need to be
created between those molecules are negligibly small. Now, we relax this simplistic assumption and analyse a case in which the total energy budget of the cell is
allocated in an optimal fashion to three categories of physiological functions: maintenance (required budget: em ), reproduction (required budget: er ), and asymmetry
(required budget: ea ). There is no explicit mathematical formula to deal with this
in a general way, so for tractability we only compare symmetry with complete
asymmetry ( = 1). In other words, we do not calculate the fitness conferred by
partially asymmetric segregation strategies (e.g. = 0.8).
We make two further assumptions: (i) the rate of damage accumulation
is inversely related to maintenance investments (under constant environmental
Fig. 14.2 Fundamental relationships stemming from physiological trade-offs. A cell invests in
reproduction and maintenance. a The proliferation rate increases and thus the cell cycle duration
decreases with increasing reproductive investment. The cell cycle can become infinitely long (with
little investment in reproduction), but due to physicochemical constraints it cannot be shorter than
a certain minimum. b The rate of damage accumulation decreases with increasing maintenance
investment. The environment is assumed as a finite source of stress such that damage accumulation cannot be infinitely fast, even when maintenance investment is minimal. A minimum rate of
damage accumulation is inevitable, irrespective of the level of maintenance investment
conditions), and (ii) the cell cycle duration is inversely related to reproductive investments (Fig. 14.2). Let us represent these two relationships with g (em ) and f (er ),
respectively. Therefore, the amount of damage accumulated (and added to the initial
damage the cell is born with) during a cell cycle will be g (em ) f (er ).
It can be shown that with a symmetric segregation strategy, every cell in the
population survives to reproduce if
g (em ) f (er ) < min D /2, D D (0)
Consequently, the highest possible fitness with symmetry is achieved by
em (opt) = min em : g (em ) f (er ) < min D /2, D D (0)
Figure 14.3 and the fitness (population size at time t) associated with this optimal
strategy will be
fitnessmax = 2t/f (eem (opt))
the fatal threshold D , the cell dies. Therefore, a cell lives for a certain number, l, of
cycles that depend on its initial damage, the fatal damage threshold, and the amount
of damage accumulated in each cell cycle. We have
D D (0) /g (em ) f (er ) ,
A. Rashidi et al.
where [u] is the largest integer smaller than or equal to u. For example, if the accumulating damage kills an initially damage-free cell (i.e. its old daughter cell in this
example) during its second cell cycle, l will be 1 and the population size at any time
(after the first cell cycle is completed) will be 2. Compared to the symmetric case
discussed above, this is a considerably low fitness value. When l = 2 (i.e. damage
kills a granddaughter of an initially damage-free cell), it can be shown that
N (n + 1) = 2 (N (n) Nd (n)) ,
where N(n) and Nd (n) denote the total number of living cells and the number of
cells that die in generation n, respectively. Further analysis shows that Nd (n) is a
Fibonacci number and hence
Nd (n) = n1 (1 )n1 / 5,
where = 1 + 5 /2. Substituting (14.6) into (14.5) and with some algebraic
calculations we have
N (n) = 2 n+1 (1 )n+1 / 5
N (0) = 1, N (1) = 2
N(n) in this formula generates delayed (i.e. without the first term in the classical
sequence) Fibonacci numbers. There is no general formula for l > 2. The sequences
corresponding to l > 2 are Fibonacci-like sequences in which each term is the sum
of its previous l terms, and the first l terms of the sequence are increasing nonnegative powers of 2. The growth rate of such sequences is initially higher than
that of the simple power sequence derived in (14.4), which will eventually overtake the Fibonacci-like sequences. Therefore, asymmetry pays at small carrying
capacities. When asymmetry is rare, it remains rare if the carrying capacity of the
population is sufficiently large. It should be emphasised that we have only considered = 1 as asymmetry. Our results might be different with intermediate levels
of asymmetry. This is important because although there is currently no known
mechanism that generates a well-regulated submaximal level of asymmetry, the
Fig. 14.4 The effects of particle number and segregation fidelity on damage variation. Variance
of the proportion of premitotic maternal damage received by d1 , the daughter cell into which damaged particles segregate with a higher probability, is higher for smaller values of n (the number of
independently behaving damaged particles in the mother cell immediately before mitosis) and ,
the segregation coefficient. Points located on a given curve exhibit the same level of variance in
damage, represented by the number on the curve
Fig. 14.5 Comparison between symmetry and asymmetry for the relation between maintenance
investments and fundamental properties of the system (i.e. cell cycle duration and the accumulated
damage per cell cycle). With asymmetry, there are lower amounts of resources available for maintenance/reproduction investment. With asymmetry, the cell cycle duration curve is shifted to the
left (a) and the damage accumulation curve is transformed and shifted to the left (b)
A. Rashidi et al.
duration and accumulated damage per cell cycle). The costs of asymmetry are
inevitably detracted from resources that could otherwise be maximally allocated
to reproductive and/or maintenance functions.
General Implications of the Results
In the first section of the model, we showed that before degradation evolves, symmetry is an optimal strategy unless damage accumulation during a cell cycle is
significantly high. This case is possible with small investments in reproduction,
which prolong the cell cycle, and in stressful environments. If resources in such
environments are low, cells will not be able to increase the energy allocated to reproduction and the damage caused by stress will accumulate during the (relatively) long
cell cycle to dangerous levels. Asymmetry is the only solution in these conditions. In
the second section of the model, cells had already evolved degradation mechanisms.
As expected, asymmetry evolves less readily in this case. In particular, symmetry
is an optimal strategy when the ratio of maintenance to growth investment is suffi
ciently high (i.e. g/s > 1/D ). When this is not true, the condition derived in (14.3)
opposes the evolution of asymmetry. It should be noted that there might be other
cases in which symmetry is the optimal strategy. We only derived the conditions
leading to two major categories of such cases.
The third section of the model was the most general situation and considered the possibility of asymmetry being associated with certain costs. Potential
costs of asymmetry have not yet been identified. Many components of the known
asymmetry-generating mechanisms have other functions in the cell. For example,
heat shock proteins, a large family of highly conserved and constitutively synthesised molecular chaperones, assist refolding and degradation of misfolded proteins,
and may mediate the upstream part of the pathway leading to asymmetric segregation of damage (Bardwell and Craig 1984; Kltz 2003, 2005; Liang and MacRae
1997). Two well-known heat shock proteins that bind to irreversibly damaged proteins are Hsp70 (DnaK) and Hsp104 (ClpB) (Barnett et al. 2005; Erjavec et al. 2007;
Hartl 1996; Mogk et al. 1999; Zimmerman et al. 2004). At least some elements
required for asymmetry have therefore already evolved and hence natural selection
could simply exploit them for a novel purpose without needing to pay additional
costs. However, new molecular interactions might have been needed to be established and the costs associated with these inventions remain to be seen. Distal parts
of the pathways that move damaged molecules (using the cytoskeleton) seem to be
more specifically linked to the asymmetry mechanism. Examples of such components are certain J domain proteins (e.g. rsp1p in S. pombe and glsA in the simple
multicellular organism Volvox carteri) that form a bridge between heat shock proteins and the cytoskeleton (Miller and Kirk 1999; Zimmerman et al. 2004). The costs
associated with evolution of these molecules may have well been significant. It has
been estimated that the average yeast protein can change its expression only by 0.5%
without a change in energy costs visible to natural selection (Wagner 2005, 2007).
The constraint introduced by the limited available energy budget on changes in gene
expression become particularly significant at large effective population sizes, where
rapid proliferation is tightly coupled to an efficient energy metabolism (Fay et al.
2004; Townsend et al. 2003). Recent studies on budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) suggest that even single amino acid replacements (which might
generate asymmetry here) can be subject to natural selection on the basis of their
material costs (Bragg and Wagner 2009). We showed that the carrying capacity of
the population is a critical determinant of early stages of evolution of asymmetry, i.e.
when asymmetry was rare. With abundant resources in the environment, for example, we do not expect high selection pressures for evolution and spread of asymmetry
when it is rare.
The condition derived for evolution of asymmetry when it is costly is not uncommon. It is reminiscent of a well-known evolutionary question on origin of life. In
competition between a Malthusian replicator (capable of template-mediated selfreplication) and a one-member hypercycle (capable of both template-mediated and
enzyme-mediated self-replication), large carrying capacities oppose the evolution of
Malthusian replicators when they are initially rare (Michod 1999).
Links to Ageing
The intrinsic biology of cellular ageing is closely linked to asymmetric damage
partitioning (Ackermann et al. 2003; Johnson and Mangel 2006; Kirkwood 2005).
Damage segregation in unicellular organisms is a strategy with several potential
advantages including rapid growth (Evans and Steinsaltz 2007; Watve et al. 2006),
improved damage handling (Ackermann et al. 2007; Fredriksson and Nystrm
2006; Johnson and Mangel 2006), and more resistance against clonal senescence
(Erjavec et al. 2008). Interestingly, neither symmetry nor asymmetry is universal.
S. cerevisiae, Candida albicans, and S. pombe use, on average, segregation strategies = 0.75, = 0.65, and = 0.55, respectively (Aguilaniu et al. 2003; Fu
et al. 2008; Minois et al. 2006). We have recently developed a stochastic model
to account for this range (manuscript under review). Three parameters, namely
d (damage accumulation rate), i (damage-induced death), and m (proliferation
rate), were found to be correlated to asymmetry. The simplest model which was
capable of explaining more than 90% variation of the outcome of evolution was
composed of d, m, and the interaction term d i . Specifically, large values of
d and d i and small values of m were significant predictors of asymmetry. The
model was stochastic and did not include costs of asymmetry. The following points
summarise the results of the stochastic model:
1. The outcome of evolution depends both on organismal and ecological conditions. A significant proportion of individuals in mutation-prone populations do
not follow the fitness-maximising level of asymmetry (as related to individual
fitness) after the population has reached steady state distributions of segregation
A. Rashidi et al.
2. High rates of damage accumulation and severe damage with sufficiently detrimental effects on survival promote the evolution of asymmetry. Mutations that
promote asymmetry are particularly favoured in harsh environments.
3. Rapid proliferation reduces the force of selection for asymmetry.
4. Asymmetry might be an alternative strategy to heavy investments in maintenance
Here we provided analytic proofs and considered asymmetry costs. The total
energy budget available to the organism (the cell in unicellular organisms) is limited. Accordingly, the disposable soma theory of ageing is built on the trade-offs
resulting from resource limitation and concerns the evolutionarily optimised balance
between cellular investment in reproduction and maintenance/repair (Kirkwood and
Holliday 1979). With high rates of extrinsic mortality in nature, it is not beneficial
to put more resources into maintenance functions than are needed for the organism to survive to the time of reproduction. Due to this submaximal maintenance
investment, the organism accumulates damage, declines in its physiological functions, and thus ages. While investment in growth, reproduction, maintenance, and
repair directly affect the investor, investment in asymmetry does not. It only makes
sense when one considers the investors related kin. The offspring and next generations, rather than the same cell, benefit from asymmetry investment. Nevertheless,
the costs (if any) of asymmetry have to be paid by the same cell and from its total
energy budget. Perhaps the disposable soma theory needs to be expanded to include
asymmetry costs.
Transition to Multicellularity
The results of the model developed here cannot be immediately extended to multicellular organisms. One important reason concerns the definition of fitness. In
unicellular forms of life, the cell is the whole organism and so the fitness of the
cell is the same as the fitness of the organism. The well-being of the cell is equal
to the well-being of the organism and strategies that improve cell survival and/or
reproduction are selected for in these simple organisms. This is not the case in multicellular organisms. All cellular strategies have to be tuned during the course of
evolution and aligned with the benefit of the organism. Cell-level selfishness in a
multicellular organism leads to disruption of cooperative behaviour and pathology
(e.g. cancer (Michor et al. 2003)). Cells might even be sacrificed in order for the
individual to survive and reproduce, as is thought to occur when intestinal stem
cells preferentially undergo apoptosis following low-dose irradiation (Potten 2004).
In spite of these issues, asymmetry has found its way into all kingdoms of life. Stem
cell division is one example. Damaged proteins targeted for proteasomal degradation are asymmetrically distributed during mitosis in human embryonic stem cells
(Fuentealba et al. 2008). Stem cell division in adulthood is the same. Irreversibly
damaged proteins in Drosophila melanogaster neuroblasts and intestinal crypts of
patients with protein folding disease are asymmetrically distributed to one of the
daughter cells (Rujano et al. 2006).
Damage may act as a cell fate determinant by at least two ways. Firstly, it reduces
the chances for survival. Secondly, it might attract signalling molecules. The generated signal may then activate certain metabolic pathways and eventually lead to
altered cellular decisions such as growth and differentiation. Has damage and its
asymmetric segregation been utilised by evolution at early stages of multicellularity to promote cellular differentiation and division of labour? Is the efficiency
and activity of the maintenance/repair system regulated during embryogenesis in a
way that damage levels change at specific times and at specific locations within the
growing embryo? How much of the difference between somatic and germ-line protection against damage (e.g. oxidative) can be explained so? These are some of the
questions that should be addressed in future research.
We developed a simple model for evolution of asymmetric non-genetic damage
segregation in unicellular organisms and investigated the conditions in which asymmetry might be a beneficial strategy to evolve. The main components of the model
were protein synthesis, damage accumulation, and damage degradation. The energy
requirements of growth, maintenance, and possibly asymmetry were incorporated
into the model. We suggest that asymmetry is a fundamental fitness modulator and
if sufficiently costly, needs to be considered as part of the trade-offs that arise as a
result of resource limitation. The most obvious application of our results concerns
the evolutionary origin of ageing and yeast is the best known but only one target
for testing the predictions of the present model. The model may be extended to
include any form of non-genetic damage. Preferential segregation and accumulation
of extrachromosomal rDNA circles (ERC) in the mother cell have been proposed
to contribute to yeast mother cell-specific ageing (Sinclair and Guarente 1997).
One can choose to think of ERCs as damaged molecules and then use the idea
of mother cell bias in asymmetric segregation (Shcheprova et al. 1998) to apply the
model. Changes that occur to the asymmetry-related mechanisms at the transition
to multicellularity are another interesting direction for future research.
Acknowledgements AR is supported by a Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award. TBLK and
DPS are supported by the BBSRC Centre for Integrated Systems Biology of Ageing and Nutrition
(CISBAN). Part of this work was supported by and carried out within the EU-funded Network of
Excellence LifeSpan (FP6 036894).
Here we show that with conditions introduced in equation (14.3) in the text, all cells
survive under symmetry, that is to say, symmetry is the best strategy. By looking at
Fig. 14.1b, we realize that the condition for survival of the cell is
DT < D
A. Rashidi et al.
If the right-hand side of the above equation is larger than D , it can easily be seen
that everybody will survive. For this to happen we need
s/g ( g) D 1 s/ (s )
+ / ( g) s/ (s )
> 0,
which then gives
s/ (s )
s/g ( g) D < / ( g) s/ (s )
The right-hand side of the above equation is larger than 1 for g < . For (7) to hold,
we now only require
s/g ( g) D < 1
Equivalently, we need
g2 g + s/ 1 + D < 0
This requires (for the above equation to have real roots)
s < 1 + D /4
2 4s/ (1 + D ) /2 < g < + 2 4s/ (1 + D ) /2
Putting (14.8) and (14.9) together with g < , we have the conditions derived in
(14.3). Note that these are sufficient, but not necessary, conditions.
While this chapter was under review, an interesting article was published by Lindner
et al. (2008). The authors demonstrated asymmetric segregation of protein aggregates between the offspring in Escherichia coli. Accumulation of the aggregates to
the older pole of the cell results in a progressively ageing mother cell (i.e. old-pole
progeny) and rejuvenated new-pole progeny. The authors showed that the segregation of protein aggregation is associated with significant loss of reproductive ability
in the old-pole progeny compared to the new-pole progeny. Also, Klinger et al.
(2010) showed in another article that the oxidatively inactivated acotinase in budding yeast is distributed between the mother cell and the daughter cell according to
volume asymmetry, but the still active part of the enzyme is preferentially segregated
to the daughter cell. The authors suggested that this process aids the rejuvenation of
the daughter cell.
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Chapter 15
Abstract For some time the view that the actin cytoskeleton acts primarily as a
scaffold, to be assembled in response to a signaling cascade as an end point in the
pathway, has prevailed. However, it is now clear that the dynamic nature of the
cytoskeleton is linked to downstream signaling events that further modulate cellular
activity, and which can determine cell fate. Examples of this lie within the regulation
of programmed cell death, the maintenance of homeostasis and the process of cellular ageing. In yeast the actin cytoskeleton has been shown to interact directly with
signaling pathways known to be important in the regulation of both ageing and cell
death. For example it has been discovered that the level of damage sustained by the
actin cytoskeleton under conditions of oxidative stress is directly linked to apoptosis.
Further evidence comes from the finding that actin based propulsion mechanisms
are required for the inheritance of mitochondria and anti-ageing factors into newly
formed cells. In addition to this actin is known to directly influence the formation of
protein aggregations. In this chapter we will discuss these points and postulate as to
their significance with respect to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis.
Keywords Actin Mitochondria Protein aggregation Oxidative stress ROS
Cytoskeleton Ras/cAMP/PKA Autophagy Mitophagy
The actin cytoskeleton ActinCytoskeleton is a major eukaryotic cellular component
that is involved in a variety of essential functions. It is also a crucial part of the
signaling networks that link processes such as polarisation, organelle movement,
motility and division to environmental signals. Actin has been shown to be a target
of proteolytic cleavage by caspases during the process of apoptosis (Mashima et al.
1995), and endures oxidative damage under conditions of cellular stress (see section
Actin as a Target and Effecter of the Oxidative Stress Response below). In fact
recent studies have shown that the actin cytoskeleton has an important role to play
in the regulation of cell death pathways in diverse organisms from plant, animal and
C.W. Gourlay (B)
Kent Fungal Group, School of Biosciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NJ, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
D. Amberg et al.
Fig. 15.1 Actin polymerization in cortical patches (a) and cables (b) and their impact on processes
linked to ageing. Actin monomers exist in a dynamic equilibrium and are present in monomeric (G)
or filamentous (F) form. F-actin is organized into higher order structures such as cortical patches
and cables. These structures perform different tasks within the cell, a number of which contribute
to cellular homeostasis and have an impact on ageing and cell death. In patches the Arp2/3 complex nucleates branched networks. The dynamic nature of patches is essential for the process of
endocytosis and is facilitated by actin binding proteins such as cofilin, Srv2p/CAP and profilin.
Stability in the patches is maintained by the bundling proteins Sac6p and Scp1p (a). Actin cables
serve as tracks for the movement of organelles by the myosin motor proteins. They are nucleated
by members of the formin family and stabilized by the tropomyosins (b). Inheritance of mitochondria into the newly forming cell, as well as the retention of damaged proteins within the mother
cell relies on their function (Boldogh and Pon 2006)
D. Amberg et al.
polymerisation induced by the Arp2/3 complex is inhibited to help promote vesicle release (Smythe and Ayscough 2003, 2006). The release of vesicles requires
the motor function of myosins Myo3p, Myo5p as well as additional proteins such
as Rvs161p, and Rvs167p that interact with the Arp2/3 complex and F-actin.
Mutants defective in these proteins exhibited an inability to achieve scission of
endocytic vesicles from the cell cortex (Kaksonen et al. 2005). Once scission
of the endocytic vesicles is achieved, the actin patch/vesicle structures are transported to endosomes. This is achieved by a passive transport system utilising
the retrograde flow of actin cables from the cell cortex inwards (Huckaba et al.
Actin Cables
The actin cable network first described by Adams and Pringle (1984) is utilised
by yeast cells for polarised growth, organelle segregation, and intracellular transport (Bretscher 2003) (Fig. 15.1). Cables are comprised of shorter actin filaments
overlapping each other in a unidirectional conformation of barbed and pointed
ends. Maintenance of cell polarity by actin was initially observed in temperature
sensitive mutants of the major yeast tropomyosin isoform, Tpm1 (Pruyne et al.
1998). This was further confirmed by temperature sensitive mutants of the type V
myosin, Myo2p, which is required for the movement of cargo in to the growing bud
(Johnston et al. 1991). Other factors involved in cable formation and stability such as
capping protein (Amatruda et al. 1990), the formin Bni1p (Evangelista et al. 1997),
and profilin (Haarer et al. 1990), also confer cell polarity defects when mutated.
The transport and segregation of organelles during bud formation and growth is
achieved through the action of type V myosin coupled to actin cables. This has
been shown by the GFP tagging of post-Golgi transport vesicles which can be
visualised moving towards newly forming bud tips (Schott et al. 2002). Additionally
organelles such as the vacuole, nucleus, cortical ER, and peroxisomes have been
shown to be transported in a Type V myosin dependent manner to growing buds in
S. cerevisiae (Pruyne et al. 2004). In addition mitochondria appear to be transported
on cables, this phenomena is discussed in detail in section The Role of Actin in
Regulating Mitochondrial Function of this chapter. The formation of actin cables,
unlike patches, relies on the nucleation activity of formins (Evangelista et al. 2002;
Sagot et al. 2002). The formin-based initiation of cable assembly was confirmed
by studies in which fragments of the formin Bni1p were shown to nucleate actin
in vitro (Pruyne et al. 2002). Formin assembly can be regulated by Rho1p, Rho3p,
Rho4p, and cdc42p, which are members of the Rho-GTPase family (Dong et al.
2003). Rho3p and Rho4p have been shown to activate formins under normal growth,
whereas Rho1p does so during stress conditions. Interestingly, although Cdc42p is
not required to initiate cable filament assembly, its absence leads to improper cable
assembly organisation during bud growth.
Contractile Ring
During cytokinesis in S. cerevisiae, the bud is separated from the mother cell
by the combined action of the contractile ring (which is principally comprised
of actin and myosin) and the formation of a septum at the mother daughter
cell interface. Although Adams and Pringle (1984) had observed the clustering
of actin on the bud neck, it was not confirmed until much later that the actomyosin rings contracts specifically during cytokinesis to facilitate separation (Bi
et al. 1998; Lippincott and Li 1998). Septins are the first structural components
to be assembled, comprising Cdc3p, Cdc10p, Cdc11p, and Cdc12p and form a
scaffold for the actin ring (Longtine et al. 1996). The septin ring recruits factors such as myo1p, formins and IQGAP (IQ motif containing GTPase activating
protein) proteins which facilitate the formation of the actin ring (Lippincott and
Li 1998). Once all of the essential components (e.g. organelles, genetic material, etc) are transported into the forming daughter cell, it must be separated
from the mother through the concerted action of the actomyosin ring and septum formation (Bi et al. 1998). To achieve this, the actomyosin ring constricts
driving the formation of the septum, which provides a physical diffusion barrier for both mother and daughter cell until membrane and cell wall synthesis is
D. Amberg et al.
Fig. 15.2 F-actin re-arrangements in stressed, apoptotic and ageing cells. During the cell cycle
actin structures are polarized to facilitate the movement of new cell material to the growing cell.
Actin patches are found to accumulate in emerging buds and actin cables direct movement of
organelles and vesicular cargo towards the new cell. The sensation of cellular stress, or nutritional
depletion, is accompanied by depolarisation of actin patches and a reduction in the prominence of
actin cables. As cells chronologically age actin forms into bodies which are aggregations of fully
functional actin. These bodies act as reservoirs of actin that are used to rapidly engage cell growth
when nutrition returns. In old cells, or in mutants with reduced actin dynamics, actin aggregates
form spontaneously and can induce apoptosis
Elevation of cAMP levels leads to dissociation of the protein kinase A (PKA) regulator Bcy1p to yield active A kinases, which elicit alterations in processes such as cell
cycle progression and stress responses. There are three A kinase catalytic subunits
in yeast, encoded by TPK1, -2, and -3, which display overlapping and separable
functions in response to activation by cAMP. The sensation of nutritional depletion
leads to a reduction in Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway activity, allowing effective cell
cycle exit and initiation of the cellular stress response. Published data suggests that
the activity of the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway is linked to mitochondrial activity as
cells expressing the constitutively active RAS2ala18val19 allele exhibit an increase in
respiration rate and elevation of ROS levels (Heeren et al. 2004; Hlavata et al. 2003).
Our work has shown that the dynamic status of the actin cytoskeleton can act to regulate the activity of Ras. We were able to demonstrate Ras hyperactivity in mutants
that exhibit reduced actin dynamics, leading to the accumulation of aggregates of
F-actin, mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in an apoptotic cell death. It was concluded that the inappropriate activation of Ras was indeed induced as a result of
the formation of F-actin aggregations. This conclusion was drawn as the addition
of an actin binding drug, Latrunculin A, at concentrations which prevented the formation of aggregates also prevented ROS accumulation and cell death (Gourlay and
Ayscough 2005, 2006). F-actin aggregations were shown to require the activity of
the protein Srv2p/CAP, a highly conserved actin regulatory protein that binds preferentially to ADPG-actin via its C-terminal domain (Balcer et al. 2003; Mattila et al.
2004). Srv2p/CAP can also associate with actin filaments through an interaction
between a proline region and the SH3 domain of actin binding protein 1 (Abp1p)
(Freeman et al. 1996). This protein is a good candidate to link Ras signaling to actin
reorganization as The N terminus of Srv2p/CAP can bind to adenylate cyclase
(Cyr1p) and facilitate cAMP/PKA activation (Gerst et al. 1991; Mintzer and
Field 1994). Actin aggregation that triggered Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway activity
was shown to require only the C-terminal actin binding region of Srv2p/CAP,
however presence of the N-terminal cyclase binding domain enhanced PKA stimulation leading to higher levels of ROS production. The accumulation of ROS
induced damage and subsequent death in actin aggregating cells was demonstrated to require the activity of the PKA subunit, Tpk3p, an enzyme known to
play an important role in mitochondrial function. Yeast lacking Tpk3p exhibit
altered mitochondrial enzymatic content, including reduced levels and activity of
cytochrome c, a constituent of the electron transport chain (Chevtzoff et al. 2005).
Our unpublished data suggests that Tpk3 acts to suppress respiration during growth
on fermentable carbon sources such as glucose, and that excessive Tpk3 activity
leads to a dysfunctional electron transport chain that is prone to producing ROS
in large amounts which in turn accelerates the ageing process and promotes cell
The appearance of aberrant actin formations in ageing and diseased cells, such
as Hirano bodies and ADF/cofilin rods have been reported in neuronal populations
from patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntingtons and
Alzheimers. Hirano bodies are para-crystaline F-actin rich structures that contain a
D. Amberg et al.
number of associated proteins (Davis et al. 2008; Fechheimer et al. 2002; Maselli
et al. 2002, 2003). Recent studies have concluded that the presence of Hirano bodies
does not have an immediate toxic effect, however it may be the case that their presence or persistence leads to the disruption of actin-dependent processes. This in
turn may have a detrimental effect on actin dependent signaling mechanisms under
conditions of stress. In light of the evidence we propose that stabilization of actin
structures can influence the apoptosis decision making process (Franklin-Tong and
Gourlay 2008).
The budding yeast S. cerevisiae provides an interesting model system in which
to study the effects of actin aggregation on cellular homestasis. Recent studies
from Sagot and colleagues have investigated the nature of the F-actin cytoskeleton in chronologically aged, or in other words quiescent culture (Sagot et al. 2006).
This research found that the actin cytoskeleton enters into what can be described
as a holding state during quiescence (Fig. 15.2), presumably in order to provide
a reservoir of actin that can be utilised by the cell when fresh nutrition becomes
available. Indeed the re-introduction of fresh media was shown to lead to the breakdown of actin bodies in yeast cells and the rapid re-establishment of a dynamic
cytoskeleton (Sagot et al. 2006). Although the mechanisms by which actin bodies
form remains unclear, it appears to be largely a result of the reduction of the dynamic
state of the cytoskeleton. It may be the case that efficient exit from quiescence
requires the correct assembly of actin bodies, and that the accumulation of actin
aggregates in ageing, or oxidatively stressed cells that abrogate signalling mechanisms represent a phenomenon that contributes to disease in higher organisms.
Recent research from our group has tested this hypothesis using actin disrupting
drugs, or mutant strains that modulate the dynamic status of the actin cytoskeleton.
Actin aggregates can be induced to form in yeast through disturbance of an actin
regulatory function, or by the treatment of cells with actin stabilizing drugs such
as Jasplakinolide. It has recently been discovered that the stabilization of cortical
actin structures induces apoptosis in yeast (Gourlay et al. 2004). A similar phenomena can also be observed in many mammalian and plant cells (Franklin-Tong
and Gourlay 2008). Mutations in actin regulatory proteins that lead to the accumulation of aggregates of stabilized F-actin have been shown to trigger a process
termed Actin mediated apoptosis (ActMAp) (Gourlay and Ayscough 2005, 2006;
Gourlay et al. 2004). In actin aggregating cell lines, ActMAp leads to a loss of
mitochondrial membrane potential and the production and release of ROS into the
cell which results in an apoptotic cell death. Interestingly, mutations that lead to
an increase in the dynamic nature of the actin cytoskeleton were shown to result
in reduced levels of ROS (Gourlay et al. 2004). In addition, deletion of a gene
encoding the actin bundling protein Scp1p, the yeast homologue of mammalian
SM22/transgelin, which also destabilises cortical actin structures, reduced ROS levels and led to a significant increase in replicative lifespan (Gourlay et al. 2004).
These data suggest that in yeast, control of actin dynamics is linked to processes
that regulate mitochondrial function and in turn impact on lifespan.
D. Amberg et al.
interact with components of the endocytic machinery (Velier et al. 1998; Metzler
et al. 2001; Singaraja et al. 2002). Further evidence to support a common mechanism comes from experiments that show that in both yeast and human cells the
disruption of actin with the monomer sequestering drug Latrunculin-A leads to an
increase in the presence of poly-Q aggregates. Interestingly recent evidence suggests that the removal of aggregated proteins from the daughter cell into the mother
relies on a functional actin cytoskeleton (Liu et al. 2010). It is therefore likely that
studies in yeast will yield important information as to the role that actin dynamics
and endocytosis plays in the regulation of protein aggregation in higher eukaryotes.
Yeast may also prove a good model for understanding the effects of toxic protein aggregates on the function of mitochondria, whose tightly regulated activity is
essential to the well being of the cells (see below). Reduced movement of mitochondria is seen in injured neurons where damaged mitochondria cluster around
the site of injury preventing the arrival of healthy mitochondria which can lead to
neuronal degeneration. This is similar to what is seen in Alzheimers disease where
axonal swelling may block mitochondrial movement. The presence of huntington
aggregates have also been shown to impair mitochondrial movement in neuronal
cells (Chang et al. 2006). In yeast it has been shown when the actin cytoskeleton was disrupted by polyQ aggregate formation, reduced mitochondrial respiration
and increased ROS production were observed (Solans et al. 2006). This demonstrates a link between protein aggregation, the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton
and mitochondrial function. Further studies may lead to insights into the interplay
between protein aggregation, actin integrity and mitochondrial function that impact
upon diseases such as Huntingtons, Parkinsons and ALS.
ATP production at sights of high electrical signal transduction (Chang and Reynolds
2006). Mitochondria need to be concentrated in these areas due to the poor diffusion
of ATP in the cytoplasm. Mitochondria must therefore be moved to and from the
cell body effectively (Chang and Reynolds 2006; Davis and Clayton 1996). The
microtubular molecular motors kinesin (plus end directed) and dynein (minus end
directed) appear to be responsible for anterograde and retrograde transport of mitochondria respectively. However, there is some evidence of actin based transport in
neurons which it is proposed may mediate transport over short distances (Morris
and Hollenbeck 1995). Actin has also been implicated in responsive mitochondrial
localisation (Morris and Hollenbeck 1995; Evans and Bridgman 1995). Chada and
Hollenbeck (2004) showed that mitochondria localise in response to nerve growth
factor (NGF) along an axon. In these experiments cells pre-treated with latrunculinB, which abolishes F-actin, failed to accumulate mitochondria in response to NGF
(Chada and Hollenbeck 2003, 2004).
In yeast actin dependent movement of mitochondria has also been demonstrated.
Initial evidence was achieved using temperature sensitive actin mutants which lose
actin cables at the non-permissive temperature, concomitantly the mitochondria
were seen to aggregate (Lazzarino et al. 1994). Live cell imaging of fluorescently
labelled mitochondria and actin cables has also revealed that mitochondria are
actively moved around the cell by the cytoskeleton (Fehrenbacher et al. 2004). In
yeast binding of mitochondria to actin fibres requires a complex of linking proteins
that can form a bridge between the actin cable and the mitochondrial outer membrane. The mitochore is a complex of three mitochondrial transmembrane proteins
(Mdm10p, Mdm12p and Mmm1p) (Boldogh et al. 2003). Mdm10p/12p are located
in the outer mitochondrial membrane while Mmm1p transcends both the inner and
outer mitochondrial membranes, probably interacting with the mtDNA nucleoid in
the matrix. A mmm1 strain prevented binding of mitochondria to actin (Boldogh
et al. 1998) and mutants in Mdm10p/12p also show loss of antero and retrograde
mitochondrial movement. This structure has also been implicated in the stability
of mtDNA. mtDNA nucleoids in a temperature sensitive mmm1-1 mutant collapsed
into aggregates and inheritance of mtDNA was compromised (Boldogh et al. 2003).
The Arp2/3 complex, which binds to actin fibres and nucleates actin branching links
actin to mitochondria via two accessory proteins Puf3p and Jsn1p. These proteins
interact with the mitochore and loss of these genes effects mitochondrial morphology and movement, presumably leading to unequal energy distribution within the
cell (Garcia-Rodriguez et al. 2007).
For some years a focus of research has been to determine the driving force which
pushes mitochondria along the actin fibre during anterograde movement. In mammalian systems actin motor proteins, myosins, are involved. Until recently the class
V myosin Myo2p had been implicated in mitochondrial inheritance into the bud tip
and retention of mitochondria in the new daughter cell (Boldogh et al. 2004). Myo2p
and its associated myosin light chain (Mlc1p) has now been shown to be required
for mitochondrial binding to actin in vitro. A reduction of Myo2p or Mlc1p activity
results in a loss of anterograde mitochondrial movement, inheritance in to the bud
tip and reduced mtDNA content (Boldogh et al. 2004).
D. Amberg et al.
to the mitochondria and interacts with Atg11p which appears to target them in an
actin dependent manner to the pre-autophagosomal structure, which then fuses with
the vacuole (He et al. 2006). A further study observed the movement of Atg9 using
real-time fluorescence microscopy in living cells (Monastyrska et al. 2008). A component of the Arp2/3 complex, Arp2p, was found to co-localise with Atg9 and to
regulate the dynamics of Atg9 movement. The authors proposed that the Arp2/3
complex and actin are involved in the regulation of Atg9 transport for specific types
of autophagy (Monastyrska et al. 2008).
Maintenance of mitochondria in peak condition and at optimal levels is vital to
the cells well being. The research outlined above clearly suggests that the accumulation of damaged mitochondria and a failure to remove these aberrant organelles
is linked to the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton. This relationship places actin at
the centre of cellular homeostasis and processes that are tightly linked to the ageing process. In addition actin is directly influenced by the oxidative burden on a
cell (discussed in the next section), so setting up a positive feedback loop that may
contribute to cellular decline during the ageing process.
D. Amberg et al.
yeast actin and have shown that the faster migrating form has a C285-C374 intramolecular disulfide bond (D. Amberg, unpublished observations). In addition to
disulfide cross-links, several studies have reported the glutathionylation of actin on
cysteine 374. In one case glutathionylation occurs in response to oxidative stress
(Rokutan et al. 1994), in the second case de-glutathionylation occurs upon epidermal growth factor stimulation of quiescent human epidermal A431 cells (Wang et al.
2000) while in the third case it is induced by activation of the respiratory burst in
human neutrophils (Chai et al. 1994). In general, it appears that glutathionylation
of actin on Cys374 does not favor filament assembly or stability. Glutathionylated
actin prepared in vitro has increased ATPase activity, an increased critical concentration and forms filaments that are sensitive to shear stress (Drewes and Faulstich
1990; Stournaras et al. 1990; Dalle-Donne et al. 2003). These results agree with in
vivo observations of EGF-induced de-glutathionylation of actin that is followed by
an increase in F-actin content (Wang et al. 2001). My laboratory has been unable to
detect glutathionylation of yeast actin in vivo (D. Amberg, personal observations)
and therefore it will not be discussed further in this review.
The properties of actin filaments assembled from oxidized actin subunits provide
insight into ROS-induced alterations in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton.
For example, treatment of actin in vitro with H2 O2 renders 2 of the 5 cysteines nonreactive to maleimide and the resulting actin has a slower rate of polymerization, a
longer lag phase, an increase in critical concentration and the resulting filaments do
not cross-link well with proteins such as filamin (Dalle-Donne et al. 1995). Disulfide
bonded actin dimers generated in vitro have been shown to assemble into F-actin and
induce filament cross-links (Tang et al. 1999), while in other cases H2 O2 treatment
of actin was found to induce C374-C374 dimers that could not assemble into actin
filaments (Faulstich et al. 1992), could not interact with profilin and induced the
disassembly of existing actin filaments (Lassing et al. 2007).
Perhaps the best understood, and most relevant example of actin oxidation is the
C285-C374 intra-molecular disulfide bond that has been found to accumulate in the
actin of sickle red blood cells. In many ways, sickle cell anemia is a disease of
oxidative stress (Hebbel et al. 1982); the mutant hemoglobin releases free Fe++ that
in Fenton reactions can react with oxygen to generate high levels of ROS (Hebbel
et al. 1988). For this reason, RBCs of sickle cell patients are in a state of chronic
oxidative stress that is compounded by low levels of reduced glutathione (Lachant
et al. 1983). In sickle cell patients that are in crisis, a form of the sickle RBC accumulates called the irreversibly sickle red cell (ISC) that is locked into the sickle
shape (Kaul et al. 1983). The ISCs are of interest as they are believed to contribute to
vaso-occlusion because of their unusual lack of morphological plasticity. This lack
of plasticity was shown to be due to oxidative damage to the membrane cytoskeleton (Lux et al. 1976), specifically the accumulation of C285-C374 intra-molecular
disulfide bonded actin (Shartava et al. 1995; Bencsath et al. 1996) such that it
accounts for upwards of 90% of the actin in these cells. When purified, this form
of oxidized actin was found to form filaments that disassemble unusually slowly
and incompletely (Shartava et al. 1997) thereby explaining the lack of morphological plasticity of these cells. These studies are particularly relevant in that cysteines
285 and 374 are universally co-conserved in all actin isoforms, including yeast actin
suggesting that this form of actin oxidation is likely to occur in all eukaryotes.
D. Amberg et al.
glutaredoxins may also contribute to actin redox regulation. The glutaredoxin system is well conserved and known to participate in the reversal of oxidation induced
protein disulfide bonds (Herrero et al. 2010). Furthermore, reduced glutaredoxins
are replenished by reduced glutathione which is scarce in oxidatively stressed sickle
RBCs thereby possibly explaining the accumulation of C285-C374 actin in ISCs.
Actin is an abundant and arguably the most functionally diverse protein found
within cells where it participates in a myriad of cytoplasmic processes as well as
core nuclear functions (Bettinger et al. 2004). Therefore, it is not surprising to find
that it may play an important role in the yeast oxidative stress response. Although
it is yet to be determined if the same is true in mammalian cells, it seems likely to
be so given the high amount of functional conservation within the cytoskeleton. Our
current model for actins roles in the oxidative stress response is that under normal
stress conditions, the metabolic production of ROS can lead to actin oxidation but
this is rapidly reversed by the action of cellular redox systems and this actin/redox
system is partly responsible for the inactivation of ROS in these cells. Under extreme
conditions of oxidative stress, most of the actin is trapped into a non-dynamic and
protective pool of F-actin aggregates (the oxidized actin bodies). These OABs assist
in allowing at least a subset of cells to survive the oxidative insult.
Future Perspectives
The importance of cytoskeletal damage and the downstream consequences for cell
populations, or tissues, is likely to be of particular importance during the process
of yeast ageing (summarized in Fig. 15.3). This conclusion is drawn from the fact
that actin is sensitive to the oxidative damage that occurs as a consequence of cellular ageing and that the dynamic status/damage level of the cytoskeleton appears
to modulate downstream signaling events. It also seems to be clear that cell fate
is linked to the stability of the cytoskeleton, with actins dynamic nature being
closely linked to apoptosis in plant, fungal and animal kingdoms. The close relationship that appears to exist between actin and the function of mitochondria is
likely to play a crucial role. As this relationship appears to have been maintained
in divergent eukaryotic systems, further studies in yeast should help to further our
understanding as to how actin and the mitochondria communicate. Perhaps, as rapid
actin dynamics are reliant on high cellular levels of ATP, there exists energy based
signaling between these systems. Additionally, actin offers structural and positional
support to the mitochondria, which are both likely to be significant in maintaining
cellular homeostasis. Actin has also been shown to play a role in the regulation of
translational accuracy (Kandl et al. 2002) which may feed into the production of
inaccurate, or aggregating, proteins as cells age and the cytoskeleton accumulates
damage. Of particular interest for future studies will be to increase our understanding of how accumulated damage to the cytoskeleton is perceived within tissues
and cell types linked to age-related disease, for example within post-mitotic populations, such as neurons, and what the consequences are for cell fate. Are there
particular cells that are particularly sensitive to, or cannot easily repair, the actin
Fig. 15.3 Actins role in the stochastic process of ageing. Actin has been shown to play a role
in various cellular processes that have an impact on the ageing process. The formation of actin
aggregates in aged or mutated cells is thought to trigger mitochondrial dysfunction and concomitant ROS production via inappropriate activation of the Ras/cAMP/PKA signaling cascade. Actin
has also been shown to play a role in the regulation of translational accuracy and the formation of
protein aggregations with an amyloid configuration such as prions and expanded poly-Q repeat proteins. The actin cytoskeleton also appears to be required for the inheritance of so called anti-ageing
factors and for the inheritance of mitochondria into newly forming cells
damage incurred as cells age? If so, is the cytoskeletal dysfunction within such cells
linked to increased cellular senescence, elevated levels of programmed cell death or
disease pathologies associated with ageing?
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AAA metalloproteases, 238
AAA-protease, 214
Aac2, 91
Abf2, 92
Ace1p, 33
Acetic acid, 35, 111, 113, 139, 166, 179, 195,
211212, 215, 244, 261, 273274,
ACO1, 86
Aconitase, 19, 62, 72, 9092, 110, 177, 238
Acridine orange staining, 209
Actin, 5, 15, 40, 71, 81, 170, 211, 218, 220,
259, 331347
Actin cytoskeleton, 5, 40, 71, 170, 218, 259,
Actin dynamics, 15, 40, 211, 332, 336338,
340, 346
Actin/Hsp70/sugar kinase superfamily, 81
Adaptation, 2932, 34, 6667, 80, 89,
163164, 166, 177
Adaptive regrowth, 103, 114, 196197
Adenine nucleotide translocase, 91
Adenine nucleotide transporter, 61
Adenylate cyclase, 86, 104, 106, 108109,
261, 336337
Ad libitum, 9, 165, 237
Afo1, 5, 66, 6869, 85, 191, 224, 276
Aft1p, 28, 33
Agar plating, 150
AGC family, 92
Ageing/Aging, 110, 1343, 5573, 7996,
101116, 123140, 146156,
162171, 173, 175178, 187202,
207224, 233246, 251281,
291309, 325328, 331347
Aif1, 35, 244
Aif1p, 35, 212213
AifA, 245
Aspartate, 9, 86, 91, 209, 243
Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus), 245
Aspergillus nidulans, 245
Aspirin, 211
Asymmetric, 4, 6, 40, 7173, 8990, 137,
162163, 188190, 194, 219220,
254256, 258259, 261, 299300,
Asymmetric segregation, 4, 10, 40, 7173,
8990, 220, 256, 258259, 316,
320, 324, 327328
Asymmetric segregation of damage, 10, 7173,
316, 324
ATF4, 223
ATG1 kinase complex, 88
ATG8, 172, 240241
ATG11, 71, 167, 240, 342343
ATG13, 82, 88
ATG30, 240
ATG32, 71, 246
ATO3, 9394
ATP, 8, 32, 56, 6061, 65, 81, 83, 91, 174, 259,
293, 297, 332, 340342, 346
ATP2, 8991, 259, 293, 296, 298, 306
ATP-binding domain, 81, 83, 91
ATP sensor, 91
AUP1, 82, 89, 238239
Autolysis, 208
Autophagic bodies, 241
Autophagosome, 127, 236237, 239, 241
Autophagy, 5, 8, 10, 32, 42, 7172, 82, 85,
8889, 9293, 95, 152, 166173,
176178, 234242, 246, 268269,
275, 280, 342343
Auxotrophic requirements, 148150
Auxotrophs, 18, 86, 148, 150, 164, 168
Back-signalling, 6869, 7273
Barcode, 151, 304308
BAX, 41, 209, 211, 213214, 236
BCL-2, 208209
BCL-XL , 209
BEC-1, 237
BIM, 209
Bioscreen, 152, 271, 273
Biosynthetic intermediates, 84, 86
Bip/GRP78, 223
Bir1p, 212, 214
Bleomycin, 211
BLM, 113, 200201
Blooms syndrome, 113
BMH1, 8183, 85
BMH2, 81, 83, 85
Bni1p, 220, 334
Bre1p, 214
Bud scars, 23, 189, 253, 275
Buffering cultures, 149
Cadmium, 35, 39, 212
C. albicans (Candida albicans), 243244, 325
Calcineurin, 82, 92
Calendar time, 2, 218
Caloric/calorie restriction (CR), 2, 910,
42, 6768, 9394, 96, 111112,
148149, 152, 165171, 176,
178180, 192194, 202, 217, 237,
CAMP, 65, 6768, 70, 8586, 124, 131,
336337, 347
Canavanine resistance/resistant, 62, 155
Candida boidinii, 236, 240
Carbonylated proteins, 4041, 220, 256, 259,
Carbonylation, 1819, 26, 220, 259, 317
Carbonyl groups, 220
Cardiolipin, 95
Caspase, 35, 66, 209, 212, 242244, 331
Catabolic processes, 152, 170
Catalase, 2226, 32, 3940, 58, 65, 106, 154,
176, 199, 240, 256
CBS1, 70
CCCP (carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenyl
hydrazone), 41, 92
CDC48, 35, 211
Cdc48p, 212, 222
Ced mutants, 208
C. elegans (Caenorhabditis elegans), 2, 13, 60,
67, 89, 94, 101102, 105, 108, 112,
114, 124, 138, 146, 154, 167, 178,
208, 210, 215, 217, 237, 256, 264,
267268, 273, 279280, 298299,
300, 303, 306
arrest, 3132, 103, 111, 168, 215, 219
checkpoint, 3
delay, 3132, 34, 3738
death, 15, 18, 2829, 3536, 42, 56, 66,
104, 138, 163, 168, 196, 198, 202,
207215, 220, 222, 234, 236237,
241245, 261, 318, 331333,
337340, 347
markers, 207
division, 36, 29, 31, 40, 56, 59, 65,
8990, 102105, 114, 125, 133,
147, 162163, 188, 190, 194, 196,
199, 219220, 253254, 299300,
317319, 326, 342
preconditioning, 147150
Cellular redox environment, 33
Centrifugation, 3, 40, 138, 276
Ceramide, 82, 9293, 95
Ceramide synthase, 9293
Chaperone, 18, 26, 32, 82, 90, 151, 167, 239,
Checkpoint, 3, 31, 155, 196, 214216
Chemostat, 93
Chromatin condensation, 35, 211, 218
Chromatin-dependent gene regulation, 8788
Chromatin margination, 208, 211
aging, 78, 10, 41, 6162, 72, 101116,
129, 134136, 146, 148, 162169,
171, 173, 175177, 188189,
194200, 215, 218, 221, 224,
243244, 252, 261, 268, 270,
272275, 277280, 299303
life span (CLS), 7, 910, 41, 58, 60,
6667, 85, 101115, 125, 127,
132135, 137, 146155, 162, 164,
167173, 175179, 194, 196199,
219, 222224, 244, 252253, 261,
268275, 277, 280, 299308
assays, 7, 303
longevity, 147, 150, 152, 165169,
171180, 274
Circles, 2, 5, 7, 59, 82, 87, 102, 190, 254, 327
CIT1, 86
CIT2, 67, 81, 85, 87
Clonal aging, 35, 71
Clonogenicity, 7
Coagulation necrosis, 208
Collections, 2, 150, 152, 253, 265, 273
Colony counting, 150151
Colony forming units (CFU), 103, 126,
129130, 135, 170, 174, 196, 252,
Colony morphology and differentiation, 94
Compensation, 80, 94
Complementation, 1, 168, 304
Condensation of chromatin, 208
Copper zinc superoxide dismutase/copper/zinc
SOD (Cu, Zn-Sod), 57, 151,
Counter flow centrifugation elutriation, 276
COX2, 238, 293
COX41, 67
COX42, 67
COX4, 84
COX5A, 67
COX5B, 67
Cpr1p, 213
Crabtree effect, 179
CRD1, 95
Critical oxidative damage targets, 154156
Cross-feeding, 152
Cross-talk, 66, 7980, 82, 85, 9596
CR, see Caloric/calorie restriction (CR)
Cu, Zn-Sod, see Copper zinc superoxide
dismutase/copper/zinc SOD (Cu,
Cyclase/PKA pathways, 104, 108109
Cyclins, 31, 308
Cyclophilin A, 213
Cysteine residues, 18, 3637, 343, 345
Cytochrome c, 24, 26, 209, 212215, 238, 337
peroxidase, 24, 26
Cytoplasm, 13, 20, 2628, 38, 57, 68, 71,
8081, 87, 92, 126, 153, 167, 234,
236, 240, 341
Cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting, 240
Cytoskeleton, 5, 40, 71, 170, 218, 259, 324,
DAD1 (defender of apoptosis-1), 214
DAF-2, 105106, 237
accumulation, 10, 156, 317318, 320321,
proteins, 4, 4041, 71, 152, 192, 258259,
318, 323324, 326, 333
removal, 8, 10, 177178
Dauer larva/larvae, 107, 217
Daughter cells, 24, 6, 40, 60, 7173, 84,
8990, 102, 133, 135, 137, 162,
189192, 216220, 252, 254,
256, 260, 262, 270, 275276,
299, 316319, 321323, 326, 335,
Degeneration, 33, 91, 146, 208, 280, 340
Degradation, 45, 10, 15, 1819, 32, 35, 67,
7172, 8183, 90, 131, 166167,
214, 223, 234, 236241, 267268,
280, 317319, 324, 326327, 342
Deletion mutants, 7, 17, 19, 27, 30, 32, 36, 41,
58, 6566, 69, 125, 136, 146147,
151152, 174, 223, 246, 262264,
272, 274, 307
Density-gradient separation, 8
D-erythroascorbate, 19
D-erythroascorbic acid, 20
Detoxification, 18, 20, 24, 28, 33, 90,
240, 342
Diamide, 35, 37, 215
Diapause, 107
Diet, 9, 42, 164166, 178180, 201
Dietary restriction (DR), 67, 165, 253,
Diferric-tyrosyl radical, 155
Dihydroethidium (DHE), 1516, 63,
211, 218
Dihydrorhodamine (DHR), 63, 211,
216, 218
Dinitrophenol, 41, 92, 94
Diploid, 3, 7, 62, 88, 94, 107, 147, 152,
154155, 163, 253, 260, 271272
Disposable soma theory, 146, 326
of aging, 146
Disulphides, 16, 1819, 2627
D. melanogaster, 138, 210, 267
damage/repair, 16, 18, 28, 31, 110,
112116, 132, 138, 146, 154156,
171, 187202, 214215, 217, 235,
256, 280, 298299
fragmentation, 210211, 218
laddering, 208
mutations, 64, 112, 114
failure, 212
stress, 187202
DNAse II, 210
DNM1, 89, 213, 221, 238239
Dnm1p, 213
Double-strand breaks, 154
Drosophila, 2, 42, 67, 102, 106108, 110, 138,
146, 154, 165, 178179, 256, 300,
lifespan, 154
DRP-1, 213, 238
Dynamin, 213
4E-BP, 223
E. coli, 4, 103, 138, 205, 220
Edelfosine, 211
EIF2, 34, 223
Electron spin resonance (ESR), 1516, 32
Elutriation, 3, 40, 216, 276
Embryogenesis, 209, 327
Embryonic morphogenic apoptosis, 210
Endonuclease G (EndoG), 212213, 244
Endonucleases, 36, 193, 196, 208, 212213,
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 16, 35, 82, 95,
245, 334
Endosymbiont, 6061
Energy metabolism, 37, 55, 80, 325
Engulfment, 210, 222, 236, 240, 340
Entry to stationary phase, 153
Environmental stress response, 32, 276
ER, see Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
ERC, see Extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA
circles (ERC)
ER stress, 16, 223, 245
response, 222, 269
Ethanol, 41, 61, 63, 67, 111113, 139, 150,
162, 179, 238, 240, 268, 273
Ethidium bromide, 61
Etoposide, 244
E3 ubiquitin ligase, 67, 82, 339
E3 ubiquitin protein ligase, 214
Eukaryotic evolution, 5556
Evolution, 7, 15, 20, 42, 5556, 58, 6061,
105106, 108, 116, 124, 133,
146, 162163, 179, 219220,
261, 267268, 279, 296, 298301,
308309, 315329
Externalisation of phosphatidylserine, 208
Extrachromosomal, 2, 82, 87, 102, 190, 254,
Extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA circles
(ERC), 82, 8788, 102, 190193,
200, 254260, 327
Extramitochondrial, 215
F-actin, 5, 218, 333334, 336338, 341,
F1 -ATPase, 91
F1 F0 -ATP, 293, 297299, 309
F1 F0 -ATPase, 298299, 309
Farnesol, 245
Fas-receptor, 222
Faulty segregation, 210
F-box protein, 213
Fermentation, 61, 179, 244, 273
4Fe/4S, 72
Fibroblasts, 5, 39, 94, 109, 209
Filamentous growth, 86, 163164, 173
Fis1p, 213
Fission, 72, 89, 101102, 213, 234, 237239,
291309, 316
Flavoprotein, 16, 212
Formin, 220, 332334
Free radical theory of aging, 110, 176,
188, 259
Fusion, 72, 89, 132, 172, 213, 234, 237,
239242, 335
G1 arrest, 31, 103, 200
Gamma rays, 56
Gcn4, 94, 169171, 258, 269270
Gcn4p transcription factor, 35
Gcn5, 8788
conversions, 62
expression, 6, 19, 2932, 34, 67, 8083,
9395, 110, 112, 136137, 153,
163164, 173, 175, 193, 198, 222,
259, 277, 294295, 325
-regulatory, 9, 81
General amino acid control, 94, 169171
Genetic code, 61
Genetic instability, 64, 190191, 196
Genetic program of aging, 10, 42, 220
Genetics, 1, 56, 6062, 80, 103, 105, 109, 153,
253, 299, 303, 308
/genomic instability, 88, 94, 112116, 133,
188, 191, 194, 200201
stability, 8788, 127, 175, 201
Genomic screens for altered CLS, 147
Germ cells, 114, 210
GFP (green fluorescent protein), 14, 132, 172,
238, 241, 334335
G (GTP-binding)-protein, 86
Gis1, 104, 106, 109, 269
Gluconeogenesis, 40, 80, 112, 277
Glucose, 3, 89, 23, 25, 32, 4041, 6061,
65, 67, 69, 83, 8586, 9293, 105,
109111, 124127, 130134, 137,
139, 148150, 152, 162164, 166,
168, 170171, 173, 175, 177, 179,
189, 193195, 198199, 201202,
244, 256257, 268, 270, 272274,
277, 300302, 336337
Glucose exhaustion, 8, 125127, 130131,
133134, 137
Glucose-sensing, 65
Glucose synthetic complete medium
(SC), 148
Glutamate, 9, 86, 91, 149, 173175
Glutamine, 86, 173174, 257, 339
Glutaredoxins, 23, 2728, 30, 32, 36, 346
Glutathione, 1819, 2328, 30, 3233, 3536,
42, 58, 154, 176, 344, 346
Glutathione peroxidase, 18, 24, 28, 30, 176
Glutathione transferases, 26
Glutathionylation, 18, 26, 36, 344
Glycerol, 41, 61, 67, 111112, 148149, 238,
244, 270, 298
Glyceroneogenesis, 112
Glycogen, 8, 106107, 127, 219, 272
Glycolysis, 36, 40, 94, 111112, 278
Glyoxylate cycle, 86, 94, 259
Gompertz law, 3, 218
GPD1, 111
GPD2, 111
Gpx3p, 30, 37
Growth Advantage in Stationary Phase, 103
Growth hormone (GH), 106107, 114, 116
Grr1, 8183
GSH/GSSG, 27, 33, 58
G0 state, 163, 219
H2B, 213214
Haematopoiesis, 210
Hansenula polymorpha (H. polymorpha), 236,
HAP1, 33, 66
Hap1p, 33
HAP2/3/4/5, 66
HAP4, 93, 268, 270
HAP complex, 86
HAP genes, 66
Haploid, 1, 3, 107, 129, 147, 151152,
154155, 163, 210, 253, 262, 265,
307, 317
HAP4 overexpression, 149, 274
Hayflick aging, 6
Hayflick limit, 6, 209
Hayflick phenomenon, 6
Hayflick type aging, 56
HDA1, 87
Healthspan, 9
Heat, 23, 27, 29, 109, 116, 211, 274, 301
Heat shock, 29, 32, 34, 71, 214, 336
proteins, 28, 32, 71, 106, 324
Heavy metals, 211
Hemiascomycetous, 58
Heterogeneity, 3839, 134, 137, 146150
Heterogeneity in the population of aging cells,
Heteroplasmic mitochondrial mutations, 210
Het loci, 241
HIF-1, 6667
High-throughput methods, 271, 276
High throughput sequencing, 151
Histone, 87, 102, 112, 190, 197, 212214, 254,
256, 293, 297
Histone acetyltransferase, 87
Histone deacetylase, 87, 102, 190,
212, 254
Historical background, 207210
H2 O2 (Hydrogen peroxide), see Hydrogen
peroxide (H2 O2 )
Homologous recombination, 154, 255
Housekeeping genes, 87
Hsp104, 71, 324
HtrA2/Omi, 212, 214
Human cancer, 114115, 129, 217
Human stem cells, 219, 299
Hydrogen, 27
Hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), 14, 16, 1820,
2227, 2931, 3339, 58, 65,
110, 116, 199, 212213, 215216,
243245, 256, 343345
Hydroperoxides, 18, 22, 2527, 2930,
35, 215
8-Hydroxy-2-deoxiguanidine, 113
Hydroxylase, 67
Hydroxyl radicals, 14, 16, 20
4-Hydroxy-nonenal, 15
Hydroxyurea, 155, 197198
Hypermitogenic, 58
Hyperosmotic shock, 243
Hypochlorous acid, 211
Hypoxia, 16, 6669
IAP, 209, 214
IDH1, 86, 297
IDH2, 86
idi-6, 241
idi-7, 241
IGF, 65, 67, 105107, 114116, 154, 178179,
257, 268
IGF-I, 105, 107, 114116
IGFR, 217
IMF1, 70
Immortality, 6
Incompatibility, 241242
Increased Cu, Zn-Sod activity, 154
Inflammation, 208
Inner membrane complexes, 80
Inner mitochondrial membrane protein
complexes, 90
Insoluble protein aggregates, 212213
Insulin, 105, 107, 114, 124, 138,
217, 237
Insulin/IGF-1 signalling, 154
Insulin/insulin-like growth factor-I signaling,
105, 178
Insulin-like growth factor, 65, 105, 178179
Intercolony communication, 94
Intergenomic signaling, 80, 84
Intermediary metabolism, 910
Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, 211
Interorganelle Communication, 7996
Ionizing radiation, 56, 154
Iron-sulfur cluster, 88, 110, 190
Karyolysis, 208
Karyorhexis, 208
Kinase, 28, 3132, 34, 38, 65, 6768, 8182,
8586, 88, 92, 104106, 108,
124125, 131132, 146, 152153,
155, 178, 197, 199, 214, 223, 236,
240, 257, 267, 269, 280, 292293,
297, 299, 308, 337
Kinetics of outgrowth, 152
Knock in, 1, 63
LAC1, 82, 93, 95
Lactate, 61, 67
LAG1, 82, 9293, 95, 102, 276
Large deletions, 6164
L-ascorbate, 16, 20
Leishmania major, 243
Lifespan, 145156, 298299, 308309
Limitation of auxotrophic requirements, 149
Linoleic acid hydroperoxide, 2930
Lipid hydroperoxides, 18, 21, 25
Lipid peroxidation, 1618, 29, 31, 42
Longevity determining gene, 92
Lon protease, 5, 240
Loss of heterozygosity, 3, 62, 88, 260261
Low glucose, 9, 166, 171, 179, 273, 301
LST8, 8286
M-AAA protease, 90
Macroautophagy, 71, 167, 172, 236, 240
Macropexophagy, 236, 240
Maintenance DNA repair, 154156
Maintenance in G0 , 153154
Maintenance repair of DNA, 153
Malondialdehyde, 15, 18, 29
Mammalian cells, 24, 31, 58, 102, 155,
167168, 194196, 201, 209,
211212, 223, 238, 339,
Manganese SOD, 57
Manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-Sod),
22, 151, 154
Mannosyldiinositolphosphoryl ceramides, 82
MAP kinase pathway, 86
Maximal yeast CLS, 146
Mdm30p, 213
MDM38, 71, 238239
Mdv1p, 213
Medium acetic acid, 149
Meiosis, 163, 210
Meiotic divisions, 210
Membrane potential, 7173, 82, 84, 8889,
9192, 94, 215, 238239, 259, 338,
Menadion, 29, 31, 33, 110, 176, 343
MET15, 62
Metabolic equilibrium, 93
Metabolic regulation, 9394
Metabolic stress, 86, 88, 162
Metabolism, 910, 15, 1819, 24, 27, 3033,
37, 40, 55, 57, 62, 67, 71, 80, 88,
90, 93, 111, 131132, 162, 175,
179180, 201, 219, 240, 253, 259,
261, 265, 267268, 272273, 325
Metabolomics, 14, 277278
Metacaspase, 212, 218, 243245
Metal ion homeostasis, 16
Methionine, 9, 18, 22, 27, 178179, 272
Methionine sulfoxide reductase, 18
Microarray DNA hybridization, 151
Microarrays, 2, 137, 275278
Microautophagy, 167, 236
Micropexophagic membrane apparatus
(MIPA), 240
Micropexophagy, 236, 240
Microtubules, 214
M(IP)2 C, 82
Mitochondrial back-signaling, 80, 85,
Mitochondrial biogenesis, 6667, 83, 9091,
95, 179, 237, 259
Mitochondrial catalase, 65
Mitochondrial code, 61
Mitochondrial DNA, 61, 6364, 70, 80, 176,
190191, 200, 213, 298
Mitochondrial dysfunction, 72, 8085, 8791,
176, 190, 244, 259, 337, 347
Mitochondrial fission, 89, 213, 238239
Mitochondrial fission-fusion equilibrium, 89
Mitochondrial fragmentation, 212215
Mitochondrial fusion, 213, 237
Mitochondrial genome, 29, 56, 61, 6365,
69, 80, 176177, 191, 295296,
298299, 307
Mitochondrial inheritance, 90, 341
Mitochondrial integrity, 90
Mitochondrial matrix, 20, 27, 57, 72, 177, 239,
Mitochondrial membrane potential, 82, 84,
8889, 9192, 94, 215, 259, 338
Mitochondrial morphology, 15, 42, 63, 213,
216, 341
Mitochondrial point mutations, 6164
Mitochondrial proteome, 91, 214
Mitochondrial quality control, 82, 8891, 235,
Mitochondrial respiration, 9, 61, 67, 111, 149,
Mitochondrial ribosomal protein, 5, 61, 69, 85,
111, 191
Mitochondrial status, 79
Mitochondrial superoxide dismutase, 104, 107,
Mitochondrial surveillance, 79
Mitochondrial theory of aging, 5658,
Mitochondrial translation, 61, 6971, 177178
Mitochondrial translation complex, 6971
Mitochondria-to-nucleus signaling, 80, 95,
Mitochondrion, 1516, 20, 26, 28, 30, 5573,
8083, 8586, 8892, 95, 110,
132133, 175178, 213, 235, 237,
239, 245, 294297, 342
Mitophagy, 41, 7172, 8283, 8889, 167,
214, 234240, 246, 342343
MKS1, 8185, 91, 175, 259
MMI1, 214, 221222
Mmi1p, 214
Mn2+ , 243
Mn-Sod (Manganese superoxide dismutase),
see Manganese superoxide
dismutase (Mn-Sod)
Model organism, 1, 101, 105, 110, 114, 124,
135, 165, 188189, 202, 210211,
252, 279
Molecular machinery, 209, 211215
Morphogenesis, 209
Morphogenic, 209210
Mortality rate, 3, 103, 219
Mortification, 208
cell, 27, 3940, 6263, 66, 7172, 8991,
101102, 104, 125, 132133,
162163, 189193, 216220,
223224, 243, 252, 254256,
258262, 264, 270, 275277, 299,
317, 323, 327329, 333, 335, 342
cell-specific (replicative) aging, 27, 62,
Mother Enrichment Program (MEP), 191,
Mouse, 12, 13, 39, 61, 6365, 138, 199200,
209210, 278
paw, 209
mRNA decay, 34
mRNA stability, 212, 305
MRPL25, 85, 260, 276
MSN2/4, 3334, 38, 70, 104, 106, 109, 257
MTC (mitochondrial translation complex),
mtDNA, 64, 8081, 83, 88, 9192, 94, 176,
nucleoid, 91, 341
MTOR protein kinase, 152
Multicausal, 10
Multi-drug resistance genes, 90
Multifactorial, 10
Mutagenesis, 18, 56, 113, 155, 293, 297, 307
Mutations, 1, 3, 7, 19, 28, 6164, 6970, 84,
86, 103, 106107, 110, 112115,
129, 147, 162, 164, 167, 188, 190,
193, 196199, 201202, 210, 217,
219220, 222, 224, 256, 258261,
263, 267, 273274, 278, 293,
295296, 303304, 306309, 317,
326, 338
MYC, 94
Myo2p, 220, 334, 341
NAD+/NADH, 23, 58, 153, 174, 190
ratio, 149, 153
NADH dehydrogenase, 213, 238
NADH/NAD+ , 58
NADP+ , 2225, 33, 58, 60, 174
NADPH, 2225, 2728, 30, 3334, 36, 58, 60,
oxidases, 58, 215
NCA3, 214
NDE1, 57, 238, 261
NDE2, 57, 261
NDI1, 57, 212213, 221
Ndi1p, 212213
Necrobiosis, 208
Necrosis, 33, 35, 103, 208
Necrotic yeast cells, 66
Negative regulation, 66, 85, 174, 199
Neurospora crassa, 245
Newly-synthesized, 90
NFB, 95
N-glycosylation, 211212
Nitrogen assimilation, 173176
Nitrogen catabolite repression, 85, 161,
Nitrogen starvation, 93, 163, 168
Nma111p, 212, 214
Nomenclature, 125, 128
Non-fermentable carbon source, 61, 92,
125126, 128, 163, 166, 179, 238,
274, 337
Nonhomologous end-joining repair, 154
Non-inflammatory, 208
Non-quiescent, 123140, 163, 195,
Non-respiring strains, 9
NOXs, 58
Nuc1p, 212213
Nuclear DNA silencing, 70
Nuclear fragmentation, 35, 211, 218
Nuclear genome maintenance, 88
Nuclear petites, 84
Nuclease, 212, 214
Nucleus, 26, 28, 3738, 65, 6769, 8081, 83,
85, 87, 92, 95, 153, 167, 175, 208,
213, 222, 235236, 244, 260, 294,
296, 309, 334
Nutrient depletion, 103, 147
Nutrient limitation, 9394, 162, 164166, 169,
Nutritional status, 32, 146150
Old mother cells, 3, 63, 72, 90, 189, 191193,
217, 219
Oligomerize, 305
Oligomycin, 81
OPA1, 236
Organelle, 67, 222, 269, 331, 334
Organic peroxides, 14, 2324
Organismic, 2, 10, 13
Ost2p, 214
damage, 28, 37, 39, 84, 90, 94, 110, 112,
146, 154, 176177, 179, 188,
199200, 215, 220, 256, 258259,
261, 331, 343346
phosphorylation, 41, 67, 80, 176177, 234,
236, 245, 278, 340
resistance, 42, 58, 60, 109110, 115,
146, 154, 256, 260
response, 31, 33, 3738, 42, 110,
112, 154, 199, 202, 214, 331,
343, 346
Oxy-blot, 220
Oxygen sensor, 67
p53, 114, 209, 211, 223
p97/VCP, 222
PaAtg8, 241
Paclitaxel, 211
PaMca1, 243244
Paraquat, 18, 22, 26, 31, 59, 110
Pathways, 2, 5, 14, 18, 2324, 28, 3233,
36, 42, 60, 62, 71, 7996, 104108,
111, 114116, 124, 131, 138,
162163, 166169, 177179,
188189, 195, 199, 201202,
209211, 222, 234, 236, 242, 244,
253255, 257258, 267, 274, 293,
298, 303, 308309
PCA1, 243
PDR5, 90, 93
Pentose phosphate pathway, 23, 28, 30,
33, 36
Permeability transition pore (PTP),
Peroxide, 14, 1618, 20, 2326, 58, 65, 110,
199, 212, 215, 243245, 256
Peroxinitrite, 16
Peroxiredoxin, 1819, 21, 2427, 37
Peroxisomal, 2223, 25, 65, 67, 81, 211212,
Peroxisomal anaplerotic, 67
Peroxisome, 16, 20, 25, 65, 68, 81, 167,
235236, 240, 334
Peroxynitrite, 14, 16, 57
Peroxyredoxin, 60
Petite, 20, 26, 29, 6162, 68, 84, 91, 9495,
132133, 163
PEX3, 240
PEX14, 240
Pexophagosomes, 240
Pexophagy, 167, 235, 240
Phagophore, 241
PHB1, 82, 90
PHB2, 90
Phosphatidylserine, 34, 208, 210211, 216,
Phospholipid, 21, 95
Phosphorylation status, 81, 292
Pichia pastoris (P. pastoris), 240
PKB, 65
Pkh1, 92
Pkh2, 92, 267
Plasma membrane, 21, 86, 90, 93,
208, 333
PNC1, 70, 257
Podospora anserina (P. anserina), 239,
Polarisome, 71, 220
Positive regulation, 66
Post-diauxic phase, 103, 125126, 132, 137,
162, 179
Postdiauxic phase, 150
Postmitotic cells, 7, 10, 194
PRB1, 241
Pre-autophagosomal structure, 234,
240, 343
Preferred nitrogen sources, 149,
Prevention of oxidative damage, 154
Private, 2, 307
Pro-apoptotic, 213214, 220223
Programmed cell death, 56, 66, 138, 168,
210211, 220, 243, 245, 340, 347
Prohibitins, 9091
Proline, 67, 173, 337
Proof-reading, 63
Prooxidant status, 154
Pro-survival mechanism, 207
Proteases, 209, 212, 234235, 238, 243
Proteasomal, 5, 10, 71, 211212, 326
degradation, 5, 10, 71, 326
Proteasome, 5, 35, 177, 317
Protein aggregation, 328, 339340, 347
Protein carbonyl, 2, 1415, 26, 40, 220, 259,
Protein damage, 18, 26, 316318
Protein disulphide isomerase, 16, 18
Protein hydroperoxides, 18
Protein kinase A, 32, 67, 8586, 92, 131, 178,
252, 266267, 332
Protein kinase C, 32, 82, 108
Protein thiol, 19, 2627
Proteomics, 34, 179, 277278
PU.1 null mice, 209210
Public, 2, 65, 208, 274, 307308
Public mechanisms, 2, 65
Quality control, 82, 8891, 210, 237, 239240,
Quiescent, 123140, 147, 163, 189, 194199,
219, 338, 344
Quiescent (Go) cells, 147
Rad53 checkpoint kinase, 155
Radiation biology, 56
Radicals, 14, 1618, 20, 39, 5658, 65,
Rapamycin, 6869, 82, 85, 88, 93, 108, 146,
152153, 155, 170171, 173, 223,
236, 238, 257, 260, 267268, 272
RAS2, 42, 67, 82, 8586, 9091, 109110
RAS2ala18, val19 , 67
Ras2-cAMP pathway, 85
Ras/adenylate, 104, 108109
Ras/cAMP pathway, 65, 67, 85
Ras/cAMP/PKA, 336337, 347
Rate of mutation, 26, 132, 155
Rats, 9, 179, 237
R box, 81, 83
Reactive cysteine, 18, 32, 38
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 2, 5, 1320,
2337, 3942, 5658, 6263,
6567, 7273, 84, 9192, 110, 114,
127, 131, 137138, 147, 153155,
163, 167, 176179, 188, 199200,
202, 211212, 215218, 234,
236237, 240, 244245, 259, 261,
278, 280, 337338, 340, 342347
Recombination, 1, 18, 44, 102, 113, 132,
138139, 154155, 190191, 193,
254256, 258, 276, 305
Redox homeostasis, 21, 56, 222
Redox potential, 1314, 33
Redox status, 154
Reducing potential, 20, 27
Rejuvenation, 34, 72, 329
Repair, 14, 1820, 24, 2629, 3134, 42, 62,
64, 71, 112115, 132, 138139,
146, 154156, 178, 188, 192194,
197198, 200, 215, 235, 256, 299,
315317, 326327, 345346
Replication stress, 187202, 215
aging, 27, 40, 62, 68, 72, 7996, 124,
131, 175, 188194, 196, 216, 218,
224, 242, 252254, 256, 258262,
264, 267268, 270, 272, 275277,
life span (RLS), 3, 4042, 58, 60, 6971,
189193, 196, 198, 201, 221222,
224, 236, 243, 245, 273, 292, 295,
299, 300, 338
senescence, 102, 209, 254
Respiration, 89, 15, 20, 41, 56, 61, 65, 67,
70, 84, 88, 94, 111, 131132, 149,
162163, 175177, 179, 180, 244,
257, 261, 268, 337, 340, 345
activity, 153, 268
carbon source, 41, 149
chain, 15, 33, 41, 57, 65, 91, 236238
complex, 6162, 69
deficient, 5, 41, 6162, 6869
metabolism, 33, 67, 149, 268
Restriction, 2, 910, 42, 67, 9394, 111,
148149, 152, 165166, 178180,
193194, 202, 237, 253, 256257,
Retrograde regulation, 81, 90, 294
Retrograde response, 9, 41, 61, 6770, 7273,
7996, 175, 190, 251, 259260
Rev1-Pol DNA polymerase complex, 112
Reverse, 1, 84, 278, 346
Rhesus monkeys, 9
Rho+ (Rho-plus), 41, 69, 8384, 87, 190
Rho0 (Rho-zero), 61, 69, 81, 8485, 87, 9091,
Rho- (Rho-minus), 41, 61, 69, 81, 334
Ribonucleotide reductase, 27, 155, 197
DNA, 2, 82, 87, 102, 190, 254, 265
proteins, 61, 69, 111, 222223, 265, 269,
S6 kinase, 153, 257, 269, 280
Ribosome, 26, 34, 61, 69, 85, 152, 218,
222223, 258, 260, 265267, 270,
Ribosome biogenesis, 85, 152, 280
Rim15, 104, 153154, 269
RNAi, 67, 94, 234, 237, 264, 279, 298299,
RNAs, 34, 36, 61, 80, 126127, 131132,
136139, 169, 223, 258
Rodents, 9, 42, 237, 300301
ROS sens, 91
Roundish mitochondria, 72
ROX1, 30, 66
RP, 223
RPD3, 87
RTG1/2, 68
RTG1, 81, 295
RTG2, 81, 84, 8687, 93, 95, 102, 175, 259,
RTG3, 81, 84, 89, 93, 95, 295
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae),
1, 20, 24, 2728, 30, 39, 42, 58,
81, 101102, 105, 107, 114115,
124, 146147, 169170, 173174,
179, 188189, 191, 202, 236,
239, 241242, 244, 246, 252,
292, 298301, 303, 306307, 325,
334335, 338339, 345
SAGA histone acetyltransferase, 87
Salt, 32, 164, 211, 215
stress, 32, 215
Sch9, 7, 42, 65, 68, 9192, 103106, 108,
110116, 132, 153, 193, 199, 257,
261, 265, 267, 269, 278, 280
Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. Pombe), 4, 58,
102, 243, 299309, 316, 324325
SC Hopkins mix, 148
Screening the deletion mutant collections, 152
Segregation, 4, 40, 65, 7173, 8990, 210, 220,
239, 255256, 258259, 315329,
334, 342
Selection, 128, 191, 219, 292, 299, 303,
305308, 319, 324326, 345
Self-digestion, 208
Senescence/Senescent, 2, 45, 3940, 66, 71,
8990, 94, 102, 105, 115, 124, 129,
132, 134, 146, 152, 163, 189190,
192, 194196, 200202, 209,
216220, 223, 237, 242, 244245,
252, 254255, 276, 292, 299, 325,
Sgs1, 113, 193, 196
Shock protein, 28, 32, 71, 106, 324
SICD, 215
pathway, 65, 152, 335
protein kinase A (PKA), 32
retrograde, 81, 8386, 8895, 174175,
259, 294297
TORC1, 85, 149, 152153, 155, 171, 269
Silencing, 70
SIM1, 214
Singlet oxygen 1 O2 , 16
SIR2, 41
Sir2p, 70, 220, 292
Sirtuins, 104, 253254, 256258, 309
S6 kinase, 65, 106, 108, 153, 223, 257, 269,
Skn7p, 26, 3031, 3334, 38
SLIK complex, 8788, 93, 95
SOD1, 18, 20, 2223, 31, 37, 57, 151,
176177, 261
SOD2, 18, 20, 22, 42, 57, 62, 65, 104, 113,
116, 151, 176177, 261
Softening, 208
Somatic maintenance, 146
Somatic mutation theory of aging, 57, 219
SOV1, 6970
Spent medium, 7, 148, 150, 224
Spermidine, 89, 268
Sphingolipids, 92
Spore, 7, 107
SPS amino acid sensor, 86
Starvation, 7, 2526, 32, 42, 93, 103, 105, 107,
139, 146147, 149150, 152, 163,
168, 218, 223, 237, 268269, 272
Starvation for an essential auxotrophic
requirement, 150
Starvation stress, 223
phase, 8, 24, 27, 41, 89, 103, 107, 123140,
146150, 153, 162164, 167,
176177, 179, 189, 194201, 218,
238, 270, 272273, 292, 299300,
survival, 148
yeast cells, 78, 218
Ste20p, 214
Stem cell, 67, 10, 73, 129, 137139, 156,
188189, 194, 196, 201, 219, 299,
therapy, 6
S-thiolation, 27, 36
granules, 73
resistance, 3940, 42, 58, 60, 90, 92, 104,
106, 107, 109110, 115, 146, 154,
175, 254, 256, 260261, 267, 278,
300301, 308309
response, 10, 28, 3033, 3638, 42, 81, 88,
106, 110, 112, 154, 170, 178, 199,
202, 214, 220, 222, 259, 268269,
273, 276, 331, 337, 343, 346
Succinate dehydrogenase, 110
Sugar, 81, 179, 211, 215
Suicide, 209, 261
Sulfenic, 18, 2627, 32, 3738
acid, 18, 2627, 32, 3738
Sulfonic, 27
Sulphinic, 18
Sulphonic acids, 18
Superoxide, 1416, 18, 2024, 29, 3435, 39,
5657, 65, 104, 106107, 109110,
112114, 138, 154, 176, 199200,
218, 261
Superoxide anion O
2 , 15
Superoxide dismutase (SOD), 16, 18, 20,
2224, 34, 39, 57, 104, 106107,
110, 138, 176, 261
catalase, 23, 106
Survival/fecundity balance, 146
Swi6p, 3132, 37
Synthetic complete medium, 103, 148, 167,
Tap42, 153
Target of rapamycin (TOR), 82, 146, 161, 169,
223, 234, 236, 252, 257, 267
Tat-D, 214, 221
TCTP, 214
Telomere shortening, 6
Tert-butyl hydroperoxide, 215
Thiols, 16, 19, 24, 27
Thioredoxin, 18, 2128, 30, 3234, 3638, 154
peroxidases (peroxiredoxins), 25
reductase, 18, 2223, 2627, 30, 34, 37
Throughput, 1, 40, 150151, 253, 262,
270271, 275277, 297, 299
Thyroxine, 58
TORC1, 69, 82, 85, 88, 93, 108, 149, 152156,
170171, 173174, 223, 268269
kinase, 67
signaling, 85, 149, 152153, 155, 171, 269
TORC2, 85, 9293, 108, 152, 170, 223, 268
TOR complex, 85, 152, 170, 268
Tor/Sch9, 103108
TOR protein kinase, 146
TPK3, 67, 337
Trace elements, 9, 164, 166
Trade-off, 316, 321, 326327
Transcriptional programme for entry to G0 ,
Transcriptional regulation, 3233, 66, 93, 172,
Transcription factor, 19, 21, 2628, 3038, 66,
6869, 8182, 85, 9495, 104106,
109, 169170, 173, 175, 209,
259260, 268269, 272, 297
Translation, 18, 3435, 61, 6971, 85, 108,
162, 169, 177179, 223, 257258,
265270, 280, 294
activators, 69
Translational control, 3435, 70
Translesion synthesis, 62, 112
Translocation, 35, 81, 83, 87, 108, 209, 238,
Transporters, 30, 90, 92
Trehalose, 219
Tricarboxylic acid (TCA), 68, 80, 175
cycle, 68
Trinucleotide repeats, 87, 192
Triose phosphate isomerase, 60
tRNAs, 61, 169
Tryptophan, 9, 265
TSA1, 18, 21, 23, 2627, 60
Tumor proliferation, 209
Tumor suppressor, 67, 202, 209
TUNEL, 155, 210211, 216, 218
assay, 155, 211, 216
Ubiquinol, 1920
Ubiquinone, 58
Ubiquitination, 83, 212, 214
Ubiquitin ligase, 67, 8182, 339
Uncouplers, 41, 81
Unfolded protein response (UPR), 222223
UTH1, 41, 83, 8889, 214, 236239
Uth1p, 42, 214
UV radiation, 211
Vacuole, 8, 36, 71, 7980, 82, 95, 127,
166167, 236, 238, 240241, 268,
334, 342343
Valproic acid, 212, 243
VHL, 67
Vitamins, 9, 166
Von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor, 67
WD-repeat protein, 82
Werners syndrome, 113
Woronin bodies, 242
WRN RecQ helicases, 113
X-rays, 56
Yap1p, 27, 3031, 3334, 3638
YCA1, 35, 66, 212, 218, 243245
Yca1p, 35, 212, 218
aging, 2, 9, 35, 84, 87, 200202, 207224,
251281, 309
nitrogen base (SD) medium, 148
psychrophilic, 146
YME1, 214, 238239
Yme1p, 214
Ypk1, 92
Ypk2, 92
Ysp1p, 214